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The Morning Record, February 15, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
WTMTxaATS ABsan •roar.
Hot Flfht In
Tmt«rdA7 AfUnooa.
»toi|to •»« BIdW
( to aMrAk tor Bs
•toekktoa. rah. 14—1^ SMlkk
MlalDUr »t Sl P»i«nb«rr rDpotoa to*
rMDipl ol » Ul4«ruB troM lA* 0«r•raor of Imim Mtorto. eoor«7la«
VttAaU OMMlTutUM KfMww to* lafoTMUoo rItM hf th« ToBfatM
to ttoM OMsitMM, rrmuto- PMordtof too lAdtoc of »tot «rto apPOTmUj too «r of IWmmt ABdfM
fhrMU af ■MwritofaMw
m4 hta two OOMBMiOIM. Ao f«*Itoto—Warn Tim Tmuato to »o- •r»or toUto toot to kMoootoaltoaff
MU Wito tol fWMrto uxothw
«tM to totoo oototoittooo. 0> ™urood..
tot kottlo. Tto *rot rolo o* tto pro*
▼towqoooUoo voo o PtofToa ftetory.
4* to 47. tol lour too ootio rl«» vooo
oorrtod »1 to 4S. Tkrooto of twooooldorotloo' or* ororrwboro toord. *
Uwlp •Mfloo Uprotoltod toatorrow.
property woo only aUpbtly
Otooral MiUoi^ forao bad eoBplole
ooatrM of tto altMtioa wkea tto P^tAati-EBp*B*ioa Amtndmoat moMlodforMnatla. Tto dlstk Uaitod StalM artUlary oe'opitda poaiiloo
▼Moot fto too BoAOlottow of ito^ftor toe town aad tto Tkaamii eol^ai
aad Bipktooato Ufaatry omptod
MoBmdT. PiwvMtoc for
watoM ooMlrtMtod ky tto rokoM.
mm% la rklUpplooo Mt^ -to
WMto aai Ootolttooa ooO far Boto
Xotorootoef Vtotod •totoo ood to-
will¥t bk dropped.
Tto roll ooll UiU oftoroooB otowto
ooljr fonr obooBtoo*. Oroolv. BMosoto.
BovIm oto toal>7. oqwll; dlridod m
to toeUoft. two kaioil Pio^rM m<1 two
Mtla tod a fow bobobu Idut Ctook/.
PtoCroolto. flotoo In. Tkb U too lorfMt attondnoto otnny twioa olaoo too
olooitoa of ttoopoakor.
Bowolfokai pwBltitac tot orpaalaatMWOfttoMorcMoralaoeloUta k;
ooatlpaoao loeal aoeloilat la . toe aaso
or a<>J>kaka(eoaBtlaa. put on it* pat*
mt* oador tbe taaptaaloa of tot raiet
wato too MBMofMr. McKajr
iwaetod. toot pMUemaa roee aad 44ld:;Md died.
.. w_
Judpe Corbett to the upIt WM defeaind by a rote of fV to to,' ‘
pealBaola oal
doa’t baow aaoaph aboot tob bill} Mary Uolaa. aped TO. waa foaad fro.toe rlee-presldeat aoUop U tto aepa- ] i,u. tru^u, ae,^vh.
M veto.” Ttoapeakerproaptty rapped jet, to death la bar mob on Kirit arefar urdar. daetarinp tor roll eall could i su, today.
; Bade pahlleibroBpb toe Boyne Oitlsaa
The McEoery reMiution *». toeni^j
Rioted la toe local dally
Mt be Interrupted -Oao I eaplala
The city b aaable to bury tu
«y roteT” aaked Mr. Meltay. "Tbe..................... .
paatleBaa eaaaotexplaia fait rou.”
•aaoBaoed tto apeaker. "Caa 1 taake
raBorks oa toe Uii?-‘ promtad MuKay "Nor rapoaded toa apnakar
toorlead lo proceed with toe iaeeetlpaa prepare tbem for local aett Uoa aocordlnp b> toeir beet judgment
and Boat relactaaUy Mr. Mi Kay took tripe to the city cetnelery at Uarl'a
neat, and la due tiae to loake aad to eanvlse tbelr dberetloa la palohb oMt. ataakiap bb bead eiporoaaly | i„d. No burUb hare taken place I
■ of toe talanat aa
“*• “••• ________
I ainc. laat Tueaday. wtea a eoSla lad.a ' beat proinole the lotereeUof tbecltl- lapallpoBibleiaforBttioa repardlap
the irapedy.
OMdellolWayne. latrodimda jolall.tMBer Bade iu laat ttip. There
teaaoftoc tialled Sutea aad toe'nala parsnaaoe to tbeea iaatructuxb
of !"<»«•• 1 were la tbe orpue on Saaday fllty* la Wayoe ooaaty fmoi le.uuo to ki.ww. elpht bodlea awalUup burial and toe Ueee of toe blanda.
toecoBBltiee will employ 4. E: UeaYto bill waa laid orer
•teaoprapher of toe Tbirteeotb
BBBber wat raUed yeaierday to eipbtyjadictal dUtrlet. and aoonapaaled by
Aaioap tto
hlB Mr. 1‘rauaad Mr, Uilberi will po
bare aleo pea. a bill by MoCall W, Brlrate undertakera
.---------------------------j to Boyae City today f .- the parpoee of
coupellMi to dechbb to lusurgents Sot Flr« to
prahlbii the > aaotaoinre aad tale of<«'^‘y
|pettinf at the boli.iin facb In the
eoadnet fuaerala. Thb waa
jease. Tbe memWru or iLc bunllng
Town and Fled.
A4hI1 bylbck to republe toe ratee aeomary. not oaly by toe dlttcalty of
I party alluded to will b.- iolerriewed.
opeatap praref. but by toe iapoMibllfar aleeplag oar bnrtbs la tbb atnw.
Uy ol laduclnp tto drieere of
HobelaOieea 84 Boar, to •arraaderL*®'’sutcaeob'will be ae■ nt The.
. Matte
*!pi»ooanopporinoiiy to aUie all tbry
to. »oatoa aad Petrel Bombarded ,
of the clrcuB.aU.OM aad to aid
Lbe Oily.
| la toe.lneeatipailoa.
tto purpoMi to huira^ a teapi. to hold j ^^telde,*^.™ ^hae. be^ toa^
Maaila, Keb. 14.—Iloilo baa beea
-------------------------M*MUon.. etc KMd.B alU reiueB- ^bo„^
Ukeo. UMeral Miller pace toe aaUeca Ort*WaWs Patoer Dead.
^rporu l«,» all clUe. .loop toe tweaty-toarboBn la which to aarrea* Beaaape .rrired yeaterday aa-:
der toe city. They retuaed to aarrea. nonaelap toe death of Mica Oaylc
tto fund creatod under thb
ah ;
^^roaph to. .oath abow a a^.l.r der, proeoked a battle before Ute|0®‘»"“'^'“ falber at Vcrm-tatrllle,
MM-towltoto.fuada Mr. ElobboA^,u^.
twenty-four boura wore np aad wrra'**‘®^' M>itUrUwuld b auauprapher
__ bi______b. ■_
—. aara be wuiU the bw repealed Do|d,j*,^
teleprapblc eoBBualcn- wblppedt
for toe kl._u_.li..
Meroaatlle Coapany.
In -L
abort order.
•bea eoB. ecb.BB rabna fundi baaBl |
iloyea of tbe atore <
waatwouphtbereby toepnafaoat Pet
oa tab law and puna off with It be Bay
m, alao
rel, wlblch Ared the Aral pna in toe •yopatoy by aeadlap beanUfnl Bopere
to clBobed for fabe preteam.
to tb« bereaTod fasl'y.
Oolby of Wayae ptopnaea to atop EBKMI OXTMS tA.OOO TO TOOA
Aa aooa aa tto tiMaport benrlap re- ._^ v
itorMB.au reached Uea«M Miller
bribery and pulltlual oorrupiloa by aaOrokar
bat toeUaern Uliy Uu
laat Friday, and be bad beea pirei
OBfUap toe laker of a bribe from ounVpwlto $15,000.
lailructtona of Ueaetal Olb, he landed
bbmeat Tto law now maklnp It c^oal.
ly cnailnal to pit. or lake a bribe
New York, Eab 14.—Jamae R. K'ree toe aatlre eoBBbtloaer. who were re rUatonH feral”.
♦peratua tv orvU>ct both frua eapoanre. toe banker, eeat bit check for Si.uuo turned from Manila. He aeota cob.
to a carloto of I 1
am <
br tbra to toe tnaurpent
draft btiraea I
llhepberd of Cueuuynaa aotleed a bill 1 •* Mayor Van Wyck today for tbe rewblcb. if it boooam law. will preaUy I
foot. Suoo after Richard leader at Iloilo calliopupoa him toaartold at prloea which everybody
aSucl the laterauU of tbb tutc
wrote eat bb peraoMl check tor render wltola iweaiy-tour bourn, aad
reach who aeedi a ptod aaitnal Call
atock.at tbe
aeeke to proteei tto leBaialap'roreaU 1
ehalrinan of the I
“t** *® *»*«. any daaonlivery and aalce barn of Georpe
aadprue.dtoaforBUy ooBBbaioa io'8'“»®* ooatwUte. of IbBBaay haf*® « W ooaducl
Caraa (formerly Geo. Molr’ki on
aeetodvlnp tob
| wrote out aaotber check for Plo.ooo.:
belllperMt operatloaa.
a». U. 4u»os
'BbstoaU and *
^ I Mayor
Van Wyck
.icea a am toraaaeef
— waa
------------- by
r tola.''
— i.a
tto lepal rate of latcrnal la tobatot* to \ pavae that tto Sit.ouo would be tondrd : *
> ebaace to oee a Hoe of aoBolaa rep
Ate per vent. It u ctalBad tar iBproe- orrr to hla to be need lor tbe aame !
reaantlop. AMO.OOO atoek of uilor»U.|—Mr. K—Ikir-l -«"b d— 1.
lap ooBdliioBa joeiify ibw rediu-Uon.
madeaulU. aklrla, eapea aad jtckeU
bated for.
*vd tbe crultia oar’ ICirak Deaartmeetoa Wedaes________ ■ . _
er Beaton took tor aUUoa at toe otoer
toaator Sawyer propma a atiaewtot'
nay. F<
'eb. It. The U wtou Store.
aoeel beeteapar bbl by the protbMMu
<>< town.
of wblcb toe beet prower b to 1.'
-----------Friday paaed qnbtly. Durinp toe BeftSuafataACBiopi
■ I'aie-a" Cbicapo WatDe Bouae. too
oae-balf aad toe aupar Baaufaciurcr ’
***. BlUwortb Penad Dead day aany refupeea left town. Tto aaFront atreet.
aaa ball of tto bounty on aupar Bade
la B<4
I }ortty were taken aboard foralpa toipa.
from bi-ru Mr. Sayer alao wania a
Mra Mary K:kswortb. aped nearly ;^'f 1^® tinitod Sutra
. pe.-.tl t ua uf to B.UCU per barrel on niurly-toree, waa found dead in bed !
llinmlaaUd toa town aad debeer aad prvridea how tto prveaeda of at the home of her daupfater. Mra. will-,*•“•••
________ __
imioa that
that to.
toe rebel.
rebel, were:
Mr. Kll.worto 'waa ___'.,..,,^;ed
retarkabl, ~ to Ito ll»toa
The bUI wbk-a <
« toe four
f®**®*- Th. Petrel
townabipe-ta Crawford____________ -ell aad act... aoUl about two mmk»'
ukeam with
a,!.- U..„ u
aad detorwiaad to have ii
<0.1—«. >•;'—P..7 ~
I part of toe balldlap were aaved. but
-ho., fro. ,h.
, Thfrl‘:--To-*.’'-"’:, ui^. “"‘i-'r'f“ atrlpea over the fort
and hb
Wbtoler nutioud a bUto NpulaU : la a well
, known
towktap aad peddlmp i. uu
j f*«a*lj *l*®aat UiaptoB, The loan b
dbc prvMBt Uw <« that aubjeev bkvlap ®**"‘*^
' been UBUlariy
TbU plaee
-Ima declared uBLuuauiuilouat i., hj.
. j kaoWB oa tor Foa pUte.
-tdectaloa Tto__
Urinaa alao p.vre nollk-« ol a -Jl to^ .
. '—Z1—
uad oa toe blpuwaya of tab auto
IB tto prtee.
•U'lt )
md took pdaaeeaion of tha place.
Tba marlaea aadaoldimuabora then
troeeedad to toe ual| of uvinp tto
Eoplbb and OarBi
aalatoa troB Are. Tto Bwtaa coaaal'a
raaldaaoe. U tto mat* row aa toe ooaMilatM noBto. waa bamed. Tbe as" " a and-uUve aectkBa at tto
dtolcoyaA, bat ter^pa Bar-;
New Curtains
Those felt ones with s(»in£r rollers—all ahades
BTMdAktinB OommittM Will
Waablartoo, Pok. li.—Tto toaoto
Oo To Boyn* Olty.
tocaa Ita totalon today wito only alaa
toaatoto prootoT Tto otoaia wan do- AatooMaad at Olitaowa* MaMla* to Pro-'
Terrlbl* BUU of Affair* la layod ky tto anew, but tuaprUd la tUI
ooadVito Saqalry aa to Xtoatoof
^odpa Oork.-U-Oirealt Oaort *MaI Mr. Attwart ol Netada took tto doer
Ofraptor Headaraoa- WiU AoeOB-1
IU oppoaltkB to tot MeBaery rcMlatloa
paay OoBBlttea.
Uabarlod | and la faror of rtUlelap tbe Pbllippiaet. Mr. L.lo()kay of-Keotaeky aad Mr.
la rotpoaao to tto call baaed tkero '
■teaail of ai^oalty la BTntk*~t
watapood attoadaBMof loeal attomOoMttoilM — T^tao Dalayod aad
, aye aad ciUeeai at too BteUnx lo toe
Ttltprapkic vOoaaBnatoaUOB latorthe Baeoa ooonell rooa yeotorday Boratap. Tto
ftnwd Vito.
oblect waa to eoaler with toe opBali-'
UooooabUopof S- a Pratt. P. a OilNow Yoto. Pak. 14.-NOW York to ,
UnliedAtaloabarobydiSelalBtaaydb- btri aad 4. A. Loraopar. who were ap.'
day oa>oyM> - too Am toaaklao tloet
poelUoa or Inteetloa to o«o(aise per-j poiatto to lo<,alra iato tto cireaBotaa-'
PrMkay. bat tot city b tUII eat off for
Boaeat aorerelpaty. jurbdlctloa or Um earroaadlap tto death of toe Ute I
tot Boot part f roB rail oonBualoaUoa. ooatrol orer tbe blaadt. aad aaeertt I j«dpa Corbett.
An atioBpt wai made today to toad
diumluu... U.U ..... .ubl. j
awayapoiUoo ol tbe bbIU piled la
ladepaadoat portraBeat b erected ctolrBon aad T. T. Bam aeereiary. 1
tot poatofUata. Tto priooe of provlThe ooBBitmatadea report of toei
eloueaeTtrl - * "
letuU of toeir laeeetipaUoai ae tar ai'
they had propriiiil aad eubBitted the:
wfur pakaiup it touaP'out that lUy ®®®"‘®A preoedtnp bar deavb, nM fell fuaUlada. Tha Boaton and i‘atr«l tbea
Bala body of ibe inaldeab aaoBed to ' *®'®®P
»“r®ad apata.
I tba iwbeb- tiwaebM. mob
•ppooe the dikaolutuw and paaaed aj
'or.Bpletolyclearlapto«iB of ttolr ol4 at Pouch. .
ueoluuoatu rrcnil the bin froB tto ‘
tto time
tlnu \ia***m
id' ,!
K »e
dinoa tto ad
SooB after the bombardBent bepaa
>oaraB«at tbr bill bad ——■ both ‘ **^*'*““
““ “*
amee broke oat U variona parta of
t toe town. TtoraapcB toe Fonrto ma-
Ten Tear Contracts
Sobscribers Mt| Ctiecl
at ead of aix Boatoa or ebaape
to any elaM of aerviee at will.
Telepboae tto laaaaper to eall
aad explain new ram adoploa by
Michisai Tclepbone Cn.
good cloth ones on Hartshorn spring roUera selling
at 22c.
PrevenU the sun fading yonr carpet and
makes the room look cosy.
I aao Front St.
“City Bookstore.”
SU Ualna Straet.
Talepboae No. 41.
The Finest Stock Funeral Goods
Xb Xrozt^wr-a. *f1nniw ii.
Bat kept out of alpbt eaUl Doeb a tlae aa wanted.
Everybody Likes
The Kimball Pianos and Organs.
Finest in tone, finish and workmanship. Good
stock of fine ymall instruments.
Look in on us.
235 Front Street
___________ NJ^STRONE, ManagW
To clean up odd slaes ot
Jaros HygieniG Underwear
W, frffvlt kmonr nuiny othw dMldkd
■mdantar buckliu at
1-4 Off Regular Price
This for a Short Time Onl>:
Made by Micblpaa Telepboae Co.
for any data of aervica dealred.
—seH at ten cenU—Then we have a big tot of those
{ Supply your future wants now—There Is
only one 4aroe and none
other so good.
I Hamilton Clothing Co.
ran vovvnra
to kMtartapaiaaaa Uipk lakool
ma. awd at tka oad poa will ka batim «ttad for aap protooatoa- If poaaiWaokMrotdtotraaiUokoalaa lllarafT
dipiaa. aad to' tkat tlMkaaalaaOM of
pfatalM w(U ko adl aaator. da
wBunsPAT.FBBKUAmTU. isse
arc laaalaaMa.
TV*, poaa* ataa oatartapa paal a
J, W. Uammkm. Idltor u4 IfMHfw. •toa tooap kail praparad or paoiip
apalppad to aara to ka laft kaklad. Tka
baWtofoarraatobaarratiaa. of taafac
acarptklar aad cf aaklap at laaM
XMt Brplaa Today. '
a mMUl aou of It to aaaMtla} to tka
The Lraiaa aaaaoa beclaa today.
praetitloaar. la pretratoopa) work
------------Uto bBlBf dak Wadnaaday. la Grace
aacaMary to laara meek ttoat la aol
AbPOltttP JTPOPPPlQr for Mora Kptooopal eaarck aarricaa wUlbabald
Vvchkk tok&b-AX«V\ eo\«rv.
obulaad Iroa koaka ar ptraa to
o’clock Ul* moralap aad Uto
School tooom.
' aaaalBp at halt paat aataa. Baerpoaa
I'raetlaa ia aaatap bow maah pop «m
1^. to Utltad to atuod tbaaa tarviow.
taka ta at aftapaa- la tka aaadlnal Soaid of Sdaeatioa^OowBltt
OMfuatoa fcatUbaaa of auaaar. a*«cMad tkat Oaar.^wded Ooodi
The Para la Ortapa Oara.
paUp wtok auflMwta. uet la daaliap
IVara to ao aaa MtSariap troa* Uto
HOB Koat ka Baliavad toatora
wtU tka oraraaBaltira aad torttabla.
of tea aaeompltob m«ra tkaa raai
Tka erowdad eoadlU]^ of Ua pubUe all throupb yoitr body, poor lifer to o
Dr. Bawlp rrfwrad to tka < ■da of
rt«(WW M« M
>haol boildian of Trareraa Cil* wiU
Or. MItokaU. wbo -- "Waao
Tka irivMM t* Wfm Md* bjr
batora Ua bepuplag of
^ „p, Klaf’trie Bill
AmHm* liMal Md Wir« OM»pMf took apoaawaaa
a tor tka 1to tka onlr remedy
tba aaat urm,
imedp that will plfayoul
«CwtoM4M«<ipU9«Md»k«i it k wbtob ,wa wore wiU a> iTe aad
aad feora relief. Tbep act dlraoidlp iacreaaiaf ear«:ii
aDdiaWwbieh waca«t. wsU mo
i»iilJin< tk»i thU mem k *p '
ready maap of tka _______ rMUpoBjpoor Urer, Stoamckaad Kid-]
«f w • tr»M «*• attMiUcHi of vorklof law Uoapkv oar drap* '
_ tka.pro'rraaoa.
—- .
Will W »t oaea awraokad. Waaaaa
Mtaioar wlU childraa. aa UayawI Grawa to Uylap U dar.w
eorr <>r price rcfoix
iMti ara eraciud wi(k kai^ tka
eiekpaopU are idaeUcal maap timaa. ] Uka earw^ Ua papUa properly, la
»Waal«a.i^ p™
g^ua to radaaa ratkar thaa ratae
bakaaetU poar work aa poaalbla aad order lo ajbaldar Ua mauar of extra
la ooaaaaUoa «ttk tka aa
I oa aeboolaaad
I early ia
■n~TT----- 1 rafarradtio a tow took arputoe kaWia of i
teaebara aad bolldtapa aad rroaada npa kenm ter Mia
vroaa of lataraa
A pbyalaUa doaa i
Mi leal aipht wiU Ua aaperiotead-1 1 bare Juat amred with a carload of
Tka adaaaoa to
1 aa lOpar eeary dap of bto liia aad bto a
•LMa da; «aa aai
from Uaai
«aiti«om;la;aa « .
alee aad ealf-MortlM map aatypropasbool bui.diac
xi.diac la Ua ToarU . reach wbo aeed* a pood aalaial. Call
fS pae «•■». aad to aaployaa
aad laapaet tbi* Paa atock.
arip ba
WtU tkat of Ualwsrd, but aaoalp liu from tbat ward
iinlrr trom «t.M to >t M par dap, *
Itvary aad aelea bora of Grorpa
j arc attaadlap Ua oUer acbooto Uat
par Mat Ttab U aa iaaraaaa of
eo. toolrV
" ■
BOt bare yoa faal tbat tbara | idea wUI ba abaadoaad for a Uma. Bat
■ O. Jasm
tokMk; tkU oaa eospaa; of aaarl;
to aot every raaaoa wby a pbyalelaa ‘ ihc crowded eoodllioo of Ua bolldlars
tUM.MOparaoaaai. or *S paroeai
I'all wr B(1 br IrIruboDr Ku. IVI. le rail a> U *M roar bk->rlr aed bare li tnit lb
•boald raeelva a loit raaompaaaa for [m*ke« more room ab.olutai; .aieamary. .fttoOaly pUw
At tka profarradaVwk of tka oowpaa;‘iar*.i“ro\Si.Tu‘S.‘
btoacrrloa wbaa bedraie ariU paticatal TbaCaatral. Boarumaa AfaaDo and ia the oity for Prat olara order eookWklak raprraaaU Moaa; iaveatad
aKiSri. lur CB. Tkr nnljr ut>
bir>*->r wrka Id ihf
^ Tka aoapaa; tkat makra tkk ad- wboara BoaBclally able. Bart, of l.to ‘ Bimwood areoue tolldiaca arc aoofer Ij***^***^' ai'catioa to at the
r> WiUcKr jou lu-rlart >ai..>lio-Uuii Ici bulldluc, rr-painar or rBaaM-lin« or no
#WM la irarra ooBir U ika barbad- work to for bonaat wacar. aad a pari j erowdad that before promotmaa
la f Ifiair ef bto beat akill aad Umc U mada aomo proviaioa moat be made for---------------------------------------- ---------------vtra. rod aad aall btuiaoH of Ua eooB
huperliiUodaut Orawa Do yoU koow tbat VOU Can
lap. M> daMDd waa made oa tbr Uoac wbo eaoBot pay. At V role a new pupito.
I to poorly .paid for bto ear. baa beea atudpibr Ue problem aadj
Mklpaa; bj tia aaipl^aa. Tka
euacludM tbat tbe beat plaa would l-a
buy a nicc Oak
••apadraaaad mmgm aimpl;
Oae miMt reallae-Uat a prweUtlooer'e W build exieoaioua oa tba Blmwood'
•f tka proaparoai li««a Boai
life to more or leaa beaet wlU bard- aad Boardmaa btcbm baildiii(a.
l■pflT^^l1 nader tka Olacie; law aad
ablp aad erca daarer. HU elecp to la- tubmiUed M the oummltUea laat aif bl
•IMtor tka proapacl for taoraaaad
terferM wlU aad bto mcato koow ao a caarral plaa W eorer ckUaaioo* for
tl paar tkera a
to tka fatara. taal
regularity. DaaTera abouad ta bto both. Tbe kuneatioa locliidee a fourdaaiaad from Baropa aad
aarfleal work.
room cxtcaaioa oo each. Bp Uto adoi- j
itola tor wtra fooda aad aalLa. Our aaKirat aad foreatoat Ue rmlaamlnp tloo rMo would oe mada for aew pu-j
porta of eat. wira aad olkar aalla
of medleai praoUoa to Ue aav pile aad couogb apere room galaad to!
psooktad to sl.ti: MO pouada la itM
Ubl four Of Bre yrara. Bp Ue adupuon |
M apaiaat ti.an ouo pouaiU ia iaV7 aad
b so sb
I aaflBf life aad rellefler dtolreaa
of UeaucifcaUoo pkcvaalb and eliffaU-i
fl4lT.ouOia IHU*. la Daeamber. If»7.
A phyak'laa le truttad
>. J grade would be added to Uoardman ,
•praaporta of wIra amouatad to lu.wlUbald
Ia Itaeawber, lad*.
I Kt atoo bare for aale laad* for good farm*.
SptwItkBtaadiac tka dia(arbaDi-*a la- balp but ieoreaaa in Mif raaprcl wkea ! wood afaaur. Tbu plaa would rciicre
iidiol to war, oar esporia of wira wara aa rcaliBBs bow aacura Ua mrj iritp of i Ue preaaurc. aod iba oomraltica could
ppa-kkif larpar. or is.au.oeu poaada people feel la Ulllag Ueir troublea Ui|mm3 aooiber wap out of Ue dilUcuiip.
Ihe auggrtUoo* were diacum.-d
Wt have a fine Hot from $si
Opr aaporta »r wira la Ihm amouatad bim.
Thera to ao oobler. ba
length aad tbe eommittee* Boallp de
toM.tU MU pouada, ia 1XV7 to lla.aat.upwards.
PPO, aad la iai<. to i.n.tiM.uuu
TbU Bor aap truer wap of • -ting God or cided to aubmit a report to Ue board
•pttoof iaaraaaa eslaadad to all the man Uaa Urougb Ue medical prole*
t. a^dc
lag farorablp la betipktar maaufaataraa of troa aad lUel. aloe la regard U Ua rat|ulreiuanu
of Ue
U plpn kuggraled.
toptak tba baaU for Ua baaadu wbleb for aatraace lalo reoogBiced uiedieal
ppw arc acenilap u tka Amarlcaa aebooto, carp few diffrreaoea eilat ia tbuoght tbat tbe cxteaaioDa mcoUoaad
tba demaadt of reputable iaatllutioa*. would coal BAOIM each.
Houae FontiBhing Store.
Today a four-year oouiae of niae
New Store. 120 Front Stieel.
moaUt each to required to oblpin Ue
lb* Harrto-Kouod bfuptiala.
dfTrea of U D.
Yeeteiuap Btorning at Ua o'clock Ue
Tba aoal of aa-.b a ooaraa depeada aupiiato which made Ur. Uarrp Uarrto
A s
n.... A.,
where aod how you go. briag and Uto* Marion Bound man and wife,
A. 8- Rowley QaTa An „ot jam Uao kuwo aod aaarer
look place at tbe borne of tbe parenU
Dr. Bowlay Imprmied upon all proapre- of the bride. Mr. aad Mra. Kicbard
Able AddraM,
Ura medleai •ludeaU Ua secatallp of Bouad. TbeepUeopal marriage ceremoap waa performed
Serfa Aadiaaaa of Touag Mam^rofltmedleiae
Tba profeaaloa welcomea WcItoiaUepreaeaeeof oalp Ue im
•d by tka Kaouladga and Xaparlgood m*B.
mediate relatieea of Ua ooopla
gwea <)f Oec'of Travarm Oiiy'aTromla cloalag hla addrea* Dr. Bowlrp happy pair were atteaded bp Ur
toaBt Touag rbp»lclaaa.
aald be bad dueouraged ao ooe iaU-ud- Koued. brother of Ue bride,
Tka tourik af Ua acriea of laeturaa lag to drrola the aaemiary time to tbe maaaad Ue groom'* atoter, Mtoa Lon.
far yonaj! mraarraaged by Prof. C. T. nady of madlclai*. and wbo to prliaar- Harrla a* brideamald. Tbe bride wa*
Orawa a a* girra la*l ereaiag ta lip fliiad la body, mlad and eioral* for prettily arrayed In cadet bli^ aerge
Dadtoa' Ubrary ball by hr. A. N Bow- tbe peculiar aa well a* arduoua dutice with pink kilk front and carried bride
And othera Wh«n yon wknji the beet aek tor
roae*. The decoration* were caraa)ay, aaaU'Aktauperi'aUadeat N rUera of a phpalciaa.
Tbe lecture
UoD* aod bpacioth*. Tbe preaenl* were
Tba aitatiiUeea waa larger ^baa at UediOculllee met with aad Ue re uiBop and ueeful a* weli a* oruameoul.
lumedlatrlp after me ceremony Ue
aayot tkc proiuiw Irclurc*. Ik^ be ward* of auue«m. It wa^ aa able. Ic. . and
.groom aad relative*
lag oae i-uodred aad a.veoii^-alae BUuctire aod lBlen*e:p lolermliag ad- bride
which the young men fortun- j down to a *plendid wedding breakfaat _ ,,
poaac men |•rcacot.
totbeBrhtof bit adiim* Dr. Row- ate eaoBgh to hear it will profli.' prepared aod »erved by T. U Collin., Bekille M.ld
wbeUer Uey uke up Ue atudy of j proprietor of the gaeea Ciiy Ke*Uu. ' ■"
lay aUtad
rank 1%e menu wa* ae follow*:
latea the dlfHcultia* wbleb ooo- medleiae or aoL
u. Hull bbrU
ught/ul itudi-nt when
aiumpllng to dekdr wbat bto life
grird arullupu a I* Bull rv a bMel
KrrdOtlkof tbcGuelph Pateat Caak
WOrkehallbr Ttie pmblrm. hr **td.
Co., nf Honor, wa* in towaoa butineaa Hakrd t'uiuior.
tavolrt* too marb for oae ki pa** orer
lliBut t uuo* Turkv> •
Prr*..* Pruu .
; tirvuurU LvKu.-r - VkU-k<-* Suiud tlu>uuUr
It aaretr**lp. tru.llog to luck or ^c*iWilliam llkbbler of Uke Aaf wa* in
Pmaa Cake
4aa«* lor a b*ppp tot^r
NukpolituB In- CremB
towB yekterday
•omc bop* wbo eater bnaiaem bon*e*
Manly C. Dodge went to Maneeleaa Uraagru
•MM to dr.ft Ullber wuboat macb
VMitation. nr wita tllUe ikougbt aa to
i Uati) March firat Ue newly wedc-ed ]
luKeldentAlly to look over bto ebaaee* la I
couple will rrkido with U* par- I
tka oateoae.
Antrim eouatry for Ue elrcail judgeAaopeDlog bsa -oeeorred aad Ue
|enu of the groom, oa Kc*t kevenU *
yaaag ataa l.aa beea lorilad to «U It.
jatreeb They will then go tu Umaba ^
rred Uayae of Charlevoix, wa* in |
to ioam In.uoeea, however. Ue yoang
I tor a few weeks before aettlieg in 4
Ue elty yesterday oa'. bn*laeaa and to
[Ueir aew borne ia Jdsbo.
•Mbaebp bia peiaoBalltp craetad a
flaaee over U* etocalt judge altoatloa. |
4aaaad fur Ito aervieea
A Mmirow X
Dr. Tilt, the veterinary cargaoo, went
Bat tka Mac to far dilTareat to Ue
Tbaakfvl word* writlea by Mrs. Ads *
jmU la tearch of profrmiooal reward*
B. Hart, of 'Jrotem. ti. D. -Wa* Ukea <
Umg aad weary yeara of preparatory ,
witb a bad eold wb'.eh kottledoa rap '
ot la sad fipsliy leruiia- |
•erk are before bim. aad for Uto rea-1
•At. T K4VM
J. «. lUm
the food nora MdoM MdwMewMM
lawd. j
*1 wvAs a lawd. j
1, VO, \b, \8, tSc. I
-♦ H. B. OIBES ♦-
I The Practical Bicycle BDilder and Repairer;
Writing Desk
3n(i Book COSOi^c are buying in large quantities and pay highest prices.
combined for only
Wc I
II Sound Hemlock Lumber, Maple Flooring
and Sliofi Maple Wood.
z J.W.Slater Remember
There Are Two Kinds Of Flour-
l( Gives
Hannah & Lay Go’s.
Rose's Pine Eipectorant-25 cents-for coughs ood
- Fish! Fish! Fish!
For the Lenten Season.
Lent commences Wednesday. February 16th, and we
have laid In an extra fine atock of strictly No. 1 Salt Hacker-
' daughter wbo to atleading tbe oon••It. bto rekouroM. and komelbtng
teeat of tbe obatacle* to be eoixinei
Mu* Julia froTSBcber to preparing
•d before Ue final decliiuo to madi
..trf .... ,i.«,
“1 1“
•aeb bitwcompciition la bu*ii
nbao aaplui > WiU ust ead la view.
pivalry in profraaiuo*. it boeomee vary
ktart along Ue linea of
srofk fur whhb one 1* be*t fitted
.special Cooclav* of Traverse City
oui Ilf erery on- haaimmaadery- No. ii will be held Uto
gredsladisuwhiiaeek higher edaea
eveeiagat 4 o'elo.;k aban* Work la
Ho* beeoise medical atudeau at naee.
TV. a-v.».*-mect in the medical pro:
be «lr KuigbU
.,1 „.1.______..
; *»*•
Bnigbu will be promptly on ;’
gave me up, aaylng
*Kg I1 eould live but a
kbort time. I gave rapaelf up to my
Savior, drlcrmii.ed if I could not kiap
with my friend* on larU, 1 would meet
r abeent one* above. Up hnkbaad
A advleed t« get Dr. King'* New t
eoverp for Conkuraptiuo, Congha ai
Colds. I gsve It B Dial, look in 1
eight bOtGea. U ba* cured me. and
thank God I am saved and .
well and heaUbv
to rte. St K. B
el. No. 1 Bound Shore Salt Herring, Pickled Salmon, Smoked
Salmon, Canned Salmon, Smoked Herring. Smoked Finnan ^
Haddies, Domestic Sardines, Mustard Sardines, Imported
Sgrdines, Canned Lobeters, Shrimps, Boneless Smoked Herring- and don’t forget our Oysters—all solid meats.
Give us a call The plica-—
«■.«. s,,™.
termian ep. • hi* peofea. oust caroer. | Traverse Bap Hive. No. 7|. Tbnrsdsp CUtkSB fislad
M-ld b- pint or,a.rt b> prl-nM f.ul- i
AUba**' edseatioa to aeomaary to’atSp. m Member* see reTuMlAd to
linn KnUMinn ninil. nn,^l.
hn«r net *> wug maa * trail*. Some be preaeat as there to ImpoitoBt baal»•■—*« to at w-a-k Bcoa eaeb one aad j aesa to be traameted.
|>5^ o^Tfi\cVv\5^tu
I SROTi,3Tw\vXe®sS\on«;s j
A to»Mfe at Ut BMt*
'aab DaMara awd n.ltraf«
1>a Bcraadlu wUl «Ha a aoeial' Acnrdlair to tbr rr-port «/ a racrpt
daaoa U tbatr kAd oa Tbanday aaae- (swr^olaoial medkal Ct«fmarr. poblay. HaUab orahaalfs wiU taralab lt*bed ia Tbc lourruktaial Mi*dical
Jotmal pf Anstralia. one of ibr tbraatba aiaak.
__ ______ _____ _____ ___________ .'
• twek
lire, ia a uiaaiiua
Thara can ba ao atroafar aaldeaea of ^ wgr^b Cd.oou. at>d hi» wife own* mad
«ood loaaacaBaot t^M appaaia Id tba rau a rue* hi«e. Aiivtbtf i* a niited
aUlfiBV mada by Tba Ftiat Natlobal clrll aervaal, o» aSa« a row of coUayea.
Baak aad prtatad la tbb aasbar. It, vbo. while takiay bit i#dia.irr atteadladiffi.:iUtto appr«!iata tha beoett a ««Kr fr«ia hi^nl jb doctor at tbrecpeoce
I tba rartoaa a week, dun Dot beaitatetolwvairaiaraa !
oficea of a atrooy tiaaoclal inaUtatloa aa a cuoraliiun' (ae wbe« be rwiiiirea I
, fviber advice.
aad a ataady yrowth of al
One of the medical mm makiny tbie
of Ita boalDM la awaranoe of a wall report has att.wded as ex-suror with
attbattM&BaaHe paid him about
vu. ;
ty baa ia It.
*iw vuib afid _________________
MutU»- ruMf^. «m Ob^I/ cquumM l^l' t* UndM. iCar. > atday. by wbleb tba Maabiaa l««bar
• of tbe Sarebi
w«b#el«aaat Iba aw-1 Laabar Oo. aa» Bill plaat. aad salt
nocatatbaUattadilraUiraaebweb tt|w«ka. Tha Baraka eowmaj »ku(
waa dUcovarad W ba oa Sra ia tba l«fb ] dowa laat Jaaa, ba*l«V eat lu laat lof.
aad bafora Ua i>nrbB>ttaa eaatd «al, Tba aa« orraen will raa iba plapt to
•BlBoataoftbaplaatiarrBf fall. ByUa'iU failcaaaeily a«» aaaioa. baata*
BTOBptaeUoaof tbaetitsaatwUbtbair'ilBbar aaaafb iaalfbi lo raa boU
to UtlMalbbaca. U wpa pat oat »Ub I «ailU for ataay yeaia.
Tbaio wlU ba a ranlar drtll ^f tba
»»> ond
W 1#* 4mW » U» •!.».*.
j <Mi
» «k. traw. .<
a w,^k. Aoutberharatteodtauk no.«axer, twc hwwerw aeveral
Barry dfpotd. acad at. a wall kaatra Bay City. Tba raaca la tba kltebM of; Ba^ Btflm tbb aeoolay to If^t,^11 to do ►t.-rvlcTiv n ami. guod maov
tbcnrUia tarmar. died Hatardv alybi W. B. UtaUaa. Birhth htrMt. blow ap ara’ bail. A faU attaadanc
attcodnl a
Wd bla wlfa diad MaMay olybt. . yaatcrday
moratoc. wraektoc tbc
aertptloaelarktotbadrac atora of & man w.uih fr.nn t».i mm u, fso.oon.
daabla faaaral will beheld today.
raapa. Injartoy tba hired rtri. apd aaW
>aof Bd. Walt wko b
Uey Are to iba^m; bat tba blaM
WOliaai Kaaaar of baad Baaeb. baa
tlaa wiltba
' Irwk of aalara ia tba taWpa of a calf waa «|ulekly qaaaobad. Tba tanra la'
aril! wm* i>n>Trd at A K.mK), yet be had
withoaa body aod tbiaa baada. two thaboaaeof AldarmaaUmoiit.fuartk| Tba Kelly Sbtoflc Oo. of tbb ally Btteoded bim and bU famil[y fur IS
tally daralop^ »1m lac«. aad two
b]oria« tha blrad \ baa baaa orral
orraplccd tola a aorpotatloa
There are payni of tbeae aumplen.
I wlU a caratalataek of «t0.000 aad artTV yaara' Waa of amoetotkm baea baaa died with aad tbe nnlvereal textlmory
At daabaoa tba will of tba iaU Bd.
buna fide wtHrini^man. the
ward 4. Ooaaabla baa baaa Blod for old aad a raaUaat of Baalou Harbor.' tba aaetalary of auta.
pivper club patient.
toelaatly kUlad hr a Vaadalb'
Attar proeidlar amply for
le well to do |«ni
Ma widow, all tba raaidaa of bU prop trala to that oompaay-s yard ia Bt.
Mr. aad Mia. VicUw Hetartyl. died'
»^>tcul are trmiUew.me and
arty, wblek b aald to amaaat lo waay Joaapb Tkaold mb wai aomawBati.^,.^_______ _,ii *rv.. «_____ I
: exactlnx toa dt-Kree. Uoe doctor ure
^ j
*••■»?>•«< more,
lew tbankfol
dbaaaaad dullara. b r*ea. eaa-tbtrd to deal, aad It b Boppoaad that ba did aot
fb-i-dl- moratof at W. ,»d alwaye have abides they atv not
Albtoa CaU«ca aad two-tblrda to tbe bear tbe approa^tog trala.
At Obarleroix £*kc Miahina b fro*-'
■“'■OKb fur their money." wbib
Vtebl«aa ■atbndbt towfaraoee tbaia
^ TaU '
l>l»i«*titvly a<bb: -Tb.- wife yenermm» from wbbb b to ba aaad for tb.
i. w—
• o"i"w> •* tboram from •!■.' topi you waiting a quarter .d as
baaaftt if wan oat wlabMa. Mr from Baaver IMaadbbatoc braarht
boar to tbe drawing rcou while aba
<teaaWa waa ao aaele of Balph >»•
r tba ba on foot.
aabb of Traewraa Cl\y.
-Ill M,
I,» I., Italic,.,.,..,..
m..lFraah aawmaaa, a yoaat Uarmaa IhahMtUakneh
tha rmldatioe of her dM(ht«^Mra. M. UmduB MuiiutoL
dinner w at tba
farmer Iblar aear Vaaaar. wblla the
5M tf.
K. Back.attoVtoek.
r waa » below taro.
e lee riatew.
aariytay apall of water to «a«b band
The iw Ilivs uf ili.-Mie. mTi areprohto tbe ban. loataad of aattiny down
i.alOytbe ]>rvuiivt and nw»1 extraurdioas pall to open tba door, ha took tha I
• onry ibat flimt opun md .\toeriian rlrer.
(ddfaablaaedlraa latch la hU month ^
^ Aaicetlui- in the Mi»iw|>pi. m long
aad triad to rabe Uia toicb with hb I
a it Boutv and tbe wealhrr ia cold, betearaa. «oa-balt Inch of tba toapae ‘
.im«* iilwaya largi-r. It ImitdH oat from
waa loft OB ibatotob
the idg.i.. Hnd hi a lew buani it will
increxM- iimny f.at in di«m.tor. So
About midnifht Malt Core, a promi
h i. r tl.f liruad and aJet-pv Sow of
aantcUbeo of Baalmi Uarbor, waa
Mrs. Btmona of Blue Spiioca. wba to , Jouraal that on April lo. lei6. the ibar- the Mi«to.ip,.i.
auuek by an alaetrb ear and died a few aald to be li<J yaara old. baa Joat re. mometor at that place marked i> daIt If attuth<T aort of ice fl.w ihnt
* . hoan talar.
vovarad from aa alUefc of tbe (rip
(reea below cero and that on May a of Suatatia the Mi*e.mri. f.w the Miiwoori
OaMtiaBMvof tbe atoamsr
--------- ------Tboaaaadadf ruAge boiuea are aald tbe mine year tbe akatinf was excel- banoiiierwirtofriter. UTi.-rethe Miakiwupiii fioWH fn.m tw.. to three uiilta
•toSurd. wbteb U loeboaud two milealto be atarvioy to death to eaatom lenton tbe pooda around Bi((aviUa.
an bonr
a nuraial i lunni vclm-n
oatabrepatof Kraabfort. walked to j<ira(ca and-wttA aery few eseeptlona i with tbe
g w-vm a
•a tbe ba. Ba asyi that ia hb aojafa | tbe ownare of boraea aad eaub bare naaiwM- i
baoweoaauied only two mUeaof open' Aiapalred of aartof mom than aamaU : u_i_
ii. i.WM.piug . vcnly and ew.mthlv. I
— ------------Kawminaa aMd
had (bank.'
(bank- pereeaia(a
i Charles Bobart. a farmer of Coffey- MuNiiiri i» m-diing. awiiiiuK and Cl
> forv Tba Mtoffurd left Kawaaaea aU
DawMio'* diat dog i
'*>‘- Tllle.Kaa.. placed aomt dyoamlto on ting up a/t-T til.- /a^lli.•ll .|f the fatuu
i road b to aaocemfal
wiilcTv thill till) at L<M)t.rc‘
* tbe stove to thaw it out
S. tb- S.sT. uf tlicMUmiiiri arc whirl
b patronirdf ,« langely aa ta aay coan-, dorado and Boaaoia cmcka aad tbaoca ,
ed Mini gn.iiiid >'ll•■lup■U>lt thi-utbiT
Uii .i arc r.mml, aa a m1kh.-I—rvijy
try wnare tba oity <* aot tartar than up Bouanaa. a total dUianoaof pearly i>i_^
unri.f thfiii iitiil half ul tli<'iui.piuuiu((
datdtooo. Oa baterday auo hooka wm *0 mtlea
way Mild fh- lailunia- tin- oth,-r.
AiNew York tbe White SUr Itoer ! Bomtadvicea aay Fiance and lta<y
Oermanle atoih «t her pbr to Mortb *•“ «“'to Cape Damalm. al the aoalh- ■nwy tKri ly g. f larger than four fc, t
AuinctiT. and ili>- uiiijur |
MlnnbUbUhdof hadhaw, «hirtb-:'»*«
tbi-n iin- »i<t more limn thii.v ('unstaiit
•tod a pojitot badkenbief wrto her “•am partblly aulbnarged. Tbe aocl- '"""T b*r sham.
grhiiliug iifK.n ili. ir edi.-.w l.ailJ. npa
•ama imirkad ta' it u> tbe aoldima In
^ ■*><> *<• tovr Urn dae to tbe
Thirty members of i:oc)e Sam'i
curuice of while, jM.wil-rid i—, and.
Oaba laat aMmar. John Uaarhiin of i ‘‘••V ooaiiiit of loa which formed on Pvdiwon tojmglog to Manila got drunk like little ><r idul.e that woqld h.-lil
hew York, gut H and baa wriitao to'
**•' aieamer Tbe oontto-,'•»'* toe iranaport aailrd WHt.T. IInd I.H king fur all ilic wurlii like
thank her. Tbeae b no menitoa of bb‘*>t^ loading of enni. cumbiaed with tbeiwitboattbememdiuogtbemaadeeert- tt^ tbuiimiid IruZi-n u.vM.-r luttieM initowponlag to maniage. ao (be romnaee ' ^***7 weight ct the iee. eanaed tbe
ffhe b now wnillng tor' them nt gruling tulbes.'B. they go KdiUng and
riiiubiDg aluug in the jin flli-st of pro■■■■a
j steamer to ibt nod tluwly sink to the ' ‘toerci-wiuBw—.St. Liiaia Ri-|>al>li<-.
At Aaaoaen. Bgypt. tbe Uake of Con
M. Beaaatt. Co. F, bottom. It b aald that boom was tortrat houlb lialpU volanuera. which
; nahgbt, third eon of Qaaen V.ctorin,
Mar B JiM-ker Whip HU ilumet
rarlaent baa bann to tbe Agbilag at
Uo Saturday, when the tbermometar { Saeday morstog laid the
UuH s iiiau the right lu w hip a boe
lUhila. b a aabaaof Heuratav. Mbb
a tbres.degrar« below xem. meaaura- . of the gre
w at tbe top of daring u nu i-T The qn-Htiuti Iuim jn.t
Baanatl writes ahpt Miebigaa b tba I
toe Jbuoblyo bnd(e
tba First Oalaraet to tbe preaenee of Uvn Mihinmnl lu a iiiagiMirst- ut Spa.
boat repmmnanf aUto amoag (be
___ ! tohen of *ba trniaai and other A*rb
to 1 Kakbry Paaba. Minbler cf Pablic in liclginiii. three uicti bnviug
troops la tba PnUIpptoea.
Hbe baa
kow auek the eoaUaetion bad ; works, and other aoUblra. Tha leagtb I«r.sH<iil,il lit tb-iuMMUceuf thcSa iely
Fij Iht- Fr\>lurli,.ii uf AiitoiaU fur huvatoromoD to tha weaiera or algbtA><>^ ^ cumpartog these Aguree :of the dam b a mle and a quarter,
ing wbipfied lb«-ir ii{iis..N dnnus tbe
armye jTpe than hll tbe otbara pat to- , *‘to tboae tohan fast July, wban tba will be eighty feet wide at the
nii'.v Uirre. M. Van Fmd. tbe unJy one
ffatbar. Xbare are IS man from Mbbi- thafhiomator waa tm drgreea, it was land eu feet high. It wilt raise the level id th. drr-iiihintn who kpjuvinil in
(aa to hb oumpany. la the Twenty- toaad tbat tbs deffomikee war I4<< ;of (be N\b for l«u milea.
conn, jdi'uihd that ut th-iiiuim ul wb<-u
tobd Unltod Stotos Infantry am more I
Ui view of King Bamherfa decbloo b- Imd Wuii the ru«v hi. Ugre stlmii|>lthan»immeaf«miMlchlgan.and£nUi.: The KeytotoUb Courier apya that g,
Sardinia ihb pear ed to swerve, und he wus «i.ui|s-lli-d to
giv- th-auiuw] a b.ncfa.witb the whip
Waablngton totooteer mglmcni mom ■*«“«* * J tomal recently depasiied
in order to
him in u utnight
<u. 1~ ™ CU1«
_ ,k.„ > . l».l. ..
r.. c.Jd '
„ „u.p.» brt,.«iw-. l»i
home. Tbe chapialn of the South Ba- which wai reewnUy osig up fromtlr—n ■
caplurinir an ocsmsMoal bandit, conrM^'. Thu Uinv- d- f- ii.Uuts wero
kota mftoiaot ta a Munioe man. Mmed iooanty noil. Jndge woeal'a latber.wbo.
operationsisarvfuUle. The laleal found guilty and fin.-d I Iruuc each A.
«• 11 known jiMkey^eam.d Dundy, —bo
maidea aear Bepublic, Ureeo county, i development ia
w«« ]ir<~cul.d uu the saiii- I'lmrg.-.
Monday lu urn lag tbc h •eofUnghld, ^ 'b M yearn old. aad b an euceoU-ieold u aalgae. The> acboolmnster of tbe WMHUiiiimt.d. it b iiig held tliiU the
Bbell, lucatodfuur«ii«,mmto of <bas ““
T~ia It ka. been a myalrr.v ^
,n Naovo w.. auapeeted M N. i. ty Fitf th- rml.^ tiua .if Aniimih
ul u.it Hilhci. ntl.v .eti.hllabed iu «w«-.
“ Acsiruyed by fire. andAbe a—
to the police
who lived htona. was fauilr ‘** *‘“' *'*•
“ he was haver
>Uoes oa tbe waMv llmtil.v phiiil.il that h- hail III. relv |.rc- .
t.iiil-.l tit t.hip hl.» iL-r:..' iii.ird.rn.
barned. Be sucuewtod. to getting oat
““** ^tooently ordering parents
to send tbeir etimiil:-l- it. and ihat iu ruiililv b.- did
of the burnuig buUdtog. but w..
‘ he wn. token ill. and when ke begaa ehildmo to school. Tbe order.
tonchUK- nuiinal.—Pull Mall C
able to go far. and must have lain ta
here- implicitly obeyed i
&cxveT&\ ”Kt>Ds Srt«ms
SVaaTvedi "Stom SxieT^xaWe |
n that be bad' tor's oacupaiioa b gone
tbe anow about an
befom »r.ac
t-istoe s.
-- boar
----- ~.w.
f^uJ by a newbbor. wba was niiract- been ttofring gvAd to bu ombard many |
damp in the Dlamondvilla •
•dbytbefiamwL SheU dlid • fa.
**' l^totod out lAa vpol nnd | «iov. Ummopdrllle. Wyo.. killed John i
houra Inter.
: after digging into the grcaod ;feat.iT BanseU and E T Wrtohi
Tvalan i
On Wed^i^sday,
February 15
iMpntod SaBbhlne cao«k uid Salt Co, Cl«reImnd. Ohio. wiU reproMDt their entt^
prodoetion of (aU<» ;^M)e
Suits, Suparate Skirts,
Gapes and Jackets
In our clohk deportmont for one day only.
The above firm cannot be surpabsed for fine tail
oring and excellent fiajbfaing. We will take orders
to measure at most reasonable prices for spring de*
Tbf ladies are cordially invited to participate in
our exhibition of FlKfi ART, if it is only lo leave
an impression of the kind of merchandise we are
stocking up the coming season.
The Boston Store,
Front Street.
The King of Beference Works
The Encyclopedia Britannica
The Pilot
klu'ws just how to stw a vessel to
brinj; it s.iluly throutth the Shoals
and out into the t^-n. Just so the
bncyciopa dia Britannica is the one
absolutely idiahle truide for the
vnyane of life. One cannot go
wrung if its tcaJiiniis are tullowed.
It tells the rnistakt-s nu n have made;
tunv Olliers liavesu«.cveik-dand why.
An intelli^nt man jiets good from
. . tile e.\periencesot otiuTSandsti-i-rs
clear of the- rotks they ran against.
The very pre.si-nce of theEnt7clcw
psdia Britannica in a house
■Hjse gives the place an intellectual tom-.
A librar>' of thousands of v
, ...........................
not offer such an oppoiiiinity for successful home study and development as this master
pk-ce of literature. There is no more instructive reading on v.inh
than that contained in its y> volumes. To a life whase current
runs toward the future, this great work Ls indispensable. Ju.%1
now you uan secure the
Encyclopaedia Britannica
For One Dollar Cash
paying the balance in small monllilv p.ivments. Remember, too
tfuit the entire Thirty Volumes w itlva Guide and an elegant Oak
Book Case, will be delivereil when the first payment is made.
You will bt- surprised wht-n you l(-arn the
Hoe it hi
'•♦“I >-
.\ 'rJii.l:uii
M .d io% Is granted K pa>'mg cash w ithin jo days alter the
receejt ot the work
For fonlier ioformatioo call oa Holleir t Connable,
City Boob Store.
•M for Northern Michigan.
re? reuhl- prujurty. Imt ihw
nrwer fo b/ 'i vrg.
Dal • Ftrs Alarm CsfA.
A notnd gum!.!-T uifhiniitowaiilotio.
T^e*ew five alai-<n card1 jutt
juii J_____
verted. Ilia {iravur to (loil wxb iu gainf **• "brtinrU,
the Jeweller,
1. «br
b eonbe «eak and
W-r'« ulitix. but U.J knew whet U -rKr^*
all tbe naw
«n«int an.] r«vivi-d him. Tb- ^n ■
>wtbou;,-lit he ou-hf to do wimetbing in t elrvatore and wi«
hb Muiit.T'a verri.-k Ur told bb Mtory: 1 ^
»Mrd, U»
t>wi I’b’r'rd it. and in tbe power of the |
Card ot Tbaaks
Spirit hr haa been b-llliiB it ever aince; I
with w.md.-rfol aticewm Hr ba* won ! Blarff ri.i?
.“J “** '***
Ih« -".V man to my chnK h. ; -b^
toeSf .IrieoAa.
U tbe world wautHanyibitoc. it want* | their recent bei
treavrarnt ^ "
give, prom.aa 1 moving . '
* “^wb. party
> to Oouaty Kerty.
waa left oumrr-r.d and nm laiiuud. men-and wotueu *-t s
Mra Joiix
Wilbin tbe lart two disad-r. buwev,«. with tbe Spirit and n
and bad lived to Hagtoaw » yearn.
Eit Bl*i K
going o«,______
oajianK. b.rt-1*.
oto-rratiwinii. shrltrr hot*. ' Hev. E P Go-.-lwin. D'd
" o Kod-i .a- I.
^ ,
reantog a tnnnel and anddenly broke I
____ _____________
Menomtotoe shoe daalar of ,.g,
i was tbe toggeaUon of nuale or some-1 pholugraphie eU«t.aidiiu.«is. raijwav, [
Rm herwt for nil
tbe K.o«MiL
* loriaoe to
u,,, j^and tbat they bad i^<J-“«algned Land utorr valtiaUr ptoja-rtie* haiv i
... ..
ar, wa» frutrn to death to
^ to attract aitentton. Boon their real-1
'M" eibunie nuai tbi. i... i
the Yukon Uutriet to MEember.
an opentog from ihb intowa« beaeiged aod tbe invadrra jM»id. and tb-qmrtiumb which of -coiuiuirativ- r-ligiun-' or "coui. i from Mioneaota. which
■ bUh wfir'k;
Lniveraauau and liberal cbnrchea of I ..oiber
uf IL- lucoj antboritiu)-ran
-........... - Miuth# paratirc mlimou • b- -xja-.,. himaelf ! aold at prlera which rveryb^v
i at home. —
. and tbair tovaatlga-. .......................
right tu toi Ibim- new 1-111.^1•pro-vaad *«• »WTiuiuii Ihul.............
•.:il b- it..».............
to* EWrW
— fa
Febm- viona rerraiea no ira* tnan nve or larae------I n.ug
• Upeer
w,v» caroa. ;
.• . ,
- —r-li„-ic«ia Tbrro uu.i s;ub ihlog J
stock, at iirrrj
abo iml-* barn of 'irorge lama 'ffo^
Moir'rj n fta-eatreot.
hlg loan in pototoea on nooouni nf ac- toere was gt.oue m gold, aad in the
«am sold wmibor-L- At least to ouu
The aid taan bad been •
^ _
“««tly burying lAa money (or Ue'
Tv»*A Weeding A»nlvatnnry.
1 Klncb. one of the monl prom ,
“‘►t bbiaffle ; Veuiorday being the Unto anniverlaani pioanera of Uaroo eoanty. died
•' ^ *waily bad any aua-]Mr. ami Mm.
atBadAxn. in IMV ba madaovar (to.-' PMtoa of it.
• ; B. H. Braekao. about aavanty of their
MV m (Uiiomb gold mlnea.
i * natural «*va baa baea opcMd by i 'pleads meoIvU to ipaka tbe
luJnem at work on the property of Gift iMoasion of a good Uma and to ekow
Morrb Kennedy b dead a
nt lb, ndvammd Irl
Wantbermnn. m Cryatal. Cnto . ieawmad ooapla.
Hoyt.a^“j“c^J“rJtotonr^ H
*'* repWWl » be _
gentleman of an |
-ra- Pre.ia,.,-.
' paralireVndj ..i r.“i,““''
which affected the aurp.-iaed ' t: mi.-b ^iu. Uir. b'Vutoto-rd
H- ..rr-d lV-i,KM
y-ar* and Mr CU-tu. as oveTS..„o btutaeb of pota : mturo*
caaesoftofiaeou in Christ
'udgr K .Uru ie beha'f of tool^*•••" «-• Mr .MeKin.were ueKirujeri, upon wj,ich tbeve ianb Laat week tbe death* from the
* li«PPr reeoonae waa made [!’ •' .
bw and |«id
BO toauraore.
-by w.
Mr Bracken. -r,_______
Tbeevenl will .long; by’*—
7’,*'' ------------— - i. (l , ....
» numbered ISiti.
wuouwuii at Ua lixt. Tb-trrriturv on
4.f tilbio-. porttiragr and babitatioD.
waa dmdrd auM«g tb-lIi>vecutnuiaB.-v
or Cliaiuouni. Si. G.rvai. aud Boaelim
bj- a well defined partitiou dating
fruoiKSV. But uo ncx-oont was token
IS toU arranKenienl id-tbe tart region
potato Btorage‘ ^abut
couple ' ie»oal however, waa toe pre-,uur.tol
. l-n.v.r
IbDt cofor
■ l•'-ra^y.
Ira'-ber corrred chair |< 1''eland . idit
laat <1arm
DOW. accoraing
according to
to cmcial
ifficia! -'
Bltarwanl cialmad
ake waa bypooiiaed. tibe tm,
a divorce.
A dial wbieb baa Wa for acme time
AUo. i
ae cf.t
Robert BigfattUstbaOg«awka.(U1.) I
■v r..araaeaaa.
It UkvM cunra^- to go into toe w«M
with a Cbriatiaaiiy wbieb yu« meaB; lo
luakv oae of.—AikiB.
Rnoktoaa ArBiea Salvo.'
b ,U. ,or U.: I S:
Buuiie. hat bve* with bb familr
Tn Baar Salts to toe world1 for!
Mb and Mr. aad Mra Bmekea.
Sixtciito -ire-t. afewJJnck* d^'- Onta, Brabea, Sorca. Cleeva. Balt
wiihia tb- rxrmtive
etemtive nuinduo.
nmnd.*. and
Kmd.-d figgtiv.cKHU Tb- \atoetd «o .
j< the i«\'pCTty «md«v hi, can., (rm:,
i'..' «• I t
-AaiUalar. tor emrarttoa of toetk — -- -
Tsa koaamro hboorb, wxDVBSDAT.nBRiTABT u. isoq
-1 «om-t M* bow I a*«r cum to mitt
wU Hn. Bbrrr. Mt
for ib« Br*t tint.
"It «u tbt non MMlblt Ulas roa
«v«r dlt." nM Mr kubutf from b*>
MM bU ptptr. 8ht etnt aM att M
Um trn or bU cbtlr.
-I do beiitrt roa Ulsk Tn la )e*t
«ltb rou ■uu.'* tbd Mid.
“Welt. II looka tb« wtr.** b« ta•wtrM wiih BrKUb coacw'i. bolding ,
tht ptMC 10 oar tldt to that bar b«M
nlgbl aoi COB* bnwoM bln ud tbt
«.r T.tcr. »**«aii«jii*
a«.h. ar«.
Jamc* OrrcalA «M*ru of th* drU
Of all awMT ftaal iwtdag plaeM aa- w;i-. waa caught iwcMity U a abower
lacted by ana U ta ballcved tbat in* or piga. and DOW cam** a broke*
1cm loBt and repoaltory of Cltneat
rlgbi arm Id a aiiag a* a rMult. Qma
Spelfuu II** tb*
Ur. UcmplojM OD a Ian* d*lr> farm boBiwimaa
twe*D CaDaao ud Norfolk, ud baa
charg* of tny or alaty bead of dairy
b* ticrd la tbii day aad m«. ud had
b>» « i»b«k M to lb* plac* of uii«rmeat
Ijc«b luadc kDOw^i b* would have rtaea
BhtD floor of itae big boa b*ra. Da
lo tb« diatlBciloa' of **iiing bia aame
Ik ■ (-SiiMd
lag Mtea* ci yaaUaday tor irwaariaa > <«< .put
I |ifl*£teaad tom p^daata U Tn* I tb* w1
j **•
b. «n.ur tki. I
ms cm, moMOU.
pn to
• short Cat Pork....
' Short Oat Peak mt to...
' Ploar. U
A Oo. b«M............
' By* Ho-u. H. L. A Oo.
, ;—— e-
lb tal**^«sa4l»aat«uaaHw.f*tmaaaiBHli
"I ».. ■ «M Ik. prar kPkrtP.. --------'•that tb* inhabiunu rf HaTana bar*
I, bnm <wd*r*4 to tora ia tb*ir anua "
loo'sed up Juat In time to Jee a
pig—or Ike remnani* of 4 yonag pig_______,_________
raiUrew Are Be UtevoX.
"eppy" to the apace ftlUng gaUA.
•' ChaaM par to............
"Bow cdten do yon waat to be t(M
Bpeitnan lived way back yonder be —bound up from the Itogt-.
Before be had Umjto move th*
not to do thay BobbieT " aM his
fore there were uy Sunday paper* ud
before the Amertronwaglc bad become performuce waa repeated. tH^oiaa nw.loaal Urd He gave bl. reaMence
promising hog waa DurlHl Into eiec : 9^,
to ibe <en«i. enumeraiort a. Narbeig.
Orven. boaever. bad located tb* Snn per too.............
and bU occupation a. recorder of Not- •«»™ “k*" by ihla time, ud ^ ; Buckwbeat..............
UDggam He re»w*ed lor some time d‘«»»vr«d tbat It was conflned-tlwlia |wm*e BAtagorn
prior to Ibe yror 1K». and be waa a
“»• barti-ibe' bay chute
Luay ud aiudloua
DH-k of wood* that _.. -------- -made famous. After the year xmo- Heivorlr rjfrkera were aescenamg.
tlonrd Mr. Spelmaa Bntahed.
I “When 1 aeM tb'third pig wplnnh." | Bye. per bo..
Before railing In bit lot with the atGreen In describing the accident, Baekwheat.........
lent majority Mr. Spelman atrM hla "I »«y« f myaelf. 'Oreen.' I aa.*a. [ Batter, per to.,
view, on the wibject of bttrtal ^iota. ••h'-n-'a muntbln' wrong with them '5Ma,perdoau
iPotatoee. per bo...
.. K bolt
Mr. i^tmaa must hare been aome- r>hc.' an' 1 atarts
___ _______
,....... ................
waa Jem gsttln'
of a ^leUblnder.
Ideu «kai'
were known throughout the length ud ®*er where I cud peer up f ace tor OaspanyB XamsrUb. B CKte.
There arc a few of tbe budaome
breadth of (be lud. He never over- m.vself when toDg cuma anotber.
Hanoab Ride memorials left, which
looked u opimrluntly to impreea upon ’peared 'a If he'd J«ft throwed hUaelf
I Wanted
500 Bicydes
■•1 dOD't Blad about you." ab* weal
M. "You'** ll**d here ao Iodi that
At OM*. to •namei, eWa. repair .
- yoa'ra alnoai aa alea aa aa Amertcu.
aad pat la propoc ehape. TbU it tb*
ud your vole* baa Dearly loat lu Bogowly plaeo In tbo city where yon saa
sat Tour easm'Dac proeerly d«ne
Uab iDflacUoBs
Baad pollebed. etripsd sad d*sae>"Daar m*. I muai get u Bngllab
atsd. All wocli propwly u-l . r -o p*.
Aoveraeas,'' b* lot*rpoaedL
tydoae. SaUafwetkw gaarutsM. at
~But aometiBM I m worried about
Jack. He lao'i oM thlDg or Uc otbn.
dbd If «* Bbould **er go to war. bt
118 Union stnal
would bau l<> flgbt Bgaleat Baglud
wbea bU graadfaiber aeada him aucb
lo**ly pr*»*Di*'''
'•Ur eoB Bgbi agalBM Bogtaodr’ ei^:iaed Mr.'Barry. *l‘d Ilk* tv **« him
try It. tbaCa all. He will fibd be baa to
•etil* wllb bl* falhrr toraL"
■ "But. Ilarnld. If b* waa bora bar*, of
TVawwrM etty. Ulsh
roora* hla naiural f*ellnga would be
wUh Am*rlr«; and you know bo* ol>- all hearer, tbe importance of being Im- »» »« drllber*ie-^>ruahed my face '*
w f» eeoU («ch.
allbat* Jack la wfaco b* mak*a up bla mured In a maoDer out of the ordinary, he went by. ud bad he put oO hla
mlDd. tVby. I wouldn't goagaliiai oiy He was s learned man. and bad made
a second lunger he'd atru'k ms
rotibU-y. not If you rommaodrd m« oo a atudy of all tbe contempuraDeous lit- Jeai wbcrti be d kai'laied lew. Thinkyoar t>«Bd*d kb**a. aod be would feel eraiure ud legeDds. ills hobby was •*.< tbu Is rcKin baout all tb' pork
It evCB mor* airoa;:ly. b*ing a man." lomba He cared nothing tor collect- as is rightf-il cumin' tew me. and
"A few ynnra la Oiford will cbabi*
Ural edUiont. Souvenir apoon niebby 1 kin view this attalr full's well AstroPsy-Cblc Xedlam-Mad-^
all tbat." atid Ur. Bany. taraiDg over
be regarded with Indulgent from sum other aundpoint.
All work of hlcW^SQMlWjjmsde. Plai
hU paper.
am l.e liamar
coniempt He bad no amblllon to be seem now 'a If I luliered round dell >- '
"CoDa;dfrlng lhal be Ibd'i golag a conaplruotu Ognre al si fresco Brat i eratln' louger'n necessary, but toe
T weekaofaaUaticloryhusioeae
tber* ’ aald lita wife, decidedly.
night* ud he didn't write artlclea for crvainre* waa f quick for me. ibe
•O, b*'e BOIT "
tbe correopoDdence column of tbe Nw- j next one as made the deeroni cum
- if b* Bbuiild II would *Dd lb tala U*- Ungbam Newa .explaining tbe aaihop- , plumb fer me. and would have sqiiai
of many In aod
'tag there aul mai.-ylug aum* dowdy ablp of "Beautiful Know.
ed all over my face if I hadn't
KoKlUb chi wllb a ali-locb trince and
But on all questtoiu of burial be was
arm Jest In time.
a auleiDB reeereace for the m*r. of her *ery forte. Had be lived In the United
. waved my face, but h* broke
ue liis ui cwvc
Etcf Burned Ont7
faoilly. ud how would you Ilk* ihatT” Biates he would have unduubtedlr
arm Hli me so hard
. _ ,.plellkeanOI'EN BOOK. and la getting
'Heller iban a nnrvuua Araerlcaa chosen Tombstone. A. T.. for bis
ryday-by tbe
u at«T ud lay right at ifi- merry recom^nded btgbiy
dauebler-lo-la* 'With a elx-torU walat. bum* He gave It as hit opinion tnat
It her daily
u,„ ,.m..0
tbe value of
and no realm t for cnylblnc lb heaven the Kgypitana were the greateat
bull storm. Two
inrouga poMlble during tbe 01
ro weeks I
at the Hoose-Yon have been
«f earib. " wae the imperturbable ao- under tbe min. luiKliig hla siutement on an' hit me on tb<
.> fore 1 C01M.1;
their tbcorlea aud pracitre la the muin-' ttirn to an' crawl
Jl tb- wav, hW«of,».
*h)r rduri* you mian Alltw." Mid tala m> line. He had visited st least four- ihclr blows was
ouly |oot-po»ti
wife, iDdlgnanUy. "tbuucb I'm »ure aba t(>cn guaranteed genuine lombe or sc luulsed me sum."
iher city h _
tsB'l a bit Dervoua, aud nobody lai-ea »*aul, and he would bave riaited moi*
Tbt pigt bad citmluwl up ibe lar- '^““"vd to ess Front street over,
Both bar mother and I think 11 he could bave been spared from the
Malrt to tbe tnpmimi loft, an • ha'Siroug's Muelc Store, near Steinberg’* ; <«
B a. m. to 9 - Alh-e and Jack were Juat made for dutlea of his recordeiwlilp Is«a -wile
approaching loo near tbe ------- w------«ach olber, whatever your opinion la- was hlh nival character lo btstory. and ^bute, had fallcii through- The oth_____ __
Pete-a” Chicago Wame
Ding Record
Uon'l you remember bow they took from Ibe fate of tbat luqiilslllve lBd> . ers. drU-rminiwl that ibclr leader
Mouse, yet? Try it and get a good
to each other rlgbi off from the Brat?" he g<H an Idea which inadehim faranua. ,hould not enjoy the sport alone, folSSS-lt
^ jtUl lti-f.
-H’m. Hr. Barry waa deep In hla "ll Is hardly posalhle for me lo Im jo*^ hm,
„ ,hw oouia. Klfa Ward Oancuae*.
changed Into a pillar of salt. ' he r.-as- ,,-^n
through wllogelher. ud all
Bcsiseas CAHUs.
Tiw*kn* (To.........
~Ali(« baan't ai much character at Olunl. ' but 1 see nolWng lo prcwi.t
yjned. •
A* -Irwed (UtaSs. ...
Jack.'' ab* added preaently. "but tb* la xne from i>elng jmmuved In a plllui of 1
L* Ursad kapMs.......
aweet Ind go<kd and lovable, and 1 don't tbe church" .And from ihe time this ;
s wllb Brant
•ee why they abouldn'l be very happy Idea suggested llsrll to him up to tbe ' through the WllderDess. and be never
r. B. *. u.,*.a. ]*.*
II ditean't matter tf be la dale of hiM demise Mr. Spelman mad* received a scraub.—tVtnsied (Conn.)
ft bis life work to dlsseailnale bis oiig. Clilxen.
rather the brtebter of the two."
omc-vs nveT.W
"It (b* FUKogemeni announcedr'
naked her butlxiiid, urcaatically. but noi lo havd been a gill edged .wibner.
ritaas, ansrwe; snacowssrlke st L* tifwn* RapMk
Moary U> loss. OSces, City 0|>rrs
but tbe oppusitlon which bis coubtrythe quetillun wa» Ignored.
a. K :
Uenw Bl<
"Did you ever look into Ibe fw«* el Svidsic.
"After Jack baa graduated from Har- men developed to beTng placed In an
Bsr vi»w.............. '*.s. t a.
B : ta
ward we will (brow them tug.-iher a tipilgbl fioKltioQ for all ue’s tny the bursMi you SVC un the street and
L*.Trs*e.-ssClo ■ IV sji
t 00 *Ji
good dMi," the a^ld. ~'Siii<-e we are la aiiengtliem-d him In bis deteTinina'ton. Hole itivir dlfferci.t espressUmar' askA*. BIk RaplOk. .. MOkS. .
Avwsirdtngly. when the o'tBce of re e.1 .Alla Wheeler Wllrog. —Phey vary
arnailile AmWiia we won't taa^e lo be
Lv Bik Bapias ... k 40 k.a................
Ar.TrsiersrCny. •>9aw• HtPJI
eternally rha|>*rDDlng them
1 bop* corder of Nottingham bccemc vocaiit as much a* do the lue s of human beJ BBHOa.Acrtn.y
Jack won't develop ibe Kngllah baab- by the depth of the Incumbent, Mr 1mm. Well groomed, well cared for
liigv htirscs bate an altil.
.VBM. OeserwfPWBSi
l. proud
ARvpehlk-sBcsseos (or Wsr* Wo I will
(ulneM. Waa your father a aby man Kpelman's wishes were earned out. He ,
Which la k'l-lin n>r rurtwe UslMlog No *« I's.
A horse which
aboui luvemaktbg and aucb iblngt, was rmraiirod in a pillar of the Nap.; spiriifd .xtreSsion
eve-'eg.^b ». IWV .
; check carries
0^ 11 Srlrgsiro is s
burg vlnircli, and the Inscription on driven with
Haroldstrained, restleu. I:Impatleni look in taU
"Why. be bad raiber done wllb tbnt
eye. Tbe absolnt . ._____■_________ ..._ >'*••
hrben 1 met Urn. but 1 abouldn'i fancy
I dull despair In the fare* of overworked
lesa-ollrrry. Trlr|>a<«r Mo X
be waa llrntd."
Mrs-uMsa Tlmr.
horses U enough to touch
"I am so glad. I waa afraid K had
Tntaks tB.ct Wedssfcl
The clock al Strasburg Waa cegarded 1 the heart of a sympatbeilc observer,
akipped a Keueraiioo and wae coming ahoneofihcw-oudcnioftbeworld Itj .-cat* are the meet sensitive, n*r» ie.M»t«watl1r Oo. Block._______________________
oul lu Jack "
voi-is sets SI i.. w. i,sr<ue « Butaiv ssrest>ssc.
showed the orbits gif the plane!*, the
f,„nly animal* In the world,
-irerl tm Mosasy rreslBS. Feb SO. l«AS si S
"If II due* the probably won't mind phase* of the moon. Che procesaion of They ac* Intenaely aB-H-tionaie and
id de- v-ck ek, >. rWt S Sclvysies to sIicbU lb* K>hNpiiig him 001 a bit alar* we are la the equlnovea. the equations of ib« ,
pubUrsBcouslycosTcailoslv be b*id r*b. SI.
lovc as well „
i. rOiiTKa. Auorsar wt Law. Ssesla'
x-nxlilr AmerUw
I don’t think Jnrk auu. Wiam and stars Two wlngvd tig- )
,ubough. of course, tber
B J n-UlRI'U.
will need It. though. He lohcrlla run- urea struck the quarters: this was re- i
ingrates and tramp*
aw «<u
! II m »H
. aldemhie deieunluatiun, not to uy ub- perted |.y one of the lour ages of Ilf*. jp„ ,j,p
Sis' <m a*R»t'vx.M(
Ills am
„ ,,,^rc are men of iblf
O^UMA H^kw^l^LTrawm^tr
s» aw.
'('..prsii.b ;
iia am
atinacy, from hi* grandfather. '
rvpK-w nled by a child, a youth, a ^^t When a cat which has had a good
» i\ a IS
!«*.-*□ f tj
' MM
"lhal haan'i akipped a generation." wurVlor and an old man hUcli was ac
•10« N e
•* M •» rv
Twin Meaetbia
. is* trsrdNo kinP be
■V <H *a e
•10« ■« al
aald Ur* llgrry. pointedly.
comtwtilvd by a bgure of death, which ■ ^„,y, „ ,,
>0 aome Deld or
•Ml (k «t S>
"I've ikihie luto enough of It to know was Urlv.« tuvrk until the lasi quarter.
dooryard. Iw mental auBer
iteiMl lb* KvpuMh
• to II a-m- I
M ao an
. . j-w rvb ti use
tbit al ii»' |iiti|er 'imr Jack (a going afier'.wblrh It struck the hour. Al tbe ^
description. Vet
M>«b. aw.
B r HO-'AW.
lo Oaford.' was the >alm reply.
10at tut
sum* time a winged Bgure turned an
thoughtleas p.s.ple goon their
I a I* I «a
■'Which will almply apoll every hour glas. At noun the twelve apos„,ry spring leaving their cai*
; ? tl i ■
rassISB1' **
tl •* M
thing." aald Mra. Barry. Impaliently. tics come nut and received a bles-iiig ^ unprovided for. Every being iHissrsvrt
Arbor. oiU tcspobS to cj
- - - 1——
I *•« **11
--------"Aloe will l<* married long l>efure he from Ihe divine Bgiire. A c«K'k on the .
divine spark and when we lesrn
" ~
_________ ^-----------gels luick. and be btymelf will prdUabTrslBs eosoeel s< Sa*t«sa-*MUI IwterSsay.
ly be a victim. O, uncle I>ati." aa tb* twice dally
1. mlalir. of Ideas creature* of Him who n
«s aaS trow Resor es FMOM
*rboa-M.<lre- -»».m I-rierw Ml-JCts.*
door opened to admit aa elderly mu. Is rvideuevd. for car. nilitl with aiic- Tow'a fall.
' world will be belter. ,, ^rsv__
"you've <v>ni* Juat in time. We want piriral hgures and heathen dcltle* la- There
be a Kiiuday sN apart ibr.u-eofbi
MI8CEU-ANE0IJB WANT8a lawyer."
sued from r cluater of cioada. to iliuatiir'^^Anlt; al Sunday." Ulnlttera
rhssr'M tb* II
,'IUs It com* 10 that— a^ed tba liaieihvdajsof tbewiM-k Altogether ought lo talk o th. lr rongregallon.
r a wrrautx.
there are nine separate actions In ihi* '
new-comer, looking grieved.
M. Ag^M.
ve owe animals."—Out >i..-u*vU
rerseOiy, Mirk.
-llaroW aaya lhal Jack Isn't nn tilumph of originality, which was tbo
Americau at all. and wiU have to Join work of forty y ear*.
'*''*'1 AV with B espt'-ii. .a( trra I.
the Kugilab army when we go to war."
To the sou of a VIrkshlre carpenter rlUW; pbucid.. Apply to RirbsTd Kouad
W hat „
TWvy tlav* TsseM I k.
Ura. Barry aald. irdlgnanily.
"Juat Is due one of tbe nWt useful
There- are three nations of anrleu ‘
because he blmsclf Iiapi<cned lo be born tlona pf the last century and for
kstf-^wwi-k**OuS -si*l*^»«>d >
------------------his fourth time tbat stand to modern clvllltaitoa 1
uver there. He want* Jack to gn to first .Accurate chrom
vise*. Applt stoAre u> Hb-tlw* fk-bls* .
in the T-^tioD of'tcarhera In an eui- |
Oxford aod marry an Eugllsb girl anempt—John Harrlmn tvceived
CIH.ls •#*». f*b f,UH.
___ _ n»nl sense of the term, and these are
ibe Piiarii
whom he won't know or be fond of. nward of tIOO.OOO. oBered »y ____
"roade"aeverai Greece. Rome aud Jndea. These three ‘
Ills t
when here Is Alivw Just cut out for
' .Ubrr Ns1ii<us1
ils.I hkk .trwi
' aorica! nationalities bare tor mod- 1
him. and w«\e gul It all planned Now
1 peoples the highest Interest, be- .
^^ANTID-Kitrave gIrU QumbT
you irll ua, aa a iawyw^, what Jack*
• hev furnish the three atramls . ns-it-u. sod e*eo.
ualionalKy la."
i IB B SVI S 8 S I S.S S~ S 6 S'S E mT
^j^ANTO-WrlB* r
;A aasa&sssaaasa assssasa.
"Weil." began uncle Dan aerloualy.
"at a t faild nf an Amarfran mother, and was dS.odo w'blcb -wu moaUy prohibl:4.aas=ea3fissssc R8sass;.ssn
have entered history In recent time*. Totorts'.!*^".........
- born 10 this cuuoiry, I efaould call bltii
DIP B« of Westmlnlatcr has prorsa The psrchOlogy of ihwe people may j
an Anierlrao <-ilixrn.‘'
Itscll eenalB to icM than
"Tbcrc!" tBl«iruplM Mrs. Barr]^
--------------rilKt. W*NT«»-Por geeersl
"And being »«ch. be will probably week. Il.t* (be larges'.
One we‘cht the beautiful as the manifestation of
nnjei IS tjr roU .torage varebeas*.
rhooM- for himself not only bis college
I as* Bar «tr«eu.
takes five hour* to wind upT thls*'u
freedom In physical form
and bis wife, bet bit nationality. If a
* BUU> in'
done iwb-e a wert: and It will go for this la mcefulr— — -t—
free-born Ameiicao wanta to consider
klmaelf u Kogi:*bman, t don't know eight and a halt day*. The dial mei
auired Pull iB>o*«)klluo.sdd*e<—SbrmCm
nn* Hftk feet In diameter. Big Itei
anything that is going to stop blm."
nine U feet in iengtn
«»» Tb* Roman U the perwfaaf U your burry about decid while each mlnui* la .. Inebee
. ...
_____ lone, ceptton of the freedom of the will: Its rMndrad. uspaM
ing • uncle Dan asked. '‘Ho* old t* The dock la connected with Greenwich «»otradlctlpn
r-WecM'k fslcontradiction of tu own fnedom
lies. T.Uup >k)sarr.
,c'ws.aws ssaWAWW .sows
fbs toy. anyway*'
on property or no- o*sisu!r. .-niBesirs vt d»obaervalocy and report* It* rale twice throughj^t
-Juat ibre* m.imha tu-djy." aaid Hr*. a day.
Icnce agalrtet I
and ilberty; tb* cm eeScMrhs
forms necesaary
prniect tbe Individ- 1
Barry, proodly. ' .-^uy to dlaner ud
6t. BUnoD relate* that M. de Vlllayer nal in hli rights of property and tb*
ynii shAll see him '
had a clock placed near blx l>ed. th* developments of hi* freedom, evei
'it.: (be aame" <a;d Iff r' haibaiid.
t Mk htgas. Ossaiy .
'a21« JfiSSSfSaliKSSfifiSSfB SSSfisI
dial ot which was horltetttal aad tbs
»»» j., se—>v-v»..«s.33-» gvwfi
' uniil b* M o'd ecMMich to deiide for figurea. being hollow, were filled with the point of arbitrary choice of
* M ISr sb
price; the eecurity of tb* social wbo'e.
t, T »lf Jar* ‘-f grring to prt) for the
sr tkst U>r al
dtSerrnl aweeu or splcca. Thu* run
•Uy or empire; the necesalty ol tbe .,,i-sin‘ii 1. tme
olaui kaesii
i„4 i.tews J»«r:''
MSvt I TrsUs smt*« m>B Peteskey. Msekissw
ning bis finger along the hand.
< WrU.i
I •, -p*nk h.«i every Have he does "
. ..
................. ................................ ObCOiBaO.Ckiesrw. Urss* RapWs.1 JDS. a.
ssabesr* <0*1 Trsls amres fnia RlrkMk«, rv Vsy « .w* »ir-«T,i-an kalfOfthe rfpV:*lnp
wllk. faresce'OrUeM.iirsM
* —-----'a
V.0 .»ea
all tonghM srd went
I lb Oeniiaay a dock has been mad* 1* tbt ibslght Into tbe nature ot the Its. 49, ksspsrler car uvUrssa BssMs
1 "•b.trthat I* warraaiedVn go for 9.000 year*. Abeolute as a person: Justice (ThthtI
open.A fawifnl
Ihe open- ^„„va*',
iWs«lag TVs***sr C*y sik-cas. m. k*
(nuaneas'l end mrr«»
m^rey i'V»
nANk iiAmL-roi
Ingbfthahalldcwpdriiauyio^nd Coring hlndnam*) a. tbt
hen* eoiwniw*re»iy ta
no. T BkAIHA.
(VeaMSLske.te T
BoMon Tnascrlpi.
<!4 w»l r,efi H8.JH.M0 tiSM* in a tb* cldek; Ihm «mA ■rrlral ■«« Mp tharnderit^*^T
uu.a ■.„)..,I—lc.L.i.o™.oo5o*:J!'-J‘T“,ll.-iSSi»«
y- Lederle's He* Shop,
John R. Santo,
Gentil lisoraicx
Chicago —
West Alichigan.
i- i
-stf;----------- -------
.12r4 ii
tolMOp MBotos.
'‘ ruinyrmifciifiiii i
WTMTxaATS ABsan •roar.
Hot Flfht In
Tmt«rdA7 AfUnooa.
»toi|to •»« BIdW
( to aMrAk tor Bs
•toekktoa. rah. 14—1^ SMlkk
MlalDUr »t Sl P»i«nb«rr rDpotoa to*
rMDipl ol » Ul4«ruB troM lA* 0«r•raor of Imim Mtorto. eoor«7la«
VttAaU OMMlTutUM KfMww to* lafoTMUoo rItM hf th« ToBfatM
to ttoM OMsitMM, rrmuto- PMordtof too lAdtoc of »tot «rto apPOTmUj too «r of IWmmt ABdfM
fhrMU af ■MwritofaMw
m4 hta two OOMBMiOIM. Ao f«*Itoto—Warn Tim Tmuato to »o- •r»or toUto toot to kMoootoaltoaff
MU Wito tol fWMrto uxothw
«tM to totoo oototoittooo. 0> ™urood..
tot kottlo. Tto *rot rolo o* tto pro*
▼towqoooUoo voo o PtofToa ftetory.
4* to 47. tol lour too ootio rl«» vooo
oorrtod »1 to 4S. Tkrooto of twooooldorotloo' or* ororrwboro toord. *
Uwlp •Mfloo Uprotoltod toatorrow.
property woo only aUpbtly
Otooral MiUoi^ forao bad eoBplole
ooatrM of tto altMtioa wkea tto P^tAati-EBp*B*ioa Amtndmoat moMlodforMnatla. Tto dlstk Uaitod StalM artUlary oe'opitda poaiiloo
▼Moot fto too BoAOlottow of ito^ftor toe town aad tto Tkaamii eol^ai
aad Bipktooato Ufaatry omptod
MoBmdT. PiwvMtoc for
watoM ooMlrtMtod ky tto rokoM.
mm% la rklUpplooo Mt^ -to
WMto aai Ootolttooa ooO far Boto
Xotorootoef Vtotod •totoo ood to-
will¥t bk dropped.
Tto roll ooll UiU oftoroooB otowto
ooljr fonr obooBtoo*. Oroolv. BMosoto.
BovIm oto toal>7. oqwll; dlridod m
to toeUoft. two kaioil Pio^rM m<1 two
Mtla tod a fow bobobu Idut Ctook/.
PtoCroolto. flotoo In. Tkb U too lorfMt attondnoto otnny twioa olaoo too
olooitoa of ttoopoakor.
Bowolfokai pwBltitac tot orpaalaatMWOfttoMorcMoralaoeloUta k;
ooatlpaoao loeal aoeloilat la . toe aaso
or a<>J>kaka(eoaBtlaa. put on it* pat*
mt* oador tbe taaptaaloa of tot raiet
wato too MBMofMr. McKajr
iwaetod. toot pMUemaa roee aad 44ld:;Md died.
.. w_
Judpe Corbett to the upIt WM defeaind by a rote of fV to to,' ‘
pealBaola oal
doa’t baow aaoaph aboot tob bill} Mary Uolaa. aped TO. waa foaad fro.toe rlee-presldeat aoUop U tto aepa- ] i,u. tru^u, ae,^vh.
M veto.” Ttoapeakerproaptty rapped jet, to death la bar mob on Kirit arefar urdar. daetarinp tor roll eall could i su, today.
; Bade pahlleibroBpb toe Boyne Oitlsaa
The McEoery reMiution *». toeni^j
Rioted la toe local dally
Mt be Interrupted -Oao I eaplala
The city b aaable to bury tu
«y roteT” aaked Mr. Meltay. "Tbe..................... .
paatleBaa eaaaotexplaia fait rou.”
•aaoBaoed tto apeaker. "Caa 1 taake
raBorks oa toe Uii?-‘ promtad MuKay "Nor rapoaded toa apnakar
toorlead lo proceed with toe iaeeetlpaa prepare tbem for local aett Uoa aocordlnp b> toeir beet judgment
and Boat relactaaUy Mr. Mi Kay took tripe to the city cetnelery at Uarl'a
neat, and la due tiae to loake aad to eanvlse tbelr dberetloa la palohb oMt. ataakiap bb bead eiporoaaly | i„d. No burUb hare taken place I
■ of toe talanat aa
“*• “••• ________
I ainc. laat Tueaday. wtea a eoSla lad.a ' beat proinole the lotereeUof tbecltl- lapallpoBibleiaforBttioa repardlap
the irapedy.
OMdellolWayne. latrodimda jolall.tMBer Bade iu laat ttip. There
teaaoftoc tialled Sutea aad toe'nala parsnaaoe to tbeea iaatructuxb
of !"<»«•• 1 were la tbe orpue on Saaday fllty* la Wayoe ooaaty fmoi le.uuo to ki.ww. elpht bodlea awalUup burial and toe Ueee of toe blanda.
toecoBBltiee will employ 4. E: UeaYto bill waa laid orer
•teaoprapher of toe Tbirteeotb
BBBber wat raUed yeaierday to eipbtyjadictal dUtrlet. and aoonapaaled by
Aaioap tto
hlB Mr. 1‘rauaad Mr, Uilberi will po
bare aleo pea. a bill by MoCall W, Brlrate undertakera
.---------------------------j to Boyae City today f .- the parpoee of
coupellMi to dechbb to lusurgents Sot Flr« to
prahlbii the > aaotaoinre aad tale of<«'^‘y
|pettinf at the boli.iin facb In the
eoadnet fuaerala. Thb waa
jease. Tbe memWru or iLc bunllng
Town and Fled.
A4hI1 bylbck to republe toe ratee aeomary. not oaly by toe dlttcalty of
I party alluded to will b.- iolerriewed.
opeatap praref. but by toe iapoMibllfar aleeplag oar bnrtbs la tbb atnw.
Uy ol laduclnp tto drieere of
HobelaOieea 84 Boar, to •arraaderL*®'’sutcaeob'will be ae■ nt The.
. Matte
*!pi»ooanopporinoiiy to aUie all tbry
to. »oatoa aad Petrel Bombarded ,
of the clrcuB.aU.OM aad to aid
Lbe Oily.
| la toe.lneeatipailoa.
tto purpoMi to huira^ a teapi. to hold j ^^telde,*^.™ ^hae. be^ toa^
Maaila, Keb. 14.—Iloilo baa beea
-------------------------M*MUon.. etc KMd.B alU reiueB- ^bo„^
Ukeo. UMeral Miller pace toe aaUeca Ort*WaWs Patoer Dead.
^rporu l«,» all clUe. .loop toe tweaty-toarboBn la which to aarrea* Beaaape .rrired yeaterday aa-:
der toe city. They retuaed to aarrea. nonaelap toe death of Mica Oaylc
tto fund creatod under thb
ah ;
^^roaph to. .oath abow a a^.l.r der, proeoked a battle before Ute|0®‘»"“'^'“ falber at Vcrm-tatrllle,
MM-towltoto.fuada Mr. ElobboA^,u^.
twenty-four boura wore np aad wrra'**‘®^' M>itUrUwuld b auauprapher
__ bi______b. ■_
—. aara be wuiU the bw repealed Do|d,j*,^
teleprapblc eoBBualcn- wblppedt
for toe kl._u_.li..
Meroaatlle Coapany.
In -L
abort order.
•bea eoB. ecb.BB rabna fundi baaBl |
iloyea of tbe atore <
waatwouphtbereby toepnafaoat Pet
oa tab law and puna off with It be Bay
m, alao
rel, wlblch Ared the Aral pna in toe •yopatoy by aeadlap beanUfnl Bopere
to clBobed for fabe preteam.
to tb« bereaTod fasl'y.
Oolby of Wayae ptopnaea to atop EBKMI OXTMS tA.OOO TO TOOA
Aa aooa aa tto tiMaport benrlap re- ._^ v
itorMB.au reached Uea«M Miller
bribery and pulltlual oorrupiloa by aaOrokar
bat toeUaern Uliy Uu
laat Friday, and be bad beea pirei
OBfUap toe laker of a bribe from ounVpwlto $15,000.
lailructtona of Ueaetal Olb, he landed
bbmeat Tto law now maklnp It c^oal.
ly cnailnal to pit. or lake a bribe
New York, Eab 14.—Jamae R. K'ree toe aatlre eoBBbtloaer. who were re rUatonH feral”.
♦peratua tv orvU>ct both frua eapoanre. toe banker, eeat bit check for Si.uuo turned from Manila. He aeota cob.
to a carloto of I 1
am <
br tbra to toe tnaurpent
draft btiraea I
llhepberd of Cueuuynaa aotleed a bill 1 •* Mayor Van Wyck today for tbe rewblcb. if it boooam law. will preaUy I
foot. Suoo after Richard leader at Iloilo calliopupoa him toaartold at prloea which everybody
aSucl the laterauU of tbb tutc
wrote eat bb peraoMl check tor render wltola iweaiy-tour bourn, aad
reach who aeedi a ptod aaitnal Call
atock.at tbe
aeeke to proteei tto leBaialap'roreaU 1
ehalrinan of the I
“t** *® *»*«. any daaonlivery and aalce barn of Georpe
aadprue.dtoaforBUy ooBBbaioa io'8'“»®* ooatwUte. of IbBBaay haf*® « W ooaducl
Caraa (formerly Geo. Molr’ki on
aeetodvlnp tob
| wrote out aaotber check for Plo.ooo.:
belllperMt operatloaa.
a». U. 4u»os
'BbstoaU and *
^ I Mayor
Van Wyck
.icea a am toraaaeef
— waa
------------- by
r tola.''
— i.a
tto lepal rate of latcrnal la tobatot* to \ pavae that tto Sit.ouo would be tondrd : *
> ebaace to oee a Hoe of aoBolaa rep
Ate per vent. It u ctalBad tar iBproe- orrr to hla to be need lor tbe aame !
reaantlop. AMO.OOO atoek of uilor»U.|—Mr. K—Ikir-l -«"b d— 1.
lap ooBdliioBa joeiify ibw rediu-Uon.
madeaulU. aklrla, eapea aad jtckeU
bated for.
*vd tbe crultia oar’ ICirak Deaartmeetoa Wedaes________ ■ . _
er Beaton took tor aUUoa at toe otoer
toaator Sawyer propma a atiaewtot'
nay. F<
'eb. It. The U wtou Store.
aoeel beeteapar bbl by the protbMMu
<>< town.
of wblcb toe beet prower b to 1.'
-----------Friday paaed qnbtly. Durinp toe BeftSuafataACBiopi
■ I'aie-a" Cbicapo WatDe Bouae. too
oae-balf aad toe aupar Baaufaciurcr ’
***. BlUwortb Penad Dead day aany refupeea left town. Tto aaFront atreet.
aaa ball of tto bounty on aupar Bade
la B<4
I }ortty were taken aboard foralpa toipa.
from bi-ru Mr. Sayer alao wania a
Mra Mary K:kswortb. aped nearly ;^'f 1^® tinitod Sutra
. pe.-.tl t ua uf to B.UCU per barrel on niurly-toree, waa found dead in bed !
llinmlaaUd toa town aad debeer aad prvridea how tto prveaeda of at the home of her daupfater. Mra. will-,*•“•••
________ __
imioa that
that to.
toe rebel.
rebel, were:
Mr. Kll.worto 'waa ___'.,..,,^;ed
retarkabl, ~ to Ito ll»toa
The bUI wbk-a <
« toe four
f®**®*- Th. Petrel
townabipe-ta Crawford____________ -ell aad act... aoUl about two mmk»'
ukeam with
a,!.- U..„ u
aad detorwiaad to have ii
<0.1—«. >•;'—P..7 ~
I part of toe balldlap were aaved. but
-ho., fro. ,h.
, Thfrl‘:--To-*.’'-"’:, ui^. “"‘i-'r'f“ atrlpea over the fort
and hb
Wbtoler nutioud a bUto NpulaU : la a well
, known
towktap aad peddlmp i. uu
j f*«a*lj *l*®aat UiaptoB, The loan b
dbc prvMBt Uw <« that aubjeev bkvlap ®**"‘*^
' been UBUlariy
TbU plaee
-Ima declared uBLuuauiuilouat i., hj.
. j kaoWB oa tor Foa pUte.
-tdectaloa Tto__
Urinaa alao p.vre nollk-« ol a -Jl to^ .
. '—Z1—
uad oa toe blpuwaya of tab auto
IB tto prtee.
•U'lt )
md took pdaaeeaion of tha place.
Tba marlaea aadaoldimuabora then
troeeedad to toe ual| of uvinp tto
Eoplbb and OarBi
aalatoa troB Are. Tto Bwtaa coaaal'a
raaldaaoe. U tto mat* row aa toe ooaMilatM noBto. waa bamed. Tbe as" " a and-uUve aectkBa at tto
dtolcoyaA, bat ter^pa Bar-;
New Curtains
Those felt ones with s(»in£r rollers—all ahades
BTMdAktinB OommittM Will
Waablartoo, Pok. li.—Tto toaoto
Oo To Boyn* Olty.
tocaa Ita totalon today wito only alaa
toaatoto prootoT Tto otoaia wan do- AatooMaad at Olitaowa* MaMla* to Pro-'
Terrlbl* BUU of Affair* la layod ky tto anew, but tuaprUd la tUI
ooadVito Saqalry aa to Xtoatoof
^odpa Oork.-U-Oirealt Oaort *MaI Mr. Attwart ol Netada took tto doer
Ofraptor Headaraoa- WiU AoeOB-1
IU oppoaltkB to tot MeBaery rcMlatloa
paay OoBBlttea.
Uabarlod | and la faror of rtUlelap tbe Pbllippiaet. Mr. L.lo()kay of-Keotaeky aad Mr.
la rotpoaao to tto call baaed tkero '
■teaail of ai^oalty la BTntk*~t
watapood attoadaBMof loeal attomOoMttoilM — T^tao Dalayod aad
, aye aad ciUeeai at too BteUnx lo toe
Ttltprapkic vOoaaBnatoaUOB latorthe Baeoa ooonell rooa yeotorday Boratap. Tto
ftnwd Vito.
oblect waa to eoaler with toe opBali-'
UooooabUopof S- a Pratt. P. a OilNow Yoto. Pak. 14.-NOW York to ,
UnliedAtaloabarobydiSelalBtaaydb- btri aad 4. A. Loraopar. who were ap.'
day oa>oyM> - too Am toaaklao tloet
poelUoa or Inteetloa to o«o(aise per-j poiatto to lo<,alra iato tto cireaBotaa-'
PrMkay. bat tot city b tUII eat off for
Boaeat aorerelpaty. jurbdlctloa or Um earroaadlap tto death of toe Ute I
tot Boot part f roB rail oonBualoaUoa. ooatrol orer tbe blaadt. aad aaeertt I j«dpa Corbett.
An atioBpt wai made today to toad
diumluu... U.U ..... .ubl. j
awayapoiUoo ol tbe bbIU piled la
ladepaadoat portraBeat b erected ctolrBon aad T. T. Bam aeereiary. 1
tot poatofUata. Tto priooe of provlThe ooBBitmatadea report of toei
eloueaeTtrl - * "
letuU of toeir laeeetipaUoai ae tar ai'
they had propriiiil aad eubBitted the:
wfur pakaiup it touaP'out that lUy ®®®"‘®A preoedtnp bar deavb, nM fell fuaUlada. Tha Boaton and i‘atr«l tbea
Bala body of ibe inaldeab aaoBed to ' *®'®®P
»“r®ad apata.
I tba iwbeb- tiwaebM. mob
•ppooe the dikaolutuw and paaaed aj
'or.Bpletolyclearlapto«iB of ttolr ol4 at Pouch. .
ueoluuoatu rrcnil the bin froB tto ‘
tto time
tlnu \ia***m
id' ,!
K »e
dinoa tto ad
SooB after the bombardBent bepaa
>oaraB«at tbr bill bad ——■ both ‘ **^*'*““
““ “*
amee broke oat U variona parta of
t toe town. TtoraapcB toe Fonrto ma-
Ten Tear Contracts
Sobscribers Mt| Ctiecl
at ead of aix Boatoa or ebaape
to any elaM of aerviee at will.
Telepboae tto laaaaper to eall
aad explain new ram adoploa by
Michisai Tclepbone Cn.
good cloth ones on Hartshorn spring roUera selling
at 22c.
PrevenU the sun fading yonr carpet and
makes the room look cosy.
I aao Front St.
“City Bookstore.”
SU Ualna Straet.
Talepboae No. 41.
The Finest Stock Funeral Goods
Xb Xrozt^wr-a. *f1nniw ii.
Bat kept out of alpbt eaUl Doeb a tlae aa wanted.
Everybody Likes
The Kimball Pianos and Organs.
Finest in tone, finish and workmanship. Good
stock of fine ymall instruments.
Look in on us.
235 Front Street
___________ NJ^STRONE, ManagW
To clean up odd slaes ot
Jaros HygieniG Underwear
W, frffvlt kmonr nuiny othw dMldkd
■mdantar buckliu at
1-4 Off Regular Price
This for a Short Time Onl>:
Made by Micblpaa Telepboae Co.
for any data of aervica dealred.
—seH at ten cenU—Then we have a big tot of those
{ Supply your future wants now—There Is
only one 4aroe and none
other so good.
I Hamilton Clothing Co.
ran vovvnra
to kMtartapaiaaaa Uipk lakool
ma. awd at tka oad poa will ka batim «ttad for aap protooatoa- If poaaiWaokMrotdtotraaiUokoalaa lllarafT
dipiaa. aad to' tkat tlMkaaalaaOM of
pfatalM w(U ko adl aaator. da
wBunsPAT.FBBKUAmTU. isse
arc laaalaaMa.
TV*, poaa* ataa oatartapa paal a
J, W. Uammkm. Idltor u4 IfMHfw. •toa tooap kail praparad or paoiip
apalppad to aara to ka laft kaklad. Tka
baWtofoarraatobaarratiaa. of taafac
acarptklar aad cf aaklap at laaM
XMt Brplaa Today. '
a mMUl aou of It to aaaMtla} to tka
The Lraiaa aaaaoa beclaa today.
praetitloaar. la pretratoopa) work
------------Uto bBlBf dak Wadnaaday. la Grace
aacaMary to laara meek ttoat la aol
AbPOltttP JTPOPPPlQr for Mora Kptooopal eaarck aarricaa wUlbabald
Vvchkk tok&b-AX«V\ eo\«rv.
obulaad Iroa koaka ar ptraa to
o’clock Ul* moralap aad Uto
School tooom.
' aaaalBp at halt paat aataa. Baerpoaa
I'raetlaa ia aaatap bow maah pop «m
1^. to Utltad to atuod tbaaa tarviow.
taka ta at aftapaa- la tka aaadlnal Soaid of Sdaeatioa^OowBltt
OMfuatoa fcatUbaaa of auaaar. a*«cMad tkat Oaar.^wded Ooodi
The Para la Ortapa Oara.
paUp wtok auflMwta. uet la daaliap
IVara to ao aaa MtSariap troa* Uto
HOB Koat ka Baliavad toatora
wtU tka oraraaBaltira aad torttabla.
of tea aaeompltob m«ra tkaa raai
Tka erowdad eoadlU]^ of Ua pubUe all throupb yoitr body, poor lifer to o
Dr. Bawlp rrfwrad to tka < ■da of
rt«(WW M« M
>haol boildian of Trareraa Cil* wiU
Or. MItokaU. wbo -- "Waao
Tka irivMM t* Wfm Md* bjr
batora Ua bepuplag of
^ „p, Klaf’trie Bill
AmHm* liMal Md Wir« OM»pMf took apoaawaaa
a tor tka 1to tka onlr remedy
tba aaat urm,
imedp that will plfayoul
«CwtoM4M«<ipU9«Md»k«i it k wbtob ,wa wore wiU a> iTe aad
aad feora relief. Tbep act dlraoidlp iacreaaiaf ear«:ii
aDdiaWwbieh waca«t. wsU mo
i»iilJin< tk»i thU mem k *p '
ready maap of tka _______ rMUpoBjpoor Urer, Stoamckaad Kid-]
«f w • tr»M «*• attMiUcHi of vorklof law Uoapkv oar drap* '
_ tka.pro'rraaoa.
—- .
Will W »t oaea awraokad. Waaaaa
Mtaioar wlU childraa. aa UayawI Grawa to Uylap U dar.w
eorr <>r price rcfoix
iMti ara eraciud wi(k kai^ tka
eiekpaopU are idaeUcal maap timaa. ] Uka earw^ Ua papUa properly, la
»Waal«a.i^ p™
g^ua to radaaa ratkar thaa ratae
bakaaetU poar work aa poaalbla aad order lo ajbaldar Ua mauar of extra
la ooaaaaUoa «ttk tka aa
I oa aeboolaaad
I early ia
■n~TT----- 1 rafarradtio a tow took arputoe kaWia of i
teaebara aad bolldtapa aad rroaada npa kenm ter Mia
vroaa of lataraa
A pbyalaUa doaa i
Mi leal aipht wiU Ua aaperiotead-1 1 bare Juat amred with a carload of
Tka adaaaoa to
1 aa lOpar eeary dap of bto liia aad bto a
•LMa da; «aa aai
from Uaai
«aiti«om;la;aa « .
alee aad ealf-MortlM map aatypropasbool bui.diac
xi.diac la Ua ToarU . reach wbo aeed* a pood aalaial. Call
fS pae «•■». aad to aaployaa
aad laapaet tbi* Paa atock.
arip ba
WtU tkat of Ualwsrd, but aaoalp liu from tbat ward
iinlrr trom «t.M to >t M par dap, *
Itvary aad aelea bora of Grorpa
j arc attaadlap Ua oUer acbooto Uat
par Mat Ttab U aa iaaraaaa of
eo. toolrV
" ■
BOt bare yoa faal tbat tbara | idea wUI ba abaadoaad for a Uma. Bat
■ O. Jasm
tokMk; tkU oaa eospaa; of aaarl;
to aot every raaaoa wby a pbyalelaa ‘ ihc crowded eoodllioo of Ua bolldlars
tUM.MOparaoaaai. or *S paroeai
I'all wr B(1 br IrIruboDr Ku. IVI. le rail a> U *M roar bk->rlr aed bare li tnit lb
•boald raeelva a loit raaompaaaa for [m*ke« more room ab.olutai; .aieamary. .fttoOaly pUw
At tka profarradaVwk of tka oowpaa;‘iar*.i“ro\Si.Tu‘S.‘
btoacrrloa wbaa bedraie ariU paticatal TbaCaatral. Boarumaa AfaaDo and ia the oity for Prat olara order eookWklak raprraaaU Moaa; iaveatad
aKiSri. lur CB. Tkr nnljr ut>
bir>*->r wrka Id ihf
^ Tka aoapaa; tkat makra tkk ad- wboara BoaBclally able. Bart, of l.to ‘ Bimwood areoue tolldiaca arc aoofer Ij***^***^' ai'catioa to at the
r> WiUcKr jou lu-rlart >ai..>lio-Uuii Ici bulldluc, rr-painar or rBaaM-lin« or no
#WM la irarra ooBir U ika barbad- work to for bonaat wacar. aad a pari j erowdad that before promotmaa
la f Ifiair ef bto beat akill aad Umc U mada aomo proviaioa moat be made for---------------------------------------- ---------------vtra. rod aad aall btuiaoH of Ua eooB
huperliiUodaut Orawa Do yoU koow tbat VOU Can
lap. M> daMDd waa made oa tbr Uoac wbo eaoBot pay. At V role a new pupito.
I to poorly .paid for bto ear. baa beea atudpibr Ue problem aadj
Mklpaa; bj tia aaipl^aa. Tka
euacludM tbat tbe beat plaa would l-a
buy a nicc Oak
••apadraaaad mmgm aimpl;
Oae miMt reallae-Uat a prweUtlooer'e W build exieoaioua oa tba Blmwood'
•f tka proaparoai li««a Boai
life to more or leaa beaet wlU bard- aad Boardmaa btcbm baildiii(a.
l■pflT^^l1 nader tka Olacie; law aad
ablp aad erca daarer. HU elecp to la- tubmiUed M the oummltUea laat aif bl
•IMtor tka proapacl for taoraaaad
terferM wlU aad bto mcato koow ao a caarral plaa W eorer ckUaaioo* for
tl paar tkera a
to tka fatara. taal
regularity. DaaTera abouad ta bto both. Tbe kuneatioa locliidee a fourdaaiaad from Baropa aad
aarfleal work.
room cxtcaaioa oo each. Bp Uto adoi- j
itola tor wtra fooda aad aalLa. Our aaKirat aad foreatoat Ue rmlaamlnp tloo rMo would oe mada for aew pu-j
porta of eat. wira aad olkar aalla
of medleai praoUoa to Ue aav pile aad couogb apere room galaad to!
psooktad to sl.ti: MO pouada la itM
Ubl four Of Bre yrara. Bp Ue adupuon |
M apaiaat ti.an ouo pouaiU ia iaV7 aad
b so sb
I aaflBf life aad rellefler dtolreaa
of UeaucifcaUoo pkcvaalb and eliffaU-i
fl4lT.ouOia IHU*. la Daeamber. If»7.
A phyak'laa le truttad
>. J grade would be added to Uoardman ,
•praaporta of wIra amouatad to lu.wlUbald
Ia Itaeawber, lad*.
I Kt atoo bare for aale laad* for good farm*.
SptwItkBtaadiac tka dia(arbaDi-*a la- balp but ieoreaaa in Mif raaprcl wkea ! wood afaaur. Tbu plaa would rciicre
iidiol to war, oar esporia of wira wara aa rcaliBBs bow aacura Ua mrj iritp of i Ue preaaurc. aod iba oomraltica could
ppa-kkif larpar. or is.au.oeu poaada people feel la Ulllag Ueir troublea Ui|mm3 aooiber wap out of Ue dilUcuiip.
Ihe auggrtUoo* were diacum.-d
Wt have a fine Hot from $si
Opr aaporta »r wira la Ihm amouatad bim.
Thera to ao oobler. ba
length aad tbe eommittee* Boallp de
toM.tU MU pouada, ia 1XV7 to lla.aat.upwards.
PPO, aad la iai<. to i.n.tiM.uuu
TbU Bor aap truer wap of • -ting God or cided to aubmit a report to Ue board
•pttoof iaaraaaa eslaadad to all the man Uaa Urougb Ue medical prole*
t. a^dc
lag farorablp la betipktar maaufaataraa of troa aad lUel. aloe la regard U Ua rat|ulreiuanu
of Ue
U plpn kuggraled.
toptak tba baaU for Ua baaadu wbleb for aatraace lalo reoogBiced uiedieal
ppw arc acenilap u tka Amarlcaa aebooto, carp few diffrreaoea eilat ia tbuoght tbat tbe cxteaaioDa mcoUoaad
tba demaadt of reputable iaatllutioa*. would coal BAOIM each.
Houae FontiBhing Store.
Today a four-year oouiae of niae
New Store. 120 Front Stieel.
moaUt each to required to oblpin Ue
lb* Harrto-Kouod bfuptiala.
dfTrea of U D.
Yeeteiuap Btorning at Ua o'clock Ue
Tba aoal of aa-.b a ooaraa depeada aupiiato which made Ur. Uarrp Uarrto
A s
n.... A.,
where aod how you go. briag and Uto* Marion Bound man and wife,
A. 8- Rowley QaTa An „ot jam Uao kuwo aod aaarer
look place at tbe borne of tbe parenU
Dr. Bowlay Imprmied upon all proapre- of the bride. Mr. aad Mra. Kicbard
Able AddraM,
Ura medleai •ludeaU Ua secatallp of Bouad. TbeepUeopal marriage ceremoap waa performed
Serfa Aadiaaaa of Touag Mam^rofltmedleiae
Tba profeaaloa welcomea WcItoiaUepreaeaeeof oalp Ue im
•d by tka Kaouladga and Xaparlgood m*B.
mediate relatieea of Ua ooopla
gwea <)f Oec'of Travarm Oiiy'aTromla cloalag hla addrea* Dr. Bowlrp happy pair were atteaded bp Ur
toaBt Touag rbp»lclaaa.
aald be bad dueouraged ao ooe iaU-ud- Koued. brother of Ue bride,
Tka tourik af Ua acriea of laeturaa lag to drrola the aaemiary time to tbe maaaad Ue groom'* atoter, Mtoa Lon.
far yonaj! mraarraaged by Prof. C. T. nady of madlclai*. and wbo to prliaar- Harrla a* brideamald. Tbe bride wa*
Orawa a a* girra la*l ereaiag ta lip fliiad la body, mlad and eioral* for prettily arrayed In cadet bli^ aerge
Dadtoa' Ubrary ball by hr. A. N Bow- tbe peculiar aa well a* arduoua dutice with pink kilk front and carried bride
And othera Wh«n yon wknji the beet aek tor
roae*. The decoration* were caraa)ay, aaaU'Aktauperi'aUadeat N rUera of a phpalciaa.
Tbe lecture
UoD* aod bpacioth*. Tbe preaenl* were
Tba aitatiiUeea waa larger ^baa at UediOculllee met with aad Ue re uiBop and ueeful a* weli a* oruameoul.
lumedlatrlp after me ceremony Ue
aayot tkc proiuiw Irclurc*. Ik^ be ward* of auue«m. It wa^ aa able. Ic. . and
.groom aad relative*
lag oae i-uodred aad a.veoii^-alae BUuctire aod lBlen*e:p lolermliag ad- bride
which the young men fortun- j down to a *plendid wedding breakfaat _ ,,
poaac men |•rcacot.
totbeBrhtof bit adiim* Dr. Row- ate eaoBgh to hear it will profli.' prepared aod »erved by T. U Collin., Bekille M.ld
wbeUer Uey uke up Ue atudy of j proprietor of the gaeea Ciiy Ke*Uu. ' ■"
lay aUtad
rank 1%e menu wa* ae follow*:
latea the dlfHcultia* wbleb ooo- medleiae or aoL
u. Hull bbrU
ught/ul itudi-nt when
aiumpllng to dekdr wbat bto life
grird arullupu a I* Bull rv a bMel
KrrdOtlkof tbcGuelph Pateat Caak
WOrkehallbr Ttie pmblrm. hr **td.
Co., nf Honor, wa* in towaoa butineaa Hakrd t'uiuior.
tavolrt* too marb for oae ki pa** orer
lliBut t uuo* Turkv> •
Prr*..* Pruu .
; tirvuurU LvKu.-r - VkU-k<-* Suiud tlu>uuUr
It aaretr**lp. tru.llog to luck or ^c*iWilliam llkbbler of Uke Aaf wa* in
Pmaa Cake
4aa«* lor a b*ppp tot^r
NukpolituB In- CremB
towB yekterday
•omc bop* wbo eater bnaiaem bon*e*
Manly C. Dodge went to Maneeleaa Uraagru
•MM to dr.ft Ullber wuboat macb
VMitation. nr wita tllUe ikougbt aa to
i Uati) March firat Ue newly wedc-ed ]
luKeldentAlly to look over bto ebaaee* la I
couple will rrkido with U* par- I
tka oateoae.
Antrim eouatry for Ue elrcail judgeAaopeDlog bsa -oeeorred aad Ue
|enu of the groom, oa Kc*t kevenU *
yaaag ataa l.aa beea lorilad to «U It.
jatreeb They will then go tu Umaba ^
rred Uayae of Charlevoix, wa* in |
to ioam In.uoeea, however. Ue yoang
I tor a few weeks before aettlieg in 4
Ue elty yesterday oa'. bn*laeaa and to
[Ueir aew borne ia Jdsbo.
•Mbaebp bia peiaoBalltp craetad a
flaaee over U* etocalt judge altoatloa. |
4aaaad fur Ito aervieea
A Mmirow X
Dr. Tilt, the veterinary cargaoo, went
Bat tka Mac to far dilTareat to Ue
Tbaakfvl word* writlea by Mrs. Ads *
jmU la tearch of profrmiooal reward*
B. Hart, of 'Jrotem. ti. D. -Wa* Ukea <
Umg aad weary yeara of preparatory ,
witb a bad eold wb'.eh kottledoa rap '
ot la sad fipsliy leruiia- |
•erk are before bim. aad for Uto rea-1
•At. T K4VM
J. «. lUm
the food nora MdoM MdwMewMM
lawd. j
*1 wvAs a lawd. j
1, VO, \b, \8, tSc. I
-♦ H. B. OIBES ♦-
I The Practical Bicycle BDilder and Repairer;
Writing Desk
3n(i Book COSOi^c are buying in large quantities and pay highest prices.
combined for only
Wc I
II Sound Hemlock Lumber, Maple Flooring
and Sliofi Maple Wood.
z J.W.Slater Remember
There Are Two Kinds Of Flour-
l( Gives
Hannah & Lay Go’s.
Rose's Pine Eipectorant-25 cents-for coughs ood
- Fish! Fish! Fish!
For the Lenten Season.
Lent commences Wednesday. February 16th, and we
have laid In an extra fine atock of strictly No. 1 Salt Hacker-
' daughter wbo to atleading tbe oon••It. bto rekouroM. and komelbtng
teeat of tbe obatacle* to be eoixinei
Mu* Julia froTSBcber to preparing
•d before Ue final decliiuo to madi
..trf .... ,i.«,
“1 1“
•aeb bitwcompciition la bu*ii
nbao aaplui > WiU ust ead la view.
pivalry in profraaiuo*. it boeomee vary
ktart along Ue linea of
srofk fur whhb one 1* be*t fitted
.special Cooclav* of Traverse City
oui Ilf erery on- haaimmaadery- No. ii will be held Uto
gredsladisuwhiiaeek higher edaea
eveeiagat 4 o'elo.;k aban* Work la
Ho* beeoise medical atudeau at naee.
TV. a-v.».*-mect in the medical pro:
be «lr KuigbU
.,1 „.1.______..
; *»*•
Bnigbu will be promptly on ;’
gave me up, aaylng
*Kg I1 eould live but a
kbort time. I gave rapaelf up to my
Savior, drlcrmii.ed if I could not kiap
with my friend* on larU, 1 would meet
r abeent one* above. Up hnkbaad
A advleed t« get Dr. King'* New t
eoverp for Conkuraptiuo, Congha ai
Colds. I gsve It B Dial, look in 1
eight bOtGea. U ba* cured me. and
thank God I am saved and .
well and heaUbv
to rte. St K. B
el. No. 1 Bound Shore Salt Herring, Pickled Salmon, Smoked
Salmon, Canned Salmon, Smoked Herring. Smoked Finnan ^
Haddies, Domestic Sardines, Mustard Sardines, Imported
Sgrdines, Canned Lobeters, Shrimps, Boneless Smoked Herring- and don’t forget our Oysters—all solid meats.
Give us a call The plica-—
«■.«. s,,™.
termian ep. • hi* peofea. oust caroer. | Traverse Bap Hive. No. 7|. Tbnrsdsp CUtkSB fislad
M-ld b- pint or,a.rt b> prl-nM f.ul- i
AUba**' edseatioa to aeomaary to’atSp. m Member* see reTuMlAd to
linn KnUMinn ninil. nn,^l.
hn«r net *> wug maa * trail*. Some be preaeat as there to ImpoitoBt baal»•■—*« to at w-a-k Bcoa eaeb one aad j aesa to be traameted.
|>5^ o^Tfi\cVv\5^tu
I SROTi,3Tw\vXe®sS\on«;s j
A to»Mfe at Ut BMt*
'aab DaMara awd n.ltraf«
1>a Bcraadlu wUl «Ha a aoeial' Acnrdlair to tbr rr-port «/ a racrpt
daaoa U tbatr kAd oa Tbanday aaae- (swr^olaoial medkal Ct«fmarr. poblay. HaUab orahaalfs wiU taralab lt*bed ia Tbc lourruktaial Mi*dical
Jotmal pf Anstralia. one of ibr tbraatba aiaak.
__ ______ _____ _____ ___________ .'
• twek
lire, ia a uiaaiiua
Thara can ba ao atroafar aaldeaea of ^ wgr^b Cd.oou. at>d hi» wife own* mad
«ood loaaacaBaot t^M appaaia Id tba rau a rue* hi«e. Aiivtbtf i* a niited
aUlfiBV mada by Tba Ftiat Natlobal clrll aervaal, o» aSa« a row of coUayea.
Baak aad prtatad la tbb aasbar. It, vbo. while takiay bit i#dia.irr atteadladiffi.:iUtto appr«!iata tha beoett a ««Kr fr«ia hi^nl jb doctor at tbrecpeoce
I tba rartoaa a week, dun Dot beaitatetolwvairaiaraa !
oficea of a atrooy tiaaoclal inaUtatloa aa a cuoraliiun' (ae wbe« be rwiiiirea I
, fviber advice.
aad a ataady yrowth of al
One of the medical mm makiny tbie
of Ita boalDM la awaranoe of a wall report has att.wded as ex-suror with
attbattM&BaaHe paid him about
vu. ;
ty baa ia It.
*iw vuib afid _________________
MutU»- ruMf^. «m Ob^I/ cquumM l^l' t* UndM. iCar. > atday. by wbleb tba Maabiaa l««bar
• of tbe Sarebi
w«b#el«aaat Iba aw-1 Laabar Oo. aa» Bill plaat. aad salt
nocatatbaUattadilraUiraaebweb tt|w«ka. Tha Baraka eowmaj »ku(
waa dUcovarad W ba oa Sra ia tba l«fb ] dowa laat Jaaa, ba*l«V eat lu laat lof.
aad bafora Ua i>nrbB>ttaa eaatd «al, Tba aa« orraen will raa iba plapt to
•BlBoataoftbaplaatiarrBf fall. ByUa'iU failcaaaeily a«» aaaioa. baata*
BTOBptaeUoaof tbaetitsaatwUbtbair'ilBbar aaaafb iaalfbi lo raa boU
to UtlMalbbaca. U wpa pat oat »Ub I «ailU for ataay yeaia.
Tbaio wlU ba a ranlar drtll ^f tba
»»> ond
W 1#* 4mW » U» •!.».*.
j <Mi
» «k. traw. .<
a w,^k. Aoutberharatteodtauk no.«axer, twc hwwerw aeveral
Barry dfpotd. acad at. a wall kaatra Bay City. Tba raaca la tba kltebM of; Ba^ Btflm tbb aeoolay to If^t,^11 to do ►t.-rvlcTiv n ami. guod maov
tbcnrUia tarmar. died Hatardv alybi W. B. UtaUaa. Birhth htrMt. blow ap ara’ bail. A faU attaadanc
attcodnl a
Wd bla wlfa diad MaMay olybt. . yaatcrday
moratoc. wraektoc tbc
aertptloaelarktotbadrac atora of & man w.uih fr.nn t».i mm u, fso.oon.
daabla faaaral will beheld today.
raapa. Injartoy tba hired rtri. apd aaW
>aof Bd. Walt wko b
Uey Are to iba^m; bat tba blaM
WOliaai Kaaaar of baad Baaeb. baa
tlaa wiltba
' Irwk of aalara ia tba taWpa of a calf waa «|ulekly qaaaobad. Tba tanra la'
aril! wm* i>n>Trd at A K.mK), yet be had
withoaa body aod tbiaa baada. two thaboaaeof AldarmaaUmoiit.fuartk| Tba Kelly Sbtoflc Oo. of tbb ally Btteoded bim and bU famil[y fur IS
tally daralop^ »1m lac«. aad two
b]oria« tha blrad \ baa baaa orral
orraplccd tola a aorpotatloa
There are payni of tbeae aumplen.
I wlU a caratalataek of «t0.000 aad artTV yaara' Waa of amoetotkm baea baaa died with aad tbe nnlvereal textlmory
At daabaoa tba will of tba iaU Bd.
buna fide wtHrini^man. the
ward 4. Ooaaabla baa baaa Blod for old aad a raaUaat of Baalou Harbor.' tba aaetalary of auta.
pivper club patient.
toelaatly kUlad hr a Vaadalb'
Attar proeidlar amply for
le well to do |«ni
Ma widow, all tba raaidaa of bU prop trala to that oompaay-s yard ia Bt.
Mr. aad Mia. VicUw Hetartyl. died'
»^>tcul are trmiUew.me and
arty, wblek b aald to amaaat lo waay Joaapb Tkaold mb wai aomawBati.^,.^_______ _,ii *rv.. «_____ I
: exactlnx toa dt-Kree. Uoe doctor ure
^ j
*••■»?>•«< more,
lew tbankfol
dbaaaaad dullara. b r*ea. eaa-tbtrd to deal, aad It b Boppoaad that ba did aot
fb-i-dl- moratof at W. ,»d alwaye have abides they atv not
Albtoa CaU«ca aad two-tblrda to tbe bear tbe approa^tog trala.
At Obarleroix £*kc Miahina b fro*-'
■“'■OKb fur their money." wbib
Vtebl«aa ■atbndbt towfaraoee tbaia
^ TaU '
l>l»i«*titvly a<bb: -Tb.- wife yenermm» from wbbb b to ba aaad for tb.
i. w—
• o"i"w> •* tboram from •!■.' topi you waiting a quarter .d as
baaaftt if wan oat wlabMa. Mr from Baaver IMaadbbatoc braarht
boar to tbe drawing rcou while aba
<teaaWa waa ao aaele of Balph >»•
r tba ba on foot.
aabb of Traewraa Cl\y.
-Ill M,
I,» I., Italic,.,.,..,..
m..lFraah aawmaaa, a yoaat Uarmaa IhahMtUakneh
tha rmldatioe of her dM(ht«^Mra. M. UmduB MuiiutoL
dinner w at tba
farmer Iblar aear Vaaaar. wblla the
5M tf.
K. Back.attoVtoek.
r waa » below taro.
e lee riatew.
aariytay apall of water to «a«b band
The iw Ilivs uf ili.-Mie. mTi areprohto tbe ban. loataad of aattiny down
i.alOytbe ]>rvuiivt and nw»1 extraurdioas pall to open tba door, ha took tha I
• onry ibat flimt opun md .\toeriian rlrer.
(ddfaablaaedlraa latch la hU month ^
^ Aaicetlui- in the Mi»iw|>pi. m long
aad triad to rabe Uia toicb with hb I
a it Boutv and tbe wealhrr ia cold, betearaa. «oa-balt Inch of tba toapae ‘
.im«* iilwaya largi-r. It ImitdH oat from
waa loft OB ibatotob
the idg.i.. Hnd hi a lew buani it will
increxM- iimny f.at in di«m.tor. So
About midnifht Malt Core, a promi
h i. r tl.f liruad and aJet-pv Sow of
aantcUbeo of Baalmi Uarbor, waa
Mrs. Btmona of Blue Spiioca. wba to , Jouraal that on April lo. lei6. the ibar- the Mi«to.ip,.i.
auuek by an alaetrb ear and died a few aald to be li<J yaara old. baa Joat re. mometor at that place marked i> daIt If attuth<T aort of ice fl.w ihnt
* . hoan talar.
vovarad from aa alUefc of tbe (rip
(reea below cero and that on May a of Suatatia the Mi*e.mri. f.w the Miiwoori
OaMtiaBMvof tbe atoamsr
--------- ------Tboaaaadadf ruAge boiuea are aald tbe mine year tbe akatinf was excel- banoiiierwirtofriter. UTi.-rethe Miakiwupiii fioWH fn.m tw.. to three uiilta
•toSurd. wbteb U loeboaud two milealto be atarvioy to death to eaatom lenton tbe pooda around Bi((aviUa.
an bonr
a nuraial i lunni vclm-n
oatabrepatof Kraabfort. walked to j<ira(ca and-wttA aery few eseeptlona i with tbe
g w-vm a
•a tbe ba. Ba asyi that ia hb aojafa | tbe ownare of boraea aad eaub bare naaiwM- i
baoweoaauied only two mUeaof open' Aiapalred of aartof mom than aamaU : u_i_
ii. i.WM.piug . vcnly and ew.mthlv. I
— ------------Kawminaa aMd
had (bank.'
(bank- pereeaia(a
i Charles Bobart. a farmer of Coffey- MuNiiiri i» m-diing. awiiiiuK and Cl
> forv Tba Mtoffurd left Kawaaaea aU
DawMio'* diat dog i
'*>‘- Tllle.Kaa.. placed aomt dyoamlto on ting up a/t-T til.- /a^lli.•ll .|f the fatuu
i road b to aaocemfal
wiilcTv thill till) at L<M)t.rc‘
* tbe stove to thaw it out
S. tb- S.sT. uf tlicMUmiiiri arc whirl
b patronirdf ,« langely aa ta aay coan-, dorado and Boaaoia cmcka aad tbaoca ,
ed Mini gn.iiiid >'ll•■lup■U>lt thi-utbiT
Uii .i arc r.mml, aa a m1kh.-I—rvijy
try wnare tba oity <* aot tartar than up Bouanaa. a total dUianoaof pearly i>i_^
unri.f thfiii iitiil half ul tli<'iui.piuuiu((
datdtooo. Oa baterday auo hooka wm *0 mtlea
way Mild fh- lailunia- tin- oth,-r.
AiNew York tbe White SUr Itoer ! Bomtadvicea aay Fiance and lta<y
Oermanle atoih «t her pbr to Mortb *•“ «“'to Cape Damalm. al the aoalh- ■nwy tKri ly g. f larger than four fc, t
AuinctiT. and ili>- uiiijur |
MlnnbUbUhdof hadhaw, «hirtb-:'»*«
tbi-n iin- »i<t more limn thii.v ('unstaiit
•tod a pojitot badkenbief wrto her “•am partblly aulbnarged. Tbe aocl- '"""T b*r sham.
grhiiliug iifK.n ili. ir edi.-.w l.ailJ. npa
•ama imirkad ta' it u> tbe aoldima In
^ ■*><> *<• tovr Urn dae to tbe
Thirty members of i:oc)e Sam'i
curuice of while, jM.wil-rid i—, and.
Oaba laat aMmar. John Uaarhiin of i ‘‘••V ooaiiiit of loa which formed on Pvdiwon tojmglog to Manila got drunk like little ><r idul.e that woqld h.-lil
hew York, gut H and baa wriitao to'
**•' aieamer Tbe oontto-,'•»'* toe iranaport aailrd WHt.T. IInd I.H king fur all ilic wurlii like
thank her. Tbeae b no menitoa of bb‘*>t^ loading of enni. cumbiaed with tbeiwitboattbememdiuogtbemaadeeert- tt^ tbuiimiid IruZi-n u.vM.-r luttieM initowponlag to maniage. ao (be romnaee ' ^***7 weight ct the iee. eanaed tbe
ffhe b now wnillng tor' them nt gruling tulbes.'B. they go KdiUng and
riiiubiDg aluug in the jin flli-st of pro■■■■a
j steamer to ibt nod tluwly sink to the ' ‘toerci-wiuBw—.St. Liiaia Ri-|>al>li<-.
At Aaaoaen. Bgypt. tbe Uake of Con
M. Beaaatt. Co. F, bottom. It b aald that boom was tortrat houlb lialpU volanuera. which
; nahgbt, third eon of Qaaen V.ctorin,
Mar B JiM-ker Whip HU ilumet
rarlaent baa bann to tbe Agbilag at
Uo Saturday, when the tbermometar { Saeday morstog laid the
UuH s iiiau the right lu w hip a boe
lUhila. b a aabaaof Heuratav. Mbb
a tbres.degrar« below xem. meaaura- . of the gre
w at tbe top of daring u nu i-T The qn-Htiuti Iuim jn.t
Baanatl writes ahpt Miebigaa b tba I
toe Jbuoblyo bnd(e
tba First Oalaraet to tbe preaenee of Uvn Mihinmnl lu a iiiagiMirst- ut Spa.
boat repmmnanf aUto amoag (be
___ ! tohen of *ba trniaai and other A*rb
to 1 Kakbry Paaba. Minbler cf Pablic in liclginiii. three uicti bnviug
troops la tba PnUIpptoea.
Hbe baa
kow auek the eoaUaetion bad ; works, and other aoUblra. Tha leagtb I«r.sH<iil,il lit tb-iuMMUceuf thcSa iely
Fij Iht- Fr\>lurli,.ii uf AiitoiaU fur huvatoromoD to tha weaiera or algbtA><>^ ^ cumpartog these Aguree :of the dam b a mle and a quarter,
ing wbipfied lb«-ir ii{iis..N dnnus tbe
armye jTpe than hll tbe otbara pat to- , *‘to tboae tohan fast July, wban tba will be eighty feet wide at the
nii'.v Uirre. M. Van Fmd. tbe unJy one
ffatbar. Xbare are IS man from Mbbi- thafhiomator waa tm drgreea, it was land eu feet high. It wilt raise the level id th. drr-iiihintn who kpjuvinil in
(aa to hb oumpany. la the Twenty- toaad tbat tbs deffomikee war I4<< ;of (be N\b for l«u milea.
conn, jdi'uihd that ut th-iiiuim ul wb<-u
tobd Unltod Stotos Infantry am more I
Ui view of King Bamherfa decbloo b- Imd Wuii the ru«v hi. Ugre stlmii|>lthan»immeaf«miMlchlgan.and£nUi.: The KeytotoUb Courier apya that g,
Sardinia ihb pear ed to swerve, und he wus «i.ui|s-lli-d to
giv- th-auiuw] a b.ncfa.witb the whip
Waablngton totooteer mglmcni mom ■*«“«* * J tomal recently depasiied
in order to
him in u utnight
<u. 1~ ™ CU1«
_ ,k.„ > . l».l. ..
r.. c.Jd '
„ „u.p.» brt,.«iw-. l»i
home. Tbe chapialn of the South Ba- which wai reewnUy osig up fromtlr—n ■
caplurinir an ocsmsMoal bandit, conrM^'. Thu Uinv- d- f- ii.Uuts wero
kota mftoiaot ta a Munioe man. Mmed iooanty noil. Jndge woeal'a latber.wbo.
operationsisarvfuUle. The laleal found guilty and fin.-d I Iruuc each A.
«• 11 known jiMkey^eam.d Dundy, —bo
maidea aear Bepublic, Ureeo county, i development ia
w«« ]ir<~cul.d uu the saiii- I'lmrg.-.
Monday lu urn lag tbc h •eofUnghld, ^ 'b M yearn old. aad b an euceoU-ieold u aalgae. The> acboolmnster of tbe WMHUiiiimt.d. it b iiig held tliiU the
Bbell, lucatodfuur«ii«,mmto of <bas ““
T~ia It ka. been a myalrr.v ^
,n Naovo w.. auapeeted M N. i. ty Fitf th- rml.^ tiua .if Aniimih
ul u.it Hilhci. ntl.v .eti.hllabed iu «w«-.
“ Acsiruyed by fire. andAbe a—
to the police
who lived htona. was fauilr ‘** *‘“' *'*•
“ he was haver
>Uoes oa tbe waMv llmtil.v phiiil.il that h- hail III. relv |.rc- .
t.iiil-.l tit t.hip hl.» iL-r:..' iii.ird.rn.
barned. Be sucuewtod. to getting oat
““** ^tooently ordering parents
to send tbeir etimiil:-l- it. and ihat iu ruiililv b.- did
of the burnuig buUdtog. but w..
‘ he wn. token ill. and when ke begaa ehildmo to school. Tbe order.
tonchUK- nuiinal.—Pull Mall C
able to go far. and must have lain ta
here- implicitly obeyed i
&cxveT&\ ”Kt>Ds Srt«ms
SVaaTvedi "Stom SxieT^xaWe |
n that be bad' tor's oacupaiioa b gone
tbe anow about an
befom »r.ac
t-istoe s.
-- boar
----- ~.w.
f^uJ by a newbbor. wba was niiract- been ttofring gvAd to bu ombard many |
damp in the Dlamondvilla •
•dbytbefiamwL SheU dlid • fa.
**' l^totod out lAa vpol nnd | «iov. Ummopdrllle. Wyo.. killed John i
houra Inter.
: after digging into the grcaod ;feat.iT BanseU and E T Wrtohi
Tvalan i
On Wed^i^sday,
February 15
iMpntod SaBbhlne cao«k uid Salt Co, Cl«reImnd. Ohio. wiU reproMDt their entt^
prodoetion of (aU<» ;^M)e
Suits, Suparate Skirts,
Gapes and Jackets
In our clohk deportmont for one day only.
The above firm cannot be surpabsed for fine tail
oring and excellent fiajbfaing. We will take orders
to measure at most reasonable prices for spring de*
Tbf ladies are cordially invited to participate in
our exhibition of FlKfi ART, if it is only lo leave
an impression of the kind of merchandise we are
stocking up the coming season.
The Boston Store,
Front Street.
The King of Beference Works
The Encyclopedia Britannica
The Pilot
klu'ws just how to stw a vessel to
brinj; it s.iluly throutth the Shoals
and out into the t^-n. Just so the
bncyciopa dia Britannica is the one
absolutely idiahle truide for the
vnyane of life. One cannot go
wrung if its tcaJiiniis are tullowed.
It tells the rnistakt-s nu n have made;
tunv Olliers liavesu«.cveik-dand why.
An intelli^nt man jiets good from
. . tile e.\periencesot otiuTSandsti-i-rs
clear of the- rotks they ran against.
The very pre.si-nce of theEnt7clcw
psdia Britannica in a house
■Hjse gives the place an intellectual tom-.
A librar>' of thousands of v
, ...........................
not offer such an oppoiiiinity for successful home study and development as this master
pk-ce of literature. There is no more instructive reading on v.inh
than that contained in its y> volumes. To a life whase current
runs toward the future, this great work Ls indispensable. Ju.%1
now you uan secure the
Encyclopaedia Britannica
For One Dollar Cash
paying the balance in small monllilv p.ivments. Remember, too
tfuit the entire Thirty Volumes w itlva Guide and an elegant Oak
Book Case, will be delivereil when the first payment is made.
You will bt- surprised wht-n you l(-arn the
Hoe it hi
'•♦“I >-
.\ 'rJii.l:uii
M .d io% Is granted K pa>'mg cash w ithin jo days alter the
receejt ot the work
For fonlier ioformatioo call oa Holleir t Connable,
City Boob Store.
•M for Northern Michigan.
re? reuhl- prujurty. Imt ihw
nrwer fo b/ 'i vrg.
Dal • Ftrs Alarm CsfA.
A notnd gum!.!-T uifhiniitowaiilotio.
T^e*ew five alai-<n card1 jutt
juii J_____
verted. Ilia {iravur to (loil wxb iu gainf **• "brtinrU,
the Jeweller,
1. «br
b eonbe «eak and
W-r'« ulitix. but U.J knew whet U -rKr^*
all tbe naw
«n«int an.] r«vivi-d him. Tb- ^n ■
>wtbou;,-lit he ou-hf to do wimetbing in t elrvatore and wi«
hb Muiit.T'a verri.-k Ur told bb Mtory: 1 ^
»Mrd, U»
t>wi I’b’r'rd it. and in tbe power of the |
Card ot Tbaaks
Spirit hr haa been b-llliiB it ever aince; I
with w.md.-rfol aticewm Hr ba* won ! Blarff ri.i?
.“J “** '***
Ih« -".V man to my chnK h. ; -b^
toeSf .IrieoAa.
U tbe world wautHanyibitoc. it want* | their recent bei
treavrarnt ^ "
give, prom.aa 1 moving . '
* “^wb. party
> to Oouaty Kerty.
waa left oumrr-r.d and nm laiiuud. men-and wotueu *-t s
Mra Joiix
Wilbin tbe lart two disad-r. buwev,«. with tbe Spirit and n
and bad lived to Hagtoaw » yearn.
Eit Bl*i K
going o«,______
oajianK. b.rt-1*.
oto-rratiwinii. shrltrr hot*. ' Hev. E P Go-.-lwin. D'd
" o Kod-i .a- I.
^ ,
reantog a tnnnel and anddenly broke I
____ _____________
Menomtotoe shoe daalar of ,.g,
i was tbe toggeaUon of nuale or some-1 pholugraphie eU«t.aidiiu.«is. raijwav, [
Rm herwt for nil
tbe K.o«MiL
* loriaoe to
u,,, j^and tbat they bad i^<J-“«algned Land utorr valtiaUr ptoja-rtie* haiv i
... ..
ar, wa» frutrn to death to
^ to attract aitentton. Boon their real-1
'M" eibunie nuai tbi. i... i
the Yukon Uutriet to MEember.
an opentog from ihb intowa« beaeiged aod tbe invadrra jM»id. and tb-qmrtiumb which of -coiuiuirativ- r-ligiun-' or "coui. i from Mioneaota. which
■ bUh wfir'k;
Lniveraauau and liberal cbnrchea of I ..oiber
uf IL- lucoj antboritiu)-ran
-........... - Miuth# paratirc mlimou • b- -xja-.,. himaelf ! aold at prlera which rveryb^v
i at home. —
. and tbair tovaatlga-. .......................
right tu toi Ibim- new 1-111.^1•pro-vaad *«• »WTiuiuii Ihul.............
•.:il b- it..».............
to* EWrW
— fa
Febm- viona rerraiea no ira* tnan nve or larae------I n.ug
• Upeer
w,v» caroa. ;
.• . ,
- —r-li„-ic«ia Tbrro uu.i s;ub ihlog J
stock, at iirrrj
abo iml-* barn of 'irorge lama 'ffo^
Moir'rj n fta-eatreot.
hlg loan in pototoea on nooouni nf ac- toere was gt.oue m gold, aad in the
«am sold wmibor-L- At least to ouu
The aid taan bad been •
^ _
“««tly burying lAa money (or Ue'
Tv»*A Weeding A»nlvatnnry.
1 Klncb. one of the monl prom ,
“‘►t bbiaffle ; Veuiorday being the Unto anniverlaani pioanera of Uaroo eoanty. died
•' ^ *waily bad any aua-]Mr. ami Mm.
atBadAxn. in IMV ba madaovar (to.-' PMtoa of it.
• ; B. H. Braekao. about aavanty of their
MV m (Uiiomb gold mlnea.
i * natural «*va baa baea opcMd by i 'pleads meoIvU to ipaka tbe
luJnem at work on the property of Gift iMoasion of a good Uma and to ekow
Morrb Kennedy b dead a
nt lb, ndvammd Irl
Wantbermnn. m Cryatal. Cnto . ieawmad ooapla.
Hoyt.a^“j“c^J“rJtotonr^ H
*'* repWWl » be _
gentleman of an |
-ra- Pre.ia,.,-.
' paralireVndj ..i r.“i,““''
which affected the aurp.-iaed ' t: mi.-b ^iu. Uir. b'Vutoto-rd
H- ..rr-d lV-i,KM
y-ar* and Mr CU-tu. as oveTS..„o btutaeb of pota : mturo*
caaesoftofiaeou in Christ
'udgr K .Uru ie beha'f of tool^*•••" «-• Mr .MeKin.were ueKirujeri, upon wj,ich tbeve ianb Laat week tbe death* from the
* li«PPr reeoonae waa made [!’ •' .
bw and |«id
BO toauraore.
-by w.
Mr Bracken. -r,_______
Tbeevenl will .long; by’*—
7’,*'' ------------— - i. (l , ....
» numbered ISiti.
wuouwuii at Ua lixt. Tb-trrriturv on
4.f tilbio-. porttiragr and babitatioD.
waa dmdrd auM«g tb-lIi>vecutnuiaB.-v
or Cliaiuouni. Si. G.rvai. aud Boaelim
bj- a well defined partitiou dating
fruoiKSV. But uo ncx-oont was token
IS toU arranKenienl id-tbe tart region
potato Btorage‘ ^abut
couple ' ie»oal however, waa toe pre-,uur.tol
. l-n.v.r
IbDt cofor
■ l•'-ra^y.
Ira'-ber corrred chair |< 1''eland . idit
laat <1arm
DOW. accoraing
according to
to cmcial
ifficia! -'
Bltarwanl cialmad
ake waa bypooiiaed. tibe tm,
a divorce.
A dial wbieb baa Wa for acme time
AUo. i
ae cf.t
Robert BigfattUstbaOg«awka.(U1.) I
■v r..araaeaaa.
It UkvM cunra^- to go into toe w«M
with a Cbriatiaaiiy wbieb yu« meaB; lo
luakv oae of.—AikiB.
Rnoktoaa ArBiea Salvo.'
b ,U. ,or U.: I S:
Buuiie. hat bve* with bb familr
Tn Baar Salts to toe world1 for!
Mb and Mr. aad Mra Bmekea.
Sixtciito -ire-t. afewJJnck* d^'- Onta, Brabea, Sorca. Cleeva. Balt
wiihia tb- rxrmtive
etemtive nuinduo.
nmnd.*. and
Kmd.-d figgtiv.cKHU Tb- \atoetd «o .
j< the i«\'pCTty «md«v hi, can., (rm:,
i'..' «• I t
-AaiUalar. tor emrarttoa of toetk — -- -
Tsa koaamro hboorb, wxDVBSDAT.nBRiTABT u. isoq
-1 «om-t M* bow I a*«r cum to mitt
wU Hn. Bbrrr. Mt
for ib« Br*t tint.
"It «u tbt non MMlblt Ulas roa
«v«r dlt." nM Mr kubutf from b*>
MM bU ptptr. 8ht etnt aM att M
Um trn or bU cbtlr.
-I do beiitrt roa Ulsk Tn la )e*t
«ltb rou ■uu.'* tbd Mid.
“Welt. II looka tb« wtr.** b« ta•wtrM wiih BrKUb coacw'i. bolding ,
tht ptMC 10 oar tldt to that bar b«M
nlgbl aoi COB* bnwoM bln ud tbt
«.r T.tcr. »**«aii«jii*
a«.h. ar«.
Jamc* OrrcalA «M*ru of th* drU
Of all awMT ftaal iwtdag plaeM aa- w;i-. waa caught iwcMity U a abower
lacted by ana U ta ballcved tbat in* or piga. and DOW cam** a broke*
1cm loBt and repoaltory of Cltneat
rlgbi arm Id a aiiag a* a rMult. Qma
Spelfuu II** tb*
Ur. UcmplojM OD a Ian* d*lr> farm boBiwimaa
twe*D CaDaao ud Norfolk, ud baa
charg* of tny or alaty bead of dairy
b* ticrd la tbii day aad m«. ud had
b>» « i»b«k M to lb* plac* of uii«rmeat
Ijc«b luadc kDOw^i b* would have rtaea
BhtD floor of itae big boa b*ra. Da
lo tb« diatlBciloa' of **iiing bia aame
Ik ■ (-SiiMd
lag Mtea* ci yaaUaday tor irwaariaa > <«< .put
I |ifl*£teaad tom p^daata U Tn* I tb* w1
j **•
b. «n.ur tki. I
ms cm, moMOU.
pn to
• short Cat Pork....
' Short Oat Peak mt to...
' Ploar. U
A Oo. b«M............
' By* Ho-u. H. L. A Oo.
, ;—— e-
lb tal**^«sa4l»aat«uaaHw.f*tmaaaiBHli
"I ».. ■ «M Ik. prar kPkrtP.. --------'•that tb* inhabiunu rf HaTana bar*
I, bnm <wd*r*4 to tora ia tb*ir anua "
loo'sed up Juat In time to Jee a
pig—or Ike remnani* of 4 yonag pig_______,_________
raiUrew Are Be UtevoX.
"eppy" to the apace ftlUng gaUA.
•' ChaaM par to............
"Bow cdten do yon waat to be t(M
Bpeitnan lived way back yonder be —bound up from the Itogt-.
Before be had Umjto move th*
not to do thay BobbieT " aM his
fore there were uy Sunday paper* ud
before the Amertronwaglc bad become performuce waa repeated. tH^oiaa nw.loaal Urd He gave bl. reaMence
promising hog waa DurlHl Into eiec : 9^,
to ibe <en«i. enumeraiort a. Narbeig.
Orven. boaever. bad located tb* Snn per too.............
and bU occupation a. recorder of Not- •«»™ “k*" by ihla time, ud ^ ; Buckwbeat..............
UDggam He re»w*ed lor some time d‘«»»vr«d tbat It was conflned-tlwlia |wm*e BAtagorn
prior to Ibe yror 1K». and be waa a
“»• barti-ibe' bay chute
Luay ud aiudloua
DH-k of wood* that _.. -------- -made famous. After the year xmo- Heivorlr rjfrkera were aescenamg.
tlonrd Mr. Spelmaa Bntahed.
I “When 1 aeM tb'third pig wplnnh." | Bye. per bo..
Before railing In bit lot with the atGreen In describing the accident, Baekwheat.........
lent majority Mr. Spelman atrM hla "I »«y« f myaelf. 'Oreen.' I aa.*a. [ Batter, per to.,
view, on the wibject of bttrtal ^iota. ••h'-n-'a muntbln' wrong with them '5Ma,perdoau
iPotatoee. per bo...
.. K bolt
Mr. i^tmaa must hare been aome- r>hc.' an' 1 atarts
___ _______
,....... ................
waa Jem gsttln'
of a ^leUblnder.
Ideu «kai'
were known throughout the length ud ®*er where I cud peer up f ace tor OaspanyB XamsrUb. B CKte.
There arc a few of tbe budaome
breadth of (be lud. He never over- m.vself when toDg cuma anotber.
Hanoab Ride memorials left, which
looked u opimrluntly to impreea upon ’peared 'a If he'd J«ft throwed hUaelf
I Wanted
500 Bicydes
■•1 dOD't Blad about you." ab* weal
M. "You'** ll**d here ao Iodi that
At OM*. to •namei, eWa. repair .
- yoa'ra alnoai aa alea aa aa Amertcu.
aad pat la propoc ehape. TbU it tb*
ud your vole* baa Dearly loat lu Bogowly plaeo In tbo city where yon saa
sat Tour easm'Dac proeerly d«ne
Uab iDflacUoBs
Baad pollebed. etripsd sad d*sae>"Daar m*. I muai get u Bngllab
atsd. All wocli propwly u-l . r -o p*.
Aoveraeas,'' b* lot*rpoaedL
tydoae. SaUafwetkw gaarutsM. at
~But aometiBM I m worried about
Jack. He lao'i oM thlDg or Uc otbn.
dbd If «* Bbould **er go to war. bt
118 Union stnal
would bau l<> flgbt Bgaleat Baglud
wbea bU graadfaiber aeada him aucb
lo**ly pr*»*Di*'''
'•Ur eoB Bgbi agalBM Bogtaodr’ ei^:iaed Mr.'Barry. *l‘d Ilk* tv **« him
try It. tbaCa all. He will fibd be baa to
•etil* wllb bl* falhrr toraL"
■ "But. Ilarnld. If b* waa bora bar*, of
TVawwrM etty. Ulsh
roora* hla naiural f*ellnga would be
wUh Am*rlr«; and you know bo* ol>- all hearer, tbe importance of being Im- »» »« drllber*ie-^>ruahed my face '*
w f» eeoU («ch.
allbat* Jack la wfaco b* mak*a up bla mured In a maoDer out of the ordinary, he went by. ud bad he put oO hla
mlDd. tVby. I wouldn't goagaliiai oiy He was s learned man. and bad made
a second lunger he'd atru'k ms
rotibU-y. not If you rommaodrd m« oo a atudy of all tbe contempuraDeous lit- Jeai wbcrti be d kai'laied lew. Thinkyoar t>«Bd*d kb**a. aod be would feel eraiure ud legeDds. ills hobby was •*.< tbu Is rcKin baout all tb' pork
It evCB mor* airoa;:ly. b*ing a man." lomba He cared nothing tor collect- as is rightf-il cumin' tew me. and
"A few ynnra la Oiford will cbabi*
Ural edUiont. Souvenir apoon niebby 1 kin view this attalr full's well AstroPsy-Cblc Xedlam-Mad-^
all tbat." atid Ur. Bany. taraiDg over
be regarded with Indulgent from sum other aundpoint.
All work of hlcW^SQMlWjjmsde. Plai
hU paper.
am l.e liamar
coniempt He bad no amblllon to be seem now 'a If I luliered round dell >- '
"CoDa;dfrlng lhal be Ibd'i golag a conaplruotu Ognre al si fresco Brat i eratln' louger'n necessary, but toe
T weekaofaaUaticloryhusioeae
tber* ’ aald lita wife, decidedly.
night* ud he didn't write artlclea for crvainre* waa f quick for me. ibe
•O, b*'e BOIT "
tbe correopoDdence column of tbe Nw- j next one as made the deeroni cum
- if b* Bbuiild II would *Dd lb tala U*- Ungbam Newa .explaining tbe aaihop- , plumb fer me. and would have sqiiai
of many In aod
'tag there aul mai.-ylug aum* dowdy ablp of "Beautiful Know.
ed all over my face if I hadn't
KoKlUb chi wllb a ali-locb trince and
But on all questtoiu of burial be was
arm Jest In time.
a auleiDB reeereace for the m*r. of her *ery forte. Had be lived In the United
. waved my face, but h* broke
ue liis ui cwvc
Etcf Burned Ont7
faoilly. ud how would you Ilk* ihatT” Biates he would have unduubtedlr
arm Hli me so hard
. _ ,.plellkeanOI'EN BOOK. and la getting
'Heller iban a nnrvuua Araerlcaa chosen Tombstone. A. T.. for bis
ryday-by tbe
u at«T ud lay right at ifi- merry recom^nded btgbiy
dauebler-lo-la* 'With a elx-torU walat. bum* He gave It as hit opinion tnat
It her daily
u,„ ,.m..0
tbe value of
and no realm t for cnylblnc lb heaven the Kgypitana were the greateat
bull storm. Two
inrouga poMlble during tbe 01
ro weeks I
at the Hoose-Yon have been
«f earib. " wae the imperturbable ao- under tbe min. luiKliig hla siutement on an' hit me on tb<
.> fore 1 C01M.1;
their tbcorlea aud pracitre la the muin-' ttirn to an' crawl
Jl tb- wav, hW«of,».
*h)r rduri* you mian Alltw." Mid tala m> line. He had visited st least four- ihclr blows was
ouly |oot-po»ti
wife, iDdlgnanUy. "tbuucb I'm »ure aba t(>cn guaranteed genuine lombe or sc luulsed me sum."
iher city h _
tsB'l a bit Dervoua, aud nobody lai-ea »*aul, and he would bave riaited moi*
Tbt pigt bad citmluwl up ibe lar- '^““"vd to ess Front street over,
Both bar mother and I think 11 he could bave been spared from the
Malrt to tbe tnpmimi loft, an • ha'Siroug's Muelc Store, near Steinberg’* ; <«
B a. m. to 9 - Alh-e and Jack were Juat made for dutlea of his recordeiwlilp Is«a -wile
approaching loo near tbe ------- w------«ach olber, whatever your opinion la- was hlh nival character lo btstory. and ^bute, had fallcii through- The oth_____ __
Pete-a” Chicago Wame
Ding Record
Uon'l you remember bow they took from Ibe fate of tbat luqiilslllve lBd> . ers. drU-rminiwl that ibclr leader
Mouse, yet? Try it and get a good
to each other rlgbi off from the Brat?" he g<H an Idea which inadehim faranua. ,hould not enjoy the sport alone, folSSS-lt
^ jtUl lti-f.
-H’m. Hr. Barry waa deep In hla "ll Is hardly posalhle for me lo Im jo*^ hm,
„ ,hw oouia. Klfa Ward Oancuae*.
changed Into a pillar of salt. ' he r.-as- ,,-^n
through wllogelher. ud all
Bcsiseas CAHUs.
Tiw*kn* (To.........
~Ali(« baan't ai much character at Olunl. ' but 1 see nolWng lo prcwi.t
yjned. •
A* -Irwed (UtaSs. ...
Jack.'' ab* added preaently. "but tb* la xne from i>elng jmmuved In a plllui of 1
L* Ursad kapMs.......
aweet Ind go<kd and lovable, and 1 don't tbe church" .And from ihe time this ;
s wllb Brant
•ee why they abouldn'l be very happy Idea suggested llsrll to him up to tbe ' through the WllderDess. and be never
r. B. *. u.,*.a. ]*.*
II ditean't matter tf be la dale of hiM demise Mr. Spelman mad* received a scraub.—tVtnsied (Conn.)
ft bis life work to dlsseailnale bis oiig. Clilxen.
rather the brtebter of the two."
omc-vs nveT.W
"It (b* FUKogemeni announcedr'
naked her butlxiiid, urcaatically. but noi lo havd been a gill edged .wibner.
ritaas, ansrwe; snacowssrlke st L* tifwn* RapMk
Moary U> loss. OSces, City 0|>rrs
but tbe oppusitlon which bis coubtrythe quetillun wa» Ignored.
a. K :
Uenw Bl<
"Did you ever look into Ibe fw«* el Svidsic.
"After Jack baa graduated from Har- men developed to beTng placed In an
Bsr vi»w.............. '*.s. t a.
B : ta
ward we will (brow them tug.-iher a tipilgbl fioKltioQ for all ue’s tny the bursMi you SVC un the street and
L*.Trs*e.-ssClo ■ IV sji
t 00 *Ji
good dMi," the a^ld. ~'Siii<-e we are la aiiengtliem-d him In bis deteTinina'ton. Hole itivir dlfferci.t espressUmar' askA*. BIk RaplOk. .. MOkS. .
Avwsirdtngly. when the o'tBce of re e.1 .Alla Wheeler Wllrog. —Phey vary
arnailile AmWiia we won't taa^e lo be
Lv Bik Bapias ... k 40 k.a................
Ar.TrsiersrCny. •>9aw• HtPJI
eternally rha|>*rDDlng them
1 bop* corder of Nottingham bccemc vocaiit as much a* do the lue s of human beJ BBHOa.Acrtn.y
Jack won't develop ibe Kngllah baab- by the depth of the Incumbent, Mr 1mm. Well groomed, well cared for
liigv htirscs bate an altil.
.VBM. OeserwfPWBSi
l. proud
ARvpehlk-sBcsseos (or Wsr* Wo I will
(ulneM. Waa your father a aby man Kpelman's wishes were earned out. He ,
Which la k'l-lin n>r rurtwe UslMlog No *« I's.
A horse which
aboui luvemaktbg and aucb iblngt, was rmraiirod in a pillar of the Nap.; spiriifd .xtreSsion
eve-'eg.^b ». IWV .
; check carries
0^ 11 Srlrgsiro is s
burg vlnircli, and the Inscription on driven with
Haroldstrained, restleu. I:Impatleni look in taU
"Why. be bad raiber done wllb tbnt
eye. Tbe absolnt . ._____■_________ ..._ >'*••
hrben 1 met Urn. but 1 abouldn'i fancy
I dull despair In the fare* of overworked
lesa-ollrrry. Trlr|>a<«r Mo X
be waa llrntd."
Mrs-uMsa Tlmr.
horses U enough to touch
"I am so glad. I waa afraid K had
Tntaks tB.ct Wedssfcl
The clock al Strasburg Waa cegarded 1 the heart of a sympatbeilc observer,
akipped a Keueraiioo and wae coming ahoneofihcw-oudcnioftbeworld Itj .-cat* are the meet sensitive, n*r» ie.M»t«watl1r Oo. Block._______________________
oul lu Jack "
voi-is sets SI i.. w. i,sr<ue « Butaiv ssrest>ssc.
showed the orbits gif the plane!*, the
f,„nly animal* In the world,
-irerl tm Mosasy rreslBS. Feb SO. l«AS si S
"If II due* the probably won't mind phase* of the moon. Che procesaion of They ac* Intenaely aB-H-tionaie and
id de- v-ck ek, >. rWt S Sclvysies to sIicbU lb* K>hNpiiig him 001 a bit alar* we are la the equlnovea. the equations of ib« ,
pubUrsBcouslycosTcailoslv be b*id r*b. SI.
lovc as well „
i. rOiiTKa. Auorsar wt Law. Ssesla'
x-nxlilr AmerUw
I don’t think Jnrk auu. Wiam and stars Two wlngvd tig- )
,ubough. of course, tber
B J n-UlRI'U.
will need It. though. He lohcrlla run- urea struck the quarters: this was re- i
ingrates and tramp*
aw «<u
! II m »H
. aldemhie deieunluatiun, not to uy ub- perted |.y one of the lour ages of Ilf*. jp„ ,j,p
Sis' <m a*R»t'vx.M(
Ills am
„ ,,,^rc are men of iblf
O^UMA H^kw^l^LTrawm^tr
s» aw.
'('..prsii.b ;
iia am
atinacy, from hi* grandfather. '
rvpK-w nled by a child, a youth, a ^^t When a cat which has had a good
» i\ a IS
!«*.-*□ f tj
' MM
"lhal haan'i akipped a generation." wurVlor and an old man hUcli was ac
•10« N e
•* M •» rv
Twin Meaetbia
. is* trsrdNo kinP be
■V <H *a e
•10« ■« al
aald Ur* llgrry. pointedly.
comtwtilvd by a bgure of death, which ■ ^„,y, „ ,,
>0 aome Deld or
•Ml (k «t S>
"I've ikihie luto enough of It to know was Urlv.« tuvrk until the lasi quarter.
dooryard. Iw mental auBer
iteiMl lb* KvpuMh
• to II a-m- I
M ao an
. . j-w rvb ti use
tbit al ii»' |iiti|er 'imr Jack (a going afier'.wblrh It struck the hour. Al tbe ^
description. Vet
M>«b. aw.
B r HO-'AW.
lo Oaford.' was the >alm reply.
10at tut
sum* time a winged Bgure turned an
thoughtleas p.s.ple goon their
I a I* I «a
■'Which will almply apoll every hour glas. At noun the twelve apos„,ry spring leaving their cai*
; ? tl i ■
rassISB1' **
tl •* M
thing." aald Mra. Barry. Impaliently. tics come nut and received a bles-iiig ^ unprovided for. Every being iHissrsvrt
Arbor. oiU tcspobS to cj
- - - 1——
I *•« **11
--------"Aloe will l<* married long l>efure he from Ihe divine Bgiire. A c«K'k on the .
divine spark and when we lesrn
" ~
_________ ^-----------gels luick. and be btymelf will prdUabTrslBs eosoeel s< Sa*t«sa-*MUI IwterSsay.
ly be a victim. O, uncle I>ati." aa tb* twice dally
1. mlalir. of Ideas creature* of Him who n
«s aaS trow Resor es FMOM
*rboa-M.<lre- -»».m I-rierw Ml-JCts.*
door opened to admit aa elderly mu. Is rvideuevd. for car. nilitl with aiic- Tow'a fall.
' world will be belter. ,, ^rsv__
"you've <v>ni* Juat in time. We want piriral hgures and heathen dcltle* la- There
be a Kiiuday sN apart ibr.u-eofbi
MI8CEU-ANE0IJB WANT8a lawyer."
sued from r cluater of cioada. to iliuatiir'^^Anlt; al Sunday." Ulnlttera
rhssr'M tb* II
,'IUs It com* 10 that— a^ed tba liaieihvdajsof tbewiM-k Altogether ought lo talk o th. lr rongregallon.
r a wrrautx.
there are nine separate actions In ihi* '
new-comer, looking grieved.
M. Ag^M.
ve owe animals."—Out >i..-u*vU
rerseOiy, Mirk.
-llaroW aaya lhal Jack Isn't nn tilumph of originality, which was tbo
Americau at all. and wiU have to Join work of forty y ear*.
'*''*'1 AV with B espt'-ii. .a( trra I.
the Kugilab army when we go to war."
To the sou of a VIrkshlre carpenter rlUW; pbucid.. Apply to RirbsTd Kouad
W hat „
TWvy tlav* TsseM I k.
Ura. Barry aald. irdlgnanily.
"Juat Is due one of tbe nWt useful
There- are three nations of anrleu ‘
because he blmsclf Iiapi<cned lo be born tlona pf the last century and for
kstf-^wwi-k**OuS -si*l*^»«>d >
------------------his fourth time tbat stand to modern clvllltaitoa 1
uver there. He want* Jack to gn to first .Accurate chrom
vise*. Applt stoAre u> Hb-tlw* fk-bls* .
in the T-^tioD of'tcarhera In an eui- |
Oxford aod marry an Eugllsb girl anempt—John Harrlmn tvceived
CIH.ls •#*». f*b f,UH.
___ _ n»nl sense of the term, and these are
ibe Piiarii
whom he won't know or be fond of. nward of tIOO.OOO. oBered »y ____
"roade"aeverai Greece. Rome aud Jndea. These three ‘
Ills t
when here Is Alivw Just cut out for
' .Ubrr Ns1ii<us1
ils.I hkk .trwi
' aorica! nationalities bare tor mod- 1
him. and w«\e gul It all planned Now
1 peoples the highest Interest, be- .
^^ANTID-Kitrave gIrU QumbT
you irll ua, aa a iawyw^, what Jack*
• hev furnish the three atramls . ns-it-u. sod e*eo.
ualionalKy la."
i IB B SVI S 8 S I S.S S~ S 6 S'S E mT
^j^ANTO-WrlB* r
;A aasa&sssaaasa assssasa.
"Weil." began uncle Dan aerloualy.
"at a t faild nf an Amarfran mother, and was dS.odo w'blcb -wu moaUy prohibl:4.aas=ea3fissssc R8sass;.ssn
have entered history In recent time*. Totorts'.!*^".........
- born 10 this cuuoiry, I efaould call bltii
DIP B« of Westmlnlatcr has prorsa The psrchOlogy of ihwe people may j
an Anierlrao <-ilixrn.‘'
Itscll eenalB to icM than
"Tbcrc!" tBl«iruplM Mrs. Barr]^
--------------rilKt. W*NT«»-Por geeersl
"And being »«ch. be will probably week. Il.t* (be larges'.
One we‘cht the beautiful as the manifestation of
nnjei IS tjr roU .torage varebeas*.
rhooM- for himself not only bis college
I as* Bar «tr«eu.
takes five hour* to wind upT thls*'u
freedom In physical form
and bis wife, bet bit nationality. If a
* BUU> in'
done iwb-e a wert: and It will go for this la mcefulr— — -t—
free-born Ameiicao wanta to consider
klmaelf u Kogi:*bman, t don't know eight and a halt day*. The dial mei
auired Pull iB>o*«)klluo.sdd*e<—SbrmCm
nn* Hftk feet In diameter. Big Itei
anything that is going to stop blm."
nine U feet in iengtn
«»» Tb* Roman U the perwfaaf U your burry about decid while each mlnui* la .. Inebee
. ...
_____ lone, ceptton of the freedom of the will: Its rMndrad. uspaM
ing • uncle Dan asked. '‘Ho* old t* The dock la connected with Greenwich «»otradlctlpn
r-WecM'k fslcontradiction of tu own fnedom
lies. T.Uup >k)sarr.
,c'ws.aws ssaWAWW .sows
fbs toy. anyway*'
on property or no- o*sisu!r. .-niBesirs vt d»obaervalocy and report* It* rale twice throughj^t
-Juat ibre* m.imha tu-djy." aaid Hr*. a day.
Icnce agalrtet I
and ilberty; tb* cm eeScMrhs
forms necesaary
prniect tbe Individ- 1
Barry, proodly. ' .-^uy to dlaner ud
6t. BUnoD relate* that M. de Vlllayer nal in hli rights of property and tb*
ynii shAll see him '
had a clock placed near blx l>ed. th* developments of hi* freedom, evei
'it.: (be aame" <a;d Iff r' haibaiid.
t Mk htgas. Ossaiy .
'a21« JfiSSSfSaliKSSfifiSSfB SSSfisI
dial ot which was horltetttal aad tbs
»»» j., se—>v-v»..«s.33-» gvwfi
' uniil b* M o'd ecMMich to deiide for figurea. being hollow, were filled with the point of arbitrary choice of
* M ISr sb
price; the eecurity of tb* social wbo'e.
t, T »lf Jar* ‘-f grring to prt) for the
sr tkst U>r al
dtSerrnl aweeu or splcca. Thu* run
•Uy or empire; the necesalty ol tbe .,,i-sin‘ii 1. tme
olaui kaesii
i„4 i.tews J»«r:''
MSvt I TrsUs smt*« m>B Peteskey. Msekissw
ning bis finger along the hand.
< WrU.i
I •, -p*nk h.«i every Have he does "
. ..
................. ................................ ObCOiBaO.Ckiesrw. Urss* RapWs.1 JDS. a.
ssabesr* <0*1 Trsls amres fnia RlrkMk«, rv Vsy « .w* »ir-«T,i-an kalfOfthe rfpV:*lnp
wllk. faresce'OrUeM.iirsM
* —-----'a
V.0 .»ea
all tonghM srd went
I lb Oeniiaay a dock has been mad* 1* tbt ibslght Into tbe nature ot the Its. 49, ksspsrler car uvUrssa BssMs
1 "•b.trthat I* warraaiedVn go for 9.000 year*. Abeolute as a person: Justice (ThthtI
open.A fawifnl
Ihe open- ^„„va*',
iWs«lag TVs***sr C*y sik-cas. m. k*
(nuaneas'l end mrr«»
m^rey i'V»
nANk iiAmL-roi
Ingbfthahalldcwpdriiauyio^nd Coring hlndnam*) a. tbt
hen* eoiwniw*re»iy ta
no. T BkAIHA.
(VeaMSLske.te T
BoMon Tnascrlpi.
<!4 w»l r,efi H8.JH.M0 tiSM* in a tb* cldek; Ihm «mA ■rrlral ■«« Mp tharnderit^*^T
uu.a ■.„)..,I—lc.L.i.o™.oo5o*:J!'-J‘T“,ll.-iSSi»«
y- Lederle's He* Shop,
John R. Santo,
Gentil lisoraicx
Chicago —
West Alichigan.
i- i
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tolMOp MBotos.
'‘ ruinyrmifciifiiii i
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