The Morning Record, October 03, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 03, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


ThW T«m~No 758.






a larfo aaeoct of sMoy.
Mr. Moot^ elated that be dM act
Anothtr DUpatoh DaniM
' ■
a aaoeatioa that weald ha a feMiaflt
That Than Was vfFichL
We knaw that in modeDiog.
aced hie
drhagbtiog, rotiat ructios sod
lar a aaw CM ratarHac
ChhU Saya 8Y|Britlsh Kan XUlad by
2tB«sm« Mow .To Bo Up To
adaUoo ofHthe board to
Bema la Attack oe Daadee.'But Uo
Tho OoonolL
>0 oa otraMi aad walka.
Bopart M Deelared] to be Vatruathe laaeaaieadaUoa of tho hoard of
Oeawal /oubet .Marahlac «s Pua*
MmfmrrmMmtmkfOrttA A14w
TaUle worka. Tho laat aottoa poadaa With a.OOO Tioopa-Xal
Shoes are perfection. This in
to V»Tonbl7 OeuM« WmWoI TO..
proven by the perfect fit, per­
. PwlMOlA A Old KlMlM t»U«»7
Howard Whltlaf aakod poflaalea
fect comfort and excellent eerLmdon, SOct^.-A bnUeUa from
KtotlMBX^n Vtrkt- to haOd a two etory addllloo to Looaat
vic« experienoed by westere.
■kjor DmUmo to AopolM Aabba Grora OoUaffo oo Stale etraot. the CApe Tovra ipoolrad tanlcht aaye too
etraetara to ha eororad with Iroa Tho Boora aad BriOto claohad at Ouadee.
M ToUo* Tot«*.
potltion wao retarrad to tho oobb
The Boare attaekod too town la force.
Uat slr^l'a ttmiam ot tko ooMoeil oe flro aad water.
Are eepecially handsome end
«M l-mi Md IstwotUBr.
w Oartla aakod the eouaoll kUllac thlr^Aevea British aoldlera.
np-to-date. Shapely, service­
toroait taaeo eererlaf aa rkooao. of roUowiar up tooir eaeoaae |too Trass- able. stylish sod essy on the
Vic r»ll»»r Uac onwcd Uc-pcoloMlc. raloatloa to tbo aaouBt of WOO oa the
vaaUn attookod aad jdaally eaptarad
whWh «iu Meimf«Ur‘ -«alw tkta property of Mr. Tuttle. Tbo uattv
Many other styles
plaea Thoy now hold too
«itj W. C.
wao referred to tho dty ettoroey.
to soil all ocesaioDB, '
Beo. fmrj BmoU. i. W. iPctehlB.
aarroBadlar oeoatry. BolaforoeOily Troeaaror WnrthorK aakod that
indoors sod out, all ,
L. B.' Wtebfc A. W, Bcrtak wd tho eeaaeU apprhictav »loe to* eafcra meaU of Britiab oavalry have started
one price• fcprvccUUfcc* cow York OkpUcl- I ofieo help aad tho roqaaot wao laid ap
toM were Uorc to puh the 'proioet OB tha tabla by naaBlaoM aoaaaat.
Xepert of Attack Oaatod.
•loac, ud cowldcrcbU cccoorBC^
Mayor Baanioa aoat a ooBBualealoo. Oct. s.—Tho report that
Uoa to tha ooeeoU atatlap that ha could
Mr. PkVblB prcccotcd c dr«n of m Bot appoint C. W. Aaktoa at a .polleo Dundee wet attacked by thawBoei
at^lBBDCC whlek prorlded tor c tbirw*
to he uatrue.
oBoer ao a oerta'a reoolattoa provided
•Mr trMBhtoo ud MCBUlaod the oitTrepartr* to Attack Oaadee.
whieh waa adopted at the laet rayular
wtwn kbd the pronMte et tbo Um boetoria. Oat. t -The .| eitaatlon
iBg bnUV Mr. JohBMS oallfbUBOd
beylat to w«ar a more eorioae aepect
tka eooDcU rwardioc U>o fculWllty of the proTluoa of the mayor to make euoh toaa at say time oiaoe toe (tikuble La
tkc »r«1cet ud tho adoMUTM •rbleb a^olotmeeii aad tt waa the prorlaee of toe Tranevaal beraa-aTbere to
vnv tho lomUMCt of a larfo osooo t theaouaeU to taereaae the force; but Usual advaocla* aad maoeuvai
of Mpltal. Boa. Perry Haaaah potat- the appolntlre power reotod la the traopa aed Oeaeral Jcubert and a foree
•d oat to tho ooaaeil tho hoaatto Trar- mayor. Bo alao ototod that tho mayor
S.OOO mea art moria* towardo
«rwOi^ woald dartre from aaeh aa eonld not act upon It boeauBa only tho Onadee. bow oeeuptod by the Brittoh,
ooterjeloo aad a repreteatailre of No* full reooiameadatloa could be aetod up- to he prepared to make aa attack.
York ^pliatlott Mplalnod that the
with graal laof the ehartor.
' «pttal would he fortheoaiUr ohoold
taaelty aad It to expected that acUre
Aldermaa MJOtt*oe etatod rathar
the eoaaell rraat the aeoeooary tru
hoeUIlUeo wUl be preclplUtad at any
■ ^ilce V the eoaaaay to eaUr the etty warmly that the •nrroaUoa of the ap•Bd aavhttah ah oloelrle etreet ralloray polatmeel wao merely a reeomme
It to axpeeted that martial law will
tlon for the mayor to act upon,
be prodalmed Taeeday or Wedaaadey
also daelarad that he aad Mr lArdle
Already aU dvll p
The Brut hnaluaoa of tho oouaell waa of theeoamlttoa on police bad ooa
a auBbar of poUtloaa. Or. d. B. Bol- Bulled with the mayor rcfardla* aom«
etwb prorloloa aad the raoommmdatloa
Uday aakod for tha rornlar rebate
of the eommluae eree aloa* toe Uoee Uafc of teeelreuit oonrt.
hlaoemoatoralkaad hla requat i
The aentimeol of toe Boete wae plyfavored by toe mayor. «nd that there
iatoutloB for the2 ooa cell to alfieaoUy maslfeetod ao toe train ear3. A Moetafu* ud J- O- ^obaaon
ryia* toe Pretoria cooUayeat to the
wera rraatod paiuitwloa to oowatniot aaurp the powere of toe mayor in this
fraat departed yaatorday. •Membert
ooDOot walka la troat of thalr oioraa recaid. The
they wereoaly oairrla* out the Inatrne
«B rraat atreoV
axelalmedT^al to our ullmatum."
Tho hoard of public worka wao UoM of toe mayor la eubmlttla* toe
JobauuNbury. Oet..l.—i'hooomman
•ruted fnrlhor Ume to ooiapUo Ifureo report at the leal moetla*.
derlay ordera are oosplotod. aud the
aad ooUautoo m tho prapooad water
boryhofu are ready for the fiold.A laryo
worka oyetoao.
body paooed ibtuDyh the towa ycover’Uay opened the way for the mayor
A poUtloh to rofraral Blxtooath
day oturaooa.
•troot. wool tram Ualon to Bonalo to make the eppolnimeak There wee
baa rtrtudly oeoaed. The
atreat. alao » roda oa Piaa atreat aonth Bothinr for the oouaell to toke back merchaau h»ve lolahed barrioadiuy
» raferrod to la lu aoUoa.
Id ^ proprletoro oT
lermaa Lardlc otated that he had
la oa atreota aad walko.
toe drlnklny oalooao expect to reeelve
talked with the atayor reirardlnc aa
■auy Mow-Wulha Mo«lod.
doM toelr eetabltohThe hoard of ■niblle worka reported eztia police oBser, but elaee the reethat they had ewployed a naa to la- ommeadattoa wae adopted by the o
A party o( t'>o Oermano kao baeu no•peettho aldewalha of tha city aad that eU. he hao learaed that the eUuee Uttod Id leave, and the Irloh oorpe.
•Bcdal had reported dfiy deeertpttoaa which proTlded that the poUee ofioer
HUke. aa Irtoh-Amerlena.
amended ehould aleo hraome
la tha dty a»hlaat which aaw walko
It U the great time asrer of
traaat cfleer. waa eoatrary to tha will yo early la toe week
akomldbe built, aad 5«o
The mloeo <re poylny *S daily, ^wlto
the a^[and eo inexpensive
where walks wore la orr
food, to mee « ho wlU remain.
tbat^obody can afford to be
i^aln. as of which ohould ho rahnilt
Three* truiuo filed with
eatboly aest year. Tho watta wao
huryhora for Uie'Natal bordi
aabBittod to tha eonacll to docldo what
If you bad a telephone in
pMed to too otato- tola ovealiy 'cportod aa unable to
ahaU ha dooo with tha walko Ulo year.
leave Braallt..Kr.n. owlay to a block
your office or bome-you would
TbeBBtterwaoeubBlttodtothe comon toe line, wuieh hae dtoorpnlied
save mo h meotal and pliyeicBlttoo oa atroeU and walka to repeat Lardla. Boetotodthat bo had sever
boon eoanltod aboat the appol
al pff.irt, and no end of time
at tho
!u left yaeurof Mr. Aahum, aad that bo bod had ao
and annoyance.
erealaf Uoro waa aa
doftniUUlk wUb either ttMardlo* e day by the B.s.i.alDy trulna, and nearly
tooaaaod more by ontyolny tralae
pOTBiaBoat laeraam la tho potioo force.
the eommlttoe on alreeto and walka Ou too oontreiy be bod beoa adriaod
The yovernmenl aaderlakea
VklBf the matter up wbea the hoard by toe chief of poliM that after
prorlde for the tamUlee of the burybere
et pebllc worka had alrdady doao all
who yo to the fraat.
tho aecoeoary laroatlyatiaf• Ho urfad beeame familiar to <
Traopa Beiay Mtolllead at MatU.
'that tho oouaell ohould at once ordor polioe maa. would not be
thoheardtodompUtotbo woik of re­ aad toe chief had otated to blm that he
NewoaaUe. Metal. Oct.
peln. and rahulldlBC whoro nocnoeary could do too work hlmoolf vorv well,
ohaaoeehnry mail teals arrived tola
reoommaaaad eharite tho aamo acaiaot tho prop­
It was crowded with
erty whoa ownoiu tailed to eomply daUoaoofthe police oommlttee. toe
with the orderu. City Clerk Rlekerd mayor could aol eoaalder au ladlrldnal
ealled atteallon to the fact that many named la a raeommoadatlon. aeHker veal, to make way for trains oartyiaf
» under the Im- could ke ooueldar any part of toe re­ buryhen to the Natal border.
property owaera «
prMaloB that the city asade U a prac- port, hot mut act upon It at a whole
Abodyof poltoe arrived here today
City Atwraay'e Opinloa.
Uea of repalriay walka. which waa ooe
from Charlaatowa.
lu enpport of hte poeltloD the mayor
Pour toonaaad Boerv are at SaadteaM why there were eo many oat of
aad Volkarnat. just beyond the
Aa tha ahorc sMUoa was dlopoaad of Attorney Dodye. who euted that toe Natal border. The ^lee are belay
Alderman <?ook okaerred: "Now that mayor could Botlecally act upon the called la from outleyiny atatloaa and
iu queettoa. aeltoer did the toe
traopa and oarblaeera art
• the hoard of pablle worka has waked
hare any fores beoaoee a
for toe dafvaae of New
ap to hoalaaae. I more that wkaa we
part of It wao eoatrary to too ehartor. CMtla
we adlrara
aad the mayor could not ooa^dor any
Tram all polata la the- Trnaavaa'.
alat Mooday al«ht to act upon
part of e reeum—adatlou oritoont 1
Evexy smoker bM his
Natal and Cape Coloay eome raporta ef
tha raport of the eommlttoe." The
m* the whole While a ataadlo* oi
own peentiar taste.
eoatlBued nUDtary aeUrity oa toe
mlttoa eonld make a i
.A peUUoD for a era||- walk
What every smoker* wants,
for tha mayor to act upon. If eeeh ree- iadlridaal eommaada ae yet do
Bpruee oa tbo eouth aide of erallkk
above all else, is a cigar that is
plana, it to evident
streav waa Kraatod.
ttoa waieh wqo uaaatoorieed by toe thal the narrow wedye-lik< atrip ef dean, well made, and reliable.
The hoard of public worka reported
charter, then the whole woald he of no Natal, whose apex to crowned wltotte Those who have tried
that they had hoea ooBBlderiar tho
emlaoM name of Msjoba BUI. will be
perobaoo of OOQ.OOO font of aidawatk
lambor. Darla* tho paot year priom upon a part of a reeolalun. The feet toe eeotor of the eomlny etorm.
pronounce it the beat they ever
tlmt u truaat offioer hevia* haaa feeAt tha mme time toe Boars are eoladoaaoad larraly aad It «ao qulat Imbeio* onlyi withia toe laetlay a foree of f.OOO mea. under the bought for five centm They are
p^^aio to *at ataUrial at tloooa. They
sore to suit the particular smoker.
reported that John Ta*ar oBorad to
the whole reoolutlon of no
raid ftalda. near Mafaklay,
iurmloh that amoaat^ of lumber, at
fT.ia per thoooaad for uadromed value ao ftir ac aa appcHwlmant by tha where OoL Bedden Powell to etnUoaar.
is a gem for 10c,
Tall Bbodeala, aanetortol aad V.M for drooaod lumber.
0 coouaualeatioB of too mayor aouaoe that
Tbme waa oonelderahlo diaouMtoB
‘ Bslft by' «U dsAlsn.
waa dually roeelvad aad died.
taaed av Piatorebury. tfty mllte
Mads by ,
Tho Propaeod Bnllroad Tiunekioa.
eouth. aad that ontlylay partoaa aie
lay tho matur orar. It woa aifued by
nosed at aU tha drUu aloa* the Um.
41Aermaa Oook that If tho lumbar
fopo river.
nanld ho hou(ht t Ih*
la toe manaUma Oolonel nummari
toore ehould ho ae delay la eloalar tho oBeorwueolomd, J. W. Patohla pro.«—« AiAormaaBaettaitoappraTedtho aaatodtoodiett of aa
nneetkmo of too heard of puhlla vUlnrforn tolrtyyoar Mnntolaa for the Trnaevaal froatiar aad hM wtahGive them a ealL
naad la ■ • ------- -- ---------------- too MO o( ton elty oucote fwtoo Itohed telephone eoonaetkma to erilhlOontteaadoatosrtopoya]
483 M. Elmwood Ata
tost many of too aap*Ua of too oi«

•toMt Owr» Mmj SooiT Jtian
la TU* Oity.

RlBATfl m 1

“'RICUARD CARVEL”i,yVio«oochiin:hiii.

Queen Quality

Our Street Styles



•iglt mto ft,
or th, moo oho n, hutor;
St that penod. The antimente of the partisans are protimyeid as ^pbieallv as we find those of North ind
Month in "Red Rock”. The story is thrilling and intmiss.
ly interesting from cover to cover.
A r^uco ot tho cily, , .tody ot chondor in the whirl

“When the Sleeper wSkes"hy e g. w.,u.
A master
of imagtnative geaina" A aocU._.

Uliat of
to^y awakes in another century. The seqoel to thu decade of trurta and combines is sogyssted—the •tiollAr is
pit before the man.
We carry ALL the late books.

890-229 Front Street

Balpb'Ooimable Jr.. Kmiiag«r.

Are We Busy? -Guess Yes.


Salta—Top Ooata—
Bata—Caps —Gloves
• ‘The Only Puhionable Outfitter."
—Might Gowns—
Smoking Jaoks’a—
Vanoy Vaate.


Why are we buSy ?—Selling the right stuff.

Popular Shoe House.


More of Those
Popular $15.00 Fall Suits
% or •'<
worsted^ gi^oITabS^Ihe riS'^E "b^u?
Single and double breasted vests—cut to fit, designed to plesae,
built to wear. We can sell you a suit right, at prices that a^e







iW.aiURUS TomlierBIL
Horse Bros., Hoise Piiiters

Special Sale^on

Ladies’ Kid Gloves
Muslin Underwear
and Under Skirt°,
Ao immanse purchaM of fine Kid Gloves under our ovm
"import brand” enables us to save yon at -lenat 26c oa every

This U wh »t «e will doruntil this lot is exhsnstoi;
Regular SI .00 Kid GIores>t


B'Sgular 11.25 Kid Glovesjat


B^lar 11.50 Kid Gloves St
Regular |1.75 Kid^Gteves at


MusUtt Dadsrwwar and Under^klrtsV much under
value. Now is the time to buy, as it U|diffi»yiU tprduplicate on
desirable merchandise this season.



We‘ sell shoes.
They fit yonr feet.
The goods are sew.
They are up-to-date.
The quality is the very best.
The prices are the very lowest.
If you will call and examine our stock we
will prove these statements.

■cMuiiri Block,


c ti


«cp Komvno vsoofto.



lacmOA* QbATf^ with IaTOMIJM

-vtoN «r


OlrvmU«b«itO»M«a TaMHw wttb
» Xi^t CaiMter—tcvuvl Civa
«. W. BAaro. Maiwt Md IUmcw. CM* ■hU»o Out of Ooort—Amu
■mi« ruM woutj of XMOM7
TwtlaHMT *«1mb U U« BaUUox

Tia'»«*Al o» kbo pnijwtw MUdM
«1MU^ nU»»7 vo«»d Um pobIbmM
it wortbr of «MOU«r»W fro*
•TitWM Ottf.
tfooh *■ oawrpriM
VMUopw o» »r»t poMMUO* lor
thto oltf Md Uto toalMol* M wcU. »ad
«o«ld Mod M>t oaly to doTolop u*
(rtUcTDOrlBt l»duW7 bot ooubUkho
tr^ior foiore for tkoremu^lB U*i
tewndrorl0»- TMpmpooiaiwoto
tMM nU«W » ^dlo oity to dUorior-U
Itat^y tgMpUooofttMwkM* rtU|mjk|Mb e«r ouoou wlU boeo*c a
SSS^, HodMOMlo te Um Umo
•tttkotiw'autorop TIMpcoMoun,
wkd ten boon W« w> kMk iho ffiooMi
•m, MOOT* M U>d^ ^ Um u MM OBly
• p^ i Uy bai !• .r^OcMlj uuroo.
tu dlilMM r*mU of nob M
- taitrpriM woald bo uUmIom wbleh
WOBld It 0 *ory fo"
b oUd op
IhooodbUTMjtooBtM TrorocM Oiiy
orcMMfoUy ud ft*« m “ l»potn
•blob «o«id toooit Id oodudooo ood
oroy ood odd to tbo woolU ol tbo etty
Md PVT«»dlp» ooootry. By oL
tbo Tiooono Oity, PoolooUt
^ Old MiMloB Klootrle BoUwoy Co.
iboiH booMoorofOd.

m tbo tsetrUM today.
Mio. XbuMOo Lorooo of Boodeo loft
ytttot^py l« BoottU. tpiokO boi; >ooM. IL'Brawo wtat to Mootoo OoBtro
■ Ultldij to 000 bit Utbor, wbo It
pot Borden will yo to Oblotco today.
Ooonio McLeUtB wlU lotoo today oa
tbo oMnraioB tor Obloaco.
Him ctiolta Owe* of JUk Eaptda,
la lowB batarday eoUl«B on frlonda.
him BIom dtorilnc of Bik Baplda,
apontbanday latboelty >lalUnir MIm
A. A. looCoy baa fooe to Orud
Mra. J. W. Blmaa tad danykter
Mid too Boy, will Uava thU
MOrsloyfor Dowoa.
A. B. PryMon wUl loaro ttnomw oo
a bootnMo uip 10 Cnioayo.
1^, Uoraoby Uft yMtorday for
TyoUMti. wMra be wUl ooMploto tbo
apoclal hiotory coar* tbU ytar.
iMM Ponmnyton left ycotcrday lor
Xadlanapoue. Ind., *boro ho wUi
■ laeato ponaanonUy.
Harry UombrlUo pad WUUan SaadbaBWill loa«a tor YpallaaU today,
.•boro tboy wlU attoad tbo Horaal.
Bd. Jiawtoo loft yoatorday for Grand
Wbaro bo wUl oorro oa tbo
Walter of Cbleaye, left
Molofday for rife URo.
'bob- G. G. OomII I<
-mtay lor Orond Bopldo, wboro tbo
^ i^r, will bo «-pa»1od tbU
C. II. Hayor'ol File l*ke. woo In the
pity yootordoy.
r.C. Dooatona wont to Park lake
aad Aaa Arbor yoolordayW. r Oalklao wont to Alba yeotnrbay ea bnoi^oM.
C r. Bead loft yootordoy oa a baoiaoM trip dowB tbo G. B. A 1.
Dr. A- H- HolUdoy wao la Coder Baa
yootordoy oa bnataoM.
A party ooooloUay ol LewU M. Tborpga. bH ton aad bU brolber left yeotvday for BoatUe
•harlff Blmpoon hao yoao to Maalo.
.|0P Bo wlU brlay back ootoral w“
p«0M to appear In tbe elreait ooari.
Hro. Bonbon Crawford boo returnoa
lebor hoMO In Oroonboroayb, H. C.
pflor a eUlt ol ooooral wookm, with Mn.
U U. AmolA
HM Kittle Catter will loe*o today
Hr an oxtondod vlalt U Cbleayo'and
Grand Baplda.
Walter L. Loraayor, a lawyer from
HaalaKoae. le la tbo dty rlattlnf hie
Hctbw John A. Loranyw.
P11.B A. Jeane of Cedar Ban, was la
tbo dty yoatorday400 Boolyaol wUl yo to BatM today
- Mart Bortbrap. tbe ll*ery*an tre*
MaalOB. waa la the dty yootordoy.
B. BntMlaooa rotaraod yootordoy
Cm* a Moatb-o eaoatlon wbiob be
•poet tn Detroit. Klndo aad Baymaw.
doba MoAUUtar wlU leave today on


Poor U Omad Travcna Manly Aia
XM VoMeroa. Than for Toara.
_ Uirbt PoloMor. 8rr*»t boo*
Oooety Poor Uiroetor Oarwr .baa,
of teMbDdboooatUlM om» of ooom eoaploted bla report of eKpel■d|ta^ o
ood awo ol tbo Ortmlaol com wlU for laliot to tbo predy -of Uraad
i„ *«eh tt*o. AU of kbo
lYavareo oonaty fjr the yMr radlay
roody for trio). prMUooUy. opd Jana 10, ItW. Tbo report will bo onb« woo DO .doloy. io bogtoDlay tbo Mlttod to tbo ooard of oooeretaor* at
tbdr aoMloa aextjaaek.
( wmra. Tbo
* ■■ WUl
m>w. ex
Tbo iDfOTMl roodloff of (bo eoIoDdor
____ V.5**.01. which
took ^OM U tbo msralac. ood tbo fol- raonucorowy laoo than tbo pnrlom
ymar aad bao yiodnally docroaoed
•oueed to oottlod ott of eoort: ,
aaob year for oorerol yoara. Fonr
Blraood Hofnon
Lotto ffti
yeare ayo the oxposdttarea dariny om
Q» yo Joyce ev. yMrwore oror tO.OOO. AU of wbleb
Woolon Ualoa Toloy.ei b Oo.. iroopoae yoM to ^ow that Grabd Trareroo
oa'tbo eaop Bdwu^ W. Haleb re. ooonty la parGeolarly foiioi»ate In barObmriM W.'Bortiil, Uvvor,
lay few wbo need pnUlc naaiouaea.
Tba eriainal ealoudar woe ^Uod.
aad plaaa of aot yaUiy wore aatorod
by all bet oao. Aaron Mem anUiad
B^oablnyofn OaaUtook Cowed Baritarlay tbo oloro of Dovld Wynko^ at
cue latory to Booryo Moore.
Biayoloyoathanlirbtof Marob l. and
An anfortanoU aoeldaat oeeared at
atoaUny gooda ftM tba atora.
tbo baakat factory yMtorday wbleb uPrank BaUlday wao arrlyaod on two raonltod lo o brokaa aiia for Ooortie
ooaaM on tlio obnryo of Wwiilay iau
Theyoany noawaaaiwaiE
aad robblny tbo oioeo of Dartd Wya.
j loyo when bU oant book
ooop of Klnyoloy. Bo oalorod a plea of ^ko aad bti foot altpped. tbrowlny
notyalliy. Pronoealor Pi
bla la aacb f *aaaer aa to
for tbo pooplo and PatebU A Crotoar traetw of bla-r.yht
Dr. Martin
tor tbo dalaadaat.
oet tbo bone.
Panl Vandarboof and Bomaa Mi
are obaryM wltb robbery of a etoro
Bcbbod the Grave.
on tba Woat aide {* |bo alybt of Jue
AetarUlay Inctdoni to narraUd by
to. P. C GUhort wao appoiatod todo- John Oliver of Pblladalpbla, ao toUowk:
foao oaeb of tbe*. aad at bla royocot a ••I wao In an awfol oondiUo*. Myakin
* alBoat yellow, eycoeankec, tonyae
plea of aot ynUty wao oaiarod la oaeb
ktod, pain eonUanally la book and
oa, DO appeUw, yrowiay weaker day
Uarbort PartrtAfo wao arralgMd oa by day. Tbroe phyaUiene bad ytren
0 ebarm of baaduloatly dlopoalny of mo np. Tbea I woe adetoed to dm
obatid MortytfMl p»op?^... Bo plead Electric Blltorv: to mv yreat joy. tbe
a^t ynllty aad barlay ao *mbo to pro- drat boitie made a dmlded improve­
ment. I eoatlaaed tbelr dm tor Urw
rido oa aturaoy. tbo coort appointed weeka. and am now a w^l man. 1
Joba^^na^at tbo reqooat of tbe know they robbed the yravMfanotbor
No. one ebonld fall to try
I. Only 50c. froaranieed. at Jao. G
E- a BUU waa ebaryad with rlola
•on*e andci B. Waittodray eter*
tlon of tbo liiinor law.
Bla atloraoy.
P. C. OUbort. roqoMUd tin* boforo oatwlay Uo plea, aad tbo rx<jn*t no*
Hoc. B. a Parle preaeatod tbo ooUUoaofUooryo B. Barlow lor tbo ro­ Ouytdatblyleu&laayb
toolybl. If youeee Hurray and Mack
of a Borlyaye. Pxtof waa ylroa
that tbo Mortyoyo woo yiren and paid
boforo Mr. HarU»w bad atado tbo poreboM Tbe BortyoKO bad mtot been
dloebnryod, howerer. A doeroe w
dlecharyinr tbo awrtyayo.
petition woo aiao prcooniod br Mr.
.▼to. In wblehCo.borine B. F. Lsdyaw ookod tbat Ja.iaoUaDDah bo ap­
pointed apeeia] yaardun for bar too.
wUb power tooell oerula real oouve
la Ula city for bio bonedt. A doereo
ae yraatod.
The flrot erlalaal cwa Ukoa cip for
^Tt htA mbit- ATfc khw*
trial wao tbat of Freak HalUday
to'AV ht b».\>
obaryod wltb breaklny late tbo otorm VuVtVii vtT^tbX.
ol Oarld Wynkocp on uo nigbi oi
^04 tibb \W.
Mtrcb 1. andoianliny yoodo fro* the
AJary «voo lapanalod nfur noon,
only OM of Uo Jaroro belay cbal
Tbe jary woo: Both Uobom,
John a. McOoMb. H. Blltco. daaael
U. K. Brinkman, Jobn
Oonrtade. C. B. Trarto. Joba Uorbor, J.
B. Follotv B. B. Allen, Albert Crane
and B. H. Allyn.
Boreral wiueaaaa wore ain*lMd by
tbo prooocntloa, twUfyiny to the fact
Uoi a jobbery wao oommltiod, tbat
10 vf tbe yoodo were foand in the
MMloD of Frank HalUday. Tbe
loadlny wlueoe bae not yet been ex
amlaed. Cocrt woe adjoamed before
tbe prcaoeotlon bad entered aU lu
CTldanca. After tbo wluoooeo and tbe
After you see our line
Jary wore oxcuood. the oourl took op
tbo bill to onaal a marrlaye. Mlehaol
of ladies’ $2.00 shoes you
/.•lUokl ra. Baaanaa ZMlaakL Tbe
.1 ble wife m
will be convinced tbat
iaoaae wMa he married ber, altboayh
be did not kaow it at Ue Umo. Be
no store is selling you a
yaro aoreiel InaUaeee of bar laoanlty
amony them Uo fact that oaaa abo bad
$3.50 or $3.00 shoe at
Ubaa her naked babe uto tba bitter
and bad kept It oat antU It
aoaorerely frocaa Uat it died. AaWe sell quality — not
otbar iMUnoo wee bar ilolny a rope
aboat tbo ntek of her tbroo-yoar-old
looks. Shoes may look
boy, aad kanyiay blm la tbo waU
aatU bo’woald bare died had It dot
well, but won’t wear
boon lor tbo help ol tbo wlybbora.
Tbo erldoaee of IneanUr at tbo time
of marrloyo aad Uo;taet Uat aw bao
boon pranoonood laeareblo by medical
I Make no mistake.^
ex perU led tbe eoart to yraat a doeroe
.aUlay Uw aurrUyo. Cbarlee G.
■ner woe tbe auoraey for Hr. Zml-


What Will Benda Do Neit?



How Cheap
How Good...

\ The Old Reliable
\ Shoe Maa.

Court wUl open thto moraiay at 0:M.

ai BlfiEtl


dnimliaoiH «( •

Foroaten Addad Maay Mew
Mrubon ImotMitHt.
Tho'lad^dwtbrAar^of ForeaUra
aajayad one of tbo ^oaaaataot ot
Iona la tbelr btolory at tbolr ball laot
qlybV whoa tbolr namb^r wad la
eroaaad by U member* Tbto laryo
addltloatodao.Um yreat moaaBre to
the wm-k ol Deputy Supremo Chief
Baayer CroBch. wbo baa br«> at work
la tbo «dty for tbo pool few weakm.
Bovotul Foraoura of aou from oat
Mdd tbo eUy wore ‘preoaat. InclBdlay
B. J. McDonald. W. M. Oalloybaa, of
Reed City. Fred Llndblonm o* ManU
toe and A. J|. Akeo of Kalamexoa
After tbe Inltlatloa. o bmi <| i*t wmm
wao oorvod. In which eym’er* and ham

—That is what yon are looking for this weather.
We have them and the kind that will pleaKe you is
our air tight stoves. You can start a fire and have
I tbe room warm while yon would be poking aroand to
get a fire started io some others.
A foil line of beaters from a box stove at $2.75
to a nice Peniosnlar beater.
Bed Blailkets from 45c to a strictly all wool one
at $4.00.

120 Front Street.

Xnviaeiblad But In«li.eible.
TbotnelM.blm of Wet Side went
dowa Sunday bofOTo Bon<'.>'» TwIrUra.
to Ue ooore of M to t. BUekbam and
Bora wore tbe battery for tCc Twirlen.
aad Noeok, Kooaiy and B,.kua for U<

Tg Ohtg g OeW hi One Day.
Take Wanier-* UTliU Wioe of Tor Svru
the be« couyh remedy uo exnh. 'J-% a'



are a.od and endoroeo by tbe Imdlnr
•atioiaao everywhere- No. ISO Pmn*
otreeu N. E Stroag. manager. TSS tf

flgbt by U'
pony will b

Noise Feraishioe Ston


"li :

A Beautiful Room
Can be made in any home
with bnt very little money,
if you do your trad­
ing here.
Begin within the. walls if you will, and paper the parlor.
There you will want the best of oourss, in the richest colorings.
Prices range from 20c to 50c. Sitting room and dining room
papers from 16c to 35c. Bed room papers 7o, 10c, ISc, 16o.
Then tbe carpets (we'll talk about the sitting room.) A good
Ingrain for 40c and 60c. The very best made in the' world ibr
66c, or possibly you would like an Art Square from $7.60 up.
Perhaps you have all these and just want an extra rug, in front
of the sofa or by the door. An enormous stock to select from 76c
buys a small one. abs^uty. Hare money, batter and larger rugs'
Now for some new furniture. It may be an entire outfit or just
a single piece. Want a Battan RockerP 2.46 to $11.60: or a Cob­
bler Seat Rocker, 47 diflerent styles from $116 or a Settee, in
rattan or polished oak or upholstered. $4.26 and thereabouts.
Csm't have too many Sofa Pillows. Got them "already to use”
for $1.60 or can seU you the Down PiUow at 76c, 86c, $1.00 and
you make your own cover, or sell yon the cover material too.
Take down the door between your rooms and put up Rope Portier or a beautiful Drapery, gives a cosy home like appearance
to the house and^cost8 from $1,60 the pair to the very finest An
extra picture there by the door or between those windows would
Improve the room wonderfully. Sell you those alnady framed
or can frame yours in the most artistic manner, from 2tt0 styles
of moulding. We are the House Furnishers of the region.

Frank Friedrich

4ob Oouldnl Bavo Stood lu


1. ui.

Buaartk'e Iron Marvo
Waa tbe ruoBlt of bto aploadid health,
fndomiublo will aad tromandoBO as
av« not lo«nd_ wbm Btnanaeb,


aad tbe odocom Uey brloy. boo Dr.
TUmllaMAlrmOi------Klax'e Hew Lite PUIa. Only ti eoau IM •xtrarUam et MPtb'
at Jamoo G. Jobnaoo'e aad a K. Walfa OaAmUOolar.
U mC. I

■CfwmUmlsw pmlm-

The HaoMh & Lay Hereantile Go,.


■ —n

-r,.A 1-..V-


., :


J. ,.;.

THa mommam noo>n, Toatenr, emcaaa-a; im»-

of T. a A'Minsalft
* Old rnmlfom ProJcoC.

baUooaa that ib«a » a« polat ta «bo
aaaawy wbara a battor preeyMt >•
oCaradfaraprattablaran«ray. Rlroat
aaiB U tba
«m ba Iba laorttabla
Tba rooartt now loaatad oa the Uaa
naallaad ba ataiaa that aa oooa aa tba of aarray aro Mfowaod. Bowaao Bar­
aoeaeO rraata Iba traaebtoo Ua ber. Na-ab-M-waata. Old Mtoaloa «ad
aiBiiiiry faada ta advaaaa aad aoaboUdlac op. a
ttaaa tba work wtU ba dapoaitod ta a
loeal baak to toelUta tba work. Ba
atoWathalaUaow daaaada opoa the 'til aooo rtob to Bm plaaa aatoM
lortbera Ml^lffaa rtoorta
aaliop of tba aooaetl aad that tba road
Yrdlftat Froapaota.
to pcaetieally aaaorad. Ua baa bad ^
la addHtoa to tba iBWiaii toaaara
laiin caaortoaaa la
aad daelaroa tba eoadlUoaa' bare ad- of acrtaaltaral prodaa from farma,
orobarda, aad nidaoa ' bleb wUl^
aaod apon tbto road far
Mr. Jo
^San to tba aero lap
OapaOodabipnaaal projaek UTOlrlnc ffolcbtlBC Btoaa. Tbar
‘ me for
' ■ ta tbto
ala BUlloaa In
and ala Billlaaa
e abuV
Tbto project, wbleb
.1 taka
tbaaartarof M Bilaa batwoaa Now
aUaa ov*r
York aad Boatoa, baa baae bofora the
torn y,
le or Uaibar aboto
iBU wlater .after aeoriac oaa (allora by
rota. Mr.JobaMB anaeaadad la har- aaaa bloehs. are baUt cw cedar poola
wbleb are lapldlv decaying and mast
lac tba bill paaaad la both boma by
ropUead by euma loundatloaa. All
atoa majwlty. Tba aootraetora wUl
along ibe line of Uto road Ue bay
>plata It in a rear and a baU and
>wer larrooea are lined with
fumtobad boada for a rnimaa dolinra
>t1b!e aupplj of trap nnd
1 alsee from
that It will ba ooBpletod in Uat Uma
gbt Thcae
Tbto U only one of tba many large
a for buUdBlarprtoae be baa earrled Urouga and
I great dctbe proapaet to Unt ba wUI ba Inatru'
ital U bringing Uto Uto ragloa ■
Urge amoant of eapital wbleb will nlUThto road will eoaneet at Traveree
Baialy davolop tbto eliy aad IsBadlaw City wlUUe Obieago A Weat Hlebipan Railroad. Ue Oread Baplda A
vicinity Bntarlnlly.

bBaM kpo*^ Iba ffi«i
TVy are alwayo earedal
aaleetkm od Uair eompaay,


'•Oa Ua BawoMa Blw" wbleb
MMo' to Stoiabaag’a Bnad Oparo
■MMra OwHBlkta Wlmtf %• tap»ly
aaaa next Batarday evenly, to r
•aOO.OOOM MM.U4 Sq«l» tb*
draBatto gOB wlU davotlM. loyalt:
LIm Amsa tb« VwUaMlft, ud »
eo«aga.aa Ua gmlding Jaatloa.
Thar* to plenty «f Ueldaat. qaiekan
VnaAiM lor •oMt Om X^m i»
•f nation aad aa abaadaaea od Ua ale
oitf io Aokaa->w. 0.
Uaa baaUby auraUty. Tba eharaeSt !• a
ara tno to Ufa and rapraaaot Ue
TW alootrte raUway pro>*el wbicb
bomaly typaa ed a olaaa that la tact
lBlra«B«ad !■ KotMabor. im. to
ppaariag batea* tba onward Bareb
■»« la a tatr way to bo taaltood boyead
of tba BOW abaU.' Den. tba blind
Uo aioit aaacabw bopaa of tba progirt, la ‘•On tba Sawaaaa Rlvar" to Ue
MOUca of tba oatorpriaa, aad aslaaa
BO»t pnUatle ebaraetar aaaa on Ua
(ba Mi favorabla aifa* t»U tboro wfll
atage alarn tba tatrodnelion nf Umtoe
ba boforo aaotbor year at tbto Um a«
la “Tba Two OrpbaM;” while Aaat
blaetrto liaa eoaplauly aronad tte
Uady baa no eoaatarpart In tba aapoalaaala. Tba prcjoet to la goo4
aaU of Ua drama. "Oa tba Bawanae
baada. aad aapla oapltal to poolUToly
Blvar" deligbB wlU Ua malady, aeaaie
proaitoadtoeqalp a
anvlroament. awoataeaa and wbolaaad paaaaafor Maa froai tbto elty to
aoBcaeat of toar: It awakena aU Uat .to
Old Ntoaioa. toaeblaff Bdcawood.
beat Id arntiaMDV qaickenc that which
A ta-waala. Old Mtoaloa aod areoad
U Bcblaat in Inatinei, and makea onr
M aoat abore to tba oaaiara aatronlty
better for beboldieg it. “On Ue SnOf Front alract and tbroea into tba
waaee River'* will afford grant relief
from Ue vapid vaporiage of Ue ttaThaOrltiaal r.d^aotora.
eal mn of modem dremaa Ibe i
no ortflaal pr<}.-et raoaltad In a
pany to an ekeeUent one and lacladea
atata obariar. aad tba orvan'ittlen. of
Stella Maybew, WUIle Slmma, Cbar.
a aotopaay eapttaliaad for
W. Porter. Trn«eBvlte. Marrtoon SteadTba priBa aaorata la tba daal wera
» H. Bradley, aad Uefamona
Boa. J. O. Bataadall. L. K. Ulbfaa. Har­
Tba original ronia
bt*" aurveyad and Ue Travme City A Mackinaw Fountain Olty Jubilee alngere
ry Uibtb. Hoa.,W. H. Toaior. d. W aito Ue right of wny baa baaa aaeared. Ballread. all now la operation aad
Aldarmau Maaiague. ebairman of
Bartak. Cbarlaa WUbala. Frank Vot- Bat tbe tlmaUmii for Ua right of way with Ur prej x-tad read from Travetnr
raba. W. F. Ootaar, of tbto e'ly, aad badenplipd. Nuvaa Ua matter baa Citvto Beat Hay, Acme, Elk Baaida, tbe eommittoa on ordlnanoaa of tbe
Torch Lake, Baal Po-, Nor. dty coandl. wna aeon riding on Ue
Ralph Cbaa aad J.O >ottor of Klnfa- been revived In a haaiUy maanar Ua Eawadla.
• ocdj^CharlaroU, Bayabore. PeU
lay. Mr. Fotar ratlrod fraa tba oaat- property ownen have willlagly agraad, and Harbor Hpriaga. aad Ue eireet aidawalk of WaabUgtoa-atreat atpaay lator aad bto lauraat waa takan toadbare to Ua ongtaal agroamaak railway eyetem of Travene City, wbleb tor Ua boor find by tba oedUaoea,
by J. W. PatoUa.
iTbeaurvey along Ua eaat abore bM will be of Ua came gauge aad run by Sunday. Be waa Invited to call on
iJadgaRobarwyaatardaymod acaaatod
Ua aeaoaat of tba oirianMy o> tba
bat City
Ue loviiatloa. Ibe judge gave him
atoaaT aarkot aad tba (ooaral bard NorUrap will b«iB to work la
a cbaaae to Improve hto memory. It
titoaa It waa (mpoaalbla to lataroat eap- daya, po^bly tomorrow. NodiMenlty
The faabua Original Con
coat Mr Moniarue fil, but it waa worU
Ual to aarry oa tba aatarprtoa. al- toapr^aaOed In arearing Ua right of Momy and Maak. will ba with
It. Alderman Montague Juat forgot.
tboorb tba ri(bt of way wai aaenrod way along Uat porUon of Ue roata, aa night at Sulnberg'a Oraad Opera
troB bora toOld Mtoaloa. tba-oriflnal tba banrflu are obvioua Tba
Dal fi^niarm and Cbnrlea Mnter went
Boom. Tbaae original comadlaaa have
after big »<|->irT*le Soaday. They re­
daalta bolay to ran op ooo aide pi the fruit aad vagatable lateraaU of
aceompltobad woadate la Uair lUa
paalaaola aad back tba aaBa way. Now paolbvnln damaad batter faeUiUaa for tbto being Ua ninU eonaeeaUve port a gooo dayb apart, and have Ue
iquirrela to ahow for lttba pUaa bare baaa oba^ ai^
markatlag aad In addition to Uto tba aaaaon-Uay hare toorad Uto eonntry.
addltioa of laifaly laeraaaad eapltal ragnlar paaaaager traBe woald
making UeUaater-gelng public laagb.
baamrraatod tbaaauaaloa of tba pro- great. Baaldae tba geaaiml buali
One of the great aacrato of Ue
peoad llpa arooad tba otbar abera ao aa wbleb Ua Una woald reeelra Uara to pheaomrnal proeperity of Uto firm to
to oaka a kalt Uaa. tberaby rlrlay Ua davelopmaat of Ua reaorta, which that it baa alwaya bM Uair endeavor
fraatar aattofaaUoa aad Baeb Bora woald be rapid and eBbetanilal if rail­
to give to Ue pnblie for ovary dollar
road taclUUce from UU City, eoaneet- iavaatod more than a dollarb worth of
peaalbla nadar the orlrlaal plan.
lag wiU Ue oolaide world, were preertalnmant. Bow well they bare
Loeba Lika Boataaea.
vldtd. l%e eomaany baa toaoad n prooeoded In tbto to attcaled to la tbe
Mothiaf haa boon doar la the matter apectaw. of wbleb Ue following to a
wondarfnl popularity and kaanetol
alara the drat moTaaoBt, dtber than
enoeaaa Uey have mat wlU from year
Tba Fraapretna.
aa oacaaional effort to rorita tba proorcar. TaUeeaaoaUay preecat for
Tbto eompany waa organlnd aad
Mat. Now tba matter haa taken a
our approval Ue up-to-date faree.
^(ATURE’S cu^
Boto BobaUnUal ebapa aad aa noted ebnrtored nadar Ue general railroad
laweof UebUtaof Miebigaa on Ue 'Flnnigan'e Ball." The faree baa been
abora Jbe fompect to that the Uaa will MU of November, A. D. IKM, with a
Improved and pollahed up-to-date,
A Cuf0 for Conitipation.
babaUtaoon. W. a Jobnaon. a New fraaebtoe
btoe niDUtng
niuntng for thirty ((30)......
yenre praaeuting atar^^,r noveUiei ovetYork pnMBotar, eame here aboota At Ha Bret orgenicBtlon, It provided
flowlog with witty flingt aad brilltai t
Bootbaira and baoame Intarreted le the tor a tUDdard gunge WlU aixty peud
mlU. from Tmverae City atony Ur orlgisalilira. Replete wlU apiritod.
oetiook. A cloM ln*aat«aUoa Infli
weat chore of Ue Peainaula to O.d tuneful aad eateby melodiee. letrednc
Ibal »vn>»uP|>UMd to
odbiB tolookOTertbayrooDd carefully Mlaalon burbor. At a recent Beating
log everyUtng from up-to-date topical » riT nf no viOijevrtMtr
of Ue direelora of tbe corporaliou. it
with the riaw of luflaeaday eapi
l».ll«vrr>«(iiriTln«vuii n « bet« r1er>'KI n f
waa retolvrd, under Ue anUority and uoon aunga to traveatlee upon m> June fur u>n.-NeUI< lucid.U«d]m.i>liu>
dmlop the prrjrct. Tbe reanll
Momy aod
and Hack are
given In Section 41 of Ue Ballroad Uraed Oprra. Morray
aeriaa of Baetln«a with the original Imwa of Micblgmu, to ratend the road
be u, funoimt
projectore aad a drBalte moveaeni
from Old Mlaeioo harbor to Traverar
bring about eometblag that looked Ctty no Ue seel abore of tbe Praiaeula
llkebuiluaM. Mr. Jobimoo oobbudI- to tbe point where Front itreet atrikm
Ue abore of tbe
eatod with certain Neb York caplul- Traveraebay: tbenee
lau wboaent a repreaeautlre bare to to luteraect the weat_____
weat abore line, Uua
look ike ground over. Tba rapraaan- forming a belt-Ttbe around Ue
\*Xi qua\v\g 0^ &uVvrv9
taUva oaBC and to bora now, but will Penlnaula. of aiaadard gunge, eighty
^^djaila, graded and tied tor beary
IVaATttV \Tt ?U\4
laaea tor tbe eaai today to get thlaga
atarted. He made a tboroogb InveaU'ork Dona.
galloa aad waa ao wall aaUaBod that
Immedietely upon Ue organftatloo
'Kb Dtru qTtfi\ quATvWVu ba\
Catv H&oe
! Ue ocmpaoy, tbe aeeUon from
. bo at ooea aattoled tba directon of tbe
aOBpaay that if a franebtoa eonid be Travarae C.ty to Old Mtm oo on
tAbbt ^ XBfiiiX a\ tttt $nte sb \otvq s&
t aide of Ue Peninaula
procured from Tneerae City to eatend
'eyed, line and grade eatablle
tbe Uaa Into Traeetaa Ctty with ao and righi it way _______ . hot
•laetrle atraat ear llae In view, be aulngoney lu Ue money mnrket and
depreeeloo in boalneea wbteb
ooold aeenre tbe neoMaai? capital. Tba geaeui
prevailed at Uat time pre
aaonni oaadad waa aalloaied at Ptoo.- hi'lber work upon tbe liue.
000. bat ao aanguloe of aoooeaa waa the then Ue rapid growU of Traveree City
Maw York party that ba agraad to and tbe reaott town# along Ue line
* '■
make the amount
intry bate
$000,000 la*ole< d in lb# Flan.
the eompany to extend the Hue aod en
.A aaaailag waa held yaatrrday aad It large iU capacity to flret elaan cqolpment.
waa rotad by reaolutton to ine^aae tba
Tbe Lint
eapltal atoek totMW.oao and auBL'lent
The route at uow eurvered and e:lunda wera rawed at once to pay tbe teuded. rum from Traveree City to Old
additional fee to tba atata by
MLeaton (Uto part already aurveyed and
line andgradeeetabllahedi alocg tbe
the Inereaae.
weetebore of the PeDlatula.tonehleg at
Hou. Parry Hannah baa baaa Inter- Ktgewood. Hjwer* Harbor Ne-tba
Ttawedfrcduenilynpoatba fraalbllity waau. IVlgewater. Old Mtoaloo beach
Of the project, and be espreeead tbe aod Old Himioe village; tbenee uo tb<
e«at abore cf the Peuruaula to Ue beat
Boet faeorable eiewa, providing tbe ofUe eaat bay aud tbecee to Froe
lunda could ba ratoed to build and atiecv Traveree Dty, to (iaifieli
a^ulp Ua Una, Ua wna naked it ba aveaee, eoBueeUng with Ue weat line
Traveree Citv to a to«n of over ten
would aaooaruge Ue aataaaloa of Ue
Uotiaaad population, eaelaalve of Ue
ayatam Into Ue city and be freely tbommad patieou at Ue NorUam
Aro juat in—HuDdrtde to aelect
atatad that it would ba an aseallant Mleblgae Aiylum for Ue Inaane. to
thing for Ua dty In many waya. aad
from—Made in Uteat atyle, braid'
iBPprt00 tar tavorad Ua plan aa to go befwe anee. and •
aa well put
Ibeelty eOi^eU laat night in cospany
together nnd^finished in every de­
wlU Mr. Jobnaon. J. W. Patctaln aad
tail aa you*d make them at home—
•Uare to nrga Ue oeuaell to favenbly
e farmtag
with tbie differesce—tbe price ia
eaUBlder Ue Battor of graatlag
aupport. aaanrea Ua rapt
rowU and
fiaaehlae w Ua eompaay. Aooordlagonly about wbat you'd pay for the
ly aa ordlaanea waa prepared and pre- tortaa not naual to oUer towna la tb
materiab.................................... 76o up
aaatod to Ua oonaeU by Mr. Patobtn, baaket factory of WelU. Higmao ;
Company, which coaanmea throe mill
aattlag forU Ua aaoda of
leM of feat of Inmbm annually lu th
. aad proridlog lor a Bret-elam electric mannfaeture of baakata and fruit peek
railway «<iutpBent In Ua city,
agea: Ue oval dlab factory of H. (
You abould not fail to aee our new line of Ladiea’ Waieto
liana deaeribad. Bull A Company, wtikb eonsumee It
-come in ladies’cloth—cardina', blue, green, plain
000.000 feat of lumber ananally in tb
ootering » y*w«
and large rhecka, elaborately braided....................... $1.86 op
naked lor. The oouneU c^nld not act
Sutin tVaUta in black, bine, ceriae. corded back and front,
■pea ao Important a auuer at c
Uoa»f a~po~Utoaiat^'~^iwy~Witb
fnll blooae front, amall ooat sleeve, conceded to be
bat voud to take Ue matter ap for Imgood value at $160. our price.................................................$5.60
maBlata eoaaldaraUon. Ibe emtaeU
raaolvad Itaalf Into a oommlitaa of Ua
Just raeniTed todsj a very apacial lot of Ladies’ Plaid
whole to eoaatdor Ua prop9alUoa and
Waists, in all tbe latest coloringa, full front, new
will moat at tba call of Ua mayor aa
etock collar—should be maiked 11.60 but we made a
ottoa aa poaMblo ao aa to report apon
ruah price of................................... ...............................................$1.00
tba franebtoa at tba aarllMt bob
Ladiea I^eta Silk Waists, 6oe quality, corded front
taking Ue fatura Intareata of Ua city
and back—a swell waist for street wear or reception.
Uto eoaaldaratlon la atoklng tbelr daA regular 17.00 beauty—we make them......................


Wveg U»V.


aSSSSSSSSSSKS s s ssssssssss*

The Boston Store




0i lot of Bor's Drmrs:

Mr. Jobwoa baa long been faBlliar All Butfo now, but w<m't Uat long.
WlU Uto locality aad lu arnpy .
■arelal aad raaort advaatagea am







Everjjlf Dag

of ibeir




'lAt. Co^Tbi TcgnMnWfvQ ont


fcaitW ‘SaWoT Kla&e SuWa,
5acV.e\e, SV.\ri& an^
mu tt

u nt m ^ tt

gim come Att& ciumVfvt V.\b VbTtfi
gouT uUcWont.
Tifi TVOt ^0T4b\ tttb ifil ATti 4fi\t,



m mwvw




To Farmers and Potato Shippers.
Owing to the unusual large percentage
of culls and unmerchantable potatoes this
season, we have decided in order to make a
market for same, to run our tactorj on as
many of this grade of potatoes as we can
Our factory, which has a capacity of 10.000 bushels ot potatoes per day. is now com­
plete and we aie ready to lake all the cuU po­
tatoes that are offered us. for which we will
pay their full value.
Save sdl your unmerchantable potatoes
and write us for quotations.

The Michigan Starch Go.
Traverse City, Michigan

Brockton, Man., Sept. 39tb.
A. S. FryinAD. Traverse City. Mich —Dear Sir:—In reply
to yours of the $5th will state ibat your order iaweil under way
in tbe works and think we wilt be able to ship the ilrd.of nest
month. We trust the goods will reach you promptly.
We are very sorry for the delay but we have been badly
rushed this season aod are now about five weeks behind on onr
.... ................. .......................................................orders calling for
ahuiment that have not yet been put in tbe works
We will
doThe very beat we can tor you and trust yon will bear with
ns. Verj’ truly.

Witcli For TIk AbsolDtel! litest Stjls ii let's Sites.

1S5 Front St.

Frac^cat Shoemao.

I MOMMIIia »»00»P, TU«SIlA«. OOtOBM ». 1«—■

Tm ngort tk»t 8ftW« UUad to gni
MiiUy wMrtBg »*Kg km kmm m gM
mlBoi M to
w«r oC tho tolMd.
Tbot hto ogod MOthM U Vtouk
MlghtlMiM tb»'gt.<nO IMOIMM OB
toto 1K> g—rr I^MU.» OhlMgo ingmUL mmmWtU ototoMo
PoekBgM OMBot too milod to tbo
T Am ooBBtrg. oooofdtog to tho Mdor
lod bg tho
^BMt. UtWCO Mi gMiBl MfA MO bo
Mttotho YibMtatntorg. bBtthoM
A«owoytawhiehF«Mlo.orthlTtl or
«OMth eloM aottor OM ' '
mr tho bttfotog of
ttMtogoof IM OolnotoiM Troooport
M tho tUgiolook rtvor o wook
•M. M Umb wm kwt. toelBdlng thot
«(Ooo. Jolio loMTliB^ taMorooerotory
A tbo troooBfg o( OoloMbto Md mlotw
•or to lowdnr. Om of tho notlM woo
MA Ooldto Ooetoru. ogod U. otroek
« borglor who woo io bor rooM ot
gfooeU, lod . with o ollTor bookod bolr
Aoob. ood tbo ukoowo bum will dto
•0 tho rtoalk Tbo ntoolo hit tho thief
«■ tho UmpU oBd bo fell iBooa^blo.
Albert Kodlog. who boo boeo
Mtraagely iatoBlBg troa bto boao ot
Mtorkw. Ind.. and who bao bMO adrer•biMd for all orer tbo eonntry. woo
genad ot Montpelier. Ohio. Boaday
Motnleg. Be bod been kidnapped by
iraape wbo-have flood wotob ow hla
MMolBoe be had bean taken Tbto
ralng all fonr of the kl
Moat to alMp and the boy eoMped. Be
WM la a plUeble eoadlUoa eed
alerred. Bo wee being held for, i«AtOolnabne. Ohio, John Atklaeca.
aoadaed la the aleel cage et the penttoatlaiy. ballt for blnaeU end the
aUor prtooa -deaoae,*- MerlatV Har­
ley aad O'NeU. got oat of bto cell 8anMay and bad eeueted bUaaU aader a
toeaeb la the eorridor when eaetared.
'Tbeeteeloagewae thought to be aV
. there bclag two eeU ot
Aoere oad two oeto of looko. worked
■•olytroa the ontolde by Icrero and
Molto. Atklaatn aanoged by aoe of o
Miek to dloOTTenge the whole ayetea
AtookeoadfcaeblaMlfBitty bodice Ure bMO rooorered et
fTheol Bftcoor. one ot the Matore of the
■ roeeat earthquake, fliodc' aad lead•idea The terrible eteocb of decoapom lOoa bat obroked further eeereb for
‘ Abe praeeat A barlol eerrlM wee hold
^haretbo ohUdreo of tbe metbedlet
' MiMfeaery on eappoeed to be on.tooahad.
Bqporto reoelred el Cairo frote roriaae poUate Aow that tbe NUe to now
at the lowMt point of wbleh tbwe to
may record. Two haadred aad elz

Mr. Mi Ml*, f■ B- Mm *t mM
Klfklk»UMtW«MaMl>MilS tW Ml
•tnUM oi tMr 4Ut ««Mto« MSlMT7 Vf » iMt* w»^
triMM. who MlUd «FM SMoroog evaolof- Ttoog «
Mode tho iMlgtooto of e
With Ihea M they MOM M tO»ord
tbA goldoB wedding,
Tbo boroo ooed by a C Mom m hto
dMy took tri^t ot the ire teom yoolordoy oA ooodo o UtUo orritowMt oa
rrMtoUMb Bowoooto»god byBert
Winnie boi« ho bod doM ony ooMldorotolo doaogo. Mobody wno but.
Mro. Jonetto WoUoo fro« wniord
tlBlMMity will rondo pnper ot the Dtotriel W. C. T. U. oMMBtloB to be bold
iB theOangmotionol obBieh OeW id,
ll. it. netttled "The Iwmodioto Ala
nod Pbmom of tbo WtunoBto Cbrtotlna
Ueka-Wbni We ohoold
donadBowWoobonlddoib’nf IS aon Moeod throogb tbo
city yooterdoy on thA woy froa o
en^p Bonr MoatoMO to Bnaali Uty.
They ore lathe oaploy of the Stnu
Uaber Co.
of the a^rlna and Mtoo
Uoo SbaoVr ot Bib Bapldo. were
Berried yeotortUy by Rer. A goUbery
at bto rerideaM.
A tolrgraa woo reoelMd yooterdoy
__________ ________
troa Oeerge UuleBold.
gMtb of hto {other ot bW Looto.
MtosWillard'o birthday wlU be oboerMdbytbeWiUerdW.C-T. U. tbto
eftnraoM et et the Beeoad M. B
cbereh. The aeeUng wUI be led by
Mra P«Uer.
The October eeeto of the board of
loorrtowe will CM?eoo aent Moadey.
Tbo Woaoa'e Porelgn atoeloBary
udety of the Plrot M. B. eberob will
bold tbolr aeaual MMtlng la the
ebereb pertore b
. o'eloek. Aaaaal repora will be
rlrea. aad oSeere wlU be rlectod for
the anMlag year. Hopper win be
•erred from 4 till t o'eloca. All are
a beloagiag to John Aadeieea.
e former Urlag aMr Bogebaek lake.
took frlgkt ami Park etraet on Front
yMlerday. malag weet aatU pluektly
•topped by their owaa. near Uo <toeo
etrcet owner. Tbe team hod atnek
oadorortarnod o baggy la tbelr rua.end
« done. Ibe
drlrw woo nahartAflaeSimbollploDO woo plaoed la
tboreoldoaMof Dr. W. B Mooa by N.
E. Btrong yooterdoy.
Tbe odroBoe oole of ceate fm Murrar
and Meek kac bMO rery bMry and
there to no doubt bat that tbe thi
win be fled to Ito MpoeUy ualgbV
Tbe odrauM oole of OMte for Mr.
Btelabwg'o cpeeUl eogogoa»Mt of B.
r. la “Ob tbo
D. Stair-0
« Uror." next Satardoy al^t.
wlllopon at tbe bo* offloe tomorrow
>lng. There promtooo to be a rueb

TraMMo 0IW< PaalBNla A Old
MiMtoa Bloetrto Railway, Mr.Potehia
road tbo
ter tho enluBlM am by tbto
eompaay of tbo otieoM ot 'Trareno
aty ter aa elaMrie llao la oaob otreata
ao tbo ImptwMmaat domaaded. atoo
Tberaadiagof the
ordlnonnowni Itotoned to with gnnt
BttonUan nad while the dotnU
the ywpaeltlee fornetonet railway and
Uae to Old If Mon woo reenlTod with
deelded tow. Mr. Itotobla retered
totheoBMllaatotaodlBgof Mr. JobaOM OBd olated that the ofieero of tho
raUwoy eoapnay bad taken deflalte
otopo to Mtnbltob the U e and bod
rained the BiciMory aeaer to detny
tbeeopenoeoIoxtaadlBgthe (wgaalio'hob. Perry ■aaBOh'a ▼lewn.
After Mr. Patehla bod
matter olcorty to tbe eoaBClt BoaPerry Boaaob woe iarltod to oddrem
>acQ. Mr. Hoaiiob espreceed
buncelf la eery worm terms la
•gwBMt of tbe proJeeL He arged that
It would be aa asoeliMt thing tor
TruMrae City aad tbe pealacaU to
bore each a railway aad be bad told
tbe projretore that it they ^od tho
foadato build and equip tbe line it
would be a dmlruble thing to do. He
•toted that be bod agreed to glee tbe
la^elty oad
beltoMd thot tbe city would lead emry
to tbe caterprlae.
belicMd tbe dty bad now errired at a
•tage where a'Aoet oar line would be
a good thing and eMataoUy be a good
it and a great benefit to c
people end tbe Intorcsu of tbe Mty.
He earneetly bopwl tbe proieet woeK
be paebed tbioagk aad bellcMd that
both tbe projectoru and tbe elty would
rmp great banelta from It.
Fromoter gohaeoa BxpU'aed.
Mr.JobaeoB wm eeked to oddrem
the oeanell on the cabjcM Be explain­
ed thecltaoUon clearly andcUiod that;
It tbe city woeld load It the proper eaeoarugemeat It woald be o aaeoem. He
explolaed tkot be reprepOMd large
sra eopltaUcU whom faado were

d«a bo laIteMdfrom tbo I
of IhA oloao proximity So tbe
riMT. The tapvi woe aoMpted,
RetatlM ba tbe Mtltiaa for tbe find
tag aad giarallag of F
from Ualoa to 0am. She <
•tieeto aad ■
grading tor a aidcwalk be done and
that a walk be ordwed laid, bat thot
tbo romalador of tbo petittoa be dw
Tbaeommluoe ea prla’tlag reported
bids for pfiatlag tbe city ordlaeaw
aadeborter. They
•otbeUraadTraMmeBerald Sroo tbe
lowest biddoraeMttaeifarl.ooceoplM
bo awarded to lAt paper. Tbe olbM
bidders were tbo DoUy B»^ Re«iew
oad Berald of Bottle Creek: Rlebmotod
aadBeomot Detroit oad DoebUdoy
Brae of Kelametoo.
tcoa fire and watorn
I tMt toe pctltiM of
atoraMc )be ebede of I
food benw be graatod. CUtooe
preceotod to tbe amoaat of gSASl SI.
Tbe Imlaam ot the treaearer oa Ane reportod M at. oad
itof toe board of public
orko nailed forSi.lM IT.
Oa moUoa tbe mayor oad clerk were
avtboriied to eettle la tall with Mr.
Baydea when the Uaioa atrMt bridge
properly opproMd.
of tbe clerk the
tor ot a yearly bond tor otcmio of
balldlogs wee referred to tbe commit­
tee OB ordiaoBoca
the fire
wurdeao la tbe ceMrol warde be 1 a•traeud to arnkfi laepeoUooa la tbelr
eereral worde oad to report at the next
aMctiog of tbe ooaaeil. ead that iMelr
ampeaaetlao bepi.SO per day- Ibe
■otlox preealled.
City Attoney Dodge called attoatioe
to oceeial graet’y aeoded new ordlawhich should be adopted before
arS printed. The meV
tor wlU be for
nearly U o’clock when Ue
ooaaA adjoaraed.

t State SVemt

I ol aU Mo
Mti Saba the _
UMC. Men RaeMe. with two moatoa
Bollaad. J. M Boll. FUaS. Mloh.. ^atgtoM BatoofMo
ie tbe penoa la ebarge.
Weelttegtoa. Oet f.—Tbe war dm
The etaamer MaMe. a pomMger boat
plyiag betwaaa MaaMae aad Oatoa- partmMt bat gtrea oat a etaiemeat o<
ma. bara^ to toe waterb edge Batar exportt of merobMdlM aad gold eela
day algbt at Oaebamo. after arrirlag at too port of Bor. t far ton fim
oigbt moatoe ot Am
la. a«k . »Ui
T.l~d .t oikol a.
IB OOP and Uoarad tor BS.OOO Tbe' the repart M toe rolame et prodacte
•. BamaM Slagartaad. toeidm at' toot paeem moeto by month oei of toe
port of Baraaa at a tlaoe wboa too
ol too mlaad are
ot tbelr mlalmam.
If tbe relume of
,te toe next tear moaala ottBe ratio
'oftoepMt eight moatoe. toe export
IbeU mllm of Rbodm* Drift. *• ^ trede of Beraae for toe firet year of
will t
a at all toe rail-


STO. toe rolud Btatm atone teklsg
gll.4SS.4|T worth, learlag to be dletribI Crorje. c
. uUd aaooog so etoer eoaatriee, only
of toe’Ttaaorael bor dor police, moaeed ^
„ wmth The exuerM of mertoe border aad rMlud Chief Beratoigm.
Uaitod Btotm wm
.p|»n>U, WlU, Uw .k)«l ol toUUk, w,.«».ou Uld loW
.swi lTlB,.,.
Urn tofigbt. Tbe Britieb MrU
toobgete 040 worth of merehead!

Al.ies,4X» la gold oiAb. whUe 1
protoet toe women aad ehUdrea. toll,*,3
^iorthof merchecAM aad
lag hi. toat he woald m.I be aUowed
--------------------------TbeBoere openly thrMtea to raid I
Vryberg. la B
eoeo M hoeUIltim opea oad toe Kim­ Fite Itopartmeat Wm Called .
berley Adrartieer
Webster Sireet Treterdap.
mtoy of toe cape mialstry la not
' The fire department wm called to
Tbe Traaoraal field eomete are tek- Wetotor etreet yeetorday b^ a ettU
lag toe aammof eeioalel Boere wbe alarm. Seme dlflteulty wm oxperieac
wUllag to orom toe bordm la toe ed U lomtiag toe fire bat U wm found
tohare bueala IhebouMOf P. CBeaur.
The fire hod twon exUagaUbed beforo
toedaparlmeat arrtred. Uttle damOOBSAIMT FMOOUOTB.
done except by omokc. but H
Tberule a »g FteM la toe Ortoet t»mo narrow ewmpe. m toe firo w

wh..» u »b.op».d.


. ,
beadooy wbca dbcorered.
ore beiag
WoMklagtoa. Oct. * -Steps
taken by the 1
inereoM tbe ealm of Amerlooa but-1
tbe rapture of Aatoroadebeeee la toe orient, oad exr ale S.'SprtBgrr.
S.'Spriager. of PaUodeIpblo.
PaUtoelpblo. when
perimeato with tbie ead la riew arc la Dr. King’. New Dlocorerf cured ber of
P«gr*m. Some b-ttor bM
to Chlaa. which arrired la good ohope.
Ji^tber remcd<m and ^doctoeo
bat toe department M trying to pare foiled it eoea reliered toe pala la my
toe WOT for lotger exportotioa. of cbmt and 1 eon now eleep

U.U, pwu,.- u. c,^ —
m of- --------------pSi^throogApat
bettor and cbecM ore a
toe UnlTuieo." Dr.
at Boa Fraceiooo. which wUl beoblpped Etos-. New Diaeorery U cuoruDtoed to
toeixporte la tbe ortoat. ueder toe cure all troeblmof toe throol. cbmt .r
•n,' lungL Price SOc oad Sl. Trial bottle
•aperrloioa of the deportment.

iMulte of toU
watched with great intermt. m the enSetarAny morning mw Miehigaa
of dairy exporu wlU depead t*»™g Farty
white with enow from nine laebm la apoa IV The bmt
of troMpor- Jfrof. S.lrer.wlllglTeo
depth at Champioa to two
toUm will be aaoertaiaed. together
F^tere' ball next Tburedoy
Moaoel aa eboretod walks with toeocetof patting tocMproducu
Bigbv Oev Mb, to which be ktodly
ibroagh eU Inebec of tbe “beoaUfal." into toe orteav aad tbe kind of packiDTitos alljfhlil--------------------_________
othM iMteoaora'edaeciag
palroM and olw> their friesd*. Marie
If TruMrw City bad a epriakle. how- ogm which cua be u-il 49d to tbe bmt
orcbeatru. BUI. SAC.
‘ ..
Mmncb Merer and hoiAly adTUBlage la ebipping.
ily. Prof. SUtrera.
the otmoclL He wo. eeea amre eoa- that.
of tbie batter will be •hipp'd
galae thoB either Mr. lloaaoh or Mr.
At DMrolt Uttlc S-yMT^ld Mellle
JohaooB, oad eald that whllr 1 he did Mosher ployed with motobm oad Aied
This, la tbe Judgment of toe dm
not repreaent any
0 lltUe later horribly barood.
mt. M too expeaelre. aad It U
uiy wealthy perTbe wool boot factory ot Hootiage
e^tol WM lying Idle made boom easagh iMt week to reaeb hoped the east of packing cou be
doeedto t omto, and thot oeotod ttoe
owoiUng inreetMeat. He bod teoked eight and one half mUM hod they boea
be need. It will aim be Irarned —
ike groand orer rery caiwfnUy kere Uld end to ead.
what kind of batter will ctead toe Wi
uM'aOrorrrr rruaim.
and WM wall pleamd with the procA la^ form fire wm toatwbieb oeclimate of a warm eoaatry. aad what
Tbe Uniform Eoak K. P. Mo. M will peet. Be WM CO weU mtlofled tbat he eurro^'ot A. J. Dobelrty*! stock form kind Of feed mmt he glma toe COWS, to
iMt tbtoerMlagat7:»>abarp. A fall badamared the eompaay that H a foar mUm from Clare, wklck baraei prodaeetoc proper klod of batter. "
fraaehlM ooald he procarA from the fire barae. el* etoeb •bede.oae haadred
. brrlgatlOB. aad tbe rlrer to atlll falUag. atteadoaee to arged.
TTTOSSrXD- A kouur. •
elty the eapUal wouAd be forlhooadag. aerm ot wboM. uatoreebed. twenty
/p^eawTetloftbeMlohigan Agrl.
Frank Ballot the .Merooatfie Comjj.
Hecaid; “lUlak t eaa cay tkot oerm of backwhmk tbiwe haadred aad .. huU bwUw .. n.,11 t~J. Tb. wbo,.
aaltaral Oollece. who bee Jnet
•abject wiU be gi*ea careful study.
pony and JeoalBlbAkoM ^ ^
I Ao not think there bony doubt
fifty tool of boy. two bladofo oad all
toaa a trip to Maw Jeiaey. reporu that
!«•«»»• 1
ttood b^ter to Chins ooou oboot to
moiriad ot that plom M Ibare•Tw that the aeoemarr foods eaa be toe form Irnplemeam oad gSOO worth
Abe Baa Joee eeale to dcdng a great deal day loot aad Frank
OMiu pm praad. oad ehecM aalto m
,'Wt for certain
ofcalrmaad bogs. Lose gSS.OOto la
«r dam^ to fralt and other regeUtloa olgaro.
high M to caath.
ky lack of oCelal aettoa by •arwl for gU.rsa.
ta that part of tbe ooaatry. aad to
,totake rrao'made la BuaAoy'e tbe rity aotborltlee be ooald not etote
At Adrian tbs Cbuswell fsmlly, era
Ij tbo Waited BUtes Court.
‘-----------------with great rapidity. The die- Racvan. la tbe aaaoaaeemeau of tbe
. qpoa oALx <» ■■■All
•toting of SSgirto. from toe ladnelriol
d with by C A W. M. tiwtc Ublc. Ttaioc loare tbat toe money wm okaoluiely
UodersberlH Mania Brown
of X
bat be promised toat If toe traaeblM bocBC, uader tbe ebaperoaoge of Mtoi
Abo nee of ei
Lotoad tola tbs city ra bto woy to
for the coatb ot«:» o. m. oad
^ WM graatod there wm ccaroely
Crew, walked to toe gasker obiAch
■«U aoep or c
aad for tbe north at IKK) p.
bomaa poeoibility that there woald be Satardoy ofterwora.
mm aeatost John Bolmm. wbo to-X am),v.ova.b.C««!ciw‘X5^?^5
toat tbe work bee to be done rery tbor- B-iS p. m. Tralae orrlre from the coatb
nay tellara
He wm lorteh la ble fiowero. which they ptoeed oa the
•Bghly aad to too expeaelre to be ot lt:«0 p. m. oad »:l* p. m. oad from
eborgai with havtng Mid Hqaor witho.B#.**srT.iK
pratee of TraroTM Ci^ aad sfoted tte’t grave of "Auaf Lours Harlland.
Aboaght of exoept tor fralte thot pay the Borib at «:S& a. m. aad S:1S 9. M
out havk« bad a govemmeoi lioeasr. XL Boa.*________________________
tbU wMtoe only ei^ ot Ito .im
..wMl- TbeoeMe.toepMadiBglB aaroory
Bolmm WM eOBvieted In toe Circuit
waktxi>-ewmeveiteew-r*: ••
toe coanteT. doing a Mmllar oatoaat of and wlU rink a tmt well ot raea se. eounef Leelanau county la 1897 for ^ ****““*- »«• « rprecrWCAWAiKi^^
atoOk and ohrako. wkere It lawly
betlacm. wht^ bad no electric line. 000 boriag been voted to top the
MMpeeaoUoo. Bayere of frail atoek Boctoa Store, who left tbto el-y abont
lUegaUy selllag liquor from a boat off ^i.xi)-o.NAns Wuim
. s«e.)v.
e year aco. hoe retnraed here oad yew ' And la only one iaotaaee bod he ksowa alleged poekem ot oil.
mBeotroajrly edrleod not to p
Nortoponand wm fi_u-^^w«^
of s Ulere. He referred to toe bMUe
Mia. Sarah Romcl. tbe b»-year-old Inctoded eoeU. Tbe
r looeUUoB whlok ere iafeewd lerdoy iwren •• drygoode •olec’aaa
aad wil'd, r •-‘•ntwr in the etoro of of toe baolnem mao. the growing lady of Stertiag. walked three and a
with tbe BeaJoae eeale.
StateA court eovete the
manafociaring latareete and
dalle* s-lobrr*.
half milm to visit a oeigkbor. oad
TTbe ConetaaUaople caotome offleieto
V otorv Over Isviaciblce.
Jallue Sto-i^rg. who wac lajored beoutlfal resort eonntry which a roU- hick, too otom doy.
haring reteeed to pane ts.ooO eaebe at
road woald derelop-to toe Immeooe odThe High ccbool base ball club 1
Amwioaa Boar arrirlag direeUy from
raatogb ot toe city. He wm earprteed
epagalaAttos Invlaclblea ycoterdoT.
AeOBitodBwteo,eaUe groand that e ebon time ago. to eiill coadaed to at toe reMurom bora. BewMlaMaBl- cord Otis
toe asar*.
bto room*, borlag luterod eerei^
It to Mcerted toot 0 tweaty-flve
.-the Boar wm aawbidMooie, tbe Ualt•tee a few yean ago oad olaoe then be
«d etatee mlatoter. Oeeor 8. Strooee, ea- from bto fall.
olwayo bod aa Idea toot toe Ttoracec Mlerytormaoor Newberry will act Its
Prof, a R. Uorat bao bad another Uty region wm Ube Mortetoe. aa aa- fortaimM owner fis.ood toto year.
wrgotleally protealed ot tbe poloo<
; aad K-aig. Ureen and
_____ wklalaed aa Irada. ordering tbe admto- argent aad flittertag offer from tbe ottraetlre oolleetloa of aaad beape.
Wg tomire wlU be erecOad ot
Loodoa Coaoerraiory ot Maole aad tbo Now toat bo bM looked orer toe city Little Traverm Bay aex
•loa of the tour.
QreeavUle hoa«U
oaoaroaeeof 0 large cIm* of papUo for oad oar reaoarem be la oonfideat toot wbiea will be deroWd to
• the Cbleogo Record coyo thot oli
Ij U.. V,.11..U .orm.lu4.k~
Vthe eatii* ooUeetloa ot reUw of tbe life too rlolla. beoldm 0 pceitlon m Alree- there will be not tocrilgbUetdiatmlty aad llgkt opera. A ewimari
Horlag mode tbU bio pormeaool to eanyuig out She plane of tbe corn- also pn Jmted.
of Abrabom Llaeola. owaod by C. F.
Willtom IleebMputebased too Kmn.!
tMatbor. waa dootn^ la tho Ouatbor homo, be bo. doeltaed.
ttmr Woodlaad. Barry eoaa«y. a pair •alora at Cedar.
iwM. AMir***^
, are Tbarador algbl. Among tbo Homo
of aid qraiU have adopted a erapia et
> and Boatlage joang abtokeM aad guard them m
. laei wM ^0 old Uaeola bedoioadoad o
wbieh Ald<
Ororoome by tbs work oad worry of
I be very ,«*«foUy Mtftoey ware their
...bor of other hooMhold relUa o» tho
Tbe eanual Aaa Arho« exewira to
^ mlb^w.p for <ms. cm —aU Sene
modora bMlomo life find aew otreagto urged toot tha «
1 after in granting
Ohio, which loaves on the M A N. R.
aas w »**•». AmH» ■•■ le«Btn riS.
L>laoola fomUy.
aad loiiij by mlag Dr. A. W. CtooMb
iSS^tox. The chicks aaewer
Wedaeeday morwlag at 9:» o;elort ‘^_______________ r;^
NererSffmidPUlo. They fowl toe (raaehtoe. aad la which Aldermaa Mra qaalle'eall.
Are Tub MUouf
BaiVa a Orv. <
blood, create new nerre fiuid. oad folly oagM urged that the coaaeU pat forth
TbFjsalUrot tbs Anaaada 1
A olagglrit llTur folte to filUr too bile —-»nre TlteUty to toe cxboMUd aar- •very effort to aid each a
•yotom. Face eat and tamolmUo
trom tSS blood, and when the polMoeat
baildlag foaad It aniiiary to eleaa
^ toe origiaal Mairay
Finally a wtton by
toe chlmaay. He ao longer wondered
and Mart, tralgktAldarmaa MoatogM provldiag that
'^^ffoTol^^ toe whriecyetem to tala tod
at toe aeoeoalty when he took rat a
Tbto to colled bllto^
toe eoaaMl resolve Itaelf late a
Jjeoa OAgR-Tv

baebel of dead cwaltowa. come ball
mplotelT cured bj 07^ la
ot toe whole to eoarider the matter
T*a“w"^ -• EWney-LlTM PUlo. 'i bo*e reeved a eeaoigamoat of toe
pruvalied. Tbe eoeaeU will be eabjeet
wblabamdlrecUy on toe limr.,,moklag
MWrs and
oad am prepared to 1
Frank AMpaob. aa rAae Arbor boy
IU7OB OALa-Or cirVAAev fa*
to toe eaU of toe mayor who wUl get
U bealtoy and ooiIm- One pOX ad«^,
eeeS 1
toMS in any etrio at my. rmtaa
whom jaw WM aeariy abot away by a
ABoanMabox. Tbe ekeapmt mcdtolae
toamtogetoerM eftea M pomibte ao
pgat---------------fUlptoo bnUeV wlU tuOara homa ahral
la toe world.
Joan MacDobald.
Yp IOC WAier iMoiBAm €* AA7 kiAS i» am
M to make a r^ort at toe aaxt moei
toe middle of next week.
Tbe Bay View ReadlagcttoUroperto
at toe elcM ot Its eixto year a mamkerCity Atwray Dodge wm toatraea
M KMbms fislkgs
a copy of toe traaeklM of the •hip of Dearly 8.0M aad a etoady aaWcohaUopM algbt eehool m tolepbraa U? for aoato to Morray and
aaal gala ot almoat 1,000. It ie parof Poatiae to be •
ae IS ur atorc are ready fm wort. We
Mart^tbare are etUl aema good
tleatorly clroag to the wmt aad eoato.
Aaea a^y toat many now, oad
that pcopouad. & D. OampbMl ■
•earn loft
^^topI^tob^toeMdmlrruhaadredeof ioaal rirelm have
pruaaataadaricad the oenaeU to eea^r^Mlag*^foW>n«w toe NMv tbs etewA
mi to take Ha si
Mder ton matter of IfoxattoB of street
C R. Oockeray. T
Matobt-OM Murray aad Mart to laUwaya.
aOc eeeresa. whOs aeons et elabs have
•^Igaa'e BalL" Telepkooa »*•
TU dtapMwA
oonaMl pceeaad- adopted toom. It aew gabUahm toe
MagaMaa. whirt oappUte
attrtd ♦'fiaalgaa'- BaU" toal^t.
od with the regular ertes. The eem•apatomontelmdtag. IMmwop
llku,.., ,
I poeeible hem. He eloaM by clatlag that be fully belleeed la the eater
prim aad would exert himolf to the utBoet to moke U o oneoem. o rmalt of
which he WM pracUoaJly euro.
The direct repiMeatotlTe of the cMt-


VkstWill Betda Do SoaT'i..^



Whtt will Delia Dc Ren?


IRhuWill B8idi Do mi

Whit Will Beida Do Next?

"Da^s, 'Kovd.


glut Will Bull Dtleit? I Whit Will MiM Dt ReiU

s. -VD. mwkto Lis=.aasji~“aT:^

an maanta ue6»B. waiPAT.iieewiiM t, im
niut MiiaM wttMiia.


VM Ik*


mmd Wm*

"Baffcrty.'* rartalsMl Mr. Mas.
“wbai a-fft t‘lak mr yoancnt Vf e«
tone racillB' tb* o(bw dtfr
■XN d‘B0.'' WM IW WMWrr.


«d her
*at war a piece abovt a dlacMiMU


t« Vaa Botlrily
rvM iha raaal.

HOlJk MiTdiiikiiL~

Dr. Edward Erveett RaM married a
happy pair of ytmnt people not long
ago under one of tbe biggvat oMk treea
In Maaaarhuaetta. anya Ilarprr'a Bjur.
A nnsbef of gneata had apeni the
fiWODoon at tbe country plaor; aeve^l
arorm more «ame out at niUkUy from
Boatoo. Tbeoe were brought by boots,
cunoea. buggleo and I>wm« to tbe oak:
and o-blle tbe dark-balred brble In her
almple white ailk mualln waa la-lng

• walkin' df4egatc. Don't tril 'em (7
atbrtke. Wboirrec^ tla yer talkin' to.
>rt 'eoi atllDd 17 their own bttaloe«i
an' don't uK la mr mere lore, o*
nvnUe.’ **
“y*rj pood adrice ni war mr a
Taunt man. But. at the miae tolme.
Vi rink Iw'e rMbL”
. -AhMi whair*’Ia *1i advice. OI rink they oncbt
ty aihnke.''
"D'ye know anTTbia* about tbe
-.\oibiu' eicept ir 01 wer I'hlta ti'd
••Ye’t* wn«(.
Vf* a b«t-beart«i
maa j'are. HalTertT. ,Bnt tbe worklu*
man'a turn la romln'. an' wtd
al4e inaare.
Walt till ibey <-an '!>■»
over till tbe PbUIpplnee ty aeitle the
thmbble. ibla ye’ll
‘Im taiberin*
Up Ibe Imuqtieia wbicb la I'run al bla
feet be Ibe admirin’ jiopnUee at be
marraea proudly borne ag'n wM bl«
pk-k or Mtovel over 'it Hhoulder an' tbe
Bat tr Tlrtory warin' orer '!« bead."
"Itolaa. te tbia a fuaay dream ye’re
talUn'. or whatr
"Ifa what'a eomlnt ty paaa
Mbrlke. I.ei tbe workin' man ka|>e la
praetlee. realiain’ all tbe iime ibai iiU
cuuntbry may at any moment awnketi
III! tbe need It ‘Im an' aend bim i.r
tbe fray. Tlie Ibmbitle wid aleb a»'
Ifery wan It the PbUIppIne laland*. !•
tbot It'a loo bif. n affoerde loo nimb
apnea fur runnin' away.
'Yon're It.’
aaya Adulnaldo. bad lurk til 'Im. an'
wh) lliai be diTea Intlll a awanip
Wbafll we do? We’ll Mild orer a taint
tv atout.beaned men wId lb' lni|de.
mini* It taoneai toll on their aboiiMera
We'll atari 'em at the beaehea an' I'Ui
oome e*«-avatin- ia<iU« Inly the drill
book a<i'a ty kape 'em at work 'airady
railin' down the lalanda. aboTelfiil lie
abovelful. 4n’ rarilu' the real eaiaie.
whleh TflM- no good lb tlie bnu plaw.
om Inly ib- aay. .kn' thin whin we re
got tbe Flllplooa penned In a rlui;
where they've tot «>’ foiRht widoiit
niiintn' the aoidtera kin lU-k '/•ra riebt.
an' let iia all <-ome hoitie iy p'ai-e an’
gtory.’'—WaablnsKm Kiar.
II taUM 1W*
He waa trying to aaoimge her fear
during tbe Inat vkileni ele<-trical atortn.
“That lightning la 2ii milea away."
he onld. when tbetr came a a'lillen mar.
Yet atae aliuddered. There waa anotlier
Saab and a loud tvpori about three a.s-Mda Uicr.
■Tbai'a a good five mliea away.” aai.l
• the rbeerfiil youth.
blulab Sate,
duhhiy followed by a very he*»7 rum-hllng.
“A gwal mUe from here, that." aald

made wife to tbe man of ber choke DW
people akiul up under tbe broad '-suopy of tbe gtvat oak'a braorbeo. look­

Inch guiia
”1 paaa It up." aald the young man.
Jumping »|> aiiddrniy. ”Tbai wa» la
the back yaid-"-Waahlngton Pout






”No. fctr. Too oe>. a|r- vo found
l<.io« of the geuta wuii card to «
’are. Mr, naeO to lak- '. n- away w i.h
Vm; olr. ao Ibe governor bev »iopp>d
*ca."—Ally (slo|ier.

-Von fare for tbe broundt tri|.r'
naked the gentleman with tbe king «imiI
and Mae to match.
"Tbai'a w hat." aald Ibe ticket agent,
with tbe eaay courleay of oue ais-u»tomed to Bissmimodating tbe public.
^ABdl vUl you tell me vich helliif og
der ride i»s dcr free lielluf. ao I can
vDcbuy li'r'—tudlBiiBiadia Journal

trw. tirvwa.
"Might I aak wfaai your uaihmalliy
tar inquired (be man w«o had laa-u
-talking iwlllica.
"Certamly. My anreaiora came ftom
varloua isioutrlea.
I am a tienimu
Irtab - Knsich • Dutch • BwedUhAmerican. 1 have no patience with
man who llmtia hlmM-lf to uieivly oue
hyphe&."-'Waabiugiou Biar.


mhcMl leorher- By ibe way. do you
rameuber that you aald when I waa
In your Haaa that I'd tUe on the got




daad yei.-PblUdHpbla North Anier.

ed to huibl and plan It. being bentelf a
graduate of tbe arrbliiN-tural dettartI of tbe MaeBacbimeiie tnatliuie of
Tbeiv wereeiarll.v ihfee ropnia. and,
of cuurae. It waa only a anaimer <uuip
eotlage. but every llirli of Jt Waa ricii
with tbe tlKMight and taste of tbe two
lovera. who bad built and airang'sl it
duriug Ibe Bve weeka prcvloua and
wbiox- only ueddlug Journey «aa the
walk to ibeir own little msit.
There bad I>eeu no formality at ;iuy
Huiieiii. and even Ibe moat runveplioual of Ibe Wedding gm'ala ws-n* m
ate of liigbly roiuaniir aymtuithy
with ail uf itaU almplli'lty and sim-vrIty of life.-when an Iniliuaie fainli.v
friend a|»i>ear»sl In front of tbe «au',i
cottage with bln caux-n. Tbe phone
pbing friend ordcnsl tbktn Isiib In
m<x'k |>roreK>ioual iouck of an ama­
teur of the i-aniciu to alt down oil their
dourahti loKcthcr.
They latigbliigl.v
olM-yed. and at the paycbologliwl mo
I he auaplMsl tbe abol that ui.kU
■ he ph-tiin-a of cbeir Joyoua faow. re­
garding each ulher w ith l>liio.rul fun itt
auMud of hIa^worda: "Now-, look
cheerful: Now tr^^Jo look clos-r/ur

I bad It lu for Hlohlw l>eeauae
e kepi
i.. up all _
>1 me
with a t:
•Uinta cure, and was glad be giti a
dose of his ob-n medicine. Hlobbs I*
Ingenious Idiot, who s|H>u<ls alj his
in- lliiii' devising Impraclleal
lUaui plana for ihilng it Ihe oilier
le 11 was who arraiigisl the sipli.
Inkstand that Boodisl my desk
idghl. and Bxed an atiiouialie liwk <
Ihe idtiiv door that kept iiswll out one
Whuh- afternoon. His latest idea was
to pr>-veni thing* from helug stolen.
"Now. you SIS- tlila watch.” be s«ld.
"I shall have 'Mioh-n
from B.

thief and
gave him

he will
Is such an enfhualaalh
talker lliat In llu- end Joie-s
Ills watch. Smith hla Jewel.
■ the ol.l man hla ue
is- engraved with III

alsiut UI iblts. He I* energ.-Kc and he
s.>|dnm forgets to push a thing thnuigh
to a awifl ivm.-lusloii. eonsetjuvnll.v at
K ■I'cln.-k Hint eveiiliig he eaihsl for.lbs
engraved valualdi-a and got them,
fa.i that It w-mild have taken any of
ua weeks to B.sstmpUifa.
But Bloblit
has a way with him.
Now. If Blolilw had- btatrned home
lo Kislamsynie at once, aa he bad In
tended, ail wotlM bave bisHi well. Imt
m-ned to mrs-t a cocvlTlat frleml
be liapia-.............................and togi'iber they wan.lered tbe wooz.t
tl.-re again
n the
aertisl llaeif In
tin tUvenllou o
luixetl drink, warranted

graduatea got up at 4. were in chapel
from 5 to <l attended lecturea or read
till Id. and iben took dinner la ball
IJke the taw atndenta of tbe preoent
they were dtrideil Into luewaea at
tbeir feugal dinner conalatlng

aometbing In the nature of supi«er to
OnUh iIk- (lay. Ilien breakfaat. whirl
drat (siQsUted of a draught of imall
beer and -a eriiKi of bread, and In po
llle clix-iea Went on to tan. with bread
and butter, la-gan to l>e a aulld meal.
In Cambridge In the TaVe tbe .tu
•nta dined at 4 and in<
h.-»-r by way of aupper.
thoiiglil In <-oimiry towns a mark of
arlaiocrwilc leisure to dine at 3 or 4,
get a oon of evolution
Tlicre luuai )a> two aolld meala In the
■la.v. Where aliall we put them? A<
1<i and b: at II ami r.: at 4 In tbe after
noon and at K In the morning: at tt In
It R .or even tak^ lu

maltreated him.
In the morning Blohh* looked out
tbrongh a pnri«lc baxe and aonie erue
liar* and went for me.
“Cbarley.” aald be. "I've got myself
in a terrild.' Jam.
I got wooiy ’
olgUt aud they found me with J.
waieh and Smith's matchKafe and ib>
old man's rain stick on my clothes
You know all at>om ib«ae thing*, at
Jileas.- tell the*.- Mlow* wbo I am."
Hut I upon Blobha with a
Cild. unresjK.uaive eye. lu which lber»
was ho gutter of r.xsignltlon. in.i
turning to the I sal.l pityingly
-This fellow muat lie dopey. I nevei
**A**’t'”have said. I ha.f It In
nU'Idat.-t’ilieliit'all KlH|lllrer.

A Keval BetesUiiU.
Barely has ih- small dis-al town of
rhe a.-cne .-f such excllemeiil as. Oils .............

ao warm that. I can't get along wHh
not a fan: and if I fan myself aiiltl
eiently to make any Impn-saloo I'liauTv to over-exert nijraclf and get atll'
wanner."—Washington Star.





after? Von Of ht» mother?
Joax—I can trace a reaembtance
my wile.
He ralaea an awful howl
when I eome heme tat^ aC hh «wnlug

They make fenacBtlaC ttaa
It ta Ibe microbe that makea whiaky
by apUttlog up the mall Into akobol
aod other tblsca.
And It Is the mkTohe that makea
wine from gnipea.
{days an eoaenttal part la tan­
ning leather: be wakes Indigo from in­
digo plant: he Savors boner and
ebeeae: be makea went tender, and be
makea bread rue.
He gt**a tolwKx-o Ita aroma; be takea
the bard Bliruua <v%-ering off.Oaai be
makes \lnegar.
Ue frees Ultrogen from
verts grass Into tbe 1 eful eoaltage.
Tw Lwwir Bhipm
A novel «r delre-ting tbe
sound of a aieamshlp's propel: -r* has
iDreuieil by ao Italian, lie has
made an apisiraiu-, which I* a vartalluu of Ibe u-lepholie. tteleru: tnui*millers an- aiil>ui,-rge«l aud a rauged
on land or to (lolut In dllferetii ditvctbius, all Is-lng .■ouue<-ied *''Ui a receivtw on lauinl nuother ablp The dlns-ilon in wliieh the sound ta loudest
ludliatea tbe |S>lul of the comiMtss lo
which the disiaut ship I* to lie looked
for. Ex|M-nuteniH have abown that a
Kbf|>'a {iru|ieller* betray .lb wbervabouia at a disUinee of alt mib-a.—New

York Jountal.
As for the syiupioui- ol seask-knes*.
few dn>|>s of chloroform on sugar
-111 w-inelimes relieve Ibe vonilltug
Im-lure of eapsleuni. w,-II diluted. 1s
Mioilier cwsl drug
Alcohol sbiHiU ba
ivuiib-it uuless lu the stage of <-xluius'lon during ibe lalier (lart of the sl­
im nut uke aalluew for Mnatliiailon. The l>est laxative ta cuuipound
j.-oibv jHiwder lo full iloaea.

' r-ssels of the woH-i. -Kxebange,


Ducb.WB Jutia 0/ .\le*-klenburg Strellix.
wboee beirnthnl to tbe lienslltary

Tbe laxonieier baa <-ome Into.popa*
tar use in tbe eliiea of Eunqu- as a

priuce of Monienegr.1 was re.-enlly anB.>imee<l. mad.- her state entry with

*.tr>xuard against ^ibe
ebargra of carriage drivers.
It now

her llaoiv Into Hie town of her birth
The capital of rb<- grand ilu. by had
newt festive app.-nron<e In
honor of the young eou{.l.-. wlio

Ibe slaU-m to lls- h•'^•sllIu^y
duke's palaiv. lti>- r-si-l- n-e of tbe
bride's {mreiiis
'I'be briib-.;rooui bad
douiied the luindwmie aud plclur,-s.iue
IHS'ullsr to the roiiianiie .miinwhleh he will one day reign.
In’wblch be was also phniogmph.-d a
few days laliT with tris bride.
blchnew* has .-onwiii.-d to Join the
orthodox Hrei-k ehur- li pri-vlou* to her
marriage wlih ............... ....
who has
then-fore niude the n»H-ewuiry amuige
nii-nbi for the iiistnu-tion of his l>ctrotbed In the leiiets .-f her future reUgloO-



ta ihs TtwasvML

An OM nmdiy gollopa ap th* high­
way and AIngr hlmoelf from bU boras.
"Tonr excelhrBcy." be boafwety cries,
-tbe Bmioh advoBca boa occupied
Tbe prraldeat of the repoUk looks
9 quietly.
"So— he says la placid tooeo. "Dot’s
toobad. alndtlt* Bui I toal see ooddln' excctly dloeoaraglng by dot.
may yet redrle'vc our Innaitimasi,"
Another aid doshee up
'Tour exoHlency." he ohriekt. "tb*
British hove ttortned and rarried tba
belgbu of Graaaerateia:"
Again the ptadd Kruger looks up.
"My. my." be says 'olnd'l dot gweort
Te all tbougbl CrosMrateln vaa ImBut vAt of dat?
r ring, olDd't ve?"
rnt the
covered with dual and tcjam.
excellency." he gospe.
Dritbh by an adroit flank raovemeni.
have Jnot Mmtmnded and captured, tbe
Uai brewery sad cat the pipe

derelopt that tbe Idea waa ooggesied
long ago as K>>T, This ta ludlcwte,!
Ibe following {iBASage from "Kvelyn's IHur.v." the eutry hehig dsii-d
Aug. *5:
"I went to see Col BKhidI.
who showiHt me the application of tbe
•w-ay-wlsiT' In a c-oacli. exactly ui

Tbe preeldcntslnk* boc4t in bis chair.
intly says, 'go
icnraih." be faint
der Tile flog—ve gif op!"

> CuPw-Wamer'n
mdtrn Wind «f Tnr 8yntf», the
‘1 remedy
on curtSi, i-un-s a eolJ
w day if 1taken in time. S.SAB<toVCta.

quarters i-vry pretty and usefuL"
Til-- Bcoiniian.riDg picture *bows
iBxoiis-ier In praclleal use fifiy-tv
.H-ar* ago.

Feb. B

What Will Benda Do Nett?

TNU W S.AW.S. MeM.cror*«lpnMI*>eke
AJ surrUUsu err. «sr. SMT MS gysln arloary St.iaske. OJs -pboM.*. K»w. Wf. oatc* Oerrs Rouse mark.


ar .“srs


cyoL-i lEStaaratiJs..—
U PlM* Rolrl. lUxMs au sad ae. Wamm-u
suOrblldreo’u .llsrSM-. auprclsll*.

Clear Pork per bhl. mw...
aeor Pork per ».............. .
•tbort Cut Pork........................
ibort Cat Pork por E-------Plonr. U L. AQo-Brat...
Bye Plonr, H. L. A Oo, B(
Weal. B. L-ACo. Best...
Peed. H. L. AOo. Heet...
Cgirr per do*..............................
Lmrd pet ft.................................
tutter per lb Uoiri......
Veamery Batter. iF..............
■sis per bn (new.)................
^rn per bn., old.........
“ ■ '
tslt per b?

Steinberg's GBilDfiODSLOPEU

October 3rd.

ipTtao AATM or TSATnag 1
Theat. old, per bn......................
tato. No. 1, per ba. (new)..
3orn. per bn.....................................
“omtoeo. per ba. (new)...:.
dye, per bn........................................
RnttAr. per E...................................
Bmre. aerdosen......................
Applce-Cnlta sad wlndfalta. Doc per
100 Ibe.

9 Curt U Orlp^ fai 24 iMre.
.Vorvmei^-oquataWAHSER's WHiTt
um; <>i' 'TAR SYRfi- for th:» U-m
and fatal disease. H Uk. n thur.'hlyand in til

Telephone 112
for seata for Morray and Mock,

Tbe Ftnions OrigiDal IrUh

and MACK

Prtmentiog tbeir roaring


—A farce eo full of fnn that
you don't finish oue bij; laugb
before you begio another.

wbat tbe Boston tkaUl Parian offer
yon ibis week. Brod tbeir od in thta
70T tf

fliit WiU Benda Do Next?





It 1s reprodm-ed from tlia

Uliistreied UmdoD News of

t .g. A RIHOW

Kelow ta a list of tbs bBTlng mad

uring the miles ami showing tlieu
llidel as we ivetil oil. It bad three
eir.-b-a. lone ]K>lnilng to the oiiuilier of another to Ihe nilb-a. by 10
l.tssi. with all the •iilMllvIsioiiii .



Wbit Will Benda Do Next?


ceived a most li.-ariy w.-i.-otne from
tbe cMwda that llnisl Ihe sir,-els fiom


I Comedians
I -Comediennes
nn Singers
ZU Dancers
Eioqtliiiie New
Old Up-To-Date
Price*—50. 75c; boy’a
tickets, 2T>c. Seats on sale at

Telephone I l2forSeats.

air soS built to uRlrr. Krpsir work
ipOr sltrsAra W. t>bui> Brsr Si«-k. Bsj
wii rrn-gKLY


A llUllugnUbeA l-sileat.
.4 i-om-sliundent. sii.vs the Brlllsli
MedU-al Journal, has scut ua an
tract from a I,-tier rcs-lv.-d freni blbroiher. n medical wlaelouary. In S,vhfJilUB. "I had." be writ*#, "a very di«tlngiilshed |>ati,>ni this afternoim. Sh.waa tbe wife of the hao-lai of Tieiilsln.


•it's »o tiae.” re-narked Mr. Blyktna.
as lie lookeil at the inermometer.
••What'a the mmhler
"A man can't tell what to d«>.

and mWTObew To some «f them we
owe aU oor aUmento. Bat tbe UM o<
oaefnl fuKClMa tulflUed by otban la

1 Id tbe day. 'iT^en
with some mild astrlngi-ui may be gPf*
wimeiblng for the weaker hivihreu
-b for diarrhea.-I'liisburg Dtapsteb.
Where shall we put It? Early Iti the
moriitug and at 1 In the afieni-x'ti.
■Is Kreighlsardo.
Then at noon and at bedtime. At pre» '
KnomioU' fivigiiijai-is are coming.
eni at hreakrosi and at afiernooii tea
>ie with 1.', inieks. ,weh a mile long.
—ao that, wliether In the raabloii or
I lielng built at Youngstowa O.
‘lit at breakfast and at afternoon tea
enni to act-uniimsUle 4-taiO freight
makes Is for two aolld nu<als a day
■nrs Is Welug ens-i«l at Oak I’olnt. N.
and thta ahe alwaya geta. w batever We
w-llb alliis and dock* that will
cull It.
d.out wHivlili- to tbe most |»wvrful

leeiable eomptmiid. Bbdiha lnvenie.1
other*, ami Inter Itie js.ll.s- foitu.l bln.
over on the eaptaua.le with bl* e>eclooisl. pn-iwirlDg to take a liaih In ih.
fountain, under th.- impression that In
was safe in the privacy of hi* own
apactnieDls. and they gailiemi him
OrdluiirUy a gentleman lalairing
der such a .leliisl.m Is gently
hv tin- aiiTbcirithsi. wbo have a bmail
aiid ebarilabl.' ktiowh-dge. of bumsi
weakneMws. but w*^en they foiiml It
hla pnaaesslon a -wateb marked "Stolet
from B It. Bl.diiai.’' another marked
-Stolen fiwni J. J." ao ei|wii
sire maiebiHix luarkisl "Sioleu froii

aald the aututi
e Boated n •ft.lSlQ.dOO traat."

Tbe hlatory of tbe dlnser lUo.
wbkta would aeem almple. la In raiUty
romplk-aied by the eonfnaioa between
dinner and nipper. Por Initanre. In
tbe altteenlh rentnry. while 11 o'clock,
or noon, wna tbe dinner hour in Lon­
don. In tbe country people generally
dln^ at Ui. At Cambridge ibr under,

of a pennyworth of beef, the l»rotb in
whicb 11 waa ladled and a»me oatmeal.
At S they bad aupper. which waa eibung from the uoe and Itotentng >o
a<tly like their dinner.
tbe beorty uuis>urentk>nal earueatneoa
In Loudon the inpper hour wwa A.
of tbe Hear voleeo aaylog: "I will"'
/There waa. aa yet. no bn-akraat: bn»
The oaUiU. hew. aandwtebea and n>ffor iboae w bo could not wait a bergr.
fee were nerved In tbe veranda and
refreabmentoutanderaaionn-Kimlinden tree: then
la allowed,
rreaenily we Bnd the
wedillng cake warn carried over
.dinner hour advanced to noon: Ibeu
to t^ neo- borne on ihemborea of ibc
Ibetv muat
he breakfoat.
Uk«. Tbe bride Cut it there and every­ ervopo on-a I* now held at 1; neat at
body oaa wel<-om<d to take a peep ot £. -In the last .-entnw It l>erame com.ibebou*e;-that bad beeiibulltaud forto dine at 3 and 4. Toward ihe
nbOied at a
of *150, h wn» prea- cloae of the <-eniury faablouable p«se
entiy wbla)ieivd alamt, aud waa to be
pie dlued at «
Tbeie wa» ne<-e«»ary
kept by Ibe little huuaewlfe who be.|e

Sapa oprtaga Staraak
Podoolp imecilDg elderly
By. Jove!
la II tsMiUe?

naefnl living tbUig ta the draoiitad mb
erobe. Of course there are mlcrobea

ing at tbe ndlatu young fa«s under
Ibe marriage bell of deM daUU** that

sated tile room for two tong aeronda.
aud tbe report that aurreeded tbc^nn<.ii
almoot Inotautly waa tike tbe atmul*
- Uneoui diM-barge of half a duaen IS-

trtml (be Bnay IU«Mbe BMA
‘Til d»B«-uU to believe that tte moM


breugbt not quite ao much, but since
Iben site baa sent over eight atoHia of
tmantlfnl cbr.vsautbeniumo.’'
A Nsw Bmu
Tbe unllntii^ featber boa baa been
rv{)lai'e,l by anotbtw. which women are
bringing iw<-k with tbem fitim Tarta.
and wdileli ta formed of feathers of dlffenmt shad,-*, wo arruged aa 10 give
a bartnonlous enaemble. Pink. blue,
mauve and while, for Inoiancc. shad­
ing off and lilemllng one with tbe oth
er ppodoi-e 1 whole effect very amart
and becoming to the face. There are
oilieiw of iridiweent featbera. which
bavc the atHwwrance of molberolpeait Tbore. again, for evening wear,
that are moat chamlng la pink aba<* .
m dahna-red. pata bina tat MhamM^

I 'Will have a car load of horses
here on Wednesday, Oct. 11. They The beautiful soutbem play:
will weigh from 1200 to 1700 lbs.,
“On The
and will be a fine lot.
Suwanee River”
If you want a good horse at a A play. iiLe the song, will
live forever.
reasonable price call for
All New Special Sceoery!
at Broihagt n’s Bam
Stella Mayhew


Tour winter's wood
at once to insure deUvery. WE HAVE


Uemlock lunbw In nU ninan


M Aont Lindy.

litroduciBg Uiest tool' Siigs
Hear the inbllee Slngm
The MDoat perfect portrayal of
aontfaem life ever^a^ad.^
Prioea, 76c, 60c, 85o; mom Mate
for ehiklien. She; box aeate OLOQ.


TH» lK>Minfa
Fmt Wrte art


TOOIIdm » THE 00110.



ttoMlag U>«dr aMtiar-ptem «»«
«Mka —a me an atare leteraMlaa
to waiek thaa the? are when «ima»
aa tMIr aua aad raartac tbeir janog.
Naar haaaea llwy aotaetlmea


alBoat danaaOcaied at tbta


while tatue wOd dO(^ become tamer

He la only 9 yean of age, and yet be
properly enroUed member of Kaoana City's police fotee. It appaatn. too.
that be ha* held Ibta unique dlatlnrttoo of being tbe youngest policeman

atm aad are amaaf the prettleat aad

*m tberer sbonted a
boy rery
■inch oat of bremtb. who bad ran up
from tbe beacb wbere tbe big rallem
•ere piling in with a mighty tonr.
-What U itT* replied a stableman.
•Squids. niUUons of >m: they're Jest
t rbe serf.

pony, be picked up from the beach,
where be bad prrrlotialy laid.It. a

on tbe egga when
by Iboae
Whom abe knew, bul with three people.
ikluf ai

________ _______jg." as bird* do, wl
an alniuat Inelitble
of tbe
Tbeoe - blarklah-brown.
edged with russet—were esaetly
c«)or of the dead leaeea lodged In tba
twig* aronnd her. and at flee yarda
■ba waa praotlfslly loetalble.


or iiolitlcal newa. but wanted to
ebat a little for special toformatkm.
Tbe general has bad a pretty steady
grind of Interrlewem since bis relnra
from tbe I'hilippinea. and be recorded

which we invile the ladien

ploye uf one of Ibe departmenia here,
and wrote a few snake yariu fur the
Sun. Titey were evideutly good ones,

iltough Iniplurtog aid. while
WBvm Olliers could
be s<
d'iveu In li.T some large flab, or lieaten
ui bv the w«


knocked abuui tbe world a gp-at dmil
and aptiareoily bad lieen watching
kouwa a lot alsiut
aqnlnulug ibluga. He fvuud that bis
taller was auihurlly on all iy|ies and
varieties. For two buum the two r

him Into tin- surf, wbere. reaching
dowm. be bisiked »n to aomeihlDK. .1
wave fhplasbetl
over bis


eled tn snakes,
tieu. Oils liad su
good Manila oui-a. For iusianre. tlieie

II foot, but
squid, anil the

proud woioBu primal. His

lOtrodneOou to a cloaa wat aumet'
like Ibis:
-Ob. see all tbe little girl*! E
cbildrmi^ Happy? Now. why do yon
come to acboul? Truly, you don't like

high aud dry
the bench,
wbere h lay pumpiug Ink and water.
Its long arms ••ulllug aliout like suakes.
After various excumhms luto tlie
surf tbe iMiy. hsvlug with Ibe aid »f
he Slabicuiau hauled the aiituials

the flclil-dalsy nod

ling patots BO aptly la Beetle, one of ed Ibe priui-liisl.
tbe acboollioy charactem In “Statty ti
“Yeib. ina sm.". said


boy Kipling aeeni* to be. He was not iwo froni ttHili ought to be.
patlcutorty bright at school aud gave)
-Ohr said
no IndhatUon

to tboae

days of Ibe

genint which now
BtvM«e rms-a*.
Homes, as a rule, are


Tha Bast oa eanh.
Guraoteeil for 10 pars.


-\ow. tihy do yon loae your teethT'

docile and ao It la not auntrtalng to asked the prtailpaL
And iMtancea of frleodabip between

-Mu stb to gel big onih.'’ was

tbam and smaller aalmala. tlmugb oc- auswer.
caatonslly Ibe choice of ibclr
cow"How man.v kinds of tooth 4o you which
nankioa is Mt a little atmtige. Many havey aak<*l the principal.
\ lumea
Sre the case* of mutual affre-tloD e»latina between borne# and
*ais. tbe

j.,o» h-.„ u«,


OpbU. Ar.1. u.a ■
«t. »U. h tbrdeaiU of bis equine friend refused


The old gciitleuian looto-d at
to Btiiaieuieut.
"Ou what grnupit*"
be ask.*1.

-In exchange for ireaitoS

Tbia 1* tbe way Kate tirceuaway. tbe
woman, looks.

ani.l th<

to leave the body, and on l*-lng driven
away reilre.1 to a hayloft. tWuaed food .
and died of a broken bean.
More Birange. however, was a t
la Boiu-hed In “criblilng" aa a acboollwy.
and bad
..ever forgotten the mile tricks and

Into hl« stall and rubbed agatosi


W. rtbbklat »r~ilb» lb b-r m.,«L

keen-eyed observed
r two.

e of bla

Tbe pedagogue grew

AwHwala Ctombu.
Fights to shi*-r devlltneni
times take iilace Is-iwren animals In
conllneaieDt. say* Cassell's YlagaElue.
sbon. sliarji battle took pla>v to
EdtBouds' lueiiagcrlc
Just forty
ago. The
_ tiger
..... „...........
..., ..years
........... ........................
lliin was the same wht. h had eacai—t
Iron J.mni. l.'. .™,J. I..

said to Lave billed it aa "the tiger Ihiil

rf, '■"n.-ur.'r'rv"

kleklng Ibe mastiff scrum tbe street,
iworood to tbe trongb and flntobed bla

,bk*™. .lib <b,. -bi M U. i^bMM.

,',i.;';.i7rb'i. ww'. b"u',‘wi,b!

ai c up

-bcn-l.t s>r*ai>aMk> tat rolls tor
■iMicr •o-io^ioiiO r tx toi-sardoib. Ir.-lu.tins .*i». -a' *■ .ci..a’>rot« tor
l-asi. bsrr her* I•lared I* m> kMO* tor
B. aoO Ibsi I * 111 br I oi.r • «rr UBIU
•I l-t. IH*1. f-cio *c'rl.»'S t» It e'rierk
a a. and <rua> I c-rtorli lu 4 o'clock b ■. 0«
ol taSFOBoXt ar'err UTBlvmirr tai IM. lam
*111‘r nil r,-.>>'harv. ll for <-.dtrrilu-. tiel eo
0 I i>*n> >.*|.old S- V l-rr l>t and paU* fochswriiral. r-Orr- sill ticcbarrrd a praaltx
01 l.rercrui f<r • ollcrtluri. ai.d re all lasoo
i.i asd paM doting tii-totor,
rp*dapr**>t. .rrmrceOt.-—eaWtaxacre.
<iUv Trworer.
«. Urrsl-l HuUdtoe.

..............nOc lip
.2 SO lu 3.00

Gnoii Rniiilt * iDdiioi n I
at and ■Irsamire n-virBls* at TravocM
fiiX.i Htm<S'i%crlM tea.

g«£n5 =fc?£e5AesEdiPS*« ;


NoiGRbors, Joio the
Mpdero Woodmen of Imeriim-

cn.crR SSSS.V-S

ll Is Hitfe. Huev. relinble.


tr-‘»li *tartorr.,i loOtwod
prr iiratidHavU* to i-lBrli).

.s ^ ,:S is

£S« :


IB Grand
. b Graad


and I

Kve.1 a king may perfon-e have
“ ic other if
nded a smi
olJlrer* of ....................... _
Reluming home
at midnight he expressed hlmselr liuo
grv and desired supiwr
For (-ooks aud serving
maid* had gone to bed In Iguomuct- oi
apiwilEluc effects
of a aotoklng
the aplwllE—
A<-c.irdtogIr,th.-kal*.-^r hai
wlH—i- I< i. b.- .».«


,b,.„ iui,nn.
bw,.,,. .ud bl„™, Xr'iTd” " Ib-'-br^.-b
man. -bi
K<lDM>nds bought ll.

swallowed the child." Of raurat- The
beaat wa* n gri-al draw, hut lifter a
s- day*-) lls ucw quarter* tbe tiger
from Manchevter prove# that to soma, the
the stole,
aisle, aov
aov stopped
slopped In ftvui of
the slUllug
slldirinaged to
t draw forwanl tbe
enors tbe friendship to
shutter Slid *<|neeae Itself tutu the uda.-h
(ban a mere toleration of eac
Jolulug deu. where s lion was .niir bla w^ot-ed.
flni>d. The llou reoented the totrvsioii.
by ihnrbicb he wu exceedingly
»uiue«. auu, —-uu... .... r«- Were fr»-nii-nHe hs*.-d aijmewtat sheepish
atruggh-s, the tight was pracllcwas drinking at a trough near the exread
the stogie
word .ju. over as soon a* It .-ummeuc.-d.
While the dug was walUng when- he
tlw tiger never ha>*-.l It* bold and
for hto friend to flniab hto draught a -Fooled."
________ _
lie wa« )n a few oiinuies the Ilou was dead.
Urge waattff pKHiod a quarrel vrith
•S late*
• fulal
About twenty year*
later a
him wbh-b ended in a flgbt. Tbe maa- not to be thrown off the scei
look'place to the lion boun- ofr
rxwloglcal garden. Regent's park, totweeo a Hgcr and a llgn**» The laiJ^ Verely bitten. The borer, tb. . There he read-Fooled .gator
ter was lll-iem|>ered. aod. In sparring
moment be benrd hto
frieod's cry.
with her nuiie. drove her Haw through
bis nostril, and so began ibe fray. The
broke from tbe man who was bolding
tiger threw her dowu and struck
blm. hurried lo tbe reocne, and after
id hor

■ m li.
-mil OomUc 14
oobcciUiiWd «l‘h a*:*- ' 10 Ch'-*gr.
3 ct t - a
charge• ofMirerti
of Ml rert> eadl-tonal.
A*W sesn's fov fad pa''t'-a'w».
Mwaoa Oam nn' I

Bridge work.......... .3.00 per Itotlh
. PainlcM exlrwctinK and fiUiuu
without jfM, t-hlirform «r ether.
Temia cneh.

: SZS -

I teu staleuieiit to the elTecI In n
et........... Is-t me *.*- It." Mr. Plai
I banded him the
got ready lo ruu
At be n-.*.l ....... in
' acriptlou bi* fare relaxed.
HI* p'erv-liig grey eye* iR-gati lo twinkle.
ally he lay luick to his chair and reared
, with laughter. -|lci*-, Mr. Sfullh"' lie
caiu-d to the clerk, “give this young
man trausportatlon
to Jacksonvllle
and charge it to inevlhal ireatroeiit fi.r
-Tot Wrenn.'"-New Orleaua rimeave given qnaint little
so many dtlmy llllle maids.

.bjrj c,.ar
TI- Uu.lll, ,-1. A™, 1. . ,Ui».was tbe auswer.-Ncw York


Platinum Piiliui^.

Ta«»c*re«llovlAa>l*«il-)r*. "v
U)e ail Idea, and I uiade a W line for
oreass rhlUrra. last j**r W«'>v got
Mr. Plant'* private ottli-n, “Mr. Plant. ‘
(aUov* Just live rm*
I said. -I want a pas* to Jacksonville.

llev« llruily that ll rests entln-ly with
I me to avert the attack. 1 have bla1 writ-1


Forty-two out of tlfty children heW
I op tbeir hands,
Ouly eight had all

,. $t.un ap

GoM Pi"injfa.............

1 kepi an
1 had to have llial lu
tackllug him.
<a<-h t
tiad should
•one new reason* why
carry me u> Jackwinvilic.
time I lalh-d the clerk would)
111. and luiuded tiu- one of luy caPl*.
oil which
fol..Wn-uu had wHIIcu;
-Ke«-Ji Ihl* fcn.iw out. If he liulbcrH
lue auy luiire I'll go craEy." Tliai gave

alitr' be demaud<-d
Wrenu I* ttiTf.-*-tly «aue.

n<sny llllle glrly hare loai teeili-baby


I and

R inni

VoUec lo Te xatyera.

won‘I pi-nuit- ■'
"Pardon me.
, iernii>i>->l. "Imi I'ul. Wrenn Is at thi*
' nioiiK'iii apn-heu*ive of Innat-y. and l>e-

Oo.." Ibe uovellsfa laleat work.
A becauib w.-baihu'i alt nur teeth." Aud
bappy-fa<-e<l stiuud-beadetl lad thll g fluger imlnied to the plate when






Y'urk. aud hearing that C«I. H. »’
Wreun. iiasm-iiger iralflc manager of
tbe Ftont syeiciii. wa* lu town. 1 called
Oora«r Front aod Casa Siren *.
on blto and asked blui for a lias*
Bendb Block.
ll was a pretty cheeky
■ring ttiai Wn-uu didn't C. C. lifwter. Maiiauer.
aud . by «
know luc
projierly i

was found eaicudiug fraat^he ti
the tall to Jhe ue«k of the Hlilmsl. olid

. DevooBblre. Kagland. about a aeon-of butterfly,
years ago. This Is the boy Ibal Kip-1
-kly rhlldivn. you all llBp‘'-aaggesi

"WEST Michigan H‘y:‘


ante way atsrtil the aeORl. and
other al»ut




MuBBOS Block.

R«i> H* <M a l*M.


Ho. In


John K. Santo,
Geaeral lasaraaca.

Barnum & Brl-

■Fhe death of H. B. I■tea1 recall*
qualm story which la told hy a news­
paper txirp-spundeui well kuawn
New Urleao*.
“I wa* broke In New

servetl aa a siq>|*irt. .......... .
iliit the iMiuid 1* » squid.
liaektsaiml siiluisl.
Next the
bum- ey«-» wi re lakeu out nild the e.nliall sei'urcil. Hlilch. after tlryiiig. retor
A little giggb- was the afflruiailre Bciiihleil a iwarl aluio*i n* larg-- as a
Then the young
-.Now. rbildrx-n. I mink you
said produi-ed a ing of Ink from tlo- irndy
uf the aulm.vl. which lie -wiiil wa«.“ uyon bad a little piree lo oay.
dla Ink.
ThI* was true, aud :ii one
mile girl wtli say a ple.vr
lime Ibl* Si-iiia was the only India ink
Forty luiiMl* were up at onee.
fcbuwn. Tin- |N-n of wiuie s|>e< !••* of
ten non- a little Uter.
the auluial Is the eiiillclish iBiiie of
"Tluit little girl."
• 'oiuuu-n*-.. given to <-aiiiiry
A oeveu-yearHilil lo ebecked pina­ Tbiwe in-iisun-s tin- young Itslienunli
i<> tourists and enrlosfiy
fore roae. and msklug a
little bow. later sold
which iiisib- her two gtdden pig-lails dealer*.—St 1.0111* t:|ol*-l u-uuN-ral.




—IMrell Juunial.

ilsive blgb-water mark, begau lo s
cure bU treasures,
i-toch squid had
|M-u -a
long. oi>al-llulitl irau*lu<-<'iil
object, the model of a huge )h-ii and
holder IN or 1*1 inehes In leuglh. This

B L A On. Btonk

7M m

Bnefll in inifl port of tbe fltate.

snake Ibal—but It wonld be Silver FilHuji.............
- gifted snake edlKir
hardly f;
White crowna.............
of the !New York Sun In r-iall lufurmailou that waa not Intended for me. 22 karal gold crowns

brvuclio. ibougb visibly
■■the hldiHiu* looking creature, drsggitl


fur tbe great editor. Mr. Ilaiui. He baa
done nothing since.
That was aatlsfaciory to Oen. Otis.
In fact, be waa deligbiMl. He bad

-Ooodr' repeated the boy. -Why.
s fun rateblu' 'em. aM 1 can sell the
eye# and iwii for SU cents. Jest look
at 'em. will your aud. digging hi* fret
Into the rvlui-iani liroD<-bo. be iinnsl

duties asrrilnsl lo a full-^WD poth
He meirea hi* orden dally
froai his ebief and Is asid to exe<-me
them with gmrliy and precision, and
la a nnireraa^l faruriie
member* of tb'i>''fom-.

Here la Bndyard Kipling, tbe bop.
be appeared U a pbolograpbad gnHip

for be found U dewirable to rralgn aud
devote blmset in flndliig snake storha

-What good are tbey?" asked the
stableman, ulm bad neve a^n the anl-


Onr atock of jewelry

I beard aume pretty good yarn*, but
flmt tell me: Ate yon tbe real snake
editor we read abotn In JokeaT
Then tbe reporter told about blmortf. He tmveU all around Ibe couit-

Icsa; other* were half to tbe water,
waving tbeir siicker-llke tentacles as


baiidflome and



•e. I thougbl there must be a lot of
snakes over there, and 1 itaougbt perbapa you might bare beard aomelblug
ibuut them."
‘Tbat'a right." said tbe general.
“There are a tot.of snakes there, aad


I» rooms, let iwtxtM f>. wl b 7i
. frait tree*. »mt er<* aosit- of E
ki; ciaia
■ Wi-*t. fliutn;
ODO oa
oE> Boat
Bast Blgblk.
faetories. laifv lot.' ABOO

the moflt

newapaper owner.
"To prlDt.” went on tbe rialtor. "Ton

anger-llke tenlaclra and black suriog
eyre. Some were high, dry and b«-li>-

he held ou


beflotihii Art work in

China ever cH^ayed in

easter. and great waraa were eomlng
In. piling up losg black maaaes of
krip that wound away like oeri>eD>s
oeer the sand. Here and there. Just
on Ibe bordem . of the waves, were
Strange, uncanny looking creaiutva.
all or seven feet In length, with long

e*i, be look In polh-e work, bad
enmlhHl aa a luember of Ibe furre. He
was aeTreil with a proper untform. Ineludlng a luliilainre rerutrer For
first four yean ll was tala dellgbi
ai-vompany poilc-enirii on tbeir
and listen lo ihelr siortes of adreoture.
Hr ha* now.' iHtwever. Is-en allotied a
reeognlaed beat. Ibe btoek to wbb li
hli father l!r«». where be perform* tbe



“The fai-i la. • said the callef.
want to get a few snake stories."
“What to tbnnder do you want with
snake stories?- said tbe general, btm-

ler-a edge.
It bad been Wowing a heavy south­

In 1N world for more than four yrnro.
When he «s* but A yean of age ibe
Ute eblef. Thouns kl. I4|>eeta uf Kanaai cup. im>k a great liking lu young
Kngeur. aiid. outlclng ibe keen luter-

We bb«v jaflt

this totrodncllon oomewbat auapirlon*-

bamboo rfsl about nine feet lo|^ that
bad a large hook at the end.
equlw>ad. be moved down to the wa-

aprtag baa a>aeai Jnat behind flberlngban bail 08 tbe ateep Innk of an «<akgrowQ bill l>ebliM] tbe botnr of tbe
praaest bigb abertlf of Norfolk. Tiila
wood ronaiata of eery rurtoaaly grown
oaks. frvD young ebooU wbh*b bad
been rot down to tbe ground at aoue
dtatant date, ao that tbe tree* are pollarda. only poUarda aprtag from
gronnd. loatead of baelag a croam at
none twelee or foarteen feet from tbe



down to Ibe iiea.-b.
"You can book 'em right aabore."
said tbe buy. and. leaping off

cbarmlng aiecaa of roofldeoce on (be
pan of tbe Urda A wild dm* tbia

of tbe hark windows of tbe bouai- and
tbe bird wai so tame that abe would
allow bemc4r lo be stroked as she oat


Pawbaaam for tbe fciUowtaff bad
mnsy more ton namerana to mntSoa:
Bonne at Ilk Wmt Frcmt
taiKi: «ne on Flftb atreei whb all
Mdere tiwnrovemeeU gl««»:

few days ago wbmi a card s
up Indicating that a repres
Ibe New !


from ttw rabWta bp wire aetilag and
aae dork oard to flp oe to tbia very
tiaaiable rearlng-plafe. polae
far a momeot and the* fly oa lo ibe
beat ae aa not to make a path thitragb
the flotmra. wbl<-fa might
betray tba
wbarMbotiU of tbe prerloai c«ga.
TbIa Uklag far aeatlag qalte rioae to
tbe booae la aceonpaaled bp a quite

and a half feet fron tbe groutkd lu a
maao of twiga growing froB the trunk.
Tbo noat waa witbln a atooe'* throw

Can't yon lend




looking around, "bere-s a couple of
pMtIea walling: Jump on and I'll gb
with yon." and fortbwllh the two
Bpmng Into tbe aaddlm and daalted

meat caalMlag of peta.
Two palm Uat pear at aa aarteut
Baaei baoae In Baglaad aaed to dp np
Bome aoo parda rram the lake oa parpeae to make tbeir aeata la aoi^ flow­
er bade.
Tbeae^beda were proleeted

In tbe buten In th*m> tree botti
Ibe wild dneka lay. Bat tbia pnnirnUr duck bad made her neai about four

TDltimV. 60tOM* >, iWlI

nsBma on bceiback.

1*1 the I
things have pnivokisl
lolal wraih.. Bul If h.- took ii .-yotly
jj,e eiiipM* did not. —
When »he
he hesnl
gave onlers that In futun......................
Ii-n for the
peror everv night when br wa* oul. sn
|y,„ n should l»- ready for blm to eat
,f t,p wlsbcct fo**l.
ost •* th* >'*• >«(■ IW* FSr*.
», . diuner whirih was given lu
, odoutol visitor tost yea- n
uuu. whom- chief claim lo dla,iu.llon a.H-ui.-d to be the height of h»
,nd an eyeglaaa.
aatd, to
■ . . ___ _ ...... kiM..
Stranger who was v
-Bcsslly l
Isn't II? Mpoke l
Mtow over then—look
ok hit
him for
--nilemaii-aud fould he had a ribboi
JL ui,'
v^infounded head*

iOflrttt? (Hetane Nam.
Tm mltfliriUbtfflibNtiL
V«u a.c corClaUj Isoir.

Eggs. I4c a dozea.
Good Dairy Batter, 17-18c.
im Coffee-11 lbs for $1.
Hiram Cook,
Bbw 8tor«. Nflw Munson Blk.



TwaXeeflert WedMoBV-Jaa " »
attmo'elock a. w

S •« 4 ll h*
r.A P M Oetss *
* K « m*r Uaekawa J'et-a Lt
VIV. 4 40
» l»> 4 81
»■)[ kUh
» U (Ik
WesMB Clip
•• H >» e.
Tw)B ■euBialB
•» eal
• Iliu6««!e

iss; :j
10 EU

k k*

Its !ii

10 4T •* S,
• to »:•«»)
ll» • «

l-*k* aoB
t-*asr Asa
(IreUtrk' II*

Teals* roseeci »t saem. *i. • k-lll tv1c« datly
es. Mpi sbi.u*} le aa# (raw Rsaer es
gt»er Krauck

Fire Insurance. .S'HnSb.'TrTS-'Tjr.'S

r.s a

I*. L. A. BtOldlBg.

Simplex .
Gas Lamp$‘2.00....


Colnnibia aid Lee A. CimiBuigi
(t.itna Nonb rrerx il*i
l^arf Trac-racCiix
Neshiasaata ..

: sSsT:::.;

Price Redecod to Close Oet Lot.
Bent workmADflbip inon^y.
enn vmplujr


then then
ud one day
as the little fellow tsai ant doing
“i^k bere old fellow aa von
energetically away, as
U m dlacontlnoe tbe flght.
„-rvhodv would you mind’sltdtluk.
breaktog Us way Ibroogb the shell be Tbto the ttgrv« would^ not suffer, for
rtinner and telling
remarked; -1 see bow be gets out aU Abe sprang at his flank and flxed ber
lb.- ______ ._ ................. ..
-i-b<..iT^b.> ,-r.
Littje Btbel. aged & accompanied ,i,bb Ml I— bow b.
than he C.1UU1 stand. One wild bound
the’oi’her "bat vou nee I can'tber grandmolbor to cbnrcb one anbfreed him; In
a moment
she was
^w^Twatrer"-knockeil over, and be gripped her by
confoonded bend waiter. bnth morning, and when tbe contrlthe neck- to wbleh hi* huge canine
botloa plate came around abe doigted
-------------- ----------teeth made fearful wound* Hatton. .
^ ~
to tbe dItoe ber father bad glvan ber.
•'YYhy do yon think no. EthHr
,bp kpei«.r. now managed to drive him *
Tbe Old tody was about to cowribnie
“Well Aunt
wantod to bdp og. •nd be used to say that when tbe
"*• Tbompoon aoacejAiwe to nai•ae atoo. wb«n Bibel lonned over and
told to an andiblp whisper: “Never
toind. grandma. l.pald tor two."


lad reuul. Vrerere* «-ti




C'hartevoli ..
Cb*rte*ol« K. 8. I*>
(lutw Uoulk «ren d*> 'I'-ee' >*>i
• toSaw
... MEBaw



Quick work.

111 Union StraoL



Mag Seath 9rrn day csecpt baatoy.
LMraKenbpoti....................................... M>a
batwr* Bay.


Oelaa Ronk ••ery day «
Lsava Trararae aty ..............

E ^^:EE

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