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The Morning Record, January 04, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
ttoood Xmr—Vo 630
YOB nxcrso
rm ruilac** Ot«w torTM
\ MUUMOulrtdfw.
to Vow OoB' •
LoadsA Ja». I.—U to mmom4 Baaf Pa^^ Deny Ohargea
by til* Opporitton.
tkfttUdKrxxA eoapMj ofBlralafKada.
foha Poppe BsSbrad Baaara lajuy to
tka Vaodt.
Dr. Qarwer waa oallad to Btorbam
»«torday to took aftor|tba aarioim
woaada of John Poppa of Provaawat.
pa eajaoye to Camp No 1 of the Barker
Cedar Oo. Pope, waa at work to tka
wooda whan a bare aim limb fall from
aoonaidarablabairbtatrlktor bim on,
tba bead. He b in d pacarioea ooadlUon'
bat Dr. Oanar ballavaa ha will pall
tbroorb an rirht.
Yes, Sir!
We’ve Got Just Ths Ledger
You Want.
r Um4 ta »MMd Md PMk^ cmrtridgaa tor tka Ualtad Stataa at tka
Xaata Ponuakad tba Army Paelarrata«(l.poo.awwaokl7. Aa Awarteaa
•d to SkTa Baa BnettyBamoao
Tht Omcm Wiu Take FUo* T»a Prafttl^ by Spaalak war aafar Braaeh Roaaa Md*Mo lMffar<
a%ht mi It Wm U m Op«s Salne». a apodal BMtal la aaad to
OfaMcrad to Paoktof li fkr
tot-AddMWm ba ■paakar.
praraattha eaaaa^roM JaMMlorU tka
UMtBff. Mleb.. Jaa. i.-A caAfaL
<ara«oftba atioaUda thta aftanooa
Waahta(rU».Jak4.~Oommlaaary OaoPo«a>ly , n«w 4iy bool, o ootuter bof*. or book to take
abowa that Mr. Barrowa U a aara «rlae«»l Earaa U ewadily peoaecaUnr theorders in, or a v
aar aad Vr a daeUaa ma}arit^ Braa
inqalry lato tka melbeda followed by
---------iDdam to pnt down the thiaga
tka Biat aathaaiatUe of kto anaatUa
; the Mr moat paekiar honaaa to patttor
wife asked yon ter thU mormogi-emd yon foTRot We haTa
cooaada ao» that aatklar a^ ofa 0«B«rB! OtU haa UqOo WaU ap the etaato tapplied the army doriar Bainr Olcaaly Onardad-WDl Preb
coonter books at 5c, 10c, 16c, 20c. S5c. Ledrera and day books
Mirada eaa ^raat hU alreUaa.
pakIn Hand.
from 25c np to the largest. 96 different kinds, ahapea aad aisIt Ao aaraia profaabla tkat
lieaUoa latlera addroMcd to Oolooal
Ronaa ninnday Wood.
vUl wia for apaakar. All daj mea ,
8atU>, the parehaaiar eommlatary at
« of memorandoms, rtom Ic np. Look ai^nr stock and yon’il
Atlar. Jan. 3.—It b annoimoed to
I DoaaBotlauad
kara baaa aaslaf orar u tka BamaraCbtoaro. which came from all mr* oaa day that the mcaaan of therevemor
of the flrma which tapplied f.e army will be read o« Tboraday b<k«. Ilf
Both Bldaa kaatlad laai aifkt for tka
Trosbla Tiaoad to ByaBloh
with meat. Swift A Co . to their let- will ba rt«i to Uf aoMmb'ad boeaa
alratra to tka t»o ealU for a caa
tor. atated that they had not pat ap aada^naloby tMvato. Secretary Stone.
aadltwaaa bard atmccle taraUi
Uaaad beef aad therafora. they were
It b a racy volaminOBe dorement.
kat the Barrowa paopla aooa paaa^
Botableto aaawor the toiarr««atlona maeb loBrer thaa aBythloy of the Idod
tka Aaafw Uaa aad rot aoteaa aaoafk from Oaaeral OUe at MaolU wae reod with rerard to ttoaed beef.
rated by a gfrtnor of tbb
at today’a eabtoat maattor- So other
“We are alaarhtarera and ahippaim
ira. and it b
At I o’clock-tkla aftareooa tbaM mattara of importaaoe were brotirhl of rafrircratod beef aod ia all oor exwara aaaaaty-tvo atraara to tka Bar- farwmd aad the meetior adj-roraad ua- parleaee. aeeer coed aay ebemieola
’ out of Ue nrdinaty. Tbe
oaoally early.
rowa call. Ikeecfc all tbk Barrowa aea
whataoerer «
.■crated beef. Pbe aaru b belnr vary eloaely ruardad.
depart«ra not yat bora. niB iatUaa tka aeabeef ehlppad^ to Santlafo. Porto Rbo has baaa printed to the aanal form.aud
atodal aaocoa acaphatically for Wad- meat that la hit oplaloe Deaerat Miller and tbevariooe Cnltod f^tae
bin cattody of Naicr Stone, to the
baa the Iloilo alloatloa wall ia baad.
aaaday alrfat aa the Barrowa
handled in exactly tka came way vault to the private effim. aad not a
tka parpoM of
wtobad aad oattlaa for aa opaa ballot,
oopy win be rives out to tba aewatoo. aach aaa to riaa la kia aaat wkaa tka praaldeat not to crowd the Inaarb
papara nstil Ub avaator.
kb aasa It oalled aad expraaa kb
Ubif. IfeNeil A Libby of Cbiemro
It b probable that Ue lecbtotBra
tkat any boatUe collUtoa between the
aaid to rerard to tke UBood react beef; wilt adJourB soon aftar Ue readlar anAmertoanaaBdlnterreata be avoided,
The Beat body blow eaaa tbb a
“We ooe nothinr but
Ul Best Tucaday noon.
tor wham RapreaaDtaUra Paler BarHr at laaat pcndlnr tba ratUleaUon of the
•ctodbaef. No
ofHariBaw deMTtodtka Ptorrae tide peace treaty.
, ofanydUerlpUonaranaed. The
OaelaU bora are now tally inUaflad
aad weat over to Adaata Ba baa all
Eat to our can U a part aad belonra to
Artbur SoaeaUal. who reeratly eathat the troabU at lloUo may be traced
aloar baaa a aUon^ ’ adwleiairaU<
the beef which b packed'to the can. tabliahad Ua New York Store on Ua
aM. aad wai ooaotad a aUacb Mead dtroeUy back to tba t^wolah coloael None b ponred to. We do not handle
ko clou
a smaW
eomarofL'nlnBaadStxUitreeta. has
of Ooremor Plarraa. but will now «oto who aa aaalor Bpanbh oSear. waa
bad Bueh a rood buaiiMM that he has
for Adama. Ha will pall orar aareral racUy ia eomSkad of the Viaoayae.
Neleon Moma i Co. of Cblearo. aft deeldiid toenlArreUe balldinria Ue
otbera with bim, maklar Adama’ wtoer telllnr of the exUnl of Uelr tinned early aprinr aad add aevetal attraektor probable.
react beef trade, atated that no cbemThe damoraliuUoD of the Piarraateab whatever and no aerapa of
atorkaof rooda
Pack foreae waa followed by a dianp- Mika Pltapatrlek of Tbompooneilh ktod are naed In iu preparaUon. The
The am retrular drill of tbe newly
CkaapioB aUddlowalrbt. Banda
tiaa amoar tka faltbfal.
Vl )oo. o\& ttIu, 90c,
only fat aaed. they aay. U the nataral ortraola^ Haanak RlSei will take
meat fat. no tallow belnr ponred into place to Fomtera' hall Ub aveetor.
the caeea. They alao atated that no Every member U requeatod to be joeq‘ntompBOarllle, Mlch.,Jan. S, ISW.
Editox MoKXiao Sxcobp—I eeo Jim ehemioab were need to refrireratinr -Bt.
^ ^b«, o\& ptVu. bOc.
Irdar X.I«1ar*tona Biad Wklla Pro- McOpy b op In tbb part of the aoantry
The price of poUtoeu to tbe local
and looktor fora rame. I will Srbt
partor to taka Paaaeaaloa of
market raurod from M to St cento ynbimtoaflnbh oraiimiud anmber of
Bia Vow Hose.
) “SATtwirttt.**
ro&nda tor a parte of from StOO to S»0.
Maoarar Moatarue of Ue MereapIrrlarCLlviaratoae, a former rMl.
Bnatona Oollera . Lyoeatn Thtoka tlle Co.-wiU ro to (iraud Rapidi the
Mikb Fitzi'atuck.
Aaat of Boltooa Bay.bBt Utely rcaliMiir
Mlddlowairht Champion of Hk-hlran.
Manktad Ou Oet Alone
latter part af U* week to proBt by the
M McBrUa, MoDtcalm ooaaty. met a
Mr furaltnre exhibit and
WiUout It.
Tbb b Joat what McCoy baa been
koddea deaU in Blmaood townahipyeatarday momliir. He eloaod a deal with looklnr for and he will ax-epi tka
The Bostoase CoIIeffe Lyceum met oeveral Bne )ioe« of roods early, so aa
OA B. Boarbay the day before by which challeBire by wire. The coatoat will last eveuinr to Graaru Hall and com- to be cure of havlor hbhrderc Slled on
ha became owoer of tka (arm beloariar probably oome off at Sattona B*y. Prl- meueod their work for the new year time- Oeorye toue will acebmeaBT
to Boa. O. O. CoTell. which bae baea day ereDinr (or tioo a aide, loa roando, Nearly all Ue memberu wereprawut him.
Tbe local elyar maker* are maktoy
oecnplod by Joaaph.Uaorr.-. lie waot Jof
aa mataally arraed.
and Ue aeaaion proved to be very Inrreat preparation* for tbe entortain- i
to tka farm Noaday to look after tba I-------------------------tarealinr.
atoek and arranifa for the reception of >B.RTHaVAn XH RW JBUBT.
blind bi-rmpbical sketch, of menwof E-iireoe V. Hebba. Ua eeleI>rat«d labor advoeate.who b to lecture
hit family, which he laioadad to briar
which "Mark Twain" waa Ueeubjeet,
bora aa oooo aa poaalble. He beran to Palt and Beard Distinctly at Praa- waa rivee by Cbarlea Girard, aod wai hereunder tbe au>plce* nf the local
boM OB Vaw Taar’a Hlrbt.
Cipar Maker'* UuioD next week.
fdal rather unwell on Honday baliwlhffstaatd by several of tbe membera.
Dr. Fred Tilt*.who ha* had hi* oIBce
tar eartoaa waa appraheaded. Y«atorFreehold. N. J., Jaa. 3 -^’Hie ■ ahock
A violin solo by aaud Bemb wU
at B. J. Moryan'i feed *toblebcoQtem-.
day morelnr heabowad farther alraa af as eprtbqnake waa dlatlneUy beard mueb appreciated.
platluf bnildtay an-fnflrmauv. Be ha* !
of iltoeea and whee Bear the bam lald|*»d felt here Sanday erentoff. about
Of yours to just drop in and g«t yon a pair
dowatotha enow, evereome by aick-l*!*® o'clock, when moet of the pwpli
of those’$4.00 shoes for $.3.00. They are
Hewae found: by Hr. tleotre!*"* to the churchea. It thooy the
and eoeepyad to the bottae. where he bnnaca aod eaeted the wtodowa'to rat
certainly the fio^t in the city for the mon
dlad «noa afterwardr—
tie loudly. The direction of the abock
ey. Just received a shipment of the latest
'to be
of •e^i
aye *
—,—. ..„--------—. 4t.
.... year* w.
—--------------------------—to north,
o«d for oeme time Bad been worrytor **"•
*** * •>“>'*“« <><
styles Lai3ies' Boots.
dUte street, at S o'clock.
boalneac dilBonlUoa. He pakd|*'“‘ * rear laaitor about a mtoato. Peter OrimxUd waa .appointed leader
The n»y View Readiup Circle will
at.tuo for the farm whlek be expaelad About half tke people In town and In
of Ue afirmatlve tide and Ei Clemoni meet with Mrs. P. J. CurtU. I'.IO 8ut«
to make hb home and waa leoMsf for the coBOtry hereabouto beard It
(or the Boyalive. Tbe leader* rhoee street, Monday evenlnx at 7;M. at
ward to aettUnr down there parma- Aral it waa Ihonrht to be the rcaalt of tidoc, bboastoy* all
formerly. Gu-MaUenc from •'The Spananexploaloa, to the powitor millt at
In Uu manner a yreal deal of original
A eorouar’a toqarat will be held Ub Karmlardale. but advicea from ibeae Uou^l yn>» brenyhl out aod enjoyed bb dtudent ”
The Chora* Choir of the CoturreraDomlnr at y o’clock and' Dr. I. A. aay tkat aotblor noutnal haa oecurred.
by aU. The jndgee derided to (svjr of tlooal i-bnr^b will be orraulxed aod
Tbompoou baa bean Onmmnnod Ic
Ue neraUee
eontbrait from here, and alao to the
make an rxamtoation of tba remalna.
at T:U> inttead of Saturday eveoluc aa;
aoutk of Freehold A chock of a atlll
Sow to rail at ths elf^nt j<nrelr]r atore of Baronm A
MO THOVBLB WITH XHOLAND. ll*hter nature wa* felt at in o’clock, CHUaoa OFriCXBS sleotkd.
>nced. All l
Earl. We have a finer etork than ever before, compriaia*
eaily invited to be preacet at Ub tir»t
but only a few peraoni perceived it.
Bpaniab PoreirB Mlnbtar Cobtradleia
Ananal Meetiac of OwruptUonal meeting.
the latoat desigoa in Watohea. Chains, Charms. RingBorne Booent Bnmora.
rariotts patternB. In Ulamonds we can ahow yon som#
There will be a »peclal meettog of Ue
Madrid. Jan. S.-Duke Almodovar de
AtUe annual burintm meetitiy of N. A. S. B tontjrbl.A fall attendance 1*
fine stouej in sizes to eoit. Our stock of Silver and Platod
Bio, mtobterof Forelrn affatra, aboo- Dddinaetor Trar«dy Bnaoted at a Ue Oonyreffatlona! church.ia*i evea- dealred.
Goods is very completa. -Everything in Table Ware and
iajf Ue followiaff offieen were cleetod:
Mb* Laura Furtoeh entertained a
Borne la Paulainr.tUio.
mauy articlea in Useful Noveltiee. Rich Cut Glass, Gold
number of frieadalMt evening at her
Mota eoBeemlar Draat Britain’! atuTroctoi
fprlarfleld. Ohio. Jan. t.—Shortly
Pena—all styles Call and look over onr stock.
aerk-8. R. Wail*.
borne on Coloa atreeL
tuda toward Spato. Be daclarM that
aftor the New Year’i dinner bad bean
Tucaday evening there wUl be
Hpaia-c ralailcmt with Bnrlaod are of
Trasaarer-Mbu Imbel Hatamnod.
eaten to tba town of Panldinr. PPrtb
the moat eardial aatnre.
Joint inaullatlon of Ue newly eleetod
Ootlaelor—Fraak Hamilton.
oi here, aeetea ef people ware drawn to
Holidtora-C T. Qrawn. M. aoviatt. offlaers of Trnverae Bay Hive, No. 71,
tba raaldenoa of ex-Poataiaatpr Cbarlea
nad of Traverse Bay Tant. Mo.
Front Street.
Brawm by Ua aeand of pbtol abate, C. J. Bbaer. C. A. Hammond. W. TbnrWin tke Treaty of Paaoo be Babaalttod ^nraaea waa foroad and a baby is taU. J. W. MUUkao. Mia. W. N. Kellyy Tbe.oeremooias wUl oeear to MoamoBlba’ old was found playtor ever Mrs. W. O. TbaruU, Mis Oviatb
to Ooatraaa.
a Scofield af 1
Deaooaa-Oao. Steward. C. J. Khmer.
the bloody aad llfalaaa bodha of its
Waahtorloa. Jaa. ».-Tbc treaty of
Uehaia-Wm. Bank. C. Wrirht Jokn ■treet. who went to OraenviUa aboat'
peace BeroUaiod la Parb will be cab- pa^ata. The othor Ursa ebUdran MUIer. OUver Watoru.Ooo- HoyLBany alae moetha am> fee toaatmeat, died
ware found locked in a room. The
mlttadto ooByrMaal
last Friday at Ue home of her daachhostaand bad Uot bia wife to tba head DeWitl. Chas. Back. C L. OoBoar.
mveuinr. ptxthably tomorre#.
Committac for- redaeimr ebarch ter. Mrs. Hyde, of that plec*.
Allboarh a tempUar opportani^ of and Uaa oommlitod cnleida. Tbe debt-FUak HamDtom. M C GriaUT.
Arehto OviaU tu.* porehaeed tbe Fark
ten for the preaentoUoa of a moat torPlaee barber shop flxtnrra of Earl Ty
qaarraU. the tnyady baiiir the raault T. Bates, 8. B. Wah. C. T. Qrawn.
dbto arrument for opeedy rnUOoatioa,
ler. Mr. Tyler will replaee them wiU
In tka chape of a rlartor moacara to of the last one. The kasband bad
aomeebgantMwdaalras. . Beb
Xodu Olata Bauar Happy.
ooBfraM oo the aobject. Hr. McKtoley vlolaat temper. BoU beloorad to
tomplaitog havtor three chain wlU
kaa daelded to leave the praaantaUoe of
Apleaiantsiuprtoewaa fiven Clara le new ontfll.
at her
The mill of Ue Tnyarac City Lum
Sadod WiU Oyatom.
boma «m Proet itraM.
The yonof ber On. to now ronnlng basQy asd amlU cnecaUve beard of Uelmdlea' mbaaa who arraared tbe party were >Ioylng a farce of fifty men. bcaidm
bMordtorly the tnaty will r> to tka
ary AiaoclatloB for l««R hold ito Emma FVtodrIeh. Cboaia Whltlay and the cralera outaide tbe city.
UUor body with the bnefam po^bla
monara af tnaambaioa bj Ua |UaI- laat mecUaf to Ue Itbrsfy room* yea- Haad OomptoB.
At Ue tostaltotloo af Ue offleun of
torday anarrmaa. and toeideaUlly cmThe gauato ware; Marion |naahall, MePmaqn Poat aad Ue Belief Oorpa
J-qred a vary isforuual bat vary excel- Imara Ihutaeb. Cbariotto Friedrich.
Moedey evanlnff, Ue ofltoeis lor the
Tba fallowlar are the new aademte leal orular sapper aa a fltttor eMtor
Uara Trarea. Margie Calaua. EllaJ
•t Uo Coain... OoUer, Ub
wnk: tar the year's work.
Smith. Jennie boadon. Kellie Waraa^rtad^by Carrie
Patar Orimetoad. Oood Harbor; Warburg. lUle SrnlU. Della MarttoU,
ra« Dtokermaa. Solon; Lola
— Oapaay X KMWriAb. e eacto.
BeU Darmaa. Alben SyuaUxa aad
wiamow aa a Drawtog Oars.
Old Kbatoa; Alin Amfaar. UartaldTburaarea few of Ua a—a«~|, WUUeOarby.
Fbaakto. boU a< Ub eiiy. i
Baanah Rifle nwuaorlab leitTwMU
Baa MeMasaa, Chariat FalMar aad
Befraakaaemtouraraaaevadbr Mlmm la mamage yaatarday I
A M-Siuoaa. oUy.
fbatoto EaUar aad 0*a McOoy.
I 820 Front St.
“» 1S ”
“City Bookstore.”
g£»aiives’ “Swe Cottou "^ou.
Tell That Husbaud
Sleinberg’s Grand Opera House
Beginning Monday, January 9
I RffBOtists n( Minil Rewlers-ThB Greatest aeil Hipiest
Class Ittractiea of Its kii( Tnnlli|.
- sisiiis S£ri?r.S’’■ “
»o«mio uMOomt.. wto—da^.
■■B Momroio BIOOBD
•unuxonr. - monau
, m. m*—.
4. i»
uurtote UiA., i»M. •j-TW
■«->!»■» of B«Sf7 (MmUm •< W;-
irSTuttl* low. OM Md
d-uroT^ b, fc* »M.
twiwrw UM bunnoltbrM
(M. -H* -U
the IflM. AU »he
•d.owh«»tk*lw» thrt •••oewM
tnm the *to~-
'■ ----------- ntUarcaiUhl
<iDiamond y*’
or "Traverse Belle”
A. W. JAHRAUS, TiMdiM tiect
Uatorawlac«— opaa ■aetlnc of
Ch-~*- ^
_ pwahaaad aaw; f-raltara tor th.
traead to airan wueh taraatad la fraVarwal iBaazaBed liatawad
aad tad ftalahad paylac
faritUlase.pt taa doUarv Hahto
aaiploya of tha Wylia Oooparafa Oo. lo- k. them w. oa »la thtoafboal tha|paav F«toat aad fatora btoaiwal lanattntrTaadamaBlaMlehldMaawaU.aaraacB Many qoaattona ware aakad
CBtad at ttat plaaaKM Bthaliod Gttehel rataiwad too* a.la^FraaaUa^lalUbl.locatthta'aadaa.wared.
horrthla dlaaare if b. waoke. tboa.;thore p~t driBd
Tn eouty n)*d
UM*dMe» Tt.T«-ClW
^hav iiiir'—r tha waah’aaaeatloa. Cblaaaetoad. ai*ark Tb. Ci,arMk-|appUtoUore for »e»ba™hip la tb.
^ the «tlj «hert*r, whlek H la pvpoaan' lotaraatioaal aaloA baa 4
•d to have aMctd by Ua aert laflala- «to u u. U«>l.«
^ . kUl -U-w--- ererythlof la ita power to aotlfy
Im dM bM Mai with taaenl *f
-------------- ofofOlcan
daagre that
n. tan ta Oflpta Oara.
Mf«h WhUa lha aa«a(7 faad ayalaw km. Tfciktibik«*«»-*™-^ ^
(•^iBlMMat prMB^ Fqriaiae h
Mtete a VMlUa Um whaa tha ayaWlUlaw Qawploa want to Twla
t*y" ha aalafr»th~<
Uadar Um
MoanlT*" thto aormiac wtaia ha faaa loaUaBtilyaa hare aaaa tha labal ofotaw.tare wo appeUta. ao Ufaor
MrtarM ft aow ataada-UM ayaiaa
aBbitto>.tareabad €»ld.lB taetare
•a^ laalada aU of Tiaaaaaa atj- U hTtr todta^ Oooparan Oo.ar.ra- ^
TTfrapVaiy aaad ap. Blaetrle Bitton
WJJl* k-m-t—
b aowyrapaaad to aMad tha char
la tha ^ reaiady that
gin y«i
rf.ii* froB iiio *0 Oto loada of
^aadeere rellel.
relief. They
i-bey aci
act oidlM ao that ahoaU tha ayataai .ITIW dkU» IT— 1> >• “
Gotoo.1T OlobBooUoo.
Ian aad wUl aaow bare a trala load
1------ yaor
_m.k. Id*er.
f Jam Stonaehata
atMim.k*lkM EdtTU____,
ba aMvtId to
tha fcM reta way ewtaap U arery day.
At thauBBal builaeaa naaUag of aere. loM op tba whole ayataa aad
all that yerttoaoftha city waat;
• 1-------------------yoa fee llha a mw
A law BM aotOd dad a«ptoy-« tba Oetanary Gleb Mat areslag tba toi- ------^ Barlow atiaatakaD ha asdadad from oataafwood at thiaplaaaatatotMd
Drey Skoraaof &
ItoaparatM. Tha maoa fertha op____________ __ Jahwai Ooiy 50e
,«ltte to tUa ftloUHna la that
Byaa paaaad Ihrewfh hare
^Mia thaaMadMBVbaadoplad Tn*Vlea pnaidaoV—W. P. Kaueyi
faaaiwreday wMh • «m ofta*^
PM «»y t^aM ha faMaUad to ^roBto tre-Ttarere. aty to Bomb.
8awato*y-0- R Cherer.
a» Ita propMloaiiW ahan of
TreMarer-Ai «. Jtareua.
Iha vaaty road las artthoet raaalr.
Collaator-G. M» Parlcar.
toaay of tha haaoBta of tha ayatata.
Hbtoriaa-M. B. Galea.
0. B. WyBknpof Kltofalay wm la
9hara wUI ha alcaroaa oppoaiUoeto
Captain of Oonntaarlea W. J.
Iha iiiopcnti* aiaaadaMDt Md it la a
of poUoa of ■»whaUar tha eoaacC wiU
MmUt ofTraaaportoUoB-tanDaai
plre.Ul»Uiaciiy Tialtlag aod dolag
Tha Uaaaoryoflhe-orgaBlMtioB la
to a ttoariabtog ooodlUoB.
TMTsaoar't raptoU tram laaalar *"l^**Baalce Kelley ud her brother
^tonata that it la aU off with Pack la Pnak want to Eogaley for a few
■ ■
I and that Uarrowa la wwk'a rlalt. yaatorday.
Oigar Xahare’ BaoUon.
Kr,udtore.M.B<M-ttal. wboM.
paaraof rletory that tba
-----ai the aaaoal maeUag iMt night of
pweadaa bla aleetioo. This xalgbt bare alaitlag JoUuaStolBberrafaiBny. wnt tba Oigar* Makan' b'oloa Mo. >M. tba
tan aspaelad. aa.tba hrtactworka of toMaBletoefora»lalta»d ratoraadoB toUowing offioan W"'* •i*^**^
»m,—— loo .lro« tk h. .*«— iMtareBlaghtralB.
aaautog year;
Mra. Heleoa Brayg aad bar Mthn.
ta tha aMBllB of Peck, at al. area
PreaWaat-J. B. Lauornu.
Bedroom Suite
Ihnfb relaforead by tha alcaraw op- Mn. Ulsaa, bare rataraad Iron KalaVlea pr^daat-George B. Flaber.
awltlan of Uoraraor Piagraa. ta tbU »MO,wbaratbeyn«*»'^ b<db^
for a
Got. aacratory—E. B. Wearer.
001. George Uaaa of toulatoa. lareMa Bartowa wUl wla o«t haada dowa
Bb. aaeretary—Joa OarUer.
little mooey.
HBd Ooreraor Plagrae will hare had nu for the Loola Sasd. lumber an>TroMurar—Thoa. Purtaoh.
htotroubiatorbU palaa..
pony, la IB the city OB bnalseoa.
JrSord tfardey. the popular repraaOonpaeioBk of t. O. F.
esUUre of the Oread Bapida Bereld, la
There wUl ba a regular naetlag tbia
IB towB and will reMlB thia week.
i Phone
HouM Furaiaher.
Mlaa Mabrl McMlehael aad Him Bau- aftornoon and all menben are retUkm 1m Bsplaaatin About tha
Uh OoeelV are elaltliig Uelr trtmd, quntod to be in atUBdam* m the
ISO ProBt Street.
Blath Btraat Blr*.
newly elected ofisen will be toatall^
Mlaa Marlon Olbba. at Mayfield.
(pm>a KoRswo BscoED—The acMin Adla Maithewa of Ba»t Jor^. laoBlee.
gout (Irea by yoa tbU Mrolog of tba
1 Beeordlng deoretary. { •ra at ay reaidaaee Uat night ecatain- U Ttolllag Mn. Will Wlnu*.
Ctkarlca Broady. aoa of Eae. i- B.
taaoma laaecoraaea. bat it wm at
Bready.lali ynterday foKJhlcago whan
worUy of a rrepccUbla papar.
Taro Detroit merebann wera aittlDg
he will aoier the law departipeBt ofthe
Italab la aora than oau ba aald of tba
kJi sdjacnit itoola ud ukiog a IB emit
poMly aBWuOifU aoMUt glrea by ChicMo
loach, when one naked the otbw if ba'
IhaB^la. Uataoae aay aooapi aa
Odoaulled hii wife to tiia buatoeaB affaire j
mlrcn Marqattto.
7<bn't do it." wa# Ibe reapooee.
PM the latter aeeoant. 1 bag yoo to
Bet. JotaMaakeaUdat
|-kit.k tba toiiawiBg asplldt ataiarea In the city yeatorday,
pOBi. for whoaa ooTrectona I reach;
Uarry Kneelud roUireed yaatonlay aboat M it did yreterday. 1 naked bw ;
' Uy paap wm frt/MO about tba Iowa
to LaaUBg to oobUbm b»a aiadlaa to If abe tbungfit ■!>« oonld diacoaa a UtUa
oolre. After trylag oUar aaaa. with
matter of buaiitcai calmly and diapeaUtawwaaililgblad a aingla folded the Agrleulturel Collage.
Prof. C. U. Horn bM returned from aiooatoly'. She MUd rfic could, but bad
We have a hue assorthOWipipar which 1 bald agalaat the
portog bla abaanae from never known me to be able to do ad. I,
flpt utU It thawed oak Tbia took leaa
complimaited bor wueaancally oo ber
thla ally ba »»ltod aeTurel ptawa to the •angelic' temper, and ebe at oooe aoIhu oaa atnata. After that 1 took
meat, and at right prices,
cuaedmouf batog ugry. 1 told h«
Mlaa to aae that ao fire raaalDed, wetH. Dej of G»wb irenaactod buatoen that 1 WM natarded aiuuug men m hav
Baf dowD the aawdMt which had long
ing a T«sy equable dii>p(MUtiuu ud that
taan packed aboat the pipe asUl I
with the hnest perfumes
my empliiyeea dlt-d me UId Suavity.
f- 1
tadged there eOBld ba ao ebaaoe tor
SBUBball. retareed toat Blgfit Iron a She called attcutitoi to the tare that
Uyblddasaparka. Yet tbU appaan
flalt at Pifa La«a. They were ac- her pet <k«, that weigh* aboui a ponad.
to fill them.
IP bare bean tha eaaaa of the fire.
waa called Danger. Then I told beroomputao
itraigbt from the abnulder that 1 dpr
Wall. 11 arery mb*, foraaigfat wan
• <•«
oliiwd :o be made angir by bor Otonta
a^Bal to bU hiDdaight. than woold ba oho .m
.. ud odiona coujwnKHia but aerved
UaaeideBUl firaa. Ball an Bcitber in tbia dty.
H. SxatotoTg bM relaraadtobia '• poiuled uouoe that 1 Waa going to bare
gtoolaoracttmaal aad 1 do BOt wlab
lO be BO eooa.dered by uybody. Aa „«..e at 81- lr»«* »«« eejoytog a ^ the rwpert due the head of tbe buiua. |
' She laughed cheerily and declared that ^
tor »y wife, aha did Botarec know at *itU with bia parecto. Mr. and Mre
» WBfc eutiivly loo looohy."
Beadle Bid
the line what matbod I wm Ukiag to Jullua Steinberg.
“But what ahum the hnwoea* confer-.,
MUa Core Gardoer left yeatorday for
PiUgereld. Oa.1 to accept a poaiUon to auev';”
W. Cwai-ix.
"Oh, I alamwod the doot ud lafL"
the acbooU there.
—Di-noli Fuv IV.W1.
C. H. Miller of Oleo Arbor
•arprlaa oh Mr end Kia. lAutser.
guret at the Colambla yeatorday.
A aurpriae WM glres at the bona of
Mr. ud Mre Kruk Smuh returned
Ageot—Thi* i» «ne ww proiwu
Mr. and Mre Joaepb baotaer aad fami iMt night from aeeerel daya' alay al
■ the world. The bOTgJar»o«a>oerenreti
ly Monday areulug by Mr. and Mre
Sagtoaw ud Greod Bapida
! the booae thou it
yen the alarm.
IK. hautaer acd frieada of tbia city.
Mr. Hoksif—Havi-u i yon get oaa that
Mre P. D. McAeoy' ralnrned
TbOM preaeat wore Mr. and Mn. Bight from a two weoka' eiail at Bob- will alarm the burglar!—Stray Stotlea
rnd Wurtbarg aad daugbUr. Mr. and
oppeneallle. >•! BoabrmeU.
Mn. Bamaa Hynaa. Mr. aad Mre
Mayor W. W- Smith Tetareed last
SaovUtnM <hry call tor
, JanM Murehla. Miaa Trey Worsburg
But Iba'a l»«u» kaowa a« ftowy*«»»» Qrt®**
, at Oread Bapida. Pnd Pratt. Mlaa Biglil
Jan Uk« th* »i.T» lorrvnU
'Oaptato Webb of the ataaraer Oaa0( tor t*i' b*;r. bme ond rtewphaekua. Irea Doan. Janaa Dau. Mr.
„aoU aad wlfa retaread lut night
W)m U reiMW. •»■* U to«lj.
Ud Mre Victor Patartyl. 'Mr. aad Mre
•ii*H ■■
*od witty,
tram a two weoka' eWt at OaMapolM.
tat aaothw i-dlow kltMd bartuy Bartak. Albart Patortgl. Bobart
■vkur. Mta Partoeb, Mre Bicbaid
thr^Utah!^of Iha haw ^
i.r^r' "sr ~
I will have at my Sale Bams,
on State Street,- Thursday noon,
^ sf32:c^"k^T‘fM January 6, a carload of the finest
Our Mono:
_____ _
Sell cheep, sell e heep eef
keep eterlasiieely et it.
That ever came to this county.
Come early and get a good selec
tion, at a low price for a good
lOc a quart
840 Front Strwt
Meant All right *hcn hetsaid, “Give ns this
day onr daily,bread. but please Lord don’t
let sister Jennie make it.” She uses “Best”
now. and little Jay has changed his petition.
Are you using it?
- A Hapny and Prosperous Now Year
Btokaar. Mre UbowU. Mlaa Laboata
"SJ'a^JTiir^taSe re gmadt
Bocme. tba rental marvel. wUl peelgf Oread Bapida. Mta Warner, George
on_ .1 8ioiobor,T
XPUOMd Jeefilader.
Tra brewelr.cwBdlllaa,
tta areatog wm happily pMaed Open BoBM-for twe aigbm, lloAday
Bni 1 ba**k grave sovMm
That M'S retbor k;w arwitor
vWk daaeiBg and card playliig utU a and TutaUy. Ju. bth aad lOtb.
Olrl-tare IwMberl
Ha eotdee eadoteed bj pitaa eai pub.
Into beer aad ou of tba mala laaturM
efratantog bona wm the loatogof ooa tic of America, tbe crewaed beada pf
Burape. tb* Aaaoclatod Prere ud Kewa
The moat myatUytog eahibitloa ever
Faman’ Kotual Aaaual.
wltamaed to TreverM Oty.
Tta aanual neatlDg and alectioa of
See blm place bia aub>et to a to bow
gfliurr of tha t'annare' Miuoal Fire HyremUealeepSaterday evening at 7
lUnreniTT company wm held yeatorday o'clock Jan. 7ib lo the lerge ehow win
gfMTBOoa to Odd Pellowa hall. A dow of Stolbberg-a atore to rreuto «nlarga amount of buatoeaa
t~»»- UU Moaday aighl
•«»€• « tAa
Utod, areoag which
wo,«. waa ibe
opera huoae.
Ita nmodBi of Icaar* paid danng the
See UKm
hU ^1^0
greet "
--------V------tk>B toat, to put on only by the Hiepastyear.
Tba aeeretary aad toeunrer Mch^ dooelatbetaroff Ortoat. Tbe only
gora anotbar
aaom~ year
r«— to
— ———8
aerve before |roeexponentof Baatera Beeromaaey
taelr torm eaplrea. #'be prea’deat aad . (q Americe.
dUraeton were tbe only offleeraeieotod
-...x for bU wowderfnl. perUoM
drive mtod-retatog toat Mob- Ttmllavd Alri
•t tU* meettoy.
Jedfu ■*^•ag*
J. »»•
H. rewwivwi
Monroe vtm
»■— «v-«i.»-o~.
* dAynftoreouat k:»o from the auge tore cxtrecltoe ei
^Wldeal ud B. W. Steward ud Z. T. where hUaobJtot 11m to n hypanlc
SRooo, m —. to,—
Onu of ABirim oowty. direelore
To Tog III.
gTo be prosperous you must have good things to eat— ^
^ Bemember-we are headquarters for everything good, and ^
if you are not trsding with usj wo would he very happy to ^
have you give us a trial—anyway come in, look our stock ^
over and got our prices. Everyone is made welcome at our ^
store, whether you buy or not.
Don't forget when you order your oysters of us to inelude some crackers. Farina Oyster, Faust Oyster and the
f~ justly famous Seymoure Crackers. We carry at all times a ^
^ lull stock of the Sears’Bakery goods—fresh and good—nj old ^
goods. The place------^
. -
TBM momifigo Moomp. wtoh»bpat.
MminerocDA. AfOBaxa^^
>7i>« 9^ buiMli»*wrijdu wm h^A
•boot £9«. aod a (enaie vhbk ma Uar
koa fl*«nBa»
WkUaO. W. Hlaaoek«4Glad<Ha.
kndltar » rm
WrMt^-flva ja*n
^a ptePt et eafiar tren Ihe abeU
«M 4rt«sa IMo fela kPBd wbM Ita tMd
Ika iPwpBP. It rwabiid tkara all
tkaMTMn utU <aa d«7 teat waak.
«ka« U rot MW aMffh to (ba aarfaaa
forbla toplek Itoatbralapir braak-
_____ _ _ ____. , ,___ ..
,p««-i.«Ma.thW<tfarkotlaflMalta;«t*. uto.. aii «tp» aaO aafcad tba
Sawa) ara alraaflr to (rea tba oaat
partaata. Tba pnoao to variou Maa«« tltonc l«btod toa (or a < Mch.
aofl ropoit tba (all bolldar toaAa ra-1 pamaTtba eoanttr wy moMmaUj. | "Atai't roTooBo.’' aid tbo au.o«a.
atodod tbaa ofoldtiaaa. a»d that i Wta «a wa« <a (be Ma Kawaf ood:;^ borrM a ilrbt (roa that ar aaa
wttoatoekarwatlyTafl^ tbaj wiU to Maaof Kao to 18W. a rood tattbe I
»***°«»-. ■ .___
At Flirt two ^7 aoaldaaia took ■
* "WW yootaotir' afc<ittettMa*a.
atrirar. Two taaaa weia tutor ! a^„g fto«&0
awdd aack othar, wboa cm eattcr to ba a»ngt«^ abiutrMUtoaBtaaaaamatbrowa kblAeanaL
■‘Kbar Ttoto
Tea fams lemblaf
•olMwIUiUa towaaraopla oa Ckriatto brai.. ta. apttl.
•aabj dalWartor • tb-poaod aaok at
WetLAhowaoI Wbar70arotor
Ttea i« a outoM lioia tola abort
flow traa to otary booao ta tba
waa baarl7 tora ofl. He aaj raoovor. Chfrtto ^rot. M. P. for Sooth Waalma,” ^Mid liia ft
tlob aa a ‘%rUUoaa>aaraL
A aawU boj wm ahattor eloaa hj wbea
UtohflaM alao vasta teba eoMlflaaafl tba aaeldoat bappaaad. aad waa atraek'
Wall. Mb. Ah'B role r
boot: Ua left aakla « ------------------that, aotoo_ rmexatloBi ag4
i^pUt Bloll. fin- Uua .lb faaae ortM
.. tbe
- boraab
-------------------------------------„ . a witch ! BopUrBlolt.
MMMblarof a poBltrj mrk
ao badl7 eraabod that tbe boM prt-‘caraad Let** HalL the aeat td Oaptoia AhUemw r ten jmi.’I
oalf. Prom Sovaabar It to Dac
’ I Barot. aad Mid that there woald be m I E<
rfjjMalUT traded tbroorb the MoektorerWenUj vUlwd aO
direct vale heir to tbe otteto m __
loot _
aa : (or the St. Laai
anaablppad tnai tbara to tba Kaw
thraorfa ' end -ed----------it. awl ibr
ArbaBMO had tttled to
the Krtt-therirer which
- with
York aofl Boalob aarkata.
coco HM iDoaeo
..b..„ .1,-mbeeo tba am, aotil to IbW, wfaon.
At Waat Braaefa, Ma. Marrla Boow
wairbu (Biriad b7 alapbaM to tba owing to the aeTere (roat. tbe Kent wa^
Abbott, tba
of'tto prodoctor drtneu od tba Malar
•‘tow.trtireljftoMO op.andafew
-Cinr aOrmaUedr.
qaallflad aad damaadad p
-VLar-f to' (tMbl”
tba ofioe Mowdar Boratoc- Mr. Tao. j PWiineoia wib
••In tbe boekm.”
Bmototo^ eort^^d bar bnatond with a little bor.—LiOodrt
••Bow kwg 700 b*M) ft
In the pHitoaala tba Gnpbic. _________________
"Two or thtoe di>7>. '*
oaarjpd the <rht 1a oa. Mia. Abbott .tbaUoa
pew-fO) littleftmk.
llUlefta didn't yont”
"Ob. I don't knew.” UcgM the M.
^ ! Bladitr la the not buftful Baa 1
Iba aoaatrian aal«abaai
tootMOteoUly- "I'aneefitotogtortho
900 or 1.000 p
-Howou earth tbM did haoiaMto
Jakm Vlekerj of Cbartotto. wm | aod bowdab. Ibetottar Uedloea
,; to iMt toM oa each eide of tbe baekboaa
Bottoo Traretw.
If the holldar baitoiM to aar todtea- —
tloa of proeoarlrr. the Utter to to Mleb-'m-.
Iran with both fMl. for ibe aMrcbtato \}
laaboatcrrrjcllr aod rilUre to the,^
atola raport a Urrw-trada to tbe pa»t
Moatkor taro tbao for maar jaaie
AtlLJoaapb. PradWaltara who for _________ ______________________________
tba part two wtotara hM bean kMptoff |
ablpoo the auamw Mar Orahan, toj Ika aueoalloD of Canada br thaiaato bare dracrod their aacbora aod
and fona aahore. There are s
Mtoalar and to balierad to hare beeo Called Stolea to r^rtUr feared br
' I wrocke along the eoMt.
drowned. It to thoacbl bataU froto OBlo saw^apen.
-the goorplMk while trrtor to enter
The torrei of the batUeeblp
batUeablp illlBoto.
imooto. j1 At JameetoM. Cal., loar mlnen
the etaamer dartog tba atom SatonUr now bnUdtor. to to be adorned Ija'were kiUed to tbe Jumper aloe
' broua beae relief Ublet of Abryhato ' b; the dropping of a ekip, which fell
AtOoldwatar, a bad aeeldaat ooeoc-' t»laooto.
lao feet to the bottom of the abaft,
rad at tba MIcbigao. PorUaod oemant! Mormon oooTerto to Pleaaaot BIU. Oaa other WM ellghtlr tojeiod:
(aetorr Monday •arantog, torrlblr to-,
to protoel themAt HaTaaa,three blm-Jackeu from the
JartogMr CrittotidoB. the oeatpan; a
Tesaa, abost 13:30 o'cdpck duodar rowaUetrlotoo. aod bto aaatotast, Mr. Prea1 to HaraM «d to tbe rrreek o! tbe Maine and hotot. tea. who were esamlatog tba oil to tbe- brapavroloftbealreetobr Ame-toan Lg * Urge atom aad etriprn to the peak
«Bk ootolde tke rrorke with a lighted
of the wreck. ' Tbe dag waa aaloted. by
UotORi. Tbe to] eseUded burolngl While preaching to the araagogne tbeahipptog to the harbor,
both mea about the neck, .face *od
In Mew York.
Oolnmbaa. Ohio. Lee Chalfl.ui,
anna. Both bare beoo btoogbl to tbe 1
‘eubetltate engineer at Wo.ff Broa.‘
ellir nod are being eared for. Tbe es-i**L
'fnctorr Ufoiurb badlr acalded Ic
-pkrtoatoKmk tbe wtodow, to boMe. J^BernlttMVthe notod
to Ike eltr 1-0 BUM from the fMtorr. •«««. narrowly ..eaped death reocnV
VoM U Mllmntod at 94.000.
t ‘F ‘'F wwring too near Ue eraier of; ^ p„Tentod aa ezplotoon that Jeop.
St JobM la tofMted erith alt aorta
i ardlaed the llm of »00 employea to the
A deer pnraaed by banlera to Colon
aad oonditiona to trampa. aad the elUboUding. Tbe regular engioieir to tbe
neM ba*e-aiartod a eraaade agatott eoaaty, Pa., leaped M>Ter a ellS aad pUnt la ill, aod Cba flant waa working
Benbea Cromtlwm. The> are toimroerawd to jail alUbtodtouarelruDoa
.2!^!• •fb.Utnte. Ue noueed there wm
ftwfoaror Are daya. after wblok they ley. who wan working In a qnarTy, In- too mneh water to the boiler aod to be
ate ordered to iMre town and warned joring him fatally.
opened n \-nlee to Ut «>me ofitcwit.
Tbe auihurlllM at Waahlngton tore
that If tney retora they wIU epend 90
Then be went nruoLd to front
daye to the D'UnU honee of eorneUos. confldeot that Ueneral Otia. with 30.000 watch tba gauge, while the water ran
eoldler* and Deweyb ahlpa, can oope
A ehloery faelory U being talked to ; with any emergen^ that may aiiae In into the well. Be noon mw that tbe
water waa going ont too fnat and that
M Btoadlah. aod It'e iwportirt it wlU be the PhUipptoea.
n jet to atewB wm eaeaping • itb great
a •‘go.” M there U eapital behind Ike
I force. In trying to abut It off be waa
It require* a mnek toll to
>fnlly grt>w ebloory. and U *«•«>•
»«» »>*’« amonntod to |
,p,u to tbe pal*
- u. jionghronry’of
..i.. «# ibe'horTtbieco'hae.
9a4.OOo.OOO., The abtomenta
ablpiMhU to tbe
UnltodStotoalDcreanedlv 910.000.000.
There wpa
Bute TreMi f StMl reporto Uat
Mfebigan bad a baUnee to tHT.Ul.to!
quickly. Suiitog aataorel be tprang to
to lu atroog bo* at tbe dioM of baal-i “ 7®“““
the fnrsace doom and began taktog
joot tba Area. The bailer cooled down
lor im
in I aad tbe daiiger point waa paiet A Then
« aamed Clifford BUU
&6TV6TaVXt\BS S\cms /
5\eaatdi “STom SiscrgvDWe; |
^*^toayl KerergtoiOTern Mint Para
r many poon'a .
upaur••Twehe. I weighed them."
"OoUa' Hgbty cennu' wotb. Veil. Ab
aani UowMueb yoacaki'late Uooat yon
come aU th' way t' BUek Rltrw I'
•Vrcll,lhadntthoogbtor thav” eald
to Si Lootaan. amiltng •rcmiiullT. "I
a«ie fur a imlarwt aiul a little apM I
laa to fhh. and 1 don't tbink 13 puooda
leaolMlfnrtwodayt'emvAdilng. I've
gut a iluwen nice one poond baaa. ”
•That tbar atnila.r’aapubtto Ahkacaaw. Vhat'd you Leicbed 'em wlfr”
aakcd ibe aniuanl bnrt
■Kod and line. toooorM” Tbeaptwtt*0 waa blncbtDg.
"I.nwd.laiwd! TbH thar ain't do way
•’ (e»b Ua- Uiue Ab went (wobto Ab
fto* (o' bnndred puuDda In Itiaaen (o'
- - TOO Miob tbemr The
cilly n-an waaloaeimled
■•mackrlw.l' aat.lt
can) tbe onnntiytnan.
•'Wbelklnd of tolC'*
"Balt! Ah never uacd bait Tall;
about annht—.th
'em aa bU Ah eoold
irdU 1!:: 'otn outen the wt.taw,”
Grand Rapids Herald
The Morning Record
•Wen. A?B«»erweiKbed Boneo'tbla
bam. but Ab nalo Ulo aoine oa 'em waa
eight pounder «r meab. Tba'awbatAb
Mil apobl!”'
"Ye«, tod<-ed. It niuat takea good rod
and a atout lloo to land eight, poundcn
(tuia iliat rleer."
“Rod and line! Nov we yar. BtrangiT.
•ou pipLlii (un't tm- .tb doaa (mb wit
no fool tod tn line
Ab (mb wU a
lK»p net. 'TlM-T ain't no apofat Uke boop
they^ato't no u«e lalkln.
it'a gncil «inbl
:ht |ioun barn In ■ tram.
when ytm git a elghi
giB« agin li e trauiUMd,
B-el Whop' Hep
•„] tbe
> aUv> the wiua you gel
J. waa tooktog at tba r*gu«t. hut the toiler wn* aura that be bad
eataUlihnl hit aiip. riortiy o« r tbe ama.
teurwhobad travt l.d 300 uillw, at greut
upeti-eunlytn ride Iwck to St. Luulawitb
not ennugb ”(cmh” to toake one Arkan
kwKur awqnare tocwl.
tng nioadi'DItol, aod taanlng
rhyile a (an that be ouuld d<ue<-4 tbe
njouiiitgl't Aavur -on tl.e ArkanMm'i
bmtb. "Th' toe' day'a apoht Ab ever
aero waa one day la*' aprlng Ah bnltod
a bole in lltock rt*«r wl( cu'nnnvl. "
“How dW you get ihefiBb out*"
l«<.rB.,b«. AP.».. rfb.bU^
„ b.«b,Uob. b.. -lU, p™.
vKuBt Ah drapia-d ailed tank o' rtifiHanyeaacaof wbooplag eoogh ara 1 pbuipplnea
tpml to a good iwm halo. Ab leC It
pecta for-bia reeor^.
overnight an' eomut Imck iti* in-zt r
ptortog Uial throngbont (UnllUe I . .
eonaty. TheachooU wUl be eUaed at' *
»»T "ko flgdfrtl M
l’»‘wd StatM to- tbe medal uf valor upon 100 wosira Well. Ajewao. el It didn't lake li.ean
aod pbyaiolnoa, na beaiUi.
mab panlccr (<>b liciin t' git all the hie
' **""7
**“ ke«i-br. nghl wbo aerred aa aunea In'the late war (n-tb Hist come t ’ tb' top. W.. nhf tb'
Wtwei-b Turkey anu tireeuc.
little, amaU fry go. Nrver Uaik iiuiIiId
InBM-o liu> puuzMlur. Ah gull dern uiab
time to the ymr
1 Father Walab. a CatboUe print of
Uklnct that rln-r dIOti'l run dial (ev>b
Ditt-rillDKtbetpeedtoacmainttM- | y..,
Tlut'a-what An call (atahlo
tarldaraceau admirt-r of aintvl aaiA whbi u (.whin ’
b»b bi,.bb.«, b„d
b... bZ. 1
'Why. be passed bis Held juct like na j “Do yuu'■(■nk'mocb novadvyBl" aakdaytobeartfattore. Mr. Robbtna leui The yaeen Dowager to Holland ta re
asprcM tmiu imiaing n tramp.”
I rd the St. Lnulun with awirv-avulu aooenk
the beuae appnreaUy In the bnl of i
' ‘'k
n__ 1_________ V_____ i_o-.-,____ ' loat oti his new an»ualutnnc»>.
health. PKlecn miontce Inter bU wife! A aolid flre-toot rieo of
WilfcM. dam Houda, by ''cdgewood. t
Mniner. he mot a awful d.-hth Imbhad occaaicn toctolttbe
to rbtl tbe torn
Urn an^
aod - .per cent 0uM.ju..b.^tb%7ur^,^^
.h d<All. care 'toiut teeshin nlooe.
opening tbe door to find anu eomalnlng ..leer and gold. ba. „„
* , pg.t,
..— „
r—-■ Pbii.delp\u.
• - - - •.«■- - - re•- ■ itonk
H.vnk su
Sbawiwjt k. Ih< l waSluah p.vnluer's
her bnaband lying on the floor,
beeoatmok by Taeoma tneu rt tbe ! Motly.
j naniei. s bteu ihsU ntoh tworaruow. an
LeoU minaa. U PUree eodatj. atoto to I
■ ---- u.irnto (ftirf. bvTrt. loparou* OlUy'a Brad, wbar we all Htm.
I ,t
k.„; .
it lb'vUtuln Udoad .ho'thoiUanl.-.ha'nl
An amateur trapper la UUdwin WaabUrton.
.. mcBua.
bimpto. by Happy ^ ,, ^dln 00 ih' rlvtr most every nlgbl.
Some aUrm prcealla among Aner-1 diam. ii etm Hring. owned by J. W doan Uka
epnoty eet a eonple of trape clone to
uke no stock In ba’iifs.
ba nU but Ab tl
L »■ U Ba U U go {erafato ouhow, roce'lT 'oause yo* can't
gether reeeeUy and nest moralag lennaat Havana owtag to the apcMd to' “---------git on pries fur 'Bin In ftoragoo no tuoeh.
7^ old.
went oat to MO If be bad cnngbt any
Obarlet Ooohran. wbo wet tbe atteodthing. Be bad, nnd the big reetow from AaUUe cholera an reported.
srt to Oolflgmitb Mntd during tbe bedrownedi’
which be had taken ntoeg to kUI bU
Tbe AbyeelaUn flag to reported to
prey before he reUnned It abrank wow have been bototod at (UUtet. in tbe greeia- pnrt to hw tnrf enner, !• Mill > ‘ - Ah dean' know, Mb BM rearaalns
, waa (OQud ‘boal a week aftorva'ds wllb a
derfolly tohUeytowhea he mw the Soadne. about (00 mllm north of Kbar____ ______ „____ ,
empty Wbl.ky bottle In
in one ban nn
an a dogdng■ammotb wildcat wbieb bad gottou a WUB. by King MeneUk, nnd a eol.laloa
Uoa' people myt
The regiiuntioo fee for borene ore* 9 ■
Mclf wl( Uckcr. but
toot U each trap He wm afraid to with the Aaglo-ltupUan fonca may ymrs to age is now K PeopJ. who
go aear enongh to bit tbe beaet with oeour at any time.
bare ttock onder ( ymra ellgibl* *0
tbe revoleer, eo be ran back beae and
„ H;ok n.o»u (.dl otun th
It It btoUved in WMhlngWn tbu regtttry ubould enter it befom Jan. I ,
got a long range rtfl«. and (roo. n Mfe eeernt enemlm
whisky wlth, cud n drank 1
dbtoace Anally path boUet Ikreagb foment tronlsle
niiiblo, an a quabt waa
tbe auimtr* bead and killed tk
ai^ecqircer fur beem."
. Stotoa and tbe people of tbe Pnlllp
'oplar BUI luC: " yclM the bnkaThere arc aoma boya la Alpena who I p««• npd Cuba.
»>1* bHsd In
are evldenUyU need of liberal appll-1
„ Hm.rtmtm.^ - uoHi.i 1
........... ......... .. .............- I bv Mru Ada!
■ Bomn't Uter tbe toll, lank bsekUUoe to a strap, wielded br a good.
. oepartmentu
e. Bart, of »roton, S. D. “IVaa taken
<M ...CO _
--------- »sp,ne._S». liooUHiiinbliu
hleii eettledo
, i lungs: ccagb set In and Soally to
It Is QecerKour «
, ated in Cooenm
ap. taying I could lire but at “^"er about girta”'
igregetional eburrti at the cloee
cluee of'
'short tln«p, 1 gave mytoU up tome; “ What is tjoerrj
of '
Antortau.ment. hugging light in !
-J* “>«
Unitod 1 Savior, detormioed If 1 ccnld not .toy I
their arm. their little nt.ri.i..e. .ift^
they were aitockcd by thiM yo«,g i«wis aAvUed to gernr; K-oJ''. N.w ................................ ■
rufiina oonaiderably oldn- than them^”** abonld ebirk
for Cc'o.ampt’'n. Oougba aod to.’fwl (or b-r l«'iy u. baoy
arlTM, wbokuickrddownlB tbe aoow •‘“‘"'y
ilaelt back S»W i C-: *». I Csv,- f. a trUl.to k In all
u... U>„ „.d«.
:j~. r u,.
Ptala smse ad BwJMde.
Mrw Leve-Barty Homewortb's daato
! A fanrfiil gale waa aweeplng the j *<"i
beoUby woman. Trial hollies
Al Uraad Baoidt the aprUg foml- Irish ebannel veatordav and the mb. *®
■* ** ** Wati'a and J. rt. John■
toadMM kg hiv
Three Months by Mali
^For Only $1.25.
^ The Herald is the best met
ropolitan paper in the state.
The Record is the best dailynewspaper published north of
Grand Rapids.
u,„, ,uu.
!f““ “““
Unexcelled local and gener
al news service.
14 Cents A Week!
XBB Komvo SaOCOD. wapWPAT, JMMUAKT < li»t.
T»« eniANOC OUE6T.
•W whlH W drwdi ud teNd
b tilKM Of P«M M Wdl M W
WV'* duk doNd* Kloon Cb« MtiCB roB.
Iteblo W fCMd la tbe Ii«wiii»pw
tn itoM. bat Um fuU nMoaliig of Um
dpm i< ncortfaiag of which few hart
WWada^teooaoqxion. Topotaiood-teWBTdiip into ommildtw IotoItm
aw b* fnUj-appracUttd ooly b; cm
wfaohMobMrrod «1m ptDeew trowho•l^toood.
Wbee •
Ml of Ite mry if kid n
. iB merre. “ia
UlfwUU Iv (nm OB MtnctlTo obji^
oOBvcDieat nary yard; the atone -are
•tot atoore. ber caigliMa and goni car«di wlib oil and an aatiniat paint;
tar dacha are allowed io beocme dirty,
law Bde* dull and acaiued frotn rtuty
' otatn.
Tboa atae liM perbap* for
toOBtha. and tbeu nh order oooiwi from
oa many men aa poaaibla hwm the i«.
Oilrig ahip. wbicb Uea bard by. and
ttaaa. with the fane cX tbe yard, oi
tha dlreciiui ofwtaterer offlowa
nrallable. begin ht onoe to pot thinga to
rlgbta and remove the
•qnipment; tbe etiginee’'e force l
onoe to tbe murinea and boiler rooma;
the anftnut paint le remored from tha
aaginea: now pocking U pot In tba
TOlvaa and jolnU; tbe pnmpa aretwied,
tta mat and dirt knocked from interion
r4 Are hozm. aad boUer tnbea and graio
tnn renewed.
Ontwardlv ererytfalug la now in toir
«etidtti(«. bnt tbU la only tbe begin
ning. It remalni to get np ateom in
aome of the botlen, tan orer tbe enginea to aee if they ara in proper trim,
emit tbe dynmnoe, teat the electric
Ugbta and tbe pilotboaae. aignaU ton
on tbe aeonhllgiitt. atart tbe fana, work
fad pot tbe boat esaoee In opeimtion.
Bray aigino, botla, pipe, wire, tube,
rira. bolt, not and plate la canifnlly
Inapeoted. and if found miaerriceatta
from any canae repaired.
Xext tbe«iDipiDent atorebonee ia riaIttd. and a full allowance of bnrf^poak,
banna poutoea. ooffor, angar. mit, Aour,
mowL clMhing. abaca, hamuocka, blan.
^Ibanf i( with th> rm.
«hr (Ua (• BN." I oMhaW
•^Vha k»m aer tad aw N
Bf ■BflM b-Maib <h* aU«a.
Bad told AN wnad toah.
Tar Btata ar baoaa ha tirtMad
Thara'a aa'ar a baart at fwA
Tv BCW aa wtih tha eUaat
Bat laTv Mb ta*a hla laat.
Bicvcie Riders.
«M latawdad for tha tawUr two Boati
Boiow k a UM of tha boTtaC aatd aaUhelow.fBdowait.waot. Bat that bos
Hot IDBC ABO te« W I potiaatlht
of «wd* beoaata a wel^t «a Mr.
lafou Ja poodaaad caei tha ifisidflBI . .. _
,i,_i _
_ i^aia^ w.
a»d ttwd to^atoUwaalf tdUaaa tfaW !?*** "* •"^ »? *
tfab UiefacD altntor wa« «ib1m tha aasal
_jwawbartbatldoanklNdB of ra>
war N>deJir<*
|w>oelf. bat be ooaU
I pairtog aad eMtaUag. aad that 1 oaa
MX. Bt ucaoM to^ncioBa X dsMB
timas a car be woold tbRFW dowa hla
pipe, dari fnan bit'chair to Ibe kitebw
hotbetod. Tbrnmiutbaa
and throw opeh Ow danb waiux dcoc. .
Be foobd
I gaaraatoe all ajr woib to be right,
F tbankTOol
aad if It doat aot prora ao 1 waka M
'‘Mow. oM Bi«bt I
a Utac, aad tha ]
t trow Uhica«o to LooifTiUa to in- Lard p^.................
Sm la UU • o'eloA mrtrj araal^
»'■?aooBdid labia cart.
It waatUap^l^gri aad dlmxowwaitin* for therig- CbwaaparB...........
habit that lad btra to It, tot. malotk
Oak par ba (oU)..........i.
.O.M t.„,u t.
..y -
I tiaie.''wbeavapoD we aadall arew asd S3T
lag. the door <f tba abaft waa wide opea,
the cable waa ranuing down
ixn> CUT, MICMIoa.
the ratlle and oUitcr tbera
I to find It aleo throoged. ThoDthecleo- nvii— naiwornATnMBCKnr
. Old^.PynWMartroo«maii. i„i^,^^„jj^^ It wai jnil
Like I eakl ha’
« 10 o'cliwk. and a tally
& wvHf: ft piftcr f<r
Mr. OeclaatT Pewitw nBOOtbod oat lamped to Ibe abaft, leaned in,
acted. All Looietil
, tbc cable and beJd oo to it with a mad* taking a drink. —Chicago Tiinea-Hetwld.
” ' tooi^T~a>'0«emSiaii? SwM FB ^
«0 BfttL
«er «aft(tiea lux. petoct ftwl Joanali.
laid tben before bin «a the table, man'a fary. Oh, if it my play!
"Hie car cf coorw etoppto abort In
ita downward eamr. Tben tbeie waa a
.5^^“} j ^
rigoFooe tug from below—ai
C* H. nnOWM. Auer-wr oM uevefteiurat Ergo, per doami...........................
cUnciiid hie teeth, braced hi
iretspni tey'in^'n ^
1^ cUneiii.d
Pmaloea, per
......................... is to to
j and held itai Ann at p nek. A» I
Mta Oggi'ieby Fneoilor'a Am cy*- aaid U ioru. my cooiio Jock Dimly u
T-VR A.r.WXirr.VNWtBsrTSuiTMM. Trrau
Buckleae Arnioa Salve.
XJ tr--r 1 -- :•* -“ doaieftllr ftotmftU b> the
pluck, bnt be la amaU iand c
I Tn ItBR Saltb in the world for
atroog So bia efforu to drag down tba '
"Oil. bow etnpid
of mel" obe «
'Cum. .^vuiaea, Sor^ Olcen. Salt
car—for yon bare a
laod. of
aimra. "Really, my dew, I wnai
oooio xoxn.
' Bbeum. Fever Socea, TeUer. Qiapped
that he nu at the boUou of the abaft. X»o-.tir»r7.
tfaiokiog wbroldid iL"
[Banda.ChUblains.Ctana.and aU 11^
Ne. sins. I
1 r>EO B. CROea. Auoroer sod CotUMCUor el I BrapUona. aad poalUvely enres PUea,
"li U bnt Jnal that in payment for wo -^nd it* prrciooi burden prored n
; ^ l^i^^ousr to koeft. OSen. Olir Otwre
ebarming a partner yoe aboald waato a Tailing aftainat the atrt«gib and deter'.:
I of old Mr. l^n. who nerer ;-----few immpa." aaid Lienmaant Swwb
to give perfect aatlafaetion or money
'^iLaKSTaoAne.AXtoni'rs. epccuiftt- re&nded. Price tsoenu perl»*. For
U tenxlsatoPisl^r^prectice. tBONitsa*
mie by J- 6. Jobnaon and B. B Wait
Mr. Pomiter. for be picked np bU baud, rfciwl**- Hig ai my oonain might,
and aaid: "My wife can play good
OsftSa-»............. l-ve
whtet. bnt wben abe Mta talking ber O"
P®*'" of old ,!
game it abomiuBble—atroriont. She"
O'tuolM availed uotbir-'
■ yonr .............
the eouibiued weight cf tbe Cl
"It ia
Inad," imerropted....
1, with
and my ooniln Jack Dimly. Unnd hit: •
a glance at my fair opponent
Sbe played a I wo Of bearta, and Bwato teotb, poll and atruggle tboogb be did, ,
* •• -*d with w •
Then my
Will pay epot eaab for cedar and hem MeaftesOttr.............
tlM ■ an iucb nearer him. Did be let go! Ha
TsrtE Nesatala....
enlcred Ibo game by t
lock Uea and manle sfaienior wood deI That waa not'
. ftnacOaoutaztidcft.
: "Do go on. Mra. Pomiter. Tou j ‘‘**7
good banking ground en
Ttbtwere eaying
apd pnahinggbit
' r that yonr contin. Jack
S sS.-S.S5SS.-S.F----------■' “’"Ssss“
DB. SnwilETa‘'^lS,%'l,S.“?,K
Dimly, waa not aeoepuble to
Mr. Fyn
aa aaon-io law."
Mr. Pomiter aigbed, and bia wife,
after following anit on my lead of clnba,
took np tbe thread of ber tala
"To me tbera ia a great deal that ia
-About a flat.
tbiDgt tbongb they geaieraliy ora 1
know that wben 1 waa Ant -married it
aeemod to mo aa if 1 waa in a fairy pnl.
are wben erery morning tbi
wbiiile at tbe apeaking toln-. and
low wbiaile
tben a rattle in onr dear little k.trh. t.,
and 1 would mn out and ju.i throw
open a little door, and there l--fore me
waa everyihing for breakfaat—a aenttle
of coal, milk, egga and broad. It wm aa
tboogb aome genii, aome inriaiblo apir>
ita. were amring ma 1 jmtt uaed to
linJack"- _ .. ________ __________ _____
■Oggleaby." criid my pretty oppeK;0. tooSSdSi
,-E».SSi Offloe. Boom n.,,4f«i. Ca Blk., Tmesent, "Idowiahyon would wmtob yonr i «oclc Bkwk._______
^r« City, MlohT j
end of tbe gama 1 led that oca Did be
Doo'ii p playing, t
have aneb a lovely
:ly handl"
BftMk Bnkomb. ft
Swaab. too, bad laid down bia eatta
ajt« et <b* Oalvenlir aa>alul, Ann
"That rrminda me of Ibe lime"
III rmnoef to ewlU tor BBratag. SI
My wife from tby ooro. r inten .
Jiim with, "Now. lienlonaot, do let me .
bear "■«
ArM »‘‘>®
who woo—tbat
woo—tbat poor, dear Mr.
, "There, T‘
yon’ye apniled
did hauur
citj. Appinorui'
nter, toKr I ber carta on tbe Ubla abius utr Ce or ' — Uftfto U.«UftJr^^j
11 grtat-vi'Q tmmpayon all etop
We wero (inre of three poinla.
John R. Santo,
General Insarance.
•sit -sslEii
FUer-ft awlle*. ...
Isin PGi^Citlc lediim.
"Ethel." aaid ber hnababd Armly,
"you were telling ua about yonr eoatio •
Nma DeLamar a intthfol and re CalsILsk*................. •«
boftband oa he for amoenent «topDimly.,
| Marcb e.^ ion«irr of u H;
. ndaoellaDooaa aaiairtment of tbe
liable medium, le now in yonr city.
"Oh. wa* I!. Deatma bow atnpid
aaiawry dt-partmom, ia placed oo board.
TbU lady baa many testlmonUla from
m inym
|iayina*tvr of Ibe ataip u rvqmoai.
jcIUesall aronnd yon of bnaineaaand
S for »
"Ofonarmlknow yon here to tip •haft, and ynpr
•ilhindaof important matteroMidot^
I . -------.or, ao..
ft twirothaft.T.ruifl currcncee peculiar in Uvea of people
-galk-y, or umkiag etuvr, baa to be e«- tliem; bnt. Oggleaby.yoo araaoptoaaic. I ">“• «■ «"“• « whale ,hi«
ro^elftft.^., I
get ber up and down. ”
.omluod to a<«.‘ w-bciber it ia couplr-ie in YnnbaronoromaDOoatall. I knew tbe i W‘'^e «y'OB
which ba. been done anoeeeafnliy
laid niy
»7 «
•rlas ns«—1- tPaassnsvFftlaryelsu aerlk
It Ca. or ratur .icru.L»ftfirK-»oi-x. m-.r|thrOQgh her advice. Sbe given past
oil iu fiodinga. TTw ontflt of a galley iauitcir did it all, hnt tben tfam waa no ! «a‘<l
"I rot
rpmowbrrtiow. Did old Mr. Pya
- -—
of Omke—a Asselloc. xftks xkls trsla aaA
1 aboald alwnyi
nanally ctnaiau of two copper kettles of roaaoQ why
Afookfti.hrShilftoonauar. jaod totore aocrnately and advice on cfesaceaxyaacXMatoMo 1.
It u my load.
-FklsOoapsarrftPftrTT.. .ss prlvtlegeofeaaaa
M galloaa laiub, a 60 galliui kettle, with br« pardon.
inly aud
loll affaire in life boUi private aad bual- iBgsksti-sef atotoWft'u at toelr rtMsnta
aud Eviuiocliue
Eviuigciiue Pvit''hiid Ivihcrl N'o; be held fast He called j
<mS iron jacket and copper biugxd cov Jerk Dimly
ilioat adventure, tbe moat to-1 ?®wn tbc ehafi to myrou.in Jack Dim-1
i^^ea. etc. Yon
for vivctablea eaob (bo lovolioot adventure, tbe
aMvtuua> lu,
w.OrrwniOBAll^Agmu^ w>»s.
.. (sr{ebonld call and give tbia medium a
with a capxctty of B* gallun*; two arm .
. .
,j ___
t'iAJ- to Itoow the future U eucceak,
of aaoveiaiiA a flat- aei rf tool* for lift*
ho wonlta
wnnlta bold
hold , ____________________________
»n,w,„a.4—it.t Tn>nftft lUlns
j I mgiwled for t™mi«."
cn.d Mr. Poa hack np tlic ahnft that he
iag aud tiring and tbe ordinary cuikiug
on nntil he wa* a ekelcion *ooocY thou IT®® halb-fid* microrr proprrir- w e»i
» v ^
ler. (bumping tb<- table testily.
u.in ’ f.„'“
w.-look ^uytbrcmidi"Dw. howsinpidl-I
h^Mupidl-I aaw yon frownfrown- .llow ,h. on., b. lo™i IO n .nn, father.
The line oiBcera'lnok
after tbe ocodi- . "Dear,
' i»s ..orte .lU* or i««tr .ire«. J.ui w.-.t of for terms, reudlDga can be given with
into the clnlubt'S of «och a crni'l
.. ibf rigging. th.-b.-U,
iboogbt yon wamod a black
' ft
.ft. * ' ft* a
ft I card "
X.IICU uiu
old AI.
Mr. x1,0
J u re»r,.-l
rsrioo.Tft vijbx
Ih.t xub
1,1. uuas
do,. | KKS “.'S»
"SSi lock of hair and time of birth. Tbe
most pr imlncDt people conanll ber in
"i placed a si* apot, tben a two OH Would tuajhledowu ih-«h«fi and get in
all cities on bnaineea, etc. Here for a
IKrkboy-. l..-1/’ nCerfPt.wilrr.
^ tbe abmninahk. suitor for ,
t^,,?:^^^J^JP,^"Yonm.tatbeaan;em..t^twob«ud.*hi.daugl.trr> Imnd
he rx-lcwd j
abort time. All invitod to call and get
tJ^n^tN^by olf"tS; : -TO. a^ru tbe lu-».m,«.i Ud the throe ,
And b. showered down w<^ ,
circnlara. Comee here from Maoi
n-]>roacb andalnwu niion bis faith I w
«ld.rt.k.n .be task. A volume m.gbt,
trumpaverr Artt ' child, and my oonain Jack Dimly called
bewntuwife "I dcn't ' np to tur to be of good cheer, as be waa !
derful aupcaat, Boure B a. m. to 0
•rrnptttagame. !**"- f^he did not answer. All night
have tbia day Ukena the barb* p. m. thll over 113 Sonlb rnion atreeU
My laid?
Well, when Mr. Pyn ••»>! ‘how- two deicnniji.-d men clung
a N'orlb Cnino atreet of M
DftUoli ........
All eitlee abe visita is her reliable re
f.-militotthaiKvanneiiBebadmadcnp »« *l>» vlrvaim cable. Morning came, i
^ run and 1 taa«es It fnr
't'sftdBsHeft ..
r UiftldKopidl
her nnticl to marry my conaiu. Jack
»he imuliEhi
c-^iug into tbe , ,.i,ed In flrot daki order: and having liable reference. taUsfaetion or i
Dimly, in spite of bia puveriv, be deter- ' hiu-hm, wlwn old Mr. Pyn, nearly ex- I
>ota of eaperieace in the boalneea •y refunded.
I l^n
mitn-d tn nw ev.ry m-nus in hirpower h»c»“'d. wh»»p*rvd boarxly down (be I boiirit a share of tbe public patren
Aak to see Madame’s devetopen and
yard ommaud.T little remains (or him to L.vp ile-iu apart, ami to acromulisb '
‘hat lUe milkman w.-old looo be a^. taUbfaction gnaranttad or no Cream for reraonag wrinkles, special
to attend l>i In Ibemruntlmcmmi have this he iu.,1 virtually tokixTi his dangh ; oomiug ami i-rfistoxi a troce.
Lv.Trftss.-seCuy.. •Mftfti. .
charge will be made.
Ar. Bk Kopidft........I
Iksn. .
been Irought together to«mislitnte tbe, ............
•' took a flat on tbe' "My cousin nTilu-d that b* dare not
I.M. WHITE. toilei/hrticles.
Lr. Bk Eftpids- .-. s — ftArTraseiae Ctiy.. »tS».
b(g '' h-t go lest tlic old nmn drag up the car. ta-ee-brr Cl. MS
Sotnetime* they an'iCullhtid i—rtim- iixth^T^f a b'ms^TU as triiBve tbe
replied that he would give hi* ______________
larly f,n tbe sliip whuh is aiuui to go
««> r»i o0 that im.i.s Of exit. '
"ot <® if the ysmug man
--------- -----------------------------------------Into —rvUt.. at otn w
withdrawn fmb...^
into oollasiuB
jofi h-sti jnit nut of cnmmli-iua The
Hr ucTir let Even. | finally it wus agr«d that my
Ever Burned Out
oew aud mariu,-* re)H>n aboiird wi
is sirhr.ckiTpt
........ . . J.. at night, j *ho“ld o
If ao yon 'aBOw
bogs and banimocks; tbe captain onlen gvitns out of b..
Evangi Uno together.
tbe value of
tbe c
> be drawn up ou the kper and then be lockrd the door and ____
rtofv er SFftias fti Tl
Juek Dimly went to tbc pyn flat, and,
witb ib,- kry under bit piUow.
AU werfe of aigkcet pe«—MftjrrsAs- Sta
ecl Her O. IM.
father, ^drt w np Ibe car.
docs my oonsic Jack Dtmly do? Dou be '
aaBDOb. Lor * Ou. Mem.
; IBIli ClllieEEC ■■
a empty.”
give np ill di-spair! By no means My What did they
"Why. what became of Evangellner’
from tbe M-cretarytif tbe navy detailing cooeiD Ja^ Dimly iuberited ftam bit cried my wife.
ji iaSASm SSrSSaSTX 8t
tdmfp tbe oooitnand. boista tbe com- annefon—mv ancestora too-^t least
"Tbat war wbat pnmled old Mr. Pyn
of their good qalitiee—be bad grit,
|E'................Ilfllf laiMllllfl.
taiosioti peunant to tbe main track and
nerer went in<o anything eseepi and my consin. Sbo wai gone. Wben
tba man and stripes to the gaff or amff
witb vim and determinatioa. wbetber and tiow, neitbo knew. And, ectnally
at tbe Btom. and all U ready.
bereaTed, they made np ata mooned
Tbe sfaip ia now b otnnniimlaB.—Sag
"Id debt." ventniud Mr. Pumimr,
West Michigan.
.m= 11
M. Jnles Lcmalin coadwitned tbe
etady of Ureck and Latin Ibe other day
AC tbe Parts berbenna Hetaclarud tbat
tbe Mtiooa] mind bod been formed not
by tbe limntnre of tbeGreekaandBomotw. esevpt in aa indirect way. bnt by
tbe Scripttm* tirst and afurwaid by tba
gr-at Priewb writers. M. lamuutre
tartbor dn-lared that be regretted bavbtgat^iMi tirt-sband Latin Ityeare,
whereas be u ignorani Of EnglUh. wbicb
1, H«ih»p by i«»if (be world, and <mly
'Imews Uern'ian in a pUifnl manner.
ling IIn flam Is makiilog great
y in tbe
r bi L
Tbe remwHal cOects of Inngbteroi*
rvollv wonderful.
Cases bare been
known wbire a Iworty bugb bai bantamddiaease and
bfe b7«
trnim ofloTt of oatBie.
^'id^V’ mid Ua
"Wbatl Havelre.
"Sbe waan t at aU. sU waa eimply
Toked? i>par, drnrl There, Iientcnam.
Jnal pat this heart on that trick and give a lovely girl,"cried Mrs. Oggloiby Puame back my spade. Kow it'a all right, Biter. “Sbe married anotlier man, that
and yon needn't eoore three. A* 7 have wai all. A week later bw father and
mid already, my cousiu. Jack Dimly, my consin Jack Dimly got a letter
did not know the meaning of Ibe werd from ber from Kiagara Falls, where abe
earrendrr—not be. For a time nothing was spending Iwt baucymoon. fibe apolwas saen <d him, aad to Mr. Pyn every- ogixMl aud explained that sbe got off at
tbtttg aremed to be going iplendid^. tbe third floor and eloped with a nioe
Kolfaing was beard of ibe detested young bscbtlor who Im-d there.”
"And bow io tbe world bad they beyonag man, and tbe old gra
aeqaaiuted!” uried my
almuat derided that hu own detenuina'Why, tbrongb tbe qieaking tnbea. of
tioa had won tbe day. when a alight inreel How elm uoold toey!"—Hew
eidwt nronacd bit slerpiug anqiiciu-.
While poking aboot tbc fciidmxmeday Turk. bon.
ba bagipemd to open a amall daw. and
before turn, on tbe dnmb waiter, lay a
‘Im’t H odd." atkrd Squildig, "tbat
box of candy. Of oooree be uolled Evangcline. aad of oouraa abe denied all wbat I cat sboald go to my stomaeb,
knowledge of it aad mgg^M tbmt k while whM 1 drink goes to my bcadr’
replied McSwilligen, “It ia
beiOBgsd to aume otb< r family cn tta
same abaft. Be whistlrd down tbe tuba vety strange tbat anything at all should
ir ctotuacfa while yonr head is
Yes. thank yon. Mr. Dockbqr. yon may f» «> 7*w^
deal Iw me. Tta Janiiw. my geninx. 1 *0 omptyl'"—Pittabug Cbranioie-Tel*
nuwwud. Itwasamiataks Ibe box ign|>b-
Giuil Ripids »iDiliiii K. B
I Buying Logs! | ’iii
^If you have any to aell eorreapond with the ^
Traverae City Lnmber Oo. We hare r1*o ^
Sound Hemlock Ltunber,
Haple FlooriuB,
Short Haple Wood.
Itids For Sale-Suitable Fuf Farms.
g-' Mill machlaery of all deacriptionn,- including two en^
ginee, net. worita, carriage and eawa. A eomplete
MW nUl pUnt for aalr.
ftl besM-h trota i
UftI lINko: to.
scrlTeft frea
s ieartm ItotoSHObr
ooawoao o.'r! aVa5 mraSi lanMe
ttoood Xmr—Vo 630
YOB nxcrso
rm ruilac** Ot«w torTM
\ MUUMOulrtdfw.
to Vow OoB' •
LoadsA Ja». I.—U to mmom4 Baaf Pa^^ Deny Ohargea
by til* Opporitton.
tkfttUdKrxxA eoapMj ofBlralafKada.
foha Poppe BsSbrad Baaara lajuy to
tka Vaodt.
Dr. Qarwer waa oallad to Btorbam
»«torday to took aftor|tba aarioim
woaada of John Poppa of Provaawat.
pa eajaoye to Camp No 1 of the Barker
Cedar Oo. Pope, waa at work to tka
wooda whan a bare aim limb fall from
aoonaidarablabairbtatrlktor bim on,
tba bead. He b in d pacarioea ooadlUon'
bat Dr. Oanar ballavaa ha will pall
tbroorb an rirht.
Yes, Sir!
We’ve Got Just Ths Ledger
You Want.
r Um4 ta »MMd Md PMk^ cmrtridgaa tor tka Ualtad Stataa at tka
Xaata Ponuakad tba Army Paelarrata«(l.poo.awwaokl7. Aa Awarteaa
•d to SkTa Baa BnettyBamoao
Tht Omcm Wiu Take FUo* T»a Prafttl^ by Spaalak war aafar Braaeh Roaaa Md*Mo lMffar<
a%ht mi It Wm U m Op«s Salne». a apodal BMtal la aaad to
OfaMcrad to Paoktof li fkr
tot-AddMWm ba ■paakar.
praraattha eaaaa^roM JaMMlorU tka
UMtBff. Mleb.. Jaa. i.-A caAfaL
<ara«oftba atioaUda thta aftanooa
Waahta(rU».Jak4.~Oommlaaary OaoPo«a>ly , n«w 4iy bool, o ootuter bof*. or book to take
abowa that Mr. Barrowa U a aara «rlae«»l Earaa U ewadily peoaecaUnr theorders in, or a v
aar aad Vr a daeUaa ma}arit^ Braa
inqalry lato tka melbeda followed by
---------iDdam to pnt down the thiaga
tka Biat aathaaiatUe of kto anaatUa
; the Mr moat paekiar honaaa to patttor
wife asked yon ter thU mormogi-emd yon foTRot We haTa
cooaada ao» that aatklar a^ ofa 0«B«rB! OtU haa UqOo WaU ap the etaato tapplied the army doriar Bainr Olcaaly Onardad-WDl Preb
coonter books at 5c, 10c, 16c, 20c. S5c. Ledrera and day books
Mirada eaa ^raat hU alreUaa.
pakIn Hand.
from 25c np to the largest. 96 different kinds, ahapea aad aisIt Ao aaraia profaabla tkat
lieaUoa latlera addroMcd to Oolooal
Ronaa ninnday Wood.
vUl wia for apaakar. All daj mea ,
8atU>, the parehaaiar eommlatary at
« of memorandoms, rtom Ic np. Look ai^nr stock and yon’il
Atlar. Jan. 3.—It b annoimoed to
I DoaaBotlauad
kara baaa aaslaf orar u tka BamaraCbtoaro. which came from all mr* oaa day that the mcaaan of therevemor
of the flrma which tapplied f.e army will be read o« Tboraday b<k«. Ilf
Both Bldaa kaatlad laai aifkt for tka
Trosbla Tiaoad to ByaBloh
with meat. Swift A Co . to their let- will ba rt«i to Uf aoMmb'ad boeaa
alratra to tka t»o ealU for a caa
tor. atated that they had not pat ap aada^naloby tMvato. Secretary Stone.
aadltwaaa bard atmccle taraUi
Uaaad beef aad therafora. they were
It b a racy volaminOBe dorement.
kat the Barrowa paopla aooa paaa^
Botableto aaawor the toiarr««atlona maeb loBrer thaa aBythloy of the Idod
tka Aaafw Uaa aad rot aoteaa aaoafk from Oaaeral OUe at MaolU wae reod with rerard to ttoaed beef.
rated by a gfrtnor of tbb
at today’a eabtoat maattor- So other
“We are alaarhtarera and ahippaim
ira. and it b
At I o’clock-tkla aftareooa tbaM mattara of importaaoe were brotirhl of rafrircratod beef aod ia all oor exwara aaaaaty-tvo atraara to tka Bar- farwmd aad the meetior adj-roraad ua- parleaee. aeeer coed aay ebemieola
’ out of Ue nrdinaty. Tbe
oaoally early.
rowa call. Ikeecfc all tbk Barrowa aea
whataoerer «
.■crated beef. Pbe aaru b belnr vary eloaely ruardad.
depart«ra not yat bora. niB iatUaa tka aeabeef ehlppad^ to Santlafo. Porto Rbo has baaa printed to the aanal form.aud
atodal aaocoa acaphatically for Wad- meat that la hit oplaloe Deaerat Miller and tbevariooe Cnltod f^tae
bin cattody of Naicr Stone, to the
baa the Iloilo alloatloa wall ia baad.
aaaday alrfat aa the Barrowa
handled in exactly tka came way vault to the private effim. aad not a
tka parpoM of
wtobad aad oattlaa for aa opaa ballot,
oopy win be rives out to tba aewatoo. aach aaa to riaa la kia aaat wkaa tka praaldeat not to crowd the Inaarb
papara nstil Ub avaator.
kb aasa It oalled aad expraaa kb
Ubif. IfeNeil A Libby of Cbiemro
It b probable that Ue lecbtotBra
tkat any boatUe collUtoa between the
aaid to rerard to tke UBood react beef; wilt adJourB soon aftar Ue readlar anAmertoanaaBdlnterreata be avoided,
The Beat body blow eaaa tbb a
“We ooe nothinr but
Ul Best Tucaday noon.
tor wham RapreaaDtaUra Paler BarHr at laaat pcndlnr tba ratUleaUon of the
•ctodbaef. No
ofHariBaw deMTtodtka Ptorrae tide peace treaty.
, ofanydUerlpUonaranaed. The
OaelaU bora are now tally inUaflad
aad weat over to Adaata Ba baa all
Eat to our can U a part aad belonra to
Artbur SoaeaUal. who reeratly eathat the troabU at lloUo may be traced
aloar baaa a aUon^ ’ adwleiairaU<
the beef which b packed'to the can. tabliahad Ua New York Store on Ua
aM. aad wai ooaotad a aUacb Mead dtroeUy back to tba t^wolah coloael None b ponred to. We do not handle
ko clou
a smaW
eomarofL'nlnBaadStxUitreeta. has
of Ooremor Plarraa. but will now «oto who aa aaalor Bpanbh oSear. waa
bad Bueh a rood buaiiMM that he has
for Adama. Ha will pall orar aareral racUy ia eomSkad of the Viaoayae.
Neleon Moma i Co. of Cblearo. aft deeldiid toenlArreUe balldinria Ue
otbera with bim, maklar Adama’ wtoer telllnr of the exUnl of Uelr tinned early aprinr aad add aevetal attraektor probable.
react beef trade, atated that no cbemThe damoraliuUoD of the Piarraateab whatever and no aerapa of
atorkaof rooda
Pack foreae waa followed by a dianp- Mika Pltapatrlek of Tbompooneilh ktod are naed In iu preparaUon. The
The am retrular drill of tbe newly
CkaapioB aUddlowalrbt. Banda
tiaa amoar tka faltbfal.
Vl )oo. o\& ttIu, 90c,
only fat aaed. they aay. U the nataral ortraola^ Haanak RlSei will take
meat fat. no tallow belnr ponred into place to Fomtera' hall Ub aveetor.
the caeea. They alao atated that no Every member U requeatod to be joeq‘ntompBOarllle, Mlch.,Jan. S, ISW.
Editox MoKXiao Sxcobp—I eeo Jim ehemioab were need to refrireratinr -Bt.
^ ^b«, o\& ptVu. bOc.
Irdar X.I«1ar*tona Biad Wklla Pro- McOpy b op In tbb part of the aoantry
The price of poUtoeu to tbe local
and looktor fora rame. I will Srbt
partor to taka Paaaeaaloa of
market raurod from M to St cento ynbimtoaflnbh oraiimiud anmber of
Bia Vow Hose.
) “SATtwirttt.**
ro&nda tor a parte of from StOO to S»0.
Maoarar Moatarue of Ue MereapIrrlarCLlviaratoae, a former rMl.
Bnatona Oollera . Lyoeatn Thtoka tlle Co.-wiU ro to (iraud Rapidi the
Mikb Fitzi'atuck.
Aaat of Boltooa Bay.bBt Utely rcaliMiir
Mlddlowairht Champion of Hk-hlran.
Manktad Ou Oet Alone
latter part af U* week to proBt by the
M McBrUa, MoDtcalm ooaaty. met a
Mr furaltnre exhibit and
WiUout It.
Tbb b Joat what McCoy baa been
koddea deaU in Blmaood townahipyeatarday momliir. He eloaod a deal with looklnr for and he will ax-epi tka
The Bostoase CoIIeffe Lyceum met oeveral Bne )ioe« of roods early, so aa
OA B. Boarbay the day before by which challeBire by wire. The coatoat will last eveuinr to Graaru Hall and com- to be cure of havlor hbhrderc Slled on
ha became owoer of tka (arm beloariar probably oome off at Sattona B*y. Prl- meueod their work for the new year time- Oeorye toue will acebmeaBT
to Boa. O. O. CoTell. which bae baea day ereDinr (or tioo a aide, loa roando, Nearly all Ue memberu wereprawut him.
Tbe local elyar maker* are maktoy
oecnplod by Joaaph.Uaorr.-. lie waot Jof
aa mataally arraed.
and Ue aeaaion proved to be very Inrreat preparation* for tbe entortain- i
to tka farm Noaday to look after tba I-------------------------tarealinr.
atoek and arranifa for the reception of >B.RTHaVAn XH RW JBUBT.
blind bi-rmpbical sketch, of menwof E-iireoe V. Hebba. Ua eeleI>rat«d labor advoeate.who b to lecture
hit family, which he laioadad to briar
which "Mark Twain" waa Ueeubjeet,
bora aa oooo aa poaalble. He beran to Palt and Beard Distinctly at Praa- waa rivee by Cbarlea Girard, aod wai hereunder tbe au>plce* nf the local
boM OB Vaw Taar’a Hlrbt.
Cipar Maker'* UuioD next week.
fdal rather unwell on Honday baliwlhffstaatd by several of tbe membera.
Dr. Fred Tilt*.who ha* had hi* oIBce
tar eartoaa waa appraheaded. Y«atorFreehold. N. J., Jaa. 3 -^’Hie ■ ahock
A violin solo by aaud Bemb wU
at B. J. Moryan'i feed *toblebcoQtem-.
day morelnr heabowad farther alraa af as eprtbqnake waa dlatlneUy beard mueb appreciated.
platluf bnildtay an-fnflrmauv. Be ha* !
of iltoeea and whee Bear the bam lald|*»d felt here Sanday erentoff. about
Of yours to just drop in and g«t yon a pair
dowatotha enow, evereome by aick-l*!*® o'clock, when moet of the pwpli
of those’$4.00 shoes for $.3.00. They are
Hewae found: by Hr. tleotre!*"* to the churchea. It thooy the
and eoeepyad to the bottae. where he bnnaca aod eaeted the wtodowa'to rat
certainly the fio^t in the city for the mon
dlad «noa afterwardr—
tie loudly. The direction of the abock
ey. Just received a shipment of the latest
'to be
of •e^i
aye *
—,—. ..„--------—. 4t.
.... year* w.
—--------------------------—to north,
o«d for oeme time Bad been worrytor **"•
*** * •>“>'*“« <><
styles Lai3ies' Boots.
dUte street, at S o'clock.
boalneac dilBonlUoa. He pakd|*'“‘ * rear laaitor about a mtoato. Peter OrimxUd waa .appointed leader
The n»y View Readiup Circle will
at.tuo for the farm whlek be expaelad About half tke people In town and In
of Ue afirmatlve tide and Ei Clemoni meet with Mrs. P. J. CurtU. I'.IO 8ut«
to make hb home and waa leoMsf for the coBOtry hereabouto beard It
(or the Boyalive. Tbe leader* rhoee street, Monday evenlnx at 7;M. at
ward to aettUnr down there parma- Aral it waa Ihonrht to be the rcaalt of tidoc, bboastoy* all
formerly. Gu-MaUenc from •'The Spananexploaloa, to the powitor millt at
In Uu manner a yreal deal of original
A eorouar’a toqarat will be held Ub Karmlardale. but advicea from ibeae Uou^l yn>» brenyhl out aod enjoyed bb dtudent ”
The Chora* Choir of the CoturreraDomlnr at y o’clock and' Dr. I. A. aay tkat aotblor noutnal haa oecurred.
by aU. The jndgee derided to (svjr of tlooal i-bnr^b will be orraulxed aod
Tbompoou baa bean Onmmnnod Ic
Ue neraUee
eontbrait from here, and alao to the
make an rxamtoation of tba remalna.
at T:U> inttead of Saturday eveoluc aa;
aoutk of Freehold A chock of a atlll
Sow to rail at ths elf^nt j<nrelr]r atore of Baronm A
MO THOVBLB WITH XHOLAND. ll*hter nature wa* felt at in o’clock, CHUaoa OFriCXBS sleotkd.
>nced. All l
Earl. We have a finer etork than ever before, compriaia*
eaily invited to be preacet at Ub tir»t
but only a few peraoni perceived it.
Bpaniab PoreirB Mlnbtar Cobtradleia
Ananal Meetiac of OwruptUonal meeting.
the latoat desigoa in Watohea. Chains, Charms. RingBorne Booent Bnmora.
rariotts patternB. In Ulamonds we can ahow yon som#
There will be a »peclal meettog of Ue
Madrid. Jan. S.-Duke Almodovar de
AtUe annual burintm meetitiy of N. A. S. B tontjrbl.A fall attendance 1*
fine stouej in sizes to eoit. Our stock of Silver and Platod
Bio, mtobterof Forelrn affatra, aboo- Dddinaetor Trar«dy Bnaoted at a Ue Oonyreffatlona! church.ia*i evea- dealred.
Goods is very completa. -Everything in Table Ware and
iajf Ue followiaff offieen were cleetod:
Mb* Laura Furtoeh entertained a
Borne la Paulainr.tUio.
mauy articlea in Useful Noveltiee. Rich Cut Glass, Gold
number of frieadalMt evening at her
Mota eoBeemlar Draat Britain’! atuTroctoi
fprlarfleld. Ohio. Jan. t.—Shortly
Pena—all styles Call and look over onr stock.
aerk-8. R. Wail*.
borne on Coloa atreeL
tuda toward Spato. Be daclarM that
aftor the New Year’i dinner bad bean
Tucaday evening there wUl be
Hpaia-c ralailcmt with Bnrlaod are of
Trasaarer-Mbu Imbel Hatamnod.
eaten to tba town of Panldinr. PPrtb
the moat eardial aatnre.
Joint inaullatlon of Ue newly eleetod
Ootlaelor—Fraak Hamilton.
oi here, aeetea ef people ware drawn to
Holidtora-C T. Qrawn. M. aoviatt. offlaers of Trnverae Bay Hive, No. 71,
tba raaldenoa of ex-Poataiaatpr Cbarlea
nad of Traverse Bay Tant. Mo.
Front Street.
Brawm by Ua aeand of pbtol abate, C. J. Bbaer. C. A. Hammond. W. TbnrWin tke Treaty of Paaoo be Babaalttod ^nraaea waa foroad and a baby is taU. J. W. MUUkao. Mia. W. N. Kellyy Tbe.oeremooias wUl oeear to MoamoBlba’ old was found playtor ever Mrs. W. O. TbaruU, Mis Oviatb
to Ooatraaa.
a Scofield af 1
Deaooaa-Oao. Steward. C. J. Khmer.
the bloody aad llfalaaa bodha of its
Waahtorloa. Jaa. ».-Tbc treaty of
Uehaia-Wm. Bank. C. Wrirht Jokn ■treet. who went to OraenviUa aboat'
peace BeroUaiod la Parb will be cab- pa^ata. The othor Ursa ebUdran MUIer. OUver Watoru.Ooo- HoyLBany alae moetha am> fee toaatmeat, died
ware found locked in a room. The
mlttadto ooByrMaal
last Friday at Ue home of her daachhostaand bad Uot bia wife to tba head DeWitl. Chas. Back. C L. OoBoar.
mveuinr. ptxthably tomorre#.
Committac for- redaeimr ebarch ter. Mrs. Hyde, of that plec*.
Allboarh a tempUar opportani^ of and Uaa oommlitod cnleida. Tbe debt-FUak HamDtom. M C GriaUT.
Arehto OviaU tu.* porehaeed tbe Fark
ten for the preaentoUoa of a moat torPlaee barber shop flxtnrra of Earl Ty
qaarraU. the tnyady baiiir the raault T. Bates, 8. B. Wah. C. T. Qrawn.
dbto arrument for opeedy rnUOoatioa,
ler. Mr. Tyler will replaee them wiU
In tka chape of a rlartor moacara to of the last one. The kasband bad
aomeebgantMwdaalras. . Beb
Xodu Olata Bauar Happy.
ooBfraM oo the aobject. Hr. McKtoley vlolaat temper. BoU beloorad to
tomplaitog havtor three chain wlU
kaa daelded to leave the praaantaUoe of
Apleaiantsiuprtoewaa fiven Clara le new ontfll.
at her
The mill of Ue Tnyarac City Lum
Sadod WiU Oyatom.
boma «m Proet itraM.
The yonof ber On. to now ronnlng basQy asd amlU cnecaUve beard of Uelmdlea' mbaaa who arraared tbe party were >Ioylng a farce of fifty men. bcaidm
bMordtorly the tnaty will r> to tka
ary AiaoclatloB for l««R hold ito Emma FVtodrIeh. Cboaia Whltlay and the cralera outaide tbe city.
UUor body with the bnefam po^bla
monara af tnaambaioa bj Ua |UaI- laat mecUaf to Ue Itbrsfy room* yea- Haad OomptoB.
At Ue tostaltotloo af Ue offleun of
torday anarrmaa. and toeideaUlly cmThe gauato ware; Marion |naahall, MePmaqn Poat aad Ue Belief Oorpa
J-qred a vary isforuual bat vary excel- Imara Ihutaeb. Cbariotto Friedrich.
Moedey evanlnff, Ue ofltoeis lor the
Tba fallowlar are the new aademte leal orular sapper aa a fltttor eMtor
Uara Trarea. Margie Calaua. EllaJ
•t Uo Coain... OoUer, Ub
wnk: tar the year's work.
Smith. Jennie boadon. Kellie Waraa^rtad^by Carrie
Patar Orimetoad. Oood Harbor; Warburg. lUle SrnlU. Della MarttoU,
ra« Dtokermaa. Solon; Lola
— Oapaay X KMWriAb. e eacto.
BeU Darmaa. Alben SyuaUxa aad
wiamow aa a Drawtog Oars.
Old Kbatoa; Alin Amfaar. UartaldTburaarea few of Ua a—a«~|, WUUeOarby.
Fbaakto. boU a< Ub eiiy. i
Baanah Rifle nwuaorlab leitTwMU
Baa MeMasaa, Chariat FalMar aad
Befraakaaemtouraraaaevadbr Mlmm la mamage yaatarday I
A M-Siuoaa. oUy.
fbatoto EaUar aad 0*a McOoy.
I 820 Front St.
“» 1S ”
“City Bookstore.”
g£»aiives’ “Swe Cottou "^ou.
Tell That Husbaud
Sleinberg’s Grand Opera House
Beginning Monday, January 9
I RffBOtists n( Minil Rewlers-ThB Greatest aeil Hipiest
Class Ittractiea of Its kii( Tnnlli|.
- sisiiis S£ri?r.S’’■ “
»o«mio uMOomt.. wto—da^.
■■B Momroio BIOOBD
•unuxonr. - monau
, m. m*—.
4. i»
uurtote UiA., i»M. •j-TW
■«->!»■» of B«Sf7 (MmUm •< W;-
irSTuttl* low. OM Md
d-uroT^ b, fc* »M.
twiwrw UM bunnoltbrM
(M. -H* -U
the IflM. AU »he
•d.owh«»tk*lw» thrt •••oewM
tnm the *to~-
'■ ----------- ntUarcaiUhl
<iDiamond y*’
or "Traverse Belle”
A. W. JAHRAUS, TiMdiM tiect
Uatorawlac«— opaa ■aetlnc of
Ch-~*- ^
_ pwahaaad aaw; f-raltara tor th.
traead to airan wueh taraatad la fraVarwal iBaazaBed liatawad
aad tad ftalahad paylac
faritUlase.pt taa doUarv Hahto
aaiploya of tha Wylia Oooparafa Oo. lo- k. them w. oa »la thtoafboal tha|paav F«toat aad fatora btoaiwal lanattntrTaadamaBlaMlehldMaawaU.aaraacB Many qoaattona ware aakad
CBtad at ttat plaaaKM Bthaliod Gttehel rataiwad too* a.la^FraaaUa^lalUbl.locatthta'aadaa.wared.
horrthla dlaaare if b. waoke. tboa.;thore p~t driBd
Tn eouty n)*d
UM*dMe» Tt.T«-ClW
^hav iiiir'—r tha waah’aaaeatloa. Cblaaaetoad. ai*ark Tb. Ci,arMk-|appUtoUore for »e»ba™hip la tb.
^ the «tlj «hert*r, whlek H la pvpoaan' lotaraatioaal aaloA baa 4
•d to have aMctd by Ua aert laflala- «to u u. U«>l.«
^ . kUl -U-w--- ererythlof la ita power to aotlfy
Im dM bM Mai with taaenl *f
-------------- ofofOlcan
daagre that
n. tan ta Oflpta Oara.
Mf«h WhUa lha aa«a(7 faad ayalaw km. Tfciktibik«*«»-*™-^ ^
(•^iBlMMat prMB^ Fqriaiae h
Mtete a VMlUa Um whaa tha ayaWlUlaw Qawploa want to Twla
t*y" ha aalafr»th~<
Uadar Um
MoanlT*" thto aormiac wtaia ha faaa loaUaBtilyaa hare aaaa tha labal ofotaw.tare wo appeUta. ao Ufaor
MrtarM ft aow ataada-UM ayaiaa
aBbitto>.tareabad €»ld.lB taetare
•a^ laalada aU of Tiaaaaaa atj- U hTtr todta^ Oooparan Oo.ar.ra- ^
TTfrapVaiy aaad ap. Blaetrle Bitton
WJJl* k-m-t—
b aowyrapaaad to aMad tha char
la tha ^ reaiady that
gin y«i
rf.ii* froB iiio *0 Oto loada of
^aadeere rellel.
relief. They
i-bey aci
act oidlM ao that ahoaU tha ayataai .ITIW dkU» IT— 1> >• “
Gotoo.1T OlobBooUoo.
Ian aad wUl aaow bare a trala load
1------ yaor
_m.k. Id*er.
f Jam Stonaehata
atMim.k*lkM EdtTU____,
ba aMvtId to
tha fcM reta way ewtaap U arery day.
At thauBBal builaeaa naaUag of aere. loM op tba whole ayataa aad
all that yerttoaoftha city waat;
• 1-------------------yoa fee llha a mw
A law BM aotOd dad a«ptoy-« tba Oetanary Gleb Mat areslag tba toi- ------^ Barlow atiaatakaD ha asdadad from oataafwood at thiaplaaaatatotMd
Drey Skoraaof &
ItoaparatM. Tha maoa fertha op____________ __ Jahwai Ooiy 50e
,«ltte to tUa ftloUHna la that
Byaa paaaad Ihrewfh hare
^Mia thaaMadMBVbaadoplad Tn*Vlea pnaidaoV—W. P. Kaueyi
faaaiwreday wMh • «m ofta*^
PM «»y t^aM ha faMaUad to ^roBto tre-Ttarere. aty to Bomb.
8awato*y-0- R Cherer.
a» Ita propMloaiiW ahan of
TreMarer-Ai «. Jtareua.
Iha vaaty road las artthoet raaalr.
Collaator-G. M» Parlcar.
toaay of tha haaoBta of tha ayatata.
Hbtoriaa-M. B. Galea.
0. B. WyBknpof Kltofalay wm la
9hara wUI ha alcaroaa oppoaiUoeto
Captain of Oonntaarlea W. J.
Iha iiiopcnti* aiaaadaMDt Md it la a
of poUoa of ■»whaUar tha eoaacC wiU
MmUt ofTraaaportoUoB-tanDaai
plre.Ul»Uiaciiy Tialtlag aod dolag
Tha Uaaaoryoflhe-orgaBlMtioB la
to a ttoariabtog ooodlUoB.
TMTsaoar't raptoU tram laaalar *"l^**Baalce Kelley ud her brother
^tonata that it la aU off with Pack la Pnak want to Eogaley for a few
■ ■
I and that Uarrowa la wwk'a rlalt. yaatorday.
Oigar Xahare’ BaoUon.
Kr,udtore.M.B<M-ttal. wboM.
paaraof rletory that tba
-----ai the aaaoal maeUag iMt night of
pweadaa bla aleetioo. This xalgbt bare alaitlag JoUuaStolBberrafaiBny. wnt tba Oigar* Makan' b'oloa Mo. >M. tba
tan aspaelad. aa.tba hrtactworka of toMaBletoefora»lalta»d ratoraadoB toUowing offioan W"'* •i*^**^
»m,—— loo .lro« tk h. .*«— iMtareBlaghtralB.
aaautog year;
Mra. Heleoa Brayg aad bar Mthn.
ta tha aMBllB of Peck, at al. area
PreaWaat-J. B. Lauornu.
Bedroom Suite
Ihnfb relaforead by tha alcaraw op- Mn. Ulsaa, bare rataraad Iron KalaVlea pr^daat-George B. Flaber.
awltlan of Uoraraor Piagraa. ta tbU »MO,wbaratbeyn«*»'^ b<db^
for a
Got. aacratory—E. B. Wearer.
001. George Uaaa of toulatoa. lareMa Bartowa wUl wla o«t haada dowa
Bb. aaeretary—Joa OarUer.
little mooey.
HBd Ooreraor Plagrae will hare had nu for the Loola Sasd. lumber an>TroMurar—Thoa. Purtaoh.
htotroubiatorbU palaa..
pony, la IB the city OB bnalseoa.
JrSord tfardey. the popular repraaOonpaeioBk of t. O. F.
esUUre of the Oread Bapida Bereld, la
There wUl ba a regular naetlag tbia
IB towB and will reMlB thia week.
i Phone
HouM Furaiaher.
Mlaa Mabrl McMlehael aad Him Bau- aftornoon and all menben are retUkm 1m Bsplaaatin About tha
Uh OoeelV are elaltliig Uelr trtmd, quntod to be in atUBdam* m the
ISO ProBt Street.
Blath Btraat Blr*.
newly elected ofisen will be toatall^
Mlaa Marlon Olbba. at Mayfield.
(pm>a KoRswo BscoED—The acMin Adla Maithewa of Ba»t Jor^. laoBlee.
gout (Irea by yoa tbU Mrolog of tba
1 Beeordlng deoretary. { •ra at ay reaidaaee Uat night ecatain- U Ttolllag Mn. Will Wlnu*.
Ctkarlca Broady. aoa of Eae. i- B.
taaoma laaecoraaea. bat it wm at
Bready.lali ynterday foKJhlcago whan
worUy of a rrepccUbla papar.
Taro Detroit merebann wera aittlDg
he will aoier the law departipeBt ofthe
Italab la aora than oau ba aald of tba
kJi sdjacnit itoola ud ukiog a IB emit
poMly aBWuOifU aoMUt glrea by ChicMo
loach, when one naked the otbw if ba'
IhaB^la. Uataoae aay aooapi aa
Odoaulled hii wife to tiia buatoeaB affaire j
mlrcn Marqattto.
7<bn't do it." wa# Ibe reapooee.
PM the latter aeeoant. 1 bag yoo to
Bet. JotaMaakeaUdat
|-kit.k tba toiiawiBg asplldt ataiarea In the city yeatorday,
pOBi. for whoaa ooTrectona I reach;
Uarry Kneelud roUireed yaatonlay aboat M it did yreterday. 1 naked bw ;
' Uy paap wm frt/MO about tba Iowa
to LaaUBg to oobUbm b»a aiadlaa to If abe tbungfit ■!>« oonld diacoaa a UtUa
oolre. After trylag oUar aaaa. with
matter of buaiitcai calmly and diapeaUtawwaaililgblad a aingla folded the Agrleulturel Collage.
Prof. C. U. Horn bM returned from aiooatoly'. She MUd rfic could, but bad
We have a hue assorthOWipipar which 1 bald agalaat the
portog bla abaanae from never known me to be able to do ad. I,
flpt utU It thawed oak Tbia took leaa
complimaited bor wueaancally oo ber
thla ally ba »»ltod aeTurel ptawa to the •angelic' temper, and ebe at oooe aoIhu oaa atnata. After that 1 took
meat, and at right prices,
cuaedmouf batog ugry. 1 told h«
Mlaa to aae that ao fire raaalDed, wetH. Dej of G»wb irenaactod buatoen that 1 WM natarded aiuuug men m hav
Baf dowD the aawdMt which had long
ing a T«sy equable dii>p(MUtiuu ud that
taan packed aboat the pipe asUl I
with the hnest perfumes
my empliiyeea dlt-d me UId Suavity.
f- 1
tadged there eOBld ba ao ebaaoe tor
SBUBball. retareed toat Blgfit Iron a She called attcutitoi to the tare that
Uyblddasaparka. Yet tbU appaan
flalt at Pifa La«a. They were ac- her pet <k«, that weigh* aboui a ponad.
to fill them.
IP bare bean tha eaaaa of the fire.
waa called Danger. Then I told beroomputao
itraigbt from the abnulder that 1 dpr
Wall. 11 arery mb*, foraaigfat wan
• <•«
oliiwd :o be made angir by bor Otonta
a^Bal to bU hiDdaight. than woold ba oho .m
.. ud odiona coujwnKHia but aerved
UaaeideBUl firaa. Ball an Bcitber in tbia dty.
H. SxatotoTg bM relaraadtobia '• poiuled uouoe that 1 Waa going to bare
gtoolaoracttmaal aad 1 do BOt wlab
lO be BO eooa.dered by uybody. Aa „«..e at 81- lr»«* »«« eejoytog a ^ the rwpert due the head of tbe buiua. |
' She laughed cheerily and declared that ^
tor »y wife, aha did Botarec know at *itU with bia parecto. Mr. and Mre
» WBfc eutiivly loo looohy."
Beadle Bid
the line what matbod I wm Ukiag to Jullua Steinberg.
“But what ahum the hnwoea* confer-.,
MUa Core Gardoer left yeatorday for
PiUgereld. Oa.1 to accept a poaiUon to auev';”
W. Cwai-ix.
"Oh, I alamwod the doot ud lafL"
the acbooU there.
—Di-noli Fuv IV.W1.
C. H. Miller of Oleo Arbor
•arprlaa oh Mr end Kia. lAutser.
guret at the Colambla yeatorday.
A aurpriae WM glres at the bona of
Mr. ud Mre Kruk Smuh returned
Ageot—Thi* i» «ne ww proiwu
Mr. and Mre Joaepb baotaer aad fami iMt night from aeeerel daya' alay al
■ the world. The bOTgJar»o«a>oerenreti
ly Monday areulug by Mr. and Mre
Sagtoaw ud Greod Bapida
! the booae thou it
yen the alarm.
IK. hautaer acd frieada of tbia city.
Mr. Hoksif—Havi-u i yon get oaa that
Mre P. D. McAeoy' ralnrned
TbOM preaeat wore Mr. and Mn. Bight from a two weoka' eiail at Bob- will alarm the burglar!—Stray Stotlea
rnd Wurtbarg aad daugbUr. Mr. and
oppeneallle. >•! BoabrmeU.
Mn. Bamaa Hynaa. Mr. aad Mre
Mayor W. W- Smith Tetareed last
SaovUtnM <hry call tor
, JanM Murehla. Miaa Trey Worsburg
But Iba'a l»«u» kaowa a« ftowy*«»»» Qrt®**
, at Oread Bapida. Pnd Pratt. Mlaa Biglil
Jan Uk« th* »i.T» lorrvnU
'Oaptato Webb of the ataaraer Oaa0( tor t*i' b*;r. bme ond rtewphaekua. Irea Doan. Janaa Dau. Mr.
„aoU aad wlfa retaread lut night
W)m U reiMW. •»■* U to«lj.
Ud Mre Victor Patartyl. 'Mr. aad Mre
•ii*H ■■
*od witty,
tram a two weoka' eWt at OaMapolM.
tat aaothw i-dlow kltMd bartuy Bartak. Albart Patortgl. Bobart
■vkur. Mta Partoeb, Mre Bicbaid
thr^Utah!^of Iha haw ^
i.r^r' "sr ~
I will have at my Sale Bams,
on State Street,- Thursday noon,
^ sf32:c^"k^T‘fM January 6, a carload of the finest
Our Mono:
_____ _
Sell cheep, sell e heep eef
keep eterlasiieely et it.
That ever came to this county.
Come early and get a good selec
tion, at a low price for a good
lOc a quart
840 Front Strwt
Meant All right *hcn hetsaid, “Give ns this
day onr daily,bread. but please Lord don’t
let sister Jennie make it.” She uses “Best”
now. and little Jay has changed his petition.
Are you using it?
- A Hapny and Prosperous Now Year
Btokaar. Mre UbowU. Mlaa Laboata
"SJ'a^JTiir^taSe re gmadt
Bocme. tba rental marvel. wUl peelgf Oread Bapida. Mta Warner, George
on_ .1 8ioiobor,T
XPUOMd Jeefilader.
Tra brewelr.cwBdlllaa,
tta areatog wm happily pMaed Open BoBM-for twe aigbm, lloAday
Bni 1 ba**k grave sovMm
That M'S retbor k;w arwitor
vWk daaeiBg and card playliig utU a and TutaUy. Ju. bth aad lOtb.
Olrl-tare IwMberl
Ha eotdee eadoteed bj pitaa eai pub.
Into beer aad ou of tba mala laaturM
efratantog bona wm the loatogof ooa tic of America, tbe crewaed beada pf
Burape. tb* Aaaoclatod Prere ud Kewa
The moat myatUytog eahibitloa ever
Faman’ Kotual Aaaual.
wltamaed to TreverM Oty.
Tta aanual neatlDg and alectioa of
See blm place bia aub>et to a to bow
gfliurr of tha t'annare' Miuoal Fire HyremUealeepSaterday evening at 7
lUnreniTT company wm held yeatorday o'clock Jan. 7ib lo the lerge ehow win
gfMTBOoa to Odd Pellowa hall. A dow of Stolbberg-a atore to rreuto «nlarga amount of buatoeaa
t~»»- UU Moaday aighl
•«»€• « tAa
Utod, areoag which
wo,«. waa ibe
opera huoae.
Ita nmodBi of Icaar* paid danng the
See UKm
hU ^1^0
greet "
--------V------tk>B toat, to put on only by the Hiepastyear.
Tba aeeretary aad toeunrer Mch^ dooelatbetaroff Ortoat. Tbe only
gora anotbar
aaom~ year
r«— to
— ———8
aerve before |roeexponentof Baatera Beeromaaey
taelr torm eaplrea. #'be prea’deat aad . (q Americe.
dUraeton were tbe only offleeraeieotod
-...x for bU wowderfnl. perUoM
drive mtod-retatog toat Mob- Ttmllavd Alri
•t tU* meettoy.
Jedfu ■*^•ag*
J. »»•
H. rewwivwi
Monroe vtm
»■— «v-«i.»-o~.
* dAynftoreouat k:»o from the auge tore cxtrecltoe ei
^Wldeal ud B. W. Steward ud Z. T. where hUaobJtot 11m to n hypanlc
SRooo, m —. to,—
Onu of ABirim oowty. direelore
To Tog III.
gTo be prosperous you must have good things to eat— ^
^ Bemember-we are headquarters for everything good, and ^
if you are not trsding with usj wo would he very happy to ^
have you give us a trial—anyway come in, look our stock ^
over and got our prices. Everyone is made welcome at our ^
store, whether you buy or not.
Don't forget when you order your oysters of us to inelude some crackers. Farina Oyster, Faust Oyster and the
f~ justly famous Seymoure Crackers. We carry at all times a ^
^ lull stock of the Sears’Bakery goods—fresh and good—nj old ^
goods. The place------^
. -
TBM momifigo Moomp. wtoh»bpat.
MminerocDA. AfOBaxa^^
>7i>« 9^ buiMli»*wrijdu wm h^A
•boot £9«. aod a (enaie vhbk ma Uar
koa fl*«nBa»
WkUaO. W. Hlaaoek«4Glad<Ha.
kndltar » rm
WrMt^-flva ja*n
^a ptePt et eafiar tren Ihe abeU
«M 4rt«sa IMo fela kPBd wbM Ita tMd
Ika iPwpBP. It rwabiid tkara all
tkaMTMn utU <aa d«7 teat waak.
«ka« U rot MW aMffh to (ba aarfaaa
forbla toplek Itoatbralapir braak-
_____ _ _ ____. , ,___ ..
,p««-i.«Ma.thW<tfarkotlaflMalta;«t*. uto.. aii «tp» aaO aafcad tba
Sawa) ara alraaflr to (rea tba oaat
partaata. Tba pnoao to variou Maa«« tltonc l«btod toa (or a < Mch.
aofl ropoit tba (all bolldar toaAa ra-1 pamaTtba eoanttr wy moMmaUj. | "Atai't roTooBo.’' aid tbo au.o«a.
atodod tbaa ofoldtiaaa. a»d that i Wta «a wa« <a (be Ma Kawaf ood:;^ borrM a ilrbt (roa that ar aaa
wttoatoekarwatlyTafl^ tbaj wiU to Maaof Kao to 18W. a rood tattbe I
»***°«»-. ■ .___
At Flirt two ^7 aoaldaaia took ■
* "WW yootaotir' afc<ittettMa*a.
atrirar. Two taaaa weia tutor ! a^„g fto«&0
awdd aack othar, wboa cm eattcr to ba a»ngt«^ abiutrMUtoaBtaaaaamatbrowa kblAeanaL
■‘Kbar Ttoto
Tea fams lemblaf
•olMwIUiUa towaaraopla oa Ckriatto brai.. ta. apttl.
•aabj dalWartor • tb-poaod aaok at
WetLAhowaoI Wbar70arotor
Ttea i« a outoM lioia tola abort
flow traa to otary booao ta tba
waa baarl7 tora ofl. He aaj raoovor. Chfrtto ^rot. M. P. for Sooth Waalma,” ^Mid liia ft
tlob aa a ‘%rUUoaa>aaraL
A aawU boj wm ahattor eloaa hj wbea
UtohflaM alao vasta teba eoMlflaaafl tba aaeldoat bappaaad. aad waa atraek'
Wall. Mb. Ah'B role r
boot: Ua left aakla « ------------------that, aotoo_ rmexatloBi ag4
i^pUt Bloll. fin- Uua .lb faaae ortM
.. tbe
- boraab
-------------------------------------„ . a witch ! BopUrBlolt.
MMMblarof a poBltrj mrk
ao badl7 eraabod that tbe boM prt-‘caraad Let** HalL the aeat td Oaptoia AhUemw r ten jmi.’I
oalf. Prom Sovaabar It to Dac
’ I Barot. aad Mid that there woald be m I E<
rfjjMalUT traded tbroorb the MoektorerWenUj vUlwd aO
direct vale heir to tbe otteto m __
loot _
aa : (or the St. Laai
anaablppad tnai tbara to tba Kaw
thraorfa ' end -ed----------it. awl ibr
ArbaBMO had tttled to
the Krtt-therirer which
- with
York aofl Boalob aarkata.
coco HM iDoaeo
..b..„ .1,-mbeeo tba am, aotil to IbW, wfaon.
At Waat Braaefa, Ma. Marrla Boow
wairbu (Biriad b7 alapbaM to tba owing to the aeTere (roat. tbe Kent wa^
Abbott, tba
of'tto prodoctor drtneu od tba Malar
•‘tow.trtireljftoMO op.andafew
-Cinr aOrmaUedr.
qaallflad aad damaadad p
-VLar-f to' (tMbl”
tba ofioe Mowdar Boratoc- Mr. Tao. j PWiineoia wib
••In tbe boekm.”
Bmototo^ eort^^d bar bnatond with a little bor.—LiOodrt
••Bow kwg 700 b*M) ft
In the pHitoaala tba Gnpbic. _________________
"Two or thtoe di>7>. '*
oaarjpd the <rht 1a oa. Mia. Abbott .tbaUoa
pew-fO) littleftmk.
llUlefta didn't yont”
"Ob. I don't knew.” UcgM the M.
^ ! Bladitr la the not buftful Baa 1
Iba aoaatrian aal«abaai
tootMOteoUly- "I'aneefitotogtortho
900 or 1.000 p
-Howou earth tbM did haoiaMto
Jakm Vlekerj of Cbartotto. wm | aod bowdab. Ibetottar Uedloea
,; to iMt toM oa each eide of tbe baekboaa
Bottoo Traretw.
If the holldar baitoiM to aar todtea- —
tloa of proeoarlrr. the Utter to to Mleb-'m-.
Iran with both fMl. for ibe aMrcbtato \}
laaboatcrrrjcllr aod rilUre to the,^
atola raport a Urrw-trada to tbe pa»t
Moatkor taro tbao for maar jaaie
AtlLJoaapb. PradWaltara who for _________ ______________________________
tba part two wtotara hM bean kMptoff |
ablpoo the auamw Mar Orahan, toj Ika aueoalloD of Canada br thaiaato bare dracrod their aacbora aod
and fona aahore. There are s
Mtoalar and to balierad to hare beeo Called Stolea to r^rtUr feared br
' I wrocke along the eoMt.
drowned. It to thoacbl bataU froto OBlo saw^apen.
-the goorplMk while trrtor to enter
The torrei of the batUeeblp
batUeablp illlBoto.
imooto. j1 At JameetoM. Cal., loar mlnen
the etaamer dartog tba atom SatonUr now bnUdtor. to to be adorned Ija'were kiUed to tbe Jumper aloe
' broua beae relief Ublet of Abryhato ' b; the dropping of a ekip, which fell
AtOoldwatar, a bad aeeldaat ooeoc-' t»laooto.
lao feet to the bottom of the abaft,
rad at tba MIcbigao. PorUaod oemant! Mormon oooTerto to Pleaaaot BIU. Oaa other WM ellghtlr tojeiod:
(aetorr Monday •arantog, torrlblr to-,
to protoel themAt HaTaaa,three blm-Jackeu from the
JartogMr CrittotidoB. the oeatpan; a
Tesaa, abost 13:30 o'cdpck duodar rowaUetrlotoo. aod bto aaatotast, Mr. Prea1 to HaraM «d to tbe rrreek o! tbe Maine and hotot. tea. who were esamlatog tba oil to tbe- brapavroloftbealreetobr Ame-toan Lg * Urge atom aad etriprn to the peak
«Bk ootolde tke rrorke with a lighted
of the wreck. ' Tbe dag waa aaloted. by
UotORi. Tbe to] eseUded burolngl While preaching to the araagogne tbeahipptog to the harbor,
both mea about the neck, .face *od
In Mew York.
Oolnmbaa. Ohio. Lee Chalfl.ui,
anna. Both bare beoo btoogbl to tbe 1
‘eubetltate engineer at Wo.ff Broa.‘
ellir nod are being eared for. Tbe es-i**L
'fnctorr Ufoiurb badlr acalded Ic
-pkrtoatoKmk tbe wtodow, to boMe. J^BernlttMVthe notod
to Ike eltr 1-0 BUM from the fMtorr. •«««. narrowly ..eaped death reocnV
VoM U Mllmntod at 94.000.
t ‘F ‘'F wwring too near Ue eraier of; ^ p„Tentod aa ezplotoon that Jeop.
St JobM la tofMted erith alt aorta
i ardlaed the llm of »00 employea to the
A deer pnraaed by banlera to Colon
aad oonditiona to trampa. aad the elUboUding. Tbe regular engioieir to tbe
neM ba*e-aiartod a eraaade agatott eoaaty, Pa., leaped M>Ter a ellS aad pUnt la ill, aod Cba flant waa working
Benbea Cromtlwm. The> are toimroerawd to jail alUbtodtouarelruDoa
.2!^!• •fb.Utnte. Ue noueed there wm
ftwfoaror Are daya. after wblok they ley. who wan working In a qnarTy, In- too mneh water to the boiler aod to be
ate ordered to iMre town and warned joring him fatally.
opened n \-nlee to Ut «>me ofitcwit.
Tbe auihurlllM at Waahlngton tore
that If tney retora they wIU epend 90
Then be went nruoLd to front
daye to the D'UnU honee of eorneUos. confldeot that Ueneral Otia. with 30.000 watch tba gauge, while the water ran
eoldler* and Deweyb ahlpa, can oope
A ehloery faelory U being talked to ; with any emergen^ that may aiiae In into the well. Be noon mw that tbe
water waa going ont too fnat and that
M Btoadlah. aod It'e iwportirt it wlU be the PhUipptoea.
n jet to atewB wm eaeaping • itb great
a •‘go.” M there U eapital behind Ike
I force. In trying to abut It off be waa
It require* a mnek toll to
>fnlly grt>w ebloory. and U *«•«>•
»«» »>*’« amonntod to |
,p,u to tbe pal*
- u. jionghronry’of
..i.. «# ibe'horTtbieco'hae.
9a4.OOo.OOO., The abtomenta
ablpiMhU to tbe
UnltodStotoalDcreanedlv 910.000.000.
There wpa
Bute TreMi f StMl reporto Uat
Mfebigan bad a baUnee to tHT.Ul.to!
quickly. Suiitog aataorel be tprang to
to lu atroog bo* at tbe dioM of baal-i “ 7®“““
the fnrsace doom and began taktog
joot tba Area. The bailer cooled down
lor im
in I aad tbe daiiger point waa paiet A Then
« aamed Clifford BUU
&6TV6TaVXt\BS S\cms /
5\eaatdi “STom SiscrgvDWe; |
^*^toayl KerergtoiOTern Mint Para
r many poon'a .
upaur••Twehe. I weighed them."
"OoUa' Hgbty cennu' wotb. Veil. Ab
aani UowMueb yoacaki'late Uooat yon
come aU th' way t' BUek Rltrw I'
•Vrcll,lhadntthoogbtor thav” eald
to Si Lootaan. amiltng •rcmiiullT. "I
a«ie fur a imlarwt aiul a little apM I
laa to fhh. and 1 don't tbink 13 puooda
leaolMlfnrtwodayt'emvAdilng. I've
gut a iluwen nice one poond baaa. ”
•That tbar atnila.r’aapubtto Ahkacaaw. Vhat'd you Leicbed 'em wlfr”
aakcd ibe aniuanl bnrt
■Kod and line. toooorM” Tbeaptwtt*0 waa blncbtDg.
"I.nwd.laiwd! TbH thar ain't do way
•’ (e»b Ua- Uiue Ab went (wobto Ab
fto* (o' bnndred puuDda In Itiaaen (o'
- - TOO Miob tbemr The
cilly n-an waaloaeimled
■•mackrlw.l' aat.lt
can) tbe onnntiytnan.
•'Wbelklnd of tolC'*
"Balt! Ah never uacd bait Tall;
about annht—.th
'em aa bU Ah eoold
irdU 1!:: 'otn outen the wt.taw,”
Grand Rapids Herald
The Morning Record
•Wen. A?B«»erweiKbed Boneo'tbla
bam. but Ab nalo Ulo aoine oa 'em waa
eight pounder «r meab. Tba'awbatAb
Mil apobl!”'
"Ye«, tod<-ed. It niuat takea good rod
and a atout lloo to land eight, poundcn
(tuia iliat rleer."
“Rod and line! Nov we yar. BtrangiT.
•ou pipLlii (un't tm- .tb doaa (mb wit
no fool tod tn line
Ab (mb wU a
lK»p net. 'TlM-T ain't no apofat Uke boop
they^ato't no u«e lalkln.
it'a gncil «inbl
:ht |ioun barn In ■ tram.
when ytm git a elghi
giB« agin li e trauiUMd,
B-el Whop' Hep
•„] tbe
> aUv> the wiua you gel
J. waa tooktog at tba r*gu«t. hut the toiler wn* aura that be bad
eataUlihnl hit aiip. riortiy o« r tbe ama.
teurwhobad travt l.d 300 uillw, at greut
upeti-eunlytn ride Iwck to St. Luulawitb
not ennugb ”(cmh” to toake one Arkan
kwKur awqnare tocwl.
tng nioadi'DItol, aod taanlng
rhyile a (an that be ouuld d<ue<-4 tbe
njouiiitgl't Aavur -on tl.e ArkanMm'i
bmtb. "Th' toe' day'a apoht Ab ever
aero waa one day la*' aprlng Ah bnltod
a bole in lltock rt*«r wl( cu'nnnvl. "
“How dW you get ihefiBb out*"
l«<.rB.,b«. AP.».. rfb.bU^
„ b.«b,Uob. b.. -lU, p™.
vKuBt Ah drapia-d ailed tank o' rtifiHanyeaacaof wbooplag eoogh ara 1 pbuipplnea
tpml to a good iwm halo. Ab leC It
pecta for-bia reeor^.
overnight an' eomut Imck iti* in-zt r
ptortog Uial throngbont (UnllUe I . .
eonaty. TheachooU wUl be eUaed at' *
»»T "ko flgdfrtl M
l’»‘wd StatM to- tbe medal uf valor upon 100 wosira Well. Ajewao. el It didn't lake li.ean
aod pbyaiolnoa, na beaiUi.
mab panlccr (<>b liciin t' git all the hie
' **""7
**“ ke«i-br. nghl wbo aerred aa aunea In'the late war (n-tb Hist come t ’ tb' top. W.. nhf tb'
Wtwei-b Turkey anu tireeuc.
little, amaU fry go. Nrver Uaik iiuiIiId
InBM-o liu> puuzMlur. Ah gull dern uiab
time to the ymr
1 Father Walab. a CatboUe print of
Uklnct that rln-r dIOti'l run dial (ev>b
Ditt-rillDKtbetpeedtoacmainttM- | y..,
Tlut'a-what An call (atahlo
tarldaraceau admirt-r of aintvl aaiA whbi u (.whin ’
b»b bi,.bb.«, b„d
b... bZ. 1
'Why. be passed bis Held juct like na j “Do yuu'■(■nk'mocb novadvyBl" aakdaytobeartfattore. Mr. Robbtna leui The yaeen Dowager to Holland ta re
asprcM tmiu imiaing n tramp.”
I rd the St. Lnulun with awirv-avulu aooenk
the beuae appnreaUy In the bnl of i
' ‘'k
n__ 1_________ V_____ i_o-.-,____ ' loat oti his new an»ualutnnc»>.
health. PKlecn miontce Inter bU wife! A aolid flre-toot rieo of
WilfcM. dam Houda, by ''cdgewood. t
Mniner. he mot a awful d.-hth Imbhad occaaicn toctolttbe
to rbtl tbe torn
Urn an^
aod - .per cent 0uM.ju..b.^tb%7ur^,^^
.h d<All. care 'toiut teeshin nlooe.
opening tbe door to find anu eomalnlng ..leer and gold. ba. „„
* , pg.t,
..— „
r—-■ Pbii.delp\u.
• - - - •.«■- - - re•- ■ itonk
H.vnk su
Sbawiwjt k. Ih< l waSluah p.vnluer's
her bnaband lying on the floor,
beeoatmok by Taeoma tneu rt tbe ! Motly.
j naniei. s bteu ihsU ntoh tworaruow. an
LeoU minaa. U PUree eodatj. atoto to I
■ ---- u.irnto (ftirf. bvTrt. loparou* OlUy'a Brad, wbar we all Htm.
I ,t
k.„; .
it lb'vUtuln Udoad .ho'thoiUanl.-.ha'nl
An amateur trapper la UUdwin WaabUrton.
.. mcBua.
bimpto. by Happy ^ ,, ^dln 00 ih' rlvtr most every nlgbl.
Some aUrm prcealla among Aner-1 diam. ii etm Hring. owned by J. W doan Uka
epnoty eet a eonple of trape clone to
uke no stock In ba’iifs.
ba nU but Ab tl
L »■ U Ba U U go {erafato ouhow, roce'lT 'oause yo* can't
gether reeeeUy and nest moralag lennaat Havana owtag to the apcMd to' “---------git on pries fur 'Bin In ftoragoo no tuoeh.
7^ old.
went oat to MO If be bad cnngbt any
Obarlet Ooohran. wbo wet tbe atteodthing. Be bad, nnd the big reetow from AaUUe cholera an reported.
srt to Oolflgmitb Mntd during tbe bedrownedi’
which be had taken ntoeg to kUI bU
Tbe AbyeelaUn flag to reported to
prey before he reUnned It abrank wow have been bototod at (UUtet. in tbe greeia- pnrt to hw tnrf enner, !• Mill > ‘ - Ah dean' know, Mb BM rearaalns
, waa (OQud ‘boal a week aftorva'ds wllb a
derfolly tohUeytowhea he mw the Soadne. about (00 mllm north of Kbar____ ______ „____ ,
empty Wbl.ky bottle In
in one ban nn
an a dogdng■ammotb wildcat wbieb bad gottou a WUB. by King MeneUk, nnd a eol.laloa
Uoa' people myt
The regiiuntioo fee for borene ore* 9 ■
Mclf wl( Uckcr. but
toot U each trap He wm afraid to with the Aaglo-ltupUan fonca may ymrs to age is now K PeopJ. who
go aear enongh to bit tbe beaet with oeour at any time.
bare ttock onder ( ymra ellgibl* *0
tbe revoleer, eo be ran back beae and
„ H;ok n.o»u (.dl otun th
It It btoUved in WMhlngWn tbu regtttry ubould enter it befom Jan. I ,
got a long range rtfl«. and (roo. n Mfe eeernt enemlm
whisky wlth, cud n drank 1
dbtoace Anally path boUet Ikreagb foment tronlsle
niiiblo, an a quabt waa
tbe auimtr* bead and killed tk
ai^ecqircer fur beem."
. Stotoa and tbe people of tbe Pnlllp
'oplar BUI luC: " yclM the bnkaThere arc aoma boya la Alpena who I p««• npd Cuba.
»>1* bHsd In
are evldenUyU need of liberal appll-1
„ Hm.rtmtm.^ - uoHi.i 1
........... ......... .. .............- I bv Mru Ada!
■ Bomn't Uter tbe toll, lank bsekUUoe to a strap, wielded br a good.
. oepartmentu
e. Bart, of »roton, S. D. “IVaa taken
<M ...CO _
--------- »sp,ne._S». liooUHiiinbliu
hleii eettledo
, i lungs: ccagb set In and Soally to
It Is QecerKour «
, ated in Cooenm
ap. taying I could lire but at “^"er about girta”'
igregetional eburrti at the cloee
cluee of'
'short tln«p, 1 gave mytoU up tome; “ What is tjoerrj
of '
Antortau.ment. hugging light in !
-J* “>«
Unitod 1 Savior, detormioed If 1 ccnld not .toy I
their arm. their little nt.ri.i..e. .ift^
they were aitockcd by thiM yo«,g i«wis aAvUed to gernr; K-oJ''. N.w ................................ ■
rufiina oonaiderably oldn- than them^”** abonld ebirk
for Cc'o.ampt’'n. Oougba aod to.’fwl (or b-r l«'iy u. baoy
arlTM, wbokuickrddownlB tbe aoow •‘“‘"'y
ilaelt back S»W i C-: *». I Csv,- f. a trUl.to k In all
u... U>„ „.d«.
:j~. r u,.
Ptala smse ad BwJMde.
Mrw Leve-Barty Homewortb's daato
! A fanrfiil gale waa aweeplng the j *<"i
beoUby woman. Trial hollies
Al Uraad Baoidt the aprUg foml- Irish ebannel veatordav and the mb. *®
■* ** ** Wati'a and J. rt. John■
toadMM kg hiv
Three Months by Mali
^For Only $1.25.
^ The Herald is the best met
ropolitan paper in the state.
The Record is the best dailynewspaper published north of
Grand Rapids.
u,„, ,uu.
!f““ “““
Unexcelled local and gener
al news service.
14 Cents A Week!
XBB Komvo SaOCOD. wapWPAT, JMMUAKT < li»t.
T»« eniANOC OUE6T.
•W whlH W drwdi ud teNd
b tilKM Of P«M M Wdl M W
WV'* duk doNd* Kloon Cb« MtiCB roB.
Iteblo W fCMd la tbe Ii«wiii»pw
tn itoM. bat Um fuU nMoaliig of Um
dpm i< ncortfaiag of which few hart
WWada^teooaoqxion. Topotaiood-teWBTdiip into ommildtw IotoItm
aw b* fnUj-appracUttd ooly b; cm
wfaohMobMrrod «1m ptDeew trowho•l^toood.
Wbee •
Ml of Ite mry if kid n
. iB merre. “ia
UlfwUU Iv (nm OB MtnctlTo obji^
oOBvcDieat nary yard; the atone -are
•tot atoore. ber caigliMa and goni car«di wlib oil and an aatiniat paint;
tar dacha are allowed io beocme dirty,
law Bde* dull and acaiued frotn rtuty
' otatn.
Tboa atae liM perbap* for
toOBtha. and tbeu nh order oooiwi from
oa many men aa poaaibla hwm the i«.
Oilrig ahip. wbicb Uea bard by. and
ttaaa. with the fane cX tbe yard, oi
tha dlreciiui ofwtaterer offlowa
nrallable. begin ht onoe to pot thinga to
rlgbta and remove the
•qnipment; tbe etiginee’'e force l
onoe to tbe murinea and boiler rooma;
the anftnut paint le remored from tha
aaginea: now pocking U pot In tba
TOlvaa and jolnU; tbe pnmpa aretwied,
tta mat and dirt knocked from interion
r4 Are hozm. aad boUer tnbea and graio
tnn renewed.
Ontwardlv ererytfalug la now in toir
«etidtti(«. bnt tbU la only tbe begin
ning. It remalni to get np ateom in
aome of the botlen, tan orer tbe enginea to aee if they ara in proper trim,
emit tbe dynmnoe, teat the electric
Ugbta and tbe pilotboaae. aignaU ton
on tbe aeonhllgiitt. atart tbe fana, work
fad pot tbe boat esaoee In opeimtion.
Bray aigino, botla, pipe, wire, tube,
rira. bolt, not and plate la canifnlly
Inapeoted. and if found miaerriceatta
from any canae repaired.
Xext tbe«iDipiDent atorebonee ia riaIttd. and a full allowance of bnrf^poak,
banna poutoea. ooffor, angar. mit, Aour,
mowL clMhing. abaca, hamuocka, blan.
^Ibanf i( with th> rm.
«hr (Ua (• BN." I oMhaW
•^Vha k»m aer tad aw N
Bf ■BflM b-Maib <h* aU«a.
Bad told AN wnad toah.
Tar Btata ar baoaa ha tirtMad
Thara'a aa'ar a baart at fwA
Tv BCW aa wtih tha eUaat
Bat laTv Mb ta*a hla laat.
Bicvcie Riders.
«M latawdad for tha tawUr two Boati
Boiow k a UM of tha boTtaC aatd aaUhelow.fBdowait.waot. Bat that bos
Hot IDBC ABO te« W I potiaatlht
of «wd* beoaata a wel^t «a Mr.
lafou Ja poodaaad caei tha ifisidflBI . .. _
,i,_i _
_ i^aia^ w.
a»d ttwd to^atoUwaalf tdUaaa tfaW !?*** "* •"^ »? *
tfab UiefacD altntor wa« «ib1m tha aasal
_jwawbartbatldoanklNdB of ra>
war N>deJir<*
|w>oelf. bat be ooaU
I pairtog aad eMtaUag. aad that 1 oaa
MX. Bt ucaoM to^ncioBa X dsMB
timas a car be woold tbRFW dowa hla
pipe, dari fnan bit'chair to Ibe kitebw
hotbetod. Tbrnmiutbaa
and throw opeh Ow danb waiux dcoc. .
Be foobd
I gaaraatoe all ajr woib to be right,
F tbankTOol
aad if It doat aot prora ao 1 waka M
'‘Mow. oM Bi«bt I
a Utac, aad tha ]
t trow Uhica«o to LooifTiUa to in- Lard p^.................
Sm la UU • o'eloA mrtrj araal^
»'■?aooBdid labia cart.
It waatUap^l^gri aad dlmxowwaitin* for therig- CbwaaparB...........
habit that lad btra to It, tot. malotk
Oak par ba (oU)..........i.
.O.M t.„,u t.
..y -
I tiaie.''wbeavapoD we aadall arew asd S3T
lag. the door <f tba abaft waa wide opea,
the cable waa ranuing down
ixn> CUT, MICMIoa.
the ratlle and oUitcr tbera
I to find It aleo throoged. ThoDthecleo- nvii— naiwornATnMBCKnr
. Old^.PynWMartroo«maii. i„i^,^^„jj^^ It wai jnil
Like I eakl ha’
« 10 o'cliwk. and a tally
& wvHf: ft piftcr f<r
Mr. OeclaatT Pewitw nBOOtbod oat lamped to Ibe abaft, leaned in,
acted. All Looietil
, tbc cable and beJd oo to it with a mad* taking a drink. —Chicago Tiinea-Hetwld.
” ' tooi^T~a>'0«emSiaii? SwM FB ^
«0 BfttL
«er «aft(tiea lux. petoct ftwl Joanali.
laid tben before bin «a the table, man'a fary. Oh, if it my play!
"Hie car cf coorw etoppto abort In
ita downward eamr. Tben tbeie waa a
.5^^“} j ^
rigoFooe tug from below—ai
C* H. nnOWM. Auer-wr oM uevefteiurat Ergo, per doami...........................
cUnciiid hie teeth, braced hi
iretspni tey'in^'n ^
1^ cUneiii.d
Pmaloea, per
......................... is to to
j and held itai Ann at p nek. A» I
Mta Oggi'ieby Fneoilor'a Am cy*- aaid U ioru. my cooiio Jock Dimly u
T-VR A.r.WXirr.VNWtBsrTSuiTMM. Trrau
Buckleae Arnioa Salve.
XJ tr--r 1 -- :•* -“ doaieftllr ftotmftU b> the
pluck, bnt be la amaU iand c
I Tn ItBR Saltb in the world for
atroog So bia efforu to drag down tba '
"Oil. bow etnpid
of mel" obe «
'Cum. .^vuiaea, Sor^ Olcen. Salt
car—for yon bare a
laod. of
aimra. "Really, my dew, I wnai
oooio xoxn.
' Bbeum. Fever Socea, TeUer. Qiapped
that he nu at the boUou of the abaft. X»o-.tir»r7.
tfaiokiog wbroldid iL"
[Banda.ChUblains.Ctana.and aU 11^
Ne. sins. I
1 r>EO B. CROea. Auoroer sod CotUMCUor el I BrapUona. aad poalUvely enres PUea,
"li U bnt Jnal that in payment for wo -^nd it* prrciooi burden prored n
; ^ l^i^^ousr to koeft. OSen. Olir Otwre
ebarming a partner yoe aboald waato a Tailing aftainat the atrt«gib and deter'.:
I of old Mr. l^n. who nerer ;-----few immpa." aaid Lienmaant Swwb
to give perfect aatlafaetion or money
'^iLaKSTaoAne.AXtoni'rs. epccuiftt- re&nded. Price tsoenu perl»*. For
U tenxlsatoPisl^r^prectice. tBONitsa*
mie by J- 6. Jobnaon and B. B Wait
Mr. Pomiter. for be picked np bU baud, rfciwl**- Hig ai my oonain might,
and aaid: "My wife can play good
OsftSa-»............. l-ve
whtet. bnt wben abe Mta talking ber O"
P®*'" of old ,!
game it abomiuBble—atroriont. She"
O'tuolM availed uotbir-'
■ yonr .............
the eouibiued weight cf tbe Cl
"It ia
Inad," imerropted....
1, with
and my ooniln Jack Dimly. Unnd hit: •
a glance at my fair opponent
Sbe played a I wo Of bearta, and Bwato teotb, poll and atruggle tboogb be did, ,
* •• -*d with w •
Then my
Will pay epot eaab for cedar and hem MeaftesOttr.............
tlM ■ an iucb nearer him. Did be let go! Ha
TsrtE Nesatala....
enlcred Ibo game by t
lock Uea and manle sfaienior wood deI That waa not'
. ftnacOaoutaztidcft.
: "Do go on. Mra. Pomiter. Tou j ‘‘**7
good banking ground en
Ttbtwere eaying
apd pnahinggbit
' r that yonr contin. Jack
S sS.-S.S5SS.-S.F----------■' “’"Ssss“
DB. SnwilETa‘'^lS,%'l,S.“?,K
Dimly, waa not aeoepuble to
Mr. Fyn
aa aaon-io law."
Mr. Pomiter aigbed, and bia wife,
after following anit on my lead of clnba,
took np tbe thread of ber tala
"To me tbera ia a great deal that ia
-About a flat.
tbiDgt tbongb they geaieraliy ora 1
know that wben 1 waa Ant -married it
aeemod to mo aa if 1 waa in a fairy pnl.
are wben erery morning tbi
wbiiile at tbe apeaking toln-. and
low wbiaile
tben a rattle in onr dear little k.trh. t.,
and 1 would mn out and ju.i throw
open a little door, and there l--fore me
waa everyihing for breakfaat—a aenttle
of coal, milk, egga and broad. It wm aa
tboogb aome genii, aome inriaiblo apir>
ita. were amring ma 1 jmtt uaed to
linJack"- _ .. ________ __________ _____
■Oggleaby." criid my pretty oppeK;0. tooSSdSi
,-E».SSi Offloe. Boom n.,,4f«i. Ca Blk., Tmesent, "Idowiahyon would wmtob yonr i «oclc Bkwk._______
^r« City, MlohT j
end of tbe gama 1 led that oca Did be
Doo'ii p playing, t
have aneb a lovely
:ly handl"
BftMk Bnkomb. ft
Swaab. too, bad laid down bia eatta
ajt« et <b* Oalvenlir aa>alul, Ann
"That rrminda me of Ibe lime"
III rmnoef to ewlU tor BBratag. SI
My wife from tby ooro. r inten .
Jiim with, "Now. lienlonaot, do let me .
bear "■«
ArM »‘‘>®
who woo—tbat
woo—tbat poor, dear Mr.
, "There, T‘
yon’ye apniled
did hauur
citj. Appinorui'
nter, toKr I ber carta on tbe Ubla abius utr Ce or ' — Uftfto U.«UftJr^^j
11 grtat-vi'Q tmmpayon all etop
We wero (inre of three poinla.
John R. Santo,
General Insarance.
•sit -sslEii
FUer-ft awlle*. ...
Isin PGi^Citlc lediim.
"Ethel." aaid ber hnababd Armly,
"you were telling ua about yonr eoatio •
Nma DeLamar a intthfol and re CalsILsk*................. •«
boftband oa he for amoenent «topDimly.,
| Marcb e.^ ion«irr of u H;
. ndaoellaDooaa aaiairtment of tbe
liable medium, le now in yonr city.
"Oh. wa* I!. Deatma bow atnpid
aaiawry dt-partmom, ia placed oo board.
TbU lady baa many testlmonUla from
m inym
|iayina*tvr of Ibe ataip u rvqmoai.
jcIUesall aronnd yon of bnaineaaand
S for »
"Ofonarmlknow yon here to tip •haft, and ynpr
•ilhindaof important matteroMidot^
I . -------.or, ao..
ft twirothaft.T.ruifl currcncee peculiar in Uvea of people
-galk-y, or umkiag etuvr, baa to be e«- tliem; bnt. Oggleaby.yoo araaoptoaaic. I ">“• «■ «"“• « whale ,hi«
ro^elftft.^., I
get ber up and down. ”
.omluod to a<«.‘ w-bciber it ia couplr-ie in YnnbaronoromaDOoatall. I knew tbe i W‘'^e «y'OB
which ba. been done anoeeeafnliy
laid niy
»7 «
•rlas ns«—1- tPaassnsvFftlaryelsu aerlk
It Ca. or ratur .icru.L»ftfirK-»oi-x. m-.r|thrOQgh her advice. Sbe given past
oil iu fiodinga. TTw ontflt of a galley iauitcir did it all, hnt tben tfam waa no ! «a‘<l
"I rot
rpmowbrrtiow. Did old Mr. Pya
- -—
of Omke—a Asselloc. xftks xkls trsla aaA
1 aboald alwnyi
nanally ctnaiau of two copper kettles of roaaoQ why
Afookfti.hrShilftoonauar. jaod totore aocrnately and advice on cfesaceaxyaacXMatoMo 1.
It u my load.
-FklsOoapsarrftPftrTT.. .ss prlvtlegeofeaaaa
M galloaa laiub, a 60 galliui kettle, with br« pardon.
inly aud
loll affaire in life boUi private aad bual- iBgsksti-sef atotoWft'u at toelr rtMsnta
aud Eviuiocliue
Eviuigciiue Pvit''hiid Ivihcrl N'o; be held fast He called j
<mS iron jacket and copper biugxd cov Jerk Dimly
ilioat adventure, tbe moat to-1 ?®wn tbc ehafi to myrou.in Jack Dim-1
i^^ea. etc. Yon
for vivctablea eaob (bo lovolioot adventure, tbe
aMvtuua> lu,
w.OrrwniOBAll^Agmu^ w>»s.
.. (sr{ebonld call and give tbia medium a
with a capxctty of B* gallun*; two arm .
. .
,j ___
t'iAJ- to Itoow the future U eucceak,
of aaoveiaiiA a flat- aei rf tool* for lift*
ho wonlta
wnnlta bold
hold , ____________________________
»n,w,„a.4—it.t Tn>nftft lUlns
j I mgiwled for t™mi«."
cn.d Mr. Poa hack np tlic ahnft that he
iag aud tiring and tbe ordinary cuikiug
on nntil he wa* a ekelcion *ooocY thou IT®® halb-fid* microrr proprrir- w e»i
» v ^
ler. (bumping tb<- table testily.
u.in ’ f.„'“
w.-look ^uytbrcmidi"Dw. howsinpidl-I
h^Mupidl-I aaw yon frownfrown- .llow ,h. on., b. lo™i IO n .nn, father.
The line oiBcera'lnok
after tbe ocodi- . "Dear,
' i»s ..orte .lU* or i««tr .ire«. J.ui w.-.t of for terms, reudlDga can be given with
into the clnlubt'S of «och a crni'l
.. ibf rigging. th.-b.-U,
iboogbt yon wamod a black
' ft
.ft. * ' ft* a
ft I card "
X.IICU uiu
old AI.
Mr. x1,0
J u re»r,.-l
rsrioo.Tft vijbx
Ih.t xub
1,1. uuas
do,. | KKS “.'S»
"SSi lock of hair and time of birth. Tbe
most pr imlncDt people conanll ber in
"i placed a si* apot, tben a two OH Would tuajhledowu ih-«h«fi and get in
all cities on bnaineea, etc. Here for a
IKrkboy-. l..-1/’ nCerfPt.wilrr.
^ tbe abmninahk. suitor for ,
t^,,?:^^^J^JP,^"Yonm.tatbeaan;em..t^twob«ud.*hi.daugl.trr> Imnd
he rx-lcwd j
abort time. All invitod to call and get
tJ^n^tN^by olf"tS; : -TO. a^ru tbe lu-».m,«.i Ud the throe ,
And b. showered down w<^ ,
circnlara. Comee here from Maoi
n-]>roacb andalnwu niion bis faith I w
«ld.rt.k.n .be task. A volume m.gbt,
trumpaverr Artt ' child, and my oonain Jack Dimly called
bewntuwife "I dcn't ' np to tur to be of good cheer, as be waa !
derful aupcaat, Boure B a. m. to 0
•rrnptttagame. !**"- f^he did not answer. All night
have tbia day Ukena the barb* p. m. thll over 113 Sonlb rnion atreeU
My laid?
Well, when Mr. Pyn ••»>! ‘how- two deicnniji.-d men clung
a N'orlb Cnino atreet of M
DftUoli ........
All eitlee abe visita is her reliable re
f.-militotthaiKvanneiiBebadmadcnp »« *l>» vlrvaim cable. Morning came, i
^ run and 1 taa«es It fnr
't'sftdBsHeft ..
r UiftldKopidl
her nnticl to marry my conaiu. Jack
»he imuliEhi
c-^iug into tbe , ,.i,ed In flrot daki order: and having liable reference. taUsfaetion or i
Dimly, in spite of bia puveriv, be deter- ' hiu-hm, wlwn old Mr. Pyn, nearly ex- I
>ota of eaperieace in the boalneea •y refunded.
I l^n
mitn-d tn nw ev.ry m-nus in hirpower h»c»“'d. wh»»p*rvd boarxly down (be I boiirit a share of tbe public patren
Aak to see Madame’s devetopen and
yard ommaud.T little remains (or him to L.vp ile-iu apart, ami to acromulisb '
‘hat lUe milkman w.-old looo be a^. taUbfaction gnaranttad or no Cream for reraonag wrinkles, special
to attend l>i In Ibemruntlmcmmi have this he iu.,1 virtually tokixTi his dangh ; oomiug ami i-rfistoxi a troce.
Lv.Trftss.-seCuy.. •Mftfti. .
charge will be made.
Ar. Bk Kopidft........I
Iksn. .
been Irought together to«mislitnte tbe, ............
•' took a flat on tbe' "My cousin nTilu-d that b* dare not
I.M. WHITE. toilei/hrticles.
Lr. Bk Eftpids- .-. s — ftArTraseiae Ctiy.. »tS».
b(g '' h-t go lest tlic old nmn drag up the car. ta-ee-brr Cl. MS
Sotnetime* they an'iCullhtid i—rtim- iixth^T^f a b'ms^TU as triiBve tbe
replied that he would give hi* ______________
larly f,n tbe sliip whuh is aiuui to go
««> r»i o0 that im.i.s Of exit. '
"ot <® if the ysmug man
--------- -----------------------------------------Into —rvUt.. at otn w
withdrawn fmb...^
into oollasiuB
jofi h-sti jnit nut of cnmmli-iua The
Hr ucTir let Even. | finally it wus agr«d that my
Ever Burned Out
oew aud mariu,-* re)H>n aboiird wi
is sirhr.ckiTpt
........ . . J.. at night, j *ho“ld o
If ao yon 'aBOw
bogs and banimocks; tbe captain onlen gvitns out of b..
Evangi Uno together.
tbe value of
tbe c
> be drawn up ou the kper and then be lockrd the door and ____
rtofv er SFftias fti Tl
Juek Dimly went to tbc pyn flat, and,
witb ib,- kry under bit piUow.
AU werfe of aigkcet pe«—MftjrrsAs- Sta
ecl Her O. IM.
father, ^drt w np Ibe car.
docs my oonsic Jack Dtmly do? Dou be '
aaBDOb. Lor * Ou. Mem.
; IBIli ClllieEEC ■■
a empty.”
give np ill di-spair! By no means My What did they
"Why. what became of Evangellner’
from tbe M-cretarytif tbe navy detailing cooeiD Ja^ Dimly iuberited ftam bit cried my wife.
ji iaSASm SSrSSaSTX 8t
tdmfp tbe oooitnand. boista tbe com- annefon—mv ancestora too-^t least
"Tbat war wbat pnmled old Mr. Pyn
of their good qalitiee—be bad grit,
|E'................Ilfllf laiMllllfl.
taiosioti peunant to tbe main track and
nerer went in<o anything eseepi and my consin. Sbo wai gone. Wben
tba man and stripes to the gaff or amff
witb vim and determinatioa. wbetber and tiow, neitbo knew. And, ectnally
at tbe Btom. and all U ready.
bereaTed, they made np ata mooned
Tbe sfaip ia now b otnnniimlaB.—Sag
"Id debt." ventniud Mr. Pumimr,
West Michigan.
.m= 11
M. Jnles Lcmalin coadwitned tbe
etady of Ureck and Latin Ibe other day
AC tbe Parts berbenna Hetaclarud tbat
tbe Mtiooa] mind bod been formed not
by tbe limntnre of tbeGreekaandBomotw. esevpt in aa indirect way. bnt by
tbe Scripttm* tirst and afurwaid by tba
gr-at Priewb writers. M. lamuutre
tartbor dn-lared that be regretted bavbtgat^iMi tirt-sband Latin Ityeare,
whereas be u ignorani Of EnglUh. wbicb
1, H«ih»p by i«»if (be world, and <mly
'Imews Uern'ian in a pUifnl manner.
ling IIn flam Is makiilog great
y in tbe
r bi L
Tbe remwHal cOects of Inngbteroi*
rvollv wonderful.
Cases bare been
known wbire a Iworty bugb bai bantamddiaease and
bfe b7«
trnim ofloTt of oatBie.
^'id^V’ mid Ua
"Wbatl Havelre.
"Sbe waan t at aU. sU waa eimply
Toked? i>par, drnrl There, Iientcnam.
Jnal pat this heart on that trick and give a lovely girl,"cried Mrs. Oggloiby Puame back my spade. Kow it'a all right, Biter. “Sbe married anotlier man, that
and yon needn't eoore three. A* 7 have wai all. A week later bw father and
mid already, my cousiu. Jack Dimly, my consin Jack Dimly got a letter
did not know the meaning of Ibe werd from ber from Kiagara Falls, where abe
earrendrr—not be. For a time nothing was spending Iwt baucymoon. fibe apolwas saen <d him, aad to Mr. Pyn every- ogixMl aud explained that sbe got off at
tbtttg aremed to be going iplendid^. tbe third floor and eloped with a nioe
Kolfaing was beard of ibe detested young bscbtlor who Im-d there.”
"And bow io tbe world bad they beyonag man, and tbe old gra
aeqaaiuted!” uried my
almuat derided that hu own detenuina'Why, tbrongb tbe qieaking tnbea. of
tioa had won tbe day. when a alight inreel How elm uoold toey!"—Hew
eidwt nronacd bit slerpiug anqiiciu-.
While poking aboot tbc fciidmxmeday Turk. bon.
ba bagipemd to open a amall daw. and
before turn, on tbe dnmb waiter, lay a
‘Im’t H odd." atkrd Squildig, "tbat
box of candy. Of oooree be uolled Evangcline. aad of oouraa abe denied all wbat I cat sboald go to my stomaeb,
knowledge of it aad mgg^M tbmt k while whM 1 drink goes to my bcadr’
replied McSwilligen, “It ia
beiOBgsd to aume otb< r family cn tta
same abaft. Be whistlrd down tbe tuba vety strange tbat anything at all should
ir ctotuacfa while yonr head is
Yes. thank yon. Mr. Dockbqr. yon may f» «> 7*w^
deal Iw me. Tta Janiiw. my geninx. 1 *0 omptyl'"—Pittabug Cbranioie-Tel*
nuwwud. Itwasamiataks Ibe box ign|>b-
Giuil Ripids »iDiliiii K. B
I Buying Logs! | ’iii
^If you have any to aell eorreapond with the ^
Traverae City Lnmber Oo. We hare r1*o ^
Sound Hemlock Ltunber,
Haple FlooriuB,
Short Haple Wood.
Itids For Sale-Suitable Fuf Farms.
g-' Mill machlaery of all deacriptionn,- including two en^
ginee, net. worita, carriage and eawa. A eomplete
MW nUl pUnt for aalr.
ftl besM-h trota i
UftI lINko: to.
scrlTeft frea
s ieartm ItotoSHObr
ooawoao o.'r! aVa5 mraSi lanMe
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