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The Morning Record, March 17, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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■g 1,0891
the morning record.
To Irub oDd OokmoB fo
8UU ABteoooro.
BoyTm T«u« Old BubM • OoaI
J. M,.k,
Id The
I* 10}-«>r-old bQ7. w%t tabbed «Dder
t tboMider bl»d* wlib »Itek•iadwtd of Ceoiroa STomol •chool!
Olomblo. mfti lo, tbit
e te W^b Sereeloen
■fllnr- Tht bltde
▼MlUd Bouo Tiotordor ^ Vore
Wea Wounded ud
’, laar. cootltr » b«Borrhof». ob4 Um
OivMFrMtfom of Floor-OommU-j boy aty die. Oloablo wm ermted.
larce Jfuaber of Bhbele BUledtOM wm Lmvc For Upper FeolMO-1 ** *• »»««ed Uet he picked • qaerrel
laprooeaent of SUuettos et tlollo
^ with Mink ud tronted to Hffat hia
U Todep ud VothlBC WUl be Z><ae
ud the teleod of Verroe—Xuur.
Heberee by pleoriar the kelfeloto
•uw Soope BeeoalBB Waited.
Mtok-ebeeh. Tbe
d eoet.
MuUe. Meab lo.-Tbe etrmrly for
tified TlUere of CelnU. noribwat of
Luelor. **•«»»
Bud jj. ibell a 'lseb wide.
Pnelr, wa eeptared todey efier e dwopeelpt Ueeealoo of Ue botwe todey'
peaa ficbt by tbe Twutietb Inteelry
aedebpoteble eed eloquot payer;
AaeiiMM wea wui3^
raferriep to tbe rare reepoMib ) ty'
aeUnr epon tb<
Martel weiCea of tbe people, end
: inf bee been received fan Uen<
WMtlDir 'tbet It alfbt be to diaeberr-1
VloUlllB of B Xob.
iOil*, deted todey: “Tbe aporu from
ed tbet rirlllzetlea woeld raw better. |
------------ ^
Ladies’ Suits
Growing in Popularitf.
-Good cloth bound edition for 17 cents—
600 other books equaUy as cheap. Look
over our Special Sale prices.
±' Au.g.a ooior.d
brirbtaread nobler."
'vaelferrooe Bbot ud Foer Billed,
j le ieee ectlvity oa the pert of the la-'
Ontricht While Belpleeeiy ApTbe tnenl^ ud ei
M of the Cmjeurrenuof tbe itlead.
Riporte from
peellBg for Mercy.
tTBl Norael ecbool Bt MooBt Pleeteat
.N^roh ere atoet eacoureglDf. Tbe
rtelted tbe boBM todey. By Inrtatlone ; Pelaeiu*. Oe. Merch 16.—Foer deed iobeb>UaU ere ealhuslutlc end quiet
eooveyed in aeolutiooe they were Beyroet lie Id Jobceon'e wereboute.. prereils tbaoehooi-Jhe Itlend. Colffiven faedoiB of tbe floor eed rellery- 'lleeidc them, rroenlng la efoi
. .y are
Smllb U directiac tfftla ecd
five of Ibeir ace. eli victim* of en et-, freiiMog u ioleruel (roveameai Cebu
r McKeane of tbe Ceaial'aiiU by wbitet enriy tbitaoroirr It qulet tnd buhiaea it prorroetiur
Norael trbool eddrarod the houajTbU liiUe city bee btd two iacu- coder roiud Huve* protection. The
derlBC e fifteen mlnuta eeoee* Ukea j dlery ttra. wtaicb elmutt dalroyed i', rep r • from Seatr ted l.-yie iod .-ele
for tbe parpote^________
, tloce Juatry I. ead the oegroet who ; ibe droire of the laHtbiiut»*or < «>‘ie<l
____ .
tK_o f»bloodtoeked uccupi«>d. Tae iDtor*enie*^ntrpl U
^****^ lUelf***
bu«vof the improvlted jeil. lato which oonflaed to Luzon endd tbe oecbpeUoo
latoexecnUve tealon.
Jtbey bed been tbrowo et entpecied of the. Pt»i» river line with tbe TOOBty bni/cut tbe
f - " °T ...—---- ,I lUoybem. Tip UiOua nad AM Urowa. oeerlv tworiiual otrit."lb
Jhto It h r.«,r.d .b., ,.n co.ar« j
.. th. outpo-U^Jd
220 Front St.
“City Bookstore.”
)l) '-v •/7//; r/.7i')' /IA' C-r
The Son
I Minstrels Of His Father...
Hofs Band
Suiu we »h'>* tre made I -. the
beat taro rmili-r». tod l*.l^-b whu
went e perfect tit tod Ibr.nmjrh
wurkiBtaobip will appreciate ibia
line. See ibi- oew atv't-* at
March 21st.
Bepraeratlve.I'erkt- bill to edait< 'f**® ••»»ded ea: Clem WelU. tbci « ihe treneba beyond Celooan fired
eoidteaof tbe Itte Kpulpb wee to tbe !
®Woaeu; Ueorce Teylor,wound- rteaal volley* Inttnlffbiupoatbe KtnSoldlea'Home n ■* under
i'^‘** **“'*‘“*‘’’‘n i *e* volunieea end pen of ibe Fourth
eio. of lb. ala in tbe bona.
' rc-,uUrt, detirin,, it i. tuppoad. lo
Uovnrna Fincree wm oa the floor of ■ * _
'» »!»• Americtn liae bed beea
.h.hdu»un. dfu-ddd. bdi .llclud;
“• “I" Ibldddd by .b.>d..«... bl lJ.o.,.1
u nppIsBM M he peaed up the BUle*.'*^^ **^ **^^^‘“*
"hatoa't comifieBd. ’I'be Americez*
' [Of aejfroee. who arm determined to in tbe trenchet replied wtrmiv
No quorna it vtpeaed Friday from I
»»«»»••H. V Beecher of the
The aueae at Johnson'* warehouse j u,eni was killed,
tbe aamber «f leaves of nytaeBoe Krai
ed to eoBwItleee rolafl acutb to ia- where the Bine negroes yere ooaflueal A bttiallon of the Twentieth Icfat
•pMt i-OBl nine* nod to tbe upper ^ revolliair. Blood covert
' try routed a tmtll band of the Fillpi-,
penlDtuln to Intpeet normal .et.«.^|^*nd tbe bltcWened wall* are indented noa on tbe LayanI road and abarp-|
altee. .
' with rifle thoU.
ebootera who were flriaff from a bouie
CbanberlBln. Kelley. Herrly and I Every citizen teen oa tbe ttreeU U
which tbe French flay wm tlymy >
Pennon who were in tbe bouse in ISWS armed with a ynn nad the tltuatlon U
err dislodged.
« appointed to etoort to tbe Npenk- believed to be practically under ooa-j, A gunboat entered Laguna lake and
err*a auad ea-B«pre*eoUtlre Bobert
: tllenced a one-gun battery in the tool
Brown of laabeJia eoooty. who spoke
The mob that committed tbe crime! hillt.
briefly to tbe honae rMalllny reml- WM oomposed of ISO mMked men. I The reporU from ManlU today thow
BltcnoM. of that araalon after which WJiero they came from U a myttery. J mat tbe Fourth Infantry, tbnt reached
Ue atndeatt oooapled tbe eenter aitlc | The frlyblened neyroe* yelled for ner- ' Manila iMt week on tbe Urant. Is now
I cy. without cffecU Wbea lU horrible in tbe firing line. In tbe A'ourtb in
- --------------------, wjrk WM flolahed, the mobdlaappear- fantry are many Michigan boys None
Bmnua AFTB& BOU.AVD BOATi on bonebaek
Made bv Mk-higao T.-iepb»ii<.- Co.
of them were-Hijured
Yeaurday the Itader of the yug,
for any rlts>. of .M-rrice ilcsirrd.
XnuMtar Baito for Bnylaad to Ooa- Bud Cotton, iataidto have made
FALLS BBIB TO $40,000,000
' pleu the Bofot atiOBa.
written oonfcMlon of tbe yullt of bli
New York. March lA-OaplalB L. E. eelf ud bU aatoelMee. Be wm tbe Mr*. Bbarp of Dee Moioee Oomaa In\o
at end of six months nr .-httige
Bell of the royal navy: John F. Ilol-j first to die In tbe mob's bloody work
Fortune by Oentb of u Uncle.
to any clai* of i.ervlc<- at will
iud: Invenlorof tbe tnbmtrine tor---------------------------Telephone the maotgrr lo.-tl!
llMMolne*. Iowa. March I>v-Mrt.
pedo-boat. and L- B Renet of the
and ekp'tio oeie ralw. adopteii by
Mary Annefibarr. who lives at No hit
BotcbkU* tlun oumpany. tailed for
-------------the company
Tenth street thltclty. hM bean inform
Enylniidtbl* morning on the Amerlou
•* »«« •□«n«aar HeeUnga ed of tbe death of her uncle. Jatmt
llnastanmablp Ht. Pnu). Mr. Uolland'a
Tyaon, at Brltbue. AuttraUa. who bM
Tteit to Bnglud it the reault, It It said,
Detroit. March l« -A Michigan trot left an estate of fliO.OOU.oiK).'
of aevarol long eonanltbllon* with Cap- ting and pacing eireuit wm fprmed
Tyaon WM a bachelor Ue bad lived
d . j h~. tod.T »r bs~.~.g Irom ,h. .~u in Auatralia forty years, sad tbe only
nbmairtne boat by the BriUtb gown-, and Windsor. Onu
other known relatives are two brotbera
MBlI It WM decided ibtt half m !* traeka who formerly lived In Ball. Knglud. j
Captain /.tllntki. Invnntar of tba ‘ mnttgive at ItMl flioo pumm. ud tbe Whether or not they arc tUII
living Ml..,.,
it I
; Built Is Woei .-..OH.I. .1}!. lur spee-l zdS i)I
dynamtu gun bearing bto ume. wta j tawont wm left optional with the ■ not known, buv at anv
!. tbe abare zUilli). CslIsi.U I.h.s ...ervarS la pruzre
at tba doek to tee tbe pnrty off ihi* j bUb trnekt. altbough there wm an af- «iii™8..T,
-111 ......I.
^aorniag and praotkally admitted tbnt i fort made to maka the minimum fl«M. mllUooa
I kuziue »urS.. Msi.i ek.o~. M>. h Trort..
! l it)- ProD'S. lUe • r vi oo.i o< r..M Btors
OnpUln Hell ban eome lo tbit eonntry I Both Haglnaw ud Highland Fark
h, Bnerl-ui-k. Me . Moorelo
to look lato tbe matter of tbe Holland ; claim tbe aeeond week in July date.
Androv Bicgina-Bard Luck.
beat- TbeeaptalB aUo Inferred that |ud a clash U imminent, m It look* mI Andrew Uitglnt of Weal Ninthki
tbeanocea* of the Preneb submarine though pelUer would yield. Tbe eom-!atroet. a lad aboni i: years of age fell' PrOVldCDt Ltfc
Wilhelm Bros.
T.-itB.'s for H suit just like
Eferybodj Go.
T6ere1l U bkmis ol
Sttulie uudalinied
k’fil such suhs-coet. v«tt ami lomj pante,
for loys of li» y,«t» or oKler—not etn with
Vest aud knee
Onr Pant Sale is t>« end th.*-*- $i>.00
paUiTUH at $2-i>0 eat- y^iim; fust.
New Furniture. Storel
\ About April I st I will open!my store with a new stock
of House Furnishing Goods.
I invite all to give me a call. It will be no trouble to
show goods.
(ico. W. Thomas,
Ten Tear Coniracts
House Furnislier
201 |Cor. Unionland State Sti.
Subscribers May Cancel
.'Miebigan Telephone Co.
Gasoline Tachts,
flow Boats. Sailing Craft
ll joil Jwant Jup-to-date, beautiful and artistic
wall paper get it from us.
Remember, we have no SO-jear accumulation lo
•u.h Ih. Hriti.8
«,ii: Th,
V. 8. cl... 8, vh, ~ ;
rawn OnO„
Saturday Next
^ Iji
8.0.U 18
.ie8U llO„
’• ttiis season.
Compare our 2Hc line with that others sell for
S and 6c—Yon will surely decide in our favor.
probably make with regard to tke toclatlon In purmM U m tollowt; Sag**>ke l.unev
------ --------- --. _
cn, m.. h.ciu.
wof oneor more of the nnlUnd'laaw.flie.oQO; Hlglland Fark.'flu,0«; Store on West Front ttfecu
“•______________ _
] Windtor, flis.ooo; Oraod Banldt. fll.OOO.
jJaekten. fit 50i>; Fort Hnron. $4,600; !l
1 Bay City, fln.tiwi; Pontiac. fli.fiOO; riini. J
FvepnoterOhMagoTribunaudFrom tt.ooo; Spriagport. $i.:oo; total. $6Vtneni In Batlonal AffUr$.
Cbteaga. Mnrob 18.—Word wm reoeiv-1
ed today from San Antonio. TexM. '
%t Jotepb Medtll. proprietor of iLe
Tba Obioago Kagomlty
^Lago Tribana died there early tbit
Bow Oa.
Cbteago. March 18.—Tbe I
Mr MedlllwM bora la New Hrenawiek In 1*33. When be was nine year* ' eity oonventioo today nominated Mtyftf %gr bit father moved to SUrk or Harriton to tuoeeed b.mMlf.
^ mnnnty.Dblo. where bta ton worked on I nianiag males
Adam OriaellfcB.
^^iarm. He tuteequently atndled law ; <or olW treMuror; Andraw J. Ryan, for
Which wp• propone mnkiaK tUe Imnner day of «nr "Espaniion 4‘
praclloedlB MaeaUlm. In 1$4» be | «'W •»*omey: and William Loefiler,
Sale" on t hilde Snitn, wn will make no «im iniluwment u F
V tennded tbe Free Holl. auwnpapar. at i
loMmbmi. for city cleric,
follown:k Ooaboelon. In IK6S be Mtebliabed a' ‘The platform tieeta clear of utional
.g likH
Ddred .•hikl'e a
* Whig paper at Cleveland.
’ iaanaa ud tbe mayor studs on bit re
from last vear--Tbt»**
will imt in
in 1884 tat wm one of tbe orfmnltere;«wdM*inet tbe Allen MU ud other
lot of
winter goods wp have
aellin*{ at noch mkrtelouKly low
of tbe Repebllean parly. He removed : •Woet railway legislation
pant ten
.prioen for tbe r—
-- days,
Imaking rn advance aale uu'auita
to Cbiengo, sad In 1*66 be beonme oee I
------ ----- ;--------------which
uof tba owoere of The Tribnae. Be wne i
•ortenent from which yon cannot fail lo make a eclei-ticm when
n member of tbe llUaoleooaatlteUonal
yon m the goock and priced altached to them.
MBTentloB In iwTOand author of tbo BeninaMOelleveMora in Mew'
nemeuiber. from one dollar to throe and four doUara aaved
minority reproMntaUon elauao In
Buneon kloek Todayon every child’a anit pnn-faaaed at tbia aale. Our aaWon child'a
-------- -« U,.
suite fUDce this sale was ioaagnratod ha«-e never been e<|naled
vies eommimton. Be wa* elected mayWill move into Uielr new qaartert in
by U4 at any previoua tine. Yon will ondernUnd why when
erofCbicngoln tbe mm* year,
tbe new Munton block today.
you call and turn more of oar offer.
died a mlUioitalfe.
Moond story of tke new bnUding bat!
been hnndeomkly fitted up eapeetally'
for tbelr nee. More improvemuM art
to fMlow.
Ladies Fleece Lined Wrappers, a ijreat b^r- “Tr\.-k
gam at $1.0L\ choice uf any..................
A visit in our store these days is a revelation to
to many—Rich, nobby and np-to-date merchandise
throughout our departments.
Our Spring Arrivals
Entitles us to a just claim of being leaders, not
only in low prices, but today we lead in fashion, qual'
ity and quantity.
We earnestly solicit your inspection of onr daily
The Boston Store,
Front Streot
Glass Block. {
tUBHIir lliW BtSiPEWUt
To B« Snewd tor B. /. XorfM os tt*
OotMTorSiotoMd Weaisrtoo
B. J. VorfM hM elosMl s 4mX with
MM. »
w. Bammu. O. P. Corrsf bj which he bM»Oo»«e
owaer of the reeid-r<i* property on
, w. Baxvwi- MlW mm)
t'>«UwMt oorser of Prpshlis Ud 8uie
hr Mr. oed Mr*.
H. D. Alley. Ttite psrebMe lathe berlBBlsr of OB MTOBreweBt whieh le to
rwBlt IB the eroetioo of ooe of the
la theclty.
to. PMteae. M TreewM OM,
Per JBetlM of the Baprene Ootirt.
BIAUD1U8 B. ORAKT of Hoofhtooper Beceot of the (Bete l7Dl*«r«iiy.
flOL. HBKBV 8, r»8£N c.f WoehtcBBw,
OOU BLl B. Bl TflJM of Wayse.
Bh^OtreDli Jadpe. Uth JadleUl Cireiiit.
PBBD W. MAYNB. of Cborlerolx.
MIBdKBTnec. tJBAV. •
Morroo •‘>1
eoTBcr lo the TB*MI lot todBr PtboVlie emet o»d the reoldeBce he bow »•
eapleiwUI^ »o*«l to the eoraei
whe» Mr. iUey BOW lleee. The re
■orolofMr. MorfOB-e reeldeace. froo
the corser of 8Ute «Bd Welllopton
etreeu will moke room for Ue aew
lenoe meatioBed oboee. The Bew
atroetare wkll be one ef tbe lateet im .
preeed reeideheea of woderB dealpBl;
with creiy appolBtme,Bl for comfort j!
aod ooorealeBoe. The floiahlopa of the
iBlorlor will be rich aod the whole wlU f
be a beaoilfnl aod attraciirc dwelllnp]
Tba con will be about ItocKi.
Mr. Morpan will bepiaal oace to
prepare to make -tbe ebaopea aod tbe
foobdatiuB of tbe dcw reeideaoe will
be laid ible eprlap. This will be an
elepaai addliioD to a locality wbleb i.
already becomlnp noted for h> odeomr
raaidroeae aod ImaaUful autTocadipra.
Mak» the food more dcTickHis md wbohnoraa
Btoay of FrPBCh Authota
icK«r ron saTtRotv.
At tbe meetiop-of tbr Womao'a cloh
ib aefUrBounMrs. /.. B. Eeasa will
baeecbarpe of tbe litcrarr propram
TbewriUapaoftbe French autbora
Voltaire. Buffoa aod Rcueeeau will be
Biudied. Fapera will be preaenied by
' Mr*. J. <1. Kamadell. Mre. J. C. Moi^n
and Mre. EraDa
laatrumeoul and
Tveal koloa will be rendered by Mlaaeaj
Btacklaaa Aniea Balva.
Tub BmiT 8ai.Ta In tbe world tor
Cau. Utuiaea. Sorea. OloMa, Balt
Bheum.-Peeer Seree, Tetter. Cha)
Bands.ObllblaiBe. Coroe. and all i
Braptiona, and poaitleely earea Pilea.'
r tnooey
toplee perfect
refunded. ITice »i cenu perbox.
>x. Fo
eelebe.l <} .lchni.cn ar - > « »*lt
Tor Mvor.
llie maaquerade of Trarerae City
Tent )t’o ■'71. K O. T. M.. to have been
tonlpbt. baa been poelponed one week.
ProBh HomtltoB.
OB aeoouBi M tbe trip to Tbompooo*ll e.
Seal Friday erenii'p March •-•tthia,
Por City Clerk.
tbedate that'4>n the Suaaooe K vrr";
▲Inoo W. Bickerd.
All Maooobeea who lotcnd to po
U^morrow nipbt to tbe I will be aeen In TraWae City On that
For rrcokurer.
blpcclebratloB.^Fe reqalred tomaelln'olpbt, thUcomeiledVatM will be preWlUUum i. Hobbe.
Foreawr-ihall at »:W abarp.
Tbe jacDted at Sieinberp a Urhnd. inlerpret-,
Ptw JBdfe of EeBorder*. Court.
membera will lea.e In a body and]edby a company of la'lrnud autora.
LorlB Bob-Tte. ^
the dra-j
march to tbe train beaded by tbe Moya’ j
‘On the Bawanee Bi^r-'ia
PorHchool leepeetor.
i^.KDo: the quiet;
Band. Tba train will laaee at T o’clock. 1 maik- noeeliy of ibe^
0. B. 0<ckereF.
tbe rale fot the round Ulp belnp :uilcomedy. petboe. aentioieui. ktartlinp
tor MMBlwr B-mrd^f Patlle Worke. c^ntajeUmaxea. laupbable oddiMto. .ateby
/oorpb Boob.
Tbe UamittOB Clotblop Oo. Invltoa ' melodica. and barmunioua tropical act*
porJoatice of the Poaoe,
all tbelr catlomera to atep Into their tlapa. arc ao admirably worm and
/. bB Terly
eURW tbla morstop and pel n ehnmrock blended loptftaer ibei there la not a
doll mamenl from the rlae to the Jail
Id booor of 8U PaUWk'e day.
of tbe curuln.
TbrMdbtre ArtumeaU.
Tbe Micbipan Tradeemati of Orand
TBe DBlIy B«l* Vrlee to meke » Eqpida la iu laat laana printed In full
There jtaa anolbor full rehraraal of
Bloehlsr arrumeot la eUllnp that
lly by Her. tbe Moya' Hand miBkirtl
/■dfa OorbeU wae eboeea a caodldaie berl Montapae In the younp «*n> {tbe ktapela Huinberp'a Grand.
|sr etrenit jadre beeanee Judpe Baio»irae arranped by Frof. C. T. Grawp. ,p»rtlcipaota are peuinp ihnr
4aU racopBlzed ibal J edire CorbeU pot- A.fioe half-tone poruall la also prinU-d j
,,^,ytb np will gu
a«mad a auprrior iudUrlal miod o>er with the article.
' off like clock work. Uerrj-M.-Coy. ibe
ftwd W. Mayoe- Thai waa .lx year.
There will be a rebeareal of the Coo-1 manager of the abow. U ab expert and
•fO. aad 1a the oexi breath the B*Kle prepalional rborua choir at tbe church | be la pifinp every attantlon UMletaila.
kehawbaibaa occurred aioeetomake Ibis eveoiop at'::1.V
Music for tbe | Tbe Brel part will tie a great ivetnre
Mr. Mayoe a dealrable Candidate. Tbe Sunday aebool Beater concert will belpod the ap.-cialilee will >-ciip«e even'
Stclalaraakler ao much of "rxprri. auDp. All membera and olben are in-1 the profnAional abowa which bate epMae" at tbe bar that It ourbt
vitad to be preaent. Will be ont in | peared here. Ererytbinp poiath toa
wm tbia queavloB liarif Aoeordlnc to
me for the social.
j praod boanclal aod artiatic auoceu.
arpameai alx yaare of axperl
Amanda Hire No. &n; will eerre a|
—-------_ _
Moaeoua eoa.ideiab’.e dcure la tbla
ten cent anpper this evening lo FeudalBlph Bebool Ba»e Ball.
MapalifB. Tbeo the Bacle proeeedk
era' hallThere was an enihukiastic meetiop
^ daelarfop In pcrwDal ta«
Ooe of tbe beanliful featnree of the ,of the boys of the High ecbool last eveWhicb are aoralUd for and unwlae.*
that the Democraiie eaodidaVe U preat- flrat pane
Tbe Idee
tpaopcrlor to Mr. Mayoe beoaute be show will bean immense AheriraB Ing alkaae ball team.
irely of rad, wblie well received and ' tbe proepeci- are
to* Bad ao moeb lonpar eiperlaBec. flap
electric Upbw. bright for two pood teams. The fol
'too** pirmr-----preater abllliy. Tbe and
lowing cflleen were elected;
topleUao deeply wrapped up 1b tbe
Manager—B. B. Bwlfi.'
todMCratle caDdldaU that it eanoot There will be FM lipbU in the piece
Secretary—Joe Bhrenberger.
iiTT---------r <|u»Ht7 wbalerer Is aoy and iiwlllaellpeelB brilliancy any
tohar eaadidate reoommendlop eoaald< tblnp ever Introdaced on n loonl etape.
Treaaurer—Berl Montapoe.
There will be a special eoBToeation
Tbe BODpartleaB cry li
ftowiap threadbare, ae tbe rolera of tonight of Trmveree City Chapter. No.
I have been eflUeied with rlienmapM partlee take bo etoek 1b tbe delualre lo:. B A. M. Wcwk In tbe K M. de llam for M .veara and nolblnp aeempd
appeal on aon-partlaan proBBda, be- gree.
to give any relief. I wae able to be
all the time, but conaunlly
yiT- each app^B Id sortfaerB Mlebkuffarlng. I had uled every thing I
JfM Blwaya oome from Demoerata aod aa attack of qaloay.
c-uid bear of and at last was told to
to tohalf of IlemocraU,
Barry-L. Hoot, wbo waa catcher for try ChsniberUio’k Fain Balm, which 1
toeeateoa years rxperleaoa by a man tbe Bnstlera base ball team for.eevcral did. aod waa immediately relieved and
artth a elaaateai edueatloa aod aprada- aeaaona past, la DOW lo Weal Virgiola In a ehori time cured, f am happy to
•la of tbe law department of tbe Ann and baa aipoed with the Inter-kUte say Gist it baa not aioce leioroed.
Jo»h Edgar. G"rmanto»D. Cal.
tohorl'Direralty. Uablph reoommen leapoe team at Wbeehng. Ue will re- sale be B. K. Walt. Ilrug^iat.
tollmr for any lawyer, aod aa Mr. re^rl tbe brat week in April.
MhPb*>>A* eojitad Iboae adraoUpea
All membera of the I. C. B. A. So
**t*°*>*' ciety of HU Francis ebnreb are
prBSttee.be i» a candidate whom all quekted to meet tbia afternoon at
o’clock with Mra. .lohn Barry, cornrr
wraauai eoDfldenee.
Eighth and Casa aweeU. Important
bealneak mukt be attended to immediFaraoaal.
1 of Boloa. Ik •lely
. Mtea Mapple 1
Nee Patteras-NawToes
New Spring
For llir iitiiii-* Htv eoDCfdi-d l>v all to
1h- the Ilii-tMl ill town,
Alfred V. Friedrich
Popular Shoe House
In Bed We’re Born
BIbcI aed Taa.
Make rough, rc’t.l iiandB .^e are buying in large quantities ami j«y highest prices,
tlarnation Cream -!
35c—keep them soft ami
Short Maple Wood..
We alao hare for sale lascU for pood farma.
The shoe dealer has who undertakes to
match our offerings, either in quality or
price. We have a few lelt of these men's
odd pairs of flue shoes. We may still have
your size.
Genuine Bargains!
From $6 00 to. ........ $3 00
From $3.60to............ $it 60
From 43 00 to............ SITS
Special Sale Cyrano Chains
-The latest chain for ladies in the market. We are offering them
at cost to clear. Beautitul designs. Our prices
25c Hegular Price, Sale Price 19c.
$1.00 Regular Price, Sale Price 69c.
-In Bed We Die..
ptotUop frienda In tbe city.
ThlaWillbeaFIna Propram.
Bditor McGovern of tbe TnaUn
To aW|) woll, live long ami die
Blnea tbe propram of the BL Fatrlck
Ttolca waa a ppeal of tbe local lodge of
well buy good l>ed' -we have tlo-ui
it to be pivan lonlpbt was
Blk* laat Bight.
--If you do not eleepand r*-«t well
B-8. Hull baa poae to aeveJand on nnoouaced another feature baa baen
bMiaeaa. HevHU return la time to
Tremain will oon- you an> nu( fit for buBioes* next
atart oa Tumday for Callforala oa a, tflbnu an Important part, conklaiinp day.
If ^you have oue'of
uur Elai
ta-liM. ulp. U!U>.P.D1«1 b, 11„, .oMiuUb linp.r«.b.Uop...d .p.ol.|.,,j., nire
Uea. TbeeDbcrialDmeDlwItibe pivenl
^, Iron Bod you.t-nnnol liolp ntitiiiK
A. J«k—, .11. =1 lb.
b.» pb> lb lb. c,i. Op.™ Do.™ .....
•r mho recabtly arrived from Bleb
•osd. (ad., to uLe charge of tbe baai■M Of confectionery In Mlller’a drop
itora. bes arrived In the city to stay.
•torlff A. R. BelUoper of Maple City
to*wt y*at«rday in tbe city.
P. A. Clary of Oraad Kapldi U in Abe
•Mp WB botlaeei.
DM Hunter boa returned to Bonlb
#Htpe Fred W. Aldrieb And J. B
BMifraoD relumed from Lelnud yea
aatoay. and went to OadUlae.
W. K. Kelley ratumed tnat night
from Udlwrton.
•fra C. K Host of Grand Eaptd* la
vlMUnp bar mother. Mra. Buses of Oak
Jamas Woodworth of Bummil City.
•M of the Hannah Birtm who went to
Oaba, waa la the city yeatorday.
.1- _ _______ ^
the auapleae of .II
SL C_____
cbnrch. Tbe
advance sale of tlckeu la tbe beavlrat
ever known by tbe church for their auDual bt. Fairlek’a day eDterlalnmeoi.
Tbe eupper to be served by tbe ladli-e
will be a temntlDp spread.
A Thouaand Tongues
Annie K Bprii
. when aba found that
I) King • New Ulacovery (or Conaniup.
tlon bad completely cured her of that
backlog coupb that for maey years bad
made llfeabnrden. All other remedire
aed doctors could give her no help, but
Bbe says of tbia Boyal Cure—"It soon
removrd ^e pain la my cheat aad I can
now simp aoubdly. aoBctUop I can
aearvelFremember doing before I feel
like aoundinp ita praises throupbonl
px. I
- </•
will every
every ooe wbo
So >111
ip‘a New Discovery for an
vies Ur.
troubfe of
u the Ttamat.. Chest or 1-uop
FrlM. Sot aad <1 i
Trial boitlra free
Jobnaob'a and Wait's drag stores..
Every bottle naranteed.
Mrcaptlen to Mrw Members.
Txavrrse Bay Hive No Tl will give s
mmptio* to (heir aew members la
itoirowB hall Taaaday afumooo at Tnik
$ •’*»mk. All mtmbeva are nqumied I ^ome medr caodlea at Jackson *, or
to to pemiitAoorasstof poalofllee.
.’.so 3i
well wo hHvt> a fiun line uf itxra
btkU. fruin <2.50 up. Cuuw in aud
look them over.
House F amiafaiDg Store.
Sew Storw, 120 Front Street.
'pixaxxw laa.
«♦ f I
Vllsltied Atra<
)«ter ebaGaW a*tc
tr. for ealrsiri
. lawatsad •
at teeth •luWut
When you are hoodwinked by specious ar^umento
into payiDfc $2.00 for a $1.00 article you are out of
pocket a dollar, about tbe same if it were stolen from
you. We don't guarantee $2.00 or $1.50 or $1.08 worth
for $1.00- simply your maney's worth, lees tbe profit
without which businesa caunot be ccnducted.
Wall Paper 2 l-2caRoll !
The Observed
Of All Observers
Cannot fail to observe our fine Bilk Skirts
-not the chfap China silk but made of
f he very best Taffeta. We have them from
$5.60 to $7.60. Come and examine them.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
mmAiiiJii AAAjitAliil'.tank Or. HiUloladlft to work m
Taaehrta' AaMXrfatloa KaatloB.
i tk* U|i«t» Dr. Blit clilM tk»t
------------Today aad toaaorrow will mark iba
K •yeMboblotwd oat If tka Mcr<<a'l
Vovan Rany U ocxa lo act hfokt
aatioal rathtriaf of tke Oraad TrarWVa\«
{ , tto, u*. wa -taaad aM a f^toral tb* U«odle Fr.ociaa
^ A „ »______.
£ aaylustorlaponMUklikbad
I Copi»«'i-Viuliu lUkarol Crtmooa* craa Toacbaia’ AaaoeiatioB. Tke a«aaloa betloa tbk OTaalef la tko Hlfh
Ki\ OU\tTtS\. J
At Hoaa
Pan tko
tte Qaakor.
Oukn ar*
m kl
AU tor. «p ““
■“ “Pf*
• Ua arna oaaatkm. Tka aaU-l Tka part aea.oa >a Nrw York hm ^^aai^rtWyroomaadwlUalaooc■wmim mm-Ji-mrwmmwi oma^tkmMli^kaaoat.aa*ior krw* BBMnaUy full of uew thln«a aoi i«»P7‘br foraaooa of Saturday,
Tka Portlaad
t* I. of a fa.1l«k. iTiSb TZ'^l
A. «eall.at prorrato ka. boea pro-
0^ 'BeVts
APotw ^
teaad iaa.da iLa ___ ________
VJa.l *
ed from her lone lllorM ao4 It asalB urped toatay naUl tbrcloae.
a^llalrlwLa aaS^T ahai^^^^
At a moaUaf of tbe Oraaa BIrm Val- atodylag with Trab^lo
, s:, ut.*^ riz,.. z.i‘,
I tkr Aiiwritan tbeattT
' \ «aia raamiaod, aad ft waa foaad tkatj
o prcaloi-F a oi-w iipmi callud
' biifawbaotworaaliaa Maoy of tka aaongb to
alfor aod promlaaa to folbll lu sUatoa
I.-] CaruirB
It did itut provt
‘ rr^arara rsoraaaod tba oploloo. boo- "Maria <!.-]
*er aama yaan to oom.
lerar. tkat tba wboiaaala k.U.ag of -• very grrat week
Tka gcBt
■ of Iba Aa** I poaeh traaa WMid pror^a klMalag. aa
MaacaKUi ba» rom^dtd m aecarli^
gvuuiBv t(uld agaiu wiUi bivlria. ' Ha
aatk Day Adrea
_ a la aaaaioo at
woald asUmloata tkr
cmuIucImI tbi- firrt „«.«».«.,
iM-Wurinaorr aad
».it« u.
"BttV Wb «tt \H*\ w kVcDkiikA w
CATV be 4epcTv4t& otv \a
Uooaloeated la BaUle Oreak- They I ,„** a groat eaia It'---------------------,
r«-alUl <o tuura
the paat few yeaia. wa.
tera tkaro tbair groeral piiatleg of-1
Hudson cit
aaaltitfUiii. oolUge. old poi^laa'i^^^ eltlar*. aaaaolted hla aoo lu^law., ^^Mo^ 'Tlien Wnem. ' whirh
‘“''bat. m- ba». fidl..weu -CVraboUe Brri
■ HioUa* daogorooa wooodaoa the haad. I Auuir Knm-II be* eurrifd
t of
" tkU
'®, «»”«>“'•»««•
Xjeaa»au;i waa duo to a mikaoder- with t'liarl.»1 n.liineuil«'|‘r«»i.i.ui»
tam agaioat
agaloki the etlla of
baa warned tbom
„„r a game of oarda.' Bolk of vilii. b *b.-v. ilUtiUmn. tn i.-.larr.d
MDlratioD, and adviaaa that brra-;, are woU kooan cit / m.
' bi. dir.v«i.,u t,.r m v. lul > . are to
aftar tba boalueaa aad work of
deaomlnaUoo. keaatablUbad lo other | Mr* Korbe*. forenorty HatUc
Wadondav' Aodr. w Min It ■ jduy
ot xt .noioaaitlae aod nao rallgiooaGeoter* ba ta ;Bkaot.
We barie taken apeeial care lo geli..A..A.™..
'■ ............ tabi labod,
...A,,,.... ™. A, „„.,ia.a.,a.a.a..,..a_.a. „po,_..aa.
AA. A», a~a *»po...a. ";,;v;^.An.:;i;;;:;A '-“........
mmlttad aoWlde by abootiog bli
II,.u», ..,,,.,1 tA..|,^
throngh Ue temple, dying inauntly- A,l.l...a-M Ml .i™..A.I,..AA,l|
s,. X
£»ea\W Ti)e\,\.
_______ __
Milb ATC sVtnsA^ some
tvstd at\4
4tS\%TVS VTV \>VCSt )004s
'^VvtlBATb a\\.\vtv>
He waa aa old irealdent of tba oouniy
' - -*■'»pand baa been engaged in the dn gooda ““K.UA..AA. .-AC
t4 Tip ^OT pottT VTvspecVvon. 'Mon catvtvoV
mn. two Kutaiana
Kutalane wbu O.Milwin
0<u<iwin ba*‘•»pn-«x1
bu> •'ipn-.^xl hi* iini
iii« ntioii
ntH)ii to ;<
boalnem in Orid for ynara He bad *uf- Meyer Hbkmann.
ta.., KtfBbpl IM .». AA, SUick So ,17
fared from rbauiaallan for a long time,
^aW U set \>vtVr btAVt\\} atv4 paVus. &u>
and tbia la thought to be the reaaoa Hr by: aecret aerrloe ^en charged with
making counterfeit nieklea and penktoauleldeBobbed tba Ura>4
per^ )oo4s a\ \\ve T\p|K\ prices.
Tbeir layout wa* eunbacatod and
At ltent«D Harbor Jter. C A. Cartar,
paator of the oolored bapiial ehnreb, la alao a large amount of bogua money John Oliver, of Vblladelylhia. wa* the.'stock No. ju>?
.... a.
▼lolenUy loMwe on r rrllgi >n and will waa found. I'taey were held for trial aubject.
be taken to tba Kalamanioaeytam. He lu tba aom of Pt.wtO each at (Srand Bap,.llO.. .^.AAl.W I- Uouglaa. atamped
, _
il (ivtober. They purebaaed thr My akiu wa* aim.»,. ^...........
Ma daughter In Ikd ataie normal
rn. toDgur i-oated. pain oDtioually in
acbool wbo will gmduaw tbia aprlng.
exeet Oerman allrer in Cbicago.and bai-k and i>id«K, no appetlle—gradually j
A young laof at MulUken baa for a were followed to Kalamazoo.
long Ume bean oorrmpoodlng wltb a
Yon will aave □ ney if you buy.yoor
oaUilT.'a friend adeiaod trying -ElecMarriage Bell*.
man in Chicago wbtiae •ci(uaioUQi-e
,ter*.'and U-my
■ luy great joy and .boeaof ^
.1. E '^ainn. formerly of Ana Arbor,
pbe bad i^e through a matnmunial
Burprlae. tke fir*l buttle madea
a dt-oii
nganicr, but wbomabo bad nerer leea now of tnU city and Miaa Lena Hra*b iiupri.vemi-^ I continued their
Ba finally propoaod, and nmngemenla ettblaelty. were nnib'd In marriage for three *«>ek*. and am inow a well ;
I know they *aved tuy life, a
Warn made for their marriage, wbieb Wedueeday by Be* J. A Bready
; grave of another victin
tran to bare taken plai-e la»l Wednea- ' William I*. Parcber and Mia* Carrie
onld fail t
4ay. Two day* prrvtuui to the dau O'lirieo, both of Traverae City, were
. r bottle a
not tka groom arrived and wa* met at uotted lo marriage yeatorday by Bt-v. J. (). Jolinaon'a hrug Slnrea.
..tbaaiaUiin by ibebiUe-ela,:!. and the J. W. Miller, at hi* reaideoeeon Sute
WboU matter cbdcd r.gb't there.
,«o«plcaloo waa wbat oau*ed tbe
trouble’for be wa* 40 dark aulnnad a*
' I«ltMalariaorA>um*
' Mui.lbh
toeompel tbe belief ibai be wa* a
Languor, tom of apm-ut.-. indege*
Mgro He claimed lobe a Uroak, but
Is <m fvery box of I’nion .Made (.igars—lnsi>t on cigars
• tkeatatemeot did not gudodowu with tlOD and often fevertkbneaa are tie!
made undejr th^^ ldl»el and you will In- >ure of giuKl value
ayiiipUiin* <>f a phykiological |
tka young lady aud ber f^lly.aad tbe'eomi
and a pure smoke.
n teriaefl -malaria." All tl
aarrlaga waa declarad off. wbtia the '
Union men earn geo i wages tor honest labor.
man look tbe neat trBlo back to tbe aymptoma may be and fminently are
tbe effect of tbe u*e of alum baking
windy city
A. Uuldfarb of Elk Baplda «vm abort- powder In food making. There 1* .
Telephone I«»2
:tll Fr»>nt Street
ly open a braneb dry good* aloro at | (tueellon about the potaanoua effect of
upon ibe vyatem.
It obatruota
Bollaire. Id partnarablp with 1. tioldmlok. Ha will plaea kU dangkMr. digaatioo, proairatca tba oervea, cogulateeanddevlullzea tbe blood.
Blmma, In ekarga of bia iniareaU.
Tbara am ton innln of the K. O T. thta baa beeo made xlear. thank* to
Tf fit), this i* theSplaee 1>» t;,-t it
ri;.rht and iiromjitly
R< imiriag
M. la tbe upper penlaaola wboae mem- to pbr*lcian*. board* of bealtb, and
But wc do lidievc in signs when they are
Euaiueling and J Jtllu- Tuvtiiny of all kimls. I’all in asd •e «ny new
. kmablp la oomprlaod ancluaieely of food oommlaalon*. So '-highly ic iurlHue of wheels. A giKul^line of wheels to lelll
on* to the bewltb of tbo oommnnlty”
so .convincing as those which point to the
Tko opera bouae at Oopemiah kna doe* tne emminent bead of tba UniMarker.
rally of Hcnnaylvanka.
•knaged kanda and kna
baking powdere.
Balder tke alum bak
talo n omrebonae for buggies and agri
increasing demaml for |mr ‘ BEST ' flour.
waltnral Implemanu, aad a* a eonseqioaa* tka vlliigp 1* without a public hibited by law.
Coder ^hc-ae
eslt ..
is worth
It is mmorad that the Canadian Ha-, tbe wbil*^
^ every boutewife to employ I
Other gooils othei prices.
Jj. VY. Milliken.l
A. S. Fryman,
135 Front St.
Blue I.abii Ivike This!
Practictl Shoe lui
Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?
•ila railroad will build a tunnel from
»» '‘"•P
*o dangerou* an element from the fo< d
Pwiot Kdwnrd W North Hort llunwi
of ber family
Company D. Mloblgna
A pore cream of tartar baking pow
' tioard*. of tba Soo, have decided to In- der. wbicb 1* tbe only kind that should
sMlI a complete
-“''Ia.amI. aa«A,U>.«, .Aa., ,. U s„
cents a pound. Tberetoro if yon are
A Church otCbiiat Soolely baa been paying much leasaometbing i* wrong;
arganiMd at Cupemiak and a bulldleg If you are paying ■ <MDta or lea* p. r
parphsaed. wbicb U lo b*
pound the powder Is eerUinly made
Into a ebureb tor boldlog regular aerfrom alum
Always bear ib«-*e s^p^e fa,-l« in
At Jaokson the HuAiagtan-Bronk
mind when pun-ha*ing linking powder.
It you want vour uid wbral to look a* gixxl a* ut-w brlog It to U. K. Oibba.
BhlrtUo . that employe* i5<> oonvivi*
■It me bp by 'i’hone No I'.'l. and I w'.i; call and got your whrol.
- wa ootiuact, baa purebaaed a aitcout-'
Will repair, rnauii-l and dt-corsu- it up to date, for a Utii* rsproae. .Call
alda of Ibo prlauB wall* aud WiU erect'
«...ud « ouraae.
and *ro aamplo* of cnamoling.
:u : I ni'.n si, opprolt* C. .t W M. depot.
knlldlng*. empioytog about too fr«i Kv.-rt iiijrj-i«.*k.r nt«l* t,, have
kAArn.. TA.AA1PA, .Ui A. A.A.A1M .
.ArtA, ,A. »A.u.,,-A.«...
.Ul lArowU,. AOATlAU A.... AA tA.l„,.„.,,., , A.,.,«,.,.W.,„A,r.S=,A.,
| IAA .V.l A, ,A, W..rA, lA. IIMA A, It it
. Hiram UrUwuld. a farmer who re- ooo*i»i>i aud urg -nt. To I'we it la ’o
«ld*s Bcwr the Clam river ferry, caught'
power to overronie. VViihoul it
■ two mukkalong* last haturdav morn-!
Auction! Auction! Auction!
Sale Started Thursday, March 16th
and will last for ten days only.
Old Bic\rcle«
Made I^ike New.
The Entire Stock Of The Fair
Wilt be sold at AucUou to tbe highest bidder
Mothlng reserved -^erything must
be sold out is 10 days
H. E. OIBBS, Proprietor
ing. on. weighing vo and tbe oUer tu ^rr'i'.^rar/
pounds, wbUe fiabing nror tba lower ,
and of Uw Lmke —Mancelooa
.if AJiiu.
him. ize
He ***»
wu* ir,
™—-.™ Herald,' ie** cjA|**
4.^ Ill
'taglnaw aporumen are going to l*rBi i lutu I'le i romiMl land. Tl„-y li.id
‘f"*" »l»«eiy
stock tbe foreaU in tbeivicinav
vieinii of that *^'’'**
______ _
tb- Lot.ler. la Canaan uud
..lA MOA,AUA. pA^tk.,..
A».lA,A„w.n«,Uoo~ .A„„ P..~'p,A,A,.M',.il..A„r.u,l A.._A._
of the blrij*. and in three year* those U,arp.-t>il»ut
are expected to Increase lo at least
—--------------------«nor 4tJ.<*«i Tba birds will be ofi
•« Heaven,
maeb bzurcli to farmer*, aa tbey are I Tbe }ny .,t bravt u ■* a never ending
•«ry toduauiou* in deauoying bug*
■> onmu.uniou of all put- and
and ib*eoi. that rat grain and fruit.
Hfi-..l w.i,|,. *.„i ih- i„Mmiptein
lltauU-lUiK luiiitllUde iu«) lu»k Wllb
tobratar claim* to have tka beat
toward the Ihr.uio and say.
•Mnwalk* of any village of lu aiM in | -Ablw, Failiey' ' It i* a pafi* t bome.
SAo elate. There are so tar over five I’b. that outywx r« u.-aier lu thi^patpailM of eemcni walk laM'In tkt vil.,l«f« ^ it/vv.-iuay wake ibrui wi.
lag*, and two mllm more are to b« ;
"»d nmtenlUtd tbU summer
Tne eorpornttoa ’
‘/“I • w»f*'''P «•''« life iv an
Mowaar tke oih^Z f
»fe. and b„m.
: la III wilb llte nuiliitiH «g .Itp KalUrr *
Ilf. Addlaoo WUitLlbe bo*t*ulhor-iboow- -L.» UJ ilurrvll. D. D.
itylnUie I’ntud sute* m loproay. I
til »le«.
Iko lepei* uMuiia. ba* rwwntly be-' Haul tri.tl lotl'aM all mru in all
MMacrmvari tuseventb liBT advaii *kl«g* tbai be niiubi by ail luroiu mitu
•t HntllrCrrok. The general eoafev-jl^_______________
-imaoywmU abooU b* lort ttoeteby.
saot baa daciAad lo raUs moaejr to ro-' Oknrtlan hwtnieioi.
Men's Suits S3.75
Men’s Suits $5.00
Men’s Suits $7.50
Men’s Suits $10.50
jirii «-i> iiNvi- ihH-ii |mt iijxni liui-f. >'f meii'j. *uibs eO'Mpruiiui,' our wiuler at*^-k
timi previously reiniletl at from
cii dollarb to seveateeu dollar*. Pur sale* whk-h hare bceu
unjms-edeDted aft- well meriled, ns youVill readily i-oncede
alien you see the gocHlu for youraelvetf, and |iriee* ((uo^xl uu
ihi-m. This sail- we shall eoutiniie al>oul a week longer, when
ilif gr-ater i>art of our new spring sUx-k will !>- in. Right oowii> yiiiir op{»>rtuuity if you have not already availed yonrself of
our extretU'-ly liberal offer on above gooda.
See our advertisement ou child’s gooda in anolher place m
the Bix obh.
Hamilton ClothingCo.
MKS. H. 1-:. GIHB8-
Dry Goods. Dress Goods, White
Goods, Lace Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes, Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps, Boots
and Shoes.
Bemember, People, this Auction Sale ie a ehaaee of *
life-time to bay good. Staple Merebaodtee at Auotlozi. It
will aleo pay merchants to attend thie eale. Bemember tfela
entire stock mnet be aoJd in 10 daya. Kemember the place,
Broach Block.
844 Prant Street.
Bale commences every afternoon at 8:00 p. m. and at
7<X> p. m. sharp.
of Detroit, Mkh.
The Store Fixiurea, Skelvna. Cooater*. Mirrors. Desk. eu.. fur aaie.
TW* MOBxnra xsooro. tbidat, kabor it, is»*
;, &eTvera\ 'KewB
\\ve "VDoAii.
Blait tbo Uattad i
maple a\ LoBteaUi*. «ba are «b tba
poiat of aelebraliac ibalr coldaa woddlaff. Tbe old aaa »a* at oae Use
of tba apiiafa at Wwa
Below la a Uat of tbe baataff aod
Tm old i, aoM of 8m1b. lAobelia. Ui<
Daroi, a thOBdeiatorai ai Bridrepart
Si Pwi" ^ " " ■ ■
oUj. abae i« eolled liTFarU.
lif H
ha* qaiu
5. beat..............
veMvarad froa tba aboek e*Md b'
ftkia lau irar wUb UU voeBlr^, aiu -eaebed for tbr cord' to riaf up a fare
■BOBU OKHV blooat out aa a roj'al boat Tbe car waa OUed with paoeearerA aod
«M. Hba baa beta cl»«a BvaaroBt ra- a paste eatsed
Hteadnao liaed <a
> and diDBera, uBtll Loot aet {Btratford. That be aboald bare bees
Sa. aed her week!/ cOBeeria. keowa to > killed b/ llfbUBlnr aad bo oae elae ia CreaiaarT Bail
ba tka refafe for all tba aaappreelated tbe ear feel tba laaat »bo>^k amoa al- Cbeeeepert. ..
.Boat lueredlole, bat It U tfaoajrbt he la Oau per bD (old;
•d «f tkat atraare «adl«/ whieb em- aowe «a/ eoeoplelod a elreoli io riairaUtataa tba Bpaabb eoloe/.
lar ap tbe fare aod reeelead tbe fall
Vm. 8. y. Boott, wbo baa joat died force of tbe eboek.
to Obfaaco. bae baaa a raaldmt of tl at after be dropped.
Special Legging Sale!
Bicycle LeggiDgs and Golf Hose
;! 1 ;
Former Prices 75c, $1.00 and $1.50.
Choitu Of Aujr Pair—Fifty Cents!
The l>eatb Aoeoid.
• laadlBC faBiUiaa la Ua aarl/
sralef little Bbrseat Uelmaa.
of Chleafo. aad wera laUnata
frtaode of Joba Weatwprtb. tbe drat eoa of Mr. aad Mn. WUliaai BelatMof
r of Cbleaco. Mra. Beott ipaeia UrawD. srbo died of tbe grip Wedi
Wed tba baUdlaf of tbe flrtt pirwaa- da/, will take place froca tbe Drawn
Oaa baalaeea blocks aloor 8UU alreel. ebsreb tbia tBoralsg.
Md could wll iaiercatlsr
U. T. UsrldsoB of iaiaad. dM WedMl old rorl Dearbora aad lu trassaeada/ of paca/Ula. Heoeaeed was C7
o the alt/of Cbiearo.
kev. e. Bdwards. paatorof tbe Eag
/eare of age and leavea a wife,
Tbe'eelebraUoa of three «ll*er wedllsb-Baptist Cburcb at MlaersTille. Pa.
and four
wbel astreriDg witb rbeuBaiiSD.
^iaca ia tbe ro/al teoiUlae of Baropc
Tba funeral will be bi Id Baturda/
CbamberlalD'i Vain '
^artof iwm tea/ be aoted. tbe frst of
afterooOa at ; o'clock from tbe Uraoge Balm SesaTS: "A few apellcatloi
eebM> waa that of tbe Duke aad Dupbball at Iaiaad. Kalph Anderaoo will of this liniment prored of great service
0m at Mate-0»burc-«ioiba. wbo were
-----It suMaed tbe Inf
direct tbe fuaersi.
and relieved the,!/peia. Should any suf
married tweat/ bre *ear« a«o Kebruf<TTr
by glziog Palo liatm a trial
«r/ ft. Tbe Duke aad Duefaese OarlC. Habuatord. aon of-C. A Hanna- ‘t wi
lease me." For sale br S. K.
-Tbaedor, 10 HataviB neiebrate their ford, wbo live* on the comer of .Soeth Wait, brnggial
lOttrar wcddloc April fit. bad tbe Uraod
I'nioD and Sisteentb streets, died yes- r-avw«,e
.Cafeeasd Duebees Vmidiniir of kuseis
Urds/mornlag at
o'cioi-k. si
wHI c'tnaplete tbe tweat/ Bftb /ear of farm borne at S-'i n of r><,.umonia.
Jackwn e.
Cbelr isarried life ADpust vi
I The deceasril wa* 7.'. ytiar* of age apd
Tbe laiYeet peseioa evergraated
leaves a wife and one child, beside* bis
abf l^alted Btaua to a forelgo-bora falber aod mother
two brotners
Tomorrow night at Fi
ooldler was allowed b/ tbe department and two slstera. The young mso v«sa
.Silvers' academy.
iauicda/. HoIetU logier
sick odI/a week and bis death was a
Be*cUciar/.‘ Sbe ia tbe widow of Beolf shock to the friends of the family.
Mriaeuiifer Ingier. and ilveein CbristiThe funeral wUl take place Buadsy
stfiU. Norwa/- Krau Ingler geU *4.Si
o H. BROWN, Auers.} a___________
aa 1 o'clock from tbe reaidi
Oj Las. B|MH-i*l^stMD(len to .allrctloi
to«lumpeamf»rbackpa.\ aad here-1 farm, ander tbe"direction Of H. L. Car•(tor will draw »S a month from the
(laltad Mtotestreaeurr. Barly
Ctaarlea (Hllett. a young man aboot
X Ingler left ble wife, came to
thirty years of age. died Tuesday night Trlr|-lK.ur No
Amanm and aaiisted in tbe Union
last at Baraga, of tbe grip. Tbe young
•rmy. Tbeaoldler-busbaad waa killed,
was the aon of Mr. and Mrs. B i*. | —• _________
lb do* time ble widow was Informed,
* ^lliuav. ersaust.
•ad at jthe end of :tr> years sbe recover- OITett of Kast Eighth street, this citv,
whom be had not seen for a number of v*.
4pd fro* the Uolted
years. The remslni will arrive here
iKiN.Phruristissd d
what to many will appear ralber a
• steal of iSf rje seC Far
Mnbw Bianl of Pwwiii
large price f <r a buiband wbo left ber today and be laid to rest in Oakwood.
118 Front St.
The Old Keltable
Ever Burned Out?
318 Union Street.
bu look oat for herself.'
^Tbe train that has been SDOwboand
w ibeCbryenar & N'ortbern B. B. for
tbe past three weeks was abaadonea
Vr«Nin<Mlay. Ibe passengers were
a ia wagons from Altus to Horse
/ Oreab esatioa. where they were irans- ferrod toe train and brought ia Obeypoae Ihjrlng the time tbe tram wss
d lo tbe paaaeagera aad crew did
tbalr own cooking and lived In
cars Tbr food supply rao short sev
er a« ttmes. but there was no actual
aafferiag A aamber of relief trains
rare noat to the reacue but they fa|J
Vi get through tbe drifts of snow and
toe. wblobnre lutolO feet deep, nod
•r* BOW b< rekadedat diflereoi poloU
•long the road.
- Bmperor William has taken
Btuaad of the (lerataa navy aod the
chief of the navy beoomca directly sub.
ordinals to the emperor.
ladlans of the White Kecks agcacy,
iaUlah. some of whom were la the
Meeker mamacTe. deaire to return to
the former naereatloB in Colorado.
They are ugly and tbreateadlre things.
Beavi rains are falling and tbe
droogfat whIeb threatened the lose of
miHiM of dollars' wtwtb of California
erapaU amasbed. Abundant barvesta
are BOW said lo baeertaln evenu.
« of an tadlM for polygamy was instituted at MacLeod. Alber
ta, apd It is said to be tbe govemment'e
ipMaUao to pat dowa -tbe practice
among tbe northwest Indiana
Hereafter free for postal money or
ders lor payment in Cuba will be the
aarae as for orders payable la the UnUM Htotos.
ObamberUio'e Oougta B«i
This remedy is intended especisHy
>r coughs, colds, croup, whoupiug
cough and mlturnrs. It has become
famous for iu cuvm of tbue diseases,
over a large part of the civilized world
Tbe moat flsiterlng lesUmonials bsvr
been re elved, giving acoounU of iu>
good works: of tbe aggravsting and
per-lsUnt coughs it has cured; of
severe colds that have yielded promptthing rffreia. nnd of the
attacks of croup It has
cured, often saving tbe life of the
child. Tbe extensive use of It for
has shown that it
(told by S E
Wail, drug
Se not empley Pe&dUn •
Partlea selling clotbing, representing
thruselvea as our agenU, are fakirs.
We do not employ peddlem. Clothlog. bau. furnlshiogs eu.-. I
died about tbe country In order <
effect sales.
8. Benda A Ca .
Front street.
Prt«trteb hhwks. -nsto.. I
rpBSIMBD if't'RHR-Hl.w Bswlle BnlFstab, s
* CTSduaiF ul ihF CBlFFFvltr Buspoal. Abb
Arbor, will re«^aJ to esSl* for soFsIsc. SI
T AOIg<t-l>F>lrlar .IrOM wsklnw done at
J_i IhFlr btwSF> loi^ulF* or auer>a. Ml*.
K^oevl.l.drea* nakicm perlwF*. MI-«4MCa*i
^IRj/maN-fKlTfor cwoFral
VT AfMx al Purtarb •fvwvrr.
JBT work.
F work
lb I'mos
»1 tf
I] N.irt
> MVbu.brl.burbwVal
I will have a car load of Horses hen.-
Meirch 22nd
1 purchased twelve head from tbe stock farm in La
Granjfe County. Ind.. owned by John Camjibell. anti also
ten head from the John Weaver stock farm, same county
These are the largest stock farms in the state of Indiana
Come and See tiieselHorses
Even if you do not want to buy.
where yon «an
E Ire CMctileil lo be the M
Ltderlt's Nt* Shop, .
: '
Sold by ail d
SbFrasB * Mill
LskF Aoi.
|-«d.r Keb
Tfbffwwf citr. MlFk
Chicago -■«
West Michigan.
».;r n.'*. -n )*- 1
>M. *g*Bt,Tr*vsTa*OtM
>B*r*Tr*a*gT Ayvsk.
Or*sd Kspids. Mtek
.f .triWa' __ _ _
I- >;
pen Fw. ,
500 l^icycles
itui e»
rkABgiBc i»e
You will so^ the nice.st lot of horses that has l»een
brOQ^ht here in a g<Hxf while. They weigh from 1.^00 to
11800 each.
................... rl 11 «t
You know if you can buy horses in a wav you can trv
£rul Rapids 6 lidiui R. R
them, as you can when you buy from me. it is much better
’wi'.,r!than to buy them where you can have only a one day's trial.
n CTIVB BU.I lru»Fd pvF*ue u> work for u*
These horse.s can be seen in BrodbagSn'S LiVery!i' 'B b■ b9 eaeee ee~Bsm
Jx U-r»U}
Lilwr.l *BlMrr iru*rBD|F.d
flood r&BlirF few- Ad>ss<iT-»Ftil. Kor*pU*lt«Baxn dn Sute street
Hei'lUB rSF*IB>il
Intjuire for
gooil cigBi ()[ smoling It :
rTt Waabluirtuu .irwvu
*r H tvpMt
^FFpc^ewader. 10 sad fF*m Uusor es PUtis
c_. u.. ..IU.'.
» *i
ualr Hltrk.
— a-'i'srji-.i.i...- MFa
i> j fllRL WAtmU-Por ifroFral :
■ vX Hiratlr Wtprk aad rood wag*
Ea*i Nlolb alnwl C. H. Tvstls
Or. Qabell Whiiabead. aeeayer of tbe
{iailiad Sutos mint, who will soon be- S
:s; ;j -.-r:,?;-
TNR S. J. WXTtT. CoieFioarj Hurin-wii.
Xf italFufOBIadoVetFnnsrrUtlleCF
ilISFSee* el all dnstF-iic aalsial*
Land For Salt!
;Bmlto Erckmaan. the Fteneb
M. totomdatiLuDcTlHs. Kranor. aged >
iadnetriea. Isdi. native of Lynchburg.
Vv. and it M years old. Be I* a grad |
uatoefUbigh and Columbia unlver-1
' Pyro-ee'luloae powder will be used'
by tbe aavy, beoan*e it is better than
amddf'wtw. Private maantocturara can
. balp tbe ffoverameoi plaala In supply-'
lag axplaelves
Prlaoa Beery of Prussia, oommander
of tbe O.toman si^uadron la CbloMe
( the Uunebfagot a tradiag vcoael at Sbangbal
watslraek oa the bead by a planV.
^leb toU from tbe rafura of a abed
swdar whiab ba was etaading. Tbe
woaad bled prafuealy. bat tbe akell
srae aat lejatad.
BaerotafT Algor has
an Older
aboiUblag Ue eantoaa aad probiblilnf
tbe Bale of IU|uor oa army reearvatloaa.
h tbe new army law.
MineLilliaa Norton attntoted lltUe
aUemtioa aaaaoperaalBger until ebe
Wok oa a forolga dl^Ue by obaoglag
W oame to Nordlea. 8be waa born at
Tarmtogtaa. Mv
Tba Oermaa asaperar and amprem
dtAva MoMTod a pnwiag ioTltaitoa to
*11 work oPklrtirM |>
1 have a number of pieces of land
which I wilt sell
m acres 5 miles
south of Traverae City: good buildinM
and plenty of water. 4ii acres northwcat of city. BO acr*« of timber land
I a miles south of city. 40 acres about
T milea northwest of city, ai
•everal pieces in Wexford e
> want to boy nome land I
you at terma ao you can
cheap as you can buy
-44U WaabingtoQ St.
Telephone No. 4.
N od fur
John K. Santo,
Gtaiiil l■s•raut.
Our Liberal Discounts
ni Furniture..
.* uu*»
■sell ••■■■fa ■■■■
‘ ::o8. aasssne
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■■■■■
Are dosing it out rapidly. Sales last week exceeded onr I-i8'*****************
expectations. We are hoxious to close it out in order to :i;n8bBSsaBi&«ai68£R setBa
make room for onr large stock of
Call at once for Bargains.
. M*rkt**w
,«4 Union Stmt.
■ ys
the morning record.
To Irub oDd OokmoB fo
8UU ABteoooro.
BoyTm T«u« Old BubM • OoaI
J. M,.k,
Id The
I* 10}-«>r-old bQ7. w%t tabbed «Dder
t tboMider bl»d* wlib »Itek•iadwtd of Ceoiroa STomol •chool!
Olomblo. mfti lo, tbit
e te W^b Sereeloen
■fllnr- Tht bltde
▼MlUd Bouo Tiotordor ^ Vore
Wea Wounded ud
’, laar. cootltr » b«Borrhof». ob4 Um
OivMFrMtfom of Floor-OommU-j boy aty die. Oloablo wm ermted.
larce Jfuaber of Bhbele BUledtOM wm Lmvc For Upper FeolMO-1 ** *• »»««ed Uet he picked • qaerrel
laprooeaent of SUuettos et tlollo
^ with Mink ud tronted to Hffat hia
U Todep ud VothlBC WUl be Z><ae
ud the teleod of Verroe—Xuur.
Heberee by pleoriar the kelfeloto
•uw Soope BeeoalBB Waited.
Mtok-ebeeh. Tbe
d eoet.
MuUe. Meab lo.-Tbe etrmrly for
tified TlUere of CelnU. noribwat of
Luelor. **•«»»
Bud jj. ibell a 'lseb wide.
Pnelr, wa eeptared todey efier e dwopeelpt Ueeealoo of Ue botwe todey'
peaa ficbt by tbe Twutietb Inteelry
aedebpoteble eed eloquot payer;
AaeiiMM wea wui3^
raferriep to tbe rare reepoMib ) ty'
aeUnr epon tb<
Martel weiCea of tbe people, end
: inf bee been received fan Uen<
WMtlDir 'tbet It alfbt be to diaeberr-1
VloUlllB of B Xob.
iOil*, deted todey: “Tbe aporu from
ed tbet rirlllzetlea woeld raw better. |
------------ ^
Ladies’ Suits
Growing in Popularitf.
-Good cloth bound edition for 17 cents—
600 other books equaUy as cheap. Look
over our Special Sale prices.
±' Au.g.a ooior.d
brirbtaread nobler."
'vaelferrooe Bbot ud Foer Billed,
j le ieee ectlvity oa the pert of the la-'
Ontricht While Belpleeeiy ApTbe tnenl^ ud ei
M of the Cmjeurrenuof tbe itlead.
Riporte from
peellBg for Mercy.
tTBl Norael ecbool Bt MooBt Pleeteat
.N^roh ere atoet eacoureglDf. Tbe
rtelted tbe boBM todey. By Inrtatlone ; Pelaeiu*. Oe. Merch 16.—Foer deed iobeb>UaU ere ealhuslutlc end quiet
eooveyed in aeolutiooe they were Beyroet lie Id Jobceon'e wereboute.. prereils tbaoehooi-Jhe Itlend. Colffiven faedoiB of tbe floor eed rellery- 'lleeidc them, rroenlng la efoi
. .y are
Smllb U directiac tfftla ecd
five of Ibeir ace. eli victim* of en et-, freiiMog u ioleruel (roveameai Cebu
r McKeane of tbe Ceaial'aiiU by wbitet enriy tbitaoroirr It qulet tnd buhiaea it prorroetiur
Norael trbool eddrarod the houajTbU liiUe city bee btd two iacu- coder roiud Huve* protection. The
derlBC e fifteen mlnuta eeoee* Ukea j dlery ttra. wtaicb elmutt dalroyed i', rep r • from Seatr ted l.-yie iod .-ele
for tbe parpote^________
, tloce Juatry I. ead the oegroet who ; ibe droire of the laHtbiiut»*or < «>‘ie<l
____ .
tK_o f»bloodtoeked uccupi«>d. Tae iDtor*enie*^ntrpl U
^****^ lUelf***
bu«vof the improvlted jeil. lato which oonflaed to Luzon endd tbe oecbpeUoo
latoexecnUve tealon.
Jtbey bed been tbrowo et entpecied of the. Pt»i» river line with tbe TOOBty bni/cut tbe
f - " °T ...—---- ,I lUoybem. Tip UiOua nad AM Urowa. oeerlv tworiiual otrit."lb
Jhto It h r.«,r.d .b., ,.n co.ar« j
.. th. outpo-U^Jd
220 Front St.
“City Bookstore.”
)l) '-v •/7//; r/.7i')' /IA' C-r
The Son
I Minstrels Of His Father...
Hofs Band
Suiu we »h'>* tre made I -. the
beat taro rmili-r». tod l*.l^-b whu
went e perfect tit tod Ibr.nmjrh
wurkiBtaobip will appreciate ibia
line. See ibi- oew atv't-* at
March 21st.
Bepraeratlve.I'erkt- bill to edait< 'f**® ••»»ded ea: Clem WelU. tbci « ihe treneba beyond Celooan fired
eoidteaof tbe Itte Kpulpb wee to tbe !
®Woaeu; Ueorce Teylor,wound- rteaal volley* Inttnlffbiupoatbe KtnSoldlea'Home n ■* under
i'^‘** **“'*‘“*‘’’‘n i *e* volunieea end pen of ibe Fourth
eio. of lb. ala in tbe bona.
' rc-,uUrt, detirin,, it i. tuppoad. lo
Uovnrna Fincree wm oa the floor of ■ * _
'» »!»• Americtn liae bed beea
.h.hdu»un. dfu-ddd. bdi .llclud;
“• “I" Ibldddd by .b.>d..«... bl lJ.o.,.1
u nppIsBM M he peaed up the BUle*.'*^^ **^ **^^^‘“*
"hatoa't comifieBd. ’I'be Americez*
' [Of aejfroee. who arm determined to in tbe trenchet replied wtrmiv
No quorna it vtpeaed Friday from I
»»«»»••H. V Beecher of the
The aueae at Johnson'* warehouse j u,eni was killed,
tbe aamber «f leaves of nytaeBoe Krai
ed to eoBwItleee rolafl acutb to ia- where the Bine negroes yere ooaflueal A bttiallon of the Twentieth Icfat
•pMt i-OBl nine* nod to tbe upper ^ revolliair. Blood covert
' try routed a tmtll band of the Fillpi-,
penlDtuln to Intpeet normal .et.«.^|^*nd tbe bltcWened wall* are indented noa on tbe LayanI road and abarp-|
altee. .
' with rifle thoU.
ebootera who were flriaff from a bouie
CbanberlBln. Kelley. Herrly and I Every citizen teen oa tbe ttreeU U
which tbe French flay wm tlymy >
Pennon who were in tbe bouse in ISWS armed with a ynn nad the tltuatlon U
err dislodged.
« appointed to etoort to tbe Npenk- believed to be practically under ooa-j, A gunboat entered Laguna lake and
err*a auad ea-B«pre*eoUtlre Bobert
: tllenced a one-gun battery in the tool
Brown of laabeJia eoooty. who spoke
The mob that committed tbe crime! hillt.
briefly to tbe honae rMalllny reml- WM oomposed of ISO mMked men. I The reporU from ManlU today thow
BltcnoM. of that araalon after which WJiero they came from U a myttery. J mat tbe Fourth Infantry, tbnt reached
Ue atndeatt oooapled tbe eenter aitlc | The frlyblened neyroe* yelled for ner- ' Manila iMt week on tbe Urant. Is now
I cy. without cffecU Wbea lU horrible in tbe firing line. In tbe A'ourtb in
- --------------------, wjrk WM flolahed, the mobdlaappear- fantry are many Michigan boys None
Bmnua AFTB& BOU.AVD BOATi on bonebaek
Made bv Mk-higao T.-iepb»ii<.- Co.
of them were-Hijured
Yeaurday the Itader of the yug,
for any rlts>. of .M-rrice ilcsirrd.
XnuMtar Baito for Bnylaad to Ooa- Bud Cotton, iataidto have made
FALLS BBIB TO $40,000,000
' pleu the Bofot atiOBa.
written oonfcMlon of tbe yullt of bli
New York. March lA-OaplalB L. E. eelf ud bU aatoelMee. Be wm tbe Mr*. Bbarp of Dee Moioee Oomaa In\o
at end of six months nr .-httige
Bell of the royal navy: John F. Ilol-j first to die In tbe mob's bloody work
Fortune by Oentb of u Uncle.
to any clai* of i.ervlc<- at will
iud: Invenlorof tbe tnbmtrine tor---------------------------Telephone the maotgrr lo.-tl!
llMMolne*. Iowa. March I>v-Mrt.
pedo-boat. and L- B Renet of the
and ekp'tio oeie ralw. adopteii by
Mary Annefibarr. who lives at No hit
BotcbkU* tlun oumpany. tailed for
-------------the company
Tenth street thltclty. hM bean inform
Enylniidtbl* morning on the Amerlou
•* »«« •□«n«aar HeeUnga ed of tbe death of her uncle. Jatmt
llnastanmablp Ht. Pnu). Mr. Uolland'a
Tyaon, at Brltbue. AuttraUa. who bM
Tteit to Bnglud it the reault, It It said,
Detroit. March l« -A Michigan trot left an estate of fliO.OOU.oiK).'
of aevarol long eonanltbllon* with Cap- ting and pacing eireuit wm fprmed
Tyaon WM a bachelor Ue bad lived
d . j h~. tod.T »r bs~.~.g Irom ,h. .~u in Auatralia forty years, sad tbe only
nbmairtne boat by the BriUtb gown-, and Windsor. Onu
other known relatives are two brotbera
MBlI It WM decided ibtt half m !* traeka who formerly lived In Ball. Knglud. j
Captain /.tllntki. Invnntar of tba ‘ mnttgive at ItMl flioo pumm. ud tbe Whether or not they arc tUII
living Ml..,.,
it I
; Built Is Woei .-..OH.I. .1}!. lur spee-l zdS i)I
dynamtu gun bearing bto ume. wta j tawont wm left optional with the ■ not known, buv at anv
!. tbe abare zUilli). CslIsi.U I.h.s ...ervarS la pruzre
at tba doek to tee tbe pnrty off ihi* j bUb trnekt. altbough there wm an af- «iii™8..T,
-111 ......I.
^aorniag and praotkally admitted tbnt i fort made to maka the minimum fl«M. mllUooa
I kuziue »urS.. Msi.i ek.o~. M>. h Trort..
! l it)- ProD'S. lUe • r vi oo.i o< r..M Btors
OnpUln Hell ban eome lo tbit eonntry I Both Haglnaw ud Highland Fark
h, Bnerl-ui-k. Me . Moorelo
to look lato tbe matter of tbe Holland ; claim tbe aeeond week in July date.
Androv Bicgina-Bard Luck.
beat- TbeeaptalB aUo Inferred that |ud a clash U imminent, m It look* mI Andrew Uitglnt of Weal Ninthki
tbeanocea* of the Preneb submarine though pelUer would yield. Tbe eom-!atroet. a lad aboni i: years of age fell' PrOVldCDt Ltfc
Wilhelm Bros.
T.-itB.'s for H suit just like
Eferybodj Go.
T6ere1l U bkmis ol
Sttulie uudalinied
k’fil such suhs-coet. v«tt ami lomj pante,
for loys of li» y,«t» or oKler—not etn with
Vest aud knee
Onr Pant Sale is t>« end th.*-*- $i>.00
paUiTUH at $2-i>0 eat- y^iim; fust.
New Furniture. Storel
\ About April I st I will open!my store with a new stock
of House Furnishing Goods.
I invite all to give me a call. It will be no trouble to
show goods.
(ico. W. Thomas,
Ten Tear Coniracts
House Furnislier
201 |Cor. Unionland State Sti.
Subscribers May Cancel
.'Miebigan Telephone Co.
Gasoline Tachts,
flow Boats. Sailing Craft
ll joil Jwant Jup-to-date, beautiful and artistic
wall paper get it from us.
Remember, we have no SO-jear accumulation lo
•u.h Ih. Hriti.8
«,ii: Th,
V. 8. cl... 8, vh, ~ ;
rawn OnO„
Saturday Next
^ Iji
8.0.U 18
.ie8U llO„
’• ttiis season.
Compare our 2Hc line with that others sell for
S and 6c—Yon will surely decide in our favor.
probably make with regard to tke toclatlon In purmM U m tollowt; Sag**>ke l.unev
------ --------- --. _
cn, m.. h.ciu.
wof oneor more of the nnlUnd'laaw.flie.oQO; Hlglland Fark.'flu,0«; Store on West Front ttfecu
“•______________ _
] Windtor, flis.ooo; Oraod Banldt. fll.OOO.
jJaekten. fit 50i>; Fort Hnron. $4,600; !l
1 Bay City, fln.tiwi; Pontiac. fli.fiOO; riini. J
FvepnoterOhMagoTribunaudFrom tt.ooo; Spriagport. $i.:oo; total. $6Vtneni In Batlonal AffUr$.
Cbteaga. Mnrob 18.—Word wm reoeiv-1
ed today from San Antonio. TexM. '
%t Jotepb Medtll. proprietor of iLe
Tba Obioago Kagomlty
^Lago Tribana died there early tbit
Bow Oa.
Cbteago. March 18.—Tbe I
Mr MedlllwM bora la New Hrenawiek In 1*33. When be was nine year* ' eity oonventioo today nominated Mtyftf %gr bit father moved to SUrk or Harriton to tuoeeed b.mMlf.
^ mnnnty.Dblo. where bta ton worked on I nianiag males
Adam OriaellfcB.
^^iarm. He tuteequently atndled law ; <or olW treMuror; Andraw J. Ryan, for
Which wp• propone mnkiaK tUe Imnner day of «nr "Espaniion 4‘
praclloedlB MaeaUlm. In 1$4» be | «'W •»*omey: and William Loefiler,
Sale" on t hilde Snitn, wn will make no «im iniluwment u F
V tennded tbe Free Holl. auwnpapar. at i
loMmbmi. for city cleric,
follown:k Ooaboelon. In IK6S be Mtebliabed a' ‘The platform tieeta clear of utional
.g likH
Ddred .•hikl'e a
* Whig paper at Cleveland.
’ iaanaa ud tbe mayor studs on bit re
from last vear--Tbt»**
will imt in
in 1884 tat wm one of tbe orfmnltere;«wdM*inet tbe Allen MU ud other
lot of
winter goods wp have
aellin*{ at noch mkrtelouKly low
of tbe Repebllean parly. He removed : •Woet railway legislation
pant ten
.prioen for tbe r—
-- days,
Imaking rn advance aale uu'auita
to Cbiengo, sad In 1*66 be beonme oee I
------ ----- ;--------------which
uof tba owoere of The Tribnae. Be wne i
•ortenent from which yon cannot fail lo make a eclei-ticm when
n member of tbe llUaoleooaatlteUonal
yon m the goock and priced altached to them.
MBTentloB In iwTOand author of tbo BeninaMOelleveMora in Mew'
nemeuiber. from one dollar to throe and four doUara aaved
minority reproMntaUon elauao In
Buneon kloek Todayon every child’a anit pnn-faaaed at tbia aale. Our aaWon child'a
-------- -« U,.
suite fUDce this sale was ioaagnratod ha«-e never been e<|naled
vies eommimton. Be wa* elected mayWill move into Uielr new qaartert in
by U4 at any previoua tine. Yon will ondernUnd why when
erofCbicngoln tbe mm* year,
tbe new Munton block today.
you call and turn more of oar offer.
died a mlUioitalfe.
Moond story of tke new bnUding bat!
been hnndeomkly fitted up eapeetally'
for tbelr nee. More improvemuM art
to fMlow.
Ladies Fleece Lined Wrappers, a ijreat b^r- “Tr\.-k
gam at $1.0L\ choice uf any..................
A visit in our store these days is a revelation to
to many—Rich, nobby and np-to-date merchandise
throughout our departments.
Our Spring Arrivals
Entitles us to a just claim of being leaders, not
only in low prices, but today we lead in fashion, qual'
ity and quantity.
We earnestly solicit your inspection of onr daily
The Boston Store,
Front Streot
Glass Block. {
tUBHIir lliW BtSiPEWUt
To B« Snewd tor B. /. XorfM os tt*
OotMTorSiotoMd Weaisrtoo
B. J. VorfM hM elosMl s 4mX with
MM. »
w. Bammu. O. P. Corrsf bj which he bM»Oo»«e
owaer of the reeid-r<i* property on
, w. Baxvwi- MlW mm)
t'>«UwMt oorser of Prpshlis Ud 8uie
hr Mr. oed Mr*.
H. D. Alley. Ttite psrebMe lathe berlBBlsr of OB MTOBreweBt whieh le to
rwBlt IB the eroetioo of ooe of the
la theclty.
to. PMteae. M TreewM OM,
Per JBetlM of the Baprene Ootirt.
BIAUD1U8 B. ORAKT of Hoofhtooper Beceot of the (Bete l7Dl*«r«iiy.
flOL. HBKBV 8, r»8£N c.f WoehtcBBw,
OOU BLl B. Bl TflJM of Wayse.
Bh^OtreDli Jadpe. Uth JadleUl Cireiiit.
PBBD W. MAYNB. of Cborlerolx.
MIBdKBTnec. tJBAV. •
Morroo •‘>1
eoTBcr lo the TB*MI lot todBr PtboVlie emet o»d the reoldeBce he bow »•
eapleiwUI^ »o*«l to the eoraei
whe» Mr. iUey BOW lleee. The re
■orolofMr. MorfOB-e reeldeace. froo
the corser of 8Ute «Bd Welllopton
etreeu will moke room for Ue aew
lenoe meatioBed oboee. The Bew
atroetare wkll be one ef tbe lateet im .
preeed reeideheea of woderB dealpBl;
with creiy appolBtme,Bl for comfort j!
aod ooorealeBoe. The floiahlopa of the
iBlorlor will be rich aod the whole wlU f
be a beaoilfnl aod attraciirc dwelllnp]
Tba con will be about ItocKi.
Mr. Morpan will bepiaal oace to
prepare to make -tbe ebaopea aod tbe
foobdatiuB of tbe dcw reeideaoe will
be laid ible eprlap. This will be an
elepaai addliioD to a locality wbleb i.
already becomlnp noted for h> odeomr
raaidroeae aod ImaaUful autTocadipra.
Mak» the food more dcTickHis md wbohnoraa
Btoay of FrPBCh Authota
icK«r ron saTtRotv.
At tbe meetiop-of tbr Womao'a cloh
ib aefUrBounMrs. /.. B. Eeasa will
baeecbarpe of tbe litcrarr propram
TbewriUapaoftbe French autbora
Voltaire. Buffoa aod Rcueeeau will be
Biudied. Fapera will be preaenied by
' Mr*. J. <1. Kamadell. Mre. J. C. Moi^n
and Mre. EraDa
laatrumeoul and
Tveal koloa will be rendered by Mlaaeaj
Btacklaaa Aniea Balva.
Tub BmiT 8ai.Ta In tbe world tor
Cau. Utuiaea. Sorea. OloMa, Balt
Bheum.-Peeer Seree, Tetter. Cha)
Bands.ObllblaiBe. Coroe. and all i
Braptiona, and poaitleely earea Pilea.'
r tnooey
toplee perfect
refunded. ITice »i cenu perbox.
>x. Fo
eelebe.l <} .lchni.cn ar - > « »*lt
Tor Mvor.
llie maaquerade of Trarerae City
Tent )t’o ■'71. K O. T. M.. to have been
tonlpbt. baa been poelponed one week.
ProBh HomtltoB.
OB aeoouBi M tbe trip to Tbompooo*ll e.
Seal Friday erenii'p March •-•tthia,
Por City Clerk.
tbedate that'4>n the Suaaooe K vrr";
▲Inoo W. Bickerd.
All Maooobeea who lotcnd to po
U^morrow nipbt to tbe I will be aeen In TraWae City On that
For rrcokurer.
blpcclebratloB.^Fe reqalred tomaelln'olpbt, thUcomeiledVatM will be preWlUUum i. Hobbe.
Foreawr-ihall at »:W abarp.
Tbe jacDted at Sieinberp a Urhnd. inlerpret-,
Ptw JBdfe of EeBorder*. Court.
membera will lea.e In a body and]edby a company of la'lrnud autora.
LorlB Bob-Tte. ^
the dra-j
march to tbe train beaded by tbe Moya’ j
‘On the Bawanee Bi^r-'ia
PorHchool leepeetor.
i^.KDo: the quiet;
Band. Tba train will laaee at T o’clock. 1 maik- noeeliy of ibe^
0. B. 0<ckereF.
tbe rale fot the round Ulp belnp :uilcomedy. petboe. aentioieui. ktartlinp
tor MMBlwr B-mrd^f Patlle Worke. c^ntajeUmaxea. laupbable oddiMto. .ateby
/oorpb Boob.
Tbe UamittOB Clotblop Oo. Invltoa ' melodica. and barmunioua tropical act*
porJoatice of the Poaoe,
all tbelr catlomera to atep Into their tlapa. arc ao admirably worm and
/. bB Terly
eURW tbla morstop and pel n ehnmrock blended loptftaer ibei there la not a
doll mamenl from the rlae to the Jail
Id booor of 8U PaUWk'e day.
of tbe curuln.
TbrMdbtre ArtumeaU.
Tbe Micbipan Tradeemati of Orand
TBe DBlIy B«l* Vrlee to meke » Eqpida la iu laat laana printed In full
There jtaa anolbor full rehraraal of
Bloehlsr arrumeot la eUllnp that
lly by Her. tbe Moya' Hand miBkirtl
/■dfa OorbeU wae eboeea a caodldaie berl Montapae In the younp «*n> {tbe ktapela Huinberp'a Grand.
|sr etrenit jadre beeanee Judpe Baio»irae arranped by Frof. C. T. Grawp. ,p»rtlcipaota are peuinp ihnr
4aU racopBlzed ibal J edire CorbeU pot- A.fioe half-tone poruall la also prinU-d j
,,^,ytb np will gu
a«mad a auprrior iudUrlal miod o>er with the article.
' off like clock work. Uerrj-M.-Coy. ibe
ftwd W. Mayoe- Thai waa .lx year.
There will be a rebeareal of the Coo-1 manager of the abow. U ab expert and
•fO. aad 1a the oexi breath the B*Kle prepalional rborua choir at tbe church | be la pifinp every attantlon UMletaila.
kehawbaibaa occurred aioeetomake Ibis eveoiop at'::1.V
Music for tbe | Tbe Brel part will tie a great ivetnre
Mr. Mayoe a dealrable Candidate. Tbe Sunday aebool Beater concert will belpod the ap.-cialilee will >-ciip«e even'
Stclalaraakler ao much of "rxprri. auDp. All membera and olben are in-1 the profnAional abowa which bate epMae" at tbe bar that It ourbt
vitad to be preaent. Will be ont in | peared here. Ererytbinp poiath toa
wm tbia queavloB liarif Aoeordlnc to
me for the social.
j praod boanclal aod artiatic auoceu.
arpameai alx yaare of axperl
Amanda Hire No. &n; will eerre a|
—-------_ _
Moaeoua eoa.ideiab’.e dcure la tbla
ten cent anpper this evening lo FeudalBlph Bebool Ba»e Ball.
MapalifB. Tbeo the Bacle proeeedk
era' hallThere was an enihukiastic meetiop
^ daelarfop In pcrwDal ta«
Ooe of tbe beanliful featnree of the ,of the boys of the High ecbool last eveWhicb are aoralUd for and unwlae.*
that the Democraiie eaodidaVe U preat- flrat pane
Tbe Idee
tpaopcrlor to Mr. Mayoe beoaute be show will bean immense AheriraB Ing alkaae ball team.
irely of rad, wblie well received and ' tbe proepeci- are
to* Bad ao moeb lonpar eiperlaBec. flap
electric Upbw. bright for two pood teams. The fol
'too** pirmr-----preater abllliy. Tbe and
lowing cflleen were elected;
topleUao deeply wrapped up 1b tbe
Manager—B. B. Bwlfi.'
todMCratle caDdldaU that it eanoot There will be FM lipbU in the piece
Secretary—Joe Bhrenberger.
iiTT---------r <|u»Ht7 wbalerer Is aoy and iiwlllaellpeelB brilliancy any
tohar eaadidate reoommendlop eoaald< tblnp ever Introdaced on n loonl etape.
Treaaurer—Berl Montapoe.
There will be a special eoBToeation
Tbe BODpartleaB cry li
ftowiap threadbare, ae tbe rolera of tonight of Trmveree City Chapter. No.
I have been eflUeied with rlienmapM partlee take bo etoek 1b tbe delualre lo:. B A. M. Wcwk In tbe K M. de llam for M .veara and nolblnp aeempd
appeal on aon-partlaan proBBda, be- gree.
to give any relief. I wae able to be
all the time, but conaunlly
yiT- each app^B Id sortfaerB Mlebkuffarlng. I had uled every thing I
JfM Blwaya oome from Demoerata aod aa attack of qaloay.
c-uid bear of and at last was told to
to tohalf of IlemocraU,
Barry-L. Hoot, wbo waa catcher for try ChsniberUio’k Fain Balm, which 1
toeeateoa years rxperleaoa by a man tbe Bnstlera base ball team for.eevcral did. aod waa immediately relieved and
artth a elaaateai edueatloa aod aprada- aeaaona past, la DOW lo Weal Virgiola In a ehori time cured, f am happy to
•la of tbe law department of tbe Ann and baa aipoed with the Inter-kUte say Gist it baa not aioce leioroed.
Jo»h Edgar. G"rmanto»D. Cal.
tohorl'Direralty. Uablph reoommen leapoe team at Wbeehng. Ue will re- sale be B. K. Walt. Ilrug^iat.
tollmr for any lawyer, aod aa Mr. re^rl tbe brat week in April.
MhPb*>>A* eojitad Iboae adraoUpea
All membera of the I. C. B. A. So
**t*°*>*' ciety of HU Francis ebnreb are
prBSttee.be i» a candidate whom all quekted to meet tbia afternoon at
o’clock with Mra. .lohn Barry, cornrr
wraauai eoDfldenee.
Eighth and Casa aweeU. Important
bealneak mukt be attended to immediFaraoaal.
1 of Boloa. Ik •lely
. Mtea Mapple 1
Nee Patteras-NawToes
New Spring
For llir iitiiii-* Htv eoDCfdi-d l>v all to
1h- the Ilii-tMl ill town,
Alfred V. Friedrich
Popular Shoe House
In Bed We’re Born
BIbcI aed Taa.
Make rough, rc’t.l iiandB .^e are buying in large quantities ami j«y highest prices,
tlarnation Cream -!
35c—keep them soft ami
Short Maple Wood..
We alao hare for sale lascU for pood farma.
The shoe dealer has who undertakes to
match our offerings, either in quality or
price. We have a few lelt of these men's
odd pairs of flue shoes. We may still have
your size.
Genuine Bargains!
From $6 00 to. ........ $3 00
From $3.60to............ $it 60
From 43 00 to............ SITS
Special Sale Cyrano Chains
-The latest chain for ladies in the market. We are offering them
at cost to clear. Beautitul designs. Our prices
25c Hegular Price, Sale Price 19c.
$1.00 Regular Price, Sale Price 69c.
-In Bed We Die..
ptotUop frienda In tbe city.
ThlaWillbeaFIna Propram.
Bditor McGovern of tbe TnaUn
To aW|) woll, live long ami die
Blnea tbe propram of the BL Fatrlck
Ttolca waa a ppeal of tbe local lodge of
well buy good l>ed' -we have tlo-ui
it to be pivan lonlpbt was
Blk* laat Bight.
--If you do not eleepand r*-«t well
B-8. Hull baa poae to aeveJand on nnoouaced another feature baa baen
bMiaeaa. HevHU return la time to
Tremain will oon- you an> nu( fit for buBioes* next
atart oa Tumday for Callforala oa a, tflbnu an Important part, conklaiinp day.
If ^you have oue'of
uur Elai
ta-liM. ulp. U!U>.P.D1«1 b, 11„, .oMiuUb linp.r«.b.Uop...d .p.ol.|.,,j., nire
Uea. TbeeDbcrialDmeDlwItibe pivenl
^, Iron Bod you.t-nnnol liolp ntitiiiK
A. J«k—, .11. =1 lb.
b.» pb> lb lb. c,i. Op.™ Do.™ .....
•r mho recabtly arrived from Bleb
•osd. (ad., to uLe charge of tbe baai■M Of confectionery In Mlller’a drop
itora. bes arrived In the city to stay.
•torlff A. R. BelUoper of Maple City
to*wt y*at«rday in tbe city.
P. A. Clary of Oraad Kapldi U in Abe
•Mp WB botlaeei.
DM Hunter boa returned to Bonlb
#Htpe Fred W. Aldrieb And J. B
BMifraoD relumed from Lelnud yea
aatoay. and went to OadUlae.
W. K. Kelley ratumed tnat night
from Udlwrton.
•fra C. K Host of Grand Eaptd* la
vlMUnp bar mother. Mra. Buses of Oak
Jamas Woodworth of Bummil City.
•M of the Hannah Birtm who went to
Oaba, waa la the city yeatorday.
.1- _ _______ ^
the auapleae of .II
SL C_____
cbnrch. Tbe
advance sale of tlckeu la tbe beavlrat
ever known by tbe church for their auDual bt. Fairlek’a day eDterlalnmeoi.
Tbe eupper to be served by tbe ladli-e
will be a temntlDp spread.
A Thouaand Tongues
Annie K Bprii
. when aba found that
I) King • New Ulacovery (or Conaniup.
tlon bad completely cured her of that
backlog coupb that for maey years bad
made llfeabnrden. All other remedire
aed doctors could give her no help, but
Bbe says of tbia Boyal Cure—"It soon
removrd ^e pain la my cheat aad I can
now simp aoubdly. aoBctUop I can
aearvelFremember doing before I feel
like aoundinp ita praises throupbonl
px. I
- </•
will every
every ooe wbo
So >111
ip‘a New Discovery for an
vies Ur.
troubfe of
u the Ttamat.. Chest or 1-uop
FrlM. Sot aad <1 i
Trial boitlra free
Jobnaob'a and Wait's drag stores..
Every bottle naranteed.
Mrcaptlen to Mrw Members.
Txavrrse Bay Hive No Tl will give s
mmptio* to (heir aew members la
itoirowB hall Taaaday afumooo at Tnik
$ •’*»mk. All mtmbeva are nqumied I ^ome medr caodlea at Jackson *, or
to to pemiitAoorasstof poalofllee.
.’.so 3i
well wo hHvt> a fiun line uf itxra
btkU. fruin <2.50 up. Cuuw in aud
look them over.
House F amiafaiDg Store.
Sew Storw, 120 Front Street.
'pixaxxw laa.
«♦ f I
Vllsltied Atra<
)«ter ebaGaW a*tc
tr. for ealrsiri
. lawatsad •
at teeth •luWut
When you are hoodwinked by specious ar^umento
into payiDfc $2.00 for a $1.00 article you are out of
pocket a dollar, about tbe same if it were stolen from
you. We don't guarantee $2.00 or $1.50 or $1.08 worth
for $1.00- simply your maney's worth, lees tbe profit
without which businesa caunot be ccnducted.
Wall Paper 2 l-2caRoll !
The Observed
Of All Observers
Cannot fail to observe our fine Bilk Skirts
-not the chfap China silk but made of
f he very best Taffeta. We have them from
$5.60 to $7.60. Come and examine them.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
mmAiiiJii AAAjitAliil'.tank Or. HiUloladlft to work m
Taaehrta' AaMXrfatloa KaatloB.
i tk* U|i«t» Dr. Blit clilM tk»t
------------Today aad toaaorrow will mark iba
K •yeMboblotwd oat If tka Mcr<<a'l
Vovan Rany U ocxa lo act hfokt
aatioal rathtriaf of tke Oraad TrarWVa\«
{ , tto, u*. wa -taaad aM a f^toral tb* U«odle Fr.ociaa
^ A „ »______.
£ aaylustorlaponMUklikbad
I Copi»«'i-Viuliu lUkarol Crtmooa* craa Toacbaia’ AaaoeiatioB. Tke a«aaloa betloa tbk OTaalef la tko Hlfh
Ki\ OU\tTtS\. J
At Hoaa
Pan tko
tte Qaakor.
Oukn ar*
m kl
AU tor. «p ““
■“ “Pf*
• Ua arna oaaatkm. Tka aaU-l Tka part aea.oa >a Nrw York hm ^^aai^rtWyroomaadwlUalaooc■wmim mm-Ji-mrwmmwi oma^tkmMli^kaaoat.aa*ior krw* BBMnaUy full of uew thln«a aoi i«»P7‘br foraaooa of Saturday,
Tka Portlaad
t* I. of a fa.1l«k. iTiSb TZ'^l
A. «eall.at prorrato ka. boea pro-
0^ 'BeVts
APotw ^
teaad iaa.da iLa ___ ________
VJa.l *
ed from her lone lllorM ao4 It asalB urped toatay naUl tbrcloae.
a^llalrlwLa aaS^T ahai^^^^
At a moaUaf of tbe Oraaa BIrm Val- atodylag with Trab^lo
, s:, ut.*^ riz,.. z.i‘,
I tkr Aiiwritan tbeattT
' \ «aia raamiaod, aad ft waa foaad tkatj
o prcaloi-F a oi-w iipmi callud
' biifawbaotworaaliaa Maoy of tka aaongb to
alfor aod promlaaa to folbll lu sUatoa
I.-] CaruirB
It did itut provt
‘ rr^arara rsoraaaod tba oploloo. boo- "Maria <!.-]
*er aama yaan to oom.
lerar. tkat tba wboiaaala k.U.ag of -• very grrat week
Tka gcBt
■ of Iba Aa** I poaeh traaa WMid pror^a klMalag. aa
MaacaKUi ba» rom^dtd m aecarli^
gvuuiBv t(uld agaiu wiUi bivlria. ' Ha
aatk Day Adrea
_ a la aaaaioo at
woald asUmloata tkr
cmuIucImI tbi- firrt „«.«».«.,
iM-Wurinaorr aad
».it« u.
"BttV Wb «tt \H*\ w kVcDkiikA w
CATV be 4epcTv4t& otv \a
Uooaloeated la BaUle Oreak- They I ,„** a groat eaia It'---------------------,
r«-alUl <o tuura
the paat few yeaia. wa.
tera tkaro tbair groeral piiatleg of-1
Hudson cit
aaaltitfUiii. oolUge. old poi^laa'i^^^ eltlar*. aaaaolted hla aoo lu^law., ^^Mo^ 'Tlien Wnem. ' whirh
‘“''bat. m- ba». fidl..weu -CVraboUe Brri
■ HioUa* daogorooa wooodaoa the haad. I Auuir Knm-II be* eurrifd
t of
" tkU
'®, «»”«>“'•»««•
Xjeaa»au;i waa duo to a mikaoder- with t'liarl.»1 n.liineuil«'|‘r«»i.i.ui»
tam agaioat
agaloki the etlla of
baa warned tbom
„„r a game of oarda.' Bolk of vilii. b *b.-v. ilUtiUmn. tn i.-.larr.d
MDlratioD, and adviaaa that brra-;, are woU kooan cit / m.
' bi. dir.v«i.,u t,.r m v. lul > . are to
aftar tba boalueaa aad work of
deaomlnaUoo. keaatablUbad lo other | Mr* Korbe*. forenorty HatUc
Wadondav' Aodr. w Min It ■ jduy
ot xt .noioaaitlae aod nao rallgiooaGeoter* ba ta ;Bkaot.
We barie taken apeeial care lo geli..A..A.™..
'■ ............ tabi labod,
...A,,,.... ™. A, „„.,ia.a.,a.a.a..,..a_.a. „po,_..aa.
AA. A», a~a *»po...a. ";,;v;^.An.:;i;;;:;A '-“........
mmlttad aoWlde by abootiog bli
II,.u», ..,,,.,1 tA..|,^
throngh Ue temple, dying inauntly- A,l.l...a-M Ml .i™..A.I,..AA,l|
s,. X
£»ea\W Ti)e\,\.
_______ __
Milb ATC sVtnsA^ some
tvstd at\4
4tS\%TVS VTV \>VCSt )004s
'^VvtlBATb a\\.\vtv>
He waa aa old irealdent of tba oouniy
' - -*■'»pand baa been engaged in the dn gooda ““K.UA..AA. .-AC
t4 Tip ^OT pottT VTvspecVvon. 'Mon catvtvoV
mn. two Kutaiana
Kutalane wbu O.Milwin
0<u<iwin ba*‘•»pn-«x1
bu> •'ipn-.^xl hi* iini
iii« ntioii
ntH)ii to ;<
boalnem in Orid for ynara He bad *uf- Meyer Hbkmann.
ta.., KtfBbpl IM .». AA, SUick So ,17
fared from rbauiaallan for a long time,
^aW U set \>vtVr btAVt\\} atv4 paVus. &u>
and tbia la thought to be the reaaoa Hr by: aecret aerrloe ^en charged with
making counterfeit nieklea and penktoauleldeBobbed tba Ura>4
per^ )oo4s a\ \\ve T\p|K\ prices.
Tbeir layout wa* eunbacatod and
At ltent«D Harbor Jter. C A. Cartar,
paator of the oolored bapiial ehnreb, la alao a large amount of bogua money John Oliver, of Vblladelylhia. wa* the.'stock No. ju>?
.... a.
▼lolenUy loMwe on r rrllgi >n and will waa found. I'taey were held for trial aubject.
be taken to tba Kalamanioaeytam. He lu tba aom of Pt.wtO each at (Srand Bap,.llO.. .^.AAl.W I- Uouglaa. atamped
, _
il (ivtober. They purebaaed thr My akiu wa* aim.»,. ^...........
Ma daughter In Ikd ataie normal
rn. toDgur i-oated. pain oDtioually in
acbool wbo will gmduaw tbia aprlng.
exeet Oerman allrer in Cbicago.and bai-k and i>id«K, no appetlle—gradually j
A young laof at MulUken baa for a were followed to Kalamazoo.
long Ume bean oorrmpoodlng wltb a
Yon will aave □ ney if you buy.yoor
oaUilT.'a friend adeiaod trying -ElecMarriage Bell*.
man in Chicago wbtiae •ci(uaioUQi-e
,ter*.'and U-my
■ luy great joy and .boeaof ^
.1. E '^ainn. formerly of Ana Arbor,
pbe bad i^e through a matnmunial
Burprlae. tke fir*l buttle madea
a dt-oii
nganicr, but wbomabo bad nerer leea now of tnU city and Miaa Lena Hra*b iiupri.vemi-^ I continued their
Ba finally propoaod, and nmngemenla ettblaelty. were nnib'd In marriage for three *«>ek*. and am inow a well ;
I know they *aved tuy life, a
Warn made for their marriage, wbieb Wedueeday by Be* J. A Bready
; grave of another victin
tran to bare taken plai-e la»l Wednea- ' William I*. Parcber and Mia* Carrie
onld fail t
4ay. Two day* prrvtuui to the dau O'lirieo, both of Traverae City, were
. r bottle a
not tka groom arrived and wa* met at uotted lo marriage yeatorday by Bt-v. J. (). Jolinaon'a hrug Slnrea.
..tbaaiaUiin by ibebiUe-ela,:!. and the J. W. Miller, at hi* reaideoeeon Sute
WboU matter cbdcd r.gb't there.
,«o«plcaloo waa wbat oau*ed tbe
trouble’for be wa* 40 dark aulnnad a*
' I«ltMalariaorA>um*
' Mui.lbh
toeompel tbe belief ibai be wa* a
Languor, tom of apm-ut.-. indege*
Mgro He claimed lobe a Uroak, but
Is <m fvery box of I’nion .Made (.igars—lnsi>t on cigars
• tkeatatemeot did not gudodowu with tlOD and often fevertkbneaa are tie!
made undejr th^^ ldl»el and you will In- >ure of giuKl value
ayiiipUiin* <>f a phykiological |
tka young lady aud ber f^lly.aad tbe'eomi
and a pure smoke.
n teriaefl -malaria." All tl
aarrlaga waa declarad off. wbtia the '
Union men earn geo i wages tor honest labor.
man look tbe neat trBlo back to tbe aymptoma may be and fminently are
tbe effect of tbe u*e of alum baking
windy city
A. Uuldfarb of Elk Baplda «vm abort- powder In food making. There 1* .
Telephone I«»2
:tll Fr»>nt Street
ly open a braneb dry good* aloro at | (tueellon about the potaanoua effect of
upon ibe vyatem.
It obatruota
Bollaire. Id partnarablp with 1. tioldmlok. Ha will plaea kU dangkMr. digaatioo, proairatca tba oervea, cogulateeanddevlullzea tbe blood.
Blmma, In ekarga of bia iniareaU.
Tbara am ton innln of the K. O T. thta baa beeo made xlear. thank* to
Tf fit), this i* theSplaee 1>» t;,-t it
ri;.rht and iiromjitly
R< imiriag
M. la tbe upper penlaaola wboae mem- to pbr*lcian*. board* of bealtb, and
But wc do lidievc in signs when they are
Euaiueling and J Jtllu- Tuvtiiny of all kimls. I’all in asd •e «ny new
. kmablp la oomprlaod ancluaieely of food oommlaalon*. So '-highly ic iurlHue of wheels. A giKul^line of wheels to lelll
on* to the bewltb of tbo oommnnlty”
so .convincing as those which point to the
Tko opera bouae at Oopemiah kna doe* tne emminent bead of tba UniMarker.
rally of Hcnnaylvanka.
•knaged kanda and kna
baking powdere.
Balder tke alum bak
talo n omrebonae for buggies and agri
increasing demaml for |mr ‘ BEST ' flour.
waltnral Implemanu, aad a* a eonseqioaa* tka vlliigp 1* without a public hibited by law.
Coder ^hc-ae
eslt ..
is worth
It is mmorad that the Canadian Ha-, tbe wbil*^
^ every boutewife to employ I
Other gooils othei prices.
Jj. VY. Milliken.l
A. S. Fryman,
135 Front St.
Blue I.abii Ivike This!
Practictl Shoe lui
Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?
•ila railroad will build a tunnel from
»» '‘"•P
*o dangerou* an element from the fo< d
Pwiot Kdwnrd W North Hort llunwi
of ber family
Company D. Mloblgna
A pore cream of tartar baking pow
' tioard*. of tba Soo, have decided to In- der. wbicb 1* tbe only kind that should
sMlI a complete
-“''Ia.amI. aa«A,U>.«, .Aa., ,. U s„
cents a pound. Tberetoro if yon are
A Church otCbiiat Soolely baa been paying much leasaometbing i* wrong;
arganiMd at Cupemiak and a bulldleg If you are paying ■ <MDta or lea* p. r
parphsaed. wbicb U lo b*
pound the powder Is eerUinly made
Into a ebureb tor boldlog regular aerfrom alum
Always bear ib«-*e s^p^e fa,-l« in
At Jaokson the HuAiagtan-Bronk
mind when pun-ha*ing linking powder.
It you want vour uid wbral to look a* gixxl a* ut-w brlog It to U. K. Oibba.
BhlrtUo . that employe* i5<> oonvivi*
■It me bp by 'i’hone No I'.'l. and I w'.i; call and got your whrol.
- wa ootiuact, baa purebaaed a aitcout-'
Will repair, rnauii-l and dt-corsu- it up to date, for a Utii* rsproae. .Call
alda of Ibo prlauB wall* aud WiU erect'
«...ud « ouraae.
and *ro aamplo* of cnamoling.
:u : I ni'.n si, opprolt* C. .t W M. depot.
knlldlng*. empioytog about too fr«i Kv.-rt iiijrj-i«.*k.r nt«l* t,, have
kAArn.. TA.AA1PA, .Ui A. A.A.A1M .
.ArtA, ,A. »A.u.,,-A.«...
.Ul lArowU,. AOATlAU A.... AA tA.l„,.„.,,., , A.,.,«,.,.W.,„A,r.S=,A.,
| IAA .V.l A, ,A, W..rA, lA. IIMA A, It it
. Hiram UrUwuld. a farmer who re- ooo*i»i>i aud urg -nt. To I'we it la ’o
«ld*s Bcwr the Clam river ferry, caught'
power to overronie. VViihoul it
■ two mukkalong* last haturdav morn-!
Auction! Auction! Auction!
Sale Started Thursday, March 16th
and will last for ten days only.
Old Bic\rcle«
Made I^ike New.
The Entire Stock Of The Fair
Wilt be sold at AucUou to tbe highest bidder
Mothlng reserved -^erything must
be sold out is 10 days
H. E. OIBBS, Proprietor
ing. on. weighing vo and tbe oUer tu ^rr'i'.^rar/
pounds, wbUe fiabing nror tba lower ,
and of Uw Lmke —Mancelooa
.if AJiiu.
him. ize
He ***»
wu* ir,
™—-.™ Herald,' ie** cjA|**
4.^ Ill
'taglnaw aporumen are going to l*rBi i lutu I'le i romiMl land. Tl„-y li.id
‘f"*" »l»«eiy
stock tbe foreaU in tbeivicinav
vieinii of that *^'’'**
______ _
tb- Lot.ler. la Canaan uud
..lA MOA,AUA. pA^tk.,..
A».lA,A„w.n«,Uoo~ .A„„ P..~'p,A,A,.M',.il..A„r.u,l A.._A._
of the blrij*. and in three year* those U,arp.-t>il»ut
are expected to Increase lo at least
—--------------------«nor 4tJ.<*«i Tba birds will be ofi
•« Heaven,
maeb bzurcli to farmer*, aa tbey are I Tbe }ny .,t bravt u ■* a never ending
•«ry toduauiou* in deauoying bug*
■> onmu.uniou of all put- and
and ib*eoi. that rat grain and fruit.
Hfi-..l w.i,|,. *.„i ih- i„Mmiptein
lltauU-lUiK luiiitllUde iu«) lu»k Wllb
tobratar claim* to have tka beat
toward the Ihr.uio and say.
•Mnwalk* of any village of lu aiM in | -Ablw, Failiey' ' It i* a pafi* t bome.
SAo elate. There are so tar over five I’b. that outywx r« u.-aier lu thi^patpailM of eemcni walk laM'In tkt vil.,l«f« ^ it/vv.-iuay wake ibrui wi.
lag*, and two mllm more are to b« ;
"»d nmtenlUtd tbU summer
Tne eorpornttoa ’
‘/“I • w»f*'''P «•''« life iv an
Mowaar tke oih^Z f
»fe. and b„m.
: la III wilb llte nuiliitiH «g .Itp KalUrr *
Ilf. Addlaoo WUitLlbe bo*t*ulhor-iboow- -L.» UJ ilurrvll. D. D.
itylnUie I’ntud sute* m loproay. I
til »le«.
Iko lepei* uMuiia. ba* rwwntly be-' Haul tri.tl lotl'aM all mru in all
MMacrmvari tuseventb liBT advaii *kl«g* tbai be niiubi by ail luroiu mitu
•t HntllrCrrok. The general eoafev-jl^_______________
-imaoywmU abooU b* lort ttoeteby.
saot baa daciAad lo raUs moaejr to ro-' Oknrtlan hwtnieioi.
Men's Suits S3.75
Men’s Suits $5.00
Men’s Suits $7.50
Men’s Suits $10.50
jirii «-i> iiNvi- ihH-ii |mt iijxni liui-f. >'f meii'j. *uibs eO'Mpruiiui,' our wiuler at*^-k
timi previously reiniletl at from
cii dollarb to seveateeu dollar*. Pur sale* whk-h hare bceu
unjms-edeDted aft- well meriled, ns youVill readily i-oncede
alien you see the gocHlu for youraelvetf, and |iriee* ((uo^xl uu
ihi-m. This sail- we shall eoutiniie al>oul a week longer, when
ilif gr-ater i>art of our new spring sUx-k will !>- in. Right oowii> yiiiir op{»>rtuuity if you have not already availed yonrself of
our extretU'-ly liberal offer on above gooda.
See our advertisement ou child’s gooda in anolher place m
the Bix obh.
Hamilton ClothingCo.
MKS. H. 1-:. GIHB8-
Dry Goods. Dress Goods, White
Goods, Lace Curtains, Ladies’
and Children’s Underwear and
Hosiery, Cloaks, Capes, Gent’s
Boys’ and Children’s Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Col
lars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps, Boots
and Shoes.
Bemember, People, this Auction Sale ie a ehaaee of *
life-time to bay good. Staple Merebaodtee at Auotlozi. It
will aleo pay merchants to attend thie eale. Bemember tfela
entire stock mnet be aoJd in 10 daya. Kemember the place,
Broach Block.
844 Prant Street.
Bale commences every afternoon at 8:00 p. m. and at
7<X> p. m. sharp.
of Detroit, Mkh.
The Store Fixiurea, Skelvna. Cooater*. Mirrors. Desk. eu.. fur aaie.
TW* MOBxnra xsooro. tbidat, kabor it, is»*
;, &eTvera\ 'KewB
\\ve "VDoAii.
Blait tbo Uattad i
maple a\ LoBteaUi*. «ba are «b tba
poiat of aelebraliac ibalr coldaa woddlaff. Tbe old aaa »a* at oae Use
of tba apiiafa at Wwa
Below la a Uat of tbe baataff aod
Tm old i, aoM of 8m1b. lAobelia. Ui<
Daroi, a thOBdeiatorai ai Bridrepart
Si Pwi" ^ " " ■ ■
oUj. abae i« eolled liTFarU.
lif H
ha* qaiu
5. beat..............
veMvarad froa tba aboek e*Md b'
ftkia lau irar wUb UU voeBlr^, aiu -eaebed for tbr cord' to riaf up a fare
■BOBU OKHV blooat out aa a roj'al boat Tbe car waa OUed with paoeearerA aod
«M. Hba baa beta cl»«a BvaaroBt ra- a paste eatsed
Hteadnao liaed <a
> and diDBera, uBtll Loot aet {Btratford. That be aboald bare bees
Sa. aed her week!/ cOBeeria. keowa to > killed b/ llfbUBlnr aad bo oae elae ia CreaiaarT Bail
ba tka refafe for all tba aaappreelated tbe ear feel tba laaat »bo>^k amoa al- Cbeeeepert. ..
.Boat lueredlole, bat It U tfaoajrbt he la Oau per bD (old;
•d «f tkat atraare «adl«/ whieb em- aowe «a/ eoeoplelod a elreoli io riairaUtataa tba Bpaabb eoloe/.
lar ap tbe fare aod reeelead tbe fall
Vm. 8. y. Boott, wbo baa joat died force of tbe eboek.
to Obfaaco. bae baaa a raaldmt of tl at after be dropped.
Special Legging Sale!
Bicycle LeggiDgs and Golf Hose
;! 1 ;
Former Prices 75c, $1.00 and $1.50.
Choitu Of Aujr Pair—Fifty Cents!
The l>eatb Aoeoid.
• laadlBC faBiUiaa la Ua aarl/
sralef little Bbrseat Uelmaa.
of Chleafo. aad wera laUnata
frtaode of Joba Weatwprtb. tbe drat eoa of Mr. aad Mn. WUliaai BelatMof
r of Cbleaco. Mra. Beott ipaeia UrawD. srbo died of tbe grip Wedi
Wed tba baUdlaf of tbe flrtt pirwaa- da/, will take place froca tbe Drawn
Oaa baalaeea blocks aloor 8UU alreel. ebsreb tbia tBoralsg.
Md could wll iaiercatlsr
U. T. UsrldsoB of iaiaad. dM WedMl old rorl Dearbora aad lu trassaeada/ of paca/Ula. Heoeaeed was C7
o the alt/of Cbiearo.
kev. e. Bdwards. paatorof tbe Eag
/eare of age and leavea a wife,
Tbe'eelebraUoa of three «ll*er wedllsb-Baptist Cburcb at MlaersTille. Pa.
and four
wbel astreriDg witb rbeuBaiiSD.
^iaca ia tbe ro/al teoiUlae of Baropc
Tba funeral will be bi Id Baturda/
CbamberlalD'i Vain '
^artof iwm tea/ be aoted. tbe frst of
afterooOa at ; o'clock from tbe Uraoge Balm SesaTS: "A few apellcatloi
eebM> waa that of tbe Duke aad Dupbball at Iaiaad. Kalph Anderaoo will of this liniment prored of great service
0m at Mate-0»burc-«ioiba. wbo were
-----It suMaed tbe Inf
direct tbe fuaersi.
and relieved the,!/peia. Should any suf
married tweat/ bre *ear« a«o Kebruf<TTr
by glziog Palo liatm a trial
«r/ ft. Tbe Duke aad Duefaese OarlC. Habuatord. aon of-C. A Hanna- ‘t wi
lease me." For sale br S. K.
-Tbaedor, 10 HataviB neiebrate their ford, wbo live* on the comer of .Soeth Wait, brnggial
lOttrar wcddloc April fit. bad tbe Uraod
I'nioD and Sisteentb streets, died yes- r-avw«,e
.Cafeeasd Duebees Vmidiniir of kuseis
Urds/mornlag at
o'cioi-k. si
wHI c'tnaplete tbe tweat/ Bftb /ear of farm borne at S-'i n of r><,.umonia.
Jackwn e.
Cbelr isarried life ADpust vi
I The deceasril wa* 7.'. ytiar* of age apd
Tbe laiYeet peseioa evergraated
leaves a wife and one child, beside* bis
abf l^alted Btaua to a forelgo-bora falber aod mother
two brotners
Tomorrow night at Fi
ooldler was allowed b/ tbe department and two slstera. The young mso v«sa
.Silvers' academy.
iauicda/. HoIetU logier
sick odI/a week and bis death was a
Be*cUciar/.‘ Sbe ia tbe widow of Beolf shock to the friends of the family.
Mriaeuiifer Ingier. and ilveein CbristiThe funeral wUl take place Buadsy
stfiU. Norwa/- Krau Ingler geU *4.Si
o H. BROWN, Auers.} a___________
aa 1 o'clock from tbe reaidi
Oj Las. B|MH-i*l^stMD(len to .allrctloi
to«lumpeamf»rbackpa.\ aad here-1 farm, ander tbe"direction Of H. L. Car•(tor will draw »S a month from the
(laltad Mtotestreaeurr. Barly
Ctaarlea (Hllett. a young man aboot
X Ingler left ble wife, came to
thirty years of age. died Tuesday night Trlr|-lK.ur No
Amanm and aaiisted in tbe Union
last at Baraga, of tbe grip. Tbe young
•rmy. Tbeaoldler-busbaad waa killed,
was the aon of Mr. and Mrs. B i*. | —• _________
lb do* time ble widow was Informed,
* ^lliuav. ersaust.
•ad at jthe end of :tr> years sbe recover- OITett of Kast Eighth street, this citv,
whom be had not seen for a number of v*.
4pd fro* the Uolted
years. The remslni will arrive here
iKiN.Phruristissd d
what to many will appear ralber a
• steal of iSf rje seC Far
Mnbw Bianl of Pwwiii
large price f <r a buiband wbo left ber today and be laid to rest in Oakwood.
118 Front St.
The Old Keltable
Ever Burned Out?
318 Union Street.
bu look oat for herself.'
^Tbe train that has been SDOwboand
w ibeCbryenar & N'ortbern B. B. for
tbe past three weeks was abaadonea
Vr«Nin<Mlay. Ibe passengers were
a ia wagons from Altus to Horse
/ Oreab esatioa. where they were irans- ferrod toe train and brought ia Obeypoae Ihjrlng the time tbe tram wss
d lo tbe paaaeagera aad crew did
tbalr own cooking and lived In
cars Tbr food supply rao short sev
er a« ttmes. but there was no actual
aafferiag A aamber of relief trains
rare noat to the reacue but they fa|J
Vi get through tbe drifts of snow and
toe. wblobnre lutolO feet deep, nod
•r* BOW b< rekadedat diflereoi poloU
•long the road.
- Bmperor William has taken
Btuaad of the (lerataa navy aod the
chief of the navy beoomca directly sub.
ordinals to the emperor.
ladlans of the White Kecks agcacy,
iaUlah. some of whom were la the
Meeker mamacTe. deaire to return to
the former naereatloB in Colorado.
They are ugly and tbreateadlre things.
Beavi rains are falling and tbe
droogfat whIeb threatened the lose of
miHiM of dollars' wtwtb of California
erapaU amasbed. Abundant barvesta
are BOW said lo baeertaln evenu.
« of an tadlM for polygamy was instituted at MacLeod. Alber
ta, apd It is said to be tbe govemment'e
ipMaUao to pat dowa -tbe practice
among tbe northwest Indiana
Hereafter free for postal money or
ders lor payment in Cuba will be the
aarae as for orders payable la the UnUM Htotos.
ObamberUio'e Oougta B«i
This remedy is intended especisHy
>r coughs, colds, croup, whoupiug
cough and mlturnrs. It has become
famous for iu cuvm of tbue diseases,
over a large part of the civilized world
Tbe moat flsiterlng lesUmonials bsvr
been re elved, giving acoounU of iu>
good works: of tbe aggravsting and
per-lsUnt coughs it has cured; of
severe colds that have yielded promptthing rffreia. nnd of the
attacks of croup It has
cured, often saving tbe life of the
child. Tbe extensive use of It for
has shown that it
(told by S E
Wail, drug
Se not empley Pe&dUn •
Partlea selling clotbing, representing
thruselvea as our agenU, are fakirs.
We do not employ peddlem. Clothlog. bau. furnlshiogs eu.-. I
died about tbe country In order <
effect sales.
8. Benda A Ca .
Front street.
Prt«trteb hhwks. -nsto.. I
rpBSIMBD if't'RHR-Hl.w Bswlle BnlFstab, s
* CTSduaiF ul ihF CBlFFFvltr Buspoal. Abb
Arbor, will re«^aJ to esSl* for soFsIsc. SI
T AOIg<t-l>F>lrlar .IrOM wsklnw done at
J_i IhFlr btwSF> loi^ulF* or auer>a. Ml*.
K^oevl.l.drea* nakicm perlwF*. MI-«4MCa*i
^IRj/maN-fKlTfor cwoFral
VT AfMx al Purtarb •fvwvrr.
JBT work.
F work
lb I'mos
»1 tf
I] N.irt
> MVbu.brl.burbwVal
I will have a car load of Horses hen.-
Meirch 22nd
1 purchased twelve head from tbe stock farm in La
Granjfe County. Ind.. owned by John Camjibell. anti also
ten head from the John Weaver stock farm, same county
These are the largest stock farms in the state of Indiana
Come and See tiieselHorses
Even if you do not want to buy.
where yon «an
E Ire CMctileil lo be the M
Ltderlt's Nt* Shop, .
: '
Sold by ail d
SbFrasB * Mill
LskF Aoi.
|-«d.r Keb
Tfbffwwf citr. MlFk
Chicago -■«
West Michigan.
».;r n.'*. -n )*- 1
>M. *g*Bt,Tr*vsTa*OtM
>B*r*Tr*a*gT Ayvsk.
Or*sd Kspids. Mtek
.f .triWa' __ _ _
I- >;
pen Fw. ,
500 l^icycles
itui e»
rkABgiBc i»e
You will so^ the nice.st lot of horses that has l»een
brOQ^ht here in a g<Hxf while. They weigh from 1.^00 to
11800 each.
................... rl 11 «t
You know if you can buy horses in a wav you can trv
£rul Rapids 6 lidiui R. R
them, as you can when you buy from me. it is much better
’wi'.,r!than to buy them where you can have only a one day's trial.
n CTIVB BU.I lru»Fd pvF*ue u> work for u*
These horse.s can be seen in BrodbagSn'S LiVery!i' 'B b■ b9 eaeee ee~Bsm
Jx U-r»U}
Lilwr.l *BlMrr iru*rBD|F.d
flood r&BlirF few- Ad>ss<iT-»Ftil. Kor*pU*lt«Baxn dn Sute street
Hei'lUB rSF*IB>il
Intjuire for
gooil cigBi ()[ smoling It :
rTt Waabluirtuu .irwvu
*r H tvpMt
^FFpc^ewader. 10 sad fF*m Uusor es PUtis
c_. u.. ..IU.'.
» *i
ualr Hltrk.
— a-'i'srji-.i.i...- MFa
i> j fllRL WAtmU-Por ifroFral :
■ vX Hiratlr Wtprk aad rood wag*
Ea*i Nlolb alnwl C. H. Tvstls
Or. Qabell Whiiabead. aeeayer of tbe
{iailiad Sutos mint, who will soon be- S
:s; ;j -.-r:,?;-
TNR S. J. WXTtT. CoieFioarj Hurin-wii.
Xf italFufOBIadoVetFnnsrrUtlleCF
ilISFSee* el all dnstF-iic aalsial*
Land For Salt!
;Bmlto Erckmaan. the Fteneb
M. totomdatiLuDcTlHs. Kranor. aged >
iadnetriea. Isdi. native of Lynchburg.
Vv. and it M years old. Be I* a grad |
uatoefUbigh and Columbia unlver-1
' Pyro-ee'luloae powder will be used'
by tbe aavy, beoan*e it is better than
amddf'wtw. Private maantocturara can
. balp tbe ffoverameoi plaala In supply-'
lag axplaelves
Prlaoa Beery of Prussia, oommander
of tbe O.toman si^uadron la CbloMe
( the Uunebfagot a tradiag vcoael at Sbangbal
watslraek oa the bead by a planV.
^leb toU from tbe rafura of a abed
swdar whiab ba was etaading. Tbe
woaad bled prafuealy. bat tbe akell
srae aat lejatad.
BaerotafT Algor has
an Older
aboiUblag Ue eantoaa aad probiblilnf
tbe Bale of IU|uor oa army reearvatloaa.
h tbe new army law.
MineLilliaa Norton attntoted lltUe
aUemtioa aaaaoperaalBger until ebe
Wok oa a forolga dl^Ue by obaoglag
W oame to Nordlea. 8be waa born at
Tarmtogtaa. Mv
Tba Oermaa asaperar and amprem
dtAva MoMTod a pnwiag ioTltaitoa to
*11 work oPklrtirM |>
1 have a number of pieces of land
which I wilt sell
m acres 5 miles
south of Traverae City: good buildinM
and plenty of water. 4ii acres northwcat of city. BO acr*« of timber land
I a miles south of city. 40 acres about
T milea northwest of city, ai
•everal pieces in Wexford e
> want to boy nome land I
you at terma ao you can
cheap as you can buy
-44U WaabingtoQ St.
Telephone No. 4.
N od fur
John K. Santo,
Gtaiiil l■s•raut.
Our Liberal Discounts
ni Furniture..
.* uu*»
■sell ••■■■fa ■■■■
‘ ::o8. aasssne
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■■■■■
Are dosing it out rapidly. Sales last week exceeded onr I-i8'*****************
expectations. We are hoxious to close it out in order to :i;n8bBSsaBi&«ai68£R setBa
make room for onr large stock of
Call at once for Bargains.
. M*rkt**w
,«4 Union Stmt.
■ ys
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