The Morning Record, November 30, 1899

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The Morning Record, November 30, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


' TUrf T«*r-Ho 808



•eerveroote Vet WlU a Palate] AooMaat la 9a«B^ «1U at Boloa.



This tetipe bird must
have oor nndivided at*
tention today and to
that eod

UdleaSaaliaed Aboet 880 far Cbarttabla Purpoaaa.
ThBnksrlTlnc JBzsroUiM ii
Laat algbt Oaorge Poota of I
TBa aaaaal eblekaa pU nppm at Ua
eaaaa to Ua elty to bave a brokea
Use Pnblio Schools
Oosgrogatioaal ehareb laat *eaa
aat by Dr. Oaraar. WblU worklag la
M09Ofimi m UloodUt Orafllot la.AW- Tager^ bUI aboat t a'eloek yeatwday KeeiUUcBa, Soaga and BpaMal Poat- aat proeaada realised by Ue ladtoe
aftoraooa a dyiag board atreU
araa to SaBOr at Ua OaeaoSa^Pa- BBOnatod to fbO, wbleb wlU be darotod
tOT71 Bacliah Army—B«At l>ri*ra light toroana eaaotag a bad traetaie,
9nm rutr twItlM by Otapt
wblob waa woMrty lodaoed by Uo
. 0huv»-««v OpmiMM U*4« TotappllM far Maay Good UaMaa far | to Ue abnieb to^*be dIatrlbatodMUia
vwM XbBb«riw-0*Mnl CM^)«
Ue Seedy OoBplato Uat of Ua toaralag. aad Baay faBlllaa will be
aappUad wlU Thaakaglrlag dlaaara.
Wkttlac te ■•citah AtfnM*.

▲aotbv Awful Buttlu i
Brittoh Vletorj

We Close
Our Store
At Noon


LmAm. No*. M -M«wi ho* S<Mlh Kigb tf/M oa. rotaokoy Sigh
Tbaakwirlag waa qaito geMrally
Ufa BaTiag StatiiB Olaaad.
obaareod la Ua pablto aaboola yaator­
AfrlM briar*
aaotbw ipaai
Teatorday waa Ua laat day af aarrlaa
Bobeoi at TvalfU Btraot Parii
day wlU Buio aad approprtato
taatlla U whiota Omaml Matbaaa'r
for Ula aaaaoo for Ue life wrlag eraw
for«M bar* *MrBd aaotbar ^raal
elaaa. and Ua boyi aad gtria aatored at Ua NorU Maaluo atatloa. aad It
toty. TbaMA* dlayatab aMaa
AU la ready for Ue foot ball ooatoe*a Into tba spirit of Ue oeeaeloa wlU
tka pyaoilBr loraa of Boatm toorbt bottroaa Traeoreo City aad Potoakey Boeb eaUaalaaB. In Ua Central
Tbaakagirtog Party.
today Tba Blgb oebool toas took baUdlag aereral of Uo gradea aaltod
A auBbar of yoaag peopla of Ula
Uatr poalUaa with fraat datanalaa- Ualr laat bard praetiaa laat eaaatag. aad rare aajoyabla prograBa Tbe
Uoa. wUoh tba haary loaa to tba BHt- aadabowad «p la batter ahape Uaa High aeboid. ?U aad lU gradaa did not elty will go to Ua boBe of Mtoa Ussia
tabtraoya will taatUy. Tbk aaoeoao
bafora. Baeaball atayed aad wUI bare apaolal aiarelaaa. bat daring tba Morar today wbora they arUl oaj^ a
alawiaaawaaaatarwKlm>ar>y aad play right balf-baek aa eaeal today. opaalBg cawelaea a daet. “OoBdollat" TbaakaglTi^*party.
UUautad tbti -a»aaral OroaJ* baa Maynard baa bate pet le aa Ue oUei by Mlat Saaadeie aad Mce. DaytM,
ralaad tba aalfa of that ai*a*
tl** half aad baa abown aplaaold fora. B< waa sneb aaj^rad. Tba following
baiUa to aaaoral Katbaaa'a aosnaad. la. perbaoa. a faatar roaaar 'than 8a«' progrtB waa glrea by Ue «U grade.
4 aoMlal d i*a»ic'» i) tba q i taa tron Uall aad wiU do asealleot work la tba Mtoa Saaad
Song by SehooL
Gaoaral Matbaea autaa that Ua laai gaao today.
“What Thankagirlag
battU waa tba soot dlaaatrooa ud
Tbe Petoskey teas wUl arrlre Uto
bloodiaot of tba iBib eaatiiry. Tba tofesooa. aad aU will U ready for Ue Ba'-Mlnala Votreba.
Pea pietaie of Ua flret Tbaak^Tlng
BrltM aa«talud tba I
> of Ua gaBo at t:to AdBiaaiee to Ua groaada,
—Draa LaBraad.
OBa»y after abalUaf Uao aad
“Tba Piret Tbaakagli
obarra waa attaodad with terrible
Pollowlag ie Uo Uaa op of Ua I
Beading of Ua Pieatdaat'a proeUyka war oO >a bat fiveo oat a dialABgwortbv. left end; B. MeK«npateb fMlrad from Oeaeral Bailer c'a. left tackle; C. Lelgbtoo.laft geard; Batiob-Alfred WUbelm.
Beediag—Margaret Perry.
dated at Capa Town yaatorday. flrlor
Melntoab. aaatar; W. Vogalaowg.
''T3 For LadiM or Cbildr^,
Oaseral MaUaaD'a report of tbe Mod- right geard; B. Deaprea, right Ubkla^
der Hror eararemaet Taaeday: “At S C. Hnriy, right aad; B. Boyar, qnartork “ThankagiTlnf Dlaaer*’ — A111 e
Tory Deal ehapt« and splen­
a. B I reeoaaofterad tbe eaeaya poei- baak:-B. Maynard, loft halfbaak;
did quality felt,
The «U grade. M'b BeUea toaUw.
tloB OO tba rtrar Moddar aod tooed Bpaaball, fight hallbaek; A. Korotay.
gave a piegrmn at foUowa:
tboB atrearly eatreaebed and eooeeal- fallback.
Boaga Cart Load of Paapk^H: la
od. Tbere wore so Boa^a of oettaakTba ledapaadeate left oa Ue •:}•
M SaBBer Night; A Boaad; Ollde
lart^.Ue riror belaf fall. Tbe train laat night. Tbay ware attoi
aetloa eoBOMaead wlU artillery, by qalla a del^laa of loaal oaUaa- Aldkg; Warea of Soaad; Ood of BarBL
aaoaated totaatry aad eaealry at •:*& tasta. aad are going wtU a eery atroag
Baduttoa, “NoraBbar"—BllaabaU
Tba r*wda oa tbe rirbt aad tba aiaU tBB Barry Parrlaa M ow of tbo
brlrada oa tbe left attaeked tbe pool- aba
Pop Com eoag. by ala baye.
tloa la a widely aa leaded forBatloa at -PollewlBg it Ua Uaa aa;
Other* colon too—Brown,
fbaokaglTtsg aoag—Mie Daytaa.
«:lo aad. aapported by artillery, foaad
Ike Oarla. left aad; W. 8. Moon, left
Baailatioa-“Tha Looklag 01aaa'--Ballaalt la treat of tbe whole Boar lorea, taekle: Tony Bokoa. laft geard; D. 8.
Black, Bine, all eotd proof,
•.OOOatranf with two larfo feat, tear Morgaa, oaaur: B- W. Oaria. right Dlaa Baaaer.
well looking and durable.
Pbmtoraoag ia OoaUBa. by tov
Erappa,eio. Tbe aaral brijtada rra geard; W. K. BaaaaU. right tackle;
dared great OMbtaaea troB Ua tall Joba Blaakaa. right aad; JaU Perry. boya.
Soag-“OTer Ua ElTor.'
qnartorbaBk; T. P. WIlbalB. left balfBecltatioa, “ThaBkagiTiag Bre“—
“Afur deapormte. bard flcbtiag. baek: Dab Paary. right halfbaak; Oao.
Nettie Uidia.
wkieb laoted oaa boo re. oar atao, wlU- W. Baff. faUbaek.
ThaakaglTlag aoag by ala glrla.
•at water or food la Ue baralar at
Nat party, by six boya
taada Ua oaoBy quit Ualr poaltloa.
Ladite' warm Lined Sboee
Bedtotioa. “Why be Didn’t Dla’’—
“deaera PolwOaiew waa eaeoMol
MUdred Perry.
that a^,well and can be used
la gattiac a aoBU party aeroaa I
‘tovaraar Piagraa. Poalr*. GaUagbar
ThaakaglTlBg aqng.
d by too
for eve^ kind of wc«r, and
au BatUo Brlu 8bIB far HaaTy
Story of Ue Pilgrtato.
••1 apeak la.torBa of blgb pralaa of
they’ll kwp the feet wa^J
8oag-“PlU Ue Bwketo Dp."
tba eoadaet of all who engaged la ooa
Tbe 4th grade, Mtoa Peytoa, teacher,
Of Ua bardoaV aad Boat trylag flgbu
Dateolt. Mtab.,Mleb.. Nor.
to Ua aaaala of tba Britiab arBy.
llot Q. Btopbaaaoa. attorrMy for Oo*
J IBB Baatioa ooa ars partieolarly tba amor K. 8. Piagree aod friaada. baa pooBia and aonga by the aebobl. Tba
two battaiiaa of artUlory did cooai aied llbal anlM ageioat Ua Free Preaa sebolare were gaily deooretod wlU
turkey feeUere, aa were Uaee
•SieUTa aorrioa.''
aereral of Ue other rooaa. aad Uelr
Loadoa. Not.
The '
•ss&.OOO. Tba goremor brlnga
•ad a brokea eabla bare rednaad to- aoU tor SSM.OM, Ua bill ^talaing ixaretoea ware writton la Ua tma
dayb aewa from doaU Africa to a UIrty ooanta. all of Ucb allagiag pilgrim style by Beans of qalll .
Tbe Ulrd and aoc»d g^ea. nader
■nalBOB, Ua brief ottsial dtapatcbea libai la oonaaetloo wiU Ua Boale
Mtoa Orraler. Mtoa Dnnn and
balag praetieally Ua aola traaOBla•taoa tor Baay boaie.
John Oallagbar. foroBao of Ue Jeanette Smith gars a eoaaarl
OretioM kaowB to bare takoa pla<
board of worka. bripfi' oaa anlt tor ram aa follows:
Balal are Uooe which ooeerred oa 8aa. g» 000 for pablieatloa of aome allagaBaciUUoo—“Landing af tba
.4ay. wtaleh barf already kwea pob- tioaa made la Ue reeeat ebargea auda
Oaaaral Bnllar'a lafortaatioa
ag^aat tba board of work*, aad D. W. griBB." by Ulrd grada
8oag-“Oid Jbm ProaV"
oaralag Ua aalaiy of LadyoBlU
B. Moreland, prealdaat of the board,
Song—“Wham da all Ua Oaiatoa
rrlday la aatarally reaelrad wiu aatla- brlaga two aalto of 8».000 oaeb for
toettee. bet hla dlapateb ia saager.
elB'lar pabllaatlnna
y of Ua PUgrima.*
It la peaalbla to foUow Uaeeral Lord
AaaiataBt narporatioa Coanaal C. D.
MaUeao'a adraaet ia tbe dlreeUo
Jnalyp briaga two aalto for 8M.000 Seoond grade.
Song—“Bead la BHwoaa
KlBbarly. tboBCb maob ragardiag bb each, baaed oa allegationa Bade by
BOT«Beota ia geawwork.
tbe paper la oonaaetioa wtU Joalya'e
Oeaaml Croajr, tba BoerooBom
llingofthe grade orowlng taore- Come “
Songe—Q>od By to SaBmar; Snow
lareawtad to be Bering to meet bia,
•ad Ula it probable eaonrb, atUoogb
Odooat B'l B. SoiioB briaga two Plakce; Jaob Proat to a -Marry Btf;
0»er tbe Birar. Tbe aonga ware latba atataBeat reala oa Batlre or Boer tuKa for eaeh. bto elats
•aUorlly. Tba ublqalty of llanaral damagea being baaed on allegatiopa terapereed wlU atoriaa read by Ue
OrOB>a la daeidadly pacclliur. It la made by tbe paper In coneecUon wtU teachers, and Ue story of Blawatba.
told by Ue aebolaie. An Indian added
ealy aaplalaable by tbe fact that the
toeaageot Ue MeUod mealelpal
•OBa U abated by at leaat two prowia- ownerahlp blit at ImiiaiBg aod Ue at iotereet to Ue oocaaion. and a rlolin
aolo waa giren by Lloyd Bemna and a
aoBBMdere. Tbe baaeigei
>pto to pact that meaanre Urtmgb
tnandolln aolo by Nora Barnet.
iberley. wbe ia reported to be bot- Ue eomaaoB eonncll bora.
Tbe oUer gredee In Ue baUding cnlag aootb from Uat place. Boat
jjyedTnankaglTlng aonga and atoriea
laadaal Crorjt of Ue Orange
A prominent New York official
bnl bad BO ragnlar progreBS.
Pree Bute, but •bevberlt waa be wbo
aaid tbe general uae of the telela nearly all the rooms were bendlea phone bad made the taak of efficaoaiBpaatod tbe Hoera at Baalla, aa Piom tba Wrecked Warebotue oa
leporied. caaoM be aald wiU eeruiaently
protecting life aod properly
seat to brighten TtaaakaglTlng day In oTor 50 per cent, eaaier.
ty- Tba loTeator of Mafekiag. wbo la
Tbe gMda Uat were precipitated
that would otber^ bare bot
alao aaBad Croaj*. la doabtlMa a
Telephoning in caae of 6re, ac­
Into tbe bay hr Ue ooUapee of Ue
Ekabaraal eoBBaader.
a aad eelebmtion.
cident or burglary
baa become
warebooee Amt Monday algbt. are aU
rect^'oijs-d ne
Blmwood Areana
cleared away, aad It aoem Uat «oUMBW BOOK 8TOKX.

Erery well regulat­
la Ua B Bwood aronna adwol maxle
lag to loet aatirely. aa aU aeeo
ed booaehold baa a
aad reeltaUoos made Ue afterMoo
Ito be Opoaad by Two Popalar Toeag tally perteatly. la all,
awiniy aad pleasantly. Tba
Men TOBOrrew.
potatoaa aad IM laeka of oata won
Hare you one in
J. B. Saudley aid 3. C. Moodwortb,
id. The daaaaged potatoaa ware aereaU and elgbU gradaa, Mtoa Bataa,
your home?
obaertod the day oaly la a
WO well kaowB aad popalar yoeag sold to Ua Btareb Oo. Tbore w
■aa of Uia dty. bare aatored Into a llr^ Barbel for wot oata, Ue geaoral way. keeping tbe Uoagbt la
HtUpi Netm 0.
■artoatahip. aad will opea a book prior being M eeata Perfect oata Bind la Ualr rartoaa atndloa.
TbealxU grana, Mtoa Cnaae, toaebar,:
aeteUBorrow at ill 8oaU OakB balag «t oaato a bMbaL
gave Ue followiag program;
treat, aadar Ua &tb aaBa of BBedley
8«g—"Tbare OomaU a Dora."
WoodworU la addlUoa to
TbaakaglTlng qnotatioiia.
took of hooka. aUtioMry. Bagaalaaa
Beading of prealdeot'e proelaa
ad papwa, they will alao oaU algmrm. Boyal Otaad WiU »a a Vaiaa Shop
In------- —.
-OoMie Mae Boward.
ibaeco aad eoafaetiouty. Ai boU
8aag-“Ll*e for SoBeUtag."
re wall kaowa bare they wfU doabtJ. O LaagworUr baa perabaaad Ua
Paper by Paarl TUler. “Tbaal
m aaake a eaboMi of Uo eeatara.
lateraat ct Oearge Oalkiat la tba
Boyal Umad barber shop fo Oarto’ lag Day"—Bead by Btia Beatoa.
Baw HUl Balag Oeerai
tea, “Tba Cora Song**dgar atora. Mr. OalklBS wUl retire
Oor oale Saturday pRoring a ancWUIUb' Boluor la oeerbi
traaa Ue firm aa aoaoaat of kU baalU.


For the balance of the




Qaaju lOc. AU kind, of non cmeoAc to *4.50 o.oh!
^mb»r Magimnn oomme in. 1200 volome. briaht now
“"’’'U™ “ "‘y


290-288 Front Street

Red "
Felt Slippers

Balph Oonnabla Jr., Maub^.

Of the Season


May you live to enjoy
many more Thanks,
givinj^ Days and well
digest your “Turk.”









The luier in FiinosiRies

Public guaraians




Atiar next Monday Ua p'mas wiU
OBOBW. Tba baary tlBbere ia ba ma aa a aaloa abop.
U Uo low* aod appor atortaa art
■togroBoredaod BOW oMa pat la.
am wUl be aatiraly refitted far Oatyaor sjaton
MalMM ad Ua wlatar. ItwlU be
atJaakeoa'a for Tba
A Ma weeks baCara Ue tepalra wiU

..Tk.L..di,,., tt, oe-. *« h.™ d«w*d tocontinn.


„ „


124 Front Street.

Fashionable Outfitters

Ju4t received and placed on sale in onr popular Fan­
cy Work Department We keep a large
line of materials for all kinds of fancy
work. Prices here are low.



Keep This
In Mind__

Only nix mom wnnka and tbe

OIOSOA Mutt dispose of the stock by that time, at re­
tail, or in balk. Lots of heavy ahooa and mbbers of
the McNamara stock left yet, and wiU be s&ld at very
low prices—much less than half pricw.
A^l new goods, up-to-date etylea, bonght for the
fall and winter at cost and lees.
Come In and see the baivains we can give you.
Tbe closing out sale so far has been a great sueoesa—
and lou of just an good bargains left.

WM.WATSDN, Bargain Shoe Store

^UR ancestors were thankful for a pai^ of hea>
ry “cow hide” boots- How much more thank­
ful should we be for the many styles in com­
fortable footwear. We are thankful that we
bonght our fall and winter footwear before
the advance in prices. Yon should be thankfnl that we are able to give yon the aa«t*
quality at the same prices as before. Every­
thing imaginable in ^men’s women's and child­
ren’s footwear.

Olfea aa


Front Street

McNamara block


vmATxanonT. • aaoHioAJi
Me*. ». lAf A»i» J. w. BAno.
«. V. BAasn. UlMr mmi Marngm.

» M TT««tn« CliJ.

Tn BiC>« roMU the Ti»««fM City
Borr—poBdwt of Um
to otoUiw thAt 4.000 borrolA of aolt
wore dimoed into the bny la the dock
mnck. TbM ro«a on la a MrtoM vein ,
to explain that there were only fonr
tamUoB U>e doek at the Use. aad that
ikMewerenotnbnMOTtoatall. Wfaile
Aadiar faall with the ■tatesent la the
finad Baplde paper the Bagle bmb It
•everal better bp saklnr a nlatake of
>M baneU. Hj aetoal eoaat there
watT 400 taarreU of wit oa the doek at
the Use of the aeeideat. It 1» evident
that the toltorial writer of the Bagle
toe hU taUlare m well an the oorreependeat of the Prene, whoee oopp
toirht sot have been priated jaat aa eke

' VaatlacetobekeidiaTartowCharehm in Boaor oMhe Oep of
ErjolwitThe.anion Thaakerlvlar aenloe will
be held in the BapUat ebnreh thia
innrrlnir at Khto. PoUowtaf U the ortoofeerTlot:
iBvoeatloa—Bev. Keaaedp.
Bpsa—-SweU the Aathes."
Bwpoaalve Beadlag—Led bp Bev.
W. K. WrlffhV
LadlM Qaartet -‘'Biased Be the

Praper—Bev. Salabeip.
Prealdent'e ProelasaUorf—Bev, BarBlapionaa.
Antbes-"Ito Lord «haU OHafort
•arson—Bav. 3. i. Beadp.
Hpsa-”Mp Ooaatrp *Ua of IW”
I at Once ehareh will
open with bolp csnasanlon for the
toUvalof BL hddrewat V:40 o'clock,
•nd at 10:t0 tharenerelTbaokaflvtac
aarviee will be held. ThU meeUnp
wlU be addreaecd bp U. W. Under
wood aad Prof. B. H. Bpder.
Hlph saw wUi be eelebreted at »
p’eloek la BV Kranela ehareh.

Houroio vmootM


ntoapa«n l
Dtoner.--Otlla M«SA
•The Urearb B«nd--Itori ThUnr
and Onp OliekaU.
Boto> "Ibe Hetop Bee.”
MUee Btandteh Drtil-Pwrp Apwn.
Mnrvpn Elnnep. John Bwaei.
The tonrih aad ftfU fradea, Mto
Oaanatt and Mhn Ada Smith, tenehera,
ore the foUovHn* peecram:
Bone. Thankarivinc.
Bsponalve laadlnc. -'tto Flmt
Bedtatlon. "The Fbet Thankarivinc
Oap"~Bdaa OreUiek.
Exardaa. "The Pnmpkln'—John
ibert Cnmmlnca. Bari UleaBarrp Tromm. Henrp MUlar.
BedsUon. -rho Baric Flower"—
Otto Btanek.
Bear. "The Anwsn Meware."
BadtaUoB. "Tbaakarltliir Dap le

BecltaUon. "Tha Eeaaon Wbp"Bmsa Ppbna
neert redlaUoa. "The Com Boar.'
bp.the eebooL
"November" —HatUi
BedtaUon. "TbaakeririrV"—
BMf "Aotnmo Lehvea.”
BedtaUem. "Thankarlviar" -Dalli

Bxerdae. "The Loaf of Bread"—Ber­
tha Mia Baner, Clara Biekeiaon, OomeUa Klaaeaa. Anna Bteveaa. Bdlth Btev
ene, Mand Porter. ChriaUna Bormulh.
Bedlaiioo, "October." Mand YoocrBaelUtkm, "John Whito’a Ttoaharlvlnr ”
BedtaUon. "Thankarirlar Dap"—
BUle Beardalep.
BeduUon. "Antasn"' Jamw Viadc.
BodtoUon. "Who Olvw ne onr
ThankarivUr Dlnner"-Lela Ellla ‘‘
Boar, “Cart Loada of Pnmpklna”
Bedtatlon. "The Thankarlviar T"
BohnmU Chervanka.
Bedtatlon. "The Pampklaa,”—JannleKlaaaen.
BedtaUon. "T^e Thriftp FhsUp"—
BedtaUoB, "The dap we love"-Terrp
BedtaUon, -'Fhrevrdi to Bnamar"—
Anna Bpank
Bedtatlon. "Pen pietare of the fiiat
Thankarivinr dap”—Ina Kannep.
Bedtatlon. An-.nmn In the eonntrp"
Oolda OalMlL
Bedtatlon, "Thankarivinr'' -Bdlth
Soar. -'Wavw of Bound."
BedUUon. "Noyember Violet"—
Benlah Eronpa.
BwlttUon. "Astama"-Hattie Eron.PA
BeduUon. "Thankarivinr''-Bdlth


movwMamM ao. iwm


Mokes llie food fBora defickMS aiMf V

the floor while their teacher told them B a prorram a* foUowa:
Slnrlar—"daivrica. ••
a Tbaak^vinr etorj. "Bow Pat^
Twentp-ULrd Pwlm.Gave Tbanka." Thep than aanp their
Beedinr-"The FiiatThaakarlTlar."
Tbankarlvlnr none. "Over the Biver Babwt YcAtth.
PhoB««Tapb eeleeUoaa
and Thro* tha Wooda." aad dramatiaad
BeclUilon—"Oar OennUp."
Ik Oamea were plaped nnUl half -pSat
Beadiar. "Poutow aad Praper—"
two. when the B aod C elaaaea went DalepMwre.
home, whUa the A daw mmaioed for
OoMw^B^uUor, Oora BoarBoardwaa ATeana.
The Boardman Avenoe achool obaervto tha dap la a reneral wap. and
made a apedal vffsrk aa did maap of
Ibe rooma throurhoot the other baUdinc*. In the wap of fnrniahinr provlaloDt for needp fasUlee. The troe
Tbanktrldnr Idea waa In iihla -Wap
broncbloot, and It would be hard to
which were the happier, thoae who
reedved, or tboee who r**c.
'^e tod and 3rd. irradea. Miaa Uarderand Miaa Cleveland, teaehera, uni­
ted in the fgllowinr prormo:
Tbankirlvlnr eonp bp aehool.
A Thankarivinr prajer bp lebool.
Btoip of onr pilrrlm tatbere and
their flrat Thankarivinc dap. told bp
WUUe Earl.
Bedutlon. "Thankarivinr”-BerUe
Bedutlon. "The Pirkt Mew Bnrland
Waabinr Dap."—bp Helen Bannen.
BeduUon bp LeU Petenon.
Bedutlon. "A Thankfnl Mowe,"Olaruee Bark
Bedutlon. "A Thankarivinr Din*
er."—Barlie Ltmprlehk
Bedutlon, "The Thankerlviar Tnrkep."—Marreip Clark.
BedUUon. "Babbiw and KitUea."Bemtee Borem
Duet—Max aad too Weills.
BadUUoa. '.‘Advice to a Doll.”—
Floia caw.
BeduUon. “A Ihaakarivinr Dap,"
-*-Leo Boon.
BeduUon. "Bs Thankarivinr
nar." Flowie MeMichaal.
Bedutloe-Horunae MarUnek.
Beading - Annie OoodaU.
Oonoert BeduUon. Landlnr of Pilrrlma—by 3d rradeBonc. "Oyer the Biver"-bpSdrade.
Oak Park. .
The Oak Park achool did not forret
the dap. and pleaaaat cxerdwe were
held, and bukeU of rood tblnga
bronebt to he dUirlbnled to thoee who
lacked a Thankarivinr dinner. The
flflb. elxth and Mventb rradee. Mlm
Filklne and MIm Birr<PC- teacher*,
united iD,*inKinr exercUe* In the m
io'r. and~wrote Thankarivinr ttorlee
later In the dap. amonr their other


8onr-"AU Thlnre Bwntifal."
The klnderrartCB. first, aeoond and
Ulrd rradee. Mies Vorelg«oar, Mint
Miller. Miw Taylor and Mbs Bliw.
teaebara, united In the foliowtar pro
Song—"Over the Elver."
Bcadinr-"PUcrlma." Ethel Champ

Sonr. ••Sqnlrrel'e, Tnaakarivinr."—
Flret rrade.
Story—Bp Mlw Btiw.
Sonr. "Tbankerlvlar." — aeooad
and third rradea
Soar- ‘ Jack Frost lea Boraiah Fel­
low." —First rmde and klnderrartcn.
" unee—Bp the ebUdran In eoatose

A Soldier^ SoSbrior
Mr. Peter McFarland, a veUran of
thewarofei.livinr at Bath. N. Y..
writes; “Ever nlnee the war I wa»
troebied with rheumatism and kidney
dteeaee. I thoupht I should die at
tlmw but Dr. CbaM’e Rldney-Llwr
Pill* made a new man of me afUr
nMnrthtta lew than three months"
35 eenu. all dmrrlvU or Dr. A. W.
Chase Mrd. Co . Buffalo. M. Y. Send
sump for free sample paekare.

No. 115-Parlor Table, $2.00..
It is a handsome table, 24x26 inches, solid gold­
en oak or in mahogany, and only 12.00. We have a
lai^ line of parlor and library tables from ll.fK) up
to the very finest, Goods picked out now, stored un­
til Christmas free of charge, .

J. W. Slater,
ISO Front Bt

Will Anderson

tlOO Eeward. JIOO.
Thereaderaof tbU paper will be
plenaed to learn that there la at leaat
one draaded diaeaae that aeienee baa
been able to core in all lu etafea, aad
that U eatarrah. Uall'a Catarrab Cure
ia the onlp podUve cure known to the
sadlcnl fmtemitp. Cblarrah belnf n
oonaUtntlcmal dleenae. rrqBiree a ennaUMUonal treatmenk Hall-aChlamh
Onre la taken Intcmallp. acUnt dlreetIp npon the blood and mnenona ear.
toaaa of the epetem. tberebp deetrapinf
the fonndaUoa of the diaeaee. aad pivlafUe patient etreaptb bp bnildaf

pewentbat thep tSer one hnadrad
toUan for anp cnee that it f
eara Bend for Hat of teaUmML..
Addraw F. 3. Cidukt A Oo.. Toledo.


Sooc. "Over the Biver.'
On UviUtion of tha WUlard W. C T.
1 bp the Ulrd
V the
rwde pnpila. Miw BUlea, teacher, waa
riven the dkpjtefore at the Second M.
B chnreb. attbetlme of their meetInr. and vwterdap after the raro'-br
lewona the ehUdren spent tome time
in plaplof rbmee aad elnrinr. The
prarram wa* aa foUowa:
8onr—"Milkweed Falriea.*'bpacbool.
CbUdrea'i hour—"Poem." by achool.
-Thask^rlnr InvlUUoo”—Emilp
"Bow a jack*o-lanUm went for a
walk."—Andrew Eldwd.
Song—"Thankarivinr ta Comlnr."
bpeehod. ;
■ Stoipof PUrrlnu' -Pearl Walton.
alph DaltelL
"The pumpkin exerdae" hp aixUen
hope aad rl*'!*and wodd like U> led **4 l««k w*U. lei ua
•‘DoUp’*Thankarlvlnr"-Hawl Par- rxDmnwnd CnZXT DIG lo j .,u.
HoKIb7l>niACMa PnccXic. nudlOe. 7
Poem—"The Pompkin” achool.
Sonr—"Over the Biver." achool.
Tha flrat and aeooad rradw. Mlae
Oadp and Mlw Evaaa. teacher*, nnited |
and rave followlnr prorras:
Soar. "Old Jack Froet"-*F1i«t and :
Second rradea.
Sonr. "Father of AIT'-Ftot r»de. I
Soar—"Sweet Samnaer'a Qone"—.
BeeluUon-"Thaakarlvlac''- JaUna <
Soar. "Eitehenaoek"—Fl’strrada.j
Sonr, " Where 4o all the Daiaw to"
--SMond raSe.
Poem—“Ftoat" Seeead rrade.
Soar. "The tSqalrral'B. Thaakariv
Inc"—tooB Nelaoa.


“Fagged Out,”

Have You
Seen Them?

Bainbew {.Falrlw"—F i r a t

Bold bp.drartotA 7&e-

BaUb Fkmilp PHU are the benV

Xtolaa. pm eaa




a Ittnaple m

IL bat it will oome np amlllnp evetr.
tlM" Oalmana' Blnxtlc Floor Varalnk

Poem. "We Itonk rTtoe"-Seeood

Boar. "LnlUbp BV Dartlnr"-Mande
Ddl. Clark Eellocr. Jede TheU. toon
Nelaon. Joale Bokea, Clara OoddUrtan.
Alfred Zetiea aad Marp Supaa.
Seat- "Thaakariviiir le eominr"—
. T« OiHS a ItoM to Om
Take B’arwr'i White ^«oc of Tnr S.vror Bacoto rrade.
the beat Gooihrenwdp on earth. »ai».
The KlBderrardea, Mto Bdith
Adame, teacher, had ttolr r^aUr
Oriaus'e Istolar tar to tto mad
aaUl ua muaua to two. when
all want tnu tkc plaproow aad wt on
Tbasksrivlnr <
Odnmbia hall
rov. »9. BUI to OWM
•rmtiide. Moi
KnnlebpHnls and Blakaalea.


Get it of the
Old Reliable

Frank Friedrich
118 Front StTMt.

Ralph Anderson

and Embalmers
Both Telephones, No 43.

318 Union Street

With Traverse City Pictures
makes a handsome present to
send away. Little plates in
odd shapes st k5c; Pin Trays
26c; Bon Bon Boxes 60c;
Brush and Comb Trays 76c;
Cups and Saucers 60 and 76c;
Tea Pot Stands 26c; OUye
Dishes 26c; little odd shaped
Pitchers 26 and 36c.

tve Oaresoalea Pw-formed by Father
toner aad one bp Bev. Kannedp.
Tstardap wu a dap of weddlaxt
•adacveral eoapls were Jcdned aad
toran sarrlad life.
J.-W. Hazard and Miaa Anna
fInaek were married at the paraonace
of the Heeond M. B. cbnreb, the cere'tooap belnr performed bp Bev. Ken•cdp. Both are well known and have
beau of frlenda who will extend the
■Ineereet oonpraUtlatlone. Thep will
beat home at 7u: Boath Elmwood av«pna
OeearSoraneooofderfldd and Blaa
Booe LafooUee of tbia dtp were bappl]p jdned In wedlock at the home of
Bev. Kr. Pauer, of St. Francla ebnreh.
Thap have maop frlenda in the dtp
Who win wUb them happineea
Anrnat Koaenau aad Miaa Jnlia
Enft of Mapleton w^ nnited hp Fr.
. Baaer at him bime peaterdap momlnp.
Their fninre proeperltp aod happineea
Will be the wUb of n wide drde of

' House Furnishing Store.

Buys your choice of hundreds
of bits of china and fancy
Glassware,’Vases, Oups, Sauc­
ers. Tooth Pick Holders, Pin
Trays. Osrd Beceivers, Spoon
Holders. Sugars and Oreamers. Napkin Bings, Olive Dish­
es. Tek Pot Stands. Fancy

For that new crayon picture?
A good one in oak costs only
90c; there’s another size at
$1 00, and a beauty at $2.10.
Those in white with gold dec­
orations sell at $1.10 and
$1.86, and those with a good
clock at $2.40 make a nice
gift. Then screens, in new
styles of finish and different
sizes. One particular style
that women say is "just what
they want” sells at $2.10.

Every “Little Woman”
Wants a now doU tor Ohristmas. so we’.ve had Santa
Claus leave a host of them.
Little undressed dolls for 6c;
big dressed dolls for 26.60.
76c, $1 00. Dolls with pisin
dresses and those with best
“go-a-visiting” dresses. Dolls
with kid bodies that will not
break when they fall down.
Dolls.with.light hair, black
hair, white hair and no hair .
at all. In fact all kinds of

Have a cab to go calling with,
or a go cart, and lOo buys one.
Last year’s cradle got broken
' somehow, but a new one can
be bought at 10. 26,60c. A
pretty white bed “like mam­
ma has” at 26. 60c and $1 00.
Doll chairs in pink, blue or
white at 10 and 26c; a little
trunk 26. 60, 86c and $1.26;
a dolls dresser at 60c, $1.00,

For the Bitting room? An
easy sewing Bocker, say for
$1K6P Perhaps a cobbler
seat Bocker, eelle at $1.16,
with other styles to select
from that cost $1.60 to $2 60.
A Battan Bocker is “awful
easy” and sells from $2.46 to
$12.60, all manner of styles.
New foot stools at 76c in
quarter sawed oak, birch and

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.

TH« Momimro btooed. THtyBaPAr. iroTBiCBamsa ism
bAir tbapareham.tha anoafaUmUca
Mr*. DajtoB oad MIm Soudar* balay St.ooc. tba ptaa k loaatad near
Mte Amy Oitebd came la «ica brr''
raadawd * vmry <•• voe»l aolo jaator- tea Lake.
aebool at laterloebaa laat atybt.
a»7 Mratar iB atepal bote« tkk Slfk
Joba aad rteaak BaaMm who bare
Plan aad 4aek Ooldwall w. mtte
aMoatAaar boaUay, mCarmail yw- Obariarolx tel nlyhVte^
Tka aifk aAeot pa^la arm ftm teday with foor dear.
ylTlay with tbair faibar.
flVIlHM PC m xpt «prw«civi«nr thiillr* drill jmiartij Mttr«iopo»«t qH
Mte CyaUU McAlploa wmit to
J.N. Martlaakkteproriaybk lawRapid City laat Blybt, where aba.wUl
Tha polk* of BoUU (keek te«o bora CBJoe fro* tholr rdapaetiTe room
spend tba day erlU bar BoUar.
Mkod to lam tba wkmoboBta of
Mte Greer rurelaad k apeadlay the
iftM*Dc9l*.«ftbkoa^ Mr Dolyla
Maaiban of TnaanaBaj Tmt.m K.
at aeaalay a pret^ baby ytrl day ai B k Bapte
kaaaaoB bj trad* asd he want lo‘0 T. M. osd o^ar Sir Kalfba are ro- joined the famUy drela ot Mr. aad
Bobm Dewar retertwd to bk borne
batUeOreak aboat tbrea weato i^'qdbabd to aaat at Maataca* Ball at I Mu B 4. BaaaloTsky.
in Central Uke tet oiybt. eftarapead-1 %
lay aoBe Gme in the dty on boalnma. '
wbm bo aaoired trork. Mr. Doyle, P »• »od*7 10 attesd la a body tba
Tba Modm Wcodmaa wQl bmI
City Bayiaaer Nortbrep retnrned to
vrirod la tba city, loft hk tool* at a;f>oafml of Sir Kalffbt Antoina Sledar. today at t p. b. aharp. faat tlma. at
hotel aad baa aot bees eaas ai«.w, Aa Ooorayaoeea will be proridad for all tbair room*, to attend tba foaaral of Uk dty tet Diybt for Thaateyl'iop.
Harry IVrriea aeeoiapaBlad Ua foot
h* had ateat t?0 os bk pmea whoa
ball team to Petoakey tet nlybt.
laarlac rekotkaha. bia ralaUraa art
All Daloa barber aboya will eloaa to­
4aek Slater k wiU Ue football team
Tba adeaaoa aala of aaaB tor the
aaapMoaa of foal PU7.
day at 1 o’clock p. m. ter tha raat of tba
aoat WlU beyin at
The i*o 7oar old daorhlv of Mra. day.
. Mra Maal. .
tba box ottea of Stelnbery'a.Oroad Sat- Hobart want to Praakfort yeaterday
BUoer WUaoa of AddMa, vaa baraad
The City library will aot be opaa tbk arday Bornlny.
IB daatb. bar elotblac eatoklaf fire
of tba Park
4^ r. Ott baa laamd tba reudeaea
WilbelB Broa. will eloaa today at on Waablnyten •treat, iwoently oeen- P ace barber Ucr. left yeeterdar for
At’i'ekooaba. a forea of laea haaa
Marqoatte, where be expacB to loeate.
10;S0 for tba balaaee of tba day.
(dad by P. Q. Dorfae. aad bk family
boon oofarad la praparlor M.OOO
Mr. and Mn. P. H. Prark of Grand
Tba poatottoe wUl be opaa today be- baa takaa proaeaalon.
eklekmaod is.aoo tarkoT* for tba B.
Rapid*, are ■peediny TbankayiTlny
N. BaBoal] Prodoca Oo , at Takoaaka. twaro tba boar* of 7 aad » a. m. aad
The aoelal party of the Winona dane- with Mr. and Miv 4. W. Tra*k.
Bart Miller bo* retarned from a
Ur TbaakarialBf. Tba ootpot waa fron 3 to t o'clock p. B. Tba awralog lay dab la the City Opera BooM laat
dalirery will be made by tba aarriara. nlybl waa tba beat of the canaon Una bnnllny trip to Maple CU*. Ibree
belBf ahippad to aaatern markato.
rabblta. aix partrldyr* and m fox tqnlrfar aad boyely enjoyed by aboat 45 rf 1 prxiridaabondaaUy forbk Thaaka*
, A touate
---------- ---------------......
ooloBB froaWUM.CTB
aonthars Tka retalar oaoallay of tba KoiffbU
Alaaka baa baaa proaaated to tba|all^ikka iodfe will be bald tbk ooaplrr.
■ iriny dlnoer.
BaaaaB ot tba Daitmity of Mkhlyaa | aoeaiay. roar eaadldataa for tba flrat
Beyianlny on Deeeaber Jat Ue rarby Leoa J. Cole, aaBUtaat la toolotry, rank.
Mode Tonay Ayala/
'■One of Dr. Elny's New Life Pilk
who Tkitad Alaaka dorlay the aoBmer I A aoBbar of (rleadeof Mr. aud Mr*.
coeb alybt for two weekn baa pot me
U» aa a inaBbar of the Barrimaa J. W. MilUkra wUl Baal la tbair baa; ■
Tbera wUl be a raynlar maaUny of in my ‘tern*' ayain" write* D. fl. TarAlaaka espadlUon. Tba aolataa U Beal ryBoealoB tbk araalar. and tba Elk* Uk t*enlny a browaa wUl nrr of D/miweytewii. Pa They're Ue
aboat tea feel blyh aad three feat read "Bittmwoet.''by J. O. Bollaad. follow Ue amloa.
beat la Ur world for Ue Lleer. Stom­
wide aad k auda from a tree traak la ebaractar.
ach and Bowels.
Par*]* veaeiabte.
The ladka of Travena Bay Hk*a. No. Ne*ftr yripe Only 35« at 4a*. Q. 4obaS*
o* »»•. Ba«Illo. Clothln, 71. are rcqneated to meat with Mto. •OB's and S. E. Walt's dray •torea.
Soaara thia afleroMn at l;30 to attend
dmrtad rUlaffc of tba TlnrU ladkna '
Can* Fox. -Tk_________
j oj w»e oay.
tba foaaral of Antoine Sladerlnabody.
kr Capa
The eoloBa
(roatofoaeof tba poaU which aap-' Tbaakarlvtac aerrioae wlU be bald Blye will be prarlded to take aU who
at 8t. rraaok ebnrab tbk Boralajc at wkb to the eeoutery.
ported the roof. Tba
by the paalor.
•ata a bear aitUoy opoa ita baaacbM » o’clock. .
and rnaploy with lu fore paw* the , Be*. Fatbv Baoar.
anaaofaBan. tfaeloworpartof wboaa! lavltaUoae bare bean aaat oat for a
Mte Katie Dockaray. boohhaapar at
l«M SI« par real M
body ha* dlwppaarad^ato tba aaimal'e i
wbkb will
J. W. Slaterk Booaa torakhlay store,
Boatb. TbaeolaBo k eolorwl with ' Bl*ea at the boBa of Mki Vaaa BaoU- went to Barker Creek to spend Tbaate
»d. wbita aad black paint ao that tba j
yielay with bar porenu.
“ *»«>“»*>» ««i
yreat clearThe bay front at tba Billlnn cottaye,
~ W. BUter want to Oopamkb
. . ~
I for 300 fact, bae bean improrad by a last nlybt to meat hk nlaee, Mte Daky
Van Bpp of St- Lonia Sba mse for a
waka. lad., la Aorntt aad three weaka,
Bakiny aboat «0 ▼kit wlU ber oacla's family bm aad ^VBintlHBD ROONa-Torrst wtlk Boird.
later waa auurlad to Mka Bllth Ooffrom tba eottaya to tba water line. 4. D. Slater at Bik Bralda
f_ Xeijstre.SIUWaMatTEaia airer^Mn.
5 L'%1'*
The atorot ,of tba
A Uy
Jaa Penlay eama (ate the dty tet
MeraaatUe CoT. will eloaa today at 1 p. nlybt to apmd ThankayiTlny.
At tba______
Be*. Keaaady aad srita sriU spend
ealtoral coekty, w o* aeio at ttoiiana
Anthony Qr^lek baa yoaa to Urand Tfaankayleiny la Grant towuhlp wlU noamoN wantbo—B/widdi* w*d___
OortWBWr te trodr. but vonM work *■
Bavan to amnya for tba layiny ap of bk poreatA
15* 1* year-old aon ot Andrew MeMr. ano Mn. C. W. Paoat left for
"Shaw Knit" has no equal—fine assort*
Olerkeb. of Qoodlaad towaablp, LaItbloa yeaterday to apand TbaakoyW- /~tBRIBTMAS PHKdB(TS-*Tri7 boawktep- ^
point for tha winter.
pear ooatty, k Bkalay.
ment, either black, gray or tan color.
rr Inrltr or reoDtrr wknwBcollal IR
Wo^ *iol*k and other wild flawara
EmI MlBih tirret otj or brfor* Dm 14th. will ^
Tba oooaty pfBeet will be eloaad to­ ■y WiU relaUvea
25c buys of us a very fine grade all
4ndye 4. 0- BaBadell aad wife wUl

U Bacrtee eoaaty, ba*e been fooled by day.
ttk waatbar and bare •tarted to
wool Cashmere Hose. Ask to see them.
A box aoelal will be ytraa Saturday yo to Maaktee today for Ualr Thaolubloom aa If it were eprlay ayaln.
ylTiny dleoer.
Colt M or a
C B. Y .nay, of rilni townehlp, on by tba Good Templar* In Moatayae
KlBib •itwri.rli
Mra T. M. Sproat of Grand BapldA
T^ay brooyht to Flint aa Sae etraw- balk A floe tlB* k anticipated.
H. R. Rlrorard
kTklUnyber daaybur. Mra C. M.
baiT^ a* were erer yrown He ha*
Barry Kent k kept from bk wcik
LOaK~Oe rliy « Um
bad freak barrlca from bk patch Baa*
Baras ol SooU Union straat.
r t'cdvrwood * t'alor. Wl-tf
for a Ub* by an attack of tonaUUk.
(tmea la the laat few weekiu
Mra Sickles of Fernwood weal to
Tka borne of Moaea Qarow. * fanner' C W. Whaelock left yaaterday
Bellalra yesterday to apand ‘Thaaka. i
Sail?oo llTlny aerra
**r” Bile*
”“*• *Mt of <Clare, waa ‘ Praokfort, to look ap the proapacB
4aabt>yad by
by Are
Are tt
It orlyin.
orlyinalad to the . taere with a *taw to farthar eriaa^tna
lelnrn Monday.
ba«»*eni. rimri« ikk«» id
top*, a
ch peril___ _
Mn. Schoolcraft wcat to BeUolre 1
older ebUdrea
■larted a Bre la the bed-1 TTie Maaktee debalot* from the yesterday to spend’n»anlesyl*lny.
D eterted
*‘ '"'**‘'*
I Fraaklla Clob of Manktoa who are
Mte Mabel ^yd went to Central!
tl*Mn IB bko/k
U*1 L. Stockwrll. eyed Tl year*, anito
It the lyeeoD Is debate Dec.
aBdonjIu^ ReLake yesterday,'xUere Ue wUl spend 1-i . .twi< •n Iwwill
old reaidant of Mediaa towaablp. BeCan
MareTndorC 4aBa*. Bay L Smitta aad TbanksylTlny with her moUer.
iMlaai death near North Motenil, be- T"
^ roa down by the faai train on the 1 ----------------MteOllie Fnlybnm wUl spend the A
imid eiOStaw*
Wabyb. He waa alooe la a bnyyy and
No frelybt boalneaa wlU be handled day at Bellairc.
Ubbla. I tww
“ kylheM.AN.E.r*llromitoday. The
Uecrye Blakeley who has been *kit. I rauad Mk
offioe will eloee at 9:30.
ioy Georye 4amkoo for some time,■, I krolav
rowBodr. IXaqolrv Ol S»^Mk
>_FiDe MiIi:Workr
T-he UatUem
Brawiny Co. bare returned to bk borne la Toreb Lake
ipOR f>ALK-8
Ihadded to rinkb Flee
^ ymterdsy.
d by Maaayer
Edward Allard will ^lend Thaaks- RcroiuiOfti /.T
I with tbe MieblyantelepboDeexcbaeire.
yielay with bk pareato at Cbarle*olx I fill' KXCOASdX-TorTT*»rrw«’ll J-prop/nr,
Cold weather is coming. Now is tbe time
Bom. No*. 29 —The yo*ernneat baa The number k 251, ?6ree riny*.
A. Blladean bss yone to Bellalra U [ ii>jjZ,alrr pi ' r. Bpwotbol Tbcw(woo.^*rk
decided loAnkh tba A«a batUa-ablpa
to place your orders for
•Ir^y Uid down aad to eoaplete provide a TbankoyiTloy feast for prk- spend 7'banksyklny.
• «ro.'«e> el/'k or I
Mra A. W. Vonny sad
tbair eonairaeilon wlthla fonr yaare. oaere, as Usre k sot ooe is the jail
I. Thtooar*. wr.fl I
daoybter Ere will spend T'bankiyiriny
It baa alao bean drelded to bnlld two Uk time.
Alden. where Uelr dauybtlfr* il*e.
Mte Frances Cbffrey mst wlU an
Mlakteratotea that the eondlUoo k
Mte Lilllao Wells who has been atfattnaVle fur aoch an axpendiiura.
accident at Uefllybtcbool laboratory; tendlny Ue Aeadriaj of Ue Boly An-1
>... ..a-aK/r* IB thU >l>l/ t.
_ Tbeireator* will ad**nc* Mondsy Ust miybt
__ ______
have been serkas.^yek. left yesterday
for ___
her borne In
In !I i0» Ik tkHr owt *ud ■torvupdlo* r«ur
or four year*, for wfai
7 IA test tube of cbemlealt wHh .which lOriatt.
,uriait. where she will spend Thanks. i
Xec-l™- ---------.............................................
credit orto teac bonds The am-mat '*be
« worklny exploded, and psjt of |ylvlny< riU ber paraota
rrlopr.e. A. Pork. SI
srUt be repaid in 1
by orthrown in ber eye
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Beaderwsn will
yank retraoebmen
Nooerioas injury resulted, however. spend Tbacteriviny with Dr. U. B. TTVOr «’AKTls*or»>.c«otai>r3>ed lo #r«
X du> roBtwolr> pr tn bur • bpupr, Ipi pr
Several of Ue teachers In Ue city Morse and faaUy at Elk Bspias
A Woman's Frtsod.
fane call OB a:Itp A Blntprll roeas 7 apd I,
deromeWUbelm has returned from MFROiiUirCo BIOrl>.Tr«»*r»«-CUr. eu-tmo
•ebook will yo to Codlllsc today to atwean, nervous wemnn will And * «:»«
friend of tried worth In Dr. A W. tend
Telephone No. 2.
Traverse City. Mich.
ilon of the Northern Mlcb- Peteskry to spend Tkao^syivlny.
Obaee’s .Verve and Hlood Pilk. Tbev
«aK~,. w-......................................
Mie. Percy Bold/worU went to|
will redtoie the elyor and vitality
Sr.! »!!,!?:
.her yonthfol day. and make life worUi^"
have Pcteskey tet niybt lo spend tbe day
llvlny. I»r. A VV. Chase's Nerve and i
«» Ibe proytom.
Blood Pilk do not stlmalate bnt
Mra C. A. Bnybce baa yone to Cam
_ bclld
, . , A Ane Thankiyivlny dinner bae been
Tvaveree City. Mi**
by Landlord Fletcher of Ue eonnty to attend Ue yolden weddiny i
- - Ox, Uotel Colombk for Ue speekl aceom.
‘ modatioa of local people today. The
H M. Wallace and Mr. Bant of Ann dinner boor k from I3:is to S;i5.
Mra Proock Shnaakl died Toeeday
Arbor, have retarned from Ue Kloodlks lo proenra Baebloey for raaalny nlybt at ber home In Norrkvilie. at the
aqaarumlll. Mr. Wallace eays they ayeofUyeara The fnaeral
have totely dkoovered a moantaln of’^***^ froB St. Franck eborch today at
told qoarm wlU ab:nl worU .« o'clock
Fine line heavy wool Toques—red, blue,
^ yold lyiny on Ue' yronid.'___
Tbs Pot
itOo,.UeMlebWallaee will oryooire anoUer partr
black, brown or greeu colors, 25 aud 50c.
lyan Starch Co., Ue Folybam Mana-jr*
aad reUro to Alaska In Ue sprlny.
To dwiiie tbe kiod of Robben tofaetorloy Oo and 4. B. tireUlck Oo. 9
bny eo tbi-y will wear and got yoor
Brava Sxpiorm.
_ ____
__ Oval
will close for all day
today. Tbe

S\«iVe SVetitt
0^ Sn\we8\.»


. Elegant line, botb Silk and Cashmere
Goods. Our line ranges in price from
25c to $3.00

Hamilton Clothing Co.

5\ve SxvdivcaXms

■W,TO!bTe\.VsL aTvi tdackwloslv
$11^ mtattvet mVVV vTconW.
ao'A &88OTlmnls We

I M.mbTeV\&8
9oo4i 'Vd&dVATvteW



Fine Hosiery.

Hamilton Clothing Co. |

----... .

'St i “•

■» “•


J. E. Greilick Go.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,



Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.

J. E. Greiiick Co.

John R. Santo,
Geaeral lasaraaca.

Seeing Rubbers Alike


: Children’s Caps

ood Ayoe. and Typhoid dkoaae yormai*^ wUl ran aa osoal.
than mkote cann^; bat tboaeandsj Marrtaye Uoeaa* i

Hamilton Clothing Co.

punted yes-

asMoa IfyoabaveekllU wiU
aohm lo back of oeek and bead, and
MoU of Webb, lU., tmte; "Mv chfl- i fbaukaciviny feast today. They have
Arswsaflered forbore Uao a year WlU P»'«*«d 100 torkeya, ayyreyatlay
obiUs and fever; Ueo two botdm of sMpuuda
Bloetrte^BUtme^Uem'' Only
tesnt k os foot, WlU vory
by 4aa Q. Johnm asd 8. B. Wall, rood prospeets of teinyearrisd Urooyb
socoessfally. to bsve a Hiyb aebool
Aelo day next sprlny. ThsaUletlc asaoelatloo has tbe saatter in band, and
are seed and oodoaoed te Us leadlny thmslaa dseidsd-prospect Uat Ue
a. N& 139 Frost project will be earrkd oab
atnot. N. B. Gteosy. msnaysr 753 n
B. F. Booybey rotorsad last slyht
from Cedar. «Asn he bas jest (dosad a
WhMa WiM mt Tv
the deal for tha sals of on uspertaat
best coaiyh remedy on earth, cores s cold Irises ot ptna U Loelasaa seaBte.
faifloedsyifukeBtntiBx. SssdMOA SkviS A. E. Bolllayar of MapU City

Kimball Piaaos aad Orgaas

But Wait a Bit!

money’s worth. Remember that
all Rubiiers look alike sodlbet.
most 8tor«« will OHk you tbo'eiiue
price for second quality that weoffer tbe beet for, We did not
keep awoke oigbts to decide abicb.
kind of rubbers will wear tbe long­
est; experience makes perfect '.Che’
Boston and MisbswokR Ball Bend
Box and ‘Rnbbera are the kind we>
aell. Pricea tbe lowest. Buy thenn
and get your money's worth.

?'£'s : -




fildewAlk Lumbar ia all aiaea.

Mor* to TravoTM Oity Luabor Oo.


Th«Pxaetkal tto* IUb





0^ V^ve'VDoA^.
Om«»1 OraW«r, of Oruf* Ftm
k t«U«r *mtU« 1b tte| mmXUr
«( UB
mlB grew. BB OBtrtBh iBmigr b
Aodk nirer asd b diBMd creMr.
•XkOBgh «Blr M 7M old. ka kBB for
MB UM pBBt -------------------VofUBratlci
At CfelaBgo^ JoBBBh MeOarthy,
ymn «< aga. «rko bat bob taalad food
for MB dara. vaa tooBd BaaoBaebiBa
TBaadayatMrBooBBBd^ a freight oar
Md t^rtewatlr daad. A patrol wagOB
«B0k U« U tka poliM atatlgB. MeCarthjraatdtkoMat glraa him than
ted aared hla Ufa “My hoM.*^ '
■old. "to IB BanUMB. Oaaada. I as a
sarpoBMr.balaalooBld. set got bbj
asployauBt tkoro I otartod oU daja
ago Car Okleago. I had bo soaoy and
■sAa OB freight oara”
Town ooioya a eortaia diotUc«iOB la ro^oet to the bolghU'kf lu'
cowMUaa Tho taltaot ia ala foot
BighU aad a half laohaa whUa there
are •« othan ovw aU foot ia kai^t.
LoadoaTrsU aBBOoaaaa Mat Bsporer WUllBB haa aahlared otM of tka
Bhjoeta of hU otalt to Baglaad U hao'
lag ladoeod Qaren Vieloria M giro a
fmitdll'TT*' presiaa to viait tba ProaalOB eoort danag tka laat wook la
April. Sbo wUl treTol. It appaaia.
gros Horth Italy to OorBaay by tha
8t.Oothard tosaol aod trill bo Oor>
reaay'a goaat for aaroral daya at
OoWooU or Potadam. Bar BtajMty'a
Tialt wlU ha ooUroly rprirato. There
«m be BO rooapUoaa. rorlatra or Other
tea ireathor la Ua AUantie.
AsoBg tka largaot ooBtHboton
toward a bow booM for eoaaoBpUrea
U OUohgo are Lari K. Mtar aod H.
, O. Areaoar.
‘nkaaMM priaov boUdlag at Slag
'M^.OL y.. haa boon eoBdeaaaod by a
bossHMo of tba Hew
York atato
Already tha mnnnal '
Chrbtsaa gifs are boginniBg to flow
late tka WhlM Booae. They cose
fros aU oaotlosa of the oonntry. and
•kas^trilyareftwa peroona poraonI to both tha prealdest

U a rartaly of Irbh eharacun at tbi
opera bow thb week. Be b a modora aebool Irbhman aad tram the lirw
ly footman to the wealthy aldarswa ha
Barer loaea eight of hb Irish Unonga.
Bb enrtnU talka are rwy haatonma
aad hasp tha aadUaea la a rear.
Marla was exeaadiagly tansy as Ma}or
O’Ban Uat areBlag la "Tte Majoria
Bride.^ asd May Ball aaataUad bar
itaMoaaaa aompataat asd eUrar
me U tha roU of Madaata DaBol
Tba east waa arenly balannad and I
•qaaaw a amooU parforaeast


Maw Horthnra talaphoBBa.
Tha toUowlag saw 'pbosaa hare»
onsacMd to tha Northers Talaphosa
tit—F. ■- Baraoot, raaidonoo.
l»-Boadsaater Ooyla, C. A W. M.
tl4—Sonsy Bask BoMl.
tW-W. H. Olbba, realdenao.
tia-J. a. KoUoogh. ofSoa.
aai—Perry Brae.
ABOthor. Trip for the Cterlevoiz.
Joha Seyotoor of the Northers Mich­
igan Treosportatioa Oo. tree la the
dty yeaterday ooBsnIUng with Oeoaral
Manager B- W. BeyBwsr In regard to
tha repatra on tha wreeked dock asd
It b honored that than wiU bo booInoaa enongh to warrast aUU asothor
trip for tho OharloroU. which wiU bo
bore today;_________________

Roasted Coffee




Bntertainment a Saeceaa.
treni iitstRAWcx-i
The entaruioineat which wee giren r
rraapt aMilMir
t. Saw
B»' iTp^ler
by thejanlor mjmbern of St. Freacb oBlr rrtlabir <t«ck
IosUbc■'* oars
chnreh prored n great aneocaa.
Jomnm bl
the hall -wm crowded to lu
ntmMt eapeclty aad nil tboronghly en]>yed the erenlng'e ptogram. Bneh
part wna ecoeedlngly well rendered. rvB.J M WlLI!aLV.phrBlctaeaBdeen
U Oradobt* or Cilwralty at maarlTi-------Om of the erenlng'e plenenrae wna the OSm* brwTosaoUe. btoek. >16 Freet etreM.
raaing of an nmetbyet reanry. the
lanky raelpbnt being Mra. Cumnn.
Theprocaeda which waa $>«. wUl go
y-\R. rr. X. a W. a. Mooe. ereerol vneOe* alee
towvda the benefit of St. Prencia



ire Ouere Bour Block;_________________________

:■ BSf.“2«

New designs
woods with new
Keep these in
down town and

and fancy
mind when
call in our

Jewelery store to look them
over. We have many new



Ill br tec^lrrd at the City Ovrk'v
Tntv^M- City. V...................................
- .'Vb.
IW. —
l.ol Tnv.-.Tu* City. SS cords ul
tbrrr or lour troot woodI ilrli'eFMl at tbr oororal
M-fiool bulldlsr.a.
lun: At Ootral PelldiBk.SOrori’u; at Be
I'm roro.: at Xloii

Vtbv things in jewflry also.


......... J
for furol-tblud tbr abnir awouDI or Its
au; oor boUaios Wo<i1 Bu t t.r»oui.d.«iralrbi
borrb aed napW. Bostly body wood, no llnb*
Im. itaao four lerbo. is disaster Tbn roa-'
aliter r< ar»i tb. nrbt to n-lnot soy aod alll
bids. iBlenDstloe eoeromin.; saee vUI be I


til OaiM Street.



Fire Insurance.

A BnUdliik.

Mrs. C. E. Horst,
Studio at 335 Washington Street.

finil RipMi« bilui 1.1
city, lb vOvet Oewber tta*. II

Bperial Aaarnament Motlce.
ratb* HesMeau aed Prsperty Owuers la
«r DUlrtr-t No *. of tb« Ctty of TraverM






^ ’sjsn;r„

..Dentist., v

John F. On & Co.

Mew Oflnn. Wnfkhnm Block.

SnectssoR tt

Fire Insurance
E. W. Hastings

Farmers and Cattle
FeedersWe nre now prepnred to aell ov nx*
cellnntfMd-PQrATOPULP. wkkh
we have on bnnd nt nil tlmee In n ewaet
nnd deeireble etnu.
In order to Intrednee onr feed to the
feeder* we have redneed onr price to
lOeper 100, which eompnred with
relntire relre ot the other feede mnkee
it eoel nbont ooe-thlrd of nny other
Some of the meet laflaentlal feedere
have given tbU prodnetn thorongb Mat
nnd report that it t* deeireble in erety
renpect nod equal to all that ie elnlm^
for ic We have completed na ideal nr.
rengement for londlog Into wngone
etc., nnd we renpreifally invite nil feed­
er* to try onr feed


8SSS8S98SSB8 ; '81 8SS88

Vijimin iwh:mn

ittMi PI




West Michigan.


Tr»»rr»* Cy ,
lu. ' r «uy w

The Michigan Starch Co.

I0 4*(>ail




! “Z


Traveree City, Micb

Bald tares aay bn paM at say oSm oa aay
traok day fmaSo'etoeklo ll-JO o'elork a. m..
aad traiB I o'clock to < o'clock p.B. 08b-v la
a t. BvtbU hulldtac.


To Dairymen,




W >\ ro.rts.
>B BsUdlBys aod Oroueda

Tou abould nee
AroBMflaAawttaa OhtnB'a BaatU


win be the event of the eei
iBrentifnl prts
I call out many-------------There will be no one of a qaeal .
nble ehnraetar permltlefi in the hall,
and notblog M mar the pleainre of
thoee attending. Oompetatii iadgee
win preaide during the evening. A
uige Orehentra will fornbh the
Beeerred Seata may be
•ecored at the City New* Stand,
any time after Monday morning.
Orchentre Coneert from eight to
nine o'clock. The follovring ebarecter* will be repreeented: AflMirel
Dewer. Prea. McKinley. War QeneraU. JallntCaenar, John Ban. Senatore. Pagen. Colamboo. Waeblt.rion.
Blp Van Winkle. Bob Boy. Kinr of
the Oannlble lalaada. Boblneon


In the show
case you

will know - •
that dealer
keeps the


sssas :8S BSSSafiSRflSSB

Mas! fall, Neil Thnrsila;
E»e., It Cilr Opera House,

AUaeefcofhlgb—t paaaiMv rredo. Ptaaiek



Ton might also eee mesboniBMrtnc
year wheel FEBB for the winter.
Mo better enameling than onn.
8Mp la nnd talk It over.

Merer Vork CHty, M.V.

. OBees. tavOpm



Bicycle Enameled

dahalM port of some article to be selecCad by blm or bar mjn tiM Uu. sul
•BjTlcUMOODdraonthaUlM Afnatureoa Uw parkaaeteio benit outand rat
mirboekbBraa Brerybody abould wetate UsL XddrMsalloomiMBtMl


If Ton 8m

to thjak abODt hatiae yiii

Ask.tbe grocer for Arbacklen' Ronsted Coffee, and be sore
you get the gcouiae. AU other package coffeea are bnt imi­
tations of Arbuckles'.


Pfetty neai lima

is used cv^ day in more than a million American homes.
Its reliability is recognized; its quality is appreciated; its
flavor is enjoyed; its price is a revclatioti.

a Urge ahlpmaBt of fine Baltimore



TreToreoOtty JUrksb
Bolew b a Ibt of tho boring and adl-


WbooplngOongh. SOe nndtt.OO Tri^
BoMm 10 eta at Jan. O. Johreon'e and
B. A Wnifa drag atoren.


Begins in the
growing. Anywhere
^between the plantation and the coffee pot the
flavor may be <^nged. the quality spoiled by care­
lessness, inexpcHcncc, or unscrupulous methods.
From tfic time Arlmclclcs’ Coffee leaves the hands of the
grower until it reaches the user in a scaled packet, it is handled
with the same watchful care, the same thought for cleanliness,
that you would give any article of food that goes on your table.
The house of Arbuckle is the largest and oldest coffee house in
the world. Its employees have grown up caring for this great
business; the business has grown great under the care of its
employees. As a result of this personal care,

thaa to lambar as tha plot of a drama
withthamr__________ ■

COaar Pork per bhL bow.............
Ooar Pork par »..........................
abort Oot Pork..............................
Short Oat


ofQood II Pig^TailII

NoMbBt wordaof prebaareoaUet
Matte'Brea. Oo.. wko appanr for
waaka, kiginaiag next Mtmday sigkt.
at Steabsgh Grand Opera Bonee. Tha
Port Barre Dally News aaya of tl

bean the naino of tho perooo aoDdlng
•toes.par bo...
1 00
It b aoknowledged by one or other of
Pmidpat MoKlnlay'a priraM aeerotarwheat Flosr ser bbl..........
stmia AanaorntaTaBsxRi
Prot W. A JohnaoB and C. L. ForAlar of Mllwaakoo made a aseooaatol
Aret in Obleago of the wlrelaoa talagraph. eondlng a maaaago throngh a
BBlM of aeroa walla.
AbotUeflretadaahoreat Brio, aoahalalag thb maamga. nader daM of
October ID. 1007: -6. Idaho alhhlng.
«U OB board. No ona aared. Cook.**
Tba atnmar Idaho waa Iret off that
garttw>yaareago with all on board
snd theanthoriliae are of the oplnloa
Bdltor Seat Woadare.
that the meerege b geholoe.''
Editor W V. BMtt of Lexlsgtos,
The Heeeian fly haa made lu appear- Tens.. Is explorisg^ammoth Oare,
a aerere case of Pllea. BU
snoe In the wheat of Indboa aad a
gaUnn aren more prononseed tbaa
eed him It b anthat of thb aeaaon aaaau Immlnoot for other world’s wonder.. Cures PUea. Inmext year. There b eearoely a Add
, end all Bodily
Ooly Stoat Jaa. J.Jobi
that daea Bot ebow the laragaa of the
A tarriflo wind storm Bear Oraat
VnUa. Mont., blew from tba treek b
the thing for Ttenlra^rinir by
work train on the Great Pelb A CkoaAa railro^ The wreck canght flrh,
•ad oae men. name nnknown. wm
burned to dntb. Three oihere were To Cut U firipps ia 24 Boon.
Injered, bat It b thoogbt not aerioiuNo rrmodj- equals Waaveb's Wurra
OP 'TAB SVRi:p for thb terrily berk
l.-nud fatal dlxuse. If taken tho:^
The treneport Vietorb, carrying horuk'hly nod in linu-, It will cure a raw
hoare. nod f<p- the cough that lotsec and molea to the PhillpplDee, waa n
•ire Latirippo 1'. oever (nib to give
forced to pat back becanec of heary
-lief. I»riw. 25c and ."iOc.
weather. Meny of the honee were in
B dying ooedUloB aod M bad been kil­
ersiSEss cahds.
led by being ponoded egalnat the eldee
of their etalU
U. BUOWII. Aueroer -

Six Prightfnl FnUntsa.
Six urrlble tallnree of tix different
goetan nearly east Wm. H. Mnllen of
Loaklnnd.. 0.. Man early grare. All
•nid ha had a fatal Inag tronbla and
tbmt ha meat anon-din.
Bnt he waa
gwl to try Dr. King'a New Dbeorery
r OaaanmpUon.
After taking fire

bsoobo tbuabdat bovskbsb

Iranrse Giti Unbei Ca.
jTnnrsaCitr. ■ - MieliiGn

Steinberg's Crand
Opera House.

_______ II »_

Lt Trawruv Cy.
Ar Bk SarM*


I. ■


Dec. 4 to 16th unsna ud loaTHEimii l l

Supporting the Joint Stars.
Plays Changed Every Night

Advance nle of pests c^mos st
the box office Sstudsy morning.
lOo, 16c, 26o.

Te take eflMt. .Mh
....___ W 1

a w « iklt
« UArOMkouTn^ Lr


» a^ I W
•* S

»5 IS

ii il

aemea OHy
*wta Mremeta
!.»*« Ana





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