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The Morning Record, July 15, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
twrasin «■
Third T«»r-No.«M
OakM* toko »« »• AwortMO Olti*«M On OhMfo AcolB.
•OjT«rnor Plnjrw* »eom a
Point in Datrolt.
Botmo, J1I7 tt.—Oamor Ononl
Braeko wlU i«M •
Mw who. dBTiar U« iBowTO^On
Oa Oar
flnttldn AdorgdniMd Widi
Hint OldBB PldTers.
horo. ohinyw< *hoir nUonllty to W fealetn Oelte VtU May
■«SiC*P«l •W«!C n«U»»7 Oo
OMMcrUMMof 0«b»o|«lB It r«ri»aeaday aad Tbnadey-Hoae Tna
Amac«4 vlthOtTMl 0»r Co«p»- toriac to Bovno or th* dU« to which
WUl Appear to Brifht Vew OaltMj
Uoc. The 0«hwc who atota that
tMfcrta* B«d«cdeo Wkkh W«at
f.>naa-Xt WUl bo a Stnaf Affrecator petato ST et TMtarday Mani»9^Th»
Utlael iBBeen oUy will now here on
Uoo aad Looka Xdke toe Beet TraeOovwoorwlUTrptor ftapMlol W- •pportonlty to raftto their aetienality
em city Srer ^apparted.
Ihe newt toat eaeh a deem wepid ha
■tM U BnVsIpAljMlBtfe« r<M.
Bin ball tor Tneem
tola yaar
Dttroli. ialj M —A cftTprlM ww inaad hat eaaeed a eery food effeet la aanrod.
•pn»c «pc« ttt |MWi« tbi* BcnilB*_____ toe
„ todependent Caban, who
mhn a WM )Mrs«d IhM tb« MmIcI- •<»*“*» *»»■
wm be roeofaie -d toa abort Uae.
Vary few Caban-Aaeriean wUl take
CtTMi c*r Uacc- wherobr the ptfb- adeeatofe of the decree.
Ue eu ride for thTM eoota. The-Mo of toea erpraei toe dalrt to retote
Slc'pal oompup UBocceeethot the r« UwlrAaerleaB e tiaenebip. oapeelally
full" will be pwmuoBt nICM the tboae who bold property. The deem
rmltaffof the fmehlw le defected wn dratted by Seeretory Oapola. who
eehalttod It loUaooral Broohe.
hj the cMwtoi of the people."
aad toara wlU be two rmtfaaee bore
Beat week, between toe Boatleia nd
toelCeaiBtntoaa,whiebUaeldto be
the faetnt team eear aapported to toat
The leeal ataaafOBeat hare met
with eoaetderable eaeocM to aaeartof
aUhoofh aboat AIM
Bora of aaaaoB tlekeu ooybt t > here
Ike euwel mt oeotpcnlee leened orBjld to Bake toe project ran
dwe to here the eoedeetore ceoepl I
net tom ct wd after e 9*010011 thie
However, toeaahe
M have been
mnaebly liberal aad JIb Kehoe kae
It U t*porte|« to Pliifm dreloe thet WallB Tonka Has Paid tha aaaBlUed to the nraeet eolleluUoaa
the ro'wraor. ee coos u the
of toe tana aad will Btaaye toe teas
Paoaltjr for His Orlms.
Cdopte the BHBlelpcl ordtocBoae. wUl
C my Hull bap potoed the matter eloay
head hie ecerrlee to oeeartof c epeetol
by the local playen
•ewioB of the lefletotare for the par •entoaord By e Ohoctow Ooort—Writ
aaSdeet fnoda have hnn raked to
pen of prorldtof for the oahwto<Tbo of
of Babene Oerpoa Orantod bat 1 warrant the oryanUatioa of the teaB,
» aonUutloocl cmeadiaeotfto '
Wea If lorad ead the lodlaa Waa elthoiiyb the eminnt ralaed U not
people permltUac the ottp of netroit
4'alle M mnch u detired.
to fo lBto.tbe Buicipcl owBorohlp of
Klled-Oateof the Saeeaitoa
No delay hM bno esercked end al
etmt fcUwajre.
•ot Thm TlBM bat a Btay Oraatod ready elmoet the aallre leem k here.
Oorerwor Plorm hM reeeired the
Wllllem Pettomoa, who hea made a
fellewtod ulcfrcB troB Mc^or Jooee
yood noord n a crack pitcher on the
UMdleade. I. T.. Jaly U.-WUllam
of Toledo iQ reply to* dUpcieb froB
Fort Wayne Intoretate leayue team, ar
the ronraor thet I eeat feree ead noi- Ooiiiti<'-W4liaToBka").toe Cheetow
rived yeatorday Bornlny to j tin the
poml treneter, hofca to Detroit to Indtn. baa boon abot at Allklcbl. L T.
HoaUeta. A. B. Boyce, the w«U kpown
day: "deoept «y hnrty eoerretale- andaraeatoaoe of the Choctiw ooart
hanBaa of the Canadlaa teayne I
toon oo the Irleaph cf pehik owner- w Border.
kako ben and than will aake a^
AppIlcaUoa wee Bade to Federal
•Up to DeMk The der of Ue poople
atrotiy addlUo^jto the team which wl 1 '
' todewator- Uloa rletory of reaooB. JadteJohaB. ThoBn for a writ of
be laryely eompnoad of old Um play-1
* wnr tom and e fmt eiep towerd the | habna oorpna by an attorney. An or
an who an known and when nputa- j
malletUoB of ml llbery. The pnpte der by Jodye ThoBaa traaUat the
Uooa are already aetablkhed.
Talaa. I. T.
Wheeler,toe beti third
Thtoeadeee rUnatary redaetioa In A depnty meiahel arrived et. Allklcbl
lare U the molt of wdeeletoB of Oor- Jaat ea the aneenUon waaeboat to take Miohlyaa aiU be ben In time for too
drat yamea
He k sow playlny U the
aroor PlBvm Bb4 Toa L. Jobaeos to plena.
Dktrlet Attoraey Clay ead
New Eoyland laayua
flee the people aa objeet lanoa of bbertSTboBn WaWoa were In oooWork la pnttiay the dUaond la
what they Bay expect If the plane for aalieUoD when it waa prceented.
The aheriff retoaed to receive It. The yood ehapB It la proynac and It k ex
thoaale of ell tor etmt retlweya to toe
pected that the yrooadi wUl be in flret
“Detroit Maalelpel Bellwey eoBpeny" dwtrlet attoraey deelerad that "Judre
cioM boadiiloB.
la behalf of toe eltydo wla ont. The Abaer JtBca, toe Choelew Jadye alone
Tbeaaiin team will be clad la
toekele eold today tranefer 00 eay liar, could atop the execailoa."
briybt.aew nrif.rBi.the aoBa style
hat Ihoy are eo wordod toat their ate
A raaner wm dlepeicbed to Jndye
and eolor M tbr old oaea, white,trlBBla tall payani of tero 'eaa ha wlto- Jewee. elxtoen milee away. noUfylny
Od with yroea. The
yamea will
drawB at asy Uae.
hiB of toe BMoeye et Judye Thontea.
There le mueh axeltoi
alek la bed aad nnt a varbel be Wednesday and Tbunday. when
the Maalatee Cclu will ease ben with
■Itaatloa. AU the
Benaya to yo ehaad wlUi toe axeeua^blff
the yamea
toe PlBtm plao. Ooveroor Plafm le don.' TheexeenUoa took plaeo two
and the prMptci k for two of the bo*,
lantor dmlara oa toe etmu aaplaia- hoore later.
lit toe Biller fr«« hie ataadpolat. OUolayakoeltona ^alU btlndtolded- teet conieeU rvor eeu hen.
Harry Hunt will eapUln the team
TlMB-Jontyof toepeopto are Beaa- Tbe akentr bared hbboeom. pelnteda
aad i le line up for the drat yaBea wU '
whUe aoBewbat bewUderod. The epot over bla heart, atepped baek tear
^ n follow*:
SanUcaatinae la whelhar toa Pla pacea. mted a r:fl« acrow a beach and
Hull, center field: Hunt, eateher; '
fm paople^ annra aaoafb votoa to And. Theaallet eotored toe bmet.
ileeed the apok Oolajre feU back B->yee. firat base: Batky, aeeoad haati
paoa toe ordlBaace eovertof toe parWheeler,
•ban aad the aperetloa of the etml ward end Boeaad for an hoar, baton
oaplrlay. Wator waa pound ddwa hk atop; Parka, left field: Paitaraoa and
ratiwayi over Mayor Maybary'e veto.
throatk aoBber of Ubm to haaten Caraoa. pltchen.
It will be eeen at oBoe thatthk ka
daath by atroayolatioa.
roBalna to be eeea whet eeUoa fxaVayynyit on and there U every
Uoltod BUtoe yaroromut wUl preapeettbat ibu will be the beat
^Traverae City hn ever had.
TaaaelB ea Anarieaa Ooni to Aaeea- tike for deteon of toe writ.
Jerome Wilhelm will probably aot
A repvt of Oolny'a exoeatlea. toh!e for BTOtoUeae-Phlladelpkle
ila looy with the oryaalxatloa m
yotoor with el-oyod plctum of the
WlU Mot to to OuaUBatoi
Weehlertoa, O. C„ July 14-Ar- eoene. wee printed la a Cblceyo aewe- ha hat aooeptod a poaltloa with the O.
naklac at the aavydo- peoer eevere) mcathe eyo.but it proved E. A I. nllroad company ke civil eato
Ha will be hertf for the yamea
periaaent tor ortaaltlnt a»«iuedro8 of
With two kllllnye already proved next week, however, aad aevenl yood
nolail.io lo iboPaelBo. eoailaUat of
toe hatUaahlp Iowa and tba oniloera eyelnat bla. Welle Tonka waa triad man an oa the airiay for the poelUon.
All that now nmala* k for froqaaat
PbDadolphU, Newark and Marble ead fonnd yailty of the Border of hie
ooele. At the tors cf eoart hold at yaaee aad Uberal- patronaye and the
onal of the team warraato the ,
TheloweyeatovdayeeBeoat of toe bulpbarSprlayi la Jnly. lesT. he
dry doek et the P««et eonad naval au- nnteneed to be abot n Anyoat »s of
Udb. where eh# wm flVtod with bllfe that year.
keek. The Pblledelphle Met the Mere
toaced baa tba date ot hk esoeuUea
lavy yard
been tel. end every pnparaUon Bade
IVe Newark aad the Marblehead a
AoeMeat oa 0. A W. M. Osnaed Doky
OhUtaa waiera.
to Xvealny Soath Boand Train.
There leaothlaf of a pollUoal hatnre bean ynatod. Early In too pment
tolar OB
PaellJ toat reiolm yaartbODiierBadea deeperate alybt
the prmnre of each a Wf ehlp n the ride of alxty m|ae with a writ eUylay oa toe Chloayo A West Michlyaa road
Iowa, aad the will be practloally with- toe exocutlOD. which had been aet for tart with a daisy of several bean yeooat aa aMl^BBeet aaUI toe eqaadroa aanrlae of a eorteia day. Ha arrived tordsy sfieraooa as a mall of the deUfoTBed. barrlar eompllcatloai of a aiBBlteaeoaaly with the Ant yliaBrr nlUay of toe eoylBo at Oantnl Laki
awlon ehataeter in toat part ot the ofllybtinUieaeat.end the exeeuUoo Tbe eayiae was throwa eoBpIetoly «
There are already eaoafh bit did net take place. Welle Toake wm Ito side bat BO one WM injorad 'and a
then, ae he had bna twice before on delay was all the damaye done. - It
detea aet for hk eaocaUoB, baviny was fonad aeeenary, however, to read
maw 11 itdeeled toat toe Pailadelphla played beU between timn. end Benly foraaother onyiae baton toa trala
k tolar toOoatoatala w baek ap repro- ahnyyed hk ekoaldere whaa told be eoald proeeed. arrivlay U tok ally
aboat seven o'eloea.
waUUoei wade by .toe Uoltod Bialae WM not to die that Boralay.
M^lnt the olan of toe UaatBBalaa
i for lafaadlaf................
We have jo»t placed 60 pairs
of ladies' fiae Vici Kid I<ace
Show — nice new atylee —
eyerf pair made to tell at
•2.75 to ta.ob.
Mr- WlllkBMos
eaayat Is
Mrw York, Jaly l4--.1be rillays of
TV«e Oaks. Mkkigaa, baa vda tbe
eaBBOB wbleh Denvoy eeat froB MaaUa
lor the M^ ■eaiBeat taaA
Ibe caaaoa was to be yivaa to the
oity or villayo maUay the Uryasi eoatrtbaUoa U proporttga to Ik popaUtioa. Tbm Oaka, with # popaUtloa
of from SM to 1,sen. raked Al.Ut. repmen tiny Bcre toaa Si par eaplla.
Sevoa deatha froos leekfaw wore raported U aad a«r Now TcrtTaeaday.
■aklay U deatoe from too dknai
I Jaly A Otoer rkuaw an atOl
aUva. la ovoty Iwtaaaa toe dkaaaa
dnt topfetol weaads neeAvod darlac toe FMrto of Jaly eelebcalka.
10 per cent, cut
on all picture framing.
• ITiis will wliere os of the reguUr fall rush—ksep onr men
busy and gire you the benefit of rock bottom prices.
In OOP vsst window are eome frame* we tnmed out
yeeterdsy—« pride oorselree on tbe artistic
•tyle and workajanship.
give you an eetimBte.
Bring down yoor pictures aud let os
Bpeoial Remnant Sale of Cortnlns-from one to fire
of a kind, at 7 to 17c each.
2S0 Front Street
Hmlph Connabl. Jr„ Mungsr.
1 OU can gafely trust us with Vm.r nnlmrirffif
Glean Swsep
Shoe Sale
ONE.. It tw,
^ Costs "Nix"
W» .kkU poKltlFvlr TTfaw toukv
yrmr moorj •bould youi- purrh*..- te
ibr tvsih ID our Sat cr hinUahiac* Cr
make the eboes go
• •-rn-lbln* n^u<*4 la Pfirv. aad
pbTChDD* (OM tiM Is lb*
It Fhyt To Trade Eeiw.
WcMild «• dODucb a aalaaCld l.ual_ae*« If (.rapte roalCs*! Ci> BXar fuax*
D-ns Skirts—
i; oo. tl2S,*J 50
Make Your Selection
From One of the Many Styles
of Ladlee’Wniste we show in
“New Idea" Patterns.
Over a thousand atylee—lOc each.
Tta Tear Coetracts
Made by HIchlyaa Telephoaa Oo.
for aoy clan of aervlea dtoirad.
Subscrilrers Mair Cancel .
at and of alx bi iths or ohaays
aoy elaie of
at will.
Telephone the maasyer to call
aad explain new ratea adopted by
the eonpaov.
: MicRigag Telephoie Co.
: _ .
Gate Pos
•••• w^eeee wweeeew
Where Is
The Markham Block?
-It IS located in the busiest partof Traverse Citr
on Front street—between the stores of J. A. Monta
gue nnd A. A. McCoy & Son.
' And in the Markham Block is located the
Headqnarters of The W. W. Kimball Co.
The piano that is used bj- more families in this
_ vicinity than any other piano made.
This is the largest music store in Northwestern
Michigan and the finest display of pianos and organs
is here.
Also a full line of small musical instruments, musicial merchandise and popular sheet music.
strong. Manager
Eicelleat Oaaliti,
■ae Wea One of toe Oaai
tv lUwey.
'T'HE next three week* are usually the dullest of
•A the year-sort of "between grass and hay’*—
Just to.shake up the dry bones we make a.......... .....
FIrsi Class Manga Cigar,
fioof Sin,
whkh It U OBortod will be delrlBn*
tal to toe latemw of ABorioaaa aad A Benertw at Foaeb Oaptand One
Wetyhlay Om Sovn Foaade.
Tbo a^aaaUna ti*aa at to# Navy
B. M. WUllameoa. a mortar, who
Xn^rtmat of toa ordwa to harry
toMdi kk aaBBcn at Ooaeh U t*adwork oa toe PklladelphU te toat. allord Soathard'a botol. k owe e< toe
' tooarbtoe enkar hn beaa at toa meet enceenfal of too trrqoeaUn of
Men bland yard tom waeka. aot a ikrp Lake. Oa Taanday Mr. WUIlaBawoke of week hn ban doae oa bar.
eoaoaaykttl fioe black baea. two e<
whtek walyhed aU poaads aaeh and
gap too aa
autoorfb poaads. Tbe Uttar k toe
laryaeteaaybl U Oarp Lsba tok yaar.
•fbestUIUea botweaa Spain aad toe
Ualtod Statae to form a eqaadroa of Mr. WUliamaea broaybt bk prise to
MataOoa ea toe Asiatic oSattoa, with Tnvam Uty yealerday to teao ||
Two Onto.
who come first get the best
^ bm wpponT™«™. 01.,Jtnrans' Hattni Cigar
tbe nyalar maekawet hbokty aou•0 VtU taka pUoalloUkpsIrht. *
Atelni Deany U eoBmaad. bat tok
pMaaoaliBOtbaeafrkdaat ewtayto
totkoabUe wttotoeFUlpiato.
A Raw Tbiig WortA Cnltiniiig,
Ask Toar Dealer far Then.
We State
Simple Facts
Whan wa any m hara tha baat Ladlaa'
To&BsUsr Block.
Fin ihisuraiiqii.
Bboa in tha city tbr *8.00 and taoo-
Ox^; .tia#, eo. reo, $ino, *ij».
*1.80 and *8 oa Haw Una of sappart
Juat raoatrad.
Parker BroSa
twrasin «■
Third T«»r-No.«M
OakM* toko »« »• AwortMO Olti*«M On OhMfo AcolB.
•OjT«rnor Plnjrw* »eom a
Point in Datrolt.
Botmo, J1I7 tt.—Oamor Ononl
Braeko wlU i«M •
Mw who. dBTiar U« iBowTO^On
Oa Oar
flnttldn AdorgdniMd Widi
Hint OldBB PldTers.
horo. ohinyw< *hoir nUonllty to W fealetn Oelte VtU May
■«SiC*P«l •W«!C n«U»»7 Oo
OMMcrUMMof 0«b»o|«lB It r«ri»aeaday aad Tbnadey-Hoae Tna
Amac«4 vlthOtTMl 0»r Co«p»- toriac to Bovno or th* dU« to which
WUl Appear to Brifht Vew OaltMj
Uoc. The 0«hwc who atota that
tMfcrta* B«d«cdeo Wkkh W«at
f.>naa-Xt WUl bo a Stnaf Affrecator petato ST et TMtarday Mani»9^Th»
Utlael iBBeen oUy will now here on
Uoo aad Looka Xdke toe Beet TraeOovwoorwlUTrptor ftapMlol W- •pportonlty to raftto their aetienality
em city Srer ^apparted.
Ihe newt toat eaeh a deem wepid ha
■tM U BnVsIpAljMlBtfe« r<M.
Bin ball tor Tneem
tola yaar
Dttroli. ialj M —A cftTprlM ww inaad hat eaaeed a eery food effeet la aanrod.
•pn»c «pc« ttt |MWi« tbi* BcnilB*_____ toe
„ todependent Caban, who
mhn a WM )Mrs«d IhM tb« MmIcI- •<»*“*» *»»■
wm be roeofaie -d toa abort Uae.
Vary few Caban-Aaeriean wUl take
CtTMi c*r Uacc- wherobr the ptfb- adeeatofe of the decree.
Ue eu ride for thTM eoota. The-Mo of toea erpraei toe dalrt to retote
Slc'pal oompup UBocceeethot the r« UwlrAaerleaB e tiaenebip. oapeelally
full" will be pwmuoBt nICM the tboae who bold property. The deem
rmltaffof the fmehlw le defected wn dratted by Seeretory Oapola. who
eehalttod It loUaooral Broohe.
hj the cMwtoi of the people."
aad toara wlU be two rmtfaaee bore
Beat week, between toe Boatleia nd
toelCeaiBtntoaa,whiebUaeldto be
the faetnt team eear aapported to toat
The leeal ataaafOBeat hare met
with eoaetderable eaeocM to aaeartof
aUhoofh aboat AIM
Bora of aaaaoB tlekeu ooybt t > here
Ike euwel mt oeotpcnlee leened orBjld to Bake toe project ran
dwe to here the eoedeetore ceoepl I
net tom ct wd after e 9*010011 thie
However, toeaahe
M have been
mnaebly liberal aad JIb Kehoe kae
It U t*porte|« to Pliifm dreloe thet WallB Tonka Has Paid tha aaaBlUed to the nraeet eolleluUoaa
the ro'wraor. ee coos u the
of toe tana aad will Btaaye toe teas
Paoaltjr for His Orlms.
Cdopte the BHBlelpcl ordtocBoae. wUl
C my Hull bap potoed the matter eloay
head hie ecerrlee to oeeartof c epeetol
by the local playen
•ewioB of the lefletotare for the par •entoaord By e Ohoctow Ooort—Writ
aaSdeet fnoda have hnn raked to
pen of prorldtof for the oahwto<Tbo of
of Babene Oerpoa Orantod bat 1 warrant the oryanUatioa of the teaB,
» aonUutloocl cmeadiaeotfto '
Wea If lorad ead the lodlaa Waa elthoiiyb the eminnt ralaed U not
people permltUac the ottp of netroit
4'alle M mnch u detired.
to fo lBto.tbe Buicipcl owBorohlp of
Klled-Oateof the Saeeaitoa
No delay hM bno esercked end al
etmt fcUwajre.
•ot Thm TlBM bat a Btay Oraatod ready elmoet the aallre leem k here.
Oorerwor Plorm hM reeeired the
Wllllem Pettomoa, who hea made a
fellewtod ulcfrcB troB Mc^or Jooee
yood noord n a crack pitcher on the
UMdleade. I. T.. Jaly U.-WUllam
of Toledo iQ reply to* dUpcieb froB
Fort Wayne Intoretate leayue team, ar
the ronraor thet I eeat feree ead noi- Ooiiiti<'-W4liaToBka").toe Cheetow
rived yeatorday Bornlny to j tin the
poml treneter, hofca to Detroit to Indtn. baa boon abot at Allklcbl. L T.
HoaUeta. A. B. Boyce, the w«U kpown
day: "deoept «y hnrty eoerretale- andaraeatoaoe of the Choctiw ooart
hanBaa of the Canadlaa teayne I
toon oo the Irleaph cf pehik owner- w Border.
kako ben and than will aake a^
AppIlcaUoa wee Bade to Federal
•Up to DeMk The der of Ue poople
atrotiy addlUo^jto the team which wl 1 '
' todewator- Uloa rletory of reaooB. JadteJohaB. ThoBn for a writ of
be laryely eompnoad of old Um play-1
* wnr tom and e fmt eiep towerd the | habna oorpna by an attorney. An or
an who an known and when nputa- j
malletUoB of ml llbery. The pnpte der by Jodye ThoBaa traaUat the
Uooa are already aetablkhed.
Talaa. I. T.
Wheeler,toe beti third
Thtoeadeee rUnatary redaetioa In A depnty meiahel arrived et. Allklcbl
lare U the molt of wdeeletoB of Oor- Jaat ea the aneenUon waaeboat to take Miohlyaa aiU be ben In time for too
drat yamea
He k sow playlny U the
aroor PlBvm Bb4 Toa L. Jobaeos to plena.
Dktrlet Attoraey Clay ead
New Eoyland laayua
flee the people aa objeet lanoa of bbertSTboBn WaWoa were In oooWork la pnttiay the dUaond la
what they Bay expect If the plane for aalieUoD when it waa prceented.
The aheriff retoaed to receive It. The yood ehapB It la proynac and It k ex
thoaale of ell tor etmt retlweya to toe
pected that the yrooadi wUl be in flret
“Detroit Maalelpel Bellwey eoBpeny" dwtrlet attoraey deelerad that "Judre
cioM boadiiloB.
la behalf of toe eltydo wla ont. The Abaer JtBca, toe Choelew Jadye alone
Tbeaaiin team will be clad la
toekele eold today tranefer 00 eay liar, could atop the execailoa."
briybt.aew nrif.rBi.the aoBa style
hat Ihoy are eo wordod toat their ate
A raaner wm dlepeicbed to Jndye
and eolor M tbr old oaea, white,trlBBla tall payani of tero 'eaa ha wlto- Jewee. elxtoen milee away. noUfylny
Od with yroea. The
yamea will
drawB at asy Uae.
hiB of toe BMoeye et Judye Thontea.
There le mueh axeltoi
alek la bed aad nnt a varbel be Wednesday and Tbunday. when
the Maalatee Cclu will ease ben with
■Itaatloa. AU the
Benaya to yo ehaad wlUi toe axeeua^blff
the yamea
toe PlBtm plao. Ooveroor Plafm le don.' TheexeenUoa took plaeo two
and the prMptci k for two of the bo*,
lantor dmlara oa toe etmu aaplaia- hoore later.
lit toe Biller fr«« hie ataadpolat. OUolayakoeltona ^alU btlndtolded- teet conieeU rvor eeu hen.
Harry Hunt will eapUln the team
TlMB-Jontyof toepeopto are Beaa- Tbe akentr bared hbboeom. pelnteda
aad i le line up for the drat yaBea wU '
whUe aoBewbat bewUderod. The epot over bla heart, atepped baek tear
^ n follow*:
SanUcaatinae la whelhar toa Pla pacea. mted a r:fl« acrow a beach and
Hull, center field: Hunt, eateher; '
fm paople^ annra aaoafb votoa to And. Theaallet eotored toe bmet.
ileeed the apok Oolajre feU back B->yee. firat base: Batky, aeeoad haati
paoa toe ordlBaace eovertof toe parWheeler,
•ban aad the aperetloa of the etml ward end Boeaad for an hoar, baton
oaplrlay. Wator waa pound ddwa hk atop; Parka, left field: Paitaraoa and
ratiwayi over Mayor Maybary'e veto.
throatk aoBber of Ubm to haaten Caraoa. pltchen.
It will be eeen at oBoe thatthk ka
daath by atroayolatioa.
roBalna to be eeea whet eeUoa fxaVayynyit on and there U every
Uoltod BUtoe yaroromut wUl preapeettbat ibu will be the beat
^Traverae City hn ever had.
TaaaelB ea Anarieaa Ooni to Aaeea- tike for deteon of toe writ.
Jerome Wilhelm will probably aot
A repvt of Oolny'a exoeatlea. toh!e for BTOtoUeae-Phlladelpkle
ila looy with the oryaalxatloa m
yotoor with el-oyod plctum of the
WlU Mot to to OuaUBatoi
Weehlertoa, O. C„ July 14-Ar- eoene. wee printed la a Cblceyo aewe- ha hat aooeptod a poaltloa with the O.
naklac at the aavydo- peoer eevere) mcathe eyo.but it proved E. A I. nllroad company ke civil eato
Ha will be hertf for the yamea
periaaent tor ortaaltlnt a»«iuedro8 of
With two kllllnye already proved next week, however, aad aevenl yood
nolail.io lo iboPaelBo. eoailaUat of
toe hatUaahlp Iowa and tba oniloera eyelnat bla. Welle Tonka waa triad man an oa the airiay for the poelUon.
All that now nmala* k for froqaaat
PbDadolphU, Newark and Marble ead fonnd yailty of the Border of hie
ooele. At the tors cf eoart hold at yaaee aad Uberal- patronaye and the
onal of the team warraato the ,
TheloweyeatovdayeeBeoat of toe bulpbarSprlayi la Jnly. lesT. he
dry doek et the P««et eonad naval au- nnteneed to be abot n Anyoat »s of
Udb. where eh# wm flVtod with bllfe that year.
keek. The Pblledelphle Met the Mere
toaced baa tba date ot hk esoeuUea
lavy yard
been tel. end every pnparaUon Bade
IVe Newark aad the Marblehead a
AoeMeat oa 0. A W. M. Osnaed Doky
OhUtaa waiera.
to Xvealny Soath Boand Train.
There leaothlaf of a pollUoal hatnre bean ynatod. Early In too pment
tolar OB
PaellJ toat reiolm yaartbODiierBadea deeperate alybt
the prmnre of each a Wf ehlp n the ride of alxty m|ae with a writ eUylay oa toe Chloayo A West Michlyaa road
Iowa, aad the will be practloally with- toe exocutlOD. which had been aet for tart with a daisy of several bean yeooat aa aMl^BBeet aaUI toe eqaadroa aanrlae of a eorteia day. Ha arrived tordsy sfieraooa as a mall of the deUfoTBed. barrlar eompllcatloai of a aiBBlteaeoaaly with the Ant yliaBrr nlUay of toe eoylBo at Oantnl Laki
awlon ehataeter in toat part ot the ofllybtinUieaeat.end the exeeuUoo Tbe eayiae was throwa eoBpIetoly «
There are already eaoafh bit did net take place. Welle Toake wm Ito side bat BO one WM injorad 'and a
then, ae he had bna twice before on delay was all the damaye done. - It
detea aet for hk eaocaUoB, baviny was fonad aeeenary, however, to read
maw 11 itdeeled toat toe Pailadelphla played beU between timn. end Benly foraaother onyiae baton toa trala
k tolar toOoatoatala w baek ap repro- ahnyyed hk ekoaldere whaa told be eoald proeeed. arrivlay U tok ally
aboat seven o'eloea.
waUUoei wade by .toe Uoltod Bialae WM not to die that Boralay.
M^lnt the olan of toe UaatBBalaa
i for lafaadlaf................
We have jo»t placed 60 pairs
of ladies' fiae Vici Kid I<ace
Show — nice new atylee —
eyerf pair made to tell at
•2.75 to ta.ob.
Mr- WlllkBMos
eaayat Is
Mrw York, Jaly l4--.1be rillays of
TV«e Oaks. Mkkigaa, baa vda tbe
eaBBOB wbleh Denvoy eeat froB MaaUa
lor the M^ ■eaiBeat taaA
Ibe caaaoa was to be yivaa to the
oity or villayo maUay the Uryasi eoatrtbaUoa U proporttga to Ik popaUtioa. Tbm Oaka, with # popaUtloa
of from SM to 1,sen. raked Al.Ut. repmen tiny Bcre toaa Si par eaplla.
Sevoa deatha froos leekfaw wore raported U aad a«r Now TcrtTaeaday.
■aklay U deatoe from too dknai
I Jaly A Otoer rkuaw an atOl
aUva. la ovoty Iwtaaaa toe dkaaaa
dnt topfetol weaads neeAvod darlac toe FMrto of Jaly eelebcalka.
10 per cent, cut
on all picture framing.
• ITiis will wliere os of the reguUr fall rush—ksep onr men
busy and gire you the benefit of rock bottom prices.
In OOP vsst window are eome frame* we tnmed out
yeeterdsy—« pride oorselree on tbe artistic
•tyle and workajanship.
give you an eetimBte.
Bring down yoor pictures aud let os
Bpeoial Remnant Sale of Cortnlns-from one to fire
of a kind, at 7 to 17c each.
2S0 Front Street
Hmlph Connabl. Jr„ Mungsr.
1 OU can gafely trust us with Vm.r nnlmrirffif
Glean Swsep
Shoe Sale
ONE.. It tw,
^ Costs "Nix"
W» .kkU poKltlFvlr TTfaw toukv
yrmr moorj •bould youi- purrh*..- te
ibr tvsih ID our Sat cr hinUahiac* Cr
make the eboes go
• •-rn-lbln* n^u<*4 la Pfirv. aad
pbTChDD* (OM tiM Is lb*
It Fhyt To Trade Eeiw.
WcMild «• dODucb a aalaaCld l.ual_ae*« If (.rapte roalCs*! Ci> BXar fuax*
D-ns Skirts—
i; oo. tl2S,*J 50
Make Your Selection
From One of the Many Styles
of Ladlee’Wniste we show in
“New Idea" Patterns.
Over a thousand atylee—lOc each.
Tta Tear Coetracts
Made by HIchlyaa Telephoaa Oo.
for aoy clan of aervlea dtoirad.
Subscrilrers Mair Cancel .
at and of alx bi iths or ohaays
aoy elaie of
at will.
Telephone the maasyer to call
aad explain new ratea adopted by
the eonpaov.
: MicRigag Telephoie Co.
: _ .
Gate Pos
•••• w^eeee wweeeew
Where Is
The Markham Block?
-It IS located in the busiest partof Traverse Citr
on Front street—between the stores of J. A. Monta
gue nnd A. A. McCoy & Son.
' And in the Markham Block is located the
Headqnarters of The W. W. Kimball Co.
The piano that is used bj- more families in this
_ vicinity than any other piano made.
This is the largest music store in Northwestern
Michigan and the finest display of pianos and organs
is here.
Also a full line of small musical instruments, musicial merchandise and popular sheet music.
strong. Manager
Eicelleat Oaaliti,
■ae Wea One of toe Oaai
tv lUwey.
'T'HE next three week* are usually the dullest of
•A the year-sort of "between grass and hay’*—
Just to.shake up the dry bones we make a.......... .....
FIrsi Class Manga Cigar,
fioof Sin,
whkh It U OBortod will be delrlBn*
tal to toe latemw of ABorioaaa aad A Benertw at Foaeb Oaptand One
Wetyhlay Om Sovn Foaade.
Tbo a^aaaUna ti*aa at to# Navy
B. M. WUllameoa. a mortar, who
Xn^rtmat of toa ordwa to harry
toMdi kk aaBBcn at Ooaeh U t*adwork oa toe PklladelphU te toat. allord Soathard'a botol. k owe e< toe
' tooarbtoe enkar hn beaa at toa meet enceenfal of too trrqoeaUn of
Men bland yard tom waeka. aot a ikrp Lake. Oa Taanday Mr. WUIlaBawoke of week hn ban doae oa bar.
eoaoaaykttl fioe black baea. two e<
whtek walyhed aU poaads aaeh and
gap too aa
autoorfb poaads. Tbe Uttar k toe
laryaeteaaybl U Oarp Lsba tok yaar.
•fbestUIUea botweaa Spain aad toe
Ualtod Statae to form a eqaadroa of Mr. WUliamaea broaybt bk prise to
MataOoa ea toe Asiatic oSattoa, with Tnvam Uty yealerday to teao ||
Two Onto.
who come first get the best
^ bm wpponT™«™. 01.,Jtnrans' Hattni Cigar
tbe nyalar maekawet hbokty aou•0 VtU taka pUoalloUkpsIrht. *
Atelni Deany U eoBmaad. bat tok
pMaaoaliBOtbaeafrkdaat ewtayto
totkoabUe wttotoeFUlpiato.
A Raw Tbiig WortA Cnltiniiig,
Ask Toar Dealer far Then.
We State
Simple Facts
Whan wa any m hara tha baat Ladlaa'
To&BsUsr Block.
Fin ihisuraiiqii.
Bboa in tha city tbr *8.00 and taoo-
Ox^; .tia#, eo. reo, $ino, *ij».
*1.80 and *8 oa Haw Una of sappart
Juat raoatrad.
Parker BroSa
m Moumco uoobo, batubdat. yult i6, isse.
»«0 USfUl •»■*> WTS
• Fsb ONLY
matt » taa9 famnmr tiama aat
Amaat Km TiMw4«y.
9«« trlctt UUto boT*
la (ha
•Uy ywtatAay f»*« Oara^ajr^ ha»l«
tba aotifa trty alOM- Tbay ara
Mat aod
acad 1« aad
aad Lao Wairar.
taw. T. Baih asb J. W. Bansa.
a»d triU Baba tbalf boaaa wltb tba:r
Mr. ByBoo
«. mama. Ultaa ami Mi-fw.
wlUaoad tboB to aabool^ a *o,«an attor «rUah ba will aoa that tbv
aaWbltobad la batibaaa U tbto
A MoUe ofBlaaaryDaya.
I>a«'t Vaad Blab to Boca.
M B. Oatoa baa -~~f otbar old doe '
baa eooaa to tba aotko of tba Bar.
Wbao Mr. HyBoo t*aa^ wotBtbat aBeaioaadpaoora aoopy of tba
that OBall dab ara bola» takaa la
ttoaboyawara oobIbc ba artaafodto L‘>uto Dally Braalaf Caloa. of Taao- »»*fa qaaailtlot tioB aoaao at tba lasakaalrtptoMaw Torb toaMot tbas daj. May tV.Jitowblobaooialaa Sana. Uad lakoa for f »dla» to bora. Tbto la
torClav-aroporifroB tba arlaei ooaafalaai tba law. wbi^ aaya:
Waaton Ualoa oOaa Maaacar Barry Bittoaef tblrtoaaoB tba aUaVT cob- "Itaball ba oDlaarfal. afaay Usaa
adotood blB that arraafaBoota ooald proBlto la o
tba adBto- boraaftor. to taka, aatob. klU a wttbtbo a
aloo of Oalltoraia lata tba aaioa. atroy. or att?Bpt to taka, eateh. bill < r
to aoa that tba boya aaada tba trip to Awoarthaadv
itooeabrad- daatroy, aay Btaaowaor tBall fry Cab
Tnaaraa aty aafaly aloaa. Mr. Barry od.-Krr««*»atla."aadwblohraa^: tnaay of tba watora of tbto aute.
TharaimM af OsbA.
it tba acaot ol tba ataa»ablp llaa by ‘ Tbraa Mkaly aarro Bao. afad IT. l» otbar porpoaaa thaa for Bah boil.” It
tW ^BaatlM at tba latara of Cabo h wbtab tba boya m
aedri.tbaUurr a ftiat rata Mopar; wUl ba wall for ararybody to> oodtr^ bta sac OM of (^t*r
aad to at oaaa wlrad tba afoat la Ni
alao.aoasoeUaot woBaa. arad M, a
t^aUw.aalt win ba atrici y
York to look aftar tba UUla fallowm. rood eook. waaber. Iroaar and taam- aoforeod ta tbto tort of tba atate.
iMas^MaoB.u^ Ua Battar
wbo aoaU aoi apaak a -oek of Bar.i to balac aartoMly onaMar- Itob. Tba raaali waa aotlraly aattolao^ D., D. B. C...1A IB
0t U (ba' Ualtad buua aad Onba. tory aad Mr. Bysaa waa aaaad tba a*T. U. wnu.^ -F<«r bM
natatoavary a(n»ir B*all.aal te paaaaot a trip to Saw York. Tba ot r~d
I Uaa of Bloetrie Bit.ara boa eared Mr*
••Moatioo to tba Ualtod butaa aad yoaar toariata arrlrad aafaly aad bad qolr* at »l Ollra atroau”
I Brawor of aerofoU. wblsb bad caiua<*
•bto aaoUmaai to aaiortalaad by
( (uffarisc for year*. Terria plaaaaat j wraoy, tbaaka to tba arPtaaaaat Baearaioo.
woald break oat OD bar bead
fttf batt aUMAt la tba tolaad.
- by Mr. Barry.
U ilto a latfa naBboret a:
aad taoe.aad■ tee
■beat doei
BvMaaUy IVaaMaat M«Ktal*y bat
tea trip to Nauh-U waste y«a- ciraoobalpibather CO I to eompltU
tetraatod all fapraaaatatUaa of Ua
tarday oa tea ataamar Oolambla.
- •
Mar- aite bar baalte to axeallLicet.'' Tbto
- -vMbaa aaat to tba
^ _ ebowe wtoat
have proved—
,aad Mr. aad Mra. Piaak Prladria\ an- tearb-a Jareatla
that Blaotrie Bitter* to tea beat blood
military or efril to ti
ayea tba people wbem they meat that }>yedatripto Na-ab-tawaata yrater- board aad foratobad eioallant saaie. purifier baowa. Ite tea anpreBa remAlterraaablBC tea ramrt tea rscor- ady for acMm*. Utter, aalt rbanm.
U Cate waato to teeomo a part of tba
m)o,«i.u.. «w fi~«- .1
Patted Btetaa It maat la loBa way aay : Parker Paaalairteo rawrai M week .IO.UU
___________ ____ Ik.
I. •UBBlataa Ilrw. Ikidnev*
K——.-kk. uelpa dip
ap. Tbora ara iktaa peaalbla aattlo- la Parbar Broo'Btora tbto Boralaf
^tOi <»a toaoaaaatloa, remote ce tm- attartoa abaaaoa < f tan day# oo bto aa- te* attoraoon afu^^ ipeadinc a maat up tea tUwacte. Only M eente. Sold
by Jobnaoe aad Walt, drsfctou. (Onac
*OltatOi*aaood, aproioctorotr; tblrd.
aateed )
Bebaru weal te Kalbaaka
abaelate ladtpcacaaoa alUmatoly, bat
-We bare aold many different cooyb
yaatarday to atuad to aoma bariaaaa
naedtaa. bnl none bat fIran better Pall wt Mr N caata
pot at oaaa. TbaAiattotba oaly aat
„ . aavUfaeUon teas CbambarUisto'' aay*
Tba: price will bay at the Pbmona a
tioaoal teat woald really aattla affaire
Arabiteet t. E. Moara want te Cad- Mr Cbarle* BoUttoaet, Drwfctot. Mawhalf doua SUvartoe kaivm and a*
pad laoara proaparlty.
“It to perfectly tafa and
1, .VJ. “1
many ft^rka.
A Oaboa.orttaref birb teaal ateadba rellad upoa in ail eaaca of
lar, Bros iBlraarao. la oa roteadad yaatarday oa bar way from Oraad Bap- aoopba. eoldi or boarteoaea Bold by
4tofaaaloa. bold* teat If laft to itaalf Ida te Laa’a Point, whara aha will A B. Walt aad F. a Tboupaon, Dru(Fratear daateta at tea Fan
Pate weald ba. Uka tea otear amall
TE. T.0, .E„
^ ^
> tolW tHp »
oaateora rapabUaa. U a cbroale atate "Ei
A taw year* *(o a yoat wa* o
tt roMlatloe Ibaa. arala. aren if Oa^ LakayaaUrtlay.
Mia. «. K. Bowaa aad bar motear, ad rood only for cleanlar ap
Ibto ware aot tba eaaa tba tolaad eoald
batfdczvnSllveriae knl<
boarct aad farbac* dampa aboi
many lurk*.
•at affate teteouulda tea Ualtad Mra. Bterto. want to Pranktart yaatar- Now they ara amooc the moat ealn
of te# laatear protiocla» <jntdroi
piatea oa aaeoaat of fto rraat staplaa day.
A oertelB R ;bert B. Poar'
Mn. Pania Loardoa aad family of
ad |fodB*U*a ladaawy. aofor- tobaoeo.
Jlaoueered a proeat* for teanlar
aoBaa. T%to aOBOtry to tba astar- aamasaU, wast to Ba-ob-te-waaia akin ol tea clreoa bill and tin caa
pi •orkat far all tbraa. aad wltb Bao- yaatarday
aeaeearer. wbmby tea aoftetl and
Jtea Demtar aad Mr. and Mia- Wy. loreileat aboa teat ever adorned
all, Porto Bteo. aad tba Pblllpplnaa
V foot baa been eeolrad.
aa)oyUr tea advaotaraa of aaaaxa- taa aad aoa of dauoaa Bay. wan
iWB Immentaly rich witb
Moo, Oate woald ba rary atnonaly tba city yaatarday.
hi* find. wMte’
i forty nUll
nlllion* now .aad
Mra. M. B. HUto of Laland^teat yea- ooly befun hit enreer.
S If da^rad of tba
Bto tecret to
tarday la tea eity.
teoadto aa tboaa tsmUbla rlrala.
BPpnrchtteable aad oakaai
>t leather
Aaotear Caboa of aoU, Adolfo
K<d to
- Haaea. boidatbatittooaeaaaoryteteo Harry, et Uraad Bafdla.ara la tee elly
■Quioe Viei K>d caa 1
tec realpalTMkm of Cateb enraaiaduauy that tea cuaau of Mr. aad Mtm. W. J Par. made only by Robert H- Poerderer.
TbU week Praok Friedrich to teo-Iar
It iboald ba pUead oa lb# aama loot ay bar.
raaulae Vicl Kid and tee V,cl K<d
The MlMaa dbamway of Cbloafo. tee reaulae
pa teat of Porto Bleo, aad that footiar
raa ooly ba aaoerad peroaaaaUy by bare arrltedalElcawood for a aam- Dreaalnr made by tbto tame 1
derer. Saturday. July SS prot
dtUl aaotbar proalaaa' mar rialt.
a ruad jobilM lor tee <
MJa*aa Jaaala and Aira Maey, aad
PalM*Mt'^ato <>• Apcitarolp.
tba bead el tea Coatarratlra party, Maadamaa Winter* and Hobba. of May- tbelr dolllea. and avary one of tea
little dear* (tee dolllr* | to to be *bod
potato oat tartoua diOlcalUaa la tbr field, ware la tba elty yaatarday.
wiib a b^ui.ilful Vlcl K.<id ellpper, n
way of aaBltiler Cate aa a »tate, but
CUreaea Wbltaay left yeaterday for lovely even teaa that olL fal
f*bled Cioc
^ admlU *-Caba ba* to ba Aatarloaa Cbleaco wbara be will Uka bla poaitloo
territory, aad oaaaotbaaayibiarato*''
aoelau editor of tee Waaura Blac
pe far frc B ooeleadlar wltb tba dllB trtolaa.
aalOaa la tba way of aaaofttlaa ara
Mr. and Mra. leaae PaaBlarton and
teaaparablaobaUcla*, be aaya to tba dantbter. Bteel. of
^waricoB people, "Yoa'bara arijulrad taraad to ibeir bom* yeaterday attar
r(tp06alblliilca wbieh yon are aot at rUltiar wltb Bar- J. Paanlarion and
liberty to tbrvw away or to bock oa." family ol tbto city.
Ba rafarato aaBcsatloa uadar toata
F. C- Browa. Mtos Itorria Brown aad
lonaaa an “impend tUtlmata aola. Mtot Obarlln of Blnybam ware la tee
elty yaatarday
C. B. Taylor aajiyad a fiahlnr trip
to Mayfield yaatarday.
Engagcmcat of
Mra. A. J. Doyle aad aoa Barla and
PMasd»wpactodOit:sas Haa Oona
the famwu*
aad bar aatoa Maori Mclaloab of ManAltar Lear tuHbrlac
Mioaa, win leave tbto monilar lor a
Baary H. Burnt of eie dteta atroat. two weak*' ftolt la Wexford.
dladyaauedty looralorat cto o'clock
Will DUoa of Wexford apaat tea day
after a vary palnfal lUaaai oT eland la tea city yaatarday.
- UBora. Mr. Baraa ba* beta tick two
Mra J. J. Cook and two cblldran of
yaaia aad ooafiaed to hit bad tor tea Kalamatoo. wbo have baaa vtoitlnt
Mra. Helen Bracff. l«tt yaatarday after,
Mr. Barn* wa* bora la Clifford, noon to aptad a few weak* in Wexford.
foai)aabanna Co-. Pa., Oetobar IV, l»t«.
Mr*. Joaepb Pobl ol Ur*illeb*Ule bar
Ha haa retlded la tela elty aboai cone to Mt. aamena aad Oatiolt vtoltlaaaty yaai*, to
baowa lac frienda
Mermaa tUada tba waU kupwn elfar
aad bat mad# a
friaadt Daaeated Uaraa a wife and dealer of Saciaaw. to la tba city os
tena ebUdraa; Mr«. Amy C. Aytowortb batlaaaa.
Mr* CJ Starr, ttoter of J« UeeVafiTt fttiT Mr M Gmt BrtUli
M Batt Lasox, Pa., Ward Baraa of
Chlaafo aad italdaa W. Burnt ol tbit ly. wba bai bean apaadiac a eonpl* of
D£kt Tttrt Mr filUilted SUM
phy. Otbar raladraa wbo aarriva blm weak* to tel* elty. will raters to Jollat.
We sr« tolKsg bome nioe
Lawn &ttees
lor tl-So m red aod ffreeD.
W« hare a Urge line of
porcb and Lavn Bockers,
Settees, Hamcooek
in most all colon and atylec; and tbej are going at
very Utile pricea it this
big sale.
J. W. Slater, Honse Fnmislier
-130 B'X'OXL^St.
All details of the profession looked after in a pro-
J lo. 318 Dim Stmt
Steinberg's Grand
Tuesday, July 18
Jubilee Singers
and Imperial Orchestra.
20th SEASON-20th
an bto brotbar. B. W. Baraa aad a
a atotrr. Mra. U A. Biwfc- bote of tbi*
at Omanb.
faaaral will ba bald at tea realMaalay i
imaa Baaday afteraeoa at t:»0. Bar.
lapld*. to riaittoff old triaad* bar*
Cbabiu at tee Ooar
cAatottof, amtotedby B*f. Wo^dhooM
0t |b* Bapttot cbarcb.
Priat* for Oolla
Maxi week Frank Frladrlek wUl bar*
as asblbltloa ol doll* to tea dtoplay
erlsdow cf bto aboa **00*. wblab will
wiratb* yoanc fclrto a.obaaoe to exhib
it tbfir akin and tatu. B* will irlva a
iptea of a pair ol oxford* to tea clrl
pneanitof the beat draaaad laic* doll.
4,^adbyb*t**lf.ana a palr^ol loa
•UpMnior te* beat draaaad Aadiam
•laad or amall dolL Th* doUa win ba
H^i.y^tetb* wtodowAa lpld«m>e «f Dtorrboaa.
to vtolitof tba family of B. «. BoU.
HI* fatbar to a mambar of tea Otal
JobaSaymoarof Maatotea, memi
tea Ml
tlea On., to to tea etoy oa baainaa* oeaaacted with tea Una
LBOtear rraat dtocovary ba* baea
da. and mt. too. by a tody to tell
tnwy. “Diaaaaa faataaed It* elatebbar aad for tavar year* aba
Itbalood lie **var«at taato, bat- bar
•adarmtoad aad
ritel ____
daate aaemad
Mr A. Bandar*, wrtllnc from OoeaanatOwaa. Fto - tayt
^ >« eoaU aot tlaep Sbe fiaall v dlMovarad
a wry to reeovery, by parebaaiiic of oa
a bottle of Dr. KlafV Mew Duoovary
for Cnaeamptloa, aad wa» eo moeb raof Cbambartoto'*
to few doat*
Uavad OB tekinc tee flr*t doee
Fto tala by A B. Wall b
_ Mro
Mr*. Latbar LaU.''
LnU." Tb**
Tbn. writu^*
>wtbcr daatei* at tea Famoea, 10
a .Amite A Oo.. «f Bbriby. M.
Trial botttaa la eta. at teadrac«b
A B. Walt and J. O. Jobaaoa.
tor alae OOe aad II. Bvary btotU
Sn« Yein Twr fit CUM.
Company headwl by Miw D. Un
derwood, known aa
‘The Black Melba’
fessional manner.
Here's the gre'ateet chance of your life time to get the great
est bargains ever offered by the greatest bargain prodiicing film.
You’ve been waiting for this chance and here it is. Watch the
prices below—they're death dealing to high prices.
Waverly, former price $40 00, now....
Sterling,former price $50,00.now....
Fox Flyer, former price $40 00,-now...
Ajax, former price $*7 60, now..........
Hibbard, former price $4000, now. .
Hambler.former price $40.00, now....
.$30 00
$26 00
Cleveland, former price $60.00. now. ■ ■
Cleveland, former price $76.00, now
Juvenile Qendron, former price $22.50, now. $18 00
Alao the Boyal Paragoo Mala
Quartatte—Two bam soloistoand
and tenor aoloiat.
SpMual^iieca, 86 and 50o; child
6eau on aale at the Box Office
thia morning.
•»&oxk« amo.
Basri.'ss'c.KS.': .
John R. Santo,
Cmril liuraact.
These are all first-class wheels—warranted In every respect
■^Aa the season is well advanced, wo do not care to carry a
wheel over, and therefore offer them at the above astonishing
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
Tu Mournr» MaP<mo, AATuatiAT.
▲nujunaov ZBMB.
^ -
u, ism.
I toattoMB fm tolton ViM
RhI Estn, UetoNtt, SLSS.isrs&i'rST.
s w. itoigtMk. A., r.
TnfWS, M|M| lUMR.
•»»« ito^SSC
■to B. Bktordl. of Btfloto. •» to tto W1 bora • dMBt ttot^wuM^ajM to
itbio b« ••tod to
«tJ to tMr »k7 toM too* • toktog
trig V
BoMdBM riw. Tto;
umm stowaways.
Mb to graoa tto fuparal of bto atoUr.
cben; trM, 150 paar,
FOKBALE-OOO-Fire acre lot on Oar«eIdaveone. Price *500.
FOB BALE—Loto IS and SO. block 1.
Parr; Hannab'e eeooad add. oorner
Bobemta aad mb etraaV IVlee
Wsi • tsU liiegCtihetiHtnf
:s 2j^
«Mk teOato.
Tto «tkt froUbtUif tto «M*rt of
AnMM tocMfrOTiTvk'y to* toM
WMtedad. tot •■ afort datj of «t4 !•
glatl j-ou've turned
pour ratten atdp; neiih>r
you will live to see Cfarlatiiuu
/ Eat
day. which I stoll." The prophe-y
nisenultolaetkm- Mead Mood; proved a tree one. The
Ttoik-Broitor Badle;
down within a week of sailing and
only the aecood uflim-r aud a few men
- Ba elution - LiicIleO'Naal.
. tec eraam aad cake ware aarsiM dar
aared. One woudera bow anoh
img tba aeaaiac.
! ^ auiH-n-titlon aora-. If aiiiwratlOon It
Brolbar Wm. Gobi* wUl base ebar, a. "jl
' f I"
,he hliu ihtii lh........
‘- Mil-n . 1.1
raf abe program a :l Prida; evening
I forint :'t ar- c'Vrr miller tlesiK^tnl
I pn>liHll.u of htwreu. klel ttot It la
IB ________
disjileaaing to the prarhh-nee tlint
Mm aa Editor w Ecrmninaiid Pataat
o^rr t^ch waifs If anytl'lng
j he done to tliwan thrir wtohea? The
^ foolish, the Idlnd. chihlren. and drnnk'Vrora B;lvan Valle; Nawa. Bravrad. arde arc iirmvrUlaUy Mhl to to utrdcr
9Ueb p<-cttUar gtunltaoahlii and taiv.
Itrai to
•diara-toa I
ipabllel; r
jraopriatar; mtoteiara m
waarkat. pet aaa prei........................
lag era teal It a -dot; to aa; a goto
* ' IT CbamberUlD'e Oollc. Cholera
WaawB aad aeto ibto mtolelae in cur
Eamil; for twenty pean aad have a:raaps fonnd It raflable. In man; oaece “West Michican R’y."
m done of this meed; would save hours
to anfleriag while a phTelelaa te awalP
to. We do Bot believe Ip depandlag
Don't miM tbta ebaeee to attend__
IrapUelU; M aa; -medletae for a care,
lurratlng eervlras al Ba; View. Train
•tot we do believe that If a bottia of
111 leave Traverae Cit; at T:00 a m.
Lrave Bav View at 6:»e p. m. Eata,
toe IncepUoa of aa attoek maeb •l 00 IS II 14
mtoeriag mlgbt be avoldto aad U vet;
■aaa; «■••• tto prera aoa of a tojaldaa
*gy^ T: a. B
Leave Trai
eraab BCtbert^ulraa. At iMri tbit
Maabegoe and_____________________ _
at«p.m. Bate.*»00 Gotoalaeua fra
^ ^f
Card of TkaakB.
1 ratakto klndl; tbaak tbe trtode
■to arighbora fra ttoG klndacaa darlag
mj bwh^'aMekarraatotoa-b. a'ao
to tbe Bosrara aeat h/ tbwt. aad tbe
Blaaeaaato MpetteCtraU loMhatrarar
Mae Ida WoopwAap.
Q- A
Tie*V Baai^
eal; H *0- TYala
■( e:10 A m. rptaratag at 7:40 p.«.
■s^airaiLTr— IBSr
Vew OfieA MaAbam Blodk.
m..h idd,,viM..........
O.tt.Si.1, w-b.. (M*
rxftMor * oatwa *1
B. J. MORGAN. Proprtotor.
Uunnr Son..
Oibb-d ; T ^ ISSI2S1*Bnd.:0).nU.lM.Oara.u.d .11 BH. ^
.*J**i&^ P.*.- H— »t°
•mpUa».u< ,o.ia«lT on. Plla
■wfantoA PriMWaaataparbox. For j_____________________ .
d 8. B Walt
: - —■
▼ crar..oBji
Ko« st Can- take. «irSl wUo • 4i>tk sto
It of Tr»««;w cur. Trslo amir, troai
.TsrwCi’! SI »:*> a. tB . Icstm e 1« aw.
".Kr Price Rediced to Close om Lot.
AJ Msc-S ca
irsw SI KsrM
grrr Ai ion w vNTCto-*^
«$« Wmk
I PUtform-Wagon. Seaata.a'<' In goto
order, prtee M5 oo.
1 tworaat exteaaion top Carriaga,
swly painted, price *45 00.
I Pbaetoo Buggy, good radar, S4u.Q(L
1 Top Burgp. all Ic good ebapr. MS.OO.
1 Bead Wages, good aa new. S$5.tia.
^ Lumber Wagena.
1 Oow to trade for a pen;
Gas Lamp--„,pi5iie„,pjsi,j,j
Tba bii&a Bight lat
'Itbapalr ri <
>orht at tbe Fa
Beat workmanAbip oione;
can employ for Bicycle
■Rt-pairing. Qoick work.
/-XntLWAitTBD—a> OM*. ter ivsarsl bouac»ork. Ii~jyln^ al •>%*«-*> msd; «l«rs.
Bear HsrooIr blork. t'eloc a«r»«i.
BB If.
T Waabli
Isetoa airaet. C. T. O
•iiaie clsck S.S4.
Ill Union atraet.
itrrSO-a«all rr.Mracr KsaMC
UOD. A*vh U> Mr.
bar alrsri.
aaJ<- SS4 buili i
rrovpOr at»eB4»d t«
Tp01T»lA01-P’*«a* ef na
f irsAr (orbeuaraBd lai te t
r. 8 Okaiaar. BuaickTiUa. MU
Wuair Bkor* ee« »
:ialiallCo..iK Fn
r- TK.“i
eso If,.
p«OR BtN^—A ^larc^fui
Sou-1*" AJor«s?<r%aw«
.Varsa lur «
« 57 4 a>Ar Osvkseis J efs Lv 11 ■ 4 «
tW 4 40
» i» 4 to
MsBtMM xisg
II m t m
!l is
iO B
Nmms Cit}
tWiB Meueieta
Is Oak»«o4. si~.ll, laprarFd.afcslrv- .. TbUlMlaoMoradfor
tohad. goto wall water, fruit and ormental trees, large lot, MaSOO, small
barn. Price laso
LE-696. -10 aoTMOD Ponlnanla
SH milea fra-n dtp. 1400 apple, plum.
ebarr; and- peach tiaaa. all bearing.
Hill. Bneet location on Peo^nla^ will take part cit; propegt;-
1!S !S
10 «T •era
r 10 16
4 U
Bra^m PtoM
B.'w. OUMMOrOB^. A«rav **^*"* '
Provident Life
and Trust Company
of PUIadclphla.
West Michigan.
Writ* tev term*
<»on«a aocTB
Levi T. PeDningUm, Dutrict Agt L.
I torn 4 ■
Lskv Add
CM*r Rbb
*1016 •« m
We are again prepared to deliver lev 11 aa 4 ■
Ib all parte af tbe dtp. Onr price* wU’
ba ae low ae' an; offered.
QLoo; otTrrr-4'asap^fi.r
nnusf. rrsak ftm.
110 n. 4 ■
I 16
10 lu toe
Both 'Pbope*. 94.
rpORI»T-HMwaiaBs I
X dow real lo BubM A
aur* iBOUlwaf Jsliuaawl
ord»r. Rapatr anrS
Sbop e,-ar dork. Bar
Hopkins Bros.
. < haiSa'a
lUa. II*.
P^‘BALE-«04-XHo(a« b M
ralar A W. Basllal
S5—11—abont 65 aeira aolM
I^R SALE~A (ODd wood burslsr furoskv.
Boom oadar ttkanouL
_ _
f laaoodvnlfV.csBba
< MCkt ebrap. . ts.
FOR BALE—6IIT Oroeer; etook tbia SulrrJiAaT
4uiF,r«Aa Bfsdir.
oil; in voice abont *600.
FOB BALE-594—Bouae and lot <
Olcmn of Brery Xiatt
atauev in |«»liji to ivlalr. It was to the
*OoodTtmplara Trograa
| Hfe< t ttot a stowaway pw* dlw-nrend
___ avenua *650.
mftM the regular maatlag of tba, >“ biding on an oatgolug vesael at tto FOB
BALE—5«T—Dwelliag. Webater
Uaad Itosplan la tbair lodge roon a
moment and ejected. Btoking bla
atraet. 10 rooms Bl.600. Baa; pa;>
steaet tra program sraa carried out aa
IS celts
aorTed ia a iwat diwimt room.
•rat;. TtoM dlSOO. WUl g «*4itoral
boBW OM 8 praMOt totraeot. .WUl
r tto iMM
p*; btof to S..raoBito. botoB**to
•to nwrato «itk • do* •■gotg of
Bto* racmito Pratlra or* toraparoto.
good • ito tfo*t. Tto; *mrto •••
*r»l dMrriBtofn iriUih tto; tor*
topt »Ur*. to loto bow. «tor* Mr.
dcboolcrtot bM oo aqurtoa to vklto
good Bear*, aow Icaaad tor 1 . .
tto toto dbon piMiigir tt»l« fro* tobM»SMooU<e-.ioatobcBok treat.
with prirUage S ;cara. cabj^et to
or* tto drat o( tto rtoabow
•otoftidgotoTolotoktrMk • t»«lr«
aato. EaatsforBSOparaaoBtb Low.
eat caah price. Susoo.
SIwoU girl, itoowlag tor M f«ol isto •p*d« ttot to bM «f*r k*pt »Ur« oto
«to »lr. Tto tt»la wot ntasUg so tbc; vIU wto ■ TripbU* •ddltfoa to FOB BALE—«S0—SH of arb of awti
•ee*9. ts. tl. tlaeraa all aadar eu •
htmr, tot tto girl wm uIbUeaUoB. too Mariag fruit traca, good
««d. Herdn«w»abMtTta»- Bar
boBM and hara, good iprtog water.
t .S' miles from cit;. Ptmc, B»oo
Wc^B»-tei>g Otob Tart;.
«HM (•D.Uo towr. tod kto il*«»
'OBBALB-«Sl—10 Iterra on to;
Tbr rart; 'g!TaB t>; tb* W> qo* toag
tcllraaortb of Baptlgk Ee>
B ud toU glWo hr Om- Clab >aat arcBicg «•• OB* of tba plapo*
sort. 40 rod* atoog t''# aboe*.^& 00
pra^acra. Will aril S or 10 ac-ra
&bo«t fort;
rarato Ltolow ia -Sarou «•• atUBdad •Biaat «f tto aaaaoa.
OEBALE-UI-LotS block 0. Waat
throBgtottoraoriprostoaBtraa' oaaptoa of Trarena C4t;<a latotog aofront atraat. betwaaa Oadar and
praarait ato
OsboB budlit btoaappto GoUarrat asjaged daaelBg aatU
toWto • riebSpoatob tnarrhuii of toslsight boor.
Mortoagbb o;eb<ttra
Ototobol. ato ara holdtog Us tor • faradabto toapirtog raislc aad tbia
takaa t^tbra «itb tto aool weatbar
Tto uaiaa OB.tto ■awTraM'Kbar'aa praraUiag alkraad tboaa preaaat to
pipes to barna. all aaeaaaar; abada.
•SatToto ara of aairawl raagaldcBooa. fall; aBj •; tba avaBlag- TbahoorlTpoidtr; bouse. ;ards and goto draia
raialpoad «IU .arar; poaribla •a last araalag will to oaa of tto
•f*. flue saw mtoani boaac il
sao;ttot tto ctob will giro dartog
rooms, stooa femudation,atone cellar,
4 liorsa*. 14 eowa, barnraaaa, bogglaa.
Tto Asarkaa Bibla ao^t; baa rc«Mrad a raport from E««. Mr. LoosU.
ara 00 aerca ooaatotl^ of
“ ~T1|* u.l ^
floegrjra TUa farm to kaown ba
Mto^aaattoBOf aaadtog csIgraBU to
Ua tVeidoeft farmer Blllalda dairy:
Mto Pbillpptoa latooda waa tolng eoabuildings alone oosl over Bt.OOO. goto
a loalng m; tarn•d. ato If oal; a aalubla opeatog
•oil, and a gold miaa for aoma obL
Mb toaad thara for tba labertog elaaaaa.
raid oaa npulo to tba wriit-r
Price for all. B8.000
OMtdarabU aastor will to raad; for CarariTa Magaalw. “toil I coaf^a Wa have a purebaarr for raaldanoe betwean Park aad Fraoklia on WashIJQ,
, ttol wbro on OM- Tojragt- we foond
togiooorStauatirau. Muattomto
'•logic ttt*‘~g eoatlaaca to Bebrtog no fewer tbao 14 meo tod managed I'o
jd ai raasooabli .
i. daapita tba Para rto^totlaoa. aad , ato*' UteUiaelrea awa; to^w I frit In. FOB SALE-6l»-Home and
awoto areot
areone and Biliath atraet.
^^to acal bardaara tolag dtslalabad dlord in give ibem all a ducking, and
well, aavS
bouse, :oto barn,
aald ao.“ TbIa waa the capiaUi of an
___ .fralt _
. sameatal trara,
It b ttH* tbat tto rrlatlfT* totaraas Atlasilc liner, a man to wbom tbe
•mall fruit toB
garden. Thla
eba Ualtad Btata* and RaMda wara •*'»***"f
• to-n-ritol niiUamv.
la a large lot and big propert; for
I Ttougt, tbe alrlrteat watch U k. pt
aatall price—Priee
raorar orara trlaodl; ttoa at praarait.
F0ESALE-6U»-B*'4 of neSi sac si.
Qmr WtoWn. atoo mr old br; of
f„ a trip to be made wUtonl one
Uwo sa-j A goto frame tome* ItaSt
with wing allfnratobpd.
_ . - Wind mil
. Wrat Bopcrior. Wla, wbo paUad an or two qieclmeua of tbe deadhead fraand wel'. waur pinea feem well to
toolb with aatriag, bled to terult; being carried. wlll;-nlll;. fn-<-.
bouae. SM bearing apple, plum, eberr;
idoatb. drapila all efforta of tto pb;- Of cuurae. IbU U nut done entlrvl;
trees. Bara Stafiu Farm all ImprovBWtaBtoaloaibabamorrkaga.
without connlranee on tbe part of
ad, tops
mtlee north of Wiillamv
burg on Elk BapIdaroad.Prlee.SI.MO.
^ ,"***.T*
raporaaa .a
FOB BaLE-cis-Sw>« ofes’s aec it.
partlea. With their or otbera' aid the
town SO Dortb 11 west: 40 aerea. SS
TbaOragooroluaWra to** arrieed
p.„ ^own luto the bold and
under eolUvatloa, goto bam.
sk Baa Fraaato oa board ttotrauporu ^nj, ,
Price. MOO
I four
Mawpart aadOblo. Tba; an aow at blmw-lf uutirilM- t«wI la at aea. If. FOB BALE—6l6-4t
milw north of
)f Elk Rapids. 500 trait
^BaraBtlna. Tto troopaara tto Brat to then, be it dlwvvered and net to work
Weu S reals old small frame bone*.
• iHaa from tto Pblllpplraa
be doe* not mind, it la not work be la
S5 aerea uoder enlUvatioB.
Vra; K•a)pe^^« T0*»
Bot»», afraid of. but bring without work and
Maataca. waa toawlaslDgat'KaatM- the bread tbat an-iimpaulra IL When FOBBALB-«;7-Weatsoaerae, lot s.
lara on ebor* road.
a^L.BM^ «ton L.r Tonnara aUtar *» la conaldered wtot an enormous
tlf^^ bra d.tto2d^
•" place* ili.iv are In her raai
"•P“ “*
mao; dark
•toMak. MaT,Mtokl;w*ntlotbaraa
«aa.arad with dlOcnlt; toougbl hv ala„.„K, of u.-n during tbe e..ur«e
«vla«loaatotto atora. Than Mar; ‘ or a ;ear get fr«v (WMage acrnsa the
TMI rat baut ted In tto waUr. aad waa berring pond In inu- al.lp or anotberidrart wbtn aralitaatm arriml
| and tfala. though a •tcamer o< cer
Tto ooaraBUoBoftto Voaag Paop-jlcarea |N>n wltliout anarch Nina
sU'a MapUat UnlOB of the Onltto “•‘1' *"
*bat no unauibortaed ji-rMratM and
U to iml-T at
I* <» board. Mao; are dlacovemt
Ito toinkeraand otherauch pUee*. ami
[ofeoutM- c«r.-full; wmlucti-d oh
/* la«a tobaaeo tag
,1,0^,.. but
^ut not >a few manage w
to elu.ia
- ato. awaiiowra.
. ; ahore;
.« dart ago waa ramorad from tto dHeethia. ami. of t»urae. ««ce awa;
ikraat of 1 gear old Oartrada Benalag .from land. Utile la feared frum dta<.-.>*.
. oJ Bl. Lonla, Mo.
jerj-. Tbere la a curious nothm pivva*
.'Vttolat rrila Prle* baa aboekad pao- lent among adme -allor*. It la ttot a
^ lt» Owba. Mab.. b; diggtag ap bto Mowaway to aim*; paaa.-ngrr ti.
lM.daad brothar. damping bto bod; ! «”T- Asked once why It was au old
balgw M a IMt to tba ba;!^ ato aSQ
SALE-571—Goto traM toraae
eight aerra of land, altuated Frwd«ra.
:OCWANTlas«TB-evolsii,kls4Ln llrs>.
_ IswcoayaniVBarlotnir s boas*, tei or
We are doing buelass at tba ra
tsTBi-shoD £ H AllTO.rooBsraacTtirreaB.
FOB 8ALE-5»0-Houeandlot, Union 4lwOo. flerk,Trs,«rasCl>r.
«ll-tB>o old etand with aaw flatarae-•tract, tan rooms, atone founda gM^^eors^aoda^uc^oi^Buis «
tion and etona baaemant. complete.
L, Ord Bapi4s..
L, Osiruii ...
- ~bteaao . .
OM Irpl 1*>
1115 4 46 n«
It m 6 06
6 «. >1 »____ .
»iu ISO
t ■.
L^CbUACS . 716 KU> *•
.j^-44—1 b> 0 16
Ar Uni SspMl*./ I S 6 to I U
Ltnraaspic,>i46 omtiu rm
• Trsi»r«»7r‘ 6 to low S«»«
• 46 I •>
DM t«
6 to II »
6 to na>
6 «e
s ra
bouae 14 s S4. aU
bit ft in tbe stm bariNR.
Gnid sifidi d iBdim 1E.
K want a few hundred dolli
to fioOoU
Wa will give poa our rioae altanUon
p acc oa personal t>t>p»rt;
and IlLr
8mm and do <mr brat to please pou.
M ill gnarantre all 1 tons.
of lhs.saD4*OB«M tou Id tbe vbetv plsl. UbWB have a clleut wbo wanU *11
vTsldlscoBoitorall eoAh. luqsiFv o> Raeoea
real estate eeeuri
• lor Bale
Baaldenee .propert;
WE have
flour mUls. botela. grooet:; atocke.
gMeral etocks. boot and aboe atocka.
farmc. Umber land, vacant lou. pat
ent rlehU: In tact, we have almost
anptbliig ;on want, and at aelllng
priera Aiwa;* pleased to eee ;ou.
Will do per beet to euli pon 41' ~
Arch and Bert
•ell. We forgot to mention thnt we
bave 40 aerra of tbe fioeet Pottera
wo-ld. Vel
Vein la
Clap' In tbe wo*ld.
-*-rie 40
faetdeep and eovrra the -'-'rie
edge of 40. lara witbln 75 f,a. ! B
tbiebed ofxla;
> U tbe most valuable bto of cU;
to tbe United Sutaa Have refuted
*10.000 for It It will nap oapitallete
I InvraUgale thU •• tbare U pirav;
' marl adjaeant to It Priee,
le above are aU IMneasso,
I. aaa
aad caa
be bought on eaep torma We base
•hnr—-** of dollan worth of other
bargaiBB in lam and dtp proparbp.
Ograa ato ■•• a* il pou want to bap.
Llat jrar propartp with aa If pou want
•latrt. Yoa wiu ••• our aiga At
bottom of atairwap. Ooupatataa.'
to laft.- Mika flrat door to right;
Ooraataaelag -Jal; llib. tbe rate •IgB laaloegeida the door. Wean
from Bap View. Patoakep. Ckarlavolx, oa tha grooto flora, at laaat on- lao'L Wc ara, flgarattveip ape
___ — je B3*o T
Bo far aa baring tba la^rat Uitato
. Bp -to G-and Banda.
brat bargalaa; wa ara atriatl; In IL
II 14 15
Obo. DbBavkb. O. P. a.
Wa wark all tha ttma. we em .aaUpour
Tka C. A W: M. Wfu aril ttekata la- MgalgMAl bottom of aton. Blgb«r.
ntara oa apaelal traia
-to at top of atolia, flrat door to
laarito Tfavanaat; at 7 a- m. Buada;
right aftor paa ban to left ■» iNto
dalj u. to T»e to tW rcato trip.
IllFmllt SMtoFlur.
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. HORQAH, Propr.
A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one on two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
Some arriving every week.
Park Place Hotel!
Tx-MAviex-ae 0±-t7-, ZXAolajgann.'
sesAflsflaap \t iescssasss
i iil!
I'« :
t Drss^MIC*. Ca
kewly paioted papered, and carpeted—“Rooms with
^•IMS W Otsad Rsmiu.
private baths have been added, making it one of the most Viute Isevlag m lint s. w. has touirrar
.TsMe le toltos vu need OUv. .
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. Addreiss for
rates and other information
lag car te Onto
Hanager. o. t. tMMweee •. r. ■ V. An*
q^HE next three week> are usnaUy the daUest of
A the jear—sort of "between grass and hay"—
last to shake up the dry bones we make a.....................
Pint Olaaa PlaTara.
10 per cent, cut
on ail picture framing.
teM vb*.
MaaiMM Oolto WUl Ptoy Kwa W<4eoMcittaaMof Cabaafala by nc<aaaoday aad Tbanday-Momn Tmb
A>rMC«4 vlU bOMt Oftr CoMpw* UriM ta Baamaa er (ka aUtM ka wkleb
Will AppaM to Brhrbt Baw Oak.
iMfcrtW B«dMita» Whtob W«»t tbay liaa. Tha Oabaaa wha alaia that
f.Mta—It Win ba a Btrtmc Acrmca*
iBto Bff *t V«MMd*r Maral«c—
MM OBly wUl
UM aad Leoka Xdka Ua BMt Trae.
•ofMOrwUlTrytor »«pMUl •«*•
»yt« .
«na 01^ Bear Bapporiad.
Tha aawa that aaah a dawM woaM ha
Baaa haU lor Tnnraa <hty UIm
Datfoli. JwXj U -4 tmrprtM wm kaaaad bM Maaad'a yary gooA aflaet
•^Mfipoa lb« p«bll« lUa ■oftay aMvtha ladapaadaot Oahaaa. who
wbM It WM iMTMd ttet tha Maakei-j*^^****!**
aad than wlU ba two rnaicamaa bon
Mi BtfMl Railway acMpaay kU «ada **"
laa ahart Uom.
of tha ^
Cobaa-AatarlM > wlU take oaxt wfob. batwoea tha BaaUan and
Ue lUaiatntaam, wbiU Uaald U ba
atraat ear Um wkaraby tha pah- adraatace of Ua dnrae. a4 Majority Ue fMtaai team aver aanmrtod la Uat
UaaaatUalorthfaaaMta. Tba “Ma- of Uam aspna* Ua daain to ratata ekty,
ata’pal aoiapaBy Maoaahaathat lha re tbalr dmariaao citlseublp aapaclally
The lomd maaacaMat ban net
aaaltoD wUI ha panaaaMt ahlaM Ua iboae who bold propiriy Tha damn
iU eoaaldatabla aoeean la aacarlar
ffiwUatof lha faaaahlaa U dateatad WM drafUd by deereiary CapoU. who
, alUoayb abooi liso
by tba waskM e< tha pappia."
loraof aaa m tkehata oorbt O ban
Tba atraat aar eoMpaakaa iaaaad «raao a>ld to make Ue project
Raw ta hara tha ooadw
MBtlarMat asd aftar aabloekt «hka
Bowrear. Ua'aabMriptleaahan haaa'
aaralarraaaaaablyllboralaad Jim Eahoa haa
It la reported la PloffM eiralM that WalU Tonka Haa Paid tha aohmlttod to Ua aaraaat aoIlcluUoaa
iha raearaor, m aooa m tha aaaacdl
of Ua tona aad will B ware Ua team
Panalty 'for Hia Orlma.
adopta Ua muakclpal ordlaanaaa, will
Carey HnU hM ptuhod Ua matter aloof
hand hka aaarfiaa to aacntiaf a apaelal
aad anaiatad by tha local playera
aaaaloe ol Ua larkalawra for tha par- aanteaeed By a Obooiew Ooart—Vrtt. aafleiaat feoda hare boeo rotaod to
poah of prarldln* lor Ua aabnkaakoii of
at Babeaa Oorpaa araaUd bat 1-. warrant tba onraaUatloa of tba tnm.'
a aoMtltaVlooal aaaaodnir
WMiftoradaad Ua Xndlaa Wm!*“^** «»•
»• ■«
rUa city of Detroit
tofo koto than
■atTMt railwaya.
Ret TbrM Tinea Bala Stay Oraated ready almoat Ue entire team U ban.
Ooraraor PlaffTM bM roMlrad Ua
WUUam Pattmon. who 'hM mada
-Vicun wm a Ball Pl^r.
followiac ttlarra* fro* Mayor Jobm
food roeord m ^^ek ptieher on Ue
odlaada. I. T.. July H.—WllUam
of Thlado to reply to a diapatoh from
Fort Wayoe iotaratate laafoa tMm, ar
tba fovaroor that i coat tarea aad itoirived yaalarday morniof to j >la Ue
eaaMl tranafvah^a to DatroU to
Hutlara. 4. B. Royee, Ue weil kaowtfe of Ue Cbocuw <
day: ->eoapt my hMrty ooDprataUdrat baaeman of Ua Caoaitaa leayae
' tkoaa os Ua triompb of pablle owaar- tor mordar.
Ualao bare aad Ueae will make a
AppllaaUon wm mada to Fodaral
- aUp la Dalrolt. Tba day of Ua people
Btronf addition to Ua team which wU
ladawBlar It I* a aletory of raaaoo Jadfa John R. ThomM for a writ of
oear' Cane aad a pnat atap toward Ua baboM eorpoa by an attoraay- 4a or are who are koown aad wboM repuuraaUaaUoa of rml UbaiV- Tbapoopta der by Jadfa TbotoM fraatlnf Ua tiona are already aaUbltoM. Bddia
writ WM Ulafraphad from Tolaa, I T.
WbMlar.Ua be>t Ulrd baaeman to
Tbbaadaao aolut^ rodaetloa la 4 dapaiy marahal arrived at Allklcbl
HtoblyanaiUbaberato time tar Ua
tan la Ua reaalt of a daolaioo of Uoa ]nat M Ua axaentleo wMaboat to taka i drat yamea.
Ba to now playlay to Ue
..__ •
arwr PlaffM aad Tom U Jobaaon to plaea. Dlatiict Attoeary Clay aao New
Bnytoad toayoe.
^aaUe paopla aa objaat laaaoa of SberiSTbomM WalaOB
Work to pattkay iha dtomoad to
wbat they eaay aapaat If Ue pUM tor aoliatloB when It wm preMnted.
yood ahapa to to proyram aad it to as.
,e u The UerUf nfnaad to reMive ft. The
Ua aala of all tbaatroat railwaya to tba
poctad that tha yroonda wUl ba in drat
••Datrolt Moalelpal Railway oompaay'>" [dutrlet attorney declared that -Jndre elaaa pondlUan.
U behalf of Ue city to wla ooL Tba A boar J tmM. Ua Choctaw Jadye alone
The antlro Mam will ba clad la
tlakau told today traMfar oo aay Uar,
brlybtmew nnlf'rma.-Ua Mma atyle
4 ruaear wm dtopalchad to Jodye
bat Uay an ao word^ that Ualr am
aad color m tba old onea, whlu.trimm.
to tall payment of faro oan bn wlu- Jamaa. ttotoan mllaa away. noUfylnjr ed wlU ynen. Tba -drat yatam will
himof Ua manacaof Jgdfa Thomaa.
drawn at aay Umaba Wedaeaday and Thnreday. wbao
Ha WM alek in bad and mdI a verbal
Ue Mantoua Calu wUI coma bare wlU
maaaate to r> abaad with Ua asocaA'lUa
a bly crowd to help root out Ue yamat
Ua PiofTM plan. Oovaraor PtofTM la tioB. TbeaxaeotlOB took plaoa two and Ua proaprcl to tor two of tha ho'.
a oo Ua atTMto aaplatn- boon tour.
uat oonteato war ano bare.
tofUa matur from; bU ataadpolot. □ Uotorakoaltona ^itlU Mtodfoldad.
Barry Boev will eapuin tba tram
The aher ff bared hto boaom. patotada
Tba majority of Uapiappla an
and t 'la line np for Ue drat ymmM wil
while Bomawbat bawUdared. Tha apot over hto hoari. auppod baU tear beM followi:
^aoatkoo at laaaa to wheUar Ua Pin- paean, mud a r.fla aeroaa a bench aad
Hall, eeatar deld; Baau eatobar;
frm people can BMan eaoefb voUa to trad. Thaoallat aaurad Ua braMt.
Royee. drat baaa: Rutky. ucond hau;
paaa Ua ordlaaBoa oovarlaf Ua Par bStmtoaad.tbaapob Oolaya fall back Wbaelar. t£lrd bau: Wllbetm. abort
ana aad Ua aparatloa of Ua atrm ward aad moaniU for aa boar baton
atop: Parka, left deU: Patunoa aad
railwaya over Mayor Maybary'a nto.
throata oambar of tlmaa to bMUa Canon, pltcbara.
It will ba aaaoAt onea Uat tbU to a
daaU by airMfelattoa.
It romalna to ba aera wbat aetloo faat ayrreyat an and then to every
tba 'Uoiud Suua yovaraouat will oroapaoi that tbu will ba Ua beat uato
City baa aver bad.
tike for dataooe of Ua writ.
Jerome Wilbe'.m will nrobably ant
A report of Oalnf'a azMatioa.
bla tor B«oIaUoaa-Fb:ladalpbto
feUorwlU al afad piciaraa of Ua nmalolvaywltb the oryaniuUoa m
Will Mot to to Onatanala.
ha bu aoMoud a DOaUlon with Ue G.
prtoud to a Cblcayo
Wa^InrtOD, D. C„ July H.—ArR. * I. railroad oompaay m civil enraafaateuu ora maktof at Ue aavyde- paper aevoni moatkb aro.bat it proved
Ba win be hare for Ua yamea
partnantforOftanUlof aa<iaadroa of to ba pmmatora.
WlU two ktlltofa already proved next week, however, aad aeveni yood
•volatlun la Ua PacISi, ooulitlnf of
men are on Ue atrlay for the poalilon.
iha batUaabtp Iowa and Ue erutoera
All Uat now remalai to lor freqaent
PaUadalphla, Newark aad Marbla- and fooad yamy of Ue murder of hto
oaela. At Ue Urm of eoari bold at MM aad liberal patraaaya aad Ua
Tba Iowa ytatardayeama oat of Ua Salpher Sprtoya to Joly, U07, be wm penoonal ofUa Uam warraata Ue
very beet aapport Traverae City can
dry doek at Ue Fatal aoaod Mval au- aanunced to ba Uot oo Aayoat ti of
iloa. wkara aba WM dtud with bllfa
L^rlca ainee Tonka,wM flrat aenkaato. Tha PhlladalphU to at Ua Mare
Uoeed'bM UedaUof bla azecDUoa'
tolaad aavr yard aadarfolmrrnpalra- Tha tfawark aad Ua Marblahaad are to been art. aad enry praparattoo mada Aoeldaat on 0. ft W. M. Oaaaed Delay
to carry oat Ua order, when a aUy bM
ChlUaa waUrt
to Bvanlny loaU Bound Train.
bMn yraeud. Bariy to Ua preacat
. Than to ooUlaf of a pollUeal aatare
The 4:i0 eenU bound pMMnycr train
year a courier made a duperau nijrht
tototoatoUa Paotl.i Uat raqalrn
ride of alaty n\\m wlU a wrU euylay a Ue Chlcayo A WMt Mkehlyao road
iht prMara of each a blf ahip M Ua
Ue aaaenUoB. which bad baaa Mt for met with a delay of aavaral bonra yaeIowa, aad Ua will ba praetloally wlUaonrtoe of a earuia day. He arrived j torday afurnooe M a rMult of Ua deoataaaaalfamaalaaUl tba a^aadroa
almaltanaonaly with tha Ant fllismer | nlliny of Ue enytoa at Central Lake,
b formed, barriar oomplleatlooa of a
of llyht to Ue OMt. and Ue bMcatloa | The enyina wm Uroarn eompleuly on
aartoat obaractar 1a Uat pan of Ua
did not Uke plan. Walla Tonka wm ' 1** aide bat no one wm tojared aad a
world- Tbare an already raoBtbblc Uara. m be bad ban twtoe before on
call Ue demayo' dooa.
*'4?boUUa Stata«ad Navy dapart- datoa Mi tor hto axacaitoa. bavtoy 7M foaad ■leewery. bowonr. to •<
Boato It todantodUat Ua PhUadalphto played ball between \lmea. aad merely foraaoUar enytoc befon Uo Into
b lolac to Uaatomala to baU ap npro- abnyyad ble tbonldare wbaa toU ba eonld proceed, arrirtoy to Uto <3ty
abont aevna o’clccn.
aaataUoM mada by Ua Itollod Stotaa WM not to die that mornlay.
Suvit B*Unr Oo Mm
sguuiioii FOR The rtciFic.
W« bare jait placed 60 pain
of UdiM’ fioe Yici Kid Lace
nice new atylee—
every pyir made to aell at
n.75 \o $3.0a Tbe Udiea
rbo come fifat get the beet
TR« nynUr mtottay tt UeelW«on
«B Ml Uka plAW Maoday slgbt.
A Beaerter at roach Qnptnnd <
Walybiny Oonr Bovnn rounds.
R. M. Wllltomeom a morwr. who
■panda bto eammen at Oonoh to
lord SonUerd'e botal. to ou of Uo
lUMt aaeoeMfnl of the- trequMten oi
uarp Like. Oo Taaradey Mr. Wllltomeon ennyht II too hlaok ben two of
wbtoh wekytmd eto pound, oach and
Tha Uttar to Ua
toryoal eanykt to Carp Lake Uto year.
Mr. WUllamtea bronyht bto prtoa to
Uty yMlerday to have It
BMdfe Ua knee manttonad
tmeew nnykt le Inrya
pWtonl _________________
Severn daaUa from tooktaw wen nportod to aad nanr Now TorkTaenday.
maktoy II dntbe from Uo dtoeaM
MoJalyt. OiW etobi
Ira. In aaery toalnaM
le dne to pletol wonadn nntvnd dnrlacUaronrUotJnlyoatobmttom . j
Ten Tear Contracts
Hade by irieblyao Telephone Co.
tor any ^ of aervioe deaind.
Sflbscribsrs May Cancel
at end of aU montba or ehaoya
to any daaa of aervioe at wilL
Telephone Ue manayer to call
and explain new raua adopud by
Ue eompaov.
: Michigan Telaphoae Co.
Gate Pos
W T*afT
Costs ‘ Nix”
W* .hull P0»m«Tl> r
jour oiuorj Mould TOUT
tbf-iroib IS nir
or lu
Of Mm-. Holw .1
Hoiwui eijBUi.
kurh . (pIVB.M buul
bMn ir |m|d» eoBi
D-mSklrU%: 00 tl IS. II so
It Pnys To Trade Here.
Bsiph Oennuble Jr. Mausager.
You can safely trust us with your patronage
Alfred V.
; Friedrich
m Front St
Make Your Selection
From One of the Many Styles
of Lmdlee* Waists we show in
“New Idea” Patterns.
Over a thousand styls^-iOc each.
1 ^^II]ple—Accurate—EcDUomtcnl.
Wiiere Is
The Markliain Block?
—It i.e located ia the busiest part>f Tr^reFse City—
on Front street—between the stores of’J. A. Monta
gue and A. A. McCoy & Son. ‘
And in the Markham Block is located the
Headqpartera of The W. W. Kiiball Co.
The piano that is used by more families in this
ricinity than any other piano made.
This is the largest music store in Xorthnrestern
Michigan and the finest display of pianos and organs
is here.
Also a full line of small musical instruments, mu*
sicial merchandise and popular sheet music.
Markham Block
First Class Hnana Cigar,
God Size,
Ezcelleit Qeilitr,
Hm Wow One of Ue Onnaon Oapured
by Dewey.
1 Hew Thiig Werdi CiltiratiBg,
New York. Jnly )*.—Tbe vUlaye of
Throe Oaks, Mtohlyaa, bn
Isk Tonr Dealer far Tliee.
eanaon wbtoh Pawoy ant fron ManUa
tor Ua MaUa memuamt fuA '
Tha eanaen wm to be ylven to U«
dty or vUtoye makUy Ue torynt
tribatloa-ln proportln to Its popnlaUon. Tbne OaM wtU a popnUtlon
of from too to l.ODO. ntood f l.m, ra^
nMBtlay more tbaa tl par eapiU.
220 Front Street
Clean Sweep
Shoe Sale
MniDS’ Hanoa Cigar
■ aiatMtUa nlaa of Ua Ui
i tor nfaadlof Ita debt.
mbtU It toaeurud arUl ba detriiBMtalwUelauceam of
Mb* loralya aredlton.
Tba oKplanaUoa ylna at the Navy
PiptolWT~‘ oI Ua ordan to barry
wofRonUo PhlladalphU to Uau althoayh U« oratoar hM baoa at iba
Man lelaad yard Uraa waaba. not n
•iraba of work ban boaa doae oa bar.
Md Ue daparimanl wm manly atlrrlay np tba aaUntllea Uwa.
^i^lnundedeonnafUf Ua eleM
•fhnMliUee bnwenn Bpnto and Ua
UaltodRUUa to tom a aq«adroa o^
•volition on Ua Aakatle atolton. wiU
Ad^tol Dewey to eomnmnd. bnl Uto
plansonldnotbaoaniodani owtoyto
STtonnblM vriU Ue ruiptona
I'bid will relieve na of tbe regokr fall riuh—keep oor men
busy Aod give yoo the benefit of rock bottom price*.
In our WMt window ue some framea we turned out
yeeterdny—we pride oareeivee on tbe utirtic enmh{t..ri«m,
style and workmana'iip. Bring down your picturee aiid let oa
give yon no eeUmate.
SpeoUl Jiomn»nt Buie of OtotAiM-from one to fire
of A kin^ nt 7 lo'l ec each.
IT. E. Strong. Manager
We State
Simple Facts
Whan wa aay wt hava tha haat Ladiaa-
ToBBMltor Block.
Shoaintha olty for $8.00 Bad $800Oxforda: alls., 00. 70c, $1.00. $180.
$1.00 aad $S0a Bew llaa of SUppara
juRt roodvBd.
Parker BrbSa
; ooMiry.
WbM Mr. Byaok roeolvod word tkot
tko boy* wore oobIbB ^ orrpopod to
■ Mkoo trip «D Mow York to Boot tt
, WhOo toloffaphlap throopk tko local
WaoM Uoloa eflioo Moaopw Borry
' odetood kiB *ho\ orroapoBoaU ooald
ho aMdo with tbo otoaBokip eoBpooy
w 000 tkot tko boyo Bodo tko trip to
Trooona Oty oofoly oloaa. Mr. Horry
to tko opoat of tko atootookip lino by
\k» f«tv» at Otte ia whl^ tko boy* OOBO troB Obbobj
••« %!•■■(••• of r«ai« ’- oad bo ot (BOO wired tko opokt la Mow
MrwiM coodliloo* bMOM met*
York la look otUr tko Uttlo toUowo,
tM M tko tolMi. oad tbf »otMr of who ooold oot apook 0 ' Ork of Mopjrr^»T-‘ to M«r MTioo*)/ eoooMcr- Itok. Tko iwoolt woo oatlroly oottofo*'«< ti U« UtlUd BUtM ui Oat» tary oad Mr. Hysoa woo aotad tko eitoo *017 ovow MstlMt for paaooet 0 trip ta Mow York. Tko
*‘~~ Uotood BlotM oad yooap toortoto orrieod oofoly ood hod
Ihto OOSttBoot to Mtortoiood hj tko
Dt} lamoy. ihooko to tbo orftn Boot oUsMt to iho totood.
BW Bodo by Mr. Borry.
- grt^U/ PnotdMt M«Kiol»j to»
iHtrMUd oil r«prooMtoti*« of Uo
B- Pop*. Mb. Ckortoo Boetor
MWBMt wham oo ko« Mot to U«
bUad. nUtlory or drll to iBprMo H ood Mr. oad Mb. Proak Prtodriob oaijyod o trip ta Mo-ob-U ooaU ycotor•fM Iko roopto whom tk07 »oot tkot
doyoB the olooaoorOolaBbto.
If Oota wooM to boooM 0 port of tko
Porkor PoBBlaptOB rotoraa to work
Fottod Btotoo it nwi lo toso wop to;
, Porkor Broo-'Uioro tkto Boralap
to. Tfcoro oro Uroo poooibU ootiloMOto; ooo to oooomUoo, romotoor la- oftor OB obooaoo < f toa doyo oa kto' eo
••dIOMiMOOod. OF^tactorotr; UlrO.
•pMlota lodrpcBCooeo olUmoulp. bot
pot Bt OIMO. Tbt **•» *•
IIOMPt tkot wooU rooUj ootUo offoln
pal iHon prooporlip.
A Ooboo wriur of bipb loco) otoodfat. Vthm .Ftorooroo. U oo rxtoadod
^lonooloo.boldaUot if loft to Uoolf
pobo wooU bo. like tko othor oiooU
pooUoro ropoblieo, to o ekrewte ototn
pf rorolnttoo Tooo. opolo. oooa if
•kto ooro sot tko oom tb* totood ooold
pot offord toboooUlda tbo UoitMl
•totoo 00 0000001.01 lU root ouploo
pf prodoottoo Isdootrp. •opor. toboopo.
ppP oetfoo. Tbto oooatrr to tko ootorpl Borkot for oU tkroe, oad with Howpit, Porto Kioo, ood tte PkUl^loM
' ppjoplof tko odrootofoo of ouionIloB, Cobo would bo vorp oonooolp
PMdlooppod if doprlrod of tko ooao
gosoflw 00 ibooo iBCTitoblo rtfoto.
AMtkcr CobOB of ooio. Adolfo
limpeo. koldo tkot It U 000000017 to tko
^looUoB of Cubo’o oupor loduotry tkot
It tkoold bo ploeed os Uo oootefoot ap
pa tkot of Porto Hloo, oad tkot footlap
poa oalp ko ooearod porwoaoatlp bj
Pf>«W>ttno. dtill OBOtkor proBlaoiit
Coboa. the Morqoto do Apeolopolo.
tbo bood of tb* CoatorvoUro port;,
potato o«t oonOBO dldleoltiao ia tbo
wop of oooitutop Cubo 00 o olotr, but
^ odBlU "Cob* boo to be ABorleoo
tnriiorr. »*"» e**"®* *»• “ptblop oto*-"
Bo (or frcB coatrodlop with tbo dlfflealttoo la tbo woy of oaorxtUoB ore
ioooporoblo oboUclco. be ooye lo tbo
ABorlaoB p«»ple, -You •boro otqolrtKl
. r< opoB^bmtleo which you ore aot ot
llborlp to throw owv «• po bock oo."
Bo rofero to obboxoiIm uador oobo
lorn 00 on "iBpooad altlBoto oolo■
9UobdMcopocudOu:M Boa Ooae
A ftoUe ofBUeoiySapk1
M aUoBohBOBoapotborolddoo '
‘j^r Bakerto wcet to ^kooko
yootordoy toolUadto oobo kaolaoB
^rebllMt P. K. Moaro wont ta (tod
ttOH—u !.» a. -ku. ..nnknuiu !.«» b»l. d««W. “J
yootordoy 00 her woy froB Grand MapId* t9 Uo’o Point, wteM tko wU
tbo Yici Hkoe and Drooolap.
A few jeoB opo o pool was eoaoidor. Pallootfer96eo8W.
Oorp Loko yootordoy.
That prioo wilt buy ot tko Komoui o
y. Bowoa ood her Botbor ed pood ooly for eleoalnp up the bUl
booroi and parbope daapo about town., half dOf«a Silvorlae kaleeo and oa
Mro. MBrio. wwt to Proakfort yootortDOoy torko.
of the leotber produeiop qu*drapecU
»lop. A oorulB B -bon U. Poordorer
B. ParrlB laapdoa oad (oBlly
I for loani
oooecoper, whereby the oofieot oad
Jaka Ooattoroad Mr.oad Mb. Wy loeoiteoi oboe ibot ceer adorned ■ I tody V fool boo boon oroleod.
BOB oad OOB of dttUoaa Boy. '
'Bob" boo prown lBmeo*e)y Hcb with
tbo elty yaoiordoy.
,to flod, worth forty bUIIooo now .or '
Mro. M. B UtUo of Loload opoat 700- only b^nn bit career. Bio oeeret
terdoy la Uo city.
unpnrcboorablo ond noknowoMe. Y
Mr. oad Mb. Prod Soeor oad 00a. it ouBeUme* oocub that leotber mode
> look tcmelbinp like Vie! K>d to ■
Horry, of Qroad Bapllvaro lo tbo elty.
u-the real. Grauloe Viel K>d 000 be
tbo paaota ot Mr. oad Mb. W. J Por lode only • by Bobert B. Poerderer.
bl« week Prook Prledrtob I* *ko>lDf
Tbo Mtoaeo SbuBwoy ot Chlcopo. the penuine Vicl Kid ood the V:cl Ktd
boro orrieod ot Klpowood for o oam. DrMoLnp mode by tbto oome Mr. Foerderer.•. Saturday. July « promivo* to
be o proud jubilee fnr tko eblldroB.
1*000 Joaalo ood Air* Maey. and Th^'
ry oro to OOBO to tko otoro with
>lr dollleo,
oad eeery (
Moodomao WIdIob oad Hobbo. of May
lie door*
(the dolKe-f U
dold. ware la the eity yootordoy.
th o btoULlful Viei K>d Olipper, mvra
Cloroaeo Wbilaoy loft yootordoy for lorely even than that of tabled CinderChlcopo whoro ho wUI toko kto pooitloa
aoelou editor ot tko Wooiora Bloctriclaa.
Mr. ood Mia. laooe Poanlaptoa ood
doophtor, Btkol. of ladloaopolto. rotamed to their bose yootordoy after
etoitlnp with Bor. J. Ponalapioa and
One Might:
toBlIy of tkto elty.
K. C. Brown, Miao Porele Brown oad
MlB OborlU ot Bia^boB wore la tbo
city yooierdoyC. B. Taylor ODjayod o flahlap trip
> Moytold yealerdoy.
Engagement ot
Mb. a. j. Doyle and ooa -Barlo oad,
and bor aotOo Maori Metotooh of Moothe (omouo
ooioao. win looeo tkto Bornlap for o
two woeko' etolt la Wexford.
wm Dizoa of Wexford opoat the day
la tbo city Tooterdoy.
Mr* 3. 3. Cook and two chtldraa of
KoloBoxoo. who hoeo boon etoitinp
Mb. Belon Hregp. loft yootordoy oftorMO to opead 0 few wookt la Wcaford.
Mb. Jooepb Pobl of Orolllekeillo boo
poeo to Mt. Cleaena oad Detroit eioitlap frioado.
. MorouB (Bode, tko weU kaown cipor
dealer of doploow. to In tko city on
Steinberg’s Grand
Tuesday, July 18
aid Imperial Orchestra.
Ztss. Ihe Black Melba’
Hr A. aonden. wrlUkp fra» C
SUtOntoc. Plo . Bjo there ha. been
ooiw OB epidemic of dtorrboco tkoro.
B. had o Meore attack oad woo cured
by fear doKO of CboBborUla’s Ool
^ boo
jhuhlwio*'rMtbcT doxtoro ot tka PameM. 10
to rtoiUop tko (omily of B. 8. Bull.
Hlofotkorto o BOBkor ot tko
. An Soymoar of Moatotoo. i
of Iko Nortbora Mlphlpoa Trao
tioo Co., to in the elty on kaolao
Boctod with the lino.
wIUdk m
Lawn &ttees
for II 85 in red and sreen.
We. bave a Urge line of
poreW and- Lawn Bockera,
Betteea, Hammock Cbaira,
in moat all oolora and atp*
lea, and they are going at
very Htile prices at thia
«.».H bj ^
albr ftob b*lV
••Tkraa likely aapro Ban, ofod 17.
*- I»
^ ***^
ororykody ta aadrroad 14. tko loUrr 0 ftBt rote joooor^ «7*oidl«t 7«;ii.*"oiBl 14.; tt-d thtoUw.Blt wUl be otrieli,
wookar. InB-iToo.-. oaforead la tkto »rt of tko oBto.
oirooo. Aloe for aolo, thra^rrto. oped
•lorloaa Mowo.
IS. 17. and II oU froB tbo ooontry oad
xAim^ from Dr. D. B. Oorrle. of
of pood ohoroeior. Por.POrUoaUB la1 t. Be wrttco: -Poar hot
tlea of ESeetrlc Bil.«B boo oared Mb
qaire ot «l Olleo otroot."
Brower of aorofulo. wkleb bod eoaaod
PlooaOBl Bxoarolom.
Mer proot
preot oaflerlnp
oaffortnp for yooro. Terri.
bio eorao would brook oat cm bor bood
foot, and lb« boat doctoB ooald
ODloyod tbo trip to Nomb'U woaioy**- pleo ao bolpi but bor cere to eoBpUte
bMo. Mar- oad bar heoltb to ezoollrnv** Tbto
tordoy oa tko
~ ^
obewo wbot tkoBOoado boee prored—
toapbto JoeaaUo
" *** ^ that BloaMe BUmb to the boat blood
board and fumtobo
leat BBOl*. partner koowa. Ilto tbo oapreBO
tbo eacur- edy for oecomo. totter, aoU rk
Aliorrooobiap the
■looaarae of aloo**. HolU oad moalap oorao.
oloirioto oeloyod tko
... dWI. oUBeUlOO Hear, kldam oad boweto.
>poa tko otooBor la
ppt,o»i^ help, ii«,vion. baUd*
the ot^rmooa after opeadlap o Boat ep the otraoptb. Only SO eeoto. dole
by Johaooo oad Woikdrapptou. (OaororJ->yoWo day.
ontood )
ay d.Serent oouph
"We bore oold
pleoB boti
bettor Pall aot In K eoeto
roBFdtoo; but a
aotUfoeUoB,t^ CboBberlolB’o" ooyi
Tbo; price wUl bay at the Pomoao 0
Mr CbOTloa'^ltboBoa.
'>borloa'»UboBea. Drapptot, IMow
half doscB Slleerlno kaieeo oad -ork, X. J. "It la porfoetly aofe
eoB be relied upon la oil
■ ^ , yeotbor dootOB 0
Jubilee Singers
An BpldOBtc ot ZNorrkooo.
»pa‘t Pood Kok ta Hopo.
It boo oobo lo tko aotloo of the Mac-
oial^^poB^py - (Most
L7uto Dolly Beoalap UoUb. of Tkoo- larpo
doy M.y II.
-kickooataiaoMoat. Uad Ukao for f wdlap to hope. Tktoto
tefbU/oroportfra. tka oeloct oob- «apolaot tka Uw. wblek toy*
^ thiriittp on tko olopory oob* “Itokoll bo anlowfol. ot oay Ubo
Afior Imp KuBOriapBoary B-TluroioteM duto ouwot.
dlod yMtordoy moraiep ot ».S0 o'clock
Ofur 0 very (wloful Uloeot ot pload
tUBoro. Mr. Harao boo boon tick two
yooB oad eoaftaed to kto bod for tko
pMttlefoD coaolb*.
Mr. Burne woo bora la Olfford.
•oaqaoboaaoCo..Fo.,0^borS». 10)4.
Bo boo reolded la tkto eity about
twaoty yooro. to
ood hooBOdo 0 proot Boay wars
frioado. Deoeooed laoeei o wife oad
(broo obUdroti; Mr*. Amy C. Aytowortb
Mb CJ Starr, olatar ot Jo tloo Vo.ot Boot Leaoa. Po., Word Bora* of
flT( }«n tNT o! Gnil Mill
Oktoopo oad ttoldoa W. Burn* of tbto ly. who bo* booo opeadlap o ooupio of
- Belt IMTl tHT •> (Mud SliUL
Iko la tkto elty. wUl^tara to Joltot.
ally. Otkor relotieco who oorrlee him
Sn« YevY Tw •( Canda.
pro kto beotker. B. W. Burwo oad o in. tkto Boralap.
Mayor Prank BaBtllon oad wife Mtoo
• oMcr. Mr*. U A. Bropp. both af tkto Clark ood Mtoo PowoU opoat yeiiardoy
tuaorol wlU ko bold ot tbo roMCompany headed by Him D. Un*
AooM Muodoy ofterwoew at t:to. Bor.
derwo^ knnwn u
CksbHo of tka OooprofotkBol ehurak iiiui. h eeui« ou
ooototod by Bee. Woodkoaoo
*a>trlM SoMBlta.1 ol
oUbo Bopttot churck8tor«, rotoraod yootordoy tram o boolPrmeo tor DoUa.
M«t week Proak Prladricb will hare
0» oskibdtlcm ot doUo in the dtoploy
window of kto oboe otoro; wbtok wlu
fleolka youap glrto a cboaeo to oxkikIt tbolr okill oad tooto. Bo wUl giro o
pdM of o pkir of oxfordo to tko plrl
yowoatlap tko boot dreaood largo doll,
Afnamd by koBolf; oao o pair of toe
allpiii— tor tko bott droaoed modluB
•toed or oaoU dcdL Tkodolto wlU bo
^Aiaytoyod ia tko window.
J. W. Slater, House Furnisher
ITew Stox-e-iao yxork^St.
liter in a proAll details of the profession look^ after
pro *
fessional manner.
1 lo. sit Dike 8tml
Boa 'Pll0»05 Ki
Here's tbe greatest chance of your life time to get the great
est bargains ever hffered by the greatest bargain producing &im.
You've been waiting fbr this chonce and here it ia^ Watch the
prices below—they're death dealing to high prices.'.<
Waverly, former price $40.00, now................ $82.00
Sterllntr, former price $50.00. now................ $42.00
Fox Fiyer, former price $40 00, now............... $30f)0
Ajax, former price $27 60, now....................... $26 00
Hibbard, former price $40()0, now................ $36.00
Bombler. former price $40.00,-now— ......$36.00
Cleveland, former price $60 00, now...............$46.00
Cleveland, former price $76 00, now...............$60.00
Juvenile Gendron, tormer price $22.60, now. $18 00
Also tbe Soy«l Paragon )Cnl«
Quart*tt«—Two bu* •oloisUutd
and tenor ooloiot.
Spj™l^rio», S6 u.d 60s; child,
Aaotber praot dioeovMr bo* keen
BOdu. and tbot. too. by a U
this tnonimg.
£ D"' H.OQ.N8, 0ENT.8T
rltol orpoa* w«re Bodormiaed oad
.Jib oeemt •
_ ..
For tkra«
BKutk* oko oonpbcd tnecMoutly. oad
could oot oluep. 8be finolly dlaeorered
o wry to rceoT«n, by purcbooiap of tu
o bottl* of Dr. Klop* M«w .DUoovery
for CowauBBtioo. oad wi
lievcd oa t*xiBp tbe AbI
otopt oil aigkt; oad witb two bottieo
kM been obMlnloly eared. Heraoao
to Mr*. Luiker Lutx." Tbu* *rrit«* W.
C Boxnlek A Oo.. of Bkelby, M. C.
Trial botUeo lOete. ottkedrapxtcrcoof
AS. Walt - • ■ - - . ^ _______
tor *1m »oe
John R. Santo,
Saiwil liURiita.
These ore ail first-class wheels—warranted in every respect
—As the season is well advanced, we do not core to carry a
wheel over, and therefore offer them at the above astonishing
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
TMi Moimo aMooMo, satimuoat, tot It, itm.
a^ainimiauai m.itLm.)tLmm^
Odambfa ball to bafac patotad,
Co. baabaaa pleoa to Hpltad A Soat
aroaadhw atalM wblA aba i
Tba mQboal Sabo, wbieb wm fajor- Iba oOMk will bo afao^ faotURb,t«o
tbiw^ tba wipAow fa bfa atotbar fa odfatbaatcnalaat rrtdap oeaafac to teottaAfaMoraadwtU ba made of,
tba a^bar. Aba Aofabad bar work. l^dip Aoak bolait raoaltM
keOar pfata
Work wiU bo afarwd
wbaa awddaalp aba fafatad awap obd
Tbo Qaartorip maatiafor tba FifaMa «oa aad atooadp aooie of tba aoaaa-'
rm-m »»n*r»»» w’ fait Bar motbar waa teat bofac pall MafatpwiUopaa Uto morafar at 11 .oarp mawrfal to'oa tba enwad.
ed toward tba wfadow. wbM tba'aaab •■ofaek fa tba rrlaadb abarM. Tba
Mra Chartra'
^•hMk«<UalapM»«(»b* AU«- dropped aad tba rope waa bald aritb
wUl ba la aaaakm o«ar S^adap WUbMaa Md Mra. r«Mk V jtraba an
fMMtwr wiU U« mtU^ ktaMfamidaad WiU ba aoadaeud bp J. a Bfa- aamafar at Boat Bap.
|*w«. «M dMaeWy Ml »t 8% &«p air. Bar koabMd waa *
I tord of Kio«atoo. lad., foaaral aopartoTba atMUMr Ooakaom baa raaamrd
Mi.Me. KOaiksky. Mi »t wtoM
her rapolar trips from Old Mtoaioa to
i«su «MM itvporM e( » »l«Uar M»«f«. llOaalfa tbataba waa iwtorod fa oow taodoat of Bvaacaltotto work.
Bemeiaber. that Satanky, Jaly 22od. we will givw
Baada-i Twtriors aMI tba Old Mtookm fast Brad for tba
»of rnd8oW»to eveiy girl berMbonU ■ pair of
Mam wi;l eroaa ball tbto atfaraooa at trait ablfpara.
Mof C<MhU». Om** Oo. pU7«t
Mra J.ha B«carV wbe Ueaa aaar
»8«ct a t«b of mav MtU ^ fall U Uhonlla waa Wtiaa bp a do« aboat a
be coUod at» o'clock. Art Wfaalo aad to ba aroefad bp tba C. A W M. aad t
Mi w*
paar afo. aad raaMt'p bapaa to abow Harry Dmb wUi'.^ tba battmp far
baoe.-upfad bp Jobe Aada A Qd .
9kc fateai «UI4 e» a laiwr i
So alormfaf tba local team aad tba Swacaay brofa tbe beadsI -of Jas. Kahoa Offoat of
Maraad «raa ptarlat la a aa»»
For ber doU*a feet No matter bow big or how omoil the doll
ware tba apmpfama that pbpatoiaaa tban tor iba vtoiU« apprapatioa.
tba eompMj. who to raadp to riroMva
•aar tu kom» wMa a r>awaiMi to
wara aallod la. bat-tbap aCodod bar Both -teams are Srat alaaa amaiaar
may be, we aboU bare a pair of slipperb for it (or will moke
Mda far jtba aroetioa of tba aiaoetarr. |
•dOTor apoaltaMkUlad ia
M raUat Tba dbtortoMfa
claba aad a hot pama to axpaetod.
them), if yoc brin^ it^to tbe otore that day, and ore aocompaaTba aaw ataamer Uliooto of tbo!
• Battfa (kMk Msitarlaa aid
baa baaa aW^ad dowa to bar bad to
ied by aa adolt There will be do charge or condition of key
Bockta 17 braaobM, aad ao*« clUi»a« al proeaot bar from dofaf iajarp fa baraod struct are cc joyiap a aaw pUp- left CbtoOffo OB few Mat trip aaortb with
Halaai. Mom., ara aakiar offira to aolf aod otbara.
‘kind—other than the above.
koMamadaoflonbad Mmelp luaem-,
Dr. KaUocr fa
We want yoo to learn of tbe leather that boa revolntionbooad tor tba i
aad ka will paokakiy do as.
bifar tbubetaaa oeciptod bp ear m->
ibed the eboe trade of the world—“VlOI SU),” the genmne.
Mm aspfaaloaof raaaa la Maakaroa To Bo Bieea to Tba Maw Store of Tba oaaiora. ftto aboat txlO fast aad bm
a baric roof_wbtob makca tba atra
- Jod Camanm Md familp ,wltb a
mode only by Bobert H. Foerderer, and of **VicT Dressing,
laka eaaaad ^ apkaaval of abMt tiM
W. V. M aab^l Oo- Tbto Affarwoea.
aU tba mwa'oartom aad rualtotlc.
. Crlaod from Oraad Baptda, are davpfap
asna of UaUaka^ bouo«. M aad B
also need by h’m on “Vid Kid.**
Thto affarbooB from tbraa lo S*a aad
' for a aaooth at Boat Bip.
Itarioa wara>ia a boat ovar kha t»M at
WblU ridfap weak oo Fruat atraat
tha tlM Md ikair craft w«a Maaal tbtoo»aaiariba-W W. Kimball P.
Daloo Btroot Ibaradap TBialap
akMt Ilka a faaikar. jTha lake «a« ti Md OrfM Co. will ho*a a aort of form
al opoafar at tbalr aaw aion fa
Tbe fata arrivala at bofal Foaeh are
fact daapattbaafot.
cpeltot ridfap towards tbe Mtp.
Tba afomooa will Bicbardb wbaal. was badlp i
E. A. Crmk
Cfadoaatl, C. U TbomoBlack 81?ar baa a aha«plM faff bav
Is a preeerratiTe for leather. It prolonge the life of oboeA It
ba daaotad to a rrapbaphoaa
aco. J. B. MooiM. Raville, Iad.;'o.'
aad be auatalaad aevucal farutoa
a blak-lBao, I runoU, wbo la 4 tact
bafac oaad fa OBWfafarbarr. S. B. Peabodp. B. a Bvmokee the eboee look like new. It make* every day aeem like
• laabaa tall aad wairfa 117 ^Mada
tertalfl tba raaaia Tbto to a 8»a faaaa. Cbloapa
‘faew eboe’'day. It finiebea tbe 1^ of clean facea end dean
raaoivfap a eoat of pafat fa varioca
Jaaala Bala, daafhtar of a faraar atramapt of tba lataat laraattoa
Tbe botal to bow AUed but a eotta(a
soar LakoflUa. diaaMfaai«d a moMtk Bdtooo Soma aolaotioaa plapod bp tta parts of tba boaae
booda, adding clean eboee.
to bafap Axed ep so that a few more
ar> la ooapaa; wltb Lawla' Boyaalda Sopa'Budaad MartaacL’a lorebaatra
Tba mtract for tba maetloa of ; paeats CM be aeoomodatad.
We irill be disappointed tf any girl* hereaboota ha«e
•ba left oataaalbiy tor Bllbroaka to ob- will ba rapr '
dolls vitboQt elippers after Saturday.
Ula aaapl^niat. It wat allafad Uat
Ooa of tba plaamat faataraa Sf tbe
aba bad'----- -------------- ---------------------Competent p^ple in our atore are teaching shoe core
aftoraooo will ba a abort e ealtea re
o4 from, lad., tbai aba bad baaa da- cital bp P(Ot. StoBma. tba iutromaot
diy, ostbey do'every day in this week. It is a lefson tbst
aartad aad aabad for moa»j wiU «rbi«b
balsf tba Ursa eocalloa
means double satisfaction aoa'donble gear from ahoes, for
M.ratara boM. . baa aajt aba waa tba Kimba'-l Oa bp Mn. Jamaa Morcan
k/paotlaad aad boo oelj a din rawV for Grace oboreb.
tbooe who learn it
faetloa of bar uaaala
la the (TMloc Xbt orehmtra aad
baud will ooauibou aooiber aator
trbo dlaappaarad kaat batatday aif hv
Tbeaawafaraof tba com
baabaaa foOBdata (arabooM wt of poop to earp attraeUro aadM ImpnmVUaa OOoara TbaradM vtaltad iba
It wb'
bleb to n -ritad bp tba facroaa
118 Front Street
The Belieble Shoe Maa
farm of b. M. Meloaa, tbraa niloa las batiaeaa of tba Arm. N £. Stropr
• ootbvMtof IT In aad audaa tbor tbe m.B^ar for tba eompMp, aod Mr
oa|b aaarob for iba bodj of Btrala CllBe. wbo atfaada to tba toal^ depart
laat Mtfob. ataat aod amall iaitramaat room will
W^aad clataraa wero •oarebad la be plaaaed fa praot tbe pablle tbto
aJa. Tos
atfarsooa fa tba imwatero.
made'^rom malt, tile
* >-/aar-old eblld of Jooapb Balih of
concentrated lood, in
The Pasoaa Caaadtaa JabUaa BiatBap Clip, «aa pooaoad apoa bp a Bow
a soluble fonn. And
a, oa« of iba aioat »ldalj IjaotfB aad
leaadlaad dof «mb irbiob it traa plaphops, tbe gentle nerve
Bicycle Saddle—Gukraoteed for three years—
Uf. aad tarriWp olttCB oo oao of the popular orraa ratioaa travalliar
Lar. wUI
ar*a. A ooetor waa oaUad aad oaatar- appear at dteiaberrtUraad aeat Tact'
Look at them whether yon need one or notlapd Uta woBBda.
dap ertalnf rivlaf a apleadld prcfraia.
A paar ato Oaoiye B. Darla of boaib TbUli Iba orifioal oootpaap wbleb
$S00 or $10.00 will buy a good second-hand 1>i^
" I have taken time to
aeblerod aaob aifoal laeean
Baroa. treat to the Kloadlka. Taeadap
cycle - $25 will buy tbe best new wheel on tbt?
ba rataiscd borne, aalnad la baaltb, throarboat Caaada. Great Brltafa aod
give Pabst Malt Ex
ttitb cpaalcbt roaa aad haarlof bad the Uoltad Su-aa.
Tbe eompMp to
tract, The “Best”
market—Come and see my display before goin|S
aad w)tb oalp a taw oaftrau of rold. beaded bp -tba aotrd aopraoo, -nu
Tonic, a proper ex
Boraaftarba wU.aotcorold baaitnd, Black Mebi." Tbap carry a poed
amination, and am
bat raoiala atbuaa.
orebcatra. Md the moale. while of the
pleased to inform you
Mta. VoB Biopar of Kortb Laaalac. popolar order to raodered with eaqalBislFratSL
that I think it is the
Irlod tba old vlob of ailloc a licbtad aite taata- Saata are *aow oa aala at
(aaoliae iiota Tbiuwa}: rbe aioea U tba box t fflea.
cleanest, chemically
a wrack Md Mra. Voo fttppar waa takth<d> purest, and in
an from tka bnraluf booaa to a fri«atsickness the best 1
follp boro>d aoaOlUoa.
Tba dMb erarp'wdp kaowatoat waan be bead* a
ever used.
treat tba eaiire rlfbi aide froa tba abow it matt be ripbt. alee ba woo'd
aralat a p to tba bead waa aiacad aod oot ba eoDoaeted witb It Dave will
oa portioot of tba arm aod tba aidea of 1*1™**®*
Kinj* Pitpera of Oixla
bar faoa, the fleab wot boraad to tbe aod cbamplOD cake walkere fa tba dtp
beaa All bar bair wai aeorebad off. Opera Booaa Moodap oipbt. Tba at
traetloa it a tir>ctip wap-dowu-Sottib
aad tba afabt of ooa ape daatropad.
affair acd aecrpbodp will ba euraof as
Mlebaal dialah met with a aaddaa
eeaafap SUed wlib fee aad aoeial faa
death at tba Baatoa depot Wadamdap
turca woribp of a tn.l homo. Popular
Slpht Uacrcaaadtba track balve a
prion wUl preeail.
D., U. U. A M. eo(faa aad wm borlod
tbrooab tbe air a dtoiaaee of oearlp 200
Htw Boa^Lioe Ooounp'afad.
toat Ueafa wat faatanuaaoiia Welib
It to autad that a project to oo foot
lalalp lamored to Peawa from Bartlaad.Mdwaa aa aped maa aod a ra- wbleb mop catobltoh a ataamer Ifae
from here to Maototiqur. tbe lutartirod former.
Mrv Baocab Smith. lUiap aootb of ledlate poieta befap tbe bap polnta.
Beginning Beiurday, July 13. and for the remain
^Uaa Bear the ladiana Ifae. wu biiiaa Charlevoix aad tbe Beovar tolaadr.
der of this month we will make the;~blggeat ent on
fa tba upper iipToaadap bp tbe "kto- Neil Uallapber of tbe Beavaiu. to tbe
high grads ehoee ever ettempted in -ihie pan of the
afaf bop." Madloal attaodMoe waa prlDcipal Borer la the project
i fM» JKcim
<JTJXj-Z- 22.
in\vn.%\. I
Dolls’Day, Saturday!
Vici Kid Slippers
Vici Dressing
^ERVES need rest and toning up
' when they have been worn out by
overwork or strain. This rest they get
from a pure tonic like
Frank Friedrich
Pabst Malt Extract builds up the nerv
ous and the physical system; cures
nervousness, indigestion, and makes
you hearty and strong.
aummoaad. Bar Up waa ewoiica aod
bore the oiarka of two faiaetlo&a. The
poiaonupraad tbroopb bor apttam fa
laaa tbM tpo bouru.
A Lapeer mao lout bit temper tbe
etbar dap bocapae bia borue wouldo-t
obap bia eommaada. aod atrack tboMiBtal with hto Sat Tba borue to ttiU dofa( boafama at the old aiaod. but the
maa to tahtap au aafoiced raeatioa.
tba toroa of tbe blow barliic bratoM
eaa of the boom fa bto hMd
. Wadoaadap »0 cbildreaHrom tba
atala pabUc aebool at Ctoldwater ware
boat fa tbalr boaiaa fa dlffemt parts
oftkaatata The namber exoeadad
that of aap olhor dap fa tba hlatorp of
NaarOamdaa whUa FrMb Kaaklc
wasbarofapa ataek of Oaaada' tbtoMai fa bto hap Said, a broad waa hfawa
fateUe auadfap tlmotbp. Several
asraa of bap ware baroad. Bto ataeki
aadbaildlapik aarrowlp eaeapad das
Twaatp Sva peon a«l Jaaie Nawfaa
from kto'
komafaBiadCltp.And al-Aoupb dUipaat aaarcb waa kept up for paata ao
uaMOthlmwwiavur focod.
Ba waa
■oaraad aa dead. Wadaeadap bto Mstar, Mra 3. L. Maad of South Bavoo.
tocolvad a latfar from tba Look loat
bfotbar, dated Seattta, Weak., audac
that bo waa oo bto wap fa Alaska, ter ^
tba aaeood time, aad should ha ba Me
oaaatul ba vrould vtolt bto Makar.
aaU ba bad travalod tba. world over,
aad bad baaa Btarrlad-bat death hadj
robbed him of bto wife Mdoblld.
' tbatewaef Boma Mia. Lotbor aaoaad-:
odb ladder fa^faataema. MtMar to'
Dave Pickett’s
One tAbto of the choicest end beet goode
we have hed—la a geaersl seeortment of
Neero Kiq Plijfirs
Of Diiie, aid Ereatost
colors, worsteds, cABBimeree.iblAck goods,
bine eergae, silk &ced goode--best fitting
City Opera Noose,
Moaday Ew. Jaly 17.
First Class, Cleaa,
Up-to-data Eatertaiamaat
___ Ooal Hiss It
Popalat Pricas
fitein.Bloch*e. ICehAel Kolbh end other
fine mekee—former prices $13, $14 $13
sad $16-eU go this quick sale at $10.66.
HamiltOD Glothiog Go.
Good hardwood in stove lenithe.
Also font foot maple slabs and edgings.
w iMiasE em uiHta co.
Cleariag Shoe Sale!
oonntry. Of course, we have the edvanttge on tbe
present stock that other dealers have not—We bought
the goode et 30c on the doUer of manufecturer'e c* et,
and heve had a remarkable sale at the low prices we
have been making, bat those low prices will be cat, so
that they even won't be recogiiiaed
We have about four thoneand dollars worth left
of the old stock, and lots of new goods bonght daring
the pest month.
Everything gore in this sale—the finest up to-date
shoes for ladles’ end gentlemen end the boy’s and
girls, tt^ther with more ancient shoes. 1 h'e bargain
tables are full of those and the prices unheard of
800 pairs A. J. Johnson dfc Go's ladies* fine hand
tamed kid ehoee, were $3 00, $3 30,6400 and $4 30. in
opera and common sense lasts, all go at $148. Tbeg
are worth that for a, day’s outing.
Men's fine hand welt box eelf, viol kid, willow
calfi tan and black. Dook at them aad get the priesM
we are making—tbey-will surprise y
Everything in the store is a bargain.
It is tbe quantity we sell that mokes onr profit*
We advertise nothing that we cannot back up. W*
want your trade aad will get it if fair and square deal
ing ooonts.
The goods ere rigtat->th* prieee must be.
We are the $ Savers on Shoes!
806 Front Street
Tsi mourara bbooxs. satubdat. jult le, im.
oi ttvt -MJwU. I
B W. OaoclOM. B. r Btbeel
Md E- BtoMidi. of BaUslia. ora Is (be
dir ‘w ibair war boM froai a daUac
mp tha BovdMS rttor. Th^
l sasaewitBl Ms mmr «ba ds«
nkU) b« a*M <
pap bsU is I__________
stssasalba. Partlaa ars taaparsto.
rMoitoad *itb • Boa aapsir of
Ihdsstrioto. U SRitaUa ...................
aitad tioai. Ibar atewad
aod oapaeu at tbeir trade
m rsisbawa wfalrb Ibaj ban
A»Mm boMM tm 1%rk>7 hw bna
FOB8ALB-«I»-Lot U bik B. Kalbap*
kaahs. good Mala as propartp. ess-ratiMM. bmt m «pOTt dvij 0( «4 It
Alwapa 1
BOW laaaad ice
1W tAk* 8b«« pMMbffw tnia
arlth prieOaca i pears, m
KwkBkdretoTDMottrMk • twelve Tboaa ora tha drat of tba rstabew
ale. ^wfortMpcri-------m that ha baa arar kapt aUaa acd
ywroU Ctrl. tbrovUr IMT M faM Uto
rat cask petoa. itlSbO.
wiUaaabaaaalaabta addlUos to XIBdALB-UO-Bleof art of aa b
«h« •Ir. The Ms 1TM rastSsc M
arc M. tt. 11. tiaersa aU aada en MtU* SB boar, bat lb* clri
aatotleaitoB. 400 biarisc trait Ireea. good
«T«d. Bar draa wm bMlr ibn. Bar
booas aM bore, good sprlnc wi
4H aUas from eitp. Pries, ssno
MM to D'Ua kmtrj. ssA aba H*aa
Wa^aa Mac O^ab Faitr^
'OB 8ALE-«St-tO acres oo
Tba ranr flna bp tba Wa-^aa-taoc
shore t oJlM Borih of Baptist BeA rafftlna ssd boll cinv by Oas- Hob laat anoi
Bort, 40 rods aloog fx abora •» 00
paraers. Will aall t or 10 aena
Mst Ladlow Is BsnM
^laat 'S the _______
. tor • tfcn«rof ttM tooat i
eOBoiaa of Trstr<raa Cltrto toadlac ao>
Froet atioav betwoaa Cedar aad
war»^ ptaaeBt anl
IdMto of Osbo.
Sproae. Laps leeel with aBsati Ma
the B^dISO. Price 8440.
FOB 8ALE-css-Fara 100 aerca'tii
Ctolto. a rich Bpaatoh a
BiJm wat of dtp, W
.faratob.----------- ------------------------------1h« •AM ^MIWUM
mspurt •(
tabaa tocatbar with tba aool i
'prabsUlac mllowad tboaa preaaat to
Tba Mas OB tba aawTrai
Railroad araofBaaaaal BtainUlfapea. fallp>aj7 ‘baeeeolBC- Tbabooirletotiac aooippad with eeory peaalblc aa hat enalac trill be aoa of tba
Bsartbat tba elab *111 cl*a darlac
Tba Anerteaa BlMa aoetatp baa re. tl
«drad a report frOB Ece. Hr Leomto. .
IharoattoJ^aa, larrbkbhe quota*,*
• proBlaaet J^aaaa aa aariof that ^
dboqoaalloaat aaadlac eBlcrpata to.
tba Pblllpplat tolaada «aa belaf coa, ----------•Idarad, aad U ealp a aaiiable opaaiar |
*a am not r>rro to ioeloc ms torntofaaadtberaforthaUtBrlBC eluaoa. prr.- lald oae captala to tbe writer
• eoaoldarabla aasbar will ba roadr for Ca«a.4rt bUnol>>«- "bat t eoof.wa
■ \ Ibat whro oa aoe rortce we fuiiol
Palach atollac eoaUaaM la Bebrtof' ao fewer ihaa 14 tueo bad BBoaced a, aed amv tbeniaelrea awaj below I felt loeaB daapito the Pars r
1 BtKiiirp abadt.
pnUtrp hoots, parda M good draia
acs, .ftac aaw aodara '
I M^2 £."8S£S.Sra.rS»£
Qaj Whalea, a'Ue pear old bsp of „„ for » trip w be made without one
PTaat Saperlor.Wto, who pallod aa or two aperimeaa of tbe deadhead fra•ebiBC Iwtb aritb aatriac> blod to terultj' belag carried. trlUp.aUlr. fm>.
doatb.deaplM aUefforta of the php-,Of eourae. tbli U not done eotlrelp
q t
«>“'™nee «i tbe pan of
Throe eaaM of plaroe an reported la •"“‘‘Iwdp oa board tbe ahlp. The
•'“'‘•■f* •»' “O' lofreqoeatlr the gulltp
Bla^rta- __ ________
Tba Oraroo roiaatoeti me* ameeo
at Saa Fraoetoo oa board tbaUooaporta floj, ,
" (yiSias2i22s*.2SKn
*» lAllaaaMl.Ot.aaet'^
' icis.i5SSfKi3:?;:sia..I _:Oj^asiSss;.-'.i»,ie
Kewpvt aad Ohio. Tbep are aow ^t
qsaraatlae. Tba troopaare the dratte
srriea from tba FblUppita*
HaiT KtBper. M jaara old. of Biitlr,
UoaUaa waalaawiaBlacat KaataakalBmM wbta' h r Tonaerr aiaUr
fcai B tacb. wbaa L. r
bimM-If uadi tbe reseel la at aea. If.
then, be la dlat-orered aod ael lo work
be dwa not mlad. 1( la nut work be la
afraid of. but being wllbont trork atnl
bread that aorompanlea It IVben
»'* nmcWerwl wbal an enonnoua
tbln* an Adantlr Uaer la and bow
«tta.aad with dlOcaltp browbt her ato-, ,h„,».crrt of men dartn* tbe rourw
tar la cloaa le tba abora. ^ Than Harp of a pear get free laiMace acn>« tbe
Ml aa haait^d latba water, and wat berrtn* pond la one ablp or anoUi.rHaad wbea aMtotaaea arrieed.
j and tbia. ibnugb a ateanior a<-rei
ttoa aOBeeaUoB of the Yoaac Pao^.l<w''e• port wilbout a aoarrb hlng
pla-a Bapttot Unloa el tba Dnltod
‘bat no onanlbortied perBtatoi aad Canada to la aaBloo *t ““ “ “ »^rd. Many are dhcor.eeO
1 •“ buokera and other aucb ptoeeo. and
..e .A. e.sllo..d I
A larva tobaooe tac aha aMlowad
menace to rinda
VI dapa aco was remoead troB tbe a..,„.tlon. and. of eoutoe. mice away
throat of 1 pear eld Oartrada Baaatac (ram land. Iltilf la feaiv.1 from dlacoe.
«r Bu Lento. He.
erp. There to
cuHoua botloB preraAlbbtot Fritt Prica boa aboebad
i pao- lent amonc aoi ^ aallora. It to tbal a
, locky paaBettger to
la Oamba. Bab., bp dlcriar sp bto
le^Aaad brotbar. damphe bla bodp carry. Aakrd once wby It was aa obi
: toadb toto tba rs«a aad oalac the oof- aall antwered tbal be never heard of
a ablp being toai that had a alowawap
Ba to cnee the fnaaral el bto alator.
OB hotnl. Of course, ba bad aa In
stance la (allot to relate. It waa to UrtOeod Templara Frocroa
-w -• that a alowawap waa dlacoTen-d
eV ontgolac reaael at
Attar tba r^nlar naeUnc of tba 1" bidli
Uood Tbaplara la tbalr lodes reon a , I”*
.1 the ceputn. tbe woald-be e
•troat Its procnB waa carried o«‘
f oUow.
«hM^ MtiTolF ns* Klto ,
FOB 6ALe-416-40 I______farm tear
alia aath of Elk Bapldt. »<
treaSpconold small frame loaae.
St acre, nada cnlUealion.
FOB8ALB-6l7-WatWaera. lot
aec7. S8. 10. lapt on-abora reai
Pcalanla. orchard M apple trea. w
ebarrp treea. IM pear, plaaa, peach.
Pftoe 81100
FOB 8ALB-600-Fiee acre lot oa OarSaid aw
- *8300.
» aad M. block 1.
_ add. Gorscr
Parry BannaV
stral. Prioc
Bohemia aad
k oee S4.
St—11—abdnl 69 aora tolM tim
ba. bardwood. balaam.eadarawamp.
Samewdartikea eat.
OB SALE—«UT Oroaip atoek tbto
Itp iaeolee about 800a
fl 8ALE-»»4-BonM aad lot OB
ea rooms BtoelpflaWe
rater. fralt and or
re lot. WaSOO. email
& J. MURGAN. Proprietor.
. Platform Wages. 1 aaata, al^ legeed
order, price 833 00.
exteoalon top Ca-riege.
O SeXT-SooB. tl «l
^owa Into tbe bold and
ooraer la wbl<* to aecrei
Hew OSoa. Harkbaa Block.
(AIMmi mat. [—»»»«*«>-----------------------A HOLUOAT.
wsioao. alelcbt, eatiaro, all fa
ImplameLtt. all eroaa of whiea
-a there
are PO aerot eODobtlac of wbat.
cora, otla, bap- potatoes, lo aoea
daaCrora. Tbtofars.to kaowa aa
daWeidoaft tarnor Hillaida daa/r:
baildltin aleaa coat orer Pt.OCO. food
aoll, aad a cold mloa for aotaa ooc.
Price for aU. *8^008
Wa bare a porebaaar tor mideaea ba- T oar—Oa Jtlr4ia Btor aereaa>ll>Oa.ai«F*.
twooi Park aad Fiaakila oo Haabl^toa or State ctroata. Hattbamcd-
1 bars. well. ■
ami fmH i
ilal IT4
aaall fralt a >d good cardu.
to a large lot aod big wvpertp
aaalt ^ee-Pricc »«o.
FOBdALB-eov-bwi, 0tne<, sac SI.
town S4-.: A good frame ' ae -------thad. Wi
wlto wlef llfnralthad.
'iod m I:
and wel'. water pii
lea trrm
hooae. SOO bearing apple, plum, eheirp
treea. Btra 34aC0 Farm all Impreeed, lapaSS iSlM north of Wllllaav
berg 00 Elk Eapidt road.Pria.8l
OB VALE-6IS—Kw >, of ew l« te
town SO Dorth 11 wan 40 acre
TJT.'T:: :::::::::::
tha aaal bariU ar« baloc dlmlalibad ‘ rllaed lu irlre tbem all a dorklns. and
capiaiD of an
lltotald that tba ralaUoaa batwaab>tlantir Ifaer. a mao to whom tbe
tba Ualtad Blaua bad »—h w«a
^ a petpefoal BUlaaace.
____________ .a., -T^-.
Thooirb (be atrtoteat o^teh It hl-t
•otto Bora trtaidlr thaa at proaeal.
rV>A w. 1. a w a MOOS. PhroiM. aad
Gas Lamp-- Eood
aad Picleral Fishiag
Price Beduced to Close Out Lot.
Btwi i^tlmsiuhip monep
(■SB rmplc^ fur Bicycle
auxona »p>
' Brpsiriog.
Quick work.
rwooss WaKTSD-awtl] Mtorerr «uleC
^J- it rwbt br t tatll ftwUr. tt cooR lort*
|>M. Asay <c air. Ptiiaa. PoiaM Sitr^^.
Uri^NlT CO. ^ ^
snapil. ttMadtC Is.
R rtasKIS''
•___________________ -«*»'
bowl. AdCmwarititWfrrvt
^^AXTKt>-blyw^Ior rti 4
HopUns Bros.
Both 'Pbemea. »4
» It
60S M-
Ar'>t to' 4B
•S M H a
•» ta *4 to
Tvu Mraatau
S !_
ii:~ S3
4 H
^10 I*
BwnMa. KU
!o to e [|
It 4; << 8
•1013 *4 B
Blrer Irbccb
Pro\ident Life
and Trust Company Chicago —
of PUladelphU.
qOTeJuSaT Setale.
tie 4 10L>Hbslwrt
tost tw
We are again praitored to deliver ic'
gtCrr^^L^ ia all parti of the dtp. < Our prices wll
be as low aa anp oVered.
rrwisgiiT-Bisrrxsts r»ml WR*t tut
A dowMUis Bubrs a Ssibetaa't Crut
to am
^oaTBU>K-4”tm« er uacwtrwl ItaC t
f irtdr (srhaiuwttd hWla iDWt WrOti
r.B cttt>rr.B<ircictrut<.aict.
. Pbarucr Boggp. good order. 840.00.
I Toe Boggp. alUc good ahapr. 8U 00.
I Bead Wtgoe. rood aa sew. tSS.OO.
I Lsmber WagoM
iRow to trade for a powp
4B7 It,
West Michigan.
oomo BOtTV
Levi T. Pe&niDgton. District A«t
■CtoBSAlA-rirrlrhuicT >pr •!
tk mllac from eitp. 1400 apple.
ifli.doaat loeatMMFtoaUke part clip propertj. ■y oarenpra trua 4 (a aiHiiacwiU •■»*•'■>—jU; '
hi«. W»4»
FTpm Mncl.
Price 81
>& 8AL
8ALB—SA3—Boose and lot, Qmrfleldaeeoae.
laid areoue. 8430.
■ 8ALB-367-DI
• • • ■5—3
dlisg, Weba
lewalrm. Pioat gnadfirb.
rooma 81.600.
600. Baap I
> (>oop onTTr-CbMp it «■
FoS~8ALB—67»—Nlotp acre farm, rwb.
good bnUdlaga. 8S.S30.
FOB SALE—373—Uood frame boqsa F'’a''r?art U* tn Tba*^ *T‘pn
aad oight acraa of Uad.'iltoated
abont one otlle from eentor of ctWboose 14x34. ala rooms la boaae. ^ror WAXl'lBaars'ccalMy klaC la Sn
1,^,,. „
laatreBeataKtolaeUoa -MatidHoodp pn.red a true one. The ,rea..................
Tblk.-Brattaer Badlep
., down within a week of aalUng and
lanaeaUoa ^^A:l»?rMwTU4?ilnea
«a cllatkB LacUc O NcsL
j oalp the aeoiad u«rer aod a few men
F^SALE-sw-Boascaodlok Onfan Uae Co. aiocb.Trarcfw Oiy.
toe oraoB aad take arart aeread dor
eared. Oae woudets bow aurb
street, ten rooma, stone
a ao|.-rMlM..n anwe. if auperatldon (t
tien and stooe baaement, eeaplcta.
Brolber Wm. Uebla will hare charts.
!*"•" '*
B K want e tew bnpdrcd dellan to TOB SbbB-Caab ar__________________
iIm- liUU-^hai (be «n.
At the prorraa aext rrtdap arsaloc
tl-. .;hvI..I
ptaco on personal orop^rtp Im
r la Oab Mgbta. oa Hcbib. Ormai. I
bad Boaaatioai aoC Haaaab anaaa. I
Will gnaranwe all loaas.
j pn)te*ll<.u of brtiren. and that It t*
j ol tbt baalnam law lo ibr obau olai.
WB bare a client who wants 81300
dliqdeoaing to the prarideai
flrst<laa real atote Mority.
. I wstebes eieae
orpr aneb waifs t«
tf anptblnc
WB base for tale
be done to ttawan tbeir wlsbrs? Tbe
foolish, the (>11101. children, aod drank.
gueeral stocka,
boot aed
Mr land,
yaeaat loU. pattorms. timber
b ‘ taeaat
rlfbtc tn fact, wa base almost
^guanllanahlp aod can-.
Ilmhpbe a qacMiea whether tba, ^■erbB|l. benraforth we mtu( add tile
ng sou want, and 1
•ditorofs ae
,______ AlwapspleaaedW
rplaaaedto see pen.
'be lln.
d( v“^*x** “>isaltpoa. Alwapi
Will do
^roprielarp medldaea which flood the
readptosbow pon what we’ee got lo
.. jj meotloB that we
ssarbal. pet at a prerselallea of taSer« feel it a dstp to aap a good
- lac we
_____40 acros' of the floeat Potto's
■erord for Chamberiala'a Colic. Cholera
Clap in the wo’ld.
Vein to 73
feet deep aad eorera 'be •• !• 40
Md Diarrtoaa Bamadp.
Wa hsee
kaowa aad asad tbto madieiBa la car
40. lapt
wlthlp 7
flSaUp tor tweaiy pears and hare allerlping this bed of clap >
f red aad white mad
mnd stoae
sraps (oaad It roilable.
la maap eaaet
a doss of this ressedp woold saee hoars
ia the moat saloabla bad of clap
of saeoriacwhlls a pbpaidaB to await
ia tbe CnUad Staton.
Base lafoaed
810.000 for it. It willI pap
nap e^llaltou
e^li---------ed. Wa do not ballaea la datnllnc
Don't Blac tbto ebaace to atwad the
iBpUdUe oa aap Bedhtiaa for a core,
aa thero ia plaatp
to Ineiatlgato tbu a
bat we & beUara that If a bottls of
of marl adjboant
OiaBberlale'a DtarrbiB Bemadp
Lears Bar View at «:t0 p. a.
kept oa baad aad adalatoUTOi
na'aMTsaroall bantalna, and ean
tba iaaaptloa of aa attoek i_____ 81 00. IS U 14.
to booght OB easy toroB. Wa bses
Sl'SDAY. JfLY 16
•oBartac Blcbl ba areldad aad la eorp
iinitoirii <rf Milan worth of other
bargaina is farm and dtp p
Lease Trsrsrse Cltp at T: a. a. Lears Cobs and see n« ifpoasrani jbup
batbsaa oar ezpariaaea dariac the Hoakecee and Groao Baplda rataralac ■ tot w Bvpertp with ns if p
M e^B. Baa. •* 00 Good plaeat for
pMt tWMtppsara Fcrtola bp 8. E
Walt aad F. C. TboBMo- Dracrtoia.
Oee to at SU Frooi atroat, ap
______ Yon will aoa oor nigs at the
ft.M TO
bottom of iBlrwap. Go np stain, tan
Oaid of Tbasbs.
to lafv take drat door to rightj 1
----------------- -;aiOAK EO0TE.
wtob tobb^^^tb^Jtb^ I
Jnlp Ilib. tba rata dgntoaloogsidatbadoar. Waatsi
oatbagraosdfloor, at least oarof
tap btohaad-aalekaeataaddastk. atao
tortba flowers aaai bpUoB. aad tba
KMMsad Hpatlaabalatartbstsaar.
u n mian.
I.'Gr4 BbatCb.
• Dr.J.V.GtnnUett
oono KOKTV.
w. ffir
iiii ifis
Aew* gl^^ir Ce— «irret. ypo^ue Be
ilErir.? TSnWsm-------a n> s >a 4 »>
Lt Bb SwUa'
■ At ttm'swCy
bC n in 111 lUK kitn.
t to tl to » »
4 a> It S) 4 la
tiul Iltlll t IidlUl L F.
Wa wUI giro poa oar eloaa atteatwn
a^doonr best to ideaaa poo.
Arcb andajerrsBiewto,
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. HOBOAH, Propr.
A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
Some arriving every week.
■WEST Michican R’y."
Park Place Hotel!
gjra-wearse 0±-t7*, •aa'-i
Thj^^RMil ^5l tlekala
-------------ratara cto ipealtl .
a to Bap ---------- - Ttsesneat* st 7 s. a. 8a
Ttow*6i^^ealpfll<A TYala laatoa dslp M. for 7»e lor tba rooad trip.
St AlOa. a. iqtsrslacatT:40p.B.
Oco. Dcfarea. O. F. A
tax2um tm
lUni Tdflr^Ho 6B«.
We work all tbs Uma,-wa ess aaU poor
peepeftp. wa eas give you bsfgaina
S^noBtoBkata eCoto BsmBcbm
blgalgsat botaoB ofMlrs. Btgbsrgslat at top of atalra. flint deer to
the right aftor pod tors to iidi St head
of the stain.
Sienf Filar.
I Is
swb.to.4. M.
Maiuger. 0.UW
TBAVEH8E Oiri. inCH„ STTXDir, JULY 16,1899.
Tr»!a» amn 6
Newly painted papered, aod carpeted—Rooms with
jj-j —I.;—
1 of
private t»^8 have
making it one
of the
comfortAble hoteU in Northern
Address for
rates sod other information
Third T«»r-No.«M
OakM* toko »« »• AwortMO Olti*«M On OhMfo AcolB.
•OjT«rnor Plnjrw* »eom a
Point in Datrolt.
Botmo, J1I7 tt.—Oamor Ononl
Braeko wlU i«M •
Mw who. dBTiar U« iBowTO^On
Oa Oar
flnttldn AdorgdniMd Widi
Hint OldBB PldTers.
horo. ohinyw< *hoir nUonllty to W fealetn Oelte VtU May
■«SiC*P«l •W«!C n«U»»7 Oo
OMMcrUMMof 0«b»o|«lB It r«ri»aeaday aad Tbnadey-Hoae Tna
Amac«4 vlthOtTMl 0»r Co«p»- toriac to Bovno or th* dU« to which
WUl Appear to Brifht Vew OaltMj
Uoc. The 0«hwc who atota that
tMfcrta* B«d«cdeo Wkkh W«at
f.>naa-Xt WUl bo a Stnaf Affrecator petato ST et TMtarday Mani»9^Th»
Utlael iBBeen oUy will now here on
Uoo aad Looka Xdke toe Beet TraeOovwoorwlUTrptor ftapMlol W- •pportonlty to raftto their aetienality
em city Srer ^apparted.
Ihe newt toat eaeh a deem wepid ha
■tM U BnVsIpAljMlBtfe« r<M.
Bin ball tor Tneem
tola yaar
Dttroli. ialj M —A cftTprlM ww inaad hat eaaeed a eery food effeet la aanrod.
•pn»c «pc« ttt |MWi« tbi* BcnilB*_____ toe
„ todependent Caban, who
mhn a WM )Mrs«d IhM tb« MmIcI- •<»*“*» *»»■
wm be roeofaie -d toa abort Uae.
Vary few Caban-Aaeriean wUl take
CtTMi c*r Uacc- wherobr the ptfb- adeeatofe of the decree.
Ue eu ride for thTM eoota. The-Mo of toea erpraei toe dalrt to retote
Slc'pal oompup UBocceeethot the r« UwlrAaerleaB e tiaenebip. oapeelally
full" will be pwmuoBt nICM the tboae who bold property. The deem
rmltaffof the fmehlw le defected wn dratted by Seeretory Oapola. who
eehalttod It loUaooral Broohe.
hj the cMwtoi of the people."
aad toara wlU be two rmtfaaee bore
Beat week, between toe Boatleia nd
toelCeaiBtntoaa,whiebUaeldto be
the faetnt team eear aapported to toat
The leeal ataaafOBeat hare met
with eoaetderable eaeocM to aaeartof
aUhoofh aboat AIM
Bora of aaaaoB tlekeu ooybt t > here
Ike euwel mt oeotpcnlee leened orBjld to Bake toe project ran
dwe to here the eoedeetore ceoepl I
net tom ct wd after e 9*010011 thie
However, toeaahe
M have been
mnaebly liberal aad JIb Kehoe kae
It U t*porte|« to Pliifm dreloe thet WallB Tonka Has Paid tha aaaBlUed to the nraeet eolleluUoaa
the ro'wraor. ee coos u the
of toe tana aad will Btaaye toe teas
Paoaltjr for His Orlms.
Cdopte the BHBlelpcl ordtocBoae. wUl
C my Hull bap potoed the matter eloay
head hie ecerrlee to oeeartof c epeetol
by the local playen
•ewioB of the lefletotare for the par •entoaord By e Ohoctow Ooort—Writ
aaSdeet fnoda have hnn raked to
pen of prorldtof for the oahwto<Tbo of
of Babene Oerpoa Orantod bat 1 warrant the oryanUatioa of the teaB,
» aonUutloocl cmeadiaeotfto '
Wea If lorad ead the lodlaa Waa elthoiiyb the eminnt ralaed U not
people permltUac the ottp of netroit
4'alle M mnch u detired.
to fo lBto.tbe Buicipcl owBorohlp of
Klled-Oateof the Saeeaitoa
No delay hM bno esercked end al
etmt fcUwajre.
•ot Thm TlBM bat a Btay Oraatod ready elmoet the aallre leem k here.
Oorerwor Plorm hM reeeired the
Wllllem Pettomoa, who hea made a
fellewtod ulcfrcB troB Mc^or Jooee
yood noord n a crack pitcher on the
UMdleade. I. T.. Jaly U.-WUllam
of Toledo iQ reply to* dUpcieb froB
Fort Wayne Intoretate leayue team, ar
the ronraor thet I eeat feree ead noi- Ooiiiti<'-W4liaToBka").toe Cheetow
rived yeatorday Bornlny to j tin the
poml treneter, hofca to Detroit to Indtn. baa boon abot at Allklcbl. L T.
HoaUeta. A. B. Boyce, the w«U kpown
day: "deoept «y hnrty eoerretale- andaraeatoaoe of the Choctiw ooart
hanBaa of the Canadlaa teayne I
toon oo the Irleaph cf pehik owner- w Border.
kako ben and than will aake a^
AppIlcaUoa wee Bade to Federal
•Up to DeMk The der of Ue poople
atrotiy addlUo^jto the team which wl 1 '
' todewator- Uloa rletory of reaooB. JadteJohaB. ThoBn for a writ of
be laryely eompnoad of old Um play-1
* wnr tom and e fmt eiep towerd the | habna oorpna by an attorney. An or
an who an known and when nputa- j
malletUoB of ml llbery. The pnpte der by Jodye ThoBaa traaUat the
Uooa are already aetablkhed.
Talaa. I. T.
Wheeler,toe beti third
Thtoeadeee rUnatary redaetioa In A depnty meiahel arrived et. Allklcbl
lare U the molt of wdeeletoB of Oor- Jaat ea the aneenUon waaeboat to take Miohlyaa aiU be ben In time for too
drat yamea
He k sow playlny U the
aroor PlBvm Bb4 Toa L. Jobaeos to plena.
Dktrlet Attoraey Clay ead
New Eoyland laayua
flee the people aa objeet lanoa of bbertSTboBn WaWoa were In oooWork la pnttiay the dUaond la
what they Bay expect If the plane for aalieUoD when it waa prceented.
The aheriff retoaed to receive It. The yood ehapB It la proynac and It k ex
thoaale of ell tor etmt retlweya to toe
pected that the yrooadi wUl be in flret
“Detroit Maalelpel Bellwey eoBpeny" dwtrlet attoraey deelerad that "Judre
cioM boadiiloB.
la behalf of toe eltydo wla ont. The Abaer JtBca, toe Choelew Jadye alone
Tbeaaiin team will be clad la
toekele eold today tranefer 00 eay liar, could atop the execailoa."
briybt.aew nrif.rBi.the aoBa style
hat Ihoy are eo wordod toat their ate
A raaner wm dlepeicbed to Jndye
and eolor M tbr old oaea, white,trlBBla tall payani of tero 'eaa ha wlto- Jewee. elxtoen milee away. noUfylny
Od with yroea. The
yamea will
drawB at asy Uae.
hiB of toe BMoeye et Judye Thontea.
There le mueh axeltoi
alek la bed aad nnt a varbel be Wednesday and Tbunday. when
the Maalatee Cclu will ease ben with
■Itaatloa. AU the
Benaya to yo ehaad wlUi toe axeeua^blff
the yamea
toe PlBtm plao. Ooveroor Plafm le don.' TheexeenUoa took plaeo two
and the prMptci k for two of the bo*,
lantor dmlara oa toe etmu aaplaia- hoore later.
lit toe Biller fr«« hie ataadpolat. OUolayakoeltona ^alU btlndtolded- teet conieeU rvor eeu hen.
Harry Hunt will eapUln the team
TlMB-Jontyof toepeopto are Beaa- Tbe akentr bared hbboeom. pelnteda
aad i le line up for the drat yaBea wU '
whUe aoBewbat bewUderod. The epot over bla heart, atepped baek tear
^ n follow*:
SanUcaatinae la whelhar toa Pla pacea. mted a r:fl« acrow a beach and
Hull, center field: Hunt, eateher; '
fm paople^ annra aaoafb votoa to And. Theaallet eotored toe bmet.
ileeed the apok Oolajre feU back B->yee. firat base: Batky, aeeoad haati
paoa toe ordlBaace eovertof toe parWheeler,
•ban aad the aperetloa of the etml ward end Boeaad for an hoar, baton
oaplrlay. Wator waa pound ddwa hk atop; Parka, left field: Paitaraoa and
ratiwayi over Mayor Maybary'e veto.
throatk aoBber of Ubm to haaten Caraoa. pltchen.
It will be eeen at oBoe thatthk ka
daath by atroayolatioa.
roBalna to be eeea whet eeUoa fxaVayynyit on and there U every
Uoltod BUtoe yaroromut wUl preapeettbat ibu will be the beat
^Traverae City hn ever had.
TaaaelB ea Anarieaa Ooni to Aaeea- tike for deteon of toe writ.
Jerome Wilhelm will probably aot
A repvt of Oolny'a exoeatlea. toh!e for BTOtoUeae-Phlladelpkle
ila looy with the oryaalxatloa m
yotoor with el-oyod plctum of the
WlU Mot to to OuaUBatoi
Weehlertoa, O. C„ July 14-Ar- eoene. wee printed la a Cblceyo aewe- ha hat aooeptod a poaltloa with the O.
naklac at the aavydo- peoer eevere) mcathe eyo.but it proved E. A I. nllroad company ke civil eato
Ha will be hertf for the yamea
periaaent tor ortaaltlnt a»«iuedro8 of
With two kllllnye already proved next week, however, aad aevenl yood
nolail.io lo iboPaelBo. eoailaUat of
toe hatUaahlp Iowa and tba oniloera eyelnat bla. Welle Tonka waa triad man an oa the airiay for the poelUon.
All that now nmala* k for froqaaat
PbDadolphU, Newark and Marble ead fonnd yailty of the Border of hie
ooele. At the tors cf eoart hold at yaaee aad Uberal- patronaye and the
onal of the team warraato the ,
TheloweyeatovdayeeBeoat of toe bulpbarSprlayi la Jnly. lesT. he
dry doek et the P««et eonad naval au- nnteneed to be abot n Anyoat »s of
Udb. where eh# wm flVtod with bllfe that year.
keek. The Pblledelphle Met the Mere
toaced baa tba date ot hk esoeuUea
lavy yard
been tel. end every pnparaUon Bade
IVe Newark aad the Marblehead a
AoeMeat oa 0. A W. M. Osnaed Doky
OhUtaa waiera.
to Xvealny Soath Boand Train.
There leaothlaf of a pollUoal hatnre bean ynatod. Early In too pment
tolar OB
PaellJ toat reiolm yaartbODiierBadea deeperate alybt
the prmnre of each a Wf ehlp n the ride of alxty m|ae with a writ eUylay oa toe Chloayo A West Michlyaa road
Iowa, aad the will be practloally with- toe exocutlOD. which had been aet for tart with a daisy of several bean yeooat aa aMl^BBeet aaUI toe eqaadroa aanrlae of a eorteia day. Ha arrived tordsy sfieraooa as a mall of the deUfoTBed. barrlar eompllcatloai of a aiBBlteaeoaaly with the Ant yliaBrr nlUay of toe eoylBo at Oantnl Laki
awlon ehataeter in toat part ot the ofllybtinUieaeat.end the exeeuUoo Tbe eayiae was throwa eoBpIetoly «
There are already eaoafh bit did net take place. Welle Toake wm Ito side bat BO one WM injorad 'and a
then, ae he had bna twice before on delay was all the damaye done. - It
detea aet for hk eaocaUoB, baviny was fonad aeeenary, however, to read
maw 11 itdeeled toat toe Pailadelphla played beU between timn. end Benly foraaother onyiae baton toa trala
k tolar toOoatoatala w baek ap repro- ahnyyed hk ekoaldere whaa told be eoald proeeed. arrivlay U tok ally
aboat seven o'eloea.
waUUoei wade by .toe Uoltod Bialae WM not to die that Boralay.
M^lnt the olan of toe UaatBBalaa
i for lafaadlaf................
We have jo»t placed 60 pairs
of ladies' fiae Vici Kid I<ace
Show — nice new atylee —
eyerf pair made to tell at
•2.75 to ta.ob.
Mr- WlllkBMos
eaayat Is
Mrw York, Jaly l4--.1be rillays of
TV«e Oaks. Mkkigaa, baa vda tbe
eaBBOB wbleh Denvoy eeat froB MaaUa
lor the M^ ■eaiBeat taaA
Ibe caaaoa was to be yivaa to the
oity or villayo maUay the Uryasi eoatrtbaUoa U proporttga to Ik popaUtioa. Tbm Oaka, with # popaUtloa
of from SM to 1,sen. raked Al.Ut. repmen tiny Bcre toaa Si par eaplla.
Sevoa deatha froos leekfaw wore raported U aad a«r Now TcrtTaeaday.
■aklay U deatoe from too dknai
I Jaly A Otoer rkuaw an atOl
aUva. la ovoty Iwtaaaa toe dkaaaa
dnt topfetol weaads neeAvod darlac toe FMrto of Jaly eelebcalka.
10 per cent, cut
on all picture framing.
• ITiis will wliere os of the reguUr fall rush—ksep onr men
busy and gire you the benefit of rock bottom prices.
In OOP vsst window are eome frame* we tnmed out
yeeterdsy—« pride oorselree on tbe artistic
•tyle and workajanship.
give you an eetimBte.
Bring down yoor pictures aud let os
Bpeoial Remnant Sale of Cortnlns-from one to fire
of a kind, at 7 to 17c each.
2S0 Front Street
Hmlph Connabl. Jr„ Mungsr.
1 OU can gafely trust us with Vm.r nnlmrirffif
Glean Swsep
Shoe Sale
ONE.. It tw,
^ Costs "Nix"
W» .kkU poKltlFvlr TTfaw toukv
yrmr moorj •bould youi- purrh*..- te
ibr tvsih ID our Sat cr hinUahiac* Cr
make the eboes go
• •-rn-lbln* n^u<*4 la Pfirv. aad
pbTChDD* (OM tiM Is lb*
It Fhyt To Trade Eeiw.
WcMild «• dODucb a aalaaCld l.ual_ae*« If (.rapte roalCs*! Ci> BXar fuax*
D-ns Skirts—
i; oo. tl2S,*J 50
Make Your Selection
From One of the Many Styles
of Ladlee’Wniste we show in
“New Idea" Patterns.
Over a thousand atylee—lOc each.
Tta Tear Coetracts
Made by HIchlyaa Telephoaa Oo.
for aoy clan of aervlea dtoirad.
Subscrilrers Mair Cancel .
at and of alx bi iths or ohaays
aoy elaie of
at will.
Telephone the maasyer to call
aad explain new ratea adopted by
the eonpaov.
: MicRigag Telephoie Co.
: _ .
Gate Pos
•••• w^eeee wweeeew
Where Is
The Markham Block?
-It IS located in the busiest partof Traverse Citr
on Front street—between the stores of J. A. Monta
gue nnd A. A. McCoy & Son.
' And in the Markham Block is located the
Headqnarters of The W. W. Kimball Co.
The piano that is used bj- more families in this
_ vicinity than any other piano made.
This is the largest music store in Northwestern
Michigan and the finest display of pianos and organs
is here.
Also a full line of small musical instruments, musicial merchandise and popular sheet music.
strong. Manager
Eicelleat Oaaliti,
■ae Wea One of toe Oaai
tv lUwey.
'T'HE next three week* are usually the dullest of
•A the year-sort of "between grass and hay’*—
Just to.shake up the dry bones we make a.......... .....
FIrsi Class Manga Cigar,
fioof Sin,
whkh It U OBortod will be delrlBn*
tal to toe latemw of ABorioaaa aad A Benertw at Foaeb Oaptand One
Wetyhlay Om Sovn Foaade.
Tbo a^aaaUna ti*aa at to# Navy
B. M. WUllameoa. a mortar, who
Xn^rtmat of toa ordwa to harry
toMdi kk aaBBcn at Ooaeh U t*adwork oa toe PklladelphU te toat. allord Soathard'a botol. k owe e< toe
' tooarbtoe enkar hn beaa at toa meet enceenfal of too trrqoeaUn of
Men bland yard tom waeka. aot a ikrp Lake. Oa Taanday Mr. WUIlaBawoke of week hn ban doae oa bar.
eoaoaaykttl fioe black baea. two e<
whtek walyhed aU poaads aaeh and
gap too aa
autoorfb poaads. Tbe Uttar k toe
laryaeteaaybl U Oarp Lsba tok yaar.
•fbestUIUea botweaa Spain aad toe
Ualtod Statae to form a eqaadroa of Mr. WUliamaea broaybt bk prise to
MataOoa ea toe Asiatic oSattoa, with Tnvam Uty yealerday to teao ||
Two Onto.
who come first get the best
^ bm wpponT™«™. 01.,Jtnrans' Hattni Cigar
tbe nyalar maekawet hbokty aou•0 VtU taka pUoalloUkpsIrht. *
Atelni Deany U eoBmaad. bat tok
pMaaoaliBOtbaeafrkdaat ewtayto
totkoabUe wttotoeFUlpiato.
A Raw Tbiig WortA Cnltiniiig,
Ask Toar Dealer far Then.
We State
Simple Facts
Whan wa any m hara tha baat Ladlaa'
To&BsUsr Block.
Fin ihisuraiiqii.
Bboa in tha city tbr *8.00 and taoo-
Ox^; .tia#, eo. reo, $ino, *ij».
*1.80 and *8 oa Haw Una of sappart
Juat raoatrad.
Parker BroSa
twrasin «■
Third T«»r-No.«M
OakM* toko »« »• AwortMO Olti*«M On OhMfo AcolB.
•OjT«rnor Plnjrw* »eom a
Point in Datrolt.
Botmo, J1I7 tt.—Oamor Ononl
Braeko wlU i«M •
Mw who. dBTiar U« iBowTO^On
Oa Oar
flnttldn AdorgdniMd Widi
Hint OldBB PldTers.
horo. ohinyw< *hoir nUonllty to W fealetn Oelte VtU May
■«SiC*P«l •W«!C n«U»»7 Oo
OMMcrUMMof 0«b»o|«lB It r«ri»aeaday aad Tbnadey-Hoae Tna
Amac«4 vlthOtTMl 0»r Co«p»- toriac to Bovno or th* dU« to which
WUl Appear to Brifht Vew OaltMj
Uoc. The 0«hwc who atota that
tMfcrta* B«d«cdeo Wkkh W«at
f.>naa-Xt WUl bo a Stnaf Affrecator petato ST et TMtarday Mani»9^Th»
Utlael iBBeen oUy will now here on
Uoo aad Looka Xdke toe Beet TraeOovwoorwlUTrptor ftapMlol W- •pportonlty to raftto their aetienality
em city Srer ^apparted.
Ihe newt toat eaeh a deem wepid ha
■tM U BnVsIpAljMlBtfe« r<M.
Bin ball tor Tneem
tola yaar
Dttroli. ialj M —A cftTprlM ww inaad hat eaaeed a eery food effeet la aanrod.
•pn»c «pc« ttt |MWi« tbi* BcnilB*_____ toe
„ todependent Caban, who
mhn a WM )Mrs«d IhM tb« MmIcI- •<»*“*» *»»■
wm be roeofaie -d toa abort Uae.
Vary few Caban-Aaeriean wUl take
CtTMi c*r Uacc- wherobr the ptfb- adeeatofe of the decree.
Ue eu ride for thTM eoota. The-Mo of toea erpraei toe dalrt to retote
Slc'pal oompup UBocceeethot the r« UwlrAaerleaB e tiaenebip. oapeelally
full" will be pwmuoBt nICM the tboae who bold property. The deem
rmltaffof the fmehlw le defected wn dratted by Seeretory Oapola. who
eehalttod It loUaooral Broohe.
hj the cMwtoi of the people."
aad toara wlU be two rmtfaaee bore
Beat week, between toe Boatleia nd
toelCeaiBtntoaa,whiebUaeldto be
the faetnt team eear aapported to toat
The leeal ataaafOBeat hare met
with eoaetderable eaeocM to aaeartof
aUhoofh aboat AIM
Bora of aaaaoB tlekeu ooybt t > here
Ike euwel mt oeotpcnlee leened orBjld to Bake toe project ran
dwe to here the eoedeetore ceoepl I
net tom ct wd after e 9*010011 thie
However, toeaahe
M have been
mnaebly liberal aad JIb Kehoe kae
It U t*porte|« to Pliifm dreloe thet WallB Tonka Has Paid tha aaaBlUed to the nraeet eolleluUoaa
the ro'wraor. ee coos u the
of toe tana aad will Btaaye toe teas
Paoaltjr for His Orlms.
Cdopte the BHBlelpcl ordtocBoae. wUl
C my Hull bap potoed the matter eloay
head hie ecerrlee to oeeartof c epeetol
by the local playen
•ewioB of the lefletotare for the par •entoaord By e Ohoctow Ooort—Writ
aaSdeet fnoda have hnn raked to
pen of prorldtof for the oahwto<Tbo of
of Babene Oerpoa Orantod bat 1 warrant the oryanUatioa of the teaB,
» aonUutloocl cmeadiaeotfto '
Wea If lorad ead the lodlaa Waa elthoiiyb the eminnt ralaed U not
people permltUac the ottp of netroit
4'alle M mnch u detired.
to fo lBto.tbe Buicipcl owBorohlp of
Klled-Oateof the Saeeaitoa
No delay hM bno esercked end al
etmt fcUwajre.
•ot Thm TlBM bat a Btay Oraatod ready elmoet the aallre leem k here.
Oorerwor Plorm hM reeeired the
Wllllem Pettomoa, who hea made a
fellewtod ulcfrcB troB Mc^or Jooee
yood noord n a crack pitcher on the
UMdleade. I. T.. Jaly U.-WUllam
of Toledo iQ reply to* dUpcieb froB
Fort Wayne Intoretate leayue team, ar
the ronraor thet I eeat feree ead noi- Ooiiiti<'-W4liaToBka").toe Cheetow
rived yeatorday Bornlny to j tin the
poml treneter, hofca to Detroit to Indtn. baa boon abot at Allklcbl. L T.
HoaUeta. A. B. Boyce, the w«U kpown
day: "deoept «y hnrty eoerretale- andaraeatoaoe of the Choctiw ooart
hanBaa of the Canadlaa teayne I
toon oo the Irleaph cf pehik owner- w Border.
kako ben and than will aake a^
AppIlcaUoa wee Bade to Federal
•Up to DeMk The der of Ue poople
atrotiy addlUo^jto the team which wl 1 '
' todewator- Uloa rletory of reaooB. JadteJohaB. ThoBn for a writ of
be laryely eompnoad of old Um play-1
* wnr tom and e fmt eiep towerd the | habna oorpna by an attorney. An or
an who an known and when nputa- j
malletUoB of ml llbery. The pnpte der by Jodye ThoBaa traaUat the
Uooa are already aetablkhed.
Talaa. I. T.
Wheeler,toe beti third
Thtoeadeee rUnatary redaetioa In A depnty meiahel arrived et. Allklcbl
lare U the molt of wdeeletoB of Oor- Jaat ea the aneenUon waaeboat to take Miohlyaa aiU be ben In time for too
drat yamea
He k sow playlny U the
aroor PlBvm Bb4 Toa L. Jobaeos to plena.
Dktrlet Attoraey Clay ead
New Eoyland laayua
flee the people aa objeet lanoa of bbertSTboBn WaWoa were In oooWork la pnttiay the dUaond la
what they Bay expect If the plane for aalieUoD when it waa prceented.
The aheriff retoaed to receive It. The yood ehapB It la proynac and It k ex
thoaale of ell tor etmt retlweya to toe
pected that the yrooadi wUl be in flret
“Detroit Maalelpel Bellwey eoBpeny" dwtrlet attoraey deelerad that "Judre
cioM boadiiloB.
la behalf of toe eltydo wla ont. The Abaer JtBca, toe Choelew Jadye alone
Tbeaaiin team will be clad la
toekele eold today tranefer 00 eay liar, could atop the execailoa."
briybt.aew nrif.rBi.the aoBa style
hat Ihoy are eo wordod toat their ate
A raaner wm dlepeicbed to Jndye
and eolor M tbr old oaea, white,trlBBla tall payani of tero 'eaa ha wlto- Jewee. elxtoen milee away. noUfylny
Od with yroea. The
yamea will
drawB at asy Uae.
hiB of toe BMoeye et Judye Thontea.
There le mueh axeltoi
alek la bed aad nnt a varbel be Wednesday and Tbunday. when
the Maalatee Cclu will ease ben with
■Itaatloa. AU the
Benaya to yo ehaad wlUi toe axeeua^blff
the yamea
toe PlBtm plao. Ooveroor Plafm le don.' TheexeenUoa took plaeo two
and the prMptci k for two of the bo*,
lantor dmlara oa toe etmu aaplaia- hoore later.
lit toe Biller fr«« hie ataadpolat. OUolayakoeltona ^alU btlndtolded- teet conieeU rvor eeu hen.
Harry Hunt will eapUln the team
TlMB-Jontyof toepeopto are Beaa- Tbe akentr bared hbboeom. pelnteda
aad i le line up for the drat yaBea wU '
whUe aoBewbat bewUderod. The epot over bla heart, atepped baek tear
^ n follow*:
SanUcaatinae la whelhar toa Pla pacea. mted a r:fl« acrow a beach and
Hull, center field: Hunt, eateher; '
fm paople^ annra aaoafb votoa to And. Theaallet eotored toe bmet.
ileeed the apok Oolajre feU back B->yee. firat base: Batky, aeeoad haati
paoa toe ordlBaace eovertof toe parWheeler,
•ban aad the aperetloa of the etml ward end Boeaad for an hoar, baton
oaplrlay. Wator waa pound ddwa hk atop; Parka, left field: Paitaraoa and
ratiwayi over Mayor Maybary'e veto.
throatk aoBber of Ubm to haaten Caraoa. pltchen.
It will be eeen at oBoe thatthk ka
daath by atroayolatioa.
roBalna to be eeea whet eeUoa fxaVayynyit on and there U every
Uoltod BUtoe yaroromut wUl preapeettbat ibu will be the beat
^Traverae City hn ever had.
TaaaelB ea Anarieaa Ooni to Aaeea- tike for deteon of toe writ.
Jerome Wilhelm will probably aot
A repvt of Oolny'a exoeatlea. toh!e for BTOtoUeae-Phlladelpkle
ila looy with the oryaalxatloa m
yotoor with el-oyod plctum of the
WlU Mot to to OuaUBatoi
Weehlertoa, O. C„ July 14-Ar- eoene. wee printed la a Cblceyo aewe- ha hat aooeptod a poaltloa with the O.
naklac at the aavydo- peoer eevere) mcathe eyo.but it proved E. A I. nllroad company ke civil eato
Ha will be hertf for the yamea
periaaent tor ortaaltlnt a»«iuedro8 of
With two kllllnye already proved next week, however, aad aevenl yood
nolail.io lo iboPaelBo. eoailaUat of
toe hatUaahlp Iowa and tba oniloera eyelnat bla. Welle Tonka waa triad man an oa the airiay for the poelUon.
All that now nmala* k for froqaaat
PbDadolphU, Newark and Marble ead fonnd yailty of the Border of hie
ooele. At the tors cf eoart hold at yaaee aad Uberal- patronaye and the
onal of the team warraato the ,
TheloweyeatovdayeeBeoat of toe bulpbarSprlayi la Jnly. lesT. he
dry doek et the P««et eonad naval au- nnteneed to be abot n Anyoat »s of
Udb. where eh# wm flVtod with bllfe that year.
keek. The Pblledelphle Met the Mere
toaced baa tba date ot hk esoeuUea
lavy yard
been tel. end every pnparaUon Bade
IVe Newark aad the Marblehead a
AoeMeat oa 0. A W. M. Osnaed Doky
OhUtaa waiera.
to Xvealny Soath Boand Train.
There leaothlaf of a pollUoal hatnre bean ynatod. Early In too pment
tolar OB
PaellJ toat reiolm yaartbODiierBadea deeperate alybt
the prmnre of each a Wf ehlp n the ride of alxty m|ae with a writ eUylay oa toe Chloayo A West Michlyaa road
Iowa, aad the will be practloally with- toe exocutlOD. which had been aet for tart with a daisy of several bean yeooat aa aMl^BBeet aaUI toe eqaadroa aanrlae of a eorteia day. Ha arrived tordsy sfieraooa as a mall of the deUfoTBed. barrlar eompllcatloai of a aiBBlteaeoaaly with the Ant yliaBrr nlUay of toe eoylBo at Oantnl Laki
awlon ehataeter in toat part ot the ofllybtinUieaeat.end the exeeuUoo Tbe eayiae was throwa eoBpIetoly «
There are already eaoafh bit did net take place. Welle Toake wm Ito side bat BO one WM injorad 'and a
then, ae he had bna twice before on delay was all the damaye done. - It
detea aet for hk eaocaUoB, baviny was fonad aeeenary, however, to read
maw 11 itdeeled toat toe Pailadelphla played beU between timn. end Benly foraaother onyiae baton toa trala
k tolar toOoatoatala w baek ap repro- ahnyyed hk ekoaldere whaa told be eoald proeeed. arrivlay U tok ally
aboat seven o'eloea.
waUUoei wade by .toe Uoltod Bialae WM not to die that Boralay.
M^lnt the olan of toe UaatBBalaa
i for lafaadlaf................
We have jo»t placed 60 pairs
of ladies' fiae Vici Kid I<ace
Show — nice new atylee —
eyerf pair made to tell at
•2.75 to ta.ob.
Mr- WlllkBMos
eaayat Is
Mrw York, Jaly l4--.1be rillays of
TV«e Oaks. Mkkigaa, baa vda tbe
eaBBOB wbleh Denvoy eeat froB MaaUa
lor the M^ ■eaiBeat taaA
Ibe caaaoa was to be yivaa to the
oity or villayo maUay the Uryasi eoatrtbaUoa U proporttga to Ik popaUtioa. Tbm Oaka, with # popaUtloa
of from SM to 1,sen. raked Al.Ut. repmen tiny Bcre toaa Si par eaplla.
Sevoa deatha froos leekfaw wore raported U aad a«r Now TcrtTaeaday.
■aklay U deatoe from too dknai
I Jaly A Otoer rkuaw an atOl
aUva. la ovoty Iwtaaaa toe dkaaaa
dnt topfetol weaads neeAvod darlac toe FMrto of Jaly eelebcalka.
10 per cent, cut
on all picture framing.
• ITiis will wliere os of the reguUr fall rush—ksep onr men
busy and gire you the benefit of rock bottom prices.
In OOP vsst window are eome frame* we tnmed out
yeeterdsy—« pride oorselree on tbe artistic
•tyle and workajanship.
give you an eetimBte.
Bring down yoor pictures aud let os
Bpeoial Remnant Sale of Cortnlns-from one to fire
of a kind, at 7 to 17c each.
2S0 Front Street
Hmlph Connabl. Jr„ Mungsr.
1 OU can gafely trust us with Vm.r nnlmrirffif
Glean Swsep
Shoe Sale
ONE.. It tw,
^ Costs "Nix"
W» .kkU poKltlFvlr TTfaw toukv
yrmr moorj •bould youi- purrh*..- te
ibr tvsih ID our Sat cr hinUahiac* Cr
make the eboes go
• •-rn-lbln* n^u<*4 la Pfirv. aad
pbTChDD* (OM tiM Is lb*
It Fhyt To Trade Eeiw.
WcMild «• dODucb a aalaaCld l.ual_ae*« If (.rapte roalCs*! Ci> BXar fuax*
D-ns Skirts—
i; oo. tl2S,*J 50
Make Your Selection
From One of the Many Styles
of Ladlee’Wniste we show in
“New Idea" Patterns.
Over a thousand atylee—lOc each.
Tta Tear Coetracts
Made by HIchlyaa Telephoaa Oo.
for aoy clan of aervlea dtoirad.
Subscrilrers Mair Cancel .
at and of alx bi iths or ohaays
aoy elaie of
at will.
Telephone the maasyer to call
aad explain new ratea adopted by
the eonpaov.
: MicRigag Telephoie Co.
: _ .
Gate Pos
•••• w^eeee wweeeew
Where Is
The Markham Block?
-It IS located in the busiest partof Traverse Citr
on Front street—between the stores of J. A. Monta
gue nnd A. A. McCoy & Son.
' And in the Markham Block is located the
Headqnarters of The W. W. Kimball Co.
The piano that is used bj- more families in this
_ vicinity than any other piano made.
This is the largest music store in Northwestern
Michigan and the finest display of pianos and organs
is here.
Also a full line of small musical instruments, musicial merchandise and popular sheet music.
strong. Manager
Eicelleat Oaaliti,
■ae Wea One of toe Oaai
tv lUwey.
'T'HE next three week* are usually the dullest of
•A the year-sort of "between grass and hay’*—
Just to.shake up the dry bones we make a.......... .....
FIrsi Class Manga Cigar,
fioof Sin,
whkh It U OBortod will be delrlBn*
tal to toe latemw of ABorioaaa aad A Benertw at Foaeb Oaptand One
Wetyhlay Om Sovn Foaade.
Tbo a^aaaUna ti*aa at to# Navy
B. M. WUllameoa. a mortar, who
Xn^rtmat of toa ordwa to harry
toMdi kk aaBBcn at Ooaeh U t*adwork oa toe PklladelphU te toat. allord Soathard'a botol. k owe e< toe
' tooarbtoe enkar hn beaa at toa meet enceenfal of too trrqoeaUn of
Men bland yard tom waeka. aot a ikrp Lake. Oa Taanday Mr. WUIlaBawoke of week hn ban doae oa bar.
eoaoaaykttl fioe black baea. two e<
whtek walyhed aU poaads aaeh and
gap too aa
autoorfb poaads. Tbe Uttar k toe
laryaeteaaybl U Oarp Lsba tok yaar.
•fbestUIUea botweaa Spain aad toe
Ualtod Statae to form a eqaadroa of Mr. WUliamaea broaybt bk prise to
MataOoa ea toe Asiatic oSattoa, with Tnvam Uty yealerday to teao ||
Two Onto.
who come first get the best
^ bm wpponT™«™. 01.,Jtnrans' Hattni Cigar
tbe nyalar maekawet hbokty aou•0 VtU taka pUoalloUkpsIrht. *
Atelni Deany U eoBmaad. bat tok
pMaaoaliBOtbaeafrkdaat ewtayto
totkoabUe wttotoeFUlpiato.
A Raw Tbiig WortA Cnltiniiig,
Ask Toar Dealer far Then.
We State
Simple Facts
Whan wa any m hara tha baat Ladlaa'
To&BsUsr Block.
Fin ihisuraiiqii.
Bboa in tha city tbr *8.00 and taoo-
Ox^; .tia#, eo. reo, $ino, *ij».
*1.80 and *8 oa Haw Una of sappart
Juat raoatrad.
Parker BroSa
m Moumco uoobo, batubdat. yult i6, isse.
»«0 USfUl •»■*> WTS
• Fsb ONLY
matt » taa9 famnmr tiama aat
Amaat Km TiMw4«y.
9«« trlctt UUto boT*
la (ha
•Uy ywtatAay f»*« Oara^ajr^ ha»l«
tba aotifa trty alOM- Tbay ara
Mat aod
acad 1« aad
aad Lao Wairar.
taw. T. Baih asb J. W. Bansa.
a»d triU Baba tbalf boaaa wltb tba:r
Mr. ByBoo
«. mama. Ultaa ami Mi-fw.
wlUaoad tboB to aabool^ a *o,«an attor «rUah ba will aoa that tbv
aaWbltobad la batibaaa U tbto
A MoUe ofBlaaaryDaya.
I>a«'t Vaad Blab to Boca.
M B. Oatoa baa -~~f otbar old doe '
baa eooaa to tba aotko of tba Bar.
Wbao Mr. HyBoo t*aa^ wotBtbat aBeaioaadpaoora aoopy of tba
that OBall dab ara bola» takaa la
ttoaboyawara oobIbc ba artaafodto L‘>uto Dally Braalaf Caloa. of Taao- »»*fa qaaailtlot tioB aoaao at tba lasakaalrtptoMaw Torb toaMot tbas daj. May tV.Jitowblobaooialaa Sana. Uad lakoa for f »dla» to bora. Tbto la
torClav-aroporifroB tba arlaei ooaafalaai tba law. wbi^ aaya:
Waaton Ualoa oOaa Maaacar Barry Bittoaef tblrtoaaoB tba aUaVT cob- "Itaball ba oDlaarfal. afaay Usaa
adotood blB that arraafaBoota ooald proBlto la o
tba adBto- boraaftor. to taka, aatob. klU a wttbtbo a
aloo of Oalltoraia lata tba aaioa. atroy. or att?Bpt to taka, eateh. bill < r
to aoa that tba boya aaada tba trip to Awoarthaadv
itooeabrad- daatroy, aay Btaaowaor tBall fry Cab
Tnaaraa aty aafaly aloaa. Mr. Barry od.-Krr««*»atla."aadwblohraa^: tnaay of tba watora of tbto aute.
TharaimM af OsbA.
it tba acaot ol tba ataa»ablp llaa by ‘ Tbraa Mkaly aarro Bao. afad IT. l» otbar porpoaaa thaa for Bah boil.” It
tW ^BaatlM at tba latara of Cabo h wbtab tba boya m
aedri.tbaUurr a ftiat rata Mopar; wUl ba wall for ararybody to> oodtr^ bta sac OM of (^t*r
aad to at oaaa wlrad tba afoat la Ni
alao.aoasoeUaot woBaa. arad M, a
t^aUw.aalt win ba atrici y
York to look aftar tba UUla fallowm. rood eook. waaber. Iroaar and taam- aoforeod ta tbto tort of tba atate.
iMas^MaoB.u^ Ua Battar
wbo aoaU aoi apaak a -oek of Bar.i to balac aartoMly onaMar- Itob. Tba raaali waa aotlraly aattolao^ D., D. B. C...1A IB
0t U (ba' Ualtad buua aad Onba. tory aad Mr. Bysaa waa aaaad tba a*T. U. wnu.^ -F<«r bM
natatoavary a(n»ir B*all.aal te paaaaot a trip to Saw York. Tba ot r~d
I Uaa of Bloetrie Bit.ara boa eared Mr*
••Moatioo to tba Ualtod butaa aad yoaar toariata arrlrad aafaly aad bad qolr* at »l Ollra atroau”
I Brawor of aerofoU. wblsb bad caiua<*
•bto aaoUmaai to aaiortalaad by
( (uffarisc for year*. Terria plaaaaat j wraoy, tbaaka to tba arPtaaaaat Baearaioo.
woald break oat OD bar bead
fttf batt aUMAt la tba tolaad.
- by Mr. Barry.
U ilto a latfa naBboret a:
aad taoe.aad■ tee
■beat doei
BvMaaUy IVaaMaat M«Ktal*y bat
tea trip to Nauh-U waste y«a- ciraoobalpibather CO I to eompltU
tetraatod all fapraaaatatUaa of Ua
tarday oa tea ataamar Oolambla.
- •
Mar- aite bar baalte to axeallLicet.'' Tbto
- -vMbaa aaat to tba
^ _ ebowe wtoat
have proved—
,aad Mr. aad Mra. Piaak Prladria\ an- tearb-a Jareatla
that Blaotrie Bitter* to tea beat blood
military or efril to ti
ayea tba people wbem they meat that }>yedatripto Na-ab-tawaata yrater- board aad foratobad eioallant saaie. purifier baowa. Ite tea anpreBa remAlterraaablBC tea ramrt tea rscor- ady for acMm*. Utter, aalt rbanm.
U Cate waato to teeomo a part of tba
m)o,«i.u.. «w fi~«- .1
Patted Btetaa It maat la loBa way aay : Parker Paaalairteo rawrai M week .IO.UU
___________ ____ Ik.
I. •UBBlataa Ilrw. Ikidnev*
K——.-kk. uelpa dip
ap. Tbora ara iktaa peaalbla aattlo- la Parbar Broo'Btora tbto Boralaf
^tOi <»a toaoaaaatloa, remote ce tm- attartoa abaaaoa < f tan day# oo bto aa- te* attoraoon afu^^ ipeadinc a maat up tea tUwacte. Only M eente. Sold
by Jobnaoe aad Walt, drsfctou. (Onac
*OltatOi*aaood, aproioctorotr; tblrd.
aateed )
Bebaru weal te Kalbaaka
abaelate ladtpcacaaoa alUmatoly, bat
-We bare aold many different cooyb
yaatarday to atuad to aoma bariaaaa
naedtaa. bnl none bat fIran better Pall wt Mr N caata
pot at oaaa. TbaAiattotba oaly aat
„ . aavUfaeUon teas CbambarUisto'' aay*
Tba: price will bay at the Pbmona a
tioaoal teat woald really aattla affaire
Arabiteet t. E. Moara want te Cad- Mr Cbarle* BoUttoaet, Drwfctot. Mawhalf doua SUvartoe kaivm and a*
pad laoara proaparlty.
“It to perfectly tafa and
1, .VJ. “1
many ft^rka.
A Oaboa.orttaref birb teaal ateadba rellad upoa in ail eaaca of
lar, Bros iBlraarao. la oa roteadad yaatarday oa bar way from Oraad Bap- aoopba. eoldi or boarteoaea Bold by
4tofaaaloa. bold* teat If laft to itaalf Ida te Laa’a Point, whara aha will A B. Walt aad F. a Tboupaon, Dru(Fratear daateta at tea Fan
Pate weald ba. Uka tea otear amall
TE. T.0, .E„
^ ^
> tolW tHp »
oaateora rapabUaa. U a cbroale atate "Ei
A taw year* *(o a yoat wa* o
tt roMlatloe Ibaa. arala. aren if Oa^ LakayaaUrtlay.
Mia. «. K. Bowaa aad bar motear, ad rood only for cleanlar ap
Ibto ware aot tba eaaa tba tolaad eoald
batfdczvnSllveriae knl<
boarct aad farbac* dampa aboi
many lurk*.
•at affate teteouulda tea Ualtad Mra. Bterto. want to Pranktart yaatar- Now they ara amooc the moat ealn
of te# laatear protiocla» <jntdroi
piatea oa aaeoaat of fto rraat staplaa day.
A oertelB R ;bert B. Poar'
Mn. Pania Loardoa aad family of
ad |fodB*U*a ladaawy. aofor- tobaoeo.
Jlaoueered a proeat* for teanlar
aoBaa. T%to aOBOtry to tba astar- aamasaU, wast to Ba-ob-te-waaia akin ol tea clreoa bill and tin caa
pi •orkat far all tbraa. aad wltb Bao- yaatarday
aeaeearer. wbmby tea aoftetl and
Jtea Demtar aad Mr. and Mia- Wy. loreileat aboa teat ever adorned
all, Porto Bteo. aad tba Pblllpplnaa
V foot baa been eeolrad.
aa)oyUr tea advaotaraa of aaaaxa- taa aad aoa of dauoaa Bay. wan
iWB Immentaly rich witb
Moo, Oate woald ba rary atnonaly tba city yaatarday.
hi* find. wMte’
i forty nUll
nlllion* now .aad
Mra. M. B. HUto of Laland^teat yea- ooly befun hit enreer.
S If da^rad of tba
Bto tecret to
tarday la tea eity.
teoadto aa tboaa tsmUbla rlrala.
BPpnrchtteable aad oakaai
>t leather
Aaotear Caboa of aoU, Adolfo
K<d to
- Haaea. boidatbatittooaeaaaoryteteo Harry, et Uraad Bafdla.ara la tee elly
■Quioe Viei K>d caa 1
tec realpalTMkm of Cateb enraaiaduauy that tea cuaau of Mr. aad Mtm. W. J Par. made only by Robert H- Poerderer.
TbU week Praok Friedrich to teo-Iar
It iboald ba pUead oa lb# aama loot ay bar.
raaulae Vicl Kid and tee V,cl K<d
The MlMaa dbamway of Cbloafo. tee reaulae
pa teat of Porto Bleo, aad that footiar
raa ooly ba aaoerad peroaaaaUy by bare arrltedalElcawood for a aam- Dreaalnr made by tbto tame 1
derer. Saturday. July SS prot
dtUl aaotbar proalaaa' mar rialt.
a ruad jobilM lor tee <
MJa*aa Jaaala and Aira Maey, aad
PalM*Mt'^ato <>• Apcitarolp.
tba bead el tea Coatarratlra party, Maadamaa Winter* and Hobba. of May- tbelr dolllea. and avary one of tea
little dear* (tee dolllr* | to to be *bod
potato oat tartoua diOlcalUaa la tbr field, ware la tba elty yaatarday.
wiib a b^ui.ilful Vlcl K.<id ellpper, n
way of aaBltiler Cate aa a »tate, but
CUreaea Wbltaay left yeaterday for lovely even teaa that olL fal
f*bled Cioc
^ admlU *-Caba ba* to ba Aatarloaa Cbleaco wbara be will Uka bla poaitloo
territory, aad oaaaotbaaayibiarato*''
aoelau editor of tee Waaura Blac
pe far frc B ooeleadlar wltb tba dllB trtolaa.
aalOaa la tba way of aaaofttlaa ara
Mr. and Mra. leaae PaaBlarton and
teaaparablaobaUcla*, be aaya to tba dantbter. Bteel. of
^waricoB people, "Yoa'bara arijulrad taraad to ibeir bom* yeaterday attar
r(tp06alblliilca wbieh yon are aot at rUltiar wltb Bar- J. Paanlarion and
liberty to tbrvw away or to bock oa." family ol tbto city.
Ba rafarato aaBcsatloa uadar toata
F. C- Browa. Mtos Itorria Brown aad
lonaaa an “impend tUtlmata aola. Mtot Obarlln of Blnybam ware la tee
elty yaatarday
C. B. Taylor aajiyad a fiahlnr trip
to Mayfield yaatarday.
Engagcmcat of
Mra. A. J. Doyle aad aoa Barla and
PMasd»wpactodOit:sas Haa Oona
the famwu*
aad bar aatoa Maori Mclaloab of ManAltar Lear tuHbrlac
Mioaa, win leave tbto monilar lor a
Baary H. Burnt of eie dteta atroat. two weak*' ftolt la Wexford.
dladyaauedty looralorat cto o'clock
Will DUoa of Wexford apaat tea day
after a vary palnfal lUaaai oT eland la tea city yaatarday.
- UBora. Mr. Baraa ba* beta tick two
Mra J. J. Cook and two cblldran of
yaaia aad ooafiaed to hit bad tor tea Kalamatoo. wbo have baaa vtoitlnt
Mra. Helen Bracff. l«tt yaatarday after,
Mr. Barn* wa* bora la Clifford, noon to aptad a few weak* in Wexford.
foai)aabanna Co-. Pa., Oetobar IV, l»t«.
Mr*. Joaepb Pobl ol Ur*illeb*Ule bar
Ha haa retlded la tela elty aboai cone to Mt. aamena aad Oatiolt vtoltlaaaty yaai*, to
baowa lac frienda
Mermaa tUada tba waU kupwn elfar
aad bat mad# a
friaadt Daaeated Uaraa a wife and dealer of Saciaaw. to la tba city os
tena ebUdraa; Mr«. Amy C. Aytowortb batlaaaa.
Mr* CJ Starr, ttoter of J« UeeVafiTt fttiT Mr M Gmt BrtUli
M Batt Lasox, Pa., Ward Baraa of
Chlaafo aad italdaa W. Burnt ol tbit ly. wba bai bean apaadiac a eonpl* of
D£kt Tttrt Mr filUilted SUM
phy. Otbar raladraa wbo aarriva blm weak* to tel* elty. will raters to Jollat.
We sr« tolKsg bome nioe
Lawn &ttees
lor tl-So m red aod ffreeD.
W« hare a Urge line of
porcb and Lavn Bockers,
Settees, Hamcooek
in most all colon and atylec; and tbej are going at
very Utile pricea it this
big sale.
J. W. Slater, Honse Fnmislier
-130 B'X'OXL^St.
All details of the profession looked after in a pro-
J lo. 318 Dim Stmt
Steinberg's Grand
Tuesday, July 18
Jubilee Singers
and Imperial Orchestra.
20th SEASON-20th
an bto brotbar. B. W. Baraa aad a
a atotrr. Mra. U A. Biwfc- bote of tbi*
at Omanb.
faaaral will ba bald at tea realMaalay i
imaa Baaday afteraeoa at t:»0. Bar.
lapld*. to riaittoff old triaad* bar*
Cbabiu at tee Ooar
cAatottof, amtotedby B*f. Wo^dhooM
0t |b* Bapttot cbarcb.
Priat* for Oolla
Maxi week Frank Frladrlek wUl bar*
as asblbltloa ol doll* to tea dtoplay
erlsdow cf bto aboa **00*. wblab will
wiratb* yoanc fclrto a.obaaoe to exhib
it tbfir akin and tatu. B* will irlva a
iptea of a pair ol oxford* to tea clrl
pneanitof the beat draaaad laic* doll.
4,^adbyb*t**lf.ana a palr^ol loa
•UpMnior te* beat draaaad Aadiam
•laad or amall dolL Th* doUa win ba
H^i.y^tetb* wtodowAa lpld«m>e «f Dtorrboaa.
to vtolitof tba family of B. «. BoU.
HI* fatbar to a mambar of tea Otal
JobaSaymoarof Maatotea, memi
tea Ml
tlea On., to to tea etoy oa baainaa* oeaaacted with tea Una
LBOtear rraat dtocovary ba* baea
da. and mt. too. by a tody to tell
tnwy. “Diaaaaa faataaed It* elatebbar aad for tavar year* aba
Itbalood lie **var«at taato, bat- bar
•adarmtoad aad
ritel ____
daate aaemad
Mr A. Bandar*, wrtllnc from OoeaanatOwaa. Fto - tayt
^ >« eoaU aot tlaep Sbe fiaall v dlMovarad
a wry to reeovery, by parebaaiiic of oa
a bottle of Dr. KlafV Mew Duoovary
for Cnaeamptloa, aad wa» eo moeb raof Cbambartoto'*
to few doat*
Uavad OB tekinc tee flr*t doee
Fto tala by A B. Wall b
_ Mro
Mr*. Latbar LaU.''
LnU." Tb**
Tbn. writu^*
>wtbcr daatei* at tea Famoea, 10
a .Amite A Oo.. «f Bbriby. M.
Trial botttaa la eta. at teadrac«b
A B. Walt and J. O. Jobaaoa.
tor alae OOe aad II. Bvary btotU
Sn« Yein Twr fit CUM.
Company headwl by Miw D. Un
derwood, known aa
‘The Black Melba’
fessional manner.
Here's the gre'ateet chance of your life time to get the great
est bargains ever offered by the greatest bargain prodiicing film.
You’ve been waiting for this chance and here it is. Watch the
prices below—they're death dealing to high prices.
Waverly, former price $40 00, now....
Sterling,former price $50,00.now....
Fox Flyer, former price $40 00,-now...
Ajax, former price $*7 60, now..........
Hibbard, former price $4000, now. .
Hambler.former price $40.00, now....
.$30 00
$26 00
Cleveland, former price $60.00. now. ■ ■
Cleveland, former price $76.00, now
Juvenile Qendron, former price $22.50, now. $18 00
Alao the Boyal Paragoo Mala
Quartatte—Two bam soloistoand
and tenor aoloiat.
SpMual^iieca, 86 and 50o; child
6eau on aale at the Box Office
thia morning.
•»&oxk« amo.
Basri.'ss'c.KS.': .
John R. Santo,
Cmril liuraact.
These are all first-class wheels—warranted In every respect
■^Aa the season is well advanced, wo do not care to carry a
wheel over, and therefore offer them at the above astonishing
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
Tu Mournr» MaP<mo, AATuatiAT.
▲nujunaov ZBMB.
^ -
u, ism.
I toattoMB fm tolton ViM
RhI Estn, UetoNtt, SLSS.isrs&i'rST.
s w. itoigtMk. A., r.
TnfWS, M|M| lUMR.
•»»« ito^SSC
■to B. Bktordl. of Btfloto. •» to tto W1 bora • dMBt ttot^wuM^ajM to
itbio b« ••tod to
«tJ to tMr »k7 toM too* • toktog
trig V
BoMdBM riw. Tto;
umm stowaways.
Mb to graoa tto fuparal of bto atoUr.
cben; trM, 150 paar,
FOKBALE-OOO-Fire acre lot on Oar«eIdaveone. Price *500.
FOB BALE—Loto IS and SO. block 1.
Parr; Hannab'e eeooad add. oorner
Bobemta aad mb etraaV IVlee
Wsi • tsU liiegCtihetiHtnf
:s 2j^
«Mk teOato.
Tto «tkt froUbtUif tto «M*rt of
AnMM tocMfrOTiTvk'y to* toM
WMtedad. tot •■ afort datj of «t4 !•
glatl j-ou've turned
pour ratten atdp; neiih>r
you will live to see Cfarlatiiuu
/ Eat
day. which I stoll." The prophe-y
nisenultolaetkm- Mead Mood; proved a tree one. The
Ttoik-Broitor Badle;
down within a week of sailing and
only the aecood uflim-r aud a few men
- Ba elution - LiicIleO'Naal.
. tec eraam aad cake ware aarsiM dar
aared. One woudera bow anoh
img tba aeaaiac.
! ^ auiH-n-titlon aora-. If aiiiwratlOon It
Brolbar Wm. Gobi* wUl base ebar, a. "jl
' f I"
,he hliu ihtii lh........
‘- Mil-n . 1.1
raf abe program a :l Prida; evening
I forint :'t ar- c'Vrr miller tlesiK^tnl
I pn>liHll.u of htwreu. klel ttot It la
IB ________
disjileaaing to the prarhh-nee tlint
Mm aa Editor w Ecrmninaiid Pataat
o^rr t^ch waifs If anytl'lng
j he done to tliwan thrir wtohea? The
^ foolish, the Idlnd. chihlren. and drnnk'Vrora B;lvan Valle; Nawa. Bravrad. arde arc iirmvrUlaUy Mhl to to utrdcr
9Ueb p<-cttUar gtunltaoahlii and taiv.
Itrai to
•diara-toa I
ipabllel; r
jraopriatar; mtoteiara m
waarkat. pet aaa prei........................
lag era teal It a -dot; to aa; a goto
* ' IT CbamberUlD'e Oollc. Cholera
WaawB aad aeto ibto mtolelae in cur
Eamil; for twenty pean aad have a:raaps fonnd It raflable. In man; oaece “West Michican R’y."
m done of this meed; would save hours
to anfleriag while a phTelelaa te awalP
to. We do Bot believe Ip depandlag
Don't miM tbta ebaeee to attend__
IrapUelU; M aa; -medletae for a care,
lurratlng eervlras al Ba; View. Train
•tot we do believe that If a bottia of
111 leave Traverae Cit; at T:00 a m.
Lrave Bav View at 6:»e p. m. Eata,
toe IncepUoa of aa attoek maeb •l 00 IS II 14
mtoeriag mlgbt be avoldto aad U vet;
■aaa; «■••• tto prera aoa of a tojaldaa
*gy^ T: a. B
Leave Trai
eraab BCtbert^ulraa. At iMri tbit
Maabegoe and_____________________ _
at«p.m. Bate.*»00 Gotoalaeua fra
^ ^f
Card of TkaakB.
1 ratakto klndl; tbaak tbe trtode
■to arighbora fra ttoG klndacaa darlag
mj bwh^'aMekarraatotoa-b. a'ao
to tbe Bosrara aeat h/ tbwt. aad tbe
Blaaeaaato MpetteCtraU loMhatrarar
Mae Ida WoopwAap.
Q- A
Tie*V Baai^
eal; H *0- TYala
■( e:10 A m. rptaratag at 7:40 p.«.
■s^airaiLTr— IBSr
Vew OfieA MaAbam Blodk.
m..h idd,,viM..........
O.tt.Si.1, w-b.. (M*
rxftMor * oatwa *1
B. J. MORGAN. Proprtotor.
Uunnr Son..
Oibb-d ; T ^ ISSI2S1*Bnd.:0).nU.lM.Oara.u.d .11 BH. ^
.*J**i&^ P.*.- H— »t°
•mpUa».u< ,o.ia«lT on. Plla
■wfantoA PriMWaaataparbox. For j_____________________ .
d 8. B Walt
: - —■
▼ crar..oBji
Ko« st Can- take. «irSl wUo • 4i>tk sto
It of Tr»««;w cur. Trslo amir, troai
.TsrwCi’! SI »:*> a. tB . Icstm e 1« aw.
".Kr Price Rediced to Close om Lot.
AJ Msc-S ca
irsw SI KsrM
grrr Ai ion w vNTCto-*^
«$« Wmk
I PUtform-Wagon. Seaata.a'<' In goto
order, prtee M5 oo.
1 tworaat exteaaion top Carriaga,
swly painted, price *45 00.
I Pbaetoo Buggy, good radar, S4u.Q(L
1 Top Burgp. all Ic good ebapr. MS.OO.
1 Bead Wages, good aa new. S$5.tia.
^ Lumber Wagena.
1 Oow to trade for a pen;
Gas Lamp--„,pi5iie„,pjsi,j,j
Tba bii&a Bight lat
'Itbapalr ri <
>orht at tbe Fa
Beat workmanAbip oione;
can employ for Bicycle
■Rt-pairing. Qoick work.
/-XntLWAitTBD—a> OM*. ter ivsarsl bouac»ork. Ii~jyln^ al •>%*«-*> msd; «l«rs.
Bear HsrooIr blork. t'eloc a«r»«i.
BB If.
T Waabli
Isetoa airaet. C. T. O
•iiaie clsck S.S4.
Ill Union atraet.
itrrSO-a«all rr.Mracr KsaMC
UOD. A*vh U> Mr.
bar alrsri.
aaJ<- SS4 buili i
rrovpOr at»eB4»d t«
Tp01T»lA01-P’*«a* ef na
f irsAr (orbeuaraBd lai te t
r. 8 Okaiaar. BuaickTiUa. MU
Wuair Bkor* ee« »
:ialiallCo..iK Fn
r- TK.“i
eso If,.
p«OR BtN^—A ^larc^fui
Sou-1*" AJor«s?<r%aw«
.Varsa lur «
« 57 4 a>Ar Osvkseis J efs Lv 11 ■ 4 «
tW 4 40
» i» 4 to
MsBtMM xisg
II m t m
!l is
iO B
Nmms Cit}
tWiB Meueieta
Is Oak»«o4. si~.ll, laprarFd.afcslrv- .. TbUlMlaoMoradfor
tohad. goto wall water, fruit and ormental trees, large lot, MaSOO, small
barn. Price laso
LE-696. -10 aoTMOD Ponlnanla
SH milea fra-n dtp. 1400 apple, plum.
ebarr; and- peach tiaaa. all bearing.
Hill. Bneet location on Peo^nla^ will take part cit; propegt;-
1!S !S
10 «T •era
r 10 16
4 U
Bra^m PtoM
B.'w. OUMMOrOB^. A«rav **^*"* '
Provident Life
and Trust Company
of PUIadclphla.
West Michigan.
Writ* tev term*
<»on«a aocTB
Levi T. PeDningUm, Dutrict Agt L.
I torn 4 ■
Lskv Add
CM*r Rbb
*1016 •« m
We are again prepared to deliver lev 11 aa 4 ■
Ib all parte af tbe dtp. Onr price* wU’
ba ae low ae' an; offered.
QLoo; otTrrr-4'asap^fi.r
nnusf. rrsak ftm.
110 n. 4 ■
I 16
10 lu toe
Both 'Pbope*. 94.
rpORI»T-HMwaiaBs I
X dow real lo BubM A
aur* iBOUlwaf Jsliuaawl
ord»r. Rapatr anrS
Sbop e,-ar dork. Bar
Hopkins Bros.
. < haiSa'a
lUa. II*.
P^‘BALE-«04-XHo(a« b M
ralar A W. Basllal
S5—11—abont 65 aeira aolM
I^R SALE~A (ODd wood burslsr furoskv.
Boom oadar ttkanouL
_ _
f laaoodvnlfV.csBba
< MCkt ebrap. . ts.
FOR BALE—6IIT Oroeer; etook tbia SulrrJiAaT
4uiF,r«Aa Bfsdir.
oil; in voice abont *600.
FOB BALE-594—Bouae and lot <
Olcmn of Brery Xiatt
atauev in |«»liji to ivlalr. It was to the
*OoodTtmplara Trograa
| Hfe< t ttot a stowaway pw* dlw-nrend
___ avenua *650.
mftM the regular maatlag of tba, >“ biding on an oatgolug vesael at tto FOB
BALE—5«T—Dwelliag. Webater
Uaad Itosplan la tbair lodge roon a
moment and ejected. Btoking bla
atraet. 10 rooms Bl.600. Baa; pa;>
steaet tra program sraa carried out aa
IS celts
aorTed ia a iwat diwimt room.
•rat;. TtoM dlSOO. WUl g «*4itoral
boBW OM 8 praMOt totraeot. .WUl
r tto iMM
p*; btof to S..raoBito. botoB**to
•to nwrato «itk • do* •■gotg of
Bto* racmito Pratlra or* toraparoto.
good • ito tfo*t. Tto; *mrto •••
*r»l dMrriBtofn iriUih tto; tor*
topt »Ur*. to loto bow. «tor* Mr.
dcboolcrtot bM oo aqurtoa to vklto
good Bear*, aow Icaaad tor 1 . .
tto toto dbon piMiigir tt»l« fro* tobM»SMooU<e-.ioatobcBok treat.
with prirUage S ;cara. cabj^et to
or* tto drat o( tto rtoabow
•otoftidgotoTolotoktrMk • t»«lr«
aato. EaatsforBSOparaaoBtb Low.
eat caah price. Susoo.
SIwoU girl, itoowlag tor M f«ol isto •p*d« ttot to bM «f*r k*pt »Ur« oto
«to »lr. Tto tt»la wot ntasUg so tbc; vIU wto ■ TripbU* •ddltfoa to FOB BALE—«S0—SH of arb of awti
•ee*9. ts. tl. tlaeraa all aadar eu •
htmr, tot tto girl wm uIbUeaUoB. too Mariag fruit traca, good
««d. Herdn«w»abMtTta»- Bar
boBM and hara, good iprtog water.
t .S' miles from cit;. Ptmc, B»oo
Wc^B»-tei>g Otob Tart;.
«HM (•D.Uo towr. tod kto il*«»
'OBBALB-«Sl—10 Iterra on to;
Tbr rart; 'g!TaB t>; tb* W> qo* toag
tcllraaortb of Baptlgk Ee>
B ud toU glWo hr Om- Clab >aat arcBicg «•• OB* of tba plapo*
sort. 40 rod* atoog t''# aboe*.^& 00
pra^acra. Will aril S or 10 ac-ra
&bo«t fort;
rarato Ltolow ia -Sarou «•• atUBdad •Biaat «f tto aaaaoa.
OEBALE-UI-LotS block 0. Waat
throBgtottoraoriprostoaBtraa' oaaptoa of Trarena C4t;<a latotog aofront atraat. betwaaa Oadar and
praarait ato
OsboB budlit btoaappto GoUarrat asjaged daaelBg aatU
toWto • riebSpoatob tnarrhuii of toslsight boor.
Mortoagbb o;eb<ttra
Ototobol. ato ara holdtog Us tor • faradabto toapirtog raislc aad tbia
takaa t^tbra «itb tto aool weatbar
Tto uaiaa OB.tto ■awTraM'Kbar'aa praraUiag alkraad tboaa preaaat to
pipes to barna. all aaeaaaar; abada.
•SatToto ara of aairawl raagaldcBooa. fall; aBj •; tba avaBlag- TbahoorlTpoidtr; bouse. ;ards and goto draia
raialpoad «IU .arar; poaribla •a last araalag will to oaa of tto
•f*. flue saw mtoani boaac il
sao;ttot tto ctob will giro dartog
rooms, stooa femudation,atone cellar,
4 liorsa*. 14 eowa, barnraaaa, bogglaa.
Tto Asarkaa Bibla ao^t; baa rc«Mrad a raport from E««. Mr. LoosU.
ara 00 aerca ooaatotl^ of
“ ~T1|* u.l ^
floegrjra TUa farm to kaown ba
Mto^aaattoBOf aaadtog csIgraBU to
Ua tVeidoeft farmer Blllalda dairy:
Mto Pbillpptoa latooda waa tolng eoabuildings alone oosl over Bt.OOO. goto
a loalng m; tarn•d. ato If oal; a aalubla opeatog
•oil, and a gold miaa for aoma obL
Mb toaad thara for tba labertog elaaaaa.
raid oaa npulo to tba wriit-r
Price for all. B8.000
OMtdarabU aastor will to raad; for CarariTa Magaalw. “toil I coaf^a Wa have a purebaarr for raaldanoe betwean Park aad Fraoklia on WashIJQ,
, ttol wbro on OM- Tojragt- we foond
togiooorStauatirau. Muattomto
'•logic ttt*‘~g eoatlaaca to Bebrtog no fewer tbao 14 meo tod managed I'o
jd ai raasooabli .
i. daapita tba Para rto^totlaoa. aad , ato*' UteUiaelrea awa; to^w I frit In. FOB SALE-6l»-Home and
awoto areot
areone and Biliath atraet.
^^to acal bardaara tolag dtslalabad dlord in give ibem all a ducking, and
well, aavS
bouse, :oto barn,
aald ao.“ TbIa waa the capiaUi of an
___ .fralt _
. sameatal trara,
It b ttH* tbat tto rrlatlfT* totaraas Atlasilc liner, a man to wbom tbe
•mall fruit toB
garden. Thla
eba Ualtad Btata* and RaMda wara •*'»***"f
• to-n-ritol niiUamv.
la a large lot and big propert; for
I Ttougt, tbe alrlrteat watch U k. pt
aatall price—Priee
raorar orara trlaodl; ttoa at praarait.
F0ESALE-6U»-B*'4 of neSi sac si.
Qmr WtoWn. atoo mr old br; of
f„ a trip to be made wUtonl one
Uwo sa-j A goto frame tome* ItaSt
with wing allfnratobpd.
_ . - Wind mil
. Wrat Bopcrior. Wla, wbo paUad an or two qieclmeua of tbe deadhead fraand wel'. waur pinea feem well to
toolb with aatriag, bled to terult; being carried. wlll;-nlll;. fn-<-.
bouae. SM bearing apple, plum, eberr;
idoatb. drapila all efforta of tto pb;- Of cuurae. IbU U nut done entlrvl;
trees. Bara Stafiu Farm all ImprovBWtaBtoaloaibabamorrkaga.
without connlranee on tbe part of
ad, tops
mtlee north of Wiillamv
burg on Elk BapIdaroad.Prlee.SI.MO.
^ ,"***.T*
raporaaa .a
FOB BaLE-cis-Sw>« ofes’s aec it.
partlea. With their or otbera' aid the
town SO Dortb 11 west: 40 aerea. SS
TbaOragooroluaWra to** arrieed
p.„ ^own luto the bold and
under eolUvatloa, goto bam.
sk Baa Fraaato oa board ttotrauporu ^nj, ,
Price. MOO
I four
Mawpart aadOblo. Tba; an aow at blmw-lf uutirilM- t«wI la at aea. If. FOB BALE—6l6-4t
milw north of
)f Elk Rapids. 500 trait
^BaraBtlna. Tto troopaara tto Brat to then, be it dlwvvered and net to work
Weu S reals old small frame bone*.
• iHaa from tto Pblllpplraa
be doe* not mind, it la not work be la
S5 aerea uoder enlUvatioB.
Vra; K•a)pe^^« T0*»
Bot»», afraid of. but bring without work and
Maataca. waa toawlaslDgat'KaatM- the bread tbat an-iimpaulra IL When FOBBALB-«;7-Weatsoaerae, lot s.
lara on ebor* road.
a^L.BM^ «ton L.r Tonnara aUtar *» la conaldered wtot an enormous
tlf^^ bra d.tto2d^
•" place* ili.iv are In her raai
"•P“ “*
mao; dark
•toMak. MaT,Mtokl;w*ntlotbaraa
«aa.arad with dlOcnlt; toougbl hv ala„.„K, of u.-n during tbe e..ur«e
«vla«loaatotto atora. Than Mar; ‘ or a ;ear get fr«v (WMage acrnsa the
TMI rat baut ted In tto waUr. aad waa berring pond In inu- al.lp or anotberidrart wbtn aralitaatm arriml
| and tfala. though a •tcamer o< cer
Tto ooaraBUoBoftto Voaag Paop-jlcarea |N>n wltliout anarch Nina
sU'a MapUat UnlOB of the Onltto “•‘1' *"
*bat no unauibortaed ji-rMratM and
U to iml-T at
I* <» board. Mao; are dlacovemt
Ito toinkeraand otherauch pUee*. ami
[ofeoutM- c«r.-full; wmlucti-d oh
/* la«a tobaaeo tag
,1,0^,.. but
^ut not >a few manage w
to elu.ia
- ato. awaiiowra.
. ; ahore;
.« dart ago waa ramorad from tto dHeethia. ami. of t»urae. ««ce awa;
ikraat of 1 gear old Oartrada Benalag .from land. Utile la feared frum dta<.-.>*.
. oJ Bl. Lonla, Mo.
jerj-. Tbere la a curious nothm pivva*
.'Vttolat rrila Prle* baa aboekad pao- lent among adme -allor*. It la ttot a
^ lt» Owba. Mab.. b; diggtag ap bto Mowaway to aim*; paaa.-ngrr ti.
lM.daad brothar. damping bto bod; ! «”T- Asked once why It was au old
balgw M a IMt to tba ba;!^ ato aSQ
SALE-571—Goto traM toraae
eight aerra of land, altuated Frwd«ra.
:OCWANTlas«TB-evolsii,kls4Ln llrs>.
_ IswcoayaniVBarlotnir s boas*, tei or
We are doing buelass at tba ra
tsTBi-shoD £ H AllTO.rooBsraacTtirreaB.
FOB 8ALE-5»0-Houeandlot, Union 4lwOo. flerk,Trs,«rasCl>r.
«ll-tB>o old etand with aaw flatarae-•tract, tan rooms, atone founda gM^^eors^aoda^uc^oi^Buis «
tion and etona baaemant. complete.
L, Ord Bapi4s..
L, Osiruii ...
- ~bteaao . .
OM Irpl 1*>
1115 4 46 n«
It m 6 06
6 «. >1 »____ .
»iu ISO
t ■.
L^CbUACS . 716 KU> *•
.j^-44—1 b> 0 16
Ar Uni SspMl*./ I S 6 to I U
Ltnraaspic,>i46 omtiu rm
• Trsi»r«»7r‘ 6 to low S«»«
• 46 I •>
DM t«
6 to II »
6 to na>
6 «e
s ra
bouae 14 s S4. aU
bit ft in tbe stm bariNR.
Gnid sifidi d iBdim 1E.
K want a few hundred dolli
to fioOoU
Wa will give poa our rioae altanUon
p acc oa personal t>t>p»rt;
and IlLr
8mm and do <mr brat to please pou.
M ill gnarantre all 1 tons.
of lhs.saD4*OB«M tou Id tbe vbetv plsl. UbWB have a clleut wbo wanU *11
vTsldlscoBoitorall eoAh. luqsiFv o> Raeoea
real estate eeeuri
• lor Bale
Baaldenee .propert;
WE have
flour mUls. botela. grooet:; atocke.
gMeral etocks. boot and aboe atocka.
farmc. Umber land, vacant lou. pat
ent rlehU: In tact, we have almost
anptbliig ;on want, and at aelllng
priera Aiwa;* pleased to eee ;ou.
Will do per beet to euli pon 41' ~
Arch and Bert
•ell. We forgot to mention thnt we
bave 40 aerra of tbe fioeet Pottera
wo-ld. Vel
Vein la
Clap' In tbe wo*ld.
-*-rie 40
faetdeep and eovrra the -'-'rie
edge of 40. lara witbln 75 f,a. ! B
tbiebed ofxla;
> U tbe most valuable bto of cU;
to tbe United Sutaa Have refuted
*10.000 for It It will nap oapitallete
I InvraUgale thU •• tbare U pirav;
' marl adjaeant to It Priee,
le above are aU IMneasso,
I. aaa
aad caa
be bought on eaep torma We base
•hnr—-** of dollan worth of other
bargaiBB in lam and dtp proparbp.
Ograa ato ■•• a* il pou want to bap.
Llat jrar propartp with aa If pou want
•latrt. Yoa wiu ••• our aiga At
bottom of atairwap. Ooupatataa.'
to laft.- Mika flrat door to right;
Ooraataaelag -Jal; llib. tbe rate •IgB laaloegeida the door. Wean
from Bap View. Patoakep. Ckarlavolx, oa tha grooto flora, at laaat on- lao'L Wc ara, flgarattveip ape
___ — je B3*o T
Bo far aa baring tba la^rat Uitato
. Bp -to G-and Banda.
brat bargalaa; wa ara atriatl; In IL
II 14 15
Obo. DbBavkb. O. P. a.
Wa wark all tha ttma. we em .aaUpour
Tka C. A W: M. Wfu aril ttekata la- MgalgMAl bottom of aton. Blgb«r.
ntara oa apaelal traia
-to at top of atolia, flrat door to
laarito Tfavanaat; at 7 a- m. Buada;
right aftor paa ban to left ■» iNto
dalj u. to T»e to tW rcato trip.
IllFmllt SMtoFlur.
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. HORQAH, Propr.
A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one on two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
Some arriving every week.
Park Place Hotel!
Tx-MAviex-ae 0±-t7-, ZXAolajgann.'
sesAflsflaap \t iescssasss
i iil!
I'« :
t Drss^MIC*. Ca
kewly paioted papered, and carpeted—“Rooms with
^•IMS W Otsad Rsmiu.
private baths have been added, making it one of the most Viute Isevlag m lint s. w. has touirrar
.TsMe le toltos vu need OUv. .
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. Addreiss for
rates and other information
lag car te Onto
Hanager. o. t. tMMweee •. r. ■ V. An*
q^HE next three week> are usnaUy the daUest of
A the jear—sort of "between grass and hay"—
last to shake up the dry bones we make a.....................
Pint Olaaa PlaTara.
10 per cent, cut
on ail picture framing.
teM vb*.
MaaiMM Oolto WUl Ptoy Kwa W<4eoMcittaaMof Cabaafala by nc<aaaoday aad Tbanday-Momn Tmb
A>rMC«4 vlU bOMt Oftr CoMpw* UriM ta Baamaa er (ka aUtM ka wkleb
Will AppaM to Brhrbt Baw Oak.
iMfcrtW B«dMita» Whtob W«»t tbay liaa. Tha Oabaaa wha alaia that
f.Mta—It Win ba a Btrtmc Acrmca*
iBto Bff *t V«MMd*r Maral«c—
MM OBly wUl
UM aad Leoka Xdka Ua BMt Trae.
•ofMOrwUlTrytor »«pMUl •«*•
»yt« .
«na 01^ Bear Bapporiad.
Tha aawa that aaah a dawM woaM ha
Baaa haU lor Tnnraa <hty UIm
Datfoli. JwXj U -4 tmrprtM wm kaaaad bM Maaad'a yary gooA aflaet
•^Mfipoa lb« p«bll« lUa ■oftay aMvtha ladapaadaot Oahaaa. who
wbM It WM iMTMd ttet tha Maakei-j*^^****!**
aad than wlU ba two rnaicamaa bon
Mi BtfMl Railway acMpaay kU «ada **"
laa ahart Uom.
of tha ^
Cobaa-AatarlM > wlU take oaxt wfob. batwoea tha BaaUan and
Ue lUaiatntaam, wbiU Uaald U ba
atraat ear Um wkaraby tha pah- adraatace of Ua dnrae. a4 Majority Ue fMtaai team aver aanmrtod la Uat
UaaaatUalorthfaaaMta. Tba “Ma- of Uam aspna* Ua daain to ratata ekty,
ata’pal aoiapaBy Maoaahaathat lha re tbalr dmariaao citlseublp aapaclally
The lomd maaacaMat ban net
aaaltoD wUI ha panaaaMt ahlaM Ua iboae who bold propiriy Tha damn
iU eoaaldatabla aoeean la aacarlar
ffiwUatof lha faaaahlaa U dateatad WM drafUd by deereiary CapoU. who
, alUoayb abooi liso
by tba waskM e< tha pappia."
loraof aaa m tkehata oorbt O ban
Tba atraat aar eoMpaakaa iaaaad «raao a>ld to make Ue project
Raw ta hara tha ooadw
MBtlarMat asd aftar aabloekt «hka
Bowrear. Ua'aabMriptleaahan haaa'
aaralarraaaaaablyllboralaad Jim Eahoa haa
It la reported la PloffM eiralM that WalU Tonka Haa Paid tha aohmlttod to Ua aaraaat aoIlcluUoaa
iha raearaor, m aooa m tha aaaacdl
of Ua tona aad will B ware Ua team
Panalty 'for Hia Orlma.
adopta Ua muakclpal ordlaanaaa, will
Carey HnU hM ptuhod Ua matter aloof
hand hka aaarfiaa to aacntiaf a apaelal
aad anaiatad by tha local playera
aaaaloe ol Ua larkalawra for tha par- aanteaeed By a Obooiew Ooart—Vrtt. aafleiaat feoda hare boeo rotaod to
poah of prarldln* lor Ua aabnkaakoii of
at Babeaa Oorpaa araaUd bat 1-. warrant tba onraaUatloa of tba tnm.'
a aoMtltaVlooal aaaaodnir
WMiftoradaad Ua Xndlaa Wm!*“^** «»•
»• ■«
rUa city of Detroit
tofo koto than
■atTMt railwaya.
Ret TbrM Tinea Bala Stay Oraated ready almoat Ue entire team U ban.
Ooraraor PlaffTM bM roMlrad Ua
WUUam Pattmon. who 'hM mada
-Vicun wm a Ball Pl^r.
followiac ttlarra* fro* Mayor Jobm
food roeord m ^^ek ptieher on Ue
odlaada. I. T.. July H.—WllUam
of Thlado to reply to a diapatoh from
Fort Wayoe iotaratate laafoa tMm, ar
tba fovaroor that i coat tarea aad itoirived yaalarday morniof to j >la Ue
eaaMl tranafvah^a to DatroU to
Hutlara. 4. B. Royee, Ue weil kaowtfe of Ue Cbocuw <
day: ->eoapt my hMrty ooDprataUdrat baaeman of Ua Caoaitaa leayae
' tkoaa os Ua triompb of pablle owaar- tor mordar.
Ualao bare aad Ueae will make a
AppllaaUon wm mada to Fodaral
- aUp la Dalrolt. Tba day of Ua people
Btronf addition to Ua team which wU
ladawBlar It I* a aletory of raaaoo Jadfa John R. ThomM for a writ of
oear' Cane aad a pnat atap toward Ua baboM eorpoa by an attoraay- 4a or are who are koown aad wboM repuuraaUaaUoa of rml UbaiV- Tbapoopta der by Jadfa TbotoM fraatlnf Ua tiona are already aaUbltoM. Bddia
writ WM Ulafraphad from Tolaa, I T.
WbMlar.Ua be>t Ulrd baaeman to
Tbbaadaao aolut^ rodaetloa la 4 dapaiy marahal arrived at Allklcbl
HtoblyanaiUbaberato time tar Ua
tan la Ua reaalt of a daolaioo of Uoa ]nat M Ua axaentleo wMaboat to taka i drat yamea.
Ba to now playlay to Ue
..__ •
arwr PlaffM aad Tom U Jobaaon to plaea. Dlatiict Attoeary Clay aao New
Bnytoad toayoe.
^aaUe paopla aa objaat laaaoa of SberiSTbomM WalaOB
Work to pattkay iha dtomoad to
wbat they eaay aapaat If Ue pUM tor aoliatloB when It wm preMnted.
yood ahapa to to proyram aad it to as.
,e u The UerUf nfnaad to reMive ft. The
Ua aala of all tbaatroat railwaya to tba
poctad that tha yroonda wUl ba in drat
••Datrolt Moalelpal Railway oompaay'>" [dutrlet attorney declared that -Jndre elaaa pondlUan.
U behalf of Ue city to wla ooL Tba A boar J tmM. Ua Choctaw Jadye alone
The antlro Mam will ba clad la
tlakau told today traMfar oo aay Uar,
brlybtmew nnlf'rma.-Ua Mma atyle
4 ruaear wm dtopalchad to Jodye
bat Uay an ao word^ that Ualr am
aad color m tba old onea, whlu.trimm.
to tall payment of faro oan bn wlu- Jamaa. ttotoan mllaa away. noUfylnjr ed wlU ynen. Tba -drat yatam will
himof Ua manacaof Jgdfa Thomaa.
drawn at aay Umaba Wedaeaday and Thnreday. wbao
Ha WM alek in bad and mdI a verbal
Ue Mantoua Calu wUI coma bare wlU
maaaate to r> abaad with Ua asocaA'lUa
a bly crowd to help root out Ue yamat
Ua PiofTM plan. Oovaraor PtofTM la tioB. TbeaxaeotlOB took plaoa two and Ua proaprcl to tor two of tha ho'.
a oo Ua atTMto aaplatn- boon tour.
uat oonteato war ano bare.
tofUa matur from; bU ataadpolot. □ Uotorakoaltona ^itlU Mtodfoldad.
Barry Boev will eapuin tba tram
The aher ff bared hto boaom. patotada
Tba majority of Uapiappla an
and t 'la line np for Ue drat ymmM wil
while Bomawbat bawUdared. Tha apot over hto hoari. auppod baU tear beM followi:
^aoatkoo at laaaa to wheUar Ua Pin- paean, mud a r.fla aeroaa a bench aad
Hall, eeatar deld; Baau eatobar;
frm people can BMan eaoefb voUa to trad. Thaoallat aaurad Ua braMt.
Royee. drat baaa: Rutky. ucond hau;
paaa Ua ordlaaBoa oovarlaf Ua Par bStmtoaad.tbaapob Oolaya fall back Wbaelar. t£lrd bau: Wllbetm. abort
ana aad Ua aparatloa of Ua atrm ward aad moaniU for aa boar baton
atop: Parka, left deU: Patunoa aad
railwaya over Mayor Maybary'a nto.
throata oambar of tlmaa to bMUa Canon, pltcbara.
It will ba aaaoAt onea Uat tbU to a
daaU by airMfelattoa.
It romalna to ba aera wbat aetloo faat ayrreyat an and then to every
tba 'Uoiud Suua yovaraouat will oroapaoi that tbu will ba Ua beat uato
City baa aver bad.
tike for dataooe of Ua writ.
Jerome Wilbe'.m will nrobably ant
A report of Oalnf'a azMatioa.
bla tor B«oIaUoaa-Fb:ladalpbto
feUorwlU al afad piciaraa of Ua nmalolvaywltb the oryaniuUoa m
Will Mot to to Onatanala.
ha bu aoMoud a DOaUlon with Ue G.
prtoud to a Cblcayo
Wa^InrtOD, D. C„ July H.—ArR. * I. railroad oompaay m civil enraafaateuu ora maktof at Ue aavyde- paper aevoni moatkb aro.bat it proved
Ba win be hare for Ua yamea
partnantforOftanUlof aa<iaadroa of to ba pmmatora.
WlU two ktlltofa already proved next week, however, aad aeveni yood
•volatlun la Ua PacISi, ooulitlnf of
men are on Ue atrlay for the poalilon.
iha batUaabtp Iowa and Ue erutoera
All Uat now remalai to lor freqaent
PaUadalphla, Newark aad Marbla- and fooad yamy of Ue murder of hto
oaela. At Ue Urm of eoari bold at MM aad liberal patraaaya aad Ua
Tba Iowa ytatardayeama oat of Ua Salpher Sprtoya to Joly, U07, be wm penoonal ofUa Uam warraata Ue
very beet aapport Traverae City can
dry doek at Ue Fatal aoaod Mval au- aanunced to ba Uot oo Aayoat ti of
iloa. wkara aba WM dtud with bllfa
L^rlca ainee Tonka,wM flrat aenkaato. Tha PhlladalphU to at Ua Mare
Uoeed'bM UedaUof bla azecDUoa'
tolaad aavr yard aadarfolmrrnpalra- Tha tfawark aad Ua Marblahaad are to been art. aad enry praparattoo mada Aoeldaat on 0. ft W. M. Oaaaed Delay
to carry oat Ua order, when a aUy bM
ChlUaa waUrt
to Bvanlny loaU Bound Train.
bMn yraeud. Bariy to Ua preacat
. Than to ooUlaf of a pollUeal aatare
The 4:i0 eenU bound pMMnycr train
year a courier made a duperau nijrht
tototoatoUa Paotl.i Uat raqalrn
ride of alaty n\\m wlU a wrU euylay a Ue Chlcayo A WMt Mkehlyao road
iht prMara of each a blf ahip M Ua
Ue aaaenUoB. which bad baaa Mt for met with a delay of aavaral bonra yaeIowa, aad Ua will ba praetloally wlUaonrtoe of a earuia day. He arrived j torday afurnooe M a rMult of Ua deoataaaaalfamaalaaUl tba a^aadroa
almaltanaonaly with tha Ant fllismer | nlliny of Ue enytoa at Central Lake,
b formed, barriar oomplleatlooa of a
of llyht to Ue OMt. and Ue bMcatloa | The enyina wm Uroarn eompleuly on
aartoat obaractar 1a Uat pan of Ua
did not Uke plan. Walla Tonka wm ' 1** aide bat no one wm tojared aad a
world- Tbare an already raoBtbblc Uara. m be bad ban twtoe before on
call Ue demayo' dooa.
*'4?boUUa Stata«ad Navy dapart- datoa Mi tor hto axacaitoa. bavtoy 7M foaad ■leewery. bowonr. to •<
Boato It todantodUat Ua PhUadalphto played ball between \lmea. aad merely foraaoUar enytoc befon Uo Into
b lolac to Uaatomala to baU ap npro- abnyyad ble tbonldare wbaa toU ba eonld proceed, arrirtoy to Uto <3ty
abont aevna o’clccn.
aaataUoM mada by Ua Itollod Stotaa WM not to die that mornlay.
Suvit B*Unr Oo Mm
sguuiioii FOR The rtciFic.
W« bare jait placed 60 pain
of UdiM’ fioe Yici Kid Lace
nice new atylee—
every pyir made to aell at
n.75 \o $3.0a Tbe Udiea
rbo come fifat get the beet
TR« nynUr mtottay tt UeelW«on
«B Ml Uka plAW Maoday slgbt.
A Beaerter at roach Qnptnnd <
Walybiny Oonr Bovnn rounds.
R. M. Wllltomeom a morwr. who
■panda bto eammen at Oonoh to
lord SonUerd'e botal. to ou of Uo
lUMt aaeoeMfnl of the- trequMten oi
uarp Like. Oo Taaradey Mr. Wllltomeon ennyht II too hlaok ben two of
wbtoh wekytmd eto pound, oach and
Tha Uttar to Ua
toryoal eanykt to Carp Lake Uto year.
Mr. WUllamtea bronyht bto prtoa to
Uty yMlerday to have It
BMdfe Ua knee manttonad
tmeew nnykt le Inrya
pWtonl _________________
Severn daaUa from tooktaw wen nportod to aad nanr Now TorkTaenday.
maktoy II dntbe from Uo dtoeaM
MoJalyt. OiW etobi
Ira. In aaery toalnaM
le dne to pletol wonadn nntvnd dnrlacUaronrUotJnlyoatobmttom . j
Ten Tear Contracts
Hade by irieblyao Telephone Co.
tor any ^ of aervioe deaind.
Sflbscribsrs May Cancel
at end of aU montba or ehaoya
to any daaa of aervioe at wilL
Telephone Ue manayer to call
and explain new raua adopud by
Ue eompaov.
: Michigan Telaphoae Co.
Gate Pos
W T*afT
Costs ‘ Nix”
W* .hull P0»m«Tl> r
jour oiuorj Mould TOUT
tbf-iroib IS nir
or lu
Of Mm-. Holw .1
Hoiwui eijBUi.
kurh . (pIVB.M buul
bMn ir |m|d» eoBi
D-mSklrU%: 00 tl IS. II so
It Pnys To Trade Here.
Bsiph Oennuble Jr. Mausager.
You can safely trust us with your patronage
Alfred V.
; Friedrich
m Front St
Make Your Selection
From One of the Many Styles
of Lmdlee* Waists we show in
“New Idea” Patterns.
Over a thousand styls^-iOc each.
1 ^^II]ple—Accurate—EcDUomtcnl.
Wiiere Is
The Markliain Block?
—It i.e located ia the busiest part>f Tr^reFse City—
on Front street—between the stores of’J. A. Monta
gue and A. A. McCoy & Son. ‘
And in the Markham Block is located the
Headqpartera of The W. W. Kiiball Co.
The piano that is used by more families in this
ricinity than any other piano made.
This is the largest music store in Xorthnrestern
Michigan and the finest display of pianos and organs
is here.
Also a full line of small musical instruments, mu*
sicial merchandise and popular sheet music.
Markham Block
First Class Hnana Cigar,
God Size,
Ezcelleit Qeilitr,
Hm Wow One of Ue Onnaon Oapured
by Dewey.
1 Hew Thiig Werdi CiltiratiBg,
New York. Jnly )*.—Tbe vUlaye of
Throe Oaks, Mtohlyaa, bn
Isk Tonr Dealer far Tliee.
eanaon wbtoh Pawoy ant fron ManUa
tor Ua MaUa memuamt fuA '
Tha eanaen wm to be ylven to U«
dty or vUtoye makUy Ue torynt
tribatloa-ln proportln to Its popnlaUon. Tbne OaM wtU a popnUtlon
of from too to l.ODO. ntood f l.m, ra^
nMBtlay more tbaa tl par eapiU.
220 Front Street
Clean Sweep
Shoe Sale
MniDS’ Hanoa Cigar
■ aiatMtUa nlaa of Ua Ui
i tor nfaadlof Ita debt.
mbtU It toaeurud arUl ba detriiBMtalwUelauceam of
Mb* loralya aredlton.
Tba oKplanaUoa ylna at the Navy
PiptolWT~‘ oI Ua ordan to barry
wofRonUo PhlladalphU to Uau althoayh U« oratoar hM baoa at iba
Man lelaad yard Uraa waaba. not n
•iraba of work ban boaa doae oa bar.
Md Ue daparimanl wm manly atlrrlay np tba aaUntllea Uwa.
^i^lnundedeonnafUf Ua eleM
•fhnMliUee bnwenn Bpnto and Ua
UaltodRUUa to tom a aq«adroa o^
•volition on Ua Aakatle atolton. wiU
Ad^tol Dewey to eomnmnd. bnl Uto
plansonldnotbaoaniodani owtoyto
STtonnblM vriU Ue ruiptona
I'bid will relieve na of tbe regokr fall riuh—keep oor men
busy Aod give yoo the benefit of rock bottom price*.
In our WMt window ue some framea we turned out
yeeterdny—we pride oareeivee on tbe utirtic enmh{t..ri«m,
style and workmana'iip. Bring down your picturee aiid let oa
give yon no eeUmate.
SpeoUl Jiomn»nt Buie of OtotAiM-from one to fire
of A kin^ nt 7 lo'l ec each.
IT. E. Strong. Manager
We State
Simple Facts
Whan wa aay wt hava tha haat Ladiaa-
ToBBMltor Block.
Shoaintha olty for $8.00 Bad $800Oxforda: alls., 00. 70c, $1.00. $180.
$1.00 aad $S0a Bew llaa of SUppara
juRt roodvBd.
Parker BrbSa
; ooMiry.
WbM Mr. Byaok roeolvod word tkot
tko boy* wore oobIbB ^ orrpopod to
■ Mkoo trip «D Mow York to Boot tt
, WhOo toloffaphlap throopk tko local
WaoM Uoloa eflioo Moaopw Borry
' odetood kiB *ho\ orroapoBoaU ooald
ho aMdo with tbo otoaBokip eoBpooy
w 000 tkot tko boyo Bodo tko trip to
Trooona Oty oofoly oloaa. Mr. Horry
to tko opoat of tko atootookip lino by
\k» f«tv» at Otte ia whl^ tko boy* OOBO troB Obbobj
••« %!•■■(••• of r«ai« ’- oad bo ot (BOO wired tko opokt la Mow
MrwiM coodliloo* bMOM met*
York la look otUr tko Uttlo toUowo,
tM M tko tolMi. oad tbf »otMr of who ooold oot apook 0 ' Ork of Mopjrr^»T-‘ to M«r MTioo*)/ eoooMcr- Itok. Tko iwoolt woo oatlroly oottofo*'«< ti U« UtlUd BUtM ui Oat» tary oad Mr. Hysoa woo aotad tko eitoo *017 ovow MstlMt for paaooet 0 trip ta Mow York. Tko
*‘~~ Uotood BlotM oad yooap toortoto orrieod oofoly ood hod
Ihto OOSttBoot to Mtortoiood hj tko
Dt} lamoy. ihooko to tbo orftn Boot oUsMt to iho totood.
BW Bodo by Mr. Borry.
- grt^U/ PnotdMt M«Kiol»j to»
iHtrMUd oil r«prooMtoti*« of Uo
B- Pop*. Mb. Ckortoo Boetor
MWBMt wham oo ko« Mot to U«
bUad. nUtlory or drll to iBprMo H ood Mr. oad Mb. Proak Prtodriob oaijyod o trip ta Mo-ob-U ooaU ycotor•fM Iko roopto whom tk07 »oot tkot
doyoB the olooaoorOolaBbto.
If Oota wooM to boooM 0 port of tko
Porkor PoBBlaptOB rotoraa to work
Fottod Btotoo it nwi lo toso wop to;
, Porkor Broo-'Uioro tkto Boralap
to. Tfcoro oro Uroo poooibU ootiloMOto; ooo to oooomUoo, romotoor la- oftor OB obooaoo < f toa doyo oa kto' eo
••dIOMiMOOod. OF^tactorotr; UlrO.
•pMlota lodrpcBCooeo olUmoulp. bot
pot Bt OIMO. Tbt **•» *•
IIOMPt tkot wooU rooUj ootUo offoln
pal iHon prooporlip.
A Ooboo wriur of bipb loco) otoodfat. Vthm .Ftorooroo. U oo rxtoadod
^lonooloo.boldaUot if loft to Uoolf
pobo wooU bo. like tko othor oiooU
pooUoro ropoblieo, to o ekrewte ototn
pf rorolnttoo Tooo. opolo. oooa if
•kto ooro sot tko oom tb* totood ooold
pot offord toboooUlda tbo UoitMl
•totoo 00 0000001.01 lU root ouploo
pf prodoottoo Isdootrp. •opor. toboopo.
ppP oetfoo. Tbto oooatrr to tko ootorpl Borkot for oU tkroe, oad with Howpit, Porto Kioo, ood tte PkUl^loM
' ppjoplof tko odrootofoo of ouionIloB, Cobo would bo vorp oonooolp
PMdlooppod if doprlrod of tko ooao
gosoflw 00 ibooo iBCTitoblo rtfoto.
AMtkcr CobOB of ooio. Adolfo
limpeo. koldo tkot It U 000000017 to tko
^looUoB of Cubo’o oupor loduotry tkot
It tkoold bo ploeed os Uo oootefoot ap
pa tkot of Porto Hloo, oad tkot footlap
poa oalp ko ooearod porwoaoatlp bj
Pf>«W>ttno. dtill OBOtkor proBlaoiit
Coboa. the Morqoto do Apeolopolo.
tbo bood of tb* CoatorvoUro port;,
potato o«t oonOBO dldleoltiao ia tbo
wop of oooitutop Cubo 00 o olotr, but
^ odBlU "Cob* boo to be ABorleoo
tnriiorr. »*"» e**"®* *»• “ptblop oto*-"
Bo (or frcB coatrodlop with tbo dlfflealttoo la tbo woy of oaorxtUoB ore
ioooporoblo oboUclco. be ooye lo tbo
ABorlaoB p«»ple, -You •boro otqolrtKl
. r< opoB^bmtleo which you ore aot ot
llborlp to throw owv «• po bock oo."
Bo rofero to obboxoiIm uador oobo
lorn 00 on "iBpooad altlBoto oolo■
9UobdMcopocudOu:M Boa Ooae
A ftoUe ofBUeoiySapk1
M aUoBohBOBoapotborolddoo '
‘j^r Bakerto wcet to ^kooko
yootordoy toolUadto oobo kaolaoB
^rebllMt P. K. Moaro wont ta (tod
ttOH—u !.» a. -ku. ..nnknuiu !.«» b»l. d««W. “J
yootordoy 00 her woy froB Grand MapId* t9 Uo’o Point, wteM tko wU
tbo Yici Hkoe and Drooolap.
A few jeoB opo o pool was eoaoidor. Pallootfer96eo8W.
Oorp Loko yootordoy.
That prioo wilt buy ot tko Komoui o
y. Bowoa ood her Botbor ed pood ooly for eleoalnp up the bUl
booroi and parbope daapo about town., half dOf«a Silvorlae kaleeo and oa
Mro. MBrio. wwt to Proakfort yootortDOoy torko.
of the leotber produeiop qu*drapecU
»lop. A oorulB B -bon U. Poordorer
B. ParrlB laapdoa oad (oBlly
I for loani
oooecoper, whereby the oofieot oad
Jaka Ooattoroad Mr.oad Mb. Wy loeoiteoi oboe ibot ceer adorned ■ I tody V fool boo boon oroleod.
BOB oad OOB of dttUoaa Boy. '
'Bob" boo prown lBmeo*e)y Hcb with
tbo elty yaoiordoy.
,to flod, worth forty bUIIooo now .or '
Mro. M. B UtUo of Loload opoat 700- only b^nn bit career. Bio oeeret
terdoy la Uo city.
unpnrcboorablo ond noknowoMe. Y
Mr. oad Mb. Prod Soeor oad 00a. it ouBeUme* oocub that leotber mode
> look tcmelbinp like Vie! K>d to ■
Horry, of Qroad Bapllvaro lo tbo elty.
u-the real. Grauloe Viel K>d 000 be
tbo paaota ot Mr. oad Mb. W. J Por lode only • by Bobert B. Poerderer.
bl« week Prook Prledrtob I* *ko>lDf
Tbo Mtoaeo SbuBwoy ot Chlcopo. the penuine Vicl Kid ood the V:cl Ktd
boro orrieod ot Klpowood for o oam. DrMoLnp mode by tbto oome Mr. Foerderer.•. Saturday. July « promivo* to
be o proud jubilee fnr tko eblldroB.
1*000 Joaalo ood Air* Maey. and Th^'
ry oro to OOBO to tko otoro with
>lr dollleo,
oad eeery (
Moodomao WIdIob oad Hobbo. of May
lie door*
(the dolKe-f U
dold. ware la the eity yootordoy.
th o btoULlful Viei K>d Olipper, mvra
Cloroaeo Wbilaoy loft yootordoy for lorely even than that of tabled CinderChlcopo whoro ho wUI toko kto pooitloa
aoelou editor ot tko Wooiora Bloctriclaa.
Mr. ood Mia. laooe Poanlaptoa ood
doophtor, Btkol. of ladloaopolto. rotamed to their bose yootordoy after
etoitlnp with Bor. J. Ponalapioa and
One Might:
toBlIy of tkto elty.
K. C. Brown, Miao Porele Brown oad
MlB OborlU ot Bia^boB wore la tbo
city yooierdoyC. B. Taylor ODjayod o flahlap trip
> Moytold yealerdoy.
Engagement ot
Mb. a. j. Doyle and ooa -Barlo oad,
and bor aotOo Maori Metotooh of Moothe (omouo
ooioao. win looeo tkto Bornlap for o
two woeko' etolt la Wexford.
wm Dizoa of Wexford opoat the day
la tbo city Tooterdoy.
Mr* 3. 3. Cook and two chtldraa of
KoloBoxoo. who hoeo boon etoitinp
Mb. Belon Hregp. loft yootordoy oftorMO to opead 0 few wookt la Wcaford.
Mb. Jooepb Pobl of Orolllekeillo boo
poeo to Mt. Cleaena oad Detroit eioitlap frioado.
. MorouB (Bode, tko weU kaown cipor
dealer of doploow. to In tko city on
Steinberg’s Grand
Tuesday, July 18
aid Imperial Orchestra.
Ztss. Ihe Black Melba’
Hr A. aonden. wrlUkp fra» C
SUtOntoc. Plo . Bjo there ha. been
ooiw OB epidemic of dtorrboco tkoro.
B. had o Meore attack oad woo cured
by fear doKO of CboBborUla’s Ool
^ boo
jhuhlwio*'rMtbcT doxtoro ot tka PameM. 10
to rtoiUop tko (omily of B. 8. Bull.
Hlofotkorto o BOBkor ot tko
. An Soymoar of Moatotoo. i
of Iko Nortbora Mlphlpoa Trao
tioo Co., to in the elty on kaolao
Boctod with the lino.
wIUdk m
Lawn &ttees
for II 85 in red and sreen.
We. bave a Urge line of
poreW and- Lawn Bockera,
Betteea, Hammock Cbaira,
in moat all oolora and atp*
lea, and they are going at
very Htile prices at thia
«.».H bj ^
albr ftob b*lV
••Tkraa likely aapro Ban, ofod 17.
*- I»
^ ***^
ororykody ta aadrroad 14. tko loUrr 0 ftBt rote joooor^ «7*oidl«t 7«;ii.*"oiBl 14.; tt-d thtoUw.Blt wUl be otrieli,
wookar. InB-iToo.-. oaforead la tkto »rt of tko oBto.
oirooo. Aloe for aolo, thra^rrto. oped
•lorloaa Mowo.
IS. 17. and II oU froB tbo ooontry oad
xAim^ from Dr. D. B. Oorrle. of
of pood ohoroeior. Por.POrUoaUB la1 t. Be wrttco: -Poar hot
tlea of ESeetrlc Bil.«B boo oared Mb
qaire ot «l Olleo otroot."
Brower of aorofulo. wkleb bod eoaaod
PlooaOBl Bxoarolom.
Mer proot
preot oaflerlnp
oaffortnp for yooro. Terri.
bio eorao would brook oat cm bor bood
foot, and lb« boat doctoB ooald
ODloyod tbo trip to Nomb'U woaioy**- pleo ao bolpi but bor cere to eoBpUte
bMo. Mar- oad bar heoltb to ezoollrnv** Tbto
tordoy oa tko
~ ^
obewo wbot tkoBOoado boee prored—
toapbto JoeaaUo
" *** ^ that BloaMe BUmb to the boat blood
board and fumtobo
leat BBOl*. partner koowa. Ilto tbo oapreBO
tbo eacur- edy for oecomo. totter, aoU rk
Aliorrooobiap the
■looaarae of aloo**. HolU oad moalap oorao.
oloirioto oeloyod tko
... dWI. oUBeUlOO Hear, kldam oad boweto.
>poa tko otooBor la
ppt,o»i^ help, ii«,vion. baUd*
the ot^rmooa after opeadlap o Boat ep the otraoptb. Only SO eeoto. dole
by Johaooo oad Woikdrapptou. (OaororJ->yoWo day.
ontood )
ay d.Serent oouph
"We bore oold
pleoB boti
bettor Pall aot In K eoeto
roBFdtoo; but a
aotUfoeUoB,t^ CboBberlolB’o" ooyi
Tbo; price wUl bay at the Pomoao 0
Mr CbOTloa'^ltboBoa.
'>borloa'»UboBea. Drapptot, IMow
half doscB Slleerlno kaieeo oad -ork, X. J. "It la porfoetly aofe
eoB be relied upon la oil
■ ^ , yeotbor dootOB 0
Jubilee Singers
An BpldOBtc ot ZNorrkooo.
»pa‘t Pood Kok ta Hopo.
It boo oobo lo tko aotloo of the Mac-
oial^^poB^py - (Most
L7uto Dolly Beoalap UoUb. of Tkoo- larpo
doy M.y II.
-kickooataiaoMoat. Uad Ukao for f wdlap to hope. Tktoto
tefbU/oroportfra. tka oeloct oob- «apolaot tka Uw. wblek toy*
^ thiriittp on tko olopory oob* “Itokoll bo anlowfol. ot oay Ubo
Afior Imp KuBOriapBoary B-TluroioteM duto ouwot.
dlod yMtordoy moraiep ot ».S0 o'clock
Ofur 0 very (wloful Uloeot ot pload
tUBoro. Mr. Harao boo boon tick two
yooB oad eoaftaed to kto bod for tko
pMttlefoD coaolb*.
Mr. Burne woo bora la Olfford.
•oaqaoboaaoCo..Fo.,0^borS». 10)4.
Bo boo reolded la tkto eity about
twaoty yooro. to
ood hooBOdo 0 proot Boay wars
frioado. Deoeooed laoeei o wife oad
(broo obUdroti; Mr*. Amy C. Aytowortb
Mb CJ Starr, olatar ot Jo tloo Vo.ot Boot Leaoa. Po., Word Bora* of
flT( }«n tNT o! Gnil Mill
Oktoopo oad ttoldoa W. Burn* of tbto ly. who bo* booo opeadlap o ooupio of
- Belt IMTl tHT •> (Mud SliUL
Iko la tkto elty. wUl^tara to Joltot.
ally. Otkor relotieco who oorrlee him
Sn« YevY Tw •( Canda.
pro kto beotker. B. W. Burwo oad o in. tkto Boralap.
Mayor Prank BaBtllon oad wife Mtoo
• oMcr. Mr*. U A. Bropp. both af tkto Clark ood Mtoo PowoU opoat yeiiardoy
tuaorol wlU ko bold ot tbo roMCompany headed by Him D. Un*
AooM Muodoy ofterwoew at t:to. Bor.
derwo^ knnwn u
CksbHo of tka OooprofotkBol ehurak iiiui. h eeui« ou
ooototod by Bee. Woodkoaoo
*a>trlM SoMBlta.1 ol
oUbo Bopttot churck8tor«, rotoraod yootordoy tram o boolPrmeo tor DoUa.
M«t week Proak Prladricb will hare
0» oskibdtlcm ot doUo in the dtoploy
window of kto oboe otoro; wbtok wlu
fleolka youap glrto a cboaeo to oxkikIt tbolr okill oad tooto. Bo wUl giro o
pdM of o pkir of oxfordo to tko plrl
yowoatlap tko boot dreaood largo doll,
Afnamd by koBolf; oao o pair of toe
allpiii— tor tko bott droaoed modluB
•toed or oaoU dcdL Tkodolto wlU bo
^Aiaytoyod ia tko window.
J. W. Slater, House Furnisher
ITew Stox-e-iao yxork^St.
liter in a proAll details of the profession look^ after
pro *
fessional manner.
1 lo. sit Dike 8tml
Boa 'Pll0»05 Ki
Here's tbe greatest chance of your life time to get the great
est bargains ever hffered by the greatest bargain producing &im.
You've been waiting fbr this chonce and here it ia^ Watch the
prices below—they're death dealing to high prices.'.<
Waverly, former price $40.00, now................ $82.00
Sterllntr, former price $50.00. now................ $42.00
Fox Fiyer, former price $40 00, now............... $30f)0
Ajax, former price $27 60, now....................... $26 00
Hibbard, former price $40()0, now................ $36.00
Bombler. former price $40.00,-now— ......$36.00
Cleveland, former price $60 00, now...............$46.00
Cleveland, former price $76 00, now...............$60.00
Juvenile Gendron, tormer price $22.60, now. $18 00
Also tbe Soy«l Paragon )Cnl«
Quart*tt«—Two bu* •oloisUutd
and tenor ooloiot.
Spj™l^rio», S6 u.d 60s; child,
Aaotber praot dioeovMr bo* keen
BOdu. and tbot. too. by a U
this tnonimg.
£ D"' H.OQ.N8, 0ENT.8T
rltol orpoa* w«re Bodormiaed oad
.Jib oeemt •
_ ..
For tkra«
BKutk* oko oonpbcd tnecMoutly. oad
could oot oluep. 8be finolly dlaeorered
o wry to rceoT«n, by purcbooiap of tu
o bottl* of Dr. Klop* M«w .DUoovery
for CowauBBtioo. oad wi
lievcd oa t*xiBp tbe AbI
otopt oil aigkt; oad witb two bottieo
kM been obMlnloly eared. Heraoao
to Mr*. Luiker Lutx." Tbu* *rrit«* W.
C Boxnlek A Oo.. of Bkelby, M. C.
Trial botUeo lOete. ottkedrapxtcrcoof
AS. Walt - • ■ - - . ^ _______
tor *1m »oe
John R. Santo,
Saiwil liURiita.
These ore ail first-class wheels—warranted in every respect
—As the season is well advanced, we do not core to carry a
wheel over, and therefore offer them at the above astonishing
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
TMi Moimo aMooMo, satimuoat, tot It, itm.
a^ainimiauai m.itLm.)tLmm^
Odambfa ball to bafac patotad,
Co. baabaaa pleoa to Hpltad A Soat
aroaadhw atalM wblA aba i
Tba mQboal Sabo, wbieb wm fajor- Iba oOMk will bo afao^ faotURb,t«o
tbiw^ tba wipAow fa bfa atotbar fa odfatbaatcnalaat rrtdap oeaafac to teottaAfaMoraadwtU ba made of,
tba a^bar. Aba Aofabad bar work. l^dip Aoak bolait raoaltM
keOar pfata
Work wiU bo afarwd
wbaa awddaalp aba fafatad awap obd
Tbo Qaartorip maatiafor tba FifaMa «oa aad atooadp aooie of tba aoaaa-'
rm-m »»n*r»»» w’ fait Bar motbar waa teat bofac pall MafatpwiUopaa Uto morafar at 11 .oarp mawrfal to'oa tba enwad.
ed toward tba wfadow. wbM tba'aaab •■ofaek fa tba rrlaadb abarM. Tba
Mra Chartra'
^•hMk«<UalapM»«(»b* AU«- dropped aad tba rope waa bald aritb
wUl ba la aaaakm o«ar S^adap WUbMaa Md Mra. r«Mk V jtraba an
fMMtwr wiU U« mtU^ ktaMfamidaad WiU ba aoadaeud bp J. a Bfa- aamafar at Boat Bap.
|*w«. «M dMaeWy Ml »t 8% &«p air. Bar koabMd waa *
I tord of Kio«atoo. lad., foaaral aopartoTba atMUMr Ooakaom baa raaamrd
Mi.Me. KOaiksky. Mi »t wtoM
her rapolar trips from Old Mtoaioa to
i«su «MM itvporM e( » »l«Uar M»«f«. llOaalfa tbataba waa iwtorod fa oow taodoat of Bvaacaltotto work.
Bemeiaber. that Satanky, Jaly 22od. we will givw
Baada-i Twtriors aMI tba Old Mtookm fast Brad for tba
»of rnd8oW»to eveiy girl berMbonU ■ pair of
Mam wi;l eroaa ball tbto atfaraooa at trait ablfpara.
Mof C<MhU». Om** Oo. pU7«t
Mra J.ha B«carV wbe Ueaa aaar
»8«ct a t«b of mav MtU ^ fall U Uhonlla waa Wtiaa bp a do« aboat a
be coUod at» o'clock. Art Wfaalo aad to ba aroefad bp tba C. A W M. aad t
Mi w*
paar afo. aad raaMt'p bapaa to abow Harry Dmb wUi'.^ tba battmp far
baoe.-upfad bp Jobe Aada A Qd .
9kc fateai «UI4 e» a laiwr i
So alormfaf tba local team aad tba Swacaay brofa tbe beadsI -of Jas. Kahoa Offoat of
Maraad «raa ptarlat la a aa»»
For ber doU*a feet No matter bow big or how omoil the doll
ware tba apmpfama that pbpatoiaaa tban tor iba vtoiU« apprapatioa.
tba eompMj. who to raadp to riroMva
•aar tu kom» wMa a r>awaiMi to
wara aallod la. bat-tbap aCodod bar Both -teams are Srat alaaa amaiaar
may be, we aboU bare a pair of slipperb for it (or will moke
Mda far jtba aroetioa of tba aiaoetarr. |
•dOTor apoaltaMkUlad ia
M raUat Tba dbtortoMfa
claba aad a hot pama to axpaetod.
them), if yoc brin^ it^to tbe otore that day, and ore aocompaaTba aaw ataamer Uliooto of tbo!
• Battfa (kMk Msitarlaa aid
baa baaa aW^ad dowa to bar bad to
ied by aa adolt There will be do charge or condition of key
Bockta 17 braaobM, aad ao*« clUi»a« al proeaot bar from dofaf iajarp fa baraod struct are cc joyiap a aaw pUp- left CbtoOffo OB few Mat trip aaortb with
Halaai. Mom., ara aakiar offira to aolf aod otbara.
‘kind—other than the above.
koMamadaoflonbad Mmelp luaem-,
Dr. KaUocr fa
We want yoo to learn of tbe leather that boa revolntionbooad tor tba i
aad ka will paokakiy do as.
bifar tbubetaaa oeciptod bp ear m->
ibed the eboe trade of the world—“VlOI SU),” the genmne.
Mm aspfaaloaof raaaa la Maakaroa To Bo Bieea to Tba Maw Store of Tba oaaiora. ftto aboat txlO fast aad bm
a baric roof_wbtob makca tba atra
- Jod Camanm Md familp ,wltb a
mode only by Bobert H. Foerderer, and of **VicT Dressing,
laka eaaaad ^ apkaaval of abMt tiM
W. V. M aab^l Oo- Tbto Affarwoea.
aU tba mwa'oartom aad rualtotlc.
. Crlaod from Oraad Baptda, are davpfap
asna of UaUaka^ bouo«. M aad B
also need by h’m on “Vid Kid.**
Thto affarbooB from tbraa lo S*a aad
' for a aaooth at Boat Bip.
Itarioa wara>ia a boat ovar kha t»M at
WblU ridfap weak oo Fruat atraat
tha tlM Md ikair craft w«a Maaal tbtoo»aaiariba-W W. Kimball P.
Daloo Btroot Ibaradap TBialap
akMt Ilka a faaikar. jTha lake «a« ti Md OrfM Co. will ho*a a aort of form
al opoafar at tbalr aaw aion fa
Tbe fata arrivala at bofal Foaeh are
fact daapattbaafot.
cpeltot ridfap towards tbe Mtp.
Tba afomooa will Bicbardb wbaal. was badlp i
E. A. Crmk
Cfadoaatl, C. U TbomoBlack 81?ar baa a aha«plM faff bav
Is a preeerratiTe for leather. It prolonge the life of oboeA It
ba daaotad to a rrapbaphoaa
aco. J. B. MooiM. Raville, Iad.;'o.'
aad be auatalaad aevucal farutoa
a blak-lBao, I runoU, wbo la 4 tact
bafac oaad fa OBWfafarbarr. S. B. Peabodp. B. a Bvmokee the eboee look like new. It make* every day aeem like
• laabaa tall aad wairfa 117 ^Mada
tertalfl tba raaaia Tbto to a 8»a faaaa. Cbloapa
‘faew eboe’'day. It finiebea tbe 1^ of clean facea end dean
raaoivfap a eoat of pafat fa varioca
Jaaala Bala, daafhtar of a faraar atramapt of tba lataat laraattoa
Tbe botal to bow AUed but a eotta(a
soar LakoflUa. diaaMfaai«d a moMtk Bdtooo Soma aolaotioaa plapod bp tta parts of tba boaae
booda, adding clean eboee.
to bafap Axed ep so that a few more
ar> la ooapaa; wltb Lawla' Boyaalda Sopa'Budaad MartaacL’a lorebaatra
Tba mtract for tba maetloa of ; paeats CM be aeoomodatad.
We irill be disappointed tf any girl* hereaboota ha«e
•ba left oataaalbiy tor Bllbroaka to ob- will ba rapr '
dolls vitboQt elippers after Saturday.
Ula aaapl^niat. It wat allafad Uat
Ooa of tba plaamat faataraa Sf tbe
aba bad'----- -------------- ---------------------Competent p^ple in our atore are teaching shoe core
aftoraooo will ba a abort e ealtea re
o4 from, lad., tbai aba bad baaa da- cital bp P(Ot. StoBma. tba iutromaot
diy, ostbey do'every day in this week. It is a lefson tbst
aartad aad aabad for moa»j wiU «rbi«b
balsf tba Ursa eocalloa
means double satisfaction aoa'donble gear from ahoes, for
M.ratara boM. . baa aajt aba waa tba Kimba'-l Oa bp Mn. Jamaa Morcan
k/paotlaad aad boo oelj a din rawV for Grace oboreb.
tbooe who learn it
faetloa of bar uaaala
la the (TMloc Xbt orehmtra aad
baud will ooauibou aooiber aator
trbo dlaappaarad kaat batatday aif hv
Tbeaawafaraof tba com
baabaaa foOBdata (arabooM wt of poop to earp attraeUro aadM ImpnmVUaa OOoara TbaradM vtaltad iba
It wb'
bleb to n -ritad bp tba facroaa
118 Front Street
The Belieble Shoe Maa
farm of b. M. Meloaa, tbraa niloa las batiaeaa of tba Arm. N £. Stropr
• ootbvMtof IT In aad audaa tbor tbe m.B^ar for tba eompMp, aod Mr
oa|b aaarob for iba bodj of Btrala CllBe. wbo atfaada to tba toal^ depart
laat Mtfob. ataat aod amall iaitramaat room will
W^aad clataraa wero •oarebad la be plaaaed fa praot tbe pablle tbto
aJa. Tos
atfarsooa fa tba imwatero.
made'^rom malt, tile
* >-/aar-old eblld of Jooapb Balih of
concentrated lood, in
The Pasoaa Caaadtaa JabUaa BiatBap Clip, «aa pooaoad apoa bp a Bow
a soluble fonn. And
a, oa« of iba aioat »ldalj IjaotfB aad
leaadlaad dof «mb irbiob it traa plaphops, tbe gentle nerve
Bicycle Saddle—Gukraoteed for three years—
Uf. aad tarriWp olttCB oo oao of the popular orraa ratioaa travalliar
Lar. wUI
ar*a. A ooetor waa oaUad aad oaatar- appear at dteiaberrtUraad aeat Tact'
Look at them whether yon need one or notlapd Uta woBBda.
dap ertalnf rivlaf a apleadld prcfraia.
A paar ato Oaoiye B. Darla of boaib TbUli Iba orifioal oootpaap wbleb
$S00 or $10.00 will buy a good second-hand 1>i^
" I have taken time to
aeblerod aaob aifoal laeean
Baroa. treat to the Kloadlka. Taeadap
cycle - $25 will buy tbe best new wheel on tbt?
ba rataiscd borne, aalnad la baaltb, throarboat Caaada. Great Brltafa aod
give Pabst Malt Ex
ttitb cpaalcbt roaa aad haarlof bad the Uoltad Su-aa.
Tbe eompMp to
tract, The “Best”
market—Come and see my display before goin|S
aad w)tb oalp a taw oaftrau of rold. beaded bp -tba aotrd aopraoo, -nu
Tonic, a proper ex
Boraaftarba wU.aotcorold baaitnd, Black Mebi." Tbap carry a poed
amination, and am
bat raoiala atbuaa.
orebcatra. Md the moale. while of the
pleased to inform you
Mta. VoB Biopar of Kortb Laaalac. popolar order to raodered with eaqalBislFratSL
that I think it is the
Irlod tba old vlob of ailloc a licbtad aite taata- Saata are *aow oa aala at
(aaoliae iiota Tbiuwa}: rbe aioea U tba box t fflea.
cleanest, chemically
a wrack Md Mra. Voo fttppar waa takth<d> purest, and in
an from tka bnraluf booaa to a fri«atsickness the best 1
follp boro>d aoaOlUoa.
Tba dMb erarp'wdp kaowatoat waan be bead* a
ever used.
treat tba eaiire rlfbi aide froa tba abow it matt be ripbt. alee ba woo'd
aralat a p to tba bead waa aiacad aod oot ba eoDoaeted witb It Dave will
oa portioot of tba arm aod tba aidea of 1*1™**®*
Kinj* Pitpera of Oixla
bar faoa, the fleab wot boraad to tbe aod cbamplOD cake walkere fa tba dtp
beaa All bar bair wai aeorebad off. Opera Booaa Moodap oipbt. Tba at
traetloa it a tir>ctip wap-dowu-Sottib
aad tba afabt of ooa ape daatropad.
affair acd aecrpbodp will ba euraof as
Mlebaal dialah met with a aaddaa
eeaafap SUed wlib fee aad aoeial faa
death at tba Baatoa depot Wadamdap
turca woribp of a tn.l homo. Popular
Slpht Uacrcaaadtba track balve a
prion wUl preeail.
D., U. U. A M. eo(faa aad wm borlod
tbrooab tbe air a dtoiaaee of oearlp 200
Htw Boa^Lioe Ooounp'afad.
toat Ueafa wat faatanuaaoiia Welib
It to autad that a project to oo foot
lalalp lamored to Peawa from Bartlaad.Mdwaa aa aped maa aod a ra- wbleb mop catobltoh a ataamer Ifae
from here to Maototiqur. tbe lutartirod former.
Mrv Baocab Smith. lUiap aootb of ledlate poieta befap tbe bap polnta.
Beginning Beiurday, July 13. and for the remain
^Uaa Bear the ladiana Ifae. wu biiiaa Charlevoix aad tbe Beovar tolaadr.
der of this month we will make the;~blggeat ent on
fa tba upper iipToaadap bp tbe "kto- Neil Uallapber of tbe Beavaiu. to tbe
high grads ehoee ever ettempted in -ihie pan of the
afaf bop." Madloal attaodMoe waa prlDcipal Borer la the project
i fM» JKcim
<JTJXj-Z- 22.
in\vn.%\. I
Dolls’Day, Saturday!
Vici Kid Slippers
Vici Dressing
^ERVES need rest and toning up
' when they have been worn out by
overwork or strain. This rest they get
from a pure tonic like
Frank Friedrich
Pabst Malt Extract builds up the nerv
ous and the physical system; cures
nervousness, indigestion, and makes
you hearty and strong.
aummoaad. Bar Up waa ewoiica aod
bore the oiarka of two faiaetlo&a. The
poiaonupraad tbroopb bor apttam fa
laaa tbM tpo bouru.
A Lapeer mao lout bit temper tbe
etbar dap bocapae bia borue wouldo-t
obap bia eommaada. aod atrack tboMiBtal with hto Sat Tba borue to ttiU dofa( boafama at the old aiaod. but the
maa to tahtap au aafoiced raeatioa.
tba toroa of tbe blow barliic bratoM
eaa of the boom fa bto hMd
. Wadoaadap »0 cbildreaHrom tba
atala pabUc aebool at Ctoldwater ware
boat fa tbalr boaiaa fa dlffemt parts
oftkaatata The namber exoeadad
that of aap olhor dap fa tba hlatorp of
NaarOamdaa whUa FrMb Kaaklc
wasbarofapa ataek of Oaaada' tbtoMai fa bto hap Said, a broad waa hfawa
fateUe auadfap tlmotbp. Several
asraa of bap ware baroad. Bto ataeki
aadbaildlapik aarrowlp eaeapad das
Twaatp Sva peon a«l Jaaie Nawfaa
from kto'
komafaBiadCltp.And al-Aoupb dUipaat aaarcb waa kept up for paata ao
uaMOthlmwwiavur focod.
Ba waa
■oaraad aa dead. Wadaeadap bto Mstar, Mra 3. L. Maad of South Bavoo.
tocolvad a latfar from tba Look loat
bfotbar, dated Seattta, Weak., audac
that bo waa oo bto wap fa Alaska, ter ^
tba aaeood time, aad should ha ba Me
oaaatul ba vrould vtolt bto Makar.
aaU ba bad travalod tba. world over,
aad bad baaa Btarrlad-bat death hadj
robbed him of bto wife Mdoblld.
' tbatewaef Boma Mia. Lotbor aaoaad-:
odb ladder fa^faataema. MtMar to'
Dave Pickett’s
One tAbto of the choicest end beet goode
we have hed—la a geaersl seeortment of
Neero Kiq Plijfirs
Of Diiie, aid Ereatost
colors, worsteds, cABBimeree.iblAck goods,
bine eergae, silk &ced goode--best fitting
City Opera Noose,
Moaday Ew. Jaly 17.
First Class, Cleaa,
Up-to-data Eatertaiamaat
___ Ooal Hiss It
Popalat Pricas
fitein.Bloch*e. ICehAel Kolbh end other
fine mekee—former prices $13, $14 $13
sad $16-eU go this quick sale at $10.66.
HamiltOD Glothiog Go.
Good hardwood in stove lenithe.
Also font foot maple slabs and edgings.
w iMiasE em uiHta co.
Cleariag Shoe Sale!
oonntry. Of course, we have the edvanttge on tbe
present stock that other dealers have not—We bought
the goode et 30c on the doUer of manufecturer'e c* et,
and heve had a remarkable sale at the low prices we
have been making, bat those low prices will be cat, so
that they even won't be recogiiiaed
We have about four thoneand dollars worth left
of the old stock, and lots of new goods bonght daring
the pest month.
Everything gore in this sale—the finest up to-date
shoes for ladles’ end gentlemen end the boy’s and
girls, tt^ther with more ancient shoes. 1 h'e bargain
tables are full of those and the prices unheard of
800 pairs A. J. Johnson dfc Go's ladies* fine hand
tamed kid ehoee, were $3 00, $3 30,6400 and $4 30. in
opera and common sense lasts, all go at $148. Tbeg
are worth that for a, day’s outing.
Men's fine hand welt box eelf, viol kid, willow
calfi tan and black. Dook at them aad get the priesM
we are making—tbey-will surprise y
Everything in the store is a bargain.
It is tbe quantity we sell that mokes onr profit*
We advertise nothing that we cannot back up. W*
want your trade aad will get it if fair and square deal
ing ooonts.
The goods ere rigtat->th* prieee must be.
We are the $ Savers on Shoes!
806 Front Street
Tsi mourara bbooxs. satubdat. jult le, im.
oi ttvt -MJwU. I
B W. OaoclOM. B. r Btbeel
Md E- BtoMidi. of BaUslia. ora Is (be
dir ‘w ibair war boM froai a daUac
mp tha BovdMS rttor. Th^
l sasaewitBl Ms mmr «ba ds«
nkU) b« a*M <
pap bsU is I__________
stssasalba. Partlaa ars taaparsto.
rMoitoad *itb • Boa aapsir of
Ihdsstrioto. U SRitaUa ...................
aitad tioai. Ibar atewad
aod oapaeu at tbeir trade
m rsisbawa wfalrb Ibaj ban
A»Mm boMM tm 1%rk>7 hw bna
FOB8ALB-«I»-Lot U bik B. Kalbap*
kaahs. good Mala as propartp. ess-ratiMM. bmt m «pOTt dvij 0( «4 It
Alwapa 1
BOW laaaad ice
1W tAk* 8b«« pMMbffw tnia
arlth prieOaca i pears, m
KwkBkdretoTDMottrMk • twelve Tboaa ora tha drat of tba rstabew
ale. ^wfortMpcri-------m that ha baa arar kapt aUaa acd
ywroU Ctrl. tbrovUr IMT M faM Uto
rat cask petoa. itlSbO.
wiUaaabaaaalaabta addlUos to XIBdALB-UO-Bleof art of aa b
«h« •Ir. The Ms 1TM rastSsc M
arc M. tt. 11. tiaersa aU aada en MtU* SB boar, bat lb* clri
aatotleaitoB. 400 biarisc trait Ireea. good
«T«d. Bar draa wm bMlr ibn. Bar
booas aM bore, good sprlnc wi
4H aUas from eitp. Pries, ssno
MM to D'Ua kmtrj. ssA aba H*aa
Wa^aa Mac O^ab Faitr^
'OB 8ALE-«St-tO acres oo
Tba ranr flna bp tba Wa-^aa-taoc
shore t oJlM Borih of Baptist BeA rafftlna ssd boll cinv by Oas- Hob laat anoi
Bort, 40 rods aloog fx abora •» 00
paraers. Will aall t or 10 aena
Mst Ladlow Is BsnM
^laat 'S the _______
. tor • tfcn«rof ttM tooat i
eOBoiaa of Trstr<raa Cltrto toadlac ao>
Froet atioav betwoaa Cedar aad
war»^ ptaaeBt anl
IdMto of Osbo.
Sproae. Laps leeel with aBsati Ma
the B^dISO. Price 8440.
FOB 8ALE-css-Fara 100 aerca'tii
Ctolto. a rich Bpaatoh a
BiJm wat of dtp, W
.faratob.----------- ------------------------------1h« •AM ^MIWUM
mspurt •(
tabaa tocatbar with tba aool i
'prabsUlac mllowad tboaa preaaat to
Tba Mas OB tba aawTrai
Railroad araofBaaaaal BtainUlfapea. fallp>aj7 ‘baeeeolBC- Tbabooirletotiac aooippad with eeory peaalblc aa hat enalac trill be aoa of tba
Bsartbat tba elab *111 cl*a darlac
Tba Anerteaa BlMa aoetatp baa re. tl
«drad a report frOB Ece. Hr Leomto. .
IharoattoJ^aa, larrbkbhe quota*,*
• proBlaaet J^aaaa aa aariof that ^
dboqoaalloaat aaadlac eBlcrpata to.
tba Pblllpplat tolaada «aa belaf coa, ----------•Idarad, aad U ealp a aaiiable opaaiar |
*a am not r>rro to ioeloc ms torntofaaadtberaforthaUtBrlBC eluaoa. prr.- lald oae captala to tbe writer
• eoaoldarabla aasbar will ba roadr for Ca«a.4rt bUnol>>«- "bat t eoof.wa
■ \ Ibat whro oa aoe rortce we fuiiol
Palach atollac eoaUaaM la Bebrtof' ao fewer ihaa 14 tueo bad BBoaced a, aed amv tbeniaelrea awaj below I felt loeaB daapito the Pars r
1 BtKiiirp abadt.
pnUtrp hoots, parda M good draia
acs, .ftac aaw aodara '
I M^2 £."8S£S.Sra.rS»£
Qaj Whalea, a'Ue pear old bsp of „„ for » trip w be made without one
PTaat Saperlor.Wto, who pallod aa or two aperimeaa of tbe deadhead fra•ebiBC Iwtb aritb aatriac> blod to terultj' belag carried. trlUp.aUlr. fm>.
doatb.deaplM aUefforta of the php-,Of eourae. tbli U not done eotlrelp
q t
«>“'™nee «i tbe pan of
Throe eaaM of plaroe an reported la •"“‘‘Iwdp oa board tbe ahlp. The
•'“'‘•■f* •»' “O' lofreqoeatlr the gulltp
Bla^rta- __ ________
Tba Oraroo roiaatoeti me* ameeo
at Saa Fraoetoo oa board tbaUooaporta floj, ,
" (yiSias2i22s*.2SKn
*» lAllaaaMl.Ot.aaet'^
' icis.i5SSfKi3:?;:sia..I _:Oj^asiSss;.-'.i»,ie
Kewpvt aad Ohio. Tbep are aow ^t
qsaraatlae. Tba troopaare the dratte
srriea from tba FblUppita*
HaiT KtBper. M jaara old. of Biitlr,
UoaUaa waalaawiaBlacat KaataakalBmM wbta' h r Tonaerr aiaUr
fcai B tacb. wbaa L. r
bimM-If uadi tbe reseel la at aea. If.
then, be la dlat-orered aod ael lo work
be dwa not mlad. 1( la nut work be la
afraid of. but being wllbont trork atnl
bread that aorompanlea It IVben
»'* nmcWerwl wbal an enonnoua
tbln* an Adantlr Uaer la and bow
«tta.aad with dlOcaltp browbt her ato-, ,h„,».crrt of men dartn* tbe rourw
tar la cloaa le tba abora. ^ Than Harp of a pear get free laiMace acn>« tbe
Ml aa haait^d latba water, and wat berrtn* pond la one ablp or anoUi.rHaad wbea aMtotaaea arrieed.
j and tbia. ibnugb a ateanior a<-rei
ttoa aOBeeaUoB of the Yoaac Pao^.l<w''e• port wilbout a aoarrb hlng
pla-a Bapttot Unloa el tba Dnltod
‘bat no onanlbortied perBtatoi aad Canada to la aaBloo *t ““ “ “ »^rd. Many are dhcor.eeO
1 •“ buokera and other aucb ptoeeo. and
..e .A. e.sllo..d I
A larva tobaooe tac aha aMlowad
menace to rinda
VI dapa aco was remoead troB tbe a..,„.tlon. and. of eoutoe. mice away
throat of 1 pear eld Oartrada Baaatac (ram land. Iltilf la feaiv.1 from dlacoe.
«r Bu Lento. He.
erp. There to
cuHoua botloB preraAlbbtot Fritt Prica boa aboebad
i pao- lent amonc aoi ^ aallora. It to tbal a
, locky paaBettger to
la Oamba. Bab., bp dlcriar sp bto
le^Aaad brotbar. damphe bla bodp carry. Aakrd once wby It was aa obi
: toadb toto tba rs«a aad oalac the oof- aall antwered tbal be never heard of
a ablp being toai that had a alowawap
Ba to cnee the fnaaral el bto alator.
OB hotnl. Of course, ba bad aa In
stance la (allot to relate. It waa to UrtOeod Templara Frocroa
-w -• that a alowawap waa dlacoTen-d
eV ontgolac reaael at
Attar tba r^nlar naeUnc of tba 1" bidli
Uood Tbaplara la tbalr lodes reon a , I”*
.1 the ceputn. tbe woald-be e
•troat Its procnB waa carried o«‘
f oUow.
«hM^ MtiTolF ns* Klto ,
FOB 6ALe-416-40 I______farm tear
alia aath of Elk Bapldt. »<
treaSpconold small frame loaae.
St acre, nada cnlUealion.
FOB8ALB-6l7-WatWaera. lot
aec7. S8. 10. lapt on-abora reai
Pcalanla. orchard M apple trea. w
ebarrp treea. IM pear, plaaa, peach.
Pftoe 81100
FOB 8ALB-600-Fiee acre lot oa OarSaid aw
- *8300.
» aad M. block 1.
_ add. Gorscr
Parry BannaV
stral. Prioc
Bohemia aad
k oee S4.
St—11—abdnl 69 aora tolM tim
ba. bardwood. balaam.eadarawamp.
Samewdartikea eat.
OB SALE—«UT Oroaip atoek tbto
Itp iaeolee about 800a
fl 8ALE-»»4-BonM aad lot OB
ea rooms BtoelpflaWe
rater. fralt and or
re lot. WaSOO. email
& J. MURGAN. Proprietor.
. Platform Wages. 1 aaata, al^ legeed
order, price 833 00.
exteoalon top Ca-riege.
O SeXT-SooB. tl «l
^owa Into tbe bold and
ooraer la wbl<* to aecrei
Hew OSoa. Harkbaa Block.
(AIMmi mat. [—»»»«*«>-----------------------A HOLUOAT.
wsioao. alelcbt, eatiaro, all fa
ImplameLtt. all eroaa of whiea
-a there
are PO aerot eODobtlac of wbat.
cora, otla, bap- potatoes, lo aoea
daaCrora. Tbtofars.to kaowa aa
daWeidoaft tarnor Hillaida daa/r:
baildltin aleaa coat orer Pt.OCO. food
aoll, aad a cold mloa for aotaa ooc.
Price for aU. *8^008
Wa bare a porebaaar tor mideaea ba- T oar—Oa Jtlr4ia Btor aereaa>ll>Oa.ai«F*.
twooi Park aad Fiaakila oo Haabl^toa or State ctroata. Hattbamcd-
1 bars. well. ■
ami fmH i
ilal IT4
aaall fralt a >d good cardu.
to a large lot aod big wvpertp
aaalt ^ee-Pricc »«o.
FOBdALB-eov-bwi, 0tne<, sac SI.
town S4-.: A good frame ' ae -------thad. Wi
wlto wlef llfnralthad.
'iod m I:
and wel'. water pii
lea trrm
hooae. SOO bearing apple, plum, eheirp
treea. Btra 34aC0 Farm all Impreeed, lapaSS iSlM north of Wllllaav
berg 00 Elk Eapidt road.Pria.8l
OB VALE-6IS—Kw >, of ew l« te
town SO Dorth 11 wan 40 acre
TJT.'T:: :::::::::::
tha aaal bariU ar« baloc dlmlalibad ‘ rllaed lu irlre tbem all a dorklns. and
capiaiD of an
lltotald that tba ralaUoaa batwaab>tlantir Ifaer. a mao to whom tbe
tba Ualtad Blaua bad »—h w«a
^ a petpefoal BUlaaace.
____________ .a., -T^-.
Thooirb (be atrtoteat o^teh It hl-t
•otto Bora trtaidlr thaa at proaeal.
rV>A w. 1. a w a MOOS. PhroiM. aad
Gas Lamp-- Eood
aad Picleral Fishiag
Price Beduced to Close Out Lot.
Btwi i^tlmsiuhip monep
(■SB rmplc^ fur Bicycle
auxona »p>
' Brpsiriog.
Quick work.
rwooss WaKTSD-awtl] Mtorerr «uleC
^J- it rwbt br t tatll ftwUr. tt cooR lort*
|>M. Asay <c air. Ptiiaa. PoiaM Sitr^^.
Uri^NlT CO. ^ ^
snapil. ttMadtC Is.
R rtasKIS''
•___________________ -«*»'
bowl. AdCmwarititWfrrvt
^^AXTKt>-blyw^Ior rti 4
HopUns Bros.
Both 'Pbemea. »4
» It
60S M-
Ar'>t to' 4B
•S M H a
•» ta *4 to
Tvu Mraatau
S !_
ii:~ S3
4 H
^10 I*
BwnMa. KU
!o to e [|
It 4; << 8
•1013 *4 B
Blrer Irbccb
Pro\ident Life
and Trust Company Chicago —
of PUladelphU.
qOTeJuSaT Setale.
tie 4 10L>Hbslwrt
tost tw
We are again praitored to deliver ic'
gtCrr^^L^ ia all parti of the dtp. < Our prices wll
be as low aa anp oVered.
rrwisgiiT-Bisrrxsts r»ml WR*t tut
A dowMUis Bubrs a Ssibetaa't Crut
to am
^oaTBU>K-4”tm« er uacwtrwl ItaC t
f irtdr (srhaiuwttd hWla iDWt WrOti
r.B cttt>rr.B<ircictrut<.aict.
. Pbarucr Boggp. good order. 840.00.
I Toe Boggp. alUc good ahapr. 8U 00.
I Bead Wtgoe. rood aa sew. tSS.OO.
I Lsmber WagoM
iRow to trade for a powp
4B7 It,
West Michigan.
oomo BOtTV
Levi T. Pe&niDgton. District A«t
■CtoBSAlA-rirrlrhuicT >pr •!
tk mllac from eitp. 1400 apple.
ifli.doaat loeatMMFtoaUke part clip propertj. ■y oarenpra trua 4 (a aiHiiacwiU •■»*•'■>—jU; '
hi«. W»4»
FTpm Mncl.
Price 81
>& 8AL
8ALB—SA3—Boose and lot, Qmrfleldaeeoae.
laid areoue. 8430.
■ 8ALB-367-DI
• • • ■5—3
dlisg, Weba
lewalrm. Pioat gnadfirb.
rooma 81.600.
600. Baap I
> (>oop onTTr-CbMp it «■
FoS~8ALB—67»—Nlotp acre farm, rwb.
good bnUdlaga. 8S.S30.
FOB SALE—373—Uood frame boqsa F'’a''r?art U* tn Tba*^ *T‘pn
aad oight acraa of Uad.'iltoated
abont one otlle from eentor of ctWboose 14x34. ala rooms la boaae. ^ror WAXl'lBaars'ccalMy klaC la Sn
1,^,,. „
laatreBeataKtolaeUoa -MatidHoodp pn.red a true one. The ,rea..................
Tblk.-Brattaer Badlep
., down within a week of aalUng and
lanaeaUoa ^^A:l»?rMwTU4?ilnea
«a cllatkB LacUc O NcsL
j oalp the aeoiad u«rer aod a few men
F^SALE-sw-Boascaodlok Onfan Uae Co. aiocb.Trarcfw Oiy.
toe oraoB aad take arart aeread dor
eared. Oae woudets bow aurb
street, ten rooma, stone
a ao|.-rMlM..n anwe. if auperatldon (t
tien and stooe baaement, eeaplcta.
Brolber Wm. Uebla will hare charts.
!*"•" '*
B K want e tew bnpdrcd dellan to TOB SbbB-Caab ar__________________
iIm- liUU-^hai (be «n.
At the prorraa aext rrtdap arsaloc
tl-. .;hvI..I
ptaco on personal orop^rtp Im
r la Oab Mgbta. oa Hcbib. Ormai. I
bad Boaaatioai aoC Haaaab anaaa. I
Will gnaranwe all loaas.
j pn)te*ll<.u of brtiren. and that It t*
j ol tbt baalnam law lo ibr obau olai.
WB bare a client who wants 81300
dliqdeoaing to the prarideai
flrst<laa real atote Mority.
. I wstebes eieae
orpr aneb waifs t«
tf anptblnc
WB base for tale
be done to ttawan tbeir wlsbrs? Tbe
foolish, the (>11101. children, aod drank.
gueeral stocka,
boot aed
Mr land,
yaeaat loU. pattorms. timber
b ‘ taeaat
rlfbtc tn fact, wa base almost
^guanllanahlp aod can-.
Ilmhpbe a qacMiea whether tba, ^■erbB|l. benraforth we mtu( add tile
ng sou want, and 1
•ditorofs ae
,______ AlwapspleaaedW
rplaaaedto see pen.
'be lln.
d( v“^*x** “>isaltpoa. Alwapi
Will do
^roprielarp medldaea which flood the
readptosbow pon what we’ee got lo
.. jj meotloB that we
ssarbal. pet at a prerselallea of taSer« feel it a dstp to aap a good
- lac we
_____40 acros' of the floeat Potto's
■erord for Chamberiala'a Colic. Cholera
Clap in the wo’ld.
Vein to 73
feet deep aad eorera 'be •• !• 40
Md Diarrtoaa Bamadp.
Wa hsee
kaowa aad asad tbto madieiBa la car
40. lapt
wlthlp 7
flSaUp tor tweaiy pears and hare allerlping this bed of clap >
f red aad white mad
mnd stoae
sraps (oaad It roilable.
la maap eaaet
a doss of this ressedp woold saee hoars
ia the moat saloabla bad of clap
of saeoriacwhlls a pbpaidaB to await
ia tbe CnUad Staton.
Base lafoaed
810.000 for it. It willI pap
nap e^llaltou
e^li---------ed. Wa do not ballaea la datnllnc
Don't Blac tbto ebaace to atwad the
iBpUdUe oa aap Bedhtiaa for a core,
aa thero ia plaatp
to Ineiatlgato tbu a
bat we & beUara that If a bottls of
of marl adjboant
OiaBberlale'a DtarrbiB Bemadp
Lears Bar View at «:t0 p. a.
kept oa baad aad adalatoUTOi
na'aMTsaroall bantalna, and ean
tba iaaaptloa of aa attoek i_____ 81 00. IS U 14.
to booght OB easy toroB. Wa bses
Sl'SDAY. JfLY 16
•oBartac Blcbl ba areldad aad la eorp
iinitoirii <rf Milan worth of other
bargaina is farm and dtp p
Lease Trsrsrse Cltp at T: a. a. Lears Cobs and see n« ifpoasrani jbup
batbsaa oar ezpariaaea dariac the Hoakecee and Groao Baplda rataralac ■ tot w Bvpertp with ns if p
M e^B. Baa. •* 00 Good plaeat for
pMt tWMtppsara Fcrtola bp 8. E
Walt aad F. C. TboBMo- Dracrtoia.
Oee to at SU Frooi atroat, ap
______ Yon will aoa oor nigs at the
ft.M TO
bottom of iBlrwap. Go np stain, tan
Oaid of Tbasbs.
to lafv take drat door to rightj 1
----------------- -;aiOAK EO0TE.
wtob tobb^^^tb^Jtb^ I
Jnlp Ilib. tba rata dgntoaloogsidatbadoar. Waatsi
oatbagraosdfloor, at least oarof
tap btohaad-aalekaeataaddastk. atao
tortba flowers aaai bpUoB. aad tba
KMMsad Hpatlaabalatartbstsaar.
u n mian.
I.'Gr4 BbatCb.
• Dr.J.V.GtnnUett
oono KOKTV.
w. ffir
iiii ifis
Aew* gl^^ir Ce— «irret. ypo^ue Be
ilErir.? TSnWsm-------a n> s >a 4 »>
Lt Bb SwUa'
■ At ttm'swCy
bC n in 111 lUK kitn.
t to tl to » »
4 a> It S) 4 la
tiul Iltlll t IidlUl L F.
Wa wUI giro poa oar eloaa atteatwn
a^doonr best to ideaaa poo.
Arcb andajerrsBiewto,
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. HOBOAH, Propr.
A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
Some arriving every week.
■WEST Michican R’y."
Park Place Hotel!
gjra-wearse 0±-t7*, •aa'-i
Thj^^RMil ^5l tlekala
-------------ratara cto ipealtl .
a to Bap ---------- - Ttsesneat* st 7 s. a. 8a
Ttow*6i^^ealpfll<A TYala laatoa dslp M. for 7»e lor tba rooad trip.
St AlOa. a. iqtsrslacatT:40p.B.
Oco. Dcfarea. O. F. A
tax2um tm
lUni Tdflr^Ho 6B«.
We work all tbs Uma,-wa ess aaU poor
peepeftp. wa eas give you bsfgaina
S^noBtoBkata eCoto BsmBcbm
blgalgsat botaoB ofMlrs. Btgbsrgslat at top of atalra. flint deer to
the right aftor pod tors to iidi St head
of the stain.
Sienf Filar.
I Is
swb.to.4. M.
Maiuger. 0.UW
TBAVEH8E Oiri. inCH„ STTXDir, JULY 16,1899.
Tr»!a» amn 6
Newly painted papered, aod carpeted—Rooms with
jj-j —I.;—
1 of
private t»^8 have
making it one
of the
comfortAble hoteU in Northern
Address for
rates sod other information
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.