The Morning Record, July 02, 1899

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The Morning Record, July 02, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





TUid Yfiu—No. ni.

TKiVEESE crrr,

ArrlT*d Tastordsy sad Fisc*
•d in PrUon.
Ptombwkad •« VigSt •»* Takes to
'•ewms b7 Trsis—Tka OioUor«iASd Pri«>Ber AfltotiOSsUir OrsaUd
1)7 hi* Wife Vbo was Osa of tka
yint to Msat Stm—Orast Orovda
Ostbarad to Oraot tka Trisossr.




Portlou of Tioot asd Osaa Stroali M
Union City, ni, 8o«n« of s
ba Xapt OUST oMUca TUI
U la sipaetad tbM- tbara wfll b« s
rrdat erowd of rlaitora la tba «itj oa
Tows maldad by Importad Ootored
(ha Powtb ssd U k ^ intestloa of tba |
Xlsata •aafcurBavwfaaodtrslOB
asd local so tboritlaa to sake H aa plcaaaat aa poaalbla | Has Eosied—naree Sagilg^ Was
for sTarybodj. Proot atraat will ba
Pos^t is tba »«ht-ft*loforoatbarraat
Msu Sast to Aid Usios Has
lag tba foroDOOs asd ooUl after Ibe
Sbrr>ff Arks Oorenor far Troops.
parade early In tbs aftarsoos. Tbara
will ba ao many paopla os Frost asd
, 111.. Joly 1 -L'aloB CUy.
Oaaa atrasu that It baa baas daeidad V>{.
^ occplrf .Ti.lo.

nmutn OR


Sunday, July 2,1899.

Shat We
Are Doing...
We’re seilm^Ladien' Fine

SSBS^, PrMM, Jaij 1.—^tfls
Shoes, band tarn, new style
DrfTfw srriaad st 6 o'aoak tb« mcs- ,
ot U.m. b. .a.,,., ™
.1 „u.brtl .Im
toes—new jfoods—shoes that
UrvisL'Ofisstasd'Bados. TbepdaUnion and Park euaeu and Ckaa, a battle between tbe snloa m>j} and
d Is rood ba^tfe.
others reUil at $3 and S3.50,
baiwaes State and Frost from 9 a. m. Use imported n^o mioara wbo ware
Tba lasdlar of D.-ayfaa at ga'beros nntil two p. m. Use wImIob of tbU
Arad upon at Fradonia yesterday.
was alMSt sasotlc^. At l o'eloek mranreiBent will be laadlly
tbto worsloc a enttar aassad by tas
We're selling Udies' Fine
- mas and la ebatre of a aaral offlear.
pateSfrosCaadas and want alonr
Shoes^iir famoos Bargain
-aids tba Stas. Tbea tba boat rowed ..irtmte .ol.« ..a “• I»»blWU«. ot, u,,
u., „1„
Th. ui.
Sboaa, at
to shera. wbara Drayfas was landed.
UUK o. Uia. .U..U rtU Obrut. >»• [ Ur pre»p I, r.pll«i. Tb, b uU, lui«l
A oowpaoy of Infastry was
at tba
_ lasd k, nun. M p«. „u, g,.
Isf point. Drajfos w« plg^
.Ibl,r...w.,...Uo.llo..b,pl, n»m
,b«r bom« ..d to,k r.,.,, 1« .
raard of a capUls of eoriaaars and a
^rorybody > have a rood time
elnmp of timber sear tba village.
•orgaast and aorporal of roodanneo.
i of any kind.
No shoes ID the city etinal
The non onion men applied the
wbo banded tba prisoner over to U. view of the arrasrrment all drivers'
torch and tbe village wae dretroyed.
tbem, even it a much higher
Virol*' ‘I'd* latter estered a laodan wbo have dellvarlca to make starewith Drayfoi and two detaoUras and qnettad to m tke them before or attar Tbe negroes than advanced on tbe
Try a i>oir . aiid be
voode nna ontll daylight a fnillade
ibdibtiM tbllrabd bUUbB ud tbe boars named.
wee kept np between tbe fnettona. No
antarad a train.
BainDcayfnt did not apeak a word. The
We have reduced the price
toreemenu bnve gone to tba aid of tba
train atoppad at Btbetala, three klloTbeEraarellctteSnrob paopla wUl nnion minaff/
on our Men's Fine Vic: Kid
aaatara from Beonaa. Tba party
serve ice cream aad laaeb os tbe Stb
Springfield. Jnly 1.—Acting goveraer
Sboe^ from S2.50 to
aUrbtad aad anUrad a carriaraand
of Jaly Id tbe sew Mnneon bloek. Warder
dUwaa drives toward Beasaa at a aharp
Come all Uat are baarry and have patch from the sheriff of Wilpat* A waronatta oontalslnr a police
yoor banrar aatiafed.
Uameton oon-ity asking for troops to
prafaei and t'trae inapaetera joined tbe
Tbe ladles of Traverse Bay Bive wiU HBall tbe riou at Union City. Tbe re
not grnntod. bat n Urge ,
At • o’clock they cama In alrbt of serve a warm dloner in tbeir baU Is qneat
supply of gone and nmmanltlas wae
tba prison and a crowd of panone Mootagne blocs os Jnly itk.
Tbe city libivy wUl not be opened ordered forwarded to Ue ehariff.
rnabad forward to see Dreyfne, bat tbe
tfoopa and menntpd rasdarmee rosbed on the Poortb.
tba Drayfoe earriara tbroorb to tba
Prof. E. B. Hnrtangb will give a
. prtaonUkaa fleeb. Tba prison rates dancing pady tomorrow night.
ppaaad anddanly. twenty r*o0*^**
ClareoeeBeUeyof Boutb Lyons baa BanOere Will 6bow np on Ue FoorU
mabad out aad barred Ua atraat, and aeeapled a poaltlon la S. Benoa A Cob
WtUFUyenWboareaec gnUad
praatad tbe crowds back. Tbeeoddsn- store.
»s First Olase.
neae of the movenaat atnpefled every­
Jim O'NeU baa accepted a position in'
There will be good base ball on tbe i
body. Bafora tba crowd oonld raoover
Frank Friedrieb'a store, having realge- Twelfth street grenade os tha'Foartb,
liaalf Drey tea waa Inaida.
It p«yi; To^rAde Here
ad hia poaitUm in 6 Benda A Cob store. wbicb U tally aesnrad by tbe line ap '
Tba rovemar of tba prtaoa aant
Jack Roberta and MaU Tblman have of tbe Baeilera. n> well ne by the rec­
MaBaina Drayfna news of Ue arrival
cf bar bnabanA 8ba Immediately both lost tbeir wbaeU by theft, tbe
the Grand Bipids Democrat team. Tbe
west to tbe
P*f- former Friday evening akd the latter morninggame wilt take place 1
mlMtOB to see tbe prlaooer. On leave yeatarday morning.
o’clock and the afternoon game
E. E Blrangof tbsK-mballPi
beiar vraatad. tbe taltbfnl wife es
The balloon nseaneloi.
farad iba pi'isoa almcat nnobarvad and bna received n large graphnpbone. mneb
larger then tbe ordinary machine, and nebadalad for S o'clock from tbe large |
wiaoondaetad to bar hneband.
field west of tba Ull grenade and
wiit nae It wry eonepienoutly on U
everybody who atUnde tbe game can
Fourtb in Ue pnrnda.
wiineM tbe marvelone feat of Mite
Joeaphdindek. aged else, baa a Bellmont. wbo will ascend fast
Broke Hw Own Baeord Loading rived in tbU city from Aoitria, frei
ere are Ue prioee—
mnnnted on n bicycle. T^U U n good
which Goontry be baa travelled allalose arrengemeoi. aenll Iboea who attend
Bardwood Lumbar. .
to ibU elty taking 19 days for tbe j rern- tbe game can wilaene Ue aeeaneloa
2Jx4 inches...............3c d<»
Tba aUam barge Fletcbar. which
3J«6 inches.......... .;5cdor
rived in tbU port yesterday morning ey. Be waa welcomed by bU father, Jo- from eomforublc saaU and not be
anrly. alaargad again last night for •eph Bladak of tbU city asd U eatrame- obliged to stand nronnd in n great
inch.-s.......... lOcdoi
Obtango with a cargo of lamber from
ernehtng crowd while waiting. Tbe
11x18 inches......... 25c doi
WlUlan Baltnar.
Tbe Elmwood Manafaetnrisg Co. line up of tbe BosUers U ns follows:
Tba vernal enrried nearly halfamU- will add a handaoma flxt to the large
Bnnt, enteber: North of tbe nsptoni
' Uoa feat of maple Inmbarand the load
Pa|»r F.stoonimr-Red, White
ti for tbe Fonrtb team, aadj K i" Canon, formerly wiU
Inc rdoard was broken. Mr. Baltnar of Jnly trades dUplay. •
'boUnowmanag and Bine, per roll, 20c.
eansadtoba loaded in
___ ___
Today the Famona wUI dUplay ia ing tbe Qrend Bkpldslntereuta iMkgna
Lanterns, globe shape.
401.100 feat. TbU beaU all pravlens tbe window of tbe More a Urge tac
8 inch. Sc each’
raeorda an tbeae ahoraa. Iba blgbaat almUe of tba original Daelaratlon of Bukl. farravrly of Ue Grand Btpidt
all sizes of linger
raeord beratofore bald for loading
U aa iatareatlsg flernld team, second bsae: Jerome Wli.
hardwood waa for Mr. Baltner'a Inm- dbonment and varyapproprUta tod-a- helm, ehortetop: Odveodorf, third biM; flags.
bar and bU own rooord U therefore play at UU time.
Ftrkj, left field: Ball, centre fleid;
nad daifka. right field
PairioUe aarvicee will ba
WiU two or Uree exceptions. Uem
in tbe Pint M. E. ebareb Ibis evening
plnyere beve splendid reoorda made
under the naipicae of clnee nambar 4.
here in the elty m members of tbe
Memben of the Carpentare'
BeUg bought by lUlegnUon From
B lallerA. Tbe eUere ere reeognired
^.^in remlndedtocnllatC8.l>F.|^fl„»,l^ pUyere. bnvinrplay.d
cln. team.. EreryUlng
Brifn do/ta delc^ta^ neting for ball Monday evening or before
Tuendey to gat badges nod
p iou to n big bare ba 1 day. aod Ucee
■ tbe 0.000 teoebere in tbe public neboo e prepare for the pernde.
toeing tbe firm games of Ue reason. Ue
of Obinngo. ware in tbe oily yaetevlay
acd bleachers Uonld be
afternoon for a few boon, looking up
Ue matter of n site for n ••raache..-,*'"**
Tuee- packed. _______________ __
V. b. O.bkd
u, „.i„ „.i,
managed toy the taacberi of Ctalengo.
K Halebeforeaoon MoUfisy.





Two 30-foot
ba aeat ap from oar store at
8:30 Mooday ni^ht.

Our Stock of Flags
and Fireworks
U getting low, but the assortment is stiU good.
A ent on prices of Sky Rockets of SU per cent
Monday an 1 Tuesday.

City Book Store


The Very, Very Busy Clothiers.




Popular Shoe House.


New .Vlid"Summer
Ladies’ White Waists
P1*«<U. „i, h,™ TODiY_Hu.J«,m .lrl»-d.g„, n.«gH.u.

For Dedoratiog.


Savings] Bankj [Bazaar. I

Ttoe parly ooDa'aiad of P. L. Mane,
Tbe Companion Forestan will____ Jnouee Brown Farfbrmed Rls 900U
prtaelpal Barr s-bodl: W. M. Baberu. ice cream, lemonade bad inacb on Ue
Marrisge Ceremony TeaUtdny.
prtselpal Blsraark aebool: C. O. 8eod- FoarU in Foresters bnll !
Justice S. M. Brown performed s
daripriaolpal Bobert MorrUeeboohO.A.
Ealph Cf^nnble of Ue City Book­ mnrringa ceremony yesterdny afterOslagm prioclpal Armonr street aeboai store, nest np two toalioous Inst even­
oooa vrbleb made Lewis Krom and
Q.«.OsvU.priBelpsl BswUorneaebool: ing niucbed to one of which was n Ug
Miss Nellie Arms. boU of Uis cKy.
J. K. OsviB. prioclpal
onlltagfor fifty bnnebes of flrecreck- mao aod wife.
The gentlemen were made welcome
ra. Tbe last seen of tbe pr:s«
Tble marriage makes two bnadred
aad exuaded tba coartesle* of Ue city
waa sailing toward Elk Bapldm
which has been eolennixed by Jnatiee
by Mayor Hnmiluo. ex Mnyor 8mlU.
'tbnre will be n ■"ttUng ot__ Brown ainee be began tying mnt8npt Horn and Mr. Bates, president of
Made by Michigan Talephona Co.
"Organ Fund" board of Ue Coagr^- rimanlal knoU, eleven yean ago, and
Ue.Baslnaee Men’s Astoclntion nod
for nay clase of rervloe derirad.
tlooal ebareb at ? p. is. sharp os Moo- it is n record which will b« 'found
wan takeB about Uwn and ont u .Ue
day. at Ue borne of Mrs. C. J. Ki
hard to bear_______________
. Trevana Bncb Beaort. Ttoe Ume at land.
Uair disposal was llmitad bbt was used
at aod of six months or change
Tbe clerks is Ue MeroastUe Coto
Utbabesl advantage poaMbla Tbe
to aoy elnas of aarvloa at vrlU.
nqnlramenu of Ue.slta Uey would store have agreed to remaia Is Ua Obarloa Zntm Took a Bad TttmbU
Telapboae Ue manager to call
pr^nreqaitadlfiltalt to meal, but
From His Wheel.
and explain new rataa adopted by
Ua laformailon Uey aaugbt was glad­ will be earvad at noon ia Ua store.
Ue eompasv.
Two exearaioBS on board Uesiaamar
ly fsrsUbad them. It vrns a dalegn
lilea from Qrawo, waa Urows from
Una of refined, adnentad and buiinaaa- Colnmbia wUl ba anjoyad today. Tbe bk wheel yeeurday moralog and bad
like gaatlameo. whom it was n plsss- boat laavea os Ua afternoon trip bla etaonldar blade broken. He hnd
are to meat, and upon tbeir raUra, nronnd the Ulnad at I o'clock wlU not prooeeded far from bU borne oa
Fret. Mnrungb'a oecbeitre on board.
' tram Ua serU Uey wdl prebsbly atop In tbe evening U'e boat wUf Ireva Ue bis way to Grawn when be ran Into a
star a day or two hereto farther U- dock at 7:10 and will go nraund Ue
aod was baavlly thrown on bis
asMigsta Us fioslreUs sMss in Ute
ebonldar, bronblng the boon: “
riaUlty' They left 08 Ua iiu treln
> to Uis city immadiauiy asd tad
Jf. Btaflord aad J. W. harl ot Elk
lor Obarlavolx.
Bapids rode In an Unlr wheals wmtarday making tbs trip of iS »li— In
one boar.
ng doaa at Urir
Henry BmlU wbo lent hta wbnal raof enatoman at any atom is Ula
________addram at Mim
town it eartnlniy waa at Banda’s yesdd's dtaasmaking parlotu, 441I wOl stiFplT fine tee for Ua aanaos
44S Bast Froat
at filAS par mosU. or fil.oo par mosiU
if paid In 8dvmaaa.
Ffib te srarFbifij
Bt4afi Mr Three OsBta
fhOfib drams, with eUsk, e^
Cbild-sdrums. wlU atlUa. tely
SSUs at Ua Famoaa.
esati at Us Famona.


Prices |1.00 to 42.25.
It'll do you (ood U see Uam.


We handle the
when we sell the' Kimball
With ample capital and si.v
great factories.
I We manufacture the queen
, (Of pianos.
Every year 1,800 pianos are
made, and the demand is

Esisy Te3?m,s. SHEET MUSIC

\ ,

235 Front St.oet


H. E. STRONG, Maoceer

Tei Tear Cogtracts

Subscribers Majr Caucel

Michigaa Telapboae Co.


$1.00 a Month




Beginning Today
and Continuing Until July 6th„
We will mAka •pedal prioee on lAdiee',
KIbww’, OenUemen'e «nd Boy’e Ten 8hOM.
Hew line of -laediee' Blippere end Btrep
Sendele Jnet ceoeived.
Try the Jalie Kerlowe 8hoe-flneet for the

Parker Bros.



BiiUiiMt XUhadixBtiimc For

Zlw Fourth.
T. B4TW AID J. W. BAmx.

», W. BAin. Ml»r



rjTOMtUlc O^MlUT *«
la »0r(b«n ILebirao—




«X.«w» «««*•■

Tba dtapU7«( *» *«rt» dor Tao^
4A7«aalar.Jaly«tfc. *• »a»r»l7-“AlT Md »rm ko *ary krUllaat They
wOl bo aet off oa tbo baako of Board;
BIB rirar and tbo boat poist ol tIo»
wUl be OB tbo ooBtb bask of tbo rtoor.
IB (roei of tbo rdridOM of Boa. Barry

«0 mSOBITS ■TOtSUS «f.V».


Wta. Batw WiU lotottolB UtUo
OaoploaooBt lOaraia ol tbo VoKith
tJalyoalatoatloowm bo tbo rooeptloB of tbo Boaboro of tbo foBoblao
Qab. orfaoisod a»d ooeoarafod by
Mro. M. B C. Batoo. Tbo wenbcfioi
tbio blf baad ^liitlo foiko will be rr
eolred by Mra. Botee aad catertaiaed
ipcB tbo lawn of bor Bobo ob WaobiBotM otroot. Tbo elab bow soBboia
iMOaBdlBOladooboyi asd firla from
aU oTor tbo Grand Traocna rofloB and
la Traverao aty. It will be a pleaaat
ratboriBf a»d ali who tbaU «alt lira.
Batoo will ba oara of a oordlat woleoBa.

SovoMi or TmoM Ctty-o Ban Sonoo
WUl BpHd to ibo Bate Ofty.
^.wral IcMl iBOt bocaao woia ahlppod to Maatotoo yoototday to bo oatorod to (ba »oanb of Jaly rawa at that;
plaea.Tboatrtof eonalotaof Ttaany M.,
and Arbotho. to b> driroa by BUly HIr;
ftoo. Das Bail'y win atao bo anierad
and rrask B wU be driven by Elnfw
Bortb. Tbooo opaodoei wOl obow Manlotoo that Travoraa aty baiooae opoed
wblobla always ready to help oat Uo
borarBoa of n< Ifbbortaf towaa to fov
ttof ip food raeea. ovoa tboofh raotof
MM la a rarl^.

Oecd ABC maaodatwas for Tialtfara.
Os tbo Puarth Maaafar Stofaborf;
Tbo loUowtof io tbo Hit of ptoeaota
will throw opoB to violtoco to tbo col-,
ba MoA. tbo Artof profrato to boarW A. Fowera aad faslly of Cbieafo abrsttoa. who brlaf tbelr toscboo or
roBfad by tbo oo*«lMoo:
dcalra a meettof place, bio laifo ball
at at Onesa to aprsd the
8to aalBol and Areworka bal'o
ir Stotobait's OrMd Opera Bopae,
Mra. David C. sorlbacr of Grand
Ato boBbaboll oalatoo. which aoeand
Bapldo it at OBeoa to opcad oobc Uao frco of eharfo. Tables and chalia wUl
ral LaoMcd Wood tbo Oaltad 9 <0 fact to Ue air and cxplcde at that
bo providto for tbo oonvoolcDco of
0 as cxaaplo of wbteb brifbt with a report that can bo beard
Otcat Priodricbbao arrived to Iblo tbooo taklaf adva«fafo of tbU oppor*a paoplo of tbo sattoo aboald bo for bUoo.
city and io vblUnf with rolativee atur tnnity and aa atteodMt will bo is
Mod. OoBoral Wood 0000IB tbo 0086to 4-poaad asd tbrv< 6-poaod wUebaifo toaoalot ladica Md eblldres
a yoar to tbo Abb Ai
dtH— at BasUafo a aoedoolty for low uaairoekou ibro- if oat at a
Jooepb B. Peek aad danfbtor, Mtao BsUMCO to tbo ball will bo Bade
fiMO attootioo. Ibora aro a low bob fr^at boifbt a maoo o brlUiaat Are.
EII' b. of Mow Btolord. Mum., are vtail- •Itbar tbTOBfh tbo otoro or cqwa
wbo ba«o oBdarod 'tbo bardohlpo laktof tbo obape of a a.Dow um with
tof Mr. pMk'o biptber. A. T. Pick of
kMWB by Goaonl Wood who wosld lie loaf baaf tof braaebet.
tblf city.
An Xpldomle of Dlarrbei
Atot-poaad asd foar 4-poaBdaaranmaooa poolUoa of yroBlo
tbo ofuoorctal werM aod ooo wbleb e-rato rocbeta. dticborftof A»UBf
■taia iMpesdcd trcn the paraebato.
WOaJd yay bla» sao] ^
hero with tbelr ooa. Prof. C. B. Horr. qoUe m epidemic of dlairboea therv.
MOUt bo roeolooo Iroa tbo yoocrn- ebaBflBf color ooveral tisea before
Tboofh Mr. Bore U olfbty yean old He bad a oevniv attack and was cured
mmt- Bat tbto lo tbo eaoo with Oob. d;«ppeartof.
fonrdooes of ChaBDOr'alo'* Colic.
be la ao ardent AtbersM. and bo and
IllaBtoatlOB by rod and fraon ArtWood aad bocoaao bo ocoo tbatbo
rleraand DIarrhoe* Remedy.
bit wife CDj >yrd tome food sport to Bays be aloo reeoBBcnded It t • others
Three ,6-poond abooiisf otar rocketa.
bo Od r*«*l *«*'*^ *^
that Uao wbUo bore.
and they eay it is tbo beat m-dlctoe
to adlOeoIt fUaaUon bo boa dclcnBjB- froB BonyUhoottof otara of all c.>loro
. Toblor. Aorlat ht the saylnB. left tbe* ever need. Foe tale b* 8. E. Wan
.UBDoaoiy dioeharfUf to every dl^ to Moriloo a brllUaot V*B«lat
yesterday for Chicafo on buotoeoa for ard F C. Tbompnon. Drenlsu.,
pMOpoet. Bo win rriuTB at oboo to roetlon.
a week.
SoBotb after tbs flrU.
•aUTO daty at Saotiaco where tbo food
Three -t-poand and
MisoPlonBoIIlnfer of Maple Qiy.
Mioses'crMm silk mitt*, at tbo Fa
eoBetlc roeketo, which ebaafc
work bo'boiOB win bo -----------arrived in the city yretrrday to speed
iDous lor only 10 eeuw
•I Urtof OMrfy asd the rare cBdeatlvo oolor eevcral umet wbUo Aoatlnf olo<
afewdsToand the Fi.urtb with Mias
ly away and aoddealy rtaolvo tkem•UUty for which bo lo ootod.
Cmille Crowell of Bunriac cotiafo.
oalvoo Into a rerol'hnf oboct of brllHim EUa Chase Md Will Chase of
, Art. OBdtof wUb a bnrat of
Is asotb« eolBBB Mayor BaBllloa
MsyAcld. aro to the city, tbo fBcoto of
■ryoa all proparty ownera to make a ttotod BOteora.
.meo B^^e.
Three 4-ponnd jewel otroaBcr rock' parttoelar ctort to keep tbelr walk* to
Mn. C. L Ball of Mondca. M to tba
of Fbiladelphto.
Modrapalr. ThU ta a food aaffoatlos eto, dloplaylnf a «reot foldoB bnrat of
city vlaltiBf with her Boiber.
^ My tlisa. bet at ibu Ubo. whoa BtraaBora of brilliant Area. tor»toallnf
B. B. Pope will ft) to Charlovttix to­
fnat ofowda are aipeeted to tbroaf with a then bnial of Jeweled olaia.
day to'eec the new oleaauhlp. llltoois.
. .X e pound dlosond chain roekeU.
•bo Mty. (bo Balter U isporuat. and
Le-i T. Pesairndoa, District A«.
wbleb srill a»Ke that port today. '
pan aboald bo tokon to have walko la prodnelnf link* of dlaBoad cbatoo.
Misa Place, trimmer in Mn. Aebton'o
waodeoaiiTon A o Ixbt detect alfht cbaofinf eoloxa. while Boattoc away
milltoery pailon. will leave ^toBorrow
saaoo aofioao aocideni whon tbo city lo to toe dIotanM.
for South Botod.
srowdod and to addltloa to thlo It
Mlao Day. triminor to MUs Taefabhsald bo a nttar of pride to have oar tof a bcBbobolI which e>plodoa.t;
berry’s millinery parlon, will, leave
inf ont a brilllaat obower of Are.
ycMtooa to portoet eoBdltioa. ,
Twelve 4-lb. elecUlc thower roeketo, tomorrow for Detro
Juuiee John Verly lo erjiytof a vis­
baraitnr to Bid heaven tbry Icmi------aox^ OM tBB lOVETB.
it from bU sister, Mn. C. J. Starr Md
anrora of atooUie^ewei* of cbi<
her boaband. of Joliet, 111. Mr. Starr
r Saadi Md aappblre Unu. fallinf alow:
r«hwo Wyiboaa 1
will rotorn boBe next week but Mn.
the eartb.^LaUnt aad fiandcai
UoB for mat.
Starr will remain several sWk*.
tf' the eovery to tbo art.
Tbo OkeeuUvo eo»»ittoo
Two c-lb. cornucopia rcebcu. At a
J. B PeckMddaoffaleror.NewBed.
gt lb*
float bolfbt ■ releaafo a
ford. Vase , are Id the city, the fuesU
to *.bol^ a bandieap o speUlloB obower of brilltoat inbiev. followed by
of A T. Peck and fasily.

«pas to alH
boraU «f emerald, Bctetra aad duraliio. Mae SeboAeld has fone to De­
iwlll OOB- •haPoerab.
troit, to *1*11 with re stives for a few
of *4c. ander
flat of a
■odal play ral« and conaUtinf of H esploaloo they AU the atr with load weeks.
Jewett aod family, Uenry
All playeraaroadvloed
aetoecbtof whiaUea. which cm U B-^enandU W Rufrr* aod .wife of
olvoo tbo
board a creatdUtMCO.
Cblosfo. have fine to'Forest Lodfe
Iboaa roUo. ao olberwloo they may be
Ait is-laeb aod *is K-lccb Cblooae where t>ey will spend tbe summer.
Jlablo to dUquel Ac^Oon.
alfht .bontbabolU, which abow every
Mia* Celia Oviatt baa arrived from
Jbt bploa baVo aH booh cbrlaioBcd knows oolor,.aed all the beeatlfol
«noas C \j. after a visit at that place.
to tbo fninro will be known ai: ooBblnaUona of colors besides atreom
Hits Ida Pickard of Letand la tbe
nle^ Traveiae; oeeond, Weotword
abootiof atara, Bcteors. cobou. fveot of M.*aO*a McCoy for a few
Boi third. Bunker Hll>: foartb.'Tera' duration aUra, aerpenta, fold rain,
Wood: Afth. BoDolo Briar Baab: s<xtb. trail (tars,, wbirllflfa. paracbnle,' days
Tbo extra larfo
9o»rd«aB: oeventb. ban Joan
pus)b>rol porebaaen. who crawded
rtffcth, LoM Traei ntolb, Booor.
Bl* IS-lnch and olftt li-loeh nlfbt
B.-nda'* atoro yeotSi^y rushed a
The elab hao been preaenlod wl
boBbobelU. each ankinf tbrM rtporu
larfe carp* of clerks and thus
«lab bait a* a co&Gnoal trophy end the in Bld-alr and flvlnf n brilliant dlashow* that Bend* carries tbe larr•rat ooBpetlUon for the peaoeaalon of play of colored streamera, ahooUnr
eot and best atock in tbe city, barrinf
it will take plaee on the Foartb. The •taro, paraebuteo. etc.
ortoaartotbe-beodleap will have bh
Three It Inch obd three 18 Inch Jap
oafieved on a olWrr plate on the Meoe nlfbt bombobelU dUpIaylof Xotbsn
you ate cordially invited
bolt aad retain pooooaoion of tbo bolt abowen of pearU. cbrysaLtMBBBe.
ihe rooms of
tof of .
•m boaton. Oo'ntoot for lu pooooooten BOOM. drafoOB, tbnnder sioibo. elo*'Mnti
block, to le
frtU toko place Bonibly.
of frepco, tana, necklaces, rlofs.
.class Id kinderfarten.
All Ptoyera are n iincoted lo tnn oat scrolls, etc.
ervy, proorie-or.
toodlca. of freat briUlancy. dloplaylnf
S'sMblcf fer tb* firli
the national colon.
Misses'cream silk mitu. at the FaSix doubletrtonfle wbeeta. brilllsBU
inot forbolv 10 ceuta
lUyor SamlUon X>< Anea Territory lor rapidly ebanftof to form and appearPiroworka.
eifbleen-tock vertical wbeeU.
1 bcrebyjnant pormUalon lo cUImo*
with chMfeablc Area aad UlnBtoated
ootboovMtof of Jjiiys. to ooo Aro
eraokoro. torpodoeo'and rockoU in pnb with
Btoextn larfe “devU asoof the
Vfll Clin .
aad yard* adjacent to oiroeto. uUon.” which opens with aBUtomtoat
tla «t It
ontoldo Are ItalU only.
Bead ordi tion to oolor* Md torminatai with a
pagm to aaotber column.
bnnt of Aery dnfon*.
rRi*K Hauii-tos, Mayor.
Six aerolltea.
Six Aural foBBtaiasnUiPSOSATSU.
Bto prUmatic fouutatoa.
Aaeiddnt to LUUe Boatrleo Sclfaau -8to aappblre abowen. all et e^eb
make frand lUno^tioaa, aad kaleldSMniwd to a Broken Ana.
aoeope effeeta.
liiOo Beatrice MeManna of Arsbie U
8Lx illBBtoatod abowen (hrawtof
•afertof tram o brokep arm which
upward Md oatward liquid drapa of
I am now located in m;
tbo roanlt of a fall froB a trae. Tbo apanflea.
ajary was cared for by Dr. Tboapeoa.
Twelve toB-ball cleelrieapraaderMd handsome aod commodious
different couffa twelve 8 ball diamond -Into Boomn new store and I will be
"Wo have sold n anydiL.
nmdtoa. bat none hao riven better CMdlce of beantifnl effeeta.
pleas^ to greet all the for­
Uae pieoe. Palltof Water, a eaaeade
than ChamboAato'a” oay*
" <Barlaa
- • BoUbauoa.
Drefflot, Mow- reprwwaUsf water lalltof to stiver mer patrons of tbe old store
• •I I perfeet’y safe and
SLf.j -It
Rose & Son.
jion in
ail eaoM of ***One^eje. PulkaJEodowa; twoeoben•M bo rolled upon
I have a complete line of
I. ooldt
or boaraenoM.
Sold by trie Afurea. movinf fantastically to Opoonfbo.
aHl Watt
Bait and
Md F. C.
c: Tbempnoa,
and medicines and
*•—'— jeaetmpa**ed by a

Prondent Life
and Trust Company

If lei Wilt i fittt class, |«o<l Ucide to iMc tie till, oie
that loi ail depHf <»• woe ii aid hi) ai



No Better Bicycle Made,

and we sell them for *25.00. $35.00 and $40.00—We
hare the-WORLD 'also. .

J. W. Slater, House Furnislier
M’e-w St»re-120 Froia-t St.

All details of tbe profession looked after in a pro­
fessional mannef.

Botb 'PboDes S

; • '« >'«


! ••••









You count the numbar of windows and give ns
the sizes- of them. We'll show you the most
complete line of all widths of the beet hand
made Opaques

We’ll make them m a_,flret-

clas4 manner, and hang them in tbe biirgain,
and weTl charge you so little for the job. youTl

he so surprised you’ll want so^ made lor the
rest of the house.



Pictures In Frames™
Pictures Unfra(ned™and the Framing of Pictures
are a|l Our Specialties™
We make a business of it. and can serve you to
your entire satlefaction. Our new mouldings
are beauties—every on a of them. Those half

•tot Boko «B tbs Peutb.

Oo:to the Palace Biken Md fot a
onpply ol baked foods for yonr dlB•arT Ton'll be too bniy to cook.



druggists' Fundries, aod have
better facilities than ever
acenrate compdond"oM^^ Poika DMoe. eompoMd of ing of prescriptions.
rtof of allver Aru.
One pieoe. Fire-Ay Dart, vnrtfated

twowblu aad erimaon etrclca revolvtof rapidly between four brUltoat
: eirolei of
Onepicep. 1
r cclored rtpfa
finr *tmBa of all
rerolvinf bet'
vet Are.
Bifhi bomb abeUa. which aecend to a
rruat helfht. dtoplaylnf ahoweru ol
prarla. dtomeod*. nblea. brlUlMt eom.
Ch> lo the Felaoe Bakery Md fet a blaatioaa to varytof coloiu. aa prodnetppply of baked foods for yoar dto- ed with Patoa'a eelefaraicd Arra at MmTon’ll be too baay tooook
TboW. W. E'BhaU Co.. I» Froat
Btraot hqre received a larfe supply
of phonoArapbic suppltfo to additino
IO all tbo late sheet muaie. Tbe.
b an^ fnmapbone an beSpmtof^l^popDtor inatrnmenu aad
•bis to tbe oply plaee to aorUwre
MlAlfas where a full aupp'y of
alMB^ b. peocurad.

H«w Tonneller Blo^.


■ '•t tMth WlIkM

Inch In rustic, black and gold, green and white

purple and gilt, or those inch wide black with
either white or gilt beading, and so on through
—Over two hundred styles. We can please the
most exacting.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.



I SV&te

SiA«res^. I

9wr m m «n«t V V «n*r V iw
Mn. WkitMn DmUui* of e*l«»tafv. toorbt • wt- of tolM uou la
Ealawatao Mcodar- <>• Tawtlay
«hiU yortaklaf of lee croon, eke eodUtXf 4M6*orod her nceU t\UA mixh
» •saber of b*m ubrtMcae. whi^
which hs4 bwsone looeeaed troa Ike
plMo tbroojrk the actUw of the froet
which the IcMcr bMl abeorbed frcn
the orma. Tm oetfli orlrinUjr ooet
tIS, bci h BOO worthleoc.
The MW eteoaer lUlaela of the
ITorthns Mtohlfu
•oafcaj, eiTlT«d*i MaaUtee Friday
OB hernfcideatrtp. Her eatraace a
the barber waecraeud with a ehonw
of etaan whtetlae asd boonlafof euBoa. A BoauUUaeof elUMsa aod aa
nearaloB with a baad wcai oat oa
the aaaaor Made, aoeoamaied hr
harbor tun aad other aaalt craft. ae«*
atai niUt to neet bar. ■
The board of haallh at Pllat aa•oascea that elrat ;rtll be poaicd oa
haalaeee ttreeu forMddiar e^uiaf on
. ddewalka.
Benrx HMteakopf. who rcaldio la
■ Bearieue tooaabip. wae blttea -by a
■aennnga and u wae ll boon before
a phyetelaaooOld be reached, la the
naaoUne be waa atone with bia wife
asd the latter aeeer eeaeed worklar
oear the anfortaaate oiaa*B UJarj, and
acred hie Ufa
-At TaaUa. a a
. / le beisf
Iscorporaled with a capita] aiock of
•eo.ouo, all of whieb la alread/ ukca,
■Oder the atjle of the Pine Ai w Licbt
and Power conpany. with lu male
ofiM IB ChdlllM. Tbe nalB Object of
tbl* conpao/ will be to erect wire
Usee to Cadillac, a dteu-ice of abont
aizieoa oilea, to traaeiBlt tbeelectricltr reneratad. which ll hi flrnred will
derelope abont t.OW horee power or
10.000 electrical r.>lu. which eaa be
oaed for IlrbUnf. taeaUnr or fectorp
power pnrpgeea The landi aad rlfbu
of wap barlog been eeccred, work will
be Ctarted at cpioe and It U eapecled
tbe plant will be la dperaUon beptenber 1.



Aaawareeatmeier at Calenet
aoable to ehtala white Ubor asd had
to import fortp sagreaa from Indiana.
Ansoasoe Tbeir Approval of Sarlp
01.a<BsTha eircalar lettar bj tha retail
elerk-a orgaalaatlea neats with <wu apAi we hare had earlp elcaihg In
nlnd for aooM tine we take this 0(
pjrnsitp to ataU that we are wilU^
to enter Into as agrermeot to close oar
aiere at 6 o'clock erarp emalag ezcMt
Tne^pa and Sstardapa
Wa bclierc this arraofcmeet w
sot Iseonranlesea aspbocp aod that
tha pebltc gcaarallp wui cooperate In
Ulanorcnent for good, and help tbe

Wiiwm E
Kieeion BcsotIm
Fron present proepecu Old Minion
will tbit pear hare a taasser
alreadp a large nnnber of reeortera
hare arrlred aad more bare bees book'
ed for tte aeanen at the rarlene hoteli.
The following are at tbe Old Miaeloa
Boenr: Mrs C. W. BobiaOL; Jnlltn L.
aad KliobeU Boblnaoni J. B. Walrath
eankm: Mr. and Mra Chaa. M.
Snaldon and Mra Merriam. Topeka.
Dr. aad Mra. Lefr.ngwcU. Min Defflagwell.and Miu Margoartie Price are
occapping a cottage aa are al«o C.
Clark aad tamilp of Peoria.
Mlaaes Mom. Krnt aod Uillet of
Lonisrille are er jrpinganmncr life at
tbe home of Mr. and Mra. Edwin Waldcon. Mina .Morse rzpeeu to erect a
c t age of ber own this pear.

B^'e Time p Bemtndera
Those who are preparing toaU for
the dIapUp Tuwdap arc reminded that
care should ^ taken to not snlld the
rlga higher than the eatabliahed beigbt
of toe leiepbone, lelerraph and'ele
trie light Wires.
Snoppera from the dtp will eonfer a
farer bp doing aa much of their trpd.
lof-aa paesib.e on Mondap, so that tbr
merebaau can gire iDcir attention to
(.utside cuctomera on the Fourth.
Bear Uke laibe oclp Incorporated
Ne delap made In deeorat
plUh|(e In B-oaie einotp whoee achool
Ing. Trimmluga of stores, reaidmeea
it at 11 in the unpradeJ elaae. and the
etc. ahouid bemideto
Bcaocni of that plaee erpea the clUteas
to (et rid of the aneovUble diattncvion
bp haviof tbe acbocl le^llp graded a*
aeona^poaelble. ^
Mhs ESe Hue, cm of Verson'a hiRb
pchool tcacbcrm, loCBhd,h«' piano to be
need at the opera b^fasA tbe cluelap
ewKnoi eatcrtalnnent. and lo morlnp
the piano on a drap It fell totheproand
with BDCfa force that It waa broken In V.1U4 arp........ ......................................
aeeeral plecea.
Darinp the laat 6re peara of bit Ute
Bon. U. li. Rennetl caneed to be erect­
ed In bammU. joatoauldeof the cUp
oTJaekaon. a coveione barn which
Cuofiu Caoir aad ungregatioa
coat over fiixi.uuo. Kridap tbe bam Solo.
aad nark with lu deer were eold under
MM Wilhelm
the bemmer of the adnlnietmtor.
Choms Choir
Tbe C A W. M h«t coDtribnted
toawUt tn GumpteltoK the race track Offeratorp. NoHume...............;..Chopin
Profeacor Uorat
on the Antrim Couotp Acrlenltnml bo- Upmn ....; ........................................
detp'a fair cronnda at ll.-llaire aad
boir and Congregatioi
etherwUe fixinp up tbe pmnleee for
M sort ImproTimenU.
their fair bepieober !T.
and 39
Among the resorura who wii: make
AUomep Ueoeral 0.*«a bna decided
that'under tbe prorlciMa of tbe law for permanent ImprovemenU
the care of tbe IneahiT paeaed bp the | propertp this pear are Miu Anna
MM Uillett and Mias Knot,
l^alainie. indlfeot Uaane pemonaj
^11 becone elate eharrm after the who have purchased the old Bagiev
/eoaaty In which thep realde hare eare^ farm between Mapleton aod Oid Mil
aion. Thep will arrive Ihli week aad
/ for them Me pear.
An tbe JMet reeolnUoea for the relief will at once begin the ereeOon of
of phraoBi Injured while Id the eerrioe handiorae cottage which will in time
of the state, or to whom the -state la becMC their permanent residence.
. ptheHrlae ladebted. bare bees reterted Thep have airevlp done a good deal In
to Attomep Oeneral Oren bp tha Board tbe wap of grading And improving the
gronndA MM Morse la one of the
of State Aadllora.
heads of (he School for the Deaf and
The Beading Telepboae-New# tells
the acbeme of n local daberman to get DuobatJ flecnonvilla Isd.. and MUa
GUlettand MUa k>nt are teaehere In
halt 'wben he wlabea to ^ on a fishing
the aama tiactttnU.oo.
trip. In the evening be mows the grace
on hla laws, and that nrlp In the
He'll Wear a Mew Suit.
nomlng before dapUght. cprlsklet It.
Sam Benda cent up three balloons
The worma will inmediatelp emwl to
peeterdap nttemoon. ench bearing tags
the anrface to get the moisture. Tbe
calling for prltra There waa a high
flaberman, armed with a tin mn and a I
wind preraiUng and tbe aeeenaloES
lastern, picks them up oat of tbe graai
were not brilliant Baooeaeea Two of
bp the handful and In a few n'nntee
them eaogbt on telegraph wires and
baa sll be wantv
the other aalM out of eight. Frank
At Jaekaoa. Mrs. Mpraetta Gmff was Sleder captni^ the remalnt of one of
euddenip while aeated at tbe the baUuona that became tengled with
•nppar table and died soon afterward. tbe wires and hU prize was a good aoit
Mitchell Broa of Cadillac, are az- of elother.
tasding a railroad from Imkc Citp to
. Bzcelelor towaahlp. seat pt Ktlkaaka FamilrSeholanhlpi
good tor nnp member ct a famllp in
village. Tbe line la eoispleted now to
anp coune In tbe Bnaheta College,
From there, and at oiber
forflftp dollars. Oclv. ten wiU br
potou. branehet will be run out to tbe
Offiwed and these far Jclr. 1899 If
iDtereeled. call or write C B. Dicktimbered land along the wap. One of
these la inrveped ont and will temilnau on aecUon 3t. Orange townthip. Althngh 8. BendA A Oo.
or about aU milea from Soutb Board-1 had cmploped five eatra elerM oo
Satordap it wna almost Impoerlble to
mau. TbU Use will open up a
i Umber in; wait fp?e the Jam cf eager bupera
tmmof the fiseaihar
'« Wowdnd the store f-mn earlp
the atote. aad a few peara hence wlU |
■misg notil almost 11:30 Satordap
see this almeat unbrokaa foraat a m- <
A mral free nell delirerp will be
ctarted for the terriiorp aboct Ypallaatl ahortlp.PbUo Miller of Cold water, a peuioner whonthe aiate bM aopported at
the aaploB for the inaane at KalinaSOO foraercral paara. baePI.400 to hla
credit and the atau will make a deBand os Miller^ r«srdiaii for the


flea of
asd ntsnpa
Tk» laad
wUlbeaoU lonettteht sta low fgare
after the tinber la eat swap.
At Elk Eapida Peter Faldnaa slipped
Into a'rat of acetate of line llqnor pt
tbeehcsieal worka, bamtaf oaa leg
qelle paUfnllp
At Peatiae. Oeergn Brooka, a nlddk
agad nnlatao, la rapdilp taming hlaek.
U la atlriBnted to Ua hansg been fmat
Httea daring a ni^ht ride Uat Fabm.

Bargains For Bargain

Wa placed an sale yeeUrday 10 pl*cee white dress
goods, fully worth I8c a yard, at 8e a yard-at 8e a
yard is a short story: A Jobber had too many aad we
got them at a price. This price will sell them In a
few days.

3 Ereixbodii
H Speaks Favorabi)i.

$ E

We have lots of new
thin staff to show-----

Oor 38c Shirts-Speclal Sale
Our $3.20 Maa s Pints-Speeiki Slip
Our $2.30 Men's Pants-Special Sale
Oar $3.38 Touth's Snits-Speclal Sale
Oar $2 3S “Kestee" Sults-Spacial Sale
Oar $3.00 “Vaslee" Suits-Special Sale

Above' Special prices mean many doVar.s
saved lo the:purchaser.«.
Every d»*partment)cro\vdt.-d—hats, caps,
shirts, ti-s—there’s nothing in the way
of yonr finding entire satisfaction here
'^where you may a elect from an e dle.«s
number of styles and patterns—JCothinggoesA'Ut of onr store without our
guarantee of satisfaction upon it,

Hamilton Clothing Co,
AaSneonntcr Which Coatffi.BS. t
H E iiibbc, tbe btepcie r, palrer.wna I ••ye« - Wa d Ihe Iran who w
brought before .>udge Roberta pester- IBZ h:ro aio nd T iat a Prof
d>p and fined S3 33 inclnJir.g ooeu. for over, th,- .'mlni-ni wilier on arlvnUfle
He li a i>rrfe>1 watktnz c>-a«unlUng Curtis Mnrrup in hta wife'a .1aiiLijeri*.
li.|' <tn<l (brr<-'» haidly a liranib
ahoploD E«ai Front street. Thp ai- ■ f kr. »l*d|,-e h* hawi't a-tided p.oMiDltuvas the result of 'a lltUe* private ftiuntii.v. hul.he lia» n.> hrad for lioW.
aT.ilr* In fuel, he haa to wrlie
c 'ntroverup.
rtl-nilflr puli'ltatlona In oidt-r
Marriage L cenaea laaund Tcatardap.
i -a.h/re hr* made of .life
Leonardo Baker to Anna McDonou-:
Lock K'rom to Nellie Ames. Will Swao
lo Carrie Wiltf'Dg, Endie Armttroeg
'oUarptipkr. Frank N Fret mtn and
Mabel Milks.

An Ordinance.

Peril- «ht> sr- d wn In p wlp dm'l
cfien »at >o until a’ur It e> l.avr h -fJ
Ih' EOeriJi
A men ulo> nev'rr lalke'n'av he a r> I,
An onUnBPcti r«*lativp 'o .the
but h. ha* aen«e -noush to c ccea'
’Icmjpiruftion. rejmir. ami presfr' vntiofi bf huifwaUa.
A r. nl tn y-<mr ri-'lhi * mar b^the
tld-nt ..r a nion.rm. I
a j-ali-h Iwk*
Pan^fSiH- L
'Ike Ir-ni-d.uird rov-rty
“Kv«;ry citixen of tile said i-ity
Pome |i«ude e« t noo eympathp when |. ubilU
aball eODstrm-t
cODslrm-t aod ki-pp
krep in
ownwl bt him lu an-rrdam-e with'
Som. p nil e ..r- eo w.-,l aware ..f their
donv-uftbis onlinance."
cwn vinue* that (he>-‘«veri>-ok th.aa!
Bp.-i-i.iity in virw of the c<*mof the iv-t i.f humanity
inp cel.'lirsfion in-uur city when
A m:ddl«-aK''d
iTowds of jyeopte will be nioiinp
enmrb .1y * T.ld strOen douo in ihe' gloiu; oor'eiUpwalki*, it is Ofitv.ouniry—gtl^ag^o Ue.,.,_J_
rbnuld be replaivd at once—a
broken ur louse plaok may bs Ihs
I apa?e cAUse of mufli trouble and fxupmal t.' vne anvther wlihoul m ir»v

Ian ilactar-n-*

^ r^.r,

.1... TT. .a,.., Ortl.™ .r,»ld I
10 have Vus «lr<-e under*loI«l it. and I
CODdltlOD Will avoid ACCl ,
Ihe fa.-i I* vouvhed for toy Briti*h mill-1 denis, and save Ixitfa money andy
(an- auihuiitief that or tbe day Knc- reputation for the cit'
il «!<•
land lu«t Ueirf.ral
Itordon at Khartum
Fb*>-k Ha:
l•ropl,' In the rtrevi* and l«zaar* of
jnalro knew .,f ht* death. The dletance
Id a arret line Irom Khartum to I'alro
cannot be.lea* than I.CPO mile*, and thfiV
U no rallu-ay- or teleeiai-h ryilem beIween tbe two ckle*. How did Ihe
Kayptmo* Bi-guire this Infurmallon. tf
not by having maalered e royaUt art
of telepaUipT


Pal's WIrAn Irishman navlRg .plsrcd a new
chimney on h'» <N>liagt- called nne of his
rlghlHir* t-. show him bis handiwork.
-Now nbat do yea ihlf.k, of Ity laid
like to hi* ncithh r.
' Hegorfs"' said that w- rtby..-hut the
Shin.ney Is Ijiein? lo the Irfi -An -t>ehad'" re|4ied Mike. 'If
wuz lo *o round to tbe barkyard an" ,
look at It youd *av it wuz Isne4i«

Ho Bight to VgUacec.
*nie women who la lovely In teee
fans and temper wlU always have
Irieuda. bal one who wnu’d be
. t moat kto.,
keep b«r
health. If so.
u weak, aiekly aod all run dow
wUI be Dprrous and IrrileV.e, If al
kldoey trouble, ber'ro>’>y>d will cause plmp1ea,blotckfls.
•k'n eniptiona and a WTVtohed eomolez‘oo. Electric Bitters la the beat
1. liver aud kidneys
th«r binod. .It- gives atroag
nyev**- bright evM, sm'ioth. velvety
rich complrzIoiL It.willBiakea
lookieg. charming woman of a ,
___jwD invalid. Only 30c atJobnaon'a aad Walt's drug atorea.

15c Value for 8c yard

Pink, Blue, And
Black Dimities.
Blue Batieete, white figured, the 8bc kind, bought
in the tame way white goods were—we can sell it at—

'16c yard.
'White Welts and Piques are among
the new arrivals.

J. W. Milliken.
24 pairs of those fine vici kid, hand
turned shoes, on a brek order given by
McNamara for the celebrated $4 00 lace
shoes that was his finest and leading line.
We will close them ojit-a* $2.76 -they are

The Greatest Bargains
E«r fllferei In The Cilf.
We have abont 90 pair of the
chocolate vici
kid $3 60 sfaoea that we have beeif eeUis^g-at $2 60 the balance we -will eell at $9.26'. Get in line aod get a
pair for the Fourth.
The balance of the-McNamara stock at half price
aod in some cases even lower.
We are receiving lof^of oew/goode fiBily ued
aelllDg them at very close figures.O iJXT' —
Ever^ehoe eold’^in the^etore ie' a genuine bar-'
gain'"'All nien’e’ flne^boeslirlewei^priceeThao’ever,

90S Front Street

Bargain Shoe Store

We MeetJlny Prices Named
on Footwear In This City...
-If quality cuts any figure
Our shoe trade was not built up on cheap made
footwear—we don't spring EAKE sales on our custom­
ers-:—When we advertise anj-tbing vou will get value
received -You can’t gc* something for nothing.
• We want your inspection, and will name prices at
our store that dowji any so-called snap sales in this
city—We have served our trade in reliable shoes for 16
years, and tbe pe^le ought lo be convinced by this
time who tbe*01d .Reliable Shoe Man is.
Make no mistake. .

118 Fi-OTit; S-t2T©©t

"Wixra'b-Viarg Bloo^


THS Mounvo UOOBD, Btnr&AT. JVLT % IBM.

batow^Tl^e^ bnptng asd MD
TnrninbodbythaBeaptotivoOharufaas tag petoaa of pantordap for groeorlaa.
bnacn (nnsooPAi.) camcm.'
provMsanaadfaiBpndaalB iB Tkav
ner,caM.T. awui. BMUe.
Ooram Waabington utreot and Board—» m CO
ana nvanaa
Morning aervioe and aarBoa at 10:U.
'.Boip CoBBuatoa at 30:M a m.
D**«r hoM <«»d nwitvd Frid»7 «m
bus^p Sebod at It.
•na. aftkiiv* ioWtpd*ico(«ti.M?.
Vaaper aervtoo at 6:15 p. m
A«Uc»aol H«««n kM •frimaM
Wmm he euaot keep kb i>w.
nuame csrncn.
Dalt«4 Statee laf*den haee ordered
•li eem Into the eakeree nee wslurr ner. Bwel*7 Jaen. Paxter
Cbnrcb. Cor. Oeh nad Fifth etnete.
nt »:«&.
eenarel Ode U U UUrrlew enid
Pranoblnr. iC-OOn-B.
vltb S0.M0 mm, ao,OOD (orb flfhtY. P. 8. C EL.e:l» p. B. '
Ac <«ree end tor rwrtooo pvPreMblnr T.SO.P. m.
WM«e, M»)» Gtnenl Otb oonldenpPrmper BeeUap Wedacndnr evratef
the revolt in the PbUIi^lnee beturm KAxwMotTm^nmaan oultbe next relnr eeneon nnd eeteb- Tlho.
The public ure eoedbUp invited to
IM «mpleu order tkmckonl ike
i^Undn OeaMl Olb doee not ibtnk nil theee eervieen.
«Im FlUplnoe in tbelr preoeot etnte en.„^ekle of eel(-«oven>nenb Be bolievee ae*. K. B. Seii*ck. Pi
Ctaae maeUap at 10 a. B.
^ttnV tf the reetmint of the dBerienn
Preaebloc 10:10 a. B.
MthoriUee were withdrawn n etote o(
Soadap aebool. t*:00 to.
MMckp would reenU. The United
Bpworth Leame 0:15'p. m.
Btntne will, in bU oplnioe. be eompeU7:K p. m. OBpel Service.
•d to snlntnin e eoneldemble toree in
Praper Beetinc Tharadap eveaiaf.
sir TV. B RlrhtnoDd li purealQg bie
«he le^de (or on ladc&nlte period.
All arecMdlaUp lavlted to the aer- carnpalgo aralnst tbr smokr of iKtr.djA
The United Stetee eoneul nt Hnlvndor vloea.
The CoBi Smokr Abatement auclpty.
ftntarme tbe eUte doeertntent that pelover wblrb be prceldtf. I* sltractJug
tow (ever bee n»de lU appearanoe nrr. e. eatobrn-. Pecior.
Irodrra «r ariirt'e and telcstiBc dr ip*
Chares oo'ooraer of Ninth and Wade- of thf metrepollp and nou seek* to eolid a> «pH ihp pklU of tboM- Is tbe
At tbe Banlotd nalxee Fridnp, IU17 worth etreete.
mpfhanlral uorld A' a r«-pht tiwptSondav aervieea na followed
Ina of thp oiiromlltip It «ae decided to
Aaa ABeell wee (onisd (ailtp of nar*
loatead of there beinp preachinr at xivr X‘*ld. direr and bronre medal* to
^erinr her ebter. an lamau of aa
the thrrr be*l riiblblK In thp COSI
•vIbb tor the ineaae. bp eeadinr her
smoke aiAtemeni a-cilun of thp forttaDap prograB readered and a tain bp romlnx bulldinx irsde* pxtalliition at
ebp poet, dbe wee i
tbe paator to tsc ehUdran.
d to death. Tbe'ai
D design tbe
Preaching at 7:30 p. a.
. man had pnvloBelp laaared her ^
Mid-week praper aeeUag at 7:30
ter-a life, fivlnc a talee deeeripUon.
Kra Ebbo O. B. K. Suutbwortb. P-jnA eordlal Invitation U eitendod to
bhe aotboreai. died at her raeidenee in
Fornn Bdttor to 1
WtebiD|ton Fridap alrbt, after aa 111PiMT BarruT
■eaa of aererat weeka. About a moatb B*<. ir.T WeoabauK. ^i«r '
From Sylvan Valley Newe. Brcrrad,
Mto Via. aoutbworU waa p^trated
Homing aerriM at 10:10 a b.
M- C.
' b> tba beat aod tbe ielraitp of adSandap'Sihool lS:Oo'a..
It may be a question wbetber tbe
editor of a newspaper baa toe right to
vaoeed aca abe belnp la her eeveatpYoung Paopla'a Boeting 6:13 p.' m.
pnbllelp reeoiniDeod any of tbe varli
«Kh pear, rcaderiar her enable to reEvening aerviee at 7:30
1 flood I
^operate troB the attack. She prew
Subject for nomlngaarvlea wUl be: market, pet aa e preventative of aufferna^p wOTua. antU a few dapa alaoe "Faith.'' and evening eerviic of n ingwdfeelil a duty to aap a good
dt waa aeea death waa iaeriuhle. She patrloUo natare with "Llbertp" for
and DiaMoea Remedy.
Wc have
d bp her eon. Dr. BouU- tbe out jack
knows and used ihie mcdicl
medicine to our
urortb. 8bo bad livod for aanp pi
All arc oordialtp Inrlted to thcae aer- fan^iiy for twemy year* and
B' retired Ufe la a pictarea<)ae Baa- vloea.
wa,y* found It reliable. In n
r toU remedy would i
«ton of theold-taabloned tppe. located
log while a pbreleianis awaltwa a hill in West Waeblngton. overdo not believe in depending
iwdklngthe Potomac asd the hilUof
on anp medlelne tor a cure,
Broadp. U. D.. at 10:30 a a. In tbe
. Virginia.
but we do believe Uiat if a bcttle o(
evening there will be a patriotic eer-, Chamberlain’e Dlarrboa Bemed;
Aa antt-apUtlttf ordinance will go
viop. Claea 4 of tbe Sunday tchool
hand and adminkte^ ^
Into-effeet in Oeveland next Mondap.
in.charge. They have invited Mc- the tsoeption of us stuck mneh
VroB BontJulu eoBee’ the newe of Fbereoo Foek Tbe church wUl be apmauy ctoea toe pres* nee of a phyiician
dhcBarrlageof King Ow>rge. of Tonga propriauly deeorati d for toe occasion. would Dvt be required. At least this
ialaad group, to Prluecae Tavlnia. The Tbe eub7 cl will be "Our Country "
baa been our expericoee
.during* the
by 8. E.,
BBjoritpof the people of tbe lelend
All other scrvicee will be aa usual. past twenty years. F.rasle
Wait and F. C. Tbomi >n, D.
whhnd him to bu^ Priceie Ola of Come early. All are welcome.
aftoAasd oovuiAl BeeUnp of dlgn>c'Buanatt sueiim: ecnvicK>
Finworks OrdisanoA
rtaripB were held with a view of trplBg
Services every Sunday nt 10:30 a m.
f to Induce King Oeorge ti ebanp bit
An ordinnnee relative to flre-worka
Thuruday ut 7:30 p m. to E. O. T. M.'
• Bind, but to everp eoBmoaloaUon the
and reeling ordlnanee No. 13 and
ball. 1(5 Front street.
SsE;tloa IS of ordinaneaI No. 54 aa
Aiag replied that LaviaU waa hU
Snbjvet for todaj. -God."
erlyl in force in
. nbuioA and that if be eould not marrp
iWrho would not Burrp ut ail. The
Vasaerblll •■d-ttU DIPM*or«.
by toe oouscQ ofTrav. people reluctanUp coneentod and the
•'TVhrh t'oronK-dore Vanderbilt sat
buiTioN t. It
be lawful
•wdAing took place on June 1 in tbe
. eball'
"the board >f dlrecinr* of the New ,| aay
.ay time to Are or to eet off an> gnog
York Central uerd 10 Ond thplr work an
all powoer.
powder, nrecraeker,
flrtcraeker, iqnlb, ~rocket,
' * *torOworal Oik bae noUlod tbe war de1 whenI thpy
All pedo or flrewOTke, nor to fli
, , .
portmint that tba tranaport Morgan they had to do wa» to ratify hi* plan* lol, gun or oannoD. nor throw any flreball or other thing which will p^uee
Oi^ left Manila tor San Franciaeo with and ad]ourr) \'el they bad
Ot-cB«lur.elly a man would romp to him 'an explaaloa. in anr street, lane, alley,
MMA nick.
«lih tome whpmp wblrh' bp did not par* kullding or public plaee. nor in any
yard or on any premiees. whether pubTbe people of Clevelaad arc autaaeribrpfupe outright
'My dlreclora
a difflruUy body He Or pripute witoto the fire iimiu ua
Jng to a fond for the faBlIp of Jilaa
• Pstde. a Uboror wbo leat hla life while
M to pm. .but I w a n you that
'brae City,
wring a woman from dastb in front of
rp hard to managp.'
Section (. Itahallsube lawful to
matipr would be submitted to
A toeoBoUve.
fire or act off aoy tqalb, rocket, fire
Tte remarkablp -heavp mins of the
Thpre.* the Commodore would *ay cracker, torpedo,
putt (pur dapa In Tenaa have done dam­ When hi* visitor (*me to learn the re­ sive, or fire wi '
id to any
age which will amount to hundreds of sult. ‘I did the l>p*l T could, but 1 told ' aUey or budding within
l^mtto of
In advanre that tny director* wars Traverse Cliy^Michigan.
thouaanda of dollar*.
Railroad traffl:
Section 3 Tbe mavor of tbe said
U aaapeDded In South Texua because of
city may grant peimlaalon to fire or
'th« nomerouB waahonta aod mrny
set off aoy squib, gunpowder, cracker,
raahiawable pM-hPi Moakpy.
bridge* are gooA Every etream ip tuie
Onp of il\e querre»t and m>*l Inirr- rocket or flreworn to any *t-eet or
, fa*hi..n*i.ip ,H»krt iPn*** «
"iftin the said city sot
naoUon of tbe etnte U abeve high water Inc of i»............................
ihp. pmallr.t m..mlwr
PJ •*CT*0“ Nv- 1 and S of
OBrk, and the angry watere have de- of th- m r .- f n111)
ily and
an! has
ha* a
. rva
rv* tv
iv I ihie ordinance
0™>*>*“ce and eacept on toe 4to
•toopnd thoueandi of aeree of cotton, bp.011, ,
.If- urf thp iv.ailr--* Hay of Ju y noeuch neeof toeeald
corn and caoA bealdea boueea and cat air! •>. '
-E In .a-;y Mm w t'l ^ Ive or papioeive ahall be made with
\- V .
V 01
o *a d . I y uoleaa toe m»y r granttlA Atlklveat. the rise waa so sodden her In
I. lit. 11. ha* a Ml wing. Ihdhal when the wator went through tbe
flip; .VPii. Ilry Ic'lh. dplh-atp lie proclamation. The mayor ia em­
town eeveral oegroee were drowned, bendAand fevi and I* eqidt'fpd with e powered to graul permiMioD to aee a
itkln said city
And flve bodies have been reeoveiod.
plumy la>a ID ih.- shape nf a feaihvry pUul. gsD or coenoo with
'• aa provided
tall which hr wrap* about li'ia throat and ouulde toe fire llmlu
to toe next section hereof.
Section 4. Tbe firing of any pistol,
Teril,>nnip and wi:: s- thnmgh all hi*
m.»t c- axing Way ■ for ■•ns «f hi* Uvor- gun, cannon, or otoer device for prodaeiog a loud expiasloo within said
A for the aopesruee here of Ite meal worm*, which he enta (ram city U hereby probiblud except upon
limp to itmp. II.- l« eaplly carsd for.
Alvin A. Jaek'e “Lannigaob Bali" on eating bread and ml k and fruit,
toe written permission of tbe Mayor.
Jalp «th and Manager Steinberg deem- live* spvpral years,
«d It advieable that the engageaentbe ppt. fu'.l nf Inipreyt and entprtalnnipnt. firing. Provided that this ordl
The pocket monkey r »t* from »'■
caae^ed which baa aeeordlnglp been
shall not preveot ib- n*p of arms by
the police or----------—
Sections Any v'iolaUoVof, cr f»H.
Tba “Old Uncle Jed" Co,
It cost* MW.OOO to build a firv;-('.att
' with aay of the pro- ••
BonMed to appear at Sielnberg'e Grand steamer ctiaslwlsp aervliye
tone of tola ordinance shall bepanuh
*d by a fine not rxcMdtog one hundred
■ an the 7ib- Tbep carry a band and
dollar* and the eosto u>f proaeenUon.
a and tbeir attraeUon bnaelleitand the offender .may he further aecad hearty applnuae all along tbe route.
ConeidcraMe progress has been made ten»d to impriaonmeni to tbe
with the rebuilding of Khartum’ toe cduDtv Jail
Grud Tr^mrae county nut 1 such fine
Bio life Waa Saved.
barrels cf Hour a year, a^
Hr. J. E. LUlp. a prominent dUien W.000.000 buphri* of wbeat-*^
a( BannlbaJ. Mo., lately bad a wooderIt Is pfedicipd that the apple crop In ninety day*.
«nl dellvoraaoe froa a (rightful dc^.
Section 6. Ordtoanoe Na 18 relnKansas this year will be the largest
latoUlsgof itbe eay*: “I
Ure to firework* ae formerly to f<
lo the hlstoo' of the aUte.
with Tppboid Fever, that
la tbe village of Travene City. Mich' f>nenBoolA My lunge
a eo_weak
ait tuptn
SI relative to tbe prOTentiotf of fire­
_ Bthing helped me. I expected to eooi (n ISU to l.« tons to list
works and preecrlblng fire Italia na
ato of Omeuptlou. when I heard 0
in eighteen of tbe lamer cities the fonnnrly in foree In the vUlege of
Dr. Klngb Mew Dlecoverp. One botU
InereaM. on building operations in Trwverae Oitj, Mleklgu. are hereby
wave great relief. .1 eontlsned to ua
Marcb waa tt per ecni. over March,
it, ^ now am well and atmg, I ean' im.
nap too BBcb la lie peaiae." Tbit mai
effect in twn^ dnyaaftor*iCi'pnhlioA
uSlm medicine ie tbe surest aod
auMtant care to tbe world for all
Tn Ban Bat-vn U the world for
Wa do h«r*^ oertltF -tknt tkn fore­
«^t and Lang Tronbto. B^alnr
Ou^ BralaSA SoroA OlMi*, SnU going ocdlnnaoa wna pnaaod hy tho
____ 0 ennia and gl.oa Trial bottle
Rh^. F*v*r Bona Tottor. ~
Counell of the elty of Traversa dty.on
froo al Johwgn^

! &etveT«.V 'Kerns





«no pnrragnlrad. It
A. W. BiennjtD.
This ordinnnoe ia non

|TpQ«»aLn-Tw ta*n««aara aes iriaiin

TTTAirTniy-TWOM*-sapll cl«kt*r«w me ;
v« rBwn*.
PBWrU. uwiy
Only taow
tUsw ol
o( espa
wap rate for roand trip to 'all -*—‘tm W
la Toudo and Cbieago. araiy. a*wUMw ftethim cw.
and to all pointa to Indiana and^io
DO* mors than MO mUes from aalllw
vtatloA Setara limit of all . UeknB.
July Sth.


Sold at tbroo oeaia a itaf at tbi
Fal tee Bakery. Fall line of grotoriae

^1= 'i

HlSCXlXAnuUS WAJrra'L.Jtr.irs:

^ygy -To ^


BROS., £3

FOB SALE—50»-S34 nerea land, lot of
good wood tlBDef. pminaala in
LoogL*kr:fineraemtgTxmad. Prtoe
FUR SALE-59»-Boaae and two loU
at Old Mtaaioa. IS rods from dock.
Uonae 10x54. wing ISsSQ. large barn
pFopenv ranu for fid per aomto.
Pries *753
FOR BALE-600-llood email hotiae.
(S peree ground, Garfield avenve.
TOR 8ALE-600-Five acre lot on OarPerry Hannab'e aeoond add.
Kohemla and nth ntraeV Price
FOR SALB-605-1M acre farm tour
mile* north of village of Alden on C.
A W M RE. Well Improved. Price.
FOR SALE—603—SAAcre fara. good
frame bonae, good bam, good or.
chard, well water. Sm-le-Yrom rit
lags of Grawn. Price. *1,400.
FUR8ALE-e04-Niy ofiw k sec *4
55—11—about 65 acres solid
swamp Sane cedar liken cut.
FOESALE-«i5-»H ofwkaad iw),
ofaek.eec 55. Town 54.north. IS
wevi. S utile village . Sherman, egch>^ rgd Traverve City property. Price
FOESiLE-r.06—WetLlM ft a« eorser
Bigntbat aud .Garfleld uve.. large
honee, brick founoatios, new. all
flniabad. Price
FOR SALB-607 Grbeerp stock this
eily invoice about p«00.
FOR 8ALE-5»t-BoQae sod lot on
Wetaaterst. Seven rooms atoely flnlahed. good well water, fruit and orisPOUl trccA large lot. dOxtOO. umaU
^ bam. Priop 99K
FOB SALE—5(ri-l0aereron PenlnsaU
(S milea fros city, Itooapple, plum.
Urpenter Bill, flocet locaUonon PenInaula; will take part e;ty property
Prtre *1.500.
FOB SALE—Span black ntarca eight
years eld. sound, welgnt about (5UO.
colt about ( moBiha old. Price *150
F-OR SALE-«.S-116 feel on We*t
Froot street. 200 feel deep, vacant,
moo buildiug spot. Price *450.
FTIB SALE-593—M acree eight miles
FOR 8ALB-50S-Hou*ennd lot. Oar£-•16 avenne. *650.
FOR SALE-567—Dwelling. Webster
street. 10 rooma *1.600. Easy payaenu
FOB SALE—569—Forty aer« farm,
good bu Idlng*. orebard. *5.506 '
FOR SALK-571-Forty acre farm,
good bulldlngA every eonventenee.
TOh SALE-57?—Ntovj
and eight acme of land, eilaated
about one mile from center of city,
bnuae 14x54, six rooBi ip honee.
OB SALB-575-aouaeand lot con
Boaeand Slate streetA lot 54.x li
OR SALE—S76—One bnudrvd sixty
Bcrea timber. 300,000 soft elm.
rock elm. iOO.OOO baaewood. 1.000.000
BUpl*. *5 500
F'OB SALE-590—aonee aod lot. Union
Btreet. un rooma, atooe fouudalioo aod stone baaemeBl, eompletA
FUR SALE-Two hundred vacant lou.
•I down. *1 a BODik.
FOR SALE-564-Bighty am farm,
good buiidtog*. one mile, from- good
town. *1.200.
FX)B SALE—5i>l-Niotey acre ^rm.
four miles eonto nf city, aeventy
acres under cultivation, frame bouse,
aeven rooms, atooe foundation, stone
cellar, good well water, frame turn,
34x45. atoue baaemeot for^cattle.
boraeatable. buggy abed. 00^.^crib,
poultry bouse and yard. 50 bearing
>pie trees, several cherry
small (ruit. binder, ploifgha. vragona.
buggies, rleigbs. cutter, one spaa
boreea. two sets faaruesa. two cowa
two esivee. eight sheep, thirty-five
acres hay, seven acres corn, five aerea
potatoea. toree aeree wheat, four
aerea oaU. balance enUivated land
.river bottom black mack. Price if
token sood.
The nbove are all bargains, and can
be bongbt 00 easy tormA We have
■ loUaraI worth of other
property with os If yon want

atoira You wi.l aee our sign
bottom of ttoirway. Oo up atoira, turn
to left, lake first door to right; our
sign ia alongalde the door. - We are not
on toe ground floor, at least oar office
isn't. Wa are. fignratlvely speaking.
Bo far na having toe largest Hat and
brat bargains: we arc atrteUy in it.
a sell your
__________jtokeU offioA_________
big sign at bottom of etoira. Big bar­
gains at top of atalTA first door to
tbe right aftor ym tarn to left at head



veer on .
uB Koeihly esdwsolB.
£s toed b stiawE^ee gVoot. Bate wad nar-


pOTATOVT^M^^bost W b.sbPj. w.




Seeoid Floor.

powmowwajf^ji^ho.w.oPE p,*. pr>UB*«rettr-«wtoim.
SKOi* ewgiar
Srw. NO
No -«:ieek
'4:ieek boE.c-ltr.
ewglar Pmnded
ProVid^ wlifc
wlib ewesg
niwaw top erakwas.
oilt»«k.ctc. lioa ■ Belu.M'. TTa«wr^ CU».
»lor». l»«>ulfcotJyliBs -Coiobrrg.


....................................".' .TJ.;";™",",
ralo, AWn-tlngs.
_ ets.,! ogxLL HOf*n-a.d iS loot bweo Bm. «.
,pOK SALn-Us No -..block* f»*kp*rk »,
WUIwUrheop. Traok rrlcdrM*
vslacsir;. g. W.'U».iJ!^ilcwi*^r/^ ]^ioB *4Ln-Co>k or laiualtwcei.. ABsciM
ii>0*b HrIgM>.
oo Kiatitb. Uraat.Bbi**
______ ____________________-----------wad
WAtt f
* jBov
awl Baaaok w>co>». aewe
TV>RSiLg-A gon-t .OM BonUBc f„rwaec. o< tkr baadEOMi lol

Monday, July 3rd
We receive and place on sale, twenty dozen

Shirt Waists

All late 8 yles, in desirable materials, choice designs
and coloring. They are from one of the most promi*
nent manufacturers in this country, noted for their
leadership in tbi* line. We get the goods at about
half value and wtll sell them to you correepondmgly,
or in other words,

At Half Price.
This is a chance seldom offered—to ' buy depend­
able, stylish merchandise right in the heart of the sea­
son, at half the value. Take advantage of this oppor­

Also all Coloreii Waists aow la stock,
at Sjiecial Prices.
A Great Line
of Mid-Summer White Waists
friOM-*! 00. *1.S6.*1 60. *1 76, *2 00

To this great and glorions celebration at Traverse City
are in^ted most cordially to use "STBINBERQ’S
HALL^ (on lower fleor of Steinberg's Oraiid Opera
House Block) ae a lunch room. This large room wi 1
be fitted out with tablee and ebaire for tbe convenlen a
of all who desire to take their own Innches. Use
Opera House entrance, or through store, aa yon wish.
No charge will be msde—use of room Is ftae.

We Will Serve Bargains
In all the lines of merchandise we handle, on July 3rd
and 4th. Investigate.

Reliable Dri Gccds, Carpet and CIcthing House.

Fresh Goods—Attractive Packages.

185 Fnnt Street



I :

TRR rourtli <4 July. 18M, win Ung
I b« fWirmbrrxl booauar of
I atrallMiir to prvrinua Indepa
day* <«lobratrd by (taU Mtloit. Tbl«
hutorir day. the Ua( Pourtb of July
of the netury. break* upon (be people
Itae I'nited Etale* wUh a peculiar
UDumal atanlficAnof. for while
Utbcrio It baa been a day marked off
for the crtebratloB of Itbrrtle* won i
oureelvee thM rear It ta «lao a day
(bankfulneas for liberty broucht
ether* by u«.
m* celebra:>.« mliht have taken
place on nur .Fourth of on* year a(0.
arid In a small way It did take place.
a* a rule tnoal Arnriican* were
bu*y burnlna paiader behind army t
effect of Ihe shots
capitate i
new plorles of tha
irtlcularly busy
day. Kchlcy and the patlanl


Cen era s fleet, hoodooed and doomed I
drsirurtirm at Its very anchor welphK ftH aitempllnp te esrat>r American
aallura on America's prpudewl day:
Dewe) was prillnp j-eady to assauil
tak- lh> city of klantla. and Qenerul (ihafter waa makinp preparalloos
for hi* allark on the walls of ttentlapo.
The wire* we«- hot with the new*
Amerlran victories. e\er>' one was lookfor further tidinps and (he decisl' e
blows of (he Hlspanu-American war
were belnp'nlrurk.
.When (hinps of such momfol as t
are takinp place or are expected moItarlly to take place, people
■hemoetves swept alonp too swlftl
current of crowdlnp events to stop
and deliberate na Just whal has been ac­
complished and rejolie over what ha*
been done.
This rourih, however, the people
our rejiuoilr hpve an opportunity quiet­
ly and calmly In realise ]us( whal

retained consciousness, was heard to
mutter. 'This Is the Fourth of July."
li* spirit did not pass aaway until noon
>t the day al.Mh be hat
take memorable I
people. On that very feame day. ’amM
(be rtnpinp of bell* and'tbe ffrliip of
cannon, the dyinp Adams (umed to
those who stood about bis bedside aoD
asked "Does Jefferson still live*"
Shortly after aaklnp this question be
passed away himself, and Iwo men who

[The order had le-eti p1\en b> liianl
Itbai the whole army was lu rbarce
: alunp.the line on the mnrnlnp of Ju.y A
[should (he defenders of Vicksburp show
! no sipn* of capltulatinp. It i> true thil
I the new* of tbls event did nm reach
.the country until three days after.
' thouph It had been on the fourth that
the Federal soldiers left their trenchH)
belore Vicksburp and marched into (tie
beaicped town (o (he tune ol."The Star
Spanpled llanner."

natures to Ihr Declaration of Independ­
II days
ence breathed (heir last and went down for the nnrlh In 1MI Kip
Just bm-n fouphl and had b
to the pravr band In hand.
II was also on July 4 In the year itXt the south and Fllsworth had been sh'>l
that James klonroe. fifth president of w hile haulmp flown the Confederate flap
the I'nited States, died In New Tnrk In Alexandria, on (his day also the
the same anniversary day Thirty-sixth cohpre** met in extra
Dine years apo Lincoln's first vice preal- i •esslon with elpht state* not reprvdeni, tianolbal Hamlin, died at Hanpor. { senled.
I The Fourth of 1«<2 had also l>een a
The aaddeMyFourtha of July In the 'ploomy one for the north, for McCjell.n

penlly fiiun all Ihe othPrs was that
the cenlccntaJ yrwr when the famous
exhibition n«.k place In Philadelphia,
and was in full sw-iiip by the time 1ndci>endence day came round. In Ihe
larpe square to the rnr of Independ-.
ence hall a . preal concourse of peopW
palhercd to witness the centennial
cet^montes and Richard Henry Lee.
Ihe prandson of the actual mo\-er of
the Declaration.'stitod up before the
people wi^h the oHpInal. manuacrlpl In
hf* hand and from it jead the immortal
word! that bad twen framed one renlurj In the .|>asi. Kayard Taylor tvad
his famous <a]e, and Bryant. Whlitirr
and Holme* dedicated patriotic 4a>eins
to the nation at the conpress of authors
and public .men associated with the
centennial, on (his o<cai>1-n it was
%VHIlam"H. Kvarts who dellvi-red Uie
nrallon. Kut amid all the psyety that
t-eik place there sl.^le In u n-.te ..f sorI iW, foi the ness of Custer * ISSI l«1tls

pl»>m h) Ihe murder of Pre«ldeol Ltt*
coin so the aame day In ixn was ttmal
Into i> day «if moumlnp by the trapsd^
of July 2 when the ever loved OarflaGt
had been shot ’ down by a w ret Chad

condition, (houfih <m that flay It wafl
*.wrcely puewaed (hal (he blpody eft*
pBperaeni.b.-twerB the-strlker* arid (M
Plofcerton men wbli-h was to lake plAd*
two days later was so near at baud.
Th's calamity sent a wave of reffrat
throuptwuit-America and awoke blttaf
feelinps tbai did not die down for ooM
of all the momentous Fourtih*. bd**
ter. Judpe from whatsoever Ptaadr
••ml one may berk from, the Fourfb o4
uly IsiP was by far the presiest daf
t the iiind’Tn history .if «ur cuUBtn'e

In the booming of the canaoo tire's a grand, impulsive tbrili
Like to that which roused a people mid the smoke of Bunker Hill.
And in triunapb waves that banner men have carried through the wars.
With its sacred white and crimson and the splendor of its stars.
The trenches are no longer red where streams that standard fair, .
Uplifted is the kymn of peace upon the summer air. ,
. And far and wide from pal^o pine, ^mdi^ sea to se^
■—TbeMaiion proudly ccleb^^ the
___ ■—■ ^ 'e—

of Cuba. P.>rto 1
thrnuph our InslrunientiiMly. enjoytnp
Itberly under Ihe red. while and li
Id Clory. ' and to pive lhank* that
■ alalwart sons of the new nopb

‘ii l

id Ihr pray nean-r inpriher than they
ive been since the civil war. and Ihe
lall 'boy ot the south will (bis Fourth
eel off Ihe flmersekers which In yearn
past he usually reserved lor Christmas.
Once more the blnhday ot Uberly will
n a common Inherltanc.’ to all (I
people of the. I'nited fttates. made up
1 1* of mea >vbii believe In republic­
an inatltutloBS and favor a pnvernment
reslinp-anlely upon the consent of (be
vended. So the Fourth of July. IWI
U po dow n In history aa one of thi
epoch marklitp dales of our century.
n>emorahlr Fourth waft ot
enurae. that hlaionr day when U men.
LBssmbied In the hall ol ihe statehous*
it Philadelphia, dn Idrd after a hot add
stormy debate, that (he 13 <-olontea of
Amerlea were and of riphi uupht (
and Indeiiendrnl. The flnii ■
bration took place In Philadelphia four
■days afirr the adopilon of the Declara­
tion. That particular *lh of July, of
U»e year ITIA Is described by one of the
Immortal slpners of (be Declaration a
bcinp "a warm sunshiny momlnp." and
It Wat in (he yard of Ihe slatehouae that
John Nlaon read the theflnew and }>rlplnal DecI .ration. The preal assembly of
people pathered there on that wcasion
:r three repealed hutsaa, " we
and the kinp's coat of arms
down. The pr.N'Iamatlon
Spain read before each of the five bat­
talions on the common of the ■
Quaker City, and In the eveninp bon­
fire* were llphled. bells w
cannon'w ere dlM-hariird.
New rnrk Ihe neki day. July »,
Washinplon himself t..^ part tn
celebration of the firs! Fourth.
Deilarall.m was read In the presence
of Ihe army, and (hr (Hipulai-e
i-e Kpve
I to Ibeir feellnp* 1
n flrlnp.
rlnplnp and bonfire mskin




pei.pir down the sialoF of KInc
(•ef>me III from lu plai-e In Bowllnp
Oreen and beheaded and melted the
aame. much l<> Ihe sallsfaHinn of (he
•oldlen. whom nnl) Ptern dlwipllne
had deterred from so dolna.
Tbeiv aere no (elearaphs In thn
early day* and K look the pood ne'
some lime to reaih lloaion It wa» i
ready ihi uth-uf July Iwrore the ■
ible Intellirenre was brouaht b)
enter, and Ihouph somewhal l»l^celetiratfnp Amertra's first Intdcni-e day (hose early Hoatnnlan*
none the less enthusiastic at the
thoupbl of havlnp throsn off the bur­
densome Fncl^sh yoke. They had no
statue of Klnp neorpe tn break up. but
did the next best Ihlop by tearlnp down
Ihe Hon and unlcum from (he east wltip
of (he slairhouse. and lb the eveninp
there was a peneral illumlaatlon with
much meirymaklnp on the rommon.
II was not until the year irts that
the oration was Introduced as. a permabent feature In the Fourth of July cetcbratlon*. Joslah gulncy was the orator
of that year, and history says that
his oration waa a moat movlnp and inaplrlnp effort. Toasts were Introdnced
and later became a feature of the day.
After this date. too. It became a Axed
rule .to read the Declaration, thouph
the elder custom of -nrinp » pieces of
cannoB and a 'feu de }ole' '* wi
b has often atepped
I to claim his share of respect from «
forpetful country. Probably the atranp.
eat coincidence asaoctated with our natIOBal holMsy Is (bat on July t itt*.
which was exactly the UlMh annl▼ersary of the flrpt lodependchee day.
Thomas JaSerwon and John Adams
should both die. Juat after mldnlpht.
when lb* Fourth waa beclaal^ to
who SttU



____ „ho gm uato our ttag its own immorul sun
B keeping where no aimont peal can rouse the brave 10 wars!
iip^^ed swords arr hanging over VidoryS deathless shrine.
'^m^endnOik^yearvrd for area monunnn^Jamr.
^JindJ$etir1oday reenwns eacbirave, bislorK namtt
'And mingled 'nealb it, brethren now, repose the Blue inf Cray.


. ^


kissed the breezes where the Shenandoah fhw»






Our brethren of tbfpalm'andpine



-rreanFAfirerOU/^ t^teous'eainiem wa
Let every bell ring out thr fame of Freedt ^
Let every freeman lift his voice from ocean spfay to
A chain of ever glorious yean unites with ^ny a tb:
The Hall ol Independence and the crest of San Juan s
We celebrate a nation's hidh amid the cannon's
Yet gentle Peace hath spread her wings with love from shore to
No North, no South, no Bast, no West, but One in purpose fneejV:
United stands this land ol ours for God and Liberty.
y- ,.
history of the nation a
i suffered severely In the Seven Days'
1 war: (he day wa* hallle and had been forced to retire sod
chanpe his baar of operBll.>ns.
ed people and brotbei
Dark Indeed was the Fourjh of July
with a valor never equaled
(he ms- of 1M1, and with the excepKon of the
lory of tbs worifl. If When the day alnklnp of the Alabama by the Keara day sarpe off the coast oLFrance two weeks
of sorrow for
the north bad little cause
north pept (was a time of Jubtlatlon
r rejolcinp. For the south a
(be south. Bucb a day'wa« the
I a day <
Fourth af July. Ita, whpn after three waa slowly forclnp Lee bdek.
days of terrific flphttnp and awful bul he waa dolnp so with fripbtful
slauphter the north and aoutb heard aUuphler tp hU own ranks. Hls lota
news from Oettysburp's after crosalnp the Rapldan two month*
bloody field. Heade'e dispatch to Presi­ previously had been M.BOP men. and It
dent XJncaln cauaed the north to re­ was Irapoatfble to forecast Just how
joice and pluBped the south In ploom.
The sanfe Fourth, too. waa made
memorable hy the capHulatlon of
Viekaburp. and iheae Federal veterans for the tropic death of the prcsIdeDi
who saw tb* loBp line of white Asps Che Fourth of IMS would have been one
fiaah out alonp the ConfaderaU rara- of the happiest boUdays In the history
twu about 10 o'clock In the nwralnp of the nation. The only nouble event
fait sarpe thronph them a feallnp of on this day .was the readhip of the
doTout ibankfulnass. for thousands of
war won soldier hoys knew the battle
>en who had taken pan la the
tcrrois that were aipnaled off hy those

rilBSM Fawth of July ttw flapp

r (he-west. The It established us as t t uf (he ford*.
.....n had been wiped 'roost power* of the world. II swept thp
I by the Sioux Indiana In the battle.] Iasi vestipe of Hurupeah oppreaStoP
the Little BIp Hum atnirk a (brill: from the new world and. II demonstrs*'
of horror tbrouph the heart of the na>
nation and tu the rest at
the world that we had an array Sb4
In hls - Kecoll
ns" General Miles ' navy uf which
1 be proud,
tell* how he read of tbe terrible
e news
newa ; flo now we wHI celrbrai
paai deadP
at Fori Leavenworth,
on (hr
momlnp of July S, whereupon six com-[ that while our children are bumlBf
panie* of hls replment were ordered to ^ powder for hert>e* lonp dead there
move forward. The troops a* they | also llvinp heroes kuir.ltvp their .
--------- ----------Jiat 'dark and bloody'------- -----------pround" of the masaacre found many
of the public buildlnps and private
me pBiHcs or HosAre.
house* draped In moumlnp. so univeraal wa* tbe Borrow tell by tbe
It may Intereat those
have pal4
Anerlcan people of the west. As Is sundry visits to Monte CarM? and moM
now well knows, this trapK event wa* particularly those who have left vaid«
followed by a ^ap and laboHou* indiati eus sums behind them, to know that tfep
Prince of Monaco, who practically
ether FouKfa of July had trots thr pamlap tables there. d*ae««a#
tbU republ • been *o heavy of heart small pood with hls Income. He «a a **•
as on Indep hdence day of the year int rious worker In arlebce. espeetally IP
srhen President Garfield Uy pn hU Unp- the study of marine life, and M «oa«
•Hap deathbed, freshly sltlcken down lanlly
y 4«wklnp trip* to varieso pan*
by tbe bullet of an aaaassln. Juat as
t th* I
th* Pounh of UM had boaa ohMdad ta

TH* HO vnra
'PM br glrr

fe-£v,5’iw^ r as
Is tsia‘£-^ui!.'aS'J'‘ ““■
- ta?s%S‘!L2;.-3r.:£rs
f>*•*■*>»■ M*;


* tfur rovT BdwM

I WbH litcW

M hippwir
-It wu Vhllr I «r«s eosal^ fma
tW «trwt «r. He JnBp«4 «ot <w me
•a« toM OK t» bMod orrr my boih-t.
I vMD-l M M*T «• b» -tbooebt •Bd
; wtox tUft him. I poBcbtd bln up to
Br fb» time I k«I

-----------Of «n Ib*/»««. U4W pf tt. »»r
»»»« Mr*.
RJcb»“• d*w1brt for M In brr rttbcMw mtid mtrfUlalnc toIbb*. ib#f»
>• «M m«<e-Btirartlre fl«Bre lh*n thBf

-How-d U

A« MniT ti *«tM*.

, tfamvb Hlih blm be




.____Heni never ter the
•wM^^Hbea M«a*-a

wmb i


■ gUd eooBKb I
0 boM bln and
polkeman b«( be brake away.
I «mldn-t calcb him.-

"» P«^ ®“<* "*" <*«* '»
•• nraeh the anatere and narraw-mlnd.

If tala Ifare li ponebed m
w« ’ bod ** yoBiB yoB-re raforsod bim.>
He"JI never .tryr Ibe bold-op soma
I have
hie fiaia.

odowfkm of her eblldren. but ••"
wbo-Uke tba wlnaome and
brlDlaDt LodyRsrab—b brimmlnf over
with wit. klodllDe«>. seneraaliy atd

of Charte* 11.

• I -T», . linn- .lunel o^.rni.,

'lu-nu bU .wrillbc r.™. -li-.
r*»*;'•lu'ihal’VSl'rSSaSi *!rii!
I fonWB'l •«' «o
**■’ rra-wbat kind of ■ time
~*“ *'**
did you Uve-with your monl HoWd


‘Hame aa with you.

inmSt*!k0t kabf ■


"•'• !•

M-e'-l ..


bpin. .^.nl w. bbbd. Ibi. bl. imin


^ e»k«.. bad l^nl wltb bobdluf

----------------—-------------------- -- “
H.t«rpr«evwM,h.....ada, ti I.


Na«*a b7». bat^! .T%7 mile !• STM.


-Tbibb ot

#< tbe atreet ear. Tbeaigbl waa black


Our Clothing, Hats, Furnishings, etc.

wed a eommoper. a raHns barone'.

Are all new and do not cost any mo e thanpo many merchants
ask for old stock.
Did you notice the rush we bad yesterday-there must he a
reason for it coms hero tomorrow—we'v < got 6 extra cleika
Tours in baste,

.b». ino
year. Uter. wanted to marry ber again

and to anlab by weddlos. when *he
waa 40 tbe Hon. Wr Oeorge Napier.

«>■ '• '• rn«»«X-tbe kind

.'■srbrT..i.G™,.iii ,i,„

HEu^. , ,":^pdrb-^“^

n-r. ^.on..-

.i„p. wnb Wllllbm GonloD. lo b.


bai^ BOTin In a nlUlon year*.


Dif le tbe moat fa«Mlf Ik aotr
of oor'owB, time—In a word, to Mr*
Tbe rale of I-ady Rarab Ibeunoi wa«
8 airsuce one. Rbe misbt bare be b
CiBeen of Taglanil. but it waa her lot

Jomped out on

*• ^taa ^ i

Knows it all. but those who know a heap are buy! g their 4-h of
July outfit, of


• u •«. .
Ret ponrati at Hnllmd
•xbiblia an eairaordlnaty re-

II. -M en e num i. • '


woman wbo aeeore* the derotlon


----—-------- - , •**

^he two aon. of tbia marrUge we.e

Billy aprang !o bla feet and lookeU

„|„ fell through.

Tbe two

S. Benda & Co.


<e«o dark that It aeetued
— ~ to tlraDrlUe ,«• «ranHUe_WanUy out of bli
- on.bjuevbei. never
ueb e« forget
iwiae- each
eib» ii other.
v.*.'*. K;f. *.
Out Ib-n-bubb Iloii-D from bl. h.i"I-o .J.- Tlnn mro that .ri..|b.T.
.rroro loi.r. hro biro., ln-arlnb ih.




«». o.m.. ... pron-.inl .1 ...ri.

fbrewb wblrb b,ro .„a nroro frobl,



“Juat the Jiroper Digbi for a bold.
■P." Ibougbi tSranrIlle. aa be awnqg
Cram Ibe j-ar and ralaeo bla i

irl.rlb'gr Ilf ablind n

"Wbat'a the matter, ibenl Wlial
under the aun'tawine over yobr
-Thafa-ihafa wbrra I wa* b«-ld
up." gasped Blily.
I full minute Hranytlle gas.

•ar be knew tbe way to bla room as a
fellDd pianist knows his keylmatd. w>

Taeanily at his .-bum. , Plnally he aa«

<b« tan tiiai for sight tbe w.irld ended
g( tbe tip of bla


"Yes. you're Hgbl tbera."


Blllr sat

kaan reading In ibe newspaper revert-

ed. ptpirbed up, and wanted to gel ar-




Males, mustard





kraugbi him ueltber ramfoTl oor uuleB Ibe sidewalk l<iM lilin that l»e was an'
Alley. Instlni-tiri-ly be tnrn^ bis um.......

Weiia iward its mouth

Aa the dlstann- to bis room grew
Ina bla uneasiness suliaided. When be



"I don't kui.w-J*i see that you


got any the Im-si of It." The laugb bail
*ul*bli-d Into a grin, but gave pn.iu-


b aa pedoe* aad everythini: with which j
flower vases ann .



iTBCC y<)ur <jrdera early for the

Geo. B. McLeitan,
Coraer Front and Park Streets,
bpposit.* Hotel (.'dlumbia


ia|w her foot. .Ill tlnve little idlns.nclaeles the netiruloglsl elawu-s a« pbjs
b-al aulxuiatUiiibb and n-gards i

that a ralllnni front nvall-d
Jll em-omilers with geulbtn.-D of
I lionii-. and


It rnsy/lH- that yon yniirself. win-n >
>» thinking what you will say n.-st ti
your ly|i.-»rit.T girl, brat linn- with
the lips "f
of J«*'
J..ur linger nails wUlb- slo-,

aliracilng a

iiii* ru<>m.

tlsoafiill licecf Confeciiocery

gn-nt <l<-al of alieuii. n

and Dr. ■}. ftanl.-y Hall of Clark tin'.'
versiiy hirs u-m out a syllabus asking

toew be Imd I

yu" w hether you fliid Tonrs.-lf nv»|.lui.-

_e brongbi J«> i«> bl> heart, lint ihiJoy imnii-dlaiely d.-fuirt.-d. for t1i.-iv

sieppiiig ou eracks. or .siiuiilns tigbn's in jiali.-rns. or the |» flying

came s blow on bis chin that made
hJa forget everything but a d'-s n>

windows, gr-.iipltig unlfon.ity
i>-<-nrting sba]u-s in nail |ui|K-r, or b:>
Ms'ilitg luiesaiid rows of Uguri-s.

He •tguck oul wildly, and the |«.n
pf bU kiiHi-kb's was a pleasiiiv. But
tb# bold up man wus not aa)e«-p. HI*
8at*-and tb.-v w.-r.- b.-aw on.-.-

Na|Mil.-»m wln»to«it as be walketl abroad and If be
bapiM-ucI to lose ivunt bis iem|n-r w:^s
<->»raid.i.-ly upset f.w the rest ««r bis

found tlranville Jii«.hM.>w tbe ear. In
tbe mn-k. In the eh»-ks, and i««mm-le,l

Kverylssjy km.wa thr Mory of
l«~>r oUl Dr. JoIiii«.n, wbo couut-d'

bl* eb.-st Without mere,. Tl.eti the two ilid l«.lh went to the pavr^
•rnt. Tbe bold up man broke aw.iv,

P***«»- ■“J
"»• sam.- tonla.v. There
who'rldfs on a New Yorkk nirv.-t

Cb* .Idenalk liilo Uk- gulierwaier.
gpDllerlng. he threw uut a hand-wl.b-b
1 npiin his bat.

tlrasplug tbis I

8VI up
TA'beu be reached- the rnom .Billy
a atitifig Whb bis roai off. unUriug
Id* aboes.
. ■ balr
was tumbled,

Half way turned almut.
; -Held lip." reiteaied HranvUle.
-y#u don't say: So have IT
Ataimrd BUIy.
itb ovi-nnai half off. and



Cl^» of Every Kind
Jil. E ELLIS^;
a» fn.uls I'l-ioii fjtrevl.-

Jatnis’ Hattna Cigar

Gate Post'
^ ** VV

V MV _

'* »**"
•'••'"‘"""Ij wblb- you an- trying
to gel lutcn-sled In the i
ndd Mast siriklnt you In the iniwt l.-n

...Juit 0ttt_

sleeve# —..
an. of
a loueb
-- the
— ._. and
---------- —

<"*’ ihiougb the la.v. fonulni a
uoume la-it ana snou.oer-s.raps. aou

o dls.limte needed en-

““'‘“ed srlih foiir-l.mpe.1 rasettew All
-arsneirot on the Irori sldu of (he v.iWB.


flfSl CWSS H8«M Clgaf,

tain <-bur.-h which be wished to And.

vmativ tn eev .. h..t

1 can

I grteve greatly to say it but
not l.-U yon.'
The stranger

bbrwlcM bed Mali} »Fpli«

Good Size.

TnllM ( lUwaa.

A airauger was one <lay rrosali
jsalng lb.
great bridge that spai
Blbe. an<
asked a native to dWi him to a c-r^

He had pite-eeded but a short distune#
*brn tr beard hurriod-foolatepa Mmm. aiad.. turning aroniid. aaw

lora. but tbe Idtw of oil to prevent duet
atorais In streets I* a novelty.



‘*® «Uddy tvods
Tbe effc-t
iiHlels ^
of iivaullwaa.
„,rtokllng oil ou the ground Is tn


] “You penrbed him. did you? Good.
J banded mine all be wanted.
flti rv«'ls
a* If I'd been breaking
k* wi
I brick*
' BOly fdt bis knacklra aympathetlcAlly.

gimr. bol enough left lo say. hurrl.-dlyi "My dear sir. you asked me bow
yon («uld find the rbuc-fa. and It
lialu.'d we to lutve tb say ibai 1 did
B»i know. Just now I met my tii\.tb r
but I grtere to My that be dU nut
know, ellber.-

Metals aaro— TlrvA.
a. .t nmm».T
Metals gel tired as well,
Uaards xrawl along tbe walls of the
Telivrapb wires
itlons In the Dbllipplne*
dlsr#« being*.
UBD olraiwnta. end ennunnora 00 sranaay xnan on saturirded by t
uaefnl oy
l» eatniuig
eatcbliic '
^<>® aeeouift of. tbelr Sanday re«t,
make themselves wrtu
8I«* Bbd mosQultoea.
gebt to tb* coBductlvttr »f • wIib.


rsmnle 1

aldwvdanUniresaK nvm ranlbtwl tel
or tbr ox«Ma nt wbtnrs r»ars
asMMatwUr and

I oB-onKAjr

Toimelier Slock.


„SaSB!i”SJ^*V.raji rok‘4Ei'£S'X.“.i'tS1Sir


*011 Is a compU-ie a»Mten.-e of tutld m
I wraibrr
and of dust.oib«r

onmv casH*
made fine as |w«der.
Ulx a I
well Urgetlier.
t-lavor with a
_ few
. .
dro]Hi <if wini.-rgr.i-u nii'ied .well liiio
the powder. Shake nn'll all Is of an
e,)Ual powdery llghItj.eM.' This WUI
wblien and pr.awrv,- tbe t.-.-th.


AB8 sussdllj. maiplewu n»d pnsMMnUx


SOOD .“rTroTLAS^,,"^
traUsrumiB lll.-tn 1 *6*ThiigWonli C«tti»aiin6,

“It d.wsB'i look very foxy.- agreed

“Eacept." «>rrvrt(4l Graovnte. “the
,<ew 1 gBV.- him."


«0nawUaUoB Fl

OBBOMIO AOU Xm nad fTwanlMsd

Tbe world has for some time th-an
aware of the use of oil on troubled wa-

0MB. Wbaran #y*T
BUly. gaxlng rtK-fully Into.Ibe mirror.
»Bol the other f.-llow's face mnsi lo>A
Jlkv a raw Haud>urg steak.
I>bl ^
(gUow that tackU« you get anytblngr
“.\ui a thing."
-Here, eiiherr

a seleaUk *rlBO|.


s Haur.

polltclH'As of tbe rlllaens of Dr

--------------------— ^

____ >rTb, D
betsa. KMaej.
Bset tbei be. iBvTvr failed ka ibooeeadi ot eswa ibst bed bSM nmsinans* tysAi ha**.
evvVl jvar trbo wlgblbew beta s. '

. I froSi'.;\\tr..r,Tro;r"Ti,."‘;;:: Asno«r Dealer tor tac^
Don I I look like ur'
BUly turned aUmi a., that tb# oib,-f
(id# of his fare eame Into view.
“'Veil 1 gat-ss you *.» Hcavena.

-------------------. ...


<-olor Is added by tbi- trimming "
U]o(s>gr.-eU velv.-t
velv.'t rlW-n^
ribtM.Sf. laivd I

d.-r iwirt of the neik. One should avoid
•IMe Ibis lendencv of

he cures after others frili

w..., BeoeossA.: Bed ro

,'BlM atei
o west vldeu ssd tasorsUr Soovs Hpcclsllst le 1>» f
-kshir skill ssd ueltersel sareess leJhF lergesi kospl.liels la U
ell CHRONIC. KtRVOVH.aKiX asd nump b.M-aeea spee Ikt is
e and vaUiJes
voUUtv hiai to (be (^1
(ail c«aBdri>rr ot ikr etBiGied
eteioied ssvrjwhers.

"• nromlway. an I

AIM bU i-nat. which was banging on
bark of a chair, was soaked.
;'Been held u|i." anuounrvd HranfiUe wllbom prelude.
r«Wbafa thair Billy ralaed np and


Properly mTvinl in a neat .lin-;

iraan the mm-are feeling of llie spot
Wberc Ids list first siruek tlranville
ad found ap eye. Tim know!

•cnmbbnl to Ills f.-ei and dlsap|s-aivil
la tbe darknesA tlranville rall.M from



a fcor*' CBs|>ed tiraUTlIle be4«i-.-n
wal'-brbniu wbirb li.- wears? tlr If b«
gleaed tw-ih. "You laekled thewrutig
does ^oi d» any «>f tlnw things be
igigi tbU.ilnier'
'does sonn-iblng e>)iially as aiinnyiiig.
Oranvllle’s voire waa brave eiMiiigh

OSce Bonn ftvm 8 a

Best Ice Cream
aid Ice Cream Soda.

s p.Tashm.

l«c of agalu breaking .'onti.
' "« tlon'' •••«■ snyililug so blamed fun
ny alHiiii ii-neliber of u
Rnrer-gTHy lalTcta of it wift .inatily
hecOUe iii>es|Hded--Ho It iis|>eued.
Up at theunic.- lomomtw."
,. I* mad*- Ir* prlii.-.-»«• ..fT.N t^wIlh a buig
Just as h.- iuruc<l Ibe .-orni-r some- •
"Tbafs the Ih-sI lutrl alioiil it."
' tnnb-of Ma. k ln<->--III up in front. Tb• tttbg hurlHl Itself against him. Alls
Billy i-heerfiilly. Then be
‘ aligbtly gaiitt-n-il guiuiix-. co.lar, abd
-,mhjyilii Iffl bis bami and
snotlii-r •■uuturrolun.
R'.igficrlng. be ibnra' oul on#
' arm. it r.onnd and cIs^jm-iI bInhii the
\ art;k of a lunii. In tbe saiu.- lusiaut an
l»o you know-a man who iwid.)l-s
arm Hmcbnl bim als.ui tb<- u<-.'k.
bla thunilM all tbe time he iiilks i.<'
'D'ou won't get a .-ont out of uie:
you. or Ills tlnp-rs. or iNwsIMy ib«

Put tb'-n- sas a (•'Ming down to tlH>
left ft 'be scvikI bullon .rf Ills
that gave tite ib- to It.
Hut he had

July 7, 1899.




Several of tb.-dsn.-ers t-k ^
ibeir rhBui|>aBiie away by the bottle
In the meantime come to
In pref.-reo.-e to emisiimlng It on the
results, bnw.-ver. are ivii- klore ann get the

fMcbetl tbv (v.ruer half a Muck away
rratn dry .-loib.-s and a l-M it Imd .-oin
ly dl.-d
dl • ifWay.
ex|w<-ied bad


, Bot«:>X ’W'laJ.tija.g, 'rsra'^ex'se 0±t;^,

I bare a fall Hoe of Bocket*

tiled; and ihej Siade them BN-^~«ck«e* Set KacM Tor
alih sl» d.«en silver spoons, Wides 'wwrecMre. oev x-i«rae. aw

Ab. you're a brave man. tlrnn-

"'Veil. 1 filed your eye all right
enniigh.” said fIranvIUe »ltb satisfacHun.

lyof>s« Vork.and BOu of tba

Amelia Medical aid Sirgical listitite of loikegoi, li&

missing on the <1
en m-enlly at Ibe Hotel .de Vllle Iit

Aa be p&abcd tlirnugh the anlM
♦Ucknesk..f ibenigbl theshrt-yTie bad

DRS. B. S.(?N CO.

For the FouDh.

The Paris miitiMpal r«iuD(;ll has jn-t
bad an old dorumeni bild before It. It
la nothing mure or less than a list n9
.es fouii<\ to b-

the conoeUlon. to their eb-ctors gnd
A)H>ul «,nu> guests i


ICoDSultation and Examination Free and Strictly CoofideatiaL

| j|*0yyQ|'|^0

HelpeO ThewselvM.

Bp and |>ro|i|sM blniaelf with siKfem-d
..................................... ..
Oh. l.ord. Ormnule!
I'm tinterrible rohlwr you so bravely resUt-

_lffereoce to him.

184 Front Street

D of IMI»» n
re. Kor-tii

king w<^ hlluil In bis old age au.l -o
did blaifoybcMiilV lure. I.ady Sarah.

-Kunny! 1 »bouW aayr

Bradlng forward and boMIng Ibe
Babrrlla down In front of bin. be
fMtaed bU way agaiasi tbe charge of
Wind and rain. Fn.m the aitect

Clothing. Hats. Fnrnishings.

.nd ib. .Id ki.> roprlr l.„ulml If

I. kicking his leg* Id tbi- air.
“Ab. OranuK Oraimler
••What In the------ "

main the rain beat furlouKly.


No One Person

R*r»b I^nnox. d*n*b«er of tb •
dnke of Rlrtimood and gre*i-graDd>

j aboBt woDer-be


rbookd. •uhdat, jolt s.


aorfe traaMetT*


iiratbals’.^MrT'm lakbm or
a tear deci aad #11 oUsr ar* «

OTTMAN addrsMSB Ibsas vbaw aaB
lan kabiu aad neaa ba** ralaad bMh alad
aad bod}, osSulBs thaw tar tadj. aatlsti

Mlllr, rarteaeoU. atekems'ataet. waa:
bad a^ kldMr aad UadAar AasMsa.

SPEClALTie«; Oatarrb.. aklB DlBMaea.
«d Tateui.BrsBsa.
tor**. Plwplea. aerstula, Ola----------------------------d Waw«B quiekls

^ “TTs

1 «rV^ ssaelail-a at
___ _____ aM Rrop*.

DUCBABGINO BABA •wiM U #«ary cat#.

ranjOAiniTuiM or t«b



-MFire Insurance.
Id. £1. A. Boildl&g.

(rtaiR* wUb t'lem wawtbs'--------lawsdlatrl}. Drlarsar*

E ts oar pan al 0.«

IIS. I. s. I CO. puirE toi in. iosiiroi. iigi.

THa woaanio


ran roi


Tbr porf'a ^nmioii. ‘-Wbrvre rotnet
bg aritwitac
qarattoD alao brtnga




roar h^a brre la

fana bat t'w
BilDd a prrttg

lrtrDd--inir rarrig

cm cook.

•Frad boara befotr tbr louklnr«'B>a
Bad drTolv dsr* Is dm*.. k>I m Uto( tbat oeo-lMir thia tlDM> •lynt Is
cnMTatIng tItHr artsd*» Slid Is seqtitr*
iSg tbe aUlltf to talk wnU ar<-oin'

d/ ID tbr ilbar CompaBioa.
•»l ftlarr. is M^rr to
> Ulk asrorablr

FIrti. uakr an apron long rocragb to


fnii5 a a-rU whrrr no watrr U„ tL^r.forc roa mbat oulilrair roar

plraaaol irwllng plare bealdr tbr while

tbroagb reading and oiarrratlcia.
<vaion yoora-lf to latk abont wbat
got) arr and read. It t» • nlatake not

thar'kpot. f>oi alaa_tbr aweei ainglug
bird waa allrni bg dag.
At nlgbt Ibr i

to talk to ibr peoptr of goar o«n fanflg: iDaog a oar ba« gmwo larltars
froa ouDaldertag It nut worth wbUe tn

tbr jiubtieaiD 00 bla wag to ranb. For
daga ibeae little toeera inei. anill oe-

bare rtaIMm amoog goat araeaatanr^ Too will find that bg no doing


. Frlocraa V-h togta. wifr
pmwn prince of Sweden, nerer to for-



toorb wilb tbr quratlona of Ibr dag: to

jLoneh Coaoter
^ th« city..........



nlgbtlugalea' aong. ai:d


wort “When I lm«.ine tjueen ru »ee
n»ai Ibr iKior iwople. who work «. bard
and g.-; .o little, are well treaid.- abe

will dl


rarlablg growa bg rien*lae Talk of
Iblnga. ami eut of |M-<iplr; g(Hial|. la Dot

thruiigb the «<hn1.' and .bearing the
Olebtlneab. .ai d..irn o. eM ntw.e

tir»..-«-ed to eml.roldir the
J»-li.,nilMir il _
i. ”

\rrer ia;k uiueh nf
goDraelf mir goiir own affaira: II la In






«^«ri of



... ...........................o|»l ■ C.»ir. Jour-

rare aetiing. are now
Old Jew
•r than
more aonghl after
than mi.lem
mialem gem.


A bride nHT>Dilv tnarrled bad a veig
Ane coUm-tiou. Mi«t lulereetlng of al'
a Iiarnre of different white alomw
diamoDda. white toiiaaea. white aa;ipblren. lounujiIUiee. |iearla and nioon-

Tbe Urea, wbb U .be wor

1» of dov.-gni, ere,- Ue cbliV«rllb ........
.................... i
have .............................
Ihh-d more l.-auliful
A|iptlealloua of r>al lare ab.l }-arl |iall-] Ibe gllntlti : ami .bailing togetber of
tell.-, on Ibe oveplre«. and with the varloit. wbliea. A wild rwm romnicbek ami flunm-. of tbe
lerlBl on Ibe umb-rdn-a.. tbe w ho e ! again, waa charming: and. t-rf..-. ..
fc-raj allk. The blgb UhIic.. torui aud i.'lor. aii_«ild notvtiitue ilnr
la. allgbtlg diaiH.1
aud liaa an em- , ...............
of lilm- ........................
enamel. .bai-.1 ....
like _
a |uilr
plerfHient of n«| Imiv, w lib ' Memirg wing, anil ainirkllng avtth di i
till- lii.le.1 of tovemlar rlbl-u.. and tnonda off at Ibe un k ami walai win, I



tMi bfi^a^m.t'^KTTal maVu^^^
lent I twgreaa In ihoae binguagi-a.

«»•“ rtrap. at the
"»<1--'-r ib-ahould-r.
are Kniall nifflea. atiwr trluitbed «lb
the embnilderg.
It reijtiitvw a great deal of time and
patleme to a<-eoDi|>li>b Ihia plei-e ..f

L'k*- ^•*•uy•t^nl.•b.^ of ilw femlnina
toilet the uiulT waa Hret Ibe projierlg

but the lime

•* H*e women of tbe Uotill
II or falirlou i-nrrleil <me
!ii I— In .Ivie-


,\ l«n.l of Ibe

,b. „„p.

w ill

t-. protllalilg-


e bn bare our |ilv lake.


fonn of a too limboiim-eil

WlHl .-lleullle 111.- < of Hit- elotli,
The bioiiae I. of pearl-gni, taffeia. em

•m-rtlon of vour poverty, .T.-.ur
l.-bipt of ...... ..

tit II tn 111 mn butos.


Wr.. T.iwa-r l« ofle of tbr □
fut k.inuetl women al it

■i.oat <i.»H-leuHoua oi falherw. ami In.

>oiin«dl Into an
Aw ktotpr... Mwil^rr.


la-rg toward liiiir. Ur w.iu'l umb-r.lOM I
why yiiii do It. and goii will only tmike .,
another iitine.i-««ary .-itemy .

The Ktnprea. of tfermai^- 1. the Id -I
oriiertblldnsj. and t.. I- re|iti.v.i| i,y

The woman who i-tilK on gou nnfl I
talkK ex<-lil.lve;y ami fiiat of her own
' aff.ytra. .U*- im-nna well; bm do u I <

------------------------•. arHRill.i I piml.lH-1
bg ber. a«—Ilia awful t.i them.


1. eSen-I.Hil. tbe ri.k of .-Jtrli’ltig

' weakly try to inaert in the eonx.-iai-

; Hon an.v grlevniin- or linetv*i of y..iir
own. for .be will only pailae to lake
rrrj great.
.\ very
•prillg. Ii.-ver fnlla to Viall the llllle
hreaHi and tlii-ii run off on a iuimll-1
to ilr> Hie lialr itiib-klv ba- b.eti
onea on n-tlrlng to rr.i ai'night. kl*aevent in h»-r own hWtory. Mii.-b Im-iItlllermaij ami
ter art tbe jiari of ll.i.-ner- -liiuily and
woTilg; the vi»lt wi:i md t- eiiteriainmwvt ,u..i
________ * «'U.|.ria.-. a
metal ohs»l-r
gpod deal, ttn one mx-a.kiu w-enilv,
tbe .KT-Aakin l-lng onr of a grtwi atate
b.a.l of Hie Bllbjei-t.
The -O .
ball at the ea.tb-. two of tbe little
la aloping to re«-elve tbe turir. aud i
Prtnrra plagued her ao long Hmi abe
eofeved with Bala-atna to preri'iit i
conarnted to let Ibem aei in tbe <w,iardamage by heal being dune to •
Itgpf pacra In carrying the long trait
Iter la
«r her giirgroua dreaa: On aiiolber
• l>erfnriT
on>it glaa. 1«>«.
l—ail. have
have foimd
foimd tnang'afl. ;
i.'raalun ibey
• imllar m-aalon
waniiit ber to

... ............

0|Haliiiple ama’ige

w.wr.>“"■ »•'

promlar them to ahciw hen-lf in aU ber

Tl, thin
„.l.i -baby
-,b . lort.,1 or
UVeo «ni rroin among the keepaat
anpplied liv the Jewelera.
faafalofl wHleiw teR ua that brareieta

to flrieen i

g aab-p. tlipy made ber promise
kU Ibe same. M-ben abe abowed berat


rnlher adranerd hour.

r. on Hptoc,
Hpior. astar waa
* lag. rautlouaig.
1 with a wild abiui
of K’Tthat tb.-> bad e

hit.. •• and
.mi It
ii l»
<- eqnalig
..n.ii.- rrglng
__ __
••*0 bill.."

.b. »bb..» -bo 1. loo ibb,b .b, oH..,




The Stout wo'uun la a bopHeaa ra
there la nothing tbe tailor can do

The ^pre« Itowager of China «dnicru-d by an Engll.h lady a. a re


markahle i—twon.
Bbe ia tin ar<lert
painter, and her plrinn-a arc am-a,Kil.
meoa of riiluear art.

6be la well read,

^ob... Hbb,bj,. „b.,o. b„a....




lae her to diet and

IMaly rteei
nuframed nrlnta wblrh-man*

people are food of atk-ilnc noon tbelt

•otoo akin aa a pianist. t<tnnge aa it
mar -I.m W ‘m.w'.r
ZtL rC- ’.i!r
.'L <

rbamia] paper lu aome-oft tint Tiin...
'"P*’*’ “* “">*■
• »<'T» *•««■ and




fof ‘b*:

tbe elliow and abonlder ta a faiekinc
raahioo and one nnrb rollowed, And
another qnatal atyle to tbe aqrrow
Wa.-1 velvet rililain a,-01 the ne.-k
from which bang* a lorqnolae n-i or
T»t makea the white

Tbr blaek
bla«-k vrlvrlTbr

r than the .atldelie
a |Mn>'liaiit for tliriliig wiib
New Y'-rk Hi-ml^l.-

A0f> {•

wrltteii in
Till- following leitv-r
;vm by Tlu.-keniy to hi. wife. Sure

At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. MORGAN, Propr.

Park r^lace Hotel!
-Ti-a-o-erse C±t3r. Mlcliigaix.

Address for,
gtvat tliai ] nliuoat treiiiliie for ibr
futuiv. ex.-.-jii ibat.l buinlilg bojM--f..r
wiint mail I. <-ertaiii almut
bl. own
wrakmii. aud wlcke<lm-wa5 (lur love
ia atning <-nougb to wiibaiand any
preaauiv from wlHioiii; and. aa It ia a
gift greater than ao.v fortune, la likewise onr anperlor to pov,.rty. or alok-



. »»





w. 0. HOLDEN



®9'S^t,'W9999i^'S'S'» 99'S'9'S9»9^9

I Nothing Nicer

-"r »>.« —.Mir
w e... »"■
l-'l ,
“■ « *™;‘ **>•■'> « ^ bann. ■
HiBi none of ttaeae mag come upon ua.: 9
aa tbe iK-ai and' wlaeat to tbe world
pragHd that be might not be led Into





little dlatam-. aud then you aee bow
beam,ful it la.
-1 don't know tbai 1 abaU bkTe done
mneb liy cueuing
trrpt by
U)g ao awfullv mad to get'


Me.1 l-haaMla^.


present the Other day at Wlndwr^a-

I-a tad iliiie for the



Travaroa<-fty wia«

xi.'x,"x r.s x„7.:.r r:

.nc U i
* ben
Ud a.vmiiathetb-. WL.-ii
a aoftemd lone ami her
eyes look
ber 1llpa b<.*Uate
wonN that her
a-.v -«I»‘D. If .be only

a c.Haaa'flirt.
A C.H.aa'Airt.
Qnren Virliala a.-cpied a

Varttnrg Bleak

iy a iiioiv t.-ndiT tm-wuige. more iniiy
Inailiiei will, love ami r.-llgion, w.-ia
never frauiiil'


A woman ma-, dasKle when at.e !• '

nock and a-n



John K. Santo,
Geaeral tosireiee.

Hopkins Bros.
B-'H'*Phon*a kt

wliboui a pair of tbe band '
prayer*, and 1 feel Ip
It p»y bean « kind
of overdowlng ibankagiving wbb-li ia
quite K*i great to de*.-rtbe In wHHug.
Tbla kiml of bapplm-tw la-like

Jniio, Tbna ihenneailon with lier
1 -la toy bat OB airaigbi.- bm
,r hkit on atfalgbir


KriSTi Arch and Bert

We' are again prepared to deliver Ir
IB all pa-u of the city. Oar pricea wi'

g Iblnga wbm worn



are again worn, aud that an Engli-b
woman ft—la that her rrenlng toilet ia

{and do onr beat to piee

A nice lot of Horses, Ardong them
some nice Farin Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
Some arriving every week.

t» nlt.igeib.-r Ihe mo.t ui.iiMeulng o'
N-iiu.vnide llttlr men. But. Hum. ri .
.I'eiiil—I be diH'.n't know Ul. uiatii-ert
ar.- m. trying Hh>w aboiibl 1-. wli.m
l.ia wife M. ailiUlrea Hl.Tn';.: be b. i!.e

-- .lil.-Ai\ In a|i|.|li-arli.n In anme ml. r.
! off with A Is


nuiB, miK


P“''- l‘>'1'.' g"l<l (<»lli>li> ofleti a
J.-wi-l. ra.tiulng tb.- oja-nin
•ning. for tbe.
bai d.. Wiiffa weri- of ejilde. .irmlia i

Tlieu Hi. re la Mr. timiili; hr esidaliir-iil.|ir affaira to y.eir
li».|«uii ita
Ibongli he.iyoiir loid ami nia.tiTi were
a l;:t|i' *i li.n.llM.y of ii iiib-r geara, |«
l:l<n t-niTimagiugl.v on Hi. Ign-k. and

uarrowH.1 of w-al.tlvmila.
Tbei there l« a traveling roatuuie of
red ebo< ..ale-brow II eliiHi. trlium d


The Vienna Bateir.



f|ib-«-U mnilier. bowever. naa not get
Kbe rem.-ojlien-d that the
' .tlialrla waa alao king of
r«luml. and abe lu«late«l that tbe fulure em,.n-aa
|.i>-aa atniii d aliai b-ani I'oliab.
- .Vew V...k Herald- - --__________
‘ mob-.


Inncilun. and when abe amllli

aben PiUrr rwjiluf at all hoDra



n;" nix



fi'rul«b bfr with u-oebera '
Wbo »ere lb lUKtl del her lu I be Hal-| All wwkof klgbw> FOMlbb ,

.. 'lniliiltc.lioal anni «*i—........
___,_ bad_..i
In for fa.lilonalib-a. Th.->
wbirb j-Ou dre.a, or Hie unnniiil
w.-r«. u»iil only to ihe in.irer rlauitn..
bouiu-wi.rk w hb-h rou ''set
In I'arin. .luiiiig Ibe Inttir pari of
Ibrongb.Ih. vou ever, wll.ti
U.l injinrj, Ibe muff, carri-d were
frii-ud nil- .»ou of «omr'iiiHc ga>eiy
An eveulitg dn-.. nia.le for bc
eiijo.ietl, t.r a lii-nveiilv new l«N}Ue |im’. flat, birgi' ami fanta.tle. In the e.irlv
*er> iHnutlfiil. Tbe fuumlailou I. of
Tbe dlaii.iiiL.n of ••aroing a wad of
]«I1 ot Hila ceatuVy cblm-l.illa
— _
.... wilb alienioke
narr on-her brad and the Hoie, t-liaMiI. |iiirM. «i|i ytmr iuodiIi vinm.ii—
used tor iiinfl'. and ili.-.v wer.- <-airie|
flounce .I, narttiw bla.k-and-w bile : eo»,Mim.-d jlVdr.vlug-It fr«ijueull} di- Jy. atnl tell ber .rou raiiuol jff.ird Hie
all. u 111. fair owner, worealinw bala
.............. ....
inform her of the rvaci
r lila.-k lu
teratp wi'imiu
and Hiin .IlHiirw- .'
luiml-r ot ..ear. your bnt bn. done
wilb at plii-aiitMi. of I
llglila of a .baiii|.i>i.
After the hair
duty w iilt Hu- aid id vart.iii. Iriuiiu ng«
Workeil wllli ima>ul-au gllHi-r
ka» l—rn wa.lii-d. It b.
lualler of MT;im| koreniiig. and Iwi.Hng. of the
bodi«-e I. blgb ami aligim, drai-il wlin
'•a|.B|.-> liangeroitKl. near Imn.Hn-j
a JalKil of Ibe itiirai black tulle liiu-rHib. ibongli not In the dioi'llnii uSiwlnlsiil wilb two ahedt-a of inriimila.ig < giK.l l.ia.iing grouiiit,
lilue < and fliil.lieii off with lb«

fold. Ot Uv.ndi r .Ilk,


tfae gnung !

''■'TTuH) lUh|ru<H-«l In for- I

and embroider It til wa.b -Ilk of a
At Ira.t live g«nl.
of Irlmailug ahuiild lie uude. fnllv
hem nml liell..
lieli.. »
and make the atraj a



retail Cakaa itkr»«i"
‘eae-petcal .............
Moak* librMi
tU»e Beeaa ................


•tone, wbli-b baa ainre tieen known t.

wake |>eraoiial .rrniatka. iinleait thag
are auui.-tblDg In ibe uaiare of a d^H-

fh-'anmn nimn •

“p ■ “riJIiSSfti
--------------------------- ^


lie lliiiircni>bed Hie

et* from the akg. aud tbeir

. boorrr. Avol^ alau. iiiikiuil aud '.-enaorluUa ubaervallona alami olber pi-ople. ami nerer. If jou rau bel|. It,


able of the w hite ‘


c ^oFFatT
taoLaad Si

•aid one dag when afae found that do W.*t. oL‘!l rST«l“
» bat abe would. «be made uo progrraa MrnwLtikCv n:ort
with b.r kaliilnr

NIrtt .-ame. aiHl with it Ibe blrd a
oong. ami

Bel <-«n*

waah amt
and in.n
lr»»n ner
her own
..Aui wa« to
lo waan
riitliea. Sire alM> learned bow to knit. :
but waa not patient enough for *u.-h

and lag aa\J/w gibber* a’TiK.aaibie at ‘‘If**After FjB|wror Frtn‘
«,gaged to Frlm-esa '
,, t ’
yf Bavaria dm- of
flrrt |

time ago.

Lunch Counter

---- DmuAuuKier. » i.uemiiDa. r...—• r--?ha.
f^”**^ *“^ ®***
•faoiild be rarefulUr Inotrurled In aD ■ i^'a Urerg. TelrphowO^T' *« F i. Act Tni»«h

atone tbe annheam and b a moonlteani
fell into a deep aleep.
Towai l. i.-oniliig a irareler j>,|

Tower, wife


•re iralned miraea. and the prinreaa of- n*^ A.J,acOTr.v.amaAt,aHmw». OmoWale. U a aklllrd bookbinder. Tfae

___ ■ ___. *^*****
er ^

Ideaam anlUe.-t», and eod.-aror to <H«corer whai la aoat Inirreailng n. remr
With ai>nie |»-r~>tia iba
facDltg aaoiiDta to lamliion; wiib otbrra It ia bil>url<Mia'.g ai-<]ulrrd. bm It In-

W-r. Bg A. AmmrUrmM.

~«n ■ re/^ lnfrra.i_____________
“a^i •• toaa. oncaTaHTo;^

IMnceH* Vhtprta did m>t for-

Some of tbr prtnrcwaea of EngUnd '

1 aball atirelg die. Oh. whg did I llanlghtlngaler But the moeniforted him. "Nag. nag. ' 1
will ataj here with gnu. To-ulght 1
too. w ill lie «^noed luto aWp bg lb*

aa W rntrrtaln prrfrra to apeak or to
I)at«%. and gurrm gouraHf arrordlog*
A»t*l aa far aa poarihle ail



Ill CaloA Slraau

w^r^Omra Bacw Uoafca. 'PhiM*. haw

waAe In fear, and erled. *Db!

ttt. tbU gtrr a few aomrota to ib^
«rwa|ia|irr rrrrg aomlng.
find but wbribrr tbr firraoB wbua goa

Mra ('hariuHagne

CAB emplox for Bicycle
RepAinsg. Quick work.

________ __
bad farr aiilrr madr nadrr ber own ' M >aro» Uw°oS^.a^r5Sar^a«SSy
____________ _
■ ■
petaonal anperrlalon.
Omnd fturbrwa ‘___
Loiilac' rf Hadrn told bet onlg daugb- :

Alaa! AUa! ,TI>e acin la bigb. and I
cau neeer return! Awag fruni bearca

Ibe Amertcau auil>a»ador In St. IVIeraburg *

Price Ridind to Qose OMUL

Emprew An-

•Urr Mack, til rraai at

morning tbr tnoonbean) went all tbr
wag without meeting tbr >uDlrani j
Sbe found lilm aalerp Dear Ibr beau- .
tiful atone.

H of norg-irOIng l»r raiilratnl: joa
. ran sot lark , for aadlton while- goa

«brar arta

Vktorta lei^ hwaona ia rooking

gel that “eeerg wonMn. wbelber alir I
lire. In a palatV or a rottage. abould '
be a careful

rrtnmed to ibr'ahg and again paanrO

-antmalD tbr boar folka. l»t ibr Uab-




At tbr dawn of dag. wbrti far fled
back to flU hU poai tn tbr akg. tr
poaard a llttlr moonlieam. wbon be
told of tfae nigbtlngale'a aong and thr

It to rrqtilssir to barr
talk about. Yuo rau not draw aaier

; ibua gou will aiujd
tending on gour iirlgl.U.n.- ,-orua.-

Gas Lamp-- •

s:; SiSi

Far inorr tbai
•" “ t^mang harv bren ntrrfDllg

MBcb to tbr brm of tbr dma akin.

baateord awag from
bla nnira aad nwted bg tbr aionr.
wberr be nlgbi llatru to Ibr nlgbilngate and hr rharmed bg iia aong.

Filab tbe aaiDr pDtpoM- In a far sr<ai♦f dtgnw.*' vrim Mrm. kloMv
r. H
Han• r


««••••»■ w • BaAwrc
of fnnrg work.

In a lonelg wood a nlgbilngilr bad
« aatld tbr b
of a
baab. at tbr foot o1 wbIrb lag a Urga
wbiu- monr. Erirr nlgbt tbr Urd
a-arbird bla atrlodlooa aoag. ami a<
•OOB aa iIm atm bad goor

wbo ncard It •» tbrfr rkW
■Bd IB iir* to ••met adoirBiM vU1

bad fetrtu. and grDerallg It la»rea %oar



bleb afforda goo an opportSDl-

^S print.

I Ilk
llkr tbla;


suauAv. jolt a laae.

rauicEssis •ho

-Tn^iaM* apMi.

tbr firr of tbr opa>T~ bM



fabct wor*.

•elon!i of li. Tba
• la a part of tba

.&jrL BIj eg:8b3it Asscbr-tm»ib.v

140 Front StTMt

Trmnmn City, Kich






ra^K- r»r I W Ve«% »rctMlBC ««
> r«r



An <Bt«rartia«

Borfl |goc<n at

iiarai Brlui.HA
te by utani

OttT MU U »o« a 7e11o« •*•(. ritniUr


c U ODlQDa.


It bM BO

n Mdke k* faater in a bomw with
■ Bt tbe coroeta than in the mid-


8iaee that time Sant.ap' faai |
Traearm Oiy.
tallm. the war with Bpaia nicrewfall*
L>«ee B k Rac td» •:»> a m
What mure - rr.r- eeCUy !l p • bwB-iilaire arf
fitUng than that oor nation, in deep E W B»pldi_
Krititodeand thankafrinni;. .diould coo- _ .
eerrateitnelt lu Uuil in Clirint. ehoDld BbfoxlaU*T

The aundlBC of tkeae two profca>capable
lieniiuee ioca]
Biont remained about the aame until
it of inacrauni
in the molecular faicee reaiatlDR
within the laat ten or fifieea yeara.

take a ttreai

ftwward step in making

only in mitiM-. bat in.tact and indeedt
Our coBntrr ‘
Cbiin'e Mka.
thonld be oor aopreme moiiTe for every

death will overtake tbe planetary .ya____
_____ t>... e«t.
tem. A condiUon of darkneaa tbui followa.ckwe opona pertodof Intenm hril-

One-thlrd of the men who noa- come

to magnify Hie gl<*y »y onr earned

hence the obacurity of Mcb
^ bodiea at Ibe companione of Birina,

from college go Into buaioeai, a conuderably amaller number gO ima. Ik*-

imiyerr. our nnaba^ iutmat in bvme
mimuma we aboold attire U make our

Aaonaendof tbe hooae la a ataod•1^ from ibe main <if the Claremont
arafuika. Tlw water iaaprlng water.
Nwt ao application U made of electricity
•to •tilt further purify it aa It atanda in
tonkf'aftm being drawn from tbe loeircn

eiwne. aftm which the tiody will liquefy
and then rapidly decline in rplendor.

' Monday
and Tuesday

tbenctfortb be wraK^


For Chriat'a aake are ehnoid
itry for Chriet
itrive to win
^ _ to Him tbe
___ debt
To pay
owea to Biir. to iBcreaae Hu bon« and

•VAfEST MlCHiriN R’y.*'
Snnday Jn*
.'lew A:IO p. m

Silver Brotiieis
in A new And reflitAd

Specialty Show
M Ciul nskal EUatdiBal.
EwjtUij In ui Oytriin.
BMatifuIly il‘n trsted

t X


:i5n m., ll:40a u<

firaveand larT.-arbing |uohl™e

SlOh. IV.i-ATf*


Special '-W r«t<-a «o (< Inla in Oanod'
rd New Y eV have b*e>
made fro.
tatiwi . A-kageniafor full informt





....................... • ----------'••“T *»' “■’*
1 tb-rnmnd and^-

Ue and eiwct the
„e « be a. sen on every hMd at

b.p. not (o, ».ml .mil.™j«r. '

tbe preaent. time.


One dat a ex- U “1““ »-w*trial ice wool, melt a
frena- l*v« three eentiiuetera ID tfaickorw. piT


elon anAiba prabalillltiea are that tbe
demand for college men In iu aervli-e


cat, Ib-y ever W

61U11 iipiA t mum K. >.

lea tbe naiiiU'




one ?iait»



• cTBte fqll of ice-.,te aolid block of
.Imot 8U0 t.m. weight. Tbe erection
le type
wT bonaa. of tbe
tyfw required
required ia
ia eaaity
Hahed anywhere and Ibe ice ran
infactnrrt nt a coat cf about*




j baud, 80 tbe man led hla family well

rwe tow BpIHia.

•child iB MooMe, Ind . Ibadiaeaae being of
(known to tbe
fraternity aa
*lMtoBof the retina. TTiewae ia wear*


V'™aom* of hope, aweeten
wfAle nerve bacomee affixed. Alumer^

them properly I

nrgical operation, in


»iu g,„ii

Th™, Iberfi

—m, „,v-,


and faitbfnlly
rally Uken,

\_____________ _

Tbechaxioeaof a victim recovering from

tohmng aboni even. The dieeaee al change. -Du Unpin paper, pleaae."
majw appear- ia children below 6 yeera , ,he aaid to the aalfegirl
Tbe reqneet
«U.—CTDcinuali Enquirer.
wa* complied with, and tbe -wrapiwd


-robe m

Twe toege liea Ba«l.

' 4}aa and oii engine devek
ekipment baa „id a phyeician in explaining Ibe inci- j
been emooraaingly rapid, except j^nt. "Many have it ao twd that they ‘


ctraM. and



tbe large engine of

htomgnwer and more has been -h-w pnM nn be collected under ‘b^'r
totorA in convincing tbe i->wer nvr beads. Dread of mien hm i* a nimmon
■bat it ia,tbe kind of engine which may formof hypiv-bimdria. I<-ae-ympatbita
nanii"'r Iw expected to work econooi
IcaBy. It is worth nothing, therefore.

with a
vii» dc
it like to see

tost a pl.ini of eight large ga« engine*, f.j ... ...........................
2<l» horsepower and four of 2IU ance. I.r.i 1
Boraepower racb. baa been rri<ulled as ..itremee

, s ptililn .
1..1 i;>r ii,

.u;; to

Kver since t be re-earcbe-of

■tont to Iw
in-tallrd at tbe
<• U.l
kvoed ' B.*h
and i’aalei
i’aalenr have attracted atteo
^mpiiig elation of the London cnnnty
|be nniaber of microbe luaniaca
cawncil. and will ibqt-afl'or-i the Iate4 bat steadily
•wMletM-e of tbe important v>nrk which naro Call
ewgiam of tbia claea luay be expected

increased."—Bak Fran-

> perfoi
probably be the largmtt one
of the kind garding
„f „„n bare deterthe ,r„w,b
to ezietenca.—Caseier'a HagaalBW
IKiwing inlere-tii^ fact*;
; mined the folKiw






I.e-' ;>bft"bl-. •»,.


fumUblnga ; and
It U well worth

tb,,om«il«. lf™«

D bBeL-bebaMA

(i„d ahrink- and

keep It lighted, and rriisbea taking

it ,™u.
from ______
bU moiitb
to cast a look at tbe
.^oke In the air. set him dowif
Beware of the




H. E, GIBBS, i
PtacUcaI Bicycle BuUdeF^




oapwiic ^n w

And BepAlrer.

at all are tbr > lurai .<' -tica j
who bavr the tenacity of I,.. 1Tbe top aunda bla cigar on eud,

and an experienced mnoker points It
atraigbt ahead, or almoal at right an­
gles with bis course.


•dvenentiy put In n revolver cnrtridga



» t»l
» w
a 4h'

4 10
S <a
s 11

•» w
•leiB •sa*
i(>i» ha
to m h (»

A nervous man who fumblea bis ci­



1 can give you the beat to be had. Bette- faelUUea to
torn out work: better macbanla to do the work: bet­
ter prieea than anywhere else.

out frequently,

iubtO^ ud nKTBUsrmi
Ta tak* sAaet Wadaaa.liar, ^aa.

burns or not: bc It cool, calnilatiog

lively brain, a glib tongue and gener­
ally a fine fund of sneedntea.


1. Saa chair ear .
Wsllaa V Tele, a »la Ree4 l liT
Trala leaTto ’
B aa.-teeriar eas* WalwaieCairaro im-sua .111*, tnav'aytie^ ^ B>.
I . ear *• Oraa*

Ggod Bass
anil PickertI Fiskia;

aud exacting.
Tb« men Ibii amoves a bit. rests a
bit and fumbles the clgir more or less
l» easily aflecied by circumstances. If
smoker baa a
la a "ball fellow, well met." with a

TrsiBB an
SI I W> p ai
Vrala* am—• irvw


' PI
-asant dancing n
ban Monday nlgbt. T
noon and ev. bI^. Bel

man-who never relea-ea the grip
icdiflerem wbaiber U

cigar goee

a?.SS P S - i*»e : : :

B. .1. .HORGAN. Proprietor.

maimed and

with newjr pointed, pr'c-845 no
Phaeton Barrv gnr<6 order. ftu.OQ.
wi»ifnl longing He followatbe pnblicpn
! Ittr-gordabape »&«0
,od the {gtriigal. waiting fur fb*- hour |
Wa^r. good aa nvw. »ss 00.
wbeu H'- »>■>?
* to!Tw*wI!p^na.
inlegritv or to lead the
1 Oow to trwde foe a p w
gray in ein back t<> hi- Father's bonae

f a man smokes a cigar only enough


Good hardwood io stove lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs'and edging^.,'

at !S
II «


MaaWO* Xlag
T«IB Hautals

Banwaa'a MUI

ii ii

I »
I »
->H A ,

4 w
•4 4T
*1 44


' s;.;-


4 U



'!S IS

Tfa»wa* txw

.!■* ...............
____ ^ Saadv '
Bl*er BraacS.



Chicago --•
lyest Michigan.

ibfb.,™,. F.«.t«to.btb.t.o~» "i'"”?*
which be


kept In n pocket with hia
tobacco, and turted from boma with


bis dinner pnll unconscious of the extra
datiger which lurked in tbe pipe bowl.

-Pttp-Ut Hbttbtob
It didn't result to diaastroualy aa might
have been feared, however.
When«iiita have nndartaken tba
about half stay to bis place of work
. lentific stody of dreams When tbe
olfactory aense of a alaeper ii atimn- toerc war an explosion, the pipe dieippeared and the buIlrt .whUxed past
btsd by to odor, each aa that of helio­
alBC waed in dyelag tto
trope. sot only does be dream of ■'amell-. the man's oar. hipping off an edge as It
^tk r«M vrbicb orsKonU woe made
lug violets." tot vlsnsl images of flowtow MA nanployed aa (treat deanmn
era appaar to bim. If tbe experiment b
Birmingham. Rnglasd. b deriared
prolonged.' tbe dream visions become
to to entirely renpoBsible tor dOcnaaa
dex and filled with alrt— ‘---------irf poimnlBg. Tbe coaia. on beconilac
in l>arU with a new bill pOBtiog
A vibrating tuning fori
... ..
--------------- a —,-------- ,,, gg , ..
macblna. which does away with tba
isda and a aleepar'a enr mad# bim dream rt a use of eitber a ladder or pasta,
it can
ba nacd to poat bllU at a height of fifty
water wme p«I to bb topgne to dream­
A tootbt^ firm that snppUed ov«r MO
ed (bat be wnr anUng qUvaa.—Tontb'a feet from the ground and U baing put
•C tb4>e cants was compsUad t« tabs
into prncUcal operation.
0Mter beyond meBtnre than that
totomi Id nU Iba coal la tba weg

yoR s^r E


that what He


Ftaith ef Jnly Baaea

« I wear ttm.

p™«i.t.l sapply
Ds a perenBial
of pawm


—Newell Dwight Hi»w

smoker named Prank
while fining bis pipe lately la-

g'lT'"'!-!'.?. “*'Tr


Tbe pompout old gentleman ^t that

stantly between the teeth, cbealng il
-nmaslonally and nm raring If it ia


th,>;o*h all ibe ag.--.

stage oollapaed Into bis aeau



»» to pohlican and -ium-r in Betblr-

aa though be

gar s great deal is a sort of popinjay
among men.
Holding tbe cigar con­

to b. tb, b^

•eand »yni|ulhr. that wl
,bn,ngb three and'thirty year-H.d wait

•pare tbe pew with oibera. admired lu
arrate bark;
"! don't blame you.



Bearer at n«ade«a.

C-brial revealed Hod . as the worWa
burden l-wrer. foil of aneiqni.itekind-

I Pl*«fntra Wagon. sa«ata.aii ingoor
To tbla inquiry ihepompoiiaold gen- 'wteckedbearta in all worlds; that
: that wrier, priv %3i '•
tlcman. ailll atanding. wrote abruptly
it exvna‘cn lop Carriage
"Ten pouodi.


Tbemwi lapid
rapt- growth



| hrui God

iintnediately after birth. Ibe growth of
I .infant during tbe first year of its

»s« practical source of power in the
existence being abont eight inebea. Tbe
. toat century and tbe enormons devriop
ratio I f increase grailniTly lemen* ontil
,t that baa taken place in Its 4>se.
-Web llm.


"Ho* much do you pay a year?"

Dice cushions



"i pay for this pew.“ •

were pieoaed. looked around to com-

wirewke 4'raar.

Aha anrgiral operation or even leaving
A woman who had purchased a pair
glw«|Mrating Uhle alive aiv rega'rded of gloveo wa- giveo three |l billa in

. .

413 Inion Street.

il. I-:.. IV ii. ie: crivii. i*0: Pr..v liv.
xxix, 7( Math. xvii. 24-27
xxiU. B:.Mark..i^,.17


The a'lranger amiled

kSi A
=«•- -«


Beat br»a.l in Ut- city—4c a lt»af;
’ j*"
iii„,v Imi aUo to
3 for UK-.
‘ Veikie*. ftc d,«eu.
wK^. j
wbenwith t bn.l make. If you like in .-■» ifo •!. sweet bom*
men frv
made bread go to
Bilde Beading-. -Exra Ti, s-iu Neb.




- :"»-S




M formation apiwar. it a ab.wt time.
.^y of tbe p.^t. who. had ha been like nmat
The diaeaee.
' needanf trnr friend-hip
}-on WiU then ', pie would hare at a
e got up and li
. 1. r™. .b .0..
But ihe -lntruder adjusted tala glaaaes
wictim dying at tbe end of that tima ega p* gfinijni-tered
tod .with a amlle read Ike card. Tbea
The progrem of the diiwav i« atald c„fp|
the -eeda irf'true frvnd
he calmly wrote beneath It:
by the iialienl ondenwing a
,b.t reMml.le.

■nd a portion of tbe opiir nerve d«Bt«„ed
The victim i. named Freddie
Toahnm. m>4 he ia bnt 8 year. old.

to win our country fc*
.ly Bw.iel

I ehall I

airiet. aothai

cnacience. and infnae into il a ’ and aloud there, exhibiting evident
,p.a,nfnl of the Iwl-aiu of pa- .urpriv that it waa lA-cupled.
Tbe oc, compoaing’.eupanla moved over and.offered him

inu find in every part ..f the garden . f

..Mb..... . . w.,.,.

it to the Wind

I up the alalc and t
ice pew.

Ware Ape DUea

, A,
. .u
enring low apirile la well worth alien-,
Juai aa the aenlce wa* about to beA pecnllar tod Uul dkM* of tbe - ,
,j the eeed. of gin a pompou.-lbuking old man came
to. l^end. covered in. S-year-old
pr..^K mixed •
ibe oil m. walked up to the door of the pew

.^notM in ina rneqicai


H K M II.e Vat
detenUiDwbo had not been to church ««
«'?•>; r. lH:i;;u- aud politic*)
finally harkened
tbemo^lree would fre«e orer within a
darkened vharacli-r
rharacl.-T of the
Ibc w.eld.
w.eid. The great re
—‘’--of tbfWrt-t i» more ami more
y«an at the lateal. and tbe win^ ;
perauaaiona of bla wife, aud de'^Hi. id
' elded to go.
He g.« ibe family all to.
>'• »• •
fondly dreatnimi-of liberty
‘be terreatnal gWw. which wonldArrlv- '
:reedoiii. The CbriMianintiun
'*’‘"^.111^*^' *J.*J si lug **
at ,UC VUU.VM ‘“---j;;
„t Amerli* tiu an. a long etride ID the
liquid elate.

3B lut. prvwa aed pwraala

Repair -or*

ia a (.‘hri-tiBD nation8 <»nr c-onrlry for Chriet fur Ibe
wiwH'e aake. A wctrldwiile ouiflict ia
F«rrea are at work which are dea

tlned to undergo atilt greater expan-


remuln in a

kowM today, the owner will ebow bim

n»eVeieal saauariam la IV wnrtd. a plao M
tV jw aBtf^middl'
Ml ^


-aii-fncturily Milvcd

eluded among the leained profesaltiDa?
The commercial development U det-

i.v ...0.^.-..^.. - .mu..

It waa l» tuiuntea paining

, ff ..ip.

A. B. Sfiwarr. u u.. l*ro|jV. t W. snevar.
H It Rmideet rt.»iclae. wilb eooialiiaa afey.



of G'ri tiur uaiiou i- utulonlitoilly dea_■

. ftCEO cmr. MioHieAB.

Aa 1

braurbea no* require the aervuea
ao many highly educated men. be In*

bifCKCAt 8bow ever giveo for tb*'


to ^ the maxiomm amount of cold ann a vertical ray- falliiiB o.niinu.rtjt-



MniTetone AcrubnUc FcbIb.

high placee. Inwliim in pxliticv. Ibe aal.«n pruhlem. nwialirtic pnibleree. tbe


4h dmcreeiL

ticoD vieari — I«te SMCtnlti-

There lire inieral |»«blem«-rf gigantic

ranme.™ hu »o.

toUd ire. of aocb color aa no one ei
maw who baa Iwen limited to

wrind hlowlni on them.

0<> r*»v»,vv.s. O. P. A.'



nmntly ponmyetl by fine nlemjp- *

V* Ctaiene 4 '»*« MichigM ml'
In'e*tOB tare rate.
Ea enm-o to Augwa* It f de
I« n« 'eeve—■ nte gT«>
•* fi.2<;*'>p m 4;»
m e $0 p m
Amv IletrolllrO p

chueeti f..r L.» icbnitao*^ _ TbeAmw
ka» »at>™ "«*»« needed tbriM and
Cbnetianny e« much ae it need, thentiday

Trwn will Inv
a. m.
Lenve Ba

., K I*

PmcyoB and Algol- Tbe moat obtenre ♦.nd a very much amaller number be- cohntry Cbiiet'a connliv
aalellitea are ihua amociated with aoma come preacbera.
Tbe condlilona bare *
*• Out cvinntry for Chnrt. f>* oor
Of Ibe brigbleri and moat inteoaely been rereraed in 100 yeara.
Then thecountry*,
Cbrirt d.« m.l
n^ n*
lominoniatarelnoeraky.andberetbe !,» ,od the church aera regarded aa nearly ao much ae we need ChoiL
ie the
Ibe natioT
oatiol^buw Ood >e IB.
amaller of U.e two mamea, ae it tbe being pretty nearly the only learned
"Bi-veed w
care of tbe planets of the aular eyatem. profeaalona.
Now tbe formerly de^. Lord, and

apiaeo "irade"
iraoe U
i* taking
laaiBa more
luuie highly
' ,pued
It roahta firat tbrongb a have developed wnat rapidly.
f extinc- educated men than either tbe law or
In View of tbie •
awbbm tube to a Unk 00 '
^ tion of tbe eon'a. activity, il heeomea a
. Bndott tbe aecond f
fcnildi^ "ado'iI^ tube W f^l kmg. matter of intereat to inquire bow long .
The marveloua growth and exptnalon

July 3rd ud 4th

F Fan OBI for Ih-

»or country a Chrittian coaptr.r. not

be«t forging to the front, and at the
preMOt Ume it appeara that more grad______________ puraulU
to rommerclal
than in either the law or tbe mlnUiry.

MOMMinh ir <«e iw«lfib. ao tbe
d c( tbe bonee proper ia earuy o«er
inad. latbeearlydayaof
me than owe booae
a bnlging


From ten yeara ago up to the
preaent time, however, commeree haa

■Ifidiiy of aanlca and to allow of tbe
wspnoaioBof tbe water in freexing. Tbe


rearbod the «tap> of Biriaa. where the aatee.
The law followed next la or•
der. but Ukins a coiulderably amaller
perbapa dooUwl
--••••emiiled will breome Ib*^J
palned on the ehureh. unUl It took firat
The temperature may t* expect
place, about SS 1-J per cenu of the
email radine la
sraduatea beeomliis iawyera.
and finally, when the denae

temreratarr ir

Viadowa. faot it four tqoare; with a
*»r ia exh aide. Tba owner Mya ba

City Opera House

a of oor aatiunal birthday
r lopir dad «bst
pel aa a career tbaa any other ealllax- ' tcaaoa* U
( it[ viDreJalyf.
Wai a lUUe mw
more lhaa
than one year mco.
The proporUoa w^ai
Tbea w«» teootbt to ai | .______
y,,, ^ fee Oalatettiat at
oae-third of the total number of «rad.the Bear, of tbedertfortioa of Cereera a '

l«c.pelta. .od fc«« »t wiU ^twi­
biauh *bit». like fiirin. aad

B0M> Herald, kaa be«a pat Vaita. Tb* aecaUr ebrinkaae of the
jDont. K. a.,
Sa opmtioB ia rtareiDODt.
H.. bya
by a „7;^iVearincaoPe
caoee a eteady
r»e ia
mr apo b« bad a baildlait ite teap^are. aad when the body bM
A year
amevially coortracted for bla

Katabtaarhi J.*a. Crroetawo. O
Called Society C
Dwfolt. kiieh
Bowortti l/‘*wa~ Setlona' Coaeeoeoatioe, l*<1Urap>"i.. lad.
Won. a Bi Tcie Meei. M otree;.



Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three years—
Look at them whether you ueed one or not.
$8 00 or $10.00 will buy a good second hand bi­
cycle-$85 will buy the beat new wheel on the
market—Come and see my display before going




L* toww




a! !lf'I'STJiTT
15 !S iS J
“ J5SSJ5

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