The Morning Record, August 23, 1899

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The Morning Record, August 23, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TtxTztun mm





Just From
The Faclory

: tb*t BBcb of ihe pro^B wm dcroiod

prwUcU bonoM OUi May Be Belegated After
Of Mpeeikl lo<^
oifl mo*.
Dr. D. A. HeLkeU*a at Drtrolt. *
member of U>*S 1*1* BiMd of B«*ltb.
piffarenoM of Opinion < ^ tbeef*Te*vm7lutrtieUf*addr«*eoB Cosfenmee Between the Pneident,
Oeaaral* XUea and Verritt ladi-rho H'fieae of the Efe,” wbioh wao
Travaraa City's Wstor
fnli of very helpfal eBcrMUoae.
eeteoTbat There Kay Soon be a
mr*. Bocb'e Tiae'Paiper.
Obaayeinthe Command of Phlltp------------A floe paper ob -The Hyrtese of tbe
A whole window fall
ptne Porewe luted That KerrlU
me* by Abl* P«op]e U Home'' froorivoB by Mr*. If. K. Back,
of differaat kiiicU.
ia - BdDirJleriouly Oonaldend for
Sultory OcmT«tl«-*r*.
(he Kantia Poet.
__ ^
;*tndy »sd preaeatod It In •• nb’.e and
Vtoe Paper o. Hrde» of Home-|^,i^^
„ .U kcu«keeo«.
Waablnytoa, Any. St.—Tbe departaior KiUikea and K L. Sprarne J wMiid atady the theory of eanltaUoa ture of Secretary Boot for Plattabarc,
on Sonreaa of Water Sopaty—!la the home, a* maatrated by Mre. I and tbe praapect of a eoaocfl of war in
Kaciaem Bafler aad Hoe K ». j ““'k- booaekeoplny woold become j *hleh the prealdent. Seeretary Boot,
Oa.ab.Ubnrem Onnoaina Idaee
reepeeto. aad at the | Profeeeor Ssharman and 'General*
uampoau ampraM uppoauic
P^lieal than it MUo* aad Merritt are to take part.
TbeaaaltaryconveotlooiB prorrea* .often U at prei^Bt.
^ ayain briny an the qieMlon of a new
In Si^bery-* Grand ander tbe ana-1 8be deplored lh« feet tbat too often ! commander la tbe fleld at Manila The
pinee of.the Bute Board of Health baa j we mnat go Into ready made home*., opinion U growing eiroager every day
already proved of great Intereet aad ! where eondltleni are far from aanl-j that Otneral 0:1* will be direetad to
today'a weeione are aara to ba largely , tary. where If we eoold follow oor own i devote all hU atteatlcn to civil affaira.
' Inclination* we would chooac pleacant I and that before aaotbe%^greceive
Yeetarday morning tbe member* of and
bealtbfdl loeaUant. on well
ipalgn 1* begun another commander
tbe board,, aoeompanlad by D.-. V. & dtaiaed groand. wltb perfect plnmb- will be sent to Manila When tbe reVaagbas of Ann Arbor, Geo. W. Baf- lag aad ventilation,
inforeemenU now en rooU to the PbUter. Mayor BamUtoa and tbe elty oS-j The care of the borne and iu aar- Ippines reach there the army will be
cial*. T. T. Batea. prealdani of tbe eon- ronadingi moat of neceaiity largely mueb larger than Otis bM ever com­
tbe woiDiaof the bonae. manded. Army oS mra who have here­
viaiied variona pi^U of intereet abont and they ebonld give carefoi atienilon tofore ma’nUined that Otis would not
tbe eity. ineladlng Beet Bay
^ abore
~ at to'dralnage.and
*uu wp*L.v.ij
eepaoia'.ly IBS
the uiepg**i
diapoaal be dlstnrbed now admit that a change
in Mr. Bafter'e re-1 of *iop* and garbage. Care ihoald aleo i* orababiv
Oa excellent aotbority it can beeutport for a aonroeof water aapply for, be given to kitchen pipe*, which abonid
, 'l** freqienily flaehed with boiling ed that it is almoei ceruia General
The firet aemion of tbe convention
» Milas will be seot to tbe Fbtlipplnea.
took place In the afternoon
! Shetpoke at eome length on proper It may be decided at the conference at
r‘‘The proof of tlie pudable dlaenmion* made-* good beginning I ventilation which ahoold be loaiaied Lake Champlain, however, tbat Gencr
in file eHting"-to as Important meeUng. Tbe paper* npon in all modern boose*. She witti­ al Merritt An be returned to Uanl’a
were forcefnl and entertaining and fill- ly described tbe old house through witboat ioitrlng the feelings of Gen­
but a glance scill prove our
ad with valnable aaggeetioae and ideas. wboae crack* tbe svlnds of wlater easily eral Otis oraffecUnglhi* position. A
eLoes to be the
Tbe evening eeaBlon wat -one of foand their svay. bat saggaatai tbat rumor gained currency here that Secgreateel intereet to Traveree City peo­ with proper attention the name reanlts reUry Biot bM advice* of another
nobbiest in town.
ple became tbe theme of the -diaena- ia the way of pure sir can be obtained overture of neaee from Agninaldo. but
alon waa oar fntnre water eapply. Var- today in a more eomfortable fM&ioa.
npoD icvesii^atloQ it was found there
fame pbaaee of the problem were preaKot only air butsunsbina shonid be ma no balsis for it.
anted by some of TnverM Clty'e ablest dally vtoitora In every room In the
Different Idea* ware ad­ kooseMlt 1* one of tbe greateai
vanced and nil eidee of the qaeation
natareb pureder*. Abiveall the urged
ware diacuaead. E. L. Sprague advo­
eleanliaeas in every part of the boa*e- Keonmes Work in Oreyfas' Dsfenae—
cated Boardman river and diecooraged hold work, and gave many easelleat
He ^^rlTcd Twp Infernal
Popular Shoe Souse.
Weat bay M a aoorce of fature enpply. hints a* to the beat method* of obtoin Xsehioea Testerday.
. alao argnad In favor of direct preasore
the desired reaalu in the eaaimt mgnBeanes. France. Aug. 22.—Msitre
and oondemned tbe meervolr system.
In eonelaaion she paid a glowing Ubori, leading coansel for the defense..
Senator J. W. Millikan supported tbe
tribute to the Ideal house and urged who WM marderoosly aaaauUed on
enggeat'-oa* and plan* of ^eo. W. Bat­
tbat eve y wontan might ooesider Aug. 11 WM present at this morelng's
ter and urged Eut Bay aa the beat
the making and keeplog of tbe hoaee a session of the Dreyfus court martial.
point from wbleb to aaeure our water high ideal to bp steadily aspired to.
Uon. a. D. OampbeU. who ha* been Her Mper was : fall of practical and A* he drove up'.iie crowd ouUide the
tn tbe water work* ba*lfie** for nearly helpful bleu and wm received with in- Lycee swarm'-d abont tbe carriage. MLabwi was aesallcd with qaeatioa* and
twenty yean, defended Weat bey in tercet and approval.
responded that be wm getting on well
forcible argumenu. while Mr. Bafter
Dr. Fred B. Belkaap of Niles, mem no V. There was
atrongly urged tbe rceervolr ejutem
her of tbAStat* Board of Health, led when btbori entered tbe court room.
and East bay as a aonree. referring
in the diaeusalon of tblssabjmt. He Dreyf-js. on entering, grasped Ltbori'*
hand, a sts''*
keen pleaaare llghiing
p.eer. ,ndM.r^ tbU U b,^ b«,. hi* pale *-ui -1 ually Impaaslve feature*.
All aides of tbe q
CelonelJ^utnstreadanaddre** to M.
befor* a fair six«d audience and the
of tbe president being
Matter wUl be Ukea ep again today.
Norn.soifTH.eAfTfcwu '
that was brought oat in tbe paper, and quite symo'-'etie. Tbe lawyer made
Wbai Wm ]>ooe in tbe Koming.
advanced maay ideas of tbe valae a0 impas*-'--! reely.
Yee, we are all in one nation, and
Atatriflsafter the time appointed long the same line of thought. Be
Tbe first vuie** today was M. Gren­
for tbe opening of tbe section E’resl- paid a pleasant compliment to Mr*. ier. form •' p -rfeet of Belfont Hi* have been so for oyer 100 years.
Aaat IbomM T. B*te* called tbe meet­ Baek's addraa* daring bU reosark*.
teatimoor --'< favorable to Oreyfos Bnt wc never got k cl rie to^ ether
ing to order .end anoonneed that while
After tbe annonnermenu for the and dlatirr- T tostila to Baterfaazy.
M is now tbe case, when the long
' It was unavoidably late, all tbe other evening the meeUng
Malor B
bv *Labori "dtril* ^
telephone has pnt all the
weaaiPS* would be called on time.
AfMran Impreeaive prayer by Bev.
tbe coarse f vit teatimoay hew a eer- I country at the elbow of every enWoodbooae. tbe male qoartet. conaUttala fiocum >>101 a latter date than terprieing busineiis tnan.
tng of E. B. White, Dr. Snyder, W. I>:
Mercler's m-ii*ierT. came into MerIt ia no longer necessary to write
Ooteer and Fred HaDler, tayored tbe Spirited l>lscas*<oB Upon Xsriu of eler’s po**~‘l -n.
or telegraph. All that ia nnjuisite
•adleoce with a beantjfal selection.
Tariona Scnrci a of * Water Sup­
BoUin eald tbat it was not hU butlia to talk and get an^anawer then
••Soldier Cborne "
ply for This Oily.
ness to explain.
Oa behalf of Travene City. Mayor
Finally Ltbori Mkedcolonal Jooanst and there.
The evening aeaslon called oat a
Trank HamUton gave the addret* of larger crowd Uma tbe afternoon, be­ to rvqaestUsneral Mereier to explain
Be called up the Ume. cause everylxxiy 1* icieresiwi in tbe Tbe general deelined to answer. H.
twelve year* ago, when a convention watereapplyof tbe eity which waa to Labor! Insisted aod Mereier etlll refo*.
elmUar to tbl* was held in Traverse be diseassed. Fraf. Hont being un­
Major Carrier*, the goverament
Oty. at that Urns a village of only 4,000 able to be preeent, it wat necessary to commlesary, enpported Mereier on the
lababitanta He declared tbat a queaground that tbe exanfiaation wm en­
with mnale, and tbe eoavention of public salnUtioQ imporUnt to
Uon proceeded io the- sterner bnalnea* tering open a lasttar which ongbt not,
tbe vUlage of 4.000 people.U of far more
in the interest of the coantry be diaof tbeaecaion.
Importance to tbe preeent city of 10.enased pnbliely Labor! deelared in a
President Balm, la introdneing the
«00. He apoke of lb* lasne*. at present
subject of tbe pr^nt find fature water load vole* that be would reserve to
before the people of thU city.viirwalerhlmcelf the right to take tbe neeesssry
supply of tbe eltjy, referred to it m per­
work* and a pure water anpply.streeU.
meMQres to obuin the deelrcd infor­
haps the most imporUnt qoesUon that
•ebools. sewerage, etc., and expreanad
the people of tbe city have' to solve. mation.
Maitra Labori received two mycterthe bop* that the convention woald
When Senator Milliken. the first speak­ ions parcels to day. Tber are believed
aid in the aolotion of these vexed qaaeer on tbe subject, aroee to epeak be de­ to be lofcrual maehlnea. Tbe polio*
tlooa In eooelnaion be gave the member*
clared there was bo perhaps abont the re examining them.
of tbe Sttte Board of Health a oordlal
After baariag tba diapcsltlon of
matter. Tbe w*ur works queaUon la
Oeodroo and a number of m^norolE:*!*
veleom to the city.
beyond all H'leallon tbe moe; important who gave no Interesting evidenea, tb*
Bon. Frank Walla of Lansing, preal­
queeUon now faring tbe city.
adj onraed fn-thedav.
dent of the Slate Board of Health, re- Senator Kllltken Argus* la ra*«r of
npondad heartily to the yord* of wel­
SMI Bay.
come. and In brief ontllned the proIn hi* clear, forceful way, Senator
poeed work of the convention a* being
MUliken proceyded to onUiac the eon- Flee Tmln* Arrived oa O. A V. K.

ZnUrMting l,iBenBBioa


All New
Fall Styles

Icok ihemloter agd |fou
will fiiid they are
The right shape
The ri^t klntl
The right qgality
The right price

Pol-"irt!at iSo yoD read, loriT'
Ham(et-“Wbri!s, wards, words."
We’re got "words" in the most recent combina*
tionsand arrangements-that is. the latest publica­
tions. We pride oorselres on our up-to-date stocksomething unusual for a city of this size, but then,
Traverse City is about one lap ahead of anything of
its size anyway.

Ever look Through oir New Store?
Nothing in it over 10 cents—Everything from a
bushel basket-to a "diamond" pin.
New goods on the counters every day or so.

Special To^iy
220 Front Street


Balph Oonnable Jr.. lCan«g«r.

One year ago
we were

Strangers Here



—Today we are tbe'recognized leaders In
our line, by thousands of well pleased


Clothing, Bata, Furniabinga.

184 Front Stroot


Than Traversa Belle
Tlie Favorite 5c Cigar


«( caring dl*ea*e..bnt method* within '
|‘—— and untimely death. He spoke
„ U.,
« u., 1«, „„ru„ ol . :,,.

r;.-.. w^i—.
___ ,
souree* Of watm^ npply. the


Is becoming popular, too.
Biggest aod best IB cent cigar

Yeetarday. Another on •. K. A L
This Koming.
There wm a rush of exenraion* on
the C. 4 W. M. yealerdar. Five train* lOf IH6 PflCe.
came !n from the south, eontalslng
caaebesand over 1200 p
Bra, abont
SCO of whom alighted *1*1^0117.
Another left Fort Wayne on tbe O.
B * I yeaterday and wll/arrfve at 4:J0

, water that wUl do. bat the one
oatllned tbe metbods of preventioo. Inthat I* sbsblately the beat for u* aad
elading the mttur of pare water sap- for tbe geoerst'ons that shall cm
ply. cleanly
deanly atreeU.
atreeu. cleanly
dee ' food
pure'na. •‘We
said'uie "Sena- are seeking."
■ ■
b. best for
*n»*“ tbat will be
air. good aewerage. a«B.
a«r. Be expressed j
a hope that thecanvantlon might be a cooking, for fire protection, for drink­
ing porpoaea. for ehemleal psfpoaea.
Ask your dealer.
profiubleone to.Traverae City, aa it Witb tbl* end in view, the committee
wonld certainly b
-------------- ae rime aM by tbe
I mon council have looxad tbe matter
*Hfch the best iateresu Getiay bacpgtl
PrMidentTbomi.t T. Bwt
.44,,.. t o‘ the city alway* at heart,
If yonr rislting frianda have any
addraea '
_ aeveral ______
Ubetad a brief bnt fwnetni addreea
‘Tbcrr __
coorccaof water
baggage iMve tbe cheeks at tke CIM
Be apoka of tbe 'grant pitifreM along aapply that appeared to ns avallabU.
Boric Giora aad they wlU bedeliveiM
pmuad onr inTactigatte iina of applied aelaneea in the
qniA and ^aap. Mark Omw.
prcMnt oentnry. aad Inalated that tbe
Tear OnU a LeafritaUwM Airs
iBdlvidnal pr the eikj that would keep
Atiar todar wa wQI aaU bnnA at 4
kbcuHt Of tha Haua bmI be oonatantcants a loaf stndfbL Palaea Bakery. pat* *••*- 'la»M mA m
ly soring forward. While tbeat eonparMlw* v«t WM* tar mm

A. W. Jahraus


Faihlonable OntStteri

: "Hew Idea" Fashion Sheets for Sepiembef Wow Here-Free

I handsome new
fall plaid goods
• - Both in skirt and waist styles—received aod plac*
A cd on sale yesterday,,here.
Prices, 60c to $2.0ft the yard.


Cultivation of
the Voice




Should not be oeglected
in the youug or ia thoae
who have any claims to
musical taleot—For this
• purpose the Kimball piano is unapproachable by any
} other made, and is the embodiment of exquisite tone
and Sac modulation. By all mean^ have a Kimball
in your home. A good piano is the grett rehner,
aod DO one should be without a Kimball.

SbHl Iislt It HiU Pita. Swill Instramiia uU Iclcil leRliullie.

I. L STBOIG, lui|v.

Itl fnit St, lutku Block

We are agents for the celebrated Velvet
Shoes for ladies. Step in and see them—
They are beauUes.

Special Sale on ladles’ Oifords.
Bemember ae when yoa porchaae yoar
Ohildren'i School Shoes.


143 Front Street.



• mCBI8A]l


Sudan Oiu mat Authar

— BT------

«n. *. «*t» A«> J. W. Bmmmmm.
i. W. aurau. Bdlxor Md Ibascw


- edlnSSBlUfor
Seep Vletmy. Altho^h the Teem
Wpb crippled.
The HueUere took andUtcr fame yeeterdpy from the Flint effrafation. The
fame was enlntcneUnf aad deroid of
■ the Visitors put up
a stronfer fame than Umdid the day

uwlumscBMBrt ^^Thome team waa badly crippled as
Tlbald did not arrive as expected, and
thcr^larUne-np of the team was
broken, Parks playinf dhort, lies left
Ov FMifid KockMi KAFine.
field and Elmer Wheeler, a boy who
SaervUryofAcrlealutre Jmdm WU- does aot play in the local team, was
rif hi field to look after. 5cTer•oo rMMUr ai»4« » trip tbroogb tb«
WWtbBd »noBf the P« oomi dUet thelcas the HasUerB played a stroaaer
to MotrUlB tbe NotiiMaU of iha peo- fame than the day before and won Id
of tb« iTMt: fpnBOT.mPBBfpcWror* a walk-away with thetr heavy aluf
fiof. In a'word the h me teatn is too
pad U ppen, npos tb« rml ^owtl
fast for the FUbt boys, pie Tlsttom not
which have become aeUoaal 'Uei
The rmlu of hU laveetlceUoct ere hsvlnf a fbeat of aeaai ce at any lime.
Carry pitched a food stout fame and
Osc thief which
bad food aupport but was bit often aad
bard. The visitors had one tine double
play to tbelr credit in the fifth Inniof,
toabt that ov merobaat mvtee la the that of Doofherly to Demont to S. ZlPadte !• vMtir laadeqaau to U« de fiabln. Doufkerty was also respon­
for another foed pUy, a hard run
•cadt made cpw It lor the Uacepor'
Iptlea of the prodeete of the t'mted’ for a hlf b fly off Pattersou'a bat that
•te«M deetiaed lor the Oriest Be was intended to land la a safe place
(raad erldeaeee of ea eztnordiaary back of second base. Cole was responimpeVH to eomaieree between thie aib'e for a Ciree-baae hlL
Palierson also pitclied a wlnnlnf
COUU7 nad the Orieat. doc to the
aeqckttka.of the PhUipplae idandt hj fame, strikinf out seven men afiiMt
the Dalt^ dinica forersmoat. All of Carry's three and allewlnf only tea
the Pedfte poru crowded with biu off his delivery as afalnSt Cuitt’s
food* of all blade eoomfsed to China. twenty-two. The visitors fol four of
^apM aad the Fhillppiaea, with not their ten btu off PatWrson'a delivery
MAT eaOD^ Ttteele to ahlp them Upon In the ninth tnnlnf. be fivlnf them a
pae Urfc Teceel alone b>and for China, ebanee to see how it seemed not to tan
Mr. WUaoB locnd lomber, wheat, and the air. In the sixth Inninf Patterson re
(oor from Waahlnftoo. bolter and tired the aide ca five balls pitefaed.three
pffe from Iowa aad Miehlfan, troU balls folof toward a strike oat aad the
from California and other Pacldc other two little ones that were taken
•thtea, ateel from Alabama, cotton care of 1^ the fleldera, Elmer Wheelmade a nice catch d a hifh By in
fOOda from the Oarollnaa.blcycl«ie from
(Mieafo, Dotionafrom Stw Boflaod. rifht field after a bard ran in the
and rarloot article# from twenty other seventh inninf. Parks made three of
t^e four errors mads and was respon­
rhit condition waa repeated in pari sible for two of ti^e foi^r runs made In
Mother porta and foodi were found the third inninf by the Tialtors. and
responsible lor one of the
trbleh came from almoat erery state In
three runs in the ninth, on two of his
the Union.
ThU condition preaenta, therefore, a errors; the other cost oothinf. He was
VMt opportnnity for the extension of •omewhat excused as the positbn was
pnr merchant marine in the Pacifle, not bU refnlaS' posltiob. Tbe fifth was
and the United Slatec ahoold not allow the only ienlsf in which the local
^oralf n nations to anperaede ihU eoun- team did not fet one or more mne.
try In this refsrd. We hare the maOue am'uslnf iaclfient was la the
terlala out of which to build the elfipt, third InalDf when 8. Ziflnbln sent
we have the money to build them, we hot fronnder down to Wheeler <
kaec the men to build them, and there third; he fumbled it but fot It afain in
it a crylnf demand for them. T^e op­ time to catch faU man at first, if Eoyce
portunity In kLipiilnf u as enormontae bad not dropped thic ball; Wbeelcr
that In maonfactoree.
threw the ball so li^w that it very
With an adequate merchant marine, fraeefully lifted the Jumplre's hat eff
with Hawaii at a mid-ocean station, bit bead, tbe ball noi stoppinf In its
with the FhUippInea at the fatce of coarse but landlnf is Boyce's bands.
/Uia,'wltb the Nicarsfua canal com' : UillDf st^y there.
pleted, the }>acific ocean would become
FoUowlnf is the summary
praeticallr an American ocean and the

peealbliltiee presented can acarcly be

raraAca M TiBwiaa CRT.



rVMBMAl. or JO a a ;‘MVXX.


is a good time to take advantage of the
1-4 off on Gasoline and oil stoves. Vfe
give yon 1-4 and the use of one for a few
of these hot days will pay you the other 3-4.


On motion of Alderman S tilth F re
Chief Bennie was aolhorlted to five
The Ck
each employe of tbe fire department a
John FooM, Sr.. c'.alms
have the
vacation of five days, proridlaf ar- ehamplon seitiny beo. WhUe huntiny
raofemenu conld be made to maintain for cyys tbe other day he came across
the efficiency of the department dnr- one nrst with eiybty-lbree eyn in it.
Inf the ab>enoe of an employeMayor Hamilton auffested an enlarfement of tbe tool bouse to make
room for Ue street roller and stone
rusher, but tbe matter was deferred.

Bon Ton Gate

120 Front Street.

140 Front Strkkt.
Ke»t e( BirUiMrg Op«rs Bou»c.
The Boyal Circle will not have an
open meetinf tonlfht as intended. It
will be posteoued until September 1.
Amanda Hive will have tbelr annual
picnic oo Tbnnday. Aufuat !4. at East
Biy. All the members and their friends
are invited to attend and brlnf semethiny food for dinnir. Busaea will
leave their ball at »:30 a. m.
Lunches and
E'fln LewH U eojoylnya two weeks'
»t..iion from bu duties in W. W. MUOrder Cooking.
lc--s store.
Lincoln J. CartqJ> freai scenic play.
••L ader the Dome." with a flrat class
company, will be fiven at Sieiubery'a OPEN DAY AND NIGHT
Q-»od Saturday. September 2
Xov Doing Boswea.
Freeborn Gardner and eoo. Harry.
:companied by Bert Taylor of Tern
fisnte. Ind.. fished at Carp lake yesterdsy.
H'Twood's Celebrities will appear in
a fine proyram at tbe City Opera House
tonifrht. ■
Tbe Flint base ball clnb leaves thta
morouiR on the 8:30 train for Luther,
where they will play their next yatne*.
There will be no preachii y at tbe
Evtnyelieal ehnreb next Snnday momtny on account of tbe partor beiry away. There will b; Sunday school at
ll;30a. m.. tbe reyular hour.
Tbe annual picnic of tbe first M. B.
jurcb will Uke place at EsU Bay to-j
day. Basses will leave tbe church at j
.'clock this momlsy for ibote wuc .
have no other means of conveyance.
Today's ystne between the Colum 1
biir. Gisnts and the Uusi era will be a ;
red hot contest. Tue visitiny team is '
Siia to be the Mam former!? known ss i
I'-o Faye Fence Gianu.tbe fastest team I
in the country aside from the Nsiioea! |
leayne teams. There should be a biy 1
crowd to see yood sport.
Just tht- thioi: you want to carry your
The Qaeen City Grartet has been re-1
dinner to tlip bUtrt- or factory—ail nianoiT
oryanized and is now composed of E.
of Ki?i-s—iorne sell ae low as
K. White. Dr. J- A. Snyder. W. P. Crot |
ser and C. F- Hunter.
John W. Alvord. civil. stniUry. and |
hydraulic enylnoer. of Cbieayo. arrivefl ■
lu tbe city yesterdsy to attend tbe aan-1
jiary ennvention.
Lasteveniny Ben B Moore of this'

Teaehlaf Sosf Written end FahUahed
H l« K
to MaaUa by ▲merloan Boya.
/. W. Banncn has received a very
IstertaUsf sonvcnlr from Manila, In
the shape of a aoof entitled -Our
plfhUsf Suit of Brown." The words jf5l“rf
svera written by, W. B. Larrabee, sten-'
Pfrapber of Ucneral MacArthur and
di T w o' r js s
the maaic composed by Hospital Suw. : i t I 0 4 3 I i-ia
ard Barker, who was in charfe of the
hospiul on the march to Halolos
: «i,UrD >m*rt
Whare one of tbs fiercest batUes of the r»T»r-r riij-e. rilLi 1. C-T. trl'ufrj I; Us4«
lasarrecUOD was foufbv The sonf •p»on
-. l,c«« urrj I ISf** IWM....
,-Uuot. Hull. txiiM t. Wb,-«.|tr. US..
was Written at Halolos aftey-the bat-1 uau i>ii—
Cottie and the Ulusvration on the cover,
uwpirv aidn-c
lacludmy the UUe. H the work of a
aatlvc Filipino artist. The cover
arttatlc aad words tonehiny; wbUe the
air H very pietty. Tbe piece was
Which Oaused the Sxploelon of ThresbprWMWd by the composer to F. O.
loy Machine Bsyioe at Osborn.
BaanuD. formerly of the Rctoxu, hot
Later developments and c'oaer invee•pw la the Hbllipplni
tlyaUon indicate that low ikater in tbe
Be Oareful of Tour Oil Oaas.
boUer wae not the eeuee of the explo­
Fraak Frkd-icb left his yacht at sion of the ihreebiny machine at
Charlemlx a few davs ayn to yo on aa Oaben the other-day. It has been^
pil laupwUay trip to OadlUac aad ar- sbowD there wee plenty of water In the
rlTtd ia the city last cvcalay.
boUer and tome to spar* in a baml
atawt that at OadUlae he loaad a drum near tbe enyiae 'TnU proves that^tUoA with mmoMC which had former ylneer PUbeam was not as reekleae as
if baaa used for yasoUaa Whaa the Ue flrat hurried reporu ladicated.
fiMt was made tae oil flashed at SO de- However, the enyiae was an old one,
ffrsss. when the law requires 130. ThH which may explain Ue eataatrapbe.
was due to ihc can havlny bMn used
fior yaaoliuc. The dealer was luao
Mefuemd Botes oo the O. » A I. my
ta tbe matter and the oU wae thrown
Wlayaxa Falls. kHronto, Montreal,
away. Mr. Friedrich deeiree to wars Any 3IU- Bonod triptTOO.
pawa of ell aot to nee yasohae cant
Philadelphia. Gtaud Army reunion.
6ept 4th. One fare for rouad trio.
•ertoos eoueequeoees are sure ic
Grand Bapida. state fair. Sept. 3tU.
yulb Several peruMis have reeeived 'tue fare for ronnd trip.
ymdoue Injury throng thH eauee.
Biy Banids. Volunteer BeuaUm. Sept
llU. One fure for round trip.
Detroit. I. O. O. p.. Sept 18U. One
A Creditable Premium Idet
and trip,
W.% Uampbell. editor of the Empire
PMder, baa just Hsued frOm tbe offite
of the Leader the premium IHt of tbe
Oard of Tbaoka
•treat fair to be held on the lut.
Itnd uhd Urd of Beptember In Empire.
I wish to thank the frienda who so
Jt Ha nsat pamphlet of 88 payee ea- kindly aasHted in eariny for my wife
la a oover finely Uloatrated In doriny her Ulncea, aad for tbelr help
after her death. '
•olors aad H a credit to the Leader







ifs Net How Mach You Earn, BrI How
Much You Save That MaliBS Yon Rich,
You Save Dollars When You Trade Here
Lunch Boxes

liiiTL-wtl lint- in tbe city. HandHoiiiMit
?tylc.-iicw colwtiiiHB. Sell at tbe Ubifurm
price of

26c the yard

10 cents

A. Bre
Spreads Lika Wildfire.
Yon eao't keep a yood tbiny down.
Hews of it traveU fast. When th
ar«.‘the best” they become "the> best
Mlliiiy.'' Abraham Hare, a ieadiny
drnyyist. of Bel'
trie Bitters are
I have ever handled in mv 30 yean ex­
perience" You kno-v vrtiy.- Mosldis.
i.-Mea beyin ici disorders in the stomach
liver, kidney, boE'ectrlc BilMn t______, .. . ________
reyu'aies liver, kidneys and bowels.
• blor
»,r*. hence cure 1 multitudes of maladies. It builds
ds up the entire sysMm.
and viyor into any weak.
or woman. Only
50 cents. SoldbyJ.G Johnson and 8.
E. Wait. druyyHu. ynatunteed.

See This!
"I bad my Wetb «xtracted at
Tbe Boetoo Deotal Parlon with­
out paia. 1 nevor thought each a
thing poeaible. but now 1 know it
can be done.
735 SUte St., City *’


100 piece
Dinner Set

Eaeit-at wcaribi: shot* ev.-r made—fits
the foot like a clov?—all Tsiz«.'8.

On«* of lh<“ liiggest bargains in crocLt-ry t-vi-r put on the market, for

$4.00 the pair


The next eix day*.



•Just uiiijark-.d an enornmufl stock of
the haL<l80iiR-pt u'QlcI piu-liers you ev-r
saw for

We Oan't l.elp but m<-tition them—
They're selling f«Bl. Anotlier, stock
meet tine demand.

26 cents

$6 00 to $16.00

Flower Pots
and Jardinieres
Newest tiiimie from
teries just unpacked.
like hot cakes.

School Suits
the eastern pot­

I«i T.

Diotrict A*1
TravuvM 0Hr.MlaUcao.

Our counters aiv full of the greatest
bargains Schotil begine soon.

Sc to $3 60

Prepare early


Pound packages
of W riting Paper

Must close oar entire stock—prices
cot no figure—will sacrifice in every line.
CotDfflence the sale at

Have it in three tinta and three eizee.
Just the thing for fine correepondence.

6 cents

26c the pound

NegUgee .

Fall Suits

Goods to wear at any season'of tbe
year. Jnat now we will close some lines at

16 per cent.
Provident Life
and Trust Company


Water Pitcher

Teetb Gleaned Free

of Phllodclphla.f^lfVUBAEMs


Me Gama to S mvoed la 18S1 aad
Wm MlfhU msapsoted.
Tbe faaaral of John Staaek. who
The eeuaeiJ eaeoeedFd in fettlnf lodiepoaeof died at hk hmae ia Elmwood towaahip
bcalneaa that wa> preaslof aad they Sunday, was held from hla residence
jyestorday afterpoon and the burial
Aid it quickly.
-f.sataer Brae were fivea permission took place in Oskwood eemetery.
toralMih^irsmbie walir, aad A. B. short funeral sermrm wasdetrvemd by
a'Frank Sisdek o< tne Arsi -,:e Denas was fiven a permit to
Irst name to Elmwood in mi
sement «valk was snthorlfd ad­ and enyayed in tarminy. Be was wide­
jacent to the property of Mr. Solcoah ly known and biyhly luaaeeted. Be
eon. Joseph Staaek. and two
j Tenth streeL
Tbe sewer aaaes-tneat committee re­ dauyhterv. Mrs John Ksuer and Mra
ported on tbe spec al asseesment far Prank SMpaa of this dty. and a
eewer distriet Ho. e and tbe repast was sister. Mra. Frank Eronna of He-abta-wanta. He also leaves a brother.
accepted and adopted.
The sutemenl and pay rcU of the Joeeph.ot thH city.
In yesterday's paper the name of de­
board of public works called for ao
peoditoreoffisssTe .
^ ceased was yiven as Stronieb, ^ronyh

Showing tbe newest styles of makes
and cloths. Select one now—take it later
in tbe seasoD.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.



AtAeres^. j


tte MrrlaM of a taaa wbo hat ae^alrad
aot oalj a aatioaal but aa li
« ease aad apeat t«ro

Al»ia B Waaac7. *■ oM aoldlar of 1 ■«**• *®
'0rJ4. aria raa 4o»a aad hiiled wfcUa 1 ^
•»»»« »«•»
croaaiar the railroad traek Baadar
)»•»»»»». IdewiBecUoawJib


u„ . b-piu.,

!^.'^ ~

otaapplp. Oneofthaae
proMm of frbleh acpeei to ln*«at;
waa Loac Lake. This »aa alcaoat ao
•lO.MW if the ait/ »iU dooata a aoliaideal HOP';', aad the eloveUoe wm
Ua aiu aad haildlac.
faiyb raoarb eo that the force of frarow <d old Chief Pokapoe. of the PottaAt Piaekacy, Saaday afUraooa tie
atacted from a rdpar tbrowa io tba
fraea at tbe oeaMtery aad ^ damte
era-a aot ebcekad aaUl tbe eaUre cemalary wm berDad over, dmtroylnp
rnneb of tM abrabbery aad abont half
af tbe fence The pram wm very dry
aad bemad Barerly.
WUllam B>olb of Bemm. wm erMbed by a lop falliap from a car at Weidmaa Moaday moralap and died three
boom later.
Clarence dwlft.aoOai
bellat, walked tbroepb a acreea' door
in hie aieep banday nipbt wUboot
atopplnp to anlock It. aad bu lepa aad
arms ware badly eat by tba wire aeiUap.
Iba Moarm Democrat relaica tbe
prize wheat story of the seaaoa when
it tails abont a Keainrlile aaaa wbo
tbraahed wheat prown oo twelve aerm
of land and etcDredjiiai half a boahel
After nmrly fonr moatba, dre wm
fonnd in the nlDt of tbe Globe PareiMr» plaei. at Murtbrilie. Bonday. m
tbe rabblab wm beinp haolrd away.
It baif been amouldenop beoeaib a
pile of eoal aed clndeie.
The medical fratemlly of Coldwatkr
la oonatdarably
etmnpa ease of Mary ClenDenemUb. a
yonap woman who bM been employed
M a domeMlc Id eeveral faotliee.
nely from Anpoat 4
AnpMt |« witbontebowlnp tbe
alpn of life, aad alnee aha awoke oai
tbe letter date bM bean nnabli
ollaet aoytblnp whatever of tbe time
when the wm aaleep, altbonph her
memerwon Uinpa prior to that Gme U
perfect!) clear. BbeMyaabe eufrjred
DO pain dorin^ her loop eleep and
wholly Boconeclone of any c
aboBt her.

a lo the way of
reachlv Loop Uke with the rnalna.
aad beaidic the anpply of water, while
adeaatte at tbe present t me. woold
probably not be in tea years
Artevisc well* were another propoa
ed eoaree. bnt In addiUon lo tbe ele­
ment of nneertainty m to their aoS *
eiency. there wm tbe matter of bardnme of the water tbat rendered It nntt
for many eommeretalpurpoeea. Bo the
idea of ao artesian weil^nnply bad to
be aba
rdaan Uke and
both eonaldered,
bnt for varloiu reaeoae were laio Mide
in favor of tbe moet
iral Morce.
Grand Traverae Bsy.
'Then tbe ^oeelloaiaroee m to which
bty abonlS be naed. it Uan MtablUbed feel tbat tbe enrreau in Weet bay
make a eomplete cirenlt. and tbat any
aewape ponred into tbe bay at
point Will be iurely and aoickly di«aeon tbe wMt bay.
Tbit, topeiber wlt£ the fact tbat H ii
eetims'ed that there are foor
tbeeaaad toot of Mwape poured into
bay every year, miliutea very
etronply apelnat tbe oae of wmt bay
Mtbeeeereeof water anpply fjrtbe
city. The we.} tytteib bM bad ardent
•upportera in the vlty. aod tbe aebame
of ueinp welU teem* plancible enoapb
unonluface. But In addition to tbe
faeitkat they matt alwaye be no?erU)B. there It the fact tbat we can nev­
er be Mre that they will be or that
tbef will remain pare. Oo tbe eontrary. there it every reaeon to ^inktbat they will be atooee aod m time
poea on in ao IncreMrB depreeeontaminaied with tbe flltb <P the city.
-All tbinpa pilot to;EMt bay m beInp lo all tbiopa tbebMt apaFee for tbe
ei^'s water aupcly. both now aad in
tbe yMva to oome. The' ooat over a
plant for Went Btr would be ioeonatdarable, if indeed tbe Bmi bty plant did
aot coet lees."

Twenty.eipbt Cbleapo eonplm were Mr. SprapneOppaae* jBeaereoir Bpamarried at St. JoMph Bnnday. The
tem !
Conprepational minwier clB^iated
Senator Mllllken ym followed by
meet eaaet. anillnp one couple In
Blvio L- Bprepne. wboi look much tbe
•eeonda. It 1« eapected the matrimoni­ pame pronnd. but whio Uoehed npoa
al rutt^ will be over la tbe Beat two
polnla. He spoke of

fsM %»iw la CM* of tar aawlj than baaaM taaaralp Kaeh
of U «M la the aatar* of
eUbla dafcaaa of tha W«t bay aa a to Mr. Rafter aad Dr. Vaaphaa. Sotae
Mofaparawatcr aapplj for the of thia waa in tM 'aatare of orltiekan
ifty paara or loorar.
opoB the rHareolr apateB propoaed by
Mr. Ratter It wm arreed by both tbe
W. Rafter, tbe elrU ea. | «parU, howerer. tbat tbe water would
fiaoer who WM te the employ of the I »of deteriorate U stored la reaerroirt.
et^ aad made the Inveatlratioaa ao that tbe anpply woald be cheaper and
tbat bettar flra |
often referred to, WM the ae*i
er. Be rery rlporoMly oppoeed the afforded than oonld be aaeared in any
poaitkm Ukea by Mr. Cempbell. Be other way.
bepan by auUap that, -The world do
Mr. WiUiam London aad Mr. A. V
more Mew York. Rseheeler, Syra- Priedrleb raeented tbe idea that there
«aae aad all the larpe eltlce in Mew WM not abandant water power to be
York state are pottlap In rmervoln. aeeored oa the Bmrdman. They de
aad now I eome to Miebipan only to dared that while lit borM power wm
dad tbat they are all wronp. We «!«« all that wonld be needed, they oonld
iMm that there !e a
eMily eeenre «00 borne power if neceebeyond
. feet below tbe
jeortaoeofrtbe waiIter. Oor friend Mr.
« farther dlecoacion, PresiOampbell. wbo bM made thia vainable | deni Bates made tbe annonneeraenta
dlacovery, eboald aotbeallata to tpread ; far today, and tbe ooaventlon wm detbe new* a’l tbe world ovap, for It wHl 'dared adionmed till this foranoon at
revolaUonIre tbe eyvteme of water I »;M o'dock.
works of tbe world."
Today's Reaaiona
Hr. Rafter spake of tke plaa of pet-‘
The flralaeaaloo will bapin at 9:U
tlnp tbe elty'a water from Boardo'clock. The afternoon aettioa at f;) J
man river m a very attractive
and the evenlop aratlon at
oae M to which there wm a pood deal
will be many pood featorea preaen'ed
oTdonbt Tbe rainfall U aa nnceitai ,
repardinp Moitatloo and tbe matter of
ranpinp from «c down to tft inebM
I fntnm anppiy oi water for Traverae
nnally. that K would not be ufe
pomp the water for-tbe city. A aeriee attend
of dama mipbt be bnllt.M soppmted by
Hr. Sprapne.tbat wonld make tbe mat­ If yn d®'t ears
"boy anr old bat"—Ifpen do eai^—
ter enre. but tbie would emt far more
boy tbe "Newland." S. Benda A Co.,
than the ttteofateam for pomp'op
Mr Bafterepoke eapedaliy upon the!
report tbat be tubmitted to tbe . oan*!


•puele and pel the water from anm,. i..„b M.n.Kold. painter.-Waterother vlrt**lly«fty mile* ditunt He'lov-n. N. V.. «nie.; “1 bare bad a
nrped the city under oo clrcumtunce*
kidney afl-clion for

totblnk cfuamptbe Weal bar « • • ^V’r CbaV-rK^dne^Lren

But sue the make up and
grade of stock we sell
and we will show you
the difference.

Sueklena Arales Ratve.
Tit Bk»t Baitk tn tbe world f
Cula, BrnlsM. bore*. Ulcer* bi
U bVin
I Piles.
or no pay icqnl
topir* perfect
refunded. Price Si cenu per bo*. "
Ml* by J. U. Joboeon aod b R. Wa

doM at their bomaa. Uqulreor addrtM Mlaa BeboAeld. draaslnp (mrlor*
441 to 4IS sMt Pront tiTMt. riT-tf.e
Dick or Barry can sell bau. bnt not
«. Banda A Oa
always inenr* the wclMlva aala of

J^bMtTn^ib*r«Jl tb« ''Faw

Neckwear—Hats — The newest
nobb'est and most up-to-date
goods you will see this season.

Our New Derby
Just fresh from the hatter-In
brown and black—Nothing like
it—Old customers are sure to
come for it—Hew ones are In­
vited to see it.

Everything New
In soft hate—colors, shapes and

HamiltoD ClotMog Co.


i-,„V "Havei' >u hackacbv or weak.
Dr. Vanpban of Ann Arbor wu then ' lame luu-kf "
Second: ^ I>o you bive difficulty in
cAlled npon by I'retideni Bale* to Uke
nriniliDp bt
t desire 10
pan in tbe ditcu^tlon.
spoke of. ,
tbe terrible fat^iu of typhoid fever lo '■ Ihird ;: “Are there depotitt like brick
, in^tlca that prt tbrir^dusi iu ithe urine vftet it bat ttood lot
waur from a eonumlnated eonree. He '
' In IU etriy tuKct kidney ditette i*
..Jdily cured l>v t lew Uize* of Dr.
paiiM her water pitcher Be cinprat- Cbevc't Kidney-Liver rill*, a preparenlated Traverse City on her admlra-le
'bicu hu made Dr. Cbete lamooc

Shoes May
Look Alike

Judp* B. D Campbell wm Ike nett
yeaker on tbe enbjut. introdaeiop
tbe peneral diecnMloa. Be spoke of
Me history of the pMt dT years, during
hi* r«*ldenoe in Traveree City, and r
clarod Mat tbu* had never b*u
ataple cau of ty^oid fever or other
contapleuadieeaee caused by tbe ne*
Of bay waur. Be announced tbe f*ci
tbat aewape aonld not eontamlnau
wntar to a diatanee proater than )5
feet below the aurfaee. aad that if the
inUke pipe were eunk to »0 or SO feet,
the water would be perfeeUy Mfe.
oppoeed most naeompromleiaply
idea of reaervoirv plvinp aom* very
.eirikinpinstaaeM of reservoir oontamiMlion
InapaaklDpof the rasarvolr ayaum.
kabald tbat it would be impossible to
pat safflclant preaaaf* for reliable
flra praUetloD, while tbe ayaum lo um
sttbapraMntUme'U pertMUy Mttatacuey io this npard. Itdirwtprassure baaed tramRMt.Bay. it would
be hard u farnldh preaaura aseeedisp 70 poude to tbe trj'tara inch,
while tbe ataadard WMeare of the
plant harp la Maa of flra b M poaads.



curaey of bia caleulations and tbe de-1
ihliPIBU I W
delona baaed npoo them, m be bM for i
^ ,
...d.. .pci..,,
*■'<' » Tf-r
01—~<i UK th.
jin tneb work. Be Mked that tbe 1 VVoriii’t Urcatest Kidney Cure
plana be pi*en a earefnl eooalderatioo,;
----------and tbat they be not thrown ont onMl !
aometblnp better U preyed. He bad
pnmpatoMll tbe city and only de< ' KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS.
aired to show, from bit knowledpe and
It'* a timpic matter lo t ; tbe kidhat WM for tbe beat oey.. V«u 'need not consult a doctor,
iotereet* of the city
il) et
Itkintt }uurtel( U
- >onr
Dr. Taapban Diacourvgra tbe Hm

aonree of water anpply.
,..,5 brouci.i to :nv notice, and thev
Mr. Refler Will Anawer Huesiiooa. have romplrlely curr>l me. 1 cannot tay
Al thia point Seoator Mil'iken prtpral* «• ‘heir wtndrriul
tbe aUndonment of tbe wella
./ Mr R.,„r b. :
CbM. Bolt of Xalaibstoo ia ona of city year* apoM ooMnlUry, and d.-left apbe council rooma. *0 that all uke Dr. auw'. Kidney-Liver I'ilU
' tba fMteat eipar maker* ia the world, elared tbe
interealed lo tbet^ueatioo might have' *i<b perlrrl coauileiire ihal wbat bu
tbe averape day's work of a clparmak- only
ar it too eipar* in e|pkt boar*.
bay beinp
au7 iV
cBolt bM madr Mmany M »00 In one ply if it wererood
not for
tbe aewape from
' So ook
ibr cell, olthe kidney* are
Iconaent ‘‘
it wwa
annoeaced. Mr. nol comp etely wat’nl
waa’nl aw*)-,
■««)-, au in the
-day in Ktiamai oo and i.oou ill one day theciiy. bntbe ehareeurUod thelde»l^“*"*
nay--, ol Briiibr* diieeae,
in Ooldwater.
of ukinp the city waur from Uat I
Chtae'. Koluey-Llvrr I'ilU will ,
-At 8t Jcwepk Monday record* the
abort of snicide. ud perfectly inettnapill
'heaviest mbtrni mt of fruit of tit
Meriu of tbe Rei>-rToir Sreti
all dealrrm, or Dr.
Ma. Tu Graham A Morton boau able la the face of the anpply that no
The dlaeuB'-lon of t 'e queatlon of
MediciueCo.. Buflalo. N.V.
aloes earrled from au.OOO to M.wiu oae oonld juration. But bay.
reaerpaekapeaoutof Ue two cltiea. The
pMi ten week* tbe toul ablpmenu volr ayaum. favorinp direct preaenre.
have beee su.uou to u.oou paekape* dal­ even at an laereaud coat
of tbe aironp pclnta nrped by
ly. Afr. Graham *a/* - -We are band
Ubp a Uemendoei hoik of melon*, Mr. Bprapne wm tbe kiid of power to
pcacbe* aod picpre, and tbe bbauty of be uaenl io pnmpiap the waur. wher
eier tbe waUr mipbi be obuined
it ie there U not a eompUlnt tor
nrped eleetrleii^ m tite most Htiafacf^ersare pettinp Aae retarnt ”
Wry aod by far tbe cbeapmi of any
CbarleeJ Mead, a eipar manufacinr- power that eoald be obuined.
«rof Martbal! aad oae of tbe beat
in tbe mind of Mr. Sprapue. tbe very
known clparmsken ia tbe euie. ,dlad beat ayaum f.r tbe bity wonld be a
Monday afternoon.
Me eeceivM a
plant that would conuemplau the Uk
airoke of paralyaU oa iMt. lap of tbe «raur from Itjardman river,
and remained nnoontcioua till drath. pumpinp it to the city by .direct preaIa fact a local pbyalelu deolarM he
wilh pampa run by elecUicity
dUd at tbat time, bot bw bean did aot
aud by waur ^wer fnrniibed
ceaae to boat enill Monday.
by Botrdman river—a Boardman river
UvlamtoD county la taCarmp Ircm affair all tbroaph. HI* idoM were clear
one of tbe worn droapbte ever kncwn
Onamaatkid ' I'vel.ved here forty preclatioD with tbe
elpht year* and, never mw anythiap not a stickler for BoardmaD river waur.
like It.- Wbai, with noor wheat aad but InalaUd ikat the watee be not
Thera'S nothing like leather when well put together—
bay. aad not a ra.o of any mwmnat Ukenfrom Weet bay. BU paper waa
•Inoe April, tbe protpecu of a total Ailed with vsluasle IdbM inUnpersed
Ton get it of the Old Beliable Shoe Man
f*llnre of aprlap crop* mekee farmei*
eaurutnlnp and Witty paiaape*.
feel pretty blue. I'laee alonp ike rallM 9. Obapbell 00 Wmi Bay Water.
r^adtdo maeb damap*.
Martin Koeb. tbe Itpear-^ aea of
/•bn Koch. Jr., of Lodi towaeblp. wm
attack on tbe bead Batuaday nipbt by
a heavy block of wood, tbe polat of a
large epike oenetrailap bia aknll. bat
from tba pecnltar wound atade by tbe
iron v>ke it U believed tbat tbe boy
will live. Be U partially paralysed
aad b alUl in a danpamm eeazlltlon.




Hot Weather Goods
and tbe general appreciation of real

leade us to add etUI more good things to the extra
‘special attractionB. Bemember, lots offered at this
sale go quick as the

!f£ Prices are Extremelv Low.
A lot of kill ^lov-'P, fortii.-rlj soki at 7.V and^.l.OO. now___ 38c


Chillren's and Ladies'Fahey Parasols.4-4,price.
Leather Balts at 1-2 price..^ ~ KS*

Two<it-ut’» Hiov'-lea, value $'jll00. to oloee at..
One Ladies Bieyt-le. value J;<5,00. to cloa.* at....

k lot Black Silk lace. Sc yard.

EE-' .

Ladies' fnion Suita, licht weight wool, value #1.00, at..........60c
Ladiva' I nion Suite, black, winter weiirbt, value #1 go, at 68)0
Three piecea Linen Suiting, value 45c, at.....................................18c
OrgaodieB, Lappeta, Lawne, values 10, IS to 20c, at....................6c

ladies' and Misses' Jackets, 98c and 13.90.
Manj- other lota to close before large ahipnieota of godxle from
the eeat arrive.


lath, shingles


Oood Hardwood in Btove Lengths.
Also Four Foot Maple Slabe and Edgings.


Traverse City Lumber Co.

Park Place Hotel!

1 Desirable Property Must Be Sold

New 8-ro9m reflidence, stone foundation
and basement, well and city water, a nice
lawn and shade tress, handsomely painted
and pspersd, suitable for two families.


Oor. Wsbstsr and FrmnkUn Sts.



Tzcojcsenre Oit;y. MioELiBaD..





Xewljr painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms witi
__ -e •

e ..





^ T'- •

wbo^aabaaaataiUac Mr. aad kn. |

A Pik* «outj. IlUMk, tm has re«*Btl7Hldu4 aklppM) 121.000 wortl
At wool, all o( iOk jmr% dip mO al:
iros Pika OMOtp akoop.
Moct tkao 4o.tN0 kavncaaa ka«a
gwf w> Koropa alaM Vkt flrat of Maj.
PaalJoMa' orlflaal lac of (raadoca
m»r be earriad ta tka Oewar panda at
' la PrvMla 4U a ibool akUdraa aodar
U yaan of oca boee aonwiuad ankdda
trlUla Ike apaca of lo poara.
Tkraa amall aolorad flrla wko wara
loot la a Ooaaaetleol wooda wfaUa barrp
plaklaf wara dlaaoraaod bp a Urea
aratokdocA akark Mt off Ua lac of ^ Florida
bop wko waa batkiac U tka riearto
■Uw fiOB tka oeaaa, aad death aapara aad patriotle
«ltia«a raUad kU.OOO to briar iba Nokcaaka PklllpplBa karoaa bona (ron
•aa Praadaao
Oae paar acoaOrnaika ladUaapolU
l^awa. the lettor ••B" waa foaad oa
apaart of oaU la Hnaroa oonalp. Tkla
paar "P” waa pUiolp narkad. Tka
•nparaUtlona flr^rad oat that Uat pear
fluast "blood." or Ua ayooapn. war.
Aad that tbla paar paaoe la predicted.
Jn i'ono Bieo It la oow eatinated
Chat Ike bodlaa of t.’soo ricUma of tbe
raoiBt borrlcaBa baee beao korled.lLat
1,000 peia^i ware irj irad darlnc the
olorm and that ..«*i paople are aUll
aniaalor- Aie aulborlUea bare deeulad
• Co bora the ruiat of Yebneo.
Tbe aiaamahlp Kanau dtp. whieb
-raaebed SaTaBoab, Ga.. aarlp Sireday
boaraoeardua, bada tbHUloc ezpariaaea la tbe Waal ladUa barrieaoe, Tbe ahlp aaeooDterad the atom
off Cape Hatlaraa aad botUad It for two
, dapa. OapUlD Klaber aaid it wai tbe
'aareraat tiorm be eeer eooouatered.
The ablp waa driven 100 aUat off ber
oonraa aaaward.
Larce numbara of dear are awlmalac tbe ift Uawraaoa rirar to aaeapa
(he ioraat ftraa. The ataanar Empire
Siata paaaed eloaa to a bard awlmalnr
(be river and oae laire buek waa abot
within a few feet of tbe ataaaer.

kt New Uavea. Coaa . two buadrad
•ad fifip toes of ropper colnt have
keen anloaded from a ahlp which nade
• trip (o Boabaj.India to
Uam for aanataeinrlac parpoaaa la
tbia tbep ware cheaper tbae
(be native oopper. In all ».v»e baca
Afcolna ware bronchi. Tbep wi
atraek tff «> paara acoBaven Braaa oonpaap, wbleb taported
(ben. dooa not even know the aaaM
of the eoU aad It oaaaot be decipher,
ad bare.
Bapoiia from tbe eoaat of North CkrClioa. where tbe Weal IndUn harri
eiane loaebed Iwt week are eoalac U
and ahow that taara are a larra
kar of llvaa loat and naeb damar
(tpfactocraaatha Fantllao aonad
ak:ff», were loel. Four bodlen have
keen recovered. Tbe acboonern Good•7a. Antora aad L B BUI were wreckaA Tbe eebooner Beawick and all
kaatU U reported Joet Tbeae loaaee
all occurred la Pamlico aonad li U be­
lieved ibataainativ aa ■Izip penoaa
laat tbelr Uvea in the atom.

Mr. aiU Mr. «TOUa anlaad j«Urdap (na Wawkw. lad., ior a' rUlt
wttk Mr. aad Mae. C L. Ooaaar. Mr.
WUlto ta editor of tka Waterloo Pran.
Mn. Maac and two ekUdraa of Walkervma. Ckaada, kn the raaau of kar
vlawr. Mra. Oao. Uckep.
Mr. aad Mra. Edward Barnard aad
diM EliUa Hlxoa of Portlaud are rMIac Mn BalL |
Mn P. Naadbaa of Waal Savaatk
auaatda aataruUlBC Mn A. Saaderland of I<aU
Mn In Ball weal to laWrloebaa
Mn P. 8. Bbdaall and non aad
toebtar arrived Taaadap troa FowlarrUUaad wlU Rake tkalr koaa U
tbUoitp. Tkap will apaad a abort
Uaa before nWlBC aaiUad. wlU Jaa.
Mr«. Benrp Scott of Lowell la vialP
Uc bar brother Chat. Vaadarllp, and
Mlaa Aina Laraan.
MUa Aliaa Slatoaa aad a friend froa
man (ke cneaU of Mn J. a
Mn Wn. BaaH bad two none arriv
ad Iron Lanfoc iMt aicbt aad wiU
viait Mn A. B. Cbok.
Mra. BiU Moaroa and daoebtar Batalea. of Bancor, aad Miaa AlUa Moaroa
of Lowell, are vlalUac raUUvaa and
friaada kare.
Mra. W. U. Saltb aai aoa. EapBoad,
arrived froa PortUnd Tneedap noon to
Tlall Mra Baltb't aotber. Mn Hard.
J. F. Groeaaer of Keawlek, U eatertaintac Mr. and Mn blanker ,«f Lan-


will I... lo. Uul, hoox lo
”■1' “
tbU aoralncA. S. Dobaon taronebt U a Urfa load
Bev S. balaebrp aad fanUp weal
I Poatoaa peater^ wbara tkap will of plana paaieedap tron kk ftaa trait
auaad a eana neatlac whlek wUl aoa- farm, aad raporta tkat plane are rtpnalac earlier tbicaeaeca than aaaal. Tbe
tUae orar Snadap.
Miaa Bdilb Bard baa raaicaad bar* Lombarda, which are a favorite eaapoalUon aa taaebar in (be Caatral bnlld : alac plan, baoapa alll be aearee. aad
lac and wUl leave tbe flnt of October In faet the eatira plan crop of tbe retoaBUrtbetnUlacaeboelatYpanaa- gUm vrlll jnet aboat vnpolp t'le loda:
idenand. Be adviaea tboae who want
Darfac the vaoatloa ot A. L. Back- plnau not to deUp la catUnc them m
aat. hie place la the ahoe deanruaent ‘ the aeaaon will be a abort oae. Tbe
at tbe MereaatUe Cob atore U baiac apple crop will aleo be Icbt and tee
i^aalitp aa a rale not ao to tka hicb
sued bp Ralph Baalett
* * - —Onnd Tnverae
Mn Andrew Ebhac of VpetUnU
ipant Sunday with Mn Oaorca Payn 1

^ A. Moodp of Onnd Ledce, U vialV
lag kla brother, W. J. Moodp.
Bev. and Mra. B. B. Allen, who have
beea apendlnc a few dapa at Bap View.
tbe cuaaia of
and Mn Bora
Moodap nlcbl oa tbelr mp k<
Mia Mlaa Middleton of Wbeatlap.
^aada^ U vialUaC Mn Hack Pronty.


RmI Estate. tectiuMrs,
Trafeis, Beaet Iwaafs.



4 levar ti
oantul I
neck eeapuj. Bevr e peller


Miaa Emma Obarlln aad Miaa M. Par•la Brown of Blacba* ap«.i a
boon U tbe dtp paataavUp on tbelr 3J
wap to Bay View aad a anmbar of the

^> *■*»*“*'» ••«**»•
rticdHck tfieck d*t or lwbi cell,
Pbee-. a.u itfi aorta-

Dr. Donald McDonald,
The Specialist.

Bortbarn ramiru.
1 -.r j. m vu.HKUi.lar.ietae aad ..fnaa.
Dr.BUlaa Walkar arrival pamardap
hon Cotnnbaa. Ublo, to vlaii bar pa- TatepboacWo toa.

OKFirK i'uium.-j .\T ^

Hotel Columbia,

Nfiebbor, liateo! Haw yoB .r'
propeny yon wish to a^U? Are
yon JookiDR for a enatonier? We
iiBve aererai that want m bay.
1 Have been arlline eo fad tbe past
few daya we are umoet sold out ot
oily propierty; bavr a few bargaina
Uft. t_>ne in particular, honte coat
$1*00 and three lote. Thiaproperty originally coat overlSOOO, bot
owing to rin-nmaUncea the party
that owns desires to sell and is
willing to sacrifice $:^t)00. In otber wonis this property goes at
S1400 and you will have to bnsUe
to get it, as several are now 6gni«
ing on it.
List yonr property with oa, put
tbe price right on it and ire will
■ell It. We want all iRoperty list*
ed to be bargains—Thst u tbe way
to sell quick—Then place it with .
the men that do the work. We
make more aaloa, handle more
property, give better bargains than
all the rest put together. Another
thing, friend.don’t pay any attentiou to this talk about new boases
being tbe cbeapeat. Uals! It'saU
nonsense. There are people in
line to sac*
ery fown that are willing
rific<‘ for cash, want to go away, go
intolisuiDesa. health isn’t igoM. a
thousand and ooe reaaoos why
. they
= sell cheBO 'Yoni
Bre willing
new house man aays '’thata mr
price " If von don’t want it wiU
rent it Uill some one does. A lot
of paint and a big veranda ostebea
.some of them, bnt it doesn’t catch
all by et'veral. Cubloiners usually
• ••
• It hai ■
to a |Hjor thini
•en u^l.
used. That
'has never been
is the
kind we’ve gpt Long property at
ily a few bargains

8am and Cbarlea Boaad of Detroit. t_ S_ r _ ■ aw.a.
-----------------------i_ of
-t .v.,_-------1.
, ai.44,.*, >M'pboer.
ialting the family
tbelr ancle,
Traverse City. Mich.
Bichard Bound.
JameaA. Moore U eeJiyloK
from bla aiaier aLd ber hnabaad. Mr. Boevr aiect
aad Mn MoClnmpba of Plyotoalb.
j^a a h bolui
C4 Id ^ 4D44a Blda. nw. I
MUa Kellie Jonea. a teacher la the n'oSki'Tot'U.
---- 1-XTlt.----Detroit acboola. U pUlting the family _____________ 2‘21-------------------of Frank Smith.
Mn J. Benr U anterUlaUc Miaa ^
II Lev. Sp»e«ai ,
Sarah Stlacel of Baat Saginaw, wboI W.
will alao viait relativea at Sabin.
Mn BeUe Bailey U vUlOng —______________ mcU..., M™. Ell.. Bnxxr. ud .Uin. Q. iJKSJTiJi'iSS “'eS?',. «!'
Mn Wm. fliccina. at tbelr borne on eoaUBluak._________________________ ___
'y a.THOBPMV M. D Otte* m UmnUtoa
Bebert arrived yeeterday from 1. *
BU«a Beer*. 1 u. li a.».. I
Grand Bapidi for a viait at the bone of “ ^
Mra. Lebmao, where bU wife baa bean j-------------------------------------------vUltinc for aevenl waaka.
litiijering diseases that require skill-1
Mn McAlvay aad dauebter came «p
ful mitliral tieatmeut for their cum. j will knock out any price you get
.<urh cusM as familr phvsicians fail elsewhere. WhyV Bimuly because
U the aaalury o
iTTTANTXDL'aUDi voFMr oI C»i« ubA Blaw lotolii, UKl proDoa'i.™ incur«ble ue ««'P-oiil- »iuit to
iver from
Mn V. C. Vaurhaa came ova:
- VnngOld Mimion yesterday with Dr.
ban. wbo U atundlnc
idlnc tbe aaniury
aaniu con\
overviostxl vrilb strong mmcral drugs
ami jioibODs. Dr. McDonald uscsoD-1 your property with na if yon want
TravaraaOity MaAav
Aply the purest medicines from the veg | it sold. '
balow U a lUt of tbe bnvlac sad aeU-, rii »° w.i^m. a ir..».______________
inc prlcae of yaatenUy for crocerlea :„4j.-TBi>-xur«.»iri Appu *> « w.eb eiaUle kingdom. He pays “Mention
provirioBBaad farm prodneta la Trav-; »* n<t..r.iwi______________ - nr»» o the cause of the disease and i*.
ana City
TTTaSTID-To buj 00 p J-DX^14. t 10 »
W 4rrr. 0( euoj 4011 vllbln » rmdiuk of t .trucls his patients the way to health
“5S .
1 SO mi»W fri.® <-tij ••Iib or • Uk>ui bn, A1dc4. or
oui4klti« ol rll.r 4d- ami bappinesa.
show buDdtedaof testimonlaU la the'
VSir»K T>' RINT . i-oror-r Blow 4BdI Pr
FT ok»i 4uX^ r^
!• PU4. handwriting of grateful patients wbo
L Biu, 4II iDoJorn IIOIMX
>. Baat.............
VI»Vb 4< onr. B J M.
been curcU
cured by
hv him when otbera atirr
“ivn ••“••Joi *t*«i4ir«.
have beeu

E.v, ...... •

Wornine, lug. 24

Sunday Eie.i.g, A'dg. 27.


coisDiTiiioi, miiiiTioi UD




72 H'*'



JS w*ss!:;"



yV bov.-. Pl4b<

tbo bulU>o« of lour

T>>RsALS-.t vood loldio* brd aod brd

»4»r w«V414

W. L SrorruM >V4lWI> .1
orb. Ap

Xiirbta .imi.ohr
«T» 4 know 44.1 fl'T 41W. ®f
rr Of I ah 4Bd 04k
1J.14 • lUr.d, tor f,
CK>mr 10 lb* V.1}
4. M.XA40V.

Cb4arv <•! 4 llfvtioo. Tboa


wkoaranot afraid to l*e
be generous to


korx of hr. King's New Dlacoverr for
lumpUoQ. Coogba aod tolda, have t4kr pan par»t«i Ooon. balaoev ocm- <w'4
milHon trial botI al«o ha^ a «-ov o>ad» «o earp, u toa
given away
over ten mU)L.
_____ •> laT«* atiMW. rnev
ales of tbla great raedkioa,
:t Eaat Pruoi aitevi. Tl! 4s.
lioD of knowing it >aa ab- ----------------------------------------------------------



, and all diaeaaea of the Throat,
ut and Lnjn
« «rtlj
Call on i
aod J. G. Jobnaon and
- ^ ..............................
Bocular aiae SOc and fl. and a bail
tra,-k oti-.Tb* vahibitioa tu.w
Bver^bolUe guaranteed, or price ro
oo is, prop^ AK.ant.P(w«*
-------------------------------- ' cau at a ••all pippoar br put lo rpM>r.
................ —

Votioe to Tazpagera.

thvfv will b. oo fv«4 Vbatyod (or rollcrooo
but ot, all >a>44 uopald SrpM-wbrr In aod
paid durlas septoni'-or ttorr olll h* , '
pooalu of I Por ovm for collocitor

-r and
oo aU
lanooepeidOei. lot ao.i paid due
brr ihrr* will t* cbar««d a poealtr
root, (or coIlr<Vk>i>
,41, cur Trwaaurvr.
Paras Wi-aiai aa.'
Boob t BaraJd BullJIac.

»IU plat luio al«ii — '
1 » ppr loi PoaiP. to »TJ
pr,'i.prij for • *


Wade Bros.
Up Staits

lailcd. He is so familiar with the
human system that be u able to read'
all disease* of the mind or body
rectly at a glance without asking any j ~~
questions. Thousands of iutalids an
Iteiug treated daily for diseases that I
they do not have, while a few drops'
c-f medicine directed to theseat of the
a„disetuk would give sj^etiy relief, nndj WMllieSday EyePUg, Mg. 23i

;'City Opera Honse

permanent cure in a vert' short time.
Good health is the most precious Jew­
el in our crown of happiness. With it
the vrorld is bright; without it, misery
claims us for her own. H t on are s
sutferer you should weigh vn-11 tbWf
wonis; A person who ncgWls Lis pnypMi
honltb is guilty of a great wrong to
himsolf and a grave injury to humanay. The name of Dr. McDonald, iho h6tl£
well known specialist in tbe cure of.
chronic aod liugeriugdiseases has lie - oBSak
come a household word in the tboue i
Aods of bouHti wuicb bis skill ami' ^
wonderful remetlies have msde happy ^it CIt;
by restoring ilmr one* to health aftei
all hopes were lost The doctor is ■ 1
gnidmite of tbr
tbe highest and bral
beat mol
medid o.ii.T.m..«. l,. .dv„ooi ,t»r Stud
iea8 in
io tbe
the troatment
iroatroent of chronic disdis
-tases surpriae the most skeptical. AU
■hrouic diseases of the


atvlrtoWra J B aohrna. OW MK-loe 1Va-«l.
oealcrtioborr (mil
F^aJd wwJoT Md 'fta“ Nw
NiM rlrao
op-io-dau •>ork Uood l«ra




mid BOWEL.-;,
bcumtificaliy and successfully tteated

UU 2W,

nt —

... Concert

Dr. McDonald baa made a special
,didy of all diseases of the brain and
tr rditor of Ibla |
fortbor i^niru
nervous system, and all delicate and
Mr. and Mra. Pwwga McDonald and
obscure disease* peculiar to women.
daogbtar Nora Biroag of Wyani
Dr. McDonald's Siieciat Remedies
arrived yaaiardsy aad wUl vOU Mrs.
All loaa, and avi 4ou blrbr«x pMro Itt.* piiur
■oorr Kor.ak. Wb4lr hrua.. til Frool M.. ere a pcmianeut cure for men snfferWm. Leva Mra. Leva la alao anlarep.ia^;^______________ ____________
from nen'ouB and sexual debility
taialng Mrs. F. iPaal and aaaa, Arthur
TTTAVTBD -W« waoi a Irw' haaSi
baaSrvd deJIara
early decay. Rboumatio and par. |
aad Fred of patf^t who have been
loplarr oo peroooal
Will A>iaraot*« all '-----ic cripples made to walk; cal
4 .tarrhal i
Wur«rwSa )i;cea
Tvawwiua Cftv.
vlalUng at Yoba.
Proot atiroi.
deafucM iweitivi'ly cured and msuy
Lauta Webber la eotertaUing bit
made lo bear a whisper in a very few
motber and aiaier, Mrs. Webber
Marie B. Dyer of Oatfoit. who amvad
Bvray under his magical remedie*. Kp
laat algbl for aivlaK.
ikpsv or falling bkkaess positively |
Ur. aad Mral Boxbarg oF Webster
Best workmanship money
cured through bis new method o*
street are entertaining Mrs- Calklu of
can employ for Bicycle
eni. Special attention given
Bepairiug. Quick work.
Bev. A. O Lldd la in Oadlllne attandunable to call, write forqueeiDg tbe Uiarion meeting.
p'ri;,;? I Those
J. R. Saoto and wife have ratornad
US UstoaStrMt.
from a abort vl^t to Omana.
Cunsnluiion free and
fT-TOV WAKTlaiara-coeluykloU la Srai erywhere,
F. a. BanaJ aad family mra antar(A viaao roBoaolraor U4 box a hooaa, kM 4e atricOy confidential.
talniag tba MtRaa Danamora of YpaUI taHBrai;oDX a Allro.rooBaTaCMlI.llvrca^
My Dental Office will be UmOo Bterk.TrarorsrCUr.
Dr, D. A. McDonald.
Mr. aad MiwiOaorga Jadd ot Indiana dos^ two weeks, commenc­
rotmlaganUiWnadhy Joa Zimmaring August 17th.
aril brad at 4 ■an of Btmwepd.
OMSt M4 lo tb* wbolo pUV UbS4S and 2S0 Baat Paltoa Street,
Palaaa Bakaiy.,
S. O. SAWYER, D. D. S.
t Mr- WUltam Glmbarg aad danghtar.

to tha wa-ita of bla patroaa ha kaa aaUbUabed a aubatantlal boalnaaa and an
•Bvlable rtpniatloB for hnatle and fair
kwalaaaa dcallaf. Tbe atock of bla
(raellTe atore baa always bcM kept np
wlibfaUUaRof Ue lataat atylee of
clotblar and rentlamcn'a farnlablnf
goodi frem tbe baat manutactn
(be blf dlaalay window always prw
aanu aometblnf orlrtnal and pretty aa
weUaaanarlistU-tMte which always
bM wrlxbt with the exactiair purebaa«r.
Benda A Ca. carriea atoeka of the
very best honsaa and aelU at bottom
prices, and the big buslneas eai
daring iba Tear evideoaea plalaer than
anytklagaiae tka value of ap to dau
metboda. late atylaa aad aaortoona
traatmanL It la aauirod that at (be
aad of aaothar year Mr. Baada*a bnaiatm will be larraly tnuaaaad,


Wade Bros.,

Mr. Oaorra Brant ratnrned to tbelr
boma to'MUwaukat
In MUwaukei yaatarday
peaterdap after 18.
epaadinc a annber of deUfbtfnl weeka

Wa. Booker aad family an aaUrUlainc Wa. FowU and danebtar. MUa
Claribel. woo arrived froa Qnad BapIda Uat avanlnc.
Mra. B. A. Hairaof Grand Eapida. U
vlaltinc tbe family of ber brother,
Tboa. T. Bataa
Okriv. Lousteed aod wife of Detroit,
arrived yeeterday to apend a taw daya
with Mr. and Mn Joa. Shier.
Louebeed U aacratary of tbe exeentive
board of the National AmoeUlloo of
Letter Ckrriara.
Mn W. W. Weatberip of Grand BapvUlUnc Mr. and Mn J. B. HamlUa.
■Mn N. B. CbaplB U antartalnlacbar
oooaU. Mn D. Odver of Aon Arbw.
Mre. Owdon aad MiaaGjrdon of TorOQio. aad Mr. aad Mn 8oneb aad
ebUdren of Unad Baplda.
CaeaU of Dr. aod Mn A. B. Uollidap.
Lotliaaod Llaz e Holmm of OetroU,
ra vUitlng tbe femllp of J. M. OUletl.
Mlm Flttgvnld of Detroit, la vlaltinc
Mn. Battanbnrp.
Mn Oaorca Undla and danebtar.
Floreuoe. paaaed tbroneb tbe city pee4S
terdapontbelrwaytoPetoakep. Tbep
win return next weak and vlalt Mn.
Bran^^r 100............................
BtTTiis aATMorTWATnSBOtrr mal
Prof. .C. B. Horn U enJopUp a viait
from hia aiaUr. Miaa Ida Bora of Cbar-

‘°Mim Mand Pack who baa bean atteadlnc aobool
Big Baaida, paaaed
tbroneb the eitppaatardap on her wap
home to Bnttona Bay.*
B. A. Beaderaon of Bapid City, waa
in tbe city Saturday.
Dr. Wm. Papna of Maple City, waa a
•». Baade A Oo OelabnU The Flnt plaiior to (be city paaterdap.
Mr. and Mn John Boaeb. Mra. Thoa.
ADBivenarp of Tbdr Sten ta
Company and aon. Roy, aad niece, Ada.
TkU City Today.
came in on tbe eaconlon from Toledo,
Juatoov pear ago today 8. Benda A ■ Obla They vUlt In the city a few daya
Co opened up tbelr attraeUve eloUinc with trieniU before roing to Solon for
•tore U the Friedrich block and ainee j ^ *iiit with Mr. and Mn Tim Qalllvan.
(bat tine the boalnaaa of the firm baa Thriral- vr. KaUe Eoach. and Sclllc
• •vnmpaay tb-m to Solon
made rapid atridM Into pnblle favor
and cslnad a larya ana permanaat pat- fora
Mis4 .x*uie Hook passed ibrouga ^
Mr. Banda U a modern bnaUar la city laat evanlag on bar way from
•very aeaae of tbe word, and bU ebar- trolt to Boyne City.
Mra. Robert Howell of Detroit U viaactarlattc aaargy. oombload with aa
•IcoBt new atook. constantly added to lUng ber motber. Mrs. Broadfoot.
Mlm Clan Hall ot Datroit U tbe
(0 mtlafy an iaeraaalBC aad taatldimw
(nde. baa made tbU atore one of the rnaatof Mr. and Mra. Oao. W. Ball.
MlmBlvlarc Dnmomiballa la aaioylae
moat popnlar aad rallabla la nortbrra
Mlcblgaa. Mr. Benda-U an orijrlnal n visit from ber brolbar. Ulyaaea Doj
adverUiar and bU methods have baea oacbelle from Omaada.
Anaorra df Groad Baplda and
He baa kept bla aiock np to tbe tlmea MimLoaiaeNiabaas of Alpine are viesad by eareful and eonrtaoua attanUon iUng at tbe borne of Louie Buthardi in

'AftS^te^ Ml


.Remember the daK..

Gas Lamp--

John R. Santo,
Ueiaial lasariKa.

Price Reduced to Close Out Lot.






Fin Insurance.

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