Dublin Core
The Morning Record, January 08, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
0ov«rs3ref V^rn-iDlto Fill lb« Vs*
Orer'sodlCsil Dt-Isr^ by 8oo»
daej Iti tbr Ssasts.
Biotus is Fsc'B; Vjrtbwoi
;That is Bcport Aboul-^h
Cldseni Id Bavan* Saadfly MnDtpeK«>r. Vl. 4sB. .T —
Krsnte. Ws»h.. JsB. T.—Th* new
K>sl(h to4sr olTerod Ui« pisoe is Ihs
oecrlsnd nsil Uxln betwreo Si- I’jol
^DD«d BeeC
UnlW HUt«s STBS*# l^ri ncsBt
SD-I SesttU. which wsk pot
ihe desth cf, Senslof MorriU
i-f:----- dcoe ifae time tweUe boor*. BfrWed st
OUj Vow ts ftSUU otPrcftKiBS Posoa^ by
three hoiin. isle.
aaS tbew U Vo Vco4 tat Oow-'
B-.I t.
Ileeed tbst Mr. Piflrdd will lesre
•bsmsI I.a<Slow IssaM s Froclsiak- >' Wskhlnrv>0 »e»i
v^eeb with
Aimj *t
W.. Our..' Eix pTmiliii. thnjQ.hoDl ill. I'ui6c
the Anions ol the !eo,nnils»l<« for the unespirw) Urm.
't..!. i,._A'u 111.1 .. HRH .'■■iirU.-i.l:________________
Oflleub SB« Oltiseas.-. *
«uM.drt.S.UItl.>O.I.MI.W; »“ I.i>*»l«i.
Mersu. Jss. 7.—Ueorrsl l*edlow. I
The Good Tenplsr* bed s ee-y roWssbirrloB. Jso. T.-U U stated
■misry eotcnsoder of the -district of j
joysblo eessioD of . their JoiTye Isst
spRsesas. ■“
hss hwOed .“■=
the tollowiof .
,, A.i.
ereolny. st which Uiefo'.lowieA* qiee-
...uii. C1.U. I. IKl. rllT. uuuj:
, unUre-b.« H
lup^U-J. il .1,
ih.„.-Th. |
la exeess of sil possible re-i ilreaoeoU.
Pt.iUdelphls. dsn T.—H. Worster.
. jadcesdeelded the qaenUon in the ne*. I
Mow thst the city Is s njodlUoo of nliflil teleprspli npersior of the Phis*, It ■■ reported thst the beef wsS peek- stlre.
profotmd peace snd sed no member of-rfMphis.t Reutloe rs Iwsy st BJrpeo. ed six reA. sr-: thst s e.io sUempi;
ivkin .hu,!.,:...,
the cqtpmaDity bss any reqnlremeDt Bse mordered esriv today by rohherB. was Oisde in m-I: H to Oiins or Japan ‘;
-up... 1> I1U..1.'"..
wi,,. > l.ul -taj,!.! 11.1. r.-*~l .-irtrp Hirlr -r.
'h.! Ll.r »
food faith sod pslrlcttem to dlspt'OSe |{i,
eomlu^»r TonVed iet.i the .iffered to the cr-.wc*« ihsl JKiur.d Into
>t>- r^for-o-i.v pro-.
win .h.lr rn-i'li™, M..1 rit.w.. »l„„., , I ,b, l.Ln-l. rm-1a..- llir AlwV. ...U OrM-. A.
n.l. J I nil.,
n. r.i.n.,™. „1
bsen for see ersl dsr* been eointurily ,
the Jail Bid eHtlnp in Ms iiiiBniiiy Uetidtolieve b«n sent tO]*,’’
turalnir la their arm* and bare rep»aA wHh hla feel npon Ssoiiaraat s lime wh.-n It wa« Viir wn *= » *
CA-.eiou at . bant: lali ul he
eioested the Cottod Sutea antborlUea the de»k wa* the iWy of WursU-r. Ills .that
Alr-uirr. .rd 11 Iw
r.i.r.iolI.d,lwlb.lilb.dli b, d.. BUb, wtll.«.bl. «. .. l.u.rd.i.....l
to reeeire them.
' beS'l had b-eo rroebed and there
recelpUwmbefleeDforlhe weapons, tI«> oflice fl / was corered wllbl„„,^ nearly
paond. to |•.■ndo
M-wdUt ”
I bloodi Inc-eallnf a terrible atroffle-lRi^,
,1,^ ecmmandiog rmera] :
Bytheaaae proeiaataU'm. P"r»wl-1 All the drawers hsd been-tifled and the iytij.,, ^hat he '
aasare required to report Infoctiona. the lifeless form has been planed OB the
,^h beef lli.re ft r six cents
diseases and aaloopa aod reataiirapli j chair after the morder. There la po pcrponodf^ reported as ssytnf that
•e allowed tosUy opeo natll midnlehl
-f clew to the Borderera.
’ carfo had to be hurled
pari of tl^
insUhd of elosinf at 11 o'clock Unards
wllhio a f^w pours afu-r laoriinir. sod
patrollpf the strseta are to notice
that what was left was cnpdrined when
aasM of lllnesa and desiitntlon and
The Youdk Ladies’ Haskel Ball Club It was returned to New York by Iteneenterfeocy rations be Issued.
met yesterday momlnf. A eery eo- ral I-:4faB himself.
The Cuban fenerals meet today at
thnslastk- contest followed, the WbUe's
IVrsoBS who bare flrured oa the cost
Marino to decide npon the course they
of Ibeoanned beet to packers and the
and their oommands will purse. They winnlnf.
The HaleatioD Army will fl** »» nrice paid by the (rorernmenl. estimate
will probably decide to dUbahd.
oyster topper Mondsy eranlnf at their that there was a profit of folly fii.ooo,.
hall. This will be a -fareweir sup- 0(10. The inspector feorral will get eli
the facta with 10 bit reach.
per, •
Sterwi apraad All Oner
Detroit. Jan . 7.—A blixaard <it rag*
ipf in western and aoolhern Mlcblgen.
IB BMlcni MIclitgaB It U cdM. but less
Blormy. 7ftgo weather and below was
reported fromseTcral polaU^bmom*
Isf- IteporU from onrlhem Mtcb’ran
•ey that the atorm'Is more sews fsrther Borlfa and the snow fall Is eery
hsary. The bliaxsrd eontiours beary
Ib the upper prnlninla Trains on
•orihsra roads are delayed by the
ileorge DeVU'-tbas retomed from
Ml Clement, where be was mastered
oat of the CniUd SiatM serrioe with
Flaasant Osiherlngat tba Bomr of
Oeo V Steals near Los Angelee.
Bar] Tyler has -had the faewl of a
Los Angeles. Cal.. Jaa. 3—The
deer be shot In the upper peninsnU
last tall mounted and plaeed la bis coming of the last day of the year
barber shop at Park Place. Jim i'll- IBM brought to the. boose of Mr
_____ lunted it for him.
Hteele. near I/ce An^es. Cal. orcr
Th. U-,.l JC,l,bl«w -111 i„»lh. ll.lrtJolll...l.l. li^.JTn..iwi-o
-------- -- lly.fmm TYaverse
City, MA.B
a of Am rka In tbeir
living Id the vlcinlly of Lo* Anga'es.
iBstallatlon of rfll.-ers. which will oc
cur ^Monday olght. In Montague ha'l It was a plcasaul reur>ion. and many
After the iBstailatlon a good supper
win be aereed. A cordial IneiUtion » life, some fsvmable to Galifomis end
extended to all members apd their ethere deprecating a New Year's tide
wlthoulasleighrideor ashnwar of rain,
K*de TwaDty-Zlfbi Kaoia as Hour families.
only at the end of a epriukler cart.
The regular meeting of (be City Nor
InOtBeial Teat at Saattla.
Rot flowers cot fresh from the yard,
mal Class of Sunday school WAkere
SMltle, Wash.. JaD:T -Tbr torpedowill be held Moeday night at T to boughs from tht pepper trem and
boat Rowan passed her offi-iai test
o-i-loek In the parlors of the BepUat oranges fresh from the trees, graced
hpre. mskinf a speed of twenty s^*eB
hoard with roan.v a good thing eat
and one-halt knots for two hours and
able from the pieole baskets. Some
twenty Alauua. Uer required speed . Erery roeraher of Traeerse Bsy Blee came by wheel, some hy train and some
srae twraly-slx knots. Uoriof the,
by carriagn.
greater part of the trial the rAsel s « M-Ueue hall Mondpr afternoon at
Of the noUble evenU. of the oceasitsb
off. _....
as the boat
Thlswlll-bea special
______ ____
- _.
ll may be mentioned that Dr King look
lary that erery n
was making more tlmn twenty-eight I
two Cups of coffee, and then led the
kaoU. This makes her one of the fast-1 htWod.
othera to the top of a young mnnntaln
I Keith of Webster street was to try and aee Michigan. Ered Hedden
sat torpado bnau lo the nary.
pleasantly surprised Vrldsy eeeniog be was asked to re*pmd
about thirty of his friends. The^eent ■Traverse JUr." but excuse htmveif
was s eery fitting oi.ser*SBr».^f his
Viaaily Aaalsun^s PiaveatedDratrud-■ twentieth blrthdsT anniversary and bis IS being "U» full for utteraot-e." t>r. |
Oirbln In his hilarity tried lo Uleal a
tiea «rBoma of Hr. Skirer.
guesU wen- myal'y eatertplned.
sandwich from the,hand of I'raok Orel.
Krlitsyevening the residaoce of J.
IaOu K Bvssett. of Cbeboygan. an lieb and wa*promptly arrested br Irv.
Aslver. near lAong Lake, caught Bie
elothing man. has accept- lag Newberry, tried l?y a j’«'y of h's
from the rhlmncy and considerable!^ a po.l,i..n In the clnthleg depsn- peers. CDoalvtlng of Either Bvllc.y. K
damage was occasioned, before tt.ej„,„i
Hp.i„Wgs dey goods and K Thurston. Jack Perry, Roy Perry. ,
blarv was ssUngu slied. Two ladle.
sbrre.and will begin btodutirs M'S J. W liilPin. 1. L Ensign. Mrs.;
of the h'lusebnld made desperate affnria row morning
Engle. Miss Chase and Miss Carrie.j
to pxllngiilsb the fire by carrying j r
________________Carnes, (Dr. Cortiin's two dsughtersj
water from a sitty-fniii well. They I |
and Mrs. Corbin being excused by rea-j
were having shard struggle when At*' i.Mt«* ll-elha BrlMol. who for t
aoD of knowing ton ipticb abvot
leyTi.nms.dro»cup vritl. , rig
'ias*l three vreeks has been v..,.,„cj,
V>sHlng;Hie jury verdirted that ihe de, ‘nr.
with hi* ssMstsni-re on the nsif With^
RsoW*. j should haveone in->re chance for bb life. ,
r*.tr<md r/ju ^
-------------- ;----------- I
........... :
Because Your Fen
Was Worn.
You made a blot on roiir new page. In the future
buy our }>ens4ind save all this. ,Thon penholders are
neces.sarv—so aijc pencils, ink*^rulcrs, erasers—And
Tcmeoibi.r this-*-We have the largest stock'of blank
bcKiks, just unpacked, ever brought into Xorthem
220 Front St.
Tell That Husband
Of j-ours to just drop in and get you a pair
of those]
shoes for $.V00. They are
certainl^rtEr hne.st in the city for the mon
ey,'^uAt received a shipment of the latest
st^^adies' Boots.
“City Bookstore.”
Tlic Most
Ih not proof «unit)*t nnythini:
so Biibtlfl nnd altmctiy.- ns
RiciP>r'(t Calif ,rtiia !Vrfuiii<-h
. Oneof theawoetesl oflln-ae
is callwl (Santa Bnrhara HeJ*
>otro)M>. No iiiniik would be
able lo turn away from anytbinic BO invitiuir. to My notbin'u of a woman.
We hnve’iii sLx-k all the
fainoue perfuin'-u ■ made by
Rii':»»r the Califorum IVrfutner.
fimitfaer'B HioeolaLfi. and
Ibin lions—freali .p>ods—at*•
tmi-tiie packatres.
Steinberg’s 'Grand Opera House
Beginning Mondaj^, January 9
Hypnotists and MindjReaders-The Greatest and Highest
Class Ittraetion of its kind Trareling.
lllU LrVVifUU
-HUhopCsr.-lageDrivcMind Reading Teat"
More. Oap’icales the - Mind Kaadiog" work of the BaldnUa the • Spiritnalblie*' work of Anna Eva Fay. Piaoea
■............ «-'tin CrysUl Olaaa Caakel " for S days in .Show
Jas. G. Johnsotf
ywUhheesunt. Mrs fsaae! held It without tasting white Atfrsdj
.Mitchell of Iaowc'!, who will elsU ' Black shnnid take his picture with the
jb-r dsnehier. Mrs Wjijiam Qark I whele party on guard duly. This was Not Old Stock—Not Old Styles.
A Oarload Xatendrd for jfsw Tork
j accomplished without the loaa of the}
i Mrs llarvee of nnisdate. Is ylslllng! temy.
Kagiaaw Jan 7 ~A carload of nnd< r-' **'*
Wtnans. Mrs Harvey has j Hr. EoaigB droye SS mBca ai^ re-1
e.Mdflrft.oteBaedforsbipmetU) .Nrw:*^"*'**^^"***"
1 inroed. having tola of .time to cajoya||
York, haa beep sUxed by deputy fame j ^ * bkvdle of Old- Hlmioa wax in j vtolt with old frienda
wardans. Thirty barrala have baca
TMt^rdny oe busiama.
,Itwasmn*edandrarTMthatfartb*:aleasd at other points oa the river
| Herbert MontagDe went to Drand er
■ eelebratioBS be held in the fnUre j
I Rapids yesterday sflemoOB to visit the aad
tba Oraad Traverae Exile Uocieiy,'
r Weaker.
formed with Mm. HlUoo.s*«rplar7. $6 00 Patent Leather Shoea. Nellleton’s make, go
{fareituee exhibitloe. Be a
82 SO Ladim’ Shorn Cola Toe. Veiling Topa, go
I.budeaghterifertrade that tag on It
Oso. B. BmJL
Washington, Jaa. 7.—Bapn
•6 00 Eaamcl8h-ias.Pi8geMABiBiibiBake.toaL. 4AU
Dlogley waa a little weaker today. He Jnomey to Aan Arbor,
SS 00 Oordovan Snosa. Plngraa I Smith make, go
sained oosiderable real daring the* genator MlUiben came from Lanaiag
.................................................................. 18S
Bigbt and tbU moraiaff was able to yeelJ>Hav to look after hla boaiaem.
taealar. Jan. 7.—The WolfariaaJ ^
BoxCalfSbr-ev Plngroe * Smith «n*ke.go at. » ;W
•l.M Mlsem' Sboea. Coin Toa. Laoeaad Battoa. ^
taka same nourisblngfood. The worst Be will relnm early <o the week
Kegar comps y of Raaton Berbor. witb . gt.OO Kid 8ho«a. Piagrae A Smith make, go aL..
faar pnw is that Ip hU extremrly en-| family .is comfortably MtUed Is a
Shoes. Several Stylaa. go aL...... 1 05
fecbled copdiiioe his heart mlfht fall pleaaapt hoate for the armlon.
Miss,* UeLaughllB. TWb spd Baalaettretnned last night from tba aoolbmake,go at...
2 'ZS
•tram Oas«a Vroae.
I pm part of the sut« where they baeal
. Marine City. Mich. Jan. 7.-The bsc* becB spending thrir vseaUam.
Tble Mnralag’a Tamperatnia.
aad bead of ibe boiler la the Pbmrito
At l:Mthla mornipg the SkoooD
•all works blsw ppi today, badly ocaldkaraometor regialarrd I dagreea
iag William WuBsey. The |aaasa w«a I _____ __
aurtbuled to the Irestdos ap «f the | tagne gave . farewHI 1
I to ‘a
Tou Get Your Monsy’s Worth, of the Old Ballubls.
r»»0eew of her
It latlmale frleada at her'
boma OB WaohlBgloa atraat. Oc
««( TtHdar abA
were laid for alx asd the ladles nejoy.
at oar Mfearopma C^aa. W. Baxter
will exhibit Siaia-Bloeh's aprfng
when Ussier will be here srilb m«i». ad n plsaaaat eeealag. The dm
atylea elptblag. aad take ordem for
Blarb-s «ne line spriag alotblagaadrosoo. Him
fMara dSleerr-’wa aUl begfadta'
pa*t Taeaday sad W’adamdar,. Jaa.
abew thaae ghods to aaw as wsR
Ukaar<wfaiaradellfPrT.ie»*t.!**'**“™““ roaamak
BAMiMa CumuM On. ,
Hat(n.TiMCu>nn»eCo. *waMa
2,388 Pairs Will Be Closed Out I
We haie about 300 pairs of Shoes that are eoiag at SI.S8 aoit S2.48-llot lev teasi
Frank Friedrich,
118 Front Street.
"Wurzburg I loc1|'.
. '-I 'i
Ml*. M. B. TUribf. Mn. UM*.Mn.
S. C DMprw. Mr*
Tba Mt Mnr>r
MU«r b«tor* Ui* el*b.
Um MBMl report »f O* Mcnury.
<rbl«k «u trrMMited M follow*;
Mbiuh CKAiBa** An Lams*;—I
WbU« lb* PMI ;«*r bM b*« erpirB*d:
•M. ».
«rltb WU of • baHoo*! l»porU*€».'
y W. Kw».
Miwctr- tb* La^h*' Ubr»ry A«ocl*llo« •mb* j
io b»T* fMMOd Ibc «rra wpor of iu 1
tb* •i*e«Ur* h»i4hMbt.I
tMidMl .Inetly to U* bMlOM*of lb*
•MMtaUoo: A* wltanM* of tbl*. ••
A* are look tbr<nsb * teleaeep* aad
b»r«bel<l dortof U* yMr U rdrolv H* WiU Oi**^« MeBarfeabl* Mlad obuia a gliiop** of the wooden it r«- ‘
Md « bpMttl BMilag*. wbteb. wltb
Tealf or aa wc rlorly tbe leecU* which
M*Bd^ Test la rablie.
U* ^MrUrlla*. moka >1 ■••tiBf* is
bare lieeB aliained by expuru ia ilt o*,
Tb* yooBgaal hypooUal aad Blad tbe tfliod i« aatonlly imjire«i«d wiibi
*o<J power of tbe Crrato*^
Crrato* 1
YMtij U tb* 7«v tb* Uhrrj ball raadrr befor* tb* WorM tod*y. la tbegtaoritur and
ab*p* wlib sew Prof Boob*, wbo smTHl Ib tbl* eUy of ^bi-bearealy bodies Wbeo we lean
Prof. Bo^oe aoBetbingof ibeir, mcieetneuti tbroogh
Mrp*U. «bair*. tsblM. *le., Bakiag •■ ye*l*rd*» aflerBLoo.
Tbo BoBor of Srovor OtovcUsd.
. eoa» wllb bo •Bd of *Bdora*mes;a
. lilioB
by tbe prtm of tbe ooaiitry la large that tbeir phase* and poailioos
Bs-pTMidMt CleveUsd rSMrU to
teeiold with perfect oertaibty Ifltia
aad BDall eltlnaad bU featstaST*
BsBor U uprMlnc bto *k*w* spoa
for boidlBg • >
Mrriiortol «spM*io« asd bM duapKBtabed tbe acleBUfte world. Be loMwraloflt- lsbi*reBMk*hsd«asrM U«k away tb* Basaab BiAaa. laaviag tnxlac^ biB»*eU to tbe public laat man dcTtiiDR, il ia ii .
Mat tb* ebj*otioM of ssttrM in vax ■ad b«aru U aaay bos**, aad aad*r •eeaing by *a oddrea* Is froat of tbow of icasoo to deny the caolrolliag
dIciBberg'* Grasd Opera Boaac, after preaaaoeor as ioBoile
••W pcMiMtos* to WiDf' C0*«rMd bj
which be eaaaed bU tQbjMd. Jobs L. pal Becorder.
«h* UsUod •WU* ess b* cMilp o*«r- iadcdotuly poatpoBod.
tom* sMl .sowl sol ’»or»T tb* **P“Upon tb* dapartar* of lit aoldUr Dooglma. to go fato a cauleptle aUta
Fra* Piue■teoMU; ftsd •• If* grow* mot* b>Bor- boyatb* UdlMoltb*libr*rj sad* m da the big display wladow, with tbe
airabe at exactly
Bead your address to H. E. Bucklea
pw tb* *..pr*Md«t M«(**l*;
'boBaewt***" for dUuibutkoB aatoag
o'clock Woodsy arealBg opou tb* stage A Co.. Ghicagu. and gel a free aample
•Tb* r*BWl7 i* to slsorbtM tb* u
That tb* gift
box of Dr. King'* New Life IHlla A
Vnm. ''b* tb* bUUsf of uti*** b** by the aoldicra ataay ol a* bar* r*B*os of the opera hooM. AftM the aabj -•*! trial rrlll eoariaue you of tbeir merita.
b*M tb* laatv* of tspu*b« also* wt- tokaoir^fer did
of tbeUlat- waa reduced to BDOosaelouaB*** be da. Theue pills ace easy in action and are
WHtop ta^rsB. OBT UBperiBiMUe *0.
Csba COB* bOB* witb lb* llberauly sewed hi* Up* together with particularly effectire la the cure of
CoosUF*tioti and Sick Keadacbe. Kor
skadto tb*
tbirfr— BbOBid BOt b* Cboekad
a*w*d together wlib tb* a Bcwlle aad tbrcMl U plala algbt of a
laria and LIrer troublea they hare
throng outside
»r. Dougla. ]
tb* ator*. Mr,
**ily *r **ud^ a idcBtUal ttarcBl «* bad pat la tboa* tbroug
ralnabir. They are
UBOwrMUagupoaaoooeblBlhewlr-.^^^o^ to he
perfecUy free
|B» tbOBSBBd or a law basdrad tboa*- ■taOCMWi***?”
hr pel
ercry deielerlou*
us *u1
••d rmplBoa" TbU h* b*U*f**abould
te |f *Borl*l Day tb* dapai
They do not weaken
>• tMVdod *• OBiT ‘-OM *Uff« ia tbe
ra of tb* •aaoelatloo
ilatloo wbd ra
their irtion. bill byg'lrlngtobcto
tbe |
food ordriek. notU tbe Ubc speelfled stomach aad bowels greatly Inrigorate >
|r*BaiHB<1iTr“r graat BOf*B*Bt, a wood eesetery
MBTB lBCld*Bt ta iu ptogr***," H* ai- bar ar flow.r* bod badge* plsead upoa Moadayerenlag.
the system. Brgolar size 2&c. per bos. | V*
d 8. E V
Hold by J.U.;
•B Bdd*; "Of *001** BOB* aaprcparwl tbeir grarra.
pOBla wbBld IbMi b* lost bator* w* bad
Tbe mb aBDlfcruary of oar
«b* opportOBUy of ebrt»U*Blsla« tbcm. tioB was ealebratad by a^leale at Baat
^t BBiBly tboa* of oar oiargyB** wbo Bay aad aa *e|uyable Ub* wa* repMP
kboaduB* *0 BBcb to eqooorBg* *b- *d by tboa* who w*r* *o forluaai* a* 1
aoBid BaBBg* ibw dlfUoaUy '' todttead.
Tb*** Beat scat* ooBlsg froB os*
Uarlog tbe year tb* Udi**' Ubrary
«bo OB*« ooeapted tb* Bo*t lofty po*l bas jolaad the auu federatioa of club*
ttosaatoBg tb* satios* of tb* world aad elected delegau* to aiuad tb*
pnsoi is aooord »>U tb* aappoaid aecttag held at MaBl*t**. The exoelwood **aM of tb* Btao. In tbs* treat leat reportot tbU BeeUeggirea by oar
. . Monday
afuraoain iTofeeaor
M tbl* <|B«*tloB tb* eapreaidcetwa* thoroughly eaj lyed by
p laftestioo apoB tbe lolly purp**** of all wbo beard it, and a new iniMuai Bouae will gite bla celebrated miad
reading teav Ba will Innw n cobbO-‘
•htogoeersBcal la apreadlbg ciriiliaawakened la lb* good work tke
gtoa abroad aad Bmlatalakaff liberty federatioa U etfinag to do lor tb* tee of proBiaent beatac** men to write
letter to some well known business
•adar tb* ABarks4 flag. Mr. Cl**a
onea of Mlcbigaa.
laadbadUMopportaalty to iBBonal'
We hare bad uadcr eoaalderatloa the ISO In tbe city. They will tbra mail
lat bU n*BC a* Prastdeat McBlaley boaliag of our building by ataaB with tbe letter wblcb wlll be ofoourac depaalved
in the lock box of tbe mse to
hM doe*, but b* wa* aae<)aal
Bciroum Suite
a *i*w to renUag
whom tbe lettv U addrteaed. Then
task aad It fell upoa a ataa of grtaur qeeatly, but tb* 1
trtodoB aad Boee bsmaBo purpoae* to wbo larcaUgatad the matter found that tbe key will be bidden whereeer the
for a
coBinlttee eball elec'.. Then I'roirssor
bfigg glory epoo tbla bbUob wblefa It would OMl ua ab..ut rM l»
little money.
Boone. ID compasy with tbecommluee
add* to* lualr* wblcb ba* beea grow, ifaU aad It did BOt aaem wk*a at p
lag Bar* brililaat year by y*ar.
The year baa be*b aa ereailul aa* to
M OM ever aaapeet^ that Hr. Clcee- u* la one re*p«rt. Wa bar* com* into bliodloidwl. to tbe spot where the key
iPAd ooDld •ccuBpltab reaalu which
of tbe legacy latl na by Hr. i* bidden, tbra go to tbe postofllce. uaban Bade McBiaicy great, therefor*
a.lB the •bap* of gllMU.uu. barlag lock the btis procure tbe letter, and
Houae FurztlahBr.
deliter it to the party to whom It is adkl* word* are BOt au aacb of a aarprlae aaltlad with Mr*. Uames for ibat
M tbty Bigbt be.
I?0 Froat Street
a Bauer that aameaitaicd **rer. drMsed. teiliog him tbe oooteatt, hi*
al ol tbe special Be*ilBga of tba board name and buaibess. This Is a rriaark
ALbaafiy there U a ebaoge for tbe
able te*.t and U-wiI) be followed in lb«
aad aoclety reUrred to.
battar U tb* aoadiUoii* ta Bara
Tbe euasUtutlon of tb* assoelatloa ■eeblag by aiili more nfysUfylng tesu
0*a*ral tudiow baa MUbllebed
In tbe opera bouae. both of mind read
baa bats Ib the baods ot a cobbIU**
(borough *y*WB of patrol aad tbe
There will b*
aad nadargoBe a thorough ra'risioB ing and taypnotiam.
biMlaiiT r*-- Buaaer la which BstUra
wblcb baa been aubBltted to tba so three ta<iuia of aclenee and fun witbonl
pr* eoadaeted bare laapired tb* bual
aIngUdull DomenL
ciety for approeal and will eome up for
•M sea of tb* city with eoafldcae* 1a
oonaidaratlon today.
ibapnrpOBMof tbs UalMd Hiatea auBeside tbe a«w hooka usually ad(.ed
tbertUM- Maay of tboa* wbo kept
to our library we bate made two taln(b«Baal«M fully uracd to protect tbeir
I a rnwIsM «ir» a** H.lps to UghS-,
What family U there-tbat bas not |
abie addilloo* ia algbt toluBee ot Uat)ir*aaud properly are bow vuluatarily
«• Ufv's WarI
tcmI Blstory aad dioddard-a L«et«r«a
a few reeeipta ol their own lor
glviag up tbeir aria* aad aeUtely
regard a sense of bumoe a* cne of^
of wblcb arten toluB** are now on
borne, aneb aaBmbroeaUona. Congb
1 full
tbe niimt pr\-ci>iua gtfu Ibat nuv-be
tag tbair 1
sad with more to follow.
' raltaaeaoBthe praiccUoBoftbeantbordyrups, Linlmenla, SsIvm and
We beta beea called to asoura U.* VoncbKif.tl h, a linmaii being He is not
IIH* la poa(*Mtoa.
our meBbeta, nnousimrily a twlu.-r uinu for ba«mg it. Tea*. PreparaUona for tbe Bair.
M by death of one of ou
bnt l.r u a hupjuir one- It r. nd«« Uun,
rs. Ferry Baaaab, aad t«
eU " J>\t give all such retndltTi'Mit
VoTwintsTAatnau tbe fact that the
with a aiaier Bcmber. Hr*. Corbett,
•oablus bun to oiijoy bisuwn Jisuomfl-'
eeipu the tame care and atteotioc
Oparof BuMlaia..^ projector of tb*
bar great eorrow at tba and^ aad tonI
**)*brat*d dumrBapeat •eb*B*.b*go«a
that la giM to tbe moat ImporUnt
Ll>tordwUh tbit wnae be I* never;
tr^ie Uklag away of her bi^ad
tight OB buying big gua* and plaetng
preacriplion*. nting none but the
ondulyriatrd or oust down No on*,
weuliariy aad clrcumsiancea.
bl* bray and nary apon a b«iter tootMU rrime Ins U!ui|icr Nnubusodistnrt* .
d*o. ia Biegled joy aad aorr
beaVdmgaaod ebemlcali in tbeir
tag (baa etcr. I’arbapa after Bi
bl- <-<juuuiiiiity Daros dti nut bur* biib.^
tba old year bat passed away >ad
bb*pra*ld*dbar**lf with aaffijleal
■Uad oe the thrmbuld of the new with Uuu>i>ug>di>tK>t taniubug btn Bulemn
nipnm ou bim enilimrnUl
bB»atUi*Csar will take a more deel- prospecu of a bright and useful future. airs du nut inipnm
gosb dufs . il .uitio. dm- lunt : Tbe tuilic*'
bt«* *t*p la brlagiag about aalrcraal
ot liic iuoiii<.'iil
DU biild
U U. Iii'< a. tlee.
T1H1--a'lul .Ii--«iraUuU> an-bill «-bil.li-b
baubli s lu Ills •■y«-s Fn-juduu d.»u tint
It U not cDougta that Chicago ahall
Someitaing Ooud to Maad
Wurjl bl■{•-1- Ofivi-r lU couba afll'cicd with aflgbi amoog
Tbe January magaalnea are panleol ct'il or oul <i(
It with bluix'lt lie
pswapapen upoa aiunlcipal rutuanoM. arly worthy of clue atuaUon. Tbl* abbimiall duginiitisni The u»ri<l ii a
bbt abe Boat b* the victim of the 0i
itb*a numbers ars filled witb arti •tagu mi wbli li ai'Kirs strol aud (n-t fia
Jygrlp. aaepldeBleoflbegenolB* ar- cles which will be found of more tbu bitodlUc allun nuU umux iiuvii. aiid be
pnrsui-s lbi> fnvu cnrti ul ol bi-way. in(Bla bow being prevalent.
oHInary interestvnliioralilu. doiug wlul i» right aud
:l received Thursday morniu* and placed on
eale at my State st. sales barns a
car'oad of tbe finest
■ -
! That ever came to this county. By caUlng this
iibiewitbaDy|^eek you can get good .sBlectlons at low
prices. Come early and ti^e your pick of the
best lot 70U ever saw.
Our Mono:
Nothing Nicer
Sell cheap, sell a heap and
keep everlastingly at it.
egaxLt. A RHOj?t;m.eXLt
TraFerse CiQr, Hich
140 Front Street
lb* Memmse *l the eatiance
tb* ha>bor of ^ntlago,
by ^
m^,,,^val Iruiu oib
hero of____
tbe ineideov Lientenant
if Hamlet bod bad anya«»»eol bnOf Tb* Ladieg’Library Amo. tbe ^
Btcbard Fearaoe UobaonComing' mor. he would udi bare Utai a uuuauc*
rr^^tbe’^n'Vf LTeuteVanl Botwoi - toTiiiiw l'raiid't.. all anrrociDdmg bun. |
------------and being oorreeUy illustratad, tbu —iAiudou Tmib.
aa artlele ol bmtwUal valu* a*
^aablKaatiagTcawrdapst Which
To the PubUc.
Oftoara W*r* Sl*elad and Aa In- well as'lalena* ieterMl.
Tba feature ol tbe
W* are aulbont-d to guarantee every
MnMiag Baport rt tb* a*«r*U»T Bdwla 8. Wallaee'e "Jew* In Jen
bottle of CnaBberlaln a Congb Remedy , ^_.
and If Dol aatUfae’nry to refund tbe
lcB.'' a Body lllustratBd a»d very
Birey to the purchaaer.
There U no
Tb* aaaual aeatlag of Ut* Ladle*' gaging article.
belter medteiae ___
made for la grippe.
The Naval Campaign of isM. ie tbe i
b»%J*g o^h.
Ubmry AawBlatloe w*s b«ld ytaierday
TrylU b- E. I
•tlBrsoOD- Ther* was eoB*ldM»IHe UUc of tne leader in HarpM'a It la a
rotUa* buslBcaa dlspoaed of bsaldM fin* article, treating tb* deed* nnd
«<ia alMlkmofths foUoalag ofBeara: eveaU which cbaracterlied tbeAuierleaa navy la tbe late uopleasastacae.
Praaideat-Mra. C J. Kaaelaad.
t*tViMFr«*ld*nt^Mra. A- L Haal- •rttten by 8. A.btanion. of the Caited
An st-.-actlvc portion of tba JanWuy
MeClure* i* a new story by AadjLrd
Srd Vie* Fnaldant-Mra 7. C. Fblr- Kipling, wblcb begin* la thU Dumber,
lu tiUa 1* "Malky A Co..-' and aoUi^^
farther need be said ot it. "A Voyipre
bwmWtry-Mra. M. K Usek.
. PlaABelal «e«r*tary-Mi*. O. P. Oar- oa the botloa of tbe Sea." U tU;^Ue
of anoibar fiae anUle written by (iti
' 'T>r- AMHtBBt Plaanelal Beeretary—Mr*. Uke. tbe Inveator and builder of tbe
fsBous aobmarla* craft which ta de, W. D. CHrtI*.
algaed to explor* the bottom of tba
' Twa*arM—HruTW. Potiad.
Toe anleU dtocHbM tba first teat of
Ubrariaa-Mra. M. B TblrlbyAaaHlaat Ubrarlaa—Mr*. C D. Lb- the Bxebine. which was eoadaeted by
Air si
tba author. Aa extra aa^i.y of Ibwe ^
^AMUloul Bwia^ of bawd-Ml*. BagaxiaM «aji be foaad at (b* City xmi
». X. 0. Bata*. Mn.
L. Bavilbod.
A Family
“Best” Flour.
We have a large number of Carpet Rem
nants in Ingrains, Tapestries, Body Brussels
and Velvets, from ten to twenty yard lengths,
which we will close out before inventory at ^
greatly reduced prices. Also a lot of large size
Smyrna Rugs at Half Price.
Gome early and secure a bargain.
tH< mmmro
BPgPAT. z&hvakt 8. i8e»
I loVii 0^ "JdvcVvvaaTv.
j SVvor\,‘5TesVvXe«» S\on»s J S?SF^lHs
It U an •xtcllaot thus to«<*ad>U« aa aucn a* they am»a at abuai IS
ytan. or rrai tafioc. a hlU«
mall expmditiutia aod oiaha
lUuo’ Ibai ibty do ao il ito^
AlOaoaaoapaelaUrlaeidaat peear-1 oriajr to aUf tha apraad. tha local!
wiT«^Uetr ali6»r«n«
all^adcB. ^bm
Mdaitha Blchaaod boaa Joat aftar ibaaJtb oOcan ha*a takas akaad, or-i la oo itutncilai ntnaeoaoeiBaiT-to^iltha aeaMaai to Joke B^ekBood lo Car . darias rap-Mod aod ak^ttekiat atoek dnai thau uiat^rtiua lu the «ue manlasd a fav daya aro. A earrter do**: loch d ap aad watekad.
| Mtantaot uf.t^auiy Cbiidnu aboold ha
tauski oar^^-trbai tree auouuaiy ta aitd
allrblBl oe the booie aad war aaaa by;
i well kacwB raaldesl',
;j*c •»». ■
a aaifbbOT. Wbas the door waa opea- j
a the abarp aad ofajf„,cy_u, luakias poIt-ba«»
rf “St
Elckaoad a aboaldor U a-aa ua-j dayt hfo. Blood poteoalaf art U aad ; ba. uf tbe Bwouiedirooiuturtrof extra*darly placed U a baahciasd alaeed ia 11.|, nf, waa deapairad of. bat be ia sow ‘ a«anoe aiay *btc tbetn fran laocb anfMOtbsrrooB. Aboatio .iDataa after |
will raoorer.
; fmus ia alter yoara.-Kc* York
tAeyoaajrs i breathed bla teat the! The Keator eaUU U aaid to be cat- j
Pbreoadlad Koosa kaew from wbeooa' Her llBberoBro*erBffleaVlaed»ia ae|
«ha( aaoai ika Lakewanal
Ike bird
I ae It bora aothlar i
Mar<|aeuedUtrict TIb Taraeey taya I "Phwatr atclaimed ihe Bear ala*t
MeeUfy It
^bara a rifbt lo do ao. Laad' Cea
' MtbaexaBiiDedthr hathroou. "OaV
I they
bole to let tbe watbar oB I”
The Norlkweatem Cedar Mea'a
- mkaak>Ber.UarmasD t« oOBaiderlarTarmMid tba oew ainat
att^fbwaaba Friday aturaooa a»d - eaaloyea'rcporu ie the caae.
It there*"
waa larraly alUadad. Oaa of tha Boat, Pktreblld Poai, O A. B'. of Uraaa
"Well. 1 «’pow wbea folk ala‘t rich
Isportaot itooB of baefaaM waa the : Lake, haa votrd to aarreader Ita cbar- tbay 'a> to do erllb tfaiasa as they can.
adoptleaof a aaiforB priea Itet and | lar aad diaband Jaaaary It. Tba Wo- Bat at toe ItM placa leery wan o< tba
tka ataWItkBaat of a M rau par ear. «aaa'a Ballaf Corpa will ooatlaaa.
k»<l l*o bolaa in 'eia coo-
Our Big Sale of Clothing will positively save you twentytfi've cents
on every dollar you spend if you buy here.
...b .b,«u. <„
laasbera all tkronrb MJchlraa. Ia
lira Nallia Berieaa of Ooedrleb cob- | Uladwla coaaty one saa taaaatly killBlltad aelelda Tharalay alfkt by Uk ] ad Iftaea la one day. maklar XS. tba
lar Btorpklaa. kba was ad yaaia old bounty on wild cate balnr X aacb.
^aj^larof Bart LUooBba. wh* j m Laaalaf yoae. R. TVylor. tba *aakiUad blBtalf laal ttapUBbar. rtBlIy ^^a crier of tba
aourt. «bo
^Ma waaabe eaaw of bar aelloa.aba ] j,
to all the atioraeya
^rlMaiadablilfordiroraalroa bar ■
broke a kaea eap ...knabaad aoss.Uaa aro.
da be ta ai yaara of art. It It fearAtewoMo t<
ip. <n.ub =™-l.db. wnib..l=M U.»~oo.mlw
« at tbe ODBrraraitoaal pray froB the laiory.
er Baatlar Tburaday avaaias. Tbay
aatarad tha roo« darlaf tha aerrioa
and aabad for help aayiar that it was
too laU to ret help tbrourb tba aaaoci
aiad ebarlUM. They demanded help.
latlBa_tH^that tba worabipara were
w tbay profraa if.it i
Ma Up
I Strictly bona-fiile dtscosBt of twentyfive per lient. from lowest prices is wfiit
we offer feu eo every Suit, Overcoat,
Ulsnr, Reefer Coat, Peots or Mackieaw
for meo, boys or childreo............
Tbrra Is ooo oonaolatKB in beinr cb
the shady aide of lira Wfaen a man
psts io <« 6U yarn or ao and be says of
yonns wnuian, "OODfiiond it. if I
niarnud alnwdy I'd marry tba
yselt. be at-iniUly believes aha
"u „ b,„i „
Uiis ber. belter perhapa -BosUm Traaacrtiit
New goods- Iwaght this season.-all aro desirable and stylish.
too many goods to invoice, hence this cat to sell quickly.
Sale lasts until Feb. 1st, 1899.
&6UCT8\ "Ketas &Vems
SVcawcdi *5Tom SaeT^iaWe, |
COMF AND SEE tbe garments-*-find out i& we tell you the truth in this
No price marks have been chapi^edi-none marked op—you take ONEFOURTH OFF of every one.
Tbe health of Eaperor WilliaB of altbourfa DO fataUilea are expected
Oermany. who baa been auSerlar frosa la order lo aecomiaodaia the men ternlaflaeDB for tone days aaal. ia iww
aailsfactory. UU uMjeaiy oa Prtday coaitraeUid out of
raosivod ia aadleace tba mlnUter of {aBaUInr. aad under the weirht of tbe
Oeasral Voa Uoaaler, and
alreplnr aoldlera ibe atreetara toppled
ehJef of ibe alHiary cabinet. Ueaeral o*er. All tbe irjarad were Second
BatulioD area.
At Uavana. the hinr'a boUday was
John W. l.yoaa. rerlatar of the iraatory. wboaealraatura appearaoo every obaarred Pnday aa If Alphonso still
over Cuba. Capuin Slrsbee bad
piece of paper earraacy now Isaord by
waddlnrannlrarBryat tha borne of
their deurbter In koalb Bead, lad.
Mr. rarria U M ynie old and Mra. Rer
While eatUar wood two wllee from
«allaa. .Bdward PhliUpa ae*erad two
snarlea la bla fool. WUboal cbeehlar
tha flow of blood he drore to Iowa and
yaaehad there uaooBeioaa froB lorn of
taVuiirrobuVrcJi'- i
Men’s strictly all wool Irish Frieze Ulsters {Black, Oxford and Brown
colors) standard value f 10.00, our price f8.50. now % off...........
At Urand Rapid. Mr,. Ktward John-'
eoB lound her husband Jyiaf by ber
^®’'» <">“
*WU* that a
aide dead Friday mornlaf. He had a
''ukoo river aheamera will, T
broken arm apd she say. the doetore I
>” ‘*’® 1 \
rave him chloroform trcHusnOy- The *P^‘“« 111* Robert Kerr, of the Ho |
eoroner 1. luvuilfutlof.
O'**- 1» «n » bar fifiy milee below
James ivnow.aauidreaidentof
pemiif. suBcrlnf f«,m cucer, .Uot,^*** *'**‘‘*“ «P'“~“P®
as caufht by tbe Ice while oa a |
aad killed him.rlt Friday nlfbi
. , , .
I-wr a., milca below Fortv Mile. Tbei
. .
T" , ,I
.*S,..ao.sh.ll cll™ ol .1,.
Reliabfe Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House. Tra\*erse City.
Did You See
Those Pretty Handkerchiefs
‘he L'niled Sutea
orcd man. with a cultured face, birb !
Teat* lo -wlinea. the nai
forehead and M,utB J.wa
It la aald th'at the eBrleaeriar facul
Count Alfred Voa Walderaec. wbol At New York, the s '
ty of the 1‘. of M will ihU winter aah tbe
«ra lor aa appropriation of Xv.- ■ucoeeded Von Mol the as chief of tuff j pany of the Abbsod baa c
•OOlor a mecbauioal earinaerlar e*theOenaanarBy. married an Amer- ^,Hhelawaof the sute of Virpiaia,
parlBeaial laboratory. Ur. Veuybaa ]
woman. Miss Mary Lee of New I»
authorised eaplul of »l0.i
ofleal labra-1
who thus beeame anut by i
(MO, with tbe power to purchase rubber
I rlace to the Uerm
landa and eonoeatioua io toteiiro eounMra. Helen B. Markham and Henry I At Denver Mra Florence Ellcbie. a triea. U ts underalood that a number
Biley of this city, own i.U'tu acrea ef'™*'°l*er of Frank I>anlela' eompany. ]of Icadlny rubber manufarturers of the
Blnlay land, located In the mldat ofi“«" pl*y'“« at that place, falaied i United Statu are inieruted In tbu
r discovered I **>He laklnr a bath at the Albert hotel eorporatioa with tbe idea of obtalaiosr
the big ^oc Helds i
tbeir rubber rrqnirrmenU Ibronifb the
falo City, at which place the Markbam- { It U thourbt in Uermaay that the ownership of rubber lands. Kiehard
Riley claim ta located, broBf hi out luo emperor will write an aecouat of bis F. Sears arrived ymtorday from tbe
Inns of pare she.
journey tothceaev Aa the empnw AmazoB with options on ucvirral Imponaut producloK ditlrieu.
keveral old biatoriea meatloa a lake look a larye aumbar of phoU^rraphs 'a
Tbe diplomatic and eonanlar appro
ia Leroy lowaablp near lUltle Creek | dHTereal oocaaioaa oa which it
' kbowa aaCopaa^coB. None of the old
dbTe‘for auy^rerJ^ u do "aT The II Tburaday. It carrlu •! S<K).(KM.
of a
ra can DOW locate It but many account could be rendenrd all the
allkbt reduction oa last year. The eonUlok that the mluinn body of water j inteieallDf if these were made om
aulan yeaeral. coaauls. a'c.. laCqba,
kaa been f Ivan a modera aama.
I kroator Onlloni*a resvmblaaee to
the PblUpplara aad PorU Rico, are
Mra. Charles-Oatorae.
prononnet^ year omlvied for Ua Aral Ume; CoaaaluThtorae. lealdlnr s»,r t
Otter Lake, was
tteewB from a buMy ! *’1
Tbuae who baew
preai- keneral at Uavaaa and eoasnlt at Ma•aa ttwowB
say tb«
. —seior
U «V p
pad raoalved serious It not fatal lojui- ' dent
Haalla San Juao. SsnU la Orande:
■•Kbrblln* B->b" Evaua
Evans was
keveaBBala forty-elfht bourn eaua-f ■•KlAbllaf
broufbtj„d N-uv.taa. The
>1 appropriaedSaflaaw police to auapeet two bo*a ■ »P *‘'““•rta*'-“ •“>' •
lion of XJ.two
Xt.OuO for a UUatled Statea min
of incendiarism. Nobody yet arrealed. |
«'>'>•■«»>uter to Spain U made, and for the eoaauia in the Spaiaish peoiesula Mexico
Physicians e^iiaiale that there arej
fully l.uoucaau of Ufrippa lo u*a-1
‘oU*® *“*''* appear* for tbe fllM''tlme with the
Inf In sumv tnataaou eoUrv familke'
at ConsUatinuple : r-sok of I lubaia*. Ih- salary of tbe am
I®"* the same sum to Hubert Collefe 1
“‘M tlTSmi
We pave
In our Holiday Display Window?
■Well, they are somewhat wrinkled and a few are
ja trifle soiled, but we have divided them into 4 lots,
and they are yours on our
Monday’s Special at the following Cut Prices:
h.,'. s,.,.i.»o. . b«. ni
„n,l.ci.). US I. ...j
b.r, TS. T.. i
AtCbeboyran. William O. Jaehtoa. ' eoaia and John O Barr, are also taat-1
a wealthy etuok talacr of South Head,; aaed la u daaferoui poaiUoa.
lad..wascoBTleiadof hnnUnf with ai Tbe Coauetlcut state prlaoa dime-1
realdent Jloeaae at Wolverine la liiWT. j ton held a meetlaf at Hartford aad j
Be waa fined fist or itxi days la Jail.
, tbe reaifaaiiaa of Warden Wootbridfe. I
TS. bodj ol Hrt™.. 0..1.1O. n.. ol
— .™l- 1
tcceplcd. I
d tbeauperior.i
Hus..lu..ls.SI«l.>llssUsS Pslsl -1 ~.S ,~.pl.S.
Is A.SUS raMSMl 81, BspIS. TS«s. last week the warden's aoa. Kirk, was I
, senteaoed to a (oar yean' term la tbe <
d Friday.
Hr »»» clerk at tbe pris- i
RoUd. were taea Tbanday at Pi*. 1 on. aod la the peat five yean robbed !
aoualDf aad Hay City. They uadoubto‘
$10,000 Uls fatbpr.'
adly tboufbt that aprinr bad arrlreo I “ *• ailcfod. bad knowladfe of tbe deaad seemed nearly starved.
! falcatloas for two moatbs before otkiAt loaia IIUI* Cbaaa fell from a Hell i lr>nr tbe dlrvvtor*. aad the state an- '
Telrphoac Cu's pole and sued fordam-idUon failed to diseover tba crool^ i
apea. A Jury oa Tbanday alpht I •'ork la their refalar laevatiratioi:^ i
Wiibmmeor Icm ti
broapht IB a verdict of r.ooo.
j The aoa was takea to tbe prUba
In Boaay of tbe Ftiili
HaddocaretMTorixUiptbe farateniw serve ki» •"nlaaoe aloaf with ; b,^,Vpe,k of Ibeni a.
west of Metamora
Hofs, sheep aad | * dose" ‘’‘kc baodeufled prison- ■ Uliada
eattle bare been bUtea.aoiBc of wbleh j cm-and was received at tbe fateSsbyl Wean BHarad (bai z one but (leak
have been killed^ and oiben eloaely i bis father, tba warden, who refused to'! dates were ewd iu ooaoo ;tins the uew
l wo aitb Ibe
Uum beloarfaf to Frank !reearalir him. Tbe natural relations |
^Walloa. Ralph Baldwin. John Yettea. of Ue two wars lost la tbeir offieUI ebcBinoix
Tbe firrl two fleam of 1BH» wbea
Andrew Iisvidaou. Ucorpe Tope and , rclaUoat.
8,.; .. c».„s». o.,s....
kweeaey was bitten and Is under the memben of the Foarth Ohio, votau-,
Wrll what of It*
dodtor'a car*. One dor It aliefed to! feera. ealherod Friday for master onl.-j If. as tbe Poet Wilber miya "can^vacoaemad while tbe lady of tbe ! were buried from their improvhed bads will bill a oat,"li
mtebt be well
at." It mtr
, HiUa of (i o*M
koooa waa aweeplaf. bat ake kept the la tbe Aadltoriam at aa early boar
kraU off aatll ber bnabaad arrived Friday Boralar aad tl wowe lajared. wfaon fellaaa mott oo a
A. W. BoMeria
wllbaaa*. StoUofileanara amdaav- kattea nan
Lot 1 —Regular 5 and 10c Hdkfs, 11)^
Monday’.s special, 6 for........'----- I 4u
LvOt 2---Regular 10 and
value, OQp
Monday's special, 6 for............... ZOu
Lot 3--Embroidered _aind hemstitched, are
good values at 15 and U^c. Mon- 8 9^
day’s special, 6 for............. ......... tOI#
Lot 4—This lot is some that we have only
ja few of a kind and will cut the price
. very low. To'see them is to buy. TOys
IMouday's .special. 6 for............... 1 Zu
All of our better Handkerchiefs,
Monday's Special,
at’25 Per Cent. Discount
Underwear Cut!
Ladies' random wool vests and
pants. 30c value..................... /gQ
Ladies'wool rests and pants. 75o
value, Monday’s special............. JqC
Children’s all woorCamel’s liair vests and
pants, mostly large sizes, value 00up to 76c, Monday’s special___ uuC
Children’s gray merino vests and pants,
mostly large sizes, 35o value, |t,«
Monday’s-special........................... 1 DC
Children’s white and gray underwear,
mostly small'sizes S6c Value, Ifl—
Monday's special............................ | ||(J
The Boston Store,
Front Street
TTTK y^awTW«.jtyOM;,.aCllDA^, JAJTOABT^-lOft
That's what our "Clcarintt Sale uf All Winter Good*” i's «Hug tt^itrs. Aftt-r a week of ororwhetaiuE.y active husiuvs,. uopreceUentvd in the hi.torj
ir r;"iTir„',r.i"hTir::,:f2e
oi: ":;^ea;”r;tr:H noTfa-uo
.Ve ;audce^u^e^.u^
We positively refuse'lo seli goods to dealers, to resell at a big profil-Tliese targeins are to Deoelit those who are not io the clothiog hosioess.
K,„, .<.ill ...t
u, O'u."nli,.a
I Vl1 Hi. till .'nil. "UW St
"i" *12 «"■' »ir' ™h. r..lu,^ u.
Wbefi lit John Ailani* ni»trJi«a felt
wlfo „..n,
MUt.« him will. Ihrlr ............
on tht
inattrr. M»ii>-wa. ut. gKI hnl to
tfemw hi. ...■.n.T «< tbo fi.t <if an 1ii.1ktilBcaiX ar.J |••nl.llrw. Kirl, other, ihal he
•0«bl to Ui arhalunl I>r hittiwOr to load a
^n« «lrl t.. I.ln4lhrh.-If b. an .dd man
forlllu. feiiuwlna It lunellw furhl. tnuaor
ErerTono irf.iHr) to iMnk •monry"
iiwdina faet..r in the caw<. and |.w.lh)y
i..».tf aMatd.nl rather laora
il atihoahouldbaeodoue.
Ur John
rw^Tdi.i y tear, tnini.or Uri.o had barn
-• -xaiTMii'T.I of Ihi-do'loraud aecuatom•t, al.-.a tMhl.i.a.h.-r..nlyrnond. ttfeeo
ba.,r.t knew Imr, .h.- a a. a i.iln-raW.-litBte half
nurwrr got'-rae*.. Ihon.
•fern her nutMlimW lalled to Imar tha
auale 1)1 ovvrwnrfe and undt^rfertllng. U
«ra> througl. hi. hel|. that .ha ol.ialnad
' Uw lu.uagoi... Ill id tin. -Udlea’column’*
ae a pn-tii.i'iul tw|.'r . Su.-h work I. dot
taauflirlei.l liir»iiio had
r a ronu ahlla
.w'. a In.iralh.ii
V!',? ^1^.“
• irkiii’.; suits for
' ™r pii-t t.,7T.vVl,.l.- .'t
124 Front Street.
r CnHM-trar*.
Oh-iwrlonnamw wa. ...or .................
All arc welcome.
Due Dotlee will be riven later in re
a)y wajV io li. l|i h. r. hut lu r ll
pride luailr ihl. a illflhnilt tAk
I yea think aoV* aaked the man.
:feinw. Hr John Adam, waa
«a> all.iRvilH-r
"V"- • '•■••“irt't thi y woro If an«.1
.n, hot
hnt hihi'«a>
all..RvilHT Wind bi the 1
4am that while her..|a.-b«ianda»m.w.d .t«>
“Diamond J ’
“Traverse Belle’
Sold by all dealera
A. W. JAHRAUS. Tonneliei Bloct
Helow la a Uatlof ibehu
buying wud well
pricea of yittSWay for gtoccrla.
and fSm prodiIccU in Trar
egLLDie raiCB.
,ho ^
That M»- rhould la- an
aboaetifliiT the wile of thU atlurcd noro
WMan tdi-w which la.rdorod ••ntbraarrl. V«(l<nla U«twlM-ti tlu- lualOT wa. pul
- to her a. Ih- ptl II ala-h a ii.arHagc heoamc lurt only a dnwm ..f lia|i|.lncm hut a
dcar^.id h-Iy duly
On a .a-man liny Irr. Ailaiu* had brcD
ted <11 raui.uU a »|p<-lall>l on hi. imnbcfe^f I'll" .amid he sai-lvod l«U<-b hot
MCved l« .'•■i.Uriii what hud l'•nt^ ■.*-» hi.
own Mi«|'l, l-'iirl. b-mtii.' Ifeuiigh U would
tUTe ae. I.i.d lu tn.wt Ulun.
met wilfe
aalni lun.ii.ih-
.av. thr
Cnres liihont Medicine'
and with New Heihods
1 taue the g< mi* of dix-aae
0 art. F
e from a J part-, uf the ayal.oi at ona
that arc cauaiog kufferiog and
w’ and rating up the ritalitT of
Ie daili
> Ujc>u.acd* of people------4.oo{
N. xt. eet at liberty the contracUd
brsiNB.sa cAKri.s
gard to the rerival meeUDge.
Ke>. H BaUberTT, Paator.
M. BROWK. aiiOf-wy^ aM^.
III rroei a.
Cburcb oo eoroer of Ninth and Wada-
..... .
worth atreeta.
, bor.,.,iH nm.n..tl...ml »ul had
.u.-h a n.t.l. ol r.-.on-..llal bwe
Im... found ll Inijioaa »o.miB-r i.«n -
124 Front Street.
..CIgA»S FOa YOUe FiilENDS..
••Wl.ut .lo- y
. or iba
.. ( alJi.
iaitc who
■■Vi» ki.iB ihul 1 mvei .poak 0
|kiDd;}ri.| an; ulie. 1 hate a.'ttllUK
; »ey erf her. t ilt lwiil*ar<i her hB»jteud that 1 lt.1 ».i>. t.ryacrry lor
biD>.''--l>c;i>.it Fi.-v I'tvaa.
I.R40K iMtxtlfAI-r *'
lll■.•'llt h.Ml ho tiMnl ‘
O lo'f )0<JI«
b,.„uia „„t l.t. h.OKrr
vnra. at.ti oton lliAi had v
du.ilAut: All |.ral.o
Ihul .wrvt miu> ^
yol; cosmuBloD si 9;40 S. n
«huM> «mb-li]l doruiUm t» an t.I.I malt [ xt.jrnlBr aprrice sod aermoD st 10:K
hn.l chat>R..t Ihnt .1. nhl b. r.'rlallilr
Bucklasa Arsica Sa-*e.
HhmiUI lie r. |«t h.t .......
I.t .l.«...t •»-«»
Tk* Bk«t SaATt iB Ifep world for
log her«..wa.l.'the l.'.t tear...! lar life '
huBdaT ecbool at l.-OO m.
— -ti old man'. iii.rM'—jrrluiiw emin a '
ETeniDff aprrice aad aermoB at Tp. m. C«U. Brulaea, Sorra. Clcpr*. Salt
i EbpoBi. Karer 8or«a. TcUar. Chanwpd
Ill alio
vi.r-oloo. old lunii (..r whom
B cordially iDrited to tbeae a
iHaada,Cbllblalna. Coroa. and all ^ais
om U- aMe Io feel ev. n the goiiik' admin___
Mot. to »hl. h la-wn» arvu>loii».IJ Ao. be *w«aWoul.l
1.1. w.rt.1’ SIh- had l.lnft'd
ber part n<tld». Ho wonhl i.-rhfc|>il.o with «iHT>rlm
tbo crtl.b’l'..-|.k H.ik
Suoday—l'reaehlDgat 10:30am. «>«»
i,t J. o Jnhnwir and^E Walt.
In* .-Bnrl lb.-l...aarf ber "I
-lawr old I..Uj
baud' b«d tw. Mra. A.lnm.. -Whav dl.l a 7:00 p. m.
Chu- W. Baitrr
Claaa mMtioff atOiSOa. m.
young wou.an riptciwlM-n ^ "’“"'"J
an . Id man for hi. n.oneyr t-he had jtol
will rPorem-Dl
.rem-Dl the Steln-Blwh Co. '
Suaday acbool at. eloae of atontlns
with a Boe
line of aamp'e* nf aprlng
ttini. ai.tl cvrialnly .h- nad DUtM-d and
b-.i.i.-.1 h.m WUi gr.wt iaUri«*|--Taiupla
clotblug —.rdrm will he Uben for ,
Magailna ___________________ __
apriug drfir.
HorDlng SBbjocl: -Sbowpraof HleaaToredar a'nd
Dp*, a a at ra > I TP.
Hr. Chmallar «... ..u.v .iBc'i’W
.“irs-'JiEreBlDir Subject. “Tbe Bleb Fcol."
•".all town not tar Iron, l.iml.-r
I. $;{ 75; rfiiulwr
^^MUt h-U prkv
ul-nvi u.111. .1 lit-, ,uw'.i„l..l„.
ohatP.cd the
puMofliec ll j
-rr atainpli.g |
Saoday aervicea aa tollowa:
PresebiDg at 10:30a m.
Sunday acbtol at ll:30a m.
I'reacbing at 7 p. m.’
Midweek prayer meellng at 7:30
...... .....
All arc i^elcotoa
n or ntavKBU<BTT
Tbo ColaB war |.1ay bat rMcbod Leo-
. per bn..........................
oata No. 1 uerbu. (new)...........
gav. D Cedilla, paaur.
Sormaa at 10:30 a. m.
Sunday ecbool at boob.
Junior Society of Chriaiian Endear'the lor.t 5p. m.
K I then put all tne eyatem into a cleanaed
lOj 11
liberated cunditiOD, and Id w>i
gireu to
07 auitablr medicine can . I
*0 he'p to eorieb tbeb’.ood. and
tone any
________ gana quicker.
H '
Tbouaauda bare been cured after all
Se elM- uaed tailed.
Uy way of treatment all are at ouca
W 1 It ia tbe only real method U» UVe out
?•'germ, of diacaae Brat: then apply re7v abiraliera if Deeded aod not drench the
, 00 aystru) with mediciee.
1 care not what ynu' Bilmenli. are. or
bow long .uodirg
K poaaibie at all
you cau be made a'.iui.g and bralthr.
let U be rberTua-= ►.paraly.i*. heart
nerrouaneOa ana kidney trouUea. head*1 arl.ea. catUrrb. deafoew*. in tact erery
I? l>-l.emar.
r. up-aUira
312, b 1 uion Mreel
Here a.hiie after 11
•agtSI.Y d
Aitcmry aeil counarl
per doieo................................
* 1» 1 Traecr J City.
JVL lor at law 0«eea. CIt j Otwra Boow Blk. I p„,ptoea. per bU.................................... 18 U» *01 w.-ek* it n MauUtee CW« can he ttealled br writing: ecBd letlerwiih particurtai,
-tTT 11. POSTFE. tttororr at Law' lar* iKuvIrely new mrtb<*l .'fihaguiwlng
W . aitcBti.wtoiMtlllra-____
your cave, .--rn- tly Kh—ing w-eak' Tbe new church choir will aid in the
i-**e*. lo.-al.on anil duraliot. of diaraae
Saata yh* Klondike.
' aiDtiog.
Uembere of tba choir wil
Erery peratm 1 l .-al
! m.-el
euidy at 5 minuttw before
•el in the
•p tbrmwlrva and b
5. Ma-i
"pt ^en tn.de inthe. docUie.
All are eordiall.V inrited to cone O. t.mtVajrl^.^^aorii.4.
health f.ir
•ri.*l healt:
Klondike For year* he atiffei
and aing the “Beat llymna*'
your doctor,
If aat-afl-.l
aat-afl-d with
if o.X call and gei
riiiKT naiTiNT
ing'* New IliieoT- my* cin-alar ami fn-v adrire. I bare
(lough, and Cold*, liiilr time f--r talk* with enriewity
ming aubject: “The Badge of
! D ncipleabip.” John 13-35.
Mh.tnv. sie .1___________________ ■
In comparifcon
•a of men
and women
1‘rieate di«re; would bare it. eren if it coat a
11:<5 Bible School.
5:45 Voaog PcopVa meeUog.
—= Beoachili.and all throat and lung af- .•arrd.tod
ErenlDg' aerrice. uanal hoar:
'• *"1‘fectiona are poaiiirelr cured by I»r , than er.-r
irately. 'Oara
Kine’* Sew t>i«.Wer.v for Umaomp- can treat
Wooderfol Dellrctaoce." hBthar !• A
jn" Trial houle*
honle* lo'ets
10 CIS at the drug
drag reliable rrfereBcta and aUoding
permanU»:Ste< CHI-RCII.
,,-WrbfS E Wait and J U Johoaon. .jient bu-incK*
; haipar. A«tr. l"g>cal MediciBC Co . 4N
SuuWay rcbool al!":<5
, 5th aireel. l)ete<>itI*reachinc aerrice 11:00,
LaOrippe cared in S or three UgatErenlog aervioe 7K«n.
! ' Young I’eopYe'a Society of Cbriatii
nOlee^r*^-_____________________________________ ' Batter, per B..........................
lictia Foa bith.-rto toaociated with ! Eodearor at 5:ts p. mao emimiii.l with tm iilcnt tlidv hr rt.iild i opm-ita.
BOtri.n.i hill. ini«.’>p'net «|itm out III urn :
baa uuw ta^eu
niD.icwl I
At 7 p. m-will be the Brat pf a aerirs
I of aODg neratcea of tbe "Beet Hymoa.'
lSfn.!u \l cTnwVw'i«d
*“ I*'* »'••*
*“'**'*“ Rol««i ie to
dli|g •
rM.-«l,.-n ll. wa. told that the ! p'».» “>«
• f«r«lBU dij.l.anot at
dniil i l.n|.i.'rui^d Ip .-l.i-d «i«. r ...« tVarbiiigtoo
■an- tn..i. ..n..Ui.u>tw.. J.-U.. hcwu-..ihi»
jui,., Latuuiir/hai r.-»igijBir hi* office
an tv.i... th.- .luiuiluii wiil.rquBnii.ilir,
.Uau.atic critio et Ibo Merne due
.. ......................
«be bmt ..f
Ab.M l«
pioiB, tUudanew. will takaareM
- rau. b lu C'alifoniiB. •• «ba ii
... .
■nant aU> ttm -lawt h« hUu hcaim.wt ;
tali then- muiain ■um.-ihlngwn.ng *.-mr-
«en.inn-a feli.i il>»twli.a Eleai.nr Hnn
tmvlMl wa. ».>-ii.T.nvt and i-an . ami |n*l
a«(en.|it> hatltiK elnmn hhii ihai nn ••nilaaiT ■i'raRi>w..iilil Hiiliin. that .dwtlnaie ..i..on..t4anyoftbe--lK-ne-,
. flu, he at lo>t
t r-mil.fxl cm Ibed.-ai.-raie
ikt*di.'.iii.I ».ki»R her to marry him—hiA'
r arl.il
ug Inrni d
UlM Jaha Arlhnrw lli prtdorea new
Miraliall F
Wilder, who rwcentl;
I e.iutlDtii.oa vanihrille.
-. U
for a lour of ©0 caoMcatltra
’ ilcnerieve Ward, who u lirtug *"
Englaud. ba. eiigaced to play VtilBtuuia
in v
V I’rttmliou*
l■8•<rDliou• revival uf ’'Cortola-
r Clairvoyant.
C. F. meeting at 5:45.
' "'SVJ=
A cordial inrllalioa to all.
EgoWbal...ri.rlw>.lr.vn.lew«twaallielacall.>i^'“u t*‘-«’rsu M«redlU»
of John .\d*m.’ ktmwo AuH-mtal of'uf in a rtramaUo vuraloo tnaiM
•mh.T.- Iherw
•namnuiw-mhi-nIbrn. wa* ceiuMderahla
coi.alderal.la laoUior
dj«iwrtiy..f age iKUrreeu tba oMdrartlng )
•The Mikado" baa Jort bm-n »nng for
parti ». h-r
‘he bad ui'l nulieldi-red
„n,, jp Italian afler baring
rntr l« iiihwiii the winid that life for him btn-u traiirlBlrd tnlo rrary oibar Eorobad BUdU.nly1]iuilal.b.*l tuB two year.' ^
W t.dd Eleanor
For a few mo-j
ffiani* he .--ul.l elimwt fancy he wa. a '
young mat, again, and dare ride ^ an- j
a «m uih. r gruBUd* than ibn*. of geaU- ,
tode and |>liy. Vut fully ha. lu llmlia. |
and old J.'liT. A.laiiia Wa* iii>4 tin- man to
-W- a rouWiIng with bU ^ca open -So, I
tU. -It would ha'a
yoaaoe.myd.wr, he.uld.-ltwouldhaai
lAI* la r®ia«d.
A lim*m in tbi. fvmutTy
Mme. OrLamar a tmtbfol and rej
I gel. thtmijih ehovcliui:
coalI aand carryi ;»^gxY
--------- —---------------Amg-i TiJinrn L»xn-SrarB*« 'liable medinm. la now In your city.
j ing .mt iln'a.hc.thaub.-baMo.^kU^^'^^,^^^^
tin a*lic. thau I
, K
j Thu lady baa man, teaUmonlal. from
and i«uh tbe lawomowr. jw«mioAi«..iree.
-'eltKaall around yoo of bneineegand
.............................. ........................ ] The murv cvtUH-aborelatbemore mtbe, |
all kind* of importaBi matteia and oche laiTKw. au.l 4br tuurt water he aquirta ;
■a;r;r.'rV;V.“'p7‘77rr,’ iT.'7Ti p7p..: will
tbe harder bu baa to .poab the lawn '.ralea. 4ti W.tmter .Uwt,
* which baa been done eacceaafolly lock Uee and maple ehlpplng wood domower. It ie evor tbna—Loogaoot
T-Fcrahhed roooi • lib plaiM
pUiM and
aed ,
‘iveredOB Hannah Lay ACo. dock erany
» a.al. for«»-l» arrupi*-4■ hf
lUolo.) Ledger.
• me
' through her adrle*. She gWee paat
rap Knvlleet table board In eame (
good banking ground on Grand Trav '
KHf , and foture aeerBately aod advice on
erac Bay. Correapondcbce eolirited.
T OOT-wm me
J««d a puT^e j ©H
iP life both private and buelSay. tbe Pbtlad.Ipbia Boonrd: "Tbo
again.! loeeea. etc. Yo.
-gr^t charity .... )vur |^f
, fl,*rmaterUl erldenoa rf tbe inimili*
Office. Boomll. Merc. Co. Blk.,TravaOBH- ami mVr rare td a poor old roan- \ __
baltl^ip Mama
ebonU <»ll and give tbb medium a
City. Mich.
trial, to know tbe futare U .Bceeea.
II to teplice
When the ps.-e-.ol taking oort of lb.
ial. Tboae living
what she wai doing. It
all etrtcUy e
' ec*. be
began te
auorwd -----------------------iB U
........... that•»
luanwa. In full f.wce.
lia to band recently, ll wa. the atrtMl of waaoomingl.
OBt of the city, eend aumped envelopea
with IrM ralmnow tbe
m bi* aUemloB ; nveral trenimdoa* lire oak tlmb^ at aai
lor term*, reading, eaa be given with
.penally to that branch of hU ptvrfwwkm orampf’ ahipyart.. wbieh
will bojBied,
which will
lock of hair and time of terh. The
which deall with '*w dlwws- fs«u wbleb , in ibe cou.trnrti.m ^
of (be foBDdAioa»l
imoetprimineBtpet^le caaaalt her in
9 the tange Bgbtlug Nogliab
of tbe weyc in
i aU cIUm on boaincM. etc. Here for a
of erery 100 eqcareiBil*
Tbe UmberT^re trota »1
I macbiBe will i
a. to haul hardwoed
r yet uBdiMOvrred
All Invited to call and g«t
,W -V
" FotW aebael boUM abort time.
Bort^ nary yi^ for ®* the earth•» oarfaee and *4 out of
Ight. If
mwt wbieh tulgl....................
MdLaVe.is Traevra. City ApBlr>DPei
evwf IbO eqsare milae of terriuo ta
eirenlara. Cornea here from Mantotea
aflmwrb, rob.ii.'brawdaibUowDof-----------------------------------------------aHIg.Oa erlQj.W.laav LnogL^
wbera ahe baa been for tbe paet Meven
of their b,rp.-lM.iHw.
; ally cot in tti- i ive oak loit-ew of Deta- North and Stmth Anwriea.
Lytum. the ngbla
n dramaHe agewibyaC
Wtwei om- of the pNclOM y«ar* had
lowo. belfegan
belwgan loeBedlmglewineol
loaBedlmglewineof that
fciught. aiKl
and alter
mter awhile, eipcrlmentwipcrltuen^
ou hlmwlf.begiTw vagu^wwlou*
o(*a half funnwl^^
| ware and ahipprd toB<wtua for (hep—
p.iuR |p me conatrocliou of
, ppi*
ppip pj p.jpR
| ,ppd,.p .hiiw- Wiiep
Win-n Uw-govertmBtit
tbecnutnrc toboild theMaina
;D-CbUd’B kaod. Ownar v
bored daaae*
' Scrt«.y ol the -Vary L.«, Wa. upprie-
. I wai lying nwlt-m in tbe Boaton oory
I bU wlldeMI yard. KnowiDg Ibe mine of It tor tbe
nedwaya hated it loaded
gaamUlUy. and erbat BlUel ‘
l>e total arra of the Sandmen, or
Bawmiian. lalaadi U aUmt tbe eame m
New Jeraey.
Oespanj K XBBBrlali. e SOU.
week! aod where ebc Mt wltb
I have tbla day tahvm the barber
Bean 9 a. m. lo9 etaop OB North Colon atreat of Mr.
to Impicmevi Oo -> tacCkdl over »I3 South UbIob atreat. Fangbora to ru and I have it fnm1. a ealrfXheavy.gold. FPiataed In flrat elaaa order; and baring
-wlUva<itrra(ae«r^ AU eltlea ahe viaita Ie ber r^ble re
bad loM of czperienm in the boalDeea
liable Tulerteea.' Sal
( aollcit a ahare of the poMic patron
age. Satlsfaethm gnaraataed or no
ebaive wUl te mada.
S;:^Erfi.*SL.s^ie^rwhich K"iS*3i 'eeS SUffliTlS
bought at U
tte'.aty Bootetora
«an be boagbt
lor u ouata aaek.
Cream for removing wiinUga.
udlat artlalm.
"i 'I
ICopTf^hL UN I
I bmk of tb» ^wdA-Aftwrleoii «r»r cerpA ti four inileo from the Beach ehlrea Lee.
and preoerratloB of expoaed ruetoH but
i and wa» iwceailx appoistc^ ccnmior of the Uarlabao raUreod Uot^Jt «hn oc- I who cIie
ruinooa to the human Interior.
- —•
w .•fcafv
**** I
eooitnodate ILOW (nrn. and firEa atorea i loioa and atoU<
refuaeo to
I dtocord hto
. refuaee
To oacb acrupuioaa ood finical caa■ I doU «bn> U>* 8paalard U>wm4 ‘ <•» or* at CieDfurcoo.
tomert doea tbe bumble Havana'milk
Brtore leavln* New Tork there WUM
hto floe of rrd and |"»«w and i Tbt iruopa wbW-li hare been ocei Into
aupplle* hare been /ent dealcn.
man offer daily ocular proof of tbe au put Into the bold of the Celtic, the rw
Wt Cuba and (be wr«!:nt ronilorot U»e M^eroi prortooM HO be dlstrlbut- buUi under the auservlalbD of '
Where tbe volante Mill bolda U» own thenticity of hto wares.
■(rraior ahIp
ahip wbicb li
to aceompaartnf
. ...
torerer. He had rrlvned over port 1 ed aowas (hr emaal cltlee ood the in- ond Ctutad Sto^ nialnber
to In Uatanaa*. where a rlalt to the
One of the accompaartnc niuatra_
_ tbe
_ Iowa
_ to
_ _ Manila,
_ _
of tbt* oouoliT for 40Miiy reaiurtca f «mor toane. The headquarter* for the were lb* flrot American ^Iw^pa iTlaad
atalactite cave* of Beltamar or a drlrc
•bowa a famniar street acene tn; U«.«ao pound* of frt^'frcw toet
a rod uf Iron, and hU deed* of --ni- ; ariteral vBV«r* ood tb« seemion «tU In weetem Cob*.
Ihtuuxb tbe beautiful Tumarl esiier C^ba.^a paUent cow belnx milked on . Me pounde of fresh trosen muttao oaA
e Of (be dark acea
tbe larter rUiaa
Tbe receoUf conoinicted wharf for entalto perforce Ur orthodox rolante
rtdewalk s lon« dtoUnes tromlKO.OM pound* of veeeubim. TbM*
The DOSM he
Tbe lalerlor uf Cuba tf procth
aicaJlr tbe laodlBd^ troope. atorea and
oudlhl «IUi faim »i ■ loiated. but the deaulate. Vteiiur* find mAap cbai,_ pUeo exlec4AM>me «> feet Into tbe wmt..
dwfore the rurtons Ease of the
| supplies ore *o arrsBEed that the bat>
The roloaie bo* no
Eopliut multitude altnply
r h- rarrted atror raa o dlvrora U The Arat queatloa they aab la. •nThere
. .
;o, lU-shIps
tleshlpi ran a
nd merely to,
at any
time lake
from th«
«'*er ~“J>‘0;_lti the worid. It toiMUefJthe fastidious
r rtvill
aemptes and
llous aeruple*
allay carfo whatever meat and vecetobtod
are the reroboetitradoa we haw heardlera drawtna nine feet.
aul feoen* and orldnal.
(hr atupIciODe of...............-..............
aome uabetle'
Cuba U freed fr>>m the robe of opprea- » much oboutr* The onawrr to quickAbout 100 feel frum the
-•via* cua- are needed for tbe mesa duHnd the low
The body of the carrlose
MCA ond'tbaoe of ber people left are to •>' *’*■**lomerfor whom a strtetiy pure milk voyage to tbe Wlllpidnes. There atored
I otanda hair out of water tbe fren cor- ! bind from
•ajoj- a B • life. Uarlc Kam, wbo drove
a prescribed
were placed oh board for the use of tbo
We>1er . famou* or lafamotto policy , oom of tbe Me.lro, on old Confederate or arm* faaiened
led to the rear end vt the
s. cafe* and res- fleet's men. t-ei-h a ibliut to uaporol*
nice from Aniencan aoll. ba* I of "rer<
: side wheeler choaed a
•haft* and re»ta la front oa two aprtnes. taaranta as a rule take
atartod I
» the adulterated
tbe Korrmnivnt, berdinx
lel.'d and unbesid of In naval hittorrthe shafta. This article which c<'mcs from the i
take the Pf«rl of the Antllhw a 'of the Mlxnd within the line* of the for- i tbe civil war. The wrKk'^ab^n^ Hkewloe attached
And a ha* lawn lift to the xi»ernnwnt
ffte MtloB. To do (hie will tok* i-onuld- ] tilled Iowa* oa the roost for the avowed > the accompanylriE picture of Morlonao
palls I and one of the grvairsi packing cuinpSM
of a paiBBln« cradle and
or “botljos” and to warranted not
. aa the touatry to yet I Ipurpoae of ■‘kllllnc off I
at to nlcs u, Han- up and s-.nd with a floet
pooaJtiillty of }olU4Usd Jara
curdle, but m-wt private houtee have
on the l<ing.->t voyogv of record a ahip
The wbeets are oet well back of
babii of lastalins on the cows be lac pro
body, and between them to a platform duced -In tbe fleab" and milked at tbeir loadql! with fresh supplies from which
tha*MBce™ and crew can be fM. Ihd
ua-d to carry trunk* and haatmcc *o front door.
aafiie as on land lo any cllmalp
twecntlal In (be olden time* when ptontThe cheerful aerrpUnce by the Cnlan
or PtAT/\.
Besid.-* b,;ng novel in rsaval htoterr
' and farmer* nmi off on a vtoliins
!i1ch I
It Is a D> tv driwirtufv In tbe meat trade.
r to nelghboHnE ostatea. remaln:nc
The meat wa» MHrvlally got up for thU
away fur wreka at a titpe ensaErd in bis pmhity or veracity, but demands
shipment. It wa* sewed In cbeesecilotb.
feasiins and merrynuiklac.
contesuMc eye tefllmony to hi* hoti—
The voUiilt- U diawn by three horeea. ly and »tralEbir.Twardne*i In all bl* frosen In Chicago and brought from
•)l In tandem sljV. hut aJmu.'t uI.khU. milk ilcalinc*. l* but a fresh rvldencr of there lo .\i »■ Votk In lefiig.-rator rorg
>e Bbaft hoi^Twlng hamrs.-wd rl<.>. up the degradation or dexenPratlon of the In a fruxrn slate. To thus ciuiotala car
alinui t«e'f*et lack of the lead :a. race. An Amerttan milkman would le- casses of N-f In a fr.-2cn state dariat
which on elth-r aide are hamesaed to fus" to walk ramnd the atrects ct a town voloivr a frwghi J.,urn. y Is u big undere by Ieaih<-r trwceo. The left with ^01 of tame coww at Hto beele In taking In Ibclf. It to sc! tom ettrmptrA
hand leader beald-s dma* his share of order to prove that be to neither a thief by the largest and heat •'quipped com■•anles even for a shbrtrr dinancc. Tha
the drawlard* furthermore saddled and BoraTiar?
cargo was loaded In a fros< a stale and
ridden by tbe «alecero. -.r pwllli.m.
will behept at a frigid temiwreture un
who Hike* the place of the driver, guidtil u U consumed or (he residue landed
«rs.-* from la frohl Instead ofMothers « bs Are Mr> Makera.
at Manila.
frrtrn (he l«rk. as In all other eoareyDr. Lortim-r of Treinom Temple. IliaHef.«e the ships, atlcr touching at
story of
Th» calect-ro. Invariably a nerro. Is
Honolulu, rflich thrtr destination lha
n w bo wi
Introduced at aloi-eshlp Celtic wHI have performed tha
Ecnerally orrayi-d In a ehort. Ilcht
great public meeting as a -•elf made
htutiE «o*t of trldht red or blue cloth
Wonderful voyage In tbe worldt
______a largr ^____
(rimmed with goM '.raid,
pahs- * uui." Imiead of ap|H-arlng gratitied bUlory tn the meat line. f<he will bavd
hat and top Louie, adding a dash <>f '
***** tribute It *pem.-d to throw him carried In her hold and thmugh all Malready plciuirwiue and ‘
moments, tpio a "hrown rnalrs a cargo of frosen fresh maaU
•• .Xfii-rw: I they asked him Ihf
quaint lurnuul.
1' study."
theioiuteet v
There are those In Havana las else- *"•»«•> for the way
which he received I In eitou-nc.-. She will have
the llinitk-Mi |ajio,!billtles
Wherv) who mil prefer natural sure the announcepent.
enough cows milk to the deleterious;
""'el*" »*ld the
and_of nnutlcolcald storage for dis
tributing ilie wi.nd s surplus meals and
artlhciB) variety ao largely consumed ' "** «° Ibinkli
market, which.
pmvtolons to thw rllm>w and i>eoplM
who roguln- them. This voyage of th*
parts <
i> work la a aiore wbei
and water, excvllent for
w ambl|>s and of Uh lr fln.vtlng alore. tha
r the t
IS or iirCeltic, will take more than loo'days.
•'Yes, ' aald be. '^ul It
Ilrretofure a voyage of W days fur a
fruxvB meat ship bms l•eeB regarded at
have th
a marvel Id trade elrcles.
•A tBseulrd condlMon. Ifnitad
;-<ll "you were ab
Woopa ar* now beinx aent to Ihe various
Kllehraer aud the Preaehrr.
forttnvd clIlM both along lb« co
beoka when a bojrl*-^^-^
A coHou« rtorj- to told .vs to the way
Is the Inlerlor of tbe toland. It
he replk4^"bal It wsa becaua* I In which le.rd Herbert Klu hener dealt
mated (bat fully
>'f clerical Intolerance dursecesaaty hi keej
keep order In lb* Island.
knee sh- had me give an account of the | *nc the Sudan campaign. The ixvaslu*
book after i had read II. 1 don't know I was the reetnoralile ceremony which
*«c Ihe people. Cncle Ham I* mrt going
alanit iH-lcg a self nvade man. 1 tblok |
I***" r ut Khartum when tbe trlDnto Inks thHr freedom from Ibnn. He
my molher had a great deal to do with i bbaht Anulo-i-lgyptiati army crowned
Mniply'lnlends to remain In tbe Islaod
jvlr ('•mpaleu uf vengcom-e by ccloaid help tbe native* form Ib.-lr
rating the Hies of Oord m's funeral,
'-Itui tben," they orgi-d
government, and a* aoon as they !
ealn. "your
Inlegili) was your own. "
liy common consent Ihe vnituus choi
demohslniied the fu.-t that (hey
"Well. I don't know about that. One lalns ctlarhrd to KiPh'Wer's forces ■
govern Ihrmaelvea the aol'ller* will lie
withdrawn and the n>eO wEo have been
day a barrel ..f applea had come for Anclli-an. ^elho.ll*ls. n'Tiianlsts. etc.—
apivlnled lo manag- ihr affalrs.of the
me to sell uui l<y the peck, and after had agreed, with one exc-ptlon. to roSto-.-ially ■■nniplled prayer during
Island while it I* m | *ri srirh of the
eliirek-'-iwr* J.JiUt I
Ui.iied Htaie* will return home. It to'a
the stoVk.d en.-s at the ledlom and the J
at Ihe tomb. The
1 wl>eib<
be-t Ones M H.e top. My mother callid ''''Hlon
* "ttang.iy obstinate clerld.
govern themsefv.w
Ipd iiek'il me vihiit 1 was .loin.:. I | Klichmer. hearing that the rcver«o4
became a |•arl nf
the L'niled Klalea. Homs aa> the lorrm r,
her. and she said. Tom. If you do '
j" NU'wll-n bgd refus.-d to
others Ihe latter. If a vote were taken.
ycu v.,11 to. a ch.";i.' And I did
T"e''*ok the pray, r promptly
It is IHlas'ed hy some of the olTl.-tols
not do U. 1 Ihmll my moUi-r had some- i
J'J' *'l"’ "f*
'f 'he , rumor
Who were sent to Cula. by the Halted
thing In diyv-llh my Iniegrliy. And. on ' ’‘‘"'‘h "»<* t '••ch.d him was true. -OerMates (hai a mffnrily w,
the «h..le. I douhl whether 1 am a self ’“'“'I''' **”■ •*>- cleH.'s uneompn.mls*or of an.T te.tl-r, This »will Iw I ft fur
mad,- man. J think my mother bad 11*]*
*»»ll. then,' said Lord
Ihe natives lo de ide for Ibemwlvn
•o-.ieihliu; to do with making me any.
"-“eT- taking out his watch. "I giva
thins I cm of any rhnrwcter or uaefuU i
minutes to consider whelhCutui IS divided 4n(o alt pmvlnc-es
b'-t> in renting this praytf
ruled over by a governor, who
•Happy," said Dr. Lorimer. "Ihe hoy ' "i;
'*""'* * ■*'■” «natch
to iwsp..nslble to th- governor g. neral of
who had such a mother! Happy thelJ*’'*
"*”*'" ®*Ihe toland. who'reigns supn-mr under
ho hsd '» to.e -o —f®** **"
mlnutea were up Ihe R*r.
hiid d.v d.-d that to .dry wa>
direct authorin'. f«.m Hi- presld.'nt.
liettee than aacriflee. V
Mstor Orneral John lb Ilrtroke baa l>e<-B
appointed governor general and Is the
first American' to hold that lawltlon.
l..mU a. an even's, th.
All th- men wbo have lioen anpoloi'-d
•____ _ _ .
In order that fresh
U. ....r™ I. Ch. k.,, ..™,
'ol-niais thculil come from Spain to
good war records and are well
make the island loyal." of nm-sslty
the olB.-ea they are lo w>i
I.ronai<l Wood
mad goveriMir of caused (he aprl^gliig up of Inauntemb.e
- - was ___s
mud wailed. Uiatclied roofed reconi'eafianilaro prniince ahortly After IT was
Joe Wheeler l> Battle.
trado aettlement* or villay. a all along
•urven lered to ihr l'niled Hialaa troo)«.
ih"' I.sitlr of Nrr Bopd
»e. and
*n which iliciusaads oi
He hae aliiwdy worked wonders,
rhurcb "FiEWln.- Jo-" Wheeler, whs
wer.. hudhi
"f ""tv. mlwlanis• wert;
the loc.cln. e bilW-^gun l.r fiourt
usuhI, but wKh.Uie (Itlni: llneg
1 d*"*! toeeib.-r with their fan,111.
43eneial W.md was V>- first eolonel
privi-d of ilelr only iiieana
was ealut..d by an ai.l-de-ranip: "Osnthe fsiii..us IWigh llMer regiment
enil V'aik—'• i'..mplimei:t*. elr. ThS
l-rvah of I luligrr •
■ which did such sph ti.lld service ill t'uba ;
goncrtil Intends nii advance over tbU
ctoiund and v...i.id pke t.i knew if therS
Is uny'iimask-d artillery on your front."
e they iia.'k'
"I'll s.s.n find .lUl, May.
Roeo.” sold
G-n.-ral W'he.-i.'r, end. beekening to hIS
hlldtan ..f i
. b" c-vl'oi—d forward |» a slight
emlnvoc.v and plauied a yuidon.
ther,J'vhlto''H»ln w!T
**““ ’
A nit inert l-i. r .. •.■ifT of smoke In thS
dtotante bi. i the sfarlillng of a shell og
It Hew -wvvr, them showed what wag
*h-ad. 'Major, you may tell Cenerol
Walker that th-re Is a mask.-d battery
vana. Major tsew.rai Vfl1ig.m l.u.1h.w. vatu.n. whole iuiag^
d s^,!^
In front of this i-mU.ob." aald Geoeral
>r KI
<'sn.y ed and erss-d
wh .se record at Ihe battle* of
cesa-d It^x^i
Wiieetor. giving hto horse the relto
and fian uuan
Juan iiui
HUT was
waa socond
iwwond to none, Bltlea have died off to the last cblld
"Bui bn't (hat a rather risky way sC
haa Wa madJ nlllUry govemnr of the
unwept, unlwnured and unsueg."
a battery?" ventured MaJT
cliy of Havana.
A ride of a few etlles on any of tbe
Ross. The llrat shots always By hlch.*
To Brtsadler Oneral Louis H. Car- railroads leavliqr Havana. Malansaa mfwnw belongs ihr honor of
ClenfuegiA will carry (he traveler Mat
lag the first pa
rf the army of o.
*------------- — si>nl. desolate aetileBoforr tbe war Marlanao Beach was
th* fOahloBabls BumiMr re«>rt for
' terms of pewce had bee« made. Tl.e ; gravyaid; .rf
. troops were landed at Nuevltos, In tbe '
- —............... - cottogee and rhaleta
yr^ito e of IhieMo^nclM. over which [riinao, or Marta.i.o lieach.'eh^ u
It to the hume of-the Havana
<^ral rarpentor win aewas both mU- i the landing place for Amertewn Irnopa
Yacht club, whooe elubhoune. a moaalve
' -I Havana by the board '
Owral Carpenter, dSa of tbe welt i tbe aelectlon of camp Bites under Colo- Eto^e buOdlng erected only five years
*^n offln,^ of ,t, failed Matro |.oel Mecksr.of th* I'nited Futes volnn- ago. boa aerved aa bsrroeks for Ihe
fipantob' oonilery during the war and
wa? He”..
<■*’'" j
Tbo place to a plctur- more recently as headquarters for
Hot ZT"' i*:;
tow men In the army who have by IbMr
Ji^Jut ';.’;mnro
* Band bar stretching across the ...
trsiiee of tbe harbor bars the passage
*f* «
h'ghest grades la the gift of to large craft, but a natural channel af
tlgfats a
different from tboee
W government as far as mUlUry prd- ford* safe riding to amall veoarto or
the sin
streets at tbe larger cities of tbe f
■ouori am. nneerned.
lighters not drawing over Us faet of ytilted HUlea. There arc iK. trollry ori
^BrijMbr .ton-ral G. W. Davis, wbo water.
cable cars to malm and kUI nr,frighten
a person nearly to death. TransporU‘"^t«litot1ars“t
llon to by meatia of earrlagea. They ore
toU>he* no"
•*“' =*
“<» dtoeborg. thrtr of all styleo, from the latest trap* i
the meat pecotlsr looking vehicles.
I Of all Cuban eonveyanees iba volame to pre—minesuy the most typleal, although It Is foat becoming
ITT ' ".."*'.."™
*»•'■ "O’** «®
.-J iru-isj."
rew men are bfut^
army tb.n n-lg.^^Gereroi
•Soydsr. He wonX-rXi^i
regard, for ron.pleu„iI\^,V'
Mg tto
' u
*«»»1f. with which
>'«>* of Ue
hOordlng direct
MPItofi I
t gururs «f tfet BissHtt a
I haa no
- - . Today
---------- ..
glace among the amort riga and traps
sf the wealthy. It to entliclr relegated
psraadary plane of oaerulaem foe
traeol in (he country, on (he ostatea.
Uto msBigtm and
nrshea. where no other
rehlcla*eouM pcortbly follow It.
In Havana the one otngle voUnle do
ng ocUrc daty bstoags to Dr. OaUsr-
yv««c 0-S.THMsps
rm H
Uvfc ea W. >M* W. boU bar i
Ti>‘ dnwT !•* tbia Mrrad da
liaaotod t^vM awaal bafa
(«• aU tba •gtU
|B OM of bis mo« populursWM (“bl*'
tm Itu bapita.
trMMiUtad bf NaUmb
«fUafc«U t>ul«> BlTw a daaertp(t<B of •
•Wind Stauub i|(SMnr«artctnoaeTnt
tbe two ladm
ladtm 'to
to tba baU or op.tbe I cami' not
oat aod
and followed ber.
Vb<u abe torutd in ordn toretraea
> twaa, bat | ber atepa, abe aaw faim and ntieivd
>eei. ber.
rap in bia baud, and iben. when ba
tben b* bad alwen aooeptod ibe torieakerly, alttog
latton gladly. Aa a role tba elds lady ber alt, hurriedly,
wnaid ha lying on tbe anfa, while the ererytliiDg up (ugetbrr and yet firing
m In apiletf bii toeob
:s CO* wonld ba reading aland.
nt bll be aaid by IL .
bia erm and by tbo uiids iufiemon ot
bi* tuico. to nbtoli bia whole aool rlbruf-d.
, ,,.iu^e!uT«d a poor nieoa.
Hb* IlflCBcd to bim to aatonlAiDant
I The tart waa that Ibe yonng girl, B'T face wai pals (ban ev<-r witb ea»
bad bean left an iwphan tiou. but ab« codld not find a word to
d for. Mbs Pri- aay to bim—ber idf*» wetned to t* hopeaeatterod. Hsluuidiwererlaj^
-IITt; '
Bni bia eye. wen no tow. at
•bto. Ilka tboae of a man tlnd nf Ilfs
blespa. wbicb wgn really powerful, a
Wytog to break enipiy liotUm on I
Once blood bad 00ms but ba
irtnt on tmakuig (be botUaa witbout
fsytog aqjaU44iiinn to It. Tbrobsaak•d tba waiter i.- bnng a bottle of nun
BSda Urge alms
Hr filled lb,a to the
; •
wiib Ibe liquor, a^ toon alowly.
Witboqt moving a muade or even 1^^ be dtalmd II to the bottom.
nnkiiid aitpoMiion. aame. mnirao,
who waa a grrsi Inralid, bad gradually
worked on aud profited by hs sicoa’a
graiiiml* until at length tbe poor girl
bad biran* quite a alarn.
Hs aunt
wonld not anffit any one clae to do any
. .
,for ber.
She could not bear to
bcarolbs footatepa to lb* room or to
qBi,„ unoonwiiooaly
been* rukhiifg all Uie apirii and aU tba
it of ibe foong f irl'a Ilfs
^nntoyued nobl^o a «
girlbo<d. the yooug offlc»^r thought bs
ptoefa tf it. tbw thn-w iDto It bia cigar
rolorid bair. with juat a touch of tbe
autumn hares
Headqaarten for Ohristmas PrMenU|
' Friedrich Block.
New Store—120 Front St.
CoDsultatiog and Eiamlnatiaa Free and Stricily Ceafideatial.
Tba Cblwnar raatl. , Ka.w What C«
DRS. B. S. & CO.
BE egusaano BP
wblakcra awuog buiiaelt si Ibo e
r, Win-.
“«Wla of a block, and 1«
y Tab-, li t 1
■e you open tbo
V .r.n a a.a 1 .wthing . liC bat juat ■!»''
t •* a and I abaU know jj.ut too
' e.t piau
M..... vrbo
.vh.i di-apiato Ibe
th. waya of tbe
art; not imgiy «ith toe, that I may come ^
and are rtio agaiu."
iIm- wiiKlow gunnla aud Waicbed
In Uiv aiekroutu. ab<- look up Iht
'(.ot a match. ocigUbor;-" (uquitod
! tbe fnwb young uiau a* be put tbe Uat
Amnicui ledicil
uu4ctl iBStitiite of Indejoi, Uct.
Bb-tel^:S!Z^x±-t±xLs, Xara-crerset 0±tty,
s^bTinVihS rb;^rh.r»« viS •
- *- •
Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 14 and 15, 1899.
Now that kb* wtf* calim-r aud ofwHl
tl.ink it ail ovadiiilicratHyalu. fell
U-WUi .lb* ful
a bm-l, .-blcrly pnum. culcutot«l
Office Boura from 9 s m to 4 p. m.
^ , flubbiug iw.qi to bu amoks
“« you
migbi a.
will kill n,.-if latick;
CMUdbaimravaguii riionu. tbo ctaah- '
........ ..........................
... a
. vuav
tbit old, gray
iBf of ip—- ——. I.M..«.< maimc
HI inc lui
Tbo smug
{ prJ
pri cUrt^
rtartfri up. and abe t**''
, Ira.knigdw vliiDg. half buiii-d to a little
.. »
"1 know tb.y uudcrnmic tberonsti-,
^ old world IDV Q, be bad tfauRcome acroaa
. roi, lici;. ^
—, ----------- .„a
mMb p-n-'
...Hu„. Wk,i» .b.
,1... .KMin..
“Tbe rannt waa not y«d aatiaflnd with
by chunoe tbe pale, captive prineem of
Now If I’ve forgoiunaiiyil
Uavtrur)' fver ib<- Kuginibmaii While
bia drcaroA
yi« were giiiug to euy b.-lp me out
Ita anu awalinwiug wiib apiain-nt
It <calBDuring the tort arcck of bit atay it eoHfuMil uinruar of meu'e voiois
____ j Come to Uiiuk <d JL l>e got a irntcu
•Mi tba glaaana of lt:|OS wbivb
aKuied ar ibnegh Mm*. Primeau bad
•ffswd U> bini be did nS vem« to ds
^nvfr.';m'b«mnllnt. "'>«»
an-uixl daninr. forandeb nly, aodapparToor bun witb hta pynt c-amod away
«« U*.»k at nil
ly wilbiiut
wiibiiut any raueo.
raoso. licr
Iicr miuoer
1 know if you hud a boy
b.'(<av 1
doll tuuduiM, wbirb waa broke
d the ynoug man bad rfaaugciL
would lick,
BI alwori osld and rarrsiftc wtann wliii'h bad M
I Dcnriy
indiiw and
all* >T*ikc to him. and rhetlid nS Invite
I yon w.-re giang to
my that '
w irr furuciuiialy. Ilka
him-III diuorr with bcrat-lf aud niece. Irtri-K'bHi
■»! ilo
d' yon p-l oil Bbybow?"
uiadmon wlii u a ainmiackrl
a u
Tlio time war gi'tOog dcfpvral.lT aliort O] <41 it, Imriug to to- t
aa hei
hma bust put <ui bim TTu- btogliabmao
—only ibrc* daiw msv —and then, cry I'f diftme eiopiad
droppi'd ofl
BSattnard u> l>a«i of bia etnaigtli
Till' .irk V omaii. livid and ahiveriog,
Ibnincb birowti fudiMi piwaititiatioo,
auuK'ibiug aiamt «
qraa uow tbun.ughly intusir^tMl and
be would fnrwer have loot tb.1 oppur- was i-.ii.ug up iu biiL aud mn-hik v.liut csHiiHig lo . .Auil tlm fri.n yuuiig man ^
MkiDK Imimdi'iitly SMMKb to tbeotbher Him- wan just going to doabv suit
tunny lie ix'w bad of »r.’»ki
bghti.-l bi» <-isnritui with a grin.—j
gtB, who wi re lint M. lirnuk
liniwof wiuuiiig aa bi« wif
“•bo you art'viry valmnt. are ynof
wouiuu li" woulil ever love.
•Aad Umoonui^Will auiiliug dnulauivon? I
Ill Hit- i-viniuR.' wIn n tbe twm lariira
bappi iK-d to lx- witing ont ii^lie gar
Chptuiu mmii fervor i> ::iu«a paps-/
Dm't b-avi- mr. • • •
den. Lii utitiunt Foorni* r on fna arrival
in’ lam-mfUd.
1 am '•'mflrd- •
U.iA bii rlieir. and in
ej ite of the
tbe ae-iwhatrainlmn,..af-1 whni ^in I am
“Uuu Jcoani snrtnl torpringat him.
1 am dytog-1
dyibg—1 know
which be «*dto|cb.ld! -^- • I
^ Uie ulluTi mAraimd biui
gglmiiig taHim-lf. liPMld:
Ihi> and t'>gau luialk IhiIcIIt about hU,[
.ltt.«t at that munii-ut Louie* could
What" yi r relignin*
! aaid III''—n.vuul to me rivruiL
•* ‘If you art- ab bruve. why out pot
d> piirlur*-,':
Tan*, and Cb< ii aboul bt ai Ulr mta.iitvd trend of liioaoldim;
••My M-Uuty
•oar band no ibi' taUlor
bi" *.wii i*>.-if.on and moan*. Tlu-n »uil-! but. mvvrtb. !<•»«. »lv vohii to lu-r auuL 1
•• • Wbai 1.M-*
d. ulv iiml viibont any b ading up to it ] A. koou a. *Iic naeJicd^lio bciUido the
v.-rali.To’ •snudav*.- •bi'Biii:<n;ii' <d He-fan that be wa* w«-ary ' m i. w..iubb eczisl b.r lu lii r arm. and
K .. . M.
h A
of III-s.d“.irr life, aud that he wanl.d kiw-d JiiT over and ov<r ag-.iii. llutfs,
timi .lip Oitns I
iBta h,-.tation watched out bU
Howil Lou.-, to-nd-' th-liUi time Lou.^ wai impaiu-nt aud
r Olv Koniaii'”
•• •Mora than yos ’ rsorted tbe Eng-
ilmbmad'a and wilbout lnwilaa Ijiglml
etoriit eucdi aa b<-r aunt adnrod and
ttOB sud with a f.-nx i.*. gnp he rauMl!
dweya baviug to reml
the point wilb tbe .dluT aud drove it »
ttuo^b both into Ibe tabla
I •“***
But yemr pcadiloa end ynor fnoMiie
"Tbo wouii-u uiK nvl a cry of
■ *'
If wbal y«ni
y<ni hhwhou
mraiion i«
ii an
all you
AJI of na uuai nui lu Uwir awdataiica [
^fh !
r‘.Si I
Aten wbirb
w^ WO
wo applMol
to Ulom
% J. W. Slater, House Furnisher e
prnlucame tn.rhirfcb.:**. proud to
montb’a aoiooto wilb them,
gsdabontaul muinph tbu pr..rf
ito ^
d,digl.t«l iu D.uiae’a ronvs- h»M. won the love of web a man. and
gnat u-ar. of bappint«g.tl«odm her
= aiomach. in which it
gnwnrl aa tbongb tba naiioual boas
M.w„dow. I.M
ier.;i that tbiagirl, who bad lived tbnt
irsa oomvniod.
mrely in ihcaliatle. jioa«-med a mind
It. MW
..ItlDB IM . i,«eb of I
Also Upholstered Rockers in'Corduroy,
^ Plush Brocatel and Imitation Leather, and a
^ fine line of Parlor Suites, Bed Lounges and
^ Couches. Leather Goods, 20 per cent. off.
Iiwavaa tboogb.it>Tiiibt<
boTcriug aronod hs in (bi
tbo puuiuier eveuiug.
Juat like aotoc viaion abe mrcstef
alowly and tbuu radi-d fnitu bli aight in
tbo gutberiyg dwkniaa amid Ibe ttwea
Aa abe waa going, ibuogb. bo aaid bnrrirdly: ••luuutwtaud
ao miden • • • yi<a cumoi aiiaws
me * * * . Do not (I II me now. but at
daybreak, when oar drIacbiD' nl paaaea
tolrontif thebouw ••• betbere
_ ..
“J'*® ®PP^**
It asd aald aotomnJy:
"i««h 01
chmbM tbe traU/Wid tb» drocii^
down among tba
va< <hat arben Uua Primiao tboogbl
that be waa ooA -of the wajr abe wonld
aUuwberiii'c^ofoeai iotutheprdea
ef^r after betog impria*
0 or tbrre da.ra.
Tbe joeog inan wailed, bii e.m Used
cagerl; on tbe boom door, drradfof
fic« Touraier, a Toanff liealeaBirt in tba
naervea. «aa ocl^ too flad 10 itM bock
to tb« boaae wbera be bad bm qaarlered. Proo tbe Ont da; tbai be bad
bars quofimd to tbka booae bia
tbe, jrconggirlappaotd.
barior toward iu oeeBpaaia bad baas...........
marked bt smt roort«y and eonaidrf- j aa abe
at>« bad paaaed bia biding place asd
aiioa. U br bappew d to meat eitber ef »a« o.-aiij at ,tbe tud of tba paibba
____ _____ _______
ttv it waa j«at
filling doek. be retarurd br a aartotr
aunt to tbe «bar aide of tbe gaiden,
•rhlcb wUl Uloninalc M07 efalvaliio
froidwM ill bpauub Ufa and apdy tlloamwa tba raclOcn darias and oonnf*
gt wbk* tbr av<ne« iMgbty doo ia
liWnllr tnanaHd The noe U a aoA
•Mooda la Um ootakinaof
o lift witb btaiuetbaoo
I bad atrcaobed ont on tba
ta flaBlMT Ua.
BaatM^aaak. «T.«BWtadn
Tb> <.•<■
! ■n > !■ aavUy MA
TtenkliMtotipaai^iMMtla. T«M«,
Sw^ tb<an rllmtod «|u> (ba table to
biatbiasa aanpfrom tba boom that
Bl; M aod clxp at tba bote! to otdar
Ohcarb tbe ladiaa to Ibe rarl;
os. Ucmadeasr^dnlofboiaa
wbile paefctof. alaawlnc tbe doon.
dragstog bia mtik and bia ewad atone
elatter-^-ia fact, tottinir (be in
valid know tfaat ba waa taaU; r>^
tkm V'
14^' ‘
B waa aa airk
a hroae and vonii^ ]
Soho Uh- conul waa doing
as and both were taken to oneb
BBi aw tbe rauabtiabiural bad to offer
/syonr-' tbe young girl. • ♦ • bbe r-ajaiid oo
but quietly aud eut.n..*.iTcry
••o* roe down cbo-cb
I'll go with the The Kuat 8>
o' KiiklauiL »crgiaiit
bsud '
Tba n<Mt srlOrl.s and In'oraUr knea b
la tan faliaa a<am Bit iroa eiparweca.
AocMBtiBK Tmr lb* ate. of a Ttm.
roarVaM' nklli and um'rrMal m.. rrnn Is <hp larimt bOM|.iiala is the worM anal4n hto U
tiwa- al’l lf^OSK'. NERVOI S, HEIN and ULOOH Otara» wpes tW la—m —treUSc prtaef“It .tnk.M me. Mr Uti. I.
au.d Mr
plrt. at>d nDllUvn hla U- lh» mil ronsarscr of Ur aairtnd rterywha—
D.vjroay, -Uiat ymr eburgeaurge- of *:w fs
u,i. opiiHoB u pretty .......
larrh. Diai-a—« ol tap B,r. Ear. Nutr. Throat Bad latap*. Diapapals Bright a luaaaao. Ota-n1. Uoubt. ' aaid Mr Uru4
“Jlntlhet•» Eld^.LlTor.IU^r^ca^D^l^pwalaJted ^a^^—«—n af—dUf
dcau rT,tj rear whi.-tBleht Bar* bceo miprad k> prrlaet aaalu bad Ucr
>aM„ .a.. ■ is Ur basd, nl espma
S. after rvanol rxwrtroe*.baa dWewrv
my fonvidiiini yon t o got to pay uqt
toUr—i, Priaalr diaro—a paalUr^ cw
for my cuourr U rerr—o ^hMar^r*^—*a. talU
and. on tbei>reicxi that ebcwai getting worn, n remained thu«. with thr bilodt
terwiMaadsaallrappUrd. OasBBltaUec
Harper'a II
chilly, "he took Louto'* arm. and tbe atill down.’vbilewHb a imwaurcd tread ^
--------------------‘PB. OITIEA* oprratra .sr—Isllr aad ; DBATWBaA I ear. *1 per,
palaWa^far sohlsi err", p—rTrluw- IrWre Nas< <-aar> rsrad la pas Irrai
two ladits enured tbo boo—isgetber.
of bcaty hoott on tbe pavemiut and a i
gw Piara rar lae lupaataat.
mitCUagGI.Sti £All8e<
Ljp„„.naui Tooruicr did not aeo tbe clanging irf rtroJ tbo wldiera matched;
Tbirv hiul • inticd aud letimiua fv tba ipwr- “n*;2r‘diJt“JLd”'a?*o*^M"*'CATaUKHUk lHL Mist h
u,* „o. auo ou. oad on • • • oniil finally pM^nui til-awg
«1C SOBS zm aad (rapulaud ! la^raah*—. caa—d tnm cm>
“«»OL--------------------next Mnio. PrlmcBU, wboae bean waa Loui.-brord uoiLiugmore but lbela«t-y-atber. ‘ the beautiful vooiig womaffretad, bad utwof tier bad atucka ing of tai-r own heart.
'u imid. "we are auny for what wa
i.- j? i
She Ft^jd in bed fir tbe UfSt fevdays ;
. bare done Wfllyoo'PBIv’TBbLwD
aud tbe yotiDggirl waited on ber baud :
in front of the old gray Iwotc. hold-;
“Tbdn. tbi- atern old man IntcrruplgBB vprodUj. rosp—ir and permaoraUr;
atid font, taking ber meati nveti iu (lie ing Lib aword loiaely, UaurircTouniin ad. "vby d«u i you go u> Uw lawyer
aickrooB, little dreamiug, lu ber per- bau foil a timble ^iig an be gazed
up 'arouud tbe cunicr? I'm no divoroe
iti «p
feet Qucoo—ill nr»a, that there wa»
IboM cUaedblinds WLentbi-detacb- Mort '• ~Ubitogo Newa
|! * >. “« ,
loaalty <nib
-rttb tbe few tu.tana at bu ’
anmo biilierto unknown force, powsfu
ami alnn^t oDcartbly..
"•' Kick woman took the girl't hauu
u bs own beart, which
and plai-ed it
it waa enonch.
wa* bwiing
- - - • drop. II infli
iflnitc, pity ov. rrame
* * * “*-
"Oh." ab* mrtd«oly oielalmad. "1
..Pia. a. .aa< IMC .p...
111 that Mr"Am
J*4«iant iit srcBwl B^f
I wat iuviribb'.
meot had ponaed. be bad "topped ■hart,
BUd ihi’D. walking Iwk nmier prrtan—
s fi ll any toiereet in ber
----------- »-
le sqm
n-h. L,e
i clinched bu teeth i.gbily
togelLcT. for befell aob* ruing
throat, a-tboogh tbcywauldcbok-e him.
^»mvil^*obB»P Tro—-------- ^bodr.
. uoBIUei.
IMP" aad all d.lic-ai» Ul-widar" prcolUr ic | eraurrlarr.
•Ith——I. (■a.iiKrlr roraO. ai wrll as (oar
aaKBieo Mg>. — >h«—-ilrrlaE oa Uai
"wovvved from theaec-|,^^^,^.
llouatd.—Neralhat rraall Iras reP'Slal fal
lllr. aaara pf phralcal debUHr. aalektr
the latter
kin * Cough
.andltollink with coosideraW
BtoPa with B girl
Llevelaud Lrofl r |
trap, only being iu bed a lUtli
' betA. tvgretUtig that tbe wa« too ilLto
Ijudileuly. anhamed ot Au« wvak-tiM. ________
,- ^,
f toe fi
taientut" mesroro by tbe cirntrartiiio ^
.ot aveu meBticaitog bartuutog b.mreH
rdf by a tr,
trt o.uiiooB
m.UiiooB ofof-ii me'r
mer attack- Tbr eeooBa atuek la
gt pecroieoni oiber tempeiwiunw —rend
________ ________
-» iqaallyaa
ax.viuM bi* griif
and mtbfled
Wauld have been
bundrrfl fltvmw below swo F
At »10
Maurice did uot glrh op, tboagb, emotioo. he tried to feel anger iiwt*=d. l»d aa tbe firat. but for Uw ^ of toU
•egreea belnw ecro. the temi*>ratare at
Mi4ftrrthat. Tbe detarbmeal wai sad be kept rvpeaUng to bim-lf:
wbiob liquid air boiU. perrulimtu ether
to Irove to. hum at daybreak to order
"It U all ber pride and varnty!”
tiiiu rr^Trat^f 1 ^^We to it
- aW*
Bureh to toe '
And two live, that might have bl«M- while In toe firat ease *- ww
' to "pare
men tbe
. . ________
tend to bualnraa about two day* before
BtoadadanMCf a
bant of tbe midday nm. Tba yoang ad each otoar «
divided torow.— g^hiiag .gown. ”
For asto by fi. E
I DaatniaBt gave out that ba woBld taka 8tnwd.
^'7 “3^
. Catarrh. «Ila I
TPtula. m«ad TWlaU
U UfJa>Z«*I
Wt ai *B*5T*E TO CfBg ■_______
;ie's,':ssi:;--5SS'sKLr‘ ■
Sk’TSLTSft'S.—Pdi. ehVh win rw«r* a la—tal ebrwip
•Tppi^ •sBwlaattea. a«
Ji br eulsarerd piuaate
naS CmwhAsaappagwamaaheS
•t oasa O. D. te any par* a( C. S
ms.I.s!t CO. F^itATENI ISO.IBSKEffl.nCH.
IBM MOJjmrO KBOOKD. 8UITOAY,3rAyUA»'^ 8,1898.
«M ■ bMBUfol tMflr Mrvtac la
A iaAj mnoc » irtak c»«■ «Dd • wnn rWlBv l»Wi
•«.«» ov.
cateb Um |);U
koa HvLtld«e fur A1
'■W> kK*a oalroB*
Bwt aovaad then «« m la mom
aaw^Mper tta* q«pi7, *'Wbcn U Pat-r ■» •ud^ew. aoc
rk* JiMin Utned?" aad Xactiaa to Itarte ApmI—«ai
... .
Mil'I heic m; ntppM UU aiedeBMli
with the «i*Uk«aW-tluu'2i'
doaa Te dlda^l t
^.-.dty. whet* matk d hierj^
dlno« " ibe «hted
"TlM#w*.*»B-|do H'-dM«ldmed'r‘M*e
: Ir
Mil* Cerllla'«e*l
Cerlha Werlog fay the wladow.
mirtiM bmrif Is her Hd- , ..................................................•"------------------------koft* that the maa who
"- _
Bi tbc cfalldith
fare above
re t« thxlenr aoqali«d the title d “TbeTiMsaed; the fiM broil B ptiMfore Tfaen ifae lock
Cepuln Uiller Impn] ftom bh
the Berdatioa''liM » a qaid gneo
grare | cd ei tfa* pile of beary eede oa the cfaair
aaduklrtibe boMM bMde lad them oa oo the cKau taOiarlaMe ouoniT where bedde
' fan
' raodflcfaed
Wilbt rreet UBwr-'-'-'-------■------ .......................................................................................................
. *
...•-‘Baee pauBwi^y lenybMtaaa bat*- he fcBoedy lived. Over it U a aiartile
••N« yet. eberle •
' QBtck oeerl'
The octate line a
mile* fr»n the town dl^iiabbB(s.iHar docra«*!a andwM'b
r, airf
the biatler luw which a^jaiHCea Char-. th* kn|> tiair
The few.
tberietr ' kdte and Uatopbell coantSea .......................,
"tt. uatui t^Khermadenoiaelle w
“1^'. air. yooredioBi Billlaly 10 Utah ' iu Dante
miue d Bud UiU
Uill trOB
trdn |be peculiar Jj *e'>
*e'» eo
m boiy. as
bb' betide* It faurtaberio
color of the aoU to that Tiiaaity. Whaaii^k,- aba catefnllr explalnad to AUrta'
eeallar next regatta "
I fbitrirk
frk lletuT boofflii the place, it o
The lady prijdaetd bar
r amilea
and d aboat S
Out of tfalt MM^b^a nrmmm m majuif to uio s
emcB. wbkih aba tlippad lota tba fwrT- '
that poor U«1 and Henry
■MB'a rawfiilea fingara.
I twvd be taebtlaned loeettaer—can
-Tbaaa are a Ht oaoDanae. My." aald grow* there aa hifrti aa a uiaa on boraetha farrynaD. Bilppiog tb« gold letohu back: ihm Ua (cnKial air d iiuiliBg
-BIU. waka Bp at yoar and . flelda and abuodanl prwperity. Iti dP
^ M M taafee tbU -ara oU boat Bote
wm very miata.
Everything Goes Regardless of Price
Must be Sold Within 30 Days I
. ...............of tUDDey—
HU ab< loat her rulee. : An abe*pc«i all
btv Bonry an they didn't make her volsa
well again, an now there'* a big doctor
esmeanabe * notgetaay
get cured "
Babetu-'a t
beat tbe lurket n
ik.T JLI .^L
I Kdphbora were tow. «M of the Beared
alee maa Wbra be w« a little boy faa
The hJS-'^ thdr btad. la tb. air '
^ lived right next door to m
and rdled their
eyea. arreoutly
nerroutly ehaBpInt
ehamplne Bnaaoke.
Boasoke. wbo
who Ured
Uved 1
u bu choaea aoll off In tbe cuBiiiry,"
wir eye*,
tfaakmg Ihrir brldlM Cap- ,
l&milie away.
BafaMte grew tired of j
I hint
dlllM. boldiag fadb _____
the darkoem. Sbe wemdr
hand, looked acalB at fal* waicfa.
eold to go out and bi« i
ciucJaeUe. &'
■‘BhaUwedoliV'tbeaakrd anxiootly J clever
I d the
fie did,
• ^hla toor'pLdaly «ald"Va"^ I
tltw) eyea.
lag rellva of bu oeleroB we ahalir r—
•-*"W'a'r* going ap to tbe eonwr, Be and
j nraiea RraaaiBiaerlaclDding the deafc
Marie, to aoe the bli
’ *he Bid.
! he alwayt lued. which auU cuotaina bit
"Wfaat wUI yoo bett"
"All right, cberle. an along. Doa’l
•a'ahe letter* from Lalay<
Bar eelee dtop|iad *o e low I
go any Itanbi
iher and et
.berk aooB."
Mad^ and other ^1 boo of ci.i:y
aatwared. tni low tfaeagh her
•be tpf>kB wllfa the utmewt inlenaliy.
dajAj^ latpe. roond backed chair in
tVbalwlil I bett By band etid lay whj^^^trick iltoiy
leaiy died and a pira
d him ty the older Sully, ander which
After _
bauK* a yellowed alip d i«pd. aigoed
r. "we ll alEb tbd irala."
aflemoue bod faded Into da«k. Badrmoiden t. ni arrd ap.*k *0 yoo I br
Jtu-tico^ Jihn Mandtall ^ aeUe would worry if the didn't go aaoa.
- - aeverBl othin d tna ‘nvuti*.
frieuda. l«tifyiog
Hu Mid. lookThg at the Jrwelad
A big tear apla*b«d down the Uttle dork
I to U»e failiifoJm-w
* d
- thelilMieB.—
----------lace and *he wli«d It awaywKb Baric
________ ___ ____ ______ nwdlDgon IhU palB I Pblhulelphia 1^
AntolneUe'. r|>r1gg«el coliro *klrt.
*e|oni|«d lightly lotu bar BddI
Suddenly aoiae one touebed bvr oa tba
fmybtMl gral
Babctle knked ap ioto the brown eyea
bent upon her. Sbe nutlmd the (lulntid
Tba Uronubrr daya went by. tba eriap
bvanl and curly hair and a light canui la
winter weather paawd.and there cwnie the
te her-eye<
lovely Bay time. Again the old ferry■-\Tby." .hecaM. "Ii'r tbe locket inaor
hoal eroaaed the river to bring orer a earThe locket ntan Mutivd lalntly
rlaita wllfa a pair of bay..
outupenine lhveovclo{iva or doing them
"Wbo . the 'locket nianf " be eald.
Tbeearrtage waa empty except for the thu leuet injary ll waa diwuvcred by a
"Why. It'* you—Klilietd. yoo know, la
two eerraat* wbu were on the box. When Oemian pbyuolagiai by the aea d an tbe locket —la niad>niol<-ellr'* locket.
it waa ferriert over, the roeebman tiok up
Yuu’n-lbe little Uiy *be
to tal ma
: Rlata.
hla rale*, and threading fair way tfamagb
of Tiay oneqoal and Marie-boDL We re 'dopbd. me aa
Barle "
'•What are yoa begging ibUwayforT
It'ocratred to him to make experi- Badnuulwlk- muRt ram a g<««l deal of
meDit iu order to aarertain bow many aiopiy aitiglng." I.-said barsfaty.
ieavre d erdinury lertrr or official pa
Bahrti.- loiik.d up Into lil* face.
'■Tbat'aT-eptaln Mlller't iwirlage. blm per inokt bv laid nbuve and bt-low a
'-Ob’ but ijie >vw* vreta now. an we
that lliw* op at l.litleioi,. tba hoa« wfaat written Luf iaordcrlouiakc it Illegible don’t bare Rliv- tblaga nay Icon-, ao aba
baa a clock
Hr M njarrled tact week. to a hiiUily M-oMciTo eye iu the dirtvi cHr* lot. of Dlgbta. Sbe'a kiB faer vtOca.
Spark he'll oomedowo 'etc Ibl* aummar.''
you kuow ‘
n<- foQud Out aftvr be hud
"Had any tuora thick un« lately. Br
'l^iat ber Ti lce-C-cnU»'*
nwted hi* eye in a dark tuoni for 10 or
Bobetie nodd.-d wiwrlly
"No. Dill. I ain't
They're not oaar- 1C luiuult-K he cold xved a pint- of writ
• All Hk- pall! out all her money aa they
She wa* one of the right eott. ing over tb«ruiimir d lilt-tmifarvoerope couldn't amke h ,-r well Bfrain. an wo cvine
•be WM
1 wendiv If *b» twughl Ibal that bad buen cuveredwitfa right layer* to Povt-ny flat*.
d paper,
who'll cure her.,
tralnt IMd ye hewr wut her bet wayf"
Ho culled in otluw obe.Tv<-ra toona- —an I'm I.I buiigiy'"
"Weil, abe bother‘art and 'ar'and "
RalirtU-'* timi IltUe voice broke
£nn tlii*. -Tin.- U-tteix. buwrvrr. that
ruold tho* ii« dcripbcred wvni wnttiu looked down at her
"Criiile folka 'a* fanny waya, BIU.*’
bi- KBld. "take me borne with
in dork ink ou lau- «di- of the pnpi-r
•Bid the fertyman rvOertlTrlT
only. It four wnttcu eidee a i-tv folded
Yea." he Bid conddMitly. "It'll Watl i
togrthur. anil «pei-ully if there had right now."
Tb* rprtng w,
and kheeumuier n
bnn rrusMug. it nwr bard to toukc out
Oaeof our>nii
Nib- •■eUlla. anrihg I7 theillule win
te be, with ri-ld wlndi
the drift of the wnling. and there aru dow that liR-kid out over lil.-v<ene«l rtsifa
tell ehinitiev*. cried a Inile to het.eH
Wbeal wu *01111100
•oaie kinds uf writing wliirh. wbon
She woi-di-nsl wbat wa*
fuldid twiua- ur ihncr. uditiit uai little
I to l-nime of ber and liaHitifi.
iwn paMongor* aa t light f.e- tin,- pur)v>»' of d
hi* frviglii
theoflly Iiadn i Ualiettc' But «he bad ,
S Uie p>Ttob-n tbe waif In day. of priwi-erliy Tl>e
Hull' Olio wiu .iicbn loyal m.uI. and iw !
boat on ihr,Sh<|.|vrt<in vnk-,
anoOu-r. a ho wa* welling
aldc«»he«u> rei-nch, and Iho |.«irlK..i«B
' ia aa a rule. •w>i<-r t«i tnukv ont tlm run- wa*alaiH-l> Iil.uv forlhe.orplian. IVrhaiw
ilng.-Mr* BlMcT." they ! trot* (4 letter or lilivroiu tviibi'-,it the
woiilu Ik ItUi-rlf »Im- had lot Iherlilld
Tb. ri-oil,-wa. sorv III i.im>'ii.mg Ui
ml •Rilling hiirnHlIv frvm elil'hti-M taaipi-ntig n-itli III- rttvelo
elopeUinir uinbn IlM Tbi-O lh--r |wta><l
het the Bidvi-uji'iUa of eat and a I'! vk- n> *)i-rp at least and >h«
a. Had CXaagwd.
dor the is-i-lne*
a« eura of tugl.lng aiij inonthe ruil^o 111 tlx- tsot
A willow one*' calli-d npno an artiat
Wheal linked up quickly fruni hi* boat.
Sbi-liiuugbl ot llieduaroii! day* when
Snppiav tU.-wniiT of a billet, tbc
ber faibet wa. allie. li\u-hiiic >'wch In i«od
IdentK.rtng Mr* Miller In hi. lulmi * eye
nd osj.'-tl
osA'-il biui to|uiiii
totuiiK a piTir
ouul’-iit.of which aiM kuowu uulv to
Tbc Imiy girt In and *ai ilnwa, huddling
'try madeny—when n.itiaid baristnd "WhrmmiilivetC luquiivd
hinixclf. li-te it out of hulioiidand iisw-* tiinilm'wiiy lln-d lURt oeniw the garilon.
berwif under a *isull lQr.r*)i>i.
Um BrliRl
"hi- cun I kit at all. " Bid i
When the ferryman hod hrougbl bl, I Bight Ol it tor Dvr tuiuuti* • U may Iw What good iliii,-.
lliii,-. ti
tkay bad I'-gistier—until
tbe widnw. "hi-’* di-ad. " "Tbca yoa
Uily earru
.earru.1 i-itiMr lulo the direct ber taUirv dl.vl
It In the (tep* the lady, |>mdui-liiE bar 1 ivaa.ly
will havi- to turuiRb q»t-w-ub bi. jihoto- ‘
_ vn pnrw
pnnv oj. ned
n • It
-Itwa* lln.d with
ilighi or II
uln-tnc or uiopii-eiuuj after I
inh-rlled le-grand
iii-iR.id anil«hmmitn
rvd im'ri.id
The ferry
lid I* no grapb.'' mill Ibv urti.t " Hi- m-vur bad :
light Bid Iv h ad by tin- alil of Ibi- <yfg jir.'le and Inib-jetio
bu im-tmv uk1.lL ' feoid tbe widow I
Ui.ti's1 luniooliwt ll
man. »>i,lllt-g e iib agrvvSihlenmillivilaBa ghu«
Tin- plie-lng of u plisv of mr
wa* eii.U-tld, lied «- «ig-aki
cld II
tell Klcbanl thdt—«he knew hicvi'nbi'li.ee tbe jictiRt aud. rluuk the '
tnilgc jaia-r in the envelope or t^Xol
■ Id notlu:;-o..r
not luii-n.. .-heliadtJippsI
. .isluui.t
"Yi-ovAUgM lhal into. lady. Ia«t 0ejab. auil w li--n fat- bad tiiiiiiliivt the work !
oritig ol It Hack t* a tuiwna of di-feuae
.y to lb- i-lly wl
'Kh l.i-r lillle ►ii.k o;
1 a>A-il
idow to i-6m>- aud «-e it !
money, and a friend ^ |ier fnibir . had
"Y'e*." *he*ald eimly, I'hen *he pdd at hand.
pu-toru.' wild abe. "aad
bedped her on lu.ueeeMi. In tbe height of yon II plmw
Old 11 to my honiw—fapi
her t-ef»i«nrv. aluv she had lakiii lla"lull, nil] the ferryutan u> btande
bow fill
<jii 1man iio. dioiigud."' BoaThe npriwr was like lhal of amaHu-<Jil
•ahe.iui.l aliiewaril In tt»- .bod vTAltb
rwail 0/ Uli-bard'. d.-parium->
tng tbe ■■aiiiirul fwlii. 'yuii know lha*
«ale In the Inti'CeS of a
T&-thsir wa. littin-d wKii youiiiMi-r*
rd tor awhile tur hi set I
laily that ae fecTlrd oirrln iln-wtoti-r—
■ th* Play.
her will, ('ai-lalii Mill.-r and ili,'orn'" llyiiu; 4m their stunmi-bw titid alUauJrdhir Uiiatif tu-kbould ri'i-er
wanted i-keif'h a train'"
| tUg n ilb an unervy iiidieative that oreoiorihingRl-'iuld hnpisn tli.ii he whuld
"Thai'* bet. Well, .be did kit.-h her . wioji-bi.lv Wa- bdriiiij: tbi'iiL L.His. I ne'er know i< wa- for bim »iu- wa* ring
11 iwj'-inctat town •
«■“' «> be taliui. w-t^al.-bi-d op-u k1i|»« ol palm limf. 1 '"g and workmg-for turn, and .tot (or
ketehed her, stid. in my o|UnloD. he*. ,4,0 ro,„valeiU of hook* in liurma.
tbu puy, rtalkvd pant tbe ticket oftiee
ottiee .'
ketcbisl a 1 nrlar
K i ww.tw-n. 1Then ahe liwl hivvoliv-, and *h» knew It JB a ran-l»wa. uidi*pi.-Ddvtit wwi of way i
"How d'ye know all that Mr W'bml!"
'•-'^'*<1‘► «o**'»bv>stBilan. Making |
,j,r ei .i. f alt bi rdr.-nn.. She fonsbi
When «.Tq»«l and a-ikvd by what TiKbt
"Bow do I kiiowH' Why.
»‘'e .pim-tod method j
l-.ii liul. I7 l.i.l- b-e .......... .
be went IU wiibaui psTing. be twplird:
HUIrr now. nw ibaC* what I hi-nK] Ibera
^*'*n'ntary lURtructum
Wbtm the drtfnst away and ber v
"By wh*i n;"iii J am Oliver i^ld-j
two ladle* aealllB er
Aa the *n.ke waa ;toa*t>-r dtatuvm any laiKlUg ID lung back
*er ‘an an 'nr 'and—If shi ki-lch«d the cxeri-ian. a ligiK cwitch U^'ius to aing
of tbe pim they are
Tbe dernr e^eaed and aome one atepped HBith. the am
going to pi-Hiu...train
If. inlad yiv—lf< W'vll. .be • Mra thsaigb the air
■ertnus Mialy la into the ruom.
She held Ihv work Brener the wladow.
BUIer.anao abe did ketch H. an aome ieiploiW
TTm Bcrm.» vdaratiuaiMa
"AtL- btgt pamioL
"aud tbe check
UaylighT wm gl' Ing place to dmk Shad
^ I think now .be would rather abe d
,0 lung a. a boy ,i HmaUDB
taker, aiakuig 'a buW
ow* Icrkwl In tbe low reikd ooravra
And (itiliUuntb walked in to M hla
'"Whedaean thiek «W tie U-he.li" | *»• ““Ofl l».»rU;n.-d When b'-Is sU«-nt.
WhnVeimid ibtiKVCo bef
-Why' W.-II.Seh^dti.Mtvt^ila'*:’;"
** arbeaunfi Biiwblef
"I'mgUd you've come liack. cberle.”
tbe wlntiv tMu# ind ber face- wa* a pretty ! Thcrvlulx- tlie Uak abooiei* are the beat eald mademm-elle. not laAliig'up
Wby la It Kv«ti TbBt
pink-. Km-ly pink It wa*. but ll *'« Ipor'l*—Yravid
"Cecilia, near bom. don't ecod Be
no*e *• i. jnefc now
Then *b« give a*
The whole crowd of mrn raved c( be*
•alf ■ goldin Irininy
WHl tbi* l« what
-IMrk. Ob. Hick'"
abe give nio now "
Spaniab tdficer* aa w. 11 a* men generThen abr fn-gni ber tea volea. ber povlibe waa divine, they mlA inoomparenv. ber liKlcpa-stHora-. and went Into ble ahly divine, and glonooidy beaotifni.
On Wb.-*!'. iwoad. loll worn palm lay a ally uicliiie ir> craoltv and tmeberr
He „..|d I,
uH lisiked at U iu,,. „ , suiry
^idv tb
u. puict.
point, told
told by
by an «• anil* like a el lid And from Uieibn-eb-ld
So *he waa. jiua a* they had Bid.
ibc hisRi Babette raying In ber happy,
.rr,.*.j^.. w-i.™ mH r«-le,j,,,„, aniWwn.
proach niul .listml
Then he looked at ll
timl loin'
"to Aloala. tbv
the (.iuardta Civil—.that
oetv iniite n»d again held It not at ann't
• U » the -locket man'-lt i Blrbard
length. K iih an . iprvs.i.ui now <4 aegrow. .1*. co« of ib<- crai-k emop—war nftur a I An yoo glad, imdlrmuii-dk-' —Baltuaorr
Uue at the nA’Ie-n- wa.
“Thetv- That - will i4ie gue B>* Lor. roUvr txuid
HowtoPrerrst Pnenaonia,.
II li;0 pnuniwvl a full pardiiii. I
Do«' I esk you BUI 11 m*m*g* a fall- KUghl
a ratal We*
You are pAbape aware that paeaa j
"It allu* K
BoBiaainay* fiku.t--. from a co.d orct ntgwKl tbe papt-r
an attack of la grippe.
hie eeat ami n-i rr*ing (mo tbr st-ad
o tbe ooitipaiiy nf a Loa
, iferved a*
nr la*
UMI diuth
HIM.*. warrant
1«aj*nui tor
IU* bu
u«* SAir - .
Out D "
tbeepidemivof la grippe a few yetr*
author, wb.ia
.friend* wbi*
lUe ofSiwr in cliarge Bid. j
afo when lo loaav eaar* recoiled in
9 tbeellelvB c
ill l«nn wUli faioi
The nibbrr ■
poeaTnuoia. it wa» ohaerted lhal the
the tawk Cf hi*
attack wna never foilowed by- tha*.
Uoyd • Knm
diaeaae. when Cbamber'a-n'* Coagh
Beioedy waa need. It epanteraeta any
In 1970 Japan «-a.‘ virited fay a t(4TiMaUaa u utabi.
teadrreyofa eold or lagripiH-to re,*‘MBilatn. aaiil
nf vhe Beal hle epidetuio ol Muallpok. w Ui.-ti ulaut*(
»ait'ii> that daagenma diaeate.
Clttien»'1vsgin- • 1 u.,.*t.,n.« to tutonu d<K-uuaieil Vukofaauia N'aixttiutnai waa
(far beat rvoiedv in tbe world for bad
rgon that a. h.ie
ivuriied yaar biB- oiadocoeujiUUoryiu 1M»G TbeJapau^
cold* nod la grippe. BverrbotUe war
baad by nn.iake "
A Hnav, sa.
are auid to baw -Uv-o ntnirk wah (be
ed. PoraalebyS E-WaiV
Tbe bereawvl woBian cwieevd fatobMa taut that pK'kiuarfcud furvisiu-r* wire
ei'lnglret lean 1
With her band, anil bvgaa to luoaa
bat be tednioe BO
rsn-'y aev3-IU Jaiaiu
-n>BB. Ibvrm Uw U-«l ralM wait
V 'Nqi »b»t'*bl« lataet aibeiuc for aagm. "Dea l cry
It II roaie out all rlgbl
In the Baak nt (Cuglnnil then-art log iLOIKTl"
"He'a rented a roBB over a rveMaouit.
BM.v laivtr luguta wbiub nave lain auee UM bv ean Inhale hb bbI* wHbeM
toBTbed tor aenrly «W yeua
•xttaeeet"—<*blca«o Newi.
Don’t miss this chance to get your furnltura at the prices
I am compeUed to seU for. Just think of a nice 6 ft Extension
Ash Table for $8.98, and everything else at the same low price.
Look over this list of articles and see if there isn’t some
thing you want:
Bedroom Suits,
Combinat’n Book Cases,
Book Cases,
Rocking Chairs,
Dining Chairs,
Kitchen Chairs,
High Chairs,
Extension Tables,
Center Tables,
Kitchen Tables,
Screen Frames,
Carpet Sweepers,
Iron Beds, Wood Beds.
Have just mentioned a few UHute to remind you of some
I have in stock.
*7 —
Everything Offered for Sale is New Stock.
Come early to have the best selection. Remember the place
and don't forget tbe many bargains 1 have.
Watch for the Sign on Building.^
Geo. W. Thomas,
1*!■« •■KB
201 Cor. State and Union.
John R. Santo,
Ganral lisinMa
Traverse City, Mich.
t: WE ARE^-"=3'
^ Buying Logs! I
If you have any to sell correspond with tha ^5
Tmverse City Lumber Co. We hare also 3
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Fiooriog,
Short Maple Wood.
Lands For Saie-Suitabfe For Farms.
machinery of all dcccnptioDS, incladm); two eaginea, sct works, canriaKe and aai
aaw mill plant for sale,
idinK t
.' A complete
Ever Burned Oat'
O. P. CARVER. A«er
all-ertcrhlg^l^UWj^ta*. naagow
AiOBfi 167.
lOc a quart
8«8 Froot StPMfe
THB uoasao HMOO^, BOTTPAX. JA^fP.ABY 8. iag9
<in« here (BF eowitt), «»d «Mil iM«
MfxIjAWRr oo berveddiBB toor t «ta
todefirwoilF bo«T- I(’«Web^ Per,
D«xt iiMBib I «bBll be in Cbker>.
wwl yoB awy be «<ae 1 wUI be prepared
to ffijm proper eorpnee end
beat vbcD Sate pteeeota jtn, I mmld
not lor ««(>rU U* taer fcaow 1 bed viittce till* irttet.” .
“Sir. fhe't elt riEfaL'* TUa la wbat
Joe Bexnct told faimaeU ei be Md Let
laser end fiiioacd iike s rcely boy orer
Bh ■rif,
buUbtf u> ar>e fro,
Miklne u. aoTMr.ou
Dr.vn.iu t
I* latoTw* ■■■
And ont fur
I Is inodoa Roni *;
-'A. (....Mm V Ufc> ■«•!•■ itfTllBlIilB
j JoeclDi!
.:<taeaniAll enn firing a projectile cmly
lii-l -miifuil claded that ibe rensg woman badoot'
wpe-tliird of an luob in dianicur i« the -------------^ewi
•Aurbeen crriuaely oCraded. bo be. wrote/
sraator whicb actida a anlid piuee at
CnMMftb* flridi when the OaMaimiA. another J«UT,
aetting forth Kms
iwow of iwr
ieorr, aeitiDg
aubI U io< bra tbroogh' end voighing
to- f« tob aadBeeB June .tt^a«iislrcW^K,antt-6^W^!
ractinbiirCfiicagoautP&piff^ |
ewer half n t'si. Not oily hare tbe guna
■ore Ivrvemly
than inJTSe fliet
fiBiptmol hut alao all tMr acceBorica,
Irtu-r, ti ■at abe wonld accpTlbe Leater ,
aqieciBlIy |*nrd. r and projocah*. Tbe
a.... fie
Se reoeired an anawer ez- j
BBOi»l.«s powder of tbe peVMDt
praent tBl
tBi Fbri
pteatiiig Kgrei that noabnolute promiae'
«baBgiedtbe cmditirKu of
cooid be°^madc and iu<-idcnlaUy aog-'
Bet the lltUi- daarblrr iraBdmd
getting ifaat tbewntcrwoa;d boplfwaed
Csdu- tb» l.ranctuM and. tru>
Knqrtng atep with tbeae adranoea
That U/rdn.^ (b«firU.aad lirfdaUday
___ .
to ieam aome of tbe parucalan in re-'
rtera beun tbuee made in tbe rarloait
With tdnta and Buv
ii4*t>-naa gard fo tbe lilUe dinner in boncraf Mr. '
eliBHi of ptojectilea Erea tbe BnaUeet
and lire. Leater. Joe oonainBd tbia aa
at tbeic. with ita ra«a bardened bnllet, And Ua ditalM UM Vr peMUr m
an open cooient to k*.p np tbe coTre- j
told hrr aten/e for fairta Btet,
fit im abend of tl>e Old fublooed Itad Aad
~ ' aa^lr thedatoMcaanp/wt.
fpubdeace, and in one abort noetb ;
isUet nwd in tbe amaU anna of 80
UiK Ebudia." and abe i
One of tbe tnoat eSH^tire of nodem
aK“My Dear Mr. Uaroei.''thia being
-gF«l)ecri1(s ie tbo abrapnoL It u one cd
tbe net and aooepted form, alibongb not
Ctae forme of oane afanL Tbe otfatra were
' I commonly nanl between young pet^
•he old faabic/ned grape and oaniatur. A icmed'lbe >001 of the ename
. who bare nrreir met.
«Me aboc mar be taid to bo a oollootioo roan cule hme ts*dr.m>T el
I In the meantime Mre. Leater.mitin*
•«f Biaailea in a oue. which tireaka op .Mlnale Loon. Cpios la Coot
'. oed to fbow tbe pbotopapb to Joe and
either i>i tbr gtu or at aone point in
lecture on the KUpbrlnlive meriti cd her
fli^ ibtuaetting frue ita duatb deal,
I claMmiaiG. ]n her ItiUen to LoatM tba
iilg partiilra
I cslLgizAd Joe.
Aa eoiai aa tbe raae ia brnbea each of
AilUiiawaa prelitnini^ to ber anb■dbeM parti<
«i, l~
lra e.™
goes »
uu •
a *pu.i.
arparato ,.Uu
“i ■”*
Eml-»r b.d . o.i«. Lie plana for a aatebmukiug.
andifa ..rr>- dv
lb. mMi rtruvli , *bo bonh b.d.
lu July the eomaiionUeuce bl^ l>e>
tir c< of lb,o. All of II,n. tui™ I Th(T "OT.
.f tbo Jmd of rooo|^
ezi-iutngea that
> piion
pbo, of luvrl
lov.l gniuud
in.,nod woold
clool.tod to iwimo . eoiue an cordial in i
' vpon a
wuniu .".rfi'd
. .
Jb« frit at perpet liberty to atip away
tnarit out nn irreimlar oval, wboor area .
‘"““deoco aa
to a ulKbt train and go to Flavica, Ind.
Alaur a .tMcbelor afti r i
It baa
rioting in
'"‘d the Loicra an elabcnir lie
fc«.fooodll»,lbo to«|,„io.»l,om
o letile a
tbeebrapu.1 ia about sis yaidaat;
- ......... .
e other ba<-bc>lac ^ cJaiui ngeioat aomc property left t
id &0 io fnmt of tiie htieniv.
■ aaiherwerewalLinB homeward. "Say,
Miu lAoniao Bhodca,
Ooluacl Starapuel (d tbe Hritirb a
ice first iuritUioitOntiibi
of a Year.
a dozen or mow am'
’•**■*• *** ""f tester fiat
Ibry eat side by side in tbe big din-1
ing room wbiio biaie Senator Kbodnt. !
fn at tbo brad of tbe tablr, urdcred tba,
L ^**b IU"do. fa.d tmn ptoMbed to timid birvd girl to deliver iniiueuse.pot-'
for b you.
I Hot p.rtoni.Mootbo Lolor toutol. tious of spring rbiokea to cbeyoangf
. |
'.and bar name went bad- nnd fortb be- man from Cbicugo.
i-roa Uut time on (be developments
came with tbe rash of cloaing ciiapton
‘ ID a novcL Joe wrote almost daily.
A A R«..n. M, It, riu„. r. W. grown
During 1898 the total munber
oil" s1>iiilHEt
imsmjMjwmmiSBM li
of copies of
(••FreiOuAay,r,On.lS. IBT.
ooino wo!«a.
The Morning Record
« «b Mr. Barnet while .be,
’ s,r^irbrr.”rA,oS’iS
= o.sL„''Lo.VbVr„
W™. lU™
,„r I.™.. ...
«o<w b,P of U.. Kbod- 1.0..1, c.,
I fraareetee all my werfc to be rIgM.
and if It doM not prove eo I maka 18
Stop in HU s o’dock every orenl^
ezerpt Sanday. in toe Cbldwell A Lav
don beildis«. at oorto end of Onloa
, bL
edall lif«d«m.rlngproj«til«. Itcopmate of thn« parts-lbe fabe, the ^
and the bed. TTiM,owder charge i. in
Uh bu.. .Ulch 1. Ilfoily .itacbed to
■tt. body tliber by oboi.lo woldb* at
bybtu wloB. Uulloit fiom tbo l.«
nfarongk ilin fWfitiT of tbe body ia a tube,
iwUcb iaaTw'filitttwitb'powder. which
Bemember ttat t do an Vtnda o« >•>
miring aad eoamsdtef. and ttmtt «n
and do give yc* tbe beat mark at n»
one in tbe city fer tbe money. DbbH
be deceived by what others tril yon 80
tbe eoatrery. but eosie aad oae te
ical Miel! OlUn aith bnll-ta and a burB- j
fiicycie Riders.
clem aa abo c
her father baa j
Tbtnt td tbitL”
1 tiou’t «C«tT . .. __
no.'’ Joe would reply with an indiSer*
3H« whirb waa wholly aasointd.
'•Well, if *
. '»b";"«b'“»bd
,, . Ubblo
i . ................................
Vouc-ouUnl marry
more than one
', of
bri-bt tonigbt, aren’t
er. ILiitiwynni
will full in l"V(i
- with her. and iben it
Tiait to h larini be prujvwd, but be waa
not definitely accvpied. with tbe foil
pretending to be
leAdy iudilTereiJtlo1 the plbuIoBraph
nod' 'Louise
Ubodea, ;
An average for the entire year of
41 to ilie
tbe eliniiuiel
eheftibnel ia ns high
flutlom'g WjUi liuportanco, ’ met
Mrs. iV""*
lit It Li “I’;.
stcr and tbo
talked I
Oort, The fn.4-nhtfiK costs aUnit $'J.5U.
I him ut too ticor.
Tbo smiu pun ia nanally mippljed with ' of lioui-sc niiudes bad been claa
Jew o.d
did not wait to be wricomrf.
welctimtd. He ^'
in a girls- seminary iit Ohio Afto! Joe
three Mvl. s of ouimaDiDou—tbo enlid
Kan. TowMedd
returned to,
to, ™*>‘•“‘■•''•'1
Rja'inaung hat..
lowMena retu.^
— »>“ hat ami coat.« tbo rack.
L tbe shrll and tbo
ibv shrapwJ.
Htarapnvl. iNUne RTBdnaUng
•« Flartus, Ind. where In-r.^ Mrs. LostcrAbrieked and tlirn tottered
l»o.o.ot.... oo,. I„.k. op io tlo-mio f.lb,o oo.,,A . Bt.lo tW.lot. • l»,,t I
CkuUtitr «as »s.-d p. r.-»-i ib.- faiimns * F» n«r»l "‘uro and a bub and spoke fac-,
country .pcw«wsious weret
. charge
led liylw CsuifisJcl e gfiicnU tory. ilia '-"““'T
•ing ti
f»nnhouaea and huge
Pickett nt Ih-liyahneg A\ is rifvt bail “"M ‘T
Tbciu bad lit be uu immediate rzpla- {
p*. Pt It., riope lending up ;rd burna Mr^ Lester cnee vUit.d nation, but it did nut aatiafy Mn. Lea- j
«• .nii-«i!i-sswc
80 Cs'lnvl-Ty: Hi...
wteaH' wy*
... "P.P":« ter. bill! said'ti..e two d Ibciu were no
H,ll. ookuiiws
«tol£l «I,«,.
to J-"'”,"' ‘^‘1"“...
““ *''P
.«n,,.;i™ .A..,. Ootoo .|0«
of oo. ""'S
*'«< I U tter tbau the |ss,pic wbu go to matri•nil
■ I Ibe Kbotles ]Ksioiss
Hni. L^rer wa* I| luiuial agiticifs or pJt aloeby “penuu-;
TiK-abenu^lt.dailroTiiuinimaw !
spring. «l
to come als" into ols<ure wisjcly lapcnt.
objix-m ha well n. uiiiu.atc o^nw it conJis-Eanict did a' Was all s-ked U'vuml czpii'»>on and did
«iato of a b.ill.iw cast in* abelL with a
until they bad
Cnau and bursti
Ivu lUIUOtiA.—Cbla
Tbo fitrnims sIki
a young woman whom bo bad’uovi* cago Uecurd.
ting of tbe caUca at CMitn.«ne ia
exauiple of its tusi. Tbe Ficiiiards
triUlaiB UoTTls aa.a »
Murk tbe running rt ibo ecoundidt'
flnsl by luie of This is liie way iba letter
nut overlook
hips, wbieli.-striking
king it fairly. | “Of »snjr«* TOO diiT.i.......
iwiUci.l: 1 rfiu.tnUr Mviiig
bong and uitirly dtsiirif.eisl tbe stroc- Tast jir.>uii.|i!i.ui m thus »ildre«siug
Mt tris cue feui day uirernoon .
1. killing mony nf the Atldicn.
I voo. One fart ron umM cuisidrr. boar-i
Uui again* in.D lu battle formatiMi bv.r. lam wui. tlK> L.sic«ai much ,tf »alL;i.8 «.p I’utliu.t.ei.i nresL A Wfcl. ,
Mm abtaiuii-l Ts the uion. ■-ffts-iivi:.
meulKnieil that sue Would be glad '
mts-i Mr. BamuL baaiag read ao mm
Liist v. ts k the
tbe Flavine
girl «
Chicago foi the lung dl'iuynl
_'iiiynl vi
Jm lutd Us u
I) iidvised that iJic
Ijie photo-'
jlTswrM «»y......... L»e
.bu,. n..,..™ too u.d .00 boii™ s:,”..srob''iu*£'^o;di;id':K “i".' i c; 'd“ irrx .ru.sf.'ib.,
bj a tnnlriz of Itaou wiueii ia melted
and pountl up
p^ilaco. A sbeleti
r taiuiup n-e«|^i
• notuetjuf» KMti iiifittad of <be roin.
Tln> 1 <ad is put <to in the. came maa1 Be t!u- lose. Biel wben tbe fuw U
d tbe imij. eitile ia ready Ur use.
inMeud of
of tbo
the b.uo
bape. Tb.
. fnw Oh 1 I. rail,.., ,.uo|diait.d. bat tbo
tluitcd’SUies I.ae u. good o uuo aa
tbciuis. 11 Jsa tiiiiefuw) and iaac-Mud
«0 bo. .l....«n ,o. t,».l.bmiy,
1,049 Daily.
West Alichigan.
I _JtoiaoE^l:____
This will be interesting for
advertisers to consider.
These figm-es argue that ad
on. a.
vertising in the Morning Record
M Kapils i lidlui R. B
Feromreloee 4eputi~*i
ntt». Is
J(n«. II. »■»«.
is valuable.
pib SWT,
•1tUais<s> Is I.iim'iiu-tstvgt Tbuaeiuay
g a bbattalion
I (if con
.Vronuibi. uituiisT -J bita npou all of
•Inau' tbv (l..«i u y (If shratautl fire
agaiust (dow unlur fonnaimn miay be
Inoueab.-ti 101 bits wn« made by a
aingle sbrainn l in nucKbir 81a bits are
reoigduL iiDi ibeM- are «.it mi widl orat.
send, luuigiue. ibm. tb« eflrtrt of a
-wreU placed »nru;>ucl upon a gtusp uf
Wb oueb aa u here repisssuie^
Tbe rmdur tau readily undirataod
erhy ware are at«K waged at greater
fiMoncre and wby band to band eob' flicts arc almiM unheard oL—New
Tuck Hnrald
“Thai politician ta a 'taaa been.' isn't
iwsT' reniarkisi tbe obmrHw
“Ko.-' tvpUvd tbe (mptioos friend.
***ka t«-t •n* tfaaL He a merely a
*MBd to think tan waa ’ “ Waabiugus
This also proves that
written to you. I do'not want her to' «*• Ue hml tbe fare of a eruaader. and
learn of tbe dinner, and tbore are otlwr
marobed with that big stick of bia as
tbe cruaaiiera tunai bare marched.
One corned rounii and went with tbe
Tbe letter rlcred with a final plea tor
pardon, and Jm mailed iL in tbo con- crowd, wbicb, when it got to tbe abbey,
■riunsnon that be bad done a TCsy •»MiKd half incliutd to lauaabtbe winIcwa out
but uicm
those at lue
the titma
imad a
of ii
it were
olerer thing. He beliered that any i •ewfc
young womuo. no matti t bow atriet bet twiich.-d oS aod paaaed into Focoi'
■Boiinary uaining bad bmu. wonld bare
•««* *» Pf^^d
to amswer that kind ot letter. Qe waa
Fbile Ibe utben, wbo coold not get
not mistaken. Tbe reply tmine three 1 *“■
addnsMod by Canon Bawluidara later, and It was in a bald bbd *>o osiiide. But wbat was ao cariona
fxwked handwriting, in which both Ink '
“ *>«* *1'“ aniai—like anotber
and epaeewere laviibly wastod. fha Ckwbct—leading a crowd wbo really
did not know wiiat they wanted to do.
Boweeer, bad tbif crowd debrmined to
amoBg otber tfainge;
detiroy. to tear down even a etooe of
“Under Ibeee eztnordinary
tbeabbeyurtobreaka window. I Itaink,
•tancea J suppo* 1 am jastified in
iiuteadaf William Motrit leading them
ing to yon—a ecrangcr. Ko, not
g«r. eitber. for I hare beard ao mneh a step farther, that tbty woald only
aboQt you (ibrongbKale) that I enppoee bare taken that step over bU body. 1
1 cad already claim a half way ac- am not so nre wbat would bave'bi^
qcaintance. Aloe, to ny iti 1 cannot pened hod tbe oowd taarcbed against
oome to Chicago for your little dinner, 6L FbiiI-a for Morris baled tbe ot* sort
wbicb will doobtlees be lovely. We are at work as mocb as be iored tbe oCbec.
In tbs tbraee ol prcpantiCB tor a wed- —Sl JasMS Oasettc.
The Want Department
Is a good thing.
Try It.
departs at II >A A n.
o.S'-jSTLrsjrfSai sirsaSS;SSS-^3;,!Sff~-»—
WavMTrewfsv OKy st II :H a m has
0ov«rs3ref V^rn-iDlto Fill lb« Vs*
Orer'sodlCsil Dt-Isr^ by 8oo»
daej Iti tbr Ssasts.
Biotus is Fsc'B; Vjrtbwoi
;That is Bcport Aboul-^h
Cldseni Id Bavan* Saadfly MnDtpeK«>r. Vl. 4sB. .T —
Krsnte. Ws»h.. JsB. T.—Th* new
K>sl(h to4sr olTerod Ui« pisoe is Ihs
oecrlsnd nsil Uxln betwreo Si- I’jol
^DD«d BeeC
UnlW HUt«s STBS*# l^ri ncsBt
SD-I SesttU. which wsk pot
ihe desth cf, Senslof MorriU
i-f:----- dcoe ifae time tweUe boor*. BfrWed st
OUj Vow ts ftSUU otPrcftKiBS Posoa^ by
three hoiin. isle.
aaS tbew U Vo Vco4 tat Oow-'
B-.I t.
Ileeed tbst Mr. Piflrdd will lesre
•bsmsI I.a<Slow IssaM s Froclsiak- >' Wskhlnrv>0 »e»i
v^eeb with
Aimj *t
W.. Our..' Eix pTmiliii. thnjQ.hoDl ill. I'ui6c
the Anions ol the !eo,nnils»l<« for the unespirw) Urm.
't..!. i,._A'u 111.1 .. HRH .'■■iirU.-i.l:________________
Oflleub SB« Oltiseas.-. *
«uM.drt.S.UItl.>O.I.MI.W; »“ I.i>*»l«i.
Mersu. Jss. 7.—Ueorrsl l*edlow. I
The Good Tenplsr* bed s ee-y roWssbirrloB. Jso. T.-U U stated
■misry eotcnsoder of the -district of j
joysblo eessioD of . their JoiTye Isst
spRsesas. ■“
hss hwOed .“■=
the tollowiof .
,, A.i.
ereolny. st which Uiefo'.lowieA* qiee-
...uii. C1.U. I. IKl. rllT. uuuj:
, unUre-b.« H
lup^U-J. il .1,
ih.„.-Th. |
la exeess of sil possible re-i ilreaoeoU.
Pt.iUdelphls. dsn T.—H. Worster.
. jadcesdeelded the qaenUon in the ne*. I
Mow thst the city Is s njodlUoo of nliflil teleprspli npersior of the Phis*, It ■■ reported thst the beef wsS peek- stlre.
profotmd peace snd sed no member of-rfMphis.t Reutloe rs Iwsy st BJrpeo. ed six reA. sr-: thst s e.io sUempi;
ivkin .hu,!.,:...,
the cqtpmaDity bss any reqnlremeDt Bse mordered esriv today by rohherB. was Oisde in m-I: H to Oiins or Japan ‘;
-up... 1> I1U..1.'"..
wi,,. > l.ul -taj,!.! 11.1. r.-*~l .-irtrp Hirlr -r.
'h.! Ll.r »
food faith sod pslrlcttem to dlspt'OSe |{i,
eomlu^»r TonVed iet.i the .iffered to the cr-.wc*« ihsl JKiur.d Into
>t>- r^for-o-i.v pro-.
win .h.lr rn-i'li™, M..1 rit.w.. »l„„., , I ,b, l.Ln-l. rm-1a..- llir AlwV. ...U OrM-. A.
n.l. J I nil.,
n. r.i.n.,™. „1
bsen for see ersl dsr* been eointurily ,
the Jail Bid eHtlnp in Ms iiiiBniiiy Uetidtolieve b«n sent tO]*,’’
turalnir la their arm* and bare rep»aA wHh hla feel npon Ssoiiaraat s lime wh.-n It wa« Viir wn *= » *
CA-.eiou at . bant: lali ul he
eioested the Cottod Sutea antborlUea the de»k wa* the iWy of WursU-r. Ills .that
Alr-uirr. .rd 11 Iw
r.i.r.iolI.d,lwlb.lilb.dli b, d.. BUb, wtll.«.bl. «. .. l.u.rd.i.....l
to reeeire them.
' beS'l had b-eo rroebed and there
recelpUwmbefleeDforlhe weapons, tI«> oflice fl / was corered wllbl„„,^ nearly
paond. to |•.■ndo
M-wdUt ”
I bloodi Inc-eallnf a terrible atroffle-lRi^,
,1,^ ecmmandiog rmera] :
Bytheaaae proeiaataU'm. P"r»wl-1 All the drawers hsd been-tifled and the iytij.,, ^hat he '
aasare required to report Infoctiona. the lifeless form has been planed OB the
,^h beef lli.re ft r six cents
diseases and aaloopa aod reataiirapli j chair after the morder. There la po pcrponodf^ reported as ssytnf that
•e allowed tosUy opeo natll midnlehl
-f clew to the Borderera.
’ carfo had to be hurled
pari of tl^
insUhd of elosinf at 11 o'clock Unards
wllhio a f^w pours afu-r laoriinir. sod
patrollpf the strseta are to notice
that what was left was cnpdrined when
aasM of lllnesa and desiitntlon and
The Youdk Ladies’ Haskel Ball Club It was returned to New York by Iteneenterfeocy rations be Issued.
met yesterday momlnf. A eery eo- ral I-:4faB himself.
The Cuban fenerals meet today at
thnslastk- contest followed, the WbUe's
IVrsoBS who bare flrured oa the cost
Marino to decide npon the course they
of Ibeoanned beet to packers and the
and their oommands will purse. They winnlnf.
The HaleatioD Army will fl** »» nrice paid by the (rorernmenl. estimate
will probably decide to dUbahd.
oyster topper Mondsy eranlnf at their that there was a profit of folly fii.ooo,.
hall. This will be a -fareweir sup- 0(10. The inspector feorral will get eli
the facta with 10 bit reach.
per, •
Sterwi apraad All Oner
Detroit. Jan . 7.—A blixaard <it rag*
ipf in western and aoolhern Mlcblgen.
IB BMlcni MIclitgaB It U cdM. but less
Blormy. 7ftgo weather and below was
reported fromseTcral polaU^bmom*
Isf- IteporU from onrlhem Mtcb’ran
•ey that the atorm'Is more sews fsrther Borlfa and the snow fall Is eery
hsary. The bliaxsrd eontiours beary
Ib the upper prnlninla Trains on
•orihsra roads are delayed by the
ileorge DeVU'-tbas retomed from
Ml Clement, where be was mastered
oat of the CniUd SiatM serrioe with
Flaasant Osiherlngat tba Bomr of
Oeo V Steals near Los Angelee.
Bar] Tyler has -had the faewl of a
Los Angeles. Cal.. Jaa. 3—The
deer be shot In the upper peninsnU
last tall mounted and plaeed la bis coming of the last day of the year
barber shop at Park Place. Jim i'll- IBM brought to the. boose of Mr
_____ lunted it for him.
Hteele. near I/ce An^es. Cal. orcr
Th. U-,.l JC,l,bl«w -111 i„»lh. ll.lrtJolll...l.l. li^.JTn..iwi-o
-------- -- lly.fmm TYaverse
City, MA.B
a of Am rka In tbeir
living Id the vlcinlly of Lo* Anga'es.
iBstallatlon of rfll.-ers. which will oc
cur ^Monday olght. In Montague ha'l It was a plcasaul reur>ion. and many
After the iBstailatlon a good supper
win be aereed. A cordial IneiUtion » life, some fsvmable to Galifomis end
extended to all members apd their ethere deprecating a New Year's tide
wlthoulasleighrideor ashnwar of rain,
K*de TwaDty-Zlfbi Kaoia as Hour families.
only at the end of a epriukler cart.
The regular meeting of (be City Nor
InOtBeial Teat at Saattla.
Rot flowers cot fresh from the yard,
mal Class of Sunday school WAkere
SMltle, Wash.. JaD:T -Tbr torpedowill be held Moeday night at T to boughs from tht pepper trem and
boat Rowan passed her offi-iai test
o-i-loek In the parlors of the BepUat oranges fresh from the trees, graced
hpre. mskinf a speed of twenty s^*eB
hoard with roan.v a good thing eat
and one-halt knots for two hours and
able from the pieole baskets. Some
twenty Alauua. Uer required speed . Erery roeraher of Traeerse Bsy Blee came by wheel, some hy train and some
srae twraly-slx knots. Uoriof the,
by carriagn.
greater part of the trial the rAsel s « M-Ueue hall Mondpr afternoon at
Of the noUble evenU. of the oceasitsb
off. _....
as the boat
Thlswlll-bea special
______ ____
- _.
ll may be mentioned that Dr King look
lary that erery n
was making more tlmn twenty-eight I
two Cups of coffee, and then led the
kaoU. This makes her one of the fast-1 htWod.
othera to the top of a young mnnntaln
I Keith of Webster street was to try and aee Michigan. Ered Hedden
sat torpado bnau lo the nary.
pleasantly surprised Vrldsy eeeniog be was asked to re*pmd
about thirty of his friends. The^eent ■Traverse JUr." but excuse htmveif
was s eery fitting oi.ser*SBr».^f his
Viaaily Aaalsun^s PiaveatedDratrud-■ twentieth blrthdsT anniversary and bis IS being "U» full for utteraot-e." t>r. |
Oirbln In his hilarity tried lo Uleal a
tiea «rBoma of Hr. Skirer.
guesU wen- myal'y eatertplned.
sandwich from the,hand of I'raok Orel.
Krlitsyevening the residaoce of J.
IaOu K Bvssett. of Cbeboygan. an lieb and wa*promptly arrested br Irv.
Aslver. near lAong Lake, caught Bie
elothing man. has accept- lag Newberry, tried l?y a j’«'y of h's
from the rhlmncy and considerable!^ a po.l,i..n In the clnthleg depsn- peers. CDoalvtlng of Either Bvllc.y. K
damage was occasioned, before tt.ej„,„i
Hp.i„Wgs dey goods and K Thurston. Jack Perry, Roy Perry. ,
blarv was ssUngu slied. Two ladle.
sbrre.and will begin btodutirs M'S J. W liilPin. 1. L Ensign. Mrs.;
of the h'lusebnld made desperate affnria row morning
Engle. Miss Chase and Miss Carrie.j
to pxllngiilsb the fire by carrying j r
________________Carnes, (Dr. Cortiin's two dsughtersj
water from a sitty-fniii well. They I |
and Mrs. Corbin being excused by rea-j
were having shard struggle when At*' i.Mt«* ll-elha BrlMol. who for t
aoD of knowing ton ipticb abvot
leyTi.nms.dro»cup vritl. , rig
'ias*l three vreeks has been v..,.,„cj,
V>sHlng;Hie jury verdirted that ihe de, ‘nr.
with hi* ssMstsni-re on the nsif With^
RsoW*. j should haveone in->re chance for bb life. ,
r*.tr<md r/ju ^
-------------- ;----------- I
........... :
Because Your Fen
Was Worn.
You made a blot on roiir new page. In the future
buy our }>ens4ind save all this. ,Thon penholders are
neces.sarv—so aijc pencils, ink*^rulcrs, erasers—And
Tcmeoibi.r this-*-We have the largest stock'of blank
bcKiks, just unpacked, ever brought into Xorthem
220 Front St.
Tell That Husband
Of j-ours to just drop in and get you a pair
of those]
shoes for $.V00. They are
certainl^rtEr hne.st in the city for the mon
ey,'^uAt received a shipment of the latest
st^^adies' Boots.
“City Bookstore.”
Tlic Most
Ih not proof «unit)*t nnythini:
so Biibtlfl nnd altmctiy.- ns
RiciP>r'(t Calif ,rtiia !Vrfuiii<-h
. Oneof theawoetesl oflln-ae
is callwl (Santa Bnrhara HeJ*
>otro)M>. No iiiniik would be
able lo turn away from anytbinic BO invitiuir. to My notbin'u of a woman.
We hnve’iii sLx-k all the
fainoue perfuin'-u ■ made by
Rii':»»r the Califorum IVrfutner.
fimitfaer'B HioeolaLfi. and
Ibin lions—freali .p>ods—at*•
tmi-tiie packatres.
Steinberg’s 'Grand Opera House
Beginning Mondaj^, January 9
Hypnotists and MindjReaders-The Greatest and Highest
Class Ittraetion of its kind Trareling.
lllU LrVVifUU
-HUhopCsr.-lageDrivcMind Reading Teat"
More. Oap’icales the - Mind Kaadiog" work of the BaldnUa the • Spiritnalblie*' work of Anna Eva Fay. Piaoea
■............ «-'tin CrysUl Olaaa Caakel " for S days in .Show
Jas. G. Johnsotf
ywUhheesunt. Mrs fsaae! held It without tasting white Atfrsdj
.Mitchell of Iaowc'!, who will elsU ' Black shnnid take his picture with the
jb-r dsnehier. Mrs Wjijiam Qark I whele party on guard duly. This was Not Old Stock—Not Old Styles.
A Oarload Xatendrd for jfsw Tork
j accomplished without the loaa of the}
i Mrs llarvee of nnisdate. Is ylslllng! temy.
Kagiaaw Jan 7 ~A carload of nnd< r-' **'*
Wtnans. Mrs Harvey has j Hr. EoaigB droye SS mBca ai^ re-1
e.Mdflrft.oteBaedforsbipmetU) .Nrw:*^"*'**^^"***"
1 inroed. having tola of .time to cajoya||
York, haa beep sUxed by deputy fame j ^ * bkvdle of Old- Hlmioa wax in j vtolt with old frienda
wardans. Thirty barrala have baca
TMt^rdny oe busiama.
,Itwasmn*edandrarTMthatfartb*:aleasd at other points oa the river
| Herbert MontagDe went to Drand er
■ eelebratioBS be held in the fnUre j
I Rapids yesterday sflemoOB to visit the aad
tba Oraad Traverae Exile Uocieiy,'
r Weaker.
formed with Mm. HlUoo.s*«rplar7. $6 00 Patent Leather Shoea. Nellleton’s make, go
{fareituee exhibitloe. Be a
82 SO Ladim’ Shorn Cola Toe. Veiling Topa, go
I.budeaghterifertrade that tag on It
Oso. B. BmJL
Washington, Jaa. 7.—Bapn
•6 00 Eaamcl8h-ias.Pi8geMABiBiibiBake.toaL. 4AU
Dlogley waa a little weaker today. He Jnomey to Aan Arbor,
SS 00 Oordovan Snosa. Plngraa I Smith make, go
sained oosiderable real daring the* genator MlUiben came from Lanaiag
.................................................................. 18S
Bigbt and tbU moraiaff was able to yeelJ>Hav to look after hla boaiaem.
taealar. Jan. 7.—The WolfariaaJ ^
BoxCalfSbr-ev Plngroe * Smith «n*ke.go at. » ;W
•l.M Mlsem' Sboea. Coin Toa. Laoeaad Battoa. ^
taka same nourisblngfood. The worst Be will relnm early <o the week
Kegar comps y of Raaton Berbor. witb . gt.OO Kid 8ho«a. Piagrae A Smith make, go aL..
faar pnw is that Ip hU extremrly en-| family .is comfortably MtUed Is a
Shoes. Several Stylaa. go aL...... 1 05
fecbled copdiiioe his heart mlfht fall pleaaapt hoate for the armlon.
Miss,* UeLaughllB. TWb spd Baalaettretnned last night from tba aoolbmake,go at...
2 'ZS
•tram Oas«a Vroae.
I pm part of the sut« where they baeal
. Marine City. Mich. Jan. 7.-The bsc* becB spending thrir vseaUam.
Tble Mnralag’a Tamperatnia.
aad bead of ibe boiler la the Pbmrito
At l:Mthla mornipg the SkoooD
•all works blsw ppi today, badly ocaldkaraometor regialarrd I dagreea
iag William WuBsey. The |aaasa w«a I _____ __
aurtbuled to the Irestdos ap «f the | tagne gave . farewHI 1
I to ‘a
Tou Get Your Monsy’s Worth, of the Old Ballubls.
r»»0eew of her
It latlmale frleada at her'
boma OB WaohlBgloa atraat. Oc
««( TtHdar abA
were laid for alx asd the ladles nejoy.
at oar Mfearopma C^aa. W. Baxter
will exhibit Siaia-Bloeh's aprfng
when Ussier will be here srilb m«i». ad n plsaaaat eeealag. The dm
atylea elptblag. aad take ordem for
Blarb-s «ne line spriag alotblagaadrosoo. Him
fMara dSleerr-’wa aUl begfadta'
pa*t Taeaday sad W’adamdar,. Jaa.
abew thaae ghods to aaw as wsR
Ukaar<wfaiaradellfPrT.ie»*t.!**'**“™““ roaamak
BAMiMa CumuM On. ,
Hat(n.TiMCu>nn»eCo. *waMa
2,388 Pairs Will Be Closed Out I
We haie about 300 pairs of Shoes that are eoiag at SI.S8 aoit S2.48-llot lev teasi
Frank Friedrich,
118 Front Street.
"Wurzburg I loc1|'.
. '-I 'i
Ml*. M. B. TUribf. Mn. UM*.Mn.
S. C DMprw. Mr*
Tba Mt Mnr>r
MU«r b«tor* Ui* el*b.
Um MBMl report »f O* Mcnury.
<rbl«k «u trrMMited M follow*;
Mbiuh CKAiBa** An Lams*;—I
WbU« lb* PMI ;«*r bM b*« erpirB*d:
•M. ».
«rltb WU of • baHoo*! l»porU*€».'
y W. Kw».
Miwctr- tb* La^h*' Ubr»ry A«ocl*llo« •mb* j
io b»T* fMMOd Ibc «rra wpor of iu 1
tb* •i*e«Ur* h»i4hMbt.I
tMidMl .Inetly to U* bMlOM*of lb*
•MMtaUoo: A* wltanM* of tbl*. ••
A* are look tbr<nsb * teleaeep* aad
b»r«bel<l dortof U* yMr U rdrolv H* WiU Oi**^« MeBarfeabl* Mlad obuia a gliiop** of the wooden it r«- ‘
Md « bpMttl BMilag*. wbteb. wltb
Tealf or aa wc rlorly tbe leecU* which
M*Bd^ Test la rablie.
U* ^MrUrlla*. moka >1 ■••tiBf* is
bare lieeB aliained by expuru ia ilt o*,
Tb* yooBgaal hypooUal aad Blad tbe tfliod i« aatonlly imjire«i«d wiibi
*o<J power of tbe Crrato*^
Crrato* 1
YMtij U tb* 7«v tb* Uhrrj ball raadrr befor* tb* WorM tod*y. la tbegtaoritur and
ab*p* wlib sew Prof Boob*, wbo smTHl Ib tbl* eUy of ^bi-bearealy bodies Wbeo we lean
Prof. Bo^oe aoBetbingof ibeir, mcieetneuti tbroogh
Mrp*U. «bair*. tsblM. *le., Bakiag •■ ye*l*rd*» aflerBLoo.
Tbo BoBor of Srovor OtovcUsd.
. eoa» wllb bo •Bd of *Bdora*mes;a
. lilioB
by tbe prtm of tbe ooaiitry la large that tbeir phase* and poailioos
Bs-pTMidMt CleveUsd rSMrU to
teeiold with perfect oertaibty Ifltia
aad BDall eltlnaad bU featstaST*
BsBor U uprMlnc bto *k*w* spoa
for boidlBg • >
Mrriiortol «spM*io« asd bM duapKBtabed tbe acleBUfte world. Be loMwraloflt- lsbi*reBMk*hsd«asrM U«k away tb* Basaab BiAaa. laaviag tnxlac^ biB»*eU to tbe public laat man dcTtiiDR, il ia ii .
Mat tb* ebj*otioM of ssttrM in vax ■ad b«aru U aaay bos**, aad aad*r •eeaing by *a oddrea* Is froat of tbow of icasoo to deny the caolrolliag
dIciBberg'* Grasd Opera Boaac, after preaaaoeor as ioBoile
••W pcMiMtos* to WiDf' C0*«rMd bj
which be eaaaed bU tQbjMd. Jobs L. pal Becorder.
«h* UsUod •WU* ess b* cMilp o*«r- iadcdotuly poatpoBod.
tom* sMl .sowl sol ’»or»T tb* **P“Upon tb* dapartar* of lit aoldUr Dooglma. to go fato a cauleptle aUta
Fra* Piue■teoMU; ftsd •• If* grow* mot* b>Bor- boyatb* UdlMoltb*libr*rj sad* m da the big display wladow, with tbe
airabe at exactly
Bead your address to H. E. Bucklea
pw tb* *..pr*Md«t M«(**l*;
'boBaewt***" for dUuibutkoB aatoag
o'clock Woodsy arealBg opou tb* stage A Co.. Ghicagu. and gel a free aample
•Tb* r*BWl7 i* to slsorbtM tb* u
That tb* gift
box of Dr. King'* New Life IHlla A
Vnm. ''b* tb* bUUsf of uti*** b** by the aoldicra ataay ol a* bar* r*B*os of the opera hooM. AftM the aabj -•*! trial rrlll eoariaue you of tbeir merita.
b*M tb* laatv* of tspu*b« also* wt- tokaoir^fer did
of tbeUlat- waa reduced to BDOosaelouaB*** be da. Theue pills ace easy in action and are
WHtop ta^rsB. OBT UBperiBiMUe *0.
Csba COB* bOB* witb lb* llberauly sewed hi* Up* together with particularly effectire la the cure of
CoosUF*tioti and Sick Keadacbe. Kor
skadto tb*
tbirfr— BbOBid BOt b* Cboekad
a*w*d together wlib tb* a Bcwlle aad tbrcMl U plala algbt of a
laria and LIrer troublea they hare
throng outside
»r. Dougla. ]
tb* ator*. Mr,
**ily *r **ud^ a idcBtUal ttarcBl «* bad pat la tboa* tbroug
ralnabir. They are
UBOwrMUagupoaaoooeblBlhewlr-.^^^o^ to he
perfecUy free
|B» tbOBSBBd or a law basdrad tboa*- ■taOCMWi***?”
hr pel
ercry deielerlou*
us *u1
••d rmplBoa" TbU h* b*U*f**abould
te |f *Borl*l Day tb* dapai
They do not weaken
>• tMVdod *• OBiT ‘-OM *Uff« ia tbe
ra of tb* •aaoelatloo
ilatloo wbd ra
their irtion. bill byg'lrlngtobcto
tbe |
food ordriek. notU tbe Ubc speelfled stomach aad bowels greatly Inrigorate >
|r*BaiHB<1iTr“r graat BOf*B*Bt, a wood eesetery
MBTB lBCld*Bt ta iu ptogr***," H* ai- bar ar flow.r* bod badge* plsead upoa Moadayerenlag.
the system. Brgolar size 2&c. per bos. | V*
d 8. E V
Hold by J.U.;
•B Bdd*; "Of *001** BOB* aaprcparwl tbeir grarra.
pOBla wbBld IbMi b* lost bator* w* bad
Tbe mb aBDlfcruary of oar
«b* opportOBUy of ebrt»U*Blsla« tbcm. tioB was ealebratad by a^leale at Baat
^t BBiBly tboa* of oar oiargyB** wbo Bay aad aa *e|uyable Ub* wa* repMP
kboaduB* *0 BBcb to eqooorBg* *b- *d by tboa* who w*r* *o forluaai* a* 1
aoBid BaBBg* ibw dlfUoaUy '' todttead.
Tb*** Beat scat* ooBlsg froB os*
Uarlog tbe year tb* Udi**' Ubrary
«bo OB*« ooeapted tb* Bo*t lofty po*l bas jolaad the auu federatioa of club*
ttosaatoBg tb* satios* of tb* world aad elected delegau* to aiuad tb*
pnsoi is aooord »>U tb* aappoaid aecttag held at MaBl*t**. The exoelwood **aM of tb* Btao. In tbs* treat leat reportot tbU BeeUeggirea by oar
. . Monday
afuraoain iTofeeaor
M tbl* <|B«*tloB tb* eapreaidcetwa* thoroughly eaj lyed by
p laftestioo apoB tbe lolly purp**** of all wbo beard it, and a new iniMuai Bouae will gite bla celebrated miad
reading teav Ba will Innw n cobbO-‘
•htogoeersBcal la apreadlbg ciriiliaawakened la lb* good work tke
gtoa abroad aad Bmlatalakaff liberty federatioa U etfinag to do lor tb* tee of proBiaent beatac** men to write
letter to some well known business
•adar tb* ABarks4 flag. Mr. Cl**a
onea of Mlcbigaa.
laadbadUMopportaalty to iBBonal'
We hare bad uadcr eoaalderatloa the ISO In tbe city. They will tbra mail
lat bU n*BC a* Prastdeat McBlaley boaliag of our building by ataaB with tbe letter wblcb wlll be ofoourac depaalved
in the lock box of tbe mse to
hM doe*, but b* wa* aae<)aal
Bciroum Suite
a *i*w to renUag
whom tbe lettv U addrteaed. Then
task aad It fell upoa a ataa of grtaur qeeatly, but tb* 1
trtodoB aad Boee bsmaBo purpoae* to wbo larcaUgatad the matter found that tbe key will be bidden whereeer the
for a
coBinlttee eball elec'.. Then I'roirssor
bfigg glory epoo tbla bbUob wblefa It would OMl ua ab..ut rM l»
little money.
Boone. ID compasy with tbecommluee
add* to* lualr* wblcb ba* beea grow, ifaU aad It did BOt aaem wk*a at p
lag Bar* brililaat year by y*ar.
The year baa be*b aa ereailul aa* to
M OM ever aaapeet^ that Hr. Clcee- u* la one re*p«rt. Wa bar* com* into bliodloidwl. to tbe spot where the key
iPAd ooDld •ccuBpltab reaalu which
of tbe legacy latl na by Hr. i* bidden, tbra go to tbe postofllce. uaban Bade McBiaicy great, therefor*
a.lB the •bap* of gllMU.uu. barlag lock the btis procure tbe letter, and
Houae FurztlahBr.
deliter it to the party to whom It is adkl* word* are BOt au aacb of a aarprlae aaltlad with Mr*. Uames for ibat
M tbty Bigbt be.
I?0 Froat Street
a Bauer that aameaitaicd **rer. drMsed. teiliog him tbe oooteatt, hi*
al ol tbe special Be*ilBga of tba board name and buaibess. This Is a rriaark
ALbaafiy there U a ebaoge for tbe
able te*.t and U-wiI) be followed in lb«
aad aoclety reUrred to.
battar U tb* aoadiUoii* ta Bara
Tbe euasUtutlon of tb* assoelatloa ■eeblag by aiili more nfysUfylng tesu
0*a*ral tudiow baa MUbllebed
In tbe opera bouae. both of mind read
baa bats Ib the baods ot a cobbIU**
(borough *y*WB of patrol aad tbe
There will b*
aad nadargoBe a thorough ra'risioB ing and taypnotiam.
biMlaiiT r*-- Buaaer la which BstUra
wblcb baa been aubBltted to tba so three ta<iuia of aclenee and fun witbonl
pr* eoadaeted bare laapired tb* bual
aIngUdull DomenL
ciety for approeal and will eome up for
•M sea of tb* city with eoafldcae* 1a
oonaidaratlon today.
ibapnrpOBMof tbs UalMd Hiatea auBeside tbe a«w hooka usually ad(.ed
tbertUM- Maay of tboa* wbo kept
to our library we bate made two taln(b«Baal«M fully uracd to protect tbeir
I a rnwIsM «ir» a** H.lps to UghS-,
What family U there-tbat bas not |
abie addilloo* ia algbt toluBee ot Uat)ir*aaud properly are bow vuluatarily
«• Ufv's WarI
tcmI Blstory aad dioddard-a L«et«r«a
a few reeeipta ol their own lor
glviag up tbeir aria* aad aeUtely
regard a sense of bumoe a* cne of^
of wblcb arten toluB** are now on
borne, aneb aaBmbroeaUona. Congb
1 full
tbe niimt pr\-ci>iua gtfu Ibat nuv-be
tag tbair 1
sad with more to follow.
' raltaaeaoBthe praiccUoBoftbeantbordyrups, Linlmenla, SsIvm and
We beta beea called to asoura U.* VoncbKif.tl h, a linmaii being He is not
IIH* la poa(*Mtoa.
our meBbeta, nnousimrily a twlu.-r uinu for ba«mg it. Tea*. PreparaUona for tbe Bair.
M by death of one of ou
bnt l.r u a hupjuir one- It r. nd«« Uun,
rs. Ferry Baaaab, aad t«
eU " J>\t give all such retndltTi'Mit
VoTwintsTAatnau tbe fact that the
with a aiaier Bcmber. Hr*. Corbett,
•oablus bun to oiijoy bisuwn Jisuomfl-'
eeipu the tame care and atteotioc
Oparof BuMlaia..^ projector of tb*
bar great eorrow at tba and^ aad tonI
**)*brat*d dumrBapeat •eb*B*.b*go«a
that la giM to tbe moat ImporUnt
Ll>tordwUh tbit wnae be I* never;
tr^ie Uklag away of her bi^ad
tight OB buying big gua* and plaetng
preacriplion*. nting none but the
ondulyriatrd or oust down No on*,
weuliariy aad clrcumsiancea.
bl* bray and nary apon a b«iter tootMU rrime Ins U!ui|icr Nnubusodistnrt* .
d*o. ia Biegled joy aad aorr
beaVdmgaaod ebemlcali in tbeir
tag (baa etcr. I’arbapa after Bi
bl- <-<juuuiiiiity Daros dti nut bur* biib.^
tba old year bat passed away >ad
bb*pra*ld*dbar**lf with aaffijleal
■Uad oe the thrmbuld of the new with Uuu>i>ug>di>tK>t taniubug btn Bulemn
nipnm ou bim enilimrnUl
bB»atUi*Csar will take a more deel- prospecu of a bright and useful future. airs du nut inipnm
gosb dufs . il .uitio. dm- lunt : Tbe tuilic*'
bt«* *t*p la brlagiag about aalrcraal
ot liic iuoiii<.'iil
DU biild
U U. Iii'< a. tlee.
T1H1--a'lul .Ii--«iraUuU> an-bill «-bil.li-b
baubli s lu Ills •■y«-s Fn-juduu d.»u tint
It U not cDougta that Chicago ahall
Someitaing Ooud to Maad
Wurjl bl■{•-1- Ofivi-r lU couba afll'cicd with aflgbi amoog
Tbe January magaalnea are panleol ct'il or oul <i(
It with bluix'lt lie
pswapapen upoa aiunlcipal rutuanoM. arly worthy of clue atuaUon. Tbl* abbimiall duginiitisni The u»ri<l ii a
bbt abe Boat b* the victim of the 0i
itb*a numbers ars filled witb arti •tagu mi wbli li ai'Kirs strol aud (n-t fia
Jygrlp. aaepldeBleoflbegenolB* ar- cles which will be found of more tbu bitodlUc allun nuU umux iiuvii. aiid be
pnrsui-s lbi> fnvu cnrti ul ol bi-way. in(Bla bow being prevalent.
oHInary interestvnliioralilu. doiug wlul i» right aud
:l received Thursday morniu* and placed on
eale at my State st. sales barns a
car'oad of tbe finest
■ -
! That ever came to this county. By caUlng this
iibiewitbaDy|^eek you can get good .sBlectlons at low
prices. Come early and ti^e your pick of the
best lot 70U ever saw.
Our Mono:
Nothing Nicer
Sell cheap, sell a heap and
keep everlastingly at it.
egaxLt. A RHOj?t;m.eXLt
TraFerse CiQr, Hich
140 Front Street
lb* Memmse *l the eatiance
tb* ha>bor of ^ntlago,
by ^
m^,,,^val Iruiu oib
hero of____
tbe ineideov Lientenant
if Hamlet bod bad anya«»»eol bnOf Tb* Ladieg’Library Amo. tbe ^
Btcbard Fearaoe UobaonComing' mor. he would udi bare Utai a uuuauc*
rr^^tbe’^n'Vf LTeuteVanl Botwoi - toTiiiiw l'raiid't.. all anrrociDdmg bun. |
------------and being oorreeUy illustratad, tbu —iAiudou Tmib.
aa artlele ol bmtwUal valu* a*
^aablKaatiagTcawrdapst Which
To the PubUc.
Oftoara W*r* Sl*elad and Aa In- well as'lalena* ieterMl.
Tba feature ol tbe
W* are aulbont-d to guarantee every
MnMiag Baport rt tb* a*«r*U»T Bdwla 8. Wallaee'e "Jew* In Jen
bottle of CnaBberlaln a Congb Remedy , ^_.
and If Dol aatUfae’nry to refund tbe
lcB.'' a Body lllustratBd a»d very
Birey to the purchaaer.
There U no
Tb* aaaual aeatlag of Ut* Ladle*' gaging article.
belter medteiae ___
made for la grippe.
The Naval Campaign of isM. ie tbe i
b»%J*g o^h.
Ubmry AawBlatloe w*s b«ld ytaierday
TrylU b- E. I
•tlBrsoOD- Ther* was eoB*ldM»IHe UUc of tne leader in HarpM'a It la a
rotUa* buslBcaa dlspoaed of bsaldM fin* article, treating tb* deed* nnd
«<ia alMlkmofths foUoalag ofBeara: eveaU which cbaracterlied tbeAuierleaa navy la tbe late uopleasastacae.
Praaideat-Mra. C J. Kaaelaad.
t*tViMFr«*ld*nt^Mra. A- L Haal- •rttten by 8. A.btanion. of the Caited
An st-.-actlvc portion of tba JanWuy
MeClure* i* a new story by AadjLrd
Srd Vie* Fnaldant-Mra 7. C. Fblr- Kipling, wblcb begin* la thU Dumber,
lu tiUa 1* "Malky A Co..-' and aoUi^^
farther need be said ot it. "A Voyipre
bwmWtry-Mra. M. K Usek.
. PlaABelal «e«r*tary-Mi*. O. P. Oar- oa the botloa of tbe Sea." U tU;^Ue
of anoibar fiae anUle written by (iti
' 'T>r- AMHtBBt Plaanelal Beeretary—Mr*. Uke. tbe Inveator and builder of tbe
fsBous aobmarla* craft which ta de, W. D. CHrtI*.
algaed to explor* the bottom of tba
' Twa*arM—HruTW. Potiad.
Toe anleU dtocHbM tba first teat of
Ubrariaa-Mra. M. B TblrlbyAaaHlaat Ubrarlaa—Mr*. C D. Lb- the Bxebine. which was eoadaeted by
Air si
tba author. Aa extra aa^i.y of Ibwe ^
^AMUloul Bwia^ of bawd-Ml*. BagaxiaM «aji be foaad at (b* City xmi
». X. 0. Bata*. Mn.
L. Bavilbod.
A Family
“Best” Flour.
We have a large number of Carpet Rem
nants in Ingrains, Tapestries, Body Brussels
and Velvets, from ten to twenty yard lengths,
which we will close out before inventory at ^
greatly reduced prices. Also a lot of large size
Smyrna Rugs at Half Price.
Gome early and secure a bargain.
tH< mmmro
BPgPAT. z&hvakt 8. i8e»
I loVii 0^ "JdvcVvvaaTv.
j SVvor\,‘5TesVvXe«» S\on»s J S?SF^lHs
It U an •xtcllaot thus to«<*ad>U« aa aucn a* they am»a at abuai IS
ytan. or rrai tafioc. a hlU«
mall expmditiutia aod oiaha
lUuo’ Ibai ibty do ao il ito^
AlOaoaaoapaelaUrlaeidaat peear-1 oriajr to aUf tha apraad. tha local!
wiT«^Uetr ali6»r«n«
all^adcB. ^bm
Mdaitha Blchaaod boaa Joat aftar ibaaJtb oOcan ha*a takas akaad, or-i la oo itutncilai ntnaeoaoeiBaiT-to^iltha aeaMaai to Joke B^ekBood lo Car . darias rap-Mod aod ak^ttekiat atoek dnai thau uiat^rtiua lu the «ue manlasd a fav daya aro. A earrter do**: loch d ap aad watekad.
| Mtantaot uf.t^auiy Cbiidnu aboold ha
tauski oar^^-trbai tree auouuaiy ta aitd
allrblBl oe the booie aad war aaaa by;
i well kacwB raaldesl',
;j*c •»». ■
a aaifbbOT. Wbas the door waa opea- j
a the abarp aad ofajf„,cy_u, luakias poIt-ba«»
rf “St
Elckaoad a aboaldor U a-aa ua-j dayt hfo. Blood poteoalaf art U aad ; ba. uf tbe Bwouiedirooiuturtrof extra*darly placed U a baahciasd alaeed ia 11.|, nf, waa deapairad of. bat be ia sow ‘ a«anoe aiay *btc tbetn fran laocb anfMOtbsrrooB. Aboatio .iDataa after |
will raoorer.
; fmus ia alter yoara.-Kc* York
tAeyoaajrs i breathed bla teat the! The Keator eaUU U aaid to be cat- j
Pbreoadlad Koosa kaew from wbeooa' Her llBberoBro*erBffleaVlaed»ia ae|
«ha( aaoai ika Lakewanal
Ike bird
I ae It bora aothlar i
Mar<|aeuedUtrict TIb Taraeey taya I "Phwatr atclaimed ihe Bear ala*t
MeeUfy It
^bara a rifbt lo do ao. Laad' Cea
' MtbaexaBiiDedthr hathroou. "OaV
I they
bole to let tbe watbar oB I”
The Norlkweatem Cedar Mea'a
- mkaak>Ber.UarmasD t« oOBaiderlarTarmMid tba oew ainat
att^fbwaaba Friday aturaooa a»d - eaaloyea'rcporu ie the caae.
It there*"
waa larraly alUadad. Oaa of tha Boat, Pktreblld Poai, O A. B'. of Uraaa
"Well. 1 «’pow wbea folk ala‘t rich
Isportaot itooB of baefaaM waa the : Lake, haa votrd to aarreader Ita cbar- tbay 'a> to do erllb tfaiasa as they can.
adoptleaof a aaiforB priea Itet and | lar aad diaband Jaaaary It. Tba Wo- Bat at toe ItM placa leery wan o< tba
tka ataWItkBaat of a M rau par ear. «aaa'a Ballaf Corpa will ooatlaaa.
k»<l l*o bolaa in 'eia coo-
Our Big Sale of Clothing will positively save you twentytfi've cents
on every dollar you spend if you buy here.
...b .b,«u. <„
laasbera all tkronrb MJchlraa. Ia
lira Nallia Berieaa of Ooedrleb cob- | Uladwla coaaty one saa taaaatly killBlltad aelelda Tharalay alfkt by Uk ] ad Iftaea la one day. maklar XS. tba
lar Btorpklaa. kba was ad yaaia old bounty on wild cate balnr X aacb.
^aj^larof Bart LUooBba. wh* j m Laaalaf yoae. R. TVylor. tba *aakiUad blBtalf laal ttapUBbar. rtBlIy ^^a crier of tba
aourt. «bo
^Ma waaabe eaaw of bar aelloa.aba ] j,
to all the atioraeya
^rlMaiadablilfordiroraalroa bar ■
broke a kaea eap ...knabaad aoss.Uaa aro.
da be ta ai yaara of art. It It fearAtewoMo t<
ip. <n.ub =™-l.db. wnib..l=M U.»~oo.mlw
« at tbe ODBrraraitoaal pray froB the laiory.
er Baatlar Tburaday avaaias. Tbay
aatarad tha roo« darlaf tha aerrioa
and aabad for help aayiar that it was
too laU to ret help tbrourb tba aaaoci
aiad ebarlUM. They demanded help.
latlBa_tH^that tba worabipara were
w tbay profraa if.it i
Ma Up
I Strictly bona-fiile dtscosBt of twentyfive per lient. from lowest prices is wfiit
we offer feu eo every Suit, Overcoat,
Ulsnr, Reefer Coat, Peots or Mackieaw
for meo, boys or childreo............
Tbrra Is ooo oonaolatKB in beinr cb
the shady aide of lira Wfaen a man
psts io <« 6U yarn or ao and be says of
yonns wnuian, "OODfiiond it. if I
niarnud alnwdy I'd marry tba
yselt. be at-iniUly believes aha
"u „ b,„i „
Uiis ber. belter perhapa -BosUm Traaacrtiit
New goods- Iwaght this season.-all aro desirable and stylish.
too many goods to invoice, hence this cat to sell quickly.
Sale lasts until Feb. 1st, 1899.
&6UCT8\ "Ketas &Vems
SVcawcdi *5Tom SaeT^iaWe, |
COMF AND SEE tbe garments-*-find out i& we tell you the truth in this
No price marks have been chapi^edi-none marked op—you take ONEFOURTH OFF of every one.
Tbe health of Eaperor WilliaB of altbourfa DO fataUilea are expected
Oermany. who baa been auSerlar frosa la order lo aecomiaodaia the men ternlaflaeDB for tone days aaal. ia iww
aailsfactory. UU uMjeaiy oa Prtday coaitraeUid out of
raosivod ia aadleace tba mlnUter of {aBaUInr. aad under the weirht of tbe
Oeasral Voa Uoaaler, and
alreplnr aoldlera ibe atreetara toppled
ehJef of ibe alHiary cabinet. Ueaeral o*er. All tbe irjarad were Second
BatulioD area.
At Uavana. the hinr'a boUday was
John W. l.yoaa. rerlatar of the iraatory. wboaealraatura appearaoo every obaarred Pnday aa If Alphonso still
over Cuba. Capuin Slrsbee bad
piece of paper earraacy now Isaord by
waddlnrannlrarBryat tha borne of
their deurbter In koalb Bead, lad.
Mr. rarria U M ynie old and Mra. Rer
While eatUar wood two wllee from
«allaa. .Bdward PhliUpa ae*erad two
snarlea la bla fool. WUboal cbeehlar
tha flow of blood he drore to Iowa and
yaaehad there uaooBeioaa froB lorn of
taVuiirrobuVrcJi'- i
Men’s strictly all wool Irish Frieze Ulsters {Black, Oxford and Brown
colors) standard value f 10.00, our price f8.50. now % off...........
At Urand Rapid. Mr,. Ktward John-'
eoB lound her husband Jyiaf by ber
^®’'» <">“
*WU* that a
aide dead Friday mornlaf. He had a
''ukoo river aheamera will, T
broken arm apd she say. the doetore I
>” ‘*’® 1 \
rave him chloroform trcHusnOy- The *P^‘“« 111* Robert Kerr, of the Ho |
eoroner 1. luvuilfutlof.
O'**- 1» «n » bar fifiy milee below
James ivnow.aauidreaidentof
pemiif. suBcrlnf f«,m cucer, .Uot,^*** *'**‘‘*“ «P'“~“P®
as caufht by tbe Ice while oa a |
aad killed him.rlt Friday nlfbi
. , , .
I-wr a., milca below Fortv Mile. Tbei
. .
T" , ,I
.*S,..ao.sh.ll cll™ ol .1,.
Reliabfe Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House. Tra\*erse City.
Did You See
Those Pretty Handkerchiefs
‘he L'niled Sutea
orcd man. with a cultured face, birb !
Teat* lo -wlinea. the nai
forehead and M,utB J.wa
It la aald th'at the eBrleaeriar facul
Count Alfred Voa Walderaec. wbol At New York, the s '
ty of the 1‘. of M will ihU winter aah tbe
«ra lor aa appropriation of Xv.- ■ucoeeded Von Mol the as chief of tuff j pany of the Abbsod baa c
•OOlor a mecbauioal earinaerlar e*theOenaanarBy. married an Amer- ^,Hhelawaof the sute of Virpiaia,
parlBeaial laboratory. Ur. Veuybaa ]
woman. Miss Mary Lee of New I»
authorised eaplul of »l0.i
ofleal labra-1
who thus beeame anut by i
(MO, with tbe power to purchase rubber
I rlace to the Uerm
landa and eonoeatioua io toteiiro eounMra. Helen B. Markham and Henry I At Denver Mra Florence Ellcbie. a triea. U ts underalood that a number
Biley of this city, own i.U'tu acrea ef'™*'°l*er of Frank I>anlela' eompany. ]of Icadlny rubber manufarturers of the
Blnlay land, located In the mldat ofi“«" pl*y'“« at that place, falaied i United Statu are inieruted In tbu
r discovered I **>He laklnr a bath at the Albert hotel eorporatioa with tbe idea of obtalaiosr
the big ^oc Helds i
tbeir rubber rrqnirrmenU Ibronifb the
falo City, at which place the Markbam- { It U thourbt in Uermaay that the ownership of rubber lands. Kiehard
Riley claim ta located, broBf hi out luo emperor will write an aecouat of bis F. Sears arrived ymtorday from tbe
Inns of pare she.
journey tothceaev Aa the empnw AmazoB with options on ucvirral Imponaut producloK ditlrieu.
keveral old biatoriea meatloa a lake look a larye aumbar of phoU^rraphs 'a
Tbe diplomatic and eonanlar appro
ia Leroy lowaablp near lUltle Creek | dHTereal oocaaioaa oa which it
' kbowa aaCopaa^coB. None of the old
dbTe‘for auy^rerJ^ u do "aT The II Tburaday. It carrlu •! S<K).(KM.
of a
ra can DOW locate It but many account could be rendenrd all the
allkbt reduction oa last year. The eonUlok that the mluinn body of water j inteieallDf if these were made om
aulan yeaeral. coaauls. a'c.. laCqba,
kaa been f Ivan a modera aama.
I kroator Onlloni*a resvmblaaee to
the PblUpplara aad PorU Rico, are
Mra. Charles-Oatorae.
prononnet^ year omlvied for Ua Aral Ume; CoaaaluThtorae. lealdlnr s»,r t
Otter Lake, was
tteewB from a buMy ! *’1
Tbuae who baew
preai- keneral at Uavaaa and eoasnlt at Ma•aa ttwowB
say tb«
. —seior
U «V p
pad raoalved serious It not fatal lojui- ' dent
Haalla San Juao. SsnU la Orande:
■•Kbrblln* B->b" Evaua
Evans was
keveaBBala forty-elfht bourn eaua-f ■•KlAbllaf
broufbtj„d N-uv.taa. The
>1 appropriaedSaflaaw police to auapeet two bo*a ■ »P *‘'““•rta*'-“ •“>' •
lion of XJ.two
Xt.OuO for a UUatled Statea min
of incendiarism. Nobody yet arrealed. |
«'>'>•■«»>uter to Spain U made, and for the eoaauia in the Spaiaish peoiesula Mexico
Physicians e^iiaiale that there arej
fully l.uoucaau of Ufrippa lo u*a-1
‘oU*® *“*''* appear* for tbe fllM''tlme with the
Inf In sumv tnataaou eoUrv familke'
at ConsUatinuple : r-sok of I lubaia*. Ih- salary of tbe am
I®"* the same sum to Hubert Collefe 1
“‘M tlTSmi
We pave
In our Holiday Display Window?
■Well, they are somewhat wrinkled and a few are
ja trifle soiled, but we have divided them into 4 lots,
and they are yours on our
Monday’s Special at the following Cut Prices:
h.,'. s,.,.i.»o. . b«. ni
„n,l.ci.). US I. ...j
b.r, TS. T.. i
AtCbeboyran. William O. Jaehtoa. ' eoaia and John O Barr, are also taat-1
a wealthy etuok talacr of South Head,; aaed la u daaferoui poaiUoa.
lad..wascoBTleiadof hnnUnf with ai Tbe Coauetlcut state prlaoa dime-1
realdent Jloeaae at Wolverine la liiWT. j ton held a meetlaf at Hartford aad j
Be waa fined fist or itxi days la Jail.
, tbe reaifaaiiaa of Warden Wootbridfe. I
TS. bodj ol Hrt™.. 0..1.1O. n.. ol
— .™l- 1
tcceplcd. I
d tbeauperior.i
Hus..lu..ls.SI«l.>llssUsS Pslsl -1 ~.S ,~.pl.S.
Is A.SUS raMSMl 81, BspIS. TS«s. last week the warden's aoa. Kirk, was I
, senteaoed to a (oar yean' term la tbe <
d Friday.
Hr »»» clerk at tbe pris- i
RoUd. were taea Tbanday at Pi*. 1 on. aod la the peat five yean robbed !
aoualDf aad Hay City. They uadoubto‘
$10,000 Uls fatbpr.'
adly tboufbt that aprinr bad arrlreo I “ *• ailcfod. bad knowladfe of tbe deaad seemed nearly starved.
! falcatloas for two moatbs before otkiAt loaia IIUI* Cbaaa fell from a Hell i lr>nr tbe dlrvvtor*. aad the state an- '
Telrphoac Cu's pole and sued fordam-idUon failed to diseover tba crool^ i
apea. A Jury oa Tbanday alpht I •'ork la their refalar laevatiratioi:^ i
Wiibmmeor Icm ti
broapht IB a verdict of r.ooo.
j The aoa was takea to tbe prUba
In Boaay of tbe Ftiili
HaddocaretMTorixUiptbe farateniw serve ki» •"nlaaoe aloaf with ; b,^,Vpe,k of Ibeni a.
west of Metamora
Hofs, sheep aad | * dose" ‘’‘kc baodeufled prison- ■ Uliada
eattle bare been bUtea.aoiBc of wbleh j cm-and was received at tbe fateSsbyl Wean BHarad (bai z one but (leak
have been killed^ and oiben eloaely i bis father, tba warden, who refused to'! dates were ewd iu ooaoo ;tins the uew
l wo aitb Ibe
Uum beloarfaf to Frank !reearalir him. Tbe natural relations |
^Walloa. Ralph Baldwin. John Yettea. of Ue two wars lost la tbeir offieUI ebcBinoix
Tbe firrl two fleam of 1BH» wbea
Andrew Iisvidaou. Ucorpe Tope and , rclaUoat.
8,.; .. c».„s». o.,s....
kweeaey was bitten and Is under the memben of the Foarth Ohio, votau-,
Wrll what of It*
dodtor'a car*. One dor It aliefed to! feera. ealherod Friday for master onl.-j If. as tbe Poet Wilber miya "can^vacoaemad while tbe lady of tbe ! were buried from their improvhed bads will bill a oat,"li
mtebt be well
at." It mtr
, HiUa of (i o*M
koooa waa aweeplaf. bat ake kept the la tbe Aadltoriam at aa early boar
kraU off aatll ber bnabaad arrived Friday Boralar aad tl wowe lajared. wfaon fellaaa mott oo a
A. W. BoMeria
wllbaaa*. StoUofileanara amdaav- kattea nan
Lot 1 —Regular 5 and 10c Hdkfs, 11)^
Monday’.s special, 6 for........'----- I 4u
LvOt 2---Regular 10 and
value, OQp
Monday's special, 6 for............... ZOu
Lot 3--Embroidered _aind hemstitched, are
good values at 15 and U^c. Mon- 8 9^
day’s special, 6 for............. ......... tOI#
Lot 4—This lot is some that we have only
ja few of a kind and will cut the price
. very low. To'see them is to buy. TOys
IMouday's .special. 6 for............... 1 Zu
All of our better Handkerchiefs,
Monday's Special,
at’25 Per Cent. Discount
Underwear Cut!
Ladies' random wool vests and
pants. 30c value..................... /gQ
Ladies'wool rests and pants. 75o
value, Monday’s special............. JqC
Children’s all woorCamel’s liair vests and
pants, mostly large sizes, value 00up to 76c, Monday’s special___ uuC
Children’s gray merino vests and pants,
mostly large sizes, 35o value, |t,«
Monday’s-special........................... 1 DC
Children’s white and gray underwear,
mostly small'sizes S6c Value, Ifl—
Monday's special............................ | ||(J
The Boston Store,
Front Street
TTTK y^awTW«.jtyOM;,.aCllDA^, JAJTOABT^-lOft
That's what our "Clcarintt Sale uf All Winter Good*” i's «Hug tt^itrs. Aftt-r a week of ororwhetaiuE.y active husiuvs,. uopreceUentvd in the hi.torj
ir r;"iTir„',r.i"hTir::,:f2e
oi: ":;^ea;”r;tr:H noTfa-uo
.Ve ;audce^u^e^.u^
We positively refuse'lo seli goods to dealers, to resell at a big profil-Tliese targeins are to Deoelit those who are not io the clothiog hosioess.
K,„, .<.ill ...t
u, O'u."nli,.a
I Vl1 Hi. till .'nil. "UW St
"i" *12 «"■' »ir' ™h. r..lu,^ u.
Wbefi lit John Ailani* ni»trJi«a felt
wlfo „..n,
MUt.« him will. Ihrlr ............
on tht
inattrr. M»ii>-wa. ut. gKI hnl to
tfemw hi. ...■.n.T «< tbo fi.t <if an 1ii.1ktilBcaiX ar.J |••nl.llrw. Kirl, other, ihal he
•0«bl to Ui arhalunl I>r hittiwOr to load a
^n« «lrl t.. I.ln4lhrh.-If b. an .dd man
forlllu. feiiuwlna It lunellw furhl. tnuaor
ErerTono irf.iHr) to iMnk •monry"
iiwdina faet..r in the caw<. and |.w.lh)y
i..».tf aMatd.nl rather laora
il atihoahouldbaeodoue.
Ur John
rw^Tdi.i y tear, tnini.or Uri.o had barn
-• -xaiTMii'T.I of Ihi-do'loraud aecuatom•t, al.-.a tMhl.i.a.h.-r..nlyrnond. ttfeeo
ba.,r.t knew Imr, .h.- a a. a i.iln-raW.-litBte half
nurwrr got'-rae*.. Ihon.
•fern her nutMlimW lalled to Imar tha
auale 1)1 ovvrwnrfe and undt^rfertllng. U
«ra> througl. hi. hel|. that .ha ol.ialnad
' Uw lu.uagoi... Ill id tin. -Udlea’column’*
ae a pn-tii.i'iul tw|.'r . Su.-h work I. dot
taauflirlei.l liir»iiio had
r a ronu ahlla
.w'. a In.iralh.ii
V!',? ^1^.“
• irkiii’.; suits for
' ™r pii-t t.,7T.vVl,.l.- .'t
124 Front Street.
r CnHM-trar*.
Oh-iwrlonnamw wa. ...or .................
All arc welcome.
Due Dotlee will be riven later in re
a)y wajV io li. l|i h. r. hut lu r ll
pride luailr ihl. a illflhnilt tAk
I yea think aoV* aaked the man.
:feinw. Hr John Adam, waa
«a> all.iRvilH-r
"V"- • '•■••“irt't thi y woro If an«.1
.n, hot
hnt hihi'«a>
all..RvilHT Wind bi the 1
4am that while her..|a.-b«ianda»m.w.d .t«>
“Diamond J ’
“Traverse Belle’
Sold by all dealera
A. W. JAHRAUS. Tonneliei Bloct
Helow la a Uatlof ibehu
buying wud well
pricea of yittSWay for gtoccrla.
and fSm prodiIccU in Trar
egLLDie raiCB.
,ho ^
That M»- rhould la- an
aboaetifliiT the wile of thU atlurcd noro
WMan tdi-w which la.rdorod ••ntbraarrl. V«(l<nla U«twlM-ti tlu- lualOT wa. pul
- to her a. Ih- ptl II ala-h a ii.arHagc heoamc lurt only a dnwm ..f lia|i|.lncm hut a
dcar^.id h-Iy duly
On a .a-man liny Irr. Ailaiu* had brcD
ted <11 raui.uU a »|p<-lall>l on hi. imnbcfe^f I'll" .amid he sai-lvod l«U<-b hot
MCved l« .'•■i.Uriii what hud l'•nt^ ■.*-» hi.
own Mi«|'l, l-'iirl. b-mtii.' Ifeuiigh U would
tUTe ae. I.i.d lu tn.wt Ulun.
met wilfe
aalni lun.ii.ih-
.av. thr
Cnres liihont Medicine'
and with New Heihods
1 taue the g< mi* of dix-aae
0 art. F
e from a J part-, uf the ayal.oi at ona
that arc cauaiog kufferiog and
w’ and rating up the ritalitT of
Ie daili
> Ujc>u.acd* of people------4.oo{
N. xt. eet at liberty the contracUd
brsiNB.sa cAKri.s
gard to the rerival meeUDge.
Ke>. H BaUberTT, Paator.
M. BROWK. aiiOf-wy^ aM^.
III rroei a.
Cburcb oo eoroer of Ninth and Wada-
..... .
worth atreeta.
, bor.,.,iH nm.n..tl...ml »ul had
.u.-h a n.t.l. ol r.-.on-..llal bwe
Im... found ll Inijioaa »o.miB-r i.«n -
124 Front Street.
..CIgA»S FOa YOUe FiilENDS..
••Wl.ut .lo- y
. or iba
.. ( alJi.
iaitc who
■■Vi» ki.iB ihul 1 mvei .poak 0
|kiDd;}ri.| an; ulie. 1 hate a.'ttllUK
; »ey erf her. t ilt lwiil*ar<i her hB»jteud that 1 lt.1 ».i>. t.ryacrry lor
biD>.''--l>c;i>.it Fi.-v I'tvaa.
I.R40K iMtxtlfAI-r *'
lll■.•'llt h.Ml ho tiMnl ‘
O lo'f )0<JI«
b,.„uia „„t l.t. h.OKrr
vnra. at.ti oton lliAi had v
du.ilAut: All |.ral.o
Ihul .wrvt miu> ^
yol; cosmuBloD si 9;40 S. n
«huM> «mb-li]l doruiUm t» an t.I.I malt [ xt.jrnlBr aprrice sod aermoD st 10:K
hn.l chat>R..t Ihnt .1. nhl b. r.'rlallilr
Bucklasa Arsica Sa-*e.
HhmiUI lie r. |«t h.t .......
I.t .l.«...t •»-«»
Tk* Bk«t SaATt iB Ifep world for
log her«..wa.l.'the l.'.t tear...! lar life '
huBdaT ecbool at l.-OO m.
— -ti old man'. iii.rM'—jrrluiiw emin a '
ETeniDff aprrice aad aermoB at Tp. m. C«U. Brulaea, Sorra. Clcpr*. Salt
i EbpoBi. Karer 8or«a. TcUar. Chanwpd
Ill alio
vi.r-oloo. old lunii (..r whom
B cordially iDrited to tbeae a
iHaada,Cbllblalna. Coroa. and all ^ais
om U- aMe Io feel ev. n the goiiik' admin___
Mot. to »hl. h la-wn» arvu>loii».IJ Ao. be *w«aWoul.l
1.1. w.rt.1’ SIh- had l.lnft'd
ber part n<tld». Ho wonhl i.-rhfc|>il.o with «iHT>rlm
tbo crtl.b’l'..-|.k H.ik
Suoday—l'reaehlDgat 10:30am. «>«»
i,t J. o Jnhnwir and^E Walt.
In* .-Bnrl lb.-l...aarf ber "I
-lawr old I..Uj
baud' b«d tw. Mra. A.lnm.. -Whav dl.l a 7:00 p. m.
Chu- W. Baitrr
Claaa mMtioff atOiSOa. m.
young wou.an riptciwlM-n ^ "’“"'"J
an . Id man for hi. n.oneyr t-he had jtol
will rPorem-Dl
.rem-Dl the Steln-Blwh Co. '
Suaday acbool at. eloae of atontlns
with a Boe
line of aamp'e* nf aprlng
ttini. ai.tl cvrialnly .h- nad DUtM-d and
b-.i.i.-.1 h.m WUi gr.wt iaUri«*|--Taiupla
clotblug —.rdrm will he Uben for ,
Magailna ___________________ __
apriug drfir.
HorDlng SBbjocl: -Sbowpraof HleaaToredar a'nd
Dp*, a a at ra > I TP.
Hr. Chmallar «... ..u.v .iBc'i’W
.“irs-'JiEreBlDir Subject. “Tbe Bleb Fcol."
•".all town not tar Iron, l.iml.-r
I. $;{ 75; rfiiulwr
^^MUt h-U prkv
ul-nvi u.111. .1 lit-, ,uw'.i„l..l„.
ohatP.cd the
puMofliec ll j
-rr atainpli.g |
Saoday aervicea aa tollowa:
PresebiDg at 10:30a m.
Sunday acbtol at ll:30a m.
I'reacbing at 7 p. m.’
Midweek prayer meellng at 7:30
...... .....
All arc i^elcotoa
n or ntavKBU<BTT
Tbo ColaB war |.1ay bat rMcbod Leo-
. per bn..........................
oata No. 1 uerbu. (new)...........
gav. D Cedilla, paaur.
Sormaa at 10:30 a. m.
Sunday ecbool at boob.
Junior Society of Chriaiian Endear'the lor.t 5p. m.
K I then put all tne eyatem into a cleanaed
lOj 11
liberated cunditiOD, and Id w>i
gireu to
07 auitablr medicine can . I
*0 he'p to eorieb tbeb’.ood. and
tone any
________ gana quicker.
H '
Tbouaauda bare been cured after all
Se elM- uaed tailed.
Uy way of treatment all are at ouca
W 1 It ia tbe only real method U» UVe out
?•'germ, of diacaae Brat: then apply re7v abiraliera if Deeded aod not drench the
, 00 aystru) with mediciee.
1 care not what ynu' Bilmenli. are. or
bow long .uodirg
K poaaibie at all
you cau be made a'.iui.g and bralthr.
let U be rberTua-= ►.paraly.i*. heart
nerrouaneOa ana kidney trouUea. head*1 arl.ea. catUrrb. deafoew*. in tact erery
I? l>-l.emar.
r. up-aUira
312, b 1 uion Mreel
Here a.hiie after 11
•agtSI.Y d
Aitcmry aeil counarl
per doieo................................
* 1» 1 Traecr J City.
JVL lor at law 0«eea. CIt j Otwra Boow Blk. I p„,ptoea. per bU.................................... 18 U» *01 w.-ek* it n MauUtee CW« can he ttealled br writing: ecBd letlerwiih particurtai,
-tTT 11. POSTFE. tttororr at Law' lar* iKuvIrely new mrtb<*l .'fihaguiwlng
W . aitcBti.wtoiMtlllra-____
your cave, .--rn- tly Kh—ing w-eak' Tbe new church choir will aid in the
i-**e*. lo.-al.on anil duraliot. of diaraae
Saata yh* Klondike.
' aiDtiog.
Uembere of tba choir wil
Erery peratm 1 l .-al
! m.-el
euidy at 5 minuttw before
•el in the
•p tbrmwlrva and b
5. Ma-i
"pt ^en tn.de inthe. docUie.
All are eordiall.V inrited to cone O. t.mtVajrl^.^^aorii.4.
health f.ir
•ri.*l healt:
Klondike For year* he atiffei
and aing the “Beat llymna*'
your doctor,
If aat-afl-.l
aat-afl-d with
if o.X call and gei
riiiKT naiTiNT
ing'* New IliieoT- my* cin-alar ami fn-v adrire. I bare
(lough, and Cold*, liiilr time f--r talk* with enriewity
ming aubject: “The Badge of
! D ncipleabip.” John 13-35.
Mh.tnv. sie .1___________________ ■
In comparifcon
•a of men
and women
1‘rieate di«re; would bare it. eren if it coat a
11:<5 Bible School.
5:45 Voaog PcopVa meeUog.
—= Beoachili.and all throat and lung af- .•arrd.tod
ErenlDg' aerrice. uanal hoar:
'• *"1‘fectiona are poaiiirelr cured by I»r , than er.-r
irately. 'Oara
Kine’* Sew t>i«.Wer.v for Umaomp- can treat
Wooderfol Dellrctaoce." hBthar !• A
jn" Trial houle*
honle* lo'ets
10 CIS at the drug
drag reliable rrfereBcta and aUoding
permanU»:Ste< CHI-RCII.
,,-WrbfS E Wait and J U Johoaon. .jient bu-incK*
; haipar. A«tr. l"g>cal MediciBC Co . 4N
SuuWay rcbool al!":<5
, 5th aireel. l)ete<>itI*reachinc aerrice 11:00,
LaOrippe cared in S or three UgatErenlog aervioe 7K«n.
! ' Young I’eopYe'a Society of Cbriatii
nOlee^r*^-_____________________________________ ' Batter, per B..........................
lictia Foa bith.-rto toaociated with ! Eodearor at 5:ts p. mao emimiii.l with tm iilcnt tlidv hr rt.iild i opm-ita.
BOtri.n.i hill. ini«.’>p'net «|itm out III urn :
baa uuw ta^eu
niD.icwl I
At 7 p. m-will be the Brat pf a aerirs
I of aODg neratcea of tbe "Beet Hymoa.'
lSfn.!u \l cTnwVw'i«d
*“ I*'* »'••*
*“'**'*“ Rol««i ie to
dli|g •
rM.-«l,.-n ll. wa. told that the ! p'».» “>«
• f«r«lBU dij.l.anot at
dniil i l.n|.i.'rui^d Ip .-l.i-d «i«. r ...« tVarbiiigtoo
■an- tn..i. ..n..Ui.u>tw.. J.-U.. hcwu-..ihi»
jui,., Latuuiir/hai r.-»igijBir hi* office
an tv.i... th.- .luiuiluii wiil.rquBnii.ilir,
.Uau.atic critio et Ibo Merne due
.. ......................
«be bmt ..f
Ab.M l«
pioiB, tUudanew. will takaareM
- rau. b lu C'alifoniiB. •• «ba ii
... .
■nant aU> ttm -lawt h« hUu hcaim.wt ;
tali then- muiain ■um.-ihlngwn.ng *.-mr-
«en.inn-a feli.i il>»twli.a Eleai.nr Hnn
tmvlMl wa. ».>-ii.T.nvt and i-an . ami |n*l
a«(en.|it> hatltiK elnmn hhii ihai nn ••nilaaiT ■i'raRi>w..iilil Hiiliin. that .dwtlnaie ..i..on..t4anyoftbe--lK-ne-,
. flu, he at lo>t
t r-mil.fxl cm Ibed.-ai.-raie
ikt*di.'.iii.I ».ki»R her to marry him—hiA'
r arl.il
ug Inrni d
UlM Jaha Arlhnrw lli prtdorea new
Miraliall F
Wilder, who rwcentl;
I e.iutlDtii.oa vanihrille.
-. U
for a lour of ©0 caoMcatltra
’ ilcnerieve Ward, who u lirtug *"
Englaud. ba. eiigaced to play VtilBtuuia
in v
V I’rttmliou*
l■8•<rDliou• revival uf ’'Cortola-
r Clairvoyant.
C. F. meeting at 5:45.
' "'SVJ=
A cordial inrllalioa to all.
EgoWbal...ri.rlw>.lr.vn.lew«twaallielacall.>i^'“u t*‘-«’rsu M«redlU»
of John .\d*m.’ ktmwo AuH-mtal of'uf in a rtramaUo vuraloo tnaiM
•mh.T.- Iherw
•namnuiw-mhi-nIbrn. wa* ceiuMderahla
coi.alderal.la laoUior
dj«iwrtiy..f age iKUrreeu tba oMdrartlng )
•The Mikado" baa Jort bm-n »nng for
parti ». h-r
‘he bad ui'l nulieldi-red
„n,, jp Italian afler baring
rntr l« iiihwiii the winid that life for him btn-u traiirlBlrd tnlo rrary oibar Eorobad BUdU.nly1]iuilal.b.*l tuB two year.' ^
W t.dd Eleanor
For a few mo-j
ffiani* he .--ul.l elimwt fancy he wa. a '
young mat, again, and dare ride ^ an- j
a «m uih. r gruBUd* than ibn*. of geaU- ,
tode and |>liy. Vut fully ha. lu llmlia. |
and old J.'liT. A.laiiia Wa* iii>4 tin- man to
-W- a rouWiIng with bU ^ca open -So, I
tU. -It would ha'a
yoaaoe.myd.wr, he.uld.-ltwouldhaai
lAI* la r®ia«d.
A lim*m in tbi. fvmutTy
Mme. OrLamar a tmtbfol and rej
I gel. thtmijih ehovcliui:
coalI aand carryi ;»^gxY
--------- —---------------Amg-i TiJinrn L»xn-SrarB*« 'liable medinm. la now In your city.
j ing .mt iln'a.hc.thaub.-baMo.^kU^^'^^,^^^^
tin a*lic. thau I
, K
j Thu lady baa man, teaUmonlal. from
and i«uh tbe lawomowr. jw«mioAi«..iree.
-'eltKaall around yoo of bneineegand
.............................. ........................ ] The murv cvtUH-aborelatbemore mtbe, |
all kind* of importaBi matteia and oche laiTKw. au.l 4br tuurt water he aquirta ;
■a;r;r.'rV;V.“'p7‘77rr,’ iT.'7Ti p7p..: will
tbe harder bu baa to .poab the lawn '.ralea. 4ti W.tmter .Uwt,
* which baa been done eacceaafolly lock Uee and maple ehlpplng wood domower. It ie evor tbna—Loogaoot
T-Fcrahhed roooi • lib plaiM
pUiM and
aed ,
‘iveredOB Hannah Lay ACo. dock erany
» a.al. for«»-l» arrupi*-4■ hf
lUolo.) Ledger.
• me
' through her adrle*. She gWee paat
rap Knvlleet table board In eame (
good banking ground on Grand Trav '
KHf , and foture aeerBately aod advice on
erac Bay. Correapondcbce eolirited.
T OOT-wm me
J««d a puT^e j ©H
iP life both private and buelSay. tbe Pbtlad.Ipbia Boonrd: "Tbo
again.! loeeea. etc. Yo.
-gr^t charity .... )vur |^f
, fl,*rmaterUl erldenoa rf tbe inimili*
Office. Boomll. Merc. Co. Blk.,TravaOBH- ami mVr rare td a poor old roan- \ __
baltl^ip Mama
ebonU <»ll and give tbb medium a
City. Mich.
trial, to know tbe futare U .Bceeea.
II to teplice
When the ps.-e-.ol taking oort of lb.
ial. Tboae living
what she wai doing. It
all etrtcUy e
' ec*. be
began te
auorwd -----------------------iB U
........... that•»
luanwa. In full f.wce.
lia to band recently, ll wa. the atrtMl of waaoomingl.
OBt of the city, eend aumped envelopea
with IrM ralmnow tbe
m bi* aUemloB ; nveral trenimdoa* lire oak tlmb^ at aai
lor term*, reading, eaa be given with
.penally to that branch of hU ptvrfwwkm orampf’ ahipyart.. wbieh
will bojBied,
which will
lock of hair and time of terh. The
which deall with '*w dlwws- fs«u wbleb , in ibe cou.trnrti.m ^
of (be foBDdAioa»l
imoetprimineBtpet^le caaaalt her in
9 the tange Bgbtlug Nogliab
of tbe weyc in
i aU cIUm on boaincM. etc. Here for a
of erery 100 eqcareiBil*
Tbe UmberT^re trota »1
I macbiBe will i
a. to haul hardwoed
r yet uBdiMOvrred
All Invited to call and g«t
,W -V
" FotW aebael boUM abort time.
Bort^ nary yi^ for ®* the earth•» oarfaee and *4 out of
Ight. If
mwt wbieh tulgl....................
MdLaVe.is Traevra. City ApBlr>DPei
evwf IbO eqsare milae of terriuo ta
eirenlara. Cornea here from Mantotea
aflmwrb, rob.ii.'brawdaibUowDof-----------------------------------------------aHIg.Oa erlQj.W.laav LnogL^
wbera ahe baa been for tbe paet Meven
of their b,rp.-lM.iHw.
; ally cot in tti- i ive oak loit-ew of Deta- North and Stmth Anwriea.
Lytum. the ngbla
n dramaHe agewibyaC
Wtwei om- of the pNclOM y«ar* had
lowo. belfegan
belwgan loeBedlmglewineol
loaBedlmglewineof that
fciught. aiKl
and alter
mter awhile, eipcrlmentwipcrltuen^
ou hlmwlf.begiTw vagu^wwlou*
o(*a half funnwl^^
| ware and ahipprd toB<wtua for (hep—
p.iuR |p me conatrocliou of
, ppi*
ppip pj p.jpR
| ,ppd,.p .hiiw- Wiiep
Win-n Uw-govertmBtit
tbecnutnrc toboild theMaina
;D-CbUd’B kaod. Ownar v
bored daaae*
' Scrt«.y ol the -Vary L.«, Wa. upprie-
. I wai lying nwlt-m in tbe Boaton oory
I bU wlldeMI yard. KnowiDg Ibe mine of It tor tbe
nedwaya hated it loaded
gaamUlUy. and erbat BlUel ‘
l>e total arra of the Sandmen, or
Bawmiian. lalaadi U aUmt tbe eame m
New Jeraey.
Oespanj K XBBBrlali. e SOU.
week! aod where ebc Mt wltb
I have tbla day tahvm the barber
Bean 9 a. m. lo9 etaop OB North Colon atreat of Mr.
to Impicmevi Oo -> tacCkdl over »I3 South UbIob atreat. Fangbora to ru and I have it fnm1. a ealrfXheavy.gold. FPiataed In flrat elaaa order; and baring
-wlUva<itrra(ae«r^ AU eltlea ahe viaita Ie ber r^ble re
bad loM of czperienm in the boalDeea
liable Tulerteea.' Sal
( aollcit a ahare of the poMic patron
age. Satlsfaethm gnaraataed or no
ebaive wUl te mada.
S;:^Erfi.*SL.s^ie^rwhich K"iS*3i 'eeS SUffliTlS
bought at U
tte'.aty Bootetora
«an be boagbt
lor u ouata aaek.
Cream for removing wiinUga.
udlat artlalm.
"i 'I
ICopTf^hL UN I
I bmk of tb» ^wdA-Aftwrleoii «r»r cerpA ti four inileo from the Beach ehlrea Lee.
and preoerratloB of expoaed ruetoH but
i and wa» iwceailx appoistc^ ccnmior of the Uarlabao raUreod Uot^Jt «hn oc- I who cIie
ruinooa to the human Interior.
- —•
w .•fcafv
**** I
eooitnodate ILOW (nrn. and firEa atorea i loioa and atoU<
refuaeo to
I dtocord hto
. refuaee
To oacb acrupuioaa ood finical caa■ I doU «bn> U>* 8paalard U>wm4 ‘ <•» or* at CieDfurcoo.
tomert doea tbe bumble Havana'milk
Brtore leavln* New Tork there WUM
hto floe of rrd and |"»«w and i Tbt iruopa wbW-li hare been ocei Into
aupplle* hare been /ent dealcn.
man offer daily ocular proof of tbe au put Into the bold of the Celtic, the rw
Wt Cuba and (be wr«!:nt ronilorot U»e M^eroi prortooM HO be dlstrlbut- buUi under the auservlalbD of '
Where tbe volante Mill bolda U» own thenticity of hto wares.
■(rraior ahIp
ahip wbicb li
to aceompaartnf
. ...
torerer. He had rrlvned over port 1 ed aowas (hr emaal cltlee ood the in- ond Ctutad Sto^ nialnber
to In Uatanaa*. where a rlalt to the
One of the accompaartnc niuatra_
_ tbe
_ Iowa
_ to
_ _ Manila,
_ _
of tbt* oouoliT for 40Miiy reaiurtca f «mor toane. The headquarter* for the were lb* flrot American ^Iw^pa iTlaad
atalactite cave* of Beltamar or a drlrc
•bowa a famniar street acene tn; U«.«ao pound* of frt^'frcw toet
a rod uf Iron, and hU deed* of --ni- ; ariteral vBV«r* ood tb« seemion «tU In weetem Cob*.
Ihtuuxb tbe beautiful Tumarl esiier C^ba.^a paUent cow belnx milked on . Me pounde of fresh trosen muttao oaA
e Of (be dark acea
tbe larter rUiaa
Tbe receoUf conoinicted wharf for entalto perforce Ur orthodox rolante
rtdewalk s lon« dtoUnes tromlKO.OM pound* of veeeubim. TbM*
The DOSM he
Tbe lalerlor uf Cuba tf procth
aicaJlr tbe laodlBd^ troope. atorea and
oudlhl «IUi faim »i ■ loiated. but the deaulate. Vteiiur* find mAap cbai,_ pUeo exlec4AM>me «> feet Into tbe wmt..
dwfore the rurtons Ease of the
| supplies ore *o arrsBEed that the bat>
The roloaie bo* no
Eopliut multitude altnply
r h- rarrted atror raa o dlvrora U The Arat queatloa they aab la. •nThere
. .
;o, lU-shIps
tleshlpi ran a
nd merely to,
at any
time lake
from th«
«'*er ~“J>‘0;_lti the worid. It toiMUefJthe fastidious
r rtvill
aemptes and
llous aeruple*
allay carfo whatever meat and vecetobtod
are the reroboetitradoa we haw heardlera drawtna nine feet.
aul feoen* and orldnal.
(hr atupIciODe of...............-..............
aome uabetle'
Cuba U freed fr>>m the robe of opprea- » much oboutr* The onawrr to quickAbout 100 feel frum the
-•via* cua- are needed for tbe mesa duHnd the low
The body of the carrlose
MCA ond'tbaoe of ber people left are to •>' *’*■**lomerfor whom a strtetiy pure milk voyage to tbe Wlllpidnes. There atored
I otanda hair out of water tbe fren cor- ! bind from
•ajoj- a B • life. Uarlc Kam, wbo drove
a prescribed
were placed oh board for the use of tbo
We>1er . famou* or lafamotto policy , oom of tbe Me.lro, on old Confederate or arm* faaiened
led to the rear end vt the
s. cafe* and res- fleet's men. t-ei-h a ibliut to uaporol*
nice from Aniencan aoll. ba* I of "rer<
: side wheeler choaed a
•haft* and re»ta la front oa two aprtnes. taaranta as a rule take
atartod I
» the adulterated
tbe Korrmnivnt, berdinx
lel.'d and unbesid of In naval hittorrthe shafta. This article which c<'mcs from the i
take the Pf«rl of the Antllhw a 'of the Mlxnd within the line* of the for- i tbe civil war. The wrKk'^ab^n^ Hkewloe attached
And a ha* lawn lift to the xi»ernnwnt
ffte MtloB. To do (hie will tok* i-onuld- ] tilled Iowa* oa the roost for the avowed > the accompanylriE picture of Morlonao
palls I and one of the grvairsi packing cuinpSM
of a paiBBln« cradle and
or “botljos” and to warranted not
. aa the touatry to yet I Ipurpoae of ■‘kllllnc off I
at to nlcs u, Han- up and s-.nd with a floet
pooaJtiillty of }olU4Usd Jara
curdle, but m-wt private houtee have
on the l<ing.->t voyogv of record a ahip
The wbeets are oet well back of
babii of lastalins on the cows be lac pro
body, and between them to a platform duced -In tbe fleab" and milked at tbeir loadql! with fresh supplies from which
tha*MBce™ and crew can be fM. Ihd
ua-d to carry trunk* and haatmcc *o front door.
aafiie as on land lo any cllmalp
twecntlal In (be olden time* when ptontThe cheerful aerrpUnce by the Cnlan
or PtAT/\.
Besid.-* b,;ng novel in rsaval htoterr
' and farmer* nmi off on a vtoliins
!i1ch I
It Is a D> tv driwirtufv In tbe meat trade.
r to nelghboHnE ostatea. remaln:nc
The meat wa» MHrvlally got up for thU
away fur wreka at a titpe ensaErd in bis pmhity or veracity, but demands
shipment. It wa* sewed In cbeesecilotb.
feasiins and merrynuiklac.
contesuMc eye tefllmony to hi* hoti—
The voUiilt- U diawn by three horeea. ly and »tralEbir.Twardne*i In all bl* frosen In Chicago and brought from
•)l In tandem sljV. hut aJmu.'t uI.khU. milk ilcalinc*. l* but a fresh rvldencr of there lo .\i »■ Votk In lefiig.-rator rorg
>e Bbaft hoi^Twlng hamrs.-wd rl<.>. up the degradation or dexenPratlon of the In a fruxrn slate. To thus ciuiotala car
alinui t«e'f*et lack of the lead :a. race. An Amerttan milkman would le- casses of N-f In a fr.-2cn state dariat
which on elth-r aide are hamesaed to fus" to walk ramnd the atrects ct a town voloivr a frwghi J.,urn. y Is u big undere by Ieaih<-r trwceo. The left with ^01 of tame coww at Hto beele In taking In Ibclf. It to sc! tom ettrmptrA
hand leader beald-s dma* his share of order to prove that be to neither a thief by the largest and heat •'quipped com■•anles even for a shbrtrr dinancc. Tha
the drawlard* furthermore saddled and BoraTiar?
cargo was loaded In a fros< a stale and
ridden by tbe «alecero. -.r pwllli.m.
will behept at a frigid temiwreture un
who Hike* the place of the driver, guidtil u U consumed or (he residue landed
«rs.-* from la frohl Instead ofMothers « bs Are Mr> Makera.
at Manila.
frrtrn (he l«rk. as In all other eoareyDr. Lortim-r of Treinom Temple. IliaHef.«e the ships, atlcr touching at
story of
Th» calect-ro. Invariably a nerro. Is
Honolulu, rflich thrtr destination lha
n w bo wi
Introduced at aloi-eshlp Celtic wHI have performed tha
Ecnerally orrayi-d In a ehort. Ilcht
great public meeting as a -•elf made
htutiE «o*t of trldht red or blue cloth
Wonderful voyage In tbe worldt
______a largr ^____
(rimmed with goM '.raid,
pahs- * uui." Imiead of ap|H-arlng gratitied bUlory tn the meat line. f<he will bavd
hat and top Louie, adding a dash <>f '
***** tribute It *pem.-d to throw him carried In her hold and thmugh all Malready plciuirwiue and ‘
moments, tpio a "hrown rnalrs a cargo of frosen fresh maaU
•• .Xfii-rw: I they asked him Ihf
quaint lurnuul.
1' study."
theioiuteet v
There are those In Havana las else- *"•»«•> for the way
which he received I In eitou-nc.-. She will have
the llinitk-Mi |ajio,!billtles
Wherv) who mil prefer natural sure the announcepent.
enough cows milk to the deleterious;
""'el*" »*ld the
and_of nnutlcolcald storage for dis
tributing ilie wi.nd s surplus meals and
artlhciB) variety ao largely consumed ' "** «° Ibinkli
market, which.
pmvtolons to thw rllm>w and i>eoplM
who roguln- them. This voyage of th*
parts <
i> work la a aiore wbei
and water, excvllent for
w ambl|>s and of Uh lr fln.vtlng alore. tha
r the t
IS or iirCeltic, will take more than loo'days.
•'Yes, ' aald be. '^ul It
Ilrretofure a voyage of W days fur a
fruxvB meat ship bms l•eeB regarded at
have th
a marvel Id trade elrcles.
•A tBseulrd condlMon. Ifnitad
;-<ll "you were ab
Woopa ar* now beinx aent to Ihe various
Kllehraer aud the Preaehrr.
forttnvd clIlM both along lb« co
beoka when a bojrl*-^^-^
A coHou« rtorj- to told .vs to the way
Is the Inlerlor of tbe toland. It
he replk4^"bal It wsa becaua* I In which le.rd Herbert Klu hener dealt
mated (bat fully
>'f clerical Intolerance dursecesaaty hi keej
keep order In lb* Island.
knee sh- had me give an account of the | *nc the Sudan campaign. The ixvaslu*
book after i had read II. 1 don't know I was the reetnoralile ceremony which
*«c Ihe people. Cncle Ham I* mrt going
alanit iH-lcg a self nvade man. 1 tblok |
I***" r ut Khartum when tbe trlDnto Inks thHr freedom from Ibnn. He
my molher had a great deal to do with i bbaht Anulo-i-lgyptiati army crowned
Mniply'lnlends to remain In tbe Islaod
jvlr ('•mpaleu uf vengcom-e by ccloaid help tbe native* form Ib.-lr
rating the Hies of Oord m's funeral,
'-Itui tben," they orgi-d
government, and a* aoon as they !
ealn. "your
Inlegili) was your own. "
liy common consent Ihe vnituus choi
demohslniied the fu.-t that (hey
"Well. I don't know about that. One lalns ctlarhrd to KiPh'Wer's forces ■
govern Ihrmaelvea the aol'ller* will lie
withdrawn and the n>eO wEo have been
day a barrel ..f applea had come for Anclli-an. ^elho.ll*ls. n'Tiianlsts. etc.—
apivlnled lo manag- ihr affalrs.of the
me to sell uui l<y the peck, and after had agreed, with one exc-ptlon. to roSto-.-ially ■■nniplled prayer during
Island while it I* m | *ri srirh of the
eliirek-'-iwr* J.JiUt I
Ui.iied Htaie* will return home. It to'a
the stoVk.d en.-s at the ledlom and the J
at Ihe tomb. The
1 wl>eib<
be-t Ones M H.e top. My mother callid ''''Hlon
* "ttang.iy obstinate clerld.
govern themsefv.w
Ipd iiek'il me vihiit 1 was .loin.:. I | Klichmer. hearing that the rcver«o4
became a |•arl nf
the L'niled Klalea. Homs aa> the lorrm r,
her. and she said. Tom. If you do '
j" NU'wll-n bgd refus.-d to
others Ihe latter. If a vote were taken.
ycu v.,11 to. a ch.";i.' And I did
T"e''*ok the pray, r promptly
It is IHlas'ed hy some of the olTl.-tols
not do U. 1 Ihmll my moUi-r had some- i
J'J' *'l"’ "f*
'f 'he , rumor
Who were sent to Cula. by the Halted
thing In diyv-llh my Iniegrliy. And. on ' ’‘‘"'‘h "»<* t '••ch.d him was true. -OerMates (hai a mffnrily w,
the «h..le. I douhl whether 1 am a self ’“'“'I''' **”■ •*>- cleH.'s uneompn.mls*or of an.T te.tl-r, This »will Iw I ft fur
mad,- man. J think my mother bad 11*]*
*»»ll. then,' said Lord
Ihe natives lo de ide for Ibemwlvn
•o-.ieihliu; to do with making me any.
"-“eT- taking out his watch. "I giva
thins I cm of any rhnrwcter or uaefuU i
minutes to consider whelhCutui IS divided 4n(o alt pmvlnc-es
b'-t> in renting this praytf
ruled over by a governor, who
•Happy," said Dr. Lorimer. "Ihe hoy ' "i;
'*""'* * ■*'■” «natch
to iwsp..nslble to th- governor g. neral of
who had such a mother! Happy thelJ*’'*
"*”*'" ®*Ihe toland. who'reigns supn-mr under
ho hsd '» to.e -o —f®** **"
mlnutea were up Ihe R*r.
hiid d.v d.-d that to .dry wa>
direct authorin'. f«.m Hi- presld.'nt.
liettee than aacriflee. V
Mstor Orneral John lb Ilrtroke baa l>e<-B
appointed governor general and Is the
first American' to hold that lawltlon.
l..mU a. an even's, th.
All th- men wbo have lioen anpoloi'-d
•____ _ _ .
In order that fresh
U. ....r™ I. Ch. k.,, ..™,
'ol-niais thculil come from Spain to
good war records and are well
make the island loyal." of nm-sslty
the olB.-ea they are lo w>i
I.ronai<l Wood
mad goveriMir of caused (he aprl^gliig up of Inauntemb.e
- - was ___s
mud wailed. Uiatclied roofed reconi'eafianilaro prniince ahortly After IT was
Joe Wheeler l> Battle.
trado aettlement* or villay. a all along
•urven lered to ihr l'niled Hialaa troo)«.
ih"' I.sitlr of Nrr Bopd
»e. and
*n which iliciusaads oi
He hae aliiwdy worked wonders,
rhurcb "FiEWln.- Jo-" Wheeler, whs
wer.. hudhi
"f ""tv. mlwlanis• wert;
the loc.cln. e bilW-^gun l.r fiourt
usuhI, but wKh.Uie (Itlni: llneg
1 d*"*! toeeib.-r with their fan,111.
43eneial W.md was V>- first eolonel
privi-d of ilelr only iiieana
was ealut..d by an ai.l-de-ranip: "Osnthe fsiii..us IWigh llMer regiment
enil V'aik—'• i'..mplimei:t*. elr. ThS
l-rvah of I luligrr •
■ which did such sph ti.lld service ill t'uba ;
goncrtil Intends nii advance over tbU
ctoiund and v...i.id pke t.i knew if therS
Is uny'iimask-d artillery on your front."
e they iia.'k'
"I'll s.s.n find .lUl, May.
Roeo.” sold
G-n.-ral W'he.-i.'r, end. beekening to hIS
hlldtan ..f i
. b" c-vl'oi—d forward |» a slight
emlnvoc.v and plauied a yuidon.
ther,J'vhlto''H»ln w!T
**““ ’
A nit inert l-i. r .. •.■ifT of smoke In thS
dtotante bi. i the sfarlillng of a shell og
It Hew -wvvr, them showed what wag
*h-ad. 'Major, you may tell Cenerol
Walker that th-re Is a mask.-d battery
vana. Major tsew.rai Vfl1ig.m l.u.1h.w. vatu.n. whole iuiag^
d s^,!^
In front of this i-mU.ob." aald Geoeral
>r KI
<'sn.y ed and erss-d
wh .se record at Ihe battle* of
cesa-d It^x^i
Wiieetor. giving hto horse the relto
and fian uuan
Juan iiui
HUT was
waa socond
iwwond to none, Bltlea have died off to the last cblld
"Bui bn't (hat a rather risky way sC
haa Wa madJ nlllUry govemnr of the
unwept, unlwnured and unsueg."
a battery?" ventured MaJT
cliy of Havana.
A ride of a few etlles on any of tbe
Ross. The llrat shots always By hlch.*
To Brtsadler Oneral Louis H. Car- railroads leavliqr Havana. Malansaa mfwnw belongs ihr honor of
ClenfuegiA will carry (he traveler Mat
lag the first pa
rf the army of o.
*------------- — si>nl. desolate aetileBoforr tbe war Marlanao Beach was
th* fOahloBabls BumiMr re«>rt for
' terms of pewce had bee« made. Tl.e ; gravyaid; .rf
. troops were landed at Nuevltos, In tbe '
- —............... - cottogee and rhaleta
yr^ito e of IhieMo^nclM. over which [riinao, or Marta.i.o lieach.'eh^ u
It to the hume of-the Havana
<^ral rarpentor win aewas both mU- i the landing place for Amertewn Irnopa
Yacht club, whooe elubhoune. a moaalve
' -I Havana by the board '
Owral Carpenter, dSa of tbe welt i tbe aelectlon of camp Bites under Colo- Eto^e buOdlng erected only five years
*^n offln,^ of ,t, failed Matro |.oel Mecksr.of th* I'nited Futes volnn- ago. boa aerved aa bsrroeks for Ihe
fipantob' oonilery during the war and
wa? He”..
<■*’'" j
Tbo place to a plctur- more recently as headquarters for
Hot ZT"' i*:;
tow men In the army who have by IbMr
Ji^Jut ';.’;mnro
* Band bar stretching across the ...
trsiiee of tbe harbor bars the passage
*f* «
h'ghest grades la the gift of to large craft, but a natural channel af
tlgfats a
different from tboee
W government as far as mUlUry prd- ford* safe riding to amall veoarto or
the sin
streets at tbe larger cities of tbe f
■ouori am. nneerned.
lighters not drawing over Us faet of ytilted HUlea. There arc iK. trollry ori
^BrijMbr .ton-ral G. W. Davis, wbo water.
cable cars to malm and kUI nr,frighten
a person nearly to death. TransporU‘"^t«litot1ars“t
llon to by meatia of earrlagea. They ore
toU>he* no"
•*“' =*
“<» dtoeborg. thrtr of all styleo, from the latest trap* i
the meat pecotlsr looking vehicles.
I Of all Cuban eonveyanees iba volame to pre—minesuy the most typleal, although It Is foat becoming
ITT ' ".."*'.."™
*»•'■ "O’** «®
.-J iru-isj."
rew men are bfut^
army tb.n n-lg.^^Gereroi
•Soydsr. He wonX-rXi^i
regard, for ron.pleu„iI\^,V'
Mg tto
' u
*«»»1f. with which
>'«>* of Ue
hOordlng direct
MPItofi I
t gururs «f tfet BissHtt a
I haa no
- - . Today
---------- ..
glace among the amort riga and traps
sf the wealthy. It to entliclr relegated
psraadary plane of oaerulaem foe
traeol in (he country, on (he ostatea.
Uto msBigtm and
nrshea. where no other
rehlcla*eouM pcortbly follow It.
In Havana the one otngle voUnle do
ng ocUrc daty bstoags to Dr. OaUsr-
yv««c 0-S.THMsps
rm H
Uvfc ea W. >M* W. boU bar i
Ti>‘ dnwT !•* tbia Mrrad da
liaaotod t^vM awaal bafa
(«• aU tba •gtU
|B OM of bis mo« populursWM (“bl*'
tm Itu bapita.
trMMiUtad bf NaUmb
«fUafc«U t>ul«> BlTw a daaertp(t<B of •
•Wind Stauub i|(SMnr«artctnoaeTnt
tbe two ladm
ladtm 'to
to tba baU or op.tbe I cami' not
oat aod
and followed ber.
Vb<u abe torutd in ordn toretraea
> twaa, bat | ber atepa, abe aaw faim and ntieivd
>eei. ber.
rap in bia baud, and iben. when ba
tben b* bad alwen aooeptod ibe torieakerly, alttog
latton gladly. Aa a role tba elds lady ber alt, hurriedly,
wnaid ha lying on tbe anfa, while the ererytliiDg up (ugetbrr and yet firing
m In apiletf bii toeob
:s CO* wonld ba reading aland.
nt bll be aaid by IL .
bia erm and by tbo uiids iufiemon ot
bi* tuico. to nbtoli bia whole aool rlbruf-d.
, ,,.iu^e!uT«d a poor nieoa.
Hb* IlflCBcd to bim to aatonlAiDant
I The tart waa that Ibe yonng girl, B'T face wai pals (ban ev<-r witb ea»
bad bean left an iwphan tiou. but ab« codld not find a word to
d for. Mbs Pri- aay to bim—ber idf*» wetned to t* hopeaeatterod. Hsluuidiwererlaj^
-IITt; '
Bni bia eye. wen no tow. at
•bto. Ilka tboae of a man tlnd nf Ilfs
blespa. wbicb wgn really powerful, a
Wytog to break enipiy liotUm on I
Once blood bad 00ms but ba
irtnt on tmakuig (be botUaa witbout
fsytog aqjaU44iiinn to It. Tbrobsaak•d tba waiter i.- bnng a bottle of nun
BSda Urge alms
Hr filled lb,a to the
; •
wiib Ibe liquor, a^ toon alowly.
Witboqt moving a muade or even 1^^ be dtalmd II to the bottom.
nnkiiid aitpoMiion. aame. mnirao,
who waa a grrsi Inralid, bad gradually
worked on aud profited by hs sicoa’a
graiiiml* until at length tbe poor girl
bad biran* quite a alarn.
Hs aunt
wonld not anffit any one clae to do any
. .
,for ber.
She could not bear to
bcarolbs footatepa to lb* room or to
qBi,„ unoonwiiooaly
been* rukhiifg all Uie apirii and aU tba
it of ibe foong f irl'a Ilfs
^nntoyued nobl^o a «
girlbo<d. the yooug offlc»^r thought bs
ptoefa tf it. tbw thn-w iDto It bia cigar
rolorid bair. with juat a touch of tbe
autumn hares
Headqaarten for Ohristmas PrMenU|
' Friedrich Block.
New Store—120 Front St.
CoDsultatiog and Eiamlnatiaa Free and Stricily Ceafideatial.
Tba Cblwnar raatl. , Ka.w What C«
DRS. B. S. & CO.
BE egusaano BP
wblakcra awuog buiiaelt si Ibo e
r, Win-.
“«Wla of a block, and 1«
y Tab-, li t 1
■e you open tbo
V .r.n a a.a 1 .wthing . liC bat juat ■!»''
t •* a and I abaU know jj.ut too
' e.t piau
M..... vrbo
.vh.i di-apiato Ibe
th. waya of tbe
art; not imgiy «ith toe, that I may come ^
and are rtio agaiu."
iIm- wiiKlow gunnla aud Waicbed
In Uiv aiekroutu. ab<- look up Iht
'(.ot a match. ocigUbor;-" (uquitod
! tbe fnwb young uiau a* be put tbe Uat
Amnicui ledicil
uu4ctl iBStitiite of Indejoi, Uct.
Bb-tel^:S!Z^x±-t±xLs, Xara-crerset 0±tty,
s^bTinVihS rb;^rh.r»« viS •
- *- •
Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 14 and 15, 1899.
Now that kb* wtf* calim-r aud ofwHl
tl.ink it ail ovadiiilicratHyalu. fell
U-WUi .lb* ful
a bm-l, .-blcrly pnum. culcutot«l
Office Boura from 9 s m to 4 p. m.
^ , flubbiug iw.qi to bu amoks
“« you
migbi a.
will kill n,.-if latick;
CMUdbaimravaguii riionu. tbo ctaah- '
........ ..........................
... a
. vuav
tbit old, gray
iBf of ip—- ——. I.M..«.< maimc
HI inc lui
Tbo smug
{ prJ
pri cUrt^
rtartfri up. and abe t**''
, Ira.knigdw vliiDg. half buiii-d to a little
.. »
"1 know tb.y uudcrnmic tberonsti-,
^ old world IDV Q, be bad tfauRcome acroaa
. roi, lici;. ^
—, ----------- .„a
mMb p-n-'
...Hu„. Wk,i» .b.
,1... .KMin..
“Tbe rannt waa not y«d aatiaflnd with
by chunoe tbe pale, captive prineem of
Now If I’ve forgoiunaiiyil
Uavtrur)' fver ib<- Kuginibmaii While
bia drcaroA
yi« were giiiug to euy b.-lp me out
Ita anu awalinwiug wiib apiain-nt
It <calBDuring the tort arcck of bit atay it eoHfuMil uinruar of meu'e voiois
____ j Come to Uiiuk <d JL l>e got a irntcu
•Mi tba glaaana of lt:|OS wbivb
aKuied ar ibnegh Mm*. Primeau bad
•ffswd U> bini be did nS vem« to ds
^nvfr.';m'b«mnllnt. "'>«»
an-uixl daninr. forandeb nly, aodapparToor bun witb hta pynt c-amod away
«« U*.»k at nil
ly wilbiiut
wiibiiut any raueo.
raoso. licr
Iicr miuoer
1 know if you hud a boy
b.'(<av 1
doll tuuduiM, wbirb waa broke
d the ynoug man bad rfaaugciL
would lick,
BI alwori osld and rarrsiftc wtann wliii'h bad M
I Dcnriy
indiiw and
all* >T*ikc to him. and rhetlid nS Invite
I yon w.-re giang to
my that '
w irr furuciuiialy. Ilka
him-III diuorr with bcrat-lf aud niece. Irtri-K'bHi
■»! ilo
d' yon p-l oil Bbybow?"
uiadmon wlii u a ainmiackrl
a u
Tlio time war gi'tOog dcfpvral.lT aliort O] <41 it, Imriug to to- t
aa hei
hma bust put <ui bim TTu- btogliabmao
—only ibrc* daiw msv —and then, cry I'f diftme eiopiad
droppi'd ofl
BSattnard u> l>a«i of bia etnaigtli
Till' .irk V omaii. livid and ahiveriog,
Ibnincb birowti fudiMi piwaititiatioo,
auuK'ibiug aiamt «
qraa uow tbun.ughly intusir^tMl and
be would fnrwer have loot tb.1 oppur- was i-.ii.ug up iu biiL aud mn-hik v.liut csHiiHig lo . .Auil tlm fri.n yuuiig man ^
MkiDK Imimdi'iitly SMMKb to tbeotbher Him- wan just going to doabv suit
tunny lie ix'w bad of »r.’»ki
bghti.-l bi» <-isnritui with a grin.—j
gtB, who wi re lint M. lirnuk
liniwof wiuuiiig aa bi« wif
“•bo you art'viry valmnt. are ynof
wouiuu li" woulil ever love.
•Aad Umoonui^Will auiiliug dnulauivon? I
Ill Hit- i-viniuR.' wIn n tbe twm lariira
bappi iK-d to lx- witing ont ii^lie gar
Chptuiu mmii fervor i> ::iu«a paps-/
Dm't b-avi- mr. • • •
den. Lii utitiunt Foorni* r on fna arrival
in’ lam-mfUd.
1 am '•'mflrd- •
U.iA bii rlieir. and in
ej ite of the
tbe ae-iwhatrainlmn,..af-1 whni ^in I am
“Uuu Jcoani snrtnl torpringat him.
1 am dytog-1
dyibg—1 know
which be «*dto|cb.ld! -^- • I
^ Uie ulluTi mAraimd biui
gglmiiig taHim-lf. liPMld:
Ihi> and t'>gau luialk IhiIcIIt about hU,[
.ltt.«t at that munii-ut Louie* could
What" yi r relignin*
! aaid III''—n.vuul to me rivruiL
•* ‘If you art- ab bruve. why out pot
d> piirlur*-,':
Tan*, and Cb< ii aboul bt ai Ulr mta.iitvd trend of liioaoldim;
••My M-Uuty
•oar band no ibi' taUlor
bi" *.wii i*>.-if.on and moan*. Tlu-n »uil-! but. mvvrtb. !<•»«. »lv vohii to lu-r auuL 1
•• • Wbai 1.M-*
d. ulv iiml viibont any b ading up to it ] A. koou a. *Iic naeJicd^lio bciUido the
v.-rali.To’ •snudav*.- •bi'Biii:<n;ii' <d He-fan that be wa* w«-ary ' m i. w..iubb eczisl b.r lu lii r arm. and
K .. . M.
h A
of III-s.d“.irr life, aud that he wanl.d kiw-d JiiT over and ov<r ag-.iii. llutfs,
timi .lip Oitns I
iBta h,-.tation watched out bU
Howil Lou.-, to-nd-' th-liUi time Lou.^ wai impaiu-nt aud
r Olv Koniaii'”
•• •Mora than yos ’ rsorted tbe Eng-
ilmbmad'a and wilbout lnwilaa Ijiglml
etoriit eucdi aa b<-r aunt adnrod and
ttOB sud with a f.-nx i.*. gnp he rauMl!
dweya baviug to reml
the point wilb tbe .dluT aud drove it »
ttuo^b both into Ibe tabla
I •“***
But yemr pcadiloa end ynor fnoMiie
"Tbo wouii-u uiK nvl a cry of
■ *'
If wbal y«ni
y<ni hhwhou
mraiion i«
ii an
all you
AJI of na uuai nui lu Uwir awdataiica [
^fh !
r‘.Si I
Aten wbirb
w^ WO
wo applMol
to Ulom
% J. W. Slater, House Furnisher e
prnlucame tn.rhirfcb.:**. proud to
montb’a aoiooto wilb them,
gsdabontaul muinph tbu pr..rf
ito ^
d,digl.t«l iu D.uiae’a ronvs- h»M. won the love of web a man. and
gnat u-ar. of bappint«g.tl«odm her
= aiomach. in which it
gnwnrl aa tbongb tba naiioual boas
M.w„dow. I.M
ier.;i that tbiagirl, who bad lived tbnt
irsa oomvniod.
mrely in ihcaliatle. jioa«-med a mind
It. MW
..ItlDB IM . i,«eb of I
Also Upholstered Rockers in'Corduroy,
^ Plush Brocatel and Imitation Leather, and a
^ fine line of Parlor Suites, Bed Lounges and
^ Couches. Leather Goods, 20 per cent. off.
Iiwavaa tboogb.it>Tiiibt<
boTcriug aronod hs in (bi
tbo puuiuier eveuiug.
Juat like aotoc viaion abe mrcstef
alowly and tbuu radi-d fnitu bli aight in
tbo gutberiyg dwkniaa amid Ibe ttwea
Aa abe waa going, ibuogb. bo aaid bnrrirdly: ••luuutwtaud
ao miden • • • yi<a cumoi aiiaws
me * * * . Do not (I II me now. but at
daybreak, when oar drIacbiD' nl paaaea
tolrontif thebouw ••• betbere
_ ..
“J'*® ®PP^**
It asd aald aotomnJy:
"i««h 01
chmbM tbe traU/Wid tb» drocii^
down among tba
va< <hat arben Uua Primiao tboogbl
that be waa ooA -of the wajr abe wonld
aUuwberiii'c^ofoeai iotutheprdea
ef^r after betog impria*
0 or tbrre da.ra.
Tbe joeog inan wailed, bii e.m Used
cagerl; on tbe boom door, drradfof
fic« Touraier, a Toanff liealeaBirt in tba
naervea. «aa ocl^ too flad 10 itM bock
to tb« boaae wbera be bad bm qaarlered. Proo tbe Ont da; tbai be bad
bars quofimd to tbka booae bia
tbe, jrconggirlappaotd.
barior toward iu oeeBpaaia bad baas...........
marked bt smt roort«y and eonaidrf- j aa abe
at>« bad paaaed bia biding place asd
aiioa. U br bappew d to meat eitber ef »a« o.-aiij at ,tbe tud of tba paibba
____ _____ _______
ttv it waa j«at
filling doek. be retarurd br a aartotr
aunt to tbe «bar aide of tbe gaiden,
•rhlcb wUl Uloninalc M07 efalvaliio
froidwM ill bpauub Ufa and apdy tlloamwa tba raclOcn darias and oonnf*
gt wbk* tbr av<ne« iMgbty doo ia
liWnllr tnanaHd The noe U a aoA
•Mooda la Um ootakinaof
o lift witb btaiuetbaoo
I bad atrcaobed ont on tba
ta flaBlMT Ua.
BaatM^aaak. «T.«BWtadn
Tb> <.•<■
! ■n > !■ aavUy MA
TtenkliMtotipaai^iMMtla. T«M«,
Sw^ tb<an rllmtod «|u> (ba table to
biatbiasa aanpfrom tba boom that
Bl; M aod clxp at tba bote! to otdar
Ohcarb tbe ladiaa to Ibe rarl;
os. Ucmadeasr^dnlofboiaa
wbile paefctof. alaawlnc tbe doon.
dragstog bia mtik and bia ewad atone
elatter-^-ia fact, tottinir (be in
valid know tfaat ba waa taaU; r>^
tkm V'
14^' ‘
B waa aa airk
a hroae and vonii^ ]
Soho Uh- conul waa doing
as and both were taken to oneb
BBi aw tbe rauabtiabiural bad to offer
/syonr-' tbe young girl. • ♦ • bbe r-ajaiid oo
but quietly aud eut.n..*.iTcry
••o* roe down cbo-cb
I'll go with the The Kuat 8>
o' KiiklauiL »crgiaiit
bsud '
Tba n<Mt srlOrl.s and In'oraUr knea b
la tan faliaa a<am Bit iroa eiparweca.
AocMBtiBK Tmr lb* ate. of a Ttm.
roarVaM' nklli and um'rrMal m.. rrnn Is <hp larimt bOM|.iiala is the worM anal4n hto U
tiwa- al’l lf^OSK'. NERVOI S, HEIN and ULOOH Otara» wpes tW la—m —treUSc prtaef“It .tnk.M me. Mr Uti. I.
au.d Mr
plrt. at>d nDllUvn hla U- lh» mil ronsarscr of Ur aairtnd rterywha—
D.vjroay, -Uiat ymr eburgeaurge- of *:w fs
u,i. opiiHoB u pretty .......
larrh. Diai-a—« ol tap B,r. Ear. Nutr. Throat Bad latap*. Diapapals Bright a luaaaao. Ota-n1. Uoubt. ' aaid Mr Uru4
“Jlntlhet•» Eld^.LlTor.IU^r^ca^D^l^pwalaJted ^a^^—«—n af—dUf
dcau rT,tj rear whi.-tBleht Bar* bceo miprad k> prrlaet aaalu bad Ucr
>aM„ .a.. ■ is Ur basd, nl espma
S. after rvanol rxwrtroe*.baa dWewrv
my fonvidiiini yon t o got to pay uqt
toUr—i, Priaalr diaro—a paalUr^ cw
for my cuourr U rerr—o ^hMar^r*^—*a. talU
and. on tbei>reicxi that ebcwai getting worn, n remained thu«. with thr bilodt
terwiMaadsaallrappUrd. OasBBltaUec
Harper'a II
chilly, "he took Louto'* arm. and tbe atill down.’vbilewHb a imwaurcd tread ^
--------------------‘PB. OITIEA* oprratra .sr—Isllr aad ; DBATWBaA I ear. *1 per,
palaWa^far sohlsi err", p—rTrluw- IrWre Nas< <-aar> rsrad la pas Irrai
two ladits enured tbo boo—isgetber.
of bcaty hoott on tbe pavemiut and a i
gw Piara rar lae lupaataat.
mitCUagGI.Sti £All8e<
Ljp„„.naui Tooruicr did not aeo tbe clanging irf rtroJ tbo wldiera matched;
Tbirv hiul • inticd aud letimiua fv tba ipwr- “n*;2r‘diJt“JLd”'a?*o*^M"*'CATaUKHUk lHL Mist h
u,* „o. auo ou. oad on • • • oniil finally pM^nui til-awg
«1C SOBS zm aad (rapulaud ! la^raah*—. caa—d tnm cm>
“«»OL--------------------next Mnio. PrlmcBU, wboae bean waa Loui.-brord uoiLiugmore but lbela«t-y-atber. ‘ the beautiful vooiig womaffretad, bad utwof tier bad atucka ing of tai-r own heart.
'u imid. "we are auny for what wa
i.- j? i
She Ft^jd in bed fir tbe UfSt fevdays ;
. bare done Wfllyoo'PBIv’TBbLwD
aud tbe yotiDggirl waited on ber baud :
in front of the old gray Iwotc. hold-;
“Tbdn. tbi- atern old man IntcrruplgBB vprodUj. rosp—ir and permaoraUr;
atid font, taking ber meati nveti iu (lie ing Lib aword loiaely, UaurircTouniin ad. "vby d«u i you go u> Uw lawyer
aickrooB, little dreamiug, lu ber per- bau foil a timble ^iig an be gazed
up 'arouud tbe cunicr? I'm no divoroe
iti «p
feet Qucoo—ill nr»a, that there wa»
IboM cUaedblinds WLentbi-detacb- Mort '• ~Ubitogo Newa
|! * >. “« ,
loaalty <nib
-rttb tbe few tu.tana at bu ’
anmo biilierto unknown force, powsfu
ami alnn^t oDcartbly..
"•' Kick woman took the girl't hauu
u bs own beart, which
and plai-ed it
it waa enonch.
wa* bwiing
- - - • drop. II infli
iflnitc, pity ov. rrame
* * * “*-
"Oh." ab* mrtd«oly oielalmad. "1
..Pia. a. .aa< IMC .p...
111 that Mr"Am
J*4«iant iit srcBwl B^f
I wat iuviribb'.
meot had ponaed. be bad "topped ■hart,
BUd ihi’D. walking Iwk nmier prrtan—
s fi ll any toiereet in ber
----------- »-
le sqm
n-h. L,e
i clinched bu teeth i.gbily
togelLcT. for befell aob* ruing
throat, a-tboogh tbcywauldcbok-e him.
^»mvil^*obB»P Tro—-------- ^bodr.
. uoBIUei.
IMP" aad all d.lic-ai» Ul-widar" prcolUr ic | eraurrlarr.
•Ith——I. (■a.iiKrlr roraO. ai wrll as (oar
aaKBieo Mg>. — >h«—-ilrrlaE oa Uai
"wovvved from theaec-|,^^^,^.
llouatd.—Neralhat rraall Iras reP'Slal fal
lllr. aaara pf phralcal debUHr. aalektr
the latter
kin * Cough
.andltollink with coosideraW
BtoPa with B girl
Llevelaud Lrofl r |
trap, only being iu bed a lUtli
' betA. tvgretUtig that tbe wa« too ilLto
Ijudileuly. anhamed ot Au« wvak-tiM. ________
,- ^,
f toe fi
taientut" mesroro by tbe cirntrartiiio ^
.ot aveu meBticaitog bartuutog b.mreH
rdf by a tr,
trt o.uiiooB
m.UiiooB ofof-ii me'r
mer attack- Tbr eeooBa atuek la
gt pecroieoni oiber tempeiwiunw —rend
________ ________
-» iqaallyaa
ax.viuM bi* griif
and mtbfled
Wauld have been
bundrrfl fltvmw below swo F
At »10
Maurice did uot glrh op, tboagb, emotioo. he tried to feel anger iiwt*=d. l»d aa tbe firat. but for Uw ^ of toU
•egreea belnw ecro. the temi*>ratare at
Mi4ftrrthat. Tbe detarbmeal wai sad be kept rvpeaUng to bim-lf:
wbiob liquid air boiU. perrulimtu ether
to Irove to. hum at daybreak to order
"It U all ber pride and varnty!”
tiiiu rr^Trat^f 1 ^^We to it
- aW*
Bureh to toe '
And two live, that might have bl«M- while In toe firat ease *- ww
' to "pare
men tbe
. . ________
tend to bualnraa about two day* before
BtoadadanMCf a
bant of tbe midday nm. Tba yoang ad each otoar «
divided torow.— g^hiiag .gown. ”
For asto by fi. E
I DaatniaBt gave out that ba woBld taka 8tnwd.
^'7 “3^
. Catarrh. «Ila I
TPtula. m«ad TWlaU
U UfJa>Z«*I
Wt ai *B*5T*E TO CfBg ■_______
;ie's,':ssi:;--5SS'sKLr‘ ■
Sk’TSLTSft'S.—Pdi. ehVh win rw«r* a la—tal ebrwip
•Tppi^ •sBwlaattea. a«
Ji br eulsarerd piuaate
naS CmwhAsaappagwamaaheS
•t oasa O. D. te any par* a( C. S
ms.I.s!t CO. F^itATENI ISO.IBSKEffl.nCH.
IBM MOJjmrO KBOOKD. 8UITOAY,3rAyUA»'^ 8,1898.
«M ■ bMBUfol tMflr Mrvtac la
A iaAj mnoc » irtak c»«■ «Dd • wnn rWlBv l»Wi
•«.«» ov.
cateb Um |);U
koa HvLtld«e fur A1
'■W> kK*a oalroB*
Bwt aovaad then «« m la mom
aaw^Mper tta* q«pi7, *'Wbcn U Pat-r ■» •ud^ew. aoc
rk* JiMin Utned?" aad Xactiaa to Itarte ApmI—«ai
... .
Mil'I heic m; ntppM UU aiedeBMli
with the «i*Uk«aW-tluu'2i'
doaa Te dlda^l t
^.-.dty. whet* matk d hierj^
dlno« " ibe «hted
"TlM#w*.*»B-|do H'-dM«ldmed'r‘M*e
: Ir
Mil* Cerllla'«e*l
Cerlha Werlog fay the wladow.
mirtiM bmrif Is her Hd- , ..................................................•"------------------------koft* that the maa who
"- _
Bi tbc cfalldith
fare above
re t« thxlenr aoqali«d the title d “TbeTiMsaed; the fiM broil B ptiMfore Tfaen ifae lock
Cepuln Uiller Impn] ftom bh
the Berdatioa''liM » a qaid gneo
grare | cd ei tfa* pile of beary eede oa the cfaair
aaduklrtibe boMM bMde lad them oa oo the cKau taOiarlaMe ouoniT where bedde
' fan
' raodflcfaed
Wilbt rreet UBwr-'-'-'-------■------ .......................................................................................................
. *
...•-‘Baee pauBwi^y lenybMtaaa bat*- he fcBoedy lived. Over it U a aiartile
••N« yet. eberle •
' QBtck oeerl'
The octate line a
mile* fr»n the town dl^iiabbB(s.iHar docra«*!a andwM'b
r, airf
the biatler luw which a^jaiHCea Char-. th* kn|> tiair
The few.
tberietr ' kdte and Uatopbell coantSea .......................,
"tt. uatui t^Khermadenoiaelle w
“1^'. air. yooredioBi Billlaly 10 Utah ' iu Dante
miue d Bud UiU
Uill trOB
trdn |be peculiar Jj *e'>
*e'» eo
m boiy. as
bb' betide* It faurtaberio
color of the aoU to that Tiiaaity. Whaaii^k,- aba catefnllr explalnad to AUrta'
eeallar next regatta "
I fbitrirk
frk lletuT boofflii the place, it o
The lady prijdaetd bar
r amilea
and d aboat S
Out of tfalt MM^b^a nrmmm m majuif to uio s
emcB. wbkih aba tlippad lota tba fwrT- '
that poor U«1 and Henry
■MB'a rawfiilea fingara.
I twvd be taebtlaned loeettaer—can
-Tbaaa are a Ht oaoDanae. My." aald grow* there aa hifrti aa a uiaa on boraetha farrynaD. Bilppiog tb« gold letohu back: ihm Ua (cnKial air d iiuiliBg
-BIU. waka Bp at yoar and . flelda and abuodanl prwperity. Iti dP
^ M M taafee tbU -ara oU boat Bote
wm very miata.
Everything Goes Regardless of Price
Must be Sold Within 30 Days I
. ...............of tUDDey—
HU ab< loat her rulee. : An abe*pc«i all
btv Bonry an they didn't make her volsa
well again, an now there'* a big doctor
esmeanabe * notgetaay
get cured "
Babetu-'a t
beat tbe lurket n
ik.T JLI .^L
I Kdphbora were tow. «M of the Beared
alee maa Wbra be w« a little boy faa
The hJS-'^ thdr btad. la tb. air '
^ lived right next door to m
and rdled their
eyea. arreoutly
nerroutly ehaBpInt
ehamplne Bnaaoke.
Boasoke. wbo
who Ured
Uved 1
u bu choaea aoll off In tbe cuBiiiry,"
wir eye*,
tfaakmg Ihrir brldlM Cap- ,
l&milie away.
BafaMte grew tired of j
I hint
dlllM. boldiag fadb _____
the darkoem. Sbe wemdr
hand, looked acalB at fal* waicfa.
eold to go out and bi« i
ciucJaeUe. &'
■‘BhaUwedoliV'tbeaakrd anxiootly J clever
I d the
fie did,
• ^hla toor'pLdaly «ald"Va"^ I
tltw) eyea.
lag rellva of bu oeleroB we ahalir r—
•-*"W'a'r* going ap to tbe eonwr, Be and
j nraiea RraaaiBiaerlaclDding the deafc
Marie, to aoe the bli
’ *he Bid.
! he alwayt lued. which auU cuotaina bit
"Wfaat wUI yoo bett"
"All right, cberle. an along. Doa’l
•a'ahe letter* from Lalay<
Bar eelee dtop|iad *o e low I
go any Itanbi
iher and et
.berk aooB."
Mad^ and other ^1 boo of ci.i:y
aatwared. tni low tfaeagh her
•be tpf>kB wllfa the utmewt inlenaliy.
dajAj^ latpe. roond backed chair in
tVbalwlil I bett By band etid lay whj^^^trick iltoiy
leaiy died and a pira
d him ty the older Sully, ander which
After _
bauK* a yellowed alip d i«pd. aigoed
r. "we ll alEb tbd irala."
aflemoue bod faded Into da«k. Badrmoiden t. ni arrd ap.*k *0 yoo I br
Jtu-tico^ Jihn Mandtall ^ aeUe would worry if the didn't go aaoa.
- - aeverBl othin d tna ‘nvuti*.
frieuda. l«tifyiog
Hu Mid. lookThg at the Jrwelad
A big tear apla*b«d down the Uttle dork
I to U»e failiifoJm-w
* d
- thelilMieB.—
----------lace and *he wli«d It awaywKb Baric
________ ___ ____ ______ nwdlDgon IhU palB I Pblhulelphia 1^
AntolneUe'. r|>r1gg«el coliro *klrt.
*e|oni|«d lightly lotu bar BddI
Suddenly aoiae one touebed bvr oa tba
fmybtMl gral
Babctle knked ap ioto the brown eyea
bent upon her. Sbe nutlmd the (lulntid
Tba Uronubrr daya went by. tba eriap
bvanl and curly hair and a light canui la
winter weather paawd.and there cwnie the
te her-eye<
lovely Bay time. Again the old ferry■-\Tby." .hecaM. "Ii'r tbe locket inaor
hoal eroaaed the river to bring orer a earThe locket ntan Mutivd lalntly
rlaita wllfa a pair of bay..
outupenine lhveovclo{iva or doing them
"Wbo . the 'locket nianf " be eald.
Tbeearrtage waa empty except for the thu leuet injary ll waa diwuvcred by a
"Why. It'* you—Klilietd. yoo know, la
two eerraat* wbu were on the box. When Oemian pbyuolagiai by the aea d an tbe locket —la niad>niol<-ellr'* locket.
it waa ferriert over, the roeebman tiok up
Yuu’n-lbe little Uiy *be
to tal ma
: Rlata.
hla rale*, and threading fair way tfamagb
of Tiay oneqoal and Marie-boDL We re 'dopbd. me aa
Barle "
'•What are yoa begging ibUwayforT
It'ocratred to him to make experi- Badnuulwlk- muRt ram a g<««l deal of
meDit iu order to aarertain bow many aiopiy aitiglng." I.-said barsfaty.
ieavre d erdinury lertrr or official pa
Bahrti.- loiik.d up Into lil* face.
'■Tbat'aT-eptaln Mlller't iwirlage. blm per inokt bv laid nbuve and bt-low a
'-Ob’ but ijie >vw* vreta now. an we
that lliw* op at l.litleioi,. tba hoa« wfaat written Luf iaordcrlouiakc it Illegible don’t bare Rliv- tblaga nay Icon-, ao aba
baa a clock
Hr M njarrled tact week. to a hiiUily M-oMciTo eye iu the dirtvi cHr* lot. of Dlgbta. Sbe'a kiB faer vtOca.
Spark he'll oomedowo 'etc Ibl* aummar.''
you kuow ‘
n<- foQud Out aftvr be hud
"Had any tuora thick un« lately. Br
'l^iat ber Ti lce-C-cnU»'*
nwted hi* eye in a dark tuoni for 10 or
Bobetie nodd.-d wiwrlly
"No. Dill. I ain't
They're not oaar- 1C luiuult-K he cold xved a pint- of writ
• All Hk- pall! out all her money aa they
She wa* one of the right eott. ing over tb«ruiimir d lilt-tmifarvoerope couldn't amke h ,-r well Bfrain. an wo cvine
•be WM
1 wendiv If *b» twughl Ibal that bad buen cuveredwitfa right layer* to Povt-ny flat*.
d paper,
who'll cure her.,
tralnt IMd ye hewr wut her bet wayf"
Ho culled in otluw obe.Tv<-ra toona- —an I'm I.I buiigiy'"
"Weil, abe bother‘art and 'ar'and "
RalirtU-'* timi IltUe voice broke
£nn tlii*. -Tin.- U-tteix. buwrvrr. that
ruold tho* ii« dcripbcred wvni wnttiu looked down at her
"Criiile folka 'a* fanny waya, BIU.*’
bi- KBld. "take me borne with
in dork ink ou lau- «di- of the pnpi-r
•Bid the fertyman rvOertlTrlT
only. It four wnttcu eidee a i-tv folded
Yea." he Bid conddMitly. "It'll Watl i
togrthur. anil «pei-ully if there had right now."
Tb* rprtng w,
and kheeumuier n
bnn rrusMug. it nwr bard to toukc out
Oaeof our>nii
Nib- •■eUlla. anrihg I7 theillule win
te be, with ri-ld wlndi
the drift of the wnling. and there aru dow that liR-kid out over lil.-v<ene«l rtsifa
tell ehinitiev*. cried a Inile to het.eH
Wbeal wu *01111100
•oaie kinds uf writing wliirh. wbon
She woi-di-nsl wbat wa*
fuldid twiua- ur ihncr. uditiit uai little
I to l-nime of ber and liaHitifi.
iwn paMongor* aa t light f.e- tin,- pur)v>»' of d
hi* frviglii
theoflly Iiadn i Ualiettc' But «he bad ,
S Uie p>Ttob-n tbe waif In day. of priwi-erliy Tl>e
Hull' Olio wiu .iicbn loyal m.uI. and iw !
boat on ihr,Sh<|.|vrt<in vnk-,
anoOu-r. a ho wa* welling
aldc«»he«u> rei-nch, and Iho |.«irlK..i«B
' ia aa a rule. •w>i<-r t«i tnukv ont tlm run- wa*alaiH-l> Iil.uv forlhe.orplian. IVrhaiw
ilng.-Mr* BlMcT." they ! trot* (4 letter or lilivroiu tviibi'-,it the
woiilu Ik ItUi-rlf »Im- had lot Iherlilld
Tb. ri-oil,-wa. sorv III i.im>'ii.mg Ui
ml •Rilling hiirnHlIv frvm elil'hti-M taaipi-ntig n-itli III- rttvelo
elopeUinir uinbn IlM Tbi-O lh--r |wta><l
het the Bidvi-uji'iUa of eat and a I'! vk- n> *)i-rp at least and >h«
a. Had CXaagwd.
dor the is-i-lne*
a« eura of tugl.lng aiij inonthe ruil^o 111 tlx- tsot
A willow one*' calli-d npno an artiat
Wheal linked up quickly fruni hi* boat.
Sbi-liiuugbl ot llieduaroii! day* when
Snppiav tU.-wniiT of a billet, tbc
ber faibet wa. allie. li\u-hiiic >'wch In i«od
IdentK.rtng Mr* Miller In hi. lulmi * eye
nd osj.'-tl
osA'-il biui to|uiiii
totuiiK a piTir
ouul’-iit.of which aiM kuowu uulv to
Tbc Imiy girt In and *ai ilnwa, huddling
'try madeny—when n.itiaid baristnd "WhrmmiilivetC luquiivd
hinixclf. li-te it out of hulioiidand iisw-* tiinilm'wiiy lln-d lURt oeniw the garilon.
berwif under a *isull lQr.r*)i>i.
Um BrliRl
"hi- cun I kit at all. " Bid i
When the ferryman hod hrougbl bl, I Bight Ol it tor Dvr tuiuuti* • U may Iw What good iliii,-.
lliii,-. ti
tkay bad I'-gistier—until
tbe widnw. "hi-’* di-ad. " "Tbca yoa
Uily earru
.earru.1 i-itiMr lulo the direct ber taUirv dl.vl
It In the (tep* the lady, |>mdui-liiE bar 1 ivaa.ly
will havi- to turuiRb q»t-w-ub bi. jihoto- ‘
_ vn pnrw
pnnv oj. ned
n • It
-Itwa* lln.d with
ilighi or II
uln-tnc or uiopii-eiuuj after I
inh-rlled le-grand
iii-iR.id anil«hmmitn
rvd im'ri.id
The ferry
lid I* no grapb.'' mill Ibv urti.t " Hi- m-vur bad :
light Bid Iv h ad by tin- alil of Ibi- <yfg jir.'le and Inib-jetio
bu im-tmv uk1.lL ' feoid tbe widow I
Ui.ti's1 luniooliwt ll
man. »>i,lllt-g e iib agrvvSihlenmillivilaBa ghu«
Tin- plie-lng of u plisv of mr
wa* eii.U-tld, lied «- «ig-aki
cld II
tell Klcbanl thdt—«he knew hicvi'nbi'li.ee tbe jictiRt aud. rluuk the '
tnilgc jaia-r in the envelope or t^Xol
■ Id notlu:;-o..r
not luii-n.. .-heliadtJippsI
. .isluui.t
"Yi-ovAUgM lhal into. lady. Ia«t 0ejab. auil w li--n fat- bad tiiiiiiliivt the work !
oritig ol It Hack t* a tuiwna of di-feuae
.y to lb- i-lly wl
'Kh l.i-r lillle ►ii.k o;
1 a>A-il
idow to i-6m>- aud «-e it !
money, and a friend ^ |ier fnibir . had
"Y'e*." *he*ald eimly, I'hen *he pdd at hand.
pu-toru.' wild abe. "aad
bedped her on lu.ueeeMi. In tbe height of yon II plmw
Old 11 to my honiw—fapi
her t-ef»i«nrv. aluv she had lakiii lla"lull, nil] the ferryutan u> btande
bow fill
<jii 1man iio. dioiigud."' BoaThe npriwr was like lhal of amaHu-<Jil
•ahe.iui.l aliiewaril In tt»- .bod vTAltb
rwail 0/ Uli-bard'. d.-parium->
tng tbe ■■aiiiirul fwlii. 'yuii know lha*
«ale In the Inti'CeS of a
T&-thsir wa. littin-d wKii youiiiMi-r*
rd tor awhile tur hi set I
laily that ae fecTlrd oirrln iln-wtoti-r—
■ th* Play.
her will, ('ai-lalii Mill.-r and ili,'orn'" llyiiu; 4m their stunmi-bw titid alUauJrdhir Uiiatif tu-kbould ri'i-er
wanted i-keif'h a train'"
| tUg n ilb an unervy iiidieative that oreoiorihingRl-'iuld hnpisn tli.ii he whuld
"Thai'* bet. Well, .be did kit.-h her . wioji-bi.lv Wa- bdriiiij: tbi'iiL L.His. I ne'er know i< wa- for bim »iu- wa* ring
11 iwj'-inctat town •
«■“' «> be taliui. w-t^al.-bi-d op-u k1i|»« ol palm limf. 1 '"g and workmg-for turn, and .tot (or
ketehed her, stid. in my o|UnloD. he*. ,4,0 ro,„valeiU of hook* in liurma.
tbu puy, rtalkvd pant tbe ticket oftiee
ottiee .'
ketcbisl a 1 nrlar
K i ww.tw-n. 1Then ahe liwl hivvoliv-, and *h» knew It JB a ran-l»wa. uidi*pi.-Ddvtit wwi of way i
"How d'ye know all that Mr W'bml!"
'•-'^'*<1‘► «o**'»bv>stBilan. Making |
,j,r ei .i. f alt bi rdr.-nn.. She fonsbi
When «.Tq»«l and a-ikvd by what TiKbt
"Bow do I kiiowH' Why.
»‘'e .pim-tod method j
l-.ii liul. I7 l.i.l- b-e .......... .
be went IU wiibaui psTing. be twplird:
HUIrr now. nw ibaC* what I hi-nK] Ibera
^*'*n'ntary lURtructum
Wbtm the drtfnst away and ber v
"By wh*i n;"iii J am Oliver i^ld-j
two ladle* aealllB er
Aa the *n.ke waa ;toa*t>-r dtatuvm any laiKlUg ID lung back
*er ‘an an 'nr 'and—If shi ki-lch«d the cxeri-ian. a ligiK cwitch U^'ius to aing
of tbe pim they are
Tbe dernr e^eaed and aome one atepped HBith. the am
going to pi-Hiu...train
If. inlad yiv—lf< W'vll. .be • Mra thsaigb the air
■ertnus Mialy la into the ruom.
She held Ihv work Brener the wladow.
BUIer.anao abe did ketch H. an aome ieiploiW
TTm Bcrm.» vdaratiuaiMa
"AtL- btgt pamioL
"aud tbe check
UaylighT wm gl' Ing place to dmk Shad
^ I think now .be would rather abe d
,0 lung a. a boy ,i HmaUDB
taker, aiakuig 'a buW
ow* Icrkwl In tbe low reikd ooravra
And (itiliUuntb walked in to M hla
'"Whedaean thiek «W tie U-he.li" | *»• ““Ofl l».»rU;n.-d When b'-Is sU«-nt.
WhnVeimid ibtiKVCo bef
-Why' W.-II.Seh^dti.Mtvt^ila'*:’;"
** arbeaunfi Biiwblef
"I'mgUd you've come liack. cberle.”
tbe wlntiv tMu# ind ber face- wa* a pretty ! Thcrvlulx- tlie Uak abooiei* are the beat eald mademm-elle. not laAliig'up
Wby la It Kv«ti TbBt
pink-. Km-ly pink It wa*. but ll *'« Ipor'l*—Yravid
"Cecilia, near bom. don't ecod Be
no*e *• i. jnefc now
Then *b« give a*
The whole crowd of mrn raved c( be*
•alf ■ goldin Irininy
WHl tbi* l« what
-IMrk. Ob. Hick'"
abe give nio now "
Spaniab tdficer* aa w. 11 a* men generThen abr fn-gni ber tea volea. ber povlibe waa divine, they mlA inoomparenv. ber liKlcpa-stHora-. and went Into ble ahly divine, and glonooidy beaotifni.
On Wb.-*!'. iwoad. loll worn palm lay a ally uicliiie ir> craoltv and tmeberr
He „..|d I,
uH lisiked at U iu,,. „ , suiry
^idv tb
u. puict.
point, told
told by
by an «• anil* like a el lid And from Uieibn-eb-ld
So *he waa. jiua a* they had Bid.
ibc hisRi Babette raying In ber happy,
.rr,.*.j^.. w-i.™ mH r«-le,j,,,„, aniWwn.
proach niul .listml
Then he looked at ll
timl loin'
"to Aloala. tbv
the (.iuardta Civil—.that
oetv iniite n»d again held It not at ann't
• U » the -locket man'-lt i Blrbard
length. K iih an . iprvs.i.ui now <4 aegrow. .1*. co« of ib<- crai-k emop—war nftur a I An yoo glad, imdlrmuii-dk-' —Baltuaorr
Uue at the nA’Ie-n- wa.
“Thetv- That - will i4ie gue B>* Lor. roUvr txuid
HowtoPrerrst Pnenaonia,.
II li;0 pnuniwvl a full pardiiii. I
Do«' I esk you BUI 11 m*m*g* a fall- KUghl
a ratal We*
You are pAbape aware that paeaa j
"It allu* K
BoBiaainay* fiku.t--. from a co.d orct ntgwKl tbe papt-r
an attack of la grippe.
hie eeat ami n-i rr*ing (mo tbr st-ad
o tbe ooitipaiiy nf a Loa
, iferved a*
nr la*
UMI diuth
HIM.*. warrant
1«aj*nui tor
IU* bu
u«* SAir - .
Out D "
tbeepidemivof la grippe a few yetr*
author, wb.ia
.friend* wbi*
lUe ofSiwr in cliarge Bid. j
afo when lo loaav eaar* recoiled in
9 tbeellelvB c
ill l«nn wUli faioi
The nibbrr ■
poeaTnuoia. it wa» ohaerted lhal the
the tawk Cf hi*
attack wna never foilowed by- tha*.
Uoyd • Knm
diaeaae. when Cbamber'a-n'* Coagh
Beioedy waa need. It epanteraeta any
In 1970 Japan «-a.‘ virited fay a t(4TiMaUaa u utabi.
teadrreyofa eold or lagripiH-to re,*‘MBilatn. aaiil
nf vhe Beal hle epidetuio ol Muallpok. w Ui.-ti ulaut*(
»ait'ii> that daagenma diaeate.
Clttien»'1vsgin- • 1 u.,.*t.,n.« to tutonu d<K-uuaieil Vukofaauia N'aixttiutnai waa
(far beat rvoiedv in tbe world for bad
rgon that a. h.ie
ivuriied yaar biB- oiadocoeujiUUoryiu 1M»G TbeJapau^
cold* nod la grippe. BverrbotUe war
baad by nn.iake "
A Hnav, sa.
are auid to baw -Uv-o ntnirk wah (be
ed. PoraalebyS E-WaiV
Tbe bereawvl woBian cwieevd fatobMa taut that pK'kiuarfcud furvisiu-r* wire
ei'lnglret lean 1
With her band, anil bvgaa to luoaa
bat be tednioe BO
rsn-'y aev3-IU Jaiaiu
-n>BB. Ibvrm Uw U-«l ralM wait
V 'Nqi »b»t'*bl« lataet aibeiuc for aagm. "Dea l cry
It II roaie out all rlgbl
In the Baak nt (Cuglnnil then-art log iLOIKTl"
"He'a rented a roBB over a rveMaouit.
BM.v laivtr luguta wbiub nave lain auee UM bv ean Inhale hb bbI* wHbeM
toBTbed tor aenrly «W yeua
•xttaeeet"—<*blca«o Newi.
Don’t miss this chance to get your furnltura at the prices
I am compeUed to seU for. Just think of a nice 6 ft Extension
Ash Table for $8.98, and everything else at the same low price.
Look over this list of articles and see if there isn’t some
thing you want:
Bedroom Suits,
Combinat’n Book Cases,
Book Cases,
Rocking Chairs,
Dining Chairs,
Kitchen Chairs,
High Chairs,
Extension Tables,
Center Tables,
Kitchen Tables,
Screen Frames,
Carpet Sweepers,
Iron Beds, Wood Beds.
Have just mentioned a few UHute to remind you of some
I have in stock.
*7 —
Everything Offered for Sale is New Stock.
Come early to have the best selection. Remember the place
and don't forget tbe many bargains 1 have.
Watch for the Sign on Building.^
Geo. W. Thomas,
1*!■« •■KB
201 Cor. State and Union.
John R. Santo,
Ganral lisinMa
Traverse City, Mich.
t: WE ARE^-"=3'
^ Buying Logs! I
If you have any to sell correspond with tha ^5
Tmverse City Lumber Co. We hare also 3
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Fiooriog,
Short Maple Wood.
Lands For Saie-Suitabfe For Farms.
machinery of all dcccnptioDS, incladm); two eaginea, sct works, canriaKe and aai
aaw mill plant for sale,
idinK t
.' A complete
Ever Burned Oat'
O. P. CARVER. A«er
all-ertcrhlg^l^UWj^ta*. naagow
AiOBfi 167.
lOc a quart
8«8 Froot StPMfe
THB uoasao HMOO^, BOTTPAX. JA^fP.ABY 8. iag9
<in« here (BF eowitt), «»d «Mil iM«
MfxIjAWRr oo berveddiBB toor t «ta
todefirwoilF bo«T- I(’«Web^ Per,
D«xt iiMBib I «bBll be in Cbker>.
wwl yoB awy be «<ae 1 wUI be prepared
to ffijm proper eorpnee end
beat vbcD Sate pteeeota jtn, I mmld
not lor ««(>rU U* taer fcaow 1 bed viittce till* irttet.” .
“Sir. fhe't elt riEfaL'* TUa la wbat
Joe Bexnct told faimaeU ei be Md Let
laser end fiiioacd iike s rcely boy orer
Bh ■rif,
buUbtf u> ar>e fro,
Miklne u. aoTMr.ou
Dr.vn.iu t
I* latoTw* ■■■
And ont fur
I Is inodoa Roni *;
-'A. (....Mm V Ufc> ■«•!•■ itfTllBlIilB
j JoeclDi!
.:<taeaniAll enn firing a projectile cmly
lii-l -miifuil claded that ibe rensg woman badoot'
wpe-tliird of an luob in dianicur i« the -------------^ewi
•Aurbeen crriuaely oCraded. bo be. wrote/
sraator whicb actida a anlid piuee at
CnMMftb* flridi when the OaMaimiA. another J«UT,
aetting forth Kms
iwow of iwr
ieorr, aeitiDg
aubI U io< bra tbroogh' end voighing
to- f« tob aadBeeB June .tt^a«iislrcW^K,antt-6^W^!
ractinbiirCfiicagoautP&piff^ |
ewer half n t'si. Not oily hare tbe guna
■ore Ivrvemly
than inJTSe fliet
fiBiptmol hut alao all tMr acceBorica,
Irtu-r, ti ■at abe wonld accpTlbe Leater ,
aqieciBlIy |*nrd. r and projocah*. Tbe
a.... fie
Se reoeired an anawer ez- j
BBOi»l.«s powder of tbe peVMDt
praent tBl
tBi Fbri
pteatiiig Kgrei that noabnolute promiae'
«baBgiedtbe cmditirKu of
cooid be°^madc and iu<-idcnlaUy aog-'
Bet the lltUi- daarblrr iraBdmd
getting ifaat tbewntcrwoa;d boplfwaed
Csdu- tb» l.ranctuM and. tru>
Knqrtng atep with tbeae adranoea
That U/rdn.^ (b«firU.aad lirfdaUday
___ .
to ieam aome of tbe parucalan in re-'
rtera beun tbuee made in tbe rarloait
With tdnta and Buv
ii4*t>-naa gard fo tbe lilUe dinner in boncraf Mr. '
eliBHi of ptojectilea Erea tbe BnaUeet
and lire. Leater. Joe oonainBd tbia aa
at tbeic. with ita ra«a bardened bnllet, And Ua ditalM UM Vr peMUr m
an open cooient to k*.p np tbe coTre- j
told hrr aten/e for fairta Btet,
fit im abend of tl>e Old fublooed Itad Aad
~ ' aa^lr thedatoMcaanp/wt.
fpubdeace, and in one abort noetb ;
isUet nwd in tbe amaU anna of 80
UiK Ebudia." and abe i
One of tbe tnoat eSH^tire of nodem
aK“My Dear Mr. Uaroei.''thia being
-gF«l)ecri1(s ie tbo abrapnoL It u one cd
tbe net and aooepted form, alibongb not
Ctae forme of oane afanL Tbe otfatra were
' I commonly nanl between young pet^
•he old faabic/ned grape and oaniatur. A icmed'lbe >001 of the ename
. who bare nrreir met.
«Me aboc mar be taid to bo a oollootioo roan cule hme ts*dr.m>T el
I In the meantime Mre. Leater.mitin*
•«f Biaailea in a oue. which tireaka op .Mlnale Loon. Cpios la Coot
'. oed to fbow tbe pbotopapb to Joe and
either i>i tbr gtu or at aone point in
lecture on the KUpbrlnlive meriti cd her
fli^ ibtuaetting frue ita duatb deal,
I claMmiaiG. ]n her ItiUen to LoatM tba
iilg partiilra
I cslLgizAd Joe.
Aa eoiai aa tbe raae ia brnbea each of
AilUiiawaa prelitnini^ to ber anb■dbeM parti<
«i, l~
lra e.™
goes »
uu •
a *pu.i.
arparato ,.Uu
“i ■”*
Eml-»r b.d . o.i«. Lie plana for a aatebmukiug.
andifa ..rr>- dv
lb. mMi rtruvli , *bo bonh b.d.
lu July the eomaiionUeuce bl^ l>e>
tir c< of lb,o. All of II,n. tui™ I Th(T "OT.
.f tbo Jmd of rooo|^
ezi-iutngea that
> piion
pbo, of luvrl
lov.l gniuud
in.,nod woold
clool.tod to iwimo . eoiue an cordial in i
' vpon a
wuniu .".rfi'd
. .
Jb« frit at perpet liberty to atip away
tnarit out nn irreimlar oval, wboor area .
‘"““deoco aa
to a ulKbt train and go to Flavica, Ind.
Alaur a .tMcbelor afti r i
It baa
rioting in
'"‘d the Loicra an elabcnir lie
fc«.fooodll»,lbo to«|,„io.»l,om
o letile a
tbeebrapu.1 ia about sis yaidaat;
- ......... .
e other ba<-bc>lac ^ cJaiui ngeioat aomc property left t
id &0 io fnmt of tiie htieniv.
■ aaiherwerewalLinB homeward. "Say,
Miu lAoniao Bhodca,
Ooluacl Starapuel (d tbe Hritirb a
ice first iuritUioitOntiibi
of a Year.
a dozen or mow am'
’•**■*• *** ""f tester fiat
Ibry eat side by side in tbe big din-1
ing room wbiio biaie Senator Kbodnt. !
fn at tbo brad of tbe tablr, urdcred tba,
L ^**b IU"do. fa.d tmn ptoMbed to timid birvd girl to deliver iniiueuse.pot-'
for b you.
I Hot p.rtoni.Mootbo Lolor toutol. tious of spring rbiokea to cbeyoangf
. |
'.and bar name went bad- nnd fortb be- man from Cbicugo.
i-roa Uut time on (be developments
came with tbe rash of cloaing ciiapton
‘ ID a novcL Joe wrote almost daily.
A A R«..n. M, It, riu„. r. W. grown
During 1898 the total munber
oil" s1>iiilHEt
imsmjMjwmmiSBM li
of copies of
(••FreiOuAay,r,On.lS. IBT.
ooino wo!«a.
The Morning Record
« «b Mr. Barnet while .be,
’ s,r^irbrr.”rA,oS’iS
= o.sL„''Lo.VbVr„
W™. lU™
,„r I.™.. ...
«o<w b,P of U.. Kbod- 1.0..1, c.,
I fraareetee all my werfc to be rIgM.
and if It doM not prove eo I maka 18
Stop in HU s o’dock every orenl^
ezerpt Sanday. in toe Cbldwell A Lav
don beildis«. at oorto end of Onloa
, bL
edall lif«d«m.rlngproj«til«. Itcopmate of thn« parts-lbe fabe, the ^
and the bed. TTiM,owder charge i. in
Uh bu.. .Ulch 1. Ilfoily .itacbed to
■tt. body tliber by oboi.lo woldb* at
bybtu wloB. Uulloit fiom tbo l.«
nfarongk ilin fWfitiT of tbe body ia a tube,
iwUcb iaaTw'filitttwitb'powder. which
Bemember ttat t do an Vtnda o« >•>
miring aad eoamsdtef. and ttmtt «n
and do give yc* tbe beat mark at n»
one in tbe city fer tbe money. DbbH
be deceived by what others tril yon 80
tbe eoatrery. but eosie aad oae te
ical Miel! OlUn aith bnll-ta and a burB- j
fiicycie Riders.
clem aa abo c
her father baa j
Tbtnt td tbitL”
1 tiou’t «C«tT . .. __
no.'’ Joe would reply with an indiSer*
3H« whirb waa wholly aasointd.
'•Well, if *
. '»b";"«b'“»bd
,, . Ubblo
i . ................................
Vouc-ouUnl marry
more than one
', of
bri-bt tonigbt, aren’t
er. ILiitiwynni
will full in l"V(i
- with her. and iben it
Tiait to h larini be prujvwd, but be waa
not definitely accvpied. with tbe foil
pretending to be
leAdy iudilTereiJtlo1 the plbuIoBraph
nod' 'Louise
Ubodea, ;
An average for the entire year of
41 to ilie
tbe eliniiuiel
eheftibnel ia ns high
flutlom'g WjUi liuportanco, ’ met
Mrs. iV""*
lit It Li “I’;.
stcr and tbo
talked I
Oort, The fn.4-nhtfiK costs aUnit $'J.5U.
I him ut too ticor.
Tbo smiu pun ia nanally mippljed with ' of lioui-sc niiudes bad been claa
Jew o.d
did not wait to be wricomrf.
welctimtd. He ^'
in a girls- seminary iit Ohio Afto! Joe
three Mvl. s of ouimaDiDou—tbo enlid
Kan. TowMedd
returned to,
to, ™*>‘•“‘■•''•'1
Rja'inaung hat..
lowMena retu.^
— »>“ hat ami coat.« tbo rack.
L tbe shrll and tbo
ibv shrapwJ.
Htarapnvl. iNUne RTBdnaUng
•« Flartus, Ind. where In-r.^ Mrs. LostcrAbrieked and tlirn tottered
l»o.o.ot.... oo,. I„.k. op io tlo-mio f.lb,o oo.,,A . Bt.lo tW.lot. • l»,,t I
CkuUtitr «as »s.-d p. r.-»-i ib.- faiimns * F» n«r»l "‘uro and a bub and spoke fac-,
country .pcw«wsious weret
. charge
led liylw CsuifisJcl e gfiicnU tory. ilia '-"““'T
•ing ti
f»nnhouaea and huge
Pickett nt Ih-liyahneg A\ is rifvt bail “"M ‘T
Tbciu bad lit be uu immediate rzpla- {
p*. Pt It., riope lending up ;rd burna Mr^ Lester cnee vUit.d nation, but it did nut aatiafy Mn. Lea- j
«• .nii-«i!i-sswc
80 Cs'lnvl-Ty: Hi...
wteaH' wy*
... "P.P":« ter. bill! said'ti..e two d Ibciu were no
H,ll. ookuiiws
«tol£l «I,«,.
to J-"'”,"' ‘^‘1"“...
““ *''P
.«n,,.;i™ .A..,. Ootoo .|0«
of oo. ""'S
*'«< I U tter tbau the |ss,pic wbu go to matri•nil
■ I Ibe Kbotles ]Ksioiss
Hni. L^rer wa* I| luiuial agiticifs or pJt aloeby “penuu-;
TiK-abenu^lt.dailroTiiuinimaw !
spring. «l
to come als" into ols<ure wisjcly lapcnt.
objix-m ha well n. uiiiu.atc o^nw it conJis-Eanict did a' Was all s-ked U'vuml czpii'»>on and did
«iato of a b.ill.iw cast in* abelL with a
until they bad
Cnau and bursti
Ivu lUIUOtiA.—Cbla
Tbo fitrnims sIki
a young woman whom bo bad’uovi* cago Uecurd.
ting of tbe caUca at CMitn.«ne ia
exauiple of its tusi. Tbe Ficiiiards
triUlaiB UoTTls aa.a »
Murk tbe running rt ibo ecoundidt'
flnsl by luie of This is liie way iba letter
nut overlook
hips, wbieli.-striking
king it fairly. | “Of »snjr«* TOO diiT.i.......
iwiUci.l: 1 rfiu.tnUr Mviiig
bong and uitirly dtsiirif.eisl tbe stroc- Tast jir.>uii.|i!i.ui m thus »ildre«siug
Mt tris cue feui day uirernoon .
1. killing mony nf the Atldicn.
I voo. One fart ron umM cuisidrr. boar-i
Uui again* in.D lu battle formatiMi bv.r. lam wui. tlK> L.sic«ai much ,tf »alL;i.8 «.p I’utliu.t.ei.i nresL A Wfcl. ,
Mm abtaiuii-l Ts the uion. ■-ffts-iivi:.
meulKnieil that sue Would be glad '
mts-i Mr. BamuL baaiag read ao mm
Liist v. ts k the
tbe Flavine
girl «
Chicago foi the lung dl'iuynl
_'iiiynl vi
Jm lutd Us u
I) iidvised that iJic
Ijie photo-'
jlTswrM «»y......... L»e
.bu,. n..,..™ too u.d .00 boii™ s:,”..srob''iu*£'^o;di;id':K “i".' i c; 'd“ irrx .ru.sf.'ib.,
bj a tnnlriz of Itaou wiueii ia melted
and pountl up
p^ilaco. A sbeleti
r taiuiup n-e«|^i
• notuetjuf» KMti iiifittad of <be roin.
Tln> 1 <ad is put <to in the. came maa1 Be t!u- lose. Biel wben tbe fuw U
d tbe imij. eitile ia ready Ur use.
inMeud of
of tbo
the b.uo
bape. Tb.
. fnw Oh 1 I. rail,.., ,.uo|diait.d. bat tbo
tluitcd’SUies I.ae u. good o uuo aa
tbciuis. 11 Jsa tiiiiefuw) and iaac-Mud
«0 bo. .l....«n ,o. t,».l.bmiy,
1,049 Daily.
West Alichigan.
I _JtoiaoE^l:____
This will be interesting for
advertisers to consider.
These figm-es argue that ad
on. a.
vertising in the Morning Record
M Kapils i lidlui R. B
Feromreloee 4eputi~*i
ntt». Is
J(n«. II. »■»«.
is valuable.
pib SWT,
•1tUais<s> Is I.iim'iiu-tstvgt Tbuaeiuay
g a bbattalion
I (if con
.Vronuibi. uituiisT -J bita npou all of
•Inau' tbv (l..«i u y (If shratautl fire
agaiust (dow unlur fonnaimn miay be
Inoueab.-ti 101 bits wn« made by a
aingle sbrainn l in nucKbir 81a bits are
reoigduL iiDi ibeM- are «.it mi widl orat.
send, luuigiue. ibm. tb« eflrtrt of a
-wreU placed »nru;>ucl upon a gtusp uf
Wb oueb aa u here repisssuie^
Tbe rmdur tau readily undirataod
erhy ware are at«K waged at greater
fiMoncre and wby band to band eob' flicts arc almiM unheard oL—New
Tuck Hnrald
“Thai politician ta a 'taaa been.' isn't
iwsT' reniarkisi tbe obmrHw
“Ko.-' tvpUvd tbe (mptioos friend.
***ka t«-t •n* tfaaL He a merely a
*MBd to think tan waa ’ “ Waabiugus
This also proves that
written to you. I do'not want her to' «*• Ue hml tbe fare of a eruaader. and
learn of tbe dinner, and tbore are otlwr
marobed with that big stick of bia as
tbe cruaaiiera tunai bare marched.
One corned rounii and went with tbe
Tbe letter rlcred with a final plea tor
pardon, and Jm mailed iL in tbo con- crowd, wbicb, when it got to tbe abbey,
■riunsnon that be bad done a TCsy •»MiKd half incliutd to lauaabtbe winIcwa out
but uicm
those at lue
the titma
imad a
of ii
it were
olerer thing. He beliered that any i •ewfc
young womuo. no matti t bow atriet bet twiich.-d oS aod paaaed into Focoi'
■Boiinary uaining bad bmu. wonld bare
•««* *» Pf^^d
to amswer that kind ot letter. Qe waa
Fbile Ibe utben, wbo coold not get
not mistaken. Tbe reply tmine three 1 *“■
addnsMod by Canon Bawluidara later, and It was in a bald bbd *>o osiiide. But wbat was ao cariona
fxwked handwriting, in which both Ink '
“ *>«* *1'“ aniai—like anotber
and epaeewere laviibly wastod. fha Ckwbct—leading a crowd wbo really
did not know wiiat they wanted to do.
Boweeer, bad tbif crowd debrmined to
amoBg otber tfainge;
detiroy. to tear down even a etooe of
“Under Ibeee eztnordinary
tbeabbeyurtobreaka window. I Itaink,
•tancea J suppo* 1 am jastified in
iiuteadaf William Motrit leading them
ing to yon—a ecrangcr. Ko, not
g«r. eitber. for I hare beard ao mneh a step farther, that tbty woald only
aboQt you (ibrongbKale) that I enppoee bare taken that step over bU body. 1
1 cad already claim a half way ac- am not so nre wbat would bave'bi^
qcaintance. Aloe, to ny iti 1 cannot pened hod tbe oowd taarcbed against
oome to Chicago for your little dinner, 6L FbiiI-a for Morris baled tbe ot* sort
wbicb will doobtlees be lovely. We are at work as mocb as be iored tbe oCbec.
In tbs tbraee ol prcpantiCB tor a wed- —Sl JasMS Oasettc.
The Want Department
Is a good thing.
Try It.
departs at II >A A n.
o.S'-jSTLrsjrfSai sirsaSS;SSS-^3;,!Sff~-»—
WavMTrewfsv OKy st II :H a m has
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