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The Morning Record, October 29, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Boot Samvadtd th* Ourd
Md XUtod Hadj «f Th«
«M» fekottkM to tt« Mr*
BfUiiketala*DMiM Timory M
ZtBtartiT. Mao«V«nk» toaot
T«t to-OMQ Bte«M WltMmi
towloa.Oto. If—TW toU to tb*
,tm» tnm LUytaltb, M»tol, hM Wm
briliiby*<to»»Tow dtoi«tob.^r
<io« HA«ton»f«n toTtaf
tiimu ta* Bom to fora* oo too
room “BiuT’' HAao«.
We will present a Plaster CabI to each ot the
Kepibltoaaa to faltoa Ooaaty to Bead
a rauttaa to tbe Beoaior.
Lawtatoa. Il>.. Oet ••.->‘Tba tallowtog oetlUoo ta being elreaUtad
Sbtbcb O^t
aU proBtoeat BepabUeaaa are rigatog
aatytalatday Bormlar for bar oflelal
K. aad it will forwarded to Baaator
apaad trtol at aaa- Bba la raqalrad to
Maaoa by aaall;
travel at a apaad of M kaeta par boor
-Vaaa Kotrib'y Kaaglad and Will
-Lewtatoa. lU-.Oet. N-Tba
aad Butatota thla apa^ wblta la
K Maaoa. CMe^o. lU: Wa, tbo
aqatvaleet ta aaarly U atatata Bllaa,
ot Lawtotoo,
tar « toUaa. aad* tavorabia aowAlOaaeaaolooa ter HaU aa Hoar—
lU.. who anpportod yoo tor Ualtod
Dragged Kisualf tram tbeBarato Atataa aoaator, reap'otfally urge that
Wbao Bayeta talaad waa raaobad it
tba Mobbo OaaaBtotod.
yoa raaigB at oaee. aad aot wait ter
waa foaad tbata ratbar heavy aaa waa
rematay. bet tba bnildara daeldad to
Oaorga W. MeWatby waa tba vletla tba aetloo of tba aatlooal oooveatioo,.
toat tba vataal'a apaad. Aba waa ae of aa aooldaai toat avaatog that aaBa Wa baltave that yoor
lid be reeelved wlU
eordtogly beaded for foriaaMath. N.. -WT aaar aadlag bta Ufa. aad that Bay I
B.. aad tar two boara a^ plowed tba leave bta faea parBaaaaUy dtaAgarad.' otdeltoblbyBepibUaana
Atlaade at alBoatrellr^ apaad. Bba
It la tboagkt that ba will ry- It would oarutoly be tbe aMat popular
evaragad a UtUa over M kaoto. with oavar troB tba tojary. He toft Iba thing that yon bare doaa alnoa yon
111 ravolatloaa par Btoeia aadar da. boew oa bU fnrB mmr Brawa laat were alaetod eaaator.”
Tbe peUtlon ta eigaed by Uverbl
evening aboat S:)0 o’eloek, to go to tka
end the ebalrroan of
Tba oMstol Agarra for tba raa have ban to do tbe Bllklag. Be
Bot'baaa aa yat praparad. ao It ta la- at leant three qeartan of aa boar, aad tba Bepobllean Oestral aommittee.
poaalbta to aay aa to tbe azaet apeed. at leei enwled to the beaee to a aeaelCofi-ia for Haalla.
Wbaa tba board makaa lu report the
■taU- tie face wae to a
balldara wfll daelda aa to tbe advtaabU- terrible eooditioo. bearing vary llttU ' New Y(wk, Oct. U.-^OeereUry Riot,
Ity of saklag aaotbar aaa ran. Tbe rtoaBblanee to a brnnaa teoa. It waa aoeompaaled by arm> (.ffl wva. today
Dablgraa baa already proved btgaelf avldant that be bed baea kicked Id tbe madeavtaltto iaapoet tbe Tranaport
Tbomaa. Tbta veeael aalla November
to bo tba faatoat tori^o boot to tba teoe by a colt that waa to tbe eubla 4 for Meoila with tba Forty eeveotb
Ualtod dtataa navy, aad abe ta witboat Bta none wae kicked elBOat off. bta regtmenk oow at Camp Meade, Pe.
doabt the Aaaai vaaaal of bar type la whole taoe bedly eni and brotaed. and Among tbe veeeel'a anpallw are SOO
tba worU.
a terrible gMb waa gaping under tbe
right ayy. Be waa eovered with blood, Tb* big elaak aad ter atla
aad aaeBad mlaoat to a d) tog ooodlUoo. - at Mr*. F. M. Aabtoah* MilUaery
etore Mopdet, Tcmdey and WedeeaBa waa aaaUied into tbe borne aad
day nest week. .TTA-ti S
laptato Bvaae Kilted Tea a: d Woaad Dr. Garner waa anamoned at onee
Habaaientdto tbe tojered sen. aad
res nlMAa Aovi ua CalBast VaMle
#d Mary Near Sao Oarloo, letoad
gave prompt attontloe to bta wonada lp«r Veroiab.
of Ki groe.
Sevenl etlicbr^. -vere taken In tbefeor,
Ptrkia-i ICsm Xut
Maelto. 0«t. ta
delaeboMBt of and tbe patient waa pet to aa eoaforltbeMUtb tofaatry bee reoeaUy been able oondilioi. wa powlba HI* face
eogaged to dtaperaleg band* of baodiu will probably be dtaSgored for life,
who have bees operaUag to tka letoad tbongb the prompt act! n of Dr. Oereifr
of Negroa. Captato AlBaoe etnok a win prevent tbe wonnde feora abowtog
village of TaltaaaaB aaar Saa Oarloa aa plainly aa if be had baan lew prompt
and OapUto Bvaaa defeated aaotber andoarefni.
baad. kllllmr tea and woandtag m
Mr. MeWetby baa no raeoUactlon of
Twaaty ware eaplarad. There ware no tba eceldeni. tbongb ba ta now perfaetly eoneeinne He bad done none of the
It la no' vBougta tbat a aboe
Waabtogtoa, Oev U -Tba followlag work to tbe bam. and bad apparenUy i
aboold bn ea*r aod well made;
iiabontd 'je bandaoue. dtapateb waa laoalvod today front Oan. jd»t bnag np hi* tontam. It I* proba-'
oral Otta: ‘-Uanaral Young atrnek tba able that be -^e kicked without having
inaargeata at Santa Boaa. north of ttaa the lea*t warntog. and tbna knew
Uldro, yaatarday. driving taen. Ba nothing of what bad bappaoed to him |
eaptnred aoBe of Uiplr property. Our nnUt be folly reooverpd oonarioaanaaa
eaaamittae waa two killed and one to the bonw^_______________
wounded OaptiUn Bvana of tbe Stotb
Infantry atrnek a robber band to Ne
gr(w on tbe tjtb Inatant. killing tea
and woaadlng may. Be oaptuiad ro Blmlmmona Knocked OataeOtaree
abow are all three. The ibapea
prtaooen. Ctaptala SlBont of the Blatb
WUba ■logle Klow to Oae Mtnuia
arc eepmlally ettrartlm. and aU
Blylee are anto at a price never
Intaawy. etnek a aaaU band and dtain tba Blret Konad Laat Might
beard of before tor high grade
peraad tben, kllUng tbraa No ear
CbMago.Oot. S8 —Tbe batUe between
choec. Berry k M from the vstrememaantab tothedalDiy Ihria
Piualmmona and Thorne tonight
Opera, ip all the lateot icaibera.
abort aod dacUlve and Flu«lmmona
Woodaafal Bpead Paaotoyad by tba
Ma. Oat
M.-Tba Ualtad
nilMohiir re*4. Oooorol WblU
«fimAo«tB»to0M(WMO( •rlUtaty,
mmut jBUmtn •mi tmnltr- A
«Ma ptatol «< Boanto* tataalry wm
•Mtod by U« Bom bIm bIUb fra*
UAywUhBBdtta Bow fmiUcm »w
daiUy loMUd tarM aiU« boyoMl
KoBAmBralc Tb* BrUtab torM it
•09 tosr «tU« IroB lb« Bom.*'
1W dlipBtib dOBBOn BtBtB tbB «•%•
mt ibB oBBBfwoB, bat U aoBl ba*B boBo
•toBB Tbaraday. »bbb Ub loai bbwb
BntaBd. BO that tbB Boor adfoaoB fron
t>oadaB BOBtbwBTd osd fro* BoBtor^
StoOoB BtoBdUy to tbB totorlm. Bbd bo
♦BgtorBBBBt iB lorOBbBllOWBd by tbB
•bOBBil^tabBBd My Blnody Bbtb
OlbBT BBVB (roB tbB troat dooB aot
•allcbtoa tbB altaattoa to Natal, rray
maataiy detalU or# arrlTlac of tbo
OBBayatlOB of UaadBB by tbc Boon
It IB allBCBd that t»aaty bob of tbo
tom rtvd wora oornyylaf aa oaiyoat
« eoaylB of BilBB froB town wbaa a
Boar abBll dtolodyad tbaa aad the
■Boa Aad to tbB BBtobboriar bill Tbraa
haadrod Baan aarraaadad tbaa aad
obot tbB Mjaritj TbB Bobxv thaa
Mtond ObbAbb. drarfod BOBoral elfUtowotttof tbBbooBBBaad abot ibaa
ta tbB BtfBBta.
Vortbar datalU froB
Ebodatto, Bbow that as arBorad into
froB tbara BBat tomrd Hafablait.
OatabBT 17. aadar eoBMod of Ubh•aaaBi UBmllya. r>t wUblo Bs*aa
miim of LebaBtl wbaa tbo BrliUh
foaad tbi railroad badly daBogad.
Tba Boart were vlaiblB oa tbe bllia In
«ba vietolty and Lobatal bad been
TbB trata aeeonurad Boart three
faUae aoatb e( OrooadUe Pooli. Tbe
Briltob epaaad Are with HaalBB aad
4rofB tto Boart taaak to tbe bUla. Be>
«|Btt alcbt BBB klllad. tbe ttoern loat
•M bonaa Dtapatchat froB Bid•ay and Malboarao roeord tba dapar*
tara Of tbe AaaUaltoa oeaUagBBto <«»' Hot Vootball Oaaoa Taetardey to
tba war. A Dntab aabotoaea ooryB
▼arioat Barta of tba Oenntry—Bonabaa toft ABBtardaB tor LaraaBO Maraylvaato and Obloago a Tie.
Obleago, Oel.There were eevoral
Brltfob elalB a daoUad »tetory
- ta tba battta foagbt Tnaaday laat oat- bard toagbt battlee no tbe grldlroa to
•Ida of KlBbarloy. Tba Bmn' Iobbbb varkme perta of the eoaalry tbta afterMoBdlBC to the Brltlob raporta. ware BOOB aad eooM eloee aad eaelttog eoa%mfj. toaladtof OoBBtaadaat fctba. teala Followlag are tbe leorea of tbe
Tba Boar Tarttoa la yet oakaowa and iMdlag glBee:
Mtohlgaa. •: lUiaota.o.
aay tall aaotbar atory. It BBBaat. aUU
FenneTlvaato. Si Chieago S.
followtof tba Britlab raporta. that tba
Harvard. »; Oarltala ladtoaa 10.
Boara opbaad Are early la tbe Boralac
s; Yala 0.
«• a datoohBaat of KlBbarlay BlAee
Ooracll, 11; State NorBul, 1.
aeaieoa rBeaonotBaaeB tba plaeaeaUDnqaeena Si Rnfltlo, s.
•d Ifaerartaac’B tena atoe Bllta froB
iCeot OoIl«r*. IS: Boreka. 0.
KlBbarloy. Tbora waaoaly rlAe Artof
Okie Atata Ualveiefty.
at Attt, bat It wat qalta aplrUad. WkUa
tba Airbt waaaUll araa tbe Boart ware Ooll-re, a.
llaiTwalty of Mtoaeaata. S; Oroaratofatecd aatU they bad a total ot TOO.
Later Ooloael Marray arrirad oo tba nall.a
WtactoBln I'elveiMty, 11: Saab Med.
•oMta trttb 1M> of the Laaeaab- ‘
taal Oollaga, 0
ArtlUary aad two enaorad tratoa
□ Frlneetod. 0; Coraell. S.
battle laetad for toar boara. aad
at tba aad of that Use the Boon were
drtvaa fros their podttoa by a brilliBBtdaabof Laaeatblraa. after which Defeated KatoBanoo ta Aa Bxelttec
the Brlttob lataroed to ElBberley.
Bootball Oaae. A to O.
Bbodea rode oat and wiiaeated
Oraed Baplde, Midi.. OcL SI—The
football team woe a de0*a report daelaraa that the Boart
ctalve rieutry over Kalaatatoo thie af
•at aa artfal trap by Blatog tba croand
•ear a taaptlag poaitioB aad tbaa aoi ternoon, 'aefeaUng tbe Oelary City
taUB by a eeore of e to o. Tbe gene'
daarwad by Barlooa dodgea to draw wee ezeltlng and tbe Grand Sepide
wain pot np e Ane gasa
OBlooal Kaiiv
Into It.
Gotaael Momy rafoaad to ba to
The Boara, dor tba Boat part, are Bid Cigar Mnken’ Vatoa AtrayoA Agataet
lobaaBbaeapoatadta asaallaat pool-tloo, aad thalr •rtUlary. wbleb waa
Obkaaga. Ock SA-Aoeordtag to tbo
bnwabl «b abortly aftar tba Am aklr- prealdeat of tbe Ogar Maken' loUr•tta, waa wall earrad. Tba hOBhard. aattooal aatoa a bitter Agbt wUl be
Beat waa kepi ap aatU taa arrival of waged agalBBt tba aaaOKattoo of tba'
OatoMi Marrv.
BriUah raat PbUlpptaaa. Tba rigar Bakorm wiU
altaoMd tba^Md^^ obarfa of tbe Baba tba Ant ataad la DeeaBbar.
waan tba FadaraUoa of Ubor bolda
Ita ragnlar aoBvaniloa to Datitat.
^•ritiabraport bf t^ owa loaaat iBtar ialigatoi wlU be aaat to Waaktaehaaa if aoM part of t^ atory — togtaa to aoeve tba aapport of ooa-
iB thB Vmoe hf
vir. those of Misses Adams, Bliss, Camp, and HurtL
also the Catholic school—The honor of winning it
for the room will go to the scholar who makes for us
the best Jack'Lantern before six o'clock Tuesday
erening —anything can be used from a pasteboard
box to a pnmpkin. The best one of the five winneni
will reciere an additional prize.. All lanterns will be
in our show window Tuesday night, (Hallowe’en)
That picture may get damaged if you don’t let
08 frame it for yon thie week.
298-288 Front H'rset
wu Mtaw to Dalataa Bay.
Pvto. Oet. U.^ IbatoB dlapatob to;
IbalBlftdbaralaaya: “Twoar tbraa
of tbd tatat B toaari baaa ‘
New Goods aid Low Piices-Wliat More Cao Too IskT
Rainy Day Skirts...
Bpsi-ial oamben at
$6. $B.60, $6.
Incloding Plaid Black Goods. See them.
! Shirt Waists
Made of all wool flannel.
colors black, cardinal aod navy - vOu
RU Briaada have Started a Doom for
tba e-aad Rapida
Lanalag. Oct- 28.—It U vary evident
that many frleada of cs-Aeaator John
Patton ^ropoae to atart a vigorou*
boom for bta nomlnatioo tor govamor.
A* tar aa kb^n oothiag baa been aaid
to him on tbe eubjnel. bat for aeveral
day* pollttaUna to varioui paru of tbe
ibeeabjeet. It leaked ont today that
there waa a oODtereoec here ibia week
'bleb U w 1 arranged to atart the
ball rolling.
Warablp DrttoU Will Brobabiy Se
•ant to OoloBblan Waten.
Waabtogtoa. D C.. Oct. 28—loformatlon baa baan reeelved at tbe State Departeaent eonfirmlng the ataWment
made telt yaatarday by reaponalble
paraooa to tbta eonpuy that Amarieaa
Intaroalate tba Ualtad Btatea of Oolta arara endangered by tbe revola-
ed tbe Nevy DMnrtment that tb* preaI el a warablp to Oolomblaa watoie
ta dwiiabU, bat wUl probably de ao
witbont waiting for farther advioea
Wbea Uta aoMAeattea la raoatvad by
tba Aaeretary of tba Navy ba wdl order
tba erealer Detroit aow at ta Onayra,
Vaaasaato. to weeaed to Ootoa.
Boatoa aad New York eapital ta toveatod baavtly to tba Oartagoaa aad
dalaaa laUway to OolOBWa.
at mgea wVlak ormi
£ tSda
ruM fioB OartackAA to Oatobar,
oatba Madalaaa riw. BiweaaatatloM have baia aadn to tbo State DaAXA DBAD.
partwamt that the property of tbta
yuy ta Ukely to be daeteoyeA
iBvmtor oC Tyyaaattl^ ■aablaa ta
teafteoBtha raed totorraptod.
nwaat w&l Aa aU that it eai
iMBOWiOta. ta-Ota^Mf
lhAl«.taWMrof Iko Itaotypo tyyo.
Bta aad wOl aka tabu atotae Mao
For Mackintoshes
eameoSvletor to qnlekar order than
aven be blmaeU eapectod. Tbome
knodied eat to tbe Srat ronnd and It
required bat one of Flu'* a
btowa to pot him onl, aad the moat anrprtalng of all waa that FtUaimmoo*
kaooked him onl to Joel Me mtonte'e
tima Tbarvtore tba atory ot tbe Agbt
ta aooo told—One ronod, ooa blow,
Balph Oosmabls Jr., MaBSgsff.
ymaaoH okvuskb to oo.
IWidYMT-Ho 7f«.
m I.............. 1 w
aognB the talhMH i< fhaam.
BrUlintlaes . $1.76^ aad $1.96
ill Silt and Satlo Waists
It Popular Pticas....
L»..k. lor ia» Tr».lr Mark us ibr Mk
Alfred ¥. Friedrich
Bselnalvc ageet for
208 Front St.
This report is botrd aroaod tbe
rid, nnnihitotiwg
aad resistooce.
1%e Dp-to-date bnnseas man
win keep pace with tbe times—He'
will do aQ ia his power to make
bis store so sttraotive that it will
inTito tbe sUeatioa
of the boyer.
The telepbooe is ooe
td tbe meens te tbk
eod -%It wiU brii«
tN^ to TOUT plMe
Of ooauk
<Ute footwear for Men, Wo
men and children.
goods possible for the
footwear U
; iu>snv9 ssoomB,
HO uiaon* uarasok
u V. B*ni AJ»
W. Hjjongi.
Kajwaa Wae Dm M Apo»lai7.
IV* Oatlook wi-rm aa ii
OawarllaaawaatM tka pialMh men el tb* Sfukh
____ adali
yaaMr^artotookaftarUeaxattoraftba wb^ 4art^oorciTil
....................... of Mr*, a D. BajM*. ! Hapolaoa fomad ^
BI —aatioo* ia a ehaag*
* a»
da* to
*M ^
Uw ------------•
■» aaoplriy. am
. ‘at^UoMl
------------- —
Ibat a imcnaer'i laiv wt^ld »ai k- »«•►*«* The admiralty bw of tb*
rx1«ad.the jnibdi«s
Mtioa fur ooe marioe bagoa
aeribad yaatarday. wo* ^ht ^ fromiuahoraa If. tberefon. any hkicktboafbtto ban haaa raaalead arhaa ade rwBarcoald iret witbia tbra ^iba
Mca. HayaaafaU.
of Jauatea. Ooba or Porto Bioo, b*
Tb* foMral erf Mia. Hayaa* wUl b* «ra* aal* traaa aay iaterfareoo* froM
onr blockadlBS 6a*L
haid froM Um raaldoBae Uto
Kapoleoo propoaad tbak iovtcad erf
-e'Moek. tae. 0. Ooeklia oOeiaUaf.
Tba raaaataa wUl b* hraodbt to tbU etty one ieacaa. the Umit erf local aorereigBiy
abonld be enroded to tbree leayaM
from aboia. and be peraaaded the SpanUb miniMw to e»n>e into bU pba.
8ocb an eatenekm of neeitral Umlta
tronld bave greatly biodertd Ibe opetaI of tlM •oaaraMasl far tb* Uona of onr bkekadiag tbrU AU tb*
d wHb Kraal
aeerrey. but urden were vent from
Wnabiagtdb. Oev U -It M alnlmad Bj*in to tb* Wmi li>dit«. initrucUng
in aaral elrelaa ibntwhU* r«ry hub autboritirntbi-reloettetid threefold tb*
b balng anid an the aal-laat. It b the range of their dcuinkm orer (be ee*.
launtlon of tba gow. meat to bntld . Tbra* orderi had •Irrady gone when
nt Oerlb a aaral mtui^ eapahl* of ae-: “«««<' Pwry. U>e Atuerienn *ea«t*ry
.modatlng Ue b'grat Tamale In ^
Solid Comfort.
It M atalad by )Mdfa« lamb—
that It wtU «nn aaw «l a 11—nrrf
itepattBlagntUnaamtag wtotar
ifcrmanyiiaiMipaa^ Am that'
»aoogkt for r.M a doa«n now:
aocttil. arc** eat aawa were Uoante* '
toot, now n aant*. tog obaina (7.iej
' m) war* near thra* aanM a toot.
aU. la fact, nearly erarythlag la |
trao and naal baa akont donbled la
Cbmp nppUm bar* nlao iaaraaaadinaoah In the wlntar of im-w.
wagaawarofromgSItotM. and from
SMteSUnr* now oC«nd tor work
tbb eoming winter. In the Upper
Panataanin It b diOenH to proew*
men nt nay prMn..
omoxM sLserBO
We can pre it so you
will feel comfortable. If
a man pays top much for
a conch or easy rocker
he can never take com
fort in them. If you buy
at SLATER'S you will
never be harassed with aay such thoughts as that.
We have a very large line to select from, over 55 dif
ferent stvles in couches and bed lounges, over 300
different styles in rockers to select from.
At MaaiaoM Meeting of Ooc d Taaplnn
lM*t Vlghk
IV* atote of tba IKM ud *u«] Bvk*u
Tbe followlag effimra war* alaeiad'
|iMM tor mmU • ra W
* •• U* *mUm ^4
laatalgbtat tba kaalam maatlag of
|i MMt rasarkahi*.
kaa baca traelr
tbe Good Templar*.
a warn* kkat tba adfaaea >a prtcaa «a*
P. C. T.—Jaania Cartla.
aaaaad by tka it fluaaoe of a rta( wkleb
C T.—Ed. J. Uraadar.
aoatrelied Um oatf>al of iba aiiBa*.
V. T.-Ethel Bnxingtoa.
180 Front
«Ui i* cSaoMnllr 41*|>o**d wkaa it l* •IraetMlhalwUl .otirelj obrbb Um '
Cbaplton-Albart Uataar.
abewB tbat'lboM »be wen aaid i«
Seerataiy-Edna Braxtaftm.
.ilyof tbtngtbedoakingfnelllUm |^ob Napoleim. and the dnebem told
baf* trtad to ooatfol >h« prodaoiioa o'
Ambtaat Saereiary-Bertha Browa.
at Hong Kong, and tbe aeaompaaying b«r *bter. tbc Spaniab e)oeen Then tb*
Hm Blaa* are tha vary om* wbo ara
riaandal Saerotary—Preo Dago.
QeieoD eent (cn Mr. Peny and a
7ort to taaraaaa U>* orary partwalar. Tb* mattar wUl b* , «»>« it wa* all aboou
Traaaarw-Barton Wood.
Marahall—Joaeph Waraer.
Utdbafma aongraaa daring tba n**t! ‘‘'o®.
injnring yoor
I and an aanronrlation naked i
be after expUining tb*
Dapnty MarahaU-Miy Boynton.
UaI Mtlra
oatpat of tba for that
. .m
ndicltation of tbu inwUI enable th* departmaat t«
to !
iMha Uapartor mUaa for tb* coMtaf carry oat It* fail pinna In thb dlreaUon. trigner wbou yon bar* reaaon to ba
D.-I. D flobb*.
yaar bad boon aoatraatod lor at aa adIt b probnbU that oongnm wlU abo
Tbe qneen rrnmt rent for ber prlma
W. OoUa. Bartoo
taaeaofM eonu par ton. Vor tb* ba aallad to prortd* tor a tartllad naral
miniater and interrogated him Be ra Wood and A. Laataar.
^aartar andlat laat March forty-oifbt ataUon in the Bnwnibn groap The ' plied that ber majeaty had aigned th*
Ptaabl—Bertha Brown.
additional farnaaea, with an aaUmated Importano* of ^rlng a plan* of rotnga order on aoc-b a day
aapaoUy of lv.»7« tou a w**k. yronUy la tbe Oentrol Pne do ennaet be db- jrw — WArmsT'a
“Boi nooue told mewhacltn
I■^allll1 tba oatpntof pig Iran,
mid Qaeen iMbtOla. -‘No oaa told me WWts Wtas sf Tsr Syrup, th*
on .-.uth’, e:irrs a coM
that thU ia a heavy blow to niy Ameri heat cough
tbar* «a* a rapid Ineraa** In priaaa of
can aUim.
in one day if taken in time. iS and 60 cla
aU Iron and atael prodaau la Jannary.
Noun* had told brrl The niipiatcr
^braary, and March, aual raU* goiMt
UilH yn eaa jaap es it trampla a
on Jan.«to •» nt Ue eloa*
Ik bav u
com- up kmiai-r r*eiy
I bni it wai too late t>* help It Why
Wh; wae
«f Ibagaartar.
uy AnqnlUad ToarMan Tonbd With it U« bt« T Becanw a Meatuer had gone time ^ Calokan'a Eiwt c Kloor Vj,rniah
S. B Walk
In tb* aaaond ^nartar of tba yaar,
Qadar • nad Fbh.
to the Wot Indian flwt with tba order*
lanoad of tbar* balng a llmltotkm on
Ornad Baplds,Oek SA-John, Mar which changed one irnga* to three
lb* oatpat of pig Iroa, tba waakly pro- tin. Loab and L. Maaa, tab daalan.
Then aaid Iwihrlla. "It b not toa
d-at i
atraet. Board and r
dsaV wblob bad baaa MS.Tm ton* In war* triad ymtorday aftaraooa In bte fur me tu accept yoor rmigaationa'
week. ?7e-U» S
Bat tba aenur don did out went to reManb. iaoraaaad to SM.OM toa* by Polio* aoan for rtointtoo of the flab
May 1. and to sm.ooo ton* by Jnno l. law la haring la tbalr pomtailoa ■tga. end tbe other vemirm dons did nut
want to reeiKn < &> they fonnd a feet
Mnl raUa want from pss to
whitaftah of lam than two poaad* atmmertbteke olit orden mcinding
priaint tb* prto* of atocl laU* b SM to weight. P. T. WUliama, the eoanty
tbe other order*, and tbe blockade wo*
pll. tb* ABMrtean lallrond* baring gam* rrardiin, Uatlfled to haring maintaiaed for the next year
pwobaand 1,100.000 tonantSU. ThaA foaod la tbalr pomirndBO nlnataao
pontnot*. togaibar with amapUonnUy whtte&ab weighing la all 1am than
broryoedan from nbrand. wiU kaap Mb poand*. bat owing to th* argn
Iba mUb ranalng at tbalr fall ropaolty meat that flih ahtppad from a dtetam
Qneen Naialk- of t«ervl* b uid t*
for naarly twoyaaia. Narar bateta la onurnlly ahiink ia alM and weight have one of tbe l>nu flruree buk.dk tbe
Iba binary of tb* Unitad stnUa bar* and that area la am of tagnl maah royal women of fhiroiM-. Bbe i* & ft
In. In belgbt. ha* a wabi lueaaur
mb bandy toraign endera for atael nndnralaed
teh drts
Inc S loi bce. a bu«t AS inebee. and
prodneta bm pl*Md with oar mannonngbv tha Jury foud th* flab daalan bli« 40 luebe*. She welgha ISO ik.ub.K
fnewrora. The Inartaai la tba deataad.
Ibt- aburteat ailult aoverelKn In Uie
Ibanfora. b n fail aaplnnntloa erf ibi
aorbi th Queea M.-iuria. Kbe la 4 ft.
rta* in prloaa.
11 la. blKb. b«T bunt ineaaiin-a Mjoeb
ea. bt-r
3i Inrh.-R. and h^,,«
Tbar* baa baan a atMoamat growU
fiO lu.-bea.
She .w.-lcha ITl ih.udU*
is tba demand far Iron and atael pradIVa Chrbtaln Badmror aoelatj of g«mi MantberlUi of luir XM-lgU* 170
MM In enry dmrtmant af Iron and tha KriaadV ehareh hare arranged for poun<la. ber belgbt la r. ft.
In., ber
ntaal aMnnlaeiBra, a aemearn
iroaoamaatlag thb araalag. A wal«i iiieaHiir.-meui b SH luebo*. her
tnnn U prion, and. aoeordlag to nU
larmllag pragtam haa baaa pra- r.*?"! ■‘'• lu. be*. aud her blje. 4S incbex.
ilb.-luiua. giic
Ilolbiud. la (be
parad. To* pabllc at* tnrliad to at- UlImt oun-u III Kiiroiw.
. ^ Klie b 5 ft.
farttolheranaa tb* anpply or oatpat.
toad tbb maeUog.
In. bleli.
||«r wal*( lueeaurm
Ad. & Stom. who had hb foot ao 21H larhn.. her bip* 40 iiichea. and
Mouroa ••Buxv" Maaoa baarorlrad, Mrrlbly maaglad at the atarcb factoey ber bu«i 42 Im-bi-*.
pad In a new rola. B* torontaa* to ra Friday, b bettor aad Ur. Bolliday
•tgn from tha Unitad Stnim aaanto. hopm to mrn th* took
TV* peepla nt UUaota an not la tba
The housewife always waRts pitchers
Th* adraaoa aal* of amto tor “A Ball
lutMt of taking tbnator Maaon aertoo*.
—They’re used ei-erywhere—in the kitch
ly. ala* thb datarmlaailon would ba- Boy" will opM at th* boa oOca of
MMhwypopnlnrwtth the people at StolabargV Oraad tometrow motblag
en, the dining room, the sitting room, the
atT o’oloeh.
lliaaiato. MoaooaerdomSenaucMaTbanaylam nporM a yield of l.SIt
eon anaonoM hb latoatloa* than
bed room, in the house and out the house,
baaheU of carrot* from isib norm of
many landing
ropnbllana* hnAan
in the summer and in the winter, in sea
Whooping Cough. Aathma,
le him with n paUtlon arglag him to
Tbe tolloarlag took oat dear lliMaaca
rmlgBOt one* and not wait onUl aftar
son a^d out of season—absolutely every
IbauUonai aonreatloa, tha tlfna aet ymtarday: Wm. KrammofOrowa, \V.
P. Taylor of Mtydald. B. Allan aad J.
where and at all times—We have little
W. Baobasaa of Yoba, aad Saaford
Paller. Uarld Cox and E. Cox. city.
pitchers for lOc and big pitchers for a dol
Arcbitaci W A. Deaa ba* iltud np a
Jamm Merfaaaa. tba potato bnyer dark room for pbogagrapby, to be need
lar—odd pitchers at odd prices, some of
from New York City, baaarrlred la the In aoaaacilon with hb arebitaata-al
them were fated to be odd from infancy,
pity and taken ap hb ataoda at the Hotel work. - Ue expaeu to make a trip
tbe Boatb tbb wlntar, fpr the parpuae
and sell at uc, 17c, 23c. others were mat
tVtt (German i^edy'
Kaboa J. Wyekoff. of Kingaley, wm
etyle* of arehitoet
ed but got left to be single in life and will
la th* ally ymtarday.
to be Bead by him la hb work here.
Bar. J..Panalngtoo ratnraad ymtar*
The warn of J. W. fllaur took fright
sell for a single quarter, for a single one.
day from iMke Ana.
ymtarday on Cam atraet. near the C. A
Boa. D. a Uaeb of Waltoa, waa la' W. M. track, aad ran away, throwing
Decorated water pitchers cost 25c. 35c,
U .tha ally ymtarday.
thedriraroak ftey ran to th* alley
J. 0. Tatmaa haa goa* tor a abort by the anglae boaae. whan they ware
50c and 55c.
pWt at Clara. Mr. Braat b filltag hb atoppadbyJammJ. Baker. No damA new milk pitcher will replace that
plea* oa the maU ranto.
ga waadoa*.
Bar. aod Mr*. U T. Stoat :
Today tha Jaat Saaday exenraioa
broken one and sells for 15c, 25c, 50c, 50c.
ymtarday from CVlaag*. Mr. Stoat
hH baan la attoadaam apea th* amGot a glass syrup pitcher for 25c and
N. & wUlbaglron
aloM af th* MbaUmary ooaacll of tbe
0*org« Boyt haa aoM bla raatoanaa.
MpMmpel eharah. at St. Loab.
one in china for 35c.
Miu koU aarrim la Oraaa aharch aa ti» Wmt Bleroatb atroak to AagallBa
Parraat of ClagUay. wbo will moaa to
Have a beautiful chocolate pitcher
pml today.
MlM Joufa M. WUhalm left ymtor- th* elty la th* ^rtag.
tm itaA •Mri ^roduiloB.
Hooss Fnmtshing Store.
Both Telephones, No. 43.
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors
318 Union Street
It H Slain Your Ms
Like Old Style Dyes.
Just -
Bay far a rbli la Kalamioo,
Mr. Wm Balam of Bapid Oty apaat
mfday rbltlag friaada la thb city.
MIm Anna OomaU af Oopambh
pad La* ^*11 of Big Bapid*
fhalWHMordayto atuad th* wedAlgg of thalr brathar Dr. Coraall and
im Mlaa B BMkay.
O. M. 0am of Ncrlhport. M at Um
■ WUl Thyior of MayflUd. waa U th*
Mly yo*Mr«ay.
WtU Baaaia. who M
BdnM tadontrlal aehool at Big Baplda,
gam hema Inal alght.
Dr. Baow ha* tahaa afflearo la tha
MUllkaabaltdlagaadwUl moa* from
th* Botol WhlUag Moaday.
Thoa P. MeOarry. a promlaMt
attorney of Otaad Baplda. i* la th* eity
Mfar with Promotor W. 0. Johnin rofmrooi to tha propoaed
aUetrie railway Uam aroaad the hay.
TVaro aro maay goad a«aM Mft fm
Ualaetaro of Bm. ThooMB dim*. Moa
day alghk to haaold ia Magla admia-
Chrl WahW.h tarmarVaoa. le y«an'‘
oM. ItvlagaaUM baa* Ua* thro* mllm
>th Lyoa. waa lutaaUy
.r Friday ca
Nkahawaag lain. ItUUmoght W*bbto
tb* gaa towaid him
atfy ata not faaad whaa* Stoma eh.
Bw. KUaay*. nad Bew^ an ^t of by ito masala.
nroar. o ym ww» »mM ^oalU
Ts Omp* M OoM Ml Om Day. .
Take W'anwr** White Wine of Tar S.-top
Um beat coagbrotoedyea earth. Man.]
AVlraa Varw*
when ^oods are not as
we represent them.
Our motto is
There's uothing like leather,
whflo well pat together.
You get it of
The Old reliable
Sloe Ree
Frank Friedrich
US Vraat StTMt .
made in china for $3.25 and another style
made in France for $1.25.
A decorated porcelain pitcher made in
England sells for 20c and 25c.
A stone china pitcher for 35c and 45c.
Glass pitchers sell at 30c, 4oc. 50c and
Earthen pitchers at 15c, and 25c.
Carmelite pitchers at loc.
Clay pitchers at 15c.
It won't suin the vessel that is used.
It dyes cotton, silk and wool at the same
It is guaranteed "abn proof.” won’t fade
or wash out.
It is ready for immediate use as soon as
it touches boiling water.
It is put up in tin.xans, sqyou don’t have
to use it all at once. You only have a
single article, use a little and save the
rest for the next time!
We are talking of "Dylene Dyes" that
sells for IOC the can.
No mixing, no boiling; no. straining, no
dirt, no fuss, no muss. Comes in 14
popular colors from which 150 shades
can be made.
Buy this labor saver and have ’’clean
hands" afterwards.
Do you
want soap‘d
Do you want a good soap?
Do you want a good toilet soap?
Do >-ou want a good sweet smelling toi
let soap?
Do you want a good sweet smelling "sud
sy” soap?
All these good qualities are put together,
pressed into shape and sold under the
name of "Jap Rose Toilet Soap" and
all for qc the cake. Buy some and be
Tbe Haonah & Lay Mercantile Go.
^ - r-
TH» Momwaio nmoowo, BumpAY, wroamm 99, |«m>
mmms frwihhca
U B. BoUapBoaMood tetaiaatlag
BitMoa 9nm • BoMva
▲Maaa KMoaoip.
M. B. Hon«y la ia eorrcapoadaaei
*«n«n«np wt wr «r «ri«r w i«nr
vltk a aatlfa alaaioMry of Waat AM
la th« iriTMlt aoBfi at •(. Jeaapk eo, wke la aa aaraaat warkar la tba
»a*dMMoa«(tlM prakatraoart «a»
MM aad tb* Jrm «f Mn. MaUa«r ofthamlaakiaarplaMaJila AgbaW. M
TWry.wbalaatavrtac diad aad Wi A. Pb. D.. rallow Btyal Oeloeia) la
amaaltboMaaddaUanfor a Baat« aUtata. Patna al Afr
Barhar llwanr. «aa krokaa. It wat
Hr. Boliaj maicad a lethraafkt oat U tha trial that ta« Iw fro* Ugoa. tba boaaa of Rev.
diMMil waa act »at «rbaa tba wUI AgboW,a<dty of IMOOU iababitaata.
aad oaeloaod la tba iattar «era aovaral
Aa Allana ooaaty :
tka aiiaaionarp. kla
.TMnoaepUatadtbawa^ tdaeat oa eUaat daagbtar aad bla moat aaargalle |
hla .fara to abaataat tfoaa.
veoaaa preaebar. Tba too ladlaa «era
rMaC tka Waeflt b; aalUaf aou clad la their aativa eottanca «eb«a tha
All of tha
fr^aUiaa. whiab eaaaaad a good
aab)aeto of vhe ^etora* ara tplaadid
Cbalaa* baaiart ara raportad to ba tgpaa of tha Afrlaao raaa aad jpriatad
UlUatalaiof aVMk alo^ iba Bapla aatlar aaai to Mr. BoUty ahow tkam
riaar la kbtawaaaaa oonatjr. Laa.. to ba aaargal« oorkara la tka BadaoTwaabaararal tea akaap wera hilW or aaoaa. Mr Agbebi baa charge of a
aad if aoaaa of tba ' aportamoa ara I Mf* dUUkt la obieb there arc Src
aaagbt Ibay easlook for iroabla.
^ebarcbaa with daaday aebooU and Endaavar aoelatlev of large mambenbip.
Tha wbriB waatbar of *a paat
kaaeaaoad a great faUlog off of tka Tbapholoa aad
oatohattka Sagiaaw bay dakoriaa a
few baadrad poaada baiag tka aearaga
lift par day of a atrtag of Sea to algbt
acta Diirlag 'tka oool waatbor of
>rday afteraooa Mi* M<aa P.
8apU»bor tka A«b «ara raaalag la
great aakeola aad eatebaa of fro* ooe B>ckay of Kneoa Qly and Ur. A. S.
Ooraali of Oopemlah. wan unitad in
to two loot were the oaaal record.
BMfrlage at tbarealdaaea of Pr. Baner.
Qaartorawatar Uaaaral Wolto aaya
Mlaa Clan Seymour of ibU city acted
that Ua raorgaalsaUse of ike Mlehlaa brldeomald aad tha groom waa aopgaa aaUoaal guard la about eoiaplo at.
ported by Mr. Jehu Blckay of Neeaea'
aadallbotaboatll eoapaalaa la the
aty.broUer of tha bride. Tba bride
auto ara aow la abapa to taka tha field.
.traveling drva> of gny trim’’By Jaaaary i.'’aald be. “tba whole
mad la purple aUk ead whiu epplkiua:
oUU will have boaa eov«od aad tba
the brideametd wm draaaed la a blue
guard will be ia aa good akapo aa aver.
gray trimmad In pini
ink velvet and creano'^
Wa have not faoaa rary aevaro with
Jaepaallona tbua far, raaUalag wbat
Or.Md Mn. Coraall will laeve for
tba baja have beau tbroagb, but the
OalifornU Monday, whan they MUl
Inapaeiioa now la progrMa ia vary
apead ^e winter. Tbrir many frtaada
aattataetory aad ta a fow Boatha all
la IhU city asund their c
aoBpaalaa wUl have atulaad a high
grade of .cfBeiaaey.*'
▼lelled tbe Ll^t Bone.
At Barbar fipriuga
The ladlaa ef tbe Sawing Circla of
oodaavorlag to axtraet a aartrUga
fro* a It oallbar Wlaobaaur, Augut Traverw Bay Bivo eoj >yed a ride to
Moloblag abot bla abUr. Liuia, 0.d MlMioa Tbanday aad laapeeted
tbroagb tba braaai, lafiieitog a woaad tba light honaa there. Mn. Loaa. tba
that wUl probably pnva fataL Tba keeper, waa takao aomewbet by earyouag woaaa waa la iba kitebaa at priaa. but tbe vialton wen none
wark aud bad Jaat aekad bar bcotbar lem weleoae. Mra. lune proved e
to bo uora aaraful, Tbo baU oatorod royal eatertalaar and the day
uaar tba loft hraaat aad oama oat Joat plMaaaUy apaat by all. Tbe ladleo
below UaaboaUerblarM. Mlaa Meleb- nUraed home la tba evening bat not
lag la atUI allva.baiia la a rwy oHtleal bnton they had pramlaad Mn. Un
I Intura
Jadge Nawaba*. ad tba Saparlar
OaartofOnkdBapIda. a few waake
ago east to g^eoa Vietorta a pbotograpb of a groap of fivo Banbera of
kla taMtlly. all of whom wan bora oo
tba aaaa day witb bar sajaaty. bla
fatbor barlag baea bora wUbln aa
boar of iba Ubo aad wltbla a 01000*0
throw of iba place of tha birth of tha
4)Baea. Tba four daogbtora of tba
jodgawfnalao bora in tbla eonatiy
apoa May S4. Be tbongbt tba matter
of eaeb 'oaaaaal oeoarroaoa that be
vroald aead tbe fiaaaa
Friday be reaalvad aa
aokaowladgaaaat from tba fiaaa
tbroagb her prlvaU aeenUry,' aad
ratara photograph of tba fonr g«ne<atioao of royhliy In Bnglaad. ^owlag
tba gaoea. Prlnoe of Walaa. Doha of
ToriTaad aoe of tba doke.
AronodBoatta Bavan tka eold aoiy
of laat winter played peealler tricka
with tba poach orebarda la many
laatoBciaa aa orchard bearing t.ooo
baakato vraa aaadwlebad ia batweaa
otbar orcharda abaolntely bama of
Aa a'roaalt of tba Oraad Baplda
raraltaia aaaoeUUoa. tba prleaa of all
gradea of furnitan will be ralaed from
10 to 15 pareeat.
Pood Oommlaoioaer Oioavenor ia
after the vealle eatrabt meaufeetarm
who aODllerate Ue produel. Ua taauaa
a warming to all maBafaetaraic and
Jobbarc that they moat aell tha pun
ataff or be proaaeaud.
At South Baven Beary J Pipur. agud
70. waa atraek by a eroaa baa* aa be
drove into bla barn on a load of bay.
aad may die from bla Uiarlaa.
A gang of Blty boo^luma atruck Roy
al Oak Ihunday aad after baggtag tor
aomotklag to aat
Ue tba Inbabluau by abootlag off
tbalr nvolvara.
all tba tall orltb plana for
iaga at tba aortbani Mieblj
aad it la outed that more baUdlag la
baiag dona than at UBT Uma la many
yonia. Tba raaort aaaoeUU
ago baildlag op«oUo*a daring tba
open aaaioB for oatebiag aammar vialton aad many balldtnga have baaa
•noted tbla tail
At Oaleaburg a pat aqulrrat belonglag to Mn. WUl WblUag waa allowed
togntloeaaaad Immadieuly
bar. alaking bla iaalh Uto bar wrlat
aaUl they mat Ba retaraed to tba
ntUek three tlmaa baforo •be
plaead bMk Into tba coca.
Pok OottldaT Ban Blood ti.
If boM kad Iteklag PUoa. They'n
tmribly aaaoylag; bat Baekloa'a Ar>
aUe Sain wlU can the worat eaae <rf
PUMoaaartk. It keacand tbrmaandi.
for lojartee, Palaa or Bodily bapUona
Ith the boat oalve U tba world- Price
Me a baa. Oura gaaraataad. Bold by
Jan O. PahMOt and SL B. Walk draggtola.
Tha Pint Bxbibl^Sr starch.
The fint aUreh to be tnraed oat by
tbe Mtebigan Sunh Oo. left the dry
kUnaof tke factory yeaterday ready
tor packing for sbipmoat to tbe outaide markaU A aampla of the pro
duct la baiag diapUyad la tbe window
of the Rat-ou> oBloa. Tha atanh to of
and to a
Uoa'of a aaw nae for tha Urand
Trnvarae potato.
' BobiMM tba areve.
AalarUlag laodeot to» nai
narrated by
't. ai
aa follow*:
John Oliver of PhUadalpbU.
“I waa la an awful condition
on My akin
>a alm.ou yellow, eyeainaken. tongue
--------- —*lly la back and
^a^ BO appatlte. growing weaker day
_____ _jd giren
ate up. I
> adrtoedi to nae
Baetrie U
o my greatI Joy. tha
fint bottle made a oevided
d improTOa for three
kn, mod am oow a well____ ___
w they robbed tba graveof aooibar
im." No one abonld full to trr
___ a. Only 50c. guaranteed ml Je*. 0
Jobnaon'a and S E Wnit'a drug atoiea
Come HERE and see the styles and valnes we offer yon.
We stand back of every article we aeU and yon take no chances when yon select a
gatment from our stock. Onr guarantee of satisfactioo to yon is ample. ‘
New Arrix^ls In Fine Jackets. Capes. Furs. Etc.
The past few days.
W# can and do soil you ehoioo, new stylo garments at lower prloee than travellag eonoems can sell equal
qoaUtiea for. 8XB OUB SfOCK
227 and 229 Front Street
fSum now until aFTBR tee holidays tbrra win bo a big rueb for every
thing pertaining to Olothing and Oent’s Furnishings. Our anility to supply tbe wants
of all patrons with strictly first class wearing apparel has never failed us. Every year
finds us in advance of the year previous. Below we ment ion j net a few details of make
up and prlcts of our stock. “For further information inquire within”—that is. call ani
see for yourselves.
Hutton Sack
Probably the most worn of any
style suit. Many of these are now
made with double breasted vest,
making a very nobby and stylish
costume. Every new and desirable
pattern of black, blue and stripes,
the latter being most in demand
just at present. Popular prices for
Worsteds — $10.00, $12.00. $15.00
and SiS.oo.
’ Dm*lterBettkaaaak.Pvaad Sniu
aatajM^ar ^tlaan a^ Monday
M? A^aa'
Mn. C. B Bocat vrlU not confine b«iaatracUoa to adraaoad pnpUi
bet wlU lake pupil* over 1
IFrom tbe i-beapegt teametent <*oet at $3.00 to the t_________
full aiik lined tailor made gannent at $25.00 we enarantee yoit
on each oV '•▼alue reoelTed” Not even tbe law aili inter,
(ere in a trenaaction where it ia abown tbe pnrebnaer baa h«l
value received.
$10. $12. $14. $15. $iS up to $24.
for a silk faced dress suit that is
the most elegant tailor made suit
we have seen this year.
^ Hart, Sebafiher & Marx.
Kolb & Son.
I-or Dress Suits. We cany
these in Grey Clay Worsteds —
black unfinished Worsteds—black
Broadcloth .as well as the staple
black Clay Worsteds with which
customers are all familiar—$7 50.
S8.50. $10. $12, up to $18.
The assortment contains si^es
to fit "short." "slim" and all sizes
of men from 54 to 46.
aoldlen of the clvU war, waatheproaatatloo to aaeh anrvlvor of thaTwen.
ty.fifth Miehlgaa Infantry, of an alagaat caMaat pbotogTaph of Ool. Orlan
do H. Moon, who oommaadad tha rugla by Mra.
Patent Pocket
With or without silk face. A
very desirable style of coat for fall
and winter. Are warmer than the
single breasted. Silk faced goods,
being worn for evening dress.
This style made in stripes, but
more popular in darker shades—
Many of them sold in bla,ck or blue
unfinished worsteds. Prices range
Among tba pleaaanteat Incldenta in
^^Maw Diamtm to guanatced 1
ean aU troublaa of the throat, ebaat c
laaga. Prta *
10 Ola at Ji
Jmcoats, Ulsters, Reefers,,
Far Ceats, MacHeteslies.,
Breasted Sa^
I.uV March Oaorge Potter and Urrln.
Uawklna. tarmen living on tba Bul.
loch road near Hay City, made a wager
in tba matter of ntolng tbe largett
augar beeta. Tbe aaada ware aowed on
a hot bed and extra can waa given
tba planto all through tha dry aeamwi
It to claimed that PotW won. bU
hearlaat beat weighing :] pounds
Bawklaa' weighed 8i >« pounda
A Thoaaand Toagaan.
Oonld aotexprma tba raptan of AaBla B. Sprtagar. of PbUadelpbta. wbaa
Ur. Klcg'e Saw Dtoeovary emnn bar of
a backing eougb that for many yean
bad made Ufa a barM. She
ter all other rmaadtoa aad doeton
taUadttaooareUavod tba pain la my
ebaat and I ana now alacp aoudly,
aomatblag I eea acarealy remMubar d
tag before. 1 teal like aooadiag I
Reliable Drr Goods, Carpet aed Cloihlgg Rouse
many higher- priced goods sold elsewhere. We buy
even our cheap suits of the same makers who produce
our better goods, and thus give you Ml'CH BETTER
WORKMANSHIP on a cheap suit than is usually found
in suits at these prices. Our $7_.50 suits will bear com
parison with many suits put on the market at $io.oa
Those who have worn them can testify to this fact. A
big assortment of colors and patterns.
I n
tot made?
^ *“'■ '■o"
and othffi ejually aa favorably known to clotbing buyera. pro*
dut-e nothintr that ie inferior. Our guarantee added'to theira
makes your purchase a “sure thine" for you—it anaarea you of
the latest ami most approved atyles aad the moat ezpsrienod
work put into each garment.
Seven dollar* and fifty cenU bnya from several hand"
eonu- {«Ueru8. whet eoUars, tiurly trimmed overcoata. Ten
dollan Rives you a much finer garment, better lininga. bet
ter tnmminga
Twelve dollar* comes near getting you a good enough
overcoat for aoybo.ly—made either with full Farmers aatin lin
ing or half wool lining with heavy aatin ahonider luting—tbe
greatest variety ev. r shown at this popular prices.
Fifteen dollar* to twenty-flv* dollar* embraces *
line to which we would bke to call the attention of everyone
W-Vl VlAa
______________ -1«
who haa that amount to ___
into an
overooat- TTT
We can aoon
convmce eoch a one that the “made to measure"
meaam. coat
^ fioteh—and as to price, be will be from
$10 to 115 ahead by investing here.
Warmback” Ulsters.
We shall try to keep on band in all aixea. Thus jar tbe de
mand has been ao great we are a little benind with onr anpply.
Double cloth from tbe waial up-made 6f the heaviest and fineet Chinchilla or Irish Friecs—tbe cold simply can't penetrate
Onr ulster etook always waa large—this year it is larger
than ever. It oontaius just wbat yon want, you may be sare si
an onjlay TOO may be kept warm, dry and comfortable, protected from
<io--0"« are tie
____ for.
PIIR nniT9 Fallj gnaranteed—$12 to *30. All kinds
run uyniu Nothing elae Ukes their place tor a driving corL
? ■
CHS nosiAira Xkopao, nmvAt. ootoam* w, lam.
osvmoa SBTXOM S09AT.
ruBiihad bp toa BwpBBttaa Obto^
■aoaallaa Baaaw. a. Taey Am Mo.
»torea la Urndwm.
Oitp Oporo Boaoa
BiBUt Bla la aery UlUa WM la tha
■Maria of Madrid Woman nrrar walk
aad tridoBt do BMia
than dmeend from and ester tbeir enr-
r»t(«nnrn ■ Lm)
^ U» wcUtawira MttecvH. dM t»
Q—gto bM raid Irtbau to bar raak
tetkatoad ibaSpaatob-Aaarlaaa var.
riM UaaV Tbaaaa d Braaby of tba
Olya^ by tba ffwaatitlM of a
fcaadwaa airord la raaofalUoa mt bla
■abayrthy aarrlaaa at Maaila. Tba
VrasaatoUaa wai sada at a J»iBt -a*a
alaa wt tba OaatfU boaaa al
MbtaUrw aad aaaata.
AlaiBlaaM It te bara tta tnt iat»at«
•St trial aa a aaailaatnr al alaatriat^
ea «w ilortbwaatara alaratad read at
Cblaace, wbaadOMOaeal win wLU be
Thaperab a ykUlfal Atm player.
Hb farariU eppaayat la Fatbar OatUo,
s Devlaleaa ■oak. aad aa eld frtaad.
Lard KItehaaar'a laiaat boeor la aa
ap^riataiaat aa dlatrtat praad
«{ rfaaHaaoaaef B^yptaad tbadoa4aatba eflalala ti tba Bollywaad
«M7. BlabMod. Va.. bare dacMad
«paa tkaplaaator a Meamat to be
araatad at tbalr owa tapaaia on* tba
gntt of l»raaldaa». Tjim. whlob for t7
yaata baa baao aanarkad.
him noratta VlaUf. of Ball. MaM.
•waa alaa aaaapapMa- tbay t»»a V
bar by bar fatbarb will, aad aba o»arlooka tba raaalay of tbam beiaalf.
TtenlB'Utfln donU hot
that tha
wgtot asdlMMlbM aw tUod tba;
Oorsar Waablnfton atrant and Board'
ana nranna.
HOlr OommnnkB nt *40 A m.
Moraiac aarrlee aad aarwoa at 10:W
Samday School at It m.
Braalnr aarriM at 7 p m.
AU ara eordtaUy larltad to tbt^-
riacra Men. a* a rala are rtarely poUla. tba beat of tbam Kroainely ao and
the otban With a ranldi which doaa
rery weli when not amtebtd. They
■Ura oat of oonntenance trtty womao
any olmUnr
oaaioB wiU Uataa to the laetnra of Bto
TboBiaa D.xoo, tba opaniag namboi oa:
tba Btgb
nto marie
BOB! Iictara. ‘'Tba Battle Ory of Fraa-
J. E. Sreilick Co.
Doors. Sash, Mouldings,
fom.** will ba tba aUraetwe that wUl
b -yoBd aU qaaaUon S'4 arary aoat la
tba bonea.
.Fine Mill Work
Two are atlll. bowerar. a
who pawea Tbia tbay aaplain. tnaato
sotbiep. aad U indaad a driicata aurt of
eambor of good aantt loft, that may ba
Cbnreh on eomw of Ninth aad Wadabad by tba oaaa who eoma aarly. That
worth otraata.
tbay will go la b eartalaty. Tba oalp
SandayaarrioaaaraacfoUowa: S
often Ukaa
a and la alwaya
Proaeblwg atlfr-Wa- m.
qnaatloa la.wbo wfll ba tba aarly oomara
rwy iTTin*
b t
who oacnra tbam.
' tba Ro;
Royal Opera Moaae at Madrid . Praachlng at 7:00 p m.
aa apparaatly wall brad Spaniard will
Toottf Paqplo'a prayer mooting, 6K)0
A happy IroUoaema Uttla frilow eallnot bealUla lo walk dopn tba atala
od Waite Coma. “A Bell B>y“; aa
dnrinp tba antr’act. and. lakiac a fa- ^MU-waab prayer moatUg at 7:M p
All ara larltad to tbaaa maat aga.
-Maal kaown aa Kaaaaa
TocaUanaod oaar ibe woman bawiabm
to ragard. Mare at bar tor two mlaatw
anoovo NmoMBT csraoB.
Swift, with a dorira to ontriral Plakor
at a tlma. with or witbost glamiB No Bar. Box* Eaaaadr. raaUr.
too; aa a waU-fod Jolly beaUato aamad
aooaer la the cnrtaln do«o than nearly
Baaehaad Oraball with a goad bot.exaad at7:W
gat lortoa. ■
all tba men in tbe booae—ai a rale
ttsrageat wlfa-oad her
I and well dr^ad—
btmeb togatber in tba middle aitla and
Sanday aebool at U;«5 a. la.
try la tha lataraat of a New York laoa
taka tba nwamira of tbalr aorroandiiiga
Bawortb Lmgaaat •:!$ m m.
tr«; a bright, protty. mlacklaroM
It !• a aedamn momaat Nobody airilaa
Mid-waak prayer moating. Thaiaday
or Mm. and tbara doaa sot afwn to bo
BDcb talking
Beta ara worn, and
erary mao looki abont aad ataraa
Cold weather is coming.
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
mUa girl by aaaia Poarlloa, who aaat 7:M p. m.
A cordial Inrltatioa la axtaadad to lata WUlla Ooma to make Ufa mlaarable
aa poaaible for tbe gaeata of the Urab-
Wban aa aeqaaiotanoa le daocried la
paaof tba buieo. ba grar.-ly lifu bia
bat and replam U. hot bii foatoraa re
tain tbeir impamlre grarity
The women, wbeu oue d<M aM Ibatn.
allloa-. Mr. Skip, an laoflenalra bat
amoalag iadtrldaal wbo baa a wife
with a foadnaaa for aamtaar tbaatrioaU. aad tba rtllaga qaartatta. ara
' » of tba ebaractora ia “A
Now is tbe time
to place your orders for
Traverse City. Mich.
Telephone No. 2.
.........................wUl ba bald ererp
■aem to ba bandmmdy gowned, bat araning of tba week axeapt Mosdap
tba maaleal farce comedy lice which
they are nut oa good lookitig nr tba and Satnrday.
wUI ba aaan for tba I'at Uma la thU
riBBT Bamor
dna Jookin*
j vpiritad bbrsea or
by a Rpanking pair of mulea
1 bare
Haaday School it m.
Been tocb moles aa ara to ba areo
B. Y. P. U . 5;4S.
at tiiDM oa tba abopplng atreria of
Branlngaarr.ee 7:00
Von will tdten Bnd on tbeaa
No rctme^ equab Wasn'ER'S W^ITK
Morale aublwt: “Tbe Tampla-"
orowded iboroagbtarea eqoipagea that
•Vine or- Tak Svri’.p for
... tbiR ternBrealngaabjfv : ■ Otaeorarad.''
and fatal dii
. If taken tborlaforaatloo baa raacbad Loadoa that woald kxdi wall <io Fifth aranoe. llocka
Prayer maatiog Tharaday araning.'
of Ara-p and lurkeya aod alow morlng
aoiUn time, it'
/wlU cure a «a«rwKxm cui'ocB.
aba BrlUak ataamer 7.arleh. which
n 24 buura, and fu> tbe ouagh that
luloxen. Out to OM-nlitin tbe oipniprrmnt Het.BareUr rones. |ia>tsr.
mUad bom Korda CMobar It. lor the
u-wR La Crippe P. i,ever laiU
Cfaurcb. Oor. Oak and Fifth altoeu.
lorsar port, fouadarad darla( a barri'
vlief. Price. SSc and 50c.
a, o*eK
Cbooolate to the pablle.
«aaa Oowbar tl. at tba Viftan lalaadi.
Sunday Oinnar at Hotal Oolambla.
•ff tba wwt eoaat of Norway. Tba
V P. S. C. 1
pnyar moating $:it
Or*t*r ■’tMin aosa
Mptala waa aarad. bat It la faarad tba
eraw bava baaa leak
BMt baksd HseklBss Trou>. Maurr C Bo
BelM SucsrCursO tU<n.aUcMl taMB
At MaalU aa laformal aMatlaf
Just The Thing
For A Chilly Day
At our soda counter
We dispense
To Csrs La Sripfs h 24 Ison.
brid Friday aaaalaff of
to prooaad i« doatb Africa to debt for
tba Brltteb.
Mora tkaa lOO Borllab
naa. Aaatiallaaa aad ABBarieaaa
They orpaaUad a party
ftad ballave tbay can aacore too
with Ibc
ai aoldicia.
Tha Diamal Swamp oaaai. which waa
onflaally aorrayad by Oeorfa WathiBCtoo.'bal which baa baae practically
u™.h... .b,
bog Therattlesnake ia alow and alog-,
Tne poblle b jordlally Inrltad to
vonw Turkrf.orswri>s..iB,
glRb in movetuenL while tbe bbek anaka tbaaa —r»h"^
measw* ni OpriuR Ckickm «iu Tsn Bisesii
b Intciuel.v rapid
Tbe Utter will clr-j
■»taa Pork and B»aa. aUk
cir aruond bU fua and with a andden
gar,». Ooeaus. sosier.
dart grasp the renoinoni reptile by tba
m lO:S0 a. m. Ear. John F. Brant.
neck. *o that it has no rhance tu use -Haia Saperintaadant of the Antl-Sa
ita poUimoaa fnngs. aodqaU kly eqocexa loon LengoP *l'l apeak,
TOBiAie i 'siAup
it tu death
A bug. mpecially if (at.
Scaday aebool at nooi
nffera no danger frum tb« ratllmake
Junior Chrbtian Sadaaror aoelety at
Sum PuddUic. BrauAr Maiirs
Hewllluiarrb boldly np tu tba roih-d J O-m.
Arpir Pi*
OrsBC* Pts
reptile, allow hiuiis-lf to lie atruck in',
IbMrmadbta Sooaty of CbrtotSirasberr; Pte
_____ ._________ o,
bi.juwbunca,;twi...-ur fbr.vUu.«. a.
tber^ may l^nd will tW» calmly
tTrit totwat^* tai
folk. Va . to tka PaiqcoUBk rlrer. la
proroed luawBllow the feptiU witboBt
Yoaag Paopbb Society of Cbrbtlan
The ri-«mtti Ua tbe bog a im- Radaaror at 5;4» p. m.
- inity ie due t.. the fact that lb.- blood ,
At 7:00 p m Hr. Brant will gire hb
■rb are su uiitintr and iufreqm-at on ataraopilean rtawa of aniloaloon work
bb cbeekR.'wbcif fat b prrduimnatit. :‘b tba atata
Tbaaa rUHbiJwltb Mr.
MarthOarolloa.bdlitaBoaof It mtlaa.
that they fail to take op tbe |k>»*.ti and ' Brnni'a------------------ --------------------- -----------------------
4iaaaad*Tor a beodred yaara.
opaoad for baaloaaa Uciober 14.
'wsal rataods from a polol oaar Nor
It la 10 faat daap aad eo faal wlda
VanilLs Ir*(>*sui
Fluridn Oranf**
WaIM- BrrA-l
Maekk And JA.ACofIse
arabd the periloua oaUlda trip aroaad
Hattaraa aad iu parlloa* aboaUmm Balaa MU)ar Oeald
•e.oee to tba Learaa f«r Social Sarrlea,
to ba
aaad lo a enuada apaloat Mar-
Tba laaraa baa imaad l.ooo.-
eoo pamphlata.
Ooeldb diractlooa.
paraoaaaa of
Tbay ara aimed dl-
Bobarta aa ooeraaHeaa.
Bricham B.
wlU be
'diabribaUd all orar tha ooBBtry'. B
g two aibiple facta any
• ana
slobby Any snake that tapers smootb'rum tbe uiiddls of iu bdy To tba tip
lu nose and to iha tip uf iti tail aa
Well, growing olendrr In a gradul and
BaOIr Caataaed.
- - uinatratao
Tboaa. tofetbar with a
may affect tbe bmuan luiod at uying
tloa aad d'caaelal aepport of poopU of
»JI elaaaaa tbroarboat tba eoaeiry.
&talmaaa ara allapad to bara aboi
be Aa-
aoeordlac to a ra
Una dny when he waa on board a
Rhine rieaiiibiat b<-uctu-ed a lady, arideotly in great diktresa. trying by eigna
toexpbiniu tbe oftli-ipb onma matter
connttywuman ufr hi* OK
port from Fort CborebUL Bodaen Bay.
Oea of Loweb aeoau aad two alynal
oorpa meo wllb Lawtoo at San UIdro
ara atlaaiat and ara ■eppoaod to hare
Tbe Cantnry Magulne for Deoambar TTratcrBO-aioer*. Ate«a«ed •avj«is-ia
kAAkA:'sWAdr All'Vlater trU bni s-AasA.
and .
lee every pair we aellto beabao-1
lulely all bolicl.
We have tbem '
heavy sniei, rici kid, chrome kid,
name in
$1 -48 a
sboee for $1 16—Tbe same in
cbildren'e aboea for 86o-The same in little gent’s for 760Robbers to fit them at 16o, 18o, 86o and higher priced if yon
________________ ______________
Tba Morentber Magaalnaa
136 Front BL
Fneticsl Shoe Xnn
ly Sn. faataraa.
Ollrar CromwaU.”
Tbe ftrmt page
of tba oorer
Morlay. F"2^iuiTd
, ‘'liromiA. ^Vatk**t
the portrait of CromwaU. a raprodne-
briow la a Uat of tba baring add aall-
tion from a famons pnlntlBg. dona In W' in prtTAir .a«ii., br ac-apM,*.-o«au.
brown, while tha article Itaelf b ftnaly a<tdr**. j l . Lock Boi si. Oo.rAi Lak*._i^^ amaClty:
wi»n oon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
flrat Uma tba
baeaoH aha marrlad him la J til and
ofeka house
til 74
s.lUnd k ei*e fia tr**htDrt»s
R lu.lao-H; Cms.
antoblogyapbieal aketob of Mra Jobe
1 incloda
lu'^JeeU t
heiyk fo.mdAito^u. Aj.a
for a»IUb« ln.|Ulr*SII W*»
aod alii- .s.nM .
y aUuiuter uot.'“L’n American ataga In early daya. NolleIhkt i>. a liiile
I able among tbe portraUa and enbj-ct
belplaoB among tboM (ormgurn.''
byArlbar T. Radley, b another importmow. wban tba traat problem b raeairlog w maeb attaatioa from man of all
Wa offer Ooa Bnadard Dollart Ba
Tbara b a aonreauf aerroot ailmanta
ward tor any eoae of Catarrh that oaaBot ba e«^ by Ballb Qalarrb Cara.
entirely apecial to tbb age and tbe nnF, J.Cbmei' a Co . Prop.. Toledo. O. axpactad ontcoma of oor prooent day
Wo, tha Bodaralroad. bare known F. cbemutry and adrerUalng
Intempar3. Oboaay for UieTaat It yaara. aad ba- ibca In dmga b becoming more comllotd blm porfacUy boooiB^ in all
DOtt. and It may pomibly onUlrip tba
baskOM traaiaetloaa and taaaelally
aboaa of alcotaul in iu aril ranita Tba
abU to carry oat any obUfaUcBC made
infarinra of new cbamlcal pndoeto
b* l^r Brm
WmtA Tsuax. WbolOMla DracrMta,
'Tola^ o.
WauMie. KiaaaB A Maarta, WbelaaAla Dra
- HaUb----------------------------------
----------------------------;----------------- -—Brrsi
-uuAdior r^BIIM.
•« IB IBMf
.blTKerkty Dp.Mr RAU.
WllllBa u> |>AJ rrarl;
>UAl opponsBiAir Mr raolurBrol
—- Krf»rrBrr»r*®AAtiar>o. ao, ioa.
oi."i rarpldpr. 8. k. PatB.
thu Asd ci»sr t.j rouBi.r*
utd tba work
“A^pia^'rii* and wlndfalta. lOc par
.LR-Fony acre* ol
aabjaoj fromai
fromaa aooBomie atandpolat ywr
Acs otBABDusiatoiaiBcO
i-s. r«:
Frank Leallab PoptOar Monthly eoewant Ukkra-s. »«a.r
kuc IR
i. Om
t"* 1-r roc WANTUkBra»o*0f
OAf kUd
talaa an arUela by Saerotary of iba 1 eu.. o»«»aau. or u bar • »<-■*,. u. o*
Ttatonry Oaga on
which b vary i
ffnaartlria, "Amoog tba Boen,’* by aa
all, boworar.
lur of 1W7 Mr. Jamaa
Oaring Ika^
Bead, one of tbe laadtag ritloM thi
I Ciay.
CUT. Clay Co., W. Va.
anokamaBtorat to \>nim U
ly. u baoama
maeh awoUto and
Mlnad him ao badly that ba eorid ar-i
irikwltboattbaaidof cmUAaa. Ha
WM tnatod by pbyalriana. alao aaad
aararri klnda of Hrimant and two qnd
Alto A
Polator and
Volantoar, or Tirtaa U Ww," wblah M
a atary worth apandlng a tow boua la
aSlbVamny PHto ara Ika baat.*
(coda to aboibb diteoM that of tba pob
lie bmanfiietnrinff it-Medical Joai
orlffiaal BOAMaetnaUifwt
mbBrodBOtoUad •BpariSeA* aBoaUy
b^^lA tba
^ ObHabSSto^
* ■** id
A» Al, tr A A
bMon «««-g Cbambarlaln'a
Pnin I
H,Uo, ,f KaIAC of AwA of AAi-«
bnd ha sot aaad tbM ramady bla lag
wonld tore bad to ba ampatotod. Pals
Brim M nnaqariad tar aptalna. bi^
■ad rhanutlam
Far cria by 8.
Writ and F. C. T
oostralof wbatwatferaorly kBOwn
aa toaBoatoa Daatol Pbriorn. AIm
to atata aU oU aniiMbad aoaMaa
od a mrmt Bold «rhleb waa attandad
wSl ba takaa eara «t BBinrillid t
■od BqooUAtlA.
A. OaA C 0*n«r A, AuUaMa of U.
aty ri Tr»»s«s« Otw «1U neat U teraUr aes-
__________ sAdlkMl
Oori at Beard e( berm ato ntaallRattea.
i Exceptionally Strong
ealla. (Michigan Stareh
Oo .) aooordlnr to oaallty. IMSc.
rir^ bla Ito -pi-* »«ka ri
A Bell Boj
Newesl, Brighitsi Fait*
i ThuComedr
Hit of the Seasoi.
HAiA^rr *»>. 7r»r
ilBloB CcBpsa;. IVpi L Cbicaxc.
political parUaa. Mr. Radloy traaU tba
Wednesday E¥e.NoYl.
The Complioatod Fnrelonl
^U* ^d*r 7 A Caarro”
eapiloully fine nombar. Ooa of tbe
rery 'antortalnlng
ao f
“Irani apnik aoribing elae,“aba
QTl'l rs -Ft SB wr>-Arber »hop.
*heti L-'T'I UriiiiiKrll >-<>ntiiin.-d the ! matter
ara Bdwln Booth, WUlUm
Mata oaptarad by FUlpleoaconrei
conreiMiiKiu in Frenih. bnt it Ini-auia Cbarlfo
Jamea Bdwto
Aa ladutrlal tebool for boyt, or evident that tbe lady Duderat4<oil acarre- Mardoob, John Draw.
pbaaa of Caban aoldiarc. baa boon oa- 1y a word Oeruian and Italian gave Draw. Tyrone
and aevaril
eqnaUy bad molls
Finally aba imnv
tobllabad at Santlafo by Uenaral Wood.
other atara wbooe talanU aeread to
tend andibly to barself
alarate tba atagaTba work b ax<Bdwaid Salmon eannot be tried for
••H»w 1 wlab 1 were oafe at borne I'
tramely Intoraallnr aad marltorloaa.
attampUnr to polaoa bU awaatbeart.
••TbafarmaUonandoontPol of troaU,"
Mtm Larina Kraaka. at Moacla, Ind.,
BOW htdlnt-
-------- ---------------------------------------TTrAKT*D-pMli.se A* keoA*ks*-prr: rood
W r*(*rrQ**> gi>ra iBiiulr* At 4I» W. Ttb
treated to tba Ula of Otomwell ia tbb
tor, ara axpaetad to aollat tba eo-opara-
. droab
bnadrada of oletaa
aarlad aaaortmootof oiberprintad mat-
two wAlu men.
bare will be noanrrioa today.
Tbe renomona
reptile larariably puoaemea a triangular
ly abajiad bend and a blont nose, while
bU tail b corresjioDdiDgly bltint and
to«afc paUtlooa will ba aaat to to.OiO
iilaasjmia aad
.le cat
fruui I
rrgnbr manner, ia al
?ly da
renota.—New Verk Prtiaa
tbay ara MthatoledmUllooi more
of tbe ikJaud* uf tbe auntberD
of pubunona re{itiW and have proved
button for $1 48
kangaroo or box calf.
tba aaa of tba oaaai amall romals that
do aot draw orar lO faat of water oae
Just received and
ule tliia Rtyle nb(^ in Iki-e
l*«a Milk
-------------- -
NnUlI nius u( Qigus
Artistic Company
26 People
8peeisl Boenery, Ostekj
Mnnlo. Protty QtrU.
ing et tbe hoi-oaoe. Pxiom Ko»
408 V mmww>A At*.
Tfie Bo«r at His Best
1. LiMtl* U. flhaw. Rrpiibllcaa. Iowa. t. J.
A W. J. TAj-lor. ltcpubllc«n. Kenturkr. 4. Wll
«r*llc, Kentucky. S. John
_ llixxkn.
Drmorrat. KeniucAy.
*. Alex R. Bruce. Democraltr. Uacrac biucits. 7. W.
irmy Cr»De. Ht-vub*
Ilcan, MaeaachUeetU. t. John W t*mir‘
Uaryland. 8. l.lovd
id.‘ H*.
•ubll^•n. Uaryland.'
t». A. II l»oclnn. Dem<a lallc; MIskIkki
11. GeorsF K. Naib. Hapulillcao. Oblo. :
Mrl.«an. lA-iiKK'iallc.
A Buried British Ptaa.
Tba man>of>«^ar of the ancient Ro•ana bad a crew of about BS men. of
wbleb 1T4 wore oaramen. working on
tbraa docka. The apeed of iheae veatala waa about a<g knou an hour In fair
.......................... . ing picture will give a good Idea of the appearance of
rtllpino alronghold after II haa been captured and invaded by
tronpa. Thla aoene ahowa a it.rner of San PraiK-leoo de Ualaboi
cent evacuation t
fore the p>«ltlun c
an end. Ibe aoldier lxiy»
of rncle Sam are to be ae n going about the caplu .-d town In varinu* alage*
of undreaa. often enough li aearoh of freeb clothing while their own tattered
unlforma are drying on aun • nearby fen-^ or iiallng It l» then too, that there
ta a general relaxing of dl clpline while Ibe mm c nj..y a well needed rwl and
perhapF a amoke nr tan.
Here la a )ug which
templed to Immonaliae good
Queen lli-.F
Thla antique
Jug la one of me
mi>at prtsrd bite
of pottery in the
famoua Willett
collecll^ and la
cenlurlea old. Surely
the moat democraltrally
poacd Individual
would be Inclin
ed to admit that
after all there
may be aomethlng In royal
ty. eapeclally aa
might be the
angel in mailed
armor watching o«>r Ihe dead. On (bd
uccaalun of the unveiling of thla memo*
rial the young kalaer made one of tbg
moei el.iquehl Fp-x-chew of hto career,
touching with much delicacy on a aub*
)-cf Ibui wouH have been rather palB*
ful to Krance If handled In anything .
like (h- hiutallv frHiik manner aomaa
Umea^affecled by William the younglA
A Reoat Ale nuo.
' Enofand's Ofdest Admiraf.
r bucoJIr aerivnls |i
6an Erancisco de Mafa&on After Evacuation.
When the Brtilab flat waa hauled
4o«n in the Tranava^ In Itll. a pain*
Mle Barliahman In that rouniry aerured the dia-
the llluilrallun
« a a put up.
Nowadaya II la
Whether I h H
«aaa ntere grim
}oke or a aort
of prophecy, for.
•ecdrdlnt to nreaent Indleallona, it
loeka aa ihoutn lh« -reaurtatn’- waa
«olnc to prove more'or leaa apropoa.
a pruplc t
that the IttR-r If not altogether «u!Te.-lnx fraiD vvem-nocnirnt. Thuui
of thPFc people live on a w.ll that t« ao fertile that ll la rotnmonly 1---If a plant la throan on the itrotinil ,^nd naiered It will grow, the Hoer,
role, ham only a llttle plot of aoll aoral-heO over for a l«alch of Indian
hard, bout bread.
when It la tilled
to the bHm with
home brewed
r of tha BrlUab navy to
katiw tba OUaat a
clalmad. with a deal of JuaU&abto prida, too. by old Adatom) Hr Barty Xtppol,
« ptetwm. who Md fair to (oUow la ibalr miMtitoki m*t»aAbw*g
»aan«. aa they do. troa 9....................................
•datoml'a rtoanUy patoUtbtd 'Baal
n a
not toac MO and
val Ulaemrr elrelaa
Home of tdam Cheese.
That Wall Whitman. Aoicrlca a grealeat p-x-t ■a more appreclal>-d abrval
an at home h*» on.e more been prov.Kl by the • icceaa with which Dr. lllchd Maurice Hurke'a t»K>k <m till* po>'t liaa met » Lb In England. Dr Buck-,
I. IwBlde* being a dietlnirui»hed »< holar. la
allenlat or reputaiioii
auiH-iint-ndenl of the l‘r.-vlnclai aFylum at L-mdoii. Canada, enjoy-d the
long frlendehlp of Whii-man and. after the pixd'a deatA became one »f Wbltman e Iltirory eierut.irw llc -ntly Dr Buikc ptixately printed - Notea and
Pragm.-nle.•• a large x-ulumr mad- up, ae Ita title would lmpl>, of the many In-tereaimg and Fuggeolive fragmenlF and notea left ix-hlnd by the poet -f Amerlean dem.wracy- l>r. Burke la bIfo ih» editor of The Wound Dreaaer, ' that
remarkable Whitman volume made up of the poel'a war lettera aritten to
hla mother, ilealdea being one of ihe oeditora of In Re Wglt Whitman."
that exeelleni biographical and critleal work on tb- poet. Dr. Bucke la ala» Ibe
author of two paychol.urlcal work- of importance. One la bU volume eotuled
'Uaii * Uoral Nature" and the other hla monttoraph. “Coamlc Oonaclousneaa "
To the general riaat of readera. however, Dr. llucke wilt be known at the
faithful and loving exponent of Whitman, whom be greatly roaembled..
How tfie HuDuenots Grow Sweet Lavender.
Om •( (ha prattM adtkdi u ha aaw la aB Ptusea la a tevuadar aaM vhM
Iht UtUa kwkaa art raady to ka ««t and gatharad ^ lAvaadw haa alwaya
had a dualak old wartd atmoapbaaw aurtwadiM It. bat tkoaa who kava only
aaaa the floawr la a garden can have ae tdaa
Ihe baaaUfal efloct of a wboto
aapaaop af daap. rtek-aalar arhaa all that oMata Um aya la a »av^ ata of Maa
Tlie Oordon Pencil.
Certain tupercllloua peraona In Eng
land acemed to take great deligtl In
accuatng the American people of vtndtctlveacaa for their phraae of "Re-,
member the Ualae." Chargee like thU.
however, naually come home to roeat.
aa win be at^
by tha
w hicb baa be-
baaia tha algaiflcaat motto. "Remember
Ootdoa." An eotcrprtolng London Jewelar aacared tba empty cartridge eaaea
aaad by the BrlUah trotma at Ibe battle
aC Omddrmaa. which ba baa turned
to the poacerul oaea of the anrlbc. manufBcttiriag tbom Into writing peocllia.
It baa la thla coanaettoa alao taakad
out that tba geaora) ardor gtvaa to tha
Kagtlab troopa on tba merwtag of tba
aagagamai^wlUi tba kalUa'a aixayvaa
wOoedoo." Tbe salt of tbaoa
pandto. by tba way. to said W bkVa
While-the Edam rheeae I* a famlllag
visitor uii the table, aol every on#
wh.nc it c..mea nor how tig
I liall pr.,|w>rtioiik and gay color*
Inga havt- been achieved waya Ibe Boa*
TrahF rlpt Th- northern part of
Holland IF th> rent of the Edam chn-ag
indUFiry unct the coDaequrnt cleanllnetg
of the reliFh l« thx-reforc doubly as*
I Fured In making ll the freah coWg
; milk IF carefully atralned *nd the rea*
I net la added 'Aa auon aa Ibe milk cur*.
’ dlea (he x>h<-> It drawn off and (hg
, Ihorx
into mnidk.
unill Ihe uh-y ta
It la then wrapped
kept for 10 or It daya. onitl quite aollg.
Then the cloth l« removed and Ibg
cheepe put Into nail lye Anerward g
little more dry atll la sprinkled on thg
cbeeae unill the maker thinkn II ta awtt
enough to Inaure It* keeping. It Is hexft
put Into a veaael and washed with whey I
and scraped to remove the white erwab *
It la next carried Into a cool room an4
laid on a abelf. where It Is frequeaUg
The ripening proceaa laata for twg
or three moatha. the round balls groma
ing the fine yellow or rmMiah color pi
cullar to Edam ^etaa. The eheaata to
traded to be exported to thla COUBU
at« tendered still more Mlllaat by dyi
Ins the rind with a vegeUble dy^
A Precious Handfut.
It to Bot every oac who baa
privilege c< bolding tl.«8g wuctl
geld la tbad faaad. But aaw sm
cams to know }w*t bow Mg
socb a so
gold weald
orUI be
... ___
caatty found la tba Atita Mu_____
BHttob fidotoMa. aad to
Btogbi. add.
TB» MOCTOIO.qOOTji, WgPAlt, winvBBE S9. IW«
Km *b MaoHo who b
IfoqMeUy wlik Admin) lVv«r Aart
bspui to Mllor tbr irw cmtocoa of
tbo maa Hto aimpUdlT. oainnlDMa,
•ad affaMr maurr. alowoi anwMch*
tax Canlllarttr. lorarUblr mtalnd
•M at flrat nwtinie. Go abmd tbo
Anek nironoa of tbo oOWr*. and aend
font card lo ibo adniira).
Toa half'fcar tbl> famna* Idol of
T0.0nn4irai of fwoplo alll not arc you.
Boo take a acai aft and wall a few
MBooib. Mr. Bnrnihy. ih»* admini'a
•at HratottanL aadd-n)r IntorrnpU
•Tbo admiral irlll i
The door i^oaa and a hnailfol CbV
.Mar ■Vbow" doa boatal« thmnah befora j*u and )am|M op on the admir*
•I'a laft. f
•dfanclnc to mn-t you. -| am very
Sappy to tot you." hr aaya. "Wbni
Aid yon con>c:to Manila, and vbat la
Cb# aw from Anrrtnt Takr thla
Chair." And tbo, udmlraL harln*
ebook banda. cmb yon a chair, and. af»er y« I
lakra <
blaoHf and oooUoon almuai before
FM hare a rbanre i
anawer him.
*'What do you iblnt of mv doyT-Bt
« down, chanre-ihere. l»n t he
beknty. IboaybT He wa* aent me fro_
f»)na-Bob. behare." for the yieat
bonndne pet la trylnf to lirk hla band.
Of conrae you feel at oore at home
mad dOlte at your be«t. Yoo lanneb
toto all the aewa at ibe ead of your
Sonr'a That to find youneir aarprlMd
■t bow imimaiely you know him.
Efa mibd oare made up, bla jnd<Boat aerer falter*. I know of more
than oae man who baa mlatakea AdBin) Dewey'a affabHlly for weakueaa.
•Bly lo reyret It bitterly. A wrilSaown ihaiaace la Manila waa liiai of
Vbe waa permitted the freedom of the
' JhAlblp. Oae day thla
Bbo waa la the habit of ebaitinf In•IbrmaUy with the admiral, aauntereil
lato Uewey'a quarlera. and. tniemipl^ bhn In hla woHu blurted out:
-TYeU. admIraL what your plana rafardlay future aetloo berer
"Ptenal Planar the admiral l«SUad, 1a aarpiiae. “How dare yoo aak
tb« plana of antoa for puNleaiionJ
Bat off tbi* ablp and doa'i let me^iea
foti here airaln antll you know more.'
The eorreapoodent reallie.1 bla mid^
take, bat too late. He pot off. and lui*
Ctoea been allowed to re*lcn from the
Mper be repreaenled. Admiral lirwey
Ik oae of (he he*t BpeHmeim of Aiueri■kBlaal oar country baa pmalunal. Ur
it fearleM to a point little abort of
feekle**ne*«. N'«t omi-. Imt ••rer.r
*aek. he rUH* the tlrlnp llnea. and be
* ■ ea rliatlees niai
r for hi* aafety.
Hla rbaracier abowa that alnipllrlty
S»d approncbahllli.r are attHlaihe «>
lyne worth. Hr la not an-rae to fondlikff bla |>ei dop. nor I* be n.und want|k( when the bareb nieftaure* of war
AK Beetled. When oae day t ahowed
Sim a numlter <if-pbotopraph* of the
Aead laaiirpenla. he eselalnird: '
"Po«ir felluwa: Too l«il. too Imd!
IkO'l It a pity we have to do ItT IMuT
BtH them borne: they are Joo borri-
Bcr tttkOT ifroK tte be«d of tb»
Wn>—KthH. b ttol fOBO« naa
■tJc WU9CQ
Is There Aither One?
Vrfoct. «y d . _
anaaDy think iboy i
Wood —Kxi-haacc.
Mr. Klddby-M-bo >• Biakins that
lafmial lanite
planoY Mn.
-Tha la ODnataare at bef ezenlae. M —
ea'a Bake.
latune other way.-Puck.
"What'a lhatr aaked the rich man.
who waa buylac • f»* palntlopa.
“Thafa Pepaaaa." replied the dealer.
“Pepaana, yon know, wa* a wlnped
horae." “Send It back to tbe artM
aad tell btm to pat (be winy* on an
atiionioblle and 111 buy- It.- aald tbe
rleb man.—Waatalnyton ktar.
Ilarriater laddremlnp
bencht—Your honor. I ahall firet alM«i>lately prove it> tbe Jury >bai tbe pnarunld
- -
Start OB ODC erd of TraTerw City, go all over, aod look ia twcij' nook—
SBB if yoa caa Sad aaothor dothiag stora lika oara—a Wore wktra arerythiag is
IB^an’ ZN"e"W"
We want to find out who reads our ads
—that’s w;by we make the following
liberal offer.
Keep these in mind when
Jewelery store to look them
scum loniiw toil CO
The people (the thiakiag classes) have come to realise' the aiaoifold advaatages of tr.jdiog at a store where all the goods are aew—That’s why oar
sales are showiag such a treateadous gaia over aay like period of last year.
Pretty not liirn
to thiol aboot havieg par
& CO.
Neit door to I». Friedrich, 124 Frool Street
Bicycli Enameled
The Crowning Trinmpli f
Gov. )«tanv ofr Ptmnaylrn
won- a »llk hat in bi« Ilf*.
Eruoxt Van l».t<-k. tbr prand opera
luper. Itagan life aa a newapaper
,h, vriOo. I. ,a... «• B«>r -n-f—-"I ui. Wm :S
the Diacovery of
hermit anil Uvea by hlmuHf In a
IKilf rabin on tb* Hud*on. half-way
Iwlween New York and Alliany.
Verdi wear* a long, looae. dunblebn-a*tesl u<k coat and Ivtppy IronM) that at flrat aipbl It neem* aa
If the great nraeviro were clad In pa- ^
of A feest io emooth, nrb
Dr. A «-Cliass*s
Narva ana Blood PIIU,;
I>r. A. Conan Goyle baa not tbe deler-ilve Inailnet of bl* charailer. |
"Sherlot-k lioliue*." He «ay» of him*
and fine ice cream during
I ihc, OU Matbod of
the tabliw
>0 tbe med-cat proles : W
alon ai bia lasti .great dikcoreiy, Dr.
id Blood Ptila.
Ktdnev-Ltm PtIU bam
where it’s Made
Ta tinswie* a Cblia's MlaO.
want* a divon-e leave* home In an
................. ..
Where a cigar ie made in a
Expand the ehtld'* mind by *howlng
kim from time to tln>t aeem-s from all nan.
cuDeidemble weight te
SidM of life. Take bim tmlnv to amand let bIm aee bow pirturea are
t week U» Bilk fariorle*. to
poetry of laU.r. aod afterTrnrd t.o a brick
>riek yard and an lixsn fouothe world.
Opr et«k in clean, finely curAry. »« fnrgvii log ..(be elalm* of great wine market
monumeata upon an elo,ed and fragrant.
TStlOg education. The alternation of
Our workmen are neat. nkilK
Haab afford* ua 0 examiUe of an fnl and efficie.nt, uning tbe beat of
•bonid give the ebUd gllmpae* of moun- end wiibnni mean*.
The prayer
prayerajKjblUb^ In book form
UlBf and alghta of tbe aea and let him
thingn make our cigars
e bound to
A fool alwava^ta a lot of «.m-e
brnndo with wo many
•Bd Babermen. even a* be onght in
iblnk be 1*
4 awl^7
town to know aometfalng of the wav* foolaa who Iblnk
sad Ibonght* of tbe workmen, on that
I defective match la alwsya wait- •
ke may come to feel aympaiby with all In^
‘o P> on a airik*. i
norta of people and underaiaod the . itan't
merit of tabor. Aetna] ex|>erienee of cniu It a tying machine that It vmU>
khia kind I* worth infinitely more than
Ike tbeoritlng in aehoo] hooka. It la
■............ .......................... ; to a child
....... .................. gntrfnl to
the people who anpply him with
A woman afaonld never Invite a ma
dally eomfori*: to tbe farmer, tbe to perjure hlmaelf by aaklag him i
.er. tbe manufaeltsrer. tbe hnitder.
Gate Post straiglii lOc
Dianioeil J, 3 for~35c
Tranrse Bello—^OSc
p lll’l
We have them
in all aizea and all privea,
aod money invealed in one will retarn yon more pleaaure
ao'J (jomfort durint; ihe heated term than the aanie amount
invested in anything else.
140 Front StTMC
Traverse City, Mich
rbrlCIOa.w u-»l*iu*tsartore*r«aOr«*>
naOM*. aod sleeper orMd BapMs Ie Oacl*.
nr 4 top >> iralu baa parlor r*r to OiwaB
Tr»li>arrlviBc*i 1 »*p. i* ka* sleeper ClaclooaUWCIrudnapId* mod roach **d aletj
lor rmr rh.rsto to<-r*ul n»|»ils mod rkmtrdae
to tfmrkli.me
Tram arn.sb* mi srnp b. hms rhmtr car Fl.
Wm.rme to (irmod OmpMs msd c mtr ear OrMb
I Rspius u> PrUssBr;
.'c I. '»*r-»^rtrtnrt P AT a..aTmm*«mmia»
■ —
West Michigan.
r tHAr'‘b^Erpt{Mr^
v.,PS.5W:S~!!Wi!y I kss so «vss> hr STtsHSCR. Ln et s*s KION)
ANCXUNC NANUFACTURINC CO.. Grwid S^Ms. MkIi.. and lor Sdc by AI Oi^b.
ooiXG nocn
i"K.'SSc, :r.'
Your Eyesij
-• Ch.rmce . t * ** .11 £»** ■
mTvrw Cr.'sam* It «0p B
1 Ar PWestT. •«4tp 1 aop.w
Lt Travel** Oy.
AT XlkBmpia*
Do they b1or when yoB read? Doea Lv
| Bk KmpMa.
the print run together? Do the eyelid Ar TrawravOrborti and Itcb. and la there a deafre t
rub ibem?
Tbeee aymptooa mean that there ia aa iatqnniilyof the eenlar mnaeleao
Ormad 0
opj^^rfect Many nerroea dlneaaea and chronk beadaehra are Indirectly
i iS
^ 1 fu,
‘ire. H. SN0W, Specialist
Baa local
1^ permnsenUy In Treveno City. Do not fall to oopaalt him lor all
eye Woubl
blee. BebaanoaaperiorlaflUiargleaeee Be bae made dtoeaaea of
tbe eyedt
a leading aiady atd baa baa yean of experience a* aa oealUt and
--------- mle onnreon. Be make* a ap-cialliy alao of tre
ering Dlaeaoee, Private D.meaaet-. 0-aeaaea of W.
The dovtar hea bad largo Mper aaee la ffeamwl practice a* wNl aa ia apeeirork, and baa onnd many oaaea in the paat of Aothma. Chtarrh, SrooeklM,
forma of Sypbili*. diaraooa-------- ....
Tonneltar Block tbe Blood. Skin Dtaaaaea. Diacmmee of
of tbe Baart. In Diaeaaea of Woman____ _______ ____________ _____
mentraUavia aad enroa every eaae Ho matter how obetlnata, your cane, do
not da^lr. for yon can probably be reatored to boalU erala.
Ym will find the doetor'a matboda and tteatmaai dlffwnnt aad am
aaytbtnff yon bare e«w tried.
HttD cmr. MfOMIQAH.
dceior W.U fire yon a writtoo gnarantne to cure yon or reoMve no pay
for bin eerrleew
Conaalttikm fraa.
qaartt referred to probnWy conuined
youra when
An bone«i man baa very little to ____
about bU hooeaiy. The .no bJm
need to boa*i of lu brlghtnean.
“•"- -powder-blue- la a faahloAable
The girt atiltwd la It w« ^
anre to go off when ----- ber
abe moata
exchange tella of n
abnat n ffiat aod n halt.
yon eecnre a fretzer from
oar Btock.
• with a bip veraniTa. T.-sla ha*
.. iif. _..
late __
more and more
from hi* friend* and 1* L
a re<-Ui*e,
Jo*epfi Jeffenuii»n Miidled medli'lm
an.l wa* Intruded for
irly In life an<|
pli.VHlelan. He attribuiiw hla poo.i
.................. *lri.lly keepliip the rul.a
•lotvn for hlmvelf wblh-
rery year
aommer monlba. aa
le lm|M-i-rlal . eoun of Aii*irla
f of fk
II sioaoo
' longjpootlen
e'aa Peak
leak I*
U a ioagwooden
We have many new
ttrings in jewtlry also.
To tha Srnt Inn OToreonl enatombra
eb^na of nil o«r SH-OO. Sie.00. Sl»-M.
Slt.so nlatera or ovareonu nt..............
down town and call in onr
__________Read! Ponder! Then Read Again!
prove an alibi.—Rpan- Momeuia.
Mr. Gotham—I *ee iliat a bew law
in Georpla pnililblia tbe ftale of lignor
within three lullea of a rtau^-b or a
w-boullHuiM-. r«l. Kalntuck uif l.oiil*>
Tlllet-Uy >tar*! That'* a terrlUe
blow to tjeorpia: Mr. tloiUam-Tbluk
•r'Y Mr. Kalntuek-Merry, ye*! In
five year* there won't Im- a rUureb or
a *<-houliiouM' left In Hie ataie.—New
York Weekly.
Mr*. Crlm*oalieak-‘'My bu*l«nd
ba* taken an ofliee In one of those skyM-r*plnp olHi-e bulklinp*.- Mr*. Ye«*t
-••Indeedr “Yea: and do you know
■luiv he moved In 1 haven’t noileed
iigiior on hi* hreatb when he'* rom«t
home, even oaee.“ •'No; probably be
onnie* down in the elevator, and lhai'a
emmph to take hla breath away."—
... .
New designs and
woods w^b new decoratiooa
—A store that’s filled to orerflowing with ererjlhiDg for meo, boy's aad child
ren’s wear, right op to the hour in strle—a store where high quality goes at the
common price—a itore where yon can get yonr money back if )on shonid, for any
reason be displeased—Try and see if another such store is to be fonnd.
and Dr. Cimti'a
hem atandard remad tea, known and
sard tn nearlv cverv borne. Dr. Cbaac'a
aud Blood Pillt have bad preater
alieniioD (r<-m pbvsiclana beeanae they
extent revoIntloniEcd
basT to 1
“ i tltbe
•tboil ofI tirveling diteoaeaof tbe if
>1 blood.
eu. old method of tearing down dl»eaav by
y tbe oae of atroog. potaonooa !
. drug* I s tailed to cure. Purgative*
___ ____ipartllas
weaken instead of
: stretigtbeii the »<*lv.
Dr. Cbase's
I Neree aod Blood Pill* core by making
niatli-al errsir* In hi* •■onverwoilnn He like blooil rich and pure, ana creallnp
As a aurmp restor*wear* a f-lii.h .•..lUr, *y*.rt* a «Ido. ne* nerve iis-ue.
, live ibia great food cure baa no rival
open Hhlrt-fr.itii ami a fnsek mat.
i known lo medical acienee.
! A* a reatursiive for pale, weak, nerv*
women at
•a NervV
I.ondon lia* I.aw) mite. „f
and Blood
Pari* nun
Pill* bare scores! a triumph, yo cen^a a
of. by mail
The I*s>n(ipne*e flr*t hmuebt i
ceipt of price bv the 1:
orange Into Knro|se fi»m tbe ea*i.
Medicine Co,. Buffalo. N. V. On
A rirtgle be«- eolliH-l* mily almui
bog of the geanii.e will be foomt po^.
^Vallt'ry or i
(nt.1e«|H«mriiJ of bom-y during a
trait and fai-similc aignature of Ih.
array of photopnipb* that
W. Chme
aablna on the Olyrujda. "Thl* one."
.\ blind Int -avoid* wire* ami ....- ka aald. "urlh-* me *be t* a <!l*tani
Sautln of iiiino. laii'i abc pn-tiy* j
SB Mn-y *he l*
dl.iam. I wr..ie.
J_S ♦ Sav *
A «iHN-k or Bsdd weighing one.r^ilJ
tbanklup her. and told ber I waa llimtli
yian of a grain may tiei>a*!le •rand to a>-kn<sw1edpe tbe relationship
n l-y Ibe iiHki*l s-ye.
' j
WonldnJ y.m l«-V
I niHii wulkiiig slny and nighi w-ith I
The aduilrur* valdn I* aion-d with
I r«-*!iiig Hoiild lake -ta* dav* lo
fasetnhran<-<-* from admln-r*. and to
ims-y n.iind the world.
m» ft atn-ftiinl sn-ally to hi* ec.-tlK that
The two little i,i.,nd* of ratnalbar 1
ka wa* praiirt<-.| by the plfia thnt w.-ra
Met him. "I Hill afniM. Mi.,nL-li If 1 and IVini,a rnnll*!, four-llfihs of (be
kept them nil on iKinrd 1 *l.,.ni,| y,„ee clove* s*<n*>imed by the world.
The Im*i walehmak.rs- oil mme* '
te eolnrite the Olympia," he Mid, An-1
Al*oul ,
•e be WomM For ih.TO are l.u.k* he fmm II..- Jaw of the *hark.
1 pint 1- fliund
f.iun.' In
• ea<-h
- f|*h.
(ba hni*dr.-.l, va»e«. euii*. nlhiino *lntsane*. Iiiblf aerelee*. emlirolcts-rl.-*
tluj nsi. wiiii ihe murage to attack
laek* galor.-. ta
tl.s- Jmnilrs-<|K ..f »„». | <-an frltliieti li almost to d-ath.
anrt picture* of hini«.-rf a.li-ruing !
l» abont
g fren. a mdal to a l.oer
of an inch long amt a*
« be oeet bow grain grow* and
_ _
«ed Into flour: bow funiitnre
!• wrought from block* of wood, and
thrmde woven Into cloth, tbe whole
rbjccts about
jf tbe
bim I* rr~
klitnry of
the L-,
renied. Tbe different parta of life hecose
e connecic
ud Iand bv get!
harmony that ran*
And be baa
at aatlaraerion. eomlng tbroogfa
- - g «f fctMhIp with “
TtMaMk^nMis a ki h Ik-Mui Imtir.
TMtl eitratnd viAeat pili >oi 25c.
. AJt
urns ilD IWnUSTSU LL
, >**r>ihim witb brinmlncchamp^M
'«U* «|»ai«a. be Mid. Thi» to a&. it«Uly—<fae
iMUly—<fae •taudcn
abtoidai od
rf leal
>..Kk. u]
me in
in ttw
(be v^nal
aMoal w^i#;___
t. ,
SpedaV Swdwccmexv^s
M^tor. fltoUiw Uicbto ud dvniw
lastociavtiidlitoieltoed. Lo<Aii« isM
I tbe wcrid. tbe bm dmr •
of MtuZaetioo.
wtd. » FVoo
_ -w—
4 ta
» «r vMk tb> ok
Of »*<U M
toe »T« to
•»k*4 «e^{
INe BanviBtod.
ia oolt
; pteekw CMKtoe. wbkb weie ntaanL
; And «bea (be Trey flm frayaeM obbl
B|f to <he ttoUtot* <4 «• ton*
: ^ (be WtoWng iicbto paM in tbe
4awn bcBT, Frcn Fron, beinp tind and
•leepy. eanicBly laid open tbe pa«(
her frailty-e priratediaiy—and tbe )
Md. Harliid n-ad. be ki>ew. and
DttBtrd. bu, in (be ^kbIj mwi
«ito^ wntottoM ••« i*
^0 made ow C>\oaV ”R, . a \,\.U\e more aWracooto
U\)6 Wvese ^xvdvaa Smmer da^s \De Vvaxie coadxvded \o metvUoa a ^e\»
\\ve taaTvi^ SxVra
'fiar^avaa xoz are aVvovovaa.
twili(Ai. to sroped hi* vay<«tinio tbe
ho Mau’a lauid vbicfa tie* beterM-n the
•alley* of fXtrrtae aiid realiaed tbal be
rrmm to ito-.bi-ii* ttoto My ui
<lbi«al (to awi «• to-rtoa fato
ftortB to* toy <rtlh cmcaK *■■
■•tol A*,tototo «lo vitt boratoc toM
•■Na " aaid (he who Jlatened. “yoB
eatuKa tell thi* pan. 1 mut. t<m be dul
to« go into aaotber alby. yoo kw*
Be wandered imo (to clwwen of
white man>le temple, bnraewe, in the
briftbanni (d tbe anniigbi wbwb came
alter dawn, he aaw a pore pma-iHX'
toto. atoto^^^ tTSImto.LB«to
■^PeoMUtoifil^ .
inggleainiUKonnerfarehiwcL bto-oonld
IKA. like (be otbm. ruodnet bito ln(u
“Tbe eery law «iitoi.'’to repealed ai
wailing fa tbe pretty, flowing
CToatod tto ibHabold o< tbe temple bep-!
eelf: and ebe knew nothing of that I
wfaioh to- bad lind and aeeii. Siiil aha
Then ato eaiae In, and tbe room be*
waaagirl, aodbiawoiahipplfiaaedber.
ewo-tJy. tboogb all uikiKm iugly,
•Ix’ b<‘lpid Inm to lake hi* *tand bmide
tor (JO tbe tbre*bukl; abe midemazuling
K a tor.
Is our $Q,oo Kersey .Jack
et. Well to say the least it
is not equal to any $12.00
Jacket, but we do claim it
to be asgood asany$to
Jacket we have seen this '
year. New style, sleeves
strap trimmed. Q CiCi
full lined, only. «7.UU
They aat togettor and talked, and nothing, and aerer dreaimng but that
daring a little Inlerral tbe man’e heart be. toa had the earlieat pbana to pan
josml hie elbow in an irriuting w«y and twold eaier/torr temple with btf.
nnd Bonnured.
me^*******^ •‘Thie
.... Twy
_____. hut
.. um
. abeir her
liimipiiHw of
U tbe
- ____________
had epread itaulf rooud the man for
*'real" paid Ibe man alood, and abe,
ntUng. aaked to what bi* alSnoaUra
awhile, tbe erode parity of it—tbe"—
"Tbe iMXhiug knowing. iHitliing neeIng. notbiiig,awlenundliig ppotleaiiwi
Tbealbey talked agaia aa wloea <>f it all alBoat ebukeri him." paid tbe
nh^u wbiob related tn tbe Ban, fev ntan in tbe drawing ronm. "And ho
ibe knew all bb pant and aaaetbing of riwaod that eiuce be Itad not to tbe tobb fatara. .
giuuing fonnd thi* wnld to- ixiold not
"Why ara yoa aad todgyr* aba aaked
altar awblla
Tbe man toaltated. *'Beeau»*e«l
't know
why 1 am aad; at le«ut Z
outer it now. oral lea»i uotaoraupanied
by the cold whiteiHto of tbe ‘little Bald
wbu bathtm to«a*ta
_ . .
........,, in real
can't tell yoa."
deapair. to taniMl away from tbe clawlo
tcanple, feeling not only tliat be bad
to dud IIm real world, bat wae
until to be taken into it Then, as be
I walktpi mitorabiy away, an angel fron
beaveii came aeram tab path and laid
■toriea era not penonaL There WMOnea
a atan wbo never was a boy beoaaee ba
had been nnable to qure the time. Be-
"Lbun. then,
"Nu dear! A wotnati—lailrawi
Bot abe tbirwed him that hi-
bat tmenber
<a time to tbe beginniiig. when tine
aeemi abort, and adde it on to tbe end,
hot that be kept goiag into little ptaasM
^ >if>- cud. tbinking each wa* life It-
atnugeplaeea made it i
be found himaelf i
e tar
inmyatoryto inveto time in
thiiway. Bo be skipped boyhood and
yoatb and went etnigbi Into'
tn a atrange eoimtry."
kmrwing that ttoy wiiv ef
him Berelj-. he fancied the woman moat
be apart ftoan biiu; that"—
toory’a drat aeutenee.
"Thb must to tto last time?”
She wbo told tbe story smiled and, I
"Bsamly. i Bat. ab. tbe wnma
eentintiiiig, aaid: "It bad on him tbe derainid. Sto km-w that be waa
afftvt of tropical son apoo vegeuhle. <’f the nune life and world a* abe.
Looi* Ib-poblio.
fcimn-1f—he and Jiia wc»k. bUaiBi. bis '
It nv-iu* tbal
many porta abroad
gr< i>i iigarv i BBffen-d by Britiah abip
thug thnxiKli tbe en-u * of vi«M-b> b>-itig
enticed aWay frtau Ibeir abipa.
tatiiig tto tdiuimuK <it irtht r
ursJXESs rA Kits.
to^agth. Nothing eln*. yim undeiwand.
Bavittg Blnv-d yoath. i-igeyment did
e inm his aclieuie. He did not
^abont him for life'*wtft lighuan^
.0 and on neviT saw «« beard
toiirdiug toxin- k.-.ia««. awl it
peiairlaB asd.nrrcua.
daiulily npnnddown tto-k.-yU«r.l if a
ph^ and kIm-*aiig to him. every iHrte
in IkI-ri|ipliiiK Imle
III-IIuUI-kI (wiiuRii
(wiiuRiDg a
rrapcMw <m .«it- .rf tto- linin'*
ii.nu'. hearthroti-••
Firti Class fariety
of Merchandise.
•10 arnw 2 miles from Ihe .-ity in Uvtansu (V
a-r. --dr n-r 1^ , I„rad th.1
!«. mw tuu-d.
oim-Ui.» .blrb bi|. hrW,« ftra. hn dnuar.l 1.1.„. .b,^
wtowdn sixsix- lived,
lived, and
and to-,
to-, luokmgdo
the alley with b<-r: decided tbal it a
intaay of
of bis own
> lights (
I th.-y went to the captain
and told him
m itosir signatarsa
signatarB to itosir
ird the
thr to-art,
b„«t and
..d then'
Ur-n-' .mrf « 1, ««. o«. mij rf „pST»
" a-ting a;
manat thsnmr the shipowner, bat also of duM to
Of tor alley." said. tbe
... lisb-to-r.
- ...u
-Loodoo Ohrmileto
(be bshrt down, still Uughingly. and
went toadi ta> (be piano with htr new j
"£a«ly. Well, now the mao was tn
aaary scsTy plight, tccanae be bad k«l
-1 mate ycang Oodis look
silly loat night DtenwOh, w^ niTirr had mv«d
bU ownwmld—the aelf rn-ated fan- yoo moit of (be tronWe.—Detroit Ftos
(agy—and bring foraalnn in \be new Press..
srorld by her to whom his heart bad i '
-----------toam given be mold not find his way.
UisUliuicin blinded his eyes with (can, |
"Itosi Him Onahio(cai'statb(rlo(dc
and. groping oboai in lbs ByasBtins with favor on yoar saitr'
' r. be".
"I thiakacy B<-always lets ms pay
its met Froa Froo. Yoa bos( 1st fer tbe drtnka. "—Dsoott Free Pnn
bdl this pin3r,"*aid tbe man in tbs '
Tk* Walai* at tb*
"Hemet Froa Fioa,
to bsvr wandered oar*-
Fsnuirttiity's domain.
/oaea—I bear (bat Browa baa had a
shange fm tbs toller.
a wuh, Brookivn Dlfa.
aihanrd his doutm.
acr.*s clcsreil
to , fruit, beet
fm •
of town has uo buildituis 40 ni.-eUru’p peach .
eoulh eod of lot, a nice lot of land for pototoos andTroil. Price $600,
W acres 4 miles from tbe village ..f Lake Atm, .-mall frame houat
I'ani^ a.-re5 dear.-d, plenty of timber on
OTd.'i5SSfaa.‘ajur.‘,.°- John R. Santo,
Geitral lisaraiM.
?0 acres in Grant 4 miles west of Wexford on county line rosd'ioC'^-
'nice farming country. 8B acres of nice limber on the place, small framt
house, lot; bam. small orchard, nice large clearing free
Price $14J00.
from atumpn
40 acrea on Elmv ood avenoe near the large^farm of the Aeylnm.
;10 acres of nice rich swamp land, mostly clean'd, sp'endid location Cor
farm or gattlen and the best df hay land.
Price $3600.
10 acres on road ^ing south from Femwool, all clear of stamps
VoUoe to Taxpayers.
Price $1,000,
Metlee 1* brrrbr clwo Ik*, tb. i«i roll, lor, a eood bnilding spot.
oasehildrvo'* diaeow * >(>*£1011;,
T)R A X SLOOp. o«ro .. a.- IMbeller 1
pay for
- I
.10 acr.-B cleared, email orchanl, nice locatiou on four corners.
Hew OBos Varkham Blech
B.POffni. Attyn^
40 acres 2 miles north ofI,Ake Ann. small frame house
an «*Fk *f ktsecat psMibic grass. Via* re!
•erk a *pMlaUr
TfavsTasCtm. Hi*
w..r rd.bl..|<.d» .7 «„k.
boon (be suwomt bad to eon
;t0 serve 2 miles
Ur.-es resily to liesr nest Beseon. 60 apple tn-es, a nice lot of tiinb.-r ou
Meraaeuif Oc- BloeC.
a-(rtdandto«rhehadU««ul.dU.ibiuk ob.«t 10 .h.llinga f.» eaet man.
that hi* life wa* the real life of tbs ,
Ill tbe ea.-*- .d one atyoBer Cited it is
all.-g.-d that tbs men of tbe .original
"V«a- tbatwaawhanbcasknlhimselt
\-------------'**• i »ivw werv brito-d to leave the ship, and
plenty of timlier for woo.1. tine frame house i-ost»750. w. || wstered by
tori;e creek OB the nprth Bide,
Fnce $1,660.
appun-utlyln «>,.u-.rf drm.^^^
ii.t.-mipb-.lto-who l,.teii«l,B.m Tto n.ast.r ha* ut. - b-io-but to
to tbej^rowii^ ro.«i- -why he bml - uke the m.-u, and the ah.n-mg ogi-ut o,
ami iln-n maifaia
w.rubl to- irat nnbt.
ifaia w
Tto- inude «f
f pn«v>i
Kteanier l.-nve, *(he ll.^•k.mKl
the nv. r the aatl.a^ and
tolly huppetu. lluil no liaud* eon be 4ib.... ........................................
at all while ....
ttoun- Iviog
d..-k. If timy c«W.
tto-1...11 would
be *ln,,p,d todouudim- tto- Untndi
Bnn*h tcmml.
gera, gaiqimg and storing tto-while inI
pl.-aa.-d »m.«-uiimL Tb.
u F.ininiuUy't
dimple.1 flugi-ra went tripping
Isour$i2Jxi Plush Cape,
jet trimmmff, and edges
trimmed with brown hlar*
ten. full silk lined,
storm collar and a beauty
for the money.- For these
l«0 «<•»■« 1‘2 mit.w south of Iowa in Ihe Iwat farming conatry ixt
iFrnnt Street, one door Wert hU coiiiily,
70 ai-refi cleared, good oicbard. large Uam with atone baatiSSir,;
»f Steinl>ere's « ill Ite opemd I men!
Dent b
b f.
feet liigli. wind mill, (.mall frame hoaee.
_ ---------- -------------- by him Xov. lOlb with
J place to almost pay for it
No. I 8-ii!.
Price $2600.
lent. «n maeb M> thut (be atieution of
"Yea. it was a l»ify. Well, tlien one ttomil gm-erumeut has tov-u dra» u
day. by rbauce, be OH-t Femininity— o. ■
open her.------------------munrbing
—.1-------------r—--------- -cake
—' —
Cipi>U)gtea. heuiDinxy sinil.-d i>n-itily Avo-* i. l. ft In .lb
to (be mmi and uffeuvl inm eake and
lea. whiijti he l.aik with ui-rvel.-*
Our $10.00 Crush Plush
^P®' *35
long, made of
Saltz best plush, lined
with good silk and trim
med with genuine thibbet
furdown front 1 f\ f\f\
around collar.
Notice! Notice!
many Vaaea ' itiiinui* lent haiida.
bm-uin Ayrea lhi>prnrtieeljivi-rT}>rev.-..
He hwl no tinm."
«T. \A/. ~fvrT
life. Ji'made him promatan- in all tboughi—thto be loved b<T. and"
ways, hnt strong also ab<l ginrying in .
bli strength. A great deal wa* abut uot
Of blsraiigeuf TtsifMi. aiid'hi* life's limits were narrow, bat in Itow- limits
wry inbiis>\. To him the world wm
us. Only........O.UU
^\\t6e aoViieiv ovvoTbMiV\.\es Ao atA o^tetv com aV ttiVs scaton o^ ttie ^ear, so
be sure ^00 soa^^oMTseV^ 0^ ttvc bavaaVivs ose oftcr ^ovi. '^cmcmhcT, ^oov motie^
badt ^ou SVC tvoV vcTiecVVa s&Us^cA. "iiooLTs vesiperttvAV^,
"Aad what effect on
Is our S6«) Boucle Gape,
30 inches long, inverted
plait back, very wide
sweep, re-inforced y<sk©r
linw with best quality Romain lining. An inspec
tion of this cape alwa>’5
proves a sale for Q AA
lor^h^^'rld"" 3.76
plnwi. Be wa* wry bappy wtih the wo•»“, becaon- to loved to-r. and yet,
tbinking ibto be n
beof mmeone nl
bavef" aaked to in tto drawing rocan,
who badbrooDie inltreated after tbe
Is our $3.75 Boucle Cape,
full length, a wide sweep,
trimmed down front and
around collar with go<^
Quality thibbet trimming.
.Any one will admit on ex
amining that it is the best
Is our $6.00 Plush Cape.
30 inches long, very wide
sweep, good quality lin
ing, trimmed down front
and around collar with a
good quality ihibbet fur
and^the price is 0^QO
ing a boy or even a yoatb aaee ap a lot in tbe real world and tbal lUio wae. too.
Our $7.50 Bouclc Jacket,
full line of sizes, good
storm collar.double breas
ted and warm This gar
ment is sold in other pla
ces for $10.00, but we arc
doing the right thing and
arcsPlIiugitfor y
Our $5.00 Cheviot lackel. full merserized fined,
braid trimmed, double
breasted reefer front. Best
jacket in Michigan for the
price. Examine and be
convinced. The K
price is............. O.UU
Our $4-75 Kersey jacket,
full lined, fi^Jt strap trim*
med. coal coHar, double
breasted. A hummer (or
this season for A
rm. tboDdb afwv hi* twopbaura be felt
be bad ao liKbt. bbi- wa* mi pore and
white; lilt; iiuKcrace cd knowing noth-
tiA '
. \%\
(iri—MatxIinKooltothnabold. He eppraarbid tbe preeetire. w lie looped (cr
cclIcrUtin.aiit tb*i] «UW la w^otL. ____ ,
obrr Ut. IIW. tr«B*o rlork loll e-vtock *B( (roa I e'cloek to ( o'clork *. a. Oa I ——
jv. p*id tUtorr 0vi>w*ibrT to. ifts. Uvn _
B* J. MORGAN* Propw
j Here You Have an
Red lnsuran(!e. isiSl.^ Opportunity To Make Big Aloney
L. L. A. Baildin«.
Tour winter's wood
at once to insure deUvery.
• L Herald Balld l*s.
— WraasiTM.
CU* Tuaiarvr
HARDWOOD curpnos
Hemlock lumber i& mil BiwfiB
112 Lots in Oak Heights Addition. Wanted aitr
offer, as they must be sold by December 15.
Also No. 431 Washington street, 44 foot lot, good-.
No. 542
street, bouse built About four yeate>
—in good condition, modem improYements.
Look th^ orer at once and see
__ ,
TRAVERSE CITY LUMBER CO. Misii Oltck, 'Plnn 73.
Reil Estita EtcOugB
m* ladidNit took plM« ta tb« ten^U. ll ie tlK Cenilier bUtj at tbe «id«v*a mitn. J«n^ wma wsicfaiac tbe
JM|lt pat thetr BMO«7 is tbe Omtary.
‘mMet «>i«ed at brmM tnunprt
i^apM< cbwu ieu. «rhicb rattusnrr
«0<ria«> f.# tbe McriBre fnad were
IUb^ ODt </
k bq| It e
g tvr that,
«act M tjoe UckitiK |«d|rni«tst. bat Chriet
«M)tB«ft>dnl tbe |Uf« widaw aad de- I
nbnd U»t ebe bad giecei noca tbu eJl j
CtAaoMedlr tbit whieb led Cbri«
^ coiaiDettd tbe aidow'e ffift wu tbe
X that it woe tbe offcrinx od a btusAle bean, fall
lore to Ood. It wat
aka ui|afI jB of bar irratitade to Ood.
JU waa tbe ueamire td bw lore, and la
^ring aU abe prured that abe lored
«Oo4 with all her lieiiiK Lore aboald be
tfka prom|4«T of oar Kifte and tbe loeaeof Uwiu. bat. alae. it ie not alwafa
or. if it ia lb« I''*' <d tnanj taort
«e rei7 aruali ixkdeed. Tbu irift of lore
note forth tbe Charactniatka of tma
. tfirlnRtoQod.
I. It wae pn .
tVoUre-Hore to Oud. Love to God and
Aa HU eaaw in the triffld aboald in«pire all our itivioK
S. Tbe imrpuee for vblrfa the irift
waa made wae a fP>id one. It waa f<c
«be benefltuf tbe oac-rifi^wfanduf Uud's
Aaiijli a luMii wortliT |>nr|M<e to
vbM-b bi iri* Moim-v icivru to «in tbe
mpidaoie' of iiten to ntuin -eui > tl or fioAiXical iMMitiou i« Uol apiwowa of <i.<d
« cununeu'iod l>r ( briM Uui if (fiven
Av oouK-nolile and Mty |•u^]■o>*'•. ilie
«arrTlD|C forward trf tjirf e w(»rk in the
'World, tho relo-f ul Uo- tliitiwM-il and
weedy or tbe opIiftinKof luaairind. <iud
, lie eiire to apjiruvc the irift and to Uau
mad reward tbe iriver.
t. It wae a wlf aacriftdnx ifift. It
waa a irift that runt anuiething. It waa
4be widow * all and ptrhMja neoamidated want and bouKcr for that
<t day aat
1^. The value .d a Kifc in tbe eight
^ God i> not iu literal worth, bat (be
worth of the one who gars it. Wbat it
will apfawr in tbv eight of God will de
fend nut aiHin liow luach ve give, bat
mpuo bow mai'b we bare left God reWarda not ao uincfa wbat we give aa
• oAatwe keep. The greatneae of tha
Alf*<b^nda a|wD wbat it cute to maka
it Tbe rich gaveuiureiban tbe widow.
they had more left than abe. Unnea
dte aoperiur cbaracler of her gift.
Tbie }u>r widow * gift aboald inepire
wa to a luorr liberal and rberrfol oun- |
narrati<oi nt our uioiu-y to Cliriat If |
Chriet (bought it wa* right for ber«o .
Igire K> lib^rmliy. He looiit think Ibe !
wwueof Da end if He was willing to
mommend her He will be willing bioomwend and hleni U*
HiW* Riwdiiuta. -Gen. xxrlil. IH-SX;
'Son-, xxrii. »ii-84: Deut. z. 17: ling,
ii. b: Math, r, £8. X4: x. 8: Hark x.
• 7-9S: Lake vi. <H: J«d>n xH.. l-«s
Aetaxx. 88: Roto, xii, n. II Cor.r. rill.
i-l»: lx. 1-lft: Phil. iv. 18-17.
Cbrlal’e arrraat.
Bowaweet tlie aervicel How foil «d
Memlng to the aerrant bringing him
••to cluaeet relatione with the Maeter
Bakwml For if U hie1 pririlege to fola tbe bUm of HU
with earthly atvraota. to
«a te tbe .
ddtr at a dietance or oat
^e right of onr Maeter: that we aiw
war to follow in tbe etepa of Jeaae,
toowing HU acU and with all oar
iu4aeA« known to Him.
.lUUarol indeed U tbe preaent life of
ChriaTa aerrant. anperUtirely bliaifal
•be fwoapect of liU fntnra, brought
•mrer bytlie pn«ring hour* of each day.
Alao. that ai> many aredep-rmihed that
•hey will not bav.. ihU Man to rate
wrer tbepiN 'Kpieivpal RocordtY.
The ruriatlaa Haa'a Lire.
A Chririian man H life U laid in tba
' fcooi uf time to a twttern which be doca
•wot ttf, bat God doiw. and bU heart U
• riiatUe. On one aide of the loom U
•oorow, and on tbe other U jur. and the
Aattle. etrark alternately by each, fliee
,bwk and forifa. carryittg the thread,
-which U white <ir hUck. a* tbe pattern
.Biwda And in the .-nd. w|ien G.id ebail I
Hit np the anUhed garment and all ite >
hn«« ohall glance ont, it will i
- then ap]>ear that tbe deep and dark col- I
W> wiwn ae n->-dfnl to branty ai tha |
(.teeight and high colota.—Henry Ward
' UaaeaUaa.
Bdacation U n.rt mere learnln^for tbe
•cijaisitloD of knowledge—tbe anjaialof a inwiore to he laid np in the
nend and to mniain there without llr-tageoergr. Educatiun U tbe cnltiraMon and derelopmrnt of thinking powm. and a
who haa not eecnred for
hlmaetf thU haa ao far waeted the yean
«( bU adaeation —From ••Thoogbto of
mad For tbe loner Life." a Valoma of
» by Ez-Preaident Dwight of
Tate, loot
lat PaUUbed.
ThU store laid Its foundation some six years ago, broad and deep in the oonfldenoe of the people of this city
and vicinity by square dealinfc. courte-ue treatment and genuine bargain giving. By constant push, energy
and foresight it t as rapidly outgrown all competition. It is a power In the community for genuine, generous
Bargain Giving. As a TAXPAXINO BUSINESS, contributing largelv to the enterpriee and prosperity of this
energetic andgrowingmetropolUofNoithernlIichigan.it takes its stand today for HOME PROTECTION.
An outside, unknown peddling concern-has rented a corner in town, and bv mendacious statemenU seeks to
impose on the credulity of the people of thU city by claiming to display a SIO.COO stock of samples in Cloaks,
Furs Etc Our own butlness is i AHGE as every one knows, but we do not put forward any such preposter
ous claim ae t*-at. No one would believe it We do truthfully claim, however, to have a______________ _
Ladies' Jackets. Capes, Suits, Golf Capes and Furs!
Equal to any in «v.g*
tho c4-a4-A/viifafrfA
state outside e\f
of nwATiH
Grand 'RfLTiidA
Rapids OP
or Detroit.
Detroit In
addition to our own regular stock of now and up-to-date garments
the product of the best Eastern Manufacturers—nothing newer in
style, nothing newer or more arlletic in conception and finish, we
shall have for the above dates
w . -wi_____ a A^
A Special Experienced Representative
from one of the leading Eastern Houses, with a display equal
gether with our own will make for the above dates, an at raction
in our cloak department not equalled In the state. In additior to
the great advantage offered we shall make special cuts through
out our own Cloak Department in which
.Value and Profit "Will Be Lost Sight Of
making it an object for you to trade at home with a fellow citizen
and taxpayer.
WE GUAEANTEE our grede to the fullest extent. MONEY BACK if you are not
fully satisfied. We are always hei^o exchange anythihg if desired and always
here aiming for your good will, which to traveling stores is of little importance.
We want you to visit with us, buy or not, and invite CLOSE 0OMPAJM8ON.
Fuf Creations for Season 1899-1900.
Bflciaii Seal Yuk*- ami
tah, Martin scarf offeet, top roliar, 6
tails. 2 brads, also
in Stone
StoDO .Martin.
Ek-ctric Yok», Martin
collar, border and Ub.
10 toils, 2 beads.
Baltic Sral Tab Collar
ette, 12 Martin Tails.
Baltic Seal. Martin col
lar and lape).
Beleium Sral Collarette
Astraeban Yoke, Mar
with imitation Stone
Marten Scarf on top
tin collar and border.
— 4 Martin Tails.
Furs are nat^ally a unique and distinct line of merchandise, about which few people, even those dlre^ly In the trade, have mLh positive information. It is safer therefore to b“y your fare
business in your midst, where you can have every article guorsnteed, and where Style, auality. Workman
khlp and Price are assured.
In preparation for tUs sale we hare had a large consignment of High Class Fnrs sent on
from one of the largest and best manufacturers In the United
COLLARETTES. BOAS and smaU furs for children, which added to our already very complete stock wiU
make a showing worthy of your especial attention.
the newest and daintiest things for ohUdren-UtUe triumphs aU along
the line—at prices that wlU be an inspiration to buyers.
________ _____
•hteUe down.-George Eliot
Oad te Lore.
Mr ewM wliU.
^ i^ht *aU dww an
BoRr the dates in mind:
0-Xi.A.ss BXiOc:^
Traierso Cilj, Midi.
Boot Samvadtd th* Ourd
Md XUtod Hadj «f Th«
«M» fekottkM to tt« Mr*
BfUiiketala*DMiM Timory M
ZtBtartiT. Mao«V«nk» toaot
T«t to-OMQ Bte«M WltMmi
towloa.Oto. If—TW toU to tb*
,tm» tnm LUytaltb, M»tol, hM Wm
briliiby*<to»»Tow dtoi«tob.^r
<io« HA«ton»f«n toTtaf
tiimu ta* Bom to fora* oo too
room “BiuT’' HAao«.
We will present a Plaster CabI to each ot the
Kepibltoaaa to faltoa Ooaaty to Bead
a rauttaa to tbe Beoaior.
Lawtatoa. Il>.. Oet ••.->‘Tba tallowtog oetlUoo ta being elreaUtad
Sbtbcb O^t
aU proBtoeat BepabUeaaa are rigatog
aatytalatday Bormlar for bar oflelal
K. aad it will forwarded to Baaator
apaad trtol at aaa- Bba la raqalrad to
Maaoa by aaall;
travel at a apaad of M kaeta par boor
-Vaaa Kotrib'y Kaaglad and Will
-Lewtatoa. lU-.Oet. N-Tba
aad Butatota thla apa^ wblta la
K Maaoa. CMe^o. lU: Wa, tbo
aqatvaleet ta aaarly U atatata Bllaa,
ot Lawtotoo,
tar « toUaa. aad* tavorabia aowAlOaaeaaolooa ter HaU aa Hoar—
lU.. who anpportod yoo tor Ualtod
Dragged Kisualf tram tbeBarato Atataa aoaator, reap'otfally urge that
Wbao Bayeta talaad waa raaobad it
tba Mobbo OaaaBtotod.
yoa raaigB at oaee. aad aot wait ter
waa foaad tbata ratbar heavy aaa waa
rematay. bet tba bnildara daeldad to
Oaorga W. MeWatby waa tba vletla tba aetloo of tba aatlooal oooveatioo,.
toat tba vataal'a apaad. Aba waa ae of aa aooldaai toat avaatog that aaBa Wa baltave that yoor
lid be reeelved wlU
eordtogly beaded for foriaaMath. N.. -WT aaar aadlag bta Ufa. aad that Bay I
B.. aad tar two boara a^ plowed tba leave bta faea parBaaaaUy dtaAgarad.' otdeltoblbyBepibUaana
Atlaade at alBoatrellr^ apaad. Bba
It la tboagkt that ba will ry- It would oarutoly be tbe aMat popular
evaragad a UtUa over M kaoto. with oavar troB tba tojary. He toft Iba thing that yon bare doaa alnoa yon
111 ravolatloaa par Btoeia aadar da. boew oa bU fnrB mmr Brawa laat were alaetod eaaator.”
Tbe peUtlon ta eigaed by Uverbl
evening aboat S:)0 o’eloek, to go to tka
end the ebalrroan of
Tba oMstol Agarra for tba raa have ban to do tbe Bllklag. Be
Bot'baaa aa yat praparad. ao It ta la- at leant three qeartan of aa boar, aad tba Bepobllean Oestral aommittee.
poaalbta to aay aa to tbe azaet apeed. at leei enwled to the beaee to a aeaelCofi-ia for Haalla.
Wbaa tba board makaa lu report the
■taU- tie face wae to a
balldara wfll daelda aa to tbe advtaabU- terrible eooditioo. bearing vary llttU ' New Y(wk, Oct. U.-^OeereUry Riot,
Ity of saklag aaotbar aaa ran. Tbe rtoaBblanee to a brnnaa teoa. It waa aoeompaaled by arm> (.ffl wva. today
Dablgraa baa already proved btgaelf avldant that be bed baea kicked Id tbe madeavtaltto iaapoet tbe Tranaport
Tbomaa. Tbta veeael aalla November
to bo tba faatoat tori^o boot to tba teoe by a colt that waa to tbe eubla 4 for Meoila with tba Forty eeveotb
Ualtod dtataa navy, aad abe ta witboat Bta none wae kicked elBOat off. bta regtmenk oow at Camp Meade, Pe.
doabt the Aaaai vaaaal of bar type la whole taoe bedly eni and brotaed. and Among tbe veeeel'a anpallw are SOO
tba worU.
a terrible gMb waa gaping under tbe
right ayy. Be waa eovered with blood, Tb* big elaak aad ter atla
aad aaeBad mlaoat to a d) tog ooodlUoo. - at Mr*. F. M. Aabtoah* MilUaery
etore Mopdet, Tcmdey and WedeeaBa waa aaaUied into tbe borne aad
day nest week. .TTA-ti S
laptato Bvaae Kilted Tea a: d Woaad Dr. Garner waa anamoned at onee
Habaaientdto tbe tojered sen. aad
res nlMAa Aovi ua CalBast VaMle
#d Mary Near Sao Oarloo, letoad
gave prompt attontloe to bta wonada lp«r Veroiab.
of Ki groe.
Sevenl etlicbr^. -vere taken In tbefeor,
Ptrkia-i ICsm Xut
Maelto. 0«t. ta
delaeboMBt of and tbe patient waa pet to aa eoaforltbeMUtb tofaatry bee reoeaUy been able oondilioi. wa powlba HI* face
eogaged to dtaperaleg band* of baodiu will probably be dtaSgored for life,
who have bees operaUag to tka letoad tbongb the prompt act! n of Dr. Oereifr
of Negroa. Captato AlBaoe etnok a win prevent tbe wonnde feora abowtog
village of TaltaaaaB aaar Saa Oarloa aa plainly aa if be had baan lew prompt
and OapUto Bvaaa defeated aaotber andoarefni.
baad. kllllmr tea and woandtag m
Mr. MeWetby baa no raeoUactlon of
Twaaty ware eaplarad. There ware no tba eceldeni. tbongb ba ta now perfaetly eoneeinne He bad done none of the
It la no' vBougta tbat a aboe
Waabtogtoa, Oev U -Tba followlag work to tbe bam. and bad apparenUy i
aboold bn ea*r aod well made;
iiabontd 'je bandaoue. dtapateb waa laoalvod today front Oan. jd»t bnag np hi* tontam. It I* proba-'
oral Otta: ‘-Uanaral Young atrnek tba able that be -^e kicked without having
inaargeata at Santa Boaa. north of ttaa the lea*t warntog. and tbna knew
Uldro, yaatarday. driving taen. Ba nothing of what bad bappaoed to him |
eaptnred aoBe of Uiplr property. Our nnUt be folly reooverpd oonarioaanaaa
eaaamittae waa two killed and one to the bonw^_______________
wounded OaptiUn Bvana of tbe Stotb
Infantry atrnek a robber band to Ne
gr(w on tbe tjtb Inatant. killing tea
and woaadlng may. Be oaptuiad ro Blmlmmona Knocked OataeOtaree
abow are all three. The ibapea
prtaooen. Ctaptala SlBont of the Blatb
WUba ■logle Klow to Oae Mtnuia
arc eepmlally ettrartlm. and aU
Blylee are anto at a price never
Intaawy. etnek a aaaU band and dtain tba Blret Konad Laat Might
beard of before tor high grade
peraad tben, kllUng tbraa No ear
CbMago.Oot. S8 —Tbe batUe between
choec. Berry k M from the vstrememaantab tothedalDiy Ihria
Piualmmona and Thorne tonight
Opera, ip all the lateot icaibera.
abort aod dacUlve and Flu«lmmona
Woodaafal Bpead Paaotoyad by tba
Ma. Oat
M.-Tba Ualtad
nilMohiir re*4. Oooorol WblU
«fimAo«tB»to0M(WMO( •rlUtaty,
mmut jBUmtn •mi tmnltr- A
«Ma ptatol «< Boanto* tataalry wm
•Mtod by U« Bom bIm bIUb fra*
UAywUhBBdtta Bow fmiUcm »w
daiUy loMUd tarM aiU« boyoMl
KoBAmBralc Tb* BrUtab torM it
•09 tosr «tU« IroB lb« Bom.*'
1W dlipBtib dOBBOn BtBtB tbB «•%•
mt ibB oBBBfwoB, bat U aoBl ba*B boBo
•toBB Tbaraday. »bbb Ub loai bbwb
BntaBd. BO that tbB Boor adfoaoB fron
t>oadaB BOBtbwBTd osd fro* BoBtor^
StoOoB BtoBdUy to tbB totorlm. Bbd bo
♦BgtorBBBBt iB lorOBbBllOWBd by tbB
•bOBBil^tabBBd My Blnody Bbtb
OlbBT BBVB (roB tbB troat dooB aot
•allcbtoa tbB altaattoa to Natal, rray
maataiy detalU or# arrlTlac of tbo
OBBayatlOB of UaadBB by tbc Boon
It IB allBCBd that t»aaty bob of tbo
tom rtvd wora oornyylaf aa oaiyoat
« eoaylB of BilBB froB town wbaa a
Boar abBll dtolodyad tbaa aad the
■Boa Aad to tbB BBtobboriar bill Tbraa
haadrod Baan aarraaadad tbaa aad
obot tbB Mjaritj TbB Bobxv thaa
Mtond ObbAbb. drarfod BOBoral elfUtowotttof tbBbooBBBaad abot ibaa
ta tbB BtfBBta.
Vortbar datalU froB
Ebodatto, Bbow that as arBorad into
froB tbara BBat tomrd Hafablait.
OatabBT 17. aadar eoBMod of Ubh•aaaBi UBmllya. r>t wUblo Bs*aa
miim of LebaBtl wbaa tbo BrliUh
foaad tbi railroad badly daBogad.
Tba Boart were vlaiblB oa tbe bllia In
«ba vietolty and Lobatal bad been
TbB trata aeeonurad Boart three
faUae aoatb e( OrooadUe Pooli. Tbe
Briltob epaaad Are with HaalBB aad
4rofB tto Boart taaak to tbe bUla. Be>
«|Btt alcbt BBB klllad. tbe ttoern loat
•M bonaa Dtapatchat froB Bid•ay and Malboarao roeord tba dapar*
tara Of tbe AaaUaltoa oeaUagBBto <«»' Hot Vootball Oaaoa Taetardey to
tba war. A Dntab aabotoaea ooryB
▼arioat Barta of tba Oenntry—Bonabaa toft ABBtardaB tor LaraaBO Maraylvaato and Obloago a Tie.
Obleago, Oel.There were eevoral
Brltfob elalB a daoUad »tetory
- ta tba battta foagbt Tnaaday laat oat- bard toagbt battlee no tbe grldlroa to
•Ida of KlBbarloy. Tba Bmn' Iobbbb varkme perta of the eoaalry tbta afterMoBdlBC to the Brltlob raporta. ware BOOB aad eooM eloee aad eaelttog eoa%mfj. toaladtof OoBBtaadaat fctba. teala Followlag are tbe leorea of tbe
Tba Boar Tarttoa la yet oakaowa and iMdlag glBee:
Mtohlgaa. •: lUiaota.o.
aay tall aaotbar atory. It BBBaat. aUU
FenneTlvaato. Si Chieago S.
followtof tba Britlab raporta. that tba
Harvard. »; Oarltala ladtoaa 10.
Boara opbaad Are early la tbe Boralac
s; Yala 0.
«• a datoohBaat of KlBbarlay BlAee
Ooracll, 11; State NorBul, 1.
aeaieoa rBeaonotBaaeB tba plaeaeaUDnqaeena Si Rnfltlo, s.
•d Ifaerartaac’B tena atoe Bllta froB
iCeot OoIl«r*. IS: Boreka. 0.
KlBbarloy. Tbora waaoaly rlAe Artof
Okie Atata Ualveiefty.
at Attt, bat It wat qalta aplrUad. WkUa
tba Airbt waaaUll araa tbe Boart ware Ooll-re, a.
llaiTwalty of Mtoaeaata. S; Oroaratofatecd aatU they bad a total ot TOO.
Later Ooloael Marray arrirad oo tba nall.a
WtactoBln I'elveiMty, 11: Saab Med.
•oMta trttb 1M> of the Laaeaab- ‘
taal Oollaga, 0
ArtlUary aad two enaorad tratoa
□ Frlneetod. 0; Coraell. S.
battle laetad for toar boara. aad
at tba aad of that Use the Boon were
drtvaa fros their podttoa by a brilliBBtdaabof Laaeatblraa. after which Defeated KatoBanoo ta Aa Bxelttec
the Brlttob lataroed to ElBberley.
Bootball Oaae. A to O.
Bbodea rode oat and wiiaeated
Oraed Baplde, Midi.. OcL SI—The
football team woe a de0*a report daelaraa that the Boart
ctalve rieutry over Kalaatatoo thie af
•at aa artfal trap by Blatog tba croand
•ear a taaptlag poaitioB aad tbaa aoi ternoon, 'aefeaUng tbe Oelary City
taUB by a eeore of e to o. Tbe gene'
daarwad by Barlooa dodgea to draw wee ezeltlng and tbe Grand Sepide
wain pot np e Ane gasa
OBlooal Kaiiv
Into It.
Gotaael Momy rafoaad to ba to
The Boara, dor tba Boat part, are Bid Cigar Mnken’ Vatoa AtrayoA Agataet
lobaaBbaeapoatadta asaallaat pool-tloo, aad thalr •rtUlary. wbleb waa
Obkaaga. Ock SA-Aoeordtag to tbo
bnwabl «b abortly aftar tba Am aklr- prealdeat of tbe Ogar Maken' loUr•tta, waa wall earrad. Tba hOBhard. aattooal aatoa a bitter Agbt wUl be
Beat waa kepi ap aatU taa arrival of waged agalBBt tba aaaOKattoo of tba'
OatoMi Marrv.
BriUah raat PbUlpptaaa. Tba rigar Bakorm wiU
altaoMd tba^Md^^ obarfa of tbe Baba tba Ant ataad la DeeaBbar.
waan tba FadaraUoa of Ubor bolda
Ita ragnlar aoBvaniloa to Datitat.
^•ritiabraport bf t^ owa loaaat iBtar ialigatoi wlU be aaat to Waaktaehaaa if aoM part of t^ atory — togtaa to aoeve tba aapport of ooa-
iB thB Vmoe hf
vir. those of Misses Adams, Bliss, Camp, and HurtL
also the Catholic school—The honor of winning it
for the room will go to the scholar who makes for us
the best Jack'Lantern before six o'clock Tuesday
erening —anything can be used from a pasteboard
box to a pnmpkin. The best one of the five winneni
will reciere an additional prize.. All lanterns will be
in our show window Tuesday night, (Hallowe’en)
That picture may get damaged if you don’t let
08 frame it for yon thie week.
298-288 Front H'rset
wu Mtaw to Dalataa Bay.
Pvto. Oet. U.^ IbatoB dlapatob to;
IbalBlftdbaralaaya: “Twoar tbraa
of tbd tatat B toaari baaa ‘
New Goods aid Low Piices-Wliat More Cao Too IskT
Rainy Day Skirts...
Bpsi-ial oamben at
$6. $B.60, $6.
Incloding Plaid Black Goods. See them.
! Shirt Waists
Made of all wool flannel.
colors black, cardinal aod navy - vOu
RU Briaada have Started a Doom for
tba e-aad Rapida
Lanalag. Oct- 28.—It U vary evident
that many frleada of cs-Aeaator John
Patton ^ropoae to atart a vigorou*
boom for bta nomlnatioo tor govamor.
A* tar aa kb^n oothiag baa been aaid
to him on tbe eubjnel. bat for aeveral
day* pollttaUna to varioui paru of tbe
ibeeabjeet. It leaked ont today that
there waa a oODtereoec here ibia week
'bleb U w 1 arranged to atart the
ball rolling.
Warablp DrttoU Will Brobabiy Se
•ant to OoloBblan Waten.
Waabtogtoa. D C.. Oct. 28—loformatlon baa baan reeelved at tbe State Departeaent eonfirmlng the ataWment
made telt yaatarday by reaponalble
paraooa to tbta eonpuy that Amarieaa
Intaroalate tba Ualtad Btatea of Oolta arara endangered by tbe revola-
ed tbe Nevy DMnrtment that tb* preaI el a warablp to Oolomblaa watoie
ta dwiiabU, bat wUl probably de ao
witbont waiting for farther advioea
Wbea Uta aoMAeattea la raoatvad by
tba Aaeretary of tba Navy ba wdl order
tba erealer Detroit aow at ta Onayra,
Vaaasaato. to weeaed to Ootoa.
Boatoa aad New York eapital ta toveatod baavtly to tba Oartagoaa aad
dalaaa laUway to OolOBWa.
at mgea wVlak ormi
£ tSda
ruM fioB OartackAA to Oatobar,
oatba Madalaaa riw. BiweaaatatloM have baia aadn to tbo State DaAXA DBAD.
partwamt that the property of tbta
yuy ta Ukely to be daeteoyeA
iBvmtor oC Tyyaaattl^ ■aablaa ta
teafteoBtha raed totorraptod.
nwaat w&l Aa aU that it eai
iMBOWiOta. ta-Ota^Mf
lhAl«.taWMrof Iko Itaotypo tyyo.
Bta aad wOl aka tabu atotae Mao
For Mackintoshes
eameoSvletor to qnlekar order than
aven be blmaeU eapectod. Tbome
knodied eat to tbe Srat ronnd and It
required bat one of Flu'* a
btowa to pot him onl, aad the moat anrprtalng of all waa that FtUaimmoo*
kaooked him onl to Joel Me mtonte'e
tima Tbarvtore tba atory ot tbe Agbt
ta aooo told—One ronod, ooa blow,
Balph Oosmabls Jr., MaBSgsff.
ymaaoH okvuskb to oo.
IWidYMT-Ho 7f«.
m I.............. 1 w
aognB the talhMH i< fhaam.
BrUlintlaes . $1.76^ aad $1.96
ill Silt and Satlo Waists
It Popular Pticas....
L»..k. lor ia» Tr».lr Mark us ibr Mk
Alfred ¥. Friedrich
Bselnalvc ageet for
208 Front St.
This report is botrd aroaod tbe
rid, nnnihitotiwg
aad resistooce.
1%e Dp-to-date bnnseas man
win keep pace with tbe times—He'
will do aQ ia his power to make
bis store so sttraotive that it will
inTito tbe sUeatioa
of the boyer.
The telepbooe is ooe
td tbe meens te tbk
eod -%It wiU brii«
tN^ to TOUT plMe
Of ooauk
<Ute footwear for Men, Wo
men and children.
goods possible for the
footwear U
; iu>snv9 ssoomB,
HO uiaon* uarasok
u V. B*ni AJ»
W. Hjjongi.
Kajwaa Wae Dm M Apo»lai7.
IV* Oatlook wi-rm aa ii
OawarllaaawaatM tka pialMh men el tb* Sfukh
____ adali
yaaMr^artotookaftarUeaxattoraftba wb^ 4art^oorciTil
....................... of Mr*, a D. BajM*. ! Hapolaoa fomad ^
BI —aatioo* ia a ehaag*
* a»
da* to
*M ^
Uw ------------•
■» aaoplriy. am
. ‘at^UoMl
------------- —
Ibat a imcnaer'i laiv wt^ld »ai k- »«•►*«* The admiralty bw of tb*
rx1«ad.the jnibdi«s
Mtioa fur ooe marioe bagoa
aeribad yaatarday. wo* ^ht ^ fromiuahoraa If. tberefon. any hkicktboafbtto ban haaa raaalead arhaa ade rwBarcoald iret witbia tbra ^iba
Mca. HayaaafaU.
of Jauatea. Ooba or Porto Bioo, b*
Tb* foMral erf Mia. Hayaa* wUl b* «ra* aal* traaa aay iaterfareoo* froM
onr blockadlBS 6a*L
haid froM Um raaldoBae Uto
Kapoleoo propoaad tbak iovtcad erf
-e'Moek. tae. 0. Ooeklia oOeiaUaf.
Tba raaaataa wUl b* hraodbt to tbU etty one ieacaa. the Umit erf local aorereigBiy
abonld be enroded to tbree leayaM
from aboia. and be peraaaded the SpanUb miniMw to e»n>e into bU pba.
8ocb an eatenekm of neeitral Umlta
tronld bave greatly biodertd Ibe opetaI of tlM •oaaraMasl far tb* Uona of onr bkekadiag tbrU AU tb*
d wHb Kraal
aeerrey. but urden were vent from
Wnabiagtdb. Oev U -It M alnlmad Bj*in to tb* Wmi li>dit«. initrucUng
in aaral elrelaa ibntwhU* r«ry hub autboritirntbi-reloettetid threefold tb*
b balng anid an the aal-laat. It b the range of their dcuinkm orer (be ee*.
launtlon of tba gow. meat to bntld . Tbra* orderi had •Irrady gone when
nt Oerlb a aaral mtui^ eapahl* of ae-: “«««<' Pwry. U>e Atuerienn *ea«t*ry
.modatlng Ue b'grat Tamale In ^
Solid Comfort.
It M atalad by )Mdfa« lamb—
that It wtU «nn aaw «l a 11—nrrf
itepattBlagntUnaamtag wtotar
ifcrmanyiiaiMipaa^ Am that'
»aoogkt for r.M a doa«n now:
aocttil. arc** eat aawa were Uoante* '
toot, now n aant*. tog obaina (7.iej
' m) war* near thra* aanM a toot.
aU. la fact, nearly erarythlag la |
trao and naal baa akont donbled la
Cbmp nppUm bar* nlao iaaraaaadinaoah In the wlntar of im-w.
wagaawarofromgSItotM. and from
SMteSUnr* now oC«nd tor work
tbb eoming winter. In the Upper
Panataanin It b diOenH to proew*
men nt nay prMn..
omoxM sLserBO
We can pre it so you
will feel comfortable. If
a man pays top much for
a conch or easy rocker
he can never take com
fort in them. If you buy
at SLATER'S you will
never be harassed with aay such thoughts as that.
We have a very large line to select from, over 55 dif
ferent stvles in couches and bed lounges, over 300
different styles in rockers to select from.
At MaaiaoM Meeting of Ooc d Taaplnn
lM*t Vlghk
IV* atote of tba IKM ud *u«] Bvk*u
Tbe followlag effimra war* alaeiad'
|iMM tor mmU • ra W
* •• U* *mUm ^4
laatalgbtat tba kaalam maatlag of
|i MMt rasarkahi*.
kaa baca traelr
tbe Good Templar*.
a warn* kkat tba adfaaea >a prtcaa «a*
P. C. T.—Jaania Cartla.
aaaaad by tka it fluaaoe of a rta( wkleb
C T.—Ed. J. Uraadar.
aoatrelied Um oatf>al of iba aiiBa*.
V. T.-Ethel Bnxingtoa.
180 Front
«Ui i* cSaoMnllr 41*|>o**d wkaa it l* •IraetMlhalwUl .otirelj obrbb Um '
Cbaplton-Albart Uataar.
abewB tbat'lboM »be wen aaid i«
Seerataiy-Edna Braxtaftm.
.ilyof tbtngtbedoakingfnelllUm |^ob Napoleim. and the dnebem told
baf* trtad to ooatfol >h« prodaoiioa o'
Ambtaat Saereiary-Bertha Browa.
at Hong Kong, and tbe aeaompaaying b«r *bter. tbc Spaniab e)oeen Then tb*
Hm Blaa* are tha vary om* wbo ara
riaandal Saerotary—Preo Dago.
QeieoD eent (cn Mr. Peny and a
7ort to taaraaaa U>* orary partwalar. Tb* mattar wUl b* , «»>« it wa* all aboou
Traaaarw-Barton Wood.
Marahall—Joaeph Waraer.
Utdbafma aongraaa daring tba n**t! ‘‘'o®.
injnring yoor
I and an aanronrlation naked i
be after expUining tb*
Dapnty MarahaU-Miy Boynton.
UaI Mtlra
oatpat of tba for that
. .m
ndicltation of tbu inwUI enable th* departmaat t«
to !
iMha Uapartor mUaa for tb* coMtaf carry oat It* fail pinna In thb dlreaUon. trigner wbou yon bar* reaaon to ba
D.-I. D flobb*.
yaar bad boon aoatraatod lor at aa adIt b probnbU that oongnm wlU abo
Tbe qneen rrnmt rent for ber prlma
W. OoUa. Bartoo
taaeaofM eonu par ton. Vor tb* ba aallad to prortd* tor a tartllad naral
miniater and interrogated him Be ra Wood and A. Laataar.
^aartar andlat laat March forty-oifbt ataUon in the Bnwnibn groap The ' plied that ber majeaty had aigned th*
Ptaabl—Bertha Brown.
additional farnaaea, with an aaUmated Importano* of ^rlng a plan* of rotnga order on aoc-b a day
aapaoUy of lv.»7« tou a w**k. yronUy la tbe Oentrol Pne do ennaet be db- jrw — WArmsT'a
“Boi nooue told mewhacltn
I■^allll1 tba oatpntof pig Iran,
mid Qaeen iMbtOla. -‘No oaa told me WWts Wtas sf Tsr Syrup, th*
on .-.uth’, e:irrs a coM
that thU ia a heavy blow to niy Ameri heat cough
tbar* «a* a rapid Ineraa** In priaaa of
can aUim.
in one day if taken in time. iS and 60 cla
aU Iron and atael prodaau la Jannary.
Noun* had told brrl The niipiatcr
^braary, and March, aual raU* goiMt
UilH yn eaa jaap es it trampla a
on Jan.«to •» nt Ue eloa*
Ik bav u
com- up kmiai-r r*eiy
I bni it wai too late t>* help It Why
Wh; wae
«f Ibagaartar.
uy AnqnlUad ToarMan Tonbd With it U« bt« T Becanw a Meatuer had gone time ^ Calokan'a Eiwt c Kloor Vj,rniah
S. B Walk
In tb* aaaond ^nartar of tba yaar,
Qadar • nad Fbh.
to the Wot Indian flwt with tba order*
lanoad of tbar* balng a llmltotkm on
Ornad Baplds,Oek SA-John, Mar which changed one irnga* to three
lb* oatpat of pig Iroa, tba waakly pro- tin. Loab and L. Maaa, tab daalan.
Then aaid Iwihrlla. "It b not toa
d-at i
atraet. Board and r
dsaV wblob bad baaa MS.Tm ton* In war* triad ymtorday aftaraooa In bte fur me tu accept yoor rmigaationa'
week. ?7e-U» S
Bat tba aenur don did out went to reManb. iaoraaaad to SM.OM toa* by Polio* aoan for rtointtoo of the flab
May 1. and to sm.ooo ton* by Jnno l. law la haring la tbalr pomtailoa ■tga. end tbe other vemirm dons did nut
want to reeiKn < &> they fonnd a feet
Mnl raUa want from pss to
whitaftah of lam than two poaad* atmmertbteke olit orden mcinding
priaint tb* prto* of atocl laU* b SM to weight. P. T. WUliama, the eoanty
tbe other order*, and tbe blockade wo*
pll. tb* ABMrtean lallrond* baring gam* rrardiin, Uatlfled to haring maintaiaed for the next year
pwobaand 1,100.000 tonantSU. ThaA foaod la tbalr pomirndBO nlnataao
pontnot*. togaibar with amapUonnUy whtte&ab weighing la all 1am than
broryoedan from nbrand. wiU kaap Mb poand*. bat owing to th* argn
Iba mUb ranalng at tbalr fall ropaolty meat that flih ahtppad from a dtetam
Qneen Naialk- of t«ervl* b uid t*
for naarly twoyaaia. Narar bateta la onurnlly ahiink ia alM and weight have one of tbe l>nu flruree buk.dk tbe
Iba binary of tb* Unitad stnUa bar* and that area la am of tagnl maah royal women of fhiroiM-. Bbe i* & ft
In. In belgbt. ha* a wabi lueaaur
mb bandy toraign endera for atael nndnralaed
teh drts
Inc S loi bce. a bu«t AS inebee. and
prodneta bm pl*Md with oar mannonngbv tha Jury foud th* flab daalan bli« 40 luebe*. She welgha ISO ik.ub.K
fnewrora. The Inartaai la tba deataad.
Ibt- aburteat ailult aoverelKn In Uie
Ibanfora. b n fail aaplnnntloa erf ibi
aorbi th Queea M.-iuria. Kbe la 4 ft.
rta* in prloaa.
11 la. blKb. b«T bunt ineaaiin-a Mjoeb
ea. bt-r
3i Inrh.-R. and h^,,«
Tbar* baa baan a atMoamat growU
fiO lu.-bea.
She .w.-lcha ITl ih.udU*
is tba demand far Iron and atael pradIVa Chrbtaln Badmror aoelatj of g«mi MantberlUi of luir XM-lgU* 170
MM In enry dmrtmant af Iron and tha KriaadV ehareh hare arranged for poun<la. ber belgbt la r. ft.
In., ber
ntaal aMnnlaeiBra, a aemearn
iroaoamaatlag thb araalag. A wal«i iiieaHiir.-meui b SH luebo*. her
tnnn U prion, and. aoeordlag to nU
larmllag pragtam haa baaa pra- r.*?"! ■‘'• lu. be*. aud her blje. 4S incbex.
ilb.-luiua. giic
Ilolbiud. la (be
parad. To* pabllc at* tnrliad to at- UlImt oun-u III Kiiroiw.
. ^ Klie b 5 ft.
farttolheranaa tb* anpply or oatpat.
toad tbb maeUog.
In. bleli.
||«r wal*( lueeaurm
Ad. & Stom. who had hb foot ao 21H larhn.. her bip* 40 iiichea. and
Mouroa ••Buxv" Maaoa baarorlrad, Mrrlbly maaglad at the atarcb factoey ber bu«i 42 Im-bi-*.
pad In a new rola. B* torontaa* to ra Friday, b bettor aad Ur. Bolliday
•tgn from tha Unitad Stnim aaanto. hopm to mrn th* took
TV* peepla nt UUaota an not la tba
The housewife always waRts pitchers
Th* adraaoa aal* of amto tor “A Ball
lutMt of taking tbnator Maaon aertoo*.
—They’re used ei-erywhere—in the kitch
ly. ala* thb datarmlaailon would ba- Boy" will opM at th* boa oOca of
MMhwypopnlnrwtth the people at StolabargV Oraad tometrow motblag
en, the dining room, the sitting room, the
atT o’oloeh.
lliaaiato. MoaooaerdomSenaucMaTbanaylam nporM a yield of l.SIt
eon anaonoM hb latoatloa* than
bed room, in the house and out the house,
baaheU of carrot* from isib norm of
many landing
ropnbllana* hnAan
in the summer and in the winter, in sea
Whooping Cough. Aathma,
le him with n paUtlon arglag him to
Tbe tolloarlag took oat dear lliMaaca
rmlgBOt one* and not wait onUl aftar
son a^d out of season—absolutely every
IbauUonai aonreatloa, tha tlfna aet ymtarday: Wm. KrammofOrowa, \V.
P. Taylor of Mtydald. B. Allan aad J.
where and at all times—We have little
W. Baobasaa of Yoba, aad Saaford
Paller. Uarld Cox and E. Cox. city.
pitchers for lOc and big pitchers for a dol
Arcbitaci W A. Deaa ba* iltud np a
Jamm Merfaaaa. tba potato bnyer dark room for pbogagrapby, to be need
lar—odd pitchers at odd prices, some of
from New York City, baaarrlred la the In aoaaacilon with hb arebitaata-al
them were fated to be odd from infancy,
pity and taken ap hb ataoda at the Hotel work. - Ue expaeu to make a trip
tbe Boatb tbb wlntar, fpr the parpuae
and sell at uc, 17c, 23c. others were mat
tVtt (German i^edy'
Kaboa J. Wyekoff. of Kingaley, wm
etyle* of arehitoet
ed but got left to be single in life and will
la th* ally ymtarday.
to be Bead by him la hb work here.
Bar. J..Panalngtoo ratnraad ymtar*
The warn of J. W. fllaur took fright
sell for a single quarter, for a single one.
day from iMke Ana.
ymtarday on Cam atraet. near the C. A
Boa. D. a Uaeb of Waltoa, waa la' W. M. track, aad ran away, throwing
Decorated water pitchers cost 25c. 35c,
U .tha ally ymtarday.
thedriraroak ftey ran to th* alley
J. 0. Tatmaa haa goa* tor a abort by the anglae boaae. whan they ware
50c and 55c.
pWt at Clara. Mr. Braat b filltag hb atoppadbyJammJ. Baker. No damA new milk pitcher will replace that
plea* oa the maU ranto.
ga waadoa*.
Bar. aod Mr*. U T. Stoat :
Today tha Jaat Saaday exenraioa
broken one and sells for 15c, 25c, 50c, 50c.
ymtarday from CVlaag*. Mr. Stoat
hH baan la attoadaam apea th* amGot a glass syrup pitcher for 25c and
N. & wUlbaglron
aloM af th* MbaUmary ooaacll of tbe
0*org« Boyt haa aoM bla raatoanaa.
MpMmpel eharah. at St. Loab.
one in china for 35c.
Miu koU aarrim la Oraaa aharch aa ti» Wmt Bleroatb atroak to AagallBa
Parraat of ClagUay. wbo will moaa to
Have a beautiful chocolate pitcher
pml today.
MlM Joufa M. WUhalm left ymtor- th* elty la th* ^rtag.
tm itaA •Mri ^roduiloB.
Hooss Fnmtshing Store.
Both Telephones, No. 43.
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors
318 Union Street
It H Slain Your Ms
Like Old Style Dyes.
Just -
Bay far a rbli la Kalamioo,
Mr. Wm Balam of Bapid Oty apaat
mfday rbltlag friaada la thb city.
MIm Anna OomaU af Oopambh
pad La* ^*11 of Big Bapid*
fhalWHMordayto atuad th* wedAlgg of thalr brathar Dr. Coraall and
im Mlaa B BMkay.
O. M. 0am of Ncrlhport. M at Um
■ WUl Thyior of MayflUd. waa U th*
Mly yo*Mr«ay.
WtU Baaaia. who M
BdnM tadontrlal aehool at Big Baplda,
gam hema Inal alght.
Dr. Baow ha* tahaa afflearo la tha
MUllkaabaltdlagaadwUl moa* from
th* Botol WhlUag Moaday.
Thoa P. MeOarry. a promlaMt
attorney of Otaad Baplda. i* la th* eity
Mfar with Promotor W. 0. Johnin rofmrooi to tha propoaed
aUetrie railway Uam aroaad the hay.
TVaro aro maay goad a«aM Mft fm
Ualaetaro of Bm. ThooMB dim*. Moa
day alghk to haaold ia Magla admia-
Chrl WahW.h tarmarVaoa. le y«an'‘
oM. ItvlagaaUM baa* Ua* thro* mllm
>th Lyoa. waa lutaaUy
.r Friday ca
Nkahawaag lain. ItUUmoght W*bbto
tb* gaa towaid him
atfy ata not faaad whaa* Stoma eh.
Bw. KUaay*. nad Bew^ an ^t of by ito masala.
nroar. o ym ww» »mM ^oalU
Ts Omp* M OoM Ml Om Day. .
Take W'anwr** White Wine of Tar S.-top
Um beat coagbrotoedyea earth. Man.]
AVlraa Varw*
when ^oods are not as
we represent them.
Our motto is
There's uothing like leather,
whflo well pat together.
You get it of
The Old reliable
Sloe Ree
Frank Friedrich
US Vraat StTMt .
made in china for $3.25 and another style
made in France for $1.25.
A decorated porcelain pitcher made in
England sells for 20c and 25c.
A stone china pitcher for 35c and 45c.
Glass pitchers sell at 30c, 4oc. 50c and
Earthen pitchers at 15c, and 25c.
Carmelite pitchers at loc.
Clay pitchers at 15c.
It won't suin the vessel that is used.
It dyes cotton, silk and wool at the same
It is guaranteed "abn proof.” won’t fade
or wash out.
It is ready for immediate use as soon as
it touches boiling water.
It is put up in tin.xans, sqyou don’t have
to use it all at once. You only have a
single article, use a little and save the
rest for the next time!
We are talking of "Dylene Dyes" that
sells for IOC the can.
No mixing, no boiling; no. straining, no
dirt, no fuss, no muss. Comes in 14
popular colors from which 150 shades
can be made.
Buy this labor saver and have ’’clean
hands" afterwards.
Do you
want soap‘d
Do you want a good soap?
Do you want a good toilet soap?
Do >-ou want a good sweet smelling toi
let soap?
Do you want a good sweet smelling "sud
sy” soap?
All these good qualities are put together,
pressed into shape and sold under the
name of "Jap Rose Toilet Soap" and
all for qc the cake. Buy some and be
Tbe Haonah & Lay Mercantile Go.
^ - r-
TH» Momwaio nmoowo, BumpAY, wroamm 99, |«m>
mmms frwihhca
U B. BoUapBoaMood tetaiaatlag
BitMoa 9nm • BoMva
▲Maaa KMoaoip.
M. B. Hon«y la ia eorrcapoadaaei
*«n«n«np wt wr «r «ri«r w i«nr
vltk a aatlfa alaaioMry of Waat AM
la th« iriTMlt aoBfi at •(. Jeaapk eo, wke la aa aaraaat warkar la tba
»a*dMMoa«(tlM prakatraoart «a»
MM aad tb* Jrm «f Mn. MaUa«r ofthamlaakiaarplaMaJila AgbaW. M
TWry.wbalaatavrtac diad aad Wi A. Pb. D.. rallow Btyal Oeloeia) la
amaaltboMaaddaUanfor a Baat« aUtata. Patna al Afr
Barhar llwanr. «aa krokaa. It wat
Hr. Boliaj maicad a lethraafkt oat U tha trial that ta« Iw fro* Ugoa. tba boaaa of Rev.
diMMil waa act »at «rbaa tba wUI AgboW,a<dty of IMOOU iababitaata.
aad oaeloaod la tba iattar «era aovaral
Aa Allana ooaaty :
tka aiiaaionarp. kla
.TMnoaepUatadtbawa^ tdaeat oa eUaat daagbtar aad bla moat aaargalle |
hla .fara to abaataat tfoaa.
veoaaa preaebar. Tba too ladlaa «era
rMaC tka Waeflt b; aalUaf aou clad la their aativa eottanca «eb«a tha
All of tha
fr^aUiaa. whiab eaaaaad a good
aab)aeto of vhe ^etora* ara tplaadid
Cbalaa* baaiart ara raportad to ba tgpaa of tha Afrlaao raaa aad jpriatad
UlUatalaiof aVMk alo^ iba Bapla aatlar aaai to Mr. BoUty ahow tkam
riaar la kbtawaaaaa oonatjr. Laa.. to ba aaargal« oorkara la tka BadaoTwaabaararal tea akaap wera hilW or aaoaa. Mr Agbebi baa charge of a
aad if aoaaa of tba ' aportamoa ara I Mf* dUUkt la obieb there arc Src
aaagbt Ibay easlook for iroabla.
^ebarcbaa with daaday aebooU and Endaavar aoelatlev of large mambenbip.
Tha wbriB waatbar of *a paat
kaaeaaoad a great faUlog off of tka Tbapholoa aad
oatohattka Sagiaaw bay dakoriaa a
few baadrad poaada baiag tka aearaga
lift par day of a atrtag of Sea to algbt
acta Diirlag 'tka oool waatbor of
>rday afteraooa Mi* M<aa P.
8apU»bor tka A«b «ara raaalag la
great aakeola aad eatebaa of fro* ooe B>ckay of Kneoa Qly and Ur. A. S.
Ooraali of Oopemlah. wan unitad in
to two loot were the oaaal record.
BMfrlage at tbarealdaaea of Pr. Baner.
Qaartorawatar Uaaaral Wolto aaya
Mlaa Clan Seymour of ibU city acted
that Ua raorgaalsaUse of ike Mlehlaa brldeomald aad tha groom waa aopgaa aaUoaal guard la about eoiaplo at.
ported by Mr. Jehu Blckay of Neeaea'
aadallbotaboatll eoapaalaa la the
aty.broUer of tha bride. Tba bride
auto ara aow la abapa to taka tha field.
.traveling drva> of gny trim’’By Jaaaary i.'’aald be. “tba whole
mad la purple aUk ead whiu epplkiua:
oUU will have boaa eov«od aad tba
the brideametd wm draaaed la a blue
guard will be ia aa good akapo aa aver.
gray trimmad In pini
ink velvet and creano'^
Wa have not faoaa rary aevaro with
Jaepaallona tbua far, raaUalag wbat
Or.Md Mn. Coraall will laeve for
tba baja have beau tbroagb, but the
OalifornU Monday, whan they MUl
Inapaeiioa now la progrMa ia vary
apead ^e winter. Tbrir many frtaada
aattataetory aad ta a fow Boatha all
la IhU city asund their c
aoBpaalaa wUl have atulaad a high
grade of .cfBeiaaey.*'
▼lelled tbe Ll^t Bone.
At Barbar fipriuga
The ladlaa ef tbe Sawing Circla of
oodaavorlag to axtraet a aartrUga
fro* a It oallbar Wlaobaaur, Augut Traverw Bay Bivo eoj >yed a ride to
Moloblag abot bla abUr. Liuia, 0.d MlMioa Tbanday aad laapeeted
tbroagb tba braaai, lafiieitog a woaad tba light honaa there. Mn. Loaa. tba
that wUl probably pnva fataL Tba keeper, waa takao aomewbet by earyouag woaaa waa la iba kitebaa at priaa. but tbe vialton wen none
wark aud bad Jaat aekad bar bcotbar lem weleoae. Mra. lune proved e
to bo uora aaraful, Tbo baU oatorod royal eatertalaar and the day
uaar tba loft hraaat aad oama oat Joat plMaaaUy apaat by all. Tbe ladleo
below UaaboaUerblarM. Mlaa Meleb- nUraed home la tba evening bat not
lag la atUI allva.baiia la a rwy oHtleal bnton they had pramlaad Mn. Un
I Intura
Jadge Nawaba*. ad tba Saparlar
OaartofOnkdBapIda. a few waake
ago east to g^eoa Vietorta a pbotograpb of a groap of fivo Banbera of
kla taMtlly. all of whom wan bora oo
tba aaaa day witb bar sajaaty. bla
fatbor barlag baea bora wUbln aa
boar of iba Ubo aad wltbla a 01000*0
throw of iba place of tha birth of tha
4)Baea. Tba four daogbtora of tba
jodgawfnalao bora in tbla eonatiy
apoa May S4. Be tbongbt tba matter
of eaeb 'oaaaaal oeoarroaoa that be
vroald aead tbe fiaaaa
Friday be reaalvad aa
aokaowladgaaaat from tba fiaaa
tbroagb her prlvaU aeenUry,' aad
ratara photograph of tba fonr g«ne<atioao of royhliy In Bnglaad. ^owlag
tba gaoea. Prlnoe of Walaa. Doha of
ToriTaad aoe of tba doke.
AronodBoatta Bavan tka eold aoiy
of laat winter played peealler tricka
with tba poach orebarda la many
laatoBciaa aa orchard bearing t.ooo
baakato vraa aaadwlebad ia batweaa
otbar orcharda abaolntely bama of
Aa a'roaalt of tba Oraad Baplda
raraltaia aaaoeUUoa. tba prleaa of all
gradea of furnitan will be ralaed from
10 to 15 pareeat.
Pood Oommlaoioaer Oioavenor ia
after the vealle eatrabt meaufeetarm
who aODllerate Ue produel. Ua taauaa
a warming to all maBafaetaraic and
Jobbarc that they moat aell tha pun
ataff or be proaaeaud.
At South Baven Beary J Pipur. agud
70. waa atraek by a eroaa baa* aa be
drove into bla barn on a load of bay.
aad may die from bla Uiarlaa.
A gang of Blty boo^luma atruck Roy
al Oak Ihunday aad after baggtag tor
aomotklag to aat
Ue tba Inbabluau by abootlag off
tbalr nvolvara.
all tba tall orltb plana for
iaga at tba aortbani Mieblj
aad it la outed that more baUdlag la
baiag dona than at UBT Uma la many
yonia. Tba raaort aaaoeUU
ago baildlag op«oUo*a daring tba
open aaaioB for oatebiag aammar vialton aad many balldtnga have baaa
•noted tbla tail
At Oaleaburg a pat aqulrrat belonglag to Mn. WUl WblUag waa allowed
togntloeaaaad Immadieuly
bar. alaking bla iaalh Uto bar wrlat
aaUl they mat Ba retaraed to tba
ntUek three tlmaa baforo •be
plaead bMk Into tba coca.
Pok OottldaT Ban Blood ti.
If boM kad Iteklag PUoa. They'n
tmribly aaaoylag; bat Baekloa'a Ar>
aUe Sain wlU can the worat eaae <rf
PUMoaaartk. It keacand tbrmaandi.
for lojartee, Palaa or Bodily bapUona
Ith the boat oalve U tba world- Price
Me a baa. Oura gaaraataad. Bold by
Jan O. PahMOt and SL B. Walk draggtola.
Tha Pint Bxbibl^Sr starch.
The fint aUreh to be tnraed oat by
tbe Mtebigan Sunh Oo. left the dry
kUnaof tke factory yeaterday ready
tor packing for sbipmoat to tbe outaide markaU A aampla of the pro
duct la baiag diapUyad la tbe window
of the Rat-ou> oBloa. Tha atanh to of
and to a
Uoa'of a aaw nae for tha Urand
Trnvarae potato.
' BobiMM tba areve.
AalarUlag laodeot to» nai
narrated by
't. ai
aa follow*:
John Oliver of PhUadalpbU.
“I waa la an awful condition
on My akin
>a alm.ou yellow, eyeainaken. tongue
--------- —*lly la back and
^a^ BO appatlte. growing weaker day
_____ _jd giren
ate up. I
> adrtoedi to nae
Baetrie U
o my greatI Joy. tha
fint bottle made a oevided
d improTOa for three
kn, mod am oow a well____ ___
w they robbed tba graveof aooibar
im." No one abonld full to trr
___ a. Only 50c. guaranteed ml Je*. 0
Jobnaon'a and S E Wnit'a drug atoiea
Come HERE and see the styles and valnes we offer yon.
We stand back of every article we aeU and yon take no chances when yon select a
gatment from our stock. Onr guarantee of satisfactioo to yon is ample. ‘
New Arrix^ls In Fine Jackets. Capes. Furs. Etc.
The past few days.
W# can and do soil you ehoioo, new stylo garments at lower prloee than travellag eonoems can sell equal
qoaUtiea for. 8XB OUB SfOCK
227 and 229 Front Street
fSum now until aFTBR tee holidays tbrra win bo a big rueb for every
thing pertaining to Olothing and Oent’s Furnishings. Our anility to supply tbe wants
of all patrons with strictly first class wearing apparel has never failed us. Every year
finds us in advance of the year previous. Below we ment ion j net a few details of make
up and prlcts of our stock. “For further information inquire within”—that is. call ani
see for yourselves.
Hutton Sack
Probably the most worn of any
style suit. Many of these are now
made with double breasted vest,
making a very nobby and stylish
costume. Every new and desirable
pattern of black, blue and stripes,
the latter being most in demand
just at present. Popular prices for
Worsteds — $10.00, $12.00. $15.00
and SiS.oo.
’ Dm*lterBettkaaaak.Pvaad Sniu
aatajM^ar ^tlaan a^ Monday
M? A^aa'
Mn. C. B Bocat vrlU not confine b«iaatracUoa to adraaoad pnpUi
bet wlU lake pupil* over 1
IFrom tbe i-beapegt teametent <*oet at $3.00 to the t_________
full aiik lined tailor made gannent at $25.00 we enarantee yoit
on each oV '•▼alue reoelTed” Not even tbe law aili inter,
(ere in a trenaaction where it ia abown tbe pnrebnaer baa h«l
value received.
$10. $12. $14. $15. $iS up to $24.
for a silk faced dress suit that is
the most elegant tailor made suit
we have seen this year.
^ Hart, Sebafiher & Marx.
Kolb & Son.
I-or Dress Suits. We cany
these in Grey Clay Worsteds —
black unfinished Worsteds—black
Broadcloth .as well as the staple
black Clay Worsteds with which
customers are all familiar—$7 50.
S8.50. $10. $12, up to $18.
The assortment contains si^es
to fit "short." "slim" and all sizes
of men from 54 to 46.
aoldlen of the clvU war, waatheproaatatloo to aaeh anrvlvor of thaTwen.
ty.fifth Miehlgaa Infantry, of an alagaat caMaat pbotogTaph of Ool. Orlan
do H. Moon, who oommaadad tha rugla by Mra.
Patent Pocket
With or without silk face. A
very desirable style of coat for fall
and winter. Are warmer than the
single breasted. Silk faced goods,
being worn for evening dress.
This style made in stripes, but
more popular in darker shades—
Many of them sold in bla,ck or blue
unfinished worsteds. Prices range
Among tba pleaaanteat Incldenta in
^^Maw Diamtm to guanatced 1
ean aU troublaa of the throat, ebaat c
laaga. Prta *
10 Ola at Ji
Jmcoats, Ulsters, Reefers,,
Far Ceats, MacHeteslies.,
Breasted Sa^
I.uV March Oaorge Potter and Urrln.
Uawklna. tarmen living on tba Bul.
loch road near Hay City, made a wager
in tba matter of ntolng tbe largett
augar beeta. Tbe aaada ware aowed on
a hot bed and extra can waa given
tba planto all through tha dry aeamwi
It to claimed that PotW won. bU
hearlaat beat weighing :] pounds
Bawklaa' weighed 8i >« pounda
A Thoaaand Toagaan.
Oonld aotexprma tba raptan of AaBla B. Sprtagar. of PbUadelpbta. wbaa
Ur. Klcg'e Saw Dtoeovary emnn bar of
a backing eougb that for many yean
bad made Ufa a barM. She
ter all other rmaadtoa aad doeton
taUadttaooareUavod tba pain la my
ebaat and I ana now alacp aoudly,
aomatblag I eea acarealy remMubar d
tag before. 1 teal like aooadiag I
Reliable Drr Goods, Carpet aed Cloihlgg Rouse
many higher- priced goods sold elsewhere. We buy
even our cheap suits of the same makers who produce
our better goods, and thus give you Ml'CH BETTER
WORKMANSHIP on a cheap suit than is usually found
in suits at these prices. Our $7_.50 suits will bear com
parison with many suits put on the market at $io.oa
Those who have worn them can testify to this fact. A
big assortment of colors and patterns.
I n
tot made?
^ *“'■ '■o"
and othffi ejually aa favorably known to clotbing buyera. pro*
dut-e nothintr that ie inferior. Our guarantee added'to theira
makes your purchase a “sure thine" for you—it anaarea you of
the latest ami most approved atyles aad the moat ezpsrienod
work put into each garment.
Seven dollar* and fifty cenU bnya from several hand"
eonu- {«Ueru8. whet eoUars, tiurly trimmed overcoata. Ten
dollan Rives you a much finer garment, better lininga. bet
ter tnmminga
Twelve dollar* comes near getting you a good enough
overcoat for aoybo.ly—made either with full Farmers aatin lin
ing or half wool lining with heavy aatin ahonider luting—tbe
greatest variety ev. r shown at this popular prices.
Fifteen dollar* to twenty-flv* dollar* embraces *
line to which we would bke to call the attention of everyone
W-Vl VlAa
______________ -1«
who haa that amount to ___
into an
overooat- TTT
We can aoon
convmce eoch a one that the “made to measure"
meaam. coat
^ fioteh—and as to price, be will be from
$10 to 115 ahead by investing here.
Warmback” Ulsters.
We shall try to keep on band in all aixea. Thus jar tbe de
mand has been ao great we are a little benind with onr anpply.
Double cloth from tbe waial up-made 6f the heaviest and fineet Chinchilla or Irish Friecs—tbe cold simply can't penetrate
Onr ulster etook always waa large—this year it is larger
than ever. It oontaius just wbat yon want, you may be sare si
an onjlay TOO may be kept warm, dry and comfortable, protected from
<io--0"« are tie
____ for.
PIIR nniT9 Fallj gnaranteed—$12 to *30. All kinds
run uyniu Nothing elae Ukes their place tor a driving corL
? ■
CHS nosiAira Xkopao, nmvAt. ootoam* w, lam.
osvmoa SBTXOM S09AT.
ruBiihad bp toa BwpBBttaa Obto^
■aoaallaa Baaaw. a. Taey Am Mo.
»torea la Urndwm.
Oitp Oporo Boaoa
BiBUt Bla la aery UlUa WM la tha
■Maria of Madrid Woman nrrar walk
aad tridoBt do BMia
than dmeend from and ester tbeir enr-
r»t(«nnrn ■ Lm)
^ U» wcUtawira MttecvH. dM t»
Q—gto bM raid Irtbau to bar raak
tetkatoad ibaSpaatob-Aaarlaaa var.
riM UaaV Tbaaaa d Braaby of tba
Olya^ by tba ffwaatitlM of a
fcaadwaa airord la raaofalUoa mt bla
■abayrthy aarrlaaa at Maaila. Tba
VrasaatoUaa wai sada at a J»iBt -a*a
alaa wt tba OaatfU boaaa al
MbtaUrw aad aaaata.
AlaiBlaaM It te bara tta tnt iat»at«
•St trial aa a aaailaatnr al alaatriat^
ea «w ilortbwaatara alaratad read at
Cblaace, wbaadOMOaeal win wLU be
Thaperab a ykUlfal Atm player.
Hb farariU eppaayat la Fatbar OatUo,
s Devlaleaa ■oak. aad aa eld frtaad.
Lard KItehaaar'a laiaat boeor la aa
ap^riataiaat aa dlatrtat praad
«{ rfaaHaaoaaef B^yptaad tbadoa4aatba eflalala ti tba Bollywaad
«M7. BlabMod. Va.. bare dacMad
«paa tkaplaaator a Meamat to be
araatad at tbalr owa tapaaia on* tba
gntt of l»raaldaa». Tjim. whlob for t7
yaata baa baao aanarkad.
him noratta VlaUf. of Ball. MaM.
•waa alaa aaaapapMa- tbay t»»a V
bar by bar fatbarb will, aad aba o»arlooka tba raaalay of tbam beiaalf.
TtenlB'Utfln donU hot
that tha
wgtot asdlMMlbM aw tUod tba;
Oorsar Waablnfton atrant and Board'
ana nranna.
HOlr OommnnkB nt *40 A m.
Moraiac aarrlee aad aarwoa at 10:W
Samday School at It m.
Braalnr aarriM at 7 p m.
AU ara eordtaUy larltad to tbt^-
riacra Men. a* a rala are rtarely poUla. tba beat of tbam Kroainely ao and
the otban With a ranldi which doaa
rery weli when not amtebtd. They
■Ura oat of oonntenance trtty womao
any olmUnr
oaaioB wiU Uataa to the laetnra of Bto
TboBiaa D.xoo, tba opaniag namboi oa:
tba Btgb
nto marie
BOB! Iictara. ‘'Tba Battle Ory of Fraa-
J. E. Sreilick Co.
Doors. Sash, Mouldings,
fom.** will ba tba aUraetwe that wUl
b -yoBd aU qaaaUon S'4 arary aoat la
tba bonea.
.Fine Mill Work
Two are atlll. bowerar. a
who pawea Tbia tbay aaplain. tnaato
sotbiep. aad U indaad a driicata aurt of
eambor of good aantt loft, that may ba
Cbnreh on eomw of Ninth aad Wadabad by tba oaaa who eoma aarly. That
worth otraata.
tbay will go la b eartalaty. Tba oalp
SandayaarrioaaaraacfoUowa: S
often Ukaa
a and la alwaya
Proaeblwg atlfr-Wa- m.
qnaatloa la.wbo wfll ba tba aarly oomara
rwy iTTin*
b t
who oacnra tbam.
' tba Ro;
Royal Opera Moaae at Madrid . Praachlng at 7:00 p m.
aa apparaatly wall brad Spaniard will
Toottf Paqplo'a prayer mooting, 6K)0
A happy IroUoaema Uttla frilow eallnot bealUla lo walk dopn tba atala
od Waite Coma. “A Bell B>y“; aa
dnrinp tba antr’act. and. lakiac a fa- ^MU-waab prayer moatUg at 7:M p
All ara larltad to tbaaa maat aga.
-Maal kaown aa Kaaaaa
TocaUanaod oaar ibe woman bawiabm
to ragard. Mare at bar tor two mlaatw
anoovo NmoMBT csraoB.
Swift, with a dorira to ontriral Plakor
at a tlma. with or witbost glamiB No Bar. Box* Eaaaadr. raaUr.
too; aa a waU-fod Jolly beaUato aamad
aooaer la the cnrtaln do«o than nearly
Baaehaad Oraball with a goad bot.exaad at7:W
gat lortoa. ■
all tba men in tbe booae—ai a rale
ttsrageat wlfa-oad her
I and well dr^ad—
btmeb togatber in tba middle aitla and
Sanday aebool at U;«5 a. la.
try la tha lataraat of a New York laoa
taka tba nwamira of tbalr aorroandiiiga
Bawortb Lmgaaat •:!$ m m.
tr«; a bright, protty. mlacklaroM
It !• a aedamn momaat Nobody airilaa
Mid-waak prayer moating. Thaiaday
or Mm. and tbara doaa sot afwn to bo
BDcb talking
Beta ara worn, and
erary mao looki abont aad ataraa
Cold weather is coming.
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
mUa girl by aaaia Poarlloa, who aaat 7:M p. m.
A cordial Inrltatioa la axtaadad to lata WUlla Ooma to make Ufa mlaarable
aa poaaible for tbe gaeata of the Urab-
Wban aa aeqaaiotanoa le daocried la
paaof tba buieo. ba grar.-ly lifu bia
bat and replam U. hot bii foatoraa re
tain tbeir impamlre grarity
The women, wbeu oue d<M aM Ibatn.
allloa-. Mr. Skip, an laoflenalra bat
amoalag iadtrldaal wbo baa a wife
with a foadnaaa for aamtaar tbaatrioaU. aad tba rtllaga qaartatta. ara
' » of tba ebaractora ia “A
Now is tbe time
to place your orders for
Traverse City. Mich.
Telephone No. 2.
.........................wUl ba bald ererp
■aem to ba bandmmdy gowned, bat araning of tba week axeapt Mosdap
tba maaleal farce comedy lice which
they are nut oa good lookitig nr tba and Satnrday.
wUI ba aaan for tba I'at Uma la thU
riBBT Bamor
dna Jookin*
j vpiritad bbrsea or
by a Rpanking pair of mulea
1 bare
Haaday School it m.
Been tocb moles aa ara to ba areo
B. Y. P. U . 5;4S.
at tiiDM oa tba abopplng atreria of
Branlngaarr.ee 7:00
Von will tdten Bnd on tbeaa
No rctme^ equab Wasn'ER'S W^ITK
Morale aublwt: “Tbe Tampla-"
orowded iboroagbtarea eqoipagea that
•Vine or- Tak Svri’.p for
... tbiR ternBrealngaabjfv : ■ Otaeorarad.''
and fatal dii
. If taken tborlaforaatloo baa raacbad Loadoa that woald kxdi wall <io Fifth aranoe. llocka
Prayer maatiog Tharaday araning.'
of Ara-p and lurkeya aod alow morlng
aoiUn time, it'
/wlU cure a «a«rwKxm cui'ocB.
aba BrlUak ataamer 7.arleh. which
n 24 buura, and fu> tbe ouagh that
luloxen. Out to OM-nlitin tbe oipniprrmnt Het.BareUr rones. |ia>tsr.
mUad bom Korda CMobar It. lor the
u-wR La Crippe P. i,ever laiU
Cfaurcb. Oor. Oak and Fifth altoeu.
lorsar port, fouadarad darla( a barri'
vlief. Price. SSc and 50c.
a, o*eK
Cbooolate to the pablle.
«aaa Oowbar tl. at tba Viftan lalaadi.
Sunday Oinnar at Hotal Oolambla.
•ff tba wwt eoaat of Norway. Tba
V P. S. C. 1
pnyar moating $:it
Or*t*r ■’tMin aosa
Mptala waa aarad. bat It la faarad tba
eraw bava baaa leak
BMt baksd HseklBss Trou>. Maurr C Bo
BelM SucsrCursO tU<n.aUcMl taMB
At MaalU aa laformal aMatlaf
Just The Thing
For A Chilly Day
At our soda counter
We dispense
To Csrs La Sripfs h 24 Ison.
brid Friday aaaalaff of
to prooaad i« doatb Africa to debt for
tba Brltteb.
Mora tkaa lOO Borllab
naa. Aaatiallaaa aad ABBarieaaa
They orpaaUad a party
ftad ballave tbay can aacore too
with Ibc
ai aoldicia.
Tha Diamal Swamp oaaai. which waa
onflaally aorrayad by Oeorfa WathiBCtoo.'bal which baa baae practically
u™.h... .b,
bog Therattlesnake ia alow and alog-,
Tne poblle b jordlally Inrltad to
vonw Turkrf.orswri>s..iB,
glRb in movetuenL while tbe bbek anaka tbaaa —r»h"^
measw* ni OpriuR Ckickm «iu Tsn Bisesii
b Intciuel.v rapid
Tbe Utter will clr-j
■»taa Pork and B»aa. aUk
cir aruond bU fua and with a andden
gar,». Ooeaus. sosier.
dart grasp the renoinoni reptile by tba
m lO:S0 a. m. Ear. John F. Brant.
neck. *o that it has no rhance tu use -Haia Saperintaadant of the Antl-Sa
ita poUimoaa fnngs. aodqaU kly eqocexa loon LengoP *l'l apeak,
TOBiAie i 'siAup
it tu death
A bug. mpecially if (at.
Scaday aebool at nooi
nffera no danger frum tb« ratllmake
Junior Chrbtian Sadaaror aoelety at
Sum PuddUic. BrauAr Maiirs
Hewllluiarrb boldly np tu tba roih-d J O-m.
Arpir Pi*
OrsBC* Pts
reptile, allow hiuiis-lf to lie atruck in',
IbMrmadbta Sooaty of CbrtotSirasberr; Pte
_____ ._________ o,
bi.juwbunca,;twi...-ur fbr.vUu.«. a.
tber^ may l^nd will tW» calmly
tTrit totwat^* tai
folk. Va . to tka PaiqcoUBk rlrer. la
proroed luawBllow the feptiU witboBt
Yoaag Paopbb Society of Cbrbtlan
The ri-«mtti Ua tbe bog a im- Radaaror at 5;4» p. m.
- inity ie due t.. the fact that lb.- blood ,
At 7:00 p m Hr. Brant will gire hb
■rb are su uiitintr and iufreqm-at on ataraopilean rtawa of aniloaloon work
bb cbeekR.'wbcif fat b prrduimnatit. :‘b tba atata
Tbaaa rUHbiJwltb Mr.
MarthOarolloa.bdlitaBoaof It mtlaa.
that they fail to take op tbe |k>»*.ti and ' Brnni'a------------------ --------------------- -----------------------
4iaaaad*Tor a beodred yaara.
opaoad for baaloaaa Uciober 14.
'wsal rataods from a polol oaar Nor
It la 10 faat daap aad eo faal wlda
VanilLs Ir*(>*sui
Fluridn Oranf**
WaIM- BrrA-l
Maekk And JA.ACofIse
arabd the periloua oaUlda trip aroaad
Hattaraa aad iu parlloa* aboaUmm Balaa MU)ar Oeald
•e.oee to tba Learaa f«r Social Sarrlea,
to ba
aaad lo a enuada apaloat Mar-
Tba laaraa baa imaad l.ooo.-
eoo pamphlata.
Ooeldb diractlooa.
paraoaaaa of
Tbay ara aimed dl-
Bobarta aa ooeraaHeaa.
Bricham B.
wlU be
'diabribaUd all orar tha ooBBtry'. B
g two aibiple facta any
• ana
slobby Any snake that tapers smootb'rum tbe uiiddls of iu bdy To tba tip
lu nose and to iha tip uf iti tail aa
Well, growing olendrr In a gradul and
BaOIr Caataaed.
- - uinatratao
Tboaa. tofetbar with a
may affect tbe bmuan luiod at uying
tloa aad d'caaelal aepport of poopU of
»JI elaaaaa tbroarboat tba eoaeiry.
&talmaaa ara allapad to bara aboi
be Aa-
aoeordlac to a ra
Una dny when he waa on board a
Rhine rieaiiibiat b<-uctu-ed a lady, arideotly in great diktresa. trying by eigna
toexpbiniu tbe oftli-ipb onma matter
connttywuman ufr hi* OK
port from Fort CborebUL Bodaen Bay.
Oea of Loweb aeoau aad two alynal
oorpa meo wllb Lawtoo at San UIdro
ara atlaaiat and ara ■eppoaod to hare
Tbe Cantnry Magulne for Deoambar TTratcrBO-aioer*. Ate«a«ed •avj«is-ia
kAAkA:'sWAdr All'Vlater trU bni s-AasA.
and .
lee every pair we aellto beabao-1
lulely all bolicl.
We have tbem '
heavy sniei, rici kid, chrome kid,
name in
$1 -48 a
sboee for $1 16—Tbe same in
cbildren'e aboea for 86o-The same in little gent’s for 760Robbers to fit them at 16o, 18o, 86o and higher priced if yon
________________ ______________
Tba Morentber Magaalnaa
136 Front BL
Fneticsl Shoe Xnn
ly Sn. faataraa.
Ollrar CromwaU.”
Tbe ftrmt page
of tba oorer
Morlay. F"2^iuiTd
, ‘'liromiA. ^Vatk**t
the portrait of CromwaU. a raprodne-
briow la a Uat of tba baring add aall-
tion from a famons pnlntlBg. dona In W' in prtTAir .a«ii., br ac-apM,*.-o«au.
brown, while tha article Itaelf b ftnaly a<tdr**. j l . Lock Boi si. Oo.rAi Lak*._i^^ amaClty:
wi»n oon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
flrat Uma tba
baeaoH aha marrlad him la J til and
ofeka house
til 74
s.lUnd k ei*e fia tr**htDrt»s
R lu.lao-H; Cms.
antoblogyapbieal aketob of Mra Jobe
1 incloda
lu'^JeeU t
heiyk fo.mdAito^u. Aj.a
for a»IUb« ln.|Ulr*SII W*»
aod alii- .s.nM .
y aUuiuter uot.'“L’n American ataga In early daya. NolleIhkt i>. a liiile
I able among tbe portraUa and enbj-ct
belplaoB among tboM (ormgurn.''
byArlbar T. Radley, b another importmow. wban tba traat problem b raeairlog w maeb attaatioa from man of all
Wa offer Ooa Bnadard Dollart Ba
Tbara b a aonreauf aerroot ailmanta
ward tor any eoae of Catarrh that oaaBot ba e«^ by Ballb Qalarrb Cara.
entirely apecial to tbb age and tbe nnF, J.Cbmei' a Co . Prop.. Toledo. O. axpactad ontcoma of oor prooent day
Wo, tha Bodaralroad. bare known F. cbemutry and adrerUalng
Intempar3. Oboaay for UieTaat It yaara. aad ba- ibca In dmga b becoming more comllotd blm porfacUy boooiB^ in all
DOtt. and It may pomibly onUlrip tba
baskOM traaiaetloaa and taaaelally
aboaa of alcotaul in iu aril ranita Tba
abU to carry oat any obUfaUcBC made
infarinra of new cbamlcal pndoeto
b* l^r Brm
WmtA Tsuax. WbolOMla DracrMta,
'Tola^ o.
WauMie. KiaaaB A Maarta, WbelaaAla Dra
- HaUb----------------------------------
----------------------------;----------------- -—Brrsi
-uuAdior r^BIIM.
•« IB IBMf
.blTKerkty Dp.Mr RAU.
WllllBa u> |>AJ rrarl;
>UAl opponsBiAir Mr raolurBrol
—- Krf»rrBrr»r*®AAtiar>o. ao, ioa.
oi."i rarpldpr. 8. k. PatB.
thu Asd ci»sr t.j rouBi.r*
utd tba work
“A^pia^'rii* and wlndfalta. lOc par
.LR-Fony acre* ol
aabjaoj fromai
fromaa aooBomie atandpolat ywr
Acs otBABDusiatoiaiBcO
i-s. r«:
Frank Leallab PoptOar Monthly eoewant Ukkra-s. »«a.r
kuc IR
i. Om
t"* 1-r roc WANTUkBra»o*0f
OAf kUd
talaa an arUela by Saerotary of iba 1 eu.. o»«»aau. or u bar • »<-■*,. u. o*
Ttatonry Oaga on
which b vary i
ffnaartlria, "Amoog tba Boen,’* by aa
all, boworar.
lur of 1W7 Mr. Jamaa
Oaring Ika^
Bead, one of tbe laadtag ritloM thi
I Ciay.
CUT. Clay Co., W. Va.
anokamaBtorat to \>nim U
ly. u baoama
maeh awoUto and
Mlnad him ao badly that ba eorid ar-i
irikwltboattbaaidof cmUAaa. Ha
WM tnatod by pbyalriana. alao aaad
aararri klnda of Hrimant and two qnd
Alto A
Polator and
Volantoar, or Tirtaa U Ww," wblah M
a atary worth apandlng a tow boua la
aSlbVamny PHto ara Ika baat.*
(coda to aboibb diteoM that of tba pob
lie bmanfiietnrinff it-Medical Joai
orlffiaal BOAMaetnaUifwt
mbBrodBOtoUad •BpariSeA* aBoaUy
b^^lA tba
^ ObHabSSto^
* ■** id
A» Al, tr A A
bMon «««-g Cbambarlaln'a
Pnin I
H,Uo, ,f KaIAC of AwA of AAi-«
bnd ha sot aaad tbM ramady bla lag
wonld tore bad to ba ampatotod. Pals
Brim M nnaqariad tar aptalna. bi^
■ad rhanutlam
Far cria by 8.
Writ and F. C. T
oostralof wbatwatferaorly kBOwn
aa toaBoatoa Daatol Pbriorn. AIm
to atata aU oU aniiMbad aoaMaa
od a mrmt Bold «rhleb waa attandad
wSl ba takaa eara «t BBinrillid t
■od BqooUAtlA.
A. OaA C 0*n«r A, AuUaMa of U.
aty ri Tr»»s«s« Otw «1U neat U teraUr aes-
__________ sAdlkMl
Oori at Beard e( berm ato ntaallRattea.
i Exceptionally Strong
ealla. (Michigan Stareh
Oo .) aooordlnr to oaallty. IMSc.
rir^ bla Ito -pi-* »«ka ri
A Bell Boj
Newesl, Brighitsi Fait*
i ThuComedr
Hit of the Seasoi.
HAiA^rr *»>. 7r»r
ilBloB CcBpsa;. IVpi L Cbicaxc.
political parUaa. Mr. Radloy traaU tba
Wednesday E¥e.NoYl.
The Complioatod Fnrelonl
^U* ^d*r 7 A Caarro”
eapiloully fine nombar. Ooa of tbe
rery 'antortalnlng
ao f
“Irani apnik aoribing elae,“aba
QTl'l rs -Ft SB wr>-Arber »hop.
*heti L-'T'I UriiiiiKrll >-<>ntiiin.-d the ! matter
ara Bdwln Booth, WUlUm
Mata oaptarad by FUlpleoaconrei
conreiMiiKiu in Frenih. bnt it Ini-auia Cbarlfo
Jamea Bdwto
Aa ladutrlal tebool for boyt, or evident that tbe lady Duderat4<oil acarre- Mardoob, John Draw.
pbaaa of Caban aoldiarc. baa boon oa- 1y a word Oeruian and Italian gave Draw. Tyrone
and aevaril
eqnaUy bad molls
Finally aba imnv
tobllabad at Santlafo by Uenaral Wood.
other atara wbooe talanU aeread to
tend andibly to barself
alarate tba atagaTba work b ax<Bdwaid Salmon eannot be tried for
••H»w 1 wlab 1 were oafe at borne I'
tramely Intoraallnr aad marltorloaa.
attampUnr to polaoa bU awaatbeart.
••TbafarmaUonandoontPol of troaU,"
Mtm Larina Kraaka. at Moacla, Ind.,
BOW htdlnt-
-------- ---------------------------------------TTrAKT*D-pMli.se A* keoA*ks*-prr: rood
W r*(*rrQ**> gi>ra iBiiulr* At 4I» W. Ttb
treated to tba Ula of Otomwell ia tbb
tor, ara axpaetad to aollat tba eo-opara-
. droab
bnadrada of oletaa
aarlad aaaortmootof oiberprintad mat-
two wAlu men.
bare will be noanrrioa today.
Tbe renomona
reptile larariably puoaemea a triangular
ly abajiad bend and a blont nose, while
bU tail b corresjioDdiDgly bltint and
to«afc paUtlooa will ba aaat to to.OiO
iilaasjmia aad
.le cat
fruui I
rrgnbr manner, ia al
?ly da
renota.—New Verk Prtiaa
tbay ara MthatoledmUllooi more
of tbe ikJaud* uf tbe auntberD
of pubunona re{itiW and have proved
button for $1 48
kangaroo or box calf.
tba aaa of tba oaaai amall romals that
do aot draw orar lO faat of water oae
Just received and
ule tliia Rtyle nb(^ in Iki-e
l*«a Milk
-------------- -
NnUlI nius u( Qigus
Artistic Company
26 People
8peeisl Boenery, Ostekj
Mnnlo. Protty QtrU.
ing et tbe hoi-oaoe. Pxiom Ko»
408 V mmww>A At*.
Tfie Bo«r at His Best
1. LiMtl* U. flhaw. Rrpiibllcaa. Iowa. t. J.
A W. J. TAj-lor. ltcpubllc«n. Kenturkr. 4. Wll
«r*llc, Kentucky. S. John
_ llixxkn.
Drmorrat. KeniucAy.
*. Alex R. Bruce. Democraltr. Uacrac biucits. 7. W.
irmy Cr»De. Ht-vub*
Ilcan, MaeaachUeetU. t. John W t*mir‘
Uaryland. 8. l.lovd
id.‘ H*.
•ubll^•n. Uaryland.'
t». A. II l»oclnn. Dem<a lallc; MIskIkki
11. GeorsF K. Naib. Hapulillcao. Oblo. :
Mrl.«an. lA-iiKK'iallc.
A Buried British Ptaa.
Tba man>of>«^ar of the ancient Ro•ana bad a crew of about BS men. of
wbleb 1T4 wore oaramen. working on
tbraa docka. The apeed of iheae veatala waa about a<g knou an hour In fair
.......................... . ing picture will give a good Idea of the appearance of
rtllpino alronghold after II haa been captured and invaded by
tronpa. Thla aoene ahowa a it.rner of San PraiK-leoo de Ualaboi
cent evacuation t
fore the p>«ltlun c
an end. Ibe aoldier lxiy»
of rncle Sam are to be ae n going about the caplu .-d town In varinu* alage*
of undreaa. often enough li aearoh of freeb clothing while their own tattered
unlforma are drying on aun • nearby fen-^ or iiallng It l» then too, that there
ta a general relaxing of dl clpline while Ibe mm c nj..y a well needed rwl and
perhapF a amoke nr tan.
Here la a )ug which
templed to Immonaliae good
Queen lli-.F
Thla antique
Jug la one of me
mi>at prtsrd bite
of pottery in the
famoua Willett
collecll^ and la
cenlurlea old. Surely
the moat democraltrally
poacd Individual
would be Inclin
ed to admit that
after all there
may be aomethlng In royal
ty. eapeclally aa
might be the
angel in mailed
armor watching o«>r Ihe dead. On (bd
uccaalun of the unveiling of thla memo*
rial the young kalaer made one of tbg
moei el.iquehl Fp-x-chew of hto career,
touching with much delicacy on a aub*
)-cf Ibui wouH have been rather palB*
ful to Krance If handled In anything .
like (h- hiutallv frHiik manner aomaa
Umea^affecled by William the younglA
A Reoat Ale nuo.
' Enofand's Ofdest Admiraf.
r bucoJIr aerivnls |i
6an Erancisco de Mafa&on After Evacuation.
When the Brtilab flat waa hauled
4o«n in the Tranava^ In Itll. a pain*
Mle Barliahman In that rouniry aerured the dia-
the llluilrallun
« a a put up.
Nowadaya II la
Whether I h H
«aaa ntere grim
}oke or a aort
of prophecy, for.
•ecdrdlnt to nreaent Indleallona, it
loeka aa ihoutn lh« -reaurtatn’- waa
«olnc to prove more'or leaa apropoa.
a pruplc t
that the IttR-r If not altogether «u!Te.-lnx fraiD vvem-nocnirnt. Thuui
of thPFc people live on a w.ll that t« ao fertile that ll la rotnmonly 1---If a plant la throan on the itrotinil ,^nd naiered It will grow, the Hoer,
role, ham only a llttle plot of aoll aoral-heO over for a l«alch of Indian
hard, bout bread.
when It la tilled
to the bHm with
home brewed
r of tha BrlUab navy to
katiw tba OUaat a
clalmad. with a deal of JuaU&abto prida, too. by old Adatom) Hr Barty Xtppol,
« ptetwm. who Md fair to (oUow la ibalr miMtitoki m*t»aAbw*g
»aan«. aa they do. troa 9....................................
•datoml'a rtoanUy patoUtbtd 'Baal
n a
not toac MO and
val Ulaemrr elrelaa
Home of tdam Cheese.
That Wall Whitman. Aoicrlca a grealeat p-x-t ■a more appreclal>-d abrval
an at home h*» on.e more been prov.Kl by the • icceaa with which Dr. lllchd Maurice Hurke'a t»K>k <m till* po>'t liaa met » Lb In England. Dr Buck-,
I. IwBlde* being a dietlnirui»hed »< holar. la
allenlat or reputaiioii
auiH-iint-ndenl of the l‘r.-vlnclai aFylum at L-mdoii. Canada, enjoy-d the
long frlendehlp of Whii-man and. after the pixd'a deatA became one »f Wbltman e Iltirory eierut.irw llc -ntly Dr Buikc ptixately printed - Notea and
Pragm.-nle.•• a large x-ulumr mad- up, ae Ita title would lmpl>, of the many In-tereaimg and Fuggeolive fragmenlF and notea left ix-hlnd by the poet -f Amerlean dem.wracy- l>r. Burke la bIfo ih» editor of The Wound Dreaaer, ' that
remarkable Whitman volume made up of the poel'a war lettera aritten to
hla mother, ilealdea being one of ihe oeditora of In Re Wglt Whitman."
that exeelleni biographical and critleal work on tb- poet. Dr. Bucke la ala» Ibe
author of two paychol.urlcal work- of importance. One la bU volume eotuled
'Uaii * Uoral Nature" and the other hla monttoraph. “Coamlc Oonaclousneaa "
To the general riaat of readera. however, Dr. llucke wilt be known at the
faithful and loving exponent of Whitman, whom be greatly roaembled..
How tfie HuDuenots Grow Sweet Lavender.
Om •( (ha prattM adtkdi u ha aaw la aB Ptusea la a tevuadar aaM vhM
Iht UtUa kwkaa art raady to ka ««t and gatharad ^ lAvaadw haa alwaya
had a dualak old wartd atmoapbaaw aurtwadiM It. bat tkoaa who kava only
aaaa the floawr la a garden can have ae tdaa
Ihe baaaUfal efloct of a wboto
aapaaop af daap. rtek-aalar arhaa all that oMata Um aya la a »av^ ata of Maa
Tlie Oordon Pencil.
Certain tupercllloua peraona In Eng
land acemed to take great deligtl In
accuatng the American people of vtndtctlveacaa for their phraae of "Re-,
member the Ualae." Chargee like thU.
however, naually come home to roeat.
aa win be at^
by tha
w hicb baa be-
baaia tha algaiflcaat motto. "Remember
Ootdoa." An eotcrprtolng London Jewelar aacared tba empty cartridge eaaea
aaad by the BrlUah trotma at Ibe battle
aC Omddrmaa. which ba baa turned
to the poacerul oaea of the anrlbc. manufBcttiriag tbom Into writing peocllia.
It baa la thla coanaettoa alao taakad
out that tba geaora) ardor gtvaa to tha
Kagtlab troopa on tba merwtag of tba
aagagamai^wlUi tba kalUa'a aixayvaa
wOoedoo." Tbe salt of tbaoa
pandto. by tba way. to said W bkVa
While-the Edam rheeae I* a famlllag
visitor uii the table, aol every on#
wh.nc it c..mea nor how tig
I liall pr.,|w>rtioiik and gay color*
Inga havt- been achieved waya Ibe Boa*
TrahF rlpt Th- northern part of
Holland IF th> rent of the Edam chn-ag
indUFiry unct the coDaequrnt cleanllnetg
of the reliFh l« thx-reforc doubly as*
I Fured In making ll the freah coWg
; milk IF carefully atralned *nd the rea*
I net la added 'Aa auon aa Ibe milk cur*.
’ dlea (he x>h<-> It drawn off and (hg
, Ihorx
into mnidk.
unill Ihe uh-y ta
It la then wrapped
kept for 10 or It daya. onitl quite aollg.
Then the cloth l« removed and Ibg
cheepe put Into nail lye Anerward g
little more dry atll la sprinkled on thg
cbeeae unill the maker thinkn II ta awtt
enough to Inaure It* keeping. It Is hexft
put Into a veaael and washed with whey I
and scraped to remove the white erwab *
It la next carried Into a cool room an4
laid on a abelf. where It Is frequeaUg
The ripening proceaa laata for twg
or three moatha. the round balls groma
ing the fine yellow or rmMiah color pi
cullar to Edam ^etaa. The eheaata to
traded to be exported to thla COUBU
at« tendered still more Mlllaat by dyi
Ins the rind with a vegeUble dy^
A Precious Handfut.
It to Bot every oac who baa
privilege c< bolding tl.«8g wuctl
geld la tbad faaad. But aaw sm
cams to know }w*t bow Mg
socb a so
gold weald
orUI be
... ___
caatty found la tba Atita Mu_____
BHttob fidotoMa. aad to
Btogbi. add.
TB» MOCTOIO.qOOTji, WgPAlt, winvBBE S9. IW«
Km *b MaoHo who b
IfoqMeUy wlik Admin) lVv«r Aart
bspui to Mllor tbr irw cmtocoa of
tbo maa Hto aimpUdlT. oainnlDMa,
•ad affaMr maurr. alowoi anwMch*
tax Canlllarttr. lorarUblr mtalnd
•M at flrat nwtinie. Go abmd tbo
Anek nironoa of tbo oOWr*. and aend
font card lo ibo adniira).
Toa half'fcar tbl> famna* Idol of
T0.0nn4irai of fwoplo alll not arc you.
Boo take a acai aft and wall a few
MBooib. Mr. Bnrnihy. ih»* admini'a
•at HratottanL aadd-n)r IntorrnpU
•Tbo admiral irlll i
The door i^oaa and a hnailfol CbV
.Mar ■Vbow" doa boatal« thmnah befora j*u and )am|M op on the admir*
•I'a laft. f
•dfanclnc to mn-t you. -| am very
Sappy to tot you." hr aaya. "Wbni
Aid yon con>c:to Manila, and vbat la
Cb# aw from Anrrtnt Takr thla
Chair." And tbo, udmlraL harln*
ebook banda. cmb yon a chair, and. af»er y« I
lakra <
blaoHf and oooUoon almuai before
FM hare a rbanre i
anawer him.
*'What do you iblnt of mv doyT-Bt
« down, chanre-ihere. l»n t he
beknty. IboaybT He wa* aent me fro_
f»)na-Bob. behare." for the yieat
bonndne pet la trylnf to lirk hla band.
Of conrae you feel at oore at home
mad dOlte at your be«t. Yoo lanneb
toto all the aewa at ibe ead of your
Sonr'a That to find youneir aarprlMd
■t bow imimaiely you know him.
Efa mibd oare made up, bla jnd<Boat aerer falter*. I know of more
than oae man who baa mlatakea AdBin) Dewey'a affabHlly for weakueaa.
•Bly lo reyret It bitterly. A wrilSaown ihaiaace la Manila waa liiai of
Vbe waa permitted the freedom of the
' JhAlblp. Oae day thla
Bbo waa la the habit of ebaitinf In•IbrmaUy with the admiral, aauntereil
lato Uewey'a quarlera. and. tniemipl^ bhn In hla woHu blurted out:
-TYeU. admIraL what your plana rafardlay future aetloo berer
"Ptenal Planar the admiral l«SUad, 1a aarpiiae. “How dare yoo aak
tb« plana of antoa for puNleaiionJ
Bat off tbi* ablp and doa'i let me^iea
foti here airaln antll you know more.'
The eorreapoodent reallie.1 bla mid^
take, bat too late. He pot off. and lui*
Ctoea been allowed to re*lcn from the
Mper be repreaenled. Admiral lirwey
Ik oae of (he he*t BpeHmeim of Aiueri■kBlaal oar country baa pmalunal. Ur
it fearleM to a point little abort of
feekle**ne*«. N'«t omi-. Imt ••rer.r
*aek. he rUH* the tlrlnp llnea. and be
* ■ ea rliatlees niai
r for hi* aafety.
Hla rbaracier abowa that alnipllrlty
S»d approncbahllli.r are attHlaihe «>
lyne worth. Hr la not an-rae to fondlikff bla |>ei dop. nor I* be n.und want|k( when the bareb nieftaure* of war
AK Beetled. When oae day t ahowed
Sim a numlter <if-pbotopraph* of the
Aead laaiirpenla. he eselalnird: '
"Po«ir felluwa: Too l«il. too Imd!
IkO'l It a pity we have to do ItT IMuT
BtH them borne: they are Joo borri-
Bcr tttkOT ifroK tte be«d of tb»
Wn>—KthH. b ttol fOBO« naa
■tJc WU9CQ
Is There Aither One?
Vrfoct. «y d . _
anaaDy think iboy i
Wood —Kxi-haacc.
Mr. Klddby-M-bo >• Biakins that
lafmial lanite
planoY Mn.
-Tha la ODnataare at bef ezenlae. M —
ea'a Bake.
latune other way.-Puck.
"What'a lhatr aaked the rich man.
who waa buylac • f»* palntlopa.
“Thafa Pepaaaa." replied the dealer.
“Pepaana, yon know, wa* a wlnped
horae." “Send It back to tbe artM
aad tell btm to pat (be winy* on an
atiionioblle and 111 buy- It.- aald tbe
rleb man.—Waatalnyton ktar.
Ilarriater laddremlnp
bencht—Your honor. I ahall firet alM«i>lately prove it> tbe Jury >bai tbe pnarunld
- -
Start OB ODC erd of TraTerw City, go all over, aod look ia twcij' nook—
SBB if yoa caa Sad aaothor dothiag stora lika oara—a Wore wktra arerythiag is
IB^an’ ZN"e"W"
We want to find out who reads our ads
—that’s w;by we make the following
liberal offer.
Keep these in mind when
Jewelery store to look them
scum loniiw toil CO
The people (the thiakiag classes) have come to realise' the aiaoifold advaatages of tr.jdiog at a store where all the goods are aew—That’s why oar
sales are showiag such a treateadous gaia over aay like period of last year.
Pretty not liirn
to thiol aboot havieg par
& CO.
Neit door to I». Friedrich, 124 Frool Street
Bicycli Enameled
The Crowning Trinmpli f
Gov. )«tanv ofr Ptmnaylrn
won- a »llk hat in bi« Ilf*.
Eruoxt Van l».t<-k. tbr prand opera
luper. Itagan life aa a newapaper
,h, vriOo. I. ,a... «• B«>r -n-f—-"I ui. Wm :S
the Diacovery of
hermit anil Uvea by hlmuHf In a
IKilf rabin on tb* Hud*on. half-way
Iwlween New York and Alliany.
Verdi wear* a long, looae. dunblebn-a*tesl u<k coat and Ivtppy IronM) that at flrat aipbl It neem* aa
If the great nraeviro were clad In pa- ^
of A feest io emooth, nrb
Dr. A «-Cliass*s
Narva ana Blood PIIU,;
I>r. A. Conan Goyle baa not tbe deler-ilve Inailnet of bl* charailer. |
"Sherlot-k lioliue*." He «ay» of him*
and fine ice cream during
I ihc, OU Matbod of
the tabliw
>0 tbe med-cat proles : W
alon ai bia lasti .great dikcoreiy, Dr.
id Blood Ptila.
Ktdnev-Ltm PtIU bam
where it’s Made
Ta tinswie* a Cblia's MlaO.
want* a divon-e leave* home In an
................. ..
Where a cigar ie made in a
Expand the ehtld'* mind by *howlng
kim from time to tln>t aeem-s from all nan.
cuDeidemble weight te
SidM of life. Take bim tmlnv to amand let bIm aee bow pirturea are
t week U» Bilk fariorle*. to
poetry of laU.r. aod afterTrnrd t.o a brick
>riek yard and an lixsn fouothe world.
Opr et«k in clean, finely curAry. »« fnrgvii log ..(be elalm* of great wine market
monumeata upon an elo,ed and fragrant.
TStlOg education. The alternation of
Our workmen are neat. nkilK
Haab afford* ua 0 examiUe of an fnl and efficie.nt, uning tbe beat of
•bonid give the ebUd gllmpae* of moun- end wiibnni mean*.
The prayer
prayerajKjblUb^ In book form
UlBf and alghta of tbe aea and let him
thingn make our cigars
e bound to
A fool alwava^ta a lot of «.m-e
brnndo with wo many
•Bd Babermen. even a* be onght in
iblnk be 1*
4 awl^7
town to know aometfalng of the wav* foolaa who Iblnk
sad Ibonght* of tbe workmen, on that
I defective match la alwsya wait- •
ke may come to feel aympaiby with all In^
‘o P> on a airik*. i
norta of people and underaiaod the . itan't
merit of tabor. Aetna] ex|>erienee of cniu It a tying machine that It vmU>
khia kind I* worth infinitely more than
Ike tbeoritlng in aehoo] hooka. It la
■............ .......................... ; to a child
....... .................. gntrfnl to
the people who anpply him with
A woman afaonld never Invite a ma
dally eomfori*: to tbe farmer, tbe to perjure hlmaelf by aaklag him i
.er. tbe manufaeltsrer. tbe hnitder.
Gate Post straiglii lOc
Dianioeil J, 3 for~35c
Tranrse Bello—^OSc
p lll’l
We have them
in all aizea and all privea,
aod money invealed in one will retarn yon more pleaaure
ao'J (jomfort durint; ihe heated term than the aanie amount
invested in anything else.
140 Front StTMC
Traverse City, Mich
rbrlCIOa.w u-»l*iu*tsartore*r«aOr«*>
naOM*. aod sleeper orMd BapMs Ie Oacl*.
nr 4 top >> iralu baa parlor r*r to OiwaB
Tr»li>arrlviBc*i 1 »*p. i* ka* sleeper ClaclooaUWCIrudnapId* mod roach **d aletj
lor rmr rh.rsto to<-r*ul n»|»ils mod rkmtrdae
to tfmrkli.me
Tram arn.sb* mi srnp b. hms rhmtr car Fl.
Wm.rme to (irmod OmpMs msd c mtr ear OrMb
I Rspius u> PrUssBr;
.'c I. '»*r-»^rtrtnrt P AT a..aTmm*«mmia»
■ —
West Michigan.
r tHAr'‘b^Erpt{Mr^
v.,PS.5W:S~!!Wi!y I kss so «vss> hr STtsHSCR. Ln et s*s KION)
ANCXUNC NANUFACTURINC CO.. Grwid S^Ms. MkIi.. and lor Sdc by AI Oi^b.
ooiXG nocn
i"K.'SSc, :r.'
Your Eyesij
-• Ch.rmce . t * ** .11 £»** ■
mTvrw Cr.'sam* It «0p B
1 Ar PWestT. •«4tp 1 aop.w
Lt Travel** Oy.
AT XlkBmpia*
Do they b1or when yoB read? Doea Lv
| Bk KmpMa.
the print run together? Do the eyelid Ar TrawravOrborti and Itcb. and la there a deafre t
rub ibem?
Tbeee aymptooa mean that there ia aa iatqnniilyof the eenlar mnaeleao
Ormad 0
opj^^rfect Many nerroea dlneaaea and chronk beadaehra are Indirectly
i iS
^ 1 fu,
‘ire. H. SN0W, Specialist
Baa local
1^ permnsenUy In Treveno City. Do not fall to oopaalt him lor all
eye Woubl
blee. BebaanoaaperiorlaflUiargleaeee Be bae made dtoeaaea of
tbe eyedt
a leading aiady atd baa baa yean of experience a* aa oealUt and
--------- mle onnreon. Be make* a ap-cialliy alao of tre
ering Dlaeaoee, Private D.meaaet-. 0-aeaaea of W.
The dovtar hea bad largo Mper aaee la ffeamwl practice a* wNl aa ia apeeirork, and baa onnd many oaaea in the paat of Aothma. Chtarrh, SrooeklM,
forma of Sypbili*. diaraooa-------- ....
Tonneltar Block tbe Blood. Skin Dtaaaaea. Diacmmee of
of tbe Baart. In Diaeaaea of Woman____ _______ ____________ _____
mentraUavia aad enroa every eaae Ho matter how obetlnata, your cane, do
not da^lr. for yon can probably be reatored to boalU erala.
Ym will find the doetor'a matboda and tteatmaai dlffwnnt aad am
aaytbtnff yon bare e«w tried.
HttD cmr. MfOMIQAH.
dceior W.U fire yon a writtoo gnarantne to cure yon or reoMve no pay
for bin eerrleew
Conaalttikm fraa.
qaartt referred to probnWy conuined
youra when
An bone«i man baa very little to ____
about bU hooeaiy. The .no bJm
need to boa*i of lu brlghtnean.
“•"- -powder-blue- la a faahloAable
The girt atiltwd la It w« ^
anre to go off when ----- ber
abe moata
exchange tella of n
abnat n ffiat aod n halt.
yon eecnre a fretzer from
oar Btock.
• with a bip veraniTa. T.-sla ha*
.. iif. _..
late __
more and more
from hi* friend* and 1* L
a re<-Ui*e,
Jo*epfi Jeffenuii»n Miidled medli'lm
an.l wa* Intruded for
irly In life an<|
pli.VHlelan. He attribuiiw hla poo.i
.................. *lri.lly keepliip the rul.a
•lotvn for hlmvelf wblh-
rery year
aommer monlba. aa
le lm|M-i-rlal . eoun of Aii*irla
f of fk
II sioaoo
' longjpootlen
e'aa Peak
leak I*
U a ioagwooden
We have many new
ttrings in jewtlry also.
To tha Srnt Inn OToreonl enatombra
eb^na of nil o«r SH-OO. Sie.00. Sl»-M.
Slt.so nlatera or ovareonu nt..............
down town and call in onr
__________Read! Ponder! Then Read Again!
prove an alibi.—Rpan- Momeuia.
Mr. Gotham—I *ee iliat a bew law
in Georpla pnililblia tbe ftale of lignor
within three lullea of a rtau^-b or a
w-boullHuiM-. r«l. Kalntuck uif l.oiil*>
Tlllet-Uy >tar*! That'* a terrlUe
blow to tjeorpia: Mr. tloiUam-Tbluk
•r'Y Mr. Kalntuek-Merry, ye*! In
five year* there won't Im- a rUureb or
a *<-houliiouM' left In Hie ataie.—New
York Weekly.
Mr*. Crlm*oalieak-‘'My bu*l«nd
ba* taken an ofliee In one of those skyM-r*plnp olHi-e bulklinp*.- Mr*. Ye«*t
-••Indeedr “Yea: and do you know
■luiv he moved In 1 haven’t noileed
iigiior on hi* hreatb when he'* rom«t
home, even oaee.“ •'No; probably be
onnie* down in the elevator, and lhai'a
emmph to take hla breath away."—
... .
New designs and
woods w^b new decoratiooa
—A store that’s filled to orerflowing with ererjlhiDg for meo, boy's aad child
ren’s wear, right op to the hour in strle—a store where high quality goes at the
common price—a itore where yon can get yonr money back if )on shonid, for any
reason be displeased—Try and see if another such store is to be fonnd.
and Dr. Cimti'a
hem atandard remad tea, known and
sard tn nearlv cverv borne. Dr. Cbaac'a
aud Blood Pillt have bad preater
alieniioD (r<-m pbvsiclana beeanae they
extent revoIntloniEcd
basT to 1
“ i tltbe
•tboil ofI tirveling diteoaeaof tbe if
>1 blood.
eu. old method of tearing down dl»eaav by
y tbe oae of atroog. potaonooa !
. drug* I s tailed to cure. Purgative*
___ ____ipartllas
weaken instead of
: stretigtbeii the »<*lv.
Dr. Cbase's
I Neree aod Blood Pill* core by making
niatli-al errsir* In hi* •■onverwoilnn He like blooil rich and pure, ana creallnp
As a aurmp restor*wear* a f-lii.h .•..lUr, *y*.rt* a «Ido. ne* nerve iis-ue.
, live ibia great food cure baa no rival
open Hhlrt-fr.itii ami a fnsek mat.
i known lo medical acienee.
! A* a reatursiive for pale, weak, nerv*
women at
•a NervV
I.ondon lia* I.aw) mite. „f
and Blood
Pari* nun
Pill* bare scores! a triumph, yo cen^a a
of. by mail
The I*s>n(ipne*e flr*t hmuebt i
ceipt of price bv the 1:
orange Into Knro|se fi»m tbe ea*i.
Medicine Co,. Buffalo. N. V. On
A rirtgle be«- eolliH-l* mily almui
bog of the geanii.e will be foomt po^.
^Vallt'ry or i
(nt.1e«|H«mriiJ of bom-y during a
trait and fai-similc aignature of Ih.
array of photopnipb* that
W. Chme
aablna on the Olyrujda. "Thl* one."
.\ blind Int -avoid* wire* ami ....- ka aald. "urlh-* me *be t* a <!l*tani
Sautln of iiiino. laii'i abc pn-tiy* j
SB Mn-y *he l*
dl.iam. I wr..ie.
J_S ♦ Sav *
A «iHN-k or Bsdd weighing one.r^ilJ
tbanklup her. and told ber I waa llimtli
yian of a grain may tiei>a*!le •rand to a>-kn<sw1edpe tbe relationship
n l-y Ibe iiHki*l s-ye.
' j
WonldnJ y.m l«-V
I niHii wulkiiig slny and nighi w-ith I
The aduilrur* valdn I* aion-d with
I r«-*!iiig Hoiild lake -ta* dav* lo
fasetnhran<-<-* from admln-r*. and to
ims-y n.iind the world.
m» ft atn-ftiinl sn-ally to hi* ec.-tlK that
The two little i,i.,nd* of ratnalbar 1
ka wa* praiirt<-.| by the plfia thnt w.-ra
Met him. "I Hill afniM. Mi.,nL-li If 1 and IVini,a rnnll*!, four-llfihs of (be
kept them nil on iKinrd 1 *l.,.ni,| y,„ee clove* s*<n*>imed by the world.
The Im*i walehmak.rs- oil mme* '
te eolnrite the Olympia," he Mid, An-1
Al*oul ,
•e be WomM For ih.TO are l.u.k* he fmm II..- Jaw of the *hark.
1 pint 1- fliund
f.iun.' In
• ea<-h
- f|*h.
(ba hni*dr.-.l, va»e«. euii*. nlhiino *lntsane*. Iiiblf aerelee*. emlirolcts-rl.-*
tluj nsi. wiiii ihe murage to attack
laek* galor.-. ta
tl.s- Jmnilrs-<|K ..f »„». | <-an frltliieti li almost to d-ath.
anrt picture* of hini«.-rf a.li-ruing !
l» abont
g fren. a mdal to a l.oer
of an inch long amt a*
« be oeet bow grain grow* and
_ _
«ed Into flour: bow funiitnre
!• wrought from block* of wood, and
thrmde woven Into cloth, tbe whole
rbjccts about
jf tbe
bim I* rr~
klitnry of
the L-,
renied. Tbe different parta of life hecose
e connecic
ud Iand bv get!
harmony that ran*
And be baa
at aatlaraerion. eomlng tbroogfa
- - g «f fctMhIp with “
TtMaMk^nMis a ki h Ik-Mui Imtir.
TMtl eitratnd viAeat pili >oi 25c.
. AJt
urns ilD IWnUSTSU LL
, >**r>ihim witb brinmlncchamp^M
'«U* «|»ai«a. be Mid. Thi» to a&. it«Uly—<fae
iMUly—<fae •taudcn
abtoidai od
rf leal
>..Kk. u]
me in
in ttw
(be v^nal
aMoal w^i#;___
t. ,
SpedaV Swdwccmexv^s
M^tor. fltoUiw Uicbto ud dvniw
lastociavtiidlitoieltoed. Lo<Aii« isM
I tbe wcrid. tbe bm dmr •
of MtuZaetioo.
wtd. » FVoo
_ -w—
4 ta
» «r vMk tb> ok
Of »*<U M
toe »T« to
•»k*4 «e^{
INe BanviBtod.
ia oolt
; pteekw CMKtoe. wbkb weie ntaanL
; And «bea (be Trey flm frayaeM obbl
B|f to <he ttoUtot* <4 «• ton*
: ^ (be WtoWng iicbto paM in tbe
4awn bcBT, Frcn Fron, beinp tind and
•leepy. eanicBly laid open tbe pa«(
her frailty-e priratediaiy—and tbe )
Md. Harliid n-ad. be ki>ew. and
DttBtrd. bu, in (be ^kbIj mwi
«ito^ wntottoM ••« i*
^0 made ow C>\oaV ”R, . a \,\.U\e more aWracooto
U\)6 Wvese ^xvdvaa Smmer da^s \De Vvaxie coadxvded \o metvUoa a ^e\»
\\ve taaTvi^ SxVra
'fiar^avaa xoz are aVvovovaa.
twili(Ai. to sroped hi* vay<«tinio tbe
ho Mau’a lauid vbicfa tie* beterM-n the
•alley* of fXtrrtae aiid realiaed tbal be
rrmm to ito-.bi-ii* ttoto My ui
<lbi«al (to awi «• to-rtoa fato
ftortB to* toy <rtlh cmcaK *■■
■•tol A*,tototo «lo vitt boratoc toM
•■Na " aaid (he who Jlatened. “yoB
eatuKa tell thi* pan. 1 mut. t<m be dul
to« go into aaotber alby. yoo kw*
Be wandered imo (to clwwen of
white man>le temple, bnraewe, in the
briftbanni (d tbe anniigbi wbwb came
alter dawn, he aaw a pore pma-iHX'
toto. atoto^^^ tTSImto.LB«to
■^PeoMUtoifil^ .
inggleainiUKonnerfarehiwcL bto-oonld
IKA. like (be otbm. ruodnet bito ln(u
“Tbe eery law «iitoi.'’to repealed ai
wailing fa tbe pretty, flowing
CToatod tto ibHabold o< tbe temple bep-!
eelf: and ebe knew nothing of that I
wfaioh to- bad lind and aeeii. Siiil aha
Then ato eaiae In, and tbe room be*
waaagirl, aodbiawoiahipplfiaaedber.
ewo-tJy. tboogb all uikiKm iugly,
•Ix’ b<‘lpid Inm to lake hi* *tand bmide
tor (JO tbe tbre*bukl; abe midemazuling
K a tor.
Is our $Q,oo Kersey .Jack
et. Well to say the least it
is not equal to any $12.00
Jacket, but we do claim it
to be asgood asany$to
Jacket we have seen this '
year. New style, sleeves
strap trimmed. Q CiCi
full lined, only. «7.UU
They aat togettor and talked, and nothing, and aerer dreaimng but that
daring a little Inlerral tbe man’e heart be. toa had the earlieat pbana to pan
josml hie elbow in an irriuting w«y and twold eaier/torr temple with btf.
nnd Bonnured.
me^*******^ •‘Thie
.... Twy
_____. hut
.. um
. abeir her
liimipiiHw of
U tbe
- ____________
had epread itaulf rooud the man for
*'real" paid Ibe man alood, and abe,
ntUng. aaked to what bi* alSnoaUra
awhile, tbe erode parity of it—tbe"—
"Tbe iMXhiug knowing. iHitliing neeIng. notbiiig,awlenundliig ppotleaiiwi
Tbealbey talked agaia aa wloea <>f it all alBoat ebukeri him." paid tbe
nh^u wbiob related tn tbe Ban, fev ntan in tbe drawing ronm. "And ho
ibe knew all bb pant and aaaetbing of riwaod that eiuce be Itad not to tbe tobb fatara. .
giuuing fonnd thi* wnld to- ixiold not
"Why ara yoa aad todgyr* aba aaked
altar awblla
Tbe man toaltated. *'Beeau»*e«l
't know
why 1 am aad; at le«ut Z
outer it now. oral lea»i uotaoraupanied
by the cold whiteiHto of tbe ‘little Bald
wbu bathtm to«a*ta
_ . .
........,, in real
can't tell yoa."
deapair. to taniMl away from tbe clawlo
tcanple, feeling not only tliat be bad
to dud IIm real world, bat wae
until to be taken into it Then, as be
I walktpi mitorabiy away, an angel fron
beaveii came aeram tab path and laid
■toriea era not penonaL There WMOnea
a atan wbo never was a boy beoaaee ba
had been nnable to qure the time. Be-
"Lbun. then,
"Nu dear! A wotnati—lailrawi
Bot abe tbirwed him that hi-
bat tmenber
<a time to tbe beginniiig. when tine
aeemi abort, and adde it on to tbe end,
hot that be kept goiag into little ptaasM
^ >if>- cud. tbinking each wa* life It-
atnugeplaeea made it i
be found himaelf i
e tar
inmyatoryto inveto time in
thiiway. Bo be skipped boyhood and
yoatb and went etnigbi Into'
tn a atrange eoimtry."
kmrwing that ttoy wiiv ef
him Berelj-. he fancied the woman moat
be apart ftoan biiu; that"—
toory’a drat aeutenee.
"Thb must to tto last time?”
She wbo told tbe story smiled and, I
"Bsamly. i Bat. ab. tbe wnma
eentintiiiig, aaid: "It bad on him tbe derainid. Sto km-w that be waa
afftvt of tropical son apoo vegeuhle. <’f the nune life and world a* abe.
Looi* Ib-poblio.
fcimn-1f—he and Jiia wc»k. bUaiBi. bis '
It nv-iu* tbal
many porta abroad
gr< i>i iigarv i BBffen-d by Britiah abip
thug thnxiKli tbe en-u * of vi«M-b> b>-itig
enticed aWay frtau Ibeir abipa.
tatiiig tto tdiuimuK <it irtht r
ursJXESs rA Kits.
to^agth. Nothing eln*. yim undeiwand.
Bavittg Blnv-d yoath. i-igeyment did
e inm his aclieuie. He did not
^abont him for life'*wtft lighuan^
.0 and on neviT saw «« beard
toiirdiug toxin- k.-.ia««. awl it
peiairlaB asd.nrrcua.
daiulily npnnddown tto-k.-yU«r.l if a
ph^ and kIm-*aiig to him. every iHrte
in IkI-ri|ipliiiK Imle
III-IIuUI-kI (wiiuRii
(wiiuRiDg a
rrapcMw <m .«it- .rf tto- linin'*
ii.nu'. hearthroti-••
Firti Class fariety
of Merchandise.
•10 arnw 2 miles from Ihe .-ity in Uvtansu (V
a-r. --dr n-r 1^ , I„rad th.1
!«. mw tuu-d.
oim-Ui.» .blrb bi|. hrW,« ftra. hn dnuar.l 1.1.„. .b,^
wtowdn sixsix- lived,
lived, and
and to-,
to-, luokmgdo
the alley with b<-r: decided tbal it a
intaay of
of bis own
> lights (
I th.-y went to the captain
and told him
m itosir signatarsa
signatarB to itosir
ird the
thr to-art,
b„«t and
..d then'
Ur-n-' .mrf « 1, ««. o«. mij rf „pST»
" a-ting a;
manat thsnmr the shipowner, bat also of duM to
Of tor alley." said. tbe
... lisb-to-r.
- ...u
-Loodoo Ohrmileto
(be bshrt down, still Uughingly. and
went toadi ta> (be piano with htr new j
"£a«ly. Well, now the mao was tn
aaary scsTy plight, tccanae be bad k«l
-1 mate ycang Oodis look
silly loat night DtenwOh, w^ niTirr had mv«d
bU ownwmld—the aelf rn-ated fan- yoo moit of (be tronWe.—Detroit Ftos
(agy—and bring foraalnn in \be new Press..
srorld by her to whom his heart bad i '
-----------toam given be mold not find his way.
UisUliuicin blinded his eyes with (can, |
"Itosi Him Onahio(cai'statb(rlo(dc
and. groping oboai in lbs ByasBtins with favor on yoar saitr'
' r. be".
"I thiakacy B<-always lets ms pay
its met Froa Froo. Yoa bos( 1st fer tbe drtnka. "—Dsoott Free Pnn
bdl this pin3r,"*aid tbe man in tbs '
Tk* Walai* at tb*
"Hemet Froa Fioa,
to bsvr wandered oar*-
Fsnuirttiity's domain.
/oaea—I bear (bat Browa baa had a
shange fm tbs toller.
a wuh, Brookivn Dlfa.
aihanrd his doutm.
acr.*s clcsreil
to , fruit, beet
fm •
of town has uo buildituis 40 ni.-eUru’p peach .
eoulh eod of lot, a nice lot of land for pototoos andTroil. Price $600,
W acres 4 miles from tbe village ..f Lake Atm, .-mall frame houat
I'ani^ a.-re5 dear.-d, plenty of timber on
OTd.'i5SSfaa.‘ajur.‘,.°- John R. Santo,
Geitral lisaraiM.
?0 acres in Grant 4 miles west of Wexford on county line rosd'ioC'^-
'nice farming country. 8B acres of nice limber on the place, small framt
house, lot; bam. small orchard, nice large clearing free
Price $14J00.
from atumpn
40 acrea on Elmv ood avenoe near the large^farm of the Aeylnm.
;10 acres of nice rich swamp land, mostly clean'd, sp'endid location Cor
farm or gattlen and the best df hay land.
Price $3600.
10 acres on road ^ing south from Femwool, all clear of stamps
VoUoe to Taxpayers.
Price $1,000,
Metlee 1* brrrbr clwo Ik*, tb. i«i roll, lor, a eood bnilding spot.
oasehildrvo'* diaeow * >(>*£1011;,
T)R A X SLOOp. o«ro .. a.- IMbeller 1
pay for
- I
.10 acr.-B cleared, email orchanl, nice locatiou on four corners.
Hew OBos Varkham Blech
B.POffni. Attyn^
40 acres 2 miles north ofI,Ake Ann. small frame house
an «*Fk *f ktsecat psMibic grass. Via* re!
•erk a *pMlaUr
TfavsTasCtm. Hi*
w..r rd.bl..|<.d» .7 «„k.
boon (be suwomt bad to eon
;t0 serve 2 miles
Ur.-es resily to liesr nest Beseon. 60 apple tn-es, a nice lot of tiinb.-r ou
Meraaeuif Oc- BloeC.
a-(rtdandto«rhehadU««ul.dU.ibiuk ob.«t 10 .h.llinga f.» eaet man.
that hi* life wa* the real life of tbs ,
Ill tbe ea.-*- .d one atyoBer Cited it is
all.-g.-d that tbs men of tbe .original
"V«a- tbatwaawhanbcasknlhimselt
\-------------'**• i »ivw werv brito-d to leave the ship, and
plenty of timlier for woo.1. tine frame house i-ost»750. w. || wstered by
tori;e creek OB the nprth Bide,
Fnce $1,660.
appun-utlyln «>,.u-.rf drm.^^^
ii.t.-mipb-.lto-who l,.teii«l,B.m Tto n.ast.r ha* ut. - b-io-but to
to tbej^rowii^ ro.«i- -why he bml - uke the m.-u, and the ah.n-mg ogi-ut o,
ami iln-n maifaia
w.rubl to- irat nnbt.
ifaia w
Tto- inude «f
f pn«v>i
Kteanier l.-nve, *(he ll.^•k.mKl
the nv. r the aatl.a^ and
tolly huppetu. lluil no liaud* eon be 4ib.... ........................................
at all while ....
ttoun- Iviog
d..-k. If timy c«W.
tto-1...11 would
be *ln,,p,d todouudim- tto- Untndi
Bnn*h tcmml.
gera, gaiqimg and storing tto-while inI
pl.-aa.-d »m.«-uiimL Tb.
u F.ininiuUy't
dimple.1 flugi-ra went tripping
Isour$i2Jxi Plush Cape,
jet trimmmff, and edges
trimmed with brown hlar*
ten. full silk lined,
storm collar and a beauty
for the money.- For these
l«0 «<•»■« 1‘2 mit.w south of Iowa in Ihe Iwat farming conatry ixt
iFrnnt Street, one door Wert hU coiiiily,
70 ai-refi cleared, good oicbard. large Uam with atone baatiSSir,;
»f Steinl>ere's « ill Ite opemd I men!
Dent b
b f.
feet liigli. wind mill, (.mall frame hoaee.
_ ---------- -------------- by him Xov. lOlb with
J place to almost pay for it
No. I 8-ii!.
Price $2600.
lent. «n maeb M> thut (be atieution of
"Yea. it was a l»ify. Well, tlien one ttomil gm-erumeut has tov-u dra» u
day. by rbauce, be OH-t Femininity— o. ■
open her.------------------munrbing
—.1-------------r—--------- -cake
—' —
Cipi>U)gtea. heuiDinxy sinil.-d i>n-itily Avo-* i. l. ft In .lb
to (be mmi and uffeuvl inm eake and
lea. whiijti he l.aik with ui-rvel.-*
Our $10.00 Crush Plush
^P®' *35
long, made of
Saltz best plush, lined
with good silk and trim
med with genuine thibbet
furdown front 1 f\ f\f\
around collar.
Notice! Notice!
many Vaaea ' itiiinui* lent haiida.
bm-uin Ayrea lhi>prnrtieeljivi-rT}>rev.-..
He hwl no tinm."
«T. \A/. ~fvrT
life. Ji'made him promatan- in all tboughi—thto be loved b<T. and"
ways, hnt strong also ab<l ginrying in .
bli strength. A great deal wa* abut uot
Of blsraiigeuf TtsifMi. aiid'hi* life's limits were narrow, bat in Itow- limits
wry inbiis>\. To him the world wm
us. Only........O.UU
^\\t6e aoViieiv ovvoTbMiV\.\es Ao atA o^tetv com aV ttiVs scaton o^ ttie ^ear, so
be sure ^00 soa^^oMTseV^ 0^ ttvc bavaaVivs ose oftcr ^ovi. '^cmcmhcT, ^oov motie^
badt ^ou SVC tvoV vcTiecVVa s&Us^cA. "iiooLTs vesiperttvAV^,
"Aad what effect on
Is our S6«) Boucle Gape,
30 inches long, inverted
plait back, very wide
sweep, re-inforced y<sk©r
linw with best quality Romain lining. An inspec
tion of this cape alwa>’5
proves a sale for Q AA
lor^h^^'rld"" 3.76
plnwi. Be wa* wry bappy wtih the wo•»“, becaon- to loved to-r. and yet,
tbinking ibto be n
beof mmeone nl
bavef" aaked to in tto drawing rocan,
who badbrooDie inltreated after tbe
Is our $3.75 Boucle Cape,
full length, a wide sweep,
trimmed down front and
around collar with go<^
Quality thibbet trimming.
.Any one will admit on ex
amining that it is the best
Is our $6.00 Plush Cape.
30 inches long, very wide
sweep, good quality lin
ing, trimmed down front
and around collar with a
good quality ihibbet fur
and^the price is 0^QO
ing a boy or even a yoatb aaee ap a lot in tbe real world and tbal lUio wae. too.
Our $7.50 Bouclc Jacket,
full line of sizes, good
storm collar.double breas
ted and warm This gar
ment is sold in other pla
ces for $10.00, but we arc
doing the right thing and
arcsPlIiugitfor y
Our $5.00 Cheviot lackel. full merserized fined,
braid trimmed, double
breasted reefer front. Best
jacket in Michigan for the
price. Examine and be
convinced. The K
price is............. O.UU
Our $4-75 Kersey jacket,
full lined, fi^Jt strap trim*
med. coal coHar, double
breasted. A hummer (or
this season for A
rm. tboDdb afwv hi* twopbaura be felt
be bad ao liKbt. bbi- wa* mi pore and
white; lilt; iiuKcrace cd knowing noth-
tiA '
. \%\
(iri—MatxIinKooltothnabold. He eppraarbid tbe preeetire. w lie looped (cr
cclIcrUtin.aiit tb*i] «UW la w^otL. ____ ,
obrr Ut. IIW. tr«B*o rlork loll e-vtock *B( (roa I e'cloek to ( o'clork *. a. Oa I ——
jv. p*id tUtorr 0vi>w*ibrT to. ifts. Uvn _
B* J. MORGAN* Propw
j Here You Have an
Red lnsuran(!e. isiSl.^ Opportunity To Make Big Aloney
L. L. A. Baildin«.
Tour winter's wood
at once to insure deUvery.
• L Herald Balld l*s.
— WraasiTM.
CU* Tuaiarvr
HARDWOOD curpnos
Hemlock lumber i& mil BiwfiB
112 Lots in Oak Heights Addition. Wanted aitr
offer, as they must be sold by December 15.
Also No. 431 Washington street, 44 foot lot, good-.
No. 542
street, bouse built About four yeate>
—in good condition, modem improYements.
Look th^ orer at once and see
__ ,
TRAVERSE CITY LUMBER CO. Misii Oltck, 'Plnn 73.
Reil Estita EtcOugB
m* ladidNit took plM« ta tb« ten^U. ll ie tlK Cenilier bUtj at tbe «id«v*a mitn. J«n^ wma wsicfaiac tbe
JM|lt pat thetr BMO«7 is tbe Omtary.
‘mMet «>i«ed at brmM tnunprt
i^apM< cbwu ieu. «rhicb rattusnrr
«0<ria«> f.# tbe McriBre fnad were
IUb^ ODt </
k bq| It e
g tvr that,
«act M tjoe UckitiK |«d|rni«tst. bat Chriet
«M)tB«ft>dnl tbe |Uf« widaw aad de- I
nbnd U»t ebe bad giecei noca tbu eJl j
CtAaoMedlr tbit whieb led Cbri«
^ coiaiDettd tbe aidow'e ffift wu tbe
X that it woe tbe offcrinx od a btusAle bean, fall
lore to Ood. It wat
aka ui|afI jB of bar irratitade to Ood.
JU waa tbe ueamire td bw lore, and la
^ring aU abe prured that abe lored
«Oo4 with all her lieiiiK Lore aboald be
tfka prom|4«T of oar Kifte and tbe loeaeof Uwiu. bat. alae. it ie not alwafa
or. if it ia lb« I''*' <d tnanj taort
«e rei7 aruali ixkdeed. Tbu irift of lore
note forth tbe Charactniatka of tma
. tfirlnRtoQod.
I. It wae pn .
tVoUre-Hore to Oud. Love to God and
Aa HU eaaw in the triffld aboald in«pire all our itivioK
S. Tbe imrpuee for vblrfa the irift
waa made wae a fP>id one. It waa f<c
«be benefltuf tbe oac-rifi^wfanduf Uud's
Aaiijli a luMii wortliT |>nr|M<e to
vbM-b bi iri* Moim-v icivru to «in tbe
mpidaoie' of iiten to ntuin -eui > tl or fioAiXical iMMitiou i« Uol apiwowa of <i.<d
« cununeu'iod l>r ( briM Uui if (fiven
Av oouK-nolile and Mty |•u^]■o>*'•. ilie
«arrTlD|C forward trf tjirf e w(»rk in the
'World, tho relo-f ul Uo- tliitiwM-il and
weedy or tbe opIiftinKof luaairind. <iud
, lie eiire to apjiruvc the irift and to Uau
mad reward tbe iriver.
t. It wae a wlf aacriftdnx ifift. It
waa a irift that runt anuiething. It waa
4be widow * all and ptrhMja neoamidated want and bouKcr for that
<t day aat
1^. The value .d a Kifc in tbe eight
^ God i> not iu literal worth, bat (be
worth of the one who gars it. Wbat it
will apfawr in tbv eight of God will de
fend nut aiHin liow luach ve give, bat
mpuo bow mai'b we bare left God reWarda not ao uincfa wbat we give aa
• oAatwe keep. The greatneae of tha
Alf*<b^nda a|wD wbat it cute to maka
it Tbe rich gaveuiureiban tbe widow.
they had more left than abe. Unnea
dte aoperiur cbaracler of her gift.
Tbie }u>r widow * gift aboald inepire
wa to a luorr liberal and rberrfol oun- |
narrati<oi nt our uioiu-y to Cliriat If |
Chriet (bought it wa* right for ber«o .
Igire K> lib^rmliy. He looiit think Ibe !
wwueof Da end if He was willing to
mommend her He will be willing bioomwend and hleni U*
HiW* Riwdiiuta. -Gen. xxrlil. IH-SX;
'Son-, xxrii. »ii-84: Deut. z. 17: ling,
ii. b: Math, r, £8. X4: x. 8: Hark x.
• 7-9S: Lake vi. <H: J«d>n xH.. l-«s
Aetaxx. 88: Roto, xii, n. II Cor.r. rill.
i-l»: lx. 1-lft: Phil. iv. 18-17.
Cbrlal’e arrraat.
Bowaweet tlie aervicel How foil «d
Memlng to the aerrant bringing him
••to cluaeet relatione with the Maeter
Bakwml For if U hie1 pririlege to fola tbe bUm of HU
with earthly atvraota. to
«a te tbe .
ddtr at a dietance or oat
^e right of onr Maeter: that we aiw
war to follow in tbe etepa of Jeaae,
toowing HU acU and with all oar
iu4aeA« known to Him.
.lUUarol indeed U tbe preaent life of
ChriaTa aerrant. anperUtirely bliaifal
•be fwoapect of liU fntnra, brought
•mrer bytlie pn«ring hour* of each day.
Alao. that ai> many aredep-rmihed that
•hey will not bav.. ihU Man to rate
wrer tbepiN 'Kpieivpal RocordtY.
The ruriatlaa Haa'a Lire.
A Chririian man H life U laid in tba
' fcooi uf time to a twttern which be doca
•wot ttf, bat God doiw. and bU heart U
• riiatUe. On one aide of the loom U
•oorow, and on tbe other U jur. and the
Aattle. etrark alternately by each, fliee
,bwk and forifa. carryittg the thread,
-which U white <ir hUck. a* tbe pattern
.Biwda And in the .-nd. w|ien G.id ebail I
Hit np the anUhed garment and all ite >
hn«« ohall glance ont, it will i
- then ap]>ear that tbe deep and dark col- I
W> wiwn ae n->-dfnl to branty ai tha |
(.teeight and high colota.—Henry Ward
' UaaeaUaa.
Bdacation U n.rt mere learnln^for tbe
•cijaisitloD of knowledge—tbe anjaialof a inwiore to he laid np in the
nend and to mniain there without llr-tageoergr. Educatiun U tbe cnltiraMon and derelopmrnt of thinking powm. and a
who haa not eecnred for
hlmaetf thU haa ao far waeted the yean
«( bU adaeation —From ••Thoogbto of
mad For tbe loner Life." a Valoma of
» by Ez-Preaident Dwight of
Tate, loot
lat PaUUbed.
ThU store laid Its foundation some six years ago, broad and deep in the oonfldenoe of the people of this city
and vicinity by square dealinfc. courte-ue treatment and genuine bargain giving. By constant push, energy
and foresight it t as rapidly outgrown all competition. It is a power In the community for genuine, generous
Bargain Giving. As a TAXPAXINO BUSINESS, contributing largelv to the enterpriee and prosperity of this
energetic andgrowingmetropolUofNoithernlIichigan.it takes its stand today for HOME PROTECTION.
An outside, unknown peddling concern-has rented a corner in town, and bv mendacious statemenU seeks to
impose on the credulity of the people of thU city by claiming to display a SIO.COO stock of samples in Cloaks,
Furs Etc Our own butlness is i AHGE as every one knows, but we do not put forward any such preposter
ous claim ae t*-at. No one would believe it We do truthfully claim, however, to have a______________ _
Ladies' Jackets. Capes, Suits, Golf Capes and Furs!
Equal to any in «v.g*
tho c4-a4-A/viifafrfA
state outside e\f
of nwATiH
Grand 'RfLTiidA
Rapids OP
or Detroit.
Detroit In
addition to our own regular stock of now and up-to-date garments
the product of the best Eastern Manufacturers—nothing newer in
style, nothing newer or more arlletic in conception and finish, we
shall have for the above dates
w . -wi_____ a A^
A Special Experienced Representative
from one of the leading Eastern Houses, with a display equal
gether with our own will make for the above dates, an at raction
in our cloak department not equalled In the state. In additior to
the great advantage offered we shall make special cuts through
out our own Cloak Department in which
.Value and Profit "Will Be Lost Sight Of
making it an object for you to trade at home with a fellow citizen
and taxpayer.
WE GUAEANTEE our grede to the fullest extent. MONEY BACK if you are not
fully satisfied. We are always hei^o exchange anythihg if desired and always
here aiming for your good will, which to traveling stores is of little importance.
We want you to visit with us, buy or not, and invite CLOSE 0OMPAJM8ON.
Fuf Creations for Season 1899-1900.
Bflciaii Seal Yuk*- ami
tah, Martin scarf offeet, top roliar, 6
tails. 2 brads, also
in Stone
StoDO .Martin.
Ek-ctric Yok», Martin
collar, border and Ub.
10 toils, 2 beads.
Baltic Sral Tab Collar
ette, 12 Martin Tails.
Baltic Seal. Martin col
lar and lape).
Beleium Sral Collarette
Astraeban Yoke, Mar
with imitation Stone
Marten Scarf on top
tin collar and border.
— 4 Martin Tails.
Furs are nat^ally a unique and distinct line of merchandise, about which few people, even those dlre^ly In the trade, have mLh positive information. It is safer therefore to b“y your fare
business in your midst, where you can have every article guorsnteed, and where Style, auality. Workman
khlp and Price are assured.
In preparation for tUs sale we hare had a large consignment of High Class Fnrs sent on
from one of the largest and best manufacturers In the United
COLLARETTES. BOAS and smaU furs for children, which added to our already very complete stock wiU
make a showing worthy of your especial attention.
the newest and daintiest things for ohUdren-UtUe triumphs aU along
the line—at prices that wlU be an inspiration to buyers.
________ _____
•hteUe down.-George Eliot
Oad te Lore.
Mr ewM wliU.
^ i^ht *aU dww an
BoRr the dates in mind:
0-Xi.A.ss BXiOc:^
Traierso Cilj, Midi.
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