The Morning Record, November 25, 1899

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The Morning Record, November 25, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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V' -r:.i




Bo«n IiMtarMpeimta
toa Twrifte A*MBlt m4 XMmwA tb« BMV7 ta
XtoHM BasoMtOhvccPrtoawtotltp of Ammc
fBl.p P utMd aM »oUlj Mada.
Hov. M.—A 4to«ateb from
6M«ral LcH Hatbaaa fliaa Moaofa
4«perata batUa at BaUaoal aad to foUpwa:
••I aUaelMd tb* aaa«j at daybreak
tfeto Boralac la a strdof roalUoa la
tki«erMcea.«bleb wan oarrted eee^Mtoraly. tbe totaatry babatred •pleadtdly. aad raaalTod aapport fro* tbc
aatal hrifade aad arUUary.
aaasy toaiht wlU eoarapa aad akUl
Bad I attaekad Utar 1 aboald bare bad
••rhaTtolory waa ootnpleu. I bare
»orij prtooo«a. I a- b-yto* a ro^
MBbar of Boaf*. bat tbe preatar part
of iba killed and woBodad ware takaa
away by tbalr - twandca.
••Tbe BrllUb loM M» lit™*
aad dfiydra aaa klUed. iwealy-two
ofieen aad l*» •« woaaded, aad
poalre BMB alniac." '
The woandel toolade B-leadler Oaa«al retbeiatoabaarb. M,l« Dairy
Bpto^aatUUa. ll>).r Oaebwaad. <toptato flapia. Oap*^ rreelaad.
Of tbe ernmn kUled a I are Ileataa
«». Ot tt. »«•
Ucd Meibaeo. raparia larva Baer
tone* Be alee etatee be taok forty
prteaaera aad ajarfb aaoiber of boraea.



Thini Ymr^Vo W.


nnnuri >■

lleib»«o'» "•oapIMa vielorp.'* It to
•i.kBow«. *or iMtuer. wb^bar tb«
BHvteb reMhiaed to paMimlnn of U«
aBwaaltiOB aafraato tbat ibey dU
aet, aad tbe atoelac wea to poaalbly a
farther ladtoaUaa of toabtlity ta boM
tbopaeittoto. At tbe Me tliae tbero
to BO praeeBi reaeoa tor wttbboldtot
toepratoedae lor a danav aad eaeaMafal awaalt of a atroaf poaltoaa,
^ waa ekllUally aad braraly detaad-

tSK US mg TERtS.
Praaea. Bamla. aad Bermany Wtht
United Sutm to Be Mon Bxpllet
ae to Open Door Demanda.
»..T«-k,Ko. I4.-1 41.P.W.
.!». J.un>.I Irm. Wuhluuni
atkedtbe relied Siaiee to etate explleiUy the cjiiant of iu demand (or
written eeearanoea tbat tbe open door
e matoutoed to China.
Tbe two prtoelpal Ameroaademaade
a-e eald to be:
I. There shall be no ooereiM of
China which woald pnrent her from
Urtnf «p to her treaty oWIvaUooe
with the L'nitad Sutea.
S. Tbe written vaamntoee maet be
•ofeaebaebaraetartbattbey eball be
aicffeeUre. permanent, and morally
Mndtof aa a traaty, and eball eoatlane

BefoBed to Telk to Burne And
•tand Vtpida Veanber of Pardon
Board dotoad Mr. Taimer ban and
Tb«r Vtoltod iadlan Wltaaat



Vorthem M><to ynn ibadi^n* Amceiation at Cadillac Vent Weak.
Tbe -prornm to eompleled for the
next eeesloa of the Nortbern lllebivma
Teacbera* AaeociatHn. to ba held in
CtodUlae. Doe. I aad J). A rery pr.ifivd All Ooaaeetioa With abia vatberiar to expected.
laaorreotMaand Mae Bo Btatad to Harriet Bealdia of the Birb ecbool
eeaaral MaeArtbor — Membe# of wiU read a paper oa -ICetbode of
OannroM aad Cabinet Mare Boatter-'
Modara ’Lanraacee." aad
oonrnmnMgaaiBatmare Boatur
LUllaa Dkwolar will dtocaee tba
ad Merw to mearnamble-toor j*. ,nbjeel. ••Btolory." A larfe aamber
maat to Vow Oaly a tfemoryj of tbe city teaebare ax well ae aome of

President PUlplno CoDgrees
Throwe Up the BpMige.

34 differeot subjects—all dainty bit*
of nature by L. Wang, New York City

On Sale Saturday
Morning;at 6c Each.

Waabtovtoa. Nor 84.-Dtonatohaa-'*'**^‘'*«‘““’*«»'‘"T^P‘““‘'»
hn. Hun. t«l., cln Imporu.. I* “
^ r«vardln( a aew pbaea In I . _
tbe eltaatlon which will bare e power- A Thhbhifinav BvpHM
to roa all. Brerj pattern bat la oar
tollllaery d^oarun.-Dt without repml.
aerre at fit M ea^h,
ItoUon and:
walkiar bau so. 7S and 9»^ So
bl|rb-r~l«M than half prica. Tba
blmeelf to General MaeArtbor today
B «too Store.
aad formally reaeaneed all
with the tnsarrectlon. He to one of |
Um lefiaeaUal PUlplaos who baaltated '
at the beylanlay of the war wltb
which aide to east bto lot. Be now
annotnoea that be desires to aceept
theooaltlinof Jadye of the Sapreme
eoart, oCend him some time ayo, bat:
which he deeUnad. and aaye tbat
the Fiilpiao eoaimat aad eabloet
an aeattared. aerer to naiiembie.
beliarei that
Bkldieea will lay down thrir armi
|•rerywbon■Baoonaa tbuF learn tba
Adlapaiab was neelrad from Oeaoral Otto today. He aammarixea tbe
eltaatloe aa follow*: --Tba claim of an
eatabltohad yorarnmaot by tha laearyaata can ba mada ao
aadar any fiettoa.
aeentary of tbe intoiW*and nnoldeal
of tbe eoayrem an to oar baad»: tu
preaideat aad nmatolny eablnat
ettoen an to bldtoy. arideotly la
dlSenat Oantral Lbxm prorlaeae; Its
yaaarato aad troopa in email baadx an
•eattand tbroayh these prorlaeea actlay aa baadttU nr an dtopenad and
playlay tba cola ntamiyo*. wltb arm*
-ladicaMone an that Ayoioaldo did
not assape tbroayh tbe llaee of .Gener­
al Lawton or Wbeatoa. hat led wa»lward from Kiyaobaay railway ata
tloc. Tblfynable oommnnication to
Dayapan hu bean eatabltobed, and
probably will be to Sea Pablaa today.
By relayior slue mnea of track with
material at head nllway eommaalcation to that point is re-eatabliihad.
Tha labor of*t tend to iU

$1.98 SHOES

A lady aaid yeetorday. uhe
had brnrd eo tnucb of tboee
aawe aad Boar aBtoaaU
Wriebt's Orime. at Votibpor*—
Be aMVTT tbat tbe Boara foa(bt wltb
alioee abe decid-H) to look at
OoBld VA Isdnoa Bim to Spaak.
aaadeklU aad
them anyway.
8be looked
___■ tor bto owe beary loaeee by my : Bat Will Try It Af .to-PetlUoo toe
and was aurprised at tbe es>
tam tbat If be bad atiaeked latar tbe ' Beapaolatmeat of Bnreo.
quidte utylea. Tried a pair
Mttoh eaaaalUee woald hare
' Dxrid B Barna, mambar of tba board
6d. they fit perfectly. Booi;bt
of pardons, arrired to tbe city lata
Tbe aiaei etot of tbe two oppoatov Tbanday nlybt for tba parpoae of
Vm. aaid. •'nolr. if theae only
Aereaa to aokaowa bare. Tbe aanx»l- looklny op Pomavaoick. the Indlxn
wear yood I'll come luck for
tioa to. bowerer. tbat Lord Bethnea wbo wiinemed the mnrdera of Neel
another pair.”
Sbe'll be
bad aboat 10,0 Osea. while tbe Boer tfanballand Dr. Tbaiber. by Cbarlee
bg -k aDre.notonly that,she'll
aalBBa waa eooMwbat eauUler.
T. WrlfbU whose frteade are worktoy
tend half a d'-ren of her
Tbeattaak waa made at dayliybt ao'eaerrotleaily lor a eommataUon of
aad waa eanfelly planaed bef
friends in.
Tbe Boon wen well Intnwbed on **Attbe m>etlnf of thebmrdto loala
tbraa eoBaecl'a« hUla. Tbeae. U«d It was decTded to bare Mr Borne eooia
Matbaea eUtne. be took wlthbayoaeta north for the parpoae of toterrlewtof
bi aanneaalfin tbe laat aaeaelt baicf Pomavaalek i^gardloe tbe facto la tbe
praeeded by a beary abarpael fin.
Evt-ry fn-tbionable abape for
Vnterday Mr. Baraa. <
Jadflav froB> the itot of eaaoi I .tee. ail
every kind] of. service
three ebarvea wen led by tbe Onaa byObarlM O. Taraer, tbe Tnreree
a pair; it's an^ easy way to
City mamber of tbe boai^ drore to
Nortfaport, to toterrlew the Indian,
Lord HetbueB eaye bto infantry be.d DaWey and Deplore
wbo Itrm fire milea from that plnoe. Papara
hared epleodtdly aad wae ably aappor'
They foood him aad aUted their er­
(baUqjai- AtUefc* Open Amer­
tad by Ue aaral brlfade and arUltory.
rand. A meesnye from the toterriewica's Kero.
The eeal fifbt wUl probably be at
en last alybt atoted that they were
London. Nor. tt —The London pa
Madder Birer, whan the Been aia
Boteordtolly reeelred .Bd
Indian. para an takioy contldarahle toternt
aappeaad ta be to aoMwbat otroar r
At fint he refaeed to entertaia them ia
in tha attack . of tha Amarieaa praae
•oree than they wan at BalmV
any way and exprmeed eoepieion that
OB Admiral O-way. They her* pabTbe aeaae of yeatarday'a battle to
Our costoiner came back
they had erll totoaUoa*. Be beeam
no edi-trlala to far, but the
aboat'fifiyeto «Uee aaatb of Klabcreomewbat mon eommaaleatlra. bow
again pleast-<i not oomplainepeeials from New York and Wae^^y
Uy at tbe ease epot when Colonel
erer.afureomepenBBStoB.bat dellbKaltb-Palaoaer and Ltoalenant Wood
t -a an well o:iplayed.
arataly rafarnd to talk aboat tbe mur­
Wbi n to the firai ones Dewey
wankUladder. Mr. Taraar wae oommanleated
Adtopaub from Oepe Town nye with by telepboae last niyat to nla eritiotoad and eallad a faUan Idol they
anaowmj-eyaaaroat la tone. Tha
-It appeare tbat tbe Boen.
Uon to tbe lalerrlew. Be eUted that
TtoebaaB'B taTm. ebelled an adranae Pomaycaiek waa obdnrate and explain­ Talayrapb urs that to a few dan the
toodyof iba'Brittob Wadneeday, and ed tkat ba would not Ulk became ten Amerteaa pnouc will ckme to lie eenaaa
and bay tome one to kiek It.
tbat tbe Brittob artillery pnebed tor- yean ayo. at the time of the triel.
Baferrloy to the Admiral's lotarriaw
wan) and ebellrd tbe bill, wbicb the theraabonta be wae told by Mr. PraU
Brittob eabeeqaanUyoMa^ed. eapUr- not to ulk aboat tbe ease. No per- It mye: "The Admiral spoke oat with
the larye heart of a tcoder natara oae
Uf two vena Tba Boar eaai
SBMisn by tbe membeta of tbe board
to aecastomed to find la the brnt type
wan thirty billed and woaaded.
ooald more bim. eo they pare It UP and
-Tbc Boer main eolaBin left Flneb- niaraed to Nortbport for tha nlyh' of mUoc. Tbe aimple-minded rletor of
Manila Imayiaed the hooae praaeatad
aatto fann dariav tbat aftaraoon and Another attempt will be
bim wae bto to do what beeboac wlGi
eanped fire milca ahead. At daybreak morainy to todaee the witneae to talk
aad be made It over to bU wife for
Tbanday tbe Been fired from bllU.
Tbe rfforta 'to Grand Bapidi and
1,000 yanli dtotant, OB tbe Brittob ad- eleewbanto secure a reappototment reasons to which then wae aothiny
raoce foroe. Other troops were tbea of Baras on the pardon board, an be­
Tbe Standard's earmpoadeat lays
paebed ap and tbe envaven
lay emetated la .this city. Teaterday
le blame laryety apoa poliUeiaot.
«ama v^enl- IBs Brittob artillery a petitioB waa ^alatad amoay the
A prominent New York official
wbo are ready to exayrerate aa) mtomade esnlleet praeltee and etleaced
and cliixeDS
aaid the gi^tieral one of the teletbe Boer vena. Then two baltallooe yenurally. aeklnyOorefBorPiiiyne to take that to likely to damaya bto salt- phone bad made tbe task of • fficability for praaideatlal honore. This
of Unaadlar Uaarde and Ibe Northam>t Burne Tbe atutade of tba
ently prot< cling life and property
barlaad reriaeatatonned tbc balfbu Grand RapUto member of the pardon the Standard mye aerme far fatebrd.
for the admlnU dlalaeltoaitoa to over 50 per cent, easier.
at the point of tbe bayoaeu
board hae met with farm and the peU- make nee of bU ehaacm for tba pres’Telephoning in case of fire, ac­
‘^rohatof tbe fire Doe amidiiaaionD Uon waa aameromly elynod.
cident or burglary baa become a
deaey to aotortoax._________
of lead, eqaada of tbe Nortbambarlaade
It to stated tbat then waa anotoer
recogpia-d necessity.
paebed ap tha toeltoe and reaebad tba
Itbcm to tbe doable merdm. baeVdaa
Every well regnlataamalt, tetov fraat aueattoa
omayaaiek. It to aaid
a eqaaw
ed bon.
• •
ibelr bayoacto aad eaptartof tbe named Elixx WlyaeUe wltnuaaad tbe
Uavar, with raaa. eqnlptBaat. prtoon- erima, but kentber knowladyaa
Have yon one
■eaerattba B^ma of Mr. aad
are. eaula aad ebeap. Tbr aatin poa- natil after tbe eonrletton of Wriyhu
yoor bomeV
Kn. A. W. Peek ZMt Baeatoy.
Ittoa wae carrlad by » o'eloek. Tbe
Barns and Mr. Tnrnor wOl anaaralry. eoaetottov of tbe Mtatb Laa- dmrar to aecan an totarrten with her
After tba eloae of tbe aatort^maai
aen aad moantad talantry. panatov attar tbay bare aiearid all tbe tofor- oftbabaetan Ooane la« evaatoy. i
the flylBf Boara. Tbe Boars an catlmat- mattoa poaalble from Pomayaaleb.
aery plaaeaat yatbnrtoy waa bald at
ad to bare aamberad t.too ataa. Thair
tha booaa of Mr. aad Miu- A. W. Pack,
leas to aakaowa.
i« bOBor of Miss Ida Baafey, tba charmLoadoo, Mor. kt.—The ebarp blow Bnmartoable Time Hade by tba Tar toy reader who ao daliyhted tba aodleane at tbs City Opsra Boass. Mn.
that Oeaeral Lord Methaeato eotoata
HaaTorpado-Bcat Dmtrnyar.
has dmlt tbe Boon at Balmoat tomLondon. Nor. M.—Itoa trial of tbe Pack was at oae Urns a aeboolmatc aad
Viper to aUU a ynat friend of Mist Beefs-,
porarlly ablfte tbe oahter of war toand faw Mande wen aakedloan infor­
tormt from HetaL At tbe momaat of baamvnd axtnmaly satto
aabllav BO details bare baaa raealred bar balldan aad othan totoraatod to mal loneh la her honor. Mlm Baafey,
-hoae real name to Mn. IdaBeaf-y
-aooaaa. It was expaetod tbat aha
lapplaoMaUar tbe offielal aeeoaat of,
tbe aetiea. wbleb to tbe ftnt Brittob would ebow a apead of tblrty-fin Jadd, to aa ebylay peraoeally aa aba
Mnefttl aa a raader. Sba aaplna
kaoti aa boor, hot at ba> triala Mon­
Of Slandalaayto. Ibe Brittob leas to day aba raa at tba rate of tUrty-aeaan not to ba aa tmporeoaator but a raader
New store now ready for bosiIcUlcfi. howanr. axeaada tbat of nay ! kaoto in a rooyb aaa, aad bar oasoca to tbetratoteanee. She to now eo a
neaa. Call and profit by -prompt
pnrioaa atoyla aayaramMt. cxeert anr tbat If tba Boa bad bean calm aba tear that will oeeapy fin moathe, daiiny which Umc aba wl 1 appear at land- attention and a fre«b stuck.
fibatoatMdaef Ladyamttb. wbtoA to- woald ban aada fifty.
toy etttoa osar a larye field. Sbs wOl
valead tba Vtobetocn Nak dtoaator.
-tenaa tbit aoratof for Baafi at*.
TbaratoalaaHymaAto ba laantod
to yat. fiSt.W to «]
245 Front Stroet.
wbM aba appaaia tbU arantoy.
•lt,aa. at tba Boxtoa Btora,
1 ypl
«ba aalaa of Oanaral

New Lot Just
Put On Sale





liddmlNepk^ Ik


CoiDRltU Hew Stock
Faic; anO Stapli Brocartes.

or with mats, neatly mounted at 12c
each. See them in our window today.
We are doing some fine work in
Picture framing. Drop in and get
cur prices on your work, we know we
can please you in every way.

220-229 Front H reet]

Balph;OonnfibIe Jr.. MAn«g«r.

We open up tbe ewvileat thinye in die way of fin#

Quality, way up; Pricea lower than you'd expect for suck
fine goods.

New Neckwear tbit p oi

Everything in I'nderwear

exactly deacribea our Men's Suite and overcoats at
$8.50,$10. $12,$15. $1S.$2U.
Let t'H have your ioapection of them, Good Kerr
aeys, io black, blue, bruwn and tbe new roagb effects
in the grayish and brownish mixturea.
Tbe worth and elegance of tbe beat coatom tailors
tor half tbeir prices, tbat'awbatil meant to buy here.

b pf^Milar with

eH men wbo
neatly andomi-^
forUbly dressed.
The fact that men
who have once worn
tbe Muosiog Union

no other kind
is evidence of merit
and accounts for the constantlr
iocreasiny demand.

- Wilhelm Bros.
Is a shoe that will stand all the hardships given
it by a boy or girl. These shoes areDmade by the
Tappan Shoe Co. of Coldwater, Michigan. For good
honest wear they have no equal
OhUdrans* 8 1-8 fo 11 1-3
iatti«aenU’9 to 131-S - 146
Bflfifiaall l-8to8
ItlMefi (Waterproof). Hi to 2
LsdiM’ (WaUrproof), 21 to 8
> &60

Front Street



rax MOBVOia mBOomi>

«n vouraro iixooao.
miTBRn onx •


Can. T. Batm
f W. w«——



3- w. HAwm.
*nd MuAC**'

WUl b« 1«<11* *we
tor A ABitA
BU tMBC to InAplrc reaewM ootflaweB
UbU«ABM. UU pcMtieAlly eotteed•dthAt free Allevr.frlll not do. Tbe
•net Aril oSerBd tbe Be«t beet SAter
w lor CAmpAlfti BiAteriAl, but when
KopaWkf" oodtcbUom aU o»er tbe
0onlry west on record aa lAvorlBir
nAlrlcOona In ComblAAUone Asd nfalAtiiNi of tbt «pnrAW»ne of tbe tmeU.
(be proepeet toBi iu brlfbuieeA N <w
IbAl PreAidAai McKlolep U annoBoeea
lebAve Aonetbisp to ea; spoB tbe
^•MtiOB In bU meBAAfe to eoBffreee
(be damoemu nre boflnninc to worry
•ad to cnet nboat for eoMetblnit cUe
lor AH itenr. It eoeme that tbe only
Iblat to do le to r^b ereryiblnc In
•tf bt nnd nnke tbe beet of it.
iTbaoMinAlaBAted by dUmnUed
PoBoemU, Asonp then John B. Me(ann of Ohio, tbnt tbe AttAcln spon
(be ndnlml. IneldAnul to Ibe tmnefer
•ftbe Wneblnpion booM fif^ »«r«
|wplr«) for poUUenl pnrpoA«A by
Irtonde of tbe ndnlntAUnUoa. ThU
iBAtssAtion U AA bnae aa 11 to proand
jMBAedtfddnlml Dewey were qaeeMoBAd Aboat it IM wonld nndoabtodly
•Mdenn tbe noUre And tboAO rAeponplblA lor tbe nport. Tbe Denoemu
«*ldcnUy hope to AfAta erenu a eanUptoal in fA«or of Dewey aa a preAlden*

tlAl pcwklWirty. bat It to donblhtl if tbe
bdniiAl «m ooBAent to be iaflaenoed
bp Asy eneh enbterfBOVi-MKBOUR peUUone Are beinr nent to
lb* r>*ArBor for tbe r«AppolB»Mnt of
pATld B. B«ne on tbo p»rdoa board.
Hi. Borne bne dtopleyod a tearlee.
Afirlt and a oonmeadable tenacity in
vbat be beUeree to be rirbt la the
•nae wbieb bae Atiraetad aute-wide
•ttantloB. and hto alUtnde in oppoalMob to a oonmotatlon of tbe eentenoe
bfOharleaT. Wrifbl to eommeDdable
TVe people of tbe etate by a larpe
•aj»rity wUl aadome nto reappolat

WUbeln rot tie ball, aad waa
dowBMl OB TfAWA Ctty-A l« yard
Um. BnnAkaU niAde a pntty Md ran.
bat WAA AtoppAd in ftae AtylA by Dtan
Liewto. eAp’Aln of galbaelrA A doobU
PBIA (ron Wllbalm to BnnthAll raaalt
•diAAlonfCAln.-ABd WUAeln nodr
MotbAT UbA it AToaad rtrbt «Bd. Sob»
C«nt«r plAyA were pat la that raanlter
la (AIAB fu< tbe IcK-ai wan. a< d tbri.
BnoAhall weataroand toft eed for a
loarr^. Baft playlnc Bm Interfer
. The ball wae within a few feet
of tbe *«al. ana with the pent play.
BnoAbaU earrtod it oe« the Ub.
for a toacbdown. aad Wilbaln klekeo
A goal, nakiac the loare It to 0.
AgAie Ka kaaka kicked off. And tbe
WAA otaghi by BnaAbAU. wbo
nade a flee ran Uroagb n broken field,
to wltbUi » yarde of tbe oentor. Oi.
theaextpaea. WUkelm nude a long
pant, aad ae tbe KaikaeitA nan caagbl
it. he waa downed by Jack Btater
wiihoal making a gain of afoot Kaltried a oenire ran. and wer*
downed hack of the ilne for a big toae
Lewie tried right euu bet made no
gain, aad the ball • ► eeenrad by
ttayaaM os an aneu <>afal attempt
rravetae <Sty made aome good galne.
then laet tbe Qelt oa a famble and tbr
half roded with the ball in KeikaakA’A
Intbeaeoond half, with ibe game
aecora, TravAme City plAyed leae of the
regalAtlon 'plejA, aad need Ulek ^aye
to edrAniAga They crowded tbe kell
reptdly to within A few yarde of the
Kalkaeka goal, aad then loet it
on dowae Kalkaeka made a yard by
center play, then fumbled. Slater
got the ball and wne enra of n tonebdown bad not Wilhelm mtoukea him
for a Kalkaeka man. and tackled him
Sanahall pot tbe ball tbrongb the oenter for a goal between tbe poata, but
Wllbelm fallad to hU atumpt at goal,
and the eoore wne 17 to a
Again Kalkaeka kiekcd, and tbe ball
ea carried by Wilhelm to wlibln 6*e
yarde of tbe neater of the fielA There
Melatoah had kto wind knocked oat.
and H. Oeaprea took bto place, playing
well to tbe nlooe of tbe game Tbe
ball WAA iBpidly forced down to with­
in A lew feet of the goal, wbra. with
only halfnmlnate to play, Wilbelm
went tbrongb the line for n toneb'
down. He failed nfala In' an attempt
at the goal, and the eoora wne St to D.
The atmoit good feeling prerailed
la tbe game, and tbara wae no alogglng
foaling. The KalkaekA team wae
heartily cbeerod at the eioae. The loearn wae At tbe .train to aao the
rieltoTB off, and Again cbeerad them.
A third game for the eeriee to talked
of to take plaoe at Kalkaena. hat no
definlteArangtmeaU hare been mndi

KBlkaslut xboroDghl7DefMt•d TMterdAj.

a HMnard.
C Leighton
D Morgan.

ba-tubdaie, wovbubbh bb.


Clab nLvtoud

Aim HoCcy to Keet Me phy Dee 9
I Jim McOoy. the local boxer. wUl |
Adamsoad ■-» T. O. Marphy. tbe northrra

x«. u...
^ ! will fire a tee roaad eoot«»i. McCoy
Tbero baa eeidom if »rer been mote 1« a noted boxer asd aad baddt fratrd
Interaet BkaBifeaud in the Womai.'B aerdial of the beet ia hU cliu in Mich
elab than there waa yeeurday after Igaa
n-jdn when the program lock the fu.
Of adtocumloo oa the Philippine qu.o- I Tbereaderaot thte paper will be
uon. The prriimlaary boainei* meet pleaaed lo leara that there U at leaei
log wae cal.ed at S o'clock and wae !one dreaded d'eeae* lhai i

$100 Beward. $100.

gel«Atotbe Stale Federailoo. Mia.
M. A. 8, Eoberu aad Mra. b-C. DeeTheir deaerlpiion of the meeting
aad the exceltoat and InetracOre
papera glten thtre wae itotosed to
with eioae atteouoB.
A pteamst teainre of tbe afternoon

Currant erenle were
ameruihlagly tonebed ap<w by Mr».
The regular program wae opened by
Mia. M. C. Dodge, whoepeke is favor
of freedom for tbe PhiUppIret. It to
impoaalbla In ibto limited tpuee to give
an Idea of tbe excellent argnmenu
advanced by Mra. Dodge and by ber
opponent. Mra. J. J. Utay.' All polnto
bearing upon tbe qaeatlon were care
fnliy coLsidertd, pro and eon. at^ to
many logltal aigomenuwereadCanoed
by eaoh of tbe tpeakcra that If tbe
matter bad been brought
ladiue would have fLund It a* d iBcalt
tc decide at hae the ooonuy at Large
Tbe Icadert in tbe debate were ably
mcooded by Mi^E. C. Sulee and Mrp
U. 11. Uarser, wbo epoke for the > flima
tiv., and Mra. O. M. ChaM. who Uvored the negaUve- Mra. J. L. U.bba aUo
advanced tome exccilent Ideae upon
the aubject.
In ao able and intercating a manner
were tbe quretlone bandied by tbe
for tome time after the
meeUeg cloned the ladlee |
lllUe groape to advance their ideae and
dtoeaaa the probli

Defeaae of B. W. Habbell.
Tbe eaee of B. W. Habbell. arrvatod
in Central Lake on tbe charge of (ak
ing ordere for atlverware wiihoal qb
tuning a Ilceoee from tbe village, will
be a eaee of tett. It to underttood ib^t
tbe detente will be baeed on the pro
vition of the Interetete law that an
..B. Wrlgbl ngeut CAB tAUe c4dert foe a firm oat
...B. Clark aide tbe etate wlihoat a lie< nte. though
there may be a city or village ordi..B.G................C. .White uanoe to the ooairary. Mr. Bobbell
wtH cauvaating for a Chicago hoaac.

^ ..‘-.S-SK

•poar SStoO
Tbarc wae a game of footfaaU at KalImaka a week ago today, bat it to a:>
8 L tlee made a trip W Kalkaoka
moot forgotten. The Trarerae Oily
Blgfi Mhool team waa defeated there yeeterday.
Mr. and Mia. Bd. Bonner • retnmrd
by a Aoore of a lo o. hat the reenit of
yoatorday from an extended rtoii in
(he retam game in tble city yeeterday
waa BBcb that the defeat to wiped oat eoathem Michigan and northern
with eo nioeb to apere that there to Indiana.
Mra Carrie Beward to rieiUng bar
little memory of the Kalkaeka game.
Tbe local team went on the field bretber. Fred Seward, at Oadlllae.
Biale Sthnley of Maple City to in the
with the arow6d Intention of wiping
oat tbe former di^eat, aad lUlng city rtoltlng friende.
Bay Jackeon of Mayfield wae a Trar'
(binge right; asd when tbe batUe wae
oecr, a aoore of » to 0 abowed how erae City rtoitor yeeterday.
JuUue Norrto of Cedar Bon ia in the
wall they carried out their pnrpoee.
Kalkaeka bad dweeaeloD of the bai: city.
Frank Goodrich left Inst nfffbt for
bat four Vne*. ahd in no eaae did
(bey make tbe required fire yard gain Cheboygan on baelneaa.
a H. H*taa of Balea wne is tbe city
At one Ume. oa the laet down they had
loot 10 yarde Inetead of gaining See. yeatenlay.
Mia. Dr. Johnaoa aadBlece, asd Mta.
^bay got the hall oa downe hot c c .
The rtoltore arrired on the >:M train, a Pbelpa. retamed last night W their
pod pot ap at the Hotel CoIamMa. Ail bemee in Kalkaeka, after a abort riait
wae rcaey for tbe game at S o'eloek, with Mia J. Doyle.
A. W. Pepk la ^tartainlng hie
pad there wae no delay. Dmn Lewie
brother W. W. Pack aad daighler
pad B. Balcro pat np the boat article
gt football for tbe rtoltoia, being in Haeel of St. fohw.
Miae Bthellnd Oitebal to in tbe dty
(bognmeaterery pUy. Sereral othera
of Ue team pUyed well, bat the long from her aebud at Tbompnoarilla.
Mtoe Beafey, who aatartalaed nt the
pad abort of it to. they did not hare
^p ghopt of a chanee at any time dnr- en:ortolnedby
lu the game,
wbUe in tbe elt;
fbe local Une waa a rery etroag one,
-bae bam i
C. D. Ken
imto*‘-g all attaeke of the
(aam trlth apparaai eaee. while they
Mrt. Anna Fox, who bae I
ware in the center pUye tor good galne
prery Ume. Morgnn at center opened
•p aome large gapa for the backt to go
(broagh. and B*S at qaarter played
Henry Tonneller to entertnlnlBg
Klp aaaal faat game Bat ^ height
hrothar, Peter, of Benton Harbor.
Mitlcalar ataia In the daTk game
vara Tom Wllbelm. Will SnaehaU aad
Almoeta Klraela.
Jnek Slator. each of wfa
Ir. J. B. MlUer of Obeanngo Forka.
Vary faau eteady football.
r.. eaya; *T eafferad tor fifty yearn
U the fixat baU.Trarerac City ktokad with ^lea aad deapairad of ever balag
off, and tbe ball waa downed on Eal- carwl naUl 1 tried Dr. Cham
ointmant. One box cued me perfeet
baeka'e it yard line. Three
ly.” Dr. Chaae'A Ointment gaaraaiead
cmalied In a loaa for Kalk
to enra ptlea. ecaema, aad all akin
(be weal team Wc^ tbe ball.
M eenta. aU dragglata or 1
Fire cMterlplaye. in which the two _____Mod. Co.. N. T. Frw earn]
wtm and Bnoahnll, box aont on rceript of etamp.
alUrnately, icaalted .............
to a waebdown by WUbalm. who,Will
btokad a goal beaatUaUy. and tfae<
<m Tbaakegiring Bight at the City
Opera Horn. Priseaaow at (he atg
ieabmaUfal Udi off.

Sccial Nice gisk Bill

J. W. SLATER, House Furnisher.

Makes the food more iMckias and wli

foot Ball Oame in Wh ch tbe High
•nbool Team Had Brcryibing Tbatr
' Pwa Way-BauAbail. Blater and
Vilhelm OtoUngatth Tbimeelrea- W. 8oaehaU..^B^H



IBbb _

.Nature's cuR&
A Cure for Henroue Heediehe.
For vIcUl yvwr* I vuffrrrd tnm romulpatloii tiidiwvt'rf urrvoii. lireKto-'tx .lbr treixl.
•rbr Qvutl.y lulliiu Ilin'V .U.m. at a liiiir.
• • 'po».tri»n-li^^inj|^uiijvr*flly.
but Irft too hart an
MIy hiijiroiad
UklMCOlerv-Klnel--------------------■ \i- bear!
In b«Altb, wldum or urv.r iiawhaw ualTlrM «D Ilreli. and frfl d-Tl
well.-tore K.K llal''h.T'ii>|>l< , N. II.
Olvry Klnerur.w< '»iialli-aiiuuanila
nilall dlA
re. Moiuurb.
sen. Hold by d<IruKlMt JOc-aoUeOci. i


$2.00, $2.60,
$3.00, $3.50.

i, the ooly poelilre cure kO'.wp
mrd cal fret.
frmteroity- Caiarrah
beisg a
ooarUlBtloDai dieeair. nq lirea a eonetiintloaa! treaimeni Uall'e Caurrah
Care to takeu iDteroally, acilsg direct

47 rfiffePPDl styled of Iron B«4b fron.................... .
$S W) op
luff KnainH Ohxin.'.............................................................$l 00
Wbitr Knam.-I Rork-™....;.............................................................-$2 00
Thie No. 0130 Iron Be.1. heV'bt of bead.'4 Ifu-i ii im-hrs;
bt-igbt of foot. 3 fert 6 ineb.f. and 3 f»-f1 8 inches
wide, Binl 4 fe^t«; iuciiCB. wid,-. «mly......................... ..
$4 76

J. W. Slater,

120 Front 8t

House Furoiablog tftore.

tbe foaodation of the dwcaM>. and pi*
tare In doing lie wnrk. Tbe
lore here eo mueh fai'b in lie curatio
poweratbat they iff-r ope buDOred
dollara for any eaae
eaee that it falli I
cure Send for llpt'
Addreca F- J. (iir.:
Sold by dmggtoU, 7Jc.
Hall'a Family Pt>to are tbe beat

0 Cm U Srirpt In 24 Cntrs.
No r>-me^- equalK W aknkk'p Whjt:
INK OP Tak Syiu-p fur tlito U-rr,
ont.d fatal duMiuHe. If taken thoi.
jghl.v and in Umo. it will cotv a eax1 Ilf himra. and fo> tli« cough that tol>«-* La (irippe i'. uercr fall* Ui give
'•lief. Prioe. a>c and SOe.

Will Aodursun

Ralph Anderson

and Embalmers

Mcrrn Social Njne~Mask Ball
oa The

Both Telephones. No 4,'i.

318 Union Street

Our Hat
has had special attention of late with marvelous results, makiuK the finest displny ever seen. Our new plate glass display
show cases.made expressly for us.make It th e centre of attraetion.
Our great seller ie the

Celetirateil Longley Hat
Tbe Fedoras, made in the latest styles and colors. The grray<
with either light or dark band or the light brown with dark band
or the dark brown wi- h light band for $1.60, $ii.00, $2 60, $3.00.
The black Fedoras in different bights or widths of brim begin at
$126 with other grades at $t.60. $2.00 and $3 00. "The Longley Stiff Hat” in black and light and dark brown, in the new
shapecrsell at $1.60, $2 60 and $3.00. made in the identical styles
as the $4.C0 and $6 00 Knox or Dunlap hata

Our New Stock of Caps
has every shape that the fall styles decree. Helton Brighton
esps 76c—Imported Kersey Havelock’s 76c, $1.00, $1 60—Plush
Brighton caps 60c and $1.00-Plush Havelock ’caps 76c-Hen's
double knit Scotch Winsor caps 60c-Mens double band Golf
Novelty 75o—Childrens'fancy Teques 26c. 60c and 76c—Boys
fancy plush caps 26c and 60c—Boys fancy cloth caps 26c, 60c, 76c

Dress Goods
for fall wear, the most serviceable is tbe waterproof, in brown,
blue, black and gray, 64 inches wide at 60c the yard; an elegant
line of Serges at 60c, 76c and $1.0U;the fashionable black Orepon
In all grades and patterns. The Henriettas at 60c, 66c and 76c.
The Novelty Dress Goods Is a great seller.

Dress Trimmings
in all colors to match the dress goods, in braids, cords, gimps.
The greatest line of Jet Trimmings. New novelties coming all
the time to meet the ever changing styles.

Frank Friedrich
ne Front Btawet

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.

*rttl I«o«*
ObiMffo OB b«r iMi oorttiera trip ea
~ mdAj tf^lar oeziolTp'eloek.
B«*. a Halhhotp hM COM to P«to»
looker, where he vUi toke ehorpe o< »
«n«rwri|t viVtx qaarterJr MeUB(. reaoloiar ovc
MnlMMW* Cm faM KMi< 4 4^7.
M laUTMUnc reMni om ooe or hi*
A oew M. E ehorch wlU he dedleot
h Mk* ••» ki toe obaowdcero of tb
4 O' Ar«- oo Tbookoplviar co/. *
«>Tiac OiBoer «Ui olOo h
»■■»» •“ *•
Tb^ t'oook
-------------------------------Wook »o* aued QBt hj W W. Toeket,. Mrred in thr town boll oo So'onUr h\
Moap lyc of PiDcrer A
o( Oj the lodir* of the choreh.
UbU, who oeT* ihot be a B» yaon old.
The delepoteo fiom the todleo L
M AaartaM by Mrtb. « aorried and brory AdeocioUoa to tbo ot»te tedere
-.1 ,
"• ™"
hoe tea
.i.b.iu «.»..«■
“• ■“
“ “• •‘•l'
IradotorTO etoeoeouee yeero and U ^o'doek. Thoac wbblar to draw bjokaew able to work abooi om Boonth* ajcaa dooo at any tine dorlny lae re
yoar and aarao 7S eanu per day Hr p(^
boBo. wUeb a free frotnj, Mr*. J.
J T.
t Beadle eatertalned
eat-etaieeH aa nea
4abt. and oayo be it able to »*e a ItlUe
,rteadt eery i
Gary Oanbaa. aanoper of the Bonth- , Berale Eeynoldo. wbcM le» w.o
•ra ytehiyaa- F™it Growcro' aMocia
in « foot ball aeeident eome

« S\&Ve S\ena

&iv\«res\. i>


friend* fear that be baa met wi
OOBe aerlou* miabap. Tlie laat time be
waa heard truB waa Koresber
U, when be went - to Ctaleapo
oa boaineM. Hie aeaoaata at beadqnartera are atralfbl. Ha U*ed at
iBWtoe. Mieb;
Chariot MelMrty of Colon, warered
' Uhl he ooeld eat a qaall par day for 10
.daya. He beyaa hia taak oo Baterday
and baa already loat three poaada.
At Iroa Boantaie, by tbe preBatnre
trtHdce in
the Brtatol ttlaa Thnraday MTUllaB
SelB wao blown to fracBenia. Aarut
Kyrren waa fatally, and Qbarlw Kelien
aanooaly. inured.
Peter BUr^. of QlCord. while hnnP
lav In the aorth. waa accidentally ahot
la tbe arB. the bone 'wiaf broken.
At JackMa. Dr. C. B. Blaaebard aay»
ha waa called to aee the baby of a
woBan who waa anppoaed to be enfferine froB a Tlmlent caae of catarrh.
He inMrted a tBall pair of forcepa into
tha noairila and pnlied ont the ehUd'a

Tree charity l-rnlB* before your owe •
wsnta are
wMBan llk<« to be toM the kwh*
fmb-. Imi a man <lor«n't.

ui|>|>cd» that a naa’a
lAoler Jordon. or • IJiUe Loul»e."
lipnrtonttr it> bl* mlafortuae.
pU-h|«» k-t. oar a
All men an- made of OuM-boi aoMc
n«l«I yertetdav bf Jome. Beycoldo.
• -u of lot- <d>lrf of the Brooklyn de dnai I* about twkMblnl* apeerh.
It i« ea«r eokmgh to he eronotnlcai
Iwilre eqnod. Mr. BerniiW* I* einpl»><d a* 0 <le(e<-Uve In a I'liltou ativet when von 'l>a«-e iik-nty with wbk-b to
„ «aw
„„ the
...... vuinan In ihe
.... .
■tore: hr
wi Mouda>
.>«loy :
• fell Ibolr prcBffw»
ira<-ked l>er for aoine lUaieui-)-. 1ml e*
■ter oeatn.
»:.< bad Xluleu UniblUg far derided to
laiiilldnte never diecover* tbe
CoodAVdnia of bi* opiameot until after
hbk defeat.
A married man wtfttld bare monBljJdj .nd W..I-T, .-ta I.»k 1-r I.
poll.-e b<odtjuan>f«. aliefe ahe aeld money U bla p.--k-iB*w a* bani to
tiTa wife.
obe » a. Mi> I.. •ITomiiwoti of Blnt-ki r And a* are tbow
Au actriw lOBV 1«- w.-dch-l to lor
oir<a t. Uentiaiinti.
art. hul *1»o>j«uoH.v a>ii«ito« mot" than
" ‘•‘I
woman f..r on.- liiid.atid dnrliii: ber ean»r.
aaliUe <‘a|»t. Ueym.M-, i>f tUed.-le
Til- ro U one tu^inllar fhiiis atemt the
fcwia-. (buimlit lie r«Hvenlt<al biT n*
~ Hi- tm.k ImW of h. r man t'lio iM.rrow-H in.iihb-; Im* iKola av*
h nilo-r* -0lil«-a
Wt ear nml ai li- Sbe Uuclie.1.
' Al' '' *■>"





lewa bat reached the etty that tbe
retoroof Coaoty Clerk Newtoa and
wife froB Dealer City, Ohio, w lO were
espeetedlaat nlfbt. wUl be delayeo
for another weak by as ae ddeot thok
iltcd In an li j«ry to Mr*. N»wtoa'«

k>wer tart of h<*r
> niaii: bi-r e» a babliual and dausi-r
ua erlDilual
Tlie womnn lieimn her criminal ca.
•er at ibe egi- of 10 year*, and la now
She an* llic ilaUgbliT of a piiMi'
Mre Mary Jobaaoa. amerly Mary hruae keo{»-r la Maiii lo-oior. Kimlnuil.
boBe in the aint.««Tro<l a it-ruj In ttial i-lty for tarBudlen. will mai
Iclnlly of Petoakey. aa ahe and bei "Hf- 8‘>'’ "fi'TwarJa •-.•i.t to HraaillafarB there. "
arn-elod for a
dtauHind nil'lHTy. .tfti-r ber rcl<a*
abc enme
«li.-'irnlicl Siatca. wU. rc
abc operaied umlcr tbh namca of hlar>
Hra Blrle Odell Oonklla la dead at Jubnaon. Ktuina Tbou|»on. Cairi>
berboseln Long Lake townablp, o- Bt.-ou. and Kimiia TowoM-nd. In t'lil
meaalea and bronebo pnenaMBla, a'’T-.
the age of St Tbe fnaeral will oocor tlmoa. and U known ibere U th••PrlncH.. of Bbopllftera." Bbe wa.
at tbe rcaMenee today. Mrm. Oocklm anvmn] for a l>lg tx)W*or} In nwlii
waa a widow, and learea four tdiildren nail. I>ui Jniu|*-<1 bor Iwll. ■ In tlamliUeenae waa v^antec ton. Oni.. »bo r<il>l«H<l a Jc«-eler of
yesterday to B- B- Reid and Floreacr •l.obn wonb of tllaoionila. Three y««r.
aco abo woni t« Eup>|>c and <lld
Datcber of Hokpi townablp
alilcrnMo Imikliii'** to I'crl* and 1x>n
Tbe half boar ucaally devoted
libliig a Min
doa In llip latter ■•li.r r»*>l
Boale In the High achool wa* om'.ttcd Hug lane Jeui-U-r of SIO. lai) worth o^
diamond*. In 1NB7 abe. telunied to
the football 1 America. Site Im» i>een tbe wife of
Tom Hiin-low. ■ robl»T: Janie* Mr
noire alias ('apt. Iloai'b, a *afe ^^■Bk
Tbe peat office wlU be eloaad today ,r. who U uc.u in .Vtwlralla. and thfrom S till 4 O'clock, daring tbe hour* late llame.i .karvn*. a flcbtcy.
of tbe funeral of tbe lata Vioa Pmi-1 Pl>e was'taki-u to Ka.rmuod «ire<-t
dent Hobart, by order of th* poaP
"f*" »!'•'“* artulirned
Adam* siriH-i (vmrt. and held c
nmater geaeial at Waabiagton
' ebarge of vagrancy. Aa *be wa*
B. J. Morgan hat raeeleed the deer
*br aald to young Reynold*:
taoeaUy ahoi by bit eon Tberoa in tbe
'uung man. permit me to congrai
appar paniaenla. It M aa aanally flnr ' elate you. You have tbe right kind of
doe. Tbe ahot that eaoaod the Injury ey.-a.“- New York Tim-'*.
to Tharon'a head
fleer buck that waa near U
Bteinberg'a Grand Opera Hoaae bill been found in tin' »ork»bt^
boardi were oovertd yesterday wlib Hindu wsu-limaker. ll I* In the sbapr
aUraeUve paper for tbe Marka Broc eta b«ar niuMia* the Immer on its
abow to appear here Monday. Dec- 4h*fh T"'
► »<" U' nor

Many BerriM eonnty •farmen are
plowlnv np their wheat aad prepar­
ing the vroaad foe a apring crop. Be
tweea the deatroeUea work of the
Haaaian fly and the egceealeely wars
weather thla fallihechanoea tcr wheat
putnlnv ont Bach next aoBBtr U left
to frow nre amall.
A Portland man who Head mmt tbe
near had a wagon he daaired to eell.
bet laaleed of petting en adeeritoeMeat in the paper, na tbe eebicio ont
by the raadalde and placed npon It a
nIgnllketbU. "Por Ball.'’ Besebody
earn* along aad aaw the alga, and
taking it liUrally, baaled the wagoa
down the bank aad Into tbe rieer,
where the "mU wee effected.
g B Bosgbej A Oo. bare received a
While Mr* Pred Oill of Owooeo.
fllliag a gawtUne aioee Thnraday. the earload of flo* cutlet* for their wiater
flaid became Igaited, aettlng fire to ber trad*. They make a good show in
tbclr warvkouac on tbe eoraer of State
Clothing and bombiT burning
froB ber walat to ber aboelder*. eleo nod Cbm atreeu.
beralag ber baada and face. Her batr'
A W. Peck retamed yeaierday frem
• enUrely bamed froB ber bead and a haoUag trip near Seat Jordan. He
h«f eyesight toUliy dniroyed. She la hagg«d aeveo fine par^^ldge*.
la a erlUeal oondltioD.
novel iaduatry ba* recently been
•BUbIkbed at Walden, that of maou
From all tbe report* that c
laetaAng fiber from ala wood tor a tbe Nark* Bru*. drama ic and vaude•abstUnie for hair In making plaster. vlileeompaay who are to appear here
'The Boer 1* said to poeaea* aany ad for two week*, beglnniag Monday.
1* ll Iwdlj ■-v-.-ubM. I•ll1 ibi- m.t*i
vantagea over hair, beeldca being coaU..J m.k. .Ill ..I „riii„r
„r V, .11
11,.1 ...
aiderably cheaper. Tbe o
■pany i* i oeaUy be made good. v'»; "No other owner n gnr.U it .1* .4 li..u*.-ln«ld g-1
preparing to enlarge the plant ai j low.prioed atuaciloB ta ao good: ro
ft Is s'cr-•! it> the in.iii.iry of HiWalden.
iilhvr good attracti-n‘a bc los-pri'*. d.“ a
-' frJtU'T. I" w ii.nii
Tbe BonT S. M Stepbeu I of Me- Both pme and pablle ihroughoui th<
'•■U'' ‘‘"Id
f'l’ i'- ** ‘
aomlaee baa purehaead the Leleeu
.1.1. ..ll. I. u,l«£ U.,lr
......................... .
Uenee farm i.f SOO aere*; esioadlag for are far ahead of anything before ai- Ifae wml* ••( incu into aniuial* in r..i
itwo Biles along the river aortb of
templed in repertoire. The anccoe
u 1. ii-.-d. uer.-rib. le*.. for
Biveraide and joining hi* old farm on
they bave met with everywhere will iho i.iin***'' f'>r wlilrii H wa* orljrinthe norUeaat. Tbla give* him I 4M no doubt be duplicated here. Tbey are all.v>"'>l ** * <-i>irii laui|i i<«
acres, maatly nnder ealUvaUon. Mr.
playing to packed bouaea aigbilv. at »bl'-h th.- «.-ri. linuk--r
m.-iai ..i
StapbeiMoa is enltivaUng bU Ploe BUI
popular pricea of 10. 15 and JS mU.
a" ................... ....................
farm ecientlBoally aad gets good re Tbey will appear in bieinberg e
*i'‘« I’i"'.' H l» mriisuite- Juataowhe la adding largely
to bia hig stock of cows and ateera. and
Again tbe City Opera
A t-'Blr l>paioa.4rallan.
within a year or two wilt bave oae of filled to the door*, for the •rooad oua-'
Mark T«:itu .unl lil* frii-n.l. 1he R.-v
the largeei. If not the largest, etbek ber of tbe Btudenu' Uciure and Mublc Joiicpli H. Ti> i'<-l>ell. »Um- |ilaui»Hl a
farms in the north week
Coarae. Tboae who went to be*
|.1.-T<-1*- from IlnMf-.rd ulie :
A ewindler worked a aeeOoo of Ida Benfey in ber inimitable rendlUrn tiomel t« .............. ami wroie Imf.mGrand Rapid* one day tbU week <m an of "Lee Mbemblea" expected some- liainl i<> nn n'liueiiitani-i- In Ibe laita('•llini: him ibelr line of iviii.
aatirely new and aa'que plan. Be thing flan Tbey were not disappointwant troB door to door aakiag tbe ed. Tbe story bm* aa added vivldnew andwhaJiln..-lmm1».'hlexi»Hfto" lean of a pair of abeam. slaUng that BOW ta all who hmrd Him Beef** la th*-m atTlrr. Mi.r* tbe Deiroli Kre


be waa working on a carpet near by
and vranted to eat IL U one iaaUae* plete a repr.
i yet
tbe woman who oam* to tbe door tbeebametem
showed bis a amall palroreeimom them waa little of the
so often 'given—tbe aeand said ebe was afraid they would
not da Tbe fellow took them ont of •ampUoa
The charaeteritailoas
bar hand to exaalae thcB aad made
......,,, ... came
off- It Is not kaawa how nutay palm
of abeam he eeeured. but aevaral com- BO clear that while there ^
play of manneriam. yet the cha
pUlals bave been nude.
to Uva- At tie
The Battle Ckeek saattariam bat just,

opened another braneb aanitariam at
reading of
MlaerMoatreee. Ool. STS paUoe from Denver. ablca"aahortpregmBofeoBedy wa*
■aklng a circuit of aanltarlams aroand
I. -hic Mh. B....,
the world.__________________
showed her nqpsteiy of refined homor.
Bar reading from MIm WUktna was aaBrave Bapionta.
padallyflae. aad her dellncaUan of]
Like Stanley aad Uvtngetooe. foaad
it harder to ovdrtiomc Malaria, Fever beyond criticiem.
aad Agae. and Typhoid dtoeaee germ*
than aavare cannibals: but U
Foander of L O. F.
have foand that Seetrle Bittern M a
wooderfni care lor all malarial dlOoL A. B. t^dweli the founder
ili - -- If yon have chllla with fever,
a^ea la baek of aeek and bead, and taka one of Dr. Cbaee'a K dney Liver ‘
Umd. wora-oat feeling*, a trial wiU eii« at night and the result is woadereoavlBoe yon of their merit. W. A fttl in prodaelng calm repoee. and ex-,
Hall of Webb. Dl.. wnlea; "My ebU- eelleni digestion, i regard them aa

the companion* and eorafortem of myi
ahm* aad lever: then two bottlea of | Utter yearn” Dr. A -'.Cha
W. Chase'* KidBleetrte Bittern eared them.” Only 501 aey Uver Pills, the
dy gi
lata. Try them. Oaarantaed.
Oaarantaad. Hold
ttold;; ear* to kMacy aad liver
weakomt, 15
J Jaa. 0. JohBKm and B. K. Wait, {^rim^to^or Dr. A. W.

The Boston Store

r IIM<0 tm ■'•ritav C*rrU« At'

We Eat to ffeas? Ourselves
We Dress
r.^i.rrr-s: To Please ahers

by bh dotlaa aad righdv so.
OtCward apt*ar*nco arc the
'(iM mcam by wbLA wr exI and ropes
im these with wtuei wr c
ie conus
Uoicr mwlcm
|^»»v4:^ir« it a a pwtrrr ailroca
to good txJU to appear in id.
Bting, poorly m*A: a^^rcl.
The donn’i fwo that t =lui
Btm ht c.mRn..v**v on drew
parade: on the contrary, lbs a
fommon mk cconamy U&.

Dacd^by Britith Soldier* la Africa.
Capu C O Deanlaon U weU kaowe
_II mer Africa aa commander of the
foreea that e*nlured the f>mnna rebel
ir date
of N wember •
ihe Under

You get the most
c;q)ensiveo( merchant
tailor cfiectfei a ready- .

E Wait and P C. rhompao".

Garment at half the '

A MeooB .nee Ban baa a acbeme to
aaen the ebaneea of beirg ahol at ly
■me tool banter who doeaa't know a
deer when be aee* one When be g< a
to tbe arooda 1 e] wear* around b<»
* of bright red flannel.
ymulder* a piece

TW> Ijike* M IW la*Mr C**i pBckee

Aa the reaalt of a charivari. Mra
Calvin Webb, a newly wedded woman
Hvlagta Penfleld, U daagaixoaly ia>
aaae and may die.

V Will your tailor do
p,,f_______________ _____ k that much?

The Boston Store

FVapk Tllura la the I
t Allegan
who doeaa't have to bother with a
ladder when doing lealde work. Be
standi six feet eight ieebea in bU ba< e
'eel, and bla extreme taelgbt ie a great
mavenienoe to bia in bla trade


RadeTouag Again.
"One of Dr Klrg'» New Ufa Pill*
neb night for twu weeks baa put Be
a my ‘teen*’ again'’ write* D B. Tor
■ler of D.>mp*eytowa. Pa Tbey r* the
»Mt in ihr world for tbe Liver, dtem*eb and Bowels.
Purclr vegetable
Only Hi at Jaa. 0 Jobn'


Boy’s Suits .
Three piece-s'zes op to 16 Haodsome K' ods in stripes and plain blue and
black worstede—Largest line in the city—
$z 00 to $8 00.

laumpturii Cur« - Warnep-a
Whita Wine ef Tar Symp, the
lw»t coujih rrmt'ly «wi carlh. curr* a
in one <J«v if taken in time. S^andM•cl&

Ladie*’d?50 aboea warmnled «q'»ai
to spv *3 so »b< ca. Try a pair. Tbe
Boeton Store.

Hamilton ClothingCo.

Merry Social Nine Mask Ball
on rbaolragivirg
rbaobvgivirg aigbt at the Chy
•kpera Bonae ”
Priiaea now at the City
New* Suad.
Thatiktgifinx eve at Oolninhia brll.
Weal Side. Nov SV. Bill 50 cenu.
Music by Helm ane Blakecler.


T8W 1:: SI

To Cure a IM»M an One Oay
':»kc Warner'-. \Vh;u W iiu- i>f Tar S>:lie U-« cuUKh TVin».ly oij^nh.
•> rent*. _________________

We bave c«»nfidence that our shoci^
■w’ill please you.

Here are some of

6et X Pise Butsen
or dree* euit from tbe largest «took
in tbe city, and aw-?S per eent on
our special sale offer. -Tbe Boitoo

our fall shapes,^'.

Ximliall Piaaos aid Brgaas

ed or black calf enamel, double softe


River Sboe» in ca1f«nd grain leath­
er. high and low cuts for SI.80.
2.15, $2.4S and higher priced if yon
want them.




136 Front Street

The PracticAl Shoe Men

Y outh’s

-w.-n. ion made pretty gmd
time, didn't your
“<^‘1Bme for nortcea.''

are eye openers 'to every one vbo
looks at them and the pricea ticklaf
pocket books. He enatomers
M ... 1™- n.n
Mr. Clemena.
mw or leas, boy aometbing when
“Altnut 7 a. m."
tbey see the gooda and learn tbe
pricee.' A glance at onr abow win-!
blryele*''"lint w- dowa will cootnooe yon that we eell
far enmiL'Ii to demonslnr
lemonsirate that 1 tbe niceat ebinaware, graniteware,'
eonM be done.”
glaaa «are and aU|Bnt Umpfl and
r>«4tl*c Taceta**.
tictorea. Call and examuM them'
**Th«> newapapem have effected *
before going elaewberc.
.jmblne at lairt.” aald Bather.


Calf Ltnetl.

for $2. f2 50, S3. ♦3.5'».

Thxflktgivlag Batei cn C- B A L
O' e *od one-third f*re for round trip
vlaC. B A I. Ti'keUwiUbe lold -i
s«ovemteN-'v jw and jnth. Oo>d to
return until Dec 1st., b
1.50 Biles frrm selling si


Winter'^ Boot.

Damp Proof—we have them in color­

are used and cnddived by the leading
muaie ana everywhere No IJ* Front
street. N B Strong, manager. 752 ft

frleuils Mnri«l <iuUe early In Hi.
momini;. Iiin tii-iiber of ibrm wa* *•
cuatomMl 1<» l.diif ride*, so after twelv.
• •
Joot rect'ived and placKl on sale
came appnrviit tkiat t-arh of ibe ridi-r-wa* a'aiiliig for tbe other to axy aoim- ready for yonr inspeetioii.
thing. Klually Twain aald aa iIk-Iway *11
In slchi of the mtlway station
lall l^>»v|l jlic.r had entered; “I.ei
take the train iIk- re*t of the way.”
Of r«mr*< Mr. Twltj-tiell agreed, an-'
the arqnalinatxe ic Roatoo wai>un>riM><l by soring tbe Two»ialk up to hi- door alioct 1 o'clock In
the efienioon He bad not expm-i*-:

' How do von knowr asked Bill'd*
-Here’s a »tory
mamfnrinrm' tmat-'-PhlUfle^U Nonb


^uOor's cost,
|kwaltti^ and besides,
B. iOiPPENHEIMER & CO. j kit is guaranteed by
___e^oo^________ maka%.

As complete a line of same colors as
we carry In men's goods. Every yonng
man ehonld see them—For ages 16 to 19.

Hamilton Clothing Co.


; &merB.V ~^leQ)&
6^ VVeADoxVA.;
The «»<alsc «f the dnlM
<ahln>CoUMt (or ooinj to
IDoomW i Md 4.

Tb«re an orrr
CDt In tte wlid ____ ...
Wtut • 8rld for «mlatlon!-B<wtaa '

^MrB‘eer. B.C. «M<UmtCMlt« the
«MWsto(»M0.<l001>rth« raoMt hniTi-|
ToearTTOoltt,. dyln, wWt of hU
•wHo. Petar Karl, of Boo York. wlU fo
tho Badloo'a ialaod and ompt^ the orn ■
««MUtalnr the aahae of hk wlfo from
rakaMnhof tbeaUtaaofUbart* Mr*
rKarl’a body waa eroaatad at her ra
■^•aat, and the huhaod k dalormiaed
. to oa* bm- taal wkh falflUad.

la rear
iM 10 m; bara
ks. B.__
L ft
i Ooh UV at
Uea to Trarerao a^,
OB Bib atreeL
C C Mara.
Mored'hy Alderman Smith that tbe
petitioB be frantod ^Motion earrfed
Traeerac City. Mtefi . Nov M. ISW
7b the H«a»«iW«. ih* Ifcuror and 0«v
lh« OOv **/ Trorerat CU*.
Yoar committee on fire and water to
whom waa referred tbe peUtion of
na to
a on
atreet, would reapeetfnlly report that
faarlBf been rleen power to ael. they
m*e him penBoalm. make tbe repair*
at relocated, provided be eoi
with tbcArdinaaee foeeralnc

e forfot t
vould bappra to
If her hWud
^ ^
k*pp«, to him If abe dkJ not Urve him.
-New \ort Preea.
“We have walked 11 mltee tbia
wJibout atopplof,'' aald one
FIllplDO aoldler. dUcomeou-dly. -That
the other. "We mlfht
aa well loin a folf cini> and be dose
- llh If-W

"tjulfhee b a qm-er a>n of a chap.
The whalthf deet oow oo ita way "*! He told me yeeterday mat whet
wben be
0*0 P. Oanaiimx
Victoria, B C.. will briar n roeeata to, feeb partlntlarl^
bine and raelam
Comm ttcc.
, ‘be alwa.
Van rraaekcoof 11.900.000
' ^
Moeed by Alderman Wrlrbt that tbe
: of poema'
Tba taateal erakar In tbe world baa JJ'y*T'anpiN»e"be'*Bita"doa"ii Md ri^ada report be aoeeptad and ordered filed.
] acantlj beoo eomploiod for Cblaa. a cook book.*'—Baltimore JewUb Oom- MottM earrled.
Traeeree City. Mieb.. Noe 90. iBOO
«7 trader
Black: -»o yon think yoor To Ou BomtoIM. IA< Jl«p-»r ond CU«
'Sal Tien,
of i.tOO tona. and.
CotmeU of t}>€ City of Truorrar Cltv.
oatnral dranebt. will bare a apoed of phlllpplnesr' Farmer tVblie: "Ob.
B kaou par boor. At tbk raU abe don't yon worry airaut Bam; be'*
We. yonr eommlitee to wbi
referred tbe matter of eleanlnr nibbkh
Lake areaiie and baUdlof aide
mad a half daya
in ten and a half.“-Cleri-land
walk on aame between Oara atreet and
A aataral raa ottploako at the realtbe jnnetloD of Lake aeenne with Serenth atreet. her leate to report aa fol­
Vprlwrfield, O . b'ew tba booaa to frtend^ -Look obt! Hero rome*
We oaenoteee tbe neeraeity of a
.piaoM. and nine Inmatea bad a miraon an-aui, an anter^uto. an automo-aiitotldewalk at thl* point a* there are no
Biomie-^hi-ro: battf It. Pve aaid
rraidnieee on the north aide
iBKt: hut. of eoune. It'i too late,"
tberef >re. we woald not be joabe pk-ked tbe Meedtar form of
he tifled in recommendlsr one
one at rrreectnreeec
WcdnebdayattbeamallTillareof New companion
-------------- from
ibe ei
—_________ ij __________________ j
_ _
however, that
C.<berty. in Popeoonnly. III. Mlaa Not- watched the machine bowl over a potbe
be clrared from Iron aod
-i-r*i u » i7.1..^ . liwtnah and craab to piecea In front
cu.k. ol K.. Ub«w. pi~»d
• M , .I..,,
,1, rnbbkb btek to a limit of fifteen feet
mote U a botUe. whieb aba throw taU> d«ora.” he aald. “nnleee yoo've fot from tbe lot line which 1* tbe ewndard
I after, Mr a dictionary with you."-Cleeela8d line t-f tbe curb, and woald reeCmmend
«bo rieer. beeeral
that the Traverae City Iron Work* be
. a promi
•C T. Andanoa. of La
rives thirty day* to remove add rabfiooot plaalor of that atate, fonnd tba
blah to Witbln tbe enrb line.
AoUie and aaawerod tbe note. A oorVery reepeetfol
W. J. Pabxi
woapoodaaea bofdn and waa followed
>7. BaetTnaa.
Ar tbe woddiar- Tbe eoatraeUar
W SMira.
^Uoa oeew met naUl two daye be- ■
Cemmittee on Streeu and Hide*
Befnlar rcmlar meetinr of City
.(■et* tbalr marrlare.
Moved by Alderman Uarvkon that
OoDoell held in oonncll room. N*v- tbe report be
The boM of' aizW-Saa oriaatlaU. emner M. im.
Motion carried.
Meetioy waa called to order by
wvbo, dyl*{ la Ohleafo, wen Interred
Yea*. A'dermea Parker. Haetinn.
Bn nneonaoorated etdi. an to be ro- Frank Bamiltoa. mayor.
Cook. Smith. Lardle, Garrkon and
Proaenh Alderm-a Parker. Haatinca, Wrirbt.
Mrud to the fiowory klnffdom b]r or- Oo-k. Smith.
litb. Lardle. Ga'rrkon
■Aer of Ibe omperor, there to be ro'rlybt and1 Mayew Hamilton.
Veried le boly frooad. Bern Moy, a
Minote* of laat rr^lar meetiny and TV the Honoruble. th« Mayor and City
Counril i»/lAr CUy of ~
yomlnent local Ohlwmman, repfwent- of adjrarned recnlar meetkir- held
November it. liW. were read ard a
lartbeChioeae idler, bad made ar- proved.
Gentlemen—Yonr Oosemltlee 00 fire
natremenk far the remora! of the
and water to whom waa referred tbe
Traver** CHy. Mlcb . Ort *7. 19V9
>odUa. the coat whieh wUl be flt.QOO. Jb PtUT ITurahHfv. Cirj/ Treoeurcr 0/ petltkn of S M brown Mkiny permimioD to repair bk 'mildlpr on Front
*Tha aalboHUm refoee to allow tbo
City of Tiarmi fity. Mteh—You a<c hereov iiunfir-d
iioicfir-d that
1 •treet would rrapectfuHy r-port tha*
' Alaintermeei of tbe body of Jaug Mon.
rltb pa o yon nncer proteat tbe permlaalon be yrnoted to m*ke aneb
ortao died of emallpu. holdlnc steediof«34 0*.
0 the amooni of ta* *e n"w cepnir* under annervie'on of fire chief
Yaw to tbeir deeieioa deapite tbe aa- dne anlnett my peraotial property In and in aeeordanee wUb «be ordinant
W W Snrra.
•erUoM that Jnnf, bolnc bnrled In tble City, (or the roa*o» that the acGao. P. UaRaiHo!i. .oeii not aaered. would be forever eeaeed vain <tion of aa'd properly wae
1 unreavonalby hlyh. ano that
kaaeted by fiend* and devUa Tbe U^eodedal) mv workior aud meeb
Moved bv Alderman Onok that tbe
woaee will be packed In nine eaakeU anical loole. and that tb<
;be a
A*d ahlpped via San Franekoo.
» hljrhrr
Motion <^rrie4.
The lifewlied bronze eqneatrlan
oiatae of Frederiek tbe Ureot, by J
Youra otc..
Alarome. tba Froneb aealptor, wbkb be
B K OiBii*
Naya. none.
oriUoxblblt at tbe Park expoaltion, 7b tbe HononbU. Ibr Boyor and rbp To {hr HonortUila. Ihr Mayor atui CUy
Cewneil of Ute City of Tnj ceric CUy
%ae been porebaaed by Prof. Oihoon,
UtaCUyof 7>>ie*rw City.
of CinciaaaU. and immediately after
tbe eapoelUaB wlU be ablM>ed to tbk
Oeotlemeo:— Yoor
GebUemee—1 hereby report to yon

I«0I pay to tbe eltv irraanrer nndcr nind of 8nyh A McDonald wUh Frank
-.k i Sbeldoo WrWbv who attend- praieet tbe enm-of fiJ4 O! on peraoual Broach and
Benry Brodbaren aa
«d Martin Welfe aft*r he waa kaoeked ----iny (bat tbe aeaeaa ' enreUea. reapectfn'y report tbt
have Inveatlyated tbe matter and
olaced ooreaaooab
dowaky a Brooklyn nnd Qaaona OonaAr Koretle* aofBeleot. and weold
. M trolley ear. wae a wltaeot for tbe biyh and that it lecladed all bu war
burUMla. and Mr. Gibb* ha* berety eoommend that the bond be approved
key la bk anil affalaat tbe oompeoy to rcqaret*4 me to aotify yoer bonorab a
Verv reaoertentlv.
reeow fiii.oon. Tbe pbyalelan teati- boly that he oonelder* tble aaaraameot
W lUanxan
0x0 V LaiuiirMad that wbea ba waa cellad la t» at- nejaet and aak* yon to remit* portion
on Lleenaee.
Bood Welfi* be fonod bk heart dtqilaeMoved
'tarriaon that
md. Itwa**n«pended by a fiber and
.* rooor* b* vrovpted and adopted.
A. W. Bickkno.
v-rlbrated ike a peodalom. ewiacinc
City Cierk.
'tally two loehae to and fro. When Ur.
Moved by Alderman Smith that tbe
Mbeldon wea called la be had litu* ornmnaleation be referred to the city CnoV. Smith. Lardk. Oarriaon aod
rney ■
kope of b'u oatieol'e rooovery. bioce
aben bk oondi'.lon hpe aomewhat ImMotion carried.
T<i rhr /fenoriiMc. the Muyt-r nnd City
r.,unWT i.f fhr CUy cjf TYorrrvr CUy.
General Manacer F C. Bill c f the
City. Mich.
,d Oaan '•la—I am in rrce'pi of your
ifilon* aty. O'Neil A Wade railroad
Oentleroen;-Yonr committee on
-died Tbnraday afternoon of an; ^ -.r M^lnllnn MlativE tn (k^ •TOCtiOO llceoae* to whom waa referred the pett
of the^fAdira'Llbrarv Amodatioa
pokonlay.behavmc eaten bre.*fa.t,:[r?^[,‘“J^^Xror^City.r. aad ticD
to remit Ucenae paid by them on their
food Id which tbe dray bad bean mlaed will loir dnee the aame in tbe aenate. ball, report a* fallow*: The Ladlee*
for the perpoae of killlny raw. aod and h*v* it-reneferred to the C->mml- Library Aaaoeiation Inform lu that
Bet reee'pu for the rent of ibeir
erhkb wae naed by mUtake. Mr. BUI
hall laai year did not ex"eed 89.00, aod
wraa an old railroad man. ara* an old
■ i they are wllllny. if thev abeold
weldlor and a ihlrty-tblrd deyrw maaon.
e aenate, and wou'd aoeyeilthat yon
tbeir ball for eotertalnmenW to
e with me a natement, ahowicy tbe nay tbe prooer lieeo*e.
We would
MarUn V. Beryan. freehman at Law•pnlaM <n of 'Vravene City, aod tbe therefore
d that the lleeaae
rwoevme. N, S.. la dead of perluallk.
paid by them be remitted.
reealtant from bazlny.
Y’onr* tralv.
4 eoUaya fot orphan yirU that will
G*o W LAnPiK.
rival Girard oollaye In benefioeara and
aoope li to be eatabliabad la Philadel­
U-wed by Atdenana Cook that tbe
phia by Wm L. Blkina. tbe IraeUon' iltteeon way* and mean* for inraati- rrpt^ be accepted and adopted.
mayBate of that city.
Motion onrried.
Yeat^ldcrman Parker. Haetlnr*.
Tbe Hnlted Suie* yoreramant will
TravrraeCltv. M‘eh.. Not 18, ItW
Oook. Smlib. Lardle. Uairkon and
koop Anrarkaa vkllon at tba Park
HonoroWe, the Mayor and CUy. WHyht.
axpoatUoa In im ratormad m to tbe
Counrit of the CUv of. lYoncrar
Nay*, none.
MBditiod* of tbo weather In tbk eonn•TAnxKirr or boaxp or rv^c wonxa.
Atydarlny tbe axpoalUew period. A
City. Mieb.. Nov. U. 1899. ,
■peak) exhibit of tbe wnater doparv aaka permkelon of yonr honorable
body to bnlld n oemont walk «ix -feet
•eby eartify to tbe Oonncll
vent will be abipped to tbe expoaltion. in width, aad to be bn It in aeoordanee
of aald City that the (onowloc k an
tbe ordinaaoee of aald eity. alooi
ny acenrata aeeoant of the orat. of repair*
Tkeneerd for n rennd triptoMa- with
tbe conatraetlon thereof,
alla k held by tbe Dnlted Stataa traaa- tbe north aide of Webeter atreet, in
front of the weat half of lot U. block
material need aad the
pmt Oeo^ .W- Bldor. whieh baa arriv- 17 of tbe oriylna] plat of tbe rillace,
expenae theraoL ard tbe atreet or
ad at San Franekoo. harlay «ade tbo -----dty. of^Ynvene City. Mibb.
place where each me
i-onnd trip In 61 day*.
labor performed; alao tbe nnmbar
AT of
J A. Bxrpi_
daya of labor perfonned; ako the
Moved by Alderman Hnatinya that nnmbar of day* of tabor performed on
ax Friyhtfnl Taili
tbr petition bryran ted.
( aU difiamat
Motion earriod.
•evaral oeraon* barcloaftar named
,aarly cent Wm.H. Malian of
I^Mhlnnd, O , to an anriy yrava All To car Honorotde. Clir Mayor and Cicp nnder tbe bead of Pay BolL
wid be bad a fatal Inay tronbl* and
- trM(vaa4 WcMrmtvtmt aUvMUMoan.
that be mnat^aoon die. _ Bat be wn*

■ •
Traverae City. Mich.. Nov. It. J»M.
■ ■
aklny 1
koUki bo wae entirely earad.1. Itk
oak* permkaloo of yonr bonorable body Orevijtxrawiw
to bnUd a eemeat walk oix ieet In
of Tbroav Cheat aad Lnnya. laoladlny width
0 be boilt In :
Ocrayba. Oolda. La Grippe, Paeamoala. with tbe ordlnanof* of aald eity, ^ony
Browohltk. datbma. May r»ver. fkonp, tbe north aide of Wahnter eireai. to
Orbooplny Oonyb. 60e nnd fil.oo Trinl front of tba cnat half of lot 11. b^k
kettlm 10 ok at Jaa. Q. Johnaonk and 17 of the orlyiaal plat of tbo vlUayn,
BOW dty, of Traverae 0>y, Mkh.
A. B- Waltb drafl atoroa.


There must be a
good reason why the coffee
lovers of America buy ntillions of
pounds of ARBUCKLES’ CXlFFEEin prefer-'
' ence to any other kind. The reason is found in '
its rich drinking qualities; in its permanent good' ness. The quality never changes. Whether you buy.l
it of a big coffee dealer or at a little grocery store '
around the comer, you get the same coffee, the same good-'
' ness, the same value for your money. You can’t bel
(deceived if you buy

CVnMteil of the CUv of Trottrae C
-I tbe onderaifo^^

lucbirr: **Pnph went off la cr«*t
food buxnor this Btomlnf ~ Moibrr:
“Mjr ft«rton»: Th« remind* me; I
forrat to hHk him for *07 Bwarr-"'-’
Boeion Traveler.
>un; -The fontme /fW uid MIm
Qdeily ■

alley a* VaimA Mrai
Morad by Alfiorvan Onnkon thnt

Roasted Coffee

It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation, too
highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of
many years experience and utmost reliability. It is not ground
I because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reach­
ing the consumer. It is .nbt sold in bulk because of the
possibilities of. adulteration. It is not sold at a high price
because it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee a
a small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit.
Even' package of Arhuckles’ Roasted Coffw contaius information about many valuable articles
that the consumer is entitled to receive.
Ask your grocer for -Arhuckles’ Roasted Coffee.



New York CUy,
N. Y.

Yrar. Aldermen Parker. Oook.
the mailer of properly brating tbe
Lardle. O »m*on and Wright.
Cava atreet rnfrine boear and wrorcil

Nava. A'dermas Haating*.
ro- m be referred to tbe committee ■
Ts B'«oIved. That <be prea
present apee'-al ...
Ore .and water 4o report atnext regnlar
_ I water anpply eommittne be Inetraetrd : mmior.
to confer with Wr B. D CampbrU.’rel-1 Mo-lor earri d.
On moUo- o AH
n'ativeto tbe norebi
and report to this council
A. W Ric
regolar meeting tbe reanlt of tbeir
r Clerk.
Uradraaae tewl*.
MortBi Karvta-a boiludiac at brMav
Moved by Alderman Garriaon that
TooU lor
Sditer Sees Wowder*.
• reaolnUon be
KdltorW V. Barry of Laxlngton.
notion carried.
Yea., AloernK- . _
. ____
Smith, Lardle.
Garrkon *‘‘‘ quick rare tbroarb nslng Bocklen's
w. F. rALktxWrlgbL
I Arnica SaWe conviooed him l» t* anA W BIOKOD.
_ Cbairman
Nav*. n
oiber world’* wonder. Core* Pi’e*. In-4erk.
for PlUle* of atdrwaJk oa K

Dr •Ingr
ar a Oak
• r.«t«
IHawtii* Mod and ararvl to liokw
•trrvt iruti.-rw .
Itrawloa »iri »r • aa
■tr-walk lew.itFroi
'IraeioA vaod >row n
of McNamara'a
OB Froa<
trdajrautf ondoba KadWy ....


. - -5-


eUlme be
Moved by Alderman Smith that tba
ic'e.ii .-U.I .1. surer be eothnriz-d to;

Tstarinr Snar ii tl

^ AMevmer P-rt *- Copk.Bmllh. .,,3 ,g to tbe ered lof the rariona c
Urdle. CHi^n and Wrigbt
Nav*. AHormae
Hermae Baatirga.
Bill of J.
1. R. Martin of r 17 (or re
TOLOtN ^ prraoe
bate on eement sidewalk wa* present'd
: Bmve ini WoM aiMoved be Alde.-man Sra'th tbal
bl 1 Se allowed and ordered paid.
:.0 00 rpoK I>.
Mo’ion carried.
lOQ on V rlart,
Cook. Smith.
Hirrr wShr Pl7*47. tt raOB«4l.E-7Vr«-bSffaa.

r ■oibVork* foar b'vwiilr*'«ii roetrwla.
Naya. none.
Kraolved bv the Coenetl of tbe oilv matter of inroiiaUlle* in grade* of ad-'--------------------- —-— ,
■ -——
t rraveraa Oi'y.
Ci'y. Thf 1
walk. j .icing eidewalk* be referrel to the P"*
he ordrffd bnilt aHj.eeat
i,*,. ai»—ws'^r.xaeaiisai aw wa-e
10J the c mmlttee 00 atreeu and sidewalks to
following d<mcrlptlnn>
ipttofia ■(
•( r*al
rr*)• eatats
eeaUte r'port at next regular meeting.
, inriuv
(aa rerortcl by the sidewalk iosoeei'r
within ten dart from the date of the
S^i^b^AHerman Smith that the I
notice aerved opon the owner* of raid
.’the improper depotIUng of —
robbl^hon Division aireet be referred 'p*n-*^ DXTnr’nvx-a
_ A «'x fool walk on the north aide of to -he hoard of public work* with
""wCnC fe?
ighth street adjacent to 1m 4. block 8 , OWer t S< t.
I apri-ialiy A<l4rro - H T *' 431 W
annab. Lav A Co *a. S-at addition.
Motlo I car-led
j •’"'*« *~tv«» aiy mm
A *lz font walk on ibe anoth aide of
Move1 bv AldermaB I^ardle that the ,
Washington street adjacent to right of reyo't of the eommi:tra on poblie,
way of G B A I. railroad
ligi ting at presented at last meeting |
A alt
Bl* foot plank walkc on
c the north
aide of Washington street adjacent to
Motion ra-ried.
| pOB a*LX-Betal aeC ■
ireaa -B
nd of O. B A 1. Bailroid Co
To Ihr armomt-'t. thf Mayor and CUy,
A *1* foot walk on the aoatb aide of
CouttcU >■/ lAe City of Trttverac CUy. B*roim0a^7?nr^ro)vCIU. MK-I
Waeblngtcn eueet adjacent to lot 9.
;t Oer-8* Mw.X Pi
J_l FiaSer
block "B”. Baonab Lay A On,'s 7tb ad­
contiemen —Yonr commltte# «m SB*
rovlve fvwarC
dition. Irt *0, block ••B”. Hannah. Lav
A Co.’* ?tb addition, and lote 5 and 8,
I70X S
block t. Oak Park addition.
tsaiag (or two elecirlc llgbu to be I-T call
Dated NovemVr »0. 1899.
o1 their fac-'i
. Moved by AMerman Baatinn that
tbe reeolnUoo beedoptod abd pemed.
lotto* carried.
eas" Alderman Parker, Hsatlnga,
Oook. Smith. Lardia. Qarrko* and
the rallrued companU* to provide v^ *alxoe EXCHAMOB-rer prcptiur le
Nava. non*.
llghtt for the street erominga, we ree-.T eraser Traverse city. A farm ta Key

ao.«i iwir... 8.1U. .k., ,h. ';'s„7r:' '■


(Briber time to report npon tbe onU
tear the M A N. B. B- B eroe- iwuhe •( c. n. imrhataF. Nee wa^
nanoe relative to doc lloenara.
alng 00 Bay street be removed to a
Motion carried.
nolot 00 Bay street emo bondrad nod
Yeae-A>dermen Pnrkor, Baotinga, fifty fettonai from It* praoeat IconCook and Smith.


>P^lnt*d Nov 7.1898
by tbe mayor to loveatigat* aad report
to tba eoanell regarding a ayatem of
watagworka. be filled by appotot^nt
Innoeord with the----- -------------------*
Oct. 17, 1898.
Moved by Aldegmaa Smith that the Wright.

B for aiatriei e^



MfmaaltaaAljrs A ■tiMiU tawraf aa< A
IIwaaaMaOa;w*m.fiiavma*OBg. ttt-ra*


»M6M. limpi*. irtWhttit te, iw

eiua ii i t6toSMrotei
Vmu tke elMe «(tW wv a ftov •<


taM ttM w nVPOMd to sUBd «V •# durti* tte cmmpAlCB. «ad * U« *»
M gmad wrar befor* naetaed bj Uw tb» oormpood^-si*. wlU> tba »*wt»,
fiMfMi Oaoda.
Sooda. to atiu
mu Ttotag. aad
ud tu Mcb had vliMaaad eradltad
ahacaa af* Uaad wUh iboiiaaada at
wai. haarr *«d. aakad aegroaa. whe'---------------------------- -------------- .
tea* iweaUj baaa raacaad fra® traa. baala. tor. Crane aaall/ tod ^ the tt«.
glB1 booaw
iw^ aad
-ad flaattag
anetln* eabtaa. Of hto power
aower to make the 'pabUc
wblto aar
i. It wootd
be IJ
I what be
-------*--------mf tbt t
•!. Loota Otoba-Ua®oerat
.r>;»lsn:then>aHto ,wf7 of Notoa. the wg
eerx ramarkahie laetdeata............... ......................
Itova amnad la eoatmcttoa with tbs alar, btoedlsg w death oa the Ban
SS ^


«»«*•»« «J ««« umi
dnetad a goad farm ta the rivar twv

la laai aat>i
« _ ,.h.t»r* of k<«i'>r
what ooghi to be hto becauae he was
**• »t« of «t- ^Snaaa waa Jurt the glri
00,^.^ ^

duirdaUrina iwl-

Si; SToatto^S “biiTlTutei' W7. and one ,£ I thought the ^ b-d

bM U was "nitch dark,

as tbs taaa

at Ot®ata&aaio.wbo eywd 00 the cresi




<ba fblbar, la a tTaaaport of joy. was
toartag arenad and tbaaking tbe peo­
ple far tbelr anetolance. be was rery
tobA aarprlsed to oaett a broiber
who® be bad not eoeb for oereral
peain. Hto beoibor was a wMigiy
plaataa. who Urod la a big. roony
hOMt obly a abort dtotanee away. It
Is preaaned that the uafortunsle peo­
ple wore made confortable In a short


A. Cfadte was nolked a»sltng rapid­
ly down tbe rlrer. and when It was
•vechaoled by a party of reacoers they
were ewprtaed to Ond that li contained
« perteetly contented tittle oogro bob).
Tbe bereered mother came after the
abUd later la tbe day. aed from ber
tbe boy# learned that tbe eradle bad
toted ebont elx mllee. One boose
petoid that was eorervd with chickOM. while a entr aad a young colt
abktonily gased from one of tbe win4owa. h young girl was raecoed
tin® a large tree which abe had t»eea
to Cor oereral boure. Sbe
aald that tbe benae occupied by ber
po^ ^ floated for oo®e dtotanee
to the darkneos and that It had turaiM]
•ear and Ae snppoaed that ber father
•nd Botbn and two children pertobed.
A eoorageotto father carried hto wife
gad two imie girls op Into a Urge ela
* tone and Uod them aecotelp to tbe
branebeo with a rope, where they retoalned nnui daylight. Be then dearended and awa® to his boose and
toads e raft and took hto little famUy
bbd aome of hU household offecu
totaty aabore.
Oaa man of tbe nano of Sartaln,
who oarUInly muai be a good awlmtoar. earrlod bis wife and baby on bis
bnek aad trareled no leas than fire
toUee of the enbmerged dtotrlct-wadtog la water abors bis walai part of
fbe time, aad forced to ewim wide
bayone whwe tbe water was rery
top. It was easy to see that tbe
woman was nerry and rery proud of
her boaband. Reaming paniea are
abU bringing penplr fro® tbe orerPewed bottoms It la now known that
a grtei number of people bare been
Tbe -freeh alr- cbUdrm of the slnoM
are belag set apart by tbelr playmates
aa cteainres made of dlflereot clay, or,
at Uaal. as bmigs who bare enjoyed
aapeome prlrlleget and'aem sigh's
daocribod U Sunday acbool Uwks. hut
aanally roocbaafed to the rich bd<1
praat obly. aaya tbe New York Comatoreui kdrertlaer. Tbe anperlotend
aat arose of tbe city mtoaloni' oMsIde
ho®ea arnlhto broodly when one aakt
tom V the iltUc waifs and strays really
appceeUte tbe fua and eomfon (her
ham for a week or a day at tbe coantoy homes.
*t3ema with aie some day when I go
to towa." be Mya. **R'e will go on
toot fro® tbe boat to tbe mUslon aad
wOl pass ttarongb aome of the most
crowded alleys In town, where tbe
bablea pUy on tbe melting asphalt and
bail paper bosU.U gnttera whose
I makes erea a hard
werkar like me UL I bare aerer qteni
a dollar oa tbeoe chlldrea aad I a®
aot Paata CUu or any other good
tolry. bot they know that 1 am one
At tbo Tieah-alr blokeo' and I wtob you
aanld watcta aty triumphant progresii
(hroogb tboae aanow streeu. Women
tom at me from tbe doorwayr Men
grin wben 1 paso. Boys haU me more
ar Uas leopeetfuUy. bot always gealally. from erery comer and ! hare
boon psroaed by a amaU procmslon of
barafootod gntteranlpea who togged at
mj enat tails tad dancod around me
toll I began 10 italnk 1 was tbe piper
at Haaielln losteed of a rather ehsbhg. Bred worker who bad been pus
tolag aU day bow be eoold eqneese
BCtoea amaU girts tnts ten aaaU bads."


kmerlcaa and. CanadUn
are Uieresteu In Lake Su

1 aoou cobtrol tbe greatmi game
------- 1 U tbe world. Atimdy tb*
dnaire right to flsb
«Mb has tbe exdnalve
kaai la MXOOO oqoare mltoa of
had lying arauad tbe 8t- John Uike.
Wi R to aagoUatlag far two more


rad daor. and cariboa
a (ae to tbe dab to *500.

S Lw "^•^‘ ■"" “

be did. close eoongb to watch bis II ,
more and to be able to make mental
notes for a later tribute to the ma­
rine’s s«-.>r» of fear. sraa. egaaUy deserrlng of pralae.
Clue was also tbe eooleet man.
whether army officer or ririliu. that
I saw under fire at any time during
tbe war. He was moat auoytngly
COOL with tbe assurance of a fatalist.
Wben tbe Knn Juan hUto were fakcn.
he came up them with Janies Bare of
Comer’s. Be was walking letouwl.r
and. though tbe bulleU paused contio.
uon^. be nerer onre ducked bis bead
He wore a long raincoat and. as he
stood peering orer the edge of the hill,
with his hands In hto pookaU and
smoktiur hks pipe, be was aa anconcemed as though he were gating at a
cinema tograph.
The Are from tbe enemy was so
heary that only one troop along the
entire line of tiw bills was retnnilnc
It and all the rest of our toen were ly­
ing down. Oen. Wood, who was tben
colooel of tbe rough riders, and I. were
lying on oor e|l>ows at Crue's fe<^.
and Wood ordered him also to lie
down. Crane pretebdM not to bear
and moeed'Cartber away, stilt peerliig
orer tbe biil with tbe same Interested
expression. IVood told bim for the
aecond time that If he did not lie down
be would be killed, but Crane paid i>o
attention. 80. In order to make bim
take abelter. ! told him be was trylbc
to Impress ns with bis courage aad
that If be thought be was making me
fee! badly by walking about he might
as well alt down. .Is soon as 1 tuhl
him be was trying to Impress us with
hto courage he dropped on hto kne<-s.
as I hatred be would, and we tuyallied

M, Why l^ot Ton?

shoulder that baa paisad bar
itlnuallytor niae yearn. We baea
tried ______________
all klad* of medielasa and do«- wttboat r«««lviBg any bearflt
a aay of them One day we aaw ■
40 adveitisement of tbia meclelae aid
iboofbt of uylag U. s.hleb w* did
wi h the beat of sattofarUoo Sbe baa
wdd orly one bottle aad ber sboalder
to alsoat we'l.—Adolph L. Mllletl.
MaBchesiev N H. For i^e^y^^ H


Jim? WcIL who to lir
"Oh. that's fer me to know and you
to And out coloneL" sbe laughed, prosnkingiy. and gave me no further sat.
Isfactlon. Rhe bought tbe goods and
went away, and two hours later Jim
came In from work and aald be was
going over tbe monnisin that nlgbt
with one of tbe Martin girls to a
• By the way. Jim." I said. ’Mid to
know Busan Natter was going to get
"Thunderailon. coloneL no." he
blurted out "Ner ahe alnX Is sber’
"1 gueos sbe Is. I sold her a wed­
ding dress this afternoon and she told
me she was."
"Who’s sbe goht’ ter marry, cokinelT' be asked, sarionsly.
"I don't know.'-Fbe wouldn't tell

Logs I Pig Tail!
Wanted iHawna
‘ Smoker!
John F. On & Co.;


».«s h»in-

iatber of tbe Uatl/ made eterr e*orC j
»««M® thar^." .unSmJtted.
to affw» a labdlng. vllhaal
wltlmut ancees*
saceesv muco oi a soraier as uk umm^m ..uu-< <
Be ftaaOj attraetod
aeate 7«aag mea oa
Old Waablagtoa. aad tbe whole famlJjr
osu^«.~ w—
wa. leaeotol aad U»1.
tbelr .».«
houto ioa.M
lodgm I-Ji.r
.!» «tUfe/
„««f dtodalafan,.
______ __ bodr of hoary Omber. They I anawer* fnSm tbe warships
® I
j,„ ^

. b«l7 or U..7 0»b.r, TI..7

tok rain Ba»..Dana Otk-|


New designs and fancy
woods with new decorations


Irarerse Ciiy lumbei Co.

Keep the8e*in mind when

Trarerse City,

down town and call in our
Jewelery store lo look them

|5c Straight :

Successois to


To Dairymen,

We have many new

things in jewtlry also.

Farmers and Cattle



Steinberg's Grand
Two Weeks

We arc now t*ecpar»A to sell oor ea.|I.D< feed-KHATOPlXP. whicli
»e bsfc on baao ai all tlmea In a sweet
and desirable autc
In order to latroduea onr fend to the
teeden wc have raduend oor price to
lue per lOO. which compared with the
relative valve ot tbe other feeds makes
ileoet about oue third of any other
Some of tbe meet influential feeders
have given ibis produci a thorough test
and report that tl Is desirable In every
< resRKCi and tqual to ell that to claimed
j for It. We have completed aa ideal ar.raiigeaeoi for loading Into wagons
! e*e.. and weiwApectfolly Invito all feed,
ters to try onr fcad

DEC. 4th.


The Michigan Starch Co.


Fire Insurance


John K. Santo,
GeDeral losmance.



u «t m™.

was too Ute to Interfere. Now they
No portraK from tbe Mfe
are marriM. I auppoae everything to
*,f any one of tbe twelve apoafor the best
^ .
.1 ties. It to supposed that the author
Mrs. McDonald No. 1 to In Colorado
Epistle to tbe Romans was porwith a theatrical company.
—_ _
atay In Rome, and that the coin was
ing from Raltord. Tex., waa poring
over a local paper at tbe National ho­
tel on Satntday nlgbt. when be andOver 100 eolnmea of tbe RebeBloa
denij storied np with a grant and Inqpirvd; "Ray. do they pnll people foe
by tbe
playing poker In this town? I nee here goverameot at a coat ortt.800.fl00. A
where three men ware ftned for a public library In a town near Boston
qnlri game."
the llbrarton says In
a informed that anch waa tbe hto report: "When Henry B. Pierce
was ailve he used to look at aome of
;^hsf^fnnny.- mU be. "Why. onr
«.ce in a while, bnt now there
town to wide opM).
to only one man In town who ever calto
No one denied thto. and Oa Texan for any of the aet He oeema to be
enrefnlly cbesrad for n time and then gacaily Interested In the battlta In
which hto father fongbt. We can
“Why. funny game. Mat
hardly afford tbe apace for tbs ReI. B.IUM- Cow pcm1». . a.,,.,.
b—nl. neeb
m' a doctor vrere at jackpots. Chinee ,a..rnmi
; ^ v^r
ens. cow puncher held a
doctor got M."
MM OMtoe 0- «aea.
How waa thatr asked a tonnger.
_____ .
I willto Wtoblngtaa

bad Jggg
“Acted aa coraner.- aald tbe Texaa •oaettalng la tba way of an oCert
“Bot who raked In tbe potr eager. ^ amumtag.
ly iaqnired tbe queattoner.
I -wbat did yoe ttattt of thatr ha U.
“I did." aald tbe Texan, “fm aber. *
i “It was capluir
And aa aa one aeamad to doalre far.
^ ^
tberinfotmattoo be etraltod out to tbe
n am nw* of tt: b®>«wad enh
yawwd.- Waabtagtan

You mighi a'so see me atonit storing
your wheel FRKK for the winter
No hettrr enamriing tba*i oura.
Stooin and Ulk It over

111 Union Rtreel.


Fire Insurance.
L. L. A. Bulldtngr

■rxAg® o.Aatx>
To I4kr rflm WeCtiewIS). Jsb. II. IR)
st I :S0v Hack s w
____________________________ ■___________________________

If iFlTi
11, iiii
Msotou* u
Osrksas J rl'P
MSAIM— Xii^r




Ml V- •*»
Jt jki •


E. W Hastings


..M Mr rar". 7-.i.-i.7. -»»IU



••Well, she'll tell me. coloneL" be Commencing...
said, with tbe lines getting bard across
bla fare, and little wrinkles of donbt
and fear sbnwlng between. Jim was
faring a possthlllty .that had neci-r
presented Itself i» bim In its full
strength He went out of the stonand up the mad leading to old mnn
NatieCs place. The nest morning he
stopped at the store on hta way to
“DM you fltxl out who It was?" I
Traverue f'ity. .Midi
sake<l him st once, for I was Interested
mon- ihau he had l*een.
“•Course t did." he answered, with
The Kinss Of
•TVhn Is Itr
“Me." and he laughed the short
laugh of the man who had been made
to do what he knew he should hare
done, nod what he moat wanted to do
Yuuahuuld MU
“Obr I esrUlmed. “la that ur
And later T discorered that Bnaan had
devised a pretty little feminine srhente
to trring Jim to tbe point, and hy my
HU wiws auu-r.
JebScoa lUoeS. 'Pli»i>r “
unwitting, but by no means nowllllng.
Within a few weeka after Wnrti
a direrre from bU wife on the ground assistanee. she had ancceeded fully.—
that ehe Insisted upon going on the
atage. Dr. Park
MrDonsId has mar
Populsr I'fic-s of 10c. 16c, 25c
rled hto wife’s 17-year-old slater. Mary
What Is helieved to be a eerllable
Farris. Dr. and Mrs. MrlKitiahl are Ukeneaa of the Apostle Paul has been
DOW In Chicago, where be Is taking
fonnd at Rome.
aiTwerk of aigami pewlWc grsCk. ®o* goM
poat-graduate conrae In medicine Tbe
A tourist named Henderson, explor­
work s speetsltx
marriage llnmse was anppresaed. Miss
Farris was llrlng st tbe home of her ing in tbe eatacomhs. found a pl<*ce
Mew Office Markham R'oek
father, who is a batcher. The
of a coin. He brake the clod and exrtage ceremony waa performed
posed a medallion, three and threedoctor's hoiiiM-,
Both sisters are beautiful women. qaariern Ini-bea In diameter, well pfeDr. McDonald m«i hta first wife while '
sbe was bU patient. Rbe «s then
„n one ride was a head clearly ontmarried and her name waa Wherrlit,
ahowing fine featnrsa and
but aecnred a dlvorre and married T»r.
thought Around
McDonald It was two years ago that
were^^ate Latin worda: “PauThis suit was dlstnlaaeH and tbe public
another Utin In■uppewed the d.«or and hto wife had ^,,,,^^ identified In mote detail tbe
patched up their dllterencea. when a nj^dalllon aa Intended to preaent tbe
second suit waa Bled. A divorce was fc^irtan and pbllonopber of Ua fathgranted only a few weeks ago. B’hlle ^
McDonald was haring to much trouhle
It reads:
with hto wife, he ennflded to a certain
“Rleased by tbe most high Ood la
extent In the younger sister. Tbrangh this one from ont of the sonreea of
this asanctotlon they fell in love with larael. being a child of Benjamin, and
each other and (be marriage followed a master mind.*'
“I knew nothing of tbe marriage."
If tbe belief of Mr. Henderuon

Pretty neat time
to ihinl about bating your

t'hicago — -' «West Michigan

Ar t.T\l U«|7to> .
L< Or.1 Kat»d>
? Ui
Trarrrer ':} •« Ml. JS »0i. •



eMip « •*»




Sidewalk Lumber in all fllsea.

JOHN F. OTT & CO. GriDd RipldijMedliai R. I

SnreeBMors to Traverte Olty Lumber Oo

Arrtrat sect 4reertur.- ci* tfsir* si Trsrelva

J. E. Greilick Go.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
-Tine Mili:Work
Cold weather is coming^.

Now is tbe time

tb place your orders for


“ isflEBSSKCflkescflea :ss:
,r II If. a. IB
Ida. sad at*

Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.

J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 3.

Traverse City. Mich.

Tk» 4-*»r m. tr4la)i4aB4rlarrar M Qrasd
■•ptd>. and •lerites car and CMieb Orssa
Train amnac at I
p. m haa itoapyr Olaelaaati toOrasd KapMsaad mark and alaastoa ear raiesda to Craad KapMs and ebatr cm
Train arrlelap at SfSOp Bjbas ehalropr Pk
Wayae tsUraad Uapldaaad c air aar OraM
Baptaa M ftouakay

auboOBweess r.*«.A-.ttsMaiaaM»


?Si iibiiiiitft

UcEiVE evu mumoitr

Cflirm THE BUMB.—r

7 tor f

cne CS^r
Wbm tbr palsu
r«w j«t«nta rMiiaa that onroueta,
carp aDd atipetioa to fhrif cblMi»«. Wiwl mm. womm and cbtuin-n »-« iv i ci^

with *.V> «i' h ynjUprOay ilipy | a«ar K>pk p*r »>.
dM not W«1 p)«. to
ahd kooi^ tt }-'•

trtao la altraya
waicbrd aii l : »» in tmhi. tiro $2U pl«H«a and ouV | Sh^tCnt iWk pv fc!!.!
ihi- aoDoal trlbotp ' Plow, H L. A Oo. Hoot..
(oardrd tircomro Drrroua and arir-: *1'»
oonarluoa. and raralr. drrHopa tbr lutbr rlt) lo pity for ikelr niUfor Bya Floor. BI iL.A0O
Bant. U. L.A0O. Bant.. .
dfprodMU • ■lardlnrag
rbaran.-r «mr. and at tbr aame tlmr had
trbicb one triabr* yotilh to bare, u.v* prai iiral atd<- In ibat it aided In pro
lloDie Soiea.
1 v.-iutnj die roriplenu from botnc pull-1


eared for by the eldm.

raod. B. L.AOo.Baai,..r,
anraperdoa................... .
| Lard par ti.....................


«t U a aroai

‘*»e would bare tbooKhi tba arorld • Butter par B Dalrr...................

Btaiaka. fx. not araair a lot of mi>o.*v
on eapeoai.e nm-banlcal toy*, wlib-h
a few that are *ut«« and of *Ui.p|e

it* altfbt and doubled Ua own ;Oreamar) Butt-...........
'•■•l-u. ;<» aee "uu Idliul i>er»oo» fe.1 U heoaa per B...................................
H.Hr ti^y to ihr oCB.-e of »u|rt. BUlr ^aU per ^<arw.,.....................

eonairuetlou. and of a kind that will

"f "‘e t»titd<«»r IW at Twewy-alaib

lead (beir owner to nae bl> or ber ImacluatloD. 1N> not iblnk out all

'«'-“• «n dlrrrtlou# Olid in many wu.»*.

of aanx« for tbe little one., but
tbem «.me bomely toya doll*, borne.
and ean...





... stfrao jtaiw or Tha»aBi«
h 9^


bono-a «aiTT ' ®”
tddrwalk. tboae who were led Hotatooa,
‘•euter^of the walk, and “ye. per country prodiuv
tli<«e ,wIk> Wetv alone belut gulde.1 Bockwheni
llkeli a* mil. I'arrr on tbe whnh- Im.- .
The «iil.v
iD.~ -r.,.™ ™ ............... ....
ge* nordoM'D..
............. . diOeroiK.* wa« that tbe blind alteinb.l
AwIaa-ColU and windfatU. Me pe>
bill I..T . onl-o.
motluu to «!«• eanea. while tbuoe al.mi:
owlla. iMienio.. Mt.e«h
III. .inier will ppihaldy lodp him
If abe I* not keen on linrfieulliip- n .. the eiirl. bad tultivai.d an InwaPl Oo,) noowdlnw toooiJff^i?"*#.*
i> a. to delift any imat In the
poMlIde liiat her eaplen will
ibeir baiilna alep..
Hut all
tiuea iw turned Into a bulldine pint. '
ThM WiraM Have tW. Won*
'■•tv In utter darlueex.
Only ibe
where .he and her broilo-r eps-t
*-Yuu are eonvirted of biKiimy.
-annlh nn the lid. of ihelr .IcUtk-o.
bouae. and *Ihh1« wlih pli..*. of brlek
markeil the Jiidae. Imprewlvely, •
' eye. told tbem the .un wa*
* alilnUiB«»
and .toms I can well n>»ieiul>er di
the piiroaer Elaiieed over his .bonidep
tbe lioy will BP*

Inc tbi. and the keen jo.t mt\7.ile.V j
<iir|.'ralli>u* uiu.i have n»iili>.
ami I had over a pn-i«'nt of a liniip
after nil. tv have done attiii a b<hi.I
of mortar. Iwwtnwed on iu> bv a frienil
d«a>d a. that of yiw&mlay.- and a* ihln
ly• main.
maaiHi workli.B
-..............- ------------f«r my father.
for y<«ir. lu annual]'

at tlitve ■tem-vlaaKed women.

' Now.-

(smtlniied the «s>uti. *1 llilend to civr
'••u Ibe Neren-.l iHualty the. |ao al­
low*." Here the prisoner isivereil bil
faee with his baud, aud wept.
m-uieDi-e .vi<n lo prlwni for (V
What aro you crinuinx at?"
“I thmishf
e prise
thronth Ills tears,
'.vou wa a-K'dai
turn iue1i>* .•."--Til Blt^

iritmtiui: »i
FTri.«KU to the blind.
inu.l have ln>eli a mini (hat did no|
even forKel the llltle detail of luiyini:

may nonn fall and their farndnc and
panlen ojieratlon. may pnM|ui.e nt>


Paid.For Accident and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.

VWe y 'Wnp ab^^^^^^^^ Bnckwbont Fimr'wr bbl"
«1h* »rro not led by rtilt**>.«•• faeea bad srown jmU1. i»i
bur-fcet.'and leave tbem to elen iM- uuiler the wel(bt of Uielr dread 1
^ibHr erwiilve family and fln.l bow.-*. I •l-“•»•llll>•
Wbeni, per Bo. (oew)..
___ Mo. 1. pw u
The *lrl will Inmate lier mother in |
*"■' alwa.r* and
<e .h-ady |ui. |iat. pat of TOU ran.-. iCom. par bo..

..>.11 —..rf.
.w-i. ...........
entail work and tbouch ihelr Itoinw.


per _

Wbrtj thpy arr old pooocb to romp a»l
I^v ahoin ‘ 1. Mil) lajBrtott*.

Amuarojenu. ino. cab he' orennu. b


Uat ofUe t>ula(

»•• Tarti ei«» rtnr mum T«Mtf i


at m

tnvarMOiv MUtet.

Ihein In void, two »■ pliniw nlid »ue
tnUBlIde reeiih* a« far aa Itn-lr elder,
I kill pii.<v. MJ thai they ivuld kiiou
mn MX-, tfiiy lutve their value.
. w bal I hey wetv. aud mil'll m>t In- re.
< play enroiii
Eiplalotna II Awav
' nilBili'il anew uf a, uiUfoniiue evi-r
“Aren't you ashamed of yoiiraelf lo
M-rvatioti and ll
‘ preei-iii lu their Inner ihouuhi.
come home at this hour lu mn h a <s>nhand* and mind* are irnluiil for Die with pajlUB lbi«e win. «)„n,nr' she ert.-d. •
work uf life wlien work take, the
able u> iiuike
make their way to the
••Well, m' dear.” be etidainiK]. a|M>P
place of eblldinh pinie*.
w«ak nnd .li'k of tile .ichl- oBctleally,
h's. were burned up at tlu'lr home, all pin' t'-r show fer Ih' Hm.' I wasUsI,
over the .Ity.
And lli.-n- mii.i bave .North Ainerleau.
**lf .vou wateh Indian women aboje
iNs'n a tuiul liehind H when tlie isir.
pins." ea.vs
a writer
".vutl will *ee feminine eaBerueKs .-n- l..mtl.m ..Mjired that ail I.- paid the
|•l.l|os.„.|,er. •«h..
love for Qne amt
i>P-iiy full aniotmi froel, and wltlmut qm-s
Tbey eannot aho]i as
oilier lion, ami on the .au).; day the only j„v.. i„ .|„ Oomeihlnc mean. In p jtard
ivully pieaN^n thiy to them In all the Ihb it a* a *aer«>d duly."-'
women do. |w>or thiuc*. for Insi.W of _.
aiiiluB Pi.vly to any .hop that pb-o'e* j 3U..-N.-w Yi>rk 1're.a.

Is tbe amount paid to members from January 1st, 1889 to Nov­
ember let. 1899. $4.986.78 of the above eiim w«« p.iH _____ _
here In Traverse City and vicinity durlna the' above period.
Thu record should convince all that in order to be safely
protected it is best for you to carry your

AcciMi Hclmess Insiran
OF Saginaw.

ptlee ami

they are. in most .-aws, obllBed to .k<ironlae one. un.l that I* raP-ly
tin' |
best. Tin- reason for ilil> cw*
Into sorenim'ental ap|M>liiiiiienis »el
Indian aitent* and the question is
di'Ii'wle and reformatory to dlx'iiss
• When the woman of the tvsi'r'.i.
Him giM-s slioppItlB .he il.e-s so oii'v
t .lleh times a. the B"'<'riimelll
ll. wants their allowaius-.
Tlie Itiaian trades hi etvslil. the asellt |Mt>s
Hie .lop- iiiiit nut the ludiau. aud Hoalorekis-ie-r mss. that
XiskI. lM,iii:hi sball ispial the aiiioiiiK
of lieiisloli inone.v due Ills elistoiner.
even .......... ...

he is redinsd to s.-niiiB

half a yapi of VelveUMii for k" aint n

tbe women

find .bopplny iniiu-

itely B-jiilsiU|:
..In luiiiie of the larBer lowii. s)s>i>s
roaeh a ■•heap tnihatlon of Hie di-|<artmeui stopand the liidlau wkiiuii
take vaVled aud fem'iulue deilxhl
•aunieriiic from one




other fis-lliir of dnw. K‘s*d» and aar.Inr at uiiaMuliiahlc rlblsuis and |sisIWDMiDlerle.
The .hop's lnier]iP-ler
roe. with them, like a .siiirlei, and
llKhily dim'i. theh- Mmn-wliai doiilefiil fi^tey to auKalable mMsl.. rii.-y
are Hwld and cay a. i-lilldn>o





teneineni house xarb aud Hluneliaha

a I. I*r.p Peetry.
hilwar.1 Kvervtt Hale. An

to the shop fliey cllus to
would apiMwI to any uplinary is.n-

"Kverytliins inisher
ler pull
pul. his hand In
.solid wriieipoetry
and make It pity.'
1‘h'ladelphia North
A Hse. <*1
••What ap'ttie.mi* I liiiisirtatil r
that have BOUI- to a
Aiiierlean »ss>|.|.-'-" Hu- lisiliui;
iiis|ss'loi ill a Ven York si-hoiO.
I'or the lirsi time sliio- si-InNil had
e|N-[i<sl S|siriytsiy's haiol »a« .•a^erty
liflisl ami. Ilk' l■■aeUer tp-uit>liu(;ly
cave lilni his ■■fTtli.e.
Tlie litoi.kl.xn lliiiidleaii. tlie BrlBhtoii thtieh ra.s s. liiiiieiil.-rB. Saratoira
•vnd. ilo«e hi Morrl* Park." pruiidly
aiis«epst He- voiiiiu lioje fnl

OitmiC the last year of lavwe!!'.
.s.iirsi- at Harvard, his father. 1>r
l/owetl. .|M>Di must of
Yuiinx lam.41


iiiuf in
in the

.iiinnter of hi* xnnliiaiton. ‘Tnsil«•nlls1." .■>■ will . If lo roievnl la a son
of slltdluus lulnishmeiil. under a pp•sfitiir. as a piiiiUhiiieiit for |»ts|m
prayers at He- elia|>e|, Till fac t caus.s'
I.UB his rla.e.
BP'al ismstemaiioii Auo
mall-., for he luid Ish>u -u-lis-tisl .ik
rla.s pia-i. and the ni.ii.-atlon forliade

ll will not t>e a aarpnae to any who
Are at all (am>iar with
the snod
Kea.ecly. t.. know that twople ever*,
AlsiUi this Hil(e a eertabi Oaiii- where take pleaaure in reiatins their
brlilBv eiilwii wenY' aud visit, experience in <be iiae of that .pieod'H
nl Home, wliere he eallisl on Hr. ls>w- medletne and In leilins of tbe benrtit
«-JI. and save him all the rnuihrldae tbey have rrceived from It. of bad isito.
Ubaacared, of threatemd attack, of
He went on thus with MOiie
poenmoDia it haa avered and rf tbe
of tlie llem.:^
children it ba. saved from at^ck. rf
"The |ian. for is>innn*ii'-eiiien| liave
on and whoopins «
Ixeett asslBIlisl. Iluftls Kills is |hi> li'st
ind. sood medicine
For ««1e
Bcholar. aud 1* to bare ihi' oraliou."
j k Wait and K ir Thorepsnn.drnssI
Hr. l>ii»'ell eM>p*»eil inlen-el.
"Vuur sou Jauiis>
^ml will


tss-n nistl- '
cnib ue

Floor Vu-Blab.
i E Wa‘t.

da.*s |SJ.-t."

'face of that eivillKaHnn toward whi.-h

Twn. Ralnliic »~.ewheeM
In hl« Ivxok. •'KiBOp'. of the Pas
JoHiab guiiicy tell* of a Journey Hint
be made in aUse-isNieb .Uym-away
bark in HC.T,-fn>ni Itost.n
Inmon. with JiiMln' Story of tin- I'-.l
era! Snpn-iiie ruiin. The Jnstiiv wai
telllOB of Ibe routine of (h<- conn'i
B'aahlaEion <»elal life
"We dine." h
aahL ''ou<>- a year with Ibe pp-shh'ii:
and that l« all. On oth.-r da.vs we mk.
ir dlnuer tofeiber mid
S d
fore us.
We nro irreat nMs-il.s. :iu>]
evitj d.-ny wine .•seeiii lu
wet weather." Hero tbe ju.lce
aa If Ihlnklm; ib.‘ act of luortiOoaiion
be bad meiiiloued placed too *pv. p- h
tax npon human cnslnlity and prowiitly
-Whbt I say alnut i]h>
wine, sir. Eire* you our nile. bui'li
doea nomeiiiDe. hap|M-n that ihe ehi.-f
JiwUee will aay to me. when tbe .-loih
M remoxed:
•Bouiier Siory. ((ie|. lo
tbe window and *ee If It doe. not hs>k
like rain.' .Vad If 1 tell him the s<iti
la ablnInE brlBbtly-Judxe Marshall xviil
aowelUiK'. p‘ply: '-til the bett.-r; >-r
r jnrisdievlou over *« Urae

.Iran appnuK-hed l*aris
I'haiie.' iiHik plais- In its


"TIk- tlEer has arrlv'.sl
"Th.- WTeti-h a^■•ut t

PadAeA KkeaMer. «•* MaU.
Tbla year fa.bloaable tailors no
lonxer ask ensiomeni whether th-r
want Ibe .hoalders of fnwk or dp-*a
coat, padxb-d: Tbey pe on tbe prin­
ciple that every man baa a rlEbi lo
broad, iqjiuiro shonidera. and. tn the
abaettec of laatzuotlon. to (be vvutiaiT. Ibey aro bulldine tbes «U'ub

aa.: eoBTejoaHar


, piRKIWK RAKt B-MaW. lever U.t



W K DrW,II . ...
Mri,.Biit, Krnpu-r

TNB- ■


inidyB j>by>ieUo .od Mcveo.

•Th.- usiirieT haa.lss-n wvn witliiu
»< tulle of Paris."




'*10 I*7X1

Jii" ca'ny
* « . hrr
Ca. Ho*rrs .
-Irbspl .iuodall
.'s- Laurarax
I. < Merrill
a Hsnslur.t. ..
Wv Hnmtonb
ArtburTrers ..
.XII. Osbri.kalb

7 UU




*17 ^

X <1 Palsrr
Jv Ers~i


l-bas l/ool• : M fnram-. Jr
Williaiell Ai'srr
• Abor 1. <;mUri.
Bd Urirr . .


A. twkrokolb
X X .•■•vrs
W I. Nash
J. B. Eaiac ............
W L Brviro ........
i n KavTs-ri
J«. Dloo ..................
Jas. Hoed)................
rraak aaaoB




N Tbrriauli
<l-s- LarouBlam
l has Nl.ialrtan

» “




-x J


7 Ik

iz sr.-”

Xi.B. MorrMB.

Jae N'rUoe
(rro CoxsBX.
B Waarr
H W HrUblac
E C Irl.b
Xraab BaHry ,

ilarxJt.rr Billrr .
Jas ilriiikUa
Id PllXirraJd ...
C. W Mrvktr
Blwrr Taylor



r t»i


Aucusi Larsos
• MX
r E. Praibrriy
AKi^ E r.adv


Jeo trrramrk...........
TbOs Poirprs
Joo rtrdrnrk




»ll«rr Baals



Joe DrKord
Ww Urorr
W.8 Carr
n B. UVaUry
Brlr fwTsoa
Max Xnrkrr
AHr+t Bur'-r* .
D K. Brvlli
tdsard DrbBO ..
Br>i Ban.s


Vrans Hi.nrx
Pal UrrKs ■

Lrairr Pol r»


W r Dr.,jrui


BAM- jnlitlAK

Mu>rs Larrab]
Jobk W Wasbbui
hoiils Burwrll
a J. Oarii
* ....a. UVallry


Jo- Kuuan
J E. x:aliuiaa
i .H Tha-krr
C. M.n.arkrr

;r i;:,C7

«>. H lleo.lP.-b........
l-ro. Vsnprhs
A. A. MiJIrr
. .
J A. roaar
Brn Svkir...................
W a Thayrr
Uro. A. Ely ..

K ilallisha* .

I 7W
• US


rrank MiiBry
(Tias Bali
XI Waakatoo
Krrd ew»n'

1* a

. :i




Wilia-d M. Arkrr


Ha* i.rdratk
Ji* a Blsklr) . .
«-has UUaoo ............
Jw. u Hava
s Mixsiy
W<s. Hr(llll«
A X xvilM.a
W M Arkrr .
E>la Urowii

OrxirrDanhy .
flirkani L'laWr___
Jobs Boyd

v: xc^^'Lll
A. Tree-

Luibrr Uailr

a II Ullir
. .
Varmi I Weam*
A a Wilaoo
W B Korn

• i;

rranrl. Cor
Jho Lrwdrr
\ IS

lirri Barr

HlB.rUun. ..

VraDK «axrra ..


iii? iir. srtr^a...

J 1^ nriri.0

_______________ ___________________________________

•The tyrant ha. arriv.Hl at l.yons "

Tir? roJui"
<1 E Harpby
L Rebrrts
Wai O Vrrrr


Jud Pnrst
P.J Braar

Wm Priirs

It (4

« 5*
' ‘fS
' *iw

BMT Broad


17 dX


<> tosr"’^**’
<lro MoBlieo



- ii

Wax. r Brl«bt

lafayrttr couau
Alban Bbajp

a ifr

x Ru^r..
• «'. Oraawerr..............
P. Bxraatrr
Jeba Laatorr..

. » l*H.

Sourer ::*2S

Prrd Kal>*r


inrte is advancInE with Cfval
put bis fAil
Inslile He- xxall. of Paris "
•Tomorrow Napoleon will be at out I %>TAXLT C. DODOB.
wi<] ceoBMlXat.-s."
■ JM. ler a> lew. OMm.
rs Bouw BIk.
•Tb.‘ eui|M-ror bac arrived at Kon- : TYk- W. K. A W. a. Moon, eroeral prwtMv iUm
]XJ sprelsllsuerr, esr. Mrusl ereilo oPII. Inqierial niajealy Na|iix]i<on e
I Paris yeatenlav .nnoiindisl I


> eat meal.

1 TYE- A 9.


I enAble. Ibem .im B. PO0TKL Atwrow
The t.wlb. bo aBrni*. , ** • wwoikw to tax dtlas

111 out uainrally at a ccruin
e.wuw uaturo mean, that at
1B( aoDewhero.'


laioted in

i ’ :/


nrsisEss fAHUs.


“The lAunJIwI has left his den ".
•The I'ohui-an Wolf has
the bay of .tan Joau '

s at

Airs *r auablln

aDuoiiiieetuent uf the .\luulti-ur w.v*
far from |sdlee. but .is the little for.


• ...

7 ^

h U
u LDIir
( basHroadtotn
r. U l-aoipbrll ....

.ViiU'u T»1,lilts
rio)d Msihrr
Xr.rt w..!l
tVi-r K.M..


"Bm Ha-i-Ui#s liave ehonen him their


since January 1st. 1899,

Ta.xvaBsa ri
c w. rtss
Pm* r rvfieialn ..
D B Msrph,
E.I W-.Bsn
Nuni. hrv.

A I) looprr.........


Hr. iHiwell broke
>rr fcrrsbr amiastf la.i iht >|ss-l.l madeiue—hut the Indtau and bln money .i.-spairiiicly. "Jami-s promisi-d nw he *'Vos

'et IA« e«>inrei ft tbs walB
are eoD.ldered fair siiwe In tbe ter.
xvmlit quit wrlilnB mwirr and e
•iiinHet tt.i abas bi^o
ritorie.After tbe .hup I. left ili.-.
■f mf bbB<1'
r reflsi’lloe, I.................................
1 tbe^hmli
>r (lee (or I
'■ullMIOD of
women follow cloaeiy on tbe be.-!* . f
pai.i nt oij. u
-ttaMr lords undl bundled Into the b'lf
wason to drive home.
1 have nei<-i*
In Maroh. isir^ the Paris Monlieiir
m. on's- io
Been one alone ou the »tre.-ia of
aunoumssl the es|s-eted p-iiirn of Km.
<aoB t. Herald Bulldlav
V. V U.iai MS.
town. Ml creai I* their tltiiidlty In ' i- p.'p.r Nai>ot.s.n from EH«a. The first
. they arc tberUaldy advanrlDE.’*

Claims Paid From Branch Office at Traverse City

hi. pp-M'iiei- 111 t'ambridBi- until cutum<*neenii-ltt week-.

until comiiieu.vm.-iit u.s-k:”
•They BP- rery ohy and .bow mme
-pbe father n<. partieiil.vr
of tbe diBida«l iDillffrpmro of
(„ ,j,u
new*. It evideuilv
men. wlih-h I. like that of a Hun in ,^ve him no dbiirewi.

A WoaeT (inter.

■ I

Isaik. “Jaui.'s lluiM'll I.o\vell ami Hi*
Trieiids." tells a . slory whieh lllil'

aa.- VWas u.YoENKi
V mnaAMdUi^

ouM M La*. Ham

partkmlar tiiur of life w.- .hoold Umli H
t •“'"flT- AbwtwM o». TUX. B«1
ourselves lo , vem-lalde diet.
Hr. :^
Bop» T. lUpoint an- by no u
aa tbey may aeei
Ulerary Hlseau

o aomc papole —

tbe awt »bo waa» lL--Datn>B iw.

After reading this advertisement, and you are convinced
that Y OU snould carry accident and sickness insurance, call at
my office over Johnson’s drug store, and information will befurnished by competent clerks.
Send a postal card and we will mail you particulars.
Do not wait for some one to call on you—taka the insurance
before you are hurt or get sick.


APPLY TO............

!>“' Ji-H" pw """ll-

J. M. Blakeslee

DUtrict Superintendent.
Nmck0ffHia,8MB I.JdIiismBIkL


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