The Morning Record, July 26, 1899

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The Morning Record, July 26, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TUnl rmr^So. m.


]<ct«MM»be«MWhaldUUMf«ur* to

!eoMtftettiartffhUM4 4BtiMOt a««t: fit! to ecWBtdw tbo qscoUoM of tU
I typ« m4 mllhtr of rlfloo ud m«»V or-

t of



lllgbtaiag'a frMk« M mday aigbt. The
SAOPglATB Of Wat Boot preg.ikoUatraekhU ra>idra».ddng aboat
$&0 Worth of daaaga. tratlag dowa
tioa. aad to aoaaidar tha lalroUbUtty
ontod to OablBot
the ehlBoey aad ripping ao the ahlagof prirata property la war oa the aaa,
lea, aa well w ha^ly frlghtaalag the
aa« tka beahardMBVof tewaaaadvUVow OBeial Left Zataedlatoly far laBatceofthr hoaae.
X*aor«toMOaklrM«a4 Klo Bo- lacaa.
X«w Tork to Bvrpai* to Aaowa Goal tat bat vaatbv.
4y BMdM vitk B«Uou>4ftw
Tac Pattoae ai'la faat far Sc. IDe. IS
tka Oatiaa of Bio OSoa Aagoat let
DMtk XM Bo4r v»f Ost loto Su- dnkwa ap'apUa fwa parmaaaatooart
a"d ISC.
of arbItfaUoa. to aooatat of a body of
—AlMka Boaadary Dtopate OaeaOndocdOlwMMd SOMbBtaOAm
of whiafa aaah aaltoe ahaU
oof 0 Mob-TleUai Bobbtd • Hmm hara tka right to ohooaa tow. Ika
plod AttnUon<\d OoMait at tho
■oettag Tcoteiday.
Md AUMko* • Whbu.
ooart wlU ait at Ika Bagaa. Balert a
loarWtratloo la takaa. tnaadly
AtlMU. O*.. Jmlf SS.-A Jowuai
Waahlagt», Jaly M.-The feataraa
^aU aoaaidar It a daty to trr
b^mW froH BriMOB,Oo..iW«: CbwiM
o< Ike eabiaet Bteo^'taday ware the
VMh. Uodor of tka fuc tkot kao
iarewell of Secretory Algw aad the
koM rekWac aad MMMlUoff la Ikb
ttUUae of Hr. Bout. Balf ao
▼Malty, WM IraebM at Biffold today' atAT TAX,X AOBOM ATlUtXTXO.
afMr the oabiaot aeeewbled, ^r.
and kU body waaoatia kaadrado of
d at tbe Whita Boi
Dr. Bator Sulaa Uakm Largo Olaiata
preeaaiad tohla new eollaagaea.
tor BU WirolMa^lrpboaa
Maak waa takaa to tka Wy oak tna
Be remained a few mlnatea. learlag
■oar ika Oytatiaa bosa. oa wkl^
aooaaf«rforKew York. Shortly after
■oMalaa aat kia daatk. aad waa haaf- Roaalaa, la la Baglaad laUodtMng a Mr. B Ml left, Sceratary Alger made
ad. Aa kla foot laft tka yroaod kao' a tyat09 of wtrrlow talapbonoa, which hb adlaae aad ebook baade with the
that yon can get good
4fada of aboti wara flrad lato tka body. ha baa iavaatad. -Be alaima that U la preeldeat aad eeeh nMmbm of th^^bAfiarha waa daad Ua body waa eat aaaaaeaaafatiaa tha w ra ayatam. and laak BerMairadmaaykMdlyexprea
shoe bargains here now.
lato anall plaaaa oad dUtrlbatad that rotcao can ba raeogoU-d at long eloae of regret and eaehaagea of arell
aMac Iba »ob. wbleh aambarad iron diauaeaa Ba propoaed to axparlmeat
The summer season
'Ufa bia ayalrm betwaea Baglaad aad
tke eablaet raatalaad la eaeeioB
is going to be s^ort and
Maak lad Svamlaa lato tha Uyla- Brlgtom. aad dodarca that It la faaai- three q oartare of an bear after Oeneral
«aa*a be«». ard after robblaf tha laAlger'* departara.
we want to close out all
•Miaa. attaakad Mra. Oflatiaa la bar Daitad Stataa.
Tbe mala topb wa* the AlaskaB
summer shoes. Oxfords.
k»haad*a pnaaaca.
boaadary dbpnte. Mr. Bay eaplalaad
tbe eta toe of tbe negoliatione la ptvTan shoes, etc,
graee between blmMdf aad Mr. To'
the Briibh charge d’affelrca, aad aald
DlTlslon of BMpoDsibUltlM that be wa* not wlthoat hope that the
tBaraUad Btrlkaia to ba 9oa(reatad
reaed proUem woold be eolred by dlAA«r Balny Somsoo.
egeUaiioa. Uraat Britain bow
^ a PowMfal .KUItary
wlUiag to eonaider the proponl
OaoarolOUa Will Bomda Oorarao of the felted Statea to glre Oaaada
Ooiawbaa, O.. Jaly U —A apodal
OeaanJofBklllpplDcawith Bnpraat the prirllege to a port of entry lato t
teala left for Clat'alaad at tt;4S with tha
domlnloa. while tatalnlng ab*olate
Antberiiy, Bat Oaoaral
roarth rarlBitot.Ob:o Natlooal Uaarda.
eorereigaty orer Lynn canal.
It b
Will ba BUoad la Ooina>aad
Boar handrad aiaa are bow boaad . for
armiad thb propceilioo that the hope
OlarabaA At WalUnrtoa aad Ildaof eettlemeat now horcra.
ware two mon aonpaataa will be takWaahlagton, Jaly JS.-Otle bae oom-- The Bpeecbea of Sir Wilfrid LaorU r
m aboard. Tba nrrmeat la <
aad Sb Charlae Tapper eame np tacid■of rolaalaara of the kpaBUh war. tba maalaaiod plaaa for a campaign after eatally. bat ao eerlooe ailenUoa wae
tbe rally eeaaoa which hara ant tbe
oampaalae karlag aarnd la Porto Elao.
approral of tbe preeldeat Tbe plane glrea them.
Adiataat Oaaaial AaPae baa gaaaral
ToBigbtSemtary Alger will laare
prorldefora dlrleloa of mpoadblllaomaiaad
Iko ragineat la araad
tkee ae weU ae of daty. In Caba Oea. Waeblagton to «»^baaal naUl Aogael
wtth ttprlagflrld riflea aad aaefa ia\o
Urooka U tba r->raraor gaaaral of tbe I. when fad reelganUoa lakeeeflL-kaa lao roaada of 48oallbra ball eartMalkliJ iha wlU be aetlag eeereMr.
'bole Mlaad. bat there are foar mUlrldgai.
Bvary pair a Bargain.
tary departmeaU eommanded by goo lary of war.
Caavalaad, Jaly t»—After a night
Mr. Boot called at the war dmmrtoral cflaera of tbe Ualled Sutee army,
' aarkad by dlaordar and rioUag, the
aad each U reapoaelble for the admin meal today and waa with Oeaerkl
ally tbb naratag praaaatad a paaeaful
Alger for tome time. .13 .-3
latratloB of bh departmeak
aapaet. Oaall tha llaaa of tba big
Neither Secretary Bay aor Seeretary
U la andontood that UA>. OUe’ plan
Oaaaolldatad ayatam. eara atartad oa
prorldaa for more exteaded oecnpailon. Gage hae re.^r«d .reqaeetf-om MichwbadaU Uo.a Bryood tba aanal ob
and dlrleloa of the Pblllpplaee into igaa lumbenatB w reialbte on Canada
atraetloBa of atOMa, brlekaand mbbUb
to tbe Ujuadaiy dUpote.
foar or Are mUllaiy deparlomata aa
on tba traoka la th t ootlytag diatrlau, ha* been done la Caba.
It b learned, howerer. that oar rolethan waa ao latanipUoa of tralBe dar­
Oaaeral OiU Eae with him now MaJ- Uone with Uanada are growiag betUr.
ing tba early boara
rUanarale Uwioo aad McArthar. and It b not Ukaly tkat any retalbtory
Mayor Parley baa bean noUSad by.
It pays’ to trade here.
Brigadier Oeaarale Wbaatoa. Oraat etapa will be ‘ikaa at any onab reAdjalaat Oeaaral AxUaa that troopa to
aadVoaag. aad B igadler OenanU qaeii.
tba aaabar of aaariy 1,000 wlUarrtta
Loadoa J ; LA-Deaplu dbqtUet
aad Whaelar are oa thrlr way,
Ula kturaooa to aaalat la aala
wtiered at the Brltbh
OUe hu lag reporu ‘1
foreign cai:-e U;at the Alaakao boaamapped OBlthb work
that he bae glraa the boaadrba and darydlq)ut,i. lendlag-toward a aet-!
> m ^emulor Cboato today '
headqaartonof the aereral oeUltary dw UemeaL
forwarded to iiraehlagtoa Impwtaatl
BilvaMtaUb Alsiu Hto Story Waa partmeoU. aad haeaelectad the oSoan
dotaUed dbraUaee embodylag Caaato eommaad them.
Witkeat Traik.
1j ' feraaoe to tho Lyaa<
Oeaaral -Hb will ramaia the gorer.
Tarra Uaala. lad., Jaly U —la May Bor gaaaral of tha bUada,aad wlO> an- caaal atrip
Mat a latter from Priraie Smith of Oa. pram# anthorltr. bnt the gaaaral cffie
U Third arUllary. was widdy pnb- an plaead U eommaad of the military
Uabadbyatwapaparat^poaodie Phil departmeab wUl hare aaihomy with­
tpplaa aaaeaatloB. baoaaaa ba told of in the Umib of ibelr territory and aa
tba allaged alaaghior tf dhoaa priaoa. oppertanlty ts abow thalrakill aa mUl- Arc Oat in F >ee aad OalUd Both
on who bad heaa eent to dig gravaa tary etratagbt*. aad their tact la gor.
laCu..:-.aaU and Mew
for MB who fall la hatUa.
orSiag the aaUrea, ae well ae tbab
Bo aalil that whoa the grate digging oottrngaforBghUar.
New York. Jaly *5-The mmeesger fiflQll Si78
waa earn .:etad mamben of tha Taaaaaboye'elHke wUoh wae Inaagarated
aaa tagin >ot shot tha prUoaan and
yeeiorday eoatlaaod today with tha
tamblod tham Into the.gra*m. Be haa
ranke ofthe atrlkere aogamonted by
wrlttaa a rairaetloo to tha Oaactu of Bat Oom Baal ha* Lott
a Locp the Amoriean Dietrlet Talegraph boya.1
thle dty. wblah ftnt pabllabad tha letNearly aU the INoetal Telegraph moe-'
. . d la tho banking dbLr»don.Jnly n.-lke roporto to- trlot are oat aad eMklng to prereat
••Iwtehtoauta that 1 bare alaee
Maraed that all eoaoeralag tbe Tau- ga rdlag the roalganUoa of Prealdrat boy* from taking the placoe of Ua
saaeae boyi barylag tba prlaooara waa Kroger aro eonflletlng. bat aaeording etrikon,
what wa boy* la the army eall a *plpa'
he'ha* actaalatory. I wa* oaly oa tba Philippine ad. J. Tbe TolkaOlaclaBaU. Joly *8.-Tbe etrlke of
▼aaaa aboat three daye at tbe time 1 raad.whUomatatalBtngoppoBlUoB to
w mtoMBgor Ooy* that began Mat
oa the dyaa- aalnrday hat booome oeiioaa
wrote that letter to my paraota.
•■1 knew aotblag WbaUrer aboat.wbat
and idlen eammndod Ue tele, aad.Amerlcaa
ny raglmaata were ddag, only from, hat It atlll haa Ue atmoal ooa&denco _
dbtrlet dbpateh
Tonnellar Block.
what I aald before, what we eall 'dpe a B*rr Kroger, aad U U bellerod that! offlmo today and
atorlea ead tbara le BO credit glroa to ho wlU withdraw bta roolgaatloB. The j oongm la dlCmoat part* of Ua dty.
tham. 1 do not know of one laaiaaoa meJwUyofUerolkeraodbilafaroroflMoeooagnnworeeooltB eaba wlU
wboraaay aaldiar hae done aa aet UeBonoollatloBo/Ue dyoamlte mo- Pollcomaa aooompaoyiog Ue driror,
whleh wae agalnit hie ordan «tbUe
nnpoly. walla Proaldoat Kroger cop- hot Btonoa and QUeellee wore thrown at
or aC daty.
portelt. Tho minority of Uo rolka- tbotohMoi.
-I am aara that there baa not baaa a rnaddoalroatohayootUoeompaay.
Many moaMagore were eororely
rutpiaa or a Spaatard who raealrad
hart. Two wore eubbod. oerernl
kaytblag alaa bat tba kladaet troathart by mboola. and many won badly
mav lot tham ba prianaaw or what‘ onton.
orar they ouy ba"
Tho aowaboye jUaod Uo otrlko to­
day aad groat mobe of boodlnme oat>
WOXX OPBBAOB OOVBUUUiaB. Lnnolag.-Joly u -TM oUlo taa o
rooadod Ue aowopopor offieoe and mnUoaton hae propamd dtnfm^ bM___ foand to lot new boy* go oat wlU paBomoV.iAeThlai
OB which rogbur* of doode wiU bo
Papoiaw o torn and doatfoyed
a^toroport aU tonnafan whorda BottotaoUoyn a toned <wnr u tke
The Bagno, Joly *1,—Aa the rooalt
MnaUentlon baboeo UOO. alao for apwbeya. At 1
e from all
of Iko poMO eoateraaoe tho delogetoe roporta from ooaaty troaoarota inlatlro paru of Uo city gaUorod la anU largo
kb*o drawn np for tko approral of to taxoa. ate. The pratlmiaary wwK
Uo poUoe eoemed naablo
But boainew wterpriaeo
tkob mpsetiro goromrnoata. oeamn- b balag rlgoroaaly puabod. the now
tleao and doelamUoM for Ue pnoiac
are made powible by tbe fact
to bogUaooamalatlag data os wkioh to bnoa oatt*
that time and apace can now
eueomlag tbe Mwo and ewetonw of matoa Their rapert b to bo tnnamltbe praeticaUy asnibilated.
war on land amd-for U* adoption of tod to tko coramcr la Doaambor, aa b
A telephone in the office or
Uwo agalBot tko aao of aophyxlatl^ rrt^inA ky Mw.
Tko Booton Sue* om oMood all day
home, aarea tbe one thing,
«kd dolotorlono gnaeo, agnlaat tko wa
Monday to propnrn for a Meloiy
of balloon ^tdootUpo, aad for tko pw
if loet. can nerer be
TkofanMnletWUllam Rowk. who
romnoat anla. Toatorday aiwnln|
klblUoanfUOHOOfkaUotitkM cool­ Wto klllod by Ugktolag Monday aight
tko otorn wno tko oeono of a
ly oapokd la tba hoMB body.
wUlkokoMatirMatandaid ttma,tkb
tUbk oamUanod natQ Uto iMt nlgkt.
HeenoTer. tka aomMrww aaltad In ^ -neon, at tko •noldoMb «n kb
tha oapraaaMn of tko optahm tMt owkonrthaolty.
tho not «f tM week.

Macro AsMolUr Mot with tfUofr. to iotIm tk# G«om oaoTes-

Swift Jwtioo.




$3,50 shoes II $2,50
$2.00 SHOES AT $1.60
$2,75 SHOES « $1.98

The first and only lot
ever offered in the dty.
Sell for 15, 25 and 60c


No two alike. Two or
three will brighten np
your room. It is the lat*
est craze.

Indian Baskets.
They are going fast
Select now.



See those



B.lph OonntblB Jr. Ktntgm.

If you want nice, new and
Up to-date Clothing
Hats, Furnishings
at Popular

& CO.
Fashionable Outflttera—194 Front Bt

Children’s shoes
49, 65,75, 85,98c.

I The New Fail Shapes


In the celebrated And popular

Are now on aa’e here—Price $3.00-The new ohapee in Fall
Style* of Fedoras, Paehaa, Onubea. etc., are now oa
aale. at



Jitraas’ Haitna Cigar

ao BanoasBt waaa saor.

Gate Post


A Valuable
Convent of Holy Awgisf

First Class Haiani C'gar,

Trtrerae City. Mich. 7.1».’d9.
Mr. K. E. Strong,

Eicellegt Qulit;,
K New Thiig Wenh Ciltiitting,
Isk Tour Dealer lorTHtni.

DRai8lB:WeUkepleaaarein etat.
iog that tbe Kimball Pianos naed at our
nmaicalofortbe past three yeara, hare
given entire aatiafacUcm,. We highly recommend yonr instnmenta to anyOT»_;
Very Beepecffnly,
Domim.'as SiRTiaa.


Sheet Music and all kindd of Mosioal Goods.

1.1SI80IC, liDier.
in FWt St, Thna Olj |




Got ’Em.
And when down'onr way inrite }on to stop
in and see^them.

t unTiu gflalits' sn^ pilcts SSc, $1.00, $i.js
iiH$2.00. 0itttfs.3Scip.




fBB mommiMQ sboojo>'

Mn mnaea Brtetink of Bay airant.
teeanreatstegbar eostes. Msa Otera
Ctoanofdoltav tU.
Mr. aad Mm- C T. G-aws ato Mr.
and Mia. C B Bara aad thter toUdres
west to OMsa yaatsfday osttoaxT. X*tn ASS i. W. Basso. euimoB toRpasd taeday.
Ifra L. K.91bb**sd daggbtorBltol
t, «. Basssr. BdtMT Md MiSNtw. left matorday af Arpooa faw aeraral
week* ridl with bar bratbar. 4. Bu^
pbrey. of ^toygaa Falla, Wt*.
aad Mm. Natbaa dargost. wbo to**
tom TtsMlBg itoir daoghtn. Mra. iL.Uibba.of Mayfidd. will aeaasipany
then to Btobiyga* Pall* oo tbair way
bon* to Bk Paul.
Mia. Mary Waideabansr. lemeriy
of tbk elty. bat now of Bxyonse. X i..
iarlalUnrMr.apd Mr*. JaSa B«al*
eeeral ramtba
,_at*a MlUlkea. Jr., west to Watt*'
P„lav carp Lake, yeatarday to J .is
r»AS of dcAelMl crov* to* ton Irylng Morray'* oampiag party.
tortto sstor wmiatb r*R*iy<* tton tosator J. W. MUllbea aad Mr.
larmt wouUsf to it.ui.ote to*toU BaysaabaaecoMtoOseelaadto bay
tt wtost for ito Mih tbs* for
||CSiMtl,n».lWlMt7«sr. ABd l& SM.- good*.
Mia S DcOiaw of Mapteus *p«t
#M tatoel* of «ors
la tto city.
test ysAT. Tntor* toT* *t l**t srmkU' yaiMday
Mr*. Lstm Van U*w ot BiUaiip
S» *0 psrodr* Itot »*rBMS do MV posr paeead threogb tto city yesterday on
to tbi* fasbios «tos crop* her way to Slight*. eoUed Ibor* by tto
•rSAMSty- Bsporuol whr«i,AUaAU« iUnoaaof bar mother.
Md PMlto. bsv* tom T.Tiry.lM totoel* W.Ulam Btbblerof Lake ton in in
tuteff tbe Btostb ttos far *(sls*t 7,- be city OB bl* way borne.
IW.U# l**t ymr. a»4 of oors 9.0M141 Wilimrn Bataoon. one of tb* aoldlars
^fSlMt 6.W7.MT Ust year. Prlow do- of Company M. who baa bem working
•llBOd *bAr»ly with uevsTM of wple in UadUlac. U in town reoeielng medi­
Mp»Uto wheat aerotsAod eorstW. cal attsn-Ion. being kfBietsd with tb*
whiab k ito otora alcoitoui la tIow
of tto prorlou toa*9 ospMla of both. Caban
Frank O^rleb ctm* down from tto
Pottoo alao U foioc abroad Uively. norU
yerterday. aocompanied by Mra
tten^b tto p*>M raaaaia* 6.16 eta.
Ooodrieb. wbo baa been vlattlag in
Petcakay. They will go to Grand Bxp
OmciaL rotars* of ib'eaoat woader- Ida tbi* morntag.
^il yoar ta tto naUos'* >omMrea *bow B. P. Bo*a of Obleago. formerly of
» diwsa** of la tto vala* tbi* city, i* ia town oa a rialt and look­
Ofttortoat atsBlaa ciportto. largely ing after bU property bara
pvtsf to prlee*. bat aa laereaac of U B. Haaaloeaky. formerly of tbia
•boat to0.oao.000 la oihyr asporu. elty bat now liriag in Cbictgo, ia In
»orfl7 akaaafactarea. ImpOTMcreatly tb* city vlaitlng frlaada
liiStoiirt ia raw siatarlaU for staao- Mr. D. U Snow, wbo baa bean em­
tetoto*. bat maiarlaUy dieraaaad la ployed a* reporter os Tss Mouixu
Vootottorprodoeta.' la July export* BxtuMP for eom* time, baa roalgnad bk
pf alspla* ba*« beraa to teeraa**. with poalUoaand will Uara tbk naralag
toato la** iacroaae te latporta than baa for hi* boBM at Wiaoaa. Mina.
pppmrad for noalto ia tb* export* of A. B. Ming went to Good Barber on
J*A H UnfBtb and Tbay Tboreon
went to Nartbpert yeatarday to laatall
tbeofieereof tbe Odd FeUewe lodge
Crooomt >m« WUl Oi«* aaXssar at that plaea. '
Mra Anna Breidoa of Bt Look, k
teas to the Bcaort Ttaaomw
Tkltiag her alater, Mra G a Keoney
0* Weat Bgbtb atrtat.
Tto Cbaaeaat Band wUl flee aa ex
pvaiOB to Noab-ta-waata tetaorrow Daaak Hay** of Elk - Btplda, waa la
praslaf. wbare tto baad wUl fl«a a the city yeaterdky.
poBoart derlac the evealag. Ooloaal B C BUUnr* bat ratara»d to Grand
tosltb to* tarorsd tto bead aad firm Bapida.
ttoa pershaioa to rire a ooaevt on Mm D E Wyako*^ of Klngnley
lb* tarraoe. Next week tba band will earn* to the city yeaterday.
fie* aaotbar esenraioa to tba reaort Hk* Fioreno* Tbompaoa of ?0« Wait
and Ooioael Saalib wiU dear tto blp Froatatreet. U ill.
dtelacroom of tb* bote! fvw tto piaa*, Mra Ad* Newberry k rary ill at her
sr* of lb* yooay aoclaty people of the b.-me OB Nin^ street.
Or. U. M. Chase, who bw beaa ekitphy for * daaeinf party. The exw
■toB tomorrow nlrbt will to a dallrbt- iag la Loadlagtoo tba paat waak. ha*
hi oeaab a* U* baad U now ia atop* reiurnid to tbe elty.
C. T. Oatebeoa and wife from Omasa
to fie* a Aaa mtsrtalnmeat. udar tto
dlTMies of Qaort* OemUag. tto elari- dined ai Park Pmoe yeaurday.
paUaW Tweaty-fire oeata will pay tor Mr. and Mra U. D Campbell am
to* trip on tb* Columbia aad tbe ooa- Tkltiag at Nortbport for a tew dayaMra Frank Cook U eery alek at tto
borne other mo her Mra L Newberry
mSTlVO or BJUOOB SVIU3MM of Ninth atreek
Ms* Lana Flagg ha* gone to ber
popart of 0.B. CoseaatiOB tsDatndt borne in Kalkakka for a few dara
Dr. and Mra 8atcl if 1 and Dr. aad
Will to Olraa.
Mra Long of ladisaapolk am gnaaU
Tb* Bride* Batldar* of tto Ooacre at Spring Beaeh hotel.



jratloaml ebareh. will bold tbair raffotermoBtblym»etlBc -tbU erraiar. at
to* bon* of Mm. Ctopia on Waabiaytoa itr**t.
Mn. Btmer will give a report of tto
Stoiosary program gitea at tto C B.
posraatlon bald la Detroit aad Mu*
Oatla Orlatt will tell of her work la
fT------ City. . Thf* will to an Intamlteg moatlag and a full attaadaaoe t*
iaairad. ______________

yrothisg D< flalte Toward* Parebaalag
Hettodiat Paiajaag*.
Ttoro waa a maetlng la tbe parlor*
pf tto Melbodialebareh laat eranlng to
#teesM tto matter of porehoalag a parpeaag*. Tnembjeet wa* tboroaghly
jHammr* bat no aetloa - taken. The
fbnreb 1* now oat of debt bat tto mon­
ey wosld bare to to rateed by anbperipUas. Tbe gatberiag todag amall
tto UMsr waa daterrad. _
Sog Obolera Preraleat.
iMOlBg. July 21—J. a. Brown of
to* Btato llto Btoek aaaitary oowmte
ates ny* that tbe r«oeat warm, dry
froatbor baa loereaaed tba reporu of
tog ebolaraand that there am
Mbably fifty plaen ta ttoatate wham
^ dtaaaae 1* pmealeat.
AanU B. Sarl^rw.

Phtladalpbl^ Ba.. when obefosndtbat
for Conaampp. Kiw-e New Oueorery
bto eompletely
'• sb2i
■ • cored b*r of that
' ' ' r CO«f D that *
and doetam noald glee her no help, b
aba any* of tbit Boyal Cure—"It *o
ftsm*M tbe pain in my cheat and I c
sow Bleep toanrtlT. •omeihiag I o
aoareely mmemtor doing betwe. 1 ft.,
like aoandlng lu piske* tbrosgbost
the UalTeree." SowUlcTeryone who
trie* Dr. Kiagb New Diaeo*^ tor any
IrouMe of tbe Tbroal. Cfarel o» (mage.

Prtoa toe apt;f1.00. Trial boitte tea
at Jobsaos'a aad WSHb drag stem.


* ,

Large - «nn rocker,
bent arms, boH through
arms, rery etylUh, for
worth f2.50
anywhere. We have
cheaper ones—a large
arm rocker for fl47

Itie food im deficaoiis 8Mf


A mttabofR niloWer of
tfUa thl* Mory on bic't'lf: lie baa a
HiKiutlon a> a '•coUev :ur." He I* *1waya rrady to rular UHiUt-y for any
poriaine witbtn the erape of the work
of ibe ebitreb. lie anows f<-w' RUP'
day* to !■*** wlt^t tvmiadlng M*
pi.<q>k- lu one way or another of their
duly to xlre freely wtiblo thrir meai
to rliuhb aad t-harUy. Hr uivaHird
a •H-ruion oa “ITalo'a belL“ Hr dr-


Barely, if eoowwhat aiowly. ©or war
oAce I* emergIrA fron tbe Rip Van
, Winkle rrale of esUttnee that ha* *o
I long ntade it a aourc* of merrimeet foe
oar oaatly amiiaed friends on lb* eonllarat. At the preeeat moment they
eeem to be sorrwaalog therret^ves la
tbetr Uudabw tBun* to to "up to dale."
for we have the aaaumnre that the long
proRooed Introduction of rare

thfuiHtl lu it would sutfi-r tbe tnnoenl
*f. liarius ibHr rbllog tuuwtuua on
eartli upiM-nuoai at all tSui>-» wllbont
tbe n»-aua uf gratlfylog ibeoi. At the
<-olH-ln«l»u of tbe wruuU he ralM tbe
Bltentlon of Ibe rougrejathiD to a oul>
b-otWa that woald be taken up for a
wurtby obJr< t. After ll«-' aerrha-a he
old iian-ililouer, a' gardeaer.

apeciacle of the KouachoM brigade c«.
reertag arrow tbe Home gvardi parade
^uad In -steam haeca" wfH to awaUcd with tatereW-____________
ProTMetiee, B. I.. baa a charactar
who may yet tarr>aaa the record of Mm.
Jane Cakebread. tbe protege of Lady
Henry Somerset. Her name k Susaa
Harvey, ar.d she has been sraUnced
twenty-lilre tln>ca on diSeren occaiic-r.e

Baektess Araws Bsle*.
To BstT Balts la tba world tor
Osk, BrokSa, 8om. aieor*. BsU
*h>li uu you to-day. JxinrSl" be uskr-L BtoosL Fevar Bor**, Tbllsr. Crapped
“it .llil *ip: iUil«-U U tUd." replied Baada, CbUblalna, Ooraa, and %V. Fkin
Jatiic*: -aiiU 1 may retitun- to bo|w,
sir. lUnt you may •‘uutiuue lu aerve the
**Mj*m**^^*f*!e^ gaaraateed
Lord w. II. rlr. to lb.- cad of y«or day* ,-s^ada^"^** Meesuparbox. F.'
and am r fail from grai-r. sir."
j mle b« J G Jobaaoa aad 8. B Wait
ao. too. Janiiw." replied the
Life is but a aae-aaw.
irlrii.t,.-. "Hut
|«itirnlar .-.h i
Ar.d they win. in tbe sad.
atvik-r baa that with tiu- sermoDT* j
Wr« menage to drop easy.
"Well, wlr." anaurml Jaiuro. "rre '
When U s their tufo to dctcccd.
Nwu (bluVIiic that If iLr d.-vd rref
C«t yon. It wixilil Is- H aoiry time for
tn hr)| w iM-rr yoa can't take up a TakaalittlaTaeatUs
For tbe asst thirty day* oor sVm will
ivUi.u."—riitahurg X.-ww
b««lo*ed erary ereniagat «lx o'clock


—only a few of those
left. We are pnhing
ont the biggest bar­
gains in rockers at this
sale ever beard of.

190 Front Street.

Honse Tarhlihtng Store

j All deUils of the profession looked after in a proI

fessional manner. *

B*th*ml* braoelsti
Tbe pmitieat wrist oraamsot to be
fonud. at tbe Famooa for To is and





Her l•arlll•uU^ VutiuE M*n-"Wby.
nil don't M.. UI to liavr auy a|>iM ilte,
ii>* K.i;ui> ll<-r Itroibi-r -"Ob. hIu'i she. tbnnsb!
You sboulT baTo «-< ii bvr at bn-:ikfa»t
tHs nioniinc tvolttm; up ibc cuM ssuaaBltw."—.\!ly 81<i|» r.
MiMtiv IvSrUcrt.
A New Ki-glaad M-boAl icai h.-r recrived tbi- lulluwlui: uute of laiiUun
fruiii ilic anxiuua niuibcr uf uuv of bt>r
"iH-ar UlM. tdi-M- •!<> not piudi Jubony tw hard fur ao mu<b of bl- bmui-a
i« iu'oUi'k that W uugbi t» lu- bold
l■Jl«-k a goo<l di-al or lie will run »<• tutvll-^k vutlnly n«’‘ I do Rot doliiv llil*.
So t-U-N- bold lilni tuK-k Ko aa to
Itis lul<'tli-<V frou, :;i'IIIdc blitcor tliab
Ilia NiiMylau' ln>HirlRtf hUu for UiV.'*—
llanHr’s ItRur.

Aa a Womaa Thinks.
l\.«tai n.Tk~T;ib< Ii-Iivr !• overwi’U'ht. ma'am. You’ll bare to pot anotbi-r stamp «m it.
TVuuisu-T thick tb« rpvornnMUi la
lust U>u UK-aii fur saytbiui: 1 ku'W
I've tuxileil tmuilit-ds of Mlcrs llui't
vortm'i auyw|ii-n- uitir full wcigbl. so
*'Toar noenber." uid tbe warden to I think tbi- tiwal Von dto do is tu M
Uf nrw pri»i'n«T. "U SSe."
Ibis I1UO go iliTuDcbl-.'-iiaiv Muiui-niA
, "T>.*»k you." rei-lird (h<- ex-ra*hler. il.l‘UIA
Tv« lieen trjlns fur ytam lo i-t Into
smJrly. and B< rv I um Ui ihr 4W at
Waalcd • tWnar-.
ta*l."-^:hlrnsu Da ly S>wa
A prearhi-r la S--.ulaud ojicc found
(■oiigtvBiitl.>n going to
day lu-forv 1
a riiiidr trer. wub the renalu* of * cray Ou *<-.-luc ibl*.'
Ft-di>r« over bi* fate to keep the n;.«- clatmcd:

QUltoe* out. •ThU life U a kll!ln- me.
■ "iir.fbrcii ifa no' fair. Walt HU 1
gri a Hart. »Dd ili.u. If I'm no' worth
liM.-uiui: f«>. baeg tu alivp: t>ui dinne
•ktilcvgii Tribui*
•There’* no real oa earth for a Uad- Dod yvr }->«« fu-roh- I gel vMmuK-U(v<L
till- a. buddy a ebaun-."—S|niiv MoUdy ■■
••Why. Mra Uordemr*
"A* Avm a* tirauia-niea get plenty
Biy t«atder* be(tn tuiatk *boui peacbe*
"It's too tod." said mtif Bessie,
aad «at*riDc:ea.''—CUi3go Record.
•nbxt tUvPP lauY another Uttlc IVU-m
■me* BIktae **d the BdlMw
The Clarkabary tW. Va) Mall eald
tb* other day: •*We were aJItlng la
Id tsiiiaid.-r that about CDonsb.**
Senator BUaak library the other day.
"Well." Mhl tbe llillt girl, ibvy can
with our l«a* croaato. fwiiag for all an take each other'* clotbe* a* they
the world Ilk* w* owned the place. A grow op. but there ian't any one te
country ediinr will feel anything oaec. take little Jobunlc'A and It ocems kind
aad we tell good, even to thoee nafa* of wasteful." -Han>or'* Bagar.
miliar nrrouniUng*. a* we amlled tat*
the happy and cooteaied face of oar
They Med* It Cp.
I'ocle 8iiT« and* gaxed at the broad*
cxpaaB* of Immaculate llaen whlcbcoT*
A rw-Bver young man wrote fata biwt
ered the gencroui lice* of bis tueceaa* girl after one of tbue,' ordinary .(uar-!
fol and tatUfaciv>ry corpuralloa. ^* tvK M.ving: "I want yuu to n-tiirv
were there—a doara or more raw, leaa. ererythlDX tluil I have given yon." She
laok and bangry country editorw—(a
rewonae to a cordial Inriutloa to com* mpBtte by lelllng J im to call at a ceiap and break medblrda with tbe sena­ latb tiour and the would cbcerfully
tor. The Scotch whisky bad already ci-niply with bla regm-at—beglnnlug ’
toea aampied' and tto coaTcraatlon tap with the klooca. A man can never gi-i
waa toraed oa." of a n-oman. except la tbe mat-!
tiT of age.- It they wen- lotrn tbe eame '
da.v tbe male woald gain 20 yi-ars on
the female in a llCellme—Denver
coll* for moasy all Ue Umc. ____ T,™.

c'.sa* aaeurity. Good rata of latetesL
Wade Bm.
TV— lUpM Days.
city Edli..r-Well»
laUs Ontk.
Bcj«>riv-fau I bare IS tnlnMee off
To tboae wbo wkb aay tpeclal work till* afii-iTiiN.ut
ia tbfM tiadle* I woald aay 1 bass
CHy Edliiir Ifrotmlagt—For what! 1
aa cppcrtuelty to arcum a fiml clast
Befwrier-l'B to to married.
tifscbex proThied I oas t«raT* pa^la
City »Utf>c^Well. burry up. And
soeagb to orarrant {w if yo* or aay
of yoar friemft* am rspeetiag to take (Bhaemly) g. t tbe name of Ibe bride
any of tSeae stadie*. 1 oronld to asd all that, and If tbeie-a an.rthing ‘
planed to base y«a cal! aad get o«r senmnoual enkige npoa M. I shall ex- ,
IWBia C. B. Dockeray iof Trayerec . pevt half a culnatn. Get a bnafle oal
■ CkrBiteWilOlllni' MPM


great! greater!! greatest!!!
chance of y9ur lifetime to got a wheel at almost give away
This has heen a record breaking season with us on our
wheels, and to make the record good, wo won’t carry over a
single one, so we make you the most astonishing prices ever
known. You've wanted a wheel all the season—didn’t have the
cash—Now it don’t take;as,much, and you’ve saved a lew sheck•
els. —Be one of the first to see our new prices and you can have
your choice of all our stock of wheels, which are all f Amumber
one” in every respect All parts are fully warranted. If they
break within sixty days, we give you new parts free of charge
(you pay the express.) Here’s the list both in ladies' and









THB KOMfOrt^ »^OED WXPH3MDAYtLJUl.T 96, 1869>

TSRSKDAn namim.



_ r 4mm Moody tadlrlBjw^U* t«o! ^

|;«]0« Timmut T«nw»




&n\ere«\. {.

pMeed by »he F.I.* eoQuU.


ChbrtM Brmdy. Harry Parkv.

'iHiM Sl«e»>M aad Mr

era! Itaeare were repaired lo peV IheB


to worhiac order.

Tbo Kortbora N-

ophoM exehaare
0:here>ti« ere weiebiu r.kaf.

Xovby. i

I Biddle trgtn on hM rlflit bud Moo.' O“_f*rt»uo» «4iwt*
Uw w lucir (0 Mac tU cKuMeacc of hb
bclored fleck. Dnrlac thk ecraoa lu
oicht he aiopped UrupUj’ eadaeked:
“Hew many of ypu have reed tU

• day bfUfsooo while bt week U

A i ily pony of your P«^
| ^ M the heekei teetcey.
ywerdey efteulB ad eewlar »* w«« hnkeo.

1’ ■.
___ _______ .


A J diy pteale party e'b] >yad a trip to i

lifkt ler at the hip TbU wee the Ulrj

iBorauCaBeroB. Baby Edtb. Buaieo '

•Bpotatloe. iheotaerabelM iBpropw

Kelley, thrrie Djorrille. Bobale Moa-' ^^P****
Alfred Moore. Welter




npoeed eo that for i« yean. Treerdaie

Pri'a Bella

haeaeflend aatold aroay.

(%aer. Era




Tbafi ebe pood; but when yon no
borne read that ebaptrr ecain. eod yon
MflsetblBc t

<»1 foM*. bat otberwbw aeeap

A. W Treeodele. a Meekeroe eo(e- ' He-ab ta-wMU yaaiotday. It eoaelet-'i^d^uc*
daliu Steiebarf
aeipataiUi of hie rd of Floreboe MUlar. Helaa h’op% ’


ru. eaSmd the

ly perfermad. the* leeriar the aerreo tarae.




PWir benda wcatap-Good - aid the pastor. “Now U
many of yen Uce reed the anmd chap­
ter of Jcdir*
Twecty.fiyc baode went np,
A wu uUe everepread the dmne-*

What's left of those ii«c. 15c. and 18c wash goods,
and we add 10 pieces white goods, q.,

GUW*. «drar boel-

TUrooBwll(^ oeeapled tb-s

and they all go for - .1............... oC ^aru

Thru* Mia

Uoeola ud Mia M

. Philip Die of <*b"7Ma

OC yd.

rob for only ss eeab

Maoacer .Kohoe bee 1
A traielar tower for the Delrolt Are Grand Eapida. Friu M-ltw of FHat. I
Baeeell Aliee Go^rieb of St. Look. Mo. Aofle ^ lAru drat elaee baU ptayen who arc

depariaent la belnr belli oe

Mreetilwlli b: eo feet orer all. ud
ooly II feet aqaan at the

Heeker of Meek^oa. The Mleau Mary I rspeeted to be ben aooa.

beee. bet

Marie Beitaer acted

. eooofOoofroy Brewer of




Croaef ud


A Son.

the arualaa


MeCartby of Kinftley ud Mrm. Pruk ]


At 8l doeepta, the Byaierloaa diaap.
peeiaaet of u ultabwa reaortar who

with lira. A. P Gray yeiterday.

the block,

There will be a refmlar aeetinrof

Mra.} Uie JJ. A. S. B

CnHter ud Lena retnmed to Klafaley
In the ecentnr

Kaceaaeh A Booey boya' coacert

The Lidia Onlld of Grace Bpitcopal

pa«ed over the-noeiad

nic wu'eej>yed.

Creeeeat bud

ehereb wUl meet with MbeLee, eomer

body of ai


heided tbe Uu of echool eblldran

car-, Minth and Colon atreete.


thU after-

f*I>—W« nut

thoorbl to be the

flayionthe aareh
from .the '
The ranuate touod oo the ehore ebareh to the doeb
The party bad a

areetUllBUe peeeeeelea of the police.
Abta Bruh. a farmer liclny

bif dlaurm tha reeon ud tha


tbedeat^ ot a

Betall Olerka. Attration!
Tbere will be a rccular

ealled at

proalMBt doctor on the etmt, -Tee

o.o’eloeb abam.

od maa thobfhtfally. “aa* fee c»ma

Lor F. Baavm.


aaderetaad, uelei"


the doctor,

••Too wut to wtaluwaeh ay beahoaee
ordiff my rardeo.
»u anyway >'

Toa'ra a (o»d old

Wal, yy doo’t j;ei fol-

lOT ay aeulB-.

I Jket

thoerbl yo

woald plbde ole woau a Job aeerobklB’ontyo'tffla, nh."
Eereral ehlldrea ware roapiay with

a dor lo front of Mre. WUllaa MeDonalo-e bonea at Detroit Monday.
Ulaal becaae aaddenly



frothed at the B(Mub and rolled orer.
Mre. M.jD«eld aew

all the ebUdree

aeatter to their boioM exoapt her own


you oo rtilbUInkU.

-Oh yoe, I

Tb« Bbrpy vlllay* of Phlladtlptab. U.
a A.. bo« rvldoDlly tw>t loamM] to talk



raabed oat

oaorbt an t ie ehUd before the dc«
bad banned it. and eoae

time after­

ward Lamed etreet wee earreodend to
the Bed eaolae.

Oonmor Piapm wired the
partinnt Monday aa followi;
troit. Urud Biplda, Au





r e rda

by death thae uy hther towa


For that reaaon I wUb on pna Mat to
that town.*'
At Mackinaw Snnday amar. the


board, ud the Mlcbltu carryiur the

Ulp on the labee

wu a dellfhael one.

Coxtwalo Web-

er, of the Y iQtle, fell orerooard Saterdeyandwaa alaat cabin ii«d

aerlraBorraa-lB ]
, «


ipuy UKt

Mra A W. UbU. «M Wuhlagtoo istreel.


l'B«X-<ier%rvdeHlDs>er rwB te toued ai j i



aee..i,iOAk<res>4.a«eU; la- ! J


The excnraloa fllren by the Colnabla

tilth dlfUr nan. PUbllthed aome >-eara
au. It (he followley:
Jac-An Amer­ 00 the bay la«t evenlns aru very poor­
ican term f.-r
be I ly atueded. tbere beloff lea than te
.. an umlj-Hla. at will oe
e M the foil'sirlnic llluttraduo trom * *l>o look adeutare of lb


One lot alktvooi dress goods yg
inches wide, regular*25c kind for
this sale. ISc yard.

One lot regular 25c kinds, liven*
ty styles to selecc from, not rem. nants. but as much as you want at
just 17c'yard.
One lot regular 50c kind. This lot'is not all from
this soriog's stock, some from last (all There are
only a few of this lot left. While they last they are
25c yard.
One lot all this season’s goods fresh and desir­
able. For this stock reducing sale, yoursat 39c yd.
One lot regular 75c and 80c kind - -....................... 50c
One lot regular $1.00 kind for............... ..‘.6^ and 79c
23 patterns left that sold from $1.35 to 5*2.oo
for- - ...................................................................9(jcyard
Udies'. gauze vests................................................ 3 for loc
Child s gauze vests............................................... 3 for toe
Ladies’ gauze vests.................................. ............ 3 for JSc

Regular y: kind, only a few left.' while they


Regular 7,rc kinf [or this sale.
Regular $1.00 kind, for this sale- -......................

». cn. cs.



thronah the ' u rzrarilon from thb city to Mubtee
.awod ra.hiwr-a dr.k. —
Mt. .. T»........................


In a


edlilun. puUbhed

raw nlgbt the flntrukwUl be confer
red npon ou caodidau.


<!n>l to richt

,*11 Bmt ktrbvl. up ataii-.,

TP VOL- WAVrtawure reeftEyaiDdla llm

Halm ard B akel* win give a daru *
------------------------------------ball Wadnextay eva- UventlnSlrtCbMp.


Wa will take 100 load! of dirt for tu
iilon in any oonrie of the Traverae
Bnalaeie College.
Bring jfer dirt
ud get year edneaUoa. C. B Djck
»«y. Prop._________ It

Itetbcndi biaeeieU
The prenieat webt e
found, at tbePdaon


a' for the a«t thirty dayt




three year* aeo the "umbrelb- deftnl-'
At tberernlar eonveiitlon of Traeprepuce., by a condition o( Into.- ere* Cty Lodge. No. Tl K. of P. toaor-

The Faffiooi la Belling a p
able watch guard with i
menu f jt only *1 oesto.

(‘atnrday evenlnga.
log Co



2ic. Sic. oOc. to S3:75

Thousands of other things just as great bargains
as the above, but we have not the time to tell you .
about them. Come and see for yourself.
New fall goods arc coming in on us now and we
must have the space that is now occupied by summer
goods and broken lots.
.\sk to see new skirt Plaids, new Coverts, new
V'enetians, black Crepons. etc.

Hamlllon Cloth

Half the crew of the Yaa-

ile foi fbore lare Saoday

£ll ^


Wortby Grud Manhal of the order.

Ualted butea marina, dropped anchor

picked op.



Marie Laaonr ufl per

P«iL.“ ud tt retniT-ed wlib numerou* Bay loaorrow. All
IrtdnroeirrDti. vneh aa "Gei.eral Delle- Ai.-a, ™
•TrT Chrism...,- ■n.r.a
•" n..iwd.

----------------1-------------------the Clreu day Aaan.


applylaf for a


in the harbor.

b to be

(be Coniul.“ "Bee It John Waumahef |
At a epodal auUne of I'm toeabere
kcowa ae> tblrt abont li.- etc.
ne | ot the Baatem Star a rob of thuka
IndxrorRient. however, take! tha
tended to B. J. Mm«u for the
duloe. for the btter la returced nsarbad
“Nu a
nee of earriacee at the time of the rblt
■> Pbtladelphb.of the Worthy Orud Matron

. bereabowthatlroowoodloat moat men



WoDid prefer larfeaodem

eteel pnn for Oet o t


rlub In a blbrioui condiiioo and after
** eienialo* to Lelud each Son
vainly tryinc (u unlcs-fc the Iror.i door | ^7 U>at tbeM. A N B. eaUread rant

decided to award bpanleb gvm to

craat produtlon."A

A polleeun'a recol­

eer ended the eaeitaent.

at t

Cnlonel Tbompoon and the Wedneeday
nraal^. at
P«^^L1C oa
paetoffice auiberitlM are liusbUip over Grand, arrlyed Is'^lbe city laet eyma bttrr that vai reinrnod lo tU dead fac
.OLinaWANTiD—BaaU renMeiMe WMied ‘
letter deperinest <c Hareu. The let- '
‘ -------- >’ bj a
fwwUy, In rood is-ea- . '
t te the Rr. “Aflaiubtrador ;
‘J^ew «ty Oaap vf Byyal Melcbban ■loa. A] ly to Mr. PailOB, PoUi'e Ptareb 1V> , |
de Cerreof tpoatmaater) 'PhliadtlphlA ! of America, will bold a n'enle at Baat

lltUe oaa wbo kept pokinr bia Barer
at the dof.


Manacer Pad O. Conrad

and Mr. W. B. Corbett, la adranoe of

MW tboee u’ eloea' 'Deed ebe an la
das “



anslacMS W. UnHJIck.



Mtryu'ritesoafhaoaey tofit

The Udl« Aid eoebty of the Beptbt ebnreb, wiU euet at the home of
W. Cnnb, t0» Wat NUtb

Gao. W. C. MacAUC,

tfot e Boble oU wonaa," aatd th i eolv>



\ W OOF*


Futory nine by e eoore ot It to a

BMeUnr of

the BeuU Clerk!', uloa thb ecenlafl.

Aa a«ed PoatiM eelored aai

Ae dlmi Boed

I ^

Una of

Budab Twlrlert defeated a Bukei

a »i eooala. Leopold

Drub of MrnpbU. Teae.. be Uhelr lo
aa eeiate celoed at tloo.oeo.


Not old sheU-wom ragged ends, but all new this
i fpnnu. over half of them have uufist paiiems in them.
TheywW from SijDO to $1.50 a yard. For this sale
j andjvbilc they last you may take your pick for 7»c

farabhed flu anle.

El Jaaeph hee ree«>ced aewi that, by

kusdfi-n «eUsm ■

The City Bookalore wUl add a ticket rwssMnt M .
aealpaneoffljeto tbelr other

Jd W. Miujken


bMret try S»-r«.o* tie'elate


Of oomciiouaod cha(ille*,hat jaei re­
turned from a tear of



rarlont county houica and jtlU In the
aorUem part of the etate.



Boat of them well kept, bnt new balldInyt are preally needed in aeTcral euutiee.
An aaknowD man jimped


Bovinp train at Coleau Snnday.
waa eerionaly. If not



The Traverse City Music Co. MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE footwear
Vo. 844 Front St

Brooth Block,



and hu been nneonaclone elnee.
Bee. Uwie


He O0IJ Dp-te-Mle Insic Store
- io tUs part lo tlie sate.


aWonary at Teheru, Perala,


to a friend at Jaekeon that In payaMt
for b^Ualny a firl there

be reoelced

“afnaele curUe, a male white ranblt.


And W amaoa. or doUara, la caek."
At Hartford. John Bright waa kUled


a wife ud lereral ueatl ohildreB

Snpt Bower of the


The finest variety of Pianos nnd Organs ever


shown in -this city. New mstmments coming in


ooaalaeloa eaya U te the Inteettoa


daily. A full carload of Orgkns just received.

the ooaalealon to make the 8» batch. ery the -abow" elation
j Mtaa qnlekly u



tna euu i


About |

tt.uODof tbUyaarb approprieUoa will j
be epentettbU paint.

stock complete, goods thc'finest, and terms the best
Tfon never heir any kick on our instmmenU—we

Albert ilri^teiu, the tnaaU of the
elate pahlie eebool at Ooldwaur who
aatBretotbebaUdlnffitbeotber day.

give the manutacturers' guarantee.

M aeaUUy drfi:iesl bat will be -held
r' lor trial.


Mia Grace Qtatg* of Yptllantl
^'"beeaeleeied to tbeebalrof Latin
biOerau InOUceteoU^

bat ’


P b at preaeot atndytnt ia Enrope.




At Three Kirere SylrflB(er Saowele*. I


Pearl Silk Bai^gains


be on eale thii Bcrais; at tba City

aoralttf *n Oaeoa. where e J>Uy' pic­


WMp b»tw

One uble will be devoted to
goods at 5c the yard::
All of our -c Gingham at 5c vd
All of our Sc India Linen 5c vd
All of our 5c. ;c. and 8c
Percale at--............. .
6c vd
10 pieces new Outing
Flannel worth ?c. at.. 5c yd
lo pieces regular Sc plaid
Dress Goods at
w.. 5c yd
S pieces checked White Nainsook at
... 5c yd

One table
of goods
i>c yd.

TUpUlforlbaaaleofaeeU for the

Tha Chleafo A Weat MIehIcu ezprcaa

AllcMTWBioBeM sod r

Tbanday ** -“'“rwAs

Odd Fellowa bait

waaieppoeed to bare cosiBltied eei.
Tbeaieaaer CoinabU
earned tit
Clde bf'drowoler bimaelf lo tU lahe St. Fraule achool eblldru ud their
Friday haa bwo partially claared «p. 'rirnde oa the
eaeareloa yeeierday



preparatory to

cooeieBloo of the utdriri-wd ealOTUinlaff afwmooa I

Uia reeotcry le allU doabifel.



Len« Mra. Or. Penioa ^ Mra. Clara (<‘rtcer*. are cleulac onl the well beck

froB ao apple weeaboet « feet to the CaapbellofUbeliy. eej.yed a pUu-1 ***• •‘**''^*^
rroaad. tMiaialaf


aa the BniUen are ia daily praetlee.

Mooday aftoraocw the btse-yeatold

The faotc

ae datnrday b especud to be a pood eae

«rm be baUt of fleet aad wood, aad
Bade eolid aaa aky aeraper.

The center of our store has been tnmed into a
a reenlnr baritam center. This snme space at­
tracted thousands of people last week, bnt the
attraction will be still still greater this week.

pottiaf a uw

la Ibe atorc raeu'ly


Sale Exiraordinary

‘ 11 yeara, «m Awwid

Veaday |



Proprietor and Manager.

73 pair Ladikk’Hand Tam Shoes.‘ Fingree*'maka. worth 63 M) tinw
ei oo
188 pair Ladies' Oxfords. “Pingree" make, worth 68.00 now
68 pair Miasee' Kid Shoes Pingree make, worth 62.00. now
110 pair Ladlee* Oxforda. all kiads. worth 61.60. now ...
40 pair Men's VetUeton Patent Calf BaU, worth 66 00 now
..................... MfiO '
82 pair Men's Vettleton Tan Kid Bala, worth 66 00 now
74 pair 'Wen's “Pingree" Shoee, small sUes. worth 64.00. now
60 pair Ladies’ “Pingree" JalteU. small aisas. worth 63,00 now
86 pair Misses Tan Shoes, worth $1.76 and 6800. now
300 pair Misses’ and Child'a, all alses. at..............................
60 pair lofanU* Shoee. all elnsa. now........................
Women's SUppor. .t..'............................................................. 18. S2c. 36c. KV .vd
Boys- Shoe, .t................................................................. „ ,.'..60o. 76o. »1 00. end $1 26
Mnu-s Bhoos St........................
..................86c, .00.81 IB. *1 « ..d «i
Women’s Blcyele Leggings, all styles, now.......................
Youths Shoes from....................................

Bee them—Inspect them -Buy them of

...FRANK FRIEDRICH, The Did ReVable..-




&eivm\ *l!U»s
KMBiMH M Mid t« to*B UkM roM.
«oftl Mid inw MinM <ron Ibe. CWmm
witboot ft»7 nasMCMlo* thtifof.
TkitrTM b»*« tokas BMrty^ »I1 U»
W work tra« tix V«kM •iwrtrte
<o«ataUi U UseoUt Park. Ghtero^ de­
ist «rMt dUM*
eU«r p*m of ^
'4ftarc'.lstlBtiosnowMMd boot
off the dbon of tiitm Perk. Ckleat«.
«stU Moenl iMcsM ksd sl«n
roMkad kbs. wnusai Dkkorasa.^1
ymn old. aoddaol; raleUed bk hold
•sd asak betora tba ajaa of tvo^berrldad cospaaiosa. taro poUeeaMO asd
shoot MO panoM who
«ba aoddast fzOM lha doeka at tba fppt
cf Ootas ^vaaaa. Tha aoddast waa
tha aaqaal to a ftahlsf trip. Tbo rletlB'a eo«paalooawertFf«darkA Sai«>aU asd Banaaa BoUtp. Tpa latter,
vbaa taactfed. falatad fropi exfaaaatloa
so tha rcaalt of tipisf to Mva Dtckar
Mlohaal Daiisf ia daad la BlUabeth.
B. J. Two dapa affo ba aaw iba eonplated BMsaaiaal wUab wUl mark ’hit
■nta plarsada I
r la Poooa.
Ssdla. wbata,Ahara w«ra lie oaaaa daoaap
A oiuade baa bead atarted la Looaos acalaat tba '‘daodap 'baked iMf."
. It appran that there ia as act of
UeorgeiV. ataklfif It Ulrfal-to bake
teaad oa buudap la tha eitp 'of Laa-

Ml* Maria r,aaaner asd aa ea
4 'saUp atroar cosipsap wbiah isoladea Praderi: Marpbp. laet arai
praMst WUta^ Oarkab rmt Low
Woa 1^" at
Steiaberr'a O rud Opara Borne. AatoK
The apiMsr*see of thla ortaalsatloalB tbia dtp ahoald oosimawd wWeBot aalp la Mk*
Lasoarb eempaap OM of tha eery
beat toariat thk aaaaoa. bet Mr.
Clarke’a eooedp aiao bee a aplasdid
UweaoritieaUp ^odaead at
tha Suaad Theatre ia Loadoa and tba
fact that it plapad Uara for Mt oesaaeatJee skrkta«o esomoM. rcaaipta.
telU la tha itroBitaat way tba atorp of

a aisolr arbew* et tW ■•tetMBS
Ptcplr sear tbr Kaw York aatnaca
tbr bridfr raw a balk}- boraa fraa(rated wilfa dali^tfol Mta tba otbcs
day by a man
tprsly cunfeeaed
that be had BO rndrfca) or thuoretieal
koowledxe of bcreemandiip Ha waa
Ibe tsoturman of a Fotortb avmia car
boasd toward tba tenniBal at tbe
bridge Tbe boraa wet ooe of tSwe anirnlar. corkeyed. aoRainly beaaU ,tbat
itDonnt of currying asd faedlsg
eooW iuake reapertal.le.
It bad atonwd Bcjura in tbe middle
«f tbe track sod bad apresd ita feet
apart ai tboogh lu mind waa made op
to bold tbe rtreet againat the world. Is
a few minatea f»nr trvUey cara were
back^ op brbitid tbe cart and more
were in aigbt down Center ctreet. Mo*
turuien. cundnctara. track drirera. ae-

ii sew to be takee sp 1a Parliemeat.
As caploaloB of gaa and fire damp>
occurred Monday ia the mine of tbeI
JUdatoae Goal. Oil A Gaa cowpaop. ati
Onadatene, Pa. Four man bare been,

.irmf atartine a flra
under the beaat'a atomacb A woman
Mid Ibal it woold be eaay enongb fee
any ooe to eoax him along with a lamp
Tbe motorman of tbe fifth trolley
Ukea (ram the mine, two dead and
ear. wbirb bad bp tbia time reached tbe
two Isjarad. All bat two of the re-' rad of tbe blocked line, walked np and
malai^TDOMa in the pit when the I lorreTed tbe aitnatinn.
i••Wboaecar ia tbia!" he aeked. potet- ThetcUHlBtofdeadasdmjarsdBsm- Ing to tbe Brat car that bad comesp
ragi* to which tbe btlkp
behind tbe wagos
ImnaU. All ara Bangariana.
boree wu eitacbed
soaa 8. DraglaM of New York.
“Il'a mine." Mid another motonnan.
•d tbe arreat
^ of a mao who eold ^ bar a' wbo waa fingering a braiwMcrtor handle
Cripple Creek mine laat pear and aaed L, t^oogb be wonM like to brain tbe
(or tbe parebaae moaep. fiS.OW. oo the boree with it.
gronad tbatebe had been bunkoed lata
Tbe motorman from tbe rear boieted
boping a wortbleea property, bbe loet Ibe car’e front fender and etrapped it
her eaae, and now tbe ore being taken ^ plri-e. folded einimt tbe daabbuard.
be aaid to tbe mutormea
oat of her laiae rona from 110,ooo to
wbo bad claimed tbe car. “go abeaA
flOOMO to tbe ton. aad the reia ia
sboBl eight feet wlda .
y profaee diirer of tbe bsraa,

First Time Here, The Wortifs Two Largest, Richest Shows United

-4-PAW AND 8ELLS-|*^^“


Ceeiled lith fiamcR Fliiei Direct froei Serpissliigl) Splendid Triempiis tt lidisce Squire eirdeo,Ilei Tort

. ‘Forepaugh aod Sells have got together a great circus. There is no question about that.*’—
All Kew Tork Charmed. Conquered^And Completely Captlrated! Greatest Arenic Victorj- of all Tirael—TheV^ r
End of the CpfiTurj’ S
Ulimax! Forepaugh and Sells Brothers combined, widi the peerless Paiis Hippodrome
added, and fresh from signal successes in New York. Brooklyn and Philadelphia.

All the Treasure Features of the Show World Merged and Marshaled in a Giagantic Unparalleled Unity. An Imperial. In*
vincible Federdtion ol Two Colossal Circus Properties, directed and operand by J. A B.\1LEY. PETER SELLS,
LEWIS SELLS, W. W. COLE. General offices—Madison ^uarc Garden, New S'ork,




A Real Live, Vital, Gilt-edged tS-Karac, Up-to-Baie. 20th CehturyCircus! More wild animals, more horses, more railroad cars,
more tents, more performers, more feats and features, more new ideas, mere innovations and revelations, and more
processional resources than all other American Shows combined.
SOME OF THE BIG CENTRE-SHOT NEW YORK HITS! Woodward s Seal and Sea-Lion Orchestral -The Marvel­
ous Hanlons—Gymnastic Comets! The Furiously Funny Sousa Clown Band! Gorman's Heroic Thirty-Five Horse
Act! Forepaugh's Famous Dancing Elephants! The Double-Somersault Leaping Tournament!
Tremendous Marshalling of the Wonders of the Orient and the Occident— Rare and Costly Trained and Wild Animsils—20 Ponderous Marchii^’ Elephants—200 Marv-elous Animal Actors—International Congress of Double Somer­
sault Leaping Experts—Prodigious Museum. Avjar>- and Aqu.irium—.T Brilliant Circus C^ompanies in ^ Star Rings—300
PhenomenalMid-Airand Arenic Champions- Greatest Gathering of Circus Meteors Ever^^Seen ii^any ?
Hippodrome, with all its Daring and Dashing jockeys. Charioteers. Rai ^
is Ca.*sar Rode
.questnan Stars of Two
I Os<
______________ _________________ ^ ................. ..............._______ ..
Rarest. Most Renowned and Remarkable Human and .Animal Arenic Prodigies—S300.000 Lavishly e.xpended in
Radiantly Perfecting this Royally Resplendent Circus Federation for the Present Tour—The Apex and Summit of
Arenic Possibilities and Perfection Absolutely Attained by 4-Paw and Sells.
The Greet Medieon Square Garden Prt^ramme to be Given Here Intact!—Not no Act, Feat or Fenture will be Omittid. The
Orai^ and Gorgeoua Dreee Parade of A<Um Fotrpaugb and Sylls Brothera' United Sbowe takea place at 9:d0 am. daily^ unfolding
to puOTc view, free aa air to ev-rybody, all the oenaafional. picturesque, hiatorical and aomptoons proceartonal resourcea of the Titanic
Dnal-Ageregation. Increased in Everything except In the Price of Admiseion.
Admits to all the Aggregated and Variegated Attractiona of the World'e Greatest Powible Tente<l Exhibition
presented nnder the greatest epread of canvaa ever erected on this or any other continent. I'l.OOO splendid
eeaU. Admission 60 cento; cbilSren updt-r nine. 25 cento. Boeen-ed nnmliered seats, with back and foot rest*, and with maimificent view of
all Arenic and Aeria' Displays and start and finish of Hippodrome Races, extra Two complete exhibitions daily—rain or shine—nnder ab­
solutely Waterproof Tents. Door open at 1 aod 7 p. m.—Performances at 2 and 8. Day and night showa exactly alike.

Cheap Round-Trip Excursions on all Lines of Travel.

John AUea and Jamaa Joiner,---bopa, he aaid. “Get ap and Uke bold o( tbe
--------------------------------------------^Barreled at Mdpir, 111., aad .Joiner reina"
Tbe car ran forward until tbe fendM
hilled Allen bp a blow tm tbe chin
of excursion
irains. For tbe accommodation...........
... who
accommodation of those
reached tba tailboerd of the wagon. Conanlt Station Agents for particulars reuarding the time of departure and return of
At Brktol. Ps. lacking bat a few “Now." aaid tbe aelf
a ca
can be obtained at the City Book Store, SS20 Froot
would avoid the crowds at the ticket wagon on 5ie ground, tickets and reserved seats
dape of liMpeara. Mra Oatberlnc Di­
ceremonlee to hU fellow motOTman.
1 the day of exhibition only.
llon, ibe oldcA woman In Bneka eoon- “atari np aa fart ai yon darn pleaaa,
Se^tf oet ^tensive and Elaborate Railroad Equipment of any show in the world, Savnmty-Four Donble-8t*«i Cara being requirtp, la dead. bSe wat born in Ireland and don't atop natU poa get to tbi ed to transport the Great Combination.
Jnip t?, 1791. and cane to tbb eoanUp bridge."
early In lUe. Thera ara of her ebU
draa lirlng. foer: graadeblldran lO.aad Tbe borae la tba abafu aimplp bad 9e
atan. He alid and abo»ed back for a
dren. ttrieforertbe I few inrbee and then broke IntoabelpMtdeatbofadan^lor U aaid to
The certsme banging along
nare haalenad her end.
behind. giriBR tbe borae no chance to
Doclaga tbnnder atom 40 peraona
Tbe inxesioae mowho were lualof acalui a wire rail
itorman looked tbe aawmbly over with
trg. OwmMy.™”
Inratthc Ckarlol
eyeU irask
•track by IlChlalnff., ..a,yrbeMid- ••B.yl Bom* peopU
»0 aararaly ■'
la- re dead
eluw. rii!" New York Sob

TianeoeOtty lUAat.
Oa* of tbe boilers of like Anairtaa
below Ualteioftbe buytaff and ee 1
torpedo boat Adler exploded while tbe
Iff nrieaa of yoeterday for ffroearie,
vMMlwMoStbeUlaodof.Torcola, la
rorUorn aod farm prodaott la Tra •
rUeAdrievleese. kiUlar e Uenuneot
asLuaa nnoa.
and foor menbera of tbe erew.



Traverse City, Wednesday, August 2,1899


Oeorge Biota, a (araer llrinff Mar
New Albany. Ind,. hae broorbt to town
. a freak eeake. It baa two beads aad
. two tail*. 04* beadandjtoll are tbo.e
-of a Mackenake and tbe other* tboee of
The two neeke are eeeb
about I foot ia leortb and 1 inch In diaiseter. Tbe whole enake U 4 feet
The ovalafe was oau«ht
•while killUr ohlekena
Tbe partial failure of the aonaeon it
India bae oeeaaloaed gr*** anxiety
•ne rainfall hae beea lejarionely exoewlet in Benffal and.|ibe northwest
bat in tbe Diean, Btrra, and
atmat aafa* or TaaTaaaa am naaitbe eantralpraeiaoee there bee bran almoat BO rain. Tbe altnalion ta went•rn India U alraady criUcal and Aleael•rUU
Forty eaeU eieaaefi are offerto tor
mate at Bt Mlebaale by


ilSliii i

Joba MarkwUb. affad 90. of Oiaate.
* »- Y.. ia aatUar new Metb and hie eyegC le f prorlag.

steamer Onekaiaa
Okpt. J. U. Emory.

Bebbto tae:uta«a.
Btartilar ineideat of which Mr
Joka Ollew.of pi - - ---------------

Leare uid Mtmlon. ...^........ 6:00 a.m.
Arrive Elk Baplda.....;........ 6:40 a. m.
Leave Rlk m.
Arrive Old MleeVn..................11:40 a. m.
Leave Old Mimloe.................. 1:90 p.m.
«et y^low, eyee-Arrive Elk Banlde.................. t:40 p: ta.
en, tongw eoated, pain contuinaUy^ii Leave Elk Beptde.................... 7:00 p. m.
back aad aldea. DO e-,..^..
ArriveOldMiertoa.................. 7^ p m.
(TOwlnff weaker day by
•Bae will leave tbe MereaatUe Oo.*'
Bhyakdam bad glMn me up. forta bloek. Hotel WUtiaff aad Park Plaoe
Mtrty, a Mead adriaed Uri^ 'Bee- at «:U p. m. 'Bat vUl alao eoaaoet
witk boat at ll:Wa. m. Pralt oar will
be at Beet Bead on Toeedaye, Tb»
lUanad thrtr nM dayaand Batardaye. Paeee^m and
(or tbrw weeka. aad am now a'
traltwiUbe taken en at any point
man. I know they aarad my Ufa. .
robbed tbe m** •>* aaottor rtotlm."
Me oae ahoald faU to try thorn. Onb
W oaato Bw botUe at B A W^tb iSi
2.0. Johnaoab Draff Btorea.
le prepared to eerve miale at ai
tbae to partlae from tbe elty. at i
boorb Bottae. Either 6 obtoek
ffnr tba aoKt thirty Anya oar alen
6 obloek dianwe wiU be eerreA. 1
eranmandeahnat aay ttmeoaBa
daye. BaUtalepboneBo. 1479r.

____ iXS

ja-gP^rt«o by


The Boston Store Factory Remnant Sale Is a reeord breaker In tbs history of
Bargain givingr.
From early Tuesdaymorning the Traverse City people have taken possession of
our store In a mass, and did not let up until a very late hour, far beyond our closing
time. But we are not surprised. It would be strange If such goods at half price did not
Bell. We were only halt prepared with the many good things w, had in store for you,
as many goods were not unpacked, which will be placed on sale today. The sale will
continue day after day all this week.
16 cent pique, oor feciory remnant price...............................................
Si cent plqnr. out factory r*moanl prior......................... .......................
ki and 60 eent plqoe, onr factory rrmnoni price....................................


Moat extraordinary chanoron a lot of wrappers boayht onaccoaet
of thelatenem of the eeoran at ju.t half tor price of p^netlon.
We ifielnde all our rern’arrtoek of wrappera n tbl* oale.talnet.
75C.61.OT «160. 8176, ILM. onr ferioryromnantpriw,

48c. 69c. 79c. 98c,-briI $1.48
AffT»ndelov6ii.ff red-,, 'on tbronyhoet thie department, toffelher
with the •pedal loti booffb, f r thb tale, at a way down fiffora. le bound
to crento aeeiieaUoo amooff Uu.t eyiny pnblleCbolM of menb all-wool eoaeimere and eberolt
datoetyleaofebeckeondatrip'a Tbe kind tfa
tbe world over at 97 M to »t0 00. well-made and ffood:
fitUnffelothtoff. Oor Fbctory EomnoBt Sole.................
bettor dreeoed. wbo arc bnyluff


fineaiatoek of men'eanltt of allwool coaalmerea, woe- mA AP
Cblldreab fine oU wuol enlta la

^ dayo. aad wocetoda.

PMto^NDBU, lot Of FIO-M.. ..ioe trott, » 1. Me



Lodlo*- Percale Shirt WoUu, valne 50c for...........................................
Ladle*'rxtra quality Percale Shirf Waleto. worlh»l 00 for.^.........
Lodlea'floe extra qatlityparaale.piqae and flae lawn wolau ia
fondee and white, trimmed with laeertloa and taeked, valaee
ai.Mand»,ffoat............ ..........................................................




Never cneb volnce la thie dainty tatrle. White plqoee ore sold la
many localltlee at a premlnm. for its aeard(y. "a aeoonni of ita aopalarIty Bore tb^ iro at half prlec thie moralaff la our roetoty Eaanaut

Tbe Factory BemnontHato (a tbU deportment alone meoae a freat
Mvinff to yon. We have eeoered moat wonderfel berffatne bae.
IW pair* of Lodiee'Oxfords aad Slippers, strictly blffh ffrsde. and

“ T9c, 89c, and 98c

............. ......................... a
■aoU-vrool knoe pnala valna

100 pairs of Ladles'finatVld Cldup-tortate shoes ia torao.
welu, and McBsyo. Toluee cole price..................................... >1.48
100 palm of Imdlg' Vid gtd. ap-to date eboa, evay pair war, mp
roatod. volttM fft.M. eole priaa...........................................................
Mea'e eolid ffreU ahoto. eole prtea.............................................................
' MaabeaUn eatf, np-toAate ekoea, aola prtoe..........................................•1.96

We have all the items adv^Ued yesterday on sale to day. Regardless of onr heery sales we have many
good selections left.
__ _

Gita Mod THE BOSTON STORE ^rimtatj

Ml i><>Mtnia Mi86M. waniwbAt. my m uw.
tuncn AU bittmiM.

Bunrs cuiiM nim.
with whWh a


« aad D»Har lUat an bUoakai^.
• *®*ni la wbtrti abe ahaU mke »w
— Of MKk puau mti «« laarranly «aUa.
•i»o«bt «M by ecna^ I*B'"’ »• * wy prKty
»«ta who _ B to oaioy a dHjawb os '
aritctod (IMB tLa «»■
tb» astaral
---------------- n draakanl tika
to eatotiar oo tbr anMrIal potadoaa
or isaakiM] wbooc Uata U alcoboL
Tbr iBlm of mtala of tha eoa^io.
it» ara toxir. aad ai» asfarl} da*oor«J by aooa bartlaa whirh atom
to bavo dlaaoT<T«d Utla qnatllr lo iba
ftaau. aaya tba Sctasitar Aioart<-aB.
Bat tha flotrar vbli« t»»boUy aojK
pllaa mera ttataai druokanlt than any
otbar U iba aotoDoo. an aatuoin annual
tiwM^ wbtrh |>tooaa Iniurtantly Is
Kanlarfey rr»n tba nlddla of Ib^Mambar U> lata In .\ovainbar. nnbvt rui
down by aairta froMt. Tbhi ia a baaulifol nowar. both as to fotiafa and
WooMnna. and la. «onparatlraty ^>aak.
iM. <jBlta hardy.
By anantlim. aa» a batnnJIat wa»
dm drawD’io iba Intoxh-alUif propar
tiaa of ibU annoal bna warm IwtiEbt
day Id Oriobar. IMOT. 1 waa olM-rrloy
tha caforiMto with which a Utfc
BOnbar of bujDida Iwaa. amaU ba.tlaa.
bnitarlllaa and an
of fliaa ot many yanara and ai>a< taa
wan- aardtiDx tha bloraima. wba-u' I
a bombla bra au>|danly faU
froand fmpi an oi«an Ilowar and l|a
•BpiOa. faalily BWvltix iu lafi iB


Tiraful axamlnalion mtn JBdad that It bad baan aiUafcad by aoma faumbla baa U1 lUi
waa liryond uy |towar of dIafncMia
dooo. bowarar. 1 aaw linnlbar anti
Olhar and bra
to Ihit
' olwrrra
tlotw lad ma lo ballaXa that tbafa wat
alfnt at a laadlns metropAlltab m<
Mutatbinx loll.- In tba pollan.
lor (lutihabtr In liulb. for tha liaatlaa ditle.
Tbe fowD- which can alto aerre a
aoobijMit aaally cat at tha naatail^t.
and ihal ihaoa Inaat-u wara almply In▼dopbd In nMM-bnd pink lUaMli
ticurr In doll fTMtl daelxna. Tba aklrt
Otdart la DmacMt.
It one of tba new utte-taamed akint
Hart, arv auma ordani nsvntly »»oOntfElat lna hajjfUborinx
|>ertp<lly Mmootb orar tba bipa. with
- -riilt ahlM It my tliilr firi. 1 Band two box plnlu at tha liaak.
you r. aroilH to bay two alil.ta tm»a. r*
Tba twdh-a lint a vati of roaabud
pink allk. irimnud with nnrmw frtllt
.for. a KKuau ni>. adult wIhi I« alka.’
"Iiaar dm-htar. pias *lf brhn-r
of the urea color i-bllfon alleniniinx
with nifflat of narrow diill^raen HU
nnva or Auuita Toxyu for
bon. Tin- lb|i of the tlearet ara treat­
fantia 1aiby-B thn>ai and obiaafa *'
-you ,WI
I'tll plaat tciva tlia laHb> 1ml ed Id the ume way, while tba lowi^r
C aauit worib of r|»Taa for to ttmiw portion I* trimmed with tbe HhUm
Up iu a flra mouibt' oM lialM-. S. U. - at on In pitlniad dralan.
Tilt ca|a- It almply a ahopi aboiiMar
-Tlia li^lia bat t H..ra aiun.uib-k."
“I-hara a rota pain in mv 4-blbr« dia affair of broradid rdret. lined with
fraiu. rianio''flva luy aon aouu-lhluf rnwlni allk to match tha gotm.
to tvbwa.- If
White Mtin. embmldare.1 with Idaah
-My Milb* Iwlwjr baa aat np Iu fath- liMule. Is th*- UMlertal im-din the litihart iiarUb idaailiar. Haiui au aniolota toque and tlu-irirauilnga an- pink and
qdlak ma poaalble by tha vih-IowhI Bn-.-u tl|>s. caught uudi-r a buckle of
'1 haf
a hot lima In my Inrldat and
■Satoa Ber UHag.
Wb-h I wixtl Ilka ll 10 In* aSIlUfuUhixt.
A young woman living In a tow
Whal It food for to axtlnxuUli lt> Tba
lualnBad u.ouay U f..r th.- prlae of llo- which ime of the largi-si uulvers|||<-f
Is alKuih-d Itss hit u|un an exn-lleni
aillujfulahar. Hurry pb-aa."
methiHl of earning lier own living. Her
BURS0*S FOBE-AND-APT PANTS akin' In-nmklug -fudges." tlmae t.s.tli.
aome ctiiKidnie awe*-ts that an- mI<1
TV kai^ wanu'durlnx cold «-r-<thar to have origlnnied at Vassar. had often
It Uul ogly a prublaia to l>a moIvkI by been pralm-d by her frl.-mls. and It oc­
Ibr huiuau bl|>aa.,bul by iIk- uuadru. curred lo lier one day that wiun she
k man u firen cmllt for iH>aa«‘iHauf

tBon- nf the *1>orae aense" than a bonw,
or *-ven a mule, ami tliat Is why the
burro III ^he ac*;om)aDying ph-tiinwiara ‘i«nii* fore and aft In addliton
lo a thick IdHiiket. A Chh-ago shoe.
. maker lias auiidy pn>vlde<l pnd<-<-iloD
fniHi the iidd for ilie siunly burro that
he ilrlees In hl> delivery cart. Tbe
BiraDg.Mppeariug animal ae*-ms very
happy aud lotaky tgnon-s the lnii*.-rtlnent wags wIhi p ' *

n cudi vote eum


Provident Life
and Trust Company

uot aiB fua;
Tho AiAlea for vtartv vbito'
h» tod nw mm
flam abowa ab Afn of atottlBf-de-,
ltd «m Uktttfeewtottod.
' c*d«Uy MttilBf hnfca amanor-bat tbe'
frrqocat t-leaaiaf da-* Bre <B4fea wsta «w»iil au htt aaU
Ww roeatod pltaualB.
wtUU*. not a Bto
tafaa. whan- acoDoffly comco In. Tbia
Or mole wu three te na.
drawback may be caally obrlated I9
a act ad# hre tbsa.
vaahlnc them at home. A ooaK of
elMBp bensoUoa (not benxlne) ahoold
be obtained* from a cbemlot or as oU
AU waa that msMta ftU.
and colorman. that at foar ceois a pint
Be yocrtu hr ta aicrrfe af.ber.
being tha brot It wlU be anfflcient to
B* fonu her. taa. ear .day:
dean twelre pairs of glorca. Pi
Par to that pwsrTrrra what wda.
them Into a twain with o^thlrd <
AU lav'r wtU Stow tto «
brnsollae. and leave them
___ _
ah. Blark: tor tore w
about • twenty mlnateo, tbeo- wring
; war amway.
them out and ocrab them well with a
Xto Bkliud reinteheta had
hall breab In a aecoad portkm of the
As Bhlllrd rfleachen del
Bplrlt putting them on the hands and
every atain.
•-----------------------—- aitcp
-- - wiucn
which they
may be left to soak again for anoUuY u tn-m m> toe
twenty oilnntea In the remainder cf Bo leas * • a
wru>u«iMo. vuumed OQt tight and ^— —— —■ —— •> —
.pre.a -It
. low.l to iu. Tbu Sf
WlU be 111 to w« In flee minutes, and au new we atTtr nweC
have aesrvety ^ odor at all—far leu I* >t rvgrH
than,la osual with the gloVu sent to
hu . WrU ao awuti
a cbwnar. A wann. sunny day abonld »*“*
ta taaraf
be choaesi. and the waablng should II etssped rear toad.
take place out of doors, to prevcht IHat wwrr^ Bstd a word!
Staud as ekildna staU
any puMilble danger of Are. 'nw mrtb- W.
W'lMsr soels are sHmd
od la only aoltablc for kid glove*, tod •To growl shy lore itoy eaa aat e
la vxcelleni for coloied u well as II elat|U fsor tosd « • • Isic. roar eysa.
wblu- ones. They may be wubed Aad
My s|.lrtv spsoanl
timer wKheut namber. and will al- ITour
spirit-. oysleHew
ways rrtalu their original aoftnru of Bat
frarrd to esU yoa -frlead."
texture. Mon-over, as the washing -OUvrr C
Cuuare. M P
oiily averagvs
i-s one cent a pair, u is
quite worth while gi-ttlng a thorouab- bet Be aet to tto BarrUge of Irae mtods
ly good gaallty
Ity of glove,
for they can AdBll tto iBpellBniis. Is... Is But levs
be worni for several seasons
a(^ very VUrb slim wbre It allrnihB SUs.
Or toUs Oiu tto foBoror to rcBoi
mInJmam eost of money or troul
TTm- great thing U to have plenty of O. no’ It U as ever died sssrt
iN-tdsullDc. and to Immerse them
That looks OB IrBpFSta. and Is arv
It Is ito star le ersiy^aUeilaB tort
Wtoos worth’s aakaowB. alltoagb I
height to tskra.

not TtBe't tnoL thouh <oay
One of the moat delightful of Hum­ bore’s
SU eheeho
mer Beveltlea U the big |»-ar-aha|wd
tUn his tx-ndlng tlekle's eoBpasa <
pvori Imlr ornament mounted •
cfe«<v>iit-aha|ied hand of gold.
•rt ta tto edge at
*The tiearl Is of immeuai- slxv and


ItocM PU la Krw Tarti.

The aklnxlan. lng fad has brokm
oat again among \ew York aochdy
women, and many drawing rooms
the clevi
aome of the leadlug young matrons In
am-lety. A profiwsiunal Nilb-i dancer

It this to enor. aad apen aw y
* iry.r7 -I*- ?«*' “«> man wer m.
Of old tto Moses ssi on high.
And bpwnj and |«dgvd tto a
-n one they smiled, who
• >r tutlliut lew. then Blighted ___
“They llgfally oerre Wto serve ns tost.
Nor hnew they buw the (a<« was done:
We Hows l.iTe B sual al re«.
Bui kMeUre and tull we shoo If nieu say tro'
tlSTe rtong<-d their anrleoi tobitnde,
,I.J woohl to served with hnltted to«-w.
And stress sod lot) esrb dsy -renewed.
80 each uue wUh tto other Hem.
Of ibuoe who
*es> e.
>0 Weses
IA O Mnae, tosiuw thy prise.
Fur wo bare ■inveo well and long!"
And y.o Belhtnto I hear Ito beat
---------------- -— -•-------- ---- lleUeon:
riley lightly serve who Serve OS toot,
her Lu.iw they bow tbe Usk wos done!"
-hdllb M. Thoms. Id the l>tsl. *

perfeet In every detail. The hand la
d«-eply engraved, w ith diamonds aei In
tbe Im-lsluus. An algratte cumixised of

pmflt. Hhe-uiade a few boxes of the
■we«-ttnrats ami Iwhintl a nelgtihorine
drugglii to lei them U- on ule In hu
alon*. Tlie flrat Imx.-s. and afterwnnl
a second ami targer lot. w«-n- qulrgly
dIsiwMed of and onl«-rs for mon- w.-nreceived. chleBy fnira the mlleglans.
Her next ateji wax to r-t aome pUIn
while holes. |«ck ih.- fudgia In them,
and tie the h..x.-s with a Imiad rildsin
of the coH.-g,- nilor. Having some lit­
tle skill with her brash. bIh- decnrai>>d
each riblton Iwnd with the college
name and poi this newly tilled fmim. Tliere was an InmiedIale ami generons n-sponse. -riie undergnidiiat.-s wen- dellvhi..,t with ....
compliment and the insieful dalntln*-«s
of her wares, and allhougli her hiislneu to-gsn only last (hiolMT. she bu
alnady foitml It n*-ce«sary to enlargt*
hf+ idaui to kiep iiaee with her orders.
An assistant is emploj.-.| n, lielj. her
with the nnUllled part of thc.pnx-.-ss.
and she hem-ir works every ilsy aud
often until late In the night In an effon to supply the demand for her Ixml-ins. 8he has eataldlsb.-d agencies
tbiMUghotn the town and In a neigh­
boring rliy, ami Is |.rolial.l.v bnlldli.g
np a |x-nitaiietii ami *-x<Vllent bustBeas.-Xe« Toik Kventne PosL


of PhlladalphU.

»*«*-«• a brkl«-

tbe iwarl and adds height to the JeweL
alao lends Iu the ornament
chMly maj-wth- air. It niay bcataleil
that Che
‘ -}>
[cwrl-1. of the
grans and the dUmuwls an- rblneatooaa.
gien asd Psathees.
80 much Ims heeo said and written
by meu|res|>ecilng tbe employmeni
ooiTry pinme* hy women that It might
be imagined by most (leoph- that men
were lidally inuuceot of patrunixliig
It la.
lereforv. not wltbunt liilerent to note
that Kir John Imbhock. the m.-mlwr of
partlauumt for the I'nlvenilty of l.ondun. qiiile n-c-uily aaked IIh- uml-r
sccivtary of state of war whether
waa aware that the ao-calh-d usj.rey
fvatbern wont a* pinmes by certain
n-gim.-nia are only devehi|H<<l by. and
are strip|>ed from the blnU .dining
brr*-ding oenauu. and tb*- d.-stni<iion
of the old birds Involves tbt- atarvailun
of the youug ones, and tvgnratisl to
know If he witl uonaltlor tbe dealrablltky of alaudonlng the uae of a decora­
tion which Involvea the aUngbte^ cf
birds under clrcuniatam-ea uuw sbuwn
to Invoire auch cruelty.
Tbe reply wa* to tbe effect that
dera have Item given that plumes vv'inposed oiberwtae than of oo-called -nsprey" feaihera sbaU be prefum-d with
a view of ubulnlng tbe sam tiuu of ber
Majesty to the abuUUou of the -oaptv.v" pltuoe* worn by tbe commls■lohed offleera la ceruln reglmeDts.
of k oatlafactory snbstl-

' nil. BU Iter Way.
"I ahitli haqe to ask you for a tckoi
for iliat. ma'atu.'
“1 gueas not."
"He’s loo old to travel fro*. II* oc tbe an of high kicking am) the nudu- oveur ta effecting tbe cbange.-rbUacuples a whole scat, and the cart latlng manlimlatlou of tbe mnay delphla Ledger.
cniwd.-d. There an peoid* standUu
.charm of the dann-. Toe
s for drair“Tbafa all vlght."
I *«'« ■«
___ ing-poom preaeauiloa* to gueen Vlc.latter.
couslsta of a low bodice, abort
ma'am. Yoa'U ban to pay for that tbe drawing-room datuvrs ~i^he~t.etty
Lind dance and tbe Kulh^ dauce ahtevea. divaa and train, tbe latter
*“ length, out
-rve never paid for bim y*L and I which Is tbe nevewt of tbe seitsan. aiv
, taught ekclBsIrely. and some of the ***^
Pl«n»ea are thre«
am not gulag to begin now."
arv aabl to outahlne their proplume# for a married Udy and
"Yoa -bave get to begin aome ttma.
If yoa haven’t bad to pat up fare foi
1 velU or lace lappets have to be worn

I with tbe plumes. White 1* abaoluiely
The widow of I'ivsid.-nt BaiTpla ..
OostemaU maken her b^ote la Xe*- which usually te trimmed with white
“You'll Bay for that boy. ma'am. .
.Turk. Bhc has aavi-d a Torluae eatl- Dowers or plamts. High coari dreaa
ril stu|i
- Ihe train and
. •pat him
-------B»ted at ».i«».noo out of her basbatMTs may be worn by Invalids or tiddly
■Thst s til right.
Too pat him off estate, a fortniM- wfaleh b<’ amassed ta Udlea.
If you ihiak that's tbe way to get any. the four years of his presldeory. Kh* her majesty,
throogh tbe lord
thing out of hm-.*'
ts an ABM-rtcan woman. In>m la New beria
berialn. One of the chief diSculilea
“Von unahi to fcaow what the rale* OrtesDA and Harrol. met and m^cd
mayvlcd to cvqie
with la a coon toUet te tbe
of this r<«d a
Bow *M la ber In New Volt. Mme. Banioa has haaddivaa. wbtcb mast obow conaplo
that burr
aU her valoable diamoud* tied ai> In nooaly from the front, tbe qaeea hav“I dou-i kouw
tbe enstom bonae. and nagaUant racle '
forv. If yoa t
Sam instets rat a heavy doty on them 00 this occasion. Tbe voUa are csagbl
boogbt abroad. Tbe down oa ettber side wttk tiny JewaMk
alheahde Be gti oB Wttb bum"
JkwataaiovalMdtiflflAflSIiaBwMsb oo that th«y aaly ha^ at tw hto!k.i

UtI T:




Fire Insurance, |M^£.°ssaarsA=a:
Is-1*, a. Buiidiiiff.

rani DBHTSl, WOBX.
BBaKisnaUao af voavb
AsWdaUr. tar ottroausa of w
0 a aaad. to<»st aad ••** asph
.rastsa on <sm4 r.- wari*. «*v-


Dr. J.W: enmitli, *w.

S^lalist. la^ESilSSS.-'lSfylff
Btoa Bans.. Trmmrm City. Mt<S.


MaraaaUteOo Bloeb.


n. wUl totshtw* to

John R. Santo,
SlHtll IlSIlUMv




t5‘trrBSi‘ A

a J. MOkUAN, Frapilwtor.

ISPbavotora plawad la ay baada
___ IBs aad ihai I will ba la ay sdtea

1 t«M>-aesi exietiaioe top l
ewiy ptiaUd. price 9*i to.
1 Phaeton Bogty. good-order,
good order. •«
»40 on.
1 Top Baggy, all ic good abape. tlb O

isk. IS-. tra* I o-riaek W IIS*

o.ka B aad troa I o-eiorb la 4 e'eaek. *_ Oo all vaiM paid bile** Bap*. IM. IM
ttovw wUI to ao 1-0. rkaraad tor soUostteh.
toll oo all ia«B oaoald topMBbar tet and
pate dariac oepMahar «beto wUI to rbaraad a
peaaliy of I tor rwi. tar reUsaUsa and aa nU
utMoai>aidon.t« aad pate dorira Oria&r(b.e.*rUltorha.godm-paaahy 7 t par

Lnmtoer Wagons.
1 Oow to trade for a pony

Farm and Draft Horses

TM. Dylcg CbHMtso to HB Seal
Vital spsrk «f htovesfly daoie! . oh! quU tbl. Oiortal trsB*:
Tremblliig. hoplag. Ilngertog. dylag—
Ob. the pstn, the blls. of dytog;
Ctoae. fond batnre. rsssr thy sirU«
And tel B* languish Into lUe.
! tb.r V
W.ter spirit.
. Wbal Is tkli sbsurU aw aolto.
ftt.wU nir s.-nM-., .butt nr stgM.

Hltb soands M-npbir ring:
le-Dd. lend r->nr wlngit I buubi! 1 Syl
Ob. *lrsvr: wtore I. ibir vtcloryl
Ob. ne.tbl wbeev I. tby sUngl
—AlrXBIxIrc I’upr.
Th. «Mh**r SM. af Ito Btory.
Ob. Ito aBow,.thr toaatirul snow!
it s an old. sod .lorj nbirb well we kn
it evtv*-T» lb. ald.wsik. ll eoTtes tb. Irt.
It wwli. fur s (bow and Inrii* a fr.*s*
It givr. >UD tb. sbirrrs. Jl glrra yun tto
ll frolic* aloug o

I have joat received from Chicago a fine lot of fam aad
drtft boraea and aoTonl floo driTora. Call at my aalao bara
aad goi tba beat horaa to be bad.

8UU 9^r—i Bale Bama

B rvthl.*B plsy.

Ob. tb. snow. tb. totnilfnl ■
Von tmk. yonr sborri and nw kir go
Ts ri*«B tbt wtlb. I
[bi to da.
Too ttckl. th. drift, and ivn plow It
Uitt. by mri.. Birufc. by strok..
T»o loll tIU yoor btrk U nt-triy broke:
Ittggtng. smplog till all is o'er.
Then th. sky
y ctoada
np a

Park Place Hotel!
» 0±t:3r,

1 gan .

—Waahlagtna Star.
rd rattor b*v. a man cobs am
An- t.ll hi. riwllb's saurr.
Than go to. ralklB- roobd abeal
With SO ledblgeni air.
Ah' ssy. ‘-Oh. yro: yonr fiiend'U eat
A wtd.r swalb tbsb Boot,
B.-s well sU/v. tto avrngr. Bat •
An- iben yon get tto ”
I hate te so. thsr bso cob. roaod,
I wtsb Ibsl b.-d beep sUU:
Id evrryoblnx to'a mM Tva fasadA sagsr-<v«t.d pm.
An- ifier tbl* rii tet Mb a
1’ have bU h
^^th*w 111 rvB s

Xaglteh Ladloo’ PiMia
.Some one has been making an cath
Boaie of tbe drees expendttare Of a
aatari woman. A tiifle of f*JM)0 or *0
per shttBm te set down as the loweat
stun needed. It. might surprise tbe
writer to be Kdd thsi one of the
■rlv-st of English duchesses dresaes
I2.NVI a year: that another dnebwho always looks weO. keeps
well within tZ.nnD a year, and that
“ilrd. w^ - -------- ■■------- ---r te
■- about
1 dreoM-s on tbe r
ls far from nmpH•at. but.
hig win. tbe
_ bntterily coadafMt,
wboae chief aim In
r Is to got Dae

Newly painted papered, aod carpeted*~RoomB with
private baths have beeo add^. makio);
of the mo«t
comfortable hotels in Northern Miebi^u." Address for
rates and other information



Good hardwood in store lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings



k aitiltetrat

Bicycle Saddle—Gnaranteed for three years—
Look at them whether yon need one or not.
$8 00 or $10.00 will bay a '^ood second-hand t»^cle—$35 will bay the best new wheel on the
market—Cbme and1 see
s my display before going

tbetr Uttle boar In t
Ah Ohio wmaaB has rsimiM) a t*eR tram swinglag araoiM) agalast tha
bond wbM tlltcd to poof oat Ihr wsa pteca af wira bring nncariff lo
Wa aMa ad ms kaOal am aatMM ta


MM 8a




in iiftMHfti iBWtt tHumtkt, m.9 m, tm

DBwm mm oowiA

«Mn tnul lUBBL

■» to M

m a^»wmr *..........



'tttotn tou. «M tk«

Wade Bros., Warm
Meals.... IS MIS

toll EsHte, iMtinwn,

Froperiy anred is a
«ndy, tbiww*

nian tomirr«r« 10 bf i»s«d •• th*
______ _____ ___ ____ _
»mir« brfo (IMO QfMt Wi ooiuto.

[ WOT. w^OT

««ym U»e Now York Preo*. hoo U
. tvMwriM r/w >hB rrhioTOT.
a typowr

* oor«r aatUSed witb

«■ Uw liMc ^us«ur
kusM •< tho IMnr « ,Idov ^
of ^
a BrooUya
BrooUra otoop
ibop orwUw
arvlaa *U
oU !| tout
tout £0M1U cbaranm awl a carrfo]
tn onua.
dar ** » adverttoMarol for rbOdmi'* | anal^ of tbr rtaatoMl worn u w«I
Tbora to a taitalB 4*fww*ca ®f #>••• ■
su. 4.
dotolato's daughter. ; u of Ibe epoken tonguase bu.abuwo
an aad n^cb to»n b, W- «a* to

cam* to tlwt not more (ban d.000 ate la general

Hawaw bntoqar Oom mMr be ea
a asUtor aad aaeearMttoaal la camp
Wt. ba to rxiraanly aoencMO to riatorn. 8t tactoroa tromea witb a
aoartoar aad qatot dlgattr tba« wotdd
•raeo aar dmwtag nom. On tb« oe-

tbeir accepted apeUlng In ftogliab. a ter than the our we're got now doee.
large annter«or Uk>ot moat <.«(nmmly
*^l>e tmb 1* that we are dawdlera
need being plalM la a oetwrato group .and ahy to work awl trying to gn
regardleea of epeUlng. llir type are along Jaat u euy u we can. W* hnio
caat on tbe under part of a large wheel, to }>ttcfa In awl gu at iblnga
the upper aide of which 1* corered with
Tbr time for na to wort to now. not
printed character*, each one onacUy
orer tbe type it repreaenta
77>e carriage moree freely to tbe
right or left, aod pmjectitig frain it to

tomorrow, and tbe Job for oa to collar
to tbe ooe we re gob Bouad that up In
etyle. do tbe work complrtely aM tborooghly. and you’ll be uioolah r to find

a pointer 10 locale tbe rtiaractn* to be
primed. The wheel I* rerolred with
tbe lefl band ontU Ibe groap or line la
•wblc^ tbe deeimi riwracteMi to be
fouwPU uppuHhe tbe carriage, and tbe .

how youTl bring U out aad what
chance* there nre la lb And ererybody tbai know* abont your work or
U in any way cvocemed or affected by
lb u it U done well or UL will be de-

ttoaa wboB bo caB» to Ha'
4ba toareh of
_. ________ __



and cbUdrea

tawBinaaa and ntcoha***. to sbowa la
bto fondacoa bad lore of cklidrea
At QaMa «e kw Mnlbw*. wbere GoM baa bla bfwdqoartara. ebUdrrn of
aU rtoaaa* go to ae* bint. At ibc bou*.to town wb«r* hU joong aon aod
daagbtor are atopptod witb menda
Cboto are half a dotoa children in tbv
•UBI17- Tba iBOBoat Oaa. Gome* tppmt9 tbo ctalldru are abont bln to
ktoa Ida and tot 90 bto baa*, aad in

to that ti

while 4.000 are ample for almoet jto toll. wlQ be to a* u today to to u
ercry porpoOT.. The tyTWWTlier which
ahant feri any nwre Uko
Dr. SbeOtold Inreated wrlieo thl# aum-' vgrt. And that other job. wbea we
ber. Tbe 4.000 rlwmctere are grouped cqqb m artoal contact with it and ee*
la alphabetical <wder. accordlag to u done at buA won't ooU oe any bet-

• that OM dou Aot ace on tbc pan
.af tbc AtoWtoaB toaC oOcn.
mattor vhat tho laak •< bto aopater naj

’bo WMt wild ta the atieota. raohlag
n crowd* and manatag aboot bU hoiwe
■ttartg rartlaaa of danger. Tb* Im4m tod* to bla natnio. In a woodcrTnl

id la ti to 00I7 a baif bOTrt^ naour. bat wc an folas to wort
oanwot wbeo wc get a Job »

New York two year* ago to begin a
etase career.
She bad llltle eocceea

**ihe***urlM wai*^n»rinf^ ' <»n1age to iheo
::^w.,V:hR:?Gm,i. Dewe^


with tbe right i Ughud to ere it weU done-everjbody
the ’ like, to .ot a Job. whau-eer it to. ^ell


tbe newapaper. dtocprrred prim^
the ^ra.»“wwgbt - donr^nd pl^
ilto. rUeV a^'e ^ laterriewed f«- To tbe right I. a crank, on. turn tbore'a mo
-It lan't
^ In the I
whkh Ink. .be type, while a .....n
hammer force# tbe paper agalaat Ibe ta'a the man. and to't you forgej lb“NtyU and Mr. Hyde rompany,
Kew York Bun.
U1 aod bad to do aomethlng to ea
Uto* Dewey to 2S year* olA

aSaettoe tor blm. 7b tHa own *00 and
daaghtar. tboogb thay .nre grown,
I tbo name teo-

to. Pwu riw,.a*ot.
' Boa. Oarret A. Roban. rtoe^pr«*l4«tt to lb* rnltad Suto*. And who
baa Mat leeorored frooi a arrere 111aaaa bu taken a aland a* regard* aoCtol rank In Wasblngton whlcta
wttboat prorfdcAL at toaot tor a good

-toto at a Bodal gaibering of the dlpk>■utlc corp* aad cnblnet
Aa away wUl no doobt reme
Qraat Britoln't repreoenuilr*
barotefore taken precedence oeer eeary oae aavr ibe pmldest of all aorUil
aad otaie ‘
I In Waablngton.'

a mtotakea. In behalf of bto office
bad hiaurlf. kir. Bobart aaanmed
e of
c aU aaee hto chief, and
rted tb* »ke-pre»lBenfe poaitloa. BMnUan to a gentle,
man. and erentua^ he accepted I>.e
pnaatloB. thottfh not witbont aome de­
tailed conaoltanoa with tbe home of-Be*.
Befor* be went abroad Sir Jollan
bad refnalnad from attending eariooa.
t which be might meet tbe
eoL but immedlal

►ntly li
Coralie CUben. one of tto- moat noted
nurero of the rranco-Genuan war.
One atory of
work on tbe field to
well worib repenting. Tbe greater
part of ber aamlng wu done In Y'epdome. where, aided by two nurem and
aeren Cbrtitlan atotera of mercy, the
mwired tbouaaada of kVench and German aoMb-ra.
When the Pmaalan# occupied Vendome they wUbed to hold the boapital and plant on It tbe Gernian Bag.
But. warned of ib* eoemy'a teteattem
Mme. Ctheo, early oae January morn­
ing. rtoilrd the Pruaalan general, who,
Burrounded by bto taff. waa .boat to
aetor the huUdlugr *«Jr.’' ebe excUlued.
“we hare tecolced your
aod nuriMd them a* though

type wheel lock* during tbe prlotlug 1
had to antomatlcBny corrected If allgbt- j

As Baeltlsp AdveelB**.
1 an exciting adventure wbll* 1

ly out of place, tbe eba
brongbt iaio perfeci allgament. Tbe
the operattoB of





I’lpve in (Jorena-

aiwcing. etc, a« In otber tnacblue*.
ll*«>dwork wa. done for tbe
When It to couldered that the writ-, day 1 went up ibCuney.G conree for
ten charactem coual.t of from :: to 23 I the pipe* xo aw that It liad been charatrokea wbicb even tbe beet Cblncu ' ed for tbe digging of ttvnehe* next
:bobtr wriles alowly. a« they handle day. Tbe pJia-s. huge Iron tube* two
the bruah delicately. az>d that a char­ feet In diameter, lay ecatlervd about.
I wu alone, but emldmly I bOTrd a
acter algnlBee not a leiter. but a wiiote
word. It will readily be aevn that Dr.
BbelBeldii machine uve* a great
amount of Ume and labor, while It of­

upon me.

Before 1 evuM get out t

fer* tbe advautag<i< of other macblnee
—namely, .onlforuitiy. accuracy, exact
•pacing and otwt work.

bclr way they would W upon me. 1
crawled Into one of tbe pipe*.
On mme 'the thunder of tboound*

Kleetrle TOTkMIle.
One of tbe bamllewi thlagK Imagtoa-

of hoot*, aod tbeo a niau of roaring.
deoed mule **»-pt put my jdam
of refuge. Score# of lb«-ni atumbled
over tbe pliw In « blcfa I ia} .%CHl Utoae

l>to for 3 o'clock ten to tbe electric tea­
kettle. u.v* the New York Worid.
wtUcb-vUtid. oil tlu- talde and boito
Ibe water o<-e.i.-d wltbout flam* or

they were
to do 00, but
Krenrh ambnlance;
It coaeened Into' 1
''Uadame.” wu tbe reply,
“we ate tna»ier*.“ “In the town It
may be: here, nor' wu the antwer.
“We atv |>roi«n«d by the Ked Crow
and tbe Freucli flag: you bare no right
to tooch either the one or tbe oiber.”
She cvnqnered. and from that day the
utmeat admiration wa* openly evinced

wbk-b Ml were trampled to deaib
Wbeo tbe bcr.1 bad |«aaed I crept
out and found aeveu dead cattle about
tbe paw.-Siray Rtorle*.

ptobably the fret to not generaUv
known that Texu wu at one time
and for many ymr» callrd tbe "New
The Aral »eUb-uieo
Wliat to now Texu wa« made
French wulgrant# In UKT.
During the
tn-xt 23 ymr* xliere wu an Lutcnnlttifil atniggle b.-iw«t> the FnvK-h ami
R|«til«h for aupremacy. r^-eulilug
favor of tbe UtUw. and In lbI4 tbe
name of tin- New l‘hlliI>|>loc*
given to tbe counlry. Tlii# wa# It# olBcial name In S|iaotob iv<conl# for p

for ber by tbe (iermana.
WheA4.*fter the algu.tnre of peace,
tbe GenuD medical alaff were alwut
to quit Vendome. the *unte.iu-ln-cblef
naked leave to take a public farewell
of tbe Kfeoch-woiun.

yeeri and nnil) tbe uatne of Texae.
from a trIU- of Indlanai. graduUy
came la Tugnie.~lndU>ua|M>lto Journal.

by the mlllwry doctor* placed und»*r
hi* order*, be uld:
“Uadame. we can not leave y'ranc*'

matically cuoreyed to Sir Jnllan arier.
ward that bfr. HcBOnley thought no
ou of any auttoa wbaterer ought to
oomo belwma blm and the rlce-pimidaat. and alnce that time tbe pre«.«ance queatlon hu cryetallUcd naelf
qalto aattofactoriiy.—Buaton JuumaL

wlibout tbanklng you. not alone In tbe
name of tbe German utlun. but In
the name of bumanlty. Wc can d<w«t
forget that you compelk-d u* to yield

DrwawM la' «ew Bwalh WUot.
Tbe dniugbl of tliv la>t few year# baa
gUlr-TUC ThAggTTLg.
' Ncn ttouib X\al<-K an t-borniona
fau of anv aon. YTbeu lUe kettle to
removra xracker# can Iw warme.! on lAinount of mon.-y
Tto- fleck# of tl.e
tbe aiandard or WdKb rabbit a.a.le In ' «*1"0.' ''»vf «bnink.-n from i>;.u»i.twg
a itoii *.•« ut«ou It.
TtM- k.*ni.-s boW 1 b»
rclMvwmlng a !.•# «f a».frwu out- to two quart# ami may U- ikatikw Kbc<-|>
'if t.> tbto I# mlded the

to I'M • rtstet.
bad cither in nIckW or slber ptoto. Il<"« of tl»'nnlurallDcfcaiie. Ilie shrinkTou ever bare to uae a ptolof j Stewiwn#, rgg boiler* and c-o(t.#-|H>i« .
atoouuta to :iO.**io.ts)ii #lireptbe man of exjwri&cc. 'ibe , nrr ma.1.- on the «iuc plan, and xbe ;
»1'«» 1a tn .-quip a roulderable
- In
- end-I
lo addition to thto
electric rbatlng <Il#l> I# #lmply idtuLalxed c.louy.
ebanceu an-you'll find youraelf

Tritas, liMT iHws.

Oit» of Cnty Kind

rOR SALB—<;«->>« acfee tbto elty.
Wayne eweot.g<^
atou rellar. email ham. «ou bearitoT
cherry, p’em. apple, treea. good wail
warm. IVkcaiMo.



HALB-toT—tooekmlUtpecy. fa-

I of ooner'a
A beauxv a
bargain, Aff.ari buhi«OT la luge
ala -• oothiag.
town ftw almoat
• 1.MO

PuB SALB—£34—e* ft. OB But Frost
We are again prepared to doHrer to*
•treat, ifcax of Weilingtoe. - A floe In all pari# of tbe city. Oar prtoee will
lawn, ooe modern reaUenee. * large be u.low u any nffeied.
lot on*
amall boa#e. 4 ranma, A
piece of property. Price given e|«

Hopkins Bros.

FOB 8ALB-etc—Lot ic bloek z. GoodAdd
la . cumrr
oumer iv.ano
Kandolp^ aad
Large m'<d -m t
10 rooms, awee beerm -at. fittod for
fantaee. Boou cost
lot worth
A'-oo. Will be told at lacriflee price of
('.JO—Two so-ft. lota corner MedUoal
aad Randolph. Bol Hobbt. Kegine.
Beildlng; Pipe*, the whole peojwrty

FOB SALE-cii^Lot »4 blk B. Kal-

Gas Lamp-'

Price Redicid to Clo» Oil Lot

>d flgnre. now toaaed for 11 ywr |
ih pri.vllege S rear#, aebj-ex toA'
*. B>-Dt< fo'gzo per mosib Lowouta priu. tl.MM).
KAf .K— g:u-N<«
W nt
L nf
L '
of *•<«

BhsI worknihDehip niooej




ere **. to. 11. 21 acre* all under emtivattou. 4in bcuing fralt treea. good


(^nick work.


acre* on
be; —
abore f ..oe# north of BapUet Be




---------- -------------

^ji;:”'iS'“3,vt'r,r.LJ"",6md lipUi» lidlu 1.1.

mu hALb—623-Lot 3 block 9. Weal
Front klrert' between Cedu aad T****

FOB 8ALB-«2-F*rm
mile* wut of
and plnm tree#
II nnd
and well,
well. w#trr
buUt. new windmill
pipe* V> bam#, all neem ery ebed#.
poultry bout, yard# and good drain
flue new o>odem
fa<u#* .11

- CMtf.lae«OTt





4 bore-#. 14 cows. bsrneMce. Onggie*.
wagou. vieigb-. cutter*, all farming
implemvi 4. all crop*0< wbict tnere
ktlng of wheat.
. oau. bay. poutoe*. lo acre*
grove. Tai# fum to bnowa u
buildings alooe owt over H.inu. grid
#oii, uad a gold raiee for aome <me.
Price for all. gs.uoii
We have a pDrcfaaaer for rmldraee be-

srooubouer. good hum. well, eeveml fruit aod
omameoul treu.
email fruit and good garden
toaUre# lot end h g property for
•mall price—IVicc
FuBi>At.K-Guu->w . of net, eee *i.
-e.A good fr^ior b'-.-M- 16*24
with wing all 6o,#li*'. Wind m-i
and wel . water pin-* fr« m well to
bonu. 2'Xi bearing upnie.r lute, cbrrry
I'toro -.:4*i#) F»rm



FOB SALB-6:T-We*l2d
•oc 7. :*. lu. lay* *>o *borr
FctuDsela. orchard
cherry tree#. ISu pa

leu trouble with Ibe rouria. When I j AU theta- may be cuoDccie>l1 With tbe there ha# l>e»a a Ion# of u«-ariy 300.<##1
liomc-. and<i rattle. That the
B. a. Mt'FaAT.ArmI
tb* cnaya peace conference, wai taken wu living out In Texa# I ad<>|>ted a Ughilug ein-uiL
ivlouy lisK liecD aide to *urrlve three
to toe tlret inaiance by the doyen of ecbeme that worki>d like a/rbarm. I
--------------------------i------Hobemib and
ten-tfle lo«M-* 1# a •triklug priutf of eliCb* delegate*. Thto bafqwned UT be went armed, like errrjbody el#e. but I
Wuedermi Oweeuiei
Count TOB liuaator, but h* *
' tvgy awl renourccTmti-lai—l laio FURHALB-r#M-NS of#w >, #e<
alway# kt-|ti oae blank cartridge under I
in uay. Ik«i. <>u.- of He53—II—abwui <r. #cre#
tb* pwmanaAt prealdenL BtlquHir ibe hammer of my revolver, for uae ja markable BUrgUaJ ojH-raU«u_
reUims uo ...
iw- tuonr.v. tlic cohm.v has nuffered a lo*a.
ber. t.ardwood. twlsom.cedu *wi
demanded that be abould propooe for a Muff.
ord wu i«-rformed bv Dr. Lavetango# I
iude-iuate ralufa^
Sc.tne oeder t-keo tnit.
that pealtloii tbe oenlor detegate of th<.................................
i h«qmal
in Itoria.
|t from $01,000,000 to »l.XMW».t«X ^
“One day a^rofeukmal
la tbe Cbihlrea'a
in I*arto.
PTI& SAUE-594-Hooai
NatbartanAk U. da Bmufort. the a deed aet at me. and when 1 uw that wu tin- caiw of an Idiot cblhL
Webster #L
Seyea rt
Dutch foreign mlnlater. U. de Bean- a fncu wu ouToklable I whipped bead Ud #tup|ied growing aloqe Irwaa
' tobed. good well water, roil and o^ i
fort remitted the conference that, ow. tbe gnn and biaaed away aqnare 4 year# of age and u-a# only ooe-tbln)
mental tree*, ierge lot.
tog to the oxeepUanal algalUruce and in hto face. The awJd.-nne#. of the
the numiaJ Bite.
Hellevlng Chat the
Fnee itoMi
tffiportanc* of the eeent. due to the lo- thing neared blm hearty tu death, and
PUBSALB—396 IDacraaoB Feniueta,
Idiocy wu due to cuaprcaslon of tbe
tttottre of tbe Ruaalan emperor. It be tore down tbe railroad track and
SS'wilea froB city. HDiiopple. plum.'AriMRaeM-.
urdRaeM-. , I’ r- 4 « w<n
umo 5
S ■»
bmls. tlw doctor dlvldi>d tbe aknll ,
waa only reepectful that tbe preolden, fell into a cattle-guard, tbloklng be lonttn.din.ll,. —1 lo,,i ih. .dt™ o<
cherry and pucb tree#, ih bZ^hg. ,' ‘IJ: S
,i m
■“> om.lon. Hal ooo.nmpOon,
cy aboaU go to Ibe aaalor member of ; wu klllfd.. Another time a fellow
to onknowD among tbe uUve* aad
•il» bon., rron. nniiint.
l-i«b do---------------------------------------- ----------------------- -------lunls; wilt take part propKity.
tb* Bnaslan delegaUon. Tbto
that eohls only affect them uo conuct
4#4>IWn >l(iaT8
1 tbnmtened to cam- nnalgtat
j po«lt# of bone took plaiv. and tlte akuU
to be U. de Staal. Buaalan
eritb clvlUuUon. An experimem was
i njet blm coming Into a atore. and
j gradnally expanded to almost Ita propl-OE SALE-5B7-DwelliAg. Webaur
dor to Great Brttolh.
tried of -jpeolng a BoUeivd Xluo caae In
I er atoe.
Then tbe Inu-llcctual facnl»trecu 10 roum4L I1.6W. Buy pnya Irealiby ramp of native* and dis­
■" , tie*,
ti™, whlcli
.Wel, had
MU biOM-rto
tiu...... been
t.... tboec of
tributing It# couu-Rt* among them.
hu th# hlataeet ouUfloaitou for cncti
, an Infant, grew atrong»-r and atrongcr
Next day every nn-iaber had a rioh-at
eight scru of toad,
cold, wbleb u*« cured by adminlaterahoat oae mile from center of city,,
Jng camphor.—Boeton Traveler.

«djoi™! West Mictrigan.

----- lJ=£-r."='V-.5^

SSii^ Bto



tt-putallon. I


wu u

[ and London.

eat cltlien in town, and
tb* 15 yuf* of hto dlploataUc f*Tw.t
r berth.
at tb* coon of BL
. given S'* WUIM. > ajxa;# uau U4V ifO«>d bulhim a ipeclal latlmflcy
/ -1’“--------------wiia lae conruaerve. In one the bluff failed
tiBvareUa betwun the two power*
j.g, uxankfol to uv 1
"rverlmd yo uc •.m."-Ncw Oricau

At tb* oatalda b* aaraeatly deabed tbe |
a Bueata engineer hu aucceede
eaar wot to Impoao tbau reoponribBl- dlacoverlng a practical
tto* qpoo bin. aad only yielded when making naphtha candiee.
Tbcae an ;
thauapccar made It a matter of per- composed of naptha, petroleum, tai. i
•oaal u weU u patriotic obllgatloa.- low and a apeclal kubeuaw to giro '
BaatOM JoanaL
< the candle* conalHance. In St. Fetcre————-------burg tbeac light# can be bought at
M#e«otmg • Obip^ apiii.
I about tbe aame price u ateailsy canIxc ti tbe name of an inatnuDeat dlee, to whlcb they will beconte a forv
nud far ■ramirtng tta vakrelty of a mldable competitor. Tbe naptha canIt to a flat pieeo of wood, aome dtoa burn with a am<Wele*a.dlaffie and
toa iMbe* la vafllw, and ta tbe ehape give oat a poworfol light Tbe inof a qaadraat A place of lead
tawnd# eeubltohlng a Urge
naltod to tbe rim to make tbe tog float «««0f7 for U*e prodactloa of tbeee

To thto




to taMaoad. enUad tbe tog tine, which
to atoo woand aroond a real In the
Bhlp'a ganary. lb* wb«de line icx-


aapt aome •** tatboiM next tbe log. from hto dub in London. Tbe a,-.
oaUad «*ay Unaa) to divided into equal ^
conu that tbe ertato wu mat

orvu «uw
wants '-a
r tho'iaia at bto'ahip. oae of tbe
tktow* tbe log lato tbe au
and tb* rato butu to nawtod. Tbo
du uTL
off m half a

saijs: s

and ttaa great writer oa tbe rud
ba bad
Uag'a aU tlgbc" be uld. The cabman
took tbe paper aad kaned down with
look oa bto fa^ T float


of Fairfield, Iowa
will be oa czhiUUoa mihl lor nolo

Thursday, July 27
Fane? drivers, family surrey horses, heary farm
horses. We extead a seneral inviUtioo to everybody
to come aad-see this fine stock.


kVB SALB—390—HouenBdlot.UaldB|L. mka#pf>«
atreeu tea room#, amne
tioa and atOM tosement. eompieto.
WLwaala few hnadred
deltors to

be bongfat oa cuy lerots. We have
(booaanda of dollar* worth of other
barga u 1a farm and city property.
Com* and au ns if yon want to boy
proputy with u If yon want


■< « t <•
a m K » it*
y. axang.,

lUBiD! un Mmusiin 1L

Oarofiloe to at 211 Praat atreet. np'
•taira Yon wi.l *u onr aim at tbr
bottom of aulrway. Uo np atairo. tnrn

oo tbe gronod floor, at taut onr oSj*
toe'L We ato. flgnratively spaaktag.
So tor u having tbe largest list wd
beet bargalu: we are atrictly la it.
We work all tbe time, t^eha ull yotu^
properly, we can give yoa bargnlaa
Make DO mistake la offiea. BunembOT
big sign at bottom of aiaivn- Big bugatu at top of atalra. flrnt door to

Wade Bros.


lilFiutSt .


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