The Morning Record, September 23, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 23, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TUid T«u-No 745.


uo 4daiTyo»rmoir


MT> Ship)


I eoe« rriow»t

-------- I
•i /oe.
U»nwmiD9 to Omin Tlse 01. Jooopb. Mteb.. 8opV
obipaoDt of prAQM from thio
is TronavMl Trooblo.


I PnaUcnt May T«ke 0 Hum
in Ban tomlngo.


“In His Steps”


tbo loot t<ro nlfbu b iba loiTMt of tbo
X»diMt)oMTb«l Otwutwamt !• Ar- ooara- Tbo prteoo Ibto poor roAlitod Thio Oooatry VU1 Probobly lotorfcre
by Ibo tenoon wo dooblo loot yoor%
fMftAf for «08«T Trcm
Voleoo arooMoBt Jlotlato Seoa
roterM. l^y tbooooed poekofoo w«ro
-BrMMt ThmX OkbiMt Oo—eU li
BotobUohea itoble Ooromm^otoorriod o«t of hero loot niybt by tbo
DoUrmiBcO u Adopt Vikm«w flooboB A Kortoo lloo oloM. Tbo ro0it«»tk» B^of Olooely Woiobrd
MiPWiroi To Uk* POMBMK
tom for pMcboo ore bottor tboo roor.
ood yroWdowtb Attitada Bold
Tbo ton Opwford rorioty brlofo t3.M
bot it trill take a grrat deal
Kora Xapottoat ^iftcoMO.
»o7 «0«par boobol. ood eoaeaoa oaro ot tbot.
boy bet­
LoAdM. Bopb n —Tb« oPbUM
Woobiaftoo. Sept K —Tbo praaoaoo
ter sboea thao oar celebrated.
«U b«OB »t U:tO ud Mdod ftt t:40
of Sonotor Dorte of Nianoooto. d
«bti Aftaraeoft. Tbo mlaiatan
aoa of tbo toroira off dn ocBBiltoo of
M tboy
eMU o«l of tbo
'I tbo
MiO aoBote, ood UM
bit ui»cs
wmmm vitb
oBeo. Notblv
1 Traverdd City Foot Ball Team i rraoldont HeKlaley
img tbo ootioa tokoa. lboa»b tbo
Soerotary of a,.,Btato Adoo ^
aro rorardod
jao oicalAcaat of tbo policy of tbio
hao will bo adopted.
Maatoloo PliyodH^ to WlB Bat tbo roreraaioDt toward tbo rooolatloa la
proTteaodo tbo atootter of tbo
; Saa DodIbco Soaator Dario baa oobX«eal Toaai Oat Cloaord Tbon—Ii
oablaot Baroa-Botbeblld oWtod Hr.
■Ittod to tbo prooideat ao eaboaaUre
Bailoar. tiatlordofthotroaoarr. Tbo
Woo a Hot Bam aad abarply Oea. report upon the pooBlbUiUco wbleb tbo
Quite a bit more to buy .as
olionmitOBi— ^ aaaoBoI aad U lo oald
roitod Siateo may bare lo aoewBO with
to bo la oooaoeUoa *ttb oaoBoy dlfl
^ood. One pair will con­
Tbo foot baU c»B« «rilh MaaiatM reyard to San Domlnyo In eortaln con.
oaltloo tbo rorammoat lo oaooaatorvince
yoQ that they’re monry
lao booa playod>.aad woo.
fat roRardlay ibo proopoeilro nlHtary
When the revolt In San Domlnyo.
Maatotoo ua« came to tbo elty, osfrom tbo Oa^ ooaUaao poetlay to rotara with a rletory, bat which followed tbo amaoslnatloo of
warilko aad rolco tbo ladlyaoteM of Ike aad W. Boaarato and Tom Praotdent Boareaax. boyaa. tbo prooltbo WtUb ooaUaroat afaiaot tbo Wtibrim and eight other feilewa yot doat and Srcrolary Hay were fearfni of
Oruifo Prao Slato Aad Afrikaadar bo’d qf tbo rloiory la Uo oeoffl*. and a condition aritlay In wbleb the United
Maatotoo bad to earry bomo a defeat SUteo would be eallod ppon
ihia afternoon between 2 and
». ftaafb laotoad.
terrene Unlooo Jlmlaes can eaubltob
3 o’clock at our store, we will
BOt booed OB aaylbtof taafiblo.
It waa a hot fame, aad both toamo a ateble yoremmont which wiU bare
}^ve to every boy and girl a
tbatpabttdy tbo cahlaot woald oaly played to win or dla in tbo attempt- tbo approval of tbo people oneb a con­
taka otopo laadiBK to protract Bor> And tbo famo wot won by bettor play- dition may yot ortoo.
The prraident boo ao dcolre lo Inter­
'tJatkwo. wbUe oocreUy D woald pro- layatall poiaU TraroraoCity oimply
par« tbo dotallo tor ao arcraaolro
bad a bottor team on tbo told, aad the vene in the affairs of San Diminyo. Bo
p^. pwbapo doeldlo* to ooorbko boot loam woo by atralybt away play' mneh prrtoro that tbo people of that
ocantry aboald eotabltob their own
Iny.Tbo Britlob Pionoor prlaU a dUpateb
Trarorae City kicked off to Maaiatoo yovomment. Bat at the eime lime be
oayUtr teat Bocdtlattoao bare Wa la tbo trot, and 0000 obtained tbo ball roalltoo that a etaw of affalra to not
ooeeladod by Great Brilata for taklay on downo. Then they made yaln after nnltkoly In San Domlnyo wbicb will ne-------- ■—
Dolaco bay oa Nor. 1.
iUlo tbo abandonment of fato prefyaln by lino baekiny anUl they yot
TW Pall Mall QmoUo pablteboo a tbolr oppoaoato wboro they wanted aroDcoa aad force apon him an imperedbpateb from Capo Towa. them, whaa they neat Ike Dartoaronnd tive daty. It was bocanee ho wtobed
wbtob oayo tbit it to oUtod that tbo the end for a lony ran and a toneb to bo propaiod for oneb an omeryeoey
Boero bare fl*«» » r»or*»*k« «> tbolr down. They failed la tbolr attempt at that bo called open Senator Davto. who
•ympatbtporo la tbo Oraare Proa Suto yoal aod tbo ocore wao S.
to oonetdored the ableot antbority on
aad cape Ooloay teat tea Traaoraa]
Maatotoo kicked off. and Bokoo IntomaHoBa] tew in tbo United Sutos.
will imt bo tbo drat to mabo war.
ake a eu^ of the San Domlnyo
eaaybt nicely and made a yaln- WllProtorla. BopV M-—Tbo oaocoUro belm f illowod for a food yaln aronod aitaation andUvtoe him aa to the duly
ooBDoU aat aatil S o'cloek yootorday af- the oad. The ball wa» paioed to Back and reapanalbrntlea of the United
ttraeon. A tol^rani from Proaldent oa the next play, but bo fomblod. and Statea under certain elated oondUiune
atoya. lo reply to tbo Brltiob bifb Binkt ot Maatotoo yot tbo ball and which may tosuo.
oommtoolooor of Boatb Africa waa made a tony ran for a tonendown,
blfbly eboerod. A larro order for tbonyb ho wao palled down at the yoal
borooo hao boon rlroa to tbo Oranyo lino by Ike Darto, who would bare
rroo 8UU. The flold oomoto my that •topp^ the toaebdown bad tbo run
la tbo aront of moblUaatlM moa boon flTO yards farther. Wendall kick­ KiUpplnrs Ditched « Scraii
will bo arailablo a> Protorla alone.
ed a yoal nicely, and tbo oooro wao 6 to
Mear Ang^elM.'
S in foTor of Maatotoo at the end of the
lathoioocnidhalf Maatotoo kiekod •lx Tank^ Boonu Fat the Bnamy to
Boadoa Tolra'om From BarUacton, to nubolm, who made a Ane ran tor
B.>nio Aflor XllUcy Six
yaia. Bokoo. Ike Darta aad Wllbolm
Iowa, matlac tbatBbo to Well
made yalna and W. Bosarato
Manila. S. ., U —A party ot I
aad U Oemtef Soma
tbo llao for a lony yaln. Ike Oaris au^nU dlv-vd a railroad train
All foare for tbo aafoty of tbo mtoabis yaln aroand tbo oad. Biiiaandaii>*r aoutb of Aayalea tela
lac Mary Bmdloa ware oot at root yeaBlacken playtny Aoe inlorforoaoe. moralny. auJ :han opened Are on tea
parday attamooa whan Harroy Morritbo lino
It u the great time nirer of
derailed evr <rom a bamboo thtekat
mm, bookkeeper for tbo Moreaatilo Oo..
around tba and raaaltad in a tooeb- aoae to tee rack. kilUny two Amarithe aye. and so inezpenaive
Moolrad tbo followlBC toloffram from
down by W. Baanraia. Wilbtlm kicked eaaa and w.- Dj'iny Avo otbern.
that nob(xi; can afford to be
BarUactoa, Iowa:
a yoal handily, aad tba accra was II
Lloatanai-. I,>me with Ava of bto
••I OB aU riybt. I am eomlnr bomo.'
without one.
6 tor Travaraa City.
aeoata. who v oonteatiain, made a
“Maar BuDLon."
If you had a telephone in
Mantotoa ayain klckad off. to tea vlyoroaa i- ’.e - and eanaod tee enemy
lie brief momacaoolroo tbo myotory
your office or home yon would
yoal Una They etetmad a tooebdawn. to Aaa Six rad rab^ ware after­
of tbo wboroaboato of Mtoo Badloa,
bat Beferaa ‘Ibomw ooold not aaa it. ward found .a the thlekat. Oenetal
save much mental and phyaicbat sUll teavea the oaooe of her dtoapand tea ball was kicked oat from ‘Trav- Wbcaion, viTh alx eompantaa. proal t-ff-irl. and^no end of time
paaraaeo a matter of ooajeetare.
area Olty'a SS yard Una. The home eooded from I'alalat to the relief of tie
was two weeks ayo yofte^y that ebo
and annoyance.
team aoon had tee ball oa downa. and train, but bto aervteea were not needed.
loft tbto city, prooamably lo yo on
in a mlanta. with tea Ume all but np.
abort vacation. Sot retaralny 00 t
Ika Davto w^t aroand tee and.
day aat for bar to rasnma bar dutiaa
was «o yarda ko tea yoal, and
enahler in the dry yooda dapartmant of
whole team #ara after him. but be Stedant Cbaryod With BlotUny Bieytea atore of tba Mercantile Co., conabowed tb<.a/a elaaa pair of baals. and
elan Attampta Sulclda.
alderabla alarm waa axoltod. and aa
eroaaed tba ytel Una. waviny hit handa
Ann Arbar, Sapt. tt.—Bane Roadtba daye*paaaad wltboat Udlnya of bar.
at them. WHbelm kicked a yoal aa dar. a blyb school atndanl aad a brpteyravo approbenalon waa felt for bar
time waa np. aad the acora waa l« U 6. arof Profemor Elwln B. Roedder of
wtoty. InqDlriaa ware sent In every
The Mantotoa team are aloe fellowa, tee nnivaralty, attomptad to kill him
and eoarcblny
aadaeiod like pw-faet yanUamaa, in aalf last niybV when tba offiaera went
neonred tbo aabarba of the elty I
tea main, bat tbay ware np nyalaat it after him to arrest him on a charya of
aoareb. all to ao parpewo- A
tar from Bnrilayton, oevoral days whan they came bare, and Icat the atauliny twaaty-Ave bleyslaa in Grand
ayo. tailed to oot at root tbo feaia «n- yama bacanaa they wore not feat Eapida. where be baa been apendlny
tea anmmar.
tartelnad. and it ivae oaly tbo receipt onooyh to wlnlv
The line playa ware not ao abowy aa
bidloy In a cel'ar and at tea;
of yootwday’o meaaaye wbleb aaaorod
tea apot. Raodden
her frianda tluat aha waa alive and tba and non bat were fully aa affective.
wall. Whila tbarato atlU a mvatary Witeout team Mantotoa would have pat tea mnulo of a revolver
royardiny her dtoappaaraaca aad aab- aaoTvd time attar time. Ooorya Baua- hwd aad palled tea triyyar. Marabal
tee revolver and
aaqaaat waodorinyt, bar friends will
i tbroayh like a made tea remark teat It waa a tblrtyba rr jolcad to learn that aba to eomlay
abot. The Hue waa nnuaually atrony. aiybt caliber. "No, It to act." said
tba pteylny Ana. Whan Hanlptee Boodder- "It's a forty-lonr and It'a aa
TBIT mtv AaAxaar.A tbuit. and
atrnck it, it wna Uka atrikiny a atone Amaricaa buUdoy.
It'a Amarican
. Every ami^er haa hl«
aandU’BPoyood." fiowastakaa
own peeallar uate.
aoa (U«.l Wlndow-aiass Ooaeam.
Followlay waa tba Una np of t^ to tba hospital, wboro It to anaoBaead
ladteaapolto. lad., Sapt. U.-AV
teat be will llva__________ _
What ererr amokar wants,
tonay Oanaral Taylor daotena that ba
uvxnBCtrr. Pualtloa. KASieras.
above all elsr. ta a cigar that is
TteaRtaamahip ItUaoto.
wUl make a test eaaa of tea anlt I. Davto...................... lo........... Browariyy
dean, well made, and reliable.
broaffbt ayteaat tbo wtadow-ytem toast U. Baauvaii.............It... Ardoleyuwtei
The ataamakip lUlMto, of tba NorthBokoe..........................ty........... Gotfrotaoa ora Tranaporlatloa Oo.. wUl eater tbto Thoee who have tried
Mcryaa....................... e..................... Tkbor
••Wa may aa m
B. Davto (el............ rff.-l............. Binary
aalA “wbetbar traau oaa ba defaatad Bteekan....................r *..1-....Jobno2 Tbto to tee now vmaol of tee Uao aad to proDouDCto it the bent thay ever,
' tee Uiyoot ot bar clam on tea Ukaa'
In tbto ateta asdor oommoa tew."
bought for fire centa. “niey are
•Iba oalt broaybt at Aadaraoa to Bnte.................. rite......W»^(0 Ska baa had a raablak aaaaoa and aure to auit the particular smokerkaaad oa tea oommoa tew. and It to the ^Boanvnto..
proves to ba a Am elaaa pameayrr aad
parpoaa to show that the yteas 00m Eaff..................
..LovaU fraiy^ataameraada
paalM have axoasded tbalr Tartar
A of tea Una
ia a gem for 10c,
Balt waa broaybt by tea finyfwkPaidaaaA.
y atteraay of MadtoM noaaty
For BBl* by all dealan.
aad DmbaU plaaes aad aryaaa aru
staadardsof axcallaaca aioaaa tee
at tba iBBtiipitloB of tba Window OUm
worid. Haadrada of tbaaa aidaadid
Wertari' aaaoetetteo
taatoaxaaata ia aaa barn at bums.


P.pst lOc-Sew clotl, binding »0c. 2iK> \...|nm« of Sheldon's works jnit
received, in paper and cloth.

Just as an advertisement
we will put on tale to morrow morning one
gross nine inch Jardineres (actual value 50c)
for only lOc each. We will close out the
whole lot in one day.
They will be unpacked and put in the "win­


dow today but positively none sold un­
til tomorrow.

290-22S Front Street


Bbiph Oonnnhle Jr.. UmoM^n.







Popular Shot House.



I See the new styles
in Fall Collarettes


just received and placed on sale HEREs'
Prices range from $2.50 upwards.
New things in Fur Collars, etc.



The Comfort
and Health
of your ChitdrMi
b largely deter*
nrined by the
warmth oiMl
quaSty of their







bb a bopaXaT
^or >Xa*
&AT«AaT—Vaa Ibt
«»0ia, Wl 10a «a^ to aaa van.


V anld la balk. Oyaa all al«bk 7


■otsi Bnsn Heist Pditin
Give team a mil
488 V. Elmwood AtoB.

The best wearing,
as well as the best
fitdntand most
satisMctoryuoder[. wem for your


Munsing S'
Wilhelm Bros.
Sole agents forTroTeree Olty

It’s Our Business
To Supply Our Customers
with the wo^ best footwear that eaa ba ob*
talnad for the money and that's Just what wa
ars doing. Wa hawo all tba latsat atylaa ia
ladiaa', gwita, fnlaaaa aad ohUdraa*B
oan soroly plaaa* yon both la piloa and qnaUty.
Jastraoalwad a larga ah^miaat of ladiaa* flna
shoos at 88 00, «a60, $8.00 aad $8.»a



VBATnaxcmr. • saoBiOAii

— —

tMd of Ite worM, U« MM » CMwMff
MMta to tka rood dtlMOMdp of MUJ
Of tkO iMMlflMtt tkOt «0M to tklo
floutry tor tho porpooo of mMv »
kOM koto. b«t k« doelorod tkottko to
flow of tko iflowoot oad criatooi
•MM h » MOBMO tool wookooU Mk«

«B0«. r Baw amp J- W. HAno

oTriXluI^tko probtoB of poui

i. W Sasmv. Bdltor ud IUmcw

<eol kowMM. ud doctored tk»t Ike br*t
peepto of tko eooowr oro iMfoooiWo
for tko eorropt foemMst of m Mooy
ireitSMWtbcjtoUod to do tkelr

ad ot tko roowM at t»»»oia» our.
«lM..aaoaaaa« olaoo

r.*BaiTUqrtw«Poke of tko eortooo
w of tko pntotoMO (kot
oo*fro*UkepooploefABertea,Bente*Inr the anaroklata. tko eoBBanlau
soetoliato and the poIlUoal aeoaos
all of whom have what the; think wUl
eetUo the diBcalttao of Loar aoetol o;ataa-flo apoko of tko fallara of ealtara.
of tM faitora of tow to make Ike world
what it ikoDld ka. aad expraiad ike
belief that it wonld waaira tka praett'
eal appUcatloa of the roMaa nOo to
aalootka aaa;
to ba eatUad.
The foUowiar oOBahteea were appototad at tbaarenlar seettor:
NoBtoatlor CoBBi M-Boaa Badt
of Maoeelooa, Mro. k> d!ck of Ckl&le««to. Boo. Ba;on ot Bollaira.
OoBBiiioa 00 Bcoolntloso—Bo*. Wi­
le; E. Wrlrkt of Traoarae Clt;, Prao'
eU B. LooUo of Nonbport. Aiioa Baow
of Harbor Bprtoca.
OoBBittoe oa Place ot Maettor—Boo.
A. A. WaU of Old Mtaska. John duff
of Maple Cit;, Ckrtotine Pa;ten of
Traootae Ckt;.
The prorraa for the da; la aa fol­
Batnrdajr Moratoc atSFraobjt

WSD tko eoBBtittaa on poltoo rec
flMMMilrl tko apptoBtMot of C. W
Asktoo aaa apeetol .polhwBOB tholi
A«Um du Bot IBOBB that Traeorar
oetokl oiBlBkl kuoloMa itqBlred
of BBOthor oBaor.BBiiBtker
tkkt tko rrowth of the dtj deaki '
MOlkor ofltoor to SMiat tko oktof ol
poltoo to tko
oarraUtoBea of
flkOdtj. Tkoir reooamrBdktloB OBffVtod tkat aaotkor oBeer eOBld pardam -»»-r dBttoo trklek tko flrowtk
ft tko olty otakaa Boeoooory. Tko ekkf
oarroa atoo lo the eapoeltj o'
Art ^tsf ond to dlaekanrtor tko daties
pt tkkt oBoo ko to often eallad tran
IkoBtrootooftkoeltywkeB an oBear
pkOBtd bo on dot/. Tko eoamlttor
^adad to tko dnUeo ■npr^tod. tkoa<
«d Bra wardaa and otraat and aidowalk
Iwpactoi'. wbiek ia a praiaawortk;
Tkare *kaa baon a
irrotrlu saad for aono ttoao of OTOtonfM» work atooB tkoaa Itooa and aoeb
tor. Old MiooioB.
an oBeor ooBld look after tko otraeto
pad walko to rood adoantara and t:00—Boport of praoident.
Boport of.oeerator;.
IBako klinWf Talaablo. at tko oamr
Mao bo at tko oaU of tko ekiaf of
Elaettoniot ofleora.
Selection at oexV-ptoee of aeav
poltoa wboa aooeodty domaadod for
yeUM work. WbUo ararrlktar onr
IMlod to too rcooMtBoadatioB nirki l'):00-A debool ofAtethoda
•Ok fieporlr eoBO witbto tko faaoUaoo
(a) “Tka Soerot of a Good
ofBBpoetolpoaeeofltoor. tko report of
Prajer Maettor. "p Rom
(koeoBaittoe to tko saia U worth;
of Maaoaloaa.
(b) “Tka Secret-of Bood OoB­
•foouldoratloB. As to tko aattar of
Bittoe Work,“)Cki1ottocPa;ton.
tko appatotaaat ot s police oBoer bo
Traoarae at;.
ter atooo tko prortooo of the BajcM-,
(e) "A Model Baalnaa Meat,
Ikoca It DO qaoaUoo; bat ao to tko adrloBblUij of tko appotoiBoat of oacb
tor." 1<*t1 Peantortoa. Traoarae
BB eBoar, It woald oaoa tkat it woald
Afternoon at Prcokrtarlan Okaiek.
1:M—DeootloaalDoorol^ Mra
0n Bontks aro 9aaoraI Notooa A
Skater. Oadar.
8'.1b was tko oabjret of Jtoo moat kUl:tJ—“The Secret of Baeeen of the
lor orltteSaB bMaaoe of a ooaroe which
CkristlaB Endmoor M<r
pt OBO tlBO tbrcalonod klo reBoral
Beo. WiUtoB Coderaae.
ftMi tko bead of tko Ualtod ttates
SprinroNow ho U betor boomed with t:kO—SO-Mtoata Open Park
' 00BO riror as a eaadldato for prealdent
“How oaa we Ackteoe Greater
^ tko aoti onpaaoloaUta ItUolraarr
Sboocb to Moral Mooameai
to'orkat oaten t foil; bot bo todo r«d
tkr Da;?’
U ^ diormat’ed politielaBa
(a) Sabbath kaeptofl.
(b) Temperaaea
Msisrse esn hare aer O.d baoo ball
le) Other Betoraa
teas with Its bit rapotatloo: bat wr
and Tkelr Work," Mrs.
Aara a foot ban team that tbe; eaa't
E. B. SbarUiS, Croa Vuiara
kOBshi as witoMs TMwAse's contest
Satarda; Boeotor at Conrrerotioi
7;S0—BoerpUon to dellgates k; I
Bndesoorers ot Traoerse Clt;.
Saada; Montofr at Friends, and PreaSWresth District 0. S. Cook;terton Ckiuebes.
7;0O—Qaiet • Boar, Frlendi ekarek,
rantion In BMalon.
Msble Batos.-Trarerae Cit;.
Presbxtarlaa ebareb. Grace OtPoloratro from flavaral CoaaUoo to
bon. Maaoelona
kko Oit;--lmpfeMioelflaettor Zaat 10:90—Berolar aeroieea
Vi^t at Vbxb Btata tVosMaat
Harrtortea X>da an tetef^flAd- AWn-XXPASSlOlf 1ST SCUMS.


flroos-lBte e Urr Profram
I»ar«^ for Toda;.
Tko alevootb kaaual oonoeation of
the Boranib distr ct Cbristoto Sndoaror aaioB korao lu seBioas to the Hrosb;tortoa ebareb last aoaator. A good
doloratioB is preseat from tbo sar<
raandtor cities, aad tbo eooTaatiob
ofouod with a promioo of betor ’'•'7
Sari; to tko da; tka dalorateo b
to arrloa. and deleratlona were preoont
trea lortkport. Oaoat, Maple Clt;.
Ctertortos. Peteako;. Benwala, Praak
tot, Maaoolona, Old Hlakon, Harbor
iprlnro OroB Vtllaro and Trareiao
Ate. with oUer plaeoa to boar from
Iko opantor Boottor at tka Proob;'
lartanokarek was wall attaadod and
fallodtotaraai. Tko aoar •Mwtoa waa
Itekfk «k0TM ekolr wkiek was
(TOBtkalptolko aasto^ pan of tbs
*ne''datocotoo ware waloomod \j
>flB Clara Oarr, of this eit;. to a fsw
waU ekOMD and cordial words. Tko
addraa Of orelooae wm TMpas
b; Bm. a. a. Wall, of O d Mto m. in
kM asaal aaroMt and axpraaloa style.
TkaUadtoflsdd-ea o* Ue eooamr
wp« ^'Tke P«MToa of tke World to Ue
UlMtaaMU Oantar;." b; Mr. C. D.
Baiolafltoa. of Q
pf tka sate G Z anka. Hla addraa
srea fall of piU.and famished aaterlal
for aaeh Uoarkv Ue oaUiaed the
klrnlafsofUsdeoalapaMtaloaf all
ItoM darjac tke past OMtar;. aad
pMatadoataoasof Ue daafon tkat
---------- tbe eoaatr; w which moat of
the oidoaaeeBeat of the asetar; has
baMaade. He spoke of Us adoaaosmMt that ora oomUbU; bHafliif
BMiar Us Itaa of Uoarbt of tke
eelratlet, Ue pbUom^er end Ue
Aaoaf tkedeacaoUatke

opetn «*.»»•


To Boob Oenoral Xllco for*.Prraideav
Cklearo, Sepu 39.—It has ecme to
Ue knowledffe of weatrrn
aeo UiatAkere is a mooezaei t on toot
to MassaebasetU to pat Goa. NoIsod
». «UU. oonnu, - . »»«d.u
of u.
nil,™. d.lofUo. .. co«r».
lioed letters rweeatl;. so U ia said,
iatoraia; tbam of tbs plans for a
ooafereaoe lo be called soon for tke
tarpoos of eoBsldoriag Ue natter and
oiTantotofl a aatiooal oommUlae to
uke ekarrs of tke eampaira. Presna.
akl; tbe aooeaeot waa startad b; tbs
aoU-aipaBMonbU of New
At leaat eertato leaders of tkat Baatlmeat aro Mid to ks baktod it. Tke;
daaiN to this wa; to aoro fall; eapms Uslr oppoaitka to PrMtoMt MeKtolep's adatoktiatlM aad poU^ to
tke FhlUpptoea.
Dr. Kaeeland bed e rsaawa; a'boat a
aoaU affoaad wm thrown oat cd hk
harry, bmlatof kls left alhow qalta
aeoerely: bat be Uoeflkt UtUa of it at
Ue time. Now Ue doctor is tmirjiMg
kk arm to a eltor from tka aflecB of
Ue braiaa. tka tojary barto( bmi
laaead once, aad wiU bare to be toaeed
Teatarda; wm tka 75U birthday
aaaioeraar; of Hon. Parr; Bannab.
Tke oceaeloB was qaisti; oksarosd b;
Mr. Baanakaad tka ataakas af Us
faall; to Ue dt;.
A Powda KUl Saploaioa
Beaoom eoerrUiai to slrkt: eo do
drmtlc atoeral pUlv bnt boU am

p^aUy. Caros Hsadeeke. C utipatioB. Onl* 39 eena at J. G. Joaasm'a
end S Z Wall'a dra; etores.

*• **“>J*mav0iyl*

Morapt iBBirwtioa that k aakto;, ' BalUaore'aeleea and ataadarda at
Aaatm thaaowa of tka ateoano-' foak Bisaaaat,aasodlaanyMyle
Akedaaplrfl fwaad for tke wtiBwrorMUia balZOpm aU ai^k 7ii 9i


dtearlea Oeraatoe Aram Owner of tka Baoen;; floe AppHtatlona Booeioed far
Ooart Traoeca', 1. O T.
Tbo Beabeiaktp of Ooart Tra;arse.
Fred AlBoat. or Bd Msrk. the foot
of Foreateta, is
track korae wkiek onoasloDod soeh an
literaattortowssU her? lastaprinc. is aboat to be swelled aaterlaU;.
Ike propert; of Ckarle^ Gera^iae. o-eaia Depot; W. A. Croaeh has been
b.Toad all dispnta Gannsiaebwi oar- to tbe eit; aboat two sreeks wprktor
ehase«MheborsefroBDr. G M. K-.'.e;'iir the
totereate of the coar*,
Of Grsad Baplds sad tbe aniBsl t* n~w ud with the aaislanise of ike Bernto Germsloe Broa bara. It is expected beta of the ooart has neeeaded to *ctbst Fred AIbooi will bap'seed on the eariar 7S applieatioaa Tbe low rale
track-this fall.
of Beabacablp will diseootinae next
Fred AlBoat is the kooae which Dr. | oreek. This sdditioa of members will
Kelle; clsiaM was stolea from tbe, make this ooart <hu ot lb* laircat ir
raeiar staUes of tka track at Comstock ike district of wkiek this clt; is a part
parx toUcand Baplds ikrae ;e«r* aro,
- Tbofloariar bUI ol HaapCk A La;
aad kaowaas Ed. Mack.
Brjs. Pcnrkt the borse to Cblear> and is raaalar airb» and ds; ia order tc
he was entered to man; races to oari- keep ap with iu oedera.
parta of the state before Dr. |CeUe;
A Word i Kotbers.
dlseooered bis wheraaboaia Bow the
Motkara of eklldraa sff tied with
hires wasepi'ited awa; and seat toi OB 0 or a aeoere cold need i.ot bealtate
the Chicaro salee subles aeoer deee:-' to admtoKter Cbsmbcrlato'* Coarb
oped. Dr. Eelle; brotwkt salt arai<
Brm^d;. It ooBtaias no opiate nor
doe Broa io recover the anUksl,
and after a iBir «isl eecared poes»ireat aaoeess tbsi has atMon. Fred Alsoot is a oalosble hcr»e | ,,n<Jed iu aw to the treatarntof cold*
for it tkf ai
aad leaal koraeaen will be toteree:(d and eronp bas
aad praise it bss roreioed tSroarboal
to learn that fcp. is srato i
aaonr Traoarae alp's s
Mrs. Catberlne Beamish is tbe
Wt Ba;
of her son, James Bessish of t07 South
Colon street.
an^ cbesper than otken. wbo ba;
Mr. sad Mra Fred Daoidson of Cklto sbbU lota
esro are oisiUnfr Mrs. Dsoidaon’s parTat Bustos Sroaa.
Mn S W. Bose and daar^l".
bare keen oisittor retotiota to Elk
Rspids, retaraod to Skeraan ;saterda;.
Mia Ida Post ku
seoaral weeks' oislt at Uadan aad
other plaeae to soatbera Mieklraa.

Ir-oos tods; for her boaa to Kalama.
Clark Allen of Elk Rapids oras to tke
eitr ;<aterda;.
Will Wri«btinaB. da; clerk at tbe
Hotel Wblttof. is oUlttofl frieads st
bit old boas to Bead at;.
B. O. Ladd of Old Mlwion. went to
Fife Lake oa'.erdsj. to attend a aeetiar of Ike Granire of that place
Mra A. J. He’m of We»t Seoenth
street is entertaieinfr Mia Eoa Camp­
bell of Hanford at;. lad.
Ciande McDonald iroes to Oand
Bsniiii this mornin;. where be will
spend sbont ten days. Ukir; la tbe
Stats Fair and olsUinp friends.
Mia Nina Harmon of Esoenna. Okl \
arrioed In tbe cit; last niflbt and is
o'niting at tke home of E B.
T J. Henderson bas keen in Lndin;
ton this w(S^
Baroe; Curils, Janitor of' Central
sebool bnUdin;. poes to Nor:bport tr.
dsT to oisit bis mother.
TbU U h r
9< k klrtbds; annloersar;.
had a bib


Lbeel Ood Felltsre Wbo Atuaded lie
Aennal Bateertor Wall XnterUtosd
Of tbe fifteen mcaben of the Caaton
of the local lodfre of Odd Fellow*,
tweloe went to tbe National fatberiof
■“'* ^
lastniFht *



We bare • veti lanr** stock of rockoro, all atrlea nod prict
from 75c op—bot there ie notbios quite as oice, larire aod com­
fortable fqr the money bh this largo Bcroll m at rocker- mab<^any or antique, for $3 50.

J. W. SLATER'S House PornisliiDg Store
120 Front Street, Traverse City.







8»a4w « ftr Oyttirs
Dsii; sbipmeau from BslUm
celoed at Pete's Batanrant.
In an; style aicht and da*

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Swearing at a borse won't stop his
balking. Grumbling at the weather
clerk won't stop tbe rain. But a good
book will make a rainy day pass pleas­
antly. Our Book Department has all
the latest publications. Most et'erybody
bas read “David Harrum." Have you?
It’ll cure the bluest blues ever known.
(Sells at $1.20.) “Some where forninst
tb' gas-house and beyant Healey’s
slough, not far from the polis station—
lives Martin Dooley.” 60,000 copies of
:'Mr Dooley in Peace and War" have
been sold. Buy a copy at $1-26.

Every, man should have a desk at
home—convenience demands it—prices
say it is possible. -Women, too, find a
desk more of a necessity than a luzmy.
We have every kind of, a desk to aid
convenience, as plain or as elaborate as
you desire. Don’t say you can’t afford
it until yon see what rare bargains we
have. Bird’s eye maple, finely polished
sells at $4 60. Combination bookcase'
aod writing desk, (a dandy) for $7.60
and those roll top office desks from
$12.00 up.

Tke Ba^at Firm of Beseaa
Are quickly qaecebed by Dr. A. W.
aiaaek Ototaent, Ue warld-teBora
romed; tor ttebtor akin dlseaaea. A
pwaaal of tke (ratefnl letten reeolood
from cared <
ronat akepUea
afal wboa all oti-a
Ototaent k ei

Dali; akipaeau from BelUaure roeelood at Petek Beetaaraat. Serood
in an; etyle ai;kt and day. 744-8t4

•Jo t\o»-a



V* 0^

A “holiday shoe” maybe something
that you never heard of before. Onr,
idea of such an article is a shoe that
will give your poor tired feet a holiday
from the pinching, squeezing and rub­
bing that many feet get. Buy Hu-man­
ic shoes, built on hnmanic principles.
They’re the easiest shoe made. We
know it for we've tried Uiem and hundr^s of our cnstomers^strongly endorse
them. Have them in Vici Kid, Box
Calf and Patent Leather.
The kid
lined is the shoe for cold weather. All
sizes sold at the uniform price of $4 00

Tbe cleanliness of all mankind is
made most economical by these little
prices. The immense-quantity of soap
pasbing over onr counters daily make
these prices possible. A good glycerine
soap f jr a nickle. Kirks Jnvenile 15c.
Michigan famly soap 2 for 5c Clean
bands, clean face, clean clothes, clean
floors, dean tinware, dean out the cor­
ners, dean np tbe honse, go clean down
to tbe comer of yon pocket for nickles
and dimes. Try sapolio for a nickle a
package or Jackson powder, Kirkaline
and Gold Dust at 19c tjor a sembbing
brush for 6c.

e«T»t> - Koo, Kit nfii S'.M

Fin* niHTAI. WOBK.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

TH» MOBWnrtf HBOO^o. «ATUHnsY. MW»TWlfBWD 9^. 18MV




Ool. Wm. Ortebtos DM bt
Park Plaoa Taetarday.

----- wwm-mm-m'mwrmm-mv.

OdoM ■■>( Wlibataad a ffmlptie
Tb««nt«eeideotli«oftaMUM »itk
airoka Wb-eb Left bin Helple
UabaUiUMOfthclieerecwthoM W
Vm Vealtbp aad Ooea a Pronto
ti»»ework upporUar • portkw at (be
Ub« *rmU Wrlac beea roMorad before
(be brickwork «»• eBaeieat'.y hard•Md. (be woU fell (o (be flx>r. Ko
«M WM lojarod.
Tba (ttM CT7 iB Boorhlon to “riri
•maUd-rThwe oeror wm eoeb » eeoreit70fdoMe(iebalpMextote »( pno*
•ekood food rlfl* woaJd eommaiid
Eloodike veree. (ioae fenlllee are
importtof ooloredbelp from Chimfo.
bt Orasd Eaplde. Peter (i.kkema,
•CCd IS. WM killed »t (he felt boot
feelory. He wm ot work open cone
belee of wool, whee one fell off a pHe
•Pd etnek bln on (be neck, crubinp
bin to (be floor end breek-or hto
eploe. 8c tired bot • ebort Uote.
Rcm UmUw. Derld WeUln. a tun•r. WM fiord fiioo Lere todaj tor kill,
isff aad eelliar a ooir that wm aaflerioffwl.iha eaaoer oo tie >w. The
Mat iBepMtorUtooorered (be eareaee
before %oj of U bad beea eai
At Oraad Bapida the loeel bealtb
board to etrleUj eoforclop tbe Uw relatlre to reportlop caeca of oonaonp.
Uoo. tot the atenbrn of tbe board do
BOt bellora (be dtoetoae to eoourloea
They bellee tbe qalckeat way (■> kill
aaeb a law to to eufora it. The ttot of
eaooo reported are kept eeeret.
MtoaJeoale Ku>faioa-aad Hapwia............. I. of tbe poblio aeboola
ofHartfoid.areebarted with
aad battery apon a boy who refuted to
road aad WM paatobed toitb a airap.
Tbne aeeme to be a aeaxelty of
iMohera tbraairbeet RortbCra
Caatbto year. Seyeral ooontiec hare
nore aeboole than laacaera and It wUl
be neeeanry for tbe
crab* cpMlal oerUfioatea eaoi«b to fill
tbe eaoaaeiea la <wder (bat all tbe
aebooU may be aapplied.
IneraMlnr bMloeae bM aeonaiuted
tbeareoUoo of a aebetaotlai threcatory brick addlttoa to tbe plant of tbe
Uneiac wapoB worka. and tbe work
wae oonmeneed tbto week.
Tbeeatlreeacunbereroalatbe dieIt of Baatoa Harbor, repmUUoB baabeto of
emaU plcklea per eeaeoo for tba Uat
taayeara.bMtoitbelM(teadaya been

• - deatroyed by
amaU red b«v. Tbe new peet. althoncb
naeb amaller, beloapa to tbe lady oug
family. Tbe total loee to growera to
•etlmatod at orer lioo.ouo.
A. M. R PltmlnmoBs of Beading
baelabto poareaeioBA, S, IS and IS
cent Hawaiian auape, wbleb be learaa
are worth perbape
Be will
bare ta<
I and cent lo
tbe E^llatrltot eoeiety
A eknnk wm mn orer by a eoatbboaad flyer oear Bltowortb Im( Tburtday erealag. aad the air la tbe coacbee
WMfora few raiaatee well-nigb unbfMtbable.
Indeetdl&gaeoitfor denigee ariw
tog from ir jnitee received on an allegad defeoUve cement walk tbe enpreme
court Mya a muDleipallly to not requirad to keep aueb walto in a perfectly
aefe eoadiUon.
Cement walks.
oplnioa eeye. may. by freeziag and
thawing, become broken, or by conuuat trueel may wear ibrongb tbe
onler cruet and into tbe ’grooting.
which ooea not render the walk unreaaoaably aaMfe fm travel.
Albion eollege opened with a largely
laereaacd attendant. The foot bail
pliyeru are bard at work and expect
to otake a good ebowlag tbto aeaeon.
Bandy Broa., who have openedaooal
mine on forty aaree of land near WeBorna Beaeb, Bey eoanty. have a whole
aeoUon of lend along tbe river on
wbleb they intend to alnk another
abaft at an early day.
It to elalmad
(hay have atraek a vein of alx feet at
tba preaent nine and that then ara
I0C.000 ton. Ofpoal la eight.
Xnil Laderle BoaniaA.
Mr. and Mra. H. A. Udnla of Seeead
atraat gave a deligbtfmi anrp^ party
last avMiag in braor of tbelr nephew,
XnU Lederla, who will lenve tor Loland today to teach eebool. 'The evanIng WM apent In Jolly ganea, after
d at a late hour.
Vino XUilaerp Opealnr.
TMterday began tbe opoaiogu of tbe
mUUnery parlon of tbe Wood Stotera
and Mn. W.
Udlea have been through the big dty
markeia und in thelrvwledom and
(Mta have aeleoied for dtoplay bw« the
latmtatylee and moat delicate and aV
tractive crcatlaaa. fully up to tbe exhlMie la tbe oeatrM of taahkm.
Travoiae City to up>to-dat« in feminine
headwear m in every thing elee.

Ts tot U Mpps is 24 Issn.
Meand faul dtoeeim. If taken thoi^
ooghly and in time. It will cure a case |
in M boon, and for tbe opagb that foK,
loea Im Grippe it never mu m> give (

raUcL Prtm. 2Se aad 60o.

Jeflkevoerilta. lad.
After teo dapa of aaffariap toon (be
effaeu of a atroka of bMalp^ which
readorod bln ottoriy helpItM. WlUlan
Oiebloa. or -CoL" Odebloa. m be wm
lap at Park Place.
Ooloael f^ebtoa aeffved a atroke of
paialraia oa (ke lUh of tbto montb,
whUc altOaf a( a dlaiap tabto la tbe
hotel, ffioce that tine be bM beea en­
tirely belpleee. Doable to epeak or to
It wMOalyaqora
tlon of a abort time when death w.mid
relieve him. and at «:IS a. m. yeaterdey
bto lofferinga ended.
Deeeaeed wm 7i yrare of age and a
baebrlor. Tea yean ago be reoeived
paralytic atroke wblck reodered him
an iDvalid. aod while be bad cmployrd
enlneni apeelaltota In tbto country and
only temporary relief could be
efforded. H bM been aole togetabcut
aad Ip a way et J .y blmaelf toa oertalo
extecu eonslderiog bis affl etlon.
WM a man of eoMlderable meana. and
bto Intlmau Wend. B. M. Bartwell. of
JcflerauDville, Ind.. auted veaterday
that he left glU edge eeenritiea
to tbe amount of nearly Ilia
oaly known releUve to a atoiar wbu
ilvea In BaoUand. but It wMateted that
tbara waa a nephew, who formerly
lived in Portomootb. O.
For (want) yeara Ool. Crichton bM
made tbe Grand TraverM regioa bto
abiding place in tbe aummer. aad dur>
ing the latter half of that period Park
Plaoe bM bMB hto favorite rMUng
place. He wm a man cf many fioe.
eterllng qualltlaa aad atuacUve per.
aonalitj and la hto early daya
known m a kaaa bnalnon man Hi
a naUve of Sootland. but oame to tbto
eonntrr dnriag tbe gold exultement In
•49. He eaogbt tbe fever and went to
Oaiifornla with tbonsaoda of otbera,
Millngaroand tbe Bom to reach tbe
of American mining enterprtoe
and wealth eeeklng.
Baallzing rich retnraa in Oallfomla.
he returned CMt aad tor a few yeara
before tbe war wm aeeodatad with
tba Gaylord Iron On. of OinelnnaU. tor
eaany yean among tbe moet exienaive
re of iron in tbe central autee.
In 1805 ba became aaeretary of the
UbioPalto car Co. at J. SeTuonvlIle
Ind., aod wm prominently identified
lo tbe lineeed oil boalaeM lo Hempeia,
Teon. Hecaaaed active buaineaa op
eratlooa nearly twenty yeara ago, and
bM ainee lived upon hto Income. What
he could not Me for bto own need*
from hto income was laviabed apon
good frienda, aad many have rcaaon to
generoalty. Having
apeoi ao many aummera in tbto locality
well koown in Travatue City
aad highly
UurlDg aeverul years pMl the de
ecMcd apeut much of hto time in tbe
family of Mr. Hartwell, and n few
years ago bi.Nmme very mueb attached
toa Uule daoghtcr oi hto boat. Tbe
girl died aod Mr. Crichton wm very
much affected by tbe ion. ao much ao
that be reqoMl^ that when be died
hto body aboold be lard beaide the
grave of bis favorite. Hto wlahea will
bereepeeted. Mr. Hartwell arrived to
tbe city Satorday. io
meaaage the sRlicLlon ot Mr.
Crichton. The remains were Ukea to.
J.Seiuoaville last evening.
■ot a Brand MapSde Suicide Wm Hot
tbe Woman SeWM Seeklcg
Albert SmiU. who wm alleged to
have been stolen by tbe IndiaM many
yearaago. Iron the vicinity of SUver
Lalm. and wbo fiaaUy retnraed
claim hto parenta after years
eaptivity,hM become promlnest agalo.
tboogfa not in no etartang a manner m
behm. Ba want to Grand Bapkto a
few days ago to Identify a woman wbo
bad committed onldde in a boteL Tbe
aad i myutery
1 bar death. Smith m
Oraad B^ida and axamlned (be body;
(ben proaounoed it that of a girl who
wMoae DeUa Otoon. wbo bed bedn
mlmiag from Bvart, aad wbo
married a aaan from whom ebe
aeparaied Uiar.. Smith poaltivoly
beatified tbe body by varioM marks,
to be more poelUve be deeeribed a e<nr
made by an operation upon tbe mlMiag
camlnatloB tailed to reveal
vary moeb in '
IdimUty ot tbe w
Womaab TroablM
Ara Maally tbe rMulta of an
haMted oervoMeyatem which
fully reetorad by tba use of Dr., A^T .
Cbase'e Narva a: 1 Blood PiUe. Women

eoergy. in Dr. A. W. Cbaae'e Nerve m
Blood Pilto. tbe world'e gnatent bloc
aad nerva builder.

Uanerso saa caoBOBsa
General Ot a aiasea that Tbam Wi
■o Peaeeeatlca.
. WMhlaptoa. 8ept U —Tbe war de
partMat bM reeeired tba toUowtour
eaale fren Oeaeral Otto rwardiap (be
nUltary ase of ebareb property to the
PblHpplaea: “Beferrlor toyoor oablcrranofttopt. 18. atxteea oberebea in
different iocaiittoa were oeeopied by
oor troope of wbleb fonr were oaly
partly oeeapted.
RelicioM eerricre
were oot loierfered with. Three oopreaU
three aad ten of tbe elxleea charebrt
by tbe iaaor.
reate. ttorcb property to reeprcied
and protected by our iroopj t

The Boston Store
No Mora Rhoaaiatism.
ly viWeuiretwl fToin
ttoa. Hb»^.^mu>ivmedl^bat^^
Ue bcDcdL aeC «e bad about rrroepaU

retoaaed ber trom a lift erf paia.—U. P. tlMbIDC. NuHb .thlnrtOD, Maw.

meantBeeeption'.^ Hie Honor in]'
Meibodtot Cbarch List N gbt.
P. Meaaakv bM accepted a poalA ptoatant
wm givao
the pariore of the Firat Mvt^tot'
Sidney O.
church laet nigh tin honor of R-v j-1
•»e»anl- Be wm formerly of
A. Brandy, who baa beeo returoed
Tba ‘mrge S ff arrived yraterday
ibto.pas-oruie for another year. There
WM a large number preeeot and tbe and will load lumber f w Otlearo.
Tb*.„HoMeaeeapled by O. Thiea oa
early pan of tbe evening wMcprot in
general haadabaklng. getting ae
quainted and aoeial coovetaetioo La■er a pleasing program wa. rendered
at followa:
s ‘Og—CongraratioB
Planoaolo—BatUe B*eady.
Words of welcome fr<-m the ctB:lal
board—L. B »coe.

Leading Styles ••

JVature's CUR^

Yoaterday we could do bo mom than make meDtion of«
if our swell furs—Today we give yon a more vrteadwl idea
oor magoificeot showing. Oonect copies of foreign makes,
extremely popolar, and prices •‘right”

Same Collare U, withont tails ;............................................... .$4 60 up

ir^P»in»«d‘ “ ®'’**^*'
* yeaterday
*f eruoon

comar of F*oct aad Spruce aireeta i» |
being reoalnted.
Two whe- U 1-ft on theatretwTbntadvy ntorbt were taken to^be coop by
Welcome from rte Wom.n'a Forelga Night Watchman Grayvin. One of
them which wae foBul on the South
Mtoalonary aoeiety-Mrs. K-llogg.
Olive aao Bmele Fnl- Side, baa not been claimed yet
Wllltam B Bailey of Interloeben and
Welcome from the Bpwortb League Miaa Stella Dske of Eean. Mich .
-M. A Oobbmarried yeeterday by Rev. J. A. Bready
Plano aolo—Mmi Joeephine Vsderat the Methodist paraooage.
Germaine Bros, have sold to the Oeai
Mta. 8. B. Somera.
Wood Dish Co. the fine roadster.
•Black Gip-y," bred by Byroo WilkeSong ' Coogregatlon.
The animal Uill be wed m a driver by
Another pleeaiag featnre of tbe eveo>
Mr Boll.
Ing WM tbe refrMbmect. served by tbe
Mr and Mrs. Bd Foote of W <et 1 Itb
*1^ large crowd which tomed out to etrvet, are tbe parents of a baby-boy,
welcome M'. Bready back again for wbo arrived Tbnredsy.
'he south
aide baker.
another year to tbe bigbrst praise fur
James Wbeeler.
bto rff u-la here in tbe past, and xhe! »»*• •“W b**
oroapecu f .r the c.-'mlngyMrare vrry a while with h'» a-'ogaikaska. wil
bright for tbe <fforu of ibe paator and go to cir—

^l^tric Yoke, Marten
collar, border and tab,
10 Uils and 2 heads,

for tbe ebareb a* well
>e gr.
..... Cholei and Diarrhoea Rrmedy in
CowaumptHtol Ctirw ~ Wsriiar'a tie ireaim*n'or bowel complaluts ba*
Whits Wins sf Tsr Byrnp, the | n-afe l'—rdard toe greater yait
best cough T«ne,K>on earth, cures a cold
''M'’ ''TJ**■*'« »»y S.
’iSandSOcta. B. Walt aod F. C. Thompson
in one day
Belgium Beal Collaretts

Belgian Beal Yoke and
Tab, Mart- n scarf ef­
fect and top collar, 6
tails. 2 beadi.
headf, also n»
Stone Marteh, $9 up

with initsUon Slone
Marten Scaif on top,
'i Marten tails .$10

\TOU get fan yilne fof

(Boaey wkea yon
bay tbe
dothcA Tkey are Teady-tewear** clotbea whb all tbe advuit^a of iae merebaat
tailoring and none of hs dnvbacki. Tog get tbe ttylc. tbe
•efvice. tbe good ft. tbe g^
looici, whboot tbe bigb price.
Webtve tbe H.i
Mt> tad overtortt in tir net.
in many (tylei and it variou



Astrakbsn Yoke,

P fi




- Marten Collar and

Baltic Seal. Marten col­
lar and lapel.


In lower
priced collarettes we
have Electric Seal—the
prices range from....................... .................... $1.48, $2 60 up
Marten Boas.........................................................................................$2 76 up
Imitation Stone Marten Boas.............

.......................................... $3.00

French Sable.L................................................................................. $4 26 up
We take ^eat pride io showing these saperior goods

The Boston Store




We have a new line
that costs more and,we
have a BIG LINE for
less money that are up*






terrwMe off the NewfoudiMd «omv
Th «Md*rM wiU protablj *et m
(Modmtor of Uu BMt ffMml M

Wr of BarlfM PrwbyWi***.;

If oil mirlem oB tbc Bnitrcu of ls4iB
My ttot dBrtnc tbc reecat typhooe*
tka sMt MTiou dlM«t«r ww U UsMe
mlM 1b tbe kraibelD dialRot.
OBtof It.lW poop]* oaployod »t tbo
miam. aan Unn 600 wm kiUod.
( of Pnmlu
kmoor tbo c


■ Pen THparr, and tke PI*.

la ibe etady of ilu- proldem of fllffbt ao latetsUcailoo of tbe
aj. tliodB of blnls ou tbe wink, aeya
tbe 4
Inter Oc-en. i« kioked u|>vi. at of anmi ralur. but becaiue of
Ui.- Jinkntltlea In tbe tra.v hot little tatr
b.- bamed. Pboiucrepby !■ refarded
*» tlie only oicaOK l.y whirta tbe mnbJeet 4-au U* rearbni. an.1 U«- -Vetonau
tlral iKM-letr »ome tinw- nifo offered
lllwral tnnooy prlxe* for pond'pknurr*
of blrrla In fllihit. TLIk bae broofbt
out many pirture*. bat for amtlefartory
oUen-atkw a areat number la aeceeeary. A eerloux drawberk In eemrinf
eucb rIewK la that it la oereaaary to


our Shoe Windows

With • Imlbr «br PItc

Tbe bHL wlii.b la n loualrel inatnt-.
mmi. .OKy tw tiWmed to en omn pipe.
auJ the puyek-el Uwii of tbe latter are
tlH-n-fon- appllimble to it In a iteoeral
■aigr. t'ooaMju.-nUy. mays tbe t'lni-intmii -rouimefrial TrUmnr. of two bell*
of hl.iui.-ml exiemal aapii-t and of tbe
aam.- total illam<‘ler tbe tbloD.-r will
giv<- Ibe lowVKl note, and of two iK-Ua
of e<iu&l UilekDeea aud of equal diam­
eter ib<- aborter will (tlve tbe biirhret
note. Tben'rore lu order to ralae the
lone of a bell It will be oe.v«dry to
l.-eaeu lu bewl lu order to abon.-n It.
aod lo order to lower* lla not.- it wUl
aolllee to n-am it out la order to lam«Ne Ita diameter.
Tbe .>|maii»n of ttmlnf 1* performed
cruw<^. If It Iw deelred'io lower tbe
note! a tool la pbred oppoalU- the awell.
and Tbe Iwll Ic aluwly n.-voKod mj me lo

We art sbiwiig ikt figest assoitaeat of lew, ip-to-ilatt
fall Bill aiittr

Enijilicef Bfl saltii ilia cit).
Come in and examine ihem closely. Yon will find
them right. Remember onr specialty is to fit tbe
feet. Ladies fine vici kid and calfskin lace or button
shoes, kid or Palent tip. light oi^ Jwary soles, new
opera and mannish lasts, all new patterns and designs.
Special at $1 98.

iMfUff to Q.
of fold Md ■ll*w dlBbca were
litu. Memnwhlle tbe (>ell emit* a ran-1
from Ue poiBBo reoently.
tlntiou* aound. of whlrti ibe tonmllty
bore reeorefod tbe creoUr
beeomee lower and low.t. The tuner,
•art 9f tbe eteleB property ot tbe ebop
who niiiat poaaesM a perfectly convit
«foeUrore«eUb. wboeoysbe psreboeear. eomiierea thie aoumi with the vl«d them from tbe eUrerseeter at tbe
bmiioo of biH timiUK fork, .^a eoou ae
Practical Shoeman,
135 Front St.
the Ipiicr and tbe Ih-II vihnir In unlValoee. Tbe latter bat SmL
euD 111- atn}M< tbe mutlun. and ibe opera-:
A atrare eartbqdake aboeb
Uou 1» Uulaheil.
■t SlBtoattowa, South Atrlea. and eleo
a elifbt ehock ot Cop* fowa.
mice *t Oerww Prelobtrrw.
•. and tbe tool f«
lu (be I
TheoomDieoloaereoftbeDi.triet ot
CauXBA blll.T UIK AOl'K.
Anieri<-an aldpidof Iniereau are fac0<danblo bore daeided to iqelp the
pliTures In a bapbexard pbu-.-il upimblle tbe mouth and made
iie n miirbiy problem lnrolve.1 la tbe
atiaek (be edge. In tnea»un- a* the
Mr* depertaeut with forty bierele*.
louA diatance. ao that It
ud* of enormou* power »•*? en*!
o|H-ni(ii>u proceed* the aound emltteil
aad bore dreooa deeifaoted to aee and raimclty. Tbe 7nt. frat feeael U fTniueuily ha|.|>i-n* tbal tbe camerUt
by till- 1»-ll he.-onii'* sharper. Tbe nioaood Hardwood In StoTO Lengths.
ramlnf. Itrlilab ahlplmlld.-n. have l-*n
•' m.-ot at which (he exncr note Ic reach­
wreeHiUK «iib a ecore of Intrl.-ate *U. nr If »>«• 1» "UttvKKftd In tbla reaped ed ia'shown by the nmlug fork, tt
9or noay yean email

may Iw readily w-t-n that it la eaaler
•old here been duf up between Afton
Also Four Foot Maple Blaba end Edgings.
to tbe ramlna of »!..• miKliiy levlaiban
md WlUlomebarf. O. TbU week tbe enrao ateamera tlmt ere to plow tbe
raniera. mounted on a pmetcKfc.
property woo leaeed to two Oolifomlo mete laden wlt^e lonuape of a «be Invention of Benjamin l», Sbeffleld raise IL Sonon.u* I*-H* generally l*wM-aa B (taleknii** greater than dial of
_ _
fold men erbo befoa work. Slaieee Ibouaand .hope, Tbe ,-«--np>r
iBM-op‘r xreyyray- ot l.ivlnpiton.
l.lvlnpaton. Non., promleea
promle.-* to rem- tbe Iluilt-om-roiirti-eutli Ilf Ibe diaiu- MEN WANTED.
-•*- ■"
.............. - -modera
■ -itely
areBowbelnc bnUt and oa aooa
bound* an- h.-re. The canjo gn'j- ‘^J*
ter- and ene that |*alulla of reaming ___________________________
buuuda are eomln?. Tbe And
find la the
flew, or
of blr.1*
1.11-.1* on the wiob
wIob will them authelenily i>* lower ili.-lr note by
dber «r* oompleied work will
I'.dlnK at WaIl*endH>n '•* ■eeutv.l. and there will not be tbe a tone. Tber«- an- <-erinin twll*. »ueh
metirely puahed. Tke aaUre refloa U Iverula. now bul'.dlnK
f<ie*t lonR. *H feet wide. 41
‘lUBvully aWm Betting IlHUibJect a* the T.tWi |*>mid one of Norin-iix.
ooid lo be fall of mlaeral.
feet dtep. grow tonuage l3.BO».-Det
U*e plale. A atudem «o- that an- eo tliiek that they might eaally
ItboeJutbeeDjedieiolly deelded la 8..V*), and will <-arry 4.w0 loa* w*tei
J| [ SaVta SVw "ftetts ^OT
'I’-*" orU\ eUrt out be tendered two lonea graver.
Ori^oa that la aa emarfeaey
b*Ua*t.-I*hltadelpbla I'rtM.
; J»*"« *•*
Runner do.-*, except that
^Atrs YeohVt s\
pbyaleloB may drlre aereae a bridfe at
Thim. '
a apead rreater tbaa
Bleeiriellr >
Low Yntt ^OT
El.x-irlelty hae been applied to tbe
t**P<-rlen.-e« Atigoat the .-uUKUmptlon of aeratiil
mrdiaary trafio.
omnufai-turv of glaee. Formeriy diffl- "tthom any of the horror of taking a-atera goe* up with l.mjw aud tiouode,
31 aral eetlmatea for tbe oomlnr year
Sa\ta &00&
and aoda may l>e almiwi Mihl to be tbe
cultte were exiH-rieuced In meltiag tbe
areffi.OOO.OOOfreaMr tbpn thoee for Ingredlenia owing to imrtlele* of ooal'
enmera. of .-oMrtu-, I* ap- teni|K>rary nailuuai lieveniBe lu aumlaet year.
and t-luder* eiitering the enielble. to PU‘*al''P «« ««>* tuoving obj.-.-i a* well mer time. The total atm.iini of *»Ia
Sx\ta bOc 'NDlVV
.try of the product. Them- are ••
wat.-r eoiiNumnl I* *ianlliig when II 1*
Oaaeral Otle baa Intarmad tbe war
Imluated by employing an elec•»'
’I"' Breat.-»i si-ientiiU- made manlf.-*t l.y Itgun-*. lo I*>diIou
4opartcneat that the bis or alfbt daya'
irlc'arc within a carbon crucible to ***''*^“
oih-rai.-.! In every way alone Ui.-re on- more than 4.i»a> publhaeall aeat by tbe traaeport Morfoa
fuee the Ingredient*. I5n-at «-onomy
having two Kight* aad two lioii*ea. to Kay nothing of the many
Oty waa loot la tbe wreek of tbe rce- rrault*. ae but 4«i i*t rent of tbe coal ‘rlBBerH.
idaraa in wliieh lempi-nui.v drink* an*
formerly ueed I* n-.]ulred. A pot of
«»•« »t the latter eet* tbe abutter, alone pn.vldo.1. inveKtlguilun* *how
make* the e*|H>*un-. that In a large hot.-I liar or l.iiffet *onie
A year afo Prof. L. T. Waeka of
a.i-urateLv alme.1.-------- 14. ir> or Id .biaen ImlUei* of *i*ln wa­
Vfiodeld, Eaa-. hi ellmbliif a menu* by the old pror.1.* would re.)ulre SO
angle ietie .-an be utilluil. by ter are need every day dating (lie hot
In ,KallrsB*lBf.
tala la SwiUwland, loot a poeketbook boura.—Uoetou ileral.l.
ui.-aii* of nlih-b (lie ubjeet ou the plate wi-ather. Tbi*. uioniiver. I* by no
"There goe* a man.' i>aid the railway
cootalniBf list la fold, fie DotiSed
Powerfal Dredne*.
i-atie an
magnate, "who eurprtsed me this morn- J^XXY TO
'the antbcritlee of bta loot, bat had ao
The grciit n.-ceiwlty for .leeper bartaller I
kope wheterer of reeorerisf tbe bora aud deeixT rher* lu the new and
-'How In the world did be succeed la
klapara t a*er Sran-hllahfa.
* day'* onler. Moat private iHnuNi. tu>w■Bopey. Laet Thaiadey be reoeired a growing commer.-liil eenu-r* tliroughI Csrcy Ball.cerser stew and VclliBatee
The ramlug I’au ei|K>*lUoD aday* arc provIJi-d with a mo.-hlne for doing tbstT"
fetter from tbe cfBelale la Switaeriaad out tbe world baa led to tbe eoUMirac"Uame inlo my offlee and confldeaUy I
tatorminf bim that hU poeketbook tlou of come enortnuiu) dnilge* wbicb whh'h la to be hel.i lu Buffalo wUI be niaklng Ho.ia tvater. For a Hmiill ex- informed me that he had
inter- |
ted been found, and that lu ooateatt lift I.OOt) ton* of Noll or-«aud lo a depth a muet brilliant aod startllug illumi­ ttendlture live pint* of exceDeui »*la esied In my progress lor a long time; |0. R *1 tertcbicrfier
of 4o feet of water. A doten eucb
wat.-r can Ih- uiud<- by any buitw-wife.
eroald be forwarded to blm at oaoe.
be tiad at tbe very siati Predicted
predicted ;
g., ,_o„,
drodgi** am now- under raoainic-tioa— nation. The idea ia lu erect a Bi>rle* of ImagiQBtioo titterly falls lo |>lc-titr<- a that neiutu tnevery start
a brilliantfuture (or me. and aald that 'JP « o,i nrat-ria** faa Uy e.»ae and a aved
tall ipwm on Uith the Auieii.-an ao-1
•Ira. Sarab Yeaferof Rmporia. Kea.. rbiUdeIpbU t^eaa.
1 «as mure than fulflillog bis extrava“ **** “*
Cauadlan ai&dof Niagara river. On tbe
reeaaUy aeat ft lo a letter to Ooremtr
SauU Waata Oar Rawtae*.
the*e lofty *pln-* huge ek^cirk- during a hot day lo Ixtudon. One bet- gant early expectations.'
Staalry, aeklaf bim to fire it to tbe
ThegoverumeDtof'Uuaala IwKBBked eean-hllghta will be placed lu aueh tie f..r .-a.-h phii-e *tf n-fiwbmeiil 1*. of
MetbodUt BlMlooary eoclety. Sta
"Well, after all that b.- left without
raf>'« aiorr
*“ rauree. abaurO. tVhen .me lake* Into
Mid that abe bed oarer beea Introdoe- Amerh-an locomotive bulldere to bid
asking me tor a pace to anywhere."
on 80 locomotive* for tbe t'blneM *"•' l*« "t Ibe fall*. The imagination aeevunt tbe
ad to the Metbodiat mlateier at BmEaat.-ni fallroed. Tbe apecifleatloo* "Llf ‘■‘^*'*7
'>»*» plac>* like (he Karl * 4’.>urt ^blb
-- WhrtagUxll.JtovtwI.
poria, aod eoaerquently oonlda't band call for 10 wb.x.1 compound englitfp.
«'heu a p-ore of llioac Hu.l the t'ryatnl itBlu.e one geia a faint
Engllebmen are exempt from a feel­
Ate aaoney to him.
with 20 Inch and Sf» Inch by SO Inch
laetniraent* of lllumituiiluo Idea of It* gn^tneea. One might aall
Inden. an.1 72 inch driving wheela.•'™»R‘»t to In-ar upon the rnahlng /or boura up>u Mii-h a soda water take. ing wbicb weighs heavily on tbeeootl- ■™r BALg-Brown Url»
A fame rooater attaekad Mra. WUlneni. especially among statesmen—tbe X" Boulb Rork eorkrn
water* aa they tumble IrreslatJbly
ellroed Gaxetle.
-Londou Mall.
lam Boeartof Sbokaa. M. Y.. eparrtaf
: sense of being throttled. Since tbe Bsmlltaa ClotblBC Co's sum
tbe rock ledge Into the depths Iw-neatb.
ter rifat band eo, badly that ebe baa
; Tudor days Engllebmen have given up
A euoatant ebenge of color* will be
ProMs Per tbe taeS.
PAlri-KD-Graerwl boMewi
4 Bi* Ova ralpit.
laet tbe aae of the membar.
even tbe wleh to expand In Europe. /'X'Bb
' us4>d In the manipulation of tbe searchkX wssh^x Asplyot B<mk**st o
^hyslologbiis <-laluj that the growth
nolqiiy feetnre
light*, ao that now the falls will !*.> from' iuraiK-y to ol<l age i* a giadiul It le not so with either France or Ger­
Tbe London United Truwaye eompaay will hare abont 1,000 hoteee at ita church ha* to be recorded. The curat* uke molteo silver, again a flood of pr(K-es* of o*aifl(-aiion and tliat the many. and more especially 'with the
la charge. Rev. John Eecreet. bappcaa eiimaon. ngain as green aa old ocean
dlapoaalnext year in eoBerqnenaa cf
sliaDeKB of agi- I* canard by tbe dc- I>e surrounded wiib a ring
to be an expert carver in wood, and itself, aod *0 on through the whole
pu*ita of lak-aivous matter or vaftby
tbe adoptioa of eleeuic traction.
when hi* church was rebuilt bi* con- gamin of coluni of tbe tuilmer’s pal- salts. Tben-forv n diet cunulnlng a state* which could be annexed or j -w^yp ntx mnin
A BrltUh miaaioD la Thibet bae been trlbutloo to the new structure took the cite. The e«tool*hlng efTcet will be large proponlun of these ulta. food threatened or ordered about, but aba F MrT.-t. Tsrrwrs
eliy. wiik resldio'-s sa4
popuMo. on b„ 1 ST
.ti rUM
-deatroycd by the natiree and the mie- eubstantlal form of the carving of tbe *iilt fortlier heightened by the
«r UscosB uSci. T4l-(i
rich In nitrogi'u. aiicli as the cereal*,
i-trie B/e light* In the Cav.. of the : iN-nua |H.«n ail,I luiat. Increase* tbe
' aloaariee foroad to flee tor the r Ilree. reading deek, lectern apd pulpit. There .-ie.i
1 ^r,.
other church in tbe I. Wlml*. whl.-h will give to ^be water, natural tendrury to oMlflcatlon. For
Tbe Wooded Ulend in Jaekeon park
world of which it can be eald (hat the : aa It fdll* In front of It a w.-ird. pbos- this reason a dl.-t made up laro-ly of
I aUllBrrr store; bestfeteiemes rrnuirre. Ti
la Chiokfo wae tke eoane of a blfbway
CwslirO Pis A
pulpit le the actual handiwork of the ^ pboreKeetit glow. The t>ower of thl*
nbb^ Tbaraday. whan Jamea T. minister who preaches from It. Hr. I rimnl -making lllntiilnatlon will tie all fruit, which ciiuulns a minimum
Tbe town o' Hertford, in Oxfoid I
M. ea ws*
^2" “’..t:,
Meycra of Almira. Vieb., wae reltered Eecreet a' .- rx«uted the carving «w wlHilti c*»y n-ach. aa Magara^li It- atnoani of this cab-arena* matter, la county. Me., has a Cusurd Pie aaeo- I
■clentlflrally lieei adapted to i*-r*one rliitlon. wbicb meets annually In a 1 _
of Sit by two n
1 with revolT-1 ifae s>
in advancing yean. Ijrge eaier* add h,»look pro,, on .h, n...*,. o, Sn.n j
Tbe robbery wm *e held, pad 1
t6 the liability of osetfle •Ie|H>sit* from pond and gorges tteelf with cosiard | wi Heus*. mi Emi Krktb st.
overworking tbe elimluatiug organs by
It grew out of a cusurd-plcMal- |
The Brnoo^ ot Women
come of leie In the eouth aide pteeaure
ao excena of nutritive material until Ing coolest between two residents of
I.ockiog at the future from a prac•roands that terror has been epreed
Wee gnadly ehown by Hra. John Tlral stamlpoiiit It I* not dlfflculi to Ibi'lr besUbful activity 1* dt-Hiroyed. the town on the annual Fast IHy thlr- I ^'-*lf*** r-T'---------------------miPOBr tte people who feeqaeated that Dowling of BaU«r, Fa., in a three H41* when* we can put HinoiMino tom ate Ibe whole system eoffere In ounse- ty-ntoe year* ago.
The match wap! W**”®”*^ •uriBg.fwwjirir
. Md Waehlsgton parka. IXe potlee year*’ atraggle with a mallgent atom- of Iron next ytwr and 2n.ouaoiiu tone n guenc4-. OW age ImlioateB b-*» food adjudged to be a tie., toe assocUtlon | «wes^^.''‘spsir<^tak^U£?‘^
ach troable that eanecd dletreeaiiig
-.were aaahle to traee the h‘gbwaymea. attaeka of natcea and ladigeatioa. Ail year or two later. Tbo larger port of ate a maximnm amonnt of fruit In was formed, and everybody in it now I
strives to beat everybody else eating
is<ia,r«or Hrs. e. E.*KiUer &
remedlea failed to relieve her antU the two bcmlspbere* hs* to I*- gridlroned
tried Blecttje Bitter*. After Uklng It a-llh track*. b<-evler rail* an- to bo
rnaterd pie. Secretary Jobn D. Long, ;
- WA»tTXI>-r*r graerKj bMsew«rk.
wbu wae born in the nearhv town of
Introdnced on 40U.OOO mile* of czlatlng
ToBlght the Oonrtenay Hor^ eomBuckflcld, U an honored member.
track, a tbonsand abljw hare to be
blllik-s as a mcdlclue. A ItUKsiau {iky1TOK aSLX-Cbrsplora^b. one .s>sll berM
•apy will pnmeot Camlll* Ip the Qty
built aa eooD a« tl*- ovcrcrowiUil »hlpJames J. -Cavanaugh of Wstertowe. X so* lop tumy. Desriy MW tBssMatN.
Opera Hoaee. The attraction I* oae of
.varda enn build tbetu. I.OOO.OO0 *b-cl sk-lan has already begun to expt-rlmimt
We.* SiL..,_____________________ tatf
with It- He pUcetl a dog In a room Maso.. if ina years old. the oMevt msr.
the moat p^alar aad with iu «xeeneat dlgwtlon. earee dyepepeta, Uapro*e* fr>-lght cars nniat supplant a million with tbe leinpefature Inwnte to loo
In Nvwr F.ngland
He saw Napnleoa ^ICY^ BBor ^FoE^^ee^-To^ os*
oompany, will he worthy ot a crowded ap^ee, ffivea a«w Ufa. Only We. wooden car*, tlioucuds of ds-"srroua degroe* Itelow zero. After ten boure wbu) lo Pan* durlrgtheHuDdredDayE a*T» U s rhssre.-J. hs** lS« boal *eatfOe4
Aoua*. The anrecatlon ha* beea her* Oaamateed at J. Q. Jdhpaoa and 8.
the dog WB» token out alive aud with,
steel hridgi-a and stone arrliee. cheap
maee a year tor eererol yeor* aad al- A Waifa drageteoa..
an enormous apiM-Ule. Tbe pbyelclaa!
wooden foDcra by the mtlllnns of mik'*
Eteured DmU** Acosic*.
tried tbe test on himself. After ten {
way* ha* ffivea trM etee performTte I
by rr««iin (or ■ollloc—hare otber baalMSS.
will be stiiqllaoted by galvanised wire hour*' Mudnemeni in an atmosphere I
Only E roErtog flro EOEbled J. H- TbU ebsor, U worth yuar Uw* lo UvesUgM*.
maeoa Thb will ha ao «xeeption to opened Tbwoday momli
fencea. Structurea. im-ludlng mflla. of atlll. dry cold bis ayetem was In- OErretaon, of 6aa Antonie. Tex.,
w n SI row*, firel rerred CsU sr wMW to tit
She rale. Camille la om of Ue flaest
neat of 27S pnpll*.
ebo{B and factories, must be made of letwely atlraulaied. 8o modi combus­ lie down when extaoed by Asti
•rodnettoa* preeanted hero, aad with
eteel ate gtea. ami onr dwelling* will tion lied Iwett re<]ntred to keep warm from wbicb be enfferte for yeora.
Airman ealehratod the ooapletlon ot
Shia oompaay will provoadxswiag fea- the big powder dam with a harheene. eoon be'nxRde with a larger adnilxturo that an intense appetite was created. write his mterr was often eo gecot
of Iroa-Bocky Momnaln Newa
that it eeemed he endured the agonlee
tan. Ptyqlar prioe* wUl peseniL
Tbe process wai continued on the man of
followed by all-aronad eporta.
death; bat Dr. KiOff'eNew DHeorery
ate dog. ate both grew steadily fat for OoBBomptlon wholly eurod blm.
Joa. W. Speaie, the mnpnr*r ot
Pmrtato CMUteiapT.
w. rh^B-a.^’^SV
Bditorb AwfokPlighS
Aitempia have Ihi-d made from time ate rigorona It was like a riait to a Thl* mErvoloos medleixie l> the ool.v
Varray and Hack, who are famoos
bradng nortben climate.—Loteoo Sn- sown cure for Asthma as well s» rpoREst^-Two tegs aoer* aso
neeShrooffb the Ualtod Siateaeaxpeseatt Mewa. wae afletad for Tent* with PUe*
ooanmptioB. CongW and Cold*, aid
---------- ----------------- ‘
mf fonate Iriah oomedy, claim* h* has that BO doetor or remedy helped nntU
-11 ’niroEt. Chest and Lang trouMee.
PrleeSOeatetl.OO. Qaaianiete. Trial
Ste fraatet cut **«r 'aeaa la {hre* he Irte Baeklen'* Ante 6alf«. the
there I* on the market tbe t^x
Several veoseU of tbe United State*
A S. B “
- pomtiy in aapportof hU atea, la tbe boat la tbe world. Be write*, two hoxo* poetxl. which flUa practlrally all re- coast survey are being fitted out with
ply St —
•roteetioB oC-Ptanlffash Ball.’' which wholly earod him. latalUbte fOT'Kle*. qulremcnta The manipulation le the special forms of obeerrlng ate recordOnre gaarnateed.
•ed. Only Me. Sold by
cornea to Stolnharf'e 8rand Open J. Q.- JoteM 1 and & B. Wait, drag- aame as for relos paper and one can iag apparaiu* for tbe pstpose of deHomw oa Taanday «renLnc. Oet. t. The
now make one'* own pictorial poctnl* temlning accurately the deviation of O^ten la uy Btyla.
I hare reealrad a
with a minlmnm of irooble. Tbe carda
m twMty yaeple.
ate am
are of a nice thick qnallty. are easy to this kind of work that has been ac_ la aay et^ at my leelaaraa
write on and are pleasant to handle.
by the enrrey on lend teds
J- the Botal HhlUag.
m ol tAHr •noeam
lUe* of this clam of work are great,
wStey tevepUyod.
•gptoat me to rrm—t 1
eepcelatly when lUitstratnd pomala. dlaastert have t
which have (Attained each a rogne In vfnosly nanapected magnetic varla- Br- Itanthal Theaftm
*in»«v»«08M kiOMD^h
owing me to enU ate petUa (
oSas to ftrtt F*aea
fOMgn eoomxte,
tiea tbe nanlta to be obcataed will be
-TMteWmiwi iTTMli THw idTarflrngi
Bout Boom Mate M.Aataa 7r-tw
awMIte with eager aattepoitaa—Mov
the bcM an«h rmed/on caith. »au.
OOea bean Oiollmaa., SW4bte


Ibll OpMlpf of tbe Beaton Btora Pr*
aeat* Woaderfal AttraeUna* for
the Ladlea.
The Boatoo Store yaeierday p-eaeaV
ed a rery attraeUr* eeeu to tbe ladle*
'ifTrarmcCity. aad for that matter,
to tbe men ate. Tbe Mf ftee Mock
t filled to tbe doom with tbe lateet in
•rarytbbif la the dry foode. clotbiaf
aad BiUlaerT Uam aad tbe abelr,p are
crowded w'.tb BO to date food*. Tbe
beaaUfal rff«:U and la eat taebioaa:
tbe larfeat array preaeated anywhere
la Bortbera lilehijraa. The mniiaery
window lea beaaUfal eablMUoa of
extreme taete aad dallcate arraafemMt, from ttae eklU of Jake Eampeafa. Tbe dree* foode department le
larlably eaO|Aied with an elcfaat
array ot.effoew aad an Immeoae adleeUoBoffiowt Iloe*. Tbe dotbinf d»paotmeat la equally well eoppUed aod
erery poaelble la^ of abelf room la
aui:i»d. Tbe fall opealof b^n yeaterday and wOl eoaUaae today and
Hr. BoeeaUial'e Urfo force of clerk*
will be kept bney atUndiof to tbe
raeb of eoitomara and alf btaeer* Thie
Btore iaboe of the praellsal demoaatn.




Treverse City Lumber Co.






^ Koxana uooti>. iatobbav, ittminMt m. iiw
ion ncuT mmiT.


k 8AlL0fi*S GftATinmi.

!«■>■»■■■ TrM to Crtwto

A hevto Paaoe Wstoht




a «e a OMpla to tbe It Takaa a t«t •

11 lba.for$1.00.
Ca«H4 Brcntt Hate, ie Ua wwt
Mdttod -JsM BwD LowtH aaa
Bla Fiteate." tcO/a story. It appears
that aoioat th« adieiDea d«r\m



Edward McGarry. the Mllor «f tbs '











tSongh It baa been some 5&> years in

Portamontb JnU by Goe BoUtoB.whne


It takes lots of money to own a ractog stable. Any tme wbo has

The begtontog of It was a

connected with tbe

never [


imr rSirfie


ESSHm £ -t;--


Awflcaa repoUto was that of altertat tbs preasBt adolratty nils of tbs

Where I will be
old customers a

sratSd so ba to eztrad aatlona] jarledlcttoa OTsr tbs sea to tbs extsat of ibres
tssgaes from tbs sbM« Instoad of ooa

from a piece of the aft mil of tbe

Ib*- boH«" was so Ng s toU

, ,1h,uw»im1 and one Usings wbli-b most

nnted States Uteamabtp Maine a paper

»an «uW lie atrrtrtied at length la

br parenaThe origlral cost

He swesetfsd in psnoading tbe SpsO'

weight, which Lawyer John H. Barf-

“• ^bere was au outer shell of aopix]

the racer, ih.- luilarles of tbe Jockeys,

lab ■orsmBsat

leu. wbo was bU counsel. Isas forwardGov, Bollina.
Tbe design was

w«xJ •«h1 pleni,* of rl^rons leafy.
b«*ughs for shade. The bullovr itaelf
was min and storm-proof, au a couple

,o<| eIBc:,-M irumem and sisblemeis
onlj a few of jUe many
ny dr
ti,» pars,,
owner. It Is

of tbe muuiiialu-fulk
abode to It.


to Join

Mm la tbla

acbsM, and before oar aseteiary


Mattoa at Madrid. Mr. Horatio Perry,
got erlad of the affair orders were sent
froa Bpala to the West ladles
straetUf tbe local anthorlUea there to
sxtoad threefold tbe mace of tbelr doBlnloa oeer tbe sea.
Mr. Bale says:


Gov. BoUtos." while on tbe reverse U

When qseaktog of It bfl —M.

Hs told ber wbat tbs emperor bad
done and what her own mlalaters bad
You are to-

' jarlag yonr beat rnsads-at tbe solicl'
tailoa of tbls Intrlffuer whom yot
bMs. and wbo Is yoor worst enemy.
Tbe queen said tbls was tbe flrst sbe
bad beard of tbe atattsr and sbe would
asBd for ber mime mtolster.
So sbe

be came.

And sbe naked

blm If tbU tblnc bad been done.
be confessed that It bad.

Hw majes­

ty bad Mgned tbe order on
aneb a day.



'But no one tohl me what

it meant.' uid poor laabella. -No uus
told me that tbls was a beary blow to
• toy American aUlesr
T*"o; ap one had told her. Tbe mtntoter ezpUlned that as well at be
If her majesty disliked It be
sraa sorry, but It sms too Ute to help

-Why too later tbe queen asked.

AtaoTMT at Law. ttraets

C. HOPFtrr. Absuaru o

’. 1 took It from

the wreck m.vself.

with a view of having a large {sapi-r
weight made to present to the gover­
nor of Maine. This little token wbleb
I am DOW bavlng made to oend to Gov.
Rollins Is a hurried affair. I aus gutog
to give blm a better one. Here Is a
picture of it wldcb 1 have di-sigo-sl.

a pow.
nne. a
a bullet-pouch,
t>iuiei-pou. n. a
buntluL-ktUfe, an li^jKsU
a water paU. a Jug.
. , *
gourds, a blend tray, and a meal
me.1 Lag
auiumed up the family's movable possessions. Owktog was doue g^js



fasbioa at a lug Are some little way
off the eutram-e to tbe tree. Gi-uerally
lUe |«t sat tvsMe tbe tire, slmiuerliig

You see. Use luise la to represent
rough rol-k. typknl of a sailor. Ou the f-ml slewlug. The only bts-ad wa.
, .ml'..
Hninlinn Il.nM ....... .
lilor's bat. with il-c

tbe best words of ber life;

ppored that tbe

senior don



want to resIfQ and tbe other senior
dons did not want to reafyn. and they
(band a fast stesmer to take oat or­
ders rsectodlag the other orders.


ao tbe Emperor Napoieon pot a slap to
bla face, and ao Use blockade waa
toalntalned for tbe next year. And so
Spain scored one on ber prtraie ac­
count with tbe Wastaiupiou governBent, sad IsabelU 11. found ooc iblnR
on tbe credit side when sbe sIo<kI at
tbe bar of St. Peter or history.


erer will refer to tbe published 1

tbtog they leave oot to priming,

Tbe wboli- affair win weigh nearly

On the botlotu of tbe weight will bn
eagravi-d: '1‘resented to Gov. F. tV
Kollius to reuseusbrauee of tbe ktojl'

nearest cnu-aivads store, flflecii uilK-s

for <-oarse ebdU. salt mid BSiuff at tbe

Kleveii rblldren were lairtyfi^tbe hol­

EilqaecM of t
>t alwayii begin a couvematlon

distinct voliv baa grvat iwwer.
Do not argue or apjM-ar to notL-e
other |H-u]>li's luaccuracit-s to ap-iH-b.
when narrating mu lucblcul.
k.-c|. on saying, -you see." ••Yon
know." etc.
Ite not M]M>atr1fisiH-klngly of iH-iviiual
defects. ■ bumcLotly present may nave
Use Mine.
Do not talk of your private and
family affairs except
to toiluiaiv
fricu<lK. aud then be careful not to de
ao often.

ISO nut

Uec. HUKKHb.-d out lualde with the a.v
and luslHHli-d with leaves.
Ii did m.t
need rm-kers. nH-klug Itself m
sligbteat ton. h. As (be big ltv<- Iss-ame
crvwtleil. bidliitv lugs were soiiglu. .iiie
for eaeb eliild. ebo|i|H-il to i-ouveiiieuc
lengths aud drngge


the bigg.-r
ivpi. fe.................................................
osi. Ilirm-d
heads to the liiv and slept

tbrongb all sorts of weather. Of imirs.Ihe logs wen- only for sioniiK.aml -uverc wt-mlier.
When It w«s flue the
whole family slept ouidm.iw. ll \v;is
prwfumably a hapi.y family, aud .-i-plalnly a iiealtliy uue. though-It went

me. but If
bad form n> fmv-- a
e'buqud to
one la made to you,
barefoni t4ie year arouml aud never so
I And fault net-dlessly,^
h.-iir.l ».f liyglem-. Tli.-wli-.h•uiher. The habit of gnim-1

n have aoyiblng | tuge down the valley sold ii

I dls--.iv
111 Is. ili.-y dent

Post. For tbe dining room and libmy Ita Hchneta and elegaui-e of effset can hardly be surpassed. If some
boUMkeepera sUll frown upon tbe
dnsthnrboring quality of Its riaboraie
earvtogs (he argument la met by nit
tovara with the word that tbe moat
beantlful Usings need care and that
caryed Fleoslab oak richly reiniya tbe
effort newled to keep It clean.

tiersim In whom
It are aluue.
Do out talk
eomiiaiiy pn-seut
to. By so dolug


desire to hu|un
iblDgs wUietl (he
not be luier<>Hteil
may show yonr-

) be sli-k.':-.\ew

York Sut





Bslous (lie
li.t tim. i.> In­

self a clever and superior jntsou. but uaetl. aud fn.m tbes.- li js uoi dirtleiiU
you will Is- voti-d a Imre.
to eumpile a Hat of Uios<. wliirli iiac.>
Do not inierrupi others while sp<-ak- miwt liel|N-«l her majesty, savn the I.011.
tog. but listen imtieudy until
(hey dou Neuw. “Xi-arer. My, t.. The.-,
have flDlKhe.1.
Reuieinlier itoii
tlia ta a great favorite: Vhari

good listener ta geo.-rolly mor>- appro- , “Jesua. !e>ver of .My tteul." kiid Nclaled than the clever talker.
I ton's "How S«-eei the .V.-um- of j.-sn.
Wear Besullfal OreasM.
An Eligllsh drawing n««n

Is tbe

Souuda." have always ta-i-a i-nj..,.-d
aiul a|i|> by the i|U<s-II. ............
lh.- |>asl thirty year* b.-r eholc-e Imi

Massive sideboards ara shown to the
tnng. coloatai design, whose single

apotl.e«.sls of apli-ndid dress. On
other occasion have wonmii an opiwr-

fnlb-u most fr«iueuil, on hymns n-ljiiug to tbe ftituiv state, or expn-s.iug

Shelf la supported by
carved little men. foiirteea aul eigh­
teen toebes high, with |>olme,l Legids.

tonMy of Is-eomtog su.-h flue eri-atutv*.

a aiont of reslgnatiou. For riie fuiit-nil

Tbs massive dtotog-ro.*m Ubie wbleb

Tbe drras«-s at tbe last i-oun wer.-very . of Frlmvss Alli-e of Hess.- the gms-n
brautiful. They khowetl bow targe a w-hs l.-g "Thy Will be Done."
pan 1s played at tbe moment by au- mujesiy has chosen this hymn for

nceoBpanlm Use sidebosrd has stiU
toot* and Urger specimens
of these
same droll looking little fell.iws. The
baanttful Flemish onk chairs for dlutag-room and library have sldeie aud
backs la stamped leatbn^ of rieb and
gnbdned cetera. In some of them

lierb embr-ilderies. tVords ruinot eonan Impremlon of thdr beauty—
for Ibe matter of that, could Naek

coat of aruM Is dIspUyed-anylsHiv'a

It waa of Ivi.rv stln rolled entirely with
luUe. on whieh diamond and silver emIwolderies wire traced delli-atel.v:

flamocratlo America than any other.
Tbe Ubraty tobies are’sa often cov•rad with tbe same stomped leatfeer
and left with tbelr benutifol stretch of
dark, kigbly pollsbed surface.

and while drewtoga. atoee It ii
qulslte cohiriug that gives them tbelr
anlatle merit. The duchess of Funlaud-s .'-oiin dr.-oa ta a case In point;

the foot the aame.embroUlert-d tulle
formed dee|i and full fluouis-a
draplngs of tbe tulle embroidery over
tbe bodke were fluUbed at the bust by
' Tbe"“iln WM
eni, cousisilug entirely


Cal(guU-be who made a con-

•ol of bU boree-passed most of bis
time rioting with tbe charioteers. Tbe
elrms was the place for the racing;
toe largeet of Usent. tbe Circus Mailmas. about 21.0(10 feet long, could sccommodate -tW.OOe speciston. Seren
Minea was' It neceeeary to race round
the spina, a tew atone wall rannlng
down the center of tbe rircos.
JocAeys drove to a light cbnrlot-ninally four In each race-and wore rioeeflttlng tunics and lestber caps of disfJnguisblng cetera.
That tbe prof**Sion was a paying one^we team from
BBrient writera.
money prtoeo and
wagw bstog paid. The Jockey Crasetas at tbe age of 22 bad amassed a
fortune, and Dlodra. king of Jockeyn.
Mt to bis non nore than tlXH».0(n.

“w^ nrfrxHuv

uiauj- a in.........
m-rvlce siui-e. Newman's "Lead Kindly l.lglii" must also
U- tbe bymus ihat

Raddles. Imported, weighing between
three and four pounds,

flne quslitv.

Guaranteed for 10 pars.

Bridles. $4.2.*. up.
Boots, for Interfering. $2 to $10 a

Gold FiliinRS..............
Platinom Filliuf^.

up. aeronllng

Silver Filliny..............
ein.-mliered. is the
. White crowDB.....................
oijifit only for flu- horw*. when It
„„.j22 karat tp>ld
rrady for the post. It Is not an im-i*2
tfo'fl crowns.
crowns...1W U> .f.W;

med a lth elusiers of rom-s. Tin- effei-t
like that of a
rose ganli-n
moonlight, the dewdrops tromtdlug un­
der the silvery light; words can coo-

-colors" for,
cap, coat
ni one time, so It can Ih-<

easily Sw-u h.lw the amount Is Im-n-as-1
In a sinble of even ai horse.. '
wbieh is 1
Ptri„g_ njp
imls-r of nn]i-|i

exlni.-tttlK ao<i filliDjf:
gaa. culofunn

. ,

therefore. larg.-, nImo.t a eomplele ».-t
lieiog niHe.sarv for
eaeh ri-pres.-ij
iri .-a.-ii
live to 111
-New York lleraUY

The ta-autirij nioMilc glass windows'
wlileb <l»-<nrati chilri-lies and (siululii
pl.-iiirc. of gr.- I loveliness are a relic
of a m.-dJaevii
these ,-.\lsjni
(be mosque of
Sophia 111 Ilie sixth <-eutory and also


0. n. KmxAT.Agui

Besdlr Block.


City, Opera House!^

Were to la- found In Roman vliuri-bes.
Tliere was a noted
of picture
u colony UI
wiiidun- Iiiakers from Gre..v tin
thsl in Knglami in

"e: .*»•
■a -sjB

work of tbls |H-riod are to iH-’f.iuad to
the ruins at Rbelma

and throughout

lu lial.v ibe art flourlsTieil apac-e In
the tbln.s-iith .-enlury. Tbe religious
najure of the people found expres>|..u
to deeoratiiig
lmnd«>ine windows and niotal.-s tln-iil
anisis es.usideml it a privilege to b.-lp
tbe artisans to the work and did
■-.'.DHne tli.‘ins.-lve*
•ome Wf}■r>- bi-sml1
glass bm
fesiHUislble for tin"f the art here. At tlrsi ii
.-..uld gel uo gUt-s to suit hta pur;.....


-Thera were fourv of them. Tb^
wwe oboottog ranpa. yon kaow.*‘>-Pbnndelpbln North American.

annims honeyfema ar* w *

•10 H ss»>
II «0 S »

(>»ed Thai Newt

graroful: later on anbmn leaera and
ehryaaalhemnms make a very effecthera are the winter cherry. Chitaimaa
nm. a^ erartMdtol flnran.


^ > Ml
t e U:





A California pine tree whose

(K^NH sorra

Prin« —15c.





and S^c



U Psu«k-;
r s!
Trsn-nHl-y. li«o>kSS
Ar»n)t<HeMZ 4e.pii.
' L> OiHt Kspia>
I .V ]. n>
: Lt tvin/ll
. ■>. IS... -D

Ol'^bed by lire or
attracting iy.usld- y,L^ nn»* Ve..
erahle au.-iiii..n ui New gattlens. tom- Will DOIlT TOU
M.vs the tomdon Mall.
It s...........

4 OD

It to aalc. Ruro, rolfaMe. 1 g,

<ltatp|y a -busb' Ore comes along
raduees all the presMt tif«* to a


« W

1 ■


is w Ts



I in



Golgnbia and Loo k. ronunliijs
Goins Konk every Jay

iflinl tt! 01 CflOlM JM CU.
Voa um (ttofd U ke iltkoii IL

to often tbe case to Australia).
geruiiuitee ai^ a |>erfeci forest
young trees will spring up within
s»r .wdik
mouths. Even on ground where Io^^c^p.*^5r*io\^w?6ucMs,5[^^^
- ■has
- Iwen a wattle tree grow- assn Cos.ul, rrsverser-ty
ing wlthli

9 rooms, lot lotxJtM ft. with T5 bearing
I fruit trees. «est end eooib of Front
stront, $1000: ooe 00 Boat Eighth, near
faotorioa. targe lot. gfloa ~

ttandy-MacFariand-Marintoab- way from Europe as aateon paasengera j
UacBeth-MacWblrter - Bruce
*1 cant
“*help feelto'
---------------------•' •
’ -Waahtogtoa Btoc.


1 is

Lt TrsT*r~-1';
Ar Klk ItepMa

only one time when 1 envies de ricU.”
•Tm ashamed of yer weakaraa"
"1 don't btame yoa
But when I
reed about deoe awells comto* all de



mils you-nu . ro-4.



' II io“

loin the Woodmen?

however, that ibis tree, plnus 1


Sl..per-8o dem golfer* gir*


-rssB • Mill 1 wtee dany .
d trew BoM' «• FIMto

Supported by a tioupe
ot phenomer al
actors in

--on the whole. It seemed wtoe for ' have Iweu noticed to grow up s
me to stick to the railway comitanv ' bush flro. The waltle tree, being verv
and leave the clergyman to provi- susceptible to fire, ta easily killed and
deuce. And 1 won my case."
* K tbe same means wbleb roused its
for tbe foIIowlBg and
"WU! you allow me to add." aald a destrucUon did not Induiv ll to grow I
3 numerous u> manUon:
bad anato It would very soon be eradlcaiIS Weal Front
House at
stood close at hand during thia
gsiio; <»e on Fifth
with all
veraaiteu. “mav 1 be permitted to aar.
modern Improvements giaoo; ...
nlr. that we lust ourar
T6.SS OowMs-

II •

'>a«> •« «4
'10 Ml


om-.. asked a
lO'lbg '
gulabed English UrrUter whom
bs *I*“"
I*** toa-n tried ami |
met at a railway atation. where eaeh
»ue.-.w(iftil, Itut all other metbisls 1
was waiting for a train, how he man- *“’■*'
After the ix-ed has fall.'ii <
les of Jet on a mauve ground applh-d aged
aged whe
when ill-was called to two ways
*to- tnv it will often lie derwiiutl
to a Uack satin dress v
very hand- at tbe same time.
! In the ground for years, but tomie-1

calceolaria In the
•u^le. harebeO.


^k. Abh
Bsb-b'. CroMlag

1 i:S'4K

dematta. and trt^enin. petuntai
-■•(c-i another am of tboee sboottag cnoM in tbe b4to diatrict."
"Ometens! Have they ennght tbo

ill if

• IfMuUBlAlS


aud be would break articles made i
opaline glass in order to get bits c«. as be aisbed. To-day some ol the

looking s ell again and her embroider-

■tanee. snowdrops In mosa. crocusea.
yeUow. purple, and white primroses,
with tbelr own leaves daffodils, and
DarciRBl. March uarigolda bluelK-lls.
with plenty of their own leaves. a|i])le
bloaaoma. crab blooms, buttercups In
OBe gtaaa aud daisies to the other, forget-me-oota wall flowers, white aud
colored clove pink.
pink, wild roaeC white

Cbirt L^e
MsOl.u-r X>o«


and among other Imildli
rated tbe .-ailinlral of Y
dcstroye.1 by tire. RtmiDi

roy ao idea of Its tevrltoe««.
body was glad to see Lady Snitabury

“Of course 1 can't be in two places
jat once.” aald tbe
barrister, easileasily, “so 1
- 'j
I have
have to make a oCiolee. For instance: to-day two roses to nhlvh 1 am com
rerui-d were called Ip different courts. 1
have four small glaaaes of equal she, on.- w_.. _
to tbe Intcresti
. v.erKv•lergvor two and two alike.
They ron be man. and the other of a railway eomfilled according to the srason. For to- pany.

..rauS Ks|d.-«.
s'lnr SI li lt s. B.
T.JeS- .
R^I Cl.»
-i.liwcprs Wal-

Corner Front and Cnas Ntn-eu.

(\ C. I.^ter. MsDsuer

OpHmlsts are pleasant p.-ople .a
- ------meet, but those whe have busluesa I'*‘‘'«'laHly and Its s.-eda will only gerdeallngs wlib them sAuietiiuw regret ‘
*ulijeri.-d to great beat. 1
tbe easy cbeerfulueas of their vlewa J boaklng-the seeds of this tree to boll-1

riewsn Ter the TMiU.


Terms cash

.. - j-re rnE BOSTDH DEKUl PtBlORS,


A pretty arrangement for tbe everyday breakfast or luncheon table is to

Trs.... arri- m

targe stable to luiyejBHdj^ Work.................... 3.«kJ per towth



I alone In Ita aatat
Art 'Thou l^nguidr "Cmiie Cut.. Me. . nke regulremema for a forme.
r't^^ Thrif ImUra


“Weight earrlers." for holding hnlfpoMiid le.-1-U to
Increase J.K-kev's
weight. $T.Wi.-

He hymns art-;

Splrii'a ChidtogV" "The Fai-e
-uhi si
to Toward tbe Sun of Life,"
Brief Life
1» Here Our 1‘orilon." 'Tbi
i^iiits of
God. Their Conflict Itast." ".Now the
Ijilsuvr's Task Is O'er.”
'Vlib the I.wd." "Art Thou Weary.

Good for 15 Days

1. «3t> a £H(tr up.
Bptirs. $2.50 a jmlr.
Whips. W.25 up.


G.mI. What Do
Hinr';'' "M ho Shall Hush the Weary

h ftTARBi'cm

of old point

tace told over Ivory chiffon and trim- \
Anelen't Rome bad Its racing and Ito
popular and well-paid Jockeys.
Betting ran high, and Use excitement of
tbe people over Use racee and tbelr favwlto color freqnenUy led to blood-

ter Mir ssd built u> onlrr
Repair wort I <
—oapUr Sttrndrtl te —- -.....................-

trouaera. ar<-ordlng to the
latertnl and workmanahlp.

be carried biiuself to rather tbe sba|Mpf a cretueiit.
fto*-h of Use 11 waa
cradled to the half of a atualler bolU-w

t hear; (vai-rve It till you ami (be ' ku«w e

gtentest favorite for fashionable and
nrttoUc funiltura. says Use .New York


It Is as follows;

revenue olKHe was aide tbus to f.-ed bis fam­


ily by w urklug about half tb<- time. His
wife look<-d after^ the elulbtog. excbuuging siiri'tos la-liry iwkv a yeur

you can nee that It most have taken
ptocs to tbe auttunn of 18«3 If you wUl
rand botween tbe lines."

' More and more brauttful are tbe nrttclsn of furniture made to Flemish
enk—tbe wood that now
seems Use

pvR. BnaSKTHLI.-moMPOntC ueirp, Pb.A

prli-e*. oliialned frens
a lesdioc
dealer in >ui-b goods, wbo faralshes
of tile largest stables, may prove

i' moon-

ponud ami a ba|f and engraved Hi>on
little tablet on Ibe-fnce of the twk will
be Use words. -Gov. RiBlliss freed a
sailor of the Iti-sulute.

*U Is not

toe late for me to accept your reslgaattoo.' And when It came to that It

expenaiv* articles. In the niajorltv of
Jnsponed. and
■ -lured for a
ly s,-lii-t few. the price is thereby
ised. A list of snrb articles, s

itdors." Inrludlng silk cap.

of bandciiffs. the counec-tlng link of
wbUdi has been cut In two by a quiU


tbe words which, aa I count It. were

appear to be when tbev are
flagfalL they both carry

d<T-boni. I

low ire<' and grew up into airapplug
men assd woisien. One of tbe b».v«


Firs Insurance.

C, l^baw' pwilev' ' K^s V mat
- "mMUlr Od nicwk.

"It Is a haurduui bnalbeaa at beat.

stood i: fe<-l 1< lUi-Les—wbeu he <-oill<l
be |N-rauad<-<l to alaud at all. rsonlly


CKuwa. AUarosj sod O

"boea It U only when Un-y are off tbe

the ordem


Kbr Oion-ir

various anlmala round about,

Which ebaoced ooe lesaue to three
leagues. Then Queaa IsabelU spoke

Brnmnae a steamer bad (tone

„„ t,.

Uind i;. l>. d. Resolute upon tt. wbikuiHio tbe top of tbe hat you see s j»alr



for a premier Jockey
to draw a --alary of E».«UO a year for

■®*ber tree-trunks.

polaaa, tbe aepbew of bis ancle- sad
tbe occupant
tbroaa. 8be told ber sister, the qaeen.


A trainer wbu knows bis busi­
ness is emails of an engagement at

meul of whieh that paper weight la [

Ibe qneen sent at once for Mr. Party.

*si rvo«> -tv*.,

any nine and clmoat hla own price.
■1- wanted lo'stoi^ m7ap‘j«e,-latlo7 of |
what your governor dhi for me. The



Metisrry is

told tbe dnebess of Montpensler, who
bad aoae too ersat lore for Louis Na-

1 suppoaebeaald;


Mrr Perry

did la this tasoe was wlae.
Be toM
bis wife. She went tminsdiately sad



-jua, r»m Ui. .tt i Tl-sr aid om botlin.«l.>ai Kmimre.
nil oi lb. i:. s. e. M.I,..- .
I P'" ”■ “>
i” *'•
? * -—Ii.-


I am now settled In my fine new star*.

to. .a. axjx. x to,


v Js::

■....... '!3;;

CharteToU B. R. Iks-li



OotarltoklAvveiyUkJ vksept 40.8007.
Leave ChorlsT olj R. B.O '






"SSr’::::::;• St:

H.U .n., H, .-Mpl

■QHww B.J......................



tEM MOaiCnfQ teoOlD, lATPl&AT, «Mrr««rii«» S8 18M.

IHT •nimi EEM08.”

• Is

As Wm»M



or ^ Beu« of MwBttOA ftr Tsat

t rsoenUj i
A Fm
0 tstber BsTarorsble ciftlrlsm of tbs
perfonuncs of an actreoa. Tbe latter
felt tfeeplj wonndsd. and loDsed for •
rbaace to arro«e berself. Ooe ereaVartetlea. wbere abe was In
cotopaar with a fast jooa* arUti^at.
sbe spied tbs Jouraalist la qaestius.
Bbs bad a packsAe for bim. wbicli sbe
rwjnested her friend to drilrerln
P«rti«e ftoa tbe tody's band walked
i.n » tl«-.«J pr™o.W It

■Bdinc AocwtSl, IBM.
Tmesias Uty. «.eb..ttops. 11.1M» —
I do bM«by oerufy that the foi- wU
to s eorrcci siai. meat of m>iisjb is
osiTcdnnd exc • rted hy ihs Bonrd of
Bdnentiati of Tmnrss (M y. Mteh , far
IS year oommc
• 1st. 1«M.
ad SBdiBC Anenst 11st, ISM.
AtooBStotoBMtbbowinx tbs nos a
and anl-rtai of taaoiiar* nod JnBitan
smploysd for tns pnat aeboal ysnr nod
t<w (ha proMBt anboul year, 'he preaaat
tMBelal soBdlUoa of tbs »e'>ooia and
a iranaral atotomaat of all the flanaolA)
aflaliB of (ha Bsard of BdncaiioB.
CO.<fTIKQB)rr rcHD.

sopt. 1. isoa, ■*«


rew writMO, with tbt
perbapa, of Bodjard Klplinc. nni
ttelr dislike <4 notoristj to tbs extent

__ ‘■L'acle Bemoa.’' Joel Cbandbt'
UarrlA does, aars tbA Satotday ereBloc Post. Ad aflaUs and Boat ^reBlal mas ordlnartlr. tbe fac-t that aomeadalivr of bii work is dAlnnis of seelac him prodoCT* a flt of nsTTouaiiesa
I him to pUr Ulde-andIbis talU BiMl be is cod-

XatooaA. Kowe tor M. bwea

• rissksS Bsr A»

As ths I

to be a »ort b^er Itotener than ulk- “»‘•‘®-

and asei eety Uttle of society.
Altboucb Atlanta to elallsd in the


^ ,

8.n«..d Pstolw aer%)

b... to,. I. s u, u» .tot.....«:s;?r:;; S'"
toriiz:" ^ -.v tor-ir-'-trs-'tWhlteomb Biley
Bller cirea
of nu
bto reatj
one oi

Pl™"- klrr mj l>r»J
thanks toI

This hannened sbont all Tears aco
ISrlSlor la tl“b^ t^n -Uncto
Bsmna." For tbe next dee year*, how- -fW-Blia_________________
e*er, be carefnlly arolded tbe theater.
prl»»i TorsMi th* Jshs.
When, about a year ago. the Hoorier
pg„,pr O'Rbea.
poet made aaotber toor of tbe souUi. , p^Wi wbo ms well known in WbsIiFrank I. Bunion asked Mr. Harrl* to
,„unty^who bad some lo.-al
accompany him that nlfhi to ibc readp,g
inx- When tbe poet called early lb presbyterlan friends was fond of baetbe erenln* to make sure that - ri.Hc
with bIm. Tbey met one
Berotia" would be ready In lime, the c,y ,t tbe postoBt*. where ibere was
toner was slready pn^wred and was
wallln* for the dlstribubecfnnlBf to wiTty.
n,,u which bad Jnsi ar"Won't we be later be asked.
".Not for several hours yet,” sns-^loe day. Father O'Sbea,” tslil lbs
wered Stantoa
Tbe next day the OeornU poet snd
i, , nice day. Indeed, sir,” replied
tbe lUlnoia poet went for a drive, aud tb,, priest.
In accordance with tbe formeria plan. ^ ~i suppose you read «he news of tbe
stopped at Mr. Harris' bouse. Mr. „u^r jnmj, jowu In Texusr said tbs
Biley at first objected to (olOK In. «>« Joker Interroxatlvely.
tbe (ronnd that It wasn't fair to sur- . -i «nd n„,.- replied Father O'Shea,
prise a man In Ibis way.
••What's folifK on dom Iberer'
-If be knew you were coming.” re-They ar.' banxlug alTtUe priesU and
piled Stanton.' -and had wall.-d for j,rkassw In the sUte.” replk-d the
you. by ibis time be would bare had joker.
nerroas prostration.”
welL" commented the priest.
As It was. "fncle RemuF' w.vs ..|j., i^^ky for ds. Isn't IL that you
•■caukbr before be had worked np to ,nd I are not down therer'-Pltitbuiv
the proper nerrou* pin*, and tbotifib Xewa
be swuDc bis hat to and fro In a muchabashed manner diirinx the find few
1 maklny all
minutes of conrersatlon. he and ibe
man he muc h soon lieeamc! (bis trouble about toyluc down your
fsst frivnds. and Biley acldom visits armsr’ asked one Cuban soldier,
tbe south wlihoiit spimdlnx some IK-i "j don't object to laying them down,"
lie lime wlili Harris ai :\tlauia.
aosn-emd tbe other. "But I'd like to
Ur. Harris la a most metbodh\il keep Ibeui lu reaeb. m> tbat 1 lau pick
worker. He goes to the ConstItntloD them up and lay Ibcmi down aRalii If
offlie every mominx at 8 o'efoek f;>r iliere la any benefit to lie derlveil fivm
bis mail and papers, and remains the prooeedlnp.”—Wasbluxtoo 8tar.
about half an hour, xolny borne i
Aa Bscrpllao.
wort. He Is at premujl enxaxetl o
Mother ibearlnx Kthel say her pray
two booksersi^And let us all live lu a good old

ObiiKisaTO U.W nH..<m
Mistress (to c««kl-Your name. Mary.
*.t to8.niA .to! n>M <kvr>.
•*•<! my daughter's bclug the ssuie
"I would «oi part them ao far fn-.n
somewhut «.nfaalng:

” 7 and tbe law.
‘‘®»- «**> >•““
The Isugh waa general,
yer concluded to -let tbe pamm ah u,-.-, Ciwk-Slnire. mum. It's ii«l me thafi
-------------------------ipanicutor. I'm willing to call Hit
AmsrtosB laOwetry.
[ young Isdv anything you tike.—Thl'
The bnrean of xiatistics has just Bits.
published these algllldtant figures;-------------------------Our exports of agricultural protlPcls
• 0 gKVAtlUd.tssi. i "nid you t
r ll»7. Our tie. drab hoy?”
exi>orts of mauiifaciureti goods during
"Vehwy aged wlneT"
18W were *30fl.UU).0i«*. or lat.Oiai.fsiO
"More pwivlnus than that, old chap>
more than In ItBT.
Tbus while the Ameriian farmer lie. Careful, pleas.-: It's ii aaoKde of
continues to feed tbe world, .\niericiin
weal lA.ndon fog. '-Cleveland I'laln
msphtnerv and Ibe Amerb-au men Is- Dealer.
bind tbe machines are pushing the i
----------------------product of their Industry into tbe very
markets from wht<b we have In the 1 Borem-You'd ought
past drawn the «s-tier pan of our own youngster; there's a model baby fot
anpplles of mamira<-iured goods.
U to no wonder that Kuglish IronWheeler-How old Is h?
Btaalera and machtnlsts and niBDUfn<-- Kon-m—Ten mouths,
turcra are almost in a panic ov.-r
wms-ler-IIuh: tim uiodvL-Caibolic
Anwrican eBcroachroenis u|ion mar- SUndard aud Times.
kata which have biibenu bet-n exdu----------------•Jvaiy their owiL-New York Worid.
------------------------- Mv dear yon woman, do not blame a
OpsesUM am tbs Omms
Dun fur att.nnptlng to dMvive you.
Tbe operation on Queen Victoria'a

•yaa for cataract will takc^jlate pniin tvoman
ably Bt Oabome on ber return fit>m Transcript.
BalBiorul. at' a aeason when affairs of
------------------------- -

£"jr'Lr v.usr„":si

the knife, nevertheless abe has made ^
up bee mind, and It seema an afaaointe
camiBty that bar ^bt wlB be com-!

'' w

•*»»»*•«•*•« vend akMdcd al
............................................ ....
aul-ooD .Twrt aciusaa.



bSde^ lo'bsli^ MMStrt'Mfeno«e'.


O.F Oarrer ....................................
Joha a. Bmu..............................




BciLoixo rcup-BXPBNprroi
ai4 »

ITS tt


JSBIM Averv far Ubiar ................
J.HrCnor fur labor........................
L. Paork for labor..........................
Wn KcaodrriBsforUbor. . .
a D Bower for labor ................
Cbaa. Ooboip for labor..................
Wm. Araairoia (or labor............
Praok ZlUa for Uber ..................
W. A l>raD tor alaaa ..................
r. X. Walkrr lor plaaa..............
r X Moorr for plaa* aod apw.-

Tctopted br PtabeA.



In a fatal momeBt aomeof tbe larari_ „' itaa yielded to tbe pibcine bbndieb
«a U aente. caught several of them and bad
them for dinner, wbereopon David
-- - earned tbe Sablntb breakers, and Ood,
to show hia diepleamre. changed them
tr to
7M into apes and pigs Fur three days they
remained in this nnpleaunt couditiua,
when a violent storm arose and ewe]
tbau Into tbe sea. - Pittsborg Dispetcl

acaooL Boou FOND.


D C Beau. A Oo


SSKTSSSS" . .. .....
aUrer, BurdcUeAOB..................


HAL. Mete. ('« ............................
B. E-Baekall ................................
Aaerieaa Book Oe........................
Kayaerd. ttorrUlA Oo ..............
Fold A. W. aiekvrd for freight


t to


Tickets on sale Tbnn. 8e^. 14
, Steamer leavee Traverie City every
Sirnday and Thnraday.

*■■36 E*H POPEjAgt.

Gas LampS2.00..........

Price Reduced to Cloa Oil Lot
Best workmanship money
can employ for Bicycle
Hepairing. ^aick work.


us Onloa Street
sou resu i.uuu uiiib. isioecBicaSn lation ^ a clever individual fond of detaila Tbe eyes of tbe average busy

man. in reading alone, travel 1,0(K
S tiOTll milea. which is equivalent to an "ocu
r uon.k V mm
lar trip'' a third of the distance aerooe
Feld J. X. lifeUIck Oo. (or
** ^ oat contioenL Even tbe baaiest
•rkethigbsat poMibl* (TaSa. Plaai
probably trsvela with bis eyes 1#
work s apaclaltr.
of type yearly, and there ate duabtlaa
Vaw OSoa. Karkham Blnek.
9 n many readers wbo travel six times tbe
lorco ........
B. A L Oe. (orlabln...
« to diatanca. If yon read a yellow backed
tt m Bovel, your eyes have traversed from a
lilslo a mile and a half of type. Tbs
eat pen cannot
keep up with tbia
Trsesrerted froa rooUagest (ob4 te^
pace.: With ordinary
Dot Traveled as far as from New V'
Coeb on bend s,pL I. IlM .................... I
BcMl.ed uboratorr tea..........................._

BecelTMl (or books Mh
4 to aecetreO Tor dswsgeo
toad w
TrewferrM ftea. coDUegcDt

Jobo Kjwllia for luiwUMef
Ana.auele for Srpalra, labor
aidHatrrtal ...'...............
ailMoAIrwlooecooirwet ....
Aarrlran Foundry and PurB.'ImOwb *oaAlabw


tl M


IM u

1 Tbe Ruran giveea story of eome
CD to aanghty fisbea in David'a time. Ki
ing tbat tbe Israelites were forbidden
tu catch fiafa on the bahbeUi. the wUsed
JS S <3«atnr«a came ont of tbe Red m
TWOT anoaoai nniuben and kept in sight of
-^^'tbeprwple aU tbroogboot tbe day is
, ord« to tempt them. On tbe approach
I of night they returned into tbe tM

>,«» (U

Paid Am Hale for loUir..........................
AlOTw ros lorlidwr ....................
TraverM OI>r Luwbar ««. (or
luabrr.............. ...................... ...
J. X. Urrtllr* oo.. Bslrrlsl ....
J B. UlcUlrK Co., uoro ■Mb .
B J Uoryso for mswrlsl ........
P. Parlafbr loater......................
■ *L Merc.Uo..pluBbti>a.rcpoir.,, lu B brr asd msterial
B-C Bofu for labor ............
K- C u-amo. Soul, eostrset
work ...................... .........................
iobo Probort. rvoolro L. A B ..
Jolluo ClUBpbcU. BOWVtAl-------J V TrsTwAMo. luaibrr
CborlmBerd torlobor ................
B. PsUrnrlJI for Usekboa'd*
Juorph BylAod a Sob, tr|>alr>.
Jooepta Boeofor woTtag I alld-

iidaifTOT (1141

AUIOB W. Bickud,
Clarkot Beard of Fduettion.
Fbaxk Bauiltok.


Berths $1.00 each way.

ssrri'-:'-'-- --

■»# ™-. i-Tito
wood BkMded

Psta tor iBproTMse a cc.ual b-Mwl

.. buUdlat lueS _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To (uclfsnu . .
.. . . . . . .

MmIb And berth eztm.

_____ _ • ttoo4 of TbM far je

Ad«ai toA^


Tv lesckcn'bslar} fund.......................
To lorldoeisl ripesOT food....................
To losaraorv tusu ............
To laicrool toad...........................................
SebooJ twok. fBBd.....................................
To loalioro- ■olsnea fcad........................
Tv (vrsiture feed.....................................
~ 'M>c».raBkoi.kaBdBFaLl.ltW .

$3.00 "



kmir la I

Northern Mich.
Transportation Go.
Bxennion AatM to Ohleaco




JbUar OnapbeU tor toM mm*

i.<aa o



John R. Santo,


General lasgract.

rrXL vTito.

JlaM lor roal (O
J.M. Larkin
B. a 1, Hcnmoot te
I. Usilor...

tit 46
V uu
as S7
3 to

Blobwp WIlUaM

pray for aunty to live
Jdany anecdotes aerv told of Bishop
Elhel-fll o
Williams, of ivronectlcut. after bu to an old aye.
death, for the cood b«bop was as well
Etbel—'Cause she's
known for ms love of fun as for bis
aye now.—I’uck.
aamest piety.
At a nieeiinx of the bisbops. a meas­
ure was proposed and explained by
•What are you duloc with the
with Buch Ineoberf tbat nobody
second igieaker essayyd
matter clear, but only darkened i„
M'beu be bad finished Bishop Benjnmin Snitib. of Kentucky, tried to exIH-aler.
plain the qiKtstlon and also tbe ezplaaatloDs. Feeling llial be bad falkvl.
be aald;
‘3Ub«p Williams amllea. M'hat has
be to say sbont It?”
-Only this.” aald tbe old bishop.
"that the meaa of Benjamin was
found to be greater than tbe tuena of
any of Iris brethren.' ”
•The humor of Doctor Williams."
aaya a friend, "was always present
and ready like tbe lUab of aunllghi. It
had one pecultorliy. it never acurclied
nor left a sesr beliind.”
At an asBciublBBe of noted men a
year or t«<> ago. a lawyer wbo.roiidnets the legal bualness of a great mil"But Use policeman threatened
If yon didu't refruiu from
way system trietl to “guy the parwin’
by malicious qnlxslng. At tost he ! riding on tbe footiwtb .•
akld. ''^'hy don't you get these rall-J "Ves. aud I ihreai.-ned
»aas over bim If be didn't get u
y m
mnnageni to give you
-Ally BIoiht.
their luada. biabopT
It by giving them «



Sept. I. -sa. bslsGCT, essk ea ksoS
rsieeeol eneS br City TVtwirer
Soo-i .......................
wed tree Ftrel KsUooal Bssk.
pr<B«rT ■esool boUdtor ritM................................ ....................


£!* °clZ?Lu

Alice Kt«b>................
a J. Murssu
0«o. 8 Arwevroiia...


W- logTieol ..................
Clsecoev logrrevl. .
A W.^uske*............

10 az


Ucu. fV.kliu.fora

kelsBcearvouDl .... .
U far book* Ui'S^
A.V. KcClursAra . .
ailTerBBrdvtic ACo .
Aorriceo BouM < u
Boiler A Cunnsble
Werorr Urboul Book C<


IS as aalsrr la
B.j-Cnnu ...
1. M.ToBipkloB
M. H. Krllb . .. .
M.A.BanM ...
TBoa. Psrarr...
JaBr« Parker .


balaacr wrcuuBt
Vsebrra rmplorrC aad •alsrlss I
br paid fo'raaaloR •rbeol rear:

XH.Krdrr^Pnnieigbiicbiil' ..
Stu H. A. Cobb................................ ................
XB. Bwlfl




ilra k. Nonoo ..................................
—lUaa OowBlag........................................
^ubt. MklD..........

H> FOB A I'obb.
X. 11 Switi
Belea A Norton,
Usrrn-t Buuldlo.
U.Uau Uueuiud,
aisle M. Lb-so
Luej orevron.-e.
Fioreoce H
aiUsbeib mcgbsai
JeOBle L eurU.
• AgTiee Ustn.
Hyrts W«l»er.
Nellie X tlmlBs.
dsile X- Prsl..
aaiui K B.BWti.
Ida M. I'oTen.
a Adaaa
I'Brisieoa PakUD.
Mar. a.<>3-let,
desalt M biiwe.
CUra X. Carr.
Bdlib Ulbba.
Rob} Peau.
Kaielle brbuelder.



Ka'-r Dra
&40 u- 8
Nanba Cha
»S)-W Lulu BaaW ........
MV u> Cbnalros Psion.
Mb OT Nsrj X. <'ry»l*r JesBOrlt, Smlib..
Xdlib Hard ..
Jrooir U Hurd..,.

Bttr I.sR>b............
scab Hnlrosb ...
Orww ClrrrlsoC..
AOgllrtS Adsma...
nsrn X Ssnndern.
Lacr ossMU ...

Ss: t>

Fsaale X. Tafiae
Manka XHUlar .
Rcnriia Voirrlaoeg
AaanH Blloa.
.. _
X. Bssarll.........................................
X'brl Horir. .
SOT uu



Twm> 1 auffered with diarrhoea for along
MU » Uae and thought I was past being
so much time
4SM aoueyand suffered an much miaary
e 00 tbat I bad almost drelded to g-ve op all
. bope of recovery and await tbe result,
i bat noticing
advertisement of

i cores had been wrought by this remedy
11 decided to try It. After taking a few
lemou doeea 1 was entirely well of that
W OT trunble. and 1 wish to sUte further to
to* w, my readers and fellow sufrera that I am
< a bale and hearty man today and feel
MO ov as well as I ever did in my life.—U. B.
M w Moore. Sold by 8. E. Walt and -C. T.

Annul Obis Czeuklon.

Iw ui, K-OU to Toied} and returo.
I plus transfer to Doluto lejond.
Returs limit SO daya.
OT7 OT! Special through train from Traverae
JOT ot; City #:» a m. Wedneaday. October
togX 4tb. B W Canningbam, Agt. F. A.
4« un Mitchell. O P. Agt.




ibih BireM (Niwarr Belldla*. Tkes.
Parker, per sooib.........................................
Baoerllle Pnwsrr BullSlag. Hows
Ullbrru per weetb.........................................

Neim due aepi. I. lOTO............................$ OTOI <


Jaly 1. iwe. Interesi si t per esav,
^UwaM^a^r Brbaid BaUdtBgv
sadOeoODd............................................ t ISM (
Snoani ol cMb oe head Ssplssibse ___


Raaic w'j-b

bW r Bru.'to'lob'ir^' V.!
Mvroiar Kooerd tor }ub <mk ..
UrtodTramecBrrald Ter }eb
Ucurgr'jaaoooe te dVeji^ .'.


X.C aWlairor ba^Bx tiiuM
B. J. MorgM tar livery ............
Jatooa Arrrj for clebaibg

i m will' toi isrtad la jiw



Bxenr^on to Chicago30. Oct. 3rd.

We have joat received an
•legant atock of the most
beantifnl art work in Dainty
China ever displayed in tbe
There are several
bandaome and new designs,
which we invite tbe Indies to
Onr stock of jewelry is the
fineet in this part of the state.

,;s=ts3gs=f.-~" , ■
OobM^ cK^ms ajudeorr^^ SlMX

SOT Coat ot fuel per luo esMe TeM at


1*0 OT

£ ul U^a«i ■ A-ito' ■■Ai'u.r.b- A ' b
S<T tu

AU>e A Baeeu tor xlass rsg^

-----------. Ann..] Xjutoion.

a. a


144 10
Ed^ U*Hara



tSto A«asw*OT

Will Irsyr aboal SeW- »-

Annual Excursions
■. ■ Via G. R.&I.
To Mckumd, Sataibs Utk
TheB. B A 1. will give their anaaal
ezeunion to Kiebraond on September
2ntb. and to EVUolt and Chicago ooa
week later. O.-tober 3->. 'neketo wUl
be sold at rate of to Blebnued
and Detroit, aud S6 00 to Cbtoago.
Children under i: yean, halt rata.
TickeU will be aold from all sUtkma.
Mackinaw City to. Big Banida, tnrluslve, good for return on regular
trains for ten daya.
For Detroit, choice of two routse wdll
be riven: One via F. A P. U. B. R.
from Beed C ly; the other, via 0.. O.
a. A M. By f>om Grand Baplda For
Chicago 'be route will be via ViehabBrff
and tbe Grand Trunk syatem.
For time of trains and fortber inforaUon.xpPly to O. B. A I. ticket
agents or addreee

“West Michigan R’y."

DETROir.............................. 30.00
LANSING.............................. 30.00
JACKSON ............................ 30.SO
Annual low rate exeuraion to above
neinu with better aarvloe this year.
uee aw
.......... ...
and run to GrandI 1Bapi£
without a btop snath of Maalatee___
lee Creasing, except at White Cloud for Inn^ .
Boeeial efforta will be made to faralah
smole aeatiog room In coaches aad to
make tbe ran on eebeduled tima. Ticketa will be good to return until Oetobef iStb, that to leaving daatinatton tm
that date. Ask C. A W. U. aganta tar
full parlieularn or bee bUto advarUolaff
the exeuraion.
U£i>DbBavkn, O. P. a.
•late Fair at Oraad BoRMe.
Tlcheto will be aold by all affwto on
Beturn limit Sept. »0(b
» 10 1041« . Oxo. DxHavbx,0. P. a.
That wlk be tba rate from Traversa
aty via a A W. M. By. and enawei.
Iona. ItotCBcf aate Rapt. 36. 3T SS.
Batan limit October 4. is-isss-SI SS4


..Barnum & Earl.

^ . prof«Baioaal Bmuff
Hkrets ..................................................

; Dr.J,I.Gaimaett

, E'romineDt Tirginla Sditor Had
bivan TTp. but Waa Brought Back
* ~ 1 to Perfect Health by Obamberlaln's
»"l OoUc, Obolaraand DiarrhoeaBamai—dy-Easd Bto Editorial.
FTom the limea, HUtodale. Va.

» 4*

‘*bilAocolwci”*^'‘‘*7.'........... *?S
raACBEKa’ kalakiks fund.


Psldi. a. W*li ferebnelesU............ «
HAL Here. Tvk for ploab sa
JeatwO Jobo)

• c


Last OM tiw (kto year, naia «ai
leava Ttavarae Ctty at i AO a. sa Laava
RayVtowatSpm. KaieSL




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