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The Morning Record, November 11, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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nriBun am
TUii^mt-So 767.
80 New
Pictnre Mouldings
Kar«er«4 B s Vita ta Tiew ot a
Crowd. ThM XUIod BUsoelt
pirn nt Any Moment.
But Sactaeky Ooi)«rmi
Allmtowa. Pa.. Nir. lA—Oaorra
“k Patterenn. K. J. N-»v. 10—Vina
Kars, proprtetor of the Usial
Preiideot Hobart h slightly improving
Wm Protected.
•mlth tttUl OontiBOM.
Maeea. abot. aod laMaatiy kBlad hU
j tonight bat is UaMe to expire at any
vita aod blsMlf tbb otoralaff.
Tpa V«nbtp HjIti Arrived *t Dar. had Dot been livlnf torether (or Taylorltea Attempt by ▼iolenca to ’
T. ______ _
"**“^*y wUlvlaitMr. Hobart anriy
bM,.WItb Artliab Tnop-. tome of three mOBtbt. owiar to Kera'i ill'
Prevent Alleged rraad by Ooebei ^^^grdny
Vb>m are to
Orneral treatment o( hb wife Mra Rem
Men-Tbirty Brpobliaaoa Ar^dj
boA-dedacar ihU m-irniof 1« ro to
With Winebmtera Declared That
work. Her hutbtnd foHoeed her and
3ubemntonal Oe unt He.i be Fairatood oo tb* rear plaiforw. dU|daTli«
WiU bs Bopacked thl* moming-They comprise the
That 890 BrlUib Wore K-i'.id.
Circuit Oonrv
a revolver.
latest psttaros and styles of enlsh. .We make theee
London.'Kov 10 -The British war
When Mrs- tlera obaerred him she
o« re has received from General Boiler •ereaned and ran o«t of Ibc front door
ap into frames to fit your picture, at 6c per foot np.
b.ljooba ,Co.irt—.^OoroU.. Tb.
^ u.,. .„y, „
a'.Cape roeeadUpatebeoaiaiolBCtbe
sought protection amwir aboot I attack waa the onteome of the election
Next week our holiday goods will begin to come In
(oUowlor.received by pigeon poat (rom | too Wire mill emaloyet, K«rn^ baatened escltement. D. W. Uarham and a big Nick Krelaet' of Ringaley.
The anil waa brooght by Mr. Broun
tieneral Wblte today: "Tbe bombard--------- —-----“»
cWrp-l .p» U..
and thm we will be rushed—better have us frame up
bnlsnce of MniOO. elatm>d
menl at long range oy heavy
»«»• ot OU
b.t Ui. W..WO I.UrtJo
o^bo, .joouo.
ti be doe (or the bnildlog ofa d .veil
tlnacadally.a few casualtiea ocsorrlng. Ol^bbtr- Tb.
your pictures now-Our asaortment of mouldings la
i b»nl
P..™»1P, .b. r.b.™.tor.- ing hooae at Ringaley. for Mr. Kretorr
bet M arrlooa harm U belnt dona The Ib. -It. 1.10 tb. bob.1 ,.d, .IW 1~ „
„ di,p,r.rt .k. mob
the best we aver had.
BoMeaentln tiday a nnmb*r of ref- rioUlo, tb. door .rilb
1 «pl ™»d D.rbmo, BU 1=110.... Mr. Kratoer clnlmad ta tbe defenae.
mttm from the Tranrvaal eoder a flag
tried to reaena him bat were driven eft
wbieb mora than oFant (be »40
> and there
of trmN. A flag o( imne from lady then ran into anoUar n
Thirty repnblieaaa armed with Wan- Mr. Brown claimed (bat a aeiUemont
aaith anat them ontalde tba pleketa. ^Ulad himaelf.
hava loft Hlddlaboro deterhad been had ta r^ard to tbeoa daflei
WhM t^ pnrtlM eeparatad Boar gnw
mtate 'to have a fair eonot.
290-228 Front Street
Balph^Oonnable Jr., Manager.
•rad on onr man before they renehad
threaten te aboot the Hrat Ooebeliu
ovplakaaawho aitempto a ateal.
Uff. and Frad Pratt (or ten b««K.anw.
••The •ntraneh-nwu nra daUy grow■The
reOn* Member of Pardon Board
Tba cnaa was hotly oootentod aad (lie
tag atrongm anA tha nnpply of pro
aaUofTnaoday'aeleeUontonot likely inry (onad a vnrdiet of $40 (or (be ptec. Protaats.
to be removed for tome time. Both' • tt. The ooata amonnUng to SIB bav {
paid and tea eaae appaaUd to the
aktaaatUlelalmtho vtoury. the atete
yaaye that a
Davtd m. Bona wUl Flgkt a Baoem- ahalrmoo of ooeb party awarUng that
Brittah r^mant ww dacimttad In tha
■oodnttonfer O—metatton of Boa- hto Ueket bai a oleraUty of aboat 4.
flghttag Friday by a (woe of Free
ttooa tibarty (or Bonnia Oouty
Statan. It la eaid that MO Britiah
wnraaa give Taylor a plnralUy ot
A beantifnl genoine alnminam
MldiMfraraktUadand woandad and
Aerdorar Boami a Bameta Fotol- 1.4U. wbUa tboaa from Dameeratio
MO henM esptnrad.
eonroaa make Otebal'a plnrality Oil.
A diapatab from Oarhna. dated Kov.
Tha feaitag between the feetiona
TbopropeaedaetioBofamajwlty of
e. tain ihai taa warablpa Tbatia and bo Bombara of tha BtaU ^Board of haa bean nggravatod rather tbnanl
given free to every man wearing a
IbrriblA have arrived thwa. That. Pardona to eommdUAha aantenee of tayod by devalopmaata rinne Tnnaday.
«m prahaWy laad gana. which wUl be Mordoror Wright. d.»aa not meet wiU Bxritod meeUnga are being bald ta
•MttoPtatermarisbarr aad fcwcert. favor ta northern Michigan nor among aaany parta of tha atato to protoat
No matter how long ainoe yon bonght tbe bat (they wear a
An attempt will be aaada te a«nd a people la'other parta of tha ateta. againat franda. which. It to alleged.
long time) oome in and nta Hat Mark. Of conrae we give
taWt**”- wibfl r»* *0 Ootanae. and
« nontnmplated by li
to have boon a diaagreW
them with every Hat or Cap pnrehaae from niw on.
•VM na tar north at LtdyamlU.
of tea oBil
oo nt wUl .
meat on tba Board of Pardona in re abort
A dlapawh tram Oapa Towa aaya (he gard tethtoeioa aad David Bema
mine tee reanll.
^innrt Boelyn Oaalle baa bran orderCtarinnaU, Kov. lA—The Waetern
BapldB mambor aaeoaa datermlnM to go to D >'kaa. inatead of Uadiag oTto exert ovary oBort to provaot Union today toned a bnUetta oo tee
bar troopa at Oapa-Tnwa. aa orlglaally aeUon for elamenny ta tha (aoa of Kentaeky aleeUon enytag that with
tatandad. •ha oarrtaa Oanaral Blld.
com^ate retnrna from (wenty-fonr
nandatioea -«f the o '
,nid. 'toa oommandar of tba Saoond three mvmbara of tba hoard.
oonntina aod nanrly complete from
Will wear oat shoes — It's
Wgaia,Mdek9Btl.OOOot tba York'
Uat night tha Grand Baplds Praaa twenty-three others Oaanra' Taylor's
natnrsl, bat we have s lioe
ahhe regimaaV ta addition to a large hadataagarttolaender a oeara head plnrality to l.in. The two
ananUtyofauroa. The obanga of bar whtoh lad oB ae follows:
not raporMd,'L«lie end Martin gave
in onr
Large variety of new fall styles,
gMUaattenlBttkaato maaa tba 8aeWhu Osvld B. Boms of this elty la 1897. a RepnUiaaa plnrality of 1.133ondhrigadalagotagtorriiava OcMral
up*to*<late in every way.
I appointed npnn tha atete beard ol
White at Imlyamlth. FiarwaatoWta
«ol waa not
whleb left Bogland Ost. la. eoovaylng neelved oitb nnaol
the ramalndar ot thW brlgado. ora thto city, but It to declared that Jeat
Fenltivaly Aanraa Bavaral (That ha
abtotdaaatOaoe TownniwBoraatoteklngaataad wbtoh to
to After Got
The mitt fav wabUelaw taken In re- a It only plaaalag to a good many loenl
Md to the mmgeraem of the
For the chrticeat line of Fall
ila. hot te the whoto.jorthweatem
from Udyemlth to that plgeooa are not
That will ontwesr any other
part of the atete na well, aad whioh
Waists in the C'ty, see our stock.
Lnnatag. N >v. lo.—WhQa ta Detroit
te he railed oa dwtag to their UabUlty plaeaa him ta a new light altogether. Monday. C itcmal BItoa of Saginaw
Style like cut $2.75
te bo abot or go aatray. Bot
It la ta the moramant to aeonra a pnalttvnly aaanrad aevaral peraona that
ertttetom to tinged with peealmtoi
made specially for os with
pwion o» eemmntattea of
ha wonld he a candidate for ,^verai
to um'otekabte dtopoMUon to regard Wright, the wealthy Ini
HetaUmatM teat tee Grand B«ids
the btwt of. everythiag put in
tha alienee aa omlnoaa. Tbta taoUng Btosoota. who waa aaatenoed to Jack- onvaaUoata
teem. Material and work*
hai baaa Inoraaaod by tha raaeUoo ra- aoa for lift nbon*. ten yearn ago for the hto right to tee eomloaUoa next yea-,
..Utag fio- • roallaattoa that the na- b*ntal mnrder of a anparvtoer and dep- andhewiU go ta te win. A formal
mansbip the best — Styliih,
Mvaa have galM tba oomapondoata nty aberlR.
aanonnoemeat of hto cnndldaey to
bat sensible lasts, and dor
with rataranna to Boar dotaata.
••Three of the mambera of tbe auto
Adtopnteb from Oraaga Blvar ata> boerd of perdona have already voted
able—WiU stand any wear.
toon, dated Hov.s. aaya
loraeommand a taverabla aettoa
Prices are not steep or we'd
Batetday anrprUad BalmoaV aboot b^K of tha msrderer. hot Mr. Bnraa
be afraid to print them.
teranty«no mlloa ^m Orango^vor. baa oteadtaaUy rafnaad to rote with Blda Tonag ot MmgiaeF Fata *98 TB
•ndoapterad flftj-twe olvUtoan. wbo them, aad hto atand haa bean ao derid
for Trading a Wheal that Did
wen eahaeAeently rateaond.
ed tbaV togaUer with tha tadlgnatloa
Mot Belong to Him.
A dtoenteh to tba Dally Ka#a from araaiad ta TTaveraa onuty. he will
Klda Toong. (be Ringaley yonng
OafaTownanyt It to ram<^ than orehably aeeeaed ta ravarriag tha ae
will ahorUy go to tloo of the board at (ha maxi meaUag." wbo waa arrnated Wedaeoday i
nhaige ot dtopoatag of a waoal teat did
QeMBalown. Oaw Many.
Tha article then goaa on with e
not belong to hlaa. wna nrraigned yoaZi to aald that t.oeo Bmco ban
brief htotory of the eaas and qnotea
I Roberta'
tordny morning
•lad Vaotentad. twoeV-Btoo nUaa Ototrtot Attorady OoveU aa (ellowa:
tram Nireal'a Polat. It to belloved
-It to tha moat tatamoea thing I
tanned to pay a floe
that AUwal Borth to atoo tavoatod.
ever knew of ta aU my life.-' he aald,
A Boor oommaodot TOO man paaaad -Thto^an Wright waa eonvleted of •moontlng to I7.7S. Tba anm waa paid
and the yonng man ralaaaed. Ha waa
Bargboradorp. aboot Iwanty-twp mllan tbamoM brawl erlme and the
Here tbe asaortment ia laige and no qdeatios abont qual
lad to give ap tee gna (
tram Btormborg JoneUnn. Tbay warn eold blooded ortM ever known ta thto
ity—Then too, tbe prices are aa low aa good furs cun be manu.
-.^erhiny In the diraetlon of Qaeana- steto, and yet the atato pardon board ta the trade which got him into tronbta.
town._______________ __
tor elemaney.*'
Mr. OoveU waa the proaeoatlnf
Bnt Htg Brethq^oond Bar ta Good
Appoitlonad to tha 8«earnl OMhtlaa of Wright.
Banda and Vone tha Woraa for
Ttotorday by tha. •nparintendant
Gen. W. L. White waa aak id to look
Ber Bxpnrlnee.
of PobUc XoatracUoa.
into tbe onae and nee hto
All yeaterday afternoon team «
Ihd tventy-nlote anneal appertloo- with the governor ta denying tha rec- talk on tee atrnet of a lUUe girl U
ton of the pnrdon board,
■ont ot the primary aebool fnnfa waa
had bean (onnd on the Sonte aide, w
tha matter Oenarnl White wna teoronghly bewlldnrad. and bad
Mdt yeatotday by Hepertatendant ol
Feb to Inairaettoo Jsaon B Bammoad. to qaoted aa aaytag:
no idea aa to where her home
"1 waa aaked to look Into tbe '
Tm Wtowtag are the amo into that go
She had atrayed away evidanar. and
and nlthongh It waa aone of my bnri. either eonld not or wonld not
te Grand TVavatM and
1 did ao. It to a ahama that wn
• S.S9D cannot bang aaek fellowa an Bright taThis report is beard around the
«.1U itaad of potitag them away whan
world, annibilatingtime. distance
tOM tern -pardon bonrd mam hen nan let the thrae year old danghter of J.
d resistance.
Stator, who had bean at tea atore for
np-to-date ^obdpsb man
a white, bnt wbo atartod (or ber boma
will keep pace with the times—He
e 374 tetaUvea, ia very wanlthy hUaaalf. end on Steto atraMahortlyaftar tea
1.414 money wUl do e grant denL Bet 1*11
trill do dul in bis power to make
When yon bay afTbos. Emerson Shoe you
hia store ao attractive that it will
4.7M bet my hat that mowy wall not get tee hooae. hrtagtag ap at teat oo
buy the best.
invite the attention of tbe bnyer.
thto mwderer ont of Jaekeon a
Oaten Mrant.*
yon purchase a pair of these celebrated
thto admtatotratton.**
She WM tehan to the atore W WUBhonffataapoontoXtenoly. :
of the means te this
shoes yon'll be
helm Bras, and
Knoptag of criminal bonrden
end — It will brinp;
team hw nnm* and boBaa, bat to no
never bean a vary proflteble beataera wUl lead to eenaatfonal developm
with tbe style
people to ybnr {dace
porpone. Atanpper timeabn daairad to
for BboriS Wmpaon. bet be aanally
of boamesA
Mr. Tareer. the Ttaverae aty i
with the fit
go north on Union atraal, ae
hna a few udor hto eare, which reher of the perdem bonrd. to atatod aa Hoyt, wbo bod atnrted with hnr to hto
with the quality
Uovea'tbe aaonotoay of Ufe on the hUl.
having nhaagod hto peritton and mya own home, let hnr tend tha way. It
with tbe price
Bot now there to not a alnglo boarder
that (he eaae will ha hrooght np again waa not long nntU they mat tha brothtatha]tQ.whtob to a oonditton that
ntthe naxt rwetar meeting of tha nr of the little girl, wbo waa aaarahtag
We carry a full line of these shoes in black
Mgfat to ha gratifytag to tha pw^to of
board, ta Ionia, on Kov. Mth.
for hnr.
and tan—all the latest li&ta—Prices, $3D0, $3.50,
the onmmealty. althoogh not a paying
Tha praaiot indleatlona am that
Mr. Slater had aot thoaght hat that
$4.00 and $5.00.
htetnaaa for the aherlR.
Wright wiU not aaeeead in naeutag a Ua child
thawny.Mta. Bteter had felt no fonr. na
Tb annwiaiiiliii tbo hnrhara E. D.
aha (hoo^t (hat tha ahild waa with
Too abenid ana
B Brae wlU blow the
bar tathm- at tha atora, haana no aaarah
worha whietto ovary ovaatag at eight
Front Street
otaloek. to anmneiiea tha elodtog hw. phyetalaa tor tha Innl tadga Kalghto had bam Imtttated tUl tea
e'rie^whtolta. nfPytUaa.
nStete. Tteton.
B«t BombArdmeat at X<ad7‘
'°zr '.«p-"~‘;^.-?d.'-;,rur.
TODAY—Saturday, November 11th.
It's “tin cone-bacteesia"
trada that pays best...
Hat Mark
S tkt m liekwio.
imtalukAvlth Sum Gtfv, M901« tlS
Ladies’ Waists-
School Shoes
Prices are
$1.00 and upwards
■ r ^
RiBiM Drr Goods Girpet tid GMkllg
8Sc, tl.0D. tl.25 a pair.
It always pays toitrade beta
You Want The BeslWe Have It--
lUUu TekytaiCi.
"X W. Hastinp
m KOttrnio
eboobs, satubdat. hovbmbbb
ii. latt
_____ _ larpe Golden i»ak Morns Cbair,
wt* faRwersible Cash*
iona- Ther«s nothing
>ou can grl so much
solid fomfort.wiih for
Ifac s. ntt mo t-y.
$. W. Eammbi. SdtMr ud
1^ slab ycaisrday attamooo.
and aa toiereetirr prepram wm ri«oe
mtor «f bear*, dtoeate. <
Bodertbr leadeiabqp of Mm.
at tbaara of 74 yaare. Be Warm a Tbe foeslpe tried aO Of th» a
wife and eipe cblld^a. all of whom I .
At the prcllmtoary basinem meetlnc Will ba prmentat tbe teseral today.
rer -which tbs president, Mra.
> land
Oeorre Latmaa, who baa been eety
Boberts. prta'ded, tbe matter of tbe J witn »cisiie rbeamattom for oeer s x
A rumor a hMi proved to be troe.
-Wasbinfton Bisr.
anaanl reeeptloa was dtoeamed. and it wotbs, huso far reooeered as to bedecided to bold ibe reoeption
rto to took after bis bg^intaa sinto Be
yyiday eecninr at Park Place. Tbe left yretarday tor Ma; fit Id and will re
DmrtI : Bosrder-I'i'm norry tre
entert^ament to conelst of repartee,
8 alonx. Uat I ‘
\ \/E have over MU)
wiUltMt_______________ _________
■hort prorram ano a luneh. tbe latter
» > eot styles of Rocking
Mrs. B. B. Bederto taaebii^ in the! L«ndlndy-E>oes that include youi
to be In eharf* of tbe Park Place ebef.
Mr. Jonesr-Tbe RlmL
Ghairs. and they are all bar
After a brie'f iBtetB'sstoD tbe alierAofUAUio bM Uku kootber -iMt _rooe prorram waa opened by _ of Miu Dean, woo to (II.
gains—No. 15C»5 for only S<> 7.V
•lud." »Dd tbb time it loakt m If be- ebarmlar solo by Mre. A. B BoUiday. Tbe Birb acboel footbnll team has raWe offer One Banderd Dallam Be
No 1600
W Ib dcapcrmtc atfAito. Hie pUa of with aooompaalmcnt by Mra. {loa ecleed a ebal anre from a Pcloakey ward for any ease of Catarrh that mn•bo 4mort(M BTB7 looks Ukebu|B^ nable.
play here. Tbe playem arc oot be cure i by Hell's Cktairb Care.
F J. CnxjfPi- ACo . Prop . Toledo. O.
•Bd tke rebel leeder erUeBUy U beffio
Sensible drem was -le enbjeet of lirbter than tbe locals Therfferbas
We, tbe aadetairned. bsve known F
■Ur to n»lise It. Be bae ordered bie tbe aftemoon'a paper. Mra P-ck o^ not been am^pted yet.
J Cbeaey tor tbb tost IS yean, and be
180 Front 8t
•nay to reBieable »t BayBrnbur, a aniartbe prrrnm w-b a paper on
Boose Forolihlsg Btore.
The Rnouiiu to to^bted to P.
lieee bim pmfeeUy bonerab’e to a1yoiat U tbe moeBUlBi, where
entaree on tbe preaent ooe Paine tbe florist, for a bare aad •— --------- — -- - flnanetoliy
•haiMMtorctMppIleafrom tbe eoeat tome of women." Tbe paper wee betatifal Charles Darts ebry
•reeatcB. Bis a
written In Mm. Peck<e brlrht. breesr
MCreat tbe adoptkm of a feerUU pUa manner, and waa fall cf blu at tbe
* Uat rteoe^ -fle U acceataated styles of the prsaeal day.
Dick Campbell retarned ymtmdsy
U^ie Wilde of Uern. far
Mrs. E W. BasUars dmoribed the from Pcioskey. where be baa been dm
■■•■oeed from tbe farUle rerioM wblA model bnetoem drcaa la aeeb an av
ior tbe last ten days wirlnp tbe Casb- ly. acitnr directly apon ti
bare fersUbed plenty of ubalatoBoa traetivs way that her beam
maaoes snrfsoe of tbe system. Pi
nam block for IW electric lirkta.'
for ble army. Tbeae taotim are oei7&e. p r bottle. Bold by all D afrl
d that her plana were well
TestlmoeUlB are free
dMtIy tboBCht to eare biaaeU. bet wortb • followlnr She faeored tbe
BaUb Family |>i>to are tbe bmt.
to eay-eveBt bto career
“ralByday”easume.for bnainem woBy BOW be baaUly ahonoMd. It apbat ^oarbt olreumstanem and AtLastMifhtbSimioB eftba •enlor
feara now that tbe predletkm of a
op seme aboald roeern tha mat
<o of tbe war U lUely ter always.
Xo remodr oquels ITaknek's "Whitj
IKE OF Tar SVRIT for this u>rc.
An exeeedinrly totamaUncand tothe bOeloem emtama from an
.«and fsul disease. If taken tbuiloomle aiandpolni" was ably treated atractlre profran was rirra Ust ereantxl in time, it will cure a uaM
Tax differeDce is tbe drbtior netb by Mm. P. B Traeto wbo said that tbe ton by tha Senior Lyeeam Beery pan Jr^^
.z4 houra.aad fiF-theuaurh that lol
ode of tbe FlliplBoa and tbe Beers to qemtlon of health eras also' larrely was tborouyhiy enjoytd ty an appre•wu La Grippe I*. „evep fmU to ri'<‘
abewB clearly by the death raeord In dependeat upon proper dreminr
-lief. Price. S5c and .-kk;.
aUtiee saduace.
Iba PhUlppUes eompared with that of
cellenteolo by Mtos Moore open
toiercsUnr dtocamloa i
•oath Africa elnee tbe troeble with tbe papem and ooneladad tbe after- edtbe pnjrs*. followed ty en U- OptUrt At Mbsnyb.
Oopneite Bamllton Clotbinr Oo..
beran aboat three weeks aco.
supietiee rsssy on *•Jackson Prison" by
I's pqDrmm.
FroetetraeL Selects. 43?; Standards,
la flfteen months, ^ee tbe bcsrlsnlrr
Alice Walu
78'>--f5of boeUliUes in tbe PbiHppinee.
An ordinal story by Bdoa Murrel
AmnHoaa aoldlert have been killed;
was exeeciionsliy (rood, sbowing
It* have died of woands. and ei« frt_
eolientandoarefal work
••The Bide
dtosasraadaeeldaat. makinf a to^ Oap be Obtained for tbe BmenaUrrandmolhei Lee" Was s well
daalh leas of l.ioo. Thirty^ have
manta of^he Bicb Sebotd Lectnre
readsred dreUmation by Niu Bnybee.
bees eaptared or are mtoaUf. and
and M isic Ooarsa.
Tbe orstUn of tbe eTcniny was riven
i,t«7 wcaaded, tbe rrand total of
Dunbar on "Tbe Oorqaerinr
Tbe Impremlon baa cone ooi that ail
hMeaamoan'tortoSMO. The entire tbe rood amts bare beta raaereed for Power of PerscTcrenco."
Usem to tbs Amarlean army darina
The impromptn waa ylteo to Charles
tbe entire Uetare coeree, ano that
Bftoea moatba hare been lem t>»tn the
there to no need to try to bay a atoale Corbeu and be bandied tbe eabioei
tames to tbe Brlttob-Boer war In 1ms
to an ordinal way
admtoalos ticket. Thto to empbatkal. ••Ibe clem of
ly a mistaks It to true that the sale BUcebe Batkeli Uvored with e fin*
of seaU at tbe bertoainf of the eoqree Tocsisolo. '"TbeOld KclWs at Bi
i to tbto in Mew Bnyland" wu an intermtiny
abstrset riven by Bdna MeWetby.
Mie. B. L. nanker and aos. Ladoi, city, bat there are sull a Urye
The discateloD. "Bcaolvad.Tbai nsviarespeadlnrnfewdsyeaiBapId Oiy. of rood eeato that may be obtained for
etnylc admtoeioo. or for the balance of ratUb has done more for tbe wor’d
IPllbMr aanke’.pirsato.
Tbe attractions oBered than railroads" was very iMtraetivr
Mm- B •balden of Oiawn. who has
Parker and Lncina Davis spoke
bma etolttor Kra. B. D. Bower for are eneb that there eboald not be
oa tbe iSrmaUve side sod Hiram
tbe fam few deyr, reteraad home Ust eeet left to tbe hoaer. as thcra will
sorely be ealemjbem to a food tale of Bomky snd J wle Novoiay oo the
alive. The decision wu riven to fsvoa
Him. Vtee Patbar. wbo baa been eaato at the duor.
Tlw next entartatoment of tbe oftac nefative.
' otoltWlllmMyrUeBopkUr.retemed
Prof Byder (rave (be eriUee report in
to bar boms U Wexford lest creator ooame to tbe madinc from Lm Miser.
tbe ebeento of Mias D.wn
Mr. and lira A. B. Witoon of K.nn- abUa. by the noted entertstom. Mlm
tay. wwt to Cantral Lake laat eecator. Ida Benfey. Tbto namber will taka
Vbeee they will reiaela aboat a week place Korember 24. Ibere 'will no
doabl be a larye sale of seats for that
Mr. Aadrew Maokla
•Urn HcEellar rettimed to Omwa ■ifbt.
iPtooeenlBir sfmr tredlnr in tke elly.
on Thanksgiving day or perhaps
irhaps you’ll
JCn E. Deeii. wbo has been etolttor
B. Lyon went bantlaf Tbamd y
have a family re-uniiion. You'll want should be thg,4ppoinunents of your Din*
Mn- E Lyon, relnmed to her borne
and menred a fine sirtoff of fox e%nirtB TonpaonriUe Imt eeenlnr.
things right. The first thing is the table. ning Table on this day. A new piece of
Obarlca JfffrlM. wbo has been bey- >la
If you had one of ourGolden Qak Finish silver ware would be^just the thing. A
Prof. Bills of Olieet oollere, will oc
tat poletoe- in Manletee. U la the
ed 6 foot extension tables, with either Cake Dish at 3.00 or a Pickle Dish 1-50.
copy tbe palpit of tbe
di»rsquare or found top for V75 you’d have Bread 1Tray for 2.75 or a three piece go
Mra. E b. Pratt baa returned from e
> oflined
;t for 4 75. Perhaps you’d rathi
the table all your friends would go wild
Wtoft to Ann Arbor. She attended tbe
have a cut glass (ilive
Olive 1Dish
fish at 3.00 or
Ueorye Raff retarned last nl^b^fi
mbetlnr of the Michl'ran Federation of
Berry Dish at 7 ''o Or a Knife Rest at 1.50.
a two days bank at Good Barbor
'WoetaB’eaDbcdarlnrber nl
No More Rheumatism.
This would be a good time to get that
Matoomb Wloaie. Jr., wbobaa been |'*P<>*'**with twooom-1
For yvw my wiretniTpred from
full set of dishes you've been thinking
bayiCK poutoee for tbe Mlcbl*an I*®*®".
e Urre amoonl of! Lletn.- .Klirlrlrd iiiMiy rrmnllw, I"
lie lienrilt. nnd u« iiud about cl\
about Some elegant sets just received.
ptatd'iCo.ntC.-dar.ie arpe, i>ibeelty'B»*«Uey killed ii rebrbenwelu«nJ<>r Jrlerr K^n«.
MM ttlffbt.
bitt io edditlon lo other yame.
my .... tWCBD u.lllf lu Tbln STV-I
Perhaps your’s are not as nice
100 pieces sell at 5.85. S.oo. 8.40. 12.50,
E 0. Compton was at Manton yester
you’d like them lor thanksgiving.
The 15.00, 16.50. If you don’t want the full
Mtos Msry Sebaab of Provemont has
line we're making a leader of just now set, we 11 sell you any number of pieces.
akea tbe vow of the DomtoUna'^iem
. Mm. Oamee to
et Grand Rapids.
'sells for ;v2> the set.
Anywhere else
pMhsr. Mm. Saow of Barbae S^lnjrs
•Ibe rooms of toe Tmverio Oty
you’d payy a dollar more for them.
-gev 3. Peantorton to la Laka Ana Mbsle Oo. are being wired for eleetric
yWUnff bis son.
llgbto by toe Boardmna Elver Bleewic
Mra. F. E OrlMn has retnmad tram L'jrbt A Power Oo.
is just as impotiant as your thanksgiving
jIvlBllwltblfriends to tba aoatbera
you ve got. but have you everything^ neeTbe Ltdiet* Gelid of Graoe ebaroh
turkey. It must be a "perfect cooker"
. ftrt of tbe state.
will bold a Saturday market today at
•atiof I. The dressing
nabie you to get that rich brown to the essary for it’s preparation,
Mrs. Aademon of Th
_ _
8-rongb music ‘ eiora. Ad kinds of
portant thing
thing. You'll need
turkey that makes vou so hungrj’ the mo is the all important
vtalUBff bar .motbar. Mm F. C. Deseaubles will ba on ssU.
ment you see it. A good “cooker" starts sage, thyme and mace. Did you ever use
The Qnean City Qaartot left yuUrMtos
at 5 oo. next better 7.00, then comes 8.00. corrionder seed, cardamon seed, sweet
pom b vtoit to dt. Irnaoa.
8,50. Q.oo. and n 00. W’e have the Majes marjoram, curry powder or sweet pepper
tost night, for toe benaflt of
Mm. OaoTfe Haniy has fona ta
(or paprical
We have all kinds of spices
tic Range, the best ever made at 4S.00.
Bt. Peal's <
fptaakayforasbort visit.
The other part of the house needs
ttoBto Odell left lest nlfbt on a bnsl- Urge advaMa aaU of aeata. Tbe^Mr-1
warming. A Round Oak stove sells from
tat was aaatoted by Leon F. TUas,
pam trip to-Oealral Lake.
13.00 to 24.00. A Garland Soft Coal Bur
Mr.aad Mrd T. A. Monroe of Mew nndar. aad Pnfeuer and Mm. Herat
ner 20.00 to 22.00.
York etatearrived Ust night fora visit andMlmJoaopbtotVadsr.
Just check off wh^t you want and get
L. Blanker, who bss
wMb relaUves to ibis city.
lem in your house. When you want
r. M. Paine to entertointog his ployed to W. W. MUtorto groeary tar
weree he gifted with sense enough would them you’ll have them. Apples. Dried
pnndparanu, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. toe past year, has aoeeptad a poattlee
viewV with alarm the numerous articles for Peaches. Apricots, Pears. New Figs. Cur
ttoPds They are 83 and 88 yurs old. to toa grocery of Ptaree A Fmeman.
0. W. Faaet. A. W. Jabraae aad A.
hts Killi
lling (that's our axesat 70c, 85c, i.ool rants, Rasjns, Filberts, Almonds, Walnuts,
A allg>>t war among toe local potato
^pyea re lamed from a toip to Em* bayem sent toe pries to toaei^ ntaikct
his serv
rvingUhat's our big platters at 85c, Pecans, Peanuts. Cream Candies. Citron,
■lm andAUa Bavea yeetatday.
ep yeetaidey, a aembar of loads sell
1.00, 1.25) his carving (that’s
(that's our carving Lemon Peel. Orange Peel, Nutmegs.
llUy;8waem Ktamed ymterdey ing for 23 tenls e bnsbel. nnd i _
knives aad forks 75c, 1.00 the set) his
No thanksgiving dinner is complete
fmm a trip to MUwaokee, CMtoago and bstogeald for 8« eenta. Ibe mnrket
cooking (that's our stoves 5.00 to 11) Our without Cranberry Sauce. Make it several
Mhnr eilUs for WiUUm Baitner. He eleadUd flown to II nad U aenta. It to
customers look at them with pleasure be days before aqd you'll have it. Don't for
•OU tbe entire oatpnt of tbe cartato aMd that tbto to only a
cause the quality is such as to ensure per get the Oj-siers. There is oyster soup to
pota laetoryfortoaoomlng year.
aafl dose aot ladteau a «
Both Telephones, No 43.
*« esra U Bripp* h M 9m$.
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors
318 Union Street
IMHr EOOD sms T£T.
What About
Dining Chairs'
A Stove
Mixed Spices
The Turkey
Comfort, Wear
of toe guaml markat.
Rev. a Ooeblto toft yeetarday tor
Battnaa Bay. wbara ba will preaob toa
at toa iedtoaMoB of tot aew
at that ptoM
flaaday. «avwal othm (k
rbaam. leltar, eeato head, old peoplm altota from tbto elly wUl a“tnd toe
iMb. aad all Itabiag skto dtoeaese.' are
abmtotalT emrtfl tay Or. A. W. ChaMb
Ataaflcm C 0«v of Umlm died
BabUe Tortamd
By flaming, itching srttme And eomflaataodparmaaeateareto Dr. A. W.
% Ointmea*. a preparation
record of offers anj
>|walleled i
..^and Style
Q«t Th«m of
Frank Fiicdrich
UB Front StiMt
fect satisfaction and the prices will leave
lots of ^ange in the pocket for other
start with and fried oysters and oj-ster
patties and pscalloped oysters and oysters
raw and Broiled o>'sters.
The Hannali & Lay Mercantile Co.
tRM mO*i«lfO MfcOOEO. 8ATVXDA.X. tfOTBnU 11.18M
L <<
7«( ib»
«* 9TV\ertS^. »^ BnlMlM.f«ur*ifi»cri^>ioa«l
*«OBnlM lM.f«ur*ifi»cr iMontf a.
These Tidings
of Shoe Bargains
Mm of tk« O E a I. tnlM oerth I
b>«1«^ mj,
•bis wwh m m la too ooedoM to frotnUf U «n«ilf opre to tbe obj««•amamodo** .Ua te'vd oaistao «f tloo that it t««di> lu c^Dtatr tbr p«i«Euion ob« M sokiag for iba oooda U fnt-pUt«- Au-ultj i.x uiucb aud iba
Eoiolfroa doll..., aorrlo. oUl ba
«•»>■*■ “•*
craobra farultk-a luv Uiilr. Taka iba
< »t aaaant MIebIcM iwUu
’ eoac
of oor poldk- i-aaii.luaiHW- fur tba
MV vu.
•oat iw.weraa.
fao.oacta. Tbo
Tboo- e«b.lbb.uO, dO,Hl.u,lbb.b,Tb.v,M»0»»■ OJU.,1.
adrrtea will ha ohollobad at aaarral
Bb'Ui to Uif work of aevuu luro for Toaoihar parts were wall aastalaad a*
l^,u. ivkou
" ’“T*. •r‘. ui|irU. fur
. Utrae eat
l. ana of Ibr ••arib's surisiv of tba f'Ho»>;
.boikbi., a..
slB>- of ilH- bumau liotlv. our atatls- Era Baasao;......................... Aana Eaaar
Uuu'u ibai :hear tu-iaa lairitbiua (bat It will n..iulrB Brarirtia Pr«r..
Mattta Woraburc
K*'iK-mll} frau'i'd
At Bajr otr Mr*. B N»lUrr aod •• tu pui a ■mnu:
• M«. Marr Haa-« of i^oao om “‘o
‘ r.'XUr>
Amatad eha^ad olta ihoplifUitt
od nol font-uflmar.t'.'iiS clut'
uiunnialiu. wlH ataD.I. rti.o will run. ouwbrr of «. tahers la ••Soafi that wc
pbn.iB will eniw. amt abliual Itfr wlU
Forgot," aeeompataed by Mlaa
•>.! .c» of tu pl.Uu Ob
, |,Ub„|..r. or b aiUt uiucb ai-It do»» ludu).
‘ PmI Bmory.
Wbdb^b, bl,b.
.-Itur bt-tvb^
tMpMd toooBiuaaaielde h7 atofiof ' «>, • tVflliaffioo a ItUioan-l or a WBas uanl r.-aMN-ns lt« lf lu su^e'frade class was maeb appreciated by
paptf iate bar ttaroAt.
' Uaia nil. a l>ai«lo to a i'a>it-ur. uibcr fiinii. Wilier as sound. Wectrk'lty
Hihorva XortM. a Ua tfr old
iw'-iu* lu or sliupk muilou. It Is easy lu see that
-..... btnikm aa Bsaliaol a H<-debU Ibis cNtimaiv U laiu small railier than
tuu trvau At any ..au*. ibc world is
raaldaat of Biaadtab, «aa
teiru«t. wiu road up tba Oui liable to stop Bolus fur s fvw years
Hartarat Kaaer.
fetaM ynat«rday by a baraa a«d aaB-^^ucloa Ua>k»ork mon-.raphlb la yei. acuordiDK lu bis tcaauulUB.
ts ooatiaaed with the
I ^ prpfram
•®*B*a. ^
niore bbI>J« i» and loaka a IiIkIht arorlie Mrs of tb.' vasiaess of (bs follcwinf;
At Adrian, tba U ■oatiM eld eblld ar- uf marks tiiai) an; ..f
that Is meted out lu us frum lbs .Memory Uems.......... ....Loalte Jardiae
“ ‘
Aaan Anioav
ihal source of eanbly Ufe may ha ' 'loxt* ®f' C(
Of Mr. aad Mra. B. WItbiarM. fell
Leab Ptoantaia
be saya l.y cuasidrili.K that U
fnm a bad and atraek on lu hand
k'K>» l®tl*«- of retain af tb»
:... Mary BIbki
B^lalM uUl iillrtl.
' •»>0«-«»«“o*<«®WsowB.|«lal*rB Ibc cm^B> that the suif elves to earth '
of Liberty........
lu n siuitl.- day could Iw lAiil.-d up ami ‘iower
Alljdnad bcarilty in tbe pairtotte
Tba f rat dear to be abet traa bpcrad, *^,1, a„n of osaiuluillou tort. |mr- directed aBainsi .\lseani fall* it would
by 8 Freeteaa, M atlas froa Hoafb* slstcd In for pon.-rstiiMis. luust luod to cause ibai pnat Iwdy of water to dash aoat "8ter stpaaBled Banner.*'
toa. He alaa broafbt la a lalbyratu, t«n>uracr ibr drroioiKnnii vt ttrvar. back acalu up bill for 4.uui> yean. If
. waif
*>"* •latloa «Ita at ibu expanar lumrd into a sinBlc Idast of brat, it
8ia Fnyfatfal Pallarea. .
^oka Boekstfv laborar at tba aaw
orlclual Uluui and Hrdf rrllant wuulil miK,' av.Ty lIWuc creature laS'x terrible fsilorca of six diffetaat
pri«lui-<- • fri..tn!ns itaaiau<-uu*ly to l.licht and wither. .doctor* r-aarly seat Wm B. Mallaa of
PbalteaaBiter...»taaUlaOraak. fall
latbur than a tiiaaciillur kind of Intel, The Its- aruutnl llu- |wha wold bt Loehlaad, O . to an early yrave. All,
(roa tba dftb 11 jor to tba
loti- n»ii.ratnH oi
of our oo;
bov»* w
eUu- laellrd lu ••ue slid Ibrvc4)uarter lulo- said be bad a fatal toor troable am^
— , .
I HI- omin*
ui ouoBai be
toy. Ha Hand two bonn Noooasaw
i,.. n.ouiod toward ibc type utrs, aud tu niu.iber II B■^s>nlls all tba i that be meat aooo die
blai fall, bat a workman la tba kasa-, «>t My. tin- iduvor. vorMlIle .Muerlcaa
BMBt aaw kirn aUika Ue botiM. Ba; Ud.v. ami so far Hit- Hiautw of tbeir
raosuiuttsi luto Wectrk-lty. a {
Jt is po-■
laUdown tba atoaatorabafL Baleavaa Bitnrina u). loio rtbll.v frrwi lui-a. socb
wuold ibisb frum Ibc nrtb-as;,iiivelypnarai.teedweerealldlacaacsl
•. wlU lend to
a widow and owe child.
till- plam-i Jupl^.-r
cllwted .fTbroai,
Luu»s. taeladicp
_ .____
into a all
slnple NoumL the vlhr
Coarks. Colds. La Grippe. PBaamoola.
tm Alien, the man aabo waa operalad dlDlt^.’-'
Hls^eral rom-lusloo Is as foltuwa: Ilf would uol only l.rmik every eardrum Kroncbiils, .tsthms. Hay Feyer, Cronp.
apoa for remoral of the apleen at Aaa
“Otia broad view the ptieral teadeo- Id ihv world, t.ut would ii|ir>M.t tba pi- Wbooplrp CoBfbv Me and II OO T.-lal
Arbor died Tbaraday areniac. notry ot llir aae is t.. nnluiv us nil to one aul insa of the forcsls oiid erea level bullies 10eteat Jas. O Jobaaoa's wad
wiikatudlBV the aaoaaraffiar aymp- moBoti.oous d'wd lerel of utrifunu me
d. E Wait's drut storea.
lonuntxlns. ir ebaueed into a luoiucatoau maalfeated afwr tba operatloa. diocrity. .tn api.lliil to Iwalu power, laiy flash of llahl. It* hurst would be
It la farther Mid that the rriaoral of the tendency is u> level du« u the bleb- BO i.lliHliUB as tu penetrate Ute walls Oyiten at Dehanj'i
Iba aplaea aab tba earriaal of Uia pm eal and Ih^i l.ralus (>y puiiiiic'au la of llic dee|M-s| duiiiiivns aud .lesirvy
Opposite BsmlUea aotkiaf O..
Front street Melects, 4Sr; Staadarda.
tlaatUaa ImpoMi Tba faealty creaalBc dlseoiiai on urliiitiamy aud In the sleht uf every livluc crvalure. IB
TfiO-U $
depeadepe.. uf (hourlii. tl.-atiwlille tbs btilltancy H.I* flUMh would eswed the
of tba U. of M. te rnapcotlnliy
iH-lBhtu.-Ks of the suu IbkOf o.ver a
lanarDr. Bvaaa.
School laaebeim will do well to aote population are la-lua l.-iHed up by the IBIIIIOU lllUPS
universal epnnd «.f |.rli)iar>' lllllc
Fur one iimu to exis-ad so amount of
tbadaalaloa of tba sapramecoart band
aod the IpcivaHjai: <I>.iiuiihI for a erraddowatbb weak to tba rffjot that 'talu modeiaie aviutiu.- ..r luielllceurc euerpy equlvalecl to that wbiWi tbe
aarbal aoalrMU with aebotd boards every wlMWe. The n. t r.-«uli is (lu^avu^ earth mvives from the suu In the
tenth luirt uf a stsMud be would bare
bra pot iaral- They mast be la writ able to ibe prudueiiou of r.*nlly euui- to work bard Cuatltiuuualy for 87.0U0.-1
iDaDdlnt and erlpliuii tab ui any when-. u«i year*.
ibC-. ■
Tferaaaaw eaaaa of amallpoa bara The atream of buman kunwiedc.- Is
This calculailun Is n-iiiarkaUe la |
tipwlac bruadar aad bn.aib'r. uu doubt, that Its rrsnh differs l.y u.ore tban ;
dsvalopad at Cbaaa tbka week. Al
dae to Iba fact that a maa expoaad at but at ibe same time H tends to ran 3Ul74.Uts).tBsi ytatii from the |N>rled
when scleuilsts a,-m-niUy (wlleTe tluil
at Benton Harbor weot to Cbaaa and abaUower." llir worhl will .
vsiH-ns ai Oiu-wlij
Dr. A. W. Eataa
-Six yaara afj Cbarlaa Jaakaoa of
isl tluit M .-.mill u< suMsIc life 2,UM.>
Fort Unroo. loai a ralaabit CoU
OfOorfs. N. V.. wriM-as fo}i*w
y.ars heuev.
watob. and oonid aerar Sad any traoa
A W- Obaas's Nerve aad Blood Hilla
of la Laat baaday. bosraear. be
eoaelnded that I* wnnid br a
Colac tbroBfb an old trank, aad I
. I8e for
k. watery blond and ar’
vooi sysiam.
amall boa ta one eoraar of It lay the absasiad nervooi
the east year I have
ave prescribed tbeir Uard by Brithb eoldlan la Africa.
toaf loat Utah piaoe.
fr-osea'ly and am tn'iT* tbaa pleased
Oa ooa of Iba uUard lalaada, on tba with the raanlt.nit* ’iV
pale, weak
Bortb aboaa of Uka Baparlor. a baav ea and t*!"** J <t«'.•■uperlor to
forces ibai 'sptafod tb* Ku
tat tarty tacaatly foaad aoma wraek- oUiar pceperatioa IW' A. W. ChsseV <ls1 .h* t'ndcrdSte Of N
wr 4 .; X
Nerve and B'opd Pil‘s aontain ibe very
ata troB) 'tba ataaiaar
Wmteni alemeaU r>«|tlrpd tn create pare, rich INli*. frum Vryborjr.
Baa^a. loat aararal yaara afo. Kaar blood and new nerve f''*®.-. and I ean writ**; ' Herprv stsflteg oa 'be l**t I M
.1(11 1 bnaab' * >p I'lfy of cr— ' ^
by waa alao foaad wrackaca of tba moat heartily epderse 'h-lr asp.'
S*rlslr*s Oolic, Cl Pier* wd THarrborL _
Ma8lataa.toatwltbaIlbaadala lasi
Brrnrdy. which I Okcd mys*l^wsh*D I ^
wltb bowel eomplsict. sod ; ^
A aaw form of aoelal aoterlalameat
had plven to mt men. and to every
wUl be 'popalar neat weak, in the
easel. prn*,d moat hep.fle'a'" FortM
term of atar tsslot partlea to obaarra
•a'ebyS K
K Wa!i«cdF C rbotupsou. |
• lusuy lihenleM with dranrisu.
tba cateasira star sbownn wbieh are
:r“,u"'.,rs zt.'ixr::
The Boston Store
Of tba'tt moou L^eraty Orola Meld
ta do qouer ihlnti a
Tha font lb maadatof tba RLPraaels
aar* tbr
Vorb Uerald. Oor of
ibm has attnupird to calcoiata to Uiarary Oirate sraa baU yaaterdsy The
coki Batbetuaika bow soua wa maj p-atiam wa.
Of pariiealor aorit oa»
ast>art ibv iudrowot day. aod h« bas
prn*arwJ a |iaiier.oo tbr aulij«,i wbJcb «>® taloot dhplayrd loaaoMdy.whleh
V <-i|*vts to nrad befora ibr Anwrl- j hapt the alrala aoaaa'aad «Ub laarhcab .Vwo<'>uuuu Kui lur AO>«uci.-uieot'ter froai tha list apoaaraaes of l^r ,
of Srhuco wlwu It UMVU UfU tiMMtb a<-o w to the oloas. Maah of -.U aae I
la t oluiol.ua Siarthif w hii ibr toul
cnaeUoasI talent!
air aha Bad af tba WaeU Be Bi
SSrJ"“ ^
'■ u«« 1' i.
z'“z'‘ ti
Yua’ll tbauk lu for manj- a shoe aaviof; before llic aeaaon
goea out.
If ve «aitt<d'till the market bad risen and than
boagfat; what a diffsrt occ'in | rirw? Aa it is yooll gel the beat
Tslnc in Travers** City from onr hands all winter.
Now, today, for inaUoce, w*> qoou* yon $3 .^0 on nhoea—we
do not claim that they are $4.00 or $5 00 shoes- bnt we do as
sert most poeitivcly that they arc the bt«t $B.60 wains in the
United Slates.
Woman'B Trl-Oo-Fn, soft walker, mannish liist< cork
................................... ............ $9 60
Women's Vlei Kid bals, well, mannish last..................... $260
Women's Black Viol hals. stock tip, white kid fsci'ng,
bevel edge..........................................................................................$2.60
Xen’e Crack PrMf. calf, Klondike last, tip, English
backstay............................................................ ................
$2 60
Men's Oasco CaU, bela Qrafton tip. welt.......................... $2.60
Men's Kangaroo Calf, Lond« tip.........................................$260
Men's Beal dkin bats, «elt, Tonraine cap, a water
proof shoe....................................................................... ............... $2.60
Our shoe department is oa tbe second floor—It is akso
second to none in tbe city.
The McCall
Bazar Patterns.
u.rasHlon Mieels iHmll«ie Free..
. -
Aa epidemic of (aflaaaas ta kllUac
attay hanm near Oalarnet. and aaailadlH. yea eaa "jasp on it.-tnapl* as
lat mneb fear. Many of tba draafbt it. bat it win com* ap amiilor wary
Uma-* CWmaa'a Bteatle rioor Varalab.
bocaaa bploatlnt »a Ua mlalat aom- 8.
B. Wait.
paateaara atacted aad tbair lom isl
tnatatatlteafrbaalb«yaraia |ml<
Te Om^ « OeM ki Owe Day.
Take Wano’*a Whitt W^ae of Tar i'yrui
Ott bee coagb remedy aa sank. 86 st>
Bditer Beat Woedais.
^■aiterW. V. Barry of Lexiutoa. Veeate
Ikaa.. la axy
nplorlac Mammutb teve,
k Mvara case of Piloa Be
toe Haaday
sMar VNrU% wimdm. Cam Plica, la* aad aatorday. com
oa card d la
____ Uaa, aad all BodUy alffbu aad will have
Only Me at Jaa. J. Jokaaon
a aard boloags
aed 8 B. Wait.
in tbeaalon:
A Boxxu. H
O B Bxat a, Supptae
L Muxaa. A. L
. WUM Wine af Tar tyvap.
I Wiaxht? J.
bast mmaft remedy oa cactk, com s cold OKtaaa. A
toaecdayitukaBlatee. AnadWate. Wutu.ora
Ifinn?ed of any School'Shoes, to
.samine the wonderfal line we sell.
bavajaken apccial care in
getting our line of achoul ataoea made
from tbe v.-ry b-st quality of iMthcr.
We gtmreofee every pair we |yli to
be absolntely all aotid and gi>oil wear
—If not, il means a new pair to you witboat eitra charge.
Note the following prices on up-to date kid aod Iku calf aboes:
:t to.Va.4iOc:45 to8'a,7Sc;^ toll. »V: IH to 2. 1,15; 2\
to .’i boy's shoes for $1 00 and 1 90. Rubhem to til them for
In, l‘.». 2'*c, ami higher priced if yon want them. .
Sample Shoes go at Half Value.
eompaalons. W.I.ia Uavia, afad U Wend. Oae ilay the Oocior tailed aud
years, fell upon live wires carryiar tba said
II. h.iw is itiiiy
>nt llthUot eurraai updir
111 air Uilvhly iniil t.Misr. IVn-."
Peiuta taka bridta. ' Ue waa raaeued
•Id. -ills whole nervuui
by Micbaal Foley, depnty eoanly
II tu IN' lu a prrf.sd Sira'treasurer, at treat panoaal risk. The ■
bay raoeived tba loll aamat «.poo **''
Pbluaad waa totally paralytad, bat
Era Mitrla I'al'y died at bar borne
will raoovar.
la Bmpira Wfdaaeday of eaaPar, at the
ODaniarfalt half dcdlan aad <tw
at« of »" years The remains were
tan of tba mti tsfa «f n»». are la olr- lakaa to Charlavola yeatardsv for io
calatloa la Barriaa eoaaty. The an termaat. bba laavaa a hatbaod. aod
tbomtvs brllevs that a well orraaicd oaaekild.
taar Is operaUer la lAls rlelal^ aad
aontbern ladlaaa.
Brava Map orara.
Howard Baynolds. atad ahoat U. and
Like Stealay aad Liviacsteae. foar
amployad at tba Bay City 8atar factory
it harder to pvarpome Malaria, Pevi
fall lata one of tba oaauitiitala Than- aad Atna. aad l^pbold dtoanaa_____
day momlat and ma literally r«and tbaa aavnaa caaelbalsi bet tbeoaaads
kava foaad that Bteotrla Btuara ia a
stopderfal eere for all malarial dloaaaaa. H yon kava cbUla with fever,
Hade TotMt Atala.
aebaa la baek of aaek •aaa bead, aad
‘•pae of Dr. Klct’s New LU. m, Ur*d. wMra.oat taallafs, atrial wUl
aacbnichi fortwowsebi baa pat Sa aonviare yoa of Uwlr merit W. A
la my ‘u^ns' atala" wriiaa D. B. Tar> Mull of Webb. ni.. wntps; "My ebllMrofltempaaylowD. Pa. Tbay'ra tba drea anflered for more than a year with
beat in tba world far tba Liver. 8tom^ aad BoweU. Patelv vstaiabla
Havar tripe. Only ste at Jaa. O. Joba•aa’eaad b. E Waifa drat atona,
It is to
Your InteresL
135 Front Street
Just in—Astrachan -Chinchilla
Irish Frieze-Will keep you as
warm and oomfortahle as an
Reefers '
In sU tti4 styles Ibond in men’s
-slEss 4 to le—Ooll and see
Hamilton doing Co.
The Practical Shoe Man
Sidewalk Lumber in all sizes.
Buoeeeeors to Traveree City Lumber Co
UiGreilick Co.
Doors, Sash, MouldioRS,
.Fine Mill Work
Cold w’eatber .18 comtog.
Now is the time
to place your orders for
Grilles made toOrder in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 3.
Trawirse City. Mich.
XBa mnna vaubau. ftAToaoAit. voTSKsn ii
xr viLL M vnvsMfsa
Wit "VDoM.
a dba latoloat
There must be a
good reason why the coffee
Tba iasier da« baa pariaelad iba
tar U* iMalac at aa
lovers of America buy millions of
a«aa MB aad tbe pao#Ia ara aat tb»t A4It te wU ta '
mtral (>•»•>'■ fcoAM la >»U4 is k aearaciac tba aU» to aaeb aa utaat
vroMtoUc* pvtdV* rr«i tbal It ia alacat a tara ihlacTtatolloirlac ofi.Mra ware alaetad
- Mtawntet llu«c fr*t% hcaee It woalb
^ lapdMlM* to b>7 it iar thrM UaiM for ita pabUeaUaa:
itbe WBOant rootaUj paid ter itTba snip Krar^IurcMMC rlt« ovaAaaoelaia wiitara-Bdith Haatiefa,
i«d bj a privaU citiasa e( tbte eoattat at
;W Wilored lota tbMrina Ck>'. WlllUM loaaaGUtart. Will Maafa. 8«a Tbaakv.
.1. Bryao b/ iaeBitan«t bit Notaaaka and B^bart Walw.
rafimebt. ■
Oalfgbttu. .Shadow PviyUviuaoy U laakinK caraMi at-d | A Sasdar tehsal elaw ofLl^ rl'I*
probably >uc«ai»rul ffforU to wlablbh >
«elproe.V with ua
At Cbloafo, John dhlodar waa'^,|,er. Uiaa Uatal Uamoo
protably fatery baratd Tburaday o^Mloa balor a ahadow party.
dbroafk aa attamplad j-ika.
Pwo Shadow paotomim** aad ellboueiUa
, boaad bin with a with other fttoa'nade tbe ereatn; a
Aarrad raap.aadafiarUrbtlBK it. left rary pleaaaat ooe RefreabiBeDtt were
-aba roop, thinkioff It wcni.d barB
wlowly. la aa iaatant the prUoser
wae a «aas of flaataa. Tbe cord baracd
J W Btaatao A Cobave jutopeood
ia two aod be rao acreamlBr lato as
adaa. Bo-to-daU meat OMrket at'Ut
*ajolBlnc rboiB where otbv worknea
■aelPieat eUoat, Jut aaat of Park,
tore ibe flaBlDff elotblBf froai him.
where they will handle all Blade of
Obarlaa Baebar aad Allw Chadyaneki
eacata. fraab tad aalt.
-were arm tad .They eatd that
KblBiar waa a aew maa tbay merely
wriebad to iBlltaU him.
below la a Uet of tba baytof aad aal It te aaBOBBoed aC Rome that Eiof
■ ambartaad Rmparor William wlU
tmaet abortly. a»d that the Italiaa aad
dtarmaa B«reramaato baee agraad to
«<eoaw tbr treaty of alliaaee. Tba
■mpmar. it la addad, la alao arglaf
■mpator rraaeteJosapblo rlall Kla#
Admiral Dawayb Japaaaaa dcf
•"Bob,-'whleb«etadae maeeot oa Ua
eentlaar Olympia, oa tbe voyafe boataWMfd. ta daad at tbe boaplta) dt a tab■ ia Mow Brl^tcm. ¥.
Baalaaaa la Soatb Atrtaa. taaladiag Oatoparba MW.)......................
Oape TOwa, la abaolataly atdroant. ^par
yaatatage bare doatiUd In priee. and
Wboaaaads ara wltboai work ar moaoy
wo bay tba aaaamlUaa of UfoA widow with a flam oya. who
BaadodUNaw Yorh tba oUar day,
*em boaa ardarad by tba Immlfn
-wdBeiato to ratara to Baflaad.
wraa yoaaf aad pretty, aad, eaeept for
‘I!!!.*! H loti
Wor flam ayr, abowod ao weak polnta-
pounds of ARBUCKLES’ COFFEE in preferto any other kind. The jeaspn is found in
its rich drinking qualities; in its permanent good- ’
The quality never changes.
around the corner, you get the same coffee, the same good-'
ss, the sgnie value for your money.
eived if you buy
RoRsted Coffee
It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation too
I highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is-hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of .
1 many years-experience and utmost reliability. It is not ground
l because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reach-J
A ing the consumer. It is not sold in bulk because of the j
^ possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high price J
because it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee at j
A small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit, ^
Mm. Phoebe Wllliami died at New
.Sodford, Maaa.. afod 101 yoara. 11
mostbe aad 8 daya.
Amporor Nlabolaa la aald to have
HlaaaapblavUttoCbriBraha la eoa.woqaaoea of a roaawal batwaaa' tba
daaal ooorta of Badaa aad Hwa
Triaee rrodoriek Aafaataa of 8aa.moy, while bjwtlaf. foil from hla horaa
mod oaatolaad a alifbt •traatora of iba
mbwn. BlaooadlUoa Baotdaafw
Boaloem of oar oolooim abow aa laoooaaa of lei por aoat la oaporto aad
• 1 par aoat la ImportaHnao they paawd
X ote Amorleaa oootrol.
John F. On & Go.
Successors to
Tranrse Cliy lombet Co.
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
Kinball Piiaos ltd Or|ii$
Fire Insurance.
X. I. A. BnUdliic.
A W.WaX^c*.
pooa AALBo^no«Mua-^wpvt^«^w
T (Itir-OB MAW wrwt. AAAr tart Plata A
4«We A
'•T^ bf lAATtaa At ihto cBtcc at
rpnai:aMT—taHottsar p
Ita Ate
OAF sr Iws Mai
TrorefsoJIitT, ■ ■ Michigon
amrr-gy pvt a^ium —
.. -JWaU MMt A.
tray- aalkArtA, MW>.
Notion Diepartmenty
New York City,
N. Y.
They am not a loot art. A thlof
worth knowtof la bow *
pin like mother aaad
Hera will ta at the
tba Haaoah A Lby Marc
Oao. Qeae, f. Stapaa, Menaay, t-am.
ra; and Wadaeeday. Noramber «. 1
aod A Baanah A Uy MareaatUe Oo..
JohD J. Bretloa aad B Lyoa Tbamday.
Friday and datarday. Noramtar S, 10
aad lI.ademoaatreUTe worklaf with
Nona 8oah eondeaaad mlaea meal and
Bbe wlU prod^
that wUl make tba Mwi
[oal of
o bar motbar-tolaw to tba eymI of tbe
lat ahe kaowa eraiyhody
Oar BMaltoat Potato Palp, wbleh to
laaiw-by watchtof hv deft baade
do the work. Drop lato Ue abora aabmly dlgaitable tj oattla, bomM
aad boga aad wbleb wa will alwapa
fontob to a twwt atata, to aow for
aalo at oar factory.
Tba price for wbleb wo wUl aaU tbto
am aaad aad aadoraad by tba laadinf food to order to totrodaaa It wlU ta
mMklaaa arery wbara Ho. IM Promt CBBcldctably 1cm thaa half tba aoat of
alroat. N B Stmay. maaacar. 7tt ft
amc amoaat of food ataCa ecalalMdtoall wheat Waa aad aaidd-
Boatody. to kaow that people ararymbara toka plaaaara la raUtlaf their
mopartoaei to the aaa of that ^aadld
Modiotoaaod totolltof of tbalioaett
Whoy bam roaoleod from It, of bad ooida
Hbaeoarod.of tbraatoord attaaka of
mooamowla It bae atortod aad of tba
mbUdtM It baa aavad from aMaehi of
Oo tbe alfbt that tba toot hmU I
left tar I^lladalpbto l.tdp atadata
Boadod Proaldaat Jaa B. Aafoll'a
• aad Toelfaroaaly yaUad for him
toeoaaaoat aod make a apaaeb. Be
rofaood for a tlma bat wbaa tbay bofaatoatof "Wa'wba't fo home till
m9ralaf.’'ha yielded aad appaarod.
Ha faro tba team bla bmt wlabaa, bat
adrM tba yoaafetoiB to aaro tbair
kraatb aa tbay atlfht aaad It after tba
Pies litoMtlherllsedta Make.
Oao. Hafaa, oommaadar «t tba
Kimyaa dUtrtet, reporu that tbe
fataad of Nefroa, ta tbe PhlUpplaee.
%M not bean ao ^ulet for twenty yaara.
Tbe band* of brlfaadara bare been
Every package of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee con
tains information about many valuable articles
that the consumer is entitled to receive.
Ask your grocer for Arbuckles’ Rua.sted Coffee.
• and wtodfaito. Me par
Rt RtafBtoa. Jamalea. tba Oarmaa
maaaal baa raealred aa laUmalloa that
Wbambertoto'a Tala Balm Oaioa Otbmartaftowar oaodltloM tba Oarmaa
ara, Why Hot Teaf
M* wUa baa baaa aatof Cbamtarmow la tboaa watom aad daa tbara ao
latob Pato Balm, with food rmalla.
Watorday, bare baao ordered home for a lama ahoaldv that baa palaad bar
■mmadlatoly. Tbe laeldaat baa eai
eonttoaally tor bIm yaarm Wa hare
trloR aU kTada of modlatom and doalon wtiboat naalTlnf any baaedt
Tba Tarbiab awl rroaab aoiwalatm from any of thorn. One day wa mw
Odaam have baaa Informed that aa advaitlaameat of tblamadictoa aad
uytof llj wblob
Kiaf Maoallk, of Abyaalala. wlU v- ^^ht
with the bmt of mtlafaelioa
■ire la Hay nazt and will pay a rtalt aaad oelj
ily one taoitla and bar aboalde
~ Wo tba eaar wbUa oa hta way to tba la aiMt
It Mil.-Adolpb
well.—AdolL. L.^Mmetj
itm. N. I... ...aale .
■^ria aapoalUpB of looa
d P.C T1
Thonrpeoa. drayfiau.
AtLoedoatbatfly-alfhtb birthday
mnalranary of tba Prinaa of Walro
maa oelabratod Tbaioday. 81. Fbalb.
To all who wear a '-Newlaad” bat we
Waatmlnatar and other eblmea were
will praaaai today. Satorday, a baaatlfalraaatoe atomiaam bat mark.
pealed, tba i^blte bnUdlaf* daatad
Ofeotrao. wr fire them fraa w*'h
Wbe royal ataodard, aalatea were flrad
ariTj I a or ao parchaae from noa
mt.Wlodaor. tbe Horae Qaarde parade,
mad at tM towv of Loadon. Tba
priaoaapaatkiaWrtbdayat Saadrlar
You can’t b
A» owmiaatlea raraalad the toat that
mbowaaladaacarof baaoadaf totally
Wtiad aad Uaa Itkaly to baaama a paV
Iba 8b Lawroaea aaaala wUl attiaet
. m fraat deal of trade wbea tbay ara
eaomplatad. Tba eapaolty of the oamala aow aeariaf eomplatloo will at
•rat ba abont I.OOP.OOO toaa a year In
maa dlraeUoa, bat by daftaaa aa ablpa
mra baUt more to tba wqalramaato of
Wba trade tba aapaelty auy ba doablad,
mad wbaa tba powv' of tbe falte for
MfHliW ptrpoaN la folly aaad aad tba
Whether you buy ^
1 big coffee dealer or at a little grocery
u-nla order to totPOdata ibto food wo
will aoU It to a pcaaaod atata at li eaata
baadmd. Tbto toad to fottoatorlaad
oattla aad boca« prater tbto foad to
potaioaa aad otbv faafo. aad It to to
aaeb ab^ that it eaa ba baatod to
barrato. boa wagoM. ota.. aad aaa bo
sad to ear
lota. Baabal aamptoa faratobad traa ad aharga.
Travene Oi^, Hkb
Good Horses!
I will have- a carload of Fine
Horses, from Indiana, here on Wed
nesday, Nov. 16th.
Wait for these before buying.
Get the best horse you ever had for
a reasonable price.
See them at Bro4hagen’s bam
next Wednesday.
I <Abtr»ciAr«. AIMBS. Pt
Oatood M
Kor Ml L
A PPiaa FOB BAU—m tantaW Appte w»
IKTaP. Mi viral
*w «W
*es willUArt tAtfcU MAW U r.
>lspF.M A Park. maCAX.
V am w r.
AAd an....... ■
FFFAcaa: aaJ '
nSr« work C
aay www.
U M MaSaiy
l^OB BAIX—Party aciwa sf laa4 >a In
r loeattea. or wUl ctchAo«a tor ettj
ty , W P.OroiQFf.
TP roc WAWT lasaiA-o. Mway kMf la
lAfM^ SaV^A^iy^?rcMte*MS'rilare«?
IPOB BAUr-Tww korvFF. oA* bAy baft tv*
f yFAn 014 1A« AprtK. blfb AfaM aa4
A«od kwHFr.welekl IM) poumO*. tbF otAFv
D. ArtWB. •
'.IK a
ni M*
225 Front Street.
jr~~ CLOCKS.......
Now Open
And ready for business. We extend a cordial'invitation to the people of Traverse City and vicinity to come
to our store and examine the latest novelties in the
variety store, consisting of every style and kind of crock
ery. glassware, tinware, granite ware, pencils, mitk dish
es. milk pans, tamp and lamp chimneys—in other words
everything from a baby's doll to tbe finest set of dishes.
Prices marked in plain figures, and one price to all.
Witcl fw Speciil Iwgciit Diricg tin Optiiig WeeL
Wc trust that you will bear in mind that our intro
duction is to your interest.
The Variety Store,
New designs and fancy
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in onr
Jewelery-store to locdc them
OTW. We have many neyr
tbtagR in jewelry alao.
Mi iloAimid kiwdu. uiutbi*.
U Manila a FaUara, 1 alfbt
to <
a ea
Obtoifto^OM BtolE^l aicbt'
Kata Patmft. 1 aicbt.............
r«« m4 »f«r«i«A.
o3?n>!rtOrtU.l aicbt
•oMi. to« ««wr «n4 Olto FmA MaQ. 1 aicbt.......................
; »
r DM OttotoS<Piw»Mto.
Jaaa, laicbl..............................
OtaatryOeaaU. labrbt............
TftrkttBatb.1 aicbt.............
CtoriJwid toa ototrMtlaw kt ftft- MoOlbbaay. I al|bt..............
Mb m4 tor ft k»r ttaa P*M mIM. APairedKlda. l aicbt...........
Itoaado.1 aicbt.........................
Ooaatry Oaom. 1 aicbt...........
UdmJftftiUM WiU *MMto ft*.
ftftd ttot 7W kowrmUft body «V1
ftftMftfttodftWftlk to to bftlH «■ tto
Ubola To«*a Oabla, I alcbi.
VroalaadaMltotralftl alcbi* Wto. dftfttoM. '0. O.' MOlftr, J. a. BarUab ooa . 1 aicbt..............
McMallyb Vlalt. l aicbt......
WUbar Ea. Oo.. 1 aicbt........
OarU A Bttaator.a alcbM........
»ortoftUft«(CAtoiM«* tototofti '
E WUfttto. Eftiy VfttoMl. A V. mto-
F. Tacbat.aalcbta...................
rloh. C M. PrtU, Ik r. PtoiMtb T. O.
OftTtofttM Bwft.. ■ /. U. HftrUtoftftW.1
ItoTT EftUfth. r Broftfti * •oftft- Oto.
W. KUtoftr. OtorlM A. Moftlto*. 3«ft*
^rftft. Otoft. Vftft Btooklla. ftod B »Tt. E A. Trftfftft. J. W. OoWft.
MoMd by Aldftrtoftft LftHift Uwt tto
wtitiM to tfttorrftd to tto ootoBltto*
M fttitoa bad aMafrilto to nfon ftt
^fS^To^iOok.. Mo*, ft. tm
Baalraioa. a alcbu.................
MoalaUca.1 alcbu.................
SlPlmakard. 1 aicbt.................
Ooariaar A Harcaa. a alcbu..
SMior Poyiob. a aicbu..........
fb UU BonoitiMc. tto Jfavor Oftd Ct
i oj tto Otto •/ Ibowfto ce
OMUftM:-Wft. tto Boftidef PftUkci
f »M 00
J«0 WiLHXUi,
Mcr. Oily Opara Boaaa
Morad by AU---------------------------eeumaaltotloa be rafarrad to tba Olty
Atuaaay to roport at tto aait racolar
Motm toniad.
TO (to BoftorobU. tto Mayor amt rity
Ctnmeil of (to City 9/ rroarr** CUp.
Oaatlamft-l. tto aadaralcato. ra«
paeUally tab parmtoloa to repair my
botal at Ho. I IS Btai Froot ■iroob aad
pataaoclroaroofoaapartof tom
WiU pat tom la acoodaaft
a fopd aafa ocadlUoa
Jon TaaHriaa.
Vcrto iftftMettftUy rftport ttot oar aV
Mttoft bftft bftM oftUftd to Um Oral
mood Dkb Oft to tto bad ftMtdiOoa ol
B0M fttMftt totWftM WftfthlftTtM fttotol
ftftd rnwt ttrtob naftfttfMlwMftftTm VTftTftUto Bftovci tor tto fmrvemt at
Aotaf bM*y tofttolftf aso •• tto Dkafe
Ofttora Wm toftUac toary Ifadi of
IftBtortrvar told atraat tbay tot* uAaabtodiyeotttiaaftftat doftL
woald rMMOtfmHj raaototoaad ttot
paUtkw to ratarrad to tto
MfttUBg to dm to Imprvfft tto p
on tra aad water with pooar to aob
Mt aoftdUleB of told •traat
HoUoa earrlad.
V#f7 rtofttottolly,
Boftftft or Ptrauo Woau.
Trararaa City, Mieb. Sor. a. isM
W. r-CftiAum.
7b (to Honoro^ (to Mayor amt City
CouneilofOte City uf TVuccrM "
OaBUomaa-l raapaettaUy tub that
Motod to Aldtotofti toltb that tto
------------ -^--.-ftoftto board to a* tba patlUoB raeaaUy praaonUd to yonr
boadtobU body rolatlra to approwtatloa (or. aaaUUBoe la oollectloc tb«
lam to laaaa trou tha dlaa and ra
TMToroa Olty. Eleb.. Bor. a. 1N»
tarrad to tto prop* eouulitae- 1 do
fb (to EtMwniMft tto Bailor oad OU b'4 ooaaidar tto maDOr la wbtcb
lb roa
VmimcUtf (to Ottv 9/ Troarrw Oft dtapoato of tbU paUtloft to
a joat
BMdMftmK. I am
QMtiimiB-Wo roopoottaUr potittM aot toward ■/
Yoara laapaotfallr.
yo«r boftorabU body (or parvlMiM to
•roet a tram baUdiftc Maito (00b u
City Ttatourar.
itot la bol^bb to to aororod arttb ao
•Bd loMtod Oft tto laad totto Ro^
ara Mleblcaa TraaMortotioa Oo. aa.
boaadadM tbaaoatbby tto O S A1
By..aadoBtbawaot to tba pr
of tto Trararaa Olty boKtor Oo.
Yoaw raaaaetfallT.
lOciuaAii Maacracnauia Oo.
Jon W. Orr.
Marad by Aldanaaa BaIIA ttot tba
pattUoa to (TMtad.
aar%arnteJ^*toMUd a'
Taaa. Aldarwaa BaaUoca. Urdu.
Oarriaoe aad Wflcbt.
Maya, Aldormaa Parker, Oook aad
TV tto BviwnibU. (to Mayor and <
Council of (to City of Tntoorot (
OaaUama-I. tba eadanlnod. raapaetfaUy petlttoa year beaorabla body
to order tba ooaalraeUoa ot a dam&t
walk la troftt of my premlaea on tbr
aortb alda of Nlatb street adjkoeot to
loU 1. •. 9. and 10. block ft. B A L
Oob Ut addlUoei said walk to be ft faci
' iloBcaadto ba built
To to ooaatrMMd a( lambar, M Itol
loB«. to (aat wida and a foot blfb.
Tbii abad to to oacd to ahaltar o«r
boraa dartaf tba cold waatbar.
Smua Bftoa. A Ataorrft.
MoradbyAidoroiafttoBitb ttot tba
paUtloft to aatarrad to tto aoBaUtaa
M dia and traur.
Matloa aarrlod.
lb (ha HoiioniMc. (to Mayor aad Ctty
OaaitoU V (to Ottp V IVuoarar City
UaeUaaoD-Wa. tto aadafalyaad.
raaldMta aad taapnaia, raapaeitaUy
tto patlUu to rr*Bi
Mptloa earrlad.
7b tto UonorabU. Ou Mayor an-l CUy
Council itfitoCltvol TYurmr ('Up.
MieMpon..Oaatlamaa—I. the aadarslcBed, reapMfally aak permitoioo of year boa
orablo body to oroel a 11% story baildlac oa tba tba aaat aide of Oak atreei
oalot »7of Baaaah. Lay A Oob mb
• OaloBBtraatM tba addllloa lo Traroraa Cur.
Merad by Aldarmaa Bmltb Uat the
BUmi/V.'A. toroof. r. E deoflald. psUtloa becraot '
MoUw Oi^rd.
PauTboyla. U- B Eobraa. Mr. T. J
DbIot. Jama Baaalab. Jaaapb Lam- 7b tto Uonorat>U. tto Mupur and I'Up
Uy. Brad Ooartada. Darld E. Jaaklu.
Counrti of tto City of Traverm CUy.
Joaaph B Blaaoft. A Balabary, Alaa
‘ -b a E Bftftaal. E D. B ‘
Wo, year oommiuea to whom
sabjact ot "
dofa, would reapccvfully report a(i«r
das dellbaratioB aad roeomut '
i of aome auiufole
to tba mayor to look after aad eolleet
Ttaraiaa Olty. MIeb.. Oeb W. ItW.
taxaa oo docft aad dl^to of aali
7b (to SonortoU. (to Mavor and City all
CbutoU 0/ (to OUp of Ttiaama C(tp, aaimala aeeordlac 10 ordioaoee relatlac So atod aataiaU; aad we would
paymoat of twaoty-fira
Wharaaa. tto Oily Opara Boaaa baa par ant. oa tto
aU aaob mosaya ollactad.
paid Uto tto rlll^ aad bow ally
CD K«vo«.
traaaary tto
tellowlaf amoaau
Oao. W. LAftbia,
e< maay aad wbaraaa Staiabar*^
W. J. Paaaaa
tJraad aadar tto aam ulaUDw
alraamtaaeaa baa rafaaad
wi to pay aad
-I* ally altbar aaaaoi or »UI aot aol- tto pautioa to rafanedHaatlaci
to tba Olty
tool tom, Tharalora wa raapaetfally
aejrt rarUr
aak (or oar maay to to rataraaA
Oroea OllBord. 1 alybt............... • 100
Motioa oarriad.
A Oraay Lob 1 alf^t..................
At ibU Um Aldarmaa Moatacua
Itot Mali, Ifttohi........................
I 00 ftppoarad aad look part la tto proeaad
Bmdlab Ladlaa Qaartabl aicbt
a 00
Dtaa A Kaiebaa, a aiybta.. .
T ao
Utodia.as)«bii ........................
< 00
Mato IbMliy. 1 alrbt..................
Enato«ator.iJ. Balliy).l alybi
I 00
4 00 ea Maple atraat aad Oedar street and
BatoaUOotoady Oft. 4 alybta..
too Baeoad atreat. ratarrad to aommUtea
oaotraauaad aldawalba,
raftorl, bora looked tto ^ewalka
Bay Palaw. 4 alrbto................
• 00 erar, aad tblak tto eronwajks aaked
■awTorbStora. 1 Blfbt..........
too for a aoadad Impteramaat aad almeat
DamttPUlbaitooala. lalfbl.
Aaala Bcffar. 1 aicbt...............
i 00
OauAEftlftbaa, aalchta....
a oi
•doTratoftd.1 ftlrbt.,............
W J. Pftaaaa.
m Plftftbard. t alcbM..................
4 00
W. W. Bmxtp.
KlddftfttaOemdyOft., iftlfbt.
Afta DUIM. 1 ftl^t......................
• 00
Oft^ Btroto, 1 aicbt................
Merad by AUorataa Lardla tbat tto
Ito Voft OerUa^ I Blcbt........
170^*0 OafttadEM. a ftl
SSrSiaf-::::: !S
Ttaama Otty, Mto-. E«*. ft. l«a.
Toaa, AMorsaa Fftrtm. Mntacaa,
HaaUa|^Ctegb Bmltb. Lardla. Oarri-
aw bv''Hit
■SM tie lla i
SSSiKSt.',**'::: !S
poUtlea be emud mas to ba doar
uadar tto aapar^oa of Fire Cbkaf.
W. W. Baira.
Use. P UABauua
Com muter
Merad by Aldnmaa Oook tbat tto
report ba aoeoptad aad adopted.
Motioa (urrled.
Yaaa. Aldarmaa Paraar. Mootacaa.
aSoUacu. Oook. Smitb. Lardla. Uarrl
aoo aad Wricht.
Maya, aoee.
Traroraa CUy. Mieb . Nor e.
\ (to HinuMeblc. (ht Mayor. <ind Oltp
C'owMil of tto ('Up of Trarorm CUy.
Ueauemaa—Your eemmlitaa ou
aad water to wbam was rafarred tto
paUtiea of Beward WbiUac. (or per
mimioa lo araet aa addUloe to buildlac loeatod oa Suta aueai. would raeW. aMITU.
Bao P. UAbaiaa!!.
Morod by Aldvmaa Mootacaa ttot
to report of tha oommltioa ba aeeaptd aad adopted.
Motioa eari lad.
Yaaa. Aldarmaa Parker, Moelacaa,
BaaUacft Oook. bmltb. Lardla. UarrlaoB aad Wriebt.
Mays. aoae.
fb tto Hinurfeblc. (to Mayor ami Oty
Council of (to CUp'4/TVuvarsa Citp.
Oaattemaa: Your eommitta to whom
was iefened toe eoadi .ioo of potito oo
weal side of Park suaei, tore care
fully looked the altualloa oror aad re
port aa follows; We flad Uka eoadttlOBs ezUUnc oo4'roDl atroat and 00
Union atraat sodib of Bicbtb Wa caa
aaa aotblnc of a dancerona ooadltioo
ia diirlac earrlace* or rabielaa of any
kuid orar said cutters, aad a reblclc
' w la to the curb wUl slaad
’ lerel
We ballere aotbdoaa lo rallrr« tba eoa^ permaaeot work la ibe
parlDC mid street uy be
daac«r from tba ^raad wooki be *ary ;
maea lam.
drworof aad watar steep y by H.
mm K B«ra of Tolad . O . aad J W a ■
rord. aaaiiary eafiocar of Cbieaitr.
----- 1 ab y praaeaiad. e eariy Or .kUau P. Uaaaisos.
Ub( their masiwrj of tba aa j <e>.
Osmma ea.. both ampbaa i off tba ffreat a< c
Morad byjadbrmaa Satitb tbat the of kaapi^ the water from bac a off
report be seeepled aad adoetad aad aoBiam'natao with towacsffc aad the
adopted aad cIaIm ordorad paid as ffreat difil ;Blty tbars ia ia doiaff u,
fflrlaff Oianr lostaoces wbarc the Bsetra«»d typhoid
MoUoe earried.
*r. Moetac*c«
ft of tbe
tba diaI
Urdlc. Uamdoebandden ehaek to an apiWrtebt.
demie wcmld bat a few yaata.affo tore
Nays. aoea.
Morad by Aldarmaa
Tba next papers. -Miebiffaa Watar
ibe matlar of Ucbllac
erooalaca la tba city oa r<
..d tp tbe dopoly." by U d. Williama. C B.
eommlttea ou ordiaaaeaa wltb la BydiftQlle Laboratory. Ooroell Uoiy S. M.
ttraetioaa to draft aa ordiaaaca eom
. Allen
oalUac tto railway eompaalaa to llcbt
w York
s aad praaMt 1
CUy. “PurificaUoo of Water’' by G W
ext recular maatlac'^*uu kp't a brat daaa amoka
aaniiary ruffiaewr of New York
MoiioB carried.
of from our
City, t
Trararaa City. Mieb.. Oet- la. ifM
They were atroaff and rary
To tto Chief of tha nre Dsparuaeat. tbe <?. I
uadoablrrarersa City;—Sir—1 harawith au^
aUyaoJoyadbj oar
mil my report ot work aa Bra wardca
bo are BOW wroat- Bacftoar wp pat ioto tbam tbe beat
of Ward Me 5.
Mamberot plaeas laapoetod. ill i llbff with problem of tbe water aapply tobat\-o, aod we'do out one aoy
found many rtolaiiooa of the fire ordi- of TnTerae City.
Tbe next was a pleasant aad In- artificial flavor—jitirt cImo. pore
uaaoa but aearly all wUUnc t-> comply
irueGra, learned aad exprrimeatary tobacco. Tbta tjivea you a wholesritb tb ordiuaoca. and pint p pas and
Jk by Prodawor Vanffban ot our owo aome, eojoyable amoke at «u econ
d ererytbiac in |ood safe
oira^ty ox typho-d ferar It wsa omical price.
ore rent fire. I find tba fol
lowlac boUdlDAs utinc store plprn joat repleio wltb iBrestlffaUos bbu
.\ak your dealer for them.
ttaroucb roots: 41ft Dirlalon street. 4!1 experimealB. mucb ot It orlfflaal. moat
dadlana ntraat. nos Banddlpb atreet of it loffieal BBd aome of it aot qnlte
orthodox, arffulnff tbat typhoid ferer
andtsi Monroaatreat At ftSift many ways
atraat ebimnay eandamoad 41: MertI fferms can be eoarey* _
Ttonaliar Uoak
Cedar atroai Ibam not oneloaad will oaaldea la ue water, Bis experlmeats ti4 Float Straat
hay in. Theaa bare all promii— „ and iBrasUffatiooe aad eoBcluaioaa
ramady the eriU in the apecified time were well and aprrmrloaaly raoelr
caitb oSeor, Cftlnu
. bcaitb
I bars alao tba nnmbara of U boaaca
r wall cboaea remarks
not yot lospaeted. tto oeenpaaia pot in
when eallod upoa aaeoad and third bot iaclined to differ wltb Or Vauffbaa
on the aonrer and maaner of eommunltime.
catlnff tbe typhoid perma Followlaff
P. P. UUKk.
OB lbs eame aabjeet Or. Colllas B.
Fire Wardaa ot Ward No I.
Jobaaoa. member of dtaic Board of
TrarormCtiy. Mieb.. Ost. Si. iftvft
To the Fire Chief of tba City of Trar Bsaltb. Bis article w'aa ebirflf eom.Ure statlstlea aad oa tbe impure
eras CUy —dir—I berabr aubmit my roporv aa fire warJaa of Ward 4. wUb end unbealtby water aupply of Oread
bill atiaebad np to aad Inelnduic Oet- Rapids
Next tbe -MUk Supply.” by
obar :i.
Johoaon. Uread Rapids. 1aad Prof)
Trimse Belle. Sc Clfit
PrellT leir time
u lliiit aboit hiriii; jut
Bicycle Enameled
Step ia aad talk It oror.
.it Sixtion. AffrienUnreJ
•tb believed a milk lusi
eesenlial In every town wbera milk
aold from the waffon and both Ut Doloft Street.
alike bailavad tbat tba impure milk
delivered in cities tbe eaaaa of more
ftlomacb and bowid ticnble la eWldrw
report ba aoceptad aod adopted.
combined- In
fact their concloaioii. were that milk
Motioa carried.
was abont tbe naatiaat and dlrUcai
Fire warden.
tbinff tbat cornea to our tables foi Arnva) sM Svpsrtufv *» tralsv ai Traivase
. 8«
(-)». Is
Ortobrr SimI. UP).
To the Chief of Ibe Fire Oeimrimeat
ot the (^ty of Trareree City. Uicbicao:
The oeit artlclea.
•Tnbercnloal* —-Tm"
amoBff AnlmaU sod Mao.” were ably
Tb tto ii
fiilttlSSB : I ...
• ~
Danphy. State Vet
Cuutn^ u/tto CUv of OaiTri, i 'U|/.
=a==*— ' i r»s
cu, J1 b... .fiu-d ,7b ho.... .u.. iSiaie'i^e
Stock i^l7a% O^intolon
Ueadsmeo:'.^e. Your eommittea to amtned the chimneys aod s^e
pipes ^ # Alverd, M. O . Freatdeaiof State
whom was referred ibe matter of tab and warned ^a people
pie about
tbelr y^jeni Sxiny hr F. D Clark. Sup-r
aahaa and found tba people
. ftople -Ub
fe« j
^mte School for Deaf, and
exeeptiona wllllac to comply wltb
with tbe
the Pr.f.1, WelU.
Wells, 1President of State Board
reapeetfully report tbat we bare in
sllb. were all most enerffeti
illraled Ibe matter aad would
papera revealiaff mucb tbonffht an
the city aubier'
p pe cblmDeye and iDebimoeys
study, and that they were (amtll»
raid work. Toe c>tt to tb« city
repaired which I ordered to be di
with tbe subject aad earocat in ikefr
aaoe will probably aot exceed ibe ti
aod brick or Ule chimneys pat np
of filU per year.
pu....... Pip.,, ik It wUl bi“7iu“
Very roapeclfully.
litty to psy those pi
I. itultii.
utmost Itnportai
snme of the people think we will not;I ^be
. H Cooa
Tbe balance
balance of
of tbe conferenee relaviau
1. J Fsxkkk.
rinti*. and powen of loea
ordinance relative to tbe dntieaof fire woAdn cf health will receive furtber
Committee on Ways aad Wraps,
wardeosffives me ihapowe-.- —**"•"*• c»'‘"UO
red by Allermao HarUacs taal
altention in the near fnti
Sid <
tbe report of tbe comuitlae be
aod adopted
tollob carried.
-Aldermen Parker. Koatwoe. pertaioinff to my duties to fire wardenRespectfully.
Fire Warden ftlb Fire District of the file, and tbat the doctor be tendered
Nays, none
vote a vote of tbanka for aaaie.
City. Mieb
rs* II IS s ■ trMs *%> sarlur rer tsUresU
7b (to H..n»rti/to. <to
\,".l ( Ifi;
Motion carried.
aBpM«, SBC •Ivepvr lirasU ftap>S* le (teclared by Alderman Stoiib tbat tbe
Cxunril •.( tto lUy of Traferyt CUy reporu
be received aad placed oa fi e. T'4 (to Moiu.r.il'lr. 'ht Mayir
TS-v^D:■ iraio bsKpsriwoir te UraeS
Motion ca ried
Council of iht City o' T'ai
Ksi.id>. SBC -b-vpaw rsr SB.1 reert Uvato
We. yoor committee on Ways and
Means to wbom was referred tbe T« (to ti-'itoritMe (to If-iie-r an.l ito Cup
Trsls srrc«<sr s« I P’ p ■ to* sWvpvr
In acourdaoce with tbe rceoluiion
r.BDSU U> llrBSC aspi4- BOC cvsrh aiBi sWpI'oum-U of tht (.'Uv '•( 'IVuwT.r CKli,
matter of tbe low sute of tbe btreri
isr 1-srreB-B.o iBiirsBC Rsp..l>ssd rkalresr
_ .
City Council directing the Board
W Mai-kuiBs
GXMij:kXN-I herewith submit
Public Work, t. prepare an eelimaie
TrsiB krn.iB* St »uup m Ss»t-hslrrsr Ft,
1.. i^B^^Usp-l« BSJ r-s>r rsv lirass
report uf healtb conference held 1
led upon the plans prepared bj
contincent fund to tbr credit of iUreel (trend Rap-ds U.:u>ber Cwb aad ::ib
irffe W Rsfier. tbe board imme
It artielea
on uie proffrem wa*
District Fand'No. 1 notllsueh lime aa
took tbr matter np. and the rvthe money i» oeodtd for conilncent Hacterioloffy in lie Relation lo Fooi
sod other expenaae aod that at tbat
'""wry of hyilwe7rnd
Healiimff tbe importance of tae work
time the mayor and derk be author I Diversity catorato
«>wcity and the maffnilnde of tbe
ted to borrow three tboosand doKars Frofreajr'MoClintoek Detrbil Medical
oers were rerv
usderlaaiaff. the board a» a wbUe fell
at tbe lowest rale ot Intereel outaln- Collcffe. Botb nape
lustivein iaalruc^^ 7o*lW detailing'*ucj-cl aemaadeo tne a
able to roniealab the contincent fund
e viorkin*. of tbe bacleriJloffist and [ pft'Mtak'n* oart In prepanag an
fora term not exeoetiaff later.than
e noeesaary apparatna etc. for bis '
8ept«mber I. 1000.
laboratory: bat It was attended wltb
Youra rery raa^eUollT.
ao laiiffe aa expeaae that it would not
be practicable or poaaible only la large
A. B C(««,
tbe sam given, Tbe tabclated Ibl
TrsvvrBrfjr * X)* •
W. J. P*kKr.R.
Uio KspUb. ; aip b
10 *
terns u berewlil
Tbe n
doe ai-re innd for pumping
HI (Bp a
Mored by Aldarman UsrHsob that Health OSoer ________ __
__ ChH-toO _ j^«*P ■________ i»______
t ed “A Bacterioiogiat a Neeeaaity to a
the report be accepted and adopted.
. .
Local Board of Health." A great por H->ute for eogioeer
3INn NOgn.
Motion carried.
Suciioe main for subairr« rd
Yeas—german Parker. Montacne. tion of this article waa fully covered
e two preceding papers. UowevBatUeirs. Cook. dmtU. Lardie. Garri... . may say tbat bis chief emphasis
aon aad Wrichv
Xr Or.1 SUplU.
4 B>X M
1 Mta*
wu that DO local board of bsaltb oould
Lv UrS ftspid*
T a>
be of mneh practical value wltbont a
TvsvwBB ::jW!«Bis*oe»
^I^J12i"aty. Mieb . Nor. «. ISIWbacterlologisv The paper wu very
•Mp lsvw
D tto Bimarablr. tto Mayor and City ttaeoreUcal and elaborate, bat bow lit
Council 4tf (to (.'Up
rrurerif ('Uy. We be knew of or eensidered tbe eondi
Trmvm* C>
* It
land for reaerlions ot and material wltb whirb our
- jmen; Wa your committee cm local boards are composed lo this north
Lv UK Rsplto
* It
elaimaft aad acoonnU, reapeetfully re woods was to me most marvelons.
ArTVBv*rav(^ _
PS____ -SB
The discosaloD by Dr Crans, Healtb Antomallc aiarm ........
port that we bare examined tba
followlar elaima Md barinc foond ofHoer of Kalamssoo. was, 1 think, both Gate bouse ana reurvoir
them correct would raeomand tbair practical aod logical He argued that ft.lTj tons streigni pips at
paymeat as follows;
every city with from five to tea thonsand Inbabitaals ought aad eonld af TJ t>os special eaatings ij
enstr outbiit mo ■■» i.
$60ford to have a bacteriologist. That
ftaassba Os) I'oielM
there are yonag M O ■ fresh from col 177 bydruDt- with frost
;J^1( Rwtvsy' Cu rrbsw o
oases •< $:: »v ..............
lege who are eqnipped with a microaeone and woold gladly make tbe ez- Valves, water gates aad
rate boxes..........
per.menis repaired by tbe board of
stlOOe'eteeS amhealth for a email remnneralloD while IftO feel steel pips .« $4 W .
they are eitUug in their clbsss wsltlag Rtilway crossiara
Sol Kl
Krswu' MrThCM sa firs wsraeB
Delivery of pipeoa work
• Bre vsrd.o
p r<i
very small expense, aould have a work Lsyiai. . .
err «sr4n.
bydrents and cos
done tbat would be of tbe otmasiralne
to tbs pablu- aad would assist tbe
lirsuJTrs'rrer BrreM. )«b
ptaysldan and bsaltb officer to deter- Ba^tistaadsnee
The* T asM oBke rest
tinffsacisa ...
A m atekrrft |>asu«r aaS •>!
I many dlseasei in taelr lacipieaey.
itlmee many days before tbs atTotal.........................
iag pbyaieiaa dare
In regard to tne seeofti
known bis diagnoala.
tailed saUmaie of coal of thU building
>f tbe bactertelc.
was obtttnsd from a eompetent archi
a a XJ. A F Cw^lpki ter Oetobar
eonld find and determine
ol the eoatamlaatad eonreee of dieease. tect. Tbia estimate wltb all other ea(wOelwhei
eapeeially typhoid ferer. aad taoreby timates, plans and pnifitss wbicb we
have obtained, are bow ou file In fhe
farther lefeetkm aad '
City aerkte office. On the item of tbe
ont at oaee wbai mi, _
Heeaiw Bsrer* emrtal iwisui
bees a serioas aad alarming epidemic. intake pipe aad anbmerged ertb. weobTbe eame of diphtheria aad tcarlet tslned plana, profiles and full dataregardiug
the cost from tbe aty Qerb at
ferer, as yon know, if yon do not. 1
This work at Mnakagaa
do, tbat pbyaldaas are alow and very Mnaksgon
kj reU (er Ortetor
mnebdlallksto aay "a case ofdlph- was ou a much larger aeale but along
linea as
” or. ‘-your cAUd bu tto aearlet
Vluer Pitenyi r
aad la faet it b aereral daya
of daocerooB ehlmoeya.
many pipes sot wired into nhe chimney
allot which lordarod fixed lo proper
eonditlon as sooa aa posaibla. 1 wUb
wax kindly
lailed. aad tb
.pSDU .bowed a dlaposilioB to aid me
^klnw tbelr hons^var
luoklBfftbelrbousmorer^^^^ ^^
SruimplilHlilliMi. i
-' —
West Michigan.
unsfBB in ionmsTin l i.
3b IS ~VSSi“
*{sa*js - *'.‘**»
. . .... baforstobaareeeoagb
BoUly tto baaltb officer aad qaaran- ptats ot tto p—|U-g
ttftabtotoaaa.aftddort^iAlB Umaol,
10_u.w.» onalla M>1
tiil iioiniia;Uo6is.
braakwatar la m
rtW, Tkat wa bataby
a«a«oal wa« plaaeMl aap r«diealaeth{O^Ummmi trou ep^lw p^j
lM)*4ta( w^l »*d aerMOk.
rrieM odofoolriar tba pr>ab1»<Bot kr«acad<*
wm olHataMl boa !*• of U* !»«*<• poa^ for tba aity of Cnlsaeo.
‘ fal
' illr a daewdec aad a batf mgr
■akmefoanpttf Mckiaa-r of tbi* raalU>il
that tbe Urn wa» api
it w-mid aoi loorrr be .
aawarr of thi* grt^i dtp
Bt« tfapUx.
borta-mial aoadvaa
B'oibciaBe aooree fro<a wb«ie« It
aofiaa wiU a'a oteam ' jlladen
draw iu w*tar-aasp:r
Va«t a» Uthr,
two waiar erlLadart wive a caoa
Mleblfae It waa oolf a
- of I we.OOO fallOM par twaatf-l
Hoastkw of time ber>r« tba pal'oiw
........................... la^ul;
w*iora of ibaCbieaco rfrar woald Sod
_ .._l pooada of wort
tboir way into
Uw iotake taoorl
a ^^a4rad
braakwawria tba ii
two a*oatocm tram MleUtao aad
B -a W. d Maatek, oooirraMaao frwa
tbi* diatHoL
k'wad by Alderatas Hoota^aa tbat
tba raaelatloB ba adoptad aad pamad.
MoUoo carriad
Brtca 'iaeladw ooo-.
«>PO'y of
Yaa^SIdermea Parkar. Moattfae.
r ptMlttrar boritmtal !
Howrwar far
ilbarz'wodedlDiothalake. UMtlaia. Cook. Smltb. Urdle. Qairi*
liar bSwa wlib ataek, al. 1
aaoaaadrr tooU aad aoellaaeca. u>r iaooaod Wrlrbv
800^17 kMU aaa aop ia«^^ lo^ ^
enrraaia lorariabty friiowad
Mayilbod 7-,. tht HoturrabU. )h« Muper iiad OUv
e«if 0/ Trar
delirar tba aboaa I ^*^ *^ ^ *‘"*^
ba booa^ fOT laa* '
So«e People objael to drioklo» aewJfieft.uun.
,id o<rt be oear^, atfa erao If ibara w 00 daarar of fat
Ii -.iueioeD:-l rtapectfully 1
ttoc typhoid fater. aod tba aoiobar of mimtm to bolld ao addlUoa
tbcM people IB toereMina eaeiy year. boUdiBf. No. l« rront Btraat
a doty of ooe bandrrd aod uc
One of tbe foremoet lirloc autborltle* be »ot To fzeeed HzfS feet Id lize^aild
feet poaodt of Ue dy wbaal pat^ro
ifmaor VaoctiCO.of 10 feet liicb. to be covered wi^ Irdo.
mirht ba obtaiaad but tba eoat ii rer« on becterlplocy. Profmaor
. kae ez- wi
mock rraaiar. Tba price* obtaiaad or tbe Michic»b State Coivei
proaaed bn opipioo tbat there it dao
__ _______ ________ ___________ _
VblitenBof pomp waa from tweo'y
TbU will
era to thirty tboomad doUara.
Tba C*r of *ertoo* reaolw if we eooUooe Id ooodlUoo* a* yoo impoae.
pamp oaoa wbieb our aatimata U pottlac aeware iou> the bay aod pel oeeeaaltate takloc away a aatall abed
baaad, all tbiafa e'JO*ldarad. tba Board oar domeatte aaoplv from the aame not now covered with Iran,
woald refard aa tba beat for tba oaed*
efthaalty. Tba ptatoo apaad of tbi>
Tbiokinc propie who have
Traverae CUy. Mieb,. Nov. 8 1«».
pampUoae booorad thirty faelprr opioioo
mlaota. Tbte eoold ba locraaaed If re-,
(lalred, ttaoa loareaalo« tba atooooi of
walar pDEsped
Tbaorifloal aatimata
oiada by Mr Bafur called for a com
pousd depiaz ooodeiulnp pump bo'
tba laeraaaed aoooemy of tba triple ez
paaaloa pomp would warrant tba Id
rraaaad oatlar for tba trt sir az oanaloo
hlaUmataa of eoat of eeoaiructinr ibr
raaeirotr aod jaU booww waTepra
pared jolotly by aS arabitaet aod coo
uactlnp maaoo
Tiay bad free aecam
a u> tba full plai
plaoa aod apeeifleatioo*
00 die lo Ua City B
icar'a office aod
v.r rX”.s;;»r' “
Aldermao Lardle tbat the
card to the cootamioatloo of the rewr
l^ollTte diwlTn^m
°tb7 whi
would be draw
drawa from tbe
depth* of Bari
t^* r^op and
made bet'
'iiher* where the water waa dra
from warm. Impure aonreea. tfau
srtac tbe oompariaoo impoaalv*
Io thi* caae the water would be
pumped lo ooe corner
of tbe reaervoir
nowlor aeroa* it U> tbe larpe pipe leadlor to tbe city. We fall to aee bowever, by wbat mrao* It will become upfit for u*e durlof the abort time It itay*
In tba reeervoir.
rrueitwill be open
iraod Traveiee Coooty.
totbealrof Ui
. • aboulthe
. ..
but very few
pr.arnceofnoziou*Kerm. iotbe air io
tbi* recioo
lo tbe oploion of thU Bard, the
meet tbe waou of
the city,
inoierilc aupply and are
aboae workcaobadoue for the amouot
la record to tbe llao of pipe, a few
word* of eiplaoatloo nay' oot br
amim. Tbe Sool aatimata of Hr. Raf
tar ooBtemplatad tba partial um> of tbr
Oampball lyatam. 'I'faia 6o*l a*tiiDat<
ealU for i.ST3'toi>*of pipf aod «i too*
of •paelalt aod l^t'hydraou. but in lb<
opioioo of tbr Board, the tazpayan
oopht to koow wbat a eoopla a iodr
pa^aot •y*tam would coat aod oo'
eatlMtc la baaad npoo tbia eomplala
ayalem. Tbi* oecaacitatr* tbe oac of
noo tooa of pipe, twelve ton of apaala
aod fifty two aztra faydraou over ao'‘
above tbe rarlaed aatimata of Hr. B»f
*f part of tbe p'eaeDt Oaopbel
.................................... ice th.
^ eo»PleW the walk 00 the borth aide
Kroot .troel balween Oak atreet aod
the Hiardmap river brldce -itblo too
Motlob earriad.
Moved bv Alderman
Smith---------that Hr.
----------------Kelly te lotlnicfrt U, repair U
__ boat
*ireet In
front_of H. __________
L. Oartera^
P"lace and tbat bill be preaaoted
to tbe |property owner tor paymopt of
Motion cairied.
Moved by Alderman MaUiai
apa lb»t
when we adjiuro, we adjto meet
at? o’clock p. a..
November 1>.K
at tbe oouocll rwm.
Motioo carried,
Moved by Alderm—
ihr matter of repair* on
referred to the board of poblic work*
for immediate aciioo.
ibU “oard.
Moved bp Alderman Smith that tbe
W. K. CAf KIHe.
city clerk be
aotborized Lo purcl
C. V.
twooopiaaof the city directory 1
O. B
. tTaiivkv
brloK prepared by Polk A Co.
JlWK.I’ll Boos.
Motion earned
Membera of Board of I’ublle Worka.
On motioo of Aldermao Oarriaoo
Moved by Alderman Smltb lhai tbe
duly carried, cwuocil ad^oirined.
'oport ba rreeivrd and placed'on file.
Hotio'i carried.
^ Cuf e'erk.
iKianii <1 , Vt'lllJC WOnkB.
while we bav<- baeo loformad that ■
Trarorac City. Micb.. No*. 4. IMbi.
price of about lt« miebt be obtaioed If
We do hereby certify to the Coaocll
tba eootrtcla were let dorlpf Iba comInc Uaeambar. wa did oot -woridar tliai ^ *a;d City that tbe following U an
we would ba joiilfi'd Id olai-ioff and, •ucuraie acoooot of the oikt of repair*
la and tbee tmlructioD toereof.
rellaoae uooo aneb a paeaibillty. ao>
ttaarrfora adopted tbe price at whlct
czpeDke .thereof, aod tbe aireel
we are certain tbat tbe pipe c»o *ta on
<l*ee wbere aucb material «*• uaed
taioed f>r o<iw.
IVirea oo valvsa. by
draou aod fair bnze* ware obtaloeo laoor performed; aJ*o lb«, ouuitMr c(
from dcairr* aod manufacturer* ii
lay* of labor performnl; aiho
lumber of day* of labor pvrformrd on
Cbicaco aod elaawbara aod tbe bicbrtt
nireeia. and the amount di
price obtaioed wa* adopted
due the
Bur tba delivery
o tba pipe wberr
.. .’*1
y of
aver Deeded on tfatt work,
wa obiaiorr 4Qdcr tbe band ol Pay Roll.
a price of &<i cia per too from a loc*' -.I4***tk* f..r
eootractor who baa team* and mea aoWw »«wi* baildia* W u. ubi1>
Al M .
U fully qaalified to do tbe work
rninl'irvei tuilaiord ai .uail* 11:
Wiree for tue treprb'ofr and laylop
• j>w>-rl. llalu«a:wi. aail.l V
of pipe were obtaioed from Oranr
U^*nll.k> li^ldlUK a. 7
Bapifi*. Moakefobaad Cadillac. al»•.•ni) lo
from Mr Campbell.
We b&ve labored to make tbU repor
lor the
, <iri.»-jiatt uim* •
• valur; to brioc
tbe matte
I date.
■a been ibdulfed io.
■ Itrnuwer
Item* were eolleeud and Ubolatn
d when finally footed up. rrpreaeou I,,
abncoal to toe city of tbe Kafler ay**{
tarn of water worka In our oe*t Judy [ Braifaz >outb *t>uiw*i.i oi L'm*
Paid For Accident and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.
Is tbe amount paid to members from January hit, 1889 to Nov
ember 1st, 1899. $4,886.78 of the above sum wae p.iH ’*----- here In Traverse City and vicinity rii.rin.f th.
ThU record should convince all that In order to be safely
protected it is best for you to cairy your
Accident i Sickness Insurance
Claims Paid From Branch Office at Traverse Citv
since January 1st, 1899.
K^r<-l*io- w ti.r taapeciiwa *1
4sd r-twlrvT
W ti> 111* h-wrd irt I-Uf.lf M..T1LI.
Ikfir eirwllu* *rT>* Ouiu llui* lu
irll lu*) «|P»I1 «a,a« iluIlM •a*li
..u,i.r«„ik ^
.i^rtiwi'i* a'rr^to*.
____ _________
1 avatem of water *1
ply I ilnadi'^uate
« fi
for tbe need* of t
city, eliber for
r fire prolectioo or d<>
TbU fact brlniTB o* fac
to face with tbe problem of providing
aomettainy better and. laryrr lo mae
— ............. _..-ar»wiae
Miumra bl..
d lo a mea* I .,0 niwM a..
-n priocipa I Tvabi lab-.i
oreoftbe fotore.
oaa* of a water a rale m
Uoaaod domeatie uae bat ‘he oood
----- iiu**i-bool lot. leariue u|.
aod lajiw
la)ic,4 eaik
aalk m
tio* wbieb would fill all tl e roiuire > on* aoj
oeeda reaervoir for domeatie -uae bu jCiraaia* u|. lusber aod >t«i
r w I •*''
1 Deed it for fire prot
tbe beat prolMtiub
auaofpplaioD araonc all larye lo>u
ancecompaoie* that a praviiy ayaiem
U the beat lyitem may not be llfbtlr I
roew men a*e alndy
.ear* 10 aiirr
Inrlbeaoiject of fire l.wae* aod »r.-!
proteetioo from tbeaUDdpoiat of dol ; "jioV-mb<i. .1.
-iara aad eenia. Tbe eiperi koowledr>-1 Uktiv**'** •iuai>
rarwrdlar flee loaae* aorfire protection 1
which Ibeae compaoie* have accumu ,
iw *ld-.al
lated IB embodied io role* and reyul*
« *..r»ura.~
re. *Bd II,F
tlont for tbe better prole.
prolectioo of ‘
•'d la MN
lada foF lF*a
. >P«riy lo all eliK* aod
tbroaybnot toe eouDtry.
In all la*y
Keepeetfully kub n<*ied
plaou where tbe deaire to obula
H.-ini‘ci> 1 1 iii.ii W..Kk«.
loweal rale* for iaaur*oce. tbe c
W. B. C.U.KIX-,
paole* demand tbat tbe owner abal
A. W KlrkkRU.
comply with BucD rule* and reyolat
lion* a* have been adopted by th
Moved by A
A’derma Smith tbat tbe ■•'rrrl,*^*.*oi f,!r
Uoderwrller*' Aaaociatiofi. and afwav*
and that
and in all <
ordered paid aa recommended,
mann* a-e at band to pn vide iaatantl i
a larfie volume of waterfor proteenoD. that the c'erK preeent a fil l to UamU
We do hereby cerUfy that tbe foret.inA
the rate* are tbe loweat.
polny ordinance waa paaaed tv '
fravliy ayatem bavioy t
ample r
i. beat a
voir and diatrlbnUon
n pli
ivember. A. 1
A. W. Bl. K
llpya- f
am of file
fi>e eprotartloa
•U >0 aod Wriyhl
and tbe firwrlly ayate
(•emlemeo: — Voor committee 00 orfinawer* received from lo«)elriea ad |
la^e toaurMc compaoie If“••»<»»• bey to anbmit an ordinance
nafioaltfiedly eodorae the rewervo r :'?T
I abail
ayatem aed if we• have a reaervo'r all aldewalka built of
of fonr million yalloo
nlloo* cnpai-ity rn th- kept io yood repair
H Mum *1.1 r
Mynlficlrnl elevatloo
wb oh naiurK W Haemx.*
baa providrd ua. It ouyht V> make a(iR» W LkKIilF.
Inanrance man pat th* raica down
Commute 00 ordioancea.
where they belony. 00 tbe bouom
Wa would rayard the reaervoir a*
Moved by Alderman Mootayoe that
pnraly a fire pratacUon Item aad a* the repon be accepted aod that the orMew Oflae. MaAhati Block
worth every dollar tbat U coata
dlnaoce be adopted and paaaed.
la rvyard to tbe aoorec ol eupply and
Motiop carried
parity of lb* water, li aeema to u« t
Yeaa—AldariMD Barker. Hoatayue.
bntllUU need be arid
No oac baa o*' 1 Uaekloy
. __ Smltb. Lardie. ilarriUaakloy-.. Cook.
jtrtod tolbe qoalily of the water
f, *on and Wrlyhv
Baal bay aad a yraat many people a ;
Olva them a call.
ob}aet to Weal bay. While UUr«»tla view of
tbe fact that Traverae'
ad that tbe We*t bay water U y v'< | City U oae of tbe muat importaat lake
«moayb at piwaeet. that fact will 101 do 1 poru of the north owlny to the volume ,
tha fatara
aod U U ea taia
tbat -... of 8mIomdone bare and iu pecallar
laoriiilay amoael ot, aawaya wl'l y . locality, tbat It U now a port of entry
talo tha Weal bay every year. If o*
Idatloo aad wave aylutloa will fiarifv Bumber pf veaaela eacb iaa*op enter,
aawaye. why did the pity of Chlearo, aad clear at thU port and la the Im- I
yo to tha azpanaa of dlyfilny
liny a thtrtv j medUU
it U hereby
....... it
•alt la ra->
Bawdvad. Thaia
. ..Dentist..
Morse Bros., Noose Paiitors
488 If Xlmwood At*.
John R. Santo,
Geivil lisoriocs.
that V OU snould carry accident and sicltness insurance. caU at
my offloo over Johnson's drug store, and information will be
furniehed by competent clerks
Send a postal card and we will mall you partioulars.
Do not watt for some one to call on you—take the Insurance
before you are hurt or get sick.
This Protection Costs but $1.00 per Month.
APPLY TO............
J. M. Blakeslee
District Superintendent
Nnick Offict RtM I. Mum IImL
nriBun am
TUii^mt-So 767.
80 New
Pictnre Mouldings
Kar«er«4 B s Vita ta Tiew ot a
Crowd. ThM XUIod BUsoelt
pirn nt Any Moment.
But Sactaeky Ooi)«rmi
Allmtowa. Pa.. Nir. lA—Oaorra
“k Patterenn. K. J. N-»v. 10—Vina
Kars, proprtetor of the Usial
Preiideot Hobart h slightly improving
Wm Protected.
•mlth tttUl OontiBOM.
Maeea. abot. aod laMaatiy kBlad hU
j tonight bat is UaMe to expire at any
vita aod blsMlf tbb otoralaff.
Tpa V«nbtp HjIti Arrived *t Dar. had Dot been livlnf torether (or Taylorltea Attempt by ▼iolenca to ’
T. ______ _
"**“^*y wUlvlaitMr. Hobart anriy
bM,.WItb Artliab Tnop-. tome of three mOBtbt. owiar to Kera'i ill'
Prevent Alleged rraad by Ooebei ^^^grdny
Vb>m are to
Orneral treatment o( hb wife Mra Rem
Men-Tbirty Brpobliaaoa Ar^dj
boA-dedacar ihU m-irniof 1« ro to
With Winebmtera Declared That
work. Her hutbtnd foHoeed her and
3ubemntonal Oe unt He.i be Fairatood oo tb* rear plaiforw. dU|daTli«
WiU bs Bopacked thl* moming-They comprise the
That 890 BrlUib Wore K-i'.id.
Circuit Oonrv
a revolver.
latest psttaros and styles of enlsh. .We make theee
London.'Kov 10 -The British war
When Mrs- tlera obaerred him she
o« re has received from General Boiler •ereaned and ran o«t of Ibc front door
ap into frames to fit your picture, at 6c per foot np.
b.ljooba ,Co.irt—.^OoroU.. Tb.
^ u.,. .„y, „
a'.Cape roeeadUpatebeoaiaiolBCtbe
sought protection amwir aboot I attack waa the onteome of the election
Next week our holiday goods will begin to come In
(oUowlor.received by pigeon poat (rom | too Wire mill emaloyet, K«rn^ baatened escltement. D. W. Uarham and a big Nick Krelaet' of Ringaley.
The anil waa brooght by Mr. Broun
tieneral Wblte today: "Tbe bombard--------- —-----“»
cWrp-l .p» U..
and thm we will be rushed—better have us frame up
bnlsnce of MniOO. elatm>d
menl at long range oy heavy
»«»• ot OU
b.t Ui. W..WO I.UrtJo
o^bo, .joouo.
ti be doe (or the bnildlog ofa d .veil
tlnacadally.a few casualtiea ocsorrlng. Ol^bbtr- Tb.
your pictures now-Our asaortment of mouldings la
i b»nl
P..™»1P, .b. r.b.™.tor.- ing hooae at Ringaley. for Mr. Kretorr
bet M arrlooa harm U belnt dona The Ib. -It. 1.10 tb. bob.1 ,.d, .IW 1~ „
„ di,p,r.rt .k. mob
the best we aver had.
BoMeaentln tiday a nnmb*r of ref- rioUlo, tb. door .rilb
1 «pl ™»d D.rbmo, BU 1=110.... Mr. Kratoer clnlmad ta tbe defenae.
mttm from the Tranrvaal eoder a flag
tried to reaena him bat were driven eft
wbieb mora than oFant (be »40
> and there
of trmN. A flag o( imne from lady then ran into anoUar n
Thirty repnblieaaa armed with Wan- Mr. Brown claimed (bat a aeiUemont
aaith anat them ontalde tba pleketa. ^Ulad himaelf.
hava loft Hlddlaboro deterhad been had ta r^ard to tbeoa daflei
WhM t^ pnrtlM eeparatad Boar gnw
mtate 'to have a fair eonot.
290-228 Front Street
Balph^Oonnable Jr., Manager.
•rad on onr man before they renehad
threaten te aboot the Hrat Ooebeliu
ovplakaaawho aitempto a ateal.
Uff. and Frad Pratt (or ten b««K.anw.
••The •ntraneh-nwu nra daUy grow■The
reOn* Member of Pardon Board
Tba cnaa was hotly oootentod aad (lie
tag atrongm anA tha nnpply of pro
aaUofTnaoday'aeleeUontonot likely inry (onad a vnrdiet of $40 (or (be ptec. Protaats.
to be removed for tome time. Both' • tt. The ooata amonnUng to SIB bav {
paid and tea eaae appaaUd to the
aktaaatUlelalmtho vtoury. the atete
yaaye that a
Davtd m. Bona wUl Flgkt a Baoem- ahalrmoo of ooeb party awarUng that
Brittah r^mant ww dacimttad In tha
■oodnttonfer O—metatton of Boa- hto Ueket bai a oleraUty of aboat 4.
flghttag Friday by a (woe of Free
ttooa tibarty (or Bonnia Oouty
Statan. It la eaid that MO Britiah
wnraaa give Taylor a plnralUy ot
A beantifnl genoine alnminam
MldiMfraraktUadand woandad and
Aerdorar Boami a Bameta Fotol- 1.4U. wbUa tboaa from Dameeratio
MO henM esptnrad.
eonroaa make Otebal'a plnrality Oil.
A diapatab from Oarhna. dated Kov.
Tha feaitag between the feetiona
TbopropeaedaetioBofamajwlty of
e. tain ihai taa warablpa Tbatia and bo Bombara of tha BtaU ^Board of haa bean nggravatod rather tbnanl
given free to every man wearing a
IbrriblA have arrived thwa. That. Pardona to eommdUAha aantenee of tayod by devalopmaata rinne Tnnaday.
«m prahaWy laad gana. which wUl be Mordoror Wright. d.»aa not meet wiU Bxritod meeUnga are being bald ta
•MttoPtatermarisbarr aad fcwcert. favor ta northern Michigan nor among aaany parta of tha atato to protoat
No matter how long ainoe yon bonght tbe bat (they wear a
An attempt will be aaada te a«nd a people la'other parta of tha ateta. againat franda. which. It to alleged.
long time) oome in and nta Hat Mark. Of conrae we give
taWt**”- wibfl r»* *0 Ootanae. and
« nontnmplated by li
to have boon a diaagreW
them with every Hat or Cap pnrehaae from niw on.
•VM na tar north at LtdyamlU.
of tea oBil
oo nt wUl .
meat on tba Board of Pardona in re abort
A dlapawh tram Oapa Towa aaya (he gard tethtoeioa aad David Bema
mine tee reanll.
^innrt Boelyn Oaalle baa bran orderCtarinnaU, Kov. lA—The Waetern
BapldB mambor aaeoaa datermlnM to go to D >'kaa. inatead of Uadiag oTto exert ovary oBort to provaot Union today toned a bnUetta oo tee
bar troopa at Oapa-Tnwa. aa orlglaally aeUon for elamenny ta tha (aoa of Kentaeky aleeUon enytag that with
tatandad. •ha oarrtaa Oanaral Blld.
com^ate retnrna from (wenty-fonr
nandatioea -«f the o '
,nid. 'toa oommandar of tba Saoond three mvmbara of tba hoard.
oonntina aod nanrly complete from
Will wear oat shoes — It's
Wgaia,Mdek9Btl.OOOot tba York'
Uat night tha Grand Baplds Praaa twenty-three others Oaanra' Taylor's
natnrsl, bat we have s lioe
ahhe regimaaV ta addition to a large hadataagarttolaender a oeara head plnrality to l.in. The two
ananUtyofauroa. The obanga of bar whtoh lad oB ae follows:
not raporMd,'L«lie end Martin gave
in onr
Large variety of new fall styles,
gMUaattenlBttkaato maaa tba 8aeWhu Osvld B. Boms of this elty la 1897. a RepnUiaaa plnrality of 1.133ondhrigadalagotagtorriiava OcMral
up*to*<late in every way.
I appointed npnn tha atete beard ol
White at Imlyamlth. FiarwaatoWta
«ol waa not
whleb left Bogland Ost. la. eoovaylng neelved oitb nnaol
the ramalndar ot thW brlgado. ora thto city, but It to declared that Jeat
Fenltivaly Aanraa Bavaral (That ha
abtotdaaatOaoe TownniwBoraatoteklngaataad wbtoh to
to After Got
The mitt fav wabUelaw taken In re- a It only plaaalag to a good many loenl
Md to the mmgeraem of the
For the chrticeat line of Fall
ila. hot te the whoto.jorthweatem
from Udyemlth to that plgeooa are not
That will ontwesr any other
part of the atete na well, aad whioh
Waists in the C'ty, see our stock.
Lnnatag. N >v. lo.—WhQa ta Detroit
te he railed oa dwtag to their UabUlty plaeaa him ta a new light altogether. Monday. C itcmal BItoa of Saginaw
Style like cut $2.75
te bo abot or go aatray. Bot
It la ta the moramant to aeonra a pnalttvnly aaanrad aevaral peraona that
ertttetom to tinged with peealmtoi
made specially for os with
pwion o» eemmntattea of
ha wonld he a candidate for ,^verai
to um'otekabte dtopoMUon to regard Wright, the wealthy Ini
HetaUmatM teat tee Grand B«ids
the btwt of. everythiag put in
tha alienee aa omlnoaa. Tbta taoUng Btosoota. who waa aaatenoed to Jack- onvaaUoata
teem. Material and work*
hai baaa Inoraaaod by tha raaeUoo ra- aoa for lift nbon*. ten yearn ago for the hto right to tee eomloaUoa next yea-,
..Utag fio- • roallaattoa that the na- b*ntal mnrder of a anparvtoer and dep- andhewiU go ta te win. A formal
mansbip the best — Styliih,
Mvaa have galM tba oomapondoata nty aberlR.
aanonnoemeat of hto cnndldaey to
bat sensible lasts, and dor
with rataranna to Boar dotaata.
••Three of the mambera of tbe auto
Adtopnteb from Oraaga Blvar ata> boerd of perdona have already voted
able—WiU stand any wear.
toon, dated Hov.s. aaya
loraeommand a taverabla aettoa
Prices are not steep or we'd
Batetday anrprUad BalmoaV aboot b^K of tha msrderer. hot Mr. Bnraa
be afraid to print them.
teranty«no mlloa ^m Orango^vor. baa oteadtaaUy rafnaad to rote with Blda Tonag ot MmgiaeF Fata *98 TB
•ndoapterad flftj-twe olvUtoan. wbo them, aad hto atand haa bean ao derid
for Trading a Wheal that Did
wen eahaeAeently rateaond.
ed tbaV togaUer with tha tadlgnatloa
Mot Belong to Him.
A dtoenteh to tba Dally Ka#a from araaiad ta TTaveraa onuty. he will
Klda Toong. (be Ringaley yonng
OafaTownanyt It to ram<^ than orehably aeeeaed ta ravarriag tha ae
will ahorUy go to tloo of the board at (ha maxi meaUag." wbo waa arrnated Wedaeoday i
nhaige ot dtopoatag of a waoal teat did
QeMBalown. Oaw Many.
Tha article then goaa on with e
not belong to hlaa. wna nrraigned yoaZi to aald that t.oeo Bmco ban
brief htotory of the eaas and qnotea
I Roberta'
tordny morning
•lad Vaotentad. twoeV-Btoo nUaa Ototrtot Attorady OoveU aa (ellowa:
tram Nireal'a Polat. It to belloved
-It to tha moat tatamoea thing I
tanned to pay a floe
that AUwal Borth to atoo tavoatod.
ever knew of ta aU my life.-' he aald,
A Boor oommaodot TOO man paaaad -Thto^an Wright waa eonvleted of •moontlng to I7.7S. Tba anm waa paid
and the yonng man ralaaaed. Ha waa
Bargboradorp. aboot Iwanty-twp mllan tbamoM brawl erlme and the
Here tbe asaortment ia laige and no qdeatios abont qual
lad to give ap tee gna (
tram Btormborg JoneUnn. Tbay warn eold blooded ortM ever known ta thto
ity—Then too, tbe prices are aa low aa good furs cun be manu.
-.^erhiny In the diraetlon of Qaeana- steto, and yet the atato pardon board ta the trade which got him into tronbta.
town._______________ __
tor elemaney.*'
Mr. OoveU waa the proaeoatlnf
Bnt Htg Brethq^oond Bar ta Good
Appoitlonad to tha 8«earnl OMhtlaa of Wright.
Banda and Vone tha Woraa for
Ttotorday by tha. •nparintendant
Gen. W. L. White waa aak id to look
Ber Bxpnrlnee.
of PobUc XoatracUoa.
into tbe onae and nee hto
All yeaterday afternoon team «
Ihd tventy-nlote anneal appertloo- with the governor ta denying tha rec- talk on tee atrnet of a lUUe girl U
ton of the pnrdon board,
■ont ot the primary aebool fnnfa waa
had bean (onnd on the Sonte aide, w
tha matter Oenarnl White wna teoronghly bewlldnrad. and bad
Mdt yeatotday by Hepertatendant ol
Feb to Inairaettoo Jsaon B Bammoad. to qaoted aa aaytag:
no idea aa to where her home
"1 waa aaked to look Into tbe '
Tm Wtowtag are the amo into that go
She had atrayed away evidanar. and
and nlthongh It waa aone of my bnri. either eonld not or wonld not
te Grand TVavatM and
1 did ao. It to a ahama that wn
• S.S9D cannot bang aaek fellowa an Bright taThis report is beard around the
«.1U itaad of potitag them away whan
world, annibilatingtime. distance
tOM tern -pardon bonrd mam hen nan let the thrae year old danghter of J.
d resistance.
Stator, who had bean at tea atore for
np-to-date ^obdpsb man
a white, bnt wbo atartod (or ber boma
will keep pace with the times—He
e 374 tetaUvea, ia very wanlthy hUaaalf. end on Steto atraMahortlyaftar tea
1.414 money wUl do e grant denL Bet 1*11
trill do dul in bis power to make
When yon bay afTbos. Emerson Shoe you
hia store ao attractive that it will
4.7M bet my hat that mowy wall not get tee hooae. hrtagtag ap at teat oo
buy the best.
invite the attention of tbe bnyer.
thto mwderer ont of Jaekeon a
Oaten Mrant.*
yon purchase a pair of these celebrated
thto admtatotratton.**
She WM tehan to the atore W WUBhonffataapoontoXtenoly. :
of the means te this
shoes yon'll be
helm Bras, and
Knoptag of criminal bonrden
end — It will brinp;
team hw nnm* and boBaa, bat to no
never bean a vary proflteble beataera wUl lead to eenaatfonal developm
with tbe style
people to ybnr {dace
porpone. Atanpper timeabn daairad to
for BboriS Wmpaon. bet be aanally
of boamesA
Mr. Tareer. the Ttaverae aty i
with the fit
go north on Union atraal, ae
hna a few udor hto eare, which reher of the perdem bonrd. to atatod aa Hoyt, wbo bod atnrted with hnr to hto
with the quality
Uovea'tbe aaonotoay of Ufe on the hUl.
having nhaagod hto peritton and mya own home, let hnr tend tha way. It
with tbe price
Bot now there to not a alnglo boarder
that (he eaae will ha hrooght np again waa not long nntU they mat tha brothtatha]tQ.whtob to a oonditton that
ntthe naxt rwetar meeting of tha nr of the little girl, wbo waa aaarahtag
We carry a full line of these shoes in black
Mgfat to ha gratifytag to tha pw^to of
board, ta Ionia, on Kov. Mth.
for hnr.
and tan—all the latest li&ta—Prices, $3D0, $3.50,
the onmmealty. althoogh not a paying
Tha praaiot indleatlona am that
Mr. Slater had aot thoaght hat that
$4.00 and $5.00.
htetnaaa for the aherlR.
Wright wiU not aaeeead in naeutag a Ua child
thawny.Mta. Bteter had felt no fonr. na
Tb annwiaiiiliii tbo hnrhara E. D.
aha (hoo^t (hat tha ahild waa with
Too abenid ana
B Brae wlU blow the
bar tathm- at tha atora, haana no aaarah
worha whietto ovary ovaatag at eight
Front Street
otaloek. to anmneiiea tha elodtog hw. phyetalaa tor tha Innl tadga Kalghto had bam Imtttated tUl tea
e'rie^whtolta. nfPytUaa.
nStete. Tteton.
B«t BombArdmeat at X<ad7‘
'°zr '.«p-"~‘;^.-?d.'-;,rur.
TODAY—Saturday, November 11th.
It's “tin cone-bacteesia"
trada that pays best...
Hat Mark
S tkt m liekwio.
imtalukAvlth Sum Gtfv, M901« tlS
Ladies’ Waists-
School Shoes
Prices are
$1.00 and upwards
■ r ^
RiBiM Drr Goods Girpet tid GMkllg
8Sc, tl.0D. tl.25 a pair.
It always pays toitrade beta
You Want The BeslWe Have It--
lUUu TekytaiCi.
"X W. Hastinp
m KOttrnio
eboobs, satubdat. hovbmbbb
ii. latt
_____ _ larpe Golden i»ak Morns Cbair,
wt* faRwersible Cash*
iona- Ther«s nothing
>ou can grl so much
solid fomfort.wiih for
Ifac s. ntt mo t-y.
$. W. Eammbi. SdtMr ud
1^ slab ycaisrday attamooo.
and aa toiereetirr prepram wm ri«oe
mtor «f bear*, dtoeate. <
Bodertbr leadeiabqp of Mm.
at tbaara of 74 yaare. Be Warm a Tbe foeslpe tried aO Of th» a
wife and eipe cblld^a. all of whom I .
At the prcllmtoary basinem meetlnc Will ba prmentat tbe teseral today.
rer -which tbs president, Mra.
> land
Oeorre Latmaa, who baa been eety
Boberts. prta'ded, tbe matter of tbe J witn »cisiie rbeamattom for oeer s x
A rumor a hMi proved to be troe.
-Wasbinfton Bisr.
anaanl reeeptloa was dtoeamed. and it wotbs, huso far reooeered as to bedecided to bold ibe reoeption
rto to took after bis bg^intaa sinto Be
yyiday eecninr at Park Place. Tbe left yretarday tor Ma; fit Id and will re
DmrtI : Bosrder-I'i'm norry tre
entert^ament to conelst of repartee,
8 alonx. Uat I ‘
\ \/E have over MU)
wiUltMt_______________ _________
■hort prorram ano a luneh. tbe latter
» > eot styles of Rocking
Mrs. B. B. Bederto taaebii^ in the! L«ndlndy-E>oes that include youi
to be In eharf* of tbe Park Place ebef.
Mr. Jonesr-Tbe RlmL
Ghairs. and they are all bar
After a brie'f iBtetB'sstoD tbe alierAofUAUio bM Uku kootber -iMt _rooe prorram waa opened by _ of Miu Dean, woo to (II.
gains—No. 15C»5 for only S<> 7.V
•lud." »Dd tbb time it loakt m If be- ebarmlar solo by Mre. A. B BoUiday. Tbe Birb acboel footbnll team has raWe offer One Banderd Dallam Be
No 1600
W Ib dcapcrmtc atfAito. Hie pUa of with aooompaalmcnt by Mra. {loa ecleed a ebal anre from a Pcloakey ward for any ease of Catarrh that mn•bo 4mort(M BTB7 looks Ukebu|B^ nable.
play here. Tbe playem arc oot be cure i by Hell's Cktairb Care.
F J. CnxjfPi- ACo . Prop . Toledo. O.
•Bd tke rebel leeder erUeBUy U beffio
Sensible drem was -le enbjeet of lirbter than tbe locals Therfferbas
We, tbe aadetairned. bsve known F
■Ur to n»lise It. Be bae ordered bie tbe aftemoon'a paper. Mra P-ck o^ not been am^pted yet.
J Cbeaey tor tbb tost IS yean, and be
180 Front 8t
•nay to reBieable »t BayBrnbur, a aniartbe prrrnm w-b a paper on
Boose Forolihlsg Btore.
The Rnouiiu to to^bted to P.
lieee bim pmfeeUy bonerab’e to a1yoiat U tbe moeBUlBi, where
entaree on tbe preaent ooe Paine tbe florist, for a bare aad •— --------- — -- - flnanetoliy
•haiMMtorctMppIleafrom tbe eoeat tome of women." Tbe paper wee betatifal Charles Darts ebry
•reeatcB. Bis a
written In Mm. Peck<e brlrht. breesr
MCreat tbe adoptkm of a feerUU pUa manner, and waa fall cf blu at tbe
* Uat rteoe^ -fle U acceataated styles of the prsaeal day.
Dick Campbell retarned ymtmdsy
U^ie Wilde of Uern. far
Mrs. E W. BasUars dmoribed the from Pcioskey. where be baa been dm
■■•■oeed from tbe farUle rerioM wblA model bnetoem drcaa la aeeb an av
ior tbe last ten days wirlnp tbe Casb- ly. acitnr directly apon ti
bare fersUbed plenty of ubalatoBoa traetivs way that her beam
maaoes snrfsoe of tbe system. Pi
nam block for IW electric lirkta.'
for ble army. Tbeae taotim are oei7&e. p r bottle. Bold by all D afrl
d that her plana were well
TestlmoeUlB are free
dMtIy tboBCht to eare biaaeU. bet wortb • followlnr She faeored tbe
BaUb Family |>i>to are tbe bmt.
to eay-eveBt bto career
“ralByday”easume.for bnainem woBy BOW be baaUly ahonoMd. It apbat ^oarbt olreumstanem and AtLastMifhtbSimioB eftba •enlor
feara now that tbe predletkm of a
op seme aboald roeern tha mat
<o of tbe war U lUely ter always.
Xo remodr oquels ITaknek's "Whitj
IKE OF Tar SVRIT for this u>rc.
An exeeedinrly totamaUncand tothe bOeloem emtama from an
.«and fsul disease. If taken tbuiloomle aiandpolni" was ably treated atractlre profran was rirra Ust ereantxl in time, it will cure a uaM
Tax differeDce is tbe drbtior netb by Mm. P. B Traeto wbo said that tbe ton by tha Senior Lyeeam Beery pan Jr^^
.z4 houra.aad fiF-theuaurh that lol
ode of tbe FlliplBoa and tbe Beers to qemtlon of health eras also' larrely was tborouyhiy enjoytd ty an appre•wu La Grippe I*. „evep fmU to ri'<‘
abewB clearly by the death raeord In dependeat upon proper dreminr
-lief. Price. S5c and .-kk;.
aUtiee saduace.
Iba PhUlppUes eompared with that of
cellenteolo by Mtos Moore open
toiercsUnr dtocamloa i
•oath Africa elnee tbe troeble with tbe papem and ooneladad tbe after- edtbe pnjrs*. followed ty en U- OptUrt At Mbsnyb.
Oopneite Bamllton Clotbinr Oo..
beran aboat three weeks aco.
supietiee rsssy on *•Jackson Prison" by
I's pqDrmm.
FroetetraeL Selects. 43?; Standards,
la flfteen months, ^ee tbe bcsrlsnlrr
Alice Walu
78'>--f5of boeUliUes in tbe PbiHppinee.
An ordinal story by Bdoa Murrel
AmnHoaa aoldlert have been killed;
was exeeciionsliy (rood, sbowing
It* have died of woands. and ei« frt_
eolientandoarefal work
••The Bide
dtosasraadaeeldaat. makinf a to^ Oap be Obtained for tbe BmenaUrrandmolhei Lee" Was s well
daalh leas of l.ioo. Thirty^ have
manta of^he Bicb Sebotd Lectnre
readsred dreUmation by Niu Bnybee.
bees eaptared or are mtoaUf. and
and M isic Ooarsa.
Tbe orstUn of tbe eTcniny was riven
i,t«7 wcaaded, tbe rrand total of
Dunbar on "Tbe Oorqaerinr
Tbe Impremlon baa cone ooi that ail
hMeaamoan'tortoSMO. The entire tbe rood amts bare beta raaereed for Power of PerscTcrenco."
Usem to tbs Amarlean army darina
The impromptn waa ylteo to Charles
tbe entire Uetare coeree, ano that
Bftoea moatba hare been lem t>»tn the
there to no need to try to bay a atoale Corbeu and be bandied tbe eabioei
tames to tbe Brlttob-Boer war In 1ms
to an ordinal way
admtoalos ticket. Thto to empbatkal. ••Ibe clem of
ly a mistaks It to true that the sale BUcebe Batkeli Uvored with e fin*
of seaU at tbe bertoainf of the eoqree Tocsisolo. '"TbeOld KclWs at Bi
i to tbto in Mew Bnyland" wu an intermtiny
abstrset riven by Bdna MeWetby.
Mie. B. L. nanker and aos. Ladoi, city, bat there are sull a Urye
The discateloD. "Bcaolvad.Tbai nsviarespeadlnrnfewdsyeaiBapId Oiy. of rood eeato that may be obtained for
etnylc admtoeioo. or for the balance of ratUb has done more for tbe wor’d
IPllbMr aanke’.pirsato.
Tbe attractions oBered than railroads" was very iMtraetivr
Mm- B •balden of Oiawn. who has
Parker and Lncina Davis spoke
bma etolttor Kra. B. D. Bower for are eneb that there eboald not be
oa tbe iSrmaUve side sod Hiram
tbe fam few deyr, reteraad home Ust eeet left to tbe hoaer. as thcra will
sorely be ealemjbem to a food tale of Bomky snd J wle Novoiay oo the
alive. The decision wu riven to fsvoa
Him. Vtee Patbar. wbo baa been eaato at the duor.
Tlw next entartatoment of tbe oftac nefative.
' otoltWlllmMyrUeBopkUr.retemed
Prof Byder (rave (be eriUee report in
to bar boms U Wexford lest creator ooame to tbe madinc from Lm Miser.
tbe ebeento of Mias D.wn
Mr. and lira A. B. Witoon of K.nn- abUa. by the noted entertstom. Mlm
tay. wwt to Cantral Lake laat eecator. Ida Benfey. Tbto namber will taka
Vbeee they will reiaela aboat a week place Korember 24. Ibere 'will no
doabl be a larye sale of seats for that
Mr. Aadrew Maokla
•Urn HcEellar rettimed to Omwa ■ifbt.
iPtooeenlBir sfmr tredlnr in tke elly.
on Thanksgiving day or perhaps
irhaps you’ll
JCn E. Deeii. wbo has been etolttor
B. Lyon went bantlaf Tbamd y
have a family re-uniiion. You'll want should be thg,4ppoinunents of your Din*
Mn- E Lyon, relnmed to her borne
and menred a fine sirtoff of fox e%nirtB TonpaonriUe Imt eeenlnr.
things right. The first thing is the table. ning Table on this day. A new piece of
Obarlca JfffrlM. wbo has been bey- >la
If you had one of ourGolden Qak Finish silver ware would be^just the thing. A
Prof. Bills of Olieet oollere, will oc
tat poletoe- in Manletee. U la the
ed 6 foot extension tables, with either Cake Dish at 3.00 or a Pickle Dish 1-50.
copy tbe palpit of tbe
di»rsquare or found top for V75 you’d have Bread 1Tray for 2.75 or a three piece go
Mra. E b. Pratt baa returned from e
> oflined
;t for 4 75. Perhaps you’d rathi
the table all your friends would go wild
Wtoft to Ann Arbor. She attended tbe
have a cut glass (ilive
Olive 1Dish
fish at 3.00 or
Ueorye Raff retarned last nl^b^fi
mbetlnr of the Michl'ran Federation of
Berry Dish at 7 ''o Or a Knife Rest at 1.50.
a two days bank at Good Barbor
'WoetaB’eaDbcdarlnrber nl
No More Rheumatism.
This would be a good time to get that
Matoomb Wloaie. Jr., wbobaa been |'*P<>*'**with twooom-1
For yvw my wiretniTpred from
full set of dishes you've been thinking
bayiCK poutoee for tbe Mlcbl*an I*®*®".
e Urre amoonl of! Lletn.- .Klirlrlrd iiiMiy rrmnllw, I"
lie lienrilt. nnd u« iiud about cl\
about Some elegant sets just received.
ptatd'iCo.ntC.-dar.ie arpe, i>ibeelty'B»*«Uey killed ii rebrbenwelu«nJ<>r Jrlerr K^n«.
MM ttlffbt.
bitt io edditlon lo other yame.
my .... tWCBD u.lllf lu Tbln STV-I
Perhaps your’s are not as nice
100 pieces sell at 5.85. S.oo. 8.40. 12.50,
E 0. Compton was at Manton yester
you’d like them lor thanksgiving.
The 15.00, 16.50. If you don’t want the full
Mtos Msry Sebaab of Provemont has
line we're making a leader of just now set, we 11 sell you any number of pieces.
akea tbe vow of the DomtoUna'^iem
. Mm. Oamee to
et Grand Rapids.
'sells for ;v2> the set.
Anywhere else
pMhsr. Mm. Saow of Barbae S^lnjrs
•Ibe rooms of toe Tmverio Oty
you’d payy a dollar more for them.
-gev 3. Peantorton to la Laka Ana Mbsle Oo. are being wired for eleetric
yWUnff bis son.
llgbto by toe Boardmna Elver Bleewic
Mra. F. E OrlMn has retnmad tram L'jrbt A Power Oo.
is just as impotiant as your thanksgiving
jIvlBllwltblfriends to tba aoatbera
you ve got. but have you everything^ neeTbe Ltdiet* Gelid of Graoe ebaroh
turkey. It must be a "perfect cooker"
. ftrt of tbe state.
will bold a Saturday market today at
•atiof I. The dressing
nabie you to get that rich brown to the essary for it’s preparation,
Mrs. Aademon of Th
_ _
8-rongb music ‘ eiora. Ad kinds of
portant thing
thing. You'll need
turkey that makes vou so hungrj’ the mo is the all important
vtalUBff bar .motbar. Mm F. C. Deseaubles will ba on ssU.
ment you see it. A good “cooker" starts sage, thyme and mace. Did you ever use
The Qnean City Qaartot left yuUrMtos
at 5 oo. next better 7.00, then comes 8.00. corrionder seed, cardamon seed, sweet
pom b vtoit to dt. Irnaoa.
8,50. Q.oo. and n 00. W’e have the Majes marjoram, curry powder or sweet pepper
tost night, for toe benaflt of
Mm. OaoTfe Haniy has fona ta
(or paprical
We have all kinds of spices
tic Range, the best ever made at 4S.00.
Bt. Peal's <
fptaakayforasbort visit.
The other part of the house needs
ttoBto Odell left lest nlfbt on a bnsl- Urge advaMa aaU of aeata. Tbe^Mr-1
warming. A Round Oak stove sells from
tat was aaatoted by Leon F. TUas,
pam trip to-Oealral Lake.
13.00 to 24.00. A Garland Soft Coal Bur
Mr.aad Mrd T. A. Monroe of Mew nndar. aad Pnfeuer and Mm. Herat
ner 20.00 to 22.00.
York etatearrived Ust night fora visit andMlmJoaopbtotVadsr.
Just check off wh^t you want and get
L. Blanker, who bss
wMb relaUves to ibis city.
lem in your house. When you want
r. M. Paine to entertointog his ployed to W. W. MUtorto groeary tar
weree he gifted with sense enough would them you’ll have them. Apples. Dried
pnndparanu, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. toe past year, has aoeeptad a poattlee
viewV with alarm the numerous articles for Peaches. Apricots, Pears. New Figs. Cur
ttoPds They are 83 and 88 yurs old. to toa grocery of Ptaree A Fmeman.
0. W. Faaet. A. W. Jabraae aad A.
hts Killi
lling (that's our axesat 70c, 85c, i.ool rants, Rasjns, Filberts, Almonds, Walnuts,
A allg>>t war among toe local potato
^pyea re lamed from a toip to Em* bayem sent toe pries to toaei^ ntaikct
his serv
rvingUhat's our big platters at 85c, Pecans, Peanuts. Cream Candies. Citron,
■lm andAUa Bavea yeetatday.
ep yeetaidey, a aembar of loads sell
1.00, 1.25) his carving (that’s
(that's our carving Lemon Peel. Orange Peel, Nutmegs.
llUy;8waem Ktamed ymterdey ing for 23 tenls e bnsbel. nnd i _
knives aad forks 75c, 1.00 the set) his
No thanksgiving dinner is complete
fmm a trip to MUwaokee, CMtoago and bstogeald for 8« eenta. Ibe mnrket
cooking (that's our stoves 5.00 to 11) Our without Cranberry Sauce. Make it several
Mhnr eilUs for WiUUm Baitner. He eleadUd flown to II nad U aenta. It to
customers look at them with pleasure be days before aqd you'll have it. Don't for
•OU tbe entire oatpnt of tbe cartato aMd that tbto to only a
cause the quality is such as to ensure per get the Oj-siers. There is oyster soup to
pota laetoryfortoaoomlng year.
aafl dose aot ladteau a «
Both Telephones, No 43.
*« esra U Bripp* h M 9m$.
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors
318 Union Street
IMHr EOOD sms T£T.
What About
Dining Chairs'
A Stove
Mixed Spices
The Turkey
Comfort, Wear
of toe guaml markat.
Rev. a Ooeblto toft yeetarday tor
Battnaa Bay. wbara ba will preaob toa
at toa iedtoaMoB of tot aew
at that ptoM
flaaday. «avwal othm (k
rbaam. leltar, eeato head, old peoplm altota from tbto elly wUl a“tnd toe
iMb. aad all Itabiag skto dtoeaese.' are
abmtotalT emrtfl tay Or. A. W. ChaMb
Ataaflcm C 0«v of Umlm died
BabUe Tortamd
By flaming, itching srttme And eomflaataodparmaaeateareto Dr. A. W.
% Ointmea*. a preparation
record of offers anj
>|walleled i
..^and Style
Q«t Th«m of
Frank Fiicdrich
UB Front StiMt
fect satisfaction and the prices will leave
lots of ^ange in the pocket for other
start with and fried oysters and oj-ster
patties and pscalloped oysters and oysters
raw and Broiled o>'sters.
The Hannali & Lay Mercantile Co.
tRM mO*i«lfO MfcOOEO. 8ATVXDA.X. tfOTBnU 11.18M
L <<
7«( ib»
«* 9TV\ertS^. »^ BnlMlM.f«ur*ifi»cri^>ioa«l
*«OBnlM lM.f«ur*ifi»cr iMontf a.
These Tidings
of Shoe Bargains
Mm of tk« O E a I. tnlM oerth I
b>«1«^ mj,
•bis wwh m m la too ooedoM to frotnUf U «n«ilf opre to tbe obj««•amamodo** .Ua te'vd oaistao «f tloo that it t««di> lu c^Dtatr tbr p«i«Euion ob« M sokiag for iba oooda U fnt-pUt«- Au-ultj i.x uiucb aud iba
Eoiolfroa doll..., aorrlo. oUl ba
«•»>■*■ “•*
craobra farultk-a luv Uiilr. Taka iba
< »t aaaant MIebIcM iwUu
’ eoac
of oor poldk- i-aaii.luaiHW- fur tba
MV vu.
•oat iw.weraa.
fao.oacta. Tbo
Tboo- e«b.lbb.uO, dO,Hl.u,lbb.b,Tb.v,M»0»»■ OJU.,1.
adrrtea will ha ohollobad at aaarral
Bb'Ui to Uif work of aevuu luro for Toaoihar parts were wall aastalaad a*
l^,u. ivkou
" ’“T*. •r‘. ui|irU. fur
. Utrae eat
l. ana of Ibr ••arib's surisiv of tba f'Ho»>;
.boikbi., a..
slB>- of ilH- bumau liotlv. our atatls- Era Baasao;......................... Aana Eaaar
Uuu'u ibai :hear tu-iaa lairitbiua (bat It will n..iulrB Brarirtia Pr«r..
Mattta Woraburc
K*'iK-mll} frau'i'd
At Bajr otr Mr*. B N»lUrr aod •• tu pui a ■mnu:
• M«. Marr Haa-« of i^oao om “‘o
‘ r.'XUr>
Amatad eha^ad olta ihoplifUitt
od nol font-uflmar.t'.'iiS clut'
uiunnialiu. wlH ataD.I. rti.o will run. ouwbrr of «. tahers la ••Soafi that wc
pbn.iB will eniw. amt abliual Itfr wlU
Forgot," aeeompataed by Mlaa
•>.! .c» of tu pl.Uu Ob
, |,Ub„|..r. or b aiUt uiucb ai-It do»» ludu).
‘ PmI Bmory.
Wbdb^b, bl,b.
.-Itur bt-tvb^
tMpMd toooBiuaaaielde h7 atofiof ' «>, • tVflliaffioo a ItUioan-l or a WBas uanl r.-aMN-ns lt« lf lu su^e'frade class was maeb appreciated by
paptf iate bar ttaroAt.
' Uaia nil. a l>ai«lo to a i'a>it-ur. uibcr fiinii. Wilier as sound. Wectrk'lty
Hihorva XortM. a Ua tfr old
iw'-iu* lu or sliupk muilou. It Is easy lu see that
-..... btnikm aa Bsaliaol a H<-debU Ibis cNtimaiv U laiu small railier than
tuu trvau At any ..au*. ibc world is
raaldaat of Biaadtab, «aa
teiru«t. wiu road up tba Oui liable to stop Bolus fur s fvw years
Hartarat Kaaer.
fetaM ynat«rday by a baraa a«d aaB-^^ucloa Ua>k»ork mon-.raphlb la yei. acuordiDK lu bis tcaauulUB.
ts ooatiaaed with the
I ^ prpfram
•®*B*a. ^
niore bbI>J« i» and loaka a IiIkIht arorlie Mrs of tb.' vasiaess of (bs follcwinf;
At Adrian, tba U ■oatiM eld eblld ar- uf marks tiiai) an; ..f
that Is meted out lu us frum lbs .Memory Uems.......... ....Loalte Jardiae
“ ‘
Aaan Anioav
ihal source of eanbly Ufe may ha ' 'loxt* ®f' C(
Of Mr. aad Mra. B. WItbiarM. fell
Leab Ptoantaia
be saya l.y cuasidrili.K that U
fnm a bad and atraek on lu hand
k'K>» l®tl*«- of retain af tb»
:... Mary BIbki
B^lalM uUl iillrtl.
' •»>0«-«»«“o*<«®WsowB.|«lal*rB Ibc cm^B> that the suif elves to earth '
of Liberty........
lu n siuitl.- day could Iw lAiil.-d up ami ‘iower
Alljdnad bcarilty in tbe pairtotte
Tba f rat dear to be abet traa bpcrad, *^,1, a„n of osaiuluillou tort. |mr- directed aBainsi .\lseani fall* it would
by 8 Freeteaa, M atlas froa Hoafb* slstcd In for pon.-rstiiMis. luust luod to cause ibai pnat Iwdy of water to dash aoat "8ter stpaaBled Banner.*'
toa. He alaa broafbt la a lalbyratu, t«n>uracr ibr drroioiKnnii vt ttrvar. back acalu up bill for 4.uui> yean. If
. waif
*>"* •latloa «Ita at ibu expanar lumrd into a sinBlc Idast of brat, it
8ia Fnyfatfal Pallarea. .
^oka Boekstfv laborar at tba aaw
orlclual Uluui and Hrdf rrllant wuulil miK,' av.Ty lIWuc creature laS'x terrible fsilorca of six diffetaat
pri«lui-<- • fri..tn!ns itaaiau<-uu*ly to l.licht and wither. .doctor* r-aarly seat Wm B. Mallaa of
PbalteaaBiter...»taaUlaOraak. fall
latbur than a tiiaaciillur kind of Intel, The Its- aruutnl llu- |wha wold bt Loehlaad, O . to an early yrave. All,
(roa tba dftb 11 jor to tba
loti- n»ii.ratnH oi
of our oo;
bov»* w
eUu- laellrd lu ••ue slid Ibrvc4)uarter lulo- said be bad a fatal toor troable am^
— , .
I HI- omin*
ui ouoBai be
toy. Ha Hand two bonn Noooasaw
i,.. n.ouiod toward ibc type utrs, aud tu niu.iber II B■^s>nlls all tba i that be meat aooo die
blai fall, bat a workman la tba kasa-, «>t My. tin- iduvor. vorMlIle .Muerlcaa
BMBt aaw kirn aUika Ue botiM. Ba; Ud.v. ami so far Hit- Hiautw of tbeir
raosuiuttsi luto Wectrk-lty. a {
Jt is po-■
laUdown tba atoaatorabafL Baleavaa Bitnrina u). loio rtbll.v frrwi lui-a. socb
wuold ibisb frum Ibc nrtb-as;,iiivelypnarai.teedweerealldlacaacsl
•. wlU lend to
a widow and owe child.
till- plam-i Jupl^.-r
cllwted .fTbroai,
Luu»s. taeladicp
_ .____
into a all
slnple NoumL the vlhr
Coarks. Colds. La Grippe. PBaamoola.
tm Alien, the man aabo waa operalad dlDlt^.’-'
Hls^eral rom-lusloo Is as foltuwa: Ilf would uol only l.rmik every eardrum Kroncbiils, .tsthms. Hay Feyer, Cronp.
apoa for remoral of the apleen at Aaa
“Otia broad view the ptieral teadeo- Id ihv world, t.ut would ii|ir>M.t tba pi- Wbooplrp CoBfbv Me and II OO T.-lal
Arbor died Tbaraday areniac. notry ot llir aae is t.. nnluiv us nil to one aul insa of the forcsls oiid erea level bullies 10eteat Jas. O Jobaaoa's wad
wiikatudlBV the aaoaaraffiar aymp- moBoti.oous d'wd lerel of utrifunu me
d. E Wait's drut storea.
lonuntxlns. ir ebaueed into a luoiucatoau maalfeated afwr tba operatloa. diocrity. .tn api.lliil to Iwalu power, laiy flash of llahl. It* hurst would be
It la farther Mid that the rriaoral of the tendency is u> level du« u the bleb- BO i.lliHliUB as tu penetrate Ute walls Oyiten at Dehanj'i
Iba aplaea aab tba earriaal of Uia pm eal and Ih^i l.ralus (>y puiiiiic'au la of llic dee|M-s| duiiiiivns aud .lesirvy
Opposite BsmlUea aotkiaf O..
Front street Melects, 4Sr; Staadarda.
tlaatUaa ImpoMi Tba faealty creaalBc dlseoiiai on urliiitiamy aud In the sleht uf every livluc crvalure. IB
TfiO-U $
depeadepe.. uf (hourlii. tl.-atiwlille tbs btilltancy H.I* flUMh would eswed the
of tba U. of M. te rnapcotlnliy
iH-lBhtu.-Ks of the suu IbkOf o.ver a
lanarDr. Bvaaa.
School laaebeim will do well to aote population are la-lua l.-iHed up by the IBIIIIOU lllUPS
universal epnnd «.f |.rli)iar>' lllllc
Fur one iimu to exis-ad so amount of
tbadaalaloa of tba sapramecoart band
aod the IpcivaHjai: <I>.iiuiihI for a erraddowatbb weak to tba rffjot that 'talu modeiaie aviutiu.- ..r luielllceurc euerpy equlvalecl to that wbiWi tbe
aarbal aoalrMU with aebotd boards every wlMWe. The n. t r.-«uli is (lu^avu^ earth mvives from the suu In the
tenth luirt uf a stsMud be would bare
bra pot iaral- They mast be la writ able to ibe prudueiiou of r.*nlly euui- to work bard Cuatltiuuualy for 87.0U0.-1
iDaDdlnt and erlpliuii tab ui any when-. u«i year*.
ibC-. ■
Tferaaaaw eaaaa of amallpoa bara The atream of buman kunwiedc.- Is
This calculailun Is n-iiiarkaUe la |
tipwlac bruadar aad bn.aib'r. uu doubt, that Its rrsnh differs l.y u.ore tban ;
dsvalopad at Cbaaa tbka week. Al
dae to Iba fact that a maa expoaad at but at ibe same time H tends to ran 3Ul74.Uts).tBsi ytatii from the |N>rled
when scleuilsts a,-m-niUy (wlleTe tluil
at Benton Harbor weot to Cbaaa and abaUower." llir worhl will .
vsiH-ns ai Oiu-wlij
Dr. A. W. Eataa
-Six yaara afj Cbarlaa Jaakaoa of
isl tluit M .-.mill u< suMsIc life 2,UM.>
Fort Unroo. loai a ralaabit CoU
OfOorfs. N. V.. wriM-as fo}i*w
y.ars heuev.
watob. and oonid aerar Sad any traoa
A W- Obaas's Nerve aad Blood Hilla
of la Laat baaday. bosraear. be
eoaelnded that I* wnnid br a
Colac tbroBfb an old trank, aad I
. I8e for
k. watery blond and ar’
vooi sysiam.
amall boa ta one eoraar of It lay the absasiad nervooi
the east year I have
ave prescribed tbeir Uard by Brithb eoldlan la Africa.
toaf loat Utah piaoe.
fr-osea'ly and am tn'iT* tbaa pleased
Oa ooa of Iba uUard lalaada, on tba with the raanlt.nit* ’iV
pale, weak
Bortb aboaa of Uka Baparlor. a baav ea and t*!"** J <t«'.•■uperlor to
forces ibai 'sptafod tb* Ku
tat tarty tacaatly foaad aoma wraek- oUiar pceperatioa IW' A. W. ChsseV <ls1 .h* t'ndcrdSte Of N
wr 4 .; X
Nerve and B'opd Pil‘s aontain ibe very
ata troB) 'tba ataaiaar
Wmteni alemeaU r>«|tlrpd tn create pare, rich INli*. frum Vryborjr.
Baa^a. loat aararal yaara afo. Kaar blood and new nerve f''*®.-. and I ean writ**; ' Herprv stsflteg oa 'be l**t I M
.1(11 1 bnaab' * >p I'lfy of cr— ' ^
by waa alao foaad wrackaca of tba moat heartily epderse 'h-lr asp.'
S*rlslr*s Oolic, Cl Pier* wd THarrborL _
Ma8lataa.toatwltbaIlbaadala lasi
Brrnrdy. which I Okcd mys*l^wsh*D I ^
wltb bowel eomplsict. sod ; ^
A aaw form of aoelal aoterlalameat
had plven to mt men. and to every
wUl be 'popalar neat weak, in the
easel. prn*,d moat hep.fle'a'" FortM
term of atar tsslot partlea to obaarra
•a'ebyS K
K Wa!i«cdF C rbotupsou. |
• lusuy lihenleM with dranrisu.
tba cateasira star sbownn wbieh are
:r“,u"'.,rs zt.'ixr::
The Boston Store
Of tba'tt moou L^eraty Orola Meld
ta do qouer ihlnti a
Tha font lb maadatof tba RLPraaels
aar* tbr
Vorb Uerald. Oor of
ibm has attnupird to calcoiata to Uiarary Oirate sraa baU yaaterdsy The
coki Batbetuaika bow soua wa maj p-atiam wa.
Of pariiealor aorit oa»
ast>art ibv iudrowot day. aod h« bas
prn*arwJ a |iaiier.oo tbr aulij«,i wbJcb «>® taloot dhplayrd loaaoMdy.whleh
V <-i|*vts to nrad befora ibr Anwrl- j hapt the alrala aoaaa'aad «Ub laarhcab .Vwo<'>uuuu Kui lur AO>«uci.-uieot'ter froai tha list apoaaraaes of l^r ,
of Srhuco wlwu It UMVU UfU tiMMtb a<-o w to the oloas. Maah of -.U aae I
la t oluiol.ua Siarthif w hii ibr toul
cnaeUoasI talent!
air aha Bad af tba WaeU Be Bi
SSrJ"“ ^
'■ u«« 1' i.
z'“z'‘ ti
Yua’ll tbauk lu for manj- a shoe aaviof; before llic aeaaon
goea out.
If ve «aitt<d'till the market bad risen and than
boagfat; what a diffsrt occ'in | rirw? Aa it is yooll gel the beat
Tslnc in Travers** City from onr hands all winter.
Now, today, for inaUoce, w*> qoou* yon $3 .^0 on nhoea—we
do not claim that they are $4.00 or $5 00 shoes- bnt we do as
sert most poeitivcly that they arc the bt«t $B.60 wains in the
United Slates.
Woman'B Trl-Oo-Fn, soft walker, mannish liist< cork
................................... ............ $9 60
Women's Vlei Kid bals, well, mannish last..................... $260
Women's Black Viol hals. stock tip, white kid fsci'ng,
bevel edge..........................................................................................$2.60
Xen’e Crack PrMf. calf, Klondike last, tip, English
backstay............................................................ ................
$2 60
Men's Oasco CaU, bela Qrafton tip. welt.......................... $2.60
Men's Kangaroo Calf, Lond« tip.........................................$260
Men's Beal dkin bats, «elt, Tonraine cap, a water
proof shoe....................................................................... ............... $2.60
Our shoe department is oa tbe second floor—It is akso
second to none in tbe city.
The McCall
Bazar Patterns.
u.rasHlon Mieels iHmll«ie Free..
. -
Aa epidemic of (aflaaaas ta kllUac
attay hanm near Oalarnet. and aaailadlH. yea eaa "jasp on it.-tnapl* as
lat mneb fear. Many of tba draafbt it. bat it win com* ap amiilor wary
Uma-* CWmaa'a Bteatle rioor Varalab.
bocaaa bploatlnt »a Ua mlalat aom- 8.
B. Wait.
paateaara atacted aad tbair lom isl
tnatatatlteafrbaalb«yaraia |ml<
Te Om^ « OeM ki Owe Day.
Take Wano’*a Whitt W^ae of Tar i'yrui
Ott bee coagb remedy aa sank. 86 st>
Bditer Beat Woedais.
^■aiterW. V. Barry of Lexiutoa. Veeate
Ikaa.. la axy
nplorlac Mammutb teve,
k Mvara case of Piloa Be
toe Haaday
sMar VNrU% wimdm. Cam Plica, la* aad aatorday. com
oa card d la
____ Uaa, aad all BodUy alffbu aad will have
Only Me at Jaa. J. Jokaaon
a aard boloags
aed 8 B. Wait.
in tbeaalon:
A Boxxu. H
O B Bxat a, Supptae
L Muxaa. A. L
. WUM Wine af Tar tyvap.
I Wiaxht? J.
bast mmaft remedy oa cactk, com s cold OKtaaa. A
toaecdayitukaBlatee. AnadWate. Wutu.ora
Ifinn?ed of any School'Shoes, to
.samine the wonderfal line we sell.
bavajaken apccial care in
getting our line of achoul ataoea made
from tbe v.-ry b-st quality of iMthcr.
We gtmreofee every pair we |yli to
be absolntely all aotid and gi>oil wear
—If not, il means a new pair to you witboat eitra charge.
Note the following prices on up-to date kid aod Iku calf aboes:
:t to.Va.4iOc:45 to8'a,7Sc;^ toll. »V: IH to 2. 1,15; 2\
to .’i boy's shoes for $1 00 and 1 90. Rubhem to til them for
In, l‘.». 2'*c, ami higher priced if yon want them. .
Sample Shoes go at Half Value.
eompaalons. W.I.ia Uavia, afad U Wend. Oae ilay the Oocior tailed aud
years, fell upon live wires carryiar tba said
II. h.iw is itiiiy
>nt llthUot eurraai updir
111 air Uilvhly iniil t.Misr. IVn-."
Peiuta taka bridta. ' Ue waa raaeued
•Id. -ills whole nervuui
by Micbaal Foley, depnty eoanly
II tu IN' lu a prrf.sd Sira'treasurer, at treat panoaal risk. The ■
bay raoeived tba loll aamat «.poo **''
Pbluaad waa totally paralytad, bat
Era Mitrla I'al'y died at bar borne
will raoovar.
la Bmpira Wfdaaeday of eaaPar, at the
ODaniarfalt half dcdlan aad <tw
at« of »" years The remains were
tan of tba mti tsfa «f n»». are la olr- lakaa to Charlavola yeatardsv for io
calatloa la Barriaa eoaaty. The an termaat. bba laavaa a hatbaod. aod
tbomtvs brllevs that a well orraaicd oaaekild.
taar Is operaUer la lAls rlelal^ aad
aontbern ladlaaa.
Brava Map orara.
Howard Baynolds. atad ahoat U. and
Like Stealay aad Liviacsteae. foar
amployad at tba Bay City 8atar factory
it harder to pvarpome Malaria, Pevi
fall lata one of tba oaauitiitala Than- aad Atna. aad l^pbold dtoanaa_____
day momlat and ma literally r«and tbaa aavnaa caaelbalsi bet tbeoaaads
kava foaad that Bteotrla Btuara ia a
stopderfal eere for all malarial dloaaaaa. H yon kava cbUla with fever,
Hade TotMt Atala.
aebaa la baek of aaek •aaa bead, aad
‘•pae of Dr. Klct’s New LU. m, Ur*d. wMra.oat taallafs, atrial wUl
aacbnichi fortwowsebi baa pat Sa aonviare yoa of Uwlr merit W. A
la my ‘u^ns' atala" wriiaa D. B. Tar> Mull of Webb. ni.. wntps; "My ebllMrofltempaaylowD. Pa. Tbay'ra tba drea anflered for more than a year with
beat in tba world far tba Liver. 8tom^ aad BoweU. Patelv vstaiabla
Havar tripe. Only ste at Jaa. O. Joba•aa’eaad b. E Waifa drat atona,
It is to
Your InteresL
135 Front Street
Just in—Astrachan -Chinchilla
Irish Frieze-Will keep you as
warm and oomfortahle as an
Reefers '
In sU tti4 styles Ibond in men’s
-slEss 4 to le—Ooll and see
Hamilton doing Co.
The Practical Shoe Man
Sidewalk Lumber in all sizes.
Buoeeeeors to Traveree City Lumber Co
UiGreilick Co.
Doors, Sash, MouldioRS,
.Fine Mill Work
Cold w’eatber .18 comtog.
Now is the time
to place your orders for
Grilles made toOrder in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 3.
Trawirse City. Mich.
XBa mnna vaubau. ftAToaoAit. voTSKsn ii
xr viLL M vnvsMfsa
Wit "VDoM.
a dba latoloat
There must be a
good reason why the coffee
Tba iasier da« baa pariaelad iba
tar U* iMalac at aa
lovers of America buy millions of
a«aa MB aad tbe pao#Ia ara aat tb»t A4It te wU ta '
mtral (>•»•>'■ fcoAM la >»U4 is k aearaciac tba aU» to aaeb aa utaat
vroMtoUc* pvtdV* rr«i tbal It ia alacat a tara ihlacTtatolloirlac ofi.Mra ware alaetad
- Mtawntet llu«c fr*t% hcaee It woalb
^ lapdMlM* to b>7 it iar thrM UaiM for ita pabUeaUaa:
itbe WBOant rootaUj paid ter itTba snip Krar^IurcMMC rlt« ovaAaaoelaia wiitara-Bdith Haatiefa,
i«d bj a privaU citiasa e( tbte eoattat at
;W Wilored lota tbMrina Ck>'. WlllUM loaaaGUtart. Will Maafa. 8«a Tbaakv.
.1. Bryao b/ iaeBitan«t bit Notaaaka and B^bart Walw.
rafimebt. ■
Oalfgbttu. .Shadow PviyUviuaoy U laakinK caraMi at-d | A Sasdar tehsal elaw ofLl^ rl'I*
probably >uc«ai»rul ffforU to wlablbh >
«elproe.V with ua
At Cbloafo, John dhlodar waa'^,|,er. Uiaa Uatal Uamoo
protably fatery baratd Tburaday o^Mloa balor a ahadow party.
dbroafk aa attamplad j-ika.
Pwo Shadow paotomim** aad ellboueiUa
, boaad bin with a with other fttoa'nade tbe ereatn; a
Aarrad raap.aadafiarUrbtlBK it. left rary pleaaaat ooe RefreabiBeDtt were
-aba roop, thinkioff It wcni.d barB
wlowly. la aa iaatant the prUoser
wae a «aas of flaataa. Tbe cord baracd
J W Btaatao A Cobave jutopeood
ia two aod be rao acreamlBr lato as
adaa. Bo-to-daU meat OMrket at'Ut
*ajolBlnc rboiB where otbv worknea
■aelPieat eUoat, Jut aaat of Park,
tore ibe flaBlDff elotblBf froai him.
where they will handle all Blade of
Obarlaa Baebar aad Allw Chadyaneki
eacata. fraab tad aalt.
-were arm tad .They eatd that
KblBiar waa a aew maa tbay merely
wriebad to iBlltaU him.
below la a Uet of tba baytof aad aal It te aaBOBBoed aC Rome that Eiof
■ ambartaad Rmparor William wlU
tmaet abortly. a»d that the Italiaa aad
dtarmaa B«reramaato baee agraad to
«<eoaw tbr treaty of alliaaee. Tba
■mpmar. it la addad, la alao arglaf
■mpator rraaeteJosapblo rlall Kla#
Admiral Dawayb Japaaaaa dcf
•"Bob,-'whleb«etadae maeeot oa Ua
eentlaar Olympia, oa tbe voyafe boataWMfd. ta daad at tbe boaplta) dt a tab■ ia Mow Brl^tcm. ¥.
Baalaaaa la Soatb Atrtaa. taaladiag Oatoparba MW.)......................
Oape TOwa, la abaolataly atdroant. ^par
yaatatage bare doatiUd In priee. and
Wboaaaads ara wltboai work ar moaoy
wo bay tba aaaamlUaa of UfoA widow with a flam oya. who
BaadodUNaw Yorh tba oUar day,
*em boaa ardarad by tba Immlfn
-wdBeiato to ratara to Baflaad.
wraa yoaaf aad pretty, aad, eaeept for
‘I!!!.*! H loti
Wor flam ayr, abowod ao weak polnta-
pounds of ARBUCKLES’ COFFEE in preferto any other kind. The jeaspn is found in
its rich drinking qualities; in its permanent good- ’
The quality never changes.
around the corner, you get the same coffee, the same good-'
ss, the sgnie value for your money.
eived if you buy
RoRsted Coffee
It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation too
I highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is-hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of .
1 many years-experience and utmost reliability. It is not ground
l because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reach-J
A ing the consumer. It is not sold in bulk because of the j
^ possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high price J
because it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee at j
A small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit, ^
Mm. Phoebe Wllliami died at New
.Sodford, Maaa.. afod 101 yoara. 11
mostbe aad 8 daya.
Amporor Nlabolaa la aald to have
HlaaaapblavUttoCbriBraha la eoa.woqaaoea of a roaawal batwaaa' tba
daaal ooorta of Badaa aad Hwa
Triaee rrodoriek Aafaataa of 8aa.moy, while bjwtlaf. foil from hla horaa
mod oaatolaad a alifbt •traatora of iba
mbwn. BlaooadlUoa Baotdaafw
Boaloem of oar oolooim abow aa laoooaaa of lei por aoat la oaporto aad
• 1 par aoat la ImportaHnao they paawd
X ote Amorleaa oootrol.
John F. On & Go.
Successors to
Tranrse Cliy lombet Co.
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
Kinball Piiaos ltd Or|ii$
Fire Insurance.
X. I. A. BnUdliic.
A W.WaX^c*.
pooa AALBo^no«Mua-^wpvt^«^w
T (Itir-OB MAW wrwt. AAAr tart Plata A
4«We A
'•T^ bf lAATtaa At ihto cBtcc at
rpnai:aMT—taHottsar p
Ita Ate
OAF sr Iws Mai
TrorefsoJIitT, ■ ■ Michigon
amrr-gy pvt a^ium —
.. -JWaU MMt A.
tray- aalkArtA, MW>.
Notion Diepartmenty
New York City,
N. Y.
They am not a loot art. A thlof
worth knowtof la bow *
pin like mother aaad
Hera will ta at the
tba Haaoah A Lby Marc
Oao. Qeae, f. Stapaa, Menaay, t-am.
ra; and Wadaeeday. Noramber «. 1
aod A Baanah A Uy MareaatUe Oo..
JohD J. Bretloa aad B Lyoa Tbamday.
Friday and datarday. Noramtar S, 10
aad lI.ademoaatreUTe worklaf with
Nona 8oah eondeaaad mlaea meal and
Bbe wlU prod^
that wUl make tba Mwi
[oal of
o bar motbar-tolaw to tba eymI of tbe
lat ahe kaowa eraiyhody
Oar BMaltoat Potato Palp, wbleh to
laaiw-by watchtof hv deft baade
do the work. Drop lato Ue abora aabmly dlgaitable tj oattla, bomM
aad boga aad wbleb wa will alwapa
fontob to a twwt atata, to aow for
aalo at oar factory.
Tba price for wbleb wo wUl aaU tbto
am aaad aad aadoraad by tba laadinf food to order to totrodaaa It wlU ta
mMklaaa arery wbara Ho. IM Promt CBBcldctably 1cm thaa half tba aoat of
alroat. N B Stmay. maaacar. 7tt ft
amc amoaat of food ataCa ecalalMdtoall wheat Waa aad aaidd-
Boatody. to kaow that people ararymbara toka plaaaara la raUtlaf their
mopartoaei to the aaa of that ^aadld
Modiotoaaod totolltof of tbalioaett
Whoy bam roaoleod from It, of bad ooida
Hbaeoarod.of tbraatoord attaaka of
mooamowla It bae atortod aad of tba
mbUdtM It baa aavad from aMaehi of
Oo tbe alfbt that tba toot hmU I
left tar I^lladalpbto l.tdp atadata
Boadod Proaldaat Jaa B. Aafoll'a
• aad Toelfaroaaly yaUad for him
toeoaaaoat aod make a apaaeb. Be
rofaood for a tlma bat wbaa tbay bofaatoatof "Wa'wba't fo home till
m9ralaf.’'ha yielded aad appaarod.
Ha faro tba team bla bmt wlabaa, bat
adrM tba yoaafetoiB to aaro tbair
kraatb aa tbay atlfht aaad It after tba
Pies litoMtlherllsedta Make.
Oao. Hafaa, oommaadar «t tba
Kimyaa dUtrtet, reporu that tbe
fataad of Nefroa, ta tbe PhlUpplaee.
%M not bean ao ^ulet for twenty yaara.
Tbe band* of brlfaadara bare been
Every package of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee con
tains information about many valuable articles
that the consumer is entitled to receive.
Ask your grocer for Arbuckles’ Rua.sted Coffee.
• and wtodfaito. Me par
Rt RtafBtoa. Jamalea. tba Oarmaa
maaaal baa raealred aa laUmalloa that
Wbambertoto'a Tala Balm Oaioa Otbmartaftowar oaodltloM tba Oarmaa
ara, Why Hot Teaf
M* wUa baa baaa aatof Cbamtarmow la tboaa watom aad daa tbara ao
latob Pato Balm, with food rmalla.
Watorday, bare baao ordered home for a lama ahoaldv that baa palaad bar
■mmadlatoly. Tbe laeldaat baa eai
eonttoaally tor bIm yaarm Wa hare
trloR aU kTada of modlatom and doalon wtiboat naalTlnf any baaedt
Tba Tarbiab awl rroaab aoiwalatm from any of thorn. One day wa mw
Odaam have baaa Informed that aa advaitlaameat of tblamadictoa aad
uytof llj wblob
Kiaf Maoallk, of Abyaalala. wlU v- ^^ht
with the bmt of mtlafaelioa
■ire la Hay nazt and will pay a rtalt aaad oelj
ily one taoitla and bar aboalde
~ Wo tba eaar wbUa oa hta way to tba la aiMt
It Mil.-Adolpb
well.—AdolL. L.^Mmetj
itm. N. I... ...aale .
■^ria aapoalUpB of looa
d P.C T1
Thonrpeoa. drayfiau.
AtLoedoatbatfly-alfhtb birthday
mnalranary of tba Prinaa of Walro
maa oelabratod Tbaioday. 81. Fbalb.
To all who wear a '-Newlaad” bat we
Waatmlnatar and other eblmea were
will praaaai today. Satorday, a baaatlfalraaatoe atomiaam bat mark.
pealed, tba i^blte bnUdlaf* daatad
Ofeotrao. wr fire them fraa w*'h
Wbe royal ataodard, aalatea were flrad
ariTj I a or ao parchaae from noa
mt.Wlodaor. tbe Horae Qaarde parade,
mad at tM towv of Loadon. Tba
priaoaapaatkiaWrtbdayat Saadrlar
You can’t b
A» owmiaatlea raraalad the toat that
mbowaaladaacarof baaoadaf totally
Wtiad aad Uaa Itkaly to baaama a paV
Iba 8b Lawroaea aaaala wUl attiaet
. m fraat deal of trade wbea tbay ara
eaomplatad. Tba eapaolty of the oamala aow aeariaf eomplatloo will at
•rat ba abont I.OOP.OOO toaa a year In
maa dlraeUoa, bat by daftaaa aa ablpa
mra baUt more to tba wqalramaato of
Wba trade tba aapaelty auy ba doablad,
mad wbaa tba powv' of tbe falte for
MfHliW ptrpoaN la folly aaad aad tba
Whether you buy ^
1 big coffee dealer or at a little grocery
u-nla order to totPOdata ibto food wo
will aoU It to a pcaaaod atata at li eaata
baadmd. Tbto toad to fottoatorlaad
oattla aad boca« prater tbto foad to
potaioaa aad otbv faafo. aad It to to
aaeb ab^ that it eaa ba baatod to
barrato. boa wagoM. ota.. aad aaa bo
sad to ear
lota. Baabal aamptoa faratobad traa ad aharga.
Travene Oi^, Hkb
Good Horses!
I will have- a carload of Fine
Horses, from Indiana, here on Wed
nesday, Nov. 16th.
Wait for these before buying.
Get the best horse you ever had for
a reasonable price.
See them at Bro4hagen’s bam
next Wednesday.
I <Abtr»ciAr«. AIMBS. Pt
Oatood M
Kor Ml L
A PPiaa FOB BAU—m tantaW Appte w»
IKTaP. Mi viral
*w «W
*es willUArt tAtfcU MAW U r.
>lspF.M A Park. maCAX.
V am w r.
AAd an....... ■
FFFAcaa: aaJ '
nSr« work C
aay www.
U M MaSaiy
l^OB BAIX—Party aciwa sf laa4 >a In
r loeattea. or wUl ctchAo«a tor ettj
ty , W P.OroiQFf.
TP roc WAWT lasaiA-o. Mway kMf la
lAfM^ SaV^A^iy^?rcMte*MS'rilare«?
IPOB BAUr-Tww korvFF. oA* bAy baft tv*
f yFAn 014 1A« AprtK. blfb AfaM aa4
A«od kwHFr.welekl IM) poumO*. tbF otAFv
D. ArtWB. •
'.IK a
ni M*
225 Front Street.
jr~~ CLOCKS.......
Now Open
And ready for business. We extend a cordial'invitation to the people of Traverse City and vicinity to come
to our store and examine the latest novelties in the
variety store, consisting of every style and kind of crock
ery. glassware, tinware, granite ware, pencils, mitk dish
es. milk pans, tamp and lamp chimneys—in other words
everything from a baby's doll to tbe finest set of dishes.
Prices marked in plain figures, and one price to all.
Witcl fw Speciil Iwgciit Diricg tin Optiiig WeeL
Wc trust that you will bear in mind that our intro
duction is to your interest.
The Variety Store,
New designs and fancy
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in onr
Jewelery-store to locdc them
OTW. We have many neyr
tbtagR in jewelry alao.
Mi iloAimid kiwdu. uiutbi*.
U Manila a FaUara, 1 alfbt
to <
a ea
Obtoifto^OM BtolE^l aicbt'
Kata Patmft. 1 aicbt.............
r«« m4 »f«r«i«A.
o3?n>!rtOrtU.l aicbt
•oMi. to« ««wr «n4 Olto FmA MaQ. 1 aicbt.......................
; »
r DM OttotoS<Piw»Mto.
Jaaa, laicbl..............................
OtaatryOeaaU. labrbt............
TftrkttBatb.1 aicbt.............
CtoriJwid toa ototrMtlaw kt ftft- MoOlbbaay. I al|bt..............
Mb m4 tor ft k»r ttaa P*M mIM. APairedKlda. l aicbt...........
Itoaado.1 aicbt.........................
Ooaatry Oaom. 1 aicbt...........
UdmJftftiUM WiU *MMto ft*.
ftftd ttot 7W kowrmUft body «V1
ftftMftfttodftWftlk to to bftlH «■ tto
Ubola To«*a Oabla, I alcbi.
VroalaadaMltotralftl alcbi* Wto. dftfttoM. '0. O.' MOlftr, J. a. BarUab ooa . 1 aicbt..............
McMallyb Vlalt. l aicbt......
WUbar Ea. Oo.. 1 aicbt........
OarU A Bttaator.a alcbM........
»ortoftUft«(CAtoiM«* tototofti '
E WUfttto. Eftiy VfttoMl. A V. mto-
F. Tacbat.aalcbta...................
rloh. C M. PrtU, Ik r. PtoiMtb T. O.
OftTtofttM Bwft.. ■ /. U. HftrUtoftftW.1
ItoTT EftUfth. r Broftfti * •oftft- Oto.
W. KUtoftr. OtorlM A. Moftlto*. 3«ft*
^rftft. Otoft. Vftft Btooklla. ftod B »Tt. E A. Trftfftft. J. W. OoWft.
MoMd by Aldftrtoftft LftHift Uwt tto
wtitiM to tfttorrftd to tto ootoBltto*
M fttitoa bad aMafrilto to nfon ftt
^fS^To^iOok.. Mo*, ft. tm
Baalraioa. a alcbu.................
MoalaUca.1 alcbu.................
SlPlmakard. 1 aicbt.................
Ooariaar A Harcaa. a alcbu..
SMior Poyiob. a aicbu..........
fb UU BonoitiMc. tto Jfavor Oftd Ct
i oj tto Otto •/ Ibowfto ce
OMUftM:-Wft. tto Boftidef PftUkci
f »M 00
J«0 WiLHXUi,
Mcr. Oily Opara Boaaa
Morad by AU---------------------------eeumaaltotloa be rafarrad to tba Olty
Atuaaay to roport at tto aait racolar
Motm toniad.
TO (to BoftorobU. tto Mayor amt rity
Ctnmeil of (to City 9/ rroarr** CUp.
Oaatlamft-l. tto aadaralcato. ra«
paeUally tab parmtoloa to repair my
botal at Ho. I IS Btai Froot ■iroob aad
pataaoclroaroofoaapartof tom
WiU pat tom la acoodaaft
a fopd aafa ocadlUoa
Jon TaaHriaa.
Vcrto iftftMettftUy rftport ttot oar aV
Mttoft bftft bftM oftUftd to Um Oral
mood Dkb Oft to tto bad ftMtdiOoa ol
B0M fttMftt totWftM WftfthlftTtM fttotol
ftftd rnwt ttrtob naftfttfMlwMftftTm VTftTftUto Bftovci tor tto fmrvemt at
Aotaf bM*y tofttolftf aso •• tto Dkafe
Ofttora Wm toftUac toary Ifadi of
IftBtortrvar told atraat tbay tot* uAaabtodiyeotttiaaftftat doftL
woald rMMOtfmHj raaototoaad ttot
paUtkw to ratarrad to tto
MfttUBg to dm to Imprvfft tto p
on tra aad water with pooar to aob
Mt aoftdUleB of told •traat
HoUoa earrlad.
V#f7 rtofttottolly,
Boftftft or Ptrauo Woau.
Trararaa City, Mieb. Sor. a. isM
W. r-CftiAum.
7b (to Honoro^ (to Mayor amt City
CouneilofOte City uf TVuccrM "
OaBUomaa-l raapaettaUy tub that
Motod to Aldtotofti toltb that tto
------------ -^--.-ftoftto board to a* tba patlUoB raeaaUy praaonUd to yonr
boadtobU body rolatlra to approwtatloa (or. aaaUUBoe la oollectloc tb«
lam to laaaa trou tha dlaa and ra
TMToroa Olty. Eleb.. Bor. a. 1N»
tarrad to tto prop* eouulitae- 1 do
fb (to EtMwniMft tto Bailor oad OU b'4 ooaaidar tto maDOr la wbtcb
lb roa
VmimcUtf (to Ottv 9/ Troarrw Oft dtapoato of tbU paUtloft to
a joat
BMdMftmK. I am
QMtiimiB-Wo roopoottaUr potittM aot toward ■/
Yoara laapaotfallr.
yo«r boftorabU body (or parvlMiM to
•roet a tram baUdiftc Maito (00b u
City Ttatourar.
itot la bol^bb to to aororod arttb ao
•Bd loMtod Oft tto laad totto Ro^
ara Mleblcaa TraaMortotioa Oo. aa.
boaadadM tbaaoatbby tto O S A1
By..aadoBtbawaot to tba pr
of tto Trararaa Olty boKtor Oo.
Yoaw raaaaetfallT.
lOciuaAii Maacracnauia Oo.
Jon W. Orr.
Marad by Aldanaaa BaIIA ttot tba
pattUoa to (TMtad.
aar%arnteJ^*toMUd a'
Taaa. Aldarwaa BaaUoca. Urdu.
Oarriaoe aad Wflcbt.
Maya, Aldormaa Parker, Oook aad
TV tto BviwnibU. (to Mayor and <
Council of (to City of Tntoorot (
OaaUama-I. tba eadanlnod. raapaetfaUy petlttoa year beaorabla body
to order tba ooaalraeUoa ot a dam&t
walk la troftt of my premlaea on tbr
aortb alda of Nlatb street adjkoeot to
loU 1. •. 9. and 10. block ft. B A L
Oob Ut addlUoei said walk to be ft faci
' iloBcaadto ba built
To to ooaatrMMd a( lambar, M Itol
loB«. to (aat wida and a foot blfb.
Tbii abad to to oacd to ahaltar o«r
boraa dartaf tba cold waatbar.
Smua Bftoa. A Ataorrft.
MoradbyAidoroiafttoBitb ttot tba
paUtloft to aatarrad to tto aoBaUtaa
M dia and traur.
Matloa aarrlod.
lb (ha HoiioniMc. (to Mayor aad Ctty
OaaitoU V (to Ottp V IVuoarar City
UaeUaaoD-Wa. tto aadafalyaad.
raaldMta aad taapnaia, raapaeitaUy
tto patlUu to rr*Bi
Mptloa earrlad.
7b tto UonorabU. Ou Mayor an-l CUy
Council itfitoCltvol TYurmr ('Up.
MieMpon..Oaatlamaa—I. the aadarslcBed, reapMfally aak permitoioo of year boa
orablo body to oroel a 11% story baildlac oa tba tba aaat aide of Oak atreei
oalot »7of Baaaah. Lay A Oob mb
• OaloBBtraatM tba addllloa lo Traroraa Cur.
Merad by Aldarmaa Bmltb Uat the
BUmi/V.'A. toroof. r. E deoflald. psUtloa becraot '
MoUw Oi^rd.
PauTboyla. U- B Eobraa. Mr. T. J
DbIot. Jama Baaalab. Jaaapb Lam- 7b tto Uonorat>U. tto Mupur and I'Up
Uy. Brad Ooartada. Darld E. Jaaklu.
Counrti of tto City of Traverm CUy.
Joaaph B Blaaoft. A Balabary, Alaa
‘ -b a E Bftftaal. E D. B ‘
Wo, year oommiuea to whom
sabjact ot "
dofa, would reapccvfully report a(i«r
das dellbaratioB aad roeomut '
i of aome auiufole
to tba mayor to look after aad eolleet
Ttaraiaa Olty. MIeb.. Oeb W. ItW.
taxaa oo docft aad dl^to of aali
7b (to SonortoU. (to Mavor and City all
CbutoU 0/ (to OUp of Ttiaama C(tp, aaimala aeeordlac 10 ordioaoee relatlac So atod aataiaU; aad we would
paymoat of twaoty-fira
Wharaaa. tto Oily Opara Boaaa baa par ant. oa tto
aU aaob mosaya ollactad.
paid Uto tto rlll^ aad bow ally
CD K«vo«.
traaaary tto
tellowlaf amoaau
Oao. W. LAftbia,
e< maay aad wbaraaa Staiabar*^
W. J. Paaaaa
tJraad aadar tto aam ulaUDw
alraamtaaeaa baa rafaaad
wi to pay aad
-I* ally altbar aaaaoi or »UI aot aol- tto pautioa to rafanedHaatlaci
to tba Olty
tool tom, Tharalora wa raapaetfally
aejrt rarUr
aak (or oar maay to to rataraaA
Oroea OllBord. 1 alybt............... • 100
Motioa oarriad.
A Oraay Lob 1 alf^t..................
At ibU Um Aldarmaa Moatacua
Itot Mali, Ifttohi........................
I 00 ftppoarad aad look part la tto proeaad
Bmdlab Ladlaa Qaartabl aicbt
a 00
Dtaa A Kaiebaa, a aiybta.. .
T ao
Utodia.as)«bii ........................
< 00
Mato IbMliy. 1 alrbt..................
Enato«ator.iJ. Balliy).l alybi
I 00
4 00 ea Maple atraat aad Oedar street and
BatoaUOotoady Oft. 4 alybta..
too Baeoad atreat. ratarrad to aommUtea
oaotraauaad aldawalba,
raftorl, bora looked tto ^ewalka
Bay Palaw. 4 alrbto................
• 00 erar, aad tblak tto eronwajks aaked
■awTorbStora. 1 Blfbt..........
too for a aoadad Impteramaat aad almeat
DamttPUlbaitooala. lalfbl.
Aaala Bcffar. 1 aicbt...............
i 00
OauAEftlftbaa, aalchta....
a oi
•doTratoftd.1 ftlrbt.,............
W J. Pftaaaa.
m Plftftbard. t alcbM..................
4 00
W. W. Bmxtp.
KlddftfttaOemdyOft., iftlfbt.
Afta DUIM. 1 ftl^t......................
• 00
Oft^ Btroto, 1 aicbt................
Merad by AUorataa Lardla tbat tto
Ito Voft OerUa^ I Blcbt........
170^*0 OafttadEM. a ftl
SSrSiaf-::::: !S
Ttaama Otty, Mto-. E«*. ft. l«a.
Toaa, AMorsaa Fftrtm. Mntacaa,
HaaUa|^Ctegb Bmltb. Lardla. Oarri-
aw bv''Hit
■SM tie lla i
SSSiKSt.',**'::: !S
poUtlea be emud mas to ba doar
uadar tto aapar^oa of Fire Cbkaf.
W. W. Baira.
Use. P UABauua
Com muter
Merad by Aldnmaa Oook tbat tto
report ba aoeoptad aad adopted.
Motioa (urrled.
Yaaa. Aldarmaa Paraar. Mootacaa.
aSoUacu. Oook. Smitb. Lardla. Uarrl
aoo aad Wricht.
Maya, aoee.
Traroraa CUy. Mieb . Nor e.
\ (to HinuMeblc. (ht Mayor. <ind Oltp
C'owMil of tto ('Up of Trarorm CUy.
Ueauemaa—Your eemmlitaa ou
aad water to wbam was rafarred tto
paUtiea of Beward WbiUac. (or per
mimioa lo araet aa addUloe to buildlac loeatod oa Suta aueai. would raeW. aMITU.
Bao P. UAbaiaa!!.
Morod by Aldvmaa Mootacaa ttot
to report of tha oommltioa ba aeeaptd aad adopted.
Motioa eari lad.
Yaaa. Aldarmaa Parker, Moelacaa,
BaaUacft Oook. bmltb. Lardla. UarrlaoB aad Wriebt.
Mays. aoae.
fb tto Hinurfeblc. (to Mayor ami Oty
Council of (to CUp'4/TVuvarsa Citp.
Oaattemaa: Your eommitta to whom
was iefened toe eoadi .ioo of potito oo
weal side of Park suaei, tore care
fully looked the altualloa oror aad re
port aa follows; We flad Uka eoadttlOBs ezUUnc oo4'roDl atroat and 00
Union atraat sodib of Bicbtb Wa caa
aaa aotblnc of a dancerona ooadltioo
ia diirlac earrlace* or rabielaa of any
kuid orar said cutters, aad a reblclc
' w la to the curb wUl slaad
’ lerel
We ballere aotbdoaa lo rallrr« tba eoa^ permaaeot work la ibe
parlDC mid street uy be
daac«r from tba ^raad wooki be *ary ;
maea lam.
drworof aad watar steep y by H.
mm K B«ra of Tolad . O . aad J W a ■
rord. aaaiiary eafiocar of Cbieaitr.
----- 1 ab y praaeaiad. e eariy Or .kUau P. Uaaaisos.
Ub( their masiwrj of tba aa j <e>.
Osmma ea.. both ampbaa i off tba ffreat a< c
Morad byjadbrmaa Satitb tbat the of kaapi^ the water from bac a off
report be seeepled aad adoetad aad aoBiam'natao with towacsffc aad the
adopted aad cIaIm ordorad paid as ffreat difil ;Blty tbars ia ia doiaff u,
fflrlaff Oianr lostaoces wbarc the Bsetra«»d typhoid
MoUoe earried.
*r. Moetac*c«
ft of tbe
tba diaI
Urdlc. Uamdoebandden ehaek to an apiWrtebt.
demie wcmld bat a few yaata.affo tore
Nays. aoea.
Morad by Aldarmaa
Tba next papers. -Miebiffaa Watar
ibe matlar of Ucbllac
erooalaca la tba city oa r<
..d tp tbe dopoly." by U d. Williama. C B.
eommlttea ou ordiaaaeaa wltb la BydiftQlle Laboratory. Ooroell Uoiy S. M.
ttraetioaa to draft aa ordiaaaca eom
. Allen
oalUac tto railway eompaalaa to llcbt
w York
s aad praaMt 1
CUy. “PurificaUoo of Water’' by G W
ext recular maatlac'^*uu kp't a brat daaa amoka
aaniiary ruffiaewr of New York
MoiioB carried.
of from our
City, t
Trararaa City. Mieb.. Oet- la. ifM
They were atroaff and rary
To tto Chief of tha nre Dsparuaeat. tbe <?. I
uadoablrrarersa City;—Sir—1 harawith au^
aUyaoJoyadbj oar
mil my report ot work aa Bra wardca
bo are BOW wroat- Bacftoar wp pat ioto tbam tbe beat
of Ward Me 5.
Mamberot plaeas laapoetod. ill i llbff with problem of tbe water aapply tobat\-o, aod we'do out one aoy
found many rtolaiiooa of the fire ordi- of TnTerae City.
Tbe next was a pleasant aad In- artificial flavor—jitirt cImo. pore
uaaoa but aearly all wUUnc t-> comply
irueGra, learned aad exprrimeatary tobacco. Tbta tjivea you a wholesritb tb ordiuaoca. and pint p pas and
Jk by Prodawor Vanffban ot our owo aome, eojoyable amoke at «u econ
d ererytbiac in |ood safe
oira^ty ox typho-d ferar It wsa omical price.
ore rent fire. I find tba fol
lowlac boUdlDAs utinc store plprn joat repleio wltb iBrestlffaUos bbu
.\ak your dealer for them.
ttaroucb roots: 41ft Dirlalon street. 4!1 experimealB. mucb ot It orlfflaal. moat
dadlana ntraat. nos Banddlpb atreet of it loffieal BBd aome of it aot qnlte
orthodox, arffulnff tbat typhoid ferer
andtsi Monroaatreat At ftSift many ways
atraat ebimnay eandamoad 41: MertI fferms can be eoarey* _
Ttonaliar Uoak
Cedar atroai Ibam not oneloaad will oaaldea la ue water, Bis experlmeats ti4 Float Straat
hay in. Theaa bare all promii— „ and iBrasUffatiooe aad eoBcluaioaa
ramady the eriU in the apecified time were well and aprrmrloaaly raoelr
caitb oSeor, Cftlnu
. bcaitb
I bars alao tba nnmbara of U boaaca
r wall cboaea remarks
not yot lospaeted. tto oeenpaaia pot in
when eallod upoa aaeoad and third bot iaclined to differ wltb Or Vauffbaa
on the aonrer and maaner of eommunltime.
catlnff tbe typhoid perma Followlaff
P. P. UUKk.
OB lbs eame aabjeet Or. Colllas B.
Fire Wardaa ot Ward No I.
Jobaaoa. member of dtaic Board of
TrarormCtiy. Mieb.. Ost. Si. iftvft
To the Fire Chief of tba City of Trar Bsaltb. Bis article w'aa ebirflf eom.Ure statlstlea aad oa tbe impure
eras CUy —dir—I berabr aubmit my roporv aa fire warJaa of Ward 4. wUb end unbealtby water aupply of Oread
bill atiaebad np to aad Inelnduic Oet- Rapids
Next tbe -MUk Supply.” by
obar :i.
Johoaon. Uread Rapids. 1aad Prof)
Trimse Belle. Sc Clfit
PrellT leir time
u lliiit aboit hiriii; jut
Bicycle Enameled
Step ia aad talk It oror.
.it Sixtion. AffrienUnreJ
•tb believed a milk lusi
eesenlial In every town wbera milk
aold from the waffon and both Ut Doloft Street.
alike bailavad tbat tba impure milk
delivered in cities tbe eaaaa of more
ftlomacb and bowid ticnble la eWldrw
report ba aoceptad aod adopted.
combined- In
fact their concloaioii. were that milk
Motioa carried.
was abont tbe naatiaat and dlrUcai
Fire warden.
tbinff tbat cornea to our tables foi Arnva) sM Svpsrtufv *» tralsv ai Traivase
. 8«
(-)». Is
Ortobrr SimI. UP).
To the Chief of Ibe Fire Oeimrimeat
ot the (^ty of Trareree City. Uicbicao:
The oeit artlclea.
•Tnbercnloal* —-Tm"
amoBff AnlmaU sod Mao.” were ably
Tb tto ii
fiilttlSSB : I ...
• ~
Danphy. State Vet
Cuutn^ u/tto CUv of OaiTri, i 'U|/.
=a==*— ' i r»s
cu, J1 b... .fiu-d ,7b ho.... .u.. iSiaie'i^e
Stock i^l7a% O^intolon
Ueadsmeo:'.^e. Your eommittea to amtned the chimneys aod s^e
pipes ^ # Alverd, M. O . Freatdeaiof State
whom was referred ibe matter of tab and warned ^a people
pie about
tbelr y^jeni Sxiny hr F. D Clark. Sup-r
aahaa and found tba people
. ftople -Ub
fe« j
^mte School for Deaf, and
exeeptiona wllllac to comply wltb
with tbe
the Pr.f.1, WelU.
Wells, 1President of State Board
reapeetfully report tbat we bare in
sllb. were all most enerffeti
illraled Ibe matter aad would
papera revealiaff mucb tbonffht an
the city aubier'
p pe cblmDeye and iDebimoeys
study, and that they were (amtll»
raid work. Toe c>tt to tb« city
repaired which I ordered to be di
with tbe subject aad earocat in ikefr
aaoe will probably aot exceed ibe ti
aod brick or Ule chimneys pat np
of filU per year.
pu....... Pip.,, ik It wUl bi“7iu“
Very roapeclfully.
litty to psy those pi
I. itultii.
utmost Itnportai
snme of the people think we will not;I ^be
. H Cooa
Tbe balance
balance of
of tbe conferenee relaviau
1. J Fsxkkk.
rinti*. and powen of loea
ordinance relative to tbe dntieaof fire woAdn cf health will receive furtber
Committee on Ways aad Wraps,
wardeosffives me ihapowe-.- —**"•"*• c»'‘"UO
red by Allermao HarUacs taal
altention in the near fnti
Sid <
tbe report of tbe comuitlae be
aod adopted
tollob carried.
-Aldermen Parker. Koatwoe. pertaioinff to my duties to fire wardenRespectfully.
Fire Warden ftlb Fire District of the file, and tbat the doctor be tendered
Nays, none
vote a vote of tbanka for aaaie.
City. Mieb
rs* II IS s ■ trMs *%> sarlur rer tsUresU
7b (to H..n»rti/to. <to
\,".l ( Ifi;
Motion carried.
aBpM«, SBC •Ivepvr lirasU ftap>S* le (teclared by Alderman Stoiib tbat tbe
Cxunril •.( tto lUy of Traferyt CUy reporu
be received aad placed oa fi e. T'4 (to Moiu.r.il'lr. 'ht Mayir
TS-v^D:■ iraio bsKpsriwoir te UraeS
Motion ca ried
Council of iht City o' T'ai
Ksi.id>. SBC -b-vpaw rsr SB.1 reert Uvato
We. yoor committee on Ways and
Means to wbom was referred tbe T« (to ti-'itoritMe (to If-iie-r an.l ito Cup
Trsls srrc«<sr s« I P’ p ■ to* sWvpvr
In acourdaoce with tbe rceoluiion
r.BDSU U> llrBSC aspi4- BOC cvsrh aiBi sWpI'oum-U of tht (.'Uv '•( 'IVuwT.r CKli,
matter of tbe low sute of tbe btreri
isr 1-srreB-B.o iBiirsBC Rsp..l>ssd rkalresr
_ .
City Council directing the Board
W Mai-kuiBs
GXMij:kXN-I herewith submit
Public Work, t. prepare an eelimaie
TrsiB krn.iB* St »uup m Ss»t-hslrrsr Ft,
1.. i^B^^Usp-l« BSJ r-s>r rsv lirass
report uf healtb conference held 1
led upon the plans prepared bj
contincent fund to tbr credit of iUreel (trend Rap-ds U.:u>ber Cwb aad ::ib
irffe W Rsfier. tbe board imme
It artielea
on uie proffrem wa*
District Fand'No. 1 notllsueh lime aa
took tbr matter np. and the rvthe money i» oeodtd for conilncent Hacterioloffy in lie Relation lo Fooi
sod other expenaae aod that at tbat
'""wry of hyilwe7rnd
Healiimff tbe importance of tae work
time the mayor and derk be author I Diversity catorato
«>wcity and the maffnilnde of tbe
ted to borrow three tboosand doKars Frofreajr'MoClintoek Detrbil Medical
oers were rerv
usderlaaiaff. the board a» a wbUe fell
at tbe lowest rale ot Intereel outaln- Collcffe. Botb nape
lustivein iaalruc^^ 7o*lW detailing'*ucj-cl aemaadeo tne a
able to roniealab the contincent fund
e viorkin*. of tbe bacleriJloffist and [ pft'Mtak'n* oart In prepanag an
fora term not exeoetiaff later.than
e noeesaary apparatna etc. for bis '
8ept«mber I. 1000.
laboratory: bat It was attended wltb
Youra rery raa^eUollT.
ao laiiffe aa expeaae that it would not
be practicable or poaaible only la large
A. B C(««,
tbe sam given, Tbe tabclated Ibl
TrsvvrBrfjr * X)* •
W. J. P*kKr.R.
Uio KspUb. ; aip b
10 *
terns u berewlil
Tbe n
doe ai-re innd for pumping
HI (Bp a
Mored by Aldarman UsrHsob that Health OSoer ________ __
__ ChH-toO _ j^«*P ■________ i»______
t ed “A Bacterioiogiat a Neeeaaity to a
the report be accepted and adopted.
. .
Local Board of Health." A great por H->ute for eogioeer
3INn NOgn.
Motion carried.
Suciioe main for subairr« rd
Yeas—german Parker. Montacne. tion of this article waa fully covered
e two preceding papers. UowevBatUeirs. Cook. dmtU. Lardie. Garri... . may say tbat bis chief emphasis
aon aad Wrichv
Xr Or.1 SUplU.
4 B>X M
1 Mta*
wu that DO local board of bsaltb oould
Lv UrS ftspid*
T a>
be of mneh practical value wltbont a
TvsvwBB ::jW!«Bis*oe»
^I^J12i"aty. Mieb . Nor. «. ISIWbacterlologisv The paper wu very
•Mp lsvw
D tto Bimarablr. tto Mayor and City ttaeoreUcal and elaborate, bat bow lit
Council 4tf (to (.'Up
rrurerif ('Uy. We be knew of or eensidered tbe eondi
Trmvm* C>
* It
land for reaerlions ot and material wltb whirb our
- jmen; Wa your committee cm local boards are composed lo this north
Lv UK Rsplto
* It
elaimaft aad acoonnU, reapeetfully re woods was to me most marvelons.
ArTVBv*rav(^ _
PS____ -SB
The discosaloD by Dr Crans, Healtb Antomallc aiarm ........
port that we bare examined tba
followlar elaima Md barinc foond ofHoer of Kalamssoo. was, 1 think, both Gate bouse ana reurvoir
them correct would raeomand tbair practical aod logical He argued that ft.lTj tons streigni pips at
paymeat as follows;
every city with from five to tea thonsand Inbabitaals ought aad eonld af TJ t>os special eaatings ij
enstr outbiit mo ■■» i.
$60ford to have a bacteriologist. That
ftaassba Os) I'oielM
there are yonag M O ■ fresh from col 177 bydruDt- with frost
;J^1( Rwtvsy' Cu rrbsw o
oases •< $:: »v ..............
lege who are eqnipped with a microaeone and woold gladly make tbe ez- Valves, water gates aad
rate boxes..........
per.menis repaired by tbe board of
stlOOe'eteeS amhealth for a email remnneralloD while IftO feel steel pips .« $4 W .
they are eitUug in their clbsss wsltlag Rtilway crossiara
Sol Kl
Krswu' MrThCM sa firs wsraeB
Delivery of pipeoa work
• Bre vsrd.o
p r<i
very small expense, aould have a work Lsyiai. . .
err «sr4n.
bydrents and cos
done tbat would be of tbe otmasiralne
to tbs pablu- aad would assist tbe
lirsuJTrs'rrer BrreM. )«b
ptaysldan and bsaltb officer to deter- Ba^tistaadsnee
The* T asM oBke rest
tinffsacisa ...
A m atekrrft |>asu«r aaS •>!
I many dlseasei in taelr lacipieaey.
itlmee many days before tbs atTotal.........................
iag pbyaieiaa dare
In regard to tne seeofti
known bis diagnoala.
tailed saUmaie of coal of thU building
>f tbe bactertelc.
was obtttnsd from a eompetent archi
a a XJ. A F Cw^lpki ter Oetobar
eonld find and determine
ol the eoatamlaatad eonreee of dieease. tect. Tbia estimate wltb all other ea(wOelwhei
eapeeially typhoid ferer. aad taoreby timates, plans and pnifitss wbicb we
have obtained, are bow ou file In fhe
farther lefeetkm aad '
City aerkte office. On the item of tbe
ont at oaee wbai mi, _
Heeaiw Bsrer* emrtal iwisui
bees a serioas aad alarming epidemic. intake pipe aad anbmerged ertb. weobTbe eame of diphtheria aad tcarlet tslned plana, profiles and full dataregardiug
the cost from tbe aty Qerb at
ferer, as yon know, if yon do not. 1
This work at Mnakagaa
do, tbat pbyaldaas are alow and very Mnaksgon
kj reU (er Ortetor
mnebdlallksto aay "a case ofdlph- was ou a much larger aeale but along
linea as
” or. ‘-your cAUd bu tto aearlet
Vluer Pitenyi r
aad la faet it b aereral daya
of daocerooB ehlmoeya.
many pipes sot wired into nhe chimney
allot which lordarod fixed lo proper
eonditlon as sooa aa posaibla. 1 wUb
wax kindly
lailed. aad tb
.pSDU .bowed a dlaposilioB to aid me
^klnw tbelr hons^var
luoklBfftbelrbousmorer^^^^ ^^
SruimplilHlilliMi. i
-' —
West Michigan.
unsfBB in ionmsTin l i.
3b IS ~VSSi“
*{sa*js - *'.‘**»
. . .... baforstobaareeeoagb
BoUly tto baaltb officer aad qaaran- ptats ot tto p—|U-g
ttftabtotoaaa.aftddort^iAlB Umaol,
10_u.w.» onalla M>1
tiil iioiniia;Uo6is.
braakwatar la m
rtW, Tkat wa bataby
a«a«oal wa« plaaeMl aap r«diealaeth{O^Ummmi trou ep^lw p^j
lM)*4ta( w^l »*d aerMOk.
rrieM odofoolriar tba pr>ab1»<Bot kr«acad<*
wm olHataMl boa !*• of U* !»«*<• poa^ for tba aity of Cnlsaeo.
‘ fal
' illr a daewdec aad a batf mgr
■akmefoanpttf Mckiaa-r of tbi* raalU>il
that tbe Urn wa» api
it w-mid aoi loorrr be .
aawarr of thi* grt^i dtp
Bt« tfapUx.
borta-mial aoadvaa
B'oibciaBe aooree fro<a wb«ie« It
aofiaa wiU a'a oteam ' jlladen
draw iu w*tar-aasp:r
Va«t a» Uthr,
two waiar erlLadart wive a caoa
Mleblfae It waa oolf a
- of I we.OOO fallOM par twaatf-l
Hoastkw of time ber>r« tba pal'oiw
........................... la^ul;
w*iora of ibaCbieaco rfrar woald Sod
_ .._l pooada of wort
tboir way into
Uw iotake taoorl
a ^^a4rad
braakwawria tba ii
two a*oatocm tram MleUtao aad
B -a W. d Maatek, oooirraMaao frwa
tbi* diatHoL
k'wad by Alderatas Hoota^aa tbat
tba raaelatloB ba adoptad aad pamad.
MoUoo carriad
Brtca 'iaeladw ooo-.
«>PO'y of
Yaa^SIdermea Parkar. Moattfae.
r ptMlttrar boritmtal !
Howrwar far
ilbarz'wodedlDiothalake. UMtlaia. Cook. Smltb. Urdle. Qairi*
liar bSwa wlib ataek, al. 1
aaoaaadrr tooU aad aoellaaeca. u>r iaooaod Wrlrbv
800^17 kMU aaa aop ia«^^ lo^ ^
enrraaia lorariabty friiowad
Mayilbod 7-,. tht HoturrabU. )h« Muper iiad OUv
e«if 0/ Trar
delirar tba aboaa I ^*^ *^ ^ *‘"*^
ba booa^ fOT laa* '
So«e People objael to drioklo» aewJfieft.uun.
,id o<rt be oear^, atfa erao If ibara w 00 daarar of fat
Ii -.iueioeD:-l rtapectfully 1
ttoc typhoid fater. aod tba aoiobar of mimtm to bolld ao addlUoa
tbcM people IB toereMina eaeiy year. boUdiBf. No. l« rront Btraat
a doty of ooe bandrrd aod uc
One of tbe foremoet lirloc autborltle* be »ot To fzeeed HzfS feet Id lize^aild
feet poaodt of Ue dy wbaal pat^ro
ifmaor VaoctiCO.of 10 feet liicb. to be covered wi^ Irdo.
mirht ba obtaiaad but tba eoat ii rer« on becterlplocy. Profmaor
. kae ez- wi
mock rraaiar. Tba price* obtaiaad or tbe Michic»b State Coivei
proaaed bn opipioo tbat there it dao
__ _______ ________ ___________ _
VblitenBof pomp waa from tweo'y
TbU will
era to thirty tboomad doUara.
Tba C*r of *ertoo* reaolw if we eooUooe Id ooodlUoo* a* yoo impoae.
pamp oaoa wbieb our aatimata U pottlac aeware iou> the bay aod pel oeeeaaltate takloc away a aatall abed
baaad, all tbiafa e'JO*ldarad. tba Board oar domeatte aaoplv from the aame not now covered with Iran,
woald refard aa tba beat for tba oaed*
efthaalty. Tba ptatoo apaad of tbi>
Tbiokinc propie who have
Traverae CUy. Mieb,. Nov. 8 1«».
pampUoae booorad thirty faelprr opioioo
mlaota. Tbte eoold ba locraaaed If re-,
(lalred, ttaoa loareaalo« tba atooooi of
walar pDEsped
Tbaorifloal aatimata
oiada by Mr Bafur called for a com
pousd depiaz ooodeiulnp pump bo'
tba laeraaaed aoooemy of tba triple ez
paaaloa pomp would warrant tba Id
rraaaad oatlar for tba trt sir az oanaloo
hlaUmataa of eoat of eeoaiructinr ibr
raaeirotr aod jaU booww waTepra
pared jolotly by aS arabitaet aod coo
uactlnp maaoo
Tiay bad free aecam
a u> tba full plai
plaoa aod apeeifleatioo*
00 die lo Ua City B
icar'a office aod
v.r rX”.s;;»r' “
Aldermao Lardle tbat the
card to the cootamioatloo of the rewr
l^ollTte diwlTn^m
°tb7 whi
would be draw
drawa from tbe
depth* of Bari
t^* r^op and
made bet'
'iiher* where the water waa dra
from warm. Impure aonreea. tfau
srtac tbe oompariaoo impoaalv*
Io thi* caae the water would be
pumped lo ooe corner
of tbe reaervoir
nowlor aeroa* it U> tbe larpe pipe leadlor to tbe city. We fall to aee bowever, by wbat mrao* It will become upfit for u*e durlof the abort time It itay*
In tba reeervoir.
rrueitwill be open
iraod Traveiee Coooty.
totbealrof Ui
. • aboulthe
. ..
but very few
pr.arnceofnoziou*Kerm. iotbe air io
tbi* recioo
lo tbe oploion of thU Bard, the
meet tbe waou of
the city,
inoierilc aupply and are
aboae workcaobadoue for the amouot
la record to tbe llao of pipe, a few
word* of eiplaoatloo nay' oot br
amim. Tbe Sool aatimata of Hr. Raf
tar ooBtemplatad tba partial um> of tbr
Oampball lyatam. 'I'faia 6o*l a*tiiDat<
ealU for i.ST3'toi>*of pipf aod «i too*
of •paelalt aod l^t'hydraou. but in lb<
opioioo of tbr Board, the tazpayan
oopht to koow wbat a eoopla a iodr
pa^aot •y*tam would coat aod oo'
eatlMtc la baaad npoo tbia eomplala
ayalem. Tbi* oecaacitatr* tbe oac of
noo tooa of pipe, twelve ton of apaala
aod fifty two aztra faydraou over ao'‘
above tbe rarlaed aatimata of Hr. B»f
*f part of tbe p'eaeDt Oaopbel
.................................... ice th.
^ eo»PleW the walk 00 the borth aide
Kroot .troel balween Oak atreet aod
the Hiardmap river brldce -itblo too
Motlob earriad.
Moved bv Alderman
Smith---------that Hr.
----------------Kelly te lotlnicfrt U, repair U
__ boat
*ireet In
front_of H. __________
L. Oartera^
P"lace and tbat bill be preaaoted
to tbe |property owner tor paymopt of
Motion cairied.
Moved by Alderman MaUiai
apa lb»t
when we adjiuro, we adjto meet
at? o’clock p. a..
November 1>.K
at tbe oouocll rwm.
Motioo carried,
Moved by Alderm—
ihr matter of repair* on
referred to the board of poblic work*
for immediate aciioo.
ibU “oard.
Moved bp Alderman Smith that tbe
W. K. CAf KIHe.
city clerk be
aotborized Lo purcl
C. V.
twooopiaaof the city directory 1
O. B
. tTaiivkv
brloK prepared by Polk A Co.
JlWK.I’ll Boos.
Motion earned
Membera of Board of I’ublle Worka.
On motioo of Aldermao Oarriaoo
Moved by Alderman Smltb lhai tbe
duly carried, cwuocil ad^oirined.
'oport ba rreeivrd and placed'on file.
Hotio'i carried.
^ Cuf e'erk.
iKianii <1 , Vt'lllJC WOnkB.
while we bav<- baeo loformad that ■
Trarorac City. Micb.. No*. 4. IMbi.
price of about lt« miebt be obtaioed If
We do hereby certify to the Coaocll
tba eootrtcla were let dorlpf Iba comInc Uaeambar. wa did oot -woridar tliai ^ *a;d City that tbe following U an
we would ba joiilfi'd Id olai-ioff and, •ucuraie acoooot of the oikt of repair*
la and tbee tmlructioD toereof.
rellaoae uooo aneb a paeaibillty. ao>
ttaarrfora adopted tbe price at whlct
czpeDke .thereof, aod tbe aireel
we are certain tbat tbe pipe c»o *ta on
<l*ee wbere aucb material «*• uaed
taioed f>r o<iw.
IVirea oo valvsa. by
draou aod fair bnze* ware obtaloeo laoor performed; aJ*o lb«, ouuitMr c(
from dcairr* aod manufacturer* ii
lay* of labor performnl; aiho
lumber of day* of labor pvrformrd on
Cbicaco aod elaawbara aod tbe bicbrtt
nireeia. and the amount di
price obtaioed wa* adopted
due the
Bur tba delivery
o tba pipe wberr
.. .’*1
y of
aver Deeded on tfatt work,
wa obiaiorr 4Qdcr tbe band ol Pay Roll.
a price of &<i cia per too from a loc*' -.I4***tk* f..r
eootractor who baa team* and mea aoWw »«wi* baildia* W u. ubi1>
Al M .
U fully qaalified to do tbe work
rninl'irvei tuilaiord ai .uail* 11:
Wiree for tue treprb'ofr and laylop
• j>w>-rl. llalu«a:wi. aail.l V
of pipe were obtaioed from Oranr
U^*nll.k> li^ldlUK a. 7
Bapifi*. Moakefobaad Cadillac. al»•.•ni) lo
from Mr Campbell.
We b&ve labored to make tbU repor
lor the
, <iri.»-jiatt uim* •
• valur; to brioc
tbe matte
I date.
■a been ibdulfed io.
■ Itrnuwer
Item* were eolleeud and Ubolatn
d when finally footed up. rrpreaeou I,,
abncoal to toe city of tbe Kafler ay**{
tarn of water worka In our oe*t Judy [ Braifaz >outb *t>uiw*i.i oi L'm*
Paid For Accident and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.
Is tbe amount paid to members from January hit, 1889 to Nov
ember 1st, 1899. $4,886.78 of the above sum wae p.iH ’*----- here In Traverse City and vicinity rii.rin.f th.
ThU record should convince all that In order to be safely
protected it is best for you to cairy your
Accident i Sickness Insurance
Claims Paid From Branch Office at Traverse Citv
since January 1st, 1899.
K^r<-l*io- w ti.r taapeciiwa *1
4sd r-twlrvT
W ti> 111* h-wrd irt I-Uf.lf M..T1LI.
Ikfir eirwllu* *rT>* Ouiu llui* lu
irll lu*) «|P»I1 «a,a« iluIlM •a*li
..u,i.r«„ik ^
.i^rtiwi'i* a'rr^to*.
____ _________
1 avatem of water *1
ply I ilnadi'^uate
« fi
for tbe need* of t
city, eliber for
r fire prolectioo or d<>
TbU fact brlniTB o* fac
to face with tbe problem of providing
aomettainy better and. laryrr lo mae
— ............. _..-ar»wiae
Miumra bl..
d lo a mea* I .,0 niwM a..
-n priocipa I Tvabi lab-.i
oreoftbe fotore.
oaa* of a water a rale m
Uoaaod domeatie uae bat ‘he oood
----- iiu**i-bool lot. leariue u|.
aod lajiw
la)ic,4 eaik
aalk m
tio* wbieb would fill all tl e roiuire > on* aoj
oeeda reaervoir for domeatie -uae bu jCiraaia* u|. lusber aod >t«i
r w I •*''
1 Deed it for fire prot
tbe beat prolMtiub
auaofpplaioD araonc all larye lo>u
ancecompaoie* that a praviiy ayaiem
U the beat lyitem may not be llfbtlr I
roew men a*e alndy
.ear* 10 aiirr
Inrlbeaoiject of fire l.wae* aod »r.-!
proteetioo from tbeaUDdpoiat of dol ; "jioV-mb<i. .1.
-iara aad eenia. Tbe eiperi koowledr>-1 Uktiv**'** •iuai>
rarwrdlar flee loaae* aorfire protection 1
which Ibeae compaoie* have accumu ,
iw *ld-.al
lated IB embodied io role* and reyul*
« *..r»ura.~
re. *Bd II,F
tlont for tbe better prole.
prolectioo of ‘
•'d la MN
lada foF lF*a
. >P«riy lo all eliK* aod
tbroaybnot toe eouDtry.
In all la*y
Keepeetfully kub n<*ied
plaou where tbe deaire to obula
H.-ini‘ci> 1 1 iii.ii W..Kk«.
loweal rale* for iaaur*oce. tbe c
W. B. C.U.KIX-,
paole* demand tbat tbe owner abal
A. W KlrkkRU.
comply with BucD rule* and reyolat
lion* a* have been adopted by th
Moved by A
A’derma Smith tbat tbe ■•'rrrl,*^*.*oi f,!r
Uoderwrller*' Aaaociatiofi. and afwav*
and that
and in all <
ordered paid aa recommended,
mann* a-e at band to pn vide iaatantl i
a larfie volume of waterfor proteenoD. that the c'erK preeent a fil l to UamU
We do hereby cerUfy that tbe foret.inA
the rate* are tbe loweat.
polny ordinance waa paaaed tv '
fravliy ayatem bavioy t
ample r
i. beat a
voir and diatrlbnUon
n pli
ivember. A. 1
A. W. Bl. K
llpya- f
am of file
fi>e eprotartloa
•U >0 aod Wriyhl
and tbe firwrlly ayate
(•emlemeo: — Voor committee 00 orfinawer* received from lo«)elriea ad |
la^e toaurMc compaoie If“••»<»»• bey to anbmit an ordinance
nafioaltfiedly eodorae the rewervo r :'?T
I abail
ayatem aed if we• have a reaervo'r all aldewalka built of
of fonr million yalloo
nlloo* cnpai-ity rn th- kept io yood repair
H Mum *1.1 r
Mynlficlrnl elevatloo
wb oh naiurK W Haemx.*
baa providrd ua. It ouyht V> make a(iR» W LkKIilF.
Inanrance man pat th* raica down
Commute 00 ordioancea.
where they belony. 00 tbe bouom
Wa would rayard the reaervoir a*
Moved by Alderman Mootayoe that
pnraly a fire pratacUon Item aad a* the repon be accepted aod that the orMew Oflae. MaAhati Block
worth every dollar tbat U coata
dlnaoce be adopted and paaaed.
la rvyard to tbe aoorec ol eupply and
Motiop carried
parity of lb* water, li aeema to u« t
Yeaa—AldariMD Barker. Hoatayue.
bntllUU need be arid
No oac baa o*' 1 Uaekloy
. __ Smltb. Lardie. ilarriUaakloy-.. Cook.
jtrtod tolbe qoalily of the water
f, *on and Wrlyhv
Baal bay aad a yraat many people a ;
Olva them a call.
ob}aet to Weal bay. While UUr«»tla view of
tbe fact that Traverae'
ad that tbe We*t bay water U y v'< | City U oae of tbe muat importaat lake
«moayb at piwaeet. that fact will 101 do 1 poru of the north owlny to the volume ,
tha fatara
aod U U ea taia
tbat -... of 8mIomdone bare and iu pecallar
laoriiilay amoael ot, aawaya wl'l y . locality, tbat It U now a port of entry
talo tha Weal bay every year. If o*
Idatloo aad wave aylutloa will fiarifv Bumber pf veaaela eacb iaa*op enter,
aawaye. why did the pity of Chlearo, aad clear at thU port and la the Im- I
yo to tha azpanaa of dlyfilny
liny a thtrtv j medUU
it U hereby
....... it
•alt la ra->
Bawdvad. Thaia
. ..Dentist..
Morse Bros., Noose Paiitors
488 If Xlmwood At*.
John R. Santo,
Geivil lisoriocs.
that V OU snould carry accident and sicltness insurance. caU at
my offloo over Johnson's drug store, and information will be
furniehed by competent clerks
Send a postal card and we will mall you partioulars.
Do not watt for some one to call on you—take the Insurance
before you are hurt or get sick.
This Protection Costs but $1.00 per Month.
APPLY TO............
J. M. Blakeslee
District Superintendent
Nnick Offict RtM I. Mum IImL
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