The Morning Record, January 20, 1899

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The Morning Record, January 20, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



9tmm Too Prorioos.

jtrrr tbooaajio i
taatel Wood Oara «Bat Haap ota
VaaOad to Oaba.



4>pod From Ldtada In Vp-

•IteMBaBMar BeU taXetoaXA«alatete.
Aafaata. Malae. Jaa.

Tlie WlMle EMlIi
For TWrlY-Fiw Cents


IZ2S, and a fine twelve-incb schoolroom globe, solid

pOT FttnliwiilA. ^
idmUimreUoa. ead UriUar PreUtCldtotda Xiaad A baa Cia; ■■uatoid 6tmt HeKUlap U ririt Awaau peaead
bp tojaatetoa Prato OattUf Aap ' beaaa todap bp a aaealmoea ecu
aumbar who moaad tte roMdaBora
a. Aaaoaatla, Ate
axptalaed that te did ao to ov
Utotoparaaat. of Ua lerea woald ba Opaelal A«tot of Oovaratooat
wtoticatiac AUaitad Ualawfal aalM. etUtada of Matoa that map tera raBall kla praaaat forpa wae aot oow «t
Otate Bapida. Aaa. l«.-2ebalM P. •altod from tte M-riaetlM of Saaator
tamdom. Jam. t«.-A«*MUl dhp
for aSaetiva aarrtoa -to tte Uabaa Oanj.a apeetaJ affaat of tte dapart- Bale.
tmm AsAlMd. «. B.,
th*t Ite umj to par aaaU are traqaaatlp - dia- toaat of Ua latortor.aad EaU Oalrar of
■HUik Md AMrtaui «OM«U <
tarwUeh la of aoaaidarabto totomt to
Apik. fcM. iM
tte people of Ua Oppar PaatomU Mac Sam Cor tte OrM Xmkae
aamml ted «Mbaad tte oatootoa of wblah will ba
Two of Them for IUte>gea
teted klMoU. ted to ^ kl« toto VIUUBI Owaat Bad OaUar Boae aod
Thep will
Am Broteo hp BaUdtertTML
laaraoaUa UU traia toalrbt for tte.
Jaa. IB.—Aeoordlar to tte
AU tte ptotteM Apia, tte •pMtol
BorU. eaiTplaf an lajuaetloa from tte
Mariaa Re*Uw witbU a tow dapt
dh^mk niTitoMi niu la aoadetoaOloD Barea. Mleh.. Jaa t?.—WlUlam Oaitad Buua eoart. rtotraialac Ue acrcUad aad Detroit ahlpbaUdora
laf tte OMtou «DaMl for tte SchUajr fraai of Olao Arbor, B>at »tU a aart- MUbifaa Lead A Itx« oompaap from
for loor aual
wkleb has tokaa plae* katwMa tte rt- •ea aoaldaat UU aoralac whtata U cBlUar aap toora Umber apc« eertaU
▼al^lafa. It t* polaud oat Itet U llakto to malt tatoUp. WbUa aaload- laad. aad a eltoUoa to appear to eoart trairht of Ue «erp lam*t
elaaa. barlaf from T.OM to a.000 lone
TloUttoa ofall Mnwaiaeato. tte eoamil
matBroUtotoak bIU oa BUIark for aaaoaeUof.
aalcapacltp, aad of aboat
MoonpaaM Matoatak toroM wtea Hill, te ■ieied kU foottof aad Uraa
Mr. Oarrp baa beta lartoUfatl^ eartteolalBaat laradad tte towa aadoD' loca rrilad orar blca. Urowlac hte UU allmd toadiUoaa U tte Upper arcracaU *elae the aambar of reaaoarafad tte oppoalttoa to XaUato orw tte bank, braakiak hU am. oel- PeaUaaU aad briaca acUoa la behalf aato of all klede aow aadar eootract la
Ua Uke teip-perde le UIrtp «ae ead
lar boM aad oaa rib. Ba la a laarriad of Uevoraramaat. for an aeaoaatlac
te acrrmu la relaa la pl.lTt.OOOWtea tte BriAte aad
aaaof faaiilr aad aboat Uirtp-lra for Umber allafad to have baao cat bp
Two of the eteaman mealloBad
aala wan iaforaed of tte ailaattoa
tkajadjoaraad tte Saprama eoariaad
ItlacUlmad that orar half a mUlkw
tooted ap tte bafidlaf. Tte Garpiaa
dallara worU of Umber baa baea cot
ombI daMadte tea kaya. wUak wva
off Ula Uad for which no acoouaUaf
The Aevleal Bareleaa.
rafatod. Ba ttea kroba opao tte doota.
hae arar baea made.
There WM aaoUer Urpa eaortaffkra«9«ad tte loeka aad raplaead ttea rUrdO. • latoatrp. to White ara
Tte Nkhlraa Lead A Iroa aompaap Uon to Ue MatbodUt eharte laat al(ht
vftk otkan. Ba aflartrard broafkt
le a rarp^waelUp eaaaera to white aad Rev. M. B. Beaech praatead aa-lmcaa TiaTataa Bopa, Will
•oma rite ate promUaat peopUerala- tiTtaelve aermon. UkloF for hu text:
Oa to Philipptoaa.
tte ateabar. t
lemtad. BoraUo Srymoar of Mara ooart aad ehlal joaUca
Waabloptoa. Jaa. 1» -Ordan wara qaetu U maaarer. aad amoaf Ua ’■Banewtor the CoTaaaat wiU Ood.”
ToalFbt Ue earmon will ba by Bee.
Wbaa the 1
r for ua aaaeetloaof atoekholdar* are Lord
tte kaya ttej m a rafaaad. A teotte-1 plaaa alraadp aaBoaaoad lor Ua die- oUara of the Bocileh aobllitp. Tbep Jonaa. Ue new peator of Ue Frieada
aaa aaaad Mackla ellabad to Ua top patte of tte Tblid Uaitad Htatas claim larra trocu of Uad la the Upper tenrte.
Tbe atutntlon of Sondap ecboel
of tte telldla^ aad boUtod tha
lafaatrp froai Fort Baalllap to HaalU PaBBlacaU Uroacb ea old Uad Frant
Uateere U araio inriud to Ue epedal
Aac. while Ua BriOab aad Aaarkaa bp wap of New York. Tha baadqaartof I CM. which haa baea varehaaad bp prayer maeUnir to Uka pleoa U tte
ooMoU aad a Baabar of aarlato la- araaad foar oompaalto of Ue SaraaUem. TbUfreat !■ held bp tte vor tenreb at 7 o'clock thU aeenlnFaadad tte btiUdla(. Tkap foraad tte taaaU lafaatrp from Ua dapartmeat- erameat altoraepa to be void.
doon apaa aad paakad tte Oaraaa laeal of Ua Ukea. will po wiU Ua
‘Zheeaee iaet^lar la laaap maeeta
Onap Itont n ToU.
aoaeal Into Ua a\raol.
Third lafaatrp. Ordarebara baea aaat to Ua eld komratead eeaw white have
TteD tte two couala fonaalj aad to Ue Twaatp-arooad lafaatrp ao
Barrieborp. Pa . Jrn. IB —Tbe j-*int
kaaa foapht thronph the eoaru.
laumblp ballot today reanlud aa folIwallp, aaeordiar to Ua apaeial dia- Port ( proeaad to Maallaria trict Anoniep Oorell draw ap
iowe; goap^^Bep . Ill; Jeaka. Dem.. BS;
patoh, opaaad Ua eeart. aad teaad a dan Fraaeiaeo.
plaUla, Mr. CaWer baiar UUr
Uraatod la Dalcell. Rep..17: Stewart. Rep..8: Hoff,
waralap afalaet forUar laUrtaraDee
behalf of • « of tbe h
Rep . 2 A doxan eoaturinf. Kaaae
wHk lla jarladleUoB.UraalaalBr to laearp to a teolea, 132
priam aap opa ao attoaptlapJaatM n. Araold of tfala dtp. haa had
vUIa. Ohio, arrirad <
Abddaat to ao Knrtoa
Ua rowt of Mra. aad CapL F.. B. Cbaaa
The M A M. B train due bare at 6:22
traatp. bad Ua tone foraa ae a law of for the wlater.
par month.
aoBprfto. aad Uat aa iaaall to Ua SoRlcbard Boaad. will Icara todap for
The Ohome Choir of tbe Coafrara- p. m wae nearly three boor* late laat
•wotoa ooart of Haaoa la. Uarafora, aa rztaaded trip Uroarh aooUarn aad Uoaal tenreh will meat at Ue tenreb airkl. Wbaa at Mewven City tbe eid^
aqairalaat to an iaaaUta Ua Baited aaatera MIcblpaB.
t^ptobt at 7:12 promptip. All mam- rod or tbe ea^toe broke and >t waa neeD B. Wpokoop of Kiapalep traaaaet. berakhaald ba praaent and new aiat- eaaarp to aand back to UenUue for
Waablaptoe. JaB le.—Tha aarp da- ad boalatoa here peatardap.
an are Invited. Ike matic lor Ue C aaoUar eniriae.
parttoeil baa prepared ardera for Ue
JohoMmeraadO J.Oordaa were la B aaalvemarp ie expected, ead e re
The Death Record.
OTBlaar PkiladalDhla to proeaad to Ha- Ua dtp peatardap from Lalaad.
bearael map tw bad opao it.
MaWl Alfrida Neleoa. daophter.
tooa to protect iraltad btatoa iatemta
Mre. Dr. Bowell of Detroit, foratertp
Laat DlFbt Ue Bite eooferrad iniU- Bmil Selena of Ur Peoioiola. died
Uaro. The Philadaipbla U doe at Sae Mlto Carrie Broadtool of Ula place, ararp work npoa a cendldaU and an- plrurUy Wedoeeday, Ue IsU.ajred
Dlapo ae Naadap from Acapnleo. Meaa- Hrcd la Ue clip lact rraniito for a viait
jopad a auppar afterward, which
ycara. The foaeral will be beta oa
whlla If aap reaael Biura soiekip arail- WiU ber maUer. Mra. J. Hroadfool Of
added to bp Hrefeeaor Mnrteoffbk Saiordayalil o'cleck and tbe borial
able, la fooBd It will be ordered to 8a- Waablactoa etraet.
will take pleck to OeVwnod eemeUry.
tooeatoaecto aaewer Uc srpoBt ap­
Tbomaa Yoaoa of Maple CItp reela.
beau for BartiFenk Or. Jekpll end B. L. Carter kae charfe of the faneral.
peal of the L'altad SUtae atoeal. The tared at tte Hotel Wbltlac paturdap.
Mr. Upde, will be on eela. batardap
PbUadaIpbia'e eomataBder will act la
F. M. Bamlla and wile of Moaroa
aoafenaltp with tte loetracUoiia of tbe Ceatra diaed at Ua Odambla peatei- raoralafatlte box ultiee inbuiaberFk Sapper and Sue*.
Baited HtattoaoBBDl ae far aa tbala- dap.
Cr«ee<-tit livod wd) heve aaoUer eer Jeo. 36 in Formta
atroetloaa aik la liar with Ue traatp of
Mra. Cbarlea Btooettel retaraed laat
e ten rent enrtper.
. Brrlia. wblob Ua Baltod 8ttUa ona- ilffbt from a two araaka’ vieit at Detaadi mut be Ularalip aoforoad uaUl bolt.
Uare Mtn. Jamiaoa elipoed In FptUor
Ralph Caaa ol Kiaial>r
end la now eondned to her home
Tha Clrenlt oonri adjooniad rmUr- for tborouffh letuionf—Address S
W. B. Pratt apd wile wara rialtoro
here peatardap from Old Mlmite. .
dap raoraloFa. Box 187.
Bappp Burpnaa^ oa 1
BepiwautlTe Foelar raUmod to
Tha ftrat of Ue eonrae of leelnrea to
j LaaelBf praterdap. aecoaipaalad bp pouQf men, arrniMred bp Ptvfeeaor
, I Mre. Foater and their eoo.
Marioa XeaUall waa |
Umwn. will ba irivrn next Wedaetdapevenlnr.
inetced of Tn»dap. aa pravi.
prlacd lael ..eaiar hr aboat tweatp at]
bar frleade, who ratherad at her home 1
»«• '*>*
r*»««Jap aad todap
oa«..U.rieet. while Marioa waa ab-!«»• will officiate at Ue fuaerel of Ua; Fleuhar
e C
aaat rieitioir a friend. That pooaf !
*^'* *“*"“ Be le at tte Laa- Frootatreat baa beea cloaed. aad Mr.
Udpwae aetoDlebrd anon her relora. ]
Fleuhar aaaouDcea Uat bU loach
wbaa tee toead her (rieade in poeeca-! S«ipe"l*or SUarrOarthe of >orU- eooeur to tbe Uotel Colombia will be
Mod of tbe boeee. 8he. however, pro*- i P»«- •* •
readp lor bo.toeee in a few dape
•d heraelf to be aa rncelleat hoeteaa.
Sottoae Bep la at tte
BowIIbf OoDleat todap.

«>AWwpU4te»M»iyw— Otmr*
amt Wm »mU witk ^ trstua

aOttofT aCatn todap that kto ai
that M.OOO aoldim are ~
kapt la Oataa. wae ao lam baaai




And a better globe for a doUar—a stiU l^ger one for

wood base at $4.25—and everTthing else that is need­
ed to supplj the school rooim

I B20 Front St.

“City Bookstore.”



Ifs ftn Exlraanliiiarv Sale
Bennse of ridicnlooslj IcW prices weVe pnt c erery Jacket
nnd Ospe in tbe stofik^l of thu waaon's rnamuaciore—xo
* tore—To

bur East Winlow For Pricus.


I Get Your Money’s'Worth!

Banjo Instruction.

Steinberg’s Grand


1-4 Off Sale
Does It.
This sale is oa our best goods -not old stock—
opt old styles. Nearly every pair are Pingree &
Smith make—goods that have built up a reputation
for style, fit and wear.
Get them.

IIS Front Street.

The Old Reliable Shoe Man

Opera House.

'vtos Vvane points, hut sonis are

Story of a Double life.

Thera will be a bowlinit eoatcat at
Hnatk alley UU alUraeoa at 3:18
OUp Clamaat Ooaiaco'clock. .
Local lovara of b
The Pint Uam of Ua dtp. and tte
attincUoaa will be pleaaad to leera
Unloaa, a uam teaaan from Ua aeplaa
that tte eelebnUd aotoT Gap CUmaat. Uam aad tte baowd dtp Uam. wUl ha
will be aaea here UU eprlnF ta oae ol
hU tnal paeoaaaae Maancv SulaTo tte pUyer. who bat Ue biffteat
bare haa Jnatcloaad nr»en»maaoU
averape at tte tnUh. a atedal wiU be
an aararamaat. bat Ue exact daU U F<*«> bp tte proprietor of tte allcp.
not pat firaa. Baalden Ue Maw DomTte wtosar of tte prtoe will bold tte
toiOD, to white Mr. Oemeat haa be««
modal aatil a bettor aTempsU made bp
baraoo two neeaaloan. he plapa
-boottera Ueatiemaa,'' a plop
white' baa bean raealmd wlU Fnwt
Bertha OoM to JalL
anUaaUxm all over Ua eooatrp U
Ber^ MeOep. of MaaUUe. who wan
larrcoltiae Mr. Gemeat baa alwnpa
baea a fraat foToriU la Treveeu Gtp ameUd Wedaeedar nlpht for belaff
dnwk aad dUordrrlp. was ukea be­
Tte roroUr meelloc of Ua Womnak and ba will ba weralp freaUd when
fore Jndire BoberU pqpterdap. She
xaee oaMd. He bat a Ui^JB'^
Okb will be bald UU aftoraoca to
wasFlvea Ue privlUffe of peptopW
MMibcaehell. .Mre. M. B. Oatm wUl bettor oempaav Uaa arar before.
flee and ooau. amonnUaF to 11.82. pr|
hneateerceefthefollowtar pro«Tem:
> spend Ua dapa to Ua eennGp iall.
Oalp a BaralaF Obmoap.

Ptaao K-v1o_Ulm Jpaephlaa Vedar.
he went to jail.
Hew Yrar'e U'k-M«a. J L. Oibbe
Tte Bra deparimaal waa oallad L
••Sbonld ImprUeament ba for p«a- Ue retidaaae of Fred Mtof oa Wahatar,
SsrprUe Party at ■xpletoa.
iehmaat ne reformUoa*'—Freparad bp
eealofUeG. B A 1. raUroa^
Twentp-twe friende from Trave
Mie: A O Wfaaalar. rend bp Mie. M. last eveatoF. Tbe chlmaep.wae bnrav
A Oaten
l8f oataadUeoecapaauof tte hoaee Qtr sad el
aot at home. Ah eatraaee wae aad Old MUeloa. earprUad MUa OMIa
A ter home to Mapietaa. <m
Vo>»)Sol>-Mr«. A. B. Bellldap.
daad aaa
effected from the w
Wedamdap aumlaff. a* the oecMUm
«Ooa dark driea on Tahiti'—Mte
cl her lUh bfrihdap. Marie, ffamu
Ixmlaa Vedar.
ate a ahm laate hriped pam tte
. •Htor HawBUPiH"-*"- M. X. C.
•praad prepared bp Mra. banUall waa
aajoped. Tboea areaant ware:
Bmiaa and Cbnriotu Friedrich, BaU
Dorman. Mahal Aodaraoa. Mabel RitoUi. OUie balU, FrenoM McFhee.
MUnla V.amfaa, Dniep Shadatr. Brila
end Mnmla Dnnn. Cteala WbiUnff.aara
Reuar. Mead Oomptoa, IdanTroF**
Idom Korute, BIU Smith. JnJlaa
Haem end WlUnrd Friedrich.
Tte aSnir tma pUnaed bp Emma

Moet wtederlol—moat aseltlBF—
raual totermtiBF pUp. ever preaeatedla UUoraayoUeroonalrp

tVnw \Vvan otWs.


Dr.Jekyll aotl Mr. Hyde.
atoff to ead—a play o
The emlaeal actor.

W. H. Nartieau

5c aipavcr.

Bm ao naperior to tte ^ortrapal
oLthU Fuai part. HU traaator.
maliote are weird. ■UrtUaff and

This SeositiontI Drama .
wm beaeea atUe Opwa faoaas
for <me alffht oalp. ea-

Tuesday. Jam. 24
, PiioM: 96.86.60o.

ADe aVso make a potot baatoq a
tlrti-cVass nd\<ms at the
1 Ttqkt pTtcM.




e aa Mia at boa oAm Satvdap

• i.1

-'-iilia. .

TH» ttoarntma aaaoBc. FBiOAt. jahtiabt ao. lew
__ _,


PoMiii. r.». ]
an M



• -br tka wckw>w ’
lOCBlOA* mHwwI tka bfoe»««teli.
,s»d BtmlMiarwmiaC.
ttAiP nAVBSB asE4U>,
Alaord «M mwMa ta
ik, bat tka aabiaet. -Maiaot IMl
rartUttr.*- waa
w. ■*»—.
—* lUm^. aMr kaadJad bj BDaa 8. Baowa <rf
BUladala CtaUaf*.
Ha atMad UM akodi fKlaiaf mad «np
gMwtaNrfakaBdUted. H-fa araj
taaTBTMtoairfatofaMdAa* Usda ofi
lhaaa wka ara aaMaaatai aadUK.aa-bP.»kk-.jHkh«
»M kwiaa W0Q,






MakM the food iMm defidon ana


Buying Logs!

If you h«T» •ny to ooll oorrospood wia tho
TroTono Cltt*l.>u»'>w <>«■ Wo boTO olM

FOR sale'
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple FloorlUK,
Short Maple 'Wood.


8« ,^2^. .0 «»aV“f_^w^’^Jr

ta T»* MaeUal la kkU braach o» tar»-i Tbe laiwarkad bla w»a an

ir^JSirttaf.«.a-orkahop.«d k*—who ao-pUia tba—k. aad yat

That modara
erge. tba Grip, poiIta fatal gcrma. ao
w-e kbe air •

ba*eooe|»elally.tortbe.arketla w> Ik it they arbo really bare tba mo'*
eomforta. From tba rada eatata oo*.-. --- -uertaia.
DiSereek eropa om dl«ea*ak ooaaUjeata la kba aoil, baaea It it art ad*kmaaelre. bare ebill* aad farcr.
abUtopiaak tbagroaad to|tba aaata tbatteUa
throat. Baia'iu' the'b'aca'of tbe
. The greataatoomplaiat that tba fartblag year after y«ar ae U elMlaate:
aadaaiabtram It tbe elemeat that la tiadlag ibatf
^I/Odlow i^atralaadteebaaktka
f»««raa of diaaaaa by erary kaowa khalr faram or their farm* ara niaatag -Irea. There b nothing worse than worn ooagb. heal
Maeblaery «aaot do aU klada
-• ------------- —•* AtaMaeUair
I- «ad |»r»d,.nem.whicbro^.gfolk.of.a.. braarj «.l^r^ia^,
r a of «br
of 100 ^yakdaaa U waa datarotlaad ko of work.iriakearaaaooaadbrala aad
malady. Price Meu anI M..orT
•aka a hooaa-ko-koaaeaaalkary eaaraM tbeee maak be aaad If tarialag ia to be bood and woetanbood.
Tbe farmer'e wife ksa really more hack if aot eared, A IrU'
iftkadty. For ttia parpaaa tka Iowa
lebare than tke efty woman, more Ume at ^e drag atorea of 8. B. 't
«fU ba dlTldad late too aactloaa. and
ildated dlaoMloB followed kbit
think: and ahe ahoald employ thb
AaatoP'aaakraad to aaali. Uaatanai •Ik ta wbicb Mr. Voorbaea, P. K- tlmetokecp pace with her none aad
Oelcaal Blaak wUl brief a' rariaaal < Browa. Mr. Uawd aad W. B. MlUer
kere. She ^d ealUrat. the
fimmbm tnm tka nailed SUtaa to partlopkted.
^ticBldeof her natare aad ap-, elal party Jaa « io P.wUrrt hall,
•valfblea oat tka klaka la kbe water
Mr. Palmar tbld a ooopU of •amaalao preciau tbe braaUeeot aatarc.
alao a fine u-n rent tapper.
MOdotaa which caaaad o«alderabla
Mr*. Mayo oiade a beaatUal appeal' —■■ —
> farmenbaad ibeir wire* for appreei<Xba rwralar diaeamlcm waa ably led
Aaariaaa «n*rry aa^ atetboda tka
atlon of oae aaotber la tbe boom and
Hal dty of Cuba wm aooa ba eleaaatd by A. O. McBae aad aome very praetiot tbe kind aympatbire of
la a Maoaar loaatoaiab lulakabltaata. cal tboagbU were brwugbt out.
A pleaaliig aeleeUoa by the orcbeatia
raa aereral jeata Mte qopatioa of coaelDded tba progiata.
laclBf' tba atook of fooda of lUaecmat
▲fteraooa Subjaota.
▲Sbrded Hat
t aad Inairnc
•arekaala haa baao a oroblea wlkb
Tbe queetkm bo* waa -agala opeaied
tion-Pine Addraeoee Given.
Ika etiy eoaoell. Kow. bewero-. a bill dorisg tbe afceraooa aeaaioa. briaglng
Tbe Wotfaa-e SeetioB of tbe Farm-!
la batar latrodaoed la ibe atatc laflalaere- laeUtnte U becomiag more aod
•■ra proTldisf that aaob atercl
by tbe momlBg dlacomioBa. .Tbeae
Aall ba oompellad. io t»y Uza
were uf a rery practical aature.
omea ot tbe city u well u the eonalhatr atoeka, tba aama aa raaidaei
J. C. Morgan gare a fire miaate talk
try mslrrmt profit materially by tbe
akaata. Thia will be a very good law, , apoa -Tbe beat VarioUea of P<
kat kow will it affeet tbe lleeaae law ; He apoke eapeclaUy of the f^lforaia able papera aad dUcoaaiom.
____US make
Yeeterday abont 155 ladiea were pre*trklab appliaa to aaek otarebanu? BaaaeU aad Bnral New Yorker.
ent at tbe eemloa la tbe Bapt«t charcta
Tkla eUaa of MfobMia alwaya proteai
Beporta of oixiperaUre expat
agalMt wbat kbay are pleaaed to lena foUowtd. P. B. Brawn reporiad apoa
KaaealTe lleeaae feea Tbe
the eager beak Tbe teat apoa tbe rarentitled -GeUlag Ahead with
tor altiaa to eonalder U. which will be ietlm ot polatoea waa glreo by Bobert
Work." by Mre. B M. Voor-‘ .
w . ^
d? mr
Ike beat method »f proleeUag Ue la- Barary. Mr. Barney alao reporiml
beuMr. Voorbeeaboaeofthouprae A l-»Ot Ol MOnCy
!••• of local daalara. Uxatloa 00 the com tmL
fOsAaor Ikeaae to do baaiacee. Both
Loweli Bofirm aad E. O. I«dd re­ tical honaewlTca wfaoae experieaCb hu
t -L
t» j ■
o -.
H«Mbar rroald probably be daamed ported apoa tbe aetaal eoat of lalalag Miwbf her many thlaga by which the;
younger geaeraUou. and iedeed mar.y
-lost'now on EtKlroom SmU
‘■AmoBBt of Seed” waa reported by older farmere' wlvea can profit. Her and Cbsirs. We CAD furnish yoor
Aptice* from tbe PbUipplam by way
C. Monroe aad W. B. Pratt.
•f Madrid. ataU that tba iDBarrecUoa
ere which were thoroughly appredaled.
1 ‘ j
Poiau OB Hog Mala ar.
IM—r tbe aaUrea ot tbe ialaad of Mlot Baiaiac" waa tbe aobjeet of
•pdanaoiagrawlBg more eertoua aad
efo«» the Mohamedaaa there are laeltlag addrem by F,. 8. Brown. He baa found addrem or MUa Dnrfee. apoa •Moth, r
p rarolt agaiobt Anerleaa rule, preach- hog raieior rery profitable aad tol ’
and Child." Mim Durfee hu made a
Hopse FomisbinK .Store,
Inga holy rrar.If the iDbablianUof that a clear eoaclae way hU aetbo
lifeeiudyof the aainre of cblldreo and
N--»»>». 120 Front
Hlaad want a holy war or eoma other feeding and booaleg. He tblnka tht
toad ot war they will hare It if they do aoil hero parUealarly good for growing and her addrem yeeterday delighted
m —
•M aadaida by the time tbe Uaiicd the food, which eooMau of dorer, peaa tbe mutbere preeeat bouoee it ap­
•tataa geu ready to aal a elrUlaad gor- and corn. He gare Ibe moet economic pealed dlrecUy to tbel^ bearU.
plana tor bog ratalag and hU Ideaa dUcoeeed klodergariea work, related
were |*ncUoal. He eald he bellered B^blcakoriee aod UlattraMd bar theme I
ideaa ahoold be exchanged freely and with fine views.
girea for tba aaalauaoe of olhera.
Following the addrem of Mim Dnrfoe
Many qneatlone followed which were Mrs. Mary A. Mayo of Battle (Veek. tbe
dUpoe^ of rapidly and ended in a gen- suie apeakar gave a fine addrem, eboaOm of the Chief Slemeate of ^
lag (or berent>jMt."MotberaBd Daugb-i
: cloaed tbe ker." Mrs. Msyo is a capllratlng speak- I
Mule by tbe <
If in poor condition, to
er aod a cbann'ng woman and her ad-1
wu gruUy sppreciatad by tbe|
eat Woods’ Condition
t at tbelaaUtateoa
Tbe erenlng eeeelon opened with an
PM^towtng. Btarage. Hog Bala
Powders twice a day—
addrem by Manly C Dodge. “A Law she preseeted and tbe maaner ia treavi
ing berent-ject iuritml tbe decpeai la-I
tof^te -Bagagtag Program Olren yeVa Idau of Farm Lif.a"
tercet and ereryoae present profiled by 1
It will make a young
at the Womaa'a imitioa.
Mr. Dodge U well qnallfled to epub Ibe talk.
Io tbe general diaeumion
TkaPbrmera'InaUtate eontlanm to ipoQ tbU aabject. having lived half hie many of tbe ladles prreent j lined.
horse ■*of him in two
It wu BDaoimouly deeitled to bare
Bara a large wkkendaace. Yeeterday life OB a fanaT
tbe Woman's becUoi
A Xm vper’S View of Parm^JU.
■nralag-a ae^WwiVaa opened by a aelnext yur.
•Hfti by tbe Archie orebeetra. wUeh
Be aaid that there wu no^re 11
wae well reeelred.
folor ladepoodeot life Uiaatbatefa
Tbe queetioe box brongbl forth farmer. Farm life, bowerer. U not
In Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, tbe wlenTj
•aay hcipfal queeUoaa and anawere,
r made u attmeUveuit iand woaderfol play, are many situa-j Beadle Bid.
•(Mr which another aeleetMo by the
Tbe trlala of farm life dia•eeheetra waa well readered..a .I..7 ---------> laugh and briug t
tookiag inward Ilfj In town m «»«j ij,,
Bow to Grow Potatoee
r kyoipatbeite pilv
igplay will be given at Steinbrrg's ,
The fint to apmk apoa tkr regalar goal of their ambition. Mr.Dodgere-;
-- .
pngram. ea "Tbe PuUto Crop," waa viewed his early experience and gave i Oraac Opera Uubm next Tuc»d»y.
sed to be. S<tb »nd ""o* •‘>0 attend will r«
X«wal] 8oar«. who preaeated bit eiewa _ D aceouat of farm life u it used
Mgrawiar Hethlakalhe middle of wilbiuloiw boom of toll, drudgery yuongsodod. Tfaetaird and lonrth | 4
Jane b tbe beat Ume for plaatlag po- aad hardships. Tberewucrudefarnl- acts are ceded by the preu to be the'B
•Trr Ha plaaU bb poutoca foar lore, ecaawbomely tore and the tormu ■Iroagesl oa the Amerleaa atage and { B
It affords eatenabm
faMkea deep. It b of the otmoet im- boy envied the ox team when it ran lu faomane slctj o
portaBee that good aeod be need. Po- nsray. he wanted to ran away too Tbe oomauia to all and a
of farm life are. however. the apeeintmMU> growing depeoda apoa aeaeoBa.
•MlUratioB aad deatroylDg tbe bags
The UtMr ahoald be nrompUy attend- with many eomforu
"I have jut recovered from the ere.
la. He aaid: "Pat oa parie grraa be- slble ia tbe early daya. Fartneta'
ond attack of lariHppe this year," srys
tocs they arc batebed. then tbey will homec ebould be made more attrac­ Mr. Jamu A. Joaes. publisher of the
tive. A few jnexpenMve ernamcau
ks 4mA before tbey are aliee."
Leader. Mexia. Texas, "li
Ihemb-tople. ■■Hareaatlag.'' wae to and bits of farnltare will make tbe
humblest home attractive. It is not Eemedy.. sod I think with eooslderal...:
hs gleea by Barton Coleln. bat bo a
poverty that ataku the home unlovely. SBceesa, OBiy being In bed a litiie over'
^ preeeat. ao the aobjeet waa bm
for the for-1
The way to dUpel
led by rolaateor aneakora.
msr attack. The second attack *
The Booeer digger waa dbcaeeed pro monotoay U to make the boose pleu- ulisfled weald have been
ibg. Books are cheap, provide them bad u the fiist. but for
Md eoa aad baakeu ra. eratea
for tbe heme: ealtivaU the mlad and remedy, u I had to go
Mdsrod. faaakeb haT:ng tbe pi
heart. Capital punlahmeat is toogood six boara after being •struck’ with it.
tor packing parpoera.
while ia the first cose I wu able to at­
for tbe mao who requires bu srlfe to tend to buincm about two dsye before
Bemarkx oa Btoraga**8loriBg" waa tbe next prmeated by do mors work than ahe can do between gptUng 'down. " For sale ay 8. B.
3. C Morgan. He iblaka that tbore U tbe ristog and 'uUlBg of the;aun.
Mr. Dodge's lecture wu fuU ot good
Mra profit is atoriag than la pitUng.
poUtoee .bould be .tored wbere there tk»ngbt« expremaed la a plmamg man- OR. HiQQINS, DENTiST
toUUle buu Be likes to get thou
dIsenssloB which followed yu
wtoeb hove been kept la a rut uUar.
fplsinm gmierale ao maeb hut that it wu imrticipated la by H. VoorbeMkad
t•41HeaUto kup them from qtroeV Wm. Urns and were well given.
Mra J- B. Martin ruited two app»
tof, upaeially ia tba real cold winur
wmthm wbea tbey have to be ahnt prUle uleeiiou which were heartily
tonm the ooid to keep them from freesTbe Uaappreelated Side of ti.
tog. Home eagguilou were glvea to
Tbe addrms by Mra. Mary A. Mayo.
•MrinM this difU sally.
"The Cupnreeistad Side of »Vm
The dtaeuasioa which foUo< '
many valuable Ute” wudeitgblally given and good
•aputolly helpful .
A, P. Gray, to«m etart to Intah.
gd^vtBaeney.Mr. Itoytee. John MeShe pieMrad that tbe thiBss we imve
■■ vel aeat Im as

iBids For Saie-Stltable Fat Fanns.

rt at «bt riiiiMBi at 1

; \^l5ei!youarei-cjidylo


A oomplele
L»et'works,carriage and saws.-------,----nw'tniH plant for sale.




“Diamond ] ’
‘ ■
or “Traverse Belle”
Sold by all dealerm.

Made by

A. W. JAHRAUS, ToBBelier OlocL


We can save Yon

- - J. W.Slater
We Want
Your Horse...






S48 Front StrMk

White Bread
Is more sought for than any other article of

And why not?

It is the basie pf every

meal—from tbe light luncheon to the elabor­
ate dinner.

Our “BEST" flour always pro­

duces delicious white, light bread.


Onyx Tables
and Jardinieres.


We are having a special sale on Onyx
Tables and Jardinieres forthe next two weeks
-some of them going at cost. Nothing beautifles a room more than a handsome Onyx Table
^ and a pretty Jardiniere, and now is your op^ secure one,or both at prices un- ^
^ heard of before.
New lot of iron beds, just received, prices ^
from $2.50 up.





* st^.lV m floapU «< d»7«. As th«
A bnlicf wbi^ if ao* exMordlaary.
I to be gaa•e*. If
eraJly held lh*t a war with I
. weald.
tWM UM two MO of Mdict»«t, SObe
per«ordla« to tbs Tritaocof ttet dVmu with mnn or lest snibnrity have
pat the period In which wear* to knock
oar auckat eoemy aad whilom ally iuto
P. B. Kelly, far flea yean eapariaa cocked b*t at fromaeseaday. lucrree
baadaal of the ellg eehooto at Ma rlrtlM wer» B««. 8. M. fMrlo- Md______ _ _
weefca a very few acknowls^ii.g that
pieeeeeV will rettr* at the doea of the wU*. Mrs. C B. rowMf, U. D.. sod tda whltA tbpj got sp. Aod by toe
prwiat ecbeol yaar aad cater the p**^ Mr*. W*rd M. rowUr. 1^ *U *to' «l tbe w with OtMce. wbiai '
l«>. la] likr*ri*e tbair I
otdimUm. boi very much to laad a* to
f^toMd. Tbo; ................................
‘ the lookoot tor Ear a directly eppoaiie opiuloa. and va ooa•toreUrr Algw baa appolated B K. ibcatotoMfaMd
tidi trick*, tbrj- KtoiUlr wigiBstad the eriv* li perfectly poaribl* to be of thir
UiAtAU pMtook
Bayek of Oraad Udg*. Mlehigae. ena 0Bl7 tbiar _fci^
optnloo and yrt to make ao quastioa of
____i trtitde Dwyto* Affair mm well a* today
^de ie«o I* Abytolaia they the nltiamta r«*Blt of each a lamcoisbl,
tolaaiaiw to the Weat Iadla to pre- dried tMf. wblto h^ bM puehaeed '
•veatDg. The beef wee erl- to* c*to>ed Mradek ead wet*
pore the bod lea of eoldicra for retara
met. We frel that
deoUy ew*d by prMr*»lip«, which, If ia* ob Bto Maagseci*
merchagaiaM ^wanyaaalogy from
to thJe oooatry.
Botaaed la proper
reccat aaval waa woaM t* ooly to mis
At Mareellaa. Mra. D. T. UBerra.
lend ooitclvea
deadly poleoa.
better W«d-. crltr* here good the fti^lh of
aged T7. weat to eleap laet Friday and aeeday. bet aot eoUrely oat of daager.; *«« to*to*cre»«f **-■------ =Thera is no comparieoaet all between
ettll alaapa, deapiu all afforw to awake
‘ la order to ac^olre thereby the right of tbe relative ilrengtfa of Pnaea aad tuu
BearOwtoeo. Mr. aad Mra-Bobert: u,nlbilatior-tbe whole aborigiaal race cooniry aud that of Ohioa and Japei
hUtor SpalD and tbe Uniled huiaa If (be
The Bill Ba^ Iroa eocMMay M reba grip, after*, abelrUad^ Aad three are Int afewpf Britlab pshlie Imagine* that Prescb
aairiBgaboatMU U can of faraaoe
horrw* p»rprtr*tod ^ theee ciriUa- naval oflloei* will prove tbemsrlve* to
wood daUy. The coapaey aieo ca- abort lUocaa. Their death oeearred
- -PuiilWtJoomal
be a. deflcleat in Mrataglcal and tactical
paeu' to eaeare iu aeaal a»o«atof oaly.atcwboare a^rt. They bad iw tosehuuki
ckill ai tba ^oM* of CblM and Span
aided la Beealagioa for M*ey year*. A
loga, aboct feev
have demaDsiraud theraaeJvea to be. it
doable foaeral wUt be held from the
Tba State AeeoeUtlcB of Coaaty
sethodbd chareh oa Friday AonilBg.
Sefferiog bomaolty aboold be eeofirala Oototoleaioaera ie toeeUog at
plled with every mraa* potolble for its
Thera I*
UaMag to dMcan aoeded asesdneaU
r cat la the wood* a
{rclirf. It Ie with pleasure we pablloli
tothadrala lawa
CsDtralUkeaa el« tree, three l<vs|Ue foUowlag: ‘-This U to oerUfy that
With tbe advnbuge* of mecbai
aaoh la body, top log Sre feet! >
• terrible iofferer f^ Yellow
Boar ThotopaoariUe. A1 Kooa of Joy. H featw_
n.,,!- .
rviii., »v. Jaeoillee for orer ala atoaiba. aad was •leker* for boilM foraaoea known aa
pkjMleUuM well as they nr* today, it doe* me
Bald towaablp. was killed Wedatoday eealaabyDoyla{..4« taev OaU^
rge Icgssatoeecale would toakena o,r city aad all to oo araU. Dr. bit ctrange that tbe marine engiuem
whUaworkl^U the woods, a faUlag
la body of Me f >0 feet. Tba . Bell, oar druggist. r««oaiaeDded Eiee- ba* appateaily not taken kindly
tree strtklag him oe the head.
(hem. Al any rate they ha>« ao* yet
largtot log la llnb or eroteh eeale ni >
Bitten; aod after Uktug two
At Viehsberg. Scott Boiler akated
gained a fooling aboaid ship. It 1*
i“-' worth noting Ibetufore that what will
lato ao air bole aad hb ooapaaloa.
Arehie BIgga. aleo get lato tbs water Thla U ooly the woti eoBeerratlre eeU- to auy peruoa eufferiog frocu this tetri- probably be tbe 0m meckaoical etoket
baaed OB saallcetpatoibledlaaie-.ble malady. 1 an gratcfally yeun.
wh|^ aUeapUag to rceeee Belter, Bale,
M A. Horarty. besletrt.iB.Ky ” Mold Inatallation in existence afluai is
being flilad to Ibe boll era of ooe of (be
who weat down twice.- Jerry MeColeirninmi of the Zeintfa Trantii line
eey, who was alio tkatiag, reaeaed
tbe great Atnenan Ukea plying be­
-hotb the boys.
tween Dulolb sud Cleveland
At Vleksberg, a leaky eao eaatod a
stoker* will be tbneeot tbe AiDerican
gasollae esploaloo Ie Tacll'a eoofeeSinker company of New York—of Ibe
Ueaery etor* Wedaaaday creolag,
andarfeed lypi—and Ibtir perform
bwaiag Mr. Tbelf* faoe aad baada
in tbeir Dew field of operation oogi
prove ao InierMiing engineering exU blew three tights opt of tba store
perieore. There ie certainly no very
gnid reaann apparent why tame device
Jaaica Baraee, 74. ooe of Mraod
of Ibis clam tiist will work well
land abould ant work well at era.
' Tba Freneb p eae U farorlog so al-1 U related that ebe waeooeedylBg .
Installmeoi In tbis parintnlat caw will
mth bU tooUw Joba he pcblUbed,
Ocnaaoy agaian Great Iwduclog of the booea aad wa. ecr.
oomprimtix etnken. three ondereeefa
ofthto Bfhlady by i
of tbe two bnilnra. aod each of tbea*
abriao of St. Aaee De Bcaupre
At UjwBgiae. Johu Mater, aa old • ,o^tg*hToo thV ^rlirT^wbl^hU
The. Chicago Tribune *aya that ihi
aoldler aad proalaeut elUseu. wa* Mj«*ty will be risitod by Pimldeul local •oeicUe* of the Maasaci uaetts It under ordinary conditioni aod A100
pnooda wben forced.—Caaei^'i UagaP*nrs aad by Emperor William of Gar-ietltate of Teefaenlocy of Cbieago.
«»«rI too. New York. Pblladelbpta aod St
Bis lajanaa Bsy prove Utal.
Throe bIgbwayaMB chose a police-' l-o«l» "lU bold their aenual bartjneu
At Perry. Mr*. Warii Buah aud Mr*. lau la foil uulform for a victim taCoi-<oa the oigbt of Feb. S aad only out
Tbe empenn r./vaitlv eeuiped from
V. A. BaU
yiuinred eago.beld him up at the poiata of their | loastmaaler will be required to pre*id- bia prisoD in tbe ulaod artbe'Sooibem
.lakra, Ebo p^rk. where be bid
U a runaway aorideat Wedneaday
oeer the five d
by the empruiai dowager since
tooratag. The horac becamu frighlee.
!h for'rarlous banquet htll* will be eoeucc'
the coup d'etat Bnt wben bis mayeaty
od aad Mrv Bptetead grabbed the
ley uad ibeo ordered him w hurry |*d by loog dUtauee teVpboues. eo u- got to the park g*lea the lo.perial goard,
llaee. Wrntog tbe aalmal aad throw oa aad notify ul* police ettUon.
I to make it possible for each ao ieiy t- ali crratureii of the empress dowager,
tag both women out.
lareapofltolonqnaeu aut out by pw^lpate la the .other.’ eajoymeut shot tba great gate* In bi* maycsly's
There I* a alee aute of affair* at ihe toariue hospital eerrloe.
Speeches from Goveraor Booaereli tapa A (ri?wd of conocht. wbo dared
Maatos wbleb has raaniud la
bare beea rtcel*. d la Waahiagtoo from Tbomta A. EiUou aud othen will b not offer the imperial person soy vioeloriag of the vtUsge school, aoi
thirty eltle* ou the exteot of the grip, beard la each of the banquetiug b«li>. leure (geltnupt to um farce in prareatthe 8u«* la the faraaoe gave out. aod ubowlag the •iekueae to be a* acrere At each plate. be«-de« thi reguUtiai IDS bia Diaye.iy walki.-ig to the perk
oa aoaoaat of noma dbpnu as to the aad csteaeiee aa during tbe epidemic number of wlac gU*er* aod huinw a>x gale*, followed liiiu lu a body, however,
and upon ibe gaieebeingclored they all
owaarship of the peleot oa tbe fur- otI*>Vlw. bargeoa Ucaeral Wyman fork*, will be placed atiay ohloug leir knelt in fruiit of tbe eupetur. beaeecbaaea tba maaafaciarvn will aotablp aay*
^ Phooe receiver, and. immedi«*ely after log bi* tnajeety With trar* to bav*
the report*
lodieau that_tbe ^grip
saw flues without coosent of the eom- atarted la Turk-y and Aala Mloo^ io j
merry no ibrtn and not attempt to ea•*•“*'*
paay elalmlag the paiooL which coneaib of all
... mU. IU ..j .uv ‘J
'"■««—> *■
. irdnnen i
aeat U not forthoomlag. And neaaU. »ul.U.bul
-111 '1-'-" •.
tbe gatce Wert he to do eo Tbe guard,
whiU nnlsM the actaool autboritin pat of traoeatlaotic travel.
' eaeeebe* UDOdreds of miles away.
in tba
la alore* to boat tbe building, the
Tbe New York Herald aay* that al general prayer, while oa the other band
aebool «m have to remala eloaed aaUI . Uariag khe great loBceesa epldem'c
■ompaale* ia tbe world they sent one of tlieiraumlrr tonppnw
the diepnto over the palest is eeUied at Loadou la 1*** the Umrd of bealtb
of that city adviaed the public affected
Aa OUego womaa mlieod her poehat____ ^ borax and boraeiearid have jniued in
matter Tbecnipcior finally took p'lty
with tbeoi
hook the other day, aad feellag ceruia
The penplratloa-------- , |a comblpaUou. Thl. orgjplxatlon Ie qn bia mpplUol .ab}i<i'ia and quietly
relDrued III tala priwn. —Norlb Ubiua
thaiaeouplc of ageaia who bad sold theruby U in meat -i-^- sufllaicnt to re-1
owurra nf tbe main depoaiTi
hto aoM good* aarlag the day had
llee* the patu-at of the severeet eola:“'
tahea It. pot theofllaan oa the track of aadaave. him from lahlag refuge la
England. France ai-.l
The t'fcl.airoaa KeeaelMua*.
the mea. Tae oScon eeugbi their
qulula. or other dru,^ leaving ofton ;
Aonoonoement -HI
Tbe Juor. wbicb i> oik-of tbo Inodt-st
after a chase of amae miles aud
unpleanaut reeulta.
i. bronchial ^
<>' and lurut iiilloeulial of laio r dar kVeneb
brought them buck to Uiaego ia haod. trouble* the ocid of iemooe relieve, the |
"" <»*l»«>y. which will be known oewnpaper*. pulilUlod on Not. 18 a
eaffa. only to fled that the woaeaa had Irritation In tbe throat, acting at toe I “
ConooHdaied. limltac. There paragraph lui a duel wulrh a metnla r
foaad her poekethook just where she
I will be a V. Dompaelee la tbe c
of iu staff hnd fuogbl wilb a lawyer
ima Urn* n* n aatoral dlalafaetant.
bad alaUld It.
baiceil JJ. UoTi'l. and tbi- 117111* eniployed by that y.iurnal throw a tarioo*
Jaatto B WUeof YpetlaaG has beaid.- ligbl upon Ibe chivalry ..f a<.nie of
gea enit fur a divorec. ebarglrg his
the writing and figliling i-laMei. in
wife with -aoeleriiy of temper aad
an* .xpoaiuon.
10 year* ago was in.noo.oou Prim'v: "Webi^'r had ibo bn|i]>ini-» In
vloleat eallle* of passion.'’
leuraihal cue wonod reci-ivert ywnetday
The Argrollne tariff law for into has p-„,ud* ihe deposit of »>ra* lake being bi Idwyra Mnr»-1 1. more aeriuua Iban
SemtirimD.-fa^aaaofO. D. Day A
wa* aoppcr.rdj.1 fln-l. C»uaidnribR ibat
Oo.-e iBuber camto at Wri*b. la Mack- been oaMd. No cuunge. of/ Imporv ' one of the rieheat ever dl.eoveted
being, a woman with a bU- It is ooiu|ilfrat<'d with a bad di>«*ae.
laac uoiiuty, wa* armted aod buuad anoe were mad. la the peeaw^tawwUb , *
there are g-ud giooiid. fur hopliji; ibat
oeer to the Circuit euart on tbe charge
Ibia wi.oud will bave tt-rioo* cuoanof kUllpg dccrontof teaeon
qOCDcvaINmleniporary Haiiew.
camMS were being eupplled with, vecl' Wayne connty. I**.. Wednetdey. The
At St Cathariaea. Go

-u E ulr. .J.UI,. . Il.ul a,.
riulerle rever te l*ei*.
Tbe wall dlkpoMd ladles of l.udioc•eetidret of Tom gel. k. tbe eld ludiar
Allentinu ia' agtin being direnlnd al
toe have raiMd moury fur the pnrpuae aad U BOW in a very cf
flghter. who wa* known and feared by Ibe war utffee to tbe exiraordiuary ini«ad ooadacUoga free reading room la
the SI* Nations, and wboee expiol'n tality Irooi enteric fevut, or typlioid,
aitiung yonag oinaer* In recent year*.
that eliy. A kite ha* beea •reared and
The uomlier of cave* In emmeetion with
the rooms will be thrown open to tac
tbe Sudan expedition ha* forced tba
paWte this week.
,, , ^ ,
■ atanee*. She wa* obliged to apply to rnbjcct on the ouice of tbe aoibnritlee.
Mul.T.jlu'. l,,»u„ u,,
Baalda* obtalaiag a ebteory factory,
rnt Ibe canto In Kgypi wa* obvionaty
a InbricaUag oil work* aad tbs proba­
T "L
•. >b- ->""•7 !■««. ftie Impute water of tbe Nile, which it
ble colaWiihMo* of a stael ahip bnUd- 0u„...Wb«.«uu|,u.l.U,. c™.
U» p«u« wa* not aluay. practlsable to bnil and
- , U,.7oI„..b«-.ur.l«.
they offered ber.anrvieet U
eiothmedical /egelitlona
lag plaat. Purl Bvroa m*y gut a beet
Ing from a to pyromanta Ih* child |
uod medical atieadaaee at tbe low- Unt tbe rate of India it eren more aeriaagar factory.
to the eettlag el seven gat cost In tbe oonntv. Owhic to her aa for there tbe water acpplied to
The Niiee hmpilal that I* alleged to ,
leeec* aud garritou* I* moat csrefolly
faralab dlptoma* to would-be doctor*
Bristol dariag the last
looked to. and yet (be high death rat*
O. UM, U.
I u,.
Muu 1. ,u». u, Ert, fmmlbu
aalU them fur fll.At or It. aoeording to.
cause is becoming a perm athe hlad of paper OB which they arc «
,UU„.„ u. Uu, «, ,u U« «l,. Bent factor Ilia bclimed indeed that
b, lolUv P.,- 1. th.
tbe mcrtnlily from tbedlacase I* IdOtk KenUey. eae of the four prisoaAt Toronto n body wa* recovered i but dreppod to Si.SO. Tben.Mra. gdek crraFlng. and it 1* tberrfuraeU tbe more
aft who. 1* munthe ago. nacaped from from the buy Weduenday morning. | quietly nemarkrd that she would bid derirable tbet foil aiatittica tm tbe sobthe Uerrten coanty J»1I. hae been m- which wae ideoUfled n* that of Rev. >S pc/month, a* tbe eould live oo that |ect •faDOld be rollectidl and pnblisbed,
captared. Uc aald k* bad lived a mi.- Thoma* VcAdam. a preubyierian min-! ThU move nor.pln.ed the uutboritlr.. wbile ni tbe Mine time *irieter precaooratilc lifr .tnee t . ««*pc and w*. |l«b-r. la'r'y -f Nor-h 1{*>. • ' f irmer- :1ml It * silip loor.t b>d aud they nr. tinoary tms.uree eheold at once iw rnforved. C'l- Jora Uied I I be Ibe lermr of
find to glee biBuclf up.
Morrin Ooilrge. Mont- (erptod it. Un the SS a month nhr will Indie a* far a* the army
At OnvidMS Mr. and Mr* Ellxer B MBi. Tbr drowning waa flrat discover- j b* compelled to live. That ia 16 ceuU but uow iu plar. Is usurped by enteric
BnreoybavrlustoelebratMl the aisu- »d by the howling of a dog arnr a hoi, I a day. aod ah* mutt fnraUb hurowni Irrar.—boirdonC«.«aiK-be*
eib saeivrrsar) of ibrlr ntarrlagu. tataelcewm aad medical attoadanee bntabe ' ’
TbsyStoss sad *1 yesrs old raepcc- dog refnaed to bedneea away aadatay. ; bravely ..y. ,he caa do k aac tba.
Bow to Pr
ih* bole oatU the body woe re. her freedom I*
You an- p.Tbupa aware that peeuMto- Gtorr* Meister of Jackson died
loniaatwev* resu'ts fr>'in a *o'd or
of hnartdiMSMr In Haffalo. She made
an attack of la grippe. During
Bra BiKh. aged m. the alaeplag g^l i
tbr epidemic of >a grippe a few yrars
asagreamcni wlUi bet husband and | ' Mirairaal. wbo has hc«B
bc«B la a etaujof
etal^ Ii '
ago when an many emus rraultod Iu
esnnntod a will to the effect that wben eatalepay fiv ( days, was awaknflrd
TO the Fuhne
roeomeola. It w*e observed the’ ’he
•Mdlndlhnethnrahonldgnttheprop- from
her long alnmbcr Wednraday. l!b* i
^ MthorlW to gaarautraoeery attark are* never f.-llnwed hr that
diMwae whet) {%amhtr>a*B'B Cough
•ny- She-Uetroyed her wU. and gave doctor. In attaadaura oe the F0ui«liSd

•- arms
naad. Um
the pcooarty to her alsur. Now the •Oman s.eraedMl la hriagliv her to ^ m-er^thi^ISS2*r!^
1. ^ taadearyofa cold or Ia rrippe to rehaehaadaaha that the former will be cucktag
-------red hot aeadlr* to bar epiaa. hsuv medletae mad* for la grippe. euU la that dascorwaa diaraae. It to
On Ihw. ft aha was MuUad wlth>ya- •oMa aad whonpisg «oagh. Pries. U the beat rwamdr ta the w»Hd for bud
of petBoatair «
torta aad afurward* alaap. It


0^ '^\c\vu&aTv.
S\v^'5re&Vv'Kea>aS\ones I


I a?. ■=-


of a Year.
During 1898|the total number
of copies of

The Morning Record

j &6Tvera\ TJCtiDS SVems ■
SVeatvedi ‘Srom SxieravoWe \




An ayerage for the entire year of

1,049 Daily.
This will be interesting for
advertisers to consider.
5 1 These figures argue that ad­
vertising in the Morning Record
is valuable.
This also proves that

The Want Departmen
Is a good thing.

Try It.


•nrm KOSjmrO MtOOitP. TIIPAT.jAJTTAgT 90,189».

i •« tta* HmkwvcIm

idkimcif* udfaM


Baldpate did aot ■

The floor i« fnaad
Mr. OrwDp»—Wifat Bo'a aa old
iB iWt >M dM hi tbtCMAflh vftliURbtim
t. «pt kboat Ume
(M apart, and
betvera rr «pon
■•W^Ideclmt 1 took H for enst------------- --------------. theae beau U Uld a «Mne
bon IB 1701 BAd H^adjfcrtctoorUWm. ahool 10 Uu-lm tone. • adbawaamartiad."

•VtetudtMHl ondtMd br QM «r te
» w noBd. Italpk
tea___- -

mm at rtohait mint aad BtiraM fllaBodlMO. atHU»« by bU uetjcbMrb aad
rally dieluwd.
N<4 beint ahU *0
« M Abmum •errast. be

loc-b-wide aod 4 UaA^a thlfJc. fcnaad
aritb a b«jnw >«<ior rdpraad a groom
ocUvuthfv Ae aouB aa Um> baataa
is place tbeae tlha am laid o*«T or

Ibna. gtrim
40 iB# 1 apoB
ama arbirfl
arbicb the workaim
la fd tiM tiam. rlrtMily. haid
KBdaca «bUI ta
d bact. mfaitdM.
my that, aatil the rud Uoe aeitabU
b>dee are Wl U> the floor lo carry off
r. tha Ctrl
ttw ralBwaler
■way. 'imaMrfUtaly apm dtanTWiiv
«lMre the hlocfce are art buwaaa
bvabamne tbc loan act off ta aa aaflfT IHMW or fira iiMdw depth or la« «a
-omm apiai hie bona abd aooo <#aniok aiiderdili mmy ba idartorad aad tha
kar. The |««f w«Mii DTrr rm.Aed . « top floiebad with Ilia flooriiiK. hat
ktrr— aJi»a and Hotbertaod <rm» tadloe arbere they are pat oa top <d tha baama
■flaodamaudon tbaeharpe of mardv. a arparata oMilac W mommrj. The

•ph. lAatkBow. fiahaaaaorttd

_ tr«J for U«. iM,.
Blgbta hy a gri»ly."—Kaw



Ai Uw trial be triad lo prvra (bat b>a b(nV
pooade aarh.
kca«> bad takMi (n«b(. m away. or k* than I* pnead* p<» aqaara root
flMdKd biD o«t of Uw aeadU and daab- <d flour
Ko nrntortaa oT any klad U
■dtbacirlMdaBtb (.pod Uwruefca. btt Bawled r>a terinx thm. and T«y Uttle
dM M anwpt (ba (Maaea. aad VDUiriK U taqalrtd. and thoa tha w(wb
-fUberbUid wae MnMned lo dta opoa le (iuwply and qnlcUy doaa—New
Vork Son.______________________
Thm oaeaatba pUa od tbr taaamOtaecy of cirtunuuutal eTideaa» aad
A arrMrt in The l^im Home JovPhiUdelphU ••a—«.
■D workwl Q|i>ai thaomirt Uwt Uw jadfla - d rraartV
Mayid the aaaUM or diwto o lUI
" Uw bly"-*n annoal loi-ial fnnetioB—ae
‘ "The M<e>t AnrtorraUc flucial Bernt, In
jriBunar eb-wld be Pb yeara
jnat >lAO

Uwaeonland that tbecolpmahoald Aow-rJ-a
The •-aaeiuhly-'
a^Wy U j»«t



gMSi; -

Baber, agad 81. the ddart

"« l»“ 1" PMUMpta.
V. C. Ooodwta bai a new ooowc
called-The Cowboy and tbe lady.” tl
anthorafalp uf which la aot given.

OoriWbi.''^ 1



Knew tl-br it Haaaeaea.
••1 duB't aee why it had to thaw aad
t agaia." mid tbe hul with tbe red

lo }-onr twOM) at obm and aee what 1
ran do U. r.-li.te hiT.



reulJyau»Keda«p«clelceMcUk. lum !

e'Cnuematlua a
ary N.wpuliuu .
aaaxnw he auuueuiDltuar aak.d a !<*■
aiKU ItMiriai ut ble guide aud dnokify
dnvin. wlilj^ ibey were (ramliug
tbniygh tbt. muuaUliw >il r<rmulo.
“Well, yon we. j..or «iwH.ui-y, ' waa
•bu aUfWur. -bmacee 1 ttaJik a* eball
he alt <lu' hMcT (ur ll
ll letiow i-baa
apuo au yuue ibai 1 aai btiipK
aaana Ui trieiuire Iruui all ixiuiiintw—
■iwUi*b. Kr.iM'b: Auieneaii*.
Ibaae bate a teaieliluUtai. and Ibay an
ail nclL“—.\ric«u>ut

„,|rimoulal lir..|«eUU<* ahe wae a;
Mndugly ebe ahc.A her bead,
Then. cen«t haring given lwr"bmd
the ahake. there wae naogbl to A. bnt
th„ dittaba of woman', rarmt
heart—ladUnapoUe Joor-

wanu to lee yon. adr.
Mr. Anlnp—I II bethem in a minate Aah him b. Uke a chair
Undgi4 Hum, .ir, hcaa.v. h«a going
to lake all the (arnitnre. II.-■< fr.nn

Parle* •«•* Plaribiaa.
A Peellrat Belr.
’•The HUB and Stri|«a«. n Mucro '
Uw tlUe .If at b-urt -.*0 iraud new
p.«-«w. and uearly eT.ry <me to them
thyme. M.wrt. I.. "arrow " Ope lui|w jaai. h .wev.r, alMm in "Uir.
roW with fine auggeallveLBa.—At
UuU ruoMiliiti..n

lorea or coufirrm-ei am lu bu delivered
lu <-0(im.uan wiib tbe acuui-i. aud ll
vtib-ully leveU Ibn en oalU-d Ihuater to
II,. tu,.
. p..nt.m. Itafir.!,,..

^membw that I do all kind# of rw
palriag aad eBameling. aad that I aaa
tore ae •.« ai tote bad deflaittoy rw «»ao pa f
“ J****^^ and do give yon the beat work of any
one In tbe city for tbe money.
be deceived by what othem teU Too W
tbe oontmry. but pome and aaa te
OMirgi- Bruadhanil’e new play. "Th*!________________ __
LaM Cbapuv. • ha. a cart of mtwe thaa* (kBiBuiT X »_____ iiii » eaaU.
and if It doM aot prove ao I maka U
-area ft
Hanoab Bifle memeriale
eao K,
be hooehl
bought at tha
the City Bookilot
for <U eeata <Mb.
don boUd^. at aortb «sd c

AM^ArSnpptt -


Ladlea did floctov ffaeoad M.
ehorth will give tea acnl eni^r in
Foraaten' ball Wedaaaday evening.
Jan. St. Beaefll of th# eborcb.

All tbe popaiM in black aad wMte
(ffecta am Tiwy attractive, and on threw
wrwvee black velvet ribtaia aad black
velvet bottone are tiaad.

The iavuiUr chevitma wovrti la a
type cd came]'* hair are made into flnpptr asd &•■••' rtrvet curtamca. triimued
Oreaoeat Baad wUl have another arwith Uack Bitrakhau for
oial party Jaa "
«taa eeat anpper.
alao a fiae
On amitint to the great totange ta
the atoe to Uw dma lOeere it U no
In making np crenlng

ItwTlmtOardwlLS.dS as-Tak­
ing EfiKt 7an- Uth-

•Tape to allow f..r nodi i&tn breadth

John R. Santo,
Gntril tilDiuce.


Pameagar train, leave TmvereeCKy
For t-vvning bdh-ta am mid yard, of ...S5
E.jj a at. and 3:10 p. m.
rochiUK taade to cmtnpl.d chiStm. |u«{fi»arrliaat TravemeCity ll:oo a
> de w4e
ei4e <r Bet. Uodered I m. aad 0:33 p m. Making ooDDMlnn*
<4-veb-i-t or I iDm to colon-d'tolk luck

alldDe rloek a-w.




■hap), p-rfectly aud cl.wo Bi­
ting over tbv hije. I|p< ImIkv pOrUon
low in Uie beck, with a rippling bertha
drapT}' at Ui«.
Tin- muaHiaetairo

Kli: *«a,
• luM ••»
II in a a.

0(7ilfNCh4l CAKOS.

Urilliant nd «-.*U trimmed
with buck P.-n.ian lam}, are cl.- l.v ;aoa
cuvered with black tolk aud ch.-nilloj^
appliqumof nuique |iaiura Kl.wvm to iT
tb.- Mine rich iniuniing cover v«yi“""
cl.xe..«l »l.vvm to the rxi cloU.

■ Hooey'V. lorn



B.rnaBB'a B
lu.e an.


Trutvrw «1»


ill if

Ofc~, Oily Oper. VliHure.
B. W.OIwriNlWAII, A«mu

J. BPcm-, VweTh.arr


i'*"J Tt-wiwupew..
k_____________ _
iLanar a <iato. Atiar^.^ap^.V.
r toettawioP.


Chicago ««
West Michigan.
__ Uoiaalt^B.____!*;.■■?!. ■ '« -a-l*- “


Uf .W' a,., kf;.. lb. .... littl.

A good inti-ntion clotbea itarlf wilb


t Moos.n

..J UI,«l.™ ™,. I,, tu I „
^ tltututltll U .pu ...r, Utlttu ..U. - -» ult.W. htu
Ui^tiifinui prumliea are alwaya to
■op.t of Ui»
bu .Oipcclud.-Tbeodcwe Parker.
|.^e »-ee the UId Mae.
mrli. to (.«im.'tllit Ueatmeuli. klep ad*
1,1. to DO n«- rauning. To art ont'
'■If M.Hiuwbib ha.i any {mipqrtr.'
dlrt.'i it<4i.(D.r are eaiy vphpUa and
!-.-akly c tytlKir Aitomey
laid the oru f.d |4iil.ioo|ibiv, "wbatn batinwi ll Ibe main pniiil,—Foi.Ulua
eau le U.iogl.t uudet mmtuenr inllo.
ciir Opem
Pn*r..Hi*ibeaciirity to ,<*iay aud M. lot■ulliw.
*. i—. OBIem.
oper.B«»«»'kLlhvarv Faiilea.
i„. ,„„.4 j„.re had after be
rera in a i. ry Miort ,<iiur. Tbe flril efAt Iba (trioal apeaiog of tba net* K,,t t.. U-aUtuI li.’OoMUiO y.-urMild and tb« Bworeum. .4 tomorrow.—KiuMMiu.
feet of Ibe cure ii the refreihmeni of
Uarberg hii y.>nnxer rel.ti.m* Ug.ii lu be kind
(be vliBttenrt omiliiatl.m. and Uni leMidon
l*r.»,.-my.Arigbi hand i. indortry
---------------------------grade-'lly bnngi alujwt al.liorroDae (<« Wright i.ild <4 aom« of tbe lirauge u> bimi '—lndlanatadli Jopmal
Id her lei. band .. «™«ali«y.-Zi».-; CHAJ^O,
---------------------------------latod-ai.u uTSpy kind l>r. Itylwkow thing, iu the way to bookafurwbiot be
Btya that lu ot.lAa r.impli.l« rmpita lha b..i hivn Biked. One a{qiiy*4l0B waa
The m.iit--nitiiaWe people are ihnae'Q^
He l*vui|i.ib.-iicaUy>—You bavu a
hypuulic litliiiga aboold cuoiipae at fur a UeA <io the raliiiiiTuf Laura. {
who l..a»l wnoud IbeauU love of otbrm lumlf Woefc.____________________
VegoUr luurvilifur ml lenil oaa year. Humul the Hlbte aad aim a bouk on bad oold
w iTrimiinviK, H. I> Oi^U lUn
Kbe (hnakilv)—1 have1 am fii
Tha l«mt lliiw I', art op« Ibe lurUriale'a iJiUe luyiua to »b< w titob ildeauf Ibe
There I. thi. parados in rride-11 I;
aervci L when be ii aL<mt lo*‘iolwr qu.:*1t>«. lie bad Iwro aoked for a book buaroe lliat if yon attempted to kin* me
ap." Tb. d.a iir aweiU tbal be bai "uo ibv iqiiaiiugof ciicl« Inallaga* " 1 cualda't even Kreoiu.—bootun JimrAnoibir applicant bad waDUd a Uiok nal___________ __________
affaetud a puiiltie cure lu sou rama.
cm (be royal prlutt«i wbo bad aelad at
Keeplaa t amaaara cmh lo L^.h«. and Bad. nitw oat-1
.-ou.jmuy for a loag tUae
akiiiea aiaewhoii.
•elvt. of a aiugU ib.inght.—Brnyera.
| rlum Ana iberuw..oMutbttqi.a«laa
AtllBgbauma. a tillage inibaRwiaa
Tbu aligbiert anrrow for ala ii inm- -bad i.n u pot to blm— Wbotraa
..y.*, ana Ui.v ve kept it nitw of tha
•aaton of I'n. ai <ae of the Itnmei to
tba Coptic Him Who a mommy
Her reUiive. ocwiu boand lo
William Tell trie, to kmp op Ita repptalk tutbe Iblid c.uinryr"
Ure ue UmsdPhiUdelpbia UoUuUn
htlloa f.r abnotiiig ilralgui U«t to MKi
: y .Hto- gBickti of Prtkiw.
iBbabnanii l>*4 n>m and wnmea. are
Tbv «amlla
My noUoo. to lifeorv moob tbe rana w
MCl'-trL-efi: t- TU2:.-: piUu ID tb.
A .w^i'in.- iv.-< Uw baa beuD peoaatbiy are abont traveling. There li a ______ ,~~r
hwi •'-hoeiBaitert «ai cmrriiid off by a
good deal <4 aniDicDient on tbe road.
• t»r».Uat «» WST^i
IS-yeartod girl.
Her father, aevaa
— to
at reit tln^glreotc C Bum. iar«raraaa.
bnt. afier all, one wauu
be a
broibon aod ibiaa Brtata aU ^o*. tba
Mo.iiy taklag niae prtam
It! •>vi-rtiiri>w till- exiiiing order toi
a Bai (• cvwvh.

—........- ............ .

Nni^D C I


trhim. Aiwraer aa. ooaamUor i
. Bpmlal aiwBOua M. eoUmttoi
raot-iBV tnrvuuiPc _________

wlUitn alixit eight ln.-b.-» uf the j aIwo~^ ot
der. ibi»i«>rti..n '

*. “‘■ V

V*l a ■>
-rw xts
-luiA •(»

Ip evening dtvm a irtylr much need
by high clam uaidirtm ii a princem

u ~.uiv .4 tli.-eewrapa U to
^h.-v.»t on
lOackfor - Sew Vork Pwt

Is iiiCt.iH'Kr.,.
(Sis -“SSS


There are many kiude to ptq>lia aad
are tolk doited, with toUTt
yUarCtty on the
a corr.«|>.>ti.UDg Inr <r buirtiue of c>lBrafeefi:- All good, to be
ured ulk crneilng tbe laKtn>iu nirfare •hipped mnit^ deilvored not later
Three patt'-mi .re niiuble (or very tbw sltw p. B the d.y befom a^WHed opt or they will be left over. Train.

"Pmpleouglit nut to U

I. U,fl

........................................... ...



„.B.ider«d the poeelMe

Parti ll now t» have what li termed
_ _
a Tbmlre de _
la Nainre.
or aoleullBe
playbmiie. Thi .lage of the llodlplcm
L.eUwu .rmuged ihiiporp<»o. iprl
UD it will be II...WD pbeODtueua of tbe
earth, air aurt ■Jty, aa well
lulbellvuaof faiurwi esplureri ID the
m.wl curiuua |«rta of tha glube. Lao-

f.,r tl,....


ly to. t«t in height, wai «w«l
'ttS;;*. rSiTfloSTW.
Mute. Paul, in a mcrtti interriew. i bada. OhUbUlaa, Oeraa, aad aU Uia
aald that ih. iabmdedb. write brtmrtB- fcapUoaa. aad poalUvaly «ama Pll^

UeiVm r»-Acb b> tbi- .1I..W


Bicycle Riders.

WMbiean Anlm Salve.

be very UU. eo Jvl.yna H.nvUnd, ttenr- -™

ae a elainiaul. Tba Unke of Urleane ra-1

Talae •* m <■

O. P, CARTn. A«M«


Actffi are not often hired iymeaaore. bat Aathouy Hope dmiml that th<- j

lug aauldainaide.
Tbo arlirkf V int**eetlng in ahawing Uw pninilire aocial
ctutotueof oDraBoeabn aeoantraatad

ireuu mureeie lu i >euuw cue ce. u.
Ibe tar Iwlug it flret olaee farm in Owmany aud lU in lleI«lom
VUwa tbe
Hrlglan ouudoucir applied for paymaol.
(be duke refowd to pay mora ibio I*
uey anil waald cot yield annl awsred
tbut bwrat woold lx ouenapied at Uie
front I. f. latino and not allowed to leare
Ihlgiuu Pelurv be bad eettled. Tbcn
be anyriU paid the aura reqnired. Itii
hardto preuui a maa aetberepreecDlatire .rf fit. UuU aud Ibe (Iraud HonatHOawbowilliNjoahhleovarcarfafBe— Vlimua letter.

..............M to S4



Ever Bum«l Oxt?

.g »J»« rM Ak.. I Battfw. par ».....................
Uaa tongue

txh <A the
••Rhyreolvman oatlayt
•'ll Uiawed and fraaa np ag'ia jart
lu the -’aw^ubliea" in the colonial daye
ao'e to fuol the man next door whp pat
were not Infreqcieotly printed on the BidwaoBoarpand It'e aawoth aa flaw
lawk <d a |>Uying card, dnuoratod with agala.Chicago Port.
Dm jack of bearta of the qneea of
riahe other eU\luO07 rm|aiqiUy be-

Orkane p.«m.«.y



the "tae.”

with thorn uf tbe pmwmt day


ialtoOpptoto pUytbetoadiagnfle Pola»«; ba....
I tbe D«w tragedy of K|wauh Ufa writ-1 flail
<1 by Mm Craigia and caUad ‘The, ~

Bwaw afaou bid aeelk aail Mui* binwair

. horn, but it wae uu donM lu hanuuay
VUh the apiril uT tbe linuu.
Tbae baJpb miibarlaud Urad. Ui*^
waya iieedaiuae. UeB.-ldo«a qiuka Hn
toagb. tBprrioae laaxuwr bad gooa
Taan rnl lowed ymra.
At each leaatoa
tt the ooart Uw bnAea hum twine bedota Uw har or yneiioe aud ailaoily
^aad tba aouae that cKcIhI hu arvk.
At Uat bta ularty -mnili yiwr tupff.
aha -tliue wbeo tbe jvort ha>J ordered
that tfa< uiiutal laaally of Uw law
gtrr'-* U> <-a<e.ii(wl
I'It ibi Uei oma
aha mau loueno beftitL. ibe yadge'a
hweh. boi uew jadgm bad anasi la
Ibe iMMl. new |a« > bad br.fu made, old
on owe iMrt Iwwi rurgvIMi or tunpeon.
aad tbore wae ■. ew who wnuld auu-Bee
hUa V etwouletailiewB. ludnel Uw
awfal rmtnifiKai ilut had bunnd bit
tlta ao lulJoiau-ly in Un- espiatxia >it
hiaoriaw.- wae u.iw iTpiltj tbiuotwL
Bet ibeepintur aclf pnnuibnKatt ounttoiwtl. aad wbeo HnUwrtaad. afire, bo
bad |uaMl blebundmlUi yuar. waa
aovend dead, altme in ble booie. tala
tbnai wae funud tu U’ eudn led by tba
lupe wbtub bad two placed Uusv oearly
tbne-t(uunifre uT a oeaiury ladotw'Yootb'e Uaiiptuiiuo


Kariaa McBaary. daniUnor o( a (orner goawMr «T Loaiaiaaa ta goiaf 1»

ciooa drama with a happy eading.

<ha raltamd uu hu dm ,___ ^---------—
year* «.ld. atwl lu diajrway—difflcnlt
..vdlior tha Oiwl.cuth* fd
Uw.paaqMrt <d birth>y <*• that
ty- Tbe
exelnalm from ita eery birth, aad owe
of Ita wrly nmtrtUiaaa waa haard on
tbe qa«» tiT tbe eUglUlity fur taatnUraUpor Umae
Tbeewrly -%aa
rwrh. wbirb


Victorlrti Rar^ baa aaariy flaUwd
Ma --Bobwipierrr" (or Beary Irriag.

A new pUy hr Max O'BML wUeh
Miw Olga KeUmole wUl prodsoa. to

Owtie (lo tsoala. a bagiaaer)—And
why A> they nUl tbe boya '-caddlmr'
CoobIb — Oh — «r —bocamw—ordoa'tctwr kKTW. tha -caddia'' bulda

to ^twe that ba won bu tadaa ot la<amy aad 4wp« bu eriaw in lutad
traa a mum crdel dnnoop ibaa the na-

Balaw to a Itot of tba bnhw a«d flO-'


Loeiw Ttondyke BoocicaaltlB p)ap>
leg a afcrtcA a eandaviUa

‘ Tl,.r«l.,. ud lj..d.r.-lutd«ll.l.-

H,rb*TgBT*ii^ir.«'u*. ameui

=s-.Si?»g;aH?';:tSS viTESa

- i_

Bvwy tailor kauwia lot of proBltoaii
'pooag wan
Balloira are aot bottn. yet they aftta
■ama to hluwa
flaa>«Beaaroqaiter«ialar lacbtof

hafaitt—«Dt tbrw taatili am iMMl
Aa rithaoBe to arTranta ii ooe way
Lu KcmiBaui fuuiaihe ftiaadiblpartiBB accoaaa a aian M

Tba MM who tl aaaaliy «r«ag aavar
akqa uUuag abaat U «b«i babap


•abensM|l a mif la a rmwdad car that tba
gMadmg to a ««ll brad maa I. tMVrt
Tha atrtb ptoe tt Ilka a w<m
haAat—«• allhaowwiMra u atmaM
At a ral* lha maa wka aartm .
WM«M»P baa a maUve la vw*
- iMttaawMflamaa aneUykaams

Why ia a blliaard Uke anlBatoo#
In -r«7 riaw tbe o*i-1 irff.i.i.„duer Bucanae it a abaavy Gael
iiueactv i4 gii. ll >1 imyileiDrtiU
nuJIt ini.t.giN.l Wrlirtvliy order. I
Uwr.i.we ^l..•i.,.,:|hde.Bp^we-tiOBB»d'
avlaan.lua. ____
all u.-««p»per. that have
uk. com u> town
bllberi.* aw«vr"l
All A-Hula*?be agtiia an a-wHlcHi fc«t
tmhll>ber» .tul .gtil.o will be amnUff Tlwrv'i one ilmt a miwrLaJlr eomlc t«
and ponnJwd with tbe aimo.| -verity I km P*rk l.lm .. fur H I a* aWr to .
■Wo.In ao nrrreUkr .
.... aelln Hoimwuui an
To he h.uahtir .a bein Jea eaneua ■
euiimamn Umi'o a irrin li
(ilfcratiaW* *
ain't >
It ba* l>v-n amnniad by « Urge aamher .4 i-vi'lc miwciaUy In SngUad.
I apeohar tbai'a pawla
that liilmliar ba*• alwaya t
the vtrait ahh-h ivwri Ita name
Ivdief wwerTt.ux'KBiitil reoenlly Tbe
w iw korpe uUdn 'boat Btmre>
otmt l> 1-4^ miUa wide and tb .
leui gnu* mi.antrd at (iiliralUr hprt<
lire iwuhl m-t
;U.\ nivcr that dm-

m* U ihe umie m which be'd be

. m aU .irlM. aa Pm wUUa lo
tam-a A fen ntvk. ari. leiwrve^. two
.4 lb* aew.ei b V Iiiih wire gu^ *6 flame wom i a-an ibm fur tba aal
fart In UaitfUi and flntig a pruj-^U to i
•to) poaad. wri.Ht. «.ce tmrtaV* «a *"
Earupa pmai


^ frm frem any *w

T>w*r gva. bare a taag* I *i ow ataa cbat 'a a-trrka u

to Ibadtaa aaa we




___ _

protapeoorringand iwearifig i,, ^oe
•»»t every peraon of
deiaau aod daapiaM


poB aw-ForaUW room to real. «Ojm»

t S 8s* £8s*

II ’itflitMiiiBittfl iiiai
i,T;*ni-aaaaaoaon»aa *«aaa
|:j|Sflfl«SSkisfls«8tS RgflSfl


Artificial beat to aU kiilda U dainar
^tubutotbiudinga It aotiml^ cracka
thi Uatber. trot tbepaate. A Urge faovl

I, fcg-j:.?**-***—*-^^^^***JL
r—I araaeh tmla airlvm M WOO mm.


A cargo to parruta that arrived fai
Uith. actoland. waa beoght np at oaoa
by a firm to whtaky naaanfaetnrefa
Tbe bliAa ware toagbt lo cry "Drink
Shak e wbiakyl" end we thea dia
bribated la glH cagaa to Uverpoo) •*


IIB; .____

Dried haaaaaa are BOW bring eeportaxirr--l^o .aUraW
ed from Ome-tnUad. They are mu-oded i J? riaot eireei. ee.t>aUr u«
aa a aahrtitnte foe niains in BritiA
'_________ .-------------------------------

air water jdaced in a
book* wUl Bioirtm tbe air eoSedenUy
to prevent tbe drying to tbe tntbm.

4’KC« = Stet;£I!SfiS8«irBS«S

epO agXT' Paralahrt rao—a aa«
X tv» liaiei or moa aa* *»•
beul. piano, amt elnm to even reel
mim to tm ngkl pooel*. Mre t

Tbm> are thrm neway little Amerl;
aa papera In Manila.


ertid Ripldi S Iiilliiii R. R

haagnetarenMo Omn* lUpwa
Team hmvlae Trormr CU; *1 ll'.l* a. m. bM
aUopPf rtomA^ bnpia. v»Olnete*wtl.
TmtaUaetMTiaror-otijn. tOia.m.haa



atotoer <raia%W Bapid. w caimca.

atobOOKiromo. P.aT.A.OraadaaM

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