The Morning Record, February 16, 1899

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The Morning Record, February 16, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



J«st oii^r*bo.


A«fti*«rMr7 of !><«tracti<» of Th
HUB* M*rk*d by tayteg of KmI
of o Wonby ■noMMor.
PhUadalpbte. fob. IS —Tba i
> of Um Mmm
VMd WblU Vter ter ProtMUon •«»
—■ Mrkod with Ue boctealag «f
Woro«yBBUy»o«Ud-r».f«oFlfhl^,^o„U„ powerW wai^iy wbleh
at /m. «Mr Iloilo. i> Wbtek lo-! will W h«r oaoM.

ProToked »a Attack
At MmniU.

loaoUwn Kada by Both aid«o•kaffaay


bo Botalaod


VaUatf aiatoa Bat Palatble Port

MrMaM Stabborwly E«tet«d Bat!
_____ _
;C»»*poo»p*By»twhOM yards today
Wofo FlaaUy Pat to Beat wlU |

PriTilocoa WUl bo Ofoatod to Oreat
BrItala-ProbablUty XtetAaieabW

■oavy IrOOT.

acTOoMBt Will bo Affeotod M Pace.

; Tharo woro no formaUUea. but the ship


The Greatest
Book Sale On Record

Bat Boyoo Ulty Pooplo VUI AaoiM
Txavone City OoMOkiiMOla la too
cottar ^adfc Oarbott’o Ooaih.
Beyao CUy. llkb.. Feb IS.—B.
Pratt asd P. C. Gilbert of the eoastalttea applied to laroatirate the Hrennaiaaeoa aarroaadlar (ha death of
tba lau Jodca Corbett, arritad bare
today aad at 0
the MBbera of tba b'aatlar party
who aeeoapaalod JimIco Corhatt oa
hb trip to the appor poalapalo- Tba
Beyoa City evaUeaeo of the haaUnc
party dbplared a williacBaa to eoefer
with tba eoaaUtaa aad to relate all

Joint Hi^h OpmmiMlon Oom«
TP an Undarataading.

Maatla. Prt. is —Vootorday afur-!
1 Waohlaftoa. Fob-IS —A tniaiy with
-V.- oo.oral robolo baela, Br«l oa tho ' ....------ -------------- .— ^ tto c-,^
likely.'-^ tala
_____ ^
ABorkaa ootpoou fron ho«oo boar-!«^ ***-orkcooa oot la, _________ _________
baoo booa yraatod by the


This has beenj a record breaking month, and
we are making records in manj lines—We will make
this the greatest one elver known—See that you take

will eollaet all tba eeidoao
obuiaable and the Boyaa .City peoole
will aabt in atery way la their power 1
' k... . .....a of
.# eicfaiaaabiH
her i
lathe effmo made to detenaiae the!
peaed hla frea the broth and
Aaarlea do aot taelode ooa fool of tar'
eanae of tba death of Jadee Corbett.
.ki..l.b. O..,™,, a.ri., wM.b I
It will be aeTaral daya before ibere :
^J^hUy ^**‘-‘**“
*"* ^**‘- “* *'•'
no fn«t;5r
L'oited Stotea
are aay deflalu derelupmeou. at It;
i «»«P'r»“t «' “(“w-ro. aaaaaa aao {.,,^4
will take aome time for the TraTrroe:
The work proeeaded today tytteaaCity eoBBiUtee to compile lu laforma-1
Tbe balldero will eadaaeer to have | oraadaa. eoaelliaiory
tteally. the caaboat Lfcaat aballiac
•dy to
AoriUaceaaad worklay her rapid flro'^"* aavtiotoip rewy
*0 lauach
lauaca eo
m Fob»*»• L
[oflerlac oorttia riflt at bkacaay aad tkm preparatory to naklac a report.
raaa offacUeely oa tba juocla. Tbo'
aarreoUa* farther Dorotl.iloaa The
. Callforab raclaaat, with the azeoppaaalbility of alf^Uac aa acreetaeat
laloa. aad toar <
waa alto adeaaoed ^.^t oablecrao ro. aad a
celead by Baron UaracVn fron Joaepb Oaa la Vev Torb. the O
batterp of tba bisth artillery
ala. Boclaod-i minbter for j
raced. Tbe rabeb weredrieea toward
the ooloaiea, dlrectloc the taaadlaa ! Cbicayo. Feb. IS.—Tbe bieyele fae- #
' SAke Lacooa de Bavo.
Would Azsmpt Small Xann-:Mlaaioa to ezbautj^eeery eSori to.tory and marfaiae ahop of SUeeroiaB |
Tbe Aaierieaaoutpiiab la tbb 41an amleabla acraement. Vaepinc ' Brotbera. oa Weal Foorteeath atreet.
factories and Bomesteads. raaeh
raotioe are aow twelve aiiloo oat. All
la mind the imporuoee niiBromoilDC i was partly bnrsad thia aiorainc- Tba
bqalet alone tbe root of the llae eithe preaent cordial relaticmt between 1 loat la f.S.uou.
aaplinc oeeaaloaal abeU froa tbe|>>«*«ur« ICaklaK It Vaadatory for tbe Uaited Statea aad Great Briuia.
| New York. Feb. iS.-Fire today
j Druccfaia not to Bell Liquor Except
Thooch all polnU at to«a« will no! Priae* atreet deauoyad aeeen clotbicc
abort richt at lai
Qpoa tba Written Order of Fbyai-1 ^ Mttlad today, tbe acreement will be | macnfactariac eetabllabmenta. SttManila. Feb. I
clan Parent or Boardiaa
j benedelal and aaiisfactory both to the | eral Srmi In adjoioinc boildlnca. anf^Mtter arriead from Iloilo latl alcbt I
j iraited-Sute* and the dominion
fered damtee fro
waUr. Tbe total
with dlapatcbea from General Millar to • Lantlnc. Feb. IS.—Tba dmccAstt are! The United Sutca acraea to cl*« lom It STS w«.
Baneral OiU.
j comlnc In for cooalderabir attention ] Great Britain certaln rlchla at SWacuiy
Bandar afternoon Utaaral Milleror-1 atttbla teaalon of the lecltlaiure. Be*-1 not IdtoItIbc tbecmalon of territory <w
Billed by a Train.
dared a reoonnaUaance la force toaa- aral bllla affrcilnc them bate alraad* | tbe aurrender of aoeereicnty over one
Yetterday atteraooo a team beloBfea^ia the euemy-t ^lUoa.
been latrodnced. and Bepraeeuuilva i foot of the I’nlled Sutca aoU. Thme Inc to William Babbler nt Lake Ann.
,______ . j,_________________
- Ne*laa haa now noticed
one provldlbc
tbe Canadlant at a____
aad__in collided wilb the traio which left
B^bteentb InfaDUy. with two Botch- that dmccitu ahall aell Inioxicatlor! tt>e ioteratt of amity and frJendablp 1 Traverae City at 3;j.% oVlo,-k. thie of
klaa'irant nod one catlinr. marebed to- liquon only on tbe written ordtr of a j hare acreed to accept.
| tbe boraca wat killed. The driver in
word Jar Between Iloilo and Jaro.tba parent, coardian or phytician. Tbcael It it difficclt to leara, owinc to tbe | crcmlnc the irti-h did not realize that
1 a lorce body of peraont, aa well at towntblp. rlllace or I diplomatic character of tbe ne«otia-1 the train wa« epproaehinc ao clone and
the aaemy. oeenpylor both aidea of the clty oOclalt. tuperietendenta of tbe j tiona jutt what thcar rigfau are, bat it {failed to turn quick cDou«h.
mod. Tbe enemy met tbe advance of poor. etc . are aotborized to oaira I it believed that they include tbe righu I
--------------------------the American troopi with a aevereand notice oodmgirUunot to tell liqnor {an thepurtof Canada to etublith and i Capuln and Hra. C. A. Webb have
wall diraetad fire. Tbe Americant de­ tocerttln peioona anda heavy penalty'malnutn at Bkaguay fora period of |gone to OattopoUt. where they will reployed, retnmed the Sre. advanced ter violation of thU notice it provided. | years a custom hootc; that the United I main the reeV of the winter.
ateodtly pnd drove the enemy throngb
Joro into the open ooantry b.'yond.
czemoufrom Uzatlon mannfaeinrire
teaB,®*** Stfski tad Cfeopt
Jaro waa found deaerted. and all
porUble propel ty had been removed.
Whan the Americana entereo only a
wild. tb.n b«Ml»n .r.
tew Chlneae were there. The Ameri­
b—.r, kub-. .oU«<l by bb,..-.-”"- -‘'P- *“ “ ■‘“P ■"1 ',“1
can flag wat ratted over the pretlden- -tame legit-ctrgoet witfaoot inter-;


advantage of it—Yon’ll make money.

280 Front St.

“City Bookstore.”

SIS Union Street.

I The Finest Stock Funeral Goods



~It wo not ozpecud that any orioo. i
P*®“‘ttiaf aa-1
«u^ custom
totteUnoe would be made by L intur-!
b, be kept open on all legal bolldtyt eznepi thof.- tf a rellgioui nature
*® be esempt from tbe payment cf
genu, bat they made a better deteaee
A bill noticed by BeprauenutiTe!‘>“V“>»beUolted8uiea
than waa aatlclMted. with the rruuU
Colby propoMU to amrod the law to' «»other words. Ureal BriUtn te to
that the Americant tutulned ibeUdrat
that When one corporation
«Sbaguay. thirty mlleu from
-orporalion w,...
cotnalUet since their arrival at Iloilo.
property and franebitet to another.' b®'' ^™a('®»'. 'be privilegm the nbiv ,
Llrnienant Frank IIoUm of tbe Eigh­
the pnrebatlng eorporatlm shall be j *“1'’>®
ber own baaodariea.
teenth rrgim'nt. and four men were
iUble for the debu of the other to tbe I Wathlogton. Feb. IS-Bepntentu-'
wounded, one of them aerioutly. Lienextent of the purchase price
| live Corltm doce not believe that tbr 1
tenant Bollru' injury it slight. Tbe

----------- jCanadiao high committloa it on the'
rebel lou was uevere.
The legiilative coiomiUeee of thelpoim of ditbandlng without reaching'
Ttw InturgenU held tbeir portion regular, kcmeopatbic and ecleellc
foranhonr. but tbe Americou madr tcboolt have agreed on a medical regltn.‘; he said. ■•wUI re-1
thinge BO lively for them that they were tration aad examination bill which ell- port a treaty that will be tatisfaelor.v \
oompelled to withdraw. Tbe enemy minavet examioatioot IB materia medl- on both tldea nf the line. It will set-i
appear* to have loet heart. Tbe intar- CO. that overeomiog the giualeai objee-! tie the labor question, provide for ship:
genu have nn^ubiedly beard of the tlonof lhcpytcho»acedoe-|boniing on tbe lakes, tbe Alatkto
oative revrraet on the island of Lnton. tora.ete. BitmlnaUoalB phytloloey. | boundary. loaiberaiSl, free ptper pulp ’
anatomy, ehemlilry. etc., will be re-j for Amcr.can newspapers and a tatisBBOBCror BAPFIMBSS.
qolred. however.
factory arraDgement of the AUanUe
TbeboardUiocoBtUtof four regu-, fi.herim Imue. The treaty will be a |
One Mutt be Bdoeaud to Baaah that
lar*. two homeopaths aad two ecleo-1 g^i 0,^411 to the McKinley adminis-;
tiea. and tbe concarrence of alx of these > tration.''
H)c regular meeting of Traverse will be neeceaary. This b^I will prob-!
—-- •
City Hntloeat College Lyceum took an’y pam.'
place luat evening and an entertainlBf
Beoator Brown of Kalamazoo ia| _
Mr. __
and _
Mra. IraE
program waa rendered.
| vigorously working the boomof treorge J over tke ^ivil of a boy'uby wh7ar
it a ss just a year ago ycaterday I Bouthworth of Marobal tor one of ihelrf.^dat their home yesverdsv morathet the ae«» of the blowing up of the: Republican aomlDaUoas ter regent cf'
U.B beule.hipMaincinH.v.Baharbor|tbenaiversity.________
: There -III be a regular coo.eniicn
rt sTHcWenViran able
' *>^® •«*'* commute, will report out'
>®dge -So. Tt. K O, T.;
ed tie Incident in an able e~}.
! M.. this evening. Tbre-candidate, for ,
Will Brigbunp related uomeofhU
beaator Ora-i _,

ind rank.
experiencM in Cnba during tbe uve !
r C. O. Corbett;
I amends tbe present 'aw by eliminating
„r ; »k® opilcnsl features and making jj!'b the management of the bowling al-'_
-Nelson Itingle,"-

Ten Tear Contracts
Hade by Michigan Tell
for any class of service desired.

1u,. .u..»,


xb, 11


Everybody Likes
The Kimball Pianos and Organs.
Finest in tone, 6nish and workmanship. Good
stock of fine small instruments.
. Look in on us.

2.,5 Front Street. /

H. f. STBOIIG, Managei

To clean up odd sizes ol

Subscribers Man
at end of sis months or change
to any class of nervice at will.
elephone tbe manager to call
and explain new rates adopted by.

Jaros Hygienic Underweaj

Michigan Telephone Co.
We offer it among many otherjdecidad

^ Etety smaller Itnovs a 3 j


Bat kept oat of olcbt nntll t

i goad cigar bysntoking ir

latter, aceompanted by Mrs iJnnl will
by non Dyer.
gotoCblcogonext weakwhere they will
"B«*olvrd. Thai to be happy oae'
visit until the opening of tbe baseball
must be educated." was the uabjrct for ’ Weight of Snow Oaoaed Boof t© Fall
debate. E W. Bast and Julios Core
in and Ons Was KUled
I A. 1. Coulter, deputy game and Ssh
handled the afirmative aad Frank Dar“
______ . ,j.
. Ludington. Feb. iS.-News was re-P***®*®*®’*‘® the city . £
Kwandlda Barber orgaed tbe •«»*•
m->ming of the failing of
*“* "*y
Frankfort to fc
,t __________ _ .
^ ...larpof at Wanderer's MiU. |p Vu-lory P"**®"*® *
i piToistent
.tudenutooUm.^vepmn.. ThejLJ^s
r-t*rday. owing to “®

underwear bargaina at

1-4 Off Regular Price
This Fcr a Short Time Only.

‘; weight of snow. John Cobb, on
,: ploye. was instantly killed, and a a... ,
Ml. n«i»Dewey was no badly
, kegon. is in the city on cfllclalboslncm. ^
A thvsubjret given Mias Holmes *®
to i,...
! A Set ear
car eff the
the* track mt WiltismuWilliams-

^mpromptn speech upon "My exparienceinthc typewriter rtmmg,
Ditd IB Barth Oszollna-

Xutghta Temp'or Banquetod
: the north, about an hour lest night.
Biehard E«,nd rmwived ! W. A. Wheeloek has addei another ,

; “e final work in tbe temple degree In ;

korb^ shop.

___ *® »ke ooocert by the Ladleu ;
• Iblnr—
.i«hi Iro. J. 4. B.rtp ;
T.«pl.r Alur U..
-t Trov !•._
• “f Bffund InviW hU btvjibw Kn7g'bU ■

*Ci'y for burial

The common council of Bay City ap*i to buy shoes for school
*®® “»»»*> to
FreelsUMt. Best meals in the dw F«*ebaae them Tbe a-tloa wsa at the
lu-tf, | reqasat of the truant otta^


band of Boston In Btelnburg's

Supply your fiiture wants now—Thera is
only one Jaros and nobs
other so good.

Hamilton Clothing Go.



cn ifonaia uoobd.

Fasmr oppoAnrauiu.
•a*la*bFaaaB»elle<Mftey an Bat-

I'MDvtvUt 5\ock

gtofc T Bass >n >• W. SAnos.
t. w. BAjm. BdiMr AA4

M T»B»w»B an.
■htphalMlAI BMilkUitiM.
n* 0«lUd 8IAICA BOW OBMpU* A fOphlM of «tth rBAk IB tk« poWBUAUir
•( Iti AUpplBC «BC»(lii( ia Ike forriCB
•HTTia« Ub^c Of Ufwt BritAla. 0«r■MP. rrBBOT Aod Morwaj tAhtor prw
rr*------to Uu orts ■■■art The bUl
99m la Oo*rnM to ftr* a«w life to the
^•IMlBrofakipelatbe Ualud SUtca.
t>r ear owa
litliMM. B»d to MgBca ie oompeUOoo
with tke toralBB Ah»P* ttol bow bob0poU«i *nr foTBlr* e»r»7iAf trmBie. wUl.
I^Atew 7«Br*-M It la betlerad by
Iboaa bBM talBfif -ris *<>
BpBiUBetaaeoadfBBk vyoa tbe aaa.
to tbe BWiBBC Bad «BlM bb4 poUBtialMpef Itaeblppior
AttbeeBdoftbedeaBde. If tbe ao>
MUad UABae-I'ayBe ehlpplBr UU paaem eoafreae aad recel»e* tbe BfprovBl
ti tbe prealdeai, we ebell probably eee
Ub Oalted Htaiae Ib a batUe royal far
■BpranBcy npoB tbe >ea. Alwwdy ibla
•OBBtry poeeeeeee tbe utertaU oeed
to abipbotldiBC la creater abaodaaoe
thBB Bay other bbUod. ThU laawrial
ma bo placed Ib oar ehipyarde cheaper
IhBB It CBB la aay other ehipyarde la
lha world. All that we aeed le tbe
plasdy espleyaeBt Is oer ablpyarde
4bBi tbe bill referred to woo Id plre for
Ibe seal twmty yeare. la order to
>b1U eblpe ae ebeap. If aot eaeaper,
IhM they can be batU anywhere elee
to tbe world. tiblpbisUdiBp le e pre.
nqolelte with eoy nation aepirinf to
frwt martUiBe rank. All tee ooadl
ttoatoeoreepretaaej in thte eoenify
to BblpboUdlnp, if tbe bill in qeeetion
fine tbe needed Inpoier.

Tba Beslar Lycaaa bald aaotbar leireetlBp aitnitTp ycatarday aftamoda.
LarUs and Battle
■ready favored with t
Hut ease a repredaetloa of -Tbe
Way of PeBsa.-by Oai* Hanalovaby.
'The Moan Cblefe Da^kt^”
aebjKt of a feeiUttoe plesinply plvs
by Llrsic Parmalee.

Alfred Ayrr* preeealad a ine bio
of O
-----asa Diapley. followod by aa ^wipiaal
atory awUUed. -A Ooaatlap Barty." by
Joaie Kevotay.
A eocal eolo by Saele Dancu was a
pleaalap foe lore of the aatwtalBBeet.
The qewtioa. “Beedved. That the
averape yoeap Baa of today baa bet­
ter opportaalty for aakiap IBs a eoceaae Inaaeially tbaa bis forefatbare
bad.” wM boepbl ep for diaeoeeloti.
Edna MeWelbey aad rberon Morpaa
spoke for tbe efinttatire awl Ada
Klapaley aad Baaale Oreenompb for tbe
Sevan] etedeaU took part ta tba
Speaker* for tba
•Craiatlve were proeoeaeed wtoaece
by tbe jadpee. '«lae «ortoa acted ee

W.'o I
Snmyot* po to Fetoskey.


. Oily Baploecr H. P. Kortknip *
Frank Waiki-r. tbe fsmoos cUrtiap
Peinkey ynierday afternoou to co
todpe. sdvocatn tbe two in
Hapior tbe Qnad Baptds A ladiP>^\
laeaBaUroad company.
Be vraa
J. J Critcbfield of ColimibaA\0.. conpaeled by Alien Ssltb. Jerome
will he Oiuwitb the pu-iax ^ioa wu^elm. Walton Grey. C J. Lelsad
Et(,«en. S:06le. apelD.
sad Somer Ball and tbe party will be j
T-bere is an iuiniense axnoont of poaeeevml woakA
"r-aitinp" beinx dnue Ipfavocrlf tl>.i
two in thnv lieat eT«.tem.
_ ____
List of Iwttet*.
been add«4 to
Unit of tbe (aet rulifornlaatalliireMMi■•-ri-T. i U0.*4 fur nxiaiTaUua pnrpoasA
eaema rvb it is esiiu>« i
The wftnao flack P«-k baeemmeed vt—"

Will Levlrtirn. 2:IS, by Wilbm, the
pij'J-year.i.l<l j*e,T of !««:. wbo j»rtn.o>
wa> nut rai-rd laet year, ia lube trained ^“w* ®-**
axain Uii« year
Kuna. bra Onn
Henry T. Ball.
Ball, tbeS^nadian
tbe^nadian reins. „ malla eloae M minutn >efore de-1
man wbo drove the paHjip mare Ada___ ____
p, S .w#«i l.. her mark li^ aoaaoa. baa F*™™
OtoBOB W. Harr.
retired fniin tbe imlky.
Belie «. by (i
■Dory B
Sin' lHiB
BncklBBB Amioa Sal**.
took a mittinx m^>rd
FaM to Mcaiary e« Mre. Kalaab. and a luu iiitf r«.-urd of * Ikij
T«b Bbbt Salyb in tbe world fotj
Ik‘4 laAyear
laA year,
Tbefaitenleerrleceof Ur*. Kslzek
wer* bald yestardsy afterbooa at tbe
! of Mr. aad Mr* M. K. Bock. Ti-rre tianli-. arriw-d Jan. lx in the b^pUena, and poelUvely oarea PUea,!
Bev. D Coetalin officiated and the Ba­ eluila- of a Iwbr fine by Azfa-ll. S:I3. or no par reqnlrf<d. It la paarantoed
sic wa* le cbarpeofaqnarleleoBpoeed unt of Mere. <Uiu uf laW RowulL topive perfect aatlefaetion or moaey
8rie«4. hy Elerti.,m-.T.
rafnaded. PHnltoeatt^^ For |
of Mieses Jozefa Wllbelm aad Alice
ft ix said tlist Frank C Ivn. tbe bil- **'* '
Cnwford. aad Meacr*. E B White aad
C. r. Burner. Floral oferlape were liardMt. ^ "old a half intifi-et in hia ——^—
n-ont acfSni<.itu>nx. Plam-t. a:'i-l*4: Do 3'on know that- jon can!
eroas aad of rare beauty. Amoap
, were a larpe wreath of Eoplieh
buy a nice oak
violeu aad byaelnUt from Mr. aad
Frank Alb-n. etiitiuaer fur .the BnrP. Wilbeln; calla lilies and lintitoii
at St. J<iai-i>h. Mu. own*
froB from Mr. and Mr*. A W.Bar- lb." liiet
eirt-d by Nofrutnr. She i»
Uk: tayaeiatbeaad eameliaA Mr. and ouw a bund'cnun bay mare 6 yean* old
Mr*. Frank Vetebn; aickte of wax and baa a world of nataral epoed at tbe
plant. Mr. and Mias Mary Pohonl:
The owniT
roses, byaciatba and earaatioas.Mr.aad
Mrs. S. B: MeUlebael; boquei of roan
n’t.irt- that b- v1n.«ix1 :I
from seven pirls. yonap frleads of S
l«il i-.k to m.ttinx late intle '
‘ilreadmai” rotes, oaraatloae and byacombined for only
f.llundali-nM-i.fB-t that be will Uelatbe. Mr. aad Mrs. Ira lisrdoa: larpe rai-ed as a Hotter iLi* yesr.—Uorw Re­
Oonl pillow from tbe prand eblldreni view.
crow of white liUee and vloleU from
D. C. I.e*ch and family. Spriapfield.
ekeaf of wheal,. Lsdin- Library
ciatioa; callee and carnatloae.

Tax Amerioes forces at UaDlla ard
^naUy beodicapped becaate ApuiaB|dt« wUi sol eiaod ap like a man end
ppBBiTeUie tbraeklnp wbteb be mut
ppperleace auooeror later. The Ib•VfBDl chief. bowpTer. prefer* the
•BBlmaoe plan, welob la denied him.

pnosaAtzo oowbvtiov.
PArCBtea Blected Lent HlKbt OoBveaUoB F^y AfieraooB.
TbBrewaeallpbtattendaaea at the
pPMeralle Ualoa city iBaBecoDrenlios
toat avpBlDp. Tbe patberlDp wai
kan beeG held in McNawara bell, bet
pwlac to a DiseBderviaediDp tbe hall
waa not available, ae I’rofcaaor Uo(
bMibeea oollepe JyeeoB held a rarSlarBeatlnp there. Km tbe eoBveBUon
irat held Id tbe eboe store below. Delegstae were elected to tbe conaty conyntlOB to be held Id Uraope ball KrlAay afteraooD ae follows.
First ward—E. MeKamara. Peter
Warzborp. W. H. TbIot. W, P. Crouer.
H. W. Underwoud. a. C. Darle. B. B
Anekeo. Hr. C. J. Keeelaod. J. W.
. Martlaek. K. R. Kaeeiend. E.
•prapM- ^ U. Ball. J. A. Jackeoa, A.
A Sleder. V. Stepan.
a the
H A.
Ow Fitch.
Laapwortby. Jobo K»uer. Tboms-a Me
-llaaas. Beery Wiaetaaewski. Kiwak
pnaa. Weasel sieder.
Third Ward- J. H. laprip. E. %?llbalm. Joba Furtseb. A. W. Bartak,
Obarlsi Wilbeim. Beary McMauat.
Obarlsa Cooper. C. E.. Bale. N. K.
ftrwBP- Bert Wllbelm.
. Foartb Ward—C. U. Kenyon. John
r WUbelm. Rickard Bound, A. V. Fried-flab. T. G. Shllaoo. Jacob Furtaeb. P.
•antob. J. M. Buelimabtcl. J. W.
TravlA E R. MoUo. W. D. WUaox.
^pb Lurnley.
lUtb Ward-W. Brnaeb. O. O. Millar,
^Obb J. Jamp, A. Laapwortby. John
Taaieb, Bartoa ColvUi.

SneratVvVivq br\q\vt and tvcid taVet ^
tt\.e\T \\act.
MSe are so
ui\\.V(vq at*)
* qoo&a t\vat v»t canaiA
\.\mt to ar- *
ran^e ttiem at tyve^j eoiae \a atv& ttiat ^
£ tt \u\v^ oar coaatoTt are VtVod to \vt^\\ ^
S a>tt\v t^Ttaa m«Tc.\vaaAtto.
^De \Dtd\ to caW i^aaT atteutVoa »
I to \»o Maqt \a .


T^vess &ooAs
. &« A

VacVi TBooV ^plqtttao Serqt.


bil i«-i>ubiiii.



Writing Desk iiKo. zand Book Case,


tt a SS wtcH XlvseTeatB




one lb \o be OUT.....................

Ibe Sreadier I


^\ehave a fane line from $5;

OoaprepaUoaal Ladles' Aid society;
LoiiibiiiliiiK itxfirvtTniideriUetbtwIer , upward^.
roses. Mr. and Mr*. Mrs W. W. Smith;
Uie i-onumioiia plan.
faraciatbs and beliotbropv. tbe Misses
•illd Jed pTiiuiy.'• Richard O.dden e
Aaderson; roan. ^r*. L A. Arnold:
paetorul ronud). ii- l■-iIlp prepaTiHl f<>r
wmU ofllllee, Hr. and Mr*. T. T.
Ai-iiirdinx to till’ Lmdon Era. Hall
raiiie haa aix-eiited a eoiiiuiiMioti tu
Bonae urniobine Stor*.
write a Di-w i>lu) ii>r Maude Adam*.
Istw Store. 120 Front StreH.
William liiUi-tles firwt draft <rf a'
Braaob <-f Katloaal Protective AmocI- play fonnded on uneof the Coudu t>oy1i< -----------------------di-tei-tive eiori*-" WHM d.-»iroy.d iutbe w#*
auon to be Formed in Uiie Oily.
recinl Baldwin bob'! lire ill San Fran- y ny |-Q|
A meeUap of tbeeclerks of Ibe retail
BtoTM oljlbe city la called to meet In
The original of "A Court SeandaL "
tbe parlor* of tbe Bold WblUapat ten hy Anliri-y ll..Tii-it-anll and Oswald Sliilo'clock SoDday meraiap to consider tbe lin^foTii. at the Court llieati-r. Loudon,
Ibe matter of orpanlzlnp a braneb of id the Freuih play. "U-e Pn
tbe ReUil Clerks' NeUonal Protective
Rh'lianl Muii-.field is contei
B. E. Weaver of tbe CIpar
Maker's L'nloo baa been circolallnp a- revival of —lleiiry V" sm llieontmme n
esja-are awak- tlab^
blank application and about thirty tlie li-ndeD<-v-towardHbake»]ft-ar>riii-*^ l>y the 111-rary plane stuiued by .
clerks bsve already sipued it.
—Cyrmiode H-'iverac-'‘
If you want it when you
Itrfnn-poiDk'to the Vnited Kletm Sir I
n. nr> Irvine will r.*.iH-n Ibe Lyivmn 1
Am SbeerCIlr.
buy Rose’s Pine Expec­
tlii-ati-r early ill A|iril with Min-Ellen J
: Mb.'Ri<- Ilf pulitii
T'-rry. a|i]«.-iiriui; in u play Ssrdon has'
nifurd till-DT
it I-X-III-. to ii«. i*« to mpird
torant and it doesn’t give
wxlllici for bun on theautijiilof Rohes-,
iniiu'ipli- BM aix-iioii»I. Fur a time pierr*-,
it lii-li.-'d nortin-m bx-iilitii-n chiefly,
The in-i-Bi'ivt th-ab-r owner in tb«|
tbouk’b Ivinit tieni-firiul to all Tbe sunn
tbe aitith
in tri-at the Wolld i'thi-eziiruf KD*.-.i:i. HeoWuenoj
will he tor ■ f' '’-''*’I**"’' ”’■'••11 Idif tlieali-rs in St. (
ihjl- t f
I’. t« rsliont Mfid M—*-ow
to the
e I’ld.
rzur the |ar:.*.M theatrii-al patron iu the Bfaillf litd.
Wolld i* Kio|e-ror Williniii.
• . j
BmsUiIiui Tn-i- think* of Bivinit a ........... .. ..............................

J.W.Slater The Flour To Buy


Want The Most For Your Money

.Your Money

Not necessarily the most Hour but the most value.


6. H. ROSE & SON.

. i)B»ii'ion qu
ti--* of laldiiiui illii»tninL«the iiiarvb
|«u*i>ii] wa*. laciP'
iatiti- i-noni.-h l-i indnde «'f • “"ilHxt'-’U
Lillian hn**-11'* diuu'hl«-r'’la now
irv|ini>*iUldiii- Ap|*-al (Ih-iu, Ialoiil Ik i;umillvd'.ATvilI-h.-i*a>*iD in
coll.-R.-, and 111'- v.iiinii.r --f I’ualiur
A Kamw As nape.
Hall sfw*. cbtlJr.-n i* « >.-«r*Old Jane
plav.-l Jnlirt whvn her
F,. Hart, of 'JrotoB. 8. D. “Waa Ukeu U-wn JeUKhter took
with a bad cold which aettlrd on my purw
lanps: conpb eel la and finally
ated In Conaumption
Four■ doctor*
pnve me up. saylap I could live but a
abort time 1 pnve myself op to my
Savior, determlued If 1 could aot suy
with my frieudi on earth. I would meet
my afaaeui ones above. My bosbaod
was advised to pet Ur. Kinp't Krw Diaeovrry for Consompllon. Ooapbs and Beplue lu aeuuod year of exiaienee ,
t. L. Kyntar of the Lyon, Beecher. Colda. 1 pave it a Uial. took la all
Hymr. kalmer Co., of Unbd Kwlde, cipbt botUea It ha* curad me, and
fiecord KeTtr Equaled
tbznk God ! am saved and am now a
to Ib Ibe city.
well and bcalthy woman. THal battle* by a similar aaaoclation. it baa exHIM Emm* Oberlin of Blnphai
10 CIS at 8. K Wall's and J.O. Joba- e-lled in the followlnp ways the record
to* pw»t of Miss Bcrtba Keefe of ton's Urup Store*. Eepular size Mkc of the Brat year'* e*i»uuce of any sltuaad tl. Guaranteed or price refunded. iUr auoeiaiioo everorpanized lu MivhDndar.
Walter Stcrliap of Elk Rapids, is
baa written more metebera.
yialtibp W. J. Puslabd family.
It baa held more inlb*: A. A. McCoy went to Cedar Baa
It baa acccmulated
waawrday to visit bar brother. D. E
J have jnat drived with
U haaopeu^ up more terrilori




------ ------------ '------------ --------------------

I Fish! Fish! Fish! |
For the Lenten Season.


Lent commenced Wednesday. February 16th, and we
have laid in an extra fine stock of strictly No. 1 Salt Hacker- ^
el, No. 1 Bdund Shore Balt Herring, Pickled Salmon, Smoked
Salmon. Canned Salmon, Smoked Herring, Smoked' Finnan ^

Fine Horses For Sale.

Mrs. J. E Start aad danpfaler ^ladys.
pf Honor, who have been visitihp *t
WoIvB-iac. stoppeed over in ibU cUy
lor a abort Visit with friendi on their

A* teM 9Sc ilwtr I
M at the geeeo City EeeUurant Try

la the city for Brat class order cook­
top aad carefal atieathm is at tbe
Oaaaa City Beaianraai.

carload of drtt olaaa
and draft horaoa from Min-1

iaJ ),« tat not l»at
_______ _

Closed iu

a. price, mhloh everjbody |
reach who needs a good book*.
Call and
"”;?air’''n.!rotfihthi* fine atock ai the livery, t.T lul
and aales bam of Qeo. Caroa .- .. . -.i»lM0«e l.r bBB.maK Ihl.
(formerly Geo. Molr*a) on '^*'*'*
State fttreet.
JAS O. JBHSOir Ap^ Dept.



Give US u call. Thepla.






S\vorV,‘5Tes\v "KevDS S\ot\6s j

___ _____ ____________ ____________ ______ ___

________________________ ?

wiUi cokmd
betuMiiched bordm ud colmd Bnwi.

WUUa-aarr.aredtO. ef Walerloo. ,clowr boeey., The bo»y u worU It | .

AdellM Waaler, effed «, of



of fashion

bone,of Ooeald SBiell.

i» one aaine for


toar 1 rntir?l^



Bonod waUta and Eton lecketaoC for I
I are won with cloth eUm.

ThU H«


&iM«f (k*

Ethel Woodyett. the DarUac Do'

*■*'•*«“ •*
Nevrudu ioct Uidr
■Qoatier'a daushtcr. was slightly ■ ^1
4o««. POBIM,
elephuu I prMtier iD aoclPt> r t-or • «me U*>*
«»«tUb. m pretty ud eplrited flrU ! «tt aod loumemue other ulaMOi: vm very i iomlDeai. Kdw they >«u»
Ceoerelly are before they dlMver their I «"«»io«e4iD|U) ^vtunoo aoe-adays.bui!
be alMmeed."

Mes cair.e to and departed^, «
h“ni“w. “ .“on"

He-Here it telU of a! do«or *h0-

little Queealaader fairy who had nerer ,

for ihe.r masiei

prS^^n^ le

“f*Wladelphla IJulIetln.

tJlbe w«a-;q»llotfro»OasaCjly.haaberBed.’WbaB
of n»c
or K>tTO»
pa*» «h»ir
the pu.-rjlti....I,I
CTOortHi >■
ivet >iu me mutc^ h
tkI. «->■ ....,11
hat- ’ mtea
n» Inlivee away In.■___v._peaceful slumber.
lelghhoea appeared
open the aeeoi IglglliPB tbn rffi-ct
f^moel Kingsbury,
Then Ue began 10 grow
however, to Jlhfj
fuead. bet npoa
Brngalitii- iu soy irt-tt;
:: softer
aofter and more sympathrtlr to those possessor of surb an Dlmal. or. rather.'
wreeked the kiiebaB ia tbe Mu UasI-1 March be was foead by Ue fence bad- popaiar for i-pnratr wain
the pan
^ ,
whom she had formerly sent sway in
-ho-K k
- „
iM bbaae I^Meday Boralag.
• l, bened.
Be waa frosea as welt as
rant the nmurit»t
>»t white sad
genre which he once owned has aow'
-----------J»k L-toj. 1-r I..
disappeared and despair reigns at 241C
n.uAlsoetallof Went Michigaslataelar I ^raed. Be sras a becbelor abont 70 in.l-lt,iU. .
Mr Kingsbury's'cat
ager. she spoke gently to Instead of
a wood faetlaa.
Only three deaien. 7*dre old. Be died la a
named Rub Key." but wM imI
Tbe bn* drewed. mud np to date wUh her fbrmer acorn of careless glrl- erallv saluted as "Robbie.- He was a
la Uraad Beplda bare aay wood, and |
Tbe death raw of tbe sute for Jan
wmuen here dincaHcd jewelry almuM hood.
inagolfl'-i-ni tom rat, lipping tbe scaler
they bare adraaeed the prlee frtwi SS.aary csoeed'd by «go any preriou
entirely for dsy weer, l>nt gems of all j
By and by her type of hero came at 12', (lOUDds. with a One silky coal
toAt.Mper eord.
Stock la aortbera ■ noetb aader tbe prceeat r^stratioa.
kindr and graded^ maKBiflcenoisglUtw
long and. having been wsUlng for ■pf fur which made bis proud owner
! there belBC t.tsi deatba.
The raw
In jwufmdan in tWev.-mng,
j him. .he siralgbiway fluttered to hU ihluk that he waa partly an Angora.
Tbe Firet Preebyteriae cbareb of ■ was l« S per of reportiar p^iaHobWe bad bis education begun When'
Htrev-t jackets for the cvming aeaacm ; feet and began to iaveet him with all
BlUadala baraed Towday.
Loss •!&.. | tioa. Ho.w than two died from eolds are either ImttunHl cloee down the ; the Mrlues of the heroes of romance be ys In Ue kitten aiage. and as be
At Am Arbor,


water -^paa;8ebeU eoold act be

aad the grip.

Tbe aaaeaal eerertty of

Jobs Byre Nelaea, greet aeobew of

tbe pretest

sold weaUer has rMolted la Ue frees- Lord NelsM. Ue fanans Eegliah aaral
________ hero, was Married at BauieCreeb Wedlag of tboaaaads of basbeU of poutoes
U aellan (a



Suu {aewlay night to lIV Katharine K>ll. a

front or tnmed back in rerets to the ' abe had read abouL
The Hon. John
waist lioe. ur made doable breasted,
Brand was •■emlnly a noble-looking
fastening from Ue sbonider dosm on
Dark, pale rheeks. iboughtful
Ue left side.
and eiceedlngly we:i^;rocaed, he was
The prevailing tendeilCT in
skirts jart
IU ssirw,
ructly tbe kind of man. only an inih

ab^h seam
ne new, roude)
aoa. te reporud U be a bsary loser by 1 left for New York, from where Uey
nd is Carried
the treesa
aall oa Keborary >1 (or Nclaoa's home
ck>U wiU silk introdoCed at twefa
At MaaletM Ua Ueluriaa ehareh 1
>-’«"bupy. Eoglaml. wbera Uey will side in tanels or a sort i^^itule end tdEepreaeauUre C. U. Uabooek of Broa-1 echool

was Aiaeorered
to be oa Are at t:M
k aad brfofe U. flam, aonld be |

tneber of' Uai plaee.

“o® *«jerry s^».
kebiffim. shirred inni tacks. and white P«sian lamb. Tbe chiffon forms tbe wide
hand arunnd the center, and tbe fnr U
•00. Thepanoaage waa oeenpled py j for a number of year* has been cloeely the lining which extemto over tbe edge
A. D. Ban who aaeaped wiu damage. ! identifled with Ue growth and derel- in two while bands at Ue enda—New
Becreury Hb.rma. of Ue rep.bllca. '
Us city.
ork Kiin
leaa. logeUer wiU lu coateaU

The dmiU of H U Bragg of Oadlllae,

It was' graphers in MIcMgaa. oeenrred Monday

salnad at Alt.WB and insared far *e.-; H« waa a highly respected eiUssn. and

SeuCTaV 'Kcmjs
SUauedb *3T0Ta S\)w^>3dWc !

, tion a rate of one fare for Ue ronnd


trip to tbe sute ooerenUon to be held ! 2
at Jaekaoa, Mamh 1.

The eUte pro-

.hibltloD party uaatrenUOB will also
held Bt Jacheon on Ue adms dau.



farmers are

most afraid to go to bed UsM days fori

The meeting of the national eongrese . rean of ethnology, ralnrned

faar Ue earU wUI open up and swal-'nothera at Washiogton has
jow Ueir houses,
for eeeeral nlghw postponed U Thursday. Kri.
sharp reporto haea beau heard which

been ; from northern Arliona,
Toeayan Indtaus.

ratUed the dlshas and shook tbe bu'ldInga.


where be

been eloee early last summer with the
Bto mission was

study Ue bablu and customs aad ob

Inrestigutioa showed ererleea la

Ue delegates to Ue oongrees prewnt.

the.froseo earth esleadiag from coat

eerre the mode of living of Uto inler^

Hugh Byan. the widely known rail- «•!'««

Mdhehad planned w r

1 hM not yet road couiractor. to dead at Toronto.
tbem during Ue wihtci
been given unlee. Ue phenomenon to aged «S years. In addition U building 1 •‘*en many ceremonica aad feasto of
dae to Ue eerere eold weatber.
hundreds of mUee of railway through-'
iotereet occur, but he was
Th# Oraod Birer Valley Horttcalural

out Canada, he also was Ur

•eetoty held iu aanaal meeUng Tuce

eootract ‘


day. wiu members preeeui from <nu-

forUe Saull St. Marie canal and has - P»bolft railwaya in 'Micbigan, Illinois,'
Three ladies of high

waa. King and Ionia oonntlea.

Keataeky aad Uaiae.<


oeosui of opiaioD was Uat Ue peach
crop will be a UUl



rank, one of

' »hom is Ue daughter of

! of the pareau tbe home of Alonso An-!
oUer fruit crape bare been Mriously :



>i- Cod.r.r-Uo.

daauged by Ue a vere cold.

fotura nuns Intend to den

• awakened Moodey morning by a;
ThesiHy eouncil of Wurabnrg,
loudraport Htobou.;tramW;d', Th;;^;“rh”MVi7f\'unlvrW^^^

epecially lo Ue women and gi

Near Lapeer a minister named UaUa,' iu Ue As


Berlin a new order for women




commerce and

industry in

ruing b^ dlscorered Uat Ue 1 Mkea action, which Conmeiiial A^nt i
aarU nesr bis

hruse bad

.... Jd I„. |d',„iuum.i. u. lidlUdl
langU. a fool wide and

--- ---------------------------------

aepsratod ' stern at Bamberg, esys is worUr of i

aereral feel in




meU of Ue poor pupils are to be ex-'
j eaioed *„<) cared tor. free of coal, pro-

ra- iss|k,

The Ludlngtoh, Welle A VanScbaich j rided toe parents give ibelr oooeeot
Oaef Mei

.rclat agCDt says it to also

^ will m>«e Uelr big

w mill U Lmlaana and the work ofr Intended

> ire.idieeam.ot


w-a.t Hc .r

A little kn.-i ,4 iHU-v-rT*


hearing Ue mill down baa begun, thusI and Uroal Ids like mauuer. ebonld
'; Btturnc
marking Ur llret migratory steps of | Ue teeU experiment prove
i ^ Tn
saw mill men 10 remove to tbe sooth.


Carl Norcroes. a


known aud | aud r.'*l\ r-jari.-c.'

A (Uday trip to Ue Paris expraitloo I well to do young msn of I nionuwn. '
next year is being


by mem-j Pa. to in jsit oe a cbai;ge of

bara of Detroit Commaodery. K. T,

‘'Th<- old

iiiHjor «v we need to rail


So lug to secure lbs marder of bto ,iule

tvalmt» membem hara expressed I braUer Allen, aged 10


Dresi uniforms


be Uken along


A ^w

UelriaUnUoD of being In on Ue trip, ' hours afUr bto arrest Norcross swal-1
and tbe ooamandery drill la Paris

utioni-d nil
hirity Hi

lowed poUoo and as be to still nneon-


f.,r Iw.i


at Mill Creek. Are mile, north of Urand



his j

ulierited a fortune of »3S.oiw

gl- wtU



njidjiirt. i
hiwsuit was
The rai.l:.ii. t
•Id a pTE-tty
shooting wss accidratal.
The fslber !
Burrows has secured
the aumj.---iiii; sl.rt-v «m ili.-vi lii.-NB Maud.
sod hu SOD were killing and dressing 1 adoption of an amendmeot to the agri- and tli.l t.lli.e rid.-, ini.iwin ; his rt'imiaebickens and one (ot evray. The son ! en’iural bin Increasiug tbe npproprix- tiim for ruuunu-itig. uti.-iiipbsl 1
Bapids. was shot by bto aoo Charles





former s share,


« Is said. bs. been dissipstwl.

rot his rifle to about itwad while bold-<t>uB f<>r tbe ineeautrBi-K'o Bf vegeubie pradi btamridi-nee.'
ing the gun U was disebarged end tbe pbyxiolotry and putbology from t
''Auiong others ralbvi fur that pnpbuilei



bis faUer’i heart

to »33..'oo. wlU a provisio that $i.ouo

UtioD of a miKbiy hunier.
He bad
brought to England irophies of bis
skill and prowess from India Africa

^uenily take this wonderful creature
oui walkiug with him, and di such Ume
tbe rat went in state in a grape bukel. 1
ly cavalier were IwundiDg over the at one an4of shkh waa a bole through '
which Robbie could
watch tbe ap-{
grassy downs.
Tbe Hon. John Brand rode easily proach of any boy or dog and make
and gra.efiiily. as he did rvprylhing, preparlilon. for their receptiun.
war anything that Rob Roy's
and as Eihel watchtd him furtively she
cultured palate craved it was jiaufelt sHtlsfled. safe and happy.
She rakes. and he would signal bis masier
wss taklnc blm to n stalagniilic cate in for ibeui at all hours of ihi- day l>y
thi- ranges, which wag one of the few pawing at a taiilc cloth and yowling
sights of tbe district.
Tbe crowning a.-hleve-l
"We are almost at Ut gully where mcni, however, was when Uobbicmadfl’
the cave Ik. Mr. Brand, and fifteen his debut as an actor In a play at!
Kllich'a last summer. He did not runmile* from rlvilitatlon. "
•The}- iaive not seemed five. Miss off Ue stage in alTiiglil. but calmly layi
in a basket purring euntenlcdly.
but why don't }ou rail
KIngabusr is now Kcmiring the <
for his liMt pel. whom be considers
"I might call you John, but I don't
moxi human.—Di-mcr News.
think I foiilil say 'Jack' tv you." an­
swered Ethel, shyly,
"Well. John be it. dear EUel.
u|ial tor a ring and anyou often come here?"
other for a scarf-pin. ".tn|wralliious?"
"No. John, nor would I now nrOcss I
'i 'should say I am. The first
wes with a brave man." iig 1 tuei Mr. Hiirdnp. whv had ulw: lys Iwfi.rtrthls niQ
"Beesnee the natives are siiii Mime- Dcroiw the Btri-ei 1 henever hi- saw iitc'
approaching. To 1 ny Burprise b<- slop-1
times trou- ilesr.nie in these parts"
pcd. smiled and e iteoded his hand.
^'Indewl! ‘ signimered th*- Hun. John
"•By Ue wav.' be r-marked. 'isn’t i
growing I :hsde Mler. wbilc his lower
there a little ubiigallou Isttween us?'
H|i ireiDliIed.
"Is that why yon I
"1 replied sliniy llial llieie bad Is-i-n!
roe lo bring my gun and revolverT'
-Yes." answered Ethel, noticing his
"'ll bad iiasae.1 ray^iulnd,' he aald!

lor .1,,...

agitation and hastening to reas-uirc
"But don't be at all iineasy
aliont me.
i feel perfectly ^fe wlib




woaUer iJit phoaed through has been


Iosb to

Then ahe added pniverfbUy
as she poun-d bullet after -ullel.out­
"Ah. God. spare his brave life."
' Sir. K.-aud- John- oh. dear, dear
Ja.'Kl’^Pc-J. u. me if you can."
What V' that?
Shorn in the giillv*
Aye-some one Is onnilng tn ihe-rWcue. and shooting as bs speeds ne:tr.
The gunpowder staoke drives

"Ah. aafe. imie girl?" cried

aATected by edd weeiber than any | iMdvllie Tnasday from KokomoThey ;
si-' replied tin-mavw delibother game bird. Tbe qnail have been b»7 that Kokomo. Carbonville. Robin-'U-an't wvas to bis r«imta-

"1 am. hut 1 f*ar-Jo—— MK Brand
to killed."
"Lei's find out; tbe danger is past,'’

tmt bis repnUtion for

yearn, boi tbe Mid weather baa kUled i era ont of proviaiona except a

amall i r.iracity is snamd to none in Nt-w Or-

them. *Wnen tbe eeveraweathereomcB quantity'Of flonr and potaloea. whleblkans.'
on a doten tinail will aeek iheaeelnaion i U Aol^ ontspariagly. Tbeeasl enppiy '
of aome denae UDderbrntb aad all esd- ta wM exbaoaied.

While the people I

die togBther. and . hem they are fra-! are not yet atarvlng they are in aerlona
qnently fonad

dead c£d

froxea iaa'*traiu

At Upcer. George


"Tberowas a r.yar of latightn-. and
oillajsssl." — New

the available wen fromj

she w

j the towns from along tbe Sonth Park ;


■ ew Mtm.
eve ymir father will
1 haven’t got macb.

Dent w-s s /vw.! highway Hoe are engaged in abovettng' gU-e I.Ih amsebt.


f*"®® Eoblnaoo to Pando oa*C^
you km,ZZi
sssucis of
oi poutoca
potatoes ia
in a
a pit
pit for
tor which
wnien ;,-------------------------------------------------------------------'''—
be bad been offered thirty centt per
^^e-That d.»-m t mafter.
h. Io..d W.. Ira,. , Pl-“ '‘-I Eo|» U, rarb b, .>ld., o.


E-po.,,.. w„b. „„ „p.rtb.,b. '»

.......................... ’’........................hard

with them

At Grand Rapids tbe grave diggers'“‘y


for anything ►h.-rf of

m.k. ,b,

dynamite to

will j

... .«_______ „
»pain n WrMtBst Keod,
Mr. R P. OUvia of Barcelons. Spain,
■/tv^v '
his wintem at Aiken, s. C.Weak

,b. Sir.. R'bK.1,. -n

Irfb bin.

learetthegrouud. boG.rauken tolhe!»upp:emenUry
m tbe preseouiion , that it cures liver and kidsev trouble.
-oemet«Jes will be p'acvd io vaulw.
, seme years ago ofa librarv
library tiuiiding
boUding puriSes
puriaes they>
lhe»>;o,.d. tones up Ujv




era part of lliitodals county rucently a i BT fvoperty without the iaterTanUon -- • ••bM“



fellvd. from which 1 »*«»««• and Jurtea"

they SBCPrad forty pounds of ^omI

A«LJ.«altaf Pewtota, «f th* bn



TN a careful chemical ex1 amination of the leading
Mall Extracts of the world,
the United States Goverotnent Chemists found

was the only one of all (hat
was absolutely pure and per­
fect. Others cannot replace


Chieko Salad
w-ld hv^plnt orvjoart to ptlnste fami
lies. Estimates made on bills par
ties, weddings or receptluns givm
at your borne

The bext ^^tiach

I bAve just arrived with «.
carload of first class farm
and draft boraea from Uinnaaoto, wbicb will be sold
at pricsB which everybody
can raecb who needs a good
animal — Call and .Inepeot
this fine stock at the livery
and ealee barn cf Oeo. Cams
(formerly Oeo Moir's) on
State street.
____________ JA8 O JENSOtr

Ovw HeNsnuus • .Him-due*
■3>X>x>zv.< xec


dinner is at Uie >/ueen
O®***!^'_______ _______




Half SaU le SetT^tfsr ICehlgaa iClsc
BanqutC. A W M. Ry sgems willeell tiekels
fi f all trains Kehrtwry '.•Jst and for tm
morning tiaiBs Febnisrv r.’i,d at on.,
tare rate to Detfoit and return; all good
to return Fehroarv S3»d

tsIM AlrMwi
sitrsciioti oftis

Gao. DxHxvrv, G. P. A.
10-17 l«

said Jack I-efoy. abonly. es be.nrikes
a match on bto riding trouseni and
bolds II np.
Tbe Hon. John Brand was discerned
In the act of getiibg np.
Hq had heard
Ihe magical words, "The danger to
past." and recovered bto aenses quick­
He was likewise unwoiftided.
"Oh:" cried Ethel In disgust. "Take
me home. Jack Lefoy." saying which
she swept cut of the cave with Jicr fa­
ther's manager, leaving the mighty- Hon

Sir; twB of 'em. i am the [hapi-r of I we X.S buxom, fai buys aa
I <aw. Rapliai-rs .-b>-rut« iwen’t
K.iiHrstiilens ali
: should sxy
ly I an
I wear Ibeiu
1 Ftev- I'fcwj.

Fine Horses For Sale.


We are buying in large i|ijantitics ami lay highest prices.

ind tiger
■»" hunter

to come afier «s best

Dr. Edward Murphy, of New Bar-, •filicrw. America's greatest Blond and

,„a.. b„
■>..<~-,-b'.E.b.b„b„i,.. .bu



We also sellSoiinil Hemlock Lomber, Maple Floorine
and Short Maple Wood.

.U^'b.Srrri'jS; .IV,"?

a : ijy;ru T.

have beet, coeipriied u> give np laeir
workbevau-M- of inabilltv lo get into will be ™«b«l W U»c faralne-lhreaten-



erie «> i”Xr

the solid Ir.. n ground. Never before
lowito as soon as poealble. All the !
has the ground been froxen so solid mines in tbe dtolriei have shut down




ihst only two or \three miles



Jfe AM 1A

"Y'or arc wrong It was his publish—
or.' —Cleveland I’lain I e-.ler.

^lli I

".Nh. my dear love. ' she murmured j

deaUiothe game birds, parilcnlarle : A™"*”i tn. r .-vasion
d.. y,.B know ato-uf
-V. ..
Itl... mans r.-|.nulion for truth oud
tbe quail. Tbia bird to more easily '
Bevco men on inowahoes arrived at ^

towns |

"Oh. I know Uat old gag.
tbe |>oorbonee.''

,is-i-ssn>euts had iaci

herself ia-hind u rack.

he .-xrUimed.

Ucreaiing very faat for the past few | wn. Climax and auvronnAlag

Hoad to Wealth stunild—


the slorkholdera were In favor »f sell.
Ing mil at grval advunee lo a ayndli-ale
J picked up (be |iX|ar. iuuked .M -ilir
siis-k uuaintlims oiiu saw tbai xinr hau j
» D..
> up. lek-gia.died loniyageutl
... —.ji ....
.....I ...... .. .............. .. -..I..... I
a good gainer
agony, leaving Jwor Ethel
Man v^nte In aud bouKhl a
She was a brave girl and ready wit- Uierety.
ltd ia lov sub-division. First i bad wdd
Wilk her Ural eenaailoti rif spirit
In SIX fflonUs. Telegram came Iroiu
anguish, for she. believed ber noble
t.insiiir Supreme -foiin hgd revereed
lover bad twen roortaily woonded. i .mie Uw .l*-.-1--niu uf rhe lower court In u
the heroic insiiiM-t to piicUb his tour- case of mine, xml. I.y (ieorgel I was
Seeing that he b.y) ie|i bis a winner of a l»ng-fouglii. ulwiiuaio
Wmi-besur and revolvcf behind Imn. |cii*i
Next B«rk on -.niiHirtaDI event.
in the lamlly."

she al onrs! secstred these ami il.irli d j baji|
iir|iw.« il was d Iwiyr' waakuginto the rave ehirauce aud isbcliercdi

D—»'H'tin-..Id inuj r, wh-came ^th

“'L. ok bcr.v sir'

.--rj-r iz-,:

»»'■"« • quarter of > rcwtiry
"Kut now. when 1 leavr for the oBlcw
lu** gives me a peck.
And n
short one at that."—Indianapolis Journal./'
Grange that ib< autlibr til Ue Basy

.Mon John Brand, as he dropped on bis
fa.-e. sod rolled insianilr inis the cave.

What it oc.'iirring
,vbo «■,» ,1,. j ij,;,.
iss poor Jack la-foy. CBpiyiii
........ .
his revoiver to right and left, in heroi
Fiyle. with the reins In bto gltstemu
peach ' want n dire, t stisw.T. any fori««th and bto hlue eyes blsxing.

,*TBre i

DrvauSe they barer

It just iH-cnrtrtl to me.' !
"WIU that he luuk mil a lai^e.wal-j
lei uud pre.-uiiu-d me with three bills
ol iarg.' dcnouiiiiatlon.
I tell you It
s like findiui
I Vent to I

‘ At this innment tbe most savage and
ataruiog yells ro.»t fr=m every side ..f
Ucm. while 11 shower of siwars s|>ei!
from the unseen enemies sJ^ rattled
agsinm Ue rocks behind.
Me^fnl heavrnsT" shrieked the

1«, lb.,., .bb bUwMo-..d -bb. ,. b.bwb b..;lRU.
p.«bb« Blflhtehildrao survive him.
,Tnia diarase baa appearad in peach ;


and the borses of Ethel and her stale­

liasaiorjtteiy aa i4e brought thi- rei»-4ting rifle to her fragile tbonhier ;:nd

"Ou li.-got int.

life •'--Washington Star,
“ l> —I've Just ll»l a patient,
f^l tb'e need of some recreation,
Kenmd M. I) —Come, around to my
office. I’m gtilng lo ir^ imme experiments on a fine dog -t.ife.
Mrs Kurmride jEwhua, tbe Irampshave rohU-d our clolh.-s-Une again.

Hc^’ra^W chnlruu rcbilr*^^^^^

and the Rocky noui.uina
He did not
boast ebout these deeds and. indeed,
was exceedlngl);
bard to draw out.
It was a delicious spring morning

|,i. . i.oniH.ii. ;,j.p.-tii.- end bu.

j scious. very little hopes of bis recovery j ta-nd.-n.-.x to draw Hi.- I.m«t..w.

Wm. E. Eberloialn. a butcher living

Old counter,
'1 should say ao. Here. I am a back,
imber Iw-for- .moat men are fairly

bis paws over Ills eyes and pray de-'
vuutiy. and never move uuiil Ue last'
T-oualn Jiisephiur hides her deafneea
am.-n had Iwcn aald. At Ue worfl of »>“> *««** ‘act."
command the inielligent Robbie would
swoon op Ue ibmr and move noibiiig
"She talks all tbe time." t.'htcngtp
but bto mil.
Wheu his master wonlcl! Record
ramark to tbe wondering vtollor lbat{
"How women change.", said the mait
dead cats
in reality never
wagged, »ho has been married k vear
their lalto. Robbie's apiwndage would

then Jack Lefoy. who stood
two In bis itoi'kln
The Hon. John Biand bore the repu-


of —— {be f’hit
Bniper «
"Yoor majesty enjoys aome dtotlnetion in that line." rejoined Ue falUfuI


•••-------------------- • ••
S Wn


Three monibs after tbto Ethel chang­
ed her came from Woodycit to I.rfroy.
Her Ja'k- the je.v] Jack—was ahle to

We alao have for sale lands for good forms.


••^'I'larter Wourtyeit ax to his f.i-.roepc-ti. bU father beinc the
earl '.rMayhloBSom and hlmseif the
e!di-si son.
Fi« never told his wife,
even when abe bBcamr Countess iJuyJ
hlos.-om and would thus have forgiven
her lord (or any trick for love's sweet
sake, that he bad been at seboo] with
the Hon. John Brand aad, therefore,
knew hto peculjarittsk.
Nor did be
tell her that tAe-aatiras were a (riendtr tfibc whom be bad bribed to ac; this
iiiile drama, ao that he might win her


-a- u. :e3. o-ZBBe

f Tbe Practical Bicycle Boilder aod Repairarj



■ Wall t>nriaa4
Cb«M'pl*;erM«lBlntfBot 4m4. »
At UlU time of reor I •» •oaetlmet trrmi bu be u In iiie Moecov bieue'
vewiBded of en o4« edventare «hleb W>om.
To mekf one too ot dry Mtler U

Aow ta a Urt Cd Iba bnlar >.od eeUIjW prlem of ynotarday far (roe;^
^wv&ooe Bad tern prodMW ta Tm*
one aiy:

becu oee Bud Mereb olgbt dariu »

©or rreln crop*, tbe uee of tro« »W

Claar Pork per bbl.asw..

JooCMTfniBDonbtoeoiitb. beclDDlng CbrteiUB mlnutir la tbe tbe<^«lcal
M tbe to*B of Prettoa. Leoceehlre.
o<*ool of tbe oowttrr.
; WUooneio. KIbk found tbei e two-urn

Dear Pork par ft...................
Short Cut Fuf^........................
Short Out Fork pm ft....
floor.H L. AOo.B«A..
Bye nour. B. L. A Oo. B
Maal,H. L. AOmBert...
PMd,B. 1a.AOo.BcM...


ere 7.«T


for tbe

Herloc edjimted my wrepe end made
Of J.«« mao who merry, 531 merry ftvP <>* o»‘
retjul^ ®I!'’
myeeir comforttble la tbe comer of tbe founeer women, 679 merry wooeu of Ibooeead ton. of
Srd-rteee eerrlace which my porter ‘he mme e«e end Wemany older wo-, to about nine Incbe, of

tbe other end Of tbe compartment.
,oa,fbad^ the late, of S-lcUly for
A bit. luety, freab-looking fellow in
otont tweedi, and wearing a Scotch rap.
Huicblneon. Kan., la anotfaer Weat- '
wee aeated wUb bU fat* toward
.m rtly to adopt a curfew ordlnanm. '
«a*tae; e young ledy and ayoung gen- cblldiwi under alxteen yean moat bo ;
Ueman faced blm. tbe young gentleman ^ u,*
at 9 P. M.

Inebm of rmlnfell eciuaily'eveK
thn.nph the planL
clent. .

To eveporale this water U tb«««a..rr that tbe ground contniffl. tbo
r„ota should not be too full of -Ater.

They’m chafing bU wrisu

cgmph ng baa Uwn providod
musical critics.

“Wdnt hr say bed obool me?" an- '

* ^"f*^^****

•wered tbe big m.n. who ! no* underdentood
was a pollc««an
in plain

for tbe
^Igb^' teen Inrbe. • Hood” water be struck, tbe

Great Wmlem ro^

eighteen Inches will


to operate, and If the water coodltlon continue tbey will rot oB,

cloibes taking a prisoneraoutb.
ib. greatmt traveler 1^01^ world.
Tbea ibe lady burst Into tears, and
, ,
u.—oi.v ina

I bnlleiin of the ^fomla "If.;*®™*
'elation says on tnU polnlThis la

with a laugb RultUffe met her half *in tolfth^onl} p^eil^ui'^he' evr';
way. unlocked the horrid irracelHs. nnd «,.a.
j,U wife was on the Jiib annl-

etuply apparent In^^of the ir^torwnifc groves of southern (.allfor-

Lard per ft.......................
Butter perftD^..e...
Omamery Bntter.ft.............
qbeme per ft.................. ..
Oate per bu (old)....................
Potatoaa, per be...................
Salt per bbl.............................. .

Tbe ererese boy man who doelam


reading nioue bis eyes tmvel.
MQ bis llvetime. a dimasce of 1.996 mllea;
e whlcb-u equivalent to making
10 90 tiler trip" from tx>adoo to Naples, asya
9M Tlt-Blu.
4 *5:
A comparaUvely Mow reader will
4 JJ eran 300 words a mloiue; that la bo
* " reads about twice as Ie». as he taikt.
— ■ and ten llmea as fast ua he .vrtiea At
I this, rate of pragresalnn. allowing for

dueed. beinjt et tbe rate of etoui throe

baring the comer, tbe Indy rmllng her
n «,nie people could retllie‘bat tbo One would suppose ibot with water
bead on bU sboolder.
..o<u doesn’t care a rap wbai sUo fluodlng tbe roou of the plants tbe latFrom an opening In tbe (pida of bla sb
they wear they would be n good
would be able to take both food
«rercant I caught tbe gleam of a pair d«al moro comforuble.—Umdoa Tit- ;
water with added ease, bui such
of bandriiRs. He waa a capUrc.
| j,
ease, except with aoustle
Tbo lady, faowerer. amlled tearfully,'
In Milan's greoi <^ra bouse. La '
semi-aqusilc planu. With moot
mad In soft, coaxing tones, said:
Reala. a large room, with every conventilon of the roou stop at
••Mr. Ruirllffe, cooldn c you loos« otcoce for writing, tel^honlng Md tel-,
-.floodtbe Irons?





t. dlvemlty of type, a man may be said
10 to read ninety-two yards of type to
.94 bait as hour. Aa even tbe busleet man


14 probably averages half nn boar’s read39 jof a day. it ta clear that every year


500 Bicycles

to enamel, clewn. repair
cover a dlrtanee of nineteen
30 xniiea m reading, or the very rei-i>e«et- and pet In proper shape. This Is tbe
ra.' only place in the eity where yM eaa
get your enamellsg properly dews.
There la an exceedingly low
Band polUied, striped and dseoriogTT D*ai- ’ 9®^ *•**" 9" probably many men who
. .
BiTTnie aanaoPTsaTn
AU work properly and prompt' cover nt lean aix ilmee ihla distance;r. Satiafaetioo gnarantoed, nt
Vrbeav old.parba.
B3 a feat almost equsi to traverstng with,
Wheat, new, per bi
03 tbe eyes the whole of Europe, from
Oata. Mo. 1. per bn.
** <'ape St. Vincent to the Cml Mouo- i
Cora, per bn..
*; tains, and again from North Caps to'
Bye. per bn................
jj Cape Matapan—a combined Journey of
6.900 miles, or nearly a quarter of tbe
Butter, per ft...........
way around the earth at the equator.
Bgca. per dosaa...
3: to 34*
Tbe profeesinnal writer natu^ly
accomplishes a much bigger task than
.... Journey of 960 miles -n Cl
** *


letierle's lew Slog

Oompeay X Xeneriih, 66 eeata
There arv a few of the bandage
sab Rifle tnemorUU left, which

let loose one of Dandy’s wrlsU.
renmry of their wedding, when he gave
«!'»’ «“»
•Ttere, mon. ' said be. -you can pul her four yards of cotton cloth with ] AH theturfsce soil na^o the
roots of
^Sf arm round >r.
Hut noao of yer whirh to makeblm a .birt,
jmaize In a comBcId oCtbeMlra^lHsippi

rsrabars Mesh.

itousand words a year, which would
a lineal Journey for his pen of
It be rnn-mstnlaln this


little gaamee wr me.
I've carried - Two young women of Moscow iw ' Mates; eo that ihe-pio* <an hardiy
yris'nerK all u er Finland. Hr-oilanil and cenily ainmglod nn old feuiale miser be run without turning them up and
Ireland and never liwi e mon yei/’
enj took her money, as they explained nnder. .In these same orrMMds It will
Then the Udy pleaded a splitting >“
“> Pi^H'le them- be observed. In digging down, thai at
hasdache and the
was drawn over •*‘***
‘'■aveilng nbnwd « deplb of a few feet the
iTump b? ?en,^i ”a«™tr aBd "
"; w.-er-Mtaked to permit of the proper
.in In mv corner
There U a Hoston church where the exercise of tbe root funcuoi IS and that

John R. Santo,
Gueial Ipsiiaice.

tbia If be U fairly Industrious be may
produce for the press three hundred

of production for forty working

W...I--. -___________.
Mouoe to Tan Pnyein,


! years bis pen will have accomplished

Tbe City Connell having granted an '
jj,, dtauaee from Charing
entension of time
Cross to Birmingham, while his remutbe psymeht of tai
levied in iravenie
,„j.,htug from 100
1 will be in i
“>* 3*^ '
a mile upward,
itb of Keb to re’»««'
the mon
are. of course, many writers
to 11 o'clock, a. i
on -u hiin ' U.i..iire was wniribuUon box has a small bell con- i ib, roots existing there an ........... I..... 1“'»« •"«»> ***«
a tong and lodustrlous life.
Th.l In ..cb
Friday eveningi • f,, outstrip this record, bnt probably
palem—sound- snoring beani}. men ^ deposit is made. The collection Is .i.uBda* irriraiion and alnindunt ferfrom 7 nnill h o’clock.
no man who has ever lived and writ-/
I dropped off. and lemcmliered nothing iskea
daring tbe aennoe and
the uii^u^ ,ippe can Tmilntnln an orAll uxes must be paid before March.
j^v.n hU pen as far aa from^'
clearly till .exiled up with a,Jerk. I sungy churchgoer, are thu. easily d-,
in benrlng mndltU.n, is a mat-


,o,: b.,..

Pb„.b.,„b,„ ,nv„,«i....-^^^sT.r.rT.rjb'rrnrb';


r““> “
Connty Treasurer. Personal taxaa can- j
>l be returned, therefore must be paid.

TVsvsrss Civ. Mlsb


Ever Burned Ontf


If ao yon know


«b.V.H Ruiriitte
- htrd"L
UM we MM betwfxt
bird has Bown. ^ Did we Mop betwixt

It Is slated that a Urge number

‘«’''lgated eecilons Is due quite as

of elscirtc Vehicles will be In Use In
eballowness of rooting
““ Fhlladelpbla In the Induced by orer-lrrlgailor., as to any
i really neeeaaary exhaus’ion of tbe

i couldniaay.
He aald no more.

A nu bui-l Rob.1. »b. -u rU*li Wb.n lb, mol.
Indbcrt lo
bunting near MajuBeld. \Vls_ the oih- contP »o
remain at the surface.
Swiftly be grab-.
within a surface layer of eighteen to

bed at bis cap. bU wraps and a small
bag. alipped on bla bools and opened


e carriage door.
beeU from a aappllng top unUl rescued
both with moisture and with plant
One erenlng. some three yesrs later.
iniitbcr hunter.
] food. This has us naturallj
. :er-esilroate of the
the trees In (>oib resperis. Had deep
rooUng been enrouruged nt first. Insiead of ovcr-Kilrotilnllng the growth
Before the curiald bad been op many
«b« hvsciquaruw of geog,
surface fertilization aud ftvqtiem
mlnuiea my aueniton was drawn
rlgsiibii. some delay in liearinK would
' It Is virtuBlIy tbe beudqnarters tot
have been amply compemiaied for bybig mao who hnd a seat In tbe front
‘ tbe whole world.
lesi* of ciirr«-nl oullay lor fertilizers,
row of the jili.
e tieigbtiorbood of tbe HertUUnod leas lUUimy to Injury from fre1 looked end looked- and then
Ognized my friend Rulcllffo. the police- ^rthaT ib^ ^tieraieiriwn'^adl'K
, queoily unavoidable delay, or from in-

' my wife being down at the seaside, and
The Royal Oeograjihlcol soHoiy of
.] flndlBg' the ume bMvy on my bands, Encland baa nearly 4.tHW felluwi'
dropped Into tbe pit of a famons play- lu library are about lO.tMHi tul
end paimihlets.
-Tbe sucdeiy li

Hesrrutliiized me tora mumenl. and
then nearly shook m> hand off.
”Wh) foraureldo-«bl It
my ploi e i' f foorra.

did ib

Then w-e got to OUT places anil I saw
Rrf,rader. the "IMvlne Healer." U la
by hU gestarv* and bla looks nt me g
museum In Allogbeuy. Penn,
that he was telling hli buxom wife ths I
• Whltsllng" Is rall.'cl n dls-a»e
story of lUal mad March ulgbl.
lease of a horse. In a mau It la----------Suddenly 1 saw bis ta.-e turn rigid, than b disease It is a crime.




In ••Pete’s” Chicago Wrffl

O- P. CARVXa. Acent


Chicago -« — A—
West Michigan.

at .irsa.l KspiSs...
Le UrwsS KapUU. ..


E wtios.^liTWeiittsisi


ywR A j.wwrr.VewMi'siTi
U u»1-..r Ont»ri..V-l-rin«ry

. Traverse City.

II «


Deljamar wisbea
maov men aud

1 v;:E»






....n lo.iirc-rr. nsr »'
In nllrnr .■.•
Ati'e tlrrrj. Telei*n«>-

— ...


SOU It 40!..........

, .J


oatw. Atiorwys

eeveriil f<-et of earth in which
supply of capillary water.'


s.a ' s.a. r ■■■a. a.

M.D.- b,

they easily dry up. On well drained
land the roots strike din-p and when |
drouth comes they nr.- protected byi"*'“5




tk'a lot of snails In a ball aud daoKl* w ill stand drouth
dralned land.
On the latter kind*ot
land ihr roots of plants nmaln near
the surfaie. and'when drouth comes

Ah’ve never .lapped cy« on that pair
— —

Have you

I h»Te j
carload of first claaa farm
and draft horaea from Minneaota, which
wuivu will
wt*A» ba
WW acid la M. BttOWW, atwrwy JM.S c«un-«»rai
At prices which everybody
can reach who needs a good j
animal —Call and
this fine stock at the livery ' ■n s,.
and sales barn oi George |
. oaimi. city Opera
Cams (formerly Qeo.Molr'e>: Houwaiwk.-------- -------------on st«,to .troot.
j D",s*::'*,'
JA.8 O. JBNBON ,:!^------ ---------- -

jerked Iweniy Inches, li naturally becomea
„p p, ip* ,ir. where he bung by his prwiuian’to f«’>l’hose roote abundant-

nnn of my mlrtnlghi Journey.
,h.. h„rns of the lor»t,ra pnmoding
Alter the Arm an he pushed bis way from ihrlr hldlug pla.-.-* lu the naks |
The nlK«to Is an lllustrailon of the
out, and I loiii bed him on the shoulder, at coiisld.mble .Icptb, To euilre ihs ner essUy of hiving Und wril drained.
I "A'ou don’t remeaiber me ’
cnnrtareans Imm ihrse rmiiiilcs they ]i also shows why well-drained land

tbe valne of


Fiaa Horses For Sale.

to take PROKKdSOR’SS New Method of j *

_ -

—------------- ----

, • -- i: —

KHcp. iis,iw« ou. "ke»t.

XW «*»• r«m Wr«Drsdar, 4*0. I
-fleet * ■------ -------and he rose up In his aeal. a* If be was 1
There Is one thing l» Iw said for *h«
I«to'vM In the
I iheVleaaiog and■ Curabh
about to leap Into the alalia. His wife mat. who la n.-ter .u life all alive, that In «»>«“ ««"»
9re holding falr^ [common sense Methods,
-urlng after
pulled him back ao< ttiked sagsrly to . he will uM be burled alive when be Is, afeady. A short time W w
, all else failed,
' of about 6c. took place on the aasump^
people toeeebim aodt«oeir m«-t._____________________________ _______
o 1w 1.425 rharaciers' tion thai KngUnd i.nd France would ,_________| out and in..lo;
4 r'L*
Down cams tbe cnrUln. out came '
There are aald
us twenty-four novels
-\nd go lo wsr. This was follow-ed by a re-| be beneflied before going
4 IX,
p.ap If. DvpM
fioiclllfe, grabiwd e:y shoulder In his In
4 m ar ODvksa* JVi-o 1
all cbaraciers. too. not elm-, action of nlwiut that amount nnd n sub- , as arranged, he will now
baods, and said out loud
' „u„„ n,ri™i oi
,u„.ua, i oj.,
Hksin** Xme
I'm dommed if that tbeer Dandy
**■, Srw
In spe. Illative clrclea and a liberal! all. but no longer, aa
Mr. Moody dorii not Iwlieve In workV
other -cUir
beam B-slltln’ reel I' front o' uie '
In cuau
cnab -o.u..
wheat ou w... u»-, |^•S -M! •» r.
,z cvc. days In the w.-ek, nnd usually movement in
re»o.uo --- -------------------I followed hla eyer. ami »l om.- r»*SSS «S 9.
ik, - hlM rest (III Fridays. A good cx- m.-Mlc and foreign account. The •"“9Strong’s Music Store, near to
*10 US *i »
-ognited Ihut rynlrsl curl of ihe lip.
i plr to follow
Uloii US a whole Is not ceaenUally .
Boers: 9 a m to v p m. X ADIItW-Dv-IHBe Arvss Waltls* 4oov si |uk»
that rithei .elPcnilpalc piUounr who
Thrr.' Ik u larlwr’s chair In Maine In changed- America has a big crop, but j.-^ adrice all needing Treatment n
I.SK* Aos
bad escaped -fi-tiiu custody .between
h'rh Mumilluil Hiimliii. Fred Douglas, tomicrr are not • failing over one an-n,,itrr what yoer weakoesa. or dl
4>4sr Kae
Crewe and ritnffurd.
' lu *a s n
iirtield lilulne. Theodore Tilton, and other" to market their w heat, and Ku- IS. If anv poasibiUty at all reaao:
10 «s Jl I*
He was dressed in the height of fash­ At.-Kinley have sat.
j,ope Is a peraiwenl and encouraging yoo can be Cored
Germs of dL
BMTC K Crossina
He was elandlng with his fa.-e
Hilly Hlrch. the old-time minstrel, li buyer.
True, tbe recelpU »‘nce tbe, took flrat fn-m your s^um nytow
toward tbe circle, touring at tubion de4d. All tbe old uilnAtrcls are dying
rro,. l-*an to move a
t?! disSa-X ^c^ * U
through a pair of glsases.
off. hui the old mlngtrel joke ablch
yet pi.Ullc st.wks (ontlnue STu^rb CoVsnmpVmn. Dropsy. RbeS-1 n\L;J. w *Bf Iraw He
ilallo:” said dutcllffe, “why he's antedated tUem still survives,
‘ r.-latlv.-!y small aud mllUri are Inter- i
Paralysis. PHcw. Contiipavion. ——
gcilcn a new mls»ii»"
If yon wish to learn how to bring np
i m-spepaia. in tact everything L.iv»r.
"Yes," biased a heavily veiled wum.-in ycur children pro|d-rl>. Just consult
while Burope. otitslile of eastern! Kidney and Beart Irosble. female
female | zu. in*- in.,.ur*- rkosb ufav*. -


:s ;s


i:g ;s


, F"t,liHi;,"' tTrir-'S-SS

behind us, "Now. urrrst bIM. Mr .'tiiiclitfe
You’re not going t.^ let blm go.
are jouT ”
We both atarted.
It was tbe lady
- who had CBOaped with lUndy.
■ Nay. miMus. I'n- not I’ l’ force now.
To mon entrh him yerself—yo let him


ihoAc iiciKi-ts who hate never had auy
tiT ihelr..wo. They know all about It.
Hewn* Imiutrtng board at ArtIloii.l:.. k l...t.-lK,-ai.d
ulill> ask.
... .md m.-i.l.
ilK-nsIvc n-sori?" ’'\V-ti,

’.A-HrseuEU. -

BtiKwer; ;;ye. M«.e peoplu

S ™frr.ri>h„ gentma’s .top wm n« be ready for
a Am whkhX
two months yet. .The tmued Slat.

Bepubllean Ward OaneusfA

^ pou»tIberefore hold,
holds the
the ndvnnlnge
advantage of
of hav-i
hav-( & Rrputak-u caucus lor Ward Ke I ^11
will Sc
log “a P*”'’
go...l Purtoblc---------’•••
portable surplus —■•
and "a

oralile outlet for U. i
wheat Si mV ilUruid.c^n
casrco.k* w t- ,
nieas our wneat

W> both of us watched Ibe itn.usThe exploring expedition under I>Upeeling Dandy during the Um act. with |p„ani HourM, which lec.-miy returned
*MI. C a look at th.- siAge or an ear for t,.,„ ,i,o u,,,»r r«i. b.> of tUc river .Mthe .niilc. But none enjoyed it more ' g,.r. earned phoootrapl..^ vub which

U tofontluently thrown nt the fortlgii kelH FVb.
kuyers It would aeein that we ought to .
market It during the winter and spring .
at prices faltly remunerative to our

^ g LORWtt:
u.c w>wtB.
' * “V*'

that ;bec>nlcBl Dandy and bis charm-


>r Ward .No. : w'll k

the war sougs of the natives were r*.

ing :suy.
<♦* minutes before the flnale we |
Mr. tlladsiooe Is said to bare ob .
aaw U-m place I"splendid cloak upon:: sevv-d through bis long ll?e the euwotn

,B. tn»t door,



The best way to renew old orebards'
after they have become very decrepit I
and broken Is to plow them up. Re­
set your orchards wHh fresh young |
trees and you will gain more thau by I

„,moooa™, ol - O.r.

anr* as eggs U

il«d with hems, the rtiptk
in ' are^ut lu
ujl. and Ibe_young
id arc eairn as grecna
bM rulKvnlca for centuries.
- i annual valiH- of ibi
eggs.- {

"Scotlsild Vsid U I American faiuers, wbo loo'*
burdock as a "peaky weed."

»>•.* All aeew Tbem.



A sbwT time ago tW f.

-ir. ss;



sr.assse ?.sb


'e E »6 eiEE~'iVBBglBie

)4 s£s=gp5fikslsfl ss&as«&se

Krbca girl-

<■ L OKklUCK.


“-lii !'.Sj(jolI|||||i'5Si«Cf..c».i

wheuse. eorecr ^’aljM j

tinkering ai’h deviiallzed old
This does not mean that in all
down old apple
the coniran', I would lake great rams
u, preaerie the life of an old favortie

H :.lwhind tb<m wfls a hansom
wbuii sat a thickly veiled Udy i
two men.
And tbey drove off.
Copped as

9s* arrlv*] aa4 SSFsrtkcvsftraiBiaATiavane

Bcucwlag Old Orchanl*.

pri,. n-r/mod ti- u,- loUwi, d„ Into
roll -.obo. ■
an . egsni one-bor*e brougham and ; valuable fo<Kl In Ja|«n. The t.-nu.-r

cbuckM fiutcUffa
after Dandy."

Raplto t iDiiui R. R


Rlu. was trembling like s leaf in the
" it Is a btoe held with four
wind, and rasilog a venomous look nt j
smrs—oos star tor each SUie
us swiftly left the, theater.
: where woman suffrage prevails.



n,u;,io_ npparcDtfy bus a fairly good wewknws
and diseases; also
—(innd /trl.rr
F. As etwsp Wine*rhsDV4
bfivers show , men and oexual debility, both Sexes | W*'ptbdj
iBqicr* HsasissAsc,.ou-ldvrablc willlngnea. to accumulate pul Into
h^lthy. strong™ ,
Thls add appears every other •«"___

. iirices. RusKian shipqalekly. Thl. .ah snnears everv other ,—»>
aAWTXKHWAVTFO rarlhrlawt^-pee*.-------------------------------------------------------------------------—
c below the normal. India la
romparntlvely little, and Af- ,; =




by careful removal of the suckers both
from limbs and body. An apple tree

ggarmut^i. ;

i, nilag'.lS

, however, only of seeding trees grafted o’clock, t*. eisei e 4
high. nnS tboroughlv adjualed to iha pubiwa* coaaty«.


that umbrellaa were made to trip up i
on a verdict of gullItedesirlans or to swipe off their eyeg^d then teriW :hi v«rOl causa a holiday bad began. A aotoe
glasses Slid put cut ibelr eyes.
r-KKiK i.urgU.* waa w>NtuM.B.l te.-aiHl
t-blaeae r»aa.
bs robbed bad refused to lenf
Over eMren miliioa fans are rxpbrU him money. Tbit, the Jury dteUred,
vnB a dlMt tooulve u
- Ad to Mt year from Canton. China

dlmate. Many of oflr good orchard va- j
ricUes arc so nsceptlble to cllmaUc
i-hangea and fungoid dUeai>ea that we
ran scarcely expect them to live'








_________________________ .

beyond 36 or 35 year*. Moat «« our ortbards In these days dis oat before |’'“,l.’HoS4s?e*«»in*.yib. SJ-iw*<.aiKo-c!,rk
jj,* end of 60 year^ i own an orchard loeicet • ucicgM
Uiat baa trees still bearing at 197 years roootJcooTrsusaio
. utytAV
orchard plant- j

A. w JABr
•d by whites west of New Eagtond. J




1 C-ocloaMI-CSlcaeo ?raM Rari^

'clt.CraaS ftaijs*.
IT luapcri. how ; Tra.u Icscisg TeaverM- <
bn/Maia. «SD<to*p*clorrsr >or.ras< Bai
HTif I Tratiilc*TlBgTni*ci>cCil
■irat 9»F»
WTTAKTBD-Ootd te*«* w haul kaejutoud 'Tvais icartag TTkcw CKj at.
"^Apj^^Kwt 4l«pcr i™ tirmoA ILmpit* to CWi

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