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The Morning Record, December 10, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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i:4'' ■: :;
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■ -i :‘ -.i. l :
Third Year-No. 812
traverse city.
BoUaradThat Ha ta Flaaiiw
labiM rofMtar Atl
atwl Vinasa ra^OMOW
jObiidrml Whit®. Mad®
r;iSrtoT'lSSSrXa®*: j »««*•x.*dy*mith
a**l I* a^lcallr elo.^ *b«.br. all I
------------•IM) wir*_________ Itonned HiU Oeeupi*d by B
«o Cat Off BMnM-OolM
a*«ed * Mucun Oun and OtljeT
th* toonrmt !M4«r SowMito l>
WeoM-Aljo DMtroyad Lme of
SMaidaK (>oB lb* IUmO of l«sia
CoBBunicatioB of tb* Enemy»!• Obotar* la Alaoat a WtMSty.
ffaar-Bear* ffocaarmeat WlA a
O«<.nlCroi0e Heee Hot in D«o
BodyotAcalaoM -aOa.rd.
r»t«l BmuU of • Bot on tbo poi»-e Battlo Koar Spytfbntein.
WaaMadoa. Dec. »_W*r departFrereCaap. Dm »-(i*oer*l WbiU
Oroat Blcyele Bmim.
mMicffiei»toBr«of tb« pplokm UiHt
H toformed Deoonl Boiler ol tbe
Atmiaaldo U •mAmworitxg to rmcb WaH*T-BooM*. • Hedle*l Sludmt,i<
implete eornM .of * Britieb eortte
Bnlor, oa tb« tMi eoMt of Losoa.
Sbotaod Silted ffred W. Bteter Id ; (rooi Udyult^ teet nicbt. etormlof
BtlOTtoilM plM wbm Ui^toaaat
Madim tqaareOMdeo. Sew To.k. j tb* bUI ot Lorbortdkip Slmolteneoo*UllflMra Md tb« Yofklo^ m boat ere«r
lywUbtbeer zircoftbe Mosioi roe
New Tork. Dee. a-Beouw be woold
dleabllnc two other'
proaeb wilbla drioir <
not pay o loU wo«pr on tbe bicycle;
»■>« o« tbe bUl. tbe BriUth
.imm bold ibe place. It le belle
bare that Aruioaldo will make hla laat
alaad tbere anlem be aoeeeeda In ae rJIli r slSSlr. TbeehMO.™
io ModiMD «<i**re Uerden. wbleb wm I
»<>• killed, ooe woonded.
aaoape from tbe Ulaad
ttome eraeeU
crowded to the door*. Tbo race bad Uea«m While pralae* tbe eelor ot tbe
of Rbeaaejarekeeptoc a ebarp look*
»eodod o few mloote* when Boetar Natal voloQt
Pretoria. Dec «-Newa baa .j^n reJTb reach Baler Af a{aaldo.moai crrea
celvad.bara rf heavy eghilog today
'W goaatalaotta conotr;, where bia
near Spyifoeteia. ibe BritUb force
aiatinvin be iBcreaaed bj tbe likelU
under Metbaea attacking tbe Boera
biiM of ailacka from nnfrleodlj aaunder Cro^ Ja Report* are alao reeelvd
ileea^ General Otie baa cabled ordera
ofa batUa near Kimberley which la
lo eetbral Anerieaa d lack menu who
praanmad to be a aortle by tbe Brittob
Afeaadaaeorlaciocaioff Aralnaldo^a
Aocry word! followed. Rncer fl.w garrtooB at Kimberley.
ratreai. They are ao placrd that ibe Into h r^ qeleklp. The crowd fell
bhck and the mwllc*l etodeot drew *
London. Dec. »-Lord Metbnen to
ebaaeei of oaptarlnr elm are rood.
Gaaeral OUa alao cabled tbe follow* weopoh. nlmwl It nt U* b*«l of hit atm encamped in the vicinity of the
JJ«Wor river, bot to having an encltiog
laf today; -A dUpaicb from Geoeral
Tbe byllet took effect la Btetor’t
Yoaacat Vlfao jeaterday aaya that
ThawnrofU^ waa greatly excited
oaoaped Mpaalab priaoaera report a
by ibe report that the Boera had cat
fbar bomra* earaffetaeat oa the 9M. laLord Mathoan^i llaa. but waa rallevad
ataat betweea hla troopa and Afalaal* tk* door wbea be tell dead aaoo U
abortly after midnight by an c IB Ual re
^obtaardaearOertaaiea, flUy mllea parcawa'. Bnwwr wa« arrratad.
port from Cape Town that oommoaloa.
tkm bad been rmloced A late boUrtia
alao lella of a email oagagemeit todgy
U one htUed aad two woaadad. The
lababllaata of their owa aoe^rd j>la Chtcat > Va<earaliy How Bat Vadla. between Prlaa Lorn* Hoar aommaado
of 1,000 nma aad one gun ana a ballary
oarlroopaln repalrlaff the trail aad
puled Klpbl W'That Title—0*>
of Brlttohanllloryaada baitaltoa ol
ctrrylBff aabtlaieaoe. I hare paabed a
tafaatry fhe HHttah loat fourUen
•olapa to Baa ioae. aoath of Haaraed
teaiod Wltejaala 71 to 0.
‘ Bd one killed One wounded
aad Uowe'a oolamn »a oa the rear trail
HtdIaoD. Wl... f)«i. u -Tb,. ^t
laer wa« fr
Majw Hach..lor*a batulloo of ib^
There toe
ibie doubt aa to the
Tweaty fiiurth U oin of reach, north of
of the mala Hoer
Bayomboaf. and erldsotly deaeeadlay ..Di»er.liy aad W.Moano. wa* woa by
tbe rlrer.
Chicaco. 17 to 0. Tb* larpeet crowd Toroe. It wa* •uppoaed after ibr
- A colnma of (laoeral ll%cArlbar‘a UetrrerKatbcredhcr* to ere a foot Modder rtver flrbt that Ganeral
Croi J* had retired |o Spytfonlelo, and
Ut»pi and the Twanty.flnh Infantry be.l cam. wae oa the froaod. la
aet to work to repair tbe iMt obttacli
are reported near Iba on the weal eoaat of tbe rein aad £ud
In ike vavo^ihe relief of K mberly
of 7*tmbaleapmrloca. General Grpol’a
Tbe leld wae In p
General Cor je undoubtedly baa a larg.oolnniB to near Sub|r bar. General oeltber team d.d at
force at thto oolnt. but it dereloped to
lAWton U In Hulnean provlnoe today
oo * dry deM.
that he alao baa a pa. t of bia army
with aufll lent troopa to overcome op
at Graa Pan. oa the other aide.
poaltloB and aohtier the enemy "
Methuen to tbua between the, two
It to probable that the iroopa which
The team work of
of the B^r forcea. hla raiiwax
•ayaved Afalnalda*aya%rd are llalre'*i
•lar featnra of
track* and enIverU deatroyed add bia
' ooamaad, aa he to rep ried cloae Af
•rbTt defeat mtrkt the downfall of telegraph wire* Itob'e to be aercreo
U'Dra, who waa io wreubed foro. Hla
puntlnif waa poor In the eateeme. *
Santa Glaus
Will Be At
Our Store
Id .\merira today for
Lndiiii are the
Ounmilted Buicldc at
■i Union.
AlixHia, live h ~Chaa
A Nnratb.
r erh
With hi. big l»ok the Iwt
part <>r tbia week to take
down the name, of nil the
giriH and boja who call on
him- juBt whnf else the old
fellow will do we an. „of able to .nay just now. but vou better
watch thia aptc. for his announcement
• puir. and
!‘Queen Quality”
At $:Ui0 a pair.
The hikdieet type* of the
Shot timkerV art. They make
a handifome Chiiatmaa .pn*e.
Enamel Ware Sale, Moadai. 3:00 p.m.
.Ij iiuart iteUB. keuhw and Blew imna. all firet »iualitv. per^,
feet d,shea........................................................... .......... ;...........
899-228 Front Street
1, ;r
WM faoad. Nil huaiii^d'i[iS^*M ^a*
fMBd iB bli (rank
.tn ciiviabli>rc|iutn<ion
•Vi Hollcmof .....
Tlmt-B why all .Hirrcct .Irwo*.™ wpar onr Bnite,
riBlcni. Rate. l«a|M. «l„v.w, Hhirta, etc.
I’lii-ca alwaya the luwnat, i|uiility cnaidetwl.
WaU h that .N.H kwear Window
MeeUng of 1-nco h Lilcmry
too ety Lne: Ktght.
I yenre^ln
ry rrtarnedn vepdiclof
econd degrM ngmtnet _ _
who wea eentenoed to ten
the effi-fl
Itoenmlonwee onite eplHted.
» •Not
nidee. Fmnk Welton nnd Wnyneltwo mlnnlen A
The nmrmetlvn
to the critioi report*
Vrw Cmtocr Virginia.
one of
• ilor BiH
Assortment ‘
Padnau. a Oil
Keeper. KUM CktflaBRiMridpa.
CiaelBBaU. Dae. 0 -••Chick** 1
thtoafuwaooaahoiAead 1
daa*la tbe Io
x*. Krindricb bldg.
I Sorosis aid pueen QualHy
uUicguariluiis I Cold Weather
} Clothing....
With till* rliill taken of! im* prir**«. , Uur oviertwla and
ni ters ant L'arnienU ^ar> rklit up to the miiint.. in
Ht> Ih—are matle of d. iH-ndalile matt^riato. and ar»‘ ri;:
rightly i.ri.-.Bl,
Till- greatest stia-k in ^lown^is her
ih wo’ll
8. II you ovi recmtH, idHt^ni and MiiitM aTt®n
fnnn our already low prieea. CVune a^dplo
A pmniliitnit N*«w Ynrk cdlii-iitl
anlil tin* ifiM rrnl Ub<' *if llir todn
pli'iiH* Itnd iiindt* llip tnnk of»Hli*
vtilly iihiti cUuif Ufa*mid |imiH*ri>
•iviT ftU p*ar i*»*iil ewtidi*r.
U1 work ta lad^la, which waa flit ti
Ta*li«plmhituf in cnUn* of linear*
with lateriNitlBg laformtUon.
."Mra. Charim Laaeaatcr read one «f «ddi«nt nr ImrifUry Imp IxM'oim* a
ibepormaof Rudyard K p!lag. which
recitml many th.ngaof iniercai ab<iul
Kv#*r>’ w.dl rfifulat
the wi m m ot India. A p>*«lnf v wai
limipa.lm d has a
Mtoa Saod
Mtoa Wright eolertalord very p'c >a
Ingiy tn a tab upm the wi’k of th.
mtaaioonrie* who era adpp »rted hy intMngregatinnal church and
.ke e*.peeiaKv of mlwiooary work in Iqdia
to the pleasure of her nddrea*.
Doringher talk Mtu Aldie Solcw
was dre*aed la a **\irktoh costume t .
illuatratethe manner of Orea* if ih
omen of that country The* entire
waa one of great pVaanreand
omBi to the member, of the eociet;
After the program tboee preeeot en
joftd I pbt refre.hmeote
S, BE3ITr)-A. <Sb oo.
121 Front .Str.M.|.
hxclusive aKfiil for
tiM .WrtBbt Buieruiaad llrl<l«r
■u.lten ut Uo ■ B* of MU.
TbeK ordBol aap Homber.
The holiday number of T«k Mti
Rxtxkau ha«
a* nlrvady met wiin
demand and ae it to to be widely cir-;
culaied Uoee dealrtng extra oopim to j
abroad ehon'd ercurc
entocky einteemnn. He wee con
•mell nmonot of I lelne^we^treD
the Tlc|ed of ebooling to death Prof. Will- them early, before tbe editioa to exnd. the pHi
Mr torn Lipacomb of tbe Central ChriaUnn haoeted Coptea may be ordered at ibr
InltlnUop of
la peraoa or by
T^lce. Tbe drtt pnrt on tbe ee<
W^boae. NoXl. Tbn price baa been
Bxed at only flve oeata each, and every
jam tbe Hute
member who U
Two Trxaen Had n Rualnam D angree.
ill aa aome to aead awmy.f
the next pnrt
meat and Killed Back Other.
rhtob wnv very enu
Then followed no
Greenville. Ten. Dac ®.-rhtom-,Ing A. Dnncnn. of dnnnyalde Park.
G..lambna, Dec a -The
ibtonHaniuwaof lb* I'aloa Reforai
■WUP eoutemNi bora Inday Tb*y dr biwaolHtoaNi
Vmiir*Plio meet
rtura d tmailoaary from Turkey
I here ana aa lalefwtlng nr
XffOM oa BttiUuura aad Niorli-lllaa
Varawoaby Froatraied at Beault
Oaae oa a ffaaita.Kar Trala Bateni t
. of ®h ck.
TllUbu-f Teatarday.
Amnre careful eaiimate than waa
l tbe tine, of the loea canaed . I'ltubary.. Ds: a-Tbe Pittebnrff,
Bomlble att
by the 0re early yeaie^day toorninf. PortWaroed Cbleafo trala onthbar
. and the approat Owaa qiaraatlaed aUKria atalloa
hM been
mate flrnrea can non be yiven.
The loaa on
the butldiny ol
Hteinbe-y I a eaitmaied a I
ttOQ. It U folly covered by insurance
emeire u>
A woBiern doctor nbmrd deThe damaire
to tn* Cohen
Ulonb iul8-m »nd Mr Wnr-,
• child bed the emnllpox
nyr eetimetee
eatimatea hiw loM on Block en i Itoew^r. were wcered end n penic
book* that were It jo
Ipon nnd
The oldmt daughter of Mr WaraowaWy. who wat helped out of tne
in time to aaye her from RMaATIVRqFJtmy G. ARI.Z8LF
mifrocaiu a. bad b» en very
Very 1ill for
Cohdetnnrd tn Ten Yenm X
Alme, and U
Irlely pr<
ment fo- Killing
’ B*lph OoniutbU Jr..
On Eyery^dyj^Tongne-“B»ndlm-p
Ualoo Seforte Party Ipaoraa Itemoerau and Wiil Maai* Ptealdeaual
■ 'il
Thfi Two ^
Best Shoes'
Batal Cerk
W,. arc Blmwing an cl..g*ni |iu.. „f k Ininy flood* with
ShTlimr Hilv.-r'Alonni*. l)r.-sBing
('lolhc* liruah<%
Hilt BrnohcB. Hair llruBli. *, Military Hair Hra«hca. etc..
(with or ^ithoul <aBp*.)
To Connoisseurs of Perfumer)Wc invite imrticiiUr alti nlion to oy w. ll 6<-ltvlod line
of .Bl..rB- -mat. hle-« in .|iiality HiiJ;M,Hturi.l fra. ranee—
Wp eBp.ci!,lly ri-.-oniniend our w-l. i lion «.f viol. ta.
Kodaks and Supplies.
S«t our lint of Udits' Combination Pockrt Boob from 2S< to $3.00
Tb«t a. wbtel (wsttilw srr dolc«r
Cbr»wtm*w -aV ttftr** m»l ^ hl« Ilur of
mV kind* uf fAii.-.r c.tuJ. tbK ye-mr -but
Bwdorltelm Io U*7rit bur. tterifw nrw
up to datr tin# of tVrfuKr
AloaiAwrw. Pt-rfunf-rj In Uory rmme-m,
and IwtlU^
tnffv atylrw^ and Po. kat
Bookte. am Booka. t artt Cmm^. «>tc-U>
«ant you to aaa our lliw. Sb troublr te
aboa aood». at
Wait’s Drug Store.
Otte 'Wl\Tvu\e
The Real Thing!
That’s what you get when
sou buy a pair of our.....
Waterproof Shoes.
If yon wear a pair of thew we can puarantee you a
dry foot. The price is easy.
Store open evenings until Christmas.
■ V'.:,
W. C. & B. A.
Boea aeftthcr plaaaaaUj aad
DlLra. «f
ABoodJoho DeLoory.
John F. Ott hns retoroed from o
business inp 10 Cklesdo.
Benry DsMrBicr. who hns been
servin# os wheelmnn 00 the etbrnm
borye Al oe M. OUl. come to the citj
Inst nlyot fioB Chorlevoin.
Northperta woe in!
and Opticians.
^ U Waraw ef Kk laplda
^ Hit is fine Wntchrg, Jewel.
f?r «fi^nre or Silver Kot.
lull K^field of Mooistee Is viriU^
frlooos in the city ter o few
o» !■«
OapMla Fraablla rataraad Uat alpbl
Hon. C. O. Tumor left for Petoskey
Rev. A. O. Lind rctnrned yesurdsy J
I. tt* 9mia» wMfc th* «o
«kk» it M mmnii '
• oftk*<
ThenteoBhoffe Sidney O Neff wlU
AUns8ndleMsyec wenito Kolkoskn
rta*««ry4«toU. Tki> IMM BOke one Bore trip froB Esst Jordnn yeeterdsy. colled there by the lUoese
to Moskefoo with leBber.
of her fsther.
Oopi. WlUiOB Aodrco of the North
Mies Kote Wilson returned to brnr
4ltloatotk*'n«atM’ lcM»i
4»fifonitoo lire snrinff etntSon. peered
MftMBia. UlMtfMcd. Christ
eltiesa Didmonds or Precious
Stones of j any kinda in any
kind of Jouiitiug. that you
are neekiny:. you can find *em
J. W. Slater.
W. C. iMi A. CAlillEn
1.-J7 Front Stm t.
psMIebereof tbs.B>.«<uiu>are ladchtad
to Hr. & E. Walt tor aoae of ibees
|delaraa.aBdt»blaehm as a pbou«fmpMr for eoplwof »«b>eeu wkSeh oro
Si : ooMldoroblo vmlM. tamoM Um
SrtglamU m Uw oolj oms io
iMo, TiMniororoeMipktVM woro
Mdo ^ oibor^loeol >bototr»phm
mhom nmtom oppoor with ibo tppnh
4MtSoos- Iho^ortoftboosirrovwrbM
Ralph Andei
Will Anderson
and Embalmers
trdnjDd Ml
Troveree City.
eeraiod. Dec
Hueie be Bela A
Blakeleyb orcbeatra
»ir lo t 6
fall ouendnnee Ie desired es there wUl
In spite of rainy wentber nnd tbe nd> W1U*»0«~
The Boy View Beodioc Olrcle wUl vice of hie phyeicisa. ibe pope eeled clodb aale dt Tba
Beet ot the nenol boor tomorrow with breted boss U his pnvoie enopel Fri
Mfo. H. 8 Ball.
_______Jobs Itoenee wos proBtcd yes-
Both Telephones, No 43.
318 Union Street
The H. & L. M. Co.
Tho poo 4fmwiof of Um bmilng of Ovol Olsh feetory.
Jedfe Roberts toned WUUob Bnrl
Tmvm dll's Bosi toleotod orltolo.
‘ Mr. T. H. A. Ti^r^ Thb Ulostrotloo
. linoof tbocsisniof ibe monnfoetnriOf lodoUriB. of TrovorM Clrj« iu doy olyht In MonUtrse hoU. The nn<
nnhl elecUon of ofB wrs wUl Uke piece
nil BCBberm nre rcqnesled to be
Ths holf umss nod fifth pofo on-
ffOYloffs woro node
A yoeny mon with nil ike
00. lo «rmnd Bnpi<Ue pod ihe enool- ofn fir^ees knee
Moos of Uie work Is fnllidrinohnirotod rived ni
ntibe borne of Mr. nnd firs
f L. Hnni yeeterdny morninf. Be
IB iho-printed reeulu. The ffeoerol
ten ponnds. ond Ooteber Bent
of the entire iMne U on
of the BusUers will ooBBond ohicber
eoiory berenfier.
lOteof the«w
W. A Dcooa the orhbltect. orrived
Ion thepoBT.
Bf the
rof the pr
A toii of enomelond hlfh frode book
Bokint nrchl
poper wos OMd In this Isene which
OCBSlsu of its pofiss. the vrcoteei noinhw of poffee ever printed liooe teeoe Urpeet nnd most otirocUve pobllc
Aj ooj dollj newipoper In oorthem ^lid^for the pnrpoM of folnlnff
Aeonnrrived ni the home of Me.
While this ooBber dieplole the skUl ond Mb. J. L. Reed yeSleitUy after*
#f the printer ond the eoerfi of ibe noon.
•ewSfoiherete of ibe Baccx>iui. It oUo
All BOBbenof the Women's Relief
AoBooetrotee in the odmileioff col* Corps ore nqnested to tnecl ot -Uronye
bus' the onlerprlet ond npioAote HoU oi 1 o'clock ohorp to otteod the
fooerol of the lots W. B. Thecker.
AVeunf Oirl’s eaperienee.
- DAMAOB fiirir
Wonts Bopid mieer
ensh p to Foj for Aoridenu
7, bi Fntcbln A Crot
a^ attorarj^for
Johawa. ta
for Clapdc
Clopde Johnson,
a as
bar rake aloap Ibe
rood lost 0.*U>bcr.r. nraaatbroheMd
the boy fell to
BBls np. one • f the teeth of the
pierced bis orm. which hns a
poroljsltof thsi inimber. Heno
sloln for dsmores. It is onnoooeed
tbotlsibe township docs not setUe.
OOU will be bronytai. os
Ihot the Occident wos cot
by o de
^tln ibe hlfhwoy.
Mtabero fit.. Bmoc.e Church Will Ask
ter 0ns ot Ooroer Tenth nnd Ones.
The resldento In the ridnity of IWth
BBdCoss etreeu ond ineasben of 8b
Fmneis ehereh. wUl preeent o peUiloo
lotheeonnellollu nest sseeilnf for
theehnrch is not the pines for folher-
tkelreneelleot work
tbe fire yeeterdny moroloy.
Rev. D. CochUn performed tbe
kremony Fridny that nnltud in
BsiTloys WUbar Esrl of Weaf jrd nnd
Mlm Umj MUImb of 8bermnn.
ml doll mle of tbe Juntbr
Groeeebnrcb wUl be held
tn tbe leetoiu mom oeai Friday even
ing. Fancy ortlelee wUl olMbe nold
ot tble time ^ the Ladles' OnUA
Coffee, eoodwitehm ood eoke wUl be
•erved durtog Ike uveolog.
D. Ha Devoodorf has opuDedmpou
ottroetlvu lunek eooater madm the
Tbooeller block.
U. aa.^SHlSr^’S
P. 0. BUg.
Sotwal oeaatarlaU Sro-AoUar foM
Can be found in
We show all new
ones this season.
of U&i
ot aU blaJa. aapoelallj «t tba b«M
Tba aaaaal alaetlaa o( oBtan o< tba
Oorpaalarb aaloa «U1 labo plaaa aaxt
uayJsoMA1. W^fbAtugnte^
oaraUlbMr, wDltaha Mr oa«
C. £. TA YIOR. Pnp.
nu lo hove o more o’e.neb abarp.
for Ike ehuiek udl*
All aamban of Ttaawaa O V «aal.
Ho. (71, ara rrsaaatad to aaM «ltb
Ttaracaa B .sT.-at. No. IM, la H. at.sUos w
for Mn^^ints *ni
This is Headqiurters
will he held tomorrow evenlof olN:to Compiete Uni of ----o'clock. As there will be boelness^f
every member will be
Johnnie Bnme. n Femwood bdy, wss
Inlured Friday wbUe eonsUny on ibe
Uooyhey hlU. Be ran eyoinst o post,
ond was knocked senselesf, nod for n
time It wos feared that bis skull wos
fractured, bnt ibe Ir jorj was found to. Mtffjuines And Newsptpers
be less serioas.
Msnoyer atelnbury of the Qmnd DeUvtnd Phmplly:
Opera Bouse bos given tbe boje of ibe
fire deportment o e^ldl invttoUon to
attend if
Rtri-ived fvi ry day.
For Holiday bhoMwrii.
The finufet Btaiidardfi ever wjld at
Wlifn uiideridvd wliat to got tbe
920*8 quart
ocyn »*old l.> dru«»rt-L Sic.mtidBc. 4
wonieii of the booce for Ohristmaa
We have an oypter
debt made on puri>o8e for us.
buy 'a ynir of B!aek Hatin. For
ice put on the bybters, but around
Trimi^ed Juliettes, or a Felt with
the outhid«‘ of the can.
They are
wune iitjT^ trimniiiig and in differ,
What is
.•ut colors.^ Tbrse'were (ellinK in
Solid Meaty.
nicer i>n a cold day than liol oyatcr
different eijiM, but all tbe niiifunn
Boup for dinner, or to go home for
price of |l.:i>« a pair.
to have served delicious ;
Fried Oysters, or Oyster Pullies,
or Scalloped Oyaten^.
them raw.
The celc-
brate.1 Alfr.«d Dodge Felt Slipper,
• The Heat in^the Und.”
Some want
Half a dozen of tln‘se ;
-The .Man of the Houm:" aanta
a pair of elip|)er« to put <in niter
Btaudards will make a good meal.
Ever eaten Broilrd (Oysters':' They
Ida dayV cork i» over.
will make you wish the oyster sea
them in Velvet, ; 1 .11] ■ j 11 <1 I ll,
son la.^tiHl all tbe year.
wllin:; from 7.">e a | <iir up.
We have
___ L.
More .
What to buy.
Then you haven’t lioen all through
our big Furniture Depaitment.
We’ll just begin and suggest: Cbi«
111 capiiietB at $12.:i0, m.OO and
12U.00; combination book case and
writing desks from $17.00; music
cabineU 11.10,12.10, $2 75, $2.00;
bnc-a.brac bamboo cabinets f 1.00,
#1.‘j0. The biggest thing for the
money .if an oak book sbelf, 42
inches high, 20 inches wide and
sells for One Dollar. Mirrors, all
sises and abapea. from 2.7c to the
elegant wrooght iron mirrors at
$2.2.7 and $4.00, and brasa at from
$2.2.7 to $12.60.
Screens, good
high ones, from VK)c to 1^2.75; foot*
stools from »5c to $3.75; atenda
from 75c to $12.00; book oases from
$7.00: rockert fromll 15; hall trees
from $5.50. Take your first opportnnity to see theee goods
Placed on sale
, Every day ad<b to tbe brilliant arl
china from
little aonvtnira at 25e. to elegant
plates and odd shaped bnc a-brac
at $3.50 and $4.50.
{ /
Conntera fnU
of all manner of novelties &om 10c
Show cases full of Sterling
Silver goods from 2>7c up.
(tetuary «>d gold
plated good*.
Chrutiua* cards for tbe Uule onea,
or for Sunday school daaseatrom
2c up.. A&oa asaortmeut.
drads of Uttle books for the Uttle
ones from 6c up,
The Old Reliable
Frank Friedrich
tb, akak Mlast tbaBoalaa Ntaa aU
HouBwFiiralshlBg Btoiw.
180 Front Bt
Hra. r. C. Uayaaa. .ho waa oaJUd to
Mrslss.s.Ths spteisi srtlelcs srs frsoi barlBf bata elMad for Iba ataaoa.
To •!▼€ ep.
AOdlaoB raeaauj by tbe daatb ot bar
OMrra>& Banlaae. wbo baa baaa tatbar, baa rataraad.
»hs hsst of »sU toowB plossos wbOM
•Bpsrissoss tm ths tsrij ds)s, whSB
with marked Mooees beeo annoy
Boo. U U. Covell orrived frtmUrond
Ropldsyeelerdsy, where he One tea lay editur of the Doiiy News, tenderml
«»ssns CIV »*0« »»
Ok\eodinf Untied btoUs <?ottrt. The his reslyooUoo some dsjs oyo oni It
crlBinol onlendor tns been completed. W08 oeoepted Tburedoy evmlny. Hen
<«Utetlos of lafDralsf s esisshle
Hilkoo. ot ibe state prioitne firm
Mta. J-llai P^t
•UsaleofahiatorlcBl aalsn.
Smith A Co.,
jtrrulfarw dl*imriWbnfil of the UnnanD
^ ibert osutnu
wv.. of '
ii —
cTdurlny the boaasy
boUdsT '
end hss oooeniiKl
afoSTBSSt pel
k re7 Ul. but ie now roeorerlny
capeaM la
Ca-a. bosiinws.
baaioMa. ibc
the cbsuyc
ebaaite yoltty
colar into
Meana(pletam;of*old Uom eeeasi
r. A. Mlicbell, yenerol
.Ifaet today. Mr. l>ee yoea at oaee to.
O. T. M.. No. IM. ond other Sir
lmpts« Knlfhu.wUlBeetot MooUtne boll nyenibftbeM. AN-nN nod bis fom
thspaUlewIthlUie actaal eoadlUoet todny nt I o'clock to oUcnd the fnnerol Uy dined with A:0ermnn Montayuc's
in Detroit or tiraod Eao d.
>^hldi salatad te .thla lecalllT *ftj
psaisar>Mi4*M» -r*"*
Open Evenings Untill 8 O’clock.
Make a nice prewMil—Kever
mind the fit. we ll attend to
I-,; •
than a Writing Desk,
Book Case or Combina
tion Desk and Book case. We bare a large assort
ment from $5.00 op. Ctme in and pick one ont. ve
will store and deliver it free of charge.
at Gannetfs.
IBolMay VaaW
D i-Dd-'--
The Namii & Lay lerciuitOe Go:
4^ htertst*
HMkiMT adii^te VMtai, «r
You Will Make
I Mistake
_1W MW fcMwy o( tk* HtaklKM
Temple of Fashion
g'SSsllS n.2j?;^J2.Ta5ri^ Ui5c
Bj choosing anjr oth^
________daj «-
J. W. MORSE. Proprietor.
cigar than
T.i. Bsrvto«rilk PlMMtk i
Ummamtmmm m Y«m for tk«
MBBfoeim of foMf^wood loaiv. tte
Tbalaativvobosia of tba rao traa dortolemmbl^or U rmn. pi^
itepowwtoemra>UThraot.CMt ud
•’rte, toe ud «IOO
Trial l»tU«
wd olrasdjr borr t.MO.ooo col
rwoBld dart forward froa ibt
b aad 8. B.
laadtryioaiaala laf apoa bit
b bai of ao a*^>i
----------ltr;t ptrfomaaot M ■orraloat prUt IjNlilIdirMeM
omdt oe order
ordem la oar MllUatry
Madad a twwar'a bar *a 4mw * door
Maya, I
baU col
ady madt b
faaror t*a oiUai lo Ibt alatloa. Tbaa Hdtr. tMdt a dttatrmla attanpi tba
la two. tl ^
aad 93
^ I tirtrt baU for SO
oenta Cbolet of aay of our pattora
SH^SvrS r?H£
Cnstomerftf ours, and
U can be E Z. if you win give ns a
• call and
the fine line we carry in
Millinery? Up to date in .every re- *
sped. I^adwear in every st^le at
prices that will suit everyone. We
have cine of the finest stores in Michigan, keep the best of help, and they
will gladly wait upon you and show
• yon through our parlors.
IV Up To-Oate.
at iriUcal aiacat te tba raea whieb
aavad hla troa daacor. fallter baeV
late alra. ate pla« aaaaff tba iodlrtermah B. Bakar of Cbootor ^ aeoraa whM eoatrootod htai. Me-
Qiristmas v
yaaroUdaarblcr froa baia« baraad UoBtd foal to tba laai. Moat vavt
todwtb. Tba liui* oea roabad tea
teoMibanaariMaadataa daabad tba
d^tar tea a teoh of water and irlri ibtir a oKwi io caidovra ibt lapa,
.•kaa^ja^har^L Tballulaoaa wbkb refaaad io bt doereaawl ao 1^.
Bobtn Waliboar. ibt ploelcy Crraeb
mao. bad Ibt larftai ladividaal aooro.
Tha aawa of tba daatb of Llaat Aa- I,4f« mfkt. S 9apa. io 71 hoart. Ht rw
ftotaaC. Ladjard, who wu kUlad io rtirvd iMO ia oaab, milor aad Wallor
dlvldt fl.uoo. Majra aad McKiebtra
aptii roo. Tat iblrd prite, wbleb
lehicM CroUoJ rolh^. Tbo wem\ io Ulmmaad introt. amoobttd
\ IfootraMi «MMr Lojford’r Moood to bsou
Tbt eoadltioo of ibt raeprm ai ibt
flalab, oe ibt wbola, waa good. Tbt
forblaMlfarmUrood corror. Jolalar pact form ibt ttari eoBtlboad rtmarkably faai Ooiof S8 alaritra 10 flolabtd.
Jim Jrffritt woo Sioo oB wiaaart.
TKAM a<X>Kk8
MlUCt Ullt
•^i Moti of bU ilmr m a
Walltr-M.llor....................... t73i
ibt r«r«>br tm/ at treoad Ulmm-ini-rot....................... ms
Ht oat a crmadaoa of ibt KlMcbtr-Cbttalltr............ 27S2
its “’srss
Pb»alar Ooapte Ufi for Vt. Monti,
WharbTkar Will ^ad.
naebtr...^ .
etptad a potliloalB a larct clotbloff
1330 IMO
-:.v.v.v; 13411
“ ibtmrHl^rtbt ecc
R. A S teilea.
Supporting the Joint Stars,
croon, Rtr. U I
fbr Iba Brtl iimt la iha blalary of
•lalabarTbOraadaWadiac nWwL
bi a pftmlam la ibat ibraut ai a mat*
larr.yMierdayaftaraooe. Tbtibaairr
mat^adioibadoort with ebildira
aad iba ptrfnrmaaet btpt
Ibamamatid dariaa ibt tailr. pr^
cram. Tbt doll w^eb wat aapoa
fobtrlmoaiio Ibt laekt oat___
meo hf Htulab Coetll Lati ^cbt
Ibtrtwataaoiktr jam aad tloAlap
nmm.watai a prtmlam. Tbt Marbt
Mrot. oompaay preataird • IH
Daa,** aplty ttUrd wlib erllleal t
iloat aad htmoroat tltmtate Tbt
pfoet wat wall tiaytd aad ibt aaditac*
aboatd^ opprrclalka hf eoatlaaad
badraik^ttfle app'aotr. Tbt.c'im
wy win rrmaln hm anoibtr weak
. Yktatirariloa
lot aurariioD M a<
aday nlcbi will br
••Tbt Rottyofr iCrrry
i(rrry *' Tbt roatloDOot
ptrfotma^ Id^
•* imrtit
with faror and
ls Not
Tears Ago
9 atwa of ibt Otrman
I of ibt lalaada aa a rttalt of tbt
POeUtd by ibt
a lUttt wlhb appar^B^ lad MofTBoa.
Aaibortla Ntw York hart baraa a
morrmtailo aaeart from ooocrtm
law ootlillac ibtir maaoterlpi to fo
ibroaab ibt mailt M third iatttad of
art! clam maiitr, ibtrtby tlftcUac a
tlOO Bnraid. $100,
Thr rredtra of Unit paptr will br
p'catci lu laara that ibrrr to at laaat
oaadrtadoddtotata Ibai ae«taet hat
beta ablt to care la all im atafta, aad
ibattoeaiarrab. Util
alPt^larrab Cart
art known to ibt
Oaurrab belof a
eoatiliollonal dUn
tlHaliootl tTMimrau
Cart tot
flee, of the .j.tem. tkmt^ dMtnvIor
lb. to.Dd.ttea »f the diwHC. ud rl»-
Plays Changed Every Night
Continuous Performance.'
■IM. Pack utd. ••I’ll pat . (inile
rlTdlt to Ibi^rt, and mtaMoett ran
Ihroarb It today wlib hardly aayoar
ftoiag It a treoad Iboafbt
It baa brea ibt ttmt wllb a#, aad
odrfooiwrar. It to a fact wbleb no
oat woald bar# brltortd poatiblt ten
ytari ago. ibai wt would build up a»
large a Uadt aa wt bare. Aad more to
It to a fact today that all ibe leading
aboe atorct la the city from ibe eaat to
ibe weal and ibt aorth io ibt lomh.
tad 08 and our footwear bard lo compJit with There matt be a rtaeou for
ihto. What to i ? It to becautt our
Hat of aboea ia made rapectony io our
rdtr, by the beat workmen mooty cat
Irt. of the braiatcak mooty cau bur.
the brat tjaUm braloa ear
2:W Front Strvfl.
Traveme fils.
kte ^
rm iose of KonT’-TOSTJ
You cuD't do better tbua to bar j
ootwear of
?smu on pnlr» Hi
Telephone 112 for 1
;SK for Straub Bros, & AmI iottc^s Fine Candie^^ .« Made in
5 Traverse Gty.aie.se Ingest Candy
I Factory in Northern Michigan. .se
Chocolates and Bon Bons. tie Most
Here are i few Recipes which Housewives will be Glad to Use
flavors, tse ase ase ase
LADY CARRi-Ooe hair OYuudwufwr. is
10c. 16c. 86o tMPrutSL
North Star Potato Flour
. V* »*rach beat wheat flmr aud -NioRTH S
B Mid tbebuii-o white.o> th» ren lnteni)ltteDtl.T will) a»r .t.d .tercb
Pre.M.-M-MI»t,-»Ue Bnellnwatel. ^mfodolDflU work. Tbt proprtr*
Kltet Vic. l•n•ld•Bt-Mn. Wm.
little water, a little maoe wucb aa will lay oa a nlekle or ibe grated Had of onr
lemoa, a placb of aalt. aad aay kiad of praaenred fralu
I* dollars for any coat that II faito
ctrt. Stad for Itot of IrtUmoatolt
Rtoordlaf Hecrrury—Mrt. T. I>yrr. ^ Addrttt K. J. Cmknkv d Co^ Ibltdo.
nAmtsubi Sccrttary ~ M r a. Jat.
brfor. takliMr.tlriath.buteawhite.oruO. Pol te . wall batterod p.o
ud take at .low hut oatlltbr lower aide te tatteolu to brown while the
^aaoclal KrcrrUry - Mra. M i
top te oular dry. Kup well oorered alt the time. WlSa^oae pot on the fr,lt
fold ower aad aerwe hoi.
Et^M CRBAM-^t ihraa cupa of milk lato a double boiler aad bnag
Con tree tort aad paritoa lataraaiad la
itoof POTATO RLOUR. wet with a
............... M.. i
boUdlar for atal atom, art rrqattlod a little eoli milk aad eook till it t
aagar, add aad eook two mlaatca. Bare >1a third of a bez of (
galatlae dto*
aolwml la half a capof water. All up with boUlBg milk aad ^trala lato tba umix
tare: add half a tcaapooafal ofaaltard ateaapooafal of ▼aallla extract. Beat
A Kaaa. .ater Brala.
itaofoukgly . poi r lato a BKmld aad aat away to aUffea. It to boat arnda
btfora aalag.
|. Tara oat aad aarwa ia aliom with angar aad cream, whip
--------------------------layoar Xmat atekwtar dceliDft it
NOTB:-* »ORTH STAR POTATO FLOOR • can ba uaed la awary laaU
Jte,urte.«tes.V.te.S Bud.
Wc *
Well, 1 should say so. Just step
in and see the pretty new things we
have in the-line of Fancy Goods. Cen
ter Pieces. Doilies. Pin Cushions of
■ every style. Embroidery and Picture
Frames. The finest line of Sofa Pil. lows in the city. We keep a nice
•; selection made up: then we have a
large line of material of every de
scription to select from. For those
prclerring to do their own work we
give embroidery lessons free, or any
other instruction that will help yon
to make up anything in the fancy
goods. Remember the place,
, :
Dec. 4 to 16th
We wanUo ^ ^
Steinberg’s Grand
SH:r^b.TS^i^.bTSeS:5te-s3 Opera House,
hneMinmeiy and Fancy Goods
Ask your dealer to furnish you with Christmas
Candies from a Traverse City factory.j»Spedi!
attention to \yholesale Trade in surroondi^
towns..^ ^ ^
J* J*
J* jt
Wear Good Clothes i
^ Utar. Dr. Klar« l5w Lift PUlt
wlU ^kt yoa foal like a atw btl^
ut of te. Sbc. of^plu^u*^
Cm U Irippsa 24 Ink.
Ojalm garvad U All al7>a
367 East Front Sl
'i^ r/' r‘
Have them Made to Order
by a
dIgeaUbUity of -NOBT
Archittet and SupaMendmt.
Oldest Fire Insurance Agency
foyMtom l^ iroabltd tor ytait
Plans and Estimates FurNorth of Grand Rapidp,
nished. All correspond
ence will receive prompt ,
-S=Every Loss Paid with No “Quibbling,”
attention. Herald Bldg. Should commend it to your patronage. I have this record in
my possession. Come in and pay your small share of the
cost and get a large chunk of indemnity.
lamoB ptoa, Blaae llaaga,
llaaga. lea eraaa
craaaaa. eaadlca aad to to ba aapeetolly rec
No rrmr^ oqtmle WarnesVi White
\T.ve or fAK 8VRUP for ihto verri*
.a*and faul dtocatt. If Ukea tboisiVbly and la lime, it will cure a cere
1124 hour*, and fd^ the oooab that tol*
Fifi lisimisi.
And when they need
.n J» or *
Take them to
109 Union Street.
Rear of Masonic blk.
Suits made in Latest Fashion and
Repairs Quickly and Neatly done.
Both Phones No. 86.
■r-.; .i;a^
- '\
j5sess;j^^3!L3 Zyccoil
rMl*Maa. M* «tt:«
•:-• ••.■•■ii .;.
MT2SJSS7?yrs-* 'WP
Make the Best Pr^ents |
^.Y^iirsiriiin 11^ ifT**
• mrwiem will b#
MldiBf. 416 talk
tfca^Md w*d>».
The Hardware Store offers the beet opportunities for the selection of AopredaWe
Christmas Presents. We have a Wkthat
is unsurpassed, from a
r «0
TSToUrti****^** ”**** ******
tartUd to tkf Mr-
rSS^eiSS-^i^ mmUmg. tM
BiklMtlaa Va4«r IMiaetioa of ProiM0rPlpaa,OMM«WlS
iSteel J^t\ge
Carving Set!;
OkM«h.Gor.O<liMd ratk Mr.
8«»4b/ aekool at 9:46.
y. r. 9. oTi. pr^ moUbc »:46
asrrjsft,-**™!""m%rUla9%tMamm%h9 9m^\yi»md^
4N. 4s4f«»8 Is «lM AdsMt? troM to
«M Ib lOtt.
I*ibM Obbti
B D BUatflBof
.!• it
to »rif«- *o» tk.
•mlaf bptk9aa6lor.
aolbor. win J 4b tbaoi to iliBlr atw
hosBlbBimof IbB jmr.^ Ur, Bidwall ii a oomaMoelBl travalpra aad will
■aba tbla bla baadqaarian la iba
OiSmoS la OkiOoge
X«B8 BWdlifBBr ai* A
arsD-Two nirtw. t
bf BnoMoot C"*IE?JiIir«rES!JT
A fine Pocket Kni^ makes:a suiublegift.
We have hundreds ^f fine ones. A fine line’
of Skates also. .An extjra fine line of Table
Bonaoa 10:10 Vli TImdb, •*!%•
ter Iba Gk^. Heraafler.
lareb aa wall aa w tio atareb
a i-«£ luiTf
«»rt>U>Offi r.Tr*vw-.rntj
I verse City, ^ ,
rSn” A From Street
;^|\icee*e eecMMMMmHMCtir
arness! Harness!! THE EARUER1HE BETTER
Oor hMT7tMiBlianaM areatriotl/ HIGH OBAbB. both aa to the qnaUty of
4| etookBBd workaamhip.aBdoar PBX0M8 ABB LOWBB thaa the earn* trade of
^araeae oen be bsiwht eWhere. We have eold la>t« aamben and etUl eve have i^r
AB mWB«eB BTODK oa hand.' A doeea dlflireat etylea to eeleot from.
A^hood maxim when applied to holiday purchasing, .f’-*'
• Thos! who arc in search of useful, common sense, and money savlAg
gifts will find much here this week to interest them, and please their friends.
ttern (or the wife.
Than a fine dress pattern
have the
mother, or sister.^ Here
proper styles, late effects as to colorings
and designs, qualities that are lasting, at
reasonable prices. If it’s a black dress or
a colored one, plain or fancy, we havewhat will please you to select for gifl-
Tf, ’ •|j<!
We have an immenie etoeh e«d «an
Wa can dhow yon a fine asaortmant
?■ . J
pleeae everyone
show you b
SIZES, nnd oor prioaa wfll aatiaiy yon
whan yon compare them with others on |y
In the matter of
Ladies’ Cloaks. Misses’Cloaks.
and Infants Cloaks,
Ladies’ Ready-To-Wear
. . Garments
GphoUtered in Green Broedoloth, guar-
Hickory Gear, $22.
Plush Robes
A better finlehed one for a UtUr mord'
We have a vraat pile of th(
money-and an aleyant ona. npbolstered
gradeo and prioaa to snit all.
Insmutne 31LK PI.U6H at $88.
We have everything in the iine nf
: Agricuiturai impiements and Machineiy
Andwewlebnttbie tlmoto oaU opceial attantioB to oor SMAI.1,BTGOOl>k,fl>r
wbieh.we hare omdnslTe oole Intlila aeetton.embne|agtlie Battle Greek and Obnm. (<
plon Saw Maekinea. EaadGattota,Beed Grlndan, Com Bb^ara. ate., eto
Would rdthnr Imve Hoiut thiog nice to wear than
•»iiything .‘Isf you can ihiuk of. If yon arc'at a
lo»H.to know wh%t to gel •‘him’* for Chiiatmaa,
juHt tip p in here.
AH tli^ tilings we ha%v
learning them
yeaM ahotif tiekling m* ns (hh dea ar« at yonr
diRpisal—nII tliH things w«**ve liooght for “him**
Hil l know he waiila and nectlH are wailing for
A Special Opportunity
Is affonlad wives. moth-FB and danghters who
wisli to prF^Fi iit the husband, son or father with
such a -sulijilanliHl gift aa a
Suit, Overcoat or Ulster.
9 of all kinds, such as suits, separate'skirts,
Oor entire st'K-k of aoita, orerooata and
waists, wrappers; etc., we can supply you ulsters — new, this season's manufacture, we
will sell at
at prices you can afford.
Special Values in all the Above Goods.
Ten Per Cent Discount From Lowest Prices.
Is eomplate and we aek yon to look thorn over nnd got onr piioeo boforo buying
We ehow a great line of
SuiU Bod ovprcoBfg ranee from $3.00 to
*22.50 U’Btera. *100 to *20.00.
Youth's boy’s and children’s suits
for ladies’ and children. (In our men s
and overcoats at same dbcoimL
department ure have a complete line oC
men’s handkerchiefs)
The Btyles are up-ttMiBte. the qtwUtkB ate
Gloves, mittens, hosiery, etc, stamp righUBndthepricMBre money mnng toyon.
ed and fancy purses, fancy combs, buck
See «M for hata, oai*, glovee, mittena, oolles. belts, etc. Whatever you should find lara, neckweBr, jewelry, pahta, ahirta, uoder.’
wear, etc.
in a'good dry goods store, is here.
LOWEST TRICES ALWAYS for the qualities.
Come and look—your visit will be profitable.
WTO. 137
Oir Silfili III OoiUi Driliig Hirim Owim Toir Itteitioi.
e lo krr fiirDd..
larlUUoB li axtaadad to
Chrisimas Hardware Novelties!
T«k. W^KT*. UTiilc- Winr oT T« 8>-n
y iTTL
Have been
This year in
•»ABt»M « AMTB»-AI«M Wate-
.lbetm/ou«wfainMdy.Mic«th. ST.»
’ 'Special selectioA ' :
/ v "=V?
tor. boms.
^ulorOkrtaitaabaMMr MdarM
.‘if- :
k Meet
ra»i«mUj Blffbt.
orklok IM bteoaui ibB
JaittMBrowa OB WBBbtBrioa 8tra8i
Tbit l8 la oa# of tbo ftoBBt iBBidoaM
portloat of tba altp.
Prof. Bad Mra tfofot wUl bmvb IbIo
Ip. m.
! I
Uf (irMtlaa
1 y
w. v;:-:-
------ m
■ .j^,:
^^ •••. .
{-.r a*^f-!
(jwwth of Traverse Gty
Dt^g Past Fifty Years.
Glininesof the Part and References to the Important
^and Growing Induit«es of the Gty.
It was
k tii
as awax’^
aw ax’! hac
in the spring
sjirini; ol wealth ir.w enj.»>t.t!
enj.»xt.tl I.>
li> those
those who
TH47 that the Win e of the forests luii^hl the neJi
il |iUHiuels‘ol
puHluels of this localTraverse (7tx now stands was
The railroads, howexer, w rought
first broken hy the M»und ol the wckkI
axe, and1 tlic X
liw .k
L- ! ^ . ”*^****^‘^ ol steel rails
rdby the raidorerlor new homes and w huh lead to the extreme linms*,f the
PAGES 5 TO l<*
The iw w ,K.unlv .n.irt h.Hi<<- f, a .iii.l it is mu-that n.anx ex. ii will,in iw.,-I.„.I,cl laskcls in
aihlition to /otrt.of al«u,t-*11 K.n.1. .w.1 ~„K.u;.
iiitHlcl sirucii.rr an.l when «
«mr ^Nilt s .!,• not kmm tlu ir t \trnl. s< \cn m/c> oI rlutux
LTainr IttNkfls ir.^sr trithm*.i
wall Ik- ail a.hhsl ama.aion an.l Mii l liis . ,tx is .-siKvialU lav.irol in tinny ami stra»U-m . rates.
All kimls ,if
. ni«
Thelm atniiiis a.lnnral.le trim in. ka«es ex.vpt Iiarrels are
Ther i;iatiulaetur/- of n-a^otLs ileigh*,
mim. ^ Ilu-tosioi the liuiMm;:
will h*r almtM aii> mamilatlunni; tinluNin inaniifat tiirc«l.
^ lui iminiriani induihtn here.
Ije $:ir».(MM»^ntl ,l ,s in kcqei.i;
with im! the N|„|»,,m4 la. ililu-s Mi otnl lo
It has U c-n tiu-iH.jaitar nnort-ssion 'Hie sStaMisiWnl ofCaldwell
tlH- ,.n,n.ri.i,u;s.ul llu- .-uunl.v.
_ mMic in the state.. Thu^ ra,Ir.ads that t.r have an oLe or lmM«cs>
1 ravetM* City s h(»tels are w.irtlix ol enter the eity and -.^mr t-n ili»i.-w tV.. 1.1.., i .... .1..-.11;............. _i..
. .
fa. il,ties f.it Mm k. „r ,lwellin>; |ir»|K-rly title.1 *with
Mime attention.
I’heyare ainon^ the shiiq.m- In water j
ell.mi. <i»r iii.-t....bte fixlun-s it is ne. essa^ t« was i-stalilishe.1 in IKWI aiM the finn
IkM in the state, .nitside the br-e la. fries are veriial.le hoes of itidus- |atr..ni/e oiitsi.lemai.fa. turers. This has Imilt up a HtuHl reputation • for
cilieN ami well m.in.ii;e.l.
try .tml these . ..n.lilions. , .,,.il.iiie.l was true s,-veral tears .t-.,. but
tumiiv <1111 fine wa^.iiK, ImKgiess car<•urthem.-saie.il h.tn.ls,.ine .le- with the rich a^rii tilltiral emmirv sut- traterv.-< itv tui.
the in.rsi rij^i-s. slrij-hs. |i'atfimiis|irin); waj{on*.
Sign and a.^.ird the xerx best foi ilities roun.iing the c itv,
f.»r aimiseitienl. SieinlH-rg’s Craiid is j.rou.1 of the adv
t^es w ith w hi. h i-stal.isimients in the state.
Hie J*!
one of I lie lun.lsomesi
••JM“*«'">'"--' K. <;te,h.kC... is finely ts,uip|KSl f.«
.md ha.s a seal.ii\:; c a|iaeitv
wni. whi.h are pu-M-ntnl h.i l.itnre .in.I tins . lass ..I w.uk ami the fa. t.irt prowhile the City Opera House. -f
play hoiist
laruchm latent iSeiKh ktu-e, which b,
fimlinK ...nsi.leralile favor^.1 which
ajiahle of ................
.« uit- kwi.i hi uic won.i: ii iiu- latest tiesi-n an.l tin. st workman\ i< t..r iVleriyl is also aa extensive
sons. In .StemKr- s Crand s..me ol .xmsumes l J,IHKMIOU feet ol itnil»er shin
' ot 11
j^e leadin*:
year; and
out $2
amuil pl.iyc. 'he'’7s
.in. iheatrical
theatrua. stars
star* in
„i the
the a
a year:
an.l |ays
,«ys out
hh. annal.
Iml ITef‘"j
only of the untut.m-.l .tml imloleut . em line o.^ steatite,s linn:;, to'our
The fit,
0,K-ra Hons.- h.ts the . .'.n u77w7‘$
rvw7t rfTti7"t-;'"T" ''^''
iKmptk^ ^lt'.heM-prislmys l.y the .ar l««L SUthe steady ftnee ’of
-.-'namlswhichVtrie ,nes n.a7-;. ' ji^^ttrthl :I;;a.,us7:rnr''
SZT" ■”'7:£!“S E
::i .w::'‘"7
Hie 1 raipersc City Wagon Works
is another cstahlishment of a* simitar
kind, .\lthough estalilished only a
does |.laning.
Tlu* average nmnU r
\ \ V
tile fiisturlianc c of pioneer enter|inse.,
I he intrcHliunion of the telephone
in.ls ei
year annindev- and his fon e is eigM men.
It was an 4cleal s|»oi, with untol.l f.»llowrd c losclx niu
idvent of
One of the largest fartorics of its
wealth of timlur whic h exrn then w,ts the loc cimotive. an.l s.h.ii after eUv- •
iracers. C,tv> latest mdiistrv is kind in Michigan and the only one in
not estimated at its wonh; ,in.l if the inntv .lispl.nxd ker..s<ne ..il and the
the cmly une c>f iiw kind in Mic higan, northern Mic higan, is the PoUfo Imearly settler had Ihhmi told that the t ill..w ran.llc, Two finely e.|uip|»cd
and its |N»vs{bihtii*s are lieyoiTd esti- pleiiient Co. whic h ernplovcs a force
where only I'n.li.ins an.l tc*leph.»ne lines enable us ti» eonxerse |
mau- al lIu* rime.
The Mi. h,j;an of a. leas. .M. ...c. for ci«ht months in
wild IkvisIs then r.»aiiu*d would yield easilc from town to town, and c^ty to
.Starc h 4^0. Iiegan the erec ti.m of thc^ vear. Hnlv a few year? ago the
ely tortunes thex would have* * ilx, as wc'llas to fac ilitate the last intheir largV
L* |iro|»osition to sc cim. Vet t rea-sing
c ominerc bl re.|uirements:
alreaclx they are shipping
■ I.iad a do/en
fortunes ha xe lieen c arxed <mi of .this withm our own . in le.' i hir lionu-s '
u. Now the business has
day of the fiiu*>i jHitato ^rc h. made grt
iaxored s^iot and in the pro. ess an.l buMn.'ss bUn ks. f.tti.
sue h prc»portions that ihe
and stores \
Irom the pr.nluc t s c»f the soil of cjur big brie k fac lorx runs eight months,
thousands hai foumi pleasant lumies. are brilliantly illuminated by tlie elec -j
ii^MiicIiate surroundings. I'he fac tory with a pros|K^ t m the near future of
ol them Inviirions. and tlie.spuit irit light, unkn.iwii but a few vears:
run..,..:; 21 hour* a .lay ami no. sh..'....,;; .I.mn vv.cpt fi.r renaim.
of t»rogrvss has marked a marxelous ago. The waters of lloanlman nver
c.ploys UK. hamk
This mi.nU-r This . o,.,|anx-shijr. its producui to
fiemiiiir Amera^n iiax e lict*n harnessed, to^ |»r<».lurc the .
will Ik- im .x-ast-,1 ^u^a.lually as ihc all |.arts of the I n.tcl Stares Uv the
itcrpnsc- ami thnlt liaxe l»een e\•\- ekviri. c urrenl. and steam is ^.itnight ■
fartorx sots.low..
,^^| l..,s,ni-ss. ,ar lm».l an.l exen m Kuro,« are their
ciscd w ilh
II the cnegp of a
of into rcnpnsiticin for alike dexel.n.nuMit.
|«,iat.K-s a |«Klm i* knoi»-n. Rexently inqiiiriea
sturdy pioneers w ho found th.it here
Magnifu em >. Iuk.K hnxe^gn.wn
.lax are . ....Si..m-,| a. preseni. I.iit the have ...me from Russia for the com^
ru h ‘rewar.ls from the pnin’.tive meth.vls of early.
la<.lorx has a .a|u. itx of Hi.ink) hush- |anv\ «<kk1s. Thex manufarturc 18
woulcUollc»w the labor and saenli. c- lays, ami l»e.iutilul duirches'grac'c ini
visa .by
Ihis i-sial.lisl.ment is a vario.is kimls ..f sjwavets, planters,
the toiler.
allta.iixe streets, while theeducatiew-S
heneh. to the tanners Ik-, ausi- it uses el... iiiipt.>xxsl implements which are
It is not the pur|H»se of ih:s issue al.and religious dexelopinent iskceiKli
fCo|.ybjr«.E.w «nj
I up their pro.lu. ts, in. hi.lin:; • “H st.n k < ..nsiantlv tw.om.nj; in j;reatcr deof the Morning R*cori> to gixe a ing |Ui e with the times.
Jtx-huh hcretof.H-r fonml no market, i.iami ainonj-the farmers. The force
detailed history of I raxersc* k ity. It
Our luisnu'ss housc«s ami stores are
hut now .S soM
e n.arket for of emploves last tear for some time
is not, xtric'tly s|K.*aking. a historical i up to .late, and .lisplay the c*nterj»n?R* — -----------------|K.ta..K-s at a j:.*k| pn.e. Wheat an.l reached hi.
cdrtioo; rather a few lyfercnees. an.l
w hich has Uvn
house... hlied sene lands are Icxated in six cc
, . for ^ the ' TIk* Caks
. ..m star, h will he manufacture!
The Traxerse Citv Iron Work, is «
reminisc'cnc es of the t»li! da\
wlu-n prexnt imiK.naiue.ind wealth ofthe with the Utest improved apiaratus. tics, and as vet it has*not Uen
^nowmj; . ..ncern, -hur comi-anv emthe c'ounm was new; an.!
Ihe business blocks are'i im-ludmg a handsome and iKmerlul essary to draw ui»on this resmir. e,
I he ol.lest saw mill in Ihis entire plots 20 men stea<Iil) the tear round.
histon within the knowledge of m
M»mc ‘, uo.lem. well opu|>|K'd and MipjJied ^ steamer, an up-lto^latc chemical cnWilliam
Bcilner’s curtain JK.le rejtmn isthatof .lohn K. <>tt xV Co.. Thepr.*!u. ts of the ifiant are saw
-I: .of the ]»ionwrs who still live
enjoy ] with stex ks of goenU of btest manu- gine, a c ombina lion luH.k an.l ladder, factory is the b»gesi of the kind
formerly the Traverse City I,uml»cr mill niacbinery. castings, iron work for
of their own toil and
„ -----—...V
.w.v ...HI i«r>igu.
ml ...Maxtureaml
.Icsign. to meet ^e a.I-: an.l h.ise- trliek ^
s„„ller the .^unm. an.l .n a.l.l.tion. the, to . the m.il hax,n« Wn ..njiinaHv lar^e Imil.l.nc* and
those with whom they were as>cxc*iat- vanc^tl demand of
ai..l h.K.eearts.
I he lai. men have U-en la.iory prxHlm-es eha.r sto. kwh..his
esuhlishe.1 an.l ..iwrate.! hv uLnah ^k of a siimlar ehar
cd when this vN tion began to dexeloi». the .ss..l...,,s
IKs.ple .n the surT.u.n,lmj;,..ui.tr> in the v-mpU.y ol thecityseveral years . ship[w<l
Six lax ,V Co - The mill Iasi x^Toi’
t,.sMany tender asMsbti.ui^ of the who.
. .
<''x-'r tra.hnj; here.
n.is v-le- jmd in,a.Mition tO‘the rc^-ular cstal.- millix.n feet of lumlKrr is the axera^je l.*,«Ki iKfii feet of lu.nl.er7t ^
^^ Michigin
*" **'^
. Uxat of Richard W. Round &
wh^ helped to femntheir hxes and are the result,
sliowing substantial night watchmen in adebtion to the
wuju tmi^am hi«oo
pros,writy and iirombing rich returns ^ chief, and regularly api»ointed special
The cwly growth of 1 rax efse City for the future.
othcers who scrx e when oc rasion dewakm.necmarily. because of the
Our public buildings are a sourre mamls.
^ Northern Michigan :
I'raxerse City is graduallv but
«amg btisioess with the .utter worid; finely equi}i|ied and admiiabKMd k was DM until tim region was ducted by a oompetem oorps of offi- tamlt? dm laOntadsilut it* wealth cm and idtpooians. The institution
;DDdde*rto|nent attnuedrattentW
the state and
ylM.iDtioduclian of the saw mill and; gives employment to 284 varionsem'•MV of *>K oariy aeltlers in time re-i ployes and attendants, besides U oft.
It huacnpaty
dMtfttaaiMart I Vr'*lilBtfBiliriiif -flir Tf=i*itr.r--.iaK-,aMi^^
------------- -o— —nu-; Since they came here the campanr
basket £w!tc^- laettinng Co., the iactory of which! has been forced to have a bnOdiM
ney the; built eapready for tbek nm imd?
primitive saw . is the largest in MichigM and the hm recenUy 1^
_ erected
mill of Horace Boanlman,was located j average number of emploves during mill of John F.'Ott ic Co.
at the junction of MiU Creek, and the eight-months nm « 150.
W«2«S SR mt^r DDd sarirtb « Mde MS
ijmti/m poMMb
bay, with
- fa “ »;«W ^TvM; ^ «!,“
'* *»7‘
Travel C.y is the «nu*. !n I>cbdrkS^ ,.. «‘»«o^ho»^t“'<l'"“«ht, *he^- ><*mberof
extension of
««ni «
of x«.u.
AlK>ut $a».7lKI. 1. ..r
he .u^
xTiaatinf WMMMW hwhr«» at a
pegaie «ira
the ir.rand
Grand Rank
Kanids Ar
& ImliAm.
Indiana o|>ened
•**' manu'»‘^"n“(? industries
, raffic between here and tirand
** .‘UTri^eto. R'ipi
pids and beyond. Then a more
meat roan? and
the number employed
ww marke.r In 18W
rmiL a
a large
lame quantit}
ouantitr ol
of wmcli
srhich IS
is smp.
ship- ^ **’' amount of money paid
^ to ihc t; g; \v. M. was cxtcndcl to this
|.omt from Baldwin, and in iHUi
on ‘till further until I’ctoskey
• ^rndteleastm^^
I is" that
"><1 ’
^ was made the lemiinal point of that
•"i ■ ■
In 1892 Hucklei' & lk>i^;las,
K^twrog !rbigium'lwr'm;nu7a^ur;rs'of'Mi;;
mem Und dejortmem. In 1871 the
-rffc XJity of Travetse, which
firm hrnlt-dleX’.ty
cm-ned bv
is still in
in ixxnraWon, «“Tn7!^^‘bT
the Lake Suiwrio.Tr
'l‘He A Heshany«4 la
a's^n liarge. Th!^
These were owne.1
bv the ct>m|iany bul they employed
other vessels in their I ,m^n« busi-
_.,THc line proved to be- a g..i o.^n.; years tw.! other steatners ran
ama sras taken off the bay line afid
s lake points
hq purchased
Webb’s interest.,' Since that
the line hm done a regular bust-
im|ipttant points on the lake for the
Notthem Michigan Transportitio^
Ca and the com|iany has expended a
large arooom ujioii their property here
to accommodate their businev
»«“ which
I'his bLst i^ason the C olumbia and ► ITie railroads have been a |iowrrful
C reM'eni were cm the Nonh|K>rt route element in building op Traverse Cilv,
and the C'ummirigs tan between but the enieri>risc and progressive
i NorthiKin and Charlevoix.
*I*he spirit of the Northern Mkdiigan Trans*
Columbia and Crescent have been j (K>nation Co. has. oontnbuted a large
impular as excursion boats and the>* share in this dbcction. The line
I arc mcll hited/or lioats of their class. reai h» the numerous resorts around
Capi. Chas. \ Webb commamU the the tmy and has assistal Uigdy in de*
- Columbia. Capt<;eo.(;. Jolmson the velo|MV the delightful summer reCred ent andCaju. H.C. Plummer the treats adjacent to ihfe Queen City.
The iXMntanv does not spare mooev
The magnificent sterner Illinoi;
which Idles I Jike Michigan and Grand
Traverse lay now fromTa great con“*
r of the tiroes.
trast to the un|iretenti^s w^srls
which rarrietl lumber and - ------------^
durihg the eariy davs. 7o^^i^7
years the liay wa.s the only outlet to
; the worid Iwwjod and lime was an un- >
**"' •»
>*»> ^ •»»«••*
ijuluitity in shipping and J’ U»t acasoo the
Today the
handsome f'"*
steamer Illinois, the largest of her. U.VS
it, but boilcil it
the lakes, nrakes two rouiul trii»s a grinding «.
» .as the>* did
^ to closing
____ ^ _
week from the
le oiiening
of !
‘h»Mtme wheat was
«de, comtonaldc j *“****^^ e\ery year, and w'hen the)* had
;;>8l.ay. 'Hic steamer KHa Bum iks.f*ai»- navigat
HI me sieamer. ana ncniy imisne«l water |ala«v ... ^
ground to the 1
}“>"Hs investment. .All these railnuds (;eii. II. F.. Paine, Captain J. W, which no money nor skill have l*een ‘
a |Kiwcrful <aci«»r in the Olrr.mn. I'aptam Brown
iwn was a pio- "s|are<l to make her fully equal ^o the^ ** <»recn Bay.
iiuTeasing demands. (:|»on the same
neqr of T<m h l ake ami ,t was
I he first marriage reremony jwr1.here is an interest mg .ontrasl to uiur Imaleil the lands now owncnl by line, the Northern Mn higan TransjHirtation Co., the City of CTiarlevoix fonnetl in Traverse City was that of
the shipping facil,lies o| tcnlay corn- the ( aineron l.umlnr Co.
I»ared Ulth wlul they were 30 years
Ihc siimll Mcamer Alara Belle
■. in scr\i< e. alternating tri|»s with the James J.ee and .\im,]>aktn, which took'
ago or even less. In 1S51 and up in plated on the lay route m lK7r» and lilimiis. She is a fine lioat but gf
qf an p*a* cr in iKTuk W. .M. .M. Killip as
lu cmplpves who sj>endtheir
moilel and less €^>mmodious justke tdtlie i»eace, oMM'iataL
the Im al merchants,
than the new steamship.
was the only outlet to the outer world i*harlevoi\. In 1H71» the sieamer
'I'he line liegan Inisiness in the lay
Tl^e fin^^public liliraiy* in Northern
^ ^
The first lawyer in ('.rand Traverse and the volume of tonnage was triri- City of t;rand Kafiids w . put in m 18H(I With the steanrers lawreme MiFhigan was the ladies- I.iliwrv Ascxmiuy w.as C. I!. lloUlcn, who iiioxed ing, with the exception of lumber commission aiul the year lollowing andUiamplam and ran two boats a sociitioii of Traverse Cilv. on»nire<i
from North|M>rt to this place in
which gradually Int ame a «x>nsidcr- the K, S, .*sa\on w as aildcd. ‘Fhese week.
rotcnw WiUiaroFmn«am » in command.
took the jilace of the
L I^‘ ChD^J^.
^ .L7l-±
<^>"«ii“»g» “d !*«»"»»■ «
oo »he
the hjK;; Mackinaw nifU
C*ptMin Webb took the Petodtej’s place and the last
control of the bay line in 1890 mnl named bom was fad to the Hart
t.rescenf. In 1899 he line, which operates in Green Bat=i
^ ooc of the -hail the Colnmbu built.
For sersiie around the bay the |’^
firm built the small steamer Sunny-'
:ide.b'lW7 “'^he -7s';i^;.7;r «
'idle >car around and his |iay roll ,R.,nvoo.ri»ish€«....»«* ‘
get $800 a month.
Williain Bcitner ....... lott
A. W. Jahiaos, manufiunure
igais, a half doxeo weU known
popular brands, em|ilo)i( a force' «f
,« MiHiigan
hi< Ingan Star.I. <:<i....i™i
16 and pays out $0.50 a month.
Implement Co .. Oil
The Cavil Cigar Co. manufa. lurers . p y „
-------^1 kinds
x:_a. of goo.1
...wwl cigars
,r.i..r. and
.0.1 '™* .Michigan
_ MIg. Co
. ______ 2o
'ploys 12 hands, paying out K|«’’►“•nhum Mfe. Co...... 4.7
monthly. There are several smaller, q averse City Iron W’ks. 20
manulfaurers in the dly, among straub Bros. & Amiotte. 21
them being Carl Ibeice, John Furtich, IH 4; U Co., flour mill... 12
and Anton PrashiL
i Caldwell & l>oudon •.... 10
Besides the factories enumerated vi,aor Petertyh............... 1«
thete arc various smaller com^ns t. c Wagon Works... . 8
arhose output will aggr^c Konsidn^j.^cr, ................. ; So
aMc and whose ,ay loHs will add ma- j; 4. w. M. Rv.......HW
terially to the total amount paid out j; r 4.
Rj........... i,;
, ’'-monthly for Ubor. In addition to the y,. A- N. L. Kv..............20
\ lactories there are the three railroads Vortlicrn AmIuiii............ 2:U
\ which emjilhy from this etty an averj„ ^.la.uon to Uic alxoc llicrc arc
.NageofllO inen the year round, and ,(,e |iriniing oin. es. Uacksmitli shoiis.
live here which jay out to nun who
,,iv saw mills in the iinabout $10,UtM> ocr)’ month.
mcdiati' viniptv ol the < ity ; imJuain;*
One aw form a fair «?jitiinalc ol the
tircMlp k Bros., at (;reilM k.
rallrcMid l»u»inca« from this i:\iy when
Mike OUtUus mill at Hint;ham,
Mfg. iCo.
ofll. KCarl-yar:
it is suted that in imni mcr
KlmwiMMl Mfii.
n. ofI>.
rfaoad. 01
of iiictijuiiiiujk
merchandise: have Iwcn icr
at KIiuwikmI, manuiaciurer 01 trie ■
shipped out, and over fi.lHNl- rarloady vi,norv rc lining cliain Kcllcv Shingle
of logs handle.1 on the C. A- W. M.
^ „ ,.^1.1,
aliout forty men
jTrcMrm, and varmii7«lh^’conce^^^^
Addedi to the aliovc the Northern
various other .xim ems
• business transactions bnhMichigan asylum cmplo>ii 224 ^.cr.
sons licsidcs the stalf of |di)*su:ians
. amoimls through the clannels of
r.-isTm of
of the
fhi* wages
and ofheers, laying out over $7,tKlO
I lra<!e by• rcavin
a month.
While the aUive is not a amipletc
list of the nurol»cr employed in luanulacturing pursuits in this c ity it is
about as near as a compilation can
4>c made and gives a fair idea ol the
extent of the manufacturing here, the
.,------------ -
Ko. m T-A ro«*kr* I bare fakU •or 5 fror»-l
horwl4 bumlrrd* of iSrfa-«Y-rr Ur«r. deep
IN STOVES^We Hive I fell liie Of
PeeiisBlirHeeters. Coot Steves. Steel Reiges
A good cook stove, takes in iS inch wood,
only $5 oo.
A good cook stove, takes in 21 inen wood,
0 Double sheet steel, air tight, cast hinge top.
cast hinge door in front, witi keep hre
48 hours, $5.50.
Box Stoves. iS inch, $2.75; 25 inch. S4.25.
Peninsular Round Oak Heaters, at $0.50.
$12.75. $16.75-
120 Front
The Only Exclusive House Fnj
Mo. m A-A Tery Ur«o rockrr, «oUd poldi^o
•mk Mr ••hoowy Aol»k. Ulo»li»otffd Mbblor
•oM. #M> •l.TS. Otbor robtdrr mmx roekvr* for
le It. «1 oo. as n. ood fa> OA.
Mo- rtl - I.arcr tlrh «
Bargains in Lamps—fine line from 20c up to $12 00.
We can sell you anything
est prices. I know the busi
other. I always have a large j
floors, 2Gxl00 feet; warehouse)
2C.\50 feet. F keep all this spa
My trade is so large that itj
making a saving on freight rate
it gives me goods at jobbers prii
mm\theuduAj tfoops on the |>oim that.
V stretched out between tiver and bay.
^ U was a flitfcreot point then from
H : now. Year hy year the shifting sands
S changed pbee-bot lhat*s only a
AlbcMft the Inmans
«r|jiing in the »av that he }«a^i happier Indian hca^^ had opened to!object anaginable, ^ LooieM de>
most ot hh time on Traverse Oiy receive her. as it must have; to havejl«lMcd and didibed bnidV -Mr
streets, where he was as well knoan oened up thts^e to the poor soul
j Hannah,'* goci^ down the stiecip and
ats any citiien of no means and alnindI here was Indian Iamuc. who was i takiog ofrha hat to emr one be
«t leisnire rould sd! In: ai»d when he
ttnant chfl-j «et,^th a low ^ bow repealed bb
DCIOrC Wnite IVUn Came ■ »«»on na..no.»orthm«kh,paJkr, ^ » .m.cu^n in lK>i hr «as .hrn W
_____ _
the Indians came;
brd tune came,
m:v«.i than man> a Uiur man vUnuc 11 pet >9ur «as a most iwtetil ‘
»n if
It «•«
was wartK
belie%T name withkSSo..
K«« oKwm.
Over Klh Raiiids^-way ibere was a
o»ce seen,^would never
a sssr.v-t.'sr
brush on the river Ivank, m ifnmt of 1—“
printerV ink u«b.v
where <ar into the night there was go- <”«
lion. --------j
Terry Hannah s residence *
- -ing on m
a sound
of reselrs.
IVrc was
IlUC busy
»• ’ the s.iua«
' the
----- vvbcrr
-------- "
Aill nillll gfl i 11 ■ liB
. squaws cookcfl great kettles of fr4i most forlorn, flirty, unkem|ii and un- now siamU. and it wau great fun for
• Mncb pride take they onto .them->
more than, three centuries of ani com, and iloublless, things
oP humanity e>r> the; F- hof>l children to dare each other
•riveu and great eredn and teitomn. growth. <tna oh a time the Wi
mentionable and also umast^le to tner UK»ked u,K»h(o.ie thought, and to steal up ami tom^ it. then run
let them lelt*die Mary—these three. Man took nnto himself other men
rude ivalates than theit own.
tomahawk, bad plowed dteir warm
the Old Settler, the kUriy-KoMeraad with spades and sfaoteb and other
There were some good Indians in
the fierce fighu of liit >001^ dava
the FifM Inhabitant—aad mudl do later day ciignics of escamion and thenw days, not dea<l ones whom re■\roun.l hU neck hang
by a
they ddighrin the gathering of them, went down far beneath the pme tree's port hath are the only good ones but
bit of cor.I a great rilver medal, with the
selves together and the telling and the roots and tiroright to light a great ml tii-e res|>«-tahle Indians
of King G«itge of England, aad
ieteHh« of the taave stories of the skeWm sitting where he had sat those were Father .MrSk's . .inverts wh.i
U unblessed memoi}- on one aide. ’
when the worid was fresh and hundreds of yearv alone in the dark, knelt liefore the altar at Pashalaw,
I 11 «as his treasure tad pride, far it
young along Traserse iborca, and liay with his bead between his knc«», and lofi^i and rrossed themselves dul> at
] had Iwm bestowed S recognitiao <?f
and beach and ira»Jclc«w wiki wo«b ‘ the ashes and dead black cuak of long the projier time and place.—there
were'fuU.af the light that never
ago luurihrial fires at his feet. He
were gou«l Mr. ikiughenv s chagge at
oh aoior land* the haze of gohl and mowIj fell to aslics and dust too, as the .New .Mission on the Ix^bnau side of
to sa> Americans, soldiers knd women
purple Chat ever hkles the Yough wa>-s frcfh air blew u|»ori his musty lJone^ but the liay,—it s Omena now . aifIJHhe
and little children, in the last war beof the beautiful past.
some piei es remained, which the Wise summer gir4 flins wliere the young
tween the mother country’ and m.
Bemuse it is fifty years since the Man luought home and delightedly b.ave wooed his fUrk skinned love.There were worse than kiUiifgs in the
wh»te man’s sail first swelled to the exhibited for a time, till he forgot all an i a Idile laml were follow ing the
-things to make one ihuddcr
north wind o\er the great blue lay about it. when his'wifc, who was afraid m irstrationsof Re^. i^eorge N. .Sniiih,
and growK |ole
jole 1but to thiqk oC
and the white f^'s foot firesscd the* of ghosts, es|»c* tally Indian ones, the faithful iiiissiunarv up North|iort
old chief was the last to go of aU i
yellow sand of «c beaches at its head, quietly buried them in the lack yariL wav. Hut after all there wtss a bit ol
who played their |ort in the histocyxrf
the times are old. and the world has An*the \Visc Man ne\cr knew it till the heathen left, and the old stamlard
ihiise days, the last of the great leaden^
come to be gray with age rime then, this day. When he shall read it in the de tics of thunder and lightmn^ and
Tontiac. Tccumseh, and other notable
It is forgotten how the years came and Moksisii Ricokn.
w.nd and waves, ManalM»,hn. Mudjiwonhies, terrors of the wilderness.
wuot and piled themsclvcsop into cenBui the later comers, the Indians, kcw is. \Va>wiKFn, and all the rcM
The three white men of the eariy
furies in whUh there wavVill life and were slid in evident* in the days we wV e fallen lotk u|r>ii in all great
settlers who were liest in touch with
ilemih, love and fighting, youths *and are celclirating. How they must have eiucrgcmics. Bui for the imisi ihev
the Indians after the <miiiionaries,
maidens, stnmg men and old ones, and lme<l the beautiful.Traicrsc shores in we;c a gentle, imiffensive folk.' li
were l^rwis Miller. .A, S. Wadsworth
mothers and little chirdren; where now the limes whm il was all their own! wa> quite in order for the early (irand
and H. H. .\«Nc. It was one of the
the city sunds and all the cotiniry side-It was WcpiCtong then, and the IravenW housewife as
she went .
most delightful of e\’ents when one
timnigh. where today there are swift Frem hman^wht• transUte<l il into
alwiui h^kttchen to ha\e the dayl glii,
;ix»uld sit with either of these men so
rushing trains slirieliiig along the wa>s f/VW<* 7V«/rror didn*! In-tter the
Klenly darken, and to look up and
full <if rhamiing reminiscence fnd
laid out there in the real old tunes b> Uauiy of the name much,
sec a row of s4|uaw‘s faces peering in
listen till Imurs went by unheeded, to
Indian trails, where miiselcssly
lake the Mound BuiliWrs who went through her window, au^o hear a
the siori^-s of the red men. Lewis
l^fm^sined chiefs with their silent l*cfore and the while men who came sieillhy stepping in another rtwmi and
Miller Was es|H!cia!k liclovcd by tbe
baml;, shpjicd along under the trees after, they saw the place where Tra» - fin I a congregation of sileqt. Iinlians
Indian-?, and he was'lheir chief coun
Ifke dusky
dusk) sliailows.
sellor w hen they were in need of ad
gem-rally . saiisfie<l
Onera4e comes and another g.K-S 1tgCMF.l On llie lanks c»f Btardman breid
vice. tfn his son. K. K Miller, his
sweejis <*ut of its though the> ^ liked kok(M»di. whu h
before the Red Man was.. Uie lake, where the
i^nile has fallen and to him they now
tat puk.
|riirk.. aloi
,Mound Builders were, Who pre-empted northern end on a bru t journey to ihe^ humus a bii^ gtMril lat
• <iroe as their fathers came to his. He
stand ihr great
T^\ were the onU niatkel
Traverse tit vs site mi king ago that big bay, whenr
IS |K‘rha|»s the cmlv while man in this
ade llieT
l lieu winter
w inter home gai IIci
pur\eyors of the da>, and
when the Oldest Inhabitant qiiestiomsl laiiories. thev made
region ihoroughiv conversant with
V the lirnt old cotTre-cokm-d resident of when the snow was uleep and game the
r laskcts t.f.
great sweet
hiu kh
... urva,
M............... ...........
.heir language and tlieir cu«om*.
a huiidreil ]yearly as lo who slept in the ^ easy to track, and here they galhere«l U-mes — there are none like them
great hca|»s'raisi-f! here and there, he their store of furs; and the traders mix—of blackU-mes and fr.iurani red when the •.4Mind ..f
;i' -hi- iiiglitfiio.l aw.i\, Wlwn Ik- gof loo lapsing of the (iranil, Tm'cnc In.. shook his head ami said. “Before In- . aine alxi. the |Moiu*ers of iraflic and raspln-mes were \er> wchonu in a i .tfiw hoM.!m4 up |.. the d*».M w.is aliu„l, i„i ♦ .11111011. Birne\ Morgan, dtans lias come tmv like the hear
dian came" Wherx- the brave new trade in what is now the bus\ . it>. fru tievs land. But the h.uKrwife lu.ud and oiic hfoked out in st-t lui w Im. w.i-. dienll. w..uld lake him into and the iK-avcr the elk iuul the wuUl
f Court House slaiidsin all the pride of later m those same eatly *50> and ahresaid, rather hke.H the hiu kje- jssitlient lorm with the gie.ii bku k hi^ h\ci\ siabh an 1 tic him tip in a the duskv warriors have vtuii^d
^ils fresli lifiik and stone and plate TiiK the sails of their Mackinaw Uals K-rresU-st for they «ouhl lie washed, sutferina e\e^ hwi'^.iig «mi? tit.iu In-t hniM-stall nil he ciiieigetl fmiii his Thiist-who reiimin and who mnir^
glass, in the new *eimiry‘s dawning, gleamed while on the far away horizon N el it didn't »hi to lie ^oo’ |»arti. ular dr,awn t.i. c. is die h|m,. 1 Ch-m a<i Is
« upv W 1. m I lank liiehuh was a agam walk our streets are but iioor
^nd all .along tlic shores of Biardiiian line. Hie only sign of travel for days in those da>x
sfo hing in ihe .ln..iw i\. mu- was i..*m, i iu \niingsu i _ \,,u W4iuldn*t imitations of their ancestors. All the
•"lake the huge heaps st«K>d iii those together on that.broad wateryhighIne laces are lew that stand «iut sure t.. Usu.w .ilmn l.mt .ilno tint tiunk it, bin he w.is omv—he om
arletl ami
aa.ia eV lioetn has
iiA-s del
ami the
me lifose
|irose mat
.' earl) THK wc are talking of tiKlay. and w.i\. One after one they would slip after .ill these years so as to be t learly she m ghi the s.,.mr depot. - h w.is on .1 time invc’glel Louie into
...»poor, and
K. a
a plug
plug is
IV left
Irft is of' an eavwlingly
o« the lop oLtlu: burgeslCourt >anl out «if the dimness, and tossing o\er ret o.:m/ed. Tht4ewas Indian Jake.
su. h a n lief when siu 4 .mu- no nu.ir, lul. a huig taiUsl • oat ami a prim
a |u.in in the main. Vnu-h.4e»ocne quality. Hi*
one was a pine stump whose rings num- the green, while-i’api led rollers, land «n mi |anicular way
remarkable, e\-.after years ol it. ami onr knew s«.,m- while tie, in w huh he was the funniest
lunn.vM Kismet. .V/, Tramiil Cttria Mumdi!
House Furnisher 1
rraverse City, i;-
il Store North of GraMBapids
bt in y^^urhousse at the very lowbughlyb, have never been in any
iplete stoek. Our salesroom is 4&rs, 30x117 feet. Extra basement
fed full at all times,
me to buy goods in car lots, thus
is ^lairge item on furniture, and
Cobbler Seat RtKkers from $2.50, $2.7K, $3.00, $3.76 and up.
EUin Lamp complete, $3.85—Coiiqaest Lamp complete, $».8.=>.
m m
; , vf
tak Itotelilte RECORD. st3^ay, DBCfeMBBft 10.189».
emd in
, other ooe to entboM theism^and taste to<*»»««* themtitat
prpphett remain. The comhi orchard culture.
1 they were real apples, grown on trees. ahhoogh
Karmets* Oub was In 1876 the writk. as one ofthe state ddMos ^ «
u ^ ^cemBtobeao
dmfllatioii! oiKam^.aTth
Peansyhania, Ohio.
or the
des; and as tlw ! leading spirit,
this lesioa and prinriiol thdase
VIS of great th
perpla^hvas th^t
of in the r.rand Traits MeraU and a'
M.,die fit^ GetJogist. was calleil
heretomake a thorough geological
^'-Hkihanapple. to straw-
and the'writer assisted bi neighbor^
survey of the region in reference to nr liemcs.
. titand Traverse fruit, . embtaang
mineral reiKBirces and also to make a
Kvcttthuig grew lusunantly
evervvarietv grown nonh of the latu i
thorongh eaammation of ite agricuU with little care; bore fruit eariy ^ .,„de’of WaA^t^at the Centennial
-n rheefc tw
tnral tkiiabOitie. which
'Th^ fn^htwe^s ^
dimate. topograph) and bydrogra,*ir iHriferticm of form ^d beaut) pi „,™e„,ent gave us abundant space ^.1!
relations. His report was not onU a cdlor. The t.raml Iravene fru»t. i„ ,h,m«adesirahlepUce in the Hall
n .
_a-rn.ihi,. JirrLr
levdation to the people, “outside," whereiw exhibit^, wm the centCT of ^ Agriculture.
Thb^leciion far
butrtwasasnniriietpthosc whohad aitraction and the admiration of dl
,n others in variety, beauty ‘
former imminence in fruit growing
spent several years in thU region. It olr*ners. \ isiti^ stra^s^^ht
eicellence, and atttarted more
should »e/be regained.
I too good to be uue. too roUct tions to
attention from visitorsand critics than
this and other states and the ™««-: ,ai ,he rest. Mlien the tallies were
ri»y for natural color, and looenth
ural iad- losing and enthusiastic growers sent
..U..,yA and Ubel^
The first raU made bv a physician in
attK in NS praise of the natural
•• .ions to sute fans «<1
shirtrifrer Mr.
vantages'of this countv for general• •large collectioi
agriculture and fruit growing, for national exhibit
iileletl. Mr Patmclee who was a con- Boanfanan hail establisbed himself at
.ximjanies gathere.
i *c head of the bay. Mrv Uuncan.
homes, health and hapiriness to Iw the
Railroad .-oi
Xhat was le. tions
lions of (.rand 1liavcwtruit
ea-,,„ mewr,..
^ imho was loping the b
result of good judgment.
lavcw trutt to ea......................Winchell
,,efy ,he work!
If Professor Winchell
; e^^
worUf to beat *«* »>%“ 'ery i|l.
cateftil record of temperature war
back toiUy and . kK.k over centers ot this c,.untt)^jmd huroi<. to j, ..
Dougherfk of Old “ ’
legkm « Maya»d!di«cuU,if not hnpomiWe to ^n.
rhnd grants
the country, I doubt if he would dc- adierti.se the value c
a\ <n cr from the Misllic jicc*s an^I es|iccially the Agri^ia o3*crlM0lI foaiid that j The loire« record was by Rer.(.eo.ge ftre to diaiige in »hv
ah) material
ihaterua iiarticujiariicu- ami
and tranchi>o.
Iranchises. and thus float their
^ HortK ultural Journals *hin In-way of Bower’s Hartior, and
Northpoit, 16 dq^
conclusions he drew from his st« ks an.1 Umds u|wm the markyt.
^a„. glowing accounts in yiiaiie ol «" reaching the Boaidman river,
Grand Traveiae.!belo* lerOkKtme time in the bftH*. Ur the
these cxhiliitions wherever made, and *»»"•••>
unlindged, foumi no
The cold New Year day of 18C«. was
cvaggeratnl ai-counts of the |mfits to n‘*>in hearing. In order to gel
tie%«na that this «w not and never
the growers. Nursenmen {lulilishnl the jiatietit be
In Southern Michlgaii, Northern
the Utter in their catalogues
an in- «ctoss the water whidi was very cohl, •
Indiana and Ohio, except upon 4he
.lureroew to buy and |ilant their
“I* «o his chin. Finding his
very ihoret of l^e Michi^ and
stock. Here Ls a siiecimen.
|iarient better, he leiened almosl
_______ j wna given to forming, and ‘ I wke Kne. pench Bees,, .swert cherry
ission. Iiemg
it |>r»fitalile fruit td |ilant ‘'
km to bait glowing. The lake pro- treesandgmpe vmes were froMto
enough to be get
and many
apple <
■eHemwerh fired with wood and Chi- the
4 k of the l>cM vxncues. j
nver <*n his humevard way in
oigo u^ large quantitw of four foot destroyed by the cold. Thet
• Imigc RamsileU of (;raml Traverse 1walking the eottre distamc
far honsehold purposes. iturefeU to JW and 40
I County. MU higan. rlearct!
loi k on same day, with his, wet
uDtbelteTed domestic
Thelandtbat was cut over for wood i zero and
net from an on hard of 500 ttm last
I«loihcs dr>ing as he vcnl.
frozen; while in this
midlamber was left uncleared,”and
season.” 1'mvi , i|ihets too many; two j
^ ^
•Stared to grow up to brush. Only country the coldest record was J2 demore wouM have maile me a million-! The first frame- building cieeieil
cnoi^ was cleared off to supply the glees bidow. Thefew orchards that
Profits <hi other fruits by other j„ (;„„a Traverse
had been planled were uninjured and
needs of the sctileis with
Ucroaers uere almost ct^uaUv eaagger- built
and garden truck, a few acresofwhcat I peach, cherry, pear m
nod plum were
‘ atctl and fruit tree agents sawrmetl knoani as the Mivdon MoW It
and a little con of the eariy whht, unhurt, and those old
imerthe ^ntiy like horse flies in still sUiwIing. enUiged and imiwoved.
Him variety; such as the Indians rais- i fruit that season.
People jokm^y
ed. No one believed that dew con; wrote to their frosted fyiends to mme
t Melon hards were enlargetl. and new i
at old Misskm.
enoldbe ripened here, and none wim|ju. here out of the cold airf rim
ones set. mithout any adet^uale ideaf
T^Wiforofthe Herald advised hisj
of the amount of lalkor ami ejq»cnse'
.. A
The old Indian orehaids of seedling shivering lirethrcn to “come to C.tand;
l-^»«nU« Bo**« t-U S Carter, i^mwlwr S-!• r l>
re.iuire.1 in cultivation and care to! /n«v«>«»»' ‘o
well and a few settlers Traverse and get warm.” The idea
W-Barker, •h.e. « V«. rumlw.
T I. W.Hubbell Wtto .sJrur^.
isrehoutie. ]S- N. lUniea*
IO-.De. R. D Atabt«s. H R Owsdrirl,
fold ventured to |>Unt snkU ap|de of -too far north." began to fruJe. and '
14 -E. Iw Rpr«ffne. IV-g V IVrry
mehards of gmfted varieties.
Rev. a more hojieful viim- oflhe future |wywho oaroc through the wiUVrnea* on
ornltl be |»roiierly 4areil .for on almost
The Homestead Uw of 1862
GtorgcN. Smith at Northport,
e\erv farm, ami inset^ts and disea.se hor^lOik to find a home, onz- the veti.
^ ^
• lo,Rev. Pet..erllougheTt) at Omena. had,had taken effect and the country was. stmk of <tu. kery
In 1K74 Mr- l*a nieUf made an haYe sqiread through the on hanks and **^‘**^
smaB apiile orchards that had ] rapidly filling with home seekers.
| survc) of the region m IM....
the Amenran gardens like an epidemi..Slugs in^
oii her arm.
I---------- in
_.! This re|>urt
iring. The
could not get emplo>Tnent
re|Km wa.s
wxs prinleJ in
ided bearing.
em ulated,.!ilK-rally Kariners* InMuuir in New Vfirk ( ity. ft-Nied and blight Mru» k the jiear—j
fZ----in tekiure, J the lumber woods and mills or loc/te! let form and largly
was fine in flavor,----favorably coiiiniem- ami the wi>e |HmioKigi*.ts of the i liib « «klling moths ami st ab Uie a|i|»le—'l*he first |»h>'sirian in Traverse
ml free
beautifitHy rokired ami
free from in-* near enough to the lake or bay to quoted from ami f;
. was Iff.
Htuton. who was nin the
So etl u|«n by the press of this ami other imsiiM.k them for wav ami i <mgrat- rurculio and blat k rot the plitm-^nrt
Sfcdling make wood cutting jirofiublc.
fcrti and fungi.
states. It attrac-ted fruit growers to u!aleii Mr. ramelee on the |»crle< tion and maggot the «:herr>—Ikwcts ami erajiUiy of Hannah, laiy A’ Cts 'Hie
* were growing on the the settlements extended bade rapid(hie
thought the < url leaf and finallv frost struc k
first idiv-sirian to locate, in Traverse
this region, among whom’was. George ol his art.
c .The fruit wai
was Hr>l>.
l*.rm,.W oi
of m
St.. jm
I«»e|ili; who liH ateil
-ripcMM and rite flavor poor, and liolh:
Almut this time the coal oil fever Pamicl«
It roiuiret! the evi.lemc of lK»th
ortunatc is the grower now ’
1 more |»erha|»s
•STl^erilig and pooTflavor waij was raging. New fields were Jiscov-.at Old Mission, and
lediaiatc. It •«• “too
' Uui^4S««R»Mi<DnMdie;dia^
M wteni teHiHT <>f Ne* Y«k, 4sr «atth“ to taiiegoodpaKhes. To.
V«»aM «^New H«mp*ire. Ttet i iMtoe. and '■BdoufoiiDd
. Gttle«p>ce
>(gi«ii.f>«ldaadUnk. TKcintmim thetettJer'. g«d^ It w “too
•K UivMdwvm and none bu the; fermnli.'’to gro«r then.
tanfiM Mt> aie sr>mn. As the ihad ti^_ «tjf at^pi at a
4Mi BanM iiawiilhmiMili about the; imreatkatiaa of ibe ndhicncc ol the
a. tte Ctaad; dc«pwat«r oir 1^^
Ttaibne tqpaa. it tM bat ______
or to itodr Ife^nator o«
atat «oide5f NewIkglaodand Newithe^and tjri^^
c;t ?
; lor Atteiiliitg TI^Sdwol i
in prckrciKC to otfwn.
Instruction given by teach^ and not by
students, as in many schools. Tfrachers have had
mudi experience in business as well as in twhing.
Each pupil is given individual attention, ahd thus^
IS able to understand the subject.
If you want a business edocation. go to a Business SchooUo get it. The public schotds may give
you a little^Hiokkeeping. etc., but they do not make
a specialty of this course as a Business College does.
Tbe best business men in this part of the state
come to us for their help, as the following list will
show: George Kilboume. stenographer at Northern Michigan Asyluni; Mabel Rickerd. stenographer
P, C Gilbert; Louis Campbell, with first National
Bank; Harry Kent, with Traverse City State Bank;
Sadie Magee, with Mercantile Co.; Edna Clapp.
with Perrj- Bros., insurance; .Marj- Dunn, with J. C.
‘ Gray, Kalkaska; Myrtle Langworthy, with Totten
& Phelps, Kalkaska; |. J. LaBonte. with H. E. Gill,
Northport; S. E. Crotte. at Lake City; Grace
Greemtead, with Q. E. Boughey & Co.; Ida Camp^1. in office eif City Clerk; -Roy Thompson, bookkeeper for Wilhelm Bros.; Edmund Dean, with
Northern Michigan Telephone Co.
1 i The list of teachers who have prepared lor
, l^er grade certificates here, is too large to
If yon or your friends are thinking of attendI idg sdMol. coae and sec us or write for further
ENGLISH--IXX) per week, $io per Urm.
NORMALStJoo to $t,so per week, $io io
$12 per term.
COMMERCIAL-$2X>o per iL'tek. $7^) pei
month, $20 Jor thru months, $^to Jor six tmonlksf
$^Jornine months. $}o tor 12 months.
CIVIL SERVICB-Tuition according to num
ber olstndus.
BOARD—From $1.7s to $2.50 per toetk. '
C. R. DGCKERAY, Propr.
Ffout Street, T«v«se Ctty, Mkhfgto
r: ,' •' fr^.:' ■ ; ;>',^ *
V' -'^'f.-'.
of Tnlberse CHy J^t from Judge J, G, Ram^dVs\Fruit Famt
^■-':::: ‘v'Wv3'W
I hirin'; these early years our mailt
work out .loors, the )!ob<! naturol !«n
I liaxc Kxn often ask.M if I am al».m tin- nine .U llu- |.rf>..li i.tial
had Kto|>|ie<l the mill, allowiii); all not surimM.-*! at the (treat ehance elc tion that fall, ami al«mt the tirM rere cafne.l hy trusty Imlians. The
hands to go in and have a (tame of «hiih has taken pla. e in these lf»n\ of Man li rlu; lolhmini; s|.rm;: a si|iiad inlv jirtsautuin taken was a charge
tMM hrc. This made the oM captain—j ycar>. 1 can onl\ anNwer tliat im nt’twentx Indian^ and as many »U»;4s n..t t.. ;;et .Irunk while ih the maiT
Harr> Hoardman—morc willii.;; than ;
have not Iwen realized, eame from the li|.iH r |« nms,da on wrvu e. We iiscvl to subject them to
^wearlti kivs the bible, (as.often as
ever to sell, as he was fiilh s^>t'sf>vs^l 1 j
f„r».ardwithm lenvears tosee their ma> to t totoii lot the I nited
uherw ise would be a jkm ket diar>*,)
that there was not .(Utle imsh emm^h '
thousand m- States mail .ind in dne tone reiiirne.1,
m Horace to make a sui t i*»slul liim,hv.
hal.Jtanis. J iia.l svvn citie> ;:rcm up
Founder of the “Queen Gty“ ©raws a Viwd Picture
on the we-«iit rn . j»raineN m li*» lime,
The next move wa> to preiare the
*:7“V T
Iu.Ium hic. tlm. pa. k.n^ tl
of the Veer 1851 Compared With 1899.
Iheirdman ol greater sue; l.nt I did no, take
jacks f.»r a tri
lit.. .1 well beaten jatli
->• <i'v
ears from aHTil some of
oM Taptain into . onsi.leration the ^reat inapic-s ra'iis t.i folh.w. I'Mially tlir
(wiii. ii we nam.
our letters were brought to us during
Harry) to a^i erl lilt if there wa-> him- aif.1 elniN which co\ered our couiurx.
fl.fgCare harnessid in lan.lem to
the soasfm of navigatmn from Chic'ogo
Miirii lent on
i sledge similar in fonii to fuir tfiUtg.
or steam «aft
It was « ..nsidere.l in :an sUdgo, with m.iil bags. supplitS,
lix ate a latter i nill at the mouth .»f them anax.
May Iask
you hanksof the wt-siem side sat|K-rtiaj»s thelhardman. We j.»urne>nl up «m those .lays a-reat task to p t n.l ..1 L-tc.. ImiuiuI to tiuni. One Iiulian making regular irijr^ lietwerh CliicJigo
ami Travi*rse (*ity, a sourt'c of confora little sjate in ymirilhistrale.l forty‘orfifty «.ld Indian hunters.
| the westami soufti side of the nver them, never exjwsMn): to s^v them I..ll.m> HU the reiT I.. x e that all ,s'
veii.eufe 1.. many‘living in this vieJn.
holidayniimlKT.that . onu
s ,uit tins « ouI.i s<v with inv^lassthat ea. h one
toa j«»int alsmt where MavUel.l now worth what they are tislax. ^ et I well an the tram a insic .ir nmre in
ssin;: Ofer to Ho;^ s lia. k <lo Udieve that m.inv of rhe |Ks»j.Ie of extent iiu.ves along f.irward.
his mouth, ami thev
month, to wnte a little story of my ha.l liis pi|K:
tiif idcnt in this
clion in
.ii^ain--mak- l.slax will see the time when Traverse
t hi ihi> fMi asion the mail ftrt’ Trav-1
. , e .l.nvn
earliest ctuuinj; to ('trand Traverse, to were sittin;;
he bank atching the '*
ha.l ven Tity will rea. h its twenlv th.msan.l erse 4 ,tv was . arried .iIm. ami dis-L\-'-, while il was ye
nttirii! an.l "'^1 «P
*^‘*'*^ '
file away as a history to Ik* rea.l by m.ivement
ur slup.
..imng a,
,millions .if timber,
Sim e thjit inl.ahilants; and 1 shall stav a little tnliutct at the 4 iraml Traverse |K»st lliat has never Iwen mafic a public
ever couhl ____
generations yet to c<mie?
talking, as hapj»y as *u
r hundred millions have time lon-er, s<atin;; mvs<If in an easv ..Hi.., and It hapiK-nnl that Ann iiuitter, may n<it lie out of jiloce to
1‘he young iH imlay Imik 4«» the imagine.
To the rear
in now. sliows howi'ontt*tii|itil>lc
them weic
hrou;;ht d.mrn the chair, m the aftemo«m <»f mv life - liakin. a .l.tineMic at the Ikiarding*
early jiumeer settler as fine who ha.l jierhaiis forty or fifty nice ^K^iardman. Thus oimmences the waichinj; Traverse ( itv j;row, hehev.
l-flis]M»N(‘<i jierMin can Ik* unilcr
PanglH.m II..I cl), was^*‘
II..U..- (IIO.w
to endure great j.nvatuui am! eviwnand ar
i siK-n- washed
wasiivi, wigwams,
wicwains. _ana
armmd lh«"!
„ri,cst dav> i,l me .ha, i, wdl Iw .«.e «f ihv mos,
ern e untol.l har.Uliips.- This w.is mit * oul.l Ik* seen the liulian i t.men do.' /Traverse City, ami t.Hlay we numUrr heaxitiful t.miis m the state of Mi.hi;
riiiN i.rxMi hail rc|«irtc<l tu the
•d the mail f..r tins pla. e. |ov
true w ith the first |K*o|»le of (irand iiig the tlrudgery of the nig
m.l inhnbi
ll,l,l.l,.-.l l..ll„.Is,
Mrai.,.c-.l it .mi'’**''
»!“• 4^“
Traverse, f never saw a hajijiiei or a Indian children hall.Huiig . here an.!
1.1. k an.l l.r..ii..iiiii i!. ill.- liM.l I
"tJ*''” «riji!.licl»een Chiraco
nioru coniciiled crow.l th.iii were the therein their evening ski] of ,»by.
••I I) I. K„.
In .1.1. mail «e rc v.vcl {
(pioneers tif Traverse. It seemed to Turther up, in among the tall niajiles,
me that ihtri must all have taken could Ik* seen the brge white mansion
aulli.iri/eti U-lwe
leswins of jtihn Stewart Mill, who sauI of Rev. Peter lUiugheny. further
th.it he had learne.l to seek his liappi- iij* lievond that, the In.lian |Kinu*s.
ness by limiting his ilesires rather w ith their Ivells on their lus ks—their
than attempting to satisfy thein. I fore feel shackl<*d together—were
rv,‘,-n..r,..ail l.iii •on.el^V'
never s|K*nt more jileasaiu houA in jumping from j»lace to jilace. looking
.luring the .lose .if navigatmu, w<
my Uk than I \lid with the dozen or for the last meal fur the mgh:. .Still
a matter of fact cvcr>*liody livIndians Were Mail Carriers and Letters Came Seldom ‘ fretpieiilly had fipfiorliinilies .if x ml ; iiig here
two that mafic lip'ciur entire numlK-r turther up were the great tail maples
was more or lcsd» aexomodatmg letters out to kindre.! and
the first v*ear. ,
fUmn iK-himl whit h llic sun was dis.
ie.l bv tills gratmtous act on the |MUt
—Experiences of First ^Postmasters.
* irieiids l.v •.oiii, ] .11 from
he mirt I
last winter Mr. Vanderbilt was .ip|H*.iriiig. 1 sai.l n. myself as 1
asked wjiat he w.iuM th.Misc* f«>r a l.Htkc.l ii|m»ii th.it beautiful scene that
take.mr letteis
Christmas present. His' reply * was. if “igmuan. c is blivs, it i*. folly i.» Ik*
N..|K rs.,n ex. e|rt it mightImivc been
for fiHv
lid mail llieiii.
■*r,ue me an a|>jH*li!e,** It could not wi>c.” f..r ,i more lK*aiitifiil j»u t\re I
tiiVM*li .oul.l have any well foundet!
gr.illiving, llu
liiex* han. es w e
U*furnislittl Wealth could not biH never saw m my life.
oin jhis cause and that
s ex|K*iisn
Perhaps no fviher bramh of lit serx ice is «luc to the redm tum * in
it. NfV f^e ever comjflamcfl in the
.\fler lamliiig a few traj»s that! wc
r as It might affect
I a ten fhillar g<ild
g.ivcmmenl, or public, or jirivau n- letter jmstage, the intriKlu. turn ami
early flavis in 'Traverse of sutlering hatl lirought for Mr. l>ougheit<
wendetl fior wav aroimll the lurh; and dustnes slums tlie adv,-inre of. iv
from sm4i t fitnplaint
.KCajitain Nelson was nearlV_WDm-*i^n nnue than does the in. rea^ ot .lisiat.h IS secured over the ..Id . i.t t.. im in iur and express it at r..le..fjii.lg • an.l jury and jiocket the
hajijiicr than w.is the milli.
\o.i mav .,uer> m.w
meth.Hlsof trvaiivjN,rtan..a. the mtr..-^Mnske,:on
In lhe lifst davs of Mav. isM. I .fuit. he laid himself fl.m n on a blanket llieTnited
lajvrs and keep mum unless foit^ed
ill .Imtion of the free .lehvery svstem inTlum I ...uld UH| a >trau,;er with s..
Since the earliest seltlemer
heelman, ordering him tf.
left T*hif ago tui the little s« luHUur I
t.. lake .i.t loii at Mime future time,
la.kag.*. Alv ansuci is.
have existetl. In t hies; and the im reasi*.! cHiciem v m valuable
jkisI oH
‘•Venus,*’ III
111 fom|any
foiu|am with Caj
4.'ajiLim keep straight »U»wn the luy
— until
........ he -Mnerifa. JKISI
ami the ja)K*rs have DCTcr been
have .iish.iHe*.! tiemhUirs
ariiiei was well1 jast the Missin
Mission iKiint. and HkTI jiosi
I this .lav.
Harry Hfiarflmaii, a ruh old fai
an.l III th.ISC .lavs. All IkIu voI m lu.n- serye<l to t
ami maintained by system; ami the greater
sadiu1 Imn.
who iiveil in IhiPagt* eouniy. aliOut the
The first ilailv mail scnHce was put
as the
HIS- stimulus in the habits of
five miles southeast of NajK-ryille.
In a moment s time the oUl
111 .HK-rati.m U the writer l>ctwecn'
I ravers** C iiv S|h.m ott
the bi
The cajitain. two years U*fore. ha.l .lain, tire.l out as he was. wa
Ihg kapi.ls an.l Traverse City, via
se of the j.lanWrs in Hkii, .and in
S.. in our ow n state (Mu higam the lal.hshcMl In iK'iri with 1-.* route fn.in Sherman in |kTh. requiring foitt days
fumislie.1 his s.m with money t.» j.lanl al.mg in the •‘land of no.1,” ai id the 1^0^
Muskc*.;..n u].tlu* lake sh.,r.- via Whilea mill on the little .reek in the we>t- g.HKj-hearte.l sailor. see*mg litm nice- H'.72 I ail service was‘cstablishefl lie- advam e of the jmmeer h.ys Uvn
lime l..r a r.Miml tnji. In 1K73 mails*
1 fxilonies. At this f losel> folhiw^d by the I’nited Slates hall. I.m!aigt..n. Manisi*k l. 'slevicng were bry.u-ht bv rail from Clam laikc,
j.mg. thought it f niel
to tween the
eni jiart of our i..w u. but exiKrien. e ly he was slcej.mg.
Uiar. ihem e ihr.mgh the
n.l .he
he couhl
had taught liiin lliai h w<mUl take waken him ami
ctiuld steer the time there was regiiiilar mail sen ii e mail serv ice. - Ivorv instance,
. an age.l
i4 i.li^. » bv niv agents, thus giving
davs Traverse Cilv ami ..vci their.nl tfi
more than the avails u( one llimuis ship around .iiilb West Hav without • <>n« c a m.mlh betvyeen IhM.m ami Ineml fit
ol mine
tiime if^^is
m\Jjis liovhofHi
.lailv mails from I lelroit and C^i4 iraml Traverse nmw 4 l|.l Mission)
fanii to siLsiam an ..iHrrating milt 4iih anv ditticuhv.
In a few 'inoments New Vork,
was a. lerk m the 1 letroit |hmoHu
.i m twentv tfi iwcniy-four hours'^
..... with x*mi-monthlv mall x*n i< e.
the jirc-sent j.ruvs .»f hmilH-r. hem e he thump, thump, thuinji. went the little
*n lT:ii Ucnjamm I rankhn was when the entire mail t.u Michtg
three days jkt contract
The late Hr. 11. 4 . (i.HKiale was
cst of I letroit w as nigave dur firm an option Mr (he sale. shi]v over the rtuks. In a moments |h>s1 master ui the city fif Phila.lel- gre
e.l uiM.n.me Indian iH.
sbaek.lea m;; a|.|..;mcd |.Mm.i.i,r »ith il,.- «„u-r
J'' ,'^'.11
^ „f our mail »erjihia,
of the min ami ins Unvled estate, lat lime the r.ld captain w.i^ on his fee
hv railromi
and then, I tell vou. all w.as blue! W
is now 'Traverx* V’itv.
hartllv f iimpreheml
One of the first a. ts ol the .
Cajilain I’cler NcImmi. twe o he lia.l run owr a Iclgc of racks into
. |nent.il congress was the establishment mail i
iml, where there was jileaty of
finest old Haiie saih.rs that
; Pioneer's First View
of Grand Traverse Bay \
The Postal Methods
of Pioneer Days \
•S'™—'- -
r.,k,. V”7.
n.l ho» to cel out «as the creat
if hetnm. All this has fome went to Ol.|^ MisM..n, a tw.. .lays jouriiosioffice which b lec•I. After a«nc Che le.-vd-Iine ami »»«" Ealmouth, Maine, and Sa.anscf|uek
m the life time allotte.1 toman, nev over the trail. Hunng their aM 1;;^;
f^votcia. fot laming intelligent e
all aroimil. .he '.iptain deThis |iart of Michigan, north ot x*n. e the tirst mad .imvetl. Uing ,
o,vat the ship must he haul- and) letters throughout the l ontinem.
•Muskegon river, was. prior M pa, kel llmmgh Horn M.mistee bv one « atefl north of the Muskegon nxer toV.11 tU in the same pUce ami to s(wead the knowledge of the the
_ Muskegon
-.1 la. k
css, with Peter 4ireenkx’V. a laithlul In.lian mail ^
t in.' hence alt hands had
of congress and the progress ol 1850. an unbroken.
comparisoo of the fin.
The ancjiors were carrie.1, ‘he resolution among the different hut one |Mr.tolfl. c. then known a» the
rss and the Ustycar'sbtisloiatefl at distrtbuiin- the first Cmte.l States mail
out m tlw small boats, and with the | coI»nies. This cmigress established (;™d Traver^ ;.jslotfi,
mess of the
xfia south
what is
is now
now wiu
Uld ...,»,on.-ithoiit
.Mission, without an) in the l iaierse ( nv i--., ..th. e.
aid ol a little exfla
«>uth wind
wind that!‘he
that i the general_post
cenerat post offi«
oin« ^d
mo appoimed
appoimea wnat
I he
Y^.V.-^lkevcnue, $3.<)0; fotpendi.
had rahe.1 the water, we were able to Bs>.,aniin Krmtkhn Ute first post mas- ,K«t route to conneit with anv mail maillae . ..ma.nvM ..ve,. letters and lures. $:Ul4b
get our Inut lei. k into itsjironer posi- , ter general,
ne-s,a,w,> for this offiie. I he
INUK—Revenue. $13,810.75,
tion. just as the sun was
The rat« of p^age fixed m 1 .Hi was Croton, on the Muskegon mer. ns., of .rans|-,r,at.«n mer this
- liendiiurcs. $f;,104-7C.
the great green maples K-tiveen Torch, «ere continued for quite fifty yean^ dir^ly south one hundred and twenty was lour hundred dollars a year.
I he
1 ake and the l»av
when the letter postage was from six miles, and .Maikinaw on the north, revenue of the offi< c the tirvt vear was
^ ^
around safolv. < ents to twentv^e cents on each about one hundred miles distance, three dollars, all of w hu h was cxjKmd-*
uii the
the West
West lay,
Ivav viewing
viewinu the bcaulibcauli- letter, according to the distance let- An pld and well defined Indian trail cd for an oftire stamp.
LvTuan Smith, the first wfutc iettlcr
the West
Ivav, xiewmg the
vhc bcautiInrlween these ,K>ims over which the
“To the victor bel« mgs the sjmils" of the Traverse region _wuth of,
ful shores as wc skimpctl along, sechibirion of Indians were sent from the upjicT so in President lancolms admimsira- Traverse City, located on Silver Lake
once during the dose of tion Yours Tnilv was ajiiminted sue- in lKo3. It was his son Albert who
for all mail matter that cessf>r to succed Hr. I). C. (Joodale was stolen by the Indians, and the
bav. on one of Ihe pleasantest, most the lieautiful pictures to tie «een m tiroe to about lh40 the ,n. rea-< in nav|(
;ht accumulate at Croton lor this in the post olfi. e. At this time the story of whose discovery has
beiutiful and channing
that, those earlv
early davTi.
davs. .\U>ul
.About the muiiue
middle man
mail service scarcely ke,rt ,ace -----with niigh
nmg evenings that
----------------been told.
and ad
all tmail for this , revenue of the office had incTcased
rlltadcd iifolo the I of the aft,;moon we readied our mow- the growth of population
north coi^, ^
ever was acen; we riMindcd
was; about one hundred and fifty doUais a
ir. just
iust a.s
as the
the sun
ings alongside
.As a matter of ^ the post ^re niaghbothood (Traverse
Old Mission harbor,
alongside of a UtUe sUb dork ^
verse' year. .A year later, in 18C2, having
be^e imcrcstcd m Ote esuUish:
The first death in T»v«e Oi,
o^t^^^subJ^It ijon made our war up *lo the
in which th^is a greater
To illustrate the convenience of, ment of post routes, post offices and, was that of a youi^ man who wa* ac
interest than in anv other department, maflfocilitie.
maU UciUUes here
Here in
m the
tlte early
cany days
oavs h
a mail
man s^fice
service in
m the
me n^hem
noTtneni counties.
coimties, Ii cidenully
oaemany killed
wiucu m
lo a
- camp
o>u.|> on
w Ae
^^tSos^ s^e^r^utilL mir^^re,”^^^^
walked on the dcf k f»f a sliip.
master of the little schminer “X e
and who will be known to many of
out present settlers as manager *»f the
lighthouse at N.irthjKirt, of late
W e had left Chicago on on
ney to the north but two oi
day-s. when we met one of th.*w tetririWe northeast gale*, which «erc al«a« sure to last full three davis We
were well .lowm Ijike Mich,pan. and
.nir brave old seaman dm ided that we
must weather out ihe storm,1,stead of
retuminv* an.l tmwr a mort* territir
m mv
three davx
*lay*K jvounding
noundiniy Wkward and
three davx
|x>und.ng backward
backward and
foeward ^Toss Lake Mk higan. ,\s
,eb»u .h.
ad* aMKthan halfa mile per hour—iroL Aad>erehadbcena.it
genera- little experience of the-nter wdl ex-,r^edmya.mm.ssKmmwlgt».
njid porth of 4ft poHall X rmhcKiH te «l aC JaBg>lfa»«HanAbBBBfafl twflirirft,
Tfflt iwianKG tEiK:Diii).«u»i)AY. iBbcembbr lo. law.
hf fktm Bdttwick. milL In 1862 tl^rc
IbnM j poor^will
the dab dumty of
the nen« of!
cxforntf ckfk nnd
An old of diremoo or recientkm nTmOnble loodtnas by Ha incemant crv. I te- Cha^ H. MardL He wasa lawyer.
kgho«e mood nte the comerof> Traxene City. Evenrooe was too! member lying awake and limening to with a mother who could read the adis. po^ops
Ffobmnd WdKngtOn. and James K. busy wnb
the steamer duties of IHe
the moumfiil itermtioii of that ctea-idremetWer-that
at lemt.W<
Gunlon'a noticeable hold marked the to engage
in pleasuring. Occasionaltore’s demand, with ^ intermpted half a doren
iMtefn limka of the town.
ly, during
the winter seisoo, a sleighnote as if forced to swallow, until l;oot«rcgatc atMarsh's
A muD adwol bouse stood where ride was indulged in. and a dance at was nearly frantic. The woods jutted f down of a Saturday ni^t and wait
bnowtheannesorParkPlareandin the stopping place, but there was very so dosdy on mvuDde*s house, where , the passing of that Indian. If the
the br off snburbf to the southeast, little of that sort of social inicrcourse. I then lived, that the hoc summer | hour 4d ten came before he did,
Morgan Bates had ventured to defy Nearlv ail of the men were emploved nights seemed to arouse a thousand i Mother Marsh used to turn us. out
die wOdemess and erect hb home, by Hannah. Uy & Ca. in milf or wicnl sounds-ihe dropping of the: and declare the port office suspeddetl
sdQ maading. and now ihc residence store, and the women were too worn acorns on the roof—the whirr of in-1 pro tern. But if the carrier got there
of Judge I-ormRoberts.
He. out with the day*s struggle to keep
sects and the chirping of smaU unseen [ frist. aU we had to do was to sit still
called the place *'Saim*s Rest.'*—but these men fed al^s^^lphed with act- beings of mymenous nature.
(and patiently listen to the colloquy
1 never knew precisely why.
necessaries of lifeto care much
I think, howescr. the roost
lonely; between Msish and hb mother, pem
A jail stood on the site of the. for
pleasure. Wheree^tme saw
suggestion that came to my
boynshjing the sorting of the mail
present frae county buildings. It was e\cfy*one during the day. thire was no mind was the winter landscape on a messenger for the Herald and the
of square hewn Iq^ and seldom cic- special inducement to play it meeting moonlight night. The absolute still- I Tnited States l-and Offi^, most of
each oth<rr •Socially."
However, ness and the glitter of the spotlem j the contents of that jwuch were finalcy^^of ^ For «itiy time cnUe co««»ity. ood “T,
imagined to be a!
To the west of what ^ then the there was an ocxasional bit of jollhy mantle that covered all the earth car- lydum|>ed into my market liaskel.
1 town, Mr. Hannah lived; and beyond. here in those early times. PciibqK ried a vague message of our remote- Then I trudged ihmugh tm-u miles of
pUtt of no mean importance. There-itowi
fore, it was not straqge that a good I him Uy a bunch of slab shanties, some of the older residents will rcc^l -ness and the vaguer feeling of infinity, sand, sawdust or snow*, as the case
There were the the incident of the “big mitten." Iltere was neter seen a whiter moon- might Ixr, to the house of “Saint's
deal of adf control was needed toikno
sheds in There was a dance jjroposed, but for ‘light, nor a bluer arch of heaven than Rest,"
I.ettcrs were the
and not
„ mill still I some reason the bulics refusetl to ga at such a time.
j blessing of t^ial iieritvl; although
father, whose
if thepood,
poo where I the gallants sccurctl one ol the Comnorth
--------------------In the sjiring, when the lumber i new^icrs were not amiss, simn: msc
lid be aflcctcd by my Mod
rtood at the
nortt of
lih the populous south and j |»any s big lumber tmeVs, stuflcti a camp broke iqi and the men who had ' knew bv rejibrt tha^ a war was going
nember vividly bow 1 now art buih
but on the a-idc |*Uin to | huge mitten with sawdust; paraded been for sis months im|irisoned in the ‘ on Ur to the south, (Irand Travers
be leeBied to have that wim fdt on tufhUi aside from the little
jihb token of dbaji|iro%^ up and down
sent tU quota, and more, to the I'nion
of a moMtcT who knew a gnoporbaqrinenoodieileckortlie the •ooth, not a house cabled.
Alleshuqr. But jroathfel hope, were
or too. SIw dipped aid
— ------- —^ ^
^ --------------— the the
tinv tiny
settlement. .As the last
Among the first to go was a
nore vital thM dispelled iUosioos.
like nn^aah
stretch was made and the first logs >*oung man emplo\*ei1 on the Herald.
There was a toak in the gkwiooi air
set i^nfr in Boardman Uke. the Lewis Patrick. He died the followand the magnificent bay that toned
^ It was nt prrdaelr thb me
••gang," m ith cant books and pikes on ing winter.
meUrtotimpremion of the mind uuneet the inevitable.
shoulder, would come marching in. to
The simple annals of thb quiet
I came ont on
We landed at the dock and crawled!
the r>thm of a French song. The settlement do not read like a startling
; Captain Baldwin stood talking along through the piles of lumber to
managers of the business liked to story, but they were imiiortant to the
my Other. The captain turned the sawdusted highway. The Traverse j
of the village then, Possiblvane
(dvrwd eyes quixxing on me and
merry mood.
of the incidents of that j-ear is moreyiv d
•^Wcll. my twy. what do you
if one wished to ••go somewhere," than any other, and that is ihe"^ at[Of your new home?*
*°Fh«^ uw*^'!^!d^ stood a!
thete were no liveries to sui>|)ly the tempted assa.vsination of James K.
^l^'here is itr I asked, looking partly dismaotled grist ouB. Tbea
order by 'phone. Horses were as rare Gunton by a drunken man named
boot. 1b the Hght rose a bank of
three wooden structures^ as we
as the idea of a wire message then, French,
the night of J ulv 4.
modr. ipThe left, a range of forest; walked westward, which were the
William Fowle owned a team of There had In^rn a celebration in the
rear the island stood dehoed. stores ot Hannah, Uy fr Ca These
terrible steeds that made one Uno' woods—on the site of the jirescnl
I in Oont of us there was a notch were built side to side, making a
one’s self on the traditional rail, anil borne of Jxs. .A. .\bx>rc on WashingI the monotony of timbered Ond> building 9thdN> feet in size, the center
have asivid reroliertion of tT>*ing to ton street, that day. .AUnit midnight
(if a snag-toothed giant had one being of two ttorica The board
^keepon the up*i>er deck of one of .Mr: (’.union awakent*«! mv uncle, who
ly4»itten a piece out of the ing house and a barn-like house were
I'hat year. Morgan Bates was a justice of the |H-aci and told
and disliked the flavor of west of the two stores, and a small
a horse’ w hkh rivaletl I Km him that Frem li had fired
d through an
leshop over the way. Turning
*^. much to iiiy disgust, as I exst window of the (i unton bouse,
hward, wc crossed a wooden
;neser admirctl imiutions of the oUl, inlenilmg murder. It was a vcr\
bridge, and out diagonaUy through the
* knight. Mrs. Perr>^ Hannah owned close call for the genial bndUml 1
‘ <miere it is/* said my father. sand to what is now ;he comer of
“Roan Billy,’* a neat little chunk of a rcmemlier seeing Mr. (;untcm and my
; me closely. **That is Trav- l;’ront and Cass streets. I'bere were
ll>ea.st w'hcn he wantetl to be nice, and uncle disaii|K*ar amcmg the dense
no buildings on the north side of
. ax old Tiwt wccxi-iser
drove him to an o|»en bugg}’. M’iih grow’th of trees and bushes that arerse
cWt KC any city," uid I. And Front street. At the Comer of Union
ef Old Mtorr. Hllla and Dock « of UonooS. L07 A Co ]
these except ions, as I remcmlier the l>clweeii the two homes. I ex|»ts letl
I unidcaunt (act was fate e«l out of and Front streets stood the old Cutler
situation, our ruling was <lone afoot to hear another shot, iiidicalini; the
against my inclination and deX, with a small bouse just west,
mitten, I think on the river lank, to or bv ox team.
presence of the assavsin. But no un; for this was a mighty event— of it. Immense piles of slabs filled]on hb beautiful hill, and to the
thc dirge of circular saws and Indian
We got one mail a week, over the happy event traiispircX French fled.
to Traverse." for it was all the space from Union street up to j treroc east, the Br> am place
this plaints.
m>Tstenous trail, from a |ki nt some- the ctiuntr>, and the matter .ser\e»l
r itart into the great world.
Ooodalc’i house, which stood Un the ••bight of the Im." Only
in ‘area
me worhl tor
nu»ny a tiar
\\i keef. alive the
: For several years we had talked of
Fhe village plat was an
area 01
of wnerc
where near —iiui>me,
“mitsiile," *3
as the
day to
is now the Hotel Whiting.'and nothn^ more. .A small , bridge
ed the Boardman at what is now sarulv waste, ctixercil with !)la« kened Irevund the horizon of I’raverse wtls tongues of the jK^iple.
* aiiu
and Traveme
City was | The Sprague
residence was whefc crossed
Frmii these casual cruuiueiits
'Phis puic Stubs
>s Stumps aiul hmkleU-rry termeil.
the objective |»oinl. because i Prokop Kysclka's store now stands. | the head of Boardman
foot in summer
the last. |«>ssi!>ly >tnir rea«lers iii.iy
lather’s twin brother, Morgan Across Cass was the Herald office, j dropped to pici cs the
Coarse brakes grew raiiklv
\n Indian,
r an ! buslu
a gain some clearer idea of the primitive
. had locaurd there in IK58 and Then came ffie Smith ^al1les house.! then the only w
way to get over to the whertAer there was an tuld omicr, on ilog sleiige in winter, brought i
irthe(;rand Travcnie Herald, the Goodrich house, the Fowle house; plains south of the nver
river was to itoss ami trailing arbutus ap|»earcil under |miu< h of mail matter. rraveiscC’ily IS times, before Traxcvic Citv fulfilled
only a wa\-sialion. (lid Mission, or the prcwiise o? Its title and Ixsanic
i to enter his office as an appren- (afterward the ••Ktchahge") and then
ually fille I log ami orvert in profusion.
; on the rolling logs that usual
the ••Grand 'rraverse.* was the end of the metrojiolis of a ta\ ore«I region—
open lots until the little buUdingt on the river, or go around by “Bagdad"
'I’hc most nolireablc bird
'Phe |Kist ofticx was in. a city of no mean name.
was a native of Albany,
r, New Park and Front were reached. These
I and so across the creek* at the old lieautiful blucjay. At night the whi|i- the route.
Some Impressions
m, : of Tr^tuerse:Giy m j862
Wishing You the Compliments of the Season
Al>< Mwtegy Util pw Mw« iriMWii « cnmdtOo Ihtit Mqptcity with «»wdl «mtcd a liocl e(
luits. uirfm. ovcrnrii. dddrtn't goo<b Mid hoMiy haiM-
hijB«RiwwwhaMMrSMdMiiMtooBtr ouriMtraM. Look our ad. ovcr..lt » cotain to wjSat an idta lor addins
to yo« own or your Iricndi* condort and luppina..
St€in.Bloch Co.
HartSchaffMr 4 Marx
and Koffi 4 Son's Clothing
Jaroi ftygicfiic Underwear
Cutter 4 OossetURne Shirts
Adler's Kid Gloves
Winter Caps
rin^ «*o*UK> totod .lorD-Sc to Ur—Hto«i4too«»r tai
MwIcm • prarM wl rltt—Bor coHott or oodl^l roler«
It Needs No
I Bb«> aUkawod cM«aa*rM-«ll
and Traveling Bags.
Diw vwtt iiTirrTT
The New Designs
.TW CljOnilNG
“Roneet aolhiers”-206 Front St- |:ii
*-r re
;'•' ■ t ^;^f '.Ti;■
. 'r-'Mt-ll
itsoota>.stmi>AT. bficfiMsitfi 10.189$.
em dreacmoetht^il) of the traditioaal deacon, and another .ftequent
I to the gospel of love ha<I Iwen
I in U* early days to eat a hu-
of Chilian WioHkers
three—the prexiding elder, the pa*tor. ha* a charge at Elk Rapid*, Mr.
Earl) tchool inddntaare intereM.
and the cla** leader. It is said that! Miller took charge of the Whitewater
I ing. In Norember, 18S1. fine yonag
in making om the oHicial list Mr. circuit in IKUtl. and though
the fund*men arrived at Old Misaion. in the
^ ro ‘ »be
of the young minister were beavUv schooner Madeline, with the intentioit
heart tom from the. body of a Pmtt did the
|»>c 1»«^»1- drawn upon by the expense of moving i of wintering m the vkiniiy. Three
ii^ cKicr (ierUrrd i
victim of the Mackinac i
into the “region hu paruhioners
brothers, namcil Fitzof them ^
of the summer of
Mr. Ijithjup <
IB the
liictl a Methodist
Mtofan expedition, fo«»d h» »»
for « wax FUjih .n Ihe »to>ee. The name <rf the fifth, whoftom the aouthern pan of the date up nex now xiandx. There were »exen
»» xum>Iv wax emplojed
the otheia as cook,
.through the wood* to iMd Mi»ion, inembefx. and regular xerxices were
anual necls erf the lamily tO[,ha» be^ ^otterx ^The five were
and iaUiiig in xriih Mr. Utham per- held In Ihe faithful |«stot, who
found thenixeUe* rcluccd' all p»k1 sailor*, and three of them had
Isoadedhimtoio nthe Michiitanron. taught at Old Mission dunng the ««dining on ,«tatoe, and salu With been nusicm of vessel* during the
thoK who have 1^ Travene waalaidto rest by the tide of the.|ae„ce. As there *a* no quarteriv we^ek - |uea. hed there even- Sun- "* undaunted .outage .Mr. MUlcr lusl xeason, but all were deficient inV
r their home lor the pn« Aifty himbenuan. funeral aervioe* being
„ OM
,„pvc the dav mooiing, and then walkcl to l«rrevetcd m hi* good work and the education. None of them were even ^
■ore )«an. and have wafehrf the conduct^ b> Res. H. C. Scofield. •'oeeemarj recommeodafioo, Mr. Bro.k- Tra.erse Citv and prca. hed in the |»^ ol pumert lile Hxm to.lay more tolerable readeT^ and one of the
iMMa-r frfh
number majh unable to mTiic his name.
nhoftbf town, have noted imh young Ba|e>st minister
mmister who was j
*ook hi.
hi* t-hnrr-h
church lett
to wune esemng. malkii
lock ^
aOpiYarkl to
to hkc 4 klream UiAD A rcaluv.
man the
Memljr adsmorc mU^ng Hjrndmga.^ lime at l-U*t toy. rf„aian mission
cn to-hod-Al«»mlav
braver ami more laiihtul i man An ea^-r desire tt> learn was the oc...................................................
south. |irDt«l». l«m
!« m time to „,wn
m IiooI Al<mc_.
ik»n of
tmU and rdigioin !i^
_ IsalwIU
_ county, wheie;he
< >ne raw Suiulav n^l in wer nimistciod to the wants ol the vomou
ol their
tliiir viunij
. .Miimg.
This IS the first religious nen icc te. | |y ,he
one in
he morning.
_______ reivunroendcl
_____ _____ . .
the the middle of March.'after iweal hing
•'"'‘■“"»‘‘ke 111 the carl) ,
.\lt Old Mivsion. the man who had
w.gily today, with, it. .many r«,M ^ cser Iwing-held in Traverxe;,,,
beavehward City.
i«iwe* ^minting
Jmmtmg ..heaven^,
Ctl)^ A burial
bunal *er>
sers icc
ice «as read b) ^^ual conference.
a- usual, and then stopping a|i Mt.
he region than kr, Ignatius Iwen enga
engage.1 as teacher fiiKng to
W^chaoi Irdls calling hundrerls;jA.
A. T. U)
toy cm
on the
t^ ocr^
At the annual conference in 1K.57, HaniiaVs for refresh..,cits hc. com*‘h‘'»»» l>»c.l and lesered. b> ...eel[ the contra.t.
Mr. S. E. Wait.
I(g^ faced li«)w anil gish to l^r'i^h, of a.Mrw Chorum
after. ,wo circuita were formed on. f'.raml men,^e,1 his tires..,journey back to Cath..lics am |«..t^tam* alike. He then only uimeen years of age. was
y5)iaie»cannolbuta(r«dsalisfai. .lbeir resting jJace ha* long «nce'
came to northern Mic higan in lS4o employcvl. at $20 |kt month and
I fo thoic whf> ukc «n internfl in ' liccn invaiictl liy tlic grrmii^ dty, and
Aid in iKTio settled with his Imhan Uiard. Bryc e and the Fitzgeralds
hat gc« to make up the Im:M m<1c the v«fr) s|jot forgotten.
ciiarges at l*asfialiatc»wn. c oming to were to jay the bill, the. cook rcccivThefiral jacai hinK
8cUl life.
I'raverse iu> cH t asu.ually to s.»y ing his tuition in c omjHrnsaliun fur his
Vne who ill their rhurrh
mass at the hdiu ot some oflns jar- serMces.
Ihc Madeline was brought
loday enjp) tiig the results of the S<;oficld. and was a great novelty and
ishumers here, hunng inanv a fieri c round to Bowerw 11 arbor, and securely
IW efforts of the earl) settlers ran .»oufrc of cnlcrtAinmeni to the rhil.
sionn c»l winter he tiudgcil through amhored lor the winter.' Ilic aflerly realize what diffk ulties had to dren of the community, to whom siicb
the unbroken forest drills on his slum hold was converted into a kitchen and
overcome, in yean gorie ‘by, and a thing was hitherto unknown. Their
slioes, dragging alter him the little MiningacKun.
t fvisations Were suffered by those romments on the proreeding* were
sledge containing the outfit for ser- study were ob^er^ed. and the men
devoted themselves to the< def idetlly dis< onrerting to the }*outhw
; vices and his |»rovisions for the j»mr- voluntarily submitted to strict xhool
rnient tff the city. Indeed many ful divine, who, however, kept on
■ney, WTapping hmisell uj» m his blan- disc ij.line. t»ui of sc hool hourvthey
r Morin of life in the early fifties bravely to the end.
^kelas night came on and slcvping had jjlciit) of exercise in culling
mure like roman«^ than reFrom lKr*a to 1857 there was no
w ith the hea\eiis lor his only emer- wixxl and bringing it on Uiard, to say
ami itis h^rd to realize that 1 religious scr%1i e1»cld in the city, with
j ing.
nothing of the ret realion of snow ballatones of lirave deeds ait fjinphsli- the escepliop of a .Sunday m hoolroolie first two churches built
lilt in mg. 1in which they sometimes engag.
and dangers oten ome arc any- ducted for a time by .Mr. i^ifield and
Traxerse City were the First M. K. cd with the delight ol genuine scImkjIthan fairy tales.
Mrs. Ih. c;oodale. .As there were
and the r^ngregalional. 'I hese were Uns. 'Fhe bav that \ear did not freeze
apecrially'strange and unreal seem only ei^ht w hidaisthe lark of temrhen
completed in l8t;7. the dedication of over till Marc h. IV-mouMo thefreez•tories of the first rcligimis was not a soun e of difficult
the .MethcHlisl c hurc h t.'iking j»lace in ing, the wock! uas bnmghl on U>arditil
nity., and the
in the little s^llleinrnl «hief trfiublc was to get the young,
Octolkcr and the k*c»ngregation.il fob the yawl; afterwards i
ling* in the shadow of.'the hters to jjive up their good timcf'
4ow ing a lew months later. • ’I he over the icc. i:xc
Kxc ej.l
ej»l by way of Old
K pine forcits that circled the , arnon^ the hm k)elK*ny bushes .long |
buildings ha\e l>een changed and iiii- Mis.siun..to
to which occasional
let of blue t;rand Traverse l»ay iicnoudi
cnougli to study the les«in in the
cd in inanv
inany rways sim e then.
were made, the jiaity was entirely cut
strecJiH miles on miles away little old lijg building, formerly a Itam,'
In 1870 a l alhohc church build- ort^lrom communii^lion with the outbe iouth*and.t*ast.
|on*Fnmt strwt lietwren Board man Traverse bay—Old Mission and Klk.^1 he .Mission, taking short c ut acrovi ing was erected, w hich Ik-c aim* Uk> side world.
although the s]lintual nrttls of the j avenue and Wellington street,, which ' Rapids, and Northport and Traverse the ic e to Ihmer' harlnic AIh»«u .small lor the raj.id grem ing jarisli.
The sc Iuh
uhi.IIs haxc
have kcjit
kc|H pace with
inns h4lt»ng iH-en rrc ogoired an.l answered the dinilile piir]K»se of day City. Mr. Ijilham w’as to supph the iwci miles from the
1SS*.I the present churc h was the religious growth of the city, and
I he entered i
ban.l of mhile men s« hiMil and chiireli.
former and Rev. I.. J. (‘iriffin was aj»- heavy fog, and
Nlfor. %
itle iH’ginniiig, with twe
faiuiliirs at the bead of the
In lKr»7 Rev. |). R. 1 .atham of the {Mintetl to the latter. On
a ai
their famil
ed. riie
imiulgingin in
Between the building of the first scholars, in the U>g building on Front
only kn<w Sunday as the c»iie M. F. c hurc h stup^Kfd at Old Mission The rcUlive situation o!
dam e near the mouth ofihe river, | chart hes and the |.reseni lime
street, in iKTul, has sjirung the large
in the we^ fihen the mill was cm his Way to Kansas and concluded
iclu.leil Traverse
'I'ravcrse City—forty miles
taking the
sou of their drums Me
iinat ions have organi/vdbr.im h- luesenl line school syMein, with the
M and there was a . ham e to rest that a field
tmg ft»r him there Mr. (iriffin wtW Mr. I.atham, asking for a guide he wj
ily and bmli for llienielvi*s c entral building, three l ommodious
nearlv as
enjri)’themselves as liesi wliuh would re|ay,lns litKirs. .C him to take
Iravern’ Cuy cirt'
oH his
Ins |K»vsiMe
in an
an c»p|M»>iie
c»ppc*site dirrec
dirrec tiiu*n pleasant c liun h liomes. At present line k ward buildings and two smaller
|K>vsible in
might. •
I here was little erioiigh ‘ c Kiss wxs wnm formecl W4-. a rhiireh
hands, whichhe consented to do.
nil he readied and |asxc-.l ihe island,
there ate- iw« Ue diuic h buildings,
tak the m<»noly>nv of their
lives. c»rgant/ation followed, Hi^auclicm es Mr. (Iriftin laUrred at NorlhjMirt and narrowly axoiduig many dangerous the Firsi and Sec ond M. F,,( ongre-. rollmenl in the m hooLs is oxer IjWW
HI ilcath.wmr smjdenlyi.r a young
were of a somewhat unusual nature. Carj» River, forming . lasses at ihosi- lissmes ni the soft ic e.
Here he galu.nal, M. Lram is i’atholie . him li, and the last dioul census sliowed 2,m tlie c'amp on the Boardriun The C. S. revenue cutter Michigan pUucs,.and Mr. I.atham at Old M s- followed the sound of
an owf s Hapiist. Fpisco|al. (icriiivin l.utlieran, 4(H children of m IiooI age in Uie
ft was no one to say
word of sometimes aut hored in the harl»of won. Traverse City, and Flk Rapids. luH»img on th/main land till he sud- (Jerman Fxangehc al, Swedish Fnlh- caiy. ,
s liasiily over Sunday and the blue unifonuetl The fimt quarterly meeting of the denly walke>l into aUnii
two feet enm, Presbyterian,I riemlsand.Seyeiith
The fame of the Traverse V**)'
Hnntrd from the rough liewm oftieers' mingled in the rude little circuit of which Mr. I Jitham was now of water c oxering the i. e
near the Hay A.lxeiilisi.
The I lumh of sduKils has gone abroad, and a large
lltf pile.1 near the mtil.and a graxe chiirch with {MMirly riad setllen. and the regiiKorly aj.jxiinted jiastor, was^shore. Some Indi.ois heard Ins cry l lirist jl•plt"> nueis in (ir.oige numlKT of non-resident pupils profit
dog on the sanily jilain *1101 far scar, ely clad at all Imlianv One t»ld held at Old
Mission, the presiding for hct|>, and he was fm.illv *iesc ued hall, aiul the riiut» h ol I’hnst (Scum- cxery year by the ex. client course of
I the l»ay
sliore, where the ImmIx c hief, who was credited with hax ing a elder. Rev. H. Penaeld, In-ing present, from Ins
dangerous 1x0011,111. list) m thrir icxcuiis on I inon Siicel. study jirotiled.
Uitl away without further c ere- . best full of w hite men’s M alj»s in his j. M. Prat! had Ih-cii a|«j»oiuied e’ass
.Another courageous pioiu’cr minis- The Free Methoclisis liold meetings m
Piijiils |a.vsing a satisfac tory cxanily.
w igwam, used to t t»me in wann leacler, aiid was the «mly otfi.ual mem- ter was Ryv. J. W. Miller, wlm still the l einw.KKl . lia|Kl, Tlic Hebrew matinif in the |ircs.nlHHl cuun^*s are ’
■ the W:intcr of I8:i2-rgl a
young weather alliretl only m a shirt and Iwr on the circuit; the quancriv con- makers his home in I ravenw l ily, in congiegaiioii iiic*efs m its synagogue admitted to the I’nixeniity at Aim
idicil at the Iniarding house, and breech-cloth, but preserving through-i fereiwc therefore consisted of cmly a cosy residence on Slate street, and on Park street.
.ArUir on their « ei*lifM*ales.
to EheotbrnMl ond Rdigkms
-■ V'-.v;-ri^i
3^ Ss\s'(ivA 0^^ wv\\V & ^
Vw^ore CVvddnwA. 6^
fire iLedroafi
; / W ' ft;
Wk Wwottsfft ww stodi.
With Christmas in .mind we. have bought some
beautiful waist patterns, single one of a kind. They are
fully equal to our $1.75 quality, and will be priced at
$5rf» the pattern.
This store is famous for -its choice stock of fash
ionable dress goods. For an elegant gift nothing ex
ceeds a dress such as you can select here.
An elegant stock of all kinds anc! qualities, from
ipca dozen to $2.25 each. \'ou can hardly fail to suit
yoursclF-^and for Christmas, what more sensible?
SkMiVs, CtkV&Ts
Your friend better than a nice umbrclla—a last
ing reminder in unpleasant weather of your thought
fulness—Any price froth 39c to $5 00.
CVo&V. 'V)ev&T\mtu\
Here you can get garments for ladies, fnlsscs and
children, and a surprise along this line will be appre
And all sorts of Neckwear. Pompadour, back
and side combs, and a hundred and one things in the
notion stock that are suitable and desirable for Christ
mas giftt. 1
Table Linen, Napkins. Towels, Our stock never
more complete in these lines. Chenille Spreads, spec
ial values. 75c and :?i.oo. Our wonder in Bed Spreads
at qSc, still on hand.
Out tkoeVAxat VvutykTe^
^au\V^\*4vifa\a x»a ut%t, WA
To ladies, always. Guess at the size, and-if not
right they can be exchanged if not tried on. 7qc buys a
good pair, but not warranted. $i.oo and Si-.co for guar. anteed goods. Our line is very complete. Kid. Mocha,
Silk and wool Mittens for ladies, misses and chiklren—
from 5c to Si.50.
AukrabU atWdaa ^or ClvAakmaa
iQUT hatjAa^.
atxk u>U\vcu\ eacev^kotv \Vve^ are uae^A as u>aW as
axlbed After mywting the bed j noon fcr Portage, tet. miles thb akfelrtrike
the other aide ai»>t «ilb.
■wemaad I am ajvecoosidetedtt mio oottoget iiiside|OfMaiu«ee. where we srete to spend om a jar. All I had t6 do was to
here is a dollar., of h. so without undressing we made; the nighi. At Portage we met Mr. dii« to the saddle and ghe him dm
ronr ^and take ns aenm.'* a lo«mge of the bed and using diawl Fnutk Hannah, brother of Mr. Pern lein. IV-Genetal" would jump Kke
ether it
oSdal air aanm-: and ot enxttt for coveting we put in I Hannah, on his way out.
Prom that
a deer an.1 com
or di^t^^diat commanded ^ test of the night.
The nest place we took thelwach to Herring hammer without mem to his rider..
Eventfid Trip
to Grand Tlrdberse
Stof, tf Mjomme, in Whkt Twn 7M^ Eiper. S
tJe1^‘:^^!l5:rI^'^s ‘^TiSTv." eit:S m Muffs mto the Uke.blodimgthebeach
cucuii around them
These vanetl m
«»«> okK
•Udm dead that had perished in tUt; right roi-aUv and after liccakfasi sent
IMO, h>ni«
? lor ounchm
nilKGrui^Tiavcnercgioii, we prrI»fed to kavr our homo m I-ani«g
where Mr. , Ramadefl wai jpractidng
beiag Aod. 'he 0OM take the Udy dark
snd chr tatdicls but the gentlemim Finally after much (fcUy
RaimiaMI a2 horVarrA him
would ha%*e to walk. In the coonc of ed the matter bv savine to Mr' Rams- Ramsticll
hort<;^ to
to t'u.rr>
him t.
_!S«»h.ch;b,Lrtwxst\ half an hour the
to pkk
The •'Stage** war 11
without, for I knw wc shall turn un his M.uihwanl tri|».
a span of Indian ponies in .
hall way between a New- j that
«bat is
» ail
all iu
its easy enough. Get on wav over hill, mia logi - ' ..^.i-t
foundland dog and a wertern broncho, that boat; thetir is no .Unger here rivers and luo.As. -,The«were no
Under the direction of the mail boy under the bar." So 1 go. in. the fish- bri-lges then ..n ,he ^d,.
c«1 Manistetr that aftc:
ton ami
(who wore a mustache and side whit-:
««* the oars and Iwforr 1 ha.111 rearhcti
l tKrs.xi r»s k
ken,) the lady mounted the cart .nd rime toImnt or say
my ,ira)w we s,«-i,
a week there visttmg. Inen.ls
the scat which had all the spring ol
«m »he northshore an.1 making a. .|ua. mam cs ami then
, ,
j.mntev whuh
the axle and po more.
ol the Pere Marquette nver,
|eeiorcl to resume
So we stafted out of Pentwater' There was no umo then at Pere yas to be on horse back.
for Manistee, the “gentleman" walk- |
mg behind. tVe expected to reach
that night but the (ate
the other side,
tlm irtofl*h.^
But there was one thing >ihc “Turk**
could not prevent, ahat m^ik the catch.ng«fn.ydress»m the Iwoken hem-
When t got
Hut ii. a sUWm the |SLv*age U» Hen/on a im dress, which mas a
/he -.vc. mq;h. ........ gM.ila7m..c.uc.hc jonnicv.
sh^. ncciKa..
rcu iKiieK .XI
Den/on;a me siop|iex]
Mr. J»4m Ba ley s ami mere lu.s"
goodraad library by way of Jukwon
nir anti the %kavcs roll higher am! pitahiy
ref^i%ol and
urn! our horses and ably rei^oc*!
. ^
' V l .T
and Chicago, to Northpott and took
*rhe m*\l <lav •
the Ramahoni R. R. Just then opened
haMc to reac h ami lavs the Morts Ih«ann hut ine ^ot a bu- stan
ftom Lansing to Owomi, thence by
tween the !»ar amlHemn*; lakes as th IN
UVieat.V.I r»inlc lake at
UG.H.& M. to Grand Haven,
pU.c utu-.e the Un.l sh.les wlu-,,. .c Usl
liorNc-N and
Our intentioo'was to go from flrand
u,__ «ie t ame
..ere the
a!f our Innrh. Mr. Kamsdcll «as un
Ha^ by steamer to Milwaukee, from
able to stami tlu* jar ol rapfl rul ni:
thereto Manistee by tail and then
junetkm. kUu|»|K^sIil the letn^ i lunj;
»>n hiN trip fiamnict hi»iNe, ami it mas
Boom by trad to Traverse City.
saddle, ami-Turk-did the reM. tlaik U lore me rea. Iieil l ra.erse Cilv.
acachiim Grand Haven our plans-werc
He would strike m I whim! a r«xnlmg U e tame m on the sAMkm I in- rt»a 1
changed. The propeller Mean
wave, da-sh around and out Ikchne the m»m hi\ s iui street. b\ the old Htmtway
neat m*ave came in, if the tlistam e mxN
nidi ihmiigh Slab rom ii, »rt»^M*»l
tth a quantity ofh
of lurolicnnan «
It was dark when wc paned the {
short, but mhere it mas ttm great Im the nver .>i» I n «»ii strix*! and domii
i (chiefly
ly baled hay) to be de- cliflfs south of F^e Marquette Ijikc!
that he mtMild hustle iinld the ma\e Fn»ni Mreet tt» the Cuiiton IIuupw,
livered at Lincoln 25 miles south of and dark when wc reathed the beach
m*a.s nearU u|M»n us, then turn lat aig 1 mm t ullage Home.) The saw tii-ll
Manistee, and if the weather would beyond, but light enough so that I
. It and rear .so as to lift me entirely mas ruim iig and the tim k and vard
permit was to go around Big Foim could see that we had txMh wheels in
.abotc th** crest and as s<m>nasit tUNs- I ghtet! um mhch 1 ttnrk lor street
SauUe to Frcetoa,only ten miles south ; the water when the wavds rolled in.
cd he m-oultl tlomn and st atiqier until lights siip|ios ng that me mere entering
of Manistee. So wc went on board I was on the lake««rsiae but ready
; the next tme came and re|wat the <»|»- a city. . The name had g:\en me the
the Mean and took our chances.. It to sfiring the moment 1 felt the cart
tcralion until the land slide mas iuns- imi»reNsion that me m ere .'t ten mg to a
was a beautiful morning when we! drop.
Soon the shoreward wheeb
jed. But the C.eueral look the mallei large tomu am! I had
thought to
steamed out of the harbor on the Ukc, Iran over some article, tilting the cart
fdiflrerently; he mould made in. Irt the impiire alHuit the |Hqmlation,
And my delight in the beautiful ami ^ toward the lake, and 1 screamed and
1 waves roll o\er him ami the saddle,;
sadcUe, ,
l*he next morning I went out, aiul
new (to me) water trip was great. , sprang, pass^l in (roint of the driver
riling his rider to themaist. \4Vhen : U»uking ;
id there mas the Bay i
But the wind arose. The lake grew over the lioa and saHed through the
: had iiassed the bluffs and. feacdiekl all its Iwauty in front, womls.
rt^her and rougher and the liadly ; air for shore carrying the lines with
the old mill at Hemng creek me dis- ea.si, mmsls at the south am! a streak
i ballasted boat began to roll until for | me. No inducement could \gct roe
mountetl to liait the horses and take of land running up toward the west,
' eight loi« IkW 1 moahed and groan-: into that cart again .that night
our lunch. With the ex< cplion of my I asketl in Miqirise, “mhere is ihet ilv
^kitoo sick to Ause my head until wc n>lkcd with the •‘gentleman** cm the
stirrup foot Turk had kept me IK-rllvt- me came through last night?” llic
\ rounded Little Saublc Foini and beach a mile and a half to the (cny.
ly dry, but Mr. katns*lell mas ilu»r- city had vanisheil, .\l tlie comer of
Nrntered Fentwatcr harbor, rtO miles Wc arrived there after nine o’clock.
oughly drenchcii to his maisi.
Park ami From street,' mas a little
koai Manistee.
| The ferry was locked upon the Urther
Shortly after passing Herring creek ht>use vkx upied U a Mr. Bustmirk.
Here the cajitain of the Mean* in- ' shore. The wind was blowing a gale
' we left the Iwach and took an ol«l dis- On the kit wheie the Front Street
formed us that he could go no farther and the big Uke was roaring fearfully,
usetl trail acToss to Benzoiua. By do- House stood mxs another cM*«nipie<l by
down the shore and we would have to j Call for ferry^ wa.s useless, but it
ing so me m-ould avoid the land slides a Mr. Fomle. ami Iwtween that and
either go ashore there or go with him ! brought some fishermen (rom their
along the blurts Iwtmeen the Herring Cutler’s mere tmomore, one o*x upknl
to Chicago, as he should leave his i shanty near by. Their boats were all Marquette, (nowLmlmglon). ' I'hc luggage was sent by Um toChi.ago and the Helsev and save live miles of bv Hr. (brnsUle. These and Cullers
supidics there,
and ,j on the
big lake™
side ol the beach ™
and j.......
mill was not runnirig and
on <o
I.. travel,
losing hi
aa.a-.v, load with
«.aa. lumtier
.«...xrt.. -a.xa
*a.i. the
luv l>oardw ami
.aiio then
Old «>u
. FiiverNc V 11 v, 1>.
I f. I..
uavei. but
luii there
iiiere mas
mas .langer
.Uiiger ol«.flosiug
m use mere all the houses at the
go iftrecllo that city.
I to ationpt to go through the leakers) mg hou*e m-a-s occufid t.y a (;eniian Fjler
..u- ho n.II,,;; hors., the trail, as ii ha.l imi Wt. us.,1 for mouth of the river ex.eix the bouse
At that time the government car- and around the pier was too ^er- and his wife, neither of whom . .mid -Turk" and Mr. K. N.rr.med hi> l.ro- some years, and win.lfalls fre.)ucnlly of Morgan Hales iriiere Mr. Rolqrts
ried a weekly mail between Muskegon ous even for them to undertake, isjwak a word ofKnglish, and (
iherV h.irsi-••Ceiieral." The t ieneral ol.stniitc.1 it. On this trail I ha.l a
The Imarding. h*^.
It was a “Star route," i-Phere was a govertmwt life boat |bme<l r.crmanconsiste.l«f Yaw. Ncn. was a rather fine l.«A.ng lay Imrse new and pleasant c»|wrien.v with fuvler f.ennaine-s h.mse iid Air.'
run by pony expres, and we chanced close by on the h«le lake but_ none ^^d Nixfusta. We wenttotheUiard- Imt a hard trotter ai..l an awkward -Turk." He w.mhl jump anything
anvthing Hannah
s old roidem
c, were all the
ilwatcr in time to catch but government' officers Wkre
to land at Pent
. ' ing .house and.
fifteen mulloping gallo|H-r. The Turk mas a not imire than four feci high m ilhoiit rest *if the city
SUli City or
use it ,* The
| minutes of yarn ing, ncining —....
and .....
the stage -cn route to Manistee, so
N<»rrel of fine
fonn, gnu v«iii
cfiil iijiMiiMi,
mot urn. uaii^ei
danger ii>
to uic
the 1rider.
'*.....^ key was left m*iih them
....V ..V....,
u a raiComing
fal- .'NnaniV
Shanty 'Fomn,.M attered over the di.shere was our chance, or rather my, but theywere insimactl not to use It-fustaing and ittulomime me under- ca>y rider and the very i^rfc ium f»f len tree he mould stop, raise his fore iria from Oak to Division streets.
chance, as it afterwards provetl. The ‘ except in distre or to ferry govern-! stood that we could get neither sup|.er equine intelligem e.
ft-cl al»ove the lug and then spring
This is th^ story of htm I <aiiK to
was found, his horses were jroent officen^.
said the j nor breakfast, but meeould havea riK.m
We started aUmt imp in the after- just high enough to clear the log and Traverse City, and mhal I fouml here.
TriBOrtiiMiiamartsiin Old Santa Claus Dumped His Entire Load In Our Two Stores. Ti»iii<ii.iiaMicii,mtsiw
No IHd Stock Carried Orer From Last Year-Everything New aod Dp-Mtte
TH« Book Stor^ Department
Last year we had two
employ ten.
Bazaar Store Department
tumo. whkli wc pcnooallr ackctkl {com the
u, ana Standard Weifa fa* a warktr of taodinta-hcaotiful and durable. Our ficat Tarietr caaUcaua to lathfr «n tasUa.
One of the busiest stores in the city, and an
entire new stock of
Toys, Games, Dolls. ChinA Shjerwape, Jewelry,
Glassware, Cloth Goods. Dmjjisb Sundries,
A Ur iwkhaae of TeaeWa Biidea, with cowordaiiM. inapa
ART CAME0S~a bcautifiil novdty. 25 to 85c.
43 Kinds of Candy at lOc a pound.
•rt 15c to $7.50
TTiis is a marvelous store, full of bargains, and positivdy nodiing in
the entire stock over lOc each.
Wc were pureuaded to add tftese three new ttacs by die extra tndticementa of bargain prices.
Picture Frame Department
The prices on above goods not equalled in tHe state.
PcxJket Books
Novelties. Fancy Gpods, Brushes, Etc.
Owr$9Mweith«r new ^oedi Btri »
pwlut boAta teM*.4Mlim
1200 Toilet Sets
We have two expert workmen, the best assortment of mouldii^ in
the dty, and can faame your picture “while you wait."
t from 5c 10^6.50 och-A big pmCdMiibiMboa Minort tefl M 25 cofli.
uwl ^ fw 4t trtdi-GKEAT BARGAINS I
Mafl Orders Receive Prompt Attention.
Root Start, Tiavene Ciiy, Mchipn
;.;, '_ ■.
' -
Mr. CaK were building a mansion, tbe fonner. it some shift could be
The .next summer. Jofan ltaKT[&maies of Mt.LetiieaadMcLaimUm
l»xl!l ieet'm siic. oo a
mthm , made.io supply the latter. A sailor came to Join the bmilv ol Mr. Lenieffiom N'aduia(t.odleraetdenbm^
theptesem village of Northiwrt. This , on board the H. Merrill the icsmtI at f.len .\rbor. ButinthefaU oftbe atrive.'
iteacoo Dame carnTfamt
log house stood toe many yeais. and , that ha>l brought the jiarty to the bay, same year. Mr. Lcrue and Cunih te> old MiMm and vaa the hnt to mo
•as afictwards used as a store by , came to tlie rescue. With a red flan- I moved to Northpott to qwnJ the uin- ■ busiiieiB. He hmn the
White & Burbetk a&a NotUu«rt had nel shirt and a shite sheet, he ma.le ter. jMwut tbe same time, Mr. Me-f
to 1* Ijuite a seulement.
a flag that the settlement vote.1 goo.1 l.aughlin remove.1 to KHt lipids; i ?
-e......!. for
r.„ the
Sdoo a la^e numl»cr of Indians, enough
All he
theTO building the saw miU ’
Skicfc «f ito Eaify HMoty md the Sinijgici of the M
iDittat to note die
y as fifty families.* >;uns of the jiarty mere made to ilo f.w .\. S. Wailsn-orth. In the
folkned Mr. Smith to \orth|ion. ser\ H e as cannon. an<l all ma> ready o. IK.'il Mr. 1 croc xnfl
where he mu%cd shonly after his first mhen lnde|»CTnicnte I»a>
arri\al in the counirr.
ITic tomTi llic sunrise.ma> grcetol miih a \ollc-y
fiia^is wa> caHeJ of guns, ajnl the mhoic sctilenicnt
hiuse, »s .vet, in ^ arhole
chief mem to the small island in the iu>..
ami the mh«rc a most jainoiic though not
.V MamcauWatetl at the
Chrhs-‘ verv claltorate « elebralu»u mas
,eesthe immediate «- visited the bay and madeT^ice of
just liegun the constnictioQ of the first
dulgetl in.
em Mte of 1 eland.
He «as foil... e.1 J"
numing tiU
I‘re|»anitions mere ma»!e b\ the set inIK54 bv .1. I. M.ller. .t.vhn IVmer.
j county o( l.eelanau cm site of Northport.
There was do road
tlement Hbr-^^ong hard m inter, but
■ history of the settlement
~About the same time, lames .M< they mere agrcc^>l\ surprised In a
of the latter trill be of interest.
leading to the little Indian settle\erv mild season, no snom falling iinii! set m motion Uw the t^stru.iion of a „
to the year 1H47, there kaioo band of Ottawas at Old Wi
Do . 12. and all th4l being gone and
am! p.er ami a sa« mill, whn h were not
-----not a white man lin ing in all
Allegan com»>;. wa* ordered to
was not a horse in the village, and bat
death, fioni ex|iosuie the giound in gotnl conditum f«>r t ub imill for some time. h«me\er.
laaan cbomjr. From Cat Hca*l Point regioo of Grand Traver«r Bav. He
three \okc of oxen. But one steamer
the line of duly. April 5. IKhl. t ^aI on b> the first ol April.
In IS.-.4, John F. Fisher of Fondtp the prcftcot boundan of Benne left tbe mouth of the Kaliinaroo ^
tout hed at the half built pier.
ccNim^ was one imUoken fiircst. m- river May 27. 1841*. with his lamilv ot
liftbited almciw entirely U> wiW licasts, six. including himself, and the faiiiilv
and Hufialo. llic entire popuUtioo
as there were fea Indians there at of his lirother-in-Uw/Wm. H. CaseJ
of the sclilemcni consisted of the
which included three persons, in the j
famihesof the folU»m-ing; Joseph Dame.
C>n the Manttdo islands there were whoocier H. Merrill. «hi<h was owned
H. O Rose. Amos Fox. Wm. Voice.
a ver> few people. Two small iners by Mr. Mcl^aughlin.
Capl. Peter Nelson, A. R Page, S.
had been btiilt ibr the acxommmlation
Pfctccding lo the present site of;
W. Wilstin, 1'homas Retford. J.
of steamers that stoi^icd there for Holland, llic) took on board Mr. i
BurUvk, O. U While, Henr> Boye*.
wood. The one on tbe northern island .Smith and his family, making a toul
A.(\ Stevens. Thetnlore Woodruff,
was owned by a man named Pirkartl. of IS fiersons who were coming to
lliram Bet kmiih, Jc-sse Morgan, Wm.
whfle Mr. Barton owned the cme on the wilds of Iweelanau munty. .\firr
(;ill, aiul Wrii. •niomas. Of these the
the south. : Two fishermen without a temiiesluous voyage the jiartv roundr I >
grelter numlief mere heads of families
fiunilies abo lived on the north island, cd Cal Head Point, and eni^ed the ‘
but a few were unmarried men.
and the lighthouse was kej»t by a man bay. June 11,
The first frame structure in the xnib
nameil Clark.
Af the po.ni iircviouslv selected
age mas in the form of an addition.
South of the present l>oundar> of Mr. Smith landed, with his family. Aj
14x2« feet in si/e. to a log house;
luCcUnau county, at the mouth of the ‘ drenching ram, was falling, and the]
ITie first entire trame house mas built
Bclsey river, Josc|»h Oliver, a white |inw|»cct mas gloomy indeed. Mr.
by Mr. qiiomas. fat Mr.
settler. Iiiwd with his ln<lian wile, and Smith, wdio was a devout Christ an. i
suptiortcil his family by trapping and was tempted to doubt the Divine
In IhoG. the firm ot White and
guidance on which he always dejicnd- j
Burliev k licgan the construction of a
These, with the small settlement at etl. but he vill dung lo.the hojie that ,
^dot k aUnit three mile« north of NorthOld Mission and a Ure handful of he mas stillled of the U^rd. and |»re.jiort. m here thev aK, engaged in the
men at Traverse City, formed the only pared to make the best of things,
|busmevs tffsc-lling mtiotl, tan bark and
while tJO|mlation anymhere near the ‘
.And surely the tiros|iect mas gloomy ‘
cellar jHWits.
comdy of I.ccUnau.mhen John Lerue. enough. The rest of the comiiany
Mr. Hose mas the first treasurer of '
the first settler, look up his residence that had come with him had not
; the tom iiship of Iarland, mhich at that
(ajj^iwng Bear Hay, nom (den ArtK»r. liked the- Kh alion. and ha<! gone on to |
lime im iuded all of the |»resent counVriiTlItK. He hail gone first to the the pie>cnt site of \orlhiKirt. and
ties t»f Uvlanau ami Bcnrie.. He re
Manttous in search of health, leaving wuh il,e exception of the fem there
lates horn' he traveletl all ov er the
hii^ family at their home in Oicago. ami at the seulemeiit at Old Mission.
ttmnship. going as far south as the
Hchc he hail licgim a trarth with the. Mr. Smith knew of no mliiio in all
, present v illage of (Hen .Arbor, to col-,
Indians mho visiletl the islands, and the region, f ust l»ark of the s|m»t he
;Photo 1.7 maittt nod pri«^’;
let i the tax, which mss somewhat less*
this business Ik- movetl to Sleeping lia.l ciice<n. the kcetnmglv imiHmetta. TRA\ EKNX CITV >i III slKES-<>:XTItX.
Bear Bay.
ble smamp shut him off on the tami
.Such mas the beginning of the
Meanwhile. Rev C.tNirge
Smith, side, and the Uiv
from effectually He mas buned iie.ir llic m cnc of his
I he next season uas a vet\ haid dn-lait tame to (Hen .ArUn.
tmntyof U*elanaii.’ mhich has had
of theCongregatmual church, mho mas Kirred him fr«ini «
iinunication mitli lalMirs. ami mcrl<Hiking the li.o.
I he «ri»ps, t»f «ourse, mere cv.i>
(vas tollomctl
lolltmcti by
bv his family,
ami that til siu li a devehipment shwe that time
riu •K tllemcni ai U rnika/* o\ ille nita-er. as tlie\ had had In lie time luv brolher-in-Iam. Mr. Cngshell. from that there is little to surest the old
rondmiing a mission murk among the the rest of the morld. for a lime, at
Indians of the Black Ri\er counlrv. Iea.sl. It mas a pn»s|iet l that mas mas hardly eslablishcfl mhen the set lor «leatmg ground.
I he vessel ihal \em Vt»rk slate, and the next ’'vear tlavs in the thriving |iopu1ation that
in Ottamamuniy. had lieeti disturUsl calculated lo unnerve a stout heart, tlers remcnilieTetl that the I ourih ol mas |4i have brought ihetr supplies bv Hr, W. H. Walker of I ond-tlu-i-a.. nom fills lhettMln^. Prosperous/ill.
in some may by a settlement of Hob but there mas no comanln e in the July mas appro.ichmg, and luing pat- mas mTe« ked. and iheir -iipplies mere Ceorge Rav an.l .1 man b> the name agc*s, miiuennis churches. jirogTc^c
landeni who lfMatc*fl near him. Just pioneer minister, and he l>c*gan at rioiicv they did not wish to jet tin- day ver\ lorn. A Ion;; hard mmier lob of N uti from < »hin.
\ pier ’ mas built m htxjls thrivii^ farms,and orchards
mhat the trouble mas hisiort fails
on« e the mnrk of m:^ing the mihier- |iass miiinmt fitting tibservame, 'riic\ lome.!. and till* srltlers vt ere \eT\ neat on tlu -sjHit altermard tn . upieil bv«the mhosc fruit is famous nom* cover the
say, but Mr. Smith mas not long
had no cannon and no llag. but thc\ the verge of Marvation when the .I.M k til Cliarles Russmaii.
ess luibilalJe.
county tliat hall a century ago was an
making up his miml t<» remove
Meanmhile Mb* M< l.aughliii .and <lc< ided that thev couM do m ithout sjiring o|,i*nol.
.StH»ii alter
.Icianurc of ihv unbrJu-n wiblcrncss.
i-'w--' .
>•» ..
>, i. II i i
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
Santa (^laus
Doffs His Hat
Once More on his annual round of visits, bringing happiness to the little ones, and
pleasure to the older ones to be able to assist him in his good work.
li on the second Floor of our inaitimolh esUblidiroent. Never before has such an endless variety of beautiful and useful Christnnas ^ been fathered under one roof.
eUwa Ims omptitnl hit
ixiick and 80ch a htiK'k of
10. i:». 2.V-11II |>rioo8.
EoldierH. uitHdmiiicnl toya.
that nail ami IkniUi that don't
'Wblocka. cradlcts ma^tuia. nuking
^onuyi. balla. drama and
WhiU* U.lk blmk dolk Jnn
dolk Chiim dolk Bkiue doll* dolls tbst K<> (o fdoi^p niid thoso
thnt sUv avnke- dulls tlint caM uc
•nd doll* that sell for ri.«RI
Stvmpttrmg for the little onee—
EomethinK for the older on* a —
g^mea to amate, games to InFtmct
—naval game* from 2.V, Pillow
Dex 2:>c—Aulhora. the ever ptipular game, at 10 and 2.>c—Dominoea from oc-rCheckera, all hizes.
from r»,i Backgammon Boards at
10. 2:>. :iOo Nerve Croquet, the
new gnniH at 10c — Card (janiee.
Board (Hmea-Archarena R.nrda
that combine nine other gnu a-., at
$2.i>-Crokinole Boards at Sfl.25.
Xotliiiig so captirate* Ibo w..nifii of the boose iw k-auliful eut
Berry Dishea at fO.OO—Water
Bottb^J $:i..*i0 to tfi.m —(Vlery
* Dishes «2.00-Cheese Disli ICI.UI
Drinking Glasses $*i.Of) st*t of 0 —
Knife H(^t $l.>'i0—beautiful Vases
from .-iOc-Toothpick He hlen. oflc.
A wonderful tlieplay of Solid
Silver GdiKis-makes a most acceptnblepresfluit. Kiiivetiaiid forks
from 5f'2..*iO the
Cake liaskets
from ;52.2T>—Baking dishes at So.UU
Ten sSets, :i pi.Hvs. :<:iT‘j-Boii
Boi. dishes. ll.To^Pickle dislu^
from 11.01)—Brush and Crumb
Drinking Cups .TOc
to II :iO-S>»p boxes l^i.OO—Pie
Knives. Oyster Forks. Cracker
dars. Napkin Rings.
Tbp gre«t fnetoriea of th* world
contribute to tbi* beenUful line of
g.K)d* - Hundred* of odd shape* of
plnte* with the daintiest decoratioiis from 2.h: to $2 (JO each—Capa
and Saucers from 2.>c to $lTflJdake plates from .'lOc^Salatl dUhes from T.'.c—Olive dishes, from
2.V: Dainty bits of Haviland china
—new deaiKna of Copenhagenodd pieces of Wedgewood.
The book binders and printers have vied with each other to prtxlucc the finest
of their arts," Handsome little Gift B^ks in dainty bindings at 22c. Juvenile Books
with colored pictures for the little on« from 5c—beautiful illuminated bdard covers
at IOC. All the latest copyright works of the .popular authors. Books for bo>*s and
books for girb—books that will please and instruct—^Sell from 35c-
The Hannah &
The Greatest Array of Beautiful Lamps.
Parlor lamps—all manner of shapes and styles of decorations from $4,00^
Hanging lamps from 85c. Hall Umps $2.50. with colored gkJbes and brass trimmings. Big and little lamps—decorated lamps and plain lamps.
Ti9 M#1HKQ^ RBOORD. SDW)AY, 1>IOCgiaCTl6.1899.
VfC«iefoar*iocto«t6ld MU|»oa in 1850, LcwU Miner. Aleraider
ilknl. Denoon Dame, and Cbirte* &
’CampbeO. who abo were oamen of
! die icbooaer Arrow. The Arrow not
rbeing farge enoogh to meet the dcfreight, her oWneta
about derUing a plan to increase her capacin. and being very
wu\e in proportion to her length, ih^
- ^
CMSts . ___ .
.ml -hirh
^^ccidcd to lengthy hcT. Aciwdinglv,
ft vm tn tlie early fifties that there a few veeb before apd^icfa has
TSTfad white settlers, however,
came-mocb eaHier, Res . Peter Dougherty mad Res*. John Flcmiiig arriving
at a little cove knownas Mtssioo Harbor tn 18S9. They had come by boat
fiwn Mackinaw,
they had
had sfieni
r. where
the previous
Preabyterian Board.
i preter <;reeiisk) as tracher, in a little
bark w gwao tbkl the I n lians had va
cated far Mr. Dougbetty’s use. In
the tall John Johnson arrived with a
yoke of.osen, he having been ajHM>mted as Indian iwincr by the Agent.
in - — ^
Asvlum creek now flows in, and drew
her out on the flat on the west side ol
the river, cut her in two. drew the two
ends ajiart, *nd by the aid of whij>I a-d the sawmill of H. Board, 4oraied on the saiiie creek, which
supplied its ,«wcf. Icriethened her 12
feet *o
so that in the .pring
spring *he
she came
An iiMlkn iimO. sa>i>Ue 0% far MaddiK dd. mmh k taami: eoM^. ^ il «m w>
ttarding on foot or honebtok. ««i Mid>Ml ud WiBUm F««r»U •toetcata ort^ a
titobtred tract
the oafy means of eocnaimicatiop be- captaint of the rchooaew Anwr and
^ tt, ready *» r^mwk. A:
tween^OU MUsion and the head of Yankee le-pectUeU which ran be-the bav throogh an unbroktn wOder- j t«ecn OM Mimwa and
' "8 • wm m the wildenci^ gnca a
new;, except for the Indian yfflagc of ...h
.4..— ^
pen picture of the situation. He afChief Pa-duw-b. and hU tribe. «t- ™
SSll retZS '”*?** ttoght the tet «hooi m Hk
uated on the dHwe just south of the
preaent site ol Anrhic Po« Office. ^
“Wi^fcniem. June 1*. 1854.
Later a iu»a
road wu
was cui
cut iniuu^u
through b)
^ oo h» faiin near Pon -M
— y l>Eaa
- ------------u} vol-Days and weeks have rolled away
unun* contribution of Ubor by the
^ kmtu
into the haae of die part and I havx
inhabitants of each end of the route, t
.hn hnih h.lf of th.- road nrar«t
a number of )*ear». not heard a wngie word trom you.
while started
-Thimday evening finds me here
where he in my Ultle cabin, which omiooki
Elk lake as it spreads its sdver dieet
on board the schooner
vriicn hc^cd about three >*caT» aga of unnvidlcd beauty before me. DaxkBower’s Harbor, during the winiei of,
Of William Bnxre nothing b known. DCSS is shuuihg in the scene; a huge
1H51 and ‘52.
Edward Chambers, the cook, was dis- pile of logs is on fii^ which afibnls
It was diMOvered by the early
j ---------------n------------covered by
bv a
ly Near and sends
settlers at Old Mission that there
music to my
uj^ the giant trunk*
were extensive gardens on the high- here on the yacht owned by C. K.. ] _
of the
the lurrounding tree*, while the
lands back of where Norwood now
standsihsl>d lx
been deserted by the
^ busmesson shrill voice of the loon U loudly home
There were no four dwelling*.
mire u fe« bark wig-ram* m a i^ow teacher; Jotin J«hn»n, fanner; I av..l
Tney found only one Indian in the
vilUge. the re*t of the band being
cao^ at the mouth of the river on and lanrU Miller armed. Air. Dame —
had lernred the appointment as Inthe oppoute side of the bay.
suerced John Johnnal made with a coUmn of smoke
With him were Mrs. Dame anti
^ bringing
„,.,..„un„y ,o gel tree*
■ with rt,.h to .tartan otcharA Aca the s. Sk.1 had clo*ed
to^^uire who the strangcfi and .Mar>. Olive M. came the foUowwere mad what they wanted. *
mg year.
After finding that the errand was to
On the 2<Hh of Novembtr. lKr>0,
publish a mission for the purpose of my father's family arrived at Old Mis-,
griring religious teaching, they sahl the »ion. having left MarJtmaw a few days |
chief would come in a few > prev ious on the schooner Arrow. The
dJL%% and then they would give an an-.vesd was so laden with hou^hold
swer. On arrival of the old chief, goods that her ngging was tied full of
Aish-qua-go-na-ba, a council was held chain and the lighter articJcs that
and It was dccideil to alfow the riiis- could not' Ik? «owed on det k or in
sionaries to csiaUish a mission. ITic the hold. It was a picture of lovelilocation was fint fised on the south ness that greeted our eyes as we
aide ol Elk River, and they rDin- turned the,harlior |»oini.and first saw
meoced cutting logs for the construe- the village in the west. The sun was
tiooof a dweMing and « hool house, just going down • Inrhind the Indian
With the eiccjition of a lariy of village, whose whitewashed log houses
tuneyvn at work cast of Elk and stood out in Injld . finirast against the
Torch Uket Mr. Dougherty was now forest bac kground; a lew canoes were
the only while settler in the rounir>*. lying on the shorc^ others were floal[une. Henry R. S< hoolcrafi. In- ing larily on the calm surface of the
Lgenl, airived in a small vessel harUir. while some tiaiives ami a few
rnomm of WllUffi* OroonuX/, lou-rpriop foi> Hot Pei-r DoturUrptf.
panted by his inlcrprclcr, Rfib- whites were gathered on the Inrarh to
raverat, ami Isaac (Jeorge, as await the arrival of our vessel, the
^ Indian blacksmith. Ixxiktng over the only means of i^>immmi<ation with ilistancc aMay, where tlieir prm« ipa’
ground and consulting ihe'wislies of llie outside
world. We foupd
foupd that
that the
the |»ro;luc
were< <orn
orn and
and iMjtaloes.
i»otaloes. F<»r
\h-go-sa and the frost
to* grim
grinding their com they used the |«»* oil..i i..
.1.,..^ „v.
the young • hl^f' Ah-eo-sa
Irost liad
had ijcmc
iKmc but little tlamagc
tnlw at
fit .M
M ssion
«ion vegetation.'
vcffciatum. and
lah-nun. a wmiden
wooden mortar and
ami IKTstli*.
i>estle. no do<
<lo< k at tliat
tliai place slie was obi
iirim iiial men of his trilw
ami the summer-like ap- lah-gun,
nvincdtl i»earanre made us feel that we had
Harbor, Mr. iKmgherty wascfinvincdtl
'I'he squaws «'ould l>e seen al- t*i am hor out some distance while
c harlior reached an ide;^
that, all things consiiicrcd. the
iile^ countiy.
i ountiy. We rented most any day wielding this pestle with the trees were brought on iNianI with
was a wore eligiUe site lor fhe^iiisfhe^iiiis- ahmi>eof
a house of an Indian for the winter.
winter, Iwith
Iwuh hands, and
ami thus pulverizing the the vawl.
ey were m* mi, on inir fami.
sion. Therefore, loading what things and the next spring purchasol the res- com to a consistem y suitable for ma^
finely and
were needed for immediate use into idem e of I >anicl Ro lil, which re- ing iiiiml-dali-min-ali-lKi (com soupV
n.m Jhe nldest
their princqal arude ol trees on the peninsula.
Indian canoes, they were ferried ac rosi maincfi in jMissA-ssion of the family un- which
Of the future of the pupils of the
to ibe filai rr where he had first landed til 1HK4. when it passed into other diet.
‘h» wh'««; P»l-«. 1 don’t k~»* ^
unle*s I tcU >vni how Hke
HiU- l.look
Mook just no*.
now. IVe xot
1*^.^- ' -Sam HiU'
sod m the •mter time many a sleigh
,h« old gray coal vvHiuied to
load wa* made up to meet there and
»ear wtUi Ml ton; of patches
qxnd the gteater part of the night in|i, .ou ever ‘heart, tell
d focial
danemg and
rocial enjoy
was known as the Half-way House, the tail muther.’ My-shirt is out of
and isstfll the-faome of a son, Kol>cn sight, ’cause my coat lortly ctncis it;
P. r.arland, and hi* tarailv.
but my over-aJLs ha%e got the worst
In• .May, av-rw,
HW.-!, Henry
■■1.1,1V K. Hfinkman lot of holes in them, and one of the
cdando]iencd a shoe store and legs is tom off dean up to the knee,
shop in the
building that is now and *furder’ too. My shoes have got
usetl as a «able on his farm. It was great holes in them,’ I haint got no
the first shoe shop in the ('.rand Ttav stoA'kin^ and my toes stick out like
CISC region.
c\ erythiiq;; and takii^ into consideraK I*. Ijidd. O. P. HughMm. Jame tiim the many directions to which my
K. r.iinton, Myron Chandler. Peter hair |K)ints. I aw about the shcepicst
Stewart, W. ('.olden, Alexander I»ort- looking cur out of chaos. But there
er, John Si^ey and Captain Shejk- aim anvliody to m?c me, and that
ard. owner‘s of the sloop Defiance, altcfrs the case decidedly.'’
were among other arrivals. Nom
The lands of the iWinsula not vet
Barnes arrived August 1st to succcetl l»eing in the market, the Indians deB. Fair as Indian caqiemer.
idctl that
would go w*hcrc they
««. J
.? 1
The buiMings of the New Minion l^ui out,' their UndL and having
licng ready for «ruianc) Rev. Peter :,^ve.l *on«:thii,g frun, the annual payI tougherty and family left the Old ments of the ^'ernment; thev }^rMission, August 1,. on the MJ,<«ner .-has^ Und*. on the m^sidc ofthe
k.agle. wtach had ,ust bjxnmmplelcd i,ava,,a moved fr
the PeninsuU
by the Pa-shaw-l»a Indians.-for their over there.
........... 3J™ -T; S" I si'L'SisHS
X; Mr::,' "iw I:""?
llPiani^aDil Organs
The limbers for these vessels were
obtained from the oaks that grew at
the head pf the ea.st lay. They '
made into rafts and towed to their
di-siinitim, by sii.-h «il vc*s<-ls or
steamers os c uuld |»e
Iroiii this ume .settlers Inyan to
take up Unds in different lorts of the
l>egan to reccxle, cultivated I
gan to a|q»car >ere and there.' orchards were being wet out.
Now it i
famous for its'fruits and when thc^
elc iri. ro»d skirtslhc Peniraub bet^eer\
it will I»c noted as the aumm^ resort
region of C.rand Traverse 7
t iiO!
Will appreciate a useful present, and especially if it be of best quality.
Holiday shoppers, take no chances, but-buy where you know^p>odsa^
the latest—where quality is right and prices most economical.
Are made in our own factory’, and are brought direct from the finishing
rooms to your parlor,
I -Ajt IFao-bory
6rm in the north. Call at the store'and sec our 6ne stock and get our
prices before you buy. as it means C^H TO YOU.
—They will tell you they are first-class. More thaJ 700 owned by your
Wear them all the year round—Wc re
fer to—
Ids and Shdet Music and Music Booki. Easy tenrn ifiksired. |
il(*nkstntl, Tf«v«mCltr
• i
Fur Collarettes.
—A lot of satisfaction in a. good one—
$1.90. $3.00, $4.50. $5X». $6.50 to lajjdD,
Abo Fur Muffs. Sorfs. Jackets. Capes.
Chad's^ etc.
Cloth Jacket..........................................$2.ii0to$»J00
Cloth Cape..................... ........................ $2.tW to $16.00
Pln«h Cape............................................... $2.90 to $16jOO
Golf Cape................................................. $5.00 to $15,00
of best and most popular materiah.ATTRACTIVE
Muslin or Knit UNDERWEAR :
In fact eveiything that goes toward man’s
comfort is here.
And a large variety of small aoveltiefa^;
We can P9sitively give you better prices on high class goods than any
I ABKindtofl
Usually need a great many things. We
suggest a selection from the following;
N. El STRONG Hunt-
Visit the Favorite South Side Store.
Traverse Cty.
Comer Union and 8dt
-' ■" V
'u\w: ■'.
;■;. ^
/--V 1________ -L-________ ____ _____________-
''■*• ■!r---'Vi
OJM ■%!*.-Mb. M€«innis.M. the other, lookii« uond footi the i^to( the tto%e pipe that stock up
drev down die green paper the diihn crashed and p«t anray, die
■ “budcwheiu*" he «as ftyag far dieir thnmgh the roof in place of a clii^
Icemted widi a gihcnitle, mod wedged a tolid maple-chunk" into
jafter the prunith-e fashion of the time.
; At lamp carefany-4ar «kar. the *tcn e. “and I don't want to wake
•^t X^c CSnim/ Wa%#C«
»w*y • week : Sure.
Sure eoo^, « faint thread of smoke
*0^ pro- (roie«sliflronrt?*helt Shore
«=»« of that )tNnig fel- was stOl ^-isOJe. and they knocked
M'S llll. L.raiUwl I/MIO Weeded to *et her frugal «vi*r. ^ a gode thing, no., that Jack hanked ^
at the louder
buc than before, with i drcail o!
they knew not what if they
fried two slices of sah pork, one for up the boovr when he niu home -fast
house, ansaered Mr. Pall»rcak open the
heneif and one for OUver. who. like P think HI m to ka|ie up a fire the
P«itiveiy. So ik> more thought dioulil lie forced
n--------en to the
ofiTie. was very ;night, though'ihe stme holds «> Imlc.
- Widow Mci^bnia.
at Oiristmas da\ was perhaps
But now a wice fixjin mnihm called,
__________________ 11 apt to clamor for
►: then she
diced ______________
rU likely have to get up mm and
quietest known since the little “Is that
Jack.> nUie thrrcsooo
dby any of «..«
us in
fiotatocs.mtothe hot again
to fill it.'*
fKKNiof the daybr-l
is!the Ihde^miet at the head of the ^
brewed herself a strong^ c uj»
She then |»ruicetlcti to array hersell
*1»ning into existence.
I'hc as ever l can light this liothersome
and Mils McC;innis!
- ' bar.
for bed She put on a linscv’woolMrv
a track lamp.*
was iMsilrkfiittmgon a pair of dooUe-;
bay. So that the dothes wcr^>ni!at
her fumMiiig about, and
yarBmitteiiswIwAdiewnhedtofroishjand whole, it matter
tnc sbdf.
sneir. which
wmen Mr. Fowic.
l-owlc. at the leown,*’
gown." and wTamieti
wTap|ieti a small niai.t
plaid ^^ick and fast, and the wmd dashed presently t
as a Chnttmas present for her ton; the cut and style.
up Mrs.
niad career piling it up
.MiHiinim. lamp in haiui,
•jadL, who was at workoot in the turn. ^ Mrs. Mr<;tnnis had returned only Iwarding house, had given to her. but iduwl about hpr^houKlcrs and nightand siXKiping it out there and still attiretl in her grole^ue night
ber camps.
the day before from a week*s nursing. that was religiously resersed for the cap|iefl head. The cat was givm a
hither and yon.
costume, omironted her rescuersi.
It seemed togrow dark very eariy, land was trying to make up lost time i morrow’s dinner, when she exjiected soft cushion ncaXt^hc sto\e, and sixin
darkness and ihestpmi had it all their
n^^ht the wind lullcti.
- rhe l .oril save uiil' she ext laimed,
cren for the taae of the year, aad die i on her knitting—for her duties had * jack would lie at home.
“It’s lucky 1 baked the pics this own way.
and the next morning shone clear and marly dropping the lamp m her surlatciom to Che west window in order I been too aifiuoits to permit of am
tb//lmg while world, pn^-. • an' w hat is all this racket aUx>l?
else I’d
I'd most hkcly
likely not have
momim: tbwncti
tbw'neil gra\
erav bright on a. tU//lmg
Christmas morning
10 act every ray of day.light powible t pawtme. and the half-finished mittcri
People ^
shoveling jaths
jaihs What's
irU shoicling
^ s hap|»ened? Is Jar
Jack hurt.>"
c—and Ja< k so fond of and cheerless ami bitterlv coKI. It
before resorting to Che luxury of light, i had lain untouched in her «a|anous
ailing I-bictU *hnsii]
ow-ft myself.
“No, no, .Mrs.
.Meflinnis," Mt. ‘
cm, too. Now’for
I d much still snowing, ami drifts wvre piletl in and t all
to one another,
, ________
_ ______
____ *Jic
Heavy ox teams * Patrick hasteiutl to a.vxure her, •• lack V
widow MoC;
u pertia,»
The w«»
l•ofI^wh, l.m he'* high
aiul famaMi.
sh,pe> .............
out breaking
enough to like the pies streetv Pet»ple iK-ejK-d out of their
the rtutK, their all right as far as we know; i.ui you
* ' ' *
’ os’crlookcd a pan
tmyilabhoaic.rk»etothebayaborcidaywas gray and coUl-lookinit. and *»'«*
"'ell. Jack's a giKsi bd and d.M,P*—for w indows were frosted ihu k
beating chilleil hamls acrt>ss were snowed in. .iml we were afraid
^ ^r\c* die l*est I can give hi>iL"
inside and ilnfletl outside—onlv to re>n<H»her- lou t tnild not get tint b> vours<df, so
downon the wcm tide, then better]beat upon
When the meal was read) sKe ami treat again, ext epl when neirssitv
we ttntk the liUrty to shovel vou out*’
aa-Bggdad,"—a pamt^iven to 1 hollow found.
However. Mm. Mo
the uble, which roniiKTlIed them to venture fonh. and
Ian gratlly obleegeil to ye.'’‘
wag familiar with * f Hnnis wasted n6 time in gazing out
Patrick with his two young ajk. said the UMsildered'oKI bdV. M*arcely
Che Aimbtan Nigbia
Somehow, thejoTher frosted window at the snowy
realizing what had hapiRmcl. “.\n*
Muck, though the dwellers Of the j sweep of shore bordered by dark ev erwhen
vou all a nu-m Cliristmus *•
regioo, iMappreebting the humor or|grecns, but improved the waning light.
“JaK>k overiherel" |K>inting to Mrs thedav.*'
• it, properly lescntcd^ the term as; not even siojq»ing to get her lea,
Mcr.mnis'shouse, orthepb.e where
“li sa bit ltH» ble ft»r that, Mrx.
o mysteriously savonng of o|>tirobriurn. [ though the kettle sang invitingly on
It had been, fur now the front was! McC.iniiis. but we'Il take the gcKKl
• f'Slab town," now, though far from the little cook stove, and the big yelcompleielv hidden by a huge mound wishes just the same. Here's Krhard
degant. was at least aiiprppriate. and loit<^t rubljcd himseif ingtktiatingly
of snow . -Ilun't that look like smoke waiting w ith some bundles that Santa
^ held no sinister meaning. Mrs. Mi- against her feet to remind her that it
I ot iher*M»l?**
C'buse could not deliver vesterdav."
Hinnis cared little what the place was was past supper time.
The cat was
my soul! * exclaimed Mr.
-Sure. >mi tl.m'i mane to tell liic
called: -Bagdad," or “Sbb-lown." it her iosefiarable comjianicki.
WhenPatrick, droping hts shovel in surprise, this is not ('h^s^ln.l^ maniing?" |»eriflactered not, so that sJie wau wrarm < ev'cr she went away to stay any length
rThr old bily is sm>wed in. sure sisied the widow.
-What mamilig is
and corofortal>le, and had Jac k, and of time she always carried Oliver, as
_ i| ,|n n. l\\ U- liking to kmm.-'"
ber cat.
I she called him. with her in a < overed
Just then Mr. M's c oat liman drove
-l.ord save vou. wonuan," t ried Mr.
“After all. what s in a name," she market basket; and contrary to rat .
his turn. -U'hat
• was wont to declare, not knowing she nature, he scrmrcl |»crfcr»ly content to*
.{Mrs. Mitiiimis Irtun the
‘•White|were vou duing vesterdav, th.it you
. was queuing Shakcs|ieare; “Vuu might stay
his mistress was.'
: House. 'wami underclothing fm herself, I tlidn't know it was i hristmasMaylcafl me the Quane of Scutbml, but “There." she said at bst as she finish- •
U nicely browned coKl t hi* ken, p;i* k- an»l such a *!av, at ilial.^"
Td not get a mess ci* |iomtch on the ed the gay tufted what. “These will do[
ages c»f tea am! lob.i*« o. and one of “Hut there, now,"he a»lded in a kindstren'th cjfit."
Jac k some good
If he comes home|
Mrs. H'sdeliciuus mmre- pies.
He her spirit, “we ve kept vou freezing aU *
A *"gc. angular woman wax the tomorrow as he jiromised to. I'll have:
KHike*l around somewliat Uwildgretl. the dtiiu long emmgh—ami wasting
\ Widow Mcfrinnjs. writh pbin. stmiig him tak’ them over to Mr. Pathrick^fj
“Can y.»u
you ttell me which IS Mrs. M* - v«mr karast-ne like the fiHilish virgin.
V^urcs, relievdl from ccuusciiess by and get some leather to face 'em with.;
(;imiis ssliality."heaske.l, “I thought
take the explanations si»me other
: kindly gray eyes. Her broatl .S< otch so iheyTl no wear out so fast."
I knew jusCwherc it was, but I'!! W
*• ami wish v*»u g*'i<M| tbv."
Dcpgue was ddigbtful to fiear.
ar. though
She iattc*d the mittens admiringlv
i|wd If
If II *can tell it. '
Mrs, M* ( bums, lose*! ihediM.r, blew
hat hard to understand.
I here Inrforc slie bid them on the table anil
-Oh, It's there all right, Khiml that «uu her light am! sal .lowii on her l*e*l,
were marks of small-fMix on her ruddy rose to get thc/ainf). the rat following
hig sm»w tlnfi. ’ answered Mr. Palm k. “tliai lakkeii a-lai k." as slie atterface, Init that made it none the less her aUait wjth hungry anlii ijiathm.
wMhabugli. -Ciiiue on..U»ys, let's, ward detbretl, “that a. chile could
welcome in a sit k-room, for she was
“The days are that shtirt," she
dig her iiut.
I sup|fa>se she is have knm kol me ovit aisv, To think
in great demand ax a nurse, and often grumblrtl. “that one needs to ka|i^,a
nearly lianin by this time."
I ha*l lost Chnstmas'eiitirely! "
look the (Jjrc 111 a <lo< lor in an emei- l.^ht (!.).n); nio*l of the lime—amUiajtdrawn u|>« Iom.- to iIk- *U.vc, and «lM.n lln\ were ol.liceil
break their
Tiiey fell to with a will, an.l sifain
Slie ha*l slept llir.mgh the whole
Shewaa a familiar figure in a»ene ihirty/ienU life K«H«n." She ate Iheir *u|.|.er in leis.irelv .omiun- <»t> r.a.i., I.i.iralli. ili.ie
were km faking .11 the d*M.r.
*bv ami iw*. nights!
Jhofce .fay., fen die alway* wine the fan»cl to |wr out ol the window lonshifi.
Then sl.e li,;hledher |.i|h.Mr. I'airi.l. the sh-wnialei. I...kNo *incanswere*l.
site saw ja*
Ja* k. win*
whi* Ji
h was zmt
.s»*eieu, ,„ ‘
vviien sue
Sootr-h |ib
*.ak. made like a where the warmth .Jf the r<*,m had t..r a -I.il of a Mimke" while die ••|int- me .mt of l.i> d.«,r ihroneh aIn.iee ot
I he men kxiked at each other with until New War’s dav «ui actouM of
Mother Hubliardgown. w hi. h she had thawe.1
*">'alxml selling the rmnn in n i< le» a vard loiij;. a. los.i.. Mtv M„
• un.ius expression.
“That was the bicfa ktsi loa.is, she found that the
bright with her fromSi-otbnd; and a thick with fast-falling smm.
<:innt>'*aidtooi,e..ltl.. Nom.l-.v*. MireU
irhitcrap (1 think ahe .ailed it a
“Well, iheyll gel |dcrity of sleighing
The wimi ha.l risen bv this ....... “Well.
It’s mighty lu< kv
II. It's
wi.Iuw's pijH-.rea* he*l him.
“mulch,”) umlerhcr warm quilted mm. I'm thin king'‘—f^or the season so and was howling .lismallv almut the
. or shc'tl have hanl
harcl w.irk to gel —tih
ves. there's n*.
-Well, m.w," she sai.l, “I
aood c|uite rrgardleM c»f the changing far had lieen remarkably mild, and little house, shaking every timber,
timber, ;as
ol her house- lo-dav."
alfaui! that." atfmiie.l |*>lm N.irris, out
with mysi-HTliat at first
, UihHina, which to lie atire, were not durnlicmtien were fearing an o}»en win- it seemed. “It'll Iikelv Iw snapping
Are viiii Mire she's gom-r " aske.l stepping ha* k where he could get a I w
not to tell ye aliooi it.
Vaylii) ml UndMd^^fnlHi. M3.I4540-
TrUberse Qt9. mdu
J 'Ssx^K J.
Ail Deposits Payable oh Demand
County, Township, Sehool District uni Cooemment
Bonds Neg^ed.
Boardman River
Electric Ught
and Power Co.
o\ *5TiLt>em
' t&CTVcraCBaTiV\Tv%.
Open accounts with individual firms or corporations
subject to check or by certificate oj^ deposit, payable on
jEspccial attention given business by mail. All
transactions strictly confidential.
b ilwqr* in rtodincu. day or night to
famhh y«, with GgMorporm. a* rtonmabb raic*.
Issue savings banK books or interest bearing cer
Safety deposit boxes for rent.
Our arrangements for transmitting money to any
point at home or abroad aft complete,and charges mod*
erate. Drafts made payable in the currency of the
coum^' drawn on.
sell ocean tickets by best lines.
Domestic and Foreign Exchange at lowest current
rates.'We issue drafts direct upon the best banks in |
every part of the world.
We esteem our customers’ interesu as identical
with our own and endeavor to guard them carefully.
Careful attention given collections entrusted to us.
Charges reasonable.
Pmy Hannah, President; A. T. Lay, ist Vice-Presi
dent; }, T. Hann^, Cashier; Samuel Garland*. Assist
ant Cashier.
"Ouectors—Pieny Hannah, A. Tracy Lay, J. T.
HuMah. Samuel Gariand, Howafd Irish.
L. . dfe:'.
Buy and sell Government Bonds. Furnish inform*
ation regarding all clas^ of securities.
S. Hull, Prrui.lml Ov»l Wood Di»h Co.; Joo. T. Bradle.
and Saddlro*; B. J. M^rvan, Uvery and Sale* Stat>le»;
Frank Hamillom ]
liHon Clothing Co.; M. §. Covdl, Lumber and Lauda,
Whitehall; I). C. licach, fruit grourrr; C A. Hai
ler cashier.
OFFICERS-U. & UuU. Praaideot; Jno. T. Be
Briililim, Pkank WaHoo, CaeMen
F. Titwa,
:-v ■'■“■'’] 1^:9 . ,;.
M Men » told bjr jhowe.«M&e only oM^aa Elk Sainda pmk.
^ d^diftcultiea in l^^waami^by the aniral or|hairfi
In 18SS Mr. ^Wadwot*
aoU hia
luyiog fupplie* brouglil. here in the tour <amliei—tliate oC Amoa Wood.1
i late fertics and earlv fiftie*. The 6ni Alexander
McVicat. Janea Me-1 wSt, to Jaaaca Rnte * Soon, ^
[tdl. after tbeircommg here, cupplm l^augMin.and a {undy named Bamex.\boat a rtoreand bni^ m a «oek
were tcni to Little Travcnc by mis
They wcic mtmg oppoeite each
it looked aa tho(«h Me Vicar removed to a lumber camp I arinier, Mr. M'adaaroth built another
take azn^ for a ti
ocher at 4he ubir, with Oliver 00
there wouU be a s<™>us lihactage nn- on Round Lake.
aaw-mffl. on the aite of ^ mffl ^
til meant were devised to have the
The winter of 1851 and’52 set in owned by Dexter«: Noble. Mt. Nortt••Look at that cat. now—ilic com
aupplies brought on to this point. It eariy and proved to be severe.
The am having chaige of the huamoa. TV
fort he'a takiar ^ Mra. McGimm,
was finally arranged that Mr. Northam ice on ihe^ bay formed nearh' three mill was subaeqiieBCh* acid to IL
I.. of which arm w*ft Dca-I thmk.’’ ahe comm- j
[and Mr. Wadswxjrth should go mAct feet thick, and the snow was three feet | Craw & Co..
lied, -it wai paitlr with bein to wore
So they procured the assLit- deep in the wwxk.
By tbe middle ter w,. the l«Kip»l p«tn«r.
Therr arc several of the old pk>- ydp of a woll Mr. Sort
coctakiaicare orthai yoang Manh
of two I'nduns and embarked of January the settlers' found themIn September. 1*65. Hcnty H.
dliqr an’ i^C—proa’ll be glad to know j neen still hnng in or near Traverse senbes how sometimes the wind would atmard the boats. Black Snake and selves nearty out of|irovisiaas. Twice Noble reached Hk
die poor lad bgettm'bener.howiom.i City who have watched the «>untr> shriek through the trees, allcmaiing Wabazee for Little Traverse, their some of their number went across the plove of M. Craw 4,^
ever, and the doctor gives me maist of j grow and prosper, and who could tell with dismal howls calculated to make food supply luring twelve [lounds of bay with hand sleds, to Hannah. I jy ol 1856. that firm wad disaolved. and
the ciedit—an* then it was dank as many intensely interesting stor es of stout, hcans quake, Sometimes the i
jjf pork, m-ith A: Co*s establishment, a^er dour. To- a new one was organiied, under the
midnight all the time, what with the j the old <la>i> when the rountr> was a
ind would wrench their |»nmitivc j
sugar, butt
^wvter.iea. etc Thev mards spring the su|iply of rtour gave name oil foster A: Noble.
In the
windyi bein'Slowed up an* all. though itocnr of wildne» that can only be lent from its U-«cning» and sweep it hafTim
ibeir boat a small cook- out. no rooir being obtainable at that course of the winter the saw roiU was
to be aufe 1 bad the curtains drawed imagined in these later da>^ when the away into the bushes, tearing them mg stove. .V^storm arose before they pUce. Hulled com was useil for a rebuilt, and in the sprii« the
doofi uyway. 1 was oop aesoral | younger generations are rca|»ing the shelterless. Mr. Northam and Mr. reached their^destination, and they while as a sulrstiiute for liread, but at commenced the manufacture of lumtimes joriqg the n^ (m I thoci it): benefits of the toil of their fathers. Wadsworth made Old Mission their werr fare to fatje with the terrors of last the store of com was eshausted. l»cr with faciUties for making three
to kapr the fire gom'. but 1 hail for- and carry ing on with a modem pro- home for two years. de\ oting their shipaTeck. Both boats were swamped. Some fisbennan had left a quantity of millu I of feet annually. The busigot to wind the dock in my haste to grcisne s|iirit the work so wcU begun attention to lumbering. On the ICih Bv dcsiMrraic efforts and braving of the whiiehsh in his shantv, r
finish your mittens (Tm prood that fifty year* aga
day of September the) <xmte«i around dingers of *ind and i«ier thev finally village of Torch like now stands, eraie stale till1H61. when agang saw
you're plascd with 'em), an* so I knew
Some of the old settlers have writ
uTit- —the ,____________________
|ioint and sailed along
the shores_ succeeded in saving Wir Ixiis b‘v Two trijis were madeto that plaic.
mill wa^ built, with a capacity of^cn
ng for
naught of the |OSsin'of
|iassm' of time.
tunc. I do ten intensely interesting sketches fo» of
of west
west lay,
lay, ttoast
for lumlier.
lumlier. The
The running into Pine River, now Charle- after some of the fish.
•r of the
kioru two
tmo hardy^-oung
hardva*oum! men remainetl in the
u... .i,_:_ ____ i:L ________ __
a__t tr
- remember thinkiitg it tofik a dale of this numl>er
the .M
okntm. K
On Ajiril
17, c.following, the ice lieTo the cnter|irisc and merg) and
wood the night, but you mind telling and each touching a different theme, place where Traverse City now stands
, ________
. __
far-seeing and wisely oondocted liber"-me I was not to stint ro)wclf on that, the various ctmtnbutions fomi an al- aliout ten da>>. When tbyy reached
al bu.sine» |»olicy of Dexter A: Noble,
Kach time I got oo|) it was still |»ilch most coin|ilcte irtor) of the early tla>i». here they hatl no food, and arriv ing |
the iwosiierity of Klk Rapdi and the
ilarrk, BO back to t)^ I'd go, thinking
.\motig the older settlers whose at night, they sought rest without,
surtouniling country is lately due.
it was no use getting oojj so long lie- work, inlluenre ami interest have having had anything to eat since they '
fore daylight when there'^acm not a heljicd to build up a laiH of rich^’ess left the Mission. l*he following momThe first soldiers to enlist fiom
blcSBcd thi^ 1 could do but
aru<md , and lieauty, is Sarnue‘ K. Northam, ing they sought out the saw mill of
Oraml rraverse county started from
and waste ilc, seeing you couldn’t get who is numlicred among 'I’raverse Horace B«ardman, khere they
uid regaled with a meal of plain fare, but Trav erse City on or about tbe l»th of
, and
home much before noon, and the din- City’s most esteemed inliab
Sei«ember. 18(51. Their names were
ncr ail providetk Oliver got |iretty who, with his Uothcr-in-law. A. S. whicb made them feel as tlumgh they I
as follows: Martin A, Hoo|icr. .\ndrew
onaisy, and 1 let him doon the trap.4 Wadsworth, foomlcd the village of had struck
struyk a iirettv
|iretty good thing. .\l
McKillip, Isaac Winnie. James Nicholthe Boardman mill* the) met Horat'c i
found out afterward that he had Klk Rapids,
son.fames Kitrpatrick, Wm. K. Svke*.
a Ik>v in 1K47, Boardman. Leans Norton and Ben •
helfied himself to the rausage, but one
Mr. North
Samuel A. McC'ldUnd. E. J. Brook*,
that year, Dunham, 1’hesc had come here only |
could hardly blame him for that, )>oor and it wifs in Sq»tenilKr of thi
l ew is Steele, Krank May. Aaron Page,
creature, being sair hungry, no duot.*’iwhen he was but 14 years of‘ »gc,
»gc that three months befort. and there were'
Or^lous Kvans and Thomas l.ec. Of
of no other people cxcc{>t Indians hc^e
he first liHikeed u(iun the beaut
looked up cx|»ectantly
these the first five hirf been for a long
>e lay ami the
th richness at that time.
caring his name, but now dropjicti • (irand Traverse
Wadsworth and Northam subsc
time in the employ of Hannah lay &
I’raversr forests.
his head back orf his jaws, while Jack W the (Irand Travel^
Co, On settling with them; Mr. Han
,livcf! in J*ortland. Ionia'’cniuni
niy.iin the qucntly went to Elk Rapids,
Uugheil heartily.
nah made each a handsome present,
•An* when the
:he men folk <am’ *4tK. and it was his love of adventure together cut the first tree to l»e felletl j
anti loltl them that if they «ver were in
lioundimt at the «locw." khc went <.», i and a .'etennmatu... to do w.mcth.nt! where that village is
<distre<s or in need offunds.todraw on
••I was clean vexed at ’em for tlisturli- for himself that indnceil him to jo n a The first shanty built there by a white
him at sight, and their drafts woiildiie
ing a dacent woman m the dcail of |art> of explorers from i;rand Rapids ipan was ere led. bf^ them, and this
hooorcil. W. K Sykes was shefHT of
night, till 1 l«ethdught me it might l»e in an ex|>cdition into the cop}K*r re- was the foundation ut what is now a
thecx>unty. McClelUnd. Brooks. Sceefo,
j»c»T soul was takken suddcnl) gions in the up|»cr |»eninsula. as an thriving business centre. They put
.May and'Page were from Northport.
bad. Well, the Lord Ikt praised.” she assistant
He iHl the exploring |art> in a saw mill. ad<i|»ting the primitive
,PbotoWW K W*'t)
Kvenswas from >\*hitewater, and I.ee
aildel piously, “lor sending me kind at Mat kinac island, and. at com|an
comian el current-|»ower
current-i»ower from Klk river, which
frt»m Cenlrevillc.
nacliors. I might have tliel there t.f by Mr. Watlswurthr t tasted tlowii H«»ws intti the lay al that |»oint.
Hutu in IMi fotold 1
froi the islanil into (;raiu! I raverse mill was a simple affair, but these two
Al the time of the lattle of Malvcm
cold and hunger for all the he’p
t’l.tNHI feel of lumlier a tlav
Hill, thefirst of July, 1W«, the Klrand
cx»uld give
It's a gutle mdn l«y.
move from the lav and ’the 'Praverse Ihjvs” received sficcaal coniin it.
and their slftve wa^ lost tiverNartl. gan
It was in Seplciiil>er
iiilier that the
•Mr. Pathrick is. ami a genilemon at
mg. ItHiking out uixm the mcmlatkin frimi their offkett for
The first piere of government land They. Imwever, managed iti save nexi
that. I’d lie glad to have his fine lel- landel at Ohl Mission, after hav
subsist u|Min unlir they lay. a belt of open water wxs seen. braver) and gtxid conduct.
hy entiugh
making ihe^Vhs- to l»e loratel in that localft
dy wife know my o|ieenion of him— U*en two weeks
D. Me ojH
an' she ttni protKl to live with,him be- lant e frtnii M kinac.
and vessel wurking her way
up Ihrii^h it.
joumev tliey ex|»er- R.vpids eight ears. He 1 d in IKT^. real htri Little Traverse in
cause, forsooth, he taks a drap too
le prot
proved to Ik* the si
t;rand Traverse coanty was first
h’,\" *lcath alter some ilifhcullv .ind minu nnis atl- She
sc htvoner
hooner LilH*rty,
getting tlicir of Rat iiine, ^^■|s., Captain .Miller, luad- organircil as a txiunty l»y
I^eg'Phey •am|ied mi the Mr. Norihain Waled in Traverse ventures siucceilcd
her diiMlam of |«or Mrs. Patrick, I experiences.
ctl with provi
soon islaiurc ap|iruvcd Airil 7, |B6L It
some sheltered City. He went to Cadillac to do supplies htmic.
c anew.
j shore each night i
while she piled Jack’s |4atc
S|iot. tlieir onlv coni|anv fveing the luml»enng m lHi4. hftt in all tlie years
i mu imu. Mr. v» auswt.rui Mamuv. iKiameti ov me men.
Hearing their at that time included what are odw
And ever after tlid Mrs.
re kon lime from the vear when she,^wlpsHing of the wind thiough the oflm business he made Traverse City j including his hired help and Mr. story. Capl. Miller at cMice hoistetl the cxninties of Antrim
pines’or maples and the tKcasional his headquarters. '
N«»rtham. all i»f whom lived m his c»wn out a barrel of flour and another of nau.
lost Christmas.
BoyiMMid ExiMfkMck «f S, IL Northa^
r r
The Great Bargain Emporium of Northern Michigan. Christmas shopping is of
some importance -To some, where the dollars niust go the farthest—to others where
the selection is the largest, styles the latest. The many stores combined under one
roof, doing business of a great magnitude shodid have your consideration, (xoods
are changing hands here rapidly, allowing no accumulations—hence, cure are fresh
bran' new and up-to-date rticrchandise. Our large trade places us in direct relation with the manufacturers, saving the middle-man’s profit. Our mode of doing business ought
to be an attraction to a cash buying public. The bottom, one price principle places us out of reach of ordinary' competition. Just now our departments are filled with
thousands of good things suitable for
The Boston Store
Humlrtdt of dozeoH of cambric, awiaa mod linen handkerehiefa, embroidered in neweat detiigna. fiom the p#*niiv kind to
tbe fineet band * mbroidered, lionght right, and prii*e rieliL
A job of
dozen ladiea* tine linen liemKtitchtd Imndkerj chiefa, worth 2.“ic em h.'our apeeial, 2 for .Th-.
100 dozen bemaUtched, plain and fancy bordtwl bandker/ ebiefa, per dozen. 2.V.
Large i«eU«ctioii of gi*nt a ailk, Swiaa and linen baiidker^_cbiefH -alao the initialed.
A eht^st protector, made from fin© all w/»oI Jersey Stockinet, in
all shades.. Neal, handy, and a life preH©r\er—price, ^ tt p
The best White aed Colored Shirt in the market.
well eiiriuxl. It reigns supreme.
Tbe **Monarch,'’
for style, finish and excellent mat^rinl. Just n*ceived n bran'
new Liie in all the latest effecU. Prit*e iJl iM m,,! $IMI
Bought t^specially for the holiday tivd<. The most improved
and laleal HltachmentH made from the lK*st UhIc aud Hilk w^b.
bing. 8uspeoder« from *V up. oOc bays a i>air fit for a king
of 2-( !>uip ImliM' kid rIovm. in loading ahadra.
*** i*> down of ladiea* nndreaaed kid gloves, in l.?iidiug abadea,
per pair. s*VA complete line of Oenfa drtwa and driving glovea and
mittens, lined and nnlined-alao Fur Glov. a.
We are sole agenU for tbe celebrated Efonfa Gloves for
iadiea* and g. iiU.
Ib Geat's NBCkweir we show u iieipoosin
, linoflSceitgoodi’
We pat foil shape.' extra gootl silk in onr ?5c neckwear,
comparing favorably with many *Mlc goods in tbe market.
Onr fiifo neckwear contains tbe best of silk. Ust of lining,
latest styles in puffs, tecks. bsiid b^ws. fonr-in-hands and imperiaU. Tis fblly to pay more for a lie—you gel no Ivetter.
oO dozen extra heavy boy's fleeoe*l underwear, fine gauge
trrbnitoiia, exceptional
* - value,
- 2m,
ailk taped front and pearl
For men and boys, at the x*ery old prices, which menus a sav
ing of io per cent. Sweaters for tbe Imby. 4 years old -bwtaters for the full grown heavy-weights.
2S Geit's Faocy Vests left
To elnse at r«Hlace<l rates. Among them the Vesl-Twoa, re
versible, single breasUnl on one side, doable breasted on the
Roseowild 4 Weil's Custom Wide TroisiR
Style. eh*gance. shai>e, grace, and beanty in every pair of
their make.
I'io |Mur
i»air mep
8 h»*a\y weight, fine all worsted face {latiUloons at the uiimatchable price < : $2sy
Our qock of mee's. boy's nod childrei's elothiig
OutiBfi FlaeneliedGeinbric Night Gowns.
Negligee Shirts led Uiderweirft(im 19c up to $2.00
Has never U*en as large—tbe selection it most complete, bought
advantagiHitisly befr>r« the ht^ivy advances—ws price them
much lower than market values.
These-goals w© buy in heavy quanfiti^ from the manu
facturers for the wholesalers, and we i?‘lail out to you 1
smallest qnaiilities at wholesale prices.
We show a most complete line of up-to-date footwear at
prices U*luw any exclusive hoXiae in the state.
The Urpst Depirtaeit of Hats aed Caps
In Northern Micbigmn -Uking np
feet of sivi-k*. fillet! with
up-to-dale headgear, in every t*oiKeivable 8hs|)e. (ioOtU frt*«h
and strictly in the swim. B^nty anti style added to the com
fort ill all of our caps. We are the sole agi‘iits for the ivlebraled “KOSWJELLE” bat-the only hat that does not fade. No
better hat made—strictly warranted in every resi»ecL We price
them at g2.B0.
Large Variety of Christmas Slippers.
Torluw hII walking and golf h»to ud Um rrowns nt T.ic
The liest pattern hat, nothing reserved! $3.00.
Our Dress Goods Department
('^dbih's of extensive Udca of op to-date fabrica aud ooloriue*,
aoitable for atl ag.-a, and pricea vithin tbe roach of all.
Dreaa Goods from .ic Uf H.OO a yard.
.. ...... ..
: y}
aa mad. TbiBkta of tbat ora nioea.
“80 1 hmr«. Ml ,00 Mot dwrr* «.
■Ifbtraiffcaaaieaaaaa boraetblef- TM rooac imMl.” tbe eqalre Mid.
be la darta to obieci to bla gara mai^ “Promtoe ne erbat I Mk. aad jroa mar
tylB a JonteB.**
bare a MTV a. k»c aa Cbrtatmaa.
1 aJwaja told 700 thar waa bIb Id Idance and frolic tbe whole week-yea.
qaar^er rarto Too and obi mao Ullam ; Ull old Cbrtatmaa If yon want to."
quarreled oret It 20 jeara hack." Wtt"Ton mean about marryln Bett •
Uam Jordao aald medltatlrely.
Tenoeaaee aaked airily.
Tbe aqotre aaorted a bit. "Be bet bound to do that. Ilarae Squire, but
me $10 OB fbat akewlwld of bla. and in promtoe «bto-l woo t oer«- d. It
tbea etolnW be'd woo becauae mj
aaddle tortied." be aald. "That abowa ■bouM lie done.
-WelL Berty rau*t betp that, ftbe’a
Vaod lookin and a mighty floe bouaekeefirr." Jin WUauo aald aooihlngty.
"Tob couldn't bare a liettrr. aqulre. 1 party
can't hardly bUme Tenoeaaee. A big biggeai thing tbnt ierer
famtt ^ bouae U mighty loiMwome with 00 wo rr'TalL"
HE ctocb ptej.< Tb« aqolir
m IB die liBrlc tt»«t be ebad't bare ber.
man In h. ni bet money yon won't
room of tbe Btof* I'd find ibat KeniletDBo here and come blame bhu. oHiher. time abe'a been
looked BP from to« a ptiipoee to flee bln tbe word tbaf a yrmrr .*
Uielr baBda aa a Ub ibe bark oo It.1 "I'll bet tbe houae anti farm ahe don't
"I alwaxa^aakl that bor'd flee jroa ercf come thar. not while my bend la
caaie Ib. Ko a<b^**tfaublr erer.aeore jou «'eBt.aBd fire hot," tbe aqulre roared.
w2e. *Ub toll
er realdeBl oT bln Ibat >offrmpb> nane.*' an oldiah
"I'll tale the U*t. Khe'll come and binir
nc-ya and a makeidiirt ghivd drive
Tlfer Tan could man. arbo bad joat come la. said for your aakln." a voire aald from
bare dlatracted abrtllj.
tbe door. TetiDe|ae«* alood tberf laugb- bwdlar 10 romlHroutort, from .be ,wo
fbm'io that 6^
Tbe n^iilre looked at bln aod lug heartily, lie waa a big fellow, aa gatea upon tbe big road a humind
Kor 1^ peny lK«b ca.ro
TtferTall cbockled afalo. "It bad to be Jo«Taphj tall and well nuo«rt.tl aa bla fatber .jr.rd..w.r.
were* aet oia*n. Everyliody rode or
Pier'rlibiiMtlc." be aald.
^BUme waa alight and uitherwl. yet the pair drorei even lbo oeareal uelgblKMw. IW
rflonr. Xrt mbWM upoo Krotuckr
jour akiD. Blit Jordan, jou know that were nirlou-l, alike. Tliey t.ad the
a. dark and kept
coar»e. down
•ot of roarae.
on anj mapa. not na wHl aa me. Heben broiliera of oa. aame olnillnntr ehlna. the aaiiie bright
•Y«« tli^
‘ loral
To lie eaacto Ita all to ooe poor oelfliborbood. aod tbe dark eyea. exactly tbe aatiie level hxik. eominc un.llUockK-k.
Eveu U forc «U|.i. r plaj lnc to can
acrarate- laal one of ua (00 lazj^to more
TenncwiM'e made a fUah at Ida father, wlHi cnwl aiilrll. Tb. ro »a. a r>K.m
I7 ooljr bjr outlaod f«ni. who. aaj thoae
old mao Solomoo
caught him umler tlie amia and drew Cln u U|. .0 II ln.b«I. .ince m.l a few
of Tiger Tall lire In aocb III coodJ.
him to hW f«-et. aaying aa the iMiulre
tbe comikacy liad ndlgltiua ac'ruphn
Booed redoua aa IV^auro bollow. QMi aa tbe real of job nelt'ber. 'Hme fumed and wrlth««d In hia hold; "Pa,
. Wildcat. Teaaa iDd tbe Cooiiej range.
beguB to mlae a fanllj foo bad don. you ain't nlch aa mad a* you think, the lablea were
.hero would b*
0tiU tbe Tiger Tallera do
not quite bled nnd tHW»led 00 aU ibe
j Anyway, le'a atop quarretln till after dancing.
deny tbat Tiger Tall exiata.
They are ficrtpcber nameo.**
'"-lalmaa. I fa JeM two weeka off.
‘ "I>oo't you reckon tbla la aorter n
thing Hla father cyt^h^ui^aa be went
^Howdy. aqolre> Want to play? jodgmcot 00 you. aquliel ttemenilwr
alHiui aiulling.
anda. anting
Take tijy baud." Jim Wllaoo, ibe'atore* bow many nioaway couplea jou're
every <*ue at lively ea»e. iM*elug
iMHdug to
to eveviMwper, aald. maklog aa If to riae from married"- anotber of tbe clncb pUyerything and fM-b-mlng to make friendly
tbe ta!»le. Tbe other three pUyera era l*egau.
aervhv a pleaM.rv. w ith ever growing
Utigbed wproartmialy. "fle'a a lieauiy
Tbe a«]ulre alleuced^lin with a look,
pride. Then* were no boateaaea.
boy; iliat'a wbat Jimmy la." one of "I>o you think I'ul
goln to
"We ran t aak one of our kin women
them aald. "lle'a juat nine under the omcc
by 1 not dolo #bat
I waa 'lected to
to help without madding all the 1
teble. aqulre. Of coun
tq dor be aaked a
' the aquiro liad aald to Tenneaaec.
ried nmawayayea. twenty-eebeo
Still the aupiH-r waa mlract
Tbe^aqulre laughed.- "I'll pUy and couple-bui every Uat one of 'em come
be aald.
ef 1 Imwi i1m*oi rai la over thar have written conacota from the par
wlie ilia yi-re
OH* and
y^muat do me a little 1 all favor."
enta before they can git a llceoae. la
Hhc had aald.
. "A
Anything yon ray. aqulre." Jim It my fault tbat I liap|M*o to live on
a table
The roault
>ald. banding over tbe carla Tbe the atralght road from Kentucky to
tbe letter Z. drafanl In white, garlanded
•quin* eborkle<L hot maake<l It with a B4‘ltalK>ro? Of courae mlne'a a bandy
with eveiOTi-oa. Ilghtiil with many
•cowl aa be aoawered: "«**lier not place to them young folka All they
nmdlea and Showing all down the mid
promlae loo braaU. aon. Wltat I want eot to do ta t</ have tbe llceoae waltln
dh- a n.w of big ici^l raki*a. brave In
la for you to ibrmab Tenneaai*e. Tbluk tor 'em. and tney rv wJirrH<ii naru aira
holly and rut pa;»er trimminga. Ib*.
yon can do ur
fait, aa well aa a preacher couM do U.
i sUh*. all that pile of euf ,-nke. at least
••Why. that la aorter Julwua." Jltn ef I do nay H myaelf. lime tbey'vo been
«. I hen* were null*. rjindh*s,
Mpooded. Tbe othera let fall ibeir half ao boor 00 Teonetuee dirt."
big i»o\vu i»r
fnilt III pyra
carda. looking alguinrantly om- at the
"S'poain your Teonraace ahouM run
of ntubnoila
j;.lly. oil.er tN.vvN
•tbrr. Tom Turner, tbe ar|iilrv'a part- away"- tbe aquire'a brother began.
supplenuTit to bol
®er In tbe game. Wiilatled aod aald.
"Wliere'd be run tor tbe aqulre InTkK UR WUIttig"
ten*. niRKt turkey, roast pig. sti-aming
atUl pnralng hla ll|ia:
terrupied pointedly. "I hear old man 1 want a Wg party Chrlstmaa eve.
cofr.*<> and lM*aien bUeult.
"So 1 au|»|MMe Tmneaaei*’a mind !■ Mllam a altoiit aa ahy aa I am over tbe You've always proml^iwHhme I might
"Say. aqiilnv no wonder you ain't
ura«rh. Tluifa ooe thing tuakca me have U wluu, | c„u,e 'Jl."
kei-n after a liou««-ke<nsT." Touk^Tur-
jm xnim al ble elbow ondced blia
.Mndf. My(M la a auce wbleper.
-Alot .TOO vol aeoae eooosb to baow
aqulre aod Tcotieaaee ain't namln tint
aobject do more ontfl New Teor'ar
-I oofbter a* knowed. I oeeer
Tom Tonirr'a aboulder.-he Mid Is M
loodrac. Doat official voice to tht gslT
hklden in Cbe Iraggy'a enrenosB tm
"Do yoo and nrak of yon aolfitf
-S^’roarro bed welked tw*, wltb- ngrro and covnmnt befote AlmIgM/
dim looked .nro him God and tbeae wltocaacd to tnkt ssi
-j,-, , pin„b .Mme be wool keep 9%ck other for beftar or M
oDi‘ you’re mighty apt to are and benr
the Ollier." .
"BaiuuJ to be tbat a-way. Tennen*
and Patrons
rhrtelm.. run.. Tbe.eTe
It.ktor.o ^:\';2w.'o;.»To'7pUe'o^'f
"Bfalde*. they ain't comin
tlwr round up lowart. Keo-
1 -t iw,. i#*- -
rvMiPbiM** tim.
d"r:c"o„T?,:;n «"
crowd p.ll.mll at hi.
h«r hoima. and wbcel. and
,„,k, boUccInr- he .hnutod lark ovro
,,,.r a« be dar.nl down the
Ptepa T»-mic*MH* waa cloae liehind
Imrt.nt AU
the rtwt roul.l hear now out ujion the
medley hIiouih. ,-rlea. rumea, gallopwhirring
I 1*^1
pnneiiuited now and" again
by aharply
.-Uunaway.: They're comin In! Bear
T-hey'ro through the gate! Hero.
your lanteni r»*ady: You'll have to
• quirk Job Ilila tliiu*. aiiror Tom Tur-
from the doping pair.
-Theu. by virtue of tbe antbortty Iff
me veated. I prooooDce yon nan BSd
w^fer tbe aqulre sbonted. inakla|( •
dart at tbe bu^ and fllnglbt
tbe rolve. "Come In. come In. ygff
young i»eople." be aald. "Leave ma tff
talk to tbe old man."
"You'll have to. pa. It'a yoo be*i
moatly mad with." Tenoeaaee Mid,
apringing om aod banding down bM
bride, a talk pretty glrk mod aplaabcd,
disheveled and amlling tbrongb baf
Tlie aqulre. after one long, gmaploff
ataro. waa fully hlmaelf. "It U mf
matom and privilege to—ahem!—klat
the bride In nneb caaea." be aald. pfeMIng hla llpa to her forehead: then t9
hit a«»n. "Take her Inaide. young mas.
I doDt forget yoo woo tbe farm Iff
wlnnln her."
"N... you don't take her Inside." a^int
one crlcHl from ten yards down tb#
drive a iM-cond after. Old Mao Mllaifl
had llting hlmaelf off hla bnrae nod
waa tning to Uy bands upon bif
Btpiiro Jordan atepped^n front of tb«
angry man. "I rtv^kon wur old grndgt
U M ttled fur ua. tlenn.** be Mid. bold
ing out Ula band. "Say. ain't yoQ
ridin tonight aome of tbat Mme old
akt*wliahl atm kr
Old Man Milam qpdded. Be could
If to lipeak.
lieai In tbia mnawny •
known that waa TiS«
span." . tbe aqulre went off
judicially; then, with a wblmsIeDl
chuckb*. "Henry, don't it strike yog
w*e'\*e lieeo a couple of foola?"
oulT^FVtcb the
"It does look aorter tbat way," Old
He knows me-George
Man Milam aald, aod then and tbcfS
p,.p,l«e: Hen 's the I
aquiro. tbe pair ebook banda. and a feqd cMlcJl
, know-wiole
- them.
upon a fianring and foam 1
-He 'em quirk St
Tliar ain't a minute to low*,
all rlghi. I tell yon! Thar they comethai ctMiple In the buggy aheadr
The fsiulro M-emed to swelk to etand
nn imii taller, lie could bear at»nve
the lalNinnl ivanritig of Ibe two horses
whieh drew the buggv the oiil**e of oth
er l.onu-s r—w SM.furiously, cries and
To Oar Friends
glBDctag glara. Studying blranalf m
!i 5
Hwkl«« DIatJeeTiwM.
"Do you know roach about moak*r
"Not a greet desk" wnswerod Mr.
Rufsbotl. "But I've managed to ffguM
out that If you bear anything In ff
theater at tbe cost of $5 per aea^ If•
art. asd If somebody alnga tbe ianra
tiling Id ao adjacent flat, or bammerfl
It out on n pUno. It's nn infermil rackat
I'm getting oD."-1
Havana Smokers
Is made in two sizes.
“Pig Tai”
Nineteenth Century will end December
3|st, i8qq. Durinjj the last half of this centur>' wc have been grinding the products of
the Grand Traverse region, such as wheat, corn,
oats, rye and buckwheat, into flour, meal, feed,
In all our dealings with vou, we have
endeavored to deal squarely and^^htmestly, giv
ing honest- values for all products pu leased by
us, anjtia-riexchanging our manufactured products
for your raw material, have endeavored to give,
not only the highest market price, but the best
product that skilled labor and the lat^t improved
machinc!r>' could make. We intend to remain
with you for another half centur>' or more, and
will endeavor to keep the standard of our flour,
feed, meal, etc., as high in the future as we have
in the past. Bespeaking for ourselves a fair share
of your patronage and assuring you that wc will
use our best endeavors to merit the same, we
Yours very truly,
The cigar, they all try to imitate, is lOc straigh*; the, '
smaller size. 3 lor 25c.
Thete are staple goods, and no well regulated house- |
hold is complete without a supply of these goods on
for 5c b the best tlut ctn be pitiducid firor
tobacco and skilled l^r.
Th^ are the cigars that jn^Trayme City famous.
Manutactofcd fcr
A Claasenf
dta •rii aad laai 1
hv tmlkad abet
tad ta ow aterfc
OET «cf» tall»rmly wtm ^rtrj twp.
loc oor saocb-^
tbwrklH^ md ppMfd thiwifli d«n»
O t
r I r.» jcntm Id Uht dHfli lietwM pttiv
pwv whllr
CbVlstiDDsr ••'
with D
„ m
blni for blD
"TbD flrot
CbrUtnm* that I
renM‘iut»er ckarb«T
lD»<Tllii»d ^ih maojr nirioas lo•ctIpttociN DDd rod** pictum. frblcb lo-
.ilf r«t rl^tV.
M old
iM* PDMird at ib^ bo»a
I waa C or 7
and by the aame token It
taoat ha% e iM^en 4o y.-am or more ago.
•n'oii riitmt know that 1 waa a e..ootay tiiluialer'a a»o. My fatbei^a charge
Mlt on tbe CJr.-. k tempi.- |«jti.-ni. aod
Mf a dmu u little rt-d m b.K.lbomwe
ptrrbed on the ei.- p bllM-bn, and m-aiUag lo iliH .1.-.-1I valb yp. ..r one of the
m09t Oorlb.^Nl.Tly .-..uiitJea of Pepoimlranla: .Ml tbn>iit;li tbnt r«-glnn'lbe
pater wn« know n n» tin* .‘bb-r.* and tbe
_________ I of Ibi* . l.iir.-b orgaiilrjitluDa to
tahlrb be ruiiil»ten‘.l Itn.k luma enterlb.* . l.b*r ah.l Ilia 'family on
.\.> afnib-. otir t'brlRimaa
plalla lmln.l.-.| ri.rMu.:... t-x.* nod two
DT lbr.-4*
tb.-r. nfi. r. and mi It wna
ttUa tlmi*
nxn*^.ti Mallory llv.*.! t.-n i:.nu\ mlb-a
dway fi"in n.i- aiory Iitid II half brown
Jhoua.* Ibat ki.mhI III (ill*
of a triflieodom. Me
of foiie ajid b. im
lack limU*r wben* w.- IIv.hI. «nd. tb.-re
^ ^«T njocb
wr drov«
•*1 «>• Introtlj «todjr:Dff Dome of
tlMiplnui^ nti^l laarHiifloo* wUfO mw
lojii im jo luok ftlM«d DDd 'llii-n
for-wh*t I uw
1y foi
f br I
I to» tbe
tbf brow of tbe
***“ “*»
; aalUMl outa.
U'f '/niisnu±
<» ,
’ JC ,.*<««•» •» w«wf.
phinv. lii.i l.iu.-r cnrld. tbai v. ar. and 1
gtall ue\er l..ig. i u.e nue to lue a.*apno'a.
>*•«'*“• •*»'« « pHuilllve iiilll. wIili
bi.ng'il >av s, openii.il witb an old
fm»biou«*d mid.*r>b.n wai.T wbwl.
U. a.-..ii’a made quite
b«Mu..el..u ..i.
Jonrn.y ttieri*.
a M.nwiulll and
»I. HI \ ivini.Y '
tl.**l young woman in im* n.otn. am! I i
Like.1 b. r n l*.t
I.rit«-r 1 lobl b. r wliat
l»nrw in tia.l w IiIkim'iyhI In 4u> ear. and
1 .•ouMn'l iimb-r^T.iiMl wb> «)ie |!m.lu*d '
KorrI Ides I’mr a ll.rUlms« f*srtr
so vividly
llm she
(.I.^mhI '
Will. Sants < lsM« In i:« idetaee.
Imi lUM- I g;iv.* b.T Ibe lolig .-ml of tnv
Tbe fullowoig .|eMT.,.l...ii ..f ri . bi IhI
b:id -goi me %vis!i.‘ and
man tuii. lo-on w dl Is* w« b i>me«l. I II Ui
•l.iy in Ibe f.db.wlng June I was
sure, by tlM.-e
bo ile^Kv .i iuA.d wuy
fatbex. pr.»nouneiHl
•'•7 ■"
ifr r;:'!E"rr.
liniilH-rilig b.|..i
pr.«i sb-am iiillU. witb einde
••At nmt otir road aws on the le<» able
pf a gi.-al in-e i;r..wn.tl ridg.*. 8belt«*r
pd, as wv Ibeu w.*n*. fiuiii the biting
•rind, wesearvi ly nali^il b..w low ib.*
tatalM’rnliir.* hum, ninl. I In* |.atli U-ing
tatU |»a.k.-.|. rriH.kf.Hrl i.K.k iiH ov.i
l yi Oiristmas Present
Can be selected from our stock of
Wc arc showing a new Knc
of latest styles only.
3ien's Slippers
I'limb. Wlvi-I, Goat. Kill. Felt, Beaver and
Uur. .V), (K). ;.-i; JlOo, $1.UI, $1.25 and 11.50.
Ladies* Slippers
Kiiia iu black. Tan, ami White, Beaver and
Felt, plain and fnr trim, 60,70, t*0c, $1 00. $1 .‘25,
$I 40 mid n *V).
and Overgaiters
Beaver, oaiivaa and Jeraey’t, 20. 40,*50. 75, ItOc,
11.00, $1 25 and $150.
and ib-c-ur.itii.n^ an
{M-atitig tliai form.
:____________ ___
an |K.i.Moie re-
rovers wer.'dald for 15.
In front
of e.neb a Jolly old Siiuta ri.aus. nimlo
of <*«.iif«a ll**in*ry. was \v.*lgbt.*d down,
not by bis iiMial |«iek. but l.y a red
M.M-kmg >-oniatiiiug d, lie Ions candlea.
isisiiug of a s.|uare
gregatioti ^ g.ntb«*r«nl on tbe Sunday
iiiiig waju*.! iu vain f.ir bis spiswri*. 'l'b.*rt-uiN>u one of tbe olliee benrerr. of tin* cdiun b |.r.*M*m undertook
tin* M-rx'ie.*. Totally uuawnre that Um
absent |M.8iieber bad r.H*«*nily married.
be . bs trlll.sl and amiiMxl bis audk
by nnmnitiHieg as bis t»*xt. ;Tle
in.*irri.sl a wife, and tberf*fore be CAP........................................
Zealand Herald
siuirsHrfvUiib* rill
A bride nitwi f.H*l rut her e)ii*np when
ridative glv«*s her away.-C’bUago
urigln.nl us
“TUni niKbi I «kpt «mi iwu of ibe
A Teat That CWoght. J
* me ■«.
ess F«r
of .nt.ru.mng lb* u fru-n-N at fbii-l
Vanib Ilian anil wife,
lb gilt, bad an atLltlb* tMiurbi
8lMer told mnmrom
It w.n^ gi^.n i;i*.i ^.ar l.y
told w bat my wish bad am* liui.*
with yo^a.-rday you
IS IduT, to iK* a >11.
! a young won.;u. to il,.- .lo mU n. of b.-r
suiiable gns-t\ug. tb-ian.
a name and .Ul
r^ Illess me!" s.*tbl the luinker. Tv# ' c h.l. ami u> ail wi n* lull of tin* mei ' .,„,j
Mr Skliupley^A polUlelanl 1
let my eigar go .mil”
rum iiiH of lb. « Urmiiiia* m*;im>u they • suv,M-i,.bH| from tbe ebambdl.-r by
'*'■ '
wby .1,,. thinks so.
OsnonM Si'ENccR.
tbonniglily enjoyed iti. fuu pn-|uired ’ |y .mIoi*.*.! iiblNiu« wer«* favors sluifs^rj.
8lie saya yon can do
lha smuv St a llv. ly cb|.. tb.* Jh IU Jm
4t»*, (Mta. ,
The following extraordluary/eotncldenia* .Haaimal at Tiiiwald recvutly: A
young I Member, wl.o has lately maprtisl. wuK {damn'd to take tbe morning
serviiv. but l»y n mlsnwding of the
pbiii. b.* iuiNto..k bis a|iiiointtu(-Dt for
- "•* ". r.- all lu fairly
helng fw.i f.*.*! of ao..w on tbe ground.
w bad to .o^er the u-u mile.. Ill a ruttar baiibMl by
n.. ii.y faib.*r
ilM* ungainly I.H.kiiig young
be ,.lrt.\’.‘
uisUIng Ilia wl.b lv
pcattere.1 pn*t*»ral r.ilU
Tbe .biy befOfv t brlsitiiMs wiik. clear nml sun-
«* •* *»-
r«.fQ o’er M the osfta
time we. bad p<»t over tbe bri^d baett
of the bill and dow^ into lbe\tlley lo
wbl. b tbe d‘-a‘‘«n i. boui.* wna «ltuat.-d
tbe buiiian beiiipM In tbe i«arty went
more than bulf fn»reo. while Cr»M»kfoot w iih II. ally exbauNUNi Onte iu Ibe
The guessing game waa extremely
A grotewiu
log. stuffed full sod IImmense In slae.
was laid upon tbe table, aod the guenta
were Informed that they were to tell
what was Insble by mendy finding of
It Kaeh one was glv*»n a sh.vt of paper aod iM i.eU and was allow.Hl 15 min
utes to nx*or.1 gm-sses, Tbe prire for
the most eomn-t list was the stocking
anil enni.-uts. and as tbe stoeklng waa
! full of
toys of all klmla tha
It, and for tbe oexl* tbre.*yifoartem of
an iM.wr we all. lorludiifp fr.»i.kft«jt,
bod pli-nty to do to
tlif hn-atb of
life ap.iinp. Tlo- auow won drifting
wildly, and of tbe tmek. so wi-11 Im-af
e‘n In tbe NbeltemI I«rt of tbe roinl.
out a vii^tlpf- wan to In* IM..11 lly tbo
abelii r Jipain.
oeedlee. ^taming
ling cottoa aad
stockings with
cut lo then and
! told that they coold have 15 1
to show their akill ta darning. Whea
I the time was up. a rote waa takea
; to see who nertted theprtoe. the lucky
; young woman receiving a beantlftil
; calendar. Foi the knitter who did tha
poorest work there was a photograph
,of a stocking with a big hole in tha
heel aod a mao gaalog at
itMJs, plan
l the sight.
Vrj> Wtaattawnrerac taarafra^Ha^i^
•*lly tb«* lime 1 «raa ready , for tba
drift Hip tmow we were lo tlM* nildat of
the prel-
•• *Tbr •a-iiid l« bloatuc OP lb«Ti».
aonuf. anil I It won*i 1.0 as pk-awtni
wlii n Wf pit to fbi* top aa It la bj any
Wrap y«ur romforti-r cloaa
alHiut your .am, my Iwy. or tb.y U ba
ataopta taft 9k aoflta hted tar racy glil
prarat. ylthcr a Chialila. Icctar epara;'
peari handled knlta or a adchpta. Bn>
tween red candka twratag tt&dar tad
ahaden low gtana -ranee M twn ar
OKire caywatloQa. placeQ at diaional
coroeiw wreathed la smllax. Larm.
nparkllng cot glaaa bowla ware piM
with fruit and Sowera, and ta acata aC
bin aad^^
Cha kD of the dracoD-a fHtat
pood. anowtDUUig and other taddCAts
made ChrUtmaa nwratag paaa fait
CDoogb. I aaaore you. And after that
caiae the Cbrtatmaa dinner!
-AU tbe deacon> mlU haoda and
none of bla oelsbbom partook of ibat
dloner. There were two big tablea and
one little one. We tioya and aome Utile
flrla eat at tbe llttie one. aod there
were morT fulka at aU three than 1
had ever liefore aeeo together any
where exc-pt at meeting.
-The main dIMi of that dinner warn
There were eooupb/ wl«bbonea for all tbe cblldnn to wlah two
or three ilmea over, ami tbe fun every
body bad waa lmm.-aHunildy aatiNfylog. even If tbe mannem of ev.-ry one
preaeut were homely aod tbe talk more
hearty aod wboleaome than graceful
and ele\ er.
“Wben It came my turn to wlah,
Darw in Mallory, thf dbaeou’a 21 y.-ar^
old .M.ii. i.dd me what to wUh-Tbat
iMtmprroii* bDiik*
DC tbr atockloga ta CiM
Ib. y
le dining room,
of tbe table,
laMi*. w-.‘nw.-re us
wen- at.|Mo{,rtaie to
likt* *t4N-l,ings. inn*le of t.ab* gns
S*II silk. ,s^ tmi«tnm b.tnlkin tviiboiit cammltUo'
wltb laee niMint ilo- top. and ex.inlslte.
-Cbb-agu, TIuuw Herald.
iod earb
V' tainted'{.rays «»f b«*lly .n.lorinsl
I'M-n el.w,. ln-.|».H-iiou tb.*se ”Ut-[
Ibe .H eUM^tn
.MiHi.mg-. o, re
Iben*. e\ 1*1 y w hei e.
eak.N v;ce;j
‘•Ok'ivH of gns-n In the
wan a sbais'lv but
M..re tb.n: *lis> ni. n ami women tuiTp
|h*c u fr.*r,itently ronnt.Ml at
dm-ing tin*
summer at tbe gam*
nt Ibiteiide.
: LOGS : j ; /.f
J'' We are prepared to purchase Maple
and Other Hardwood Logs.' .
I To be cut 12,14 and 16 leet lonj.
Hemlock Logs
To be cut 12, 14. 16,18, 20. 22 and
Ladies’ Dress Shoes
Pinffrae “Compoaite" at $3.00, Herrick’a “Cyr
ano," at $3.00, Herrick’a • XaUonal,- at $2.50.
and 24 feet long.
Men’s Dress Shoes
Box Calf. Cordovan, Enamela, Kid, P*trnt Calf,
.A'laeol Tan Calf. Tan Kidt. 8260, $3.00, $350i
$100, $4.50. $5.00,.$^00, $7 OO' ana op to $10.
A Fancy Unc for the Babies
'in 15 different ^colora-vary saw and atyliah.
" Frank Friedrich
Its Fnint stmt
Hie OMRdUWc Shoe Man
Write us for prices
before you sell.
JOHN F. on 5 CO.
: ■
19 ^
tHE CMtisTusans.
wkkh «nc»
BtipAd HMs Abeat TbcfrlfMiiI* miMteii. lf.» tkteii Made at
futwc at Hwbc.
heBC. H aOcht m t» gA of Its klad
*ad a* mngf aad acrrlraable aa if tt
BAimitiraonwKAni niEEi. , tui
It BWt Dot be tODCbca kDt it
tD. AW »*^l**- << fTMlDftltlr hDMMM tbbt
pDetHnerd i•4Beor cbelD•lcrtetoclD•
plored to faory anlcW. lu iDteoded
MriMMe bHaff to fire U» _
j DtrractbeD then. B« vbat
iMy OO
DO bHtor
Tbere !• proleitilr
bHter way
wnj of' !»«•*«•"> to yoanally aaodt OM
i>liulaKni>b» (liaa tv P"***! card*. #n^pa, or at imt a pirc*
toldlif rtrr of sibutocnii>l»
fllttlDff tbrio ID
omt from the dry foods ebope.
miD pnitert#(d from
1 Tbe Imrb ^of
pb bolder
WOTJ Of bear/
Ptocr Of wood
Id here dosea. of plKn<»rrmph. dUpUr- |
Dd About oor*» room. Errry one of {
U om t Mrl^AMWr
Ja^^ wD^“tiiT i fL!" *“ i=i 'll
Wmm Win BAdr of aDk vbleb li Allke-oD the Ivb*
ndee* DO adU the wekbADd to Iteed.
Tery aoMH flforea aod subdued colera*
‘ Are Alwmja to be cboseA. A ptccure IB
flr^i of the two abapes. but the ^
mao who Is uocertaln of ber^ wool*
better buy a cheap tie of the dealreA
Atyle. rip It apart mod use It as a modtd.
•# Icr cfram. o^ac c«r pUit <>« rtrb milb mUat
Tbe ATCrAfe BortAl
OO looMBf orer A col- j wiaaiP..
«ws .M «ut ISM
IccUoo of Xmas me>: •*
ous has a fellow feel.
lof wttb the boofry
uareler who weoi In- mm r»iA^is TMOies Ri>kt oo« as
to A fcmaaiom aod | “*
told the waiter to
a rood atorr c^e* from Atlsnts..
bui tbe iDckleol baiVtHHl several seatl>ii
OO the biu of fare.** But the •on. ago Tbe ociw^km
a .web
most remember that the follow- churrh weddluf. Tbe edlflc^d
feasts Lave U*eo pUnued for the ' gloriously dei-oniidHl.
that there U a lim'lt to human capacity
giru Vnd Tm'iZ^T^bo
for asslmilatloo. Surely tbe best |r tka»Klui*
th»* jiui** 4-iiiu* tK^
always dJmctth to decide opoA
D fifi for A mAn. \IThat few Artidea
aiipropriate be usually possesses
dupUeated sevetal limeA and that to
panicularly the case wHb homemade
The im»si rnmable iriftA
are those whose dupUiwiioir
uodesIraMe. such ihlufs as
hatHlken thf. aud cra.atA f.w exAm««
• ^^omemade lie.
true ibai be Is oflcD
TDo IMDesoAStor DtIaa Well PrssssB
Made to • OsAIm OBcIaI.
-Yea. tbe clothes a msD wears OBtet
a rreat deal of differeoce la tbto world..
; especially In ot&claJ life.** rvmarkedl
tbe private secretary of a cabinet olBjetak who Is «x>uipelled to see manr*
,u,. ,f
b. ,
people and to bidd many more pcoplw
, %t l«T.
degrres In-foodnesa. should aaOa- nian mud ibe «mi iatlug clergyman
I “1 was espec ially struck with tho*
wein* taking their plait**. Tbe churvh
imponsnee of clothing some time agoworgan was piwling forth tbe sounds as
continued the omclak -when tbe aaof M^utw wtHldlug UIls. F'ashlooable
alstani seennsry was mlm-nt and It.
p(tiple^dre*s4*d for tbe octwsion occu
was my duty to sure all tbe callerw*
pied the seals of the handsome church.
otf the seervtary. 1 do tliat often, but
It soTjapiM Ued that uue of the imges
; when the assistant secivuiim are bera
bad In Ihe ni>h of busluess prv|iarathey help a gn«t deal.
tory to drvsi*iii« for the iKt-asiou Ux*n
•*\VelL I noticed 4UL tbe
luring over to the t-are of a mime. As
^ irfcmfl to that I bad no ironbto la^
he pr»to',.,Hlttl down the loam aisle of
keej.iUg pcoplf away when I wore my
tbe ehur. h In tt.ii»io*u.v vi lih the other
, Prince AlU rt and looked like the reali
youngsters, who in white satin suits
thing. When I told them that tbe sec*
were doing the honors-of €*aeh resjM*c1 rvtary was loo busy to see callers, they
tlve household, he suddiiilv espU*d his
tht»ught 1 owntsi the whole place and
mother siiiiiNt in one of the |vwa
walkt-d away without remonstrance or
^ without saying that their business waa
pbylii;? softly as the wedding iiarty
. very liuisirtani and they^ were aura
pasHi-il lo the altar. Then, above the]
they would U‘ s«> n If I would Just UkA
gentle siniius t»f luiisle elear as a bird |
their natiu s to the iHHT«*tary.
j cuuM U* hi-an! the voiiv of the aforv* j
j -Wbeu I o*,rc an average looking
said Miiall Ito.v.
busluexs ►n’t. which iidght bnik Just w
-M.n:iiua.” he shrilly crlitl. *^urs»*j
lltth- bit shabliv. the riilh rs didn’t I»ay
put on my fiamles wm>ng shle bi'fon*. i
niili h aitcnti,.u to wimi I said. H waa
and I eau'4 hardly walk!**
« nut^TViVs MCKTirA... mor.* .Ifili -nil than you can ItdagiDc to
oY einirsd* the h.»n
tnniiiiua t*ould reliu tnm to wear eieu a boaaht
ll Is is.-e«d.ie. gel tln iii t«> gii^aw ay. TlM*y would find
do n •l.ing but Uush - .arh j. but lifu«d ►••h^ted by
Kinds ..f e\,u>es to remain and towouM hiovi \. r.-to toci-on.,.- !;!► prejudice?, il
a |•r;l>« r
tie- y.»Ulig
ke* p Mill fioai that lime ou .Vud he one can maK. a He wl.s. !, .► uu.rt- at
difTeience was j*o apdl l ami
Ki-** fn-iii trn* ii\c t!;a:i the pun hu^«-d ou.-^. ’!»» »^»*<ritri!y
. Ik* noticed by olWm In
the bride at tie-. h.-e of the o r.‘:ii*.uy. tlmt cud tiev* r atlc.,pT a tim*le ui>
fiiuml tlmt
that U
U paid
Tl.i- N .a tnm Mo. i at, 1 . at. b- lom U- lu^itt. w hicl, .uu oidv U- su.-v-e--..ful.> *1“ »■••••*"•. *1 f‘dmd
me to go
C-.I for by Jh.»^e who attcujed the w,-d a.vompli*.hed by profe^^. .mUs. Tlo-re
dre.s*s| ou all o<-<-aslons and that
ding-t;ale^burgp;a 1 Mall.
ata* straight
of ^al.ous sty h-s J,"”'*’*,’
__________ ^______
to U* lte*| by tlo- wearer wlm li re^iuhv /•'** »‘,*ad
I only u*-:iit:. sK ami g.M»d taste to l*e
uronsd rioor Dedrooms.
j ,i-a-lly made by the ai-iaieiir I'h’ief'
< «.l»ed Words.
Then iK.laugei in il.e is.n.us cliarac- ‘
CnlmHl wo„l.! I have made a IltllAIcr of pla-ier ei il.ngH. w hich an* *
have a nariuw uc. Ub.iu.I aiol study «'f 111. Ill iiijM-lf, always with>flei. very ij.m itideen. n,,- ..rdiuary
n-s.ilis. L always ruB.
are wider nt oue ... u.lh emln ;,„.| ate
^N»fliiig is -..uly n js»r*ms ili;i].hrag!u
Iht.rlit.* .1 with -nn.ti.sl O.H..U t1..ui,.-l ac-r.KM them aft.r •itsi'oieriiig
•n.ie,-iMe by gxises will, eous.der.,‘.h*
1110 jyears iH-forr tkA* ,
1.. give thi-tu llrmii.-'s It Is is.s-.bte Miinewlier.- at**.,It ino
doiu.“ The vitint.sl air of sitting to scl.s I Very 4ttra« liv«* and suitable birth of flic iiiieiiTor.
tor. I om-c evdnef a
iiM ihen-fore fr»s|uently finds its uiateiials f.ir ihett. i.i the dr«-ss stik name, nwav Iw, k In ISTf*.
isrr*. for one'of’
through itibt b.-ilr.H>ms. The lint
cvunier, materiaU whieh arv tuueh iny so laU.Nl htimorous elinractcra—
.MiKiie.it J..urual asks any skeptie*
mon- reilne«l ami deli.-tiie th.-in tl.o*^ miderbaek. I put the l«ld.*rl«ick fam-to •••.-.m.isire h!s UHtily and m, nial seti
usually made up si ui.-ii's furiushmg
leatioiis after sh-. piug m sueh a ns.m slun-s Half a dozen four ... hands in One iilghi, alto.ui IW. | lt*cturc<] lo Sa
and lu on. sttuat.M over a similar ns.in a u.x would he :i«'.^pial.le to most lem. .V J.. am^old one of niy nildcr**
LrUisa- S-U.l »i
well v. nt lai..l ..nd m.i
upunj .,r men if the .s.!.,rs w. re w t*M-Iy * hos.-u. bark storh-s. >n.c aiidUmv was «*on-lllumimii.si by g;i> dm fug the ev-n Then- might In oUe eaeli of |s-arl. sil viil-.-.bwlth in..r.- inlrili tlmn the sto^p*
Ing - The n in. dy it s^y s. is f. hriv. • ver gniy ami navy Idue failh-. auoilier cj.11.k1 f..r After the bit lire I was la-iKKlns.iils ..II file gn.iili.l Mis*.- nilii liv 1 of gniy satin with liny whilv snip'.**,
nU.iit a d..zeii ItlM.-HdickDf.
Ing w..rkaig and .s...king i.s.tns up am.ilo-r uf dark l.liie suiii. wiih white who «>nJoy4-<1 iny story mor*-.tliaii any*
stairs. Util h..w aiM.ui uoise’r U.ud.m pill d**ts. another .*f n line tdue mid one i*ls<*.-lbdH-n J. Iturdettc In CbSto-i hrouu le. *
wlafe cIhs k A newer tie U an Kug
^ ^
Win yet n..i «Kvui»y itHi much rrv>tn.
The idiot*»graidi sere« ii is ..jn* of ths
best. It IS s bith- toen-eu which stsmli
AO the liilde and tuny Im- un.hI ss a
lamp scr«K-n. and JW nmnufacture will
give ot-riiicilion to the maker of hnim*Bade riin-tmaK gifts Th- one Ulustratisl slurwto an aitracilve shais*. but ,|tro div
the f..rui may Ik* \aried to suit Indl- , the e
▼hlual l.i'-te. The Wirer.l e..||slvts of
two b-aies. w h!eh an- ni*.tcti.sl tnr*tber with siiinM hinges. I.ut these
may Ik- »,UUh\ after the l...nve* an- lln- j.",
|sIh*<I The lenie*. tlic|„M-|ies ate of !,.,
thin wissl and an-e».M-i.-»! oui*ihb-w 1th • ,.|,i ,n-,n iM.nh-MKl A
Atn-teh.-.! IbriKiide. tinlshi-^l mound the pimi* There Is a U.w ..f -.alln rlbl»oo
Adge with
|ehe.| g.K
Uh siretehed
g.Ksls. luit
t,ci>,ss the top bv which lO bSOg
horizontal , „j,
ph..togiaph li.dd.*r.
Place Hotel
* ^ ^ Traverse Qty, Michigan
IRicbart* IRounb
Si Son...
Jacob Fnrtseb
Iron and Brass
Manufacturers of Everything
In the.line of Iron and Brass Castings
The South Union Street Grocer
Prompt Delivery.
The Rnest Assortment of Holiday Supplies For The Tabk
g SpecUlty,
Agent for
SawMiDRepairs on Short Notice
Fiebchman's Compressed Yeast
Hannah & Lay Co.
W. o. Holden
Telephone orders promptly filled. Call up
No. 34—either Bell or Northem-'Phone.
Jacob Kurtsch
Union Street,
South Side Grocer
. —
^" ■
'•./■■ '
.r ...’^ ■ ’■'■■*' '^r
/•• ■' ^ ..;v^
^ ^
r ^
There hare been
-General.- with hto ipiardlan. made a eateni of onr own. The papyrna haa
second rtolt to the palace, belnj: re- a Umh heading. -Direction bow^ to air
liny Yankee, celrrd in the yellow drawing room. A uia the knowkd«e of aU dark thlnEA*
than three
third rtoli was sck^D
d paid to Bockini;Bocklnr etc. Numerous examiilca show that
UlL He was bora In Bridgeport, Conn., ham paUt^. and iL is lime the queen’s ihelr
In ISX! or
of -poor bot nmle Leoixdd, kini; of the Betjrians. umts and fractloiis we
r^i wtntiosDat^lroprao.
u rfdfT
i BtUt aitlcico of brlc.
honest parentB.^ tlto real name
was present and «ns prvatly amused, nieans of addition and n
<Mr It te «oor oMcIi to cbooif
plHMocniplio and
Charles 8. Stratton, and alihooph hto askimr
ions, and Qoeen 8ubirtt;ilans and dlrtolons wers boC
Md, ttMiofiurtorrd fbtai^ oat of Cbo
relatives always caUed bhn Charley he Vlcu>ria.desirtncibe-GefM-rar toslufc. kuow n In their present form, bot cor■fcop^ bat ibrrr aro ocmdo fricAdo
* to Had space fbr tbom: broco the popiH
o'as known tu the world at toir^- as the
ulred w hat sour be preferred, rect n-sults were ditalned oerertheleaa,
" hutty of obHrro. brackets aad wall,
one and only -General Tom Thumh.rt re
ankee Dwidle.- was the prompt
ret:«)fiatkms are also /ound In the pa
And bits of funiUhliMr of ,
Vnder the manajrement of Mr. T, T. ply. All present IsurImhI iMwrtUy. and pyrus. AmonR the examples plren to
A Umo ankle which, tewoear.
a»- tnat
' ....
always acceptablo
Jlaraum our smaU hero traveled all her majf.-iy said “Thai Is a rery pnrt- this one: Ten mrasurvs of barley art
while aOhrd- ^ gjft,. xhlo to oae of the rare cam
rth. makina
iC •Gem-ral* 8lnR It, If yon to be dlrlik-d amooR ten peraooa ta
DUfartarea are better
*-fwo colossal fortunes, one for himself pleas.- ** And
that each sobaeqoent
* " • ^he i
such I
than that which to boupht nnkws Inand one for bU mauairer. On Jan. 18. | Tbc British puldic was now fairly ex- p.-rson rv<-ch.-s (
deed one hoys very expensive cabinet
1H«. he set sail for Kurope to try his ’ cited. lYom March *3* to July 20 the urc less ttuiu the one before him.
work. In attemptiiiE any rich artkla
. faiM-lnaiions on kluRs and queens and levees of the little Hk-ueral” at Erjp- other example Riven Is: There are aerof formtohlBf It to best to bare a car-,
| tton hall wen- nintinusllv .-rowded.
«-n men each one has seven cata, each
peoter make the deal foundation ae- ]
I In those days a vo.vaR.- across the
Om- afternoon, attin-.! in a court cat has tafeo seven mice, each monat
cordlod to dlrmlons. IsKwiise the cab
, Allamlcwas a much monImiwnant dnws. ranslsiluR of a handsomely em- has eaten seven Rrains of barley, each
inet must be strooc. and feminine carkind art event thao It is
now. aud you may brtildertNl velvet euai, short bnsvbea, arain of Imrli-y would, if culUratcd,
pentertof to usually not trustworthy.
gtlU farther from beiof wekx>me to tha rest ai.Kurvd that >lr
made white satin vest, white silk st.K-klnRn i«»te yleldi-d s.-v,-n mrasuies of barley,
nrat. a woman has not tha necessary aveniRe man. There are other kinds,
m tapltal of this r.» ilayi
irney. pmupN wIr. »HH-k»-d hat and dress How much barh-y has been lost in that
■trenRtb In her hands and arms; next, however, the most aulUble bclnf thosa The i«iriy ei.nsUi.d of the ms ns w. sword,
House, way?
ord, he
he pent
pvnt to
to MsrlU.r.*ui:l.
she baa not the firoper tools, and. last, of heavy water color paper or thin the *<;eneraL- his iian-nts. his tutiw the resldemv of Queen Adelaide, widThepapyrus alsocooUlns calcula!ah« haa not been Unght the trade. It cardboard, which are cut out In the and a French naturalist, and a brass ow of William IV.
Uons of area, the-calcuUtion of tha
|ta desirable to make a sketch of the
,hape of a s*-Rmrnt of a circle and l«ud es«H»rted them to Sandy Hm»k. i“Why. nk-nernL*- said the queen
art-a of a circle and Its transformatloE
I shape of the caUliirt, Rive the desired
then Joined by little clamps which ThU fac-t was duly lierald.Hl In the dowai,-,-r. “I think you h»k vtTy smart Into a square, and finally calculatlotia
dItuensJona and the thk-kneas of the
come for the pun»oMr and mouut«Hl l-mMkm uews|«i|N rs, to whl.^l was add- knlay “ “I rihws I do.“ he answen-d of the ruble nH-asnrement
of pyrawood and let the carpenter put tha
« lutle t^U framework.. The m-w ctl the siat.-iiiem that - ou h-aUid: New o.uieuu-dly. Ikfure he left the qmH-n mlds.-PhlUdelphla llecotd.
framework lofrlher.
Mmi with regard tu them is one which York the %lwarf was «-«-orUNl to the tis.k him i*p ou her Ujk.saylUR: “I see
-------------------------This may l•eenamekMl or atalbed. but will render them Individual aud p»^ |«u k.-i by no I.-h# tlmii b».».si
you ba^c no w ni« h. Will you ts-nidl :
The rate «r Aamiral torwa.
It then challenRcs rivalry from bouRht cullaiiy appttiprialetdo the |K-rsou fur
s«mui «fii*r arriving in l.ondou Mr. luctuglxcyou ..m-r* "I slmuM like It '
Admiral JohnI Bjug
B;ug wns
WHS the foorth
cabinets which are finished In the whom they are meant. It eonslsis In
Rartmin and hu charge .-all,si at tio- very niueh.” was t1
.xver. And a .un of the Earl of Turrluglun and aenr.
Mime way. but by profrsaiooato, 8o ornamenting them wlib immuunied orths- of The Ilinstrausl l...ud..n News, few w.s k. after he
again Imltid
m iho British navy, rtolng to ba
photographN. muunUHl In such a way The first isirinilt ..f Tom Tlminb taken to Mnrllioivnigh IIoum-, when- many : admiral of the red In 174H. when be
that the light of the lamp-will shine In England np|N-ars In that Jounutl. chlldn-u of the nohlllty ww pn-sent, was 44 yrara old, jn )7M1 he was sent
^through them Beveral large om-s or dsi.d IVb 21. !M4
Then- ara fw« ami Qft.tn Adelaide gatY- him a U-au- ‘ ^ph « Imdly .iitilpiKd fleet to relieve
many small ones may thus l»e nsitl. cuts, lu the first he U
Ntsmliiig llfiil but liny waicti and chain.
Mlm»rea. Uin-atem-d by Iht- t>v«e1i.
'apaees for them being neatly cut In the on a clmlr by a lalde. which s,-rv.-s to
lie r%-c,-lviHl many other prasc-nts ||,. r.orlnd Minorca after tbe Franck
; 8hade. ao lliat the material of the empliasira his diiuluuilve sl«-. The fn.ic various |H-«»ple. aud ih«*N.» were uaj p„t ,i,ore. Ills si-cund In comshade does not |»ass i»en«-ath them. For second ph fur%- Is %ery gissi and Is call all phu-etl umler a glass raw- and ex- niaud. lU-ar Admiral West drove them
example. If the plcturt-s ara to be ar- <d “Tlie .\iuericau Dwarf .-ti the 1‘rin hiblieil at the rec«-pilons. The Duke hai-k. while 11 vug kept hto shl|w out of
ranged In medallions they are cut In a ccns Tlu-ater “ He Is n i.n-s..|i!.sl ns of Wellington fn-.jnently Io,»k.sl In up- *,.tion. In a day or two be sailed to
round or oral ftmu. and a corrcs|K>ud to-ing on the stage Is-f.m- the f.HuIlgbts on i!ie link- innu. and «m omcBbrallar. b-avlng Minorva to lu fate.
Ingly sbapiHl hole. JuM a little smaller, icmslylng the walk and maiiiiers of w h«*n the small “tb-m nil.“ w ith fokled He was Iric-d fur<lraachery aud cow
* to cut In tbe shade. The pic ture Is tto-n NaiH.leon. Tom Thumb’s perf«»rnmnet's artns and knitted brt>w. was stnitllng artllw. but acquitted. The court marImoimted on the Inside of the shade.
*l»‘ rrioet-ss theater made such a up and down. Imitating NaisdiMm. the
<-ouvli-tisl him of not
: ficlng outward. In tbe«-days of kma •'l‘»i" *l»at Mr. Hanium next engagiMl hig gem-rnl. Wellington, laughingly lun-|leve the
:teur photographa the auggestlve poNsI- Kgjptlan luilL |•i.-,-adllly. whither quiretl. -Nif
irtld/12 of tte
billtlea ara rnnumerahle.
Familiar ihnmg.Nl many visitors of rauk and my little many “i am initikiug. air. British naval etsle of tliose daya he
of the batth- of WaterhH>.“ was tbe waW eondemne.1 to U-shot. The mln••
■ ■ . •WDM. rfotlllne pl.-««nl aMocUtlon.. fashion.
Tlie American minister, the Huu. Ed- prmupt n-ply, tlie little f<-atun s never taters t«sik hitii as a sca|»cRoat. and he
Ukow wblcb •!» corpKd wUb ativleb.
be i:rou|H-d toBilbpr. Ibi- rwualiiriAJIO ERY SinkUJi
n„. qi^i-ter d«Tk of bit
«i plo.b, broedp. prvloDop or deblm
of Ibp .bade b.«ln* poppppO wUb wani Even-tt, was v«-ry kitid to his losing their wrioiis eXi»re»-*.ion.
AM acope for the exercise of dainty ,
match tbc mow wbara they are to
harmonious paluteil decyratlon. *-«*uulryiii#*u. and It wns at his Iioum* owii flseHhin.
flagshiii. the
the Monarque.
Monarque. In
In IV>TtaD
vaadiework Is a fiat strip of silk, aaUn ^
Ikinitim uiet a <-<-riaiu Mr.
As for penmnal plmtugraphs, there
ith iarlH>r on Marah 14. 1757.
Not l••rllesl■r
te to>an«ws.
of th»- qms-n’s hoiiM'The xvaiter girl knew a thing or two f
follow lug one of the
The Kslremee.
gnar«U apis-.-m-il iM-fora alMoii table .-tlquetle, so she sulfr»*«l |
wi.rnfutly ns -he kjiM. “If,, not uur
Hobbs-My landlady hat both atroof
Mr. Itarniiiii with n uotr i-oulalniug i
111 Mexico tanllla Is iiinch nsed as Ifivliatloi, from the .pi.s-i
wren ibrn dust and nmlsiura wlU
”No?** n inark«s| the nalri.n In sur I Ikiblis-What are they?
. ^
on the goods. Thera should be a llttto ^; heart
heart tonic
tonic The
The plan
plan Is
In simply
simply to
Thutnh and hU gunnlktti.
trate more or less.
Ilobha-Butter aad coffee.-Chtoaca
flue Id the paate. and the goods atpmid {.k.. . nk-oe <f t'aiillla such as is used
to apiMs.r at Hucklugham prise "Th.-ii bring me an mx.*'-I*Mlu
The ahleid jdiow n lu the sketch to of
delphia lle.-..nl.
tmlaiv on t
vlfiisl evening.
emo} aalln. lined wb*- waddeO»Uu uwUI It Is mate drv The eablner Ib
Wall cakto;! VW tk*
K H la ptcTamd., m
wal sr^ «mb tte words,
,A^.2Knr-.s: = 2sr-a.trsui;j £
'Xi.'" :“xs;,:! !::xr;iur.;vXirsx,“3
Triamph Stni Range
f y y~y yy yyy yy yyyy^
yy y fyy^
f yy y y y f f y y y y y yy y y ryy r yy y f y y y y y y y yyy y yy yyyy y y yyy iryy
PROSPEROUS times are here again, and rwlizI
ing the facl^ we have bought the largest and nic^
stock in our line ever 4hown in Traverse City,’
Up>u af« fvttM 0¥T mkat to girt, como to Bughoo
B BoJtborgh-o Btnrmmc/.
f 0( )SH and mounted, from
■ V $10.00 to $125.00 each—
These stones were purchased
before the recent advance in
price, and could not be sold at
these prices had we watted
until the advance, before pufchasin^j.
Crest Marc.
Vewa/ Sfanifs, Jemef Boi€S, Femer/, Card Bowai,
bacco Boiet, Fates, Cigar Sets, Water Botftes.
Wo eerrjf tio iigioot grodot, in bulk 'an^ taoey peck•got.SScup.
X Urge, heavy, steel ranj^e with heavy fire box liiiiDpR, heavy
top covers that will not crack or hr* ak by dropping, heavy
Eboip? Sets.
ateel body with asbe^toa lining.
Top of range 4 feet 2 inebea
long. 2 feet 3 iochea wide, fire box 2S incht* lung, and oven
^loi.ll) k'old and ^jold filled
^ T ..Aill the latest styles an<l
Ameritan make, in all sizes
and at prices the lowest at
which a ^vood watch can be,
Sold--(we do not handle che;y>’
imitation watches). We also
have some nickle cases, which
we can fit with g;ood move
ments. and sell at a low price.
chased and plain—
just the thing for a Christ-^
mas present. Or perhaps you
are going to get married, or
seek the consent of your best
girl. If so we have just what
you w’ant in wedding or en
gagement rings
20x30 inches square, weight <i00 pounds; enameUd reservoir
CpmU. Mirrofo, Mooieoro Soto, Boekot Book,,
Foootom Boo,. Writiog Compooiio,. hi Stood,. »tom.
with condenser drip and large high wanning clcset.
A first-
class, high grade range
irate {gatfama), ate.
Wor ^40.00...
8m»llw Mze, MUe de«:ription. for I3.X.00.
Every range wtr.
ranted, and I am here to make the warrant good'.
Then we have Chains. Charms. Pins, Cut Glass,
Sterling Silver. Silver Plate. Clocks. Hand Painted
China. Umbrellas, Fine Stationery. Silver Novelties,
Gold Pens and various other articles too numerous to,
You are respectfully invited to call and inspect our
st^k whether you wish to purchase or not.
Also a full
line of cooking aud beating atovea.
l .. \> \
1 •
•m Hr n0m wm
• «•«• «i8
I M » 9Wi lilt f«M
ktiVf^«w »• !
-----------------V. HOW TH£ AMEWCAWa CCLCBtUTEO
at <MMY
to tuirr^TiU ll&rktmM
®f prr^nu
roorivrd In tbr mall. a&<I n«<«riT
daboioir MtAldra. Atone*
Dr«*f*aratiufia fur a mil Oli-Utmaa
rati<iii WfTT boimo. and tlierv waa
Iw llmMirHouf •hr army.
ICatm OmmS Din-
the day. In the mumlng there
ligiona MTTk'ea held in tW different
oianda by the rliaplalna. and theoe wet*
Urgely attetnled by the aoldirta. Tbena
KU TCit/-
doubt r0 1
an American
rbri-iinaa. and It
laiawtalnthal the
rapilal <-ity of the ,
i«-a eeleIta find
Amrriean ChrUtyear «f
U alao n-rtain
Allhoogh they bare unden»o* nU
day wajj^ghtly^lp i
thoae engaged in this war. do not do
thlaga by halve*.
Tbla firat Ameriean
CkrUtmaa celehratlnn bete In Manila wlU
be long rrmroiliered by thi»ae who panicIpated In the featlvltira of the day. and H
WlU oof be the laat by many unleaa prew
mt Indleathma belie themM-lvea. for
Amerit-an cuapmu are faat becunilng laapunted here.
While the men of the Eighth army
corpa* the army of oerupatlon In Manila.
bad bom looking forward to the Fbriatfur a lung lime, it
tliriatma* that the
the pciK-r obaerra•to When on Tlinrador U-furr PhriMiua*
Fifintga rAiTTAimcAUY DEWagp.
lala and hartlahlpa of a earopatgnI
In the rain
rainy aeaa..ii of thl* tropical cU•-.aU. live death li.t baa U-eo Verr low.
ery i«e.-k. hul the
t uf all an- I’aan, I>iaa and Indy
Tv the Piljpin-Mi t:hri.tma. waa
a week lung, and then- wa.. another we«-k
of preliminary nioi.-Inc. For iin.re than
a week liefu.-^r Cbriatinaa (he ear
injc buur« hen- in Manda a,
mu*lr. Hat,da |.aradial the
diffen-tii parl« of the tity. The Ivlla of
the great ealbnlrala rang out their mel
lotunea to awaken the t.eu|de fojoarly m«^.
Oder of tto- my ,
Muair waa one ,d t
bare U- n at.»re«! away owing t.i the oe- '
^j,h the native
enpathm .,f the ehnn-h aa^Urraeka by
holiday a.-aa..n. Then- an- few peolltr bpanlah
priaoner*. were bnnight j,v mun- niiiaioaUy inelitw-d tliati the Fillforth.
Then- wen- -4-nln-a in. the dif„n ,|| ,H-i aaiona muale ia a
ferent «*ther rhurrhea. and theae were |,nnr!|.al fealnn* with the nathea. Th«-y
al~i attende.1 by oar auldiem.
|„^ve all a. trta of braaa. wiring and reed
The prinripal feature of the day. bow- itt,,runient.
id a.itue of the latter are
ever, waa tlw dinner, and er,-ry cm- „„„t nide
mand had a Hiaiigr fn,m the idain bill
•.irut-ienta-fn.m m-rti..|ia of IwiUof fan- pn.rid,-d by Tneie Ran, to aome.d th.-«- an- ..f all Mxea and cn*
thing more palatable and api«-tlrlng. It
ly of all pii. hea. At the holiday
had been a lung lime aince the mm had
one haa a «-ham-e to a.-*- more of
aoixM-thing the mnaieal in*tiiirt than at any
partaken of
and there oeaa.»n of the j.-nr.
All day CbiH
like Hriliae^
rhrf.troaa ih,^ native band- |day,-,l i, the atni-t.
were many thin^ to
They b-nt tbeir aid toward
I day here in the rhlHppine* t^x\ vitii-a of t'hriaimaa ere and I'hriatmold not have U-en m.,n- perfect. The
night enjoy
.\ll tln-.mgh the
reatiwr waa Uih-. In the morning there holy w.<«-k M anila
a Dill waa filletl with muale,
arre culing bn-em-a, and later the aun
riiriaintaa, or Taiu-o. aa the St»anlab
poured lla ray* atralght down.
The U. had UUa g—I
g.a-l thing- for old and y,
\ amtinel* were kept btiay in dodging the Tlie ehildren w.-rv- at the bright of their
I beat and bunting tbe ahadk
All doty jnr. fur Jugmie-. (be Rama ("latia of
I not abaoliitely
lutely tie»-r«aary waa diafven-Kal (be Filipin.e.. . nine thnoirhont the In ml
g—I thing-.
lib for tbe day.
and everywliere di-lribiitf.1
(*l,rf-tinn- f,gnr«► gporta In the di
For a w.-k b.-r.
treat Held day haC been arrangi-d to fainaati.-ally dr.—4-l t.. rep,o-.-nl Ju
be held on the Lunetla. but -.wing to guetea Were lianb-l (hr.oigli the -tn- ta
tbe unaettied aUte of affairs it waa on d«—*rated eart-.
Ev^-rywhen- tio-e
wer«- f.dlowed by cewda of native i-hii:
many queer errrmoniea, mud with
\vi,en the |u.,.pie of the PhUlpidnea
with man
them the joyful r*a«o Diaa waa a gn at
. holiday. the> are
The Filiidtti»» bn«w how to enj..y ' eUd In their In-ai and alri<-al aitire. and
A-idr fn..n the •erriem held In
anrtrtl cumniauda of (be army, there
waa a .ju^ iei aerrn^ toHO in lue nreet
CallK^lral «.f tUn Ignatiua fnr (hr a^.l
dirr» uf (he Ametii-au arni). There » aa
_ (1.1 a.demu hiiTh ma.-, and lt. % Pa
Iber MrKinnln «f (be Pi,at ralif..mia
ially la tnia
>Urly on Phriatmaa m.imlnc the
a wen- tUh-d w ith natirea 4kf all
the wonn-n in hr
the-u- are the
With our a.d.liera tb.- prinripal queie
thm at Chriatiuna time wa- aa to g.*lng
mark It with llie tuick of the knife Into
to|uan-». When quite cold. MMp^tbea
return of the
fur the
fon-t-a waa an..tlier
rejolf-lng and
haa paaaed
pnaaed and another
('hriatmaa aeaaoi, U celebra!,-d in Ma-
^ **"'‘“* ***
waltnwa U
rblua pUb-w. coiUM. and toiocbrw
nhould tint Ik- piled .
have U--n
br.*nght more fully under
Ameriean lnllu,m.M*a and will hara cmharked u|M.n a ni-w rra.
tu-fort-they are luicked.
rmrka eaally.
Otiicrwiae IbA'
UldmuTiy ntid luidly InfulabtHl It la A*
I giKHi pUtti to dip the iHvrtmo of a aofu.
^iQ old cloth in sweet oil or soft Urd. 1
have a fad for wearing the hair pari(^
In the center and pn-ttlly waved, ttiuontici-w a Faria c4,rTvw|M»odent. Horn#
char tiling American glrla w ho were receuily lu I’aria had their h.-ada dnnacd
at the cuvtii faKliloiiable plaeea. aud the
luaimer of imrtlng the hair in the middie aeemeil to eiuctly ault their featUrt-w.
At iM.ine very aweli rijtictlona
In wliltliig and rub tlM-arfieh-a
' til the black liaa diaappiwn-d.
UnUh with whiting,
Never pnreluuw* the aame nort of a,
^ fowl for n frU-aam-e
you would for
runatiug. The fonut-r may bi» a yesr
and a half old. It w ill <hw1 miM'b leaa
! than the one 1i year oM. which wlU bw
retjnirt-l for roaalliig. r
thereafter their c-f.lfTnn-a wen- gn-at*y ' I Aimiioiiia. ch1on»form. lieUKlne
admln-«l. Tlie faahlon u bh-b bna In-cp j^jy drug .which evn|mratei, can
n-viTPd la now
mn.a »
French **a la- Aniert-
gafejy left to a Imttle with a rubber
! ML
Hello! Hello!! .
Special ^
Preparation i
^ for the Holidays
CAoewUle CnraaM-la^
poar one pint Of liiltk Into a prfgrtffc
in, .lan and add lialf a noimd of chOM^
. The
■ %
telephone Co,
H. D. Campbdl & Sonsf^
Pioneers of Electric Li^ht
New and
Takes this opportunity to reach all the people, and
Elegant Line of
Business in Grand Traverse Region.
to thank its patrons for the generous support ac
has just be« received andjpow diuJayed
corded since the company was established.'
The Northern Telephone Co. is aJocal enter
prise and its officers are residents of this ch^'.
The line is being gradually e.xtended to sur
very best. The company is expending a large
amount in perfecting h; s>-stem and two new switch
Arc popular this year because the times*are good. I
Tor stores and public structures*
rounding towns, and already the ser\ ice in the city
is unexcelled, and in many surrounding towns the
x>ards will soon be added to the exchange.
You cannot afford to be without a 'phone.
I Incandescent Lights
and public buildings.
for Ch^tmas presents.
Step into the -post office building and inspect my
line. l ean suit your fancy and yCmr pocketbook. too.
The best line of latest novelties..
and all kindsof electric wiring.
l/m. beNnett
Front Street
Poet Gffic* Building j|
EUctnc Cklt BdU.
Pi^dcftt, W. W. Smith; Vice-president and
general manager, C. W. Wheelock; Secretary,
F, Nl Carroll; Treasuscr, George G»ne.
li ■ >
EUdric and G*s Fiztarts.
^ I I For better infarmatioo
about tbaethingt can oo
1 have some valuable pins, suiuble for‘gifts—also
hundreds of dainty articles which are especially suited
For residences, offices, stores and all private js;
^ Special aPentioh giten to the wiring of all kinds of buildings |
Subscribe for the Northern. •
bought some before the Transvaal war began. Prices
are higher now.
$ Arc Lights
Use the Northern ^Phone.
Traverw Qty, Middgan
jmnio of Bcutrli rrtimirr la Imt Mtai«
^ wtmi4
ripUla «rb«t fr«» wHitfaff aa
oilod. It l« tni# ibat at aba i
■iwi'iiiuvT«a> nAiunt.
■^fraw oWer »br rban(a4 aooM-frbat, bat It ' b» oatlrat wiib bln oafII hr toaii af-
w IrK^iJT
r^",crx:»’V"s.'^-t;'.3“'' “■■ ■•"
araa that
aba raHproaal*^ hU lora aa ^«.r,*«
ararmly that aha would aladir haae nar- [
-Hut yonI aun
aurelj mra Bot golns to Imiat
thaUad aba had read at lha aam
riH bin atat of haad ai>d atonlf^ tba ^ that I taka Hr
Who CO CbrM hi* day ta UaiM
Chrtatnaa taat. but afcw ha waa lajinc ,
«^rra U n..ili
•« «?;
ftbaU red* artaht U4h lor* and
_ f*® *
-'Baptoae I wa* bom oo Cbrtatmaa,' pmaabinc ft with
rapactad to bear tLa ^ TIm- jewel
diba uard to aay. **l 1iave a power to than any of hia prrdaeraaora Harry la h very pretty ..na, but I wuld md hppa
which of my friend* arr true and auapretad lha eaoaa of bar onaaalMM
f«l*e. hut if I axplaln tbia ‘ n^d a.kadbar to axplaln. but mneh aa
power to any one I .hail l.m- it.**
aba would barf ilkt^l to warn bln ol
\ >oWaf
aounded tf>rf
rary abaurd tbr anara into which alJ her prarioua
tbU aoonded
Of rtHiraa thU
> bad fallen aba could not do aa
md rt*cl*larad a row to harp bar
•rerrt. Hha did prt,ml*a. bowarcr. that
that bar p»iwer bad ^ thoroughljr
wnaMa foandatluD. But it compellad If ha a«wped tha dancer aba wonid ec.4»ar to ward down bar friend, and ad- pUln avarythfac to him after Cbri-lnaa.
to a pitifully anall cr«»up and
**If Jon lora mr truly and are tha noppl- bla.
a. canarona
canaroua aoul I baliara you
yon to be.
are I* no dancer.”
danjp‘f.” •aba aaid to him.
Cbartuinc tbara
«ama t.. w.,.. but for the fact that
”1 am not ao anrr
Cnpld altriy. look, after hi. own.
' r-oaroalty.” ha aaid. ”but
will walk na di^
Vrtym tha time .hr waa 17 llll abf waa that I lora you. aud I w
22 Jaan dl.ml^iMd from one to a doian , Cttm.p.H-lIy a. I ran.
«dmlrera ar« ry C'hri.tmaa without ax- | As tha <*hri.tmaa
planatlon. aitd |ie.»pta wara b«-cinninc Jaan*. auxiaty inrr
to bai
:. /
hut aha
diamiaard him an aontuinelloualy at
rChriatmaa and with aueh oulapokan
•com that It iM-cama a aaylnc amonc bar
frlanda that aha wouM never p i marrlad until a yminx man appearvi] who
fould hold bar fancy throuch the (*hriatmaa .ecm. Fba adiuilti«1 tl.r Irulh of
• cmilnr of the richt man.
il’beo Harry Finlay e«me to ll.a town
act aa chief In the local tuink. ha
Italy .inirk np a
with l^e l.auiirtil Inil diN^dctily p*HniUar
ell meaiiinc friend. waro*vl him
whole future'happlnaaa depended,
Aatba iittla jawaiar In tba town did not
hare a rary Urea aaaorlmant of praaanta
Harry found it diflirhlt to aeUnn a anltabla one for Jaan. lie wanted to yira bar
aoniathinc out of tha common run. but aa
be feU that in view of tba nacaiuilty for
wiihln a yenr. and I Cti.t
aavinc money toward bouaakaaplnc ba •y tba New York hou*e for it ”
910 hU (
-•Well. I <*all tlial
mity wa. cTcaUy increaw^.[. In
order I?
to ^I Harry,
hU 7emi.^r‘“
The jeweler
hi.inc hi*
arc him an I
«!-. -K-i ihrT
cataUipie -'V'.
and told him w
j Indulcinl in a rather undicuiti.nl .luarr.d.
tba di-aicn ba wanted and |ia wouldI tana . pinnlly Harry paid the hill aud ex. luim
to tha rily di.r IL Harry octed oi
I a* ba dW *o:
PttKcatlon ^and work««d over that caU
**If I Uvr in thh
50 yeara. I*U
I; I Hcadqilarters
tallj left
after diiin. r. aba aaid
him aanio for hla
ud birtbdaj rifb
There In «mly one way for hirer* to aib.T«*d him.**
pre»* Mueb I hank*, and after a furtira
•*Hut yon were aomft'd to him.**
^lan«v toward tha do«*r* and wiud.*ara
wiiiJowa 1It
bui I dhln*t know than what lora
Aftar tha coMomary
►ean*. Kren if ha had |mi*«m1 my fool- i
•nc* Jaan whi*parad
a* *he hid h«-r faia* on hi. U.*om:.
Uh le*t I would .till hava |»arl«-d from I
Kxi mind {\
aU aloaa that you wopld him. for ! did not know my owti
felt *ura a
paaa the ta*t all rUrbt. You are ao noWa ^hen I om.-ni.'d to U- enracad to him.” I
and **. p naniu*. I lorrd y.ui a.i much
“But it
that I wanutl
y.oi a1
,, j ji,,
would be no
i, wa.
ha fallail In bla
*iliy. but I rowtnl
Wioild la*t aU ny frianda ihb. way, aa .r^s»«ir^meii!a in a way that I bfd not
well aa any one who made h*vc to me, previ..u*ly dreamed p<i<.lhle. Why. that
and you know U baa civan me tba repo- man actually imnicbt ma an encacct
VWw IHti* rkil^M tr*«M
Uthm of iK^lnc odd.”
rim: for ('hriMma.. and It wa. to aerra
”Bul what i» tha tartr a.ked Harry la a* an en*:.nc« nieui rinc. t’hri.tma. praa- I
anrpri.a. at tha *ama time rejoicinf that ant and birthday cifl all in one. Tliat .
be bad pawM-d it *iicca*.fully.
wa- Uyond atiythimr in the way of tma |
•T’an’t you iru.*..? No, no; you ci>nld r^-Ti.miy that I hnd aver h«-anl of. andit !
Xv m*kr Ihefr. Uiinrly H
Pa*, hr onto inHr *lo.4inca
for you are tm. thoncbiful ci-u.mI my ey.- io the kind of man ha
Adawa »b. —fcirtTk pap
and p nan.ii. eter to think of doiuc any^ wn*. But you nin.| alway. i
Ibinx elM- t^n what you did.**
d. nr. that it i- not lha pre.- i.t
Harry pfifT.^t out hi. el.e«t and fait hut the thourhlfuluasa that
good while he waited furr her to proceed. * them.**
A. Harry n.
weler and hi
cootanatloB b#in what make* me differ- apant flltt luorv
ent fnun every one cIm-. hut no one hat Hue. in.le.d of’tha"l’wo’’priimlii, ba
■“<* » ouraa. wbof
aver cu«*»-MMi the nvil iva.4.n. All tba didn’t fi*el Muila ao pnmd oT hiut.«dfaa al"OUwlUK a Pccvnt fUJianU of fTl
thar children hadd a birthday a* well aa he did at 6r.t. but ha wiMy
wiwly <H»ncladi«d .....................
bar of their race, at which tUeiw bud
year, but I had to ba to accept the pxid that the p.i* had U'eo a.mx'al (irofualaio of dowora. Tb#
day for both. Beaida*. a.ni to him. and l.a let Jean praliw him nurm-aald:
‘ ^ * with only to her heart** o.nte
Ua fall, bowai
ti h
to find out whi- h of my fri. iid. were
really thonchtfid and can-d for ma vary
much. Thai
.,n.n. who rememly and <*hri.tma<^ ju»t
the one. who U-at me
hadI v.ry
v. ry little
► do with. O cnoin-- it i- n. the
pr«*-4Mtt.n 1I think .o
«-<i 1tniM-h HlNiUi. hn lha
th .uchtfulne... tho.ich wh. ti I w n- ..UDavr the prc*^‘ol. iiM-d f. cum t.«.”
when they hn.1 .jiiarrahHi. a.k.nl for a
rat.h.cue fn.m which l« .. hnn an anc«c«n'-t.» niu: with a ladiiaira in it that
he enu ot.ler n. ium.u an he hn. .avetl up
enoiich iii.oiey or aacurv.! tha pnim«.tlon
to the |N.Mii..n
i.-iiion of man
inanap-r that< b. I,
wnitiuc f*.r Jaan. of curaa, I. xvrf
happy and ihinkn. after all. that li «»•
not Ml. I, a hardship to
on < ■hri.irui.., aa It cm
ITood old Juice drlldda
de jrround *>\outh*a To
rrow.. -U.. .um-r m-n. h«|. to ^
b«n<l« and fw. .-an oblaln
fcui Ihv
the aaiur Jiy. putting
glorwa f
In.bU their
tli.dr «fU.klnira
s<-b"iS" and
Mot^ •■ .kr «k» I
—..s: sm-£rmi4.^m
wvmj, irtm teuiii h t
aar |«ltld aad sn ItorM <
{ The raa.1 tiirkrj sod b«*f .ad bUtof [
plum poddlaa arr
rortb«ottJaCte |
•erred by aattre waiter* io their
t and bare feet. The fes^Titie. of ;
to day are oaoally wooad up by a dtoer '
party ia to eTemojE.
C. B. BTantaoTUL
*ha !• at pnaol a saaM at the Palaea *fcg*p kter laat hli^tte ptaca te ted. ‘
WM. tea
te.* - a .larite af T-a'wo^. «».«, u, da^wort tm
to two OnBta. It la aot
baapaylteatewaagactlDc. Utooaf
piorara wara ateimad u ate hte ta
a«laa Itet a tattrmmtmt latnwto aa|.
wate ter waaMa'a wacaa aad aa dla-
«an ttel ara ar attol Imponaaca to tte aterpad hl& Hr misbt. tewaaar. ten
•tolRl.ti.fki. U> . wo««i. tHft ill.,
half loaf bmar tbaa
Ortun hare ted mmnj .nteM tentutkiM bcMCkt acalM tbca. mcA
•> caateic tte •pnmi
people sick whan eatea oat of
tklM. (iiystef* have a dadto
btie. toy are coaaklerad by
M %» be
gn^n ta
UM«rlotu to to .y*«cB aad
aalro. Tbl. I. aaoCher ChUacff
exploded by tonca.
the oy«er U aeltber aa lad!-
toM WtoMMt toirta.
Laat vlatar iitfiiiiil a tehrt to
tHBpt at to Ihcitoctlaa oC to fftttot
ahin wmtet. Thia amao. tt la to
.a ^
toaco kas til. dbtortkio of betnc ao
>a.orad. Ifba I. pmaUMtlj coiidmM
V birth, tnaniaga aad wrlal ftr. with
to atolDlPlratloo of Goati^iala. Hal-.
toor and .Mcarairam. aad the fart that
to ha. a kM lotrlkct aad taka, a
top taiarfot la poUilci aad gotm.
toMal affair* I. mUI to be mpooalbla
re nrtfy ihU natemeDl UalMln
.^1 wbool. te. ten loix oo*
tte ha„
ntected whJcb teow Itet
torraeet nampin of tte art of »dn- ^ pan, of Europe
tte green
pm* ojatcca
oraten ^
burope ine
^ ^
^ « bcwe aad play arlili to poia j
laiO tote were IflJCl.dOO malea aa- <
deroted ber eotlre life to that peculiar
ceami. wlU ahow tbe makp atlU la to
________________________ _
,ba« chrUtma. and Kew Tear*, it U
liiad. altbongb there wUI ao doubt ba
aa Inrrw In tbe percentage of fe*
gnT.tly^toSSr^or to rropl but onlb
narily from week to work there 1* an
In UMO a trifle over U* per cent
Of tboae engaged In gainful ocrupatlona
were femaWa and in IMW) a UiU. over
nndooded aky. A cool. i4ea*aut brer*.
Wowa from to wwt. In to hoo*e It it
cool but cold.
that a little
labor daring to laat IiO ycarm. Tbm
were few ocrupatlona open to tom la
to tint Ulf of to century.
could be domeatlc aervania, dremunak-
met aeeoted flown*, bird* .tDCinc and |
rook, cawtnc hi to tmw
to tb.
charm* of India*, mot agr^^able aet- ,
.on. Then Kur.*peana. mo far a* rtrrum*
et* and aeamaireaaea. cotton oilmen
department of education.
Year* aco
ahe oriKinaied the movement tot ba.
tpxether ibe mother, of Am^
^rr^rrof“cJndn a
nphrtngUg of cblldrea
,‘^z.^ j:r: ss“»?£T-i.-s.:;
|n Am*-ri«*. but . rhrtatm.. day la
the tmpic* U a fact bard to realUr. Tb.
Kenea. climate and gmeral Aummoding*
are .o very different from whai we at*
Pimlr*. leniiK sbotnliui
tecu rtlkd u,-w to eiecute.
rii-ceir. Amoup
UiokkMrprr. kod arrounwot. to 131.60*
of rbrk. .nd copyUt. ttero
Ptter tWop. .Ur will loake . .ludjr of
Anauclal roudliluua In Meilro and tte
•tePcUl metloMl. of the Meal.-au poemoeat to eualde l•r.•.ldeot lUtrada
Ctteera to reorpanlie the Irea.ury aja-
wrro tM51» of tte former and 408.13# uT^riodU f« tte
of tte Utter. There wen-S8.451 femala Sf mkro. of P^Iilna
Ttey pu'e tall
„a a«.lM3 male aatemeo
jL^JirLlroTmlTmuim^f Jt^l/V
Aa hat been tald. there were 8AH,- tte caleway a. .ymhoU ofpleniy
qoo woiueo eopaced Id palufoLoccupw kan« op wreath, of Uun-Iaod tudia Jaa-
, M UimtemaU and ba. liefti aaked by
I. Prealdent Zelaya of Nicaragua to
gtady to mlllury ambuUnce ay.tem.
go Tribune.
' te Z ™1 rrlntelTnutUHVf'Sl
for ahlm^l m
wlMTkLnd I iqiend
ar that will go ti» Kmoee for an extend*
I. tte wif. »f .
•" *--«
intiuiHl teachera into the
-------------------Mia. IlarrlD by Idnh. There
hood, and ber girl-
»a4fh «^h.t h.m>r
mVirrmpt;"™ u"",."rt*l« tefter^hrdo th^ oMhte Til Z
pulverlxed chalk
to clean marble I. to u.e a
Ion of waablng ikmU. into
tie whiting baa laH^n dl.<
onnrlady’a Ubic. Bc*idt^ ibew*. tray* of
all mannem cff candle*, fruit*, vccvtald,*
and flower* are pre*ented. *ome»lm.H. by
to aaervanta' them*elve«. who
make tbHr «alaam* and generally exp«>ct
........ .‘te
" the nmrhle with tte
ilrrlea In liuati-maU nte Salvador. She
tejoya llir frlrndablii of I'n-^tli-n, He-
t iGilts
ad. the “aaddle yoke." laeeu tte UmI
demanda of fashion. Tbe ahlrt U aal
The pUln. evccydar
Ir of the flrvt IntrvMluctloa la aoW
child vcmlou of TIk- Vl*iun of
.„d a volume of *ymlN,llc *torU* for cUildrt u.-CbU*go Tluu-aHer-
Tl.e leebmlet* will nut bum a*b fo ;
firewtKMl. licr:iii*e they t»elleve that '
thoM* who *ii iilK>ut such a tire will be> '
• eneiii!ew.
roctesL fro«.er':;..ci:r:s? corded
frtwb water or bracklah rivet* to be
fattened for market.
In throe ««SrUI UhU the bivalve, pain only In
water and lone In ihelr mineral elemeut*.
They conwHiuentiy kme both
white polka
ab num
% “ L * Vi?! ™
** ““*■ °' ***
^ Tr.«w nwa *.w Wosim^
^ <* »•*"*■ ‘*•7^ nceordlnp to one wte
fattened eoniain from oneelphth to
one nftb lew nnirlment lhan when Uk-
hoiiae the other day.
-If It tedn't tate
have iM^n
tHwmm Immwwe.
Bhortly after th«- death uf
gcrte.ll * litilc party were diM-uvMug to
mai. «t,.l
life iu a private parlor
Fi.7 d-:;..
no tramping. It vaa their
pity and sympathy and charity that
built np the profeMloB. and now It la
tbe women folk, who are knocking nfl
Five year* lienee a tramp wiff
god It aa bard to pick up an Old bat of
u :.;r:t:w.ro ."c :.'e; X
•• •»
jn-adful Thine'
you not *l,rink from ,
the ntinek* of Ihi* liorriMe BLlneatiei.tuT
• Twhnw, no. • r».plHMl a cvtHle liitle wo.
iI |liare luroMi •■l|»<r?M’4i |o every
John King, tlic mil way magnate of
inde«'d. t would not ti
of It to noi
If p
„„t herv."-L..uiwville Tiroes
bt^y in I Baltliimre hardware .ton*.
J. E, Greilick Co.
For Christmas
[Watchtfs, both Gold and Silver.
Fine Interior Finishings,
Monidings, Sash, Doors
PUce your business ^ith
Diamonds, Bought Before (he Ailvanc^
207 Esst Front Stseet, and get QUICK. SURE results.
! Gold Rin^ of Elegant Settings.
Silverware For the Table.
Before Ordering
Christmas Presents
JOHN VERLY. Sded a Watch. Ring D amond or any
arthk of iewthy far yow Mcnb-OuiAmai.
j Fine ^New Stock
Just Received for the Hdidays.
Front Artd. ad|oMns Mit. AtMm't MUinay itorc.
New Brick Hotel, CentraUy Located, All Modem Conveniences
E C COHTTON Ftoprietor.
and protection from the cold winds of %rinter
Our Factory
For the Best and Quickest Work.
J. E. Greilick Co.
[;ii7 Front StreeL
I Thb weather suggesb attention to
Is Well Equipped
Nfy store has alwa)*s been a favorite
trading place, and this year my holiday
line is larger and better than ever before.
Step in and make your selections now
and have them laid aside for you.
, ’
Newly papered, refitted arid improl>edto meet a growing
Id their paUitablcne*. and nutritive
tbna nnlflrUIlr
!! I • :
areounted for by tbe trtlBrlal
ter* an» gathered from their aalty bed.
which are *up|A.-cd to lie eAr« rl«».^ dear
t« Knrli** heart* .»* made hr the naTbe naml-r of tht^ ih.i are pre-
1 7///^T
rietiro have even loat their old ,1m.
waa who fountled to Kindergarten
college, which haa *«>at out humlreiU
Mtm «LirAKmi
I f
a htw^thful
fo^ U re„oved. and tbe delkloua bivalve can
at t>ie bottom of to Imy and placed in
J* ^
them than tbe ordloaiy
planu are anppoaed to
gi^e a certain
n delicate flavor to to
nnwt tot
• apprecUted by food t
embargo agalaat ’
Tbu. another embanro
pie have for .v<*ar» claimed that our
I have tbe
flavor that they acemed to Impart to
tbe conaumer 25 year* aga Then oy.*
tei* were dellcloualy appctlxlng and
L . .^
leo liSL wrro onlr 27.772 f.«.U K«'7r«:^rr^“.v
open air and
te «ro ru ^ «S3r.te“
bookkeeper, .nd clerk, in retail .torra,
At prrnent to female teacher* are to
to male teacherk a. three to ooa.
There are two female atenograpbera
and typewrttrra to one male.
Bot la
to U
to ft
aed by epicorea aad iDort
i: u:
WAvi OF THE wowi.
k%s MTSMo r
cvnvioov UKC8.
ft to E «n«r CIH wbo Mo BbMd for
Clir1rt«w Elft. .®d ploM not to
kftYt Wicli a nMb aa<J M^orry and work
ibric. wtib a yard ad
pi tkr toot Bomrot ibat otir I* to ao
la«^. wttl Ibe an that la rrwato
PiPdltloaMo «>>oy Uw day wbt® It narrowtf'nt
MTt .
fHEta. until r9id*«t .totrsl to aaolat
ft ttoa aniatl4r ronftuKlrtloM. Tbr
ftavarlKild aocEOiita aaltabto article
9rrpmrr for ttrarlr all aorta and roam*trr at UrbaoJ.-Bay a
Mad of wrttlac papM-. wtaro atae.
iwaM. CTMim wUlla. and four packfgm of oarrlofM to «irT«i«id. In-
Tbm Ito beforo ma tbe .
know.** remarked n girl of
emlMimueitog <wudur.
IT |H-riod.
‘"7^*« *with
woman to wboui she had
akin with the lace. A llille hood of ^By b« mrrTT .a.p«tk,n uf
U>e eoiored rambrtc. edged with laoe.
«b>- kupi b. r |.b«-r Id
wnieu a*4i Wou nt ft ctH cf aoma more rociilir ftdftk
DDcIi aa that aFotM by a abldd.
ftart. faa or atar. tertead of tft todeflalte form abowD la tft oftt^ It
la covered first with wDddtog or toma
other soft material, tfta with tapeotry,
broro.le or orleatal fD^. Tft flat
pockets are ma^ of the oame aiatertaL otretebed over atlfT maallB and
edged with fancy galloon. Tbe back
ohould It fin'ered with pUlS otlk.
oateen xxr moire. The edgea ore Anlsb«Hl m'tTb (xxnl. and riltbona ora atUcb.ll w iM-n- Ibe worker pleaaea.
Another, aoxl a nxxvel bolder.for
midget photographs. Is also oketebed.
The from.-s are formed Uke ahlelda
and liave a logengx- shaped opmllig la
tbe mid.lle for tbe portralto. Ba<:b
frame Is ma.le of rordlwanl. covered
with flannel first and
ai-rap of satto. daintily
w itb .-h.-n!lle and narrow rtbbono. Tbe
rlMims which coom-ct the frmmea
must \n* rort-folly cliosen with regard
to their iidttr. for u{h»o them depeoda
much i*f the gxxod effect of thia fooclfal
little trifle.
witboot rxceptloo they eooiemn Ita nae
In i^te of the arerslon with wbMb
for a child under 2 yean of age.** writes moat people declare they look upon
Edward flok to Tbe l-adies* Home sorb means uf charming money out
Jonrnai pototing out tbe dangers of of tbelr iiockets. the fairs for cbtireb
the goean for babies. “As every one and clxarliabb- punio^ which precede
knows wbo has seen this new peram tbe li.didays tndd ibelr own. If they
bulator. It Is pranleuUy the old baby do Dt»f Im-nase. m-rv year.
carriage cot to halves. Tbe chtld a legs
Now for a fes w«knl» as to the best.
dangle over an aliropi eflgc. sod his kind of knlckkna.'ks io r«rt>vlde for
back -ts .silf^>rted l»y a |sTfectly the boxaar Many peupk- make a great
atralght rest.'Ut Is In reality ooihing
mote than a chats on wh«*«-U. The child
Is forced to take ko upright sitting po
sition instesd of iwtog able to assume
that recunibeni tiosture s bleb the old
esrriage allows. The child cannot lie
down to the gwart. andMberefore dur*
tog bis entire outing he irtnm|M-lU'd to
assume a fatiguliu: |»us.t»..u and lo^depeod u!H<n unaidiHl muik'I«-s for supiK>rt
at a I line «if life when tb- l«. k easily
tired. Tbe r.*sult Is tliat m.
or_dlr,vlly loJo. nv lo
-twsruest Tlil-ini» •• nerera.
alsmt ismmtary
_______of It. a ibUnble which c«»sta
ters would have be«>n most unusual fari.uuu to
money! And think
formcriy. It has been said that age **'Of
a husband who preseiita his wife
a topic flial either evok.-s
I with auch an anniversary pn-M-ni!
pride. With fl»e modern woman, bow. jThis la what tbe king
erer. It dww neither. 8he simply feela ypon the lost auniversarj of bis marDO gnwtor sensitlven«-Hs on tbe sob- Hage. The thimble Is of g.iM. enrichJect than a man would almllarly,sU^Itb diamonds and puiloiis stones,
uated. She has no more retl.-em'S} |t is sbatMil like a iwrt tally oismed
aUiUt her years than ahe baa als.ulj lotus flower, each |Ktal to-artog ttie
any othrt subj.it nmncit.il wHb b.-r tot.-rla«iil Initials of the H*iver»*lgn and
personality, and tliat Is to say noneJhU wife In amethysts, rubles, emerArouuii the rim of
any old. fasbloii.ll
^ ——’.im- luiuiuo- t-nu w 11-mo
»oe umi
U- read
tbe date of
ahrouds the fact to m>*stcry.
the marriage aiinrdlng to the Slni
The tradition that If one does not *nd Kui>.iH«n taleudam. ea. b umuHer
sh to’marry one must isix.me what and .web letil¥ U lng of alteniaie dia
to and lolerllo.ll with canvaa. lultlala
to Iw known as an old maid ls ' mcnids and nearls.
* ‘ «ow quile olsHdete. A^wotmui to her
ked upon
upon .me
.me aide.
side. ‘It I-edged
The tblii.lde was d.-s|gm,l by thf
with heaivy curd and Ungs to the arm thirtUni. wtother inarrlPd or single, la q„oen herself and was made by a
by a I.K>f»
___ no one knows It bet- prominent l*«rlsiau Ji-web-r.
n» of autln riblsm.. with a bow ,,
prto,e. an.l
I ter tliao she .loes. Her ag.- is a dlaIf you liave an empty beef extrmrt
gain. D..t a loss;, an asset, not a
An olsM-rier of dress cmnients on
Jar. you can make li the basis for a ^ aeflclt. Rhe Is quite H»ns. lous of the
pr.-iiy match bobb-r. Tbe roateriaU re- Advantage and Is. on th.^ a bole, ratb. r •’bat might to- rolled ilie |.ashlng of
qulnd area silk handkerchief, alxmt proud than olb.‘rwlse of b.r exisri-ltbe ina.ttot.H.b for
10 by lu Inches; one yard of aatto rib...
... ----.
boo. thn-i-i-lghtbs of an inch wide, and
a d.dU D Utile colored toy Is lls. Turn the tiresent "ways of the world.*
111.- little Jar uiwlde down and pUre
When one nx-alls tbe disHtuiron *»f
th.- lian.lkert'hlef over It. tbe h-dI.t «»f
ring fora Isdy.** said gttcfiipilog to bold uji a gown l.y put
tbe latter being juat over tto* middle
ting the baud tbrttugli a slit in tbe
point of the little Jar. Tie the hand
-SwH-lbrort ..r wifrr asked tbe clerk. macklnt.isb, while <^irrylng the urnkerchief flrmly around the groove lo
Drella to the other bnnd. with |M-rbaps
••Il..lb.** rcj.lMil the ruHt..nicr.
the Jar with a piece of string, then
**8sy. now. I*ni all at Msr* said the a pamd tuck.il under the arm. there
cover the string with a band of riblmn. elerk. "If it was for a smectb.-srl. I*d can banlly Is- too much gratitude for
On opposite aides of the Jar w*w the show you MOiicihiug batid<>«tnH- In this tbe mure aeusible fastiioii.
en4s of a loop of riblmn 10 Incliea long, rsN-: if for a wife. I*d s.l|,.| you farther
r—sk-nsf CVr«-(^^
by which the match holder may lie ans- ilowq the aisle for soni.-tlilng less expeopeh.bd. * A little tmw may be aewed siT.-: bill when .i itian cuibiiies tb.- tw«esay. y«.D*«l b-tter hs.k over the entin0,1 k faon at the top of the loop If drolnil for etock. It*s against ^| pn-<iilciit. snd cultural di-i
an- M-ldoiu :iiliili«
-hM lr |irh
d.i'oratlon. Nok- sew a little Udl on
Inmcier. an- not III
Iti i.r/|VallMi, to III
ea.-h corner of the handkervlilef and
quality. S4.m.‘ uf' lb.//.* Which H4-I1
two more on each aide almut an Inch
111.- lowest pH.i- are
iro IIS
in g«L<l
g«Vo<l u->
u-> otb
and a lialf*from the corner one. Tack
the handkerchief to little pulfa about
the top of the Jar. aa oth.‘rwlsc tbe portion to the nuuilH-r of Inhabltaota. All mul nmn- time.for. king than U
otH- 111 every 3.bi«» In-lug an author.
advised on tbi- |ia. kapi».
ends will hang down too long.
ta^uaroa of brocade, lined with aat*
A aox roa arATia!njcT.
'^gtoat them lo a box niadr of baary
irattf cdkir paiirr. dmrmt«Hl to water
Mton. Thlm 1. easily made. Tie the
In wltli aatto ribbon. Watt b for bai^
patfol lliUe article for a mao wbo la
trarollna is made from two pl**ces of
Hew Ibe pleres lojtelber over and
and aikk tbe plnn around tba
V 9^ >1
old idea, but Just aa oar-
•- «*
for tbe Girl Wbo 8kates.~A akattof
|at made of dark Idne or broa-ti Uftmr cloth. Until with nildier cloth,
pad with the monorratn embroidered
pa the outside of the Iwx. wIM lie afv
For a Business Prteud.-Take flv#
Vatouts. make a hoU* to the end cf
pach and dlff out as much meat as |Hia
ilble. With a taiie needle push a narlow rlbUm through each uUe of the
pheUs. connect tog tliem together, and
PU them with melt.ll bad. |»«ured
through the holes to Uie end. and tl#
Iht riblMin ends to a liow. It will ha
pppreelat.il by a buslmws friend wbo
ftuat have the om<i> or desk with |iapara lying lo.iseiy ai*out
For a to lLSil rriencL-^ ut a piece of
over another
ptoos of cardboard the i ime sloe. leav-j
For rhrlstiiias prew-nis tbe obopa
show all sorts of charming triflea.
which an- an Inspiration to dalatj
n.iillcworkers who can easily monofact u re them at home. Very cble
rnAMis. roa rmmxiicu-HA
mlatake to ajs-ndlug hours and boura
over.the embroidery aud manufacture
,of a UiiHj.n ad. cushion
which Ibex fondly liiiagiu.- xvlll t-nricb
the funds to tbe cviciit of iiiaiiy dol
lars. Now. DO gn-aicr niuount of laIwr and little in.m- f-\|*cnn-. If any. will
pnivid*- a .lo*»-n or more siiialler pne
) ductlotis iliat will 1M-I1 off at om-e and
will in .......... ml bring .itilie as much
grist to Hie mill, only too often
i masii-r)ii.ii- of the kind tlcscril .^l xvlU
I prove a drug in Ibe market and w 111 be
I oDr ,.f tl,.- tiiiiicf W.I.I ..nr i.jr ..k-iiod
I or |M-rli«|.« r<-t.in..-<l l.i ll> nurk.-r.
' who will -]»ro1i:ibly lunke soim- iiimiuii' pliuicutarx rcituirkson the saleswoman
, who did tioi lor -would no|-| M-11 It.
I*r»-lly and tasteful. nuMleratc to price.
iis4-ful iiml novel, an- the a.ljecHv«-a
that sb..ubl lie suitable for l«iFjiar srtiib-s.
A giKMl trod.- Is often dom- to little
lMisk«-is wbl. h do uot him much and
an* made aitractive by iN-rfiiuied lin
ings aud rlbUm trlmmidug arranged to
a vnri. iy of ways.
Ibixes offer an attraction
vlsitoro. aii.l lli.-re Is a vast field open a fuM-lnaili
lo Hie aiiiaiciir to .nxt-rlng and d<^ gnm velvet, atlurned with iewel an*
oral lug siiinll w.nnIco ones, such aa lirolilcry. iIblH>ns and primrooea
Hios.. devot.Hl to cigars aii.l the larg.-f
A l^wiloos M
cas4-s that may Is- ha.l from th.- gnsi-r.
Mrs. Mat«^..,.«k. r-\Vhsi n-awiaa bare
When Uu.ll XX till iiulltlng. |M-rfiim.il or ou. for thinking Mr. llich*s totratkma
not. iui-..rdliig to taste, and .iiv.-r.il rr M-rioiiB?
with old xv«.rld looking l.ro-nde
Mi^-. Mat. hiiinker -He iotrodoced tft
nbj.1t of lings lavi rvening and argued
..n ihl.v m fax -T of a «ntall hut vety pnro
iMvki-t f.ir idiotoj:yniijis In the stviv iatuoud.-Wewelefs* Wxi-Uy.
^Tvo. 'B,. Sa,w\o ^
m: s___
Iron Works
- Founders
I ^ 'BM '
Hxpcricnce of an aKcnl and class of security
offered should be your first consideralion in
placing y6ur lire insurancc.C Both of these
qualifications are found in the a^jency of
and Machinists
Office in the Wurzburg Block.
Fifteen years experience as an underwriter,
and a policy in any of the following com
panies will give you tlve
. Manufiduren of
Sa^ MU Machinery.
^^Deaiers in Saws,
Mtini and all Kinds MiU SuppUes.
and Manufacturer of CASKETS
reMOM why we cu make it eii object for yon to
.j f»»a-^enM we meonfectare caeketo and aaee tbe profit of ontdde factoriea. We have been asked if we can do this, and in reply
•ay there wever wua machine inrented to . cover cloth casketa that
wsesauoeem. AU thia work haa to be done by hand.
‘>»r onr cloths aSo) hardware at
l>Ird—%caore we pay caah and di«»oiit our biUi.
f^oiirtli—Becanae we have do rent to pay.
S. Xa. a^TVITElJEl
Niagara, N. Y.; Westchester, N. Y.; N. Y.
Underwriters agency of the Hartford Fire
Insurance Co ; National, Hartford; Orient, ,
Hartford;P1 o nix Hartford;National Assur
ance of Ireland; Grand Rapids Fire, Mich.;
Insurance Co. of N9rth America. Philadel
phia; Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co., Phil
adelphia; North British and Mercantile,
England; Royal. England; Palatine, Eng
land; Lancashire, England; Imperial. Eng
land; Lion, England; Manchester. England;
Magdeburg. Germany; Aachen & Munich.
^Germany, Transatlantic, Germany; North
German, Germany; Scottish Union and Na
tional, Scotland.
Stem Boiler, Acdderit, Plate Glass,
and Employers LlabOify Luaranet,
Both-phon«% No.M
TfiacRerau’s Estimate of the Character
_ , of the first President of
’ the United 6tates. :
Wtmmi ymman mmA te
uo«Ml teUml la Um poraooalitir oT tbr
ntmUtm oC Hla dmntrfr To a wt4*
Cftalo or roo4»r« It muot be • butter
far oarDrtoe tlut TIurkerajr. the conAraud and rvllil*** ryn^
M aa foe. and held up to ridiculeill aa well aa alien Idola. bad ibe
and 0ae
Aftar aaplalnlnff
fVenrIiI In tba Amertran
tba cUahlna of interreie brtuaen iVm
laad tbr Knsllab rolunlalp alotia the I
J^ncJc ^ coaal. Tbm. k»-riir tHIa bow |
VlrslnU cionlala to eapH ihr inradara ‘
from b«>>«>nd the greal Uk*-*
‘*11 waa f
atranar.*’ he aaya. “that a a aavasr | ItU fh«- "prlBe of the brikhfeat fame**
foraat of IVtinaylvanla a yoat-s Virginia, waa pralae lndt*«H].
#meer ahould nrr a ahoi am aak«-nu|i af
Tlie author worka out the detalla of
nrar w hl4^ w a* to laal for SO > ••an*, a hi« ti ‘
»n'a career In the .-ourae of |
waa to ettvet hla own ruuiMo and |miimk.
and Iravea It to tao of hla *
Into Eurupr/ to e^nit France her Amer- rharac trra.
Hieoi«e Warrinaton.- an j
Man re.l.mkf., t.. iN.vrr oure tKnaUn l ai al.lr. hUth minded Tv>*. and hla brother !
froin ua,
create the great a CM-m ; "Harry.'* a ftatrlot
rage over the old a. rid to tea
iit In Ihbjmrtitr
h J
When eaiiogulKhed m the tiea . and ofaj RtanUa
|a>rtal of %e atruclure. I
AU the myriada eriKaa-d In the v».^t | Hi-e^ki
Hfe-Mking of Waehington when at the-1
acti r la much iiiore frank and
tIonate than mine, aaa alaaya hla faat
friend Iti eaily tlmea. when th.> were
equate, aa In tin- latter daye ahm the
W..lfe, H« t* in.f.-.il, le .< Kr* «i-r
than Wolf.
To .-n.lur.
to .tan-, to lire out h>.eiile r..Mun> i
daunted t>> n«i dim* uli>. ro k.-|. i(
all unkind a «ui»erlur
"Hla great and eurtirteing tnuintdia."
rontlnu.-a t;cofgi. WarrlnKton'e' euloKy.
•were not in thoae rare engagementa
with the enemy where he ohtalnetl ^
ding maetery. but over congreae. «i
hunger and dteeaae. over lukeu.
or amlllng fiM.a In hla own
bum hla aplrlt had to me«-l and
Wher the airuggle wae over
and our lm|M,tent t hlefa who had <-on
II began a.|uahlde and ac, ua«.
each other In tl
the nation.
It. wTial
irlKUe etH.tl.ee to f..r.-K.. ev. n ..n.i.ro.n
ah.-n th.- .-nd fe Kaiind %\h.. .an eoy
Ihia le ind Kreain.-e^ ..r ehou th- otin r
a. hi. v.il
gya //*•/. c-
^ HoUy, with iff berries red sn iesves o' cheerfat greens ^
Upon the wsU o' cot dn hsU st Chris'mus time is see^.^^^>^
It seems to shed d hdppy dir dn sets the bedrt dghw..
But J pdss its crimson clusters ler the sprig QL^stict^e.l
MittkKie Jbove sa . pu^y Uce behw~r'
could one be akin on this^ eatk,^^ tike to knoWr
h there inytlung, o^mitsin
r# ewo<^l^ y^r jojr when kittin ^
The girl ye lore on Chris'fnu$ time benesth the
KIHtiFK-n IHMvil < o%« IIW
J.Hveph I'arey . w hue.* picture ie hri
with ehoan le an Irl eh IW wh.. 1
many >eare her Ion n the coarhnmn for
the preeldent of the Tranor aal. C>n >
Tib t»KriSrf/K,.
Trim the tree with presents gty
With popcorn, sugsr pktmt
Pik the gifts o‘ hee the.'
But don't ferget apoe^'
Mmieioe obowr so
Whst more
• jrNwA A<rwt«r..b..fde«H 1<
Yea aw fWiriaar t
.rilOfKm.Maha.-kw4J4pwa-4wWwCw.W..4. uW
HO.. W <M«
.MhkIiii hae au|e-racded the mliuilonary.
The event aerr-lng
forth Ihia maater;>
enemy aa» t,o la.tler or liravet ! arrived too late, that rcginn-nt miM.H.k 1
ofunlng of I
i|Mti;n than huiidf.-da that fought with him or , Ua ordeiw. that theae cannon halla |
of ITkI. when
onlata . agalnet him twho hae not heard the would n-t m ihoac gufia. and eo |.» tinflred U|H*n the advaace guard of the
aCMtiiat ‘k'l.tdija' In whli h hla end of th-.-hui.ier! Here waa u g* n. ml
French, killing thdr leader am? pre ip. f«.-,.„.e . ai taina uere a*-« ualomcd to who b. at ua with no ahot a
*ltatlng • iH.rd.r war. From that h-.ur 1 Indulge*!, hut Waahlnglon. the chief ilmea. uml no |H,wdcr and no
the eatabllahment of |h. repuMlc 1-f a nation In arma. doing tialll. utth
he nrv.-r thought of a conv. nlloi,:
I.y .rtm.r>- durln. th« MflW
aleoii Kiinle-ii. > %v.,e III.- Ilul. riiHiv.- . hurrh eh«.an In the ai-corntunying Hltlda
Thie httl. rnleeioii . hun h aiie k-H u|> hy Fn»:llah rnleaionary'aocto*
ii.-e and need ie*:ularl> I., hav. ite Sandiiv c..nKr.-icHtlona of hlarka. to whom
th*- i # !..ioir y at tin- le.et wmild triv*lnetiti.il..n
CIV.- tiietiti.
il..n and aptrltual advlco.
I ym fWkn trcaiw frMi riU t
be^^iXoa tbit esrtb. Id like to know!
snyth£^ s^miam
yer joy when khsin
lore on Chris'mat tinK benestb the mistletoe!
N*w tl«t O., burl.1 pta*. of John P.ul JonM bw bMB OIkotM to P«to
UA Ib-rr to avnie talk of iwraovlng thla hero'a oahea from the llttU PortaUn
eemotery to America, new and unuaual Iniereat hat been awakened la ibe ca*
fn the rmied.Putea nary. It baa
bww found that iwVI Junee waa burUdat the ogpeiue of tho Frwaeb gorem.
The appt
wim hla boaea now repoae la covert by a building once tued aa a atabla.
sre d Ycsct.
one reioiee.
/khOe the fi^r drsws the bow.
'^herj bcoest^ the mistletoe,
tba moot noted whip to the Tranaraal
and haa had many adrenturea la South
Afrlea. oat of the moot famooa being
hla aapture during a Matabele at^ck
uch. Ha Bude hla eacape
' F^,:^
I (iJIt.^
•Mi tti 4to 1^ «r
^mmm kra fM« ««bm «r «hw m •« tW Imm. L«HW •»
«kMi tk» fw»rt>Mr «r tW fteek^^avai ratlMr think I Mt Um mwmj nntins
MATpiMi U thTttSl^ Chfir hMt.ont wiih cwio.ItT.’*
^ -I fr«odrr whj yon didn’t trU ih«n nil
-Tho nonndttM pmf nil tho bOK- ihe nbont the comnutito nnd lu notile wott,hni nnld to Jnch. nnd ho wnn Ccrad tn nnid hon*«t JoHl
• jfcii4 ita
—■■■ ■> lyM ■>• »>» P*Mt
yon Uka to ride bahind n
^ iidrwillr. ^*ihat jnn harv no othor nn- ' •ood botwr ^Inqoiradamommt latar.
'fnfwnt far tho nftomoon?"
*’A\Tiy not ’ «|o.4b rwckiroa Jaclu
U^wwmr frtoliofo to toko nnjthint | And. lo! n« If tj
Im piJ^ for cfnnud.^ onM cho anOani drawn by a mmlraonw bUrfc borar. np>
I dnch.
praiwd booldr throL a drab coatrd drifrr
Than, na It la Wadn«day nflanaon. atrpprd cmt ^nd baoM tbo rrla. to tha
«a will nttand tha aMW at tha opara yoonf womkh. and a OMnnant latar aha
hanaa." anid tha Mnck ayad cnwnHtaa. and Jack wara apaadinc away toward tha ‘J
1 haaa tha aanu,- aha qnichly nddtd. anbniha. It wa. a OMOt dailcbtfnl 40 ^
nnd thna hi«M
«»X »a^ JM ndnntra’ ride, and than thr tall cart waa Ik,
r OMda toward tha box o«oa. anddanly drawn np in front of a
play WM a pratty
nnd Jack mnninc down tba atapn.
anjoyod lu wfc and raiUary to tha nt'j It waa Tom.
■Mat. Na donbt bia anjo:
sack mrraaord hf tha pran
Trfrkay foond yon all right.’’
-Trickayr ga.prd Jack.
Than ka ramanbared that Tom had aa>
ha did. eatahlng tha witty poioU na fast
a alstar. and aoaa>
tha iDpraoslon that
how ha bad
•ba wa. a fmea cUmbiDg hoklan In cUpI And Jack fait thni hr aooldn't ba to. pH) corb and aKtrrmaly diurt akirta^
'frotafnJ to her for not Inklatliic upon tha fast a scatter hraloHl. romping child.
•fight to naanma tha aant nrxt tha alala. And Ihb foraly glH wa. tha real Trickay.
What a blooming idiot ba had bern not to
I It wna doting tha
lUlt» Nd- gnaaa it beforr!
•’VW «*« koDl mw M> wka *t«>d at Ing tha Uat net thnt
*‘No wonder »ba foond yoo.” cootlooad
n» fcotH aatw* »a* aaMaatlr a ~r dreiar* If Ik* nancartord* sraa'I Tom. -Hba’. .tolm all my photp. of yoo U
and dock them up aU orcr bar roona— W
to Ik* riif. n* tookad akeat
pa arttk a aliaac tonaaitoa T>f cartoa-1 -y.i
fc»,' ikrj <ma.. 8w kara: lark in football tug. orrr tha manlal.
ar. Aaaa k* auiad apward al Ik* aa- 'w* araal'' pMaad Ikal w* tr* eld Jack darting for tba Orinoco on tha j
j^-todUa..- aa-k* ^ draaaar. Jack”-Tom.” criad
•^ciu’ra horrid!”
This obarrrnnt yamig man's nnina vu nnnwr
na waa a Saw Bnr * -l-oHla. And yonrar
I will Uka
”Tha commlttca <
n brief rrcam.” aha
-Make U rary
Alhnny. Ha hnd coma to f’laroUnd at
rrp^t»4 inriftum ct commlttca nnd looked Inqolrlogiy at Jack.
' k«. Lnrila kaaa
-What fraah non
fig collaga mnU nnd rary daar fiiand, Jark. Thara wara two rarant aaata in
----- KWllymplon* and ha had arrired a tha row ahaad* and thaoa tha noagarkbd. - CbraUnd
of lima. Ila had mrant to fords took.
Than Jack’s ewumittaa
glap «t
for n frw hoars* coofar- caught a parulUr glaam in pmty klra. PlaiD iValrr
V ggaa whh a mining axiwrt. bat oa tha Hungrrford’s .-yr.
> imhi had raaalrrd atab-gram from him | -Oh. c.xrasa ma.»- aha mannarad. T
gtotlng that ha had aaddruly boro caDad forgot that yon bad bran away. Too
gi Toronto In ronnartloo with an Impot- harrn’t ma^ Jack, bara you? Jack, tbU rmcniy flan Team* OonauntUne Wiihg
ignt lagal raw- and aoklug him to dafafi b Mr. and Mr*. Boh Ilungarford.”
% b Buffalo rlidt. Ho Jack had ewtoo , “Ok. ya^" said Jack tba diffidaot aa ba
B ami IndlenUon of cmnp b bonma.
# gtonigkt thr^Mixb to CbTrland, and. ba- !amJW and bowed. -I really faal as If I
nnd In n child antjaci to thnt
\ Eff of a slightly diOdant
bad ought t« kn«»w you. I^eila maotUad
bfdcl lodaad
loMaad of prtscaeding
prf*cacdlng at yoar namaa wrcral
acrml Uroca
mm to • kfdcl
Uroca when
when aha
aba dInrMa it mnj be tnken na n anm nigh
RtaPTiON conmnet
Of Refined
PHI rail •iBik-u isipi «i.
a«#w •*■« »«*«» .
gftarnooD. Tlirrruj
L hi. nama for tbc domestic and added
• of the htt
hotel, the m.ld proml.i»e and addroaa to
Than Jack drollrel ut In frpnt of tha
S Benda
Fashionable Outfitters
....... 1^
•irraiii by. Tbc tide
w tyito-.
obto. rr.nt ayaa
M-** to J.ik*.
sll|i|ie«l awa.t rapidly a. ha
gad the tiisM-- dlpitoHl
rrsfwiitly he I
gware that a ainiuily dte*to.d young wogmn waa regarding him with *oiiie danlefiinrsto. She wa> a prrity
laughing blnrk ey.li. and thosa
fixrd'u|*..D Jack with a quizrihim and
Aa M
: in a little ri<»ker.
rdon me." she said with
MTlty. ”but am I iiiitotuki-n iu asaumiug
M y»«
• stranger In townT’
Bar Toler was low. and musical, and
gmy pleamiot to the ear. and Jack waa
gem more UrmlyrttmTliued of bar eg-
Ncckwur, Mufflers. Jewelry.
House Jackets. Kid Gloves.
MHts, Initid Hindkerchieb.
Fancy Vests. Umbrellas, etc.
IE [[
Chnmbrrlnln'a Oo»ffc
Oonfb Erm
rr«,i laSr^pUi* aoia* all mngh. If Chaakartoln’*
rdybglaanna aeon na the child Imm mnn bonme, or aaen nftar tbc crenpj
fbec. made me forget tlui yoa were not
| dUI In thr lird quarter of tba honey
••That’a very nice.” said pretty Mra.
'Hungrrford. with a little nod of thanka.
Purchase Xmas
Gifts of
. er^
iJ 1^'
homtn In ibb orond Innd nnd nercr db
nppolnu (he nnsionn motbrm
hnvr ynt to Irmra of n alnglr inainnea in
which It hna not proTcn •ffacionf. No
other prrpnmilon enn nhow aach n re-1
uan*. gl
youth? little Mra. Hungcrfurd
rored youthr
aMi.il it at that moment.
WAtTflck t *lluxiMb. Dit|f
r inquired tha mab
i -Slop here lougr
j^-Ouly through tha bat ncU**
"««"«> WMto WIM «f T«r Syrtop, tiw
It'" lit
bat «mj{h iwnwly on arth. cure* * cold
*••1 ti..-an In (Vrolaud.”
tooBedayifukcntotiine. g5«.d60cta.
I’m In the hands of
-I don’t
the .iMiimlttcH-.”
Tall IbA Ilungarford hsikHi a llttb
natonUhtd at tba reply, and Locib
8. E. Wnli.
The New Hotel Columbia
K “in'** •Hhougb ba was quite stunned
Jar Iha moment by the Iine.pactrd
^I*nm a stranger In ihia partTcalar
^y.” ba managed to reply, "but not anEmiy • at ranger to city way*.”
•If b arldent.” aald the young woman.
Bfth an Inrrraar «»f gra%lty. "that yon
new spatters.
gmd the nenspaito-rs,”
a habit that I bara
•aid Ja.k
Traverse Gtyi Michigan.
Sic*Bm heat, elcHtric lic^hU a»d cull balla. All room* forbiabed with biAW and iron bedCall for free bus at nil traiiin
tmiiii and boats. First-class rpstsur«Dt
W. e FLLTi nEH, Prnprit-1
Cur. Front and Park
^ block from G. R. & t. dTpof
Th*^ young woman had. aa It ware.
- ^ * 1 Jack Into in uonmiN-iinia anMmmrriEed
to keep stepI nitb her aa aht
■lowly-mov«it townnlI the arenur.
- ssid. -Ilka an bonant
•*You bsik.”- she
^lY^nraTy. like U-auty.” ro
fnek. -U iumelimcs
liut skin deep. Tl^
fiCt la. I am rs-ally an acHumplisbed pick
6fs^^ Mirltoil
In the Jeweler’s
• dathr way? That’a a fai
iMtlvr who is d igging my foolst«-|»s.”
-I see.” sslil ihc |Scity girl with a
Mrmiug amile. "that you are a humoriat
m wall aa a pi. kpo. kct. It U a pU-asant
g ntrangrr In
Med to know anyihing aUml our ctta
IM. Kindly miderataod. then, that 1
rire insurance.
?c’i:.:sL7w"j:r:v;,'..’.V‘7.*„.;.. ^
Mbar for the purtsiw of atiending tha Iq
impitalitira of our city to all worthy aoinnrnrra within Us gatt-a. We are ax«
Mad to meet atrangera and impeam
6an with our Hty’a la-autlas. ”
/ Dlffideot Jack U.ldly iniemiptad har.
- . -You bare rrrtalnly Impres^M me with
•■a Of them.” he said. ”1 don’t think 1
gim to aaa tba other. ”
Tfca amiliu* foun* woman aUi^tlf
L. L. A. Building
AUwoakafklgnaai poaoibla ganSa. rina
wm-k a spketaKy.
“Wk.» Ika atraniar happMia to k*
Vow Otto. Varkhnm Block
■r the youngi r memlirra of tha commitim on transients I. aeot to promlyta him
fbr. you row, tha prima object of tba
gommlttaa b to win ffhm him n prombn
i» bacrmia a giHs) llrTelandaf. 1 might
gdd that tha aebame is Bfrougly Indoraad
hf Iha aojournar committar^^of oar m-
Pntti leir time
to thill iboit haiiia joir
good laata.” ubi Ja
Materiel aed Workmanship Guaranteed.
Estimates Cheerfully Made oi eey Work Oesired.
Will gladly meet any legitimate competition.
You can save money when you buy a monument,
by writing or calling.
Traverse City Granite & Marble Works.
H. D. ALLEY, Proprietor.
401 W. Front St
Traverse City, Mich.
Toaraivbinlaoaao so a
«*r wkaol ran for tbo 1
gM waa canalnly daUghtfaU rran tt hm,
wa. a triBa laborad. Bn
vnnld mn tba adrantarr throngh.
-And now for lonchm.” anId tht
lan nf onn. na aha bd
g. Into a waU appoint-
Rne Draft and Driving Homs For Sale.
John Ra Santo,
Genral litiriNi.
Of the oUert fire inrarance agency in Trswws Oily is
faMk of every pobey lasoed from ny oOoe.
ar.CAcm. nra ta-iMt. w t hwu a m-pimw, Ns.m
: -'"S' •..
Oa.^ SZeigiL-bs .A.xi<ii-bioii.
f^'_l 1
• Sr-AT.£-
and baa aoma exceptional fine
barsraina to offer. Can name
yon pricea and terms on
Vacant Lots
in Oak Heights
Aa well as all other parU of
the city.
Good nsideie8.W^8th SI.. $1.000 1
OiauWishiistoi stmt. ^1.000
Omsi Webstar street, will firisee
' aid modera imprenneats, $! I SO.
Dae 01 Rates street. $750.
-/Dae OB 14th stmt. $650.
'jlae 0115th street. $350.
A special bargaiB~.Resideece with all
modera improvemeats, East 8th street.
Some Very Desirable .
3 Business Property
•t:; '
? t t tiy :
1 1 1
5& ij
and BuMer
Si '
Having bought the balance o/
the vacant lots in this addition
willlbuild for you such alhouse
as you maylwant, on very easy
tenns, or make you an excep.
tionally low price on any of the
Can show you other very
desirable real estote that will'
pay well as an investment, and
a number bfresidences that are
2 aew dwelliags, Barlow street
I lew dwelling, West 10th stmt
I small dwelling, Cedar stmt
I small dwelling, Second stmt
I good place, Bay street
; Also fine new hotel, splendid location
I good farm, 72 acres, well improved,
good land, near Acme.
On any of the above I will
make the pricel^ght
And I am always open for a
Inquire for
You should certainly see
TrararM City, Uiehlcu..
W. L. Brown
Coetraotor end Bonder,
Resideiee.3l5W.l0th stmt.
Dell >hoial69, Herthere 159
Traverse City. Michigan
iaiMV«f I
Oper^ Glasses
mm im gWto to a dto«r kac tor cut/toc
-kr Utmm tOTd. Md aur te to MgWcrtoto
mt ttMB tm*m4 fMn to tmriaa to
iww^ aa ambraUa. Arttvt^ at Ua
iMt aa aador o«e« awaacM biB
0M« lOTd. r«i M/ lm$irvn tte c«H
«tot of/MW <tot ky roltowtoc tiNW dl-'
Gold Watchds
**Ucani roa alO ^oaoiaor joar^
mdat ariM for otghc dajo for canr*
at aa aaUnalla wUla la foU aat-
flod la Cbt dtj fo fMCtSM WlMM IlMi
m ao^ a aocMoltj-^ mmtimm
tvteo tbo iMftb of tbo flalobod I
{latai*flT BL^to"S23L^^i^
j Diamond Rings
M lWflw.
of li bo miea: **1 Boear fowod nopUiiBg
tbni wonid ralloco bo onUl 1 bA
CbMbarUtBb pain Bnlaa. ItMtallkc
Baglewlib Bd. Myfooiwaa awoUen
bat OM
I rollacod
ma tbr mmtarr wlU pralt
tW IUM««. taro tbe k-fi foot ooiward m
far M pnmmlUt wit boot nortQf tbo
M from lu iiooltkHi
Ndfii make tba
good nMUanUealdTaln Bab
waa. ^aalobf b S. Wait and P.C.
I. Dfwiet^-
mama Baormaoflt orUb tha right foot
witb botb fort mortac Umo.
Irinrse Cii| Uinber Ci.
Tfifsrsi City, •
Scarf Pins, Watch Chains
Siaod fWt. brrt* logr
•Ot tumloc lUr frrt
; tlim. withor moTlnc
tbrm In anjr wax. couimH ttir luuorko
of tbr kttreo no Hint iLr^ nre pulled la* ward.
TUln ftnair nrrrlnr rrvrrmtl. OO that
tbr kOHCto an* <]ra«u ouf5%nrt! Utrrall/.
U r«<nr|4MiP for nlmialnrndig kaock
ktarm. I*riu-tl«'rd faltlifutly lUrfir r»rf* '
darn will aurrl/ brl|» )ou.
food rtrrrinr for bowb |fa la to ataiid
wttb til- frrt nlljctitly a(«n on a boii- ’
aoatal llnr. tlirn. by rxrrrialof tbo
BOW’lm of tbr knrro. draw tbr f««rt to- !
frllH-r. Tbia oittai br duur oa a auioc*tb
r\a w a a w. a. «
\Vc can furnish also the finest sets of silver
ware or special pieces of jewelry for use or
adb-r toiop. tb-D doubir lotntiou lu altrmalivr nay. the luriin Ibis time
oarniw luolrr rlbltona. wblrb
iMTve aa gatbrrlns ntrluga aod alao aa
BOly lo.|i,g four, ami no on. dlminlabliig
ruuntaiitly In nin b a nii> an aucxn-n.
•Irriy ilm**.. tbni two and ai laat one
»»J ^‘*‘‘*1*
!»■«. n»*X ^
P*i*»*l‘-d from Ibr arm. Tbr gathering
rlbbunn nn* JoIoihI lo a bow at the top.
and alno form Ihiwn al racb aide of the
•aartitodr ubb b many px»plr might
china allk of i
fteforrlbe ribbon la doubled
Uum tm
ry. lo. Who . luiiun to In* Ibr nitmllrat
In tbr world. wHgbn 11*^ ouiu-rt
•till In not an big an all onlliiury nixed
^t. Illn mranim-nirnt from tbr tip of
Ala ooer to the end of bln tall la Jual
ot aUk la plae«> *» •«miid IL
Tbr rlbboo la IbcB
folded logrlbrr and Ibr rdgiw Joined at
oadt aldr to witblu au Intb and A half
iMUir iitiudn*r lo an opinmltr dirrrtloo
It aluiw a .noturul and In-clua again;
Inil only inak.w Ore tbie time, always
•llriCirly Ui oppualtr .Lnsiloua. An-
•ingle tuni
orblrji are at tbr namr tiiiir luatbrmatIrmli tbr Innert remalon atnudutrly motionlenn until li> agitation again ukea
Itujuranlun of It and it gUrn lun lf up
to lin «-«iiiHli at..d ralruUilMtin with au
W. C & B. c4. GANNETT.
neck of the bag.
“^ont tHH.pl- wn m to think.** aay a
0“krr of fumliur.-. -tbai mn-ret draw•*rn and bbblrii rtH^-ptn« bm In furniture
only ralnt In iiuvrln and pbiyn. but this
U by no luraun imi.
I %efy fnH|m»otl(
takr onl«-m for nurb Itema. and I cm,,i„y
clever woman drnigner. who
Instruction ^ ^
Smoke Union Made Cigars
C E. Horst
Graduate of tlx
of MuilcDeteo«,Mlch.
335 Washington St.
Nlu- imidr up b-r iiimd lo In- I
UiUi-i.mary nnd «a« ^ ui to rtio mUnloi
acluNd at I n:f Ix-a. lu
CN»uipli-fc bi-r (tiui-nnou
rl>a( ibi-r%- tolls- ba« writts-li s»fls-u to
Ams-riiwn frls-ud* H im r.*-4’-u.-.l bor. aud
carb b'ticr tobsswto aiarkiii impruveanf-tit ovsrr lb.- U»»t.
tosNui'an tobi- baa
gmsltinls-sl tolls- will stiier uik>d lb«
Rs-tnarkatsls- ck-\srmrwto
dUptays-sl by blrtU
-1 bad
aayto a gt-nib-man. “lirtwswn tbo wlrea
of wbsMsr ragf I utocd ts> tx a pl«*ce of
lump tougar
Om- day It drupprd ouu
•lid wbi-o
h Uoo pb-ks-d
pU-ksN] up wa» founsl to bo
qmtr wet on on«* aUltTbIa aurpriaed
lur. and 1 r.-pUr«-d it toj til*-• t-agf.
ll.fdry aldr liiwanl. an-1 .1s t
iijiDwl to
watch Ibr blnl * |
.\ftrr a
frw lurff.N-ttial aitrmptto/s.u Itir lined
augar. thr blnl wmt to tbr watrr gbiaa.
gllrd Ita bill drs.piNNl tbs* watrr on the
augar. apd r^ps-ati-d tbU arrml llmra.
YVlim (lir augar waa tbim astfirurd. tbr
blnl iM-gan to rat It. Ap|ian-utir brir
•raa tbought-a fwlcuUtlon of mraua
«nd a uar of them.**
Th# wtte of Gorenior Atklnaoo of
Qrorgla traa left In atratirord Hreom•tancraBt bit ilratb nod baa mcctiMed
•a appolDtiiimi aa itetr ag«it for errtela Arr mad Ufr taammaer coBimiiWa.
Tn prose
- - •earra nilea, erfjna.
I aV akin dtacmi-c. a aample boa
nddreaa on receipt
b* at
ions of cleanliness, and by well paid, honest Jabor
When you want a first-class smoKe call for Union
Made Cigars.
The following arc union manufacturers in the city:—
A W. lahraiis. P. A Clausen. C.irl Pierce. Anton Pras-
As good cigars are made in Traverse City as any
where in the country- and by UNION L.MiOR.
Union made goods arc manufactured under condi-
Studio ^ .g
blue tan. B^irrio N
Chicago •••
West Michigan.
Meehan School
»a safer BcbiTears
A Brlahl flilerto# tSIrl.
Vtu.y. a btib» riiln.-*.- .la^e girl who
waa nfM-u.'.l tu»* .vrnm agn by.tlir ruil
adrlpbta itotobNy to |*n»i.-.t fblldrco
From I’rucliy. 1» allowing r«-markald«
|H>w«-ra of tiiiiul
Her .Nliiratlon was
Itogim III riiiliid-lphlsi. and wltldu a
3»-af *li- wn« nt> «-liMngi-«l and ik> «1«-\c1
01N..1 m i.itHb-, ! tba. ab- u«. r.-gnrd.Nj
an Hid- t«i d«i bl(- ti)Kiu lii-r
Jewelers and Opticians q
137 Front Street
gi^jiun In iHAABlng
of.................j^almriji.^ which
«u,..unl of tapping or luruaurlog could
lu iiiont i-aiK-n. even were the
•rnr ew eight yenra I aaffered with
that piarne. era m«. and1 c^ld get DO
-e'W U'*t I
'urht me D .
Chase*. 01n«me«,|
O-rhrji cared me
Chaa F
Krllore. piano
wrtgb«Nl Hi omi.N-to and wa« an Inch
longer tlmu ry. lo. .New York World.
studio .1336 W-tohington Slwet.
and satisfy the most exacting fancy,
Mrs. C. E. Horst,-
Step in and examine our stock early.
have a big stock and can meet any demand
rbdn, wbb'b are left to form a
A oiuoImm- of amall gilt
^nga are nrwrd around the outalde of
«»e n«*ck of tlir liag. and through them
! no doubt lliat a dealrr lo hide articlea
t fi^m too ciirloua MTtania dictates the
■ ordera.**-New York TrlbuoB
The demand has already be^un but we
bolb.w riN-.-pta. lr dlmN..cr.Nl. tbr woodI work around
to tie cut
.•way. a«i t-oiiipiri arr the fantenlugn.
Moat of the ordrra come from womenand rb b |N>oplr. of courae> and I have
An lnnrr< f nirnintnr.
Tbrrr la a llttlr liiwfi biuud lo New
aa a cratrr. 1a den* riblo« rapid rlrdea
At flmt It rirrtJl.-n all of thrin;
But one iDorr or oin* Ima
Tbrn It
' rererann the nnivrmriii and tiiakra tbr
D Any of these will make a suitable present for Qu^mas
«wllrdl I hr -lUtor« l Wbli b '
aooau*’ aul] wbirli n-t uia i-aiiablr of
V «oaolliiK to at Irani nU
It In found OD
Vfbo *ravd*a of Ibr bauaiia trrr. aod
Wbrn tbr UMMiirul la favorablr It uiay ^ttb
t» nrrn to turn aruiitid. wHb lU brad calr tint
John F. On & Co.
Sncttssirs to
Dainty Pins with beautiful settings
trX oloo raUlog both frpt ffoo ClM
tfoor. bolditig Ibrn fttralgbt m froot
with tbr knrn otmlgbl. Tbro ivUlo
tbo fort a|*uo tbr ookl<-« to oppboltr dSFor
hil. John Furtsch.
Fire Insurance That Insures
r Ord Raplda.
IM' !ir“
I f!
ooiwo Mowra.
i j_s_
Grand Raptdto.
Inc^rovertible Evidence!
b y y y.y.y.y.y y yy y yy / y.yy,^ y yyry^y^yy
Wc DUpenaa
. Hot Boat Taa. Bdl L
lUUoo ter • flat ehm
!>>elading Hot CboeolnU
Hot 8odaa.
baakiM tba oaonl Hat
JAS.Q. JOHNSON, Driggisl
nb«ria toUalaM.
would like to atate wbat
G.H. SN0W,M. D., Specialist
1 bare bera la pstor braltb (or a j«ar ptoiii
aaagrDtolna »orM>; basr« bu-^n la greai ptoln.
a»dg«x>vioa »rtobrr;DoanbltUwi tood aottobV
lo Ac aueb work. My mtspetm wU voor »s
Uaeto.eoaia no-, ele^p at olgbi ny armoi^
Tery poor: ■kto yollow.bad taale Id ny aontb
There waa a fluttmag aod had (reliiig la ay
sSlffvrrot dcN-torss. Tbey all aocior«d nr for
sJlffrfrot Ulnr» srithmit aaij b«ln I caJlrd
u| oo U aoo» »bo Ukisl n« ay tronUe. Be
fawr ar aeUlrloe ansi brined ar at oo<^, and
after H) day* tn-atantl I raa aay ibat I aa
about well afato I would adsdae a&yme wbo
U »trk to call on Dr. Baow.
Mr. D. W. neld of WolrotUeille. lod . wbo la
engaged at tbr new court bouae. aakea k
bU oplnloe Of Dr. 8tiow-a toerrtcea:
. JOHN P. OTT & 00
Mr M. .1, OlHviii of drawn, Muli.,
or oomoMHida our Hot
ebooolate to tba poblie.
fintil Rtpids ft Inditu R. I
Iwal and departure of train, at- Trarerat
City. li> efTwcl Ortober tfnd. IWb.
/ yyy y yrjr^yy;^y^.y^^^y:y:y , yS
aod 1 aa eei7 much bettor, aod aa p’aaas
Dr. Snow mdse<« .pecUlty of All Chronic DiMtotofl, Ditoowe of Wo-
i:4'' ■: :;
- -y
■ -i :‘ -.i. l :
Third Year-No. 812
traverse city.
BoUaradThat Ha ta Flaaiiw
labiM rofMtar Atl
atwl Vinasa ra^OMOW
jObiidrml Whit®. Mad®
r;iSrtoT'lSSSrXa®*: j »««*•x.*dy*mith
a**l I* a^lcallr elo.^ *b«.br. all I
------------•IM) wir*_________ Itonned HiU Oeeupi*d by B
«o Cat Off BMnM-OolM
a*«ed * Mucun Oun and OtljeT
th* toonrmt !M4«r SowMito l>
WeoM-Aljo DMtroyad Lme of
SMaidaK (>oB lb* IUmO of l«sia
CoBBunicatioB of tb* Enemy»!• Obotar* la Alaoat a WtMSty.
ffaar-Bear* ffocaarmeat WlA a
O«<.nlCroi0e Heee Hot in D«o
BodyotAcalaoM -aOa.rd.
r»t«l BmuU of • Bot on tbo poi»-e Battlo Koar Spytfbntein.
WaaMadoa. Dec. »_W*r departFrereCaap. Dm »-(i*oer*l WbiU
Oroat Blcyele Bmim.
mMicffiei»toBr«of tb« pplokm UiHt
H toformed Deoonl Boiler ol tbe
Atmiaaldo U •mAmworitxg to rmcb WaH*T-BooM*. • Hedle*l Sludmt,i<
implete eornM .of * Britieb eortte
Bnlor, oa tb« tMi eoMt of Losoa.
Sbotaod Silted ffred W. Bteter Id ; (rooi Udyult^ teet nicbt. etormlof
BtlOTtoilM plM wbm Ui^toaaat
Madim tqaareOMdeo. Sew To.k. j tb* bUI ot Lorbortdkip Slmolteneoo*UllflMra Md tb« Yofklo^ m boat ere«r
lywUbtbeer zircoftbe Mosioi roe
New Tork. Dee. a-Beouw be woold
dleabllnc two other'
proaeb wilbla drioir <
not pay o loU wo«pr on tbe bicycle;
»■>« o« tbe bUl. tbe BriUth
.imm bold ibe place. It le belle
bare that Aruioaldo will make hla laat
alaad tbere anlem be aoeeeeda In ae rJIli r slSSlr. TbeehMO.™
io ModiMD «<i**re Uerden. wbleb wm I
»<>• killed, ooe woonded.
aaoape from tbe Ulaad
ttome eraeeU
crowded to the door*. Tbo race bad Uea«m While pralae* tbe eelor ot tbe
of Rbeaaejarekeeptoc a ebarp look*
»eodod o few mloote* when Boetar Natal voloQt
Pretoria. Dec «-Newa baa .j^n reJTb reach Baler Af a{aaldo.moai crrea
celvad.bara rf heavy eghilog today
'W goaatalaotta conotr;, where bia
near Spyifoeteia. ibe BritUb force
aiatinvin be iBcreaaed bj tbe likelU
under Metbaea attacking tbe Boera
biiM of ailacka from nnfrleodlj aaunder Cro^ Ja Report* are alao reeelvd
ileea^ General Otie baa cabled ordera
ofa batUa near Kimberley which la
lo eetbral Anerieaa d lack menu who
praanmad to be a aortle by tbe Brittob
Afeaadaaeorlaciocaioff Aralnaldo^a
Aocry word! followed. Rncer fl.w garrtooB at Kimberley.
ratreai. They are ao placrd that ibe Into h r^ qeleklp. The crowd fell
bhck and the mwllc*l etodeot drew *
London. Dec. »-Lord Metbnen to
ebaaeei of oaptarlnr elm are rood.
Gaaeral OUa alao cabled tbe follow* weopoh. nlmwl It nt U* b*«l of hit atm encamped in the vicinity of the
JJ«Wor river, bot to having an encltiog
laf today; -A dUpaicb from Geoeral
Tbe byllet took effect la Btetor’t
Yoaacat Vlfao jeaterday aaya that
ThawnrofU^ waa greatly excited
oaoaped Mpaalab priaoaera report a
by ibe report that the Boera had cat
fbar bomra* earaffetaeat oa the 9M. laLord Mathoan^i llaa. but waa rallevad
ataat betweea hla troopa and Afalaal* tk* door wbea be tell dead aaoo U
abortly after midnight by an c IB Ual re
^obtaardaearOertaaiea, flUy mllea parcawa'. Bnwwr wa« arrratad.
port from Cape Town that oommoaloa.
tkm bad been rmloced A late boUrtia
alao lella of a email oagagemeit todgy
U one htUed aad two woaadad. The
lababllaata of their owa aoe^rd j>la Chtcat > Va<earaliy How Bat Vadla. between Prlaa Lorn* Hoar aommaado
of 1,000 nma aad one gun ana a ballary
oarlroopaln repalrlaff the trail aad
puled Klpbl W'That Title—0*>
of Brlttohanllloryaada baitaltoa ol
ctrrylBff aabtlaieaoe. I hare paabed a
tafaatry fhe HHttah loat fourUen
•olapa to Baa ioae. aoath of Haaraed
teaiod Wltejaala 71 to 0.
‘ Bd one killed One wounded
aad Uowe'a oolamn »a oa the rear trail
HtdIaoD. Wl... f)«i. u -Tb,. ^t
laer wa« fr
Majw Hach..lor*a batulloo of ib^
There toe
ibie doubt aa to the
Tweaty fiiurth U oin of reach, north of
of the mala Hoer
Bayomboaf. and erldsotly deaeeadlay ..Di»er.liy aad W.Moano. wa* woa by
tbe rlrer.
Chicaco. 17 to 0. Tb* larpeet crowd Toroe. It wa* •uppoaed after ibr
- A colnma of (laoeral ll%cArlbar‘a UetrrerKatbcredhcr* to ere a foot Modder rtver flrbt that Ganeral
Croi J* had retired |o Spytfonlelo, and
Ut»pi and the Twanty.flnh Infantry be.l cam. wae oa the froaod. la
aet to work to repair tbe iMt obttacli
are reported near Iba on the weal eoaat of tbe rein aad £ud
In ike vavo^ihe relief of K mberly
of 7*tmbaleapmrloca. General Grpol’a
Tbe leld wae In p
General Cor je undoubtedly baa a larg.oolnniB to near Sub|r bar. General oeltber team d.d at
force at thto oolnt. but it dereloped to
lAWton U In Hulnean provlnoe today
oo * dry deM.
that he alao baa a pa. t of bia army
with aufll lent troopa to overcome op
at Graa Pan. oa the other aide.
poaltloB and aohtier the enemy "
Methuen to tbua between the, two
It to probable that the iroopa which
The team work of
of the B^r forcea. hla raiiwax
•ayaved Afalnalda*aya%rd are llalre'*i
•lar featnra of
track* and enIverU deatroyed add bia
' ooamaad, aa he to rep ried cloae Af
•rbTt defeat mtrkt the downfall of telegraph wire* Itob'e to be aercreo
U'Dra, who waa io wreubed foro. Hla
puntlnif waa poor In the eateeme. *
Santa Glaus
Will Be At
Our Store
Id .\merira today for
Lndiiii are the
Ounmilted Buicldc at
■i Union.
AlixHia, live h ~Chaa
A Nnratb.
r erh
With hi. big l»ok the Iwt
part <>r tbia week to take
down the name, of nil the
giriH and boja who call on
him- juBt whnf else the old
fellow will do we an. „of able to .nay just now. but vou better
watch thia aptc. for his announcement
• puir. and
!‘Queen Quality”
At $:Ui0 a pair.
The hikdieet type* of the
Shot timkerV art. They make
a handifome Chiiatmaa .pn*e.
Enamel Ware Sale, Moadai. 3:00 p.m.
.Ij iiuart iteUB. keuhw and Blew imna. all firet »iualitv. per^,
feet d,shea........................................................... .......... ;...........
899-228 Front Street
1, ;r
WM faoad. Nil huaiii^d'i[iS^*M ^a*
fMBd iB bli (rank
.tn ciiviabli>rc|iutn<ion
•Vi Hollcmof .....
Tlmt-B why all .Hirrcct .Irwo*.™ wpar onr Bnite,
riBlcni. Rate. l«a|M. «l„v.w, Hhirta, etc.
I’lii-ca alwaya the luwnat, i|uiility cnaidetwl.
WaU h that .N.H kwear Window
MeeUng of 1-nco h Lilcmry
too ety Lne: Ktght.
I yenre^ln
ry rrtarnedn vepdiclof
econd degrM ngmtnet _ _
who wea eentenoed to ten
the effi-fl
Itoenmlonwee onite eplHted.
» •Not
nidee. Fmnk Welton nnd Wnyneltwo mlnnlen A
The nmrmetlvn
to the critioi report*
Vrw Cmtocr Virginia.
one of
• ilor BiH
Assortment ‘
Padnau. a Oil
Keeper. KUM CktflaBRiMridpa.
CiaelBBaU. Dae. 0 -••Chick** 1
thtoafuwaooaahoiAead 1
daa*la tbe Io
x*. Krindricb bldg.
I Sorosis aid pueen QualHy
uUicguariluiis I Cold Weather
} Clothing....
With till* rliill taken of! im* prir**«. , Uur oviertwla and
ni ters ant L'arnienU ^ar> rklit up to the miiint.. in
Ht> Ih—are matle of d. iH-ndalile matt^riato. and ar»‘ ri;:
rightly i.ri.-.Bl,
Till- greatest stia-k in ^lown^is her
ih wo’ll
8. II you ovi recmtH, idHt^ni and MiiitM aTt®n
fnnn our already low prieea. CVune a^dplo
A pmniliitnit N*«w Ynrk cdlii-iitl
anlil tin* ifiM rrnl Ub<' *if llir todn
pli'iiH* Itnd iiindt* llip tnnk of»Hli*
vtilly iihiti cUuif Ufa*mid |imiH*ri>
•iviT ftU p*ar i*»*iil ewtidi*r.
U1 work ta lad^la, which waa flit ti
Ta*li«plmhituf in cnUn* of linear*
with lateriNitlBg laformtUon.
."Mra. Charim Laaeaatcr read one «f «ddi«nt nr ImrifUry Imp IxM'oim* a
ibepormaof Rudyard K p!lag. which
recitml many th.ngaof iniercai ab<iul
Kv#*r>’ w.dl rfifulat
the wi m m ot India. A p>*«lnf v wai
limipa.lm d has a
Mtoa Saod
Mtoa Wright eolertalord very p'c >a
Ingiy tn a tab upm the wi’k of th.
mtaaioonrie* who era adpp »rted hy intMngregatinnal church and
.ke e*.peeiaKv of mlwiooary work in Iqdia
to the pleasure of her nddrea*.
Doringher talk Mtu Aldie Solcw
was dre*aed la a **\irktoh costume t .
illuatratethe manner of Orea* if ih
omen of that country The* entire
waa one of great pVaanreand
omBi to the member, of the eociet;
After the program tboee preeeot en
joftd I pbt refre.hmeote
S, BE3ITr)-A. <Sb oo.
121 Front .Str.M.|.
hxclusive aKfiil for
tiM .WrtBbt Buieruiaad llrl<l«r
■u.lten ut Uo ■ B* of MU.
TbeK ordBol aap Homber.
The holiday number of T«k Mti
Rxtxkau ha«
a* nlrvady met wiin
demand and ae it to to be widely cir-;
culaied Uoee dealrtng extra oopim to j
abroad ehon'd ercurc
entocky einteemnn. He wee con
•mell nmonot of I lelne^we^treD
the Tlc|ed of ebooling to death Prof. Will- them early, before tbe editioa to exnd. the pHi
Mr torn Lipacomb of tbe Central ChriaUnn haoeted Coptea may be ordered at ibr
InltlnUop of
la peraoa or by
T^lce. Tbe drtt pnrt on tbe ee<
W^boae. NoXl. Tbn price baa been
Bxed at only flve oeata each, and every
jam tbe Hute
member who U
Two Trxaen Had n Rualnam D angree.
ill aa aome to aead awmy.f
the next pnrt
meat and Killed Back Other.
rhtob wnv very enu
Then followed no
Greenville. Ten. Dac ®.-rhtom-,Ing A. Dnncnn. of dnnnyalde Park.
G..lambna, Dec a -The
ibtonHaniuwaof lb* I'aloa Reforai
■WUP eoutemNi bora Inday Tb*y dr biwaolHtoaNi
Vmiir*Plio meet
rtura d tmailoaary from Turkey
I here ana aa lalefwtlng nr
XffOM oa BttiUuura aad Niorli-lllaa
Varawoaby Froatraied at Beault
Oaae oa a ffaaita.Kar Trala Bateni t
. of ®h ck.
TllUbu-f Teatarday.
Amnre careful eaiimate than waa
l tbe tine, of the loea canaed . I'ltubary.. Ds: a-Tbe Pittebnrff,
Bomlble att
by the 0re early yeaie^day toorninf. PortWaroed Cbleafo trala onthbar
. and the approat Owaa qiaraatlaed aUKria atalloa
hM been
mate flrnrea can non be yiven.
The loaa on
the butldiny ol
Hteinbe-y I a eaitmaied a I
ttOQ. It U folly covered by insurance
emeire u>
A woBiern doctor nbmrd deThe damaire
to tn* Cohen
Ulonb iul8-m »nd Mr Wnr-,
• child bed the emnllpox
nyr eetimetee
eatimatea hiw loM on Block en i Itoew^r. were wcered end n penic
book* that were It jo
Ipon nnd
The oldmt daughter of Mr WaraowaWy. who wat helped out of tne
in time to aaye her from RMaATIVRqFJtmy G. ARI.Z8LF
mifrocaiu a. bad b» en very
Very 1ill for
Cohdetnnrd tn Ten Yenm X
Alme, and U
Irlely pr<
ment fo- Killing
’ B*lph OoniutbU Jr..
On Eyery^dyj^Tongne-“B»ndlm-p
Ualoo Seforte Party Ipaoraa Itemoerau and Wiil Maai* Ptealdeaual
■ 'il
Thfi Two ^
Best Shoes'
Batal Cerk
W,. arc Blmwing an cl..g*ni |iu.. „f k Ininy flood* with
ShTlimr Hilv.-r'Alonni*. l)r.-sBing
('lolhc* liruah<%
Hilt BrnohcB. Hair llruBli. *, Military Hair Hra«hca. etc..
(with or ^ithoul <aBp*.)
To Connoisseurs of Perfumer)Wc invite imrticiiUr alti nlion to oy w. ll 6<-ltvlod line
of .Bl..rB- -mat. hle-« in .|iiality HiiJ;M,Hturi.l fra. ranee—
Wp eBp.ci!,lly ri-.-oniniend our w-l. i lion «.f viol. ta.
Kodaks and Supplies.
S«t our lint of Udits' Combination Pockrt Boob from 2S< to $3.00
Tb«t a. wbtel (wsttilw srr dolc«r
Cbr»wtm*w -aV ttftr** m»l ^ hl« Ilur of
mV kind* uf fAii.-.r c.tuJ. tbK ye-mr -but
Bwdorltelm Io U*7rit bur. tterifw nrw
up to datr tin# of tVrfuKr
AloaiAwrw. Pt-rfunf-rj In Uory rmme-m,
and IwtlU^
tnffv atylrw^ and Po. kat
Bookte. am Booka. t artt Cmm^. «>tc-U>
«ant you to aaa our lliw. Sb troublr te
aboa aood». at
Wait’s Drug Store.
Otte 'Wl\Tvu\e
The Real Thing!
That’s what you get when
sou buy a pair of our.....
Waterproof Shoes.
If yon wear a pair of thew we can puarantee you a
dry foot. The price is easy.
Store open evenings until Christmas.
■ V'.:,
W. C. & B. A.
Boea aeftthcr plaaaaaUj aad
DlLra. «f
ABoodJoho DeLoory.
John F. Ott hns retoroed from o
business inp 10 Cklesdo.
Benry DsMrBicr. who hns been
servin# os wheelmnn 00 the etbrnm
borye Al oe M. OUl. come to the citj
Inst nlyot fioB Chorlevoin.
Northperta woe in!
and Opticians.
^ U Waraw ef Kk laplda
^ Hit is fine Wntchrg, Jewel.
f?r «fi^nre or Silver Kot.
lull K^field of Mooistee Is viriU^
frlooos in the city ter o few
o» !■«
OapMla Fraablla rataraad Uat alpbl
Hon. C. O. Tumor left for Petoskey
Rev. A. O. Lind rctnrned yesurdsy J
I. tt* 9mia» wMfc th* «o
«kk» it M mmnii '
• oftk*<
ThenteoBhoffe Sidney O Neff wlU
AUns8ndleMsyec wenito Kolkoskn
rta*««ry4«toU. Tki> IMM BOke one Bore trip froB Esst Jordnn yeeterdsy. colled there by the lUoese
to Moskefoo with leBber.
of her fsther.
Oopi. WlUiOB Aodrco of the North
Mies Kote Wilson returned to brnr
4ltloatotk*'n«atM’ lcM»i
4»fifonitoo lire snrinff etntSon. peered
MftMBia. UlMtfMcd. Christ
eltiesa Didmonds or Precious
Stones of j any kinda in any
kind of Jouiitiug. that you
are neekiny:. you can find *em
J. W. Slater.
W. C. iMi A. CAlillEn
1.-J7 Front Stm t.
psMIebereof tbs.B>.«<uiu>are ladchtad
to Hr. & E. Walt tor aoae of ibees
|delaraa.aBdt»blaehm as a pbou«fmpMr for eoplwof »«b>eeu wkSeh oro
Si : ooMldoroblo vmlM. tamoM Um
SrtglamU m Uw oolj oms io
iMo, TiMniororoeMipktVM woro
Mdo ^ oibor^loeol >bototr»phm
mhom nmtom oppoor with ibo tppnh
4MtSoos- Iho^ortoftboosirrovwrbM
Ralph Andei
Will Anderson
and Embalmers
trdnjDd Ml
Troveree City.
eeraiod. Dec
Hueie be Bela A
Blakeleyb orcbeatra
»ir lo t 6
fall ouendnnee Ie desired es there wUl
In spite of rainy wentber nnd tbe nd> W1U*»0«~
The Boy View Beodioc Olrcle wUl vice of hie phyeicisa. ibe pope eeled clodb aale dt Tba
Beet ot the nenol boor tomorrow with breted boss U his pnvoie enopel Fri
Mfo. H. 8 Ball.
_______Jobs Itoenee wos proBtcd yes-
Both Telephones, No 43.
318 Union Street
The H. & L. M. Co.
Tho poo 4fmwiof of Um bmilng of Ovol Olsh feetory.
Jedfe Roberts toned WUUob Bnrl
Tmvm dll's Bosi toleotod orltolo.
‘ Mr. T. H. A. Ti^r^ Thb Ulostrotloo
. linoof tbocsisniof ibe monnfoetnriOf lodoUriB. of TrovorM Clrj« iu doy olyht In MonUtrse hoU. The nn<
nnhl elecUon of ofB wrs wUl Uke piece
nil BCBberm nre rcqnesled to be
Ths holf umss nod fifth pofo on-
ffOYloffs woro node
A yoeny mon with nil ike
00. lo «rmnd Bnpi<Ue pod ihe enool- ofn fir^ees knee
Moos of Uie work Is fnllidrinohnirotod rived ni
ntibe borne of Mr. nnd firs
f L. Hnni yeeterdny morninf. Be
IB iho-printed reeulu. The ffeoerol
ten ponnds. ond Ooteber Bent
of the entire iMne U on
of the BusUers will ooBBond ohicber
eoiory berenfier.
lOteof the«w
W. A Dcooa the orhbltect. orrived
Ion thepoBT.
Bf the
rof the pr
A toii of enomelond hlfh frode book
Bokint nrchl
poper wos OMd In this Isene which
OCBSlsu of its pofiss. the vrcoteei noinhw of poffee ever printed liooe teeoe Urpeet nnd most otirocUve pobllc
Aj ooj dollj newipoper In oorthem ^lid^for the pnrpoM of folnlnff
Aeonnrrived ni the home of Me.
While this ooBber dieplole the skUl ond Mb. J. L. Reed yeSleitUy after*
#f the printer ond the eoerfi of ibe noon.
•ewSfoiherete of ibe Baccx>iui. It oUo
All BOBbenof the Women's Relief
AoBooetrotee in the odmileioff col* Corps ore nqnested to tnecl ot -Uronye
bus' the onlerprlet ond npioAote HoU oi 1 o'clock ohorp to otteod the
fooerol of the lots W. B. Thecker.
AVeunf Oirl’s eaperienee.
- DAMAOB fiirir
Wonts Bopid mieer
ensh p to Foj for Aoridenu
7, bi Fntcbln A Crot
a^ attorarj^for
Johawa. ta
for Clapdc
Clopde Johnson,
a as
bar rake aloap Ibe
rood lost 0.*U>bcr.r. nraaatbroheMd
the boy fell to
BBls np. one • f the teeth of the
pierced bis orm. which hns a
poroljsltof thsi inimber. Heno
sloln for dsmores. It is onnoooeed
tbotlsibe township docs not setUe.
OOU will be bronytai. os
Ihot the Occident wos cot
by o de
^tln ibe hlfhwoy.
Mtabero fit.. Bmoc.e Church Will Ask
ter 0ns ot Ooroer Tenth nnd Ones.
The resldento In the ridnity of IWth
BBdCoss etreeu ond ineasben of 8b
Fmneis ehereh. wUl preeent o peUiloo
lotheeonnellollu nest sseeilnf for
theehnrch is not the pines for folher-
tkelreneelleot work
tbe fire yeeterdny moroloy.
Rev. D. CochUn performed tbe
kremony Fridny that nnltud in
BsiTloys WUbar Esrl of Weaf jrd nnd
Mlm Umj MUImb of 8bermnn.
ml doll mle of tbe Juntbr
Groeeebnrcb wUl be held
tn tbe leetoiu mom oeai Friday even
ing. Fancy ortlelee wUl olMbe nold
ot tble time ^ the Ladles' OnUA
Coffee, eoodwitehm ood eoke wUl be
•erved durtog Ike uveolog.
D. Ha Devoodorf has opuDedmpou
ottroetlvu lunek eooater madm the
Tbooeller block.
U. aa.^SHlSr^’S
P. 0. BUg.
Sotwal oeaatarlaU Sro-AoUar foM
Can be found in
We show all new
ones this season.
of U&i
ot aU blaJa. aapoelallj «t tba b«M
Tba aaaaal alaetlaa o( oBtan o< tba
Oorpaalarb aaloa «U1 labo plaaa aaxt
uayJsoMA1. W^fbAtugnte^
oaraUlbMr, wDltaha Mr oa«
C. £. TA YIOR. Pnp.
nu lo hove o more o’e.neb abarp.
for Ike ehuiek udl*
All aamban of Ttaawaa O V «aal.
Ho. (71, ara rrsaaatad to aaM «ltb
Ttaracaa B .sT.-at. No. IM, la H. at.sUos w
for Mn^^ints *ni
This is Headqiurters
will he held tomorrow evenlof olN:to Compiete Uni of ----o'clock. As there will be boelness^f
every member will be
Johnnie Bnme. n Femwood bdy, wss
Inlured Friday wbUe eonsUny on ibe
Uooyhey hlU. Be ran eyoinst o post,
ond was knocked senselesf, nod for n
time It wos feared that bis skull wos
fractured, bnt ibe Ir jorj was found to. Mtffjuines And Newsptpers
be less serioas.
Msnoyer atelnbury of the Qmnd DeUvtnd Phmplly:
Opera Bouse bos given tbe boje of ibe
fire deportment o e^ldl invttoUon to
attend if
Rtri-ived fvi ry day.
For Holiday bhoMwrii.
The finufet Btaiidardfi ever wjld at
Wlifn uiideridvd wliat to got tbe
920*8 quart
ocyn »*old l.> dru«»rt-L Sic.mtidBc. 4
wonieii of the booce for Ohristmaa
We have an oypter
debt made on puri>o8e for us.
buy 'a ynir of B!aek Hatin. For
ice put on the bybters, but around
Trimi^ed Juliettes, or a Felt with
the outhid«‘ of the can.
They are
wune iitjT^ trimniiiig and in differ,
What is
.•ut colors.^ Tbrse'were (ellinK in
Solid Meaty.
nicer i>n a cold day than liol oyatcr
different eijiM, but all tbe niiifunn
Boup for dinner, or to go home for
price of |l.:i>« a pair.
to have served delicious ;
Fried Oysters, or Oyster Pullies,
or Scalloped Oyaten^.
them raw.
The celc-
brate.1 Alfr.«d Dodge Felt Slipper,
• The Heat in^the Und.”
Some want
Half a dozen of tln‘se ;
-The .Man of the Houm:" aanta
a pair of elip|)er« to put <in niter
Btaudards will make a good meal.
Ever eaten Broilrd (Oysters':' They
Ida dayV cork i» over.
will make you wish the oyster sea
them in Velvet, ; 1 .11] ■ j 11 <1 I ll,
son la.^tiHl all tbe year.
wllin:; from 7.">e a | <iir up.
We have
___ L.
More .
What to buy.
Then you haven’t lioen all through
our big Furniture Depaitment.
We’ll just begin and suggest: Cbi«
111 capiiietB at $12.:i0, m.OO and
12U.00; combination book case and
writing desks from $17.00; music
cabineU 11.10,12.10, $2 75, $2.00;
bnc-a.brac bamboo cabinets f 1.00,
#1.‘j0. The biggest thing for the
money .if an oak book sbelf, 42
inches high, 20 inches wide and
sells for One Dollar. Mirrors, all
sises and abapea. from 2.7c to the
elegant wrooght iron mirrors at
$2.2.7 and $4.00, and brasa at from
$2.2.7 to $12.60.
Screens, good
high ones, from VK)c to 1^2.75; foot*
stools from »5c to $3.75; atenda
from 75c to $12.00; book oases from
$7.00: rockert fromll 15; hall trees
from $5.50. Take your first opportnnity to see theee goods
Placed on sale
, Every day ad<b to tbe brilliant arl
china from
little aonvtnira at 25e. to elegant
plates and odd shaped bnc a-brac
at $3.50 and $4.50.
{ /
Conntera fnU
of all manner of novelties &om 10c
Show cases full of Sterling
Silver goods from 2>7c up.
(tetuary «>d gold
plated good*.
Chrutiua* cards for tbe Uule onea,
or for Sunday school daaseatrom
2c up.. A&oa asaortmeut.
drads of Uttle books for the Uttle
ones from 6c up,
The Old Reliable
Frank Friedrich
tb, akak Mlast tbaBoalaa Ntaa aU
HouBwFiiralshlBg Btoiw.
180 Front Bt
Hra. r. C. Uayaaa. .ho waa oaJUd to
Mrslss.s.Ths spteisi srtlelcs srs frsoi barlBf bata elMad for Iba ataaoa.
To •!▼€ ep.
AOdlaoB raeaauj by tbe daatb ot bar
OMrra>& Banlaae. wbo baa baaa tatbar, baa rataraad.
»hs hsst of »sU toowB plossos wbOM
•Bpsrissoss tm ths tsrij ds)s, whSB
with marked Mooees beeo annoy
Boo. U U. Covell orrived frtmUrond
Ropldsyeelerdsy, where he One tea lay editur of the Doiiy News, tenderml
«»ssns CIV »*0« »»
Ok\eodinf Untied btoUs <?ottrt. The his reslyooUoo some dsjs oyo oni It
crlBinol onlendor tns been completed. W08 oeoepted Tburedoy evmlny. Hen
<«Utetlos of lafDralsf s esisshle
Hilkoo. ot ibe state prioitne firm
Mta. J-llai P^t
•UsaleofahiatorlcBl aalsn.
Smith A Co.,
jtrrulfarw dl*imriWbnfil of the UnnanD
^ ibert osutnu
wv.. of '
ii —
cTdurlny the boaasy
boUdsT '
end hss oooeniiKl
afoSTBSSt pel
k re7 Ul. but ie now roeorerlny
capeaM la
Ca-a. bosiinws.
baaioMa. ibc
the cbsuyc
ebaaite yoltty
colar into
Meana(pletam;of*old Uom eeeasi
r. A. Mlicbell, yenerol
.Ifaet today. Mr. l>ee yoea at oaee to.
O. T. M.. No. IM. ond other Sir
lmpts« Knlfhu.wUlBeetot MooUtne boll nyenibftbeM. AN-nN nod bis fom
thspaUlewIthlUie actaal eoadlUoet todny nt I o'clock to oUcnd the fnnerol Uy dined with A:0ermnn Montayuc's
in Detroit or tiraod Eao d.
>^hldi salatad te .thla lecalllT *ftj
psaisar>Mi4*M» -r*"*
Open Evenings Untill 8 O’clock.
Make a nice prewMil—Kever
mind the fit. we ll attend to
I-,; •
than a Writing Desk,
Book Case or Combina
tion Desk and Book case. We bare a large assort
ment from $5.00 op. Ctme in and pick one ont. ve
will store and deliver it free of charge.
at Gannetfs.
IBolMay VaaW
D i-Dd-'--
The Namii & Lay lerciuitOe Go:
4^ htertst*
HMkiMT adii^te VMtai, «r
You Will Make
I Mistake
_1W MW fcMwy o( tk* HtaklKM
Temple of Fashion
g'SSsllS n.2j?;^J2.Ta5ri^ Ui5c
Bj choosing anjr oth^
________daj «-
J. W. MORSE. Proprietor.
cigar than
T.i. Bsrvto«rilk PlMMtk i
Ummamtmmm m Y«m for tk«
MBBfoeim of foMf^wood loaiv. tte
Tbalaativvobosia of tba rao traa dortolemmbl^or U rmn. pi^
itepowwtoemra>UThraot.CMt ud
•’rte, toe ud «IOO
Trial l»tU«
wd olrasdjr borr t.MO.ooo col
rwoBld dart forward froa ibt
b aad 8. B.
laadtryioaiaala laf apoa bit
b bai of ao a*^>i
----------ltr;t ptrfomaaot M ■orraloat prUt IjNlilIdirMeM
omdt oe order
ordem la oar MllUatry
Madad a twwar'a bar *a 4mw * door
Maya, I
baU col
ady madt b
faaror t*a oiUai lo Ibt alatloa. Tbaa Hdtr. tMdt a dttatrmla attanpi tba
la two. tl ^
aad 93
^ I tirtrt baU for SO
oenta Cbolet of aay of our pattora
SH^SvrS r?H£
Cnstomerftf ours, and
U can be E Z. if you win give ns a
• call and
the fine line we carry in
Millinery? Up to date in .every re- *
sped. I^adwear in every st^le at
prices that will suit everyone. We
have cine of the finest stores in Michigan, keep the best of help, and they
will gladly wait upon you and show
• yon through our parlors.
IV Up To-Oate.
at iriUcal aiacat te tba raea whieb
aavad hla troa daacor. fallter baeV
late alra. ate pla« aaaaff tba iodlrtermah B. Bakar of Cbootor ^ aeoraa whM eoatrootod htai. Me-
Qiristmas v
yaaroUdaarblcr froa baia« baraad UoBtd foal to tba laai. Moat vavt
todwtb. Tba liui* oea roabad tea
teoMibanaariMaadataa daabad tba
d^tar tea a teoh of water and irlri ibtir a oKwi io caidovra ibt lapa,
.•kaa^ja^har^L Tballulaoaa wbkb refaaad io bt doereaawl ao 1^.
Bobtn Waliboar. ibt ploelcy Crraeb
mao. bad Ibt larftai ladividaal aooro.
Tha aawa of tba daatb of Llaat Aa- I,4f« mfkt. S 9apa. io 71 hoart. Ht rw
ftotaaC. Ladjard, who wu kUlad io rtirvd iMO ia oaab, milor aad Wallor
dlvldt fl.uoo. Majra aad McKiebtra
aptii roo. Tat iblrd prite, wbleb
lehicM CroUoJ rolh^. Tbo wem\ io Ulmmaad introt. amoobttd
\ IfootraMi «MMr Lojford’r Moood to bsou
Tbt eoadltioo of ibt raeprm ai ibt
flalab, oe ibt wbola, waa good. Tbt
forblaMlfarmUrood corror. Jolalar pact form ibt ttari eoBtlboad rtmarkably faai Ooiof S8 alaritra 10 flolabtd.
Jim Jrffritt woo Sioo oB wiaaart.
TKAM a<X>Kk8
MlUCt Ullt
•^i Moti of bU ilmr m a
Walltr-M.llor....................... t73i
ibt r«r«>br tm/ at treoad Ulmm-ini-rot....................... ms
Ht oat a crmadaoa of ibt KlMcbtr-Cbttalltr............ 27S2
its “’srss
Pb»alar Ooapte Ufi for Vt. Monti,
WharbTkar Will ^ad.
naebtr...^ .
etptad a potliloalB a larct clotbloff
1330 IMO
-:.v.v.v; 13411
“ ibtmrHl^rtbt ecc
R. A S teilea.
Supporting the Joint Stars,
croon, Rtr. U I
fbr Iba Brtl iimt la iha blalary of
•lalabarTbOraadaWadiac nWwL
bi a pftmlam la ibat ibraut ai a mat*
larr.yMierdayaftaraooe. Tbtibaairr
mat^adioibadoort with ebildira
aad iba ptrfnrmaaet btpt
Ibamamatid dariaa ibt tailr. pr^
cram. Tbt doll w^eb wat aapoa
fobtrlmoaiio Ibt laekt oat___
meo hf Htulab Coetll Lati ^cbt
Ibtrtwataaoiktr jam aad tloAlap
nmm.watai a prtmlam. Tbt Marbt
Mrot. oompaay preataird • IH
Daa,** aplty ttUrd wlib erllleal t
iloat aad htmoroat tltmtate Tbt
pfoet wat wall tiaytd aad ibt aaditac*
aboatd^ opprrclalka hf eoatlaaad
badraik^ttfle app'aotr. Tbt.c'im
wy win rrmaln hm anoibtr weak
. Yktatirariloa
lot aurariioD M a<
aday nlcbi will br
••Tbt Rottyofr iCrrry
i(rrry *' Tbt roatloDOot
ptrfotma^ Id^
•* imrtit
with faror and
ls Not
Tears Ago
9 atwa of ibt Otrman
I of ibt lalaada aa a rttalt of tbt
POeUtd by ibt
a lUttt wlhb appar^B^ lad MofTBoa.
Aaibortla Ntw York hart baraa a
morrmtailo aaeart from ooocrtm
law ootlillac ibtir maaoterlpi to fo
ibroaab ibt mailt M third iatttad of
art! clam maiitr, ibtrtby tlftcUac a
tlOO Bnraid. $100,
Thr rredtra of Unit paptr will br
p'catci lu laara that ibrrr to at laaat
oaadrtadoddtotata Ibai ae«taet hat
beta ablt to care la all im atafta, aad
ibattoeaiarrab. Util
alPt^larrab Cart
art known to ibt
Oaurrab belof a
eoatiliollonal dUn
tlHaliootl tTMimrau
Cart tot
flee, of the .j.tem. tkmt^ dMtnvIor
lb. to.Dd.ttea »f the diwHC. ud rl»-
Plays Changed Every Night
Continuous Performance.'
■IM. Pack utd. ••I’ll pat . (inile
rlTdlt to Ibi^rt, and mtaMoett ran
Ihroarb It today wlib hardly aayoar
ftoiag It a treoad Iboafbt
It baa brea ibt ttmt wllb a#, aad
odrfooiwrar. It to a fact wbleb no
oat woald bar# brltortd poatiblt ten
ytari ago. ibai wt would build up a»
large a Uadt aa wt bare. Aad more to
It to a fact today that all ibe leading
aboe atorct la the city from ibe eaat to
ibe weal and ibt aorth io ibt lomh.
tad 08 and our footwear bard lo compJit with There matt be a rtaeou for
ihto. What to i ? It to becautt our
Hat of aboea ia made rapectony io our
rdtr, by the beat workmen mooty cat
Irt. of the braiatcak mooty cau bur.
the brat tjaUm braloa ear
2:W Front Strvfl.
Traveme fils.
kte ^
rm iose of KonT’-TOSTJ
You cuD't do better tbua to bar j
ootwear of
?smu on pnlr» Hi
Telephone 112 for 1
;SK for Straub Bros, & AmI iottc^s Fine Candie^^ .« Made in
5 Traverse Gty.aie.se Ingest Candy
I Factory in Northern Michigan. .se
Chocolates and Bon Bons. tie Most
Here are i few Recipes which Housewives will be Glad to Use
flavors, tse ase ase ase
LADY CARRi-Ooe hair OYuudwufwr. is
10c. 16c. 86o tMPrutSL
North Star Potato Flour
. V* »*rach beat wheat flmr aud -NioRTH S
B Mid tbebuii-o white.o> th» ren lnteni)ltteDtl.T will) a»r .t.d .tercb
Pre.M.-M-MI»t,-»Ue Bnellnwatel. ^mfodolDflU work. Tbt proprtr*
Kltet Vic. l•n•ld•Bt-Mn. Wm.
little water, a little maoe wucb aa will lay oa a nlekle or ibe grated Had of onr
lemoa, a placb of aalt. aad aay kiad of praaenred fralu
I* dollars for any coat that II faito
ctrt. Stad for Itot of IrtUmoatolt
Rtoordlaf Hecrrury—Mrt. T. I>yrr. ^ Addrttt K. J. Cmknkv d Co^ Ibltdo.
nAmtsubi Sccrttary ~ M r a. Jat.
brfor. takliMr.tlriath.buteawhite.oruO. Pol te . wall batterod p.o
ud take at .low hut oatlltbr lower aide te tatteolu to brown while the
^aaoclal KrcrrUry - Mra. M i
top te oular dry. Kup well oorered alt the time. WlSa^oae pot on the fr,lt
fold ower aad aerwe hoi.
Et^M CRBAM-^t ihraa cupa of milk lato a double boiler aad bnag
Con tree tort aad paritoa lataraaiad la
itoof POTATO RLOUR. wet with a
............... M.. i
boUdlar for atal atom, art rrqattlod a little eoli milk aad eook till it t
aagar, add aad eook two mlaatca. Bare >1a third of a bez of (
galatlae dto*
aolwml la half a capof water. All up with boUlBg milk aad ^trala lato tba umix
tare: add half a tcaapooafal ofaaltard ateaapooafal of ▼aallla extract. Beat
A Kaaa. .ater Brala.
itaofoukgly . poi r lato a BKmld aad aat away to aUffea. It to boat arnda
btfora aalag.
|. Tara oat aad aarwa ia aliom with angar aad cream, whip
--------------------------layoar Xmat atekwtar dceliDft it
NOTB:-* »ORTH STAR POTATO FLOOR • can ba uaed la awary laaU
Jte,urte.«tes.V.te.S Bud.
Wc *
Well, 1 should say so. Just step
in and see the pretty new things we
have in the-line of Fancy Goods. Cen
ter Pieces. Doilies. Pin Cushions of
■ every style. Embroidery and Picture
Frames. The finest line of Sofa Pil. lows in the city. We keep a nice
•; selection made up: then we have a
large line of material of every de
scription to select from. For those
prclerring to do their own work we
give embroidery lessons free, or any
other instruction that will help yon
to make up anything in the fancy
goods. Remember the place,
, :
Dec. 4 to 16th
We wanUo ^ ^
Steinberg’s Grand
SH:r^b.TS^i^.bTSeS:5te-s3 Opera House,
hneMinmeiy and Fancy Goods
Ask your dealer to furnish you with Christmas
Candies from a Traverse City factory.j»Spedi!
attention to \yholesale Trade in surroondi^
towns..^ ^ ^
J* J*
J* jt
Wear Good Clothes i
^ Utar. Dr. Klar« l5w Lift PUlt
wlU ^kt yoa foal like a atw btl^
ut of te. Sbc. of^plu^u*^
Cm U Irippsa 24 Ink.
Ojalm garvad U All al7>a
367 East Front Sl
'i^ r/' r‘
Have them Made to Order
by a
dIgeaUbUity of -NOBT
Archittet and SupaMendmt.
Oldest Fire Insurance Agency
foyMtom l^ iroabltd tor ytait
Plans and Estimates FurNorth of Grand Rapidp,
nished. All correspond
ence will receive prompt ,
-S=Every Loss Paid with No “Quibbling,”
attention. Herald Bldg. Should commend it to your patronage. I have this record in
my possession. Come in and pay your small share of the
cost and get a large chunk of indemnity.
lamoB ptoa, Blaae llaaga,
llaaga. lea eraaa
craaaaa. eaadlca aad to to ba aapeetolly rec
No rrmr^ oqtmle WarnesVi White
\T.ve or fAK 8VRUP for ihto verri*
.a*and faul dtocatt. If Ukea tboisiVbly and la lime, it will cure a cere
1124 hour*, and fd^ the oooab that tol*
Fifi lisimisi.
And when they need
.n J» or *
Take them to
109 Union Street.
Rear of Masonic blk.
Suits made in Latest Fashion and
Repairs Quickly and Neatly done.
Both Phones No. 86.
■r-.; .i;a^
- '\
j5sess;j^^3!L3 Zyccoil
rMl*Maa. M* «tt:«
•:-• ••.■•■ii .;.
MT2SJSS7?yrs-* 'WP
Make the Best Pr^ents |
^.Y^iirsiriiin 11^ ifT**
• mrwiem will b#
MldiBf. 416 talk
tfca^Md w*d>».
The Hardware Store offers the beet opportunities for the selection of AopredaWe
Christmas Presents. We have a Wkthat
is unsurpassed, from a
r «0
TSToUrti****^** ”**** ******
tartUd to tkf Mr-
rSS^eiSS-^i^ mmUmg. tM
BiklMtlaa Va4«r IMiaetioa of ProiM0rPlpaa,OMM«WlS
iSteel J^t\ge
Carving Set!;
OkM«h.Gor.O<liMd ratk Mr.
8«»4b/ aekool at 9:46.
y. r. 9. oTi. pr^ moUbc »:46
asrrjsft,-**™!""m%rUla9%tMamm%h9 9m^\yi»md^
4N. 4s4f«»8 Is «lM AdsMt? troM to
«M Ib lOtt.
I*ibM Obbti
B D BUatflBof
.!• it
to »rif«- *o» tk.
•mlaf bptk9aa6lor.
aolbor. win J 4b tbaoi to iliBlr atw
hosBlbBimof IbB jmr.^ Ur, Bidwall ii a oomaMoelBl travalpra aad will
■aba tbla bla baadqaarian la iba
OiSmoS la OkiOoge
X«B8 BWdlifBBr ai* A
arsD-Two nirtw. t
bf BnoMoot C"*IE?JiIir«rES!JT
A fine Pocket Kni^ makes:a suiublegift.
We have hundreds ^f fine ones. A fine line’
of Skates also. .An extjra fine line of Table
Bonaoa 10:10 Vli TImdb, •*!%•
ter Iba Gk^. Heraafler.
lareb aa wall aa w tio atareb
a i-«£ luiTf
«»rt>U>Offi r.Tr*vw-.rntj
I verse City, ^ ,
rSn” A From Street
;^|\icee*e eecMMMMmHMCtir
arness! Harness!! THE EARUER1HE BETTER
Oor hMT7tMiBlianaM areatriotl/ HIGH OBAbB. both aa to the qnaUty of
4| etookBBd workaamhip.aBdoar PBX0M8 ABB LOWBB thaa the earn* trade of
^araeae oen be bsiwht eWhere. We have eold la>t« aamben and etUl eve have i^r
AB mWB«eB BTODK oa hand.' A doeea dlflireat etylea to eeleot from.
A^hood maxim when applied to holiday purchasing, .f’-*'
• Thos! who arc in search of useful, common sense, and money savlAg
gifts will find much here this week to interest them, and please their friends.
ttern (or the wife.
Than a fine dress pattern
have the
mother, or sister.^ Here
proper styles, late effects as to colorings
and designs, qualities that are lasting, at
reasonable prices. If it’s a black dress or
a colored one, plain or fancy, we havewhat will please you to select for gifl-
Tf, ’ •|j<!
We have an immenie etoeh e«d «an
Wa can dhow yon a fine asaortmant
?■ . J
pleeae everyone
show you b
SIZES, nnd oor prioaa wfll aatiaiy yon
whan yon compare them with others on |y
In the matter of
Ladies’ Cloaks. Misses’Cloaks.
and Infants Cloaks,
Ladies’ Ready-To-Wear
. . Garments
GphoUtered in Green Broedoloth, guar-
Hickory Gear, $22.
Plush Robes
A better finlehed one for a UtUr mord'
We have a vraat pile of th(
money-and an aleyant ona. npbolstered
gradeo and prioaa to snit all.
Insmutne 31LK PI.U6H at $88.
We have everything in the iine nf
: Agricuiturai impiements and Machineiy
Andwewlebnttbie tlmoto oaU opceial attantioB to oor SMAI.1,BTGOOl>k,fl>r
wbieh.we hare omdnslTe oole Intlila aeetton.embne|agtlie Battle Greek and Obnm. (<
plon Saw Maekinea. EaadGattota,Beed Grlndan, Com Bb^ara. ate., eto
Would rdthnr Imve Hoiut thiog nice to wear than
•»iiything .‘Isf you can ihiuk of. If yon arc'at a
lo»H.to know wh%t to gel •‘him’* for Chiiatmaa,
juHt tip p in here.
AH tli^ tilings we ha%v
learning them
yeaM ahotif tiekling m* ns (hh dea ar« at yonr
diRpisal—nII tliH things w«**ve liooght for “him**
Hil l know he waiila and nectlH are wailing for
A Special Opportunity
Is affonlad wives. moth-FB and danghters who
wisli to prF^Fi iit the husband, son or father with
such a -sulijilanliHl gift aa a
Suit, Overcoat or Ulster.
9 of all kinds, such as suits, separate'skirts,
Oor entire st'K-k of aoita, orerooata and
waists, wrappers; etc., we can supply you ulsters — new, this season's manufacture, we
will sell at
at prices you can afford.
Special Values in all the Above Goods.
Ten Per Cent Discount From Lowest Prices.
Is eomplate and we aek yon to look thorn over nnd got onr piioeo boforo buying
We ehow a great line of
SuiU Bod ovprcoBfg ranee from $3.00 to
*22.50 U’Btera. *100 to *20.00.
Youth's boy’s and children’s suits
for ladies’ and children. (In our men s
and overcoats at same dbcoimL
department ure have a complete line oC
men’s handkerchiefs)
The Btyles are up-ttMiBte. the qtwUtkB ate
Gloves, mittens, hosiery, etc, stamp righUBndthepricMBre money mnng toyon.
ed and fancy purses, fancy combs, buck
See «M for hata, oai*, glovee, mittena, oolles. belts, etc. Whatever you should find lara, neckweBr, jewelry, pahta, ahirta, uoder.’
wear, etc.
in a'good dry goods store, is here.
LOWEST TRICES ALWAYS for the qualities.
Come and look—your visit will be profitable.
WTO. 137
Oir Silfili III OoiUi Driliig Hirim Owim Toir Itteitioi.
e lo krr fiirDd..
larlUUoB li axtaadad to
Chrisimas Hardware Novelties!
T«k. W^KT*. UTiilc- Winr oT T« 8>-n
y iTTL
Have been
This year in
•»ABt»M « AMTB»-AI«M Wate-
.lbetm/ou«wfainMdy.Mic«th. ST.»
’ 'Special selectioA ' :
/ v "=V?
tor. boms.
^ulorOkrtaitaabaMMr MdarM
.‘if- :
k Meet
ra»i«mUj Blffbt.
orklok IM bteoaui ibB
JaittMBrowa OB WBBbtBrioa 8tra8i
Tbit l8 la oa# of tbo ftoBBt iBBidoaM
portloat of tba altp.
Prof. Bad Mra tfofot wUl bmvb IbIo
Ip. m.
! I
Uf (irMtlaa
1 y
w. v;:-:-
------ m
■ .j^,:
^^ •••. .
{-.r a*^f-!
(jwwth of Traverse Gty
Dt^g Past Fifty Years.
Glininesof the Part and References to the Important
^and Growing Induit«es of the Gty.
It was
k tii
as awax’^
aw ax’! hac
in the spring
sjirini; ol wealth ir.w enj.»>t.t!
enj.»xt.tl I.>
li> those
those who
TH47 that the Win e of the forests luii^hl the neJi
il |iUHiuels‘ol
puHluels of this localTraverse (7tx now stands was
The railroads, howexer, w rought
first broken hy the M»und ol the wckkI
axe, and1 tlic X
liw .k
L- ! ^ . ”*^****^‘^ ol steel rails
rdby the raidorerlor new homes and w huh lead to the extreme linms*,f the
PAGES 5 TO l<*
The iw w ,K.unlv .n.irt h.Hi<<- f, a .iii.l it is mu-that n.anx ex. ii will,in iw.,-I.„.I,cl laskcls in
aihlition to /otrt.of al«u,t-*11 K.n.1. .w.1 ~„K.u;.
iiitHlcl sirucii.rr an.l when «
«mr ^Nilt s .!,• not kmm tlu ir t \trnl. s< \cn m/c> oI rlutux
LTainr IttNkfls ir.^sr trithm*.i
wall Ik- ail a.hhsl ama.aion an.l Mii l liis . ,tx is .-siKvialU lav.irol in tinny ami stra»U-m . rates.
All kimls ,if
. ni«
Thelm atniiiis a.lnnral.le trim in. ka«es ex.vpt Iiarrels are
Ther i;iatiulaetur/- of n-a^otLs ileigh*,
mim. ^ Ilu-tosioi the liuiMm;:
will h*r almtM aii> mamilatlunni; tinluNin inaniifat tiirc«l.
^ lui iminiriani induihtn here.
Ije $:ir».(MM»^ntl ,l ,s in kcqei.i;
with im! the N|„|»,,m4 la. ililu-s Mi otnl lo
It has U c-n tiu-iH.jaitar nnort-ssion 'Hie sStaMisiWnl ofCaldwell
tlH- ,.n,n.ri.i,u;s.ul llu- .-uunl.v.
_ mMic in the state.. Thu^ ra,Ir.ads that t.r have an oLe or lmM«cs>
1 ravetM* City s h(»tels are w.irtlix ol enter the eity and -.^mr t-n ili»i.-w tV.. 1.1.., i .... .1..-.11;............. _i..
. .
fa. il,ties f.it Mm k. „r ,lwellin>; |ir»|K-rly title.1 *with
Mime attention.
I’heyare ainon^ the shiiq.m- In water j
ell.mi. <i»r iii.-t....bte fixlun-s it is ne. essa^ t« was i-stalilishe.1 in IKWI aiM the finn
IkM in the state, .nitside the br-e la. fries are veriial.le hoes of itidus- |atr..ni/e oiitsi.lemai.fa. turers. This has Imilt up a HtuHl reputation • for
cilieN ami well m.in.ii;e.l.
try .tml these . ..n.lilions. , .,,.il.iiie.l was true s,-veral tears .t-.,. but
tumiiv <1111 fine wa^.iiK, ImKgiess car<•urthem.-saie.il h.tn.ls,.ine .le- with the rich a^rii tilltiral emmirv sut- traterv.-< itv tui.
the in.rsi rij^i-s. slrij-hs. |i'atfimiis|irin); waj{on*.
Sign and a.^.ird the xerx best foi ilities roun.iing the c itv,
f.»r aimiseitienl. SieinlH-rg’s Craiid is j.rou.1 of the adv
t^es w ith w hi. h i-stal.isimients in the state.
Hie J*!
one of I lie lun.lsomesi
••JM“*«'">'"--' K. <;te,h.kC... is finely ts,uip|KSl f.«
.md ha.s a seal.ii\:; c a|iaeitv
wni. whi.h are pu-M-ntnl h.i l.itnre .in.I tins . lass ..I w.uk ami the fa. t.irt prowhile the City Opera House. -f
play hoiist
laruchm latent iSeiKh ktu-e, which b,
fimlinK ...nsi.leralile favor^.1 which
ajiahle of ................
.« uit- kwi.i hi uic won.i: ii iiu- latest tiesi-n an.l tin. st workman\ i< t..r iVleriyl is also aa extensive
sons. In .StemKr- s Crand s..me ol .xmsumes l J,IHKMIOU feet ol itnil»er shin
' ot 11
j^e leadin*:
year; and
out $2
amuil pl.iyc. 'he'’7s
.in. iheatrical
theatrua. stars
star* in
„i the
the a
a year:
an.l |ays
,«ys out
hh. annal.
Iml ITef‘"j
only of the untut.m-.l .tml imloleut . em line o.^ steatite,s linn:;, to'our
The fit,
0,K-ra Hons.- h.ts the . .'.n u77w7‘$
rvw7t rfTti7"t-;'"T" ''^''
iKmptk^ ^lt'.heM-prislmys l.y the .ar l««L SUthe steady ftnee ’of
-.-'namlswhichVtrie ,nes n.a7-;. ' ji^^ttrthl :I;;a.,us7:rnr''
SZT" ■”'7:£!“S E
::i .w::'‘"7
Hie 1 raipersc City Wagon Works
is another cstahlishment of a* simitar
kind, .\lthough estalilished only a
does |.laning.
Tlu* average nmnU r
\ \ V
tile fiisturlianc c of pioneer enter|inse.,
I he intrcHliunion of the telephone
in.ls ei
year annindev- and his fon e is eigM men.
It was an 4cleal s|»oi, with untol.l f.»llowrd c losclx niu
idvent of
One of the largest fartorics of its
wealth of timlur whic h exrn then w,ts the loc cimotive. an.l s.h.ii after eUv- •
iracers. C,tv> latest mdiistrv is kind in Michigan and the only one in
not estimated at its wonh; ,in.l if the inntv .lispl.nxd ker..s<ne ..il and the
the cmly une c>f iiw kind in Mic higan, northern Mic higan, is the PoUfo Imearly settler had Ihhmi told that the t ill..w ran.llc, Two finely e.|uip|»cd
and its |N»vs{bihtii*s are lieyoiTd esti- pleiiient Co. whic h ernplovcs a force
where only I'n.li.ins an.l tc*leph.»ne lines enable us ti» eonxerse |
mau- al lIu* rime.
The Mi. h,j;an of a. leas. .M. ...c. for ci«ht months in
wild IkvisIs then r.»aiiu*d would yield easilc from town to town, and c^ty to
.Starc h 4^0. Iiegan the erec ti.m of thc^ vear. Hnlv a few year? ago the
ely tortunes thex would have* * ilx, as wc'llas to fac ilitate the last intheir largV
L* |iro|»osition to sc cim. Vet t rea-sing
c ominerc bl re.|uirements:
alreaclx they are shipping
■ I.iad a do/en
fortunes ha xe lieen c arxed <mi of .this withm our own . in le.' i hir lionu-s '
u. Now the business has
day of the fiiu*>i jHitato ^rc h. made grt
iaxored s^iot and in the pro. ess an.l buMn.'ss bUn ks. f.tti.
sue h prc»portions that ihe
and stores \
Irom the pr.nluc t s c»f the soil of cjur big brie k fac lorx runs eight months,
thousands hai foumi pleasant lumies. are brilliantly illuminated by tlie elec -j
ii^MiicIiate surroundings. I'he fac tory with a pros|K^ t m the near future of
ol them Inviirions. and tlie.spuit irit light, unkn.iwii but a few vears:
run..,..:; 21 hour* a .lay ami no. sh..'....,;; .I.mn vv.cpt fi.r renaim.
of t»rogrvss has marked a marxelous ago. The waters of lloanlman nver
c.ploys UK. hamk
This mi.nU-r This . o,.,|anx-shijr. its producui to
fiemiiiir Amera^n iiax e lict*n harnessed, to^ |»r<».lurc the .
will Ik- im .x-ast-,1 ^u^a.lually as ihc all |.arts of the I n.tcl Stares Uv the
itcrpnsc- ami thnlt liaxe l»een e\•\- ekviri. c urrenl. and steam is ^.itnight ■
fartorx sots.low..
,^^| l..,s,ni-ss. ,ar lm».l an.l exen m Kuro,« are their
ciscd w ilh
II the cnegp of a
of into rcnpnsiticin for alike dexel.n.nuMit.
|«,iat.K-s a |«Klm i* knoi»-n. Rexently inqiiiriea
sturdy pioneers w ho found th.it here
Magnifu em >. Iuk.K hnxe^gn.wn
.lax are . ....Si..m-,| a. preseni. I.iit the have ...me from Russia for the com^
ru h ‘rewar.ls from the pnin’.tive meth.vls of early.
la<.lorx has a .a|u. itx of Hi.ink) hush- |anv\ «<kk1s. Thex manufarturc 18
woulcUollc»w the labor and saenli. c- lays, ami l»e.iutilul duirches'grac'c ini
visa .by
Ihis i-sial.lisl.ment is a vario.is kimls ..f sjwavets, planters,
the toiler.
allta.iixe streets, while theeducatiew-S
heneh. to the tanners Ik-, ausi- it uses el... iiiipt.>xxsl implements which are
It is not the pur|H»se of ih:s issue al.and religious dexelopinent iskceiKli
fCo|.ybjr«.E.w «nj
I up their pro.lu. ts, in. hi.lin:; • “H st.n k < ..nsiantlv tw.om.nj; in j;reatcr deof the Morning R*cori> to gixe a ing |Ui e with the times.
Jtx-huh hcretof.H-r fonml no market, i.iami ainonj-the farmers. The force
detailed history of I raxersc* k ity. It
Our luisnu'ss housc«s ami stores are
hut now .S soM
e n.arket for of emploves last tear for some time
is not, xtric'tly s|K.*aking. a historical i up to .late, and .lisplay the c*nterj»n?R* — -----------------|K.ta..K-s at a j:.*k| pn.e. Wheat an.l reached hi.
cdrtioo; rather a few lyfercnees. an.l
w hich has Uvn
house... hlied sene lands are Icxated in six cc
, . for ^ the ' TIk* Caks
. ..m star, h will he manufacture!
The Traxerse Citv Iron Work, is «
reminisc'cnc es of the t»li! da\
wlu-n prexnt imiK.naiue.ind wealth ofthe with the Utest improved apiaratus. tics, and as vet it has*not Uen
^nowmj; . ..ncern, -hur comi-anv emthe c'ounm was new; an.!
Ihe business blocks are'i im-ludmg a handsome and iKmerlul essary to draw ui»on this resmir. e,
I he ol.lest saw mill in Ihis entire plots 20 men stea<Iil) the tear round.
histon within the knowledge of m
M»mc ‘, uo.lem. well opu|>|K'd and MipjJied ^ steamer, an up-lto^latc chemical cnWilliam
Bcilner’s curtain JK.le rejtmn isthatof .lohn K. <>tt xV Co.. Thepr.*!u. ts of the ifiant are saw
-I: .of the ]»ionwrs who still live
enjoy ] with stex ks of goenU of btest manu- gine, a c ombina lion luH.k an.l ladder, factory is the b»gesi of the kind
formerly the Traverse City I,uml»cr mill niacbinery. castings, iron work for
of their own toil and
„ -----—...V
.w.v ...HI i«r>igu.
ml ...Maxtureaml
.Icsign. to meet ^e a.I-: an.l h.ise- trliek ^
s„„ller the .^unm. an.l .n a.l.l.tion. the, to . the m.il hax,n« Wn ..njiinaHv lar^e Imil.l.nc* and
those with whom they were as>cxc*iat- vanc^tl demand of
ai..l h.K.eearts.
I he lai. men have U-en la.iory prxHlm-es eha.r sto. kwh..his
esuhlishe.1 an.l ..iwrate.! hv uLnah ^k of a siimlar ehar
cd when this vN tion began to dexeloi». the .ss..l...,,s
IKs.ple .n the surT.u.n,lmj;,..ui.tr> in the v-mpU.y ol thecityseveral years . ship[w<l
Six lax ,V Co - The mill Iasi x^Toi’
t,.sMany tender asMsbti.ui^ of the who.
. .
<''x-'r tra.hnj; here.
n.is v-le- jmd in,a.Mition tO‘the rc^-ular cstal.- millix.n feet of lumlKrr is the axera^je l.*,«Ki iKfii feet of lu.nl.er7t ^
^^ Michigin
*" **'^
. Uxat of Richard W. Round &
wh^ helped to femntheir hxes and are the result,
sliowing substantial night watchmen in adebtion to the
wuju tmi^am hi«oo
pros,writy and iirombing rich returns ^ chief, and regularly api»ointed special
The cwly growth of 1 rax efse City for the future.
othcers who scrx e when oc rasion dewakm.necmarily. because of the
Our public buildings are a sourre mamls.
^ Northern Michigan :
I'raxerse City is graduallv but
«amg btisioess with the .utter worid; finely equi}i|ied and admiiabKMd k was DM until tim region was ducted by a oompetem oorps of offi- tamlt? dm laOntadsilut it* wealth cm and idtpooians. The institution
;DDdde*rto|nent attnuedrattentW
the state and
ylM.iDtioduclian of the saw mill and; gives employment to 284 varionsem'•MV of *>K oariy aeltlers in time re-i ployes and attendants, besides U oft.
It huacnpaty
dMtfttaaiMart I Vr'*lilBtfBiliriiif -flir Tf=i*itr.r--.iaK-,aMi^^
------------- -o— —nu-; Since they came here the campanr
basket £w!tc^- laettinng Co., the iactory of which! has been forced to have a bnOdiM
ney the; built eapready for tbek nm imd?
primitive saw . is the largest in MichigM and the hm recenUy 1^
_ erected
mill of Horace Boanlman,was located j average number of emploves during mill of John F.'Ott ic Co.
at the junction of MiU Creek, and the eight-months nm « 150.
W«2«S SR mt^r DDd sarirtb « Mde MS
ijmti/m poMMb
bay, with
- fa “ »;«W ^TvM; ^ «!,“
'* *»7‘
Travel C.y is the «nu*. !n I>cbdrkS^ ,.. «‘»«o^ho»^t“'<l'"“«ht, *he^- ><*mberof
extension of
««ni «
of x«.u.
AlK>ut $a».7lKI. 1. ..r
he .u^
xTiaatinf WMMMW hwhr«» at a
pegaie «ira
the ir.rand
Grand Rank
Kanids Ar
& ImliAm.
Indiana o|>ened
•**' manu'»‘^"n“(? industries
, raffic between here and tirand
** .‘UTri^eto. R'ipi
pids and beyond. Then a more
meat roan? and
the number employed
ww marke.r In 18W
rmiL a
a large
lame quantit}
ouantitr ol
of wmcli
srhich IS
is smp.
ship- ^ **’' amount of money paid
^ to ihc t; g; \v. M. was cxtcndcl to this
|.omt from Baldwin, and in iHUi
on ‘till further until I’ctoskey
• ^rndteleastm^^
I is" that
"><1 ’
^ was made the lemiinal point of that
•"i ■ ■
In 1892 Hucklei' & lk>i^;las,
K^twrog !rbigium'lwr'm;nu7a^ur;rs'of'Mi;;
mem Und dejortmem. In 1871 the
-rffc XJity of Travetse, which
firm hrnlt-dleX’.ty
cm-ned bv
is still in
in ixxnraWon, «“Tn7!^^‘bT
the Lake Suiwrio.Tr
'l‘He A Heshany«4 la
a's^n liarge. Th!^
These were owne.1
bv the ct>m|iany bul they employed
other vessels in their I ,m^n« busi-
_.,THc line proved to be- a g..i o.^n.; years tw.! other steatners ran
ama sras taken off the bay line afid
s lake points
hq purchased
Webb’s interest.,' Since that
the line hm done a regular bust-
im|ipttant points on the lake for the
Notthem Michigan Transportitio^
Ca and the com|iany has expended a
large arooom ujioii their property here
to accommodate their businev
»«“ which
I'his bLst i^ason the C olumbia and ► ITie railroads have been a |iowrrful
C reM'eni were cm the Nonh|K>rt route element in building op Traverse Cilv,
and the C'ummirigs tan between but the enieri>risc and progressive
i NorthiKin and Charlevoix.
*I*he spirit of the Northern Mkdiigan Trans*
Columbia and Crescent have been j (K>nation Co. has. oontnbuted a large
impular as excursion boats and the>* share in this dbcction. The line
I arc mcll hited/or lioats of their class. reai h» the numerous resorts around
Capi. Chas. \ Webb commamU the the tmy and has assistal Uigdy in de*
- Columbia. Capt<;eo.(;. Jolmson the velo|MV the delightful summer reCred ent andCaju. H.C. Plummer the treats adjacent to ihfe Queen City.
The iXMntanv does not spare mooev
The magnificent sterner Illinoi;
which Idles I Jike Michigan and Grand
Traverse lay now fromTa great con“*
r of the tiroes.
trast to the un|iretenti^s w^srls
which rarrietl lumber and - ------------^
durihg the eariy davs. 7o^^i^7
years the liay wa.s the only outlet to
; the worid Iwwjod and lime was an un- >
**"' •»
>*»> ^ •»»«••*
ijuluitity in shipping and J’ U»t acasoo the
Today the
handsome f'"*
steamer Illinois, the largest of her. U.VS
it, but boilcil it
the lakes, nrakes two rouiul trii»s a grinding «.
» .as the>* did
^ to closing
____ ^ _
week from the
le oiiening
of !
‘h»Mtme wheat was
«de, comtonaldc j *“****^^ e\ery year, and w'hen the)* had
;;>8l.ay. 'Hic steamer KHa Bum iks.f*ai»- navigat
HI me sieamer. ana ncniy imisne«l water |ala«v ... ^
ground to the 1
}“>"Hs investment. .All these railnuds (;eii. II. F.. Paine, Captain J. W, which no money nor skill have l*een ‘
a |Kiwcrful <aci«»r in the Olrr.mn. I'aptam Brown
iwn was a pio- "s|are<l to make her fully equal ^o the^ ** <»recn Bay.
iiuTeasing demands. (:|»on the same
neqr of T<m h l ake ami ,t was
I he first marriage reremony jwr1.here is an interest mg .ontrasl to uiur Imaleil the lands now owncnl by line, the Northern Mn higan TransjHirtation Co., the City of CTiarlevoix fonnetl in Traverse City was that of
the shipping facil,lies o| tcnlay corn- the ( aineron l.umlnr Co.
I»ared Ulth wlul they were 30 years
Ihc siimll Mcamer Alara Belle
■. in scr\i< e. alternating tri|»s with the James J.ee and .\im,]>aktn, which took'
ago or even less. In 1S51 and up in plated on the lay route m lK7r» and lilimiis. She is a fine lioat but gf
qf an p*a* cr in iKTuk W. .M. .M. Killip as
lu cmplpves who sj>endtheir
moilel and less €^>mmodious justke tdtlie i»eace, oMM'iataL
the Im al merchants,
than the new steamship.
was the only outlet to the outer world i*harlevoi\. In 1H71» the sieamer
'I'he line liegan Inisiness in the lay
Tl^e fin^^public liliraiy* in Northern
^ ^
The first lawyer in ('.rand Traverse and the volume of tonnage was triri- City of t;rand Kafiids w . put in m 18H(I With the steanrers lawreme MiFhigan was the ladies- I.iliwrv Ascxmiuy w.as C. I!. lloUlcn, who iiioxed ing, with the exception of lumber commission aiul the year lollowing andUiamplam and ran two boats a sociitioii of Traverse Cilv. on»nire<i
from North|M>rt to this place in
which gradually Int ame a «x>nsidcr- the K, S, .*sa\on w as aildcd. ‘Fhese week.
rotcnw WiUiaroFmn«am » in command.
took the jilace of the
L I^‘ ChD^J^.
^ .L7l-±
<^>"«ii“»g» “d !*«»"»»■ «
oo »he
the hjK;; Mackinaw nifU
C*ptMin Webb took the Petodtej’s place and the last
control of the bay line in 1890 mnl named bom was fad to the Hart
t.rescenf. In 1899 he line, which operates in Green Bat=i
^ ooc of the -hail the Colnmbu built.
For sersiie around the bay the |’^
firm built the small steamer Sunny-'
:ide.b'lW7 “'^he -7s';i^;.7;r «
'idle >car around and his |iay roll ,R.,nvoo.ri»ish€«....»«* ‘
get $800 a month.
Williain Bcitner ....... lott
A. W. Jahiaos, manufiunure
igais, a half doxeo weU known
popular brands, em|ilo)i( a force' «f
,« MiHiigan
hi< Ingan Star.I. <:<i....i™i
16 and pays out $0.50 a month.
Implement Co .. Oil
The Cavil Cigar Co. manufa. lurers . p y „
-------^1 kinds
x:_a. of goo.1
...wwl cigars
,r.i..r. and
.0.1 '™* .Michigan
_ MIg. Co
. ______ 2o
'ploys 12 hands, paying out K|«’’►“•nhum Mfe. Co...... 4.7
monthly. There are several smaller, q averse City Iron W’ks. 20
manulfaurers in the dly, among straub Bros. & Amiotte. 21
them being Carl Ibeice, John Furtich, IH 4; U Co., flour mill... 12
and Anton PrashiL
i Caldwell & l>oudon •.... 10
Besides the factories enumerated vi,aor Petertyh............... 1«
thete arc various smaller com^ns t. c Wagon Works... . 8
arhose output will aggr^c Konsidn^j.^cr, ................. ; So
aMc and whose ,ay loHs will add ma- j; 4. w. M. Rv.......HW
terially to the total amount paid out j; r 4.
Rj........... i,;
, ’'-monthly for Ubor. In addition to the y,. A- N. L. Kv..............20
\ lactories there are the three railroads Vortlicrn AmIuiii............ 2:U
\ which emjilhy from this etty an averj„ ^.la.uon to Uic alxoc llicrc arc
.NageofllO inen the year round, and ,(,e |iriniing oin. es. Uacksmitli shoiis.
live here which jay out to nun who
,,iv saw mills in the iinabout $10,UtM> ocr)’ month.
mcdiati' viniptv ol the < ity ; imJuain;*
One aw form a fair «?jitiinalc ol the
tircMlp k Bros., at (;reilM k.
rallrcMid l»u»inca« from this i:\iy when
Mike OUtUus mill at Hint;ham,
Mfg. iCo.
ofll. KCarl-yar:
it is suted that in imni mcr
KlmwiMMl Mfii.
n. ofI>.
rfaoad. 01
of iiictijuiiiiujk
merchandise: have Iwcn icr
at KIiuwikmI, manuiaciurer 01 trie ■
shipped out, and over fi.lHNl- rarloady vi,norv rc lining cliain Kcllcv Shingle
of logs handle.1 on the C. A- W. M.
^ „ ,.^1.1,
aliout forty men
jTrcMrm, and varmii7«lh^’conce^^^^
Addedi to the aliovc the Northern
various other .xim ems
• business transactions bnhMichigan asylum cmplo>ii 224 ^.cr.
sons licsidcs the stalf of |di)*su:ians
. amoimls through the clannels of
r.-isTm of
of the
fhi* wages
and ofheers, laying out over $7,tKlO
I lra<!e by• rcavin
a month.
While the aUive is not a amipletc
list of the nurol»cr employed in luanulacturing pursuits in this c ity it is
about as near as a compilation can
4>c made and gives a fair idea ol the
extent of the manufacturing here, the
.,------------ -
Ko. m T-A ro«*kr* I bare fakU •or 5 fror»-l
horwl4 bumlrrd* of iSrfa-«Y-rr Ur«r. deep
IN STOVES^We Hive I fell liie Of
PeeiisBlirHeeters. Coot Steves. Steel Reiges
A good cook stove, takes in iS inch wood,
only $5 oo.
A good cook stove, takes in 21 inen wood,
0 Double sheet steel, air tight, cast hinge top.
cast hinge door in front, witi keep hre
48 hours, $5.50.
Box Stoves. iS inch, $2.75; 25 inch. S4.25.
Peninsular Round Oak Heaters, at $0.50.
$12.75. $16.75-
120 Front
The Only Exclusive House Fnj
Mo. m A-A Tery Ur«o rockrr, «oUd poldi^o
•mk Mr ••hoowy Aol»k. Ulo»li»otffd Mbblor
•oM. #M> •l.TS. Otbor robtdrr mmx roekvr* for
le It. «1 oo. as n. ood fa> OA.
Mo- rtl - I.arcr tlrh «
Bargains in Lamps—fine line from 20c up to $12 00.
We can sell you anything
est prices. I know the busi
other. I always have a large j
floors, 2Gxl00 feet; warehouse)
2C.\50 feet. F keep all this spa
My trade is so large that itj
making a saving on freight rate
it gives me goods at jobbers prii
mm\theuduAj tfoops on the |>oim that.
V stretched out between tiver and bay.
^ U was a flitfcreot point then from
H : now. Year hy year the shifting sands
S changed pbee-bot lhat*s only a
AlbcMft the Inmans
«r|jiing in the »av that he }«a^i happier Indian hca^^ had opened to!object anaginable, ^ LooieM de>
most ot hh time on Traverse Oiy receive her. as it must have; to havejl«lMcd and didibed bnidV -Mr
streets, where he was as well knoan oened up thts^e to the poor soul
j Hannah,'* goci^ down the stiecip and
ats any citiien of no means and alnindI here was Indian Iamuc. who was i takiog ofrha hat to emr one be
«t leisnire rould sd! In: ai»d when he
ttnant chfl-j «et,^th a low ^ bow repealed bb
DCIOrC Wnite IVUn Came ■ »«»on na..no.»orthm«kh,paJkr, ^ » .m.cu^n in lK>i hr «as .hrn W
_____ _
the Indians came;
brd tune came,
m:v«.i than man> a Uiur man vUnuc 11 pet >9ur «as a most iwtetil ‘
»n if
It «•«
was wartK
belie%T name withkSSo..
K«« oKwm.
Over Klh Raiiids^-way ibere was a
o»ce seen,^would never
a sssr.v-t.'sr
brush on the river Ivank, m ifnmt of 1—“
printerV ink u«b.v
where <ar into the night there was go- <”«
lion. --------j
Terry Hannah s residence *
- -ing on m
a sound
of reselrs.
IVrc was
IlUC busy
»• ’ the s.iua«
' the
----- vvbcrr
-------- "
Aill nillll gfl i 11 ■ liB
. squaws cookcfl great kettles of fr4i most forlorn, flirty, unkem|ii and un- now siamU. and it wau great fun for
• Mncb pride take they onto .them->
more than, three centuries of ani com, and iloublless, things
oP humanity e>r> the; F- hof>l children to dare each other
•riveu and great eredn and teitomn. growth. <tna oh a time the Wi
mentionable and also umast^le to tner UK»ked u,K»h(o.ie thought, and to steal up ami tom^ it. then run
let them lelt*die Mary—these three. Man took nnto himself other men
rude ivalates than theit own.
tomahawk, bad plowed dteir warm
the Old Settler, the kUriy-KoMeraad with spades and sfaoteb and other
There were some good Indians in
the fierce fighu of liit >001^ dava
the FifM Inhabitant—aad mudl do later day ciignics of escamion and thenw days, not dea<l ones whom re■\roun.l hU neck hang
by a
they ddighrin the gathering of them, went down far beneath the pme tree's port hath are the only good ones but
bit of cor.I a great rilver medal, with the
selves together and the telling and the roots and tiroright to light a great ml tii-e res|>«-tahle Indians
of King G«itge of England, aad
ieteHh« of the taave stories of the skeWm sitting where he had sat those were Father .MrSk's . .inverts wh.i
U unblessed memoi}- on one aide. ’
when the worid was fresh and hundreds of yearv alone in the dark, knelt liefore the altar at Pashalaw,
I 11 «as his treasure tad pride, far it
young along Traserse iborca, and liay with his bead between his knc«», and lofi^i and rrossed themselves dul> at
] had Iwm bestowed S recognitiao <?f
and beach and ira»Jclc«w wiki wo«b ‘ the ashes and dead black cuak of long the projier time and place.—there
were'fuU.af the light that never
ago luurihrial fires at his feet. He
were gou«l Mr. ikiughenv s chagge at
oh aoior land* the haze of gohl and mowIj fell to aslics and dust too, as the .New .Mission on the Ix^bnau side of
to sa> Americans, soldiers knd women
purple Chat ever hkles the Yough wa>-s frcfh air blew u|»ori his musty lJone^ but the liay,—it s Omena now . aifIJHhe
and little children, in the last war beof the beautiful past.
some piei es remained, which the Wise summer gir4 flins wliere the young
tween the mother country’ and m.
Bemuse it is fifty years since the Man luought home and delightedly b.ave wooed his fUrk skinned love.There were worse than kiUiifgs in the
wh»te man’s sail first swelled to the exhibited for a time, till he forgot all an i a Idile laml were follow ing the
-things to make one ihuddcr
north wind o\er the great blue lay about it. when his'wifc, who was afraid m irstrationsof Re^. i^eorge N. .Sniiih,
and growK |ole
jole 1but to thiqk oC
and the white f^'s foot firesscd the* of ghosts, es|»c* tally Indian ones, the faithful iiiissiunarv up North|iort
old chief was the last to go of aU i
yellow sand of «c beaches at its head, quietly buried them in the lack yariL wav. Hut after all there wtss a bit ol
who played their |ort in the histocyxrf
the times are old. and the world has An*the \Visc Man ne\cr knew it till the heathen left, and the old stamlard
ihiise days, the last of the great leaden^
come to be gray with age rime then, this day. When he shall read it in the de tics of thunder and lightmn^ and
Tontiac. Tccumseh, and other notable
It is forgotten how the years came and Moksisii Ricokn.
w.nd and waves, ManalM»,hn. Mudjiwonhies, terrors of the wilderness.
wuot and piled themsclvcsop into cenBui the later comers, the Indians, kcw is. \Va>wiKFn, and all the rcM
The three white men of the eariy
furies in whUh there wavVill life and were slid in evident* in the days we wV e fallen lotk u|r>ii in all great
settlers who were liest in touch with
ilemih, love and fighting, youths *and are celclirating. How they must have eiucrgcmics. Bui for the imisi ihev
the Indians after the <miiiionaries,
maidens, stnmg men and old ones, and lme<l the beautiful.Traicrsc shores in we;c a gentle, imiffensive folk.' li
were l^rwis Miller. .A, S. Wadsworth
mothers and little chirdren; where now the limes whm il was all their own! wa> quite in order for the early (irand
and H. H. .\«Nc. It was one of the
the city sunds and all the cotiniry side-It was WcpiCtong then, and the IravenW housewife as
she went .
most delightful of e\’ents when one
timnigh. where today there are swift Frem hman^wht• transUte<l il into
alwiui h^kttchen to ha\e the dayl glii,
;ix»uld sit with either of these men so
rushing trains slirieliiig along the wa>s f/VW<* 7V«/rror didn*! In-tter the
Klenly darken, and to look up and
full <if rhamiing reminiscence fnd
laid out there in the real old tunes b> Uauiy of the name much,
sec a row of s4|uaw‘s faces peering in
listen till Imurs went by unheeded, to
Indian trails, where miiselcssly
lake the Mound BuiliWrs who went through her window, au^o hear a
the siori^-s of the red men. Lewis
l^fm^sined chiefs with their silent l*cfore and the while men who came sieillhy stepping in another rtwmi and
Miller Was es|H!cia!k liclovcd by tbe
baml;, shpjicd along under the trees after, they saw the place where Tra» - fin I a congregation of sileqt. Iinlians
Indian-?, and he was'lheir chief coun
Ifke dusky
dusk) sliailows.
sellor w hen they were in need of ad
gem-rally . saiisfie<l
Onera4e comes and another g.K-S 1tgCMF.l On llie lanks c»f Btardman breid
vice. tfn his son. K. K Miller, his
sweejis <*ut of its though the> ^ liked kok(M»di. whu h
before the Red Man was.. Uie lake, where the
i^nile has fallen and to him they now
tat puk.
|riirk.. aloi
,Mound Builders were, Who pre-empted northern end on a bru t journey to ihe^ humus a bii^ gtMril lat
• <iroe as their fathers came to his. He
stand ihr great
T^\ were the onU niatkel
Traverse tit vs site mi king ago that big bay, whenr
IS |K‘rha|»s the cmlv while man in this
ade llieT
l lieu winter
w inter home gai IIci
pur\eyors of the da>, and
when the Oldest Inhabitant qiiestiomsl laiiories. thev made
region ihoroughiv conversant with
V the lirnt old cotTre-cokm-d resident of when the snow was uleep and game the
r laskcts t.f.
great sweet
hiu kh
... urva,
M............... ...........
.heir language and tlieir cu«om*.
a huiidreil ]yearly as lo who slept in the ^ easy to track, and here they galhere«l U-mes — there are none like them
great hca|»s'raisi-f! here and there, he their store of furs; and the traders mix—of blackU-mes and fr.iurani red when the •.4Mind ..f
;i' -hi- iiiglitfiio.l aw.i\, Wlwn Ik- gof loo lapsing of the (iranil, Tm'cnc In.. shook his head ami said. “Before In- . aine alxi. the |Moiu*ers of iraflic and raspln-mes were \er> wchonu in a i .tfiw hoM.!m4 up |.. the d*».M w.is aliu„l, i„i ♦ .11111011. Birne\ Morgan, dtans lias come tmv like the hear
dian came" Wherx- the brave new trade in what is now the bus\ . it>. fru tievs land. But the h.uKrwife lu.ud and oiic hfoked out in st-t lui w Im. w.i-. dienll. w..uld lake him into and the iK-avcr the elk iuul the wuUl
f Court House slaiidsin all the pride of later m those same eatly *50> and ahresaid, rather hke.H the hiu kje- jssitlient lorm with the gie.ii bku k hi^ h\ci\ siabh an 1 tic him tip in a the duskv warriors have vtuii^d
^ils fresli lifiik and stone and plate TiiK the sails of their Mackinaw Uals K-rresU-st for they «ouhl lie washed, sutferina e\e^ hwi'^.iig «mi? tit.iu In-t hniM-stall nil he ciiieigetl fmiii his Thiist-who reiimin and who mnir^
glass, in the new *eimiry‘s dawning, gleamed while on the far away horizon N el it didn't »hi to lie ^oo’ |»arti. ular dr,awn t.i. c. is die h|m,. 1 Ch-m a<i Is
« upv W 1. m I lank liiehuh was a agam walk our streets are but iioor
^nd all .along tlic shores of Biardiiian line. Hie only sign of travel for days in those da>x
sfo hing in ihe .ln..iw i\. mu- was i..*m, i iu \niingsu i _ \,,u W4iuldn*t imitations of their ancestors. All the
•"lake the huge heaps st«K>d iii those together on that.broad wateryhighIne laces are lew that stand «iut sure t.. Usu.w .ilmn l.mt .ilno tint tiunk it, bin he w.is omv—he om
arletl ami
aa.ia eV lioetn has
iiA-s del
ami the
me lifose
|irose mat
.' earl) THK wc are talking of tiKlay. and w.i\. One after one they would slip after .ill these years so as to be t learly she m ghi the s.,.mr depot. - h w.is on .1 time invc’glel Louie into
...»poor, and
K. a
a plug
plug is
IV left
Irft is of' an eavwlingly
o« the lop oLtlu: burgeslCourt >anl out «if the dimness, and tossing o\er ret o.:m/ed. Tht4ewas Indian Jake.
su. h a n lief when siu 4 .mu- no nu.ir, lul. a huig taiUsl • oat ami a prim
a |u.in in the main. Vnu-h.4e»ocne quality. Hi*
one was a pine stump whose rings num- the green, while-i’api led rollers, land «n mi |anicular way
remarkable, e\-.after years ol it. ami onr knew s«.,m- while tie, in w huh he was the funniest
lunn.vM Kismet. .V/, Tramiil Cttria Mumdi!
House Furnisher 1
rraverse City, i;-
il Store North of GraMBapids
bt in y^^urhousse at the very lowbughlyb, have never been in any
iplete stoek. Our salesroom is 4&rs, 30x117 feet. Extra basement
fed full at all times,
me to buy goods in car lots, thus
is ^lairge item on furniture, and
Cobbler Seat RtKkers from $2.50, $2.7K, $3.00, $3.76 and up.
EUin Lamp complete, $3.85—Coiiqaest Lamp complete, $».8.=>.
m m
; , vf
tak Itotelilte RECORD. st3^ay, DBCfeMBBft 10.189».
emd in
, other ooe to entboM theism^and taste to<*»»««* themtitat
prpphett remain. The comhi orchard culture.
1 they were real apples, grown on trees. ahhoogh
Karmets* Oub was In 1876 the writk. as one ofthe state ddMos ^ «
u ^ ^cemBtobeao
dmfllatioii! oiKam^.aTth
Peansyhania, Ohio.
or the
des; and as tlw ! leading spirit,
this lesioa and prinriiol thdase
VIS of great th
perpla^hvas th^t
of in the r.rand Traits MeraU and a'
M.,die fit^ GetJogist. was calleil
heretomake a thorough geological
^'-Hkihanapple. to straw-
and the'writer assisted bi neighbor^
survey of the region in reference to nr liemcs.
. titand Traverse fruit, . embtaang
mineral reiKBirces and also to make a
Kvcttthuig grew lusunantly
evervvarietv grown nonh of the latu i
thorongh eaammation of ite agricuU with little care; bore fruit eariy ^ .,„de’of WaA^t^at the Centennial
-n rheefc tw
tnral tkiiabOitie. which
'Th^ fn^htwe^s ^
dimate. topograph) and bydrogra,*ir iHriferticm of form ^d beaut) pi „,™e„,ent gave us abundant space ^.1!
relations. His report was not onU a cdlor. The t.raml Iravene fru»t. i„ ,h,m«adesirahlepUce in the Hall
n .
_a-rn.ihi,. JirrLr
levdation to the people, “outside," whereiw exhibit^, wm the centCT of ^ Agriculture.
Thb^leciion far
butrtwasasnniriietpthosc whohad aitraction and the admiration of dl
,n others in variety, beauty ‘
former imminence in fruit growing
spent several years in thU region. It olr*ners. \ isiti^ stra^s^^ht
eicellence, and atttarted more
should »e/be regained.
I too good to be uue. too roUct tions to
attention from visitorsand critics than
this and other states and the ™««-: ,ai ,he rest. Mlien the tallies were
ri»y for natural color, and looenth
ural iad- losing and enthusiastic growers sent
..U..,yA and Ubel^
The first raU made bv a physician in
attK in NS praise of the natural
•• .ions to sute fans «<1
shirtrifrer Mr.
vantages'of this countv for general• •large collectioi
agriculture and fruit growing, for national exhibit
iileletl. Mr Patmclee who was a con- Boanfanan hail establisbed himself at
.ximjanies gathere.
i *c head of the bay. Mrv Uuncan.
homes, health and hapiriness to Iw the
Railroad .-oi
Xhat was le. tions
lions of (.rand 1liavcwtruit
ea-,,„ mewr,..
^ imho was loping the b
result of good judgment.
lavcw trutt to ea......................Winchell
,,efy ,he work!
If Professor Winchell
; e^^
worUf to beat *«* »>%“ 'ery i|l.
cateftil record of temperature war
back toiUy and . kK.k over centers ot this c,.untt)^jmd huroi<. to j, ..
Dougherfk of Old “ ’
legkm « Maya»d!di«cuU,if not hnpomiWe to ^n.
rhnd grants
the country, I doubt if he would dc- adierti.se the value c
a\ <n cr from the Misllic jicc*s an^I es|iccially the Agri^ia o3*crlM0lI foaiid that j The loire« record was by Rer.(.eo.ge ftre to diaiige in »hv
ah) material
ihaterua iiarticujiariicu- ami
and tranchi>o.
Iranchises. and thus float their
^ HortK ultural Journals *hin In-way of Bower’s Hartior, and
Northpoit, 16 dq^
conclusions he drew from his st« ks an.1 Umds u|wm the markyt.
^a„. glowing accounts in yiiaiie ol «" reaching the Boaidman river,
Grand Traveiae.!belo* lerOkKtme time in the bftH*. Ur the
these cxhiliitions wherever made, and *»»"•••>
unlindged, foumi no
The cold New Year day of 18C«. was
cvaggeratnl ai-counts of the |mfits to n‘*>in hearing. In order to gel
tie%«na that this «w not and never
the growers. Nursenmen {lulilishnl the jiatietit be
In Southern Michlgaii, Northern
the Utter in their catalogues
an in- «ctoss the water whidi was very cohl, •
Indiana and Ohio, except upon 4he
.lureroew to buy and |ilant their
“I* «o his chin. Finding his
very ihoret of l^e Michi^ and
stock. Here Ls a siiecimen.
|iarient better, he leiened almosl
_______ j wna given to forming, and ‘ I wke Kne. pench Bees,, .swert cherry
ission. Iiemg
it |>r»fitalile fruit td |ilant ‘'
km to bait glowing. The lake pro- treesandgmpe vmes were froMto
enough to be get
and many
apple <
■eHemwerh fired with wood and Chi- the
4 k of the l>cM vxncues. j
nver <*n his humevard way in
oigo u^ large quantitw of four foot destroyed by the cold. Thet
• Imigc RamsileU of (;raml Traverse 1walking the eottre distamc
far honsehold purposes. iturefeU to JW and 40
I County. MU higan. rlearct!
loi k on same day, with his, wet
uDtbelteTed domestic
Thelandtbat was cut over for wood i zero and
net from an on hard of 500 ttm last
I«loihcs dr>ing as he vcnl.
frozen; while in this
midlamber was left uncleared,”and
season.” 1'mvi , i|ihets too many; two j
^ ^
•Stared to grow up to brush. Only country the coldest record was J2 demore wouM have maile me a million-! The first frame- building cieeieil
cnoi^ was cleared off to supply the glees bidow. Thefew orchards that
Profits <hi other fruits by other j„ (;„„a Traverse
had been planled were uninjured and
needs of the sctileis with
Ucroaers uere almost ct^uaUv eaagger- built
and garden truck, a few acresofwhcat I peach, cherry, pear m
nod plum were
‘ atctl and fruit tree agents sawrmetl knoani as the Mivdon MoW It
and a little con of the eariy whht, unhurt, and those old
imerthe ^ntiy like horse flies in still sUiwIing. enUiged and imiwoved.
Him variety; such as the Indians rais- i fruit that season.
People jokm^y
ed. No one believed that dew con; wrote to their frosted fyiends to mme
t Melon hards were enlargetl. and new i
at old Misskm.
enoldbe ripened here, and none wim|ju. here out of the cold airf rim
ones set. mithout any adet^uale ideaf
T^Wiforofthe Herald advised hisj
of the amount of lalkor ami ejq»cnse'
.. A
The old Indian orehaids of seedling shivering lirethrcn to “come to C.tand;
l-^»«nU« Bo**« t-U S Carter, i^mwlwr S-!• r l>
re.iuire.1 in cultivation and care to! /n«v«>«»»' ‘o
well and a few settlers Traverse and get warm.” The idea
W-Barker, •h.e. « V«. rumlw.
T I. W.Hubbell Wtto .sJrur^.
isrehoutie. ]S- N. lUniea*
IO-.De. R. D Atabt«s. H R Owsdrirl,
fold ventured to |>Unt snkU ap|de of -too far north." began to fruJe. and '
14 -E. Iw Rpr«ffne. IV-g V IVrry
mehards of gmfted varieties.
Rev. a more hojieful viim- oflhe future |wywho oaroc through the wiUVrnea* on
ornltl be |»roiierly 4areil .for on almost
The Homestead Uw of 1862
GtorgcN. Smith at Northport,
e\erv farm, ami inset^ts and disea.se hor^lOik to find a home, onz- the veti.
^ ^
• lo,Rev. Pet..erllougheTt) at Omena. had,had taken effect and the country was. stmk of <tu. kery
In 1K74 Mr- l*a nieUf made an haYe sqiread through the on hanks and **^‘**^
smaB apiile orchards that had ] rapidly filling with home seekers.
| survc) of the region m IM....
the Amenran gardens like an epidemi..Slugs in^
oii her arm.
I---------- in
_.! This re|>urt
iring. The
could not get emplo>Tnent
re|Km wa.s
wxs prinleJ in
ided bearing.
em ulated,.!ilK-rally Kariners* InMuuir in New Vfirk ( ity. ft-Nied and blight Mru» k the jiear—j
fZ----in tekiure, J the lumber woods and mills or loc/te! let form and largly
was fine in flavor,----favorably coiiiniem- ami the wi>e |HmioKigi*.ts of the i liib « «klling moths ami st ab Uie a|i|»le—'l*he first |»h>'sirian in Traverse
ml free
beautifitHy rokired ami
free from in-* near enough to the lake or bay to quoted from ami f;
. was Iff.
Htuton. who was nin the
So etl u|«n by the press of this ami other imsiiM.k them for wav ami i <mgrat- rurculio and blat k rot the plitm-^nrt
Sfcdling make wood cutting jirofiublc.
fcrti and fungi.
states. It attrac-ted fruit growers to u!aleii Mr. ramelee on the |»crle< tion and maggot the «:herr>—Ikwcts ami erajiUiy of Hannah, laiy A’ Cts 'Hie
* were growing on the the settlements extended bade rapid(hie
thought the < url leaf and finallv frost struc k
first idiv-sirian to locate, in Traverse
this region, among whom’was. George ol his art.
c .The fruit wai
was Hr>l>.
l*.rm,.W oi
of m
St.. jm
I«»e|ili; who liH ateil
-ripcMM and rite flavor poor, and liolh:
Almut this time the coal oil fever Pamicl«
It roiuiret! the evi.lemc of lK»th
ortunatc is the grower now ’
1 more |»erha|»s
•STl^erilig and pooTflavor waij was raging. New fields were Jiscov-.at Old Mission, and
lediaiatc. It •«• “too
' Uui^4S««R»Mi<DnMdie;dia^
M wteni teHiHT <>f Ne* Y«k, 4sr «atth“ to taiiegoodpaKhes. To.
V«»aM «^New H«mp*ire. Ttet i iMtoe. and '■BdoufoiiDd
. Gttle«p>ce
>(gi«ii.f>«ldaadUnk. TKcintmim thetettJer'. g«d^ It w “too
•K UivMdwvm and none bu the; fermnli.'’to gro«r then.
tanfiM Mt> aie sr>mn. As the ihad ti^_ «tjf at^pi at a
4Mi BanM iiawiilhmiMili about the; imreatkatiaa of ibe ndhicncc ol the
a. tte Ctaad; dc«pwat«r oir 1^^
Ttaibne tqpaa. it tM bat ______
or to itodr Ife^nator o«
atat «oide5f NewIkglaodand Newithe^and tjri^^
c;t ?
; lor Atteiiliitg TI^Sdwol i
in prckrciKC to otfwn.
Instruction given by teach^ and not by
students, as in many schools. Tfrachers have had
mudi experience in business as well as in twhing.
Each pupil is given individual attention, ahd thus^
IS able to understand the subject.
If you want a business edocation. go to a Business SchooUo get it. The public schotds may give
you a little^Hiokkeeping. etc., but they do not make
a specialty of this course as a Business College does.
Tbe best business men in this part of the state
come to us for their help, as the following list will
show: George Kilboume. stenographer at Northern Michigan Asyluni; Mabel Rickerd. stenographer
P, C Gilbert; Louis Campbell, with first National
Bank; Harry Kent, with Traverse City State Bank;
Sadie Magee, with Mercantile Co.; Edna Clapp.
with Perrj- Bros., insurance; .Marj- Dunn, with J. C.
‘ Gray, Kalkaska; Myrtle Langworthy, with Totten
& Phelps, Kalkaska; |. J. LaBonte. with H. E. Gill,
Northport; S. E. Crotte. at Lake City; Grace
Greemtead, with Q. E. Boughey & Co.; Ida Camp^1. in office eif City Clerk; -Roy Thompson, bookkeeper for Wilhelm Bros.; Edmund Dean, with
Northern Michigan Telephone Co.
1 i The list of teachers who have prepared lor
, l^er grade certificates here, is too large to
If yon or your friends are thinking of attendI idg sdMol. coae and sec us or write for further
ENGLISH--IXX) per week, $io per Urm.
NORMALStJoo to $t,so per week, $io io
$12 per term.
COMMERCIAL-$2X>o per iL'tek. $7^) pei
month, $20 Jor thru months, $^to Jor six tmonlksf
$^Jornine months. $}o tor 12 months.
CIVIL SERVICB-Tuition according to num
ber olstndus.
BOARD—From $1.7s to $2.50 per toetk. '
C. R. DGCKERAY, Propr.
Ffout Street, T«v«se Ctty, Mkhfgto
r: ,' •' fr^.:' ■ ; ;>',^ *
V' -'^'f.-'.
of Tnlberse CHy J^t from Judge J, G, Ram^dVs\Fruit Famt
^■-':::: ‘v'Wv3'W
I hirin'; these early years our mailt
work out .loors, the )!ob<! naturol !«n
I liaxc Kxn often ask.M if I am al».m tin- nine .U llu- |.rf>..li i.tial
had Kto|>|ie<l the mill, allowiii); all not surimM.-*! at the (treat ehance elc tion that fall, ami al«mt the tirM rere cafne.l hy trusty Imlians. The
hands to go in and have a (tame of «hiih has taken pla. e in these lf»n\ of Man li rlu; lolhmini; s|.rm;: a si|iiad inlv jirtsautuin taken was a charge
tMM hrc. This made the oM captain—j ycar>. 1 can onl\ anNwer tliat im nt’twentx Indian^ and as many »U»;4s n..t t.. ;;et .Irunk while ih the maiT
Harr> Hoardman—morc willii.;; than ;
have not Iwen realized, eame from the li|.iH r |« nms,da on wrvu e. We iiscvl to subject them to
^wearlti kivs the bible, (as.often as
ever to sell, as he was fiilh s^>t'sf>vs^l 1 j
f„r».ardwithm lenvears tosee their ma> to t totoii lot the I nited
uherw ise would be a jkm ket diar>*,)
that there was not .(Utle imsh emm^h '
thousand m- States mail .ind in dne tone reiiirne.1,
m Horace to make a sui t i*»slul liim,hv.
hal.Jtanis. J iia.l svvn citie> ;:rcm up
Founder of the “Queen Gty“ ©raws a Viwd Picture
on the we-«iit rn . j»raineN m li*» lime,
The next move wa> to preiare the
*:7“V T
Iu.Ium hic. tlm. pa. k.n^ tl
of the Veer 1851 Compared With 1899.
Iheirdman ol greater sue; l.nt I did no, take
jacks f.»r a tri
lit.. .1 well beaten jatli
->• <i'v
ears from aHTil some of
oM Taptain into . onsi.leration the ^reat inapic-s ra'iis t.i folh.w. I'Mially tlir
(wiii. ii we nam.
our letters were brought to us during
Harry) to a^i erl lilt if there wa-> him- aif.1 elniN which co\ered our couiurx.
fl.fgCare harnessid in lan.lem to
the soasfm of navigatmn from Chic'ogo
Miirii lent on
i sledge similar in fonii to fuir tfiUtg.
or steam «aft
It was « ..nsidere.l in :an sUdgo, with m.iil bags. supplitS,
lix ate a latter i nill at the mouth .»f them anax.
May Iask
you hanksof the wt-siem side sat|K-rtiaj»s thelhardman. We j.»urne>nl up «m those .lays a-reat task to p t n.l ..1 L-tc.. ImiuiuI to tiuni. One Iiulian making regular irijr^ lietwerh CliicJigo
ami Travi*rse (*ity, a sourt'c of confora little sjate in ymirilhistrale.l forty‘orfifty «.ld Indian hunters.
| the westami soufti side of the nver them, never exjwsMn): to s^v them I..ll.m> HU the reiT I.. x e that all ,s'
veii.eufe 1.. many‘living in this vieJn.
holidayniimlKT.that . onu
s ,uit tins « ouI.i s<v with inv^lassthat ea. h one
toa j«»int alsmt where MavUel.l now worth what they are tislax. ^ et I well an the tram a insic .ir nmre in
ssin;: Ofer to Ho;^ s lia. k <lo Udieve that m.inv of rhe |Ks»j.Ie of extent iiu.ves along f.irward.
his mouth, ami thev
month, to wnte a little story of my ha.l liis pi|K:
tiif idcnt in this
clion in
.ii^ain--mak- l.slax will see the time when Traverse
t hi ihi> fMi asion the mail ftrt’ Trav-1
. , e .l.nvn
earliest ctuuinj; to ('trand Traverse, to were sittin;;
he bank atching the '*
ha.l ven Tity will rea. h its twenlv th.msan.l erse 4 ,tv was . arried .iIm. ami dis-L\-'-, while il was ye
nttirii! an.l "'^1 «P
*^‘*'*^ '
file away as a history to Ik* rea.l by m.ivement
ur slup.
..imng a,
,millions .if timber,
Sim e thjit inl.ahilants; and 1 shall stav a little tnliutct at the 4 iraml Traverse |K»st lliat has never Iwen mafic a public
ever couhl ____
generations yet to c<mie?
talking, as hapj»y as *u
r hundred millions have time lon-er, s<atin;; mvs<If in an easv ..Hi.., and It hapiK-nnl that Ann iiuitter, may n<it lie out of jiloce to
1‘he young iH imlay Imik 4«» the imagine.
To the rear
in now. sliows howi'ontt*tii|itil>lc
them weic
hrou;;ht d.mrn the chair, m the aftemo«m <»f mv life - liakin. a .l.tineMic at the Ikiarding*
early jiumeer settler as fine who ha.l jierhaiis forty or fifty nice ^K^iardman. Thus oimmences the waichinj; Traverse ( itv j;row, hehev.
l-flis]M»N(‘<i jierMin can Ik* unilcr
PanglH.m II..I cl), was^*‘
II..U..- (IIO.w
to endure great j.nvatuui am! eviwnand ar
i siK-n- washed
wasiivi, wigwams,
wicwains. _ana
armmd lh«"!
„ri,cst dav> i,l me .ha, i, wdl Iw .«.e «f ihv mos,
ern e untol.l har.Uliips.- This w.is mit * oul.l Ik* seen the liulian i t.men do.' /Traverse City, ami t.Hlay we numUrr heaxitiful t.miis m the state of Mi.hi;
riiiN i.rxMi hail rc|«irtc<l tu the
•d the mail f..r tins pla. e. |ov
true w ith the first |K*o|»le of (irand iiig the tlrudgery of the nig
m.l inhnbi
ll,l,l.l,.-.l l..ll„.Is,
Mrai.,.c-.l it .mi'’**''
»!“• 4^“
Traverse, f never saw a hajijiiei or a Indian children hall.Huiig . here an.!
1.1. k an.l l.r..ii..iiiii i!. ill.- liM.l I
"tJ*''” «riji!.licl»een Chiraco
nioru coniciiled crow.l th.iii were the therein their evening ski] of ,»by.
••I I) I. K„.
In .1.1. mail «e rc v.vcl {
(pioneers tif Traverse. It seemed to Turther up, in among the tall niajiles,
me that ihtri must all have taken could Ik* seen the brge white mansion
aulli.iri/eti U-lwe
leswins of jtihn Stewart Mill, who sauI of Rev. Peter lUiugheny. further
th.it he had learne.l to seek his liappi- iij* lievond that, the In.lian |Kinu*s.
ness by limiting his ilesires rather w ith their Ivells on their lus ks—their
than attempting to satisfy thein. I fore feel shackl<*d together—were
rv,‘,-n..r,..ail l.iii •on.el^V'
never s|K*nt more jileasaiu houA in jumping from j»lace to jilace. looking
.luring the .lose .if navigatmu, w<
my Uk than I \lid with the dozen or for the last meal fur the mgh:. .Still
a matter of fact cvcr>*liody livIndians Were Mail Carriers and Letters Came Seldom ‘ fretpieiilly had fipfiorliinilies .if x ml ; iiig here
two that mafic lip'ciur entire numlK-r turther up were the great tail maples
was more or lcsd» aexomodatmg letters out to kindre.! and
the first v*ear. ,
fUmn iK-himl whit h llic sun was dis.
ie.l bv tills gratmtous act on the |MUt
—Experiences of First ^Postmasters.
* irieiids l.v •.oiii, ] .11 from
he mirt I
last winter Mr. Vanderbilt was .ip|H*.iriiig. 1 sai.l n. myself as 1
asked wjiat he w.iuM th.Misc* f«>r a l.Htkc.l ii|m»ii th.it beautiful scene that
take.mr letteis
Christmas present. His' reply * was. if “igmuan. c is blivs, it i*. folly i.» Ik*
N..|K rs.,n ex. e|rt it mightImivc been
for fiHv
lid mail llieiii.
■*r,ue me an a|>jH*li!e,** It could not wi>c.” f..r ,i more lK*aiitifiil j»u t\re I
tiiVM*li .oul.l have any well foundet!
gr.illiving, llu
liiex* han. es w e
U*furnislittl Wealth could not biH never saw m my life.
oin jhis cause and that
s ex|K*iisn
Perhaps no fviher bramh of lit serx ice is «luc to the redm tum * in
it. NfV f^e ever comjflamcfl in the
.\fler lamliiig a few traj»s that! wc
r as It might affect
I a ten fhillar g<ild
g.ivcmmenl, or public, or jirivau n- letter jmstage, the intriKlu. turn ami
early flavis in 'Traverse of sutlering hatl lirought for Mr. l>ougheit<
wendetl fior wav aroimll the lurh; and dustnes slums tlie adv,-inre of. iv
from sm4i t fitnplaint
.KCajitain Nelson was nearlV_WDm-*i^n nnue than does the in. rea^ ot .lisiat.h IS secured over the ..Id . i.t t.. im in iur and express it at r..le..fjii.lg • an.l jury and jiocket the
hajijiicr than w.is the milli.
\o.i mav .,uer> m.w
meth.Hlsof trvaiivjN,rtan..a. the mtr..-^Mnske,:on
In lhe lifst davs of Mav. isM. I .fuit. he laid himself fl.m n on a blanket llieTnited
lajvrs and keep mum unless foit^ed
ill .Imtion of the free .lehvery svstem inTlum I ...uld UH| a >trau,;er with s..
Since the earliest seltlemer
heelman, ordering him tf.
left T*hif ago tui the little s« luHUur I
t.. lake .i.t loii at Mime future time,
la.kag.*. Alv ansuci is.
have existetl. In t hies; and the im reasi*.! cHiciem v m valuable
jkisI oH
‘•Venus,*’ III
111 fom|any
foiu|am with Caj
4.'ajiLim keep straight »U»wn the luy
— until
........ he -Mnerifa. JKISI
ami the ja)K*rs have DCTcr been
have .iish.iHe*.! tiemhUirs
ariiiei was well1 jast the Missin
Mission iKiint. and HkTI jiosi
I this .lav.
Harry Hfiarflmaii, a ruh old fai
an.l III th.ISC .lavs. All IkIu voI m lu.n- serye<l to t
ami maintained by system; ami the greater
sadiu1 Imn.
who iiveil in IhiPagt* eouniy. aliOut the
The first ilailv mail scnHce was put
as the
HIS- stimulus in the habits of
five miles southeast of NajK-ryille.
In a moment s time the oUl
111 .HK-rati.m U the writer l>ctwecn'
I ravers** C iiv S|h.m ott
the bi
The cajitain. two years U*fore. ha.l .lain, tire.l out as he was. wa
Ihg kapi.ls an.l Traverse City, via
se of the j.lanWrs in Hkii, .and in
S.. in our ow n state (Mu higam the lal.hshcMl In iK'iri with 1-.* route fn.in Sherman in |kTh. requiring foitt days
fumislie.1 his s.m with money t.» j.lanl al.mg in the •‘land of no.1,” ai id the 1^0^
Muskc*.;..n u].tlu* lake sh.,r.- via Whilea mill on the little .reek in the we>t- g.HKj-hearte.l sailor. see*mg litm nice- H'.72 I ail service was‘cstablishefl lie- advam e of the jmmeer h.ys Uvn
lime l..r a r.Miml tnji. In 1K73 mails*
1 fxilonies. At this f losel> folhiw^d by the I’nited Slates hall. I.m!aigt..n. Manisi*k l. 'slevicng were bry.u-ht bv rail from Clam laikc,
j.mg. thought it f niel
to tween the
eni jiart of our i..w u. but exiKrien. e ly he was slcej.mg.
Uiar. ihem e ihr.mgh the
n.l .he
he couhl
had taught liiin lliai h w<mUl take waken him ami
ctiuld steer the time there was regiiiilar mail sen ii e mail serv ice. - Ivorv instance,
. an age.l
i4 i.li^. » bv niv agents, thus giving
davs Traverse Cilv ami ..vci their.nl tfi
more than the avails u( one llimuis ship around .iiilb West Hav without • <>n« c a m.mlh betvyeen IhM.m ami Ineml fit
ol mine
tiime if^^is
m\Jjis liovhofHi
.lailv mails from I lelroit and C^i4 iraml Traverse nmw 4 l|.l Mission)
fanii to siLsiam an ..iHrrating milt 4iih anv ditticuhv.
In a few 'inoments New Vork,
was a. lerk m the 1 letroit |hmoHu
.i m twentv tfi iwcniy-four hours'^
..... with x*mi-monthlv mall x*n i< e.
the jirc-sent j.ruvs .»f hmilH-r. hem e he thump, thump, thuinji. went the little
*n lT:ii Ucnjamm I rankhn was when the entire mail t.u Michtg
three days jkt contract
The late Hr. 11. 4 . (i.HKiale was
cst of I letroit w as nigave dur firm an option Mr (he sale. shi]v over the rtuks. In a moments |h>s1 master ui the city fif Phila.lel- gre
e.l uiM.n.me Indian iH.
sbaek.lea m;; a|.|..;mcd |.Mm.i.i,r »ith il,.- «„u-r
J'' ,'^'.11
^ „f our mail »erjihia,
of the min ami ins Unvled estate, lat lime the r.ld captain w.i^ on his fee
hv railromi
and then, I tell vou. all w.as blue! W
is now 'Traverx* V’itv.
hartllv f iimpreheml
One of the first a. ts ol the .
Cajilain I’cler NcImmi. twe o he lia.l run owr a Iclgc of racks into
. |nent.il congress was the establishment mail i
iml, where there was jileaty of
finest old Haiie saih.rs that
; Pioneer's First View
of Grand Traverse Bay \
The Postal Methods
of Pioneer Days \
•S'™—'- -
r.,k,. V”7.
n.l ho» to cel out «as the creat
if hetnm. All this has fome went to Ol.|^ MisM..n, a tw.. .lays jouriiosioffice which b lec•I. After a«nc Che le.-vd-Iine ami »»«" Ealmouth, Maine, and Sa.anscf|uek
m the life time allotte.1 toman, nev over the trail. Hunng their aM 1;;^;
f^votcia. fot laming intelligent e
all aroimil. .he '.iptain deThis |iart of Michigan, north ot x*n. e the tirst mad .imvetl. Uing ,
o,vat the ship must he haul- and) letters throughout the l ontinem.
•Muskegon river, was. prior M pa, kel llmmgh Horn M.mistee bv one « atefl north of the Muskegon nxer toV.11 tU in the same pUce ami to s(wead the knowledge of the the
_ Muskegon
-.1 la. k
css, with Peter 4ireenkx’V. a laithlul In.lian mail ^
t in.' hence alt hands had
of congress and the progress ol 1850. an unbroken.
comparisoo of the fin.
The ancjiors were carrie.1, ‘he resolution among the different hut one |Mr.tolfl. c. then known a» the
rss and the Ustycar'sbtisloiatefl at distrtbuiin- the first Cmte.l States mail
out m tlw small boats, and with the | coI»nies. This cmigress established (;™d Traver^ ;.jslotfi,
mess of the
xfia south
what is
is now
now wiu
Uld ...,»,on.-ithoiit
.Mission, without an) in the l iaierse ( nv i--., ..th. e.
aid ol a little exfla
«>uth wind
wind that!‘he
that i the general_post
cenerat post offi«
oin« ^d
mo appoimed
appoimea wnat
I he
Y^.V.-^lkevcnue, $3.<)0; fotpendi.
had rahe.1 the water, we were able to Bs>.,aniin Krmtkhn Ute first post mas- ,K«t route to conneit with anv mail maillae . ..ma.nvM ..ve,. letters and lures. $:Ul4b
get our Inut lei. k into itsjironer posi- , ter general,
ne-s,a,w,> for this offiie. I he
INUK—Revenue. $13,810.75,
tion. just as the sun was
The rat« of p^age fixed m 1 .Hi was Croton, on the Muskegon mer. ns., of .rans|-,r,at.«n mer this
- liendiiurcs. $f;,104-7C.
the great green maples K-tiveen Torch, «ere continued for quite fifty yean^ dir^ly south one hundred and twenty was lour hundred dollars a year.
I he
1 ake and the l»av
when the letter postage was from six miles, and .Maikinaw on the north, revenue of the offi< c the tirvt vear was
^ ^
around safolv. < ents to twentv^e cents on each about one hundred miles distance, three dollars, all of w hu h was cxjKmd-*
uii the
the West
West lay,
Ivav viewing
viewinu the bcaulibcauli- letter, according to the distance let- An pld and well defined Indian trail cd for an oftire stamp.
LvTuan Smith, the first wfutc iettlcr
the West
Ivav, xiewmg the
vhc bcautiInrlween these ,K>ims over which the
“To the victor bel« mgs the sjmils" of the Traverse region _wuth of,
ful shores as wc skimpctl along, sechibirion of Indians were sent from the upjicT so in President lancolms admimsira- Traverse City, located on Silver Lake
once during the dose of tion Yours Tnilv was ajiiminted sue- in lKo3. It was his son Albert who
for all mail matter that cessf>r to succed Hr. I). C. (Joodale was stolen by the Indians, and the
bav. on one of Ihe pleasantest, most the lieautiful pictures to tie «een m tiroe to about lh40 the ,n. rea-< in nav|(
;ht accumulate at Croton lor this in the post olfi. e. At this time the story of whose discovery has
beiutiful and channing
that, those earlv
early davTi.
davs. .\U>ul
.About the muiiue
middle man
mail service scarcely ke,rt ,ace -----with niigh
nmg evenings that
----------------been told.
and ad
all tmail for this , revenue of the office had incTcased
rlltadcd iifolo the I of the aft,;moon we readied our mow- the growth of population
north coi^, ^
ever was acen; we riMindcd
was; about one hundred and fifty doUais a
ir. just
iust a.s
as the
the sun
ings alongside
.As a matter of ^ the post ^re niaghbothood (Traverse
Old Mission harbor,
alongside of a UtUe sUb dork ^
verse' year. .A year later, in 18C2, having
be^e imcrcstcd m Ote esuUish:
The first death in T»v«e Oi,
o^t^^^subJ^It ijon made our war up *lo the
in which th^is a greater
To illustrate the convenience of, ment of post routes, post offices and, was that of a youi^ man who wa* ac
interest than in anv other department, maflfocilitie.
maU UciUUes here
Here in
m the
tlte early
cany days
oavs h
a mail
man s^fice
service in
m the
me n^hem
noTtneni counties.
coimties, Ii cidenully
oaemany killed
wiucu m
lo a
- camp
o>u.|> on
w Ae
^^tSos^ s^e^r^utilL mir^^re,”^^^^
walked on the dcf k f»f a sliip.
master of the little schminer “X e
and who will be known to many of
out present settlers as manager *»f the
lighthouse at N.irthjKirt, of late
W e had left Chicago on on
ney to the north but two oi
day-s. when we met one of th.*w tetririWe northeast gale*, which «erc al«a« sure to last full three davis We
were well .lowm Ijike Mich,pan. and
.nir brave old seaman dm ided that we
must weather out ihe storm,1,stead of
retuminv* an.l tmwr a mort* territir
m mv
three davx
*lay*K jvounding
noundiniy Wkward and
three davx
|x>und.ng backward
backward and
foeward ^Toss Lake Mk higan. ,\s
,eb»u .h.
ad* aMKthan halfa mile per hour—iroL Aad>erehadbcena.it
genera- little experience of the-nter wdl ex-,r^edmya.mm.ssKmmwlgt».
njid porth of 4ft poHall X rmhcKiH te «l aC JaBg>lfa»«HanAbBBBfafl twflirirft,
Tfflt iwianKG tEiK:Diii).«u»i)AY. iBbcembbr lo. law.
hf fktm Bdttwick. milL In 1862 tl^rc
IbnM j poor^will
the dab dumty of
the nen« of!
cxforntf ckfk nnd
An old of diremoo or recientkm nTmOnble loodtnas by Ha incemant crv. I te- Cha^ H. MardL He wasa lawyer.
kgho«e mood nte the comerof> Traxene City. Evenrooe was too! member lying awake and limening to with a mother who could read the adis. po^ops
Ffobmnd WdKngtOn. and James K. busy wnb
the steamer duties of IHe
the moumfiil itermtioii of that ctea-idremetWer-that
at lemt.W<
Gunlon'a noticeable hold marked the to engage
in pleasuring. Occasionaltore’s demand, with ^ intermpted half a doren
iMtefn limka of the town.
ly, during
the winter seisoo, a sleighnote as if forced to swallow, until l;oot«rcgatc atMarsh's
A muD adwol bouse stood where ride was indulged in. and a dance at was nearly frantic. The woods jutted f down of a Saturday ni^t and wait
bnowtheannesorParkPlareandin the stopping place, but there was very so dosdy on mvuDde*s house, where , the passing of that Indian. If the
the br off snburbf to the southeast, little of that sort of social inicrcourse. I then lived, that the hoc summer | hour 4d ten came before he did,
Morgan Bates had ventured to defy Nearlv ail of the men were emploved nights seemed to arouse a thousand i Mother Marsh used to turn us. out
die wOdemess and erect hb home, by Hannah. Uy & Ca. in milf or wicnl sounds-ihe dropping of the: and declare the port office suspeddetl
sdQ maading. and now ihc residence store, and the women were too worn acorns on the roof—the whirr of in-1 pro tern. But if the carrier got there
of Judge I-ormRoberts.
He. out with the day*s struggle to keep
sects and the chirping of smaU unseen [ frist. aU we had to do was to sit still
called the place *'Saim*s Rest.'*—but these men fed al^s^^lphed with act- beings of mymenous nature.
(and patiently listen to the colloquy
1 never knew precisely why.
necessaries of lifeto care much
I think, howescr. the roost
lonely; between Msish and hb mother, pem
A jail stood on the site of the. for
pleasure. Wheree^tme saw
suggestion that came to my
boynshjing the sorting of the mail
present frae county buildings. It was e\cfy*one during the day. thire was no mind was the winter landscape on a messenger for the Herald and the
of square hewn Iq^ and seldom cic- special inducement to play it meeting moonlight night. The absolute still- I Tnited States l-and Offi^, most of
each oth<rr •Socially."
However, ness and the glitter of the spotlem j the contents of that jwuch were finalcy^^of ^ For «itiy time cnUe co««»ity. ood “T,
imagined to be a!
To the west of what ^ then the there was an ocxasional bit of jollhy mantle that covered all the earth car- lydum|>ed into my market liaskel.
1 town, Mr. Hannah lived; and beyond. here in those early times. PciibqK ried a vague message of our remote- Then I trudged ihmugh tm-u miles of
pUtt of no mean importance. There-itowi
fore, it was not straqge that a good I him Uy a bunch of slab shanties, some of the older residents will rcc^l -ness and the vaguer feeling of infinity, sand, sawdust or snow*, as the case
There were the the incident of the “big mitten." Iltere was neter seen a whiter moon- might Ixr, to the house of “Saint's
deal of adf control was needed toikno
sheds in There was a dance jjroposed, but for ‘light, nor a bluer arch of heaven than Rest,"
I.ettcrs were the
and not
„ mill still I some reason the bulics refusetl to ga at such a time.
j blessing of t^ial iieritvl; although
father, whose
if thepood,
poo where I the gallants sccurctl one ol the Comnorth
--------------------In the sjiring, when the lumber i new^icrs were not amiss, simn: msc
lid be aflcctcd by my Mod
rtood at the
nortt of
lih the populous south and j |»any s big lumber tmeVs, stuflcti a camp broke iqi and the men who had ' knew bv rejibrt tha^ a war was going
nember vividly bow 1 now art buih
but on the a-idc |*Uin to | huge mitten with sawdust; paraded been for sis months im|irisoned in the ‘ on Ur to the south, (Irand Travers
be leeBied to have that wim fdt on tufhUi aside from the little
jihb token of dbaji|iro%^ up and down
sent tU quota, and more, to the I'nion
of a moMtcT who knew a gnoporbaqrinenoodieileckortlie the •ooth, not a house cabled.
Alleshuqr. But jroathfel hope, were
or too. SIw dipped aid
— ------- —^ ^
^ --------------— the the
tinv tiny
settlement. .As the last
Among the first to go was a
nore vital thM dispelled iUosioos.
like nn^aah
stretch was made and the first logs >*oung man emplo\*ei1 on the Herald.
There was a toak in the gkwiooi air
set i^nfr in Boardman Uke. the Lewis Patrick. He died the followand the magnificent bay that toned
^ It was nt prrdaelr thb me
••gang," m ith cant books and pikes on ing winter.
meUrtotimpremion of the mind uuneet the inevitable.
shoulder, would come marching in. to
The simple annals of thb quiet
I came ont on
We landed at the dock and crawled!
the r>thm of a French song. The settlement do not read like a startling
; Captain Baldwin stood talking along through the piles of lumber to
managers of the business liked to story, but they were imiiortant to the
my Other. The captain turned the sawdusted highway. The Traverse j
of the village then, Possiblvane
(dvrwd eyes quixxing on me and
merry mood.
of the incidents of that j-ear is moreyiv d
•^Wcll. my twy. what do you
if one wished to ••go somewhere," than any other, and that is ihe"^ at[Of your new home?*
*°Fh«^ uw*^'!^!d^ stood a!
thete were no liveries to sui>|)ly the tempted assa.vsination of James K.
^l^'here is itr I asked, looking partly dismaotled grist ouB. Tbea
order by 'phone. Horses were as rare Gunton by a drunken man named
boot. 1b the Hght rose a bank of
three wooden structures^ as we
as the idea of a wire message then, French,
the night of J ulv 4.
modr. ipThe left, a range of forest; walked westward, which were the
William Fowle owned a team of There had In^rn a celebration in the
rear the island stood dehoed. stores ot Hannah, Uy fr Ca These
terrible steeds that made one Uno' woods—on the site of the jirescnl
I in Oont of us there was a notch were built side to side, making a
one’s self on the traditional rail, anil borne of Jxs. .A. .\bx>rc on WashingI the monotony of timbered Ond> building 9thdN> feet in size, the center
have asivid reroliertion of tT>*ing to ton street, that day. .AUnit midnight
(if a snag-toothed giant had one being of two ttorica The board
^keepon the up*i>er deck of one of .Mr: (’.union awakent*«! mv uncle, who
ly4»itten a piece out of the ing house and a barn-like house were
I'hat year. Morgan Bates was a justice of the |H-aci and told
and disliked the flavor of west of the two stores, and a small
a horse’ w hkh rivaletl I Km him that Frem li had fired
d through an
leshop over the way. Turning
*^. much to iiiy disgust, as I exst window of the (i unton bouse,
hward, wc crossed a wooden
;neser admirctl imiutions of the oUl, inlenilmg murder. It was a vcr\
bridge, and out diagonaUy through the
* knight. Mrs. Perr>^ Hannah owned close call for the genial bndUml 1
‘ <miere it is/* said my father. sand to what is now ;he comer of
“Roan Billy,’* a neat little chunk of a rcmemlier seeing Mr. (;untcm and my
; me closely. **That is Trav- l;’ront and Cass streets. I'bere were
ll>ea.st w'hcn he wantetl to be nice, and uncle disaii|K*ar amcmg the dense
no buildings on the north side of
. ax old Tiwt wccxi-iser
drove him to an o|»en bugg}’. M’iih grow’th of trees and bushes that arerse
cWt KC any city," uid I. And Front street. At the Comer of Union
ef Old Mtorr. Hllla and Dock « of UonooS. L07 A Co ]
these except ions, as I remcmlier the l>clweeii the two homes. I ex|»ts letl
I unidcaunt (act was fate e«l out of and Front streets stood the old Cutler
situation, our ruling was <lone afoot to hear another shot, iiidicalini; the
against my inclination and deX, with a small bouse just west,
mitten, I think on the river lank, to or bv ox team.
presence of the assavsin. But no un; for this was a mighty event— of it. Immense piles of slabs filled]on hb beautiful hill, and to the
thc dirge of circular saws and Indian
We got one mail a week, over the happy event traiispircX French fled.
to Traverse." for it was all the space from Union street up to j treroc east, the Br> am place
this plaints.
m>Tstenous trail, from a |ki nt some- the ctiuntr>, and the matter .ser\e»l
r itart into the great world.
Ooodalc’i house, which stood Un the ••bight of the Im." Only
in ‘area
me worhl tor
nu»ny a tiar
\\i keef. alive the
: For several years we had talked of
Fhe village plat was an
area 01
of wnerc
where near —iiui>me,
“mitsiile," *3
as the
day to
is now the Hotel Whiting.'and nothn^ more. .A small , bridge
ed the Boardman at what is now sarulv waste, ctixercil with !)la« kened Irevund the horizon of I’raverse wtls tongues of the jK^iple.
* aiiu
and Traveme
City was | The Sprague
residence was whefc crossed
Frmii these casual cruuiueiits
'Phis puic Stubs
>s Stumps aiul hmkleU-rry termeil.
the objective |»oinl. because i Prokop Kysclka's store now stands. | the head of Boardman
foot in summer
the last. |«>ssi!>ly >tnir rea«lers iii.iy
lather’s twin brother, Morgan Across Cass was the Herald office, j dropped to pici cs the
Coarse brakes grew raiiklv
\n Indian,
r an ! buslu
a gain some clearer idea of the primitive
. had locaurd there in IK58 and Then came ffie Smith ^al1les house.! then the only w
way to get over to the whertAer there was an tuld omicr, on ilog sleiige in winter, brought i
irthe(;rand Travcnie Herald, the Goodrich house, the Fowle house; plains south of the nver
river was to itoss ami trailing arbutus ap|»earcil under |miu< h of mail matter. rraveiscC’ily IS times, before Traxcvic Citv fulfilled
only a wa\-sialion. (lid Mission, or the prcwiise o? Its title and Ixsanic
i to enter his office as an appren- (afterward the ••Ktchahge") and then
ually fille I log ami orvert in profusion.
; on the rolling logs that usual
the ••Grand 'rraverse.* was the end of the metrojiolis of a ta\ ore«I region—
open lots until the little buUdingt on the river, or go around by “Bagdad"
'I’hc most nolireablc bird
'Phe |Kist ofticx was in. a city of no mean name.
was a native of Albany,
r, New Park and Front were reached. These
I and so across the creek* at the old lieautiful blucjay. At night the whi|i- the route.
Some Impressions
m, : of Tr^tuerse:Giy m j862
Wishing You the Compliments of the Season
Al>< Mwtegy Util pw Mw« iriMWii « cnmdtOo Ihtit Mqptcity with «»wdl «mtcd a liocl e(
luits. uirfm. ovcrnrii. dddrtn't goo<b Mid hoMiy haiM-
hijB«RiwwwhaMMrSMdMiiMtooBtr ouriMtraM. Look our ad. ovcr..lt » cotain to wjSat an idta lor addins
to yo« own or your Iricndi* condort and luppina..
St€in.Bloch Co.
HartSchaffMr 4 Marx
and Koffi 4 Son's Clothing
Jaroi ftygicfiic Underwear
Cutter 4 OossetURne Shirts
Adler's Kid Gloves
Winter Caps
rin^ «*o*UK> totod .lorD-Sc to Ur—Hto«i4too«»r tai
MwIcm • prarM wl rltt—Bor coHott or oodl^l roler«
It Needs No
I Bb«> aUkawod cM«aa*rM-«ll
and Traveling Bags.
Diw vwtt iiTirrTT
The New Designs
.TW CljOnilNG
“Roneet aolhiers”-206 Front St- |:ii
*-r re
;'•' ■ t ^;^f '.Ti;■
. 'r-'Mt-ll
itsoota>.stmi>AT. bficfiMsitfi 10.189$.
em dreacmoetht^il) of the traditioaal deacon, and another .ftequent
I to the gospel of love ha<I Iwen
I in U* early days to eat a hu-
of Chilian WioHkers
three—the prexiding elder, the pa*tor. ha* a charge at Elk Rapid*, Mr.
Earl) tchool inddntaare intereM.
and the cla** leader. It is said that! Miller took charge of the Whitewater
I ing. In Norember, 18S1. fine yonag
in making om the oHicial list Mr. circuit in IKUtl. and though
the fund*men arrived at Old Misaion. in the
^ ro ‘ »be
of the young minister were beavUv schooner Madeline, with the intentioit
heart tom from the. body of a Pmtt did the
|»>c 1»«^»1- drawn upon by the expense of moving i of wintering m the vkiniiy. Three
ii^ cKicr (ierUrrd i
victim of the Mackinac i
into the “region hu paruhioners
brothers, namcil Fitzof them ^
of the summer of
Mr. Ijithjup <
IB the
liictl a Methodist
Mtofan expedition, fo«»d h» »»
for « wax FUjih .n Ihe »to>ee. The name <rf the fifth, whoftom the aouthern pan of the date up nex now xiandx. There were »exen
»» xum>Iv wax emplojed
the otheia as cook,
.through the wood* to iMd Mi»ion, inembefx. and regular xerxices were
anual necls erf the lamily tO[,ha» be^ ^otterx ^The five were
and iaUiiig in xriih Mr. Utham per- held In Ihe faithful |«stot, who
found thenixeUe* rcluccd' all p»k1 sailor*, and three of them had
Isoadedhimtoio nthe Michiitanron. taught at Old Mission dunng the ««dining on ,«tatoe, and salu With been nusicm of vessel* during the
thoK who have 1^ Travene waalaidto rest by the tide of the.|ae„ce. As there *a* no quarteriv we^ek - |uea. hed there even- Sun- "* undaunted .outage .Mr. MUlcr lusl xeason, but all were deficient inV
r their home lor the pn« Aifty himbenuan. funeral aervioe* being
„ OM
,„pvc the dav mooiing, and then walkcl to l«rrevetcd m hi* good work and the education. None of them were even ^
■ore )«an. and have wafehrf the conduct^ b> Res. H. C. Scofield. •'oeeemarj recommeodafioo, Mr. Bro.k- Tra.erse Citv and prca. hed in the |»^ ol pumert lile Hxm to.lay more tolerable readeT^ and one of the
iMMa-r frfh
number majh unable to mTiic his name.
nhoftbf town, have noted imh young Ba|e>st minister
mmister who was j
*ook hi.
hi* t-hnrr-h
church lett
to wune esemng. malkii
lock ^
aOpiYarkl to
to hkc 4 klream UiAD A rcaluv.
man the
Memljr adsmorc mU^ng Hjrndmga.^ lime at l-U*t toy. rf„aian mission
cn to-hod-Al«»mlav
braver ami more laiihtul i man An ea^-r desire tt> learn was the oc...................................................
south. |irDt«l». l«m
!« m time to „,wn
m IiooI Al<mc_.
ik»n of
tmU and rdigioin !i^
_ IsalwIU
_ county, wheie;he
< >ne raw Suiulav n^l in wer nimistciod to the wants ol the vomou
ol their
tliiir viunij
. .Miimg.
This IS the first religious nen icc te. | |y ,he
one in
he morning.
_______ reivunroendcl
_____ _____ . .
the the middle of March.'after iweal hing
•'"'‘■“"»‘‘ke 111 the carl) ,
.\lt Old Mivsion. the man who had
w.gily today, with, it. .many r«,M ^ cser Iwing-held in Traverxe;,,,
beavehward City.
i«iwe* ^minting
Jmmtmg ..heaven^,
Ctl)^ A burial
bunal *er>
sers icc
ice «as read b) ^^ual conference.
a- usual, and then stopping a|i Mt.
he region than kr, Ignatius Iwen enga
engage.1 as teacher fiiKng to
W^chaoi Irdls calling hundrerls;jA.
A. T. U)
toy cm
on the
t^ ocr^
At the annual conference in 1K.57, HaniiaVs for refresh..,cits hc. com*‘h‘'»»» l>»c.l and lesered. b> ...eel[ the contra.t.
Mr. S. E. Wait.
I(g^ faced li«)w anil gish to l^r'i^h, of a.Mrw Chorum
after. ,wo circuita were formed on. f'.raml men,^e,1 his tires..,journey back to Cath..lics am |«..t^tam* alike. He then only uimeen years of age. was
y5)iaie»cannolbuta(r«dsalisfai. .lbeir resting jJace ha* long «nce'
came to northern Mic higan in lS4o employcvl. at $20 |kt month and
I fo thoic whf> ukc «n internfl in ' liccn invaiictl liy tlic grrmii^ dty, and
Aid in iKTio settled with his Imhan Uiard. Bryc e and the Fitzgeralds
hat gc« to make up the Im:M m<1c the v«fr) s|jot forgotten.
ciiarges at l*asfialiatc»wn. c oming to were to jay the bill, the. cook rcccivThefiral jacai hinK
8cUl life.
I'raverse iu> cH t asu.ually to s.»y ing his tuition in c omjHrnsaliun fur his
Vne who ill their rhurrh
mass at the hdiu ot some oflns jar- serMces.
Ihc Madeline was brought
loday enjp) tiig the results of the S<;oficld. and was a great novelty and
ishumers here, hunng inanv a fieri c round to Bowerw 11 arbor, and securely
IW efforts of the earl) settlers ran .»oufrc of cnlcrtAinmeni to the rhil.
sionn c»l winter he tiudgcil through amhored lor the winter.' Ilic aflerly realize what diffk ulties had to dren of the community, to whom siicb
the unbroken forest drills on his slum hold was converted into a kitchen and
overcome, in yean gorie ‘by, and a thing was hitherto unknown. Their
slioes, dragging alter him the little MiningacKun.
t fvisations Were suffered by those romments on the proreeding* were
sledge containing the outfit for ser- study were ob^er^ed. and the men
devoted themselves to the< def idetlly dis< onrerting to the }*outhw
; vices and his |»rovisions for the j»mr- voluntarily submitted to strict xhool
rnient tff the city. Indeed many ful divine, who, however, kept on
■ney, WTapping hmisell uj» m his blan- disc ij.line. t»ui of sc hool hourvthey
r Morin of life in the early fifties bravely to the end.
^kelas night came on and slcvping had jjlciit) of exercise in culling
mure like roman«^ than reFrom lKr*a to 1857 there was no
w ith the hea\eiis lor his only emer- wixxl and bringing it on Uiard, to say
ami itis h^rd to realize that 1 religious scr%1i e1»cld in the city, with
j ing.
nothing of the ret realion of snow ballatones of lirave deeds ait fjinphsli- the escepliop of a .Sunday m hoolroolie first two churches built
lilt in mg. 1in which they sometimes engag.
and dangers oten ome arc any- ducted for a time by .Mr. i^ifield and
Traxerse City were the First M. K. cd with the delight ol genuine scImkjIthan fairy tales.
Mrs. Ih. c;oodale. .As there were
and the r^ngregalional. 'I hese were Uns. 'Fhe bav that \ear did not freeze
apecrially'strange and unreal seem only ei^ht w hidaisthe lark of temrhen
completed in l8t;7. the dedication of over till Marc h. IV-mouMo thefreez•tories of the first rcligimis was not a soun e of difficult
the .MethcHlisl c hurc h t.'iking j»lace in ing, the wock! uas bnmghl on U>arditil
nity., and the
in the little s^llleinrnl «hief trfiublc was to get the young,
Octolkcr and the k*c»ngregation.il fob the yawl; afterwards i
ling* in the shadow of.'the hters to jjive up their good timcf'
4ow ing a lew months later. • ’I he over the icc. i:xc
Kxc ej.l
ej»l by way of Old
K pine forcits that circled the , arnon^ the hm k)elK*ny bushes .long |
buildings ha\e l>een changed and iiii- Mis.siun..to
to which occasional
let of blue t;rand Traverse l»ay iicnoudi
cnougli to study the les«in in the
cd in inanv
inany rways sim e then.
were made, the jiaity was entirely cut
strecJiH miles on miles away little old lijg building, formerly a Itam,'
In 1870 a l alhohc church build- ort^lrom communii^lion with the outbe iouth*and.t*ast.
|on*Fnmt strwt lietwren Board man Traverse bay—Old Mission and Klk.^1 he .Mission, taking short c ut acrovi ing was erected, w hich Ik-c aim* Uk> side world.
although the s]lintual nrttls of the j avenue and Wellington street,, which ' Rapids, and Northport and Traverse the ic e to Ihmer' harlnic AIh»«u .small lor the raj.id grem ing jarisli.
The sc Iuh
uhi.IIs haxc
have kcjit
kc|H pace with
inns h4lt»ng iH-en rrc ogoired an.l answered the dinilile piir]K»se of day City. Mr. Ijilham w’as to supph the iwci miles from the
1SS*.I the present churc h was the religious growth of the city, and
I he entered i
ban.l of mhile men s« hiMil and chiireli.
former and Rev. I.. J. (‘iriffin was aj»- heavy fog, and
Nlfor. %
itle iH’ginniiig, with twe
faiuiliirs at the bead of the
In lKr»7 Rev. |). R. 1 .atham of the {Mintetl to the latter. On
a ai
their famil
ed. riie
imiulgingin in
Between the building of the first scholars, in the U>g building on Front
only kn<w Sunday as the c»iie M. F. c hurc h stup^Kfd at Old Mission The rcUlive situation o!
dam e near the mouth ofihe river, | chart hes and the |.reseni lime
street, in iKTul, has sjirung the large
in the we^ fihen the mill was cm his Way to Kansas and concluded
iclu.leil Traverse
'I'ravcrse City—forty miles
taking the
sou of their drums Me
iinat ions have organi/vdbr.im h- luesenl line school syMein, with the
M and there was a . ham e to rest that a field
tmg ft»r him there Mr. (iriffin wtW Mr. I.atham, asking for a guide he wj
ily and bmli for llienielvi*s c entral building, three l ommodious
nearlv as
enjri)’themselves as liesi wliuh would re|ay,lns litKirs. .C him to take
Iravern’ Cuy cirt'
oH his
Ins |K»vsiMe
in an
an c»p|M»>iie
c»ppc*site dirrec
dirrec tiiu*n pleasant c liun h liomes. At present line k ward buildings and two smaller
|K>vsible in
might. •
I here was little erioiigh ‘ c Kiss wxs wnm formecl W4-. a rhiireh
hands, whichhe consented to do.
nil he readied and |asxc-.l ihe island,
there ate- iw« Ue diuic h buildings,
tak the m<»noly>nv of their
lives. c»rgant/ation followed, Hi^auclicm es Mr. (Iriftin laUrred at NorlhjMirt and narrowly axoiduig many dangerous the Firsi and Sec ond M. F,,( ongre-. rollmenl in the m hooLs is oxer IjWW
HI ilcath.wmr smjdenlyi.r a young
were of a somewhat unusual nature. Carj» River, forming . lasses at ihosi- lissmes ni the soft ic e.
Here he galu.nal, M. Lram is i’atholie . him li, and the last dioul census sliowed 2,m tlie c'amp on the Boardriun The C. S. revenue cutter Michigan pUucs,.and Mr. I.atham at Old M s- followed the sound of
an owf s Hapiist. Fpisco|al. (icriiivin l.utlieran, 4(H children of m IiooI age in Uie
ft was no one to say
word of sometimes aut hored in the harl»of won. Traverse City, and Flk Rapids. luH»img on th/main land till he sud- (Jerman Fxangehc al, Swedish Fnlh- caiy. ,
s liasiily over Sunday and the blue unifonuetl The fimt quarterly meeting of the denly walke>l into aUnii
two feet enm, Presbyterian,I riemlsand.Seyeiith
The fame of the Traverse V**)'
Hnntrd from the rough liewm oftieers' mingled in the rude little circuit of which Mr. I Jitham was now of water c oxering the i. e
near the Hay A.lxeiilisi.
The I lumh of sduKils has gone abroad, and a large
lltf pile.1 near the mtil.and a graxe chiirch with {MMirly riad setllen. and the regiiKorly aj.jxiinted jiastor, was^shore. Some Indi.ois heard Ins cry l lirist jl•plt"> nueis in (ir.oige numlKT of non-resident pupils profit
dog on the sanily jilain *1101 far scar, ely clad at all Imlianv One t»ld held at Old
Mission, the presiding for hct|>, and he was fm.illv *iesc ued hall, aiul the riiut» h ol I’hnst (Scum- cxery year by the ex. client course of
I the l»ay
sliore, where the ImmIx c hief, who was credited with hax ing a elder. Rev. H. Penaeld, In-ing present, from Ins
dangerous 1x0011,111. list) m thrir icxcuiis on I inon Siicel. study jirotiled.
Uitl away without further c ere- . best full of w hite men’s M alj»s in his j. M. Prat! had Ih-cii a|«j»oiuied e’ass
.Another courageous pioiu’cr minis- The Free Methoclisis liold meetings m
Piijiils |a.vsing a satisfac tory cxanily.
w igwam, used to t t»me in wann leacler, aiid was the «mly otfi.ual mem- ter was Ryv. J. W. Miller, wlm still the l einw.KKl . lia|Kl, Tlic Hebrew matinif in the |ircs.nlHHl cuun^*s are ’
■ the W:intcr of I8:i2-rgl a
young weather alliretl only m a shirt and Iwr on the circuit; the quancriv con- makers his home in I ravenw l ily, in congiegaiioii iiic*efs m its synagogue admitted to the I’nixeniity at Aim
idicil at the Iniarding house, and breech-cloth, but preserving through-i fereiwc therefore consisted of cmly a cosy residence on Slate street, and on Park street.
.ArUir on their « ei*lifM*ales.
to EheotbrnMl ond Rdigkms
-■ V'-.v;-ri^i
3^ Ss\s'(ivA 0^^ wv\\V & ^
Vw^ore CVvddnwA. 6^
fire iLedroafi
; / W ' ft;
Wk Wwottsfft ww stodi.
With Christmas in .mind we. have bought some
beautiful waist patterns, single one of a kind. They are
fully equal to our $1.75 quality, and will be priced at
$5rf» the pattern.
This store is famous for -its choice stock of fash
ionable dress goods. For an elegant gift nothing ex
ceeds a dress such as you can select here.
An elegant stock of all kinds anc! qualities, from
ipca dozen to $2.25 each. \'ou can hardly fail to suit
yoursclF-^and for Christmas, what more sensible?
SkMiVs, CtkV&Ts
Your friend better than a nice umbrclla—a last
ing reminder in unpleasant weather of your thought
fulness—Any price froth 39c to $5 00.
CVo&V. 'V)ev&T\mtu\
Here you can get garments for ladies, fnlsscs and
children, and a surprise along this line will be appre
And all sorts of Neckwear. Pompadour, back
and side combs, and a hundred and one things in the
notion stock that are suitable and desirable for Christ
mas giftt. 1
Table Linen, Napkins. Towels, Our stock never
more complete in these lines. Chenille Spreads, spec
ial values. 75c and :?i.oo. Our wonder in Bed Spreads
at qSc, still on hand.
Out tkoeVAxat VvutykTe^
^au\V^\*4vifa\a x»a ut%t, WA
To ladies, always. Guess at the size, and-if not
right they can be exchanged if not tried on. 7qc buys a
good pair, but not warranted. $i.oo and Si-.co for guar. anteed goods. Our line is very complete. Kid. Mocha,
Silk and wool Mittens for ladies, misses and chiklren—
from 5c to Si.50.
AukrabU atWdaa ^or ClvAakmaa
iQUT hatjAa^.
atxk u>U\vcu\ eacev^kotv \Vve^ are uae^A as u>aW as
axlbed After mywting the bed j noon fcr Portage, tet. miles thb akfelrtrike
the other aide ai»>t «ilb.
■wemaad I am ajvecoosidetedtt mio oottoget iiiside|OfMaiu«ee. where we srete to spend om a jar. All I had t6 do was to
here is a dollar., of h. so without undressing we made; the nighi. At Portage we met Mr. dii« to the saddle and ghe him dm
ronr ^and take ns aenm.'* a lo«mge of the bed and using diawl Fnutk Hannah, brother of Mr. Pern lein. IV-Genetal" would jump Kke
ether it
oSdal air aanm-: and ot enxttt for coveting we put in I Hannah, on his way out.
Prom that
a deer an.1 com
or di^t^^diat commanded ^ test of the night.
The nest place we took thelwach to Herring hammer without mem to his rider..
Eventfid Trip
to Grand Tlrdberse
Stof, tf Mjomme, in Whkt Twn 7M^ Eiper. S
tJe1^‘:^^!l5:rI^'^s ‘^TiSTv." eit:S m Muffs mto the Uke.blodimgthebeach
cucuii around them
These vanetl m
«»«> okK
•Udm dead that had perished in tUt; right roi-aUv and after liccakfasi sent
IMO, h>ni«
? lor ounchm
nilKGrui^Tiavcnercgioii, we prrI»fed to kavr our homo m I-ani«g
where Mr. , Ramadefl wai jpractidng
beiag Aod. 'he 0OM take the Udy dark
snd chr tatdicls but the gentlemim Finally after much (fcUy
RaimiaMI a2 horVarrA him
would ha%*e to walk. In the coonc of ed the matter bv savine to Mr' Rams- Ramsticll
hort<;^ to
to t'u.rr>
him t.
_!S«»h.ch;b,Lrtwxst\ half an hour the
to pkk
The •'Stage** war 11
without, for I knw wc shall turn un his M.uihwanl tri|».
a span of Indian ponies in .
hall way between a New- j that
«bat is
» ail
all iu
its easy enough. Get on wav over hill, mia logi - ' ..^.i-t
foundland dog and a wertern broncho, that boat; thetir is no .Unger here rivers and luo.As. -,The«were no
Under the direction of the mail boy under the bar." So 1 go. in. the fish- bri-lges then ..n ,he ^d,.
c«1 Manistetr that aftc:
ton ami
(who wore a mustache and side whit-:
««* the oars and Iwforr 1 ha.111 rearhcti
l tKrs.xi r»s k
ken,) the lady mounted the cart .nd rime toImnt or say
my ,ira)w we s,«-i,
a week there visttmg. Inen.ls
the scat which had all the spring ol
«m »he northshore an.1 making a. .|ua. mam cs ami then
, ,
j.mntev whuh
the axle and po more.
ol the Pere Marquette nver,
|eeiorcl to resume
So we stafted out of Pentwater' There was no umo then at Pere yas to be on horse back.
for Manistee, the “gentleman" walk- |
mg behind. tVe expected to reach
that night but the (ate
the other side,
tlm irtofl*h.^
But there was one thing >ihc “Turk**
could not prevent, ahat m^ik the catch.ng«fn.ydress»m the Iwoken hem-
When t got
Hut ii. a sUWm the |SLv*age U» Hen/on a im dress, which mas a
/he -.vc. mq;h. ........ gM.ila7m..c.uc.hc jonnicv.
sh^. ncciKa..
rcu iKiieK .XI
Den/on;a me siop|iex]
Mr. J»4m Ba ley s ami mere lu.s"
goodraad library by way of Jukwon
nir anti the %kavcs roll higher am! pitahiy
ref^i%ol and
urn! our horses and ably rei^oc*!
. ^
' V l .T
and Chicago, to Northpott and took
*rhe m*\l <lav •
the Ramahoni R. R. Just then opened
haMc to reac h ami lavs the Morts Ih«ann hut ine ^ot a bu- stan
ftom Lansing to Owomi, thence by
tween the !»ar amlHemn*; lakes as th IN
UVieat.V.I r»inlc lake at
UG.H.& M. to Grand Haven,
pU.c utu-.e the Un.l sh.les wlu-,,. .c Usl
liorNc-N and
Our intentioo'was to go from flrand
u,__ «ie t ame
..ere the
a!f our Innrh. Mr. Kamsdcll «as un
Ha^ by steamer to Milwaukee, from
able to stami tlu* jar ol rapfl rul ni:
thereto Manistee by tail and then
junetkm. kUu|»|K^sIil the letn^ i lunj;
»>n hiN trip fiamnict hi»iNe, ami it mas
Boom by trad to Traverse City.
saddle, ami-Turk-did the reM. tlaik U lore me rea. Iieil l ra.erse Cilv.
acachiim Grand Haven our plans-werc
He would strike m I whim! a r«xnlmg U e tame m on the sAMkm I in- rt»a 1
changed. The propeller Mean
wave, da-sh around and out Ikchne the m»m hi\ s iui street. b\ the old Htmtway
neat m*ave came in, if the tlistam e mxN
nidi ihmiigh Slab rom ii, »rt»^M*»l
tth a quantity ofh
of lurolicnnan «
It was dark when wc paned the {
short, but mhere it mas ttm great Im the nver .>i» I n «»ii strix*! and domii
i (chiefly
ly baled hay) to be de- cliflfs south of F^e Marquette Ijikc!
that he mtMild hustle iinld the ma\e Fn»ni Mreet tt» the Cuiiton IIuupw,
livered at Lincoln 25 miles south of and dark when wc reathed the beach
m*a.s nearU u|M»n us, then turn lat aig 1 mm t ullage Home.) The saw tii-ll
Manistee, and if the weather would beyond, but light enough so that I
. It and rear .so as to lift me entirely mas ruim iig and the tim k and vard
permit was to go around Big Foim could see that we had txMh wheels in
.abotc th** crest and as s<m>nasit tUNs- I ghtet! um mhch 1 ttnrk lor street
SauUe to Frcetoa,only ten miles south ; the water when the wavds rolled in.
cd he m-oultl tlomn and st atiqier until lights siip|ios ng that me mere entering
of Manistee. So wc went on board I was on the lake««rsiae but ready
; the next tme came and re|wat the <»|»- a city. . The name had g:\en me the
the Mean and took our chances.. It to sfiring the moment 1 felt the cart
tcralion until the land slide mas iuns- imi»reNsion that me m ere .'t ten mg to a
was a beautiful morning when we! drop.
Soon the shoreward wheeb
jed. But the C.eueral look the mallei large tomu am! I had
thought to
steamed out of the harbor on the Ukc, Iran over some article, tilting the cart
fdiflrerently; he mould made in. Irt the impiire alHuit the |Hqmlation,
And my delight in the beautiful ami ^ toward the lake, and 1 screamed and
1 waves roll o\er him ami the saddle,;
sadcUe, ,
l*he next morning I went out, aiul
new (to me) water trip was great. , sprang, pass^l in (roint of the driver
riling his rider to themaist. \4Vhen : U»uking ;
id there mas the Bay i
But the wind arose. The lake grew over the lioa and saHed through the
: had iiassed the bluffs and. feacdiekl all its Iwauty in front, womls.
rt^her and rougher and the liadly ; air for shore carrying the lines with
the old mill at Hemng creek me dis- ea.si, mmsls at the south am! a streak
i ballasted boat began to roll until for | me. No inducement could \gct roe
mountetl to liait the horses and take of land running up toward the west,
' eight loi« IkW 1 moahed and groan-: into that cart again .that night
our lunch. With the ex< cplion of my I asketl in Miqirise, “mhere is ihet ilv
^kitoo sick to Ause my head until wc n>lkcd with the •‘gentleman** cm the
stirrup foot Turk had kept me IK-rllvt- me came through last night?” llic
\ rounded Little Saublc Foini and beach a mile and a half to the (cny.
ly dry, but Mr. katns*lell mas ilu»r- city had vanisheil, .\l tlie comer of
Nrntered Fentwatcr harbor, rtO miles Wc arrived there after nine o’clock.
oughly drenchcii to his maisi.
Park ami From street,' mas a little
koai Manistee.
| The ferry was locked upon the Urther
Shortly after passing Herring creek ht>use vkx upied U a Mr. Bustmirk.
Here the cajitain of the Mean* in- ' shore. The wind was blowing a gale
' we left the Iwach and took an ol«l dis- On the kit wheie the Front Street
formed us that he could go no farther and the big Uke was roaring fearfully,
usetl trail acToss to Benzoiua. By do- House stood mxs another cM*«nipie<l by
down the shore and we would have to j Call for ferry^ wa.s useless, but it
ing so me m-ould avoid the land slides a Mr. Fomle. ami Iwtween that and
either go ashore there or go with him ! brought some fishermen (rom their
along the blurts Iwtmeen the Herring Cutler’s mere tmomore, one o*x upknl
to Chicago, as he should leave his i shanty near by. Their boats were all Marquette, (nowLmlmglon). ' I'hc luggage was sent by Um toChi.ago and the Helsev and save live miles of bv Hr. (brnsUle. These and Cullers
supidics there,
and ,j on the
big lake™
side ol the beach ™
and j.......
mill was not runnirig and
on <o
I.. travel,
losing hi
aa.a-.v, load with
«.aa. lumtier
.«...xrt.. -a.xa
*a.i. the
luv l>oardw ami
.aiio then
Old «>u
. FiiverNc V 11 v, 1>.
I f. I..
uavei. but
luii there
iiiere mas
mas .langer
.Uiiger ol«.flosiug
m use mere all the houses at the
go iftrecllo that city.
I to ationpt to go through the leakers) mg hou*e m-a-s occufid t.y a (;eniian Fjler
..u- ho n.II,,;; hors., the trail, as ii ha.l imi Wt. us.,1 for mouth of the river ex.eix the bouse
At that time the government car- and around the pier was too ^er- and his wife, neither of whom . .mid -Turk" and Mr. K. N.rr.med hi> l.ro- some years, and win.lfalls fre.)ucnlly of Morgan Hales iriiere Mr. Rolqrts
ried a weekly mail between Muskegon ous even for them to undertake, isjwak a word ofKnglish, and (
iherV h.irsi-••Ceiieral." The t ieneral ol.stniitc.1 it. On this trail I ha.l a
The Imarding. h*^.
It was a “Star route," i-Phere was a govertmwt life boat |bme<l r.crmanconsiste.l«f Yaw. Ncn. was a rather fine l.«A.ng lay Imrse new and pleasant c»|wrien.v with fuvler f.ennaine-s h.mse iid Air.'
run by pony expres, and we chanced close by on the h«le lake but_ none ^^d Nixfusta. We wenttotheUiard- Imt a hard trotter ai..l an awkward -Turk." He w.mhl jump anything
anvthing Hannah
s old roidem
c, were all the
ilwatcr in time to catch but government' officers Wkre
to land at Pent
. ' ing .house and.
fifteen mulloping gallo|H-r. The Turk mas a not imire than four feci high m ilhoiit rest *if the city
SUli City or
use it ,* The
| minutes of yarn ing, ncining —....
and .....
the stage -cn route to Manistee, so
N<»rrel of fine
fonn, gnu v«iii
cfiil iijiMiiMi,
mot urn. uaii^ei
danger ii>
to uic
the 1rider.
'*.....^ key was left m*iih them
....V ..V....,
u a raiComing
fal- .'NnaniV
Shanty 'Fomn,.M attered over the di.shere was our chance, or rather my, but theywere insimactl not to use It-fustaing and ittulomime me under- ca>y rider and the very i^rfc ium f»f len tree he mould stop, raise his fore iria from Oak to Division streets.
chance, as it afterwards provetl. The ‘ except in distre or to ferry govern-! stood that we could get neither sup|.er equine intelligem e.
ft-cl al»ove the lug and then spring
This is th^ story of htm I <aiiK to
was found, his horses were jroent officen^.
said the j nor breakfast, but meeould havea riK.m
We started aUmt imp in the after- just high enough to clear the log and Traverse City, and mhal I fouml here.
TriBOrtiiMiiamartsiin Old Santa Claus Dumped His Entire Load In Our Two Stores. Ti»iii<ii.iiaMicii,mtsiw
No IHd Stock Carried Orer From Last Year-Everything New aod Dp-Mtte
TH« Book Stor^ Department
Last year we had two
employ ten.
Bazaar Store Department
tumo. whkli wc pcnooallr ackctkl {com the
u, ana Standard Weifa fa* a warktr of taodinta-hcaotiful and durable. Our ficat Tarietr caaUcaua to lathfr «n tasUa.
One of the busiest stores in the city, and an
entire new stock of
Toys, Games, Dolls. ChinA Shjerwape, Jewelry,
Glassware, Cloth Goods. Dmjjisb Sundries,
A Ur iwkhaae of TeaeWa Biidea, with cowordaiiM. inapa
ART CAME0S~a bcautifiil novdty. 25 to 85c.
43 Kinds of Candy at lOc a pound.
•rt 15c to $7.50
TTiis is a marvelous store, full of bargains, and positivdy nodiing in
the entire stock over lOc each.
Wc were pureuaded to add tftese three new ttacs by die extra tndticementa of bargain prices.
Picture Frame Department
The prices on above goods not equalled in tHe state.
PcxJket Books
Novelties. Fancy Gpods, Brushes, Etc.
Owr$9Mweith«r new ^oedi Btri »
pwlut boAta teM*.4Mlim
1200 Toilet Sets
We have two expert workmen, the best assortment of mouldii^ in
the dty, and can faame your picture “while you wait."
t from 5c 10^6.50 och-A big pmCdMiibiMboa Minort tefl M 25 cofli.
uwl ^ fw 4t trtdi-GKEAT BARGAINS I
Mafl Orders Receive Prompt Attention.
Root Start, Tiavene Ciiy, Mchipn
;.;, '_ ■.
' -
Mr. CaK were building a mansion, tbe fonner. it some shift could be
The .next summer. Jofan ltaKT[&maies of Mt.LetiieaadMcLaimUm
l»xl!l ieet'm siic. oo a
mthm , made.io supply the latter. A sailor came to Join the bmilv ol Mr. Lenieffiom N'aduia(t.odleraetdenbm^
theptesem village of Northiwrt. This , on board the H. Merrill the icsmtI at f.len .\rbor. ButinthefaU oftbe atrive.'
iteacoo Dame carnTfamt
log house stood toe many yeais. and , that ha>l brought the jiarty to the bay, same year. Mr. Lcrue and Cunih te> old MiMm and vaa the hnt to mo
•as afictwards used as a store by , came to tlie rescue. With a red flan- I moved to Northpott to qwnJ the uin- ■ busiiieiB. He hmn the
White & Burbetk a&a NotUu«rt had nel shirt and a shite sheet, he ma.le ter. jMwut tbe same time, Mr. Me-f
to 1* Ijuite a seulement.
a flag that the settlement vote.1 goo.1 l.aughlin remove.1 to KHt lipids; i ?
-e......!. for
r.„ the
Sdoo a la^e numl»cr of Indians, enough
All he
theTO building the saw miU ’
Skicfc «f ito Eaify HMoty md the Sinijgici of the M
iDittat to note die
y as fifty families.* >;uns of the jiarty mere made to ilo f.w .\. S. Wailsn-orth. In the
folkned Mr. Smith to \orth|ion. ser\ H e as cannon. an<l all ma> ready o. IK.'il Mr. 1 croc xnfl
where he mu%cd shonly after his first mhen lnde|»CTnicnte I»a>
arri\al in the counirr.
ITic tomTi llic sunrise.ma> grcetol miih a \ollc-y
fiia^is wa> caHeJ of guns, ajnl the mhoic sctilenicnt
hiuse, »s .vet, in ^ arhole
chief mem to the small island in the iu>..
ami the mh«rc a most jainoiic though not
.V MamcauWatetl at the
Chrhs-‘ verv claltorate « elebralu»u mas
,eesthe immediate «- visited the bay and madeT^ice of
just liegun the constnictioQ of the first
dulgetl in.
em Mte of 1 eland.
He «as foil... e.1 J"
numing tiU
I‘re|»anitions mere ma»!e b\ the set inIK54 bv .1. I. M.ller. .t.vhn IVmer.
j county o( l.eelanau cm site of Northport.
There was do road
tlement Hbr-^^ong hard m inter, but
■ history of the settlement
~About the same time, lames .M< they mere agrcc^>l\ surprised In a
of the latter trill be of interest.
leading to the little Indian settle\erv mild season, no snom falling iinii! set m motion Uw the t^stru.iion of a „
to the year 1H47, there kaioo band of Ottawas at Old Wi
Do . 12. and all th4l being gone and
am! p.er ami a sa« mill, whn h were not
-----not a white man lin ing in all
Allegan com»>;. wa* ordered to
was not a horse in the village, and bat
death, fioni ex|iosuie the giound in gotnl conditum f«>r t ub imill for some time. h«me\er.
laaan cbomjr. From Cat Hca*l Point regioo of Grand Traver«r Bav. He
three \okc of oxen. But one steamer
the line of duly. April 5. IKhl. t ^aI on b> the first ol April.
In IS.-.4, John F. Fisher of Fondtp the prcftcot boundan of Benne left tbe mouth of the Kaliinaroo ^
tout hed at the half built pier.
ccNim^ was one imUoken fiircst. m- river May 27. 1841*. with his lamilv ot
liftbited almciw entirely U> wiW licasts, six. including himself, and the faiiiilv
and Hufialo. llic entire popuUtioo
as there were fea Indians there at of his lirother-in-Uw/Wm. H. CaseJ
of the sclilemcni consisted of the
which included three persons, in the j
famihesof the folU»m-ing; Joseph Dame.
C>n the Manttdo islands there were whoocier H. Merrill. «hi<h was owned
H. O Rose. Amos Fox. Wm. Voice.
a ver> few people. Two small iners by Mr. Mcl^aughlin.
Capl. Peter Nelson, A. R Page, S.
had been btiilt ibr the acxommmlation
Pfctccding lo the present site of;
W. Wilstin, 1'homas Retford. J.
of steamers that stoi^icd there for Holland, llic) took on board Mr. i
BurUvk, O. U While, Henr> Boye*.
wood. The one on tbe northern island .Smith and his family, making a toul
A.(\ Stevens. Thetnlore Woodruff,
was owned by a man named Pirkartl. of IS fiersons who were coming to
lliram Bet kmiih, Jc-sse Morgan, Wm.
whfle Mr. Barton owned the cme on the wilds of Iweelanau munty. .\firr
(;ill, aiul Wrii. •niomas. Of these the
the south. : Two fishermen without a temiiesluous voyage the jiartv roundr I >
grelter numlief mere heads of families
fiunilies abo lived on the north island, cd Cal Head Point, and eni^ed the ‘
but a few were unmarried men.
and the lighthouse was kej»t by a man bay. June 11,
The first frame structure in the xnib
nameil Clark.
Af the po.ni iircviouslv selected
age mas in the form of an addition.
South of the present l>oundar> of Mr. Smith landed, with his family. Aj
14x2« feet in si/e. to a log house;
luCcUnau county, at the mouth of the ‘ drenching ram, was falling, and the]
ITie first entire trame house mas built
Bclsey river, Josc|»h Oliver, a white |inw|»cct mas gloomy indeed. Mr.
by Mr. qiiomas. fat Mr.
settler. Iiiwd with his ln<lian wile, and Smith, wdio was a devout Christ an. i
suptiortcil his family by trapping and was tempted to doubt the Divine
In IhoG. the firm ot White and
guidance on which he always dejicnd- j
Burliev k licgan the construction of a
These, with the small settlement at etl. but he vill dung lo.the hojie that ,
^dot k aUnit three mile« north of NorthOld Mission and a Ure handful of he mas stillled of the U^rd. and |»re.jiort. m here thev aK, engaged in the
men at Traverse City, formed the only pared to make the best of things,
|busmevs tffsc-lling mtiotl, tan bark and
while tJO|mlation anymhere near the ‘
.And surely the tiros|iect mas gloomy ‘
cellar jHWits.
comdy of I.ccUnau.mhen John Lerue. enough. The rest of the comiiany
Mr. Hose mas the first treasurer of '
the first settler, look up his residence that had come with him had not
; the tom iiship of Iarland, mhich at that
(ajj^iwng Bear Hay, nom (den ArtK»r. liked the- Kh alion. and ha<! gone on to |
lime im iuded all of the |»resent counVriiTlItK. He hail gone first to the the pie>cnt site of \orlhiKirt. and
ties t»f Uvlanau ami Bcnrie.. He re
Manttous in search of health, leaving wuh il,e exception of the fem there
lates horn' he traveletl all ov er the
hii^ family at their home in Oicago. ami at the seulemeiit at Old Mission.
ttmnship. going as far south as the
Hchc he hail licgim a trarth with the. Mr. Smith knew of no mliiio in all
, present v illage of (Hen .Arbor, to col-,
Indians mho visiletl the islands, and the region, f ust l»ark of the s|m»t he
;Photo 1.7 maittt nod pri«^’;
let i the tax, which mss somewhat less*
this business Ik- movetl to Sleeping lia.l ciice<n. the kcetnmglv imiHmetta. TRA\ EKNX CITV >i III slKES-<>:XTItX.
Bear Bay.
ble smamp shut him off on the tami
.Such mas the beginning of the
Meanwhile. Rev C.tNirge
Smith, side, and the Uiv
from effectually He mas buned iie.ir llic m cnc of his
I he next season uas a vet\ haid dn-lait tame to (Hen .ArUn.
tmntyof U*elanaii.’ mhich has had
of theCongregatmual church, mho mas Kirred him fr«ini «
iinunication mitli lalMirs. ami mcrl<Hiking the li.o.
I he «ri»ps, t»f «ourse, mere cv.i>
(vas tollomctl
lolltmcti by
bv his family,
ami that til siu li a devehipment shwe that time
riu •K tllemcni ai U rnika/* o\ ille nita-er. as tlie\ had had In lie time luv brolher-in-Iam. Mr. Cngshell. from that there is little to surest the old
rondmiing a mission murk among the the rest of the morld. for a lime, at
Indians of the Black Ri\er counlrv. Iea.sl. It mas a pn»s|iet l that mas mas hardly eslablishcfl mhen the set lor «leatmg ground.
I he vessel ihal \em Vt»rk slate, and the next ’'vear tlavs in the thriving |iopu1ation that
in Ottamamuniy. had lieeti disturUsl calculated lo unnerve a stout heart, tlers remcnilieTetl that the I ourih ol mas |4i have brought ihetr supplies bv Hr, W. H. Walker of I ond-tlu-i-a.. nom fills lhettMln^. Prosperous/ill.
in some may by a settlement of Hob but there mas no comanln e in the July mas appro.ichmg, and luing pat- mas mTe« ked. and iheir -iipplies mere Ceorge Rav an.l .1 man b> the name agc*s, miiuennis churches. jirogTc^c
landeni who lfMatc*fl near him. Just pioneer minister, and he l>c*gan at rioiicv they did not wish to jet tin- day ver\ lorn. A Ion;; hard mmier lob of N uti from < »hin.
\ pier ’ mas built m htxjls thrivii^ farms,and orchards
mhat the trouble mas hisiort fails
on« e the mnrk of m:^ing the mihier- |iass miiinmt fitting tibservame, 'riic\ lome.!. and till* srltlers vt ere \eT\ neat on tlu -sjHit altermard tn . upieil bv«the mhosc fruit is famous nom* cover the
say, but Mr. Smith mas not long
had no cannon and no llag. but thc\ the verge of Marvation when the .I.M k til Cliarles Russmaii.
ess luibilalJe.
county tliat hall a century ago was an
making up his miml t<» remove
Meanmhile Mb* M< l.aughliii .and <lc< ided that thev couM do m ithout sjiring o|,i*nol.
.StH»ii alter
.Icianurc of ihv unbrJu-n wiblcrncss.
i-'w--' .
>•» ..
>, i. II i i
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
Santa (^laus
Doffs His Hat
Once More on his annual round of visits, bringing happiness to the little ones, and
pleasure to the older ones to be able to assist him in his good work.
li on the second Floor of our inaitimolh esUblidiroent. Never before has such an endless variety of beautiful and useful Christnnas ^ been fathered under one roof.
eUwa Ims omptitnl hit
ixiick and 80ch a htiK'k of
10. i:». 2.V-11II |>rioo8.
EoldierH. uitHdmiiicnl toya.
that nail ami IkniUi that don't
'Wblocka. cradlcts ma^tuia. nuking
^onuyi. balla. drama and
WhiU* U.lk blmk dolk Jnn
dolk Chiim dolk Bkiue doll* dolls tbst K<> (o fdoi^p niid thoso
thnt sUv avnke- dulls tlint caM uc
•nd doll* that sell for ri.«RI
Stvmpttrmg for the little onee—
EomethinK for the older on* a —
g^mea to amate, games to InFtmct
—naval game* from 2.V, Pillow
Dex 2:>c—Aulhora. the ever ptipular game, at 10 and 2.>c—Dominoea from oc-rCheckera, all hizes.
from r»,i Backgammon Boards at
10. 2:>. :iOo Nerve Croquet, the
new gnniH at 10c — Card (janiee.
Board (Hmea-Archarena R.nrda
that combine nine other gnu a-., at
$2.i>-Crokinole Boards at Sfl.25.
Xotliiiig so captirate* Ibo w..nifii of the boose iw k-auliful eut
Berry Dishea at fO.OO—Water
Bottb^J $:i..*i0 to tfi.m —(Vlery
* Dishes «2.00-Cheese Disli ICI.UI
Drinking Glasses $*i.Of) st*t of 0 —
Knife H(^t $l.>'i0—beautiful Vases
from .-iOc-Toothpick He hlen. oflc.
A wonderful tlieplay of Solid
Silver GdiKis-makes a most acceptnblepresfluit. Kiiivetiaiid forks
from 5f'2..*iO the
Cake liaskets
from ;52.2T>—Baking dishes at So.UU
Ten sSets, :i pi.Hvs. :<:iT‘j-Boii
Boi. dishes. ll.To^Pickle dislu^
from 11.01)—Brush and Crumb
Drinking Cups .TOc
to II :iO-S>»p boxes l^i.OO—Pie
Knives. Oyster Forks. Cracker
dars. Napkin Rings.
Tbp gre«t fnetoriea of th* world
contribute to tbi* beenUful line of
g.K)d* - Hundred* of odd shape* of
plnte* with the daintiest decoratioiis from 2.h: to $2 (JO each—Capa
and Saucers from 2.>c to $lTflJdake plates from .'lOc^Salatl dUhes from T.'.c—Olive dishes, from
2.V: Dainty bits of Haviland china
—new deaiKna of Copenhagenodd pieces of Wedgewood.
The book binders and printers have vied with each other to prtxlucc the finest
of their arts," Handsome little Gift B^ks in dainty bindings at 22c. Juvenile Books
with colored pictures for the little on« from 5c—beautiful illuminated bdard covers
at IOC. All the latest copyright works of the .popular authors. Books for bo>*s and
books for girb—books that will please and instruct—^Sell from 35c-
The Hannah &
The Greatest Array of Beautiful Lamps.
Parlor lamps—all manner of shapes and styles of decorations from $4,00^
Hanging lamps from 85c. Hall Umps $2.50. with colored gkJbes and brass trimmings. Big and little lamps—decorated lamps and plain lamps.
Ti9 M#1HKQ^ RBOORD. SDW)AY, 1>IOCgiaCTl6.1899.
VfC«iefoar*iocto«t6ld MU|»oa in 1850, LcwU Miner. Aleraider
ilknl. Denoon Dame, and Cbirte* &
’CampbeO. who abo were oamen of
! die icbooaer Arrow. The Arrow not
rbeing farge enoogh to meet the dcfreight, her oWneta
about derUing a plan to increase her capacin. and being very
wu\e in proportion to her length, ih^
- ^
CMSts . ___ .
.ml -hirh
^^ccidcd to lengthy hcT. Aciwdinglv,
ft vm tn tlie early fifties that there a few veeb before apd^icfa has
TSTfad white settlers, however,
came-mocb eaHier, Res . Peter Dougherty mad Res*. John Flcmiiig arriving
at a little cove knownas Mtssioo Harbor tn 18S9. They had come by boat
fiwn Mackinaw,
they had
had sfieni
r. where
the previous
Preabyterian Board.
i preter <;reeiisk) as tracher, in a little
bark w gwao tbkl the I n lians had va
cated far Mr. Dougbetty’s use. In
the tall John Johnson arrived with a
yoke of.osen, he having been ajHM>mted as Indian iwincr by the Agent.
in - — ^
Asvlum creek now flows in, and drew
her out on the flat on the west side ol
the river, cut her in two. drew the two
ends ajiart, *nd by the aid of whij>I a-d the sawmill of H. Board, 4oraied on the saiiie creek, which
supplied its ,«wcf. Icriethened her 12
feet *o
so that in the .pring
spring *he
she came
An iiMlkn iimO. sa>i>Ue 0% far MaddiK dd. mmh k taami: eoM^. ^ il «m w>
ttarding on foot or honebtok. ««i Mid>Ml ud WiBUm F««r»U •toetcata ort^ a
titobtred tract
the oafy means of eocnaimicatiop be- captaint of the rchooaew Anwr and
^ tt, ready *» r^mwk. A:
tween^OU MUsion and the head of Yankee le-pectUeU which ran be-the bav throogh an unbroktn wOder- j t«ecn OM Mimwa and
' "8 • wm m the wildenci^ gnca a
new;, except for the Indian yfflagc of ...h
.4..— ^
pen picture of the situation. He afChief Pa-duw-b. and hU tribe. «t- ™
SSll retZS '”*?** ttoght the tet «hooi m Hk
uated on the dHwe just south of the
preaent site ol Anrhic Po« Office. ^
“Wi^fcniem. June 1*. 1854.
Later a iu»a
road wu
was cui
cut iniuu^u
through b)
^ oo h» faiin near Pon -M
— y l>Eaa
- ------------u} vol-Days and weeks have rolled away
unun* contribution of Ubor by the
^ kmtu
into the haae of die part and I havx
inhabitants of each end of the route, t
.hn hnih h.lf of th.- road nrar«t
a number of )*ear». not heard a wngie word trom you.
while started
-Thimday evening finds me here
where he in my Ultle cabin, which omiooki
Elk lake as it spreads its sdver dieet
on board the schooner
vriicn hc^cd about three >*caT» aga of unnvidlcd beauty before me. DaxkBower’s Harbor, during the winiei of,
Of William Bnxre nothing b known. DCSS is shuuihg in the scene; a huge
1H51 and ‘52.
Edward Chambers, the cook, was dis- pile of logs is on fii^ which afibnls
It was diMOvered by the early
j ---------------n------------covered by
bv a
ly Near and sends
settlers at Old Mission that there
music to my
uj^ the giant trunk*
were extensive gardens on the high- here on the yacht owned by C. K.. ] _
of the
the lurrounding tree*, while the
lands back of where Norwood now
standsihsl>d lx
been deserted by the
^ busmesson shrill voice of the loon U loudly home
There were no four dwelling*.
mire u fe« bark wig-ram* m a i^ow teacher; Jotin J«hn»n, fanner; I av..l
Tney found only one Indian in the
vilUge. the re*t of the band being
cao^ at the mouth of the river on and lanrU Miller armed. Air. Dame —
had lernred the appointment as Inthe oppoute side of the bay.
suerced John Johnnal made with a coUmn of smoke
With him were Mrs. Dame anti
^ bringing
„,.,..„un„y ,o gel tree*
■ with rt,.h to .tartan otcharA Aca the s. Sk.1 had clo*ed
to^^uire who the strangcfi and .Mar>. Olive M. came the foUowwere mad what they wanted. *
mg year.
After finding that the errand was to
On the 2<Hh of Novembtr. lKr>0,
publish a mission for the purpose of my father's family arrived at Old Mis-,
griring religious teaching, they sahl the »ion. having left MarJtmaw a few days |
chief would come in a few > prev ious on the schooner Arrow. The
dJL%% and then they would give an an-.vesd was so laden with hou^hold
swer. On arrival of the old chief, goods that her ngging was tied full of
Aish-qua-go-na-ba, a council was held chain and the lighter articJcs that
and It was dccideil to alfow the riiis- could not' Ik? «owed on det k or in
sionaries to csiaUish a mission. ITic the hold. It was a picture of lovelilocation was fint fised on the south ness that greeted our eyes as we
aide ol Elk River, and they rDin- turned the,harlior |»oini.and first saw
meoced cutting logs for the construe- the village in the west. The sun was
tiooof a dweMing and « hool house, just going down • Inrhind the Indian
With the eiccjition of a lariy of village, whose whitewashed log houses
tuneyvn at work cast of Elk and stood out in Injld . finirast against the
Torch Uket Mr. Dougherty was now forest bac kground; a lew canoes were
the only while settler in the rounir>*. lying on the shorc^ others were floal[une. Henry R. S< hoolcrafi. In- ing larily on the calm surface of the
Lgenl, airived in a small vessel harUir. while some tiaiives ami a few
rnomm of WllUffi* OroonuX/, lou-rpriop foi> Hot Pei-r DoturUrptf.
panted by his inlcrprclcr, Rfib- whites were gathered on the Inrarh to
raverat, ami Isaac (Jeorge, as await the arrival of our vessel, the
^ Indian blacksmith. Ixxiktng over the only means of i^>immmi<ation with ilistancc aMay, where tlieir prm« ipa’
ground and consulting ihe'wislies of llie outside
world. We foupd
foupd that
that the
the |»ro;luc
were< <orn
orn and
and iMjtaloes.
i»otaloes. F<»r
\h-go-sa and the frost
to* grim
grinding their com they used the |«»* oil..i i..
.1.,..^ „v.
the young • hl^f' Ah-eo-sa
Irost liad
had ijcmc
iKmc but little tlamagc
tnlw at
fit .M
M ssion
«ion vegetation.'
vcffciatum. and
lah-nun. a wmiden
wooden mortar and
ami IKTstli*.
i>estle. no do<
<lo< k at tliat
tliai place slie was obi
iirim iiial men of his trilw
ami the summer-like ap- lah-gun,
nvincdtl i»earanre made us feel that we had
Harbor, Mr. iKmgherty wascfinvincdtl
'I'he squaws «'ould l>e seen al- t*i am hor out some distance while
c harlior reached an ide;^
that, all things consiiicrcd. the
iile^ countiy.
i ountiy. We rented most any day wielding this pestle with the trees were brought on iNianI with
was a wore eligiUe site lor fhe^iiisfhe^iiiis- ahmi>eof
a house of an Indian for the winter.
winter, Iwith
Iwuh hands, and
ami thus pulverizing the the vawl.
ey were m* mi, on inir fami.
sion. Therefore, loading what things and the next spring purchasol the res- com to a consistem y suitable for ma^
finely and
were needed for immediate use into idem e of I >anicl Ro lil, which re- ing iiiiml-dali-min-ali-lKi (com soupV
n.m Jhe nldest
their princqal arude ol trees on the peninsula.
Indian canoes, they were ferried ac rosi maincfi in jMissA-ssion of the family un- which
Of the future of the pupils of the
to ibe filai rr where he had first landed til 1HK4. when it passed into other diet.
‘h» wh'««; P»l-«. 1 don’t k~»* ^
unle*s I tcU >vni how Hke
HiU- l.look
Mook just no*.
now. IVe xot
1*^.^- ' -Sam HiU'
sod m the •mter time many a sleigh
,h« old gray coal vvHiuied to
load wa* made up to meet there and
»ear wtUi Ml ton; of patches
qxnd the gteater part of the night in|i, .ou ever ‘heart, tell
d focial
danemg and
rocial enjoy
was known as the Half-way House, the tail muther.’ My-shirt is out of
and isstfll the-faome of a son, Kol>cn sight, ’cause my coat lortly ctncis it;
P. r.arland, and hi* tarailv.
but my over-aJLs ha%e got the worst
In• .May, av-rw,
HW.-!, Henry
■■1.1,1V K. Hfinkman lot of holes in them, and one of the
cdando]iencd a shoe store and legs is tom off dean up to the knee,
shop in the
building that is now and *furder’ too. My shoes have got
usetl as a «able on his farm. It was great holes in them,’ I haint got no
the first shoe shop in the ('.rand Ttav stoA'kin^ and my toes stick out like
CISC region.
c\ erythiiq;; and takii^ into consideraK I*. Ijidd. O. P. HughMm. Jame tiim the many directions to which my
K. r.iinton, Myron Chandler. Peter hair |K)ints. I aw about the shcepicst
Stewart, W. ('.olden, Alexander I»ort- looking cur out of chaos. But there
er, John Si^ey and Captain Shejk- aim anvliody to m?c me, and that
ard. owner‘s of the sloop Defiance, altcfrs the case decidedly.'’
were among other arrivals. Nom
The lands of the iWinsula not vet
Barnes arrived August 1st to succcetl l»eing in the market, the Indians deB. Fair as Indian caqiemer.
idctl that
would go w*hcrc they
««. J
.? 1
The buiMings of the New Minion l^ui out,' their UndL and having
licng ready for «ruianc) Rev. Peter :,^ve.l *on«:thii,g frun, the annual payI tougherty and family left the Old ments of the ^'ernment; thev }^rMission, August 1,. on the MJ,<«ner .-has^ Und*. on the m^sidc ofthe
k.agle. wtach had ,ust bjxnmmplelcd i,ava,,a moved fr
the PeninsuU
by the Pa-shaw-l»a Indians.-for their over there.
........... 3J™ -T; S" I si'L'SisHS
X; Mr::,' "iw I:""?
llPiani^aDil Organs
The limbers for these vessels were
obtained from the oaks that grew at
the head pf the ea.st lay. They '
made into rafts and towed to their
di-siinitim, by sii.-h «il vc*s<-ls or
steamers os c uuld |»e
Iroiii this ume .settlers Inyan to
take up Unds in different lorts of the
l>egan to reccxle, cultivated I
gan to a|q»car >ere and there.' orchards were being wet out.
Now it i
famous for its'fruits and when thc^
elc iri. ro»d skirtslhc Peniraub bet^eer\
it will I»c noted as the aumm^ resort
region of C.rand Traverse 7
t iiO!
Will appreciate a useful present, and especially if it be of best quality.
Holiday shoppers, take no chances, but-buy where you know^p>odsa^
the latest—where quality is right and prices most economical.
Are made in our own factory’, and are brought direct from the finishing
rooms to your parlor,
I -Ajt IFao-bory
6rm in the north. Call at the store'and sec our 6ne stock and get our
prices before you buy. as it means C^H TO YOU.
—They will tell you they are first-class. More thaJ 700 owned by your
Wear them all the year round—Wc re
fer to—
Ids and Shdet Music and Music Booki. Easy tenrn ifiksired. |
il(*nkstntl, Tf«v«mCltr
• i
Fur Collarettes.
—A lot of satisfaction in a. good one—
$1.90. $3.00, $4.50. $5X». $6.50 to lajjdD,
Abo Fur Muffs. Sorfs. Jackets. Capes.
Chad's^ etc.
Cloth Jacket..........................................$2.ii0to$»J00
Cloth Cape..................... ........................ $2.tW to $16.00
Pln«h Cape............................................... $2.90 to $16jOO
Golf Cape................................................. $5.00 to $15,00
of best and most popular materiah.ATTRACTIVE
Muslin or Knit UNDERWEAR :
In fact eveiything that goes toward man’s
comfort is here.
And a large variety of small aoveltiefa^;
We can P9sitively give you better prices on high class goods than any
I ABKindtofl
Usually need a great many things. We
suggest a selection from the following;
N. El STRONG Hunt-
Visit the Favorite South Side Store.
Traverse Cty.
Comer Union and 8dt
-' ■" V
'u\w: ■'.
;■;. ^
/--V 1________ -L-________ ____ _____________-
''■*• ■!r---'Vi
OJM ■%!*.-Mb. M€«innis.M. the other, lookii« uond footi the i^to( the tto%e pipe that stock up
drev down die green paper the diihn crashed and p«t anray, die
■ “budcwheiu*" he «as ftyag far dieir thnmgh the roof in place of a clii^
Icemted widi a gihcnitle, mod wedged a tolid maple-chunk" into
jafter the prunith-e fashion of the time.
; At lamp carefany-4ar «kar. the *tcn e. “and I don't want to wake
•^t X^c CSnim/ Wa%#C«
»w*y • week : Sure.
Sure eoo^, « faint thread of smoke
*0^ pro- (roie«sliflronrt?*helt Shore
«=»« of that )tNnig fel- was stOl ^-isOJe. and they knocked
M'S llll. L.raiUwl I/MIO Weeded to *et her frugal «vi*r. ^ a gode thing, no., that Jack hanked ^
at the louder
buc than before, with i drcail o!
they knew not what if they
fried two slices of sah pork, one for up the boovr when he niu home -fast
house, ansaered Mr. Pall»rcak open the
heneif and one for OUver. who. like P think HI m to ka|ie up a fire the
P«itiveiy. So ik> more thought dioulil lie forced
n--------en to the
ofiTie. was very ;night, though'ihe stme holds «> Imlc.
- Widow Mci^bnia.
at Oiristmas da\ was perhaps
But now a wice fixjin mnihm called,
__________________ 11 apt to clamor for
►: then she
diced ______________
rU likely have to get up mm and
quietest known since the little “Is that
Jack.> nUie thrrcsooo
dby any of «..«
us in
fiotatocs.mtothe hot again
to fill it.'*
fKKNiof the daybr-l
is!the Ihde^miet at the head of the ^
brewed herself a strong^ c uj»
She then |»ruicetlcti to array hersell
*1»ning into existence.
I'hc as ever l can light this liothersome
and Mils McC;innis!
- ' bar.
for bed She put on a linscv’woolMrv
a track lamp.*
was iMsilrkfiittmgon a pair of dooUe-;
bay. So that the dothes wcr^>ni!at
her fumMiiig about, and
yarBmitteiiswIwAdiewnhedtofroishjand whole, it matter
tnc sbdf.
sneir. which
wmen Mr. Fowic.
l-owlc. at the leown,*’
gown." and wTamieti
wTap|ieti a small niai.t
plaid ^^ick and fast, and the wmd dashed presently t
as a Chnttmas present for her ton; the cut and style.
up Mrs.
niad career piling it up
.MiHiinim. lamp in haiui,
•jadL, who was at workoot in the turn. ^ Mrs. Mr<;tnnis had returned only Iwarding house, had given to her. but iduwl about hpr^houKlcrs and nightand siXKiping it out there and still attiretl in her grole^ue night
ber camps.
the day before from a week*s nursing. that was religiously resersed for the cap|iefl head. The cat was givm a
hither and yon.
costume, omironted her rescuersi.
It seemed togrow dark very eariy, land was trying to make up lost time i morrow’s dinner, when she exjiected soft cushion ncaXt^hc sto\e, and sixin
darkness and ihestpmi had it all their
n^^ht the wind lullcti.
- rhe l .oril save uiil' she ext laimed,
cren for the taae of the year, aad die i on her knitting—for her duties had * jack would lie at home.
“It’s lucky 1 baked the pics this own way.
and the next morning shone clear and marly dropping the lamp m her surlatciom to Che west window in order I been too aifiuoits to permit of am
tb//lmg while world, pn^-. • an' w hat is all this racket aUx>l?
else I’d
I'd most hkcly
likely not have
momim: tbwncti
tbw'neil gra\
erav bright on a. tU//lmg
Christmas morning
10 act every ray of day.light powible t pawtme. and the half-finished mittcri
People ^
shoveling jaths
jaihs What's
irU shoicling
^ s hap|»ened? Is Jar
Jack hurt.>"
c—and Ja< k so fond of and cheerless ami bitterlv coKI. It
before resorting to Che luxury of light, i had lain untouched in her «a|anous
ailing I-bictU *hnsii]
ow-ft myself.
“No, no, .Mrs.
.Meflinnis," Mt. ‘
cm, too. Now’for
I d much still snowing, ami drifts wvre piletl in and t all
to one another,
, ________
_ ______
____ *Jic
Heavy ox teams * Patrick hasteiutl to a.vxure her, •• lack V
widow MoC;
u pertia,»
The w«»
l•ofI^wh, l.m he'* high
aiul famaMi.
sh,pe> .............
out breaking
enough to like the pies streetv Pet»ple iK-ejK-d out of their
the rtutK, their all right as far as we know; i.ui you
* ' ' *
’ os’crlookcd a pan
tmyilabhoaic.rk»etothebayaborcidaywas gray and coUl-lookinit. and *»'«*
"'ell. Jack's a giKsi bd and d.M,P*—for w indows were frosted ihu k
beating chilleil hamls acrt>ss were snowed in. .iml we were afraid
^ ^r\c* die l*est I can give hi>iL"
inside and ilnfletl outside—onlv to re>n<H»her- lou t tnild not get tint b> vours<df, so
downon the wcm tide, then better]beat upon
When the meal was read) sKe ami treat again, ext epl when neirssitv
we ttntk the liUrty to shovel vou out*’
aa-Bggdad,"—a pamt^iven to 1 hollow found.
However. Mm. Mo
the uble, which roniiKTlIed them to venture fonh. and
Ian gratlly obleegeil to ye.'’‘
wag familiar with * f Hnnis wasted n6 time in gazing out
Patrick with his two young ajk. said the UMsildered'oKI bdV. M*arcely
Che Aimbtan Nigbia
Somehow, thejoTher frosted window at the snowy
realizing what had hapiRmcl. “.\n*
Muck, though the dwellers Of the j sweep of shore bordered by dark ev erwhen
vou all a nu-m Cliristmus *•
regioo, iMappreebting the humor or|grecns, but improved the waning light.
“JaK>k overiherel" |K>inting to Mrs thedav.*'
• it, properly lescntcd^ the term as; not even siojq»ing to get her lea,
Mcr.mnis'shouse, orthepb.e where
“li sa bit ltH» ble ft»r that, Mrx.
o mysteriously savonng of o|>tirobriurn. [ though the kettle sang invitingly on
It had been, fur now the front was! McC.iniiis. but we'Il take the gcKKl
• f'Slab town," now, though far from the little cook stove, and the big yelcompleielv hidden by a huge mound wishes just the same. Here's Krhard
degant. was at least aiiprppriate. and loit<^t rubljcd himseif ingtktiatingly
of snow . -Ilun't that look like smoke waiting w ith some bundles that Santa
^ held no sinister meaning. Mrs. Mi- against her feet to remind her that it
I ot iher*M»l?**
C'buse could not deliver vesterdav."
Hinnis cared little what the place was was past supper time.
The cat was
my soul! * exclaimed Mr.
-Sure. >mi tl.m'i mane to tell liic
called: -Bagdad," or “Sbb-lown." it her iosefiarable comjianicki.
WhenPatrick, droping hts shovel in surprise, this is not ('h^s^ln.l^ maniing?" |»eriflactered not, so that sJie wau wrarm < ev'cr she went away to stay any length
rThr old bily is sm>wed in. sure sisied the widow.
-What mamilig is
and corofortal>le, and had Jac k, and of time she always carried Oliver, as
_ i| ,|n n. l\\ U- liking to kmm.-'"
ber cat.
I she called him. with her in a < overed
Just then Mr. M's c oat liman drove
-l.ord save vou. wonuan," t ried Mr.
“After all. what s in a name," she market basket; and contrary to rat .
his turn. -U'hat
• was wont to declare, not knowing she nature, he scrmrcl |»crfcr»ly content to*
.{Mrs. Mitiiimis Irtun the
‘•White|were vou duing vesterdav, th.it you
. was queuing Shakcs|ieare; “Vuu might stay
his mistress was.'
: House. 'wami underclothing fm herself, I tlidn't know it was i hristmasMaylcafl me the Quane of Scutbml, but “There." she said at bst as she finish- •
U nicely browned coKl t hi* ken, p;i* k- an»l such a *!av, at ilial.^"
Td not get a mess ci* |iomtch on the ed the gay tufted what. “These will do[
ages c»f tea am! lob.i*« o. and one of “Hut there, now,"he a»lded in a kindstren'th cjfit."
Jac k some good
If he comes home|
Mrs. H'sdeliciuus mmre- pies.
He her spirit, “we ve kept vou freezing aU *
A *"gc. angular woman wax the tomorrow as he jiromised to. I'll have:
KHike*l around somewliat Uwildgretl. the dtiiu long emmgh—ami wasting
\ Widow Mcfrinnjs. writh pbin. stmiig him tak’ them over to Mr. Pathrick^fj
“Can y.»u
you ttell me which IS Mrs. M* - v«mr karast-ne like the fiHilish virgin.
V^urcs, relievdl from ccuusciiess by and get some leather to face 'em with.;
(;imiis ssliality."heaske.l, “I thought
take the explanations si»me other
: kindly gray eyes. Her broatl .S< otch so iheyTl no wear out so fast."
I knew jusCwherc it was, but I'!! W
*• ami wish v*»u g*'i<M| tbv."
Dcpgue was ddigbtful to fiear.
ar. though
She iattc*d the mittens admiringlv
i|wd If
If II *can tell it. '
Mrs, M* ( bums, lose*! ihediM.r, blew
hat hard to understand.
I here Inrforc slie bid them on the table anil
-Oh, It's there all right, Khiml that «uu her light am! sal .lowii on her l*e*l,
were marks of small-fMix on her ruddy rose to get thc/ainf). the rat following
hig sm»w tlnfi. ’ answered Mr. Palm k. “tliai lakkeii a-lai k." as slie atterface, Init that made it none the less her aUait wjth hungry anlii ijiathm.
wMhabugli. -Ciiiue on..U»ys, let's, ward detbretl, “that a. chile could
welcome in a sit k-room, for she was
“The days are that shtirt," she
dig her iiut.
I sup|fa>se she is have knm kol me ovit aisv, To think
in great demand ax a nurse, and often grumblrtl. “that one needs to ka|i^,a
nearly lianin by this time."
I ha*l lost Chnstmas'eiitirely! "
look the (Jjrc 111 a <lo< lor in an emei- l.^ht (!.).n); nio*l of the lime—amUiajtdrawn u|>« Iom.- to iIk- *U.vc, and «lM.n lln\ were ol.liceil
break their
Tiiey fell to with a will, an.l sifain
Slie ha*l slept llir.mgh the whole
Shewaa a familiar figure in a»ene ihirty/ienU life K«H«n." She ate Iheir *u|.|.er in leis.irelv .omiun- <»t> r.a.i., I.i.iralli. ili.ie
were km faking .11 the d*M.r.
*bv ami iw*. nights!
Jhofce .fay., fen die alway* wine the fan»cl to |wr out ol the window lonshifi.
Then sl.e li,;hledher |.i|h.Mr. I'airi.l. the sh-wnialei. I...kNo *incanswere*l.
site saw ja*
Ja* k. win*
whi* Ji
h was zmt
.s»*eieu, ,„ ‘
vviien sue
Sootr-h |ib
*.ak. made like a where the warmth .Jf the r<*,m had t..r a -I.il of a Mimke" while die ••|int- me .mt of l.i> d.«,r ihroneh aIn.iee ot
I he men kxiked at each other with until New War’s dav «ui actouM of
Mother Hubliardgown. w hi. h she had thawe.1
*">'alxml selling the rmnn in n i< le» a vard loiij;. a. los.i.. Mtv M„
• un.ius expression.
“That was the bicfa ktsi loa.is, she found that the
bright with her fromSi-otbnd; and a thick with fast-falling smm.
<:innt>'*aidtooi,e..ltl.. Nom.l-.v*. MireU
irhitcrap (1 think ahe .ailed it a
“Well, iheyll gel |dcrity of sleighing
The wimi ha.l risen bv this ....... “Well.
It’s mighty lu< kv
II. It's
wi.Iuw's pijH-.rea* he*l him.
“mulch,”) umlerhcr warm quilted mm. I'm thin king'‘—f^or the season so and was howling .lismallv almut the
. or shc'tl have hanl
harcl w.irk to gel —tih
ves. there's n*.
-Well, m.w," she sai.l, “I
aood c|uite rrgardleM c»f the changing far had lieen remarkably mild, and little house, shaking every timber,
timber, ;as
ol her house- lo-dav."
alfaui! that." atfmiie.l |*>lm N.irris, out
with mysi-HTliat at first
, UihHina, which to lie atire, were not durnlicmtien were fearing an o}»en win- it seemed. “It'll Iikelv Iw snapping
Are viiii Mire she's gom-r " aske.l stepping ha* k where he could get a I w
not to tell ye aliooi it.
Vaylii) ml UndMd^^fnlHi. M3.I4540-
TrUberse Qt9. mdu
J 'Ssx^K J.
Ail Deposits Payable oh Demand
County, Township, Sehool District uni Cooemment
Bonds Neg^ed.
Boardman River
Electric Ught
and Power Co.
o\ *5TiLt>em
' t&CTVcraCBaTiV\Tv%.
Open accounts with individual firms or corporations
subject to check or by certificate oj^ deposit, payable on
jEspccial attention given business by mail. All
transactions strictly confidential.
b ilwqr* in rtodincu. day or night to
famhh y«, with GgMorporm. a* rtonmabb raic*.
Issue savings banK books or interest bearing cer
Safety deposit boxes for rent.
Our arrangements for transmitting money to any
point at home or abroad aft complete,and charges mod*
erate. Drafts made payable in the currency of the
coum^' drawn on.
sell ocean tickets by best lines.
Domestic and Foreign Exchange at lowest current
rates.'We issue drafts direct upon the best banks in |
every part of the world.
We esteem our customers’ interesu as identical
with our own and endeavor to guard them carefully.
Careful attention given collections entrusted to us.
Charges reasonable.
Pmy Hannah, President; A. T. Lay, ist Vice-Presi
dent; }, T. Hann^, Cashier; Samuel Garland*. Assist
ant Cashier.
"Ouectors—Pieny Hannah, A. Tracy Lay, J. T.
HuMah. Samuel Gariand, Howafd Irish.
L. . dfe:'.
Buy and sell Government Bonds. Furnish inform*
ation regarding all clas^ of securities.
S. Hull, Prrui.lml Ov»l Wood Di»h Co.; Joo. T. Bradle.
and Saddlro*; B. J. M^rvan, Uvery and Sale* Stat>le»;
Frank Hamillom ]
liHon Clothing Co.; M. §. Covdl, Lumber and Lauda,
Whitehall; I). C. licach, fruit grourrr; C A. Hai
ler cashier.
OFFICERS-U. & UuU. Praaideot; Jno. T. Be
Briililim, Pkank WaHoo, CaeMen
F. Titwa,
:-v ■'■“■'’] 1^:9 . ,;.
M Men » told bjr jhowe.«M&e only oM^aa Elk Sainda pmk.
^ d^diftcultiea in l^^waami^by the aniral or|hairfi
In 18SS Mr. ^Wadwot*
aoU hia
luyiog fupplie* brouglil. here in the tour <amliei—tliate oC Amoa Wood.1
i late fertics and earlv fiftie*. The 6ni Alexander
McVicat. Janea Me-1 wSt, to Jaaaca Rnte * Soon, ^
[tdl. after tbeircommg here, cupplm l^augMin.and a {undy named Bamex.\boat a rtoreand bni^ m a «oek
were tcni to Little Travcnc by mis
They wcic mtmg oppoeite each
it looked aa tho(«h Me Vicar removed to a lumber camp I arinier, Mr. M'adaaroth built another
take azn^ for a ti
ocher at 4he ubir, with Oliver 00
there wouU be a s<™>us lihactage nn- on Round Lake.
aaw-mffl. on the aite of ^ mffl ^
til meant were devised to have the
The winter of 1851 and’52 set in owned by Dexter«: Noble. Mt. Nortt••Look at that cat. now—ilic com
aupplies brought on to this point. It eariy and proved to be severe.
The am having chaige of the huamoa. TV
fort he'a takiar ^ Mra. McGimm,
was finally arranged that Mr. Northam ice on ihe^ bay formed nearh' three mill was subaeqiieBCh* acid to IL
I.. of which arm w*ft Dca-I thmk.’’ ahe comm- j
[and Mr. Wadswxjrth should go mAct feet thick, and the snow was three feet | Craw & Co..
lied, -it wai paitlr with bein to wore
So they procured the assLit- deep in the wwxk.
By tbe middle ter w,. the l«Kip»l p«tn«r.
Therr arc several of the old pk>- ydp of a woll Mr. Sort
coctakiaicare orthai yoang Manh
of two I'nduns and embarked of January the settlers' found themIn September. 1*65. Hcnty H.
dliqr an’ i^C—proa’ll be glad to know j neen still hnng in or near Traverse senbes how sometimes the wind would atmard the boats. Black Snake and selves nearty out of|irovisiaas. Twice Noble reached Hk
die poor lad bgettm'bener.howiom.i City who have watched the «>untr> shriek through the trees, allcmaiing Wabazee for Little Traverse, their some of their number went across the plove of M. Craw 4,^
ever, and the doctor gives me maist of j grow and prosper, and who could tell with dismal howls calculated to make food supply luring twelve [lounds of bay with hand sleds, to Hannah. I jy ol 1856. that firm wad disaolved. and
the ciedit—an* then it was dank as many intensely interesting stor es of stout, hcans quake, Sometimes the i
jjf pork, m-ith A: Co*s establishment, a^er dour. To- a new one was organiied, under the
midnight all the time, what with the j the old <la>i> when the rountr> was a
ind would wrench their |»nmitivc j
sugar, butt
^wvter.iea. etc Thev mards spring the su|iply of rtour gave name oil foster A: Noble.
In the
windyi bein'Slowed up an* all. though itocnr of wildne» that can only be lent from its U-«cning» and sweep it hafTim
ibeir boat a small cook- out. no rooir being obtainable at that course of the winter the saw roiU was
to be aufe 1 bad the curtains drawed imagined in these later da>^ when the away into the bushes, tearing them mg stove. .V^storm arose before they pUce. Hulled com was useil for a rebuilt, and in the sprii« the
doofi uyway. 1 was oop aesoral | younger generations are rca|»ing the shelterless. Mr. Northam and Mr. reached their^destination, and they while as a sulrstiiute for liread, but at commenced the manufacture of lumtimes joriqg the n^ (m I thoci it): benefits of the toil of their fathers. Wadsworth made Old Mission their werr fare to fatje with the terrors of last the store of com was eshausted. l»cr with faciUties for making three
to kapr the fire gom'. but 1 hail for- and carry ing on with a modem pro- home for two years. de\ oting their shipaTeck. Both boats were swamped. Some fisbennan had left a quantity of millu I of feet annually. The busigot to wind the dock in my haste to grcisne s|iirit the work so wcU begun attention to lumbering. On the ICih Bv dcsiMrraic efforts and braving of the whiiehsh in his shantv, r
finish your mittens (Tm prood that fifty year* aga
day of September the) <xmte«i around dingers of *ind and i«ier thev finally village of Torch like now stands, eraie stale till1H61. when agang saw
you're plascd with 'em), an* so I knew
Some of the old settlers have writ
uTit- —the ,____________________
|ioint and sailed along
the shores_ succeeded in saving Wir Ixiis b‘v Two trijis were madeto that plaic.
mill wa^ built, with a capacity of^cn
ng for
naught of the |OSsin'of
|iassm' of time.
tunc. I do ten intensely interesting sketches fo» of
of west
west lay,
lay, ttoast
for lumlier.
lumlier. The
The running into Pine River, now Charle- after some of the fish.
•r of the
kioru two
tmo hardy^-oung
hardva*oum! men remainetl in the
u... .i,_:_ ____ i:L ________ __
a__t tr
- remember thinkiitg it tofik a dale of this numl>er
the .M
okntm. K
On Ajiril
17, c.following, the ice lieTo the cnter|irisc and merg) and
wood the night, but you mind telling and each touching a different theme, place where Traverse City now stands
, ________
. __
far-seeing and wisely oondocted liber"-me I was not to stint ro)wclf on that, the various ctmtnbutions fomi an al- aliout ten da>>. When tbyy reached
al bu.sine» |»olicy of Dexter A: Noble,
Kach time I got oo|) it was still |»ilch most coin|ilcte irtor) of the early tla>i». here they hatl no food, and arriv ing |
the iwosiierity of Klk Rapdi and the
ilarrk, BO back to t)^ I'd go, thinking
.\motig the older settlers whose at night, they sought rest without,
surtouniling country is lately due.
it was no use getting oojj so long lie- work, inlluenre ami interest have having had anything to eat since they '
fore daylight when there'^acm not a heljicd to build up a laiH of rich^’ess left the Mission. l*he following momThe first soldiers to enlist fiom
blcSBcd thi^ 1 could do but
aru<md , and lieauty, is Sarnue‘ K. Northam, ing they sought out the saw mill of
Oraml rraverse county started from
and waste ilc, seeing you couldn’t get who is numlicred among 'I’raverse Horace B«ardman, khere they
uid regaled with a meal of plain fare, but Trav erse City on or about tbe l»th of
, and
home much before noon, and the din- City’s most esteemed inliab
Sei«ember. 18(51. Their names were
ncr ail providetk Oliver got |iretty who, with his Uothcr-in-law. A. S. whicb made them feel as tlumgh they I
as follows: Martin A, Hoo|icr. .\ndrew
onaisy, and 1 let him doon the trap.4 Wadsworth, foomlcd the village of had struck
struyk a iirettv
|iretty good thing. .\l
McKillip, Isaac Winnie. James Nicholthe Boardman mill* the) met Horat'c i
found out afterward that he had Klk Rapids,
son.fames Kitrpatrick, Wm. K. Svke*.
a Ik>v in 1K47, Boardman. Leans Norton and Ben •
helfied himself to the rausage, but one
Mr. North
Samuel A. McC'ldUnd. E. J. Brook*,
that year, Dunham, 1’hesc had come here only |
could hardly blame him for that, )>oor and it wifs in Sq»tenilKr of thi
l ew is Steele, Krank May. Aaron Page,
creature, being sair hungry, no duot.*’iwhen he was but 14 years of‘ »gc,
»gc that three months befort. and there were'
Or^lous Kvans and Thomas l.ec. Of
of no other people cxcc{>t Indians hc^e
he first liHikeed u(iun the beaut
looked up cx|»ectantly
these the first five hirf been for a long
>e lay ami the
th richness at that time.
caring his name, but now dropjicti • (irand Traverse
Wadsworth and Northam subsc
time in the employ of Hannah lay &
I’raversr forests.
his head back orf his jaws, while Jack W the (Irand Travel^
Co, On settling with them; Mr. Han
,livcf! in J*ortland. Ionia'’cniuni
niy.iin the qucntly went to Elk Rapids,
Uugheil heartily.
nah made each a handsome present,
•An* when the
:he men folk <am’ *4tK. and it was his love of adventure together cut the first tree to l»e felletl j
anti loltl them that if they «ver were in
lioundimt at the «locw." khc went <.», i and a .'etennmatu... to do w.mcth.nt! where that village is
<distre<s or in need offunds.todraw on
••I was clean vexed at ’em for tlisturli- for himself that indnceil him to jo n a The first shanty built there by a white
him at sight, and their drafts woiildiie
ing a dacent woman m the dcail of |art> of explorers from i;rand Rapids ipan was ere led. bf^ them, and this
hooorcil. W. K Sykes was shefHT of
night, till 1 l«ethdught me it might l»e in an ex|>cdition into the cop}K*r re- was the foundation ut what is now a
thecx>unty. McClelUnd. Brooks. Sceefo,
j»c»T soul was takken suddcnl) gions in the up|»cr |»eninsula. as an thriving business centre. They put
.May and'Page were from Northport.
bad. Well, the Lord Ikt praised.” she assistant
He iHl the exploring |art> in a saw mill. ad<i|»ting the primitive
,PbotoWW K W*'t)
Kvenswas from >\*hitewater, and I.ee
aildel piously, “lor sending me kind at Mat kinac island, and. at com|an
comian el current-|»ower
current-i»ower from Klk river, which
frt»m Cenlrevillc.
nacliors. I might have tliel there t.f by Mr. Watlswurthr t tasted tlowii H«»ws intti the lay al that |»oint.
Hutu in IMi fotold 1
froi the islanil into (;raiu! I raverse mill was a simple affair, but these two
Al the time of the lattle of Malvcm
cold and hunger for all the he’p
t’l.tNHI feel of lumlier a tlav
Hill, thefirst of July, 1W«, the Klrand
cx»uld give
It's a gutle mdn l«y.
move from the lav and ’the 'Praverse Ihjvs” received sficcaal coniin it.
and their slftve wa^ lost tiverNartl. gan
It was in Seplciiil>er
iiilier that the
•Mr. Pathrick is. ami a genilemon at
mg. ItHiking out uixm the mcmlatkin frimi their offkett for
The first piere of government land They. Imwever, managed iti save nexi
that. I’d lie glad to have his fine lel- landel at Ohl Mission, after hav
subsist u|Min unlir they lay. a belt of open water wxs seen. braver) and gtxid conduct.
hy entiugh
making ihe^Vhs- to l»e loratel in that localft
dy wife know my o|ieenion of him— U*en two weeks
D. Me ojH
an' she ttni protKl to live with,him be- lant e frtnii M kinac.
and vessel wurking her way
up Ihrii^h it.
joumev tliey ex|»er- R.vpids eight ears. He 1 d in IKT^. real htri Little Traverse in
cause, forsooth, he taks a drap too
le prot
proved to Ik* the si
t;rand Traverse coanty was first
h’,\" *lcath alter some ilifhcullv .ind minu nnis atl- She
sc htvoner
hooner LilH*rty,
getting tlicir of Rat iiine, ^^■|s., Captain .Miller, luad- organircil as a txiunty l»y
I^eg'Phey •am|ied mi the Mr. Norihain Waled in Traverse ventures siucceilcd
her diiMlam of |«or Mrs. Patrick, I experiences.
ctl with provi
soon islaiurc ap|iruvcd Airil 7, |B6L It
some sheltered City. He went to Cadillac to do supplies htmic.
c anew.
j shore each night i
while she piled Jack’s |4atc
S|iot. tlieir onlv coni|anv fveing the luml»enng m lHi4. hftt in all tlie years
i mu imu. Mr. v» auswt.rui Mamuv. iKiameti ov me men.
Hearing their at that time included what are odw
And ever after tlid Mrs.
re kon lime from the vear when she,^wlpsHing of the wind thiough the oflm business he made Traverse City j including his hired help and Mr. story. Capl. Miller at cMice hoistetl the cxninties of Antrim
pines’or maples and the tKcasional his headquarters. '
N«»rtham. all i»f whom lived m his c»wn out a barrel of flour and another of nau.
lost Christmas.
BoyiMMid ExiMfkMck «f S, IL Northa^
r r
The Great Bargain Emporium of Northern Michigan. Christmas shopping is of
some importance -To some, where the dollars niust go the farthest—to others where
the selection is the largest, styles the latest. The many stores combined under one
roof, doing business of a great magnitude shodid have your consideration, (xoods
are changing hands here rapidly, allowing no accumulations—hence, cure are fresh
bran' new and up-to-date rticrchandise. Our large trade places us in direct relation with the manufacturers, saving the middle-man’s profit. Our mode of doing business ought
to be an attraction to a cash buying public. The bottom, one price principle places us out of reach of ordinary' competition. Just now our departments are filled with
thousands of good things suitable for
The Boston Store
Humlrtdt of dozeoH of cambric, awiaa mod linen handkerehiefa, embroidered in neweat detiigna. fiom the p#*niiv kind to
tbe fineet band * mbroidered, lionght right, and prii*e rieliL
A job of
dozen ladiea* tine linen liemKtitchtd Imndkerj chiefa, worth 2.“ic em h.'our apeeial, 2 for .Th-.
100 dozen bemaUtched, plain and fancy bordtwl bandker/ ebiefa, per dozen. 2.V.
Large i«eU«ctioii of gi*nt a ailk, Swiaa and linen baiidker^_cbiefH -alao the initialed.
A eht^st protector, made from fin© all w/»oI Jersey Stockinet, in
all shades.. Neal, handy, and a life preH©r\er—price, ^ tt p
The best White aed Colored Shirt in the market.
well eiiriuxl. It reigns supreme.
Tbe **Monarch,'’
for style, finish and excellent mat^rinl. Just n*ceived n bran'
new Liie in all the latest effecU. Prit*e iJl iM m,,! $IMI
Bought t^specially for the holiday tivd<. The most improved
and laleal HltachmentH made from the lK*st UhIc aud Hilk w^b.
bing. 8uspeoder« from *V up. oOc bays a i>air fit for a king
of 2-( !>uip ImliM' kid rIovm. in loading ahadra.
*** i*> down of ladiea* nndreaaed kid gloves, in l.?iidiug abadea,
per pair. s*VA complete line of Oenfa drtwa and driving glovea and
mittens, lined and nnlined-alao Fur Glov. a.
We are sole agenU for tbe celebrated Efonfa Gloves for
iadiea* and g. iiU.
Ib Geat's NBCkweir we show u iieipoosin
, linoflSceitgoodi’
We pat foil shape.' extra gootl silk in onr ?5c neckwear,
comparing favorably with many *Mlc goods in tbe market.
Onr fiifo neckwear contains tbe best of silk. Ust of lining,
latest styles in puffs, tecks. bsiid b^ws. fonr-in-hands and imperiaU. Tis fblly to pay more for a lie—you gel no Ivetter.
oO dozen extra heavy boy's fleeoe*l underwear, fine gauge
trrbnitoiia, exceptional
* - value,
- 2m,
ailk taped front and pearl
For men and boys, at the x*ery old prices, which menus a sav
ing of io per cent. Sweaters for tbe Imby. 4 years old -bwtaters for the full grown heavy-weights.
2S Geit's Faocy Vests left
To elnse at r«Hlace<l rates. Among them the Vesl-Twoa, re
versible, single breasUnl on one side, doable breasted on the
Roseowild 4 Weil's Custom Wide TroisiR
Style. eh*gance. shai>e, grace, and beanty in every pair of
their make.
I'io |Mur
i»air mep
8 h»*a\y weight, fine all worsted face {latiUloons at the uiimatchable price < : $2sy
Our qock of mee's. boy's nod childrei's elothiig
OutiBfi FlaeneliedGeinbric Night Gowns.
Negligee Shirts led Uiderweirft(im 19c up to $2.00
Has never U*en as large—tbe selection it most complete, bought
advantagiHitisly befr>r« the ht^ivy advances—ws price them
much lower than market values.
These-goals w© buy in heavy quanfiti^ from the manu
facturers for the wholesalers, and we i?‘lail out to you 1
smallest qnaiilities at wholesale prices.
We show a most complete line of up-to-date footwear at
prices U*luw any exclusive hoXiae in the state.
The Urpst Depirtaeit of Hats aed Caps
In Northern Micbigmn -Uking np
feet of sivi-k*. fillet! with
up-to-dale headgear, in every t*oiKeivable 8hs|)e. (ioOtU frt*«h
and strictly in the swim. B^nty anti style added to the com
fort ill all of our caps. We are the sole agi‘iits for the ivlebraled “KOSWJELLE” bat-the only hat that does not fade. No
better hat made—strictly warranted in every resi»ecL We price
them at g2.B0.
Large Variety of Christmas Slippers.
Torluw hII walking and golf h»to ud Um rrowns nt T.ic
The liest pattern hat, nothing reserved! $3.00.
Our Dress Goods Department
('^dbih's of extensive Udca of op to-date fabrica aud ooloriue*,
aoitable for atl ag.-a, and pricea vithin tbe roach of all.
Dreaa Goods from .ic Uf H.OO a yard.
.. ...... ..
: y}
aa mad. TbiBkta of tbat ora nioea.
“80 1 hmr«. Ml ,00 Mot dwrr* «.
■Ifbtraiffcaaaieaaaaa boraetblef- TM rooac imMl.” tbe eqalre Mid.
be la darta to obieci to bla gara mai^ “Promtoe ne erbat I Mk. aad jroa mar
tylB a JonteB.**
bare a MTV a. k»c aa Cbrtatmaa.
1 aJwaja told 700 thar waa bIb Id Idance and frolic tbe whole week-yea.
qaar^er rarto Too and obi mao Ullam ; Ull old Cbrtatmaa If yon want to."
quarreled oret It 20 jeara hack." Wtt"Ton mean about marryln Bett •
Uam Jordao aald medltatlrely.
Tenoeaaee aaked airily.
Tbe aqotre aaorted a bit. "Be bet bound to do that. Ilarae Squire, but
me $10 OB fbat akewlwld of bla. and in promtoe «bto-l woo t oer«- d. It
tbea etolnW be'd woo becauae mj
aaddle tortied." be aald. "That abowa ■bouM lie done.
-WelL Berty rau*t betp that, ftbe’a
Vaod lookin and a mighty floe bouaekeefirr." Jin WUauo aald aooihlngty.
"Tob couldn't bare a liettrr. aqulre. 1 party
can't hardly bUme Tenoeaaee. A big biggeai thing tbnt ierer
famtt ^ bouae U mighty loiMwome with 00 wo rr'TalL"
HE ctocb ptej.< Tb« aqolir
m IB die liBrlc tt»«t be ebad't bare ber.
man In h. ni bet money yon won't
room of tbe Btof* I'd find ibat KeniletDBo here and come blame bhu. oHiher. time abe'a been
looked BP from to« a ptiipoee to flee bln tbe word tbaf a yrmrr .*
Uielr baBda aa a Ub ibe bark oo It.1 "I'll bet tbe houae anti farm ahe don't
"I alwaxa^aakl that bor'd flee jroa ercf come thar. not while my bend la
caaie Ib. Ko a<b^**tfaublr erer.aeore jou «'eBt.aBd fire hot," tbe aqulre roared.
w2e. *Ub toll
er realdeBl oT bln Ibat >offrmpb> nane.*' an oldiah
"I'll tale the U*t. Khe'll come and binir
nc-ya and a makeidiirt ghivd drive
Tlfer Tan could man. arbo bad joat come la. said for your aakln." a voire aald from
bare dlatracted abrtllj.
tbe door. TetiDe|ae«* alood tberf laugb- bwdlar 10 romlHroutort, from .be ,wo
fbm'io that 6^
Tbe n^iilre looked at bln aod lug heartily, lie waa a big fellow, aa gatea upon tbe big road a humind
Kor 1^ peny lK«b ca.ro
TtferTall cbockled afalo. "It bad to be Jo«Taphj tall and well nuo«rt.tl aa bla fatber .jr.rd..w.r.
were* aet oia*n. Everyliody rode or
Pier'rlibiiMtlc." be aald.
^BUme waa alight and uitherwl. yet the pair drorei even lbo oeareal uelgblKMw. IW
rflonr. Xrt mbWM upoo Krotuckr
jour akiD. Blit Jordan, jou know that were nirlou-l, alike. Tliey t.ad the
a. dark and kept
coar»e. down
•ot of roarae.
on anj mapa. not na wHl aa me. Heben broiliera of oa. aame olnillnntr ehlna. the aaiiie bright
•Y«« tli^
‘ loral
To lie eaacto Ita all to ooe poor oelfliborbood. aod tbe dark eyea. exactly tbe aatiie level hxik. eominc un.llUockK-k.
Eveu U forc «U|.i. r plaj lnc to can
acrarate- laal one of ua (00 lazj^to more
TenncwiM'e made a fUah at Ida father, wlHi cnwl aiilrll. Tb. ro »a. a r>K.m
I7 ooljr bjr outlaod f«ni. who. aaj thoae
old mao Solomoo
caught him umler tlie amia and drew Cln u U|. .0 II ln.b«I. .ince m.l a few
of Tiger Tall lire In aocb III coodJ.
him to hW f«-et. aaying aa the iMiulre
tbe comikacy liad ndlgltiua ac'ruphn
Booed redoua aa IV^auro bollow. QMi aa tbe real of job nelt'ber. 'Hme fumed and wrlth««d In hia hold; "Pa,
. Wildcat. Teaaa iDd tbe Cooiiej range.
beguB to mlae a fanllj foo bad don. you ain't nlch aa mad a* you think, the lablea were
.hero would b*
0tiU tbe Tiger Tallera do
not quite bled nnd tHW»led 00 aU ibe
j Anyway, le'a atop quarretln till after dancing.
deny tbat Tiger Tall exiata.
They are ficrtpcber nameo.**
'"-lalmaa. I fa JeM two weeka off.
‘ "I>oo't you reckon tbla la aorter n
thing Hla father cyt^h^ui^aa be went
^Howdy. aqolre> Want to play? jodgmcot 00 you. aquliel ttemenilwr
alHiui aiulling.
anda. anting
Take tijy baud." Jim Wllaoo, ibe'atore* bow many nioaway couplea jou're
every <*ue at lively ea»e. iM*elug
iMHdug to
to eveviMwper, aald. maklog aa If to riae from married"- anotber of tbe clncb pUyerything and fM-b-mlng to make friendly
tbe ta!»le. Tbe other three pUyera era l*egau.
aervhv a pleaM.rv. w ith ever growing
Utigbed wproartmialy. "fle'a a lieauiy
Tbe a«]ulre alleuced^lin with a look,
pride. Then* were no boateaaea.
boy; iliat'a wbat Jimmy la." one of "I>o you think I'ul
goln to
"We ran t aak one of our kin women
them aald. "lle'a juat nine under the omcc
by 1 not dolo #bat
I waa 'lected to
to help without madding all the 1
teble. aqulre. Of coun
tq dor be aaked a
' the aquiro liad aald to Tenneaaec.
ried nmawayayea. twenty-eebeo
Still the aupiH-r waa mlract
Tbe^aqulre laughed.- "I'll pUy and couple-bui every Uat one of 'em come
be aald.
ef 1 Imwi i1m*oi rai la over thar have written conacota from the par
wlie ilia yi-re
OH* and
y^muat do me a little 1 all favor."
enta before they can git a llceoae. la
Hhc had aald.
. "A
Anything yon ray. aqulre." Jim It my fault tbat I liap|M*o to live on
a table
The roault
>ald. banding over tbe carla Tbe the atralght road from Kentucky to
tbe letter Z. drafanl In white, garlanded
•quin* eborkle<L hot maake<l It with a B4‘ltalK>ro? Of courae mlne'a a bandy
with eveiOTi-oa. Ilghtiil with many
•cowl aa be aoawered: "«**lier not place to them young folka All they
nmdlea and Showing all down the mid
promlae loo braaU. aon. Wltat I want eot to do ta t</ have tbe llceoae waltln
dh- a n.w of big ici^l raki*a. brave In
la for you to ibrmab Tenneaai*e. Tbluk tor 'em. and tney rv wJirrH<ii naru aira
holly and rut pa;»er trimminga. Ib*.
yon can do ur
fait, aa well aa a preacher couM do U.
i sUh*. all that pile of euf ,-nke. at least
••Why. that la aorter Julwua." Jltn ef I do nay H myaelf. lime tbey'vo been
«. I hen* were null*. rjindh*s,
Mpooded. Tbe othera let fall ibeir half ao boor 00 Teonetuee dirt."
big i»o\vu i»r
fnilt III pyra
carda. looking alguinrantly om- at the
"S'poain your Teonraace ahouM run
of ntubnoila
j;.lly. oil.er tN.vvN
•tbrr. Tom Turner, tbe ar|iilrv'a part- away"- tbe aquire'a brother began.
supplenuTit to bol
®er In tbe game. Wiilatled aod aald.
"Wliere'd be run tor tbe aqulre InTkK UR WUIttig"
ten*. niRKt turkey, roast pig. sti-aming
atUl pnralng hla ll|ia:
terrupied pointedly. "I hear old man 1 want a Wg party Chrlstmaa eve.
cofr.*<> and lM*aien bUeult.
"So 1 au|»|MMe Tmneaaei*’a mind !■ Mllam a altoiit aa ahy aa I am over tbe You've always proml^iwHhme I might
"Say. aqiilnv no wonder you ain't
ura«rh. Tluifa ooe thing tuakca me have U wluu, | c„u,e 'Jl."
kei-n after a liou««-ke<nsT." Touk^Tur-
jm xnim al ble elbow ondced blia
.Mndf. My(M la a auce wbleper.
-Alot .TOO vol aeoae eooosb to baow
aqulre aod Tcotieaaee ain't namln tint
aobject do more ontfl New Teor'ar
-I oofbter a* knowed. I oeeer
Tom Tonirr'a aboulder.-he Mid Is M
loodrac. Doat official voice to tht gslT
hklden in Cbe Iraggy'a enrenosB tm
"Do yoo and nrak of yon aolfitf
-S^’roarro bed welked tw*, wltb- ngrro and covnmnt befote AlmIgM/
dim looked .nro him God and tbeae wltocaacd to tnkt ssi
-j,-, , pin„b .Mme be wool keep 9%ck other for beftar or M
oDi‘ you’re mighty apt to are and benr
the Ollier." .
"BaiuuJ to be tbat a-way. Tennen*
and Patrons
rhrtelm.. run.. Tbe.eTe
It.ktor.o ^:\';2w.'o;.»To'7pUe'o^'f
"Bfalde*. they ain't comin
tlwr round up lowart. Keo-
1 -t iw,. i#*- -
rvMiPbiM** tim.
d"r:c"o„T?,:;n «"
crowd p.ll.mll at hi.
h«r hoima. and wbcel. and
,„,k, boUccInr- he .hnutod lark ovro
,,,.r a« be dar.nl down the
Ptepa T»-mic*MH* waa cloae liehind
Imrt.nt AU
the rtwt roul.l hear now out ujion the
medley hIiouih. ,-rlea. rumea, gallopwhirring
I 1*^1
pnneiiuited now and" again
by aharply
.-Uunaway.: They're comin In! Bear
T-hey'ro through the gate! Hero.
your lanteni r»*ady: You'll have to
• quirk Job Ilila tliiu*. aiiror Tom Tur-
from the doping pair.
-Theu. by virtue of tbe antbortty Iff
me veated. I prooooDce yon nan BSd
w^fer tbe aqulre sbonted. inakla|( •
dart at tbe bu^ and fllnglbt
tbe rolve. "Come In. come In. ygff
young i»eople." be aald. "Leave ma tff
talk to tbe old man."
"You'll have to. pa. It'a yoo be*i
moatly mad with." Tenoeaaee Mid,
apringing om aod banding down bM
bride, a talk pretty glrk mod aplaabcd,
disheveled and amlling tbrongb baf
Tlie aqulre. after one long, gmaploff
ataro. waa fully hlmaelf. "It U mf
matom and privilege to—ahem!—klat
the bride In nneb caaea." be aald. pfeMIng hla llpa to her forehead: then t9
hit a«»n. "Take her Inaide. young mas.
I doDt forget yoo woo tbe farm Iff
wlnnln her."
"N... you don't take her Inside." a^int
one crlcHl from ten yards down tb#
drive a iM-cond after. Old Mao Mllaifl
had llting hlmaelf off hla bnrae nod
waa tning to Uy bands upon bif
Btpiiro Jordan atepped^n front of tb«
angry man. "I rtv^kon wur old grndgt
U M ttled fur ua. tlenn.** be Mid. bold
ing out Ula band. "Say. ain't yoQ
ridin tonight aome of tbat Mme old
akt*wliahl atm kr
Old Man Milam qpdded. Be could
If to lipeak.
lieai In tbia mnawny •
known that waa TiS«
span." . tbe aqulre went off
judicially; then, with a wblmsIeDl
chuckb*. "Henry, don't it strike yog
w*e'\*e lieeo a couple of foola?"
oulT^FVtcb the
"It does look aorter tbat way," Old
He knows me-George
Man Milam aald, aod then and tbcfS
p,.p,l«e: Hen 's the I
aquiro. tbe pair ebook banda. and a feqd cMlcJl
, know-wiole
- them.
upon a fianring and foam 1
-He 'em quirk St
Tliar ain't a minute to low*,
all rlghi. I tell yon! Thar they comethai ctMiple In the buggy aheadr
The fsiulro M-emed to swelk to etand
nn imii taller, lie could bear at»nve
the lalNinnl ivanritig of Ibe two horses
whieh drew the buggv the oiil**e of oth
er l.onu-s r—w SM.furiously, cries and
To Oar Friends
glBDctag glara. Studying blranalf m
!i 5
Hwkl«« DIatJeeTiwM.
"Do you know roach about moak*r
"Not a greet desk" wnswerod Mr.
Rufsbotl. "But I've managed to ffguM
out that If you bear anything In ff
theater at tbe cost of $5 per aea^ If•
art. asd If somebody alnga tbe ianra
tiling Id ao adjacent flat, or bammerfl
It out on n pUno. It's nn infermil rackat
I'm getting oD."-1
Havana Smokers
Is made in two sizes.
“Pig Tai”
Nineteenth Century will end December
3|st, i8qq. Durinjj the last half of this centur>' wc have been grinding the products of
the Grand Traverse region, such as wheat, corn,
oats, rye and buckwheat, into flour, meal, feed,
In all our dealings with vou, we have
endeavored to deal squarely and^^htmestly, giv
ing honest- values for all products pu leased by
us, anjtia-riexchanging our manufactured products
for your raw material, have endeavored to give,
not only the highest market price, but the best
product that skilled labor and the lat^t improved
machinc!r>' could make. We intend to remain
with you for another half centur>' or more, and
will endeavor to keep the standard of our flour,
feed, meal, etc., as high in the future as we have
in the past. Bespeaking for ourselves a fair share
of your patronage and assuring you that wc will
use our best endeavors to merit the same, we
Yours very truly,
The cigar, they all try to imitate, is lOc straigh*; the, '
smaller size. 3 lor 25c.
Thete are staple goods, and no well regulated house- |
hold is complete without a supply of these goods on
for 5c b the best tlut ctn be pitiducid firor
tobacco and skilled l^r.
Th^ are the cigars that jn^Trayme City famous.
Manutactofcd fcr
A Claasenf
dta •rii aad laai 1
hv tmlkad abet
tad ta ow aterfc
OET «cf» tall»rmly wtm ^rtrj twp.
loc oor saocb-^
tbwrklH^ md ppMfd thiwifli d«n»
O t
r I r.» jcntm Id Uht dHfli lietwM pttiv
pwv whllr
CbVlstiDDsr ••'
with D
„ m
blni for blD
"TbD flrot
CbrUtnm* that I
renM‘iut»er ckarb«T
lD»<Tllii»d ^ih maojr nirioas lo•ctIpttociN DDd rod** pictum. frblcb lo-
.ilf r«t rl^tV.
M old
iM* PDMird at ib^ bo»a
I waa C or 7
and by the aame token It
taoat ha% e iM^en 4o y.-am or more ago.
•n'oii riitmt know that 1 waa a e..ootay tiiluialer'a a»o. My fatbei^a charge
Mlt on tbe CJr.-. k tempi.- |«jti.-ni. aod
Mf a dmu u little rt-d m b.K.lbomwe
ptrrbed on the ei.- p bllM-bn, and m-aiUag lo iliH .1.-.-1I valb yp. ..r one of the
m09t Oorlb.^Nl.Tly .-..uiitJea of Pepoimlranla: .Ml tbn>iit;li tbnt r«-glnn'lbe
pater wn« know n n» tin* .‘bb-r.* and tbe
_________ I of Ibi* . l.iir.-b orgaiilrjitluDa to
tahlrb be ruiiil»ten‘.l Itn.k luma enterlb.* . l.b*r ah.l Ilia 'family on
.\.> afnib-. otir t'brlRimaa
plalla lmln.l.-.| ri.rMu.:... t-x.* nod two
DT lbr.-4*
tb.-r. nfi. r. and mi It wna
ttUa tlmi*
nxn*^.ti Mallory llv.*.! t.-n i:.nu\ mlb-a
dway fi"in n.i- aiory Iitid II half brown
Jhoua.* Ibat ki.mhI III (ill*
of a triflieodom. Me
of foiie ajid b. im
lack limU*r wben* w.- IIv.hI. «nd. tb.-re
^ ^«T njocb
wr drov«
•*1 «>• Introtlj «todjr:Dff Dome of
tlMiplnui^ nti^l laarHiifloo* wUfO mw
lojii im jo luok ftlM«d DDd 'llii-n
for-wh*t I uw
1y foi
f br I
I to» tbe
tbf brow of tbe
***“ “*»
; aalUMl outa.
U'f '/niisnu±
<» ,
’ JC ,.*<««•» •» w«wf.
phinv. lii.i l.iu.-r cnrld. tbai v. ar. and 1
gtall ue\er l..ig. i u.e nue to lue a.*apno'a.
>*•«'*“• •*»'« « pHuilllve iiilll. wIili
bi.ng'il >av s, openii.il witb an old
fm»biou«*d mid.*r>b.n wai.T wbwl.
U. a.-..ii’a made quite
b«Mu..el..u ..i.
Jonrn.y ttieri*.
a M.nwiulll and
»I. HI \ ivini.Y '
tl.**l young woman in im* n.otn. am! I i
Like.1 b. r n l*.t
I.rit«-r 1 lobl b. r wliat
l»nrw in tia.l w IiIkim'iyhI In 4u> ear. and
1 .•ouMn'l iimb-r^T.iiMl wb> «)ie |!m.lu*d '
KorrI Ides I’mr a ll.rUlms« f*srtr
so vividly
llm she
(.I.^mhI '
Will. Sants < lsM« In i:« idetaee.
Imi lUM- I g;iv.* b.T Ibe lolig .-ml of tnv
Tbe fullowoig .|eMT.,.l...ii ..f ri . bi IhI
b:id -goi me %vis!i.‘ and
man tuii. lo-on w dl Is* w« b i>me«l. I II Ui
•l.iy in Ibe f.db.wlng June I was
sure, by tlM.-e
bo ile^Kv .i iuA.d wuy
fatbex. pr.»nouneiHl
•'•7 ■"
ifr r;:'!E"rr.
liniilH-rilig b.|..i
pr.«i sb-am iiillU. witb einde
••At nmt otir road aws on the le<» able
pf a gi.-al in-e i;r..wn.tl ridg.*. 8belt«*r
pd, as wv Ibeu w.*n*. fiuiii the biting
•rind, wesearvi ly nali^il b..w low ib.*
tatalM’rnliir.* hum, ninl. I In* |.atli U-ing
tatU |»a.k.-.|. rriH.kf.Hrl i.K.k iiH ov.i
l yi Oiristmas Present
Can be selected from our stock of
Wc arc showing a new Knc
of latest styles only.
3ien's Slippers
I'limb. Wlvi-I, Goat. Kill. Felt, Beaver and
Uur. .V), (K). ;.-i; JlOo, $1.UI, $1.25 and 11.50.
Ladies* Slippers
Kiiia iu black. Tan, ami White, Beaver and
Felt, plain and fnr trim, 60,70, t*0c, $1 00. $1 .‘25,
$I 40 mid n *V).
and Overgaiters
Beaver, oaiivaa and Jeraey’t, 20. 40,*50. 75, ItOc,
11.00, $1 25 and $150.
and ib-c-ur.itii.n^ an
{M-atitig tliai form.
:____________ ___
an |K.i.Moie re-
rovers wer.'dald for 15.
In front
of e.neb a Jolly old Siiuta ri.aus. nimlo
of <*«.iif«a ll**in*ry. was \v.*lgbt.*d down,
not by bis iiMial |«iek. but l.y a red
M.M-kmg >-oniatiiiug d, lie Ions candlea.
isisiiug of a s.|uare
gregatioti ^ g.ntb«*r«nl on tbe Sunday
iiiiig waju*.! iu vain f.ir bis spiswri*. 'l'b.*rt-uiN>u one of tbe olliee benrerr. of tin* cdiun b |.r.*M*m undertook
tin* M-rx'ie.*. Totally uuawnre that Um
absent |M.8iieber bad r.H*«*nily married.
be . bs trlll.sl and amiiMxl bis audk
by nnmnitiHieg as bis t»*xt. ;Tle
in.*irri.sl a wife, and tberf*fore be CAP........................................
Zealand Herald
siuirsHrfvUiib* rill
A bride nitwi f.H*l rut her e)ii*np when
ridative glv«*s her away.-C’bUago
urigln.nl us
“TUni niKbi I «kpt «mi iwu of ibe
A Teat That CWoght. J
* me ■«.
ess F«r
of .nt.ru.mng lb* u fru-n-N at fbii-l
Vanib Ilian anil wife,
lb gilt, bad an atLltlb* tMiurbi
8lMer told mnmrom
It w.n^ gi^.n i;i*.i ^.ar l.y
told w bat my wish bad am* liui.*
with yo^a.-rday you
IS IduT, to iK* a >11.
! a young won.;u. to il,.- .lo mU n. of b.-r
suiiable gns-t\ug. tb-ian.
a name and .Ul
r^ Illess me!" s.*tbl the luinker. Tv# ' c h.l. ami u> ail wi n* lull of tin* mei ' .,„,j
Mr Skliupley^A polUlelanl 1
let my eigar go .mil”
rum iiiH of lb. « Urmiiiia* m*;im>u they • suv,M-i,.bH| from tbe ebambdl.-r by
'*'■ '
wby .1,,. thinks so.
OsnonM Si'ENccR.
tbonniglily enjoyed iti. fuu pn-|uired ’ |y .mIoi*.*.! iiblNiu« wer«* favors sluifs^rj.
8lie saya yon can do
lha smuv St a llv. ly cb|.. tb.* Jh IU Jm
4t»*, (Mta. ,
The following extraordluary/eotncldenia* .Haaimal at Tiiiwald recvutly: A
young I Member, wl.o has lately maprtisl. wuK {damn'd to take tbe morning
serviiv. but l»y n mlsnwding of the
pbiii. b.* iuiNto..k bis a|iiiointtu(-Dt for
- "•* ". r.- all lu fairly
helng fw.i f.*.*! of ao..w on tbe ground.
w bad to .o^er the u-u mile.. Ill a ruttar baiibMl by
n.. ii.y faib.*r
ilM* ungainly I.H.kiiig young
be ,.lrt.\’.‘
uisUIng Ilia wl.b lv
pcattere.1 pn*t*»ral r.ilU
Tbe .biy befOfv t brlsitiiMs wiik. clear nml sun-
«* •* *»-
r«.fQ o’er M the osfta
time we. bad p<»t over tbe bri^d baett
of the bill and dow^ into lbe\tlley lo
wbl. b tbe d‘-a‘‘«n i. boui.* wna «ltuat.-d
tbe buiiian beiiipM In tbe i«arty went
more than bulf fn»reo. while Cr»M»kfoot w iih II. ally exbauNUNi Onte iu Ibe
The guessing game waa extremely
A grotewiu
log. stuffed full sod IImmense In slae.
was laid upon tbe table, aod the guenta
were Informed that they were to tell
what was Insble by mendy finding of
It Kaeh one was glv*»n a sh.vt of paper aod iM i.eU and was allow.Hl 15 min
utes to nx*or.1 gm-sses, Tbe prire for
the most eomn-t list was the stocking
anil enni.-uts. and as tbe stoeklng waa
! full of
toys of all klmla tha
It, and for tbe oexl* tbre.*yifoartem of
an iM.wr we all. lorludiifp fr.»i.kft«jt,
bod pli-nty to do to
tlif hn-atb of
life ap.iinp. Tlo- auow won drifting
wildly, and of tbe tmek. so wi-11 Im-af
e‘n In tbe NbeltemI I«rt of tbe roinl.
out a vii^tlpf- wan to In* IM..11 lly tbo
abelii r Jipain.
oeedlee. ^taming
ling cottoa aad
stockings with
cut lo then and
! told that they coold have 15 1
to show their akill ta darning. Whea
I the time was up. a rote waa takea
; to see who nertted theprtoe. the lucky
; young woman receiving a beantlftil
; calendar. Foi the knitter who did tha
poorest work there was a photograph
,of a stocking with a big hole in tha
heel aod a mao gaalog at
itMJs, plan
l the sight.
Vrj> Wtaattawnrerac taarafra^Ha^i^
•*lly tb«* lime 1 «raa ready , for tba
drift Hip tmow we were lo tlM* nildat of
the prel-
•• *Tbr •a-iiid l« bloatuc OP lb«Ti».
aonuf. anil I It won*i 1.0 as pk-awtni
wlii n Wf pit to fbi* top aa It la bj any
Wrap y«ur romforti-r cloaa
alHiut your .am, my Iwy. or tb.y U ba
ataopta taft 9k aoflta hted tar racy glil
prarat. ylthcr a Chialila. Icctar epara;'
peari handled knlta or a adchpta. Bn>
tween red candka twratag tt&dar tad
ahaden low gtana -ranee M twn ar
OKire caywatloQa. placeQ at diaional
coroeiw wreathed la smllax. Larm.
nparkllng cot glaaa bowla ware piM
with fruit and Sowera, and ta acata aC
bin aad^^
Cha kD of the dracoD-a fHtat
pood. anowtDUUig and other taddCAts
made ChrUtmaa nwratag paaa fait
CDoogb. I aaaore you. And after that
caiae the Cbrtatmaa dinner!
-AU tbe deacon> mlU haoda and
none of bla oelsbbom partook of ibat
dloner. There were two big tablea and
one little one. We tioya and aome Utile
flrla eat at tbe llttie one. aod there
were morT fulka at aU three than 1
had ever liefore aeeo together any
where exc-pt at meeting.
-The main dIMi of that dinner warn
There were eooupb/ wl«bbonea for all tbe cblldnn to wlah two
or three ilmea over, ami tbe fun every
body bad waa lmm.-aHunildy aatiNfylog. even If tbe mannem of ev.-ry one
preaeut were homely aod tbe talk more
hearty aod wboleaome than graceful
and ele\ er.
“Wben It came my turn to wlah,
Darw in Mallory, thf dbaeou’a 21 y.-ar^
old .M.ii. i.dd me what to wUh-Tbat
iMtmprroii* bDiik*
DC tbr atockloga ta CiM
Ib. y
le dining room,
of tbe table,
laMi*. w-.‘nw.-re us
wen- at.|Mo{,rtaie to
likt* *t4N-l,ings. inn*le of t.ab* gns
S*II silk. ,s^ tmi«tnm b.tnlkin tviiboiit cammltUo'
wltb laee niMint ilo- top. and ex.inlslte.
-Cbb-agu, TIuuw Herald.
iod earb
V' tainted'{.rays «»f b«*lly .n.lorinsl
I'M-n el.w,. ln-.|».H-iiou tb.*se ”Ut-[
Ibe .H eUM^tn
.MiHi.mg-. o, re
Iben*. e\ 1*1 y w hei e.
eak.N v;ce;j
‘•Ok'ivH of gns-n In the
wan a sbais'lv but
M..re tb.n: *lis> ni. n ami women tuiTp
|h*c u fr.*r,itently ronnt.Ml at
dm-ing tin*
summer at tbe gam*
nt Ibiteiide.
: LOGS : j ; /.f
J'' We are prepared to purchase Maple
and Other Hardwood Logs.' .
I To be cut 12,14 and 16 leet lonj.
Hemlock Logs
To be cut 12, 14. 16,18, 20. 22 and
Ladies’ Dress Shoes
Pinffrae “Compoaite" at $3.00, Herrick’a “Cyr
ano," at $3.00, Herrick’a • XaUonal,- at $2.50.
and 24 feet long.
Men’s Dress Shoes
Box Calf. Cordovan, Enamela, Kid, P*trnt Calf,
.A'laeol Tan Calf. Tan Kidt. 8260, $3.00, $350i
$100, $4.50. $5.00,.$^00, $7 OO' ana op to $10.
A Fancy Unc for the Babies
'in 15 different ^colora-vary saw and atyliah.
" Frank Friedrich
Its Fnint stmt
Hie OMRdUWc Shoe Man
Write us for prices
before you sell.
JOHN F. on 5 CO.
: ■
19 ^
tHE CMtisTusans.
wkkh «nc»
BtipAd HMs Abeat TbcfrlfMiiI* miMteii. lf.» tkteii Made at
futwc at Hwbc.
heBC. H aOcht m t» gA of Its klad
*ad a* mngf aad acrrlraable aa if tt
BAimitiraonwKAni niEEi. , tui
It BWt Dot be tODCbca kDt it
tD. AW »*^l**- << fTMlDftltlr hDMMM tbbt
pDetHnerd i•4Beor cbelD•lcrtetoclD•
plored to faory anlcW. lu iDteoded
MriMMe bHaff to fire U» _
j DtrractbeD then. B« vbat
iMy OO
DO bHtor
Tbere !• proleitilr
bHter way
wnj of' !»«•*«•"> to yoanally aaodt OM
i>liulaKni>b» (liaa tv P"***! card*. #n^pa, or at imt a pirc*
toldlif rtrr of sibutocnii>l»
fllttlDff tbrio ID
omt from the dry foods ebope.
miD pnitert#(d from
1 Tbe Imrb ^of
pb bolder
WOTJ Of bear/
Ptocr Of wood
Id here dosea. of plKn<»rrmph. dUpUr- |
Dd About oor*» room. Errry one of {
U om t Mrl^AMWr
Ja^^ wD^“tiiT i fL!" *“ i=i 'll
Wmm Win BAdr of aDk vbleb li Allke-oD the Ivb*
ndee* DO adU the wekbADd to Iteed.
Tery aoMH flforea aod subdued colera*
‘ Are Alwmja to be cboseA. A ptccure IB
flr^i of the two abapes. but the ^
mao who Is uocertaln of ber^ wool*
better buy a cheap tie of the dealreA
Atyle. rip It apart mod use It as a modtd.
•# Icr cfram. o^ac c«r pUit <>« rtrb milb mUat
Tbe ATCrAfe BortAl
OO looMBf orer A col- j wiaaiP..
«ws .M «ut ISM
IccUoo of Xmas me>: •*
ous has a fellow feel.
lof wttb the boofry
uareler who weoi In- mm r»iA^is TMOies Ri>kt oo« as
to A fcmaaiom aod | “*
told the waiter to
a rood atorr c^e* from Atlsnts..
bui tbe iDckleol baiVtHHl several seatl>ii
OO the biu of fare.** But the •on. ago Tbe ociw^km
a .web
most remember that the follow- churrh weddluf. Tbe edlflc^d
feasts Lave U*eo pUnued for the ' gloriously dei-oniidHl.
that there U a lim'lt to human capacity
giru Vnd Tm'iZ^T^bo
for asslmilatloo. Surely tbe best |r tka»Klui*
th»* jiui** 4-iiiu* tK^
always dJmctth to decide opoA
D fifi for A mAn. \IThat few Artidea
aiipropriate be usually possesses
dupUeated sevetal limeA and that to
panicularly the case wHb homemade
The im»si rnmable iriftA
are those whose dupUiwiioir
uodesIraMe. such ihlufs as
hatHlken thf. aud cra.atA f.w exAm««
• ^^omemade lie.
true ibai be Is oflcD
TDo IMDesoAStor DtIaa Well PrssssB
Made to • OsAIm OBcIaI.
-Yea. tbe clothes a msD wears OBtet
a rreat deal of differeoce la tbto world..
; especially In ot&claJ life.** rvmarkedl
tbe private secretary of a cabinet olBjetak who Is «x>uipelled to see manr*
,u,. ,f
b. ,
people and to bidd many more pcoplw
, %t l«T.
degrres In-foodnesa. should aaOa- nian mud ibe «mi iatlug clergyman
I “1 was espec ially struck with tho*
wein* taking their plait**. Tbe churvh
imponsnee of clothing some time agoworgan was piwling forth tbe sounds as
continued the omclak -when tbe aaof M^utw wtHldlug UIls. F'ashlooable
alstani seennsry was mlm-nt and It.
p(tiple^dre*s4*d for tbe octwsion occu
was my duty to sure all tbe callerw*
pied the seals of the handsome church.
otf the seervtary. 1 do tliat often, but
It soTjapiM Ued that uue of the imges
; when the assistant secivuiim are bera
bad In Ihe ni>h of busluess prv|iarathey help a gn«t deal.
tory to drvsi*iii« for the iKt-asiou Ux*n
•*\VelL I noticed 4UL tbe
luring over to the t-are of a mime. As
^ irfcmfl to that I bad no ironbto la^
he pr»to',.,Hlttl down the loam aisle of
keej.iUg pcoplf away when I wore my
tbe ehur. h In tt.ii»io*u.v vi lih the other
, Prince AlU rt and looked like the reali
youngsters, who in white satin suits
thing. When I told them that tbe sec*
were doing the honors-of €*aeh resjM*c1 rvtary was loo busy to see callers, they
tlve household, he suddiiilv espU*d his
tht»ught 1 owntsi the whole place and
mother siiiiiNt in one of the |vwa
walkt-d away without remonstrance or
^ without saying that their business waa
pbylii;? softly as the wedding iiarty
. very liuisirtani and they^ were aura
pasHi-il lo the altar. Then, above the]
they would U‘ s«> n If I would Just UkA
gentle siniius t»f luiisle elear as a bird |
their natiu s to the iHHT«*tary.
j cuuM U* hi-an! the voiiv of the aforv* j
j -Wbeu I o*,rc an average looking
said Miiall Ito.v.
busluexs ►n’t. which iidght bnik Just w
-M.n:iiua.” he shrilly crlitl. *^urs»*j
lltth- bit shabliv. the riilh rs didn’t I»ay
put on my fiamles wm>ng shle bi'fon*. i
niili h aitcnti,.u to wimi I said. H waa
and I eau'4 hardly walk!**
« nut^TViVs MCKTirA... mor.* .Ifili -nil than you can ItdagiDc to
oY einirsd* the h.»n
tnniiiiua t*ould reliu tnm to wear eieu a boaaht
ll Is is.-e«d.ie. gel tln iii t«> gii^aw ay. TlM*y would find
do n •l.ing but Uush - .arh j. but lifu«d ►••h^ted by
Kinds ..f e\,u>es to remain and towouM hiovi \. r.-to toci-on.,.- !;!► prejudice?, il
a |•r;l>« r
tie- y.»Ulig
ke* p Mill fioai that lime ou .Vud he one can maK. a He wl.s. !, .► uu.rt- at
difTeience was j*o apdl l ami
Ki-** fn-iii trn* ii\c t!;a:i the pun hu^«-d ou.-^. ’!»» »^»*<ritri!y
. Ik* noticed by olWm In
the bride at tie-. h.-e of the o r.‘:ii*.uy. tlmt cud tiev* r atlc.,pT a tim*le ui>
fiiuml tlmt
that U
U paid
Tl.i- N .a tnm Mo. i at, 1 . at. b- lom U- lu^itt. w hicl, .uu oidv U- su.-v-e--..ful.> *1“ »■••••*"•. *1 f‘dmd
me to go
C-.I for by Jh.»^e who attcujed the w,-d a.vompli*.hed by profe^^. .mUs. Tlo-re
dre.s*s| ou all o<-<-aslons and that
ding-t;ale^burgp;a 1 Mall.
ata* straight
of ^al.ous sty h-s J,"”'*’*,’
__________ ^______
to U* lte*| by tlo- wearer wlm li re^iuhv /•'** »‘,*ad
I only u*-:iit:. sK ami g.M»d taste to l*e
uronsd rioor Dedrooms.
j ,i-a-lly made by the ai-iaieiir I'h’ief'
< «.l»ed Words.
Then iK.laugei in il.e is.n.us cliarac- ‘
CnlmHl wo„l.! I have made a IltllAIcr of pla-ier ei il.ngH. w hich an* *
have a nariuw uc. Ub.iu.I aiol study «'f 111. Ill iiijM-lf, always with>flei. very ij.m itideen. n,,- ..rdiuary
n-s.ilis. L always ruB.
are wider nt oue ... u.lh emln ;,„.| ate
^N»fliiig is -..uly n js»r*ms ili;i].hrag!u
Iht.rlit.* .1 with -nn.ti.sl O.H..U t1..ui,.-l ac-r.KM them aft.r •itsi'oieriiig
•n.ie,-iMe by gxises will, eous.der.,‘.h*
1110 jyears iH-forr tkA* ,
1.. give thi-tu llrmii.-'s It Is is.s-.bte Miinewlier.- at**.,It ino
doiu.“ The vitint.sl air of sitting to scl.s I Very 4ttra« liv«* and suitable birth of flic iiiieiiTor.
tor. I om-c evdnef a
iiM ihen-fore fr»s|uently finds its uiateiials f.ir ihett. i.i the dr«-ss stik name, nwav Iw, k In ISTf*.
isrr*. for one'of’
through itibt b.-ilr.H>ms. The lint
cvunier, materiaU whieh arv tuueh iny so laU.Nl htimorous elinractcra—
.MiKiie.it J..urual asks any skeptie*
mon- reilne«l ami deli.-tiie th.-in tl.o*^ miderbaek. I put the l«ld.*rl«ick fam-to •••.-.m.isire h!s UHtily and m, nial seti
usually made up si ui.-ii's furiushmg
leatioiis after sh-. piug m sueh a ns.m slun-s Half a dozen four ... hands in One iilghi, alto.ui IW. | lt*cturc<] lo Sa
and lu on. sttuat.M over a similar ns.in a u.x would he :i«'.^pial.le to most lem. .V J.. am^old one of niy nildcr**
LrUisa- S-U.l »i
well v. nt lai..l ..nd m.i
upunj .,r men if the .s.!.,rs w. re w t*M-Iy * hos.-u. bark storh-s. >n.c aiidUmv was «*on-lllumimii.si by g;i> dm fug the ev-n Then- might In oUe eaeli of |s-arl. sil viil-.-.bwlth in..r.- inlrili tlmn the sto^p*
Ing - The n in. dy it s^y s. is f. hriv. • ver gniy ami navy Idue failh-. auoilier cj.11.k1 f..r After the bit lire I was la-iKKlns.iils ..II file gn.iili.l Mis*.- nilii liv 1 of gniy satin with liny whilv snip'.**,
nU.iit a d..zeii ItlM.-HdickDf.
Ing w..rkaig and .s...king i.s.tns up am.ilo-r uf dark l.liie suiii. wiih white who «>nJoy4-<1 iny story mor*-.tliaii any*
stairs. Util h..w aiM.ui uoise’r U.ud.m pill d**ts. another .*f n line tdue mid one i*ls<*.-lbdH-n J. Iturdettc In CbSto-i hrouu le. *
wlafe cIhs k A newer tie U an Kug
^ ^
Win yet n..i «Kvui»y itHi much rrv>tn.
The idiot*»graidi sere« ii is ..jn* of ths
best. It IS s bith- toen-eu which stsmli
AO the liilde and tuny Im- un.hI ss a
lamp scr«K-n. and JW nmnufacture will
give ot-riiicilion to the maker of hnim*Bade riin-tmaK gifts Th- one Ulustratisl slurwto an aitracilve shais*. but ,|tro div
the f..rui may Ik* \aried to suit Indl- , the e
▼hlual l.i'-te. The Wirer.l e..||slvts of
two b-aies. w h!eh an- ni*.tcti.sl tnr*tber with siiinM hinges. I.ut these
may Ik- »,UUh\ after the l...nve* an- lln- j.",
|sIh*<I The lenie*. tlic|„M-|ies ate of !,.,
thin wissl and an-e».M-i.-»! oui*ihb-w 1th • ,.|,i ,n-,n iM.nh-MKl A
Atn-teh.-.! IbriKiide. tinlshi-^l mound the pimi* There Is a U.w ..f -.alln rlbl»oo
Adge with
|ehe.| g.K
Uh siretehed
g.Ksls. luit
t,ci>,ss the top bv which lO bSOg
horizontal , „j,
ph..togiaph li.dd.*r.
Place Hotel
* ^ ^ Traverse Qty, Michigan
IRicbart* IRounb
Si Son...
Jacob Fnrtseb
Iron and Brass
Manufacturers of Everything
In the.line of Iron and Brass Castings
The South Union Street Grocer
Prompt Delivery.
The Rnest Assortment of Holiday Supplies For The Tabk
g SpecUlty,
Agent for
SawMiDRepairs on Short Notice
Fiebchman's Compressed Yeast
Hannah & Lay Co.
W. o. Holden
Telephone orders promptly filled. Call up
No. 34—either Bell or Northem-'Phone.
Jacob Kurtsch
Union Street,
South Side Grocer
. —
^" ■
'•./■■ '
.r ...’^ ■ ’■'■■*' '^r
/•• ■' ^ ..;v^
^ ^
r ^
There hare been
-General.- with hto ipiardlan. made a eateni of onr own. The papyrna haa
second rtolt to the palace, belnj: re- a Umh heading. -Direction bow^ to air
liny Yankee, celrrd in the yellow drawing room. A uia the knowkd«e of aU dark thlnEA*
than three
third rtoli was sck^D
d paid to Bockini;Bocklnr etc. Numerous examiilca show that
UlL He was bora In Bridgeport, Conn., ham paUt^. and iL is lime the queen’s ihelr
In ISX! or
of -poor bot nmle Leoixdd, kini; of the Betjrians. umts and fractloiis we
r^i wtntiosDat^lroprao.
u rfdfT
i BtUt aitlcico of brlc.
honest parentB.^ tlto real name
was present and «ns prvatly amused, nieans of addition and n
<Mr It te «oor oMcIi to cbooif
plHMocniplio and
Charles 8. Stratton, and alihooph hto askimr
ions, and Qoeen 8ubirtt;ilans and dlrtolons wers boC
Md, ttMiofiurtorrd fbtai^ oat of Cbo
relatives always caUed bhn Charley he Vlcu>ria.desirtncibe-GefM-rar toslufc. kuow n In their present form, bot cor■fcop^ bat ibrrr aro ocmdo fricAdo
* to Had space fbr tbom: broco the popiH
o'as known tu the world at toir^- as the
ulred w hat sour be preferred, rect n-sults were ditalned oerertheleaa,
" hutty of obHrro. brackets aad wall,
one and only -General Tom Thumh.rt re
ankee Dwidle.- was the prompt
ret:«)fiatkms are also /ound In the pa
And bits of funiUhliMr of ,
Vnder the manajrement of Mr. T, T. ply. All present IsurImhI iMwrtUy. and pyrus. AmonR the examples plren to
A Umo ankle which, tewoear.
a»- tnat
' ....
always acceptablo
Jlaraum our smaU hero traveled all her majf.-iy said “Thai Is a rery pnrt- this one: Ten mrasurvs of barley art
while aOhrd- ^ gjft,. xhlo to oae of the rare cam
rth. makina
iC •Gem-ral* 8lnR It, If yon to be dlrlik-d amooR ten peraooa ta
DUfartarea are better
*-fwo colossal fortunes, one for himself pleas.- ** And
that each sobaeqoent
* " • ^he i
such I
than that which to boupht nnkws Inand one for bU mauairer. On Jan. 18. | Tbc British puldic was now fairly ex- p.-rson rv<-ch.-s (
deed one hoys very expensive cabinet
1H«. he set sail for Kurope to try his ’ cited. lYom March *3* to July 20 the urc less ttuiu the one before him.
work. In attemptiiiE any rich artkla
. faiM-lnaiions on kluRs and queens and levees of the little Hk-ueral” at Erjp- other example Riven Is: There are aerof formtohlBf It to best to bare a car-,
| tton hall wen- nintinusllv .-rowded.
«-n men each one has seven cata, each
peoter make the deal foundation ae- ]
I In those days a vo.vaR.- across the
Om- afternoon, attin-.! in a court cat has tafeo seven mice, each monat
cordlod to dlrmlons. IsKwiise the cab
, Allamlcwas a much monImiwnant dnws. ranslsiluR of a handsomely em- has eaten seven Rrains of barley, each
inet must be strooc. and feminine carkind art event thao It is
now. aud you may brtildertNl velvet euai, short bnsvbea, arain of Imrli-y would, if culUratcd,
pentertof to usually not trustworthy.
gtlU farther from beiof wekx>me to tha rest ai.Kurvd that >lr
made white satin vest, white silk st.K-klnRn i«»te yleldi-d s.-v,-n mrasuies of barley,
nrat. a woman has not tha necessary aveniRe man. There are other kinds,
m tapltal of this r.» ilayi
irney. pmupN wIr. »HH-k»-d hat and dress How much barh-y has been lost in that
■trenRtb In her hands and arms; next, however, the most aulUble bclnf thosa The i«iriy ei.nsUi.d of the ms ns w. sword,
House, way?
ord, he
he pent
pvnt to
to MsrlU.r.*ui:l.
she baa not the firoper tools, and. last, of heavy water color paper or thin the *<;eneraL- his iian-nts. his tutiw the resldemv of Queen Adelaide, widThepapyrus alsocooUlns calcula!ah« haa not been Unght the trade. It cardboard, which are cut out In the and a French naturalist, and a brass ow of William IV.
Uons of area, the-calcuUtion of tha
|ta desirable to make a sketch of the
,hape of a s*-Rmrnt of a circle and l«ud es«H»rted them to Sandy Hm»k. i“Why. nk-nernL*- said the queen
art-a of a circle and Its transformatloE
I shape of the caUliirt, Rive the desired
then Joined by little clamps which ThU fac-t was duly lierald.Hl In the dowai,-,-r. “I think you h»k vtTy smart Into a square, and finally calculatlotia
dItuensJona and the thk-kneas of the
come for the pun»oMr and mouut«Hl l-mMkm uews|«i|N rs, to whl.^l was add- knlay “ “I rihws I do.“ he answen-d of the ruble nH-asnrement
of pyrawood and let the carpenter put tha
« lutle t^U framework.. The m-w ctl the siat.-iiiem that - ou h-aUid: New o.uieuu-dly. Ikfure he left the qmH-n mlds.-PhlUdelphla llecotd.
framework lofrlher.
Mmi with regard tu them is one which York the %lwarf was «-«-orUNl to the tis.k him i*p ou her Ujk.saylUR: “I see
-------------------------This may l•eenamekMl or atalbed. but will render them Individual aud p»^ |«u k.-i by no I.-h# tlmii b».».si
you ba^c no w ni« h. Will you ts-nidl :
The rate «r Aamiral torwa.
It then challenRcs rivalry from bouRht cullaiiy appttiprialetdo the |K-rsou fur
s«mui «fii*r arriving in l.ondou Mr. luctuglxcyou ..m-r* "I slmuM like It '
Admiral JohnI Bjug
B;ug wns
WHS the foorth
cabinets which are finished In the whom they are meant. It eonslsis In
Rartmin and hu charge .-all,si at tio- very niueh.” was t1
.xver. And a .un of the Earl of Turrluglun and aenr.
Mime way. but by profrsaiooato, 8o ornamenting them wlib immuunied orths- of The Ilinstrausl l...ud..n News, few w.s k. after he
again Imltid
m iho British navy, rtolng to ba
photographN. muunUHl In such a way The first isirinilt ..f Tom Tlminb taken to Mnrllioivnigh IIoum-, when- many : admiral of the red In 174H. when be
that the light of the lamp-will shine In England np|N-ars In that Jounutl. chlldn-u of the nohlllty ww pn-sent, was 44 yrara old, jn )7M1 he was sent
^through them Beveral large om-s or dsi.d IVb 21. !M4
Then- ara fw« ami Qft.tn Adelaide gatY- him a U-au- ‘ ^ph « Imdly .iitilpiKd fleet to relieve
many small ones may thus l»e nsitl. cuts, lu the first he U
Ntsmliiig llfiil but liny waicti and chain.
Mlm»rea. Uin-atem-d by Iht- t>v«e1i.
'apaees for them being neatly cut In the on a clmlr by a lalde. which s,-rv.-s to
lie r%-c,-lviHl many other prasc-nts ||,. r.orlnd Minorca after tbe Franck
; 8hade. ao lliat the material of the empliasira his diiuluuilve sl«-. The fn.ic various |H-«»ple. aud ih«*N.» were uaj p„t ,i,ore. Ills si-cund In comshade does not |»ass i»en«-ath them. For second ph fur%- Is %ery gissi and Is call all phu-etl umler a glass raw- and ex- niaud. lU-ar Admiral West drove them
example. If the plcturt-s ara to be ar- <d “Tlie .\iuericau Dwarf .-ti the 1‘rin hiblieil at the rec«-pilons. The Duke hai-k. while 11 vug kept hto shl|w out of
ranged In medallions they are cut In a ccns Tlu-ater “ He Is n i.n-s..|i!.sl ns of Wellington fn-.jnently Io,»k.sl In up- *,.tion. In a day or two be sailed to
round or oral ftmu. and a corrcs|K>ud to-ing on the stage Is-f.m- the f.HuIlgbts on i!ie link- innu. and «m omcBbrallar. b-avlng Minorva to lu fate.
Ingly sbapiHl hole. JuM a little smaller, icmslylng the walk and maiiiiers of w h«*n the small “tb-m nil.“ w ith fokled He was Iric-d fur<lraachery aud cow
* to cut In tbe shade. The pic ture Is tto-n NaiH.leon. Tom Thumb’s perf«»rnmnet's artns and knitted brt>w. was stnitllng artllw. but acquitted. The court marImoimted on the Inside of the shade.
*l»‘ rrioet-ss theater made such a up and down. Imitating NaisdiMm. the
<-ouvli-tisl him of not
: ficlng outward. In tbe«-days of kma •'l‘»i" *l»at Mr. Hanium next engagiMl hig gem-rnl. Wellington, laughingly lun-|leve the
:teur photographa the auggestlve poNsI- Kgjptlan luilL |•i.-,-adllly. whither quiretl. -Nif
irtld/12 of tte
billtlea ara rnnumerahle.
Familiar ihnmg.Nl many visitors of rauk and my little many “i am initikiug. air. British naval etsle of tliose daya he
of the batth- of WaterhH>.“ was tbe waW eondemne.1 to U-shot. The mln••
■ ■ . •WDM. rfotlllne pl.-««nl aMocUtlon.. fashion.
Tlie American minister, the Huu. Ed- prmupt n-ply, tlie little f<-atun s never taters t«sik hitii as a sca|»cRoat. and he
Ukow wblcb •!» corpKd wUb ativleb.
be i:rou|H-d toBilbpr. Ibi- rwualiiriAJIO ERY SinkUJi
n„. qi^i-ter d«Tk of bit
«i plo.b, broedp. prvloDop or deblm
of Ibp .bade b.«ln* poppppO wUb wani Even-tt, was v«-ry kitid to his losing their wrioiis eXi»re»-*.ion.
AM acope for the exercise of dainty ,
match tbc mow wbara they are to
harmonious paluteil decyratlon. *-«*uulryiii#*u. and It wns at his Iioum* owii flseHhin.
flagshiii. the
the Monarque.
Monarque. In
In IV>TtaD
vaadiework Is a fiat strip of silk, aaUn ^
Ikinitim uiet a <-<-riaiu Mr.
As for penmnal plmtugraphs, there
ith iarlH>r on Marah 14. 1757.
Not l••rllesl■r
te to>an«ws.
of th»- qms-n’s hoiiM'The xvaiter girl knew a thing or two f
follow lug one of the
The Kslremee.
gnar«U apis-.-m-il iM-fora alMoii table .-tlquetle, so she sulfr»*«l |
wi.rnfutly ns -he kjiM. “If,, not uur
Hobbs-My landlady hat both atroof
Mr. Itarniiiii with n uotr i-oulalniug i
111 Mexico tanllla Is iiinch nsed as Ifivliatloi, from the .pi.s-i
wren ibrn dust and nmlsiura wlU
”No?** n inark«s| the nalri.n In sur I Ikiblis-What are they?
. ^
on the goods. Thera should be a llttto ^; heart
heart tonic
tonic The
The plan
plan Is
In simply
simply to
Thutnh and hU gunnlktti.
trate more or less.
Ilobha-Butter aad coffee.-Chtoaca
flue Id the paate. and the goods atpmid {.k.. . nk-oe <f t'aiillla such as is used
to apiMs.r at Hucklugham prise "Th.-ii bring me an mx.*'-I*Mlu
The ahleid jdiow n lu the sketch to of
delphia lle.-..nl.
tmlaiv on t
vlfiisl evening.
emo} aalln. lined wb*- waddeO»Uu uwUI It Is mate drv The eablner Ib
Wall cakto;! VW tk*
K H la ptcTamd., m
wal sr^ «mb tte words,
,A^.2Knr-.s: = 2sr-a.trsui;j £
'Xi.'" :“xs;,:! !::xr;iur.;vXirsx,“3
Triamph Stni Range
f y y~y yy yyy yy yyyy^
yy y fyy^
f yy y y y f f y y y y y yy y y ryy r yy y f y y y y y y y yyy y yy yyyy y y yyy iryy
PROSPEROUS times are here again, and rwlizI
ing the facl^ we have bought the largest and nic^
stock in our line ever 4hown in Traverse City,’
Up>u af« fvttM 0¥T mkat to girt, como to Bughoo
B BoJtborgh-o Btnrmmc/.
f 0( )SH and mounted, from
■ V $10.00 to $125.00 each—
These stones were purchased
before the recent advance in
price, and could not be sold at
these prices had we watted
until the advance, before pufchasin^j.
Crest Marc.
Vewa/ Sfanifs, Jemef Boi€S, Femer/, Card Bowai,
bacco Boiet, Fates, Cigar Sets, Water Botftes.
Wo eerrjf tio iigioot grodot, in bulk 'an^ taoey peck•got.SScup.
X Urge, heavy, steel ranj^e with heavy fire box liiiiDpR, heavy
top covers that will not crack or hr* ak by dropping, heavy
Eboip? Sets.
ateel body with asbe^toa lining.
Top of range 4 feet 2 inebea
long. 2 feet 3 iochea wide, fire box 2S incht* lung, and oven
^loi.ll) k'old and ^jold filled
^ T ..Aill the latest styles an<l
Ameritan make, in all sizes
and at prices the lowest at
which a ^vood watch can be,
Sold--(we do not handle che;y>’
imitation watches). We also
have some nickle cases, which
we can fit with g;ood move
ments. and sell at a low price.
chased and plain—
just the thing for a Christ-^
mas present. Or perhaps you
are going to get married, or
seek the consent of your best
girl. If so we have just what
you w’ant in wedding or en
gagement rings
20x30 inches square, weight <i00 pounds; enameUd reservoir
CpmU. Mirrofo, Mooieoro Soto, Boekot Book,,
Foootom Boo,. Writiog Compooiio,. hi Stood,. »tom.
with condenser drip and large high wanning clcset.
A first-
class, high grade range
irate {gatfama), ate.
Wor ^40.00...
8m»llw Mze, MUe de«:ription. for I3.X.00.
Every range wtr.
ranted, and I am here to make the warrant good'.
Then we have Chains. Charms. Pins, Cut Glass,
Sterling Silver. Silver Plate. Clocks. Hand Painted
China. Umbrellas, Fine Stationery. Silver Novelties,
Gold Pens and various other articles too numerous to,
You are respectfully invited to call and inspect our
st^k whether you wish to purchase or not.
Also a full
line of cooking aud beating atovea.
l .. \> \
1 •
•m Hr n0m wm
• «•«• «i8
I M » 9Wi lilt f«M
ktiVf^«w »• !
-----------------V. HOW TH£ AMEWCAWa CCLCBtUTEO
at <MMY
to tuirr^TiU ll&rktmM
®f prr^nu
roorivrd In tbr mall. a&<I n«<«riT
daboioir MtAldra. Atone*
Dr«*f*aratiufia fur a mil Oli-Utmaa
rati<iii WfTT boimo. and tlierv waa
Iw llmMirHouf •hr army.
ICatm OmmS Din-
the day. In the mumlng there
ligiona MTTk'ea held in tW different
oianda by the rliaplalna. and theoe wet*
Urgely attetnled by the aoldirta. Tbena
KU TCit/-
doubt r0 1
an American
rbri-iinaa. and It
laiawtalnthal the
rapilal <-ity of the ,
i«-a eeleIta find
Amrriean ChrUtyear «f
U alao n-rtain
Allhoogh they bare unden»o* nU
day wajj^ghtly^lp i
thoae engaged in this war. do not do
thlaga by halve*.
Tbla firat Ameriean
CkrUtmaa celehratlnn bete In Manila wlU
be long rrmroiliered by thi»ae who panicIpated In the featlvltira of the day. and H
WlU oof be the laat by many unleaa prew
mt Indleathma belie themM-lvea. for
Amerit-an cuapmu are faat becunilng laapunted here.
While the men of the Eighth army
corpa* the army of oerupatlon In Manila.
bad bom looking forward to the Fbriatfur a lung lime, it
tliriatma* that the
the pciK-r obaerra•to When on Tlinrador U-furr PhriMiua*
Fifintga rAiTTAimcAUY DEWagp.
lala and hartlahlpa of a earopatgnI
In the rain
rainy aeaa..ii of thl* tropical cU•-.aU. live death li.t baa U-eo Verr low.
ery i«e.-k. hul the
t uf all an- I’aan, I>iaa and Indy
Tv the Piljpin-Mi t:hri.tma. waa
a week lung, and then- wa.. another we«-k
of preliminary nioi.-Inc. For iin.re than
a week liefu.-^r Cbriatinaa (he ear
injc buur« hen- in Manda a,
mu*lr. Hat,da |.aradial the
diffen-tii parl« of the tity. The Ivlla of
the great ealbnlrala rang out their mel
lotunea to awaken the t.eu|de fojoarly m«^.
Oder of tto- my ,
Muair waa one ,d t
bare U- n at.»re«! away owing t.i the oe- '
^j,h the native
enpathm .,f the ehnn-h aa^Urraeka by
holiday a.-aa..n. Then- an- few peolltr bpanlah
priaoner*. were bnnight j,v mun- niiiaioaUy inelitw-d tliati the Fillforth.
Then- wen- -4-nln-a in. the dif„n ,|| ,H-i aaiona muale ia a
ferent «*ther rhurrhea. and theae were |,nnr!|.al fealnn* with the nathea. Th«-y
al~i attende.1 by oar auldiem.
|„^ve all a. trta of braaa. wiring and reed
The prinripal feature of the day. bow- itt,,runient.
id a.itue of the latter are
ever, waa tlw dinner, and er,-ry cm- „„„t nide
mand had a Hiaiigr fn,m the idain bill
•.irut-ienta-fn.m m-rti..|ia of IwiUof fan- pn.rid,-d by Tneie Ran, to aome.d th.-«- an- ..f all Mxea and cn*
thing more palatable and api«-tlrlng. It
ly of all pii. hea. At the holiday
had been a lung lime aince the mm had
one haa a «-ham-e to a.-*- more of
aoixM-thing the mnaieal in*tiiirt than at any
partaken of
and there oeaa.»n of the j.-nr.
All day CbiH
like Hriliae^
rhrf.troaa ih,^ native band- |day,-,l i, the atni-t.
were many thin^ to
They b-nt tbeir aid toward
I day here in the rhlHppine* t^x\ vitii-a of t'hriaimaa ere and I'hriatmold not have U-en m.,n- perfect. The
night enjoy
.\ll tln-.mgh the
reatiwr waa Uih-. In the morning there holy w.<«-k M anila
a Dill waa filletl with muale,
arre culing bn-em-a, and later the aun
riiriaintaa, or Taiu-o. aa the St»anlab
poured lla ray* atralght down.
The U. had UUa g—I
g.a-l thing- for old and y,
\ amtinel* were kept btiay in dodging the Tlie ehildren w.-rv- at the bright of their
I beat and bunting tbe ahadk
All doty jnr. fur Jugmie-. (be Rama ("latia of
I not abaoliitely
lutely tie»-r«aary waa diafven-Kal (be Filipin.e.. . nine thnoirhont the In ml
g—I thing-.
lib for tbe day.
and everywliere di-lribiitf.1
(*l,rf-tinn- f,gnr«► gporta In the di
For a w.-k b.-r.
treat Held day haC been arrangi-d to fainaati.-ally dr.—4-l t.. rep,o-.-nl Ju
be held on the Lunetla. but -.wing to guetea Were lianb-l (hr.oigli the -tn- ta
tbe unaettied aUte of affairs it waa on d«—*rated eart-.
Ev^-rywhen- tio-e
wer«- f.dlowed by cewda of native i-hii:
many queer errrmoniea, mud with
\vi,en the |u.,.pie of the PhUlpidnea
with man
them the joyful r*a«o Diaa waa a gn at
. holiday. the> are
The Filiidtti»» bn«w how to enj..y ' eUd In their In-ai and alri<-al aitire. and
A-idr fn..n the •erriem held In
anrtrtl cumniauda of (be army, there
waa a .ju^ iei aerrn^ toHO in lue nreet
CallK^lral «.f tUn Ignatiua fnr (hr a^.l
dirr» uf (he Ametii-au arni). There » aa
_ (1.1 a.demu hiiTh ma.-, and lt. % Pa
Iber MrKinnln «f (be Pi,at ralif..mia
ially la tnia
>Urly on Phriatmaa m.imlnc the
a wen- tUh-d w ith natirea 4kf all
the wonn-n in hr
the-u- are the
With our a.d.liera tb.- prinripal queie
thm at Chriatiuna time wa- aa to g.*lng
mark It with llie tuick of the knife Into
to|uan-». When quite cold. MMp^tbea
return of the
fur the
fon-t-a waa an..tlier
rejolf-lng and
haa paaaed
pnaaed and another
('hriatmaa aeaaoi, U celebra!,-d in Ma-
^ **"'‘“* ***
waltnwa U
rblua pUb-w. coiUM. and toiocbrw
nhould tint Ik- piled .
have U--n
br.*nght more fully under
Ameriean lnllu,m.M*a and will hara cmharked u|M.n a ni-w rra.
tu-fort-they are luicked.
rmrka eaally.
Otiicrwiae IbA'
UldmuTiy ntid luidly InfulabtHl It la A*
I giKHi pUtti to dip the iHvrtmo of a aofu.
^iQ old cloth in sweet oil or soft Urd. 1
have a fad for wearing the hair pari(^
In the center and pn-ttlly waved, ttiuontici-w a Faria c4,rTvw|M»odent. Horn#
char tiling American glrla w ho were receuily lu I’aria had their h.-ada dnnacd
at the cuvtii faKliloiiable plaeea. aud the
luaimer of imrtlng the hair in the middie aeemeil to eiuctly ault their featUrt-w.
At iM.ine very aweli rijtictlona
In wliltliig and rub tlM-arfieh-a
' til the black liaa diaappiwn-d.
UnUh with whiting,
Never pnreluuw* the aame nort of a,
^ fowl for n frU-aam-e
you would for
runatiug. The fonut-r may bi» a yesr
and a half old. It w ill <hw1 miM'b leaa
! than the one 1i year oM. which wlU bw
retjnirt-l for roaalliig. r
thereafter their c-f.lfTnn-a wen- gn-at*y ' I Aimiioiiia. ch1on»form. lieUKlne
admln-«l. Tlie faahlon u bh-b bna In-cp j^jy drug .which evn|mratei, can
n-viTPd la now
mn.a »
French **a la- Aniert-
gafejy left to a Imttle with a rubber
! ML
Hello! Hello!! .
Special ^
Preparation i
^ for the Holidays
CAoewUle CnraaM-la^
poar one pint Of liiltk Into a prfgrtffc
in, .lan and add lialf a noimd of chOM^
. The
■ %
telephone Co,
H. D. Campbdl & Sonsf^
Pioneers of Electric Li^ht
New and
Takes this opportunity to reach all the people, and
Elegant Line of
Business in Grand Traverse Region.
to thank its patrons for the generous support ac
has just be« received andjpow diuJayed
corded since the company was established.'
The Northern Telephone Co. is aJocal enter
prise and its officers are residents of this ch^'.
The line is being gradually e.xtended to sur
very best. The company is expending a large
amount in perfecting h; s>-stem and two new switch
Arc popular this year because the times*are good. I
Tor stores and public structures*
rounding towns, and already the ser\ ice in the city
is unexcelled, and in many surrounding towns the
x>ards will soon be added to the exchange.
You cannot afford to be without a 'phone.
I Incandescent Lights
and public buildings.
for Ch^tmas presents.
Step into the -post office building and inspect my
line. l ean suit your fancy and yCmr pocketbook. too.
The best line of latest novelties..
and all kindsof electric wiring.
l/m. beNnett
Front Street
Poet Gffic* Building j|
EUctnc Cklt BdU.
Pi^dcftt, W. W. Smith; Vice-president and
general manager, C. W. Wheelock; Secretary,
F, Nl Carroll; Treasuscr, George G»ne.
li ■ >
EUdric and G*s Fiztarts.
^ I I For better infarmatioo
about tbaethingt can oo
1 have some valuable pins, suiuble for‘gifts—also
hundreds of dainty articles which are especially suited
For residences, offices, stores and all private js;
^ Special aPentioh giten to the wiring of all kinds of buildings |
Subscribe for the Northern. •
bought some before the Transvaal war began. Prices
are higher now.
$ Arc Lights
Use the Northern ^Phone.
Traverw Qty, Middgan
jmnio of Bcutrli rrtimirr la Imt Mtai«
^ wtmi4
ripUla «rb«t fr«» wHitfaff aa
oilod. It l« tni# ibat at aba i
■iwi'iiiuvT«a> nAiunt.
■^fraw oWer »br rban(a4 aooM-frbat, bat It ' b» oatlrat wiib bln oafII hr toaii af-
w IrK^iJT
r^",crx:»’V"s.'^-t;'.3“'' “■■ ■•"
araa that
aba raHproaal*^ hU lora aa ^«.r,*«
ararmly that aha would aladir haae nar- [
-Hut yonI aun
aurelj mra Bot golns to Imiat
thaUad aba had read at lha aam
riH bin atat of haad ai>d atonlf^ tba ^ that I taka Hr
Who CO CbrM hi* day ta UaiM
Chrtatnaa taat. but afcw ha waa lajinc ,
«^rra U n..ili
•« «?;
ftbaU red* artaht U4h lor* and
_ f*® *
-'Baptoae I wa* bom oo Cbrtatmaa,' pmaabinc ft with
rapactad to bear tLa ^ TIm- jewel
diba uard to aay. **l 1iave a power to than any of hia prrdaeraaora Harry la h very pretty ..na, but I wuld md hppa
which of my friend* arr true and auapretad lha eaoaa of bar onaaalMM
f«l*e. hut if I axplaln tbia ‘ n^d a.kadbar to axplaln. but mneh aa
power to any one I .hail l.m- it.**
aba would barf ilkt^l to warn bln ol
\ >oWaf
aounded tf>rf
rary abaurd tbr anara into which alJ her prarioua
tbU aoonded
Of rtHiraa thU
> bad fallen aba could not do aa
md rt*cl*larad a row to harp bar
•rerrt. Hha did prt,ml*a. bowarcr. that
that bar p»iwer bad ^ thoroughljr
wnaMa foandatluD. But it compellad If ha a«wped tha dancer aba wonid ec.4»ar to ward down bar friend, and ad- pUln avarythfac to him after Cbri-lnaa.
to a pitifully anall cr«»up and
**If Jon lora mr truly and are tha noppl- bla.
a. canarona
canaroua aoul I baliara you
yon to be.
are I* no dancer.”
danjp‘f.” •aba aaid to him.
Cbartuinc tbara
«ama t.. w.,.. but for the fact that
”1 am not ao anrr
Cnpld altriy. look, after hi. own.
' r-oaroalty.” ha aaid. ”but
will walk na di^
Vrtym tha time .hr waa 17 llll abf waa that I lora you. aud I w
22 Jaan dl.ml^iMd from one to a doian , Cttm.p.H-lIy a. I ran.
«dmlrera ar« ry C'hri.tmaa without ax- | As tha <*hri.tmaa
planatlon. aitd |ie.»pta wara b«-cinninc Jaan*. auxiaty inrr
to bai
:. /
hut aha
diamiaard him an aontuinelloualy at
rChriatmaa and with aueh oulapokan
•com that It iM-cama a aaylnc amonc bar
frlanda that aha wouM never p i marrlad until a yminx man appearvi] who
fould hold bar fancy throuch the (*hriatmaa .ecm. Fba adiuilti«1 tl.r Irulh of
• cmilnr of the richt man.
il’beo Harry Finlay e«me to ll.a town
act aa chief In the local tuink. ha
Italy .inirk np a
with l^e l.auiirtil Inil diN^dctily p*HniUar
ell meaiiinc friend. waro*vl him
whole future'happlnaaa depended,
Aatba iittla jawaiar In tba town did not
hare a rary Urea aaaorlmant of praaanta
Harry found it diflirhlt to aeUnn a anltabla one for Jaan. lie wanted to yira bar
aoniathinc out of tha common run. but aa
be feU that in view of tba nacaiuilty for
wiihln a yenr. and I Cti.t
aavinc money toward bouaakaaplnc ba •y tba New York hou*e for it ”
910 hU (
-•Well. I <*all tlial
mity wa. cTcaUy increaw^.[. In
order I?
to ^I Harry,
hU 7emi.^r‘“
The jeweler
hi.inc hi*
arc him an I
«!-. -K-i ihrT
cataUipie -'V'.
and told him w
j Indulcinl in a rather undicuiti.nl .luarr.d.
tba di-aicn ba wanted and |ia wouldI tana . pinnlly Harry paid the hill aud ex. luim
to tha rily di.r IL Harry octed oi
I a* ba dW *o:
PttKcatlon ^and work««d over that caU
**If I Uvr in thh
50 yeara. I*U
I; I Hcadqilarters
tallj left
after diiin. r. aba aaid
him aanio for hla
ud birtbdaj rifb
There In «mly one way for hirer* to aib.T«*d him.**
pre»* Mueb I hank*, and after a furtira
•*Hut yon were aomft'd to him.**
^lan«v toward tha do«*r* and wiud.*ara
wiiiJowa 1It
bui I dhln*t know than what lora
Aftar tha coMomary
►ean*. Kren if ha had |mi*«m1 my fool- i
•nc* Jaan whi*parad
a* *he hid h«-r faia* on hi. U.*om:.
Uh le*t I would .till hava |»arl«-d from I
Kxi mind {\
aU aloaa that you wopld him. for ! did not know my owti
felt *ura a
paaa the ta*t all rUrbt. You are ao noWa ^hen I om.-ni.'d to U- enracad to him.” I
and **. p naniu*. I lorrd y.ui a.i much
“But it
that I wanutl
y.oi a1
,, j ji,,
would be no
i, wa.
ha fallail In bla
*iliy. but I rowtnl
Wioild la*t aU ny frianda ihb. way, aa .r^s»«ir^meii!a in a way that I bfd not
well aa any one who made h*vc to me, previ..u*ly dreamed p<i<.lhle. Why. that
and you know U baa civan me tba repo- man actually imnicbt ma an encacct
VWw IHti* rkil^M tr*«M
Uthm of iK^lnc odd.”
rim: for ('hriMma.. and It wa. to aerra
”Bul what i» tha tartr a.ked Harry la a* an en*:.nc« nieui rinc. t’hri.tma. praa- I
anrpri.a. at tha *ama time rejoicinf that ant and birthday cifl all in one. Tliat .
be bad pawM-d it *iicca*.fully.
wa- Uyond atiythimr in the way of tma |
•T’an’t you iru.*..? No, no; you ci>nld r^-Ti.miy that I hnd aver h«-anl of. andit !
Xv m*kr Ihefr. Uiinrly H
Pa*, hr onto inHr *lo.4inca
for you are tm. thoncbiful ci-u.mI my ey.- io the kind of man ha
Adawa »b. —fcirtTk pap
and p nan.ii. eter to think of doiuc any^ wn*. But you nin.| alway. i
Ibinx elM- t^n what you did.**
d. nr. that it i- not lha pre.- i.t
Harry pfifT.^t out hi. el.e«t and fait hut the thourhlfuluasa that
good while he waited furr her to proceed. * them.**
A. Harry n.
weler and hi
cootanatloB b#in what make* me differ- apant flltt luorv
ent fnun every one cIm-. hut no one hat Hue. in.le.d of’tha"l’wo’’priimlii, ba
■“<* » ouraa. wbof
aver cu«*»-MMi the nvil iva.4.n. All tba didn’t fi*el Muila ao pnmd oT hiut.«dfaa al"OUwlUK a Pccvnt fUJianU of fTl
thar children hadd a birthday a* well aa he did at 6r.t. but ha wiMy
wiwly <H»ncladi«d .....................
bar of their race, at which tUeiw bud
year, but I had to ba to accept the pxid that the p.i* had U'eo a.mx'al (irofualaio of dowora. Tb#
day for both. Beaida*. a.ni to him. and l.a let Jean praliw him nurm-aald:
‘ ^ * with only to her heart** o.nte
Ua fall, bowai
ti h
to find out whi- h of my fri. iid. were
really thonchtfid and can-d for ma vary
much. Thai
.,n.n. who rememly and <*hri.tma<^ ju»t
the one. who U-at me
hadI v.ry
v. ry little
► do with. O cnoin-- it i- n. the
pr«*-4Mtt.n 1I think .o
«-<i 1tniM-h HlNiUi. hn lha
th .uchtfulne... tho.ich wh. ti I w n- ..UDavr the prc*^‘ol. iiM-d f. cum t.«.”
when they hn.1 .jiiarrahHi. a.k.nl for a
rat.h.cue fn.m which l« .. hnn an anc«c«n'-t.» niu: with a ladiiaira in it that
he enu ot.ler n. ium.u an he hn. .avetl up
enoiich iii.oiey or aacurv.! tha pnim«.tlon
to the |N.Mii..n
i.-iiion of man
inanap-r that< b. I,
wnitiuc f*.r Jaan. of curaa, I. xvrf
happy and ihinkn. after all. that li «»•
not Ml. I, a hardship to
on < ■hri.irui.., aa It cm
ITood old Juice drlldda
de jrround *>\outh*a To
rrow.. -U.. .um-r m-n. h«|. to ^
b«n<l« and fw. .-an oblaln
fcui Ihv
the aaiur Jiy. putting
glorwa f
In.bU their
tli.dr «fU.klnira
s<-b"iS" and
Mot^ •■ .kr «k» I
—..s: sm-£rmi4.^m
wvmj, irtm teuiii h t
aar |«ltld aad sn ItorM <
{ The raa.1 tiirkrj sod b«*f .ad bUtof [
plum poddlaa arr
rortb«ottJaCte |
•erred by aattre waiter* io their
t and bare feet. The fes^Titie. of ;
to day are oaoally wooad up by a dtoer '
party ia to eTemojE.
C. B. BTantaoTUL
*ha !• at pnaol a saaM at the Palaea *fcg*p kter laat hli^tte ptaca te ted. ‘
WM. tea
te.* - a .larite af T-a'wo^. «».«, u, da^wort tm
to two OnBta. It la aot
baapaylteatewaagactlDc. Utooaf
piorara wara ateimad u ate hte ta
a«laa Itet a tattrmmtmt latnwto aa|.
wate ter waaMa'a wacaa aad aa dla-
«an ttel ara ar attol Imponaaca to tte aterpad hl& Hr misbt. tewaaar. ten
•tolRl.ti.fki. U> . wo««i. tHft ill.,
half loaf bmar tbaa
Ortun hare ted mmnj .nteM tentutkiM bcMCkt acalM tbca. mcA
•> caateic tte •pnmi
people sick whan eatea oat of
tklM. (iiystef* have a dadto
btie. toy are coaaklerad by
M %» be
gn^n ta
UM«rlotu to to .y*«cB aad
aalro. Tbl. I. aaoCher ChUacff
exploded by tonca.
the oy«er U aeltber aa lad!-
toM WtoMMt toirta.
Laat vlatar iitfiiiiil a tehrt to
tHBpt at to Ihcitoctlaa oC to fftttot
ahin wmtet. Thia amao. tt la to
.a ^
toaco kas til. dbtortkio of betnc ao
>a.orad. Ifba I. pmaUMtlj coiidmM
V birth, tnaniaga aad wrlal ftr. with
to atolDlPlratloo of Goati^iala. Hal-.
toor and .Mcarairam. aad the fart that
to ha. a kM lotrlkct aad taka, a
top taiarfot la poUilci aad gotm.
toMal affair* I. mUI to be mpooalbla
re nrtfy ihU natemeDl UalMln
.^1 wbool. te. ten loix oo*
tte ha„
ntected whJcb teow Itet
torraeet nampin of tte art of »dn- ^ pan, of Europe
tte green
pm* ojatcca
oraten ^
burope ine
^ ^
^ « bcwe aad play arlili to poia j
laiO tote were IflJCl.dOO malea aa- <
deroted ber eotlre life to that peculiar
ceami. wlU ahow tbe makp atlU la to
________________________ _
,ba« chrUtma. and Kew Tear*, it U
liiad. altbongb there wUI ao doubt ba
aa Inrrw In tbe percentage of fe*
gnT.tly^toSSr^or to rropl but onlb
narily from week to work there 1* an
In UMO a trifle over U* per cent
Of tboae engaged In gainful ocrupatlona
were femaWa and in IMW) a UiU. over
nndooded aky. A cool. i4ea*aut brer*.
Wowa from to wwt. In to hoo*e It it
cool but cold.
that a little
labor daring to laat IiO ycarm. Tbm
were few ocrupatlona open to tom la
to tint Ulf of to century.
could be domeatlc aervania, dremunak-
met aeeoted flown*, bird* .tDCinc and |
rook, cawtnc hi to tmw
to tb.
charm* of India*, mot agr^^able aet- ,
.on. Then Kur.*peana. mo far a* rtrrum*
et* and aeamaireaaea. cotton oilmen
department of education.
Year* aco
ahe oriKinaied the movement tot ba.
tpxether ibe mother, of Am^
^rr^rrof“cJndn a
nphrtngUg of cblldrea
,‘^z.^ j:r: ss“»?£T-i.-s.:;
|n Am*-ri«*. but . rhrtatm.. day la
the tmpic* U a fact bard to realUr. Tb.
Kenea. climate and gmeral Aummoding*
are .o very different from whai we at*
Pimlr*. leniiK sbotnliui
tecu rtlkd u,-w to eiecute.
rii-ceir. Amoup
UiokkMrprr. kod arrounwot. to 131.60*
of rbrk. .nd copyUt. ttero
Ptter tWop. .Ur will loake . .ludjr of
Anauclal roudliluua In Meilro and tte
•tePcUl metloMl. of the Meal.-au poemoeat to eualde l•r.•.ldeot lUtrada
Ctteera to reorpanlie the Irea.ury aja-
wrro tM51» of tte former and 408.13# uT^riodU f« tte
of tte Utter. There wen-S8.451 femala Sf mkro. of P^Iilna
Ttey pu'e tall
„a a«.lM3 male aatemeo
jL^JirLlroTmlTmuim^f Jt^l/V
Aa hat been tald. there were 8AH,- tte caleway a. .ymhoU ofpleniy
qoo woiueo eopaced Id palufoLoccupw kan« op wreath, of Uun-Iaod tudia Jaa-
, M UimtemaU and ba. liefti aaked by
I. Prealdent Zelaya of Nicaragua to
gtady to mlllury ambuUnce ay.tem.
go Tribune.
' te Z ™1 rrlntelTnutUHVf'Sl
for ahlm^l m
wlMTkLnd I iqiend
ar that will go ti» Kmoee for an extend*
I. tte wif. »f .
•" *--«
intiuiHl teachera into the
-------------------Mia. IlarrlD by Idnh. There
hood, and ber girl-
»a4fh «^h.t h.m>r
mVirrmpt;"™ u"",."rt*l« tefter^hrdo th^ oMhte Til Z
pulverlxed chalk
to clean marble I. to u.e a
Ion of waablng ikmU. into
tie whiting baa laH^n dl.<
onnrlady’a Ubic. Bc*idt^ ibew*. tray* of
all mannem cff candle*, fruit*, vccvtald,*
and flower* are pre*ented. *ome»lm.H. by
to aaervanta' them*elve«. who
make tbHr «alaam* and generally exp«>ct
........ .‘te
" the nmrhle with tte
ilrrlea In liuati-maU nte Salvador. She
tejoya llir frlrndablii of I'n-^tli-n, He-
t iGilts
ad. the “aaddle yoke." laeeu tte UmI
demanda of fashion. Tbe ahlrt U aal
The pUln. evccydar
Ir of the flrvt IntrvMluctloa la aoW
child vcmlou of TIk- Vl*iun of
.„d a volume of *ymlN,llc *torU* for cUildrt u.-CbU*go Tluu-aHer-
Tl.e leebmlet* will nut bum a*b fo ;
firewtKMl. licr:iii*e they t»elleve that '
thoM* who *ii iilK>ut such a tire will be> '
• eneiii!ew.
roctesL fro«.er':;..ci:r:s? corded
frtwb water or bracklah rivet* to be
fattened for market.
In throe ««SrUI UhU the bivalve, pain only In
water and lone In ihelr mineral elemeut*.
They conwHiuentiy kme both
white polka
ab num
% “ L * Vi?! ™
** ““*■ °' ***
^ Tr.«w nwa *.w Wosim^
^ <* »•*"*■ ‘*•7^ nceordlnp to one wte
fattened eoniain from oneelphth to
one nftb lew nnirlment lhan when Uk-
hoiiae the other day.
-If It tedn't tate
have iM^n
tHwmm Immwwe.
Bhortly after th«- death uf
gcrte.ll * litilc party were diM-uvMug to
mai. «t,.l
life iu a private parlor
Fi.7 d-:;..
no tramping. It vaa their
pity and sympathy and charity that
built np the profeMloB. and now It la
tbe women folk, who are knocking nfl
Five year* lienee a tramp wiff
god It aa bard to pick up an Old bat of
u :.;r:t:w.ro ."c :.'e; X
•• •»
jn-adful Thine'
you not *l,rink from ,
the ntinek* of Ihi* liorriMe BLlneatiei.tuT
• Twhnw, no. • r».plHMl a cvtHle liitle wo.
iI |liare luroMi •■l|»<r?M’4i |o every
John King, tlic mil way magnate of
inde«'d. t would not ti
of It to noi
If p
„„t herv."-L..uiwville Tiroes
bt^y in I Baltliimre hardware .ton*.
J. E, Greilick Co.
For Christmas
[Watchtfs, both Gold and Silver.
Fine Interior Finishings,
Monidings, Sash, Doors
PUce your business ^ith
Diamonds, Bought Before (he Ailvanc^
207 Esst Front Stseet, and get QUICK. SURE results.
! Gold Rin^ of Elegant Settings.
Silverware For the Table.
Before Ordering
Christmas Presents
JOHN VERLY. Sded a Watch. Ring D amond or any
arthk of iewthy far yow Mcnb-OuiAmai.
j Fine ^New Stock
Just Received for the Hdidays.
Front Artd. ad|oMns Mit. AtMm't MUinay itorc.
New Brick Hotel, CentraUy Located, All Modem Conveniences
E C COHTTON Ftoprietor.
and protection from the cold winds of %rinter
Our Factory
For the Best and Quickest Work.
J. E. Greilick Co.
[;ii7 Front StreeL
I Thb weather suggesb attention to
Is Well Equipped
Nfy store has alwa)*s been a favorite
trading place, and this year my holiday
line is larger and better than ever before.
Step in and make your selections now
and have them laid aside for you.
, ’
Newly papered, refitted arid improl>edto meet a growing
Id their paUitablcne*. and nutritive
tbna nnlflrUIlr
!! I • :
areounted for by tbe trtlBrlal
ter* an» gathered from their aalty bed.
which are *up|A.-cd to lie eAr« rl«».^ dear
t« Knrli** heart* .»* made hr the naTbe naml-r of tht^ ih.i are pre-
1 7///^T
rietiro have even loat their old ,1m.
waa who fountled to Kindergarten
college, which haa *«>at out humlreiU
Mtm «LirAKmi
I f
a htw^thful
fo^ U re„oved. and tbe delkloua bivalve can
at t>ie bottom of to Imy and placed in
J* ^
them than tbe ordloaiy
planu are anppoaed to
gi^e a certain
n delicate flavor to to
nnwt tot
• apprecUted by food t
embargo agalaat ’
Tbu. another embanro
pie have for .v<*ar» claimed that our
I have tbe
flavor that they acemed to Impart to
tbe conaumer 25 year* aga Then oy.*
tei* were dellcloualy appctlxlng and
L . .^
leo liSL wrro onlr 27.772 f.«.U K«'7r«:^rr^“.v
open air and
te «ro ru ^ «S3r.te“
bookkeeper, .nd clerk, in retail .torra,
At prrnent to female teacher* are to
to male teacherk a. three to ooa.
There are two female atenograpbera
and typewrttrra to one male.
Bot la
to U
to ft
aed by epicorea aad iDort
i: u:
WAvi OF THE wowi.
k%s MTSMo r
cvnvioov UKC8.
ft to E «n«r CIH wbo Mo BbMd for
Clir1rt«w Elft. .®d ploM not to
kftYt Wicli a nMb aa<J M^orry and work
ibric. wtib a yard ad
pi tkr toot Bomrot ibat otir I* to ao
la«^. wttl Ibe an that la rrwato
PiPdltloaMo «>>oy Uw day wbt® It narrowtf'nt
MTt .
fHEta. until r9id*«t .totrsl to aaolat
ft ttoa aniatl4r ronftuKlrtloM. Tbr
ftavarlKild aocEOiita aaltabto article
9rrpmrr for ttrarlr all aorta and roam*trr at UrbaoJ.-Bay a
Mad of wrttlac papM-. wtaro atae.
iwaM. CTMim wUlla. and four packfgm of oarrlofM to «irT«i«id. In-
Tbm Ito beforo ma tbe .
know.** remarked n girl of
emlMimueitog <wudur.
IT |H-riod.
‘"7^*« *with
woman to wboui she had
akin with the lace. A llille hood of ^By b« mrrTT .a.p«tk,n uf
U>e eoiored rambrtc. edged with laoe.
«b>- kupi b. r |.b«-r Id
wnieu a*4i Wou nt ft ctH cf aoma more rociilir ftdftk
DDcIi aa that aFotM by a abldd.
ftart. faa or atar. tertead of tft todeflalte form abowD la tft oftt^ It
la covered first with wDddtog or toma
other soft material, tfta with tapeotry,
broro.le or orleatal fD^. Tft flat
pockets are ma^ of the oame aiatertaL otretebed over atlfT maallB and
edged with fancy galloon. Tbe back
ohould It fin'ered with pUlS otlk.
oateen xxr moire. The edgea ore Anlsb«Hl m'tTb (xxnl. and riltbona ora atUcb.ll w iM-n- Ibe worker pleaaea.
Another, aoxl a nxxvel bolder.for
midget photographs. Is also oketebed.
The from.-s are formed Uke ahlelda
and liave a logengx- shaped opmllig la
tbe mid.lle for tbe portralto. Ba<:b
frame Is ma.le of rordlwanl. covered
with flannel first and
ai-rap of satto. daintily
w itb .-h.-n!lle and narrow rtbbono. Tbe
rlMims which coom-ct the frmmea
must \n* rort-folly cliosen with regard
to their iidttr. for u{h»o them depeoda
much i*f the gxxod effect of thia fooclfal
little trifle.
witboot rxceptloo they eooiemn Ita nae
In i^te of the arerslon with wbMb
for a child under 2 yean of age.** writes moat people declare they look upon
Edward flok to Tbe l-adies* Home sorb means uf charming money out
Jonrnai pototing out tbe dangers of of tbelr iiockets. the fairs for cbtireb
the goean for babies. “As every one and clxarliabb- punio^ which precede
knows wbo has seen this new peram tbe li.didays tndd ibelr own. If they
bulator. It Is pranleuUy the old baby do Dt»f Im-nase. m-rv year.
carriage cot to halves. Tbe chtld a legs
Now for a fes w«knl» as to the best.
dangle over an aliropi eflgc. sod his kind of knlckkna.'ks io r«rt>vlde for
back -ts .silf^>rted l»y a |sTfectly the boxaar Many peupk- make a great
atralght rest.'Ut Is In reality ooihing
mote than a chats on wh«*«-U. The child
Is forced to take ko upright sitting po
sition instesd of iwtog able to assume
that recunibeni tiosture s bleb the old
esrriage allows. The child cannot lie
down to the gwart. andMberefore dur*
tog bis entire outing he irtnm|M-lU'd to
assume a fatiguliu: |»us.t»..u and lo^depeod u!H<n unaidiHl muik'I«-s for supiK>rt
at a I line «if life when tb- l«. k easily
tired. Tbe r.*sult Is tliat m.
or_dlr,vlly loJo. nv lo
-twsruest Tlil-ini» •• nerera.
alsmt ismmtary
_______of It. a ibUnble which c«»sta
ters would have be«>n most unusual fari.uuu to
money! And think
formcriy. It has been said that age **'Of
a husband who preseiita his wife
a topic flial either evok.-s
I with auch an anniversary pn-M-ni!
pride. With fl»e modern woman, bow. jThis la what tbe king
erer. It dww neither. 8he simply feela ypon the lost auniversarj of bis marDO gnwtor sensitlven«-Hs on tbe sob- Hage. The thimble Is of g.iM. enrichJect than a man would almllarly,sU^Itb diamonds and puiloiis stones,
uated. She has no more retl.-em'S} |t is sbatMil like a iwrt tally oismed
aUiUt her years than ahe baa als.ulj lotus flower, each |Ktal to-artog ttie
any othrt subj.it nmncit.il wHb b.-r tot.-rla«iil Initials of the H*iver»*lgn and
personality, and tliat Is to say noneJhU wife In amethysts, rubles, emerArouuii the rim of
any old. fasbloii.ll
^ ——’.im- luiuiuo- t-nu w 11-mo
»oe umi
U- read
tbe date of
ahrouds the fact to m>*stcry.
the marriage aiinrdlng to the Slni
The tradition that If one does not *nd Kui>.iH«n taleudam. ea. b umuHer
sh to’marry one must isix.me what and .web letil¥ U lng of alteniaie dia
to and lolerllo.ll with canvaa. lultlala
to Iw known as an old maid ls ' mcnids and nearls.
* ‘ «ow quile olsHdete. A^wotmui to her
ked upon
upon .me
.me aide.
side. ‘It I-edged
The tblii.lde was d.-s|gm,l by thf
with heaivy curd and Ungs to the arm thirtUni. wtother inarrlPd or single, la q„oen herself and was made by a
by a I.K>f»
___ no one knows It bet- prominent l*«rlsiau Ji-web-r.
n» of autln riblsm.. with a bow ,,
prto,e. an.l
I ter tliao she .loes. Her ag.- is a dlaIf you liave an empty beef extrmrt
gain. D..t a loss;, an asset, not a
An olsM-rier of dress cmnients on
Jar. you can make li the basis for a ^ aeflclt. Rhe Is quite H»ns. lous of the
pr.-iiy match bobb-r. Tbe roateriaU re- Advantage and Is. on th.^ a bole, ratb. r •’bat might to- rolled ilie |.ashlng of
qulnd area silk handkerchief, alxmt proud than olb.‘rwlse of b.r exisri-ltbe ina.ttot.H.b for
10 by lu Inches; one yard of aatto rib...
... ----.
boo. thn-i-i-lghtbs of an inch wide, and
a d.dU D Utile colored toy Is lls. Turn the tiresent "ways of the world.*
111.- little Jar uiwlde down and pUre
When one nx-alls tbe disHtuiron *»f
th.- lian.lkert'hlef over It. tbe h-dI.t «»f
ring fora Isdy.** said gttcfiipilog to bold uji a gown l.y put
tbe latter being juat over tto* middle
ting the baud tbrttugli a slit in tbe
point of the little Jar. Tie the hand
-SwH-lbrort ..r wifrr asked tbe clerk. macklnt.isb, while <^irrylng the urnkerchief flrmly around the groove lo
Drella to the other bnnd. with |M-rbaps
••Il..lb.** rcj.lMil the ruHt..nicr.
the Jar with a piece of string, then
**8sy. now. I*ni all at Msr* said the a pamd tuck.il under the arm. there
cover the string with a band of riblmn. elerk. "If it was for a smectb.-srl. I*d can banlly Is- too much gratitude for
On opposite aides of the Jar w*w the show you MOiicihiug batid<>«tnH- In this tbe mure aeusible fastiioii.
en4s of a loop of riblmn 10 Incliea long, rsN-: if for a wife. I*d s.l|,.| you farther
r—sk-nsf CVr«-(^^
by which the match holder may lie ans- ilowq the aisle for soni.-tlilng less expeopeh.bd. * A little tmw may be aewed siT.-: bill when .i itian cuibiiies tb.- tw«esay. y«.D*«l b-tter hs.k over the entin0,1 k faon at the top of the loop If drolnil for etock. It*s against ^| pn-<iilciit. snd cultural di-i
an- M-ldoiu :iiliili«
-hM lr |irh
d.i'oratlon. Nok- sew a little Udl on
Inmcier. an- not III
Iti i.r/|VallMi, to III
ea.-h corner of the handkervlilef and
quality. S4.m.‘ uf' lb.//.* Which H4-I1
two more on each aide almut an Inch
111.- lowest pH.i- are
iro IIS
in g«L<l
g«Vo<l u->
u-> otb
and a lialf*from the corner one. Tack
the handkerchief to little pulfa about
the top of the Jar. aa oth.‘rwlsc tbe portion to the nuuilH-r of Inhabltaota. All mul nmn- time.for. king than U
otH- 111 every 3.bi«» In-lug an author.
advised on tbi- |ia. kapi».
ends will hang down too long.
ta^uaroa of brocade, lined with aat*
A aox roa arATia!njcT.
'^gtoat them lo a box niadr of baary
irattf cdkir paiirr. dmrmt«Hl to water
Mton. Thlm 1. easily made. Tie the
In wltli aatto ribbon. Watt b for bai^
patfol lliUe article for a mao wbo la
trarollna is made from two pl**ces of
Hew Ibe pleres lojtelber over and
and aikk tbe plnn around tba
V 9^ >1
old idea, but Just aa oar-
•- «*
for tbe Girl Wbo 8kates.~A akattof
|at made of dark Idne or broa-ti Uftmr cloth. Until with nildier cloth,
pad with the monorratn embroidered
pa the outside of the Iwx. wIM lie afv
For a Business Prteud.-Take flv#
Vatouts. make a hoU* to the end cf
pach and dlff out as much meat as |Hia
ilble. With a taiie needle push a narlow rlbUm through each uUe of the
pheUs. connect tog tliem together, and
PU them with melt.ll bad. |»«ured
through the holes to Uie end. and tl#
Iht riblMin ends to a liow. It will ha
pppreelat.il by a buslmws friend wbo
ftuat have the om<i> or desk with |iapara lying lo.iseiy ai*out
For a to lLSil rriencL-^ ut a piece of
over another
ptoos of cardboard the i ime sloe. leav-j
For rhrlstiiias prew-nis tbe obopa
show all sorts of charming triflea.
which an- an Inspiration to dalatj
n.iillcworkers who can easily monofact u re them at home. Very cble
rnAMis. roa rmmxiicu-HA
mlatake to ajs-ndlug hours and boura
over.the embroidery aud manufacture
,of a UiiHj.n ad. cushion
which Ibex fondly liiiagiu.- xvlll t-nricb
the funds to tbe cviciit of iiiaiiy dol
lars. Now. DO gn-aicr niuount of laIwr and little in.m- f-\|*cnn-. If any. will
pnivid*- a .lo*»-n or more siiialler pne
) ductlotis iliat will 1M-I1 off at om-e and
will in .......... ml bring .itilie as much
grist to Hie mill, only too often
i masii-r)ii.ii- of the kind tlcscril .^l xvlU
I prove a drug in Ibe market and w 111 be
I oDr ,.f tl,.- tiiiiicf W.I.I ..nr i.jr ..k-iiod
I or |M-rli«|.« r<-t.in..-<l l.i ll> nurk.-r.
' who will -]»ro1i:ibly lunke soim- iiimiuii' pliuicutarx rcituirkson the saleswoman
, who did tioi lor -would no|-| M-11 It.
I*r»-lly and tasteful. nuMleratc to price.
iis4-ful iiml novel, an- the a.ljecHv«-a
that sb..ubl lie suitable for l«iFjiar srtiib-s.
A giKMl trod.- Is often dom- to little
lMisk«-is wbl. h do uot him much and
an* made aitractive by iN-rfiiuied lin
ings aud rlbUm trlmmidug arranged to
a vnri. iy of ways.
Ibixes offer an attraction
vlsitoro. aii.l lli.-re Is a vast field open a fuM-lnaili
lo Hie aiiiaiciir to .nxt-rlng and d<^ gnm velvet, atlurned with iewel an*
oral lug siiinll w.nnIco ones, such aa lirolilcry. iIblH>ns and primrooea
Hios.. devot.Hl to cigars aii.l the larg.-f
A l^wiloos M
cas4-s that may Is- ha.l from th.- gnsi-r.
Mrs. Mat«^..,.«k. r-\Vhsi n-awiaa bare
When Uu.ll XX till iiulltlng. |M-rfiim.il or ou. for thinking Mr. llich*s totratkma
not. iui-..rdliig to taste, and .iiv.-r.il rr M-rioiiB?
with old xv«.rld looking l.ro-nde
Mi^-. Mat. hiiinker -He iotrodoced tft
nbj.1t of lings lavi rvening and argued
..n ihl.v m fax -T of a «ntall hut vety pnro
iMvki-t f.ir idiotoj:yniijis In the stviv iatuoud.-Wewelefs* Wxi-Uy.
^Tvo. 'B,. Sa,w\o ^
m: s___
Iron Works
- Founders
I ^ 'BM '
Hxpcricnce of an aKcnl and class of security
offered should be your first consideralion in
placing y6ur lire insurancc.C Both of these
qualifications are found in the a^jency of
and Machinists
Office in the Wurzburg Block.
Fifteen years experience as an underwriter,
and a policy in any of the following com
panies will give you tlve
. Manufiduren of
Sa^ MU Machinery.
^^Deaiers in Saws,
Mtini and all Kinds MiU SuppUes.
and Manufacturer of CASKETS
reMOM why we cu make it eii object for yon to
.j f»»a-^enM we meonfectare caeketo and aaee tbe profit of ontdde factoriea. We have been asked if we can do this, and in reply
•ay there wever wua machine inrented to . cover cloth casketa that
wsesauoeem. AU thia work haa to be done by hand.
‘>»r onr cloths aSo) hardware at
l>Ird—%caore we pay caah and di«»oiit our biUi.
f^oiirtli—Becanae we have do rent to pay.
S. Xa. a^TVITElJEl
Niagara, N. Y.; Westchester, N. Y.; N. Y.
Underwriters agency of the Hartford Fire
Insurance Co ; National, Hartford; Orient, ,
Hartford;P1 o nix Hartford;National Assur
ance of Ireland; Grand Rapids Fire, Mich.;
Insurance Co. of N9rth America. Philadel
phia; Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co., Phil
adelphia; North British and Mercantile,
England; Royal. England; Palatine, Eng
land; Lancashire, England; Imperial. Eng
land; Lion, England; Manchester. England;
Magdeburg. Germany; Aachen & Munich.
^Germany, Transatlantic, Germany; North
German, Germany; Scottish Union and Na
tional, Scotland.
Stem Boiler, Acdderit, Plate Glass,
and Employers LlabOify Luaranet,
Both-phon«% No.M
TfiacRerau’s Estimate of the Character
_ , of the first President of
’ the United 6tates. :
Wtmmi ymman mmA te
uo«Ml teUml la Um poraooalitir oT tbr
ntmUtm oC Hla dmntrfr To a wt4*
Cftalo or roo4»r« It muot be • butter
far oarDrtoe tlut TIurkerajr. the conAraud and rvllil*** ryn^
M aa foe. and held up to ridiculeill aa well aa alien Idola. bad ibe
and 0ae
Aftar aaplalnlnff
fVenrIiI In tba Amertran
tba cUahlna of interreie brtuaen iVm
laad tbr Knsllab rolunlalp alotia the I
J^ncJc ^ coaal. Tbm. k»-riir tHIa bow |
VlrslnU cionlala to eapH ihr inradara ‘
from b«>>«>nd the greal Uk*-*
‘*11 waa f
atranar.*’ he aaya. “that a a aavasr | ItU fh«- "prlBe of the brikhfeat fame**
foraat of IVtinaylvanla a yoat-s Virginia, waa pralae lndt*«H].
#meer ahould nrr a ahoi am aak«-nu|i af
Tlie author worka out the detalla of
nrar w hl4^ w a* to laal for SO > ••an*, a hi« ti ‘
»n'a career In the .-ourae of |
waa to ettvet hla own ruuiMo and |miimk.
and Iravea It to tao of hla *
Into Eurupr/ to e^nit France her Amer- rharac trra.
Hieoi«e Warrinaton.- an j
Man re.l.mkf., t.. iN.vrr oure tKnaUn l ai al.lr. hUth minded Tv>*. and hla brother !
froin ua,
create the great a CM-m ; "Harry.'* a ftatrlot
rage over the old a. rid to tea
iit In Ihbjmrtitr
h J
When eaiiogulKhed m the tiea . and ofaj RtanUa
|a>rtal of %e atruclure. I
AU the myriada eriKaa-d In the v».^t | Hi-e^ki
Hfe-Mking of Waehington when at the-1
acti r la much iiiore frank and
tIonate than mine, aaa alaaya hla faat
friend Iti eaily tlmea. when th.> were
equate, aa In tin- latter daye ahm the
W..lfe, H« t* in.f.-.il, le .< Kr* «i-r
than Wolf.
To .-n.lur.
to .tan-, to lire out h>.eiile r..Mun> i
daunted t>> n«i dim* uli>. ro k.-|. i(
all unkind a «ui»erlur
"Hla great and eurtirteing tnuintdia."
rontlnu.-a t;cofgi. WarrlnKton'e' euloKy.
•were not in thoae rare engagementa
with the enemy where he ohtalnetl ^
ding maetery. but over congreae. «i
hunger and dteeaae. over lukeu.
or amlllng fiM.a In hla own
bum hla aplrlt had to me«-l and
Wher the airuggle wae over
and our lm|M,tent t hlefa who had <-on
II began a.|uahlde and ac, ua«.
each other In tl
the nation.
It. wTial
irlKUe etH.tl.ee to f..r.-K.. ev. n ..n.i.ro.n
ah.-n th.- .-nd fe Kaiind %\h.. .an eoy
Ihia le ind Kreain.-e^ ..r ehou th- otin r
a. hi. v.il
gya //*•/. c-
^ HoUy, with iff berries red sn iesves o' cheerfat greens ^
Upon the wsU o' cot dn hsU st Chris'mus time is see^.^^^>^
It seems to shed d hdppy dir dn sets the bedrt dghw..
But J pdss its crimson clusters ler the sprig QL^stict^e.l
MittkKie Jbove sa . pu^y Uce behw~r'
could one be akin on this^ eatk,^^ tike to knoWr
h there inytlung, o^mitsin
r# ewo<^l^ y^r jojr when kittin ^
The girl ye lore on Chris'fnu$ time benesth the
KIHtiFK-n IHMvil < o%« IIW
J.Hveph I'arey . w hue.* picture ie hri
with ehoan le an Irl eh IW wh.. 1
many >eare her Ion n the coarhnmn for
the preeldent of the Tranor aal. C>n >
Tib t»KriSrf/K,.
Trim the tree with presents gty
With popcorn, sugsr pktmt
Pik the gifts o‘ hee the.'
But don't ferget apoe^'
Mmieioe obowr so
Whst more
• jrNwA A<rwt«r..b..fde«H 1<
Yea aw fWiriaar t
.rilOfKm.Maha.-kw4J4pwa-4wWwCw.W..4. uW
HO.. W <M«
.MhkIiii hae au|e-racded the mliuilonary.
The event aerr-lng
forth Ihia maater;>
enemy aa» t,o la.tler or liravet ! arrived too late, that rcginn-nt miM.H.k 1
ofunlng of I
i|Mti;n than huiidf.-da that fought with him or , Ua ordeiw. that theae cannon halla |
of ITkI. when
onlata . agalnet him twho hae not heard the would n-t m ihoac gufia. and eo |.» tinflred U|H*n the advaace guard of the
aCMtiiat ‘k'l.tdija' In whli h hla end of th-.-hui.ier! Here waa u g* n. ml
French, killing thdr leader am? pre ip. f«.-,.„.e . ai taina uere a*-« ualomcd to who b. at ua with no ahot a
*ltatlng • iH.rd.r war. From that h-.ur 1 Indulge*!, hut Waahlnglon. the chief ilmea. uml no |H,wdcr and no
the eatabllahment of |h. repuMlc 1-f a nation In arma. doing tialll. utth
he nrv.-r thought of a conv. nlloi,:
I.y .rtm.r>- durln. th« MflW
aleoii Kiinle-ii. > %v.,e III.- Ilul. riiHiv.- . hurrh eh«.an In the ai-corntunying Hltlda
Thie httl. rnleeioii . hun h aiie k-H u|> hy Fn»:llah rnleaionary'aocto*
ii.-e and need ie*:ularl> I., hav. ite Sandiiv c..nKr.-icHtlona of hlarka. to whom
th*- i # !..ioir y at tin- le.et wmild triv*lnetiti.il..n
CIV.- tiietiti.
il..n and aptrltual advlco.
I ym fWkn trcaiw frMi riU t
be^^iXoa tbit esrtb. Id like to know!
snyth£^ s^miam
yer joy when khsin
lore on Chris'mat tinK benestb the mistletoe!
N*w tl«t O., burl.1 pta*. of John P.ul JonM bw bMB OIkotM to P«to
UA Ib-rr to avnie talk of iwraovlng thla hero'a oahea from the llttU PortaUn
eemotery to America, new and unuaual Iniereat hat been awakened la ibe ca*
fn the rmied.Putea nary. It baa
bww found that iwVI Junee waa burUdat the ogpeiue of tho Frwaeb gorem.
The appt
wim hla boaea now repoae la covert by a building once tued aa a atabla.
sre d Ycsct.
one reioiee.
/khOe the fi^r drsws the bow.
'^herj bcoest^ the mistletoe,
tba moot noted whip to the Tranaraal
and haa had many adrenturea la South
Afrlea. oat of the moot famooa being
hla aapture during a Matabele at^ck
uch. Ha Bude hla eacape
' F^,:^
I (iJIt.^
•Mi tti 4to 1^ «r
^mmm kra fM« ««bm «r «hw m •« tW Imm. L«HW •»
«kMi tk» fw»rt>Mr «r tW fteek^^avai ratlMr think I Mt Um mwmj nntins
MATpiMi U thTttSl^ Chfir hMt.ont wiih cwio.ItT.’*
^ -I fr«odrr whj yon didn’t trU ih«n nil
-Tho nonndttM pmf nil tho bOK- ihe nbont the comnutito nnd lu notile wott,hni nnld to Jnch. nnd ho wnn Ccrad tn nnid hon*«t JoHl
• jfcii4 ita
—■■■ ■> lyM ■>• »>» P*Mt
yon Uka to ride bahind n
^ iidrwillr. ^*ihat jnn harv no othor nn- ' •ood botwr ^Inqoiradamommt latar.
'fnfwnt far tho nftomoon?"
*’A\Tiy not ’ «|o.4b rwckiroa Jaclu
U^wwmr frtoliofo to toko nnjthint | And. lo! n« If tj
Im piJ^ for cfnnud.^ onM cho anOani drawn by a mmlraonw bUrfc borar. np>
I dnch.
praiwd booldr throL a drab coatrd drifrr
Than, na It la Wadn«day nflanaon. atrpprd cmt ^nd baoM tbo rrla. to tha
«a will nttand tha aMW at tha opara yoonf womkh. and a OMnnant latar aha
hanaa." anid tha Mnck ayad cnwnHtaa. and Jack wara apaadinc away toward tha ‘J
1 haaa tha aanu,- aha qnichly nddtd. anbniha. It wa. a OMOt dailcbtfnl 40 ^
nnd thna hi«M
«»X »a^ JM ndnntra’ ride, and than thr tall cart waa Ik,
r OMda toward tha box o«oa. anddanly drawn np in front of a
play WM a pratty
nnd Jack mnninc down tba atapn.
anjoyod lu wfc and raiUary to tha nt'j It waa Tom.
■Mat. Na donbt bia anjo:
sack mrraaord hf tha pran
Trfrkay foond yon all right.’’
-Trickayr ga.prd Jack.
Than ka ramanbared that Tom had aa>
ha did. eatahlng tha witty poioU na fast
a alstar. and aoaa>
tha iDpraoslon that
how ha bad
•ba wa. a fmea cUmbiDg hoklan In cUpI And Jack fait thni hr aooldn't ba to. pH) corb and aKtrrmaly diurt akirta^
'frotafnJ to her for not Inklatliic upon tha fast a scatter hraloHl. romping child.
•fight to naanma tha aant nrxt tha alala. And Ihb foraly glH wa. tha real Trickay.
What a blooming idiot ba had bern not to
I It wna doting tha
lUlt» Nd- gnaaa it beforr!
•’VW «*« koDl mw M> wka *t«>d at Ing tha Uat net thnt
*‘No wonder »ba foond yoo.” cootlooad
n» fcotH aatw* »a* aaMaatlr a ~r dreiar* If Ik* nancartord* sraa'I Tom. -Hba’. .tolm all my photp. of yoo U
and dock them up aU orcr bar roona— W
to Ik* riif. n* tookad akeat
pa arttk a aliaac tonaaitoa T>f cartoa-1 -y.i
fc»,' ikrj <ma.. 8w kara: lark in football tug. orrr tha manlal.
ar. Aaaa k* auiad apward al Ik* aa- 'w* araal'' pMaad Ikal w* tr* eld Jack darting for tba Orinoco on tha j
j^-todUa..- aa-k* ^ draaaar. Jack”-Tom.” criad
•^ciu’ra horrid!”
This obarrrnnt yamig man's nnina vu nnnwr
na waa a Saw Bnr * -l-oHla. And yonrar
I will Uka
”Tha commlttca <
n brief rrcam.” aha
-Make U rary
Alhnny. Ha hnd coma to f’laroUnd at
rrp^t»4 inriftum ct commlttca nnd looked Inqolrlogiy at Jack.
' k«. Lnrila kaaa
-What fraah non
fig collaga mnU nnd rary daar fiiand, Jark. Thara wara two rarant aaata in
----- KWllymplon* and ha had arrired a tha row ahaad* and thaoa tha noagarkbd. - CbraUnd
of lima. Ila had mrant to fords took.
Than Jack’s ewumittaa
glap «t
for n frw hoars* coofar- caught a parulUr glaam in pmty klra. PlaiD iValrr
V ggaa whh a mining axiwrt. bat oa tha Hungrrford’s .-yr.
> imhi had raaalrrd atab-gram from him | -Oh. c.xrasa ma.»- aha mannarad. T
gtotlng that ha had aaddruly boro caDad forgot that yon bad bran away. Too
gi Toronto In ronnartloo with an Impot- harrn’t ma^ Jack, bara you? Jack, tbU rmcniy flan Team* OonauntUne Wiihg
ignt lagal raw- and aoklug him to dafafi b Mr. and Mr*. Boh Ilungarford.”
% b Buffalo rlidt. Ho Jack had ewtoo , “Ok. ya^" said Jack tba diffidaot aa ba
B ami IndlenUon of cmnp b bonma.
# gtonigkt thr^Mixb to CbTrland, and. ba- !amJW and bowed. -I really faal as If I
nnd In n child antjaci to thnt
\ Eff of a slightly diOdant
bad ought t« kn«»w you. I^eila maotUad
bfdcl lodaad
loMaad of prtscaeding
prf*cacdlng at yoar namaa wrcral
acrml Uroca
mm to • kfdcl
Uroca when
when aha
aba dInrMa it mnj be tnken na n anm nigh
RtaPTiON conmnet
Of Refined
PHI rail •iBik-u isipi «i.
a«#w •*■« »«*«» .
gftarnooD. Tlirrruj
L hi. nama for tbc domestic and added
• of the htt
hotel, the m.ld proml.i»e and addroaa to
Than Jack drollrel ut In frpnt of tha
S Benda
Fashionable Outfitters
....... 1^
•irraiii by. Tbc tide
w tyito-.
obto. rr.nt ayaa
M-** to J.ik*.
sll|i|ie«l awa.t rapidly a. ha
gad the tiisM-- dlpitoHl
rrsfwiitly he I
gware that a ainiuily dte*to.d young wogmn waa regarding him with *oiiie danlefiinrsto. She wa> a prrity
laughing blnrk ey.li. and thosa
fixrd'u|*..D Jack with a quizrihim and
Aa M
: in a little ri<»ker.
rdon me." she said with
MTlty. ”but am I iiiitotuki-n iu asaumiug
M y»«
• stranger In townT’
Bar Toler was low. and musical, and
gmy pleamiot to the ear. and Jack waa
gem more UrmlyrttmTliued of bar eg-
Ncckwur, Mufflers. Jewelry.
House Jackets. Kid Gloves.
MHts, Initid Hindkerchieb.
Fancy Vests. Umbrellas, etc.
IE [[
Chnmbrrlnln'a Oo»ffc
Oonfb Erm
rr«,i laSr^pUi* aoia* all mngh. If Chaakartoln’*
rdybglaanna aeon na the child Imm mnn bonme, or aaen nftar tbc crenpj
fbec. made me forget tlui yoa were not
| dUI In thr lird quarter of tba honey
••That’a very nice.” said pretty Mra.
'Hungrrford. with a little nod of thanka.
Purchase Xmas
Gifts of
. er^
iJ 1^'
homtn In ibb orond Innd nnd nercr db
nppolnu (he nnsionn motbrm
hnvr ynt to Irmra of n alnglr inainnea in
which It hna not proTcn •ffacionf. No
other prrpnmilon enn nhow aach n re-1
uan*. gl
youth? little Mra. Hungcrfurd
rored youthr
aMi.il it at that moment.
WAtTflck t *lluxiMb. Dit|f
r inquired tha mab
i -Slop here lougr
j^-Ouly through tha bat ncU**
"««"«> WMto WIM «f T«r Syrtop, tiw
It'" lit
bat «mj{h iwnwly on arth. cure* * cold
*••1 ti..-an In (Vrolaud.”
tooBedayifukcntotiine. g5«.d60cta.
I’m In the hands of
-I don’t
the .iMiimlttcH-.”
Tall IbA Ilungarford hsikHi a llttb
natonUhtd at tba reply, and Locib
8. E. Wnli.
The New Hotel Columbia
K “in'** •Hhougb ba was quite stunned
Jar Iha moment by the Iine.pactrd
^I*nm a stranger In ihia partTcalar
^y.” ba managed to reply, "but not anEmiy • at ranger to city way*.”
•If b arldent.” aald the young woman.
Bfth an Inrrraar «»f gra%lty. "that yon
new spatters.
gmd the nenspaito-rs,”
a habit that I bara
•aid Ja.k
Traverse Gtyi Michigan.
Sic*Bm heat, elcHtric lic^hU a»d cull balla. All room* forbiabed with biAW and iron bedCall for free bus at nil traiiin
tmiiii and boats. First-class rpstsur«Dt
W. e FLLTi nEH, Prnprit-1
Cur. Front and Park
^ block from G. R. & t. dTpof
Th*^ young woman had. aa It ware.
- ^ * 1 Jack Into in uonmiN-iinia anMmmrriEed
to keep stepI nitb her aa aht
■lowly-mov«it townnlI the arenur.
- ssid. -Ilka an bonant
•*You bsik.”- she
^lY^nraTy. like U-auty.” ro
fnek. -U iumelimcs
liut skin deep. Tl^
fiCt la. I am rs-ally an acHumplisbed pick
6fs^^ Mirltoil
In the Jeweler’s
• dathr way? That’a a fai
iMtlvr who is d igging my foolst«-|»s.”
-I see.” sslil ihc |Scity girl with a
Mrmiug amile. "that you are a humoriat
m wall aa a pi. kpo. kct. It U a pU-asant
g ntrangrr In
Med to know anyihing aUml our ctta
IM. Kindly miderataod. then, that 1
rire insurance.
?c’i:.:sL7w"j:r:v;,'..’.V‘7.*„.;.. ^
Mbar for the purtsiw of atiending tha Iq
impitalitira of our city to all worthy aoinnrnrra within Us gatt-a. We are ax«
Mad to meet atrangera and impeam
6an with our Hty’a la-autlas. ”
/ Dlffideot Jack U.ldly iniemiptad har.
- . -You bare rrrtalnly Impres^M me with
•■a Of them.” he said. ”1 don’t think 1
gim to aaa tba other. ”
Tfca amiliu* foun* woman aUi^tlf
L. L. A. Building
AUwoakafklgnaai poaoibla ganSa. rina
wm-k a spketaKy.
“Wk.» Ika atraniar happMia to k*
Vow Otto. Varkhnm Block
■r the youngi r memlirra of tha commitim on transients I. aeot to promlyta him
fbr. you row, tha prima object of tba
gommlttaa b to win ffhm him n prombn
i» bacrmia a giHs) llrTelandaf. 1 might
gdd that tha aebame is Bfrougly Indoraad
hf Iha aojournar committar^^of oar m-
Pntti leir time
to thill iboit haiiia joir
good laata.” ubi Ja
Materiel aed Workmanship Guaranteed.
Estimates Cheerfully Made oi eey Work Oesired.
Will gladly meet any legitimate competition.
You can save money when you buy a monument,
by writing or calling.
Traverse City Granite & Marble Works.
H. D. ALLEY, Proprietor.
401 W. Front St
Traverse City, Mich.
Toaraivbinlaoaao so a
«*r wkaol ran for tbo 1
gM waa canalnly daUghtfaU rran tt hm,
wa. a triBa laborad. Bn
vnnld mn tba adrantarr throngh.
-And now for lonchm.” anId tht
lan nf onn. na aha bd
g. Into a waU appoint-
Rne Draft and Driving Homs For Sale.
John Ra Santo,
Genral litiriNi.
Of the oUert fire inrarance agency in Trswws Oily is
faMk of every pobey lasoed from ny oOoe.
ar.CAcm. nra ta-iMt. w t hwu a m-pimw, Ns.m
: -'"S' •..
Oa.^ SZeigiL-bs .A.xi<ii-bioii.
f^'_l 1
• Sr-AT.£-
and baa aoma exceptional fine
barsraina to offer. Can name
yon pricea and terms on
Vacant Lots
in Oak Heights
Aa well as all other parU of
the city.
Good nsideie8.W^8th SI.. $1.000 1
OiauWishiistoi stmt. ^1.000
Omsi Webstar street, will firisee
' aid modera imprenneats, $! I SO.
Dae 01 Rates street. $750.
-/Dae OB 14th stmt. $650.
'jlae 0115th street. $350.
A special bargaiB~.Resideece with all
modera improvemeats, East 8th street.
Some Very Desirable .
3 Business Property
•t:; '
? t t tiy :
1 1 1
5& ij
and BuMer
Si '
Having bought the balance o/
the vacant lots in this addition
willlbuild for you such alhouse
as you maylwant, on very easy
tenns, or make you an excep.
tionally low price on any of the
Can show you other very
desirable real estote that will'
pay well as an investment, and
a number bfresidences that are
2 aew dwelliags, Barlow street
I lew dwelling, West 10th stmt
I small dwelling, Cedar stmt
I small dwelling, Second stmt
I good place, Bay street
; Also fine new hotel, splendid location
I good farm, 72 acres, well improved,
good land, near Acme.
On any of the above I will
make the pricel^ght
And I am always open for a
Inquire for
You should certainly see
TrararM City, Uiehlcu..
W. L. Brown
Coetraotor end Bonder,
Resideiee.3l5W.l0th stmt.
Dell >hoial69, Herthere 159
Traverse City. Michigan
iaiMV«f I
Oper^ Glasses
mm im gWto to a dto«r kac tor cut/toc
-kr Utmm tOTd. Md aur te to MgWcrtoto
mt ttMB tm*m4 fMn to tmriaa to
iww^ aa ambraUa. Arttvt^ at Ua
iMt aa aador o«e« awaacM biB
0M« lOTd. r«i M/ lm$irvn tte c«H
«tot of/MW <tot ky roltowtoc tiNW dl-'
Gold Watchds
**Ucani roa alO ^oaoiaor joar^
mdat ariM for otghc dajo for canr*
at aa aaUnalla wUla la foU aat-
flod la Cbt dtj fo fMCtSM WlMM IlMi
m ao^ a aocMoltj-^ mmtimm
tvteo tbo iMftb of tbo flalobod I
{latai*flT BL^to"S23L^^i^
j Diamond Rings
M lWflw.
of li bo miea: **1 Boear fowod nopUiiBg
tbni wonid ralloco bo onUl 1 bA
CbMbarUtBb pain Bnlaa. ItMtallkc
Baglewlib Bd. Myfooiwaa awoUen
bat OM
I rollacod
ma tbr mmtarr wlU pralt
tW IUM««. taro tbe k-fi foot ooiward m
far M pnmmlUt wit boot nortQf tbo
M from lu iiooltkHi
Ndfii make tba
good nMUanUealdTaln Bab
waa. ^aalobf b S. Wait and P.C.
I. Dfwiet^-
mama Baormaoflt orUb tha right foot
witb botb fort mortac Umo.
Irinrse Cii| Uinber Ci.
Tfifsrsi City, •
Scarf Pins, Watch Chains
Siaod fWt. brrt* logr
•Ot tumloc lUr frrt
; tlim. withor moTlnc
tbrm In anjr wax. couimH ttir luuorko
of tbr kttreo no Hint iLr^ nre pulled la* ward.
TUln ftnair nrrrlnr rrvrrmtl. OO that
tbr kOHCto an* <]ra«u ouf5%nrt! Utrrall/.
U r«<nr|4MiP for nlmialnrndig kaock
ktarm. I*riu-tl«'rd faltlifutly lUrfir r»rf* '
darn will aurrl/ brl|» )ou.
food rtrrrinr for bowb |fa la to ataiid
wttb til- frrt nlljctitly a(«n on a boii- ’
aoatal llnr. tlirn. by rxrrrialof tbo
BOW’lm of tbr knrro. draw tbr f««rt to- !
frllH-r. Tbia oittai br duur oa a auioc*tb
r\a w a a w. a. «
\Vc can furnish also the finest sets of silver
ware or special pieces of jewelry for use or
adb-r toiop. tb-D doubir lotntiou lu altrmalivr nay. the luriin Ibis time
oarniw luolrr rlbltona. wblrb
iMTve aa gatbrrlns ntrluga aod alao aa
BOly lo.|i,g four, ami no on. dlminlabliig
ruuntaiitly In nin b a nii> an aucxn-n.
•Irriy ilm**.. tbni two and ai laat one
»»J ^‘*‘‘*1*
!»■«. n»*X ^
P*i*»*l‘-d from Ibr arm. Tbr gathering
rlbbunn nn* JoIoihI lo a bow at the top.
and alno form Ihiwn al racb aide of the
•aartitodr ubb b many px»plr might
china allk of i
fteforrlbe ribbon la doubled
Uum tm
ry. lo. Who . luiiun to In* Ibr nitmllrat
In tbr world. wHgbn 11*^ ouiu-rt
•till In not an big an all onlliiury nixed
^t. Illn mranim-nirnt from tbr tip of
Ala ooer to the end of bln tall la Jual
ot aUk la plae«> *» •«miid IL
Tbr rlbboo la IbcB
folded logrlbrr and Ibr rdgiw Joined at
oadt aldr to witblu au Intb and A half
iMUir iitiudn*r lo an opinmltr dirrrtloo
It aluiw a .noturul and In-clua again;
Inil only inak.w Ore tbie time, always
•llriCirly Ui oppualtr .Lnsiloua. An-
•ingle tuni
orblrji are at tbr namr tiiiir luatbrmatIrmli tbr Innert remalon atnudutrly motionlenn until li> agitation again ukea
Itujuranlun of It and it gUrn lun lf up
to lin «-«iiiHli at..d ralruUilMtin with au
W. C & B. c4. GANNETT.
neck of the bag.
“^ont tHH.pl- wn m to think.** aay a
0“krr of fumliur.-. -tbai mn-ret draw•*rn and bbblrii rtH^-ptn« bm In furniture
only ralnt In iiuvrln and pbiyn. but this
U by no luraun imi.
I %efy fnH|m»otl(
takr onl«-m for nurb Itema. and I cm,,i„y
clever woman drnigner. who
Instruction ^ ^
Smoke Union Made Cigars
C E. Horst
Graduate of tlx
of MuilcDeteo«,Mlch.
335 Washington St.
Nlu- imidr up b-r iiimd lo In- I
UiUi-i.mary nnd «a« ^ ui to rtio mUnloi
acluNd at I n:f Ix-a. lu
CN»uipli-fc bi-r (tiui-nnou
rl>a( ibi-r%- tolls- ba« writts-li s»fls-u to
Ams-riiwn frls-ud* H im r.*-4’-u.-.l bor. aud
carb b'ticr tobsswto aiarkiii impruveanf-tit ovsrr lb.- U»»t.
tosNui'an tobi- baa
gmsltinls-sl tolls- will stiier uik>d lb«
Rs-tnarkatsls- ck-\srmrwto
dUptays-sl by blrtU
-1 bad
aayto a gt-nib-man. “lirtwswn tbo wlrea
of wbsMsr ragf I utocd ts> tx a pl«*ce of
lump tougar
Om- day It drupprd ouu
•lid wbi-o
h Uoo pb-ks-d
pU-ksN] up wa» founsl to bo
qmtr wet on on«* aUltTbIa aurpriaed
lur. and 1 r.-pUr«-d it toj til*-• t-agf.
ll.fdry aldr liiwanl. an-1 .1s t
iijiDwl to
watch Ibr blnl * |
.\ftrr a
frw lurff.N-ttial aitrmptto/s.u Itir lined
augar. thr blnl wmt to tbr watrr gbiaa.
gllrd Ita bill drs.piNNl tbs* watrr on the
augar. apd r^ps-ati-d tbU arrml llmra.
YVlim (lir augar waa tbim astfirurd. tbr
blnl iM-gan to rat It. Ap|ian-utir brir
•raa tbought-a fwlcuUtlon of mraua
«nd a uar of them.**
Th# wtte of Gorenior Atklnaoo of
Qrorgla traa left In atratirord Hreom•tancraBt bit ilratb nod baa mcctiMed
•a appolDtiiimi aa itetr ag«it for errtela Arr mad Ufr taammaer coBimiiWa.
Tn prose
- - •earra nilea, erfjna.
I aV akin dtacmi-c. a aample boa
nddreaa on receipt
b* at
ions of cleanliness, and by well paid, honest Jabor
When you want a first-class smoKe call for Union
Made Cigars.
The following arc union manufacturers in the city:—
A W. lahraiis. P. A Clausen. C.irl Pierce. Anton Pras-
As good cigars are made in Traverse City as any
where in the country- and by UNION L.MiOR.
Union made goods arc manufactured under condi-
Studio ^ .g
blue tan. B^irrio N
Chicago •••
West Michigan.
Meehan School
»a safer BcbiTears
A Brlahl flilerto# tSIrl.
Vtu.y. a btib» riiln.-*.- .la^e girl who
waa nfM-u.'.l tu»* .vrnm agn by.tlir ruil
adrlpbta itotobNy to |*n»i.-.t fblldrco
From I’rucliy. 1» allowing r«-markald«
|H>w«-ra of tiiiiul
Her .Nliiratlon was
Itogim III riiiliid-lphlsi. and wltldu a
3»-af *li- wn« nt> «-liMngi-«l and ik> «1«-\c1
01N..1 m i.itHb-, ! tba. ab- u«. r.-gnrd.Nj
an Hid- t«i d«i bl(- ti)Kiu lii-r
Jewelers and Opticians q
137 Front Street
gi^jiun In iHAABlng
of.................j^almriji.^ which
«u,..unl of tapping or luruaurlog could
lu iiiont i-aiK-n. even were the
•rnr ew eight yenra I aaffered with
that piarne. era m«. and1 c^ld get DO
-e'W U'*t I
'urht me D .
Chase*. 01n«me«,|
O-rhrji cared me
Chaa F
Krllore. piano
wrtgb«Nl Hi omi.N-to and wa« an Inch
longer tlmu ry. lo. .New York World.
studio .1336 W-tohington Slwet.
and satisfy the most exacting fancy,
Mrs. C. E. Horst,-
Step in and examine our stock early.
have a big stock and can meet any demand
rbdn, wbb'b are left to form a
A oiuoImm- of amall gilt
^nga are nrwrd around the outalde of
«»e n«*ck of tlir liag. and through them
! no doubt lliat a dealrr lo hide articlea
t fi^m too ciirloua MTtania dictates the
■ ordera.**-New York TrlbuoB
The demand has already be^un but we
bolb.w riN-.-pta. lr dlmN..cr.Nl. tbr woodI work around
to tie cut
.•way. a«i t-oiiipiri arr the fantenlugn.
Moat of the ordrra come from womenand rb b |N>oplr. of courae> and I have
An lnnrr< f nirnintnr.
Tbrrr la a llttlr liiwfi biuud lo New
aa a cratrr. 1a den* riblo« rapid rlrdea
At flmt It rirrtJl.-n all of thrin;
But one iDorr or oin* Ima
Tbrn It
' rererann the nnivrmriii and tiiakra tbr
D Any of these will make a suitable present for Qu^mas
«wllrdl I hr -lUtor« l Wbli b '
aooau*’ aul] wbirli n-t uia i-aiiablr of
V «oaolliiK to at Irani nU
It In found OD
Vfbo *ravd*a of Ibr bauaiia trrr. aod
Wbrn tbr UMMiirul la favorablr It uiay ^ttb
t» nrrn to turn aruiitid. wHb lU brad calr tint
John F. On & Co.
Sncttssirs to
Dainty Pins with beautiful settings
trX oloo raUlog both frpt ffoo ClM
tfoor. bolditig Ibrn fttralgbt m froot
with tbr knrn otmlgbl. Tbro ivUlo
tbo fort a|*uo tbr ookl<-« to oppboltr dSFor
hil. John Furtsch.
Fire Insurance That Insures
r Ord Raplda.
IM' !ir“
I f!
ooiwo Mowra.
i j_s_
Grand Raptdto.
Inc^rovertible Evidence!
b y y y.y.y.y.y y yy y yy / y.yy,^ y yyry^y^yy
Wc DUpenaa
. Hot Boat Taa. Bdl L
lUUoo ter • flat ehm
!>>elading Hot CboeolnU
Hot 8odaa.
baakiM tba oaonl Hat
JAS.Q. JOHNSON, Driggisl
nb«ria toUalaM.
would like to atate wbat
G.H. SN0W,M. D., Specialist
1 bare bera la pstor braltb (or a j«ar ptoiii
aaagrDtolna »orM>; basr« bu-^n la greai ptoln.
a»dg«x>vioa »rtobrr;DoanbltUwi tood aottobV
lo Ac aueb work. My mtspetm wU voor »s
Uaeto.eoaia no-, ele^p at olgbi ny armoi^
Tery poor: ■kto yollow.bad taale Id ny aontb
There waa a fluttmag aod had (reliiig la ay
sSlffvrrot dcN-torss. Tbey all aocior«d nr for
sJlffrfrot Ulnr» srithmit aaij b«ln I caJlrd
u| oo U aoo» »bo Ukisl n« ay tronUe. Be
fawr ar aeUlrloe ansi brined ar at oo<^, and
after H) day* tn-atantl I raa aay ibat I aa
about well afato I would adsdae a&yme wbo
U »trk to call on Dr. Baow.
Mr. D. W. neld of WolrotUeille. lod . wbo la
engaged at tbr new court bouae. aakea k
bU oplnloe Of Dr. 8tiow-a toerrtcea:
. JOHN P. OTT & 00
Mr M. .1, OlHviii of drawn, Muli.,
or oomoMHida our Hot
ebooolate to tba poblie.
fintil Rtpids ft Inditu R. I
Iwal and departure of train, at- Trarerat
City. li> efTwcl Ortober tfnd. IWb.
/ yyy y yrjr^yy;^y^.y^^^y:y:y , yS
aod 1 aa eei7 much bettor, aod aa p’aaas
Dr. Snow mdse<« .pecUlty of All Chronic DiMtotofl, Ditoowe of Wo-
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.