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The Morning Record, March 19, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
pletediher aecoad woeierfal trip
la the eatae coo'rl-a la which she
reached bet Wv«i la*t June, bbe is In
perfect n/btia; trim, an 1 her asrbire.
▲wfol SMAlt* of Burning of N>«r Yoric. March U.-Del«oU*« Ooueral lAwton WIU Lsnd ry wat cot er«a tt'^lo'^ bv iu a'»0»t
oeaaelew eXertioa for three monihr
the WlsdBor.
1 SerreaoO Coat. .McDaff aad Woon. who
. American Forces.
Adslral O wry now ba.< a force aaware oo dat.T at the fire 1b the Wladeor
win.™ IUl.AHftr Tw.I.J.t«lI-io-IW. »rr.lr..d
»>• Stroa^ld Will be At- der bis eataataad that could hold Maaila acalati any aar^ la the world.
■diatelf Bad OaptBred—
That la WbU U Said of tba WuidM>r
1y Ocatroyrd aad The Xtom ob the J arciurd oi tijloc «> "hke off .with
Balldiat «UI be $S.0O0,O0O->The i iewelr; belooffinff to Aboer HcEinlej,
la Per*oaal Properijr.
wa. arr«t«l while the fire wa. i. prorresa
Anar iB PhiKpplaea 1
PMsmr SOCIAL pomotxom.
aad Strearthesed—Battleehip OrePloreaee
Mliar BatcrtalBod
Hies Floreaee Miller eatertalaed
eboat tweaty-flre of her yi^iar frieoda
aad aeboolnatea Iasi erlCDiDr at her
home OD'Slate etrert. The ereaief
was devoted to iramea aad popular
for boys aod ylrls. Daiaty
After a Safe Vojaffe.
Mew YolS. March ts.-lt eeaaa alThe bookaW (be hotel, loeledlBff the
MaoUa. March IS -The esUre Amerlieaa force bee beea reorraolz-d. Two
alaoet ioeredlbie that ooe of the laiff- rcrUter, were (ooed Ute (ode;.
exeloalre hotels la tbs , Oommltaloner SeaaBell eaid today .dieUloae of three brifwiee each are be.
IB the eity sbonld
eboold bare be«B
hc«B atibe boratBr of the Wladsor wac j (ec forraed. Oeoerai IbwicS tSUy aehoteia iB
.terly destroyed Id dayllyhl, aod that|wbatbe
bad expected.
*leamedeomniaodoftbe Firel filrkioo.
oreaofneata aad empioyea
cnployea saoaia
sboald |I Uiat it wee ooa
ooe oi
of sue
the wursv
worel um
fire vspstwaiea
traps Iwbieb caoattu
caoatoU or
of tbe wasWaStoa,^
haeebeea oaable to escape wtthoai| In *•>» York, aod added: •OUer hotels North Dakou sad Cillforaia^^ua.
death or lajcry. Tbe etariHay aaddem- U» this city are as bad at tbe Wiadaor., teem under Oeaeral King; six troop, of !
Bees with which the calamity came to jud aaleas tbe proprietors pot their i the .Poertb cavalry, the Fourloeath
ThoM pm.-mt werr: Carrie Esrl.
tbe Windsor Hotel, followed by tbe places la prt^ eoadlUoa for saving, regulars. Idaho voluateera and a teb
Blanch Bamuip. Laura Tregea. MabrI
of Iowa trojps, under Ueaeral
speedy realisation of ita terrible fee- •• «nipahlUh alUtia my poases. | tallon
, .
tlsvls. Robrrts Kehor. Oclla -Marilnek.
tBiwe, has filled the city with awe aad
Tbe meet complete Uet of easaalliee
ahowe tbat fifteen peraeas were killed, this mornlog.
rqi f badly burned, but still alive.
without attempting lo i
the bodies in the ntioa Forty peraoas
are misting. F.fty-two names are on
tbe list of injured, whose whereaboow'
.„ Ebo... Tb. „„
high is still siandlug, but looks as
though It might ftU with tbe first
stiff braete.
Tbe way on the For^-eevenlb street Important Topics Traeied,
eid« U two stories high and the front
of Traverae OiiyB
«B the Fifth avenue it about iba eaiuej
Teacheie Teslerdav.
•emda FUe XUIUra for Ose TUket to
the KlBetrel Show.
gianing of bU school ooursa and a pri
mary teacher fills even amors impor
tant place in tbU reapeet than the
Miss Agnes Bates advanced many
bright idea# on tbeatody of geography.
She would do away with the old faabtoned matboda and teach net only by
of study, progreeslve'maps, paper pulp
maU. and the study of the Hteraton
and people of tbe varlona eouatriea na
der oooelderatlon.
One of tbe veloable papers of tbe
meeting was one OB the Study of His
tory. by Miss WUsey. Her ideas were
novel in many respsets and showed
thoughtful and earefcl preparation.
She would not wait nntil the seventh
grade wa«. reached to introduce the
atndy of hiatory, but would beglu with
tbe kindergarten aad oentlnue tbe
atody tbrongbout the entire school
Bke gave a fine ontUue of tbe
twelve yeaia couraeas safgaated and
waa rsqneated by vote of tbe essoeiaUon to aend her paper to the Moderator
Tbe concluding paper of the eeaeUn
« “Some Cbaraeteristloe of a Country
Seboor by Mlsi Llsiie Stone, waa very
bright and wtUy. her deeoriptlene of
the tftbnUtiona whteh tall to the lot
of a eountry tcaeber, tocehlng many
RcacInUoDS wore adopted enderalng
eoniae of work In rural eeboola endoreing the repeal of the Uraham Foiartbe
text book law. advooatleg tbe paselag
of a eompirieory tree test book lew aad
tbe bUl of Beprceeatative
w before the sute legialading for an tnereaasd approprtatloe tor the purpoe* of aUlag
the etaU luUUtee aad puabiag this
work in the lew dsneely eetUed connt-
Yesterday afternooa Daff MeDoaald.
dram m>jN- offthe Boys' Bsad. reesfvsd tbe following eommenieation ~T],|a eoaduded the work of tha___
and eaeUeere from Katbar BaMr of St.
^ .oegf ^e BMSt eaeFranels el urcb. which Is an
ful ever held in tbe eonnVy both la
of the apprvcUUoe of tbe
tnfreat aad jltteodaBee.
the band and tbv minatral ahow b«iya
Tora^MMloe Proa Spaiar
in Ibe St Patrick Day enteriaiBBant
Waahln^. March
Derr McDuwsld—Pleaaa accept the bem, the tYeneh ambaMador. caUa* at
cBcloeed St.oo tor oee tirket of admia-' tbe deb^rtment of ataU today and
alantothaBiya'Bapd Mlnatrel abow'served formal BOlke of tbe atgniag
■BBt TBcaday evealng.
of tbe pMoe treaty at Madrid.
Youre truly.
A Whela Oarlwfi
Jos. Bai na.
J. W. Slater aoid W ehlopefi a
P. S.—Yoe do not need trouble yonrwboU earloed'of boaae farutehiag
aatfakoai giving me the tleket. 1 eaaguoda to ona mr^ at Walion laat
B«t nUeed anyhow, ae yon know.
—Qood clath bound edition for 17 cents—
600 other books equally as cheap. Look
over our Special Sale pricea
a.b.™i M»Enb,r-. diTbtob
“City Bookstore."
Ti'bbb.b.. m!ii. Voci.'
mi;/.irb'b4’«.^wii-/w-' r/.-jn- lu-gr.-jr b^.y^-s
Span's Mb x’.-K‘nister.
IS nu rKRisT
d„p.™.b.*.d,.„,b._...,Eb.d -“-*-!!!!^^^
I, .11 NBW -FREBH Md ja.t out of Ihe box.
I • W. b.v. uo old .took to work off. •
Benda & Co.
I Tire New Clothiers with whom the Penple like to Trade.
St the insargeot atrongoold wkeu the
Sbermsn arrives at Maoila with the
troops oo board that transport- When
tbat movement begins fighting in the
Fnillppioeswilt not continue liog."
It is confidently nntitilpated that the
capture of Malotoe will be followed by
Ten Teal Contracts
Made by iMiebigau Toiephoue Co.
for any class of service <l>Birvd.
Subscribers May Cancel
Iblrty mi'es north of Manila. It U
near enough to the coast to be abelled
by tbe warshipa. Admiral Dewey
could have driven the Tagaloa from
thalr capital long ago had it been oonaldared advUabla. But that waa not.
Oenaral Otis' plan. He U not making '
a warfare of deatrnct'.on.
Whan be attacks Mkioloa it will bei
U> take poaaeeilon and bold it with a !
oonalderable be»dy of troops to -abowJ
tbat tbs Americaua are there to etey. ] _
at rod of six months or change
to aoy oiasa of service at will.
Telepbonr tbe manager to call
and exp'ain new raiee adopted by
tbe company.
New FurnitUFe Store!
About April I st I will openlmy store with a new stock
of House burnishing Goods.
I invite all to give me a call. ft. will be no trouble to
show goods.
Geo. W. Thomas,
House Furnisher
Provident Life *
and Trust Company
Just in.
New Collars, Percale Shirts. Neckwear—Puffs,
Tecks, Striogs. Imperials, etc.
Derby and Soft
Hats. Some desirable new things. Spring p^ercoats at prices to suit alt purses.
New Spring Goods arriving daily. Call and
a»k to see them and learn what people are wearing
for the coming snmmer.
201 Cor. Unronland State Sti.
Michigan Telephone Co.
Gasoline Tachts,
Row Boats. Sailing Craft
ui.pi..u»idtoi,u,».j»™, Md"73sseS'.
thu rbbpwt
j Clothing and Furnishing Goods
with ,h. „ip
an attack from the Va at the same b»x.bv ««i>* Kaeceioita. mrh.
time, aurronod tbe plane aod eaptnra
. Oregon la at aCanlla.
Waahlugton. Mareh it.—The bulldog
of the American navy has
another remarkable run and made a
of Philadelphia.
aew record for bereelf. Tbe battleebip Oregon reached Mealla today after
BBdowmrat peikiws (pn-lBHr
Writ* tor wme.
a voyage from New York, around the
horn aad aeraea tbe Pacific to the Pi II- Levi T^enniniirton, Dbtriot
Trawrw <Utr MteUcaa.
Hie reporte of the eommlltoe on reeo- Ippisea. Moreover, the batUeeHip baa j
letions and nomloatloni were then
leak aad aeeepted. Tbe following are
tbe cOoera for the ooming year:
' eaident—Mettle C. ttray.
Seoroiary aad trenauroiw-Jennie Cur-
820 Front St.
height. Tbe walls' j tgged tops tdd to {
's of tbe ruins.
Tbe elualeg session of U»e county j t© provost.guard duty. oooJttftng of
riflb Bvenue. Foriy-alxlb and Forty-; Uachera' aseoclaUon was held In tbe
seventh streeta are impaseible. being UIgbscfaoi'I assembly room yesterday u.. T.,«,.ti.lon.l..o,.
morning willi a
covered with debrU from the walls.
An aUack wae msdu
thlsys iu searching lor the bodies in
Tbe opeoloR exercises aad devotional I jeeUrday upon a battery
tbe cutas are eauaed by conttanal oat- aervioea were oonductel by Sapt. B. C. ctinrcb. bi^ they were repulsed by Us
h«nU of flaaaa aad tbe beat of the Lott of tbe Hlk Rapids eehools. after Penniylvs^ns with heavy lom.
which a fine paper on Habit la educa-1 A gunbodC with a company of tbe
The roariag flamra, which origin- tlon WBS given by Coanty Oommluion. i Twenty-ibird regulars aboard. U now
. Bled from the Igniting of a laoe cur er Mettle C. Uray. 8be eaid tbat edu* | on the lake attacking smail towns. Sbe
BBfolda and develops what is j waa last beard of off Morong and Ssnu
tain. bnrat forth from the eeoood floor
Of tbe gTMt hotel thorUy af',«r 3 already in na, and urged tbat great Crus
- o'clock yeaterdey afternoon. Jastas St. care be taken in forming hablU daring
The Town Muat Sorreador.
youth. Teachers were urged to ealti*
Patrick's day parade wa* paaeiag
Washington. March
WUdiBg. and' In a few mioutee they vaUia their, pupils beblte of truth, Lawton will have hte
bad iMped up to the roof aad envel
Agninaldo’s captui, Msloloa. within a
oped the eaUre Fifth aveane and For- lentiuo. The moat impartant time la
tyweventh street froate of the hotel.
TmD mlnutee later the fiamea
roaring through tbe interior of
hotel aad al! eaeape by means of stair
ways and elsTBtore was out off ' Tbers
was tbe wildest scene of excitement
witbta aod without the building. Hundreda of goeaU aad empioyea were in
the hotel when the fire broke ont and
for many of them escape wae Imposat
bia. Probably from 10 lo 15 Uvea were
lost within half an hour and »0 to 4(
parMns were injured lo Jumping from
the vriudowe aad in rnabiag through
the roariag flsmee lo the corridors and
«a the stairways. Many who were in
jured died later at nearby
aad at the bospUala. and otkara made
wild leape to the stone sidewalks were
so badly lDjnrad<thattbey are etill
hoveriBg between life and death
will besomeUmetaafOra it can
aBoerUlned drAuilrly how many charred bodlas are in the neas of fallen
masonry that maria thaapot whme
the hotel Blood.
The Windsor waa in charga of WarIBB Ulaad. the laeMBS hotel men.
Beth hie wife and danghiar. Helen,
perished in ^ fire: the farmer waa
barned to death and tbe Utter wae
IdUed by Jnmplag from e window. The
howl eeenpioA
an euUte bioek.
It vrae eeveu etoriaa In height. Tl^e
!««<« the hotel IteeU will amount to
«l.eoo.000. but tbe aajorlty of guesU
were wealthy, and assy tbouaaud dotIpra' worth of Jewelry and brie brae
waa dmtroyad. Tbe hotel wee a faahieaable rvadetvous. Prraldeot and
Mrs. MeKBlry slw^ atopped at it
vrhaa la Mew York, and Abner MeKUley'e family sraa Hvlag U It at the time
«d the fire. AU tbe members otltrseapeds^ilyes their apartmenuwere
ne the first floor. The hotel was
hmowaas'-WaU Street by night" be.
esws eo many wealthy Wallstreatop-
Beginning Monday. March 20, at 6 o’clock
sharp^we inaugurate tbe biggest White Goods Sale
ever attempted in this county.
Ladies’ Muslin Underwear,
Made of beet cotton and cambrics, trimmed most beauti«
fully with lace and embroideriee, best of workmaualiip.
We have divided into lots from 9o up to $1,48.
We have no hesitaucy in etatim; that tbe prices in this
nie will be a good deaUower than any offered before
this season by any one. We s#cored!maDy marvelous bar
gains while East. Wo also
Place on This Sale
A most elaborate Laoe and Embroideiy, Edginf*, In.
suittona and Allrt>vers- A large line of plain and fig
ured Welts and Welt Edging, Krinestic and Imwiied
Ginigiams. Dimities, Organdies, Peroslea, Hadraa, L^en
Damask sod Napkiuato match.
This Sale Will Continue
unKI our Oeneral Spring OpsDiuff. which we will an.
Dounoe later. Look out foTonr^ClLLUrXMT OPUTIRO—we hare eome surprises in store for you.
Buy Our Trl-On-Fa $8.60 Bhoea
Just such a shoe, under a difFereut name, being sold
elsewhere for one dollar more.
The Boston Store,
Front Street
Olass Block.
rm ircurnravrooHD. sutoay. mabob 19. i898.
nATSKw orrr, •
ealt jadye: aad loyal BepabUcaae who
renofalae tha abUMy of Mr. Mayaaaad
U hit tBte(rity.aad flt•raefortheoflee. taU
fBH. T. Baxm 4n /. W. Bammi
r»u, iUiUir ftul 1
' e
^ ^ daseaviEDrPvne
made to thrdw dleeredlt npoa fti.
Meyac aa a eaodldata.
The Bscom balirea la atalr aad hoocoteampalca.aad alto that eonh naworthy methode ot ladaeaelac eowa
wilt meet wiU the
apoB the amiU of the eaadidatee aad i
aad not mterapraaaetatioa and faUe;
> aCeetiac the actkma of,
hoBorahla ettixeBB.
•« Tr»*>m 0«.
■ issfe.
TrBTBrBB city lUooAbsBB it
by Brirae Teai^ of ^ rararae Oity
Taat. Bo. 871>^p#etkl Trau Oarriad 1B7 ZalffhU aBd Ladle* from
eadd ibir*
r Sn inln-
1t» r»c-b im aliirh the ln.f l» twibin*.
lltal IT loB} ntfb ibr. drtPi.tnH. end ht
11 Uke fci kDulW Ulf l.«at
Nearly oae hnadrrd Sir Salybu aad
VBrOlfOolt Jodfo, UU> JodloUlCHroolt.
their ladlee met at Forebtera' hall laai
MF.xr row Tt-R«D«
. ftXDW. MAYMS. ofOharioooU.
erealay aad headed by the Boya' Bead
aad wlin the prlx* banner, marched to
•lal, nrj. - KBinrac.n.
Uie C. A W. M. depot, where a apeclal
train wna walUny to Uke them to
Arrlred at the depot
can n*k» virh <>•«»
Ibeihrooy waa awelled to over one
bnadrad and fifty.
For Moyor,
It wee aurely a Maoeabae yathariny
DISSKHaad aa the U«Ib atoppad at the various
For Clt; Clerk,
VniiM«i HinTka I'mntBt Ji-llr.
eUtloca It aMtnad that every oae waa
ior rtiiT P..I..
I'outo Pod*.
AIMS V-Kuilurd.
a Maoeabee.
Waen Thoifapwovihe
O hTT KkIn.I
rarim PiMlrilKK. la'Ti.<« Sani-e
For Grauurer.
waa reached the whole town waa
Bn.- Cl >T^<
l>la Suit
WiUlUB i- HoBbofound at the depot.
Headed by the bead the
^ar JodfO of fi*eorder-» ConrU
TRIPE A IJI (llBnUt nnnncl- r4 fn--h Inpr w >atn
one half a mile long, marched to the
Loris mobutto.
trl|a- w, 11 rrn,br7m) InTu airiiM
aUut I.Blf liirb v>hU-. aratuo Mali willi
new Maoeabee hall, where In the moat
• li anil
I lara in a BtawTiaB »till
frteedly mahner the keya of the towo
«ati r .-iiourD «. Oivpr a |iMn. n{ Inillpr
O. A. DcckrrSF.
d to the vUtom by
ib^i* art.f'a'‘iilf''SBn
far MiwYiir Board of Pobite Work*.
of tbiiialia.a; na.k fin- uilnuto, a'ldmc
taye Prealdeat Bdyar Campball. Sir
a laU.ap,,.iifiiI lal.Ia m»rr ]uai balurp
FoM|>h Boob.
rht Priedrteb reapoaded Hi bia hap
~ln; ami auttlrleBt rariutlairh Ui l-Iufor 4wUae of Um Pmoo.
py maaner.
FoBb TorlF.
brCuv tba lomalon am addad
The vbiilay ladlaa were then ceoortedtoOdd FcMowa'ball where they
▼oMra Wut SobMi ArguBonl.
moat royally entorulned while
WbM UiojulMal oampolffo opened the Sir Kniyhu were eayayed in the
reaolred to oondnet e dean work.
The degree team of Traverae City j Bojoyed a Profitable Aftmnocm With
^iepolCn tbrooBk
oolnnuu. and
•e( etoop to the dlmpouble laoUo Teat No. sTi exemplified tbe work !
Btbei Thomee.
Otiua ••madaUaclnr." ThU paper upon a clam of s<i membem, and gained | A very IntcreellBy mT-eting of the
BoUeew there U more (flieae/ la hot
ly worde of pratbe leoeiely wna held at the home of Miai
eat, fair, lerllliaate ar*«meot in a p:,1- for their exc«llenti>roflciene.v.
I Ethel Tliotnas. at
o'clock ye-terday
ttieal eoBteat than in ecruln wetbude
Too mneb cannot be aald concerning I afternoon. Tbe leader, MIm Marion
Bdoftod by numeroua papera to
tbe nntlriny iabon of Uepnty Great Pratt, gave an interejtlay paper
end* rearardlcak of facU. Tbe Commaoder Herbert O Coanor aud latlny to miaaijoary work In Mexlto:
IB^letakeaa differestview of wbei Commander Guiuk
two other paper* on the aame lul j -cl
^OMtitetua a f^r political oontMt. and Tent in working up Uila clam.
were rend.
r thelcrW
baa alr<
Wbiln the program waa being reiiderTberc will be 30 moreanmitted witbadhOBOCtarsu'ineni by renorttBr-lo what lae tnonib. Aftar the work, tablea I ed. the
did have paru- of
|pppS9ooly termed poUUeal “tluab." were tpreaT and lefrcehmeataaerveo ! the program baiied.themaelvea in mak
Thle elnah la aot of luowB ereatlos. to over 3(K> peraona.
ing artielea for the miMlooary aale.
Olther, bnt uken from aaoiber paper,
Delegatca were preaent from Grawn, Which will be announced later. Dainty
■•d taken aa arsumenl. rerardleMof Inierlocben. Wallin. Neaeen City, Bee rvfreabmcnta were aerred after the pro
whether It la *ood policy, awbeoonrae don. lAkeAnn. Benconia. Frankfori. gram waa eompleied.
le Parana, or whether the IneionaUoca Bear Lake, Copemiah and many vlsl•ra kaaed npoa trnU.
tora diivlag
milen. Tha apeclal tlalti
loideot of
ThP Bsootn beUevM la the abUlty returned at » o'clock thU morning.
John ohrer. of ritiladclpbia, waa the
••dBtaeM of Mr. Mayac for Clrcnit
aobjeci. ia narrated by him aa followi,:
"I waa Id n moat dreadful oonditiun.
|ad(a. Hto experienee. Inlerrity aad
My akio waa almoet yellow, eyea aunkaaaUfleaUone entitle him lothevotee
•n. tongue coated, pain conlioually In•f hit party aad to their reepeet. The ArchtUot Xoore Prepennf Plaaa for Imek and aidea, no appeUte—gradually
growing weaker day by day- Three
ItTinr wlU exert lu utmoet eforu
Stmettirea to be Bnllt Soon.
pbyaiciana had given me up. KortuM laBeeaee rotee for the Bepnblleaa
'Architect Moore Uet work on plana nately. a friend advlaed tryfog 'KlecMdidaU oa hU meriU: aad attempia
tric itittera,' and to my great Joy and
I by malloloaeaiate. aad apecIfloaUoaa for aevnral cxpenalve
BHte will be met with a anitable
City aad elecwhere thie apriag. The
a well
PMMdy, with dne regard for laou aad
them will be man. 1 know they aa' , my life, and
I avoid aMtbnda which
robbed the grave of i 'Ihcr victim."
VMld Invite ellhsr ridleaU or oeaeare that of B. J. Morgan, which ia to be in No one nhonU
to trr them. Only
colonial alyle aad to ooat about gr.itoo. Ml oenta p<v lid fall
. tnm tatelllceot voUia.
bottle at S E. Wall'a and
Plaaa are oompletad for aaotber JJJ. Johnaon'a
n'a Drug Stores.
pretty dwelling to be built on Eaat
Hob Paruaan WiMom.
. oaeof UieBamicraiicpaperegiveea Eighth atreel for B. .I. Samir, reprearnUtive
' fprjr fiatteriug enaoiaemeni of Miaa
„ BettleC. Gray fo* county achool coin- Machine Co. Tbe fiiat atory will b.-of<
brick and the aec<>iid frame and abingle |
A poDiiutaaiuiii-i urriauTGug on party Tbe cokt will be SI30U.' Mr. haiuis laj
•lone fur poaitiou auiiiu Uugrauoour now living In Reed City hut will ujovtaehool^ theielou.' ne citicre tuatuk to Traverae
lYaverae t-iiy.
(ha pie«.i>l lucuinbent h»a proiau n«rMr, Moore la mao preparing plane for
mU competent auii wvt'tliy. that it u a
dalyweoMre to ooiaoiVta Ui ace Ibai a cciiihination acbou! and reaidcnce | '
ahe la reuiued iu the poaitiwo lor an building for the Catholic priaat at but-1
other yeat ■
Theee pralaworthy oon-parttnan aenMmentn ware ooncaived when it waa for UiU city will he that to be erected
Mggeated that aa the UomucraUc eas- byJ. W. Markham on Wmt Front
dUata had withdrawn, the l>e:
eireel near the bridge for Straub Broa.
mlttoe might recommend that the A Amlolle. the candy manufacturerc.
Dnmoeiatle vou be caai for Miaa Gray; The bnildlag ^11 be of aioae aad briek,
haeaaae they eouJd not find a uaudi- 13 X »o. and i^l coat liiXki.
Beeldei th/above Mr. Moore in pre
tf Mlaa Gray waa oonaidered
paring pla^ for aevent exteaaive
a*Bt why did not the Union DemtH-ratio briek aUnetureaUa nearby riUca.
Or we can sell you a QOOD
MAvenUon eadocae herY aad not aw«
Bedroom Suit CHEAP The
t* Bad eomeone elae qualified to go
meet people take the ^ood*'
•hatioket. TbetnU vriadom ia
John Rood and wife and Mra. Will bedroom suit because it U the
m f<w the DemocraU to eadocae Koon of Benxonla. drove here yeetcrrhe^teet We have a very
le caodldacy of Mim Gray. And
day to do
lei^ line in sU finishea.
wheiala tbe wladom liea
Charlee A. Lacy, advance repreeen' wall to aUU that tbore U probably not ^live of B. li. S»Ir’. "On the Snawnee
p Damoerat in Uraad Traverue
River" oom^y. which U to appear in
bold! the Arat grade eertlfieate StelBberg'a Grand on the Kth. le In
•eaamary to enUtle him to hold
the city numpleUai arraagemeate for
Hooee FoniiBbiug Store.
i ■ liS-
I .Slff'
A. J. Little of Battle Cr*ek. ...
prealdeat ofUw Northern Telephone
Co. wae In the dly yeaterday.
Attorney John Loreager received a
Megram laet night ealllag him
Coldwater to coadoet aa Importaat
me in the ^rcult oonrt of that place.
Mra Jean Bblee of gaUt..~> ar.
rived laat alght to vlalt her eletar. Mra
Biraey Plekard af Lalaad vrma ia
town yeaterday.
Cepi. Joeepb Rlaatea hee retnrtied
from Grand Eapida Mra KUaeea renaiaed there fbr a few Anya
Terkmii* P^TBe^^eaw B
Vawertliy Oampalaa Helbo«A
tritoan argamemt
9W hMB fonad Ineflacdve by
WMlgmi at tha Damoerath; Jadietal
MBpAlgn. end <» order to kaep tha
girt mi Aeladad natU eleeUoB day tanci1*1 laaoram have been diawa upon.
IW Demoentic leadera Uve eaoaed
fie w -mrenlatad atatemeata that ciU1 aad bnriaeaa maa are quietly
worfelag tor the Deaaocmtlc candidain.
Ifemm hava been freely mentioned.
Hnmea ot men who are eUunch aupporun of Hop. Fred W. Mayoe lor Or-
^The Ladies
II have made a
The Behth Becord.
AmsBcthedeaihaofold eettlere
LMlanan ooanty laat week waa that of
Wallaoe MeQnaer. wboae fnaeral* waa
held at Mafda City Thnreday. Mm.
ttei^eor bae been aad M aUll rary ill.
For JwOm of Um BaprMM OtMrt.
A4C01DB B. OBAlir of Ho^Mon. Thirty-Blx Oaadldetee •Veve XBtUated
far BifWi of XU But* Ualoonlt^,
WL. BBfKY & DB4K of Wo*)iMb»«.
OOUSItl B. BUrrOM of warn*.
New Store, 120 Front Street.
OmMa'leamm'* BtoeSien.
ft I ♦
TttdUme Ato eAwmemme «ev ai
BodtloBO Araiea SalTB.
Tmm Baer SaLva la Ue world for
Oata. Bralem, Barm, Ob
Ehenm, Fever Soraa,
Boree, Tetter.
Chapped I f
Banda, ChUhlalna, Coma, and all %\ia 11
BmpUoaa.and poalUvely enrea PUaa, {•
--parraqnlred. It la
to ylvc c^eet aatlxfaelion or moaey I
refnaded. Price Iboenu per box. foi
and 8. B « alt.
They have discovered thst we
are eeUisf Fine Chrome Kid
Shoes. 8Uk Vesting or Kid
Tops, 10 different styles, laoe
or button, round or wide toe,
flexible eoles. Shoes that retall everywhere at $3.00 and
$8.70. and
Hade Of OcUan OakA large Invoice of fumitnre all built
of “liolden Uak,*' wna aold to a Cleve
land party yeaterday by the Hannah e
A Lay Mercantile Co.
-7 . ..
the new
Spring Shoes •
are now
in stock.
A.l±x-ea -sr. E’3?±©eLi'±cii.,:
Make rough, red hands|Wc are bu)-ing in large quantities aoij pay highest pricet.
-^ITeepThemTfran’^' '
and Sliori Mapli Wind.
“‘l"' ^><'"•6
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
I S C H E A. P.
So are our Spring Suits. Why stand in
open mouthed astonishment at what
many people who know better tell you?
Don't take any stock In blatant announce
ments, but come In and see our full stock
of spring suits. Ton know that we never
represent to you that an article is what
it is not.
But use your own judsment, after you
have full knowledge ot the facts, when It
comes to supplying the demands for Lin
ens we have no hesitation in saying that
for quality and quantity, the price con
sidered. no one in ^averse City ca.n
match us. We have a full line all new &-esh
goods in our linen department that will
interest you.
Where You Will Find Yoiir Money’s Worth
A word to (he wise is sufficient, so that we need
hardly mention that this la the best plaoe in the city
to buy anything you need. Oar reputation is known,
we are not building it up now—we hawe already built
it. Call in on us and aee our Dining Tables. Couches,
and Bedroom Sets. We have a full line and prices
are very reasonable;
An Ideal Shoe
Embracing all the merits of comfort, durability, style
and beauty, is our fine $3.60 Ladles’ Shoe. It is the
favorite and leading style with lovers of handsome
footwear. Our atoc^ le oomplete. Before buying give
us a oall.
lif *ol»e sure aod boy your paints from ua, as ve only carry th« beat w« oao buy. Heath
teat Mixed Paint*. Oiw’ite Floor Paint*, I. A L. Roof Pkiuts, 1 lb. <
Si HiUigan
Go's. Beat
colors, groood m oil.
Baggy Pfeiat—Berry Broe. Light Hsiiif Oil FinUb, Dark Hand Oil Finish, No, 1 Ooach
______ ih. Fn'mitore Vamisn, Demar Veniisb, 5>par tarnish; Shipman’s Strictly Pnre White
Lead, Wright & Hilla alrictly pure Lina-Hd Oa Tbf««K- gootls are always at the head and we are
making-price* that are right am that will anit yoa.
KxniOAi. ouuuzuiM. | n«.ter,
oi»» i
,<4tb. »ezt TtUmj molAff. The rl»7
>t 0*Te Vise i. nid w hs*« » health; monl ead bee
j beea treated in e> Inteilifeat nenw.
treb IS.—The concert 1iTbettory
telle- the old temillnr Ule of
t Rieen bf tbebend'i
lore, intrijtaeend
Tbe foUowinr it u entnet from %|»ttble piece lent oifht «M eirrend ! tbe dnet downMlof eillienp. bnl it ie|
lettw reoeleed hy Mm E. H Pope, [ MnxMe. both Beenciell; end eoeUlly. ibe old etorj told i%. new Uo»oe««
Up in tobo. CfcwUeoU ««»y i
her broib« B«l Adell, wbo left iTbe bell
«lled to lie full e^*cl«
eitneUoae nnd there fore M e
tbieeee Mole from Edmond WJleon on. ! aamonton, ». W. X. Inet eprtuf wltli » j esd meay bed to tund sp.
aew story. Many pathetic end thrillbendred ei^ ifty qenrte of ohimi | »rty of Cbnedken beater* Ubtaf So ! Tb« meaie itm dret elem. the play* ie( seenre areeeid to aris: in the four
fro. Cb«»« Perk* 8ft, pee. b««the. for en otSend e«*J«it ead ererythin, eta.
' aett of the play, one of the moevthrllltrip to Ibe Klondike.
portloa. The soBye. wbieb were the j toff of which U the eeene where the i
Tbm ie ft fffrent defbend ei Oeatrel
Dmm Poftt, a C..Dee. u. is»».
lal*t. wore well rendered.
: blind ffirl seen abont to era* a rectle
Lake lor pen to ent wood. Orcr et
Save jMt errived here, etter trempTbe boye bare w*ked bard bat act! bride*, epenalnff a deep ratine. A!
s the Aa trim Iron Oospeay iBf ISO Bkiles OB eaow *boee. breehiac to rato. f* now all apeak well of,{Tortioa of tbebridfe has-been remored
ere aow tryin* to import mb from e troll for oar dof
them. Tbe playera wUl be asked to *-1 to make a death trap for tbe ffirl. As
Orend Kepide end other pleem forth* i^emd CbrUUoa* be « BBd rotara tom
range toraaoth* eatertntomeat eoon. | abe approacbea thia part of the span
< eemp oo Med Hirer, 8S mil* Bortb of
--------------------------I the old refreto of ‘-Sawaaoe Eir*“
dofttinff thrOBffh tbe air from a
Tble U the dret wlnt* tor rereial fi-rt Oiftham. where wt left our boreee
The admnee sale of eeata for the!bud of plutation singcra in the dto'
yenr* that taarna bare rtnmiii the loe f* the winter We hare found food
tnocek Tbeglrr* progreis b arrested |
beWo« lUrb* bprlofe aad Petoakey.
' lanre aad thoee who dMlre good aelee-; f*'a moment oo tbe rery brink of the
tbetee belBf aboottwo aad «ae h»IC{ tend to w*k thrm in the •oniiff
toot thick
I There te pleaty of r**M here. i tiona ehoald apply early tomorrow, as . ehaem. bbe stops. lisfeM f* a mo-1
tbeperforxoanee will be giren Toeaday imeat, and taming staru la tbe di-!
Tk. O. H.
I. bu IirkUbd U» 1
• >*'P
nlgbt. Tbe Aow will bare great fea-1 rectlon from which the aiaging eomce.
MWrial f* ninety tbonsnnd «*h
tares. boih->*tistie and fanny. There ! The blind eonddence of tbe girl on the
aiartas by plaetoff that number of «<««toto ebeep are the dnrel meat
ProeisioBB are eery, high will besix end men. all of them splen-, bridge; tbe pathetic view of tbeandit to nelgbborinff
isUepael week.-Petoakey In- here. Ploor Is $lk <>o s sajek Sugar u did charaosers. Tbere wiU be doe solo ence and the eeentoal safety of the
three pounds t<^ ai.oo. Balt the same alagtog. the bent orcbeetra that ever ^ girl ceruinly makce a new and thrilldon a local stage. Eoos Tre-' tog sitastion. Elaborate scenic de•1 Eu
I as anger, bacon 40 o
Jobn P. Byke, brakeman of the C. A - ,
main to character sketebee baa
bn» been ^ tail
UU has been prorided
provided and.a compete)
added to the program and the ItotorMn company is promised,
•i Bapid Rirer Thnraday. He eanffbl
BXTBVdXTB IMPM07EMBKft t sisters will give the greatest juerdiie---------------------------bold of a brake wbeel on « car of logs
I StftVe Mens
SkHAdalt WritMoiA^unpOBSaov
I n» BMd of Wi
•kOM. »V e«B« M«
Fkr Dm.
tog. and the wbeel came off. totting
the dOBth Side
eu-w of the llaosah B dea and t^
the Annie B. Springer,
Springer. of list Howard at.
rhtiadelpoia. Pa . <when she found that
Arthar Eosontbnl of the New York jcoslumea of the characters will be
V ? ' IJ- King's New Disc
1. SieiuSfeui- u«
lion h
eomalelelt 00^^ her of
braKbel^MetAtob.^audh^l**^' **
improve-! and dutincOy ertistic and no.el.
A completely
wbela hodv tmdlv hntaad
1 ““Of* to-the Interior of the buildiag berg's Itrand will be dlled and Ac per-) baekiiig ooogh that for many yi
.as —s
___ : oconpled by the stot*. corn* of SizA formanc* will be worthy ofa yrvat |
a harden. All other rremedies
ducArs.oosld give her no help, but
i“0 '■’“‘o
saysof Ais Ru.val Cure—"it socto
{which has been ased bereAfore as
lovrd tbe pain in my ebest and
Qult...*^ accident oocured re-j.^^^^
of parti- L.^7“7
sleep eoundlv, aometbing
eentlyln John KneodAn'a fain.ly of uon. to make room for new llneaof ^ ^
^ n
acaroeJy remi-mber doleg before I fee!
y. A eyrop psll.^ooda. Tbe souAweei portion. S7
known. Way Down likeaounding il* praises Arougbtoi
I Elver." is Aesnnree the roiverse. '
sss nssd fnr! .
teartofftfleab from two of tbe ebUdren ab^ Airiv feet deen and is beine sr 1^*
face and cb*t in a vi
Bantie connly, but wbsipromisM A b« ed A allow fw Ae rapidly toervaring ;
As mwt vsloablcof s1< Ae deposlU is baslne* of ihr bat*.
Aat arornd Ae upper end of Krankf*!** barhor sod along A« big ms>vb '
InandadjolningAecUy limits. The! J-W. L,uc*h of Ujsnd Rapids Issnew
bads are torkhsostoble and underlie !ssl«aoMUi in f. W. MsAr's buu>.e furnavly-all of South Frankfort and crop I nlshing sAr*.
ooiail along Ar river and Msrmh. Dur-'
c. T. SAul will deliver AU
tog a recent escavaUon lh«r. a collar • e,«lnr Ae third lecture in the eeries
« dog several teei tnA B bed of fine*, ,on Cbrlstianlty applied A
—.land did not iben. reach Ae bol-;
. subject
Christianity and]
lom. V.H1; ,b.r. U .
K">«-1 p.p.l.r »lbaUo.,
Mke here at home.—Frankfort Express
, There will be a regaiar meeting of
^ Lumber .U,- of Bensonia Uve ! OuAes. Camp No. ••14-.. H W A. AAipbedacarload of oed* .Alps cut
A full atAndance is
and grooved for saA (or hot bed*. A i desired
P.b.Kb..,orbi.b..lp. ,... I. l.d,-i
The cedar sbi^ad will make one
mile of hot beda, which beds will raise
enongb melon plsnUA set bia imw «Mse melon farm of ish aerea Mr.
4 Boeels Ae largest melon raiser in the
8 United Saa*. having besides the (*m
in Indiana- a large farm A Hensie
ppenty.—Beosle lUnner.
„.ri.b,„.p..d L... M.r
Cook. boA of Monroe Centre, were
Itad in marriage yesterday a(Arno(m
by Justice S. M. Rroi
The Lincoln LtArary eoeiety met
last night ud defioiAly decided A go
A Kingsley next Friday evening A
give an enArtainmenk
U. C. Ofiatt haa Allied two of hi*
M. O. H. Wall of Cadillac is Ae toeanAr of a paenmatic baggage Ufur 1
paWnt bicycles t MinnApc-lis. A
A be used on baggage cars. - He
' * ‘^re honee whIA ct
aaenred a patent on Ae invention and !’’"d
Ae derloe is now in um an Ame of tbe ; The Northern Telep
leOo. has contmins on Ae U. R. .t I. ft U op*ated I necAd up 78 of Aeir t
Aone* to the
d air from Ae engine and j city and about as many
will U>
hasanauAmntfoaonlenttachment forjeonnecAd thU week.
The line is
weighii|g baggage
; working very MtisfacAry and Ae toll
Mr and Mrs H B. King. boA of Ae ’
HArary da* of WI at Ann Arbor, ate-*^^*"’^* Lee'»o*o «>ooly lineanfl
aU'eking university. Fcking.
. ~nnedions can be bad wilb Suti-^u.,
a* profreaor and InsAnclor. re.poc-‘
it is said that' sr.utlicyp Ui.-hlgan | Vis. A. W Wail oi.tc-Ttsiiica a f. w
fraJt gr-iwers e.\[>rcl a large er.>p of t frtt'mis m >s» itrligtitfuUy at tea !t<l 1
apple* tAs year, anil give at a r«»on ' “'"''"tog in hondrof Mr* R. A-Haire
Aat the early cold prevenurd ibaMo: R*lph AeAerson wentTolap.l yo- !
tromrliitig in the tree*. aUick. wlicp Ar.lat-A conduct tic (u:fral of U t:
modemA weather i,ontlnm-s until Ute . D-viJaan insAad «.f .A M C. Uwi*. a_>
A AvAshon. rise* and in the eubA- anBOuneed veaiejdsv
"'H' ""‘i
d^LT T '
BOMoonl of oold weaA* can effect'
next eaason'B erop.
dt .1.
comes as the natural result
of w-earing the clothing we
sell. The makers /^of that
clothing have so(ve<i the
problem of how to turn out
in targe quantities garments
Iruleed, it is only the best
merchant tailors who can
rival the quality, style and
fit ol “.Adler” ready-made,
and to do this they must
charge you nearly or quite
double the price.
If you will call we shall take pleasure in showing you
the new Suits and Top Coats from this celebrated house,
ami explain their many poiuts ofSBuperiority.
n l{ton
K.e\)i) Ca^p^\ |
■Pul on saVo laostoTia^,
Tvo\B \»e are Toai^ lor carvot
VasVxvesa. "\De voaal to s\vo\»
^oa oar Wat. tteaoT bolore
\tax>e a>e been va sAb ^oo4i
abave Vo attend Vo ijoar car'VeV osaaVa at voe are VbVa
"RTtts&eVs %ottv bOc wp.
Hul wf do believe in sign.s when they are
fo convincing as those l^hich {>oint to the
increa'^i^g demaml fur oiir **BKST" flour.
Anction! Aiictlon! AuctioDl
|Saie Slarted Thursday, March 16th
and will last for ten days only.
liTlie Entire Slock Of The Fair
|J. W. Milliken,|
Come aai Voob aV Vbvs sVoeb.
WiU be sold at Auctioix to the higheat bidder
Kothing r4>eerved everything must
be sold out in 10 days.
-------------Sarioua Acaident Pzaecatad
CoAt Whistled to he tainted
1 have been affiicied wlA rknom*All hit hu;decape* trim and aloe;
Msm tor 14 year* and noAlng aaemed
Kow that whItUc baunA hla cenvaaAgtve any relief, j was aUe to be
For men whlstU at Ac price.
aU Ae____
___ /
—Chicago Record.
suffee^. 1 bad tried every
tvery Atog
- ■ - 'i•
lid be* of and at last *u tdUT A
^Ohambertoin-s Pain Balm. wbiA 11 Mr. and
Edwin Martin wish A,
did. and wu ImmedlaAly relieved aad exor*« A
thanks A tbelr friento
a.«rvies* rendered aqd
aay that it has not since rcArned., tliral ezpr^A
rprtosAnsof sympaAr oa Ae
Jeoh Edg*. UcrmanAvi-a.
I of the lUne* aad d*A of
•ale bad. K. Wait. Dregsiti
B. Eddto.
that have all the attributes
of first-class custom work.
K.d.di tor-i
dbir, Co.. U 1. .d. i
--------------------------i VesArday a* the bigdrcul* AW at
rwiy Bannaa'a Party.
the mill o' the Barker Cedar Co at
Little Ferry Ransom wa* 7 year* old ’ Bingham was about a be sUrtod a
res'*dsyaadbehada little birAday I discovery was made whiA no doubt
party. Ferry entertained iw of his' preventod serious damage A property
mu* frlMds and reosivea many nice ; and probably I>mi of life as well,
The liiUe people enjoyed *
»•* began A turn it was dheoverAe afternoon wlA gam* and Awards ^ed that Ae collar and burr bad been
dvs o'clock a dne snpp* wa* served, j removed. It is not slated that aerone
Mr*. Ransom wa* asaleted by Mr*. Al-1 bas been found wbo b rrsponslbtc f*
Ian Smith. T^ere were a*ved candy , »be act.
and fruit fce»ide* tbe supp*. The fol*w
lowing wen Ae guesit:
A bot^-1 wnj- of l;it.mlnattag a eeflway
Jean bimuu. Hoy dimots. Edwia ttume! has been dciised In Parta ...
lh„ Perry Raneom, '^.ncy Kelley. flerton throw tbe light from many
Beosie Hsnneu. QmrriaOn Uanaoa.Olive electric Ut.ij-M *ixu-eu feet above Ae
Laeker. Laura lackey. Eda Eanoom. rails A the sides of A* tunnel, where
It Is again reflected by burolAed Un.
BAel Eobloaon,Charlie Ransom. Elijah
a eon and agreMble light. Tbe trains
EIa Schaotoiaft. Hany nuAmstlceiiy turn tbs oarrent on and
Dangberty. BerAa
off in enierlng aad tesTtng the tiinneL
>. Belto Uanaen. WUUe BmiA
tbe njcbntoa-* and Waifs drag stoma
V I'nes
iin* not
and^Uaes, new
oereAiore ,(OarriW- in Ae store. This improve-!
D.rivU.U.1.1., ...OTl JI««~>|„„,,|ll™w.Mr. K«bU..1 U. .id ;
ddmcddl.. b.™ b«». b«jb« bud„d. , „ u.,
„,d ™ 1
„|| .,1
teUiU,. borth bbd .ddib ...tlo.. ollp„i.„dlb..U».oUi.r.U. topro
jjfama. "Oa
Men’s Suits $3.75
Men’s Suits SS.'QO
Men’s Suits S7.50
Men’s Suits $10.50
These prices tiavi- been pat opoti liucb of meb's euito ooui*
prising oar winter stock—goods that prerionsly leUileJ at from
six dollnrs to seventeen dollnts. Onr utee which have been
unprecedented are well luerittri, aa you will readily concede
when you see the goods for jonraelvee, ud prices quoted on
t^m. This sale we aball conUane aboat ■ week longer, when
the grealer part of our new spring stock will be in. Sgbt now
ie your ORportanity if von have not Already avniled yonnelf
onr extremely liberal offer on above goods.
See onr adveitiaemeBt on chiid'K goods in another plnce in
the Recobd.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White
Goods, Lace Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes, Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps, Boots
and Shoes.
Bemember. People, this Auction Sale in a chance of m
life-time to bay good. Staple Mercbandiae at Aaetien. It
will also pay merchanu to attend this sale. Bemember thie
entire stock mnat be sold in 10 days. Msmeaiber the plaoe.
Browh Block.
844 Front Street,
Sale oommanoea awary afternoon at 8KX) p. m. and at
7:00 p. m. abarp.
OILBBBT LEWIS, An*^-------___
N. B-—Tbe Htorc Fliturve, dkelva*. OmsHrs. Mlrrora, Deto.-eto. tor s^
iLlil * ]«U«.JilJiLAIl
] OOOD HVUOAX. OaOAJUZAXIOJr. 8t«l»Wr Qr«o4 Open
S4ih. Best Frida; ereBia*. The tUy
iSHid i» have B Imi^y nonl aad Km
■*H *d«l WrtM* ««• Xt»mpOB Bobw I ***• *^’^^**'
bMB troBUd in BB iDleMlceat miBner.
•bow. Bif Ohi« «b4
WilliBMbBiv.MBreh IS.—ThecoBeertt TheiUwytella the old (Btamar Ule pf
^7 »lrtj Bad eatw^aeBt Riwi by the band
. iatr^ae
Ihe MlowiBf is BB estiael from a i at this place Ust alfbt «rae a itnad ! the floal dowatall of TUliaay, bat it U]
i. Beha ca«dU«.le
i^oelead by Mn. R' fl. Pupa, jaaeceM. both fioaaeiaUy aad eoeUlly. ]*he old sIoq told is aeir laBfBare,
tp ia Bebo. CMietolx eoBsty
^ brother Bari Adalt. who left The hall was flUed to Ita foil capacity i with new ^taaticNis aad thrrrfera Is a •
thtofosMele ftvB BdJDoad WllsoB OB.
w. X-laet aprla* with a jaad toany had to stand ap.
jBewstoey. Mbb.t paUieUe and thrillhaadred
— fifty
«.> qaarls ol. eaitau
.. j^^rfc^aadUa haaten lalriaf 20; The miule waa fint «1bm, ^ pla^ i lar •«•*«»» aald to aHse in the tomr
fraltaad boa Ctaarlsa Parker flftj pack horses with them for aa oearlaad; eawileat aad erefTthlop else in pro-1 acts of the play, oae of the moat thrilltrip to the Kloadlka
! portloB. The soDfs, which were the | i&F of which k the eeeae where the
Thare k a ffreat dakiiail at Oeetrai
• Deose Foal, a C.. Dec 2«. ISM. ] Uteet, wve well lOBdered.
; bUad fir] seaa aboat to erosa a roetie
Laka for maa to eat mood. Orer at
hard hot ael| bridre. spsaalac a deep
Hare jaat airtred here, after trampTbs boys have «
rarlae. A
Maaeekaa the Antrim Irae Ooatpaay iaf ISO miles os mw aboca, braakl^
leak well of portioa of the bridye hea
e iryiar to Import ama from a trail for oar dofi taam. lexpaetto them. Tha players a
be aakad to ar-1 to make a death trap for the ylri.
OraadEapids aad other plaew fartbv epeadOi
' she approachce thk part of the span
aad retara to
laaye for aaothar ea
' camp oa Mad Hirer, u miles Borth of
tbs old refrain of "Sawanee Blrar’'
cornea fiaatipy thioayb the air from a
e we leftot
lUlia the fifBt wlater for seeeiml
yeare that teama kaee eroaaai the ioe
yirl'a pioyrem k arreated
hatweea Barber Bprtefe aad ^tashey. paytBf dirt, tokea op elalam aad ia-; Boy's Baad Mlaetrrl show u already
moment an the eery brink of the
teod to work them ia the eanay.
i Urtre aad th<m who desire yood aeteca. bba stops, llsteaa for a mo-i
Tbere k p^ty of yams here. | tioaa ahoald apply early
ataru in tbs di-1
IWG. R.SA I. has farakbed the killed 3 mooee. a larye aamberrefithep
lataia tbeep. hearer and otter. The i alybt. The show niU hare yrMt tea-1 feetion from which the aiaytny
material lor - alaety thoasaad fish
tteriaa by pladar that eamber ol monatalB alwep ara the finest meat I teres. bothJartktie and funny. There [ The blind confident of the yirl on the
Prorkioas are rery hiyb | will beak end men, til of them^len-^ bridyr; the pathetic riew ol the audiyoeaf ep^ed treat ia aelyhboriajr ercr ate.
bere. Flour la
a sack Suyar is : did characters. There will be flpc bcio eoce and the erenioal safety of the
atraam the peat week.—Fetoekey lathree poande for fil-OO. Salt the eame |alayiay. the best orchestra the^rrr'yirlcertainly makes a new and thrillessayar. bacon 4C> uaats aad tea hi Su, appeared on a local stayc. BaoTT^ j lay siiuttloc. Elaborate scenic d^
John F. Byke. hrakeoiaa of the C. A
I main la character aketuhea has ocea ^ tail has been provided and a oompetcat
per pound. Other iblays la pn
W. M. loesl frei^t srae eerioetly hart
^ added to the pro^m aad the Feteraon company is promised.
at Bapid Hirer Tharsday. lie eaayht
BZTBM8ITBIMPB0VEICBMT8 jsisterewtilyire the yrealeat jurenlle: --------------------------- .
hold of a brake wheel on s oar of lays
. ,
. cake walk ever seen here. The first I
A Thouaaad Tonyues
tel« ILUMI
, B«., HU. I. tb. Xn, r«k
o. j p„,
, ,i„.„pU.; CouM
l express the rapture of
lay. and the wheel caate off. leitlayl
the fiouth
th Side
;caariewof the Hannah R-fim and the [ Annir E. Sprinjrer. of ll?S Howard st..
him fall between the rails. He was 1
bosenlhalI of the Sew York, costume* of IheUaracteie will be new ,
shefouad that
Sew Dkcorery
Dkeorery for Consnmp__ ,
.................________________________________ _
I p-b-my
• New
-----hsd oompleiely cured her of thst
bery'a Uraad will be filled and the per- bsekiay couyb that for mscy years had
occupied by the store, corner of Sixth rormanoe wilt be worthy of a great { made life a burden. AU other remedies ,
taken to Fetoekey and made as oomI and doctor* could yire her no help, but j
aad UatoB streets. The rear part, cnrwd.
fortahle as a
< she sate of this Royal Cure—-it soon I
which has been used heretofore as
Dim «h**t and
Stephen O. Foster's dear r id sooy. iP»*““7
Quite a aerions aeeidaat oeonred
store rooms k belay cleared of parti.r'ltome. or
•ently in John Knrndsoe's fsiniJy of;
•The Old Folk's arttome.
or ■“i» iS^ToeW^mt^bfr
uowV^-Way Down like soDodtsy iu prakU ihrouyhtut
more famUlarly kuowV--W»y
Areadla l<satlc|eoaBty. A ayrnp pall
The eouthtrbst portion, t: feet
on tbs Suawnee Hirer.
” H the isonree the foiteme.’ So will eti-rr one who
with achise.fluiayoorer was nsed for
>. will be fitted up for aa increasei from wbU-b the late
WiUlJm C. Sler- tries Ur. Kkyb New DJ^scorery for any
te WtUlJm
etoepiny t^. and upon belay placed on'
of dr,
.od , »p.„a -koo. ,1 j,
rme.-bad llUe
the toble, It exploded with yreat force, departmem
northwest corner
coraer k
k' .u«___
•tment. The northwest
irajla. -Oa the';rj^h„»„n-r'an‘
d Waifa
Waifa drer
druy .tnr,. !
teariay{fleab from two of the children
stJohuson-s and
thirty feel deep and ^ bewy arRiver. ' which
ich cornea
cor- to the Every
•'------ • bottle nuaranteed.
and scsldlny Miss Ann Kaendson in the about
ranyed for a etoek of caraeta, trunks
face aad chest in a reiy frIyhUul maa- and ralkea, new lines not heretofore:
carried in the store. Thk improve-1
Dnrlay thk winter eereral differant ment will enable Mr. Roaenthal to add j
to the Stock In the front part and cxmi- i
«f ^ of ™ll..n.drx»iu.I »-rl
,|U ..j
both the north and aouth wcliooe of put in aad the etore otberwi»e Improv-'
Benxte county, but whalpromket to ba ed to allow for the r^idly laereaBingj
the moat raloable of el i the depoaiu k buKlaeM of tbe *iore.
that arai-.ad the upper end of Frank.
fort'D harbor aod alony the biy marali
Bren tie*.
la and adjoining the cltv Ilmltx. The
J. W. Luca* of Uiaad Rapid* kaaew
boda are inrshautlabir aad uodorlle Mleamao in i. IV. SUter'* house fur^nearly all of South Frankfort and crop nlahlny *u>re.
ontaU alony the river aifd manb. DurHev. C T Stout will deliver thk
iay a recent excavation ibere, a cellar •teeinp tbe third lecture la the eerie*
WM dny eeveral feel Into a bed of fine on Cbrklianliy applied to eociai ijoebmarl aad did not then reach the boi* tion*. SnVj-H-i: • Cfarklianity and
tom. Verily there k a rbyular. K<on- popular cdueaiion."
' »
0^ JuAcres^.»
comes as the natural result
of wearing the clothing we
sell. The makers o! that
clothing have solveti the
problem of how to turn out
in large quantities garments
that have all the attributes
of first-das-s custom work.
Indeed, if is only the best
merchant tailors who can
rival the quality, style and
fit of “Adler" ready-made,
and to do this they must
charge you nearly or quite
double the price.
If you will call we shall take pleasure-in showing you
the new Suits and Top Coats from this celebrated house,
and explain their many poiuts of3sui>erioritv.
In Klove
"Put otv S8.U ^aestevda'a, atvi
Tvo\a \»e are ve&d^ ^ov tarpet
busXtvess. "VDe ujard Vo sVovc
^ool out Wue. "KeuoT behove
Vv&ut \at Wu 'vu such ^ooii
sbupe Vo uVVeud Vo ijout cuvveV usuuVs as \»o uto VhVs
^I.«mbn-.Go. of U.,.onl. i.-o ! Dock«.C»«, No, fill. M. K. A to.WTOa.o.r lo.A of OOA.T .frlp. ool:
„,„a.oo. »
aad-yroowdfor*a*h for hoi bed*, to deeired.
Paul Roac for hk melon farm in ladiFred W. Wriyblmao and Lena May
ana- The cedar sbii^ will make oae
Cook, both of Monroe Centre, were
mile ol hot beda. whkh bed* will rake
nailed la marriaye yeelerday after
anonyb moloa planu to *ei hk imnoon by JnUee S. M. Brown.
aieaae melon farm of 1 '.< aerea. Mr.
Tbe Llneoln Uterary eoeiety met
Baee k tbe laryeet melon raker in the
United Sutee, haviny bealde* the farm laat nlyblaad definitely decided toyo
in Jndlana- a larye farm in Henzie to Kinyeley aext FYiday erenhiy to
yive aa eatertalament.
county,-Benzie Kanoer.
M. O. H. Wall uf Cadillac k tbe la-! M. C. Oviatv ba* ehlpped two of bk
▼entor of a paenmaUe bayyaye Ufur j
Minneapclk, to
to be Btod on bayyaye care. - He bai^*'^*T*^'>°^*^'<^M°^P'*WaliaBdeeeared a patent on the InvenUon and |
*'^***’the detloe k now in uee on come of tbe j Tbe Nonhera TelephoaeOo. ba* oonWaln* OB the U. ]|L A t It k operated i aeeted up 76 of their tetc|Rionea la the
by ooiapreeced air from the enylne aod I city aad about a* many more will UhaaanautomaUoaealeattachtaeDt for!raBDecteiL.UU week. The line k
wetyhlny bayyaye
; workley very satkfactory aad the toll
Mr. and Mm. H K. King, both of tbe j
** *“P^ ^*7 The pole* *re belay
literary da** of W1 at Ann Arbor, are
Leelanau county UneanJi
atlkklny unlvereity. Peking, ^in*. i^
ai profe«*or and inwructor, re«pec-'
I * whek.
It k **ld that ‘ koutbern Michigan
Mr*. A. W' Wait en'trrtaizu-d * f<-w '
fruit ymwer* e\pvct a large cr.ip of fnei»c!*ia»t r'pilgtitfoll)- at tea (a*t |
applei thk year, and glt^'aa a reaaoh rt.-nlng iu honorof Mr*. R. A. Bairr-.
that the wrly cold prevented tbe*an| R*lpb Aodemon went to Takn.t yc* :
from riaing JO thf trees, which, wi.en j wrdav to conund tin-fnrrral of H T. ,
^erate weather .-ontiouMi until 1 itc , (itvldtou m»te«d of A M C. Uwk. a* :
la- the aetaca. ri«e* and la the aubae- announce;! .ve-urday.
qnenvcold weatharhi tbe latter part j
>. M. Palmer of Uraud Kanid*. for-;
ef tb* winter aad early spriug freeze*.
mc'ly of tbe Palmer Shirt Ca. la in the |
ymUy damayiny the crop. TbepreaaatooBditlonof Ueiree* k aucb that
t'ag Co.
BO amount of cold weather'can-effect
Sertooa Accident Preventad
aext eaXioa'a erop.
Yreterday a* tbe Wy circular aaw at
Fetry Bnaaemk Party.
the mill uf the Barker Cedar Co. at
Little Ferry Rnaaom was 7 year* old Bingham waa about to be aUrted a
wa* made which ao doubt
Tcaterdayandbehada liiUe birthday
party- Ferry antertalaed le of hk prevented eenous damaye to property
UtUe friend*
loai ofaloe
life, a* welt. As
UlUe peoale enjoyed the aaw beyau to turn it waa dlscover4he afternoon with yamea and toward* ed that tllFcollar and burr bad been
five o’clock a fine aupper waa aarved. removed. It k not euied that auroae
Mr*. Haaaom waa amkied by Mr*. Al- ba* been found who k reapoaalble fer
lan.Smlth. There were aerved eaady the act.
and fruit nesidea the aupper. Tha folT* tllamliiat, a TauavL
lewiay were the yneats:
A noTvl way of nominating a raffway
Jean S.mm*. Hoy filmma. Edwin tnnuE baa been devked la Park. ReBmith. PervT,- Eaaaom. Lacy Kelley. flertoT* throw the ligbi from many
Bemle Banaeu. Herrkoo Oanaom.Olive elactrk laniy,. aixiceu feet above ihs
Imcker, Uom Lackey, Eda Banaom. Talk to tbe aides of the tunnel, where
Stbal Bobieton.Charlie Baaaom, Elijah It I* again reflected by burniabed tin,
a toft and agreeable IlgbL The train* ;
RUa Bclwtloeafl. Bany automaUrallr tarn the eurretit on aad
Bertha RaawL OMoBel off tn enwrliSr and tearing the tanneL '
PawoHi. Helen □annaa.,,7UUe Smith.
^^ve been affUcted with rhmmaMun for 14 year* and nothlay rtr-TTf
4*yiecaay relief. I w« SelTb*
Corot vMatled as be fainted
(kadicape* trim and aloe;
' rbistle baunta bU can
w-hiitle at the prlea
—Chicago Record.
Card of Tbaaks.
aad Mm. Edwin Martin wkb to
dM. and waa Immedkuiy relieved and expreaa tbelr thanks tol their friend*
la a abort Ume enred. I am happy to ^ for th* kind ■rrrlee* raad*rad apd
^th«ltbaanot rince
»to. ■ fl
n >iai
>ral expre
wtprtealoaa of *ympathr on the
Joah Edyar. Oermaatowu. Chi.
rnaem aad death of
aalehaS.E Walt. Drufskt.
their m, Bddk.
I bwavus
Bui we do boliwc in sign.s when thev are
so convincing
thojie which iKiinl lo the
increasing demand for-our ••BKST” flour.
s Anction!
Auction! Auction!
g Sale Started Thursday, March 16th
OTv ^Oe wp. X ^
Come aui VooV. aV VVus sVoeV.
I5' TIie Entire Stock Of The Fair
Will be sold at Auctiou to the highest Udder
Jtlothing reservod-evorything must
be sold out in 10 days.
Men’s Suits $.3,75
Men’s 5uits $5.00
Men’s Suits S7.50
Men’s Suits $10.50
These priowi havt- been pal npoti liuet; of meo’b aoitit coujprigins our winter stock—goods that previoafitj retailed at from
BIX dollara to aeventeen dollars. Our sales which have been
unprecedented are well merited, as you will readily conc^e
when you see the goods for ytrarselvee. and prices quoted on
them. This sale we shall conUhoe about a week longer, when
the greater part of onr new spring stock will Iw in.__
. Right
is your opportunity if yon have not already availed youtaelf of
our extremely liberal offer on above goods.
See our adrertisenieat on child's goods in another place in
the Hecobu.
Hamilton ClothingCo.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White
Goods, Lace Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes, Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps, Boots
and Shoes.
Remember. People, thia Auction Sale ia a chaaoe of a
Ufe-time to bay good, Staple Mercbandlae at Anatlon. It
will aIbo pay merefaante to atUnd thi« aale. Remember thte
entire etook Anat be sold in 10 daya. Kemeaiber the plaee,
Broeeh Block,
jC44 Front Street,
Sale oommenoee every afternoon at S.-00 p. m. and at
7.-00 p. m. sharp.
OILBBBT LEWIS, Aactioneer,
_______________ ofDatrolt,^^
K. 8.—lhafftore Flxtarca, ShMeaa, Coaatm, Mirren. DeMc. ate., for aale.
■•■ wn-’-TVi p*;- -^-T?-.,^ iwjywya;^^^^
' ‘y*\?^ 'f^
hxoobd bv^dky. maboh
le. is»g
t feeueraV
0^ Wvt "VDorVi. t
oatCB (KrtaoM-ai,! «f*cn
Bet.CbaA T. ateel. KeeWr.
Corner WaahlBg ton atreet and Board*
lava of
Morning aerriee and aenaon at 10:40
a. B.
at tW.OOO.ax)
bandar ae^ool at It'oo m.
Id takina an oath In EriUBd thut- U
t.ov no coDipulaion to kite the book
The U»
ihc Sc>>icitli
lorm rnny be
If I • iwcarrf I
Breolag aerriee aad lecture at h
Bare than
N«( ttl«> ta» B»oh.
RolyeomaiBBtoa at«:tq a
New Jeraey. <19-
tioaa have bean eeenred
f.-oaec ont-faurth of lu aldth, end
there «ai tXatinc or tcnc.of the take*
in ita.
Baa avesne.
r;*ii«dt>^M»ref»raiizi; a combiDh
M»b to be
Vsroisbad by tb« BMpM
Tbe'tnVjfel in the ereeiac
ptowMaBafaotariBff eiiab^iabtaieott.
■‘CtarUtlaalty aad Pepo
See Our New Spring Lipe of Ladies’ $2,50 Shoes
whrnanfferlog with rbeainntani. wat
on cbriatianl
intersaUooal expoeltloa In the aerlu of leelarea “
'•‘••’••‘•■'‘Viadnuod to try Chemt>erlain'a\
Chamhertain-a\ Pain
aeaayt-: -‘A few appiirkti
that city b«|[lenlBff apnlied to aocial qaeatiooa.
of tbU linlBi-nt prored of gTwW^er
A eordUl iDrUatioa M extended to
ft kubdoed
oed the infliRT^tinn
BOoUu^^dar the patroDace of liia
and reliercd tbr pais. Should any tiutramnia cutiaifH.
(occraBeat of Bilyium and the profferrr prodt by giring Psln BUm a trial
Bet- Baccla/Joar*. Paotor.
It wilUlraeo me.” For aale by 8.
iDcaaodeltyof Ueee.
ait. Druggiet
ly aebool at 0:4V
. Sebtraneblld A tialaberyer of New
by J, FeanlhgtoB li;00 a.
York Md Kaaeaa City,
«fly aerea of iaad oe Fortieth atreet.
C. B. Beeliag at &;4S.
Chieoce. npon which they wilt erect a
Preaeblog by the pa*lor at 7:o0 p. b.
Tba l<i(v«
trill be held in
•boat May I. iw», and eoBllBaiay ■;«
eaekinreaUbltobBent to eoet fs.mn.-
BermoaaabjMl, “Hiat (^aaker. who
After you do this you will be conyinced
that others are not selling a $3.00 shoe at
$2 60. We give value received.
sadcoBTvsaelBs. turroatPi.
aad hare a killlag capacity of I,. be la. aod wbai he b,” ooatlnned fros
j or Fmarnrl^i
OMeaUle. s.ono boga aad 4.000 ahMp laat Sanday erealng.
I. S1« Pniot .10
Ofltrr* twvTouiH-lW Woek.
Ber. B. Jooee will be abaent from Telcpkanr Ko. «UJ,
Far aereral year* now the bettoo iiaa tbe OMiming aerriee to aUend the fa*
118 PrODt Street.
OLID :R£!XaI:,^3:3X*ID
beea eaat aalde and hooka aad eyea aa namJ of Mr. ttaanaford at Cedar.
4raB faMeeera bare Mtened-
Bet tbia
na»T MxruoDUtT.
aaaaoa caaaafaetarera'are taraiatroat
bettoaa of all dwigna
SeT.J.A.Steadr- fAtrr.
-rf^t at 9:40 followed
the tboaa-
at lOJO by
At Utlie B'*ck, Ark . the atate legia-
Baaday acboW at lt:00 a.
Epwortfa League at 4:4S p m.
baa the _
paaaed a
In tbe erraiog
tbe aecond
Cecil bbodee'Cape to Cairo railway
__M^£.?ag5:«7S3&s« ;asi.'S‘£TrJ5s;;-:;::.
wi.l be dellrered oc.
BoBbeca to W raveinated.
Trarane Otty Karket.
Below 1* a list of the baying and aell
leeterday for groceriee i
term prodncie in Trav j
axLLue t-Bicx.
Utare la badly aeared orer ibediaeoraBaltpox-
ogo- I-
brief addreana aod Holy
ery that Seoalor
Xrodu*U ToroDto
r Is Nu-oo lUds. 'Pliso.
"The Dance of
Wash goods as popular, or that
pleases as well, as
We make no promUe totpate
daoeing Ch ':*iUo*.
We belleTr.
Be arrangMl the detail* a few erer, that if parent* wi'l M»ten
dayaago wilb Oarmta Fyrrlga Min* next two lector,-* on thi* an' ject.
UW roe Kaalow and Baoeror Wil- will oerer again allow ttictr children
U a go.
ji Our Fine
Colored Cambrics!
to attend dancing »cboo1. oor will th.y
Afloatisg laUod. bat ween one and
dance again ibeiuaelre*.
If yon
four to agoodaaat coaa earlr.
Are feet thick, caBC down ibe IiUnoia weluoua Yonra torpura, bappy Cbriarirer, eollided with a cabia boat, Uaa hoBca.
. aaia*bed In the keel and landed it
Oct. M. E..BruMCb. Pulur.
. Mhore, atmsk a nim-of the wagon
9:30 a. m., class meeting.
^dge at Uayana. (‘L, and atranded
1U:3D a- m., preaebiog
between tbe pier and abore. City anIt.-UOB., tionday aebool.
tboriile* will Wow tbe Uland np with
4:4t p. m , Bpwortb Lea^
tare aerea in extern, and'from
Scarry ta cp'.deBlc in Blntng easpa
tbe interior of
Six Ben
hare died la tbr Copoer Hirer dwtriet,
there are 30 patienu at Copper
SarjaMla P. Ilnlcblnaon, known a*
trade operator aad
haarl fallara Tliaroday at
the Lake
I>*kr Ueaera. Wia
He waa 70 yeara of age.
T p. B. Goapel
Prayer meeting Tburaday evening.
All are cordially io'l^d to tbeae aer*
KrAXOKIJlAL.Be*. e. Salsbrr)'. Pastor.
w. iiJSS:,i
Bcmxa EATl
— irCftSS-Vlee btellr noleowb,
X gradt.---------------laato of tbe Dolveediy Boepi '
Arbor, •nil
tor bare
T ADIX-t-Oe.lriag ,lr<
Xj ti.eir l>nme> ln.|ol
Weboneld-edrOM outklnjr
mot lUreeu
^ ' Butter, per fa..............
tiooday aervicea aa lollowa;
Reaala'a Blaialer of war U wld to
will preach
fWownap the aaae day.
wore taken aod tbe Buaalan magtriae
waa aa red
hetiDgti e<vt«7 Meiklrjoln baa Uaa^ordemfora military ezploraUon
of Alaaka, one expeditloa to work in
tbe Oo^r Rirer legioh and
abuet Cook'a Inlet.
Mid week
e.tLS A equar
P don M • hargats
■ler Atreet.
hr Ik aaM to ttll hie efflrr
Hr* case he bad
< ome under his T
«va* thu of a m
• harge ,.f .-.-irrylr?
at T:4<i
All are welcome
^^*07. Toooeller Ltoek.
Bev. O. Oeeklls. pMtor.
other trull, *11 toarlng. coed bulldiu.
qumion Into any o........... ...................
■J3 I ‘berefoie, (liamiseed the i-Bh,-. A'.lh.'U ;h
will I the eoun'K rL-asoiilng wa*
o>ad, probably about I.Un allea, make
or at I p. B.
lang People's Society of CtarUtian
FrMow^cobricU boxed np Jobe K*rriter. lif-r at the Michigan City,
paalleetiary. >o a rboe eaae and be wee
eanird r.vioe ibr drlirrry-wagon.
Tb'B« wiabingt
aeei at Ibu eloee of the
not ready to
with the
evening aer-
Tbcee having letiere
Ara yon
a church
them to the paator or one of the dea
With regard to thv effm* of gur.ehets
Opera House.
pen a balloon, the roHoMinx esiKri*
iriiie aerc made.
A *bui »at nrrd
fruffl A L'bei rtflr ai a iMilinnn at an
Altitude of AM feet It uDly |Nitr(ra(.-d
SWi Asuio a> * herdy plunrrr and a
tbr fabric below the e<]iiBtor. am', no «|>*
rained adluiut t., tb. *|rr»t departoirn’, | pr^iVij^ 7rtu"t’’"r«i*u^'
Prikj. Untb 2«li
r«r ler Taalm
tiewuye Iti- terra mita eewrra and , many rhuta wrre flrrd aeveral p.-nelrai
drato*. «at>M«al:y iboat In the loaer trig the l>alloon and-paa«ing out n<*
part of the city. fe,|Uintly get cboked
the upper valve
After a Is|»- -.f *li
>k.n. It can tw
balloonOvaLetiJed gu;eil>
the giound. by reason of the tow of ga* I
through the ballet hole*
But it a|>.
pearvd that, uhairver ifa* r.umle-r r-f
... ----------------------------- ... . shots,
loe* ofga> wo* never euB.
t great deal of aorh
rt.nt to cauM the ball.ion t.. fall rapwork to look after, and the worry coo. l.ldly
n*^ with getUbg 111* r.d»e throughoe anotbrt necaaioe a gharpnel ahell
am Mone far lowaid Ibltmlng hU hair , waa fired from a .-ver.-j-.under Arm-,
M has at tart dixx-vmd a quick, sure . *trong gun at a tmiloon. having an sill•M easy meih-Hi He gc-s lo the rivet.! lude <,f lAuti feet
•>■■■ a..i» .i..... '
«»tcb.*s a ratfrli. ties a airing to Its | the Umii of ocKat
tall. Arops t( dowo a manhole into tbe lm|g>aflhle,4b hit
In any rare, had
"Ja Uia Untied gtaiae atone ibrvo are
^eev upon thirty law firms cuBpoMd
«( h.usbanda ar.d wivm
n with Ihemr'
•■Ob. not at all: tbal's tmi the real
anration,'' ansaerrd the Ban In tbe tetiera.
•nban what ur'
-Mow that w« haw ibr PhlMirplaea,
What will *r* *o with XMitnaldor'Chleagn Fort.__________________ ,
VommI Fyasalrt.
IBie apnag win oemr asala.d*Bi trtond*.
That ta Ha usual war.
It romos and goes a dosen Uaaea
Meters It eonaa le May.
^kleage Haowrd.
dust the
Shin Waists, House Dresses,
Girls' Dresses, etc.
We show Percales—all yard wide-at 7c and
Call and ses our stocks of Wash Goods,
Dress Goods, etc.
Yours for reliable merchaiidisc at right price&.
OTCiyDCOn^O ReliaWe Dry Goods. Carpet
0 I ClIlDLnU U
and Clothing House.
Are clostn^r it out rapidly,. Sales last week exceeded our
expectations. We are anxious to close it out in order to
' make room for our large stock of
PortleiHl, Orr.. tli« faaiillar rat*
r nans for the J
riVar, aad fnr.-.s lu way through aiiy ’
ahsUwctlee out m aoUdSe brick, draggtf« the stHng a'^lrr II
Then the dep•fa does as far down tb* avwer as b*
Aaama iwrewaaiy. and picks up the;
Mriag, whirl, h. use* to draw a wlrs
through ih<- Aew.r, and with this a rop#
li polled through and the sewer h soon
12 I-2c per yard"
Our Liberal Discounts
on Furniture....
Just One Night—
aeeaailed the drirer
ead took to the wood* with the lattar'e
colored cainbrki
Endeavor at 5:46 p a.
■Maaofihe Uana for tbe United tiiatee vlee in the paator'a atady.
liaUooal maeauB at Waablogtoo.
-’Which nf ynu I* It that has nu
aplru-- u.-K.d the iratnm of malurer
yvunp—CH *ko Poet-
aalary guaraiileed
ehaiw-e (uradtaaeeneai. Noeaollal rerdl J'ulMoforwaUM-addKM Bb^Caa-
a IhoRHigh atudy of tbUeoaparatirely chvrcb on eoafeaalon are rwjneated to
nakaown ounntry and gather
SrhaTAb* Katarwlly Vaferivd.
“We n- \-ar uuarfvl.” uaid the yotm*
*, bis Alale
Janlor Society of Christian Endeav
now at Pam, Brasil, logo np tbe Aaaa>n rirer aafara* the reeael can pro-
. ta«« broke oat.
siriLtly- In
'BLcnrdHtu-v with the evldcpre.
laei diacoaree of oar rtarloft.
Sanday aebool at noon.
•rieerriary Long Friday cabled ordere
per yard, but we still sell
As low a price as lisa ever been made on tbeo.
V nltceule,
another p. m. All are inrllcd to a oota derair any. ■ H bitrw.i.Ill
carry tlon of tbe aubjeola preaented in tbe '------liaeonbalsiiee
•tree!, rraverA* Oily, Mteb.
ID Captain Todd Of
^ I™,’:'',
.wf ia
The flrat.wlll
thing for
Tbe pastor will preach two Lenten
rrmnns tbii Sabbath.
be at 10:47Ta m. and the aecond at T:oo
Oar hrsl case o1
the goods at
Ithoi’gb he ran neiti cr read
momlng and
&>th are to
fall eqalotaeau aod ioppltee to Noram-
have already advanced H cents
prate f.ir ;ilie reiaei'iaiton atljai''iit
goods, the mBnufacturer'e price on these
Antoine JJA<-k«on e rim-t.'o,Nled Tnkno’ tf tamil.arly as -Koiiaka
liab b»en ei.N 1-0 Juat'.ci- -if
powder aagaiine at Tonlon and tbe erealng.
BaatUo at tit. Pplerabarg were to be
iiRy pieces is alioudy gring rapidly.
Indfae ^OAile* «r the Peae*.
Be*. J. A. Frye. P. E. of Grand Bap
percale, but nner.
Preaebiog at 10:3$ a. w.
.ride.'absolutely fast fulors, anil cornea in s variety of m-a'
and pretty ilesigns—nil colors in the lot.
Owing to the heavy advance in all grades of cotton
Q.tltL WAXTCn^For
Baaday arhool at 11:30 a. a.
This cloth it liko
Ohureb on corner of 9tb and Wada*
worth itreeta.
Preaching at 7 p. fa.
bare had iDformaiton that tbe French
"“Jir. 1.1^;...............
it been j-oiijUe tn do so. the'ehei; would
*■*..................... -‘•-d the iiaituoB iHlaw the
kw-4 out again *o low
mar n>< **rl»ur Inat »f
balloon inaas but lllllr
of its n
|h.w,.r—that t*. little of Its
Is made l<rli)W the nqua*
Once a gore was aplll up to with
in a few feel wf 111* upper valve, at
nm the lAHisin fell rapidly, then Ih.Wind nil.d uul tbr lUppitis fabrtv. anf
II aallvd quUlly to eart^____
A Pn Slin •! Tm SMthn lam.
Pleasing SjieciaJtics.
FtaD;. Exdtlu.
Carload of Special Sceneq
Ottateth I>latk*'n>aaewt.
A high Than h stranger who was visli.
tng a rural Akuich lo BoglanA rei-enlly
Inquired. "Havr you matins in this
ehurchr- -x >h ro. air.'asid the rastt ■
wrgrr..''oil<l,'ih right «p to the chan*
Price*:-25. 35 SO, 75c.
Bol Seats,
The Most
.Esthetic Taste
"I notleral a detidi-d coolnes* between
ymu and Dlaiu be last night''
•Teat *he eat oe one side uf her nous.
In from Boston and I or. the other.”—
Chlrsco Pally New-a__________
gk.tr MualMi.
LiUUe Andtew—Fa why did the pil
grim fathers cowte over to this countryT
Pa—4k> as to give the Masaaekoaetu
Telephone 92.
.^24 Union Street.
Is not proof aggiugtBDytbioK
subUe sud
fiieifer's t. aUfoniis Perfomes
One of Ibr sweotf«t of these
16 railed
Santa Bartmra Hel*
No monk would be
In Introdaeing onr nsw and
kumdsoms Hns of
able to tom away from any*
thing BO inTiting.to iiajf noth*
ing of a woman.
We have
Shoes For Ladies
stock all the
Tbs suitable name—Hsad>
aoae—will be the words you
will nss when yon eee the
OnnUier’s Chocolates, and
Rons—fresh goods
tractive imrkages.
Jas.G. Johnson
TbetWaAeaf tC
Call at once for Bargains.
Old Bicycles
Made Like New*
U yoo want TOW old wbort t« look A* food oa naw-twlog it
to B.
B. Olbba.
or call me np by 'Phooe Ho. Ifti. aod 1 will eall aod evi poor wbaeL
WIU r«palr. swaiaai aad dMoraia it ap-to-date. for a liule «x|
H. E. QIBBS,J’ropTietor
They Fit the Feet
es nature intended. Bate, com
fort, snwe and beanty, snperior
workmanahip — style unexcelled.
PriCK 11.50, 2.00, i.eo, 3.00.
ISSrroatSt Prutical SUoe Mag.
1 A
I U'l-n ..f •IfB'-M S,nr.iW
).;>)« bef..|. Ill, ... iiinEOI III.- Hv li.eh-: t ie-. Ie'.pea ma.li ...,i omie.l or elfwiive • a.ttei
.ajuia «9ii|tnr (
l«!r ..f Wh,„„
Aiiurii-aii v..r a ’ flooU ul v-.iflp'tlne »i..n.f aK«tr.-i i-pouleb .(oiumatt
The ihla im . I o
oiotuun* on tb.* -.otnt wa. > -’Ured forth l'>an«
,1.- • . h' >'•- •
.11 i ii.-i .wi*y, ijitn l.y any •
W-itMJrr W «b>il» W. h«v.- H,„Tih.h'-iMh •«! -l.-s^Npt
Wiil.oOJ It. by ihr |>n-.r and the
men of our
}WI b-.-0 rlvinx • tnt»air Uih.i.UaiU roI>« w..uM l* *n E4.-D N.i mumiy
Tb< one ea>> the ruU>n le a
WIi*i do •’rkAo* i,r
,11 ||.„ Wid^ .«rth baa • iBor» niwardly. acISah. riuhl.-aa cueirma.
di.-mi, -<.! I.J lie li,.. follurVou^ar.'iu“,^ ui."l
WuuruJ .llmau,
K<, hilta .hi
SloriioK 1
..■aii-uUioii of a ptaiiUi- ev-r.—,i
hu.ia ..i omr«utn-l.,,urhitmha.-ake '
tb« Acri^rtran
«i-« ha'f n »*i^ •. - all ai.d
day and lii>a|able of a.lte>itiii.*je Ki'iiluvk
^OU^.nt av-Incwh. n ..m. il.a .. cm.ulainrt i.t,., ..f c. „- I'e.kinjt aftei iinythiiis lervond hie own
o-‘. ..?t^..• bol
‘ r**’ '•
»• »<rap-d off ibHr 4.^1^ aurfa.a btU« ln|er<*i of the muniriit. The «lh-.
.................. -....................................................the 1
m diaturb-; tbar« wUI »-■ no mor-. b.aiu.ful .....nfrv •r proli.te that the tnil^n la a lime pursued b> III. >,mii.rii Paje*.
Hie Iwbuig. and
in« UIM quealMOAf «o*. .M lu-vef be- .!<■ b* found In me na» woild .,r iha ..M '
arnit «:ui ■-lentually d,e|a-i>(<l, .md I «i ■ ..ndearend .
rora. l oele Uui la flstnc Wa iniiuialtlve ! Ev.a rndar acfaiinB < in-uni.tai..'..* tha
of 111. iia-n .tkiTe (liken |iria.m.-,>.
TIi-a ' Atiolbtr e-niailv tnierwinu;..................
. aM aqulllna a>r« bn «br bioan naa i iimaja «f ibia aun ato.-|>ad tanrl ta far ]lo>>- ver that may be. arlual erffrthi-Bi','(btf ev.ienialii poll.-y . i .il,»..iuie lo figure In t'liWn rmiiietruetimi la
'•’hoaa burden (he fortune of »ar baa mui. Mlubtioua than li baa l».r i«jnt- rme hat ahown ue that the Cuitane aie
fiui-ilt a^ji. h iualk..d Siwii'. ir.al- UartuloDle MueMi. u bo wan eh, te.1 pre».
forced him to Ub. up, Brefiie buOdlnx | ed Th. vini.T month. In ful«i an dr- neiihci node nor angi-le. lo borrnw the
the I'ul.an until Amei-.i«<, ucnia i.l-nl of the ful«n lepuhlli jw„ veare
la a naa same for the l’nlt«J tdaie.. nehlful. ..arhanUnK. lo Iheir Ir.v-linm. • l.hra.ee of tl.e poet, but tnen In a wortil
aweiH her Ij.t aoi.l.er fjvm the taliind. ago. Muaeo la the aon of .. tniui’lj of
The flrll war. houav..r. baa Uudhi ua »h(!. fi-en the mummer m.mih» at. far of men. Home r>r them .are g.e>d end
Colonel I'rtio nden «n» ansms th. gr.-.t uealih and g.-al eiundlng in die hjaial
mnnj- laMona aa to ihe evil, that may | more i.leaaai.i than a.- nnd them In aome of them are had like all ulh.-r
BM> of •e.tdoie .onderutw-.j ,u <|eRi;,. .ard «a> graduated
Hatana .......
aceomfiany eirt« ibe tiaoi int«niia>nMt I many of nui own ftutea. The Cubaoa
If they an- not Juat what we.-a«'. Th. garrnUe wax pi.i in
a„.1 the verelty
H- i» a whnlnr
d a genllr.
•tUmpU •( raeonatrix lion.
Ixoklnc (hemae|w.m/..,nalder ibe aummer tnimlha the godfal
idfathem of their freedom, muld dead bo.llee «iiv hoir.'-ly muKlui. .| niuii. aii.l nb--n the ten >.
bMk from Iba pinmule of our century- j the most ^e«Katil |«n of their year. I ai.n. It tnuet be ifineniberetl dial Ihe,
roae th.. a . . .ined,l:.- .•lUi In Cilia, he dUlInguiah.-.l htmeoll by
and. Ihoae kaarma now an^m Main The M'pular Impn aelon of the m.ai... ' aharlilea of the mlddl- agea that hav«]
hU braiery in the atrUsgle agaliiai
•BOUdb to «a. and alnce we bat e not I brily of Ibe < llmair of the P-arl
binding thitn.dowo for d-nturleal
|S|ialn-a di>tini-tK>n for «hl<-h h. uaa
m m
' <I 'm
>1, bad a rtvlber who WU —y
1 Voted to him ..mt even oa (h« flail
dll. noble Woman n (uaevl to f.vrsaka bdP
•.m. The (Vault uaa that nflor OM •<
th - •. nitagi'meiite vub die Spuilardi
r.iiJiiH ► niuthe, aa> . .i.;urrd and is
Ihie.. dayV lied fr.ira die ill tregtSMSl
ant indlcnltiea ahe rrerived wblH S
pniamer It wax (hm,traglr event wUA
.-auerd her m.m to lake an oath of atw
***** fe-tgeance agafoM tflS
•V >ea. a liiH.naoni.M-m Ir D SpSbM
road.- Could not w i ing frum bira a proat*
tav of alh«lan<v to bta raptor* and Mfl
old lime opiiremanrw. on bis tlberatlas
ht- returned lo the new world. comSfl
-to New Vorii.
Here blank povartT
Mured him tn the lav.-, and In hi* acsTofe
for himi-al employment he drifted dOWS
to lloiiiluiae. wher.- i.e a (|ine he waa S
rtruRKl'ng xiboohiiaaier. l,a(er be
■ iiiu. i-.«tmaaler gm.-rul. and. falling iS
.........................................................................i-a daogbf
Where we have watched God’s hammer fr
Shall While WlDfed Peace now brood, an.
•Sihed In where Kur.<pean angvl I (eai.'d' Am ilt.-.
from dir
intt-l- IiKiri.i.: Hiuintsl. .nlej-. aia In ih.- m.-un-, cuxl Him M..rr.. ,,.ix„n ami lal-r d.-portr j
ter he murri«d (bat lady
and made
M (read there I* Hide ie**..ii t 1 doubt t .if till- I
rule, fill.- the aympiuhy .-f the ,tii«.-na ..f ed to Simto. wh. re he waa held a luin- bume f..i her In Orange N J
that our rcgeBerallon of Cul>a. (he III I (bow diffeivni town,
n which pivi-..de iKilldial .nianeliiation*.
Ilu- I’nllvd piai.a had K’n glowing aa. om-l for two year*
On hi* wleaxe he
Anolh.-i rcpreaenlatlve of the high
fated and hang• oppieBaed.
Hut «oe
(he vio:
tnie .i-hBrarlerladcfalling of ai live Ihut I'realdi-iil i'6dk .ifTrivil lo relurnrd lo Cubu and la-, aitie a uUl.-t giaji- <*ul.aii who I. wii.ne iK
-• •
..................... — -------— ,........... ............. — o ••• —V e«*'o V Uatill of llv- I.
iiaiat ve<txiu- laiuilg
..f.i la
line# that
both lllwiral andcomiHe-itng and
vt.mngThe hpanta.dha. ever jibe
Cuban la hla faith In-inanuna,- or pur.haae die iMund lor llP.ouvi.ou>
Thia and aodale augar planter for Ibe time wo^ the o uwln,. .w ?? . i ^ w^!
henalve, caudoualy a* We may
aat . bad aSvengallUke vll*daln for munlelpal , ’lomorrow." For erntnriea now the Cu- .
wa. indignantly ivfuaed.
tenyvaja* being
1=01 ih. ..eat wave of lew.lu1
men u,.,., ii’ uh
abOUl tbe eaw’Udon Of our taak.
The .U-kne.. which of old, ban baa llv«l In lb* yoalerday.
He later a rn.,.,aldun Wa. made In the ae.i- do,ufr> ,e.W. aughU.m up aid Ir-i
It I. wimelhlng more ttiau a ch.iip tnvart.l.ly foil-wed the .e*a..n, will .1 ; ha. neglected b» today and put thing, al.- to offer Stuiln «P,0.«,0(W lor fulut, ib-l him into ,he mid.l of ihr**.*! ifCm.i" who
• tt'vre Itaradi'g tu wy that omv dlaapivear when public hygiene re- | off until "nianana." II may be that hi. but the pru|H..ltlon wa. drt>p|«d
< and we flni him ihe fir»l man n. ■ n. ! >.i ^
th* l«mon whk h (he pa.l baa Uughi , . e.ye. anythl^ like the allemion which
lomomiw ” I. at la.I coming, and It
Coming down to ,hr laUrr Un "f the Halm the freedom of Cuba ,n 18K.
A*. I
not only lo the I'niled.........................................................
Htatra, but alao civic
the tropica
tropic* demanda
.. tile in
■ the
may »w that hi. new poalUon and hi. ; century, we find th. I'libM, •truggl.. f..r ......Ing ,h,.-r . .immand of the .nny, he j
to ovary olhar groat pawor. I* thai ’ to
H.' far a* the wealth and the cbarac------- ‘h'»c ddvcled all Ha movement* m the eaM- 1 iiy „n lnternadom.1
—M .MVT-. ..W.I..O.
tootore a eountry 1* to raatore It to II* ter of the aoll of Cut« are ooncamad, Ih*
e outlook, but 1
t only dm
patriot* w lih whum i
awn paofile "
{ home of the Havana Hgar I* vartly
«ce will ahow.
Our atm In Cuba for Ibla raaaon will' au|wrlnr tv any other tropical land
The problem now before lb* t’nlted
h* U .uivervtiie the rxMoradon of law i known'to mah with th* on* exception of flutes I. Just bow to bring about th*
o Utlon Sbriad, T^en Maa.o dlwiretly ■,«
p,,,y that I. I.oikimt forward to
and order and-wbrs the time i* ripe to|, l‘'vri» lilco
It has no arid fieida... rccon.lrurdon of ihia country, devasaiep...Hl oeidc uml bandi-d ht» ivimtiaiid ' the ultimate imlote-ndenc- of Cuba,
the people; area, of aterile aand* and no vnlrante uted by renturias of ihe most dealt ucover to tbiniex. the man who bad so I >rhen th. Island shall have >i. own guv*
------- , -........ ................................. ..
and Bffpc-'dehria acailcrcd acma. It* ever tuxurt- live warfare.
How .halt the blood
imig loviithe Idol of the Cuts.II wohlbH^y. ternmejit and ...i.uol U. ..wn attalt*:
Uon* are and have been centered on IM-'ant fare.
It* lT twi.ooo acres of un-, eulned machete be turned Into the bu- riomex- Gome* i* a native
Kamo Do
wax an act of grw ...u.ness on;
st,i| anoil.*ii remarkal.le figure wh*
ban aoll. It >eem* a very simple thing > cleared vtrgtn forest arc a standing eg- .-otic plow.haier tk^at .hall he done mingo and. ingliinlnp bt. military ca
le aay. but that fbe i-anrlBg oul of ample of th* imv.i luxuriant vegetation ' with the Cuban army? And hotwleng reer tn the .iHiniliilcati army, ha* been Ma^vs part whi. h wan lor him the .p- i cannot be fori.dt.-n al *uch a time ta
! R,|vador
who .. .ne time s-dd
undertaking U s stvpendou. In the world, li has *.*Si.*00 acres of .hall our military occupstlon of the 1*. formanyyem* a lighter forand against pn.¥al or all patriotic CuUn.
’■*<> "" "
Ion* ; v-igwr* and 11ran ite. In x Utile lobacvO
land endure?
Ihe llb.4dir* of «mall state*. This lias
1. i.7
CnM I* Tonm* P^inid* Pal- ' *ho|. <n New York. notwHh.t-ndlng tb*
It was when the hew* of the dcp<v»l- hot hi.
»1, ,.rl
r^" 5''? !
; "»• « ho ha. be. n called th. Franklin
K«nk1ln fact Ihm
that he tg-» full M-aled ma.ijuiw
Knglaml. older and wlacr In aiicb. arr^ of arable land
_________ (Ion of tbi- royal family of Spain by .Sa.Her, of fortune ami to dub him an ad- ..j l.u *un IMand coumrv.
ia. Later be edited a retolvtkman news.
thing*, hu* >huwii u* that lb* eastMt bean under culilvsiion. Ibe unbroken
n IM. reached
,d t
Havana that the veniuivr. Hut hi. own »lalt adores and I known i:
CnltM State* of this to- I pai<r la Pvi.r*o Prtaetp* The presa la
and auiwai wa> i* to carry s railway w.il la merely wailing for Ihr plow“f'ahUdv,” — eambythisCuhan Naieleun. who ho. terestlng and devoted man's perauasl- hi* oflire v.ox driven by a mule, and Wa
and a coliegr ivhlnd our oabnoti
Hut sharv
It leeMa with all the tropical
alway* been loyal In hi* liking* and bit-1 uv. Though but at year* b#
,. he iBiahevt had a wide elmlalloa before th*
tb* roconstiuilinn of eountriea cannot
fluli* that supply man with food when
for that strut
against ter
for be , SpanlartiB ahei the aforesaid mule «td
and reteatlea. in hi* hatred*. At one | an old and l.rviken down mi
b* offw-tid offhand b> an admlnlalratoo indolcni or loo primitive to sow
.^m.lltuled authority whlc
_____________________________ _____ _ ._jch for shut up the ogt.-.
The subsequent *dtimt. and obviuualy the (tiwt thing be- | wheat and eat bread
It produce, the
aaid to have extended down to the pre-•.-iia
______ hi. beloved Cuba. The soa of one erf Ihe | vemure.- .4 t'on.itw would Oil a v.41*^
•"‘1 cm year of grace.
Kvery nicmbi r of atro*.
brlgadler In southern Camae w,.a.ihMst and moat reapwted Cututn ; ume and ate rn--iv or lea. known to tb*
Manr other* there
*'7 Ta"** 'Hv*®*"
• duerantee thla "Cahlldo" wa* pledged by a wilemn : guay who. against hto general’, ordera. pUnter*. as a boy ha was arm to Se- Apacrirai, ruhllc
T' .*.7
c*<»»»n'-c‘n ctgara. *. the oath to preo-rve the island from the h*dbeenper.nimng|acllloo.liihUdl.- vtlle to study. He w-s. graduatsd from'ar*. too, wlmm the evoc.^ of tie >(st
which ta”la
that faniuu* Kpanlsh univmvitv. Oa hi* few year* hare thi-.iat Into prviBls«c.to
-w K. .hL^7'i i 7 ’
*"'clcan amoker very well know * The
French tyrant. Then. In IM. cam* thetrtet
to aell-raapadura
C'uba. the Pearl of the Antilles. U ?*0 talleya of the intrilor tan giow strawi
"Hlack fbtglr”
ly brow
n *ugwr>
lo some
of a w Siwiit
return to Culva all hi* time and atten- .aixf v> hr are readv t- *how ilietnselveg
loilc Jong and ^an arwa . f .w.-r H.OW Iwme. in mldwlnirr and ilower* all the
protest against ”Ukatlon without
repat for t
Cmeral Gomes •*>(
turn wen- given up tn the pn.bl.-in .rf a* living refvi’attui* ,.f il.c |-.|.ular .i*
aaa,r»...-. o aa
.. - large
.------- i,....
.a . . .
*i|uarc mhea. II
1. Qn*-fmirih
long year lound
i^«aei>iaUoaa‘' a i>hrasethaibasarem'loffender. When tbceulpritappaared
treeil.'m for hi* long .H.pre«W couciry, r..r that Culw *» a <i-untrv of «rop do»
ag.ln a. Ireland and covet* m-r.. ..f the
Of Ibe Cubhns ttaemaalvM an* ean
^ |I nbeent
n^at oeuad to Amartcan cars.
Plf- bugler sonadad the ■ aasemble.’’ Tui n- When Cespede* l.Kik up the standard stn>>ing lisrtoman*. who are happy on.
land Burfsre of this globe than dctM al*
tog to hi* rdre*. the old general watd:
-------------------------a»d 1yi years talar tb* ,
of r-v-'l in l<i«t. thilma freed all M* ty when up to Hie -.-ns in haaid. ,nfl
^tng. I
.Inly ^t with such
cntaiddaam. | aMn l.mke
brok* out In an tnaurrect.on
"Von see beforo )-oU a mnnewhu ha-‘ slavr*. latsed v>Iimi money he could whvwe .inly congenial • .npiryment Id
tcopiMoa tadivldMUatoiwocainp*
iaiffong the blaegt.
blaegt. though It waa m.i been known aa a brkavPer. Hr I. a upor. hi* ta* <lia:i\. t e*Wi> « and i,hr-w the Pourlsbing dfile ga-irllla •rs-hm*.
has tut WHw of roast line sad a pop«. 1 as ' ■ th* iharactar of
of th* Cahaih mad | luiUI Utt that th* Cuhaus uadar Nar- brigadier ao iMMw.^ut aftei thli 'Brie- hliaartf into iht new mfvrmam for livo-,
esL,;: |
“• •
Um and <«uirvoiion canvut i-M-fui <Ha lor»ot »b« honor of hU wane mon.:...
H«- fcoatrted a«-«r Ibe
auu <:-as(MS bfr to him. and tamed bei
law up arala to hla
••v. hy did fou do H. Ciwly? •_ he m-
It t ahOBM t*
A bruAvr
Wbra I ttKbt b*
A n>e«M>t.pr u! hope *a6
How i-ou:d 1 uk In bkvf what
rw hoiu M luuarMM auppiit^v
toMh Mkf Alf «t>« OBl» Mmb*
SlaaltiB thrwiih naioml media far into
dim realm ol whar evaa In thoa da>a
•Igbt almoM be called fatrylaud alore
<ka public laal heariLcif hU Ihca lalaat
4ta»»«rl«.. intrantiSa. a.d tlalo^*Trirrlfii ulepapby. lumlaoaa cylla*
"'4m dlBulnc radtanra thr«u(bout a
MM Without Tlalble wlrea, or fam.llar
Urm of lllomiaera. aeem like Ume
mahleveaernta romi»ared with whet he
are pn.po.ia, ih- iranaBUeioa of ft at
^er. without other med.a than the
aanh aad the air. to dUiau.'ea of bun4redf of mllea. orer ntountaloa. over
M—oalr a
deader bnlii la the ether to dUtrlbuie
{hair eaeriy iiiHirr mtoi'i suldance at
tweDote p«»lnta.
. in* laiMi artvajue of
the elMttiilau In the poa^Iblllilea Of hi*
■menco ibe Kln-trlral Urvlrw. in wbl. b
________ion. but »he »i«l Out uevo
She had eeeo Ue full meaau.eot
bet folly.
"I know" the anaWeiwd. "I wai
^A*bli M'euuab^*for llfe'a ache aad
wrong, and—1 am puulaled."
threw her ama aiout hi* ne.k and ai.bHow cou.d 1 hopa 10 hart ml
'•^' iMl. and he held her clore. It waa only
for a little time
tben the drew away
If 1 bept ailant whea miy broiber friar* end her arma fell atAer aldea ”11 can
not be belped. ' ahe aald: and the turn
ed and went away.
And to I know
There waa Bo change la Raymond,
That day U loot wherela I fall to len.l either then or at the yeara went on.
A helplog band to tome wayfariuB
I'e waa a good offl.er ahd a good m<> .
iM>d unembltfered
Rut Citoly
Unfit It ahow
, me .chauged
The nurid lovea noth
A ,u.r^^.ifbianed by the cheer l ing better than to find an rxplanatloa
tos e>hat hat niyaiiBed It. It dbeo not
then do I bold the foldea houre wtdl rrouble to verify fta belief.
-H la
pliln." H aald now, 'why Cnely Matim
And lay'^dow* to eleep la aweet con* u.uTled Glativllle. Rayt
111.- man to have allowed
—Edith Vlralnta Braadt. la J«pUh but piopoualllea.'
ha recordi ll to-day. aa>» •'will. H aurOMful on a larp* »rale. opm up unlimHad
The aotfea* of bla
.Baan> that powei from aurh aciurc* a*
Niaiara will be aeailable In any part
ct the world, repardlaa.- of.dUiaore,
power and T«w
tbe c(d1erllon
and uilllutlon of that jiutwei al a point
fUlam from the »eai ol lla ptoductlon
•Her tbe power, or ih# •'-^■Inc ciirr.nl
ts which It U p«aipri»e.l baa traver»cd
«1ih(.u> wire* Ibe inuevtciiing atinoapkere al an altitude a.f h ibat the rarefartloa haa made Ibe lilr of that lira
M a tondiipuir of ih* el.-. irlc fluid.
Tbe Invenllnn he 'poluta out. wi
haaed partly upon. or.
lu pari the
•wifrowih of. the ..iikfivailona hereiofora reeoided and aell known thai the
•Ir la a dnard vc*>el. tf rarened. aufferad aB^lmualimeni W lu ln«ilalint
piwpertiea to kiicb anlexi.-iii na lo 1««Ame one i*f blah rinil*nnce.
known with ihc fact <.! the carefacMi.n
of the aiiiKksiibeie high above the eai
aad the f«rlli.T fx.l ivhhh b»«i bel.
ban demonatrai-d. "that .erialo U4i
«aw wave* ..r radli.ildu.may he irai...
nHtpil through iba .aiinoaphere. and
loM than WOI1.BI
Ole vui<-e of «»ir
licfou-'her niidja'oi'HlilpiH-d
I i>»(k In the daya which ll ve'.
hcrub> lo doubt were at K«M.d a* Cu.-s
were old, when Allan waa Jiiai the »t •!
‘d amall non of Captain lUyroond. au«
C'cely wax but the angel-faced
daugblci of Captain Haymoud't
'leutciianl, MHriUt, Ibe boy aud g.t
bad Wen fond irf one another. Tbej
bad made mudpica and huiued the Brat
wild-tlowrra ot the platna, and bad rlilden l«im« and bn,moa tegciUcr. Th-y
had wintered atyd' auuuurml, in ea.U
utbei'* cuoipally. the uniuuialiia and
pralrlea of tbe Southwc.t, while llic
laud waa yet given over to the uev.^cadibg dlaluthancea of tbe hoiAIKi’.
They bad leafued what ll watt to haie
Wily one another for playiuaiea I'lr
Uf Ibo
mninha at a.Jime. And bw-auae of
bereiofiirv kiio* ” a;i<l the niiditiy uf
(be < I'N irliat e<
m _ nroducihle hr it.
M« needed
bi-b elHiHijI prewnirea.
(or hi- pioblem tnvol.ed ib« iranamla.
•loB of great aicctrleal eueigy long dUUacr
“I have devued m«*n« wh-.-rebj 1 am
•bl« io geiietaf wlili eaten and eaia
•iM-dical IU**- e meaauiNN! by linnAreda of ■bt.UeeivlE amt even million*
fd'rolu" lie >aye and add* that with
of Mo b umeniiuilr auil eharartrr be has found 'hat the o/dluary
•bW of aervint a> a "rue enuduclor lor
(be trananiloaloii ot (be nirrelU.
A oecund hlghlr important fad wblib
HaoBm* Iiixm >D niitaiilna hia Inveeii.
•pUoO* ^wa ”>b«l (lie rniidiictlvliy uf
(ha mlr tin len.i-a ao plnlcrtally with Ih.
laerea-e ..t elect i.'al i.r*.*ure and d.grt* uf rar.taeliun tlia» -t beiumea pna1 ruortcr•IMe (o irinamit It.^meh e
• Ita niir^-aaoU.-'
alarlii>..l energy uintn nra. ticgl!} any
•mcni,- and <a *nc)oi*>m
With Una.. Una lie .Nin.irueted bU
•ppar.Nlnv a par’ l<*|dev>’ .nr tbe elcc- 111 l.c
(r(r«1 cf-eisv
of. virv
Mgh nreetorw.
(hea (o leai] tbe Milrent lu aarib au>y
Alao ’» a -W-rniinial
al alt allltudu
Wbei. >1..: ii;..t-u'. jil-lTiiil.- la eii|«lile
pt cut..Urn; -be |.;irti.-ulai.u.nn
prodn ed. i.ti.l ;.n..«>>,-r (■.in to provide,
•ad riMintaln nnoMfei leidnual. k( Or
•bout ii-e-Miin c'e-iailoii. at a dktan;
polni. "to Te...i(«. itje cutreni aad
way ll to earn. t!ii..|.tb euu..i.la ntrani
for iranaforn.iiic nn<i miiixlng «,
The a|i|*an.iu* .Ndj.Uie of a itaaaformcr .omprieiiig jg aiilral voadi
» enrronnded by a rot.
4ttHor with a verv lew >vmrulutlont '
•r. la other wordi. a roll uf fine wire
wouad In many layera, aurroundad by
•ull (d the prl.
mary ta lar.luded (be aource ul tbe rur.
' j
The outer termirval of tba aecendi
«Btl tl ronne.ted »-lth iba oanb. t
taarr to a condtiruir w-«lrh carriet t
Mrreiit lo a terminal,
up In the •
**Balntalned there by aurk
Umg polal
>■ thabteb
lake, though
h.an that h
124 From SI.
». V. Filedrich Block
Ours «iv ail new. aDtl
ihf Inuiut. is they do'ut
e.isi any more* thau otic
.-rsaek r.if old utiK-k $.,i»l. *7 00. #!0, *12.
Tbe New Werner EiUtioo 0«
years uftef tbe cluaing uf bla fauiou.4
srbuoli bu finally went' to realde with
Ml Aalor. attracted partly by the lat
The Encyclopaedia Britannica
ter'-' i.ium)ae to etiduw a public librai y
In Ihc iNiylof New York. Tbl» wa» accuinpliabiHi after auiiie delay, and the
y yoara rtlreeior of
ra» for
lie uaed to relan.
/r libra
I •Kent!.!. ..pen-d.
“Give Your Boys a Ounce”
\Vv-re tin.' doF^ing words of an aJiVess by Abraham Lincoln. He
rcalizoJ lltat p.tTems arc resjioiisiblt-, in a drgrtie, lor what uwir
children, study
their individu^
_^emc. Ii
you1 h.i\
tendeiicies and pla-;e the N.*st
pOssiWe i-ducational advantages
belore them. A way lu* Iven
IMOvided in the New Werner Edi
tion of the Encyckipa-dia Briiannica, coWiplete in thirty volume^.
The best tliou^ts on all subjcvls
in the history erf man are treasur
ed there. A systematic '•tudy ot
this work is evjual to any coUege
course. Algebra, Anatomy, Ardtiu-iture. Building, Electricity,
finical Economy, are a tew at
Its ciiticles which have been adopted by Vale, Harvard and
Columbia colleges. This shows in what esteem it Is held by the
highest educators in The land. Just now you can secure the
.e-: ' rc|.>i.-d the rmiiii.
rge lumpa of augal iic
;ar bowl?"
ojs they wet,- walklnit slowly
•boa' which ’.he old g>-utlecrler.-U lor u 'P'!' dowu ttit
CogKWcH said. "Mr- Aalor.
e }\t*t biN-n caU-iiTwilbg Ihut (bis
e bu-lened hla pare.
to waale ao mm
Ybe Seeded Ma...
re la « louu .1owm.tuli« who
MW you.' Mil.' <1ie ulU.-e iH.y.
Ilur of the up Uedaie itiagaer hta ninrlarlea a luu-
• aald the'boy.
Encyclopaedia Britannica
for One Dollar Cash
ry eirangHjJ."-
and tlie b.il.mce In small monthly payments. TT» entire Thirty
VotuRic-N wuh a Guide and an ele^nt Oak Book Case, will Ixdeliveied when the lirst paynieiu is made.
Tliecumfdrte'set iThfnv Large Ocuvu V.tlemei,):
No i-New- S-xtr Buckram CL-tii, MatMrd EJ<cs Extra Qualm- High
ctiiur. iH-vohilng in-
Machine l-e-iih B'*>k P ,iy-t. »j(
FilM ^uviarnt. One lj.'lu=r (»i.oo)
mpTtiii liierejlier.
No. 5—Hair
Br.'k P
xr.n. I .ci> D.-lur» (taxo) and Four Lkrfiars tta-oo) pet
’ h'l.‘K..........
No. }—Sii«i-, laiiCc
•'look Paper. t?(-cc.
i-ir*l poei;>e-v„
rfi'ee j[>oIijr>
and FlawOohars <|f«o) per
ronth tfiere
giaiited by paying cash within jo days afterUm
receipt-.-I the M urk.
an.} Three Dollars <$v«o) per
ig hla ibuught,
ll, hie
I (.uiittnuod. Koc-ui
Hhe *t*ri.4 ba<A and luuk*d up nt
i, they leaped at bla i
For one lung Diimif th*- rt.-w jlug fti.in ihe caae,
:a»e, aud.aaillug arouud
eyea gaxrd Into hla vy. a, and oaw ibeie
f^ii »i tila feuU Other ohthe funliiy of tut Iricirieiable miiuak.'.
nmvud In a vrimllar masuer,
irvvd lipe grew white, aud pa-i.-.! Tbl. waa geuutue white magic.
drcult of the aeiond^y are placed
. Ot moiort or am-h devlc* aa may
be deeired for uiUiting tbe current,
ToeUeayt "It wiii be understood that
•dber or both of the <^Hs or transform-
grave# where ooe'a
n,e frame la
j,ope« and oorrows have lain aleepii
aleepiug. -auppie” to iiuen. apd
yet we }eer at mtlod
obown bits from 1h«
that are oa ouibiug u. the truth
v> e eienirot IB
•rs and lerailnals gisy i>e movaWe. as.
any It ti uverarted.
Extra Qoailty High Machine FinUh
i.rlni. air. .1 believe blai
Tfiig I.Ucl-~
' •
ItV- ' Slevw lilm up al' oi
cvui- l.avc too much uf a
riwi.. a UOUaii R-niady.
ui. I* iii\. i..f.a iku cia!l
cre-up. -wh.--.pir
I’ ha* >■. e-ii
■'» .-ur.-N of -bi-.- di*. aw
part cf lbee.lv
"he ui.*jt Ra<,wring te*t i».
.Ik have
been re>ei\e.t.g.vine a-eouott>
.'.'•I w.im*; of tbe ag^ravacog Bed
pel>Kteil’ is-ughh It baa cor.-''
•everc crtMa that have vie dr-d p-..i»pt
•y *0 111* *.->olhing > fT-elk. and of tlie
■uu 1.
ol ll M >•hlld
kho n that it ^
vboop-o* ■
igb boa
r.jb» that diaeaMt
K;! Th" (»
John K. Sants,
Geotral lusurauce.
Tvvar—t-ltv *■
enamel, cleaa. r
. ":.5V;».o;-;"«hao<i.
Tbu X; M
___ ______
'here you oat
roar enameUag properly dooa
'Read pollabed. elripod and di
( propefly
AU work
properlv and prompt
ly don*. SatUfaciioo guarautor
Ledeilt's Hew Shop,
» Union aWeot
Nothing Nicer
*dd by
“ 500 Bicyclf^ S
i>asi, Raym
monugram frame for table
have ocoBed; iu the future be gj,,,
ihal friend for the gift of
would comk to doubt the horror of ih»
odds ll to hei collection.
_■______ ..
1»..1 J.
. .... mK, h..n,
__ ___
preaeot mument.
Rut It caught him
f(eala are another obiect of tlie ir. in>
be* him tben with ^
Coats-of-arms and
t Uy Ikiokator-. aeetil* to- Norli- -i. Mk-hiyan.
' Fur filriher infoimation cull on Holley A Connable,
* of iu.
WorthB^ WlueX
n her iIgH c »*|w.l hatfls, ai. t
friend baa a
Special Offer
- . .........
.. literary men. aaya Mrs. Julia
Waid Uc.wv III Ibe Atlautlr. Hr. Cugswell made. Ilia home with ua lor aoinu
. of old.
.nd ima<uirA.I
**vim Id lleiT
I :iEk now wtiy
cs. Peiluipaliu
liei. lie (bullish .'
ii-liT lesm:
I V..
W.d I
.k would
-U Ob al’d he«-aiiie an aMi ali.ne i,,.F!.’.,n.
bu.l.M uud'ciUHl e.1 ibeli happ.i1..UIJJ.X
m>, r.lay lu M.ulia-s ' thcr.i
>ud luuktal ..,1^. Ts'wn Iroiua nu'utilaiii » gesulim
;aiid •
p-MPii. and -err
Hi- waa tntlv a veiii-tiuid not u
waa mad* ,T;.ilie mv.ii.
in a nwAgaiow on a
n. ety aat l.-r..i. lier.OWIi live I.Ticbl *QJiahiiiy day. Uiun- o . Im k H.
iu ilie dm-k, aud looked quietly at iho jj
ibT> ol.l .Vugi bumLlaxing lopB.
The llgbt ahmie oc her .-.j muenae, np.-i.fd mmie Malili-RA aud
fall la. e and on her glcamlug ha i . „ ,ij j,i aubalan.-e, - Now 1 rau moTa
iUiMupod atooil and looked down at ..q, oiijtai in ihia jooni by my w-lll. "
.«ilng hla arm on the mantel Uvn«ciing
a few monienta. 1
faoDeKt plan. H«.
H.. had
Muke the Jiouk
<ax.k biug
Ijiug uu
oo that aland
.nlhin ol api-akliig of even the jnove. " 1‘olutlng-bla lean. Imny dng.
the |>aai to anotler nian'a w-i.e, maard It. he aald. 'rome. noiiib"' Tho
u.i. ue»i..e
heatde ...X
the blank
rejlH) row- up lu
iieuihlMl, the bu-'k- fell upon tba
^ront uf him Ihu luiglKThere wai
VC-been of fliHir. and a
Iho q
I (, hypuotli
ba uried.
cried. out
' t from ihu
lire, and be
-kHi-ely. why did you do ur he
piumoa up Ui. e to com
In the
.Hug linmotvOB anwdoiel
bowed her head acalnal the bark of (be
aiil to he In ibu laleat Bwim
chair. There la uagedy uf the flcr.-esl
iiake a uouugram frame, the
sort Umi Mlei*. ou.e at least, luto material retjutied being a pair of ah&rp
iny ItavenpntI left a fortune ot
1*0*00 and Ih# bulk of It gtaw to her
We shs* the gtanilJSI line el Vestee
Suits l» till litlie fellows.
A.iwi'e ex........idy.
Allhuugb John Jacob Aalor bad ted
life malul.* devou-d U> biisluess lU-
w that hia
.m -i. and >e
and ^7 00, such as
YOU would not ex
pect to jviv less than
$Siui or 5l» iX) lor.
Tlie.wvli.s! Illini;
0-11 is ihf "Herrin^l.uiiciv-«.50,?10(..
A will. I III the ll-.lK.jni
' I Miw -a flVndli out IU tin
' lii!..-th.e.-;s.«*i.»i*M U'h
Iff luuii III na'<-rn*. H>
' i.i.vijti'theui iiiiiu file
■ii;e*u b* (iu-y icldun'-l .-Hi
It i* be.-4Uae It ha.
fanev worsted and
serge suits at ^5.00
'be course Of one of tl
hM been condurtrd'to it by the rarcflrd
•Ir. The nolle there nnrform reverae
g^lce. the Wmi colt being primary and
Hir instance, when carried by veaaal.
•anting in the air or by whips at «
shs»w yon a line of
and bV-M'i*.
tiid the lid .
lOng led I
Olid gueE>.. I the fnre..sweet llllN i..vt.-d t
She biid • banted I'.r the worse ami i..
(be IkM.t
She buJ b.-.n ciuli*.
Woid* I
I tlu ) iiad iie\i-i fij
aoa Ice* frank; abe had learned
for him
i.'.n bel eiidaby tmllu-.i'uuana >ei
• hand I
women go. ahe wiik bouc.l
Uul U.a' J,.
anuilly faie waa mine Inautlfnl. and
l^vu do uol wuiil hic now.
(in' ihlld wiia grown Uf.............. tlb<.<a ,f
woman whom to love I* to worahip.
lie hi'ld her faat and aiiawrerKI'” ‘
And IU due linir llayniiiud loved biT.
wnnl cuu ui»* " Theie w.ia jio U.iiiT
There are ueu who lake their lo\e nt III iti. film v« ie do the bivulh of th-;r
t »M do IIUI kaow ' -he. wwl to
It U
not gv mad'Wttb <1 e i-. ataay of lu
. 1 know
When Ha uioud bad told
L-ly Ibat he !o<id bi . aud w hen aba'
laid her bead ui< lU bla aboul.leT
Waa OO' tiualed, liiVe
lie jM-i; WJio
iigli-g liuada m will
pm her sleiid.^.
ntbo un.-^ IU
.uy faiihiul w
: up lb- bc.-i.iliru
i' I W Hiit n* I
bb niid. lu
4ome. .«--<.Vuld Mtkl a
bH.l .md." l lot
be wu. aallalicl
lid hi*r. tiled hc;id
weie. wm. iboi be
nml vioai'd tn-i -tea. -H
(Ue aud (Ti'ely B -i
.dd Srt!...-s aake. '.
••yuir sh. n.have her" .\rg.m
•taly lar.flHl «!ritai,of lije
We kiodlv ask you
to caU and Wt us
lie iu ligr fath*
■nd sl./l liibhi i-g di.wn
i U..k_ •
derive.l fioni
manWeaily aulil' i - ij> >u
poae.l by (be * baran.jr .il
r*-i.ioiae nor pity.
Y.I wi.eu she wga tr
bare been f.iuml callable of atfcH’cg
Aud then they were aeparai.4 Cic-e*.^
Cartalii delleaie lec eiviiig Inalrumcnu waa lo b.-clvllUe.1, Khe waa went b «*l
at 'a llmtied duiaii.-e; from the aou. -e ^„d «br.iad lo Khool
Allnn Raymond
pi the elerlruuil ili«liill.aB.e" gdve il>e wcjit ihM.iigh Wi--l l*oii,l and gol bla
whji-h T<w'e bull'
Thereiii-.n l.'’Ht.._-whl'-n
.a at tiinca d.«.s mhut uiiahx W cxp.<i-d
bypoltaesta and d<
ol b< I
bltu Jo tb>- aainc p».>l
(bat l> lla deuioi»iraii
^ W be.v lb.- Marfme W'
«•> Infortiiallon av In. luaimalid i
iMsaaif, M.icli 'Isl.
And we ask every
mother to call and
see tlu-sf lu-vvitchin^ lilt e spits, the
prettiest that we ev
er hatl- that’s sayinyv a AH’««ldeal -llie
j.rices start a' ?l <*(»
up l<^ 55 iiii—Vhink.
51.«K^'for a ni-.e
piece! >uit. anti fai.cy
triinaied at ihal.
lay fi
.• to foigel them and believe It all
La Hlabaatei . They held her up tn
. and dauglilera. and xlateia whom
would have dlMiwucd for fulluwIIIK
Au.I they ruined tb»
Iuk in
to her path
ot their borntw
|Hwce of
their 11<
<„r her-all. i.w.
■apn. luUN fauH
owu a ca
eui low iUil laughed ;il
.ibe. brougl
111 had faltU. aa bad bei.
ibi-ui. bue
High the W-aveti* should
. known la ihi' borders at
r.;ill. She <
ind he>««Byl. a- a creature
tin- aereic*
who bad <auNid diKoatce
of Doloai
death. aUd bad abaahauuitlivr
g|.d e
hsidabtpa of long marehea and the J*»v*
of a half aavuge freedoiu aliared tog.
u ihluk tbvmaelvt
Cuffs, Clubs. Tecks
t uudr^s of new
ivitterns and aU tbe
late sh..pes--3S, 50
and 75c ■
Eiinw.1 tt-BaWl a fm OuJiJlmW In,
BEES von PICK F...OSI -M ES 118
.no admit tt
i-d fri/in Ibe sm6f\lrele
of feminine wit. Mie. Glauvlllc added
to her atlriulloua niu-h maacullne
. i..er..(irbi<iliiei.H and Wide range of inleV.i-U She WUK aa Bold to talk tp aa}thc apoke with tbe
to Im.k ut>on
tuaK'ic of a w'ledi II IbuL wa» tUOVe-e*i>t
e«d x-aution. end good rounael, he deeid.d to reduce ll to the abaurd
ltd b'm. at evau tbt>ae who war.im.km.w upw. but U waa a deep..
are here--
borgiury expt rlmeni aid w ready for a
(Mt on an iDdiiHirlal ai-alc
Hla laat Intention la. briefly, the appavauit for the prudiiciiuu of great
Oiat It ahould be glvea fame through
And the womrii faer
mplare of apeecbeibat »re Oianvllle
Ik a eomtDotiL
ie leiipard'a nj and hateil her; but they alao admlrtangtng tbi
lkDO rhungti
of bla kind,, ed
Pvpalar auperxiitlon lo The conaputk. The keen ol»er
Ktjguacn aea
ivlllt irery
ary nolw
who baa not twelve axiom,
cy IB oA kevn
>al. Envyiaoi
le chuim of a rUi
wot k tbe theorema of lit.
tabUud. And itteiloe
Mya. hBk pa»aed theelage ol mere la-
The gentlemen who
anpreciaU* the cor
rect {Jtituriicp’ways
’vtv Wilson lir-w.
'.leadlad her vcdre. and then abe to.d
n 1 ml£bi alnt
p cheer a falhOos
A liu.e aoud
And i ahoHid aaal ms llpa Aod alt
TeaU hai peahad hta inTaet^nona
the p(wa.blUUaa of eJarirlcal uaaa.
>Laa. Sj esehXLt x^ssoztms.ezL't
I wr W. J. HOBBS’
^ 140 Front Street
Trayeine City, Mioh
TRY WOBimrO »FO#BD.tUJn>AT. WABOH 19, 1899.
borrn.a.ar br a aoti^ oi toMne or or
CONVALE8CINOThe UM«a ut 9«>Um mod
Mto pie.tAk lor »vutg lOe juong mat. ^
the uoau.c w a ie.e-ai.eie wua bar- ; ^
Tb« pUlfW to BiiffT Wd won. Add tkt b«ra. *b«i doTi M lA* tbick
bar duue. a. cOdtvAiun lo ber nieie.
A» auraiidvc bcnra *.** a leapowfuii. | ^
•eraial Tatiaraa b lto«k aiwtol IrtMMto «bo vUI fwmTrad*. Whil* «
ara B«tai«*ele Tet* aad aaah.
per aid can.
Briag JeJiJra aod d.atira a atod;
IlqnU I.OU. .11 |»n. of
1«. lo lo.. .W ... cbuikatonea of ali kind*, bat
colkto and (rou.
BiTfT B87
tag U»e bra
naUU;- ia
tUt the dctuaad t'i
Ue aoluw irf lint,
lievc aer ot aer uuoiu.m uu^ita^of
aauiduug. and wouul ue. .are uhm Nora
baa fuotoe) eaougi. lur tiieui laMb.
r"''”' ■^rAi,4£.tL«
fo. iLo nnUdUll.^ .od IdiWoapaMtj.
a vrrak ago . betuarkal<to
■tremi^ti lu lu jbdutorim U iuipurtaut.
Wt U not the <-blef eUnieni
.>«ia a.gaed ae sue euiod al Ule wladow. It a«w a tuiM/ turvf aorld, and
tbe wivng (>eitpi« aei. a.wa/a being
ibroao «oiie%bei
II oui>~ .
•Tb# coDBtry la i« a atroaKW ptod«luo Mban
bM.U4.e. LOdj) tieai.i auu.d «4l»il uer
ariui lo biui giaui}' it r.c u4iuiiawl >e-
U« l.».U ud 1..^
Do. ..d S..d
beaUb .
raddr ninea
And ail a gotog
"Aai-I loeuitt^g >eur
ootne at bcie. '
.Sura euutd. aod the <t>lor matat4
7<>u kaoa,
ward nWBbar foor.
; lie concedeil lo be tin ..j
Ob. 1'hadn't beard you ooiae U!
lk> all down. .\u»( ten I Wttll: 1 am
ao aorry you ihuuld i.avi- bad tbe t out).
gnbHde-Bce lb the haaiuiaw of the ixAUi Icarlag itto warat
niooiera ana
leu auraftam. wub be iiXSPVi the
lorelgu Obut aad tu. uicwgre perunal I
Tbe; ba«-e bandaged Mg vonads wRfa
t.te 11» prto. '
dQ.d«dd.dj..u«i i-.h.,..dd«.i.ii
JV ul laiiiag lor uutniuK, uut eueh<n>e4
tu lie Mo.c lo su uniih^i- laat monmut.
And ehr wmnM^ul hit rot aod aba . \tuut you lei udv givey^ MUiv iraT.'
hbe 8j...|.e wilL neidi.ua td|i t) . a.'»ici-iy i'
OBdldin hui Uvoi abowii by the luarka-to, ,
wbhmi-rd'^blK iiauxfuutauig for an aawwei. )
and at rbiuK {driivi tin- voirUI hojr* hefilm * ibi u iie'« ioiptui lug em ta di>7.
U-a Uaiktawm UMk the ihali e.ie j ^
oaaee it hae to huy Th. vn.i fcupj.ly id For » «*.-. ! brati liaib aliill wheTd: a '
•denre,in the valoe irf wheal ctiTB ami
iwedwivi-ly nud tb<- new and etarlliog
todependi'iK e of fi^ehiu luulu/y luarkd U
tare alteiiliua
The lamlH-r imivemeal
ia onu.iun;v'Ui«v fur the wdauiu. with
fnidei Ilf luWKradd-di »liari.ly eilvBBcIng.
heilruea loniiugi and
|..nnh|{di have
........ '• DREAKINC
“Cettdiu in higbi'r a (|unrter i-Mit. end
raiee firiid.-fur britb. The rndupuarw
" ligbl. Ihmigli giMU'iia have emu a riae
of uvi-r I ix'iii |H-r i>-n^ from the towart puiai tu id-iapt tliem. tdiude bare
ftaea in many' |rrBli.•^ ahmit .« ja-r
■ la uiiyOi.iug the ma...; T ' elm uakt-d.
ill a .-.ibh'*.' 'uiuilui-l' Aoii-e.
i Itokburei la Kolue
Nura ganpeil. I.ul did liol upeak.
more *ab«ui Ur. Markbaiu'* puwera oi
MMliiraiiid' iluiii 1."
u,i> uV“i'l1UU.UK Wllll l.itlll^ kludllea^
lu ibe woild III geoeia!. '
hell do?
•" >uppoeUioii?
'hi- ati.u»P‘‘ V‘»' -hi W «t.h_u. Judge lor
few prh-ee riarhi-d laat aiiluiuu i.n milnatraof lum^ae yieW of tlm A«HU-|cau>To|i while ilK-'iiinirovwliditii'iiion
»«»>• 0«kl.jr« *|.raug lo her ffv.
i* «<mHng nrit ihta ufuruidou?
<d 'douimlii- iiiunnfiiVtur.nl g...U the
<>'' *uTlb didu't you lell lue 1*€8ilarge.lrtil|.mei.teabr.wdaudtti. iflid- f”" ’" Alul .dw ttgH«.l nei«m.M> wnh
■niy. aaHH-rtd.1 hv rd-lm eit
n.nvo- hw bat Iwtor* ilu- glua. a. abe apok*.
kui w.
Ik IV. wnere
It id lab
w laii
“Anywiieie <1111 of
irii-l the
gin. IkUghlne loivouel.v aa ebi- etOop.
ed to ki-a Ikt liifiKl.
Nora, til aeid-i
•'Noiiad-nm. ltdUyl.
'Ueli) ha*
iMialHlf. Btiaiii-i J I'Tl 3J;i 1. I y.ai
four wmk- the raiairu havd iiiiiouniKl
tu IP aJIi O'*! imyldei* Ilf;..111*1 18. 7 in.MBlaulVdwr.
Till. failm.w fgf ^hew.-k «ivd> ■Sid
1 have a nauiber of pieeea of land,
wbivb I will eell
*0 aere* a mile*
aouth ■>( TVaverae C'ly. rood buildinr*
and pleotr of water.
40 acre* norlbbae abown it-uiai k.itu.v guiel wenia'.
i weal of city. »i> aerra of timber laud
IJ nUra wmibof city, tu acre* am-ui
BBi golug lo iiavr luui iiu 1 ivally <aiue
t mile* D('rthwt-i.t nf rily. aod 1 bar*
Ibia utiijiiiaui to ray somJ-l>}-’'
aevi-rat plevd-i. io Wesf^d eouolv. If
Nina nil iier l.p-.
you want lu bur aoine land I ran »ell it
“I uu wry. aioj.v.'Jie ta gaii hi-*l- to you at terua au rou can buy H a*
i am un..i0 I «viai luihei m cheap a* you can l.ny fr..m aiirbody
i>liitm.i.ui 1 iJio.iKlit lie: vodailv .uru.l, eUe
'.•111 VV*«hine»on Kl
She left rhe
while and ilm111 ilia d)ii« wjiuti noiilit-;rt mi.
If Dd-utiaraia ami
«f Ibard'j.i.'^'UUliVK'it/ rai huf thewe
panin in nxugtv* viiill giv*- thtif vi.u»
ftlul Vdilt- t.d u timrKtrti'VU dAii}ijuu2 ruvtrwl mt'a-illd. Ibri, til, I uilaai Siaua
toUw IWd-uHelb v.-hiniv will !*■ nitgnd mni* Ilian
liiit*;i, lu- U-aa
joung Markbtm would b« tb*r«.
•Tfeorold U Hung Chaagf exrMm.
Uy enriicd at loot rang-
Ha la al-
waya b*ing laHed on u. give up tocaaibiiigortdibvr ■
tvpUivl Hguaiur 8»rtcbui&. ••but
b*d arraUKv'i to call fm* Mua Heftnaley
aud hbT aunt !.*d) Hvvvln. to ra-urt
I.l rndomamte bin l-uaimvw.
He aj«B)* iiiaiiug. * 10 I'Ul <m uA w iift a rrt-
•hc«b toAU a'lirL-uuh I'UUcvn.
low Jaikvi <w u peaiuck fraibar. a
uumr kueb Irina
H* baa^ oo to bto
h«Dk wocouM and bW puli wHb tbo
• rlgbt aloa*.''—
Tbt (I-
lit-r lady bail acvlBrad at lum bfoa ibat
•b- w'«aib« I "'a* fat loo doprraaiiig for
it -not lo be maUniWfi lo rtok lae pnAwMliiy M a fuiibw laU ot iM'a Donl
.WaoMacue Siai.
The New York Store,
Union Street
«d the man wbmw sympa'bl-* are «aa-
Call at once at
Biaaab. Lay ft Oo. Block.
’ «utot, bow abe cotttd ever iMn foulito i
Kd-imUliraua will ; anough W take Betty’a love mmhiet'
5. for................ ....... .......................... I 3G
_A ehikl's tan shoe, coin toe. flexible, sizes from. J
o to 5. sold for 05c. our price........................... 4*30
laudies’ Donjrola shi>es. buit-m and lace, sold 0 0^
in Detroit for $1 55. our price........................... vuC
Ladies' Grain Leather shoes, s^id, sold in nOn
Dein*it for
our price................................ uOu
Ladies' Kanj^aroo calf .shoes, face or tmtr 0 I J Q
loo, solid, sold for $*2 00. our price.............. ^ | ,*H|
MenTCalf Skin sh<.es, hand fCWtHl. sold id 0 I QQ
Detroit for $.5,25. our price.......................... wtivU
Metr's Kussian colt .sWin lacc shoe, sold in ft! ft A
Detroit for
vTU»- nnce ...................... wIiOu
Ladies' Vici Kid, silk veslinjj tt»p. shoes ft I ft C
sold for 2..50. our price................................. vliDu
wkptpi.-t*.. pa.viii!- cr^de. Plai
Wvial .Udi aliOUld
y.m to gt-i m» aunt lu u»k Ului beie, to a'wu.'.
Nd.ru tmik a - Opef ei ol.u. “.Xre )'>u
aii aa • «<ii m fadl.au that your P-o- ■
pie gitaki liuaaiue H wan all over ami going.' abi- Wakr-l iu « Iid-iutilmg voire.
cntnbiin.axBiuiiTuien jwinota Ui diarWM : yerioualy.
..ttecul.pci of nviriutf tbd> Atnteican |
Meantime, that name folly of tatra
•lerrhani .marine witbeat ibougbt of ' wa* going to ‘lear wiiae very uapalapanmiui mlvanug,. ,f a Unm fiorolv? UiUe tnm
lu Mas thiui t«B mleutaa
Children’s hlack and Ian sh^'s. sizes from 2 to I C_
,! • k
••■i.'ii'voil'. ■ Sud" atatd'd
him. hi.*
toim »k-->o vvheiu-ui. “nil ijbuut ll'--ty. you. m-an—
Did it ever strive tsu forciblyP—Not
the shoes, but the Idea that you can buy
shoes cheaper in a genera' store than you
can in an exclusive store- well you can
and we can positively convince you that
you can.
Wo recently bought a small, new.
clean up-to-date line of shoes from parties
who recently rented par' of a etpi e in De
troit and could not make It a go.
The stock is stylish—not an old shoe
among them. Bought at 76c bn the dol
lar. we have placed them for sale among
our stock at a trifle above cost. There is
nothing to compare with them anywhere
else for the money-they are bargains In
every sense of the wo-d.
No w is your time to shoe up the whole
inuini-t.-d, T.-d
Mm Ll .v.ii a Oeui< .iiioi; |..iz7luil .li.ir. ' I.--
that yuu bad u>ih thkuged yimr.niipda, Ik ..lie*- yun want to maUe youi r'lCiune
or betau^e —b^auae 1 am KK> rii’b? '
Jydiaaixi itad-ir into the dnll <ur> 111 fnw and now aow—"
trgddV then- ik lM> reoa^lddti-ailing J- tiThe aoifrU of a betl hrvAe in upoB
■ kwua!”
odlially aUmt th« ’Fhim m- wall of Utoa nyiuel*« • .-h.dju*nr*. and Hetty 1'
Sill' ' oVd ieJ her fmv with her haoOa.
proled iioa. Hiivl tfeuMUiiiiig that it l« eniight Jtptier giuve>i
'ttli. ll you wevv not in love .'.iih
'I m/iw fully aony N<»a
khuw iu« HfcUv.'iUuii'i you are -illdn 1 you gwae
Hupiawi w<- abuuld. lor iimiatw. .*■- «a inuyb u you like
tjocrthyl " '
Wi . krago —
4aiu five .trade In 'Wd-il amt WdaJeue. j
Aa.l U-foie Nora i-oui.t atop her s!.a
The v<»lf*s of the duafwmtUi weiw
how kuii: wimM ail .Aiui-rh-an Wia-I. a ha-i dart'd through Ihe door aad waa ‘ l(.ild lU I ..I'.dielulUV'liUl wll'.u ibe rlignueOiill ataud tdireigla diaula liUimT Not on ber wa> duwUalAUv
Sue l« her go.
moat war ancuuiii'isi. aU|l the aiutbi'ra
daring the'anifcingdif th.-luib of the After all it never wak of any uae lo oI you.'g-Ti'i-ntaud ungiU 'T;!'* d« iar.
•feapwliuh Ininiahihe Wi«.| Hulmvn argue with Bekty. ahv wax one of thtve
that I..Mly Haw'iit bad aiiuwtxl ber
tf Iht t.viiM- were inid. what g«.od drtlghtlully irretgwmallile.reaturra who
ui«-e 10 ibrow ber aisr away; wbila
• would it dio 111 at..|i>h lAw tariffr JWe alwayw mnuag- lo eMW the hlanie of
Hetty Oakhiitv! aiuaik hri tovity head
Wiv. it i- luid. ra tariff tluitiill ihl.l.u- llieii ahoit. ..mlUBj .« lo.rher peopl.-a and reJiwIvd aadly IbW. meu were Urkto
Mgnt xiivMi u.i.lelva«growa UK Aveep abouldera. «tid wbom ao one—so man.
crtotuiw ami that temlulne frluedabip
It gtd.w ini; vijut. r ibc aame.aywlem.— • *i any rate—ever dream* of Judging by
waa hut a biwkon t«ea —Inndao YVorld.
|g>well(Ma« !f..nri«r.
lonUnary atandarda.
Nora w<inaer«l,
------------------! a* abe etooj tiiwe Idly )uukl» Into ibu
A l•*alllra> I'a* atatraiwaa.
Land For Sale!
“I tutnk, oil the euniiNi). Ihat alie
'foodutpquieiii hw k-ii AiL'nii pioUxlioa
Bat aiuie eiu llyibe.4>j..e)ie ha-iiial-
yri,-.. .1 I Jod.IlUl»
put lu .*voia .ludigiiniiily.
flHl M^iikiiaui .uinlgd.
• NoiiiUK
' I'oyr old Nora" , oniinun.-.1 Ik-iiv
aViiipatUribaiHv. «l.»}eHbe,W iur*lv« ■ , •'Hi.iiiv. I lUin'i iiir'hiwtaml y.«i "
giau. .-K_di ;hv ..iu-'k; Hr l-mtla-a<lieu.l.v;..:.-.'iiv
97.PI! »!«'. the <x:n-.ejvn..litg wet-lt l-.»t
Vou taum !oi. -diiil ehed.-tni Sinrtl-.
pear, f M.1h«.b-J iu iia'i nmlflV.vihi.- t.er d-i
d- ia.il.a; ?y.u aih.thd'
^"^u-d'iii' .«l ijito ,*Uti s ar;l«d 1
#11 in
.Sf^' V-ik ^un
Jlar.jiam, . i iai
jiiiii .Sathir-; evi*^'- ■
11; m .-listJ.-iU; Ut ; i'-.l
,v i'oyd lu.;
VSI n.n.y. rSl" "—;
V i,-.ii;'.d,liutt.''.i.if‘' ia _
I if yt-ii .
" Oil
’ I'oi;-. v.ni 'Lnow t . .• I ■
w.Oj i-.i.e dVtJyHblug
h ■.ifij 'lin.iklii ..ni-- ;-di »v Vglaw( l-opd tleuaddiiB wilt l-rulddeliddlt
I k
•ill! loUK awu 1I1..I «<• IVJ'i .o-i li:
ta \reeaaary.
-8 mle.fk. "'
^ mily A.timxrtkni of pomi
Thu fn-i- tra-le iii.je liuJ ItiTuld W AUta
y.,!:i going'”
to kuiiw will • e^m.-ue iili. l eJaa-UbiJ bl lUW
Sbd' to'iW'vke't '» k.e,. btr d>.'f. up on ;
Norw flairti.d an Indlgtiuii look at
meb ail iu.iui-lm- alju.iie.l . f iii.iBOtaibi'it.-'-'titi bn • i.i'l-.' hiitiiKl an j 1
tliTd-a. We Hr fii l.i Li. p ..|i our I ail IT pro
•, i
Iwtiim. The anew,-ri,. •tVlivt ik.- it
' 1 think i..u might t- -a-iioiik nrtw.
o biua.a 'tiot t am aTuiuto *'
X0t Tlie
for .h.inathir ii-.tl n. be aik.l at les-i ju. "ml rua' y«Hi'tvaaUawi. . .' imi'i
that .Ibd- larift |irev.iii..| ..ur . A|niiiing «d of ymtrc-d-lf. V«“i tugged roe 'o hei|' paujH'rT ' ii* adiid. Uuivily, lu be turned I
Uty (timda If Ihd- plea leiO evi-r lunl any
(onudaUuu. iluiiv w-niM liave m-dW a
BMi^''.^ii.l fur uumuTu
■gainat'.•«.' lart wgd k. J")! a v.wr atrrv
g-JH iu IMii nuil-'t.M tn.lspti: rnaluidiiut
tbi’y Weiv la-t w^vk pB.UP;i UH-'I aitaiuM
Tu-i-hdiai. -tNaBiiariuni lu it" %
lb» l»a t aui.^li.i.l.lle.'l..., .\re y.
iaugtu tarw arm.
You d 4n.i :i ImtH'r
‘1 woib I d never La i anything 10
dd* w'lti U
I it-.- r lell o unromfun.I’.n o mv life a. J hale Hone dwOd»- >oij
,|U- o<w ta^heme
L. W. .^eln■«
• or. fliHe Ul lle( -Uiiny Imio-iI li.l.'eyid ■•tile ii.i mi ,10. II >1- .• umu-.’
PiUehnrg ami wire Uhi1> iuivt- eliirhUv tel! iiim Kliaiy/.i nut now auu gM it Thai her • .iui|iaiiiuii ha I (aki u Lire
ll will U- ever «•
eo nui. I| iiiote
'nmdno..iiil ia liuivy m all dv
'g'n-a> rf'ddiliiiniu. .viuiiliiii .iMUgnlaily
llmw ctmhuK d'Mmo t-ma raiu in one'*»k»urfl loi )*■« if ihi- i
;*.inevilt oiie. U w»-.i u»d . iiiiiiiih o K.i-k
eoairurtfor a ufinriiwd-ilrij r<«<l »nd him fu.m ihe mua.de “
I a«e Hut iA ah ' id-iiirni-dl
Buiiiy dif einalld r <||piiiiiiy 'lo wo tt.mi
-"A14 toll gr.ilig iv
.twi.v, ■o«ie'“
bara and imiiA- for a Iixh djiiaiiilty
the (vaL’d awkwai.lt>.. ' 1 imwli. ilte
nor »oiupAUl..n
“I uai aniv ibtt II--1I
ouvi-riug ik.iniu attul t nl’a lia- ilu- light
you goiUK fai * '
. ,
' '' i
more and t'liio. With ' .thiT elii|>. vat you—“
•;J iliiiik ol going 111 ti.ive ^ looh at
slid' liauedxl telli.iiiiely
uni titlMi IlHbidfUa <«tuUai l> uanmniD*
the nMi,.iali ». M> lui.o r hai. otmie In“You don t mean to r o iha' vou a-e.
bridgn louirmia. diih .me lamlttig
u ii*.'. Mill 1 ht |i<- tu'g t etiii pli ni.Mc-r.
irelii t'uoaiin al.d d.lhn> ii'olu All Jau1« .petn in* 10 lell Ted Markbuin that Pviuiiie.'
of the Wdrtld. lu.omi tojja ,|,„-la at ' you've J.luxl ini
' Ilmibavi-n't you mml. .ip .vpur mliiQ
pRid-liorK, w ith hekvv iHieim-a* ddw“I <d-.rtaiuly :ilon'i ek|.f. t yon to j-ut
raihvi'Xiuiii.illyr -h. oijj..id-ii iimid-.
where and a gem rai d. inaud int er H In that way. reidk-rt Mwa Oakhurni,.
■ ly
Nail* an u<lv:iii.«l by the wkh a imh- laji^l..
h.ii I am gu.u
V'by 1 iml llituga iB
OOUdhiuatnib. pl|>e Wiak-a are .-rowdinl. c< nain tbai voii «oul.| -vplaiu U lo
tra-iWs.L- ig..'"
gad mKotiulion,bnwr.wa f.a their ««- the |n«ir leliow unnh heio r than any
'AViiks ago' ehe i k.laiiued. “Illlt
aulnlatiuu a-al-o in (iiidgi' I’nildiiig.'
Bellv V . uaag. iiiriil ia-«io*le fri-ah. UUI
The-miew- UAh vail att. iiti.m to a
•Kti.lalii''- evi I.iim.'.i Sura. Impayou *u.,
Tidieof M ix ula a bilahei ill wheat, with tkmitv
I dou l fcUdjw iliat then a
t ii..thiuc
lalHO hny iue dudei-., (•iM'd ■■n ekiraor- an>ihni< to d-vi.iam. .-a. d |di tiial vidii'v«
•’ ••\4111; kneW"
lid- dki UlHied indtgrliaary eai»4t. tn m Ailautu • |.irU!.» |mt yx-vii-etf .nuu .oe in a uioki ridtviilnkmu.
till'll will iluin’i you aptaik?
Th e»|.,rtiB«-l idlieat Hour uur inv^rtiou. "
. Wb> illdll t >ml lell
toeliidirt. rt.aeJi.ai me tidtalof :t.-i;i.aot
“Noia* '
tbidr owii ijuoiiiii-ua. 'amt ruils. i«i- at
Shoes ■■ Shoes
iou iman Uiui UiUy ' 11. d “
••The ui.iiroesiu. lit in' i-oitou OatdW
back priitHirily * the ie«w.l. UrdwHing
poi'b that the w. ika ure.aldo lo i.i.ike
ll Uli'l fair lo >ou (lUtl boBiilm i—
tbiiig. hivt- (-hanctdd —
m.e Jt c-ugag.d lo Uij.l Ifcinborpe.
nidi luidv tiAkbniai jii i iMiM.'atiu «die
whui .lo v..u think
■ ■
HvllBaley ;
I A. a M-l»ai.f M. li .
-.No' " S^ura lell lilo .ol"i go out of X. tk.Kr.uh-Ul l-L...
“My ddwi belly, you ougbi to know
Aamaail i. alroiig
BradatTd-el a aava ali»0l l•..ll..n
ana !"
.^ura lUlmaldy Bh'inged hi-r «bOUld-
••The IWC^Ule fio- UUUll pTodni-la ■«
We i;a4i t go on like tau, -Mieg '
ibn.Ia.e. /
••Im ymi ihtuk he’ll take 11 vi-ry Ud.
ly -N’oia'■
«eDt.air.wr.-.m.ai. andlboi.x,B.n>mii.g
SMira. i» rr-Ax'Ied la Ihu
k«c««t advalli'ea '
Dun a Review *UV* iitauit iloo
ftold by an draler.yyiUj^U}|i
"r? ,.;:l irrr„r',“,r !EEED cm SAHITARIDI
tbe news.
»i:« |
aiovi.i-tl. 1 Olid.. iouK m 111.- lit^^lHiii-e.
hl» rui
lo buei-^Uii ward iiuiuU-r four.
abowo auriiriaiiig guiui^ Tnaeory reoeipUare gaining and a Vd>t*- ub tbe
gooda have lavu elring. Urlhl Ihat
daiuag>al (Vdtb.n will ml down the yh-U
‘hellia lucTuawd diiuamt for kkiiLi to
OliiiMl bill., and U.Hyea lu
wmle >.b« ruined oil. Sud.imly
.iiii^d-uii hctb uut.
Tbougli Hi* euie's nut la roedJial
And lou-e h»-l|.t>d ibd- herd to rtee fro*
to etorke aail the ■
abeioploytd capitolliai liei^iieliiiwiJ au-
raap(iLa.u.e (acu{>dt Would nave terujed
Uiapauhaa from Fall
w.oUr.1. lo
ataaao ud
tbai. iMogM).e aa B.uai
pndncto of Lb« Uiilto there warranto tba
Diamond J 3
to) ili.de to bar Ueie, and me g-rl lait
la Itoa^tal aard aanW four,
;| eiimlci8arbysmDli»eil |
d itto flchi
Ai be carrtd the bMwer aloft,
ball u( ibe ouoliBiuitua d tbe UloB is
smoker koows i J
botw aaa co-».iuUa Ui<a uua naa •
«« l» !•*»*•«
M»d «•!>»• •!
'IT! trt fT TWTtTW
•takaojai u.ui.1. an., uu Aura Biw
td>e btffi .o.d.e i«a aad bar excuaaa.
Saturday, April 1st,
W- Consisting of choice farm mares, heavy and light draft and
driving horses. 4 to 8 years old. weighing 900
^ !
to 1600 pounds, at
^ Ceo. Cams’Barn, Opposite Park Place Hotel, Traierse City.
Bale to commenco at 1:30 p. m.
TermB of Sale-
Kighl munllui ti\ir w ill Ih> (;iven ou uiiproved )«uk nuti-m rival (-statt-
^ <'hattd*l murlKaget* al s i>er vd»uL iuliTcftl, or 6 per c«nt off for cash.
Evi-ry horse will be warrauled an rt-jifeseuted when sold, and rtiliafactioo
aid bill la- liuld to the highenl Itiddui. and will be tried on day of ule.
We have 20 Lorua for ule every day al name baru.
I nyiiu; elsewhere.
t'unie aod see for yourself before
Hen- U where you get )>argaitis,^d as 1 buy the .bursee direct fn>ni tbe
fuea that raise them 1 can uve you the uiiddle-inau's prutiL
1 buy
them myself aod know
t|iey are bought woith the m^ney aod for that reason eaDull them cheap to yon..
side bidding wilt l»e allowed.
Wood and all kinds of stock' taken in sychsngs.
I Jas. 0. Jenson & Co.
I '
' *«»■ rt» wori.uj {'•am m« m t«ur am ,
IwilllDf toiWiiT (beuuMltM few pru««
th» » rwk avctBBlAa
wblcb AOOU fade dWa; aod ue furtiulTHE FUGHT Of ORATORV THAT WOH
». *. H. ba>i». ^
jiow luuiti Juoro r«»dy abosld w«
Tf.-i< -«■ If M-..I r; —1
! be Uido (hv Mu>c- (»r au cUtMl wowol i
Paul bore .IlDxraM liip Olinuiu
B»bl« lli:adiUi:%.-Pre».
life by# foiM lat> *ut1 » hr.lli.a cauln.1
1 i. 8(i a»: ‘
I. il. If: ti\w. 1-7. I Cor. Ti. W I
lial V, iv iii. Kpb * ii; Tiidb i.
l l»i 1
i». I S . n l*e; I.
Below i- {irint^l lh<
rf>-i«-h <.f j ibinaa " To wiu U.e i. iiuii iiiuteai <w*»
tkutor El tndK'- <rf Kti*-lliv ii. iicuiiuar 'too«i dm, o*iljr I'.i^o beavy i.l*>w., boi
lug iintu.ie Tildk. Uie Kwkifi-ille uwvt- AoHuily Mrik< (.bmi ILpk uin*l br no
Iv.;. tobe Itfixp
the ariiaVr hruaPW BKliKug "ar ‘wi^ «!>'■ >-Ht< U. )be air."
BMridgr bad Iliad* tbe ie-wi4<.j a i-ADM t>bi b» one wQ '
under (be
bi# ‘IMD (bvutdi the imi.-Ml .w caiue *jre« ’ Tbi« i» iDr iKjiaiiv-aixl {waitlwe
to blDi uukuiwa. Wllb DU eUi.Uger np- tide of (be CbritTtaD life NVp UlOalpllraui-y (ban tlw >u)'» Irail yet enrr- ; drny uoreelep*. bet <bal i> Dot all
(etn a|i|ie>.raD<* twwwb.r Kldridge bad i Ii.UM W ID aolio- <ili laixwi auaiuei
aotibed ibe wniie ibat (be man wbo milisb aud wiiixaii »■' TlK-re
woted AKailial Tli>l»
axaiiut Iba thni*« w.- luiot U' I d- and luioge tbal
aenator fr.mi Nbel|£r. and tbe «wni-(D«ai we iuu»l d- 'ibe •DCeeMtal r<dile«(aiit
«4 revenge e-<nlil>(>iiMiwbeb the <ii<|aja . lu eitber ud (l<e«« <'iiuie»ir bail ttrat lo
tag Wot« wanted (In. -nal.w . aul-p.« ! iDaaW r blm- II l.el.we be luaelered othm a local Ull Tb. .p«cb wa. a. fol «. IV. «U> w. i.e had U. dmy buuMill of
' many tbmg. ID iraiuiug aun bad atao
"ttr. S|ewker I w.iuiiiala fiw page ' to l«aro
lettaio Uiiuga offloieutly.
limTiUwur Itavidwin iwuixy There Ttoc Cbnaliau w bu }V|U u
id wilt I
Mb be uu olierior uiutive aacribed to ' Ilea «f tl^ (-briatiau life
gbla nooiiDainin ik< railriwd pAMm m ' eternal crown of reward iuu*it
guvcbaupagiK enpi.-re no |«.litlral pnlU ' enud l.y tbnae aine pnuriplri. Ha
1 caiwe frinu the mnddt Unnimipid uii»l flr«t of all luaeier liuueelt
mar and Mr Tibia fruiu tbe mlaty luun la wiliing tu deny biuiaelf of
tnuanUiu h.|a t<f lunblle TAbaome e*erytbing Itaai will weaken bi>. power
Mr Tilda hae ween ten euiuuien. bal Oter biuiiwll oi will tbruiieu lu rule
auguy inany winlere liave ihMl tln ir : blm if he ib-e* n.d lole or deMr >y ii
Cbtndiauity !• ai bet. eell uiwlvry
I'aieeraal 1‘eaee.
Apart from (be tcuipnl |«as;e be- {
IWrtsii the kiiiKdoini. un earth wa'are ib |
ber BfUte alto reiniuiUd of tbe
Spend Your Money at Home
Where it will do p some Good.
Do you not know that it is foolish to send your money outside, for
goods, with two good fiirniture Btoree here that carry a full line of
Ifor one wm dupl-cate any price that you have quoted
; you m Chicago or any other place. I will tell you what to do: When
quoted you on Fiimiture, Stoves. Dishes. Carpets,
Lamps. Clocks, Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Sewing Machines or
^’7y.*..'uV“7.tlii.” I,, anything that 1 handle, just write to the firm and ask them to send
i»iMibi,. ..T i-bA‘7',“tri,d!17I“.117 you sn exact cut of the article and bring that cut to me and if it Is
posEible to buy the article at wholesale for the money I wUl gCt it for
Ilf imi.it>
stoutly I" J>bnr and be sinoere wbwu
you and save you the D-eight aud liability of itargettihg broken in
prajr, ”1jOT<1. hir Tbf Cutulug Ds phtpar«.”—Muratiao
shipping The freight and liability of breakage in furniture is quite
tBirwtlBwe. \
au item.
MW » p.’si iutouilou' tfifaJroBi in1 have had no less than twenty orders, from customers outside, enaUfutioii If (bdiDtiu t.:eri'bit^iUs or Induj'tqita: or «;il.-tiiiras a good iWuiuu
................ . i,..d in.ir».r.d i a.Mj.u...ji.»bm»iid,..ivr7 It 7.~'„7,~7i',7i.,
lilt./ ■ Ui-t'l. wc buTv •iusl au closing cuts from Chicago houses, and in nearly every instance I was
; able to furnish the goods at a less pr ce than was quoted in the cut.
e bickiug up UoW. but
to ..d
control I
- al'lti
Mol*-u (rtuu 'tn« pile of puuiDj*- guod I
ftwiMtarl) alibis lifob.-lia* l...k«1 ilt wr® ibaubaolnie m
iiv of -cJI louitol if T>t lai Dnili amt not ted Is lo pi-tlsU.
Just last week
I furnished two
rockers to a -party
the■-* 1^
«n he bas sliiMsl llw big fiwt of aiusll , w. an- lo win Ibt- rsie amt tm- lialllr ..f lailurb a sl.ip .Hill Ui-Klei-I II is lo b w |
— —— - -™
at a ,
, i ■
^ ll,e fbri-*; .1. life
Sor .i... s it ign -io n. lo iiav. a U.ICUI aud bury II i» to iw Quts from a t'hicago house. The price on the cuts was $o.iO ana my
••Mr H|a-ak. i .Mr TiWwi. n<4 her* td-irr I-r. I>••sal Ibu (a.1 liisi .»lf mas
I ••wu'k'ii /mi ..jMllllUl MIVUIIl '
Hs a BUppli.aiit fi.f pilk or sMiiiwlby biy
- M .luinal- l.•lll^■.-l4ll■v■|ll II lb>- eiiii Wr'eo
regular price wa<* $3 00 for the very same rocker. You see they add- ;
Mr T«ia» l« a man aiiii iku bead of a . alllhuia* It .o.i-idfire. dn. U. i and
fatiJily Ml Tiltlx has bud 1b‘--li«y. : lllo.lrale» l« I'otl
■Its : H.s that
757s ed 10 cents towards paying lo'' the catalogues and postage, which
woflil and wv-n . III Hi-bus not ' be k-t-|i'-f- H- * m-bni,,i»
costs them several thousand doild-s per year ^
♦a-i-.-iin- h- -tiiv.y.if a« an k aa ti.iiau-i 1
bi»iJit»U'al ilf»lii-» nuilii- pirfi -1 <i4(^
•ml tliif-l'.ie Iwill III.) rx(A' |.lhe li..|. iiisf be-hHif*.* II. l.-.ole H aboot as
huii.tili .li.'iiifiol .Mr TiM»r.r Il....d4 s
aii-l -^nil--* n i.mb i, tlm evra.
. '*
Ui-ab-t will..,
on (fT kii.-rs Tl-ir laiikjo.ig. I- of .-■■i.r.f oiiir>it:«ra- * Tb.- ifal
prapiig u.Aimir'lii}
f il Ml TiMw ' live S.-1I In. t. r ( ri’tjSKo wlf, a.-pi :
lain ubt ref.-i
t.i..ibrt tuu-ierr It w;>Uu. iL. o. iv rather
■ ''•’d'
»lui' Ilk*- iii^— If kn-o'u tliiii Mr Tlblw , than •.treuglUuUu il t‘«iD>ioui If <lt>- wclKliliig vbir
cannot full Kut ■ iu-:h*tu 1 f. .-l (uM i uy ibg laUit fol <db. r's !• uinl.'i.) I*nII7
wlifti *1 think of Ttiul .m.wt .im out : III*. id*u id ll>*< uiimt of iiir ai<-*4le'
*70Mt< r and how if iitu-l radl- Ibi- rur- ' 'I bu* in- krpl hie I-sir
iiii.or sml tua-ln•
|eiik-i. 1 -oiimboW I in grace. deUCM Au.l
,.(l.. i ol Mr TibUj
do Wtib tliat
i ttiueb u*<* ib .1 luday
■aid Inudl.t mention tbi» gn-at
(■ thal praji-r b.r (f •In- Old. I
It w.uiblauii itoionsiuiueuisU-iU-r. and ^ (hiiixr. ii> -liinkitip in •-aiii-M <n tliiuk;
nrewuuldifinw warttr<v>i:ilu„'back nest ; Uik in epeakiug in ai-toais.-l all kinda
j iliiii.* ( I.ri.liuu. i f.<IH» * l ri.'tt l. iu.
.■'kir Tilda llk*( ui)mII. bus la«n I p'l.inc.*-lu drink I ni aie \.it luteioII di-iM-a. Ill hal*il«
Mown iubi tbia ■a-niiteby lb*- snblimity I p.-ie'c
\\i inusi i. ieiuper
Inck Ihvitiii.t
Ii.-f diiriplea olloi •leo-Ti)>liot
e w ill, op Kiv HI all thing* It
poor Mr Trbla ar<-AKbtini( Uud Iwill pri/e *,f eierual lift- We must d.i i-ul
toll y..D why 1 ibiuk (hU I sui sUip uie thing, aud «bai«t.4 lu uur lii«s
pjiural Il.*i Tulane hot* } by (be faitb I does not auut oa lu ihu ouatbiug must
of (be hot lluKof .My wife and baby , be t-iwlr.-lli.l or tivsU»v<-d 11 ........... .
arv with in*- tU-n V**uiday iihuhIiikI -__I , - .
------------------- --- .■
1 bad taa-Ji up v-tv .lailv dw-n-*.ing tho 1
'«|a*MtioD ol 'a b* w tOUstitulioii lor iuy |
"Al (tin Ibi....... riling Aarab was i.-ftly buinuouK t»Uie U- llmig Iwbv. r.srk
lug: imn lao-k
• . sl»'i> .and b
lurgvifuliii-w*. wbbh' i> Uu- ■ uIi r*rt
The old rdraiii i.sw bpd fell as tbe waJdiug i.f a tiowiir
-A«i* -so. mske t •ii*m« l.xl
*.•(• It ssU.mu> .|.m..s. sr*.
Wlilin bti Do l-r.-.,.! I l.si. isi D'wl
awJx,tii> i*m*iIh.(ii> iif.'bui ilHva.
"Kuis’k'Lnrrt-l;' '(’YiUieiu. J-angriiy
, aald i'A|*-x iiug a liellU.y
•■Mr Titdw ap|s«red He onine lo
‘ the Iasi and smiiI 'Hi-nalur I am tiunied
: TIWw. ami 1 want tola- iiageof tbeseu
ato I Went )oo to make tbv rial ol
th(«D voto for tot-, please sll.
••■Mr Tibiss I u’plied. ‘dues It not
7-. aakrd Oie
J. W. Slater, House Furnisiier,
begin ibc nt w 120 Front Street
lug fool, you »
when (be r>oiMl: WdU’ -.You
«i-..Bjeiruf •.loitau,.
'"My'b<i*.l»iii*l.' bald Mrs Har1wl>-k..
‘mighl have »ubniil(*-'l lu ibe lurtures
Of ibi-ttmmsitloii wiiboiii ever luaklug
Ever Burned Out?
If ao vtm know
O P CARVtR. Aean
a (*«-pj
Mby do
< >«n think ihai?- nb« was.
"lie p*.rmiu*-d me to retnovc « pur-L
oim i-laHier fr«.ni his ilghi lung (hu!
morniiix without ^ving voBt'to at
single onth.”
■ ,
To ksSr eBeol Wednj^^sj. ^s
*. a. I r.a
i B e 4 ir
r.a p.w Urpoi
4 *> At OtH-kSBSj.t'B
j V w: 4 ^
318 Uaian Street.
( car ’'lOad id Horses-here
Telephone No. 4.
I ill: IH
' to M, 4 M
' liina
Lak- Sun
Cvdsr Bus
Travsrs*. ritj
March 22xidlHj
lli£| ill
EiTvr BruK-b
I purchased twelve bead from the slock farm in La*
Grange County. Ind., owned by John Campbell, and also |
r. A mrcHgLL.*
TrsTvrse City. lli«A
ten hea,d from the John Weaver stock farm, same county |
.These lire the laryfcst slock farms in the state.of Indiaoaj^^
Come and See these Horses
Even if you do not want to buy.
Chicago «*
West Michigan.
‘and I bav<> liy<n up some liui*'■ •Y*w sir. all mm shonid l*e ready
fur husiin-to b> O'is lime, was iii> roji>iad<4. •bill why do you outw to iti*
•Dd bow did .ton Bud meT
You will see the nicest lot of bor.ses that has been
•'•|mw')ou in tbe (*liaia< aabioa
ycoli-rday. ami Mr Maddiu. ibu bar
brought here in a good while. They weigh from l.tOO to
kM'pi't^- aald yoB A'ere a aouator. raiua
1800 each.
the ahkaalulliijt anaw«
•‘i <)ui(bly glannd at niy wife, tba
lorkiDX had stopis-d. and lb« baby,
Yon know if you can buy horses in a way you can try, _______
bi’ariug a atrangu ruim had coaard his
(xniiplsint and was sitting up. lisikinK
them, as you can when you buy from me, it is much better' ^
like a yack rabbit in a bed of Ulii*. aU
than to buy them where you can have only a one day's trial. 1
ayta aud oars
’ rri..,. .. k....
-I said. Mr Tibia. 1 umsi aak you 12 milt!« aoutb of town, kuown an tUe Coalon fhrni; • Nu. 1 bam, 40xG0 I
These faorbes can I...........
i>e seen
in' Brodbagen’8 Livery i
«.a. ______ 4 It »-a
knascfua- me. 1 wMI call on yi*n later. with tMeioetit under tbe whole; •□ihl] frame boiwe; a good orchard;
--Yea sir. I will atw yua be replied wind mili Seveuty acrea improved and frtn-from gtumpg; io a good Barn on State street.
OaO. DB ■AV^One^fr^^VwBl.^''
OrasJRacKs. Hick
ami went away
I'Hiirali tunie.1 ber hiiad and wid.
*Will. 1 am (or.TIMa
divide it uorth and aouth ami aell the eighty acreu with the improve-Mr Mpaaker. I aiiw and raiaed tbe
lueo'a oD, which would give about SO aerea fi«e from atuaips
mrtainol ihr wiud, w Tbe east seemad
faoamvolaB4aopart«r*o*trai osatTiarara
d«H'ii-s1 with a swsiai of x-'blm b*-ea on thia (mill !40. Pri<-e for HO with buildiuga and orchard, t2,0UU; the
Oltr, Is o»s«> rvh. <•. im.
iA« >UB (bat hnd Us-n awa.T. waa other SO. $«00kuiB-kicg .It (be fioiil d-»ruf this plan
at Hir. who can b-li of the syaVuia and
eyrlas be had atulli-d a|sin. of bla uoIgwakalile Kbiry and snl.limit.vl Tba
llgbi .d this *un wiU fadi- by and by
as=s'»Qsi:S83« assaasiss
*• lime H was ts*ni
sorwly dn- but sir tbe Hr^rbad
Carlera mill in Lelanaw eouuly:
acre# (Heared
ID the e>.« ,j . Jinimie*Ti^ w*U
tluibej. wtiough for wood; a (food two-alory honae; eight
Il Uublmtwn
Mdto II
ibenin It has '| uut lo await fruit'; large spring creek runs through north part uf 10;
If ao. thia ia (helpiact* to get it done right and promptly. BepairiD4’
Price r2.000. Enameliug aud Lathe Turoiug of all kiuda. Call in
i'ei*.'- lo* «.rk.-.
...i i™i
aee my new
day. hni tbe faith tbs n*«raK« an,I the juDe-fourtlidown. balance on long time.
ine of wheela. A good line >>f wheela to lent
bu|>-<'f Tibia make as draaiu again uf |
Ur ii..u»**tullty ut the wul
Til*la was 0ka1«d -.-Xa-divlUe Aui<» -
Farms for Sale!
160 Aeres
40 Acres
80 Acres
■aalanad ftoa.
ding lu tbe Caiiiub {Mpera I• Four mile* from Lake Ann; SO acres improved;
> UiIm Is ■reiadUed with tb« jSnd bum; 40 aerer of Umber on the place; will
wing linw* wfitun in a wpr of tba '
Traterae City property,
rt, ,d
J t'
tf lidgar Allan IVw
I w .iHWr akvu Amrrha aill awm
T»i»< learh h. r
Uaid i* >.aas4 Psal
la.! lau reuiml.-.-ul ■idld.-tsDI
<W >v.k*a. TsDD ami l.*Ma(*0lu. scwl aryanl
Kvil. ID ihr >aim*7 of llfi-an lilt* I
Biuall frame houae
•xchange thia plat^e
A Nice House anil Lot
toiiba|.)«-ar gr-at it a tail...,,.I.Av..«o* oiu* acr*-of laud; good well of water; houaa rt
di«wui-a bnt wbra wr apiiruich Umb (OtmUy painted nod pUsUred aod put io Ko. 1 ahape.
w« and UatI tbry
tbry aw tar law Insor- |
•aniabto Uaa w« had
Gnod Ripids i lidliu R. I
Telephone 192
Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?
MRS. H. E. GIBBS f 1
The Blue Label Like This!
::|i«sz«s Esssase sssa
.. _____ _______ _ ..
Union-made Cigars.
kaknCntdiM *««,niv.<M.*'.i-*w«-****>M*a*laUBwdBt
_*._.=« aS»-
ri sassssgaasasaaaaa asaaa
_a__«v-xaaaaagg.» gxaaa
Is on every box of Union Made Cigars—Insist on cigars
made under this label and you will be sure of good value
and a pure smoke.
UaiOB BMn M» good waffoa for honost labor.
wato airlTso ai l»«i> a. ■
Do* parlor car to Qraa4 hanUa
Trsls tcavtu Trawarao CIO at »
parlor car koOraoO B‘—
TralBlaavt ~
pletediher aecoad woeierfal trip
la the eatae coo'rl-a la which she
reached bet Wv«i la*t June, bbe is In
perfect n/btia; trim, an 1 her asrbire.
▲wfol SMAlt* of Burning of N>«r Yoric. March U.-Del«oU*« Ooueral lAwton WIU Lsnd ry wat cot er«a tt'^lo'^ bv iu a'»0»t
oeaaelew eXertioa for three monihr
the WlsdBor.
1 SerreaoO Coat. .McDaff aad Woon. who
. American Forces.
Adslral O wry now ba.< a force aaware oo dat.T at the fire 1b the Wladeor
win.™ IUl.AHftr Tw.I.J.t«lI-io-IW. »rr.lr..d
»>• Stroa^ld Will be At- der bis eataataad that could hold Maaila acalati any aar^ la the world.
■diatelf Bad OaptBred—
That la WbU U Said of tba WuidM>r
1y Ocatroyrd aad The Xtom ob the J arciurd oi tijloc «> "hke off .with
Balldiat «UI be $S.0O0,O0O->The i iewelr; belooffinff to Aboer HcEinlej,
la Per*oaal Properijr.
wa. arr«t«l while the fire wa. i. prorresa
Anar iB PhiKpplaea 1
PMsmr SOCIAL pomotxom.
aad Strearthesed—Battleehip OrePloreaee
Mliar BatcrtalBod
Hies Floreaee Miller eatertalaed
eboat tweaty-flre of her yi^iar frieoda
aad aeboolnatea Iasi erlCDiDr at her
home OD'Slate etrert. The ereaief
was devoted to iramea aad popular
for boys aod ylrls. Daiaty
After a Safe Vojaffe.
Mew YolS. March ts.-lt eeaaa alThe bookaW (be hotel, loeledlBff the
MaoUa. March IS -The esUre Amerlieaa force bee beea reorraolz-d. Two
alaoet ioeredlbie that ooe of the laiff- rcrUter, were (ooed Ute (ode;.
exeloalre hotels la tbs , Oommltaloner SeaaBell eaid today .dieUloae of three brifwiee each are be.
IB the eity sbonld
eboold bare be«B
hc«B atibe boratBr of the Wladsor wac j (ec forraed. Oeoerai IbwicS tSUy aehoteia iB
.terly destroyed Id dayllyhl, aod that|wbatbe
bad expected.
*leamedeomniaodoftbe Firel filrkioo.
oreaofneata aad empioyea
cnployea saoaia
sboald |I Uiat it wee ooa
ooe oi
of sue
the wursv
worel um
fire vspstwaiea
traps Iwbieb caoattu
caoatoU or
of tbe wasWaStoa,^
haeebeea oaable to escape wtthoai| In *•>» York, aod added: •OUer hotels North Dakou sad Cillforaia^^ua.
death or lajcry. Tbe etariHay aaddem- U» this city are as bad at tbe Wiadaor., teem under Oeaeral King; six troop, of !
Bees with which the calamity came to jud aaleas tbe proprietors pot their i the .Poertb cavalry, the Fourloeath
ThoM pm.-mt werr: Carrie Esrl.
tbe Windsor Hotel, followed by tbe places la prt^ eoadlUoa for saving, regulars. Idaho voluateera and a teb
Blanch Bamuip. Laura Tregea. MabrI
of Iowa trojps, under Ueaeral
speedy realisation of ita terrible fee- •• «nipahlUh alUtia my poases. | tallon
, .
tlsvls. Robrrts Kehor. Oclla -Marilnek.
tBiwe, has filled the city with awe aad
Tbe meet complete Uet of easaalliee
ahowe tbat fifteen peraeas were killed, this mornlog.
rqi f badly burned, but still alive.
without attempting lo i
the bodies in the ntioa Forty peraoas
are misting. F.fty-two names are on
tbe list of injured, whose whereaboow'
.„ Ebo... Tb. „„
high is still siandlug, but looks as
though It might ftU with tbe first
stiff braete.
Tbe way on the For^-eevenlb street Important Topics Traeied,
eid« U two stories high and the front
of Traverae OiiyB
«B the Fifth avenue it about iba eaiuej
Teacheie Teslerdav.
•emda FUe XUIUra for Ose TUket to
the KlBetrel Show.
gianing of bU school ooursa and a pri
mary teacher fills even amors impor
tant place in tbU reapeet than the
Miss Agnes Bates advanced many
bright idea# on tbeatody of geography.
She would do away with the old faabtoned matboda and teach net only by
of study, progreeslve'maps, paper pulp
maU. and the study of the Hteraton
and people of tbe varlona eouatriea na
der oooelderatlon.
One of tbe veloable papers of tbe
meeting was one OB the Study of His
tory. by Miss WUsey. Her ideas were
novel in many respsets and showed
thoughtful and earefcl preparation.
She would not wait nntil the seventh
grade wa«. reached to introduce the
atndy of hiatory, but would beglu with
tbe kindergarten aad oentlnue tbe
atody tbrongbout the entire school
Bke gave a fine ontUue of tbe
twelve yeaia couraeas safgaated and
waa rsqneated by vote of tbe essoeiaUon to aend her paper to the Moderator
Tbe concluding paper of the eeaeUn
« “Some Cbaraeteristloe of a Country
Seboor by Mlsi Llsiie Stone, waa very
bright and wtUy. her deeoriptlene of
the tftbnUtiona whteh tall to the lot
of a eountry tcaeber, tocehlng many
RcacInUoDS wore adopted enderalng
eoniae of work In rural eeboola endoreing the repeal of the Uraham Foiartbe
text book law. advooatleg tbe paselag
of a eompirieory tree test book lew aad
tbe bUl of Beprceeatative
w before the sute legialading for an tnereaasd approprtatloe tor the purpoe* of aUlag
the etaU luUUtee aad puabiag this
work in the lew dsneely eetUed connt-
Yesterday afternooa Daff MeDoaald.
dram m>jN- offthe Boys' Bsad. reesfvsd tbe following eommenieation ~T],|a eoaduded the work of tha___
and eaeUeere from Katbar BaMr of St.
^ .oegf ^e BMSt eaeFranels el urcb. which Is an
ful ever held in tbe eonnVy both la
of the apprvcUUoe of tbe
tnfreat aad jltteodaBee.
the band and tbv minatral ahow b«iya
Tora^MMloe Proa Spaiar
in Ibe St Patrick Day enteriaiBBant
Waahln^. March
Derr McDuwsld—Pleaaa accept the bem, the tYeneh ambaMador. caUa* at
cBcloeed St.oo tor oee tirket of admia-' tbe deb^rtment of ataU today and
alantothaBiya'Bapd Mlnatrel abow'served formal BOlke of tbe atgniag
■BBt TBcaday evealng.
of tbe pMoe treaty at Madrid.
Youre truly.
A Whela Oarlwfi
Jos. Bai na.
J. W. Slater aoid W ehlopefi a
P. S.—Yoe do not need trouble yonrwboU earloed'of boaae farutehiag
aatfakoai giving me the tleket. 1 eaaguoda to ona mr^ at Walion laat
B«t nUeed anyhow, ae yon know.
—Qood clath bound edition for 17 cents—
600 other books equally as cheap. Look
over our Special Sale pricea
a.b.™i M»Enb,r-. diTbtob
“City Bookstore."
Ti'bbb.b.. m!ii. Voci.'
mi;/.irb'b4’«.^wii-/w-' r/.-jn- lu-gr.-jr b^.y^-s
Span's Mb x’.-K‘nister.
IS nu rKRisT
d„p.™.b.*.d,.„,b._...,Eb.d -“-*-!!!!^^^
I, .11 NBW -FREBH Md ja.t out of Ihe box.
I • W. b.v. uo old .took to work off. •
Benda & Co.
I Tire New Clothiers with whom the Penple like to Trade.
St the insargeot atrongoold wkeu the
Sbermsn arrives at Maoila with the
troops oo board that transport- When
tbat movement begins fighting in the
Fnillppioeswilt not continue liog."
It is confidently nntitilpated that the
capture of Malotoe will be followed by
Ten Teal Contracts
Made by iMiebigau Toiephoue Co.
for any class of service <l>Birvd.
Subscribers May Cancel
Iblrty mi'es north of Manila. It U
near enough to the coast to be abelled
by tbe warshipa. Admiral Dewey
could have driven the Tagaloa from
thalr capital long ago had it been oonaldared advUabla. But that waa not.
Oenaral Otis' plan. He U not making '
a warfare of deatrnct'.on.
Whan be attacks Mkioloa it will bei
U> take poaaeeilon and bold it with a !
oonalderable be»dy of troops to -abowJ
tbat tbs Americaua are there to etey. ] _
at rod of six months or change
to aoy oiasa of service at will.
Telepbonr tbe manager to call
and exp'ain new raiee adopted by
tbe company.
New FurnitUFe Store!
About April I st I will openlmy store with a new stock
of House burnishing Goods.
I invite all to give me a call. ft. will be no trouble to
show goods.
Geo. W. Thomas,
House Furnisher
Provident Life *
and Trust Company
Just in.
New Collars, Percale Shirts. Neckwear—Puffs,
Tecks, Striogs. Imperials, etc.
Derby and Soft
Hats. Some desirable new things. Spring p^ercoats at prices to suit alt purses.
New Spring Goods arriving daily. Call and
a»k to see them and learn what people are wearing
for the coming snmmer.
201 Cor. Unronland State Sti.
Michigan Telephone Co.
Gasoline Tachts,
Row Boats. Sailing Craft
ui.pi..u»idtoi,u,».j»™, Md"73sseS'.
thu rbbpwt
j Clothing and Furnishing Goods
with ,h. „ip
an attack from the Va at the same b»x.bv ««i>* Kaeceioita. mrh.
time, aurronod tbe plane aod eaptnra
. Oregon la at aCanlla.
Waahlugton. Mareh it.—The bulldog
of the American navy has
another remarkable run and made a
of Philadelphia.
aew record for bereelf. Tbe battleebip Oregon reached Mealla today after
BBdowmrat peikiws (pn-lBHr
Writ* tor wme.
a voyage from New York, around the
horn aad aeraea tbe Pacific to the Pi II- Levi T^enniniirton, Dbtriot
Trawrw <Utr MteUcaa.
Hie reporte of the eommlltoe on reeo- Ippisea. Moreover, the batUeeHip baa j
letions and nomloatloni were then
leak aad aeeepted. Tbe following are
tbe cOoera for the ooming year:
' eaident—Mettle C. ttray.
Seoroiary aad trenauroiw-Jennie Cur-
820 Front St.
height. Tbe walls' j tgged tops tdd to {
's of tbe ruins.
Tbe elualeg session of U»e county j t© provost.guard duty. oooJttftng of
riflb Bvenue. Foriy-alxlb and Forty-; Uachera' aseoclaUon was held In tbe
seventh streeta are impaseible. being UIgbscfaoi'I assembly room yesterday u.. T.,«,.ti.lon.l..o,.
morning willi a
covered with debrU from the walls.
An aUack wae msdu
thlsys iu searching lor the bodies in
Tbe opeoloR exercises aad devotional I jeeUrday upon a battery
tbe cutas are eauaed by conttanal oat- aervioea were oonductel by Sapt. B. C. ctinrcb. bi^ they were repulsed by Us
h«nU of flaaaa aad tbe beat of the Lott of tbe Hlk Rapids eehools. after Penniylvs^ns with heavy lom.
which a fine paper on Habit la educa-1 A gunbodC with a company of tbe
The roariag flamra, which origin- tlon WBS given by Coanty Oommluion. i Twenty-ibird regulars aboard. U now
. Bled from the Igniting of a laoe cur er Mettle C. Uray. 8be eaid tbat edu* | on the lake attacking smail towns. Sbe
BBfolda and develops what is j waa last beard of off Morong and Ssnu
tain. bnrat forth from the eeoood floor
Of tbe gTMt hotel thorUy af',«r 3 already in na, and urged tbat great Crus
- o'clock yeaterdey afternoon. Jastas St. care be taken in forming hablU daring
The Town Muat Sorreador.
youth. Teachers were urged to ealti*
Patrick's day parade wa* paaeiag
Washington. March
WUdiBg. and' In a few mioutee they vaUia their, pupils beblte of truth, Lawton will have hte
bad iMped up to the roof aad envel
Agninaldo’s captui, Msloloa. within a
oped the eaUre Fifth aveane and For- lentiuo. The moat impartant time la
tyweventh street froate of the hotel.
TmD mlnutee later the fiamea
roaring through tbe interior of
hotel aad al! eaeape by means of stair
ways and elsTBtore was out off ' Tbers
was tbe wildest scene of excitement
witbta aod without the building. Hundreda of goeaU aad empioyea were in
the hotel when the fire broke ont and
for many of them escape wae Imposat
bia. Probably from 10 lo 15 Uvea were
lost within half an hour and »0 to 4(
parMns were injured lo Jumping from
the vriudowe aad in rnabiag through
the roariag flsmee lo the corridors and
«a the stairways. Many who were in
jured died later at nearby
aad at the bospUala. and otkara made
wild leape to the stone sidewalks were
so badly lDjnrad<thattbey are etill
hoveriBg between life and death
will besomeUmetaafOra it can
aBoerUlned drAuilrly how many charred bodlas are in the neas of fallen
masonry that maria thaapot whme
the hotel Blood.
The Windsor waa in charga of WarIBB Ulaad. the laeMBS hotel men.
Beth hie wife and danghiar. Helen,
perished in ^ fire: the farmer waa
barned to death and tbe Utter wae
IdUed by Jnmplag from e window. The
howl eeenpioA
an euUte bioek.
It vrae eeveu etoriaa In height. Tl^e
!««<« the hotel IteeU will amount to
«l.eoo.000. but tbe aajorlty of guesU
were wealthy, and assy tbouaaud dotIpra' worth of Jewelry and brie brae
waa dmtroyad. Tbe hotel wee a faahieaable rvadetvous. Prraldeot and
Mrs. MeKBlry slw^ atopped at it
vrhaa la Mew York, and Abner MeKUley'e family sraa Hvlag U It at the time
«d the fire. AU tbe members otltrseapeds^ilyes their apartmenuwere
ne the first floor. The hotel was
hmowaas'-WaU Street by night" be.
esws eo many wealthy Wallstreatop-
Beginning Monday. March 20, at 6 o’clock
sharp^we inaugurate tbe biggest White Goods Sale
ever attempted in this county.
Ladies’ Muslin Underwear,
Made of beet cotton and cambrics, trimmed most beauti«
fully with lace and embroideriee, best of workmaualiip.
We have divided into lots from 9o up to $1,48.
We have no hesitaucy in etatim; that tbe prices in this
nie will be a good deaUower than any offered before
this season by any one. We s#cored!maDy marvelous bar
gains while East. Wo also
Place on This Sale
A most elaborate Laoe and Embroideiy, Edginf*, In.
suittona and Allrt>vers- A large line of plain and fig
ured Welts and Welt Edging, Krinestic and Imwiied
Ginigiams. Dimities, Organdies, Peroslea, Hadraa, L^en
Damask sod Napkiuato match.
This Sale Will Continue
unKI our Oeneral Spring OpsDiuff. which we will an.
Dounoe later. Look out foTonr^ClLLUrXMT OPUTIRO—we hare eome surprises in store for you.
Buy Our Trl-On-Fa $8.60 Bhoea
Just such a shoe, under a difFereut name, being sold
elsewhere for one dollar more.
The Boston Store,
Front Street
Olass Block.
rm ircurnravrooHD. sutoay. mabob 19. i898.
nATSKw orrr, •
ealt jadye: aad loyal BepabUcaae who
renofalae tha abUMy of Mr. Mayaaaad
U hit tBte(rity.aad flt•raefortheoflee. taU
fBH. T. Baxm 4n /. W. Bammi
r»u, iUiUir ftul 1
' e
^ ^ daseaviEDrPvne
made to thrdw dleeredlt npoa fti.
Meyac aa a eaodldata.
The Bscom balirea la atalr aad hoocoteampalca.aad alto that eonh naworthy methode ot ladaeaelac eowa
wilt meet wiU the
apoB the amiU of the eaadidatee aad i
aad not mterapraaaetatioa and faUe;
> aCeetiac the actkma of,
hoBorahla ettixeBB.
•« Tr»*>m 0«.
■ issfe.
TrBTBrBB city lUooAbsBB it
by Brirae Teai^ of ^ rararae Oity
Taat. Bo. 871>^p#etkl Trau Oarriad 1B7 ZalffhU aBd Ladle* from
eadd ibir*
r Sn inln-
1t» r»c-b im aliirh the ln.f l» twibin*.
lltal IT loB} ntfb ibr. drtPi.tnH. end ht
11 Uke fci kDulW Ulf l.«at
Nearly oae hnadrrd Sir Salybu aad
VBrOlfOolt Jodfo, UU> JodloUlCHroolt.
their ladlee met at Forebtera' hall laai
MF.xr row Tt-R«D«
. ftXDW. MAYMS. ofOharioooU.
erealay aad headed by the Boya' Bead
aad wlin the prlx* banner, marched to
•lal, nrj. - KBinrac.n.
Uie C. A W. M. depot, where a apeclal
train wna walUny to Uke them to
Arrlred at the depot
can n*k» virh <>•«»
Ibeihrooy waa awelled to over one
bnadrad and fifty.
For Moyor,
It wee aurely a Maoeabae yathariny
DISSKHaad aa the U«Ib atoppad at the various
For Clt; Clerk,
VniiM«i HinTka I'mntBt Ji-llr.
eUtloca It aMtnad that every oae waa
ior rtiiT P..I..
I'outo Pod*.
AIMS V-Kuilurd.
a Maoeabee.
Waen Thoifapwovihe
O hTT KkIn.I
rarim PiMlrilKK. la'Ti.<« Sani-e
For Grauurer.
waa reached the whole town waa
Bn.- Cl >T^<
l>la Suit
WiUlUB i- HoBbofound at the depot.
Headed by the bead the
^ar JodfO of fi*eorder-» ConrU
TRIPE A IJI (llBnUt nnnncl- r4 fn--h Inpr w >atn
one half a mile long, marched to the
Loris mobutto.
trl|a- w, 11 rrn,br7m) InTu airiiM
aUut I.Blf liirb v>hU-. aratuo Mali willi
new Maoeabee hall, where In the moat
• li anil
I lara in a BtawTiaB »till
frteedly mahner the keya of the towo
«ati r .-iiourD «. Oivpr a |iMn. n{ Inillpr
O. A. DcckrrSF.
d to the vUtom by
ib^i* art.f'a'‘iilf''SBn
far MiwYiir Board of Pobite Work*.
of tbiiialia.a; na.k fin- uilnuto, a'ldmc
taye Prealdeat Bdyar Campball. Sir
a laU.ap,,.iifiiI lal.Ia m»rr ]uai balurp
FoM|>h Boob.
rht Priedrteb reapoaded Hi bia hap
~ln; ami auttlrleBt rariutlairh Ui l-Iufor 4wUae of Um Pmoo.
py maaner.
FoBb TorlF.
brCuv tba lomalon am addad
The vbiilay ladlaa were then ceoortedtoOdd FcMowa'ball where they
▼oMra Wut SobMi ArguBonl.
moat royally entorulned while
WbM UiojulMal oampolffo opened the Sir Kniyhu were eayayed in the
reaolred to oondnet e dean work.
The degree team of Traverae City j Bojoyed a Profitable Aftmnocm With
^iepolCn tbrooBk
oolnnuu. and
•e( etoop to the dlmpouble laoUo Teat No. sTi exemplified tbe work !
Btbei Thomee.
Otiua ••madaUaclnr." ThU paper upon a clam of s<i membem, and gained | A very IntcreellBy mT-eting of the
BoUeew there U more (flieae/ la hot
ly worde of pratbe leoeiely wna held at the home of Miai
eat, fair, lerllliaate ar*«meot in a p:,1- for their exc«llenti>roflciene.v.
I Ethel Tliotnas. at
o'clock ye-terday
ttieal eoBteat than in ecruln wetbude
Too mneb cannot be aald concerning I afternoon. Tbe leader, MIm Marion
Bdoftod by numeroua papera to
tbe nntlriny iabon of Uepnty Great Pratt, gave an interejtlay paper
end* rearardlcak of facU. Tbe Commaoder Herbert O Coanor aud latlny to miaaijoary work In Mexlto:
IB^letakeaa differestview of wbei Commander Guiuk
two other paper* on the aame lul j -cl
^OMtitetua a f^r political oontMt. and Tent in working up Uila clam.
were rend.
r thelcrW
baa alr<
Wbiln the program waa being reiiderTberc will be 30 moreanmitted witbadhOBOCtarsu'ineni by renorttBr-lo what lae tnonib. Aftar the work, tablea I ed. the
did have paru- of
|pppS9ooly termed poUUeal “tluab." were tpreaT and lefrcehmeataaerveo ! the program baiied.themaelvea in mak
Thle elnah la aot of luowB ereatlos. to over 3(K> peraona.
ing artielea for the miMlooary aale.
Olther, bnt uken from aaoiber paper,
Delegatca were preaent from Grawn, Which will be announced later. Dainty
■•d taken aa arsumenl. rerardleMof Inierlocben. Wallin. Neaeen City, Bee rvfreabmcnta were aerred after the pro
whether It la *ood policy, awbeoonrae don. lAkeAnn. Benconia. Frankfori. gram waa eompleied.
le Parana, or whether the IneionaUoca Bear Lake, Copemiah and many vlsl•ra kaaed npoa trnU.
tora diivlag
milen. Tha apeclal tlalti
loideot of
ThP Bsootn beUevM la the abUlty returned at » o'clock thU morning.
John ohrer. of ritiladclpbia, waa the
••dBtaeM of Mr. Mayac for Clrcnit
aobjeci. ia narrated by him aa followi,:
"I waa Id n moat dreadful oonditiun.
|ad(a. Hto experienee. Inlerrity aad
My akio waa almoet yellow, eyea aunkaaaUfleaUone entitle him lothevotee
•n. tongue coated, pain conlioually In•f hit party aad to their reepeet. The ArchtUot Xoore Prepennf Plaaa for Imek and aidea, no appeUte—gradually
growing weaker day by day- Three
ItTinr wlU exert lu utmoet eforu
Stmettirea to be Bnllt Soon.
pbyaiciana had given me up. KortuM laBeeaee rotee for the Bepnblleaa
'Architect Moore Uet work on plana nately. a friend advlaed tryfog 'KlecMdidaU oa hU meriU: aad attempia
tric itittera,' and to my great Joy and
I by malloloaeaiate. aad apecIfloaUoaa for aevnral cxpenalve
BHte will be met with a anitable
City aad elecwhere thie apriag. The
a well
PMMdy, with dne regard for laou aad
them will be man. 1 know they aa' , my life, and
I avoid aMtbnda which
robbed the grave of i 'Ihcr victim."
VMld Invite ellhsr ridleaU or oeaeare that of B. J. Morgan, which ia to be in No one nhonU
to trr them. Only
colonial alyle aad to ooat about gr.itoo. Ml oenta p<v lid fall
. tnm tatelllceot voUia.
bottle at S E. Wall'a and
Plaaa are oompletad for aaotber JJJ. Johnaon'a
n'a Drug Stores.
pretty dwelling to be built on Eaat
Hob Paruaan WiMom.
. oaeof UieBamicraiicpaperegiveea Eighth atreel for B. .I. Samir, reprearnUtive
' fprjr fiatteriug enaoiaemeni of Miaa
„ BettleC. Gray fo* county achool coin- Machine Co. Tbe fiiat atory will b.-of<
brick and the aec<>iid frame and abingle |
A poDiiutaaiuiii-i urriauTGug on party Tbe cokt will be SI30U.' Mr. haiuis laj
•lone fur poaitiou auiiiu Uugrauoour now living In Reed City hut will ujovtaehool^ theielou.' ne citicre tuatuk to Traverae
lYaverae t-iiy.
(ha pie«.i>l lucuinbent h»a proiau n«rMr, Moore la mao preparing plane for
mU competent auii wvt'tliy. that it u a
dalyweoMre to ooiaoiVta Ui ace Ibai a cciiihination acbou! and reaidcnce | '
ahe la reuiued iu the poaitiwo lor an building for the Catholic priaat at but-1
other yeat ■
Theee pralaworthy oon-parttnan aenMmentn ware ooncaived when it waa for UiU city will he that to be erected
Mggeated that aa the UomucraUc eas- byJ. W. Markham on Wmt Front
dUata had withdrawn, the l>e:
eireel near the bridge for Straub Broa.
mlttoe might recommend that the A Amlolle. the candy manufacturerc.
Dnmoeiatle vou be caai for Miaa Gray; The bnildlag ^11 be of aioae aad briek,
haeaaae they eouJd not find a uaudi- 13 X »o. and i^l coat liiXki.
Beeldei th/above Mr. Moore in pre
tf Mlaa Gray waa oonaidered
paring pla^ for aevent exteaaive
a*Bt why did not the Union DemtH-ratio briek aUnetureaUa nearby riUca.
Or we can sell you a QOOD
MAvenUon eadocae herY aad not aw«
Bedroom Suit CHEAP The
t* Bad eomeone elae qualified to go
meet people take the ^ood*'
•hatioket. TbetnU vriadom ia
John Rood and wife and Mra. Will bedroom suit because it U the
m f<w the DemocraU to eadocae Koon of Benxonla. drove here yeetcrrhe^teet We have a very
le caodldacy of Mim Gray. And
day to do
lei^ line in sU finishea.
wheiala tbe wladom liea
Charlee A. Lacy, advance repreeen' wall to aUU that tbore U probably not ^live of B. li. S»Ir’. "On the Snawnee
p Damoerat in Uraad Traverue
River" oom^y. which U to appear in
bold! the Arat grade eertlfieate StelBberg'a Grand on the Kth. le In
•eaamary to enUtle him to hold
the city numpleUai arraagemeate for
Hooee FoniiBbiug Store.
i ■ liS-
I .Slff'
A. J. Little of Battle Cr*ek. ...
prealdeat ofUw Northern Telephone
Co. wae In the dly yeaterday.
Attorney John Loreager received a
Megram laet night ealllag him
Coldwater to coadoet aa Importaat
me in the ^rcult oonrt of that place.
Mra Jean Bblee of gaUt..~> ar.
rived laat alght to vlalt her eletar. Mra
Biraey Plekard af Lalaad vrma ia
town yeaterday.
Cepi. Joeepb Rlaatea hee retnrtied
from Grand Eapida Mra KUaeea renaiaed there fbr a few Anya
Terkmii* P^TBe^^eaw B
Vawertliy Oampalaa Helbo«A
tritoan argamemt
9W hMB fonad Ineflacdve by
WMlgmi at tha Damoerath; Jadietal
MBpAlgn. end <» order to kaep tha
girt mi Aeladad natU eleeUoB day tanci1*1 laaoram have been diawa upon.
IW Demoentic leadera Uve eaoaed
fie w -mrenlatad atatemeata that ciU1 aad bnriaeaa maa are quietly
worfelag tor the Deaaocmtlc candidain.
Ifemm hava been freely mentioned.
Hnmea ot men who are eUunch aupporun of Hop. Fred W. Mayoe lor Or-
^The Ladies
II have made a
The Behth Becord.
AmsBcthedeaihaofold eettlere
LMlanan ooanty laat week waa that of
Wallaoe MeQnaer. wboae fnaeral* waa
held at Mafda City Thnreday. Mm.
ttei^eor bae been aad M aUll rary ill.
For JwOm of Um BaprMM OtMrt.
A4C01DB B. OBAlir of Ho^Mon. Thirty-Blx Oaadldetee •Veve XBtUated
far BifWi of XU But* Ualoonlt^,
WL. BBfKY & DB4K of Wo*)iMb»«.
OOUSItl B. BUrrOM of warn*.
New Store, 120 Front Street.
OmMa'leamm'* BtoeSien.
ft I ♦
TttdUme Ato eAwmemme «ev ai
BodtloBO Araiea SalTB.
Tmm Baer SaLva la Ue world for
Oata. Bralem, Barm, Ob
Ehenm, Fever Soraa,
Boree, Tetter.
Chapped I f
Banda, ChUhlalna, Coma, and all %\ia 11
BmpUoaa.and poalUvely enrea PUaa, {•
--parraqnlred. It la
to ylvc c^eet aatlxfaelion or moaey I
refnaded. Price Iboenu per box. foi
and 8. B « alt.
They have discovered thst we
are eeUisf Fine Chrome Kid
Shoes. 8Uk Vesting or Kid
Tops, 10 different styles, laoe
or button, round or wide toe,
flexible eoles. Shoes that retall everywhere at $3.00 and
$8.70. and
Hade Of OcUan OakA large Invoice of fumitnre all built
of “liolden Uak,*' wna aold to a Cleve
land party yeaterday by the Hannah e
A Lay Mercantile Co.
-7 . ..
the new
Spring Shoes •
are now
in stock.
A.l±x-ea -sr. E’3?±©eLi'±cii.,:
Make rough, red hands|Wc are bu)-ing in large quantities aoij pay highest pricet.
-^ITeepThemTfran’^' '
and Sliori Mapli Wind.
“‘l"' ^><'"•6
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
I S C H E A. P.
So are our Spring Suits. Why stand in
open mouthed astonishment at what
many people who know better tell you?
Don't take any stock In blatant announce
ments, but come In and see our full stock
of spring suits. Ton know that we never
represent to you that an article is what
it is not.
But use your own judsment, after you
have full knowledge ot the facts, when It
comes to supplying the demands for Lin
ens we have no hesitation in saying that
for quality and quantity, the price con
sidered. no one in ^averse City ca.n
match us. We have a full line all new &-esh
goods in our linen department that will
interest you.
Where You Will Find Yoiir Money’s Worth
A word to (he wise is sufficient, so that we need
hardly mention that this la the best plaoe in the city
to buy anything you need. Oar reputation is known,
we are not building it up now—we hawe already built
it. Call in on us and aee our Dining Tables. Couches,
and Bedroom Sets. We have a full line and prices
are very reasonable;
An Ideal Shoe
Embracing all the merits of comfort, durability, style
and beauty, is our fine $3.60 Ladles’ Shoe. It is the
favorite and leading style with lovers of handsome
footwear. Our atoc^ le oomplete. Before buying give
us a oall.
lif *ol»e sure aod boy your paints from ua, as ve only carry th« beat w« oao buy. Heath
teat Mixed Paint*. Oiw’ite Floor Paint*, I. A L. Roof Pkiuts, 1 lb. <
Si HiUigan
Go's. Beat
colors, groood m oil.
Baggy Pfeiat—Berry Broe. Light Hsiiif Oil FinUb, Dark Hand Oil Finish, No, 1 Ooach
______ ih. Fn'mitore Vamisn, Demar Veniisb, 5>par tarnish; Shipman’s Strictly Pnre White
Lead, Wright & Hilla alrictly pure Lina-Hd Oa Tbf««K- gootls are always at the head and we are
making-price* that are right am that will anit yoa.
KxniOAi. ouuuzuiM. | n«.ter,
oi»» i
,<4tb. »ezt TtUmj molAff. The rl»7
>t 0*Te Vise i. nid w hs*« » health; monl ead bee
j beea treated in e> Inteilifeat nenw.
treb IS.—The concert 1iTbettory
telle- the old temillnr Ule of
t Rieen bf tbebend'i
lore, intrijtaeend
Tbe foUowinr it u entnet from %|»ttble piece lent oifht «M eirrend ! tbe dnet downMlof eillienp. bnl it ie|
lettw reoeleed hy Mm E. H Pope, [ MnxMe. both Beenciell; end eoeUlly. ibe old etorj told i%. new Uo»oe««
Up in tobo. CfcwUeoU ««»y i
her broib« B«l Adell, wbo left iTbe bell
«lled to lie full e^*cl«
eitneUoae nnd there fore M e
tbieeee Mole from Edmond WJleon on. ! aamonton, ». W. X. Inet eprtuf wltli » j esd meay bed to tund sp.
aew story. Many pathetic end thrillbendred ei^ ifty qenrte of ohimi | »rty of Cbnedken beater* Ubtaf So ! Tb« meaie itm dret elem. the play* ie( seenre areeeid to aris: in the four
fro. Cb«»« Perk* 8ft, pee. b««the. for en otSend e«*J«it ead ererythin, eta.
' aett of the play, one of the moevthrllltrip to Ibe Klondike.
portloa. The soBye. wbieb were the j toff of which U the eeene where the i
Tbm ie ft fffrent defbend ei Oeatrel
Dmm Poftt, a C..Dee. u. is»».
lal*t. wore well rendered.
: blind ffirl seen abont to era* a rectle
Lake lor pen to ent wood. Orcr et
Save jMt errived here, etter trempTbe boye bare w*ked bard bat act! bride*, epenalnff a deep ratine. A!
s the Aa trim Iron Oospeay iBf ISO Bkiles OB eaow *boee. breehiac to rato. f* now all apeak well of,{Tortioa of tbebridfe has-been remored
ere aow tryin* to import mb from e troll for oar dof
them. Tbe playera wUl be asked to *-1 to make a death trap for tbe ffirl. As
Orend Kepide end other pleem forth* i^emd CbrUUoa* be « BBd rotara tom
range toraaoth* eatertntomeat eoon. | abe approacbea thia part of the span
< eemp oo Med Hirer, 8S mil* Bortb of
--------------------------I the old refreto of ‘-Sawaaoe Eir*“
dofttinff thrOBffh tbe air from a
Tble U the dret wlnt* tor rereial fi-rt Oiftham. where wt left our boreee
The admnee sale of eeata for the!bud of plutation singcra in the dto'
yenr* that taarna bare rtnmiii the loe f* the winter We hare found food
tnocek Tbeglrr* progreis b arrested |
beWo« lUrb* bprlofe aad Petoakey.
' lanre aad thoee who dMlre good aelee-; f*'a moment oo tbe rery brink of the
tbetee belBf aboottwo aad «ae h»IC{ tend to w*k thrm in the •oniiff
toot thick
I There te pleaty of r**M here. i tiona ehoald apply early tomorrow, as . ehaem. bbe stops. lisfeM f* a mo-1
tbeperforxoanee will be giren Toeaday imeat, and taming staru la tbe di-!
Tk. O. H.
I. bu IirkUbd U» 1
• >*'P
nlgbt. Tbe Aow will bare great fea-1 rectlon from which the aiaging eomce.
MWrial f* ninety tbonsnnd «*h
tares. boih->*tistie and fanny. There ! The blind eonddence of tbe girl on the
aiartas by plaetoff that number of «<««toto ebeep are the dnrel meat
ProeisioBB are eery, high will besix end men. all of them splen-, bridge; tbe pathetic view of tbeandit to nelgbborinff
isUepael week.-Petoakey In- here. Ploor Is $lk <>o s sajek Sugar u did charaosers. Tbere wiU be doe solo ence and the eeentoal safety of the
three pounds t<^ ai.oo. Balt the same alagtog. the bent orcbeetra that ever ^ girl ceruinly makce a new and thrilldon a local stage. Eoos Tre-' tog sitastion. Elaborate scenic de•1 Eu
I as anger, bacon 40 o
Jobn P. Byke, brakeman of the C. A - ,
main to character sketebee baa
bn» been ^ tail
UU has been prorided
provided and.a compete)
added to the program and the ItotorMn company is promised,
•i Bapid Rirer Thnraday. He eanffbl
BXTBVdXTB IMPM07EMBKft t sisters will give the greatest juerdiie---------------------------bold of a brake wbeel on « car of logs
I StftVe Mens
SkHAdalt WritMoiA^unpOBSaov
I n» BMd of Wi
•kOM. »V e«B« M«
Fkr Dm.
tog. and the wbeel came off. totting
the dOBth Side
eu-w of the llaosah B dea and t^
the Annie B. Springer,
Springer. of list Howard at.
rhtiadelpoia. Pa . <when she found that
Arthar Eosontbnl of the New York jcoslumea of the characters will be
V ? ' IJ- King's New Disc
1. SieiuSfeui- u«
lion h
eomalelelt 00^^ her of
braKbel^MetAtob.^audh^l**^' **
improve-! and dutincOy ertistic and no.el.
A completely
wbela hodv tmdlv hntaad
1 ““Of* to-the Interior of the buildiag berg's Itrand will be dlled and Ac per-) baekiiig ooogh that for many yi
.as —s
___ : oconpled by the stot*. corn* of SizA formanc* will be worthy ofa yrvat |
a harden. All other rremedies
ducArs.oosld give her no help, but
i“0 '■’“‘o
saysof Ais Ru.val Cure—"it socto
{which has been ased bereAfore as
lovrd tbe pain in my ebest and
Qult...*^ accident oocured re-j.^^^^
of parti- L.^7“7
sleep eoundlv, aometbing
eentlyln John KneodAn'a fain.ly of uon. to make room for new llneaof ^ ^
^ n
acaroeJy remi-mber doleg before I fee!
y. A eyrop psll.^ooda. Tbe souAweei portion. S7
known. Way Down likeaounding il* praises Arougbtoi
I Elver." is Aesnnree the roiverse. '
sss nssd fnr! .
teartofftfleab from two of tbe ebUdren ab^ Airiv feet deen and is beine sr 1^*
face and cb*t in a vi
Bantie connly, but wbsipromisM A b« ed A allow fw Ae rapidly toervaring ;
As mwt vsloablcof s1< Ae deposlU is baslne* of ihr bat*.
Aat arornd Ae upper end of Krankf*!** barhor sod along A« big ms>vb '
InandadjolningAecUy limits. The! J-W. L,uc*h of Ujsnd Rapids Issnew
bads are torkhsostoble and underlie !ssl«aoMUi in f. W. MsAr's buu>.e furnavly-all of South Frankfort and crop I nlshing sAr*.
ooiail along Ar river and Msrmh. Dur-'
c. T. SAul will deliver AU
tog a recent escavaUon lh«r. a collar • e,«lnr Ae third lecture in the eeries
« dog several teei tnA B bed of fine*, ,on Cbrlstianlty applied A
—.land did not iben. reach Ae bol-;
. subject
Christianity and]
lom. V.H1; ,b.r. U .
K">«-1 p.p.l.r »lbaUo.,
Mke here at home.—Frankfort Express
, There will be a regaiar meeting of
^ Lumber .U,- of Bensonia Uve ! OuAes. Camp No. ••14-.. H W A. AAipbedacarload of oed* .Alps cut
A full atAndance is
and grooved for saA (or hot bed*. A i desired
P.b.Kb..,orbi.b..lp. ,... I. l.d,-i
The cedar sbi^ad will make one
mile of hot beda, which beds will raise
enongb melon plsnUA set bia imw «Mse melon farm of ish aerea Mr.
4 Boeels Ae largest melon raiser in the
8 United Saa*. having besides the (*m
in Indiana- a large farm A Hensie
ppenty.—Beosle lUnner.
„.ri.b,„.p..d L... M.r
Cook. boA of Monroe Centre, were
Itad in marriage yesterday a(Arno(m
by Justice S. M. Rroi
The Lincoln LtArary eoeiety met
last night ud defioiAly decided A go
A Kingsley next Friday evening A
give an enArtainmenk
U. C. Ofiatt haa Allied two of hi*
M. O. H. Wall of Cadillac is Ae toeanAr of a paenmatic baggage Ufur 1
paWnt bicycles t MinnApc-lis. A
A be used on baggage cars. - He
' * ‘^re honee whIA ct
aaenred a patent on Ae invention and !’’"d
Ae derloe is now in um an Ame of tbe ; The Northern Telep
leOo. has contmins on Ae U. R. .t I. ft U op*ated I necAd up 78 of Aeir t
Aone* to the
d air from Ae engine and j city and about as many
will U>
hasanauAmntfoaonlenttachment forjeonnecAd thU week.
The line is
weighii|g baggage
; working very MtisfacAry and Ae toll
Mr and Mrs H B. King. boA of Ae ’
HArary da* of WI at Ann Arbor, ate-*^^*"’^* Lee'»o*o «>ooly lineanfl
aU'eking university. Fcking.
. ~nnedions can be bad wilb Suti-^u.,
a* profreaor and InsAnclor. re.poc-‘
it is said that' sr.utlicyp Ui.-hlgan | Vis. A. W Wail oi.tc-Ttsiiica a f. w
fraJt gr-iwers e.\[>rcl a large er.>p of t frtt'mis m >s» itrligtitfuUy at tea !t<l 1
apple* tAs year, anil give at a r«»on ' “'"''"tog in hondrof Mr* R. A-Haire
Aat the early cold prevenurd ibaMo: R*lph AeAerson wentTolap.l yo- !
tromrliitig in the tree*. aUick. wlicp Ar.lat-A conduct tic (u:fral of U t:
modemA weather i,ontlnm-s until Ute . D-viJaan insAad «.f .A M C. Uwi*. a_>
A AvAshon. rise* and in the eubA- anBOuneed veaiejdsv
"'H' ""‘i
d^LT T '
BOMoonl of oold weaA* can effect'
next eaason'B erop.
dt .1.
comes as the natural result
of w-earing the clothing we
sell. The makers /^of that
clothing have so(ve<i the
problem of how to turn out
in targe quantities garments
Iruleed, it is only the best
merchant tailors who can
rival the quality, style and
fit ol “.Adler” ready-made,
and to do this they must
charge you nearly or quite
double the price.
If you will call we shall take pleasure in showing you
the new Suits and Top Coats from this celebrated house,
ami explain their many poiuts ofSBuperiority.
n l{ton
K.e\)i) Ca^p^\ |
■Pul on saVo laostoTia^,
Tvo\B \»e are Toai^ lor carvot
VasVxvesa. "\De voaal to s\vo\»
^oa oar Wat. tteaoT bolore
\tax>e a>e been va sAb ^oo4i
abave Vo attend Vo ijoar car'VeV osaaVa at voe are VbVa
"RTtts&eVs %ottv bOc wp.
Hul wf do believe in sign.s when they are
fo convincing as those l^hich {>oint to the
increa'^i^g demaml fur oiir **BKST" flour.
Anction! Aiictlon! AuctioDl
|Saie Slarted Thursday, March 16th
and will last for ten days only.
liTlie Entire Slock Of The Fair
|J. W. Milliken,|
Come aai Voob aV Vbvs sVoeb.
WiU be sold at Auctioix to the higheat bidder
Kothing r4>eerved everything must
be sold out in 10 days.
-------------Sarioua Acaident Pzaecatad
CoAt Whistled to he tainted
1 have been affiicied wlA rknom*All hit hu;decape* trim and aloe;
Msm tor 14 year* and noAlng aaemed
Kow that whItUc baunA hla cenvaaAgtve any relief, j was aUe to be
For men whlstU at Ac price.
aU Ae____
___ /
—Chicago Record.
suffee^. 1 bad tried every
tvery Atog
- ■ - 'i•
lid be* of and at last *u tdUT A
^Ohambertoin-s Pain Balm. wbiA 11 Mr. and
Edwin Martin wish A,
did. and wu ImmedlaAly relieved aad exor*« A
thanks A tbelr friento
a.«rvies* rendered aqd
aay that it has not since rcArned., tliral ezpr^A
rprtosAnsof sympaAr oa Ae
Jeoh Edg*. UcrmanAvi-a.
I of the lUne* aad d*A of
•ale bad. K. Wait. Dregsiti
B. Eddto.
that have all the attributes
of first-class custom work.
K.d.di tor-i
dbir, Co.. U 1. .d. i
--------------------------i VesArday a* the bigdrcul* AW at
rwiy Bannaa'a Party.
the mill o' the Barker Cedar Co at
Little Ferry Ransom wa* 7 year* old ’ Bingham was about a be sUrtod a
res'*dsyaadbehada little birAday I discovery was made whiA no doubt
party. Ferry entertained iw of his' preventod serious damage A property
mu* frlMds and reosivea many nice ; and probably I>mi of life as well,
The liiUe people enjoyed *
»•* began A turn it was dheoverAe afternoon wlA gam* and Awards ^ed that Ae collar and burr bad been
dvs o'clock a dne snpp* wa* served, j removed. It is not slated that aerone
Mr*. Ransom wa* asaleted by Mr*. Al-1 bas been found wbo b rrsponslbtc f*
Ian Smith. T^ere were a*ved candy , »be act.
and fruit fce»ide* tbe supp*. The fol*w
lowing wen Ae guesit:
A bot^-1 wnj- of l;it.mlnattag a eeflway
Jean bimuu. Hoy dimots. Edwia ttume! has been dciised In Parta ...
lh„ Perry Raneom, '^.ncy Kelley. flerton throw tbe light from many
Beosie Hsnneu. QmrriaOn Uanaoa.Olive electric Ut.ij-M *ixu-eu feet above Ae
Laeker. Laura lackey. Eda Eanoom. rails A the sides of A* tunnel, where
It Is again reflected by burolAed Un.
BAel Eobloaon,Charlie Ransom. Elijah
a eon and agreMble light. Tbe trains
EIa Schaotoiaft. Hany nuAmstlceiiy turn tbs oarrent on and
Dangberty. BerAa
off in enierlng aad tesTtng the tiinneL
>. Belto Uanaen. WUUe BmiA
tbe njcbntoa-* and Waifs drag stoma
V I'nes
iin* not
and^Uaes, new
oereAiore ,(OarriW- in Ae store. This improve-!
D.rivU.U.1.1., ...OTl JI««~>|„„,,|ll™w.Mr. K«bU..1 U. .id ;
ddmcddl.. b.™ b«». b«jb« bud„d. , „ u.,
„,d ™ 1
„|| .,1
teUiU,. borth bbd .ddib ...tlo.. ollp„i.„dlb..U».oUi.r.U. topro
jjfama. "Oa
Men’s Suits $3.75
Men’s Suits SS.'QO
Men’s Suits S7.50
Men’s Suits $10.50
These prices tiavi- been pat opoti liucb of meb's euito ooui*
prising oar winter stock—goods that prerionsly leUileJ at from
six dollnrs to seventeen dollnts. Onr utee which have been
unprecedented are well luerittri, aa you will readily concede
when you see the goods for jonraelvee, ud prices quoted on
t^m. This sale we aball conUane aboat ■ week longer, when
the grealer part of our new spring stock will be in. Sgbt now
ie your ORportanity if von have not Already avniled yonnelf
onr extremely liberal offer on above goods.
See onr adveitiaemeBt on chiid'K goods in another plnce in
the Recobd.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White
Goods, Lace Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes, Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps, Boots
and Shoes.
Bemember. People, this Auction Sale in a chance of m
life-time to bay good. Staple Mercbandiae at Aaetien. It
will also pay merchanu to attend this sale. Bemember thie
entire stock mnat be sold in 10 days. Msmeaiber the plaoe.
Browh Block.
844 Front Street,
Sale oommanoea awary afternoon at 8KX) p. m. and at
7:00 p. m. abarp.
OILBBBT LEWIS, An*^-------___
N. B-—Tbe Htorc Fliturve, dkelva*. OmsHrs. Mlrrora, Deto.-eto. tor s^
iLlil * ]«U«.JilJiLAIl
] OOOD HVUOAX. OaOAJUZAXIOJr. 8t«l»Wr Qr«o4 Open
S4ih. Best Frida; ereBia*. The tUy
iSHid i» have B Imi^y nonl aad Km
■*H *d«l WrtM* ««• Xt»mpOB Bobw I ***• *^’^^**'
bMB troBUd in BB iDleMlceat miBner.
•bow. Bif Ohi« «b4
WilliBMbBiv.MBreh IS.—ThecoBeertt TheiUwytella the old (Btamar Ule pf
^7 »lrtj Bad eatw^aeBt Riwi by the band
. iatr^ae
Ihe MlowiBf is BB estiael from a i at this place Ust alfbt «rae a itnad ! the floal dowatall of TUliaay, bat it U]
i. Beha ca«dU«.le
i^oelead by Mn. R' fl. Pupa, jaaeceM. both fioaaeiaUy aad eoeUlly. ]*he old sIoq told is aeir laBfBare,
tp ia Bebo. CMietolx eoBsty
^ brother Bari Adalt. who left The hall was flUed to Ita foil capacity i with new ^taaticNis aad thrrrfera Is a •
thtofosMele ftvB BdJDoad WllsoB OB.
w. X-laet aprla* with a jaad toany had to stand ap.
jBewstoey. Mbb.t paUieUe and thrillhaadred
— fifty
«.> qaarls ol. eaitau
.. j^^rfc^aadUa haaten lalriaf 20; The miule waa fint «1bm, ^ pla^ i lar •«•*«»» aald to aHse in the tomr
fraltaad boa Ctaarlsa Parker flftj pack horses with them for aa oearlaad; eawileat aad erefTthlop else in pro-1 acts of the play, oae of the moat thrilltrip to the Kloadlka
! portloB. The soDfs, which were the | i&F of which k the eeeae where the
Thare k a ffreat dakiiail at Oeetrai
• Deose Foal, a C.. Dec 2«. ISM. ] Uteet, wve well lOBdered.
; bUad fir] seaa aboat to erosa a roetie
Laka for maa to eat mood. Orer at
hard hot ael| bridre. spsaalac a deep
Hare jaat airtred here, after trampTbs boys have «
rarlae. A
Maaeekaa the Antrim Irae Ooatpaay iaf ISO miles os mw aboca, braakl^
leak well of portioa of the bridye hea
e iryiar to Import ama from a trail for oar dofi taam. lexpaetto them. Tha players a
be aakad to ar-1 to make a death trap for the ylri.
OraadEapids aad other plaew fartbv epeadOi
' she approachce thk part of the span
aad retara to
laaye for aaothar ea
' camp oa Mad Hirer, u miles Borth of
tbs old refrain of "Sawanee Blrar’'
cornea fiaatipy thioayb the air from a
e we leftot
lUlia the fifBt wlater for seeeiml
yeare that teama kaee eroaaai the ioe
yirl'a pioyrem k arreated
hatweea Barber Bprtefe aad ^tashey. paytBf dirt, tokea op elalam aad ia-; Boy's Baad Mlaetrrl show u already
moment an the eery brink of the
teod to work them ia the eanay.
i Urtre aad th<m who desire yood aeteca. bba stops, llsteaa for a mo-i
Tbere k p^ty of yams here. | tioaa ahoald apply early
ataru in tbs di-1
IWG. R.SA I. has farakbed the killed 3 mooee. a larye aamberrefithep
lataia tbeep. hearer and otter. The i alybt. The show niU hare yrMt tea-1 feetion from which the aiaytny
material lor - alaety thoasaad fish
tteriaa by pladar that eamber ol monatalB alwep ara the finest meat I teres. bothJartktie and funny. There [ The blind confident of the yirl on the
Prorkioas are rery hiyb | will beak end men, til of them^len-^ bridyr; the pathetic riew ol the audiyoeaf ep^ed treat ia aelyhboriajr ercr ate.
bere. Flour la
a sack Suyar is : did characters. There will be flpc bcio eoce and the erenioal safety of the
atraam the peat week.—Fetoekey lathree poande for fil-OO. Salt the eame |alayiay. the best orchestra the^rrr'yirlcertainly makes a new and thrillessayar. bacon 4C> uaats aad tea hi Su, appeared on a local stayc. BaoTT^ j lay siiuttloc. Elaborate scenic d^
John F. Byke. hrakeoiaa of the C. A
I main la character aketuhea has ocea ^ tail has been provided and a oompetcat
per pound. Other iblays la pn
W. M. loesl frei^t srae eerioetly hart
^ added to the pro^m aad the Feteraon company is promised.
at Bapid Hirer Tharsday. lie eaayht
BZTBM8ITBIMPB0VEICBMT8 jsisterewtilyire the yrealeat jurenlle: --------------------------- .
hold of a brake wheel on s oar of lays
. ,
. cake walk ever seen here. The first I
A Thouaaad Tonyues
tel« ILUMI
, B«., HU. I. tb. Xn, r«k
o. j p„,
, ,i„.„pU.; CouM
l express the rapture of
lay. and the wheel caate off. leitlayl
the fiouth
th Side
;caariewof the Hannah R-fim and the [ Annir E. Sprinjrer. of ll?S Howard st..
him fall between the rails. He was 1
bosenlhalI of the Sew York, costume* of IheUaracteie will be new ,
shefouad that
Sew Dkcorery
Dkeorery for Consnmp__ ,
.................________________________________ _
I p-b-my
• New
-----hsd oompleiely cured her of thst
bery'a Uraad will be filled and the per- bsekiay couyb that for mscy years had
occupied by the store, corner of Sixth rormanoe wilt be worthy of a great { made life a burden. AU other remedies ,
taken to Fetoekey and made as oomI and doctor* could yire her no help, but j
aad UatoB streets. The rear part, cnrwd.
fortahle as a
< she sate of this Royal Cure—-it soon I
which has been used heretofore as
Dim «h**t and
Stephen O. Foster's dear r id sooy. iP»*““7
Quite a aerions aeeidaat oeonred
store rooms k belay cleared of parti.r'ltome. or
•ently in John Knrndsoe's fsiniJy of;
•The Old Folk's arttome.
or ■“i» iS^ToeW^mt^bfr
uowV^-Way Down like soDodtsy iu prakU ihrouyhtut
more famUlarly kuowV--W»y
Areadla l<satlc|eoaBty. A ayrnp pall
The eouthtrbst portion, t: feet
on tbs Suawnee Hirer.
” H the isonree the foiteme.’ So will eti-rr one who
with achise.fluiayoorer was nsed for
>. will be fitted up for aa increasei from wbU-b the late
WiUlJm C. Sler- tries Ur. Kkyb New DJ^scorery for any
te WtUlJm
etoepiny t^. and upon belay placed on'
of dr,
.od , »p.„a -koo. ,1 j,
rme.-bad llUe
the toble, It exploded with yreat force, departmem
northwest corner
coraer k
k' .u«___
•tment. The northwest
irajla. -Oa the';rj^h„»„n-r'an‘
d Waifa
Waifa drer
druy .tnr,. !
teariay{fleab from two of the children
stJohuson-s and
thirty feel deep and ^ bewy arRiver. ' which
ich cornea
cor- to the Every
•'------ • bottle nuaranteed.
and scsldlny Miss Ann Kaendson in the about
ranyed for a etoek of caraeta, trunks
face aad chest in a reiy frIyhUul maa- and ralkea, new lines not heretofore:
carried in the store. Thk improve-1
Dnrlay thk winter eereral differant ment will enable Mr. Roaenthal to add j
to the Stock In the front part and cxmi- i
«f ^ of ™ll..n.drx»iu.I »-rl
,|U ..j
both the north and aouth wcliooe of put in aad the etore otberwi»e Improv-'
Benxte county, but whalpromket to ba ed to allow for the r^idly laereaBingj
the moat raloable of el i the depoaiu k buKlaeM of tbe *iore.
that arai-.ad the upper end of Frank.
fort'D harbor aod alony the biy marali
Bren tie*.
la and adjoining the cltv Ilmltx. The
J. W. Luca* of Uiaad Rapid* kaaew
boda are inrshautlabir aad uodorlle Mleamao in i. IV. SUter'* house fur^nearly all of South Frankfort and crop nlahlny *u>re.
ontaU alony the river aifd manb. DurHev. C T Stout will deliver thk
iay a recent excavation ibere, a cellar •teeinp tbe third lecture la the eerie*
WM dny eeveral feel Into a bed of fine on Cbrklianliy applied to eociai ijoebmarl aad did not then reach the boi* tion*. SnVj-H-i: • Cfarklianity and
tom. Verily there k a rbyular. K<on- popular cdueaiion."
' »
0^ JuAcres^.»
comes as the natural result
of wearing the clothing we
sell. The makers o! that
clothing have solveti the
problem of how to turn out
in large quantities garments
that have all the attributes
of first-das-s custom work.
Indeed, if is only the best
merchant tailors who can
rival the quality, style and
fit of “Adler" ready-made,
and to do this they must
charge you nearly or quite
double the price.
If you will call we shall take pleasure-in showing you
the new Suits and Top Coats from this celebrated house,
and explain their many poiuts of3sui>erioritv.
In Klove
"Put otv S8.U ^aestevda'a, atvi
Tvo\a \»e are ve&d^ ^ov tarpet
busXtvess. "VDe ujard Vo sVovc
^ool out Wue. "KeuoT behove
Vv&ut \at Wu 'vu such ^ooii
sbupe Vo uVVeud Vo ijout cuvveV usuuVs as \»o uto VhVs
^I.«mbn-.Go. of U.,.onl. i.-o ! Dock«.C»«, No, fill. M. K. A to.WTOa.o.r lo.A of OOA.T .frlp. ool:
„,„a.oo. »
aad-yroowdfor*a*h for hoi bed*, to deeired.
Paul Roac for hk melon farm in ladiFred W. Wriyblmao and Lena May
ana- The cedar sbii^ will make oae
Cook, both of Monroe Centre, were
mile ol hot beda. whkh bed* will rake
nailed la marriaye yeelerday after
anonyb moloa planu to *ei hk imnoon by JnUee S. M. Brown.
aieaae melon farm of 1 '.< aerea. Mr.
Tbe Llneoln Uterary eoeiety met
Baee k tbe laryeet melon raker in the
United Sutee, haviny bealde* the farm laat nlyblaad definitely decided toyo
in Jndlana- a larye farm in Henzie to Kinyeley aext FYiday erenhiy to
yive aa eatertalament.
county,-Benzie Kanoer.
M. O. H. Wall uf Cadillac k tbe la-! M. C. Oviatv ba* ehlpped two of bk
▼entor of a paenmaUe bayyaye Ufur j
Minneapclk, to
to be Btod on bayyaye care. - He bai^*'^*T*^'>°^*^'<^M°^P'*WaliaBdeeeared a patent on the InvenUon and |
*'^***’the detloe k now in uee on come of tbe j Tbe Nonhera TelephoaeOo. ba* oonWaln* OB the U. ]|L A t It k operated i aeeted up 76 of their tetc|Rionea la the
by ooiapreeced air from the enylne aod I city aad about a* many more will UhaaanautomaUoaealeattachtaeDt for!raBDecteiL.UU week. The line k
wetyhlny bayyaye
; workley very satkfactory aad the toll
Mr. and Mm. H K. King, both of tbe j
** *“P^ ^*7 The pole* *re belay
literary da** of W1 at Ann Arbor, are
Leelanau county UneanJi
atlkklny unlvereity. Peking, ^in*. i^
ai profe«*or and inwructor, re«pec-'
I * whek.
It k **ld that ‘ koutbern Michigan
Mr*. A. W' Wait en'trrtaizu-d * f<-w '
fruit ymwer* e\pvct a large cr.ip of fnei»c!*ia»t r'pilgtitfoll)- at tea (a*t |
applei thk year, and glt^'aa a reaaoh rt.-nlng iu honorof Mr*. R. A. Bairr-.
that the wrly cold prevented tbe*an| R*lpb Aodemon went to Takn.t yc* :
from riaing JO thf trees, which, wi.en j wrdav to conund tin-fnrrral of H T. ,
^erate weather .-ontiouMi until 1 itc , (itvldtou m»te«d of A M C. Uwk. a* :
la- the aetaca. ri«e* and la the aubae- announce;! .ve-urday.
qnenvcold weatharhi tbe latter part j
>. M. Palmer of Uraud Kanid*. for-;
ef tb* winter aad early spriug freeze*.
mc'ly of tbe Palmer Shirt Ca. la in the |
ymUy damayiny the crop. TbepreaaatooBditlonof Ueiree* k aucb that
t'ag Co.
BO amount of cold weather'can-effect
Sertooa Accident Preventad
aext eaXioa'a erop.
Yreterday a* tbe Wy circular aaw at
Fetry Bnaaemk Party.
the mill uf the Barker Cedar Co. at
Little Ferry Rnaaom was 7 year* old Bingham waa about to be aUrted a
wa* made which ao doubt
Tcaterdayandbehada liiUe birthday
party- Ferry antertalaed le of hk prevented eenous damaye to property
UtUe friend*
loai ofaloe
life, a* welt. As
UlUe peoale enjoyed the aaw beyau to turn it waa dlscover4he afternoon with yamea and toward* ed that tllFcollar and burr bad been
five o’clock a fine aupper waa aarved. removed. It k not euied that auroae
Mr*. Haaaom waa amkied by Mr*. Al- ba* been found who k reapoaalble fer
lan.Smlth. There were aerved eaady the act.
and fruit nesidea the aupper. Tha folT* tllamliiat, a TauavL
lewiay were the yneats:
A noTvl way of nominating a raffway
Jean S.mm*. Hoy filmma. Edwin tnnuE baa been devked la Park. ReBmith. PervT,- Eaaaom. Lacy Kelley. flertoT* throw the ligbi from many
Bemle Banaeu. Herrkoo Oanaom.Olive elactrk laniy,. aixiceu feet above ihs
Imcker, Uom Lackey, Eda Banaom. Talk to tbe aides of the tunnel, where
Stbal Bobieton.Charlie Baaaom, Elijah It I* again reflected by burniabed tin,
a toft and agreeable IlgbL The train* ;
RUa Bclwtloeafl. Bany automaUrallr tarn the eurretit on aad
Bertha RaawL OMoBel off tn enwrliSr and tearing the tanneL '
PawoHi. Helen □annaa.,,7UUe Smith.
^^ve been affUcted with rhmmaMun for 14 year* and nothlay rtr-TTf
4*yiecaay relief. I w« SelTb*
Corot vMatled as be fainted
(kadicape* trim and aloe;
' rbistle baunta bU can
w-hiitle at the prlea
—Chicago Record.
Card of Tbaaks.
aad Mm. Edwin Martin wkb to
dM. and waa Immedkuiy relieved and expreaa tbelr thanks tol their friend*
la a abort Ume enred. I am happy to ^ for th* kind ■rrrlee* raad*rad apd
^th«ltbaanot rince
»to. ■ fl
n >iai
>ral expre
wtprtealoaa of *ympathr on the
Joah Edyar. Oermaatowu. Chi.
rnaem aad death of
aalehaS.E Walt. Drufskt.
their m, Bddk.
I bwavus
Bui we do boliwc in sign.s when thev are
so convincing
thojie which iKiinl lo the
increasing demand for-our ••BKST” flour.
s Anction!
Auction! Auction!
g Sale Started Thursday, March 16th
OTv ^Oe wp. X ^
Come aui VooV. aV VVus sVoeV.
I5' TIie Entire Stock Of The Fair
Will be sold at Auctiou to the highest Udder
Jtlothing reservod-evorything must
be sold out in 10 days.
Men’s Suits $.3,75
Men’s 5uits $5.00
Men’s Suits S7.50
Men’s Suits $10.50
These priowi havt- been pal npoti liuet; of meo’b aoitit coujprigins our winter stock—goods that previoafitj retailed at from
BIX dollara to aeventeen dollars. Our sales which have been
unprecedented are well merited, as you will readily conc^e
when you see the goods for ytrarselvee. and prices quoted on
them. This sale we shall conUhoe about a week longer, when
the greater part of onr new spring stock will Iw in.__
. Right
is your opportunity if yon have not already availed youtaelf of
our extremely liberal offer on above goods.
See our adrertisenieat on child's goods in another place in
the Hecobu.
Hamilton ClothingCo.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White
Goods, Lace Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes, Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps, Boots
and Shoes.
Remember. People, thia Auction Sale ia a chaaoe of a
Ufe-time to bay good, Staple Mercbandlae at Anatlon. It
will aIbo pay merefaante to atUnd thi« aale. Remember thte
entire etook Anat be sold in 10 daya. Kemeaiber the plaee,
Broeeh Block,
jC44 Front Street,
Sale oommenoee every afternoon at S.-00 p. m. and at
7.-00 p. m. sharp.
OILBBBT LEWIS, Aactioneer,
_______________ ofDatrolt,^^
K. 8.—lhafftore Flxtarca, ShMeaa, Coaatm, Mirren. DeMc. ate., for aale.
■•■ wn-’-TVi p*;- -^-T?-.,^ iwjywya;^^^^
' ‘y*\?^ 'f^
hxoobd bv^dky. maboh
le. is»g
t feeueraV
0^ Wvt "VDorVi. t
oatCB (KrtaoM-ai,! «f*cn
Bet.CbaA T. ateel. KeeWr.
Corner WaahlBg ton atreet and Board*
lava of
Morning aerriee and aenaon at 10:40
a. B.
at tW.OOO.ax)
bandar ae^ool at It'oo m.
Id takina an oath In EriUBd thut- U
t.ov no coDipulaion to kite the book
The U»
ihc Sc>>icitli
lorm rnny be
If I • iwcarrf I
Breolag aerriee aad lecture at h
Bare than
N«( ttl«> ta» B»oh.
RolyeomaiBBtoa at«:tq a
New Jeraey. <19-
tioaa have bean eeenred
f.-oaec ont-faurth of lu aldth, end
there «ai tXatinc or tcnc.of the take*
in ita.
Baa avesne.
r;*ii«dt>^M»ref»raiizi; a combiDh
M»b to be
Vsroisbad by tb« BMpM
Tbe'tnVjfel in the ereeiac
ptowMaBafaotariBff eiiab^iabtaieott.
■‘CtarUtlaalty aad Pepo
See Our New Spring Lipe of Ladies’ $2,50 Shoes
whrnanfferlog with rbeainntani. wat
on cbriatianl
intersaUooal expoeltloa In the aerlu of leelarea “
'•‘••’••‘•■'‘Viadnuod to try Chemt>erlain'a\
Chamhertain-a\ Pain
aeaayt-: -‘A few appiirkti
that city b«|[lenlBff apnlied to aocial qaeatiooa.
of tbU linlBi-nt prored of gTwW^er
A eordUl iDrUatioa M extended to
ft kubdoed
oed the infliRT^tinn
BOoUu^^dar the patroDace of liia
and reliercd tbr pais. Should any tiutramnia cutiaifH.
(occraBeat of Bilyium and the profferrr prodt by giring Psln BUm a trial
Bet- Baccla/Joar*. Paotor.
It wilUlraeo me.” For aale by 8.
iDcaaodeltyof Ueee.
ait. Druggiet
ly aebool at 0:4V
. Sebtraneblld A tialaberyer of New
by J, FeanlhgtoB li;00 a.
York Md Kaaeaa City,
«fly aerea of iaad oe Fortieth atreet.
C. B. Beeliag at &;4S.
Chieoce. npon which they wilt erect a
Preaeblog by the pa*lor at 7:o0 p. b.
Tba l<i(v«
trill be held in
•boat May I. iw», and eoBllBaiay ■;«
eaekinreaUbltobBent to eoet fs.mn.-
BermoaaabjMl, “Hiat (^aaker. who
After you do this you will be conyinced
that others are not selling a $3.00 shoe at
$2 60. We give value received.
sadcoBTvsaelBs. turroatPi.
aad hare a killlag capacity of I,. be la. aod wbai he b,” ooatlnned fros
j or Fmarnrl^i
OMeaUle. s.ono boga aad 4.000 ahMp laat Sanday erealng.
I. S1« Pniot .10
Ofltrr* twvTouiH-lW Woek.
Ber. B. Jooee will be abaent from Telcpkanr Ko. «UJ,
Far aereral year* now the bettoo iiaa tbe OMiming aerriee to aUend the fa*
118 PrODt Street.
OLID :R£!XaI:,^3:3X*ID
beea eaat aalde and hooka aad eyea aa namJ of Mr. ttaanaford at Cedar.
4raB faMeeera bare Mtened-
Bet tbia
na»T MxruoDUtT.
aaaaoa caaaafaetarera'are taraiatroat
bettoaa of all dwigna
SeT.J.A.Steadr- fAtrr.
-rf^t at 9:40 followed
the tboaa-
at lOJO by
At Utlie B'*ck, Ark . the atate legia-
Baaday acboW at lt:00 a.
Epwortfa League at 4:4S p m.
baa the _
paaaed a
In tbe erraiog
tbe aecond
Cecil bbodee'Cape to Cairo railway
__M^£.?ag5:«7S3&s« ;asi.'S‘£TrJ5s;;-:;::.
wi.l be dellrered oc.
BoBbeca to W raveinated.
Trarane Otty Karket.
Below 1* a list of the baying and aell
leeterday for groceriee i
term prodncie in Trav j
axLLue t-Bicx.
Utare la badly aeared orer ibediaeoraBaltpox-
ogo- I-
brief addreana aod Holy
ery that Seoalor
Xrodu*U ToroDto
r Is Nu-oo lUds. 'Pliso.
"The Dance of
Wash goods as popular, or that
pleases as well, as
We make no promUe totpate
daoeing Ch ':*iUo*.
We belleTr.
Be arrangMl the detail* a few erer, that if parent* wi'l M»ten
dayaago wilb Oarmta Fyrrlga Min* next two lector,-* on thi* an' ject.
UW roe Kaalow and Baoeror Wil- will oerer again allow ttictr children
U a go.
ji Our Fine
Colored Cambrics!
to attend dancing »cboo1. oor will th.y
Afloatisg laUod. bat ween one and
dance again ibeiuaelre*.
If yon
four to agoodaaat coaa earlr.
Are feet thick, caBC down ibe IiUnoia weluoua Yonra torpura, bappy Cbriarirer, eollided with a cabia boat, Uaa hoBca.
. aaia*bed In the keel and landed it
Oct. M. E..BruMCb. Pulur.
. Mhore, atmsk a nim-of the wagon
9:30 a. m., class meeting.
^dge at Uayana. (‘L, and atranded
1U:3D a- m., preaebiog
between tbe pier and abore. City anIt.-UOB., tionday aebool.
tboriile* will Wow tbe Uland np with
4:4t p. m , Bpwortb Lea^
tare aerea in extern, and'from
Scarry ta cp'.deBlc in Blntng easpa
tbe interior of
Six Ben
hare died la tbr Copoer Hirer dwtriet,
there are 30 patienu at Copper
SarjaMla P. Ilnlcblnaon, known a*
trade operator aad
haarl fallara Tliaroday at
the Lake
I>*kr Ueaera. Wia
He waa 70 yeara of age.
T p. B. Goapel
Prayer meeting Tburaday evening.
All are cordially io'l^d to tbeae aer*
KrAXOKIJlAL.Be*. e. Salsbrr)'. Pastor.
w. iiJSS:,i
Bcmxa EATl
— irCftSS-Vlee btellr noleowb,
X gradt.---------------laato of tbe Dolveediy Boepi '
Arbor, •nil
tor bare
T ADIX-t-Oe.lriag ,lr<
Xj ti.eir l>nme> ln.|ol
Weboneld-edrOM outklnjr
mot lUreeu
^ ' Butter, per fa..............
tiooday aervicea aa lollowa;
Reaala'a Blaialer of war U wld to
will preach
fWownap the aaae day.
wore taken aod tbe Buaalan magtriae
waa aa red
hetiDgti e<vt«7 Meiklrjoln baa Uaa^ordemfora military ezploraUon
of Alaaka, one expeditloa to work in
tbe Oo^r Rirer legioh and
abuet Cook'a Inlet.
Mid week
e.tLS A equar
P don M • hargats
■ler Atreet.
hr Ik aaM to ttll hie efflrr
Hr* case he bad
< ome under his T
«va* thu of a m
• harge ,.f .-.-irrylr?
at T:4<i
All are welcome
^^*07. Toooeller Ltoek.
Bev. O. Oeeklls. pMtor.
other trull, *11 toarlng. coed bulldiu.
qumion Into any o........... ...................
■J3 I ‘berefoie, (liamiseed the i-Bh,-. A'.lh.'U ;h
will I the eoun'K rL-asoiilng wa*
o>ad, probably about I.Un allea, make
or at I p. B.
lang People's Society of CtarUtian
FrMow^cobricU boxed np Jobe K*rriter. lif-r at the Michigan City,
paalleetiary. >o a rboe eaae and be wee
eanird r.vioe ibr drlirrry-wagon.
Tb'B« wiabingt
aeei at Ibu eloee of the
not ready to
with the
evening aer-
Tbcee having letiere
Ara yon
a church
them to the paator or one of the dea
With regard to thv effm* of gur.ehets
Opera House.
pen a balloon, the roHoMinx esiKri*
iriiie aerc made.
A *bui »at nrrd
fruffl A L'bei rtflr ai a iMilinnn at an
Altitude of AM feet It uDly |Nitr(ra(.-d
SWi Asuio a> * herdy plunrrr and a
tbr fabric below the e<]iiBtor. am', no «|>*
rained adluiut t., tb. *|rr»t departoirn’, | pr^iVij^ 7rtu"t’’"r«i*u^'
Prikj. Untb 2«li
r«r ler Taalm
tiewuye Iti- terra mita eewrra and , many rhuta wrre flrrd aeveral p.-nelrai
drato*. «at>M«al:y iboat In the loaer trig the l>alloon and-paa«ing out n<*
part of the city. fe,|Uintly get cboked
the upper valve
After a Is|»- -.f *li
>k.n. It can tw
balloonOvaLetiJed gu;eil>
the giound. by reason of the tow of ga* I
through the ballet hole*
But it a|>.
pearvd that, uhairver ifa* r.umle-r r-f
... ----------------------------- ... . shots,
loe* ofga> wo* never euB.
t great deal of aorh
rt.nt to cauM the ball.ion t.. fall rapwork to look after, and the worry coo. l.ldly
n*^ with getUbg 111* r.d»e throughoe anotbrt necaaioe a gharpnel ahell
am Mone far lowaid Ibltmlng hU hair , waa fired from a .-ver.-j-.under Arm-,
M has at tart dixx-vmd a quick, sure . *trong gun at a tmiloon. having an sill•M easy meih-Hi He gc-s lo the rivet.! lude <,f lAuti feet
•>■■■ a..i» .i..... '
«»tcb.*s a ratfrli. ties a airing to Its | the Umii of ocKat
tall. Arops t( dowo a manhole into tbe lm|g>aflhle,4b hit
In any rare, had
"Ja Uia Untied gtaiae atone ibrvo are
^eev upon thirty law firms cuBpoMd
«( h.usbanda ar.d wivm
n with Ihemr'
•■Ob. not at all: tbal's tmi the real
anration,'' ansaerrd the Ban In tbe tetiera.
•nban what ur'
-Mow that w« haw ibr PhlMirplaea,
What will *r* *o with XMitnaldor'Chleagn Fort.__________________ ,
VommI Fyasalrt.
IBie apnag win oemr asala.d*Bi trtond*.
That ta Ha usual war.
It romos and goes a dosen Uaaea
Meters It eonaa le May.
^kleage Haowrd.
dust the
Shin Waists, House Dresses,
Girls' Dresses, etc.
We show Percales—all yard wide-at 7c and
Call and ses our stocks of Wash Goods,
Dress Goods, etc.
Yours for reliable merchaiidisc at right price&.
OTCiyDCOn^O ReliaWe Dry Goods. Carpet
0 I ClIlDLnU U
and Clothing House.
Are clostn^r it out rapidly,. Sales last week exceeded our
expectations. We are anxious to close it out in order to
' make room for our large stock of
PortleiHl, Orr.. tli« faaiillar rat*
r nans for the J
riVar, aad fnr.-.s lu way through aiiy ’
ahsUwctlee out m aoUdSe brick, draggtf« the stHng a'^lrr II
Then the dep•fa does as far down tb* avwer as b*
Aaama iwrewaaiy. and picks up the;
Mriag, whirl, h. use* to draw a wlrs
through ih<- Aew.r, and with this a rop#
li polled through and the sewer h soon
12 I-2c per yard"
Our Liberal Discounts
on Furniture....
Just One Night—
aeeaailed the drirer
ead took to the wood* with the lattar'e
colored cainbrki
Endeavor at 5:46 p a.
■Maaofihe Uana for tbe United tiiatee vlee in the paator'a atady.
liaUooal maeauB at Waablogtoo.
-’Which nf ynu I* It that has nu
aplru-- u.-K.d the iratnm of malurer
yvunp—CH *ko Poet-
aalary guaraiileed
ehaiw-e (uradtaaeeneai. Noeaollal rerdl J'ulMoforwaUM-addKM Bb^Caa-
a IhoRHigh atudy of tbUeoaparatirely chvrcb on eoafeaalon are rwjneated to
nakaown ounntry and gather
SrhaTAb* Katarwlly Vaferivd.
“We n- \-ar uuarfvl.” uaid the yotm*
*, bis Alale
Janlor Society of Christian Endeav
now at Pam, Brasil, logo np tbe Aaaa>n rirer aafara* the reeael can pro-
. ta«« broke oat.
siriLtly- In
'BLcnrdHtu-v with the evldcpre.
laei diacoaree of oar rtarloft.
Sanday aebool at noon.
•rieerriary Long Friday cabled ordere
per yard, but we still sell
As low a price as lisa ever been made on tbeo.
V nltceule,
another p. m. All are inrllcd to a oota derair any. ■ H bitrw.i.Ill
carry tlon of tbe aubjeola preaented in tbe '------liaeonbalsiiee
•tree!, rraverA* Oily, Mteb.
ID Captain Todd Of
^ I™,’:'',
.wf ia
The flrat.wlll
thing for
Tbe pastor will preach two Lenten
rrmnns tbii Sabbath.
be at 10:47Ta m. and the aecond at T:oo
Oar hrsl case o1
the goods at
Ithoi’gb he ran neiti cr read
momlng and
&>th are to
fall eqalotaeau aod ioppltee to Noram-
have already advanced H cents
prate f.ir ;ilie reiaei'iaiton atljai''iit
goods, the mBnufacturer'e price on these
Antoine JJA<-k«on e rim-t.'o,Nled Tnkno’ tf tamil.arly as -Koiiaka
liab b»en ei.N 1-0 Juat'.ci- -if
powder aagaiine at Tonlon and tbe erealng.
BaatUo at tit. Pplerabarg were to be
iiRy pieces is alioudy gring rapidly.
Indfae ^OAile* «r the Peae*.
Be*. J. A. Frye. P. E. of Grand Bap
percale, but nner.
Preaebiog at 10:3$ a. w.
.ride.'absolutely fast fulors, anil cornea in s variety of m-a'
and pretty ilesigns—nil colors in the lot.
Owing to the heavy advance in all grades of cotton
Q.tltL WAXTCn^For
Baaday arhool at 11:30 a. a.
This cloth it liko
Ohureb on corner of 9tb and Wada*
worth itreeta.
Preaching at 7 p. fa.
bare had iDformaiton that tbe French
"“Jir. 1.1^;...............
it been j-oiijUe tn do so. the'ehei; would
*■*..................... -‘•-d the iiaituoB iHlaw the
kw-4 out again *o low
mar n>< **rl»ur Inat »f
balloon inaas but lllllr
of its n
|h.w,.r—that t*. little of Its
Is made l<rli)W the nqua*
Once a gore was aplll up to with
in a few feel wf 111* upper valve, at
nm the lAHisin fell rapidly, then Ih.Wind nil.d uul tbr lUppitis fabrtv. anf
II aallvd quUlly to eart^____
A Pn Slin •! Tm SMthn lam.
Pleasing SjieciaJtics.
FtaD;. Exdtlu.
Carload of Special Sceneq
Ottateth I>latk*'n>aaewt.
A high Than h stranger who was visli.
tng a rural Akuich lo BoglanA rei-enlly
Inquired. "Havr you matins in this
ehurchr- -x >h ro. air.'asid the rastt ■
wrgrr..''oil<l,'ih right «p to the chan*
Price*:-25. 35 SO, 75c.
Bol Seats,
The Most
.Esthetic Taste
"I notleral a detidi-d coolnes* between
ymu and Dlaiu be last night''
•Teat *he eat oe one side uf her nous.
In from Boston and I or. the other.”—
Chlrsco Pally New-a__________
gk.tr MualMi.
LiUUe Andtew—Fa why did the pil
grim fathers cowte over to this countryT
Pa—4k> as to give the Masaaekoaetu
Telephone 92.
.^24 Union Street.
Is not proof aggiugtBDytbioK
subUe sud
fiieifer's t. aUfoniis Perfomes
One of Ibr sweotf«t of these
16 railed
Santa Bartmra Hel*
No monk would be
In Introdaeing onr nsw and
kumdsoms Hns of
able to tom away from any*
thing BO inTiting.to iiajf noth*
ing of a woman.
We have
Shoes For Ladies
stock all the
Tbs suitable name—Hsad>
aoae—will be the words you
will nss when yon eee the
OnnUier’s Chocolates, and
Rons—fresh goods
tractive imrkages.
Jas.G. Johnson
TbetWaAeaf tC
Call at once for Bargains.
Old Bicycles
Made Like New*
U yoo want TOW old wbort t« look A* food oa naw-twlog it
to B.
B. Olbba.
or call me np by 'Phooe Ho. Ifti. aod 1 will eall aod evi poor wbaeL
WIU r«palr. swaiaai aad dMoraia it ap-to-date. for a liule «x|
H. E. QIBBS,J’ropTietor
They Fit the Feet
es nature intended. Bate, com
fort, snwe and beanty, snperior
workmanahip — style unexcelled.
PriCK 11.50, 2.00, i.eo, 3.00.
ISSrroatSt Prutical SUoe Mag.
1 A
I U'l-n ..f •IfB'-M S,nr.iW
).;>)« bef..|. Ill, ... iiinEOI III.- Hv li.eh-: t ie-. Ie'.pea ma.li ...,i omie.l or elfwiive • a.ttei
.ajuia «9ii|tnr (
l«!r ..f Wh,„„
Aiiurii-aii v..r a ’ flooU ul v-.iflp'tlne »i..n.f aK«tr.-i i-pouleb .(oiumatt
The ihla im . I o
oiotuun* on tb.* -.otnt wa. > -’Ured forth l'>an«
,1.- • . h' >'•- •
.11 i ii.-i .wi*y, ijitn l.y any •
W-itMJrr W «b>il» W. h«v.- H,„Tih.h'-iMh •«! -l.-s^Npt
Wiil.oOJ It. by ihr |>n-.r and the
men of our
}WI b-.-0 rlvinx • tnt»air Uih.i.UaiU roI>« w..uM l* *n E4.-D N.i mumiy
Tb< one ea>> the ruU>n le a
WIi*i do •’rkAo* i,r
,11 ||.„ Wid^ .«rth baa • iBor» niwardly. acISah. riuhl.-aa cueirma.
di.-mi, -<.! I.J lie li,.. follurVou^ar.'iu“,^ ui."l
WuuruJ .llmau,
K<, hilta .hi
SloriioK 1
..■aii-uUioii of a ptaiiUi- ev-r.—,i
hu.ia ..i omr«utn-l.,,urhitmha.-ake '
tb« Acri^rtran
«i-« ha'f n »*i^ •. - all ai.d
day and lii>a|able of a.lte>itiii.*je Ki'iiluvk
^OU^.nt av-Incwh. n ..m. il.a .. cm.ulainrt i.t,., ..f c. „- I'e.kinjt aftei iinythiiis lervond hie own
o-‘. ..?t^..• bol
‘ r**’ '•
»• »<rap-d off ibHr 4.^1^ aurfa.a btU« ln|er<*i of the muniriit. The «lh-.
.................. -....................................................the 1
m diaturb-; tbar« wUI »-■ no mor-. b.aiu.ful .....nfrv •r proli.te that the tnil^n la a lime pursued b> III. >,mii.rii Paje*.
Hie Iwbuig. and
in« UIM quealMOAf «o*. .M lu-vef be- .!<■ b* found In me na» woild .,r iha ..M '
arnit «:ui ■-lentually d,e|a-i>(<l, .md I «i ■ ..ndearend .
rora. l oele Uui la flstnc Wa iniiuialtlve ! Ev.a rndar acfaiinB < in-uni.tai..'..* tha
of 111. iia-n .tkiTe (liken |iria.m.-,>.
TIi-a ' Atiolbtr e-niailv tnierwinu;..................
. aM aqulllna a>r« bn «br bioan naa i iimaja «f ibia aun ato.-|>ad tanrl ta far ]lo>>- ver that may be. arlual erffrthi-Bi','(btf ev.ienialii poll.-y . i .il,»..iuie lo figure In t'liWn rmiiietruetimi la
'•’hoaa burden (he fortune of »ar baa mui. Mlubtioua than li baa l».r i«jnt- rme hat ahown ue that the Cuitane aie
fiui-ilt a^ji. h iualk..d Siwii'. ir.al- UartuloDle MueMi. u bo wan eh, te.1 pre».
forced him to Ub. up, Brefiie buOdlnx | ed Th. vini.T month. In ful«i an dr- neiihci node nor angi-le. lo borrnw the
the I'ul.an until Amei-.i«<, ucnia i.l-nl of the ful«n lepuhlli jw„ veare
la a naa same for the l’nlt«J tdaie.. nehlful. ..arhanUnK. lo Iheir Ir.v-linm. • l.hra.ee of tl.e poet, but tnen In a wortil
aweiH her Ij.t aoi.l.er fjvm the taliind. ago. Muaeo la the aon of .. tniui’lj of
The flrll war. houav..r. baa Uudhi ua »h(!. fi-en the mummer m.mih» at. far of men. Home r>r them .are g.e>d end
Colonel I'rtio nden «n» ansms th. gr.-.t uealih and g.-al eiundlng in die hjaial
mnnj- laMona aa to ihe evil, that may | more i.leaaai.i than a.- nnd them In aome of them are had like all ulh.-r
BM> of •e.tdoie .onderutw-.j ,u <|eRi;,. .ard «a> graduated
Hatana .......
aceomfiany eirt« ibe tiaoi int«niia>nMt I many of nui own ftutea. The Cubaoa
If they an- not Juat what we.-a«'. Th. garrnUe wax pi.i in
a„.1 the verelty
H- i» a whnlnr
d a genllr.
•tUmpU •( raeonatrix lion.
Ixoklnc (hemae|w.m/..,nalder ibe aummer tnimlha the godfal
idfathem of their freedom, muld dead bo.llee «iiv hoir.'-ly muKlui. .| niuii. aii.l nb--n the ten >.
bMk from Iba pinmule of our century- j the most ^e«Katil |«n of their year. I ai.n. It tnuet be ifineniberetl dial Ihe,
roae th.. a . . .ined,l:.- .•lUi In Cilia, he dUlInguiah.-.l htmeoll by
and. Ihoae kaarma now an^m Main The M'pular Impn aelon of the m.ai... ' aharlilea of the mlddl- agea that hav«]
hU braiery in the atrUsgle agaliiai
•BOUdb to «a. and alnce we bat e not I brily of Ibe < llmair of the P-arl
binding thitn.dowo for d-nturleal
|S|ialn-a di>tini-tK>n for «hl<-h h. uaa
m m
' <I 'm
>1, bad a rtvlber who WU —y
1 Voted to him ..mt even oa (h« flail
dll. noble Woman n (uaevl to f.vrsaka bdP
•.m. The (Vault uaa that nflor OM •<
th - •. nitagi'meiite vub die Spuilardi
r.iiJiiH ► niuthe, aa> . .i.;urrd and is
Ihie.. dayV lied fr.ira die ill tregtSMSl
ant indlcnltiea ahe rrerived wblH S
pniamer It wax (hm,traglr event wUA
.-auerd her m.m to lake an oath of atw
***** fe-tgeance agafoM tflS
•V >ea. a liiH.naoni.M-m Ir D SpSbM
road.- Could not w i ing frum bira a proat*
tav of alh«lan<v to bta raptor* and Mfl
old lime opiiremanrw. on bis tlberatlas
ht- returned lo the new world. comSfl
-to New Vorii.
Here blank povartT
Mured him tn the lav.-, and In hi* acsTofe
for himi-al employment he drifted dOWS
to lloiiiluiae. wher.- i.e a (|ine he waa S
rtruRKl'ng xiboohiiaaier. l,a(er be
■ iiiu. i-.«tmaaler gm.-rul. and. falling iS
.........................................................................i-a daogbf
Where we have watched God’s hammer fr
Shall While WlDfed Peace now brood, an.
•Sihed In where Kur.<pean angvl I (eai.'d' Am ilt.-.
from dir
intt-l- IiKiri.i.: Hiuintsl. .nlej-. aia In ih.- m.-un-, cuxl Him M..rr.. ,,.ix„n ami lal-r d.-portr j
ter he murri«d (bat lady
and made
M (read there I* Hide ie**..ii t 1 doubt t .if till- I
rule, fill.- the aympiuhy .-f the ,tii«.-na ..f ed to Simto. wh. re he waa held a luin- bume f..i her In Orange N J
that our rcgeBerallon of Cul>a. (he III I (bow diffeivni town,
n which pivi-..de iKilldial .nianeliiation*.
Ilu- I’nllvd piai.a had K’n glowing aa. om-l for two year*
On hi* wleaxe he
Anolh.-i rcpreaenlatlve of the high
fated and hang• oppieBaed.
Hut «oe
(he vio:
tnie .i-hBrarlerladcfalling of ai live Ihut I'realdi-iil i'6dk .ifTrivil lo relurnrd lo Cubu and la-, aitie a uUl.-t giaji- <*ul.aii who I. wii.ne iK
-• •
..................... — -------— ,........... ............. — o ••• —V e«*'o V Uatill of llv- I.
iiaiat ve<txiu- laiuilg
..f.i la
line# that
both lllwiral andcomiHe-itng and
vt.mngThe hpanta.dha. ever jibe
Cuban la hla faith In-inanuna,- or pur.haae die iMund lor llP.ouvi.ou>
Thia and aodale augar planter for Ibe time wo^ the o uwln,. .w ?? . i ^ w^!
henalve, caudoualy a* We may
aat . bad aSvengallUke vll*daln for munlelpal , ’lomorrow." For erntnriea now the Cu- .
wa. indignantly ivfuaed.
tenyvaja* being
1=01 ih. ..eat wave of lew.lu1
men u,.,., ii’ uh
abOUl tbe eaw’Udon Of our taak.
The .U-kne.. which of old, ban baa llv«l In lb* yoalerday.
He later a rn.,.,aldun Wa. made In the ae.i- do,ufr> ,e.W. aughU.m up aid Ir-i
It I. wimelhlng more ttiau a ch.iip tnvart.l.ly foil-wed the .e*a..n, will .1 ; ha. neglected b» today and put thing, al.- to offer Stuiln «P,0.«,0(W lor fulut, ib-l him into ,he mid.l of ihr**.*! ifCm.i" who
• tt'vre Itaradi'g tu wy that omv dlaapivear when public hygiene re- | off until "nianana." II may be that hi. but the pru|H..ltlon wa. drt>p|«d
< and we flni him ihe fir»l man n. ■ n. ! >.i ^
th* l«mon whk h (he pa.l baa Uughi , . e.ye. anythl^ like the allemion which
lomomiw ” I. at la.I coming, and It
Coming down to ,hr laUrr Un "f the Halm the freedom of Cuba ,n 18K.
A*. I
not only lo the I'niled.........................................................
Htatra, but alao civic
the tropica
tropic* demanda
.. tile in
■ the
may »w that hi. new poalUon and hi. ; century, we find th. I'libM, •truggl.. f..r ......Ing ,h,.-r . .immand of the .nny, he j
to ovary olhar groat pawor. I* thai ’ to
H.' far a* the wealth and the cbarac------- ‘h'»c ddvcled all Ha movement* m the eaM- 1 iiy „n lnternadom.1
—M .MVT-. ..W.I..O.
tootore a eountry 1* to raatore It to II* ter of the aoll of Cut« are ooncamad, Ih*
e outlook, but 1
t only dm
patriot* w lih whum i
awn paofile "
{ home of the Havana Hgar I* vartly
«ce will ahow.
Our atm In Cuba for Ibla raaaon will' au|wrlnr tv any other tropical land
The problem now before lb* t’nlted
h* U .uivervtiie the rxMoradon of law i known'to mah with th* on* exception of flutes I. Just bow to bring about th*
o Utlon Sbriad, T^en Maa.o dlwiretly ■,«
p,,,y that I. I.oikimt forward to
and order and-wbrs the time i* ripe to|, l‘'vri» lilco
It has no arid fieida... rccon.lrurdon of ihia country, devasaiep...Hl oeidc uml bandi-d ht» ivimtiaiid ' the ultimate imlote-ndenc- of Cuba,
the people; area, of aterile aand* and no vnlrante uted by renturias of ihe most dealt ucover to tbiniex. the man who bad so I >rhen th. Island shall have >i. own guv*
------- , -........ ................................. ..
and Bffpc-'dehria acailcrcd acma. It* ever tuxurt- live warfare.
How .halt the blood
imig loviithe Idol of the Cuts.II wohlbH^y. ternmejit and ...i.uol U. ..wn attalt*:
Uon* are and have been centered on IM-'ant fare.
It* lT twi.ooo acres of un-, eulned machete be turned Into the bu- riomex- Gome* i* a native
Kamo Do
wax an act of grw ...u.ness on;
st,i| anoil.*ii remarkal.le figure wh*
ban aoll. It >eem* a very simple thing > cleared vtrgtn forest arc a standing eg- .-otic plow.haier tk^at .hall he done mingo and. ingliinlnp bt. military ca
le aay. but that fbe i-anrlBg oul of ample of th* imv.i luxuriant vegetation ' with the Cuban army? And hotwleng reer tn the .iHiniliilcati army, ha* been Ma^vs part whi. h wan lor him the .p- i cannot be fori.dt.-n al *uch a time ta
! R,|vador
who .. .ne time s-dd
undertaking U s stvpendou. In the world, li has *.*Si.*00 acres of .hall our military occupstlon of the 1*. formanyyem* a lighter forand against pn.¥al or all patriotic CuUn.
’■*<> "" "
Ion* ; v-igwr* and 11ran ite. In x Utile lobacvO
land endure?
Ihe llb.4dir* of «mall state*. This lias
1. i.7
CnM I* Tonm* P^inid* Pal- ' *ho|. <n New York. notwHh.t-ndlng tb*
It was when the hew* of the dcp<v»l- hot hi.
»1, ,.rl
r^" 5''? !
; "»• « ho ha. be. n called th. Franklin
K«nk1ln fact Ihm
that he tg-» full M-aled ma.ijuiw
Knglaml. older and wlacr In aiicb. arr^ of arable land
_________ (Ion of tbi- royal family of Spain by .Sa.Her, of fortune ami to dub him an ad- ..j l.u *un IMand coumrv.
ia. Later be edited a retolvtkman news.
thing*, hu* >huwii u* that lb* eastMt bean under culilvsiion. Ibe unbroken
n IM. reached
,d t
Havana that the veniuivr. Hut hi. own »lalt adores and I known i:
CnltM State* of this to- I pai<r la Pvi.r*o Prtaetp* The presa la
and auiwai wa> i* to carry s railway w.il la merely wailing for Ihr plow“f'ahUdv,” — eambythisCuhan Naieleun. who ho. terestlng and devoted man's perauasl- hi* oflire v.ox driven by a mule, and Wa
and a coliegr ivhlnd our oabnoti
Hut sharv
It leeMa with all the tropical
alway* been loyal In hi* liking* and bit-1 uv. Though but at year* b#
,. he iBiahevt had a wide elmlalloa before th*
tb* roconstiuilinn of eountriea cannot
fluli* that supply man with food when
for that strut
against ter
for be , SpanlartiB ahei the aforesaid mule «td
and reteatlea. in hi* hatred*. At one | an old and l.rviken down mi
b* offw-tid offhand b> an admlnlalratoo indolcni or loo primitive to sow
.^m.lltuled authority whlc
_____________________________ _____ _ ._jch for shut up the ogt.-.
The subsequent *dtimt. and obviuualy the (tiwt thing be- | wheat and eat bread
It produce, the
aaid to have extended down to the pre-•.-iia
______ hi. beloved Cuba. The soa of one erf Ihe | vemure.- .4 t'on.itw would Oil a v.41*^
•"‘1 cm year of grace.
Kvery nicmbi r of atro*.
brlgadler In southern Camae w,.a.ihMst and moat reapwted Cututn ; ume and ate rn--iv or lea. known to tb*
Manr other* there
*'7 Ta"** 'Hv*®*"
• duerantee thla "Cahlldo" wa* pledged by a wilemn : guay who. against hto general’, ordera. pUnter*. as a boy ha was arm to Se- Apacrirai, ruhllc
T' .*.7
c*<»»»n'-c‘n ctgara. *. the oath to preo-rve the island from the h*dbeenper.nimng|acllloo.liihUdl.- vtlle to study. He w-s. graduatsd from'ar*. too, wlmm the evoc.^ of tie >(st
which ta”la
that faniuu* Kpanlsh univmvitv. Oa hi* few year* hare thi-.iat Into prviBls«c.to
-w K. .hL^7'i i 7 ’
*"'clcan amoker very well know * The
French tyrant. Then. In IM. cam* thetrtet
to aell-raapadura
C'uba. the Pearl of the Antilles. U ?*0 talleya of the intrilor tan giow strawi
"Hlack fbtglr”
ly brow
n *ugwr>
lo some
of a w Siwiit
return to Culva all hi* time and atten- .aixf v> hr are readv t- *how ilietnselveg
loilc Jong and ^an arwa . f .w.-r H.OW Iwme. in mldwlnirr and ilower* all the
protest against ”Ukatlon without
repat for t
Cmeral Gomes •*>(
turn wen- given up tn the pn.bl.-in .rf a* living refvi’attui* ,.f il.c |-.|.ular .i*
aaa,r»...-. o aa
.. - large
.------- i,....
.a . . .
*i|uarc mhea. II
1. Qn*-fmirih
long year lound
i^«aei>iaUoaa‘' a i>hrasethaibasarem'loffender. When tbceulpritappaared
treeil.'m for hi* long .H.pre«W couciry, r..r that Culw *» a <i-untrv of «rop do»
ag.ln a. Ireland and covet* m-r.. ..f the
Of Ibe Cubhns ttaemaalvM an* ean
^ |I nbeent
n^at oeuad to Amartcan cars.
Plf- bugler sonadad the ■ aasemble.’’ Tui n- When Cespede* l.Kik up the standard stn>>ing lisrtoman*. who are happy on.
land Burfsre of this globe than dctM al*
tog to hi* rdre*. the old general watd:
-------------------------a»d 1yi years talar tb* ,
of r-v-'l in l<i«t. thilma freed all M* ty when up to Hie -.-ns in haaid. ,nfl
^tng. I
.Inly ^t with such
cntaiddaam. | aMn l.mke
brok* out In an tnaurrect.on
"Von see beforo )-oU a mnnewhu ha-‘ slavr*. latsed v>Iimi money he could whvwe .inly congenial • .npiryment Id
tcopiMoa tadivldMUatoiwocainp*
iaiffong the blaegt.
blaegt. though It waa m.i been known aa a brkavPer. Hr I. a upor. hi* ta* <lia:i\. t e*Wi> « and i,hr-w the Pourlsbing dfile ga-irllla •rs-hm*.
has tut WHw of roast line sad a pop«. 1 as ' ■ th* iharactar of
of th* Cahaih mad | luiUI Utt that th* Cuhaus uadar Nar- brigadier ao iMMw.^ut aftei thli 'Brie- hliaartf into iht new mfvrmam for livo-,
esL,;: |
“• •
Um and <«uirvoiion canvut i-M-fui <Ha lor»ot »b« honor of hU wane mon.:...
H«- fcoatrted a«-«r Ibe
auu <:-as(MS bfr to him. and tamed bei
law up arala to hla
••v. hy did fou do H. Ciwly? •_ he m-
It t ahOBM t*
A bruAvr
Wbra I ttKbt b*
A n>e«M>t.pr u! hope *a6
How i-ou:d 1 uk In bkvf what
rw hoiu M luuarMM auppiit^v
toMh Mkf Alf «t>« OBl» Mmb*
SlaaltiB thrwiih naioml media far into
dim realm ol whar evaa In thoa da>a
•Igbt almoM be called fatrylaud alore
<ka public laal heariLcif hU Ihca lalaat
4ta»»«rl«.. intrantiSa. a.d tlalo^*Trirrlfii ulepapby. lumlaoaa cylla*
"'4m dlBulnc radtanra thr«u(bout a
MM Without Tlalble wlrea, or fam.llar
Urm of lllomiaera. aeem like Ume
mahleveaernta romi»ared with whet he
are pn.po.ia, ih- iranaBUeioa of ft at
^er. without other med.a than the
aanh aad the air. to dUiau.'ea of bun4redf of mllea. orer ntountaloa. over
M—oalr a
deader bnlii la the ether to dUtrlbuie
{hair eaeriy iiiHirr mtoi'i suldance at
tweDote p«»lnta.
. in* laiMi artvajue of
the elMttiilau In the poa^Iblllilea Of hi*
■menco ibe Kln-trlral Urvlrw. in wbl. b
________ion. but »he »i«l Out uevo
She had eeeo Ue full meaau.eot
bet folly.
"I know" the anaWeiwd. "I wai
^A*bli M'euuab^*for llfe'a ache aad
wrong, and—1 am puulaled."
threw her ama aiout hi* ne.k and ai.bHow cou.d 1 hopa 10 hart ml
'•^' iMl. and he held her clore. It waa only
for a little time
tben the drew away
If 1 bept ailant whea miy broiber friar* end her arma fell atAer aldea ”11 can
not be belped. ' ahe aald: and the turn
ed and went away.
And to I know
There waa Bo change la Raymond,
That day U loot wherela I fall to len.l either then or at the yeara went on.
A helplog band to tome wayfariuB
I'e waa a good offl.er ahd a good m<> .
iM>d unembltfered
Rut Citoly
Unfit It ahow
, me .chauged
The nurid lovea noth
A ,u.r^^.ifbianed by the cheer l ing better than to find an rxplanatloa
tos e>hat hat niyaiiBed It. It dbeo not
then do I bold the foldea houre wtdl rrouble to verify fta belief.
-H la
pliln." H aald now, 'why Cnely Matim
And lay'^dow* to eleep la aweet con* u.uTled Glativllle. Rayt
111.- man to have allowed
—Edith Vlralnta Braadt. la J«pUh but piopoualllea.'
ha recordi ll to-day. aa>» •'will. H aurOMful on a larp* »rale. opm up unlimHad
The aotfea* of bla
.Baan> that powei from aurh aciurc* a*
Niaiara will be aeailable In any part
ct the world, repardlaa.- of.dUiaore,
power and T«w
tbe c(d1erllon
and uilllutlon of that jiutwei al a point
fUlam from the »eai ol lla ptoductlon
•Her tbe power, or ih# •'-^■Inc ciirr.nl
ts which It U p«aipri»e.l baa traver»cd
«1ih(.u> wire* Ibe inuevtciiing atinoapkere al an altitude a.f h ibat the rarefartloa haa made Ibe lilr of that lira
M a tondiipuir of ih* el.-. irlc fluid.
Tbe Invenllnn he 'poluta out. wi
haaed partly upon. or.
lu pari the
•wifrowih of. the ..iikfivailona hereiofora reeoided and aell known thai the
•Ir la a dnard vc*>el. tf rarened. aufferad aB^lmualimeni W lu ln«ilalint
piwpertiea to kiicb anlexi.-iii na lo 1««Ame one i*f blah rinil*nnce.
known with ihc fact <.! the carefacMi.n
of the aiiiKksiibeie high above the eai
aad the f«rlli.T fx.l ivhhh b»«i bel.
ban demonatrai-d. "that .erialo U4i
«aw wave* ..r radli.ildu.may he irai...
nHtpil through iba .aiinoaphere. and
loM than WOI1.BI
Ole vui<-e of «»ir
licfou-'her niidja'oi'HlilpiH-d
I i>»(k In the daya which ll ve'.
hcrub> lo doubt were at K«M.d a* Cu.-s
were old, when Allan waa Jiiai the »t •!
‘d amall non of Captain lUyroond. au«
C'cely wax but the angel-faced
daugblci of Captain Haymoud't
'leutciianl, MHriUt, Ibe boy aud g.t
bad Wen fond irf one another. Tbej
bad made mudpica and huiued the Brat
wild-tlowrra ot the platna, and bad rlilden l«im« and bn,moa tegciUcr. Th-y
had wintered atyd' auuuurml, in ea.U
utbei'* cuoipally. the uniuuialiia and
pralrlea of tbe Southwc.t, while llic
laud waa yet given over to the uev.^cadibg dlaluthancea of tbe hoiAIKi’.
They bad leafued what ll watt to haie
Wily one another for playiuaiea I'lr
Uf Ibo
mninha at a.Jime. And bw-auae of
bereiofiirv kiio* ” a;i<l the niiditiy uf
(be < I'N irliat e<
m _ nroducihle hr it.
M« needed
bi-b elHiHijI prewnirea.
(or hi- pioblem tnvol.ed ib« iranamla.
•loB of great aicctrleal eueigy long dUUacr
“I have devued m«*n« wh-.-rebj 1 am
•bl« io geiietaf wlili eaten and eaia
•iM-dical IU**- e meaauiNN! by linnAreda of ■bt.UeeivlE amt even million*
fd'rolu" lie >aye and add* that with
of Mo b umeniiuilr auil eharartrr be has found 'hat the o/dluary
•bW of aervint a> a "rue enuduclor lor
(be trananiloaloii ot (be nirrelU.
A oecund hlghlr important fad wblib
HaoBm* Iiixm >D niitaiilna hia Inveeii.
•pUoO* ^wa ”>b«l (lie rniidiictlvliy uf
(ha mlr tin len.i-a ao plnlcrtally with Ih.
laerea-e ..t elect i.'al i.r*.*ure and d.grt* uf rar.taeliun tlia» -t beiumea pna1 ruortcr•IMe (o irinamit It.^meh e
• Ita niir^-aaoU.-'
alarlii>..l energy uintn nra. ticgl!} any
•mcni,- and <a *nc)oi*>m
With Una.. Una lie .Nin.irueted bU
•ppar.Nlnv a par’ l<*|dev>’ .nr tbe elcc- 111 l.c
(r(r«1 cf-eisv
of. virv
Mgh nreetorw.
(hea (o leai] tbe Milrent lu aarib au>y
Alao ’» a -W-rniinial
al alt allltudu
Wbei. >1..: ii;..t-u'. jil-lTiiil.- la eii|«lile
pt cut..Urn; -be |.;irti.-ulai.u.nn
prodn ed. i.ti.l ;.n..«>>,-r (■.in to provide,
•ad riMintaln nnoMfei leidnual. k( Or
•bout ii-e-Miin c'e-iailoii. at a dktan;
polni. "to Te...i(«. itje cutreni aad
way ll to earn. t!ii..|.tb euu..i.la ntrani
for iranaforn.iiic nn<i miiixlng «,
The a|i|*an.iu* .Ndj.Uie of a itaaaformcr .omprieiiig jg aiilral voadi
» enrronnded by a rot.
4ttHor with a verv lew >vmrulutlont '
•r. la other wordi. a roll uf fine wire
wouad In many layera, aurroundad by
•ull (d the prl.
mary ta lar.luded (be aource ul tbe rur.
' j
The outer termirval of tba aecendi
«Btl tl ronne.ted »-lth iba oanb. t
taarr to a condtiruir w-«lrh carriet t
Mrreiit lo a terminal,
up In the •
**Balntalned there by aurk
Umg polal
>■ thabteb
lake, though
h.an that h
124 From SI.
». V. Filedrich Block
Ours «iv ail new. aDtl
ihf Inuiut. is they do'ut
e.isi any more* thau otic
.-rsaek r.if old utiK-k $.,i»l. *7 00. #!0, *12.
Tbe New Werner EiUtioo 0«
years uftef tbe cluaing uf bla fauiou.4
srbuoli bu finally went' to realde with
Ml Aalor. attracted partly by the lat
The Encyclopaedia Britannica
ter'-' i.ium)ae to etiduw a public librai y
In Ihc iNiylof New York. Tbl» wa» accuinpliabiHi after auiiie delay, and the
y yoara rtlreeior of
ra» for
lie uaed to relan.
/r libra
I •Kent!.!. ..pen-d.
“Give Your Boys a Ounce”
\Vv-re tin.' doF^ing words of an aJiVess by Abraham Lincoln. He
rcalizoJ lltat p.tTems arc resjioiisiblt-, in a drgrtie, lor what uwir
children, study
their individu^
_^emc. Ii
you1 h.i\
tendeiicies and pla-;e the N.*st
pOssiWe i-ducational advantages
belore them. A way lu* Iven
IMOvided in the New Werner Edi
tion of the Encyckipa-dia Briiannica, coWiplete in thirty volume^.
The best tliou^ts on all subjcvls
in the history erf man are treasur
ed there. A systematic '•tudy ot
this work is evjual to any coUege
course. Algebra, Anatomy, Ardtiu-iture. Building, Electricity,
finical Economy, are a tew at
Its ciiticles which have been adopted by Vale, Harvard and
Columbia colleges. This shows in what esteem it Is held by the
highest educators in The land. Just now you can secure the
.e-: ' rc|.>i.-d the rmiiii.
rge lumpa of augal iic
;ar bowl?"
ojs they wet,- walklnit slowly
•boa' which ’.he old g>-utlecrler.-U lor u 'P'!' dowu ttit
CogKWcH said. "Mr- Aalor.
e }\t*t biN-n caU-iiTwilbg Ihut (bis
e bu-lened hla pare.
to waale ao mm
Ybe Seeded Ma...
re la « louu .1owm.tuli« who
MW you.' Mil.' <1ie ulU.-e iH.y.
Ilur of the up Uedaie itiagaer hta ninrlarlea a luu-
• aald the'boy.
Encyclopaedia Britannica
for One Dollar Cash
ry eirangHjJ."-
and tlie b.il.mce In small monthly payments. TT» entire Thirty
VotuRic-N wuh a Guide and an ele^nt Oak Book Case, will Ixdeliveied when the lirst paynieiu is made.
Tliecumfdrte'set iThfnv Large Ocuvu V.tlemei,):
No i-New- S-xtr Buckram CL-tii, MatMrd EJ<cs Extra Qualm- High
ctiiur. iH-vohilng in-
Machine l-e-iih B'*>k P ,iy-t. »j(
FilM ^uviarnt. One lj.'lu=r (»i.oo)
mpTtiii liierejlier.
No. 5—Hair
Br.'k P
xr.n. I .ci> D.-lur» (taxo) and Four Lkrfiars tta-oo) pet
’ h'l.‘K..........
No. }—Sii«i-, laiiCc
•'look Paper. t?(-cc.
i-ir*l poei;>e-v„
rfi'ee j[>oIijr>
and FlawOohars <|f«o) per
ronth tfiere
giaiited by paying cash within jo days afterUm
receipt-.-I the M urk.
an.} Three Dollars <$v«o) per
ig hla ibuught,
ll, hie
I (.uiittnuod. Koc-ui
Hhe *t*ri.4 ba<A and luuk*d up nt
i, they leaped at bla i
For one lung Diimif th*- rt.-w jlug fti.in ihe caae,
:a»e, aud.aaillug arouud
eyea gaxrd Into hla vy. a, and oaw ibeie
f^ii »i tila feuU Other ohthe funliiy of tut Iricirieiable miiuak.'.
nmvud In a vrimllar masuer,
irvvd lipe grew white, aud pa-i.-.! Tbl. waa geuutue white magic.
drcult of the aeiond^y are placed
. Ot moiort or am-h devlc* aa may
be deeired for uiUiting tbe current,
ToeUeayt "It wiii be understood that
•dber or both of the <^Hs or transform-
grave# where ooe'a
n,e frame la
j,ope« and oorrows have lain aleepii
aleepiug. -auppie” to iiuen. apd
yet we }eer at mtlod
obown bits from 1h«
that are oa ouibiug u. the truth
v> e eienirot IB
•rs and lerailnals gisy i>e movaWe. as.
any It ti uverarted.
Extra Qoailty High Machine FinUh
i.rlni. air. .1 believe blai
Tfiig I.Ucl-~
' •
ItV- ' Slevw lilm up al' oi
cvui- l.avc too much uf a
riwi.. a UOUaii R-niady.
ui. I* iii\. i..f.a iku cia!l
cre-up. -wh.--.pir
I’ ha* >■. e-ii
■'» .-ur.-N of -bi-.- di*. aw
part cf lbee.lv
"he ui.*jt Ra<,wring te*t i».
.Ik have
been re>ei\e.t.g.vine a-eouott>
.'.'•I w.im*; of tbe ag^ravacog Bed
pel>Kteil’ is-ughh It baa cor.-''
•everc crtMa that have vie dr-d p-..i»pt
•y *0 111* *.->olhing > fT-elk. and of tlie
■uu 1.
ol ll M >•hlld
kho n that it ^
vboop-o* ■
igb boa
r.jb» that diaeaMt
K;! Th" (»
John K. Sants,
Geotral lusurauce.
Tvvar—t-ltv *■
enamel, cleaa. r
. ":.5V;».o;-;"«hao<i.
Tbu X; M
___ ______
'here you oat
roar enameUag properly dooa
'Read pollabed. elripod and di
( propefly
AU work
properlv and prompt
ly don*. SatUfaciioo guarautor
Ledeilt's Hew Shop,
» Union aWeot
Nothing Nicer
*dd by
“ 500 Bicyclf^ S
i>asi, Raym
monugram frame for table
have ocoBed; iu the future be gj,,,
ihal friend for the gift of
would comk to doubt the horror of ih»
odds ll to hei collection.
_■______ ..
1»..1 J.
. .... mK, h..n,
__ ___
preaeot mument.
Rut It caught him
f(eala are another obiect of tlie ir. in>
be* him tben with ^
Coats-of-arms and
t Uy Ikiokator-. aeetil* to- Norli- -i. Mk-hiyan.
' Fur filriher infoimation cull on Holley A Connable,
* of iu.
WorthB^ WlueX
n her iIgH c »*|w.l hatfls, ai. t
friend baa a
Special Offer
- . .........
.. literary men. aaya Mrs. Julia
Waid Uc.wv III Ibe Atlautlr. Hr. Cugswell made. Ilia home with ua lor aoinu
. of old.
.nd ima<uirA.I
**vim Id lleiT
I :iEk now wtiy
cs. Peiluipaliu
liei. lie (bullish .'
ii-liT lesm:
I V..
W.d I
.k would
-U Ob al’d he«-aiiie an aMi ali.ne i,,.F!.’.,n.
bu.l.M uud'ciUHl e.1 ibeli happ.i1..UIJJ.X
m>, r.lay lu M.ulia-s ' thcr.i
>ud luuktal ..,1^. Ts'wn Iroiua nu'utilaiii » gesulim
;aiid •
p-MPii. and -err
Hi- waa tntlv a veiii-tiuid not u
waa mad* ,T;.ilie mv.ii.
in a nwAgaiow on a
n. ety aat l.-r..i. lier.OWIi live I.Ticbl *QJiahiiiy day. Uiun- o . Im k H.
iu ilie dm-k, aud looked quietly at iho jj
ibT> ol.l .Vugi bumLlaxing lopB.
The llgbt ahmie oc her .-.j muenae, np.-i.fd mmie Malili-RA aud
fall la. e and on her glcamlug ha i . „ ,ij j,i aubalan.-e, - Now 1 rau moTa
iUiMupod atooil and looked down at ..q, oiijtai in ihia jooni by my w-lll. "
.«ilng hla arm on the mantel Uvn«ciing
a few monienta. 1
faoDeKt plan. H«.
H.. had
Muke the Jiouk
<ax.k biug
Ijiug uu
oo that aland
.nlhin ol api-akliig of even the jnove. " 1‘olutlng-bla lean. Imny dng.
the |>aai to anotler nian'a w-i.e, maard It. he aald. 'rome. noiiib"' Tho
u.i. ue»i..e
heatde ...X
the blank
rejlH) row- up lu
iieuihlMl, the bu-'k- fell upon tba
^ront uf him Ihu luiglKThere wai
VC-been of fliHir. and a
Iho q
I (, hypuotli
ba uried.
cried. out
' t from ihu
lire, and be
-kHi-ely. why did you do ur he
piumoa up Ui. e to com
In the
.Hug linmotvOB anwdoiel
bowed her head acalnal the bark of (be
aiil to he In ibu laleat Bwim
chair. There la uagedy uf the flcr.-esl
iiake a uouugram frame, the
sort Umi Mlei*. ou.e at least, luto material retjutied being a pair of ah&rp
iny ItavenpntI left a fortune ot
1*0*00 and Ih# bulk of It gtaw to her
We shs* the gtanilJSI line el Vestee
Suits l» till litlie fellows.
A.iwi'e ex........idy.
Allhuugb John Jacob Aalor bad ted
life malul.* devou-d U> biisluess lU-
w that hia
.m -i. and >e
and ^7 00, such as
YOU would not ex
pect to jviv less than
$Siui or 5l» iX) lor.
Tlie.wvli.s! Illini;
0-11 is ihf "Herrin^l.uiiciv-«.50,?10(..
A will. I III the ll-.lK.jni
' I Miw -a flVndli out IU tin
' lii!..-th.e.-;s.«*i.»i*M U'h
Iff luuii III na'<-rn*. H>
' i.i.vijti'theui iiiiiu file
■ii;e*u b* (iu-y icldun'-l .-Hi
It i* be.-4Uae It ha.
fanev worsted and
serge suits at ^5.00
'be course Of one of tl
hM been condurtrd'to it by the rarcflrd
•Ir. The nolle there nnrform reverae
g^lce. the Wmi colt being primary and
Hir instance, when carried by veaaal.
•anting in the air or by whips at «
shs»w yon a line of
and bV-M'i*.
tiid the lid .
lOng led I
Olid gueE>.. I the fnre..sweet llllN i..vt.-d t
She biid • banted I'.r the worse ami i..
(be IkM.t
She buJ b.-.n ciuli*.
Woid* I
I tlu ) iiad iie\i-i fij
aoa Ice* frank; abe had learned
for him
i.'.n bel eiidaby tmllu-.i'uuana >ei
• hand I
women go. ahe wiik bouc.l
Uul U.a' J,.
anuilly faie waa mine Inautlfnl. and
l^vu do uol wuiil hic now.
(in' ihlld wiia grown Uf.............. tlb<.<a ,f
woman whom to love I* to worahip.
lie hi'ld her faat and aiiawrerKI'” ‘
And IU due linir llayniiiud loved biT.
wnnl cuu ui»* " Theie w.ia jio U.iiiT
There are ueu who lake their lo\e nt III iti. film v« ie do the bivulh of th-;r
t »M do IIUI kaow ' -he. wwl to
It U
not gv mad'Wttb <1 e i-. ataay of lu
. 1 know
When Ha uioud bad told
L-ly Ibat he !o<id bi . aud w hen aba'
laid her bead ui< lU bla aboul.leT
Waa OO' tiualed, liiVe
lie jM-i; WJio
iigli-g liuada m will
pm her sleiid.^.
ntbo un.-^ IU
.uy faiihiul w
: up lb- bc.-i.iliru
i' I W Hiit n* I
bb niid. lu
4ome. .«--<.Vuld Mtkl a
bH.l .md." l lot
be wu. aallalicl
lid hi*r. tiled hc;id
weie. wm. iboi be
nml vioai'd tn-i -tea. -H
(Ue aud (Ti'ely B -i
.dd Srt!...-s aake. '.
••yuir sh. n.have her" .\rg.m
•taly lar.flHl «!ritai,of lije
We kiodlv ask you
to caU and Wt us
lie iu ligr fath*
■nd sl./l liibhi i-g di.wn
i U..k_ •
derive.l fioni
manWeaily aulil' i - ij> >u
poae.l by (be * baran.jr .il
r*-i.ioiae nor pity.
Y.I wi.eu she wga tr
bare been f.iuml callable of atfcH’cg
Aud then they were aeparai.4 Cic-e*.^
Cartalii delleaie lec eiviiig Inalrumcnu waa lo b.-clvllUe.1, Khe waa went b «*l
at 'a llmtied duiaii.-e; from the aou. -e ^„d «br.iad lo Khool
Allnn Raymond
pi the elerlruuil ili«liill.aB.e" gdve il>e wcjit ihM.iigh Wi--l l*oii,l and gol bla
whji-h T<w'e bull'
Thereiii-.n l.'’Ht.._-whl'-n
.a at tiinca d.«.s mhut uiiahx W cxp.<i-d
bypoltaesta and d<
ol b< I
bltu Jo tb>- aainc p».>l
(bat l> lla deuioi»iraii
^ W be.v lb.- Marfme W'
«•> Infortiiallon av In. luaimalid i
iMsaaif, M.icli 'Isl.
And we ask every
mother to call and
see tlu-sf lu-vvitchin^ lilt e spits, the
prettiest that we ev
er hatl- that’s sayinyv a AH’««ldeal -llie
j.rices start a' ?l <*(»
up l<^ 55 iiii—Vhink.
51.«K^'for a ni-.e
piece! >uit. anti fai.cy
triinaied at ihal.
lay fi
.• to foigel them and believe It all
La Hlabaatei . They held her up tn
. and dauglilera. and xlateia whom
would have dlMiwucd for fulluwIIIK
Au.I they ruined tb»
Iuk in
to her path
ot their borntw
|Hwce of
their 11<
<„r her-all. i.w.
■apn. luUN fauH
owu a ca
eui low iUil laughed ;il
.ibe. brougl
111 had faltU. aa bad bei.
ibi-ui. bue
High the W-aveti* should
. known la ihi' borders at
r.;ill. She <
ind he>««Byl. a- a creature
tin- aereic*
who bad <auNid diKoatce
of Doloai
death. aUd bad abaahauuitlivr
g|.d e
hsidabtpa of long marehea and the J*»v*
of a half aavuge freedoiu aliared tog.
u ihluk tbvmaelvt
Cuffs, Clubs. Tecks
t uudr^s of new
ivitterns and aU tbe
late sh..pes--3S, 50
and 75c ■
Eiinw.1 tt-BaWl a fm OuJiJlmW In,
BEES von PICK F...OSI -M ES 118
.no admit tt
i-d fri/in Ibe sm6f\lrele
of feminine wit. Mie. Glauvlllc added
to her atlriulloua niu-h maacullne
. i..er..(irbi<iliiei.H and Wide range of inleV.i-U She WUK aa Bold to talk tp aa}thc apoke with tbe
to Im.k ut>on
tuaK'ic of a w'ledi II IbuL wa» tUOVe-e*i>t
e«d x-aution. end good rounael, he deeid.d to reduce ll to the abaurd
ltd b'm. at evau tbt>ae who war.im.km.w upw. but U waa a deep..
are here--
borgiury expt rlmeni aid w ready for a
(Mt on an iDdiiHirlal ai-alc
Hla laat Intention la. briefly, the appavauit for the prudiiciiuu of great
Oiat It ahould be glvea fame through
And the womrii faer
mplare of apeecbeibat »re Oianvllle
Ik a eomtDotiL
ie leiipard'a nj and hateil her; but they alao admlrtangtng tbi
lkDO rhungti
of bla kind,, ed
Pvpalar auperxiitlon lo The conaputk. The keen ol»er
Ktjguacn aea
ivlllt irery
ary nolw
who baa not twelve axiom,
cy IB oA kevn
>al. Envyiaoi
le chuim of a rUi
wot k tbe theorema of lit.
tabUud. And itteiloe
Mya. hBk pa»aed theelage ol mere la-
The gentlemen who
anpreciaU* the cor
rect {Jtituriicp’ways
’vtv Wilson lir-w.
'.leadlad her vcdre. and then abe to.d
n 1 ml£bi alnt
p cheer a falhOos
A liu.e aoud
And i ahoHid aaal ms llpa Aod alt
TeaU hai peahad hta inTaet^nona
the p(wa.blUUaa of eJarirlcal uaaa.
>Laa. Sj esehXLt x^ssoztms.ezL't
I wr W. J. HOBBS’
^ 140 Front Street
Trayeine City, Mioh
TRY WOBimrO »FO#BD.tUJn>AT. WABOH 19, 1899.
borrn.a.ar br a aoti^ oi toMne or or
CONVALE8CINOThe UM«a ut 9«>Um mod
Mto pie.tAk lor »vutg lOe juong mat. ^
the uoau.c w a ie.e-ai.eie wua bar- ; ^
Tb« pUlfW to BiiffT Wd won. Add tkt b«ra. *b«i doTi M lA* tbick
bar duue. a. cOdtvAiun lo ber nieie.
A» auraiidvc bcnra *.** a leapowfuii. | ^
•eraial Tatiaraa b lto«k aiwtol IrtMMto «bo vUI fwmTrad*. Whil* «
ara B«tai«*ele Tet* aad aaah.
per aid can.
Briag JeJiJra aod d.atira a atod;
IlqnU I.OU. .11 |»n. of
1«. lo lo.. .W ... cbuikatonea of ali kind*, bat
colkto and (rou.
BiTfT B87
tag U»e bra
naUU;- ia
tUt the dctuaad t'i
Ue aoluw irf lint,
lievc aer ot aer uuoiu.m uu^ita^of
aauiduug. and wouul ue. .are uhm Nora
baa fuotoe) eaougi. lur tiieui laMb.
r"''”' ■^rAi,4£.tL«
fo. iLo nnUdUll.^ .od IdiWoapaMtj.
a vrrak ago . betuarkal<to
■tremi^ti lu lu jbdutorim U iuipurtaut.
Wt U not the <-blef eUnieni
.>«ia a.gaed ae sue euiod al Ule wladow. It a«w a tuiM/ turvf aorld, and
tbe wivng (>eitpi« aei. a.wa/a being
ibroao «oiie%bei
II oui>~ .
•Tb# coDBtry la i« a atroaKW ptod«luo Mban
bM.U4.e. LOdj) tieai.i auu.d «4l»il uer
ariui lo biui giaui}' it r.c u4iuiiawl >e-
U« l.».U ud 1..^
Do. ..d S..d
beaUb .
raddr ninea
And ail a gotog
"Aai-I loeuitt^g >eur
ootne at bcie. '
.Sura euutd. aod the <t>lor matat4
7<>u kaoa,
ward nWBbar foor.
; lie concedeil lo be tin ..j
Ob. 1'hadn't beard you ooiae U!
lk> all down. .\u»( ten I Wttll: 1 am
ao aorry you ihuuld i.avi- bad tbe t out).
gnbHde-Bce lb the haaiuiaw of the ixAUi Icarlag itto warat
niooiera ana
leu auraftam. wub be iiXSPVi the
lorelgu Obut aad tu. uicwgre perunal I
Tbe; ba«-e bandaged Mg vonads wRfa
t.te 11» prto. '
dQ.d«dd.dj..u«i i-.h.,..dd«.i.ii
JV ul laiiiag lor uutniuK, uut eueh<n>e4
tu lie Mo.c lo su uniih^i- laat monmut.
And ehr wmnM^ul hit rot aod aba . \tuut you lei udv givey^ MUiv iraT.'
hbe 8j...|.e wilL neidi.ua td|i t) . a.'»ici-iy i'
OBdldin hui Uvoi abowii by the luarka-to, ,
wbhmi-rd'^blK iiauxfuutauig for an aawwei. )
and at rbiuK {driivi tin- voirUI hojr* hefilm * ibi u iie'« ioiptui lug em ta di>7.
U-a Uaiktawm UMk the ihali e.ie j ^
oaaee it hae to huy Th. vn.i fcupj.ly id For » «*.-. ! brati liaib aliill wheTd: a '
•denre,in the valoe irf wheal ctiTB ami
iwedwivi-ly nud tb<- new and etarlliog
todependi'iK e of fi^ehiu luulu/y luarkd U
tare alteiiliua
The lamlH-r imivemeal
ia onu.iun;v'Ui«v fur the wdauiu. with
fnidei Ilf luWKradd-di »liari.ly eilvBBcIng.
heilruea loniiugi and
|..nnh|{di have
........ '• DREAKINC
“Cettdiu in higbi'r a (|unrter i-Mit. end
raiee firiid.-fur britb. The rndupuarw
" ligbl. Ihmigli giMU'iia have emu a riae
of uvi-r I ix'iii |H-r i>-n^ from the towart puiai tu id-iapt tliem. tdiude bare
ftaea in many' |rrBli.•^ ahmit .« ja-r
■ la uiiyOi.iug the ma...; T ' elm uakt-d.
ill a .-.ibh'*.' 'uiuilui-l' Aoii-e.
i Itokburei la Kolue
Nura ganpeil. I.ul did liol upeak.
more *ab«ui Ur. Markbaiu'* puwera oi
MMliiraiiid' iluiii 1."
u,i> uV“i'l1UU.UK Wllll l.itlll^ kludllea^
lu ibe woild III geoeia!. '
hell do?
•" >uppoeUioii?
'hi- ati.u»P‘‘ V‘»' -hi W «t.h_u. Judge lor
few prh-ee riarhi-d laat aiiluiuu i.n milnatraof lum^ae yieW of tlm A«HU-|cau>To|i while ilK-'iiinirovwliditii'iiion
»«»>• 0«kl.jr« *|.raug lo her ffv.
i* «<mHng nrit ihta ufuruidou?
<d 'douimlii- iiiunnfiiVtur.nl g...U the
<>'' *uTlb didu't you lell lue 1*€8ilarge.lrtil|.mei.teabr.wdaudtti. iflid- f”" ’" Alul .dw ttgH«.l nei«m.M> wnh
■niy. aaHH-rtd.1 hv rd-lm eit
n.nvo- hw bat Iwtor* ilu- glua. a. abe apok*.
kui w.
Ik IV. wnere
It id lab
w laii
“Anywiieie <1111 of
irii-l the
gin. IkUghlne loivouel.v aa ebi- etOop.
ed to ki-a Ikt liifiKl.
Nora, til aeid-i
•'Noiiad-nm. ltdUyl.
'Ueli) ha*
iMialHlf. Btiaiii-i J I'Tl 3J;i 1. I y.ai
four wmk- the raiairu havd iiiiiouniKl
tu IP aJIi O'*! imyldei* Ilf;..111*1 18. 7 in.MBlaulVdwr.
Till. failm.w fgf ^hew.-k «ivd> ■Sid
1 have a nauiber of pieeea of land,
wbivb I will eell
*0 aere* a mile*
aouth ■>( TVaverae C'ly. rood buildinr*
and pleotr of water.
40 acre* norlbbae abown it-uiai k.itu.v guiel wenia'.
i weal of city. »i> aerra of timber laud
IJ nUra wmibof city, tu acre* am-ui
BBi golug lo iiavr luui iiu 1 ivally <aiue
t mile* D('rthwt-i.t nf rily. aod 1 bar*
Ibia utiijiiiaui to ray somJ-l>}-’'
aevi-rat plevd-i. io Wesf^d eouolv. If
Nina nil iier l.p-.
you want lu bur aoine land I ran »ell it
“I uu wry. aioj.v.'Jie ta gaii hi-*l- to you at terua au rou can buy H a*
i am un..i0 I «viai luihei m cheap a* you can l.ny fr..m aiirbody
i>liitm.i.ui 1 iJio.iKlit lie: vodailv .uru.l, eUe
'.•111 VV*«hine»on Kl
She left rhe
while and ilm111 ilia d)ii« wjiuti noiilit-;rt mi.
If Dd-utiaraia ami
«f Ibard'j.i.'^'UUliVK'it/ rai huf thewe
panin in nxugtv* viiill giv*- thtif vi.u»
ftlul Vdilt- t.d u timrKtrti'VU dAii}ijuu2 ruvtrwl mt'a-illd. Ibri, til, I uilaai Siaua
toUw IWd-uHelb v.-hiniv will !*■ nitgnd mni* Ilian
liiit*;i, lu- U-aa
joung Markbtm would b« tb*r«.
•Tfeorold U Hung Chaagf exrMm.
Uy enriicd at loot rang-
Ha la al-
waya b*ing laHed on u. give up tocaaibiiigortdibvr ■
tvpUivl Hguaiur 8»rtcbui&. ••but
b*d arraUKv'i to call fm* Mua Heftnaley
aud hbT aunt !.*d) Hvvvln. to ra-urt
I.l rndomamte bin l-uaimvw.
He aj«B)* iiiaiiug. * 10 I'Ul <m uA w iift a rrt-
•hc«b toAU a'lirL-uuh I'UUcvn.
low Jaikvi <w u peaiuck fraibar. a
uumr kueb Irina
H* baa^ oo to bto
h«Dk wocouM and bW puli wHb tbo
• rlgbt aloa*.''—
Tbt (I-
lit-r lady bail acvlBrad at lum bfoa ibat
•b- w'«aib« I "'a* fat loo doprraaiiig for
it -not lo be maUniWfi lo rtok lae pnAwMliiy M a fuiibw laU ot iM'a Donl
.WaoMacue Siai.
The New York Store,
Union Street
«d the man wbmw sympa'bl-* are «aa-
Call at once at
Biaaab. Lay ft Oo. Block.
’ «utot, bow abe cotttd ever iMn foulito i
Kd-imUliraua will ; anough W take Betty’a love mmhiet'
5. for................ ....... .......................... I 3G
_A ehikl's tan shoe, coin toe. flexible, sizes from. J
o to 5. sold for 05c. our price........................... 4*30
laudies’ Donjrola shi>es. buit-m and lace, sold 0 0^
in Detroit for $1 55. our price........................... vuC
Ladies' Grain Leather shoes, s^id, sold in nOn
Dein*it for
our price................................ uOu
Ladies' Kanj^aroo calf .shoes, face or tmtr 0 I J Q
loo, solid, sold for $*2 00. our price.............. ^ | ,*H|
MenTCalf Skin sh<.es, hand fCWtHl. sold id 0 I QQ
Detroit for $.5,25. our price.......................... wtivU
Metr's Kussian colt .sWin lacc shoe, sold in ft! ft A
Detroit for
vTU»- nnce ...................... wIiOu
Ladies' Vici Kid, silk veslinjj tt»p. shoes ft I ft C
sold for 2..50. our price................................. vliDu
wkptpi.-t*.. pa.viii!- cr^de. Plai
Wvial .Udi aliOUld
y.m to gt-i m» aunt lu u»k Ului beie, to a'wu.'.
Nd.ru tmik a - Opef ei ol.u. “.Xre )'>u
aii aa • «<ii m fadl.au that your P-o- ■
pie gitaki liuaaiue H wan all over ami going.' abi- Wakr-l iu « Iid-iutilmg voire.
cntnbiin.axBiuiiTuien jwinota Ui diarWM : yerioualy.
..ttecul.pci of nviriutf tbd> Atnteican |
Meantime, that name folly of tatra
•lerrhani .marine witbeat ibougbt of ' wa* going to ‘lear wiiae very uapalapanmiui mlvanug,. ,f a Unm fiorolv? UiUe tnm
lu Mas thiui t«B mleutaa
Children’s hlack and Ian sh^'s. sizes from 2 to I C_
,! • k
••■i.'ii'voil'. ■ Sud" atatd'd
him. hi.*
toim »k-->o vvheiu-ui. “nil ijbuut ll'--ty. you. m-an—
Did it ever strive tsu forciblyP—Not
the shoes, but the Idea that you can buy
shoes cheaper in a genera' store than you
can in an exclusive store- well you can
and we can positively convince you that
you can.
Wo recently bought a small, new.
clean up-to-date line of shoes from parties
who recently rented par' of a etpi e in De
troit and could not make It a go.
The stock is stylish—not an old shoe
among them. Bought at 76c bn the dol
lar. we have placed them for sale among
our stock at a trifle above cost. There is
nothing to compare with them anywhere
else for the money-they are bargains In
every sense of the wo-d.
No w is your time to shoe up the whole
inuini-t.-d, T.-d
Mm Ll .v.ii a Oeui< .iiioi; |..iz7luil .li.ir. ' I.--
that yuu bad u>ih thkuged yimr.niipda, Ik ..lie*- yun want to maUe youi r'lCiune
or betau^e —b^auae 1 am KK> rii’b? '
Jydiaaixi itad-ir into the dnll <ur> 111 fnw and now aow—"
trgddV then- ik lM> reoa^lddti-ailing J- tiThe aoifrU of a betl hrvAe in upoB
■ kwua!”
odlially aUmt th« ’Fhim m- wall of Utoa nyiuel*« • .-h.dju*nr*. and Hetty 1'
Sill' ' oVd ieJ her fmv with her haoOa.
proled iioa. Hiivl tfeuMUiiiiig that it l« eniight Jtptier giuve>i
'ttli. ll you wevv not in love .'.iih
'I m/iw fully aony N<»a
khuw iu« HfcUv.'iUuii'i you are -illdn 1 you gwae
Hupiawi w<- abuuld. lor iimiatw. .*■- «a inuyb u you like
tjocrthyl " '
Wi . krago —
4aiu five .trade In 'Wd-il amt WdaJeue. j
Aa.l U-foie Nora i-oui.t atop her s!.a
The v<»lf*s of the duafwmtUi weiw
how kuii: wimM ail .Aiui-rh-an Wia-I. a ha-i dart'd through Ihe door aad waa ‘ l(.ild lU I ..I'.dielulUV'liUl wll'.u ibe rlignueOiill ataud tdireigla diaula liUimT Not on ber wa> duwUalAUv
Sue l« her go.
moat war ancuuiii'isi. aU|l the aiutbi'ra
daring the'anifcingdif th.-luib of the After all it never wak of any uae lo oI you.'g-Ti'i-ntaud ungiU 'T;!'* d« iar.
•feapwliuh Ininiahihe Wi«.| Hulmvn argue with Bekty. ahv wax one of thtve
that I..Mly Haw'iit bad aiiuwtxl ber
tf Iht t.viiM- were inid. what g«.od drtlghtlully irretgwmallile.reaturra who
ui«-e 10 ibrow ber aisr away; wbila
• would it dio 111 at..|i>h lAw tariffr JWe alwayw mnuag- lo eMW the hlanie of
Hetty Oakhiitv! aiuaik hri tovity head
Wiv. it i- luid. ra tariff tluitiill ihl.l.u- llieii ahoit. ..mlUBj .« lo.rher peopl.-a and reJiwIvd aadly IbW. meu were Urkto
Mgnt xiivMi u.i.lelva«growa UK Aveep abouldera. «tid wbom ao one—so man.
crtotuiw ami that temlulne frluedabip
It gtd.w ini; vijut. r ibc aame.aywlem.— • *i any rate—ever dream* of Judging by
waa hut a biwkon t«ea —Inndao YVorld.
|g>well(Ma« !f..nri«r.
lonUnary atandarda.
Nora w<inaer«l,
------------------! a* abe etooj tiiwe Idly )uukl» Into ibu
A l•*alllra> I'a* atatraiwaa.
Land For Sale!
“I tutnk, oil the euniiNi). Ihat alie
'foodutpquieiii hw k-ii AiL'nii pioUxlioa
Bat aiuie eiu llyibe.4>j..e)ie ha-iiial-
yri,-.. .1 I Jod.IlUl»
put lu .*voia .ludigiiniiily.
flHl M^iikiiaui .uinlgd.
• NoiiiUK
' I'oyr old Nora" , oniinun.-.1 Ik-iiv
aViiipatUribaiHv. «l.»}eHbe,W iur*lv« ■ , •'Hi.iiiv. I lUin'i iiir'hiwtaml y.«i "
giau. .-K_di ;hv ..iu-'k; Hr l-mtla-a<lieu.l.v;..:.-.'iiv
97.PI! »!«'. the <x:n-.ejvn..litg wet-lt l-.»t
Vou taum !oi. -diiil ehed.-tni Sinrtl-.
pear, f M.1h«.b-J iu iia'i nmlflV.vihi.- t.er d-i
d- ia.il.a; ?y.u aih.thd'
^"^u-d'iii' .«l ijito ,*Uti s ar;l«d 1
#11 in
.Sf^' V-ik ^un
Jlar.jiam, . i iai
jiiiii .Sathir-; evi*^'- ■
11; m .-listJ.-iU; Ut ; i'-.l
,v i'oyd lu.;
VSI n.n.y. rSl" "—;
V i,-.ii;'.d,liutt.''.i.if‘' ia _
I if yt-ii .
" Oil
’ I'oi;-. v.ni 'Lnow t . .• I ■
w.Oj i-.i.e dVtJyHblug
h ■.ifij 'lin.iklii ..ni-- ;-di »v Vglaw( l-opd tleuaddiiB wilt l-rulddeliddlt
I k
•ill! loUK awu 1I1..I «<• IVJ'i .o-i li:
ta \reeaaary.
-8 mle.fk. "'
^ mily A.timxrtkni of pomi
Thu fn-i- tra-le iii.je liuJ ItiTuld W AUta
y.,!:i going'”
to kuiiw will • e^m.-ue iili. l eJaa-UbiJ bl lUW
Sbd' to'iW'vke't '» k.e,. btr d>.'f. up on ;
Norw flairti.d an Indlgtiuii look at
meb ail iu.iui-lm- alju.iie.l . f iii.iBOtaibi'it.-'-'titi bn • i.i'l-.' hiitiiKl an j 1
tliTd-a. We Hr fii l.i Li. p ..|i our I ail IT pro
•, i
Iwtiim. The anew,-ri,. •tVlivt ik.- it
' 1 think i..u might t- -a-iioiik nrtw.
o biua.a 'tiot t am aTuiuto *'
X0t Tlie
for .h.inathir ii-.tl n. be aik.l at les-i ju. "ml rua' y«Hi'tvaaUawi. . .' imi'i
that .Ibd- larift |irev.iii..| ..ur . A|niiiing «d of ymtrc-d-lf. V«“i tugged roe 'o hei|' paujH'rT ' ii* adiid. Uuivily, lu be turned I
Uty (timda If Ihd- plea leiO evi-r lunl any
(onudaUuu. iluiiv w-niM liave m-dW a
BMi^''.^ii.l fur uumuTu
■gainat'.•«.' lart wgd k. J")! a v.wr atrrv
g-JH iu IMii nuil-'t.M tn.lspti: rnaluidiiut
tbi’y Weiv la-t w^vk pB.UP;i UH-'I aitaiuM
Tu-i-hdiai. -tNaBiiariuni lu it" %
lb» l»a t aui.^li.i.l.lle.'l..., .\re y.
iaugtu tarw arm.
You d 4n.i :i ImtH'r
‘1 woib I d never La i anything 10
dd* w'lti U
I it-.- r lell o unromfun.I’.n o mv life a. J hale Hone dwOd»- >oij
,|U- o<w ta^heme
L. W. .^eln■«
• or. fliHe Ul lle( -Uiiny Imio-iI li.l.'eyid ■•tile ii.i mi ,10. II >1- .• umu-.’
PiUehnrg ami wire Uhi1> iuivt- eliirhUv tel! iiim Kliaiy/.i nut now auu gM it Thai her • .iui|iaiiiuii ha I (aki u Lire
ll will U- ever «•
eo nui. I| iiiote
'nmdno..iiil ia liuivy m all dv
'g'n-a> rf'ddiliiiniu. .viuiiliiii .iMUgnlaily
llmw ctmhuK d'Mmo t-ma raiu in one'*»k»urfl loi )*■« if ihi- i
;*.inevilt oiie. U w»-.i u»d . iiiiiiiih o K.i-k
eoairurtfor a ufinriiwd-ilrij r<«<l »nd him fu.m ihe mua.de “
I a«e Hut iA ah ' id-iiirni-dl
Buiiiy dif einalld r <||piiiiiiy 'lo wo tt.mi
-"A14 toll gr.ilig iv
.twi.v, ■o«ie'“
bara and imiiA- for a Iixh djiiaiiilty
the (vaL’d awkwai.lt>.. ' 1 imwli. ilte
nor »oiupAUl..n
“I uai aniv ibtt II--1I
ouvi-riug ik.iniu attul t nl’a lia- ilu- light
you goiUK fai * '
. ,
' '' i
more and t'liio. With ' .thiT elii|>. vat you—“
•;J iliiiik ol going 111 ti.ive ^ looh at
slid' liauedxl telli.iiiiely
uni titlMi IlHbidfUa <«tuUai l> uanmniD*
the nMi,.iali ». M> lui.o r hai. otmie In“You don t mean to r o iha' vou a-e.
bridgn louirmia. diih .me lamlttig
u ii*.'. Mill 1 ht |i<- tu'g t etiii pli ni.Mc-r.
irelii t'uoaiin al.d d.lhn> ii'olu All Jau1« .petn in* 10 lell Ted Markbuin that Pviuiiie.'
of the Wdrtld. lu.omi tojja ,|,„-la at ' you've J.luxl ini
' Ilmibavi-n't you mml. .ip .vpur mliiQ
pRid-liorK, w ith hekvv iHieim-a* ddw“I <d-.rtaiuly :ilon'i ek|.f. t yon to j-ut
raihvi'Xiuiii.illyr -h. oijj..id-ii iimid-.
where and a gem rai d. inaud int er H In that way. reidk-rt Mwa Oakhurni,.
■ ly
Nail* an u<lv:iii.«l by the wkh a imh- laji^l..
h.ii I am gu.u
V'by 1 iml llituga iB
OOUdhiuatnib. pl|>e Wiak-a are .-rowdinl. c< nain tbai voii «oul.| -vplaiu U lo
tra-iWs.L- ig..'"
gad mKotiulion,bnwr.wa f.a their ««- the |n«ir leliow unnh heio r than any
'AViiks ago' ehe i k.laiiued. “Illlt
aulnlatiuu a-al-o in (iiidgi' I’nildiiig.'
Bellv V . uaag. iiiriil ia-«io*le fri-ah. UUI
The-miew- UAh vail att. iiti.m to a
•Kti.lalii''- evi I.iim.'.i Sura. Impayou *u.,
Tidieof M ix ula a bilahei ill wheat, with tkmitv
I dou l fcUdjw iliat then a
t ii..thiuc
lalHO hny iue dudei-., (•iM'd ■■n ekiraor- an>ihni< to d-vi.iam. .-a. d |di tiial vidii'v«
•’ ••\4111; kneW"
lid- dki UlHied indtgrliaary eai»4t. tn m Ailautu • |.irU!.» |mt yx-vii-etf .nuu .oe in a uioki ridtviilnkmu.
till'll will iluin’i you aptaik?
Th e»|.,rtiB«-l idlieat Hour uur inv^rtiou. "
. Wb> illdll t >ml lell
toeliidirt. rt.aeJi.ai me tidtalof :t.-i;i.aot
“Noia* '
tbidr owii ijuoiiiii-ua. 'amt ruils. i«i- at
Shoes ■■ Shoes
iou iman Uiui UiUy ' 11. d “
••The ui.iiroesiu. lit in' i-oitou OatdW
back priitHirily * the ie«w.l. UrdwHing
poi'b that the w. ika ure.aldo lo i.i.ike
ll Uli'l fair lo >ou (lUtl boBiilm i—
tbiiig. hivt- (-hanctdd —
m.e Jt c-ugag.d lo Uij.l Ifcinborpe.
nidi luidv tiAkbniai jii i iMiM.'atiu «die
whui .lo v..u think
■ ■
HvllBaley ;
I A. a M-l»ai.f M. li .
-.No' " S^ura lell lilo .ol"i go out of X. tk.Kr.uh-Ul l-L...
“My ddwi belly, you ougbi to know
Aamaail i. alroiig
BradatTd-el a aava ali»0l l•..ll..n
ana !"
.^ura lUlmaldy Bh'inged hi-r «bOUld-
••The IWC^Ule fio- UUUll pTodni-la ■«
We i;a4i t go on like tau, -Mieg '
ibn.Ia.e. /
••Im ymi ihtuk he’ll take 11 vi-ry Ud.
ly -N’oia'■
«eDt.air.wr.-.m.ai. andlboi.x,B.n>mii.g
SMira. i» rr-Ax'Ied la Ihu
k«c««t advalli'ea '
Dun a Review *UV* iitauit iloo
ftold by an draler.yyiUj^U}|i
"r? ,.;:l irrr„r',“,r !EEED cm SAHITARIDI
tbe news.
»i:« |
aiovi.i-tl. 1 Olid.. iouK m 111.- lit^^lHiii-e.
hl» rui
lo buei-^Uii ward iiuiuU-r four.
abowo auriiriaiiig guiui^ Tnaeory reoeipUare gaining and a Vd>t*- ub tbe
gooda have lavu elring. Urlhl Ihat
daiuag>al (Vdtb.n will ml down the yh-U
‘hellia lucTuawd diiuamt for kkiiLi to
OliiiMl bill., and U.Hyea lu
wmle >.b« ruined oil. Sud.imly
.iiii^d-uii hctb uut.
Tbougli Hi* euie's nut la roedJial
And lou-e h»-l|.t>d ibd- herd to rtee fro*
to etorke aail the ■
abeioploytd capitolliai liei^iieliiiwiJ au-
raap(iLa.u.e (acu{>dt Would nave terujed
Uiapauhaa from Fall
w.oUr.1. lo
ataaao ud
tbai. iMogM).e aa B.uai
pndncto of Lb« Uiilto there warranto tba
Diamond J 3
to) ili.de to bar Ueie, and me g-rl lait
la Itoa^tal aard aanW four,
;| eiimlci8arbysmDli»eil |
d itto flchi
Ai be carrtd the bMwer aloft,
ball u( ibe ouoliBiuitua d tbe UloB is
smoker koows i J
botw aaa co-».iuUa Ui<a uua naa •
«« l» !•*»*•«
M»d «•!>»• •!
'IT! trt fT TWTtTW
•takaojai u.ui.1. an., uu Aura Biw
td>e btffi .o.d.e i«a aad bar excuaaa.
Saturday, April 1st,
W- Consisting of choice farm mares, heavy and light draft and
driving horses. 4 to 8 years old. weighing 900
^ !
to 1600 pounds, at
^ Ceo. Cams’Barn, Opposite Park Place Hotel, Traierse City.
Bale to commenco at 1:30 p. m.
TermB of Sale-
Kighl munllui ti\ir w ill Ih> (;iven ou uiiproved )«uk nuti-m rival (-statt-
^ <'hattd*l murlKaget* al s i>er vd»uL iuliTcftl, or 6 per c«nt off for cash.
Evi-ry horse will be warrauled an rt-jifeseuted when sold, and rtiliafactioo
aid bill la- liuld to the highenl Itiddui. and will be tried on day of ule.
We have 20 Lorua for ule every day al name baru.
I nyiiu; elsewhere.
t'unie aod see for yourself before
Hen- U where you get )>argaitis,^d as 1 buy the .bursee direct fn>ni tbe
fuea that raise them 1 can uve you the uiiddle-inau's prutiL
1 buy
them myself aod know
t|iey are bought woith the m^ney aod for that reason eaDull them cheap to yon..
side bidding wilt l»e allowed.
Wood and all kinds of stock' taken in sychsngs.
I Jas. 0. Jenson & Co.
I '
' *«»■ rt» wori.uj {'•am m« m t«ur am ,
IwilllDf toiWiiT (beuuMltM few pru««
th» » rwk avctBBlAa
wblcb AOOU fade dWa; aod ue furtiulTHE FUGHT Of ORATORV THAT WOH
». *. H. ba>i». ^
jiow luuiti Juoro r«»dy abosld w«
Tf.-i< -«■ If M-..I r; —1
! be Uido (hv Mu>c- (»r au cUtMl wowol i
Paul bore .IlDxraM liip Olinuiu
B»bl« lli:adiUi:%.-Pre».
life by# foiM lat> *ut1 » hr.lli.a cauln.1
1 i. 8(i a»: ‘
I. il. If: ti\w. 1-7. I Cor. Ti. W I
lial V, iv iii. Kpb * ii; Tiidb i.
l l»i 1
i». I S . n l*e; I.
Below i- {irint^l lh<
rf>-i«-h <.f j ibinaa " To wiu U.e i. iiuii iiiuteai <w*»
tkutor El tndK'- <rf Kti*-lliv ii. iicuiiuar 'too«i dm, o*iljr I'.i^o beavy i.l*>w., boi
lug iintu.ie Tildk. Uie Kwkifi-ille uwvt- AoHuily Mrik< (.bmi ILpk uin*l br no
Iv.;. tobe Itfixp
the ariiaVr hruaPW BKliKug "ar ‘wi^ «!>'■ >-Ht< U. )be air."
BMridgr bad Iliad* tbe ie-wi4<.j a i-ADM t>bi b» one wQ '
under (be
bi# ‘IMD (bvutdi the imi.-Ml .w caiue *jre« ’ Tbi« i» iDr iKjiaiiv-aixl {waitlwe
to blDi uukuiwa. Wllb DU eUi.Uger np- tide of (be CbritTtaD life NVp UlOalpllraui-y (ban tlw >u)'» Irail yet enrr- ; drny uoreelep*. bet <bal i> Dot all
(etn a|i|ie>.raD<* twwwb.r Kldridge bad i Ii.UM W ID aolio- <ili laixwi auaiuei
aotibed ibe wniie ibat (be man wbo milisb aud wiiixaii »■' TlK-re
woted AKailial Tli>l»
axaiiut Iba thni*« w.- luiot U' I d- and luioge tbal
aenator fr.mi Nbel|£r. and tbe «wni-(D«ai we iuu»l d- 'ibe •DCeeMtal r<dile«(aiit
«4 revenge e-<nlil>(>iiMiwbeb the <ii<|aja . lu eitber ud (l<e«« <'iiuie»ir bail ttrat lo
tag Wot« wanted (In. -nal.w . aul-p.« ! iDaaW r blm- II l.el.we be luaelered othm a local Ull Tb. .p«cb wa. a. fol «. IV. «U> w. i.e had U. dmy buuMill of
' many tbmg. ID iraiuiug aun bad atao
"ttr. S|ewker I w.iuiiiala fiw page ' to l«aro
lettaio Uiiuga offloieutly.
limTiUwur Itavidwin iwuixy There Ttoc Cbnaliau w bu }V|U u
id wilt I
Mb be uu olierior uiutive aacribed to ' Ilea «f tl^ (-briatiau life
gbla nooiiDainin ik< railriwd pAMm m ' eternal crown of reward iuu*it
guvcbaupagiK enpi.-re no |«.litlral pnlU ' enud l.y tbnae aine pnuriplri. Ha
1 caiwe frinu the mnddt Unnimipid uii»l flr«t of all luaeier liuueelt
mar and Mr Tibia fruiu tbe mlaty luun la wiliing tu deny biuiaelf of
tnuanUiu h.|a t<f lunblle TAbaome e*erytbing Itaai will weaken bi>. power
Mr Tilda hae ween ten euiuuien. bal Oter biuiiwll oi will tbruiieu lu rule
auguy inany winlere liave ihMl tln ir : blm if he ib-e* n.d lole or deMr >y ii
Cbtndiauity !• ai bet. eell uiwlvry
I'aieeraal 1‘eaee.
Apart from (be tcuipnl |«as;e be- {
IWrtsii the kiiiKdoini. un earth wa'are ib |
ber BfUte alto reiniuiUd of tbe
Spend Your Money at Home
Where it will do p some Good.
Do you not know that it is foolish to send your money outside, for
goods, with two good fiirniture Btoree here that carry a full line of
Ifor one wm dupl-cate any price that you have quoted
; you m Chicago or any other place. I will tell you what to do: When
quoted you on Fiimiture, Stoves. Dishes. Carpets,
Lamps. Clocks, Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Sewing Machines or
^’7y.*..'uV“7.tlii.” I,, anything that 1 handle, just write to the firm and ask them to send
i»iMibi,. ..T i-bA‘7',“tri,d!17I“.117 you sn exact cut of the article and bring that cut to me and if it Is
posEible to buy the article at wholesale for the money I wUl gCt it for
Ilf imi.it>
stoutly I" J>bnr and be sinoere wbwu
you and save you the D-eight aud liability of itargettihg broken in
prajr, ”1jOT<1. hir Tbf Cutulug Ds phtpar«.”—Muratiao
shipping The freight and liability of breakage in furniture is quite
tBirwtlBwe. \
au item.
MW » p.’si iutouilou' tfifaJroBi in1 have had no less than twenty orders, from customers outside, enaUfutioii If (bdiDtiu t.:eri'bit^iUs or Induj'tqita: or «;il.-tiiiras a good iWuiuu
................ . i,..d in.ir».r.d i a.Mj.u...ji.»bm»iid,..ivr7 It 7.~'„7,~7i',7i.,
lilt./ ■ Ui-t'l. wc buTv •iusl au closing cuts from Chicago houses, and in nearly every instance I was
; able to furnish the goods at a less pr ce than was quoted in the cut.
e bickiug up UoW. but
to ..d
control I
- al'lti
Mol*-u (rtuu 'tn« pile of puuiDj*- guod I
ftwiMtarl) alibis lifob.-lia* l...k«1 ilt wr® ibaubaolnie m
iiv of -cJI louitol if T>t lai Dnili amt not ted Is lo pi-tlsU.
Just last week
I furnished two
rockers to a -party
the■-* 1^
«n he bas sliiMsl llw big fiwt of aiusll , w. an- lo win Ibt- rsie amt tm- lialllr ..f lailurb a sl.ip .Hill Ui-Klei-I II is lo b w |
— —— - -™
at a ,
, i ■
^ ll,e fbri-*; .1. life
Sor .i... s it ign -io n. lo iiav. a U.ICUI aud bury II i» to iw Quts from a t'hicago house. The price on the cuts was $o.iO ana my
••Mr H|a-ak. i .Mr TiWwi. n<4 her* td-irr I-r. I>••sal Ibu (a.1 liisi .»lf mas
I ••wu'k'ii /mi ..jMllllUl MIVUIIl '
Hs a BUppli.aiit fi.f pilk or sMiiiwlby biy
- M .luinal- l.•lll^■.-l4ll■v■|ll II lb>- eiiii Wr'eo
regular price wa<* $3 00 for the very same rocker. You see they add- ;
Mr T«ia» l« a man aiiii iku bead of a . alllhuia* It .o.i-idfire. dn. U. i and
fatiJily Ml Tiltlx has bud 1b‘--li«y. : lllo.lrale» l« I'otl
■Its : H.s that
757s ed 10 cents towards paying lo'' the catalogues and postage, which
woflil and wv-n . III Hi-bus not ' be k-t-|i'-f- H- * m-bni,,i»
costs them several thousand doild-s per year ^
♦a-i-.-iin- h- -tiiv.y.if a« an k aa ti.iiau-i 1
bi»iJit»U'al ilf»lii-» nuilii- pirfi -1 <i4(^
•ml tliif-l'.ie Iwill III.) rx(A' |.lhe li..|. iiisf be-hHif*.* II. l.-.ole H aboot as
huii.tili .li.'iiifiol .Mr TiM»r.r Il....d4 s
aii-l -^nil--* n i.mb i, tlm evra.
. '*
Ui-ab-t will..,
on (fT kii.-rs Tl-ir laiikjo.ig. I- of .-■■i.r.f oiiir>it:«ra- * Tb.- ifal
prapiig u.Aimir'lii}
f il Ml TiMw ' live S.-1I In. t. r ( ri’tjSKo wlf, a.-pi :
lain ubt ref.-i
t.i..ibrt tuu-ierr It w;>Uu. iL. o. iv rather
■ ''•’d'
»lui' Ilk*- iii^— If kn-o'u tliiii Mr Tlblw , than •.treuglUuUu il t‘«iD>ioui If <lt>- wclKliliig vbir
cannot full Kut ■ iu-:h*tu 1 f. .-l (uM i uy ibg laUit fol <db. r's !• uinl.'i.) I*nII7
wlifti *1 think of Ttiul .m.wt .im out : III*. id*u id ll>*< uiimt of iiir ai<-*4le'
*70Mt< r and how if iitu-l radl- Ibi- rur- ' 'I bu* in- krpl hie I-sir
iiii.or sml tua-ln•
|eiik-i. 1 -oiimboW I in grace. deUCM Au.l
,.(l.. i ol Mr TibUj
do Wtib tliat
i ttiueb u*<* ib .1 luday
■aid Inudl.t mention tbi» gn-at
(■ thal praji-r b.r (f •In- Old. I
It w.uiblauii itoionsiuiueuisU-iU-r. and ^ (hiiixr. ii> -liinkitip in •-aiii-M <n tliiuk;
nrewuuldifinw warttr<v>i:ilu„'back nest ; Uik in epeakiug in ai-toais.-l all kinda
j iliiii.* ( I.ri.liuu. i f.<IH» * l ri.'tt l. iu.
.■'kir Tilda llk*( ui)mII. bus la«n I p'l.inc.*-lu drink I ni aie \.it luteioII di-iM-a. Ill hal*il«
Mown iubi tbia ■a-niiteby lb*- snblimity I p.-ie'c
\\i inusi i. ieiuper
Inck Ihvitiii.t
Ii.-f diiriplea olloi •leo-Ti)>liot
e w ill, op Kiv HI all thing* It
poor Mr Trbla ar<-AKbtini( Uud Iwill pri/e *,f eierual lift- We must d.i i-ul
toll y..D why 1 ibiuk (hU I sui sUip uie thing, aud «bai«t.4 lu uur lii«s
pjiural Il.*i Tulane hot* } by (be faitb I does not auut oa lu ihu ouatbiug must
of (be hot lluKof .My wife and baby , be t-iwlr.-lli.l or tivsU»v<-d 11 ........... .
arv with in*- tU-n V**uiday iihuhIiikI -__I , - .
------------------- --- .■
1 bad taa-Ji up v-tv .lailv dw-n-*.ing tho 1
'«|a*MtioD ol 'a b* w tOUstitulioii lor iuy |
"Al (tin Ibi....... riling Aarab was i.-ftly buinuouK t»Uie U- llmig Iwbv. r.srk
lug: imn lao-k
• . sl»'i> .and b
lurgvifuliii-w*. wbbh' i> Uu- ■ uIi r*rt
The old rdraiii i.sw bpd fell as tbe waJdiug i.f a tiowiir
-A«i* -so. mske t •ii*m« l.xl
*.•(• It ssU.mu> .|.m..s. sr*.
Wlilin bti Do l-r.-.,.! I l.si. isi D'wl
awJx,tii> i*m*iIh.(ii> iif.'bui ilHva.
"Kuis’k'Lnrrt-l;' '(’YiUieiu. J-angriiy
, aald i'A|*-x iiug a liellU.y
•■Mr Titdw ap|s«red He onine lo
‘ the Iasi and smiiI 'Hi-nalur I am tiunied
: TIWw. ami 1 want tola- iiageof tbeseu
ato I Went )oo to make tbv rial ol
th(«D voto for tot-, please sll.
••■Mr Tibiss I u’plied. ‘dues It not
7-. aakrd Oie
J. W. Slater, House Furnisiier,
begin ibc nt w 120 Front Street
lug fool, you »
when (be r>oiMl: WdU’ -.You
«i-..Bjeiruf •.loitau,.
'"My'b<i*.l»iii*l.' bald Mrs Har1wl>-k..
‘mighl have »ubniil(*-'l lu ibe lurtures
Of ibi-ttmmsitloii wiiboiii ever luaklug
Ever Burned Out?
If ao vtm know
O P CARVtR. Aean
a (*«-pj
Mby do
< >«n think ihai?- nb« was.
"lie p*.rmiu*-d me to retnovc « pur-L
oim i-laHier fr«.ni his ilghi lung (hu!
morniiix without ^ving voBt'to at
single onth.”
■ ,
To ksSr eBeol Wednj^^sj. ^s
*. a. I r.a
i B e 4 ir
r.a p.w Urpoi
4 *> At OtH-kSBSj.t'B
j V w: 4 ^
318 Uaian Street.
( car ’'lOad id Horses-here
Telephone No. 4.
I ill: IH
' to M, 4 M
' liina
Lak- Sun
Cvdsr Bus
Travsrs*. ritj
March 22xidlHj
lli£| ill
EiTvr BruK-b
I purchased twelve bead from the slock farm in La*
Grange County. Ind., owned by John Campbell, and also |
r. A mrcHgLL.*
TrsTvrse City. lli«A
ten hea,d from the John Weaver stock farm, same county |
.These lire the laryfcst slock farms in the state.of Indiaoaj^^
Come and See these Horses
Even if you do not want to buy.
Chicago «*
West Michigan.
‘and I bav<> liy<n up some liui*'■ •Y*w sir. all mm shonid l*e ready
fur husiin-to b> O'is lime, was iii> roji>iad<4. •bill why do you outw to iti*
•Dd bow did .ton Bud meT
You will see the nicest lot of bor.ses that has been
•'•|mw')ou in tbe (*liaia< aabioa
ycoli-rday. ami Mr Maddiu. ibu bar
brought here in a good while. They weigh from l.tOO to
kM'pi't^- aald yoB A'ere a aouator. raiua
1800 each.
the ahkaalulliijt anaw«
•‘i <)ui(bly glannd at niy wife, tba
lorkiDX had stopis-d. and lb« baby,
Yon know if you can buy horses in a way you can try, _______
bi’ariug a atrangu ruim had coaard his
(xniiplsint and was sitting up. lisikinK
them, as you can when you buy from me, it is much better' ^
like a yack rabbit in a bed of Ulii*. aU
than to buy them where you can have only a one day's trial. 1
ayta aud oars
’ rri..,. .. k....
-I said. Mr Tibia. 1 umsi aak you 12 milt!« aoutb of town, kuown an tUe Coalon fhrni; • Nu. 1 bam, 40xG0 I
These faorbes can I...........
i>e seen
in' Brodbagen’8 Livery i
«.a. ______ 4 It »-a
knascfua- me. 1 wMI call on yi*n later. with tMeioetit under tbe whole; •□ihl] frame boiwe; a good orchard;
--Yea sir. I will atw yua be replied wind mili Seveuty acrea improved and frtn-from gtumpg; io a good Barn on State street.
OaO. DB ■AV^One^fr^^VwBl.^''
OrasJRacKs. Hick
ami went away
I'Hiirali tunie.1 ber hiiad and wid.
*Will. 1 am (or.TIMa
divide it uorth and aouth ami aell the eighty acreu with the improve-Mr Mpaaker. I aiiw and raiaed tbe
lueo'a oD, which would give about SO aerea fi«e from atuaips
mrtainol ihr wiud, w Tbe east seemad
faoamvolaB4aopart«r*o*trai osatTiarara
d«H'ii-s1 with a swsiai of x-'blm b*-ea on thia (mill !40. Pri<-e for HO with buildiuga and orchard, t2,0UU; the
Oltr, Is o»s«> rvh. <•. im.
iA« >UB (bat hnd Us-n awa.T. waa other SO. $«00kuiB-kicg .It (be fioiil d-»ruf this plan
at Hir. who can b-li of the syaVuia and
eyrlas be had atulli-d a|sin. of bla uoIgwakalile Kbiry and snl.limit.vl Tba
llgbi .d this *un wiU fadi- by and by
as=s'»Qsi:S83« assaasiss
*• lime H was ts*ni
sorwly dn- but sir tbe Hr^rbad
Carlera mill in Lelanaw eouuly:
acre# (Heared
ID the e>.« ,j . Jinimie*Ti^ w*U
tluibej. wtiough for wood; a (food two-alory honae; eight
Il Uublmtwn
Mdto II
ibenin It has '| uut lo await fruit'; large spring creek runs through north part uf 10;
If ao. thia ia (helpiact* to get it done right and promptly. BepairiD4’
Price r2.000. Enameliug aud Lathe Turoiug of all kiuda. Call in
i'ei*.'- lo* «.rk.-.
...i i™i
aee my new
day. hni tbe faith tbs n*«raK« an,I the juDe-fourtlidown. balance on long time.
ine of wheela. A good line >>f wheela to lent
bu|>-<'f Tibia make as draaiu again uf |
Ur ii..u»**tullty ut the wul
Til*la was 0ka1«d -.-Xa-divlUe Aui<» -
Farms for Sale!
160 Aeres
40 Acres
80 Acres
■aalanad ftoa.
ding lu tbe Caiiiub {Mpera I• Four mile* from Lake Ann; SO acres improved;
> UiIm Is ■reiadUed with tb« jSnd bum; 40 aerer of Umber on the place; will
wing linw* wfitun in a wpr of tba '
Traterae City property,
rt, ,d
J t'
tf lidgar Allan IVw
I w .iHWr akvu Amrrha aill awm
T»i»< learh h. r
Uaid i* >.aas4 Psal
la.! lau reuiml.-.-ul ■idld.-tsDI
<W >v.k*a. TsDD ami l.*Ma(*0lu. scwl aryanl
Kvil. ID ihr >aim*7 of llfi-an lilt* I
Biuall frame houae
•xchange thia plat^e
A Nice House anil Lot
toiiba|.)«-ar gr-at it a tail...,,.I.Av..«o* oiu* acr*-of laud; good well of water; houaa rt
di«wui-a bnt wbra wr apiiruich Umb (OtmUy painted nod pUsUred aod put io Ko. 1 ahape.
w« and UatI tbry
tbry aw tar law Insor- |
•aniabto Uaa w« had
Gnod Ripids i lidliu R. I
Telephone 192
Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?
MRS. H. E. GIBBS f 1
The Blue Label Like This!
::|i«sz«s Esssase sssa
.. _____ _______ _ ..
Union-made Cigars.
kaknCntdiM *««,niv.<M.*'.i-*w«-****>M*a*laUBwdBt
_*._.=« aS»-
ri sassssgaasasaaaaa asaaa
_a__«v-xaaaaagg.» gxaaa
Is on every box of Union Made Cigars—Insist on cigars
made under this label and you will be sure of good value
and a pure smoke.
UaiOB BMn M» good waffoa for honost labor.
wato airlTso ai l»«i> a. ■
Do* parlor car to Qraa4 hanUa
Trsls tcavtu Trawarao CIO at »
parlor car koOraoO B‘—
TralBlaavt ~
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.