The Morning Record, September 06, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 06, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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mrasATt xnsi

. 1,112


Third Tear—No. 780.

. War With Boei« Oo
Pnettoally Oaruln.
Um*am PnmTwMm a Qloomj Viwr
eftk* Bltaatkia aa«
moatflltiM D«m«« a aaaUoa tt
B«t aabanXim»—Tam Mon Xnfu«7
OnUrwl to Ca»«
Uadoa, StpL ».-Tfce aplnloa rf
ncard tk« barluliit of Um
,rw bonma Great Britats aa4 the
Tmwmlaaoatyamltar of a abort
«m la ootood br tba Bt. lama Oa
Mtta. wbteh aara today: -Nawa ooa- aoralBC tba eriala la my rrara. Wa
\mn that throa more lafaatry brlMdaa hare been ordered to Cape Ooloay. iBolodtaf tba Oordooa of Oarrai
teM. oaa battaHoo of the Blchlaad
Uybt lafantry. wbo fouybt la Creia;
• aoeoad battalioo of tba Black Wateb
Md a aaeoBd battalkm of the OanarOolaaB. Tbeae reflmiita bare been
ortared to be ready to laare oe
twoaty-foor boara noUee
■‘to eerriee
wnr is oonejoereo
eamee eiresee
elrelea----nbeoldtely ocruln. Tbe admlmlty bare
a nombar of uaneporta ready to ooarey
the troope to cape Colony. The Boera.
yrbUe proemtlnnUng In regard to their
reply, hare been making erery preparaUon for war. and are eontemplating
raiding tbe Natal frontier. Laing'a
Meek, wkieb it the aole rooie from tbe
Tranaraal to Natal, ia nndefendad.”
Otbar nawa reeelred here from rarlooa parm of Sooth Africa U ragna and
oontradletory. Nothing more la known
ngardlng tae
the atattsa
awiu of
between Great Britain and tbe Traneiftii
wna lenmed yceterdny. The
XtteinU of tbe Britieh »m offloe emBbntimlly deny that tbe reaerree here
been anlled oov
The nftemoon pnpera tnke nn
Aiamely grare riew of the altnai.
altboagb the war offloe dental eomewbat tenda to allay the alarming reform eurreat. Tbe Boer organ here,
tbe Standard and Digger Newa. today
prtatc a diapatcb from Pretoria eaylng
that tbe tenalon there U leaa eerere.
and that It la bellered Uat arrangemanti for tbe propoeed conference at
<bpe Town will be oompleled.altbonrh
Preeldeat Kroger of the Tranaraal
Bapobllo U onltkely to attend.

The Obio'VUl Bring'Troopo from toa
Wreefeod Korgan Olty.
Sept, s.—The
will laare today for the inland aea of
Japan to take on board and bring to
Manila tbe troopa on board tba trana.
port Morgan City, wbleb wai wreekad
near Onoatebi laat Friday morning.
The Ohio wfU alee bring tba eargo of
wrecked nkwiir.
A actaU raeonooitering party from
Oolmul BaUb r^meat ran Into a rebel
Forac yeatarday, to the
reanlUng ekinidak one American waa
killed and one woandad. The rebeU
ware drlren back to tbeir main body
and tba AmatiAM oaptsred a bnlioek
oart. oa which Use dead and wonnded
men were brongbt back to the Anserioan itaee.
Tbe Twentieth Eaaeae regiment
anlled Snnday night for San Fraoclaeo
on the imaapon Tnrtnr. The ateamar
aleo took 440 dlaebarged man of other

If Filipinos Want Peeoe Mow they
Xoti ntk for it—Pence Oommimlon Ordered Homa
Wttblagton. Sent. ( —The enblnet
bat agreed with the president that the
time htt puted for further nttemntt at
oold come home at
once, and that when the next peace
overtorcs are made, they shall come
from tbe FllUptnoe. Tbe eword alone
will be the American argument from
this lime on.
Prof. Sehorman wet Instnieted by
President McKinley to prepare a tut*meet for tbe preas to make it plain to
tbe American people that tbe commlmion did everything poeeible to
with Agolnaldo and failed.
ThU It is hoped will josiify this govern­
ment In the eyes of the pnellc la the
are shoot to go
Into exeeot'on.
The cabinet bu decided that tbe
Ulk of methods of governing the
Pbilllpplnes nt this Ume is fnUla
When peace comes, if eongrees is in
eeeelon. tbe president will lay all the
faeu in hU poseession before UisVbody
and snggest what legislation should
be. Thot be expecu to place the
tor whatever happens on
other shonldere tbnn his ownOLTKPIA UAOaBd BtSBAliTAX

AlTT«— BonnAary Diapnte Soon t
be Sealed Satbl
Washington. Sept. I—The United
•tnieannd Great Britain are on tbe
point of eonelodtng a modoa rlrendi
•overisg tbe diepoted boandary of
Alaaka. Men wbo bare eonialted the
pmldeat on the enbleet tlnoc bU retom bare eoipe away wiU tbe insa that tbe am
be closed within n few dnya On one
OTtwo Inatanoee they bare bean dlteeted by tbe p
tarr Bay at once, an intlnutlon wat
jrlm that there wai litUe time is

PrMident t HatlonBl O. A.
B. Bnoampment
PbUadrlpkU tba Bo
Crowda and Sore I
At Any time Osos tbs CesUnnial—
Tba Farads Oom posed od Thirty fire
Tbotuaad OU tetdleia-Tbe City
Frofately Peeorated.
Philadelphia. Sept. fc-Tbit U tbe ^
bigdayof tbe Oraad Army'encamp-'
Admiral Sampeoa and the i
oaptniatof bit deei eaUed formally:
.pen President MeClnlay at bU hotel i
before S O'clock. Afterward tbe prtel-.:
dentUI party, loclodlng tbe admiral
and eeptalnt. drove over tbe roots of '
the parade. The preeideDfs carriage •
wet drawn by foor richly eapartooned '
At tbe pretldeet started op Broad i
street t great wave of cheeriof turbd
that never oeated nniil he had travere- ■
ed tbe entire route of tbe parade and
taaek. Tbe standi along the roote'
were crowded and the oceepanu rose ;
and cheered. The pretidenilnl
party drove down Cbettaot street past
tbe blsu<rie state boose where tbe
nation was bom. The obj*« of the
drive was to give tbe president s
ebanee to see tbe
aod give the people e -hineesio see the
prcaident. The head of the great
parade moved at lOo'elock. lodependBall was pasted during toe march
when caps were lifud and colon were
dipped by the veterans.
A cborut of 1.000 ehUdrea occepied
portion of tbe grandstand on the
north side of the city hall and sang
patriotic ain as the veterans passed
President McKinley nnd bis party re
viewed tbe leng line of veterans as
they passed the reviewing suod. In
order came the depertmenu of IllinoU.
Wisconsin. Ohio. New York, Connellcut. Mssssebnaetta. Nsw Jersey.Hslne.
Rhode island. New Bampahire. Verit, the Poumac. Virginia. North
Ceroltnta. Maryland, Nebraska. Michi­
gan, Kansas, MInneaou. Missouri.
Keaincky. West Virginia, Wasklngton.
Alnskn. South Dakou and Peantylvaala.
Thirty-five tbonsnad men were in
line. Not since tbe eenUnninl baa the
city smn soeh crowds as lined the
streets while veierans passed. The svmne of
with la snow whiu oolnmas and featooos of baniiDg and Inurrns n favorite review point

Admlml Dewey Tisite Oovomor—To
Bcmein Anbore e Few Days.
Gibraltar. Sept.
Admiral Dewey's
flagabip Olympia was sighted off here
at 7:»0 yesterday morning, nod reached Tomorrow ViU be Oraad Traverse
portsborUy after.
Day nt Htilstee Fair and fipeolal
After tbe Olympia bad oome to
Bxc. .Ion Will be Bun.
anchor Admlml Dewey visited tbe
Oovemer, and wse reeelved by a guard
of honor on landing. The Governor Wesum D ' ct fair in Manistee. This
will be the >1*- when Grand Traverse
county SO'' r ‘lulty will be given
The Olympia wUl o
it U expected she wUl sail for home especial v ' .■tion. The sttraeUona
are nurarr n. sod entertaining. Tbe
next Sunday. Admiral Dewey will
Boys Band of ibU eity will be one of
main ashore for e few days.
As tbs Olympia entarod tbe harbor, them. A kr-cial exenrsloo wlU be
Tbe report U that Secretary Bay baa she fired s natioasl saluu in honor of given (rom i - re on the M. A N. B., the
agreed that, beginning at a point
Foand trip being only |l. The train
tbe British flag, which was respoi
aonbwmi ef Clokwaa, tbe new bound­
will leave at 7 a. m aod returnlDg
ary etaell dtp eontb of tbe American
Imve Manistee at 10:10 p. m . allowing
tine aome miles, erase the Cbllkml Inlet
DevwtaUon manned tbe rails, while nearly the whole day at tbe felr.
aenr Iw bead and mn etraigbi eaat to
the band aboard played "Hail Colum­
Obllkeotpaea Tbit woold add soma
bia ” Thecourtasy
aqnare milee of tarritery to Cbnada.
by tbe band of tbe Olympln plnylng .Chief Justlos Of Bamoa Hsa Bis B:bat woold leave Klokwan. Dyea and
"God Save the Qneen." and by dipping
port Hcarly Beady.
Bkagwy Md all of the mala channel tbe Araerlenn ensign tbres Umss ns
of Lynn
in United Statea tarriWashington. D C.. bepv. 5.—W, I,
tba cruiser nnebored.
Admiral Dswey U somewhat IndG- ChsmbarsnfAUhama. Chief Josties of
It ie not clear from the information
poaed. and whUe here be will spend Samoa. Is here to inbmll to the Preoident s mport of the occormnees which
will derive from this new dellmltKioo the time ssbore- The health of tbe
began with Hstaats outbreak on Jan.
Mtaldc the acAoialtlon of a UtUe tarri- Olymphia't crew Is gMd.
An nofortnaate accident oeenrred I. Tbe report is sasrly laady. nod
kmy. Tbe taferanee at Ant tight U
will be laid before Mr McKinley in n
toat by gaining aceem to Chtlkat Inlot while ealutaa were being
■be eae aeubllab n port at lia head: hot Gunner PepplatV one of tbe British few dsye. Ae the chief Jnsliec wns
sppolntad by the eoseuirenee of the
tt M mid the watert of that inlet aro nrUllerymen, bad one of bis arms
proteetoraU powem, l^enUeal
too sballo* for large veaMle. and. he- blown off by tbe premsiure explosion
todeathey wool^^ in Unltad Stnue of n ehnrge wbleb be wns ramming copiee of the iwport will be transmitted
borne In one of tbe guns of lbs salut­ to the Hiniiterm of Foreign Affaire of
Seaotnry Bay aleo iteerte that Can- ing battery.
the other two aatlone.
Jnstlee Chambere made It plain to0 B BACBPTXOM.
tke m«doe vivendl. bat possibly be ro­
tbnt be has not resigned. Bis
tes to tbe mmio channel. On ^e other
idea that he is merely absent on leave
SepIt Ie Usonght probable that In Ue
is sustained by the BUte Departmaat.
trmbar ISik.
t Canada will be
During bis atasenee Ooasnl Oeaeral
Tbe CbriaUao Bndaavar eoelet:
Osborn Is acting ns Chief JusUoa. Mr.
glw a fine port for a tarm of years.
the Congrogatkmal cbnrch bare ar- Ghambmn daeUned today to dmeuss tbe
raoged for a raeeption to dw given
reeaat poUUeal tronbles in Samoa exOne BnnAred of Them Bnllated to the teaobeio nnd pnpUa of tba High Mpt to eaj that the agreement of the
eebool oa Wedaeadny ovening. Sep- three powarensanrees ooatianaaee of
Vaele Sam's eerriee.
pmeeful oonditloas and '
MeePe- SspL S —Limtenaat Becton
that the thrM natioas will not nUow
•f tbe Fonrth cavalry bat otgaalaed a
dlfferenoen In tbe iilnitde to draw them
band of too Maoeabebd-aooata.wbo will
Xte Oiawtefi to Wed.
into bastUiUea
ppmata nsdar tbe dlrectioa of General
About Fango-Faago harbor. In which
Cards are oot nnaoonclng tbe mnrritewton. All are former Bpanleb voltbe United Btatae bass eoallngstattos,
•nteeta They wUl be nnlformed and nge of one-of TrnveiM aty'a most the JimUee U eathnslastle. Be ears
briUlnat yoong Indies. Mlae AUee L. that tba harbor oonld hold the entire
pnMd with Kmg Jorganeon ritm.
Crawford will wod Hr. Bnrton'Fraoeis naval foroe of tbe Unttod Statea, and
Bntoe Oonnty Karl Beda
Peek, the eeremony to take piaee in k so perieetly arranged that only two
vsls enn eater at tbe same Um
Prnaktort. Mich.. Scpu s.—OptloM OraM Epiaeopal ebamb. Wedaeadny The coaling stnUoa. hemg aurrouded
wen Blod by tbe Fenton parUee today ova^. Septombw tft. nt 7 o>«loek.
by high bluffs, MBot be leiMhed by
.OPt,«a0nermefmnrnnBdt ia Bnnaia
•iaUstramontedn. ______
pciy. Aeompaiy of toenl cnpttnl- nsBsfir
My ennnlag ploUn are sow ready. 1 BsmlfWKU.
"l »«l k«»
Hies Urge syrup barrel te sale at
^ dnUver S tba eity. Il-Od pv boIf opttlda eapltnl can be neeared. Tbit
Straub Bma. A Amlotte. Good fer
■beL t per ewt off on poetaT card
min banel er ether perpoem. 7«tWill make three Pnrtlaad eemaat ■ '
erdan. A- B. DokMd, F. O. Box tu.



We have too mnoy Men’s
nhoee, in large eizee nnd to
close then ont quickly, will
eell a Iatrc nnmber of 12.00,
$1.76 and 11.50

at the open<nx of the school year for ad­
vertising. We propose to Inaugurate a
new Bcheme this year and will give that
amount directly to the scholara in

Ten Valuable Prizes.
Here ia the way we do it-TtekeU wfll be given to each echolnr
pochnaing over 10c worth of aoppliea and one ■ririiHr.wal
ticket for each echool tvnk pnrenaaed.

0i Sttanlai, Septtmtier 16th the prizes will be awatM
KorBOFi-SeaaoD’a Lecture Gooree Ticket, Foot BnU Suit,
Foot Ball, Punch Bag, Indian <71ube.
For QlrU—Sen* m Lecture Conree ‘Ticket, year'e anbecription
to Imdie*' Home Journal, an order in any atore in the city
for a pair of shoee Toiiet Set. Dumb Belli-


290-222 Front Street

Bblph Oonnable Jp.. Hanncttr.


We are Prepared
Are Yoe?

$1,00 PAIR,
IN SIZES, 10. lOi, 11.
They will soon be eold at
this price.

Buy Quick.


Ill kiodsof cool weathet clothlag,
. enderweat, Hats, etc.
Prices tbe Lowest.
Bwt line Kid
Gloves In town—
JOe tO$2 25.

S. BENDA & G0.'1

Popular Shoe House.

Store Closed
Tuesday aod Wednesday. Sepl. 5 and 6.
owing to Hebrew Kew Year’s -Will
openn Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock.

BeUable Dry Goods. CarpM and Ootblag Houa.

Dili: ciG RED Dir.


When you cooeidvr ibis fact,
don't yon think you are mistaken
when you say' you ‘ don’t nt-ed
telephone in
D your h<
Wbat you1 have moet iprecious Id
irld is there, and in tbe event
of accident or dan
ger you would need
it even more at your

Begiis With Acteni
Once more, when the anmiEfir
girl cornea home flofhedwith
conqoert nnd eager to pogpoaa
nnew Kimball Piano to add
to the entertainment of her

saying a good deal

frienda and the attractions of

UebUu Ttlvlion Co

her home.

Don't begrudge

your wife or daughter tbe pleasure that a high grade and melo.

Than Tiayetse Belle
The Fuorite Sc Cigar

dioDs piano brings tu your home, when we will sell yon one at
aucb a low coat.

Easy Terms-Factory Prices.
Sheet Music et Half Price.
8m ns before yon boy—It means dollars to yon.

Is becoming popular, too.
Biggest aarl best lOcentcioai
for the price.
Mhde by

A. W. Jahraus
Ask yonr dsalgr-


tsm vnrnetue ef wrth.
sausotov. *W ..i.Btous -efbeak
tes.nsM. LmyssSWMimnsteci
parMMn r«i sm4 tor aaktiw «xwmU

I. E. STBOIG, luilv.

1» Prat St., Iirtlu BM

We are now pleasantly located in oor new
store in the McNamara Block, and invite
all our old customers as well as new ones
to call. We shall still conjynne to carry a
full and up-to-date line of ladies’, gentle*
men’s and children’s footwear at prices
that are right. Greatly reduced prices
on all ladies' and gent’s summer tan shoes.

KoNamara Blk.






<ra*TXMS onr. • mcBiaAit

butene fretwee Hurlam aud OU
Mmitcm Ban Tee w w Be nepefl


Ite lerm of tbe autteuul game wOl
b C. Baw AXxr J. W. H*«m p'ayadbar*
ia tbe fiaeat eiyU, with both
la tbe game to
A W. aunm. MAiier Md Mukcw
. Eeoeatly tbe Old Mi
aad tbe Afylaaia. «ld rteala, bj tbe
way. pUyad a game of ball at Bower*
Harbor, la whieb the Aeylum* ware-fleteted in the lait ianing la a body eoo(OTtedgame. After tbo game a ehal
logo from Ua Aaylame wae pabllabed
in tbe BccMb, which the OldMiaalon
boye were not eiow to aoeept.
Taere -bae been tome little diffrrenoe
ae to tbe alacc of meeting, bat thU baa
aU been dUpoeed of. and tbe date aad
place are fl*ed._The two teame wUl
eruaa baU on tbe Twelfth etreet
••aseloM Bid.Cttle.
groonda next ^Satarday afternoon
Bairla of ]TMi«ro»7 oostolsod t:tO o'eloek. and a hot game le a c
talnty. No one akonld mlai the opportanltyof aeeingtbeg me. Adi
wiU be
eenta. ladle.. ,u eeaie. Tbe
MMt bo VOT7 (rcob wbea u
grand etand wiU be fr to all.
MSioBiporory coUt lor i
k« dOOO
dooo iB UlBt
UlOt liBO. IB OpfWOl
tbo BBttea of tbo Car Conocil.
Tbit if proboblj inUBocd m ooitber
Tberer’'Ul be a epeclal neatla/ of
^iBOf of ocbmIcm mtcmbi BBd rldtcslc
Trarerte Bay Hi*e eewlDf elrele Fri­
4inotod lOKords the oooiiell; ■' '
day afternoon et i o'eloek at Mr*. W.
0tm» Use 0 mur mo( »t tbo Bi
B. Tbacker'B on State etreet.
Tte iseoMlftener of It bUI be
Ueiwre B. IBarker. an eaperienced
1 k eoUed to
tbo foot ib*t br order* of the eonseU aewepaper ataa. formerly coBaectad
with tbe Strinaw Courier Herald, baa
lb* force of the
fPM«t work OB rroat elreel IbjIbc taken a poaitloa op tbe ettff of tbe
fnnl erhUa tbe ebote iieai mm belor Dally Earle.
YMtarday tbe Bauneb *■ bar Merfriated. Tbe ium U louaded u.
dOOToy tbe idee that the eofaell k eanUle Co. eold eereral pleoee of floe
oppoeed to the laaproteiaeat of Proai faroltare to a CinelBBaii party and
•ineti wbeB u a tnatier of feet tbe ebipped tbe gw^* to that piece. ThU
•oaaell laetnietcd tbe board of pobl c le aa laaUoee of tbe eaterpriee of the
ipacy ID earrylar up-to-date etoeke
erorka four «e«ke e(o to at odo« iisftvn that tboroBffblare.pea<iiar a aeorc of goodt tbat attract e*ea tboae from
pmltable parirmeat altar tbo laylcr of Urger eitiea.
were no cnlleimente la tbe
aew aatar maioa
imiilBr tiution yeeterdey. CupUin
Oariof tbe paet few arooibe tbe recn
BkI* bae dOToUd agrcatdealof (pace Bell went to Petoakey in the morning
to rtdleaU of tbe ooddcU ib the natter for the purpoee of enlktlng a anmber
Of etreet imoroTencBt. &eaeoaablc who bad expremed a dtalre to join tbe
Be will return today and
ptatCBieDterurrumeat bu*e been
ftiruly lraored.for tbe purpoae of briar- probably flnlab reemlUng here to­
Tboae wbo
tar tbe oousell into dUfaror wltb tbe morrow or next day.
pabUe. There bae been C eoaeplcuoue deilre to enlUt wUl bare to do ao loor not at all, bore,
^ esaruleed by tbe ocuaeU in orderr.
. aad the
Boeds of the pobile and latcreeu of realdeoee from Wellington etreet to
Waabtngton etreet. within a block
•fee taapeyer* bare been elCeely
of tbe Oak Park eehool. where hie
Tbare baa boea deler in eieeutiad daughter BoulU la tMdting.
Tbe Bteamer Columbia will give aaIke order* of tbe oouDcii on the part of
tbe beard of pobllc worka That board other afternoon cseuraloD to Ne-ab-ta»ay bare good end eufficient reaaoni wanta today, leaelag tbe dock at 4;to
tot delay lu caecaUog tbe work ordered o'clock.
>^thaeooB>.l but whether they b. re
C. E. eondr not tbe feet reseeine that tbeoouueii Teutlon will have one feature that
bae exurtod energetic t SorU to i ff.-et found of Intenae interett at the big
0 to be dc- llrtroll convention, Tbla will be tbe
ffnadad. There nay be oauee for enV C. B-eouTenlrmuaenm, which will be
Mam, but tbe Eagle night attain iu in charge of M. B Holley. Mr. BollcT
•ade and inrite tbe ooafldence aad re- la adding to the collectjon every day.
apoet of tbe public by reeortlng to
Tbe Woman's Auxiliary of U.*aee
Jofleal argument and eeaelble eriUclen church will meet wl;h Mr*. C. T.
fMtead of InnilDg ridicule by ridicu Stout Wedneaday afternoon at S o'eloek.
torn awaalu banea of eeaae or bumor. They will diecuee the eubjeel, "Mis
Om of the objecu of a aewepaper sioaa ia Oklahoma and Indian TarrigbOBld be to encourage ererythlDg tbat tarr,"
irUl benr&i tbe eoinmnnlty la which it
There will be a regular meeting of
Mleie and galne aubeletcaoa. and to
the N. A. B.'-fi Thunday evening.
•riUeioeacu which tend to endanger
A meeting U announced for tbe
fubUe intereete.
Junior Workers of Orace Church In tbe
lecture room. Tbundey evening. Ai
|b« prmciioe of rldlcnle. Intelligent peothU U tbe last meeting of tbe year be.
fie are Influenced only by Inlelllgeot
fore the aleetlon of ofBoei*, a fall atarrameat and attempu to bring dleteadanoc u deeliod.
flredlt apoa public offleiale by aoJusUm Brown yesterday perfumed
raaeoaable attarxe loee tbeir foroei
le oeramony that made Anguai
rhUe ceaeible erlticiei
Stevene of tbU city and Cattrin Sem0f a remedy for a fault might rrealt iu
rew ef Willamabarg, buabaud and
fot only benefit to the eommunliy. but
------1 the reapect
Tbe Woman's Mlaalonary Society of
aught to oontnand which poaea aa ao
the BaptUt church will meet in tbe
U-flaenee In tbe direction of good
parlor* of the aborcb thU after­
noon at 2 o'eloek.
A full attend­
ance la greatly deeirrd
Xmcturc Oourae Datea.
James Mastflcld. a patient at tbe
Baperlauudent C. U. Uoik baa newa aayinm. wbo waa sent here two year*
from tbe L-yceom Bareao which bad* ago. died Monday eight at the age of
charge of tbe enioruinmeDta to appear
He came from Ionia, to which place
gblB year on tbe Utgb aebool lecture tbe remains were tenv Be waa an old
foaree, that tbe date# will all be ar- railraad man.
raagad in e few daya. and will probBon. Barry Turner of
•bly be ready lor aonounoement by iu tbe city riaiting hU oouain. Bon. C.
|be end of tbe week. Tke attractiona U. Tnrner. Mr. Tamer has just reWill beaapeelaUy flae tbla year, and tnraed from Colambot. O., where be
ghe number of them la greater than delivered an addrem before tbe Ameri
peer bedore. Fartber announoemuDU can Aaeoclation for the Advaaeemeat
will be made eooa.
ofScianea. Mr. Tt
Traata; a Study in
> held la ludimtrial EvolaUon." He bM bm
(be parlor* of tbe Frlende ebareb ym- Invited to deliver aa addree* at Use
perd^. eondaeted by Mri. Fbariba W. uUoaal eoafaruaa* upon trasm and
ftereai, of Rlebmoad, lad., ebalnimn e. mbinatlon* t* meet la Chicago aext
•f tbo 1?oman-a Korelga Mlmtoa Board week.
It will coat only a dollar to go to
0t (be Frlcada church. At the eloee of
flhemeeUnga Womana Foreign Mta- Maoiateaoo tbe M. A N. E. tomorrow.
•iouary eoeieiy waa orbited with A speetai train wilt leave bera at ‘
•be loUowlng < fioera:
a^ rotaralag leave MABl*te{ at
10:10 p,m. Tomorrow will be lb* Wg
PrwldeBt—Hra. Lomna'Tbomaa.
Vloe PreeidaBt-Mr*. Bboda Jonea.
•eeretary-Mr*. Hattie Franklla.
Word has boaa received from John
XreMurer—Mra. Mary Pennlaglon.
O'Langwortby. 'who bae reoently re­
turned from tbe Alaska gold flelda, aaBadared freaU'e Agoalee.
be would probably reach
Only a roaring Ore enabled J.
TraverM City tbo latter part of this
---i. of San Antonio, Trx..
fay Aathi
d for year*,
ritea hie

Bdllor’a Awful PiighL
^ptVt Mcmad he endn^__ ________
•f death; bet Dr. Elng'i New Dtecorery
p M.
if. Higgins.
Uiggloa. Editor
Soneea (HI*..)
for OonaumpUoo wholly cured fain. Newa. waa i fflietad..................................
u* with Film
inia mareeltua medicine I* tbe only tbat oo doctor or remedy helped un'^
|>owa care tor Aatbma aa wall aa be irked Bueklen'a Arnica Salve, the
jP aeampiloB. Ooagba and Colda. and, beet in tbe
world. Be vritea., twoAo
ae wori
throat. Cheat aad Lang Woablaa
I wholly ured hi _ Ihfalliblile for
lof Fllca
■ l.Caregi
d. Only l»a.
-IJ. O. J
and & E. Walt,




I ia PfbUe HeBu^la (
HtQl the attwlanee of the »Ao6u
imermtM All tbe baildlaga uow opmi
are crowded 11 ibeir utmost cap*aty.
and la OM of tbe morna ball of tbo
pepUeaie eoamUck to eome U tbo
foraaoon. wbUc ibe Obbor naif baa tbe
eftemoon. The opening of the otnt<r
buildlnge will largely ralierc this prea•are. hot there le ao doabt
acboole wUl have all tbe pnpiia tbat
they can aeoommndaie, with all the
room added tbU year.
rbe atteadaoee ie Oak Park eebool
saw aome Increase y,.-aurda7, froi
U>m ButlatbeCeairml building b
the crowding eepacialiy aotleeablr.
Two grades tbat ahou d be
building are now in
one of the rooau of the Ountral.’
tbla in Itself goes far to make tbe low­
er floor overcrowded.
Aimoatall the rooau oo tbe lower
iiGirber of pupils than there arc
la three rooma tbe exeeea of popUs
tbe seaUag capacity blS.12 aad
Tbe attecdance of the High school
sk locreased to 2TQ.
Following la tbe present enrollment
In the varioBs rooms of tbe Ceatral:
Rindergarten, Miaa Hard, teacher . S3
First grade. Miw Shadek. teacher . 48
SecoDi g'ade. MIm Smith, teacher.. S':
Tnirdgrade, MiuCryaler. teacher.. 08
FoBithgrade, MiatPeyton.leaeber.. fi
Fifth grade. Mbs Buthee. teacher.. 4«
Sixth grade. Miu Seunder*. teacher U
Sixth and Seventh grade*, from
Boardman avenue. Him Perry.
teacher........................................ mb.. ST
iveulb grade, Him Dean, teacber 43
Eighth grade.Mla* Severance, teacbUigb aebool, Prof. Byder. principal S

latp ttm KMncyu aoH Ltvur
Mcultby. Aetiva and Vlgacoua bv U«<og

NstofC mikes an extra effort U the
•prieg to rid lb* blood of iU impnriUe*.
Iters of Use blood—tbe kidney*
aad tbe fillen
called upon to perform ae
«Bt of labor.
aches, beadsebea, aad : pains in the
sbouiders and limb*,
cd (I
ings of spring eaasc mucry to ibe body.
There is onlr one means of mskieg
tbe blood pure, and that is through the
kidneys and liver—tbe filler* of the
food. By scuog dwwrUy <oo tbeae
delicaU organv I>r. Chase's Kidney.
Liver Pills purify tbe blood as do other
'f known to Ho.
preoaration w
Mr. Win. L. Msorey. Seottsrille, N
V., writes: “Liver coniplsinl and im
pur* blood were the base of my life for
coveted with
blotches, aud I could get
util I tried Or. A.
Dbthiug to help
W. Cease's KSdney-Liver Pills
■ Ua
skin is now clear, and I consider
pill* invaluable as * remedy for constipaiioo, liver complaint and impart
A* s kidory
tidney orHieine they are
par excellence, and I shall
my inrniia
Dr. Chaiv'i Kidney-Liver Pilla
pill a doae. 2^ cents a box. *1 sll Healer*.
on receipt of prre. bv Di
e Me.licineCo.,Baff.lo,N.V

1 Dr.J.W.Gamitlett

The People Know
a Good Thing wunTbersisH
And we have been giving them an Awfal tpvxl thing for the
last te6 darw We bare been aeliing

Eagle and World Bicycles
at Less Than Factory Cost
And they have not been alow to take advantage of it. We hav.
bold 37 bicj-clet in the last
ten daya—rold aeven Mcmdi
have only
iiiy a frw
if' you want td'tAke
of tbia,
ne qnicL and do not think of bnyioK a bicycle without
eetahUebHl reputation, when yon can boy such a bicycL „ —
Fagle or World at ibe prices we are aelling them at, and are
^iiarrinteed for one year by a party yon know ia reepooBible.

First class double tabe tires,
enatauteed,for S2.2S.

J. 1. SLATER’S House FornisUng Store
120 Front Street, Traverse City.



Pmparatioae la Piogrew tor Big
Tima for O A B
Beyond precedent are tbe arrangeenu tor tbe big reunion of eoldiera
aad tailoi* of Michigan of both wars at
Big Bapida ibe week of September li"Camp Alger" already rivaU
Uiand Uae daring tbe SpaaUb-Amer
lean war laat summer, with lu myriad
tenu and buildings. The dining
ball and kitchen, now complete, la aa'.d
have tbe largest seating capacity of
any building In the aute. Drive wells
iumUb tbe pureet o( wai.-r, and all
ukuUary arrangemenia
An army of clerks and aids will be re­
quired at Arjuunt Steam*' headquaru-r»buildlDgv;{pr there will be tboua
soda of heroes of both ware, eayicg
nothing ol Sons of Veteraoe and Worn
au’a Belief Corps preaent Fraternal
aueietlea by tbe toore will be here, and
public men of national and state repu­
tation parlicipeie in tbe meeiingv,exer­
cises, camp fires, etc. The great pa
radee of schooU, lednstries, fralerual
sad pioneer eocicUca, splendid proers
of Civil aud Spanieh-Ameriean
war heroes, sham battle, aool stirring
miiac by noted bands, each day also
wiinesalng balloon sscensions. horse,
hose and other race* and amnsementa,
and Ibis section of Michigan will be
entertained aa never before. While
tiif work of erecting handsome arches
snd.decorationsgeneraliy are now go
Ing on. and our people cloaing up ar
rangrmeciu to make comforuble the
many thonaands of visitora, the rail­
roads have entered Into tbe epirit of
the occasion, and not only make one
fare from nearly all points, but asnouoce excursioc trains on eeruin
dsysat one dollar round (rip. Tru'y.
1-. cao be reneaird.' Tbeu^a'il be a
in Big Bmpidi September It IG "
llig lUeidi Pioneer.
Tn* Bravery ol Woman
Was grandly thowu by Mrs John
Dowling of Uullrr. Pa . in a three
*'struggle with a maligsnt atomeC d
■ tacks ol nauara and indlgestioo.
urdie* failed to relieve her until the
>d E.
wholly cured aad can eat anylhiug. It
t* truly a grand tonic for the whole
lyatem as I gained in weight and feel
mneb stronger sinoe nilng 1L" It aid*
digestion, curea dyipepsis, improves
Only M)c
E Wait's drug stores.
Insuaetlon in Mnaio.
Tbe mosie elaas of Holy Angel*
leademy began work Sept. 4 Mem
I wishing to have same hour* as be
for* will please uotify us as early as
poaaible. a* arrvngeateota have to be
made for new puplla.
A llmlied nnmber of pupil* In other
braochc* wUl alao be taken ..
Academy tbla rear, PupUs are
iflved at any ume dni'
iring the year,
but for obrioos reasons It Is better,
when poesible, to enter at the opening
of one of tbe regular eeasicos. Hiard
and talUon >J0 per month, payable In
advance. Pupils of all denomlnaUoei*
are received,
Douixicax StsrKsa.
Of Detroit will arrive about Septem­
ber It, to take marge of our drecsmaklBg department. Anyone wish­
ing to engage time can do ao by call­
ing at tbe Boston Store. ?2G 81.
laaiH* «T«mkl2g
done at tbeir h>-Tn>*. IrqalreoraHdraas MU* ScL.Uud, dressing parlors
44! to 44S east Front street. T17-if e

John R. Santo,
General lasaraace.

I Want
My Mush!”
TliBt’B what the children eay.
Grown up chidren baj- tbe eame
thint; We m-U iO Ibe rolled oaU
for 2.5c. H. L. & CoH fine meal
in 1-liitli sacks for I'Ji- a sack.
Ever nee tMlijoliii'B California
Fooil or
Wheat Gem ileal or Quaker
Rolled Gala or Sbreatled Wheat
These Bell at 1.5c the
pAcivSKe or two for a quarter.
Try a packstre or two.

Love in
a Cottage
or Life on the Ocean Wave,"
would be vanity and vexation of
spirit if you don't have soap in
tbe honae.
Love wonid be
BtroDf;er and life woald be lon^ er by uniug Jackson or Ix?dox
or Ivory (tbat'a the kind that
Hioats) or aome of tboae excellent
toilet aoa|)e. .5c Imya London
Keiaacake of Kirks Juvenile
Want eomethimr eli.*r. There's
Cashmere Jfcuijiiet, .•VlmondOil,
... Mil\r;i
Resinol, MuekJZenetbia or

All manner of bulk perfnmee,
Belling from l-5c to 50c per oi.
Bottled perfumes at ICte, 26c.
5fjc and $1.00 ihebotUe.
Everything you want in Toi­
let Waters and Colc^ee
Sommer heat and enmmer
ann demand toilet prepantiona
and face powders.
These can
be bad in endless variety.
Pretty white teeth call for
tooth powders, aoapa and tooth
paste. We anpply every de­

Don’t Have to A
Make Cakes Chiffonier
At Home...
‘'Bnt," someone says, “there's
such a aameneee with baker's
Have yon tasted those new
Bent's Water Wafera,BreiDDer'e
.Sugar Wafers, Brent's Assorted
Wafers, Kennedy’s Fairy 5Vafera. Cbampaigne Wafers Ccx-ooual and Macaroons. These are
all pnt up in the most attrac­
tive boxes. Put these on the
table and serve riKht from tbe
box. Sold at the nnifonu price
of 25c ihe box.
knows Uneeda Biscuit sells at
•5c the Ikix audl'nee<]a Jiogei
Wafer at 10c.
Sears Tutti
Frutti and Butter I ups at 20c
the pound- Are yon gning to
'picnic or have an aflrmotmlea '
These are just what you want.

Don’t These

with a toilet mirror now fre­
quently takes tbe place of a bu­
reau or a dreasing case, especial­
ly if additional drawer room ia
wanted. 55'ith onr new line,
just opened, we are able to sup.
ply the increasing demand for
tbe medium and better class
chiffoniers. Have yon seen that
new style we're selling at $6.5a


“Last” Use.
55'ben s man buys a bat of
ae it lasts BO long that be gets
tired of it. It's what you might
call a tired hat. Of course this
kind costs a trifie mure then the
hat that tears off at the brim or
cracks at the crease or iiresks
when indcntol- We guarantee
• >ur hats.
Wf> want every
man tu be as correctly dressed
as possible.

Warm Days
make }'ou think of cooling
beverages. Got anything to
drink them from after they’re
made. Tall thin blown Iem< nade gIsssM are just the thing
We have five patterns of engrav­
ed medium size thin blown
straight glasses Ao ornament
to any table- If yon want some­
thing cheap, got a glass (good
one too) at 2& the dozen. Go­
ing to have an afternoon tea or
some friends in for tbe evening
Those sherbet glasses are what
yon want to serve the ices in.
75c buys twelve boauties. You
will find 48 different styles of
glasses to select from.

More News
of Mattings.
Good mattings have ■ place
in most homes all the year
round Cool in summer—^en
the'spreading of rugs'makes it
warm for the winter months—
gives s pleasing effect to the
room. Some new pstkrns just
You want tbe best
grades-tbey last longer—look
cooler—Got a grade for 12c the
yard if you want it. 25c style
lasts four times longer.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,

paotd a< «bo Mm mm at Ibt
towm. kM« okMCiflt tta trot atron
btrtokoMtkMihto liU. aad ava
beotker Atkoei Belm for
vorlter tP aaka It aw battar ibaa Ike pant tkrae wadm. mtamod to bar!
tba ataOar awia of tka paat two hnataatBlehmoed. Ind..yaatardny.
Jfba Anna Irwin kaa isteraad from.
mmmwmm^wae Ibrae yean afo no Ubw day tba n rialt to km-bona in Moakarm. Skp I
will reaame ber work in tbe ebeeolaia '
Th«M kf* ie»^1!«ulk tor tko »1m ■nitnre faetoriea la Grand Baptdaew- dapnrtmmt of tbaenndy thetory of:
b« gt*n Mt bj Um4 Oom- ployoda.aitmen. Today tbay em^ 8«mnb Brea A AmleiU.
mimUmm Prw^ M,iU Bsr Oir 7,ITS, aa Ineraaaa «f SS t per eaat.
Mvtertoy- have cUmbad aicadlly aa well. J. 0. Jenaon. tba borsa danUr, loft
ptT d*T. tb« nlATT telUof ' MPM7W« M7 th« krarkf* laoTMM of yaatmday for Mt Cleaaaaa, »b*rs ba
■»MU»«(»pMU*.Md(ho ttkU ta.!l»7torkUkUd.oflkbor omploTod 1* will take treatment fair rbaamatba.
Lynn S. Cbrtm. wbo baa bean rblv
*yi»Uoo Mac
to ordof *o fir*
iketorie* i* *0 pv
Inc beis.baa isinread to Grand Baotda.
1k« pru
> tba baocSt cl iba
MbaBtbal Johaaoe. who bM been I
vWtlac frienda.lB Cadillac, rainmad ,
Mn- FroM liasWa, a
dohn B Boeka rf Otnad Bapida. to bnr bitma In tbaelty yeatarday.
fliiat of AlWo*. waa klUad la a r«a>
Mrs. Dao Beolon aad her dancbWr
Viti Opam.n Bcbool Bera.
away- Sba laaaad forward to rat a
Grace, of Loaiicvllle. Ey.. ar* vialtlnc .'
John B. Boebp. of Ora^ Bap'da. M
Ittld aa tka llaai of tka Mrktakad
Mra. Henloe'a mother. Mra Ann BIc* i *
tmm wbaa oaa of tka bonaa kkkad In tba city on bb way horn Cbarlavglx rlaa of SUU itTMt.
. bar U tka faaa. maklar tka torebaad to Grand Bapida. Mr. Boeba b
Or. J. W. Gaaotlett b eoterUlnlnc ' |
aad aaaalar aoaeiualOB of tba brala. noted Inatreetor In phyaleal coUare bb friend Milton Oark, of Milan.
Bar iiat haabaad. J. & Bald, waa and baa oosaanted to atay In Trawraa
The csraia of Mr. and Mrs H. w. ^
We wBnt
want yout
your inspection—WG
Inspection-we lead the stytes—You
styles-You take no chances
chancee when
froata todaatk la lan whfla walkiaf City a few wevka to iaa'.met • claaa.
Shces-a shto
shce with
With a record-Cet them of
uy the Pingree Shcos-a
Mr. B>ebe b wall known in Grand Pimen. tbe Mbam Jennie Meconneii g YOU buy
bat waa AlUoa aad Manball.
and Linnlc, Mary aad Marey Plena. ^
Joba, «H*ar. of Allaraa. aad ka- Bapdda. where be baa reaided a
baee retnraed to tbalr koma in Wla*
years and b eoneedrd to be one of tbe
dnwOUror.of Patoakay. ara brotbrn,
ebaatrr. Ind.. after n vhlt of two
' flnaet ntblatM In tba State.
bat tkay had aot aaaa aaob otkar la
rOM Joba waat to. CbarlaMa aad
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ganattett beta ^,118 Front Street.
Ttte Ola. Bellatole Slioe Man. 5
tka dm paiMi ba mat oa tka plat ntbelaU wboae chief aim b the pr'i
returned from a rblt to E k Bapldt.
<om waa hU loer-loat brotbv. Tbay rinc. but one wboae chief eicdy
B«v. Arthur Bnvmond of Grand Bap*
partad an yoara afo at Bock Itland. physical development of both men and
a. necovpairindhiy tab motbm aad
Wia.. oaa roiof aorib aad tba otbar women. He worka npon ac eatIBe acd Nba Beatla Sbslar. paau d ihnncb tba *
nlwaat. Tbay loat tnsk of aacb other
diy yeaterday on tbelr way to Ne-ah-|
Mdbotblaally driftad to Mlebiran. tvntloo 10 aseb pbytical tralnlnc aa la-waota.
Md had boea llriaf w-tiia a bnadred will benefit tbe bealth cf Invnlide end
Mlaa Ada Brneat b tba paeat of W. carrj tnc Inaaranre loo far la IndUaied
tboae wbo are broken down fr^m
allaa of aacb otbar for yaara.
P. Vopelaonc and family.
by tbe r-AM cf Mr. MtiUshy and Mr.
mask eonflaement In Ibe office or
M. 4. C. Laaley aod bU family of
M™. O E Wllb.r ..d cu-rtl-r.
atore. He icaehea aa entirely i
Thoucb they were known to be creat
dra ebUdraa. la tbalr qoeer *'hoaaa on
method orlclnal with bimaalf and
wbaala.'- ara Tlaltlnc Br. aod Mra.
, ,o pa«.a each other in the atreet with*
czparianee bat loeloded
trplnlac family of Frank Friedrich.
MUo Mftehall at Adrafn. Laaley baa
O. H. Dame, of Nortbporl, waa In Ue out a crevtlng.
amoDC tba moat proortaenl men and
ateltad all tba prtaelpal towaa from
ly on bualneaa yeaterday
•'Why. Mulcahy.- a friend azked. In
woman In Grand Bapida He wlU ba In
Port Aarelaa, Waata , to New York and
Mamie Caiman left for Lasalnc yea-1
Traversa City aboat ibraa waeka and
Boatoo. trarallnr ».ll» miln In
terday to re-enter the aebool foe the T -That we have not’- aaid Mr. MulwUl five InatmetUw In the
waron borne. He U a eouatn of Mr.
with eameatneaa.
Kolcbu of Pytbtaa hall in the Mae
------------------------I "There aeebied to be a coolneaa beMUabaU and la oat for bla health.
block, wbbb be will have fitted ready
11*^0 >0“ when you paaaed each other
Kara! Cadet P. B. Bailey, elaat of '»«. for work la n few daya
The tomppratun- at the
of tbe
wkoae b«aa la loola, Mich., baa been
"Tbat'a the inaausne^ot oar friend*
9r<«o I" utsrlj- down to rrt-.-zluc |>ulDt
dataehad Iron, tbe Indiana aod ri*«a a
11} U-low
Hou.ftlUKS B.-tuallj
iK-loW 11. *“--i don-l undeisland.^
woBlkb leave of abaaoee preparatory iBuunaa eh'pmant of Canned Oooda. nierv b a tuul abaeotv of Upht. aa far
TheBannabA Uy Mercantile Co. aa annllctit la cooit-njed. ant] there b
tobUaaUtnr itr Coropr, Oei.
two or tbrea yaara' apaelal eonraa of baa iseeivad a oarioad of aaaorted an l•Do^nlulla |.rts»urt-. reckoned at ...................
•tady la naval arabltaetara. Tbe eaanad-cooda eoaiamine ««* bosca about a ton to the w|uare Inch in every : n-1. an" aa
boa eonialna 14 oana tba total tbouanud fatbouia. which la 100 Gmea ................
aema la pwaaad nndar tba anapioM of
tka Onitod Btataa navy daparunani. beinc la.IM eana Poor more ear ear* enster than tliat of the aitnoaphere
wo live in M 2.H00 fathotna the presare eapaeied
thb w
To Curo a DoM In Ono Day.
Cadet Ballayatoodfoartb la bla elam loada
Bure U 3« tltms more powerful than Take Warner'. White Wine of Tar St ruf
Tab btbe larceat qaaatity of eat
Abd for Uat raaaoB waa re
the Bteaiu ptvtiauro of a looomoUve be best cough renioty on earth.
bt tba academy board of natal cooda ever brooebt to tbb city.
s lion ilrawlnB a ttsin As bto as 1830 ■0 ceala.
areblioetara for tba apeclal eoarae i
a ksdioe tuoloEbt cxpbin»d the ezlat•oclnl Party at Park t^laea.
enre of deep son anlmub at aucb
moat ei) lyable danclac party waa
Tba Bradford famUy operated
iid.aodii,uki.ot CITY
a dairy farm aod anpplled Baldwin Civaa at tba Park Place boul laat
eventne. by Landlord and Mra W. O.
oaatomere with m ik for aboat
I of tbe family Bolden, dbont fifty raeaU ware deep aea tlsh, wlileli an- |in>vlded with
preeent, aad all bad a very dellcbtfal air lnnatr.1 swImtnlDC bbdders. If.
bare bad obacye
tbe milk I
cf ll>r*:e fish In fuii chase after Us:
Ively. soUl tbe yooocret aad Uma
laat aaarbur m borne waa married
X. at Thim Oamea
AacaatXl Mow It bee bees decided
Tbe bnaUars went to Muakecon Sal cd with the docnwsc.1 pn-asure and
10 dlaaooUnve razmlnff tba wafon. aod irdayend played three famM with carries It. Id si>lto of Its efforts, still
better ooly wUJ be made. Tba farm tbe Bede. One batanlay, another Sar- higher In Itsxourse. In fact. uictiilKkrM of
wlU be need for talainc feoeral er^(»
day and another Monday. They loot tbe tills iiufonuiuile t-lnss an- liable to Ih-eoloe vIelllliH t^^he UUII«Ual nix-ldeQt
Twenty yeata afo Jobs Tbompeon wnole three.
of falllug upwanl nnd no doubt im'-l
daMTtad bla wife tn Berrien oosaty.
w ith Q V Intent ili-nlh Mw>n after leo\ lug
Notbariac Iward from her hatband.
B mwood Avenae Oradiia.
tlielr areustomi-d It vel and long
Bn. Tbompaoo cooeloded ae waa dead.
8api. C. H Horn aonoaneea that
Ilieir Imdles reneh the aurfare In a Ofsaad laat aprlaf married Edward Me- tollowlnc erode* of tbe Elmwood avc* torti.l
loniM and
anu iiouaiuml
iiouaiurni state.
exrxr*i^ »r*Tie\v i-x
Oarvry. A taw dayaaco Tb
aebool will open today: Heventb ground sUarkA bn.ughi fre.n a depth 4J)(,HLAT AHT SI S45
appeared. Mra. Tbomp. * » 1 ap.>ly and elebtb. aecood nod A flrak Ibe of ut) more tlmn Mil faili.jins. eiplre
bt-forv they gain tbe aurfutx-.
for e divorea and abe aod MeUarvev otbar cmdaa will Main lator.
will •
The Grtateet Colorod Minttfrel of|


New Fall Styles:

&n\ere«^. j

j-uax KKOAIVaUD.

. Pingree Sc Smith
Make of Footwear |
A.11 the Latest Toes '

I Special

The Composite 6e&» The Governor !

Frar\k Friedrich

Fall Opening!

Suits, Top Coats.
Hats aod Furnisliiogs.

Just simply opening up new
goods dally. You can not
Imagine ft-om any deecription we can give In print
what bands m > patterns *
and decidedly n <bby styles
we are receiving dally. Do
not postpone your visit—we ‘
are prepared and willing to
show goods as fast as re­





Picaninny Show.

Mica Charity Moaber, ac^ 00 yaara.
Wbolivea at MatbekriUa. faU down
ataira while walklnr Is bar aleep and
raoaivad aerlou lojanaa.


Wants were all carefully con­
sidered when these goods
were purchased. It will save
you many useless steps to
give us the first cslL

More Ki-aturea Than a (’irene.

Tba Grand Bapldt A Indiana rail­
road will award tbe eonuaei tba week would come under tbe be
for tba areetion of iu new |ioo.ww de­ alvM.
A true friend apeaka of your vices
pot at Wraad Bapida
I v«ur face and of your virtue* behind
Grlndalooe aapporiaone of the beat your i«*ck.—Cblroco Dallv New*
CrlstmiiU in that part of Miehican.
Over la.OOD buahala of wheat have been
onneM newspaper* reported th*t
rroMd loan dartof tba peat tan alr«noo«a effort* nr* being made by
' the Sundnrd Oil Company to bay up
kerooaae oil srelb Is Japan.
It M propoaad to baUd a randanaed
mUk taetory at Ubly. for tba pnreoac Thb woatd not be « brge andertaklng
Of maalBC the dairy lodoauy proStabla 00 fnr naike aotaal oatpat b40 tbe tarmen In the aoutkarn part of bat * rrwt wamber cd t
aka Tbnotb. idiocli ralalnc la
n have to be ••tbfled. Id tbe Nl-G* Tn
prefeetare MN well* nr* Bowinc. eed
nppUpetloaa have been mnd* to work
At Jackaos by the ezploaion of
lamp Arvhar Ballack. acad la. waa Ur- na asnny mere.

Bdward 6l Germain planr>d Into
tka river from tba atern of the City of
Paria at the foot of DoboU atreet In
Detroit Monday afternoon for a ai
Ba waa aalied with eonvalalona and
diaappaarad before anybody edald gu
. bli raacme.
As attempt waa eaada to bom tba
Peartb alroat Bolland eboreb at I
kacoa. OU bad bean poored aboat tba
aiaUa and a train of elotb antmated
and aai on Are. Fortnantely It went
ont balore It bad barnad very far.
Tbera oafbt to be plenty oi money
U tba nppar paalAaaln tkla year. One
aompaay alo«A It la aaid. iaa a paytoll of fio.000 n day at tie nriou
mtaaa la that dlatrteb
ThaOadlUneOBauMninl aab, ama*

The .4cf.

*0 Curt U Brippt In 24 Hsurs.

Carrying The Only FilipiDo firaaa
Band Ever orouj^’Ll To
Thia Country.

One way to prevent acaaicknesa la tn
ArtborLtaria. aced Sf. waa atmeb remain on land.
la orraslooslly aa toolbh na
by a awiiebtoc tnetaa at Ucaad Bapid*
it Is usually wbe.
aad killed.
When the awlety ball season ends
Ml*. J. H. Qop of Jaekaon. baa aallad that of tbe mothbs
iball beclna
for Ogata Bioa w fjia bar ouatmnd.wbo
If there b nothlnc elae Id a name Oh#lo» Arttr ^lawtri
la aepertoteodeoi of a cold mine to there b a least one or more leuers.
. gueer that there b a detbatoonatry. Mhaiamaklac the U p
drnaaed beef in warm

rtbly bnmad. Tba dooton aay be wUl
Tka ataaa Uaneb Derh, of New
Orlaana. wUb tba owner. B. W. Dem
wine, and two daaebtan aboard, atop
pad at Alpena oa tkelr way back to
Baw Orlaani, via the Brla canal aad
tka Atlaniir ocean.

Men’s, Youth’s,

Bew Tork Vader Tnmmaar Bole.
"New York Under Tnmmnny Bnle"
b tb* title of en Uforming nnlele
whieh Freak Meet, eonnael for tbe
Mazer leveeUgaUag eommlttee. bee
wrtttm for tbe tbtordny Bvenlng Poet,
of PbUndelphU- After nammeriting
the Dotoriooa method* of Tammany
i-nir, whereby tbe lender* enrich teemaclvee at tbe ezpenae of tbe taxpayer,
end run tbe city of New York a* "wideopen" 0* any weelcm mining town.,
Mr Mom eco-niixl* for the faelplsetneri
of tbe lew abiding majirity nnd eagg«*i4 n meant for Ue overthrow of lb*
r iker regime.
Thb ortleU b one of * eerie* dealing
with tka mnnlelpel effUre of greet
Amerienn citle*. KwU'. npptor in the
■etardny Evening Poet of September B.

Sretybedy larltedWe ere now pleetoBtly ioeeted In '
oar new tiore la the McNamara 1
block, nnd Invite nl) ov old coetom- -

,*,! i

and np to dal* line of ladles. genUe- ’
mu end ebildreaa' footwair nt ‘
tehees. .Pnrkm- Brea. «cbS^ '

A Wl:irlwind of Dancint;, Music,
Soiitfand Fun.

Watch for Big Parade.
IVi.-ee, 26. 36 and 60c.





"SViest Tncee are S^ivu
W VoTO VUb iV^Yveua


i Wear the Best


and that means

fiVtooVb) 1J0U \>ib %oo4b.
AH our Ladies’ 25c Gauze Vests
we will close at.....................
All our Ladies' 12^. 15 and 19c
Vests we will dose at............
All our lOand 12^c Child’s Gauze
Vests we will close at............
VVt«s« )oo4s Are en

4 for 50g
4 for 35c
4 for 25c i

saU tvqtb atv4 vWV

Ust Vq>o or \Krtt 4a^s a\ tttt vftw.

J. W. Milliken.

Our fall assortment is the most ex­
tensive we have ever shown and if yon
have never worn the “Toung’s” brandtry one this season.


Union street

Ijeits for Trawrst Cilj

» na KOBVfVO BaoeKi»sW»pr««t>AY, i


tee Oty|

&tXV«T«\ IfcUtD»

be «M of


tee boot BUwtrol abowe of tee year.
eosprtelBf »
(orMn Md

toMl «f 4S pw

pt^ lo tte alMlnl aerld. 4 cUm*
Tto Mipart Port ^Mrt «ftUad M
Mtteievlte oC eetered telMt «m
AldAifbt Mopav town Tipom, IlMb- eMri»Mtiwaoaek*pttMl ttet ttelr
lactaM. ipr KmUp wiik Ml ml«, 17
clalae era *M *ff**»ted. Om
T--------10 MMlwsltk lorrw. l.MO
tWr BOM Boteble fMtsrae to m laOf bTM. t.lM Mete 0« OMl, 4.W4 portte nUplM tend dlreet frea Metelwottey.Mk^ ed MOe u« Ml ■ -U. TktoUMteteka,h»Ml tet tte
*»«PU« o< eorrnoMd Ire* *te*rd.
rueiu ertiet* tapertod. eolelj tar
‘ L*u Swd»7 alcPl tea C. Oirue. » to»ter* Bro* II tolMMd aa^r*
, Urlac UTM bUm
Mlwted with gnot •
•e«tb ot SteTBM. Tfx.. wm killed ky tMB Oteie BoBto <
teiBf taroA ftsd Maplad by
eolooy oeraw tte Poelte ood ibelr. ap7e*A^ Jvmj hah. Kr. Oir«M wm 4i pwroMCMtte itoMt tai portee U.
jmn eU. aentod ud ted Mrerel their MtlM eMteae to o elgbt *U
AUdrM. Tte teU ted b*M dteoraed
MO. Bcaeaber tte dote, Moo*
b*t waiMed bto weret iejortoe by i*J,9art-nI—tte ctest «< bto Ttotla wltb
TroMMcOng Stefeec.
btoteadMew to 0 ttot of tee taytag Ml
~TbMBM Oemaora e blfbly r«MMt•d feraer of HertluTfUe. led., bo*
•aaotbitertebtobeaeoBtof tte eedl
■uy. H«e»Ua it bto -frawtef
All M
tferb.” reny /an i«o be Med fow
Urge block wolo*i poeto for tte cvb
of bto wML IWy epixotod »»d bore
aow grow* io be r*^
t™**■Bhlsff • •ylmdld ebAde erer bU
OM of tte MtCMt bono-beylac

MBiaasE ;a ;s ;



The old fashioned ginger snap
in the brown paper
is not in it with

Jii^er Wayfer





froa OroM BMUs. Ctoato-


TreiB. ofTtw New MaeklMW^M FMoakap.

4rac lo Vntee reoesily ceot M ecent

in the moisture proof box.

MM OUy a boy
te Med M Mb teraec U Porto idarlag
iterstoauoc. Tbeogeottedboogbi
Md telpped ItO borea. wbeo be reMtwI o Uligroa a bey Bo Bore. !■4Blry developed tee teforasiloB test
tte Preoeb buyen ore oloraod beeoMe
of tee cselteaest creeled by tee Drey- otmxe BAtHornteTnnayT taair
fM MM. wblcb eeeae a bore tbe
offoelof Boklog Inraare Uald teot
>■ 1. per
* preeldenUol eleeUob boe la teU
>r be..


k plMUr la YoMB eouty. Mleetoolppl tepoew folte U tee ketyda m
predlcarof IroBt- Heeoye tbe kotydld
b^BB a ploy bto little Addle teto year
.oboul Jeac e. osd teot If tee ftnt froot
eotBeeajMlfOBr aontte from teot
Urn# -M It eurely will." It wUl a re4uee teo wtae crop teot it will brteg
• good -prtoo oad good tlaa le tee
ooBte wlU foiaw.
Horry O. Suole, of tebload. Pa., boe
reoebed Dowrea City, btoeko. oad wUl
loBBcb aa polar joBrnoltoa tee Doily
tfewo. Tbo poper to a oall for
ooBU o copy -aad adrBrttolag will be
rated ot NO aa tech a aente. Job
prlatlBg ebargw will be for lote of
1.000 m foUowe: tfaelaeee earde. t»S;
lottorbctec, NO; l-ie
gM; k teoeu. AM. aad oavelopoa. Ats.
Vmt tee awB of QapUJla la Boeaia
lagtote bare exbaaod a boar
Poapeil 1b tea fora of a Eoaaa comp.
All tee wall* *ra well preaerred aad
aoaeottearooae ore deeoraMd wlte
AaepelaUagt. wbUe wMpoM. lampe
BBd rartoM otear objecu bare beea
foebd a teem.
Already t,70« bob bore booo recruitOd for tee aa new TolaaUer regli
Oeaeral UertoMbUe teat nearly 11,•00.000 will bo rrqBlred a tldo tee
Pora Blcoao over antll o aew crop eoa
toe grown.
Tbe eteoaer MorlpoM. Oaptoln Hay'
ward, wtaleta tailed froa Bydney for
Saa Praaotooo. bad en board
la golA
Tbe adreai of tee trolley to Yokobaaa bM led a a atrong proaet
ao<B*t the eoapaUUon by tbe jiarl'
ktoba am.
Afn. Badto Bhaplro, of Brooklyn.
cbargM B SBlghbor wlte bbrlag bur
MfvBbaplro'absby'afMlBias a andbol poker.
Mia NallU MUm, oonaln of OBBoral
Mllea. tee only woaaa lebdar of • aUlUry bud. wUl take b«r 4S aMlelMia
10 tee Fkito etpoatUoa.
Prof, ttoorg* Adaa Balte. of the
Tree Cburch eollege, Qlaagow. Bool
lud. bM boM OBllod to tee Boooad
PrMbytorton eburcb. Obloago, with •
■Elary of AIO.OOO.
-Tbe Boetoty of the Big Eolto^ to the
saae of u Mte-boaad aoolety la Oblaa
foraod for the parpoM of uMralnaV
lag all fortIgneiB.
llBraball Field, tee Chloago amtoa-

TfOlB leetl

Chicago —• —»«•
West Michigan.

linjer Wayfer




ooiHo NOKre.
_______________AM NOON PM AM

;Ar Beteeaer... I « to



pttMi OuPto-WartMP'A
WtOtto ¥nnto «f Tar •yrtip,


beat cougb retne<ly on earth, cures a cold
Inoacdi.) ifUkeaintune. SS aad 60 eta.



ANTBD -^rd^en ^UeUed


,e ;



nreUKAMCB-baMe lewrr >1

KM O F. A..
OroM BApMa.

uiBRi in MmunBi L L

Traverse City Lumber Co.

To take
Johaeee hlect.

Wade BROS., j


TeaMitor Ween.

Real Estate, iKlionMfs,
S7.I Traders, HoaeT laaners.

rroBi eireet.
CkU at ait B tia-ei.

. e«avral preellM elec



jpoR aaLB-BoM^


’ K7«l Wanted—A pnrebaser for
.utuof laivv^oTjo«r' bouse and lot on Fifth St.
Wanted—A purchaser for
“ '
a lot 5<1 X 165, West Front

(>'\'fuM:?^"‘Snrt:;M‘;V‘--'S!wanted-A purchaser for

«».«»toee lOl.reelCr

,n .......

lag aad teewcrlag attutoam m tec
gmpa boBBd t« and tram MaslU.
Jobs A. Ujgu. M* of e«B. Joba k.
Uigu. bM IMM bpsolaud by tea
ymaldMt a malorvtoi tea
tormy aad aarigud Id tea Thing teM
Altowdar MUl Sxptoaloa
------—tight;------bat bote bN

oat rolrlioc bod ud
1D4B1FV at rrod


Bvcuaii oBIfV
r lond -u CO
.111 tr.dr lorU

See This!


lu ckkUl. I—. — r------------

[ bid my
Tbe Boston Dentsl Psrlon with,
oat paio. I never thooght aacb a
thine poaaible. bnt now I know it
CEB M done.

73S Bute St., City.”


Cboacv of o lif«l»e^7^oiB

«h.Tr. s',~,s..'r

BP •lolr»


^^ANTRU-Wowokiklvv kokdtvd


TV IOC WANT l«»kf»-«v ol •“» V'“4

money to place call and in-1
vestigate our securities.
money that they wish to
have earn big premiums to

Fire Insurancs.
I4. £4. A. BnUdlaf.



Ky dental uffies «iU b*
open Angnst M.

8. 0.8AWTEB,D. D.8.

F°5iotfiSSu. -

Gas Lamp"

Price Redtced It ClOH Oat Ut
__ I employ for Bicycle
Bep^ring. Qalck work.

tu Dsta*



RskilJ Parties,

aM Fanerals.

pie that havn't got a string 1 ed ri» bwidea an incresaed namon and that want to do' ber of nice carriagaa. I am now
hnsiness, no
.hat It IS. call on ns. If
any one a got a string on nSV... tnrai.hed if derired.
Everything in 8rgt-claia ahape.
fetch ^em along,
a trip.
Wanted—All the trade
there is in our line.


OnreMoc It kt ri Vreal M.
Teu vtu ma cor elo M IM b
• e,T- Oe up eiAfn. term Io

Lmw Ckorlr.

PrCUC PartlBS,

Wanted—AU kinds'of peo.Lj,5^r5,i^.'!i‘l,“*,.‘d

Ooraar Fraet ud CMm SttMta,
BabdU Block.



10 ar. s«
104o: SB

4S, ei^
We have jnat received an 10
10 4t; to a!
•lOM. oca
elegant atock of tbe most________
11 a e Ml
beautifnl art work in Dainty
on China ever diaplayed in tbe
tbe, ^tojauii^
There are aeveral
handaome and new deaiges,
which we invite tbe ladies to
Our stock of jewelry ia the

Barnum & Earl.

Wanted-People having |

L^kOM.^>il^UI «”d. por* "


' to 8 •CM
>ioer tot£


Fvoki .lx

EkcoM oMo.____________________ :

Ths DBXt six days.


bouse and lot Randolph St.
Wanted—A purchaser for
50 acres close to the city
Wanted—A purchaser for
6ae farm. 200 acres.
Wanted—A purchaser for
lot on Eighth St.
Wanted—A purchaser for
finmt in ihia part of the aUlp. GOlOBlbil lOd LOQ L COBliltS
lot on Barlow St.
Wanted—Every one think­
c Noni VWTT Ck7 cievpt BBcdky.
ing of investing in city
farm property to call
us for bargains.
Bor^ood ..
I Block.
Wanted-All persons de-1
siring to sell their proper- \rr

T;«ORtALt-T»o Ur«v d
J? ru.i ikkvs oui «f ear •
CKp Booknorv

Teeth Cleaned Free


FRENCH ijlji


Bro*. turn

ramr v Ik
04 M kkoc

«» 4 lO^Lv
Ai 4 Ik
4 mat I


oe civve »i or —

. a'tteoUfitotaaUtlee.

o._ jjKSfa.iaaa,-‘ia%.‘is

W.«Dw«ay. Jaa. U.WW.





! > W SW

KS^Usas :s_

Good Hardwood in Stove Loughs.
Also Four Foot Maple Slabs and Bdginga

^ANTl^NuSdleiNreC Is^

.Uea te
>at ei.

Blre. bM dMlded te give Ooowiy. MtM..
bto native pl*oe. a public Ubrury boUdlug M a faally asd poraoBal aoBMrial.
ii-Taat~old ElebaioBd, Mo., girl
wolgba Its poBodt ud toatUl grot
OMaark elalaa teat teora to BOt
tolBgla BBTBOB la bar deaala who Mb•otraadud writ*.
A ptoMBre yacht 08 tbe Hbbkm
• rlvar espaiaed Baaday Mgbt bmt IronvUlc. ud It to beltorad tba aaUr* aoa,^y aboard. coBctoUag «f alaa aaa
toad woaaa. arc drowaad.
Tbe Aaarlou coIodj la Tokobaaa
1 by fMd


,ss::rT2L“J^L^£.'" “"J"

Loetm eimlBC ear a 0»oM

That popular education to appreciat
ed In Japan to erldent froa the tact
Ut 27.000 elmimUiT achooto are
atunded by «.7fliU.OOO paptla.
Tbe Riairway Iradins a tbe awer of
tbe Philadelphia city hall conulna 6tt
•tepa. «ad to the uUeat contlni
italrway In the world.


Ask your grocer for a package U>day.

Madeenly by NATIONAL BlBCtirrOUHPAMT. Makers of tbe atnOB* WnMO* BIOCWK.

OMkC »ooU> v.vf7 Akj <4odr« BaMcj.

: S™ ..,


re TTkwrM CIIT
•olloee Boy



Steuner Onekama
Ospt. J. XT. Emory.


Use, »• aaa eaU mr fwpavtjl. ve eaa five
roe barvalaa. M«&m bo aMake La etoee. Be
aaabOT b4< M«Ba at Mhm af etatia. H«
bat*Blae ai lap e< vtatr^MmAaer w tbe rlfbt

.......... !?i

0«ta«B»rtb .vorTtaTMCMCMBaM.




Wkltoag a*d Fartc FloM

Wite boat at U:M b. ca. Fruit Mr wlU
baat^^BaadM TMadeja. tW

Wade Bros.
111 full Si
l| Stiin it sfifinffHwiSE STlJr

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