The Morning Record, July 11, 1899

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, July 11, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


v.i^n mm




1 Dm axI Mifktr
“Tba Mcr«t tww mMA* oI
B«T.O M.How«rtfU»MPlain ^a.«**th»»w«. pmm<i t> mi Osttttna Otis Bald to be VecoUu tte Mloo*. Tba Umm* U«* of
tUtlng In Boorot
ithebifnat k«mb«r that

n. VMtttC » W
tk««oth*rt bjy* ta w>t .ale
«»■ With Agataaldo f—a San—dar-;
• theUM«MX«wH «'u]h*«M.lnuitlMiwi>u
— Brpofted, Atee That Praald—t
Btf SUBbOC-Tht iMt XMtlst*
XeXialevtelHrsettettea Watt—te tor
•r th. Oo.a-Uo.W-a WUd WIU ' (Jj^ Qf
T. IM6HT. Bdi—ed That th.
•poetoi 1.1—k



D—H. J.i7 io»yoi lAppUoatioD for Pardon Oob
ttw I.—atioMl. ChrlaUM SikAwTiir j


hv PardoB Board

W—hlagtaa. Jalr 10»tt te imardte
u vttblB th. aard. bx m—than of tte
—Wa—that pa—. —tx b. .agotliiad
latte PhUlppfa- la a ahart ti-a.
What Infor-ati— the go——t h—
te lead te thin baliaf te w>t kaowm. bat
that It te
It- ma­

-•-.Uo. wMth. h-i-t 4.x of .|
py waonBoard.
Th—• h.Tt hM. drht
K«mb«a la •—d— Tedax at Park
r—t (»th-taCBh.U4wlMth.
riin. fi—ticaal X>—bl. Warda—tloa.
• ofthoim
Beciall—. tor Which Wright ta Wtw
Um4 oth- pcMti—l
•arriag a Lite >—tea-■
Uma haa. oM—d Wit <
la talk, with two —biaat dm—b—•
The If iebicaa State Board of P—4o—
thte Boraiag, o— of wb?- w— S—re. h* —IM the '
Th. r—.1 trmd a eoModod will B—t la thi.dtx tod*x too—.id— taiX Gaga, It w— pUlaly ahowa that
tte ou. of Cb— T. Wright, who te
M tea. hM. to brood—M «-U .M to
a.wa of eoapUto aad aaeoBdli
ta the
-1—XtN xoote pawl, nth- th— to
■erread— by AgaUaldo and hU —tin
prte— at Jack—a for tte —ard— of
1—d thw. temrd —rroir lonu of
—tfit woald can- ao —mri—.
N—I A. ManbaU aad Frank E. Thari^t—Utx
lotel—t roiicieM
OfldaU wUl oot —X that they han
W. — Aag—I 10, 1889. Th. ■—aioa
dir—t aad pooiUn lafor—ati— that
wUltehdd atParkPla- hotel, and
‘■m—lom" «u tte toak la both
JOtte aad
h—.the board will go to Aral,
Ite rr—t M.« te tte —oraloc »—t- from
the iaaarg—to are rea—log a eattefaewh-e tb.
titf. For—r. -t—iooh ww. di—d
tary .toge, bat that —me necotUUoa.
UlM to Beh«—U. te gather addltio—1
ioT—tBad—?— —d hoBM mi—loo.
an la progre— appean to he oertala.
facto U the caw. Thte oo—
la r—t WiUUt—. Id th. for—.r m—tIt te tteaght that Pnold—t McElaley
of Wright'e aa—to doc to aa fffjrt tp:
la( lb. fonlra mUtlo—il- pro—at
pard— (or him. Th. membm te baadlUg the pegotUtiea. at thte
—« latrodute to th. —41—0. bx
ofth. b—rd who will lUtea to t >e —d la pen— la order to gaard againet
«<— Bodwaor" CUrV. Th. flni
>X a— Hob. Cbaa G. Tamer of pnmature.pnbll—Uoo. It te ateo aptedr—. WM bx E.T. Dr. A. MeL—a of
thte eitx- B—. D.*ld B. Bam. of Grand par—ttb^the pnpamtlo— for the
<Xm1.—tl o. the '*Or—t aete of mltKapldk a—. C. F. B—k of Detroit, and enltetment ol *ol—t—n will be gi*—
Or. A. W. Baal—o) Jaekaoa. H—. 8. pi—ty of oet—toU—had aotoriety U
H. —14 la pwt: ‘■Niata— a—tari—
A. Toalia—a. —eretarx of the board, order to ba*e a potent moral tfl—t la
tea* ——I eiao. Chrtet «— bora. —d
teaUola atteadao—. Xr. To—Un-a fetohlng the rebel, to U—e.
atexcM-thlrdoftteraoeUea— aomaad Mr. Bor— arri—dt a—alag.
laaUx Obrtel—. Nia. p- e—t. of aU
The eaw of Wright attraeted widathe people — tte rtob. —e prot—Uat.
•prete attoatlon, the d—ble anrdtr
An.— p—at. —a OethoUc —d a—
belag the —oat a—tlo—1 la thte part Mow Owate b> H. W. B-eh«r. Foi^
p— —at, —• Of—k- The prot—t—U
of the .tote. Aod now that he e—te a mtfly of the Firm of (.yoa. A—chat,
amb— •
pard—iaterwi In the ca— hat be—
Xymar A Falawr Oo.
OOP] tte Or—te M.000.000. Th. Koravirel and the qa—U— of a pard— te
The City Booteiore, formerly owned
' axclttag latea—later—t. Mia.'Thar-,
BaddhUt —d Brab-la*. 67«,000.000;
by the firm. Lyon. Beecher, Eymer A
b—, wife of one of the Bordered ofPalmer Go.ofUcaad Eapld*. aad for
th. J.1— —d tte paean, m.- fleUU will app—r before the board.
Ume eoadueted by Holley A C—■.
000,000. At th. pr—eat hoar there ore
The clr—B.tane— of the eriae were
—are th— —nU wlUoat
—ble, b— chanred haad. aod te oow :
fa-UUrte—x«n*«tUie Une of tte
owned by EL VV. Beecher. —e of the
— ad«ioat. k.owl—fe of Ojd or of
trial aad e—vletton of the aardarer,
th. Gaapel^f HU tea. Not —lx —. bat brief referanoc to the facte aill be —mp—f and preeid—t of the
bat th. Boa-ChriaUaa part of the pope- of intereat bow.
lir. Beecher h- with­
drawn all hi* Intomto la the Grand
latk— 1. laereulac at aa appalliar
ft' WM etoted bx witaa— that
Bapld* company aad — U* .ban geto
‘TaUar tte field la dMall. «• haa. Wright had gottea Into legal —taa^e- the etore la the city aad a Urge cate
a—ato regarding e«i^ ti—bar U diathe foUowtaf; Afrl— h—aa
eoaaldaration. Mr. Be—her wUl be la
o of 1*0,000.000; tb. protMt- pDte at Aral, aad Mr. Maraball. adepo- tbedty today nod will examine the
■r 140,000 and «x kherur of Benrie eoantx, aoagbt to
iton *toek tbortughly after which he
adhnr—U M.OOO China hu a popala- pre*—t the remoral of tte Umber,
wUl determinr what •ball be-d—e ntkM Of 400,000.000 and ha. 8S.000 —B- under proee- of Uw. He wa. met by ffardlng the fatan of the baelneem He
—utaaata Japan'h—a popnUUoo ol Wrtlriit wlU» a fore, of m— who began ha. not rteiied thte city for —m. Urn.
48.000.000. and raporu 40.900 CathoU— to get the Umber away nnder the or­ —d coueq—nUy te not famUUr i
tadlahaea popaUtl— of 987,ooo,ooo, der! of Wright, —d orotoato of the oiBthe eondiUoaa Balph Uonaable
aad ha. iU.OOO —Bwaaicaate aad ?»«.
managed the bnUae- Utely and te
oooadh—to South A—toa h— a Wright at Ihe time wa* armed with
•UU In charge.
popaUtl— .Of thm. rifie aad re*ol*ei.
toare proto.teat —oal—ata In tb.
Pacific th-. ara*thlrtxkght gronpa tamed to the rUltge ud met SaperrUa—talalag f.OOO telaad., with a pope- or Thnrber and together tber retomed
UU— of 10,000,000 Foart—a gr—pa to the logging e-ae. Woid. enened XtoaIg—tod Pi—idlag Sid- of Oraad
ha— ha— —aagell—d. Th. oo—aal- wb— they -et Wright and Uie Utter
Sravmr Dtotrlci to Bacc—d the
—ntoancBbir 54.000—dtte adhar—to Bhot MaraUll la the bre—t kiUlag him
lUt. Sc*. X. L. XUlogg.
tts.ooa The Tarkteb aapl— h— a IntteBUy. Thnrber tried to wr—t the
Be*. J. W. MUUr h— be— appointed
popnlDtloaof 53.000.000; the ml—Ion- gnn from Wright wb— the UUorgtap- preeidlag elder of th. Or—d Tmrer—
arl— in Turkrj —port it 000 a—rto. pled with him Md dmwing the re*ol- dtetrici by Ddtop Fowler, to fill th.
Than a— la the eharch— la ,the W—t *M .hot him throagh the head, after­ —acy can—d by th. re—at d—th of
ladtea 115.000 mcBbm. whU. the ad- ward. eh—Ung him la tb. hr—, kiU­ ^e*. X k. KeUogg. Thte te a fit ap
her—»• nnnher
Madaga—ar lag him aUo. Thia te la anbetoa- the point—t. No —an lirlng know*
taporu sm'ooo adber—u aad Oexloa tetUBOBx for the prawenUon aad np— —ere of the need* —d the work of thte
45.000. Nrr—hue popnUU— of 15.- which Wright w—o—rmted.
gi—tdtetrietUUi.M X eharch. Mr.
0*0.000 kodh— 1.000 hapUaed bellerMllUrte fini iiork U lb. mtnteliy wa.
ara. U Je—. Snmaira aad Borad—. la what WM then known m the
good work ha. be— done, bat the c—•
It. la the .pring of
Tartt are not an—erook
Pahlle X—ttag Galled for Tonlgte te 18S0, ud while b. ha* ch—rfoily acThe principal addre- \r T—t VVlUte—pled the lot of all Methodtet miateAnaage tor the Thr—Dam
t— wa. bx Be*. C N. Bewa>d of Bochter* ud a good Buy
-ter. N. Y.. -UtUd. ‘“Oar C—ntrxh
eteewh—e dnrlag th. Uat forty ye—a.
Of—toni Peril.*'ui wu wtrj —a—•
Oo Aogaetie. 17 and 18 the Soldtm yet the Grud TraTer— ragioa. when
U—al. He —id ta part: ** Ihe ABerlean aad Sallom* A-ocUUoa of North-.
his firet WDtk wu done, ba* he— the
people ba— abdieted . the thr—e of Mlehig— wlU hold Ito aaaaal eacaapdeai—t spot U Mi4igu to him, ud
go—roB—t to the aalooa. Bte haadid meot la thte city.
There wUl be a it te ben that he feel* most at boma
aaarehx apito np— oar Uwe, Inealte public B—Uag thte er—lag la the Bit old-Ume,u well — sewer toond
oar fieg, robe oar home, cni
eonBell room*
rwiB* lo nari a
trimdshen'wlll b,» glad to '
—otherhood aad
oar ehlldr—, tor the gatlwring. which te exp«
ud will hope it m*y
whUe we are p—ring oat the naUoD'e
rmlisor. i
traaeore aad offering oar aoa. to the b. gnat Utei—t te belag—Ifuted In Tra*«—City.
^ of war to te—t the D—Unti— of
All Utem*tod an urged to attend
Mr. Miller wu pr—Idtog elder of
-ladep—d—— iota the h—rw of the
B—tiof ud hUp to arrange for a tela district over twenty y—ri ago. tad
1—atg—to at U—Ua
big time f— the *«tor*n —IdUre and wu aU-) at—a time, pr—Idiag .Id­
eallom. Jedge Lnrta Eoberu te the ol tee Kalsmax— dtotrlct.
efUMteabUtOB—rniwUuaUob. Hm
tor and ha «mi be glad of the
•ate— m— tbe —ace*. naoNa the au- beany e»K>pacatl— cf aU elU*e—
dUatu, rote the pebUc and apito —
It te expected that then will be i
Ohaa. O. OannrHu Xataraad to The
•The ^0— U the —tloa** gr—t—t
Ai—ka Gold Field, ud Ru
toabe-n-U aardan Ha dUxa- to]Smith ud~Qongn—u Waahto^
aold Mood, h-aa- it d-troya tea Oardnm, who ha*e alnady\e-SS
toritaUou te ba pro—at. ud will ba Cb— Q. Correr, who weal from here
white tee —tloaal *tmtan i—to. be- with — df Botelqg ahall ooear te pn- toAlaaka two y—n ago. ud after
eUM it foaut* Ignoruce, I—orallty *—t rhr—yaan ago te.
xpeodtoga—ml a—te. to te. Ooppm
9mA erUu, whtok -p te* ettote of tee w— hUd to tete dty ud It wu a big rlfor coutry, ntam— te S—tUs. hu
■att—and —a danh to a
•gala—ateiod tote tea gold roglo—
toaaded apon Urn wina* and totoUiH. hu u latmat to a ralubU eld—
gen—otltoubjpsto. bo—a— It dofi—
white wu located by hie bratber-to-

cm BoofsroRE chmee.




On an milroade are bring
msddjto DfiChttt tbi* vMk,


Osly Fife Onto

9 bM Soolond WmocU, pillow uO iwnrlod .Inlcher. 6e<
A good tusortmetn to eelr- i from,
to $S 66 4.uh~priccs'
marked ia plaia figa:—,

Indian Baskets
CanAdUn and Ame* -an make. A Urge new saortment to se.
lect from—ail biipL; and freeh-^rom 4c to 16.00 esch.

Balph Oonnablo Jp.,

____ _______ ___

And we're catting pricea on
all broken lots Tan Shoes,
Oxtord* and Sammer Shoes.
It will p*y yoa'lo look—
You’ll boy.

220 PteOHT aTIteWT

,Ifs jnst like finding gold dollars—Not only do
we gire yon better and new-r goods for less money
than you possibly could get elsewhere, but should
your purchase be the 10th, you

Take It Home Free of ail Charges


•“ >>' ■oiJ-91.60. Jem

l?m—Come and oee if yoo can resist ths tempUtion.

Popular Shoe Boose.

On llkni ,D> tu c tua Ik lUf

«it. His Mim Hlh.


Make Your Selection
From One of the Many Styles
of I.>dfaw’ Waiwta we ihow In


“New Idea” Patterns.
Over a thoasAnd st7le4—10c enoh.

Tu Tear Coatracts
Made by Miteigu Telepbone Co.
tor any clau of •*—!— dedred.

Sebscribers May Caneell
at and of dx —oaths or chaaga
to uy da— of •arri— at wOL
Tblephoae the a—aager to call
ud explain new rat— adopted by
tee eompaa*.

: Michigan TelaphoaaCa.

Gate Post

After we move
you will be pleased ^
To see how^aoh better ws onn displny the

Kimball Pianos
..d Organs
la a lATgtt store with ioerotesd fteUltlM for exhibit*
in* their superior merits. Our new store will bo os.
poclsUy appointed for the dlspUy of musicAl morchandise Andfill InstrumenU. in connection with tho

Piano Which Made
Chicago Famous.
Attar we more we wUl give e Qrephspliene Don.
cert, with the new “Oreod” Orephephone. We went
everybody to come aod enjoy it.

In the XorkhAm Block About the 10th of this month.

First Ciass Harana Cigar,


te eteeoaer A. P. Oreeer to at tte
dock taking — a eaico of la-bar far
tteMe0«r»tokBeM»0fc *f <%!**«-


City Book Store,
Glean Sweep
Shoe Sale Free! Every I Oth Purchase Free!

A Raw Tbiig Worth Caltiratiag,

law. Loato D-ouhu. aad they expect
tewote It togetecr. Tb* elala to
dtaatad —Bo—auCnte and to to
tealtoe atao-ea(«awef the riteui
raperted. Vary flattarlag ottm tor
tee dal— ha— be— nfewid.

Ko inTMtouat will gin H biuiT hoin of aolid
comfort M

bat it win oot pay jroa to go
there to bay yoor Aoes. Wt

Eicaiiait Qaaiitif,

Harley Bartok of Mayfield, wu arI—ted by Depety Gam. Ward— Mark
II te a erte— rgd—t tee hteto. a erl-a
^atoat bBMelty. acri-eagatoot Qod. Craw tor rkUaUag tea fi*h town. —
ItbM opened tee den* of aaarely, Saaday. Ttea aeeaaed wu ehaigad
eehoaUd oar youg twabaed to a Ufa wlte hartog eaaght brook treat oader
te. dx. —tabitekad by law. Be apfix atel p-teMy. alr’iened te* pa>Uc p—red betora Jaatf— Varly y—torday
paid a fiu of W aad «
—ad-ni with ite ^*^7 horrfbU do- —4
4n0 ad dotentemy, 4—Qtty, aad ertma; tog to »4 85.
Uetead tea whoate e( *—ry tighteo—
tetocmi paraly—d tod—try; ——tfiad •nrtUW Uhl. dwsj.
UJj-JJjppto, tan tJstatata
kateridel—ted tea temrah; omrntfA



Jiliriiis’ HiTm Cigir'





We State
Simple Facts
When we eey we hove the beet Lodiee’

loimwUu Block.


FIfb bisurance.

Shoe is the city tot —00 mod *300Oilbrde M S3, 50. 76k *1.00, *1—;



*lMud*S0a HewUiuafSUppm '

Parker Bros.

•■ -• <w,»v

;r'^ -r-'


llll||||l■.llll^ll imi 1,11





• f.

uoamaa m»opM>. tomdat. rm.T

mamaame to x<kDtm


iMra tb« An «(

ol Uk
wt to
prawtetriMMM. HwOIWm

^ ton mO0 wk«*kr Mteribm
Mykwm tka lDo«l ■Bm1nn«
tka ntiwaly tow nM of M oMtt »
priM l» tW* wwk ton

htonnaUck. fm

>firadaltora. aad maay iadln bara
ipaidMatbaa tkiaa ttoan that

AbotoBrtekatnnroTtor •
Tko MUv of atoaot pftTtof «tU toes
0om» mp to Tfowno Qtjrtor «*•«•»
______ ev.oa wW .
U *law of ©«r toiora *aoda tka
ftftoarikt bon tka CUnc* Tritoko
arlUba wonky of Boitoe:
••Mr. B. PcaMT Bato. to^taat 8lau
^Mtofflatottowa. kaa oooirtbatto to
Ika awTOBt Bortow of Bortowa u wtiMoakowtof tka totraaaa to tka
TIO M** "<
farteau* tor atraatt kaa baas aaiployis
tor Bora tbaa aoantorr.
Httiaaaa to ikk coutry kaa conn
Skoat eUafly wUhto tka laat doaes
I. tUtooIa. ---------Sd tka way to m» for ita adoptkia to
fhf» nifloa. It baa ao« aosa lato to**
sraotealyto a rraal »aoy of Ua

towM of---------------tba aaetial
alao to tka torfar dtln of tka Ukara•ioB. aaek aa Datroit aad Tolado.
•‘It nqairaa f«a rrpatr than Mcad>
SB, it aaarJy aa ekaap at radar blook,
hslsf fat laora taattary aad d arable,
ssd to Boek laaa ooaUy tbaa mkito
or aapkalt. >ho«ck tmootbar
tkak tka foroatr aad BoraaaaUy tapalrmi tkaa tka latter, ft aboald ba*a a
---------------------------- a.thoa|h
Ipv toakaa of atodei*. oappad with
woffertoklato flaiwtoa. Bake a
eraeUcabla aabaUtate.
r^^lamaa batwaaa the loaadaMooaadtbawartaf brlak. wbleh «

BiC<"»*ng Ujiuiidw iMcatoc ***
eoBttootoc for tkno Aojr* » OMpoa wlU
toprtoto4to<k* Ewow wktok win
mtitto Ibo amtoBritor priiinrtar tt to
|aU»dao.otolatoa*r«ttoo tor tUr
_____ ■TkiaprieaatooooTan tk
of tka ■Martol aaad to iawmtof.
toatraedea wUl ba firao to tka «oekarydapanMatof tkaUtoaak A Uj
MveaatUa Oo., Mataftr Maator**
kartor ktodly t ffarod tba aaaef aapaea
U tkat daparfawt to Mra. Goorfia
Saltb, tka Itotractor. who raaaatly
. «aa- exhiblttoa of
work to Otaad Bapidt aad aoedaetad
storraetoaa. dpaateaaaof ttowork
will ba oa askiUtlaa to caa at the wtadowaoftbaitora. tkU atormtod.
ladlaa dnlrtof to taka adraaiara of thto
oeportaally ban only to dip eaa of
tbaeoapooaaadaaU at tba W«atora

Mr. and Mrm.*.«. C. Malaoaaf Lelaad.
are to tba city.
B GldlayaadHtoaOldfeyofBBplrc.
are to«tha dvrTon BbWMaa of tba BamUtoa
taotktoc Co., to aajoytod a aaeadoa.
Daa LondCB aad family bare ratara­
ad boa Bdfeaood. wbera they bara
baaaapaadlB«Mraral daya to re

amwt baker, kaa eloaad kto bakery aad
a to w-»w«mirm for a abort rtotV
wHh ktoaoa.
Mra. Bilpk Ooaaabla aad daaHbr
Dntnby ban r«« « ftoartoreU Ana
tw waaka’ rtolu
Mte a— BoU cf Battle Owk, to
rtoUtac bvatotar. Mia. Joka Melatoak.
Da« MeBoaald aad tomily waat to
OiarltTeto .toat Ofaatof tor a weakb
Dr.. 3. U. ,Wllbel» rataraed toto
Q B. Boarbry rataraad laat oraator
boB tiraad Baplda
Dr. O. A. BoUlday rataraad Uat
Blcbt btwt Aaa AAor, where ba kaa
W. P. Oalktoa ba foaa to Alba.

aad Iv Kaaafar Butoberr fa aaat
Tnaadayrraatoc. July lA It la the
toaaaa Oaaadlaa Jablla dtofara aad
Imperial Orebatia. beaded by tbi
rrat topraao. ’:Tba Black Mdba,'
alw the Royal Pi
two baa ooloiaa aad teaor adolak
ooadata of drra
aad ba bad
karind aaecaaafoUy toured Oral Briliaa. the Onlted Btetaead Oaaada. realTtod the beertleat eaderameal
arywkere. not only from eaaai
loraie. bat boa madeiaa and the

i> u. . n.s


Baa. Bart Vcaortew
tiaalaoaaof tka grwt orroaiatlou
tor olaratinc the lower reaa aad cleaa to oar load. Bar. Ban will dallrar
aa eddroa apoa tba wiA of thla aoelety townow araatoc at T:M,n tba
brtariaa aknrek. Mr. Bart a
aadar tka aaaptoa of the O
al ekmrek. bat the ekareb betoc to
dlUoa of rapain tbe aatiap wUl ba to
, .Tbia work b
tba P..........................................................
totereattoc to aU Cbriaiiaa peo
Pwpla of all ekareka ad othen
eordially tortted. Tka addrea la bar
y la tortted w Uaten <c

naer reaortan ora Sockiar to
Edfawood bow at a rapid rate and tbr
oottapea are aaarly fallalrrady. Lata
arrirala at Bdgewood are: Mr;. Dakr
aad aoaa. Cleralaad; Mia Parker aad
BOtkar, Detroit; Mr. aad Mn. Jaaiet
•oa. aieaffo: Hre. Sbamway aad
faaay. Chlcapo: Mka DiektowB. Ckieapo: Br. aad Mra Rich aad aoat, Cbica«o;andMiBDaaeIa Pirld. Jack

Loren of tka opera a}oyed a ■
aal trat lat alpbt la. Stetoberfb
Graod. when tbe Metropdltan Opmn

To nr coatcBrrt:
.t of aiekacM my bakery
toloB aUert, to elcaad. A
better J.aill leaoBa b«ali<>ea
Toan Rap^tf. I'y.
Joax vvh

“r •

Premiarat Salvattoahta.
» •••
«■ ■•••
Col. aad Mra George French of Ue
ppirafal «*«•«.« p-i-UMd«.ud;^
—k— ,
ap ahaith mnaic. It to to ‘PPtoraaca .
pr^eal of Albion Celt- Saleatlon Army were to tbe city yaguatlarto a pipe organ and caa ba
tg, dty-yaator- terday and lead boU Ue eerrlw oa
omer of Ctoa aad Frtmt atreett
Mtopto with tba foot or latar.
Mn- <
View to attaad
and at Ue barrackx. Tbaeolnael toe
Moegartfaaa«tolty didaotato^t ^ jg,
-rtPUtottonof th. roc^.^tdia
of MaaoMoaa left lor herd worker aad a fine apeaker aad
ware maeh appradatod by
ba ktodly oBwadto dafny tha «• gi,gt„, ymurday after traaeaattog
tboM wbo heard him.
to of an addUtoa to tha obarcb, to
g, utg dtyU. A Maiabal Wbaetor of Maatotoa
aad U. A Dtotriet AUoraay Ooeall of
Uto dty want to Me
J. A. Braady and daughter bare
t made tor a retaraad to Uto dty afur ridtlac wiU
hkhKHM mmUw >i»s WWIIMsd w iW III Ml,
•nl k MoA M«n(an.tka th< Miitor to
‘ h«rpBraBtiat*ltotbaU.m.
' Tfa>
^.Mtotof Ua Haaa^ A Uy Ma^.
Mra A. D. Spmal af 8(mrta. iS*lk«ls«b,mlM{<MnmkaMUT
IWnctaUs 1 >r« can la rf111 aad nramd
ra thakMda
osmI* vban lb< vurt aill to atscuv* aad aid
lUaOo. A new walk AlU ba l*«d jjj
„ ,g,
Bwaad tha balldtog. tba s'**** *'», »uh Mia. Frank Dana. Mra. Sproalto
{^JbridodwlUa new root aad U.i^
- -ataliaUtogaowaroandUaopaatocai Mr. and Mra. UatoVdgiaaddaagh
to |r»t of U. dtopUy window., will
pioreaoA of OtodaaaO. hare gow
topaaoeed. Irongrattoga wlU aotor'^omana to tooad a abort anaam
StooMaiaga Maaafcr Moatogaa wUl', j
Thwa w« iba «alr laala roat ai
toaonUa oraaaeatal talliag to hto; a O. WUaoa at Saaflald. Mloh.. to to
P^toaea property, whore It wUl taka' ,g«
Ike p'aaa of Ua woodaafaaca- Thtoj
Oateheoa of Urmad Baplda.
bier of gaaaralB. M. Oatebioa.
wm aldgnaUy*® Ua aWraeU
' paiaafi Uroogh Ua city yatorday oa
kmr way to Onmaa, wbara aha will join
AOtoiccatod Am.
kt faaUy fa Ua am
0. W. Merrimaa aad wile. Hia. U
Mtoa Abbie Btoekaa mat wiU a bltoMia aaoMaat Sunday ateaing Aad to, w. Mraaor aad Mator lawroha Mem'
A-»t.ih.e froahorwbed aaatalaod a|Mr of Cfclago. are at Part Plaea,
Aiatoeated arm. Tba laft arm wa dto-J wtoan Ugy wOl apoad a porttoa of Ua
gt Ua ^bow. Dr. Oaraar at aammar.
| Jnha Whaalar. Ua SoaUUoioa


iTnnasTAi. woxx.

And all kinds of b*nse fornishisg goods for lets monthan they can be bonght today at the factories.

. from
and■ stoves have advanced
20 to 45
per cent, bnt I have my warehoose. 30x117 feet 2
floors, and my store, 25><xl00 feet, 4 floors, packed
fall of goods that I bonght before the advance in
prices, and in order to reduce it I will give a good
disconnt off the old prices.
Yon can bny stoves now from 12.00 to $7.00 less
than yon can after this sale is over. We have a fnll
line of cook stoves, steel rang^t^ air tight and heat­
ing stoves.


b. A. Pratt arrirad to the d^ yaatarday boa Aaa Arbor tor a akon
Prod Ooodrleb oaaaa dews boa
aoatdatod aorractHarbor BprtoRa. aad apent Banday la
rat<c eomdaaof tbe at
tioa wbleb hare appeared to tbia city.
Ear. J.'A. Brandy leana for ladiaaa. Tbeehoraa va atroop ad tocladed
today to attaad tba Bpwortb
Btayirood rdea aad the
dallchtial^y execafed. The prtodpaU
ft toil toperiqaarayaro.
ware Mr. A 8. Eaorer, who ImperwaM,a baa not
—----------i Mra WN.Kdlapaadtwodaufbtera. atadConnt Arabala. WUl A Btolnf,
tba laU waaruff eapadiy of brick par- j
raiuraed to tbob kooM TIaddaaa; 3. P. MeSwanay. Dcritoboot
Isf. bat it kaa aiood baary aa for
8uaday after a few BiacchAldraob. Arltor: Jeanette Ltoawayeara to aoaa ptooea. aad U;rlaltla Detroit,
alo. the rypay qaaa.
Mr. Bborer
arly adapted to
Htoa Pearl Baary of Old Miaatoa to will be rrmcBbered m bavtop been
gtraau where aapkalt wonld«ba too es-'
Myrtle Vaadarrort of
bare before id tbe Abbott Opera
MMaa. Tkaratoar»»toitaeatHaant gt^ieauwau
Be made friteda then and bit fine
to ua UTor. One of tba aorel raalta
LUtla Loey Eallay to 'ridtof a aaw baritone tola made new frieada laat
jf clean and
aad aaootk
aatooth paraaeata
paTaaaatt la
to aotaa
toeycle, which
Bight. BtotogbM a fine tana tola
p'toaaaiaucr towaa ba ,b^ tala, ’
and bit wlo aad dnet wak «M »ncfa
Sgaoto and otbar opcnwlr latIrlUatot.
WUaoa. who haa been rto- aa to inrlto enibaiaalic applaoa. Mtoa
SUkO. U,». i«i.S dMrt >o OM.'
sC Jo»,S7lii iil.rma Som. Aldracb gate a ebarmtog portrayal of
$t tor tba time betog.
I j, l. Kymer of Grand Baplda to to Arltoe aad wng her parta dellgbxfolly
••The dlrtci econemte adranUga, to ^,
^ mMttog
bile Mtoa Lincoln won tqnal fa*cr. I
•ay Bcthtog of the eatheilB and aan.jg,
todgy eat
Tba daau and tria ware bautifally
tory*«aetoofhardandimoothatrtota. j^ ^
of Wright oa
rendered and tbe other toioea were
Itgrcav The watudberv Saab to tbia
tery credltoWe. The piece waa w%ll
ipwa due to intooaa parematu and
Ktogtley waa to theclly •ugad aad the company to well al•batraettog car track, to toamhtog'
aneed aad worthy of the flattering rec
gaaraonm, aad to alUmatoly a handicap,
^ Vlmlicm waa to WnlUonaeeordsd. The orebatra congkarga apoa todaatry.
Chicago at 4^, ^Ity yatorday lor a few hoara
dactod by Mr. Warriner oontribated
4. j. Biai*d htorataraad bom pleaalog aelecOona belwe« Ue acu.
Toalgbl -Fra Dlaeola" will be gleen
and a &
•boat to ba let will toertaaa ihai|
n. t Eaaa*baa goaa to Bay expected.
grot, rtt menu at l^ito tutorial ■
o point toll a. waU worth more.
w. a Cleaait aad B. f. Cbrr of
Dantot the Allt
tod aa la tbto dty.
' lapla City are to tba city
John J. Twaddle, ex-proaecatlng
B. S.
- - to la the atb.raey of iblt ooanty.makea emphat­
1. Shepard
of Ufa
ic denial cf tbe prircpal aUagatione
Mn. Bart Ellto and aaa left yatermade agatoat him by bto wife, who (refrcpoDtod OnM Baiaoppl Obareb|day aftarnoon for a rtoli la MaySeld.
oaeUy began proeeedlaga agatoat him
With a TalaxWe Vo^on.
; Cadillac. Grand Baplda aad throagfa for aepaiato maiotenanee. Mra Twad­
dle aaaad an toJanctioD to be toaaed
Dmggtot MUla and wife of Blk BaplenaaDdtogthaaammarat Park Plaoal
ratratotocTwaddlefrOrndtopomag of
__ j'lda wheeled orer yatorday and atBM made a talaabla and aceepubla,
certola fooperty here and oollecltog
landed the perlonaaBoa at Stotob^to
glfttoOraoe Ep'
- ' ■o>naln accident insnranw, fw tbe lea
1, which waa ’
eeeniagof one of bto banda raconUy. She
made aariona ebargea which haea al­
gka W. W. Kimball On. It toa fine Inready been referred to


$20,out nrtli If Firaian, Safw, C«mb.
Siwiic lidiiats, Mcftlrs,

IW« the food aora <kSe3o« aMl ¥

J. W. Slater, Bonse Fnrgisher
Sloso—3.20 S'xoxA-t St.




•ehl, ek-ap/-r bac>.

AU details of the profession looked after in a pro-


; II. sti uiioi SM

eaaU at •

fessional manner.



Beed and'Battan Furniture; Hatting on tbe floor;
what is coolerP What is more inviting of a hot
summ-r day P What is cheaper or more economical
for Michigan life? An easy Comfort Chair oi the
veranda here, or a Beclinlng Chair there, or a nice
Hammock—we have the largest stock to select &om
of any Arm. They were bought right, and we're
selUng them right. And the littleness of the price
lets one do so much.






Customers never say that in our store. We don't
keep the “have-to-do" kind of a‘stock. You can get
exaoUy what you want In any of our many departmenta Our goods are bought after long experience
In each particular line. We anticipate our cnetomera' wants, making It a study to buy to please. If
we are not selling you now, try us Once, and you’ll
come the second time.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.



I SV&te 6^(«m



0^ SflXmrt.T

: IT
«s iifOiOkair tor Mock
%»«torc «to <
fto *itf yatcrdsy oto «m lesdiar *U

THE PAOP£Sii;;r^ »i>AtZE.
tot u

t m* c»«M I

IS* sto of

tojBDl iDddrseonDts

Oar rrrolac lasi winter oor of tote)
tort'o popstor ppifi-tsafi ^ttro^ a
• tkippto tTckitafs.
•ucUI funeiioo wbet* Um- 'kim«u pICT'
pedro. a came Is wUek
Tkmck Um n^Mrotiij of WUU»b Itn.4 B.Bossott cd Baadolpkitract. (beprocrsotoTe
educator lay* no .claim to
' U suitor of triOBdo St tor belDgwortliy
■ fk<P*iy lMe tom » to>ao expert. Id fan. oo tto preaflt»U to tovtaff 4Mdto tto «toto of totae last istardsT sttarBoos to
eot M-csatoa be waa credited
of Mrs. J. B. BmmU of Chtofa____
tto OftMtol total ^o»wt7 taft
two procTwoahMt. a. acore of laaUy sarc Bklta UUao ssd;
NaiarsUr. vbat
^itto proiwiror
la trnato tto -Wtr prtae" (eU to bUa.
I to Mto -lor tto MlH B:rdla Jesta ssd Mr. d>bsl^ Uda time it took tbe form of a
rvtoM of fmsdtac » toofltal for tto Hulay of Bik Baptda. tots tasrrtod
ToU en- *^lib (be foUoirlDc
0MM4toUofof Mltrot oto ottor yotaordsy b7 Pmsldtof Eldar J. W.
•Mt oMI 1b1t« prrtoM. to4 tor • Mdlor. .
p^enta, aU of whom won ladlea.
'' toMs."
■n. Tnw,..
„..,i u« ,t.« n
ooBfrtoM taTM lota os4 o toll oe tto
d I.. Un-W ud dm.
„po„ I.,

a sham. Two of
Broa* Bsa'arkMl,b)to tbe aide pocket of bJs oeerccsi
--‘A taots s«
sd tto taak.
taak. and
ffoltor «nts tto total toltataf.
U te
kasdania i|ipasr , mod ibep atialcbtway focsiM lu cxtot- ooatlMStotato
take It.
It, aatll
BBtll am^
tb^ tall
«M of tto iooM loMttawI ta tto 0(9
M4-ta wortk mrwoito of •lo.iwe.
■i^F a dUdinr
tu.1 »a-pw w<*. .p, b. «««>.


LotoradtotoM taowt o vwltkr
■»» trkkb ■fttootoi rllt. wkleh rto-' I. box. <d J»r ..a. «kP LO.X Jr,b.
rmnta tto wjtr |tart of tto tarlofi Wblppla of Bay V^*.
•foiotaroto«Mtoilifa.«U tto'Bv* Baymosd Plamoodoa, tka foartaaa waa locked


■ -

... K l. ..tan-m,.


Opera Co.



™ tJdKl^




U U one ol the toot, Uif not tto very bwt,

ao ilctatly that It rrfaaed
to yield to onllnary prcMura. Bo tbe
Jooob BootkM toi orrimd M
profemor pot bl« blp a«alaat a paad
• u«Un<loi>r-»o:( Mo
and puabed bard.
Hooctooo froa Dottottoad to amor
Tbcte waa a dull cruh. a mild yeU,
taf toToo— eeptor ■!»« os
tbe profcMor leaped ta tbe air aad
Marryist m iltU ta tbe dnam ta
Bojol. OoL Fraok i. Soetor ssd
muy u btlren.
sttotosyttaltou srfc tatortatad ta tto
*-BBAatlftiUy BUgeA
Tbe double yolk bad ex|>k>d«d:
Some prople
cTcn taU tto traib
Ttof« waa so laoraa at tto cpaetol
A moment later ib« aOIrted educator without (aaasrrailrc.
Tto omiUot taotaporstad city ta teoUat of tbe Bebool board toet ceas- flRprriy drew from bla pocket a pair
Then are diaeeore aalire yet eren
Miobicu U Harrteos. Claro oossty, lay aad tbe maotliMt ad)oaraed abortly of dxcwdlnply y.-llow ctorea. followed death la dU( U heart faLlure.
whtob .waa toeorporaiad to )Wl aad after etfbt o'oleak. Ittaprobabla tbat by a muffler ofXiAe aamc paody tlDL
He la the beat peel who constrocta tto
toafMtababitaau- TtoautamallMt tto qaeaUoa eoaooratof tto frada of And tbe ladlea leaned apalnat tbe raU- Cneot catUe In the alt.
Priaeipak-WiU & Rklap. Mawtow
homely; rnan atways conaelea himHiMmu. Bodle Smith, Sydney Bohtv..,
brlt^ to be BUd Id tolldlap tbf aekool
belief that be It emart.
i iBhaWuata. hoaMaddJiloaawUl bo dropped aa tto
Artbnr Boyce. Blaacto Aldrich. 3n~but la eome unfatbumed way tbe atorr
It'a alwan the man with the ahort
: elllarouSL brick BOf^ la-aae U ktaadUy potUar -like tbe ept-leaked oni.-Cte»riaiid
end of It whs advocate* equaPty.
/otoa. aistos t
«oUtlon » 440. better in prsde aad the board will do nala U-aler.
The cnJywnn way to ptek i ___
A UtUo daafkur of Joka Boeber of doabtlwm tbe ma-tir uUraly 4rlih
U ty M* hflartty after (he racer
Balmyra.diad tram tto affaola of a
tr marrlaR4 makei one of two It raui
Box Scsta Al.OU.
r a (bntjDuatlon of aincic bleeaednr*
kick from a horta. Tbe aaUaal kUked
Tto eteem barpe BotbaU arrirad at
jrlhlf pKjBeBU.
StasottorborMaad hit the obUd la tbte port Bnoday acd ia taklap OD a rfswvoc to Show That ASari aad Bee
Fvery dollar Inrt In pta^m
1. Stale »t>C Sor.
At« BlaSI Mlllloo Apsleo.
dollar ;found by ihoee wbo work
tto taer, pradaetoc oaaeaaaloe of tto (oad Of iqaaro timber for Beda A:
. reoeli PneCewb.
OaWla (fUardeaUlaBd.for abtpmaat: Uttle Uioupbt of tbe trouble be wonM
It nay nem be too late to mend, but
Tto OaaaopoUt party ttot «rut to to tto BoplUb eblp yarda.
niuee poiiierUy liy entlap an api^ a wife mother bexini early on her ama'I
tr apo to aaareb of
Berrybody latarcatad la tto bip 0 But uuw tbe queotloD aa to haw many b.y» tronatha.
m diffl.
Altoy laaea. frriM kosa that tk«y will A a.-eBeampaeottobetoldhwoAap. aitples be r«ally tllil cal U a
The earlier the bird eaiehe# tbe worm
the loneer he will have lo wall for his
affatototoMleblcaaiaAaraat. Tbey 10. 17. aad It. era nqneetad 4o attend culty.
liow many apples did Adam and Ere noonday lunch.
vOl rotaik wlttoat aay foU bat lou iba pnbllc maatlap la tto oonnril rooma
«st7 V,‘t» It one or waa it mlllluDaT
Ix<ve mey'be blind, but It dictate*
of upartcBoe.
toaipbt at a o'clock.
When tbe aubject waa Ont mootco tbe lot of r»oi letter* that sooner or laur rOB MAUIO
iaebaoa offiean ara daUy toformad c f
tor verji
verj*,, nai
naturally replied. "Why. vet the whiera Into trouble.
Oa aeeonnt of repain be lap made to editor
' apOB tto craraa of tba Ooaprcfatioml cbnreb there wUl
. of courie.”
Jf» always dMJkull for a younx
••Su.~ aaid tbe a
oof tto olty4«ppaolany be DO prayer meetmp Thnnday eeu*
to under«tAtid why any other younx
Boma rary leiiou lap. Tbe Seoday aerrioce will aleo be ate one, aad Adam ate one. too; ttot'a mao should fall In love with hi* aliter.
Jndsina from whai we read and bear,
Best workmsnship tnonej
.plUavlactebatoc tookad ap by tto deferrad for the aame remai,
Then tto eubedhor panned akwg a water lsorly.J>fed In Milwaukee for the
can employ for Bicycle
Oa Friday C.ptala Webb will piro u aiip of paper on wbleb was wriUos. purpose of rtittlnc cut Are* and ■print
Repsiring. Quick work.
AtBoiahTlUa. wblU a frsicht wu
ilnx (he etreete.—Chleaxo Dally News
OB tbe Colombia to Ne ab-ta **Evc M ud Adam 111. makinx IdZ.”
smlteblar Batarday aicbt, Brakemaa wuta for tbe benedt of tbe ladUa ud
liut ilic poet wbo Is a inao of imap•PERSOSA18.
Obaa. Bhnlu fall betiraaa tba aara aad eblldran. who wUb to take their bu- laation. cap|>cd Uik with, "Bve tu aad
m o°i«»n stmet.
«u killad.
ketaalOBp and er}oy a plonk. The Adam bl3-«3."
Ttoflreyear old daafblor of Milo boat will lean at 1:40 a.m. sad leave .I'bcD tto pulillsber tried bit band, welaht1
Oopo of Clare,pat tor oyo oat Batarday Nvab-ta-wanU at a o'eloek, allowlnp and bla costributlon waa. "Eve Altt

Ml* *■>« built
Uullt to
is order
aMTSlec with a brokaa botUe. Bba ample time for'a pood pleolo. Tbti ace buw It Uated, ud Adam 813. man, car, reqrt leveo Unauaxea. unc of
BdeJ »o. hbi>p
rear do.*.
equaU S.»4.''
which 1* Pnnacrlt.
waa raanlar oltb a botUa la her baad will be a pood cbanee for j^lr parties
home Irqi
Tbi- poet, wbo dialtkea belnp
-........... at Mbi
Oku ibc fell aad atroek the bottle oa to epenil a day la tbe provee and on tbe
8ch- fi>fd'* drewmaking
fflueb as be toira tortorw. a« ( rt" ct-h hli4ii-t.-* never cxrovd a tin.
parlcrs, 441
Ntt Bast Front
tto atoee aad tboa tall os oee of tbe •bone at the reeort. Mnrunpb'e Jn- raiiH- up to (be acTau-ii axt
axain with pie rticit of mne p..|.cr,
"Evv (i.142 ace bow It tnau-d. and Ad—"------ -------- wlllpoalonp.
bl.242 keep her couipuy-aijto.’’, hi*t”»f.7!T’ia”thrriecl!"'
Tbe epldemlo of typboU few ttot
There will be uotber esennloa os
Tht-n tlic Luuiorlat. wbo tod tocs baa never mnilc a cpcech.
ksararcd la tbe Pint ward at Bari* the Columbia to Fe-ab-U waau to
Uatt-nliut, quietly buded la bla eon-; Pe„,i,.T wmiara A. Clark of Montana
saw for eereral weeki U'sow aitHbut-' lorrow oipbt.
•leUa* **4 sntr~'-B*' tod err
“Eve 8.143 sev Imw it taated, U a xreai admirer of Uontelcne and
Od to tbe ataaeaee of aewen ia that part
Clareaee Wbltaey. who pradnated and Adam KI34.2IOder a buabaad ha* read, the famou* esaaya dally for
of tto eiiy lutaad of coatamlaated:
ThU twenty y.aia
this cprinp from tbe qecbulcal copl wa« be 10 ec- ber eat akiae.
. - . il JvurwtC
Jr Iirmw
taUk. aa waa Bret aiatad. Bapeited
of PbllaBoIrhla.
j John Pl-rllaa of nevelend, O.. hsa
seerinp department of tbe Ane Arbor niliala 8.132JM.”
etc latrodnee Uolvonlty. • li po to Ckieapo next
"Hut he Itatl auotber object.’’ mM tto never worr. an overcoat tn bla life and
a aewapo ayeiem Is tto Pint ward, week, where be hae aoeetitd a poel- poet. "Evv K143 aatlafy tier curloelty. <» <be aumr.rr time lyear* the ume
................. ........... - :iaht ciothinx
bat emry Ume tbe dtlx me of tbat MeLeri T. Penninston, District AgV
tloo on the Wealera E!ret>lelu. s* one
Of L-rd Saltshurr’r five aonv, the oldtioB bate defeated tbe moeemrnt. Tbe of tbe aetcc'str c*itorn. HewlUbeplB
Traeene City Xleklaaa.
tk-lpblB Hmird.
CM and the roumcml are in pari.ament.
health board will jeoommeod tbe Im­ work D(xi Monday.
The third. Lord >lob. ri Crrll Ir a harmediate layinp of eewcn la tbe ward.
rliter. The premier'* f-urth son. Lord
That SeroaS rsii,pt»r.
The rrirnlar meetloff of tto Willard
Tba fiwe elrcalatlnp library of Jack­ Uobn wltl be held at the Sroosd M- E
The ai-w iiavto. n-aa jinwcbinx his Bdward Ce<IL la a lieutenant In the
ses. wae opened Pebrsary 17, |«W. It ebareh tbla afternoon nt >:10. Mn. P. Aral sermon. ’ tbe middle ta It to Orenarller*. and ha* the Donaula expedlflor. < r Irit U> hl> iredlU Lord Emeri.
~li arid BOW lo Mad ooi 100,000 each E. Trnrie. lender. All ladlea oordlally siu|>iH-«l abruptly and uk<^;
arcapalB prepared to deliver iexr
aeeond vcw..............................
n the cbHtrh.
in all paru of the Hty. Our priees wiCi
"Ilivw nuiuy
many of you bare read the,
year. There are eolomse bow' isrited to aueod.
bcaa iow aa any effrred.
is the llbrbry ud R.too were i^iropri.
I Some time aca
' SUd to boy new booka TbU k the
•Mood." nU the imator. "Now. boW a m*nu*<r't of i
-Aarirola" ,'f TaHBoth'Phonea. ««
larpeat enm ever ordered at one time
maay of you tovc read tbe aecood
.•n(ly beeit found The philla (to city. SaebyearabontMObMlm Thars Win to oe Btp Bnoday Bohoel
OloKlMi rejoice at the a r enrichment
wear est ud arc throws awsy.
of the critical material
Oatherinp Here Thla Tear.
A storm at Port Bnron wae Indirect­
PoIlowlarU tto report of tbe meethowever, the
ly tto eanee of a dUtrestlnp, it not a lap ta the evecuUv* oommlttae of tto (ace.
"*o pood; but wbeo.' jeo>. on even allow them
to ace the manutotal aeeldenk Joet ae It broke. Pruk Orasd TVmvrrie county Busdar aebool
aad yoD «cripi*.
»cripi*. on the xround ihai
that any
^ tbat, clkpicr axain. aadyoo
MlUaa, aynnap mu abont 16 yean aaeoelatlon bale Friday af leradoi^ June botue^ read
will doubtloaa laara aometblox to yosr cation of Us content* would dimlnlib
wae croceiop tto railroad brtdpc 30.1dP9
' lit value.
St Military etntt oahk wheel. There
Tbe meetinp wae called to order by
There k
ooly one chapter in (be book '
era* a blladisp flaeb of llpbtalap, the preeldeot. C. H. Eatet ud Devc- ta Jude.—Gutbric (O- T.) Leader.
wbiok blinded Um for a momeat ud tlona:. xercieee were conducted hj J.
I with to ktodly (bank tbe Dnitad
FtttM Baaevolent Society of Saplm
Is thto momant be ran head fornmoet B. Barney. Beper ■ were plena by tto'
Good hardwood in stove lengths.
Urt. Julk Ward Uuwe a oeaae ta tba Mich., for tbe prompt aetOtmearof
Ism s wapos. tbe toapne of wbleb MrioMLfflsenud by the \
ridlculoui baa alwaja bet-n a tavlnx
strsek blm iqaarely In tto face. Be
Also four foot m^aple slabs and edgings.
Xraoc. ksdlux her to avuld xtwndllotree terribly kjnnd abont tbe baad
(ally Day report- queue*.
toaUlee bariiip bUJew brakes. Tbe
I appointed by
Oo oM occaaton a kdy at Newport
tslsrlM sre likely lo proro total.
ttoTravem Otty i
trj'lDX to fet a fiae aeotlmeiK out of
toy. Anpatt Zlm- with them bad derided tbat it was ss- ber. aald oae fflooollt evenlnx oo a
■Ifas. sped M. faU from a dwriek, a wka ta hold a taUy at Travane City vine tannx rertuda. "Mrs. Uowo, do
Aktasce of «o foot, kitUap him Imimi- thk year ud eoppealed to tto exocu- say hometblof lovely alnm my pksaal" WUercniKWi every one llatcovd tor
ly by broakinp hk ara aad ahonlder. live oommUtaa theadviaabUltyof bold- tb* reply.
A widow asd tbroo ohlldru earvive iapMsiaoBaetbarpotav Tke ropor
lo ber dellrately cnltlvated volM
waa aoeeptad asd attar 4u eoaaldata Mrs. Howe re^woded. "I iblDk It If a
Bailie Creak thnaklsp machlsc tloa It WM moved asd carried tbat tto bally plai."-BaD Franclaco Arguoaub
■akara ara autkority tor tto statamast
to apMat tto tbreehiap maeblse tnet to be
Tbe tailor wbo for ytsra mad* Baltapil^lMd at wiU set to a poLat each eommittoaa aa tto ooearioa
lac'a riotbea My*: “He used to wtar
eboald tkqalra.
pp (or the pTMUt
E. 0. Ladd (bu oxtoadod u tarita- the moat extraonltMry cronaen 1 evey
(taaapemen tathe aiata whl hold, UoB frma tbe Old Mkrioa Buday
r« He «-ouJd (nalat upon my mak
ttoir iwuty-Dlstb ualverury at Sep- •ebaol lo bold tto next oouty eoavea- Inx tbeiu of a peculiar gut brown col­
Itkexpeetedta be tioe at tbat place. Tto iavitaCoa wae ored ciMb. with wid* xtrapa rastetflux
Onr Aboe trade was not built no on cheap made
tbe shoes. From tbe fcoee
tto larpata In tbe history ta tto orpaaud Ue follow- down tbe troosere were cut ao aa to
footwear-we don’t spring FAKE sales on oor CTstoialap eommUtee upotated oo sropraia*: fell Id devp, vulumlnuus fold*, ao a* to
ers—When we advertise anything you will get value
B. O. Ladd. A. W. Jadcooa. J. B. Bar- keep tbe calvea of tak lesi warm while
received -Yoo can't get something for nothing.

Fra Diavolft’

yaar old aos at Ttomaa Pamasdos. a
tarsor of Prowost. diad Baaday
storstor ua msltof awutroka Tto
lasaial will to bald Ula aftaraooa
tto Ckttolke skareh at Prors.

M2S.r.T:„S-S, K:..TS2S,tSt SfBcitl Prices of 35c, 50c, 75c

Gas Lamp—

Price RedDced to Close Dot UL

ECUFSE lono u) BOiT TO


Provident Life
and Trust Company





Hopkina Bros.



We Meet Any Prices Named
on Footwear in This City...

-If quality cuts any figure

KlapMey dafoatad Mayfield Is a ball
fame OB Baaday by a More of s lo 4. _

•no eommltta. adj»r
tto last Friday la 8
A. V. Priadriub wbo was out near
Maxtaa Basxxt, BM'y.
teat Bay Baaday roporta ttot kaikl*torrkaare «nlu iMck oo tha bilk
teeklsss Amos Balvs.
srdhad ttot part ta tto eeutry. Tbk
t«B Ban Balts Is tto world^ta
k aoatrary to exp
...... Brakoa, Botm, Oloors.___
thoapbt ttot tto crop would amoust to Atosm, Pevar Bovas. Tattar, Thoiiwil
UUla ibk yur.
Hssda. ObUblalsa, Odrsa, ssd sU Bbs
Tto etaamer Charlevoix arrivto la Bn^tloaa. ud
oru parrualrad. ^
tto eity Baaday froa Cbleapo wiU a
Istfsearpo aadapaod muy paaoea-,
gsnskeard. MkaBeatriao Pbipye «( ■IskyA.O. JakBSOBSi

We w^nt yonr inspection, and will name prices at
our store that down ariy so-called snap sales in tkis
city---We have served our trade in rcliabte shoes for 16years, ud thd pe^le ought to be convinced by this
time who the Old Reliable Shoe Man is.
^ ' -~
Make no mistake, v f

TWs Obv caltax mm pm Xamaa.
“Fui afraid we i:iuM be divorced, my
dear." void Mr. Newiy-w«l to bk younx
wife. "Tbe doctor says I bare rbeamade tendenclea sod mast give up aU
awcta tbla^“-Uan>*FB Uuar.
-The panpm ta Japan onmber (eww
ban lO.Oon out of a popolatloo of 88..
i>W.txa>. In that country It li
ad a dltxraee tb be so Idler.
Tbe null wbo aoxsevis i

118 S*3ro3Xt Stareet





TH» Mounsa MO-^BD. iCTSDAT, Jia.T U, law.
«AT rsniAU n haziu

I feencraX '^Cecot

Arbuckles’ Coff^ %



Om or tu tnt thlnn th«t «ri»»
the ey^ of tlw otnofM- tn Bio da
Bolro are mm odd4M*lDI nrrfap*-.
Too iblBk tbara aitist be a drcaa to
town, boi npon loQBlfto* are wM,
•nboM aro bearww." OwtH» to Uw eUmate a corpae <*»“<<« be kept oear 34
tetMatolUawrriMtottbMin dmi- bonra. fior wlU the tow allow It, and
ao many bare tbeir rtottoo made and
If. T%« oieM. ermsf*
««P» foaeml toTlutton printed before they
Uc tetraean ready to'dle.
They do not rofnrd deatb as. arrla totolne. Aa r«rnl papal
ooaly in Bio as we do tn Sorib Amr^
u'ftaalnc In* »U
_ bot
. _
toy irieat atre* on tbe oni:lotrellaMa town eaatoea. Tba] ward abow. Eren Infanta are pnt loibto to aaftoaawd by an oattoaak to moamlng for tbetr forty ascoad con.
ato, poof and rtrt alike.
I leeelred an Inritatton to tbe fooeni of a rblM of a Mend. It waa
' VcBapaMUarslatbaUUlatowaof t>rioted on white paper baring a acarBacan. Obto, psirtottosJly otan trm Irt tnider. Prariel to tbe eotor Bard
MhaUrablpMIbaArsttOO-eota of tba by the BrarUtona for the faneral de•aaniab w»r srbo toll U Uaa to gat eorattons of tbe yoong. while riotot to
for adolta
Tbe tnrltatlon baa not only tbe
AiClaeaUad daring. Ua toying of
namra of tbe parenta of tbe eblld. btrt
Mratostfiai of a Jawtota ayaagogaa tbe arsndDamita. tmelea. annta and
. atoKlayaftMooaaptotfonsoa tobtofa
3 bring a
conalna. 1 <
Mtaatso paecU were ataading toll, wreaib or other emblem of arilflcUl
Mt af tbe paoptototo
a flowers (real ones are aeldom oai-di.
.----- .
^tbalow. a dtotonoa of aeeatal fcakiaod drire to'itie nonmers' booae.
BoelMnatoly aobody waa kUlad. BabbI, Tb«>re I was met by an nsber, wbo
Aaroe Baba aad;toofc
aad toofc tbe wnnib and ltd me Into tba
BabW Aaron
of drotb." when tbe moinm.b'adge J. C. Bloeb and aoa wars qsUa.'Vbai
.s^tonaly bon and ona leg broken. ■
•»>‘l l*n«ta were praying lor
drtwned Mol. Every artb-le of- for-Tlw aeddent eaaaad Ini
bcitoeed are- 'rtoi^mat. for at first It
', been removed frt«n the room, and the
bad bMB kUled.
{ coffin sas placed in tbe renter op<in a
OrdnaneaCbtofO'BclL at Waablng- bier drti>ed with scariet cloth, around
«wn. baadaeldfd Mcaubltob a reaerrs,
ibe wnniha.
were pot^
bad been
aald ibe
tmopply of ammnnition tor tna Mvy.aao | " ‘"‘®
ibc coffin
■mtU spend PMO.OOO approj^tlbn ^
aaak oongreaa for anoUar half mUlton.
„ ^mbpy. ,„d
Tbrss man were klilod in aa pnplo- 'ao wbcre tbe two men on tbe east,
toton In the Knrd mines at Pert Oram, wbo were drewud from head to foot
9. J.. yaaurday. They wan reaoa-. In tbe same brlgbi colors, and looked
mtoaeUBganoldakaftwhana tank of i
n which
closed eab led the pn
mU oaplodad.

Is tlM Standard of OoffM axoellenoe by whieli all Coffee Quality Is Compared^

' -s


AtCc----------- --------______________________
mahIblUoD naa baas totally deatt;pye4' in o|>eti rarriagrs. ilie male retoiivea
^ flea dna to dafaoUva atootrto wlrea. ■ and fricads mo women attend any fu*
Many raBm of Volu partahad.
Dfrali.l-niltodeliiUla Emialrar.
Mra. loaspb Graham sprang fiwm a
aa ARltfs Msaio.
MOflag Claeatond motor oar whaa a
Mr. AMwy. the ARierl<an artlat. who
todtof Ughtntogatniek naar.
ta aa .............................
Uvea In EnsUnil
and to a ro.vul
tonnr aba dlad from bar lajariaa.
arademlcUn. finds blmself Installed In




dii ,|U~ »
«lth 111, taa., vrl.»..
*fcdr»,d. MSI w«. Injure Mdlbere
.w..-i.u. 1.1. Ilf. ami
maa a firs lose of over P400.000. Nona whose bright inteiucence nod bel|ifnl
0f tba fatalltlsa were iraeeabtodlrscGy' assislanre rumblii,- io form the Idesl
lpBrsarmtorexplooivea.battbeytUll anlsTi wife, says the Magtoiii^ of
Mara of a natnia M bay can nconer-'A”- H«v he may be seen I work
O-iant firaerackaia were raa^nalble for ^
works npon which he
flbagrealarpartofthaltotof Irjnrad
^a. 1«n ami still Is encaged: almost
•TtocSew York. WorWaParia aewraa-'as tonte a hall as Ihai Id whic h a
woadaBtoahlastbat he baa bad as to- a<-uU>i»r bntlda u]> hto monnmenu. or
!^tow with Maitra Ubort. ona of! «1»^ *"•»* IwlWf prepares hto hack
l-IJr\-^ a.Tw.
f»r the stage. Bnlll especially
■DtoyToa eoaaaal. who baa Jaat bad a,
preparation of the Bostou 11. twg oonfaranaa with tbe tomosa prim [
d«.oratloDS. li mi-sorea soma
maor. Laborie aaya Dwyfoa’ atory to ^
j.,nis by fourtei-n. and the
mooot almoat aaimaglBaUa tortare. ’ appearance of site to Increased by the
Dreyfus says the oagaatory to not trae,' blackened tlmlwr roof and rafters. It
i«tf t 'be waa eon&ued in a paltoada-ilka. to a workshop, not a show place. I>ut
•mrioanre a tall frr"T that waa Util# 1 nobf '!>♦ *<"*“ P'ctuieaqne for that-a
,1-1» U.;. .
Rot Ih. »». lrl.1.11
mttha baada of mffita gaarda.
^Blng a pltebm of water ba sraa
-aritbOBi that naaaaaary article aatli ba' Vast canvaacs In every stage of ^.mAsad In hto agony from thlral. pleilon. occupy but a fraction of the
- ■'^Awotbapmeaaarewaitokaepa lamp apace: tapestries bang fn>m heavy
^rahj oTcr Drarfus' bed all ntoht • f™®**lAg. M. Imboriwttioa.
,h,. w,lb,: ,,„dles and casts
■nva<n«dawarmaoftbe fearfal
; J Ortons archieectoral fcatntws and
oal toaecls that eat a man alive. Drey-'
,rm» and annor. lay Oggoa dreaded night more than tba teoll- nrrs and flgnrlnes. stacks of canvases.
I unused, half used and n^. for


Travane Otly market.
b^ow laaltotoflbabnylngaudaaE ==

At Pioneer Livery Stable,

mtoara tbe toll of tbonaandt of tons of '
,g|,(.rMy designed materiaU-vilaarth bat burled many peraoaa, Incud- \ „„ ^nkades and silks of various p*>aamad Porsvih. ! h»s< end simh-Is) roinufacture: old
Jog an Aai

B. J. MOBGAN, Propr.

,M D'bk,
............. /iJ'ji,”....

B t J S' IS':.....

XtoelMdonoolontoloSoe hat b«n |
aud'ln^drawvr*. ^ct.h- j
lOtllad of a amtoaa ontbreok of tba i^tokt and albums of studies arc cla<- |
hoboDleplarne at MaariUaa. Tbera' sided as to subject. amog«>d In groups |
........ .........................
wme thlrtr <maaa of the d>saaaa aod! acconllnp to the pictures for whlch|i^p^»,......................................
*^.„.T O.U. B. u. .Ill w»b -1
I drawings stand around: p^ugrapba
TbaPraMbgoemmaal baagraatod ,re pinned about of plcturea of the
riba Ualtadbiataa tba right toeoMlraat period with which the arttoi may for
• plar landing at tbe t'aliod Statoa
IteUdlag at tbcPAriaegpoaltloit.


tbaaaa par to..................
Balt par bbl.

ji»>i.1clSB Ss4 surge
fllnrk DseorolfStr)
Pboees. Bell Its; Km

A nice lot of Horses, among them
: D“o',:s.s‘.‘S¥J;,’'srrs-T::i-,;.'ns some nice Farm Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lotofNice Hrivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of worit.
Some arriving every week._______

4 O' svic^esuiFTowstiy

! OBc«s se-Tosselker block, tit Prosl strscl.
„I ..-r------- ---------■■

»6 M let s. Ise. Okcas.OUy Opsr.B<mss Bit.


tbrurefrilto^rry^w^d^*"«^^ l"^*

•piaau tdka WUdflra.
flneal folios and books of art and arch- j wkmU old. par bn..
TO sa. emce 10'. tsstSeoce IOC _____________
■ You cant keep a igoe
^ . dm
—- —I- ^Ku.i,parba. (
Sews of it traeeto fast. When tblaga i ae
ae. • -Vbe W- they beeOM ••the beat j w!
aalUng.-■■ Abraham Bara, a leading i In orderly
of BaUevlUe. O. srritaa:“*toe- painter of ihg dally
Ua beat aalllag WtWra tbe outaMe srorVS.
Amy M
- “
t have am
...aiilac !■
baglB .ia dtoordara la the atomaeb
Uver. kidaay. toowaU. blood and nareaa tract from a private leit^ demribing
V ■toetricBlKara tooas up tbe atoma^, tbe rtris anlomohUea: -We went to
.uBot afraid to ba_gea
X amialr Bver. kldnaya and bowala, ^n^nebleao. fl»r »» «>r P»rty- for
Boedy and aaSerlag. ’At
. variAas tba blood. atiw^M^tha^- bre.kf.ri. forty. »ll«tot^mbo,«
Dag's New Diaoc
Oongba and -Golds.
We came hack by a
DBAK. arrhlisel, »ni »
. dim. It boUda up toa aatlra syatam. toSgeVroule-rorty-elght mltoa-tn tbe
a mUlkmtrial boV
•Ig^rana..■am BA Ufa aad Ttgor toto any weak,
of tbto'^ groat madtetoe: and haee HsMStUsCs
•tokly. run-down man or woosaa. Only
tba mttotootLm of kbowiag it basabbaa '
moonsToikto. SoldbyJ.O JobmmaadlL
_ _________
tolmtaly ou^
thwmanto oft bopalam
m. Walt. drtMtgtoto. gaaraatoad.
. Asthma. Broe^tto. Boaraabreakfast and enjoying It-that to.
aad all dlaaaam of tba Throat,
____ L and Lnnga are anrriy earad to
TotoaagaitbM at tba Famoaa tor
it (toU <m tbe DragHam 8 B. Waft
and J. G. JobnasBaDd grin trial boltnvrilng they beat eTerytblng 1 I
W eooTOf. yon know they bare Ua. 10 om. Bagnlar rim 50e and »l.
gnaiaatoad. or price rw
the automobUe coupes and rirtortoa In i Betry bottle

\be atteeto hero-I mekn tbe ^blle tondod- -------



Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three yea«—
Look at them whether von need one or boL
$8 00 or $10.00 will buy a good eecond-hand bi­
cycle- $25 will buy the beat new wheel on the
market—Come and see my display before going


W, -

nrUl glee a i
Asat aftort^ mika poaHi
cMtBowtooraaadtbapctocd,. ..
srlU ba MtwttOM by tba Qtaad.
hart »Um^ '
^too Boys' Bead. Watob tor


tariff aa tbe ouwf Only m*0«teOsmt'a piiBlI toddiw at tbe famoei
tor only 6 eaata.
n m aaM that 4,000 ------ SMMMoBtogk
giro m tottm la Brittoh.Oolombto. Ttogy
^ kotblki bkt tbe toad.


Park Place Hotel!
T3?a V or-eo Oity, TwrioT-ngBiTi ■
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
private baths have been added, making it one of the moat ,
wmfortoble hotels in Northern Michigan, Address for


giro yon card
aaddoonrr beat to ptoaaa j

Arch andWPienimn

.!3i.^MRS. H. E. GIBBS







wi miaa neeiBjwtmt »eiT ti, im MF9U1 W »i«lfc

•UfB ttW Hid a-YMmn tftnn»Arr. •mUbs MMSta. aad ako «em to
"r«ilBd* fse or tk« smtcH «# of *»*>
wmnn wb« ir« Um- for
tW d*r. tbr CUToU of CamUtoe.
uiMd for the gnat lUrTlud atagc*. |
of tW dr^ratloB of ladepcadrnM.
Bho wu boill br Bom WIbmh to Balf
tDdP H PTMktMSi_ the tood of tlBien for tbo Bootoo ud WoreoWM
mr»^r ud <mr bmi adroBced modi' roUnad In t«B.
Borer bees aide to npro- , -fibe »0i tbe drrt locomotlre Ib IhB
rooDtrr to bare rrroagbt-lcoB drlrlsg
Mfotbe CIscUiBad KBonlnTT. Ob* wheel*. oBd tbe Im oae ts tbe world
dor Is tbe moTketploor of on loUnd w4tn driren aeren feet to diameter.
nitopiloBW o rurlow pi«fara>oBCF. It And Bbe won a coal bomer. tbe rrrj
tfao cmdiKied b; two men-<me old dent of ber kiBd. JImiar Ja<«ineo
nod rmoBrtoted. corrylBg o nodro
woB tbe eBglBerr wbo mo bM. msd be
dram: tbe other r»tu>f and woD-fed. mw ererr bit of bar Ba'rtrtoerr /ude
(UtamicaUr gowBed .wMb BO orerpat togetber. a good mmnr of fbe
tklft of ralored boadgerebtere OBd b fiprUanceo Iwing of hla own anggenmnidtsde of beUi. wbirb tangled •oM' | ties. He tbosght nothing of nunlng
•r at hU sUgbtMl noretorat: MOg. , ber a mlV In etitr oerooda. nsd n mile
.ncf«4 bnJr-nUogeihrr n bldaona Ag- . i* ot*i,-three second* wna n «nmnon
sectes of tbe brlr-a-brae
! nnd caer tnak for ber. Tboae
weird tool- : (be ter* of elngle trncka. mlsd jen. drawback to tbU aort of a pin I* that
taming, and tbe other man an Incnata- | and band bfnkra. sad cnat lroB rtlbs It gives dlsconneons booWe* an exfor staring. Tbe Impttwalon pnTb^ be extended
, llatte to Wbakr bends.' and otber
tmmboo irnr naed bj all aallree — oB prlmltlre apptlaocca. ao to rna a lo* rails among tbe sobsr-mloded that a
Wblob anr -OB* wbo pleasee place* a comoUre at a mllew-mlntrte frte. giri sbonld Wmr ber clocks on ber
Urge bnadfal of rice and Uk eame an
rblcb tO'dar U coanMered a feat stocklnga. }ust ns bar graadmotber
00 t^f ■
wortbp of' talking aboBt asd boasted did.
wonld U the ordlaarj war take bonn of. roqolred nerve nnd lodgment In
TtMMln'* Kew Tm*«.
to separak- thm.
an englBcor that few engineer* bar*
Tbe queen's new pnebt I* fast ap>
Now tbe rnotaatle man with bU inr toteip.
pruBi-blug completloD. and bo effort ts
beglaa. Re urn* aronnd siowlr. gradind apenklng at •Mtaklog bead*.'
log spared to bare everpiblng
s for tbe launching leremuop,
o beeping tiniej. faster
be performed by tbe duke nnd docb*
a glddr rorlex. the t|»r •»
I of York, at Pnmbroke dockyard.
Omeo alnioM ont of ills bands, pet no
. May b.
Tbe new voBe] I* to be named the
I very tTplng to wateb. bnt
VlciorU nnd Albert, and wtU be the
in a coaple of mlsniM both stop slmnl- Ml to 1
■ tbe straps In flfib royal yacht am ajian for tbe
UneouPr and the man shows to tbe time worked loose, nnd tbe rod* where *p.-cial use of bar majesij. It will
wondering spertator* two little benps. •brp were Jolard together would curl also be the UrgesL and. to Judge frum
ow of rice and tbe other grain, at dl> up and look llge a Mg snake wltb lt> the elaborate wo|^ which has liecn
ferent ends of tbe trap, which In bis bend raised a few Incbe* ftum
peuded upon tbe veancL tbe most bandsickening gprattoon be bn* been able rroond. Hence the name. The snake bume of tbe Dve. Oonstrncled of siecL
U Mparau bp Booe rxiraordlBary spiker was a trualed man. wbo bad a the new Vlctorte and Alben will be
certain aectloa of tbe track-wMcb he sheathed wltb fooi^tnch teak wiwd.
Later It was np good fortUBe to be was detailed to pntroL with a alcdae and again catered with solid brass.
hammer and a leatber hag with new The dlmenalon* are: la-ngth. 3WI feel;
able cases of ruloDtarnp soapendi
spike* Is Us lung bp a strap orer bis breadth. SO feet?n[>eplh. as feet, ami
•nlmailoo of wbirb I bad ao fteqaenl- shoulder He wa* to keep a sharp
tons. She will.
Ip bMird. wllb a eomewbat dnhtons tfokout for snake bead*, for thep
Ibeiefore. be twice tbe *l*e of tbe royal
amlle. I am afraid. Hot 1 am conrlnc. dsngemns thlog* for s tar to com# yacht built In IHRS- Her Indicated
ad BOW.
>010 cMiiact wtih. and. when be found boree-iMwor wlU bi- lO.OOO. and her
' U was ailed a “Jeghee** perform- one. spike Ipdown Asi to the strlnp-r
anew and took place lieforv the mahsr- again. The safetp of life nnd propajab of Ubnrhsnga. wbuar guest I bad enr on railroad* depended la a gipat
tbe bSBor to be.
tbe rlgUnoce of tbe snak‘- usol
••Jogbeo” wii ptit bp his, dis­ apiker. And It was orer aocb rail* In* tiul saloons has been treated ao at
ciple* Into a trance. He bec-aiue per- ns tboae that the bops of tbe old daps to raoder It noolnflammalde.
Tbe furnliuri- from the paVbi now la
tcrtlp nBconsrloo* nnd.dead to all ap. had the nrrre In pnsta their anglnr* a
nse will be iransferted to the new
penranstw. An Kngtieb doctor preaeni n-ile a minute.'*
VUiorla and Albert, which, when enfelt bis pulse nnd fotrad It but nwsed.
(Irelp flnisbed. wtU bave taken two
and a Uioklnx glam showed not tbe
year* to complete.'ami It is •wUmated
rawBhrafcera Iq Aapnn are Bot
pigbtckt moUtnie of nap brentb In tbe
twdp. The "Jogbn^ was pot In n'eof- lowed to ebargr more than 100 per will have rotl CLOnO.IMKI. Tile wvM
on board at tbe preaeni time la a busy
Bn. the lid screwed bn and seals wen rent upon tbelr ndraners. enoagb.
Work Is arried on at bigb |>restmpnwaed on U with tbe BubataJAb's aD conarlenee. U would oeem to ftn--..
gud everything la being rapidly
. algnrt ring.
regirans. nod pet not enough to satisfy bnt tbornughl;!; pushed forward. AH
The bos was burled Are feet deep.
the gentry to question, wbo
bands are working tn ^ay aud night
' anrtta tbruwn in nnd welt aumped.
Oialn wne then sown and trasled ten- (bat the rale ts wbollp Inadequate. sbirit. the latter by weans of el.-ctrlc
The PaiWBcae diet has been couehier- llghu BiiedaUp tnsUllrd for the pur<
trim guarded tbe plareTbe graU bad sproutod and born* log the qaestlon of nbollsblng thla re­
The preparatlona. too. for the visit of
corn when we were lnvH«>d again, af­ striction.
If appears .that tli
tbe duke and dnebess of York are be­
ter alstp daps, to wlinee* tbe restirreetton of the body. Tb.- grave wa* o|>eB. Urg<‘ town* who nuhslst hy manual ing made on an extensjve scale, and
which U also to be vlsltetl l>y
*d nod the ealBo found to be Iptact. lalior And tbemaelves constantly wllle
The neala were broken, tbe lid tut- out money to pay their dlnnerw Tbe.r tbe royal couple foe the parposv of
Bcrewed. nod the "ioghw" wa* Uken have enough left lo pay for their opening tbe new pier, ts sulauTlblnc
ont stiff and surk. Ills dlarlpleii ouw breakfast and bath, which thep ael liberally In order to gtve them a royal
Ml beany welcome,
began to manipulate tbe boilp and to dam neglect and wbirb costs them
klllltary and comrtabnlary will line
go ibtougb certain rites, retp atmilar almul one fanblng. but dinner U bethi- route, and tbe whole of tbe nrto mesmrrlam. and bp degiwes tbe y^d tbelr renourcen. It U tbelr
rangement* will be under tbe chief
dead man o]>ened bU apen a qulrar
control of the earl of Cawdor, who will
ran tbraugb bis bodp and be ant up
buy the midday meal, and In the even euteruln the ruyal visitors during
Ing. when they mwlve tbelr wngra. their Slap in Boutb Wales.—Ixiudun
Alwor* • nwtMe.
they redeem the pledged article. Iiav- MaU.
It hna nlwaps been a notable faet Ing Inst enough left to pap for their
gw KtIU #r Ptlrtatlaa.
to WaablngtoB tbal wheneeer a
supper and tin-skfaat. This perform­
*'ln fllriatioD there 1* tbe same dlw>l^
or woman gal
ance tbep gu Ihnuigfa regnlaHp
psii-d vienient of excitement no lu-xulU
In iiullthw. war, or sociclp there ap­ daps a week, an that tbe pnwnhmker Ing In gauibllng-uiicerialniy; In fact.
d ue
< tbe Bireets of the capital hi* has lo make neariy ail eniHe* tn bis w« might add to the dlctlonarr deflnU
or ber double. All tbe presldenls luive books In the course of tbe munth.
tlon a *1111 later one: "To flio. gambl­
bad their doulile*. and CleveUnd nsed
Tbe law lay* down that only Z renti ing In hearts."' "Tbe flin. like the
to be greaUy antHiyed when 1«M that can lie cbnrg<>d a* Interest on a Umn gambler.fe.-d* upon the Intoxleailuii of
Lawrence (lardtier. wliu was cunneet* of 5 cent* for one year. and. n*
hi* pn»«lou». In a few year* h<- beed wltb tbe dcnioersllc national cone of these dinner loan* do not eseved com<-* lucnjinWe of steadfast, enduring
mittee from tbe l>Mrl<-t i>r Cdlutnlilt, tbst amount, the pawnbroker baa
was hU exact huage. BT-Cooinv*w make bis 80 entries <w so a luonlh fur
from the love of the
innn Fowler, of New Jeraep. took the a sum of half a cent.-lxindoB I.^der bnrtinrlsn by tbe element itf IdealUp.
grmiest delight In being nilsukeu for
of spiritual sympathy as dlsilD<n fruui
l^iwldeni McKInlep. nitf It Is wld bo
merely the atiraetlon of l>rule natniv.
affected the president's *B’le and dre*«
The open-minded, opep-oouled. manly
to heighten tbe tvsembUor*.
bad dervrated a wlmlow In i&e lower man Is apt to eapren* hitiiseir In abrupt
One of tbe female rlerta In the part of l.fwl«tuo gut out of bis cage pralBe of what he like*, but the flirt
..............................g tbe Clcreand Aew ncruu I.labon stn-eL
know* betn-r than lo take Hie .-dge off
1*1 many
land admtnisirallun secured
In- owner went after him. and be
of a eomidiment by giving H puMh-lty.
• vllalloua to audal entertnlomeota Into
_ _ _ Mapnanl
_ _ _ tiutTs
_ _ _ door
_ _ and
_ _ upoet
_ _ _ Tbe flirt Is InvarlnlOy contldi-nilal to
simply iHranar aba looked like Mrs. box of cigars of tbe lawt variety, asd
Oetelaitd. and reruin
, Ibeo Aew into the 'box of old
wanted l>er prYwetH-e at Hudr func. 'that Ur. Cuff kee|ts
mailer buw bigb a code of buuor be
may abide by tn otber mattetn. Ill*
eouwlenc)' is twlluused on one side lieif the gurat*. and made t
pond remedy. There l» no gi'rtn which
There have been many fmolmtle* lo He missed the rooster, which
devek>|>s-ni<ne rapidly than tbe flirta­
huiuna form of iM- various army sbd nut of the door and went down
navy Iteroes of the late war eonatnnt- «reet In tbe air. aquawblng'^erocloas- tious bscierla. tilven a young
woman whose pride 1* wuundt
1 alwut' Wat
“■ ■ ■
0 the 0|
Ibnt bis or ber love by a mem­
doings have ofleu rauM-d wle* tu b« of Nelson Cagne's store, and made
rtrrulated about the uhglcnU. which, flying Imp on the counter Id tbe laiek ber Uf tbe oppuslte aex. then. If there
niuwc*. were embarrassing to tlwlat- n»m- Here were several men enjov. be a allgbt ntnatlou* tendency to be­
gin with. It will be bni orer night be­
*r- But ao far as knowi. tbe grlje
a qnlet amuke. One of them
fore the Wivd baa grown to surprising
man who look* like I>rw*f bad not post drinking a gtam of water ... proportion*, ebuking out rouscb-o<-e
traded on bt* rewunblnace. but neema homelblng. and tbe rooster flew Into and kindness while It supporu and
wntenl with attending
bU work bU face. upaelUng the water
strengthens wound«>d vanity, which
as iH-wey dues—New
«w T<—
. «|,riakling it on bto sbln
ro» *............
Mall and
human ban."—:
ffred I'sltler
l>slti augbl tbe moster by tbe
isU fentben nnd polled Ibew out. Tb*
■alslsa Ber Bat.
alarmed bird eoraped again and went
Tv V*v OM 4ewsl*7A lady who iwme down oae of the
Into tbe flab market of gammy Stoart,
Verp ptvuy girdle* an be made up
Where la tbe window vras a pile of Uv* with a bux of old-*tplc Jewelry. Tbe
^ ^

peodaai earring* i
to match an- JusI i

with her fool OB her be*d, which *as .
covered by a Inrgv "plclurv" bat. "Yon


bat." aald tbe woiMO betuw.
mediately ranmed ber dMcent lo tbote doaen* aad doaen* of ed^tp bob
tbU day abe Is ladlgaanL alitmicb her the ever got Into tbe ceUarr
“Why. 1 dost know, mp dear. I
tet wa* «B Are wMa abe tenebad
aaver boagtt as ea^Np bottle la mp
tana firms.
tUe-'-iUrtem LUn
Im C* laj
la Yleaaa orgaa grtaflara are allow»»
bmiww Bi’Bim.
•fl to pk^^^hntwte^^-tep^

pyramid Mdltu;__
A dever Jeweler ran3 pul
a raall
out destroying
slide on- the liaek. wllbogi
fntnre usefolBcaa. Tbe broiM-b
be made to nerve a* a clasp, tbo
Mirtngs at cither side, wltb a.-bandmme bell of ribbon.


Our Central Space
Turned Into A Bargain Dept.
Chajiges took place Yesterrday pre­
paratory to Monday’s beginning,
when every inducement will be offer­
ed to customers for a time to buy
seasonable goods at low prices.

One table full of nice, ntylieb wool cassimere suits
—$7.50, $8.88 and $10.00 suits-none better for
the price named. Take them quich. Now

One table of &ne cassimeres and worsteds, real
bargains, sold at'-'$10.00. $11.00. $11.60, $12.00.
ail go in the lot. Your fit in tbe best goode—16
to lO days supply.

Many plaio silk faced goods.


One table of tbe choicest and best goods we have
had—In a general assortment of colors, worsteds,
cassimeres, black goods, blue serges, silk faced
goods—best fitting—Stein-Blocb’s, Michael Kolb's
and other fine makes—former prices. $18, $14,
$16 and $16—all go In this quick sale at



Follows men's goods—prices correspondingly low—every suit *
bargaln-$400 $5.00. $6.00 for goods that have sold for $6.00
to $10 00. Tuts s'ale will not last long Come while the assort­
ment is good.
<» ___________________

Will Offer Men's Gelored Slilrts

Oa thflae centre coanters~all in plain ai^ht.
Colored toode, wUte collar bands, 60c for................:................................................860
HandBone coloi«d gooda, collan and cofft, 76c for.................................................. 38e

Men’s Summer Hats and Gaps-Prices Cut in Two

H.d’> Cap,. n«w, hand.i>m., SOo for. .SSc Kan-. Cnuha.u.................... HoUPrio.
Mu'. Cruh aau u low m..T.........lOo
Mon’. UndMww
lou, 60o for.................................. .................................SSo
M.O-. P«.», *3 00 .. *3 60, bis lot, to olo«.......................................................... $2*0
M«'. Vuit., So. sood.,*4 00 U> *4.60................................................ ............... *SS0
h»vy 60.U».d............................................. .......,............................ 96.
Men'. Pmoi. llgh»r.......................... .................. ........... ............. ;........... ............. 460
H.C Blue OvMwll., with or withoat .pro*., to clOM...........................................96c
M.n-.Str.w H.U, bl« Ut............................ ............. ....................... . ,.H«If Prlo.
W.n-. Shirty bi« lot, toobw.............. ................................................ f............... 90c
Mon’. Shiru,good vtdu. 60c,for ....;.......................................................................S6c
Mon-. Whit. Onulur.. nw, l»ndw>me............................ ....................... ...HMfPrlo.

Sommer RKtwNi-Mai][ ilce lew pattenis-llalf Price.
tbe bnndkerrtlef la bo
nod It ts kept Inngsldr
tbanaBB------ ------------BedatflX


. ' t^EW HYDRAULIC PRES*. ’ - kites At all prices.

la itaar TaHt*—

•<4Mitiftc W«* o« «oe kt»4 a»a •»•
tkt al^ «&floMr. mjt TM otbM. •oeh M to the pMt few jwn
AMlcu. to oTw to OMd
H for tte p«rpaa i< artidie of tor«e ale. Tbere to «w
■ liidwilr dealer to tor* ud kltea. nyi
tt. N~ tort
I—— • «
Ml I tm •!»»»• hr4»«u^ p« and Ute raqvtoltce and
wkM (M be BMle t>7 «&/ one wbe
ba. • krdfMlle nek. Twe WTMCbt «eU6e klua are *oU net only all orer
9totM 13 toebei igwre Md 3 Uito coutry md^ Canada, toot to


Uoa iw.*v drtahin la Amenea. We

• t-B

s 5:

IM tba
_____ ______
aodd. eaalblrd
«f 1---------tte eatfi*
teird of
--- ecffea


arJTWmH»amHaaa«alMr»w«M«aM M Ian


..^aeed la Amartea. -Into
a bM been euadUy crowtop
ni» «ata*iMaMa(JaB.taa



isssr, ■ar__

paruot the



IS cam

Proper], gnrred ta • Drat diXiau room.

OicmrB of Bw«ry KlaA

BOB.BALB-4M~IM aero toad, lot of
food wood Umoer, i
Lug Lake: fluraorntg

tee troplaal

“BSHhe renter porttoa ol
naorWd to retained to Kew York^


aactwa t. n« WM w aa* MX «r «k* awaaw

W»ytoe >e«u.rHfaf irtaeto. •

Amlrtll. tma, Afrlrt, KMlrtrt Boot,
land and the rartona eonnutoe of eonatom, and tee tolandaot
ttoeatnl Enrope. An order lor
r . A.—
box kitaa vaa roetored to oae week by.
cable flam 1*1110. Tbeiw are a n«
of paienu cs tbeae actoDUtte' kitea .beyaredtoiribotodieaU
erbtob an |«tonied ntoo to forelcs loantm



^Bx sibiumia kiooxi),
htlt u. ine.
itm nuMcwB Mnmt, BROS.,

'OBtiALL ..
__________ __ at Old lliarooo. IS rode from «.
How 14x34. wtof 11x30. large to
Property mrta for 86 par moi
FOB 8ALK-000-Ooad amaU boou.
XK aeru gronod. UarBald avonu.



Ir grodB. FMaart*

»ew OfllCB Varkbi

—Five aero lot OB Gar-

A boa kite .aoeh ai wia loM t»o
ytare a«o for $1 and ia« year for CO
a* M OTOtlMd br I#WOotMOaeTnic•mOar
Perry Uunabto eeaoad add.
emu to tM tble aenoMi for » ce«a
Ntuln M
> xSmm VaSJ*
Itotaemto and mb atnoL
Tb(i« are. however, vartooa aizoa and
•.aero air
tee name ol Ar
■lylM of box klue artlln* np to *4
POBdALB-OOt-ltO-aere farm tear
each. AH t»e boa kitea either roU np
■uaa.' ewiuearr
tq MM Cb**>« X
■itoa notlh of viliace of Aldeo oa C
Tbto haeKivea teen I'tQsalli.MeO]
or fold ap Into a xtuall compa« when
A W. M. R E.
Improved. Prtoe.
la Mae aa lbllv*«i
not died ter flytoe Tbef* to one called
a J. MORGAN. Proprietor.
tbr amlMaUa box kite, which can be wwypartol tbewortoi aad aa large
PURbALR—003—ao-aoe farm,
T rjifwl. «e finel\1SSI'......
attaac kata » a Vatae auaat'
frame beam, good bara,
oproed wady for «yto» Joel aa an nmchard, well water. SmileF from
vUbrHto to opi^ ready for oae. Tbere
1 Platform Wagon. 1
a,atl togood
ootlageofUrawa. Prior, fi.soa
to DOW eold a ahlp kite. whlcL to rtnied fea raluea.aelanderd no other boaee
order, price 833 on. .
ORbALK-WH—NSofuw S aec 34.
1 twnorat rxienelnn top Oarrlaga.
tike a atooik with Jib. malDMUl nnd rlab bea been able to reate.
Wa iu hatauj aaruf; IlMl Or
33—II—aboot GS Bcrm a»iid Urn newly pnlntod. prl«- *43 da
topaatl. Tbr box kitee Imre no uJto.
MlUkma of bomea to every eeeUoo of a^w
ber, aardwood. Uatoam.eedar ewamp.
iSt aJxwTJaU
^ T»a»arar
1 Phaeton Baggy, gopd order, 840.00.
3be ablp. kite. M It riaea and Beau to tee coitnry today uee notemf bat Ar
Some cedar taken ook
raA.. 8.BILT.I*.
1 Top Baggy, all to goed abape gu 00.
nw KTpnaCTJC
the air. to batoneod by an nnebor ana- onakle’a coffee. Tbe teet ol expertener
FOR8ALCI Road Wagon, good a* uw. 833.00
. tnekM tbtok are bored to receive «P- Moded from tbe bull, wblcb tnovea
lagbi tee camfni noneew.le uiei
33. •
X t.mmber Wagona
kite ------not only
maapa money
rlfhVd^ <** ^
comer. Tbeae atone tbrooih tbe air with tbe kite. her lalU.
<-----.------» eavod,
le village 8 .
I Cow to trade (or a pray.
rode nay be of any denlrod leaftb np ;
twx klwe and tbe ablp but teat ahe to enpptyto* lie b«t ool^ange Xraverae City pit^wrty. Price
to Bve feet and
i klue tbefe are other artmllBc kitea
orlaken ol her booaehold.
toefaea to dlan»«er. Tbe belfbi ab^
almblpa. made to vartona. ilxea.
Owr* Krlauro M> U« TiaM tW'taa Wkun FUR 8ALB-cnc-We*t liw ft ae oorner
UMM My B. K.K uero. aa* Bromlauae
ba.iatutot^ by tbe atoe of tbe jadi that are aoid at from 81 to 810 each.
- teet

ol betogaWew
Arbuckle Broa to
being a<
and tbe ctaae of work wbicb to
Box kltre are oft?n Joined together deliver tee coffee bmry to teeconroi
a. IMMalMdto Um • .•arilafTrortroaCUr:
b tbe^ald of tbe
Ba>-nrtil. AlirotaaM.ban.kvruawaror
and Bowo In group# of two. three, four or wite all lu dallgbtfol aroiu M<
POE 8ALB-6ir: tinicery atoek tbto
Ho* Bl
iHke. elghi MIro met* bb4
rbrr. laWiMa lac ll.aun an mA* iim> b.
By tee nac of btoeka of wroufbi Iron or moro. and throe and otber modem davur tnUcl
Bk of Tro*o.M C*li) traiB Brrtoea from
Tnto me; do by a pro ■ ero rrMTOibc ba«r o< mt< ro v ttorc Hu-* —
city luvoiceabjut 8600
troneCI') at
B. n.. Irarro appro.
or aioel It to pooelUto to re»ntau with kitee are Bown to tandem atoo. nylil oem tee paiento of wh«. b they exclu- •winta>ii'et.<^k»(bc*l
FOR 8ALR-3»4-H.iue and lot on
................... - dlkoa olia to- on,
jwBat Mae tbe dtotance tbroucb which in uadem Ibe modem kitea are naed elvaly hofi/ oovoring te* nmny little c.afT 4.J <riM« toy arc
Webater au Orven room# aloely fla(IKii.WH'niABD. PupriBf
.t X. pera.a aball krov a am
, o( tee berry thereby bolding
tobed. good well a-ater. fruit au ortee m^nre to exerted. Tbe hydranUc
meatai tro<a. large lot. eCxXUQ. amaU
}aefc may be provided wUb a XMte Uniema It to I tewUUr fact that
ih(llaiU.<i> taaoci a( Ira.ata. ■xu.
boro. Pri.« 1*30
preaanree rarylnc exuneru are now carried up by kite# tec proceaa are enUr
aa'-nvai U Mall aa aalaarial lur t»aXt..irc<
aw Mlaan, bar mro .a a « ball bi parpU ar alia. FOB 8ALK-3P0-I0 acTOBon Peolnanla
from iMio to 4.U00 pound# to too for taking plctniu from midair. There
aw I'.iab- ur aiiair b> ifaun u wr liraaral rorb
XH uxlea fro u city. itW) apple, plum,
■qnnre Inch. It would be poealbto to aro camrru iprolally dralgned for
eberry aod peach treca, ail I
rTw'kJ:;:?^'.., aai-w um
make tbe top and bbitom ptotoa of cut Ibto purpoee. There are iold kite llRM lee bu been doe to tee guerooe and bvrr Ml) .*al>
OarpenterHili, flo<
B>« M'a'li ar aJb-w aa) him. to
Iron, provided they were re enforced Id varlou elsro and leoirtba aolted to anu)«e
__ _ eyalem ued . ^polarixa It «r »k.roirbaM..rM-.l..«aila» la»«ik«takkepart
city preperty.
loaoia: will take
lavribmai. aa. .Iia|l^.a.-a
. *V.
by tearwnl riba.
Prirc 81.300.
In ueh
each pk^kage
package of tee
I eoffro uiero '
tbe varioM alxee and rtylro of aclen- to
bluk marea eight
tlfic kltra. and tberr are atoo made
rrew ten Dte«« te depon.
Bowadaye a number of band reeto and
naaa. an# iMcr Ball. .Bail M krfb •iror aU liaa
eolt aboot X montea old. Price «I30
Wnitom B. Cortto write# from Ban wlodUaa kite recto opoa Wbkb to erbayaadtlBlto pari ol eome arUri. iMi
>..« aMOarlloBB acroaa. aU r.miJMM w*kk FOB 8ALR-3P:—114 feet oa Weat
lo be ulocud by him or her from tee iilwiit
raeatribr la.iniM^rron ibr
Dl^ OaL. to tbe Chicago Becord: wind the kite lloea.
oairWr u all riur. abr*. !■> U- la., at Ibu alalr.
Front atroet, SOO foet deop. vac
Ipat winter tbe futa I'e Itallraad
Tbrw'varloua kloda of etytee of mod­
gnoo boildlDg apot. Price 84M>.
on tee package to to ^ • u.b rolaic M* iBTrojAM an lassir * to h.
CDoapany aotaUItoMB a iteamablp line ern Bdentlfic kitro nre flown not only tee tigxkeittre
' rotnroed te> tec Arnvekir.
W( loivai^l) F'OR8ALK-3US-ittl aerea eigbt mllrn
to iapan. with tbe eutem temtou at by yonng people, but by ndolu u well,
u. ITO.X
" au teto ItoL uia.
out of city, luu.OOU feet bemiuek.
l>, a k.F But r.ra«4iac «i'V
Ban Dl^ Tbdre to ao admirable bar. at lawn partlea and nt tbe neubon,
bar bore, with plenty of water, an caay tor outdoor iwreniloo nnd nmoron cutting. Prtoe 8330
FUR BALE—3C3-Hou.e and lot. Gar­
approach and perfect. protecUon. It
urabd m.r'MU.o.u.artikb. . «> I rUoB. aakll
field even'le. 8030.
to laldom teat nature bu provided
w.b BBT OBOCOOU Mall b.H*t k-miwa*. b-..'.!
eary for tee accomi
ttat iln»rr»o«tBi)rUnBBiroia--'-—' ——' —- FUR 8ALB—S67—Uwelllag. WebtUT
Charlea W. Bartley of S«>ward. Keb.
aireet. 10 rooma. 81.40U. Buy pay
U fT«ttlBir, BBbind. BOd prvu.1
datks of oootmeree In aueb a tborougb uya the New Ofleaoa Tlmro-DemoSrT^iT’r'riT^.'i^rrrr;
aad completo manner, ud all that wu
uwe (arm.
FUR BALE—30»—Forty
crat bu lnvrnt»>d a device for tbe bB«»l»llBri.hlrlro. kOBtbl Mk~»i 1»m bulilir
Kraa brrrb) crnlt) tbal Ur
left for tbe company to do wu to erect
good tonlldtogs, orchard. 8S.S0U.
. warebouBco and
FOR BALB-37l-Fony . icrtr farm.
come expert In the opencton of tea
TtbIbo owboci Bl OboraBa'a Mill tvlea4nUf.
•torn tecUUles ter atortng and bangood bonding*, evr—
Il> k«*B.
dU« frnlgbb That bu been done In a
tl.) IVfX.
-Ninty mere t
.ttoM utlatectory manner, and cargoee
good boi.dtn|ra. 8S.U0CM now be a«tt between the wharf
>X)B BAI.R-37S—Good frame bonne
bare and tbe dty of Chicago over ibe
ud eight Bcree of land, aituaied
ume railroad with only one baodUng.
■BiBtiMUXrtMmnMtor #*«*#•*
nbout ooe mile from conior of city.
SITwbt KoprraBoahBllBl bn. ilBU ria,
Throe rtcafflere bare already aalled
boBoe I4XX4. ato room* to bouse.
u U^B«4 p) tbe O «B<-U Bt TtBVWM ntr
Bb) roloriroUr. kBCTel*. aBlrt>.i.r truirir vo
tram Ban Dtago to Japan. They <mrfWM.
■*. ri..% I. TbBi C) iiirtMT Mgfx eUkls tk(
rtod to tbe pMU of China and Japan
FUH BALB—«73—Banoo ud lot oorner
77B tou of wire from Cleveland. ^080
B ae and Btate ktineta. lot M x 143
.e,k. lceni«MBI> MUM siiB4*)'. •»> «• U.U CBM.
but of uito from Cleveland. 00 boxea
___ ______ * »i'TV«U
. lull «jrW
of M« liik«-l.» U>rr»
Of carboM from Cleveland. 2,100
MI^UTAgkokarM tb-MUM4*-b-v tbe) *ro
bonato of beef from Chtoago. 887 pack►Vi IU» t Xivtl vloloOsB o'. M tol
agto of mill machinery from MiHran(ICHKU aotTg.
pfoUtM’oVmt'bJT' eirnsllro II" I
kea. 3.200 barrrto of beer from 8t
— - (Ml lo tbr
u(ii I B BM ob4 FOB BAbB-3wi-HoQBBabdlot.UDkM>
a u ' p-M r n I a ■
wrarl (reu UbUB airroi w !■>.
AOtb aldr
« Uio<
Lonto. 4.013 barreto of beer from Mbmirol lo SkTft'I 'rtttt "‘*5.^ rvro 'bio- 004■troek ton roouu. aione (unodavaokee. 800 tou of Oonr from CaUforJmi) Jill
tarM* t
ilon ud atone baaement, eompiete. Atr'ktol
'ktol kUMda. I II IS 4 4#
«a W
> la t «
aia and 18.633 balm of cotton from
polU onlr«co*4lli«U’U4o)» _
____ ___....a.
-ten .A .;. Ttiii ■•TilinirT-h-'l laker*-'-: M t
.81 a mouth
M_kke <«> M Trorei
PUB BALE—3«4-Elgbiy a
good bulldlnga, <one miie I
bO) -iron
Barro.,or ..b-raliBUBr ri-hirlr.iu
r li KOr' « •
town. 81 »»«''-•K'JTTmcwaim atnoa
lOR SAUe—3»l—Niutey i
bu been received by the geo
Mr io pru.lded .Ub
lltol>1 Kapkk
I » A*N I W
M rUB(.
typewriter. It to Intended 10 be uaed .rtirb. llrbllodoatbr
Burrey at tbe Jobu Uopklna■ univeri
.1 HBpidI 43 XXD t« T «
o under cu I ttratlon. frame boui
Btrui-k. «r auuadrd »br« nr
«ty. it to a contrivance for finding the to ocboota of loatfucttou aad eoutou Borroo.
r. BBd BM troa
.Ilblu brBrlBC dl-ii
fnlaUveianaotity of beat In different of a group of eight rtagb. om- each for Ihan font tret diakaiil fr bi .
qwlttlee of caaL Tbe toatlog apparstu tbo flngen of both IuihIb. eo<-b ring
31X43. atene bneement for cattle,
A MIrM P■{
coantota eauntlally of a bomb, or beavy brarliig chanirte™ lo Indicate tbe key
I oraoJootf b) Ikr < ■oor'i of rrovone U») :
burae aUble. boggy abed, roro crib,
i-a.-il.-I *B«o-«'^ike< t o.'ll of (Old < U) of
teas, about tbe atoe of a large orange. to be atmek by tlie Ougw on which It
poultry honae and yard. 3ii b-oring
In which a email pUtloum cnidble to to o-oro. or conrae. It may he uaed
Arl.lrir Ml BBJ «14r|
apple tree*, aeveral eh.Tty ir-e*.
I. tUCHOE. Aerak
T»Baaea> 0Hy.
■oapended by a amall wire and a )atetkHlI M a-Alar hr roaolalloB aaJ «ai-r a o ■ '
P"“ *
atod tank of water. A gram of coal
orUlra or ■•ratad or partir orluro kkd lo
at B srrBMr VBkr of •{
priBtrd.u. IB .Oitad I.J
.j Ikr
kkr 111)
«U) Har>kr]
Har>k«) or
UrBBd BBpkda
boraea. two aeu baroeae. two cow*,
«•#■!>* TrelBb br TelrakoMB.
Bant to comprre
aUlnaM o|wa ito ovorr. osroi. <« or.o)Bn of
two cdlvee. eight aheep, thirly-flgr
An Innovatkm by tbe lUlnols Central
l.*or|.aa V) ooootro.i i.r^iirtrua drsla .*
plarod In tbe ptotlntei craeltde. which,
rr ikrr.-feoai or wile' rtoM-t (brr-aa. o( Ikr dl
aerc* hay. aeven acrea corn, five acre*
after receiving STS pound* of oxygm eompauy la to the oiwratlng of train#
I.l.ioa a»l ukarwirr lo to pi-e elWd lo row
o.tfk.0. isMorrqlac tkr Hill • •It'!'o i'i'r*toilea.^
aad being rcodered airtight by a ecrew by trlepbooe luteail of by telegraph.
aoidir WBit 'OMerr MalgoMad Ik aoiu oMKv. .ora
B3«* oaU. balaaee calUvatcd land
B.Blfir ikBU to Mrr-d rrr»aali| opoo rUkrr of Iko
cap. to Immereed In tbe tank. By u Tbla iriepbonlr train dtopottelng bu
river bottom black mack. Price If
orroroa if ni|-“' ll> ) raa to f.aiad la told rll|.
atoetrlc apart (be oxygen to Ignited been done uu a two mile eirvtcb of eto- ">•.
-BwMbrrtlilBxa. of B atib
Uken Boon. »3.n>o.
iBor B )rtlBr« to Ur
wttb tee coot aitd tbe tnroeaae of tom- rated track In Cbiragu. out wbicb Itpmatnre In tbe water, cauiwd by tee OiM train# were moved, dmiag much
oerar. la Ito oelairo of (to CUT
Tbe above aro all birgalu. and cu
withcaannmptlon of tbe coal, to
be bought on eoay term*. We have
Wbetber to rontlnua BB) orrooc or prfBOB.. U aoeb bb rxM-ol MM
teouMd* of dollar* worte of other
f,f. S ifigSg ft^S i«
A., to abandun tbe ayalem. on tbe combtrga-o* in farm nod city pro^rty.
Vr»^*Bir«» uolB.fel tor bb) per- or ao) Bdlr.i>iui
apoo k
o-tod. OMO.I. to^ot« Oom^e and aee ni If yon want to buy
krooae. weigba aboot two pounda aad (kletluo of tbi- oiier trwrka hu not
IBOI ofao.-Lk.I.i-iaor
^ |i ■ ' —""“ies’ 777
b B«
la Mated on te* Iniide with 2D codta of beeo -decMed. Tiie oBkiato prooouoca
Liet |our property with
a If
" you waat
I air toBri Id droInjMr
It a eucceea however, atol u raimbto
taU ptotlBC.-BalUmoro Boa.
irilkMMi'poiiiu drHatd M»rt (artaoolad la taM
Oarnfli-laat 311 Front etreol, up
of appUcathm over 100 mlUa u over
uocire . oaldoMleeakall to term p-rioBtll) opro
•a.boaorr. tdi-tlor on-t BkkU eltbrr of tbro. rtt aUin
Ymi wi.l boc oaj *lg«i at the
two. All of the iralne omved dere eub■Moral One n»ua ■ehmmled.
Br tooBd It Mr rill, tad H kettker of Ikr'n rM kr
baunm of etalrn ny. Go np atair...
d u expertn to tbe mat- ject to the vert«el ordvro of tbe lelo^o7 i«yporoBkorpo»—aa*o **b1I
t>1efk take Or^t door ki rlgh>:
pbuoe dUpetcbi-r from hlr^IBce In u .loUte aM of tB» pro.l-«- or ^ulre--ol.
Bv of Mtural gu have c
sign U alongklde Ih* d.>or. We are not
rterated blockbouee. and llw qnk^ncai of Ihio OiJlBBiiro. OB eOBrieiloi
on tee gronod floor, at least oor ofll-se
and cbeapOk-m of tbe eervlce are tbe
• o.n-iaruu ib.nul. It lan'k We are, flgnrattvelv apeaking.
( HB.ll to rtkto Ibr
eobjeet of comment among railroad
Mr rlMel to to roe So far u having Ue-^argeat Hu and
ad a aeteack by a teat at Kokomo. Ind. nunagera. Tbero to no time loot to
beet bargaioai we nra atrlcUy in Ik
MU) drtlo >ork pniBtot. Tke H onl ol
We work all toe Ume. we can tail year
Xa te* wed* bai e been drilled io Ko- aeodlng and copying meraagro and no
o for tigbi year*, and tbto field bu occaelua
baas tookad npon u a fbir teat of tee -New York Poat.
nBo T It teBU to ito 4oir o* »*• C*l| tlert
tin r-Mt ikrrout aed apitoniu-la* nrk rvM la aark big aign at boUom of kta'r*. Big barikeo Bi>4 hi.
teaocy of revtvlBcaUon. Two weoka
arup dttoc aroro* aad apo* Ito •-?cm l.>a ur pr ai
rooBrb BedeTe^ yn^tro « mi.b^
gaiM at top of alnlra. flmt d«w to
■iBwIu a Dale la a Paa.
"S'pr»o'''oe4TBB«iero Im dralaad i» •.-« eurk I'nro tM Uiut uf SUa*
tifo a maanfartwer of that eigr betes
aBcerairroaBk Ul* BB-Hit vl Ik- rgal au Bppur tee right after yoo tnrn to left at bead
A pliTT Of apiwratoa known u tbe
UaBM akall ba a O'* apaa aatoi k» )«• m praailM
driUtog a well, be having faith tbat to
tea long laterral of net gu bad again Tngrin fog-dtopeller bu rrcvutly been
Mewnulated In the gu rock atratum
Tbe wall «ru Bntobed a waek or k vroaeto when there to an Inteoar fog.
88S»SS8Sa& C S*8F8«fl2>
Uia aial nealr-3 ataraMkalaroM ett)
•go. and. to tee great dteppotouteni It coaeleu of a pipe 8 feel la letigth
«f tbe driOera and all concemad. not l and a toebro Inelde diameter, flaring “■ijr.
BM «M found. Tbe flood of ai tbe mouth. locMed oror tbe wrigattelt wntm tbat mabed np from tee bole tog omevT. By meau of a blower a
Oman, totr Oort.
did not eron bring wttb It tee allghtoat •trong atrram of warn air to Bciit
'iwT^r' aJr'pnrata aialea. alop Oata aad
tbroogb tee pipe and acta to blow a
Wte of gaa.-MuotM!twor.
nirr II rfTt- -n------ ‘-f
tataral ar laita ara
tbroogb tbe fog. It to claimed





ri'.r-irti«{«r5ai'32 c

Gooil Bass
aail Pietirel Fishiig





West Michigan.



.- .;s

is;s ,

!S 11? !!!

!s IS


l-.Sl!3!Jii: iSliS :


Giud Elpidl 8 UUiU L I.
~”"7.',rf.*3=?.7S!S:S'.* -



“ ■


is?.ssrj!‘.?33iIS.-rA-; ssr,‘


211 froil St



tbat tee molauuv to rooOenaed and
falls to rain dregm- ao.ttaat tbe urtgator to able to aee tbroogb aerroaJ
bandred feet of tee donaew fog-^Pin*a wUl be.tediad. add tee bofg INtoWKdi.
Wa(2 arts tbereafler W done by
•Pd breoma Tbe rteuing of tbe arreet
A motor to welgb WOOD ponnda and
Win begin In tee aftronoon. and little
Wort on tenu wUI be done aftar algbt- bare four borarpower to now made to
fan. Tbe force will b*-BDlformad to be put OB a amall tract aad trbtoled
wbtu. It to believed tbal tela machod around to be oaed to bore botoa to rail­
way tiaa. to tighten oota to ralto nnd to
WUI not only amploy many
aperato au wnnU tool and feed toennMu bnt *rUt be u cheap u .
tee big nmcktoaa to uy noOUng of tea dunul toatpa to tunria n»d alaw

OrdiMBM. -


Bo U fwmiiU kv (to Oaskril to Tiavww mo

« ttr n

- l-akff
m laM DuaX B( ri"
. aoTkiia Every TtWaUro W (Bid <
Mlaratoo-aaMrkkarrvUbabaH to pa
•tomat roeaadim fin. ai4 U tka b
aB-h *Br kba Oa«n roa) attto a fank.________

m^m !^ss“'Hrr.r
UMy «laa w* ow «r a a«. w*.

SmoiI Floor.

John R. Santo,
fionril lisiriico.
Votloe to Outraetora

roaska bM l«r B veedra toidte #ror noBrd»BB
• Itovr Bt OoUh CatM Mrect, TiBaroaBOkj.
■WblMlBBUBlroUMaU BBd toWga ke to

aw BBd hatinay, ,

2ri■SSX ”

.1 ‘•’■“SfS



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