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The Morning Record, September 05, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TO uAtb •i«m4LTAm un. i«.
D«v«7 Vetlflaa Vavp X>opartmaBt of
Bto PUM-Solwaaa m« Braa*.
Fix6* Sooroe
W**hUi«v», O. C., SopL 4.-Eoar, OOOBCU
AdalraJ SaiapMo. «Uh hto MjiiadreB.
Wbtar Sapply.
•rUltoar* Philadolphto 8^k 11 foe
Oiml Brlt»ls m4 Ne« York, where be will b>mi CtoateU
OppoeltlOa toBefter Plan* bat Lo
tb* Botf liar* Str»t»*« Tbu orw Uibley D. EToaa tbe
cation for Pamplet Station Pixed—
•■4 X«rt« OwatlilM of Aanosi- Ure for lb* DewepoeiebnUoa. and the
Beooletioa Peclariet for Prompt
ttOB Bolac TAMterrod-Wor to
Adalral Dew«7 bw ooUftod ibe narj
Action Adoptod—Xapor Hnmllton
Vow aocordad m lactriublo—la- bepmiDcnl that be wUl remain at Uib•uneeta PeoeitT for Pallure to Fix
baWtaaUaraLMflBKta •warmo.
ra'careaUltbr middle of the moatb.
be will aall fv Mew York.
Loatoa. Sopt. 4-Th* Bafltoh
It wee ten o eloek Inet olrht before
la Hoalb d.frlea ' °
»>»* traialarrn'* iiiilieli
dlllaoee, wblehli dee there abeot motion to edjoum broopht the eonneU
meetlnt to e eloee. It wae e loop and
tie In the
I pabUabad thU
meetlnf and cMaUlonbl*
wornloc. be m*}' be eeea from their
baaloeae wa* dUpoaed of.
date Una* aereral of them bare been
ttblle aeveral mattera attended to
ioreadtotieU their poato in order to
OterfM Kap be BeleaMd Withoot were of pnbhc Intereet, there wae
eeek eaf*^ from aneet.
one of more- Impocteoee and moment
The Joemaltetle leader* of nlUaadar
Hu lanocenee Helot
than the meal rontine and one which
opinion are erldenUp
deepl; Iniereau everyone. The firet
e. in lb* ei
bat *■ the ate
Parl*.a«pL4 - The Ulk of .
etep in ibe aolnilon of the water anpof mmore ponr'ap over the oeblee it U
veidlel for plr problem wae takeo. and the eource
hard to dUtlnretob tretb from elarmlet •ort of a
exaffreratlon. It add* that one tblof Drejfne tnereaeee and ibe opinion that i of topplj wet dedolte); decided npon.
to clear, and that U that the atrale lb ibe Jadrea wilt etand three for Dr*7fnt I Baet baj wae determined to be tbe
fonr aralnat him U (julle prevalent | point beat edited to the pnrpoeee of the
aearlnf the breaklar point. It reallj
look* a* if the Tranetaal were TbU would in eff.-ct be the SoolUeh I ciij and by reaolaUon Eaet bay wae
verdict of-not proven.^‘_^It would re- eelocted and tbe oolni at which the
dellberaulp tnereaeinp the teuloa.
Dreyfne from prim, bet would i Pompiap eution ie to be eaubllebed
of tbe Cbrool.'le, tbe aolltary leading ’ ^^*'**^
troa tbe army. Oo the ' wae fined. Tae reeolution, however,
mcralaf paper that le aeziont to make
precautlonc takeo to I which wee preeentod by Alderman
for tbe Boer* and generally toll"’”'*'** nny outbreak in the ooort' Lmrdie. i* aelf explanatory and pledge*
fnl Hgbl. U would eeem to Indicate tbel a verdict I< Immediate action In placing tbe mhapreaent thing* In i
1* expected, aa’ ‘ ter of bonding before tbe public. It U
Ingly Be aay*
unable to o
mUe or DOtbln^ beyond ezpreaalog local feeling U undeniably hoetUe to a* tollowi
Beaolved. By tbe Common CouncU of
hope of a peaceful aointlon
f of Tra<
. That It >*.
Tbe lateal canard. Inteoded
Tbe Beuter Telegrem company eloee
and hereby ii dvrlarM. ezpedir
to optlmtotie. The Hail ihU morning prviudloe tbe Cathulle member* of tbe for aald city to ooDdruct. operai
operate ai
say*: ‘Beeler send* a* * rule what the court martial agaioit Dreyfu*. i*
malDlaib water work* for tbe
declaraUoa which, it U pretended. U of aupplylng eaid city and tbe iobabitTranavaal wUbe* pablUbed here."
A dlapatcb from tbe Pretoria oorree- made on cfli :lal authority, that be took anu thereof, with pure and wbolewime
water for tbe extlnguUbmsBt of fire*,
pondent of tbe Mornlog Poet, aepi via
the ordinary and extraordina-y uam
MewetaUe. aay* that be 1* informed by ues
for dwelling*, aioree, hotel*, mill*, facgood eetborlty tbel tbe Boer* intend
There wae a long meeUng of tbe toriea. lawo*. barnt. and all other
to fi/bt retber than to grant the de leader* of tbe D.-eyfnelte party to- building*, and for all other commerciel
and domreiie purpoeee. a* tbe eoonci:
mand* pf Orest Britain. It Irprobable nlgbv but nolblog eoaoeraiiig the prothatbefpre long the Boer* will in*h oevdlng* hae tranaplred.
It U
aoroe* the border, thinking that thU U
Pope Heported Againet Dreyfua.
that tbe ■
tbe only oeuree that will provlae them
London. Sept, i —Tbe B:
___ wate
___ work* tball be Baat a ebaaoe of enoewe. Mearly all tbe pondeni of tbe Central Mew* aay* be Traver*e Bay, with the vuraplng
members of tbe nltleader council beve baa interviewed many of tbe Vatican tion or tbe power house thereof,
left tbe Tranavaal in order to be at ofiiciala. Including Monaignorea Pifferi loceUd on tbe shore of eaid bay. at i
raentiooed In ... report and
liberty to lake part la subeequent end Aogeli.'nnd lenrp* that tbe pope | noted in
the detailed plat and tpeclfl
evento instead of lingering In e Boer anda numberoftbe high dlgnltarie*
by U
Aeolhar dlapatcb to the Poet from
imiltee In it* report 1
Newoaelle *ent by Its Jobaanaeborg V) tbe Preneb clergy in regard to dtelr
oo tbe 20 h day of May.
OetTwpondwts Fore*d
th« Tr«nsrMl.
-I have left Jobaaneeburg, tbe lead
ing nttlandera having nrged me to eeek
a mfar plane. Tbe sute allorneyb
oStoe and tbe public proeecntor'B office
oonfirmed tbto advise, tntormlag me
that It was the InieaUoD of the Tmnavaal antborlUce to arreet all tbwe who
hafl Uken a leading part In advocacy
of the olUaedere. Bn rouU bei
traek* loaded with ammnuiUon .ready
to start for every station. Tbe liner*
deolars their inienUoto to rush tbe
Metal bordar soon.
Adtopatebtothe Time* from Newceatle. Oape Colony, aaye that the feel
ing In Johanneebnrg and PretorU la
teeolved and aggremiva
Pet^s are
leaving kotb plaee* in
A dlapatcb to the Standard from
-urg by wav of NewoasUa
Cap* Colony, aay* that a
been received el Jobanoeeburg from a
Pretoria oorreapondant etatlng that
tbeTranavall baa «
to graai tbe frao
after five ye*
that war to oow regarded aa Inevitabla
Tbe Tel^rnpb print* a dispatch
arliabuTg aaylng that advlceafrom Pretoria are to the effect
that war to conaidarsd eerUI
the same feeling prevails In PletermsriUbnrg. It add* Uat tbar*
ration to belle** that a majority of
th* Volksraad will immediately Inatot
upon formally deelarlug the country'*
On your shoef. They
are noiseless—g.ive elas
ticity to the step, and
added ease and grace to
tbe whole body and make
walking a pleasure.
Ot Sttiirfap, Septemher 16th tho prizes will be awanled
r^lnre Q,nr«. Tick.t, Foot Bill Suit,
Fo^t Ball, Puuch Bag, Indian (’lube
For oin. -^ tfctnr. Coatw Tick.t, ro«r'. .otscripUm
23^222F^t .Street
Try Them!
We furnish them and
put them on roi^ shoes
50c Pair.
Ladies' or Men's.
eoc. 76c. *1.00. $1.8*. $160. $2.00 and $8.60
Popular Shoe Houso.
Store Closed
Tuesday and Wednesday. Sept. 5 and 6.
owing to Hebrew New Year’s-Will
open Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock.
Bellable Dry Good*, Carpet and Clothing Bom*.
New Piano
id B well-spring of pleMora
in tbe bouse wben it bns tbe
rich melody and sweet tone
of a Kimball.
merit, we will show oar mag
nificent stock
Is hecomlDg popular, too.
Urn* become *111 cted with tuberoaloeto
be wa* deathly afraid to give Ito milk |._ al. ariiM
to bto children. He then went oa to, ■O'
d*el*r« that glOO.OOO would provide a
fully adeqaat* auppy and good eyatem j
Made by
from West bay and tbat doable tbat
amount would b* required to aatabltob
an East bay ayaiem. Her* Mr. QanieoD Inlmjectad a raasark tbat If SlfiO,reqalrod to build a Weet bay
eyatam tb* aldorman from th* aaeoad
would D*v«r Biak* a kick. To thto Mr.
Hasting* ratorud: - It woaU be Impoa*lbl* to epMid that amount of money
for * W**t bay syatnm."
Tk* dtoeumion bmmm* •plritod. hat
a roto wm tnally taken nnd th* raw.
luriam* Collage wUI InUm w*a ndoptad, Mr. HasUng* swC
nialM AU ednialwww tot abwUut*patsIngth*only
Mgatfv* vot*.
4ept*mb*r 4tb, ItM.
Th* wntar work* mat tar was not th*
»*UI h* formed la
tlT-fw-Md i
lOohtinnml on third peg*, j
A. W. Jahraus
Comv in aud look at onr fine aasortment
All Sheet Music
at halt price.
Small Instruments
and Musical Merchandise.
The Favorite Sc Cigar
h.. tec-, u,. CO. -.iih." .o..; Biggest aeil best 10 ceot clear
wonderful tone you will recognize its superiority above all
Than Traverse Belle
pisDue and when yoo lest iu
Alderman Hasting* entered the argu-ET OA*T~^
menl and declaredagalnei the roeolu-1 I 11 C.
I d
tion la any form which contemplated I
BsetBty. He argued with cbar*cler-1
totic energy tbat all the talk of the experU wa* tbat Weet bay "migbl" beoome contamluated. In tbto connection
be tuted that he had a very fine Jeraey
oow of which he thought a great deal. i
With paidan-
sble pride in its beauty and
Tra**t*e O
h* clcaml i
wkm new i
Bnlph ConnsblB Jr. Manage.
M dttM iei simts Rigt Proa Oiteac
MklilAu Ttlephooe Co.
Five Bejected aad e Squad Started for
Preeldio Bareecke Uet Might
hm* were elavaa men who wanted
to go Into the aervioe of the United
Statee' army yealerday. Of the eleven
only eix paeeed Ue rigid pbyelcal ex
amination. Of theee. two were for the
regular army, and four for the voli
taer*. ■
The recrulu for the volunteer «..
vlo* are WUUam Lereon. John Vallaec, Nebemlnh Barvey and George
Oummlag*. They will be in the 4tnd
U. a voiutear lataatry. Th* r^lar*. Bemucl A. Olagriek and Andrew
a Laiuen, wUl jslntkelr regimoal at
Prealdlo Barraeka. Baa Praadeoo. Oalifomln.
1A* following recrulto for tk* regu
lar army aervlea left on the ajM train
Inet night: Bnrvey Decker, William
B. Bateeon. Oemr** A MeOartMV, —
hart C Lnteon and Bamnal A Olngrtok.
fcrmto ate U ae dMgur.
Ten Valuable Prizes.
Here U the way we do it-TickeU irill be given to each echolsr
deetthetolalnof^epBWk uatU
at the opening of the school year for ad
vertising. We propose to inaugurate a
now scheme this year and will give that
amount directly to the schotan in
When joQ have a pair of
Beeolved fnrthe', Tbat tueb water
worlIn ehall be
Into operation
•reiion ai
ei early
ear a*
. praeiickble.
tbatt all ibe neceeeary ttepe be ta
ken forthwith to place before the tax
lUnUa CAUdrea Send Her a OrewnWork Kaadkerchell
Bwbeeiar. N. Y . Sept 4 —Oenerul
Blwell S. Oito' family receive from eetUng in'" up.*ratlon a eyetem
time to time nnmeron* aouvenir* of bl*
Tbe last Iid- In tbe reeolution orexperlenee* la tbe PbUipplnee. Mr*. Igjnally, res-* "eueb eytlem" of water
Otto bes ju*t received as a gift from the work*, bn'.
When you consider ibia fact,
numerou* obj-ctione,
stater* of the AsUo de San Vincent de founded upon s fetr tbat tbe pbraec don't you think you ere mistakt-n
Peul at Manila aa czqaelte drewnwork might oommi' - Se oonneU to tbe Bsfter rhen yon say ton "don’t need a
bandkeroblef, made by the orpbw of plan*, were i emoted and a cb*ngc telephone in your home.
Loobah tebool. and areaeated' to wa* made to ’ ki it now; reads. -A
VV hat Tou Lave moet precious in
UenerulOtto for hto wife with this system." x‘i- -y deetroylng any tbe world is there, and in the ev»-pt
of accidert or dan
chance tor s
ue to construe tbe
ger vuu would reed
-• nmlttne eounel'. b
••Manila. June I, ll»*-MajorOener*l
it even more at your
Oti*.-My Dear General: Tbe etoters Baftcr p)i
home than at >..ur
Alderman Moatneue was very earnest
.And that ie
band you tbto little package for Hr*. in bto objcctiuQ to tbe original word
<aving a k'ood deal
Utto. Tbe orphan children of tbelr ing of tbto pan of the resolniloD. and
school, to whom you have been ao kind, refused to consider any proposliiou
want your wife to have this little tbat might b* mtooouttrued. at tbe
unnle Of their work- With klndact of
isbes. I remain with much rmpect, nothing to oppose the progreee of tbe
very sincerely youre.
«rk along the proper lines.
Alderman Garrison accuied AlderW. D M'Kik.vo.s.*'
Th* signer of the letter to a promi lan Moatague of Intention* to innent worker among tbe Manila eeboole trodoee •ubterfngee to delay tbe
iry action on tbe water work*
andcburche*. Thoae who have eecn
the- baodkerehlef aay that the work queetloo and declaiwd tbat Mr.
cannot be equaled in thto eooniry. Montagok.'* atiiinde wa*.unexplsmable.
Mr*. Otto 1* soon to plaee It on exhibi To theee euggeetion* Mr. Montague
tion, that all may admire it Ueneral paid no attention. Alderman Wright
Otis baa also sent home a large old- wa* eatitfied to haje tbe location of |
fatbloned clock. It to eight feet high, the pumping elation fixed if tbe one]
and Ue eaae to of Manila mabogany.
a the ver.v!'
>*« eery Uttie dehlag. BremhUg to
suiM at prmeot, aad Americaa la-
We usually spend aboul S30.00
etUtnde when the Benne* court
tlal deUvers lu verdict.
Over-toeue of Pop w Money Ceuned the
Porto PUta. Santo Domingo, Sepv
Though ell tbe town* on tbto, the
north aide of the toland, have deelared In favor of the rsvolnUon. they
are not nnnnlmoualy In fevor of any
paritoulnr aaplrant ter tbe Preeideney.
Most of them have pronounoed In
favor of Ceneml Jimlnex. bet the
itly have no praferenes.
having nought only th* <
>t wn* objectionable
It to belioved that the dUee on the
■onth aide are ready to deelar* in favor
CkfJlmlaesor aom* other preeideai
T*e malnaaeaeoftharevolBUoai
thtacUoB of th* Beureaux govi
menl In making a large over-toee* of
pepm moBM. which raaoUed la greet
demoralHatioa of the currency and
; I. E. STEMS, Imflt.
mymnl Sti, lirtlui Bltd
September 4tb
Our friends will find us located one dOOr
east of Hamilton Clothing Oo’a
store, in the HoNamara Block.
We will open business with a Glean Up
Sale where prices will cut no figure. We
invite everybody to come.
rari DWTTAL wou.
fHB Mominvo UOORD, TUfSUAT. >KPT»1CBBE 6, 18W.
scMoisMEaimiiti. .
The People Know
iB Spltaar Baw AaoiOrms Tbere « i.
Be Bo Boom to 8pai«-ISm
»•*»»« fn
BeyV Atteadoaee.
The e^ooU ORoaed yeeterdey. with
by for the Uigeet ettewdeoee ever
«. Batm Aire f. W. BAsan.
the boUdlBge that ore
And we hsTe be»o'git-iDK them ad awfol gtxid
for tbe
Itst ten days. . We have been sellicg
«, W. BAnn. «»«*
iwdUgof tbebuUdUCAOwiig
lu pan to the Uiger attendonee aod in
port to the feet that not eU tbe room
urOUdJlBS KO&Z TBAJi soo.
U at preoest avolUble. boa Bade the
work of tbe flnl few dsy* eseepUoe'
IchoolOeoeoA dhoce 8.464 Ohildren
oily bard. The Centro^ buUdlng U Al Paid By Maot Frieods 10 the «emoey
of Behool Age. *
ready crowdAd beyond aU that It is
And they have not been slow to tako adt-antaer of it. We have
A very large cumber of the many - Tbe eebool oensui this year tbowa a
bailt to AceoBBOdste. wbUe tbs otbi r
sold M hioycles in tbe lost ten days—fOld seven Monday, and
baildUgs show A Urge Ucreoee over friendA of the Ute ChrUtopber PybuA very BAikcd Ipcreese cverony ^vioos
Lave only a frw left, sp if you want to Uke advantage of tbis,
year to the biatory of the city.
Ust year. In one ol the rooms U tbe getbered io tbe CoegregAiional ebuj
rome quirL and do not thiak of buying a bicycle without an
Oeotrol. that u provided with eeeu for yeAtenUy to pay tbelr !s*i irlbuu of gAUfortbApastyeArUisezeeoa otWO;
eotablisb’d r«|mtalion. when yon can buy sueb a bicycle as the
40. the teacher b AOcemBodstUg 64, rcApeci AOd love to the bitncry'of one oed every word Is the cliy show*
Kagle nr World at ilie priree we are selling them at, and are
while Another room with tbe sam- who will be greetly miieeri o the city. Uereose.tbe toul Iasi year being S.ioo.
guaranteed for one year t>y a party you know ie reeponaible.
DUBber of seeU baa lo ntuedanee over Tbe Board of HducAtioB Alb-ndiO thel Aeeordiag to the report tf the cencu*
foaeral Ic a body, a* did also tbe clerks eauBerAtor. W. M. Smith, tbe somber
Si pDplU
|r««MMf7 •UMt Xaptov^neav
Tbe enrollBent of the High eebool b 'f tbe Mereestlle Oemp^ry's store, in tbe city of eebool Age in tbe vAriom
<SW wtWHniltUca of Ue b(»rd of
iTbeebolr whkb furubbed tbe mokic,
^Ule works lo Improve LaioB sUMt twenty more tbon wire enrolled cn I «oa eempoeed of Hite Crawford. Mr*.J First Word
Fn»l •iroet to ibe bridfo Aod the tbe amt eay lest year Tbe^rceest in-1 BoabAni. Profeeeor Horn and Dr. bny- Second Word...
tplirnrfc to Vbc scolh tide of the brUpe dieatioD b that there uill be a moeb gar. with MU* Despree os orgonUL
Third Ward. ..
Irtth eroAbod etOBC, U a good o&e. It u Urger enn Ument f*i ibb before the. The funer*l was U charge of tbe
to Mkeo taot of the 'eekboot. Tbe Uigb eebool bos si-| K.n-twter*. end tbe casket was attended
120 Front Street, Traverse City.
propeud eriiAfaed Atooe method of im- ready spread to tbe lower floor, end j bv a guard of honor composed of tbe
prOTiof the aCmu Bat the boArd of
down sulr* will soon belf,|io«iDg oi Mr. Fybus fellow bibpAblle workA were leeUoctod eeverAt fives to IL Already IS nop-resident 1 bers of the order: Hon W W. Smith,
WAAke Afo to improve Kroot etreet ABd paplU have enrolled, end tbb samber I A V Friidricb, J-U Johnson. P. 0.
The Bravery ol tFomao
omplop the etreet roller Aod ernAbcd will soon be mbed to 64.
(iilberv W J. EobiDioc. Aogu* McColl.
AtOM for tbAt porpoee. The eooBcIl
.’smesMurchle. nod George W. Clyde. Dowling
41dW>teoBt«aiplAU a permAteat lo.attendsoce b tbe Uck Of free r-*. »ii
waa.* Ak..Aj.Ai 4w\tp. \ir year* atr
prvtABABt OA Front etreet la tble ota- test hooka. >. In tosi of tbe anbjrcla
f nauaea and indigmtl
MAbOD. bSVeUnplp oeeeeeAry repAlre. all the books are Already Uken. which
failed to relieve her until •
WkUA the eaffAetlone of the board of
led EU ■
,nee e delay in tbe work of some
poblle works Are food oaee. the ooe aeui new books ere received.
«llb.lA ..b J.b. rbol“'.r-b..d=.b.....jU,l.,. 1.
dittos (f Frost etreet demesde imTbe IseUliy with which SnperinUn. Kowle. The floral
'7 b iru y a grand tonic for tbe wbnlr
^AAdihU AttAotlon.
dent Bom bAndles the work shows and profuse.
system as I nlnrd
gained io
lo weirbt
weight and
aod ~f4l
Tbs wei-AnUms weAtber will eoos ooBclealvely that the board of ednea
Eev. D. Cochlln. who conducted tbe much strong ainoe u*iog it." It alas
be here Asd poet espcrlcscc e«uee u tlon Bake no mbtake lo aclcetlog for »ervlce. *nAb*
apoke ol tbe aolendid charac- 44:e»ticD. cures dyspeptic, improver
lo dread ibe toeosveoUsee end herd- this isportant position, one who. in ter of the decasod. aod paid a glowing Gaarmnte^' at J oem life Ocly Su:
'• Jobnaon end 8
■hip ABtAilcd bj the eosdliioB of tbv addition to all other emlnem quA'IScAAItaM AS U BBst be nDltee^eoBeitalDf tlons. bad tuefa a thorough taiuiliArlty parity of bb dally 111
Ia doM with It. A ppriaAsesi Improve- with Abe AcboolA. and with the woikAfter the eerv ee, a large number of .v-ja.
•Ast is sot seeseeiry M tble time Ur.oftbeclty.educaUonAltyet«B. , friend, followed the body to lu
Of Detroit will arrive sbont Septei
Bnt A top drtAAlsr with enubed
ProfeeAor Ryder Ukee hold of tbe reatisg pUoe in tukwood ceBetery.
her IJ. to uke charge c f onr drei
Atoet well rollAd dows with the new prisclpalahlp of Uts High school
mokiog depanmvDt.
•treat rolUr. will be as Improvemeni BAsacr that abows bim to be master of
ing to e: .Age lime can do^to by
1 cslL I *
Ug At the Boston Store.
fTMtl; to be AppreetAted ssUl eome- tbs situation. The ooums of study b
&•S ••••
'hUhl’ Of A penaAseat SAfore ems be is- practically tbe some ss It was when be Bsoelved 6jld Waiob for Vrltlng
trodAeed After WAter baIm ere Uld
eft tbe eebool. eo that be b not wltaMost Usuranee U Xlchigaa.
TierebAs bees BAflect Is Uyiet is a
capsiienee that wUl help bim in
Tbomas Coolon. spscUl Agent for tne
APpplp of Atoae tbAt wUl prevest ibc tbe special work of principal.
Mutual Life Ineursnce Oompany of
AMCstlos of DtAo; Improvemeou thot
All IndlcatioBs point to s very sue- New York, bos ju4t received a beauti
Oifal esboci year under the new ful gold wAicb, A prize for tbe writing
»w»* y>
u wbAS Frost street 1a eared for rsgiBA.
of the lorgoAt amount of iosuraDce of
Ibore U eoonfb elosc left or esoapb
any Agest ia tbe state since the fimi of
ASS be proenred at osee to carry out
June. Mr. Conloo b ui queetionably
IbA reooBBrodAUooe of tbe board of
Tunt'e wliRl the ( hildren eay.
pnbUd works os Uolpo street, ibeo Will CAUAA WaUav Wiiherell to Lay
Grown up ctiidrvD flay lht> satne
.00(1 lime he bAA Uken tbe Amt prise
tbore CAB be no ol jecUoo to coirylop
Off A While.
AgAinsl All the ogeoU in tbe tUU.
thin;;. W«- sell lU lbs rolled oale
pat tbe AnggeAliooA iSAde. Id as;
with a toilet mirror now fre*
Walter J. Witberell b noming a
for i-.-.c H.
A- Com fin., meal
pent, wbes tbe brldpe Is oompleted sprained Askie and A tu bud knee, as
([Uently takee the plar^ of a bu
tbe BOAT Ap^fOAchetmoit be properly well AA A few bvAlthy imilAtlosA of
in 1-l'itb flacks for Il'c a aack.
CruW of tbe yaellDA
reau or a drcMsingcaae, especial
aU AobAtAtiUAllT Blled la. end tbe ep
brnbee. Be was At work on s
Tbe VarllnA, A steam yacht, wiib a
ly if additional drawer room ie
pUsAtion of emsbed ilooe In three baa car on the C i. W. M. when It osrty of pleasure se«.kers aboard. InBn-nkfaut
KcxmI or
“But.'' sooicouc says, “there’a wanted. With onr new line,
AtAM will be sot only deeltable bnt went off the track. The msU roin I e'odlag the owner. Tbarles H. Thom,
Wheat freni Meal or (Quaker
such a sBiiienrsa with bakvr's just opc-ned, we are able to supAfviAAble. Bnt It vrlll be some time
Uur sepA'Ated
and of Hooigoaeri. Ward .t CompAoy.
Roll«-d (iate or Shreaded Wheat
yet Ufore tbe Approaches to the bridge Just AS the train pulled out Witberell ' arrived At the dock yeaterCAj. Tbe
ply the increasing demand for
These flell at l.ic the
wOl seed sttestlos.
Have yon tasted th(«e new
turlcd to jump from the car be WAS on I tHtie vessi I made the run ftvm
tbe medium and better clafS
pHckak;.'or two for a (jiiarter.
Bent’s Water Waferp.Bremner's chiffoniers. Have yon seen that
to tbe moving ear Ahead. He failed to | charlevol* to thU city, a dtiunoe of
Try a [jackaii.- or two.
IfATOS SsMii.Tox's inggestioD fora jump far enough and landed with Ajau milee. in 4 hours. Mr. Thorn sod
.Sugar Wafers, Brent's AaaorCed
new style we’re Melling at |6.50.
ptdAWslk Isspcctw U A good one Asd a dull tbud upon tbe Uee be wee i the | nu fAtber-ln-lAw. Mr. Nibur. of Peoris.
Wafers. Kennedy's Fairy '' afffUable BAB cam not osljr BAke him tracks- It WAS AD uofortu AU mb , HI,, ugeiher with A nsr-y of tour sis,
ers, ( hanjiaigoe Wafers CocoaWAS I are making AD extended cruise on tbe
aaU weful boi vAlttAble to tbe efty.
nut aod Macaroona These are
Tbs ssggeoUoo to provide m pesalty CA'-led to relieve bb psia. He will be uy.
all put up in the most attrac
Im'segleet to comply with the order* laid up for A while.
Endured Desib'e Agonies.
oi the oouBcll in tbit regnrd I# aIao ■
tive boxes. Put these on tbe
! Only A roaring flee eoAbled J. M
gooi one. Property owsere sbonid tAke
Bdlurb Awful Plight
table and serve right from ihe
‘ Osrreuoo. of Stn Aotooio, Tex., lo
belter cere of tkeir welke for the eeke
down when sttsced by AstbiiiA.
I . Ijee down
Sold at the uniform price
of tbe repnlAlios of tbe city If they
or Life on tbe Ocean Waw,"
1 i from whi
25c the box.
hAVA no pereoDol pride is keeping that no doctor or remedy helped noiil - ---------------.
would bt- vanity and vexation of
knows I'needa Biscuit sells at
IboIrpreBlees In good AbApe And AAfe be tried Bucklen’e Aroiea bilve. the , that It veemed he eudured
in tbe world. Be wrius. two hose* of destl ; but Dr. K ng's
----far pedcAirlAnA. This doen sot Apply beet
•1C the box andfiiewls Jingei
rholly cured him. Infallible for Plies, 'or Coosomption wholly curedI bim.
tbe bouse.
Love would be
'Vbcti a man bnye a bat of
of AOnree. U> All property owsere. sim Cure guAmnUed. Only the
Sold by This mmrtelcu* aedirlue i« tbee only
Wafer at iOc.
Sears Tutli
stronger and life would be lon^ us it lusts flo long that he gets
ply to those wl o AFgleci to keep their J.O. Johnson and 8. E Wait, drug- knowo cure tor Aitbss as well as
Frutti and Butter ( ups at 20c
|0>D>omptloc. Cough* sod Cold*, sod
wslks In good repeir. There ore msny gist*.
er by ueinu' Jackson or Lenox
tiusl of it. It’e what you might
--------------------------IsilTbrosl, Chi-sl S''* Lung troubles
the i>ound. Are you qomc to
who teke pride in keeping their welks Obriei Alter riowsn
or Ivory (that's tiie kind that
; Price soc sod fi.oo Ouimnteed. ^sl
crII a tir>d hat. Of course this
picnic or have an aftern(x->ntea^
0 goodsbspe. but looBAny sn
Wsit end J.
tioatfl) or some of tboaeexcellent
kind cofltfl a tride mure then the
For bouq'ieu.
1(1 eeott s dosen.
Me*, 'Johnson
Drug aurre*.
^about it
These are jiir-1 wlialyou want.
toilet soaps, .ic buys London
hat that tears off at the brim or
rrackfl at the cr»-ase or t.reaks
lieti! a cake of Kirks -luveiiile
when indented
'N'e guarantee
Want somelbiDi; '-iter. There’s
iiur hats
"'e want every
Ooldvell 0. Loudon Bav# KAiabllAbM
Cafllimere l4oU(|iiet. .\!inoml < >il,
mail to lx- SM e(>rrectljr dreased
a Breneb of Tbvu BxtAselee Bnei*
Resiuol, MuflkV-enethis or Mi!HP p«.*i-ihle.
IB ObArlevois.
The esterprUleg drm of Caldwell h
toodon ere not eetitaed with tbe Urge
sod ioereaslog bosIneiA ihet they
d««i««g Is this city. Out Are looking for
And see for yourself aod be convinced that w’C are
•OTA worlds to cosdner. With this In
making a wonderful reduction on all of our tan shoes
make yon think of cooling
ylAW, they bsve cossoBBAted a deel
misses', youth's, boy’s, women's and
fhet IsvolvAt the pamhAse of a rmg
beverages Got anything to
men’s. We must have more room for our mammoth
•Urly cAUbllAbed beeUeeA in Cherledrink them from after they’re
stock of new shoes now on the road, direct from the
rois. together with tbe eertalnly of
made. Tall thin blown lemon
f^t Ucreoee U the Urge butUeSA
factories—aod must make tbe sacrifice on our line of
All manner of bulk perfumes,
ade glaaaee are just the thing
that tbe trm U Already doing is that
We bare five patterns of engrav
selling from 15c to 50c per or.
Good mattings have a place
Per many yeAreOAldwell i Undon
Bottled perfumes at IC^ 25c. ed medium size thin blown
havp ehlpp^ Urge eontigemenU of
in most homr* all the year
straight glaasee An ornament
50c and 11.00 the bottle.
Iheir goods to ChArlerols. end now
round CJool in summer—Then
Everything yon want in Toi to any table- If you want somethat they beve eeublltbed tbeaselves
tbe spreading of rugs*makes it
Children's all solid tan shoes, button, 5 to S.. 66c
thing cheap, got a glass (good
let Waters and Colognes
Ihore. there is ne doubt bat that the
warm for tbe winter montba—
Summer heat and summer one too) at 25c tbe dozen, (roliAilsssi will Assume raueb Urger peoChildren’s tan shots,.button or lace. 5 to 8... 76c
pmtkms. The desl Jott'Mde Invol'
ing to have an afternoon tea or gives a pleasing effect to tbe
sun demand toilet preparations
Ibe purebsse of tbe blAcksmlth, catroom. Some new.patterns just
some friends in for the evening
and face powders.
These can
an up-to-date BhoCievery pair guaranteed,
rUft M>d vrtgon Abop. together with
You want tbe btst
Those sherWt glasses are what
be bad in endleas variety.
Iba bordwere end vrUnlinml implegrades—they last longer—look
Pretty white teeth call for you want to serve tbe ices io.
Bsnt etoree of John Beker. of Cnerle
a grade for 12c the
75c buys twelve beauties
you. Br. Caldwell lA on Ue ground.
tooth powders, aoaps and tooth
make, all first class stock, direct from the
AOspleUng the deal. He will bate
will find -18 different styles of yard if you want it. 25c style
paste. We supply every de>
factory, sizes 11 to •2............................... $1.16
Ahoi^ of the boAlnese in CberlevoU,
arbUe Mr. London will have petsosAl
Youth's pennakit winners, school shoes, willow
paporrlaiea of the work bare.
tmATnaxciTT. •
3 Good Thin§ mienHieyseen
Maiies the food niore defidoits and
Eagle and World Bicycles
at Less Than Factory Cost
First dess double tube tires,
guarenteed, lor $2.25.
J. W. SLATER’S House Furnishing Store
^£'1 ■■
I Want
My Mushr
Don’t Have to A
Make Cakes Chiffonier
At Home...
■ Love in
a Cottage
“Last” Use.
Toilet .
Don’t These
Warm Days
More News
of Mattings.
XUo't Tear Dowe—Bnild up.
Tbe old foAhioned theory of tCAring
dows diteoee was entirely changed by
the advent of Dr. d W. Cbnse't Nerve
and Blood Fills, which cure by ereat(Bg sew rieb blood ssd nmee tiosae
the mcd.sB of iheelrraUUos
sod tbe porvens eyetem thv stisagthM o»d isvigorau every orgoa la the
calf, sizes 11 to 2.........................................$1.16
Boy's russet calf, 11 to 2, up-to-date................$1.16
Boy’s russet calf. sizes'SJ^ to 5....................... $1.48
The Boston Store
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
Tmmojantd nBodm. TTnisbAT,
4| SV&U Menvi
c^ StAwetV. {
war W»rwMTS'
•tausuarae will operate throara the
acrtealtaral eecUoa of bU drpart«eai
la airaarlar a diep^ay of the arrical
taral pFodact* of Mlebtraa at tbe et
It b tba epMiial dMlr* off Secref ateante to aieke a rood dbplay of
alt, aad trait that U i ' ia teaeoD
aaabaatoaee rect to Uraad Baplda
wbera ft will be pat la oold etorare.
Depaty Bbenff WeilBta of roa*.tae.
waat40 Leoaard datarday airfat aad
eaptarad a wild ataa who bee oeea litlap la the blf twampa I wated near
that rlllare for aetera'l laoatba Tbe
vaa b etIdeeUy a forelraer and of
roodtoacdlar It U aepaoMd be b iaaaae. Be baa a loor beard aad balr.
aad was barefooted. Tbrooat be wore
WM a eorlooely patched a> lir. ead r»>
aeabled Jeeob-eeoet of Bible bbtory
la the matter of eolore.
I ootlaned IroB •>«'( par* }
Ao ISTlUUoD wa* raad frota tha
6, law.
WOUt «l «l,MtS7. Th« •
«( th* bmrd ot pabUe wgrkt ealM te
• I •!(> «•
I 4Buti1liowea pfWtdUr a liemaa of
ajearfor bowllaf al:«7». blUtarc
U.«i-------*. waaodoptod.
AMvrnui Uirriam eatorad a proUt
k1ea<Rco» of r«ule hard
<».«, wao all >w*d their cattle to «!■
'laccrtaia Ittteo wai eebjreted la bb
oOaati u» eUlt the re |I part of tae city. The
Tbe «t
matter waa rcon the mb inet. Mr. Baetior*>: felled to tbe committee on ordlaareea.
immtdlate y moved • •e ^
ro: ' aad Mr. ij
ma’ter of iseofrcet namberia
I - I_____________ ______ _ _ ,__ ___ _L - .
► (lea tlon ^
Th. In.iutloa .u unpled b, eeeb. I
„„„id i. tb. cib.
tmona tote.
[ trit'oe on ttreeu and welke with ia
Aiaeaaor Tbeckpr raaomeoeedrd that ^ ‘oetraetlooe to report at tbe next meet
tbe aaeeeemeat an certain property of ,
Boward Wb tlnr be reduced, belnr ea j
cemite. The matter wae referred to] There wil'br a meetlae of tbe nal-
A proleal frem eeteral cUlxena < I ' fall atteadanee
read atralnet tbe obetraetlon of State' Tbrr* will be a apMlal meeting of
... Baelera ___
•treet by rice. Implements etc. and,.j
dtar ible
{ereninc. for the tracaaeti m of ape
ibb wae referred to tbe <
'IbaKiaeea A fall attendance ia
•treeU aad weika to report a
recabr meetlacA team beloBinnr
Binec to a fanner liriar
the.citT. breame f-lf^oed ye«B Gibba wae n*
to build aa addlllea to bli bicyele ahop terday. and raa- away, The wacon
fro k '^r aurrey o» tV L
op Eul Kropl ,lnp,. l-. ... dP.' ;!<lirl
p.d P.pud.nblp'd.mu,.
onuderable i
aloiyla taelgit, tobe covered
w Itb j Iv no ooe wea iriured
J.J. K-k«'
ironI make an • ff rt to atop the team before
At Saailec Ceotre, eyoaar maa etaIVoknp Kynikp -p. pUo t~Ptdd
aiopped by
ployod at the Bari hooae aodertook to
permiaeioD to erea an addllloo to buju drRch.
fill a lirbted etfar lamp with raa^line.
alore bulldiar. Ill x3J. a.lb,roa cov ( cla- N*.. 4 of the Kirat M. E Suodav
Ao exploaioD fUlowrd, aod tbe boul
e laf'j»cbv>l otrt la»t rveolng in
their reeg.
wataatod witb dlAciilty. after II iioo
Wilbi lm. Barlak A Co. were rraBt> ' ''•Kinth y baalneaa mrelioe
daaace bad boeo duoe. BadW fl^oee ed permlaaioQ
term o neni
nn,,.„p ,k,“p-ik"',:: 1..“™"?";,“
BOt beco aa'tdard promptly ooe third leg occupied by W
J. Uobba aa a hard
• be iade later,
Of tba boalara* pnrtlqo of ibe toirn wareatore.
rsion of ihe Labor llnions
woeld bate beea deatroyrd.
A petition for graveling Uih etreet
B. B. Uitlctte of Heaton Barbor, baa weal from Bohemia etreet. was referred
acconaiof tbe death
pateatad e roller beariar for aae oa to the committee on eireeU and walka
The Crescent band will give theitekfeleeof allkioda Tbeee bearlor*
Mayor HamilioB teat In the fa llow p^itptioed excursion to Omens TbarsareaowbelBC need oa 100 traeka ^ lag eommanicatlon relative to dog It- day eveniag The rxeareion aeaeoa U
tba Patera laiaber yard and do tA oeoeea. which wae referred to the com drawing to close aad everybody will
work of four maa Be tbiaka tbe io- mittee on lleeneee.
Aldermaa Smith profit hr these pleaaaat tripa
The atrararr Colombia will give an
eaattoa will reeolatioaiee teblele balld- moved tbia coaree beeanee be b not a
other afwooon excorsloo to Ne-ab-taloroeember ot thateommiiier
•apu tomorrow, leaving Use dock at
A yotaac maa got to ceatnrloc *o »igI call your atteatlon to aa ordlaanee 4:30 o'clock.
oroaaly while talking to a frtead at 8l relative to the Iternilng of doga.
Alderman B W. Bastings aad family.
The nomber of lieenaee istned tbe *ho have been apeodtrg tea dart in s
Joaeph tbe other day that be pal tab
lelightful camp at Long La^e' have
Oat throngb a large plate g laa> wlpdow.
Number of lioenace baaed last year
raining It eompl. t-ly.
to Sept. I, t44
A Jo ly fishing party cf fonrteea
Number of lloeaeee baaed thb year went
- OraodBapide- board of health will
from Spring Beach Hotel to Carp
aaforee tbe aute law relatlee to oonleoomberof lleensea leaned tbb Lake, oa Saturday. A'tboogb the day
eamptlon. and eompm pbyalabne to year Xi Sept. 1. eomeared with tbe
report all eaaea of It. the aame ae other line time last yeai
tbe gentlemea showed exeeptioaal
The namber of
•kill in handling a boat in rough
PtayaieiaaB will minbbed. bat the aapp
Mrs. ShellIley spread a fine
make a dgbien it.
k of oollectlog iioenaea haa
aad bei
Many Ottawa eoaaty farmerebave been done.
The method of proecedure to cc
rafoMd Pioo aa acre for tbelr aogar Uorpare latl year differed from
.. . Siephi
We Want youf inspection-we lead the styles—You take-no chances when
beet crop. The expert wh'> a looking ordinacoe.
the Woman's Foreign Miaaloa Beard
Beard ofiy
therefore hriag thb mattar np f<w tbe Frtaade ^nreb. gev<
after tbe bMta in that wc.nily eaye
wry inte'r-|^ you buy the Pingree Shoes -a shte with a record-Get them of
eeat or future coaaidrratlon. for eating addreaa on tbe eilOlJ-C
-ct of mi*. I M
tbe profit for tba Beltand factory will
'be income drrieed from doga b an sioGsI Sandey
Sandi morning. An ( ffertng of
be over fil00.000 for tbU year.
Importaot one to Use city.
eight dollars wae Uken for the
Mn. Bertha Baker, an onfonBaate
A euggesiioD from Mayor Hamilton Mexican Mieeions.
Ibtrolt blonde of good family, haa relative to the de Irability ot compilEarnest Ureillck baa iuei beea made
118 Front Street.
TIlo Old. I?el±a'ble Slxoe Map.
tog sod pnbliabipg in book form tbe be rec pient-^f tbe finest kind of
t in the
shape of a paddMag caItb aald to be practically a eare revised ordlnaacei was referred to tbe
mlltee on ordloanoee Later Alder
Iblag mow that Uraad BtpIda will get
tbe giaae faetory which baa beea talk- mao Montague, chairman of that com
The store of Joliu* Steinberg closed^
ml(U-r. made a verbal report bpod tbr '•«t nighlfoMhe Hebrew Ne-• 1 of eo mach for a ioog time past.
I Twirlrr*. Arthur W.onV and 8 Dior,
.Sf^nn e smith, .iiughter i
Wa«a Paol U lolaw weat to hb we 1 work of tbe committee. Be auted peeiore will D'n wD uoill Wedneed y eteclog at . 0 clock.
'andU-» H-nry Smith of Sulioe* B*t,
ia West Bay City to draw a pall of that tbe committee had worked
in revising ibe ordli
M. Dll', who ha» b. en coodacMng the d'rd ai ih.-tr home sn
waUr be was horrified to flod tbe body
anay Hank Hotel has rented i' e build -*
*4 U>e nm'
of a maa at the bottom. It proved to
ig lorm-rl* uccupird by Parker Hr -, and hi.< -• ff -rr^* for a locg t'rre with
work. H.-atati__.______ ____ _____
be that of Napuleaa Ledur, :u years of
•noe a’.ore, aod will locate a reslaoran- ; ........................
I'eceseed wa* of a roost
■nape fur oondderaUon at
and hotel there. He will vacate the lo»si-le c*-apa'-l»-. and will he greatlv
ag*. who lived a short dbtaaee away printing in .
baildlog that he now occupies
tO'r.srd br a large crcle of those who
fore moved. II
Bo was demeaied.
. I loved her. The funeral w'U be heM in
ferred to tbe committee on priotlag
The l^bir Day picn.- given hy tbel,t,^ Swedish church at 8n’-on, R,t
At B.xier. Mrs. Jalb Viola New. •itb ioitraetloea to procure slimateo
local labor unions ye.frday, wa.an viaorr,,w at . p. m Bi» Markatead
kirk, wife of Sylvester Newkirk, b
occaaloo long to be remembered. The ,
eondoct the *erTiee
dMd, aged :a Mrs. Newkirk's maiden dioaooee and city charter,
weather was perfect, a good
Bamc was Jobneoa. She wae a niece lion prevailed
—ere present, and all wae aa-pleasant; Ac int'resting coinc'deece oernrred
The board of pubiic
pubMc werka
I could be desired.
.S»iurda* evening.
Ween Pa-ker
of Prealdaat Fllmore.
0 that BO permanent re
Parker rBroa are oirrlv aettied m 1 """‘’era Utt
I oa Front etreet uoui
James A. Duboar of .Vonhvllle. owoe
.eiroewetore in McNamara buiMtrg *.*""• J"'.
lalni bad been laid. As
tbe old braes door kaoeker oelonglog
itb'ddltkmal room and better 'acil- ‘"''’'•If®* L*-d.ewMihe drat
to the home of Uen. John Swift, who
me. for handing an increased stock of • P‘”-iho^ *■= U>e bu Idiog SsturtheeuoBcil regarding tbe imomr
ovedrg he was ihe •■►t to rtiaVc a
waa killed in the war of l«il.
mtofUe street some lime ago-i
a was ad.-pied.. but I
The Invincible, have been true to ” •I’lTe w'‘r.lud'‘in The
Near Leroy. Ueorge Kellogg and
fact that the street needs repairs was their name, though they had to p'ae tuildliJ^
imnd id tbe McNamara
l«wU Wenaei arc dramlng the water
>t ignored.
ball to do it. They were- up against
fropi their prireu ddt pond oa tbe lat
Mayor BamiHon amt another eom ball olaver* when they plav-d Benda'*
There wi;i be a. spev-ai roeet-ug
at ih- hrm. rf m
anlcatioo relative'to mvre rffeetive Twirler-, hut they won o t w th a t^* L r R
ter's farm. The object b to Bed oal.
illOD in repairs apdn tidewaikt M- a-irr o't: to 10 The ballerire wen*- -'ribn H*r*v. ■i E**t K ghl vtreet. th'4
If BOMlble. what has become of the
commeodrd Use revision of tbe -• lovindblee, Ir «h, Novak ard Sri'Ws rvrning at
fish, at thry have pieced *3 o.>0 trout la isting ordin
dinarce and auggeeied that i
tbe pood and have taken but eery few
1th the orders of the council
oat aa they eaanot oatcb them.
Be*. Cbarlee US asholee of the Kiraj suggested tbe oecesa.ty of a sldrwal
in»pecuirae a steady employe who*e
Baptbt eharcb ot Unting performed a buslneas It should be to see that walka
marriage ceremony in a hack, while a were kept in good order. This wai
chase was being made to catch a train. referred to tbe committee <>u ordi
The contracung parties were Sampel nance* to tbe diecassion Alderman
tiulth auted that Ibe officials were as
James Doner of Athena aad Elms Van much to blame aa ike property owners
Nellya of Laniiag. They procared a in many inauoeea aa a great many
Ucenee early In the day, intending to eroui walks were ia wry bad shape.
Alderman Hastings came Into Uie die
be married at 1 o'clock. Joat before cutaioo
and echoed these Bentimi
that boar the relom of the Ueeaac waa bnl deilared that the council___
demanded by tbe aatborltiee, it having ©.•dared the work done bnl tbelr orders
not been carried onv
beea learned that tbe brtde wae onder
ad that if this work wai left wUb
tbe age given. tbuB making tbe moth
ireeu and walks,
er's ooDseni aeoeaeary. Thb aod a new
of pnblie
more might
lleeaae were obtained eo lau that it
>vo« lotD v\
\o leW
Alderman Garrison <
"* similar
waa neoeaea^ to have tbe
d on tbe way to the depot.
^^t ia a
Tbe Dandee caantag factory b pot> eommuDiaatloD
ting ap about s.ouo ewae ot tomaicee the approacbea to I'nlon street bridge
All our Ladies' 25c Gauze Vests
daUy aad
eat to to wo- w telh eldee be Improved pvmanenUy
we will close at.....................
Midae tbe ma e help.
Fiaeoanlng eiliage, so mUm north of be Improved in tbe same manner,
All our Ladies' 12|L 15 and 19c
good ----- r-■ oiec
Bay City, was vbiied by .-w diaaetroos by providing for a _
atreei The propotiu
Vests we will close at.......
fir* Sanday afiAraooB. Twenty-two on macadam3 street.
was not rrceilived wiOi favir. bat it >
frame bulldlnge. indudlng the Michi ■jjply recellIved and referred
rred to the
gan Central paeeengsr etaUoa. MaccanmItieeoD
ItieeonitNieuand walk.. The
lOand 12j-^c Child's Gauze
eentiinent wae that
be* ha 1. 13 butlnesa houses
Vests we will close at............
perasaaeDt improvemesit aboaid
dweUUtgawoPetoull, dmtroyed witb SdTto SL up th’e’^^idftS^.^e'um
tbelr aanUBU In nearly every cee.
i^dTnd^S^e S n"«l *f]
The fir* Stopped when U had boriMd
itself oat. The loei b etUjuted at
bTt OTv sbU Tvots b'b& viVV
incidental to auloein waadisenaaedand ™
$73,000, witb small laanraaoe.
New Fall Styles;
j'crsx HEO e i
Pingree & Smith
Make of Footwear i
A. 11 the Latest Toes'
I Special LS' The Composite Gtni&en The Governor!
Frar^^k Friedrich
Fall Opening!
Suits, Top Goats,
Hats and Furnisliings.
i» '3Vw
I vw M,w^eT>3oeav.
... . .
■She&e Ynew ave £.o\n
4 for 50c *
4 for 35c g
4 for 25c i
Bamaite. ibe it-moa^'-old baby of
Frank Klalber of Grand Baplda,chokcd
to death OB a psannl.
At Monroe. Cbarlee Caster, nephew
otibe late General Coater. waa acciAenially shot in tb* vicloUy of tbe
ksert. Fatal reealte are expected.
done at tbelr born**- Inqnireor ad-,
drsM Mlaa Schofield, dreaelng parlors'
441 1* 443 aMtrrami street ?l7-tf«
aebeesary to d. eometbiug I
with front etreet. where repairs are,
needed tbe most.
, |
I pon rtqns.1 of Alderman Montague M
The Hannah * Lay Mercantile Co. wa. *
grani.-d permitaion to Improva-' the
waika around their block and to im
prove the rtsof ef tbe awning.
City Clerk Bickerd reported that no
Claun* ware erdeeed p^d to tb*
^ \VtTtt 4b^s b\ lYte 'pnet
Come Qu.\ek.
J. W. Milliken.
Just simply opening up new
goods daily. You can not
imagine from any descrip
tion we can give ih print
what handsome patterns
and decidedly nobby styles
we are receiving daily. Do
not postpone your visit—we
are prepared and willing to
show goods as fast as re
Men's, Youth’s,
Wants were all carefully con
sidered when these goods
were purchased. It will save
you many useless steps to
give us tbe hrst caU.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Morning Record Want Ads Par.
Sr**THi uoaxatu
uoobj^. tubslay, bxpibhbbb a
Arbuckles’ Coffee
Tbe V Oonwell Keftx Oempssy W«U
Sqatpprd tor HasdUsc TVetr
TbeOornwella are monsi tbb week
Uto ttoir new beUdlsf oo Lske ftboet
near tbe C A W. M. freurbt depot, and
will be comfortably aetUed by tbe Utb.
Thebuadiactaalftrte two-atory esc.
eoaao f—t is aise. and b sbaly ftiran«ad
fnr tbeir boa noaft. tbe Urrer part botor bsUi for oold aicrarc parpaaas
There b ftbo a neat office and a loadisf
abed, and a atable baa bees baiU Is
connectiom The baalsftm here b a
braoeb of tbe Sariaaw B—f Co., wbleb
b under tbe masarem—t of WUUam
C. Cornwell, and basdlea tbe Swift A
Oo- pradecta exelualTely. Herbert Oriffitb b manaper of tbe Trarerae Oily
braseb. wbleb b reseral bcadqa*rter«
for a larpe dbuict, esteadUK aloec
theC. A
H aad-Q R A 1- asdeoeerinc all tHbotsry nolnu — tar north
— Peioakry. Onat Janerinek baaebarta
of tbe trade co tbe G R. A I. A lam
bnaloeaa b tranaacted by tbe w
every year, the rrawtb of wbieb
aat It waa
^ preaent
Urpe quarte'a.
Is the Standard of Coffee Exeellenoe by which all Coffee Quality Is Compared^
8M|^ Vm B«MKlMr. ft N«« ^
brotorftftd well imows Boelftty i
hftft loteftd ft irlU wbM ftbow
ft ftroft■«ko brftftkw. lift
It It hk nathod
of eejoyiftjr ft TfttftUoft.
Urd Oftorr* Hft»»to«. tftcrfttftry of
tiiftU for Iftdift. bftt rMftlBtd ft dUpftteb
frOK. tbft rte«ro7 of Indift. Lord Ourzos,
. OMftrtaftr
iOBBftdiftU ftftXict7 rftCftrdiwr tbft erop* Is th« OMtrfti prortsoM Of Isdk bftt bara roaovftd bp ft
ktftTT nis. BMWhtrft tk« rsiats]! ta
to—ttekot. »d fftto U sftftdtd to —
OkilBS Room TsMft
A Nftw York stfts dsloft to bftva tbot
• crftM «ft 1ft tb« Adirosdftekft tb*t b»d
«ort7 fl— trottt tft lU ttomseb, soot of
wbieb wotfbtd loM ikfts ft ftoasd.
At CkrkUftSft tb* tftbUot bftt deeldod
to forward ft copy of tbo iftw for tb«
, fstrodoetlos of ft purely Norweetoft
RftC to tbt Bweditb ftsd Korweriss
mtolttor of war. Baras Btppr. to order
ibftt be may soUfy foreUra powera.
Lett w—k ft party of boyt rasrioff
from It to «o left Toledo to ft— tb«
moontry, sod they derided to raorh it,
dopeodlsf os brfttloy itaetr way oo tbe
Aralaa Satii day Btcbt- four of tbea
Jomped from a twi fiylor B. A 0- trats
St Akroe and'aU we trjirrd. Abrabam
Klein dyloj. Tbostaa Judd. Howard
tvoa— asd Trask Dorer were aU(blIy
Aepeelal to tbe Omaha Bee frrm
Dftftdwood. a. D-. —ye: ‘A fleree tim
ber Are Wbleb braae oat Saturday
nlcbt la Tarier about tes milaa aoatb
of tsb place Aa ererytfalDV la aa dry
saUsderaoda rale la blofriof from
the aoatb. the aituatioD U eery aeriooa.
cv» fivyv »1A»V -t mi ev»uar •
People bare turned oot fropi tbe Im
mediate vielolty to flAbl the fire, but
tbua tar tbeir efforu bare met with
No. 63. A Butoher’ft Knife.
little aaseeea Baglewood. os tbe Bur-j
No. 66
Me. 67. Picture Prarr
11 Bftoo raUway. b tonipht threatened'
A'Lndy'ft Pen Knife.
aettb dafttrnetlos. asd tbe. lababltaota
are uyiur to yet tbeir belonflofa to
plftoae of wfaty.
Tba Aoetrias miobter of commerce
No. 6A. A KItohon Knifo.
b eoDtemplaUnff the IntrodncUos of
motor esre foreonreylnr mail baffa
sod (ram railway atotiosi. asd alao for
1 e«l BMC. UM tuds aad m tbt Mot
tbe eollactloB of lettera from tbe maU
>( arbuclM' K.At:tO CoOM.
Tbe usnaual altbt of a bbbop adNo. 66. A Oentiomsn^ Pocket Knife.
dreealsf a cooArepaUon .of biriyelUU
waa wltsmaed at Dorer. BD(taod, reeostly. when tbe b'«hoo of that aee
preached to eyelbu from all tbe coun
try roundTbe predicted cold wftve boa psoaed
over Masltobft. but no dsmace b
■portad. Tbe barecat b sow pracUeally
•afa. Tbe ten tbouaand man who
bnee already come from the eftat will
sol fill tbe demand for men
SMbt In barrefttlnf ibe wheot crop.
T be CblrkftmftdAft and Cbattana
Oeabtt acUDc. Pvui ftr vaprMa,
fftatew art—Id bv as, ie«a«p<
park oommbaios baa raoelrad notice
are <WW pMtaavWBwa «s4 laa
ibftt tbe atftU of Itolana will dedicate
BiBaanm>ut (tvbi ■lapavtvof aiita battlefield
Oo»A Wb«i orasnac
M. Tbe Wilder Brigade i
and minob
I. will dedicate lu mi
At tbe aame UmeN
a ilaaoiiA isrt of •om* article
amcie U)
Lo M -vii
-eivotMl i-t blm or Qrr
Jlnalc canaed tbe de*th of ft beautiful
ilj. lu u.vc.«eiii«.
ul ool aud rviurtM
oo ibt (J—Xi
A-year-oid filly at Kiorenoe, Aim. tbe
at a tourbi
other day. A farmer drove bb vainftbie young mare into town, and aa be
waadrlvincnp tbe prinripal atroet •
braaa band tuddenly atruck up Ita
tilfttant muatc. Tbe mare bad never
beard ftuy ftound like ibai before, and
Mefueed aNood Th np
to atariledwaa abe that abe dropped aoua. who have been vUlting B Horriand family for tbe peat two weeks.
Prof. C R Horst of the Traverse City
dead'in the abatu of tbe trap, a'
eelerluaryaarpeoD who examined the retarned lo their borne In Itblca y«e- School of Mu»lc, recently received a
oaream declared that tbe lucre had ierday.
c I to tbe chair of violin Instruetion
Master Robert Bammrrslag has re- i the Muaicsl Collepe of London. Ondied of besrt failure, due to eac.temeal, canted by tbe sound of tbe un- turned to bis home In Grand Rsptda i.r-o The position carries with it ft
after livinp for tbe past two years with handsome salary, but Professor Horst
soeuaiomed muatc of tba braha band.
hli slMr- Mr*. E E Sprague
declined it.
Mr and vt, r B B-ai-Wep hs»e
--------------------------Kr. rioyd Olma-.ead.HlaaMadpc Boy
poaef.-*o a
M -,u
Non and Uim Hollb Uoinial spent tbe
kee. Cblc-g J aoo Grand R ipics
------------Any at Omens yefterday.
M. Philipabas arranged for a per-' In Mem >ry of the Late ObrUtopber
Edna Wilhelm of toutb Union street
formance for tbe Mabara Minstrels la!
b eniertalnlnp her friend. Hiss laabel
tbe City Opera Bouac next Monday
Wnr-Br -i*. our esteemed and woreby
Oelllck of CbarlevoU. bias Oelllek evening.
- brother. Corisiopber Prbus. haa been
will Uke tbe niace of Mias Campbell.
Mim l^ie Burrawa-of Detroit b
In tbe Cltlisn'a telephone ezihanpc.
vblilop friend! here.
Wbxsxa. be wna fa tbful In every
who U taklnp a week's vscstlon.
Mrs. Minnie Lawrence bes returned . line of duly and ha> left at the bentMrs Uoraduia of Bast Froot street tram Cleveland, where abe baa been K* of •
that was noble and tender
has returnad fram a abort visit with
b„ r.u
her pareota at teland_________________
! state and tbe
Bdlth Jewel, the T-year-old daughter
suffered toe loss of a moat act ve
of John Praben. of KW West Ninth Pfttir HOLDbWOBTH'd^XHTOBBS , od trustworthy clt'i r ;
atreot. had the mbfortune to break
, That Court Traverse baa beeo depHved of one of lu ataunebmi and
a I! prived
her left aim yettuday, while playing. To be Xxbibited at tha Hems of Kra
brighuat members;
Dr. Martin reduced the fracture.
! That the home he loved eo well haa,
•Ir. and Mrs. J. O Hoppes left tor a
Prat. WiUiam 8. Holdiwortb baa | parted with a kaaband and father such
obit at their old home In
beea Induoed to leave bit beantiful ; as b rarely seen;
-hihitinA ' Tbst We, ss Forestera. form a eircla {
yesterday. Mr. Hoppee b a cottage
' of concord about bis home and hb fam-1
oudb s
MperinUndent at the eaylpm.
lly and lend our aympathto
Mbs Lucy Brodkapea of Waahlnpton those who have not yet had aa oppor- airaapihen'ibelr«i«rai'"bem
atrenpiben tbeir aadd raed bam ta.
atroal. left for Orand Raplda. where tanity to aee them
can do so for
a abort
Resolved. That tbaee
these reaoluUoi
reeoluUona be
ahe wUlapend eeveral months ia Corl U-.,..U,.bo,»i,c,tMr^ J. W.
e nrlnu
A Raott'a wholeeale house.
ken. Everybody b welcome to oalUn
• of
.. the aty and___
,, ..
C. A. Bammood haa returned tram without ah^inp to knock.
same furnbhed to Ue keraavad family
WhUatheaxhlbiUoabnotmade for 1^^ '
P C GiLSKar.
r. W. Penalarwa leavm thb mornof aeUing the pictures,
Fnzo B Pn.\TT.
top tor Oopambh.
those who to dwlre ean have the op
A^Gl■i McCoix.
Cora Oox. of WlaehaaMr. lad.. vrUl portunity of paraharinp these rare art
retara to bar homa t^day. She
keen Tbltlnp the family of J.
HheamatUm Oant Xx'Bt.
Tbomea. of Wabatar atraet.
Whan Ue kidneys are kept healthy
Jamm A. Hamilton, of WiUiamaand vigorous by the aee of Dr. A. W.
'tout, b la toa d^.
Ctoee'a Eidney-Llrer PUb. U ia uric
Mia. J. M. Tkomaa b os the aiA arid left la Ue blood by defaetlve kid
Good Sard wood Id StOTO Lon^thn.
neys that canaea rheumatism. Dr. A 9r W.DOeek.
▲160 Foot Foot XAple BlAbi ud SdgissB.
J. U. rUmbM and hb pwat. J. O. K. CAaae-a KUney-Uver PiUa make Bye apeoiahat.lB again in tha rity and
lha kidnaya atrang and aedve ia tbeir
wW girt traa examiaatloM at >1*
JokBMin. went to Manbtoe on the
work of filtortag the blood and Utu
eaat eu atraet. ato at your homes If
tha eanee of ttoamatfcm Om
eo prefarrod. T«L
Mim. WUkv MMm aa4 tor two
It waa a fairly pood eompoay wbieb
piwnied Cnele Tom'a Cabin In the
C ly Opera Houae laat nipbL A com
pany above tbe avermpe. Bet so mat
ter wbat k'-cd (f a cempauy it b. tbe
beautiful atory which made Barrict
Beecher btowe ^moua and tftopkt
wboleaome Ireeoee to milllena. b ftlw iT« attractive and never faiU to draw,
ftltboupb —met mea tbe author would
sol reeopn'rr It. There were n ary
pood tbinpa'to laat nipbt'a pradne tics,
and tbe aodience waa pleaaed
j jvenile tpeeialliea were rzeepticrftlly
fine tod captivated tbe andlecce. After
tbe ^tay a apeeialty eoreert was pives
and aomc fine festurea were Iptrcdneed
A Powder Hill Xzploftion
Rroovea everytblnp In aipb<: eo do.
draatie mineral pUla. but both are
juipbty danperoni. Ko need to dvnamite voer body when Dr. EInp’a Sew
Ufe PilU do the work eo eaaily and
perfectly, t^irea Beadaebe, Constipa
tion. Oiilv f'-ceeta at J. G. Jobnaon'e
and S B Wait's drap stores.
. .
- 0 per 1
4 per cent off oo poaul card
A' b. Dobaos. P O Br-s SSS.
Real Estate, luctioieers.
Traders. Motet laaiers.
opo aite tlaica
Price, etch »3tl
) acre farm IS mil—
west of Monre• Center. Good frame
houae. r room;
e barn; about-fiO
bearinr fruit ir«ea«0 b well watered.
Price fiSW,
Per Sab—M acres on penUianla.
It acres nnder euli’vation. balanee
timber, about l.:<xi eorda wood,
land A So- 1 Price t*(M.
Per Sab—4)>>—too acres, five miles oat
of bable City.bmall bearing orchard,
balance hardwood timber land.aocond
cutting. Owner lit- a In tbe diy and
will rive purchaser a bargain
?BT 8*b- 'll* vO acre*.3 milaa Empire.
<100 feet bem-oek and hardwood,
__ __A No 1 Price
rice fav».
iib .wiaiof
tbe city.
33 acres
rr culiivatloo
Good frame bsrs
DO b'louac. clay lost
and black msdy
tT4 per acre. Thb goes at Sito 00.
rt>R SALE—acres. Farm on
Peninaula one miJc fram landing at Old
HbaloD. • year old orchard, plums,
pleaches, pears, app ca
it acres. 4
yean old. 11 acres apples 3 cherries)
Two pood barns stone foundation,
seeds and all neceasary out halldinps.
Fine large bouse coat >i:">a Windmill
and well water Tbb it one of the beat
faroit on- the peoinsu.'s. owner haa
other buaineas. hence low prict- *4500.
FOR SALE-r-14-Baiineaa property
now occupied py the New York 8tore
<»rtier of Uoion and hixU 8t Tbb
prooe'ty speaiesfor its seif, needi i
le fact that one of
u>«rn occopralt shows lu deairabUlt.
as a busioriB property. Price SMOO.
FuE hALE—MS—Fifth 8t Fine
borne Uodera • room boose, large lot.
city water s'! through, bath room,
large bes<meot Tbb property east
owner I170U but having a chance to go
into businem for bimaeU b willing to
sacrifice. Price fiiSM.
’Wear the Best
Our fall assortment is the most ex
rsiu.'-.i.;’.:'; _
tensive we have ever shown and If you ^
have never worn the "T
' ” brand— i
l-,r •!<«• SI bp-.vaa of etsirv. Big
I try one thb season.
^ K-aMr
ksrrs<c* AI lep vl -lAirv asei 4oDr wo i*e rtgSt
»!lvr ,ew .w-v u> 1./. SI Sesd .1 iSv
Igeits tor Tramse City {
J Union Street
ua ta
Wade Bros.
I 211 Fruit
U|i Stairs
Travepse City Lumber Co.
ProTident Life
and Trust Company
of PhlladolphU.
Leri T. Penningtop, Diatrict
Travans Ouy. lUaauaa.
John R. Santo,
ttiinl liunna
CHB »o«mJro MaaoM.
sniBsV A piim.
■aFT*>iM» i^ jaea.
hnukit lr»raKfi&> TBttmti.) PETTICOAT QOTtBWttHT.
I •
baaco borne In CUftoa. cm which orer
tn all Ukrilbaod be «
«UV.«JO wa* expended, waa kaaeknl
the DeqTer*T1ni
down at auction u> Uol* B. Reaktn
tbronab the Orient waa leodered an<
thririnc tows and a
for NITimi. and ibua paaae* rmia hla
pu—caaton the Nm aoaet of Henry
bapCT by the mad lore the emir of I Tbe luyor. lire c
nntnred woman, of ouoag
auong family affeealiretkm. baNtoally eoatented wUb ber
lot. which aeeni* to hare been aU along
n mtbar dnU one.
Bo Utile worldly
wNdom waa there at tbe court of the
thbd Otorgr that the daugbirra were
allowed to reMh tnatore y««i« wltho«t any afforu bring made to procure
them bMbautla. Ellnabrih waa not
at all nvarae to marriage, yet atw had
to wait tlU ahe waa 48 years old be(We abe became tbe wife of tbe land*
fTara of Umae-HombalT. When
wna 20 Nm> waa
■t nay book that
canlned and rcaA 8be bad no aepow“n tuTabe wLi
,« ».
1 oer,
IOC pj**™ aip-ui c»«
lueuiuc- orrer new omce iwiwie ujv
.vu» ;
Joowy did not omit tbe utory of np tbe rein* of roremment one mouth
aark.«y*d .krab knelt at tbe ayo. tkey.hare ibown aucb a capacity
also, and are being kept u,
la u..,
™. *i»......*e
Unpoaelble. and It waa with f««r and
«"-mNlng that rim pem-nted hemelf
»»* *t her unhappy
part* b« r gray
ray hair In ibe middle, af
after the good old fashion of our grandmothers.
Her husband. Charlv* Tot
ten. operate* a large farm m-ar Btwt^
tic. 'They liave thn-e rblldren thing.
New Y<irk wai hi-r tilrthpbici- and out
of tbe uaturil genius of NVw York Mlllclans for govemtneot *he thiuk* lliat
fate baa led b»-r to hecoiucObe female
la bar letter* Is tbe old king’s mad* t
proiiwt* tbe aagwwk Under the abadow of that abe v* tVIlllam a<«rrbed notll be found IL
*»« tbe croiws# wa* not to be
I dannted. and airier reqneai a frii*id
1‘arlB for another dye. whliii
Probably It aermed to ber to he a
poor kind of life, that of a princeaa. wa* duly applied. The very next
and she bints st other spbenw wbcrv morning the eni|>eror eyed hi* wife
and demanded who bad
sbe would bare been otorc at bume.
Tot. tbeufh abe had a kind of Interest
In an It te doutuful wbetber
sroold bare been Oi for one iwslilon
abe ooveted. 8be went with ber moth'
sold ber -ihat gilding so sbamefat to
see on the head of a moiber and a
sjiouee.'' P<> that laottle w<.|ii tb<‘ wny
er to Strawberry hlU to see Horace
Walpote aad bis roUectlons and ad
ry going alxuit in motU-y. ao far a* her
hair was loiicemed. so atm again ap|MaI<*d u> ber friend* to procure leuueUjlug whieb would roinpletely blanrh
mired them raptnrouaiy.
“I wish 1
could be' boustdieeper
tb<-rv." abe
writea. “Id case of your bearing that
Lord O. lOrfordI la In nuut of one,
nead to such a nnmbef In aurb a place.
Bcur sorb a street, by aucb a raatlr.
In aneb a lodge, you will find a dia*
creri. steady young wooiau. wbo bean
a toletaLle good cbaiacter. with ilic
advantage of speaking a little Krvueb.
who will be wlUIng to «iter aocib a ca*
tbs poor llermaD court of HeMm*-liuniborg. where life was both frugal auil
fonnal. and undoubtedly dulL
bar husband died abe ailll lived on witb
his relailrea tber>'. docile,
contented as ever. Her leal bappluem
came from her gift of making friend*
abd kaeplng them by Imt riui^-riiy and
her complete abaeiu-e of
actousneaa of ber rank. Wlili im>r<- lirti*
Kant iq>{iuriunlUe* abe prolwldv w.iiild
not have abone. “I feel I am Utter for
uy owu quiet and cunienied
home than tbe bigbe^ rank* of life. 1
Bka to watcb my poor, uiy garden*,
my cowa (mors) than all tliew- weighty
BMttera. which are tar beyond my
of the Orwt
The empnw* did not fnn-
and narrow dark violet rlblma being
If *«iiiet«Nlj
must sell, and
bn.v*. lh-0
uuikv iiiiich
the gentTHl
make* l*-ar
d 470 yacclnatl
ragvtabic* are rnraisbed graiu by the
qoean and tbe medical aupplkw are
ala* defrayed by ber. Mftts-n hundted
babies were treated in one twelvemoBtb. It la said that there t* not auy
ro^ Charity of tbe aort In Ear»i*- so
aariaaily managed, with the addition
al srilve co-operation of tbe founder.
■«w St»svw As* Flatabsd.
Tbsflalab of rieeves at tbewriiu t* a
Tbe Kemtuu Dental
out fmia.
ParlnrH with
1 never tlouKbt soeb s
Teetb Gleaned Free
The next six days..
' tl-'iit or a Ih'id Kiiin*h vf souie *i*'- ulalire i-orUiT or |~"d n.lcht give thins- *
i d.-cld-tl «*'l-l-ni'k. blit tlo' r.-stll.-iin -.f
; Ihe mark-'i 1* gn-al, *nd ih- uM.-st
I liav*» jiiHt Rildeti
, in-ii on Wall .ir.-.-t
are ih--rougUly
[ |lnpr>-~.e.l win, III.- U-llef thai ••Hi.
of Dice i-arritup-ai.
Drivers fiiniisli.-d if desintV
Everytliny ill lintt-clsns shspe.
Among tbi- Kuro|*..ai, laiisuace. ihc
! Ruglbh Is Ih.. rl,h...i
wrist by a sha|a-d .-iifr and Is gsiben-d
Into tbe arintmle -r-pyrlEhled by Ihc
Standard KashSoii C'omiiany.
Mr Hedell is
an avowed freethinker, aud fsr ov.-r
a quarter of a cetiiury hi* lime Ua*
rvnii at PmaUIm
Velvet cord n<-ck clmln* aimng with
thia svaoon.
"iW eitr.vsg.ht bloUM- want,a are
made of crepe de cNilne. tucked
group* b.-low a yoke of eream lace.
INire while kid-glove* are rdug out
of fashion and Ibe dejleaie tint* of
crtwin snd cem aoedre sre coming in.
^tat la faabtoa very carefuby coutidared tkla aeasun. Tbere are points and
B...d 1. <!» .« W„.
r-w. ■
■au-b-* OroMag
Tbl* OoBfoa) r
Pkosrinr vbr Use
b-.-ecX'inherf-r) 0o> r
B.-8I wurkmansliip uiom-y
Vui.-k w.-rk
lit Uoloo Streex
iv.utb uf MkHb aiel which -•ouialli- a,-ettrdlug t- the lal.-st cai-ulail.-ii. q: .
lu the Turki.i. laugu.ag,.
Fire Insurance.
»>'•> 'bus II 1,
Whipph-. of the Scond Masa aoliller
singular fa. t
aachuaelts regiment had Is■■■orinlue*. ■* a rule. hav.. v..rt
and an uffl.a-i
.t-r li Ihe civil war. au.l In
1 *-eii niu.'h *.-rvl.- limned
The kaltlr* of
the meantltui
dlapuoal iioi
In *be
« l«h»-d to mure than t-.i««> wurtl* and the uaiiw-a
of .kuoiralia um.- only
^But all the offli-eni. as well
bad to und.-rgo a phy»li-al .-xamluaiiou
r.thb.n-t T-»h.
ii ■wort-.-*ler" Mayir
Whipple wa* a |
of a saint hai Just bcvn
dlau of great bodily atrt-ngtb aad perDurham <-athcdrul. Engf.-.i h.-tlth and a.ilvliy but th. la|.*. ,„u,Ud, and llvvly lut. rvat la the eihuV“*‘
“ t'.*'’’
mallon Is l--lus dlspUyed m areill
vlrt lt-a, aaya the
Tbe LlghHopkDot U allll Ibe
fsahltmable nioile of dresring Ibe hair.
•cattopa cot on tbe aleeves and falling and the Psrlslsn woman-. p..m,-dour
“«“• , j*
»»■ <.'mhlM-n“Td
svar tbe band, and UttW cireular frllla U ihrewn well forward In un over- ‘“Then toe major, wbo could iwi aland
Sri In, and tbe facing ot tbcae la quite hanging puff.
being abut out fiom the chance
na Important aa the trimming ouuide.
Making bat (gowns of flower* I*one
serve bis country In aucb a nemor- ,s-rm. hn...« i .. "'.“‘"‘“r
If ant sMsw an. White sattn Is tbe pivvalttnc facing, and tbu li covered with tbe lateri form of ve*.sath>n uM-d for ’ "liok here.’’ be exclaimed,
ctasa lacs sr blmA cbanilUy or irlmtbl* piHTK-e u m.«a-not artioclal Ing dotvn there tn .boot Spaniard.: I
asd with Bttle miB of Uce or ritlffon.
being Ibe frontal
cot oj»en •
A Sammse Cap*.
a jeweled button or bnekle, glw
A p**«y summer cape la made with
.test, bni the fact Is that
Ibis prote
ThU skull B
toneb to many of tbe. Preneb major we
two accordloB-plaUsd ruffles of white
to tbe war and dlstJuboai^.A^ be
chlSsB striped with biatA satin on tbe gowna. It Is nade of lilaek vdlvet. col
le. waa broughl
aHk. or ohllfoA
ofaUfoA and at one aide of sliare or wrcuck with the r^. and
edge, ne pBsMags are flnlabtd with ored afik.
BamboronSt ‘an!TulUtaateiy
A ttny niebt oC eblffon. and a racbe of the bodice II ta very effevtlve. especial- escaping all the lUnpii* that fril io tbs „ed In the sbrine of 8i. ColbbertX
cklCso with tong sesrf coda comptries ly on a tdack lac* or Jeti.d
gown j®*
, latter being always reprvwenied aa cartHa daisyon s wbtt* xsf- iridrii has m* <«thci color, ^nd then tbs .
CBllar bBBd BbMiU aiBteb tbs twu.
IMS e is'
u ar •* an
•IVI6. **S,
u ai a »'
Price Rednced to Close Oat Lot.
ollo-r imlahb- lanciuig.' i. ili.- „|<l In
dlaii Tamil, whi.-li I. now *|.,k-ii lu il,»
ogn DMAVgH.O P. A..
(•rona Rapido.
HMMgi .3-llald.-* or hMiia, out of w hr.-h
It I. i*mwIM.- lu fraiu- •».i««i H ,in|-. \ ij.
bis aoil-rv-llgl..us
vliig arlawsuits aRaln-t relallv--*
rived ............ ..... .
I* d-lerI mlt»-d that
■wtertty sUall rememu-r
I bU coOtrsiM
Ileui-e the ataiue.
Colninbia led LogA.CiioiiDis|s
(las Lamp--
tal langimg.-* ih- .kraUU I- ih- nhrtiploii.. II* v<. al>ular) la-lug ev.-n rl. l
er thnu that of the Kugllih Ituiguag.'
B>’rltn feiiier ivineiery.
roral Iw-ada are one of the acasou's
A larasol which ntaicbcB the color
In your lint la Un- chic thing to have
Telepkcat l60
, ouiut*-r i«f w..r.l« Is ..•iicenic.l and li hv
also Ih- on.- w'hb'h haa add-.! to
I V-H-abulary
the largvai nuiiil*-r
tide-front* are gatheri-d at ihe shiiulj,.,
js ••‘"i ;s
hn. k
II toferiling
; He may U.-. umuv n chiui.'e for pr-.tlt I
able a|x-.'ulaii..n but h.' will ml.- also
!• for
> fuilur.'.
PH Jk«_
> at,
««' ;ai(
I.TBSMo|4as I t9V II«. Iiu
Ar TrarerreCj 1 * lO It Si a IS
-<1 rigs, Ikwitlea nu iiHTMumil iinni.
j prepared u> lio an
; Ihjit In- put up ample n.arsUiB. aiid.ir
. exU-nsive liver
; h.'l..'r yei. il.ai ho ,«iy ou.rlght ami m’' buaine
bumncM III mitllllriuir tor'.-iims
' full for w haiovvr he mii,»
pur- has.-,' v“TlUir
within ih-
oomn NORTB.
__________AM H.W.K
nv cub-oco
I T IS It ■«
» IX t IV
Ar <1-1 oreputISv *<h
hr tM Uopui.
to am
Trorer,. 3;
r P-u-l»r
S Ib
vvweral r.-ujiv two- su.l llirt^utvsi
1* *f I* >--I lo -viiii.'." .Nev. rlhcl-^**. I
(•.•IHial inj liijmn-llon to -'very r.-ad>-i
; word*
Li iVIa.Apr
M I a
a. T 4b («
lVo>-nr rj. ; A *,
>- ir
i: s»
SI I w
w » w t M,
ArOMKoi-d.. tits aa w«a sox
* Xi
ht (Wroll
a ■* MIA.
' II «|l
U lAM-oao
& ui. II lb
' t Ai
Picnic Parlies,
Fishinj Parties,
and Fueerals.
The *i*.'cul.iilvi. sjilrli activi-. ihc bull-
united by sltoal-b-r seam* and attached to the w slxi ns
D. s. VXntUT.SgMA
ae<‘ins unliirtilly lo follow, wllh rail,
road eanilug* maliUnlu-'-l at the high,.,i Bgur.'v. with Umm-} plentiful niid
L—oUtlUr. I*
L.-U10, diolag <o> to €
. will bsve d--'Ul.-dly th-' l-'it.T of ibI situation, or .-oiintc. a failure of ih--
The *hap.-d rev»-r* and collar are
IKS,- “■
Chicago —
West Michigan.
7:i.S Slate St., f'ity
gri-.vl Iwar lead.T iiitghi
of «uch a slmmlop. hoi
j«nM.|*'riiy uf ine wmitry
ieader*hlp i-xiri-iiiely har-
rank tMni.-s th.' ilenn; n languag.-. u it
Sii.OOtt wor.l*. atJil ih.'u cvine lu su,'.--.
*»>u ih.- Malian. wHh .XVi««i
Kr.-nch. wlih ;hi,i»gl, and th- S|iain-I
with JiM*.. w-.mls. Am.mc th- ori-i
Ib ooe year iisgni there were given
tn tbe bulkUng 8.6«* coosuliaitoiw. (tt.7M ration* from Uic diet kitehen. £!.-
See Tliis!
l*"-m, with tnlUs. furuao-s and fouuilrh-s running ov-rtini-a-tvauclna
one hear* of
that of Chsa-
• i* Ot^
8. O. SAWVEE, D. D. 8
l.t-»il.'-* Weekly
Tbit Is w hat we cwU
llquhtniloD. and It haa l-evn r<dof on
of lab' 1" a <-oii»l(1eiwlde extci.l and
nia.v go on for a Utile time loiim-r-e
bow lung will de|H-ud
u|*>u clr-'Uiu-
surgical ball* and mocb of the deiwn.|,,,trr.-d ui .he waUt Hue. The
fuU ,
msntal work of a AoaplUL Alijiost
the righi skle; li j
ovary day tbe qaeen bcnw-lf got-* to' la galhet>-«l 111 ihc m>ck edge, sblm'd j
meii|snd lake* a f>cnoiua
the walM line, and fastens
labors of (be charily—n»w left side im<l-T the slrle-fruDt.
Best Puriuguea* physician. Silva Carvslbo, boada the riaO of medical work-
nfEcev will
upeo Autfust -to.
wat'i-a and refu*liig oMi-rs. nnd n« Ions
aa pn>B|N rlty lu uih- r lin-'* ot Im-im-**
used to trim. A girdle of riolet ribbus !
enelrcles Ihe Waist.
Tm.* froa Mu-MaA--. r^l Wans.
Detroit osU -irootl Rai>.d.. ot TW. p. m
My ilenUl
soon a* lUi- i|ls--uv<-ry l*-comes ],ubllc thini; possible, but now 1 know it
t-vt-ry(»>it.v will follow ihe example i
C«Q be done.
aomelxKlr until ihe equl|H>i*,- of a
ov<-r*.>hl ni.'irkei I* again de*nm-d. aava
iluiii hlgl.OAl .1
It la committed lo a religious order.
S favuritc of ih« queen’s, but
has all th.. «tiK-k* be <ao carry a-u
tSMly will Is-giti to <Ils<-urer IIibI
time lu uiil-uit has i-ome. and Just
The gar......... Is mounied on a Using '
ribla. and atwrioualy
- -planixd. coiiibln- fliti-d by th<- usual a<-aui* and darts. !
lag a diet kUebao. coaanliath.u moma. The Imek >.f Ihe maurial is rilgbtly ;
TVs.u. .FT... iiva nn.i>a K^td.. OlaeAs-
sokMent to himself.
Lava beard leaa tl
wril-known women of her court are
equally practical. The general charge
MnoBoa Block.
XJaekUllos la Wall Mm>«.
I i-r-it*. un«-xiN'< l.-.l
agaln aaslstlng In tbe aorgery.
Barnum & Earl.
Inng as the Iron mnrk--t,
t*-sl delenuiOBllrc faclor
which l
In the InduHirial sltnuilun. I* on Ihe
iBlne aonl. On one of tbe
rite writea: “1 think U»c luxury
pieneoi la manebdoua. more jewel*
and more eKtravagasce than ever: it
may be fiwrn toy being aa<d to wood*
aao not to towna. but I give you toy
wold there Is Dothing to lie bad but
What rtwta £S, so that ooe’«
fova In a way wbicb astonbibc* Tn<^
and everything ta ao lovely that
kmga to bare iL"
Harn of P«r
a aovereign deserving a long mark
for ber Intcrent in boapluia and hy
giene and also In tbe welfare of the
riiUdren of poverty. At Alcanure abe
founded, in 180S. a dlapenaary
arty for meeUng tbe demauds of child
Invalids, a* pleasantly aliuaittl a* |*m-
Our aiofk of jewelry
Boyal KtM'lety of Literature.
In IN'S)
rtalled t'aiiada and Ibe
Ilia death o-'<urrv-l In I
two month* Iwfon- the birth of
0 England a
boukk's-jilug. Bceuracy and pre«-lsion.
but giving grew lo lie a iia*»loii wlib
bln and lU' literaBj gave Lu all away.
Balwcmd by Uw 0.nwM*.
Tbe |H-ople of Cohurg-4tetba are
having a bard time in getting aoutc
one ti> rule over them. It la uuw anHu- hair, ami the Hiutl expiTlujcnt la
UoUDced that Ibe Itiike of reouaught.
said to have Usti snc'-essful.
gu<i-a Vutorla’s third sou. ha* -le• lim-d tbe hei)or lo favor ri ihe lliilAWBAlMt WBVsUy.
Puke of .Mlwuiy, <m<- of ibv
1- gil-el
One of the most amusing norclUr*
grwndaons. and that the pa-op
In tbe abiipc Of entertaluuKilt at after (acrman duchy an- u«< ph-a*noon pnrtlea at present Is the liiiprea- prospeetI.«'a-|*)ld. liuk.' arf .kHuny.
alouist artlsL wbo exi-ttite* a
lieow has always bi-a-n da-ileiile. and ihe
ski'irb In oils, generally of uionmaln Germans think they ought lu liav.. a
aceiwTr. very ••liiipivsslonliil" In style, bealthy Euglii-h priutv If Mn-y an- to
Tlie .vounc Kiike who Is
lie then a*ks bl» sudlemv
whether have any.
now only 15 years -ild. Inherlii'd a
they would prefer a ’•gemv" plciurc,
eolialltiitlou from h‘*
and tums the canvas upside duu-n.
Before bla deuth, b«wev<-r. he had
when It Is discovervd that the laudShown much ability aa a Mh-dar, and
acBiie la a lady riding a bicycle.
in 1878 he was ele.-led pr-xldcui of Ihe
Pale lavcndar organdie
and white
r-t are ii*ed for ttalK wnlst. white huw
fineet in tbia part of the slate.
be lluds IitiiiM-ir a h<qwl<-ss Iciiikrupt.
boueh-Hs aiul praetlcally |s-ui>ile>* tn
tbe city wlileh he »o larilngly curlchi-d
by bis aiuulD.vncf.
He Is cr»Mit.*l
with baviug been a c-markaMy good
bilsluess man and ev.rj tran*aHl«>u
down to the prt-ai'UI time exJ.llilts Ibe
msu of. mom can-ful auO m.-tli.sll.'al
bablla. for hUi ai-euuuta are n»odel* of
Oroker Of It-wtile. Phe removed, wheu
a youug girl, front New York to 1111Mia, wbt-re sbe taught sehuri, and lat
er came k> Kansas.
wbiofa we invite tbe ladiea to
Then be demanded the boitle.
! satsaasa ssYsasas i
i; jss
!: n^;
: * *■* : .
; .as t rsass a-p is .
tbe most
baa added to tbe fame of tbe gueco
City tbe wide work!
are 'dctcrmlued to Justify
'Har exclaimed the emperor, cat-
China ever displayed
bandsTMoe and
<>>odiTh.- women f.ri that llwy are on
trial and
tbrir a
beuntifnl irt work in
1 •*“- Tb**truthful chronicler aar*. ; n k>n« iriBU1
_____________ tk« npat rhine waenr T«tr>n ana <hA '
itoe rnitM-ror decUned to do. and c
rwien Oennan.r and Turkey. The enS ' of gorernment waa to tell tbe aaloooi '
prvas wa* tioublert almut tlw matter .*" «*“•*- They demum-d. bot pbey.-daad relumed borne depreaaed In *i>lr-; The men. when In power, bad alj.ayi
lu. Soon after bef arrival lu her own decUred It waa impoaalbk- to *up|.r.-#a
tbe aaloon*
Tbe woturn bare abuw<-d
borne ber lady la «
few while hair* In ber blonde ireamu. them bow to do It. Tbe aaine thing
Tbe tmprtaa waa aaiaaed airi wept waa done with tbe gambling dive* and
Wtliriy. and tbe lady aunreaied a r«in> BOW tbe male reatdent of Beattie who
Pmbaaco. a
wants to drink hnni liquor or alt in s
and pbUaulbru|>iM. who r
burinrea over a quarter u
that abe allowa beraelf to grieve orec
We burr joat
of ‘f**
tbe fcalaer aUd implored
Implored ctu
him I*
t* •' to compreneoa
comprebeod tne
the poorc
need* anu
and ^'
Ij feet ®'
« necu*
»!! tbe lovely Udy to bim for bl* bar- nbfiity to fuUlU them ai to a**ure them |
But abe doe* not aeem U have
Chafed nader thte domeatle goremIndeed. tbe ong real trouble
Tribane; Oakwoud. the beaatlfal Pro*
tract a alee booae-ototber and t« Ubplant a few allrer thread* In bet fair
iarta. A* ererybody knowa her trip
land ^
nry nM eery IKUe niawTcai
ttey have n ptraowal
expertccp«» tare been cDonsb la dl>- erer deride* opM * coat of arms It trUl
6m liMi A kSnl. I.
-n wwoffi wr mi«r amns te b* ih*
Her notto of BMttlr. Kas. •«] If tbr city
•* urnm UMwy «r imHiit
ui « 'ttii AWATi
«>h***r I
It. It. A Building
; Dr.J.W.Gaontlett
Steamer Onekama
OBpt- J. U. Amory.
EQIPSE lom M KiT ra. tn
R irrxHBfCB
' --------------------------------------------- -
-------- -----------
Ji'.v'A-r.s; EEED CITY SAIilTiRIDl
n., rr..r'
•lela» >nJ lurgf-'Bi. sad ErufrASioa
, Tb.r8-wi«i
SB*6a4 te«H«Ssul
I^AveOld MlAatOD..
Arrive Kit. Rapid* ..
Itesve Fhk Rapid* ..
Arrive OI<j Wiotleo..
-IM40A m.
Leave Old MlaaloB .
troop, m.
Arrive KIV Bapid*..
Leave Bik Bapidt...
- 7:00p.m.
Arrive Old Hiaalop........................ 7:40 a m.
•Baa win leave tbe MerrspUln Oo-S'
blo-k Hotel Wbiilsg aad Park Plan*
att:U p m. -Baa will also —irsirtt
with hoAt at ll:So A m
be at East Bcm3 o- •*
days aad ^
tOt itoitHtito MoOMB. TOMpat, MPtrtttim k. law.
rr ooNsmures
a laroe and
nmu MRS vauiull'Z.^
bl* OPV work.
DroM Mu« Die-
Mr. Xu Nort»n
After Jet
•oot^ foreata »lre* one
ca«o banter* brine i>*ck a tale from
. on Itt bead and a looc. wavlnc laU.
. — — ----------------------- —---------7^ “7'
otHrefae 1. unrarrln*. like that of *«
bale* rwortc of “iDoaa Lair" to 'be ' ou„.r
MCtheni npboleteivr* from the llille
ffflafe of Mlaaopy. I''la. alr«e. and :
otierinc < rle« of ertef.
nei. tVlib
« no it*
ii wlnw
the bUndlna
Other fartorte* In On- aiate yield many ^ Tllnatlon* .trike lnce*Mni1y
- - the
-■MUtly i
time* U much, and thU 1. only abo'it jjgnian l>nilii. conatHotln*
a* (be 1innoiuer-
j„u*. while with lt» lH«i ll tried ..
n,om* which
thoucll. that baxe »«>en iliouBbt
m .n tbe depth* of
no„., „ m aeon, of Inconcelr- ,f
tbe naelew envelope to ilM- Inner and , „.,e
If , brain l-> prepared
raloaUa balr. TLete la a mUtaki-n idea for « rllrrailon of a certain duration
aa to bo* tl*e outer portion of the j
nitih. an equal vibration 1.
BMM 1* removed. It I* ip-nerallr
BiouMKl *-1iblti
If. and the thoacht
pu*ed (hat tla- covering U rviuovetl Iry | ^.pirb
Is vibration reprcaei
cbemlcal* i>r by pa*.lnr ihrou*h aouii
In the BHOOillDB
rtllne. The hit
portion of ..
ter would lie too esiteualve aiMl
the we rail development, tbe brain
fOTtner o|»u to the daujfer of Injurios
tbe natnral elaatlelty of the flla-r.
The luo*. when Ural iraihered
come* capaMe of <«-er ehoner and
more ra|.ld vlhmtlona: In tbe deacrml...^ ,.....................
■>rtlf.n It Ijc-ome* roaraer and
frreolah itray.
ft’hwi kUled by fro«t : „ore .lUBclah.
Every Invention.
or lack of proper
oa.lly dl*tlnxulsli<<d
tbe llrt
tbe outer tt.verini! Will remain
ellber tbe dead or freab
temperature of Uk- Interior of tin- h*-ap
riae. to a i*olnt too hot for the hand to
bear, and. if n..l cbeckiit.
It keep,
beaunic till too hot to walk over Hut
axaln to all eieroliy; every brain
like a n lay In an ol.-cirlc »y.ie:
rwvivo* uu Impulne from et.TUlty
n-iruu»iiill* It to eternity after It. |ia«*.van of
tiili .taye mean. daiuaEe to the Inti-rk>r balr and niuai I.- arold-d. I*n.|ier-
alEreite aud
“«-« '<■
of Innoo. I, ...Tnl-
Phrffleld of UcliiE»n>n. Mimi., a buntcr and aniBieur pbotograpber of .ome
.o... .111. ,1,1, ireaiiioD.
non.' 11.0
lo.d ,.t . noi,|.l,. .1,0 • 11,om . Ifiit
ever they ench one
lu Muiln
th.■wallow I* eotistden-«l th-- E'>od bid'
and they »ny ihcn- lliat when the Ro
man Boldl. r* pn-MH-d
tSu- erown of
(hom. on Je*i!» brtiw the .wallow,
came and tried lo remove the tli'-ni.
with tiH'lr lx Ilk..
KiiKKlan. My
that the
“ 'I*” '
bill Ihi’ B|«rrow. oarri«-d them
thciuKht* MirB<-* ruuud
wbleh our •«»>"• '•‘he lmtil«b wiy tba
only eotiM-loIlP of Iheoi
illfferenoea “onieni of the rruHtixlon ll
brain* arv Keii.illve. 1
vibra- ' mov.-d wllh pity,
crhil "S
In wladom are dlffereno'. InI the
ored"—that !•>.
the dark, lory i B|ineily of the moIccBlai
and stn.-e tin
the brain, riiaraetix. teniiM-i
hruwa color of the hair.
con.ldi-n-d .
It I. alM> .laid
It n-uehea thU »iaE“ In the band, ■talent, an- the exi>r.-.*l»n
that l,«nElulii«.
the Ro nan aoldh-r
ll pt-rl«Kl. of vibration,
ef the ph’Kerw. who tln-n deliver li In
Altra.-tlon •■bo pl.-r.x-0 the «l.le of J. .UK with th.'
liMHU- wasuUliuidH. like bay. to Ibe E>uiy ery iudlvUliial l> a rhythm,
I r
n-piil.l..n Ixdwteu in.llvldnal. are *P<-ar. wa. cmverled on n.-couat
There are al.iUI tlfty of these eIuiiIub'
iwxl hv the hnrmoiiy or diwoiiiim-e »hc bbxxl wlii. h fell tip<u I him. This
eatabllshuienU In the .'ate-v.-ry .liiiih.'lr ili.il.uis, their r.-.-nr..r.li.E or. wa*due to ilw .-leBiidne i*.
plc affair*. Tlie bulldlns I. con.lnii-t |
ed at i heaply n. i>o.«lble ami
1 !n,.'.
from Bi.i to k‘'-in. nn In.uniiie
lx.itm !
................ ................ ..
Oblaluabb-. The fli.-r l.
the Erouud RIkI UlEde of kUik »l>e Biel
A UlsniuBd <U.vl.
one-half inrhes a|wn. .o
tlmt .hoit
ftirance n. It may ap|x-nr. ther«- l*
filler*, atiek* and din mil .ifi out. la
a n.adwav ii'-ar KtmlwHy. In
Afrl.-a, wl.i.'h1* tllenilly a t~-d of .Ha
mou.l* The d.-Iiyl* from Ibe mlii-ii
the bulldlOE I. UothlUE but a <-heap
mi>dlfl<-utli>ii of a '-otton Blh--n eyllieb-r
With two.lm-h tix-ih. whieh I.-hi the
BuiM aEalnst similar •lailoiiary t<-elli.
taking out .tick, and mlihliiE off iii«.t
ha* txx-n throwiWiil.l.h' ..f th.-
of the adhenUE r>-iuain. of th......... Her
enverilig of Ihe tno**. The iiinehiiK- I.
for ma.-a.him
b.-rly i.i th.- I
lilt.' strlk.'. tvhlili itirew miiiiy ol
miner* out ..f w-.rt;. ii .xx-iiirvil i.
. Iiy
wall, lu .-nonooi.* .|u«uiiil.'.. ati.l for
tbe la»l eight .M-iir> ha* lx-. n ullllsd
cheap and very luefllclent. The result,
bur m*).» I. either -J <vnt raoiw" or
"!l cent iii<Mw”-the prio- per pound
—..... 1. per be. (^j"
Com. per toe..............
''itatoea.pertoa (aew)...........
per bo.......................................
natter, per Q)..............................
had planted
Eniphic c-aiuera at tbe foot of the tree
to keep the ontiuaJ from i-omlnc dowro.
Tbe breakfa.t endt-d ImmRllBlely. and
they followed tlu- hunter to the tree.
beiuv the safety and wlwlom of nx>].
lug off .lowly aft.-r any .-xorti.m and
the .langi-r of .-.xiling off rapidly un.ler
the same .inumsiauc-a.
pi'fKplniiloii under lu-oix-r cundiilona
Sure euoiiEb. the animal waa a nioa.
ami with proper priK-auiiomi. Alway.
keep the .urfaee of the Ixxjy warm
■ter. and when be causht .Isht of the
ChicaEo men be besau to elloib down
aii.l ch-nu. aud at th.- en.1 of th.- wasun
you will be memally. morally and
the irw. ETOwllnE and Etta.blog hla
The eulde c<«IIy picked up a Bond
.Ixnl roek and let fly at tbe beast.
physi.-ally Hound.
striklOE him lo tbe )aW.
Wlih hair on
UM-d to lx.nr». promptly twi.kc for eov.
er. The Ix-ar pau.ed for an ImHant.
then slaricd down the tree once more.
lICfkfA’Xiui OAKXMl.
.i<rMeOwt»Mip«t,, pkm*. Bell 11.; Morta-
I^AKLYU UODUg, AtMner wa*----------- ■'
XkL lor a. Is*. omeM.0>u OSMW Mmom aU.
, sracrsl reseUM wIm
sf-rsr- s;
Tlx- Dllllty .if Hun lii>i>h-ni.-u( la so
manif.-.i Hiai ll niii.t siin-ly Ui covet.xl by ev.'ry up to diile Banh-u.-r. The
sJinnks and blade* are all sie^ aud
VJ MBUoatoProt
,N.Mere»aUle Oe. f
Bm anoih.-r stone checked him and
lo tbe topmost
braiu-hvs. wh.-D Ihe guMe pick.xt up
th>- .-BiL.-rn ami "xiiappcd'' the Ixvir nr.
lo explaining bruin's form-aran.x- the futde uld while he
doubtl.'N. ku.-w that hunter. w.-r« not
allowed to .tuTy gun. in the Y'-llow.
.tone park, the camera wa. immethlng
anliusi. .x.ul.l not ".tand for"
ntirluE 1 le recent vldt of
Balmoral Uie queen was
laktiiE n rtrivo with her grandson*, the
jeutiK prill..-* of Buttenburg. when.
u.urInE II..' pile* of Ihe park, they
beheld a tK«r laro.-r with a huce aul-
'T3TS''rrm uas- uiKL.WAimi>-Ai w* —t^ UxuM.rvt«eAta>eeUs»ai'eloa nni
:auio(H>*i>. Apply w
fiM.tuuui ulth a «>v.-r.'iEii t«. hand lu
X rmiiM’. ussi
till- taui.-r. whe r.-fu—l fi ac.--iit the
m«.u--y. i.iiil axk.xl
w-eul.l .-.iiilcM-^.l t.i cl'c him
.'-m.bin ..f iK.i.’ UN II |.r...if that bis Ix-ar
hnd liN.I Ih- .tlsiiimiiMi.xl honor of
l.n«lhE .l:ili.x-l
l-i..r.' iln- Eni.'l.iA*
T 0»T-*u» JIM. tx-«a*>i ii*>. block k<
Till' i|0.x'li h<-.it:il.xl
cr(H> (fill be amull. l aually. wh.-n- a
tree ha. b«vn pleked clean, pl.-iity of
tmaH bit. are b-ft. ao ihal In n favor
able bw-ality Ihe IPv will In- full ajpi'n
In two or Hire.- year*. Till, waa shown
by tbe pra.-tice in tno*. loc-alltie* of
railu-r lauuid.-ui r.xju.-et. Iiiii th- .-hil.Ir.'U ]ir>-'!iil.xl U|xiu h.-r l.. a.'.x-.l.- to
eleaniDE it from tbe orange tre<>* i-r.-ry
two year*. Bm when the teinis-raiure
fell to 9 di-Efee* In the center of thiatate Ia*i February (he mow wa* <)uli>>
geui-rally klll.-d and It* dev.-lopm.-iil
au ebn-ked that Ihe yl.-hl
will lxaroall«-r for *everal year*.
South of
Ocala little banu was done.
Ing Engil.b b.-n.l. hot
My* ibi- Sp.-cini.ir. Iti
am- the |»>ll>-y of ii.-v.-r
pulling an KiieII.Ihiuiu Into auy j.i.l
Whl.di i-oiild 1-- Just a. W.-H fllle.1 h> a
In »ih.-r word*, ilu- Kimh-li-
mg Am.-rli-nn In New
>-ar- BKU. aft.-r mv
mau 1. ..uly u~d in tl.e Bdiiilnlstniii..n
.-} to iwy hi- (uwage
wh.-n- h.- I. imllxih-niuiblc. When- lui. n.>i. Ho- ualiv.-. a. 1. only Juki and
right. I. eniplo.iNxI
............... .................
tills 1. that lurttl I'mm.-r'.
OtfiMWd M -KtdsX~
A writer In tbe .'imerit-so Cultlvwtug
oays; *'A deiuvndani of tbe puritans
Inforsw me that hts aged mother al
ways tewented the iDodmi Blang of
railing every aril'
Ber own bable*. sJ
ctoa. lamb*, and If they ll.-ed
grow up and be aheej*. to be tJod'. es_
yoang kW could never be anything but
a goat, bowever old It Wight grow. But
t.i-en *el.-eied with tbe gn-aleot carIn fart lhai principle ha* Ixx-n-m.•mploy BB EngHshman
xxar} In l
1, bni then enipley
a flrxt-cla*.
Th.- tvxult 1* ihnl th.- Inspiring for.-e
In ev.-ry d.-|uirtm.-irt of Un- Kg.vpilan
state I. a fli-sl'Clai)* Engllab bralm and
yet Hi.- iiatin-* ar.' mil d.-pivss.-d li^
being .le|Tiv.-d ol their share of tbe admlul*irsil.>u. The Kgypilan*. Hiat I*,
do not fiH-i tbe legitimate grievanee
Hiat 1. f.-lt by the Tunislami snd Al
gerian* when
they see even little pusd
of a eouple of hundred a year fiUed by
Aw BunpW
-Some of .tlte greatest men In tbe
world have met defeat in ih.-ir d.wr
est amtoUiou..’' remarked (be wtatew-
I th.- leg11.h Ij.u-,
Ol a pupil
taUDdret! mllliot
art or tl.«
constructed pUi.-eOOO.OOO.ts.i, or lint mile ovi-r .m.- ihlrd
e are .-Ivlllied, w«ir
In hous.-*.
Cl>l*e~- M 1111*17 nodrwt*.
Tbe tnUltarr siu.l.-nis at Tung-Chou.
China, have a ph-axant way of nsing
one of the main stiwt* in tbe city at
■ eonveuleni plac- for practicing un-h
•r o.-*-ur» to them lo
I"’*"’ (i“ n*Hons for Hm- safety or e..nvenlenr* of other*, and ,pe,le«trtan.
have to iHlge along the bulhllngs to
avoid iK.*»lWe-e»iH>niiic Bights of arrows. The further fact that military
students at Ihe pre<u-nt day are b*-lng
an-hery, show, that f’hlna
ba. i diim»«-r among oaiioiu.
.1 cloa* pMtrr MO* wad I
kiHs. St Dvsbui Bouc.
^.X)Mn w\NTEl)-A.ull.crf ihrrs er lo.r
rv^ex.m. Ibf houMkM^oS, a.s Md^l^
piy .1 Wt
"rtolboj"! M
up Hie m-iUN.-, all iiii.-n-Nt w.n.« lost and
.xml.l not tx- nn.uioxl ev.'ii i.y smell.
Y-t a. - .10 as Hi.' tnnEue ucalii touchcd i|»e I lOUN*- the I tt-n f.-U Into th*
if B .-htlag
jM.rSiotr MxS Pr Btt, icpcorcMBU. Pm
a y KbrsBB.
One teat
P.rk BIX]
ms.' lu ui..' kittm. 1. hel.1 11. ix-ratch'
: vlgiirouNly. Id om- band, while with
I oth.-r band 1 made the .rth.-r kitI (ou.-h and sin.'ll Hh- luu.is.- aud
all) ta.ie It. .\s long a. the S.-CODJ
..driK-Li d,..7-"-.-
■horlra V
first year be could
of h'rau.-e.
iioan-h. who**- edito'unt dollars lu hi. pocket by tbe hon
bad Wn Somewhat negh-eted.
|Hxwd rtM- a man of leomlug and was
U.-anwhile. ha’vlng managed to pick
„ '_____
of Cerman. he deter- at-cuaiomed to erlHvlNe ihlugs he mot
minixl to tr>
lock lo one of tbe nnlwith.
He there |
-Tour dock goes well.- be aald to De
put out a .mall .Ign Ix-.rlng bU name , vick. -i
four on the dial la
and tbe word* Teacher of English
and French." He got more pupils
-II.iw u ibatT' was tbe questloo la
rhlle'•“» b*- had In I’ariA and moanwl
y {H-rr.H'ied blm»df lb Ibe Oer“”1
-tVhy. the Ocitre ought to he formed
'. but took leAB.1
In LallD
of four straight lines an.l not by one I
a daaiiml
•my. lo
and a V. as you have made l(.from (hi- lime be
yupg i,p „
back to It. and
-Your maiesty is mlsukeo." xeatar-
woB ri^v
“ mu.
iXTED T> • I
Md best
“ SK-
• Iro bBBdrBd dollBrs
^ (-K.sg-<>*nni4e Mlaete «wb b. (OBbd
I^RMA Lg-T»0 iBcg* doec* sod Irmoso
ipOKMLS-Orcsrb.Bc* (or sboo ew. B
.-B.*^ s Om*. gmd rirauu^ ApayroNRv—To uu oe t
iXL bones.cBI»..all btadsp*TBM.Uprcw.
ly OBec opes fruB s I* b-iTbIbs bdUI B rsew
los. WBdr Bw-.m ProB* MCBM, BP aMIra,
Brsi to rlghv
ed De Vick.
-1 am oexer mistake®.- rettmied the
tana ei^oojI^^lyB.'^^i T
monarcb exelteo.y. -Correct It for roe."
Tbe order waa compiled with, and
fresB that tune dtals bare hoene the
r ^kOBkOaisty^
nil taawoA U XV*-J«waL
Ic.jUiKOIHrB a
1 c.fl, klM ——-
w.x-k h.- had •ev ersl iiupll.,
L- dl-l not taste tl..- ..-oUse It showe.1
his fani.- spn-a.l w. that In a few
■ J'*"' I DO Interest, but It ix-gtin u. tight vigornioutbs tl.- ba.l four clai».-s. .■oel.
•tl .S
ou.ly at Ihe munit-ni of tasting.
wllh J" ptipllx. tmx'Hug lu his room
'""I *1 I S.X.0 as the first kitten w-n- mad.* to rediffetvni li.'lif* of the momiDE and
»«xJ .-\
•’( t IcNH.- Its hol.1 on the mo«~- It at once
w„.k|j ineoDie
e«wavd to show any lniei\-»U
"r *1''- wf*'*’!' ««
, as be D.-vded for hi. HUp|M<rt.
lugnage*. ineiodlng th* Sanfireal Britain prodnee* half
Ilf tbe
tbe slate
I’erstan. In a famous Amer' quarried Id the world. ^>aDce and (be
InstltutioB of leuming
1 would
IFa banwe- fruited Ktite* a little less than
D print bis n
iB rIlk'
this plac«,
tag aU tbe tlwe. Iwok at oar booebaU
-Doo*l.“ as beI bUni;^
hUnae- te
teiltac tha
jaou^waakdkgjoa Km,
, | Sdswitmetmmi. ow
^ a hook teilUg
tad Smies baa
baa recaotly
*1^ gt^ to grt ^
ed op r
ebeee and exclaimed;
-Of conrwe they ba*a.
■ •n.lro, MIC*
Eeji*! has Ixx-n .-Jirrlcl .ml l.y "a Ixxly
.<f utll.'ials wIki ix-nninly do not ex.xxxl
' I«0 In QumlxT. and might ix.n.IIiI.v. If
till- flE«r.xi wer.' rlgortiuxly .-xamlu.xl.
tx- lx.m.'whal h.w.T."
Ix.nl rr..i>i.r
a.hlx. h..w.-v.-r. that "the*.- Ifai have
iBslInvl .lSe« ted Onl> by Tcatr.
H S * T'ta old.
Tb.-y Kliuw.-d d-j luu-rvai lu
sight or smell but a. s<x.a as th.-y
w;.-re made lo ta-te the mouse ih.-y
went Into a fichUiig
which re
mained a* Umii.as i;..' njo.i-M- was tastMi
When the'V w.-r. forc^j to give
- .f.-m-rve* .p.-.-lal noth-e.
they paowsl atoug th>- crowd woii.l.-rvd
whether the bh-yi-lbct wa. tnklus ihr
boiwe lo be wdd or whether the li.-r..waa on bla way imme with a u.-w a
ter.—ObJeago Daily New*.
Tu”* *“■Jw»«r
.-veulng a l.-it.-r Ix-nrlng
laie aim-t aitracii-u uie aii. u-
tlon of th* afternoon crowd of shop
per* yesterday. HoHi man aii.l .i.>r«looked hapiiy an.l c.mi.-i».-d aii.l ns
Mr,., Mslli. k. I
ea.lt)' adj.f
r of
rh.' Ida.I.-* reUUiliig iiD edce
a long whili', un.| their .Iinix- r.-oaer»
Hi.'in nm.i .-ff.xtlve.
Tb.- am-iim nf T »trr-A .iBwii wan* term.
w,irk.whl.'h can tw done wliL tl.l. cul- J-i 1-sturtitoU. C.nr*U.4ls<
tUalor will Bun.riM any ..n.- «ln. has
beeu arcustom.-l lo slogh' bladi-i touU.
’ nam.-d t'allgula wiihuui
their reMOM the
Com per ba.. old..........
lVr.ua.l.xl bj
ih..hlldp-ii, thqm-ro ..r.l. r.-il th.- .-arrtage stopix-l
uiid wi.i. h-i| with mil.’ll jihiiaurv the
]HTf..ruiaii.'i- ..f Ih.' l-ar Sh.- wlH th.-
tVud any dIanu-n.U of r.nlu.-. Th.'
omilltlon lni|M.-.xl wn* iluil U.- wi
Tile frees.- will not tnierfen- wllh
this year's crop. The dead moss la
treated )u.i u. itcfori- the fre*-*.-. But
Butter per E Dally..
Creamery Bottar. A,.
and the Quid I. at first arresU-d. then
dammed up. and then it n-buunds. if
these month, are gradually clmu-d. na- siidea<ifr.rs«cl*s.
liuv ha* lime to adapt beraclf to the
eln-mustau.-.-s by oiK-ulns her ebanm-l* lilt.. Hh- grt-at Inienul waterwa.v*
of (he lxj.tr. and no harm follow*; lohL^olark. Pboo*
mal. BlaudliiE In Ihi- r.«d walllnc for
th.' api.ioach ..r th. r-.ynl i-arrlaRe
city .'OUIU-II to B.siEtl a -mall Beof till, dlnm.'iiil ivw.l lo .-lo h on.hlMi lo wash It ov. r nn.l
If h.' .
after glnnliiE—ai-conlluE to Hu- <-are
With whleh the pleker deliver..! II.
The writer wa* .iin'rts..l to learn
that this l» the only vniMinillon
Diaa* rtx-elvi-s. It I. ahlpi*-.! In bale*
filreet to the wboleMler. who seneMlly dlalribute* them unn|N<iu'd tu Ihe
■>I«'«.M It.
Tbc*e two huoteri went in BMrvb of
“blE Eume" under tbe ruldauce of Ben
■b«l lie oulv evil and tlu
heaven aball bIwb). fall
J ??
ra*d. B. L. A On. Beat.
um Beat .llitendstlK-mombs of these
ducts and promotes a targi-r and more
rapid Bow of the eoaialiuxl fluid. Ou
Hie other hand, cold 'boDtraei. them,
the lieantlful
Fuuen-al bird, i
ly cbnducled. tbe fenneDlnllon tni-aia
tbe rumidete di-MriiclIuu of the outer
akin, aud the uiua. I. left duly -••ol*
tbe onih.ik for next yi-ar Is ba.l.
mnat have some Internal escape,. Nature abhors sboi-k. a* she docs a vacu
aald he to tbe man’le. “ihuu .halt ban aci-nraed lilr<l. Thou aball lom- that
on I bratlon of thouBht flARlied upon ll from
for *pa>'e. and lo convert It Into con«.di.u*□<.«*. Hi-nc-e It followr Hint m> ihouBlit
orlslnate. In the liralQ that thiuk* It;
for every tboUElil
tboUBlil hai be<-c thousbl before, ainl will U- IboUEht
pawlug outward and Is emptied oat of
the sUn. Thi. fluid most have exit or
we die In a few boura. If it does not
bsve vt-nt at the surface of the bod;
>dy. It
ace..mpany thee everywhere.
• —X-. _ wu. Bert.
Brarioar. H. L. AOo.
their little moetbs at tbe aurface, and
through tbeae chaniwls. a. c-aaelaai a.
tin- flow of llm... a fluid euntainlng tbiwaxt.-s eu.1 Impurith-Bof the system U
pien-tQ* Jeau*’ foreb.-iid.
Uilllob. of canal-* or tntaa
from I.. • Ino.-r i«rt of tbe Ixxly open
^^^<1 the Itobln redbr. a.t. AnJ
n jp„„
p,- ibon m,,,pj ,.^1^,^ ahaitst mv
It luni.'irray., and
If bitten > aiialunieDi by wmie brain of that d<-feel. aoft.
while the
livemoM«l fjn- of vibratory cnpaclty. wlili li enie.-tU.
But ' ai.b * u
ive thi'.•orn-*iK>ntllnE vi"erunchea- betw<-en tbe
' muatb*.
If the moaa. either alive nr
killed. I. .Imply pUi-d In ben|ui lo a
t place
e aud roveml with
with miK-k
ir uud ll MMiu beBlu. to ferment. The ,
«# care of lha body, proper diet prop
er exerel*e. with proper batblDE. wlU
pnxlure tbe Dormal coBdtUon. In which
cui.lIttuD tbe beat will (tot oppresa
auy one.
Let mt- esiicttally caution
ainilnst too audJeo cheeking of |wr-
appro*, i,ed the rro^ *^Umidly.:
They are dlffaFod In
or elecirtr carMillion, and WUlon* of Ttrioua
ooe-half of tbe welybl of ibe ao*a ;
when Uken from the treea. aay. the ;
Bdentlflc American. Tbe other half 'a .
rmd bcaitb nerer *aff«n from the
Short Oat Pork..............
the cold onlCM undolr expoaed.
CODdltlnn of bealtb rather to be aot«bt than
to be avoided. Too moch of a good
thtne. bowever. U not desirable, rtop-
van a macple witb a beantlfnl ai|rett<
*e( op ti; 1
noint to another:
Pertpl. lUon U eocntlal to health,
nrltea ,,d«axkl B. Wartnan lo Tbe
Ladle*’ Ilooe ioantaL
A pferwm in
BirAi pte7«A « part at tbe enrtflslea. ac««rdlBf (o iepead.
e of his rharartptu
The free** of thi* year
*». krw
TO uAtb •i«m4LTAm un. i«.
D«v«7 Vetlflaa Vavp X>opartmaBt of
Bto PUM-Solwaaa m« Braa*.
Fix6* Sooroe
W**hUi«v», O. C., SopL 4.-Eoar, OOOBCU
AdalraJ SaiapMo. «Uh hto MjiiadreB.
Wbtar Sapply.
•rUltoar* Philadolphto 8^k 11 foe
Oiml Brlt»ls m4 Ne« York, where be will b>mi CtoateU
OppoeltlOa toBefter Plan* bat Lo
tb* Botf liar* Str»t»*« Tbu orw Uibley D. EToaa tbe
cation for Pamplet Station Pixed—
•■4 X«rt« OwatlilM of Aanosi- Ure for lb* DewepoeiebnUoa. and the
Beooletioa Peclariet for Prompt
ttOB Bolac TAMterrod-Wor to
Adalral Dew«7 bw ooUftod ibe narj
Action Adoptod—Xapor Hnmllton
Vow aocordad m lactriublo—la- bepmiDcnl that be wUl remain at Uib•uneeta PeoeitT for Pallure to Fix
baWtaaUaraLMflBKta •warmo.
ra'careaUltbr middle of the moatb.
be will aall fv Mew York.
Loatoa. Sopt. 4-Th* Bafltoh
It wee ten o eloek Inet olrht before
la Hoalb d.frlea ' °
»>»* traialarrn'* iiiilieli
dlllaoee, wblehli dee there abeot motion to edjoum broopht the eonneU
meetlnt to e eloee. It wae e loop and
tie In the
I pabUabad thU
meetlnf and cMaUlonbl*
wornloc. be m*}' be eeea from their
baaloeae wa* dUpoaed of.
date Una* aereral of them bare been
ttblle aeveral mattera attended to
ioreadtotieU their poato in order to
OterfM Kap be BeleaMd Withoot were of pnbhc Intereet, there wae
eeek eaf*^ from aneet.
one of more- Impocteoee and moment
The Joemaltetle leader* of nlUaadar
Hu lanocenee Helot
than the meal rontine and one which
opinion are erldenUp
deepl; Iniereau everyone. The firet
e. in lb* ei
bat *■ the ate
Parl*.a«pL4 - The Ulk of .
etep in ibe aolnilon of the water anpof mmore ponr'ap over the oeblee it U
veidlel for plr problem wae takeo. and the eource
hard to dUtlnretob tretb from elarmlet •ort of a
exaffreratlon. It add* that one tblof Drejfne tnereaeee and ibe opinion that i of topplj wet dedolte); decided npon.
to clear, and that U that the atrale lb ibe Jadrea wilt etand three for Dr*7fnt I Baet baj wae determined to be tbe
fonr aralnat him U (julle prevalent | point beat edited to the pnrpoeee of the
aearlnf the breaklar point. It reallj
look* a* if the Tranetaal were TbU would in eff.-ct be the SoolUeh I ciij and by reaolaUon Eaet bay wae
verdict of-not proven.^‘_^It would re- eelocted and tbe oolni at which the
dellberaulp tnereaeinp the teuloa.
Dreyfne from prim, bet would i Pompiap eution ie to be eaubllebed
of tbe Cbrool.'le, tbe aolltary leading ’ ^^*'**^
troa tbe army. Oo the ' wae fined. Tae reeolution, however,
mcralaf paper that le aeziont to make
precautlonc takeo to I which wee preeentod by Alderman
for tbe Boer* and generally toll"’”'*'** nny outbreak in the ooort' Lmrdie. i* aelf explanatory and pledge*
fnl Hgbl. U would eeem to Indicate tbel a verdict I< Immediate action In placing tbe mhapreaent thing* In i
1* expected, aa’ ‘ ter of bonding before tbe public. It U
Ingly Be aay*
unable to o
mUe or DOtbln^ beyond ezpreaalog local feeling U undeniably hoetUe to a* tollowi
Beaolved. By tbe Common CouncU of
hope of a peaceful aointlon
f of Tra<
. That It >*.
Tbe lateal canard. Inteoded
Tbe Beuter Telegrem company eloee
and hereby ii dvrlarM. ezpedir
to optlmtotie. The Hail ihU morning prviudloe tbe Cathulle member* of tbe for aald city to ooDdruct. operai
operate ai
say*: ‘Beeler send* a* * rule what the court martial agaioit Dreyfu*. i*
malDlaib water work* for tbe
declaraUoa which, it U pretended. U of aupplylng eaid city and tbe iobabitTranavaal wUbe* pablUbed here."
A dlapatcb from tbe Pretoria oorree- made on cfli :lal authority, that be took anu thereof, with pure and wbolewime
water for tbe extlnguUbmsBt of fire*,
pondent of tbe Mornlog Poet, aepi via
the ordinary and extraordina-y uam
MewetaUe. aay* that be 1* informed by ues
for dwelling*, aioree, hotel*, mill*, facgood eetborlty tbel tbe Boer* intend
There wae a long meeUng of tbe toriea. lawo*. barnt. and all other
to fi/bt retber than to grant the de leader* of tbe D.-eyfnelte party to- building*, and for all other commerciel
and domreiie purpoeee. a* tbe eoonci:
mand* pf Orest Britain. It Irprobable nlgbv but nolblog eoaoeraiiig the prothatbefpre long the Boer* will in*h oevdlng* hae tranaplred.
It U
aoroe* the border, thinking that thU U
Pope Heported Againet Dreyfua.
that tbe ■
tbe only oeuree that will provlae them
London. Sept, i —Tbe B:
___ wate
___ work* tball be Baat a ebaaoe of enoewe. Mearly all tbe pondeni of tbe Central Mew* aay* be Traver*e Bay, with the vuraplng
members of tbe nltleader council beve baa interviewed many of tbe Vatican tion or tbe power house thereof,
left tbe Tranavaal in order to be at ofiiciala. Including Monaignorea Pifferi loceUd on tbe shore of eaid bay. at i
raentiooed In ... report and
liberty to lake part la subeequent end Aogeli.'nnd lenrp* that tbe pope | noted in
the detailed plat and tpeclfl
evento instead of lingering In e Boer anda numberoftbe high dlgnltarie*
by U
Aeolhar dlapatcb to the Poet from
imiltee In it* report 1
Newoaelle *ent by Its Jobaanaeborg V) tbe Preneb clergy in regard to dtelr
oo tbe 20 h day of May.
OetTwpondwts Fore*d
th« Tr«nsrMl.
-I have left Jobaaneeburg, tbe lead
ing nttlandera having nrged me to eeek
a mfar plane. Tbe sute allorneyb
oStoe and tbe public proeecntor'B office
oonfirmed tbto advise, tntormlag me
that It was the InieaUoD of the Tmnavaal antborlUce to arreet all tbwe who
hafl Uken a leading part In advocacy
of the olUaedere. Bn rouU bei
traek* loaded with ammnuiUon .ready
to start for every station. Tbe liner*
deolars their inienUoto to rush tbe
Metal bordar soon.
Adtopatebtothe Time* from Newceatle. Oape Colony, aaye that the feel
ing In Johanneebnrg and PretorU la
teeolved and aggremiva
Pet^s are
leaving kotb plaee* in
A dlapatcb to the Standard from
-urg by wav of NewoasUa
Cap* Colony, aay* that a
been received el Jobanoeeburg from a
Pretoria oorreapondant etatlng that
tbeTranavall baa «
to graai tbe frao
after five ye*
that war to oow regarded aa Inevitabla
Tbe Tel^rnpb print* a dispatch
arliabuTg aaylng that advlceafrom Pretoria are to the effect
that war to conaidarsd eerUI
the same feeling prevails In PletermsriUbnrg. It add* Uat tbar*
ration to belle** that a majority of
th* Volksraad will immediately Inatot
upon formally deelarlug the country'*
On your shoef. They
are noiseless—g.ive elas
ticity to the step, and
added ease and grace to
tbe whole body and make
walking a pleasure.
Ot Sttiirfap, Septemher 16th tho prizes will be awanled
r^lnre Q,nr«. Tick.t, Foot Bill Suit,
Fo^t Ball, Puuch Bag, Indian (’lube
For oin. -^ tfctnr. Coatw Tick.t, ro«r'. .otscripUm
23^222F^t .Street
Try Them!
We furnish them and
put them on roi^ shoes
50c Pair.
Ladies' or Men's.
eoc. 76c. *1.00. $1.8*. $160. $2.00 and $8.60
Popular Shoe Houso.
Store Closed
Tuesday and Wednesday. Sept. 5 and 6.
owing to Hebrew New Year’s-Will
open Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock.
Bellable Dry Good*, Carpet and Clothing Bom*.
New Piano
id B well-spring of pleMora
in tbe bouse wben it bns tbe
rich melody and sweet tone
of a Kimball.
merit, we will show oar mag
nificent stock
Is hecomlDg popular, too.
Urn* become *111 cted with tuberoaloeto
be wa* deathly afraid to give Ito milk |._ al. ariiM
to bto children. He then went oa to, ■O'
d*el*r« that glOO.OOO would provide a
fully adeqaat* auppy and good eyatem j
Made by
from West bay and tbat doable tbat
amount would b* required to aatabltob
an East bay ayaiem. Her* Mr. QanieoD Inlmjectad a raasark tbat If SlfiO,reqalrod to build a Weet bay
eyatam tb* aldorman from th* aaeoad
would D*v«r Biak* a kick. To thto Mr.
Hasting* ratorud: - It woaU be Impoa*lbl* to epMid that amount of money
for * W**t bay syatnm."
Tk* dtoeumion bmmm* •plritod. hat
a roto wm tnally taken nnd th* raw.
luriam* Collage wUI InUm w*a ndoptad, Mr. HasUng* swC
nialM AU ednialwww tot abwUut*patsIngth*only
Mgatfv* vot*.
4ept*mb*r 4tb, ItM.
Th* wntar work* mat tar was not th*
»*UI h* formed la
tlT-fw-Md i
lOohtinnml on third peg*, j
A. W. Jahraus
Comv in aud look at onr fine aasortment
All Sheet Music
at halt price.
Small Instruments
and Musical Merchandise.
The Favorite Sc Cigar
h.. tec-, u,. CO. -.iih." .o..; Biggest aeil best 10 ceot clear
wonderful tone you will recognize its superiority above all
Than Traverse Belle
pisDue and when yoo lest iu
Alderman Hasting* entered the argu-ET OA*T~^
menl and declaredagalnei the roeolu-1 I 11 C.
I d
tion la any form which contemplated I
BsetBty. He argued with cbar*cler-1
totic energy tbat all the talk of the experU wa* tbat Weet bay "migbl" beoome contamluated. In tbto connection
be tuted that he had a very fine Jeraey
oow of which he thought a great deal. i
With paidan-
sble pride in its beauty and
Tra**t*e O
h* clcaml i
wkm new i
Bnlph ConnsblB Jr. Manage.
M dttM iei simts Rigt Proa Oiteac
MklilAu Ttlephooe Co.
Five Bejected aad e Squad Started for
Preeldio Bareecke Uet Might
hm* were elavaa men who wanted
to go Into the aervioe of the United
Statee' army yealerday. Of the eleven
only eix paeeed Ue rigid pbyelcal ex
amination. Of theee. two were for the
regular army, and four for the voli
taer*. ■
The recrulu for the volunteer «..
vlo* are WUUam Lereon. John Vallaec, Nebemlnh Barvey and George
Oummlag*. They will be in the 4tnd
U. a voiutear lataatry. Th* r^lar*. Bemucl A. Olagriek and Andrew
a Laiuen, wUl jslntkelr regimoal at
Prealdlo Barraeka. Baa Praadeoo. Oalifomln.
1A* following recrulto for tk* regu
lar army aervlea left on the ajM train
Inet night: Bnrvey Decker, William
B. Bateeon. Oemr** A MeOartMV, —
hart C Lnteon and Bamnal A Olngrtok.
fcrmto ate U ae dMgur.
Ten Valuable Prizes.
Here U the way we do it-TickeU irill be given to each echolsr
deetthetolalnof^epBWk uatU
at the opening of the school year for ad
vertising. We propose to inaugurate a
now scheme this year and will give that
amount directly to the schotan in
When joQ have a pair of
Beeolved fnrthe', Tbat tueb water
worlIn ehall be
Into operation
•reiion ai
ei early
ear a*
. praeiickble.
tbatt all ibe neceeeary ttepe be ta
ken forthwith to place before the tax
lUnUa CAUdrea Send Her a OrewnWork Kaadkerchell
Bwbeeiar. N. Y . Sept 4 —Oenerul
Blwell S. Oito' family receive from eetUng in'" up.*ratlon a eyetem
time to time nnmeron* aouvenir* of bl*
Tbe last Iid- In tbe reeolution orexperlenee* la tbe PbUipplnee. Mr*. Igjnally, res-* "eueb eytlem" of water
Otto bes ju*t received as a gift from the work*, bn'.
When you consider ibia fact,
numerou* obj-ctione,
stater* of the AsUo de San Vincent de founded upon s fetr tbat tbe pbraec don't you think you ere mistakt-n
Peul at Manila aa czqaelte drewnwork might oommi' - Se oonneU to tbe Bsfter rhen yon say ton "don’t need a
bandkeroblef, made by the orpbw of plan*, were i emoted and a cb*ngc telephone in your home.
Loobah tebool. and areaeated' to wa* made to ’ ki it now; reads. -A
VV hat Tou Lave moet precious in
UenerulOtto for hto wife with this system." x‘i- -y deetroylng any tbe world is there, and in the ev»-pt
of accidert or dan
chance tor s
ue to construe tbe
ger vuu would reed
-• nmlttne eounel'. b
••Manila. June I, ll»*-MajorOener*l
it even more at your
Oti*.-My Dear General: Tbe etoters Baftcr p)i
home than at >..ur
Alderman Moatneue was very earnest
.And that ie
band you tbto little package for Hr*. in bto objcctiuQ to tbe original word
<aving a k'ood deal
Utto. Tbe orphan children of tbelr ing of tbto pan of the resolniloD. and
school, to whom you have been ao kind, refused to consider any proposliiou
want your wife to have this little tbat might b* mtooouttrued. at tbe
unnle Of their work- With klndact of
isbes. I remain with much rmpect, nothing to oppose the progreee of tbe
very sincerely youre.
«rk along the proper lines.
Alderman Garrison accuied AlderW. D M'Kik.vo.s.*'
Th* signer of the letter to a promi lan Moatague of Intention* to innent worker among tbe Manila eeboole trodoee •ubterfngee to delay tbe
iry action on tbe water work*
andcburche*. Thoae who have eecn
the- baodkerehlef aay that the work queetloo and declaiwd tbat Mr.
cannot be equaled in thto eooniry. Montagok.'* atiiinde wa*.unexplsmable.
Mr*. Otto 1* soon to plaee It on exhibi To theee euggeetion* Mr. Montague
tion, that all may admire it Ueneral paid no attention. Alderman Wright
Otis baa also sent home a large old- wa* eatitfied to haje tbe location of |
fatbloned clock. It to eight feet high, the pumping elation fixed if tbe one]
and Ue eaae to of Manila mabogany.
a the ver.v!'
>*« eery Uttie dehlag. BremhUg to
suiM at prmeot, aad Americaa la-
We usually spend aboul S30.00
etUtnde when the Benne* court
tlal deUvers lu verdict.
Over-toeue of Pop w Money Ceuned the
Porto PUta. Santo Domingo, Sepv
Though ell tbe town* on tbto, the
north aide of the toland, have deelared In favor of the rsvolnUon. they
are not nnnnlmoualy In fevor of any
paritoulnr aaplrant ter tbe Preeideney.
Most of them have pronounoed In
favor of Ceneml Jimlnex. bet the
itly have no praferenes.
having nought only th* <
>t wn* objectionable
It to belioved that the dUee on the
■onth aide are ready to deelar* in favor
CkfJlmlaesor aom* other preeideai
T*e malnaaeaeoftharevolBUoai
thtacUoB of th* Beureaux govi
menl In making a large over-toee* of
pepm moBM. which raaoUed la greet
demoralHatioa of the currency and
; I. E. STEMS, Imflt.
mymnl Sti, lirtlui Bltd
September 4tb
Our friends will find us located one dOOr
east of Hamilton Clothing Oo’a
store, in the HoNamara Block.
We will open business with a Glean Up
Sale where prices will cut no figure. We
invite everybody to come.
rari DWTTAL wou.
fHB Mominvo UOORD, TUfSUAT. >KPT»1CBBE 6, 18W.
scMoisMEaimiiti. .
The People Know
iB Spltaar Baw AaoiOrms Tbere « i.
Be Bo Boom to 8pai«-ISm
»•*»»« fn
BeyV Atteadoaee.
The e^ooU ORoaed yeeterdey. with
by for the Uigeet ettewdeoee ever
«. Batm Aire f. W. BAsan.
the boUdlBge that ore
And we hsTe be»o'git-iDK them ad awfol gtxid
for tbe
Itst ten days. . We have been sellicg
«, W. BAnn. «»«*
iwdUgof tbebuUdUCAOwiig
lu pan to the Uiger attendonee aod in
port to the feet that not eU tbe room
urOUdJlBS KO&Z TBAJi soo.
U at preoest avolUble. boa Bade the
work of tbe flnl few dsy* eseepUoe'
IchoolOeoeoA dhoce 8.464 Ohildren
oily bard. The Centro^ buUdlng U Al Paid By Maot Frieods 10 the «emoey
of Behool Age. *
ready crowdAd beyond aU that It is
And they have not been slow to tako adt-antaer of it. We have
A very large cumber of the many - Tbe eebool oensui this year tbowa a
bailt to AceoBBOdste. wbUe tbs otbi r
sold M hioycles in tbe lost ten days—fOld seven Monday, and
baildUgs show A Urge Ucreoee over friendA of the Ute ChrUtopber PybuA very BAikcd Ipcreese cverony ^vioos
Lave only a frw left, sp if you want to Uke advantage of tbis,
year to the biatory of the city.
Ust year. In one ol the rooms U tbe getbered io tbe CoegregAiional ebuj
rome quirL and do not thiak of buying a bicycle without an
Oeotrol. that u provided with eeeu for yeAtenUy to pay tbelr !s*i irlbuu of gAUfortbApastyeArUisezeeoa otWO;
eotablisb’d r«|mtalion. when yon can buy sueb a bicycle as the
40. the teacher b AOcemBodstUg 64, rcApeci AOd love to the bitncry'of one oed every word Is the cliy show*
Kagle nr World at ilie priree we are selling them at, and are
while Another room with tbe sam- who will be greetly miieeri o the city. Uereose.tbe toul Iasi year being S.ioo.
guaranteed for one year t>y a party you know ie reeponaible.
DUBber of seeU baa lo ntuedanee over Tbe Board of HducAtioB Alb-ndiO thel Aeeordiag to the report tf the cencu*
foaeral Ic a body, a* did also tbe clerks eauBerAtor. W. M. Smith, tbe somber
Si pDplU
|r««MMf7 •UMt Xaptov^neav
Tbe enrollBent of the High eebool b 'f tbe Mereestlle Oemp^ry's store, in tbe city of eebool Age in tbe vAriom
<SW wtWHniltUca of Ue b(»rd of
iTbeebolr whkb furubbed tbe mokic,
^Ule works lo Improve LaioB sUMt twenty more tbon wire enrolled cn I «oa eempoeed of Hite Crawford. Mr*.J First Word
Fn»l •iroet to ibe bridfo Aod the tbe amt eay lest year Tbe^rceest in-1 BoabAni. Profeeeor Horn and Dr. bny- Second Word...
tplirnrfc to Vbc scolh tide of the brUpe dieatioD b that there uill be a moeb gar. with MU* Despree os orgonUL
Third Ward. ..
Irtth eroAbod etOBC, U a good o&e. It u Urger enn Ument f*i ibb before the. The funer*l was U charge of tbe
to Mkeo taot of the 'eekboot. Tbe Uigb eebool bos si-| K.n-twter*. end tbe casket was attended
120 Front Street, Traverse City.
propeud eriiAfaed Atooe method of im- ready spread to tbe lower floor, end j bv a guard of honor composed of tbe
prOTiof the aCmu Bat the boArd of
down sulr* will soon belf,|io«iDg oi Mr. Fybus fellow bibpAblle workA were leeUoctod eeverAt fives to IL Already IS nop-resident 1 bers of the order: Hon W W. Smith,
WAAke Afo to improve Kroot etreet ABd paplU have enrolled, end tbb samber I A V Friidricb, J-U Johnson. P. 0.
The Bravery ol tFomao
omplop the etreet roller Aod ernAbcd will soon be mbed to 64.
(iilberv W J. EobiDioc. Aogu* McColl.
AtOM for tbAt porpoee. The eooBcIl
.’smesMurchle. nod George W. Clyde. Dowling
41dW>teoBt«aiplAU a permAteat lo.attendsoce b tbe Uck Of free r-*. »ii
waa.* Ak..Aj.Ai 4w\tp. \ir year* atr
prvtABABt OA Front etreet la tble ota- test hooka. >. In tosi of tbe anbjrcla
f nauaea and indigmtl
MAbOD. bSVeUnplp oeeeeeAry repAlre. all the books are Already Uken. which
failed to relieve her until •
WkUA the eaffAetlone of the board of
led EU ■
,nee e delay in tbe work of some
poblle works Are food oaee. the ooe aeui new books ere received.
«llb.lA ..b J.b. rbol“'.r-b..d=.b.....jU,l.,. 1.
dittos (f Frost etreet demesde imTbe IseUliy with which SnperinUn. Kowle. The floral
'7 b iru y a grand tonic for tbe wbnlr
^AAdihU AttAotlon.
dent Bom bAndles the work shows and profuse.
system as I nlnrd
gained io
lo weirbt
weight and
aod ~f4l
Tbs wei-AnUms weAtber will eoos ooBclealvely that the board of ednea
Eev. D. Cochlln. who conducted tbe much strong ainoe u*iog it." It alas
be here Asd poet espcrlcscc e«uee u tlon Bake no mbtake lo aclcetlog for »ervlce. *nAb*
apoke ol tbe aolendid charac- 44:e»ticD. cures dyspeptic, improver
lo dread ibe toeosveoUsee end herd- this isportant position, one who. in ter of the decasod. aod paid a glowing Gaarmnte^' at J oem life Ocly Su:
'• Jobnaon end 8
■hip ABtAilcd bj the eosdliioB of tbv addition to all other emlnem quA'IScAAItaM AS U BBst be nDltee^eoBeitalDf tlons. bad tuefa a thorough taiuiliArlty parity of bb dally 111
Ia doM with It. A ppriaAsesi Improve- with Abe AcboolA. and with the woikAfter the eerv ee, a large number of .v-ja.
•Ast is sot seeseeiry M tble time Ur.oftbeclty.educaUonAltyet«B. , friend, followed the body to lu
Of Detroit will arrive sbont Septei
Bnt A top drtAAlsr with enubed
ProfeeAor Ryder Ukee hold of tbe reatisg pUoe in tukwood ceBetery.
her IJ. to uke charge c f onr drei
Atoet well rollAd dows with the new prisclpalahlp of Uts High school
mokiog depanmvDt.
•treat rolUr. will be as Improvemeni BAsacr that abows bim to be master of
ing to e: .Age lime can do^to by
1 cslL I *
Ug At the Boston Store.
fTMtl; to be AppreetAted ssUl eome- tbs situation. The ooums of study b
&•S ••••
'hUhl’ Of A penaAseat SAfore ems be is- practically tbe some ss It was when be Bsoelved 6jld Waiob for Vrltlng
trodAeed After WAter baIm ere Uld
eft tbe eebool. eo that be b not wltaMost Usuranee U Xlchigaa.
TierebAs bees BAflect Is Uyiet is a
capsiienee that wUl help bim in
Tbomas Coolon. spscUl Agent for tne
APpplp of Atoae tbAt wUl prevest ibc tbe special work of principal.
Mutual Life Ineursnce Oompany of
AMCstlos of DtAo; Improvemeou thot
All IndlcatioBs point to s very sue- New York, bos ju4t received a beauti
Oifal esboci year under the new ful gold wAicb, A prize for tbe writing
»w»* y>
u wbAS Frost street 1a eared for rsgiBA.
of the lorgoAt amount of iosuraDce of
Ibore U eoonfb elosc left or esoapb
any Agest ia tbe state since the fimi of
ASS be proenred at osee to carry out
June. Mr. Conloo b ui queetionably
IbA reooBBrodAUooe of tbe board of
Tunt'e wliRl the ( hildren eay.
pnbUd works os Uolpo street, ibeo Will CAUAA WaUav Wiiherell to Lay
Grown up ctiidrvD flay lht> satne
.00(1 lime he bAA Uken tbe Amt prise
tbore CAB be no ol jecUoo to coirylop
Off A While.
AgAinsl All the ogeoU in tbe tUU.
thin;;. W«- sell lU lbs rolled oale
pat tbe AnggeAliooA iSAde. Id as;
with a toilet mirror now fre*
Walter J. Witberell b noming a
for i-.-.c H.
A- Com fin., meal
pent, wbes tbe brldpe Is oompleted sprained Askie and A tu bud knee, as
([Uently takee the plar^ of a bu
tbe BOAT Ap^fOAchetmoit be properly well AA A few bvAlthy imilAtlosA of
in 1-l'itb flacks for Il'c a aack.
CruW of tbe yaellDA
reau or a drcMsingcaae, especial
aU AobAtAtiUAllT Blled la. end tbe ep
brnbee. Be was At work on s
Tbe VarllnA, A steam yacht, wiib a
ly if additional drawer room ie
pUsAtion of emsbed ilooe In three baa car on the C i. W. M. when It osrty of pleasure se«.kers aboard. InBn-nkfaut
KcxmI or
“But.'' sooicouc says, “there’a wanted. With onr new line,
AtAM will be sot only deeltable bnt went off the track. The msU roin I e'odlag the owner. Tbarles H. Thom,
Wheat freni Meal or (Quaker
such a sBiiienrsa with bakvr's just opc-ned, we are able to supAfviAAble. Bnt It vrlll be some time
Uur sepA'Ated
and of Hooigoaeri. Ward .t CompAoy.
Roll«-d (iate or Shreaded Wheat
yet Ufore tbe Approaches to the bridge Just AS the train pulled out Witberell ' arrived At the dock yeaterCAj. Tbe
ply the increasing demand for
These flell at l.ic the
wOl seed sttestlos.
Have yon tasted th(«e new
turlcd to jump from the car be WAS on I tHtie vessi I made the run ftvm
tbe medium and better clafS
pHckak;.'or two for a (jiiarter.
Bent’s Water Waferp.Bremner's chiffoniers. Have yon seen that
to tbe moving ear Ahead. He failed to | charlevol* to thU city, a dtiunoe of
Try a [jackaii.- or two.
IfATOS SsMii.Tox's inggestioD fora jump far enough and landed with Ajau milee. in 4 hours. Mr. Thorn sod
.Sugar Wafers, Brent's AaaorCed
new style we’re Melling at |6.50.
ptdAWslk Isspcctw U A good one Asd a dull tbud upon tbe Uee be wee i the | nu fAtber-ln-lAw. Mr. Nibur. of Peoris.
Wafers. Kennedy's Fairy '' afffUable BAB cam not osljr BAke him tracks- It WAS AD uofortu AU mb , HI,, ugeiher with A nsr-y of tour sis,
ers, ( hanjiaigoe Wafers CocoaWAS I are making AD extended cruise on tbe
aaU weful boi vAlttAble to tbe efty.
nut aod Macaroona These are
Tbs ssggeoUoo to provide m pesalty CA'-led to relieve bb psia. He will be uy.
all put up in the most attrac
Im'segleet to comply with the order* laid up for A while.
Endured Desib'e Agonies.
oi the oouBcll in tbit regnrd I# aIao ■
tive boxes. Put these on tbe
! Only A roaring flee eoAbled J. M
gooi one. Property owsere sbonid tAke
Bdlurb Awful Plight
table and serve right from ihe
‘ Osrreuoo. of Stn Aotooio, Tex., lo
belter cere of tkeir welke for the eeke
down when sttsced by AstbiiiA.
I . Ijee down
Sold at the uniform price
of tbe repnlAlios of tbe city If they
or Life on tbe Ocean Waw,"
1 i from whi
25c the box.
hAVA no pereoDol pride is keeping that no doctor or remedy helped noiil - ---------------.
would bt- vanity and vexation of
knows I'needa Biscuit sells at
IboIrpreBlees In good AbApe And AAfe be tried Bucklen’e Aroiea bilve. the , that It veemed he eudured
in tbe world. Be wrius. two hose* of destl ; but Dr. K ng's
----far pedcAirlAnA. This doen sot Apply beet
•1C the box andfiiewls Jingei
rholly cured him. Infallible for Plies, 'or Coosomption wholly curedI bim.
tbe bouse.
Love would be
'Vbcti a man bnye a bat of
of AOnree. U> All property owsere. sim Cure guAmnUed. Only the
Sold by This mmrtelcu* aedirlue i« tbee only
Wafer at iOc.
Sears Tutli
stronger and life would be lon^ us it lusts flo long that he gets
ply to those wl o AFgleci to keep their J.O. Johnson and 8. E Wait, drug- knowo cure tor Aitbss as well as
Frutti and Butter ( ups at 20c
|0>D>omptloc. Cough* sod Cold*, sod
wslks In good repeir. There ore msny gist*.
er by ueinu' Jackson or Lenox
tiusl of it. It’e what you might
--------------------------IsilTbrosl, Chi-sl S''* Lung troubles
the i>ound. Are you qomc to
who teke pride in keeping their welks Obriei Alter riowsn
or Ivory (that's tiie kind that
; Price soc sod fi.oo Ouimnteed. ^sl
crII a tir>d hat. Of course this
picnic or have an aftern(x->ntea^
0 goodsbspe. but looBAny sn
Wsit end J.
tioatfl) or some of tboaeexcellent
kind cofltfl a tride mure then the
For bouq'ieu.
1(1 eeott s dosen.
Me*, 'Johnson
Drug aurre*.
^about it
These are jiir-1 wlialyou want.
toilet soaps, .ic buys London
hat that tears off at the brim or
rrackfl at the cr»-ase or t.reaks
lieti! a cake of Kirks -luveiiile
when indented
'N'e guarantee
Want somelbiDi; '-iter. There’s
iiur hats
"'e want every
Ooldvell 0. Loudon Bav# KAiabllAbM
Cafllimere l4oU(|iiet. .\!inoml < >il,
mail to lx- SM e(>rrectljr dreased
a Breneb of Tbvu BxtAselee Bnei*
Resiuol, MuflkV-enethis or Mi!HP p«.*i-ihle.
IB ObArlevois.
The esterprUleg drm of Caldwell h
toodon ere not eetitaed with tbe Urge
sod ioereaslog bosIneiA ihet they
d««i««g Is this city. Out Are looking for
And see for yourself aod be convinced that w’C are
•OTA worlds to cosdner. With this In
making a wonderful reduction on all of our tan shoes
make yon think of cooling
ylAW, they bsve cossoBBAted a deel
misses', youth's, boy’s, women's and
fhet IsvolvAt the pamhAse of a rmg
beverages Got anything to
men’s. We must have more room for our mammoth
•Urly cAUbllAbed beeUeeA in Cherledrink them from after they’re
stock of new shoes now on the road, direct from the
rois. together with tbe eertalnly of
made. Tall thin blown lemon
f^t Ucreoee U the Urge butUeSA
factories—aod must make tbe sacrifice on our line of
All manner of bulk perfumes,
ade glaaaee are just the thing
that tbe trm U Already doing is that
We bare five patterns of engrav
selling from 15c to 50c per or.
Good mattings have a place
Per many yeAreOAldwell i Undon
Bottled perfumes at IC^ 25c. ed medium size thin blown
havp ehlpp^ Urge eontigemenU of
in most homr* all the year
straight glaasee An ornament
50c and 11.00 the bottle.
Iheir goods to ChArlerols. end now
round CJool in summer—Then
Everything yon want in Toi to any table- If you want somethat they beve eeublltbed tbeaselves
tbe spreading of rugs*makes it
Children's all solid tan shoes, button, 5 to S.. 66c
thing cheap, got a glass (good
let Waters and Colognes
Ihore. there is ne doubt bat that the
warm for tbe winter montba—
Summer heat and summer one too) at 25c tbe dozen, (roliAilsssi will Assume raueb Urger peoChildren’s tan shots,.button or lace. 5 to 8... 76c
pmtkms. The desl Jott'Mde Invol'
ing to have an afternoon tea or gives a pleasing effect to tbe
sun demand toilet preparations
Ibe purebsse of tbe blAcksmlth, catroom. Some new.patterns just
some friends in for the evening
and face powders.
These can
an up-to-date BhoCievery pair guaranteed,
rUft M>d vrtgon Abop. together with
You want tbe btst
Those sherWt glasses are what
be bad in endleas variety.
Iba bordwere end vrUnlinml implegrades—they last longer—look
Pretty white teeth call for you want to serve tbe ices io.
Bsnt etoree of John Beker. of Cnerle
a grade for 12c the
75c buys twelve beauties
you. Br. Caldwell lA on Ue ground.
tooth powders, aoaps and tooth
make, all first class stock, direct from the
AOspleUng the deal. He will bate
will find -18 different styles of yard if you want it. 25c style
paste. We supply every de>
factory, sizes 11 to •2............................... $1.16
Ahoi^ of the boAlnese in CberlevoU,
arbUe Mr. London will have petsosAl
Youth's pennakit winners, school shoes, willow
paporrlaiea of the work bare.
tmATnaxciTT. •
3 Good Thin§ mienHieyseen
Maiies the food niore defidoits and
Eagle and World Bicycles
at Less Than Factory Cost
First dess double tube tires,
guarenteed, lor $2.25.
J. W. SLATER’S House Furnishing Store
^£'1 ■■
I Want
My Mushr
Don’t Have to A
Make Cakes Chiffonier
At Home...
■ Love in
a Cottage
“Last” Use.
Toilet .
Don’t These
Warm Days
More News
of Mattings.
XUo't Tear Dowe—Bnild up.
Tbe old foAhioned theory of tCAring
dows diteoee was entirely changed by
the advent of Dr. d W. Cbnse't Nerve
and Blood Fills, which cure by ereat(Bg sew rieb blood ssd nmee tiosae
the mcd.sB of iheelrraUUos
sod tbe porvens eyetem thv stisagthM o»d isvigorau every orgoa la the
calf, sizes 11 to 2.........................................$1.16
Boy's russet calf, 11 to 2, up-to-date................$1.16
Boy’s russet calf. sizes'SJ^ to 5....................... $1.48
The Boston Store
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,
Tmmojantd nBodm. TTnisbAT,
4| SV&U Menvi
c^ StAwetV. {
war W»rwMTS'
•tausuarae will operate throara the
acrtealtaral eecUoa of bU drpart«eai
la airaarlar a diep^ay of the arrical
taral pFodact* of Mlebtraa at tbe et
It b tba epMiial dMlr* off Secref ateante to aieke a rood dbplay of
alt, aad trait that U i ' ia teaeoD
aaabaatoaee rect to Uraad Baplda
wbera ft will be pat la oold etorare.
Depaty Bbenff WeilBta of roa*.tae.
waat40 Leoaard datarday airfat aad
eaptarad a wild ataa who bee oeea litlap la the blf twampa I wated near
that rlllare for aetera'l laoatba Tbe
vaa b etIdeeUy a forelraer and of
roodtoacdlar It U aepaoMd be b iaaaae. Be baa a loor beard aad balr.
aad was barefooted. Tbrooat be wore
WM a eorlooely patched a> lir. ead r»>
aeabled Jeeob-eeoet of Bible bbtory
la the matter of eolore.
I ootlaned IroB •>«'( par* }
Ao ISTlUUoD wa* raad frota tha
6, law.
WOUt «l «l,MtS7. Th« •
«( th* bmrd ot pabUe wgrkt ealM te
• I •!(> «•
I 4Buti1liowea pfWtdUr a liemaa of
ajearfor bowllaf al:«7». blUtarc
U.«i-------*. waaodoptod.
AMvrnui Uirriam eatorad a proUt
k1ea<Rco» of r«ule hard
<».«, wao all >w*d their cattle to «!■
'laccrtaia Ittteo wai eebjreted la bb
oOaati u» eUlt the re |I part of tae city. The
Tbe «t
matter waa rcon the mb inet. Mr. Baetior*>: felled to tbe committee on ordlaareea.
immtdlate y moved • •e ^
ro: ' aad Mr. ij
ma’ter of iseofrcet namberia
I - I_____________ ______ _ _ ,__ ___ _L - .
► (lea tlon ^
Th. In.iutloa .u unpled b, eeeb. I
„„„id i. tb. cib.
tmona tote.
[ trit'oe on ttreeu and welke with ia
Aiaeaaor Tbeckpr raaomeoeedrd that ^ ‘oetraetlooe to report at tbe next meet
tbe aaeeeemeat an certain property of ,
Boward Wb tlnr be reduced, belnr ea j
cemite. The matter wae referred to] There wil'br a meetlae of tbe nal-
A proleal frem eeteral cUlxena < I ' fall atteadanee
read atralnet tbe obetraetlon of State' Tbrr* will be a apMlal meeting of
... Baelera ___
•treet by rice. Implements etc. and,.j
dtar ible
{ereninc. for the tracaaeti m of ape
ibb wae referred to tbe <
'IbaKiaeea A fall attendance ia
•treeU aad weika to report a
recabr meetlacA team beloBinnr
Binec to a fanner liriar
the.citT. breame f-lf^oed ye«B Gibba wae n*
to build aa addlllea to bli bicyele ahop terday. and raa- away, The wacon
fro k '^r aurrey o» tV L
op Eul Kropl ,lnp,. l-. ... dP.' ;!<lirl
p.d P.pud.nblp'd.mu,.
onuderable i
aloiyla taelgit, tobe covered
w Itb j Iv no ooe wea iriured
J.J. K-k«'
ironI make an • ff rt to atop the team before
At Saailec Ceotre, eyoaar maa etaIVoknp Kynikp -p. pUo t~Ptdd
aiopped by
ployod at the Bari hooae aodertook to
permiaeioD to erea an addllloo to buju drRch.
fill a lirbted etfar lamp with raa^line.
alore bulldiar. Ill x3J. a.lb,roa cov ( cla- N*.. 4 of the Kirat M. E Suodav
Ao exploaioD fUlowrd, aod tbe boul
e laf'j»cbv>l otrt la»t rveolng in
their reeg.
wataatod witb dlAciilty. after II iioo
Wilbi lm. Barlak A Co. were rraBt> ' ''•Kinth y baalneaa mrelioe
daaace bad boeo duoe. BadW fl^oee ed permlaaioQ
term o neni
nn,,.„p ,k,“p-ik"',:: 1..“™"?";,“
BOt beco aa'tdard promptly ooe third leg occupied by W
J. Uobba aa a hard
• be iade later,
Of tba boalara* pnrtlqo of ibe toirn wareatore.
rsion of ihe Labor llnions
woeld bate beea deatroyrd.
A petition for graveling Uih etreet
B. B. Uitlctte of Heaton Barbor, baa weal from Bohemia etreet. was referred
acconaiof tbe death
pateatad e roller beariar for aae oa to the committee on eireeU and walka
The Crescent band will give theitekfeleeof allkioda Tbeee bearlor*
Mayor HamilioB teat In the fa llow p^itptioed excursion to Omens TbarsareaowbelBC need oa 100 traeka ^ lag eommanicatlon relative to dog It- day eveniag The rxeareion aeaeoa U
tba Patera laiaber yard and do tA oeoeea. which wae referred to the com drawing to close aad everybody will
work of four maa Be tbiaka tbe io- mittee on lleeneee.
Aldermaa Smith profit hr these pleaaaat tripa
The atrararr Colombia will give an
eaattoa will reeolatioaiee teblele balld- moved tbia coaree beeanee be b not a
other afwooon excorsloo to Ne-ab-taloroeember ot thateommiiier
•apu tomorrow, leaving Use dock at
A yotaac maa got to ceatnrloc *o »igI call your atteatlon to aa ordlaanee 4:30 o'clock.
oroaaly while talking to a frtead at 8l relative to the Iternilng of doga.
Alderman B W. Bastings aad family.
The nomber of lieenaee istned tbe *ho have been apeodtrg tea dart in s
Joaeph tbe other day that be pal tab
lelightful camp at Long La^e' have
Oat throngb a large plate g laa> wlpdow.
Number of lioenace baaed last year
raining It eompl. t-ly.
to Sept. I, t44
A Jo ly fishing party cf fonrteea
Number of lloeaeee baaed thb year went
- OraodBapide- board of health will
from Spring Beach Hotel to Carp
aaforee tbe aute law relatlee to oonleoomberof lleensea leaned tbb Lake, oa Saturday. A'tboogb the day
eamptlon. and eompm pbyalabne to year Xi Sept. 1. eomeared with tbe
report all eaaea of It. the aame ae other line time last yeai
tbe gentlemea showed exeeptioaal
The namber of
•kill in handling a boat in rough
PtayaieiaaB will minbbed. bat the aapp
Mrs. ShellIley spread a fine
make a dgbien it.
k of oollectlog iioenaea haa
aad bei
Many Ottawa eoaaty farmerebave been done.
The method of proecedure to cc
rafoMd Pioo aa acre for tbelr aogar Uorpare latl year differed from
.. . Siephi
We Want youf inspection-we lead the styles—You take-no chances when
beet crop. The expert wh'> a looking ordinacoe.
the Woman's Foreign Miaaloa Beard
Beard ofiy
therefore hriag thb mattar np f<w tbe Frtaade ^nreb. gev<
after tbe bMta in that wc.nily eaye
wry inte'r-|^ you buy the Pingree Shoes -a shte with a record-Get them of
eeat or future coaaidrratlon. for eating addreaa on tbe eilOlJ-C
-ct of mi*. I M
tbe profit for tba Beltand factory will
'be income drrieed from doga b an sioGsI Sandey
Sandi morning. An ( ffertng of
be over fil00.000 for tbU year.
Importaot one to Use city.
eight dollars wae Uken for the
Mn. Bertha Baker, an onfonBaate
A euggesiioD from Mayor Hamilton Mexican Mieeions.
Ibtrolt blonde of good family, haa relative to the de Irability ot compilEarnest Ureillck baa iuei beea made
118 Front Street.
TIlo Old. I?el±a'ble Slxoe Map.
tog sod pnbliabipg in book form tbe be rec pient-^f tbe finest kind of
t in the
shape of a paddMag caItb aald to be practically a eare revised ordlnaacei was referred to tbe
mlltee on ordloanoee Later Alder
Iblag mow that Uraad BtpIda will get
tbe giaae faetory which baa beea talk- mao Montague, chairman of that com
The store of Joliu* Steinberg closed^
ml(U-r. made a verbal report bpod tbr '•«t nighlfoMhe Hebrew Ne-• 1 of eo mach for a ioog time past.
I Twirlrr*. Arthur W.onV and 8 Dior,
.Sf^nn e smith, .iiughter i
Wa«a Paol U lolaw weat to hb we 1 work of tbe committee. Be auted peeiore will D'n wD uoill Wedneed y eteclog at . 0 clock.
'andU-» H-nry Smith of Sulioe* B*t,
ia West Bay City to draw a pall of that tbe committee had worked
in revising ibe ordli
M. Dll', who ha» b. en coodacMng the d'rd ai ih.-tr home sn
waUr be was horrified to flod tbe body
anay Hank Hotel has rented i' e build -*
*4 U>e nm'
of a maa at the bottom. It proved to
ig lorm-rl* uccupird by Parker Hr -, and hi.< -• ff -rr^* for a locg t'rre with
work. H.-atati__.______ ____ _____
be that of Napuleaa Ledur, :u years of
•noe a’.ore, aod will locate a reslaoran- ; ........................
I'eceseed wa* of a roost
■nape fur oondderaUon at
and hotel there. He will vacate the lo»si-le c*-apa'-l»-. and will he greatlv
ag*. who lived a short dbtaaee away printing in .
baildlog that he now occupies
tO'r.srd br a large crcle of those who
fore moved. II
Bo was demeaied.
. I loved her. The funeral w'U be heM in
ferred to tbe committee on priotlag
The l^bir Day picn.- given hy tbel,t,^ Swedish church at 8n’-on, R,t
At B.xier. Mrs. Jalb Viola New. •itb ioitraetloea to procure slimateo
local labor unions ye.frday, wa.an viaorr,,w at . p. m Bi» Markatead
kirk, wife of Sylvester Newkirk, b
occaaloo long to be remembered. The ,
eondoct the *erTiee
dMd, aged :a Mrs. Newkirk's maiden dioaooee and city charter,
weather was perfect, a good
Bamc was Jobneoa. She wae a niece lion prevailed
—ere present, and all wae aa-pleasant; Ac int'resting coinc'deece oernrred
The board of pubiic
pubMc werka
I could be desired.
.S»iurda* evening.
Ween Pa-ker
of Prealdaat Fllmore.
0 that BO permanent re
Parker rBroa are oirrlv aettied m 1 """‘’era Utt
I oa Front etreet uoui
James A. Duboar of .Vonhvllle. owoe
.eiroewetore in McNamara buiMtrg *.*""• J"'.
lalni bad been laid. As
tbe old braes door kaoeker oelonglog
itb'ddltkmal room and better 'acil- ‘"''’'•If®* L*-d.ewMihe drat
to the home of Uen. John Swift, who
me. for handing an increased stock of • P‘”-iho^ *■= U>e bu Idiog SsturtheeuoBcil regarding tbe imomr
ovedrg he was ihe •■►t to rtiaVc a
waa killed in the war of l«il.
mtofUe street some lime ago-i
a was ad.-pied.. but I
The Invincible, have been true to ” •I’lTe w'‘r.lud'‘in The
Near Leroy. Ueorge Kellogg and
fact that the street needs repairs was their name, though they had to p'ae tuildliJ^
imnd id tbe McNamara
l«wU Wenaei arc dramlng the water
>t ignored.
ball to do it. They were- up against
fropi their prireu ddt pond oa tbe lat
Mayor BamiHon amt another eom ball olaver* when they plav-d Benda'*
There wi;i be a. spev-ai roeet-ug
at ih- hrm. rf m
anlcatioo relative'to mvre rffeetive Twirler-, hut they won o t w th a t^* L r R
ter's farm. The object b to Bed oal.
illOD in repairs apdn tidewaikt M- a-irr o't: to 10 The ballerire wen*- -'ribn H*r*v. ■i E**t K ghl vtreet. th'4
If BOMlble. what has become of the
commeodrd Use revision of tbe -• lovindblee, Ir «h, Novak ard Sri'Ws rvrning at
fish, at thry have pieced *3 o.>0 trout la isting ordin
dinarce and auggeeied that i
tbe pood and have taken but eery few
1th the orders of the council
oat aa they eaanot oatcb them.
Be*. Cbarlee US asholee of the Kiraj suggested tbe oecesa.ty of a sldrwal
in»pecuirae a steady employe who*e
Baptbt eharcb ot Unting performed a buslneas It should be to see that walka
marriage ceremony in a hack, while a were kept in good order. This wai
chase was being made to catch a train. referred to tbe committee <>u ordi
The contracung parties were Sampel nance* to tbe diecassion Alderman
tiulth auted that Ibe officials were as
James Doner of Athena aad Elms Van much to blame aa ike property owners
Nellya of Laniiag. They procared a in many inauoeea aa a great many
Ucenee early In the day, intending to eroui walks were ia wry bad shape.
Alderman Hastings came Into Uie die
be married at 1 o'clock. Joat before cutaioo
and echoed these Bentimi
that boar the relom of the Ueeaac waa bnl deilared that the council___
demanded by tbe aatborltiee, it having ©.•dared the work done bnl tbelr orders
not been carried onv
beea learned that tbe brtde wae onder
ad that if this work wai left wUb
tbe age given. tbuB making tbe moth
ireeu and walks,
er's ooDseni aeoeaeary. Thb aod a new
of pnblie
more might
lleeaae were obtained eo lau that it
>vo« lotD v\
\o leW
Alderman Garrison <
"* similar
waa neoeaea^ to have tbe
d on tbe way to the depot.
^^t ia a
Tbe Dandee caantag factory b pot> eommuDiaatloD
ting ap about s.ouo ewae ot tomaicee the approacbea to I'nlon street bridge
All our Ladies' 25c Gauze Vests
daUy aad
eat to to wo- w telh eldee be Improved pvmanenUy
we will close at.....................
Midae tbe ma e help.
Fiaeoanlng eiliage, so mUm north of be Improved in tbe same manner,
All our Ladies' 12|L 15 and 19c
good ----- r-■ oiec
Bay City, was vbiied by .-w diaaetroos by providing for a _
atreei The propotiu
Vests we will close at.......
fir* Sanday afiAraooB. Twenty-two on macadam3 street.
was not rrceilived wiOi favir. bat it >
frame bulldlnge. indudlng the Michi ■jjply recellIved and referred
rred to the
gan Central paeeengsr etaUoa. MaccanmItieeoD
ItieeonitNieuand walk.. The
lOand 12j-^c Child's Gauze
eentiinent wae that
be* ha 1. 13 butlnesa houses
Vests we will close at............
perasaaeDt improvemesit aboaid
dweUUtgawoPetoull, dmtroyed witb SdTto SL up th’e’^^idftS^.^e'um
tbelr aanUBU In nearly every cee.
i^dTnd^S^e S n"«l *f]
The fir* Stopped when U had boriMd
itself oat. The loei b etUjuted at
bTt OTv sbU Tvots b'b& viVV
incidental to auloein waadisenaaedand ™
$73,000, witb small laanraaoe.
New Fall Styles;
j'crsx HEO e i
Pingree & Smith
Make of Footwear i
A. 11 the Latest Toes'
I Special LS' The Composite Gtni&en The Governor!
Frar^^k Friedrich
Fall Opening!
Suits, Top Goats,
Hats and Furnisliings.
i» '3Vw
I vw M,w^eT>3oeav.
... . .
■She&e Ynew ave £.o\n
4 for 50c *
4 for 35c g
4 for 25c i
Bamaite. ibe it-moa^'-old baby of
Frank Klalber of Grand Baplda,chokcd
to death OB a psannl.
At Monroe. Cbarlee Caster, nephew
otibe late General Coater. waa acciAenially shot in tb* vicloUy of tbe
ksert. Fatal reealte are expected.
done at tbelr born**- Inqnireor ad-,
drsM Mlaa Schofield, dreaelng parlors'
441 1* 443 aMtrrami street ?l7-tf«
aebeesary to d. eometbiug I
with front etreet. where repairs are,
needed tbe most.
, |
I pon rtqns.1 of Alderman Montague M
The Hannah * Lay Mercantile Co. wa. *
grani.-d permitaion to Improva-' the
waika around their block and to im
prove the rtsof ef tbe awning.
City Clerk Bickerd reported that no
Claun* ware erdeeed p^d to tb*
^ \VtTtt 4b^s b\ lYte 'pnet
Come Qu.\ek.
J. W. Milliken.
Just simply opening up new
goods daily. You can not
imagine from any descrip
tion we can give ih print
what handsome patterns
and decidedly nobby styles
we are receiving daily. Do
not postpone your visit—we
are prepared and willing to
show goods as fast as re
Men's, Youth’s,
Wants were all carefully con
sidered when these goods
were purchased. It will save
you many useless steps to
give us tbe hrst caU.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Morning Record Want Ads Par.
Sr**THi uoaxatu
uoobj^. tubslay, bxpibhbbb a
Arbuckles’ Coffee
Tbe V Oonwell Keftx Oempssy W«U
Sqatpprd tor HasdUsc TVetr
TbeOornwella are monsi tbb week
Uto ttoir new beUdlsf oo Lske ftboet
near tbe C A W. M. freurbt depot, and
will be comfortably aetUed by tbe Utb.
Thebuadiactaalftrte two-atory esc.
eoaao f—t is aise. and b sbaly ftiran«ad
fnr tbeir boa noaft. tbe Urrer part botor bsUi for oold aicrarc parpaaas
There b ftbo a neat office and a loadisf
abed, and a atable baa bees baiU Is
connectiom The baalsftm here b a
braoeb of tbe Sariaaw B—f Co., wbleb
b under tbe masarem—t of WUUam
C. Cornwell, and basdlea tbe Swift A
Oo- pradecta exelualTely. Herbert Oriffitb b manaper of tbe Trarerae Oily
braseb. wbleb b reseral bcadqa*rter«
for a larpe dbuict, esteadUK aloec
theC. A
H aad-Q R A 1- asdeoeerinc all tHbotsry nolnu — tar north
— Peioakry. Onat Janerinek baaebarta
of tbe trade co tbe G R. A I. A lam
bnaloeaa b tranaacted by tbe w
every year, the rrawtb of wbieb
aat It waa
^ preaent
Urpe quarte'a.
Is the Standard of Coffee Exeellenoe by which all Coffee Quality Is Compared^
8M|^ Vm B«MKlMr. ft N«« ^
brotorftftd well imows Boelftty i
hftft loteftd ft irlU wbM ftbow
ft ftroft■«ko brftftkw. lift
It It hk nathod
of eejoyiftjr ft TfttftUoft.
Urd Oftorr* Hft»»to«. tftcrfttftry of
tiiftU for Iftdift. bftt rMftlBtd ft dUpftteb
frOK. tbft rte«ro7 of Indift. Lord Ourzos,
. OMftrtaftr
iOBBftdiftU ftftXict7 rftCftrdiwr tbft erop* Is th« OMtrfti prortsoM Of Isdk bftt bara roaovftd bp ft
ktftTT nis. BMWhtrft tk« rsiats]! ta
to—ttekot. »d fftto U sftftdtd to —
OkilBS Room TsMft
A Nftw York stfts dsloft to bftva tbot
• crftM «ft 1ft tb« Adirosdftekft tb*t b»d
«ort7 fl— trottt tft lU ttomseb, soot of
wbieb wotfbtd loM ikfts ft ftoasd.
At CkrkUftSft tb* tftbUot bftt deeldod
to forward ft copy of tbo iftw for tb«
, fstrodoetlos of ft purely Norweetoft
RftC to tbt Bweditb ftsd Korweriss
mtolttor of war. Baras Btppr. to order
ibftt be may soUfy foreUra powera.
Lett w—k ft party of boyt rasrioff
from It to «o left Toledo to ft— tb«
moontry, sod they derided to raorh it,
dopeodlsf os brfttloy itaetr way oo tbe
Aralaa Satii day Btcbt- four of tbea
Jomped from a twi fiylor B. A 0- trats
St Akroe and'aU we trjirrd. Abrabam
Klein dyloj. Tbostaa Judd. Howard
tvoa— asd Trask Dorer were aU(blIy
Aepeelal to tbe Omaha Bee frrm
Dftftdwood. a. D-. —ye: ‘A fleree tim
ber Are Wbleb braae oat Saturday
nlcbt la Tarier about tes milaa aoatb
of tsb place Aa ererytfalDV la aa dry
saUsderaoda rale la blofriof from
the aoatb. the aituatioD U eery aeriooa.
cv» fivyv »1A»V -t mi ev»uar •
People bare turned oot fropi tbe Im
mediate vielolty to flAbl the fire, but
tbua tar tbeir efforu bare met with
No. 63. A Butoher’ft Knife.
little aaseeea Baglewood. os tbe Bur-j
No. 66
Me. 67. Picture Prarr
11 Bftoo raUway. b tonipht threatened'
A'Lndy'ft Pen Knife.
aettb dafttrnetlos. asd tbe. lababltaota
are uyiur to yet tbeir belonflofa to
plftoae of wfaty.
Tba Aoetrias miobter of commerce
No. 6A. A KItohon Knifo.
b eoDtemplaUnff the IntrodncUos of
motor esre foreonreylnr mail baffa
sod (ram railway atotiosi. asd alao for
1 e«l BMC. UM tuds aad m tbt Mot
tbe eollactloB of lettera from tbe maU
>( arbuclM' K.At:tO CoOM.
Tbe usnaual altbt of a bbbop adNo. 66. A Oentiomsn^ Pocket Knife.
dreealsf a cooArepaUon .of biriyelUU
waa wltsmaed at Dorer. BD(taod, reeostly. when tbe b'«hoo of that aee
preached to eyelbu from all tbe coun
try roundTbe predicted cold wftve boa psoaed
over Masltobft. but no dsmace b
■portad. Tbe barecat b sow pracUeally
•afa. Tbe ten tbouaand man who
bnee already come from the eftat will
sol fill tbe demand for men
SMbt In barrefttlnf ibe wheot crop.
T be CblrkftmftdAft and Cbattana
Oeabtt acUDc. Pvui ftr vaprMa,
fftatew art—Id bv as, ie«a«p<
park oommbaios baa raoelrad notice
are <WW pMtaavWBwa «s4 laa
ibftt tbe atftU of Itolana will dedicate
BiBaanm>ut (tvbi ■lapavtvof aiita battlefield
Oo»A Wb«i orasnac
M. Tbe Wilder Brigade i
and minob
I. will dedicate lu mi
At tbe aame UmeN
a ilaaoiiA isrt of •om* article
amcie U)
Lo M -vii
-eivotMl i-t blm or Qrr
Jlnalc canaed tbe de*th of ft beautiful
ilj. lu u.vc.«eiii«.
ul ool aud rviurtM
oo ibt (J—Xi
A-year-oid filly at Kiorenoe, Aim. tbe
at a tourbi
other day. A farmer drove bb vainftbie young mare into town, and aa be
waadrlvincnp tbe prinripal atroet •
braaa band tuddenly atruck up Ita
tilfttant muatc. Tbe mare bad never
beard ftuy ftound like ibai before, and
Mefueed aNood Th np
to atariledwaa abe that abe dropped aoua. who have been vUlting B Horriand family for tbe peat two weeks.
Prof. C R Horst of the Traverse City
dead'in the abatu of tbe trap, a'
eelerluaryaarpeoD who examined the retarned lo their borne In Itblca y«e- School of Mu»lc, recently received a
oaream declared that tbe lucre had ierday.
c I to tbe chair of violin Instruetion
Master Robert Bammrrslag has re- i the Muaicsl Collepe of London. Ondied of besrt failure, due to eac.temeal, canted by tbe sound of tbe un- turned to bis home In Grand Rsptda i.r-o The position carries with it ft
after livinp for tbe past two years with handsome salary, but Professor Horst
soeuaiomed muatc of tba braha band.
hli slMr- Mr*. E E Sprague
declined it.
Mr and vt, r B B-ai-Wep hs»e
--------------------------Kr. rioyd Olma-.ead.HlaaMadpc Boy
poaef.-*o a
M -,u
Non and Uim Hollb Uoinial spent tbe
kee. Cblc-g J aoo Grand R ipics
------------Any at Omens yefterday.
M. Philipabas arranged for a per-' In Mem >ry of the Late ObrUtopber
Edna Wilhelm of toutb Union street
formance for tbe Mabara Minstrels la!
b eniertalnlnp her friend. Hiss laabel
tbe City Opera Bouac next Monday
Wnr-Br -i*. our esteemed and woreby
Oelllck of CbarlevoU. bias Oelllek evening.
- brother. Corisiopber Prbus. haa been
will Uke tbe niace of Mias Campbell.
Mim l^ie Burrawa-of Detroit b
In tbe Cltlisn'a telephone ezihanpc.
vblilop friend! here.
Wbxsxa. be wna fa tbful In every
who U taklnp a week's vscstlon.
Mrs. Minnie Lawrence bes returned . line of duly and ha> left at the bentMrs Uoraduia of Bast Froot street tram Cleveland, where abe baa been K* of •
that was noble and tender
has returnad fram a abort visit with
b„ r.u
her pareota at teland_________________
! state and tbe
Bdlth Jewel, the T-year-old daughter
suffered toe loss of a moat act ve
of John Praben. of KW West Ninth Pfttir HOLDbWOBTH'd^XHTOBBS , od trustworthy clt'i r ;
atreot. had the mbfortune to break
, That Court Traverse baa beeo depHved of one of lu ataunebmi and
a I! prived
her left aim yettuday, while playing. To be Xxbibited at tha Hems of Kra
brighuat members;
Dr. Martin reduced the fracture.
! That the home he loved eo well haa,
•Ir. and Mrs. J. O Hoppes left tor a
Prat. WiUiam 8. Holdiwortb baa | parted with a kaaband and father such
obit at their old home In
beea Induoed to leave bit beantiful ; as b rarely seen;
-hihitinA ' Tbst We, ss Forestera. form a eircla {
yesterday. Mr. Hoppee b a cottage
' of concord about bis home and hb fam-1
oudb s
MperinUndent at the eaylpm.
lly and lend our aympathto
Mbs Lucy Brodkapea of Waahlnpton those who have not yet had aa oppor- airaapihen'ibelr«i«rai'"bem
atrenpiben tbeir aadd raed bam ta.
atroal. left for Orand Raplda. where tanity to aee them
can do so for
a abort
Resolved. That tbaee
these reaoluUoi
reeoluUona be
ahe wUlapend eeveral months ia Corl U-.,..U,.bo,»i,c,tMr^ J. W.
e nrlnu
A Raott'a wholeeale house.
ken. Everybody b welcome to oalUn
• of
.. the aty and___
,, ..
C. A. Bammood haa returned tram without ah^inp to knock.
same furnbhed to Ue keraavad family
WhUatheaxhlbiUoabnotmade for 1^^ '
P C GiLSKar.
r. W. Penalarwa leavm thb mornof aeUing the pictures,
Fnzo B Pn.\TT.
top tor Oopambh.
those who to dwlre ean have the op
A^Gl■i McCoix.
Cora Oox. of WlaehaaMr. lad.. vrUl portunity of paraharinp these rare art
retara to bar homa t^day. She
keen Tbltlnp the family of J.
HheamatUm Oant Xx'Bt.
Tbomea. of Wabatar atraet.
Whan Ue kidneys are kept healthy
Jamm A. Hamilton, of WiUiamaand vigorous by the aee of Dr. A. W.
'tout, b la toa d^.
Ctoee'a Eidney-Llrer PUb. U ia uric
Mia. J. M. Tkomaa b os the aiA arid left la Ue blood by defaetlve kid
Good Sard wood Id StOTO Lon^thn.
neys that canaea rheumatism. Dr. A 9r W.DOeek.
▲160 Foot Foot XAple BlAbi ud SdgissB.
J. U. rUmbM and hb pwat. J. O. K. CAaae-a KUney-Uver PiUa make Bye apeoiahat.lB again in tha rity and
lha kidnaya atrang and aedve ia tbeir
wW girt traa examiaatloM at >1*
JokBMin. went to Manbtoe on the
work of filtortag the blood and Utu
eaat eu atraet. ato at your homes If
tha eanee of ttoamatfcm Om
eo prefarrod. T«L
Mim. WUkv MMm aa4 tor two
It waa a fairly pood eompoay wbieb
piwnied Cnele Tom'a Cabin In the
C ly Opera Houae laat nipbL A com
pany above tbe avermpe. Bet so mat
ter wbat k'-cd (f a cempauy it b. tbe
beautiful atory which made Barrict
Beecher btowe ^moua and tftopkt
wboleaome Ireeoee to milllena. b ftlw iT« attractive and never faiU to draw,
ftltboupb —met mea tbe author would
sol reeopn'rr It. There were n ary
pood tbinpa'to laat nipbt'a pradne tics,
and tbe aodience waa pleaaed
j jvenile tpeeialliea were rzeepticrftlly
fine tod captivated tbe andlecce. After
tbe ^tay a apeeialty eoreert was pives
and aomc fine festurea were Iptrcdneed
A Powder Hill Xzploftion
Rroovea everytblnp In aipb<: eo do.
draatie mineral pUla. but both are
juipbty danperoni. Ko need to dvnamite voer body when Dr. EInp’a Sew
Ufe PilU do the work eo eaaily and
perfectly, t^irea Beadaebe, Constipa
tion. Oiilv f'-ceeta at J. G. Jobnaon'e
and S B Wait's drap stores.
. .
- 0 per 1
4 per cent off oo poaul card
A' b. Dobaos. P O Br-s SSS.
Real Estate, luctioieers.
Traders. Motet laaiers.
opo aite tlaica
Price, etch »3tl
) acre farm IS mil—
west of Monre• Center. Good frame
houae. r room;
e barn; about-fiO
bearinr fruit ir«ea«0 b well watered.
Price fiSW,
Per Sab—M acres on penUianla.
It acres nnder euli’vation. balanee
timber, about l.:<xi eorda wood,
land A So- 1 Price t*(M.
Per Sab—4)>>—too acres, five miles oat
of bable City.bmall bearing orchard,
balance hardwood timber land.aocond
cutting. Owner lit- a In tbe diy and
will rive purchaser a bargain
?BT 8*b- 'll* vO acre*.3 milaa Empire.
<100 feet bem-oek and hardwood,
__ __A No 1 Price
rice fav».
iib .wiaiof
tbe city.
33 acres
rr culiivatloo
Good frame bsrs
DO b'louac. clay lost
and black msdy
tT4 per acre. Thb goes at Sito 00.
rt>R SALE—acres. Farm on
Peninaula one miJc fram landing at Old
HbaloD. • year old orchard, plums,
pleaches, pears, app ca
it acres. 4
yean old. 11 acres apples 3 cherries)
Two pood barns stone foundation,
seeds and all neceasary out halldinps.
Fine large bouse coat >i:">a Windmill
and well water Tbb it one of the beat
faroit on- the peoinsu.'s. owner haa
other buaineas. hence low prict- *4500.
FOR SALE-r-14-Baiineaa property
now occupied py the New York 8tore
<»rtier of Uoion and hixU 8t Tbb
prooe'ty speaiesfor its seif, needi i
le fact that one of
u>«rn occopralt shows lu deairabUlt.
as a busioriB property. Price SMOO.
FuE hALE—MS—Fifth 8t Fine
borne Uodera • room boose, large lot.
city water s'! through, bath room,
large bes<meot Tbb property east
owner I170U but having a chance to go
into businem for bimaeU b willing to
sacrifice. Price fiiSM.
’Wear the Best
Our fall assortment is the most ex
rsiu.'-.i.;’.:'; _
tensive we have ever shown and If you ^
have never worn the "T
' ” brand— i
l-,r •!<«• SI bp-.vaa of etsirv. Big
I try one thb season.
^ K-aMr
ksrrs<c* AI lep vl -lAirv asei 4oDr wo i*e rtgSt
»!lvr ,ew .w-v u> 1./. SI Sesd .1 iSv
Igeits tor Tramse City {
J Union Street
ua ta
Wade Bros.
I 211 Fruit
U|i Stairs
Travepse City Lumber Co.
ProTident Life
and Trust Company
of PhlladolphU.
Leri T. Penningtop, Diatrict
Travans Ouy. lUaauaa.
John R. Santo,
ttiinl liunna
CHB »o«mJro MaaoM.
sniBsV A piim.
■aFT*>iM» i^ jaea.
hnukit lr»raKfi&> TBttmti.) PETTICOAT QOTtBWttHT.
I •
baaco borne In CUftoa. cm which orer
tn all Ukrilbaod be «
«UV.«JO wa* expended, waa kaaeknl
the DeqTer*T1ni
down at auction u> Uol* B. Reaktn
tbronab the Orient waa leodered an<
thririnc tows and a
for NITimi. and ibua paaae* rmia hla
pu—caaton the Nm aoaet of Henry
bapCT by the mad lore the emir of I Tbe luyor. lire c
nntnred woman, of ouoag
auong family affeealiretkm. baNtoally eoatented wUb ber
lot. which aeeni* to hare been aU along
n mtbar dnU one.
Bo Utile worldly
wNdom waa there at tbe court of the
thbd Otorgr that the daugbirra were
allowed to reMh tnatore y««i« wltho«t any afforu bring made to procure
them bMbautla. Ellnabrih waa not
at all nvarae to marriage, yet atw had
to wait tlU ahe waa 48 years old be(We abe became tbe wife of tbe land*
fTara of Umae-HombalT. When
wna 20 Nm> waa
■t nay book that
canlned and rcaA 8be bad no aepow“n tuTabe wLi
,« ».
1 oer,
IOC pj**™ aip-ui c»«
lueuiuc- orrer new omce iwiwie ujv
.vu» ;
Joowy did not omit tbe utory of np tbe rein* of roremment one mouth
aark.«y*d .krab knelt at tbe ayo. tkey.hare ibown aucb a capacity
also, and are being kept u,
la u..,
™. *i»......*e
Unpoaelble. and It waa with f««r and
«"-mNlng that rim pem-nted hemelf
»»* *t her unhappy
part* b« r gray
ray hair In ibe middle, af
after the good old fashion of our grandmothers.
Her husband. Charlv* Tot
ten. operate* a large farm m-ar Btwt^
tic. 'They liave thn-e rblldren thing.
New Y<irk wai hi-r tilrthpbici- and out
of tbe uaturil genius of NVw York Mlllclans for govemtneot *he thiuk* lliat
fate baa led b»-r to hecoiucObe female
la bar letter* Is tbe old king’s mad* t
proiiwt* tbe aagwwk Under the abadow of that abe v* tVIlllam a<«rrbed notll be found IL
*»« tbe croiws# wa* not to be
I dannted. and airier reqneai a frii*id
1‘arlB for another dye. whliii
Probably It aermed to ber to he a
poor kind of life, that of a princeaa. wa* duly applied. The very next
and she bints st other spbenw wbcrv morning the eni|>eror eyed hi* wife
and demanded who bad
sbe would bare been otorc at bume.
Tot. tbeufh abe had a kind of Interest
In an It te doutuful wbetber
sroold bare been Oi for one iwslilon
abe ooveted. 8be went with ber moth'
sold ber -ihat gilding so sbamefat to
see on the head of a moiber and a
sjiouee.'' P<> that laottle w<.|ii tb<‘ wny
er to Strawberry hlU to see Horace
Walpote aad bis roUectlons and ad
ry going alxuit in motU-y. ao far a* her
hair was loiicemed. so atm again ap|MaI<*d u> ber friend* to procure leuueUjlug whieb would roinpletely blanrh
mired them raptnrouaiy.
“I wish 1
could be' boustdieeper
tb<-rv." abe
writea. “Id case of your bearing that
Lord O. lOrfordI la In nuut of one,
nead to such a nnmbef In aurb a place.
Bcur sorb a street, by aucb a raatlr.
In aneb a lodge, you will find a dia*
creri. steady young wooiau. wbo bean
a toletaLle good cbaiacter. with ilic
advantage of speaking a little Krvueb.
who will be wlUIng to «iter aocib a ca*
tbs poor llermaD court of HeMm*-liuniborg. where life was both frugal auil
fonnal. and undoubtedly dulL
bar husband died abe ailll lived on witb
his relailrea tber>'. docile,
contented as ever. Her leal bappluem
came from her gift of making friend*
abd kaeplng them by Imt riui^-riiy and
her complete abaeiu-e of
actousneaa of ber rank. Wlili im>r<- lirti*
Kant iq>{iuriunlUe* abe prolwldv w.iiild
not have abone. “I feel I am Utter for
uy owu quiet and cunienied
home than tbe bigbe^ rank* of life. 1
Bka to watcb my poor, uiy garden*,
my cowa (mors) than all tliew- weighty
BMttera. which are tar beyond my
of the Orwt
The empnw* did not fnn-
and narrow dark violet rlblma being
If *«iiiet«Nlj
must sell, and
bn.v*. lh-0
uuikv iiiiich
the gentTHl
make* l*-ar
d 470 yacclnatl
ragvtabic* are rnraisbed graiu by the
qoean and tbe medical aupplkw are
ala* defrayed by ber. Mftts-n hundted
babies were treated in one twelvemoBtb. It la said that there t* not auy
ro^ Charity of tbe aort In Ear»i*- so
aariaaily managed, with the addition
al srilve co-operation of tbe founder.
■«w St»svw As* Flatabsd.
Tbsflalab of rieeves at tbewriiu t* a
Tbe Kemtuu Dental
out fmia.
ParlnrH with
1 never tlouKbt soeb s
Teetb Gleaned Free
The next six days..
' tl-'iit or a Ih'id Kiiin*h vf souie *i*'- ulalire i-orUiT or |~"d n.lcht give thins- *
i d.-cld-tl «*'l-l-ni'k. blit tlo' r.-stll.-iin -.f
; Ihe mark-'i 1* gn-al, *nd ih- uM.-st
I liav*» jiiHt Rildeti
, in-ii on Wall .ir.-.-t
are ih--rougUly
[ |lnpr>-~.e.l win, III.- U-llef thai ••Hi.
of Dice i-arritup-ai.
Drivers fiiniisli.-d if desintV
Everytliny ill lintt-clsns shspe.
Among tbi- Kuro|*..ai, laiisuace. ihc
! Ruglbh Is Ih.. rl,h...i
wrist by a sha|a-d .-iifr and Is gsiben-d
Into tbe arintmle -r-pyrlEhled by Ihc
Standard KashSoii C'omiiany.
Mr Hedell is
an avowed freethinker, aud fsr ov.-r
a quarter of a cetiiury hi* lime Ua*
rvnii at PmaUIm
Velvet cord n<-ck clmln* aimng with
thia svaoon.
"iW eitr.vsg.ht bloUM- want,a are
made of crepe de cNilne. tucked
group* b.-low a yoke of eream lace.
INire while kid-glove* are rdug out
of fashion and Ibe dejleaie tint* of
crtwin snd cem aoedre sre coming in.
^tat la faabtoa very carefuby coutidared tkla aeasun. Tbere are points and
B...d 1. <!» .« W„.
r-w. ■
■au-b-* OroMag
Tbl* OoBfoa) r
Pkosrinr vbr Use
b-.-ecX'inherf-r) 0o> r
B.-8I wurkmansliip uiom-y
Vui.-k w.-rk
lit Uoloo Streex
iv.utb uf MkHb aiel which -•ouialli- a,-ettrdlug t- the lal.-st cai-ulail.-ii. q: .
lu the Turki.i. laugu.ag,.
Fire Insurance.
»>'•> 'bus II 1,
Whipph-. of the Scond Masa aoliller
singular fa. t
aachuaelts regiment had Is■■■orinlue*. ■* a rule. hav.. v..rt
and an uffl.a-i
.t-r li Ihe civil war. au.l In
1 *-eii niu.'h *.-rvl.- limned
The kaltlr* of
the meantltui
dlapuoal iioi
In *be
« l«h»-d to mure than t-.i««> wurtl* and the uaiiw-a
of .kuoiralia um.- only
^But all the offli-eni. as well
bad to und.-rgo a phy»li-al .-xamluaiiou
r.thb.n-t T-»h.
ii ■wort-.-*ler" Mayir
Whipple wa* a |
of a saint hai Just bcvn
dlau of great bodily atrt-ngtb aad perDurham <-athcdrul. Engf.-.i h.-tlth and a.ilvliy but th. la|.*. ,„u,Ud, and llvvly lut. rvat la the eihuV“*‘
“ t'.*'’’
mallon Is l--lus dlspUyed m areill
vlrt lt-a, aaya the
Tbe LlghHopkDot U allll Ibe
fsahltmable nioile of dresring Ibe hair.
•cattopa cot on tbe aleeves and falling and the Psrlslsn woman-. p..m,-dour
“«“• , j*
»»■ <.'mhlM-n“Td
svar tbe band, and UttW cireular frllla U ihrewn well forward In un over- ‘“Then toe major, wbo could iwi aland
Sri In, and tbe facing ot tbcae la quite hanging puff.
being abut out fiom the chance
na Important aa the trimming ouuide.
Making bat (gowns of flower* I*one
serve bis country In aucb a nemor- ,s-rm. hn...« i .. "'.“‘"‘“r
If ant sMsw an. White sattn Is tbe pivvalttnc facing, and tbu li covered with tbe lateri form of ve*.sath>n uM-d for ’ "liok here.’’ be exclaimed,
ctasa lacs sr blmA cbanilUy or irlmtbl* piHTK-e u m.«a-not artioclal Ing dotvn there tn .boot Spaniard.: I
asd with Bttle miB of Uce or ritlffon.
being Ibe frontal
cot oj»en •
A Sammse Cap*.
a jeweled button or bnekle, glw
A p**«y summer cape la made with
.test, bni the fact Is that
Ibis prote
ThU skull B
toneb to many of tbe. Preneb major we
two accordloB-plaUsd ruffles of white
to tbe war and dlstJuboai^.A^ be
chlSsB striped with biatA satin on tbe gowna. It Is nade of lilaek vdlvet. col
le. waa broughl
aHk. or ohllfoA
ofaUfoA and at one aide of sliare or wrcuck with the r^. and
edge, ne pBsMags are flnlabtd with ored afik.
BamboronSt ‘an!TulUtaateiy
A ttny niebt oC eblffon. and a racbe of the bodice II ta very effevtlve. especial- escaping all the lUnpii* that fril io tbs „ed In the sbrine of 8i. ColbbertX
cklCso with tong sesrf coda comptries ly on a tdack lac* or Jeti.d
gown j®*
, latter being always reprvwenied aa cartHa daisyon s wbtt* xsf- iridrii has m* <«thci color, ^nd then tbs .
CBllar bBBd BbMiU aiBteb tbs twu.
IMS e is'
u ar •* an
•IVI6. **S,
u ai a »'
Price Rednced to Close Oat Lot.
ollo-r imlahb- lanciuig.' i. ili.- „|<l In
dlaii Tamil, whi.-li I. now *|.,k-ii lu il,»
ogn DMAVgH.O P. A..
(•rona Rapido.
HMMgi .3-llald.-* or hMiia, out of w hr.-h
It I. i*mwIM.- lu fraiu- •».i««i H ,in|-. \ ij.
bis aoil-rv-llgl..us
vliig arlawsuits aRaln-t relallv--*
rived ............ ..... .
I* d-lerI mlt»-d that
■wtertty sUall rememu-r
I bU coOtrsiM
Ileui-e the ataiue.
Colninbia led LogA.CiioiiDis|s
(las Lamp--
tal langimg.-* ih- .kraUU I- ih- nhrtiploii.. II* v<. al>ular) la-lug ev.-n rl. l
er thnu that of the Kugllih Ituiguag.'
B>’rltn feiiier ivineiery.
roral Iw-ada are one of the acasou's
A larasol which ntaicbcB the color
In your lint la Un- chic thing to have
Telepkcat l60
, ouiut*-r i«f w..r.l« Is ..•iicenic.l and li hv
also Ih- on.- w'hb'h haa add-.! to
I V-H-abulary
the largvai nuiiil*-r
tide-front* are gatheri-d at ihe shiiulj,.,
js ••‘"i ;s
hn. k
II toferiling
; He may U.-. umuv n chiui.'e for pr-.tlt I
able a|x-.'ulaii..n but h.' will ml.- also
!• for
> fuilur.'.
PH Jk«_
> at,
««' ;ai(
I.TBSMo|4as I t9V II«. Iiu
Ar TrarerreCj 1 * lO It Si a IS
-<1 rigs, Ikwitlea nu iiHTMumil iinni.
j prepared u> lio an
; Ihjit In- put up ample n.arsUiB. aiid.ir
. exU-nsive liver
; h.'l..'r yei. il.ai ho ,«iy ou.rlght ami m’' buaine
bumncM III mitllllriuir tor'.-iims
' full for w haiovvr he mii,»
pur- has.-,' v“TlUir
within ih-
oomn NORTB.
__________AM H.W.K
nv cub-oco
I T IS It ■«
» IX t IV
Ar <1-1 oreputISv *<h
hr tM Uopui.
to am
Trorer,. 3;
r P-u-l»r
S Ib
vvweral r.-ujiv two- su.l llirt^utvsi
1* *f I* >--I lo -viiii.'." .Nev. rlhcl-^**. I
(•.•IHial inj liijmn-llon to -'very r.-ad>-i
; word*
Li iVIa.Apr
M I a
a. T 4b («
lVo>-nr rj. ; A *,
>- ir
i: s»
SI I w
w » w t M,
ArOMKoi-d.. tits aa w«a sox
* Xi
ht (Wroll
a ■* MIA.
' II «|l
U lAM-oao
& ui. II lb
' t Ai
Picnic Parlies,
Fishinj Parties,
and Fueerals.
The *i*.'cul.iilvi. sjilrli activi-. ihc bull-
united by sltoal-b-r seam* and attached to the w slxi ns
D. s. VXntUT.SgMA
ae<‘ins unliirtilly lo follow, wllh rail,
road eanilug* maliUnlu-'-l at the high,.,i Bgur.'v. with Umm-} plentiful niid
L—oUtlUr. I*
L.-U10, diolag <o> to €
. will bsve d--'Ul.-dly th-' l-'it.T of ibI situation, or .-oiintc. a failure of ih--
The *hap.-d rev»-r* and collar are
IKS,- “■
Chicago —
West Michigan.
7:i.S Slate St., f'ity
gri-.vl Iwar lead.T iiitghi
of «uch a slmmlop. hoi
j«nM.|*'riiy uf ine wmitry
ieader*hlp i-xiri-iiiely har-
rank tMni.-s th.' ilenn; n languag.-. u it
Sii.OOtt wor.l*. atJil ih.'u cvine lu su,'.--.
*»>u ih.- Malian. wHh .XVi««i
Kr.-nch. wlih ;hi,i»gl, and th- S|iain-I
with JiM*.. w-.mls. Am.mc th- ori-i
Ib ooe year iisgni there were given
tn tbe bulkUng 8.6«* coosuliaitoiw. (tt.7M ration* from Uic diet kitehen. £!.-
See Tliis!
l*"-m, with tnlUs. furuao-s and fouuilrh-s running ov-rtini-a-tvauclna
one hear* of
that of Chsa-
• i* Ot^
8. O. SAWVEE, D. D. 8
l.t-»il.'-* Weekly
Tbit Is w hat we cwU
llquhtniloD. and It haa l-evn r<dof on
of lab' 1" a <-oii»l(1eiwlde extci.l and
nia.v go on for a Utile time loiim-r-e
bow lung will de|H-ud
u|*>u clr-'Uiu-
surgical ball* and mocb of the deiwn.|,,,trr.-d ui .he waUt Hue. The
fuU ,
msntal work of a AoaplUL Alijiost
the righi skle; li j
ovary day tbe qaeen bcnw-lf got-* to' la galhet>-«l 111 ihc m>ck edge, sblm'd j
meii|snd lake* a f>cnoiua
the walM line, and fastens
labors of (be charily—n»w left side im<l-T the slrle-fruDt.
Best Puriuguea* physician. Silva Carvslbo, boada the riaO of medical work-
nfEcev will
upeo Autfust -to.
wat'i-a and refu*liig oMi-rs. nnd n« Ions
aa pn>B|N rlty lu uih- r lin-'* ot Im-im-**
used to trim. A girdle of riolet ribbus !
enelrcles Ihe Waist.
Tm.* froa Mu-MaA--. r^l Wans.
Detroit osU -irootl Rai>.d.. ot TW. p. m
My ilenUl
soon a* lUi- i|ls--uv<-ry l*-comes ],ubllc thini; possible, but now 1 know it
t-vt-ry(»>it.v will follow ihe example i
C«Q be done.
aomelxKlr until ihe equl|H>i*,- of a
ov<-r*.>hl ni.'irkei I* again de*nm-d. aava
iluiii hlgl.OAl .1
It la committed lo a religious order.
S favuritc of ih« queen’s, but
has all th.. «tiK-k* be <ao carry a-u
tSMly will Is-giti to <Ils<-urer IIibI
time lu uiil-uit has i-ome. and Just
The gar......... Is mounied on a Using '
ribla. and atwrioualy
- -planixd. coiiibln- fliti-d by th<- usual a<-aui* and darts. !
lag a diet kUebao. coaanliath.u moma. The Imek >.f Ihe maurial is rilgbtly ;
TVs.u. .FT... iiva nn.i>a K^td.. OlaeAs-
sokMent to himself.
Lava beard leaa tl
wril-known women of her court are
equally practical. The general charge
MnoBoa Block.
XJaekUllos la Wall Mm>«.
I i-r-it*. un«-xiN'< l.-.l
agaln aaslstlng In tbe aorgery.
Barnum & Earl.
Inng as the Iron mnrk--t,
t*-sl delenuiOBllrc faclor
which l
In the InduHirial sltnuilun. I* on Ihe
iBlne aonl. On one of tbe
rite writea: “1 think U»c luxury
pieneoi la manebdoua. more jewel*
and more eKtravagasce than ever: it
may be fiwrn toy being aa<d to wood*
aao not to towna. but I give you toy
wold there Is Dothing to lie bad but
What rtwta £S, so that ooe’«
fova In a way wbicb astonbibc* Tn<^
and everything ta ao lovely that
kmga to bare iL"
Harn of P«r
a aovereign deserving a long mark
for ber Intcrent in boapluia and hy
giene and also In tbe welfare of the
riiUdren of poverty. At Alcanure abe
founded, in 180S. a dlapenaary
arty for meeUng tbe demauds of child
Invalids, a* pleasantly aliuaittl a* |*m-
Our aiofk of jewelry
Boyal KtM'lety of Literature.
In IN'S)
rtalled t'aiiada and Ibe
Ilia death o-'<urrv-l In I
two month* Iwfon- the birth of
0 England a
boukk's-jilug. Bceuracy and pre«-lsion.
but giving grew lo lie a iia*»loii wlib
bln and lU' literaBj gave Lu all away.
Balwcmd by Uw 0.nwM*.
Tbe |H-ople of Cohurg-4tetba are
having a bard time in getting aoutc
one ti> rule over them. It la uuw anHu- hair, ami the Hiutl expiTlujcnt la
UoUDced that Ibe Itiike of reouaught.
said to have Usti snc'-essful.
gu<i-a Vutorla’s third sou. ha* -le• lim-d tbe hei)or lo favor ri ihe lliilAWBAlMt WBVsUy.
Puke of .Mlwuiy, <m<- of ibv
1- gil-el
One of the most amusing norclUr*
grwndaons. and that the pa-op
In tbe abiipc Of entertaluuKilt at after (acrman duchy an- u«< ph-a*noon pnrtlea at present Is the liiiprea- prospeetI.«'a-|*)ld. liuk.' arf .kHuny.
alouist artlsL wbo exi-ttite* a
lieow has always bi-a-n da-ileiile. and ihe
ski'irb In oils, generally of uionmaln Germans think they ought lu liav.. a
aceiwTr. very ••liiipivsslonliil" In style, bealthy Euglii-h priutv If Mn-y an- to
Tlie .vounc Kiike who Is
lie then a*ks bl» sudlemv
whether have any.
now only 15 years -ild. Inherlii'd a
they would prefer a ’•gemv" plciurc,
eolialltiitlou from h‘*
and tums the canvas upside duu-n.
Before bla deuth, b«wev<-r. he had
when It Is discovervd that the laudShown much ability aa a Mh-dar, and
acBiie la a lady riding a bicycle.
in 1878 he was ele.-led pr-xldcui of Ihe
Pale lavcndar organdie
and white
r-t are ii*ed for ttalK wnlst. white huw
fineet in tbia part of the slate.
be lluds IitiiiM-ir a h<qwl<-ss Iciiikrupt.
boueh-Hs aiul praetlcally |s-ui>ile>* tn
tbe city wlileh he »o larilngly curlchi-d
by bis aiuulD.vncf.
He Is cr»Mit.*l
with baviug been a c-markaMy good
bilsluess man and ev.rj tran*aHl«>u
down to the prt-ai'UI time exJ.llilts Ibe
msu of. mom can-ful auO m.-tli.sll.'al
bablla. for hUi ai-euuuta are n»odel* of
Oroker Of It-wtile. Phe removed, wheu
a youug girl, front New York to 1111Mia, wbt-re sbe taught sehuri, and lat
er came k> Kansas.
wbiofa we invite tbe ladiea to
Then be demanded the boitle.
! satsaasa ssYsasas i
i; jss
!: n^;
: * *■* : .
; .as t rsass a-p is .
tbe most
baa added to tbe fame of tbe gueco
City tbe wide work!
are 'dctcrmlued to Justify
'Har exclaimed the emperor, cat-
China ever displayed
bandsTMoe and
<>>odiTh.- women f.ri that llwy are on
trial and
tbrir a
beuntifnl irt work in
1 •*“- Tb**truthful chronicler aar*. ; n k>n« iriBU1
_____________ tk« npat rhine waenr T«tr>n ana <hA '
itoe rnitM-ror decUned to do. and c
rwien Oennan.r and Turkey. The enS ' of gorernment waa to tell tbe aaloooi '
prvas wa* tioublert almut tlw matter .*" «*“•*- They demum-d. bot pbey.-daad relumed borne depreaaed In *i>lr-; The men. when In power, bad alj.ayi
lu. Soon after bef arrival lu her own decUred It waa impoaalbk- to *up|.r.-#a
tbe aaloon*
Tbe woturn bare abuw<-d
borne ber lady la «
few while hair* In ber blonde ireamu. them bow to do It. Tbe aaine thing
Tbe tmprtaa waa aaiaaed airi wept waa done with tbe gambling dive* and
Wtliriy. and tbe lady aunreaied a r«in> BOW tbe male reatdent of Beattie who
Pmbaaco. a
wants to drink hnni liquor or alt in s
and pbUaulbru|>iM. who r
burinrea over a quarter u
that abe allowa beraelf to grieve orec
We burr joat
of ‘f**
tbe fcalaer aUd implored
Implored ctu
him I*
t* •' to compreneoa
comprebeod tne
the poorc
need* anu
and ^'
Ij feet ®'
« necu*
»!! tbe lovely Udy to bim for bl* bar- nbfiity to fuUlU them ai to a**ure them |
But abe doe* not aeem U have
Chafed nader thte domeatle goremIndeed. tbe ong real trouble
Tribane; Oakwoud. the beaatlfal Pro*
tract a alee booae-ototber and t« Ubplant a few allrer thread* In bet fair
iarta. A* ererybody knowa her trip
land ^
nry nM eery IKUe niawTcai
ttey have n ptraowal
expertccp«» tare been cDonsb la dl>- erer deride* opM * coat of arms It trUl
6m liMi A kSnl. I.
-n wwoffi wr mi«r amns te b* ih*
Her notto of BMttlr. Kas. •«] If tbr city
•* urnm UMwy «r imHiit
ui « 'ttii AWATi
«>h***r I
It. It. A Building
; Dr.J.W.Gaontlett
Steamer Onekama
OBpt- J. U. Amory.
EQIPSE lom M KiT ra. tn
R irrxHBfCB
' --------------------------------------------- -
-------- -----------
Ji'.v'A-r.s; EEED CITY SAIilTiRIDl
n., rr..r'
•lela» >nJ lurgf-'Bi. sad ErufrASioa
, Tb.r8-wi«i
SB*6a4 te«H«Ssul
I^AveOld MlAatOD..
Arrive Kit. Rapid* ..
Itesve Fhk Rapid* ..
Arrive OI<j Wiotleo..
-IM40A m.
Leave Old MlaaloB .
troop, m.
Arrive KIV Bapid*..
Leave Bik Bapidt...
- 7:00p.m.
Arrive Old Hiaalop........................ 7:40 a m.
•Baa win leave tbe MerrspUln Oo-S'
blo-k Hotel Wbiilsg aad Park Plan*
att:U p m. -Baa will also —irsirtt
with hoAt at ll:So A m
be at East Bcm3 o- •*
days aad ^
tOt itoitHtito MoOMB. TOMpat, MPtrtttim k. law.
rr ooNsmures
a laroe and
nmu MRS vauiull'Z.^
bl* OPV work.
DroM Mu« Die-
Mr. Xu Nort»n
After Jet
•oot^ foreata »lre* one
ca«o banter* brine i>*ck a tale from
. on Itt bead and a looc. wavlnc laU.
. — — ----------------------- —---------7^ “7'
otHrefae 1. unrarrln*. like that of *«
bale* rwortc of “iDoaa Lair" to 'be ' ou„.r
MCtheni npboleteivr* from the llille
ffflafe of Mlaaopy. I''la. alr«e. and :
otierinc < rle« of ertef.
nei. tVlib
« no it*
ii wlnw
the bUndlna
Other fartorte* In On- aiate yield many ^ Tllnatlon* .trike lnce*Mni1y
- - the
-■MUtly i
time* U much, and thU 1. only abo'it jjgnian l>nilii. conatHotln*
a* (be 1innoiuer-
j„u*. while with lt» lH«i ll tried ..
n,om* which
thoucll. that baxe »«>en iliouBbt
m .n tbe depth* of
no„., „ m aeon, of Inconcelr- ,f
tbe naelew envelope to ilM- Inner and , „.,e
If , brain l-> prepared
raloaUa balr. TLete la a mUtaki-n idea for « rllrrailon of a certain duration
aa to bo* tl*e outer portion of the j
nitih. an equal vibration 1.
BMM 1* removed. It I* ip-nerallr
BiouMKl *-1iblti
If. and the thoacht
pu*ed (hat tla- covering U rviuovetl Iry | ^.pirb
Is vibration reprcaei
cbemlcal* i>r by pa*.lnr ihrou*h aouii
In the BHOOillDB
rtllne. The hit
portion of ..
ter would lie too esiteualve aiMl
the we rail development, tbe brain
fOTtner o|»u to the daujfer of Injurios
tbe natnral elaatlelty of the flla-r.
The luo*. when Ural iraihered
come* capaMe of <«-er ehoner and
more ra|.ld vlhmtlona: In tbe deacrml...^ ,.....................
■>rtlf.n It Ijc-ome* roaraer and
frreolah itray.
ft’hwi kUled by fro«t : „ore .lUBclah.
Every Invention.
or lack of proper
oa.lly dl*tlnxulsli<<d
tbe llrt
tbe outer tt.verini! Will remain
ellber tbe dead or freab
temperature of Uk- Interior of tin- h*-ap
riae. to a i*olnt too hot for the hand to
bear, and. if n..l cbeckiit.
It keep,
beaunic till too hot to walk over Hut
axaln to all eieroliy; every brain
like a n lay In an ol.-cirlc »y.ie:
rwvivo* uu Impulne from et.TUlty
n-iruu»iiill* It to eternity after It. |ia«*.van of
tiili .taye mean. daiuaEe to the Inti-rk>r balr and niuai I.- arold-d. I*n.|ier-
alEreite aud
“«-« '<■
of Innoo. I, ...Tnl-
Phrffleld of UcliiE»n>n. Mimi., a buntcr and aniBieur pbotograpber of .ome
.o... .111. ,1,1, ireaiiioD.
non.' 11.0
lo.d ,.t . noi,|.l,. .1,0 • 11,om . Ifiit
ever they ench one
lu Muiln
th.■wallow I* eotistden-«l th-- E'>od bid'
and they »ny ihcn- lliat when the Ro
man Boldl. r* pn-MH-d
tSu- erown of
(hom. on Je*i!» brtiw the .wallow,
came and tried lo remove the tli'-ni.
with tiH'lr lx Ilk..
KiiKKlan. My
that the
“ 'I*” '
bill Ihi’ B|«rrow. oarri«-d them
thciuKht* MirB<-* ruuud
wbleh our •«»>"• '•‘he lmtil«b wiy tba
only eotiM-loIlP of Iheoi
illfferenoea “onieni of the rruHtixlon ll
brain* arv Keii.illve. 1
vibra- ' mov.-d wllh pity,
crhil "S
In wladom are dlffereno'. InI the
ored"—that !•>.
the dark, lory i B|ineily of the moIccBlai
and stn.-e tin
the brain, riiaraetix. teniiM-i
hruwa color of the hair.
con.ldi-n-d .
It I. alM> .laid
It n-uehea thU »iaE“ In the band, ■talent, an- the exi>r.-.*l»n
that l,«nElulii«.
the Ro nan aoldh-r
ll pt-rl«Kl. of vibration,
ef the ph’Kerw. who tln-n deliver li In
Altra.-tlon •■bo pl.-r.x-0 the «l.le of J. .UK with th.'
liMHU- wasuUliuidH. like bay. to Ibe E>uiy ery iudlvUliial l> a rhythm,
I r
n-piil.l..n Ixdwteu in.llvldnal. are *P<-ar. wa. cmverled on n.-couat
There are al.iUI tlfty of these eIuiiIub'
iwxl hv the hnrmoiiy or diwoiiiim-e »hc bbxxl wlii. h fell tip<u I him. This
eatabllshuienU In the .'ate-v.-ry .liiiih.'lr ili.il.uis, their r.-.-nr..r.li.E or. wa*due to ilw .-leBiidne i*.
plc affair*. Tlie bulldlns I. con.lnii-t |
ed at i heaply n. i>o.«lble ami
1 !n,.'.
from Bi.i to k‘'-in. nn In.uniiie
lx.itm !
................ ................ ..
Oblaluabb-. The fli.-r l.
the Erouud RIkI UlEde of kUik »l>e Biel
A UlsniuBd <U.vl.
one-half inrhes a|wn. .o
tlmt .hoit
ftirance n. It may ap|x-nr. ther«- l*
filler*, atiek* and din mil .ifi out. la
a n.adwav ii'-ar KtmlwHy. In
Afrl.-a, wl.i.'h1* tllenilly a t~-d of .Ha
mou.l* The d.-Iiyl* from Ibe mlii-ii
the bulldlOE I. UothlUE but a <-heap
mi>dlfl<-utli>ii of a '-otton Blh--n eyllieb-r
With two.lm-h tix-ih. whieh I.-hi the
BuiM aEalnst similar •lailoiiary t<-elli.
taking out .tick, and mlihliiE off iii«.t
ha* txx-n throwiWiil.l.h' ..f th.-
of the adhenUE r>-iuain. of th......... Her
enverilig of Ihe tno**. The iiinehiiK- I.
for ma.-a.him
b.-rly i.i th.- I
lilt.' strlk.'. tvhlili itirew miiiiy ol
miner* out ..f w-.rt;. ii .xx-iiirvil i.
. Iiy
wall, lu .-nonooi.* .|u«uiiil.'.. ati.l for
tbe la»l eight .M-iir> ha* lx-. n ullllsd
cheap and very luefllclent. The result,
bur m*).» I. either -J <vnt raoiw" or
"!l cent iii<Mw”-the prio- per pound
—..... 1. per be. (^j"
Com. per toe..............
''itatoea.pertoa (aew)...........
per bo.......................................
natter, per Q)..............................
had planted
Eniphic c-aiuera at tbe foot of the tree
to keep the ontiuaJ from i-omlnc dowro.
Tbe breakfa.t endt-d ImmRllBlely. and
they followed tlu- hunter to the tree.
beiuv the safety and wlwlom of nx>].
lug off .lowly aft.-r any .-xorti.m and
the .langi-r of .-.xiling off rapidly un.ler
the same .inumsiauc-a.
pi'fKplniiloii under lu-oix-r cundiilona
Sure euoiiEb. the animal waa a nioa.
ami with proper priK-auiiomi. Alway.
keep the .urfaee of the Ixxjy warm
■ter. and when be causht .Isht of the
ChicaEo men be besau to elloib down
aii.l ch-nu. aud at th.- en.1 of th.- wasun
you will be memally. morally and
the irw. ETOwllnE and Etta.blog hla
The eulde c<«IIy picked up a Bond
.Ixnl roek and let fly at tbe beast.
physi.-ally Hound.
striklOE him lo tbe )aW.
Wlih hair on
UM-d to lx.nr». promptly twi.kc for eov.
er. The Ix-ar pau.ed for an ImHant.
then slaricd down the tree once more.
lICfkfA’Xiui OAKXMl.
.i<rMeOwt»Mip«t,, pkm*. Bell 11.; Morta-
I^AKLYU UODUg, AtMner wa*----------- ■'
XkL lor a. Is*. omeM.0>u OSMW Mmom aU.
, sracrsl reseUM wIm
sf-rsr- s;
Tlx- Dllllty .if Hun lii>i>h-ni.-u( la so
manif.-.i Hiai ll niii.t siin-ly Ui covet.xl by ev.'ry up to diile Banh-u.-r. The
sJinnks and blade* are all sie^ aud
VJ MBUoatoProt
,N.Mere»aUle Oe. f
Bm anoih.-r stone checked him and
lo tbe topmost
braiu-hvs. wh.-D Ihe guMe pick.xt up
th>- .-BiL.-rn ami "xiiappcd'' the Ixvir nr.
lo explaining bruin's form-aran.x- the futde uld while he
doubtl.'N. ku.-w that hunter. w.-r« not
allowed to .tuTy gun. in the Y'-llow.
.tone park, the camera wa. immethlng
anliusi. .x.ul.l not ".tand for"
ntirluE 1 le recent vldt of
Balmoral Uie queen was
laktiiE n rtrivo with her grandson*, the
jeutiK prill..-* of Buttenburg. when.
u.urInE II..' pile* of Ihe park, they
beheld a tK«r laro.-r with a huce aul-
'T3TS''rrm uas- uiKL.WAimi>-Ai w* —t^ UxuM.rvt«eAta>eeUs»ai'eloa nni
:auio(H>*i>. Apply w
fiM.tuuui ulth a «>v.-r.'iEii t«. hand lu
X rmiiM’. ussi
till- taui.-r. whe r.-fu—l fi ac.--iit the
m«.u--y. i.iiil axk.xl
w-eul.l .-.iiilcM-^.l t.i cl'c him
.'-m.bin ..f iK.i.’ UN II |.r...if that bis Ix-ar
hnd liN.I Ih- .tlsiiimiiMi.xl honor of
l.n«lhE .l:ili.x-l
l-i..r.' iln- Eni.'l.iA*
T 0»T-*u» JIM. tx-«a*>i ii*>. block k<
Till' i|0.x'li h<-.it:il.xl
cr(H> (fill be amull. l aually. wh.-n- a
tree ha. b«vn pleked clean, pl.-iity of
tmaH bit. are b-ft. ao ihal In n favor
able bw-ality Ihe IPv will In- full ajpi'n
In two or Hire.- year*. Till, waa shown
by tbe pra.-tice in tno*. loc-alltie* of
railu-r lauuid.-ui r.xju.-et. Iiiii th- .-hil.Ir.'U ]ir>-'!iil.xl U|xiu h.-r l.. a.'.x-.l.- to
eleaniDE it from tbe orange tre<>* i-r.-ry
two year*. Bm when the teinis-raiure
fell to 9 di-Efee* In the center of thiatate Ia*i February (he mow wa* <)uli>>
geui-rally klll.-d and It* dev.-lopm.-iil
au ebn-ked that Ihe yl.-hl
will lxaroall«-r for *everal year*.
South of
Ocala little banu was done.
Ing Engil.b b.-n.l. hot
My* ibi- Sp.-cini.ir. Iti
am- the |»>ll>-y of ii.-v.-r
pulling an KiieII.Ihiuiu Into auy j.i.l
Whl.di i-oiild 1-- Just a. W.-H fllle.1 h> a
In »ih.-r word*, ilu- Kimh-li-
mg Am.-rli-nn In New
>-ar- BKU. aft.-r mv
mau 1. ..uly u~d in tl.e Bdiiilnlstniii..n
.-} to iwy hi- (uwage
wh.-n- h.- I. imllxih-niuiblc. When- lui. n.>i. Ho- ualiv.-. a. 1. only Juki and
right. I. eniplo.iNxI
............... .................
tills 1. that lurttl I'mm.-r'.
OtfiMWd M -KtdsX~
A writer In tbe .'imerit-so Cultlvwtug
oays; *'A deiuvndani of tbe puritans
Inforsw me that hts aged mother al
ways tewented the iDodmi Blang of
railing every aril'
Ber own bable*. sJ
ctoa. lamb*, and If they ll.-ed
grow up and be aheej*. to be tJod'. es_
yoang kW could never be anything but
a goat, bowever old It Wight grow. But
t.i-en *el.-eied with tbe gn-aleot carIn fart lhai principle ha* Ixx-n-m.•mploy BB EngHshman
xxar} In l
1, bni then enipley
a flrxt-cla*.
Th.- tvxult 1* ihnl th.- Inspiring for.-e
In ev.-ry d.-|uirtm.-irt of Un- Kg.vpilan
state I. a fli-sl'Clai)* Engllab bralm and
yet Hi.- iiatin-* ar.' mil d.-pivss.-d li^
being .le|Tiv.-d ol their share of tbe admlul*irsil.>u. The Kgypilan*. Hiat I*,
do not fiH-i tbe legitimate grievanee
Hiat 1. f.-lt by the Tunislami snd Al
gerian* when
they see even little pusd
of a eouple of hundred a year fiUed by
Aw BunpW
-Some of .tlte greatest men In tbe
world have met defeat in ih.-ir d.wr
est amtoUiou..’' remarked (be wtatew-
I th.- leg11.h Ij.u-,
Ol a pupil
taUDdret! mllliot
art or tl.«
constructed pUi.-eOOO.OOO.ts.i, or lint mile ovi-r .m.- ihlrd
e are .-Ivlllied, w«ir
In hous.-*.
Cl>l*e~- M 1111*17 nodrwt*.
Tbe tnUltarr siu.l.-nis at Tung-Chou.
China, have a ph-axant way of nsing
one of the main stiwt* in tbe city at
■ eonveuleni plac- for practicing un-h
•r o.-*-ur» to them lo
I"’*"’ (i“ n*Hons for Hm- safety or e..nvenlenr* of other*, and ,pe,le«trtan.
have to iHlge along the bulhllngs to
avoid iK.*»lWe-e»iH>niiic Bights of arrows. The further fact that military
students at Ihe pre<u-nt day are b*-lng
an-hery, show, that f’hlna
ba. i diim»«-r among oaiioiu.
.1 cloa* pMtrr MO* wad I
kiHs. St Dvsbui Bouc.
^.X)Mn w\NTEl)-A.ull.crf ihrrs er lo.r
rv^ex.m. Ibf houMkM^oS, a.s Md^l^
piy .1 Wt
"rtolboj"! M
up Hie m-iUN.-, all iiii.-n-Nt w.n.« lost and
.xml.l not tx- nn.uioxl ev.'ii i.y smell.
Y-t a. - .10 as Hi.' tnnEue ucalii touchcd i|»e I lOUN*- the I tt-n f.-U Into th*
if B .-htlag
jM.rSiotr MxS Pr Btt, icpcorcMBU. Pm
a y KbrsBB.
One teat
P.rk BIX]
ms.' lu ui..' kittm. 1. hel.1 11. ix-ratch'
: vlgiirouNly. Id om- band, while with
I oth.-r band 1 made the .rth.-r kitI (ou.-h and sin.'ll Hh- luu.is.- aud
all) ta.ie It. .\s long a. the S.-CODJ
..driK-Li d,..7-"-.-
■horlra V
first year be could
of h'rau.-e.
iioan-h. who**- edito'unt dollars lu hi. pocket by tbe hon
bad Wn Somewhat negh-eted.
|Hxwd rtM- a man of leomlug and was
U.-anwhile. ha’vlng managed to pick
„ '_____
of Cerman. he deter- at-cuaiomed to erlHvlNe ihlugs he mot
minixl to tr>
lock lo one of tbe nnlwith.
He there |
-Tour dock goes well.- be aald to De
put out a .mall .Ign Ix-.rlng bU name , vick. -i
four on the dial la
and tbe word* Teacher of English
and French." He got more pupils
-II.iw u ibatT' was tbe questloo la
rhlle'•“» b*- had In I’ariA and moanwl
y {H-rr.H'ied blm»df lb Ibe Oer“”1
-tVhy. the Ocitre ought to he formed
'. but took leAB.1
In LallD
of four straight lines an.l not by one I
a daaiiml
•my. lo
and a V. as you have made l(.from (hi- lime be
yupg i,p „
back to It. and
-Your maiesty is mlsukeo." xeatar-
woB ri^v
“ mu.
iXTED T> • I
Md best
“ SK-
• Iro bBBdrBd dollBrs
^ (-K.sg-<>*nni4e Mlaete «wb b. (OBbd
I^RMA Lg-T»0 iBcg* doec* sod Irmoso
ipOKMLS-Orcsrb.Bc* (or sboo ew. B
.-B.*^ s Om*. gmd rirauu^ ApayroNRv—To uu oe t
iXL bones.cBI»..all btadsp*TBM.Uprcw.
ly OBec opes fruB s I* b-iTbIbs bdUI B rsew
los. WBdr Bw-.m ProB* MCBM, BP aMIra,
Brsi to rlghv
ed De Vick.
-1 am oexer mistake®.- rettmied the
tana ei^oojI^^lyB.'^^i T
monarcb exelteo.y. -Correct It for roe."
Tbe order waa compiled with, and
fresB that tune dtals bare hoene the
r ^kOBkOaisty^
nil taawoA U XV*-J«waL
Ic.jUiKOIHrB a
1 c.fl, klM ——-
w.x-k h.- had •ev ersl iiupll.,
L- dl-l not taste tl..- ..-oUse It showe.1
his fani.- spn-a.l w. that In a few
■ J'*"' I DO Interest, but It ix-gtin u. tight vigornioutbs tl.- ba.l four clai».-s. .■oel.
•tl .S
ou.ly at Ihe munit-ni of tasting.
wllh J" ptipllx. tmx'Hug lu his room
'""I *1 I S.X.0 as the first kitten w-n- mad.* to rediffetvni li.'lif* of the momiDE and
»«xJ .-\
•’( t IcNH.- Its hol.1 on the mo«~- It at once
w„.k|j ineoDie
e«wavd to show any lniei\-»U
"r *1''- wf*'*’!' ««
, as be D.-vded for hi. HUp|M<rt.
lugnage*. ineiodlng th* Sanfireal Britain prodnee* half
Ilf tbe
tbe slate
I’erstan. In a famous Amer' quarried Id the world. ^>aDce and (be
InstltutioB of leuming
1 would
IFa banwe- fruited Ktite* a little less than
D print bis n
iB rIlk'
this plac«,
tag aU tbe tlwe. Iwok at oar booebaU
-Doo*l.“ as beI bUni;^
hUnae- te
teiltac tha
jaou^waakdkgjoa Km,
, | Sdswitmetmmi. ow
^ a hook teilUg
tad Smies baa
baa recaotly
*1^ gt^ to grt ^
ed op r
ebeee and exclaimed;
-Of conrwe they ba*a.
■ •n.lro, MIC*
Eeji*! has Ixx-n .-Jirrlcl .ml l.y "a Ixxly
.<f utll.'ials wIki ix-nninly do not ex.xxxl
' I«0 In QumlxT. and might ix.n.IIiI.v. If
till- flE«r.xi wer.' rlgortiuxly .-xamlu.xl.
tx- lx.m.'whal h.w.T."
Ix.nl rr..i>i.r
a.hlx. h..w.-v.-r. that "the*.- Ifai have
iBslInvl .lSe« ted Onl> by Tcatr.
H S * T'ta old.
Tb.-y Kliuw.-d d-j luu-rvai lu
sight or smell but a. s<x.a as th.-y
w;.-re made lo ta-te the mouse ih.-y
went Into a fichUiig
which re
mained a* Umii.as i;..' njo.i-M- was tastMi
When the'V w.-r. forc^j to give
- .f.-m-rve* .p.-.-lal noth-e.
they paowsl atoug th>- crowd woii.l.-rvd
whether the bh-yi-lbct wa. tnklus ihr
boiwe lo be wdd or whether the li.-r..waa on bla way imme with a u.-w a
ter.—ObJeago Daily New*.
Tu”* *“■Jw»«r
.-veulng a l.-it.-r Ix-nrlng
laie aim-t aitracii-u uie aii. u-
tlon of th* afternoon crowd of shop
per* yesterday. HoHi man aii.l .i.>r«looked hapiiy an.l c.mi.-i».-d aii.l ns
Mr,., Mslli. k. I
ea.lt)' adj.f
r of
rh.' Ida.I.-* reUUiliig iiD edce
a long whili', un.| their .Iinix- r.-oaer»
Hi.'in nm.i .-ff.xtlve.
Tb.- am-iim nf T »trr-A .iBwii wan* term.
w,irk.whl.'h can tw done wliL tl.l. cul- J-i 1-sturtitoU. C.nr*U.4ls<
tUalor will Bun.riM any ..n.- «ln. has
beeu arcustom.-l lo slogh' bladi-i touU.
’ nam.-d t'allgula wiihuui
their reMOM the
Com per ba.. old..........
lVr.ua.l.xl bj
ih..hlldp-ii, thqm-ro ..r.l. r.-il th.- .-arrtage stopix-l
uiid wi.i. h-i| with mil.’ll jihiiaurv the
]HTf..ruiaii.'i- ..f Ih.' l-ar Sh.- wlH th.-
tVud any dIanu-n.U of r.nlu.-. Th.'
omilltlon lni|M.-.xl wn* iluil U.- wi
Tile frees.- will not tnierfen- wllh
this year's crop. The dead moss la
treated )u.i u. itcfori- the fre*-*.-. But
Butter per E Dally..
Creamery Bottar. A,.
and the Quid I. at first arresU-d. then
dammed up. and then it n-buunds. if
these month, are gradually clmu-d. na- siidea<ifr.rs«cl*s.
liuv ha* lime to adapt beraclf to the
eln-mustau.-.-s by oiK-ulns her ebanm-l* lilt.. Hh- grt-at Inienul waterwa.v*
of (he lxj.tr. and no harm follow*; lohL^olark. Pboo*
mal. BlaudliiE In Ihi- r.«d walllnc for
th.' api.ioach ..r th. r-.ynl i-arrlaRe
city .'OUIU-II to B.siEtl a -mall Beof till, dlnm.'iiil ivw.l lo .-lo h on.hlMi lo wash It ov. r nn.l
If h.' .
after glnnliiE—ai-conlluE to Hu- <-are
With whleh the pleker deliver..! II.
The writer wa* .iin'rts..l to learn
that this l» the only vniMinillon
Diaa* rtx-elvi-s. It I. ahlpi*-.! In bale*
filreet to the wboleMler. who seneMlly dlalribute* them unn|N<iu'd tu Ihe
■>I«'«.M It.
Tbc*e two huoteri went in BMrvb of
“blE Eume" under tbe ruldauce of Ben
■b«l lie oulv evil and tlu
heaven aball bIwb). fall
J ??
ra*d. B. L. A On. Beat.
um Beat .llitendstlK-mombs of these
ducts and promotes a targi-r and more
rapid Bow of the eoaialiuxl fluid. Ou
Hie other hand, cold 'boDtraei. them,
the lieantlful
Fuuen-al bird, i
ly cbnducled. tbe fenneDlnllon tni-aia
tbe rumidete di-MriiclIuu of the outer
akin, aud the uiua. I. left duly -••ol*
tbe onih.ik for next yi-ar Is ba.l.
mnat have some Internal escape,. Nature abhors sboi-k. a* she docs a vacu
aald he to tbe man’le. “ihuu .halt ban aci-nraed lilr<l. Thou aball lom- that
on I bratlon of thouBht flARlied upon ll from
for *pa>'e. and lo convert It Into con«.di.u*□<.«*. Hi-nc-e It followr Hint m> ihouBlit
orlslnate. In the liralQ that thiuk* It;
for every tboUElil
tboUBlil hai be<-c thousbl before, ainl will U- IboUEht
pawlug outward and Is emptied oat of
the sUn. Thi. fluid most have exit or
we die In a few boura. If it does not
bsve vt-nt at the surface of the bod;
>dy. It
ace..mpany thee everywhere.
• —X-. _ wu. Bert.
Brarioar. H. L. AOo.
their little moetbs at tbe aurface, and
through tbeae chaniwls. a. c-aaelaai a.
tin- flow of llm... a fluid euntainlng tbiwaxt.-s eu.1 Impurith-Bof the system U
pien-tQ* Jeau*’ foreb.-iid.
Uilllob. of canal-* or tntaa
from I.. • Ino.-r i«rt of tbe Ixxly open
^^^<1 the Itobln redbr. a.t. AnJ
n jp„„
p,- ibon m,,,pj ,.^1^,^ ahaitst mv
It luni.'irray., and
If bitten > aiialunieDi by wmie brain of that d<-feel. aoft.
while the
livemoM«l fjn- of vibratory cnpaclty. wlili li enie.-tU.
But ' ai.b * u
ive thi'.•orn-*iK>ntllnE vi"erunchea- betw<-en tbe
' muatb*.
If the moaa. either alive nr
killed. I. .Imply pUi-d In ben|ui lo a
t place
e aud roveml with
with miK-k
ir uud ll MMiu beBlu. to ferment. The ,
«# care of lha body, proper diet prop
er exerel*e. with proper batblDE. wlU
pnxlure tbe Dormal coBdtUon. In which
cui.lIttuD tbe beat will (tot oppresa
auy one.
Let mt- esiicttally caution
ainilnst too audJeo cheeking of |wr-
appro*, i,ed the rro^ *^Umidly.:
They are dlffaFod In
or elecirtr carMillion, and WUlon* of Ttrioua
ooe-half of tbe welybl of ibe ao*a ;
when Uken from the treea. aay. the ;
Bdentlflc American. Tbe other half 'a .
rmd bcaitb nerer *aff«n from the
Short Oat Pork..............
the cold onlCM undolr expoaed.
CODdltlnn of bealtb rather to be aot«bt than
to be avoided. Too moch of a good
thtne. bowever. U not desirable, rtop-
van a macple witb a beantlfnl ai|rett<
*e( op ti; 1
noint to another:
Pertpl. lUon U eocntlal to health,
nrltea ,,d«axkl B. Wartnan lo Tbe
Ladle*’ Ilooe ioantaL
A pferwm in
BirAi pte7«A « part at tbe enrtflslea. ac««rdlBf (o iepead.
e of his rharartptu
The free** of thi* year
*». krw
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