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The Morning Record, August 12, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
miUTATi ttm
Third Year—No. 709.
of AHfOlM.
' --------B*b»U n«l B«70nd BoMan
TXRcmri am
Fuu.BB.aaooiuaaBo.aioo DooUtuUon Follow! Hum
cane In Porto BIco.
BMtlor iMt al«b( is!
■MArthar Bm Oapnr«4 Smu BIu UeKuwra hall CompaBj M daolded
Terrible DlitTesa Amoag WatlTea aad
WMpt the iDBlUitoD of the O. A. a.
AtMT DrlTlBC tavurrwM «»rtbI TaaporaiT Aid Ba'AC Xatuded by
parUelpau Id tha auaBpMBt to
Amy Babalateaea Dapartmaat—
«»ra-Boad« la AU PoBdltloa- h»idh«Be*t vroek.
Th* campaor
HakM Sard Work for Aaortoaa wll! appaar la the parada la the nalAa Appeal Will Be laanrd by Sec-
Will complete your outfit—:
•1.B8, «8 60 or $3 00 will buy
A hkudeome peir.
TroopA Bat U i. Sr-ODory to Op..
reiary Boot fbr Aid for •uSbraia—
probably tar. ont •troof.
Barracks of Troopi OaiBs«ad.
- apThatMMUOBorTh.Coutr7
| i-fc, eompoay .Ik. dteldod to accept
Maaila, Am- U.—Omw.1 Mac- tk. (aelutloa to aiUad the .DcampBaa fuaa da Porto Rico. Auy. 11.—It
Arthar% traop. raaiataM laat alrht at' n«ot la Blf Bapld* la deptembar. {li aow.sald that MW parwaa lost tbrlr
Oalalak Tb. rabaU haea evIdaaUj ! froo tba nth to the Kth. This •rlU . llrea at Ponoa'-BurlAf the borrioaBa.
AM far hayoM rlda raafa. for Ua j be tba oeoaaloa of tba Brat renaloa of | Terrible diatraaa U reported there.
Amarlcaa oetpeau are aot dlstarM ^ tbr third batuUoa of the Thlrty-foarlk
WaabloAtoD, Aup- n.—The war deaadaot a ahot «ae Brad dDrlaf the | Biebirah’olan^ra.
partmeat today receired a cablegram
froB tieaaral DbtU rlrlar feller deBtrbt. Atday break Ibli woralof are-I
of the damage done la Porto Rico
«auolUria,u.lj. »un.U.roI.t..J
by the reoeal borrlcaDc.
talloB of theSeranteeatb Lofaatry with '
Davie eayt that a fsBlae “
U kpcadiar
0.e Bald pleee. atartM ep the
^*1. omt tw.'Aii«w.,-.ai era
--track teward AmI~^
66 Allowed tO rUID ^
aolhoritj to iaeue raUrn.
The party approached to wlihlo l.SOO
|‘‘** dr*tltote.
The meaaare aayt:
yards of the towB aad opened fire w.ta I
I‘ Dater reporuebow that the-burrlcaDe
aflrldr>* The ABerieaaa were re i
___ ,
I wa. far more ervere Id the ioterior aad
PrpvieloDal rorcc of 36.000 Sen Will
eeived with |badly d reeWd rifle Bra.
aoutbera part of tbe Uland theo here. ‘
be Rtlerd-aa^ if Sore ere Seeded
The SevealeeBlh relursed a few volleyr.
DaU for an eetltnate of the mtaibcr of [
OoBgreae Will b.- Aeked to AnThe BlTaayth of the iBanryeat forere
Porto Reina. who lost everyihiog l»[
at Aayelee belay oDkoowa, the situa
difli^ull. but I am forced‘to believe:
tion wae reported to Geaeral HacArWBBbirytoD.
II —GsDcral Olli , that tbe Dumber on tbe Island eaDDOt|
thnr. whodtd Doldeetre to tend rein- will n>it be relirted of hit
fall below loo.ouo aoula and famine u|
(oroeineau and dIrMted that
i^rapendlog I ask that
t the
ue re
« ibui *iu he given ad-fliional ili
ooaaolurlay parly ralura
^^*laecoBpIlah Bore'la ibe way of ero,h-! o*•“<* bean*, equal i|uaotitir9 of
rebeU abaadoaed tbe town
Sooa af Iny^be rebellloa, and faillay to ach each, be immediaiely ebippedon uanator the raeelpt of tbe oedere It beoame ieve a rreatcr degree of eueceet will porte to Poore. There are eosie here
evident that the rebele bad Bred tbe be made mlllury governor and Intmet- There are urgent appeals to all poet
town and fled.
for food tor tbe deitltute.
ed with governmeDUl affaire alone.
AbalialloDof tbe Twelfth Infantry
Ueneral MUee trill not be tent to the Am I entborlzed U relieve the diaireee
wae also seat reoooBOlWrlar towards Pbllipplaee, but will reiaalo here la by food Ueuet.' Uice and beaae only j
tbe west, but ap to noon no flrlac bad tbe capacity of mlllury advleor of live- are desired.
keea haard la their dlreelloa.
"Tuere have been many deeibe of
reury Hoot. He will be given fall
'There le reaaoa t) believe the reporu reoogcItloD ae eoanmaodlng general.
aatlvce by falling walU
Holy one
that the IniurreDia are abort of amII.O.UI U...IUOU bu. OO0.O11U -oldUrl. uoo.ua a.o«.uo.!, ..Jo.
U»o. ... ..po.ua ool...byr >oauU.T
Seereury Boat
Root >0
In utouou
WaablartoB. Auf. ll.-tJeaeral Oile eumlag oommead la tbe fl.-ld la tbe ev ly drmollebed. At yel 1 have reports
Mblad today at follows: ■■MrArthar ent of the failure of Geaeral Oils. from only four porU. Tbtre was I'Oiu
kae taken pbweeeloa of daau RlU and Geaeral MacArtkur and Uwton ara al- plelr dvslrui-tlon of sll tbs bsrraeki at
reooDnolUred lirrac. Anreleaaed other
ao being i^naldered. and may be In- two. and at two oitiera one compsey
Popular Shoe Bouse.
poiaU. TheiaiDrfeDU have been driv- tmeted with tbe field operailoni if a each had tbrlr barracks dralroyW.
an to the north There was one oaeuu dseldod upon,
Tbe uoops arc under caovst.
"No reporU have yet come from the
alliy yssurdey and none today
eopsulUng with the president.
aoadltlon of tbs roads makes tba move .SecreUry Root upon b'n return began targeat-porU, Ponce and Maysguez,
ment of troops diffl :oU. bnt it U con- active preparations for conducting tbe but they were In the vortex of the
atdsrad aaoseeary U open up IbU eec- final campaign In the Pbillpplnee. storm. AVf'SSt half of tbe people of
tlon of the esuotrv. ae it virtually gives While rairemely reticent and declin Porto Rico tubsltl entirely on fruit
oontrol of the province of BeUen and ing to dtavum detalli. everything poe- and vege'lablee and tbe storm bat en
rallevea the Inbabiunie there."
tible will be done to ruth a blgaimy to tirely destroyed ibis source of sup
Manila. RectnlUog will be conUnued port"
Seereury R >oi bas prepared an ap
and all available troops hurried to tbe
Pbillpplnee. Tbe provisional army of peal to tbe people for tbe aid of Iboee
SS.OOO men will W enlUted. and if wboeuffored in Porto Bico through the
Boy Simms Wslked From s more troops are Beoeeaay congress will recent cyclone. HU action wae taken
upon the receipt of a telegram from
be asked to autborite them.
Sooond Story Window.
It U Intended to send a force of Tu.- President M K-oley suggesting It
OOU men ]« the pbllippineaal tbe ear The -en- -• department of the
Arase ia Bla Slasp and Awoke Only liest poeelble moment Secretary Root army In Poll Rico bse been directed
Whea He Struck a Window
has received the schedule of transjMrte to render tem .orary aid.
Bit! busiueas eatt'rprises
available for carrying troops, with Ike
X.MB< la rallUgare made p>aeible by tlie fact
UtUe Roy Simnu. aged aboat eight capacity of each veaael and the date*
OB which firs', second and third voy
that time aud apace can now
yearn, the torn of|Joha Slmme. suffered
a Urrlbleaecldeat abont 11 o'clock last ages can be made. It was found all 'BatOec*p-i>'nbaa Been Developed In
be> practically annihilated.
the tmnsporta oduld carry an aggre
OaseorK s HorganWboOommitBight.
telrpbone in the office or
br. A. H. UolUday wae summoned to gate of IS.OOD men on each voyage. It
ted Su r
ID Orand Hapidt.
bon-.'aacea the one thini',
will be seen on |tbe first and second
the Simms dwelling and when he ar
Mrs Lui-'
PoDtsee of Manistee,;
wh' -h if loit, can never l>e
rived at the hones be found Boy with voyages 3,0000 men can be placed in
tbe Philippines. I These, with those al daughter r.f i| . Sarah Morgan, who'
both arms broken and his fees badly
died Id Grau<i (Upids Wednesday evenbmlsed. The family moved yesUrday ready there and lander erdera to go.are
bellevad to be e^ongh to bring the war ing from th- ■ ffecu of laudanum Uk- ;
from WasblngUB street to tbe comer
of Webatm and Pranklla slreeu and to a close.
itively ideni.tiM one of the leiteri left I
Eoy bail been helplag la the work.
It la learned that Oenotal Alger, just
by her mother to be In the dead worn-1
He weui to bed tired and aroae la bU before hU retirement, recommended
an's bandwrltlug. Toe other she U Bleep a-<t walked aboat his room. fin. that General Otia be relieved on the
notaooeruin about, but thinks her
ally going dellberaUly > throMk tbe gronnd that be has not been equal to
mother may have written It if greatly
aeeoad etory window. Bla llmt koowrgenev.
excited. This effectually dispoeee of
ledge of hit condlUoD was whea he
say theory of foul play. Such a theory
atreck a window ledgi and found himTBADX AMS LABOR OOVHOIL
was enterulned for a short time Thurs
aeltfaling. Heslrock the ground
day when Mrs. Morgan's sister. Mrs.
head first, doubling his arms nadar Aaotker Kaetlng Will be Bald to
Gertrude Mall, failed tojecognize tbe
Take Definite Aetioa.
him la a manner which resulted
writing in the letters at heryister'a
la brsakiog the boaea of both betweaa
Delegates from the different local
Charles Morgan, tbe husband of the
the elbow and wrist.
Dr. Uoillday redneed tbe fractures labor naioos of tbe city met last even deceased womaa made another feeble
and made tbe lad as eomforUble as bis
atumpt to commit suicide Thursdsy
palafol vrouPds would permit.
matter of forming a local Trade and night and was arrested by the police
Labor eonneU.
and sent to jail for safe keeping. He
of tbe meeting, and was under tbe icilaence of some drug
George W. C. Navarre, secretary.
and depntles walked tbe d xir with him
Preparations are An yrugroaa fbr tbe
When tbe meeUng came to the mat mast of the night to keep him from
Big O. A. Xocampmeat.
ter of definite aetioa. it was fonad that rslaxiag Into a faul stupor. He de
Preparations are going ou rapidly •evetal of tbe delegatu had been ap
clared to the turnkey that be would '
fortke blgU A. R eneampment to be pointed with BO real antbority to act
kill hlmaelf yel.
held here neat week.
Commander j for the union that they represented. QThe coroner's clcaer iaveatlgatioa In
RoberU has reoelved from tbe sute St: i So another meMior was agreed noon, to the affsin of tbe Morgan family re
tenu and slaty
sty moi
more will arrive today to Im held neat Priday evening- Each
veals that Morgan's name U not Morrqueated
ar Monday, so that ample
___ of tke local ualoai I
I'nder the
will be proved ^the lar^e atuno- elect five delegatee to this meeting, gaaata'l. but Sotl'ff
and to give them foil power to act for assumed name he met and courted Mrt.
yeeelved’^m ssany poetr*ln tbls re the nnlon in the formatioa of tke Trade Morgan, at Traverse City. She was
gion and all are coming in large force. and Labor Ooua<^l.
then Mrs. Grady. The daughur. who
Tbe Roardmaa River Bleclrlc Llgbt
U knowm by tbe name of Lucy Clark.:
and Power Co. are eetabliahlog several
arc lamps on the gronnda and H. D.
teamed of thU for tbe first lime yeeCampbell A Sons are eonaecUng tbe
She also told of several
Charlco Lawla la In daU Awaiting Urday.
grounds with the city water worka
ways In which Morgaa. alias SuUlff.
: Trial.
had deceived her mother and wronged
Cbarlea Uwia is in JaU In default
of pscobaU. awaiting irtalln the Cir
According to her etory and that of
Broke Opsa Ticket Ottaa at Bali cuit coon oa a charge of lareeny. another aUter, who came' from TravLewie is charged with having etolan a
Park aad Stole Hank aad Pad.
Tonneller Block.
watnh and a sum of money from one erae Cily, Morgan represented tkat he
Qalte freqnenUy the ticket oHos at Ben Fletcher. Both eamc from Bing had property le Grand Beplda, and on
the baU park has been broken open by ham and Fletcher claims that Lewis the strength of eneh repteeenUUon
borrowed of his fiancee ttou to make
tklevmand artlclsa of more or lees
main force. Tbe accused was taken
on tke Grand Rapids
ealaeetolaa. A fee Isyi s^ tbe plaoe before Jaatloe Browa. where be waiv payment
Ovw MsWwwtm i Bbov wem
wae eatered la the night and a Un waV ed examlaatloB and was boond over.
property. To raiee this money Mra.
ar pall aad pitober'a mitt filched.
Grady mortgaged her Traverse City
The soothing and healing properUee
of Chamberlala's Cough Remedy, lu property, which she bad always de
pleasant taste and prompt and perma- clared ekoald belong to her daMkUr.
ntmuad^ Yfi^**”* isr stMlM sms
nant enraa, have mads It a great favor- Whea sks took the Uudanum eke left a
lu with the people everywhere. For
awudslsr, tor cztraeu*. «t WMh vrttbmi
g tkat this dUpoeltloB of
Mta »*•*- UzMi ss4 WMi sMlolsnorr pr.
...^arraau will ba mads and tke sale by 8. H Walt aad F. C. Tbompeoa,
tk. proparty akonld b. made.
p .muon VM aw4 tar maklsg vzwssUsv smz
aatMr pMhad la tke aclmiaal ooart.
Saturday Will Be The
Last Day...
Bicycle Shoe.
That we will jrive the 10 per cent, discount on Indian
Baskets—This was done to reduce stock—and “she
is did."
Special Sale
on Saturday Only
Set of 3 “Christy" RaireoS—bread, cake and
vegetable, usually sells for 25c -all three
'O'-................................................ ................lOo
Fruit Jar Wrench............................................ ^ . . 6o
Haimnisls at lOlper cent. oH for Satuiday onlp.
220 Front Stre.‘t
•waxen. BerLd-a. Gxxts T=T© On.-ts JDeep
"T*A Y
lul'Hiion to the huml*
I reds of lionanzas we have named
during the past few days —
67 pairs $3.S0 Pants
at $2.00’ per pair I
W«- d iii'I know if you ran afford to miaa such an offer.
S. BENDA & 00. '“‘-“li:™
New Fall Neckwear—See {The Display !
Early Fall Styles
In Men’s Colored Shins
Now Being Shown Here.
See our great 51.00 line—Swellest in tov?ii.
to give house room to any musical
instrument without a reputation
back of it to guarantee you It^g
and satisfactory service.
Michigan Telephnne Co.
Jahrans’ Havana Cigar
Gate Pos
Ralph Connable Jr. Mana^ar,
The Kimball
pianos axd
'■ '
ORGANS stand
for progression in musical excel*
No better gootls made.
Factory prices—easy terms.
All kinds c.f
Musical Goods.
First Class Havana Cigar,
Good Size,
N. E. STRONG, liBi|er.
Eicolleot Suality,
Are You Interested
In Ledles’
t New Thing Worth Cultivatiog,
Isl yoorDoalei for Them.
Sheet .Music
at hair Pricp.
129 Front St., TriTtm City
Or Gent*’ PootweAPP If bo, caU at our atoro
and we’U show yon a line that will pleaae
you. New Une of ladiee’ $2 00 and $2.60
eboee Juct arrived.
They're Up-to-date.
We carry a fuU line of GBNrS H08IEBT
which may be seen in our window. Well be
pleaeed to ebow yon our etock.
raoa na urm or tu
Elam Innliiga EaqtJrad to
Defaato: A.O.
ME T B^na .an J. W. Bann.
$, W.
Editor Odd Mmiidtdr.
taMOMtO elM* aklMr.
Bl«Mlfic» cf the Bai8.
17p%0 ont; a abort I me aro tbe
Bjcafbl iB Daoy paru cl tbe cosbuj
thintened tbe eropa. tat teccsl ralu
dcliua ioto tbe
focbcU of tbe tarmera.
Kebnaba a aaoath or aU weeka aco
ppaMglve ooaaUmate aa to rrowlaf
pen. Now tbe* AcrlenltBral DepartIBaat rcrorta tbat tbe aute'a ».«xiu.uoo
aar«ofcora will prodaee Suo,uou.mhj
boabela. Tbe aKricDltnral drparimeot
at Topeka reporta s.'-fJt.SUO acre
0Orc 111 Eanaae. with as arerac* jleid
fit forty-fonr btiabela to tbe acre. Tbia
wUlpirc ICaoaaaatoUl eietd ol WO,0OO.OW boabeU ol eoro—tbe £reaieei
^Mp In tbe blalor/ ol tba aute. three
tlBiM larger than tbe yield ol laat year
and alnoet loo.ooo.oou baabele. greater
tban tbe banner year ol URV.
7^ favorable aoodltlona Is Nebraeka
and Kanaaa extend to nearly all
great corn-growing atatea. Incln
lUlaola and Iowa la Ublo and Indiana
(be mine that inierlered with tb<
baodUng of tbe wheat made tbe com
Xbe graaahopper plague that throaienad boutbweetem Nebraeka bae proved
A«H eerlona than expected. Through
(jut tbe cotton belllavoraolecondltioci
>rt reported.
An tble region dry vrealber threaten
ed to curtail tbe pptato crop, but tbe
ralBollbepaatfcwdaye hat ere
aeondlOon which promieee a heavy
^aa. >■ Crandall rhingle Co. Will
OperauOld KcUc\ dtO.vdl KtU.
p. B. Crandall and eon and Jaa. M
Crandall have bought ol tbe irueteec of
(beJ-C Lewie eeute the eblogle mill
at Sllgbu known ae the KelUyJtCovpU nlU. alao-tbe abingic Umber left
(belanda They wUl aoon aiart l
kUITbe aew firm will be known ae tbe
^aa M. Crandall bblngle Co. Jaa. M
Crudall wilt have charge of tbe bualaPH of tbe eoibpeny.
Teeterdey’e Conuat Snded In a Sloggleg Match la Wtadeb the Hnailcn
Makes the food more defickKis and wholesome
Zxcciltd—Wet eeonnde Prceented
BnUlant Work But That Did Mot
rmt Moavg BUtlag.
rr,-«d,rl» Eo„-...»b
im.,1. .1 r-u.t,
D. A Cs. ran grtting.
Among tbe recent arr vs:a at Hotel
If 80, we hare a few nice.|high two-door^refriEera*
dafealtotbe D. A. a team yraurdiy
Fillowing la ttrsi-nmary:
, Pouch are Hugh Chrleiian and
nfternoon and dUplayed aome fine
Owoaat: A. C. and W. A.
tore for $12 60—will coet you $16 00 next epring
•' .................. .
J »
0 L'pham, Akron. O.j Theodore and
work, althongb Ue wet gronndi were Husi.
Hull. >' (
Cblraap(»sible for tbe abowlng made In
u 9 a r ! cago; Mr and Mrs. (iaub end son. and
. ...
tbe error eolumn. The game ataried H.-CsIl.Sb
.... -.
« » • JlA.B.'Morga, I. Cini innaU. O
« >.........................
ofl in a aanppy eiyle and U looked aa ri.i.
I’.rkt. II
If tbe local team would have to bneUe Vsusbec. e I—_...
Bucklene Arnica Salve.
to win ooli but attn two or three P»iierw)t. p.................
Tub Beet Sei.ve in the world for
• Tumli ....................
Bruises, Sores. I'lcvra. Salt
Innlnge It developeo that Ue Uuetlera
■ apped
were able to put op a auS game under
HBnda.Cbilblaim. Corsi. and all :Skin
l.c t .. ..
nafavorable eondltiona.
Fatleraon Kelel
» t u V u 9 ii' CruptloDB. and positively cures Pile*.
I»TM. p
—Nice-for any room in the hoaee, and we have them In
pitched a atrong game .and bia support Tl.vudv^i* r f .
wae ezeellcnt, except, when tbe wet
all etylea and finishes.
« i> t 1 1 I I’refunded. l‘r;ce V5 ceuu per b< x For
and slippery grounde ueuftd oneeiUlii
K,Vi ■
I; S
S'sale by J. O. Jotcaon and S. E-Wait
work. If tbe grounds i ad been in Uuesue, t>............
good shape tbe game, would nsdoubt
Toutl..................... . M> e 10 t S9.M I
edl^, been e *flpe_ osuuei; aa It was Tr«-rr»« lUj U U • J 1 1 U 0 O U -s-ll
120 Front Street.
pouee Farniehing Store
.... u I
bovmver. there la no; kiik eomiog on U.X.rue.i
,uo.-Trseer^<'uy». t> ----------- -l,A>r-.-Tra<rr.elit>l>. 1’. e.l' l».bdi«s.ciB
the playiog of tbe bo»e team. Barry,lEi:.. srtPs«»r»c.nt.s.lt:esr.,
pliehthe great southpaw iwirlcr of Detroit, e. B.rr> : sirueli oui-Uj Ps-ier-'t. I. I-.'
I .lulai. Uitws-Trs.rrwCit} «. n. A C.
who was invincible list Fcar- (of hia Hern
:< loubtwbiie -Mrl'lure H kui U i.erler, V
ISM.-Csllio Ruv.e; ~-or*r.
bumps in good sba^ ae tbe twenty .lu.iLlr
t urn- . uBJpIrr, t>mu
bluoff hie delivery will testify. Be
Tbe D, A C. team U one of the beet
was pounded bard, and tbe game' dembase ball aggregations in ine slate and
omiraled-lhat tbe Hneilere are com
while they were defeated in both
posed of the beavlpel bittere which
games here It was no indicniion of
ever played for Travdrae City.
weakneia. The Huatlera simp y played
It waa a eleven Inning gatna The
better Ull.
eoorewac tied in tbetaintb and neither
All the members of tbe visiting team
tide scored until Stbe: eleventh, when
are gentlemen of fine personal q-jsliLunches and
tbe Huatlera took on a-alugging gate
ties mud while they play ball to win
and only bad mercy on Barry when they do ool resort to diaagrreable con
Order Cooking.
five rum bad been eoored, making a duct while playing. Tble team has
total of eleven for .the beme team been here so many llmea itai tbe play
There was a disfueltlon to keep pound ers have made msny friends who are
glad to meet them personally aa well
Ing away until Detroit's plucky pltcbei as to see them play bnll.
was completely knocked out,but out of
Sim Tbompsoo.lhe big left fielaer, l«
Now Doini; Bun-Ur-sA
charity they let up on .him and ended an old naiiona’. leaguer. Ue wae one
of the "big four” in tbe D.-troii Nat
tbe gama
ional league team iu 'eT. when tbat
Following la tbe dcUil of the gai
team won tbe cbamplonsbip of tbe
Traverse City went to bat tiret,
world, end besides being a bail player
no mna were made nntll- the third be is a fine fellow and bae made money
Inning- After Pailereon flew out to in tbe btitlneas.
Tbe outfield wr*rk of the home team
Bell, Bunt came forward-with a safe waa excellent and only the had condtbit to cenur field.UBuU eaertfieed. ad lion of the dlamten marred tbe play in
vancing Hunt to second, Boyce made a the InSe'd Wheeler made a ohenomenal
stop of a foul fl ’ in tbe fifth inn
In the house of commons, the secretary of state for India, said that
safe ground bit just ont of Duebarme'a
ing after a long and bard ruo. Another
reach, leiting Uuotgo to tbiid, Boyce fine feature was the double plav in the
tbe government bad tleliberately concluded that a gold standard, was
reached second aafclyA Wheeler made fourth inning,
ing. McClure ami Uudkoo
for tbe interests of Ipdia.
a safe bit to left field brlngiag In Bunt
and Boyce.
We have a money basis to do business on. and therefore wc will take
ind Boyce.
Then A C.a will play three m-^re
Tbe fourth added* two more, after games here durli
arlng tbe encampment
tbe gold of India, or the silver of France, or the copper of Mexico, or the
ox was out. I’artca made aaafe fait to next week and th
they shouM be gree ed
greenback ol the United States, as long as it is of standard value and we
left field, and took aecoid on a wild by large crowds.
pitch by Barry. Vaughan waa safe on
will give vou the biggest eijuivalent that you have ever known, in any of the
fielder's choice, -ae well as Faiks at T;Elk Bap'dt and Cld Xttues.
great departments of our mammoth institution. • All you have to do is to
third, wnd lhen1*arka came in on BatExcursion to K.k Kspio,. and Old
Mtsaion. Sunday, Auir l.t. Str. Colum
name the kind of goods and we will sho'w you what bargains you can
teraon-s ground bit between second and
bia. B'atl'-Bvesn >k at
third. Hunt was ute on fielder's
sharp, returning wil’ leave OM Mis.
choice, but Batterson went out at
s'on at
n. m. Fa-e for ronud trip
second and Vaughan scored. Tbe fifth
JOc. Music by S-'cs' bard
Ttn. ■•t s
and sixth each added one. In tbe bfib,
A Big Cut on Large
Reed Porch Rockers
Ron Ton Cafe
W. S. ANDERSON. !| {
Ban Utd OonunU Uened by John alter Boyce and Wbeder ware out on
flies. McCall pul a safe groundi-r to left
Wall Deetroyvd YeaUrday.
field, followed with a Ufe bit by Fox
Late ywterday afternoon the bam just over second, which pul HcCalt on
*' aecood and vraa advaujced.to third on
boat a u le weatol Kingaley, waa tot Keleey't error. and;.P|ox ux)k second,
Opera House
ally deelroyed by fire. Tbe bare con- tbon Parka made a'Safe ground bit
UlBCd thirty tom ol bay and a large between second and third, bringing in
QoanUty of unlbretbed grain, beaidra UcCall. Fox reUred Ibe^ide in trying
ealnabie farming impletnenta- The
steal borne, in tbe alxib Vaughan
patent of the 4oee or wbelber tne
saafe on Ducbarmela error. TatterarOMiay waa inaured ie not learuMl on
fv that the dlaaaler U a heavy one for SOD aacrifleed. advancing .Vaugban to A clean, wholesome musical
Br. Wall. Tbe origin U unknown.
•cconl; be took-third on Bell's error,
farce comedy.
came in wblle^ they were finding tbe
Pr. J W. Bate*.
Of Corfu. N. Y.. wrltea ae followh;
The seventh.teigblb. ninth and tenth
"Beaoon ae 1 aew tie formula of l)r.
Preseuthi;: .\im-rii-HV Reprectt'DlaA. tv, Chaae'aNerveand U.ood I’.lied did not count, but in the;eleventh tbe
lilt- Irisli L'oiucdifuue.
A C.
MBCludid tbat A wcuid bvanezceUeci Banters took pity on tbe 1)
apecUe for weak, watery blood and i
team after they bed n{adi
pabauaied nervoua »>awa
' fallow*: Hunt aiariej rlT «Uh wiiha
base b:‘. over in 3„.
m. h
followed with a base Ult in the tame
wits the reaulU For pale, week w>
•nano girls Just merging Into woman place and Hunt got tbird’and came in
00 a safe bit by Boyce’ and Bull lock
any^ other prcparailon.
Dr A. W.
CbAae'a Neive and Blood Pills conuiu third, then Boyce stole second. Wheeler
(Be very slEtncnU r.quired to create walked, making the bases full.
pare, rich blood and new nerv., f .rce, Call then bit one over third, scoring
Md 1 eao moat heartily cedorae tbrir Bull and Boyce and advancing Wheel
er to third; F x followed with a twoTbe Buys' Band will give an excur- bagger to left firld-and Wbeeler and
•l«i to Elk Baplds and Old Misaion McCall scored. This ^ded the scoring
utbe UusUera nadalUhe runt they
Beeany __ ________ _
Miw Della Mclntuab ol UensonU is
Tbe D. A. C'e made Ue'.rtflret run in
the gn»i of Mrs. John McIntosh.
tbe second InningAfter ^Ducharmj
A Mother TelU Bow Bbe flavefi Ber fouled ont, Spranger was presented
UlUe Oaugbur'c I4fe.
with bU base. Bell (eaertfieed putting
1 nintbe mother of eight ehUdrenand Bprangeron third. ’ Beld got tret
bare bad a great deal ol experience
Boyce’s error
fiprangwith tnedlelnm- Last enmmer my lit eraoored. Hudson flew ouL Nothing
tle daughter had the dysentery In tu
worm furm. VTe thought she would wap added In ibe.tbird or fturib. The
file. 1 tried everj thing 1 could think fifth added two. Kelsey was safe on
of. hot nothing seemed to do ber any Fox's error, Barry took «faa^e on balls
good. I saw by an adverttsemenl In
amnvrla.u‘s Colic.
paper that Chamberlaiu's
U>lic. Thompson got to firalbn a safe hit.
ChoUfs and DA rbooa Remedy was; filling the bases.
Uuebarme and
highly neommended and sent and got | ppranger both Spooled ont. Bell waa
ibotlleaionoe it proved to be one iBeld, bringing In
Steinberg’s Grand
Wednesday, Aognst 16.
Slirroiiniled by a Capable En
semble of trtists.
M ^w K
I em anxious for ever motbTlie sixth waa a blank, but two weye
«r to know what an ezc<l ent medieiue |
in tbe aeventb, Barry was sate
It la- Had 1 known It at first it would
Wbeeler'a error. Tbompton fonlad
nave saved me a BTe»v uTui
end my little daughter much aufferingi®*'’
_Yon?s truly. MM-Oko F. hvKmca. .oholoe na v I also Barry, on Poxe'a
r. Spra
Spranger made a safe bit over
Liberty. B i. Fcreale by S. E Wait,*rrQr.
^d*!r^d VompM.n. droegisy-'
third, which scored ABarry. Bell flew
ontto Vaugban. Beld waa safe on
StTveod-i WiJ)rtties-_
Vangban'a mrr,brin(lng in Durebar-
teBkBxpldixsd 31AIfinla&
Bxeuralon to B>k Rapids and
Mission, ennuay. Aug. l3.fitr.U.l(
Toe eighth added-cer more and the
last for the D. A. Ca. McClure ataried
cfl with a t*o base bit in center field,
:;»0 r. »- Tare for round Ke'ieey fir* out to Vettghan, McClure
Music by Rys- bandstole third, ftarrytwae out to Parke but
7bV XI
McClure came In before Ute ball could
be returned, TbriEptot wue out on a
££12,”-' ^ "
Kt.CdWCron'.SoM Cisps.
!! K. W Crons. Open Fict.
■Ulir Crons,
topi Crons iltli Bui.
logu Crons ilM BuL
J. a L Crons iltb Bui
J. a L Crons lUBoU Bui
Got to have a new carpet? We've just
received what in some stores would be their
whole year’s stock. This is just to tide ns over.
Axminsters. Body Brussels, B.oydl Wilton
■Velvet, Moquette. Prices are bottom.
Maybe you want a Buggy or a Road
Wagon? Got just what you want
It may be a trifle late, but wouldn't you
like a gasoline or an oil stove? Never had
better opportunity to get one cheap.
What about a suit of clothes? Got to buy a
cheap one now and a better one later? All
right, we can fit you in both cases. Were
taking advance orders for future delivery.
Gon't you want to surprise]! your wife,
your daughter, or your mother-in-law with a
nice dress? Any kind of goods you mention,
we can supply you with.
Perhaps you'd like to buy for these same
persons some of the little knick knacks that
are so dear to the heart of a woman? These
hues you'll And a store full.
Want some toys for the little ones, or a
game for the older ones?
We'll sell you anything from a needle to a
threshing machine and save you money in
all cases.
CuaraDtcc for 10 ycara
fur «ach Crown.
Prices within reach of all and meth
ods abeolntely painless at
Boston Dental Parlors,
Coner Front ud Gtss Stroets.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co
I SUte Siemt
Bora. AnTMt lith,' to Mr. a»d Mra.
WUlWToBpklMofBeslBaula. twioa. ,
Watched 7 8 4 'be .881-8 laehae X.'eg
W. 0. Chartw of Cqf>aBlab. haa ukni
ABd Waa Oaacht ta Oarp Xwka hp
apoaliUMaa bamca aiaaUr on tba
There is a pecnliarity abotit UnBidl aWijT
B. K. Wllliamaon of Ohicaco.
M. A K. &
entail noatbed Meek '"beae. the
%Va||f8r, The more you eat the more you
j, W il^ W1^ SVtipw l«rVC w w * A week from oext Wedaetdax the
larcest eeer eaocbt 1b ibU elclnlty. of
lUpnMua J. O. Pord docM't Ul«k FlmM. B Boodaj laehool «m held
but you can eat to, your salisfactiou
which there U tbc reend, waa eaocbt
mack of b»br «l«pbuu M pew. While their aaaaal p'cale at G lat Bay.
Yfithout eatingHoo many. It's the delicacy of
nlopdiM OM that bad
trocaChleara to the d<« asd hone dap ereoiBC bp the > fflBreaaddecree
^ i.
a UwatdR alinfor Waufvr that makes it appe
ahow. at MaaomioM the raw little
there a
lb baa* of tbe aame varie
tizing; it's the goodness of a UnMda
thlac tookaeeeral Bipa oat of Ford'* The; drove over to eoafer the flret and j
ty. TtaU lateat catch welcbrd
ee«3Bd decree# OB three eaadidateeio
ioebea lo le&ctb aod SO
WAjjfar that makes it whulesomc Kvciy
AtJaekaoa Uitffalo
thoae the lodce at that place. The lodce lacbe* arouod.
ir'rtqnired .nearly
oeeEbleabow booeted the I‘i" • “'“‘*«blp of 3S sembera aod
twanlT mlDuiea to land It. That
prtaoB lihrerx fuad istt so Tble eaes
waa paid iB bx TUiiora at u eei
Wkidi Ih. .wUk,;
'« >"■(■
head. Oee frM mao. aaeiaied bx
pl,M«l -lU.
OOnBeed aaes, raa the library.
tbrir rreeptioD
W. P. JtaaiBBtaes of AaadeD, while
Unaecruotof bla hii
•neaeaUncoBabmreeeatlx. fosad a
Tbe flrat real and a
W. S'aier baa been oblicvd to pot—w
copper awordlSk iaehea Iobc under a
borae* OD bla delivery tricoa.
that Chaa. Hoyt achkv d wa* "The
dtoae Bee feet under croond
It la
Tbe fool brldce pver the river at T»o «<>*<“«.•■ Ttiecaatfor that protampered aa hafd aa the fiamt aieel.
irnlon atreet bat beea completed aad la
pnbap* tbe atronceat ever
WUllam Tebb. a farmer oewapaper found to be a rreat epavenlsnoe.
orc»nieed for a farce comedy. It alao
man of«rand Haeca and aaaoelate edi
The LiDOoln lUemry aociety „d *«rved to latroduie a numoer of ^ver
tor of tbe ClartoD Id the '<»8. ia now
friend* will CO to Ne-hb-U-waaU today'P^P^®***®***'*
• proprietor of a laadcd eauw lo Bor- for a baakei picnicj
P~®‘«»ent poaltion* oo the Amerland, left him by aa aoele.
Their many friend* in thU city and j ‘®“‘ ‘“P®“>***
Aa esploeion Id the air ebamber of vicinity will creatly H-cret tbe depar-1
•®‘‘° »• ‘ V,olef
h fna eociae at Bord'e elevator at Moo ture of Mr. and Mr*. Mark Rasdall and j flallerlac erliiciama from tbe moat codroe blew tbe door of tbe tool boa off family from our
critic* throngboui
' Earl Eoir bad hie riebt fool badly la- wilt CO to their recently pnrebaaed .
country. Like tbe balance of that
rable caai Mlaa Huatey la now a
fruit far^. north of Traverae City, in a
promineal kUr. with a vebicle to dis
At MaakecoD a ibiaf reeaatl> atole a abort time.—Cadillac Democrat.
pair of aoeka from a ciotbea line aad
Yeeterday tbe Mercantile Co reeeiv- play her peculiar abilitiea aa well aa
Uter took tbe bammook.
He became ed two carload* of chair* and another thoae of her aaaociate*. which la her
is just right. It contains a touch of pringcr
alded aa a bnee Esauro aoucea*
eoaaeiooa atriekea and returned tbe car of other furniture.
"Mr*. H
CSbaucbneaaey (Waab
hawmocif. keeplac tbe aoeka aaylac
The Blk* are coatewplailnc a trio to
to make it-delicious; it cemtains the l>e.st of
that be needed them.
Gicanaba with Capt. Joe B-anvala' Lady I - U aaid to really be *rhat
every thing to make it good. * It reminds
A pbUd belonclac to Ira Eakler of' yacbMivltlttbe Elk* of that place the manacemcat clala. "a cheerful
BaeeUlor, aocideatally fell into ao and earuFb ia a baae.ball came. They three-aeicooiedy." and hold* tbe audiyou of the old fashioned Ginger Snap—it’s
abaadooed well laat Sunday aod waa expect to make the trip tbe latter part lor to ibr tiuikb. Hicb claas vocalikU.
so differcnL Have them on the table; gi\*e
^Blle aerioualy irjured
At laat ae of tbe month.
dancers. ai.a specially arUsU who are
Wm. M. McRilUp ud wife of Muake- still boldincaloof from the vandeviUe
eottnuibel ttleoaewaa not eapeeted
them lo the. children; never let your supply
to live
>narecue*U of Mr. and Miv. fl Ii. elrcuiu, are numbered amuoc the com
At aaale of oaclatmed expteaa packpany, aod with tbe undoubted popn
run short- Sold cveiywhere iu air tight,
acaa nt Maakecon the other day where at Carp Lake. Hr McKiUip waa one larity tbe star ei joys in Traverse City,
moisture prewf boxes, just like the famous
packacea were porchaaed wllhont be- of tbe early pioneer* In tbl* aection. tbe theatre will 00 doubt be tested to
Incooeaed.ayouDc lady paid fiftMo bavlnc been ouuide maaacer for Han- Its capacity nest Wedorsday eveolog.
CCLU for what abecooa dered a "like oab, Lay A Co. In tb« early'fiftim. Be when this attraction will be
ly" looklBc bnodle. and the crowd had la now a prominent lambermao in Moa- Steinberg's Ofand,
tbe laach on her when abe opened It kecon.
At the City
Ucinse neat Mon
Pmprirtm of tlic rcgivlcrcd trade mark—“tlnoeda.*'
Prank Sunek and Frank Bable were
and broBcnttoTiewa pair of mea'a
day evening, Aug U, will be eeen Usl
required to appear before Jndee
R^ld'e great pastoral drama. "Hcaru
St Helena, B.aoommoa oonaty. once Boberu yeaterday onja ciarce of rloinc
uf ibe Blue Kidge." wnicb, from
tbe aeat of eEteoaive lomberioc opera- on the walk on Bay atreet Id violation Brat introductioD to tbe publi.-,
Appointed B ad Murac.
tfona, li DOW eutirely deeeried. Ooly i>f tbe recently paaaed bicycle ordibeen an rmpbtt c aucceai. It iadeaenhthree bulldlnci remain out of wfaat oanee. It eoet them pne dollar cacb.
Mia* _E«telle Uolcomn, who I* a graded at a cbarmiug p.rtroyal of
UuT bad Boy LaFoit?e.of Elk Bapida,
waaoaeeafloeriahlDctowo.aDd tbme
ate of ts-training fccho I for nurac* !
rugged, honeat folk -wbo inhabit tbe
eould be b»ucbt for a loac by any one formerly of thia city, have eoliated for
i Ann Arbor In connvc ion with tbe j
picturesque regiooa of the North Caro
who wlahed lo purebaae them.
tbe war in the PblllBpine* and been
L'jivertity. and wbo bat been paciic-|
lina mounuins aad tbe theme, a feud
log her profrasion In lbi» ci.y for tome '
Mark Oppeabelm of Dowaciac baa aaaicned to the 3;.'.b (I S Voluoteere.
time, b-a been appointed aa bead nurae
.aold the crop of a flve acre apple or
eiroDg bean Inurcet from rite to fall
ibington, U.C, sphere that regichard on bla farm in Pipeatone. Berri
ofeurutn. Daioty Darotby Lewis, ac in charge of thr operating room at tbe
en eouniy. for AViO. Oiber orchard* lo meut it being formed.’ tioy wee. until knowledged to be one of the prettiest UDivcraliy boapilal aod will leave for
that county are ■elllac equally a* well, bis m'uater-oul on l^arcii ai. laat, a and moat talented cjm'eaiennt* on Ano Aru>r in a few day., Tui* ia o5c
member of Ca B. aaibiMicblgan Volun
laadinconetobeltevetbat buyera
tbe stage, beadt the atroog cast and of tbe in rat reapaotlble poaitlona given
teer* having enllalcd f^m Elk Rsp:dt.
Cettinc apple craty.
her ImpersoualloD of loveable iillle unracs at tbe hnap^Xal and it a high
At Lantinc • younc aor of John
Mlasy-Carter, ha* been lavishly prais- cumolimeiit lo Mia-k Hole, mb'- -kill iu
Braaaelbachrantbcpolntofa pair of
her pruf—ion
Mra Emily Honnell, who haa been ei by tbpmoaeconae. vative critics.
abear* lauionc of lu eyra loully devUltiog
PenatroylDC tbe alcbiof ihateye. T^eebiid
At D>t'0il. Mr*. Albert rr^jtdied in
Manager Steinberg anoouncee anoth
inanla. will leave for her home in
waa playinc with the aheara when be
Harv't boapital, Wcdne»dty nigbt
er inportant eagage-neoi to follow
Grand Rapide today.
wai aelted with a paroiyam of couebC. H. Weaten of Ndrlbport waa In :loaely that of Mia* Si (Srorge Unttey from irjiriei rcc-ived m tbe rxo'oaioa
Inc due to tbe wbooploc couch.
n "Mrs. B. U'Sb .ugboeuey."
It is of kero-eoe in her borne on Tur-day.
the cl-.y on buslDea* Tburtcay.
At Dlatnoad Lake while a youacUdy
Or. J. C. Gauntlelt r^turued from a tbe eomplew aceoic production of tbe Her dFktta it the aeveoib aitribuuble
waa filltoc tbe Ui>k of a caaollae
buitneta trip to Bellaire yeeterday.
charming comedy drama. "A Komancr ■o tbe adulterated keroteoe *• Id In tbe
It exploded, bumlac beroa tbe
Miv* Ruby K-itb of iWebiler alree*. of Coon Hollow," ioterpreted by an ex- weatern part of ih- ci'y. It ia li.‘leived
and faer quite Mrioukly. ahboueb not ii vlalting frieods in C^illac.
ceplioDiily stroog dramatic company by tboae who have i .Tcaiigaied ibe exdaacerou.ly. Tbe cottace aed eonJame* Cumming* hai returned from augmented by a quintette uf vocalisU DloeioDi that a blunder waa made in
leou wrre deairoycd.
Aahland. Wi» , where he bat been vl*. and a troop of planution daccen. Tbit. mixing gaaoline wiiQ ker,3*eoe in tbe.
Veraoa Hurlburi, Uvlac we*t'of
log aeveral mouth*. |
engagement its fitting oae to follow Standard oil C a-ranv'e yard.
aeco, waa ilidinc down a atraw auck
Sir. and Mrs. C. L Whitney and Mr*. that nf the notable Hiss Su George
Tbca H>uaa was tbe victim of a
when became IncoDtaet with a pitch J. n. Munaon apebt yeeterday at Carp Hussey. _________________
pleaaaot aurpriae Tburai'ay night a'
----- IN—
fork, one tine of which entered hla lake.
bit home in Oak t'ark. A j l!y lime
body jiai under tbe left ahoulder blade
BJitbJ Gray of Cbi^o bat return^
' waa inj y-d by tK.
and came nut on tbe other aide. Tbe
ed home after apendio^ a in-mib visit*
Injury 1* very eerlnu*.
tng her psreou at Atet^le.
Three Oak* U maklnc e*i#n»lve arHr*. W. C. Ganneu pod aitwr. Mra.
raoFemeuufor tbe dedlcailan of the W. W. Mitchell, went to Pilo, yester
Dewey ckoouu. lovllaUun* b*ve been
day noon. They were galled there on
forwarded to PreaUleLt McKinley aad
account of the aerlon* ^llnrt* of ihclr
Admiral Dewer to be.preeeoi. and MU* father. At* liivia.
Helen Oould ha* been iuvitcd to poll
Kay McGraftof Musk^g-iu is in the
tbe laoyaiil and fire tbe la*t and only
W U. U Blacksv.n, fnmihu
iili rab,t Mall Extract, Tha
M. D , ?<-.a North -J.ir.1 • B.-t
cb*rce from ibc aDil<|u*ied piece of city.
f you have
havi been sick, this tonic
- Uv Hal Reid—author of "Human Hearts.” "Knolis
S. Burnett, a merjebaot of Lake
orduance The ceremouey will take
to rrcweryi.iir he alth aud '
Add was in tbe cilv vedtrrday.
plkoe ia October. '
U‘ Tennessee." etc.
Medical Joiirmil tliii*
will pul new flc«h upoo
At Harbor dprlnca. Captain Jame*
iiiUTcsiing arii' lr.
yon. hraci- y<-ii ui>, revive the whole •
A. B Pulver, of Kingsley wa* a cal
Years ’ac" I I
«.v«tcm It iee,la bhxxi, brain, nerves i
Reid, proprietor of Reid'* wreePiac ler lo tbe city yeaterday.
call from the repre- uiid liune. If one of yuiir loved ones i*
oatflt now at work upon the kuokea
Hon. Perry Hannah L to Chicago on
acnintivu ill. and I- growing thin and Weak. The j
Price* 26c, 36c. 60c, 75c; Box Seats $1 00—HestrvCayura. bkda narrow aacaoe from ind- bualnea*.
of a lirtu lVsl"Toiiirw ill give him new>ln-iigtb
ed seats OD sale at City Mews Stand.
den death Monday. He wa* worklac
ml keep up hi- spirit- It is easily
Lena CroUer of Kingtiey was In the
riig<--teil. an<( i-full of tin-very l>^•-l nour.
on tbe kuokeo veaael and wu under city yesterday.
\f"^l told him that, i>htueiii in ei>ii.-i nirnliil form, ImhI for
water loo Ion*. When dually %roucbt
E. M.Posterof Alden made a buslneas
in Riy o|>'iiiii>n. no l-th lie-IkkIv and the m nv9. If pale
-nphewa* uneonacion* aad in a very trip to tbe city Thursday.
thin exirart
extract of
oi malt
m«H ami anemie. ft w 11! give rich, ml blood,
aerioui coaditlon. He waa Immediatewa- Muy gooil. He and pleiily of It. and will help lo bring
C H. Baue cf Bale*. |i In tbe city,
-imply Waiti-d until glowing cheek.- and aparkliiig ey.-», fl
takea to Petoakey for medical treatttendanee upon the ISundey ecb<
I got through with nervously exhausted. It will brai-c you
meal. HI* men bad not timed him
-- " ‘ right up. give you vim and l■ounce. It |
aad did not know how loac-he bad
is a boon to every nursing nioilu-r. and i
D DoDunald baa retained to Empire
' ipplic- the right nouri-bmvot for loth ;
been dowa, but finally pulled blm up
after tranaacting bualnee* in tbe city.
;raeU aod her baby. It bringt strength j
to make aure of bla aafely.
Mra. Dr. Helm ant^ dangater, of
' the invalid, creates a good amxiite, '
down about four hour*.
ca*<'a of hli prepa- rips to cure dyspcps'is, aud will go fat j
WllUamtbnrg, Ind , are tbe gucata of
F. A. Tbomia A Co. of Cblcaco have
make of Shoes aad Oxfords
mtiou- iical-uM-'Ui to insure sound, refreshing alumlier to ■,
Mr.-and Mra. A J Helm of Seventh
m« e qiiniilllv. end all those who suffer from wakefulness >
boucbl tbrouch L L. Shear* tbe larye
1 fouua it tobc the from any cause.
at leas than HALF PRIOB.
apple orchard of ao acre* near Han
Prof W. U Steffen* left yeeterday
bi-til melt
Huw many "preitydeatnred” girl* j
ford, koewn u tbe Nicbolaon orchard. momlog for a vi*lt at bia old borne in
extra n which and women ---------lose all -----their d,arm
t'l,ann and
and I
Don't mlBB this sale. Sizes
It U aald to be the larceat apple orch
_. had ever come Bttracllveueas• by licing pallid, tallow
New York to be Koae;nntlt early ipo niy hamts. end aiun and gray, asI if all Ih^diKKl in ibclr
ard la Van Boren coun y, and the
to 4, A, B. C. D, sod £%
. jul have-tuck to ll Tbli xeina were turned lo
to -klmmed
skimmed milk I
paid tor the crop waa Bt.twu
Mr*. Frank Hamilton 1* enteruinlng
“bert melt'' i* known to the Irwle at Even when rldiug a bii-yele. playing
her eouain. Mitt Eva Baacomb of Buf The "Bet" Toiile—l*:il.»t Malt Extract lennla or gulf, or taking other rkaxani
HI* Life Was Bared.
falo. N. Y.. at Sunaet cottage.
tbe kuowledge uf ibia excelieul brand of lifclv—, Bu fluah Is-nuiiSr- their cheek*,
We sell tbe BEST LINE
Mr. J. B. Lilly, a prominent eltUen
Meude Hegadom of | Fife Lake. 1*
malt, and it will be ao eqoally long tlm* and ilia air of languor and laaaituda
of Hannibal. Mo., lately bad a wonder- vlalting Myrtle Snnaball. Mia* Haga' lire) before 1 will
11 give It up fur
for any
a— makes them --sicklied o'er with the Data | Ladies' $2.00 and $2.60 SbOCB
tnl deliroraaoe from a frightful death,
la Wiling of it be eays: "I wae taken dom ia returning home ifrom a Ulp b
a* l>eing tbe beat; no punning l>viog In --------hare a "ican
look ** Tbeaaiio this City.
City. After
Alter you
you iBee
with Typhoid Fever, that van law Chicago.
tended. It Is not acrid or sonr, aa too disagreeable fcaturea are the oulcoma I
• 4
Faeumoola. My lung* hardened. I
Hon by • &ip 8a«.
wae ao weak I ooulda't alt up in bed.
on the atoinact
ladie- who re- cicf of the blood, thin irg downoAh*
Hethlag helped me, I expected to toon
Hugh McGillla. a boy'fs year* of age.
}ect tbe.............
.. .___Its.
It k.-ei>»well vital fluids,
that Others don’t give you a
... until
.Dili a iwnM.ol‘Ti‘'welkV
die of &ooeumpUao. when 1 beard of we* injured at tbe Ov^I Wood Diab
■ I. wliirh
wliich Is
is an item
iw of moiuont It Is
rated and unhealthy lookiu(
’ Or. King's New Dlaeovery. One bottle
economical in coat, and la pleasant In
5 this unplcaaaiii euni_____ _ ; $3.00
gave great
eat relief. 1 coatinued
coatim ' to ate
taste. Such cbaractcrUtica ought to bow’nvcriaat hand. Kbit Mall Extract. I
h. and DOW am well and siroag, 1 can't board department at e Irip eew.
make doctors try It. if you don’t already The "Be-i" Tonic, is an immediate and I —Compare them—Oet them Of'
aar too much in lu praise." Tnii mar- eome manner all tbe fln(geia of hU left
know Ui merita,end such of m.rreaden rWble
}|e help in making
malii)-------a soft.
i Rowing
> medidoe U the aareat and band were caught in the aaw nad near
as have not yet inreated in it would do color, a splendid appetite,
.. ‘ilte, a Ipower to
irv Id l^e world lor
well to fiuil out for thnnsclcc* what it - -tandaa*imll--'
milato tbe food, and' turn
ly aevrred. alao badly efltUng tbe back
f'braat and Lung
Luu| iSonble. •
really iv and I am sure that they will It Into fine, pu e. bealtbful blood. Don't
sand Bl.cn. ^YUti botUe of hU band. Dr. Kneeland dreaeed tbe
not l>e.di«apj>olnte»1 when they do "
•o ta^
rL„ AM
woandaandbopeatoaaire all tbe fingcra
•ai l -- ar. ui>1 Moty with Uioae wt
a will tboir yon'
#5 ArAeresY.»
The first bite
you take is
a revelation.
The last bite
you take gives
you an appe
tite for more.
Uneeda Biscuit- Made oiily by
Special Engagement
City Opera House!
Monday Evening, Aog, 14
The charming and sell known comedienne,
“Hearts of
One Who Knows.
1 PMlidelpmi Ptjslclii, LIU a PUladelpUa [avjei. Is Koted For VisdoPk
The Blue Ridge”
Special Scenic Effects.
Pingree & Smitli
Ruliable Shoemaa.
IH« aOuikNa RfcO'’SD, BATUBDAY. AUOUST la, 1889.
FoM Bo 1 PoMiWlitlto
• of' foot boll bo- PnCf«m of SoBdtj Bebool lutUaW
twooB 0 uoa frCB tbia eitj oad
Prooento Yoloobl* Pootu^
(roa Potoakey to oltomeUof eooalierv |
bl* loUroat. Tbo Paiookfy Moo* waoU j Toe ottondoeoe ot ibc Soadoy
v ■ehool
• n«« wUbo MO* fro* ihto eUy lortUoU y*torday woa »oi
obool Ibe ttrat of 8ApU»bar. The loeol j ..coUeoce of tb« ^rb
foot boll oolbuttoaU or* moktofoeUTO erol thine* conaplrod to “oep tb« %tAltart CbUn <rf 8l PabI. 4Lc& of
e barlB proettoo io o frw UBdoaee low bot a lorper (rolboria* to
looW Bw rMBltlBC Iron » blow flTOO
day*. Tbara I* eooaldarable rood *a- oaafred for today.
Atmbr bhutber.
la full of flat
Coisiltatioi ail Eianiiatioi Ftia aal Strictif Caafilaiiial.
DRS. B. s. & eo.
! 9eneraV
^ WyeADoAi.
Real Estan, aactiaaears,
a, For*ar!r of Xaw Vorb. aod a
AmaricaD lediol and Snrgical Institite o( Mnsk^on, licli
OBocfat ta » boUooa
- -
Aug. 16, 1899.
beloc aeraral oolloct »*B and wliboot I of lb* beat loeol Sunday aehool wwk
Vra*oot.« .bot wMloworod In aofoty.
doobt we will ba able to pal a atronf I«». wblla tba parU tokao by Mr*,
OfBoa Honn from 9 o. tn. to 8 p. *
Tbo «ow aoraer of tba bosodary llna too* araiatt tba raaortor* *U wb* Darto were aapaetoliy helpful.
**lf*>Bi«t..Blio* elvM tba L'oltad are Intareatad In the game are InrUod
The flrat *o>'j'ntd
SmaoB obokt thirty aqaara mllaa of Urof
Interto take on IntareatMting paper wa* read by Mtot Alma
Uiiehe). Tbto paper waa quite ganeroliltoe poor honaea la forty are Kaaaaa
Bob m Torinred
wouUaa oraoapty, and to tblrty-H*«o
By fltmior. ltdbloff acfma find oara- Ij dtoenmed.
lira. 1) tell gare a eery Inatmetlea
orwnWi* Ibara to not o aoaoon the eri,** fori oad permanant core In D< Cbaae't
OlBtaeni. a preporatlon
______ wbieb baa a . talk on •The Principlea of Teaching’
iMl alonket. ,
In the htoforenoon eeealo t.
lof CQi
#ov maakail bnrflon bonnd tb*
Tbo opening paper In lb* oftemoon
Innoto* of Df. Parklnaoa'a
.la p~pl
waaentllled"!* Oradiog Preetleol In
I all Ueblof Bkln-dto*^***. a
r Waltobnrr. W.
lately cored ny pr. A. W. Obaac-* Oiot- the Sunday School? If ao. to what
tent?" The anbjeet waa preeanted
Ugbtniag atroek a kaife ia
tba ba
loatruetlee way by Mtoa Mortba
«(Mra. Waoeer, ona tor* to Spring Etyw»»a I CatobmiHBarney, and called out a ear^jenerel
Jtoil Tewnablp. Bneka Couty. Pa .aDd
h*(f ad lb« blade a dezen feel away. Te Sk Upidi aal Ud XiuisB
EacqraloB to Bik B*pidt
Tbto paper was followed by a'dellgbtwoman waa allghtly atonnod. bat
ion SoBday. Aug. 13. ;
ful Yoeal solo by U«* B>by Dean,
»*l*rt. wb.le tba knife wa# found to
_ B->at Ie**M dock at
B, Brio'iiinn
B-lorninn will
leo*e O.d which wa* greatly appreciated.
be block, o* tbougb burned by Ire.
1 ataam.
LeelT. Pennington read a paper on
leeubjeei. ' How Should Special Day*
KAi^don Von Nrrdan, daugbur of,
709 ft a .e Obeerred?'
Eaater, Ohrtotma*.
PVonaer Van N.rdan.- prwldeoi of the i
- .
-----------Children’* D-y. ew. Tbto wa* followed
another tvVr instmctiee talk on tbe
Jtank of North Amertoa. df Now York. | BaprMl.*
>3 -cl of Primary leaaon conatract
arlll )oiD the bbtratien Arepy and
bT Mru. D*t>*
cose editor of the Young Soldier, ibe
The erenlng wa* giTeu to a lect
A. P Sawye-e
.alBelol firrVte. In I»v: ber atour
___ friend* to Mr*. by Ura Darla on method* of Sundky
treatment refer ihelr
injjiord tbe S»lT*iion Army and
B. U. Timblia.
SutaSt. forintor- Rhool work, and a renott of tbe interiblia.
She will hare control of oattonal Sunday school eonTenlion
tone niDce been a bard wArklng ofll:er.
sntly held in Atlanu. Ooorgla.
local off ce for Tr**er*e City and all
- Col oradt. Ktnte* and Nebraika hare
The progTktu for today wi.l contain
amtll town* ground.
)mr eery lottruellee features AUk> Iha ldc-Oi.n..ii 709 21
agreed to uniw on a war agaioat graaaloog other subject*. M*ry Wbinoery
teppera. l>;ull* cf tbc cempaigu will
will dli-DM the .ot-ject "Wbat win* in
Ibe Arranged at a ineeUng to be held
•• ■
bile Roby
at tb* Port CoMlaa Agriculiurel ColDean will read a paper on “The Pur
pose of Sunday .School work with
• egn. Prof. Pawreoee Brunner, aU'.e
MWaologMlor Ncbmaka. picture* the arcnirltr. A Las8»urtb).IM :
▼in b
c**lAi0D at Bomeiblng acareel* within
.Ul-Surei >-rrar is
««*prebanaltfD of the city reeideau.
f Jurkc
All Sunday school tt
H. J. Lsyd of Wyalnalng. Bradford
rersehnol.are urged
«o«Diy. P* .caught whai i» aald to be
*aJ Fark^Fl
Abe torgeai black bate ever captured in
P*rk Pl»«-..
greeb water. Too lab wa* laken from
Abe Suequebanna rteer and weighed
It of All Ptoenaee and Wee
below to a list of the buying and aell Th* Vast Budoeasto; and ficiontUlc Traa
to«hrri»hi partie.
lag prloM of yeeterday for groceries
J'to pound*. U wai over throe feet In 8*1 Arr *sd*>|~-u«0 I
of Xankind Poaaibla to Obtain.
proeWont and farm prMnehi in TraeiMgth.
anujiaa pbicb.
tr Pork per bbl. i
.r Pork per
pe^fb ...
_____Cut Pork
Short Cat Pork
>. Beat..
AOo. B
'r^.r.’r- -T".?’
north of Empire, L#eelanau — .
About 230.0UIJ feet maple and hem
lock. Price glTBD on appllenUoa
frame bouse, lu ro.
C<)0 peach, apple.pear and plum treca.
small fruit, weil at bam aed »ieo at
All fsrming iirp'-m*ntn.
Will give gor'd trade on city proper
ty. Price. fi'.'.iMC.
________ —lie I
fiood frame house, two large barns,
/wind mill, well water. I'Ki acre* un
der cultlralioD, «n mere* limber. Tnia
u known a* the Monroe farm, be
longs to Judge Monroe and to ac
counted one of tbe be-i farms In th*
county. All up in Aral class shape.
F.rery acre i* good soil, none of it to
run out- Price, <7.3it0.
F«.)R SALE—«32—Lot 23. block E.Stata
Sire*t.*jusi esst of Barl-.w. north
side aireet. *ii 06x2t«. Pr‘c* $200.
Blr- aail rntlilr- bin to tbr full ponndrocr of tbr aSlrlrd rTrrjwbrre.
\Vc bsTc call. ... —
First class security,
on East Front
street, west
-.tofVof Welllogton.
A fine
Iswn. one modern resid
rooms- Also on ssme
smsll bouse, 4. rooms,
piece of property. Price gieeu
OBRUNIOfiORS KTn abd granolawd
for lb* awful oCm> of rarlr Tiop aad tbr bbBioroo. ptII. that ’olio* ic lia tTbin.
. _
appodll,. rowpletelf asd penaabMUj
29—Two so-ft. lot* comer Msdtoon
snd Rondclph, Hot House, Engine.
Building. Pipes, the whole property
FOR SALE-623-Lol S block 9. W«t
Front street between Cedar nod
Spruce. Lsea level with street: Mx
IMj. Price $430.
. *: for all orgae ic wcaks
> tboaa wboa* baU
ratbod bcU wisd
tor aibdr. aoetoir
IIFW huBdred <elli
ooal prepenr losra
WmOe Bro«.. I'll
VUI Kuaraoiee all loa I.
.to one of these,
tin's Colic. Cholera and
irdf and say* he neTcr
It would gire him
It to lor •ale' by S.
Thompson, dmg-
-Ornrikie HIboi
Bor« rao I
tOKSALf-Two lanrr doora abd t
ol our atorc frobt.
T^kOBBALt-orCko ■aok-c
good eoadltlpa
r good i-a.blc'l. d
' at RttubUOtB^
Bllr aad
WEerAH*?(TeE TO eVKE barrae* d.
Mlttr. rarlceeol*. ainriur*' glart. wrak pan
palolrwlftor HjniBi brr*. parrYTlaw.. IrMsw
, aad aU kldarr aad bladdrr dlaaaar*.
tomr. turalbc ib (IT out of cr* laabco or
eleaarca war dart aod all otkac *J«.<
CATAJARHOFTNE .ROSE. tiroBAlU* SblBD< tresblea. eausrd froBiCbiarTb. poslUrrlr
i)uirU> ^DNANNNHAJ catw W^^crot of all ca*c«
C^ear. FUc. aod Dlsoaaaa of Womca uui
aod permabaotlr rucad br ■
DlSCBAKei>Q EAKSeurwdlB ••wry e
TUN SXAKIMATIO* OY'THB CUWB.-Baeb prrsoD-appIribg tor wedl
B tba^areiag
prrtba war
arol should arad or brlog rraa 2 w itbUbras.of urta* (Ibai pa..»d Aral la
oa. aad It rauaaatad
lerrrdi. whlrb will rrral.a a eafwful
ataodara. who kaa*
Fmoas rnlwrd lb braltb br bblrarbad prataadar
awrlitaoaDaly.ir----------------tuoda. abauld
. Jioctb attar mooik.gia^ polaoBObi aad lajuneu* cowpau»«*•
‘■mSdJwlVtSl-laya arr dr-——"^
ing t
r sllef.
such quick
E. Wait and
TF YOV WAXT Iaaui«-ca of aoy klad la erai
t*rM’**l‘l oo'V*HTlja!n>Mb* 7 M'd'r'Harcaotur Ce Block.Traaaraafny._________ »!«-«■»«>
pan ef C.-a
Card of TbaokB.
I. H TomoVioa desires throDgb the
R*xktRl>loeipre*»fohtomany friend*
hi* appreciation of the *Tropathy and
aid extended to hU famPy
Good Hardwood in Stove Lengths
Also Four Foot Maple Slabs and Edgings.
'’''c aod klndneaae*
ten of those bodies.
a M. BROWn, Attoroay arc Oot
O. taw. Sparlal attaaweb to <
• aarayaoelng. tn Fraat >»
pt^pf “wtUrairnl.
oaly tallabla «ork
FDR SAL^-<L'^-BouBe snd lot.
of Elfflwbod sveooe snd Sixth
I ^oae. good bam. well. sev.
Traverse City Lumber Co.
caraful aitaotloa.
------------* policy
------- y.
small fruit snd good garden, ■Ibto
large lot^aod big property
small nrioe—Price $
FORBALE—(.17—West 20 acres, lot t,
sec 7. 24. 10, lays on shore rood.
Peninsula, orchard 30 apple trees. 60
I cherry trees. 150 pear, plamo, peach.
\ Price $lUio.FX>B KALEl—Lou 19 and 30. block t.
Perry Uannab't second i
Ilth BtrceL Prie*
Hobemto si
FOR SALB-573-tiood frame boss*
and eight acres of land, sitonted
abent one mile from center of city,
bouse 14x34. six rooms In boim*.
?iS»WD*Mwk” Pbonrn.
Vo Algbi to UgUoMa.
ita or lalluraa Partia.
jrafarrad. Curablr caai
itasBl bsat O. O. D. 10 aoy
tj Ottranpra fr«» » la aioralng until r larrraUig WadrBnM.TIf Froot atrari, up ataira.
FOR SALE—b22—Form 100 seres 3<i<
miles west of city, 90 seres nnder
cnllivstioB, 130 bearing apple, pear
and plum tree*, two bams, one just
bnilt. sew windmill snd well, water
-pipes v> boms. *11 necessary sheds,
poultry bouse, yards snd go^ drain,
age. fine new modem bouse. 11
rooms, stone foundsiion,stone cellar.
4 borses. 14 cows, bsmesses. boggles,
wagons, sleighs, cutlers, all farming
ImptemecU. all crops of wbieb there
are 90 seres consisting of erfaent.
'1I»» or tbc ciecar
Dnring tbe elrll war. a* well a
jr late war with Spalo. diarrhoea
one of the m-wt troublesome dtoe.
tbearmy bad to conl-nd with.
mane iorUnee* it became chronic and
old soldier* allll suffT from
sene Co.. 1
IS Chambe
t who
___act tee mu*l keep her heellh. If she
to weak, sickly and all run down, abe
will be neraoiu sod Irritnble. It she bM
tnstlp stion or kidsey trouble, her imgr* bl
bd ood will enns
cntM plmplee.blotcbM,
Atn ernpilont snd .
mlnelos. Blecule:** Bitter*
to tbe best
medtoloe in th* world to regnlsu
«M*sch. lirer snd i Idner* nod to
wlfy tbe blood,
t gl*e* strong
fiSTvoA bright eye*. • noolh. Tel»ety
•kin, rich complexion. It will msko s
.Mod looking, charming woman of s
g«H.down Inenlid. Only DOc stJohn«Mto SAd Welt's dmg storee
Price ReinoeTtoClose Out Ut
Be«t workmuiabip money
for Bicycle
Quick work.
can employ
AtOuckLAkeonSstnrdey. Aug 12.
Wimle by Kingsley Comet Bond.
Oeno* eftsmoon end eTonlng. Mnsto
by Ds ee Dickson's bend.
Retrssbasnts will be serred on tba gronndA
Tbs boot will run eeroMU* IsbssU 111 Dston Bttset.
4sy. Pnrtie* eomlng by Ueln to
4)rewn wUl find rig* st ti# depot M
^ketbemtotb* fTonade Smell
tooBWtorMtoa the lek*. Ora Vm
Ttotol. Prop.
John R. Santo,
Guiril lisiruct.
**’ I Leri T. Pennington, District Agt
Gas Lamp--
Waytear No •
. _
la £a. A. Bunding.
BOLUDAY, grada^
aa. eac*'*?!?“?
,5^ [Sj----
10. MafCaaUl* Oo. Block.
iiTSSl'St Lee.
O. tiSSfS
Fire Insurance.: •“"‘isrisrs.,*”’’-
ara go. H.C1
Mooaytoloaa. <
F0R-SALE-62'«-!‘S I
thl* city.
STna street, good frame bouse. 14x
ilb 1wing,
good stone ■to ■
I with
stone rellsr.
cherry, pium,
water. Eh-ice8l300.
FOR KALE—C2I'.—Lot lb block S^Uoodrich's Add., comer Randolph nnd
fitted for
fumsee. Hou*
»r,»o. Will best
Uaof propir
3 7S
Wheat, old, per bn................
Oau. No- 1, per bn. (new)..
Cora, per bn............................
Potetoee. per bn men)........
Rye. per bn..............................
Butter, per lb-..........................
■gg*. perdoaen......................
^AWTA^-We Sabt a leu bunde^ ^
p etaln..
latrat aclruuBc priBcl
Urd to?»>................................
Balter per Ih Daln................
Creamery BaUer.m................
Cheese per lb............................
Oeu per bu (old).....................
Com per bn., old.....................
Potatoes per bu.....................
Salt per bbl.......... ....................
Bran per 100..............................
■tmPD nATnorTBATnassf
J. C. Orelg Do w. a nallfie of Califor
nia, bora of Cblneae parkBl*. ba« CDUncod In tbc aerrice of the failed
fliawa In tbe Phillppince with tbe
TbIrty-flUb regiment. ' Called Slates
wdantern. Djw wa* educated In the
pabilc acboola of California.
Tbe yellow ferer epidemic at New.
port Nerra to practically at ao cud.
Tbe record of the »cDurge to Ihto dale
nbewaa tctol ot O-caae*. of which 11
reekUed totolly
Twolre caaea were
.^Kbarged as cured, and :u oonra.eaemtoi'remaln in bo^luto at the Sold
ier*' boma
Tbe mounting of two-*mall cannon*
am too aebooner Idler by tbe llUnoto
naral militia, to said tato brought by
nrlilah Oonaui Oetiy to the notice of
«be Briltoi ambanmdar at Washington.
It i* contended that tbe arming of tba
-eeaael to in rioiatioo of tbe treaty ot
Oreat Urltaio.______________
city llmiu.<
HIS long cxprrirucr.
iTBI>-ABi«> rlt
•r*l w*er« *111 l>
for mirt than a week pait there hM
. Mr< J H |CbM
bMB as army of amall toad* going diN.ycitj north peat Uiencoe, la . following
(>H>4 ovU. t«ib nMB *n.l
Ahegmrel roadbed of the Slou« City • Ilk ell) i>*trr *1*0lliul(k)lr»I.nof«-k*ocr
«ad Pacific Railway. Tbey more night • I.lid i»oor «orr *ou*»»<in **Bir lot. Iii.|ulrr
il M r o«i*it.Sfir !E«»i Sitiib
*1^ day end aiay right on the roadbed.
»ti.' lot on B*-i Eielnh .1
Tbey ere from tbe eiae of the cod joint ^)KMALC-Hi-u><r Wo »i:. Ju*l r*« of C*m>ll . -lorv
..f *1.
«f e men’s little fioger to tbe aiae for, di..ir*Wr).>t,t.»*ll nouie/
C.OiiAU. n*J(*>t Kiiiib • rrrl.
of A man'* thumb. From twenty
f r<rafmlaiirrr fruit
WAI.Ll-A *l<v>
to fifty pw mlnuu ere paating. ^OR
tlKirr*. Nier rlrkb
X* anil u
Xwb toed } imp. twice or three ti*ea, up-tnk»ir
*•'’" oi-ailoii nuiors nr
ibirrratrd talk alib
ahea rest* fro* three to fire aecond* thr editor el Ibla’palM for fortbrr i.ariiru
Md repeau tbe act. It any are dirert
^ from their course, a mimeni after
Aheooitnictlon Ugono they ere going
HTORS-Foraalr. .
■ortta again. Tbc array toaererai miie*
In lengU.
•Redben’KoUei. lOToaraof age. wa*
• Itta ■iHlcruouinii An adtiaod t) ■)
■Bothered to death In a bln of aheUed riaii-I'dia.-oniisae
t.ualnriaA Jobo a'b>ri<
enrn at Oewen. la., Tburaday. Tbe tlll'uiuuat.
tmy wa* playing In tbe elerelor when •^J^AWTlDIHll»DlATail.V-A inao of
aha ebuw opened to fill * car and be
idwrr airma
of Tra-rrar Ciij.
\rd witb r»»T7 modrra roorro4i»wB In. Ue waa takan out sllre but
Baud out'bouara. VBuaeall}
iifulty Infrared creusdr To
eoon aftar.
Fie* negro ebUdren were homed
^thonepUataUonntpaekaon. I
Tbnradey nlgbl. Tbe perenu lodged Q^IBL irANTBD,'at m Traabinetao
' Abmn In their booee end wont to church T Or-T- Birayeu Sr .lolru A erar bor.e.
J_l wrifkl aboal I.OU
Mi>*ed trnm our
on tbeir return the cberred
baroreundar olsbi A feaard will.Ur paid for
MBlne of tbe Utile one* r»ere found
'inrb ot Ibe l»ir*r. Urrnalbr Brv*
iXlE SALE-e3fi-200 I
acre* impnjre
. -___
i north
of Trarerac City.
'e* frt
_ Maple City. Small
orchara.limacret aeeocd euuini
eu ting hard■th doubl*
farm. Uood aolL
Tralers, Mane) Laanera.
Wlti U *T
Sot)*;*X •W'la^trt -n g, 'Tara-treiree Oil;y,
Abstnets of. Title.,. Basl
2. HA
Vew Offlo*. MsAboto Block.
Park Place Hotel!
Tx'a-L'fiye wo 0±ty, MXoliigaaa..
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
private baths have been added, making it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. Address for
rates and other information
^ ___
FOB SALE—390—Bouseondlot. Union
street, ton rooms, stone fonndotion snd stone basement, eomplelA
FK wonts few hundred doUon to
peroonsl property btoM.
^Till guarantee
----- all
a loons.
Tbe above are oil borgalno. and eon
be bought on easy terms. We hmv*
thousands of. dollars worth of other
bargains in farm snd city fupeitj.
Come snd see ne if you wont to buy.
Ltot your property with os if yon wont
to sell.
sign to alongside the door. ^ ore not
on tbe ground fioor, st least onr oSee
isn't. We arc, flgnratively spsnklag.
So for OS hSTlng the lor^t UstaaA
beet bargains; we ore itrieUy la It.
We work all the time, we eon sMJ jemr
property, we eon give yon borgMoA
Moke no mistake In oflRee. Bemsmber
big sign at bottom of st^n. Big bora
gains at top of stain, firat {
Wade Bros.
Third Year—No. 709.
of AHfOlM.
' --------B*b»U n«l B«70nd BoMan
TXRcmri am
Fuu.BB.aaooiuaaBo.aioo DooUtuUon Follow! Hum
cane In Porto BIco.
BMtlor iMt al«b( is!
■MArthar Bm Oapnr«4 Smu BIu UeKuwra hall CompaBj M daolded
Terrible DlitTesa Amoag WatlTea aad
WMpt the iDBlUitoD of the O. A. a.
AtMT DrlTlBC tavurrwM «»rtbI TaaporaiT Aid Ba'AC Xatuded by
parUelpau Id tha auaBpMBt to
Amy Babalateaea Dapartmaat—
«»ra-Boad« la AU PoBdltloa- h»idh«Be*t vroek.
Th* campaor
HakM Sard Work for Aaortoaa wll! appaar la the parada la the nalAa Appeal Will Be laanrd by Sec-
Will complete your outfit—:
•1.B8, «8 60 or $3 00 will buy
A hkudeome peir.
TroopA Bat U i. Sr-ODory to Op..
reiary Boot fbr Aid for •uSbraia—
probably tar. ont •troof.
Barracks of Troopi OaiBs«ad.
- apThatMMUOBorTh.Coutr7
| i-fc, eompoay .Ik. dteldod to accept
Maaila, Am- U.—Omw.1 Mac- tk. (aelutloa to aiUad the .DcampBaa fuaa da Porto Rico. Auy. 11.—It
Arthar% traop. raaiataM laat alrht at' n«ot la Blf Bapld* la deptembar. {li aow.sald that MW parwaa lost tbrlr
Oalalak Tb. rabaU haea evIdaaUj ! froo tba nth to the Kth. This •rlU . llrea at Ponoa'-BurlAf the borrioaBa.
AM far hayoM rlda raafa. for Ua j be tba oeoaaloa of tba Brat renaloa of | Terrible diatraaa U reported there.
Amarlcaa oetpeau are aot dlstarM ^ tbr third batuUoa of the Thlrty-foarlk
WaabloAtoD, Aup- n.—The war deaadaot a ahot «ae Brad dDrlaf the | Biebirah’olan^ra.
partmeat today receired a cablegram
froB tieaaral DbtU rlrlar feller deBtrbt. Atday break Ibli woralof are-I
of the damage done la Porto Rico
«auolUria,u.lj. »un.U.roI.t..J
by the reoeal borrlcaDc.
talloB of theSeranteeatb Lofaatry with '
Davie eayt that a fsBlae “
U kpcadiar
0.e Bald pleee. atartM ep the
^*1. omt tw.'Aii«w.,-.ai era
--track teward AmI~^
66 Allowed tO rUID ^
aolhoritj to iaeue raUrn.
The party approached to wlihlo l.SOO
|‘‘** dr*tltote.
The meaaare aayt:
yards of the towB aad opened fire w.ta I
I‘ Dater reporuebow that the-burrlcaDe
aflrldr>* The ABerieaaa were re i
___ ,
I wa. far more ervere Id the ioterior aad
PrpvieloDal rorcc of 36.000 Sen Will
eeived with |badly d reeWd rifle Bra.
aoutbera part of tbe Uland theo here. ‘
be Rtlerd-aa^ if Sore ere Seeded
The SevealeeBlh relursed a few volleyr.
DaU for an eetltnate of the mtaibcr of [
OoBgreae Will b.- Aeked to AnThe BlTaayth of the iBanryeat forere
Porto Reina. who lost everyihiog l»[
at Aayelee belay oDkoowa, the situa
difli^ull. but I am forced‘to believe:
tion wae reported to Geaeral HacArWBBbirytoD.
II —GsDcral Olli , that tbe Dumber on tbe Island eaDDOt|
thnr. whodtd Doldeetre to tend rein- will n>it be relirted of hit
fall below loo.ouo aoula and famine u|
(oroeineau and dIrMted that
i^rapendlog I ask that
t the
ue re
« ibui *iu he given ad-fliional ili
ooaaolurlay parly ralura
^^*laecoBpIlah Bore'la ibe way of ero,h-! o*•“<* bean*, equal i|uaotitir9 of
rebeU abaadoaed tbe town
Sooa af Iny^be rebellloa, and faillay to ach each, be immediaiely ebippedon uanator the raeelpt of tbe oedere It beoame ieve a rreatcr degree of eueceet will porte to Poore. There are eosie here
evident that the rebele bad Bred tbe be made mlllury governor and Intmet- There are urgent appeals to all poet
town and fled.
for food tor tbe deitltute.
ed with governmeDUl affaire alone.
AbalialloDof tbe Twelfth Infantry
Ueneral MUee trill not be tent to the Am I entborlzed U relieve the diaireee
wae also seat reoooBOlWrlar towards Pbllipplaee, but will reiaalo here la by food Ueuet.' Uice and beaae only j
tbe west, but ap to noon no flrlac bad tbe capacity of mlllury advleor of live- are desired.
keea haard la their dlreelloa.
"Tuere have been many deeibe of
reury Hoot. He will be given fall
'There le reaaoa t) believe the reporu reoogcItloD ae eoanmaodlng general.
aatlvce by falling walU
Holy one
that the IniurreDia are abort of amII.O.UI U...IUOU bu. OO0.O11U -oldUrl. uoo.ua a.o«.uo.!, ..Jo.
U»o. ... ..po.ua ool...byr >oauU.T
Seereury Boat
Root >0
In utouou
WaablartoB. Auf. ll.-tJeaeral Oile eumlag oommead la tbe fl.-ld la tbe ev ly drmollebed. At yel 1 have reports
Mblad today at follows: ■■MrArthar ent of the failure of Geaeral Oils. from only four porU. Tbtre was I'Oiu
kae taken pbweeeloa of daau RlU and Geaeral MacArtkur and Uwton ara al- plelr dvslrui-tlon of sll tbs bsrraeki at
reooDnolUred lirrac. Anreleaaed other
ao being i^naldered. and may be In- two. and at two oitiera one compsey
Popular Shoe Bouse.
poiaU. TheiaiDrfeDU have been driv- tmeted with tbe field operailoni if a each had tbrlr barracks dralroyW.
an to the north There was one oaeuu dseldod upon,
Tbe uoops arc under caovst.
"No reporU have yet come from the
alliy yssurdey and none today
eopsulUng with the president.
aoadltlon of tbs roads makes tba move .SecreUry Root upon b'n return began targeat-porU, Ponce and Maysguez,
ment of troops diffl :oU. bnt it U con- active preparations for conducting tbe but they were In the vortex of the
atdsrad aaoseeary U open up IbU eec- final campaign In the Pbillpplnee. storm. AVf'SSt half of tbe people of
tlon of the esuotrv. ae it virtually gives While rairemely reticent and declin Porto Rico tubsltl entirely on fruit
oontrol of the province of BeUen and ing to dtavum detalli. everything poe- and vege'lablee and tbe storm bat en
rallevea the Inbabiunie there."
tible will be done to ruth a blgaimy to tirely destroyed ibis source of sup
Manila. RectnlUog will be conUnued port"
Seereury R >oi bas prepared an ap
and all available troops hurried to tbe
Pbillpplnee. Tbe provisional army of peal to tbe people for tbe aid of Iboee
SS.OOO men will W enlUted. and if wboeuffored in Porto Bico through the
Boy Simms Wslked From s more troops are Beoeeaay congress will recent cyclone. HU action wae taken
upon the receipt of a telegram from
be asked to autborite them.
Sooond Story Window.
It U Intended to send a force of Tu.- President M K-oley suggesting It
OOU men ]« the pbllippineaal tbe ear The -en- -• department of the
Arase ia Bla Slasp and Awoke Only liest poeelble moment Secretary Root army In Poll Rico bse been directed
Whea He Struck a Window
has received the schedule of transjMrte to render tem .orary aid.
Bit! busiueas eatt'rprises
available for carrying troops, with Ike
X.MB< la rallUgare made p>aeible by tlie fact
UtUe Roy Simnu. aged aboat eight capacity of each veaael and the date*
OB which firs', second and third voy
that time aud apace can now
yearn, the torn of|Joha Slmme. suffered
a Urrlbleaecldeat abont 11 o'clock last ages can be made. It was found all 'BatOec*p-i>'nbaa Been Developed In
be> practically annihilated.
the tmnsporta oduld carry an aggre
OaseorK s HorganWboOommitBight.
telrpbone in the office or
br. A. H. UolUday wae summoned to gate of IS.OOD men on each voyage. It
ted Su r
ID Orand Hapidt.
bon-.'aacea the one thini',
will be seen on |tbe first and second
the Simms dwelling and when he ar
Mrs Lui-'
PoDtsee of Manistee,;
wh' -h if loit, can never l>e
rived at the hones be found Boy with voyages 3,0000 men can be placed in
tbe Philippines. I These, with those al daughter r.f i| . Sarah Morgan, who'
both arms broken and his fees badly
died Id Grau<i (Upids Wednesday evenbmlsed. The family moved yesUrday ready there and lander erdera to go.are
bellevad to be e^ongh to bring the war ing from th- ■ ffecu of laudanum Uk- ;
from WasblngUB street to tbe comer
of Webatm and Pranklla slreeu and to a close.
itively ideni.tiM one of the leiteri left I
Eoy bail been helplag la the work.
It la learned that Oenotal Alger, just
by her mother to be In the dead worn-1
He weui to bed tired and aroae la bU before hU retirement, recommended
an's bandwrltlug. Toe other she U Bleep a-<t walked aboat his room. fin. that General Otia be relieved on the
notaooeruin about, but thinks her
ally going dellberaUly > throMk tbe gronnd that be has not been equal to
mother may have written It if greatly
aeeoad etory window. Bla llmt koowrgenev.
excited. This effectually dispoeee of
ledge of hit condlUoD was whea he
say theory of foul play. Such a theory
atreck a window ledgi and found himTBADX AMS LABOR OOVHOIL
was enterulned for a short time Thurs
aeltfaling. Heslrock the ground
day when Mrs. Morgan's sister. Mrs.
head first, doubling his arms nadar Aaotker Kaetlng Will be Bald to
Gertrude Mall, failed tojecognize tbe
Take Definite Aetioa.
him la a manner which resulted
writing in the letters at heryister'a
la brsakiog the boaea of both betweaa
Delegates from the different local
Charles Morgan, tbe husband of the
the elbow and wrist.
Dr. Uoillday redneed tbe fractures labor naioos of tbe city met last even deceased womaa made another feeble
and made tbe lad as eomforUble as bis
atumpt to commit suicide Thursdsy
palafol vrouPds would permit.
matter of forming a local Trade and night and was arrested by the police
Labor eonneU.
and sent to jail for safe keeping. He
of tbe meeting, and was under tbe icilaence of some drug
George W. C. Navarre, secretary.
and depntles walked tbe d xir with him
Preparations are An yrugroaa fbr tbe
When tbe meeUng came to the mat mast of the night to keep him from
Big O. A. Xocampmeat.
ter of definite aetioa. it was fonad that rslaxiag Into a faul stupor. He de
Preparations are going ou rapidly •evetal of tbe delegatu had been ap
clared to the turnkey that be would '
fortke blgU A. R eneampment to be pointed with BO real antbority to act
kill hlmaelf yel.
held here neat week.
Commander j for the union that they represented. QThe coroner's clcaer iaveatlgatioa In
RoberU has reoelved from tbe sute St: i So another meMior was agreed noon, to the affsin of tbe Morgan family re
tenu and slaty
sty moi
more will arrive today to Im held neat Priday evening- Each
veals that Morgan's name U not Morrqueated
ar Monday, so that ample
___ of tke local ualoai I
I'nder the
will be proved ^the lar^e atuno- elect five delegatee to this meeting, gaaata'l. but Sotl'ff
and to give them foil power to act for assumed name he met and courted Mrt.
yeeelved’^m ssany poetr*ln tbls re the nnlon in the formatioa of tke Trade Morgan, at Traverse City. She was
gion and all are coming in large force. and Labor Ooua<^l.
then Mrs. Grady. The daughur. who
Tbe Roardmaa River Bleclrlc Llgbt
U knowm by tbe name of Lucy Clark.:
and Power Co. are eetabliahlog several
arc lamps on the gronnda and H. D.
teamed of thU for tbe first lime yeeCampbell A Sons are eonaecUng tbe
She also told of several
Charlco Lawla la In daU Awaiting Urday.
grounds with the city water worka
ways In which Morgaa. alias SuUlff.
: Trial.
had deceived her mother and wronged
Cbarlea Uwia is in JaU In default
of pscobaU. awaiting irtalln the Cir
According to her etory and that of
Broke Opsa Ticket Ottaa at Bali cuit coon oa a charge of lareeny. another aUter, who came' from TravLewie is charged with having etolan a
Park aad Stole Hank aad Pad.
Tonneller Block.
watnh and a sum of money from one erae Cily, Morgan represented tkat he
Qalte freqnenUy the ticket oHos at Ben Fletcher. Both eamc from Bing had property le Grand Beplda, and on
the baU park has been broken open by ham and Fletcher claims that Lewis the strength of eneh repteeenUUon
borrowed of his fiancee ttou to make
tklevmand artlclsa of more or lees
main force. Tbe accused was taken
on tke Grand Rapids
ealaeetolaa. A fee Isyi s^ tbe plaoe before Jaatloe Browa. where be waiv payment
Ovw MsWwwtm i Bbov wem
wae eatered la the night and a Un waV ed examlaatloB and was boond over.
property. To raiee this money Mra.
ar pall aad pitober'a mitt filched.
Grady mortgaged her Traverse City
The soothing and healing properUee
of Chamberlala's Cough Remedy, lu property, which she bad always de
pleasant taste and prompt and perma- clared ekoald belong to her daMkUr.
ntmuad^ Yfi^**”* isr stMlM sms
nant enraa, have mads It a great favor- Whea sks took the Uudanum eke left a
lu with the people everywhere. For
awudslsr, tor cztraeu*. «t WMh vrttbmi
g tkat this dUpoeltloB of
Mta »*•*- UzMi ss4 WMi sMlolsnorr pr.
...^arraau will ba mads and tke sale by 8. H Walt aad F. C. Tbompeoa,
tk. proparty akonld b. made.
p .muon VM aw4 tar maklsg vzwssUsv smz
aatMr pMhad la tke aclmiaal ooart.
Saturday Will Be The
Last Day...
Bicycle Shoe.
That we will jrive the 10 per cent, discount on Indian
Baskets—This was done to reduce stock—and “she
is did."
Special Sale
on Saturday Only
Set of 3 “Christy" RaireoS—bread, cake and
vegetable, usually sells for 25c -all three
'O'-................................................ ................lOo
Fruit Jar Wrench............................................ ^ . . 6o
Haimnisls at lOlper cent. oH for Satuiday onlp.
220 Front Stre.‘t
•waxen. BerLd-a. Gxxts T=T© On.-ts JDeep
"T*A Y
lul'Hiion to the huml*
I reds of lionanzas we have named
during the past few days —
67 pairs $3.S0 Pants
at $2.00’ per pair I
W«- d iii'I know if you ran afford to miaa such an offer.
S. BENDA & 00. '“‘-“li:™
New Fall Neckwear—See {The Display !
Early Fall Styles
In Men’s Colored Shins
Now Being Shown Here.
See our great 51.00 line—Swellest in tov?ii.
to give house room to any musical
instrument without a reputation
back of it to guarantee you It^g
and satisfactory service.
Michigan Telephnne Co.
Jahrans’ Havana Cigar
Gate Pos
Ralph Connable Jr. Mana^ar,
The Kimball
pianos axd
'■ '
ORGANS stand
for progression in musical excel*
No better gootls made.
Factory prices—easy terms.
All kinds c.f
Musical Goods.
First Class Havana Cigar,
Good Size,
N. E. STRONG, liBi|er.
Eicolleot Suality,
Are You Interested
In Ledles’
t New Thing Worth Cultivatiog,
Isl yoorDoalei for Them.
Sheet .Music
at hair Pricp.
129 Front St., TriTtm City
Or Gent*’ PootweAPP If bo, caU at our atoro
and we’U show yon a line that will pleaae
you. New Une of ladiee’ $2 00 and $2.60
eboee Juct arrived.
They're Up-to-date.
We carry a fuU line of GBNrS H08IEBT
which may be seen in our window. Well be
pleaeed to ebow yon our etock.
raoa na urm or tu
Elam Innliiga EaqtJrad to
Defaato: A.O.
ME T B^na .an J. W. Bann.
$, W.
Editor Odd Mmiidtdr.
taMOMtO elM* aklMr.
Bl«Mlfic» cf the Bai8.
17p%0 ont; a abort I me aro tbe
Bjcafbl iB Daoy paru cl tbe cosbuj
thintened tbe eropa. tat teccsl ralu
dcliua ioto tbe
focbcU of tbe tarmera.
Kebnaba a aaoath or aU weeka aco
ppaMglve ooaaUmate aa to rrowlaf
pen. Now tbe* AcrlenltBral DepartIBaat rcrorta tbat tbe aute'a ».«xiu.uoo
aar«ofcora will prodaee Suo,uou.mhj
boabela. Tbe aKricDltnral drparimeot
at Topeka reporta s.'-fJt.SUO acre
0Orc 111 Eanaae. with as arerac* jleid
fit forty-fonr btiabela to tbe acre. Tbia
wUlpirc ICaoaaaatoUl eietd ol WO,0OO.OW boabeU ol eoro—tbe £reaieei
^Mp In tbe blalor/ ol tba aute. three
tlBiM larger than tbe yield ol laat year
and alnoet loo.ooo.oou baabele. greater
tban tbe banner year ol URV.
7^ favorable aoodltlona Is Nebraeka
and Kanaaa extend to nearly all
great corn-growing atatea. Incln
lUlaola and Iowa la Ublo and Indiana
(be mine that inierlered with tb<
baodUng of tbe wheat made tbe com
Xbe graaahopper plague that throaienad boutbweetem Nebraeka bae proved
A«H eerlona than expected. Through
(jut tbe cotton belllavoraolecondltioci
>rt reported.
An tble region dry vrealber threaten
ed to curtail tbe pptato crop, but tbe
ralBollbepaatfcwdaye hat ere
aeondlOon which promieee a heavy
^aa. >■ Crandall rhingle Co. Will
OperauOld KcUc\ dtO.vdl KtU.
p. B. Crandall and eon and Jaa. M
Crandall have bought ol tbe irueteec of
(beJ-C Lewie eeute the eblogle mill
at Sllgbu known ae the KelUyJtCovpU nlU. alao-tbe abingic Umber left
(belanda They wUl aoon aiart l
kUITbe aew firm will be known ae tbe
^aa M. Crandall bblngle Co. Jaa. M
Crudall wilt have charge of tbe bualaPH of tbe eoibpeny.
Teeterdey’e Conuat Snded In a Sloggleg Match la Wtadeb the Hnailcn
Makes the food more defickKis and wholesome
Zxcciltd—Wet eeonnde Prceented
BnUlant Work But That Did Mot
rmt Moavg BUtlag.
rr,-«d,rl» Eo„-...»b
im.,1. .1 r-u.t,
D. A Cs. ran grtting.
Among tbe recent arr vs:a at Hotel
If 80, we hare a few nice.|high two-door^refriEera*
dafealtotbe D. A. a team yraurdiy
Fillowing la ttrsi-nmary:
, Pouch are Hugh Chrleiian and
nfternoon and dUplayed aome fine
Owoaat: A. C. and W. A.
tore for $12 60—will coet you $16 00 next epring
•' .................. .
J »
0 L'pham, Akron. O.j Theodore and
work, althongb Ue wet gronndi were Husi.
Hull. >' (
Cblraap(»sible for tbe abowlng made In
u 9 a r ! cago; Mr and Mrs. (iaub end son. and
. ...
tbe error eolumn. The game ataried H.-CsIl.Sb
.... -.
« » • JlA.B.'Morga, I. Cini innaU. O
« >.........................
ofl in a aanppy eiyle and U looked aa ri.i.
I’.rkt. II
If tbe local team would have to bneUe Vsusbec. e I—_...
Bucklene Arnica Salve.
to win ooli but attn two or three P»iierw)t. p.................
Tub Beet Sei.ve in the world for
• Tumli ....................
Bruises, Sores. I'lcvra. Salt
Innlnge It developeo that Ue Uuetlera
■ apped
were able to put op a auS game under
HBnda.Cbilblaim. Corsi. and all :Skin
l.c t .. ..
nafavorable eondltiona.
Fatleraon Kelel
» t u V u 9 ii' CruptloDB. and positively cures Pile*.
I»TM. p
—Nice-for any room in the hoaee, and we have them In
pitched a atrong game .and bia support Tl.vudv^i* r f .
wae ezeellcnt, except, when tbe wet
all etylea and finishes.
« i> t 1 1 I I’refunded. l‘r;ce V5 ceuu per b< x For
and slippery grounde ueuftd oneeiUlii
K,Vi ■
I; S
S'sale by J. O. Jotcaon and S. E-Wait
work. If tbe grounds i ad been in Uuesue, t>............
good shape tbe game, would nsdoubt
Toutl..................... . M> e 10 t S9.M I
edl^, been e *flpe_ osuuei; aa It was Tr«-rr»« lUj U U • J 1 1 U 0 O U -s-ll
120 Front Street.
pouee Farniehing Store
.... u I
bovmver. there la no; kiik eomiog on U.X.rue.i
,uo.-Trseer^<'uy». t> ----------- -l,A>r-.-Tra<rr.elit>l>. 1’. e.l' l».bdi«s.ciB
the playiog of tbe bo»e team. Barry,lEi:.. srtPs«»r»c.nt.s.lt:esr.,
pliehthe great southpaw iwirlcr of Detroit, e. B.rr> : sirueli oui-Uj Ps-ier-'t. I. I-.'
I .lulai. Uitws-Trs.rrwCit} «. n. A C.
who was invincible list Fcar- (of hia Hern
:< loubtwbiie -Mrl'lure H kui U i.erler, V
ISM.-Csllio Ruv.e; ~-or*r.
bumps in good sba^ ae tbe twenty .lu.iLlr
t urn- . uBJpIrr, t>mu
bluoff hie delivery will testify. Be
Tbe D, A C. team U one of the beet
was pounded bard, and tbe game' dembase ball aggregations in ine slate and
omiraled-lhat tbe Hneilere are com
while they were defeated in both
posed of the beavlpel bittere which
games here It was no indicniion of
ever played for Travdrae City.
weakneia. The Huatlera simp y played
It waa a eleven Inning gatna The
better Ull.
eoorewac tied in tbetaintb and neither
All the members of tbe visiting team
tide scored until Stbe: eleventh, when
are gentlemen of fine personal q-jsliLunches and
tbe Huatlera took on a-alugging gate
ties mud while they play ball to win
and only bad mercy on Barry when they do ool resort to diaagrreable con
Order Cooking.
five rum bad been eoored, making a duct while playing. Tble team has
total of eleven for .the beme team been here so many llmea itai tbe play
There was a disfueltlon to keep pound ers have made msny friends who are
glad to meet them personally aa well
Ing away until Detroit's plucky pltcbei as to see them play bnll.
was completely knocked out,but out of
Sim Tbompsoo.lhe big left fielaer, l«
Now Doini; Bun-Ur-sA
charity they let up on .him and ended an old naiiona’. leaguer. Ue wae one
of the "big four” in tbe D.-troii Nat
tbe gama
ional league team iu 'eT. when tbat
Following la tbe dcUil of the gai
team won tbe cbamplonsbip of tbe
Traverse City went to bat tiret,
world, end besides being a bail player
no mna were made nntll- the third be is a fine fellow and bae made money
Inning- After Pailereon flew out to in tbe btitlneas.
Tbe outfield wr*rk of the home team
Bell, Bunt came forward-with a safe waa excellent and only the had condtbit to cenur field.UBuU eaertfieed. ad lion of the dlamten marred tbe play in
vancing Hunt to second, Boyce made a the InSe'd Wheeler made a ohenomenal
stop of a foul fl ’ in tbe fifth inn
In the house of commons, the secretary of state for India, said that
safe ground bit just ont of Duebarme'a
ing after a long and bard ruo. Another
reach, leiting Uuotgo to tbiid, Boyce fine feature was the double plav in the
tbe government bad tleliberately concluded that a gold standard, was
reached second aafclyA Wheeler made fourth inning,
ing. McClure ami Uudkoo
for tbe interests of Ipdia.
a safe bit to left field brlngiag In Bunt
and Boyce.
We have a money basis to do business on. and therefore wc will take
ind Boyce.
Then A C.a will play three m-^re
Tbe fourth added* two more, after games here durli
arlng tbe encampment
tbe gold of India, or the silver of France, or the copper of Mexico, or the
ox was out. I’artca made aaafe fait to next week and th
they shouM be gree ed
greenback ol the United States, as long as it is of standard value and we
left field, and took aecoid on a wild by large crowds.
pitch by Barry. Vaughan waa safe on
will give vou the biggest eijuivalent that you have ever known, in any of the
fielder's choice, -ae well as Faiks at T;Elk Bap'dt and Cld Xttues.
great departments of our mammoth institution. • All you have to do is to
third, wnd lhen1*arka came in on BatExcursion to K.k Kspio,. and Old
Mtsaion. Sunday, Auir l.t. Str. Colum
name the kind of goods and we will sho'w you what bargains you can
teraon-s ground bit between second and
bia. B'atl'-Bvesn >k at
third. Hunt was ute on fielder's
sharp, returning wil’ leave OM Mis.
choice, but Batterson went out at
s'on at
n. m. Fa-e for ronud trip
second and Vaughan scored. Tbe fifth
JOc. Music by S-'cs' bard
Ttn. ■•t s
and sixth each added one. In tbe bfib,
A Big Cut on Large
Reed Porch Rockers
Ron Ton Cafe
W. S. ANDERSON. !| {
Ban Utd OonunU Uened by John alter Boyce and Wbeder ware out on
flies. McCall pul a safe groundi-r to left
Wall Deetroyvd YeaUrday.
field, followed with a Ufe bit by Fox
Late ywterday afternoon the bam just over second, which pul HcCalt on
*' aecood and vraa advaujced.to third on
boat a u le weatol Kingaley, waa tot Keleey't error. and;.P|ox ux)k second,
Opera House
ally deelroyed by fire. Tbe bare con- tbon Parka made a'Safe ground bit
UlBCd thirty tom ol bay and a large between second and third, bringing in
QoanUty of unlbretbed grain, beaidra UcCall. Fox reUred Ibe^ide in trying
ealnabie farming impletnenta- The
steal borne, in tbe alxib Vaughan
patent of the 4oee or wbelber tne
saafe on Ducbarmela error. TatterarOMiay waa inaured ie not learuMl on
fv that the dlaaaler U a heavy one for SOD aacrifleed. advancing .Vaugban to A clean, wholesome musical
Br. Wall. Tbe origin U unknown.
•cconl; be took-third on Bell's error,
farce comedy.
came in wblle^ they were finding tbe
Pr. J W. Bate*.
Of Corfu. N. Y.. wrltea ae followh;
The seventh.teigblb. ninth and tenth
"Beaoon ae 1 aew tie formula of l)r.
Preseuthi;: .\im-rii-HV Reprectt'DlaA. tv, Chaae'aNerveand U.ood I’.lied did not count, but in the;eleventh tbe
lilt- Irisli L'oiucdifuue.
A C.
MBCludid tbat A wcuid bvanezceUeci Banters took pity on tbe 1)
apecUe for weak, watery blood and i
team after they bed n{adi
pabauaied nervoua »>awa
' fallow*: Hunt aiariej rlT «Uh wiiha
base b:‘. over in 3„.
m. h
followed with a base Ult in the tame
wits the reaulU For pale, week w>
•nano girls Just merging Into woman place and Hunt got tbird’and came in
00 a safe bit by Boyce’ and Bull lock
any^ other prcparailon.
Dr A. W.
CbAae'a Neive and Blood Pills conuiu third, then Boyce stole second. Wheeler
(Be very slEtncnU r.quired to create walked, making the bases full.
pare, rich blood and new nerv., f .rce, Call then bit one over third, scoring
Md 1 eao moat heartily cedorae tbrir Bull and Boyce and advancing Wheel
er to third; F x followed with a twoTbe Buys' Band will give an excur- bagger to left firld-and Wbeeler and
•l«i to Elk Baplds and Old Misaion McCall scored. This ^ded the scoring
utbe UusUera nadalUhe runt they
Beeany __ ________ _
Miw Della Mclntuab ol UensonU is
Tbe D. A. C'e made Ue'.rtflret run in
the gn»i of Mrs. John McIntosh.
tbe second InningAfter ^Ducharmj
A Mother TelU Bow Bbe flavefi Ber fouled ont, Spranger was presented
UlUe Oaugbur'c I4fe.
with bU base. Bell (eaertfieed putting
1 nintbe mother of eight ehUdrenand Bprangeron third. ’ Beld got tret
bare bad a great deal ol experience
Boyce’s error
fiprangwith tnedlelnm- Last enmmer my lit eraoored. Hudson flew ouL Nothing
tle daughter had the dysentery In tu
worm furm. VTe thought she would wap added In ibe.tbird or fturib. The
file. 1 tried everj thing 1 could think fifth added two. Kelsey was safe on
of. hot nothing seemed to do ber any Fox's error, Barry took «faa^e on balls
good. I saw by an adverttsemenl In
amnvrla.u‘s Colic.
paper that Chamberlaiu's
U>lic. Thompson got to firalbn a safe hit.
ChoUfs and DA rbooa Remedy was; filling the bases.
Uuebarme and
highly neommended and sent and got | ppranger both Spooled ont. Bell waa
ibotlleaionoe it proved to be one iBeld, bringing In
Steinberg’s Grand
Wednesday, Aognst 16.
Slirroiiniled by a Capable En
semble of trtists.
M ^w K
I em anxious for ever motbTlie sixth waa a blank, but two weye
«r to know what an ezc<l ent medieiue |
in tbe aeventb, Barry was sate
It la- Had 1 known It at first it would
Wbeeler'a error. Tbompton fonlad
nave saved me a BTe»v uTui
end my little daughter much aufferingi®*'’
_Yon?s truly. MM-Oko F. hvKmca. .oholoe na v I also Barry, on Poxe'a
r. Spra
Spranger made a safe bit over
Liberty. B i. Fcreale by S. E Wait,*rrQr.
^d*!r^d VompM.n. droegisy-'
third, which scored ABarry. Bell flew
ontto Vaugban. Beld waa safe on
StTveod-i WiJ)rtties-_
Vangban'a mrr,brin(lng in Durebar-
teBkBxpldixsd 31AIfinla&
Bxeuralon to B>k Rapids and
Mission, ennuay. Aug. l3.fitr.U.l(
Toe eighth added-cer more and the
last for the D. A. Ca. McClure ataried
cfl with a t*o base bit in center field,
:;»0 r. »- Tare for round Ke'ieey fir* out to Vettghan, McClure
Music by Rys- bandstole third, ftarrytwae out to Parke but
7bV XI
McClure came In before Ute ball could
be returned, TbriEptot wue out on a
££12,”-' ^ "
Kt.CdWCron'.SoM Cisps.
!! K. W Crons. Open Fict.
■Ulir Crons,
topi Crons iltli Bui.
logu Crons ilM BuL
J. a L Crons iltb Bui
J. a L Crons lUBoU Bui
Got to have a new carpet? We've just
received what in some stores would be their
whole year’s stock. This is just to tide ns over.
Axminsters. Body Brussels, B.oydl Wilton
■Velvet, Moquette. Prices are bottom.
Maybe you want a Buggy or a Road
Wagon? Got just what you want
It may be a trifle late, but wouldn't you
like a gasoline or an oil stove? Never had
better opportunity to get one cheap.
What about a suit of clothes? Got to buy a
cheap one now and a better one later? All
right, we can fit you in both cases. Were
taking advance orders for future delivery.
Gon't you want to surprise]! your wife,
your daughter, or your mother-in-law with a
nice dress? Any kind of goods you mention,
we can supply you with.
Perhaps you'd like to buy for these same
persons some of the little knick knacks that
are so dear to the heart of a woman? These
hues you'll And a store full.
Want some toys for the little ones, or a
game for the older ones?
We'll sell you anything from a needle to a
threshing machine and save you money in
all cases.
CuaraDtcc for 10 ycara
fur «ach Crown.
Prices within reach of all and meth
ods abeolntely painless at
Boston Dental Parlors,
Coner Front ud Gtss Stroets.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co
I SUte Siemt
Bora. AnTMt lith,' to Mr. a»d Mra.
WUlWToBpklMofBeslBaula. twioa. ,
Watched 7 8 4 'be .881-8 laehae X.'eg
W. 0. Chartw of Cqf>aBlab. haa ukni
ABd Waa Oaacht ta Oarp Xwka hp
apoaliUMaa bamca aiaaUr on tba
There is a pecnliarity abotit UnBidl aWijT
B. K. Wllliamaon of Ohicaco.
M. A K. &
entail noatbed Meek '"beae. the
%Va||f8r, The more you eat the more you
j, W il^ W1^ SVtipw l«rVC w w * A week from oext Wedaetdax the
larcest eeer eaocbt 1b ibU elclnlty. of
lUpnMua J. O. Pord docM't Ul«k FlmM. B Boodaj laehool «m held
but you can eat to, your salisfactiou
which there U tbc reend, waa eaocbt
mack of b»br «l«pbuu M pew. While their aaaaal p'cale at G lat Bay.
Yfithout eatingHoo many. It's the delicacy of
nlopdiM OM that bad
trocaChleara to the d<« asd hone dap ereoiBC bp the > fflBreaaddecree
^ i.
a UwatdR alinfor Waufvr that makes it appe
ahow. at MaaomioM the raw little
there a
lb baa* of tbe aame varie
tizing; it's the goodness of a UnMda
thlac tookaeeeral Bipa oat of Ford'* The; drove over to eoafer the flret and j
ty. TtaU lateat catch welcbrd
ee«3Bd decree# OB three eaadidateeio
ioebea lo le&ctb aod SO
WAjjfar that makes it whulesomc Kvciy
AtJaekaoa Uitffalo
thoae the lodce at that place. The lodce lacbe* arouod.
ir'rtqnired .nearly
oeeEbleabow booeted the I‘i" • “'“‘*«blp of 3S sembera aod
twanlT mlDuiea to land It. That
prtaoB lihrerx fuad istt so Tble eaes
waa paid iB bx TUiiora at u eei
Wkidi Ih. .wUk,;
'« >"■(■
head. Oee frM mao. aaeiaied bx
pl,M«l -lU.
OOnBeed aaes, raa the library.
tbrir rreeptioD
W. P. JtaaiBBtaes of AaadeD, while
Unaecruotof bla hii
•neaeaUncoBabmreeeatlx. fosad a
Tbe flrat real and a
W. S'aier baa been oblicvd to pot—w
copper awordlSk iaehea Iobc under a
borae* OD bla delivery tricoa.
that Chaa. Hoyt achkv d wa* "The
dtoae Bee feet under croond
It la
Tbe fool brldce pver the river at T»o «<>*<“«.•■ Ttiecaatfor that protampered aa hafd aa the fiamt aieel.
irnlon atreet bat beea completed aad la
pnbap* tbe atronceat ever
WUllam Tebb. a farmer oewapaper found to be a rreat epavenlsnoe.
orc»nieed for a farce comedy. It alao
man of«rand Haeca and aaaoelate edi
The LiDOoln lUemry aociety „d *«rved to latroduie a numoer of ^ver
tor of tbe ClartoD Id the '<»8. ia now
friend* will CO to Ne-hb-U-waaU today'P^P^®***®***'*
• proprietor of a laadcd eauw lo Bor- for a baakei picnicj
P~®‘«»ent poaltion* oo the Amerland, left him by aa aoele.
Their many friend* in thU city and j ‘®“‘ ‘“P®“>***
Aa esploeion Id the air ebamber of vicinity will creatly H-cret tbe depar-1
•®‘‘° »• ‘ V,olef
h fna eociae at Bord'e elevator at Moo ture of Mr. and Mr*. Mark Rasdall and j flallerlac erliiciama from tbe moat codroe blew tbe door of tbe tool boa off family from our
critic* throngboui
' Earl Eoir bad hie riebt fool badly la- wilt CO to their recently pnrebaaed .
country. Like tbe balance of that
rable caai Mlaa Huatey la now a
fruit far^. north of Traverae City, in a
promineal kUr. with a vebicle to dis
At MaakecoD a ibiaf reeaatl> atole a abort time.—Cadillac Democrat.
pair of aoeka from a ciotbea line aad
Yeeterday tbe Mercantile Co reeeiv- play her peculiar abilitiea aa well aa
Uter took tbe bammook.
He became ed two carload* of chair* and another thoae of her aaaociate*. which la her
is just right. It contains a touch of pringcr
alded aa a bnee Esauro aoucea*
eoaaeiooa atriekea and returned tbe car of other furniture.
"Mr*. H
CSbaucbneaaey (Waab
hawmocif. keeplac tbe aoeka aaylac
The Blk* are coatewplailnc a trio to
to make it-delicious; it cemtains the l>e.st of
that be needed them.
Gicanaba with Capt. Joe B-anvala' Lady I - U aaid to really be *rhat
every thing to make it good. * It reminds
A pbUd belonclac to Ira Eakler of' yacbMivltlttbe Elk* of that place the manacemcat clala. "a cheerful
BaeeUlor, aocideatally fell into ao and earuFb ia a baae.ball came. They three-aeicooiedy." and hold* tbe audiyou of the old fashioned Ginger Snap—it’s
abaadooed well laat Sunday aod waa expect to make the trip tbe latter part lor to ibr tiuikb. Hicb claas vocalikU.
so differcnL Have them on the table; gi\*e
^Blle aerioualy irjured
At laat ae of tbe month.
dancers. ai.a specially arUsU who are
Wm. M. McRilUp ud wife of Muake- still boldincaloof from the vandeviUe
eottnuibel ttleoaewaa not eapeeted
them lo the. children; never let your supply
to live
>narecue*U of Mr. and Miv. fl Ii. elrcuiu, are numbered amuoc the com
At aaale of oaclatmed expteaa packpany, aod with tbe undoubted popn
run short- Sold cveiywhere iu air tight,
acaa nt Maakecon the other day where at Carp Lake. Hr McKiUip waa one larity tbe star ei joys in Traverse City,
moisture prewf boxes, just like the famous
packacea were porchaaed wllhont be- of tbe early pioneer* In tbl* aection. tbe theatre will 00 doubt be tested to
Incooeaed.ayouDc lady paid fiftMo bavlnc been ouuide maaacer for Han- Its capacity nest Wedorsday eveolog.
CCLU for what abecooa dered a "like oab, Lay A Co. In tb« early'fiftim. Be when this attraction will be
ly" looklBc bnodle. and the crowd had la now a prominent lambermao in Moa- Steinberg's Ofand,
tbe laach on her when abe opened It kecon.
At the City
Ucinse neat Mon
Pmprirtm of tlic rcgivlcrcd trade mark—“tlnoeda.*'
Prank Sunek and Frank Bable were
and broBcnttoTiewa pair of mea'a
day evening, Aug U, will be eeen Usl
required to appear before Jndee
R^ld'e great pastoral drama. "Hcaru
St Helena, B.aoommoa oonaty. once Boberu yeaterday onja ciarce of rloinc
uf ibe Blue Kidge." wnicb, from
tbe aeat of eEteoaive lomberioc opera- on the walk on Bay atreet Id violation Brat introductioD to tbe publi.-,
Appointed B ad Murac.
tfona, li DOW eutirely deeeried. Ooly i>f tbe recently paaaed bicycle ordibeen an rmpbtt c aucceai. It iadeaenhthree bulldlnci remain out of wfaat oanee. It eoet them pne dollar cacb.
Mia* _E«telle Uolcomn, who I* a graded at a cbarmiug p.rtroyal of
UuT bad Boy LaFoit?e.of Elk Bapida,
waaoaeeafloeriahlDctowo.aDd tbme
ate of ts-training fccho I for nurac* !
rugged, honeat folk -wbo inhabit tbe
eould be b»ucbt for a loac by any one formerly of thia city, have eoliated for
i Ann Arbor In connvc ion with tbe j
picturesque regiooa of the North Caro
who wlahed lo purebaae them.
tbe war in the PblllBpine* and been
L'jivertity. and wbo bat been paciic-|
lina mounuins aad tbe theme, a feud
log her profrasion In lbi» ci.y for tome '
Mark Oppeabelm of Dowaciac baa aaaicned to the 3;.'.b (I S Voluoteere.
time, b-a been appointed aa bead nurae
.aold the crop of a flve acre apple or
eiroDg bean Inurcet from rite to fall
ibington, U.C, sphere that regichard on bla farm in Pipeatone. Berri
ofeurutn. Daioty Darotby Lewis, ac in charge of thr operating room at tbe
en eouniy. for AViO. Oiber orchard* lo meut it being formed.’ tioy wee. until knowledged to be one of the prettiest UDivcraliy boapilal aod will leave for
that county are ■elllac equally a* well, bis m'uater-oul on l^arcii ai. laat, a and moat talented cjm'eaiennt* on Ano Aru>r in a few day., Tui* ia o5c
member of Ca B. aaibiMicblgan Volun
laadinconetobeltevetbat buyera
tbe stage, beadt the atroog cast and of tbe in rat reapaotlble poaitlona given
teer* having enllalcd f^m Elk Rsp:dt.
Cettinc apple craty.
her ImpersoualloD of loveable iillle unracs at tbe hnap^Xal and it a high
At Lantinc • younc aor of John
Mlasy-Carter, ha* been lavishly prais- cumolimeiit lo Mia-k Hole, mb'- -kill iu
Braaaelbachrantbcpolntofa pair of
her pruf—ion
Mra Emily Honnell, who haa been ei by tbpmoaeconae. vative critics.
abear* lauionc of lu eyra loully devUltiog
PenatroylDC tbe alcbiof ihateye. T^eebiid
At D>t'0il. Mr*. Albert rr^jtdied in
Manager Steinberg anoouncee anoth
inanla. will leave for her home in
waa playinc with the aheara when be
Harv't boapital, Wcdne»dty nigbt
er inportant eagage-neoi to follow
Grand Rapide today.
wai aelted with a paroiyam of couebC. H. Weaten of Ndrlbport waa In :loaely that of Mia* Si (Srorge Unttey from irjiriei rcc-ived m tbe rxo'oaioa
Inc due to tbe wbooploc couch.
n "Mrs. B. U'Sb .ugboeuey."
It is of kero-eoe in her borne on Tur-day.
the cl-.y on buslDea* Tburtcay.
At Dlatnoad Lake while a youacUdy
Or. J. C. Gauntlelt r^turued from a tbe eomplew aceoic production of tbe Her dFktta it the aeveoib aitribuuble
waa filltoc tbe Ui>k of a caaollae
buitneta trip to Bellaire yeeterday.
charming comedy drama. "A Komancr ■o tbe adulterated keroteoe *• Id In tbe
It exploded, bumlac beroa tbe
Miv* Ruby K-itb of iWebiler alree*. of Coon Hollow," ioterpreted by an ex- weatern part of ih- ci'y. It ia li.‘leived
and faer quite Mrioukly. ahboueb not ii vlalting frieods in C^illac.
ceplioDiily stroog dramatic company by tboae who have i .Tcaiigaied ibe exdaacerou.ly. Tbe cottace aed eonJame* Cumming* hai returned from augmented by a quintette uf vocalisU DloeioDi that a blunder waa made in
leou wrre deairoycd.
Aahland. Wi» , where he bat been vl*. and a troop of planution daccen. Tbit. mixing gaaoline wiiQ ker,3*eoe in tbe.
Veraoa Hurlburi, Uvlac we*t'of
log aeveral mouth*. |
engagement its fitting oae to follow Standard oil C a-ranv'e yard.
aeco, waa ilidinc down a atraw auck
Sir. and Mrs. C. L Whitney and Mr*. that nf the notable Hiss Su George
Tbca H>uaa was tbe victim of a
when became IncoDtaet with a pitch J. n. Munaon apebt yeeterday at Carp Hussey. _________________
pleaaaot aurpriae Tburai'ay night a'
----- IN—
fork, one tine of which entered hla lake.
bit home in Oak t'ark. A j l!y lime
body jiai under tbe left ahoulder blade
BJitbJ Gray of Cbi^o bat return^
' waa inj y-d by tK.
and came nut on tbe other aide. Tbe
ed home after apendio^ a in-mib visit*
Injury 1* very eerlnu*.
tng her psreou at Atet^le.
Three Oak* U maklnc e*i#n»lve arHr*. W. C. Ganneu pod aitwr. Mra.
raoFemeuufor tbe dedlcailan of the W. W. Mitchell, went to Pilo, yester
Dewey ckoouu. lovllaUun* b*ve been
day noon. They were galled there on
forwarded to PreaUleLt McKinley aad
account of the aerlon* ^llnrt* of ihclr
Admiral Dewer to be.preeeoi. and MU* father. At* liivia.
Helen Oould ha* been iuvitcd to poll
Kay McGraftof Musk^g-iu is in the
tbe laoyaiil and fire tbe la*t and only
W U. U Blacksv.n, fnmihu
iili rab,t Mall Extract, Tha
M. D , ?<-.a North -J.ir.1 • B.-t
cb*rce from ibc aDil<|u*ied piece of city.
f you have
havi been sick, this tonic
- Uv Hal Reid—author of "Human Hearts.” "Knolis
S. Burnett, a merjebaot of Lake
orduance The ceremouey will take
to rrcweryi.iir he alth aud '
Add was in tbe cilv vedtrrday.
plkoe ia October. '
U‘ Tennessee." etc.
Medical Joiirmil tliii*
will pul new flc«h upoo
At Harbor dprlnca. Captain Jame*
iiiUTcsiing arii' lr.
yon. hraci- y<-ii ui>, revive the whole •
A. B Pulver, of Kingsley wa* a cal
Years ’ac" I I
«.v«tcm It iee,la bhxxi, brain, nerves i
Reid, proprietor of Reid'* wreePiac ler lo tbe city yeaterday.
call from the repre- uiid liune. If one of yuiir loved ones i*
oatflt now at work upon the kuokea
Hon. Perry Hannah L to Chicago on
acnintivu ill. and I- growing thin and Weak. The j
Price* 26c, 36c. 60c, 75c; Box Seats $1 00—HestrvCayura. bkda narrow aacaoe from ind- bualnea*.
of a lirtu lVsl"Toiiirw ill give him new>ln-iigtb
ed seats OD sale at City Mews Stand.
den death Monday. He wa* worklac
ml keep up hi- spirit- It is easily
Lena CroUer of Kingtiey was In the
riig<--teil. an<( i-full of tin-very l>^•-l nour.
on tbe kuokeo veaael and wu under city yesterday.
\f"^l told him that, i>htueiii in ei>ii.-i nirnliil form, ImhI for
water loo Ion*. When dually %roucbt
E. M.Posterof Alden made a buslneas
in Riy o|>'iiiii>n. no l-th lie-IkkIv and the m nv9. If pale
-nphewa* uneonacion* aad in a very trip to tbe city Thursday.
thin exirart
extract of
oi malt
m«H ami anemie. ft w 11! give rich, ml blood,
aerioui coaditlon. He waa Immediatewa- Muy gooil. He and pleiily of It. and will help lo bring
C H. Baue cf Bale*. |i In tbe city,
-imply Waiti-d until glowing cheek.- and aparkliiig ey.-», fl
takea to Petoakey for medical treatttendanee upon the ISundey ecb<
I got through with nervously exhausted. It will brai-c you
meal. HI* men bad not timed him
-- " ‘ right up. give you vim and l■ounce. It |
aad did not know how loac-he bad
is a boon to every nursing nioilu-r. and i
D DoDunald baa retained to Empire
' ipplic- the right nouri-bmvot for loth ;
been dowa, but finally pulled blm up
after tranaacting bualnee* in tbe city.
;raeU aod her baby. It bringt strength j
to make aure of bla aafely.
Mra. Dr. Helm ant^ dangater, of
' the invalid, creates a good amxiite, '
down about four hour*.
ca*<'a of hli prepa- rips to cure dyspcps'is, aud will go fat j
WllUamtbnrg, Ind , are tbe gucata of
F. A. Tbomia A Co. of Cblcaco have
make of Shoes aad Oxfords
mtiou- iical-uM-'Ui to insure sound, refreshing alumlier to ■,
Mr.-and Mra. A J Helm of Seventh
m« e qiiniilllv. end all those who suffer from wakefulness >
boucbl tbrouch L L. Shear* tbe larye
1 fouua it tobc the from any cause.
at leas than HALF PRIOB.
apple orchard of ao acre* near Han
Prof W. U Steffen* left yeeterday
bi-til melt
Huw many "preitydeatnred” girl* j
ford, koewn u tbe Nicbolaon orchard. momlog for a vi*lt at bia old borne in
extra n which and women ---------lose all -----their d,arm
t'l,ann and
and I
Don't mlBB this sale. Sizes
It U aald to be the larceat apple orch
_. had ever come Bttracllveueas• by licing pallid, tallow
New York to be Koae;nntlt early ipo niy hamts. end aiun and gray, asI if all Ih^diKKl in ibclr
ard la Van Boren coun y, and the
to 4, A, B. C. D, sod £%
. jul have-tuck to ll Tbli xeina were turned lo
to -klmmed
skimmed milk I
paid tor the crop waa Bt.twu
Mr*. Frank Hamilton 1* enteruinlng
“bert melt'' i* known to the Irwle at Even when rldiug a bii-yele. playing
her eouain. Mitt Eva Baacomb of Buf The "Bet" Toiile—l*:il.»t Malt Extract lennla or gulf, or taking other rkaxani
HI* Life Was Bared.
falo. N. Y.. at Sunaet cottage.
tbe kuowledge uf ibia excelieul brand of lifclv—, Bu fluah Is-nuiiSr- their cheek*,
We sell tbe BEST LINE
Mr. J. B. Lilly, a prominent eltUen
Meude Hegadom of | Fife Lake. 1*
malt, and it will be ao eqoally long tlm* and ilia air of languor and laaaituda
of Hannibal. Mo., lately bad a wonder- vlalting Myrtle Snnaball. Mia* Haga' lire) before 1 will
11 give It up fur
for any
a— makes them --sicklied o'er with the Data | Ladies' $2.00 and $2.60 SbOCB
tnl deliroraaoe from a frightful death,
la Wiling of it be eays: "I wae taken dom ia returning home ifrom a Ulp b
a* l>eing tbe beat; no punning l>viog In --------hare a "ican
look ** Tbeaaiio this City.
City. After
Alter you
you iBee
with Typhoid Fever, that van law Chicago.
tended. It Is not acrid or sonr, aa too disagreeable fcaturea are the oulcoma I
• 4
Faeumoola. My lung* hardened. I
Hon by • &ip 8a«.
wae ao weak I ooulda't alt up in bed.
on the atoinact
ladie- who re- cicf of the blood, thin irg downoAh*
Hethlag helped me, I expected to toon
Hugh McGillla. a boy'fs year* of age.
}ect tbe.............
.. .___Its.
It k.-ei>»well vital fluids,
that Others don’t give you a
... until
.Dili a iwnM.ol‘Ti‘'welkV
die of &ooeumpUao. when 1 beard of we* injured at tbe Ov^I Wood Diab
■ I. wliirh
wliich Is
is an item
iw of moiuont It Is
rated and unhealthy lookiu(
’ Or. King's New Dlaeovery. One bottle
economical in coat, and la pleasant In
5 this unplcaaaiii euni_____ _ ; $3.00
gave great
eat relief. 1 coatinued
coatim ' to ate
taste. Such cbaractcrUtica ought to bow’nvcriaat hand. Kbit Mall Extract. I
h. and DOW am well and siroag, 1 can't board department at e Irip eew.
make doctors try It. if you don’t already The "Be-i" Tonic, is an immediate and I —Compare them—Oet them Of'
aar too much in lu praise." Tnii mar- eome manner all tbe fln(geia of hU left
know Ui merita,end such of m.rreaden rWble
}|e help in making
malii)-------a soft.
i Rowing
> medidoe U the aareat and band were caught in the aaw nad near
as have not yet inreated in it would do color, a splendid appetite,
.. ‘ilte, a Ipower to
irv Id l^e world lor
well to fiuil out for thnnsclcc* what it - -tandaa*imll--'
milato tbe food, and' turn
ly aevrred. alao badly efltUng tbe back
f'braat and Lung
Luu| iSonble. •
really iv and I am sure that they will It Into fine, pu e. bealtbful blood. Don't
sand Bl.cn. ^YUti botUe of hU band. Dr. Kneeland dreaeed tbe
not l>e.di«apj>olnte»1 when they do "
•o ta^
rL„ AM
woandaandbopeatoaaire all tbe fingcra
•ai l -- ar. ui>1 Moty with Uioae wt
a will tboir yon'
#5 ArAeresY.»
The first bite
you take is
a revelation.
The last bite
you take gives
you an appe
tite for more.
Uneeda Biscuit- Made oiily by
Special Engagement
City Opera House!
Monday Evening, Aog, 14
The charming and sell known comedienne,
“Hearts of
One Who Knows.
1 PMlidelpmi Ptjslclii, LIU a PUladelpUa [avjei. Is Koted For VisdoPk
The Blue Ridge”
Special Scenic Effects.
Pingree & Smitli
Ruliable Shoemaa.
IH« aOuikNa RfcO'’SD, BATUBDAY. AUOUST la, 1889.
FoM Bo 1 PoMiWlitlto
• of' foot boll bo- PnCf«m of SoBdtj Bebool lutUaW
twooB 0 uoa frCB tbia eitj oad
Prooento Yoloobl* Pootu^
(roa Potoakey to oltomeUof eooalierv |
bl* loUroat. Tbo Paiookfy Moo* waoU j Toe ottondoeoe ot ibc Soadoy
v ■ehool
• n«« wUbo MO* fro* ihto eUy lortUoU y*torday woa »oi
obool Ibe ttrat of 8ApU»bar. The loeol j ..coUeoce of tb« ^rb
foot boll oolbuttoaU or* moktofoeUTO erol thine* conaplrod to “oep tb« %tAltart CbUn <rf 8l PabI. 4Lc& of
e barlB proettoo io o frw UBdoaee low bot a lorper (rolboria* to
looW Bw rMBltlBC Iron » blow flTOO
day*. Tbara I* eooaldarable rood *a- oaafred for today.
Atmbr bhutber.
la full of flat
Coisiltatioi ail Eianiiatioi Ftia aal Strictif Caafilaiiial.
DRS. B. s. & eo.
! 9eneraV
^ WyeADoAi.
Real Estan, aactiaaears,
a, For*ar!r of Xaw Vorb. aod a
AmaricaD lediol and Snrgical Institite o( Mnsk^on, licli
OBocfat ta » boUooa
- -
Aug. 16, 1899.
beloc aeraral oolloct »*B and wliboot I of lb* beat loeol Sunday aehool wwk
Vra*oot.« .bot wMloworod In aofoty.
doobt we will ba able to pal a atronf I«». wblla tba parU tokao by Mr*,
OfBoa Honn from 9 o. tn. to 8 p. *
Tbo «ow aoraer of tba bosodary llna too* araiatt tba raaortor* *U wb* Darto were aapaetoliy helpful.
**lf*>Bi«t..Blio* elvM tba L'oltad are Intareatad In the game are InrUod
The flrat *o>'j'ntd
SmaoB obokt thirty aqaara mllaa of Urof
Interto take on IntareatMting paper wa* read by Mtot Alma
Uiiehe). Tbto paper waa quite ganeroliltoe poor honaea la forty are Kaaaaa
Bob m Torinred
wouUaa oraoapty, and to tblrty-H*«o
By fltmior. ltdbloff acfma find oara- Ij dtoenmed.
lira. 1) tell gare a eery Inatmetlea
orwnWi* Ibara to not o aoaoon the eri,** fori oad permanant core In D< Cbaae't
OlBtaeni. a preporatlon
______ wbieb baa a . talk on •The Principlea of Teaching’
iMl alonket. ,
In the htoforenoon eeealo t.
lof CQi
#ov maakail bnrflon bonnd tb*
Tbo opening paper In lb* oftemoon
Innoto* of Df. Parklnaoa'a
.la p~pl
waaentllled"!* Oradiog Preetleol In
I all Ueblof Bkln-dto*^***. a
r Waltobnrr. W.
lately cored ny pr. A. W. Obaac-* Oiot- the Sunday School? If ao. to what
tent?" The anbjeet waa preeanted
Ugbtniag atroek a kaife ia
tba ba
loatruetlee way by Mtoa Mortba
«(Mra. Waoeer, ona tor* to Spring Etyw»»a I CatobmiHBarney, and called out a ear^jenerel
Jtoil Tewnablp. Bneka Couty. Pa .aDd
h*(f ad lb« blade a dezen feel away. Te Sk Upidi aal Ud XiuisB
EacqraloB to Bik B*pidt
Tbto paper was followed by a'dellgbtwoman waa allghtly atonnod. bat
ion SoBday. Aug. 13. ;
ful Yoeal solo by U«* B>by Dean,
»*l*rt. wb.le tba knife wa# found to
_ B->at Ie**M dock at
B, Brio'iiinn
B-lorninn will
leo*e O.d which wa* greatly appreciated.
be block, o* tbougb burned by Ire.
1 ataam.
LeelT. Pennington read a paper on
leeubjeei. ' How Should Special Day*
KAi^don Von Nrrdan, daugbur of,
709 ft a .e Obeerred?'
Eaater, Ohrtotma*.
PVonaer Van N.rdan.- prwldeoi of the i
- .
-----------Children’* D-y. ew. Tbto wa* followed
another tvVr instmctiee talk on tbe
Jtank of North Amertoa. df Now York. | BaprMl.*
>3 -cl of Primary leaaon conatract
arlll )oiD the bbtratien Arepy and
bT Mru. D*t>*
cose editor of the Young Soldier, ibe
The erenlng wa* giTeu to a lect
A. P Sawye-e
.alBelol firrVte. In I»v: ber atour
___ friend* to Mr*. by Ura Darla on method* of Sundky
treatment refer ihelr
injjiord tbe S»lT*iion Army and
B. U. Timblia.
SutaSt. forintor- Rhool work, and a renott of tbe interiblia.
She will hare control of oattonal Sunday school eonTenlion
tone niDce been a bard wArklng ofll:er.
sntly held in Atlanu. Ooorgla.
local off ce for Tr**er*e City and all
- Col oradt. Ktnte* and Nebraika hare
The progTktu for today wi.l contain
amtll town* ground.
)mr eery lottruellee features AUk> Iha ldc-Oi.n..ii 709 21
agreed to uniw on a war agaioat graaaloog other subject*. M*ry Wbinoery
teppera. l>;ull* cf tbc cempaigu will
will dli-DM the .ot-ject "Wbat win* in
Ibe Arranged at a ineeUng to be held
•• ■
bile Roby
at tb* Port CoMlaa Agriculiurel ColDean will read a paper on “The Pur
pose of Sunday .School work with
• egn. Prof. Pawreoee Brunner, aU'.e
MWaologMlor Ncbmaka. picture* the arcnirltr. A Las8»urtb).IM :
▼in b
c**lAi0D at Bomeiblng acareel* within
.Ul-Surei >-rrar is
««*prebanaltfD of the city reeideau.
f Jurkc
All Sunday school tt
H. J. Lsyd of Wyalnalng. Bradford
rersehnol.are urged
«o«Diy. P* .caught whai i» aald to be
*aJ Fark^Fl
Abe torgeai black bate ever captured in
P*rk Pl»«-..
greeb water. Too lab wa* laken from
Abe Suequebanna rteer and weighed
It of All Ptoenaee and Wee
below to a list of the buying and aell Th* Vast Budoeasto; and ficiontUlc Traa
to«hrri»hi partie.
lag prloM of yeeterday for groceries
J'to pound*. U wai over throe feet In 8*1 Arr *sd*>|~-u«0 I
of Xankind Poaaibla to Obtain.
proeWont and farm prMnehi in TraeiMgth.
anujiaa pbicb.
tr Pork per bbl. i
.r Pork per
pe^fb ...
_____Cut Pork
Short Cat Pork
>. Beat..
AOo. B
'r^.r.’r- -T".?’
north of Empire, L#eelanau — .
About 230.0UIJ feet maple and hem
lock. Price glTBD on appllenUoa
frame bouse, lu ro.
C<)0 peach, apple.pear and plum treca.
small fruit, weil at bam aed »ieo at
All fsrming iirp'-m*ntn.
Will give gor'd trade on city proper
ty. Price. fi'.'.iMC.
________ —lie I
fiood frame house, two large barns,
/wind mill, well water. I'Ki acre* un
der cultlralioD, «n mere* limber. Tnia
u known a* the Monroe farm, be
longs to Judge Monroe and to ac
counted one of tbe be-i farms In th*
county. All up in Aral class shape.
F.rery acre i* good soil, none of it to
run out- Price, <7.3it0.
F«.)R SALE—«32—Lot 23. block E.Stata
Sire*t.*jusi esst of Barl-.w. north
side aireet. *ii 06x2t«. Pr‘c* $200.
Blr- aail rntlilr- bin to tbr full ponndrocr of tbr aSlrlrd rTrrjwbrre.
\Vc bsTc call. ... —
First class security,
on East Front
street, west
-.tofVof Welllogton.
A fine
Iswn. one modern resid
rooms- Also on ssme
smsll bouse, 4. rooms,
piece of property. Price gieeu
OBRUNIOfiORS KTn abd granolawd
for lb* awful oCm> of rarlr Tiop aad tbr bbBioroo. ptII. that ’olio* ic lia tTbin.
. _
appodll,. rowpletelf asd penaabMUj
29—Two so-ft. lot* comer Msdtoon
snd Rondclph, Hot House, Engine.
Building. Pipes, the whole property
FOR SALE-623-Lol S block 9. W«t
Front street between Cedar nod
Spruce. Lsea level with street: Mx
IMj. Price $430.
. *: for all orgae ic wcaks
> tboaa wboa* baU
ratbod bcU wisd
tor aibdr. aoetoir
IIFW huBdred <elli
ooal prepenr losra
WmOe Bro«.. I'll
VUI Kuaraoiee all loa I.
.to one of these,
tin's Colic. Cholera and
irdf and say* he neTcr
It would gire him
It to lor •ale' by S.
Thompson, dmg-
-Ornrikie HIboi
Bor« rao I
tOKSALf-Two lanrr doora abd t
ol our atorc frobt.
T^kOBBALt-orCko ■aok-c
good eoadltlpa
r good i-a.blc'l. d
' at RttubUOtB^
Bllr aad
WEerAH*?(TeE TO eVKE barrae* d.
Mlttr. rarlceeol*. ainriur*' glart. wrak pan
palolrwlftor HjniBi brr*. parrYTlaw.. IrMsw
, aad aU kldarr aad bladdrr dlaaaar*.
tomr. turalbc ib (IT out of cr* laabco or
eleaarca war dart aod all otkac *J«.<
CATAJARHOFTNE .ROSE. tiroBAlU* SblBD< tresblea. eausrd froBiCbiarTb. poslUrrlr
i)uirU> ^DNANNNHAJ catw W^^crot of all ca*c«
C^ear. FUc. aod Dlsoaaaa of Womca uui
aod permabaotlr rucad br ■
DlSCBAKei>Q EAKSeurwdlB ••wry e
TUN SXAKIMATIO* OY'THB CUWB.-Baeb prrsoD-appIribg tor wedl
B tba^areiag
prrtba war
arol should arad or brlog rraa 2 w itbUbras.of urta* (Ibai pa..»d Aral la
oa. aad It rauaaatad
lerrrdi. whlrb will rrral.a a eafwful
ataodara. who kaa*
Fmoas rnlwrd lb braltb br bblrarbad prataadar
awrlitaoaDaly.ir----------------tuoda. abauld
. Jioctb attar mooik.gia^ polaoBObi aad lajuneu* cowpau»«*•
‘■mSdJwlVtSl-laya arr dr-——"^
ing t
r sllef.
such quick
E. Wait and
TF YOV WAXT Iaaui«-ca of aoy klad la erai
t*rM’**l‘l oo'V*HTlja!n>Mb* 7 M'd'r'Harcaotur Ce Block.Traaaraafny._________ »!«-«■»«>
pan ef C.-a
Card of TbaokB.
I. H TomoVioa desires throDgb the
R*xktRl>loeipre*»fohtomany friend*
hi* appreciation of the *Tropathy and
aid extended to hU famPy
Good Hardwood in Stove Lengths
Also Four Foot Maple Slabs and Edgings.
'’''c aod klndneaae*
ten of those bodies.
a M. BROWn, Attoroay arc Oot
O. taw. Sparlal attaaweb to <
• aarayaoelng. tn Fraat >»
pt^pf “wtUrairnl.
oaly tallabla «ork
FDR SAL^-<L'^-BouBe snd lot.
of Elfflwbod sveooe snd Sixth
I ^oae. good bam. well. sev.
Traverse City Lumber Co.
caraful aitaotloa.
------------* policy
------- y.
small fruit snd good garden, ■Ibto
large lot^aod big property
small nrioe—Price $
FORBALE—(.17—West 20 acres, lot t,
sec 7. 24. 10, lays on shore rood.
Peninsula, orchard 30 apple trees. 60
I cherry trees. 150 pear, plamo, peach.
\ Price $lUio.FX>B KALEl—Lou 19 and 30. block t.
Perry Uannab't second i
Ilth BtrceL Prie*
Hobemto si
FOR SALB-573-tiood frame boss*
and eight acres of land, sitonted
abent one mile from center of city,
bouse 14x34. six rooms In boim*.
?iS»WD*Mwk” Pbonrn.
Vo Algbi to UgUoMa.
ita or lalluraa Partia.
jrafarrad. Curablr caai
itasBl bsat O. O. D. 10 aoy
tj Ottranpra fr«» » la aioralng until r larrraUig WadrBnM.TIf Froot atrari, up ataira.
FOR SALE—b22—Form 100 seres 3<i<
miles west of city, 90 seres nnder
cnllivstioB, 130 bearing apple, pear
and plum tree*, two bams, one just
bnilt. sew windmill snd well, water
-pipes v> boms. *11 necessary sheds,
poultry bouse, yards snd go^ drain,
age. fine new modem bouse. 11
rooms, stone foundsiion,stone cellar.
4 borses. 14 cows, bsmesses. boggles,
wagons, sleighs, cutlers, all farming
ImptemecU. all crops of wbieb there
are 90 seres consisting of erfaent.
'1I»» or tbc ciecar
Dnring tbe elrll war. a* well a
jr late war with Spalo. diarrhoea
one of the m-wt troublesome dtoe.
tbearmy bad to conl-nd with.
mane iorUnee* it became chronic and
old soldier* allll suffT from
sene Co.. 1
IS Chambe
t who
___act tee mu*l keep her heellh. If she
to weak, sickly and all run down, abe
will be neraoiu sod Irritnble. It she bM
tnstlp stion or kidsey trouble, her imgr* bl
bd ood will enns
cntM plmplee.blotcbM,
Atn ernpilont snd .
mlnelos. Blecule:** Bitter*
to tbe best
medtoloe in th* world to regnlsu
«M*sch. lirer snd i Idner* nod to
wlfy tbe blood,
t gl*e* strong
fiSTvoA bright eye*. • noolh. Tel»ety
•kin, rich complexion. It will msko s
.Mod looking, charming woman of s
g«H.down Inenlid. Only DOc stJohn«Mto SAd Welt's dmg storee
Price ReinoeTtoClose Out Ut
Be«t workmuiabip money
for Bicycle
Quick work.
can employ
AtOuckLAkeonSstnrdey. Aug 12.
Wimle by Kingsley Comet Bond.
Oeno* eftsmoon end eTonlng. Mnsto
by Ds ee Dickson's bend.
Retrssbasnts will be serred on tba gronndA
Tbs boot will run eeroMU* IsbssU 111 Dston Bttset.
4sy. Pnrtie* eomlng by Ueln to
4)rewn wUl find rig* st ti# depot M
^ketbemtotb* fTonade Smell
tooBWtorMtoa the lek*. Ora Vm
Ttotol. Prop.
John R. Santo,
Guiril lisiruct.
**’ I Leri T. Pennington, District Agt
Gas Lamp--
Waytear No •
. _
la £a. A. Bunding.
BOLUDAY, grada^
aa. eac*'*?!?“?
,5^ [Sj----
10. MafCaaUl* Oo. Block.
iiTSSl'St Lee.
O. tiSSfS
Fire Insurance.: •“"‘isrisrs.,*”’’-
ara go. H.C1
Mooaytoloaa. <
F0R-SALE-62'«-!‘S I
thl* city.
STna street, good frame bouse. 14x
ilb 1wing,
good stone ■to ■
I with
stone rellsr.
cherry, pium,
water. Eh-ice8l300.
FOR KALE—C2I'.—Lot lb block S^Uoodrich's Add., comer Randolph nnd
fitted for
fumsee. Hou*
»r,»o. Will best
Uaof propir
3 7S
Wheat, old, per bn................
Oau. No- 1, per bn. (new)..
Cora, per bn............................
Potetoee. per bn men)........
Rye. per bn..............................
Butter, per lb-..........................
■gg*. perdoaen......................
^AWTA^-We Sabt a leu bunde^ ^
p etaln..
latrat aclruuBc priBcl
Urd to?»>................................
Balter per Ih Daln................
Creamery BaUer.m................
Cheese per lb............................
Oeu per bu (old).....................
Com per bn., old.....................
Potatoes per bu.....................
Salt per bbl.......... ....................
Bran per 100..............................
■tmPD nATnorTBATnassf
J. C. Orelg Do w. a nallfie of Califor
nia, bora of Cblneae parkBl*. ba« CDUncod In tbc aerrice of the failed
fliawa In tbe Phillppince with tbe
TbIrty-flUb regiment. ' Called Slates
wdantern. Djw wa* educated In the
pabilc acboola of California.
Tbe yellow ferer epidemic at New.
port Nerra to practically at ao cud.
Tbe record of the »cDurge to Ihto dale
nbewaa tctol ot O-caae*. of which 11
reekUed totolly
Twolre caaea were
.^Kbarged as cured, and :u oonra.eaemtoi'remaln in bo^luto at the Sold
ier*' boma
Tbe mounting of two-*mall cannon*
am too aebooner Idler by tbe llUnoto
naral militia, to said tato brought by
nrlilah Oonaui Oetiy to the notice of
«be Briltoi ambanmdar at Washington.
It i* contended that tbe arming of tba
-eeaael to in rioiatioo of tbe treaty ot
Oreat Urltaio.______________
city llmiu.<
HIS long cxprrirucr.
iTBI>-ABi«> rlt
•r*l w*er« *111 l>
for mirt than a week pait there hM
. Mr< J H |CbM
bMB as army of amall toad* going diN.ycitj north peat Uiencoe, la . following
(>H>4 ovU. t«ib nMB *n.l
Ahegmrel roadbed of the Slou« City • Ilk ell) i>*trr *1*0lliul(k)lr»I.nof«-k*ocr
«ad Pacific Railway. Tbey more night • I.lid i»oor «orr *ou*»»<in **Bir lot. Iii.|ulrr
il M r o«i*it.Sfir !E«»i Sitiib
*1^ day end aiay right on the roadbed.
»ti.' lot on B*-i Eielnh .1
Tbey ere from tbe eiae of the cod joint ^)KMALC-Hi-u><r Wo »i:. Ju*l r*« of C*m>ll . -lorv
..f *1.
«f e men’s little fioger to tbe aiae for, di..ir*Wr).>t,t.»*ll nouie/
C.OiiAU. n*J(*>t Kiiiib • rrrl.
of A man'* thumb. From twenty
f r<rafmlaiirrr fruit
WAI.Ll-A *l<v>
to fifty pw mlnuu ere paating. ^OR
tlKirr*. Nier rlrkb
X* anil u
Xwb toed } imp. twice or three ti*ea, up-tnk»ir
*•'’" oi-ailoii nuiors nr
ibirrratrd talk alib
ahea rest* fro* three to fire aecond* thr editor el Ibla’palM for fortbrr i.ariiru
Md repeau tbe act. It any are dirert
^ from their course, a mimeni after
Aheooitnictlon Ugono they ere going
HTORS-Foraalr. .
■ortta again. Tbc array toaererai miie*
In lengU.
•Redben’KoUei. lOToaraof age. wa*
• Itta ■iHlcruouinii An adtiaod t) ■)
■Bothered to death In a bln of aheUed riaii-I'dia.-oniisae
t.ualnriaA Jobo a'b>ri<
enrn at Oewen. la., Tburaday. Tbe tlll'uiuuat.
tmy wa* playing In tbe elerelor when •^J^AWTlDIHll»DlATail.V-A inao of
aha ebuw opened to fill * car and be
idwrr airma
of Tra-rrar Ciij.
\rd witb r»»T7 modrra roorro4i»wB In. Ue waa takan out sllre but
Baud out'bouara. VBuaeall}
iifulty Infrared creusdr To
eoon aftar.
Fie* negro ebUdren were homed
^thonepUataUonntpaekaon. I
Tbnradey nlgbl. Tbe perenu lodged Q^IBL irANTBD,'at m Traabinetao
' Abmn In their booee end wont to church T Or-T- Birayeu Sr .lolru A erar bor.e.
J_l wrifkl aboal I.OU
Mi>*ed trnm our
on tbeir return the cberred
baroreundar olsbi A feaard will.Ur paid for
MBlne of tbe Utile one* r»ere found
'inrb ot Ibe l»ir*r. Urrnalbr Brv*
iXlE SALE-e3fi-200 I
acre* impnjre
. -___
i north
of Trarerac City.
'e* frt
_ Maple City. Small
orchara.limacret aeeocd euuini
eu ting hard■th doubl*
farm. Uood aolL
Tralers, Mane) Laanera.
Wlti U *T
Sot)*;*X •W'la^trt -n g, 'Tara-treiree Oil;y,
Abstnets of. Title.,. Basl
2. HA
Vew Offlo*. MsAboto Block.
Park Place Hotel!
Tx'a-L'fiye wo 0±ty, MXoliigaaa..
Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
private baths have been added, making it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. Address for
rates and other information
^ ___
FOB SALE—390—Bouseondlot. Union
street, ton rooms, stone fonndotion snd stone basement, eomplelA
FK wonts few hundred doUon to
peroonsl property btoM.
^Till guarantee
----- all
a loons.
Tbe above are oil borgalno. and eon
be bought on easy terms. We hmv*
thousands of. dollars worth of other
bargains in farm snd city fupeitj.
Come snd see ne if you wont to buy.
Ltot your property with os if yon wont
to sell.
sign to alongside the door. ^ ore not
on tbe ground fioor, st least onr oSee
isn't. We arc, flgnratively spsnklag.
So for OS hSTlng the lor^t UstaaA
beet bargains; we ore itrieUy la It.
We work all the time, we eon sMJ jemr
property, we eon give yon borgMoA
Moke no mistake In oflRee. Bemsmber
big sign at bottom of st^n. Big bora
gains at top of stain, firat {
Wade Bros.
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