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The Morning Record, November 28, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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fSiBAn npsB
Thirf Y«*r-No 801
boirmr. that d loff*
of tho
SOtatODOODD bDMVDd. ft k BOt Ib OMditioo tor BMkst ttey mr bD DMd >7
tb« Dtarab CaetoiT.
War^houM «nd Steamboat bowerar, «r{U bo d total boa. Jaat
bow aaa/ U k iasowiUo yai to
Dook OoUapsed.
Tbo waroboDM waa wUod faU of
Timbm Oraehed Under Tons tiwlrbt. aoAo of ft awalttar rascwal
to tbo rarieao baoliMM boaoM bat tbo
ootatooo wore awmlUar tbo aloaiaor
miBok wbkb k oapoetod bora toHmt7 hem to Fropw^ et Meiiben
caorrow oo bar loat ooatbward trip of
Viohlrw *n«BoparMtloo Oo. hm*
infoxn esAXBo
Wartbip Baas«r to Laaoa 8aa Fraa-
General Kethnen is Making
More Trouble for Boers.
Baa Praaotaao. Ckl.. Ko». rr.—Tbo
tilted Sutao abip Baafar, bow Ipiaf
i^iCara Ulaad, boa been ^aietlr dttod
oetforoomo loaf rojaro, aad wall
fnadad raaiaro are farraat that aba
Wboro Kla OoniBUBd Woo Kk bj kboetoaaoiDe aaeret mkoioa. Ofia Tom oftboBaoRp W
of tba waiohip rafoae to dkeaw
Aad^ Wbkb tbo aotare of tbo royara. Soreral oixlaeb raae are belay plaoed ia pooltloo
Sreva tbe Boon rran a Stroas
oa tbe TaMol.
VKM<-aov«t»} fhoMMi Saabalt
Tbaoalpthlay^a ofEmn will ad
r»t«to«o Md Otbar MerehsadlM
mit k that tba Eeafar baa baea ordarLoadoa. Mor. >7.—A
OapoTowaraporutbatOaaaral Motb' ad to paaama, aad will mU early ia
ahz«d m» to Uw Wr*^ Mtd PvtUUr
^■end Oommlesloner French ! *too ba» eaplarad Ua towa of Boarp, Oaoambar. Sealed •aatraetioao bare
aotaufvad Id tb* Wotor-Se
Moet. attoaied tea mUeo aortb of Grao
reoalrad from Waoblaytoa, to be
First Victim.
Tboaaaad OoUofS Domaco.
Two nlllioa rooado of BRicaBi- opened oa arrival at Panama. It k be
thrn U laclnded to tble eaptaio.
lieved by naval meo here that the BanAmatod la kaariag TMtordap Uodar
yar'e nlUmote deoUaatlon U NoaiU.
tioa Oo. aaffefod a bmrj Um laat alfbt
Jadletmeat of Oraad dHi7-Oa*e the railroad bridfo at Frore, »Motal, and that abe wUl be aa^orad for obore
wbaa tba oaatar portioa of tbolr war*Ball ta tbe Soai^f $8,000 aad Soya opaBBlap the wido>|atroam at that daty at aoma new porta roeenUy taken
boaao aad dock aorad ta aad tbo wood
plaaa. hM baea deatroyad by the Boera from tbe rebeU.
heXnot Worried.
who are ratlrlay rapidly from the
work oallapaad with a arooh, Uarlaf a
Uaolat. Mot. *7 .-Tbo flrat of tbo town.
wfaekwbleb «iUt%ka]|MRo tlM to
arraata la aeeofdoaoo with
A yaearal adraaM apoa Oolaaeo bat
rapalr aad coat oooatdarablo laoBop.
fiodlanoftba rraad jary wao aado bean ordered, aad a flyiay eqaadroa
Wbilo E. H. Papa, tba ocaat of tba at tbe low ofioa of K. A. Moatfoaieiy. kpaahlnyoat to latereapt the Boar
oarooapoap. aad a torea of moa wora at
raldlny pertiae.
f to tbe oOm
It le reported by a aaamlayly reliable
work baadllar fraifbt'aad loadlaf tba
arriTadlatbaaltyataooa'la eompaap
tbarielBlty of LadyI a oarfo for
with William G. Tbompaos aad Suta omltb that tbo Boaro hove plaaaod a
KM EapkU. about
tba tlobara Traaoarar SteaL .Be aotlBad
aaltad attack all over tbo ooantry towara baard to eroak witb a tbroatoo abarifl that he woald be at tba law
tac ooaad. Tba woa roaatod tb« offlmot E. A. Moatyoaiary to aaowar
Loadoa. Mov. 77 —Tbe war offlee baa
balldlar ta aa iMtaat aad ia a few all ealle that mlrht be mede apoo him reoolvad the followlay dkpoteb fr.Mn
at tba anurt room Oenoral Sir Fredoriek ForooUar-Walker
R>aoala tbara waa a baary eraab aad
tbk afteraoaa at two o’clock, aad
dated Oape Town Nov. se. mldalybt.
tbe door of tba warabooM aad eororiar admitted to bail la tha earn of $3,000.
of tbo doek took a drop lgt» a 1tra- which Sute Traaoarar Staal, Wlllidm ho moved yaatardoy. No% is. at 3 jo o.
dpotatS aad n
. wUM tbe Ninth brlyade. tbo
obaadkaotaaroralkiadttetoabHit IS ae aaratiao. Bo walrod tbe rooillnff of ad aorpe. aad ^ naval brtyada. dbo
boSomplalat, wbleh waa eat fully yaarda followiny eritb the bayyaya.
W of watar bolow.
>mplotod. Be k ebaryod with offar- A tone of t.soo Boara. with aU yana,
Tbo wraakad portioa of tbo batldlas lay. promlemy aad rlTlay a bribe
laelodlBy two maeblaa yaaa, oppoaad
aad doek aoren a apaea of aboat eoxso
him near Oraapaaa.
«:Attora«p TotUo waat
taat Tha waioboaN wm paokad to tka
d at 6 I
''tba aaUoB eommc
vary i
battortae flrad <
Soon wttk potauoa ae| Barebaa dkk
arrieal from Detroit tbk aftwBooar eamtoly aatU ibebalybtaaaemedeleaii
Tba pMateai arr^M
aad bad a loay talk with Jndya Par- Tbo* tbe naval brlyade aad Infantry
kaobok ta oaokt. l.too bMbals bariar
t^HAT'S,the|way we
aeaaalted tbe poelUoa. The flyfaury
bowa pal la bp aaery
rraaek left lata tbk aftarwma fw WM deaparate nntU 10 a. m.. when tbe
are selling them
Tbo romoiadoT wao owaed Aayrae and will oat be praaeat at tbe bal^k ware carried, tbe Boere reMipaay. Tbo maeUay of tba Btato AadiUfm. Be weattay on a line where tbe NinU
and now you can wear
bylbo T>
.-------*ae BOt la the laaoi laneera bad been placed to Intercept
portka of tba floor tl
aboat tba oatoome of the them. Tbe leealt k aakaowa.
Patent Leather,the most
Had with It aboat flro 1
Be will be arralyaad to- time of teleyrapblny. Tbe arUllery
ala of potatooo. a taryo qaantUy of oau morrow.
ratainad attaraaye took Immediate advaataye of the
fashionable and perfect
aed eora la bv*. a 1^ of foraltara. and U randy to faee tbo ma^
eaemy-a retirement.
Shoe and rno oo risk.
Spoakar Adamo will arrkw hare to
-Berly la the aoUoa ^ Boqra made
bamkof wbkkoy, pork aad kladrad
morrow BtorDlay. Bo bee ramaiaod at
warm,alchtpl*aooboloacieytoM. E. <lrand Eopide unlU now and Hm poa- aa attack oa tbq roar yaard brlyade.
Tbey met tfale and
Strooc of tbe EimbaU Piaao Ca aad itivaly rafaeed to bo Intorvlowod.
flaake. Tbe aeval briyade acted with
aaocfaa owpod by & M. Watklne.
tbe yreateet yallantry aad bM eaffered
Tha OTfaa wao near tba bottom of tba
heavily. No particniaia are yet known
Tbe enemy abowed tbe yreateet stab
oaat aad of tba plla aad WM fl«bod oat
of ooraral foat of wake afterward by
Victim of sFrlffhtftil Hnntii^
ity have been baried. ThirtyCombination
1 tbo aeoaa
one killed and forty woonded are
Accident Yesterday.
Aeoooa ae tbeo
known of. More than flfty horeee
Beauty aod E^conomy.
I a toree of i
found dead in one place. One
Mr. Pope I
Voo Bhoottay Qatll VbM Hk Oaa battery Brad soo roonda. Tbe force
aadaaeoo Mita
-Woe AoeidoaUp Dieebaryod aad tbe moat ball ooe day at Gratpaos to rest
It wae oate to work In tome portloat of
Beak or hie Bead Blown OB. Oaaa- aad raplenleh tbelr ammanltlon. Tbe
tbo baildlar aa oryoalsed rolaatorr
tone worked enleodidly aod are pye.
lay laataat Death.
Stow beyaa work el romoriay
pared to overcome any dlS :alty. tEv
Bopido. MIeb.. Nov. >7.—Tbk naval brlyade. Eiyal marlnea. Second
frefrbt oo tbe edyeo of the wrecked
city WM ehoeked tbk aftoraooa by a Yorkshire liyht iataatry. aad Flrat
ibla aerideat wbleb reoaltod la tbo North LaacMhlre reylment eapecially
Beye of eora. poUtooe aad
laetaot death of Oeaeral I. C.|Smlth.
dieUnyaiabed ibemtelvea.
wore flebod-oat aad faralinre
Orowal Mmltb waot oat to Baed'a
leyardiay Tbareday’a flyht elyhiyRorobaadtaa wora carried to place
Uke itak afiemooa ta oompeny witb
Bjera were killed or olherwiee
mftp by BMB who took 'loay cbaacra John Hreonee for a few boare eport
«d for, sixty fear wayooe were
bnatlay qnalt. Tbe two
bnrned and a larye qnaotity of pow
lathe wrack.
evptfated aod after a abort time Bren- der 5.000 ronede of ammoaltlon auo
The plaooe wore reached aofoly ooi
ODD beard m report of Oeoeral SniKK'a 7S0 ebelle were blown op. Albrecht
fioallp ramorrd to ploeca of eooarlly.
yaa- Be did an think of aaytblny eommanded tbe Bier artillery, and
M-. KiroMt apprerrd apoa tbe ac aeerion* notil heorioy notbiny m re D^larraye
aaJ eeearrd droye to taka tbr Ineiruf-om tbe yeaeral be eooybt tbe spot
The chief news beyond General Lvrd
aireta to bia etore OB Froot eiract. J.
from which '.he repirt came. IBe wee Melbnea'e eecood battle, which fore
W Slater did l.kewke wiOi a lot of
horrifled. upon reochiap the apot
fi;btiny before Kimber
faraitura for hie etore. Fortaaotely
is relieved, ii the opealor of teletbe pioQoe were domesed little if any
tbe yraphie and railway eommuolcatioo
at all aad oaly oor of them bed reaeb- bnehee-with a rrirhtfal woood
bead. Cloeer exemiaetloo Uter proved from Bitoourl aoalbward Tpeeorreaad tbe water. Tbe .oryao meatioaed
that the back of ike head wm
pondenu syiee tbel General Joabert
belay oa tae bottom actUed la aereral
plewly blowB off. AU lodleetloa* It relirinr toward C.>lenao aod Ladyf«at of water bat k domoyed oaly
Minted to laetent death.
esilb. ibiuyb it woaid be
OfenarM it U imp-Melble to eonthat the relle^oy trosH will
Tbe poUtoea fwmed the yreater
A promisenl Ne'- York offit-ini
jreurejmt bow the trayely oocarred advaoee to Coleaeo wliboot oppoellloo.
part of the etoek to eeUlr iato tba
wiid tbf
utu* of tb**
bet It WM partly an axldeat. The
ItleoSsially annoaoeed that there pliuDe had made tfa«> task ot eSicerater, lb* other mt
wltnoomedim.ollt. -•'■--“‘"“•v
weoormi are no Boere eoatb of the Mool river, ently proU'ctiDi; life aod properly
"•« “eve otamblorf^W that while oa Saturday too moaated m?n. ver 50 per crot. eaeier.
It WM colimoied iMt n-ybt that
,ta<e yao waa db-baryed aecldeatiy tbe Seaoad Oev^bire reyimeat end
aboat ? 0» eaeka of potatoeo were »ub-!
'nine in case of fire, ac
wbera be fell with tba aarrtble rooaU tbeWeUb fasmere m uched from tbe
aeryed. aboni *00 of which belooy to | ^
cident or burglary has become a
Mool river tbroayb to BetooarL
recogriy.-dI ineceoeit
Mr. Ueckman. Almoot tbe entire ioee
ileaeral Smith waa oae of Michlyan'e
There k aot maeb developement to
k eefl red by Vbe company. General ..jremooi mea aad bie brilllaat olr:i
Every well regulateitaatloa la Oape Colony. A Q leeneed bo
• ■■ •
E W.
-to U 1. tto j
to. .toJ. hta tom. ftoUlto tbe
town dkpateh, dated Setarday, wya
city, WM eammoaed and harried to tbe
Bk career dar- that the Boera et Barkly had
wreck. Netoraliy tbe
Have yon one in
ityaaiae c mtalolay MO riflm aad
yonr home?
^ ^
.dbUnyabbedhoaoratoble aami and
mdt of ammnattion. Tbe raUUoavmyoooly aad mode tbe
, from tbe raaka b. arooo to oa o«mr of
wey aad uleyrapb between Surmbery
. .
»»*» aWUty aad toe-.. aaUl ho at- end eteyneboiy wore eat Tbaradey.
The crow of worinea. -----bait a baadrad. worked bard aod loay; raeSJwy eoitlflared tor Ue appt^at- Aaoiber dkpateh aaeiyna the eeixare of
cleariay away the fralyhtanUI every-'»eBt oeeared by Oeaeral DafBold la tbe mayaxineao rebt 1 farmers at Barkly
East Seveaty well kaown farmera,
tblny oxoopt that la tbe My b la (the Bpaokb-Amorteaa war.
WM la a eefe pleoe. It wae ]:u| la Aore recent yeare doriay bk nel- weariny Oraaye payyareera, atade a
of Boeraympa'-blea|
tbU momiay before tbe work waaldoBeria Grand Bepide he baa-bora
oo-pl.tadlar.mmyk for oatot, aad'acUto,. pabUc
New Books
Janice Meridith
Tales from Mo01ara*$. .'i little volumes, real nng.
adventnre, west, humor.
by Brander Matbewe
‘The King’a Mirror- by Anthony Hope 1.50
“The Orange Girl” by Beaant
Don’t Fail To Read
“David arnm” by Weatcott
“Red Rock" Tboa. U. Page
“When Tbe Sleeper Wakes" H. O.-Welle 1.36
Special. Today Only,
“Hlohard Oarv«I, by Cliurchill
290-223 Front Street
The leader in FinT Shoes
•IpSta None AB«v
The rwmoval of the plaaoa and heavy.Mil----- --------- -------
Meet la the evealaw
Ulntere are the beef and warmest UUtera money can buy. They
wib not only keep your back warm, but the entire body. Over
r«»0 now woni in Traverse
and vicinity. It doean’t i
---- .-------------4---—
— *1.—to.t,..*i*_.__
...... --V-... UVT-BIl t cost a
doUara not
Onr Meu'e $10,113, $15 Baits and Overcoats are winners.
Newlatid Hate, $1. $2f$3.
Ever>'thiiig in Glove* and
Mitta, 25c to $2.25.
All-lhaVsnewin X-ma
Gents’ FnrniBbiiigB.
Just receiwed aad placed on sale in our popular Pancj Wo-k Department. We keep a large
line of materials for all kinds of fancy
work. Prices here are low.
Keep This
In Adincl.
Only aix more weeks end the
Closes. Must dispose of the stock by that time, at retoll, or In bulk. Lots of heavy shoes and rubbers of
the BCcKamart stock left yet, and wUl.be sold at very
low prices—much less than half price.
Albnew g:oodB, up-to-date styles, bought for the
fall and winter at cost and less.
Come in and see the bargains we can give youThe closing out sale so far has been a great success—
and lots of juet as goad bargains left. ~
WM. WATSON,Bargain Shoe Store
A Boy’s Foot
Needs as careful attention as does a
man’s. We give special attention to
the purchase of nobby, up to date, du
rable Footwear for Boji.
fiekUu TMpkonCt.
boxes aad taarrok f ram tbe yewalay , Iwtor of iaterial raveane la tbe weeV ! moralac eatUny off eom'
Oar sale Satorday proving a an
oarit, was bard wewb bat with the .«nr^rt of M-cHlyaa
| heiwS that *!uoe aad StayMbery.
blo^ aad uekieoxeallaBtroealts won'ffvadaatad from aad thae loterraptlay tbe eervlce to oeaa, we have decided to oontim
Wtoi Point not loay eyo witb dlaUa- (kpe Ibora. It k telieved that the it a few days longer
yaiehed koaora ead wm ylvea a come ' of eommaaleaUoa wm tbe
We are offering
Bering some
big indnoeMr. Ssymear etatad that tbe dock! mketoa daHny the lata wav.
work of ooloaial Datoh.
meota. No stale goods — ertnMO waiaaoaee woaio
lid ae
be ropaut
roballt at
thing atricUjr new and fresh.
«MD. BaMilmtW tbat tbe Iom oa^TT^J^^"
a taiaatat Mrs.
. tkeea woald be aboat $t.aoe aad aa the
Ralph Oonnable Jr„ lCBn$g«r.
A Sleiyh Free with Eva -y Bo>-’« Suit. L'Utcr or Overcoat.
OI»» »*r. ot. rr!«Bd« eBd pul
AbS iwrulM peer IlMnc
Not to Gract
A good solid Batin Calf...................... $1.85
Better^Ones................ - -. .$1.40 and $1A0
Just received two new styles in boys*
box calf at $2,00. Oaf $1.50 leather
lined shoe is as good as those yon pay
$1.75 for at other stores.
Front Street
nAvsnATun bbealo.
■BA V. **«■
A. «. HA«m. adllor Wd I
[raw Woal4 Hot
go to IiABAlBg,
TtsTWM atj, Mmbw of
IVotte AU
■sMtas U Uatisc.
MOm Um food more driicioiisaad w«M
•sM Wot OsUed .Oslr to Bern..
Work tor tkt Ttor.
WSOB DtridB Bonu. awbOT of
the pordoe koord-lof t tor Orsad BopUt
wdsr maniac ho wso skooi (kt doBot Wkeoloek Bodlp Brulaod la o
isTCio Aeeidrst oa rroat Btroot
TrtroTM cat; oa oftelol bs^tto. ICr.
Bsadtp Afiorsooa.
Bsm sad C. U. Tsraor woat to North*
WhUo ridtoc olosg Frost atrodt fa
tlotar^■•§•4 M tk« HbtcAM M -TrsTan* Clir.
frost of
Hkk.. M arcMd-rUM BUMr.
Wheetoek. a mrpeaUr who ruidu
tobeoMdlstbe Wrlcbtetae. mtatioe
near Biaplre. had tbe mtefortone to In*
Tu tnvwUoUoB »( tbe btwkI iurj oiwbieb hot slrtodj
Jere hlatulf very palofolly Saaday
Tba object of toesrlng
b toklv » bMlBM lik* ion wkieb it
sfteraoon. Be amt have beea ridlag
Marr^^*«db7>ir. rfMck. Speokor
that BOW lickt
at a good me of opeed. Bie wbmi
Kw»lto kit Mrs Md oUxert tre aiebt bo throws opes tbo eriato tor
struck tbe eromwelk aear the curb,
which ChsriM T. Wrlcht it torrlsc s
OS tkt ssslou -ttsU Uit
wbea be got a terrible faU. Hie faee
IhU Urtt U bat s bcytsaisy sad thsi term of Uit impriaoow<st is Jtektoa.
wueotia thrm place*, two of the
Mr.oBsrM bellorta ihot the toeUIht IstMtlffsUoo wUleosusBesBoUisr
gMhu being very large. Two woaada.
iwatk. The work of ike rrssd Jorj, aos; c»*sed will at. r the astar ol
la his noee aad lip. nqaired 0 atUphes
, U kst s ttsnsr; ^resl 0 pordos ior Wright osd rwnit is a
tocloMtheB. Dr. Minor dreeesd the
prork of ororlsc the (.flentet ehonred deslsl of the sppUestloB.
There wu to beve bees a aeeliag of
WUI Isr^rt oomt bitter legal flghu
It U Mid by tboM who mw tbe aoel
the board la Laulag last eveslag or
wUoh wUl bo loag draws osa
deal, that the wheel weat up at leut 8
heworer. it it fosad that there U Jut today aad Mr. Baroa baatraed hie lafmt, altboogh no cSeial BSMarei
frosod tor the ebargu of eomptios TwUgaliona la compaBy with Toraer
it it dae the people of the atoto that
that the matter might be prelht>raaocBtlaat be pathod with the Mated to the pardoa board at the
lUng. aad he waa gratlAed at the
Olea W. Dtley of BIb
rwDlt of the
bMD esployod m deck haad oa the
Tn tragedp whisk osdod tbo life of
Wbea be prepared to go aoath y« stMmer Illlaola.
Otseral I. C. haitb is ttraad Bapldt tordayatoniiog, however, he wm very this city.
^tordop wUt eesd a shock tbroegh- BBoh shagriaed to lean from Mr.
Mra J. D. Maason leftyMtarday for
pBl the etote. Ueseral Halth was ose Taroar that he eoald aot attead the Ado Arbor, where she will spead
Oflliehlgaa'edltUBgsithed herou is Bsreilag. Wbea leavlag oa the O. R. Thanksgiving with her eoa Prod, who
the elrU war asd hit bodp boro the A1. yeeterday Mr. Boraedld not beei IsstteadingeoUsge. Dr.' Mni
peart of aaap arcooflict spoa the Aeld- ate to eapr«M hit
eompso'i-d her H farm Oraad Rapids
Sit war record It a briUisnt one asd Be eoaeloded that tbe abasnee of Mr.
a bulneu
Ssasjpageeof ■■Mlcklgaslstht War" Tnraer woald block aoy aetloo to tbe
Mr*. Uoyd U. But aassed (krough
prt dented to hU eareer asd hit seta Wright case aad that the reealt would tbe city to spead the week with Mr.
ef braver/ are toaebed apoa at Irngth. he ao meetiag. However, he detor- aad Mrs Evan But of Neal.
Mowae a leadlsg eplrit is local ea- mlaed to be la LanMsg at the time
Philip Bom left luieveoing for FartorprUuta Oraad Baplda, where hie appoiatod.
ge. N O . to Uke bU place in tkehtaw
)«i wUl be felt aut keealy.
Asked regardlag the aattar last College u head of the depameau of
eight Mr. Taraer aUted that be had
adB engioMriog.
received ao cfieial aotlce of a BMUag.
O. L. OoBlter ol Central I^ke wu la
hot denied that be would aot attond
because- be bad aaed op aU the, time for
Ibar F. UlII uau down from the
JUgh BebeolTma to Play Petaekry which be ooold daw pay. While he BMvera Saaday afternoon
Vgh Behool Bero. aad the Xadehad passed tbe Ualtof Uae tor which Mhooaer Harvey Raneome.
R. Dsiley and wife of Esplre.
tbe state aUowed cmapeasatlon. he
poadeato to BMt Petukry lain the city ymterdsy and gaeeU
eUtod tbet brfwa^ aot Ufluenoed
drpeadeau la that C4y.
this time by that eoadltlo*. ^e mid at Park Place.
The clUu of Petoekey aad Traveise
that U was the original plan for Mr.
BsceabM Basket BociaL
Olty WUl mis ap la the game of foot
Rnrae asd he to -make their laqalriaa
baU Thotsday la both placM. The
There will be a fauket social la the
on Monday, bst Mr.;Baraecaae splMt
two high achooU wUl meet la thie elty.
week aad la*order to make the laves lolge rooms of TravoreeCity Teat. No.
pad a good coataai will dosbUese be
tigatioo to acooBBodate Mr. Boru be 871. Friday Bight and all tAr Knigbta
tkereealt. The local team ehowed
ladlM are uked to be on hand.
wan eoBpelled to chance certala butla Aae form at the lut game with
neee arraagemeaU. Tt.crvfore as the The ladles are rrqorsted to bring bas
Ealkaaka, aad th
ioqBlrlee were made lut week it wu kets of good thing* *offi:lent for two
|«oUbiy be with the
Impoeetble for him to arrange hie bu- peraooa A good time U anUclpated.
Uo Blgh echoot have awre tbaa two
laea sffaira ao ut»get away yesterday
Mo Snow aad Hard Buoting.
batf-faecke aad the tcaai will eUU be
or today.
piroag. hBuhaU'e floe liae emachiag
C. B. Marray and Tberaa Morgan
la any event. Mr. Taraer said, the
WlU be BlMtd, prebepe, hot there will BMUag wu aot loteaded for a farther are home fnm their deer hunting exbe eome other pUye that wUI keep dlecauion of the Wright com at all p ditlon to"^*raga eoanty. They
Mr. Beck wanted a special Beetiag so r.-port tbe deer pleaUfal bat bard to!
The Petoakey ladepesdeato have that the board could review the work get. OB aeooBot of tbe eailre lack of
____ that
pait to ChpuU Davie the gaaiaatee. of the year before tbe <zplratloa «f anow. Boater* are so. thick
me po'BU it i* daogerou* to be In
pad Ue gaote betweea the two t«em»
which woald^be oa Wednre^ t r wood* *1I a
pi Peiotkry la aleo a- eertaioty dayaadthU meeUagswM to be for
Tbe two teSM played the flat gaaie that purpose.
pf the eeaeoa. whea Traveae City had
bayoad all ^acoUoa the etroagut teaat
la aorthera Mleblgaa. Thame gaae
WUI be-a hot oae there gore wlthoni AaoeaBbed to Coatamptloa Aftor a
, •aylag-__________________
|AMig XUneoa.
Falafal Wenad in the Thaab Oaaaed
by a Bhot from aa Air Ona.
Qaad Ftord, the 19-year old eoe of
Oeovge Ford, met with an aeeldeat j<
terday that 1^111 make his rather i
Of air gaae for eoaie tlaa
air gun. aad bad Jmt
made op hie calod that he woald eboot
a eat. Be wm aot very eapert la the
of the gaa. aad wbea
lut tbe Bhot went off. it lodged deeply
la tbe boy's thamb. lastead of dolog
aay iDjary to the cat. The boy wu
taken to Dr. Minor's ofioe aad the leed
reamvod from the thamb after a
good deal of iron’ le. CUade thlaks
that he wiU he a grut deal more earefnl in tbe fntaro.
BadeTonag dgain.
•aeofDr. King’s New Life PllU '
night for two wMk$ bu pat m*
in my
y teeu' again" write______
wrilea D. H....
aer of Pempuy town. Pa Hey're ihr
beat la the world for the Uver, Stem
ach and Bowels.
Pnrriy vegeuble
Nevergrlpe. Oely rSe at Ju U. John
ait's drag atorea.
To Cir« U 6riptM is 24 lean.
equal"* WAKS$Ul'ft Wtim
1.VK OK TAB SYJtiK ft.r this-torri■aiid fatal Uiweaf?. If taken Ihor^
ure a ca
rh that l
Ximball Pianos and Orgaas
are caed and endorsed by the leading
maslciau everywhere.' No. 189 Front
etrmt, N. B Stroi g. manager. 7S8 ft
No. 115-Parlor Table, $2.00.
It is a handsome table, S4i26 inches, soji'd gold
en osk or in mahogany, and only $2.00. We hare a
large line of parlor and library ublcs'from fl.OO np
to tbe very finest, ^ Goods picked out now, stored un
til Christmas free of charge.
J. W. Slater,
Honae PupnUhlng Store.
Will Anderson
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
Both Telephones. No,A3.
318 Union Street
^lOBTb Ok PYllllAa
Aatolae Sleder. who.hu been III for
along Ui' . died
•• • of■ 0
Tt, Ksl.su s. PTiSiu
taokls, I
a teiloriag bosiat
D Front »treet.
forward with pleuaratle aatlc
St Fraacie-lunior Prt gram.
the OuUe ball of Travrr*. City Lodge.
Tbe followiog progmm will be reaMo. 73 Friday night. No loviutioi)* ddred by the Janior membem of 8t
have beea Iteaed but-the atteodancr t-'ranel* ehnreh thl* eveolag in tbe
will be coceord to members of tbe ecboo'. ball. AdmUsioa 10 oeott;
lodge and vieiUag me mbeiuof the order
Selectios—Violio. cornet and organ. '
Who may be in the city. This will be
BWIUUS.-8..U. Po«..n.
CM of the fine aoelal cveau of tbe
Fathar Tints.
•■Days of the Week—Little eirk."
Ftmou Otaege Pragrea.
BeeiUtlon-B. Cboalt
Following U the program for the
Maeic-Throe viollaa, one mandh
•wt meeting of Pomona grange to be
and organ.
held In ibl* city Wednesday and TbnnComedy.
Aiy. Dec. e and 7. The aeaal mo»ie
Ooato song—B. Cboala.
Md reeltatlou WiU be givu, aad all
Pantomlne. "Old Polk* at Home."
fraager* are urged to be preeeat:
"Ooldsa Year*"-8eBior Glrla.
^••^Americaa u a farm wmker.
Social ProgrtB.
-Why oar gimagca are aot moro
Following ii tbe pragma to he
M*aly.’’-Mra Shepard.
glvea at the social this evaolng at the
••What oar homm ahonld he."—Mm.
of Bev. J. A. Bready.
AC. Leighton.
Selection by the gmi
ce-’ -E. O. UdA
Vocal duet—Lqp and LetUc
•*IhilarM in fanaiag."—8. B. Sayler. Mann*.
“Should a farmer'a famUy pat on
•Ayto."—Mm. A. R McRae.
“Tkke comfort bow."—Mm. E. M.
Dnet-Ollle and Beeele Falghaa.
Song-Meeem BoIUdny, WhUann.
Dnoglu aod Wtnana.
“Truata-Shoeld the former he loft
Recitation—Lnart Ashton,
^•WadgeJ.O. BamsdeU.
twtnmentai solo—Harriet Bready.
“Ihe frolt oatlook."—A. P. Gray.
\ Selectloo by <be graBaphona.
A SoWierh Suff^g.
Mr. Peter McFarlgad, e vetema ol
^ war of Cl. living at Bath. N. Y..
wrlMe: “Ever since the war 1 wm
tmbled with rheamatlam aad kidney
1 thought I ahonld dia at
time* hBt Dr. Chamh Eidaey-Uvor
PlUa made a new man of me alter
Mfogthtm leea than three moatha"
U eenta. all dranMU or Dr. A. W.
CksM Med. Go . Buffalo. N. T. Send
damp for free sample paekage.
A Woman-B FrienA
WMk, nervoae wemen will Sad a
friend of tried worth in Or. A W.
Otaee'e Nerve and Blood Pills. They
wUtre«u»e the vigor and vitality of
her yoalhfal day* aad make life worth
living. Dr. A W. ChSM's Nerve and
Blood PUli de not eUmolate bat baUd
All walking hai*. •Miteta, golf hat*
and aatrimmed hata for tale at 7t
mats todav. All triBBed hau U
pv.watcff. Mm.W a Uwroaae.
1^ the blood and aervu so Mfo^l
dragglete or Dr. A. W. ChaM Med. Oo.,
Buffalo. N. Y.
Ail watkiag hata, Mltom. goU Uto
and aatrimmed bate for tale at 7s
He More Rhc
ti aif.-«uir..r«l fmm rh«
For year* tiiy
Hum. tilirtrl.-O i.ianv rc',iu.0lw.M.t i.tie ten.-l1l.aiH] ae tind ai-.iil eisi-n
and my mil.- brean u.in* It. nil*
m<-ai<-iu ban, apitan-nir*, dnrra alf7m
I l.y dn
ia<'^.l«K Id
Iq several lines
of broken sizes,
H»t old stales,
all np to date
toes, made by
Shoe Makers
Who make only
Reliable Shoes.
... Get them of .. .
The Old Reliable
frank Friedrich
118 Front Strest
A Little Less than Four Weeks
.. and then ..
The center of attraction is the
. .. ot the ...
Santa Claus has just unloaded bis great store bouse,
making this his headquarters, and the result is bewfldering. Toys for the little ones, toys for the big
ones. Big toys for 6o and bigger ones for more money.
Toys that must have racked Old Santy's brain to in
vent, and will cost you 10c. 26c and 60c to own, and
then there are games and games. Authors at 10c and
26c; menageries at 26o; naval war 26c; bsgatol 10c
and 26c; pillow dex 26c, bonanza mine 26c”, and hosts
of other new games.
Juvenile books with handsome Uluminated covers, at
6c, lOo, 26C and 60c. Books of history and travel tor
boys and girls at 38o and 60c. -Those that are InterstIng apd instructive. Hundreds of handsome gift
books in dainty bindings at 22c, 28o, 88c and 86c.
“The Other Fellow” by F. Hopkinson Smith, $1 26; ‘-The
Vizier of the Two Horned Alexander,” F. B. Stockton,
$1 26; -The Sleep of the Stars,” TuiUer-Couch, $1.40;
A beautiful story'of tbe Cornwall Coast Itall of action
and adventure. “Santa Claus’ Partner” by Thoa 0.
Page, at $1.40, telle of the power of a child over a suc
cessful biuinesB man who had become hard and sel
fish ip the pursuit of wealth, told with all the charm
of which tbe author of -‘Harse Chan” Is master.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
m.m Bt a a a.
I State Stemt
Swnwwr wr wr Wf wr wr wriw V m*
Btato Bum Wardoa Motm of Portlead. Mye the oaBbar of door hillod ao
lar thte OMOoo i* oot ow a qeartcr
dhoBBBber kUJM la« aoaaoe. That
Mac oo. the total kUiier to the appar
yealaaala thio aaoaoe «rin not be orar
1.000. u aaUBatoi pland oe laat aaa
•4*o kUilac «aod the Sfwe at 4.000.
Jeat before the eaaMO opraad there
VM a lltUa eoow. and the caaa war
fka aaye the dw did tholr maBlajr
thn; they have haaa dolsc vary iitUe
f^BBlBC elaea the luieoB opaaod.
While Jobs OoBBar. Oaorfe Dora
sad Jamee OaoainctiaB of SahawalBf.
ware haatlac- the latter reoatvad a
«oae of ahol. fired hy the toreBr. CanaiafhaB aeparatod froa Denaar aad
Dora apoe rcachlac the wooda aad
WM behind the braah Into which the
4oc chaaad a ratbU; both Denacr aad
Darn fired, osa kUIlec the. rabbit aad
the other lodclof tba fall charye In
CoBBlncbaB'a arv. ahoaldor and neck.
Tb^aieiaaa any ha will
moOMTaH»«clM«d bf tMAtor Cbudl«r to b« Um laoritobto CmmAl<Ut« for Tieo ftwtAoti.
Kew York, No*. »T.—"Tho oobIbsUOB of Tkoodoro Booomlt for tko rfco
prwldooey io m boot ood m looritob)*
JodOMBi M to tbo fooniloottori
or nrilUom KcKiBl«7 'to Uw pnoidowry."
8o Mid Coltod Htotoi lieaotor WillUb E. CNoadlrr of Ne« Bo»|»Uro at
tbo Fifth >TMM Botel toolthV
With B«arly aUty of hit brother oeeaton lo towa. Boay of thos reeocDiaed laadert la
the White HoBBtala ^ta chief appeara to have aade aoma headway^
It waa after a aariaa of rather proMeed eoaaalUlloBa with the bobbefa4>( tbe fioBatorlal eoloay at the
fifth 'Avaaeo Botal that Bosator
Chasdlar atada the enpballe '3faelaraUoa.
“Prcaidut McKlolay'a renBlBC mat*
But ha a Bllltuy hero." aaid da&ator
Chaadlar. “Aa at the dove of the dvU
war the people demasded the uleetloa
of General Oraat for
prealdeoey, eo
DOW they are damaadlBC the uleetloa
of a Bpaalab ABerleaa war hero for
t^ia viee prealdaaey New York aod
tbeeaatBUt faraiak that bmb. aad
that Baa la Theodore Booeerelt.’*
At Mantotaa the loaroOBtlaaod eplfiamie of Beaoloa U aarionaiy Interfarlac with the atteadaaee at tbeaehoola.
Bitharto. bowavar. it hM been oi a
Blld type aad onW ihrae deatha have
baea reported, dee to eoBolicattana.
Aaton Saydar left a wheal la front
WlthiB the pMi weak aaveral eaaaa of <d Mart DaUy'a Saturday aiylG. and
the ceaelce black maaalea hare bees when be waa re^y to Hde It away,
leportod aad two dr&tha have already
. tba wheal wu foaa. Be aoUfiad the
>lloe. bet aa yet it baa not been
One child of OnaUv Moakier
waa bar- found.
.lad Friday aftaraooa, and dnrinc the
There will baa apaeial Beetlac of
ilme of the funeral aaothar child ane- TraverM Cl^ Qiapier Mo. 147 of the
n^Mlodxdte.... .bll. . IMrd
Uaa at the point Of death.
! The varioucradea of IhoaehooU will
At a Detroit ebareh aoeial a pair of oalebrate Thankaglrlaf m nanhl thia
Maak thlevaa obtalaaA adBlMioo. * year. There will be no ceb^ oonSeveral email arttelaa were atolen and tribetioa from the whole ubool bnt
more than oae cneet wu ''toaehrd." d fferant yradea wiU do UbariUUa
They even broke open the aavloya work u they otay tea fik ^ae of the
bankofonaof the little children «t rocm* will raiae eootribaUou that wUl
» aod looted It of tto coataota, bad
1 by the pepUa Tbankaa little over »3.
[ylvlac BornlacAt aa early hour Saaday awralnc ^ ^
pet oa the C A
•re wu dlMOTcred la tba larya serthat leave* thU city at S;U
eaatU* aatahUabBaat of Joha H. Me-tUiartiva* at 18:40.
Anley. and bofoee the flamea eoald be I Mr. aad Mia. Cbu Hooehratla are
ehaeked the ootlre atoek wu rained ' rejoielnc u*ar the birth of a
by fir* aod water, elolhliic. boota and I Born, to Mr. aad Mr*. Dean Vo*el of
'ahoee, crockery, etc. The loaa oa' Pnrk atraat Sunday, a clrl.
atocktoeatlBatedattlO.OOOaad la la-1 A eon wu bora to Mr and Mie.
uradfoifie.ODO. The lo., on the build-' Lorea Bacleioe of BaUrtmd avenue
inc to eeUoiated at CS.SOO aad la eov-‘ Sunday.
by $8,000 Inauranoa.
j Bora, to Mr. and Mr*. Charlea
Paioakey BOW nj>le*a la the fiioat | Sladelar of Cypreae atreet, a daa«bt«r.
U^Uar .yata« la Ito art of tba 1 New. ha. ruched the city of the* atMte. The two nea ISO horae P«»-« *
In Uraad Eapld. of
dyaaBot wm eonneetod with the wuliaB Probert. well known In thto
which wu purebued by the
He had been diaalpatloc. H to
riyluly*^ but whoaa.erT.ee here^
dOBUtlc relaUou had
^ bu bee. inadequate to the de-:
^e^. ^^ppy,
«n Saturday even' Inc ha atU mplcd totake bto Ufa Be
• Great Ibiuc* are beinc told of the wu In a aaloon. aUndinc at the bar,
preaerrlBC proeeee for meal and efc* when be drained a ctoaa eontainlac
dtoeoveivd by Will Swan of Islay City.' Bc^hlne. The prospi aaaiataooe of a
Mich . which Philadelphia capilialtota ' phyaielaa aavod hto life, but be wu ao
It to aaid, have Uken bold of aad are bent on arlf dfatraetion that he wa,
about to eaalolt. Swaa alxe* hto locked to the jaU tUI he became more
chemicaU In the abape of a oaadle." calm.
He wu raleaaod yeatarday
aaU the Eveninc Neak InforBant. BioraUic“Ufltto It and place* the barainceheBPeter Bollo aad Freak HolUday of
teala, which c' e off fumea. under Kincaley. have jn,t completed a handwhatever be wtoba* to piraerve. at a wne dwellloc houae one mile out of
cut of leu than a quarter of a coat a sammU City
They wiU move thto
eareaaa. Thu treated the meat will week.
keep aweel for montba. with abaolute-; There will be ao meetlac of the
ly BO chance la the tlaaua*. -Old «cif» Portia dab thto week,
crow ablay. while freah one* have a
The Hichican MeAantlle Aceaey
dall appearance.
Swaa will fume'will opta an tSce In the Mnatoa
freak ecjra. let them lie around for block Wcdnifday. which will he la
moath,. then mix them wiUi fredi cberce of A. C Ayen, formerly of
«nea. and the two cannot be toid apart. CtdiUac. who wUl make hto home In
The Philadelphia people who are buk- thto city. Mr. Ayer* will be the
inc Swan have bad a nomber ot aheep acer.
urcaaaca preecrved and aent to AuaireThere will be a meeUnc of the Dnllia. They are to be unt from there to form Bank. K.of P. thto evening.
toeodoD. and if they keep eweet There will ke aeveral candidate* for
tbrooeb both voyacea. the bmlaea* of initiaUon aad a full attendunoe
trauporUnc oareaaaea from Autralia quuted.
to Doodon wili
ClaaaNo.So. 5 of the Flrut Methodikt ebareh will c^ve a eoeial tVeC
Thp etubble land, in Benxle county, dty eveninc. December «. at tbe home
tofom which tbe hardwood hu been of Dr. G A. Holliday. Everybody to
cal. are atuuiive to aettlere now. u invited. Admieetoa. 10 eeata.
theprioeof woodbu advanoed. thu
The new futory of tbe Miehican
ffivlac aoouefa of profit in many caeee Manateeiarinc Co. to aboat completed
to pay for tbe land, which can be ^d aomeof the machinery to already
koacht for $8 to $S per acre.
the bnildlncThe onclac aad
At Battle Creek a aatioaal traai of bailer wUI be eet today.
k..d.r. ol
PO.IU; b.. te.. orsd... amlUo who hu
gu'rrd wivh tiMTT. 3- Bora.., «]ltor ..pviiitwdenl of th. enmio pol. ud
Of th. N.U00.I O.o» Fkoclor ud th.
odu bo.lo«. of WUlUm B.lto.r
aUohItu P00IU7
M pr.fd.ht for trro
r.lio.d j„UrUj. Thi
Prealdiat Gecece E BUtoa of tbe vaeaacy will be filled by John Smith
Btoto Beekeepaia' emoeUUoe, to later- who wu euperintoadeat for aeveral
«Mlac maay la Bearie county with the yean.
Neleon Smith will leave
pnAtotobederlied from bee culture Toledo today or tomorrow, but hto
la thto aaeUCB. where there to each aa future plau have not **-<»" mado.
ataadanee af bee food. Beekeepm' hu eeveni locaUou la view.
efiiiveaHoe will be held at TbompeoaThe party of buatera from
otUa Jaa. 8 aad 8.
Ann. who have been bunUnc deer in tbe
---------------------------- vicinity of Fife Imke have all returned.
Brave BxFtereta.
William and Frank B»tea wut to their
Uke Staaley and Liviacetoae, fonnd komee Fiidey, aad & B. Woodcock
U harder to ovoreome Malaria, Fever paaeed throuch the dty yeeterday
sme. They
_____ _____ _ -. bat tbo______
mad that Electric Bitten to a* aee$redtwofiudet
cure tor all malarial dlThe flxtaree fornhe___ r Mloea
. ...
U yon have chill
' ■ ssWT’.'si':s
Withoot th« 7MH8 of i
XaaarceaU Bottutad at tba Apprueh
oC Amertoaaa-Goloaoi Ball Bet oa
Trallof Atojaadrlao—Ooaetant X>aaavtiou From ActUMUok Arm*.
Maalla. Nov 8?-Another atep la
what apaaara to be the cloalac eveato
of the revdt la the Philippiaea oecarved yealmday when the larc« aad
struscly fortified toon ot Maacalaren
la the Pancuiaa pr.^l8e* wuovaeutod wltbonl the flriac of a c^h. Tba
laaanreau bald tba city aad aaamed
abla to bold It acaut coaaMorable
odda. but wboa* Col. Bell of the S4th
voloatoeri arrived lut atcht, ha fonnd that a majority ot t^e biunu family
that the enemy had fled to tM moan- are bora with tmlmitofred eyealcbt.
talu hack of the city, two day* prov-1 aaya the Sew Tort Tiibnoe. Thla relona, aad that the town bad beoa he'd “t*" •*>
«•**' the ace of
by C^itaiQ Powlork oompaBy of tbe; ■**"*
fective from natural canoe*. ConcvDlui
38rd volnntoer*.
defect* ourh
The lunrcuu aro aaid to be abort are 'mearsichi
of icon
food aaa
aad ammnaiuoa.
arnmnalUoa. nix
Six eaaaoa
„d that condltloB
condlthm or Invxuiarlty
Invxuiarlty la
that are beinc dr»«ad by the retreat- | the curvature of the front part of the
would aeem that they >uet dtoperu •
ite opiKmite angle tmiierfi-^-t. ren_ __
IR ctoKBre necemary. Another
aooo. or be _ _ _ _
U Colonel
BeU |
haedocla^hto’ia’taa'tionof foltowlnil«*'*'«‘’'^
ikneM of the ciliary
thorn tUl they c‘« » doetoive hat'“**
dee. whli-b weiu to gire out when tbe
antU they are aoattaiod. The eyee are noed for any conaecutirp purforce are la tbe o
of General' pnae. eocb u reading.-writing or any
Alejaadriao. aad deaertiOBl eoatlnue other work. The lettera o' obJ.-<-t8 lookeveryday.
ed at In thto case liecome blarred. wav
Seven AmerPmn aad alaety-fonr ering or IndUtinct. eppareotly
Spantob priaonere ware leit by tbe re- together In one black line. o<
trcatlac Fillplnoa Two Amerioao nee of tbe eye* wiitMiot relief cauKlng
prleoner* wm carried off. naable to lOfiaumatluD of tbethloaHmliraoecovering tbe eyt-lialto or lida When thla
make their (aoape, even amid the eon- coitdllloD of weakn«>iut 1, properly
fuioa of the 1
r rrllvM-d by glaiwes. i
from the United Sutn army
with tbe faiorcenu. Of theee. one otbiT UiKtanrv.
u>lik- ubvn ou<v put In
Howard of CAUfornla to eapiaiu oTar
for Uie oibtT ui-fp<t* an* dvfornuitir*
UUery under Alejaadriao.
and remain »U(-h.
A>*mlral WaUoa hu received word
from CtoptatD Very of the ynaboat
The Buffalo public library bu about
OuUae. that on tbe 16th. of the month,
tbe entire province of Zamboanya, la- fino voUimeK of Polinb Utoratur*. and
an attendant who apeak, rollah. There
Und of Mindanao, eurrendered nnooa- are many I'olee In tbe city.
dltloaally. Deelaratiou of loyalty
were made by the native chief,, and
Near Preaoott a large bear, weighing
their yau were dellveredme ayreed.
8C8 pound*, entered the eook camp
Wuhlaytoa. Nov. »T.-Geaeral Oil, George Evmer aad ealmly began to eat
today reporU the altutioa la tbe Phil- eoraed beef from a newly opened barIpplaec a* follow*: "A eteamer from
Tbe rook. Mr*. Ed. Irtoh, ran
Fabian yeatorday brouyht lis tbe barn and told her bubaad, who
Spantob prtoonera, $7S.OOO of Inenryent aeiied hto Winebeater rifle and ape
yorernmrnt money acd other property the appetite of orain.
captured by Geaenl Lawton'* troop*
near Tayug on th* tweaty-fifth. Gen'eral Wbeaton'a troop* and GapUia
Tbe people of Traveree C8ty are
of the Thirty-third,
vited to attend the.dedlealioti of
M. E cboreb at Acme Tburedav.
drove the enemy weetward tram ManNovember 30. and tbe Tbaakaglvlrg
galarea. a (ew milca aoutbwett of
dinner served by the ladle, of the
Dayapaa They eaptufed five Ihre^
ebureb. 3S eenta wit] be eba .
for dioner. Noadmlaxon fee charged
Inch motx'.e loadiny ynna,twecty r'fltra.
for cbnreh aervieea. Preaching. 10:80
18.0M ronnda of Muim cartridyec.
a m . 3:00 o m. and 7:00 p. m. Ded
1.000 ahrapael. 600 pound* of powder
iration fallow, afP faoon eerviee.
and other property. They atoo reBig, will be in readicew lo eonvev
leaaed ninety-four SpanUh aad aeven
vtoltflrt from and to ‘be train, which
arrive, roou ,fter i-oo * m.. return
American priaonm. Colonel Bell.
ing at 5 p m. soi-31* 5
wUh the Thirty-fourth Infantry to in
puranit aod will mareh down tbe weaternoout.
"Tbe lodication* are that there are
All walking bat,. 'MUnra. golf ba',
and nntrimmed hate for aale at 7S
two or three bodle* of iunryeni trooja,
eento todsv. Alt tr'maiM haU ti
numbering prabablv soo or more men
per cent r.fl. Mr*. W. G Lawrence.
in each, in tbe mounulu weat of tbe
railroad. They can be readily hand «d
by Ot-neral HacArthur. They have CfHiattmptiMi Curs—Wamer'a
tbe bulk ot tbe lunrycnt utillery, all White WhM of Tbp Syrup, tbe
bert cough trmtHiy on earth, core, a cold
7t which wIU be eapinred unlew bur in oac day if taken in time. SS and •'■0 eta
ied. General Young to atm in purauit
Of Ayuinaldo. who to beadiny for BanThiaksgivisg Sates n 0. S. AI
gved, a few mile* eut of Viyaa. GenOne and one-tblrd tare for round trip
oral Young with tbe cavalry and Mac- via G E. A I. IVkeU will be sold at
abebe aeonu to followed by a bulUliaa> aoove rate Ncv. 2i> and 30tb. Good to
of the thirty-third and tbe balance o« re-u-o nnti' Dec. let., to poinU within
IM) mile, from Klliny tution.
tbe bai^allou of tbe Thirty aecood at d
two battalion, of tbe Thirty third are
en route for Viyan by military poet Telb- ilMldrot- acd Priiprn?
Ul-irtct Ro. S. of Ikr f.lj ..f Tra*rr»road. General Vouny'a recepGon by
tbe lababitanU to eotbuluUe and
Vi'U arvberrbr Dfliin'd Ibot th* »p*rlal a»*
roll for lb- rajr»»*t.t rf th* c
they give all aid powible.
•*»*• lo «*>r*r dlMiirt Rn S ba* l.**ri pli
"Ayuinaldo buoolleeted more tbao r I- ar kaad* (or *oII*rlU>n, and that tb* 1
of tia* for tb*roU«M-iloBof *aitl
1.000 of hto troon* at the nonb. but
Said tax** aar t>* paid at mr or
they will probably deaert him. A w**k
dar froR> r o'r’ork lo 11 XI o', oc-k b. m.
om-r II
number of ttnall detacbmenU of la- and fn-ia I O'rlo<-k to 4 o'rlork- p. «.
Roea t. Beral-I Bul>dUi« Pnx,
« rrxii'M.
anrywit troopa througbont the country
north of MaatU have-been caplureo,
and tbe Inbabitnau manifeat gratitude
for their dellveranoe. Tbe indleationa
are that the laearyout force eonth of
Manila hu dlalnteyruted and that the
troop* are going to their home*. Be
poru from the eemthera tolande ara
favorably The ZemboangaiunryanU
0 our troop* and
ao trouble to aaUeipated there."
$100 BawATd, $100.
Tbe reader* of tiito paper will be
pleased to learn that there to at leut
oae dreaded dtoeaee. that ee’anee hu
been able to care lii^ iU etagea, and
thattocatarrah. Hall'a Oatarrah Coro
to the only poelUv* cure known to
medical fraternity. Catarrah bein
coMlitational dtoeaae, rrqniro
treatment. HaireUaUrrah
. OaUrra:_
m laternally.
Interaally. aetiag
acting directire to taken
apoe tbet blood aad
aod mnenow ,urlyai
ayatem. thereby dwtroylag
eea of the syatem.
._e femndaUon
foundation of the diaeaae.
diaeaae, aad giv
giving the patient atreagth by building
up the eonstltatloa aad awtotiag na
ture la doing ita work. The pn>prle-i
ton have ao mueb faith la ito eorative
poweretbat they oOrr oae bnadrad;
dollar* for any case that it falls toi
Bi«. Send lor list ol tootiawatala
Addrew P. J. CHKXXT A Co. Toledo,
All walklny bata, aaOon r>)f hau
aadantrlmmed hau for Mleat 76
eaautoday, AU trimmed hau *6
pareeatrE Mn W. O. Uwraaee.
Steinberg's Grand
Opera House.
Dec. 4 to 16th
Supporting the Joint Stars,
Plays Changed Every Night
•OBviaoe yoa of their meriL W. A. Setorday.
Midi of Webb. 111., wntee; "My chll-:
■eearie Bitten earod thorn." Oaly 60
MBtt- Try them. Uearaateod. Sold,
kyJaa-B. Johaeoa aad fr B. Wait,'
K&. srsoiio a eBAtcroi.
▲p^Mlatee the Work of Thaaa Who!
Bewofed Fiaaoa from Dock Wrtek. |
1 wtok to azpteae my aatot hearty
aad aiaeere thaaka to the mes who to
Ceaeroaely and aaeceeafclly amtoted la
ueinctbepropirtyof the W. W Kb-.
Ml Co . froB very aerlou damaoe U
not dwtrecUoa la the warehoeae wreck
laataicbt. It to a debt that woeld
wUlinyly be paid bet eaaaot weU be
I ahoaid be fled lo aaa peteooally aU
who eaatotod la the work there. U
they wiU eaU at the atore they will
afford aa opportanity tor b* to properly exprem my appradatioa.
N. S SraoRc.
Mcr. W. W. KiabaU 00!
lOo, 160,860.1
The Boston Store
There Can be No Better
Tl^HE best...
«sthll l6 6prOp06 of
the KUPPENHEIMER HighGradcApparcL No
rovtoo what arto*
meats 1D67 be aiTADced foe other
m6kci.er for ttudeto-order tsikinng,
teetc bnodothing
that gtva such all*
on such an eeooom*
teal hub. The proof of the podding b the eating thereof
^heo we luar of ckffhing repreacated ai bexag u eood u
KUPPENHEIMER’S we bow our ackaowUdgeaaeati—b
eteans a whde lot to be coosidered tbe standard of coenparboo.
•6 to iMto* PwUl.
Thb Cwmeat Goaruttod by fiM Atoun
Qothing: is
Fully GuAranteed
As this
Label Shows.
The Boston Store
For Two Days Only
Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 28 and 29
We offer
L Doiu;]fifi Slpu-s in the iRferi fcKtiioiiB.
heuvj- or li;;ht boW l.-nther lined, in tan or Idnck. for
Ten Per Cent, off Regular Price.
Sample Shoes, for Men. Women, Boye;
and Girls, for
One half off Regular Price,,
For two days only.
Rubbers for l6c, ISC and 26CL
They are worth just doubte.*
Ten per cent, off on Lumbt roif^n’s Sox for two days ocly^
November 2S and 29.
136 Front Stroot
The PracUent Shoe Man
“Jaros” Underwear
stands alone*-It has no
ctjuals and therefor no
superiors—There are
many imitations of this
perfect underwear, but
none of them stand tbe
test when given a trial
—all physicians endorse
it —the m'ost sensitive
skin can bear it — the
poorest can better afford
it than doctor bills—the
most economical consid*
ering the wear it gives
fThe JAROS HYGIERIC: —ask to see it
More underwear
than would supply all
Grand Traverse ConnPREVENTS CmLLDfG.
ty...buying in snch
quantities we are en>
abled to sell the bulk of underwear in [this region—
Low prices for good qualities do the btfsiness for ns.
Camel Hair—Suflet Wool—Silk Fleeced Lin
ed-Wool Fleece Lined—Cotton Fleec^Lined—Pine
Natural Wool—Combinations inwall grades.
5 9erver«X '^fs»
Tbe •«» »»1* «»K»^
tlTMMtte MW Ohw»ar Md M.Bk-
2rsnv»ftoft <* mav with
W> for Port Artkmr.
.»WI0 for Uw pMt ou •noolta Mcorioc
i^ptlinr OB Um b«t ohoop rMolioo bso
•WB«orad load for Uo purpoM of oonwtUdBUBC ttem Uto oao 'Urn oom*
1—r OpUow oo Bowlj *'•
£moum1 oboep Mid BBd » Uko BBskor
«dBefM of U»d h»*o
-»• BMM Of the eom|wii7 wiU^tEe
iiovtMB Moop Bad Lead
CowpBBp. with » capltel of tlO.000.000.
AlM«oiee.lad..llr«: Harp Moakle
tea hma do^od iaMM. bar MoUl
ModlUeo karlaf reaslted from reU•loBOOBolMBasU BbofMted for fire
^iMBoed tb»t Bt high ao9a
I her \e >«Br old
teogblar OB the altar aad tbes go eat
4Md eoBMrt the world.
At Bratll. Ind.. the pwaoncoof mind
14 roar old Praak Wflllaiaa ^reatteadilaMOBBwreekoaUio VaadaUa
KWilroad. Wmianw waa golag from
KBlghtarUle to Bra*U Saaday wbea he
SBUoadabrokaa rail and bearing the
ToHbA PrdiOBUBB of tko Vow V. M.
OhBitikBt Aemo.
Tkaakagiriag day nurrioe wttl bn
held la Oraee Ep^Mopri Anrch at lO O
by Mr. M. W.
aad Pral V B. Eyder.
Tburaday being also tbe feeUral of 8tAadrawe that* wlU be the ewrioe of
n 00
Ue Boly Oommaaloa at 0:40 a. m.
A oordlri laritattoa Is
4 OO
4 00
Tko Motliodlsw of AeoM oro Mttei- ^ Park pi^ new..,
MOOMlly pUMMit TtoBk.
dB7 thb rw. M U wlU work
I of tbo dodteUoo of their
eboreb. The balldlag wee bagaa late
le the eammer. and work hae baaa
patedeo rapidly that tbe bBlloIng ie
now ready tor om. It la a neat bailding. *Si4« with a 1* foot etady for tbe
7t. U le Aaiebed Ineide <a cherry
Ud btreb, with mapU flooring. B«golareerrlorewiUbe held erery other
Haadayby Eer. P. » Bryan of WOliambBFg. Tbe eoat of the bBtldlng ie
1 00
eboBt flew, nod orer *600 hee already
been rated. It to hoped thet the reet
of the amoBot wlU be mede ap at tbe
mart oaatr
time of the dedtetlen.
SerrioM will be hdd on Thareday aa
1. per b
follows: preKblng at lo-.w a. m. by
Ber. D. V. carral. prealdlag aider.
Praaebing at S p. *. by Eer. J. f).
Bart of Blk Eapida. followed by tbe
formal dedieaUoa. There will be
preaeblaglntbeerealng et 7 o’clock.
A Tbankagiring dinner will be eerred
between tbe moraiag aad afternoon
eerrioee la tbe town ball, by the
ladlee of tbe cbarcb for wbieb a eeaU
will be charged, bat there will be no
leeloB charge at tbe church
For ntdiedeen «m Oriau's BoBet
Tiarcree City people are cordially In8psr Vsrotsh.
rited by the people of the eborch to
go orer aod baredlneer with tbei
and Join in tbe eerrioee Tboee who
doBOtwlebto diire orar can make
good eoonecUoH OB the C. A W. M..
learlng here at I p. m. ^d raumlng
lower thsB **rr.
at 6 p m. Thie will Aire VUme to
««fal sttssUes.
. BsH a esUcr
dinner at Acme aad atten^be dedleatloB. Riga will be la readineet to ooorey
rleitore from aad to tbe train at Aeme.
SalghttrUle ■tatioa. ran op tbe traek
Md when he aigbled tbe train eiood
■Bot-rnr tbe ralla «ad wared bta bat.
The onglaeer. aeolng tbe boy. etoppod
0.1. vein only a .fow feet from tbe
teokonraU. Tbe *.
te wae raaning Afty mllaa an boor
•orheabeaawUeboyaad bad his eaAmi8»m -aia.
«iae atreek the broken raU. a fearfnl
Prom all orer Ue sute oome reports
rwroek wonU bare reealiod.
more tarorable of Ue Marks Bros. Co. __ w^irasssllsi blesk, *18 r»t«» Strmu
Ber. l>r Lowry. apromiaent.BapOet
nest Telrpbaar Mo.«D.______________________ _________
teakter aad aathor of auny rellgioaa
Monday. Here le one of tbem:
tewwi died at bia home la Flalafleld.
lee of large andlenoee bare been In erlM. i. Be ww 71 yewe eld. Dr. Lowry
night slaoe Ue Marks
>«ea the eompoepr of the weU known
Lie company eomsaaced
tewa, “dhaU we meet beyoad tbe
...»..,..nent ten days ago, aad
CBoaa, atterasT.^.O
Ue second week has oat done Ue flint
aal eyellata
Ametaar aad ^
week's good baelnem. “The Irish
•wUl hare eome rleh priaee to oompete Oetectire*' wae Ue play last night.
D^sTrersUT. 0«ee.gar at tbe oomiag Parte
- toy tWtasacs 108.
Tom Marka and May A. BeU
•^Cbrae days wiU be deroted to deiarm- promlnept flgnnn la Ue cast ae |^naL
..Atwrssf. apselrieuemu*
Ante the ehamplooahlp of the
Tbme two are a boat la tbeawelree aad
-The grand pris!, open te tbe
rerfaU lawmaking a hit In any part
•wlUhare parnee aggregating ie.ooo.
if undertake. Tbe epeeialtlee aa
aal were new and elerer.—Daily Tel
mad tbe date wlU probably ba »ept
ft. Oe bept. 10 tbe graad priM of the egraph. Kalames m>. Oct. S3. At Stein
berg's Grand Opera Hooee. Die. 4 loie rv c. sorPATT..
mapoeltiaa for amatcnrs. rmlaed at
O. BstsissndOm'
tee^ will be ran la trial heate. and a
«oe mile paced raoe for flt.ooe wUl be
«he feeiare. beet n will be tbe la Imrar Eautltlra •! II SmegglrA Ont loip.B
teraatioaal day. with teaaie of tbrer
•I the Cesairr.
mea from each aaUoa. tor ».M0. Tbe
Bne- ,
In spite of tbe mostt etriogrot
iject-tbe Ubin,
Sotai prise lie! foou up flss.ooo
nlso Isws on tbe aubject-Uie
B»tl ‘pbonr C8________________________
wilbout goveranieDl
govemnieni conc
Eeeela I* aboat- to aend 10.000 a
.a-kR.B. s. ri/x«v o*irr ii
relateree garrleoaa In tbe tar e^
doneaU over SIIktIs Iu gold. boU dust ,
A compoelte pbotograph^^ the and. esiwcbilly. Doggeu stolen from
-----------------Creeteat Medoanee painted by tW-OlA the worWlDgs. It Is s criulual ofleose ,
■aaetere during 100 years baa tfwen to be found In iHJwnwIon of gold; but |
as so Urp- s pruporUon of tbe populs- |,^Kri Tou>tN-os
nade by Joseph Oray Kitcbrll
Indlaaapolla. after many mootb'a tloD of Slboris coBslsu of Uose sent jyi a. a Brnws.rn Ftsbi su
•work. Tte faoe la marrelonsly beaaUfurther punlBbuieui tbey bare t
gal. oombtnlng ae it dose the eonoep- Is dfi'crtutieo lulsotue yet more distant
ousted srrkpi boC
Alone at tbe greataet patatere. The flrei region of tbe sa^bnrren eud Joyless J^oer Abnuts
«opy bu >een ordered for tbe eoagrese- land, tbe deu rreut Is by no moans eo
fomiiOable as s mere penissJ of tbe
toanl library.
'Saa rraaoteana are getting ap e BwfuJ iDeoaoes of tbe etsiutos at flrst ^ m/i>r
aeemorial to oongrcee asking that ban eigbi seems to ooovey. Uotvovor. tbe , yjss,l«bPd witb hoi sDd rold wslsr. spwor
sucreesful dialer Ui sioU-n gold rarely j ^ ""
. Vraneteobe reliered of the ears of
fsils to fwap.- tbe ih-nsmes of bis of- , h««—^
ss.r irlrt will Bsd s rood hows ss
a-cgalar troops retaraing from Ur feiise. ev«ti u bill laugbl redbanded.
*rsbr«B«»*b* piesssc sis
, A'aiilppinee.
Tbe Kuiuilsu otfl.-lal. even lo Uussia .ui- isq-ire st ii» Psrk s.i
Traneporte are being released at proper. G eeldoui altogeiber unrenson- j S.*"P?T.*i-------------------------------—
snd ub
riaa Praneteo by war department or able; and In SlUrla. wbere tbe preg•dera. and are being icraed orer u. uan( Winp <>f the dliUiuui-st '-cblaavaheir owners. Tbe two flrst roleaeed
etsurday wore tbe George W. Elder
vooi. lli<- oflit-iui Is “giKMl uaiured" In ,
—------mod Beiglaa K og.
■» with or * liboui
Ibe es«r.-ui.-. aud a sut-rtHme rsb si- X®®£Lrd ^SIotTisu^
Martin V. Brrgen. of Princeton. N ways bi- UiuBlir to ewpi uupb-asaDt !____________ _________
J.. U Ue laieei rlutUn of bec.ng. Br rt-VjHIUHlbillllVR.
A pn-ai i«sn of iLc gold 1* conveyed
woe a papil of tbe Lswreoeer;JI«
- mebool aad Ue ordeaU to wbieb he wei ever tbe I'blneM- frooiier-tbet . Is.
wbirb la
U »•»*•
Ibe i
jr. WblCD
•sUr. I ne»
•admitted by bia fellow studraia, to •miKS the river Amur,
l.r.l.trd. I l>ron»k •■ore. I mond nak
sole defi-iiKi- of tbe frouiw Sgalniit if
•e»t fau pluck, proted faUL First, be
emuccllnt: from U>ib aides and find*
weaanljrcted to-p.ling” in which a revady sale at rulinius nai-rlfiet-v lo ci ^----------------------crowd of boys threw Uemselreeon up cbaiige for a certain Aery ' hinese
of him. and ibea one of Ue croud vudks. Tbe valuable propertle* of kbl* aiuDde-t «•. *’ol
walked orer bio on bis knees Aeu'e spirit, uiui-b eMiB-iiied br ItUHitInn nud
peritonitis rra> set op byj tbe ordesl native alike, are that It gives tbe cut«)Aba-”eirl S-i<l lirrrr t«rB. sell
tinner the lM-ailiui1e uf Inlosiratiuu-otie *pOR
•ad Ue boy dkd four days lai
Jloea(ed—.-sk; trm> AitilrrM -Heirl-'
(lay. aud uu ilie uest be van attain tbe RimBiKm, r,Tts»»e»»rilT, MIrb
bir KraneU Wlugste. in the battle
'’l aaoie exalted sUle by tbe ebeap expeKXCaAMIg- F»rTr.n>r.rri(; prop-nj.
weiU Ue kheilfs'. force neer Gedid. ^ipu, of Urmklng waler.-Cbnuibef.' rpo
X T»o b«i>e» sdC rishi loi« BCirs'dMstr
U> iiMiakfVof ’ r.UswDlksI Tii..«p«ou.^srh
«s|>tarcd v.ooo meu. womeo and child Journal.
ren. Utmao D.gns, the princlpnl gtnQlTVVnoCwAS
LKTRD-Aa rr“vrr> rlerk er
«ral of Ue bballU. U still et la^.
SsBsyte Leu
O rook luwbrrci
- - .TBUDme^. TW-sf
on reel eetete. Terms eesy. IsOn nooount of Ue preralenoe of
qeire of C J BuraeU et Perk Piece
. iTuw.^^^TsfS
•mrilpoz In tbe ludlsn terrltery. Ue
Hotel between 1C end I, end 7 end 9
postmMler-gMeral bee ordered Ue
o'eloek Monday end Tneedey UU
aril fnmIgatodetSouUAlderaM MeWMk.
T99 St.
KrpU. Wllbnrton. Cherry Vrie. KorieX*rAKTU>-emr»l persers (er CtstHn o(V*
are asssgm Ib U>U •l*ir le rvpreaeu
tern. crikin uud AUkoa. It U feerad
wrie liwlr evs SsC BarrowtClag eoBBUra
WlUtsg te par resrtr SAl>. peJaUr wtvkl/. D(4bniUeeoldwesUe/wm bring on n
■ Ir bIr vBptayrWBBi -rllk BDUaosl epporiusl(lea Kpierrasmesrhsagto. nsrtosr >e]<-BC.
general epidemic of easllpox UrougbCmeed Biaspre vsnlep*. e A. Park. KU ( seout Ue IndlMi territory.
tea BuUdlsg, Chtesgo.
Sr M»"" XT
Mask aall, Netl Thpfsday
Eta., »l City Opera House,
Bin Frygbtfai Frilnren.
SisMrribletriluree of eii dlfterat
doeton nearly sent Wm H. Mullen of
LioUlnna. O . to en eerly greTe All
aid be bed e tetol lung tronble end
thet be must soon die
But be wes
iKItUi • be WM entirely eured. It le ponltively
gnerantoed u cur* ril dteesee
.. ______
of Tbroet. Gtaestend Lunge, Isclnding
Oongbs, Oolde. Ls Grippe. Pnenmorie.
Bronebitie. AsUme. Umy Freer, Croup.
Wbooplog Ooagb. ftOe end flt 00 Trie!
tetUes 10 cU et Jee. O. Jobneon'e ud
6. B. Writ's drni storre
'Ibke Wnraerie White Wtne of Ter S>-nii
like best ooagb remedy on cerih. S *»■
will kte tbe event of the season,
ne Beentlful prixra to be awarded
will cell out many fln* eostumee.
ThereWill be no one of e queetionable ebsrector permitted in Ue hell,
end noUing to mer tbe plcnsnre of
Uoee attending. Oimpeteni JudgM
will preside daring tbe evening. A
large Oreheetra will furnish the
Reserved 8eeta'>mny be
eecnred el Ue City News Bund,
any time after Monday morning.
Oreheetra Ooneert from eight to
nine o'clock. The following eberaoten will be repeieented: Admiral
Dewey. Pres. HcKInley. WerOeoer^ JnlinkOeeeer, Jobe Butt, Bonntor*. Pegm. Oolmmbus. WMhturt-m,
Rip Ve« Winkle. Bob Boy, Slog et
the Onnnible Isleade. Eobiaaon
Oraoe, BeErio BUI end knadradi
YTTODWAWTlMara-weetssyktsdls bn
A clssB oewpaekes er to bar s beoec, tot er
mrw mD«b Aura • BlreiA roswi 7 sad S.
llercesUtoOATteeh.TravrrarOty. Sla-twe
Sdltor Seea Woodeta
Editor W. V. Barry of Leslajr».
TPaa.. la es^loriag MammoU
ooetraeted a serere cane of Pllea. Bis
ealek cure Uroagh astag Baekte's
Araka Salre ooorlaoed him U le m-
aadfl E. Writ.__________
time.” Oalmaas' Btetie Floor Varalah.
8. E Walt.
1 Havana
— -
New desi^s and. fane;
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in onr
Jeweler; store to look them
over. We have man; new
things in jewelry also.
i 5c StraigW j
BARNUM & EARL »»»«»»•«*«»«•
Pretty near time -
Special Sale
Today Onlly Bicycle Enameled
ta think abaut haring year
John F. Ott & Go.
Successors n
Note prices and come quick.
•EE for Ue winter.
FmirT^ lar^e sized "*ater Pitcher
5c; Fancy Butter Dish witli cover
Stop In end talk it over.
for 5c; fancy Sugar Bowl with
cover 5c; Lnrge sized fooU<d Fruit
Bowl for 5c.
lU Dnlon Street.
Fanev Pickle DUh. Fancy Flat
Plate, Fancy Fooled tJaoce Dish,
all for 10c.
liamse City Gmbcr Co.
Oval Dish. Daisy PatWm Turn,
bier and Bound Dish, all for 10c.
Trarerse City, - • Midiijac
Fancy square Butler Dish and
Cover. Fancy handled Mug and
Sauce DUh. ail for 10 cents.
Fire Insurance.
L. L. A.. Building.
One hundred different styles of
Glassware and Graniteware which
To Dairymen,
*re offer at special low prices, For
Mrs. C. E. Horst,
Today Only.
Farmers and Cattle THE VARIETY STORE
Oat door »sstsf SIsiBberf's Opors Boos*.
d to sell onr esWe are a
erlleatfeed-PgrATOPULP. which
we bare on band at aU times in a sweet
and desirable state.
Id order to introdoee our feed U the
feeders we hare reduced our price to
loc per 100. wbieb compared wiU tbe
reietlre rrire ot tbe other feeds makes
it cost about one Uird of any other
Same of tbe most influential feeder*
baregiren ibltprodnetatborougb teat
aod report that It le desirable In erery
reapect end rqual to all that le eUimed
for It. We here completed an Ideal ar
rangement for loading Into wagons
etc., and wereaprctfallylnrite all feed
ers to try onr feed
wort St UgUsstpowiUs grad*. Plsei
'work s -iMclsU/.
Vow Oflre MsrkheBi Block
Gnnd Kipim t lellui L K
Wurubnra W*r«k.
Fire Insurance
Tou should see
i • ■
Piiiii j
E. W Hastings
: ;i !;uii Ml
JohsaOs Block. 'Pbooe 78.
LrPr.a.k.j........ « *4
Sidewalk Lumber in all sizea
SnebeeBorM to Traverse City Lumber Co
i ** ** I
‘gill i"5
Lr Chk-apo
Ib-irt (.rd.
Ar (Vtoakr? .
L» Trarr^rCy.
Ar Elk Baplda
i„E,‘ ! '“ 'A?
»««t p- IJ"p tti
i T5
8 m <
J. E. Greilick Go.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
o.. !, la.
West Michigan.
1 !■ ; *
John R. Santo,
Geaeral lisnraica.
The Michigan Starch Ca.
Trarersp Oity, Mirh
Stodio .tSB W»«hi»KtoB StrMt.
> Preigkt.
'H 8*
!I 55
Trarrrvc OU»-
.Fine MilUWork
Cold weath'^r is coming- Now is tbe time
to place yonr orders for
krerer four foot wood drlirerades the •rrrral
rhool belldlagB aa foDeva; At Oratral Build. _ .
>rda; at Boardawa evaeuv
i« bulidiaa.
bulidlam cer^; at Btwweed swaet build a«. ISO
rerd-: at Oak Park, bolldlac. UC aerui; at
bulldiag.* eoedi
edi nida «rtU br rse»lr«d for furBlBkiag ib« vbeir ametiBl er lor
mar eoc bolMlM. Weed *
4. atrai«b(
Ireatbaefear Isebea Is dlaacM. ThreewBtMSrrrarrra tbe right te reject mat aad all
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Tdephone No 8
Trarerse City, Mich.
fSiBAn npsB
Thirf Y«*r-No 801
boirmr. that d loff*
of tho
SOtatODOODD bDMVDd. ft k BOt Ib OMditioo tor BMkst ttey mr bD DMd >7
tb« Dtarab CaetoiT.
War^houM «nd Steamboat bowerar, «r{U bo d total boa. Jaat
bow aaa/ U k iasowiUo yai to
Dook OoUapsed.
Tbo waroboDM waa wUod faU of
Timbm Oraehed Under Tons tiwlrbt. aoAo of ft awalttar rascwal
to tbo rarieao baoliMM boaoM bat tbo
ootatooo wore awmlUar tbo aloaiaor
miBok wbkb k oapoetod bora toHmt7 hem to Fropw^ et Meiiben
caorrow oo bar loat ooatbward trip of
Viohlrw *n«BoparMtloo Oo. hm*
infoxn esAXBo
Wartbip Baas«r to Laaoa 8aa Fraa-
General Kethnen is Making
More Trouble for Boers.
Baa Praaotaao. Ckl.. Ko». rr.—Tbo
tilted Sutao abip Baafar, bow Ipiaf
i^iCara Ulaad, boa been ^aietlr dttod
oetforoomo loaf rojaro, aad wall
fnadad raaiaro are farraat that aba
Wboro Kla OoniBUBd Woo Kk bj kboetoaaoiDe aaeret mkoioa. Ofia Tom oftboBaoRp W
of tba waiohip rafoae to dkeaw
Aad^ Wbkb tbo aotare of tbo royara. Soreral oixlaeb raae are belay plaoed ia pooltloo
Sreva tbe Boon rran a Stroas
oa tbe TaMol.
VKM<-aov«t»} fhoMMi Saabalt
Tbaoalpthlay^a ofEmn will ad
r»t«to«o Md Otbar MerehsadlM
mit k that tba Eeafar baa baea ordarLoadoa. Mor. >7.—A
OapoTowaraporutbatOaaaral Motb' ad to paaama, aad will mU early ia
ahz«d m» to Uw Wr*^ Mtd PvtUUr
^■end Oommlesloner French ! *too ba» eaplarad Ua towa of Boarp, Oaoambar. Sealed •aatraetioao bare
aotaufvad Id tb* Wotor-Se
Moet. attoaied tea mUeo aortb of Grao
reoalrad from Waoblaytoa, to be
First Victim.
Tboaaaad OoUofS Domaco.
Two nlllioa rooado of BRicaBi- opened oa arrival at Panama. It k be
thrn U laclnded to tble eaptaio.
lieved by naval meo here that the BanAmatod la kaariag TMtordap Uodar
yar'e nlUmote deoUaatlon U NoaiU.
tioa Oo. aaffefod a bmrj Um laat alfbt
Jadletmeat of Oraad dHi7-Oa*e the railroad bridfo at Frore, »Motal, and that abe wUl be aa^orad for obore
wbaa tba oaatar portioa of tbolr war*Ball ta tbe Soai^f $8,000 aad Soya opaBBlap the wido>|atroam at that daty at aoma new porta roeenUy taken
boaao aad dock aorad ta aad tbo wood
plaaa. hM baea deatroyad by the Boera from tbe rebeU.
heXnot Worried.
who are ratlrlay rapidly from the
work oallapaad with a arooh, Uarlaf a
Uaolat. Mot. *7 .-Tbo flrat of tbo town.
wfaekwbleb «iUt%ka]|MRo tlM to
arraata la aeeofdoaoo with
A yaearal adraaM apoa Oolaaeo bat
rapalr aad coat oooatdarablo laoBop.
fiodlanoftba rraad jary wao aado bean ordered, aad a flyiay eqaadroa
Wbilo E. H. Papa, tba ocaat of tba at tbe low ofioa of K. A. Moatfoaieiy. kpaahlnyoat to latereapt the Boar
oarooapoap. aad a torea of moa wora at
raldlny pertiae.
f to tbe oOm
It le reported by a aaamlayly reliable
work baadllar fraifbt'aad loadlaf tba
arriTadlatbaaltyataooa'la eompaap
tbarielBlty of LadyI a oarfo for
with William G. Tbompaos aad Suta omltb that tbo Boaro hove plaaaod a
KM EapkU. about
tba tlobara Traaoarar SteaL .Be aotlBad
aaltad attack all over tbo ooantry towara baard to eroak witb a tbroatoo abarifl that he woald be at tba law
tac ooaad. Tba woa roaatod tb« offlmot E. A. Moatyoaiary to aaowar
Loadoa. Mov. 77 —Tbe war offlee baa
balldlar ta aa iMtaat aad ia a few all ealle that mlrht be mede apoo him reoolvad the followlay dkpoteb fr.Mn
at tba anurt room Oenoral Sir Fredoriek ForooUar-Walker
R>aoala tbara waa a baary eraab aad
tbk afteraoaa at two o’clock, aad
dated Oape Town Nov. se. mldalybt.
tbe door of tba warabooM aad eororiar admitted to bail la tha earn of $3,000.
of tbo doek took a drop lgt» a 1tra- which Sute Traaoarar Staal, Wlllidm ho moved yaatardoy. No% is. at 3 jo o.
dpotatS aad n
. wUM tbe Ninth brlyade. tbo
obaadkaotaaroralkiadttetoabHit IS ae aaratiao. Bo walrod tbe rooillnff of ad aorpe. aad ^ naval brtyada. dbo
boSomplalat, wbleh waa eat fully yaarda followiny eritb the bayyaya.
W of watar bolow.
>mplotod. Be k ebaryod with offar- A tone of t.soo Boara. with aU yana,
Tbo wraakad portioa of tbo batldlas lay. promlemy aad rlTlay a bribe
laelodlBy two maeblaa yaaa, oppoaad
aad doek aoren a apaea of aboat eoxso
him near Oraapaaa.
«:Attora«p TotUo waat
taat Tha waioboaN wm paokad to tka
d at 6 I
''tba aaUoB eommc
vary i
battortae flrad <
Soon wttk potauoa ae| Barebaa dkk
arrieal from Detroit tbk aftwBooar eamtoly aatU ibebalybtaaaemedeleaii
Tba pMateai arr^M
aad bad a loay talk with Jndya Par- Tbo* tbe naval brlyade aad Infantry
kaobok ta oaokt. l.too bMbals bariar
t^HAT'S,the|way we
aeaaalted tbe poelUoa. The flyfaury
bowa pal la bp aaery
rraaek left lata tbk aftarwma fw WM deaparate nntU 10 a. m.. when tbe
are selling them
Tbo romoiadoT wao owaed Aayrae and will oat be praaeat at tbe bal^k ware carried, tbe Boere reMipaay. Tbo maeUay of tba Btato AadiUfm. Be weattay on a line where tbe NinU
and now you can wear
bylbo T>
.-------*ae BOt la the laaoi laneera bad been placed to Intercept
portka of tba floor tl
aboat tba oatoome of the them. Tbe leealt k aakaowa.
Patent Leather,the most
Had with It aboat flro 1
Be will be arralyaad to- time of teleyrapblny. Tbe arUllery
ala of potatooo. a taryo qaantUy of oau morrow.
ratainad attaraaye took Immediate advaataye of the
fashionable and perfect
aed eora la bv*. a 1^ of foraltara. and U randy to faee tbo ma^
eaemy-a retirement.
Shoe and rno oo risk.
Spoakar Adamo will arrkw hare to
-Berly la the aoUoa ^ Boqra made
bamkof wbkkoy, pork aad kladrad
morrow BtorDlay. Bo bee ramaiaod at
warm,alchtpl*aooboloacieytoM. E. <lrand Eopide unlU now and Hm poa- aa attack oa tbq roar yaard brlyade.
Tbey met tfale and
Strooc of tbe EimbaU Piaao Ca aad itivaly rafaeed to bo Intorvlowod.
flaake. Tbe aeval briyade acted with
aaocfaa owpod by & M. Watklne.
tbe yreateet yallantry aad bM eaffered
Tha OTfaa wao near tba bottom of tba
heavily. No particniaia are yet known
Tbe enemy abowed tbe yreateet stab
oaat aad of tba plla aad WM fl«bod oat
of ooraral foat of wake afterward by
Victim of sFrlffhtftil Hnntii^
ity have been baried. ThirtyCombination
1 tbo aeoaa
one killed and forty woonded are
Accident Yesterday.
Aeoooa ae tbeo
known of. More than flfty horeee
Beauty aod E^conomy.
I a toree of i
found dead in one place. One
Mr. Pope I
Voo Bhoottay Qatll VbM Hk Oaa battery Brad soo roonda. Tbe force
aadaaeoo Mita
-Woe AoeidoaUp Dieebaryod aad tbe moat ball ooe day at Gratpaos to rest
It wae oate to work In tome portloat of
Beak or hie Bead Blown OB. Oaaa- aad raplenleh tbelr ammanltlon. Tbe
tbo baildlar aa oryoalsed rolaatorr
tone worked enleodidly aod are pye.
lay laataat Death.
Stow beyaa work el romoriay
pared to overcome any dlS :alty. tEv
Bopido. MIeb.. Nov. >7.—Tbk naval brlyade. Eiyal marlnea. Second
frefrbt oo tbe edyeo of the wrecked
city WM ehoeked tbk aftoraooa by a Yorkshire liyht iataatry. aad Flrat
ibla aerideat wbleb reoaltod la tbo North LaacMhlre reylment eapecially
Beye of eora. poUtooe aad
laetaot death of Oeaeral I. C.|Smlth.
dieUnyaiabed ibemtelvea.
wore flebod-oat aad faralinre
Orowal Mmltb waot oat to Baed'a
leyardiay Tbareday’a flyht elyhiyRorobaadtaa wora carried to place
Uke itak afiemooa ta oompeny witb
Bjera were killed or olherwiee
mftp by BMB who took 'loay cbaacra John Hreonee for a few boare eport
«d for, sixty fear wayooe were
bnatlay qnalt. Tbe two
bnrned and a larye qnaotity of pow
lathe wrack.
evptfated aod after a abort time Bren- der 5.000 ronede of ammoaltlon auo
The plaooe wore reached aofoly ooi
ODD beard m report of Oeoeral SniKK'a 7S0 ebelle were blown op. Albrecht
fioallp ramorrd to ploeca of eooarlly.
yaa- Be did an think of aaytblny eommanded tbe Bier artillery, and
M-. KiroMt apprerrd apoa tbe ac aeerion* notil heorioy notbiny m re D^larraye
aaJ eeearrd droye to taka tbr Ineiruf-om tbe yeaeral be eooybt tbe spot
The chief news beyond General Lvrd
aireta to bia etore OB Froot eiract. J.
from which '.he repirt came. IBe wee Melbnea'e eecood battle, which fore
W Slater did l.kewke wiOi a lot of
horrifled. upon reochiap the apot
fi;btiny before Kimber
faraitura for hie etore. Fortaaotely
is relieved, ii the opealor of teletbe pioQoe were domesed little if any
tbe yraphie and railway eommuolcatioo
at all aad oaly oor of them bed reaeb- bnehee-with a rrirhtfal woood
bead. Cloeer exemiaetloo Uter proved from Bitoourl aoalbward Tpeeorreaad tbe water. Tbe .oryao meatioaed
that the back of ike head wm
pondenu syiee tbel General Joabert
belay oa tae bottom actUed la aereral
plewly blowB off. AU lodleetloa* It relirinr toward C.>lenao aod Ladyf«at of water bat k domoyed oaly
Minted to laetent death.
esilb. ibiuyb it woaid be
OfenarM it U imp-Melble to eonthat the relle^oy trosH will
Tbe poUtoea fwmed the yreater
A promisenl Ne'- York offit-ini
jreurejmt bow the trayely oocarred advaoee to Coleaeo wliboot oppoellloo.
part of the etoek to eeUlr iato tba
wiid tbf
utu* of tb**
bet It WM partly an axldeat. The
ItleoSsially annoaoeed that there pliuDe had made tfa«> task ot eSicerater, lb* other mt
wltnoomedim.ollt. -•'■--“‘"“•v
weoormi are no Boere eoatb of the Mool river, ently proU'ctiDi; life aod properly
"•« “eve otamblorf^W that while oa Saturday too moaated m?n. ver 50 per crot. eaeier.
It WM colimoied iMt n-ybt that
,ta<e yao waa db-baryed aecldeatiy tbe Seaoad Oev^bire reyimeat end
aboat ? 0» eaeka of potatoeo were »ub-!
'nine in case of fire, ac
wbera be fell with tba aarrtble rooaU tbeWeUb fasmere m uched from tbe
aeryed. aboni *00 of which belooy to | ^
cident or burglary has become a
Mool river tbroayb to BetooarL
recogriy.-dI ineceoeit
Mr. Ueckman. Almoot tbe entire ioee
ileaeral Smith waa oae of Michlyan'e
There k aot maeb developement to
k eefl red by Vbe company. General ..jremooi mea aad bie brilllaat olr:i
Every well regulateitaatloa la Oape Colony. A Q leeneed bo
• ■■ •
E W.
-to U 1. tto j
to. .toJ. hta tom. ftoUlto tbe
town dkpateh, dated Setarday, wya
city, WM eammoaed and harried to tbe
Bk career dar- that the Boera et Barkly had
wreck. Netoraliy tbe
Have yon one in
ityaaiae c mtalolay MO riflm aad
yonr home?
^ ^
.dbUnyabbedhoaoratoble aami and
mdt of ammnattion. Tbe raUUoavmyoooly aad mode tbe
, from tbe raaka b. arooo to oa o«mr of
wey aad uleyrapb between Surmbery
. .
»»*» aWUty aad toe-.. aaUl ho at- end eteyneboiy wore eat Tbaradey.
The crow of worinea. -----bait a baadrad. worked bard aod loay; raeSJwy eoitlflared tor Ue appt^at- Aaoiber dkpateh aaeiyna the eeixare of
cleariay away the fralyhtanUI every-'»eBt oeeared by Oeaeral DafBold la tbe mayaxineao rebt 1 farmers at Barkly
East Seveaty well kaown farmera,
tblny oxoopt that la tbe My b la (the Bpaokb-Amorteaa war.
WM la a eefe pleoe. It wae ]:u| la Aore recent yeare doriay bk nel- weariny Oraaye payyareera, atade a
of Boeraympa'-blea|
tbU momiay before tbe work waaldoBeria Grand Bepide he baa-bora
oo-pl.tadlar.mmyk for oatot, aad'acUto,. pabUc
New Books
Janice Meridith
Tales from Mo01ara*$. .'i little volumes, real nng.
adventnre, west, humor.
by Brander Matbewe
‘The King’a Mirror- by Anthony Hope 1.50
“The Orange Girl” by Beaant
Don’t Fail To Read
“David arnm” by Weatcott
“Red Rock" Tboa. U. Page
“When Tbe Sleeper Wakes" H. O.-Welle 1.36
Special. Today Only,
“Hlohard Oarv«I, by Cliurchill
290-223 Front Street
The leader in FinT Shoes
•IpSta None AB«v
The rwmoval of the plaaoa and heavy.Mil----- --------- -------
Meet la the evealaw
Ulntere are the beef and warmest UUtera money can buy. They
wib not only keep your back warm, but the entire body. Over
r«»0 now woni in Traverse
and vicinity. It doean’t i
---- .-------------4---—
— *1.—to.t,..*i*_.__
...... --V-... UVT-BIl t cost a
doUara not
Onr Meu'e $10,113, $15 Baits and Overcoats are winners.
Newlatid Hate, $1. $2f$3.
Ever>'thiiig in Glove* and
Mitta, 25c to $2.25.
All-lhaVsnewin X-ma
Gents’ FnrniBbiiigB.
Just receiwed aad placed on sale in our popular Pancj Wo-k Department. We keep a large
line of materials for all kinds of fancy
work. Prices here are low.
Keep This
In Adincl.
Only aix more weeks end the
Closes. Must dispose of the stock by that time, at retoll, or In bulk. Lots of heavy shoes and rubbers of
the BCcKamart stock left yet, and wUl.be sold at very
low prices—much less than half price.
Albnew g:oodB, up-to-date styles, bought for the
fall and winter at cost and less.
Come in and see the bargains we can give youThe closing out sale so far has been a great success—
and lots of juet as goad bargains left. ~
WM. WATSON,Bargain Shoe Store
A Boy’s Foot
Needs as careful attention as does a
man’s. We give special attention to
the purchase of nobby, up to date, du
rable Footwear for Boji.
fiekUu TMpkonCt.
boxes aad taarrok f ram tbe yewalay , Iwtor of iaterial raveane la tbe weeV ! moralac eatUny off eom'
Oar sale Satorday proving a an
oarit, was bard wewb bat with the .«nr^rt of M-cHlyaa
| heiwS that *!uoe aad StayMbery.
blo^ aad uekieoxeallaBtroealts won'ffvadaatad from aad thae loterraptlay tbe eervlce to oeaa, we have decided to oontim
Wtoi Point not loay eyo witb dlaUa- (kpe Ibora. It k telieved that the it a few days longer
yaiehed koaora ead wm ylvea a come ' of eommaaleaUoa wm tbe
We are offering
Bering some
big indnoeMr. Ssymear etatad that tbe dock! mketoa daHny the lata wav.
work of ooloaial Datoh.
meota. No stale goods — ertnMO waiaaoaee woaio
lid ae
be ropaut
roballt at
thing atricUjr new and fresh.
«MD. BaMilmtW tbat tbe Iom oa^TT^J^^"
a taiaatat Mrs.
. tkeea woald be aboat $t.aoe aad aa the
Ralph Oonnable Jr„ lCBn$g«r.
A Sleiyh Free with Eva -y Bo>-’« Suit. L'Utcr or Overcoat.
OI»» »*r. ot. rr!«Bd« eBd pul
AbS iwrulM peer IlMnc
Not to Gract
A good solid Batin Calf...................... $1.85
Better^Ones................ - -. .$1.40 and $1A0
Just received two new styles in boys*
box calf at $2,00. Oaf $1.50 leather
lined shoe is as good as those yon pay
$1.75 for at other stores.
Front Street
nAvsnATun bbealo.
■BA V. **«■
A. «. HA«m. adllor Wd I
[raw Woal4 Hot
go to IiABAlBg,
TtsTWM atj, Mmbw of
IVotte AU
■sMtas U Uatisc.
MOm Um food more driicioiisaad w«M
•sM Wot OsUed .Oslr to Bern..
Work tor tkt Ttor.
WSOB DtridB Bonu. awbOT of
the pordoe koord-lof t tor Orsad BopUt
wdsr maniac ho wso skooi (kt doBot Wkeoloek Bodlp Brulaod la o
isTCio Aeeidrst oa rroat Btroot
TrtroTM cat; oa oftelol bs^tto. ICr.
Bsadtp Afiorsooa.
Bsm sad C. U. Tsraor woat to North*
WhUo ridtoc olosg Frost atrodt fa
tlotar^■•§•4 M tk« HbtcAM M -TrsTan* Clir.
frost of
Hkk.. M arcMd-rUM BUMr.
Wheetoek. a mrpeaUr who ruidu
tobeoMdlstbe Wrlcbtetae. mtatioe
near Biaplre. had tbe mtefortone to In*
Tu tnvwUoUoB »( tbe btwkI iurj oiwbieb hot slrtodj
Jere hlatulf very palofolly Saaday
Tba object of toesrlng
b toklv » bMlBM lik* ion wkieb it
sfteraoon. Be amt have beea ridlag
Marr^^*«db7>ir. rfMck. Speokor
that BOW lickt
at a good me of opeed. Bie wbmi
Kw»lto kit Mrs Md oUxert tre aiebt bo throws opes tbo eriato tor
struck tbe eromwelk aear the curb,
which ChsriM T. Wrlcht it torrlsc s
OS tkt ssslou -ttsU Uit
wbea be got a terrible faU. Hie faee
IhU Urtt U bat s bcytsaisy sad thsi term of Uit impriaoow<st is Jtektoa.
wueotia thrm place*, two of the
Mr.oBsrM bellorta ihot the toeUIht IstMtlffsUoo wUleosusBesBoUisr
gMhu being very large. Two woaada.
iwatk. The work of ike rrssd Jorj, aos; c»*sed will at. r the astar ol
la his noee aad lip. nqaired 0 atUphes
, U kst s ttsnsr; ^resl 0 pordos ior Wright osd rwnit is a
tocloMtheB. Dr. Minor dreeesd the
prork of ororlsc the (.flentet ehonred deslsl of the sppUestloB.
There wu to beve bees a aeeliag of
WUI Isr^rt oomt bitter legal flghu
It U Mid by tboM who mw tbe aoel
the board la Laulag last eveslag or
wUoh wUl bo loag draws osa
deal, that the wheel weat up at leut 8
heworer. it it fosad that there U Jut today aad Mr. Baroa baatraed hie lafmt, altboogh no cSeial BSMarei
frosod tor the ebargu of eomptios TwUgaliona la compaBy with Toraer
it it dae the people of the atoto that
that the matter might be prelht>raaocBtlaat be pathod with the Mated to the pardoa board at the
lUng. aad he waa gratlAed at the
Olea W. Dtley of BIb
rwDlt of the
bMD esployod m deck haad oa the
Tn tragedp whisk osdod tbo life of
Wbea be prepared to go aoath y« stMmer Illlaola.
Otseral I. C. haitb is ttraad Bapldt tordayatoniiog, however, he wm very this city.
^tordop wUt eesd a shock tbroegh- BBoh shagriaed to lean from Mr.
Mra J. D. Maason leftyMtarday for
pBl the etote. Ueseral Halth was ose Taroar that he eoald aot attead the Ado Arbor, where she will spead
Oflliehlgaa'edltUBgsithed herou is Bsreilag. Wbea leavlag oa the O. R. Thanksgiving with her eoa Prod, who
the elrU war asd hit bodp boro the A1. yeeterday Mr. Boraedld not beei IsstteadingeoUsge. Dr.' Mni
peart of aaap arcooflict spoa the Aeld- ate to eapr«M hit
eompso'i-d her H farm Oraad Rapids
Sit war record It a briUisnt one asd Be eoaeloded that tbe abasnee of Mr.
a bulneu
Ssasjpageeof ■■Mlcklgaslstht War" Tnraer woald block aoy aetloo to tbe
Mr*. Uoyd U. But aassed (krough
prt dented to hU eareer asd hit seta Wright case aad that the reealt would tbe city to spead the week with Mr.
ef braver/ are toaebed apoa at Irngth. he ao meetiag. However, he detor- aad Mrs Evan But of Neal.
Mowae a leadlsg eplrit is local ea- mlaed to be la LanMsg at the time
Philip Bom left luieveoing for FartorprUuta Oraad Baplda, where hie appoiatod.
ge. N O . to Uke bU place in tkehtaw
)«i wUl be felt aut keealy.
Asked regardlag the aattar last College u head of the depameau of
eight Mr. Taraer aUted that be had
adB engioMriog.
received ao cfieial aotlce of a BMUag.
O. L. OoBlter ol Central I^ke wu la
hot denied that be would aot attond
because- be bad aaed op aU the, time for
Ibar F. UlII uau down from the
JUgh BebeolTma to Play Petaekry which be ooold daw pay. While he BMvera Saaday afternoon
Vgh Behool Bero. aad the Xadehad passed tbe Ualtof Uae tor which Mhooaer Harvey Raneome.
R. Dsiley and wife of Esplre.
tbe state aUowed cmapeasatlon. he
poadeato to BMt Petukry lain the city ymterdsy and gaeeU
eUtod tbet brfwa^ aot Ufluenoed
drpeadeau la that C4y.
this time by that eoadltlo*. ^e mid at Park Place.
The clUu of Petoekey aad Traveise
that U was the original plan for Mr.
BsceabM Basket BociaL
Olty WUl mis ap la the game of foot
Rnrae asd he to -make their laqalriaa
baU Thotsday la both placM. The
There will be a fauket social la the
on Monday, bst Mr.;Baraecaae splMt
two high achooU wUl meet la thie elty.
week aad la*order to make the laves lolge rooms of TravoreeCity Teat. No.
pad a good coataai will dosbUese be
tigatioo to acooBBodate Mr. Boru be 871. Friday Bight and all tAr Knigbta
tkereealt. The local team ehowed
ladlM are uked to be on hand.
wan eoBpelled to chance certala butla Aae form at the lut game with
neee arraagemeaU. Tt.crvfore as the The ladles are rrqorsted to bring bas
Ealkaaka, aad th
ioqBlrlee were made lut week it wu kets of good thing* *offi:lent for two
|«oUbiy be with the
Impoeetble for him to arrange hie bu- peraooa A good time U anUclpated.
Uo Blgh echoot have awre tbaa two
laea sffaira ao ut»get away yesterday
Mo Snow aad Hard Buoting.
batf-faecke aad the tcaai will eUU be
or today.
piroag. hBuhaU'e floe liae emachiag
C. B. Marray and Tberaa Morgan
la any event. Mr. Taraer said, the
WlU be BlMtd, prebepe, hot there will BMUag wu aot loteaded for a farther are home fnm their deer hunting exbe eome other pUye that wUI keep dlecauion of the Wright com at all p ditlon to"^*raga eoanty. They
Mr. Beck wanted a special Beetiag so r.-port tbe deer pleaUfal bat bard to!
The Petoakey ladepesdeato have that the board could review the work get. OB aeooBot of tbe eailre lack of
____ that
pait to ChpuU Davie the gaaiaatee. of the year before tbe <zplratloa «f anow. Boater* are so. thick
me po'BU it i* daogerou* to be In
pad Ue gaote betweea the two t«em»
which woald^be oa Wednre^ t r wood* *1I a
pi Peiotkry la aleo a- eertaioty dayaadthU meeUagswM to be for
Tbe two teSM played the flat gaaie that purpose.
pf the eeaeoa. whea Traveae City had
bayoad all ^acoUoa the etroagut teaat
la aorthera Mleblgaa. Thame gaae
WUI be-a hot oae there gore wlthoni AaoeaBbed to Coatamptloa Aftor a
, •aylag-__________________
|AMig XUneoa.
Falafal Wenad in the Thaab Oaaaed
by a Bhot from aa Air Ona.
Qaad Ftord, the 19-year old eoe of
Oeovge Ford, met with an aeeldeat j<
terday that 1^111 make his rather i
Of air gaae for eoaie tlaa
air gun. aad bad Jmt
made op hie calod that he woald eboot
a eat. Be wm aot very eapert la the
of the gaa. aad wbea
lut tbe Bhot went off. it lodged deeply
la tbe boy's thamb. lastead of dolog
aay iDjary to the cat. The boy wu
taken to Dr. Minor's ofioe aad the leed
reamvod from the thamb after a
good deal of iron’ le. CUade thlaks
that he wiU he a grut deal more earefnl in tbe fntaro.
BadeTonag dgain.
•aeofDr. King’s New Life PllU '
night for two wMk$ bu pat m*
in my
y teeu' again" write______
wrilea D. H....
aer of Pempuy town. Pa Hey're ihr
beat la the world for the Uver, Stem
ach and Bowels.
Pnrriy vegeuble
Nevergrlpe. Oely rSe at Ju U. John
ait's drag atorea.
To Cir« U 6riptM is 24 lean.
equal"* WAKS$Ul'ft Wtim
1.VK OK TAB SYJtiK ft.r this-torri■aiid fatal Uiweaf?. If taken Ihor^
ure a ca
rh that l
Ximball Pianos and Orgaas
are caed and endorsed by the leading
maslciau everywhere.' No. 189 Front
etrmt, N. B Stroi g. manager. 7S8 ft
No. 115-Parlor Table, $2.00.
It is a handsome table, S4i26 inches, soji'd gold
en osk or in mahogany, and only $2.00. We hare a
large line of parlor and library ublcs'from fl.OO np
to tbe very finest, ^ Goods picked out now, stored un
til Christmas free of charge.
J. W. Slater,
Honae PupnUhlng Store.
Will Anderson
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
Both Telephones. No,A3.
318 Union Street
^lOBTb Ok PYllllAa
Aatolae Sleder. who.hu been III for
along Ui' . died
•• • of■ 0
Tt, Ksl.su s. PTiSiu
taokls, I
a teiloriag bosiat
D Front »treet.
forward with pleuaratle aatlc
St Fraacie-lunior Prt gram.
the OuUe ball of Travrr*. City Lodge.
Tbe followiog progmm will be reaMo. 73 Friday night. No loviutioi)* ddred by the Janior membem of 8t
have beea Iteaed but-the atteodancr t-'ranel* ehnreh thl* eveolag in tbe
will be coceord to members of tbe ecboo'. ball. AdmUsioa 10 oeott;
lodge and vieiUag me mbeiuof the order
Selectios—Violio. cornet and organ. '
Who may be in the city. This will be
BWIUUS.-8..U. Po«..n.
CM of the fine aoelal cveau of tbe
Fathar Tints.
•■Days of the Week—Little eirk."
Ftmou Otaege Pragrea.
BeeiUtlon-B. Cboalt
Following U the program for the
Maeic-Throe viollaa, one mandh
•wt meeting of Pomona grange to be
and organ.
held In ibl* city Wednesday and TbnnComedy.
Aiy. Dec. e and 7. The aeaal mo»ie
Ooato song—B. Cboala.
Md reeltatlou WiU be givu, aad all
Pantomlne. "Old Polk* at Home."
fraager* are urged to be preeeat:
"Ooldsa Year*"-8eBior Glrla.
^••^Americaa u a farm wmker.
Social ProgrtB.
-Why oar gimagca are aot moro
Following ii tbe pragma to he
M*aly.’’-Mra Shepard.
glvea at the social this evaolng at the
••What oar homm ahonld he."—Mm.
of Bev. J. A. Bready.
AC. Leighton.
Selection by the gmi
ce-’ -E. O. UdA
Vocal duet—Lqp and LetUc
•*IhilarM in fanaiag."—8. B. Sayler. Mann*.
“Should a farmer'a famUy pat on
•Ayto."—Mm. A. R McRae.
“Tkke comfort bow."—Mm. E. M.
Dnet-Ollle and Beeele Falghaa.
Song-Meeem BoIUdny, WhUann.
Dnoglu aod Wtnana.
“Truata-Shoeld the former he loft
Recitation—Lnart Ashton,
^•WadgeJ.O. BamsdeU.
twtnmentai solo—Harriet Bready.
“Ihe frolt oatlook."—A. P. Gray.
\ Selectloo by <be graBaphona.
A SoWierh Suff^g.
Mr. Peter McFarlgad, e vetema ol
^ war of Cl. living at Bath. N. Y..
wrlMe: “Ever since the war 1 wm
tmbled with rheamatlam aad kidney
1 thought I ahonld dia at
time* hBt Dr. Chamh Eidaey-Uvor
PlUa made a new man of me alter
Mfogthtm leea than three moatha"
U eenta. all dranMU or Dr. A. W.
CksM Med. Go . Buffalo. N. T. Send
damp for free sample paekage.
A Woman-B FrienA
WMk, nervoae wemen will Sad a
friend of tried worth in Or. A W.
Otaee'e Nerve and Blood Pills. They
wUtre«u»e the vigor and vitality of
her yoalhfal day* aad make life worth
living. Dr. A W. ChSM's Nerve and
Blood PUli de not eUmolate bat baUd
All walking hai*. •Miteta, golf hat*
and aatrimmed hata for tale at 7t
mats todav. All triBBed hau U
pv.watcff. Mm.W a Uwroaae.
1^ the blood and aervu so Mfo^l
dragglete or Dr. A. W. ChaM Med. Oo.,
Buffalo. N. Y.
Ail watkiag hata, Mltom. goU Uto
and aatrimmed bate for tale at 7s
He More Rhc
ti aif.-«uir..r«l fmm rh«
For year* tiiy
Hum. tilirtrl.-O i.ianv rc',iu.0lw.M.t i.tie ten.-l1l.aiH] ae tind ai-.iil eisi-n
and my mil.- brean u.in* It. nil*
m<-ai<-iu ban, apitan-nir*, dnrra alf7m
I l.y dn
ia<'^.l«K Id
Iq several lines
of broken sizes,
H»t old stales,
all np to date
toes, made by
Shoe Makers
Who make only
Reliable Shoes.
... Get them of .. .
The Old Reliable
frank Friedrich
118 Front Strest
A Little Less than Four Weeks
.. and then ..
The center of attraction is the
. .. ot the ...
Santa Claus has just unloaded bis great store bouse,
making this his headquarters, and the result is bewfldering. Toys for the little ones, toys for the big
ones. Big toys for 6o and bigger ones for more money.
Toys that must have racked Old Santy's brain to in
vent, and will cost you 10c. 26c and 60c to own, and
then there are games and games. Authors at 10c and
26c; menageries at 26o; naval war 26c; bsgatol 10c
and 26c; pillow dex 26c, bonanza mine 26c”, and hosts
of other new games.
Juvenile books with handsome Uluminated covers, at
6c, lOo, 26C and 60c. Books of history and travel tor
boys and girls at 38o and 60c. -Those that are InterstIng apd instructive. Hundreds of handsome gift
books in dainty bindings at 22c, 28o, 88c and 86c.
“The Other Fellow” by F. Hopkinson Smith, $1 26; ‘-The
Vizier of the Two Horned Alexander,” F. B. Stockton,
$1 26; -The Sleep of the Stars,” TuiUer-Couch, $1.40;
A beautiful story'of tbe Cornwall Coast Itall of action
and adventure. “Santa Claus’ Partner” by Thoa 0.
Page, at $1.40, telle of the power of a child over a suc
cessful biuinesB man who had become hard and sel
fish ip the pursuit of wealth, told with all the charm
of which tbe author of -‘Harse Chan” Is master.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
m.m Bt a a a.
I State Stemt
Swnwwr wr wr Wf wr wr wriw V m*
Btato Bum Wardoa Motm of Portlead. Mye the oaBbar of door hillod ao
lar thte OMOoo i* oot ow a qeartcr
dhoBBBber kUJM la« aoaaoe. That
Mac oo. the total kUiier to the appar
yealaaala thio aaoaoe «rin not be orar
1.000. u aaUBatoi pland oe laat aaa
•4*o kUilac «aod the Sfwe at 4.000.
Jeat before the eaaMO opraad there
VM a lltUa eoow. and the caaa war
fka aaye the dw did tholr maBlajr
thn; they have haaa dolsc vary iitUe
f^BBlBC elaea the luieoB opaaod.
While Jobs OoBBar. Oaorfe Dora
sad Jamee OaoainctiaB of SahawalBf.
ware haatlac- the latter reoatvad a
«oae of ahol. fired hy the toreBr. CanaiafhaB aeparatod froa Denaar aad
Dora apoe rcachlac the wooda aad
WM behind the braah Into which the
4oc chaaad a ratbU; both Denacr aad
Darn fired, osa kUIlec the. rabbit aad
the other lodclof tba fall charye In
CoBBlncbaB'a arv. ahoaldor and neck.
Tb^aieiaaa any ha will
moOMTaH»«clM«d bf tMAtor Cbudl«r to b« Um laoritobto CmmAl<Ut« for Tieo ftwtAoti.
Kew York, No*. »T.—"Tho oobIbsUOB of Tkoodoro Booomlt for tko rfco
prwldooey io m boot ood m looritob)*
JodOMBi M to tbo fooniloottori
or nrilUom KcKiBl«7 'to Uw pnoidowry."
8o Mid Coltod Htotoi lieaotor WillUb E. CNoadlrr of Ne« Bo»|»Uro at
tbo Fifth >TMM Botel toolthV
With B«arly aUty of hit brother oeeaton lo towa. Boay of thos reeocDiaed laadert la
the White HoBBtala ^ta chief appeara to have aade aoma headway^
It waa after a aariaa of rather proMeed eoaaalUlloBa with the bobbefa4>( tbe fioBatorlal eoloay at the
fifth 'Avaaeo Botal that Bosator
Chasdlar atada the enpballe '3faelaraUoa.
“Prcaidut McKlolay'a renBlBC mat*
But ha a Bllltuy hero." aaid da&ator
Chaadlar. “Aa at the dove of the dvU
war the people demasded the uleetloa
of General Oraat for
prealdeoey, eo
DOW they are damaadlBC the uleetloa
of a Bpaalab ABerleaa war hero for
t^ia viee prealdaaey New York aod
tbeeaatBUt faraiak that bmb. aad
that Baa la Theodore Booeerelt.’*
At Mantotaa the loaroOBtlaaod eplfiamie of Beaoloa U aarionaiy Interfarlac with the atteadaaee at tbeaehoola.
Bitharto. bowavar. it hM been oi a
Blld type aad onW ihrae deatha have
baea reported, dee to eoBolicattana.
Aaton Saydar left a wheal la front
WlthiB the pMi weak aaveral eaaaa of <d Mart DaUy'a Saturday aiylG. and
the ceaelce black maaalea hare bees when be waa re^y to Hde It away,
leportod aad two dr&tha have already
. tba wheal wu foaa. Be aoUfiad the
>lloe. bet aa yet it baa not been
One child of OnaUv Moakier
waa bar- found.
.lad Friday aftaraooa, and dnrinc the
There will baa apaeial Beetlac of
ilme of the funeral aaothar child ane- TraverM Cl^ Qiapier Mo. 147 of the
n^Mlodxdte.... .bll. . IMrd
Uaa at the point Of death.
! The varioucradea of IhoaehooU will
At a Detroit ebareh aoeial a pair of oalebrate Thankaglrlaf m nanhl thia
Maak thlevaa obtalaaA adBlMioo. * year. There will be no ceb^ oonSeveral email arttelaa were atolen and tribetioa from the whole ubool bnt
more than oae cneet wu ''toaehrd." d fferant yradea wiU do UbariUUa
They even broke open the aavloya work u they otay tea fik ^ae of the
bankofonaof the little children «t rocm* will raiae eootribaUou that wUl
» aod looted It of tto coataota, bad
1 by the pepUa Tbankaa little over »3.
[ylvlac BornlacAt aa early hour Saaday awralnc ^ ^
pet oa the C A
•re wu dlMOTcred la tba larya serthat leave* thU city at S;U
eaatU* aatahUabBaat of Joha H. Me-tUiartiva* at 18:40.
Anley. and bofoee the flamea eoald be I Mr. aad Mia. Cbu Hooehratla are
ehaeked the ootlre atoek wu rained ' rejoielnc u*ar the birth of a
by fir* aod water, elolhliic. boota and I Born, to Mr. aad Mr*. Dean Vo*el of
'ahoee, crockery, etc. The loaa oa' Pnrk atraat Sunday, a clrl.
atocktoeatlBatedattlO.OOOaad la la-1 A eon wu bora to Mr and Mie.
uradfoifie.ODO. The lo., on the build-' Lorea Bacleioe of BaUrtmd avenue
inc to eeUoiated at CS.SOO aad la eov-‘ Sunday.
by $8,000 Inauranoa.
j Bora, to Mr. and Mr*. Charlea
Paioakey BOW nj>le*a la the fiioat | Sladelar of Cypreae atreet, a daa«bt«r.
U^Uar .yata« la Ito art of tba 1 New. ha. ruched the city of the* atMte. The two nea ISO horae P«»-« *
In Uraad Eapld. of
dyaaBot wm eonneetod with the wuliaB Probert. well known In thto
which wu purebued by the
He had been diaalpatloc. H to
riyluly*^ but whoaa.erT.ee here^
dOBUtlc relaUou had
^ bu bee. inadequate to the de-:
^e^. ^^ppy,
«n Saturday even' Inc ha atU mplcd totake bto Ufa Be
• Great Ibiuc* are beinc told of the wu In a aaloon. aUndinc at the bar,
preaerrlBC proeeee for meal and efc* when be drained a ctoaa eontainlac
dtoeoveivd by Will Swan of Islay City.' Bc^hlne. The prospi aaaiataooe of a
Mich . which Philadelphia capilialtota ' phyaielaa aavod hto life, but be wu ao
It to aaid, have Uken bold of aad are bent on arlf dfatraetion that he wa,
about to eaalolt. Swaa alxe* hto locked to the jaU tUI he became more
chemicaU In the abape of a oaadle." calm.
He wu raleaaod yeatarday
aaU the Eveninc Neak InforBant. BioraUic“Ufltto It and place* the barainceheBPeter Bollo aad Freak HolUday of
teala, which c' e off fumea. under Kincaley. have jn,t completed a handwhatever be wtoba* to piraerve. at a wne dwellloc houae one mile out of
cut of leu than a quarter of a coat a sammU City
They wiU move thto
eareaaa. Thu treated the meat will week.
keep aweel for montba. with abaolute-; There will be ao meetlac of the
ly BO chance la the tlaaua*. -Old «cif» Portia dab thto week,
crow ablay. while freah one* have a
The Hichican MeAantlle Aceaey
dall appearance.
Swaa will fume'will opta an tSce In the Mnatoa
freak ecjra. let them lie around for block Wcdnifday. which will he la
moath,. then mix them wiUi fredi cberce of A. C Ayen, formerly of
«nea. and the two cannot be toid apart. CtdiUac. who wUl make hto home In
The Philadelphia people who are buk- thto city. Mr. Ayer* will be the
inc Swan have bad a nomber ot aheep acer.
urcaaaca preecrved and aent to AuaireThere will be a meeUnc of the Dnllia. They are to be unt from there to form Bank. K.of P. thto evening.
toeodoD. and if they keep eweet There will ke aeveral candidate* for
tbrooeb both voyacea. the bmlaea* of initiaUon aad a full attendunoe
trauporUnc oareaaaea from Autralia quuted.
to Doodon wili
ClaaaNo.So. 5 of the Flrut Methodikt ebareh will c^ve a eoeial tVeC
Thp etubble land, in Benxle county, dty eveninc. December «. at tbe home
tofom which tbe hardwood hu been of Dr. G A. Holliday. Everybody to
cal. are atuuiive to aettlere now. u invited. Admieetoa. 10 eeata.
theprioeof woodbu advanoed. thu
The new futory of tbe Miehican
ffivlac aoouefa of profit in many caeee Manateeiarinc Co. to aboat completed
to pay for tbe land, which can be ^d aomeof the machinery to already
koacht for $8 to $S per acre.
the bnildlncThe onclac aad
At Battle Creek a aatioaal traai of bailer wUI be eet today.
k..d.r. ol
PO.IU; b.. te.. orsd... amlUo who hu
gu'rrd wivh tiMTT. 3- Bora.., «]ltor ..pviiitwdenl of th. enmio pol. ud
Of th. N.U00.I O.o» Fkoclor ud th.
odu bo.lo«. of WUlUm B.lto.r
aUohItu P00IU7
M pr.fd.ht for trro
r.lio.d j„UrUj. Thi
Prealdiat Gecece E BUtoa of tbe vaeaacy will be filled by John Smith
Btoto Beekeepaia' emoeUUoe, to later- who wu euperintoadeat for aeveral
«Mlac maay la Bearie county with the yean.
Neleon Smith will leave
pnAtotobederlied from bee culture Toledo today or tomorrow, but hto
la thto aaeUCB. where there to each aa future plau have not **-<»" mado.
ataadanee af bee food. Beekeepm' hu eeveni locaUou la view.
efiiiveaHoe will be held at TbompeoaThe party of buatera from
otUa Jaa. 8 aad 8.
Ann. who have been bunUnc deer in tbe
---------------------------- vicinity of Fife Imke have all returned.
Brave BxFtereta.
William and Frank B»tea wut to their
Uke Staaley and Liviacetoae, fonnd komee Fiidey, aad & B. Woodcock
U harder to ovoreome Malaria, Fever paaeed throuch the dty yeeterday
sme. They
_____ _____ _ -. bat tbo______
mad that Electric Bitten to a* aee$redtwofiudet
cure tor all malarial dlThe flxtaree fornhe___ r Mloea
. ...
U yon have chill
' ■ ssWT’.'si':s
Withoot th« 7MH8 of i
XaaarceaU Bottutad at tba Apprueh
oC Amertoaaa-Goloaoi Ball Bet oa
Trallof Atojaadrlao—Ooaetant X>aaavtiou From ActUMUok Arm*.
Maalla. Nov 8?-Another atep la
what apaaara to be the cloalac eveato
of the revdt la the Philippiaea oecarved yealmday when the larc« aad
struscly fortified toon ot Maacalaren
la the Pancuiaa pr.^l8e* wuovaeutod wltbonl the flriac of a c^h. Tba
laaanreau bald tba city aad aaamed
abla to bold It acaut coaaMorable
odda. but wboa* Col. Bell of the S4th
voloatoeri arrived lut atcht, ha fonnd that a majority ot t^e biunu family
that the enemy had fled to tM moan- are bora with tmlmitofred eyealcbt.
talu hack of the city, two day* prov-1 aaya the Sew Tort Tiibnoe. Thla relona, aad that the town bad beoa he'd “t*" •*>
«•**' the ace of
by C^itaiQ Powlork oompaBy of tbe; ■**"*
fective from natural canoe*. ConcvDlui
38rd volnntoer*.
defect* ourh
The lunrcuu aro aaid to be abort are 'mearsichi
of icon
food aaa
aad ammnaiuoa.
arnmnalUoa. nix
Six eaaaoa
„d that condltloB
condlthm or Invxuiarlty
Invxuiarlty la
that are beinc dr»«ad by the retreat- | the curvature of the front part of the
would aeem that they >uet dtoperu •
ite opiKmite angle tmiierfi-^-t. ren_ __
IR ctoKBre necemary. Another
aooo. or be _ _ _ _
U Colonel
BeU |
haedocla^hto’ia’taa'tionof foltowlnil«*'*'«‘’'^
ikneM of the ciliary
thorn tUl they c‘« » doetoive hat'“**
dee. whli-b weiu to gire out when tbe
antU they are aoattaiod. The eyee are noed for any conaecutirp purforce are la tbe o
of General' pnae. eocb u reading.-writing or any
Alejaadriao. aad deaertiOBl eoatlnue other work. The lettera o' obJ.-<-t8 lookeveryday.
ed at In thto case liecome blarred. wav
Seven AmerPmn aad alaety-fonr ering or IndUtinct. eppareotly
Spantob priaonere ware leit by tbe re- together In one black line. o<
trcatlac Fillplnoa Two Amerioao nee of tbe eye* wiitMiot relief cauKlng
prleoner* wm carried off. naable to lOfiaumatluD of tbethloaHmliraoecovering tbe eyt-lialto or lida When thla
make their (aoape, even amid the eon- coitdllloD of weakn«>iut 1, properly
fuioa of the 1
r rrllvM-d by glaiwes. i
from the United Sutn army
with tbe faiorcenu. Of theee. one otbiT UiKtanrv.
u>lik- ubvn ou<v put In
Howard of CAUfornla to eapiaiu oTar
for Uie oibtT ui-fp<t* an* dvfornuitir*
UUery under Alejaadriao.
and remain »U(-h.
A>*mlral WaUoa hu received word
from CtoptatD Very of the ynaboat
The Buffalo public library bu about
OuUae. that on tbe 16th. of the month,
tbe entire province of Zamboanya, la- fino voUimeK of Polinb Utoratur*. and
an attendant who apeak, rollah. There
Und of Mindanao, eurrendered nnooa- are many I'olee In tbe city.
dltloaally. Deelaratiou of loyalty
were made by the native chief,, and
Near Preaoott a large bear, weighing
their yau were dellveredme ayreed.
8C8 pound*, entered the eook camp
Wuhlaytoa. Nov. »T.-Geaeral Oil, George Evmer aad ealmly began to eat
today reporU the altutioa la tbe Phil- eoraed beef from a newly opened barIpplaec a* follow*: "A eteamer from
Tbe rook. Mr*. Ed. Irtoh, ran
Fabian yeatorday brouyht lis tbe barn and told her bubaad, who
Spantob prtoonera, $7S.OOO of Inenryent aeiied hto Winebeater rifle and ape
yorernmrnt money acd other property the appetite of orain.
captured by Geaenl Lawton'* troop*
near Tayug on th* tweaty-fifth. Gen'eral Wbeaton'a troop* and GapUia
Tbe people of Traveree C8ty are
of the Thirty-third,
vited to attend the.dedlealioti of
M. E cboreb at Acme Tburedav.
drove the enemy weetward tram ManNovember 30. and tbe Tbaakaglvlrg
galarea. a (ew milca aoutbwett of
dinner served by the ladle, of the
Dayapaa They eaptufed five Ihre^
ebureb. 3S eenta wit] be eba .
for dioner. Noadmlaxon fee charged
Inch motx'.e loadiny ynna,twecty r'fltra.
for cbnreh aervieea. Preaching. 10:80
18.0M ronnda of Muim cartridyec.
a m . 3:00 o m. and 7:00 p. m. Ded
1.000 ahrapael. 600 pound* of powder
iration fallow, afP faoon eerviee.
and other property. They atoo reBig, will be in readicew lo eonvev
leaaed ninety-four SpanUh aad aeven
vtoltflrt from and to ‘be train, which
arrive, roou ,fter i-oo * m.. return
American priaonm. Colonel Bell.
ing at 5 p m. soi-31* 5
wUh the Thirty-fourth Infantry to in
puranit aod will mareh down tbe weaternoout.
"Tbe lodication* are that there are
All walking bat,. 'MUnra. golf ba',
and nntrimmed hate for aale at 7S
two or three bodle* of iunryeni trooja,
eento todsv. Alt tr'maiM haU ti
numbering prabablv soo or more men
per cent r.fl. Mr*. W. G Lawrence.
in each, in tbe mounulu weat of tbe
railroad. They can be readily hand «d
by Ot-neral HacArthur. They have CfHiattmptiMi Curs—Wamer'a
tbe bulk ot tbe lunrycnt utillery, all White WhM of Tbp Syrup, tbe
bert cough trmtHiy on earth, core, a cold
7t which wIU be eapinred unlew bur in oac day if taken in time. SS and •'■0 eta
ied. General Young to atm in purauit
Of Ayuinaldo. who to beadiny for BanThiaksgivisg Sates n 0. S. AI
gved, a few mile* eut of Viyaa. GenOne and one-tblrd tare for round trip
oral Young with tbe cavalry and Mac- via G E. A I. IVkeU will be sold at
abebe aeonu to followed by a bulUliaa> aoove rate Ncv. 2i> and 30tb. Good to
of the thirty-third and tbe balance o« re-u-o nnti' Dec. let., to poinU within
IM) mile, from Klliny tution.
tbe bai^allou of tbe Thirty aecood at d
two battalion, of tbe Thirty third are
en route for Viyan by military poet Telb- ilMldrot- acd Priiprn?
Ul-irtct Ro. S. of Ikr f.lj ..f Tra*rr»road. General Vouny'a recepGon by
tbe lababitanU to eotbuluUe and
Vi'U arvberrbr Dfliin'd Ibot th* »p*rlal a»*
roll for lb- rajr»»*t.t rf th* c
they give all aid powible.
•*»*• lo «*>r*r dlMiirt Rn S ba* l.**ri pli
"Ayuinaldo buoolleeted more tbao r I- ar kaad* (or *oII*rlU>n, and that tb* 1
of tia* for tb*roU«M-iloBof *aitl
1.000 of hto troon* at the nonb. but
Said tax** aar t>* paid at mr or
they will probably deaert him. A w**k
dar froR> r o'r’ork lo 11 XI o', oc-k b. m.
om-r II
number of ttnall detacbmenU of la- and fn-ia I O'rlo<-k to 4 o'rlork- p. «.
Roea t. Beral-I Bul>dUi« Pnx,
« rrxii'M.
anrywit troopa througbont the country
north of MaatU have-been caplureo,
and tbe Inbabitnau manifeat gratitude
for their dellveranoe. Tbe indleationa
are that the laearyout force eonth of
Manila hu dlalnteyruted and that the
troop* are going to their home*. Be
poru from the eemthera tolande ara
favorably The ZemboangaiunryanU
0 our troop* and
ao trouble to aaUeipated there."
$100 BawATd, $100.
Tbe reader* of tiito paper will be
pleased to learn that there to at leut
oae dreaded dtoeaee. that ee’anee hu
been able to care lii^ iU etagea, and
thattocatarrah. Hall'a Oatarrah Coro
to the only poelUv* cure known to
medical fraternity. Catarrah bein
coMlitational dtoeaae, rrqniro
treatment. HaireUaUrrah
. OaUrra:_
m laternally.
Interaally. aetiag
acting directire to taken
apoe tbet blood aad
aod mnenow ,urlyai
ayatem. thereby dwtroylag
eea of the syatem.
._e femndaUon
foundation of the diaeaae.
diaeaae, aad giv
giving the patient atreagth by building
up the eonstltatloa aad awtotiag na
ture la doing ita work. The pn>prle-i
ton have ao mueb faith la ito eorative
poweretbat they oOrr oae bnadrad;
dollar* for any case that it falls toi
Bi«. Send lor list ol tootiawatala
Addrew P. J. CHKXXT A Co. Toledo,
All walklny bata, aaOon r>)f hau
aadantrlmmed hau for Mleat 76
eaautoday, AU trimmed hau *6
pareeatrE Mn W. O. Uwraaee.
Steinberg's Grand
Opera House.
Dec. 4 to 16th
Supporting the Joint Stars,
Plays Changed Every Night
•OBviaoe yoa of their meriL W. A. Setorday.
Midi of Webb. 111., wntee; "My chll-:
■eearie Bitten earod thorn." Oaly 60
MBtt- Try them. Uearaateod. Sold,
kyJaa-B. Johaeoa aad fr B. Wait,'
K&. srsoiio a eBAtcroi.
▲p^Mlatee the Work of Thaaa Who!
Bewofed Fiaaoa from Dock Wrtek. |
1 wtok to azpteae my aatot hearty
aad aiaeere thaaka to the mes who to
Ceaeroaely and aaeceeafclly amtoted la
ueinctbepropirtyof the W. W Kb-.
Ml Co . froB very aerlou damaoe U
not dwtrecUoa la the warehoeae wreck
laataicbt. It to a debt that woeld
wUlinyly be paid bet eaaaot weU be
I ahoaid be fled lo aaa peteooally aU
who eaatotod la the work there. U
they wiU eaU at the atore they will
afford aa opportanity tor b* to properly exprem my appradatioa.
N. S SraoRc.
Mcr. W. W. KiabaU 00!
lOo, 160,860.1
The Boston Store
There Can be No Better
Tl^HE best...
«sthll l6 6prOp06 of
the KUPPENHEIMER HighGradcApparcL No
rovtoo what arto*
meats 1D67 be aiTADced foe other
m6kci.er for ttudeto-order tsikinng,
teetc bnodothing
that gtva such all*
on such an eeooom*
teal hub. The proof of the podding b the eating thereof
^heo we luar of ckffhing repreacated ai bexag u eood u
KUPPENHEIMER’S we bow our ackaowUdgeaaeati—b
eteans a whde lot to be coosidered tbe standard of coenparboo.
•6 to iMto* PwUl.
Thb Cwmeat Goaruttod by fiM Atoun
Qothing: is
Fully GuAranteed
As this
Label Shows.
The Boston Store
For Two Days Only
Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 28 and 29
We offer
L Doiu;]fifi Slpu-s in the iRferi fcKtiioiiB.
heuvj- or li;;ht boW l.-nther lined, in tan or Idnck. for
Ten Per Cent, off Regular Price.
Sample Shoes, for Men. Women, Boye;
and Girls, for
One half off Regular Price,,
For two days only.
Rubbers for l6c, ISC and 26CL
They are worth just doubte.*
Ten per cent, off on Lumbt roif^n’s Sox for two days ocly^
November 2S and 29.
136 Front Stroot
The PracUent Shoe Man
“Jaros” Underwear
stands alone*-It has no
ctjuals and therefor no
superiors—There are
many imitations of this
perfect underwear, but
none of them stand tbe
test when given a trial
—all physicians endorse
it —the m'ost sensitive
skin can bear it — the
poorest can better afford
it than doctor bills—the
most economical consid*
ering the wear it gives
fThe JAROS HYGIERIC: —ask to see it
More underwear
than would supply all
Grand Traverse ConnPREVENTS CmLLDfG.
ty...buying in snch
quantities we are en>
abled to sell the bulk of underwear in [this region—
Low prices for good qualities do the btfsiness for ns.
Camel Hair—Suflet Wool—Silk Fleeced Lin
ed-Wool Fleece Lined—Cotton Fleec^Lined—Pine
Natural Wool—Combinations inwall grades.
5 9erver«X '^fs»
Tbe •«» »»1* «»K»^
tlTMMtte MW Ohw»ar Md M.Bk-
2rsnv»ftoft <* mav with
W> for Port Artkmr.
.»WI0 for Uw pMt ou •noolta Mcorioc
i^ptlinr OB Um b«t ohoop rMolioo bso
•WB«orad load for Uo purpoM of oonwtUdBUBC ttem Uto oao 'Urn oom*
1—r OpUow oo Bowlj *'•
£moum1 oboep Mid BBd » Uko BBskor
«dBefM of U»d h»*o
-»• BMM Of the eom|wii7 wiU^tEe
iiovtMB Moop Bad Lead
CowpBBp. with » capltel of tlO.000.000.
AlM«oiee.lad..llr«: Harp Moakle
tea hma do^od iaMM. bar MoUl
ModlUeo karlaf reaslted from reU•loBOOBolMBasU BbofMted for fire
^iMBoed tb»t Bt high ao9a
I her \e >«Br old
teogblar OB the altar aad tbes go eat
4Md eoBMrt the world.
At Bratll. Ind.. the pwaoncoof mind
14 roar old Praak Wflllaiaa ^reatteadilaMOBBwreekoaUio VaadaUa
KWilroad. Wmianw waa golag from
KBlghtarUle to Bra*U Saaday wbea he
SBUoadabrokaa rail and bearing the
ToHbA PrdiOBUBB of tko Vow V. M.
OhBitikBt Aemo.
Tkaakagiriag day nurrioe wttl bn
held la Oraee Ep^Mopri Anrch at lO O
by Mr. M. W.
aad Pral V B. Eyder.
Tburaday being also tbe feeUral of 8tAadrawe that* wlU be the ewrioe of
n 00
Ue Boly Oommaaloa at 0:40 a. m.
A oordlri laritattoa Is
4 OO
4 00
Tko Motliodlsw of AeoM oro Mttei- ^ Park pi^ new..,
MOOMlly pUMMit TtoBk.
dB7 thb rw. M U wlU work
I of tbo dodteUoo of their
eboreb. The balldlag wee bagaa late
le the eammer. and work hae baaa
patedeo rapidly that tbe bBlloIng ie
now ready tor om. It la a neat bailding. *Si4« with a 1* foot etady for tbe
7t. U le Aaiebed Ineide <a cherry
Ud btreb, with mapU flooring. B«golareerrlorewiUbe held erery other
Haadayby Eer. P. » Bryan of WOliambBFg. Tbe eoat of the bBtldlng ie
1 00
eboBt flew, nod orer *600 hee already
been rated. It to hoped thet the reet
of the amoBot wlU be mede ap at tbe
mart oaatr
time of the dedtetlen.
SerrioM will be hdd on Thareday aa
1. per b
follows: preKblng at lo-.w a. m. by
Ber. D. V. carral. prealdlag aider.
Praaebing at S p. *. by Eer. J. f).
Bart of Blk Eapida. followed by tbe
formal dedieaUoa. There will be
preaeblaglntbeerealng et 7 o’clock.
A Tbankagiring dinner will be eerred
between tbe moraiag aad afternoon
eerrioee la tbe town ball, by the
ladlee of tbe cbarcb for wbieb a eeaU
will be charged, bat there will be no
leeloB charge at tbe church
For ntdiedeen «m Oriau's BoBet
Tiarcree City people are cordially In8psr Vsrotsh.
rited by the people of the eborch to
go orer aod baredlneer with tbei
and Join in tbe eerrioee Tboee who
doBOtwlebto diire orar can make
good eoonecUoH OB the C. A W. M..
learlng here at I p. m. ^d raumlng
lower thsB **rr.
at 6 p m. Thie will Aire VUme to
««fal sttssUes.
. BsH a esUcr
dinner at Acme aad atten^be dedleatloB. Riga will be la readineet to ooorey
rleitore from aad to tbe train at Aeme.
SalghttrUle ■tatioa. ran op tbe traek
Md when he aigbled tbe train eiood
■Bot-rnr tbe ralla «ad wared bta bat.
The onglaeer. aeolng tbe boy. etoppod
0.1. vein only a .fow feet from tbe
teokonraU. Tbe *.
te wae raaning Afty mllaa an boor
•orheabeaawUeboyaad bad his eaAmi8»m -aia.
«iae atreek the broken raU. a fearfnl
Prom all orer Ue sute oome reports
rwroek wonU bare reealiod.
more tarorable of Ue Marks Bros. Co. __ w^irasssllsi blesk, *18 r»t«» Strmu
Ber. l>r Lowry. apromiaent.BapOet
nest Telrpbaar Mo.«D.______________________ _________
teakter aad aathor of auny rellgioaa
Monday. Here le one of tbem:
tewwi died at bia home la Flalafleld.
lee of large andlenoee bare been In erlM. i. Be ww 71 yewe eld. Dr. Lowry
night slaoe Ue Marks
>«ea the eompoepr of the weU known
Lie company eomsaaced
tewa, “dhaU we meet beyoad tbe
...»..,..nent ten days ago, aad
CBoaa, atterasT.^.O
Ue second week has oat done Ue flint
aal eyellata
Ametaar aad ^
week's good baelnem. “The Irish
•wUl hare eome rleh priaee to oompete Oetectire*' wae Ue play last night.
D^sTrersUT. 0«ee.gar at tbe oomiag Parte
- toy tWtasacs 108.
Tom Marka and May A. BeU
•^Cbrae days wiU be deroted to deiarm- promlnept flgnnn la Ue cast ae |^naL
..Atwrssf. apselrieuemu*
Ante the ehamplooahlp of the
Tbme two are a boat la tbeawelree aad
-The grand pris!, open te tbe
rerfaU lawmaking a hit In any part
•wlUhare parnee aggregating ie.ooo.
if undertake. Tbe epeeialtlee aa
aal were new and elerer.—Daily Tel
mad tbe date wlU probably ba »ept
ft. Oe bept. 10 tbe graad priM of the egraph. Kalames m>. Oct. S3. At Stein
berg's Grand Opera Hooee. Die. 4 loie rv c. sorPATT..
mapoeltiaa for amatcnrs. rmlaed at
O. BstsissndOm'
tee^ will be ran la trial heate. and a
«oe mile paced raoe for flt.ooe wUl be
«he feeiare. beet n will be tbe la Imrar Eautltlra •! II SmegglrA Ont loip.B
teraatioaal day. with teaaie of tbrer
•I the Cesairr.
mea from each aaUoa. tor ».M0. Tbe
Bne- ,
In spite of tbe mostt etriogrot
iject-tbe Ubin,
Sotai prise lie! foou up flss.ooo
nlso Isws on tbe aubject-Uie
B»tl ‘pbonr C8________________________
wilbout goveranieDl
govemnieni conc
Eeeela I* aboat- to aend 10.000 a
.a-kR.B. s. ri/x«v o*irr ii
relateree garrleoaa In tbe tar e^
doneaU over SIIktIs Iu gold. boU dust ,
A compoelte pbotograph^^ the and. esiwcbilly. Doggeu stolen from
-----------------Creeteat Medoanee painted by tW-OlA the worWlDgs. It Is s criulual ofleose ,
■aaetere during 100 years baa tfwen to be found In iHJwnwIon of gold; but |
as so Urp- s pruporUon of tbe populs- |,^Kri Tou>tN-os
nade by Joseph Oray Kitcbrll
Indlaaapolla. after many mootb'a tloD of Slboris coBslsu of Uose sent jyi a. a Brnws.rn Ftsbi su
•work. Tte faoe la marrelonsly beaaUfurther punlBbuieui tbey bare t
gal. oombtnlng ae it dose the eonoep- Is dfi'crtutieo lulsotue yet more distant
ousted srrkpi boC
Alone at tbe greataet patatere. The flrei region of tbe sa^bnrren eud Joyless J^oer Abnuts
«opy bu >een ordered for tbe eoagrese- land, tbe deu rreut Is by no moans eo
fomiiOable as s mere penissJ of tbe
toanl library.
'Saa rraaoteana are getting ap e BwfuJ iDeoaoes of tbe etsiutos at flrst ^ m/i>r
aeemorial to oongrcee asking that ban eigbi seems to ooovey. Uotvovor. tbe , yjss,l«bPd witb hoi sDd rold wslsr. spwor
sucreesful dialer Ui sioU-n gold rarely j ^ ""
. Vraneteobe reliered of the ears of
fsils to fwap.- tbe ih-nsmes of bis of- , h««—^
ss.r irlrt will Bsd s rood hows ss
a-cgalar troops retaraing from Ur feiise. ev«ti u bill laugbl redbanded.
*rsbr«B«»*b* piesssc sis
, A'aiilppinee.
Tbe Kuiuilsu otfl.-lal. even lo Uussia .ui- isq-ire st ii» Psrk s.i
Traneporte are being released at proper. G eeldoui altogeiber unrenson- j S.*"P?T.*i-------------------------------—
snd ub
riaa Praneteo by war department or able; and In SlUrla. wbere tbe preg•dera. and are being icraed orer u. uan( Winp <>f the dliUiuui-st '-cblaavaheir owners. Tbe two flrst roleaeed
etsurday wore tbe George W. Elder
vooi. lli<- oflit-iui Is “giKMl uaiured" In ,
—------mod Beiglaa K og.
■» with or * liboui
Ibe es«r.-ui.-. aud a sut-rtHme rsb si- X®®£Lrd ^SIotTisu^
Martin V. Brrgen. of Princeton. N ways bi- UiuBlir to ewpi uupb-asaDt !____________ _________
J.. U Ue laieei rlutUn of bec.ng. Br rt-VjHIUHlbillllVR.
A pn-ai i«sn of iLc gold 1* conveyed
woe a papil of tbe Lswreoeer;JI«
- mebool aad Ue ordeaU to wbieb he wei ever tbe I'blneM- frooiier-tbet . Is.
wbirb la
U »•»*•
Ibe i
jr. WblCD
•sUr. I ne»
•admitted by bia fellow studraia, to •miKS the river Amur,
l.r.l.trd. I l>ron»k •■ore. I mond nak
sole defi-iiKi- of tbe frouiw Sgalniit if
•e»t fau pluck, proted faUL First, be
emuccllnt: from U>ib aides and find*
weaanljrcted to-p.ling” in which a revady sale at rulinius nai-rlfiet-v lo ci ^----------------------crowd of boys threw Uemselreeon up cbaiige for a certain Aery ' hinese
of him. and ibea one of Ue croud vudks. Tbe valuable propertle* of kbl* aiuDde-t «•. *’ol
walked orer bio on bis knees Aeu'e spirit, uiui-b eMiB-iiied br ItUHitInn nud
peritonitis rra> set op byj tbe ordesl native alike, are that It gives tbe cut«)Aba-”eirl S-i<l lirrrr t«rB. sell
tinner the lM-ailiui1e uf Inlosiratiuu-otie *pOR
•ad Ue boy dkd four days lai
Jloea(ed—.-sk; trm> AitilrrM -Heirl-'
(lay. aud uu ilie uest be van attain tbe RimBiKm, r,Tts»»e»»rilT, MIrb
bir KraneU Wlugste. in the battle
'’l aaoie exalted sUle by tbe ebeap expeKXCaAMIg- F»rTr.n>r.rri(; prop-nj.
weiU Ue kheilfs'. force neer Gedid. ^ipu, of Urmklng waler.-Cbnuibef.' rpo
X T»o b«i>e» sdC rishi loi« BCirs'dMstr
U> iiMiakfVof ’ r.UswDlksI Tii..«p«ou.^srh
«s|>tarcd v.ooo meu. womeo and child Journal.
ren. Utmao D.gns, the princlpnl gtnQlTVVnoCwAS
LKTRD-Aa rr“vrr> rlerk er
«ral of Ue bballU. U still et la^.
SsBsyte Leu
O rook luwbrrci
- - .TBUDme^. TW-sf
on reel eetete. Terms eesy. IsOn nooount of Ue preralenoe of
qeire of C J BuraeU et Perk Piece
. iTuw.^^^TsfS
•mrilpoz In tbe ludlsn terrltery. Ue
Hotel between 1C end I, end 7 end 9
postmMler-gMeral bee ordered Ue
o'eloek Monday end Tneedey UU
aril fnmIgatodetSouUAlderaM MeWMk.
T99 St.
KrpU. Wllbnrton. Cherry Vrie. KorieX*rAKTU>-emr»l persers (er CtstHn o(V*
are asssgm Ib U>U •l*ir le rvpreaeu
tern. crikin uud AUkoa. It U feerad
wrie liwlr evs SsC BarrowtClag eoBBUra
WlUtsg te par resrtr SAl>. peJaUr wtvkl/. D(4bniUeeoldwesUe/wm bring on n
■ Ir bIr vBptayrWBBi -rllk BDUaosl epporiusl(lea Kpierrasmesrhsagto. nsrtosr >e]<-BC.
general epidemic of easllpox UrougbCmeed Biaspre vsnlep*. e A. Park. KU ( seout Ue IndlMi territory.
tea BuUdlsg, Chtesgo.
Sr M»"" XT
Mask aall, Netl Thpfsday
Eta., »l City Opera House,
Bin Frygbtfai Frilnren.
SisMrribletriluree of eii dlfterat
doeton nearly sent Wm H. Mullen of
LioUlnna. O . to en eerly greTe All
aid be bed e tetol lung tronble end
thet be must soon die
But be wes
iKItUi • be WM entirely eured. It le ponltively
gnerantoed u cur* ril dteesee
.. ______
of Tbroet. Gtaestend Lunge, Isclnding
Oongbs, Oolde. Ls Grippe. Pnenmorie.
Bronebitie. AsUme. Umy Freer, Croup.
Wbooplog Ooagb. ftOe end flt 00 Trie!
tetUes 10 cU et Jee. O. Jobneon'e ud
6. B. Writ's drni storre
'Ibke Wnraerie White Wtne of Ter S>-nii
like best ooagb remedy on cerih. S *»■
will kte tbe event of the season,
ne Beentlful prixra to be awarded
will cell out many fln* eostumee.
ThereWill be no one of e queetionable ebsrector permitted in Ue hell,
end noUing to mer tbe plcnsnre of
Uoee attending. Oimpeteni JudgM
will preside daring tbe evening. A
large Oreheetra will furnish the
Reserved 8eeta'>mny be
eecnred el Ue City News Bund,
any time after Monday morning.
Oreheetra Ooneert from eight to
nine o'clock. The following eberaoten will be repeieented: Admiral
Dewey. Pres. HcKInley. WerOeoer^ JnlinkOeeeer, Jobe Butt, Bonntor*. Pegm. Oolmmbus. WMhturt-m,
Rip Ve« Winkle. Bob Boy, Slog et
the Onnnible Isleade. Eobiaaon
Oraoe, BeErio BUI end knadradi
YTTODWAWTlMara-weetssyktsdls bn
A clssB oewpaekes er to bar s beoec, tot er
mrw mD«b Aura • BlreiA roswi 7 sad S.
llercesUtoOATteeh.TravrrarOty. Sla-twe
Sdltor Seea Woodeta
Editor W. V. Barry of Leslajr».
TPaa.. la es^loriag MammoU
ooetraeted a serere cane of Pllea. Bis
ealek cure Uroagh astag Baekte's
Araka Salre ooorlaoed him U le m-
aadfl E. Writ.__________
time.” Oalmaas' Btetie Floor Varalah.
8. E Walt.
1 Havana
— -
New desi^s and. fane;
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in onr
Jeweler; store to look them
over. We have man; new
things in jewelry also.
i 5c StraigW j
BARNUM & EARL »»»«»»•«*«»«•
Pretty near time -
Special Sale
Today Onlly Bicycle Enameled
ta think abaut haring year
John F. Ott & Go.
Successors n
Note prices and come quick.
•EE for Ue winter.
FmirT^ lar^e sized "*ater Pitcher
5c; Fancy Butter Dish witli cover
Stop In end talk it over.
for 5c; fancy Sugar Bowl with
cover 5c; Lnrge sized fooU<d Fruit
Bowl for 5c.
lU Dnlon Street.
Fanev Pickle DUh. Fancy Flat
Plate, Fancy Fooled tJaoce Dish,
all for 10c.
liamse City Gmbcr Co.
Oval Dish. Daisy PatWm Turn,
bier and Bound Dish, all for 10c.
Trarerse City, - • Midiijac
Fancy square Butler Dish and
Cover. Fancy handled Mug and
Sauce DUh. ail for 10 cents.
Fire Insurance.
L. L. A.. Building.
One hundred different styles of
Glassware and Graniteware which
To Dairymen,
*re offer at special low prices, For
Mrs. C. E. Horst,
Today Only.
Farmers and Cattle THE VARIETY STORE
Oat door »sstsf SIsiBberf's Opors Boos*.
d to sell onr esWe are a
erlleatfeed-PgrATOPULP. which
we bare on band at aU times in a sweet
and desirable state.
Id order to introdoee our feed U the
feeders we hare reduced our price to
loc per 100. wbieb compared wiU tbe
reietlre rrire ot tbe other feeds makes
it cost about one Uird of any other
Same of tbe most influential feeder*
baregiren ibltprodnetatborougb teat
aod report that It le desirable In erery
reapect end rqual to all that le eUimed
for It. We here completed an Ideal ar
rangement for loading Into wagons
etc., and wereaprctfallylnrite all feed
ers to try onr feed
wort St UgUsstpowiUs grad*. Plsei
'work s -iMclsU/.
Vow Oflre MsrkheBi Block
Gnnd Kipim t lellui L K
Wurubnra W*r«k.
Fire Insurance
Tou should see
i • ■
Piiiii j
E. W Hastings
: ;i !;uii Ml
JohsaOs Block. 'Pbooe 78.
LrPr.a.k.j........ « *4
Sidewalk Lumber in all sizea
SnebeeBorM to Traverse City Lumber Co
i ** ** I
‘gill i"5
Lr Chk-apo
Ib-irt (.rd.
Ar (Vtoakr? .
L» Trarr^rCy.
Ar Elk Baplda
i„E,‘ ! '“ 'A?
»««t p- IJ"p tti
i T5
8 m <
J. E. Greilick Go.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
o.. !, la.
West Michigan.
1 !■ ; *
John R. Santo,
Geaeral lisnraica.
The Michigan Starch Ca.
Trarersp Oity, Mirh
Stodio .tSB W»«hi»KtoB StrMt.
> Preigkt.
'H 8*
!I 55
Trarrrvc OU»-
.Fine MilUWork
Cold weath'^r is coming- Now is tbe time
to place yonr orders for
krerer four foot wood drlirerades the •rrrral
rhool belldlagB aa foDeva; At Oratral Build. _ .
>rda; at Boardawa evaeuv
i« bulidiaa.
bulidlam cer^; at Btwweed swaet build a«. ISO
rerd-: at Oak Park, bolldlac. UC aerui; at
bulldiag.* eoedi
edi nida «rtU br rse»lr«d for furBlBkiag ib« vbeir ametiBl er lor
mar eoc bolMlM. Weed *
4. atrai«b(
Ireatbaefear Isebea Is dlaacM. ThreewBtMSrrrarrra tbe right te reject mat aad all
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Tdephone No 8
Trarerse City, Mich.
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