The Morning Record, July 08, 1899

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The Morning Record, July 08, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


THE Momm© MEeoRa


S«lf J>9UUM Pr0T*d ftad H«
Wu Acquitted.
3» v«
TbM ft not
tft KUl AflftftMft-Otfcftr oaoftrs
V«M UOoMpiffter ftftd Oftftorftl
X«M Wftft to Hftoo Pom PlotfttorI WPo aappoftoft 'Mlm Mow

tM»dr x«rfti *• ArtiMiAolUftilft. J*ij “ —Tko trtftl fttOftteafttau of tb* lUr*** o( OMOfftl Lftftft,
piM ru

emSelftUp I^ftifti ift •> SBdMrer
to BMftpe Wren

WoiBfaipsd in

OoMV Jftlp T.^firo ftt 10 o’elodf
Uii BorBiftc U tbo tether tetorp
BatiaBptta of tba Daapaen KniSebftdt b lifttbovBOft. ftt 11 Woodward,
did peoBBlBiT dftBftce. baftldee
BoBtplota rrotrraaaa Oanled Oat—
belBC raepODelble (or the Irjerp of taro
Brotaota Sdtatet Opaatac ftSuVxCUrft L^bold. ftfftd It, eUabed at ft
third etorp wiodow jUl IrbM '
eoMO bftfBtoftt, trca wbew te
to tbo pftrBHMt. She etreek oo her
tea ftftd btftMt Bad wae probaUp (aeolthe
taUplaJarad. Parewiift Deter
rooa where the tra broke oat, bad Ua
teabtdlpbarftad. b BBabor o( clHa
•aeplopcd fat the aaao roon oBeapad

eeeitioBaoa Beadap-Alao ActUtt
BaaSlBC el OoBCntoBaamebarti

Datrolv Jalp 7.—"Sbowara of Blaaalar aad •'Ihereb Saaablaa la Mp SoBl
Todap.*- ware Ue teTorlto bpaua aaac
bp tbe Chrtetiaa Badaarerere Uh
Bonlnc ea ronte to tbe *'q«tlat bear'
^oUM M ^ Cfou4 of aoU dofftDM.
la Tnt BodnTor. Bearr ralaa drftaebTW
abowod Itaftt Uoro
ad ererpUlarlaelrkt aad Ue attr
^of Lftftft
^bliitp of tbe Bodeeeor teate to
-'-•■4 othOT oflwn to km AfftiftftWo ftsd
aselade tba r^a waa tulip
Lftftft dloutor.
lOMft'ft 4ftftlh ftMW to h*TO •tfftftrtk-’
Ber. Df. J. Wnbar Chapftian, leader
•M'AfftlftftUo'a Uftdonblp lor Um Wilis of Cspuin Dickens Per­ eftba‘^BiatboBr,’'aadfl O. SBptb,
tlM. Lftaftb oftpporlofft on ftow oattbe New York foepel facer, aUsod ea
wdly lonl to AoJ
tba pUUoTB wlU bate oa direetioc
C* and Ulaldlnc U
ft Ift tbolr PeeWoBoa aaleat from tbe atraami that drlbblrd
I BeSftUo-TleUiB . tkroacb Ua b‘c
Teal BodaftTor « tan broad
Wm Voted io Idtorerp Oirolae.
dPopolkM VUl Xmp 1b tbo KUdlo of
WaablBctoB. Jftlp7.-Plre asd di- aad lone ezpaaae ofablniacaBbrella*.
Boftd ftftd X«Boro tbo
ptoalan Im the raaideoee ot Oftptala Seareelp anpbodp tend a drp apot w
Sic ntfttoo.
3. S, V., ftt 10:«S tbla BOTB- ^t apOB.
Attar a tlBa tbera waa a abort
Tmi« Bftftto, Iftd.. July 7 —Tbo Pop- isf. reaulted io the ehockSnr death ot
ftlMi wlU ftot l«M »ltb ftitbor tbo Mr*. DLekebt, who waa (ear(BUp bon­ tlal eaaaation,ot tba
■DtBMMto or BopftMloftftft 1ft lb* ed. ' She dlod be(ore Bedleal ftaaUUBee tha“qnlethoSr^-waaearriei on bbU
•Mieftftl oftatpftlfft 0(1900, but wlU fo ooBld reftoh bar.
wkleb Bade tba Utlea
Hondreda of poaac perItftloftolatboBUdloof tboroftd. Mpo the boaae were errerelp wouaded.
bnred Uealemanta aad speared
OhftlnftU MortiBftr C BMkla of tba
Iba D'ekoM r«eldeaee U » ba
■ftthMftloftfttrftleosBlttoe. ChftlrmftB tbroa-atorp brick. It appear* that a at Ua c»aa^ lo' ^
tortbonftoro BOMrto tbftt tbo ptuBber asd bU aaelatut had bees o'cloek a poatpoaeaanl,
worklntr ea tbe roof aad were ooslac for Ue Use betec at leaat. war InerlbiU ft BOfttb Oftrller thfto the codtob- dowa ctalra wtU a Uebted Britlof table.
tte o( the otbar Wc ftftrtUe. to tbel
PlBBbB Voftcba detected tbe Soon afur tbe break of dawa tbla
Ibaro wUl be oo ehftpee (or (utoa b^b odor of caaoUae and mw a woaaa' Bonlnc tbe traateeaof Ue United Soeietpof OirUtlan Eodearor calbercd
■ftltlMr plftt(oroM or
apriakllnc tbaflald on the floor,
PopftUeta ftre ftt praeoBt badlp »lii tee ba oorac Ue pot tba laBca ea- at Ue Bote! Cadillac to diaenu aerenl
.ftoftrlbeqftMtleft o( aortp prlod^M. ploded, enraloplac Ue aatin Ulrd mattere left eadeterBlned at Wedne*bftt it te hoped to Bo^r the pertp eiorp la a Baa* of flaBre.'
dap'* n*eetlnc. The moat Imoortant
Tba BOB aaooaedad la uakiac tbelr ww Ue oonUlaratloB of a promt tron
wap to tbe rear wladowB and neaplac Ue alniaterlal allteaee of Toledo
.PVSSIOAV OAPITTBIXV LVZOV to Ua roof of an adjolag boaaa. Tbep acalast tbe openlac of tbe fttm ot Ue
reeelved aerara borea. Wbaa Ue Sre- Obib oenteoalal on Snndap. After di*.
. Spftftiab OofttatMloftars Bap AmtiBea penetrated tbe Ulrd ftoor tbep caaelac wutee to tbecntnrp ezpi
Bftldo Xaa Seot Then Vortb.
foaad tba tarriblp blaekeaad aod bon­ od bp Toledo
Uaftilft.Wftlp 7.->Tbe SpaBieh i
ed bodp of Mra. Dlokeat oa UeflMr. Ceaeral rMolnlloa wae aaUorltod. preBlaatoftere ntorfted helb tooiebt (iob
Oeptala Diokenateona <rf Ue baal- tettloc la ibe naiM of tbe ChrliUaB
Eadaarer eee’e<p acainet Ue opeater
,Ualr eoB(ei»aee with AcBlaaldo ftt kaowB ofBjan ooaneeted with
.Sbrte. Ihep brncht with tbes tba aarp dapartaaeat. At tbe time tbe of Ue cam of ar- national exptetloo
Bpaalab rarrleoa o( Baler, whleh re- Maiaa waa blown np la Haraaa be waa or fair on bund*/.
AaoUer rraolatlon waa aaUoriaM
Awttj aarTeBdared to tba
aoUatchlafof Ua aaTlgatioa bni
after a alere ot mor* tbaa a pear, and aadrwelTBd tba flnt dlapalcb froB promUac acalaat Ue aeaUoc of ConBricbaa 8. Boberta Of
Captain Slpabee prlac laforfflotloo
Ue dhaater.
-ftmore with bfalaaldo foraceaeral
Mr*. Dickau U an author of at
« ol the Spaoltb prlaoaera la the 'BOte, one of bar baat-koowB booka ba- mittedto Ue ceneral oonventlon tor
hftftda of tba Faipiftoe.
iac “AroaDd Ue World la a Maa-of- adoption.
lhap report tbftt tbo ABerleaB prtaos- War." SbawMftlao a (reqaant omTbe tniaieee oonaaBed aome time la
ftfi held bp the iaaerceato bare beea trlbotor to Ue Bac*<>aM
Ua dl*en«aloa of mattea
ftaat to tba Uoeoa prorlaoea. oa the
Ue 1900 eoaeaaUoaaa Lndon, iacladrt of Lftaoa sad ^
lac BoUodeaad nmof ocaaa traaiBiVOBVB MOT i>0WMBD.
portatioa. bat adjoaned wluont 4edVbte ftftd LftoftC' ntproelooaa of llMoe, ObU asd
Koalelpal OwacrUlp la Detroit aot aHaaeUoa.
Doom 8w are 1b tba Bortbwaat of the
Tat Dead!
lalftBd of Leaoa, Vlraa. eapltal of Uo-


ID FtfSlON IN 1900.

ooa Ser, baa a popalatloe of 19.000 aad
te tu BllM froB Maalla, Lao^. oaplMl of Uoeoa Norte, baa a popalatlos of
ST,000 aad U aboftt tweatp aOlea tar
tbor froB Maalla. The ellBata la mbaldwaV* eoolSr tbaa at MaalU. parVeolhrlp la Uoeoa Norte, wbkh la a
hUp enaatrp.
Aftrn- a aeore of ABerioaBa are la
the bftoda of the laaonreBta. PlfteoB
of Ihoaa are LteatoBaBl Olli
hh partp from the rooboat TorktowB.
i la ao 'fttteBpt to
raaeee the Spaoiab (arrlaoB at Baler.
IT are odd etracrlera pick/•d ftp hr the rebel* at earioat tiaea.

Datrcdt, Jelp 7.—Aroead Ue Placroa
cffieaa la Ua MaitoUe balldlac. H la
aaaerted that tbooeb tba Sop
eoert boa knocked otat Ua McLeod act,

w atopped, and that a (
aivaplanef kaTlnc Osrernor Piacree
roaforjaapor wlU UU Batter aa Ue
mala Uaae U balair prepared.
It li InUBftted aa effort wUl be Bade
to put Uroneb Ue eetaeBe of karlac a
oorpotnUoa taka Ue atreet plants la
troat for Ue dtp. Tbe Plarreeitea
arealu proaleUgr that when iadca
rp of Oraad Baplda eoian ap
for ra-aleotloa to tba
Uep wm debt bh reBOBlnatioa. Joatlea
term wUl expire
two peara from next Jannarp. and Ue
Speelal VeeUac of Board of Sdaea- election of bte aaceeaier wm lake
noB to Protee te Bette snob.
plaoa la the aprlac of 1901.
Tbwe waa oo ^aoniB tor the apeelal SVOLAVO DBtS VBADt FOB WAV
of tba board
MllodWlaat Blrbt to
Freparta to Flcbt Ue Baen If Fm^Mtteof brick for tba aawaobeol adtec Vfcotiauoa* FaU.
eitioaa. TbapraBMdbrtokbalac «aad
te dealared bt Areklteot Moore to be
•odafeatlra that It te Badaalrabte te
report that naam aoppUaa and aoiBaMBit, the board wUl ftt tofatlte
altloa bare beMaaat to BoeU Afrioa.
acala Moadap alfbt to take the aaoaaOeaeral Batlar. eoamaadteetbatroopa
la Capa Coloap. ha*'
afor Ua traaaTKBOVeV VZOBZBAV.


I Work of Iln
Departaent Freraatod Wbat Klcbi
Ban Beea a OoaOp Blaa*.
Tbe pea tetorp of N. B. Keeaep A
Sane, weat of Ue O. E. A 1. depot, aar
rowlp aaeaped daatraetloa bp (Ire laat
niebu Abnt N:4S Aamce wen dteeorend tkroacb Ue wlodpwe of Ue buildtec from Ue oppo^U Mde of Ue
and an alarm waa taned te Imi
atelp. Tke Sre
kble epeed and did axeallant work la qaeaebtec Ue fiaaca.
The Sre bad r>
wap tealde Ue bolldlnc and tbe earroaadlnc* made it nrp diflealt to r«t
at Ue bnlldter te effeeUrc work, but
prompt aeUon loon ooatroUed
blace: A brarp wind waa blowinf at
tbe Ubc aad Ua TnveraaOltp Luabtr
00*4 foroa waa eallad oat to ba nadp
aa Ua parda ware
tboBcht to be te daaxar.
Tbe tetortor of Ue bolldlnc autateedad*iu.iCe of aboat SMW and
Btook of cnlab. poaa> tena aad other
a wen dftBaced Mntidatablp bp
fin aad wpte, tbe extoat of which it
latotoUBato laat al^t.
AtbaSnoriclaatod te Ua aaat aad of tbe baUdlac-

On an nilraada are being
bnt it wOl not pay yon togo
then to bi^ yonr shoes. Ws
started s

City Book Store.
Glean Sweep
Shoe Sale BENDA
Bsiph Ooxuubls Jr., Xs^er.


And wt’n eotting prioes oo

ThaaVkA-haadaoUad to fte ToaaaacMtetoat Ual
•a aaotetetoChaiteetoosSaadsp.
dalplb fhaateteadaha «U ba OslFflntete.
•fWSMta*^ alfldfftftb MahMi tfUl


Owlar U tba dlataaea ot Ua tetorp
from Ua Sn hpdraate tbe aamber of
~ mit it aotod lor_______ _ _.
and ba addad amUar Ua* of
hoaa,attoQbadtoUahFdmat la teat
of 8totebarr9 0faad.m Waat at
Ba did aot wait te nlaatoan to I
tba ead ofUaboaa aataa Ua t
aad tertadblBaaU aapaai te aaca
teaaoUarteBitotote osUsBaite.

wm MU yoa wlMt he-, golac to do BOXt io tbo

all broken lots Tan Shoes,
Oxforda sad Smnnier Shoes.

Sunday Record

It will pay yon to look —
Tt»o*U boy.


tomorrow’s Bocord.

Here is one
of the Many Styles


‘New Idea Patterns.’


Ten Tear Coitruts
Made bp Mlebicaa Telepboae Oo.
for aap claae of aar«lee daalnd.

SubscrIInrs Muf Caieel
at end of alx monUa or ebaaca
aop elaaa of aerrioe at wm.
Telepboae Ue aana^r to ealt
aad axplalo new ram adoptod bp
Ue eompaov.

Mlcblgan Telephone Co.
JilifaDS’ Hama CiGir

Gate Post


It WlU onroly onrpriio yott-Look oy^tht bl« ad In

Popular Shoe House.

we iOii>w in

Tbit and oos tbooaAod other styles of
patterns at Ten Oenta encA

»»—»«**» m-wwwmw.

BtM a. H. w. a. w.

After we move
you will be pleased


To MS how>nnoh batter we oan displev ths

Kimball Pianos


In a Itrgor otora with, inorouod fOoUlUoo for oxkiblting their superior merlis. Onr now store wUl bo MpootoUy oppolntod for the dlqiloy of mtuicnl monhxndloo end >11 Inotromenu, in coonoctlon with the

Piano Which Made
Chicago Famous.
After we move wo wm giro > araphsphono Oonoert, with the new “Grend'’ Ornphnphone. We went
evetybody to come end enjoy it.

In the Xerkhem Block eboat tbe 10th of this month.

bp win at Patoakap and notiSad of tba

amaaa aeallMla waa............................

eharseter by the >tstioiiet]p
that is nitod. Good statioa*
477Js not necessarily expens­
ive. W« will>oon reeelTe sn
•legsnt' sssortment id ths
very latest in box and bnlk
goods st.sstoteishingly low
We will nit onr eompetition wide open on tiiis line.

made to Dotrmtietbb

First Class Rnana Cigar.
porUtlM of troopa alraadp Uara.
adjtetec Ua offte*.
Eicellut Daalli),
Viftftk erast of darfi dd. inU Blda Oft Birbt apaeial-aarrloe offiioi*. oaa of Tteatodraadbaildtecan fallp tewhoa la Prime Mialate Saltebiirp<a aarad, Uroach Ua acMof-«f John E
Via Wheat.
i New TIriBg Worth Caltiratiig,
rnftk Otaal of OardaM atartod Wad- aoe. Lord Edward Caell. ban baaa or- Maucar E T. Edwarda waa eat of
MBdap M a loa» tear thneck tba dared to co to C*pa Ooloap to orcaaln Ua dtp, harlaclaft <ar Cbtepcaa
•tea, the Joantep to be aada oa s
isk Tear Dealer for Then.
earlooa polate oe tba IrMtlar. Addi- paatoMap
anllkalp to
Be wUl ride to Oraad Baplda, Laa* M^t'Xateaaaao aad BaatM Barber, ba aaat eat la Up aaxt (aw dapa
pWttac rtlaUtm at Ua diffaroat Tba eoBBttadar-ia-ebief baa beea eacacadia
r tba orcaaU.t'.M
pteM n«B tba latte |daaa be erOl
________ Valarffateaa wUU
tehaabMtto Cbteafo wbara ba wiU aadeo
ItwlU beBBoaaaa^U uad to SonU
.pWttHUtrlaada aad ralaUna. Ba
la Ua areat of Ua praaqei aeW ba coaa aboat Utm wftakt.
ioBa wlU UaTiaaanal paoTlac

Can Judge

Tonasltor Block.


Fin iDsunRCn

We State
Simple Facts


When wo oay wo hove tbo boot Lsdieo’
Bhoo In the dty tar tajOO ud $M0—
Oxford! *t 88. 60. 7»o. *L00, »185.

eiAOudesoa >ow mu of euppon
JnotnoitTod, ■

Parker Bros.




vn MORVXvo naooso.


Lirtist lid mil Cinfltti
stict If

9r. Btkar VIU to m«M Twtoy to
VB4Tn«X0tTT. •


Anwr* iDr tb


Dr. BO». iiifitiry «(«to 8UU
Bawd «( BMlth. yaattohy. ato
T. BAf un» J. W. -EAnK*- ttottowaaMtotatto ally today le
atTi^wala lor «to aaaitary
t. W. BAxaM. Sattor asl M«—fr
OBlIai wUto toa toaa diaaaMcd

TtoaUyotDatrali la tto
aoaahodadiifcaitada* *»f«
«(tto tefiM wfBdlaatiaa ad
ararton la tto astlfa worid. ato
rlBf Ij
l.*0.000 partonUraa* aaMtorlaf
Ttoyfattor. BMlattoa
BMla i
>at ot all. I

sattatol aoBfaBOoB, aolttor B^iUat.
par Mattodtot. aor Itoahytartaa. aor
OMfTatatieaa) oafraadaia oaa polat
taoraad.araeanatieB,arrita»L Tto
fligaaiaatlaa ataadt almply tot tto
aattra atny of toal aadaaror la Protaataatiaab
Tto Ant a
I la WUUatoe DaacracaHaul eharak, Pertlaad Ha., In rabraafy, lUl, wlU tto parpoaa “to pto^
m0» aaraaat Ctototlaa lUa anoof tto
aantonhlp, to ineraaaa tto vataal
Of ChHatlaw. and
patottovneraatrfalla tto aarrioa
Pi God." la mt tto aealaly tod 4Si
wanton la tto Daltedduian. laiio?
aawafO,OOOdalaBataoattwdodtto la-

Furniture, Stoves,

Bnd Baaiw had a breed of IM Aao
faala. Lataly thWna hanoojiyod toe
nwh froodoM abeat tto prrnhaa aad
rradfUeUmthatif the dopredatiow
aro irpooted bo will hen oonaoa
>0. Tto lataat theft waa a Aao boa
BeoUUa the ttofia,
« an WlUay ohlokoaa and the
owner tinady to
troobU toah
tar thlerea aad oowa.

Hn. F. M. Aabtoaha^mtoraodfiom
Plarida whore aha waat for tor toalth
oontal moatka aya She la faaek la»pw^ la health.
Ornyytot MllU and wife of Blk BapIda ware la the dty bet alyht to attoad tto play at Btolahory'a.
Loab Home of Fife Lake ataendod
to play at hulatory'a laat onnlny.
Mra. C.W. L ftaywoU aad daayhtar
of KeoxTilla, UL. aad Mba Plareo of
Ohloayo. an at Old Hlaalca.
8 B. Bradford el Maalra, la ta tto
J. Bhaek of Potetoay, ww la town
Oooryo Aaadon aad brldabanctno
lo PUat. altar rialtley la thb city wltk
Mr. and Mn. A Abtou aad Mra. Wlldmae.
Attoraoy M C. Dodye toa yoae to
Detroit to otload to aoma baalaaec matira.
Mn. O. W. Boob loft yeatorday for
Detroit for a rMt of aanral wwka.
0.8 DoBBelly wont to Omoaa yaotorday oa tto ataamor Oalambla.
Mra. Mary Blsyior baa yoea to Fentoa for a rlait with trloada.
O. W. Millar of Maaltotaa. b la tto
oily rbiuay with hU hrelher W. W.

SaaaBpmoBt Xaotallatioa.
At ttolr reyeUr moottay laM otaa
lay TtarermCity aBoeaipaioatKo. ta.
L O a r. laataUod tto fdlowb« efl
ora. '
C P.-Tony Tbereoa
B. P.-J W. 8
8 W.—Wm. CO


iiH ctv 4«*a • ew*((A*p»e'a*o

•pnada Xdko VUdAra.
Toa oaa't hoop a yood thlay down
Nowe of it traeeb feat. Whoa thlayt
an ‘-the beat" they beoome “tto tool
MUlay.-* Abraham Bara, a leadlay
--------------- -------eif—I MJtA dnwpd.----------«iA« «f Com trie-8IU«
I hare ever haadlod la my M yean ex~ Toekaowwlijl boetdb
eaam ba«rU bi dborden la the
lieor. kidney, boweb. blood aad nema
Kloeble Bltie

EJ55. L

eortk bMBOair «
leTwelfiaOiMM. Oa >Aa

_____l«e kue*
M o’clock o. ■ oa ta* 4


parlAea the bloto, otreaytheM the acrIroa. tonoa oent mdUtodoe of mala^
dba It ballde np tto enth
itlre eyetem
pnb>ow Ufa aad rlyor Into
to any weak,
woman. Only
dekly, rna-dowa ana or wot
Sold by J. O Job!
; WalLdr

House Furnishing Goods
That liBs «T«r bMB shown this tims of tbo yosr—Ana
in ordsr to rodaso It sad kosp mj whols foros bosj
thronfh this dall moath I will glrs 70a tbs biffsst
bsrgslus yon srsr thought of gstttag—Corns la sad
SOS. Oar 4 floors srsps^od full of Bsmplsa

J. W. Slater, Boose Fornisber
Slioare—120 B'aroaa.-tSt.


Card ot Tbanka.
I wbh to klaaly thank the Oaltod
■ TMWumoawacVBpaaaopTeacklBC a
iBtoe Benevolent Soebty
Mleh., for tto pmmpt eettl< ment of mr
abk bcneAt eUIm __ onnUny to I
c^?L**«o pmoa ohall ride a Wcrelo. Mayttooomr
ipany live lo~y and proapm- b minet and my fam'lyb bmi
'ery iT*peet*o It.
78 If
Paop 8 8 SiLVXM.
Uall be eriowfol to aaj pci^
mom u ure*. ocai’or. loaw. owoep. dopeWt. SoDothiay uifel. eh-ap
Udiea’ akoppley h««t. >8 eaai
tto farnona.
CIV. Mr rlooo. or brokca ruoo. lack*,


All details of the profession looked after in a professional manner.

sv.s:UK;5'5,’Si.rssi“7r. r..'

Tkara vara ttoa 41 m aoelotlaa, with
Oar Milliner. Miae Palmr*. b loavhiy
a nantonUp ot t,600,ooo. la im
for tor Twmtloo. Sunday, /nlr «th.
Ibara w« 41,HI aodoUea la tto
Anpne wbhtny tor aerrioes ploaae
Dattad Alataa, aad M.lSl la the world,
aai prcBoa or prrMo. to ouck aa catoat a* to
icarcctaodlu water or wad ikcrm. ta barohartap a laamtonhlp of I.SM.OOO.
•ordlair to tto report nada at Detroit
tbto toa toon laoreaaad la tto Uat
rar to l.tM.oo(L
Aaa Bala rotamod yoatarda? the IHkdMathiptcwbcS ta oack■ aad rrarr
ihic OrdI
' Tto Idaa < f OltrHUaa bdoaeor work from aa abaeaoa of aomo time rbiUay r*ar.aadlLe<oro«totSccoedlilon e>
waa arifflaal with tto Unltad Stdtaa, reUUna ip Chieaye aad Oroonrllle.
aacnoB 4 Abj penoa
Bot It haa axtaadad to aeary otniiaad
Mn. W. M. Clark of Onad Baplda. rielAta
rtolAta >0X0(14#
or ro^ulrcweai*
e( tac pipriatOB*
aoaatiT la tto world, and protoUy bo- btto yoaai ot Mayor Baalltoa aad
AM tto aaat aaaaal maatlac ttora wiU wUaofBaaaatOottaya.
to ttoaaaada'ef aeUre workan la Cato
Dr. W. J. Biyrtaa wUl loan today
rerto Blaa aad tto PhUlpplaaa.
for Port Haroa. where ho will attoad
Ttoaowpoooaaolooa of the OUtad the maoUay of tto State Dental So­
•IMM cfltf woedarful poaalkaitlaa for^ ciety
•to Ohrtotiaa Badoaeoran, aad that
Alle^ Bodyot. who laa bcoarblv
•to aealaly will to a powarfal taator la lay her ynadinother. Mra Albriyht,
hloa^.»?pi5l.loo 1. Wl. .rt,
keetapif elrUlcalloa la oar lalaad on Ninth etrott. for two woeka. will
—.— ^ M oaaared taeb
ntara to her kotao la Bodyoa today.
(wt7str'.»otw>'i2’Sirc«r oi T...W
Mra T. Plnmmer aad ohUdroa. who CIV aroOen-tercpoalcd.
aacnoa »- nu ordlaaBcw »baU take elhei
’Twasn’t onr coffee. * If yon had or­
.Tn war drpartauat baa laanad or- tonboaa Tblilny with Mra Bd. Peaae •tiaecrpIratlooodwrBVdarBaOar
lu pair
dan to tore toa adolUoaal reflmanta left for tto north yeatcrday. They were
*'We ul hofcbr rani V ikai Ike foreratar aed)
dered some of
.to'Utadfjr iamadlata oarrica to tto aooompanled by Mba OUb Peaae They aaacp waa — — ’ br ibeCouaciloT taocilj*'
pklUppiaea and tto work ot raeralUnr win apoad aoma time at tto eorthara
A. W. Ricaeoo.^V Clerk
toa alnady tofu aad tboaaaada aro worta
Wfor to aarro the yorerameaL Aaaony
Mn. Jaa Smith of Oeatnl Lake, left
•bona oAcriar their aarTlaaa to Ui^e for home yeeverdey attar rlalUsy her JJEPORT
ton tor toralyn oarrloe are nany un- Bbtor, Mn^ J. BUwart ot Bnt Biyhih
Of The CondlUon of the Trarano City
ton of the Thirty third aad TUr^- atnoL
State Bank.
to^ reylmanu of Mlebiyao. who
W. Smith of Chioeyo. b la tha dty.
at Trarcnc^tv.^^illran. al tbe<
•orrad la Cato. Tto oryaalxaUoa of
B. B. CammerotCadlUae,waainthe
•ha taa naw rrylmeau will pat an etd\y yoeterday.
liiuii sr
faatira feroa of 11.610 ofioon la tto
Thoa J. Boyaa of Blk Baplda waa la
tfn.4H i«
told. Two rcylmoau will to oryaalz town for a abort time yeaterday.
av (•;
ad U the PbUlpplaea of Tolantaen aad
Ike Pbhel of KaUpmaco. kae rotanrvalH*'^**1'* *^ **^ ****
1 horn after a daltla thlydty.
wUl-raiaa the atrenytb of tto eoloaHr. and Mra Oeoryo Soydor of Mt.
You wonld hare enjoyed your breakfast
•oara to ie,tT*. Tto mao will to ealeaaant are the ynoeb of Dr. Sayder
liatad tor two yean for aorrloo la the aad family.
and gone to yonr work happy. Try a
Pbnipplaea, aad wUl to ottoorod by aa
Mia Oertnde Thylorof Tom Banto.
plyanooU tron tha reyalar army and b rblUny her parenta, Mr. aad Hia F
honple of pounds next time yon order
appotalnapU from tha Tolaatoor reyl- Oardaer.
■aatatbataaw scUn aereioo. The
Hn. B 8* Thompaoa ot Kalamaieo,
vayaUr army la now cs.tOOatroay. The b TbUlnr with her daeybtor. Mra A.

Money.back if you don’t like it.
twain new reylmaau will tacreaaa the L. Baohaat of thb dty.
toxeo 61.871 men aad cfieen.
Boarchlay for a Beoort.
Tto party of anporiatoadoatt o
AU air KalyhU and to^y Maeeaboca lb aeheob of Chbayo, who rblte
who expect to taka part la the
city laat week la aaaroh of a loeaUoB
flrial aarrleo Sanday erUl au
for a taaehen’ naort. ntaraed yert^ ataw cd Wcklcma,Oea«v^(OnBd Trarerar.
HeaW«« ^ Baaday moralny at B:M day from tto aortk. Tkoy an taf^
I. J.T.Baanab.Caableraribc above Based
ppd yo fa a body to tha ehareh.
ably Imiramed wltk the earnmndlaya
Tto kiadaryartaa at •the .Trai
ofTneona dty. aad yeateiday they
City BwlBaaa (Mlcyo wULopoa oa daly wont to Northport on tto atoamor autTlb»daBd«eocBlo briorr mr Ibl* Tib
Kkmamtf They wlU look abeat that
B. Banda haa la hla show window aa loealliy aad abo ddi ^tpo^
aKBalaryanAMokUothat iaattnetAaMpIdemb of INarrheoa.
layoowMatahla attaatloe.
• Bmnl wlaphoaealaitite adytom
Nr A. Saadon. writtay boa Oeoea*
wwodamayedby Uyhtalayjllianday miGrora, Fla., aya thora taa toaa
eeitoaaapidambod dbi^ooa than.
jTtolPf tot BO oaa waa Ir jarod.
Be had aeoeon atfoah aad waa eand
by fovr deaea of GtoattoriaiiA OoUe,
Through that screen door 'or swung
Aa axoanloB will to yirca Baaday Chilonaad Dbntooa Boaody. Be
aye to abo reoommoadod Itte otton
praalay on tto ataaaar OtdamWa laar- aad theyaay
it until the hinges are broken?
tof Ihb port at 7:10 tor a trip aroaad
Don’t it look rusty and dilafntated?
toon toard aad wlU faralah noHe
•Sm«toat the trip.
No 4------------ BbthMaaBlsya.
Better get a new one—Only cost
«1U to yina la the aftarsooa
Ya can yet them at tto Paatoae tar
Wove no yood aa tellbra. bat if yea
MDUoaa Otrea owap.
an lotoi^ tar otr<^ hlyh yndo work
^ you 95c complete.
la «vwT and aU llnca ot tto tomorlal
It la oarMaly yiaUfylBy to the pob- Atdlhta-^
profamtoa yon will awly to pli
a to kaew of oae ooaeara la the laad
Maybe yon want a rag jnst inside
The Batoa Store olooa at 0 p. a with tha work yoa will rroeive . .
ipho ore not atnio to to reaoroeo to
either of tto tbroa export workmen
toaa^aadoofforiay. ^ tooprlotke door, or a new piece of oil cloth,
thtoyoaw01Aadatl«4 Ftaat ottoot.

I It. 818 QbIqi Stmt


Coffee Didn’t
Taste Right
This Morning?

Moctia and Java




the Children
Punched a Hole

Barber Shop


aOUioB trial toiSwof tbla Croat modklah. aad ban
(ho aatofao&a of kaowtay U haa ab•Olatoly eared tfaoonada of topelaoa
Aathna. Broathitio, HoaneBooa aad dfl dtoaaea'-of tto Throat,
Ctoat aad Danya are anrely eared to
It Call oo the Dra^tt 8 8. Waft
pad J. G. Johaaee and yet a trial hot-

The Staid OiB|te}tet

1e Gtn in Clidiif BtikL
-with or with-

mat aflor th^mto ............ .
tbdrMwelonaadttoprlBdpalfaatnna will bo oetaotloa by tto Oread,
reprodadey the bat pteoea viifpi
by tto Boya’ Band. Watob t^r tilp.


C A W. M. aeataba into to Bhy


TtowBaxalByeri^ho.'---^tefti^lShoUara at ttohBoaa


When will
Husbands Stay at Home
When home is the most comfort­
able place for them. ;
Here’s a

Steel Rococo trimmings—something en­
tirely new—Upholstered with the lat­
est Persian designed Velonr—30 inches
wide—one solid woven spiral spring—
There’s years of wear in them, and any
amount of comfort.
If tired of walking on the floor
walk on thin all day and the conch is as
good as new.
Prices range from f4.20 op.

‘the Hand
on the Wall”
Often calls for new

" Wall Paper
Perhaps yon have a room that yon
didn’t intend papering at first, and its
beginning to show soil. Better have it

^pse are jnst the goods we’re selling

papered newspaper’s cheaper yon know
^^ot some good ’’one room” remnants '

at prices that compel trade—then they
mike the home look attractire.

that are going albalf price—won’t keep
long—Buy today.

The Hannah & Lay Hereantile Co.

ri --V .

TM monma^i m»oo«o. aArpitoAT, juvr e, mm.


6t\^m*^. I

f»rip IP TUnptm^urmt wwA
M. W. MoH« of

AtOfMaB«^0«r VorbM, s«*4
19. *u Merakisr t* W* «•« work
TiMndaj wnlar.
•iTMk IM ^ to*ek. TlH Mrk krcfca
ud ka Ma do»s with a Jar whiak. it

la tefad, «riu NMii tetftilj.

Oa. ofaoar,
Ifoli wm pnaaBt tka a«ar famai
opm. **1ka Bakaadaa eirl.*’at«tda<
kmcb Ofoad aaat Mawday aaaalar
tub fa a rare mmlaa) aamrt aa«
amy adaaataca afeoald be takaa of the I
‘ to witaaaa the aplaadld aV
traetiea, ter it k by ao maaaa emtala!
that wa ahall acala ba
fearMtadbyteom.Tkltad by
kat tadaeadtfiHa
to eoma kata aotwltMiaadlac
Croat axpaaaa laaelred. teaUac that'
tkeaa ueaUaat artWa wiU raealoa a i
Wc raaapUoa ftem oar maaie loaiac
paklie. The kaaatifal ooera. “Pm.
Olaaoio.* wiU ^ praaaatad oa Taaaday omalac. Tha a^acamaat la.

Martka M. mUaU, a wUo«. 4M at
kaakOMkaarBaaaea Bartnr fro.
4aaa of kofam takaa artth aateMal Utml. ItiatkaafktakawMlaaaM
Bairy. tka J» /aar^oUl acm of Vrad ote are now aa aala at tha boa cdtea.
WIU. a Oamaa. Ualaf two aUaa a«t
of Imiaj Oitr.faUo
••<N1 Uaala Jad” waa playad to a tetr
UeffaMadar ta tka
»kaat dald Tkandat aftarsooo aad alaad ‘aadlaaaa U BtaiabanT* OnM
kad OM of kk fdat a
d byoaly a f^oompaay. SarVanaado Skaaka of Baatoa Barbor rral plaaalac apaalaltica were lattm
MBitad Tauradkr oa Ut kiayela oa daead la tkioa aeta Tka aoaapaay
aarrMB a drat elaaa baad aad orokaatm
MOV aroaad tka kaad of Laka Miakl wblak add CMoUy to tka attraoUoa.
faa.aaawhiac for tka body of Ikmmaa
MaUaaa. tka rtaag ma* laai trok
ikHiaad boat at Okkajra. Jaaa M. Tka
below la a Uat of tka baytac and Ban
trip k aada aadar ooaUaet wl‘A A. i.

At Jaakaaa, Voraoa Maaoo aad
Oaotfo Daaiak mra anaaud for drir
tar a toa. tkroark a faaatal proa,
aloa. Tkia k tka drat Um aa anoat
of tkU kiad kaa oeearrad la tka kkury
Of tkaoty.

1 ae

'\D< Vm km IkimtV ttu 4tw» %m4> AkV mA
AeVn ml nni oU Aw., mmi A.A. wMm twra
ilart Vm4»k~k\ »\X \mt mm* iot. Anw-wm. V.m
Vmi mAMiTW Itiuw V.
Aw.-KA *> ym
Wl \V. WT^ cieu.
Amw aw4. AoeV—'XD.
K Aa W» mt AawA Aim. u tAXma-.

Tbia lot ii made op of trtitt ve cooler the
pooreet of oar KOc Une.

S&Ve TT\ce H5c
Tbia lot is taken from tbe beet 60c qaality we
erer bad to offer—'for

"Ht^A SkVe 99c





Tbia lot taken in 76c. 80c and eome of tbe tl.(^

Steinberg’s Grand Is

■Pr^cc 59c'

IJ Sot V.99e
I If]

Tbeae are eome of oar regnlu fl.OO qoality— v

SaU "Pvtce 99e

Mb. Steinberg Presents’
Baaklm. Arnica Caloa
tmm BMC Baltm la tka worid far
Jata Brolaaa, Boroa cnaara, Balt
kbasm. rarer Sorea, Ibttm, Chapped
Saada, OkUblalaa, Ooraa. aad aOue
troptkma, and podUTely emrea PUca
» BO par roqalred. It la cvwteod
oUm parfaat BaUateatloa or m-----atedair Prloauoaataparboa.
ala bo J e. JoknaoD aad 9. ■ Wi


Opera Co.

Tbia lot ia from tbe fineat IIXX) dieee fooda in
the atore

Sa\e ■?T\ce 19e
£a»\ b-99c

G;^u;£^^E=-’.S£.o.„«.S 30-PEOPLE-30

Barly la tbe moralar of Jaly 4. a
loload oaploaioB waa beard la ike aide* Q.1,1.
Ity of tka aampaa at Aaa Arbor. Tka
- ApaaUk mortar, wblak bat reoaaUy ar. rivad bere, waa aaaa to bear tka atarka
of raaaat amtea aad It la drmanatratad
(bat adma miaakle*oaa parUaa made kotrl'^ad^rM^ maw wir^ °
tka dd plan apeak oat to kelp oele-.
QB aALB-BUck i
irafka nraira
hcata Iti drat ‘-Poaith of Jaly” la tkit
an .S'


Uak Mom of Balamttw, raaeaad a
I Weycla from k amaUpox booaa aad
ordered to danroy it. Be failed to do
ao, aad la la ] tli for M day* la dafaoU BMkrbem».IW.
«pf C90 flae.
rpo BEkT^-Oterr •> StH Oraal kumt arit
A dfMT ran u Burtwr O BoubsTfk'* dra«
Mrm. O. E Metatyra of OadUlac, waa ■ur*.
aarloaaly ii^arad oa Toaaday afieraooa
•I Booa. while wltaamlacra ball game
TkU U dUcai oar-k>:f lu
katwaaa tka team of that riUara aad a fllOlUakceaiaaer.
TkiBt. a w. Baniwn.
. ew-tc.
MickborlBC dak. A batted ball atniek
eWR 8ALB—Lm Mb. ID. btek 1 Oak Peril. .■
Mra. Nclatyre la tka rickt aye, trae- J! or latoel.OBl) aCrBkk. TkU kn l>
tarlac tka cheek boae. and tka raaoli- TBiliBBim. a W.BBBU&c«.Beal BalBi* a>aat akoek waa aaak aa to eaaaa aaml pfoRBALM-AfOod WBod I iralar faKBeB.
aaoonarlOQiBtat for aereral konra. .

mnrxLoon Tzsiroa.
J. k. OoBtoa'a Baaidaaea Hit by Bolt
of Ucktalaf Tbaraday BraatacLffktalac atnok tka baaaa of J. E.
k. coBd caBdlUBB.
Gaatoa, raaidlnc tktoa mllea ao^ of air kt Bteoma oace.
thla dty. oa Tbaraday avaalar, dotnc
aoaaidarakla damaca bat IrJariac no­
body oattida of a aboek raaalred by
Hra. Gaatoa. Tbo bolt atraek tbe
cUmaay ahattariac It badly aad than
W^ BrBB.,ail Pmt awaal. np^n^rB,
proeaadad Into tka attle. A door oaalac of one.of the apperroocH
. takaa oft aatlraly and tkao tta Ucktklac'fepaatiia tetoa tbroafth aa opm
trladow. Tka baOdlac waa laa
and tka lorn waalmmadlataly •adia
wlBBaek.a Ibbi
by J. B Baato.




qeo&b. 'ftrvtiq ^iout ment^ wilkt
ftUV «aa\ A Vtu
Mt We qeo&k.

Bohemian Girl.” iJ. W. Milliken.


—Baaatifally ataged
—Klegantly oostnmed
1 6. Eltlar. Mkorlee

curkBf a,^7r ps^^wS^B.

Arthur Boyoa. Biaaebe Aldrleb. Jen
aatta Unooia. AUm Jamaa. LI.Iiab
EemUa, Afnea Millard.

•••• ,wBw»eeaeeoaaeaeeeaeeec-—d

j Ghas. Ws Baxter

Special Prices of 35c, 50c, 75c;


Box Sa«U tl .00.

Lunch Counter

John R. SantOw
Geieral lisiraiu.

to tk. city..........

BepresentiDK Stain-Bloeh Co wUl. BxbiUt
the UtMt foU fabrloB and styloB of Men's
OwercoatB and Salta at oar Salesrooms oo
July lOUi and 1 Ith—Orders token for fatore delivery.

aamilton Clothing Go. I
We Meet Tiny Prices Named
on Footwear In This City......

SSar-::,.:;::::;- ; :

-If quality cuts any figure
Oor shoe trade was oot built pp on cheap made
footwear—we don’t spring FAKE sales on our custom­
ers—When we advertise aoytbiag von will get valnr
received -Yon can't get something for nothing.
We want your -inspection, and will name prices at
onr store that down any so-called snap sales in tkrs
city—We have served our trade in reliable shoes for 16
years, and the people ought to be convinced by this
time who the Old ReKable Shoe Man is.
. Make no mistake.

Tbe Vieiii Bakenr.

aMAU-aocBB-asemfoMiMOB amw *
O WIdwUekBBp. PrukPrisdrtek.

N. J. “It ia parM^ aafa aad
ba railed apoa laA aaam of
Bold ^
A K Walt aad P. C Thompaea. Dr«c





n>a BAUt-CMb or KBtBUwBBtB. «fU* iota
f ibObABbicmb. W> aightk. orwu.aat«
bM Bbbb stRBM Bad BBasBk sRCkBS. r
of Ike kaadouiBeBA leu la tke wkato piBt.
oral dtBceoattVr all SMk. fodalr* w Ba

99c a

Preaentineon the openiu niebt.
for tbe nrat time in tbia city, tbe
beaotifal and roairelonaanccees,

F’Uja.s'siitsrss: ....

mek p. Q. bB« 11 BT UNOiM ef 0»a»r« BaaikBiO.PvBek.Xtek.

This ia the fineat lot of gooda ever offered in
any atore for the money. Tbev are all aingle
drew pattema, not one of vbico ever aold for
lees than 11.35 and aome of them sold at 62.00
the yard—Abont 35 patten I in all and tbe price

Two XlgMs, Beeiooiog




_.jaapar I

At Fllat. FoUeemaa Oaorra Weir,
raaanUi of Ca A. U1 tlicklKaa. aad
oaa of toe boya who kalpad rtbaild tbe
brldya at Acaadorea, waa married
Wada wday to Mka AdalU KeUey of U osr^cBri.ld «B*wr>r hj tk<
~ L Bevard affrird a 1.4*feM
tka aama city. Taa caramooy waa par>
formed oa tka Uwa aadar tka taat
wkkk akeltarad tka rroom wbOala

Ika dooaUoMofJaMka.Bekiff of
Haw TorktoBaiaard ham keen aeetptad. aad WiU ba amUable by aaother year. Mr. BaUV cam
lor a dapartmaat far tka^tndy of 8am' U'e laacoac* bad Uiarataro aad pMo.otofaaadaekolaiaklpator tka
pnpeok Oartala
' »am atiaekad to tka clfta, aad tkme
vin baaompiledwitb by the naimr•Itp.


will add strength to
your nerves,sharpen
your appetite, bring
sound and refreshing
sleep. The best malt

At Oold«.»ttr, tka atau pabUe aekool
boUdlaca kad a eloaa ealt from ftra
Salt par bb
Tkaioday airkt Tka daa'vrriaca aad Bmnparlt
kona bara baisad at 7.
aaarly Bonxa aamaeoTaaTi
11.000; eaaaa of tra aakaowa. Bay
aadfrala woraloit, bat tka earriacaa
Tka Mlokiraa Stata baak at Baton
Bapida iraa brekaa Into -Wadaaaday
■l(kt by Epy Mairlu aad Paal Brooa,
affadtOaadllyaan. Tka boya (alaad
aaaairaDaatromaraar eellar window
Mod for a eoal roaeitor. Tbay WMt
Ikroarh tka oalUr aad op tka atain t>
tka baak < fflaa. Tka amout takaa
wMakovtkto, aoaaof Itlnfold. Tka
hor% wera aaorkt trylar to acll tka
cold ocriat, tklaklac tkay wan foraica


Read Every Word of ThU Ad.

MaUaal, telkar of tka Toaac aan.
Tkadaadkodjof Joka Olaaa.aters arm city:_______
laketar.Bcad ». waa fooad la a lor
kata aalta aad a kaU aortkaaat of
Oraad Lad«a.. Ba dkappaarad daaa
99. Poke, waa foaad by kk alda.
' ddaroUaa aad dkappolatMat la a
loro aflftlr tka aaoM.

The Greatest Values

You need something
at times to build you
up, to insure a good
appetite,or to restore
restful sleep.

W ffe in tk an Mn.

Ml ikn Front atraat.



Arch and Bert

wromt Burnt

13.8 B'axyzk.-b Stix»ot

Wixrw'bTiX'M BljooTc •




JULY 8, 11W.

1b Be aoMoitoU. Me
aad OK|t
OWawa<rB*CS|r«< BwMnc <~




*ri07d OoBBtr((ow»)
r MralMaaltMi
ii tUatt, r<«wa <ra« aaad »ai to to*

BA tlweB Cd ^
la tba Mrtbwato
BadowtoMt and OeMB
iraetnear Beoarilia^
wad Uat«#rtac.i
Ibapropar bead wfU be tnratohad
Wfk te.aiaaMTi
rf at tart ha cspaato u c»t by tb* Borer. Mr. Booei. aad aU the
NBad*tfeoffto.wkUi. wktof da* law* ralativo to Boriap bwlli^tfe win
tovaaMtorto* ttou aad Utorax- be strictly otoerred.
«d*dda lk*MWvattoae(to* karri**
>«*leaUta* will eaat htw aboat III a
By Fnan BAMiLToar,


AW. Bicnno.
Moead by AMctb

0**a< tta I
Bk)i*Mth»aet«e*oa*tto Ih* larr*
vtoMrotkalibatto dlaakaa watara.
*^BtU •!**«*(**«tak aarroaa to a f*w
vtotoB’ U*«.aad. kkaoBtraafa totof
'toraa* a kaadrad tkeataad- aaofkt to
Aam two to tfcaa daya.
JbtoMta troB a Skaraay papar ra-atotalarp atrtka a’aar Dawaoa hj
Ifrat. Ltpp7. fonaarlr of Obartta aad
rWiaa Baa. O.
ia *aM to kaaa two
•- aktdahdUtoolef fold to Ua eaWn
- ^A^a-to^haT* rafBBd $1.000.000 ter

Haimltoii Clothing Co.


> OreUiek tkat

L* raUwaiy
bleek wtot of Hope etraat.
If W. JKrrnaon.
Jon TEnsB.
Pxrn UanMn.
▲dam I'MUto
M VefTDuaji-.

Spteiil Exhibit
Xtotast dfl8lcii»Mteo>Blpeh gylts. OrerooXi. 'Ubton at
our nlflarooms Moaday and TttMdaj, JMj KHN aad
lUh—All iBTitad—Ordfln takaa tor taVoxm



I. tkc'iTaiwr and Clfir
i etty at lynwne Ce»

4iaaa Waaktoftoo Ooart Boaae. 0..
liMto.wnktoctoadaldOaoanl BaldBBVBToaac aafto waa atradt by Itohti^tov aad ktllad. Both kla koraaii war*
^ftB-aUaift daad. Tk* bell aam (rom
• 4k«aaraky.
At dikti. to tkniMwta. )a*t year, a
glalain iw fcallear by M <eal wide
«ad 34 l**l deep waa forwad to a billtotoa ter tk* *torac* at *taa. The im<
wwaae-toab waa Itoed wlik eoaarato. t
'«aat «htok aad coalad laaUa with a
tftoze M iBparawabl* a* flaaa. Tk*
si3 apaclty ef lb* Uak ia MO.OOO falloa*.
■^aa ift lb* baaha to Daytea, O , ha*
upward oftl.QOOto «t to fold pieaea
aaUflk bava lato to It* vaalla
iaiaaty year*, n* eota M aboat tb*
of a paaey. aad to ao loafar aotoaba baek to <ia**Uee I* aalltor
\ -maam eakaVMMdrpfOBtoB at aeai^
1 aAra.
U«erto*M Aacaltoa, tb* yoane«t
aMt*btto of tb* eld eklef, Seattle, tor
WkoB tb* (d|y of SeatOe, Weak.. \t
MBod, to told to be ■* rrwt fa*erile
totth 4sMldrea. who Itotae eafferly to
toot wwrtaeotbar oaee taBoaa
Vto prlneaa* to aew aaarly 100 yean


1 end tk* worthy ate WUlwB d
N tkeraoC.
aiM tba etraat
Betortod ww nanAor kbot
•tofecMdiatoo^nambtowf dayeot
~ Xowtoffaetont
Sv ^fftWBad on said owmb. and
•meof the rtottiaf baada beparBltMwBBBtota A«e ike aavanl pane
*d to Bake bead^narton at tk* aaaakBMieflB Mtoad B^B- tk* h«d
•ntowtoi Jnlyeto. proridlm aas* to
atiafactory w> the ftoa Otot
Morion nrrtod.
Ob ncMoa at AHirman Moston*
dnlyevitod.«Mtod tel mad.
k. W; BiCKKaD.
aty Oerk.

ywal.............................................. .




At Pioneer Livery Stable,

rOBSALE-ftM-maerealand. to* of
rood «ood timber, peatoaala to
Loaf Lake-. flaeraacrtcnBwd. PHae

B. J. KOBOAN. Propr.

FOE SALE—6to—Bona* and two tot*
ntq^ MtBMB. 1* rode trom doek.
Bone* ItxM, wtox l»x«>. toiyc barn.

A Dice lot (rf Horses,- amoDH them
some nice Farm Mares, one or tore
Draft Horses, mei^t 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
Some arriving every week.

Etotti^ OcbA Smltk. lA^to. and FOB lALE-«oo>Good eman hew*,
m aere* yroond. Oarfleld aveaw.
Moved by AlderBaa Cock that a FOK<SALE-«00—nee aere tot ea Oarfecial aaeaeament be Bad* afatoai
delc avvaae. Price fSO*.
*■1 the nal property to sewer dtotrtet PORSALE->Lcto l» and to, htoefcl.
Ho. 3 fertheporpOM O' ratotof the
Parry Bannahb ■teond adA aoraar
of «*8B 14. betof two-tkirds of the
aad lltk stcaat. Pria*
.................. ftinyeBtln eewor
tnnntor irem OBSALB-«tt—laoaere farm tear
to Elffbth
milea DOrtb of viilara of Aide* on a
_____ ______________________4 be and*
A W. M. A A W^ U
nro rata ac^aat all the toe* and preaSAMA
toe* io raid sewer dtotrlkt Ho. 3 aooord- FOB 8AL»-«i3~tow>* farm, nod
tat to the beoefltt and wltkont referframe hoaw. food barp. nod oranee to any totpiprentesu npoa tb*
tiiaid. well water. Kmlle br» rilland.
lacaofGrawn. Prtoe. $1.*'^ '
Motion earrtod by yea aad aa^ ▼«* FOB SALE-40*—KH ofew
a* toUow*:
JS—n—aboat M i
Idlnf to tb*
Yeis, Aldarmea Noatarae. GralUek.
bar. hardwood, ball
laid o^alltofti .
■aatiaca,,009k, SmlthTtoai^ aad
Some flcder t'kw oet.
belldtor ba* raeantiy been prorided Wrtrht.
FOB SA LB—eoi cti( of w K ate *«H
with new apparatM todadtos a flosbofaek.avc to. Tm »«
U« tyetoB of oloaata tostaad of eraaaS^Sdtroetotittaa-Aaordtoaao.
west. H mile rUla^ Shei
to na '------ferBerly need. We will to r^lato. eontrol and protect the
ekaage Treverw
tktrofore'beeoBpelled to beTetewar- asc of bleyele*. retodpodea. trleyelce.
and alallar rehleln to aad apda the POBSALB—404—West 140 ft ae
pablle straata. areance, laaea. parka.
Birhtk et aad Oarfleld ave.. large
Yonr early aettoa la thto Batter will bridffM and other pablle plaeot and
craatly obllc*. Toannapaeifnlly.
epoB the aidawalka wlUin the city of

Tnrerw City, aad to prevent the de- FOB 6ALE-40?'Groo^ atoek this
By PSAXK Bamiltox.
poaitiar to and npoa any of each pubcity tovolee aboat WOO.
Ue etreata. avennea. lanet,alley«. pM-ke. FOB 84LB-3»4-Boaa* aad lot oa
A W. Bicxno.
Webetor *k Seven ttwa* atoely Anhridyee aad other pablle plaow and
Ubed. good well water, frail aad orapoe the eidemlkt aay eahatance or
mectal treca. large lot. 6«tM0. emaU
Moeed by Aldaraan Bmitk that the thinx Irjtrioas to eoch vaklele or
banx Price Wso
Jfra. aary'WrlfbtSawall. pretldaat
ridiac of bleytle* or ■ImUar v^ele* FOB SALE- t44-l0ama<
«I tk* flnitad Stataa eoanell of tk*
from city. liOo
apon any eldewatk wUhln the eity dnrBeeiioy.
WoBu'e tatacaatiOBal OoBcree* at
cherry aad peach tree*, te brartog.
inca Bpeeifled perM." was prewotad
Modoa earried.
Carpenter Bill, flneet location on Pen^* been aleetad to
City Tr*a*orerb report for the montt aad read Moved by Alderman MonIneala;
tnkc part «:ty property.'
SharOonateee of dbwdeaa a* praeldeat
of Aldannaa Lardle. dnly carried, wa*
^ toe eoacreae. wbieh will bold
“Mo’tiMcarriad by yea aod ato vote. FOB SALE—Span black marca elrht
raadtod and ordered plaeed on flle.
totot meetlar to Barlto.
years eld. aeand. walgat aboat -tSOO.
Yeaa. Aldermen Moniayae. Qrrtbek.
ooll aboat 3 mcBlb* old. Price SIM
If n. Bdltb KlecBao Poyv, of Wood- 7b Ike Hon«fol4e. Ik* Mnuor and ' . Basttos*. Cook. Bmitk. Lardla and
OB SALE—543—116 feet on West
Ccmndl of Ike Cil* ^ Tmreree C«v. WricbL
Btak. 111., baa Blee for pete. 8be kae
Front etreet. 700 feet deep, veeut,
Haya. none.
to wawderfal eollaetioa of them, toelad
good baUdlur spot. Pnoc S4M.
titled. “Ao <
ecxTuivEX—We. yonreoBBiUet
FOB SALE-343—M eerae eight mile*
OBClapaaatoBleethat eaa walu aad claims and nccoonte, reapeetfally
rrapb 1 of a<
east of dty, lOO.OOO feet hi
t of aa ontinanee relative to lloenetoc
'VdTptlas mioe that are cald to be the port that w* bare exaBlned the fol
eonclderable good hardwood,
Bwly oneetototo eoantry.
6b* bae inr elelB* end berlBff foaod them__ aad rmralattof ehootiay xelleriea.
caittog. Price StoO
rart and Joat, wonld raeoBsead tbair
•play rate from an Koyltob toolorleal I^BMt troB the TaiiOB* ol^ faada ea rack*. merTT-yo-ronada. aad
FOB 84,LE-6«3-Uoaee and lot. (torwardaa. and a reBarkabla Doteh
firid aveene. StoO.
' ^
risUar amoaeaeats a^ refrm
-paid to reeeBUe a rabbit. Of ooer^.
FOB SALE—M7—Dwellihg. Webetor
-•Aw baa e torn eoUeetion of bBerlean
itreet. lOrooma Sl.400. Easy payof the city of Trawrae City on the »ib
. todoe.
Say of JantL 1*»». wa* preabated
Moved by Aldersaa Moatera* that F^8ALE-66»-FortT aere
Kit Oereoato rifle, wbleb waa carried
good be Idtogs. orchard. W.M
IV falB Boto than forty yean, and
FOB SALE—371—Forty aere
wrWeb aarer feUed-hiB. to
good bnUdlngh. every eonventonee.
waaeloe* ralle to the poeeeBloe^ of tba
Beatiar*. Oook. SBith. Lardla and
FOB SALE—STS—Ktoty acre .farm,
ItontMana Lodfe of Maaou at Santo
JTn. of wbleb be wu a maiabar.
good baUdtoge- W.tM.
An ordinance eatiUed "Aa ordiaaaee FOE SALE—373—Good frame boo*e
isiTSIOHTend eight acre* of. land, titoated
relative to riostor bvber sb^
about one mile from center of eity.
»or»Edltor^to^Jjto«M«to Bntont
bnoae 14xSi. tix roomi to booee.
Jeax W|______
Lbwik F. Omaoeann.
Cabb Bxbo.
Morad 1
Alderman Cook tkat Uw
patiUoB be raterrad to the eomBlttoc
caatraataaid aidewalla to report at
nart Tontor-Baetlar.
Motkm oarriad.
1b Uw BoHorof/lc. Ike Uavar ani dtp
CouneU l^f Ike C<lp tf TVaome
OEBTinirEir:—W*. tba Board of EdaeatloB reapectfelfy rcqoeat you kookblc body to proceed at onaa to ban
lateral aawer extend to^

Park Place Hotel!
Txa V oxao Oitiy", Adi oTt t grvn .
Kewlj painted papered, and carpeted>-Rooms with
private baths have been added, making it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Korthem Michigan. Address for
rates and other information


-BDold not be rt<)aired.

At lead thto


\ C, ThoBoeoa. Dracrtota,
rate Dti-Aamrr rexo.
kOr (he OobmU of tk* Oity orTtoeara*
Beyalar meeUar of city eeoadl bald
da eoaacU room Jnly I. 1*99.
Maettor w*a ecaied to order by
Wrank BasUtoa, Mayor.
Preaeat. Adennea HoatofM, OralU«A Bestlaca. Oook. SBltb.
aad Jeha B«bW«. ter wp*
WVrtrbtaad Mayor Bea'llon.
Klaatae of tk* Uet rerator maeti^
•tod of epodal meatinn bald Jan* M
wad J*ae so, im, were read and ap-



*^"l^v*rw aty. MIeb.. Jaly 3.1W9.
1b On Monombto Uw Mopor and CUy
- ^wioil ^tkcCiliiV XVaearcc Cttv.

£ W. B^
Gao P. 0-----C D. Kkxtox.

Year order B& 447 of Ji e tiev to■te«*tto( me to balld a
r walk OB
• aA
aide of WaekU.---------------lavte by AlderBaa Mctearaa tkat
-See ww a hte ptoae la thto widk
reponte aoerpwd ate clalma or■laiiil ha teaUaf sand to flU to toto.
cdpaldaseeptttUot Jalles Oamp^
<«toto wA.teaatoea baw reaalrad. X
1 of m A». ate bUl of J. A Moor* of
'dtoitoki«ar«aaBltoaa as wiutowaald
■ • toft tbtoeralk to vary taodebana. 1 Sseoo;tkatnUbUtoba Tefwted back
e te farther toflteaad to pti >B k
eoBcrato^^ ea totkaParki
•MT^toewa ate rnnklto ettwto thto
•ea■*>«*, araeaaon wth* BOBwhopni
.dewa tkadteot ^k ntohw.
Bwtiata. Dock, tetith, Lardle

wlaMdoa «A

etanxxxT or aaaaa or pvbuc weaxs.
Utevaree OUy. MtoUraa. Jaw 17. IIM.
We do hecteyearlQy to the aoaaatt

ed and pawed ^ yea and aay vote a* P^SALE-573—Bow* and lot oorner
Bnac and Stale itraeU, lot 34 x 145


Good hardwood in stove lengths.
Also four foot maple slehe and edgings.


Bicycle Saddle—Guarapteed-for three yea»—
Look at them whether j^>n need One or nc^
$800 or $10.00 will buy a good second-hand bi­
cycle—$25 will buy the best new wheel os the
market—Come and see my display before going


fboB Sylena Valley New*. Bnrrad,
B.D.rawpbvU*aooAhT4raelt«BlAl l» 1*
i-ooB rt?xf»
' k newapaper be* tke rirht to
WUkelw. ncM>r
lev 3aM . !■ 44
^oiiciy reeoBBend any of tba varioue
umaECT AXD MXKixa roxn.
piwprietory Bedicinaa wbleb flood the
a Wf M
•aarket. yet as a preeeatotl** of *eff*r>
Xnc we fMl it a duty to say a food
^wwd for Chambertoto'* Colic. Obol'ra
pad Diarrhoea fisBedy.
Wa* b v*
Aaown aod need ibto medlctoe in ', nr
CaspbeU^bM aW
femily for twanly year* aad hare. ai> ^
•eaya foeod it reftoble. In many oasM
« Laair* n sD
• doae of tbU raaedy woall ear* h'Bf*
bT aeflartne while a phrairiaa to await«d- We do not baltore to depeDdlny
ImpUelUy os any medidna for a c
Bto we do bellere that It a bottle
-«bwBbertotD’* Diarrhoa Besedy a
leapt-ao hand and admlntoterad at J«ba BmwU. 3«»e tolaiT
«toa \ooeptioB of an- attack moto
le CD
BtoTertoc mlfht b* avoided aod to vary
. -« CO
nnany oaaea the preeeBee of a phynldan


Eut Fmt St

zste^MRS. H. E. GIBBS

Meals..,, tsceiis Kl PIONEER UVERT STABLE.

p^^SALE—576—Oo# bnDrtrvd rixty
Bacttof*. Cook. Smith aad Imrdle.
acres Umber. 300.000 aoft elm. iOO.ODO
Kaya-Aldermaa Wriehu
rock elm. lOO.ooO bemwood. l.OOO.OOO
An ordiauce eaUUed “An ordto
maple. S3 .*00
relative to the time dertoc which seProperly served io a nest dinFOB SALE—340—Boose aad lot. Dnioe
loeoi B»y be kept open and
B. J. MUbOAX. Proprtotor.
■treat, ten room*, itooe fcoDdeiae room.
tion and itooe bamment, eomplete.
aad read, Moved by Alderman Lardle
that the •wdlnaaee be adopted aod
Platform Wagon. 3 eeata, aU to good
FOB SALE-Two bandrad vaoaat lorn
order, price 433 bo
•I down, SI a month.
by Yaa aad Kay
I tw^acat extewioii top Qarrtoga.
Cigars ^ XTsry Kind
FOB 8ALE-«4-BlgbtT acre farm,
ewly painted, price 445 00.
good boi'.dlngs. one mUe from good
^Yea*-A>dofBaoHoatayae. Orelllek
M. E. ELLIS 1 Phaeton Baggy, good cider, tou.00.
town. St 200.
tla.-t'oy*. Cook. Smith. Lardla end
tooth t'olra eircMFOB SALE—SWl—Ktotey ac
four Btile* eoalb of city._____,
acres nnder cnltivetloB. fr^me hoase,
seven room*, *1011* fonndation. etone
relative to the nee of the ctreets and
oellar. good well water, frame lam,
I" was preaeatalley* f w Uylaf eewere"
44 x 43. atone heeemwt for-cattle,
»d by Aldenaaa
te ^ It* paaear* moved
horeeatabl*. baggy eked, edm crib.
Moth--------------------------------------AU veek of klrtoai ponolbl* fn>«*. Re* |
vort A •paeloUX.
adapted aad peaeed by yw ate
----- a* follows:
Mew OflM. Karkkem Block.
. jaa-AldermcB Moatacae. OreUUk.
Baattocs, OooA Ssitk, Lardla and
two etlvee, eight tkeep. thlrty-flv*
aerea bey. *e*en acre* eors. five acres
potetoe*. three acrea whwt. four
An ordtoanoe entitled “Aa ordtoanoe
awe* oato, balanee ealtinted land
releiivc to the conatrecUon of private
river bottom black ma£ Frie* If
dieine.eewere aod crater-eloer.- * was
tokw soon. Sl.ono.
- aad read. Movad by A WBeet workmnpebip money
tba ordtoaae* be
men Mwtagw tkat ti
Tb* above am all bwgatoa. ate <
c&n employ for Bicycle
It cm aaay
easy 1torma. We hi
Bepeiriog. Quick wq^
• of doUerm worth of other • to low M any offered.
Baetinga, Oook, Smitk. Lardla ate
yoe want to bey. loth Tboaea. toe»-44t 114 Calm Street.
Lte^w property frith a* It yoe went
Ai^tetom entitiad “An «wdtoawe
Oeroaeelaat ill Froet etraat, «p
stain- Ton wiU aa* oar sige at the
bo6*m of etairway. Oonpetaba, tom
Aldermna Ooak that the ordinance be itolsft, take flrto door to right; ow
sign to alonfsid* the door. Wears not
on the gronte fleer. «t toast owoflto*
te'b Wa we. flgwaUvely apeaktog.
oSramltiOmrdle ate Botar w-havtog tk* largwl Itotste

Ilso a full liueef Ccilcciicwni



Gas Lamp"


Met Bediced to Close Out UL

Hopkins Bros.


Dr.J.W.GuiiUett BEQ)(nTT8UIUBnil


SS£tete*Aidtewn Baattofm.
WUItom Monel beMtittod to na



IteertlMMr^w to wma takes Iks right after yw tom to left to kate


111 (lilt St.

Scctil Flicr.

Ctv. Itois.onlea* Imw
J* A oTmaev* •:« P

** ***"**5x5?fecfflkp.Fc*4riei*t

Provident Life
snd Trust Compsiiy


Levi T. W^gka, OMriel Agt

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