The Morning Record, October 15, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 15, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Mow iB rrogT—■ eu Hatal.



TUniTeuw-Ko 764.
B^ceti to Meet Xlag of Balglaa aad
. Spotod a Veek to Loodoa.
Bertto. Oet 14 —Bs-Pmideat Harriaea. who to startog at the Eatoerhof,



StMunsr Bornod WUhAvAil
Bggulta TMtorday.

^ We Have Already

1« Laaba Appeato' to Vashlagtaa to
Have Saab BetabUihed.
Bsvaaa, Oet. 14.—to aa editorial to­
day U Lmeha appeato to the goveca-;
Bent at Vaehlngioa to mtobHak a civil'
goverament bare. It eaye that dartog'
the Spaatoh regime Ooba wm alwaye
dealrow of balng goveraed by dviltaoe.
bat thto wee never permittod. aad ton
yean of mlUtory reU made the people

bought oyer twice aa much Holiday Goodfl
aa laat year and the aeanoa it yoong yet
Some ol theae purebaaea are 'exHoing in
aod will gradually brighten ap our store as
the aeaaou approachea. '
Drop in and look tu «rar once a week

BtoCTOw to order to aeeepit aa tovito
evetal Uvn Zieetto Borslpg Feml
Prtooe Hobealobi, tha
B0wanl AU»Am «a lUtoktac Wm to dtoaar
to Long IsloBd SooBd-Wotoea aad
imperial obaaeeilor. Bo had a loeg
ChUdraa Fartohed froa a Foaaderchat with the emperor at Potadam
Vktt^VnvQfiTrMloSBOCvtb* Moaday, aS4 atoo set 4»eeea WUhalm- tog Life Boat-Ore* and Bmengen
Bom ot Tm Boom% iaaof the Netherlaada. Be will vtoit Braved Dangea MeroioaAy—Tha
BOW tovorabls for ths reaUtatioa
9mm Bat tte Batwy B«fwo« u The Btgaa. aad por&apa Antwerp and; Buamer Vaa Baa Aahora.
Brmeto At the latter plan he ea>.
apKisl ts Tn Mcanse Bmxib.
The paper daelsres thst the eonotry
peeto to atoot King Leopold.
■•Htoi M Tn MomaiM Bacomo
Tbe ea-proeldeat wOl then apuuS s
New Foih. Oet 14.-BaA bw qalet eaoept for the agltotlea that
>»Pl aP >>7 tbeaswepapenaad polit-,
Loodoa. Oet 14.—Tho fiofooU tdad week to Loodoa aad wfll aaQtfor Now tarings to li^kt new homm that
elol* Itdonaot arge that lhe|
of IrhUagiocetaroa today o. oorth Fork oa the Amerieaa Itoe ataamhlp toad the beniiag of ths steamer. Nat |
State which wn baraod this! Amerieaa troopa be witbdrawa. If
St Pool on Oetober it.
Bdo of tho TtmotmL UoBorm) Whlleh
moratagaadtonowlytoga wroek o« i “T*
« gaaraatos or­
traofo triad to oofogo a loreo of Inbs pat
radlag Boon at Vaa Boasoah yoM.
6 o'eioek oat to the soaad, aad after
thlaks that oeogreM baa amay mea
bat tha aaaoiy rafaMd to flght
tokea off
wu beached. It probably wUl not be who are able to righUy govern Caba.
Oaoonl Otooio'o Barghar foreao begao
Insarggntd War* SeAttofed koowa fw maay days bow etoay aad it anks the American prem to aesiat
aa atiaek oa HafoklBC, Ool &
perisked bat oevea of tbeveMelto erew to the campaign to seeare the antotof
By 8ehwBn*s Borceg.
Pewall laaklag a dooparata raotou
arekn own to be lost m well aa several ■eat of one of theaf
Tbe eeatlmeat erpremed by U Laebs
Asotbor armorad Itala trying to raaeb
women and ehildren. who want down
to general among Cabana of all clams,
KalaldBg WM dratroyad by tbo Bbora. Barmy Drifoa From* Xmas Vltb with the swamping of the Ufe boat.
Most of tha peaseagen were saved pad a ohange woald doabtlsM be wel­
Baavy I.9M and Blight AMfcaa
Oaaaral Bailor Uosed a praelamUoa
comed if tbe traooe rematoed. So long
OModtiea-MaJor Obstham Faraaad and token off by tbe steamer City of
I to be loyal to the
Itowrvacr. which ww also on her way as tbe preeeat feeling between Cebaae |
Bebsto With 176 Van With Oood
qaooa. Maoy attacki bare booa made
from Bridgeport to New York. The aedSpaalardegrowewone instead of]
Baaalto-Oeastal Toaag to Agres- freight wti ill dnt^yed. Aftfcr the better U to realised that the thought of
otKafaldag.bat the Boora wore re
pemngen were neeaed:Uie vem 1 waa taking tbe troop# away ehoald not be
palMd Tiao^rti with more troopi
Maoils. Oet U.^nvral bchwaak 1 b «bed by her caotoia at S o'clock. entertolaeA________________
hare arrived at Natal.

The Shrewd Buyer
a!dly ^ U.en ,0. ,5? b. b.^ .S. to
Monday We Offer


LoadoD. Oot. u —The BoebaagoTcl
agrapb eompanr bae roeelved a die
patob from Cape Town eayiag that tb.
Boon bare blowo ap anolher armored
traia earrylDg telegraph operator,
from Mafekiag.
la eoaoeeUoa with tbo raaotod at
toA on Mafekiag It Is foportod from
rrotoria that the Baatoabarg aad Marloo
have erooeed the hor
4v aad eatered Booignad torrltor;.
botweoa, Llobteaborg aad Mafektaf.
blowlag ap the bridge over the Malep
portTsr. distcoyiag a tralaioad of dy
Baadtoaaa the track. Mafekiag depoads apoa Boolgroad for Ite vraUr
The Boon are alee reported to bavr
•alud tbe railway etaUoa aonb u(
Boarteea Streama. batwoea Vrybar^
aad Kimberley. FlgbUag U alUl eop
tlaai^ la the a^hborbood.
Ai Mafekiag U eat'off talegraphlea]ly. etoriea from there, gaaerally ol
KaSr orlgla. most be regarded with
tome eaeplekm, bei tbere is every
.probabUl^thatOeaeralOroajs's oom
■aad hae begoa to aaeaall Mafekiag
^aolWel Badea-PowaU, who to ie oom
■aad at MafeUag, to a mao of ike
grooMBt eearage. bet be hae oaly t.ooi
■OB, all bat 600 of whom are Irregalaia.
Oea. Sir Baorge Btawart, eemmaad1^ la Natal, to eoUmalod to bava abOBi
U.Hib ma, ■rolehed la st*oagly
OBtoaaobed potottoos from LadymalU
hoDaadea. tbere to ao aatboritatlve
ovArmaUoaof tberepwtofa batUe
fa'Hatal. altboegk ssaay Boera have
aaqaeetlooably liroiiM tbo border.
Qspe T»wa. Oct- U.—lo eoaarqa'
of roltmted reports that the Orange
free State barghere ooatomplate ac
-attaek apoa Maeeaa. the Brittoh bead
qoartere to Baantolaod. the resideat
ommander has ipkea ample elope for
Tbere baab
yetoftheBuuloa. Oaeorlwo minor
ebtoto are Inellaed to tide with the
Oiaage Free Stole, bat their atUtade
to caased by fear of raids. Free State
aathoriUca, pawd the border eatoe.
alvaly. OedI BhodM wiU tmmmli
Kimberley aatU the ead of the '
Beaaye tho town to folly provtoh
udMsateea PioeadiUy.
Ciatbarlay. Oet. l« -The report that
flgbttag hM tahaa plaoe at Kraat Paa

Welaeaea by ▼olaauon B
From PUUppiaes.

oolaom ewang Into Imni froia Das
MariBM ymterday mamtag aad
camped at Baeoor laat night It hM
seattered the insnrgents. who are prob­
ably retiring by detoebmente on Indsng The ooodiUon of the roads wUl
prevent farther pnmiL
One hondrod and twenty-flve of tha
Thirty-eerimtta vdlaateere under comtsjor Obethnm. drove tho tomend of Mt
Mtb and weatward tram the

299-229 Front Street

geie. Mleep in toe bertha, were awokened, either by the smell of smoke and
eraektog of flaeiM or by toe efforU of
toe erew who rosbed i
t all hando. Tbe
Netmeg State carried a large cargo of
mised freight, in a enrprUlngiy abort
time. M toe Ufe boato of the steamer
were being lowered by| aome of toe
men among toe pMiengera. and while
tbe erew WM-bnsy flghUng the fire.
the steamer City of
npooUlebewM within a abort dtotoaee of toe barnlag boat. Tbe pMaengen aaved ware
til boato. Tho boatmea who went
oot to toe aMtotanoe of toe bnrnii

A Glove Fit


Shoes. They sre toe oboe esccess of tbe century.
Our lllsstrsUoD rlvfs s genersl idea of our "Pens Opera"'.>oot,
msde in light Arm kid, rritb tip
of Mme, flexible sole, higbvsmp.
A fsvorite with young lodlM.ond
a dainty'
dainty elegsat

one of■ a number Of eiSer*
It styles.
yles. Shoes
for droM, street
or outing.


AmeHcaa Ospl}^to Organising to
Sopply tae Demand in Sooth Atnoa.
Now York. Get. 14.—George A Lov
up for $86,000.
lag. a catUrmen of Fort Worth. Texas,
is In tbU city and hss been negotiating
d Sate of AmerieoB with New York eapttollats. laeladlng
aad After Bconring OharleaB-Ftiotoad
,. Xu T.U. lu XUU .U
regarding the yrgaalmUon of a xexM
cattle cmnbinatioa. It Mi propoaed to
Chkago. Oet. 14.—Pour mMked eopltollce tor ornpanv at from SM.OOO,
robbers Mixed operator, towers of toe 000 to and to operate li in
NorthwMtera reread 48 mllM out of affiliaUon witb the large
Chicago, at midnight Uet night, trlbntore of tbe eonotry.
If fonaodt^e conoern would be able
dropped tbe rod light and stopped tbe
fMt mall. They overpowered toe crow to take advantage of tbe heavy demand
aad dymanitod toe edfe of the Ameri- by tbe British government for meat m
eabEx|MtMCo.aadBeeared tU.OOO In arasaitof tbe Transvaal war. That
■ reported today
The train formed qprt of toe fMt have four etoadlng orders in tfait oountranaooatinentol maU roeently eatab try. eaeh for 4.S50.000 pounds ofrboef.
tbe'British army at
liabed bMweea New York and San
Franeiaeo. it U eMtomocy to carry iatervslc.
Mr. rUnt. in speaking of toe proonly two care oonUlnlag sspram and
mod eombinstlon. Mid:
' mail. Ike train wm atopped by obow-Mr. Levering has letters from
log toe wrong tower aignala Tbe
eral of toe leading state oerai
on toe engine and
palled tbe engineer to pull it out two TsiM. which is gsnsrslly looked upon
mllea from toe train, after two of them M so saU-trusl state, commending the
hod nneonpled It, Tbe engineer mode OEganiziUoD of its propoaed eatUe
aflgkt. but dMlstodafter belngebot ak oompany. Evidently the Terns, peo­
Foer otoer men attockad tbe coadoe- ple don't believe In monopollee ualete
tor and brakemon. Many oboto wera they are Ip them.'’
flrad to InUmidate them. One brakeBV^BD ODT TXLBFaOHBS.
man eeeaped and raced to Blbnra
where be managed to aend on alarm
Bleotrie Storm Dlfl Damage in Vaa.
to toe train diepateher at Cblcego.
Tbe gaaeral manager of the Ameri­
ManMtoa, Oek 14.—FoUowlag a day
can Kxpreae company at Ohieago eetlmatm that there wm 6*5,000 in toe ■f midsammsr heak pbeBomeaal for
. Tbeaamantof jiweliy, ete., ie tokUmoof year, a flaroe eleetrieal
unknown. Aa eaet bound freight atorm paaeed over this eity laat night,
train WM oederad bock to the scene of barnlng out forty UlsphoaM and toe
toe bold ap. Tbe tower ^aratm wm eleetrie light aad delsglag straeto and
The hooM of B. N. Tlbfoond bopnd aad gagged. Every effort
M ti^«g made to praveat tba robbart blto WM atrnek. demolishing toe ehlmfrom gettlag into the city, as the
tea of their eaptara in toe oooatry
lafu' bMar.

Bhlph Oonnabla Jr., Xaiu«w.


***!?’“• “^“**- . _ ^
Among the marriage lloeatM toned
The 6re uriglna.^ toatbs boUer
room trem s spark flying into a part of Ki«iu»er of Interloehea, aad Eva
tbe hold where OombaeUtale freight | Wigktman of Monroe Oaater.
stored Tbe Are spread with greet Smfl.
rapidity ana in fa OomparaUvely abort
8UU •elllagatSceatoa loaf at Frank
time toe steomw' wrapped in flame#
va if

They panned them aeveral mile# and
reUreO on Bseoor last night by tbe
deapole river road:'J7«r Iom wm three
killed, two wonaded and one missing.
General Sehwoo's movement hM bMn
very enooeMfnl and hM Intiotod heavy
loM on toe mpn end property of the
aonthern toea^ent army. Ha raporto
that their eMnalllee ore »o killed' and
400 wonndod, and that their storM of
sapltos have boon deetroyed.
General Yoong wot soaving 'from
Arayat north and wMtword ycetorday.
Beecaltored toe insurgenU, who re­
tired 4o tbe nortowmt His OMnalttoa
ware torM ollghUy wounded. Oonaid- hevnd admirably and that there wm
ao sign of a panic.
erable grain wm captored.


A Copy of Peter Sterling, cUrth. new editior;!* 76o

mil Z

ZERO tn.8TB&.


liike. all othar *'gbod things”—for sale exolnalw^y by

15^ W S. BENDA & CO. '““oSW


Overcoat Values..

If you WBot a pick from one of tLe largest overcoat stocks in
S this
uiui part of
t the slate—goods that are new aod stylish—all
—j._ from
the cheapest to tbe finest—at prices that at
7 grades,
? onoe stam
imp them tbe best values evgr offered in good overcasts.

Come to this store.
We invite yonr csrefnl examination of
r snperb st^k.

Morthvwtera lilmited H«ld

Abmdaaa, S. D.. Oet 14.—Pnaldoat
MoKlaleyto traia arrtvad at ■ o'eloek
«hto ■oraiag. The prlaetpal part of
ttathroag to
ofthaFUatBaaib I
■ho Bcrtvai today Cma tha PhUp. VaTaahtB
ptoaa^ TVy-anbedtroto tbe depot
■ -------------------- A g. TrtmiM.
Now York. Oet. lA—Tbsre wm a
who Wlowod Itotoedtotily atur the
light to Dash hrMss thM amralag,
wvli«a6 0f thopnoidaat oad ■Moot
favahofcdaloatlaak te thoyaeht
pAma. Ootcmsl Fvoat rade at tha
todar. bat ^ U ohloA aeareaty
head •< the nglMt aad «e they
aayalr ww sUfTtog aad the hoam
pMoite tha fovtowiag alaad than hnagahoat walttog far eiwethlaffto

Bzcellmi veer is Itale brood

Look fer.lbr TrsOr-Mork os iOf ooIf

When yon ttny yotu>


Horry Vaat VIU Act as Affemt for
•fiat Atlantic A Faelfle Oa.

fsabeat to amkark la tho tea aad eof____________Tha Great Atlaatfa A
PadfleTbaOo. wflleotobUeh aaacaacy
la thM sl»
Mr. Baat wm hava
• •
Tha storawai
Oalea i
^^Ce%lad fanafl to--------- r—^-z- he Iomtod at 411 Saath
atUdNthecBM ww AoelaraA off ter aadwttl be opaaod1 M eona to the
win ho la aahort
today. Tho heat- wYH raw on Meadhy.'weathm

Kxtra hca*r tor to* boya- Ugbier •■Figki lor

You get a


Nobody wanU to



$3.50, $5. $6.50. $7.5q, $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $25.


Eidsslre list t«r VMM fjtlltj ShM










; moMMJMQ vsooas.
TK4TSMB orrr. •


. g, W. BAnn. Bditor uA UaaMgtr.


of mbUfl Work* l«**
<maa*d thm Wif.


«Hi. T. «A» *«P J. W. tUXfMM.


Mpwrtooca ad j med aatU Mt^dapd]
pintkia ®f Twwty »•» Umltr^ urpoM att o'eloeb. after dln«arinc o*
WhWr WoA» toUMU t« b* C*n- theboalneas of theeooBiy wbieb had
I p.-euDtsd ap to ihe tlate of ad»«► .__ amont. The »oot important mat­
ter to COM before the board wwt the
Th«.baM4 «* F«bl1p workB b*ld • npoct of the bnlldlBC committee of

MiTMMiaclMtklcbt Md dl*e^
Mml IsportoB'
OaiM MrMt
Mur U* I
OtT ftnrtnntr MoeiMp bed
eduiebridfeudCBTeM bta <»Woa
( *■**1^
ttet the ra«eat er*ek dleeoeend in tb«
•ealh ebetBflot wm »ot of » eerteu
It Tr>«WM Olo.
woold set eBeet
Mmftb or dmWUty of tkeem
Be bad alrwdp aeoepted tbe brOffr
Tnn b »o ■SAwwia wnd to tbo
. oa the Stb
tnm the eoatm
mMUmU M.prtMod bj PmidMt Meetor Hapden bu
Xtaloj 4artat hte pmoot toor reffud- Oetober. asd OoJ
r for the Uei
lac hte rUUppiBe peticT- Be eeor*d
papmsDt of tTlI. Tee board eilao ez____________________________J JBtbat
amiacd the kridpa asd their oobcIm
fwteCblt Mtoneapedto cpeeck »hleh
WM»(«*l»«of the terrllortal powth lose ware elmllar w iboee of the taploeer. BstlnorderU) be oo the aafe
0l iBe eeeatrp. Is a moaW rtfeoUre
aide thep deeldod to withhold the ftaal
n-------he ebowad ^t thep were
aal« reacatlaf prophedea which have papmeat satU the an^Uoa of the
twestp dape prorided Is the eostract
baas eo ihoroofhlp falaihed to Uu
llMeep of the aatloB that the Ameri' ea tha limit of time tor papmeat after «tkl SMsiVpaie'oc ri
____________ of the work. Thle wlU
treci suC rsiru
MB of todep wonder* at the (plip of to Oat*. .
defer the papment nnUl October Mlh. .ftiMuw
«a teoC.........
^eaa who made them.
aalM the board dedldaa to make the
The committee eelimatee that the
eas be eompleted for abMt
WSMSOi^il the letter of <
than the amonst of the ap­
amelSrpaa. eaptscUiathe woaU po
tatapanUeetomakemonep. BiaUfe'e tor oooelderable dleeoaeion. The board propriation.
hae reerired firnree on alMoet erarpaaWthm baa bees to pat the poeeraTIXBOTHBDAKS
tblap except the balldinp of the rcaerMSt to make mosep toplreU awap.
rolr. Thep wlU hold aepeelal mMUap
Ikatoolt JoaraaL
Por Ike Trial of tke Oaea Bpslaai
aezt Tharadap alpht to
Poke Barry.
work aad ubaUta thalr flparaa to
Vow that Ooeataor Piapraa baa de pr»«it to the eoaselL While the
Tke eaee spalset John Barry, aecsed
allaad todrv* ^
mtpocaltp proa- beard Asdea
of b^oHiinp fish of a else smaller thu
foata la Detnit the eitp haa raelpsed iron, the Indleatlone are. that their
rrqQlred bp law. was beospbt be­
ttMlf lo the nriral of the roller akat- ntimau of the ooet of oonetracOos fore Jsdpe Boberie peeterdsp mornlsp.
and material of the water works pleat l-'rwl Prsa appeared for the peopU.
wUlbeooaalderablpleeB than the ee end Oeorpe-H. Crom for the defenm.
SaasD BaniM wm bare so esrslral timatemadebp Alderman Montapse: The date of tke trial wae fixed fer
hhto pesr: bat as alleped briberp hot hlpher than the eettmate made bp October #0 at» o’elodr.
iWitinr Is tba board of edaeatkm la Bapiseer Bafter.
The defen|e was asxlone for the
aareiac«» hwp thisn »^yof the ease, bst
be tried at least ss early as the Mtk.
Bnpane Paekard It back at kle desk
It Is thonpht that whM the time fixed
la the offloedf the Bamlltoa dothlnp
for the trial of the ease arrived, that
Oo: sfter a trl^ the r—----------------- at the Preelssd Bottaa.
the defenee will ask for afortber adtheetaic.
ObM of Police Bessie wae eompelled
Mrs.8.A.OMshaer*tiirBed after a lonmmenv oo as to brtap the trial oa
dnrisp the cloeed flshlop eeaeoo when
two weeke' visit in sonthera Mtehlpas
the witneesM from Morthport eas at­
ateeeapalr of refraetorp boardera Is
Mias Lsep Brooks has returned from
tend wlthosi loeisff vstepble Ume.
•he Praelaad Boom that thep bad bet­
' > few days’ vl*l» ^ Mssokester.
Mr. Barry, was relessed on his o*
ter laara. TheamnisqaeBtioB are at
Mimes Kellis asd Marp Brooks of
wark oa tha C. A W. M. eosetnetloa Mssehmter are vieltisp their elaler 'recopsUssee^_______________
(tap asd had bees ordered bp Land- Mim Lsep Brooke
At Bsrtford. Miss Jesse Kispton.
lord rraalasd to leare the hotel. Whes
Ulm Marparet Vivlas of Monroe le school teacher, whipped s child nsmed
•bap retsaed to do thle, the police were v^tlap her oossls, W. K. Kellep asd
Sbsfter. Bii fstber proeecnted bir
'aammoaed. Chief Bessie asd Officer
Aabtos arrlred asd tmphaaifod the ' Leon Vas Lies ef Bdlalre epest pesAeataod of the landlord that the men terdsp with bis sister. Mre W. K. Kel­
Uara the bslldisp. One of the boardley.
an attacked Mr. Bennie, but wae aeon
J. W. aiffe
Udtoeeethatbehadnmdea mietake.
laet nipht.
Be naked to be let ep bp aipne, aa
Miss Barden, tarcher in tbeSottans
Baasleb prtp on hie throat peerected
Bap eehool. was in the city yesterday.
him from apealdnp. Hie other
Bap Faulkner retarned to hts home
wasted to take a hasd In the mis np.
I Charlevoix pmterday afmmoon
bat Ur. Aehton cffedtlrelp prerented
atier a pleaaast visH with hie eonsios.
this The mes left the hotel.
[laaes Lelah asd Myrtle MDier of
Wasblnpton strMt.
Mim Marion Poboml of.Wmt BIpbt
eunet. relnmed peeterdap aftomoos
At Opetw •«PP« •«»« ^ Oo«d from a visit In Anrors snd Chiespo.
.Templare Z«at VIpht
Mrs. C B Psipe will spend the dap
lie oyster supper plven bp the Good at Klk Bapids with her eon Jnlina
Templsrs test evenlnp wss s very esBon. -Perry Bsnnsh retnmed to the
jopakle sfsir. The food wae delldons dtp peeterdap from Chlcapo. He wae
and a larpe crowd partook of It. The
bp hie danpbter. Mrs.
•Bppar was s sneeem from the stand- Oeorpe W. Gardner, of 8i. Paul. Ulan,
J TKf«RM*l(
pelat of attesdanoe. Istarmt asd asd her children, who wUl visit here
r Cum^brviV and V*an d'vataaaa.
dnxy^Va^ 25d^50d
fievoral pleasant social featnrse
Charles Bverett wss called t« Cleve­
iatrodneed. amosp tkem kolnp a pneae- land pmterday by the news of the
lap coatest. In which the pentleawn's sadden death of bis mother.
priM wss woB bp Joe Werner, while
Charlm Uroadfoot has retoned from
ItarU Wemer carried off theladim' a two weeks vUit st Detroit.
Mr. snd Mr*. W. B. Kietcher snd
A very pleaslnp pnipram was render­
lUdren returned Isst ntpbi from s i
ed as follows:
*0 weeks visit st Cbieapo.
JPtSBQ solc-Uasde Moody.'
Bdbert MeKensle of the ssplnm Isft
Vocal sole—Bsrtos Simmoads.
ipmterdsp tor a two weeks visit is DtOnliar aad maadoUa dad—CMfv.
trott and bis old tome In Bnren |
sad Lo^ Belm.
Bemarks-B J. Uveadar.
J. 0. bsseas and wife of Hsttoss {
BaMmUos-Oarra O Keal.
Bap wme 1s tha dtp peeterdap.
J. L. Olbhs of Mapfild waa la ttodtp'
B. B. Daily of (Bmplra waa Is the
XHitofeUeenses Tkl. Tear Apprw
pate 170 Tkns Far.
Tke baaiaem of the marrlape Ueaaee
are Traveiee City vlsitore ymtoidap.
It of Ooastp Clerk Kevrtoa's
Ml*. E. W. Paine retnrssd to her
eOee kas bees pnttp pood dnrisp tke home pmiardap aftm a two weeks
Beqnire no Bnbbers
peat pear, asd In exeem of asp pt«- visit with her son. F. M. Psln*.
doas jmr. The anmber of lieenem
Mrs. Geo. U. BaU hsi retarsed from
praated tbns far thk pear
a dsit to the aonthara part of the
ITO. M apaisst 148 at the oo
date last pear.
Ur. and Mm. 8am Tkompeem mtnrsad lam evealnp from VarmUllea. Ohio.
Mr. aad Mm. C. 8. Johaaos asd aoa
Mom Utarktehas.
Oeo^ left pmterday lor a tea days
Oa tke loth of Deoemtaer. iser, Bov. vMit la Shepherd and Alma. Mr. Johnvrill attend Oraad Lodpe of L O. a
A A. Donnboe. pastor M. B. Chnrcb.
•oath. Pt. Pleasant. W. Va.. ec
Bvarypniff solid as Brook
F. at Bep Cily next vradi as a repreadaaevere oold whioh wm ai
eataUva from tbs lodpe ef this dtp.
Q-t them o'f
WiUlSM B. Johnson of Mabel wm
samker of aooallsd 'speeifieB.' nsaall the dtp pesterdsp.
kept la ^e tot^ U>
A. F. Osmeroo retnmed pastmdap
from a trip to Chkopo. where he hst
. acted like a
been pnrehadnp poods for the Usman
tUe eempanp.
J. L. Smith went to Aldea laat alpht
on buslnmaFrank Kafka west to Omnd BaaMs
yesterday on bodness tor tha Hercan
Hwv K.S800*. «»€»■. r---

.. -


!l Tlw Cura Hurt CwM.




Boys and Girls



Is a good thing to have
in any room and yon can afford one in
every room if you buy from us. We have
them in all styles and prices from a full
spring, spring edge conch at
75 to a
nice $40.00 Davenport sofa.

, ’5K.oTvdLa.ta
UUfiV CTbA^^vuViv
3b.T« CQtVfi\«\\A% ^


ISO Front 8t

SVoVet, Capet,


BTV& kW &TTVfi.U^n Irom ok«
O^.ttvt W\ ATtfik \AT^e&\
\\vt &A^c.


i. "Oa. mVVWLea.

House Fumiablng Btore.



! :

Made, Laid


Reasons Why


ladies should wear

the carpet paper

Gray Bros
,-Fine Shoes.

is what is included when you
buy. our Ingrain carpets at 65c,
. the Brussels at $1.00, or any
of the better grades. ‘ You
buy the carpet and we do the
rest." Have yon bought your
fall carpet? Belter select it
early—These are our busy
days in that department—Car­
pets selling fast—buy while
you can get the pattern, you
want. Remember the first

Light on a '
Dark Subject
was the Illinois search light
turned on a colored man. An­
other black matter is polishing
your stove, setting it up. fixing
the pipe and all those little
things. We do all these and
save your hands—and your
temper—(or a small remuner­
ation. If you buy a new stove,
these are all included free of
charge. Have you seen our
great stock of Stoves, Heaters
and Rangesr $6.50 to $55.00.

They are fashionable.
2— -They ht perfectly.
They are-comfortable.
Thej’ combine elegance
with durability.
5— They are of superior con­
b-They are made in the new­
est shapes.
7—They cost no more than
other shoes.
VVe havelhcm in all sizes and
sell them for $3.00. $3.50 and
$4.06 the pair.

‘•Pies Like
Mother used
To Make”
If you use None Such New
England ' Prepared Pumpkin
or Monarch Condensed Mince
Meat. Sell at i oc the package
and will make two good big
pies, (you can make three but
two's better,, you don’t get so
much crust.) The Pumpkin
contains all the ingredientsrequires no cooking—just add
the milk. The mince meat Re­
quires a pint of water for each
pie* and stew until the meat
becomes of the desired con­
sistency—say fifteen minutes—
It is then ready for the crust.



Kimliill Piiios til Oreats



Frank Friadrich

The Hannah ^ Lay Mercantile Cn.

«HS MOHvnro ukiobd. stnrnAir, ooiobxb i«, i«m.
rxiBAAAVT socnaL wmn,-

mm. mmmm


Mr. ••« Mil. r. T. O VaO wmn k^
pUj averted iMmlfktMtkatr koM
ilUrwnvrirwiviwri^iKvrwwIr as MaM TBMk bMM kp a larva na
4i BotfhtM, AlMMdar OoloaW. ot friaeda. Tka aaaaitac «aa daaoird
US Ika vaaM ot mmmt. aoeal aad ta>
air*tf II. aoU kli latkar^ uwb Car wso.
amaMBtal B«ak aad a food aaelal
•kewad tb« aioMT M kto aweatkaart
UaM. AMWi xlav ralrtakseau i
Md «nr«d M
wkiek aka a«raad ta Tkar
Dalalk for tkalr
fatkar r.plarl.1 Ua ko«aa aad tkalr
pifklpaaraafoDr. Baitr Oaarlvkt
traa aarriad at BatUa Craak aad atarv
*d wlUs bte krida ta do ■iMiooarv
worit for tka Maikodkia la Cblaa.
lAatjaarkerava traatMst la 11,000
pallaats aaaa of irkka cam MO BUaa
Via kla lo .bcu ...


Bafore daparUartka fMata

“«■ <>■«•“

tat plaoaa of eklaawarr, aa tokaaa at
tkaraiaaalarrklekakaiakaUkv krr
Waad.Tra*a«aOrty. Ikarsapaalc.
w-tkapU-ol tkafaUp
* K»ll»akaaooe
« Oav« dorpci
A rrrpplaaaaat affair waa tka partp
Vlaaa Prldap araalac In honor of Mka
>• •• I*- •»>• <“

u -‘■"••k.-iaui. .co™ i.

-r-. - r»«

IIWT ~«1.W rt Oil™.
lOaiad It) rWa Friday alpht and erary
aria tka wayot a food tima at ika aapanaa of tka naw BOBbara. Aa a pr»pantlon for tka Initiation tor M konra
pretloaa. tba >0 wara foread to appear
ta poblle wltb kalr parted on the left
alda and arranfed behind in two pictatU, one tied with while. Use other

»r. ~™d. i
.^d a tna plata vI«m »1t^r war* left M uskan of ika aataons
of Mi«Oave-a tallow osMbm of'tka




laa«M tor Ohio next week Us atady the nsln ra.
prea.iiu Im iude aman
metkodt of a larfe farm V tka aame mi-k(l<-., omaim-otai aiud*. cl<"'
natare near tka eliyofClrelerUla Thla »ati-bf«. Kw«-tii. c lCRm. walkluc atic i

stein Bloch & Oo.
Hart, Sohaf&ier & Marx.
Selb & Son.


youac people to eater Ike foreica mkBamoel U.ilry of Oeden. baa joal alonary work. Friday the MiaMa
barveatad 18,$(n knabala of poiatoaa LotUe Hoffman and Clara Sexton VB^
from at acraa of cronnA Tba crop la BatUe Creek for Boaolnla. the MUaea
woiih SS.tUO qa the flelA Sofar beele DaUa OoaU and Ida Boyer left for Oalare Ml In It with Use Uydejs-potato.
.cutta. India, and Mlaa Ktehael Patere
The preaenoa of mind of a alx year for Use lalaed ot Trieidad.
olddaachlerof J. 8. Palmer of H<
Tbefirat fatal banUng accident of
watnp. aaved the life of her two i

..ui b.ib
*' aecidrntally ekot throacb tbe heart

realdeniofBaatTawa.. ledend. When
flint married ahe waa taken to Una»-i*®'‘“'*"-------------------------mala aad there made a alave for many |
Ooaidn*i Hava Blood Ik
yanra. Two of her cblldrvn were borni H he'd had Itohlnc PUea. They're

Kosenwald & Weil.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx.

Earl & Wilaon.
Wm. Barker.

Berliner, Strauss & Meyer.
Cutter & Crossette.
^I^ether it’s Clothing or Furnishings
only the best mahes in our stock.

Clotliine-Undentur-Troiisers'CollaTs-Cuffs ind Neckwear.

all aeeapod and reached
Usance came north.

Havana. >or lojuncS: Pains or BodUy BmpUoaa
| H> the beat aalve la the worid. Price

criTbr^brif rrjs:;

kaa been left to hsm by hU father, who _
raeaaUy died In Bwedan. Tka amoant
iaaotkmswa. bat Mr. Patoinon aaya,
kU father wa. wealthy wbea be left
Sweden over to yean ago.
aon la a nalque ekarMtor. Urine •
of kermltk Ula. HU kowe and
roandlncB are painted to all the ealora
of Use ralakow. He prafare tentUif
kU farm InaW^ of working It hlmaalf
and kaa no living antmaU about tka
place. At Umaa be U botkarad by a
etraage fancy that ghaata are boUsaring him aad atiribatea any UU or aedAanu to kU aUsaraal bood&o.


------:-------------------AUnItn a hoedw

' ‘
the people be'
a acqnalBtod
with Use atore. lu
tod wiui
npto-datamathoda aad—Banda. In
a vary abort Umr pabtle favor kaa
made tkU new Arm tka laadi
ihefroak'' Btrictadkarta following ralaa kaa madt
InBawhatltU; Benda aalli
tor eaah^ao kook aeaoanta—ao bac

—n^ rxMMM*fOT ^*eoUtoto^^^
ira of
that glve-credU
muatpaytoralltoaaetkinga. That'a
why Beada can well afforx to nnder.
Hobkad tka Grave.
Ball eoa and all who do bMlnaB on
the old faaktonad plan. Beada reA atartllag laeidant U aanatad by
fnnda tka Boaay on any parchaae
John Oliver of PhUadelnkla. aa tollowa:
thoald It not be aaUrely aatUfactory
•■I waa la an awful eoadttloa. My akia
^Beada woald a Usoamnd Um
retoer bare yoar good wUl tbaa year
aldaa. no amUte.
whole bank aeoonat-Banda fally
fnareateaa every dollar's worth of
by day three p
me ap. Then I ■
goodstobejMtaahe aaya they are
—try aad oee if yoa can And a tingle
- r great joy. tba
aaan to thU city who kaa any reason
Snt tetUe
a decided impi^ato oompleia of bed treatment recelvBeaV leoattoeadtkelr nM to^tkrea
waeka.aod am now a well man. 1
ed from & Baade A Co.

Closing Out
I Have Decided To Quit The
Shoe Business.
The entire stock of shoes and rubbers bought
of Mr. E. McNamara at 50c on the dollar, together
with all tbe new ^oods bought for fall trade must
be closed out by Jan. 1st. as I will positively close
business at that time.

Only Very Low Prices Will Do It
And everything will be cut to ridiculously low prices
regardless of cost or values. Come quick before the
sizes are broken, and see what we will do for you.


ko one abonld faU to try Sml.


eeali a loaf at Ttealt

$2.00 and



Men’s Shoes!
Men’s bisck kid bals, psteot tip, imtant lac« stays,
(air stitch—nothins to equal them in style and aervice—a regular 12.50 aboe. one week...........................
Men’s black vici kid bals. fast colored hooka and eye­
lets. London tip -tbe egual of any .$3.50 shoe in tbe
market, one week............................................................................. $200'
Men’s leather lined oalf bala, oaUide bac’katay. per­
forated tip—a regular $2.50 shoe, one week .i.............$2.00

nright's Health.
Swltz Oonde.

V" .S"'™

aero tana in Baton townahip. The ehmnt Ball, a ptactorra-shar ot Paw
farm wae bequeathed to the eoUace in
a will made by Mlaa Wall abortly be-, Tie SeTenUi Day

aleep eooodly^
Cheat and I
aomethtog I can acaroely remembe
Ing before. I feel Ukr aocndlng lu
preUee Ufroaghoat Use tiBlveme." Dr.
King'a New Dtaeovery U guar
aak ehaat <
'Itroebleaof toe throat
tanga. Prlee Me and ft. Trial botUe
10 eu at Jus O. Johnaon'a apd 8. &
Walfa drag atorce.



of nearly SS.OOO yearly. The Grand «t>eu from auusiviuim. duuura. devoted
Uavan Ban Intend to bay forty pole- to tUiliuble purpuM^s.
cate which Ualde of three yeart they
-------------------------claim wmiaoreaaeUs'i.OOqor niora.
atront Halt
b, U.. »lbU»
pul.. .1 Oi.


The Boston Store,.uoi«™ •l—.p.a.i. I...., W. .h™> ,™.™d

OB avwy ballot. Than <bo wko kad | ^ ^ Horton
raltacatad “I
boon aoUar for tba plaintiff want ©•»; aont oara to ba imaraiawad." and In­
to tba dafanaa. and by « o'aUsek tka l ^^^^'^,,.„^-tbeaabj3et akmptrent rAantrd tkalr jndvBrnt and tka ._
vardlotwaa raady. Jndca Mayne waa;^’
---------------- "Z------eanad.andaaardktwaakandadla In
HtaaBtkel eibka MotBtalMd.
tayor ot tka drfeadanu
MIb Blkal OIbba antartninad k‘ taw
Tiia aaaa baa baaa a r»ry k<4y aoa-‘friaada laat amnlnr nt bar plaaaant
taatad oaa. Tisa delalU ot tba Batter kosa on Waat Btykth atreat. Bvbai
already bean rl«aa. By tka da- proead an exeeUent koataaa and pro
eialoa ot tkajary. Mta. Bapbaal-kold* ridad r^loaa CMoaa tor tbe anUrtainBant of bar fpeau, leaa were earred
ot the boraaa for tiie
tlon of which tbe l«val flyht baa been aad tba ereniac'a pleaaara eonelnded
carried on. The eaM baa aoat Bora with vocal aalreUaaa by tbe eoBpany
than Use team la worth.
Ooort waa adj .aread till Oetober 81
A Tbooaand TonvMaat 10 ti’eloek. after tka eloaa of Use
Ooald not cxprcB tbe raptnre of AnUalanan ooeaty term. Tbara la bat ! ale B. Sprlacer. of Pnlladelphia. wbea
left on tba doeket. that'of i or.
New Dteeovery earco her of
Fraok C. BUI **. JohiwA. Ooh«. AU a haekinf eoarb toal for many yeafa
bah nsade life a bordea. She aaya: -Afol the Jury caaee ba*« been tried.

bonse InJIayfleld yeaterday. The faneTkapoUtoeropof OaaaoUeonnty U ,»J wiU ka held ska aftamoon.
tnmlnc Oat *eiy poor, tba areraca
■" —
yield balac froB 10 to IS baakala.-|
Dealer* are only payinc *o ernta. aad I Andrew Caniecte'* donatlona to Baa laker la dear, tba <)aallty of potausaa brarle. Uve ek.y-«l^ |iy.uK>.in>.
poor, -thla hardly paya for dlnlnv
tUn<v elutvloc bie ■unHimbe Senator
IM«i- rl.«-ly re«-iul.1.-ii l>rMldaui
" .. ____ _______ __
U. Kltiley la a
At laaat S.000.000 doaaaa ot oalary
ouav'a rol.-e dun not be•U1 ka markatad tbU aaaaon fron ir^Tl.l!.«Under. Hi. vui.v la thla.
Ealaaiarbo, tba ealae < f wkloh la aati- nervoua aad andd-ltl.-d.
■atadatfnUy At laaat 7.mIw Arery, a B.»iou belle, abook
(KKi.OOe doieaa will be ahippad to oat- baml. wltb Admiral ISewey and baa
•Ida ooaaaBara.
fraaidl Use clove alu- wore at Use II
Huch J. UtCuwan. the ludlanap
Tkata wara t.711 daatka rapertad to>aalrr. baa tieep a farmer, an
tka Boeratary of aUW for ~
ear driver. «al>man and polUw
ThU nnnbar la it laaa than S*
bor reported for Ua
Mr. Heveddfe of lisdIaiiB wUl be the
aad m more than tka nansbar raporv younceal aetiaior. Marioa Builer ot
Nonb t'arollna ana tbe yenneeat In
ad for Saptenbar. INI
tbe lam roncren.
Two Grand Baean oltiaena knee
Tbe iiUylHc narda naed by tbe kalaar
aacarad aa'option on forty aoraa of are
i re Imade lu order for bl» privale uae
UndadjolBlac dprlnc Uki and will Tbe
aun a ekank farm ihara next amriar alonally Indulyea lu jwker.
One of
of Use
Use woald
weald ka
U aknnk
aknak farBara
of Wnie*
frs.m nsvlvee

oj,i.w..u,.„ lu .wjw. jw..


Appaal Suit ad

Tg Ov* a IMG In Oaa Day.
The Death maoord
lOfCkM Take Warner'. Whiu Wine uf Tar Syn>;
Isc bnt coMgb rmsedy on eank. 4’. :>i
Caddlebaek of Klisc*lay. died at ber V cenu. _________________
bone Uerc ycata-day.

u. ,0^0, 1.J, I-


BatMM W OtooM »a »Mak« &
r«Ut«a” Mkalaa to Hr. Hortea.
Aaea ?a Bapfcaal HaoMad ««r
LaaM. faswa. Oat. lA-la m talarTlav kara attar kla apaaah. W.
Tka rq^laria aapaal aatt of Aa(aat J. Brpaa rafaaad to maka aay atau■ea aa. Baaa BapkwI. tka taatisoaj BMBt Rfatdlv kk laitar to-J. BtarUac
la wkiah WM aU la Vridaa aftaraooa, Mortaa. pakUakad paatardap. In wklak
•aaaatUad:aarl7 paalardap moralaf.
ofRaa.far Use _
Tkr-Jarpkadbacaaat ali alvku »d
tka koaor.
I raada wltk Bryan ekattad wy acraaably akoat
, kia kwltk and kU Usor. akoot political

Hr. a»4 Hn. t. *■ 0*M Ha»»U^ tmif iB tka


Men’s Oasco oalf bals, Graftontip, welt, outside back­
stay, straight t'2 50 goods, ooe wi^k.................................. $2 00
Men's calf bals, Terrier last, perforated (ip, Engiisb
backstay, welt, dongola top, honest vslne at $S 60.
one week.............................................................................................. $300
Men’ patent oalf bale, French last. Excel tip, Engiiab
back stay, a regular $4.00 shoe, one week....................... $8.00
Men’s box oalf bale. Dayton last. Go- dyeai wfU. very
sensible winter shoe, a $:160 value anywhere. >ju<week........................................................................................................$300
Men’s caribou calf bala. leather linwl; Klondike tip.
hiirh cut, sports, English backslay. U'sxlvear *c!t,
$4 00value. oueveek............... ............................................ $3.00
Men’s box calf bala, leather
sports, Klondike
tip, high cut. Goodyesr welt, oick-e books and eye­
lets. made to sell at $1.00, one week................................ $3 00
Men’s Rneslan calf bale^ Belmont last, perforated tip,
leath-T lined, nic-kle hockt* and eyelets, Goodyear
welt-no other house would ask We than $4.UU, one
week...................... .................... ........................................................$3 00


Every wise woman .should see these imstyshoen.
Think of selecting from ?<» styles-the very newest
and most pronounced of fashionable footwear—Such
real value in $2.0u and $3,00 shoes has seldom, if
ever, been known. The leathers are the quality oftener seen in $3?50 and $5.U0 shoes. The hidden
-parts are us thoroughly good and dependable as those
bHore your eyes.
Ladies black damp proof, box calf, seiuible weiubt sol's
amooth leather inuer soW. stock tijj, i-oiu toe, kid
top facioi;. irood value at fii.Ol, one week...............$2 00
Ladles black wici kid, coin t»c. stock tip, hand tam­
ed, button, silk top facim:. great bargain, one week $200
Ladi.-s' black ki<l skin. bs!s, welts, sto-k tip. silk top faciuus. nuver sold under I^IOO, one week..............................$2.00
Ladies black kid bals. double sole, uppers piomp yet
soft, kid top fai-im:. stock tip- -a very serviceable
>-*''ve. well -V -rtfi one week..........................................$2.00
Ladles’ black vlci hid, lace, fast color eyelets, fancy
s<!k facing, hand tiimed. tipped, a regular $^i.00 shoe
—for this apecial s-ek'esaie.................................................$200
Lalieg’ black wici kid bala, tlexible sole, fancy plaid
silk top facing, sUs k Up. You will find style, comfort and goodness in -very pair—sold in most places
at $3,50. for one we.-k..........T.................................................. $2.00

Our Special Leader
Is the new mannuh Uditw' shoe, black kid. lace, ailk top
facing, welt, right np-to date—we've every sixe and
width. Our price saves yon $1.00, for this week.... $2.00
Ladles’ black kid. stock tip, white kid top facing, bevel edge, always $2.50, for cme week.....................................$2.00

Buy a pair of these shoes, take them home, and
if you think you haven’t got big value bring them
back and get your money freely.
Sec* display in east window.

The Boston Store Street



|||i ||yi|i l!i||BmHl ..

I mpmaa moo»i>, ■o»n*Tt. wio—m i«. itiw •

; gcMTaXlUat




Morslsf aoreleessd aaraoa st ld;»
tatM wlihM M k*«* 1km Uhw«r Bobje^ aerslac diaeeoioi. -Ood to
Ml bre«fM tnm PkOMpbl* Mt
^ Su^ Btooel st U as
.••M. «b« 1km mm kmmini —6
Owlsc to too sbaoseo of too laotor
^wmmtf-ktlkmMmkwmrmn ot 1km tmMm toota wIU bo so oorrleo Is too ceoalsr
rnmt Bmokmr Hfll «tU b* MUbcsMd. A ' AU sro oordlslly tseitod to tboeo aorbM bM fHM4



til-* of •14ar»n rn»wttay ikm
iMij— of Bwtoa to Mk tbo M^or of
IffhHoAolrttl* for pvdUmIoo 1» briic
ttkm UU b« tor tbo mmUbnXiom.
4t VIosoo h to ototod is mmmrt etrMtos «hst Crows Prtaom »to»kssto.
mtkow at 1km Crows frtmmm KoAolpb.
-mkmm wscto *mm%k *m /mo Ofo
. .«MrOlod ttoo worl^ wlU okoril/ asny
«^sr HssfsrlCs aobloms. Msmo SloiAssto to 1km oooood dso/btor
wif tbo fclBf oC tko Bolcisso.
OtoysMuo roooirod froa Dsrosotadl
0»kkk oosrt sssosBOO ths» s
•tomoblsf —dlesl oooalnotlns bM
Mdo U otosr tost ss o/orsttos m too
Ms of too otsr wUI bo stoolsMl/
MOOMSI7 tor too roUof of too tsteUr■kWo bosdaebootrckoi wbtto ho os>ms.
mmM wMoh Sro too/osooqoonoo of too
wttoapt nsdo spes hto Ufo Is Jspss.
■Os thst oocsoioo too cow's Itfo woo
■wood b/ Mow Ocor/o of Orooes.
WtaL Boffasss. o oolobtoud Ooms
Verooi droo sro dolsg fiost dsasco
la ootorsl portt of .Oslfomls. Booioo
w( Molot/aos hs*o boos OB too tr^tdo« IbM tor two dsVo. mmr 8ss /roB«toao. worklst to woo toolr boaoo,
wad bosdrodo of oue boro boos istoMd to bsttlo with too dsaco br «*of Mr wscos Is dosto Crss
•aosstotso. traa Wrt«bto to Bosldor
«3cwk. s dwtrsoUto teroot Iro boo
^tosrsod otooo toads/, wsolsf fsll/
toMO.OOO dsBSCO. Tbo lsr(o olsor/ of
m 8. M/oro wsB toroousod osd ww
, wsl/ osrrd b/ nisolsc s 000000 »lpo
dau DM of too took* ssd posrtsf *0.000 tsUou of wloo os too dsaos By
abosoootto.oeowertbof wlso. bsUdts«o sworto 10 tlaoo tost osa wore
w dSB*
' ^ wsood.
ABsUvoerstt. w»u* •»—•witM too bsr St too awto of too rlror
«oB«s) is Afrios Thsndsy. wso

Soraoa st lihM s. a., aooesd is toe
eorios. 'The ■aatitados.''
isdsy oeheel at BOOS.
i^ChrMss Ksdwear oooloty st
. a tar bofs ssd ilrlo fraa 10 to u
^*A7toJS^isu doeioty of Christlsa
_lalw»nr wUl bo foraed s « p- a. ooapwed of bo/o ssd gtrisfiaa l« to IT
'^^SU'o »om1m^
Mwegr St s;t> p a far sU yotoff

etady dee alsstw beforo.
Yoo are oerdlsUy Isritad to w ssd
all of tom eorritao. A oerdlsl bssdsbsko bU order st too eleoa.
nsmtsTsoDUTBot.J.ASnsO/. psMOt.
Ssadsy-Pnseblar stlO:Wp at. ssd
aaetlso st »:U a. a.
dssd^^hool st toe elow of aorsbase.
esexsBlspd.>'BeoalBceeb}eet: -Fsltb
TboToday—Uesersl prayer toaetiss

orally lotIted to sttood.


Bot.Sorelsf Jeow. XOMor.

Cboriib.Oor. Otksad Fifto Otreoia.
dasdsy eebool st »:tS.
t^bllc worohl—
V. r 8. a 1
^piblle worship 7:00 p a.
The pseur wUl pcosob amts( sad
*^Xta"%Wle is jordlslly laeltad to
toeeo eoreleoo.
rsuwooD moi-Ki.
dee ceeslBf at T;W.
Catoa pra/araeatisc Friday oeoalta
**A c^tsl IsellsUoa it axtoaded to

BeeCaWebere.ta^Cbmb oa oor^ of Klsth ssd Wadaidssdto
‘--------- '
la too atorsisf Oolorsdo Tolastooro wortb
Sosdoy eerrleeo are so toUewe:
. Is to# tsUwt ass Is tbo Aaorlcss
Presohlar sttO:Ms. a.
<aray—Color do'K Blebsrd O. HoIoho.
Susdsy eebool st 11:10.
Presehlsg st 7:00 p ai.
orhoolssdoefooieiMbMlsblootoekYoBBg Psople'e prsysr aesUBg. O.-w
^arossdwolcbotie/oosdo- For two^
-9oanbowsoooptslsot too Lsfsyotto ^ MUl-weeK prayer aeetlsg at 7:10 p. a.
All are leeltod to tbeee aeetlage.
■soUoco foot bolt tosa.
.Tbo prooeatsUos of s dso award ie
V. T. WootkMue. Paeur.
X. Molooa. who wso with Do««r Bee.
Moralsf eerelce 10:30 m-a.
00 too Ol/apis St Usalls. wso wit*
Basdsy Soboel 13 a.
aowed by tbousad* of ToaBwoofoni
8. Y. P. U., 3;«t
Beealeg eerrlee. 7:00.
’ at Ksosrlllo.
Preyer aeetour. Tbsreday •
D/asalto exploded la. too oOw of * ■
-Sbo Dsrie Coal Oo.^ st Tboaoo. W. Vs.
^Ullac Irs M/eoa sad tsjsrlsr dee

Itoeerne a«y liodga. 8s. m P. A A.
ILerfUheUa regalar
wMwday sight at Titoahaip.
Ufa. C 8 Barat wQ) taka a tew adeaaeed papUa Is eoaal waale.
I yoaait asdarEolph Asd«
fraw ChlcaCu.
wboro ha sttoadad too feoUesl ssd
tookseoaioo of leetaioaoa aabslalasMis. Loel Soalo hat rMstsad froa
dscissw where she sttoadad too frasd
Jbdceof too ■aatara Star of MttolVsa.
N.C Dadao foeolead word ywtardsy
traa Jadfo Aldrich tost two lots caow
whieb bsee bow paadlsf la too WexM coast/ coart. wore frastod Is
foeeroftka Bssssb * Lay Oo. sad
too J. 8 QrtiUek Co.
st too Astoaatle
was too largest
slaea toe exkUdt eswa to tba^dlty.
Those who go oaaa sasaUy go agala.
The rapeodaetioa of the PltielmaxweCorbet dght will be flew at toe City
Opera Boaea. Friday eraalsg. Uek »0.
The Dewey parade la New Ywk will
aleo he a feetsre faeewtod.
Daeheae Chap No. tm, U. W. A.
wUl met Is regalar eewlw toaeorraw
alght la Moatagua Ball. A tall attsadasea h daalrad.
The 4«artaly aaaUag of the ladlw‘
Library awtoietloa was bald ywtarday. aad delegates wareeboaaato the
PadsratlOB at Jaoksoa ae foUowi: C. /.
Kaaelaad aad Mra. 8 8 PTatl: altoi^
aaiaa. Mlw Sarah Laa aad Mra.
Tee Useola Utaraiy aorioty bald a
vary latorwUag aaatlag last avaalag.
liOaia Blrdaall aud B >y Wynooop being
admlttod ee memb^ra. A parllsBunby O.
to toe interwt of toe meeting.
Almon Butler ieelek with typhoid
fever at hie horn ea Weet Beveath
atroat. .
Coaaty aerk Newtea leeaed a 1
rlage lleeaee to Olen A Lxacacter
MUale A. Bewald.
Dr. Kaeclaad preeBStodtoeWefalraa
Btsnh Co. with the largest poteu>
broaghi to toe faetorv this year,
waa a Bnral New Yorker aad weighed
laouBoes. ItUa product of Cowrie
Bill farm, aad will be ooaverted Into
etareh for the doctor.
There will ho a regalar smetlsg -of
toeoousell Monday night.
last sveuing Juetloe -Sa,'''b
tormsd s nesrrisge eeremoay w
aalted Him Louise Bi tulesn of Bik
Bsplda,sad Arthur Bobineon of thU
The ease egsinet Albert Bedel for
melieloae demege to property, brought
up OB ooaplslnt of Jordsa Viueent. U
set for Uiol la Juetloe Browu'e court.'
October 33. There eeeau w bsve been
eomelU feeling betweea the two neea.
sad Vineeat clslme that Iset Saturday
night Bedel threw a olub through the
window of V«'ea m home

right from the facto I y

We show them in fine, full skin, gen­
uine black astrakhan and in black French
seal fur.

Astrakhan....... . . .$35 00
French Seal......... 22.00

JBIUlsabaea Salto, who It to repreaast BswsU st Wsoblactos daria/
taira IB Hawaii about M yesre ago. Be
A oae of toe aoet praaiaent aad la'BaeaUa' ara Is the Ulaoda
-Bos. W. L. Obaabare of Shrfirld.
jils.. fpraarly chief jaetiee et Beaoe.
waste toe United Htatoetoaetaae 00asrol la Beaoa, ee oae OMOtry sloae. be
owyo. esB keep peeee la the Ulaado.
^aeobWlttwaieir. elee praaldent of
Abe Wltteoaelr SUae C».. Oolsnbst.O.
wblle etelUar ibr eoapaByh pleat Prl.
elay. was orwhad to dwtb by a caecafcea atoae falllag epos bla from a derotob.
i-^radrlekOeorteaudsie tbiea little
- Wa^bterm. pged aad 4 aad 3. were lawtastlyAlUed at Bleeimide, N.J., by
aa uprea trala oa the Peaaeylraats
railroad. They ware croaalag toe track
iaa w^oa.
sl>oe. AUaa D. Chsadler of Oeorgle,
waatoeoaly goearaor preaaat st the
Oeway oalebratloa whe has a woaaa
xwhbstaS. TheOeorgtoB la still tarSbor dlatlagalahad by toe fast that toe
riaoaaatayoaBf aad haadaoaa. Itle

a U too tainat 1
Mho Mor^ was bora <a Oomgts. bat Itvao In
It k roportad from Masktae that the
OhattoBoaga. Bko k aa asthor of ew.mitawbla proaolaoaoa and h ooaoptea- raawt kaaa of water hoado amoas
•wwlB 000101 a* wall ao Utorary etiotoa. to »lto.PdO waa aoU to the- Ftaat
Natkaal Bask of Oelambaa, Ohio, at a
•‘Iwhktoaspcmmythaskato tba
dam of gt7.Utta. Thh laiga
- wisslselsimi & ChambtolatBh Oolle. pramlum k astoalabtog aad go« a
dJhatota aad Dtarrhow Bamody. '
_ waw towards laaaaatog the totsrast eoat ca toe howA*.
81. a< Bwatonat. Msa. lhara
mmmj Ikmmmmim a( mathm wheaa TfBmUlr^lit4lMr».
^hlMhaa haw hnaa
No remed/ o^tnb WssirB's Wairs
Mat aha foal tteaWal
Ithierwla Wdts or TsB Sracp for thk terri- .........
and P. a r
bleaad• fatal
disease. If takes toorw

saw Uaaalwtraot hats Mr aatsr^w~4ha Bawt makaa la hlato aa
^ Mhat. to fiat toe laadara to



In kn lot ran salectjaa.

Y'on get these fonr essentisls if yon select yonr

At this gtoro—A word about

Onr stock now comprkce toe beet poeeible valnee
In plrietly upto-dhU etylce. in e variety they caa
hardly fall to please the most partieu ar. Prleae arc
from 11.83 to ssaoo.
r ae k poeeible: to pur-

a big lot_

Plush Capes

Men’s Top Goat
and Overcoat Creations
That are new. nobby and striking, io
grades and prices to suit everyone.
Considering the excellent qualities
we offer, the superior workmanship,
style and finish of the garment^ our
prices are invariably as low u can be
made by any deale^ anywhere—if not a
little lower—
Onr prices range from

to $20.00.
Hadn't you better drop io and see some
of the styles?—We shall be pleased to
show yon the garments.

Have Suits
For fall and winter, that are right in
style, right in quality, and right in price
—They fit, they please—Prices from #5
to $20.
led. ehoru medium and
~'aTi1d ell. we chow A SUPBBB BTOCE of pluth
,i prloe* ranging from S3 50 to tto-OO. No

Betare you spend any money
foi Fall CInthine
Be sure to see our stock—it’ll pay you.

Rnlinbln Dry Goods, Carpet and Clotliioe Goose.

BeatA Aboat toe Astomatlo BxporitloaoB Fraai street.
The great sutomstic exhiUtln kt
m Front etreat k drawtog crawAs of
oar beet people day end alght, It k
traly a wooderfal dkplaj of erteatlSo
mecksakm Bveej pheee asd ehaiaeurof lifekreproitotod to a maasar
ao raalktto as to be ttortUag.
The BwvwuaU of toe machlBcry
and workmen are to ;
with toe work togy are nppoead
to he
be s
delar NobadI/caa effocA to
tomifa toe i
marrMcae pMAaettos. Uto■ open day t
ataavaatog. LaAka wlU
iropweiMiDBi to toe Aay «tae aa
aeeosst od toe large craalag crawAa.


M°ciaasrftjpr“ -wp-


Style, Quality,
Workmanship, Price

B81ZB non TO B8 BSnATSO.



8be waa s heroic and opulent Isdy who
wore s Fur Jacket when the large sleeres were
in style; bat with the redoctiMi in nss of
•'eevee. ^r Jackets are sesin in high fsror.
They combine wsraith. dnrsbility, style,
presmt sosson 84 or 9S inch is the most
popnisr leagtb.
Box or Reefer Front is the
populsr sbipe. See onr window.

.The aritish paslUeo expodltoa
tocsisa toe FaU trlbw os too taosse
rieor. Wwt Afries. who bod stepped
«ho rieor trsAc ssd aoidarod s ssa: Paete Abost Ketood of
-%or of bostaos. bss iaet rotsrsod to
t.acoe. boeiaf dostroeod eWtht towao
lUsy re^BMte baee baas aade for a
adUr protoaiod dcbtlsc- The sstlew
mmkmrnmUf ssd too BriUeb bsd <drbt rapetUtob of toe eltaaoope reprodse-

Oarlsg toe eaUre week begiaalag
OeV 33rd. toe Frlebee Slock will
bold toe boards la toe City Opera
House, latrodaelag a reperioirc of
popular dramatic atrraelloao. The
oompaay le said to be oae of exoelleaee
prlte Ofbt. la raapouM to tbU dwlre and a etraag eaeu Oeo. W. Towueend.
arraacemasubaee bora asdetorepwt
la toe City Opara
floaoa OB the 30to.
A great deal of eurioeJty baa beea
maaifeeted ao to toe method of reproWhite WbM of Tar B/mp, the
dsclag aalmeted aoeace. aadaomebaec I he»t rough rrme«l> on earth, eurto o cold
eeeo awertod that toe oriee Bgbt gleea
dxy if tokcB in tine. SdondMlcto.
toe other Bight wee by actual belage
beblad toe eereeu. The wetood of
pbotogrsphiog and reprodariag aeww
by toe BdlBou mKUine U Intereetlag
aad ia entoui-w le aa followt:
L B OibbB, clir
Tbeku'j-ri > obotogrmpfaed apon a
longelrlporfi n IV inehco U <
sad In loagtb from to tool upward*, ao-1 cimOw. a a«»«». esr« S.U.,
«ordlsg-to the onbjKt. Tbo ntuol |
, oppir
loiigtooteimUUfooi. Booh »-foot
tlmeoneiouo' about eoo iaetsau

b.lxbl*<u> boBMi p«rwbUetboBlm.l^J^' MS> W rrpr rat
M w*«w«-r« Is
u paoslag toe Isa* at a rata of oboui 431 lou
■Dl. 0»r »»f.
pbougTMho Por ooooad. The *la* of,
l««>»lsrT Po><
cm*: *aj bs*k I
wide. The edges of toe film are per-,----------------------- -foratedetopm over the eoraoketdw]
rioeearr/l^ toe «lm while toe eabjeet
sir’ll ncbif (cv vllx *■
k pbotagrapbed.
Slmilsr sprocket v- w.j
wbeela to toe Ktoatoeoope mmnj the
Urn to troat of tha totaaee llghVwhIeh
prajeektoc pietaia apoa toeeerera;
toae both magal4iag aad Ulruatoattog
toe photograph-____________
f •sCsamder
aw efBemmCa
Maaktoa Bow a Big Pnaelam.

the newest
and best

ergj ate sot ioasd where Stomaeh.
liver, Ktosaya. asd Bowak are eat of
asfa^lf /ee west ikmmm qeeltte
JehMowkSBd 8 8 WeMh

Broctox, Mass., Oct. 10, ’99.
To the Editor of The Morning
RECOSD-^Dear Sir:—Will yon in­
form your numerous readers that
we have this day forwarded to Mr.
A. S. Fryman, the practical ahoe your ciry. a complete line
^ of men's fine medium and heavy
shoes for fall and winter wear,
which were made especially to order for Mr. Fry­
man. They consist of black and tan, viscolUed,
chrome tanned, atlas Russia, smooth calf, box calt,
willow calf, kangaroo and vici kid, leather lined—
made on the latest aud most improved lasts, made by
the hand sewed process, Almost impossible to tell
them from hand sewed shoes wlMi^ retail at $7,00
^ ^ese goods will reach Mr. Fryman in aboat ten
days and yon can assure yotu* readers that these are
the best shoes in the world for the money. Price is
stamped oa the sole of each pair.
Yours truly.

TniB^miO BBOOBO SOiri>AT, OOIOBBB 16, 1869-4ABT TWa

^ *r pahiiv Ip ^ Auuh Mat and «. p*» ir M

PDCCS lUJor Oimrl WlUUa Rsfu | pOMM0 and c

I. evni tboM pcopW

^ Oetalwr. U36.
bacaoa* of itelporim miwi cooffM
fact that M I* tbf rtUrta* m* la lh« [ b««-n a aiu c«u(ui use.
hrv at th* Uattad sum. thU aAur • Th« c

hi* ltt« I

aad w«at narehliw oS to eanp. WU>
Uam R«fo* hesaii hh mlllUrj' earaer
«ltb a flm Heuienant-a cdibcbIuIod Id
ibc Seventh MtetUcan Infantrjr. and
Brigadier Oeneral Dana'* offleta) re­
port of the battle of Pair Oak* eoer
tala* the followltu •tatement: “U*«.
tenant Bbafter. Seventh Utebtean enluateer*. la eharse of the ploaeera. vbo
■a* aUebtIr woumM bat kept tb<
SeU. fnntlabed bMtnUfoI cxbibitloB* el
kallaiit eonduct and intalUsent activH7.The younc lleuteaant era* *oo« mad*
a major, and In IIO fouod*htmaMf pro­
moted to the rank of Uesteaant eelooel,

war be wa* liven the brevet
brtiadler ceneraL
It wa* Id July. itM. that Bbafter wa*
mad* lleuienaBi colonel of the FortySr*t reflmeat of repalar infantry, anj
la that year wa* miutetwl out of the

cam* noted fbr his rl|WI idea* of dUdplbw. It 1* said that alt ottcer* and
men onder £i* command were dtaUniulahable by tbclr eflkclency. leocral
food behavior and excellent appearadee on parada
ICO. Colonel Bbafter served ailb dlstlnclion, and *o at the outbreak at tbe late
war with Spain It was not a mait<
•urprlae to knowlni one* that he
appointed major general of volonlemw. He bad aome time prevlotu
brtcadler lebeial.
Cuba and the Uklni of Santiago ar*
of such recent date and are so well
known that they need seareety
mentioned here. Under a bluff, and

wbu would have been classed as tiienda


DO one cap saiy that General
Shafter's career baa not been a eucce**.
To rise from an obscure counir>- boy
on a Utetaigan farm to one of the i
respunaible rolUtary posltSon* in



bo* »ac etBttkm «t tbe dbit.
A badge et degndetioa. eigo of eout
Bxda^bed br He t3te. The eoul dice aet
By eeoteet wHb Ae bee. To eaa Ae eeil
^aeetb Ae bgbt oi .tumhinr irem ebaee.
la Ced’e tree air. wiA be^n all abteea
Aod grate phiraet oedding treua Ae
WiA aoag birds reieixie meetaget et hre.
WJA wbi^rit^ of w-adx amid tbe treea.
WiA bum et beta. Ae atir et miJJieo wio^.
Of imeeu batkit^ bt Ae tea t bright beam
Tbe reke et Hature erer ia tbe earTbk queoebea oet tbe tevL Tbe
Mmb^a bead, duU eye aod eacaot
Are not Ae marts that labor karet
Labor 'k king, aod kingly be wbe
Tbe grime et abog or BeU. tbe
Are marks of royatty. Oppreaaiea'a
May bend Ae term, may twkt and-4
May rreigbt tbe teel aod make then
May atraia tbe aiaewa and. tbe muteka
May break Ae body with Ha heavy ebaioa'.
But labor wreeketb not tbe $eul oer platm
Tbe beatial mark upoa tbe brow of mao.

Paint Aeu. O artkt yet aoetber aeeae-^
Tbe Hall of Vim. where Hews tbe ruddy wioe
Mid ribald fettiag aod batrhaaal aeagi
Where Lot aod Appetite tbe eouTa Uk aapei ^
Where Greaaoeae bligbu aod Lewdoeaa Bauate^
Where Clunoay Ae aeoaea duA. aod Sin
Amid her gUtfriag trapping aha eofiiAion
Let tdleoeaa. in Uquoratu§iot%d tkep.
Lk in tbe fetegreuad. where, betetted. be
Haa talka. In hit nerrekaa. aeotekss grasp
Tbe Badge of Degradation paiat-a glaas.
Jy i
Wior ttaioed. but empty—aeui eetingufshey^-'



(-..untry's service A» no Bmall Ibl
Mingled «lth bis millUir) Instinct
slen an e*ceHeni carnrily fur busiDt


Khafler. oni-e tbe little bsrefoolcd
boy nf naWburg. Is a mlllli>n*ire.
all of hie fortune havlns bem made
praetleall.v by Judleinu* Investment* In
tbe lumbering tnl<r<-*t.

mule of Harag.uis* In i:n
ha* l»-en the .-reel
Itoyat \Vur« U-hahlre reglmeiil
at this lamous battle t

sirren's KinrMPiAeio
al Ualcsburg. I
and ynutb w<

s childhood «-olunleci k -vice for the third
When Ih.- ii; --.y wa* reorganised In HW».
he wo* l: ...jfern-d lo the Twenty
founh liifB iry, and In 1S7» was madcolonel of ilo- First infantry. Among
hi* fiiend* r,.lonel Shafier came i
called"Hill." bul In hi* role
reglmmul < ommanding omver he b—

congenial rbaracler. Mere he aorkc
■in hl> falhi-C* farm, ■unbumed and
I general
"tough and lean a* hickory." until the
campaign, and. although Ueneral Shsf- oulhreak of the civil a«r, when both
tar, like all puble- mm. bs* bl* op­ young William It.Hhafler and hi* broih


Accompanying the revival of the gen
tie an of hull flghlllig in tuMiia- Is .
rumor to the cffeci that a ■>iidlval>
exist* for the enci.uragvmi ni
propagsllon of this tnedla-val h|«>r
4s also rumored that this same ayndl-

shlrv men dlsiinguished themselves
aplurlliR no lea* lliairiu nlandsrd>n> of Ibese •landatd* wa* the llg«f on anietoiM'. and ihls animal
Qu.-<-n Anne mad-- the badge «f the
-men! The Seroni bstlalli.n of
-egimeni Ik at pres<’iii st Coh-hM
where they have ,-omi tm-i p.>»»e**|..n
bu, a aniel-ipe. a sort of animale.i
nri.ial badge. Whirh they use I

An epigrammatist ha* uid that modern warfare I* « bunlnet* and'btoders
business a aarfarv. The flrn pan of this stauuirnt. at least, 1* undeniably
true, f<.r the general adoj-llon of modern mechanical Invention* and drvloe* tn
i-ampalgnlng h*« *o re\..!ulloni»ed all end of the century mllllary metho-l*
that the up to date army m now something like a \a*t mavhlne. The nart
uhleb vleclrlclty alone now play* In war ha* made lu-rtou* rhangee Ir ..a
rnetk—l* of military men. The ur.-.impanylng plrtun-. for Inalaoce, la friv %
l-hotugrsfh taken In Luson showing the -iperatlon ->f an American -ignal « .i^O ■
to the field during an engagement with the fullowera of Asulnsldu.


The accompanying picture I* S
Btraose mlxtun of ubul might be call*
ed Kngllah humor and RngllBh atamnea*. It was flrai published id a L«ndon Juumal over


a* lb* wartJouda l*w*r over the Cap* ond oC the dark eoaUnent. Simona Town
ha* nearly a laU* of dock* and spiandU foru In procua of oempletlon. and
hMaftv ww ha MgalSod as the auUon o< the Cap* and Waat Coast Royal
oqoodroA Whan It* oplandld harbor ba> been arttSetaUy *tr«agtbaaod. SIUOM Tu«h »tu (m OBO taon a( Uuaa taunsnaMs ahaltar* tor tha IMOah
aa>y whMi tha war adSu U taadu atwaya Ithu U add to lu ooBaetloa. This
■mpshatl is show U mllw fro*a Gap* Town, wtu which it 1* ooanoetod by a
raUway. So whatsw tha onteom* of th* TuMvaal altuaUon. BHtalh wUI
haen OM sun fr«at.Bayal kau In tha aoathm aaaa

eau wUI attempt U intitidao* Uds aam*
•angulnary paattan* Into tb« United
Sutea b^t owing to tbe etorm of conUnental eritlolam which .ha* bees fol­
lowing the attempu to establlih bull
flghtlng at Boulogne In rraaee. where
r BagUT
It he* been ebowa that the Anglo-Saxon
eonutenc* U stui too haalihlly aeasicivo
to penult of eueh a brutal sport over
boooiaing pepnlar elthor tn Bngtand or
Amertea. Th* aoeoupaaytng UlustraOoa I* th* lataM pWtmr* of Felix Rob­
ert. th* ■‘bmtsr of the Boulogne BghU.
who received a recent offer to oonu to

UoB. "Wl^ aaid Krugerr and U np*
posed to repreamt. of rourea. the apirtt
of the Angio-Saxon in ruoentlng aap
of lata,
this atrmag* and inlcresUng tropical growth
owth _
th* tar famed dragon tree of Tenerife, a picture of which tt abown la the aeoompanying mustnUon. About thla particular tree there U a tradition amoai
tha nativea which raalntalna that lu roots were originally watared with dragon’t blood, ah Idea which originated In all p-os.Kitiie emr neea of the dragon traa'a aap. Thla atrange t

aabla rights.
Ject to tbe bnUdog as , repraaentaUe*
of their aatldnal eharaeiorteUes. bal
whan the belligerency and th* obMan^
of Orest Britain are bom* tn mind tM
IHustrmtloh la a more or leaa apt eas

a'th* dragon true I* a
n Of it hr* sow ehlpped Cron tl

ready making preparatloB* fer am '
a oaiaorstloa on Ap*il
es* hundred and twastp-iflt
W7 «€ th* UtU* then.

ffcwi ifc» !■»■< fc—>

mm vo«MDio sBoosD. suvoAT, ootcmmm is. i«e
. XAMWlUi^^^^^IFk.

«Aa 40WB ■ Ttf* (hat M MoiVe.
ew'a tambw. wbo M alM eCend sp
j UcUla <atiM*lWro< th*«MM. >mtMtohtaaiMrM »i

Wt tall Nt {NHs-Rit 1 tallirs nnk si iM sMct Is dig rw sdMliia

It k BM cwnnr kwva tbat the
-utber aad pUrwkjrht Ufti Zabi“WIm r» fwtM to 80. IkTer' tha will, hmi « ham atne^ with adr#rgirt pmiMad. etnlog ckMr and la^lac titr heforr br at^ierm^uir. Bom 1b


Evinrttiig is

her bwd «M bia aim. Oaaaabooka^ thr Obnto. of Trry poor pawnta-ibey
•1 oartridra Into the ayUadered tha w. re imniltraBta-be re«-lvm bU «lo-

riHhUBMi br «k> «r«rW-> dMi
r«r th» rtirtais (e fu d</ira.
■Mir wUk
pcM<!^ brwtt ,

«W> Oo« VOta it. 1M It MM.

9mm. •!« r<S MV
Art rov k>r>d MM ArM Ml
9»m r«B Mrt <m> mtit mt^
•bo vlt) Vtm r<« k> lb* Mt
•b. trbM Ilfp'a fTMl oddrUf wbM

. ^TlHrr.'rp

I tllart Bmrtr B>)« la Voatb'* OfyaalM


apat ibr Jewa' fn» «-ho.>l to »i.UpanmtJy not awaie that Saes bad KMCb- Biarto,, wbrre he roar tu br a lra<-brr
mUm. Ooly a few maea n
. wail and tbca the laat aot la the
aod took blab bonora in pbUoaophy at
the VolverKlty of I.«Ddna.
' log al.tha nefeety oabhi door and a daTbr amount -of bard work that hr
got ibmugb at ibe free acLool waa extraorcllnary.- HIb daya were aprot In
' taakr cplinma of yerotedooe.” The
Ibr rzbauaiire labor of trarblag large,
threat war garniabm by arrcral «reng
iinroly claasra: bie nigbta were dlvldnl
MCplMlrea and aoeonpaBiod with
U-twi-en Miudying for bla degree amt


aurpnwd I
prufauity and t
Dave went


klawltb twrer, and tl* eight rf tbe




in tbe ti«r of the n onaimVtna
la the ahort rikiio.' that followed tha


ward pure and aimiile. Tbe
. If .co.«rooUdhimnn«odl.

la« abtrt tbo arid topogruphy of Honey- ^**^**‘-i***?
path M.vm«l toXh bef^ D^a
<>«»r day the ^Itor of that ^rwt
rUfeo. eaeh poroliarity etauditig oat to ^er -h reeman B<-!l

rob the betmxM before hu rttj face,
Indead, Dave waa a ocmard, and bia

airoo* and clear. The flne, whitemnd.
coveml tfrerywlicn. ' with fat leaved

eonala Sor‘Spivey, laogbi-d o;g«arianaly when the poor fellow pen-traied bU

pnrkly mar and caAaa that UcomaJ
p,rpettiallT in Wg bimerixdored flow- k'nd bi-lweep Ib.-ih. tbe alnutlou thiu

initial and only act of txMing.

ml the Wght. Waxing alcr tbe beat


bBl .aid to ber «o day v«y Mdemnly tha't mee upLd bungW-aviiyovcr man
i and bea«. tbe many inawt. that aai out

■“ awkwanl



to n-,.nwe« them »M.tb. an-l

m it itne to

that plaj^
Juttrual'^th' world by the peeudotioolun«l lizarrti iliai

‘ an Mer^
d ae
w-.k amoug the rot- *»'*« that originally beloup-d to two
game of bitb- and
uug raila of tbe old anakc feeico.
tiw trio bad diaapprauvd into tbe-----------------------------------

to enuit on bla poitfoowey in any
•vmi. Bat a day waa aadly^ which

awamp.and Dare calmly reflUod bU
rifle, waiting a. though lo« in thought

tbe dignity of what be

before the late

ilfwaantneae '




rer In there.

the cabin, the l(«a were thick and tbe
cbluka-woio well atopped with clay, to

Alo., U,« AlDwto, ,a,ul ii«b. ' p,,«i,d. „„.u„

keep ihInga in. a >

gotu-n Ibe one
ime txatn
buan of hU poor, pii
1 by tbe Bbidkw' feet bad ed life, ntu-rrrl ao long agor^Toepnr"IXiei
1 ’tid throw
•atUed behind the n-tn-atiiig banda
iw' yo' bmiab
Dare waa a natire <rf Huntyjiath and away my
y WBtbkvM life
Hv(d with an aged fatla-r |fl one <d the the wurtl
wurda again monotononaly, fingerrtiantlea. Sue dwelt with her moibeg lb log
lug ibo
"—tbe rifle that-------a’ ’held
limply 1
- by
Dat^'a falhiT waa a bia ehat
_ haniU.
bot blonriM eimtbcnier, wtauae patriot- ,
Pmr Suet Tbt-te waa no anawering
Uughier in her eonl now for tbmie gro_
-.Ji which broke
bat Darew
le no her buaring like
Ct powder and refraiiud from aotian. in bnai^ moo

'Bopprobriotuepially Uwlowtd np- ,
On him and the mnu-nipl of tbe nmuity,
merally to facing U' knew tuK what
.BOCTDC np<ai the butiletk-ld. He waa nut
g |fiillQaoplM-r and coold util plead in Mtennatlac of bu tu-uiraliiy that ^
■artlal alaugbuf of hiabrotber m^i
WM a crime and that Ibe wlKdiaalu dag
flflw ctf human life waa immoral

Daw waa aimply a reward and accapkad meekly ti«- obliajuy wbieb the cmi-


in that moment Dare, wbo bad D«-aya bevn a euw ard. who Ud all hu
itf,. b.iig borne meekly tbe 8C«m and
upprolirintn atiwla'd to the character,
ba wtuan bi-reitifiav nothing could
aronw to a ■euw- of bia degiadaiicm.
caliulyanae to tberivy pinnacleirfber-

irai'Tbe-^r ^urTtb:

-j-m cKOslng <mt,"

|«ke with thick .-r.-flm and «m.e
«» e beultfef««l


■» «be vlrtueif^ m-vcwI





boiiBi—aiiil cut uir the kwn. with jiiBt
•f fat. amt cho|> it Ohe. Then
■ l»»<'
><"' 1'“' '» >*'•• frying pan a |.lc.ibutter bb hig bb your Hbi—aa l>lg (
woiunn'ii UbI u>-II. iH-rhaiw Hint U a
B""*! deal hut a ucuhI htg chunk; then
yon put In a> much crenui ax you bare
In the li<>iuM--~ihai 1«. wbnt la left friiin
the Juiir-pliii that yoh had for


enffee lu Iheamirtilug. Next ymi
a lot of *-|irr> powtlet. jiiat the


the two r.-miumiig neighboim. And then

jmll.d Ihe trigger of biagunand tnrood
"You baw." he eaya, "I tiBunlly iiika
thy .xmi.-r and iUMtaiitly four weapmia mv .llun.-r In the city, but 1 f.-li ..tie
bark.d with mn-voire.
.l.iv like having B...iie h..m...4-i«.k.-.l
iHinb. ami I M-ni up a leg aud
lM-.-ia and |h.iui.b-b aud tl
wh.-ii they
■■m.kcd there waa eiinugh for a regl-

had pam-d that way.
One day Have waa working among
thayoangl*>iat..nma in an «p.-n arid
fleld behind tile cabin, when Sue no

end Mill itguu. One carbine only an.w-.Ted; tb.-n all waa will; only ibufreifql wartiling of a wren iu the ncartjy
cberokee mac hedge bnokuig the h-naa

nieni. ao 1 liivli,*l, «f ihe 1b..vb to
Like dinner with me. Tlu-r.-wer.-two
days' left wli.-u we had HuIbIhmI then, aii-1 ihti'a where the rurpy

PBI to him In tronbled baMe.
'tilenoe of the droway afturugon hnab"Oh, Dara, I'm pow'fui akeoiwlt",
Anxiety oonquerlug tenor. Sno drew
|9a panted.
-• ••-y bolt, tbrowuig 'tbudoorwida
t whatr* be aaked. with- open. A tread awam of yi-llow light
, i o*

cuieo In. There was one day b..t
lamb. <me day .*>M iamb, and twa

p-are on romplalnt of any memk-r of
his family or oiW peraon.lnierrvled.
WllnesBe* are then b.ard a^.* If It ran
lie proven that be "mlaMienda wasn-s.
and Icaena hta estate, greatly Injure*
bis beallh. and endangera and Iult-

gnd ahatterud, be cn-pt to bar foot, after Ihe manner of a faithfn! dog. to dia
In tbe gram gray ey»a that woro raiaed
to Ik-tb there waa the light erf tho exairation of a paaautg apirit, trinmpbant
orvr tbe abadow of death wbl<* already

Brim I

We buy Eggs, lEc a duzea.
Goad Dairy Batter, I1-I8c.
We sell
mxCoHee~H lbs let $1

eating liquors for a period of twelve.,
mnutha Severe penalties are prnviil.*]
for ibnae wbo rtolatu aOeli au Injunction. as well aa for pervuns wbo may
obtain for or give lo Ibe conrlctud
dnukard any Uitoxlcatlng drink.
-----------------------------------mivIs i« ah* BsU.


Gas Laiiip$2.00....

> it would have bem mani* Cherokee roae AIM tbe aif of tba tadTbe ana under ordinary
the moat casual observer that be )
ling may yield from lo.uio to 5.nnad00 ml. I
r, and tbe *
. --U«,u tete
M.W (Toorganisms to the gnTOtlDe.
gnrtunie. Slid.
and. If 1I
•d <m OU they raacbed the boaae, and ,tiii ggw, of Dave, wrapping him in polluted, may eoniatn aa many a* feW.- t>.„ ft^_«^ 4.

Hoooh.^ cut;



t ^4

q^or a. tbcngb With tba' nri.OOO bat teri. In a tetrtx>ODfoI of PnCe fiMSGed tO ClOSG Oil tOL

^Toiidcr they oome now-—^1 flaw
Dave's (are blancbed

fane irf a dying god.
earth. Tbe linportanc* of tbe *oil aa s
_____________ ___ _____________________________ ____________ __________ ________ _ ...
l>e *..................
Whluncaa. bni be polM her qnlekly te- iuq long, be had earned the tvwaid cd from tbe fact that typhoid bacilli, tbe
(be dorr. ___ ^
"Whai you gwtae lo^’ 8w aaM
MTously, koeping near ^ on^. tot
to qgpaianUydld hot beat He had

to SNpomnUydld

* uta tsi L Kik«.

nt the vecy
end. “Greater love bacteria
of «A.,A»—...te
maUgnant oedema, tuber............—I -I............J —
—v...... w,
amiJoy for BicjeM
bath no man than tbia that he fey rta tetenua cholera, and antbrax.
Quick woA.
down hia life for bia fitoid.’’-Detnit may all effect a lodgment nnd teuin
, ^rvcroi tr*g>
Ihelr viuilty for consKtouWe periods '


and money invented in one will



more pieaanre

and comfort dnrinij tbe heated term thau the eame amount

Trawerse City, Mioh
Hloh V

lU OhfeB Strsto.

Mich., wd far SSc by M Dmgf*.'



Hiram Cook,

away m.v wntbica* life—aa I dcaae hit."
And Dave, with the mmaon gtoay of*
bit"wutbleaa life’s" blood atroaming
from many woanda paaaid to tbe jndgneat reaerred for him from tbe beginaing of aU Ibinga
Tbe wren ablvcwod <mt her (ngmkitary aong to beavvn. tbe pqifameof tbe

in all ekes and all pricea,



-darkened them. Hia lipa moved in tbe mpts tbe iH-aee and bappineiw of hla
"WbowaatbeyvBnybowr’heBikvd cantartiwi of a amile that brokadato an tamllr." tb.- maglairgie w ill Issue a
‘ 1 faeeblaDcfaiDg
lna- “^
--------- —---------------------------------- ----------------------MBMAU..A
writlfgi OTdeT to gU Ikjttor
Ikittor dealer*
■Btfem of the martial Tiait.
-1 dotte aaid that toe purtao' yo’ within
bbi jnrladlrtlon.
____ _________
“They waa Moaby’a meai. 1 Towod, bmub and baniineaa 1 woold th’ow tbem to furnish him with any Inioil- ■•W.StOre, »ew MOUMn BlK.
d and
mnigfatemug his bock. ‘‘Came cm bach
In tbe bnua-. dor." and, •honldering
hit boa. be trndged atolidly on beforw
"Xtoi’t yen be akiwd." be ewtinned
■ they naobed tbe yaid. "1 nekna
y won’t do nothin."


We hare tbeoi


Korn I'.li'-.lil BulUlar.

M U PreveaM.

•p to aee bur pjvtty face tcoriet and b«r
krawa beat Uggtber iu angry Unea
"Welkwhat did they aU aay?" he
iwnanded in bia aecoitOBied alow drawl
gfterwaitlng In rain forb*r lo procoed.
"They 'lowfd they all waa a-comtn





daya corfy-aeer

Ib New Zealand a mau who drinkt
too mueb for bU own good may he
autnmoned liefere any JuMlee of the


? .yon aecnre a frevxer

140 Front Street


Wt lulenataalcM of tbe bent Ubor.
’ and a rnah of beatmut b«. pamliigorer
"Scone—aomeaoldien jnat wftitdown « figure cm lU knota that alwayi trad*
Nw road, an they apoke to mo-aamy u..d at Ibo algl.t of deep water.
Uka." sh^hcoilaied. and Dave looked wm gaiqiiug bia laM treath. Bteadmg




Notice to Taanayciu.

"IkUt the do.w U-hiud mol" be aaid
«,d pamiri out.

brva;daiid baron, uiore i4u-u the earn
tiue luwrd (raueihiog heavy fall
bread without the •■mh.'UiabnK.m of pie 'againBiibf ride of ihecatiin: tbim in-.
UiOM and-iiu<*>n. lumirularly duruig gtriitlr ib<-ohafp, clear ulleraiK-c of a
theweeka afti r u huiigiyfeiragiug party winrlw-<ier autweml tbe cuibiiiea again





inuintlly-mell. a gwal. big
ful f..r a •h-lh-aie man. Then a little
top of that, anil wiinr imtt.
the alove and eoi-k
Then you put it

Dare aud Sue l.ul.*l, iwrly aud late in
.onto to wring fr..m tbcatnrviug aerra
an nnrariwl hr, libtart of ram*, eorti


inwateil in anylhiug elae.
O C OILBgaT.atu>rsB7. apMlalaileolloo
A « lo Peobaw prwotlee. Koobib k a.. lU

"I «•“ '«-ll you how u. uiak.- a HratelaaB laiuh curry. You take the c*>I<t
Iw'bjou liave In ihe houBc-y.-K, ihsi'«
wliul 1 auid. the lamb you hare hi the

be called and



00. oftee III., roatdebee tM


U- Tr
dowu and eat it. and. >>y
K.hbI yoiiTl wnni boiiic
in the ceotor of
A» to the am.inw of lamb to In- us. d.
tb.-routa waiting fer it lo begiit Dare tbe luel..-l..r g.H-. Hit,, nior.-.b-iall.

Waa gather.*! to b.-r final nwt. Udng
. t dot of Mpht
aight tn the little aaudy
grawyard. with .mly

tLCROaa. Atterwr end C,
loiMjr'lo loas. OBceo. Ollr Opera




oar atock.

nl e

smooth, rich

aud fiue ice tiresm during

mil r.'u WILHgUI. pajotelaB aad nrgt
U Qradnaleof VolTersUr •> CcoBirlrai
— ■ ocwTeooelU
ToooeUer bloek. X1» reooi oie
.booe Bo »«.

white bn-ml. The
f“rry '* an Iticlilcuul to whicb
luau in-atisl bbuBoIf the otlicrday. au>l
he thiuka more of II than of all the
niBiuuuirW he gciB at the reatauniui.
'Eblii Ib the way lie iHU

of a foaet ia


abwitiug back tbe bolt lie atoud cm the
cabin atep tNfoto them.

flitlon tmpiMBl, ii<« oren Uie uoiila and
"Kail back au.l girohimnahow; be*a
gutting aaroaani of pretty Bor Spivey coming oot. ^■oya^” .She clung to bun,
being able to rooae the InKtaeu of bat* pk-adiug: "Dare, drai'il Tberv'afdarto
tie In bia enn ti wiul.
Ekm'l g«!" Uut bu inubed her
Before tbi-Btnfe enilfd Sne'a member genilv backwunl into tbe loum.


pfcnk-IOD »T.i Burgroo
AmH. Iter ,.r oI«bi eolt*
D%fice‘rH^'rleB-------------umaoatoproMptlr.. pkoBM.
PtoaM. Bell tti;Konk-

of pn-aentable

look ten ™"’'*
I-'IkhmI; In fni-l. be Ib not auppn,
any c-uoklug exeei>t to muke t1
which be pn-pii

I Wt face from beneath tbe brim of
Dare'e froogy alonch bat. "laio'tafi
ad toe bum"
bum. ”
bia knew were
Hla Iipa blanched,
with helmdnotfor-

Maamd. gaand at enrumaly by tbe tew
old women and ■■nile maba k-ft in tbe
VilUge. bw igcdnng no other emotioa
than a blank enrioaity Uiat died out
-------- .before
A-, tbe wbiiwmim
wbilwmin rf the flue


^ .u^iior

mnmtllgCKANCg-EBWB lower
C Proapt MUleseei. .oeetL
Mir rwMabIr aloek eenpaor. «...
wriuvnot OD.W br g. W IlaBU.r
JoBBooa bloek. rtooeTl.

MDrtrable ewamp that backed it and ‘ ewer to tbia brtiul ebaUenge.
y^STlo^ «' tnay ailll w-e aome faminar Undmarka
- the
• arid waatc of tandy bottom tbroogh gored
1 -Which tbe gliaiemng poliabed ralia of Soa
In her pix-liy a^.

I^BKOWK. Aueryy^kr

M>aoeeMaaetug. tiuKcmiM-

and vBtU tbia day "

• log ebantiea, wilbont apecial prelieiii to any architectural
architectoral diaglmi■artfiit
I^ty, marked the rite <rf tbe town, die-



with wbicb

r-ss;S ri


Cheapv pant* at It to, ■,
and SO U.
Better ponta at St.oo,
SS.OO. M 00:

Fashiona.bla Outfitters. 124 Front Btre.t
ZERO ULSTERS—$3.50 to $25.00. Sold bp us eiclusi(elp~See them.

"Toe pnrwo yo' bonah .an bapplow m tbe ft>mac«iil& aen. rattling abrilty
« “«• »«‘H
I *»d Ib'ow away my wnlhltaa life "
' with very joy Then tbe dram ahade of “■>
v^'er aa.o. latenn.M
Ordinarily Dave-a apeecb waa onpol- U»e murky ahadowed ewamp and the uow 4<li1a ami i-rriy ewna two Imi-.r• KubIIbIi we*-kll«-a—waa kuowti lu
labed and provincial, bot on tbia ooca- big araly Iwok aoorpicni and dainty mnl
It the oenaaioB demanded.
Sne knew full well bla timorooe dlayoattiMi and would bare thongbt it aafe

As good as
aap tailor eaald inaka
than-bat hall
Se price


*** l.uip.«iall.le


Men’s Pants

Oar last
Slits. S9, SiO, $12,

mwa while another limped paiafally Tbe two t.-achw now enie^ Into lit

hlaek water, of tbe -erlck” oanrnd a
roarfcable aificaticm of hia kneea He




when tbe tmofce clcand away the man


Twtoe a week at Uoat Benda ahowe
new neekwe«r-the eweUeet etorae
of Bo*ton or Cbieago eaat do better
—lie. Me, fSe lo SI 00.

Eiiri Special .
All the latest Patteres

when In eollab.

tboogb tbeaparraretherifleag^apoke
with dM-Ulve. kadm emphaaia. and

OB the white aaad b. fo«» bU paranta'

EiarpiMig ii

Men’s Suits


f pain,
aiepa is rapid rcareat.


ever the aide (d bie dogoni cradto to
wtdtow along with the end. rf<«t weald



G. H. SPW, M.D.
Specialist •
Has located ia Traverse City at Haul Whitlag.
Medicine Free!

Services Free I

Teeth Eittected Without Pain Free.
Tbe doctor bee bad a large
lal work, and be* cored mny caeca In tbe peat of Asthma, Oatarrab, Bro.
ehltia Oonaumptloa. Oance.-, TutMra of all kloda, Cbronie Diarrhoea, Epilepey,
Ineanlty, Goitre, (bigneeb) Rbeumatiemof aU teems. PUea.Loeo-Moter Ataxia.
iim. diieaae* of
the Brafe, Spine and Nervous
Syetra. diaed
All forma of Syphlll*
of the dtamaeb,
________ . blver and Bowels, dlaeoasi of I___
cf tbe Blood dkin.d
enbUispecial epeeitka sad qyrtam of treaUnsnt. reHeart, lo d'.eeaaee of women
and coTueev.---------------*-’•
________________ __________
yoa eau probably be reetored to health agate.
Yon will find tbe doetor> methods and
n have e
.eared "
If you need gisssee. be baa a eomplele eqaipweat tor fluing you.
To all wbo aopty darieg this week be wUl forntah madMae sad hta a
r one week's trretment. FREE .OF OHABQB
^ AndhewiUalaoextra«afeetk.CTa(ta.Bafeghtaaewfeealaa»«tb*Ue.
aMthecqveratlonp^nleeaaadtattossfenofStaythfeg yetdtaeorafud.



nuTKD orr ■ditach^
I *•

tAnsrAcroniT nmD.
tmU BMUr*Mtta


«M ■•

IF, 1W»



Slchard Omi^m. alku Cnitck DO* I A nitW vMk age I^wm Badwtt
-t-»nt •; Ita^ mr
aoliia away
awae pawn.
, gotag
leoN eiH-kgfed mn who gaT* a dlf- of HeBM-rrUle paKbawd aome land nutar-m:
HoM(oa-I wiah I CMkL-Oilcagc
(mat addma <erb time tw «m attad o»*r wkirb ttine had bm a lawanU
Several pbawaof
Mctaaitiee and l^KKinc
for Ua netdanc*. had arrml anaO far rear*. aoiU the panW had ^kbi their tom are pi
“You ao»w. 1‘n alwaya nenroaa
They ^Id make
horaa oe bU face wbae he appeared half a doara ilitMe what the land was
*ke id when yon ico aaUIng.’' abe w' '
"Ob. thcrc'a no daiiger.'
la the TathriUc poUce Mart todaj aa wenh.
Ha«-htnt knew aB aboat It
a maoll of bnralag off bU nuataebe Moaw of the people wondered wbj be hecooieof ib« greaiaem of oar onwr* UJfwd.
"Maybe not- *4ie y«gi)led wltb .
4aat Bight la ibe Baat Tweoiy-««.Dd wealed to get bold of property with taalOca todar.
I. Tbe gr;.ter the oaaortnaltT th. •>«tc of Mr bead, "but 1 ^mll fed a
dtroet autbia, ae that be rould ael he aptb an taratma of noeeitalaty apoo
, IdradOed.
tboagbtbethat perba|
leave yeui; watch aa.) pockctbook with
Coadoa h^ the n^toiatloa of bomg wealed aotae legal knliUng troth and d'Tbe harTHt la pam«d. tbe vamnier la n»e."-<'hl.ago l*oet.
tbe fferteet one-legged raaoer la Ibe would plirh te iwd.bol to ngbt that Mded. and we are aut aered.” Tbe
"He aaM be fuon.l It Impoealb
I had ibiirontortnaityto
ibiirontortnaity to beaeeed
be aeeed teO hh love for
city. «e wear* aa artldeJal leg and Une-few* qwwiiMi on bl* owa book,
con m faaier than many men wttb
Tbtf* wbat tbe owner of tbe ad- bet they rej<gte>] aalratlon. and ibe , "Yea. He makes It a poliil never to
two a«|Mid leg*- Ue ba* managed to |olnlng Uad ttougbt (to be Maced kiagdoih wo* kot. and tbe eertoaenee. be."-Chkwgo I'usl.
ouiraa *eT4>ml polieemea wbo ooagbt
of Ibeltww
tronUe when
IJMle WUUe - Hay. pa. what's a
to arreai blm under *a«pinoua elr- fiaoheli comlag 'ecM** the Arid one I brcatu* of the pricelem ealoe of that
nuDeunrea. A monib .agu a pulire- day.
: which wa> kwt—Ibe life end well beiag
—If* a eotupany of ICO
that uuike* war agnliut war.
nan nrre*i«d blm for Ugglng. aod
Haekett: “tVhafa your claim of a oalion. Toloaean
Dally >News
found In bb iiochcl tbe cart] of-Mr*^ ben-, anyway at to»tblafe«
tlib fencer
Inv-lvt* little 1* perbape of lualf
idaaray. lYrndoo wa**ei go in court
but t.. k-e an oppi^ntiUy
..j_ _ _ _bb_ neighbor.'»•“«.
_ __ _ _
iltatever beeauie of that galnWer
tbe neat day twfore it wa* tearued that •
yonr febce b over on my land involees tbe dortio.r of a natloa or thewbo w.-tii to Ataakal"
Mr*. Omr had Ipwn rolibnl of a pock- _______
__ ____
fret__at one
and one
foot at *>^<>al destiny of as imuorUl aonb U a •"lie struck pdd *11 right.’
cl book- iKiectlee Kelly, of Ibe Earn hw,t at the other rad
" ”
' *
’1 lualter
uiatter of tbe
the must
uu*l atnpendona
atupendou Impor- < “1“
Twruty-een.nd atreet aUttun. anw C«u"WriL" replU-d ilarkclt. -y«o go
Onr mo*i valuable opportnnliy
ahead JU.I a* quirk aa you «n and 1* for .alyalioo In Cbri.t. Letnaaerto
h. ..belt
art your fefi.w orir. At the end wUe-rv H Ibal Ibe h.rve.t doe. not pam withJlTty did y.«i
marry, b. a«keO.
"Ho a* to get a divorce." anawered
yon «a> that t eu<tuach on you two out our being *av^.
the coioil.inal fciiir.—t'bicago I'usl
>d pm ol
.' «j.|si«oi.Uy
•* -— -‘•7 bring*
re.*t. set the fence Into my land four |
ran like a .leer, bl* anlflebl leg thump
■ml. "
If ■knt.
tbe l4*uio apoa our....................
■■• *•'----, WITH THE HUMORIST.
lag eo tbe sidewalk apd wa* Ib.feeaib. xsiii. 8T-8P). Cbriet bad
lag tbe dblance briweeti lilin*elf.nad
“But." penlsied the neighbor. “Ibat *»*» •’iltini to gatiiBr tbe people of wilt’w” uUy^mTe-tWrtl'^rfr'X life In
the detective ivtfiai h . .
U twice wliai 1 .lolui."
Jerusaleni Pi Hituaelf. to protect them aks-ic
heeded him off at 11ilrd' sreuue.
diiu'l care about that *' said- ** *
briud. hot Jernaabm
IVif.*—Does that liicliidc tbe lime be
was locked op. Willie tin- detective ll,.*rtL 1 want you to lake’eOougb
Tbeoppurinolly to be .arod put* in at cbundil - fbk-ago Hally
aongbl Mm. tiny to eee If *be ronlil ^
- - satUtled yon have -'K-ed
Ml you are p-rfectiy
pl"*'cd tbe rctKituibillly
rc.putuibillly of
ut aalratiun Ncwi
Idemlfv the i>rlaooer aa tbr
got your right*, nmi Ibcn we can ml "I*''” t**" peu|.le. and when they rejectI'aleii.- -1 s.v H AulsT ba* Wk.-n hi*
had rulilM-d ber.
along i.leaaautlr. llo abead and lielp
they ware to
a. a iiual.-l for ibc uutp-l In bl*
Ooodmi had a biwey aandy
^ blame. The fact that O.d give* n* op- new imlutiiig.
tMUald aliaahMl
He ha* piTcotiiliearelieve*Him of tberwponalHrusb-1.-*: Ik-'* not a* bic a
....,'^ir MmmeS
li oM Wiity and pb.-,* It opn u*. ami iTwa •-might aup,ass^'I
Wel. aud akmi alsmi midnight iba
,t|, move *•«

"I** O^'-.u.
priaoners In .warby cell* saw the spot,be new n-igbls>r slunned him. T.-t
««« '"■•••»»» »»«>“«
BiaKhe* lo It'•
—•— ’C'-i------- ;—
!"“ r’l
^e wasn't n. m. outdone Ui geiKMsIiy.
tfa« odur of iHirnlDg hair, Tbe the
_ _
duoman w.-ht to i'.mdon » cell tbl*
-,bg, f^pce ain't i
to g.i 1
■ ‘
the aide of uiy faiv."-Cb1-

Te Fttners ait Petan Skiwnn
Where It’s Made
n cigar is maHe ia a
maHer of considernUo' weight to
pauiien'ar 8m.>ker8. nnd it ia lf
them we apeak.
Oar wtM-k Tooma nre clenn.
light and pleaannt
Ooratw-k ia cWo. finely enred nnd fngrnot.'
Onr workmen are nent. akillfol nod efficient, ngiog the be«t of
1'bese thinea vnake .our ci|>ni>
tbe farorile brnuda with^eo laany

Gan Post, straight'lOc
Diamoiil f, 3 for—ISc
Tratetsa Balia—DSc

a* tbl* wlic.1 iuri)« bj tlie wHgbi of York, nml be iamle.! lowanl i1k> eml «if
these lialU. imeoMlieui rail* otn oMi* ITiri Tin- .-..luimml.v r.-.elv.*l Irndl.
cup. roll* down ail ImUned plan.- J<> tiun Ibal It wa* bl* gn-ai admiration

Tq U>«e Thi
Every relalino to mankind, of bate or
IT nrslcrt. 1* full of rezalinn and

TrawaiMOtky Anrfeat.
below U a Hat of tbe bnylng wad eel
oi yestaiday far g
e jialnt bl* iHirtralt.’
n lait t.1 luve llieui: to v
Iiy aiel U agiili. ek-vaicd by a tt'ilc - brouubt Hliiart liack lo Auicrlcn. i* tlieir vtrtnts with adm^iiuo. thiir
car iftsv.-lliiB along a «t.v|a-r lucllm-.l ..m- of tb.«.- half-iruth* that are fanii* with pin and forgivene**. Task
plan.- lo the lop of tbe wheel, wince eqnival.-ni I,. talM-b.K*!.. Hlr Tluimii. all tbeinKcnniiv,.r mind In devise
It fall* into a Clip wjiich aiambi verti l-nwr.-m-.-. upon bearing this r. ni-.ii-,
.rtber ihing, liui-Vi.o can never
lal a short time. .Vfli-r the car a**igDe.l. said:- "1 km-w Huiari well, hud it. To hate y.-nr 'adveraary will
dl*. harge* It* esrso U n-iuru* tii It* ami I la-llev.- the r.-al can*.- of his ! not help von; to kill him will not help
orlgltinl siatluii fn.m It* own weight, leaving Ibiglaml wa* hi. having Iv. ycu; nothing within thecomi«a« of the
From the time one of lliem- lull* I* couii-tlr.-.! of the Inside of aumc .of ; univ.TM-<au help vun Imt to love biui.
droppd Into a cup uutll ti U aguiii our iwl»«u»." Aud iliui wa* -But let that love dow ont ni>on all
droiuad lute .tip It irav.-l, .'kl the fa.-i; arotfud yuU: and c-mld harm yonl
Im-h.-*. Thu* llo- M..rk .him- by all
Hiuari lagan a birg.'inimla-r of pnr. • Hon-umiiy ■ knot of nivsierr uud misthe luill., 1. e.|nivnlcnt i.i on.- Udl ir*li. in Iivl.tml. for whl.-h Ik- wa* nodmlandlng would M untied bv one
traveling (Iter a mile a .lay: 4l«) Hill.-* |>ald iialf ili.-prl.t-at tbe Hni slitli.g. word ei*>keD In simple ami embding
lu one year^.tnd during a lifeihu.' of The ma).>riiy of ib.-*e be left uiillo- triith vif heart: How many a aoUtary
I pi-r«in
ilire.-.iusw.- year* Ibe Isln-d wli.-u he returiHtl to Aiii.Tl.-a,
ice Would be lufle glad il
distance anintih the globe.
aUd li.- .t.atl.l.-.l i>. H. rU-rt. the auih..r there, iuid how
I- Inward- wonld b« flllc
t« iwlot IVwey.
doea not r.s|ii(t«- aii.« aiicuikin for ful \Va*hlngi.>ti: ’ I'll g.-t »ouh- of my
- ly a ycar.-lVa*lilngion l*.»l.
flr*i sitting* tlnUhe.1. aud wl..-n I .-aii
Boekwbeat riour ner bbl..........
—----------------------net a Mum Miibcl.-iit. tu lake me to
America I kIuiH Ik- .>ff t«- my aailvc and think of Uod. IXi so especii
In the *pa.-l«a* and garden of Mdl. There I eX|*s-| K. uuke a fol-. when yon ar.' aiixi.ins and worn with
lime l..\ WnHlilugion al.m.-- t .-ajen- care. Tnrp tuHim and leave yonrtrona ivlaihr. not tar from Meophaiu.
have Been ihla week a bush of green late u|H.u making a plurality of hi*
l■.rt^lll*.*. that will cu
pwea. Tlic bud* and bh>s*.ima. h.- it able me to rcallx.-: and If I Mlioiild Is- , ,,
unili-ratiM*], wen- not u.-n-ly greenlah.
I will repay my Engil.l, »«»•
ry tale, that the .Ivvil baa I
nor Btri|s-d or vari.-Ai.-d with ere.-ii. and Irtah .r.-.lli..r».
•r*. ' To Iri-Uud'and
livUud and «""•> »n thetalrj
0 l.vullDg yon <ui by making yon bebnt p.-rf.s'i given
III Mhape and dhigland I -liall hid ailii-u:", And
make. Willi .-alfx. corallo. |>ctal*-ev when licrlK-rr“ blm with, lieve that wilbrred turnipa were gold.
Appl«a-CuUa nnd ^dMl^ »0e par
...u ' And wbat w ill yon do wlili .vonr nn. Turn to Uud in yonr momenta rf joy ino
erythlng. all allke-of a brigbl. vivid
Cdur. exai'tlv reM-mbllng
mblltig Ithat of ibe *“'“***'> work.)" Hiuari Impii.b-mly and gratiinde too. Share them with
"Tbe artlsis of Dubllu Him.
nary gns-u leaf of tin- ra*e tm»b. auswere.1:
..... ...............
................... ........
wJr le eocial instinct to tba Oo".) necking U>
in Arnold lb Ibe Loudon .,*“
of all—lo your Father.
----------U»t c
During tbe
winter oi l»tt7 Mr. Jamea
Rome of Ibe blooms wmv of the or- *
acmowBuofClay, Clay Oo., W. \*.
ffinary alae. ami fashioned like a tm
atruek bia leg egalnet e cake of lee In
foae. or *inan Cloire dr Dtjon. and
aa to bruiae it aevere; ber way lu Ibr worid who baa
inch awollen and
many amuag them were mo*r*yiume(grownjuoiv •ymimthwh' with hu' qaaliito
endear onr Diend* to oa
that he eonld nni
'.......... «« »»«Mllv think of Ibe bright and
cheerful ulker. wbo ba* bees turemuat j
hwita alKHil nisca. I ought not lo have
been ao asumlabcd at a green row.
1H«B Hole Is sure lo bare written
■omelhlng w'lae and IcarnM about Iht*
panlruUr vaaarv of nature which I
may have forg..nen; but ccnaloly Ibe
■nwt. I>nl.l rt»,.loi.i. ■>
ItaMore .u- uioiv of
ri«.waaatiiK lime a true anrprtae.
Tbcrx- cxlii:l<-.i
falui iN-rfui-jc of
: briar from the* cmprald-Mlorvd___
' " '
atroalUcaliut what could (KHMlldy Indoce the quecu of the ganlen thus lO
abdicate ber lovely colora and aiik-itdM
tradition* aud look like a tuft
.or.a ball. of Rl John'* wort*'


o btar ut blue rose* a

Tonr aymiMthlfia are with Owi
_ cli•They are." answered the Berlin
lien. **nmre's
“Tbcre'i no net
nae of~ Qreal
Britmu's —ilw araknd and *wi»*r m*
that e nan
drink a
in wbo
Wbo can
a gnUra
gnUon of
bear n day-aieeda etvaixlng."-Waahk«tod8ur.

,d.ijul.m ..f honorable buslnewi meth- hrlgbl w.rd*.wb.. can laUon all loru i bat nothing gave any relief on'll be
i,d» need not d.-sitoj tbe Inhetvnt g.-n- ofanbjei-la wiibootseemingbopeleaaly
; kagan ns'ug Ch*mbarUln'i PainBaJm.
tleuess of woman'* natur.-, unfltitug bewildered
hecauMtbe vobjecton hand-Iwk-.-w

rred. bocanwlbe
almoat a eomplete ear*
her for Uic csalted •t»tlon of an at- i. nol a
fe.-il.matc wife and tender moiber.
___ _ - _____ - ampntei
Balm U uccqualed for apralna. brnlaaa
rt-alillee of life uuat come aooner or
•od rbeatnatian. For
' '^ 8.
~ ~
r aale
hJ *a«H worn--------------------------Welt and F. C. Tbomi
en. If ibc.v In- leanu-d tu early wornnever Ai..^
,nho.Kl. th.- dr.«m life dU|.larcl hvThey are never alone that ate bceom,i„. r,.al lif.-. uo " awakeulug.'* pani'vd wiUi
uuOle lb. agbt*.—Sidney.
Wagons for Sale
tu the wurM aa II la await* the w.i—
Tbr awbhotn.
B. J. MotbuBlttea* aud prufcBalonal
ru, U (br 4u H r-w.
Oia isiliBc unnet* ira>*.
ar ui>on the ttervou* Ky*ii
. 0* owo l-nu ma imdM WMt
------• ams TH* no nMsm d*«.
»« ‘kc .-.mnani grind of dally carew
Tkb tk* du W pfcr.
ie« .''■1“'S'*,,
a itu swvc sw
Joy# of aueccaa aud
BM TV* ih, Us« «( diKsrS CM,
-nts of failure, shar­
the dll
TW «*•*• pf'wO. te aUL
ing In both alike with her husband,
and when Thus apprt-claiing tbe feel­
ing of oervoot csbanathm and IniiablcoMB. »be qnlrlly patac* over
tbe*e ntaulfeaiailoiia. which to Ibe la'*iwrtrt»rrd woman oDen prove# the
tw> is ite am c< MnBiml fotfe tte -iWcMra team
Iwgianlng of eatrangemcoL ■■ beAaS «f*te
•MU .0 k>*v md KM
■>«'k and a d«d«cirtl haahnnd
mOei-^eompantonda. TmiMOir rt daU! .
^ and tyiiipalhy<~WaM'a Hme

. The Miahieao Starch Ca
Treverae City. MicLa.

Oxen For Sale.

Sold by all dealen.



obt'en'Udn»M *PI"caraort-. hill a num,j, j,]„uie.l old laud Tlicre *^’''**'^!'*-'''^**'®“H.-lcme U so nuprai-thwl."
ber of liuniw) maicbtw on the door egnu,|,Uu; tu tbi- tight but the i ••
opporintiltiea are irreroca"lluw .-an you «u.v ibail Uy unde
plaln^ tbe loM of tbe raau* muaU< be prtnrlj.le of the thing "-liewUiou
nearly always licbl* bisi lgar by
and jhe burn* on liU fare.
JoufML ‘
I lohHy of Inberiting tbe blowing of tba Ins tbe suu‘* ra.i> on It wlib
•lib III.
Wben the prloiuer was arraigned in
----- ------------- -----firsllKwn a.m of Isaac. He Ugbtlr ea-, Hot leu* In bl* «
tbe Yirtivllle police court today he
atmiu *r * Paiaisv.
j teemed it and reJ.vU-d it. and "when "*>«'«“'•foBBd lhai bit iwnaolinu* agaluii beu,. n,arlc- Henry Hart, apropos of b* wcol.1 hai-e inbt^itod tbe blowing ba
"You .uiglH to study law." sakl the
log tdMillOe.1 were upnecessaty. a* IV- - iVoir* engraving In th.- Juue Century wa» rejected, for heToond no placv of, advap.-ed w.mwn. "Tliaf* the only
tertlve^ Kelly^ bad learued j^hat
f«,„ <juhert fltuarfa jioHrall of Mr*. ; repentance, tbongb be >ODsbl it care- j
knowing your
Gray bad gone to tlie coiiulry ftir th-- Creenlenf. r^s-urd* some of Ibe Bnao- i fnBy with teara.” It wa* too late. Ba
“1 tried It once,'' sahl the woman
aaiumer. Magtmtate Krtler dlM-bargcil cial ablfi* iIh-great luiluier rew>rie<l had loat bi-opportunity. AnotberpoaIbeprtaoner
er a* there wa* no cuniidalDwhile Htuart rtu-aiied
iim.1 the old 1 aw* d tbe bleming. and U <JooW nut be l mv.- It un bn-suae 1 k.-ui
sat In evurt.-N'ew York Run.
Fleet by removing from
______ ..
a tsiwion
to I retoraed to B*»n. But nndunbledly tbe i Bmilng out w uiucb al
DuWln, be .-«eaped tbe Irish bailiff* ' bleming* here do not typify tl
for only a short tlaie and mam found I »kdi of tbe soul, bni rather ojiportnnl_____ ^
...... Miu*elf ome more In •coaBueiiicnt. Ro ! tie* f.h n-rvlce. But in tbe parable <rf
Ile-rwa* horn on the IStb 6t tbe
perp«nai motion yet dim-overed ta the banlened. •b.iwever. hid be Iwcome to • the virgins we bare an illostralion of
Invention of Deter M. Baven»kUde. of ,li, i-ondlilos of affa« that one of I an opisirtonity for aalvaUou wbicb. mouth and on h'riday. ton.
Hhc--I* that the rea*on you bavc
Cabery. 111. The rituk la an acrnraie hi* Jokes wa* to tell bow be had palut- once kwl. never retBrued. This I* tbe
tIawkeeiuT. and will ran for a year ed blmwir out
Jal] by Ipalniing the ' aaddeat phase of upp<irtoniti«n. Once ney.-r U.oiigbi It Wurth while' trjrlng
It of Jail
to i»- anylNHlyv
without allMtIoa. It wa* Biarted go- porirail of the Jailer, wbo was no i gooa. they never relarn.
return. Tbep
Tbe pari it
lie tln-lded thcti and iberc that II

I '1>«ielraied at tbr bom
honor" the artHil j revocable. We may re{«nt our loam
bad done blm that be •
onlv too may monru for oar opportonitica^mt wouhl U- B.-< look ^wbere
for Id* amnliT.
wbeel Ml iDcbe* la rircumfsrrnce. Htnari'* ew-ape.
I. tberefurc.
“Do yon aiippoM- it la really powalMe
From tbe outer suffhee of the clr.*umAfn-r residing In IMilln for nearly Ibat uo op|K«taDitlee abonld be lost!
Bible Readings-P*. axxii. 6:EccL for a man lo fast a wck withoutfen-nee arc luapemled USh cup*, each hmr year*. Hiiiarl deiemilned to rereally iuJiiTiona effei-ta. doi-torr’
one-bair Imii In diameter and a Ihlnl turn to bl* naUve btml Inn nut liavliig sii. 1: laa. Iv. 6. 7: Motb. v. iS: ijv.
*>f an inch deH*. Ka.-b of *0 of Ih.'m- the menu* to iwy f.>r liU tia«uige, he 1-19. Lukeziii. 34. S5; John vii, 33-84:
cup*, wbicb are sti<-ies*lve, nmialn .'usage.1. a* it* <i|iilvnliiii. to 'iinlnt viil. 8i; i*. 4; I Cor. av. 6S; U Cor. -Tlmiiglilfiil man! Considerate mor­
tal! You'n- evld.-mly plaoulug to *avc
ai.el lialU tluvc-.-lgbibBiof an li(r-h In the lairimli of Hi.- .mucr of tbe riilp. Vi. l, 8; HeU iv. I II,
eiiougli u.i>iK-y to |iay that little bill
dlauiHer. K.crv minute bwI a half John Wiaw. a wliic luerchnoi of New

it Rtraet

Owing to tbe ttnuMiAl'U^ peraoeotnge of ctilla nad onmerchnotable poUtoM tbit aeuosi. «• have*
decided is otder to make n mnrket'for same, to rpn our factory on
many of tbia grade of poUtoea a»>
we can obtain.
Onr factory, wbicb baa a cs)vacity of 10,000 boahela of potatooff*
per day, ia now complete and wc*
are ready to take all the enll po~taloew that are offered na. for"
which we will pay tbeir fall volno*.
Save all yoar nooierchantables
polatoee and write ns for qnoia^

I hare two good yoke of oxem. ■
for sale, weight 3200 and H.’lOO

Tonn^liar Block


Horses for Sale
at Pioneer Livery Stable
B. J. MORGAN, Prop.

Now is Your Time to Get Bargafns.

One apan of ffuodhUek hortM. all aoand. good arerkm, we'^t »M. PtImw


On* good, bloeky built, brown mare, 8 yaara old. weight laao.
aoiXokick. Price. S7S.


Oeepait gray galdlng*. weight 8400: one baa a aparitt and Uia olbarowM
■tiff In front fML Uiey ar« a good farm taam, c and 7 yaara did. Prfe- -rith aaft-.
of harneti. Si:s.
One good brown mai», weight lltw, btiod'.di'ane eye, good driver a<.d good:.
wwork Frl.Ki.g5a

One pair hay geldlnga, S yaara old. rangy builL good, kind workara nnAtgood drivora. Price. giSA
One pair of extra good black geldinga, 8 yaara old. weight 37oa I haveworked these koraM all summer; they are one of thejteat all-arotwd teaim H
ever owned. Price. g5ua
■ old, weight I50a extra good draft her**..
Ooe dapple gray borM. 7 yeara old, weight 1500, haa e small Uesieh an onss
bind leg, good worker. Prioe, 875.

One pair brown geldlnga. bloeky buQt. heavy bone, weight iMO.d ym
a No- I draft team, worked on my farm nil sDinmer.. Price, 8350.

One extra good Mack horae, fivejrenr* old. Moeky batlt. weight lua- Priw.
One pair brown marea. s yeara old. weight tlSO.-good workcie and goed-F
roodatera. a No. 1 pair. Price, $335.
One neatpairof hay drivera. 5 year* o'd, weight 8000, can atepeloMto It.
minotaa. very riyliali and prompL Pnee. 8350.
One extra good bay mare, bloeky bnili, dve years old. weight 1400.


One nice ronnd bnUL dapple gray mare. 7 yeara old. weight ItOO, haem,
bnneb on hind leg bnt not lame, an extra good alngle woi^er. Prioe. $loa
A pair of pony tnaree. weight 1700. extra good drivera. 0 yeara old.
Elndly give me * e*’!


AU kinds of stock taken in exehnnge for hoaeast


Tour winter's wood
at once to insure deUvery. WE HaVB


Hantlock sumber in all rIsm,.

TRAVERSE CITY LUMBER COL^“.'=£*»“ The Pickling Season

IsH is now at hand
sa»-'“"=; ■=
John R. Santo,
Gnanl liuram.

We nre in poaitioe to fnmiah Tnrmoric Pore Hitgtatd
nad S|iceB^ch na^^^te ^ Block Pef^r, Allgpicei

offer yon the bent nelecUon tbe m^etn
higher prioee than apices of lenner worth.

^Missi’s Dris Store/’


'■ ''k:Z:'y'' •,■.:• ;.yy »^^«wnfO ^tmiArnn. mKtiAY, 00T08«» 11, \9m.



In I ml Miwta.MdW*PO
. '‘Oe,’- Ml4 AnuaA. “I kn«
« baik* on* ot the
iriWto "kS’l


kw «v« mS MMk. •> Mm
M kM kOT«. u4 «M M «u
**ah. Mk kifr«a irfMC kM r<M
«a^ ft MH. vHh MM
Tkftft Ikktl 1 tv IftaUtbMftM;
ak»M»ft»fi t—yiMftr<^&fty*fti*ftt»«vl(»ftft4Mrft. IMv.*
•ftott kft ~yta Mftd «r M Me ftM"

■MMiiia^MMy. Iwol
WM»ftM<rf»M ftftMM—ftftdkftfc

M ®M «U tM. tkOMk « eM® «• M

LM^ Wm mtm.

the roine
fDim uw
the ■«««—
kotkiDobUr betda
A writer, who wka W»fteir
htauetr ki
kk e»e*-"' For
ew «e
------ __
qkUHe. ftkTk the OenbeiMB’k Mk«k- Mt the prontM of k «tW pr»«1e^lF ©«»«• Dr. Wa^lhM iB
ktae. trill M of the teceptioa e( OoUBl tree
the mkdde»lQ» ktreFt aolftra
ArtlM Mi •« FUalc Md

»* ‘“U seontrr:

t«««h that Bkhe modm krhkk

"*• •* * of Bt JkiiM- ^*e hi® k wonSerM
wfabtoAoir yOBMMM
: w—. 1 ^Mme -rte kieht of Mr. BroBMci
h <tf the
i hftd left the® « riMp witbo.1 k
__ _ .... i ,h«,h«»i They hftd er<* cried out
So Mfias. .
ow bMlMk poskek- kCkUtst the tnecrvUhlc decree of Uib1^ fnwB it took the IckM. which >»ti kod curtkUed the beiebt of their
«ad« the eroi ctf the kkto- fttoefc.. And. k>! here. asbUkg dowk

the Mali-with Uft-rihrickue.Ukfhlm
Bridoos read it. Boied and wM:
Ih thr wtodo* at Wblie'e, or la h'op'f
••It ik reiy ibort. Yoo ®y thkt tbow ftUey ^>oftluriaa. here with the derll la
(Mncwraftie fnm the bftnda c/'tbe Em- hU eye* and *U the crace* •’ >di riMftrie Lokub. BaraatvnpM ho bow.
Couut d'Oiway. the prince
pannouDi. w ho ibould dumiMte Loo••It M kklbentle. the HuprcH ad- don and ibould cuard life from moariirni it it to the gnat Napoloan ^day notony by the dartug of bUVhlaar
after the tattle (d lAtaMt."
' l^lrat at Svaiuore place, then at
“Bot Ibe^panr Ueed at the TaUe- Oore


i Piano Prastice
I Causes Disease


tHfiitwl iff 10 furs.


More or k k- k tortwe, ftkyk Colll^k
Weekly. Cobble pkTe®.-i»u .re UW to CMorkote. NoMMlk m4 Other NkrMl.. ®eul tlreo ®«1 the
^ !2?L**
oteri-ahod borw*. Wlib ereey Tehk-le .
.*^_®?***'..?**f .*®
heitha heanH at ••Haaf
noior^lrieea and eerry wheri pneo■Mriog th« keyhaard.’*
matle-tlred 9II parementi can be of aaphalt Not Wy wUl the ramNini: of
In tha Brititb .M •liml Jonraai lr«aheary trticka and the rialter of hoof- cMd Dr. VaaWwld'a aiticle eo
... ....................................................
.... be
.. M ‘Maaie and Nerrea.'* ia whicA be
diaappeor. but there wUl
more tracks to cut op the rireela. elnce rial®a Itei ^ alaimliig taereM la
electric umnlbiwea. cariying aa many
people, and. moriiig na awlftly aa the
riectrk care of to-day. wUl take the ***^-^^^ or not the
iHc U doe to
puce of rireet raUwayw Haring ai- pUaTii*, «y
reody conquered the rail electrivU? will Citbere it 00y deayiog
! of oerrthen hare made Itarif maaler of the there U
___ ________________among
yonhg giria at the
highway aa well. Rapid trenail
for om di
br riec- critical age of twrire to tineen, when

Gold FiUugi................... $1.00 up
PUU«om FlUing.................16c op
Silcw Riling.......... .............60c op
White crcwoc............... S60to8.00
S2 Urct gold oiowiic. .6.00 to 8JiO
work............6.00 pet tooth
C&inleoo oitioctiDg end Oiling
withont gM, chioloim or ether.
Tenna caah.

OoraarFroai and Cbm BtnaM.

••Oertaiuly. Mr. and that ‘
i Mir intimaie knowledge of the electrified, locleiy. Jekyll deicribr.
C. C. Leater, ManaBer.
p^ctiee of muaie and anriety
. .
M Sir Will be ®> more. Thr remoral of ita
TOfthctinie. Bnt. ifyoowUlre- their dweUlug aa -a bUou.
' KMitalr had the DHtman roe o«t et ®ettb«. dnrtng the ab®nce <d the Lit- W. Cnrtl»- lady Hid. a perfect bou■ Ban. atMhkT^^Mrt throning tie Cceporal. ai he whirled from hatUo- gle." Thither baaienrd the ellir of make the® nolaeletk bnt eflU precilc- u,. xim« that giria become pale, .wmk
when JnlaiiDMre. wte wm »*“ to bftttled«ld. the ««npre« waa in Enadand: ® the iwcepikta rooma with ally lolTe the problem of atreet clean- and oerrona. aod ftofler the reanlu of
Lb* from hla aixth
window, the habit o< retiring to the Lonrte."
their freftwW celUiiga. their chandc- ing and grenUy Improve the sanitary irtegnUriUea of the delicaU feminine
arrival sad dcpamiv e( uaias a< Travstsa
7% h.—Mi, tA thft Biwur'a <d- 1 Bridoox wai eridentic dattered at bia Hera of (Tyiul and allrer. their orien- condlllona of urban life, reducing the
City, is cSvel Oeiebar Is6, UM.
I hlatorioal knowledge tong prwMd. bot lal emhrelderieb their prkwMa plc,, ^
I tubbing hia none leflrctiwlr be laid:
lurea. wbigi for a while furgol their R Ith dean, smooth tborowhfaree
■ ■■
‘•&ay lettHk fer meF' be arired.
_____ ______________
„ ^e compared with Dr. A, W.
How ow
did tn
the letter fall in® yoor hatred
of lorlea. men of kHien rubbed , through which swift, alr-abod. eaiy- nw
The porter pnt
put 00
on Ua
' ' aperincM. l "n^
abottldera with (be dubhitea and ibe , riding rebidea dart nobideaaly It will; Oisar't Ncrre aod Blood Pilit, the' gtMt
8«;ns -S£S8ks.8eSKiss«:
l^handnptbeletterawhkib bad Jnm ha^r
nstnral manDer la bocki. Lord Cbeatertdd was there. '
ho longer be neceeoary to *eek theprieaie preftcription of Dr. A. W.^ Cbaie. >eii-.»WM = gS=vw«» :
looked tb«n orer mm hy 00a
•‘Ohmy who paaaed hU life in Imliailon of ' country for reit and quid.
( whoee portrag and eiguatuxe U oa erety
» i------------ i------ “■ :~i
.tbeerorld. Ig
Md replied laooaioaUy:
V a
. .s . a
Oier. conn, dHim-y. • • • Every da, j Opoe tha boriele« age la in
falbtr. who got.
.'biM'i Nerve
Nerve and
and Blood
I Sgfi&«S8CSS8« ; 81 ;CS£«S
mag man. ' My gtwndfatW.
KTwndfatlx^. a enldiv of the empire the clnle widened, became richer In | away every man, will
win hare hi. own
and rcdialiie
reviialiac the
the wmted
•Thank yon.”
11^ bring back the
^ be slowly 1
whim UatrieM Anaand WM Waitilig picked up Ibia
one day when U aU who were dla(<t talented
: already to aoroe extent iu|>t>la(ited ‘the
thU letter
* '^^01 Ci
tu Uie^ertiaa'd
the cbeekiftod the mudaeat to
•- i fallen from
traoi tbe
ibe pncki i of the great or witty. KIde by aide were to be M«en home, will ia tom lie .helved aave for j ,1,^ fo„u 50 <»bU a box, at al ' '
n and pnwi»v»'d it aa n pneiona relic, a ttcrmaa highne... a Ku.alan prlui'e. the purpoee* of apo^. With the uni- | m l)r. A. W. Cham Med. Co.,
. Through MMcmy the two yoong men .mabandpru
Binding Hmorwn. There wero to
nothUig bnt the moat nrgeu
ply ofrieetpiolty the eleetromoblle will
gw Hen al) tbrir fnmltutv all thrir would force tue to wll it
But I moM Aud. olwrced of aU
of all other form, of
teika and all their paperw There
ottoman in a atudb-d attitude of negll. take the pUi-c
mpOTB oitwit aOTtbingriae. beewoH 'and death. Nevi rtlHleaa 1 bog geuiv. the ceuiral tlguiv of a brillam tmrtlon. and plus, will be provld<-d In
ran mannacriDCmills. Wa‘
to U liete 1 am pairiotic, f<w if 1 ihrotig. with a nud and mol for every the .ttv«-u from which the automobU;
Mgrvt to my that while tlw twoyonng come royou U la becanae you an-French one who lumsed. lounged the hero of 1st may take bW .upply
and becauati. if you purrhaw it. thU (be moiumt. Alfr<>d d’Uraay, “rery a ulekel-lu.lhe..loi devUv. while alcDg
a tamed ont a great deal o<
Ing very pmclnaa doenment will remain in my .jileudld. but undeUuable. Hr aeemnl ruml highway. |.>wer aiailon. will l>c
weript they anooeeded in placli
ten lim
limes the .faowily
till you looked to par- eniahlUlieil w that Juurnry. of any distry. 1 could have had let!
gittle. Once in awhile one of ihrm (onuiry.
tatii-e uia.v be undertaken. Even
•voald get an artieU Inwited in mw if I price I asked yon. JuK now an Eugli^- tlonUn. aud then It .eemed only 1
^ bnt they ____
_ ________
tried to buy It on any lerma. He simple thing fitted to a very magnltf. tile farm auluwalna will do the heavy
aho papwa,
b-inlen carrying. The harm- nia> still
to live mi. erm by making a ! followed me, even dogging my nepa to ,vni peraou............... the door of tbii honie."
One afternoon he airvUed Into‘be iH- liame*.e<t to the |>l»w. may .1111 fur. But Bridou evidimtlydid not anicar studio of a brother paiuter-Hayden: nl.h Bp»n (HI the mco-e«iur>-e atfil riding
bury $0 bind tbe bargain.
w bite giwat i-oat. bine utln cravat. exercise fur the few. but no huiger will
••Welir aatd Armand. aaaiat bU
“Iwonld willingly buy it. but 1 wU hair oiled abd curling, daluiily curved he l>e tli<- chief l>e«r.-r of iiisu’* bur0 oonHll an espen Ont. ”
bat. gloves |>rlinruM- In tint, allkllke la d«-n.. «’ho will say h.- ha. not earned
air,” replied .
- ^®ve to watt nniii tbe endo. .
--------- |
My nnelala a man who iaa beUeTHia , ”*Sat loanuot wait.” Hotomedoold de Jasmin. With gmclous (<uDde*ceu
Msloa-. Bslb..
designs and fancy
w».w(da»»^ ”•
'indite aa he said lo hltnaelf, "This sluu in ihl. pride of dsndyl.m. he
1 n-mark•ThederiU Weharoavedaysyrito affair » going to fril Ihroogh if Juloa caught up a-ua.iy dirty hogUM.r aud
arait. StUUIwoaldnotobJwttobmak- do-<pothaityup
^ Imim.rtallaed a js-nrsli of tbe great «'dc I«tbl-C In.
woods wilt new decorations
liatb^rina tmUr inslaad ofdava frmn I At this mcroeottbe dixa-bell rang. duke, charger, .'(Hw-ubageo. by deftly
It IsI.h-sKnI at .Itevt
jBridauxwmtloopeuit. Julesenterrd. altering the sky. "A .v.mpleie youug lug IMvillon covering .everri
Keep these in mind wheni**‘*^*“'*“**”».MBaEAY.a»sst
.. .
c.L.U»0«WOOPri.»-*» A-Otase«aa$as
“ W. needn't tomkfari. Jn that way S'*
«tor«ogniw.blo. HUhalwaatm AdonK" Hsydon calls him. "mH made Kr^ud and l.avlug faclllilc« to baihe
-MW can aave takhiB a oockUU."
the bark of hia head, hia coal wh but- upatall. He Ismncedluto hi. cat. aud
to A'.iss»,isTm.u. a day. down town and call in our
■••Oh. t
snare «b-« 1 am M ' toB»vd to the chin, and be bad on a pair Jrore off like a v.iung .tiwUo wiili a *'
'-•*' dn-wuug-rooui.. all llnl.haa a w«Jf Ym know we had Of long red wbiakers ntrt unlike tbore gprj iVgasiu." This wa. lu 1«U. Ten
““•> furtil.1i.-d lo a m.«t eUiU.rate Jewelery store to look them
: -hid. miom the KnglUh tonriau who y.wre later. .i- cupid.m wa. lice. «-u>u r. -ml t-r .u,s-ri..r m any o,ht.
"F*Alt utmrthaiaam^b«TWf tmvclarm^ withthoH
Ing frem the <x.unt^ in tbe dead of ■t.-.l hy privai . Individual, at our m.wt
We have many new
night, taking wlib him but one vabH. popular .umumr ivs..r . 11,--bul dlw
Mm two ia wtiw-ly gluttony.
wwonofto and burwie imrtmaiitesii. Our.-Iiou-h^ thlDlvS 10 ICWt Iry bIbO.
Anuaad, bU hands in hia pockets, 1 At the ngbi
• -waUfd np aod down the room nSect- ,
faetion. '
entntmv was a. the eutiwu.v
■PBrdodme.'’Baidthefal»EDgliih, f,|r. PhlllMts. the sui-imu,-, r. «u valuable.; laundry building, i.dh-.-sia______ Cy ,»»• wl
"IM bm, •• Mid be, “don't yon know
Ar Ore Ksalds. | » a*S ■>,
X "I-wiahtoapeaktothegeotleman
lu lue
,be .linm.lJJh
drawing fia.m; wmtirtr*
dealers aut.
and U-m. and ..iTI.-es f..r (he Itead. of de.
LvOrd Esplds..| iWpw,
HBybndy wboooold loon at a hnndred
Who jnrioame into your hooso.”
'sight seers thruug.d tbe luagumc-ut I'«nmeii..; ilm-n room, room.
Bridoox was shoot to reply when ,,«rtmeuta
The laundry r...m is «ai fe«-t wide
•'Ym. I know lolawho oonld. bat 1
ooivo Koara.
Armand inUTrnpted.
-------------------------. by US («■> l‘>ng. having an an-a of
know no one who would. '*
“How," mid be, ‘'you here again, i
Imvivastsaa ar N*w Vark.
T.5>b< .n»are feci, (hvupylug .IHIO- dt.
Armand nddeuly ortod out. ”1 have
'■ A Wa.hlngi.m mao got Into an up- recily l«-low the lauudry is ilie bicycle
. «BidM.”
aev“ia it a good oner*
Flacv the other afieruouii. say. a .Veu- enil hoUMiud
mactiiues at a time.
• ••lianm. .Ham yon not often apofcen' your letter. “
“But 1 told you I would not h1) Ik” York conv>|K>ndeui of tl>e Washington
The lauudry I. without <|ti<-stlun the
do me of an old oolhv-ur of antographa
"I will give yon 600 franca"
r«sl. He sat down lu oue of the ton- largi-si lu ,-xisieine for batlihuiis,- pur.
who livna in this bonseU
•. spaciiy for washing,
"1 Tell you, air. (hat 1 am already and-aft seats, aud then his caiiglii
•'Yea He lives on the Sr« Bom, a
Cbeapeet ineuranoe in tbe wo»ld—
making a bargain with this geutieman." that of another Washington man ap Inmliig and drylug from a.t.oOo w S5.- »4 SO per ai.OOO (at the average age of
Miaa named Bridoox. '*
“1 will give you 1.000 fraiKw.”
a<nualntance. who bad buanled the l«si (deces (ler day.
meisbersl ' >. 'S6 yeata.r Youngei now
“What Ksrt (tf a man is heT'
The male took possession of the than at bir'
•'WnUsd d(w't know. 1 have aranely ' “i beg yon. sir. to leave Um-ivann.'! train a bit farther down. As station
IhwcIi thris- years ag<i. and. ceallxlng
resu-hed the car
0,. fdw EngliiS. .fl.-r -l.lind
y him more than a eonple (ff tinwa "
__ - ..
iisids Ibe gan to fill up. for it wss around six the s)deudid opponuniiles f<-r l«Hililng.
♦'SuppoHwe try w aril bis aomo- man.'‘1 will wait for yon
not as a Qiudi-vmaking
l.s>weat average death r«t«. being in
rgr^:“ o'riiH-k in Uie m-enlng. wb.-n most of eoH-iisl.
, dour, but 1 n
scheiiie, but as an accouim.Klation to itlet but 4.S* per aaembera.
“That is a good Idea. It la true wo ' “»«1 he- left.
the publh'. what they Ihnughl al that
usmiidia. bat thev are
w*-." “O'* Armand to Bridonx. k».«-k off
^ WS bS«S “the price liutEngUduumt attach® to
' all the scats wen* taken, and t!m<- wus a liulhliug uud laundry plant Tb«r
thu isvciunH divumeuL IXm’t furoe me -- ilie
• siniiou a uumlier of weary msiii an exteusive m-ale: but It 1
(fUess )u.i Jl»« you - l»» crowd
, _ ■
strsgcleil Hlsciril deuiunslralisl
and hung »u to amps. Of course non-ym only 100 franca.
”ito-”'Sew York men lo
to The
the car
car of
of pl-nt was mu half large enough lo sup■d to give up their seats to the vf>- P'J
deumuds u|s.n It. In Repieiu.
mriuoud. He uiok out of hUiaereiaire
1. Tbe New York man never dreams N-r. IMri. within a few days of cU>s.
coffer. Look thrangb
a bank note fur too franca and gave it of doing stu-b a tbiuk under > ,
_ of the seusoii. Ibe liatbhouse was
I ivwted hitnwlf at tbe table, to AnuaaA whothanked him and with- cntnstaui-eV. But the two WnshlugioD ' pyriially desiroy<sl by firi-. and this
‘“‘•’ll !'
eyed each other narn.wly En- -g,-e
opjiliriunity tills year
» |1d
Is a gmtt thing, and It ronid ' *than douhh- the rapacity, The liulldd more «SsB eUronkoseu'
Not long after that the twoy^g
at the Waslilngioidans were lug- are |M6slilvely Urc-pr.M>r. and arr
:*o rears wv'ro bad esty
shI 4» ar
At**" ^
.toarihair an hour he carefully turtwd
making n fight With tben.-.-lves.
- *! (to
4W«r the abeeia of lUtiW-r.
P“* ‘
a motm-nt or «. ueltl..-r t.. giv.- of sutisiaullal an.l lu.Hb-ni d.-sign.
not .11.1
Sodikeily be crivri outifranoslmo a i envelope with this In- u,, 1,1,
tlie sian.ltng ........

■■E.rek.l I h.,..
You srr ooTdislI) iSTiird u, Julo vlib ss •*$«[•&»
and u.fur.-s-.-.i u to Bndoux.
iblug. Then th.-y .-anglii .-ach others
a .-url.ois tvlie .-otinecte.! with the
frrSD tin. Empress Marie Loaiw."
et .»v
‘I® » *» *
Bnduux never knhw what It eve at Just the same se<-i>nd. IhhIi grin- . el.n-k aud .-lllm•■s of High iVyi-oml« asxr ..-rilcs.loo «
■ • ■
' l»'l> of them got PmUsIi cluir.ii, England, has htf-o uii»i,l. Trsvrrsv f-ly
ihelr s,-als 10 two canlnsl am-ng some mbbUh In the


tnid ItyidHiliidltm. 1-


West Michigan.





The Modera Woodmen
of imerico-

imsTEt iiD ntTHUsnn x x


UUrtMT Meom* JOB eu.
Ya cun cilirt II bt >fUiNi it.



,ir..K> . .................. ...... .

Z :S"rz:Z7.

; aEEDcrrrsiinTARiDi

portion .if the old mo.>ii.ili6l .-l.ick
which »Ui-e hgunsl iu the st,s-|d.-. The
fa.v Is of

•OS' ‘-“-''‘“’“"'J" s;,'urr

•roman at tb(-lj
.^ f.rwn
! the
I got that letter
from herwhen
her when II was
WM I FtencA --------------------------Ishlvother
out im the seats, sluri nn
aervUig my volBUtiwr
» 7«w. j
hw* Aka Akawt-Msauag.
!(hi-'tw.> Washingtonians with snm-r
with iho grade of rtcpcawL
^___ |
of Ormage was gen- Ing fa.-es. as If to manifest th. lr hdlef
■a tell you. old man. that it w from _
.jTk., *„.ro....sM. u-,
n/ that the toilr from the .-npital . liy
________ _ l.silss. snd it iaad- H-Uasttuo .« un Aoamaua ai us (aw (a

I, i.

.to. .to


a rroart. v«iHteis«! r,.pr.-$.-nt the illnmlnat.,1 and .lark
y^-cne Ixmls Deschauel, who hemUph.-res of th.* ..rh r.-M*e. 'iVi ly.




___i Itlow and .xvTvapMid.-uce matters wwv ^
elerird the pnwlihleoi of
A-Tob harel,«r
-Mt Lit
artmnged. a Dntoh man-of-wararnved 1
father was
-Mn I in Venice, and. after anoUter thn« i
inwcbanci. an (-in
emln.-ni scoetor !
weeks’ delay, anxmonnllng Ow la« dif-1
professor of literature.
M. I»ea.
WB yswatag to Uc mUti ^
flenUiH rnised by tbe chnrch and rod ^j^nel. who 1$ 48 years old. Is tbe
“And yon Iblnk you can aril that to tape of the Italian government, last
presid.-m of the rbamlier.
oor neighbor Bridoox? Why. you are Tbaiaday WM the day fixed fm-tqwning *|,j, one exev|Hk>u-lbal of the dtstofr4og It wuold be a awladla “
Ihe tomb and oonveylng the reraaioa to unpiUbed tJamlwtta. Hta oratory baa
"Von can aid roe. Have yon tha* V«*toB.tobetinmq>(«wlby ^i^-^|^B
6ro of youth, but to poltobed
f.tse heard that yon wore at (be maa- war. and nltimatriy depoiaited in tha and toft;
ofiy. HU
family vanlt at Drift.
i«l topiea a


••?s:'ra''asto«to —

iSto toll .ffl Itodi Jto
In a lew words Armand iariinried
Ma (rMnd what ka fa
____ Hid; “Do no*
taaqnHMTOf aahov."
_.jtof firtdoaa.

, »1Ma»'Btoy»aHArti."

itivv of tbe qneem <8 Bol-

“2,.;'"'I posh
su.swl«l i-acti
liy. turning

he phi
r U plain h
ue of the h.wer
D tie .-ause.l to rv

tha Parti axpoatUoa.

i« S «jt

Wrgirr aaa molk'.--------- ------ ■
lav aordUOB lift ptkev ssd }M>rasv


Firs Insurance.

Hr. Warwick Wreih baa writteh an '
Interesilug book oo the I,<indoo plcaagard.-na. lu the history of these
places be finds a strong family reeembUnce. They nsually bt«au aa tea gardent, with a bowUng grmn. Te#. eof- ,
fee, milk. etc., were tbe chief attrac­
tions. Aa baalBMB prospered other



MiW® btgMn p^Hs fell Ftoe•
Mew OMae, Markham Block.

.. OroUlekrtUv
Traverw ni*



Is. L. A. Bnlldins.

LMsanu nawla»
Lava atrmma that have flowed ont
ala, oMoiala gakM qieoial trnina. fulost, noopa Uningtbeway.ainnte ! VmnrtM dnrlng Ue laet Uth trUn I
> and fiaga half mast high, aod then jean have depealted 106.000,000 cnbic
of tova oa the aide «t Ue
MMb waa opeoed and ^
- of them kept on the
A cone of tova
high hu
formed, oat af which
fresh aunami are flowing.
cover on bla premtoM a mtberal epring.
of which a tavorable aaalyato waa
loal Chandler Harria. Oeorgto't aaaily obtained. Tkla accoanta fer
famona anUor. breedet. and poet, to aoaee of tbe ranaoua sprliMa and writo
tfaalefilnBgaBtae.l think.*
to have an exhibit of Jereey cattle at

boM Wetda


nitsi>d rim all round, .ni which still
main ira.-es .if the gildtug which em.

a=sr.rororo-«-±. ■

<*”•“**French ui Italy. di.«i. and wm buried I
••Auddafari IBT8?"
_ rot, Mven 6’ l*adna<l7»U). For four yuara the [
••jsIA my dear h-llow.
ioakst'Urilylikcaww. “

» "‘15.....

, , .iratoi■. W. CCWWWOBAII. Myn


Ootog Karts vrory Cay ssoepl asBlay,



^^roji ^.y.■ ■


Oetoc apoih pmsr lay sae iBaMayIMTC CAartoToU B. A Deek .. .... tJDam
.... tomato


::x: !3;:

■orst nrox, HoiMtoiilwt
Blea Uaa a aaU.

483 H JUmwood Aw.

rm..- m

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