The Morning Record, February 01, 1899

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The Morning Record, February 01, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Tov* or w*tT xvotsi


Promlaaat Soaatota.
2>«BUUi4*d b7 0«n«rsl Ooiow'
Cbieaco.Jaa 11 — A aoeeial to the
. to P«7 OabsB Troops.
Tiibaoe from Waeblortoa aaya that
Sewatary Al^er. tbe aoembar* of tbe
wm Wot XN*m4 Mm Armf 9t 40,- aaaaU aod bcaae military eoatmltteae
000 V*ta K« BmMtm UM Momt- aad their wire* wUl teer tbroorb tbe
AnMtMMt aus* Weet ledlea They will eail from Kew
Yofh OB Mardt 6. Immediately after
Of 0<Mnl OMis VHk OaBed tbe adjnrometit of eoapreta. oo tbe
‘ Ot»W» OoTCfBMBt.—UtM4» M
April 1. Tbr party wQl lira oo tbe
OSM te BM OfliMts.
steamer dario( tbeaoUra trip aad uka
■•w Torfc. Jam. il.—A afMlkl to tkM
abort Jaaota late tbe iaierlorof Caba
TriOo* tnm Moohiogtom fj* th« aad Porto Bleo. They will ye to atady
MuImo Owdm hM dcaMsdad a«*rlr
ibe mUUaiy reqatremaaU of tbe
OH.aooAoe Iras tbe UelMd i)uu* Md
nfBin todUbMd bU -Mmf"antU the
■OMTltpeM. Be hM repedUled the
wreofeaeat me4le b; OeUxto Oareie,
who ease to Waeblartoo wKh aathorl«f from Oeerral Oomtt to vrowiAt tar AgBlnst SsdaeUoii of Boot
«he retera ef the Osbase
Snsor BotiDtp.
femlta. At that Um it wee agreed
that the nelied 8'atea abooid diitrtbaU
aboatSa 000.000 aaoer tbe K.OOO Co- Tbe Bsymeat of Wb<eh « OaletOated
bM» Mid to he ettll nadcr aroa. Kor
to Xnaiire a Stated Prloa for Beau
wore thae a taoatb tbe pay eoroa haa
heea waklaf ready to earry oat the ar.
LaaaUur. Jaa. II.—KepreoeDted Meraarameat, the oattoBal dafeaas faad
Cairo bill to eat tba beet aafar boaoty
halac arallable for the
It was laleaded that the Cebau at from ooe to oae half eeat a p.ned. aod
traasfcrtbe admialaterlae law from
the t«x>er Uwe aboald apply at tbe
the ladB eommimiooer to tbe eeerataty
MtaWlahad AaerleaB
^ **''
laaa pwtapea, where, tbtowlof dowa of eute, bat aUrred op the farmers all
the aUte. aod pmtests are camiod
their arM aad freeantlac proper ereThere are at least ball a doaeo
dtlltlti they were to .reoalre their
paolm which expect to be In shape
^AotM of allotaeat fro® tbe pay
thla year's erop of beets, ae
a be eaea that a siroay flybt will
Oeaarat Oewea baa oowa oat araiaat
^ aebmi aad atraek for rraator be pat ap ayalDat aay ehaafa belay
etakaa Be allerea that hU aray noa- mads.
^ta ef 40.0M mea. aad laaUu that, Tbe lefiaUton loterestrd la the reMt of the® iball hr paid for three teoUoB of the law may m oearly ap­
yaara'aerTiee at the ralea which pre- proximate a majwiiy that by a little
aaU la tbe Bolted Stalea aray. Be skllifal tndiiiy they eaa doabtleaa pat
taM the date ef the Cahaa deelarattoa the NeCall bill to sleep. Ko doabt
of lodepeodeaoe, Pebroary *i. »96. aa ibUUwbat will be dooe. Tbe paythe beffaalDr of tbe prrtod for wbleh meat ef a bnaty 1* all Uiat lotorea
ho hlmerlf and bU foreee aoit be re- tbs farmer a stated prise for beets.
Mr. McCall's rmaao for proposior a
aaoeratod at the aaao ratra as Ibo
redoctioBj* that tbe oomber of ftoOalted Siatea oAoera aad i
toriea promisee to iDCreasa so rapidly
it win baokrapt the state to pay
Ooaeral Oomn baa aboat tweaty
te preaeot boaoty.
m)or roMrala. aearly M
Doriaetba preaeBt asoBtb the fraateawale, aad their pay wbold aerrofau U.TUAOO lor reoermle aloae ‘ ebls* feea paid tbe aUie ayrresrated
tbe Belted Siatea pay rate. Tbe amy Stt m. or more tbaa eaooyb to pay
paymatara who tfved oot the total tbs salariaa of ererybody eoaaeeted
hare rei>ortod that wore than SST.OOO,. with the aute departmeot for the eaaoo woald be raqelred to frailfy all thr Ureyear.
Aaotbar bly eopper eompaay. tbe
Aoaaade Oeiiml Ootaec baa aiada aa
Tri-MoBBUla Mlatay eompaay, of
Boayhloa, Sled arllclce of loeorporaUoB today. U Is esplUlixed at SI MM.OOO. It paid a fraacblsefeeofyi.iM.



lOfiatatlro /aok^re OIrea to Uadwataod That Be la a BUeet
-roaeJb lity.
Maniarttr. Jaa. 11 —Peter White.
Jadfa J. W. fltoae.Oad Smith. Mayor
Viedbart aad other eiUuai of Mar^aette baaqaelod lb* jeaketlof leclaUtora last alflit. aad la the eoorse of
the after dleaer aperefaae earns oot the
foot tbata boom la already ni
lor Prior White for foreraor. There
dose ikotaeemtebe aeytblac deSalu
yet. bet It le aafe to eay that
Wblte'efrtrodearokeeplnpUboo the
eltoatloo lod^aiate with a view to
eaterlBf blsl^lheraoeat the pn^r
time, most likely io IWa
The eiiicAoe ef the opper pealaaola
iatead to laod at IbU mmalea of the
lafUIature the aule eormal eehool
they hare beaa after foraemaay yean.
Beery speaker at Iba faaDqaat mralioood tbe matter. Tbe locaiioa baa always been one of tbestaiDbllny blocks,
baU a dotes apper pool
loiasala towoe
wsaUar a. ThU Ume It appears that
tbs people will make*nreof thesefaool
intaadaetifotheloeatioa afterward,

Jodg« B. It. Ooristt Mbk
Bars Basa l|iirds^^^
Committee bf, Itoeal AttdneyeHaeo
XerestfCated aad la Thelf Beport
ZxprearOpalm That a Crime Wee

doaeyoaeBB leluatioe. wean
to tbe oplaloB that then is e
tenw rsaaea that
oersobs to do bs they bare bare
dooe aad that they an either withboldiny fact* that woa’d exp ain wbo
or are maplan
blame,>B an iDDoeeat persoo. ia eoa-;
daaioe we. wish
te ss.y that U oar op !
ioloo Cbarlm
barle* Corbett Is io bowise re* <
aoobaible for hU fatbar's death,
pereooa refo_______ ________
bartay aay kouwledyc that i
ebaoye or aoBdrm U

That the SOB of tbe Jadyo Pid Vot
Bhoot HM Bather.
Sooa after the deathofJadraBoecoa
L. Corbett, who was the rietim of
Jon A. Loaaxei
what wae eopp^ to be aa aeetdeat
while haatiar la the apper peolasala.
a mactlac of local aueroeya aad baiiDsm mea was held to laqalr* lato tba
elreamataaeea of the abootlBf. Thera
wae a prcralliby eeatiaieal that too Otia Bepona CoBUc-oaBee of Improv­
mceh mystery *i
ladedtfae tnfedy
ed OoBdtUOBS-Jtyoeeino meyisi a doabt aa to
ten a Protest.
wbelber tbe too of Jadye Corbett.
WsablBytee. O. C.. Jaa. ll.—A dts-^
Charles, bad not aecidebtally fired tbe
laUI shot. Thla latter doabt was ao- patch baa been reeeind at tbe War;
tertalbed by a few. aad'that beeaase Depenmeat from Geoera) UHa ooUbya
the baallby party kwated Bear where aeoaUaaaaee of tbe improremebt Id j
the Jusye wue shot eeeiacd to penUt tbe altoation at Maoila raeatloaed Io j
la Icadlay to tbe belief that tbe too bis loey meseaye of last Friday. At
faad Brad by aceideat tbe shot which tbe ead of the mcmeye to the Mary De-1
kUlad bia father. As lOTtaUyaUoa,
waa qoiellr made to determiae
8ed by'the AeUUc fl*«l Adiairal
U..1, 1. ... Cl»rl«' r>.
lb. .bo. Ai; 8«lo I.,p.b-oroUr, „l tb, Pillploo »
Ui. b»oUu n..bUob«l. .blob .oo|J““ bm. 1.1. o.tb. ...o. O.p.,.. ^
b.ldlblb.oB»oIJ. A L™.,..,
bboU... loot outbo.... ■
ooodaaitaly abowe that Cbarlca Fdlpa AyoadUo. Ayalaaldo'anebt 1a
WaabiaytoD. d
lyioy tbe latter,
was cotTrely trae from all blam®
S' d to Secretary Bay,
The next atep was to make a lhor>
ooyh ibreBtiyaliaa aod a committee was a loay aiemorlal to the aebate. Ayappointed to aeoanala facta wblcb obdllo asked that thU be tmemltted
lid throw laon liybt oe tbe to the eeaate thronyb tbe preeideat
tnyedy. Tbeoo®.Liit«e baa just atade for eoeeUentloD la eoqaeclioa with
iu report aod is . ' : .r tbehiaioryof tbe peace treaty. Tbe memorial says:
"It woald be imperUaeat ia me aod
the Isvcatlyatioo
- ^ express tbs
opibloa that It was not aeddsat. bat I shall not attempt to makv any anydmiya wblcb oaased tb* death of ff»tkms relatite to tbe
Jadye uorbetu Tbe followlay report t **>•tbe eame Ume I must
ylree tbe fibdloye of the com Jilitee ana
aadentood as protnUny. a* tbe repItwlU be eeea that the laqnlry was |
iodepeodoat Pblllpthorouyb. and made with a dew of}
"PaWl®. that tbe Uelted Sutee
detrrraiblBy Ibe fact* in a tnyedy 11’** bo jbtledleUoB, aataral or aeqnlred
wbieb shocked all Doribera Hlebiyaa throoyb acy of lu ayeoellb. to adjadiand aboat wblcb there U etlK a pat- cate in aay a Boer apoD the rlybla
»and people.”
dlny myetery:
Tbe commit
.te tl
ration aod eonslderattoo of fad*. Lord Boberw of 1
r Coaeiden
ib<d toe ooBdusioa
DisanBameat Impraotieable.
by7 accidenl;
aaa U
Bnberta of
1 wUifal aad premedltbe sboetlay
Raadshar points oot what be eoasld*
TtU reaeoi for tbl* OMCioaloB la ] cr* a faul detect io the Cxar'e dlsannairat propowi. Be eay* tbe bari



Is spent in the house—Hake it as pleasant
as possible, and begin at onc& See our
new 1899 styles of WaU Paper. The larg­
est stock In the city is now ready for your

4B 220 r«mt St.

“QUy Bookstore.”

118 Oaleo Street.

Telepbobe No. 4L

I The Finest StockHFuneral Goods

a abort uUtaacc away.
mlyhl iadaee cirillted rare
Third: Tbe' boliei
loliet estei^
eBteied at
a' thel^ji^

may ladlaa of 8U Fraoels
disarm would bare i
effect e
!h will yiTs a sard party to lb* beck ellyaiiy to tba left of Ue
' barbarlaes. As loay a* there ■
bus* and paeird tbreayb
school ball ttaU erealoy at « o’clock. bonxMtally cvmioy o
' ' many barbartani,force will be reqeired
All arc oordially lavited to attoad aod of Uie body in treat, usuloy off see- \ to reatraln Ibelr oprislays ayalait
ood bailou frra the buiuw
jg I letter to W. T. Stead’e
brloy frieoda. AdailMloo 10 euta.
M. C. OrtaU has reoeotly reeciced
two letter* from S. C. Fuller, of UrFclartb: Tbal Jadye Corbett was oo ! War. Lord Boberu andonbtedJy exaoyaCity. Fla., formerly oftblsclly, tha .cit band or nurta stoe of the ruad-1 preaace tbe yenersl feelin? of refl. eiire
isqotnoy after Uciatt's oew peien*. bl> way waikioyeaetabdlhe d.rMlfoa of'
cycle wheel. AUo aUtloy bM dmire from nuruiwoai
aciual sitoatiJb. L>rd Boberu adds
for the aysBcy io hia.looality.
that while experieoeed eoldlen bare
Fifth: Thaiblasou Cbarte* was oa do lore for war, whu^.' raormoos
There will be a i rctlay of Tnrerse
, waste* aad btrdabipa they are la tbe
lery this arealay. Work
' best pcaitlon to realix*. be belle*M dla
la tbe Temp'
sbai waa boi loaded.
{armsRieot impraeUcable aatil cUillt'd
Tbe second of aUerlea e^te >xi'«lra
brreoib: TbatJu-iye Corbett carried I nsUobt ayroe to real eoaieat with
will be held la Forreten Hall Wc...
day ereoiay. Febraary 8th. Mnale
will eommuMS at 8 p. m. sharp aod
alx feet or leas of bU faiacr at tne | ebsll yire place to clelliutioa all orer
dost at li.
Umeaod waa lookiay to the soatb or! the world. Wlffaat would be tbe fate of
TbeWomao'a MlssJoBary Society of
1 did not see faira anUl the iDbabltahU of ‘the rlrllited natbe First Baptist cboreh will meet at after be bad fallen.
Ninth: ibel the Ineality where tbe tloBs. be asks. If they ehonld drprire
the home of Mra.UlllU. oa Suie oreei.
abvuiioy occurred was surruuoacd on tbemeelres of tbe means of def>
oa Wedaaeday alteraooe at I o'clock.
all sides by a dense thicket and Umber ayalattlbe barbariaosf What would
The WooiaD'a HUUoaary Society of yruwth rraderiny it ImpoesiOle fur a
the Preabytenaa church will meet tbU' bullet IO trarerse orpase larouxb. aod
that to tbe norlbwcst or the directiun
aftcraooa with Mrs. W. P. Croteer.'. Ml ' whence the ball must bare CAme. the
Webster street, at I o'clock.
tdiekei was deaac up to wiUUa foar or
Dick Baatrr. who belde a posiUoa
at tioBtb Boardman, was forced
_ , irtyof the.'fire
Teaib: That the yroand whan
Creaeeot baad will be yirra Tbanday I
Corbett ft
foil was twaire to foar- returuto hie home ia this city yester­
•■ByeatioM to Taror ToBoy Ladlm Blybt la Foreeten' hall. Each danelay;
aa aecoant of sickaess.
loehm -loi than the yroand,
tbket wUl bo aoeompaolad by aMeket 1 hack four rods to the northwest. This
With luinteUva Talks.
b, u,, I.AI-. j
Tbs eaaeast of the laetara aoerae ar- ....... u, b.
TBsyad fur yoaay mea baa prompted
EJilb BaeUayt of Baadolpb aUoat, iLm tbe yroand waara tbe ball an ,
tered would tad.eau that tba yaa
M. B. Bailey to eayyset that yaaay' Ueafferiay with the yrip
whea fired was aearcr theyioubd tbaa
womea oanid profit by a similar ooarae.
TnrsneOity lodye No. 7». Emiybts tbe beiybt of aa ordinary mao's aboalMr. HutUy bellevee that msay yoaay of Pythias wUl ooofer the third nah der aad wsa probably ftrml from a rest
womea la the city ooetd darira yrsat t-poB acveni eaadldau* tbia arenlay.
or kaeoiloy poatore.
These tacu is eoBBaetion with Biaby
baasfii byaaoaraaof leetBro* treaitoy
0. T. t^rawB has raBpoB tba varkn* pfofaaaiaaa la wkicb‘ oeired word that the Manistea acbool otben cxpiaaauary of aad wblcb throw
liybt on tba mala facta bar* led yoar;
moataa a** eayayvd slao tbe oSo* pori
I will rialt ibU city Friday, eommiuo* to reach tbe oobcIbsIob .
tlaoe aal varioat baataaM Uoa* ' Febraary IT.
We desin to aay farther that rariovs'
wbieb women are boaomlay pBrtleaUriy
Him Cora Miller U oodfiaed to berr exporlmt
rlmebta bate bees made with eoeb
sdapkad. Tbe ylrl rradaalae at a rale
jot uc y
Sara at oace to usMblay aod It b iraa.^ home oa dtate slraet by iUa«
^.olAplo.... o,L». I
that tbrae fuartbs or mm taro to that,
____ odbyellher.
... 1A».-Jl«l j«»nAr .mil.,;,«„i,.„l».npr-----------------peefeealo*. While there
are Moy other
Min to eay that it baa been
eolllan -hrra womea eoald do as troll
diseaa*. at her baste 1a Orialu I We also desire
I reported by different persoea and eaBBd msay of them be better aeitod. Mr. Dr«e*eed wae eereotr yew* at aym
ipecmily by tbe party of beaten that
BoUey bss reeeirod so maebeacoBnirw
Mica Wlaifred Faller •atertalaod k I wrrs eamped a««r Jady* Corbett's
>at Jadye OorbaU waa aeeiIt ia bU idea that be wUI ask
Made by HIdtIyaa Telepbooe Oo.
' bissoaObarfoa. Why! for any elaaa of oerrioo deelrod.
ilaeat Travene City womoa to araboald bare baaa'
s a coarse of loeiarea. to taclode, sinet. The affair wae ylvoa la
y after tbs facta war*
e. teaehiay, law. miillnint. y
• of bar neevateeaih Wnbday.
..........................kve been UBable to da■allam. pbarmacy, patnUay and vari-1 lidcoa sapper tras served hf Mim^ol- < termlne bat thta wa are eertala aboat.
at esd of etx asdatbc ar ebaay*
VOS other bnoebes of art. alao b Aok-1 ler.
Ahat aaeb sutemeau an
m aay class ef aervies at wOl.
wiihoat foaadatioa is fact: we saay
keopmy. stsMcnphy sad kiadreri voMn. Oaroy HaU Is qaUo otek with , •y farther that we have rapaatadly
Telopboa* tba maBsyor to aaU
oatloas The object of tbit eoowitrUl frtp.
aad axplalB BOW rata* adopted by
reqaeatad tbaa* poraoM te
bethemmaba that anaayed 1-r tba
Mr. BBd Mrs. F. L. JobBSOB «< Bow- ewura or wnttM atateamt o< mmom
facuos they auy paisma taialatioa
yomy men acd it le very tlksl.' that ara a*rbor, ntorBcd
to Jadyo CfarBatt'e death; tbia tbe*
tba Ua* will meat with aonaat bpr'oi.. OrBBd BspIds.Lwbere they bee* beee have tailed oad rafaaed to dm ^
vWUayniatlvM te the past mooth. jwbUayoBf ■fimmlllii deaa apt wish to

AioraBB oooBSB roa

a Person's Life

^ “'i;



. Bat keploat of aiybt on til saeh a timeaa wanted.


------------- BUY A BOX OF--------—^

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I Buying Logs! I
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Trayereo City Lumber Co. We hevo alee 3



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J. W. ailLLIKEN.




t.^4 «PM Md Kr. tau*

*• tta tad
ta ^
_... MtftftaB
- ^ W
Mtur taw, triTlo) It oooB>d, Tbes
tateldtawoidtaM Ita <M)i of tta
won gtatarof wta to tMpmmi to 1*^
4ofttaS«lM«rTo»c MmA ritootttatawohtoariotaMd »t in
b T SM
^ w. 1
MM Stand tta ItaBoii
UB4.<4d«ytad dtbt. r*t%»€Um of
Ufc« ■owm.iBta by
of Ita tatfbtrot otwopftpr wittera i» i
TtaoWoodtaWfota.^ «*»••»■ UM oeofttry touplMlj tatt taelr'
roofta lor yooc m
i> iiUftUty ift ttaobMftrity of tta odl-|
Thfty Itoft Site.
Uhtwy faoU Itat wlflrt by «ta T. Mriftl-rooBft Tta tabUo f«ta tbft
Tta ftftkM ftftriTftl ftftrTleB tald tato
Pftopto of tta Ptoft Traft toaU tnli^
,. wta oddtBota tta your ■« ft»B UMTO
to Ochft* worth ftftd r«alM:
, ftrftftlar to toft BtpUftt ehimh won tat^'ttobrfttawhletir»«»
ftrjooMUMkor otrleOy ■fuklar.
ig ftftd ft rmt dftftl of roodwoft
itaUic light ta Bad. to toow «t tta
__ _
DebiUoMot tta momV
tidoo which USaoiwod poblle oylftioft
troB tta BnUor- Mat- Bare,
Md «»rt ft pewor 1ft ftlftW or BfttiOft.
dftctrtofti ftppftrfttnft Witoto tl)ft dob ta
Poptl»»<j, ksd ftftar ItatniDf to toy Joan of toft rrtcBdft toarto proftfthTta ftddm wm dllftd with Moy i»l
Ttn. . bk,. » .CTct.
sscr«thM>i tor yooftf *•» ftftplriBr
•d ttat ttaM yrMMt woro-owror
•PeyginoftM of Sift*. “
IftAlftBCtw •( taatortft.
ftftd B«»t ftdBlt toft*, moeh of Wtal he' taet
lo taooBC ftowftpftpu^ worhftfft. ftlioblu
(fota ft ktawUdfo of tta KcV. W. K. tv right wUl
Tta «ft»»>eat ta ttftdft by Dr Bota- toy* *■ toft troth, Be ImpraMn ooeftaiUol
of ftdvloe whleh mlrht dlraet UftcSoru
«dl Wtatod by PkoCmkw efftwft.
dwply ftpyrotav-Lj ocu^ Fnach nOitary mageon. ttat • b.b of bratoft » dxu of r*ftloft. who oocniy the palplt tftsigbt.
Mr. BftUo tai tad ft'
BftftUftg froa It to 1
•ta ta^l^< ftiid llftoyofth* ycmor taw pcft^^ jZSuB ■ufftftiBg frutp BuJoiiftl ftffftC- woold bft to the TftB to ftfty walk of
Ibtaft'of ft Bftftkftdor taMt life which he Bight ehoofte to ponne. o'eloek will ta held to tta partanftf
bftTo ft MWftpftpor Ufa U Mow t^
ehanetB. »lwfty» irefteot ■ pftooltor
tta Bapttat toamh:-taalftftd of toft
iTft Bftfty Ihl&rft to thtok aboat whleh dlaodwftUoa d tta aidta. tota. it ttao Be alto hftft toe noble iBprm of ft hnBftftft Bftft. wboftft big heart, pregnast Lftdtae Ubtftiy •• pmrlftu y aatotp tk« «
thfty hftd ftot taftn ftBcooo»«r»d.
dMBft. belar tod*TftBd«tof tta loenUty with toft Bilk O? koBMB ktodBMft. dl- aesBoed.
____ lb* tmtto of tba
to whleh tta malftri* wm cantractad. nc'ftd hi. rrftfti Bl''d towi^ hta felZfl^oatoftAfty
(WfaM prMMto » MiiAM •Ittt'
tl ftftd toft ftotoftt workiftf aide
U ta baa fooad io nldier. fr.dii TooA thto eoftt of toft ftppftftnd oa tta............. .........
n» eoaaiUM k*v« «w«(all7
It ftrrnr» before l^ft-oeo .nd suie mwa .ta^tofttol the
MWftpftpftr ijwln >1 WftO-htfd or
r prrblfti. ■!>< ft
I tatOtb* ellVWBMftMW *0d for l-wpftetloo. oot tta «
My yftfttftrday Borator. rofteblar oat ^ rigor. Incteuiog dnrinr tta cold
I arvuk
ttetawrl«^ Urty Utftrtftlftftd by thi
•boat tore. Bitaft. Tta tay botor »tUl' tar*- attaiotog tta mbxiuituu to tta 't\inian<'
afior which it
Vr. Uftta w>l:-evior* h«n Fftbr«ftry_
H««(J«dc*0(MU. lid M tf* •ftoy '.totaft, to ft toa<
aodrr tb«»B.doB of tta 1
m tetol Aboi. tat
wiiMt • ▼WJ
‘ nd to tta oftftftftl ObdSaft’S^'fiStalrbJ^^t’^S.W'
tta •crw toft wportftT or ftdUo^^^^ of
tftlnea vtaitar It mehed to. Jhta dtaeolenuoa. which hu «tao boea
lltsted crlM. Tbe toft tororta of Mftftkiftd.
lel*»d., Th. 'MdBt regtatorad thl.________
‘ marked ly other uhecrTMrft has goato WVTUt ,* dy^
' mllj becB luokedopoB Mdoetodr•lOftft
tKU w
eoiatorytTbnUndoriug the cold Rftgft;
6:10 yeaterday Bcretog.
i but
Mourding to Dr Boi«»i». U cannot

- _
'be too* ftccoaftMfor. u it tagtoi beu n ll«N<ta 4
> pntabU froB.
•numa ass.

fftATsaraorrT. - mami

XhifL T. ■»*«-

T<nuw M« Abostlt.



Blame Your

Pmak IbalAtM
ft 9^ >rftoU
•1 Tftih TrfttftTdfty.
Hr. riftsk HftBlltoB wu ft Tftry wftl•MftatorfttttaHlrbftohool ytlta5T Men ftp pipn ta tonUd the
ptaotw to ft nry toMMUor tt^k o«.
^oiliiT" Ufft ftftd tta wftyTftad Biftftiw
plbftftOBlftr* bftftlM tofta or won•b,''e»dlftrbtotoll( byptftfttattortoft
gtab Mboftl with ft tarftftiftft <h*t

ftfftpolBftdft. bftfrrow." Orow
iBto toft dfttoUft of toft boftlftftB by «nnsttUftC Iftbor. ftsorn ft"d ftftlf dftoyiM ponftTftrftae*. U rotorrtft« tolbr
o* io*ru»n»m.’ V ft|rtofd tot
fttplnukV for oftw^pw dtoUootloo that
If he ftTftr took ft ooorftft to Oft* of tow»
Mto ftftd'ftfWrwftrdft ftoorbtftpoftl
Uta'oB ft tanp«tar. ta ftboold keep
IftOtft Cftorat, ftft ftditon era not iodtoftd to ylre «■■«>> eoeoar«rea'
pftpUft froB ftftch ftebooU. BftdftoUnd

how toobuto to. grefttcftt .dv.BUg, doe
Tb lb“ '
toow ml CNM-paadr* v'bit.h are d.Mttoed
to ta dMtro) nl doring the acoU- ctage
Bcr to which it ta drnnk. If for topintof ould water be swuilowAria uft HUl..
«d ft. a large draft, or if it ta taken in
^ «^tiOc yottnail b«. that borioj
two portion, with a abort intend hw ^ i,
csoolUu*. andhanDlwftproMTtween. certain drfnit* raralta follow— attire of milk and that to Uw qaantidfecta which differ tr^ th.iiw which
^tinmary Sot fWewmtioB it. pmwould hare renlted from the bb.
ta d. t«eed either
eitbei hy tta '•J’lou:
qBantitr taken by ripping Sipiiing ti
of lortc or ..f
of iau,.a
lou*-a Fii
Fire g^M fSSLin
a thing which BdiBHTdriftking ta ta-t.
v. rrm-e day.. »rcnrdingto tta
During tta act of ripping tb* action of
eicrciwd In the ctaafting of tta

sZkL^rwfttTnr^rtoft^i^^ ST“A:?

toftt toft taftl iBW.p.p*r,Bftti..prior

from tta boyi who ftTo thrown totofto
, wbUft yoftM ftftd Bftdft to work
. SlbwlBWft. BMftdrlofttOTOBftfpfto- torir w»y ftft.
|U.wbob*d»otyfttftdlftetodft prbto
to Tfttorrtor to tta preftftot ftT" Mr
pot to ta la ft bony, to Iota Sfttftft dftctorftd toftt U ta Oft* which
docft not meroly morft, hot ••bao»" ftrd
l^ft, tat DOt Bftrlftot ftfty <
ta who woold kaep op with to* prooe._
l lUftH. Bft ftftld:
•Pl kft ftfrftld of b*rd work, for If yoo aloe B»t ftftftrctae to. Boat ftftUrinr
4p yoft will BOW Bftkft ft ftfteoBft to .oerry ftftd pnrroMtn ftpirlt. A b.d
U tol If fov tfforto ftfft ftot aoiioftd by teroto ftfteDftB to tota oftlltog toouid
' jpv ftBployftr. to^ wUl ta to UBft by tan ooftfideaec to blnaftH. fttrftnrth of
taftioaiftr. ftftd ft dfttftnolftftlloB to do
Bft ftftld toon wnftoftoentft for aay ftftd dftf.: tbftftftrT fftot of ftftch ft trof j
lay or'rlrl ftbttoSayft sol Bftkfiir ft gletaitig B.eftM.ry to tot
aaoftftfti to Ufa If tofty bad toft qullty toe .tfOBgoat ineenUtft to a«l<B.
«| ''fftt toftta- to toftB. with ftU toft raferrwi to the b«.toftB flfty yean ftro
St-*-—' ftlnBtafB toftt war* »V Mdomriparwl thoee alow-going titBea
iJata toftB. Alftft ttat than an two with toa prwMBt pragramlM ftgft. »ad
Mata af bariawpftopto. .ttaM ttat tocidaatftlly nriawad toe grwt mdM M toto ft r«V eeold sot fftt ranee to newapaper aakiu rinM the
dayof Bomea Offtaley. w^wBhawid
art a. fto—t .ol tato,
woftid totay be dcelarta a taltorw to
taSta.tntft .toto tta toft^o
toa nawapaper bnatoeaft. ftllbpngh to
0( tbftlr bftfttoM. ftftd toftTftl
fata day be waa ft grftod eMBplidcftOei)
rtip to Pftftb tolar, ftbftta
of toe nower of the prua. Thaae
ae^ft ftio arldftat ftftd Oft ta
Umea, b. dpclaMd. did set dernmad
aUfdod. ftftOftftBtpi
lort h*'^ Mhaaatlftft ftdlU)riata in the
Tta pftnple today —
to^^tftlk ftftd ft rrftftt
tatM* toftt will ta ft bftip to ftU Ktal- prrtT^fte ftftd totol^ for t
ita wta totoad totaooBft boftlftftB mn ftftd fora toelr own oplnloo. froa toe
•Pfttesu of the Bpw. ealuBDft. toe lul
Bodlatn wWto Bold, poblle opinio..
TtaeirU war. ta dMlared aaritwl
HB (or Walla. toe giwftl ehftftgft to newspaper work
gtamaa eospasy. arriMd to tta ai^ and .Iftoe that lime toe pree. has gftlo•d a power wbleh throw, toe ypers of
iMl ftlghi froa Nile*. Mich.
B. Oibarg night opermtor at the C. A flfty yean ago
Hr. BatM tooebad «pW. M. depot, la nn»W* »« “»•«« J***
SsOm OB acftOBBt of alekeoa. BobMt OB toe family weekly paper and g»»e
'Uaa hta optoioa that it bto a wide
W. Byaa ta tftktog hta Pl“«- '*^* *»*•
Mrbaaj..t recovered from aa lltoftB fleid and ooold oerer be .uperMded
toft daOy. Bat be gare the moat of
B. H. Mobto IrfftjMtordfty for Oraad attoBtkw to the work of making adally
llg**- wtwrft h. Aill fttwnd a BOftt- paper. Aann apt lilftatratioa jof tfar
diSeoliiftk eacountoeftd ftftd tor iaportog ftf toft .tota photographer.
Ooarg. Ely bM retoraad to Good tftmw of glttog to tbe world the newa
eg tbe world, be referred to tbe ezperi■srbor.
of ftU op to date oewepftpera dnr.
Bftft. A. A. WftU of Old MlBloB. left
flirflij to ftttoftd toft trirtftBlftl ftOB- tog toe
taof raports wbten
•WUOB of CoDgregftUoaal Saoday .poke of toe h
OT«r toe wire, whieb Mt toe. aa*
at OfMnrtll*.
SftB o. Ooolfty. of toft S.ttou Bay Uoft wild asd how many of toe reporU
Oftfttod egetWBftftl
lu^Btotoftel^rboBftft Then ta Wld.taw toe
Tbft Book BftftlftW ClBb9ta Book BftftlftW n«b brtd ft ftftry «nf«l ftdiura ftoftgkt to rarity toe
raperti ef,grMt eregu and tatO« and
toft ftgpftnftft of geuiftg ttat aewi
rt toe hoBC of Mre. B. fl. Hell
whieb WM known to be raltabto
Vaftktogtos atroet
tota eoftfteeUon ta epeke ol
Mrs. C. T. Orftwn read (pom ftftd told
IBfl fttoey of Hubert Fftriter*. draBftUe
Mftto “1« toe ftiftt of toe afghty.” la npee ftdUoca to wbOB toe pftblie Ipok
(or reltobift now». Ha told taw tta
bmto of toft odtaorwMtftzrt ftftd bow
*‘^sLr an elegftftt aapper tad
ta BMl act qalek aad ta anr* ta e
•wed by Mr.. Hall, toe reautodt
l^ftrtanioaaftrMapeBttoeoeiftl toftt right before toft reports appeared
ooid type for toft pabUc eye. TtapobUe expeetad toe oowa almoat m aooa
M eruta trmftapirftd aftd to. naw^ft
Ifte Boat.
pOTftrerzpaeMdtobare It ri^t. ftftd
0«OTge BftH. Jr. ftftd Deft Morgftft a
h-asiiftft toe btmt. which itay Ifttoad gir. it m toepnoUoMaocft as Ita
------ • wire, ocmid traarmit it. In giriflg toe
_r *on toa -bag. “
Tb^ aBtlripato
j pliii— triy (or tosBadvM and1 deiftita of toe Bftklftg of a newspaper
lay of toe iDaide woriHogm of toft >
IF-------* MtU OrOI Zawickt.
of fttomal
whtah feqalrcd'toftfti
trtre wilt M ft regftiar driU of too
Blta. towignt In refMMf'ft MUMUtfti and phytaftl whlto sot
1^ OftpMW CiaaMft argM toftt'dl bm ena endera. It wMsotfs
mr meto Mr be pftMUtj ftllftrlng ptaur*. ftftd to* pftgM pf
liMeofitatoUo: toa BM who
to^M of Sto «M0^ dtoMMW Ifl too 4
TtatotoweCtoeDM repertor

that orgMj uontne-u much more rapidly, the pntae Usta wore quickly, and
the ciccntatiQfi in variuoii pdrt. of ihe
body U inciftftft.'d In addirimi lo tbla
we dad ttat tta rWftftRirft tmdpr which
tta Wle ta aecretari ia raiaod by the wpplug of fluid. And btwfttaapoini which
Bight wril ta noted l.y onr roadcni A
ghwi of cold ft-ater riowij ripped wiU
produce greater ftccftleiativin of the
peliu for a time tlum will . glaw of
wiBo or Bpirtta taken at ft draft to thii
CMBectioa it Bay not ta. ..Bt .if plac

Within toe lari three nwBtb. Dr.
,u««tor of tta Boyal
pMmwceotical tortitotc to Berlin, wd
eairied on a long wrio. of expprinunta with boracic acid* and bad
eo„Tincea hiwaelf that it waa admira,j,ptftd M a food pceeirvBllTe and
qoMititlfti nfcmry for ttat
qnite hartnleB Be add^
neither in actnal practice ncr
^^wJing h. auiliurilctire liioruiur*
Wf. . ,y— beun known in which food
qr juMen-ul with hoTHi or
i,pr«.jc ai-id h.d .-xerciwJ b dcleteriona
»be ta«lth of any individnal .

tbtaewhu luvetaen inttahabU <;f Uk- .
log too moch uf it and nbu tnay ta esdearoring U. rrftani. the effect being
probably doe to *ta Ptimolaii* action of


If they ache—get a bot­
tle of Rose’s Corn Core
— 15c — ^nd take them
DQt—It don't make the
foot sore.

' B. H. HOSE & SON.
adle Bid. -



-a- H. B. GIBBS -ft-


I The Practical Bicycle Milder and Repairer}
\ are Se» eftaiolB of taftBeUag.
.mltir. eui». c*a»». atalw tBrnea to
let M. TWoBlra|eu>.lftlft Wryelt ftorio la Uo ^

oppo. tr C-a. W. ft

H g qiftBB, Proprietor_____|


----- OF-----

Good Thing

In Lr Heme de Thcr.pie Dr B Vogt
gifte. is M hta optoion-that inori nnlidno ran ta takvn any timo on an empty
•Uintath. tafore or aflrr meaU. thinigh
if an liTitoting subrtance ta introdneed
itta Impfftant that it ta not to too
mall u volotne If rach « b<tdy ta tmlnbio to ftt-atvr. a higblf dilntod mIdUob
legiTML hot it'it ta imulnhle it ta gir-'
« with the moal- ^ih. ttajtc« .J
y/^ bate about 100 Mmplea of,
UranufcJ ,.„«nu.»-b.rt ^
^«rr .nd
for inriatirr, tto-u
arh mar irritAtr; likrwiw.
roliw. wtawe ciini.-nt* firrt epned
---------- » ^------ike foice mpA
Umited ope.w in tbe riomach Hot if wUl make
We will.
inch catwohw. like wjditiiu mUcylate. cloee them tint from 25c to $1-00
ar.' gireft with the nteel tta euBteata each. Here U a chance to get
mix at once with the foiri. nn.l cannot gQn,^ cheep tuna,
cause any local irritathm of ibe
cuni inf-mlTenr .J the iiturandL
howcr.T. a prompt aciiun ta demreri.


ta very een«illv«' to wdoUuna
klrTcorr ralu imtatctbi-1000.0. m«nknnr. I'luTi-luTft they arc given in a
diiat-ri •jlaiii.n on un empty .hnnach
«b1t in the t-i..rDiii« Biu.-te. Dr Vogt
■driwe. .liocld ta Inkm Uie moiurnl
Bie »ita down at I.Mr. o«t b.nlf an hoar
before the meal It i« iiiiprodent to adBinimiT cri liv.-r .>U b.-rorr ihe meal

Hontie FnmiehinE Stoic.
NVw Stor*-. 120 Front Slrr-ot.


Kamrt* Wonn With.
Every woe ta faiuUiar with tta- aae of
electric tanshwo-olingpurpuftea—bardrretanrau. ha^luta• oflice or place
.-inr wii
writw I
ni»;_l« Jieating porpoam m weU 1»
pUcea where the nnial method* are inconrnnlent or isadoinate. explaining
toe proccB too* .••II u etaetric ta*t«;
w^ omatroiTod id the furm and nxe
of tbe face of tta gnard assaUy attach- 1
«d to durtric (aa* and taatened to tta
gnard. and if'it were fed with carmt*.
flrom toe MB* aoMce of npply aa that
whito operatB tta Ian. it aboold foUotri

To remember—Yonr grocer is anthorited
to refund your money if onr “BEST" flour
is not just as recommended.




I PoiHaiid or Old CooM Ci^rl
At a Very Low Price.

Thm will bft a regn ar ■
tta BatinftM CoUege Lyoeam


uooa lODoa
look* ore
are rreally nwre than akin
--- dcpMidiag
* —*'--entlrftly
on a b>-ftt<
eoaditiun of ftli t
vital ergasa.
—-...........liver be .naeiiee.
yoo haveahili
look; if yoar atMoach
' be f
r*m 1
neys be ftff.«t«d. y<
la^. Scesre good beojih. and yi
will aarely have grvri look*. -Kiri.-Iruj
Hlttcra*' ua good AlleraUvrftOd Tonic.
Aeta alraetly on toe I'
* ■•
kMftcya. PftrifiB U ...........................
plM. htoiota. and btaia. and giw> _
Bvftry taotUa gnaiH
tta Drug Slper* of S.
'\ :
D. iokftaM. Hi arbtft,



We have a few of these ontters left over, which we have ’
been selUsB at $29.00, and rather than to carry them over ^
until next winter wo will close them out at $23.00 each— Z
This Is a rare opportunity to get a nice cutter for a UtUo
We have an assortment of Heating Stoves, for both
wood and coal, on wfadph during the month of February wo- ^
will make a liberal rSiscount from present prices—Now is q
your chance to get a good stove for less money thsn ever
before. The place .3


dtaMOMMCktU. Ml C^ W ffttdar. wa* ta P0(W health aad had MM
f n* «o tM «rlb wMn Mr M«j tltpi. htolaodiadr M aroald iiha to MM
The Kndak
.___ .— I By tMTekrtioa at U. Uwdaa Maa; TM Sm •Triw%’%tm M« mmm mid dratbaadld Mia. A/rea.
Ben_____ mtJtjm Urn [Mr.Trti^r «"py
tootoaU toft tbcsbI ta tha

r. m the Mb* tknirfktM window Ulu
iBorcae* Sebrader died last Baiart^oBBB
lirtihac. the rrMchaeSW
Daaiel iMbmaa.
day la K»w York at tb* hoapilal tor ]
has MW • cpttplHe aiauMwblp <d 40.
Dartaifhto ■toniaiteamrof ll/Mta
baa BM ocean«d

___________ -__________ ■
--T Until MMloertnia dMU to tmtm.
• “«™w TW
We«a**dar a totter WUUaa
-------------------------------to * poor sna- H* bonfnt
Bnaben are cMSed by Le npio no
fer Sehraeder wa« ddtoerod at Me huM. Parker aad Homy Oman ate felfawa altbeaxfa wmof MMataitht
p'tal eoatalDlar a abrek for «sooo aeat
^ fcOM north oi SiMdiU uut «o«k. MB Mr* a good nbctal aaap)/—not
paid lor Miss- A popatar aataaarip- troB BoctoDd; it WM bto Uare ot bt«
Miaff U* •f*iotiwbM«h«t taUM
taU>*r-*e.uM The hod/ Md hra*
tewlitr in BMP /Mr*.
L WUma. MM.
Mma HetoM JCodjeaka baa to
ooa-' Beaat^
mm aaatlothrBae|r«e.aBdthrMt«e/ ar- tnarlatie*i
Ollirier. Dm d-AadlOret PaaetoMnle laodocti___ of
* "-A
‘ BmUe nm..
Ctorto* P*bU. *md M. of Bantfa
KoDdaj tor a b*M *Bfar
rired ]**t to tiB* to prevent the hod/ Winter'* Tale" aad **JadlU.
hl*alloUB«at cd «
MwaMip. M*r AU*^, wm twidMi
afaeUrlBfOCBtpaB/ wtUStOS^ «ap- troB briar boHed ia potkrto held.
Kat Ooodwto'a pl«r for aaxt
•U/abotUronch IM wrtot. Btod«v. MM balUUs* to th* B*Bbata to tb* itaL Tboa* prooMiM U* aatarprtoe
PoelM. MM. SsUy-PradheaBW. Dp
Mr. hrd. Peek, tb* dtraetar fenenl wiU be a aew craattoa of Oyde Pitch.
M th* rattrr, IomBM U* tri/tv. MIebItna WftolataraM be dtotrlbatad ar«: W. C. MllM. W. B.- OUbart. 1#. H.
catiUed -The Cowboy and tb* Udy."
—jdig tho Mdd—t
With*/, doba CorodA Boon Idama ot U'e ABCfioaa dtopla/ at tb* Pbito
WilKo doOtor tewrittM a new om
- ,> LaTto*r.

OaBoa Pnto. BotoMer.
Hnr/J*M, iM lI-/Mr^U dnnfbMr
At Lapear TM Coaaar. -BtU/** He
toUtee ot approprtotitia* to ath tor edy fur biawett. It to cnDed ^1 HtotorinuMH SorvL AtoatVaadal.
^daha Wolr. aaBidiaf WMtofSUad XaBaimaad UoM Oopemaa. th* Uraa' and la a p
and wlD M pndneed
_n Stob.000
aorr. Oontrra ba aliMdy Bmaotb"
***^, Thnnaa-Danicto. Cbmto d'EataBB*
otoaBstedaad a dirt.
iM. ta Oibdwta aoant/, »m kleM oa Birh aebool TO^mes »M atartad ■ tM *i
• vlUe. Mrtcbbw de Vopne. ManititoOcsM
.stoom. Plan* hare be«« : ““
hand b/ a bona, rtactariaf bar I
Wm...^-MMr. l'eek^wl bto tuff -htoM Masaaer Frank L. Periry and the d* BMangod. Ban^nx.
•ball. Sba wXU roeorw.
dwaMhwwaaaaraof a aeproMbto. It to Mlletcd
Mllercd tM stodc<ri<
cs’J^nrlheriperfltBre of Sl.460.000 Bononiane arpunte to the rprlns. It to aaro.
MQdBtorzpaO'loe to a ne* dl't
-I'm! .. •tM Ifatt W H McDonald wUl aBOiii* ,
Aeteorr dwnaHqPM NTftortea f
th* hoy* Mrralaad tor. will aU ba tabacrib ditw-ifeto a
Dartb/ iha /car IMS Bor* live *10*%.
dDO. pBillma. LepMre. Lndoric Bawannhlpped troe> lUd Am iMn frao aad Ury only went m far aa Madaf,
^ ! for *be WArW. Felral rMcM.
Moarti. Ureat
Jobs ntiUp Sooea to aaid to beat. tory. Lav.dan
aad whMth^ heard ata* oar M^lag
•■/aoa potat Is that part o< tba
\ BHuto. neratc
- “
work npon a new comic opera, "TM
BoaaBdan. PinI Dwiigat.
etMdy^OaapMy (Wm • niatof!
9Wauei asBbanare^ l.Sllbaadaf -Bom*. BwMt BaB*.!' May atartad aa
anaest oa haitoeB eacMB to
Kins ctanla." In which Walter JoMa £b«M^ Aaatol* Ftonoa. Ap*w
aata«.S7Mlvw, l.SM sbaap aad B.n* tbetraU baek.
eral)—1 anat^y. Mia Fkreoce. Wl
TM aU *«••• BUL
Ckitkinea fttuettore. JaM UAt Frederic Ua lealdraM af «rwd if there to one Utoc ! particularly ad-1 .
la om Uiiw in Kewpat that
Ahoat tn.bS0-haa haba aSISMIhad WMb MraM to tb* rnaad aad bto air* to a maa It to feaitoBi aoterpriia ,I 'Thera
Tberc'a the bliitatd cool4 not etir—tb* tdd ffren Vrwm. Bndy and Ziegfdd an
tor th* arwMoa of a
i Bdoaaid Berra /SIm
old MM patohad to Ua
“ 7" pwwi« Boabman. for ImUbm Ba’a Moa* piia TM fact •*«&>■ to M that <^<B on bto tatoet fairei
tafW^t M MM
Mr. Wtok*. who lira aa tha
I&b Spark* twe thto oU N
Ca prria*. Le Cardinal PwTBsd.
8*rab Bernhardt has swwed «Mh^
aaUhlrtaofUarfftort. wa* aVay at nontb*.ai>d Uey'raea«as*4ati«a4y.*~ MUd. stolid and fixed the k>i«<r it to
Jewidi BertMad.
Tha pB>pto of Tho
tM Um. ^ hto wife wa* atoa* to tM <
ctEpOMd to the etomrnu ABaii it ever eoaedy. ‘^niePrineeaeof(ler«B,''vtTiP
Us avocat. Boamo
«ia naB* of th*vr viUara
aotnrionBy. froeu the aortb. froea tM ten (orberhyJnler Lemcitre. and thto*
1* loo loaf. toMB* iHU iMlr Why and aa ald>
Cn stotoatra. OnillanBe.
aoath. tMB iM «aat or froa tM wat. other plays hj Fmcb anthoc*.
•M ^IhAt It ahucad tor aoBaThibf ^Ud. TM Mb/ WM elMpia/ Id lu
Mia dniia Arthur ha* aecnred U*
___ . ______________________ ... tMctoruscfyoanniak*noimpreBion
erlb aad tM other ehlld aa tM Md.
Me CMl. Bo aavr.
oei/bbor* that yoor haataad beat yoa. 00 it except BHyhap to ]na itoaver- Baiettob il/hu to the new ptoy by M.
CaMm'i voyage to Ue rhlUffina
BaasU aoaaty *hoaU fe tola th* TM baewa aaAdaal/ Mb^t ftre froB a last ni gbt. U It tnie>
laethqr focadatioa firmer ia tbelr bed. ^iU Bunrenc. entitled •'More <nBB canMTto an nniimely end at Snes aaiU
and Mra WIeka to
h«au rMort Mthiea*. te it
deaUtqt with tM narriai
Mm Puplar—Tbera toa’t a word of Geoeratlont of NevpoHen enn* aad
a* mneh becanse of the coal ilflealgy
hara th* propar aOstaU. Tb* dMU bar riettaaaak' raa U tM aaaiMt troth to the report He etnick at lm go. Mt the nld stone mill /oesoaforSt becanne hit fleet wa* wanttd lor Ue
rata la the eoaaty 'derlaf IfM waa oaly aMfb^ •da.clfht/ »da di,!;;;;^“t|„«.. bptfaitod to bit au Ton «pw. Draachins rains cannot eofteo iu!
•erdbartar tMt her Mbtot were bon. know, be ida'
with the St Lottie aidea. btarinp fnau cannot stir iu |
airhttarTar/ UoaMad labaWlaat*.
1^ to death. SM Urn MB baak aad; ala* laM
CMcaco Kswa
aicMh freetin/ snowe cannot spUt ito I
allowed by Egypt- FMaoe. Italy or TnrthoBaa Metiaad, aa did aaldtortiv
parts Jt i» iad«trnc(lldfc
Mew Ufletae are to M fonnd to laipa key. Ue power* which buld Ue •bocM
la/ at S*aakway. ba* b*ae tatorBad
If niQtastiun or datnetton comet cbccka Rtven and wWte. Wne and <g the Bed *M. to coal on their coesU
lahTha wni taealvn Abaat SB.oaohaek
wbilb. t^wn and white, and wane or in Ueir Mr)<or*. He tunri Mvw
p«a*lcBBoa*ydr»B ih* fontamaat.
•Mwtog white cumbtoed with two ew- straggled a* far ■■ Colombo .>r HingaThdtddBaa ba* M*a aadMeorlafta
pore before the rain of inieraattoneO
•MBiaa pMtatoa for Baay y**n pMt
Mori «f the uleeree to Ue Uto white law woald have aUxwrd him to fiU hia
theuld hietunc DninpU
gown* are trimmed in .one way or an­ bunkers with fnel toUkebimto Us>
bay.—Kfwpurt Ueimld.
other la some tbnv arvpatt>Tn«to tM nUa Uir to-tpIraaBBa oomiug eo do*»
At Oraad Baplda. i«T«a WMth«r aad
riiAed narrow ribbaa*. aome are tadeed npon tbe voyngio of the DenUrhlaaA
frlp M**«aa*ad Buh elekae** aBOOf
■awati-* «>lefcM>d*.
and other* are abirred.
and Qefkin. and of the Navarin and
theealarauattba BoUtw*' hosMaad
to arrive to Heat , loealad to Ureaawleh that greand Ue
tauter Henry WaWrboiue hat tort! Early to the winter the Mt tMt 8iii<oi Vriiki, to Ue far lori. voyagen
an laeraaaad BortalUy rat*. Tbrep U* from tM ^rnkab alolnir dtoulct /rato tar tM rreolotlontry army, an'', had a thrlUinp experience to tbe qnlektnined op in fmat received iu doe which wocld have been almuri impoadMlha oaeorred Jaat waek aad thto of Alaska• sine* navl/aUM wuavu
He wa»
.. ur
u. . .
in tl « pralsu Iu snceewtor to thd epring wUl rible had England rlowd her coaling
otoard laatjanUI
tM wwVI Irtofthe/rett
Nto mm%
wMk ba* •tartad to with two sore.
R.C.NleboU. who to almo.i Boor mUl*. for th* city of N*w York.;
""h* Porfngnew servant. TM be an alrj thing of eilk romdin or tnlle stotHB* h> thiwe rival power*. haVaot
At broad Bhpld*. 1. C Lari, b ptmato Wind. Ml. KlcMto eamd down Ue It wu Witlt to IWMJ or thereabonU. and ^««»ortook falx turn loo farmskai and •et on the aide of the bead, with a wide earaprd ixAiraon Ue Rmtinent of Ba•pangh
:led Wim tamed np un all ridM
amt otoUM aad bto aaMra faBlIy. Kay.k«ktotb.Tak(». which b* a*-|tM tl«Mr*.«*reaoUd. band-b.wM i ^
PVance. tmdiv Ue gnidanee of M.
>wly MMped oa^yaiaUoa bad it e*adrd to ItowwB. Be walked a ifTeal j oWt. Oanval Pataan had /rato grtmnd j .igbt The riK^k UllI uoty
out h
half wbeeU etjnallj
>r, i
• w)U dlBealt/ tMl Mrb L-rt
^ iu view. By bis Diual etj
, atUtoBlllforUeiiaeofhtoari---------*
_ were
op attrartiv.-lr Hod wiU ao
in style provid
ThalroaUawa* wfihth* a rcnurkabl* feat la vtow of bto tofirm- • /Min wm *1111 /round Uera. BdtMrd acutur luwuupgfd. after moch toil, t
the *dity. A relief party went from Scraoty-1 HdU/being U* pnwent owner.
bto rit;. the borika. the frigfatened oi it* own. Fignred white
i* •ngrrly looking for potoW
van UR tfaot it dii> out show every
iugne— boy
- and hiiu*elf ont of IM wriMV
Bor. 0*erf* Gray of Cbto^o, wa* at BllecampaomeUBea/oto aeareb of! A deUriained affvn to bein/taad* to '
dc> the plsin Roodv A waist of *lnrt<vir vahip on the tradeToatea.
a party of six proepeetoM who w*r* M-1 jMiana for
rl*re. The
ritffM/e- i.
tnadV of
<1 Ue white ptoid with *lt«MB bnt I greatly feiir that ahe will find
none Here England i* witbont a rivaL
ported to Mv* bad tMIc^aet and )ec*j,(A|u
«a aawbitob a aaaaer boa* aear I
and yoke of the rlaiti to ven- i*e«^'
A* her*eaj»(wer ha«nothoei] an^bcB«M Barber for tb* laboria/ pwipla of from wbilecroBln/ Poreopine rieer.' AtlMrieoo
The long rediag.ite* *0 CaeWnbafete eral growth. »bc ha* aluu-ly. Ink by
dblM^ Tb* alto eboaea to doa*r- Tb, iTt, bu b0>«l... U'
are partienlarly nnart a* a link, forged a wnndcrfol chain, binding
anxiety eoaeeraln/ U*B. (toeeral
r okating .Ovtiniie and are India, tbe Yellow era. AnriMlia koA
l)rtap. a loeaiy apot, toer ailea sp tb*
Grip's Bava/** Doomed,
arc reported alrk wiU •curry to
•b dMMh rirar. Th* refoMl ot thto
sfbe Chj*' to the imitber cnontry.—BarOtuloB reeelpU at BaMdaMveaear i Ho
leb aitary and ao many doaU*
ibaart hM bm traatod aad ftaaVar. UelraabiD* n/ar Selkirk. TM/ are ly donbled slaoe Ue AnuriMns took.'have Men
prr’a Magsrine.
by the Grip that eeery
Uonld kpow whet a wooderfol
ifMdraStoato will prtMbly M aada sadly to need bf aaristaaee, and will pomsBloa of Ue dty.
*“*ledr for *"
thto malady U foond io
eaprto/lfald to not 1'^*^'
OallBa. tM veleano to Ue Nuiloaa
Kinr'* Sew Dim.ery- Th.t dl*rendered
Th^ hl-torie rfaateen of Malmaim to
: Tba«aa*aal took of anew thto wia
•iDgnabboTO eoagb. Uat tofltoiM
being reictored by M fhdria a waalUy
AspemalfMB Cripple Cmk
U,' ijyoar throat, rob* yoD of ileep, weakfair Bay fear* a aarloM eflaotoa baM.
Ku]>»1«ia w-or*hI|NV It it hU tntentton
'^ {CD* yoor vyeleB and pavet the way for
It trike to leaMlla /~-nd: j
a«*a at Vaaaar aest aaaacr. to bob*
to tnra it imo a K*}aJeonie maaenm
11m at l«a*t. Wlthoat *aow ao
waoadeatsaw ehBBk*oleyl-;
of Kendto. tod . j BMceleae
Don't ro*b not of atogle HM into
aaa M Matod to U* n* alll there,
a h^way-‘ot the: Ibead. double bltoteca
hi bnoe* and moMle*.
•ad ahMM that not M oparatod next and ■edid aeul. and Uaak* of
•tniiaM th* brick wd U* yard* wUl oi/dised ore of Ue t
like a vice, yoo need Dr. Km/'* Sew •anly a light >id«
hare to do** down, a* the fael Med la M whIttUd WiU his I
D»u'i think ban) wtob kilU aa many bb*|N<MTiU IV Ub—'JIUlUe. t4UVT*a bbUUJ b«IV
. Oapula Discovery to core yoor Grip, and pmaBa/s Mva b*ea on Ueroek.Mt piaa«a
U*a to tb* feta** froa Uaaaw alll.
v*Bt PaeoBotila or Ooosamptios. Price people w> worry doe*
'Its, ba* arrived at the A*or«a sObu aod $1-00
Trianon. Ang n. IRIS, reproaching
Hooey bock If oot
of Ue fr** fWd ore. if or* it *M M
It Sfein-M Dr. B. D. Ortowold died oalled at all. ran over t».a00 per ton.
Don't imagine a man pay. bto Mil* her with not Httving money. He advise*
Ctoafaera. Island of Coha. wiU
every time he met-le Uem
- • trwps
------------------ - "• —■
ber to pat bc^ affalra to order, not to
MOlllC OibeOB
aovvr prodneed anvi—.-..tuI rvpw—opwaivu
apend'iuore than £fK.(HHJ a yrar and to
orrUatcarrlodBoee o*D*e* to
Three<rfiMmldi«.dtod on U* *ay-|-«'
save tho oth.v fna.etio. That In ton
•oaat/. bariar llred.tfeare tor Ih* {Aet pw loo that Ui* IsaMlla or* domln *€*ood!9 meo w«« dat^etnoaly Ul|*aifil Grxi SaU* tc BtT Orluu sad
ahe wnnid baveaccnntolated aforIwraty-elirbl y*ar*. Be me th* flr*t /old. WIU every hanrh work Ue -»>«'he rmbed Uat port.
Don't fnirel that aali’n to always po­
tnnefoT b.T grandchildren “Inafead
lite to hto n> w anpialutnncaa
a la Ue rldaltj for
ik to len/Uoaia/ and wM«niii/.
of doing this, however. I am told. ” be
Ikin'i jnuTe • woman'» bank hatone* ciintiune*. -'Ilutt v<m are in debt. If
W/awv.and fan* bees th* family JMato/UI. BruUic body Umotoato ared
■ ooecTwy n u will *ell roond trip UckeU 00 by the tfiot u( her eUtionery.
4orior la Marly every boaaUold for foet „i*
. ..
yon wish U> pleaae me. Uke care to fill
ot aaarls Uat .rill
nl/bt to the wbc *iMo/e maaner
isaaer a*. February OU to lUh loclnsive to Sew
Don t in»l«t ui«.n bearing both ride* a fat atheking niuit do yon aoppan
MobUe and Rinatoghsm at
Uat adoptod by Bro A/ra*. at PeanjO'-^nn*Pt__.
jt eviTytbiu; <w)*viaUy haw drama
woolJ to- my opiiuon of yon if I fcbow;
ivfare. Betnra liatt Febroi
At Loadoa Ue twe hnedred aad fit- Vsn. K. V.. Ia*t waek by cloria/ himS*k
T<m 1.-I be in delit with an Income ot
The facBora (a Ue vlclalty of Ka!aS.orui.tMW frams a year?"—LoDdUi
nuauo b*ve a/reed 10 plaat ateet T.Ouo
Cbroiiii-'aertaofMirarbecU aext eeam, pio- day by tbr Ugltistol and J
vidrdthBw to a ■o/ar factory them. leagae* to Lo^oa and provtocea. SbbTbore I* aooe local oaplul that aan M Ur* ot wteaUa and fiorsl* wen
Micortd to balld a foetorj. hot aot dsporitod at tbe foot of Ue ObarlM 1
anon/h. The fararra are very anxioo* statne. to WbitebsIL tloakplenon*
TM land Uere ratom from stotern to aaoag Ue tribntaa was a Uicld sur,'
«lfbum ton* of beeu to U* acre and mcaottd by a crown of iBBortelle^
Uey avtM/e at lefiTs^t ner ceai-na the Aaerican feeoblter.
Bmallpox to Ittoreastog at ^noe.
Mm Gww/e Neachw of Gaylord wbo
$6.00 Shoes
ha* been aa Invalid tor is yrars. heard Porto Bloo, where ISO «a*M arc ander
$2 00 Shoes
ot tM alle/*d renarkable cere of B«v. ireatnent. TM mlUtarT goveraor wilt
go at $4.60
go at $1.60
0. H. Heldea of Detrrit by pnyer. KM iBBcdtouly begin eempalBOfy vaeelito
daterBtoad io try It heroeir and *erriol sUuo. Cbtof Hargeoa Itoff any* Uer*
paaloM were called to who laborM for to not oeeaston far apeetol alarm, a* Uf
$6 Enamels
bar rMOvary w|U fair aaeoasa She caa aMdlUoo* ar* not enasaal. B*porM<
walk a Ml. ow her paMlyxed arm and from oUer potato io tbs island toll of
$1.76 Romeos Oxfords go at
$4 Welt Shoes
m hear oot of b«r tweatofora deaf car. 001/ acattered eaara.
at $1.33.
TM lady to ooafideat Uat ahortl/ bM
TMr* to an oil boom at tM Iowa of
at $3.00.
make at $4.60
wUl M a well wowaa.*Mt/-rightaJI** from Pllto*
bar/. Pa. Thin/ walk faav* beui com-'
$8 60 OU
34 pairs
IM ycBM old to April, died Monday pl*t*d wiUtoUe villa/* UbIis. aad
a dr/ ks!c ba* bera foand. Tbs'
•l^tat loxla/ton. Bba waa la good
Oraln Boots '
Bvarag* to thirty barrel* to iM wrik'
MalU ap to a/ear ago.
Home of Ue welU ar* drilled la Ue
at $1.88.
at 76c.
Albloabs* Ja*t reeelvM a Am gift
at $2.63.
baek yard* aad some oa Uwna. A'
troif Mm hheldoa.btBM, of Uat ylaco.
BollearaspnfeMjarieDBptoteda waB^
fM ha* eoBplated Mr fiU.OW el*bOne lot
on a towa let Uat starud^ at 100
OU Grain
ham which to to ba ecnpled by Ue
barrels a oay. They ran from Uat
LaMir* Bear ctob. a M*laem Ben's
$8 Shoe Packs
down to flftoM barvato a day.
amoelattoe; by s ladlta tiUMr/ aoclety
BBtostly Ue
of m
•ad by Ue AlbioB psblle library. Tbto
kind ■
Vattcan, Abate Oosxatori. was searchhalldtog sh. deeded to Ue rity last
lag BBOBg Uo sUto papar* in Uc V.i.
at $1.60.
SMOk. and it will
going at $1.13
lean Ilbrar/. when M cam* apga Ue I
U* all/ hall.
Baaaaeript of UaUieek "Traatiaa oa'
Itlatoh* hoped thatPraakfert pao- SM ttiaM,*' to tM haadwrUiag of GaU
Ueo UitiBgboat. It bean U* toaerip
/•Ddtortaa*. 'fM grip baa not strack ttoa. "WriUan to Bob*. In Ue Uardea
Uat plaea this wiater.
of U* MedfeU on Janaaiy U* tu.
6eaa«or Barrows ba* remlved aa to- leie.-andtodedleatad te hi* paUou.
«ta*Uar letUr fron Us seeroury of OMdinal Oiriao. U to etaUd that Ua
agrteallarc to whlcb be sutc* Uat fiva pop* baa ordered tb* maniiaeript U be :
baadrad oopka of u, departmantk •dttod and pabltobed at tM oxpecw af'
•agar baei bolletto have bma alMted tM Vatlaha.
^•aehaaaatoe. TM secraury adds:
..afir*of toe*
roow^tmj toyiarpwjpletncldeat- dint/ oclffls at) o’clock Samtay
1/Uatl Mee ordecd umt, ms of lag 4Mtro/ed Bdwwd Boll/’s IradJ
MM-lliMt ated froa /raaea aad am. a baOdtog Mai^ two MtariB
lISFroot StreetTM MU «M tM $mA af fira tod*

^Vuff^^TChVv *KrCVS>&-S\or\&S |

&«itveTaV'KwDS Sterns
SVeatve^ 'Stom SywawWaj

OuF One-Fourth Off Shoe Sale
Pingtee i Smith
Make of Fine Shoes

$3 Shoes Go At $2.25

Rettletoo's Pateoi
Calf and Tans.


mmsr ■

Toro Sole loliettos

Coil Toes
till New Stfles

$IChildT8R's Shoes

$3.50 Vood Toros

96 Pairs
todies’ Hood Torn
going ot $1.48.

Ooe lot Moo's $3.00,
90 gairs Moo's
$I.S0 Reatif Shoes
$3.S0, $4 aRd'$S-Kot
$I.S0 toco and aad Felt Shoos 14
at $1.13.
Congress $1.13
oew toes goiog at $1.88
This Bale wUl continue until Karcli IStb.

l£^a,-n ~fc iH’xd-eciid.c'h.,




walue a «aad Ito
I Iril r<n>:
mJt h—ew to.-a »wJo— «W» ^
V-«-0 la Oruih aad Laua;
Vet hecaew ato IUbb »o dra
Ve« bMOBr-rUMavM


Bcptflapsta hs«« bees b*4>
Hval reen vitk • bmt epptiesUes cT
■etp^—air. Uisciwc rwalU is
■pneUoki ficUc tbe
Monais Meifctri<-i!y surl maefaeaff.
*aarr«x.-u(.<iUii'.J and nwr>- «a.«Uy cosUw cyaUarioM floid. atesst

hmt That’etbe e
~6waly I know that
«a.d'tobi^t ••Well. lahwHIhiak! •***^^*^
t da liFt'a am what ( e bei tc
r^aa »a. TeaaiaowL.* »•

■ ,5ii:r'rExr£i.

■laply yambma«a.toa-aaaa

1I7 bow
Iw apptrelau tbeae aonforta to wbich
befwa Jack, Uka

•uad Byron, '•awoke 00a tntcsiiig to


_^ I
Be had bad a long and bitter atnig“*118with adreraefortune. Formoratban
jteo yean ha had toiled BBtlrliigly. re-


'wardod only with porerty. atarratin

casdcarrlaffa A aiDgla charge of air tod n<«lect. He bad lirod and worked
wUl propel a rehkle bom I& to W h a gitrrei, oarrying bit drawing* bean
■milrn. Afwnpromad air truck can
toiiw to edUw—aiwayt on ic«. to be
•Stored with aaffldwt power to ran it
cminlliiit fare—
'wstU soon and wltb anciUur charge on- sily to be itUd that they badim eiMcigh
111 ereBlng. tnakiBg 40 miles for tbo
own .^fr. Bol
-4ay. or aboot twice m mtich diatasoe ^
l„d «ntl*d npem him—
.sa tba ordinary botw track can cover. „ ent«n,rwing art editor bad '‘diaoov^ roat ta Yem than a cent a mile to mg" nia»_atid bahadbeoosAtbafaab^ower to carry a weight of ton tosa sp
S l>er cent grada
The aecret of bring able to charge a
Jaeamotiva to a ran of 100 milmlsaald
^^Intbeiraemicf maktngthaateri
hottV-e or air chamMra They are of
le bardrat and ftceat a
poww which
toOpaUeof i
toU Intratnmsdtoaryateel

He wu aeated at bU aoaa betoa tba
^ aipping faU eoffee. He had already
over tba daily paper and thrown
(tnaida A large pile of totlea Uy on
him. bat bo bad 1

■laaiflva t)ae mt nail.

;'a nesra. however, be look one

_ mambw that I do all klnda of rw
pairing and anameling, and that I ess
asd do give yo« tbe bant work of asj
owe to tbaritytotbemoney.
be deceived by what otbera tell y«M to
Ibe emtroiy. bet eome asd eae far


Jack amiied to blmrelf ai be read
Ibia—• diaomy wnDe. fall of memorto.
Two year* ago wbat woold not mob an
InvitatMO bare meant to
bim? Alittla'
A littls,
J> ia hB fnttto
of that aboaoding faith
wbicb Mabel, now declare.]
have felt all along wonl*

^?J^Tttstoe oil toy-work to be ril^
load U U does sot prove CO 1 nake tt
to tm «
every evontog
tt exoei^ Besday. to tbe (Aldwell A Los*
U goo BandtogTat sortb end of Onhto


Ibe bad ouJr laialy baoeaaa aaiitkd. to
wtyaboal a acath

Bicycle Riders.


. ltoaophmadirye<ifoatd.<IWIUdlaMm am la to ham. am 1 expect wa toaO bom
a>aUyttma. Itm 1 msoaaa ym bam ae many
trt^ Bcm that yea ma bactUy mil roar
ttma yoarutra. Bowram. 1 bapa yvadeat
gum focgei aid mmda.

A brliht «»
borsiB* in tha
itsdio ot Jack Tewtogte*. tha erl*>
aitiai. asd eFTefythlnf



“Bow atrange that yon uavwloM isa
ar* tbooghi Jack.
Tmr dravlaa* ta Cp l« DaU am rtaiptr
lot. ly. Kotmr my« »»*
■»* mythtag
toalah* lik'd a° enteb Is IMvay. Pabava
had ail tba abaUbm that j<n made at ma
- • -daed bimaaaaaaaarytaadys mtow

LU> ay XU wIm naaMdl
Vol tocMM U bwaiy ram
rTtot »a m»«Wr ***» I;
Sot bMeme «hU> ^ verka toi«

.wactaedUnikaaa bow a* it la to
dl *0 cailM for three bowii. asd the
- dfae ia which the diataaoe ia to be cor. . wad ia oelr Uaiitod by the chaisctor <d


rte -everybedy' iel’'
AM yoamathetoWHaA
grwytoiy my»I «
■r tba day.

A I ay enr-aKe bSMaa(

tu adrantacea oter the ateaa iaaS'
:«gtiTe are aeld to be acgsooiT. cteaaUreteattos ct powv. and tha reea
. «s4 recator Btaas* ia which toil po««
«a fr-ed
With the Mie charm it ia
. Jsat a« eaay to m the eompnandair



d nil Ua pslma to throb With fans-



John R. Santo,
Geieial iDSUiinoe.

And toil mm tbe girl
him Umd tlmre. Tbn
Umea, irte were to eonnt the nnqiQkea .
laognage of tbe eyea At «r« It bad !
amnand bey to poee to bIm, bnt when .
«bc loond that the akelebra wno not
pobliehed ebe aoon wearied of it

TravwrM Ctv. Hteb
iced wnicb coBilatc iu hanging It from
a firing, wblob latter if twitted at
ligbUy at powibla and then bolding
tbe fUiog and watch near a dynamo or
ftrong magnet. Tba watcb if then ra­
lesmd. and. of eonree. faeplnt to tpia.
p. 8.-D0 yuo muBaiUv
and while deiag m if gradnally
a lunor UTTLC ANTICLg.
_ from
_ tba
. dy
Ivoamo and oei of tba
demagnetiaation i(
When Jack bad fioiabed reeling tbld • piece of wide ribbon, fold and ctitiM magnetic field Tbe
doenment, be tilted hark hit chair, acrom u> funn a j.-ckrt to a (poblaf.dDe to tbe rapid alternatlooi of tte Ait WU(* af
Ibiow back bii iM-ad and laogbod Blond, thread Make aimilarpnckrtato papeta poles (f tbe magneticed parte to a nmg_
. a small |iair uf srito
■aanato I^T A Oe. Sle*.
be toiA It np and road it -------over•------of needUf

c^d BBy of them, probably beoaoae
beforehand whet tbeir ooniMita were llkelv to ba When be had




again, asd then be laughed again. Uie
favorite fox lerrirr, which vea lying

the ••dgm of tbe ribboo
and pat n draw etring in the tcyi of tha

Mkep OB tbe iH-aith rag, Jomped np at bag thoa formed.
tbeaooodof tbe tmwontod merrinient.
------Taibay Prftelng.
bnt finding nothing more totmntiog^
A tnrbey dreesitiK thatpomea highly
than an inanimate bit of paper be onrl.,
ia prepared at foUowa.
ed bimaclf np into a roood ball asd
TOt'loal''^ep’Ig^io. fbi'jack got op.
potoed back bit obalr, pot hie hands to

aa Arsiea Bolvo.


Thb BtoT BaxT* to tbe world lor
Onto, ormw,
--------- —
Bheom. Fever Boroa. Tetter. C^PPJ^
HnBdB.Cbilblalna. Coma, and oU Ato

Ever Bamed OntT
B ao yon know

Mraptiona. and P^tl»*ly

One-half pound of' tomd ^cramlA one- »
half pound of sneLaspngor two of

tbe value of


fair pockets and walked over to tbe win- periley. three amall eecbalcto or ootoni.
•>Dg to bimaelf mmethtog chopped ftBriy together. Mix with
pint <d cream, add eome white and red
which aoBoded very tike:

j « Jehnann and R. B Walt

A»d miUllf iboe ay gmy

And Ibe only leUer that be answered
waa that Irorn tbe little modeL—Ex-

At the Qoem Olty Baetanront.
Colltoa ia the prt^irWtor.

o. P. CARVXR. Ac«>t

T. C.


tomatem. place alienistelr sritb tbe
otberbaUsontil tbe insideof thetnrfcey OoApasy H KamerUlt, 66 erata
is filled. Tbe tomtimw nmst be pricked
fsw of tbe handeome
before patting in the turkey. MeJt 000aU left, which
City Bockatoe
fourth pound of Imtww. poor .over tbe
Here if a
atoty of Wi^^rmbbine it with black pepA n |-r. a. I
rett. Bbonly afUT he bad joined the
pound of hotter,
*readanoc*an<»toii<K«i»i». Bomrr_____ ______ ^____tbralrtcal prolemton
be tuvame
a mem- •
a memcream, juice of a lemon. pcM»er CegUih BUttes chop*
Ur nentiun
To au greet an ex^t „
j^s*^ aobjoc^oold be cntiiejy : b-r of a company perforaiing
at tbe
old . oodHelt. Lei the mixlnre eimmor. end
lierved e-irraeUy at the Qo(
Uul .» I.,»l U r. 1U1.«1 rtkr.
o.U.n. HI. l—t „t- “ Boon a» the tnrk.-y .gets wanned

Mr, B-n,» S,
throogfa poor it over the bird and keep
L trbidi U would be
r of receiv­
bad DO i-xpn
baling aU the time.
, «L. ^..u^nni seaeon. toncan nome yoorown prioe.
aPd/KEhfc CAHD8.
•fttoi very dellcato V>
ing any oign cf approval from the audi'• ^
“Ob. moat likely." eald Jack, and
if mU repaired tn the eyrtem ii com-1
be threw the ieiicr into tbe flra This
I. BSOWN. Aitaruer
saxtoivdly nmaU. and if the diet baa.^
Onaily to hie rorprim. bowrver, hU
"lOWl »S
Aiwara boy tbe • -Iraf. ’ • the fat aronod
was the editeg wbo bed written to bim
baoDrighlly cxnnpuandod nay littM !• 'IV
I tbe kidneys Cut into small piec**. say
■o yearn befere. “As yoo do ool
roond of appisuaa Thlf nnlooked *'.P' , an inch aqnan- nr half the sice of an
; rirel at Ibis kind of work, 1 fear it will
^tbeeseesuraoaeuf ealtt Tbe (fleet
tribute ijuite elated the yoong *ct«. |
not be poBiifale to
fa.'W.jJamlyaethenervmoftaatetwpwasd be exertod bimaelf to the otmoat in _mrt« of a cnpful U wat<». Btir from
- • •owed I ,
the shnnken
ntovery mnoh the endeavor to aaitaui tha gcxid Im•red to have
pnwiiao iMappeerrd
bare mada U»
He :
yellow strain off
beyxmd bis bopia tf-1
liotiid fat into jarat
Aniuc-thtootoa direct tax on U.tb the
Skin and kidniys in removing it from
erytbing be said or did
• •
•he blood ^'bt.tbnr tbe Alb u harmed
applaudnl, and tbrpriuctpal
ilperfonnoTi nan’s Home Cumjianion.
My tbe Ux we do not know F.*i^ U
tre thrown compleu ly tu tiic snaaa
fi. not greatly Injured, yet w know
TliP"*tota" wiat-of eooTff disgusted,
ID.ISfTcailUle Op- «»cV._______________________
that frw t*opla poto«s a beolthy akto.
..n^tbedevilenn thlsbef tbonghl and Uie rvmi of tl» eompany luat hi SlM point eynvf
^t It U now pretty well aeitlrO that an '
*^*‘^^* ^ uua net toongn
amua-ment. none more so iban young
Berked in tbe heat manner at tbe
uf aalt d— ..verlax Iha
Ue Ope^ II.
Barictt faiQ-HJl. Ill >cari,'l.i auppuaod
-------------- -----------------1 d'»w ..v«toxlba^' “Deartit,:_"iiW,mn.“SurelyIoabgueea City itiwtouraBt.
^T* if tti rmuiwj and ^t
j,, .oppufing yoo are the that he tiuilo desmred eoeb an ovauem;
but.]wiib ilw tiatoral vanity of yooth.
«f deraaice(i.rtjt and diacaee of tW or„
Xorrmitum wbowai ekHch-

4“*,i tsfppS

i:S ;s


Snsaaredoetotlusnaa Weadvlaaour
and otb« to tok into tbi.
and diminlab tbe esitw and to try ■
Wabe■iv“u—uf thia
lieVH th.7 will U, iatter f.w it.-Clinic. ^
»—(he Saevva.

'Lrt'a see wbat tbe name la—Ansa
Oh, try Jure, I law.
to o

)»»><’» wr my akelcbo, and who owd




dilightfol ^-u

of unli U’

>r JaranntU Uu trail uf


Jnat Of Itewoa leaving tbe theater
one of Ibe aoene sblfiem griiuiingly ac­
costed bim: *
' 'tiotv, ye war cock o' tbe walk to­

aketch atiU

opoo m.v Bfiing."—Peamoii'a Weekly.

■data, it aroold face
'last year for
0,1] Jrsve bad Ityias
illings. •• Ibialotcerilfo waa Uae, ed into tbe era

'inanlily than b

"1 doti’t know that I look partlenlarly gneu,"faid Hrory Gny Carleton.
» ■I bevci
in Chicago ei7"Imtsi

- ---------------------------

setiou. tbe syupbims Is-ing a m
of hraviuoaa IB Utebiieil. fiiubea of light

oral of
bsve tTHst to play me to a f«iL 1 went
in a bank the other day to get a i»etty
big obcuk ca.brd. Wbib- I m-ai oooBtgmy change e atrangtr pointed to a

ouosirfTst/ly tarpr

fiorga doaiai. iWirium

when emjdoywj


)d m ww BiuiUr Um



UtarrvJ K^U

6i bill on ibi door, ll'e an old .
prajiw caoea and in aBlwoi*****
' bwl w> wecB tmbUr I bon } a aur Tbe Idea is tbut when Ibe vietim etoope
_____ ________
tM.aUtofesM It rawl givBf to pick up to tiill, which tbe 'eon- man
plaoed then bimaalf. tbe tbief wlU diato ukun haWtnally in large <|tiaetUi«a
■a hmcwmr to he tbe practice the artl- i„, « wucim ana vtWh ur » bi jwt aww appear with the mcamy. which is Utt
Of camme I didn't
clr to capable of Indocing an nndfoira , -» «ift- »ua «kh .t
iMa ramblioo td ovwsUmalatloa of tha t"
-Tlmak you.’1 said, and plaoed my
“**«» I*"***
-id Jick SB
^------------------- -- ------bimMlL
"bbe had father good ahoolfool on tbe MIL
nstfwwva rvM^ih* air.
1 bwi m if 1 eon find anythiag
Mvdmde cf remdrring Ibe eiU0g(* tfi fochtftoda"
'"Ominly. sir.’1 wpHed. BeMood
«a olr mvoitoWa in agriraltnra are ha I
j^a next letlw wac fnon • Mlow for a tew moineBU and waited until I
~b)g ttmslitoad am aecuont of the themy ! Mndrmt id hU wbo bod bren nilbcr foo- Aad pnt my BCtoty in toy pocket and
Md by certain acianlitoa that t^ ^^ol aa a portridt paieter, but of diwted. I was
IB. Tbr 'o«m' man
■Mwwat of thU eknwnl foond U tbe whom Jeek bad enm Dothiugeinoetbrir WM$i osL"—Chicago Timae-Berold.
A I"w>»
iwooi^ to
rxe^ . now an
aud tbea
^b it being elhansleo
*« .^,Mdf«,t
itndrot days, rxerpi
Advena- TltisaJ.
•cxvimpUab this rod has Utoly bren jwt^
they had met by aomdent
p»«lliyM Muiwnnincoonccttowilh!
w-iy ——r«.
Sttonger-^M • l»ptl"
hie racrally diaouvtred melbud^ pro-jW, roar «p»w.d»tadamvw 'lltorfbod^
•ain't iti
dm-logporecalrinm Tbe|dan*gfert- Lhias «atot».^_lf-t
Leading Metobaat—Bow popolart
Btnmgrv—HowJ Wby. th«* appear
«d omaim in brisglttgthe oalclnm Into
fotas to do gTHt tblBfa.
to ba a gnat many prepi • settling^
oimuct with nltnig(« at a high lempm- j
•«. uy eaa gM abw* as job
when the mrtal changes in color .
7^* Manij
«hU» atto triiBws
Leading Murcahat—Da vW Wefl.
my bouka abow that there han't been
any one aetUing with me for Itae lost
at a low rrd bsit and borna fnn^ •
„„ p«t»mn whb*l a» pa
tbne mcatba—Blcbnmd IHqaleh.
a-—— oAoml nitrxla U this ealdm ^ hiw Botuw. uw a*bnued Wety.





;:£ ::
••4S nu



^ ^ niTCHgU..


By qteelai re^ioeet Madame DeLamar
baeeabeelled other eogagrrarnUV) re-1

Ooiso bom.

"Ocb. sir," said Mtckey. “anre it veled to them. Tbe madanir baa giv­
waxn'l liiBl at all. hot it's got aboot en goad eatiafaetlao for the Daal e
among tbe Uiye that ye’re a farutber of weebe she baa been here.
Bhe will
tbu man that waa liungl"
leave for Ludlngton on Monday. Keb’y
A Feuiaii named Barrett bad that
Cbll over S12 ttouth L’eion streetmuniog paid tl*« uxifeme penalty of the
“It w-a« very long afterwarf," mid
lliiig Xb( atoty. ''lieMr. Hamit in nlli:


Krsw« Ctj
Twin MobbUIB

West Michigan.


main Id your elly one week ioeger. All ■
night. ftrl"
wishing to eooauU her had belter doeo
"Weil. yra. Mickey." relnrned tbo
prior, with pardonable pride. "1 think os early aa posalble. A> thry will mlia
araraehaeeef having the future re­
1 kocKked 'em e bit. ehf"


one ol t»K' pspeia,anU be aaya be ia

Mas ir u loond. un uaalyaU. 10 cooiaio
, ,;'
S t;< I-r (wa of rjUr ine, wbich la a "'7,‘^rcn

be Otauiderd that tlie«< UoUiB folk
allowed a rare at^ireriatiim of budding
merit OowcTcr, be was sbortly to bo




.iii,^w»dueaU* ter saratB*. Ml

Borne 9 a. m io9 p m.

J ,,BO,....«l.Tr.—OH.

Cares fithoDt Medicine
New Methods
Her* untU Feb. 6th.


Gnid Itplds i Iidiui IL B
•11 IS« r'sr
[ KS. i«*|.»t»<Trl o'cbwK p a




. .
twywcginwsVTKn-s «i.s'
Owing to aereral oew eaara added to , W i-hi ••r«i <ruitei a


•broumeruu. list id

X Wreks. he to rrqeeaUfertber pHVHlrgv hr several l-i and out



d from it after all other b> pea'
lomaiur 6rbat allmenta man ^a^ s-Be-atODlaaMa.
are anffering from, rheuma- --------iysla, dropsy. eDOXurnplloe,
liver, kidney and heart


eeaeea, eaaecr. ------ .
aad veaeral dtoeoera,
in tact any
ellmrat mao and woman are subject to
permaacBtly eurwl iB a abort Ume.that
has been given np as ineufabla By

I'si ■ ■■• lafi

IToX “Jr

!aaa.a a

leavm tor Ludingrtoa lor a lew wevka. poHaan«-A>j«
where man? people from Haaiste* and tasoWla^^UHagl
aroond will seek bU aid to care tlmm.
troiD rMommendaUouB of etben while
there U weeks
COaea aueieasfnlly
_illy or by mall every
s»-i.u partieulara Addreea,Prof
>c.i«—Vwe«v _________________
De Lamar. Travarae City or Lwd.

aa* ae«a

tfiskt 8 SS8
• wg

-------- ---




”?3itss,*«ssr8» -

“Mtoa Uebel. yoa m not at aU
Tbe devil yoaaml


(toDk rakiSB to twodwoad by tomn (f
•the utoctric fnraara. tha nhracae to frm ImA.
Tbe mat totter that be t«A op wa«
the iiniiitoiWi- asd Ibe amiwBla
•teemed la a band the eight fl which
ahtotned eon bo seed for ■«>?


That tejtot a.
SpooMr. yVktoMldBiytt
arenotataUliki toa"—


«r (be mtombedtoMao,



One GlRIPl«:n^SS?^t.-wm > re^j
aata •gura._awto »


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