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The Morning Record, December 12, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
jTlufd Yc*r-No. 813
fiMt te Oftp* Oolosy.
ammBBBATAx. i
Onniad kj Bissaa'a Bs-«lslaln el
Tana, Dee. 1L> L iLoikip. os-MIsietarenfarlae.aK ealled kp nfaro aa
arBceaasrslwar wtU tn«lisd. rw
•« bf o«
i Is M AMsak iUed:
«m« m»rny Waasm—OpaW—i
Dnyaasto FWcbtUc st Ko
Laste D«. l».-Aar«Uac diasstar
«o Oasanl Oslsara^ ailawaai la Oa?a
Oetaar la raportai Ira Oapa Tm.
Is as attaaaM «s mrprtm tba Bean'
aelana s» Btecsibarf as Sstsidar
Maniac tka Prtitak %<ra ItaaU faU
late tka a ttv sad aaffared a aetara
rararaa, batsf rapaUed te ratira te
Meltasa, arttk a laaa el mans la klUed. weasdad. sad mlaalaff. Tka
Bwealtatof aMacIa eadanteadkan
tenaaassetknwkfdaaala aspisrakv
Lead Lwadewaa, Baaratsrj
“Iha Bacitob an Bote tkaa twtoe aa
Mroscataaaiawe. Tkap keae daaa
osaoe war rtmrH of aU kisda. te
wkM Moat ka added MO « 4« aarraadp la be arswd.
IkalafUah aksM aeald faae rissee
aad tba tr^ alUasae Not oslp to
the saMkar of tkalr warakipa formidable, aoMpand with the rroaek Bast,
bat their orvaaintles la laaostaatablp
i«arpeaa.oBr Aeat
d bp a Britlak saral teree
af doabU. tnMe. its ettasrtk. eea
naadad kp peaat oBewa. Is amp
ew the Bepliak poiiiM saral atatloaa
whan tkap oaa rarlataal sad eesl. tad
aMMasIties, aad repair doMafea. da
for aa, we ban so aheltar porta, or
ter wv. raaaiaad a diapatak aaaeaaeeearaelpaop. With the exeepUce of
kic Oasaral Oataera'a naaraa fra Oae
Toaloa, wo ban sethlar worth mobaral Wr Bradarfak-Walkar. eouasdai
tioslaf la the Medltemaeaa."
«f tka Britlakireepa la >0apa Oeloaf aa
•Tka foUewlac
«asaaalOatsaratklanarslsr *I «-r
iy rarret to Istmrea tkat I kaaa ant
aHtkaaorlew raaoaaa la aa attack
tkto (Batetdap) Mslac ea Storakarr
I waa mlaUd kp tka raldaa aad fOsad.
U a Utar
te tka arar e«ea
«asacal BenaHar Wallwr aapa:
-la tafaraaaa le BP talapra Of tbia
aMTStat tka aaaaaltlaaaa tar aa kaowa
St prataet are. Saaoed Bopal trUh
rlflaa. kiUad Boaa] wooodad. iMotassst Odosal Barer. ^Kajv Saatoa.
OaptalaaDoUasdKaUar aad Ltaatasasta Btapaai aad Baraardatea-Saffelk rarlMSt, Oaptala Wair aad
tkiea Ueataaaata Bl«to(: raak aad ftla.
seaa killed. 11 weaaded, aad PPO mtaa
B«port of
Fall la tka ]
1 Bear Oneasaa Batwaas MhJar Barak's BabtaHaaasdtkaBaordefdcalaaldo
laaaiBnt Oaan Waakaead kp kte
Oaatk—ddMbst Vatna TUB af
Baalla, Dee. 11 —It te sew at
tkat Oasaral Oraforto del FUar waa
killed at tka asfueMnt batwoHt
Ma]wMaiab<BhsldaUesof tka Tkirfipthird rerlMnt »f«d dpaiBaldote paard.
aaarrrrrfB •. Ocoetaldal FUar waa
osa of .'ba proMiaast laadan af tka
aaditteballand kte death
wUl haates tka aappraorioa of the rebel
Ites. Bar I a akrawd oBoar aad te raportadtoki
tp adaoatioe. taklap a laadlap part la
PkUIpplaa aftalra darlap tba
pean of tka troabla of tka telaada
itb Bpsia.
WaahlngtoB, Dee. 11-Tba foUawlap
I bae bean raeairad i tka
sarp dapartmaat fra ddwlral Wataoa talUnp of Iba aarp’i part ia tba
patloB of Babid bap: "Oa tba
Moralar of tba »lh I raaaind a tala-
Tbe facte that Boner te a rradaa
VaadarblU eclnraitp aad aomn from
r>« .Wd Hnr tl» ptododa ot Tlarn.. at, emd,
m.k»n (tho. .n aw.1) It not onl, Oimia>ta. em.
pbjmant ot koo. Ubor bat psiutaM a para sbolMcaaa
articla—tnaa iiyatioga iagradienta.
TOUOEEOW wa arlH raoeiva If ton aad, (38
differant kiada) vhiob will aelt at lOo a pcaiad.
Thia lot aaa all laada b, SInab Braa k Aiaiotta
oMbiaoit, aad iaabaalatol, para, vartb 90c to 30c a
SUNDAY SCHOOLS mint place their orders with
m this week to iaaore prompt delivery.
Ws WBttt 3 eztn girls to
ssU osndy for os astordsy.
See oar assortment of
Xmas footwear and tbe
puzzling question “What
shall I boy” will be solved;
A Pair
of our fiue slippers for
men, women and children
will not only please the
one receiving them but
will add to the wearer’s
comfort for months.
Prices are low as al
AlfriedV. Friedrich
tkat ka akot Slater onr tba kaart witkoat, ao far a* U kaowa. aap particaUr
pronaatloB. team lltae doabl la Baa
Fraaeteao. aaeordlap to tbe intorma-.
ties to tba poltea fra that eltp. that
be te tba aama Walter Baaear who waa
triad tor mardar there jeet a pear afo.
Tbe caan are nmaikablp alBlIar.
waa bald far examiaalioo
la tbe Jefferaon Marbat
•verpwhara. , No fraat aarprlaa eaa
sow ka fait If tba rereraa raaaltad in poltea eoart Bail wae fixed at tl.OM.
Oapa'OoIoep kaeoMtsc adaMt Itom aad beaaiMaaDote from Dr. Wpaeoop of
B«llenia etated that Blatar'e eoadltlua
aot at bad aa bad
>t of tbr Oallp Mawa
Oaaaral aadtbatbeaonld probablp pet well.
at U
Boaaar told tbe martetrau that be
Baatar'a 'eaptara of tka roB*
eot to tbe pattlea a mUa
BUI. lara:
-Baj w SaodaraoD. with 14 ra'dea. llqoor, aad there rao loto a lot cf
Wkj waa diraeUoc tba oborcmaata. led poonr set., who proeeedad to "rap
tka torea ap tka praalpitoaa. bowldrr braoaaeooaat of bit oeodltloa. Bi
etrawo heirhu. Whao aaarlp kalf healed pul hte pUlol. be nld. when be
Aitenveolr From Laoe.
wap ap tka diScalt aaoast a Boar oet- wae afraid of keior attacked. Wbea
M. B. Boltep hu renired a cnrteapoat, apparaeUp Jjvt awake, abal- be fired, he aald. be bad ao idea wboai lip In tbe form of a pablleaUoa, wbicb
coinp to hit. Be did aot aim
laacad tba Britlak. BeealriDr ao aaformaaealaableadditiojto bte larta
awar. tkap eallad to tbalr eomradra at Blatar. be declared.
eoUecUon of Cbnatlan Eodeavor eoneakera: "Tba Bo(>Ub arroe at.Sbooi.''
He reeeired pnterdap a co^
tliaptkae fired tkalrHflea-aod axploof a C. B paper from Laoa, a email ae^TekallaUfiiakadaatkap au-aek the
Dothard A Baadp wm
9m- tion Dear Staoi. printed in tbe Laoe
rodca A karriad faaUlada from tka
It tea 14 papa pamphlet
eeaaioo Tod tp.
eraat of tba kUl waa aaawarad kp a
eutcbed topcthar with wire aad te as*
Tka OeBaea mtefast. fomarlp
elarle rollep. ‘ntea oar tro^ raked
iqne la ite make up.
riaglat ekaata. apparaatlp doakttrr wdaetad bp M. DU!, bae keaa eold
tkalr BBBbara bp tta rapatltioe of tka , aad tka aaw propriatora will taka poa- HaatettAWalkispSaM
ooaeda. Oaaeral Haoter. leadlaf hia'
*««w»a their firat oMaa
Bedand to 50c aad 7tc.
hat. $S 80. 0___________
Jftmta. took ap tbe comsaad, oroar-{ ^
ereBlac. Tka deal
Boeton Store.
Isf tba mao to fix tbalr bapoaata. ^
1^* nte wae made wai
Tbdp dUmbad Uka lleinte onr tbo •»■»*•« ynlerdap. aad tbe firm
hare bowldara la aa imralar bet or- of tka aaw proprtetcn te Southard A
telp lisa. Wbea tbep valaed the Haadp. Oeorva Boathard kae bees
aratbepfoaad tbe Been U faU re- ooodecUac tbe reaort betel at Foaeh
foraome time, baetar reaeaUp sold
MoUer Binr. Dee. u —Tka sanl that baeiaan. Mre. B. Baadp waa
4 ? laeb r«B
poaiUoa cook ot that mort aetfl reosatlp, Sba
sortb of tka eamp pnterdap afianoos bn baaa aookiar at Wlnate'e munr
white tka bowltaar batterp waa pnted tsaraat tar come time.
to the netkaael oo the left of the
W of tbe fire d
Boeta. Both opeaed a bot fire with
Ipddiu ebelli aad abrapeel. to wbieb
taa Bnra raplted abarplp with a dona to moot tbte anaiac at tba Oan auaet
tbn uamartlar
- t-tbwbteb wae the obiaet of tbe Brilteb aaplaa boon to attead Stalaberra,
After^y^^e firlap^tba Graad Open Boaaa. U reapoan to tba'
iBTUaliaa axtasdad bp Mr. Btalabarr. itaUwdwuprawpUr aim
tear r«B
fldaoeated. It sow ap-'
aaare that the Been iatead tba aaxt Allaboaldba.SBnaaattkaboan aot
ifbt te taka plan at NafantiMilela aa later tbaa » o'aloek.
tba repltee to tba Brttteb artHterp an
SiO-SSi Front Street
Balph Oonnnbls Jr„ lUBagsr.
Alamlnom Hst Mnrk Free to Furehnsers.
They make a very acceptable Cbrietmas gift
I3A0. $5,00, •650, f750. $8.00, $10.00
. . . Umbrellas
We’ve got a line that's good eaongb for a King
_____________$1.50, $200, tgAO. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $6A0
Pick Holiday Gift* from tbe only ^tire New
in 'Oraverse City, at
S. BEira.A. & OO.
“Zero” Ulstera, $4.50 to $25.
"Newland" Hata. $1, $2, $3
Fosaral of tka Late W B. Tbaeker.
•andap-Bodp Laid to Bnt
is Oekwjod Oametarp.
Oae of tbe larrnt faneral faikerioce
tkat anr met ia tble eltp nme toretkar Buodap to pap the Int trtbuta of raapeeito the late wuilam B. Thacker.
A creht cjneouree of triende ware at
tbe keen to linen to the funeral aermoB preackad bp Bar. D.-Ooehlia. wbo
bad akarra ot the aarrtoae. Tba admir
able pablle and pereonal qaallUnof
the daeeaaed wan epokaa of aad a fine
irlbota paid to tka dead.
Mra C. J
Bkaar. Min Uammond and C. K. Back
toraiahad the mn^e tor tbe oeeaaioe.
The fuaenU waa la ckarre af MePkams Poet O A. B, and the pail
baarare wen ehoeen from amonc the
oldooeuadn of the deeeeaed. Tbep
were Lorln Boberta, Leel Boate. John
Jameeoa. Nalaon Ohattsrdoa. F. D.
Marrte and Oaorce W. BaS.
About ao Keiphu of tbe Mareaben
were prteeat. aUo M membereof the
L. O. T. M. aad a nore from the Wornaa'e Belief Oorpa.
Maap bandtoma
fl>ralplaon ware rinu ae iribntn to
tbe departed, both bp peraonal frieode
aod tbe earioae prdeta. A wmtb with
the tetlare G. A. B. wn preniittir bp
that orcanlutioa. the l^p Maoeabrn
can a haocUome wmtb aud the Mac
oabaes' offr-nac wn a brokeu wbnl. It
ie ntlotatad that at leaat ISO carrtecn
followed tbe recaaiae to the oemeterp.
In Buying
Xmas Candy
of ZDsoicoBt
To Dealda tka Itakote oa PkUlpplae
a loftioo Baiwaae rraeklta Qab of
Oasaral MaeArttav ear eooparatloa
eritb Oaaacal OraaVe foren anttarcd
Masktee aad Sasler l^aaoB.
.^Tbrledsaa for the debate katwaca toward Olaarapo. Babif bap. I etartad
oa tbe lama araatat for Babif with
tkaPraakUaelabof Baakteeaad tka
Baaior Lpeeaw of thie eltp ban koea tba Baltlmon aad Otefoe aad a aen'
paap of mariaaa. Wa arrlnd at dapaelaeted. ditkoark their anntipiaari
Urbt OB tka lOtb. with Uadimr partln
baa Bot keaa raaalrad aa pet. It te prokorvaatead aad foaad Major Btenn U
abla tkat tbap wiU aom. SaperUteanalos of Oiaacaao. I nliand tba
deat Blodpett of b4i<lUurtoB bee keaa
aaked bp tba praaldeat of tka Fraak- armp feme bp marlan aad tisaapoetlie elab aad Baperiataadeat Lott of ad tba armp dataebmaat to SubicBk Baplda haa kaaa aalaetad bp tba That town waa abaadoaad on onr
Beater LpeaaB'a pcodidaet, aad tba rieaL Oanatal Qranl arrind la |ka
rnooa. Wa left on tbe Orefos,
twopneldaala aoejUaUp ban aakrd
Snperiataadaat Ktpa of OadUlaa to aot Oardoqul aad Mindoro aad ratarned' to
GteTlia oa tbe mb. Tba Otanrapo
ae tbe third jadra.
Tbadabata wUI taka alaaa ia this aavp pard aad ite mtcbiaarp are la
eUpattba«Rp Open Boaaa Fridap fair aooditios and the abope ware i
1 oslp allcbtip >p tbe prerioai
anoiap; Darabar It. ddatteaioo will
**^Barkahlra nnstai iBtaBtrp, oaa
. "Bereatj feartk kattaiy. a liaateaaat. aad tkrea aaea oawrelp
a aiajar aad oae Aaa allrkU;
sad oaa raaaar...........
erlaad faalltera, Malor
Bteraaa. OapUla Pleteber aad Iforlep Baliend la itea 1
Tkat it
sad tkrea lieeteoaaU ainlBr:
soa aoa eeBBlaalaaed oOeaia aad
New York. Dao. n.—It tbe iafoma
"Tka ramaladar of tka eaaaaltira Uoo raaaind boa Baa Fraaeteao
Itee cm ilate te aorreet. tba poaop nedlwill ka wired aa aooo aa kaowa.’'
oal itadaBt who abot Frad Slater at
lAlar dalatla recvdlaf tka dinatar
Is Otaaral Oataera'a oolasa akow that tba Badteoa Bqaara Qardaa blcpele
Bktardap Blrbt aoBMlUada wilfsl
bat lor the maro^OMt work of tka
srtUlarp. tka dafaat wmld kara keaa sardar ia that eltp. The New York
ofleera will axamtoa iato the nporta
lar Mara aataealva, aa tka iaaaaaaat
Boar akall flra is tka Mldat of tka la- with a Ttew to nriloatloB Tbe police
Ufaatcp alUBatalp lad to disorder, beltenBMeer map be predtepoeed to
wklek oalp aoaapad daraloplar lato a
reat tkroark tka artlUarp baitartaa.
wklek ^ oeeapplat aaooaaaira pooltioaa. aorarad tba rairaat, tkai drawtsr a portioB of tta Smto faltlar fire.
dppWMUp tba Britlah bad aat akoat
sa iMpoadbla task aad wi
«Mlp r«kUd- Ikaro U litUa la tka
teary of tba battU to wlurau tba
latosaa hsMlUMtlos of tka ealeod.
wUAIaalMaot aa exact aoaotarpart
of Blekeiaoa'a Sak. Tka afliir baa
Cold Weather
With the chill taken off the prices. Onr overcoats and
uUtera are perfect garments—are right np to tbe minate in
style—are made of dependable materia*8,end are rightly priced.
Tbe greatest stock in town is here—This month we’ll
sell yon overooata. nlsters and suits at ten per cent, discount
from our already low prices. Oome and look.
A proi
paid the cereral uk of tbe tele,
phone bad made tbe task of efficently protectinp life and properly
over 50 per cent, earner.
Telephoning in caae of fire, ac
cident or borglary baa become a
reoognixed neoeeaity.
Every well resnlat
ed bouaebold baa a
EHBB telephone
Have you one in
your borne?
' UcUAU TtfflDhOH (A
Hamilton Watches,
Fancy Clocks,
Elegant Effects
In Diamonds,
Beautiful Novelties in Jeweliy
For Christmas Presents.
Finest assortment I have ever carried. The line
this year is especially fine and^ou should see it be
fore deciding on your Holiday Gifts.
That's s bsl peopW arc Cola* si
CbH.IBS. -Wv hsr* sol s tilf lle« of '
sl'klaOof (soc, (ocrfsthls rr^r-bal
ws do risla lo hs^ B flo*. Isrc*. i
sod Birlcil, op-lo-dBW Use of PrrU
Post OfBes Building.
Atoaiim. PortoiBsrf Is fsacf rs
bottles, (oev stalest ssd Poi-kcl .
Books. BUI Books. C«rC Csstis. ote-Wr
Wait’s Drug Store. |
SteV 6ue 'tdVTvute
Aad tee what wu can do for you.
Strictlyfraah Eppa................Meperdot
Cboior dairy Butter...................tOc pw lb
AU packape Coffee.................. lOcperlb
Granulated Supar................... 5H« per lb
BmI 50c Tea for........................40e per lb
Beet «Oe Tea for...........................soe per lb
AU pronad Spteee (pare).........>5e per lb
lOkare Lenox Soap.............................. »5c
1* ban Aeom Soap................................ 15:
I cane Pampkln .................................... «5c
Scan* CwB...............................................«5c
leaM Tomatoea.................................... tte
Aad la fact for everytklapia tballne
of Oreeartea we are yoar Mvtapa baak.
You Can’t Afford
To Have Wet Feet
Better buy some wet weather footwear. This
is the -time of year for taking cold—you may
prevent it by having your feet properly
We carry a complete line of Wet Weather
footwear, including Waterproof shoes, Rub
bers. Over Gaiters, Rubber Boots, etc.
Our ■>«,« tuna •(
McNAM4RA block
T-.-- r-T£-F‘ r- •-.
IM ad •Mdanta Who Idea is Cm*anaOHp.
B. B. BUawwtb haa wrtttn for tba
Otaod BapM BaroM as arttela U iw
yard to TtoraiM CS^ atwtosta la tba
UatoaaHty of Htablyaa. wbkb ylraa
tba at^nte at pratant In Ana Arbor
from thto eity nod rietaity nn foUowi:
tm. «. Mtxm AMB 3. W.
A Thrivisc XattMUj.
lAbor OcmaMonv On hi
l*BM Ot th« <
■ Mkhicui whiah BiuvraeUr* *«U
rmlt to worUr e( eoMiacr•tiPB. WbUa U« fBhtoto
tut InauUj In tb« aUta bu baas
toaewa to ba axtanaiva. lU rani alfnliannaaaaoM of'onr
tadnal^ baa aenreal7 baan raniiaad.
l&junataan aaatan la Uta auta fiftyJra ooMarM wara atolted.
Tba enpitnl atoek af thaae flrma a*fragntaa $S.fin,*ao, Wiib na afidiUaBnt
ffrptaa of «tss.O(a rapertad by thna
gim*. maktay na nTaracn for aneb firm
anBTMoafi of bU.7e7. Porty-nlaa of
tkaaa fimu g%n aa their cmttmt ia
IfiPa. aabtelaa DaBbarlay 171 TCO, or aa
aracnca of 7.M7 for aaeh firm.
Tba ralaa of thto yrant ontpat iraa
yltaa at fa.xa.it?, aa a?an«aofabo«i
itt-OO tor aaeh vablela, aad aa areraya
«t birr.all for aaeh firm.. It waa aaU»a<ad (bat the iaeraaaa la ontpat for
Ibapraaaatyanr, ovar that of im,
wonU araraya M par eaaU
Tbaae firma. at tba Una of tba anaVnaa, wara aa^loylny t.Mt poraoaa. aa
•Tomyaef 9i for each factory. Tba
•roraya nnaiber of aaiployaa for tba
/aar had ban a? paraooa fn aaeh.
Tbalr aytrayata waakly pay-rolto foot•dytt.ais.aaaTamya for aaeh factory
Tbaaa flyaraa ylra a fair Idea of a
vory iBportaat Indoatry and tba is«naaa of bnaloeaa oaar 18»a to rary
yratifylay. Wbi e the '
«Bly the larycat ooneama. there are
«asy anwllar faeturiaa whoaa oatpot
arlU awall the proonet aad abow a
yraatar Dombar of nan employed ibaa
fabaraylras. Bntfortbe porpoae of
famtohisy aa Isulllyant'Idea af the
•ataat of the ladoatry. the faeu ylrea
are ralnablr. Trarana City haa no
larya aatabltobnaou of thia kind, but
(be wa hare are ibrlrlsy eotteema
Xs.ATTonarv UnNKSAL Matmakd to
Mtha carpet before the yrand jury
■adit to latlaatad that the charya
■Uoyaa that a oertais Clark in tba a.larMyyenaral'eifflM only drew r#
par noath, when the aalary
■bowed »lfS. Hr. Mayaaid to raportao
10 hare autad that tba ebarye to prac
tleally that be borrawad nonay from
hto elerkt. In thto oosnactlon atunHon to ealied to the feet that Mr. Me^
■ard daroted hto entire time dnriny
tcmi yaara, to the work of tba ofica of
attorney yenaral for a aalary of ynoo
par year. If the lalary of the attorney
fOMrol of Miehlyan ban bees wnat
attorney of the raqntolia ability
•o^d earn In prirate praeUee there
wonld be no ocoaeion for him to bu.
fOWSBonay fnm aoybooy, mneh laaa
from hto elerka.
Tax yrand jnry i
to have before it a wide ili-ld and pier
(y of work ahead, but a rtetae will be
taken for the holldeyo, nnd reenmed
-With more riyor afur the *<eiine bate
had a little more tmr to wrirry.
lUies the food nore detdous Md
.t; Min Marlon 8. Boham.
Jaalor yaar. Utarary dapartnani; AnO
HarUayar. faalor yaar.Uw d
Barry B. KyaMka, Jaaior yaar. nadtoal Trararaa Otir B. y -Wnten of SoMlrr
oowac: Albert T. Hoala. laalor yaar.
bonnopathla dapartnaai; r. Waller
The foUotriaitUuor bee been raTblrlbyJaaior year.daatal dapartauat:
drad from Arthar Vasderrort. Co. K.
ITtb B^lmeat. >0. 8. Volaataaia, by
tar In thto city. It will beot
iatanat aa akowiny aomatbiay ot tba
aataal Ufa of tbaSaoUtora wbo weal
from bare to tba PbUippUea.
MvUa, P. 1.. Oek II. I«00.
WoUa. aenlor yaar. aniaaa' tralalny d<
1 fot yoar Uttar yraterday. aad Uall
partnaal; Ada L. Watara. traahman In yoa I waa rUd to bear from boma, 1 am
wall aad yaulny alony all riybl.
thara are aat- bad a fine trip orer tba pond,
afalothara wbo. wbUe i.ot now ret;- atoppad at two papanaH towaa aad
daaU of Trararaa City.. la wall known bad a fine dUaer U each.
barn, aad ia tboaa eaiaera Trararaa
Oar diet bera| oonatota of poUtoce,
CiW *1U ii«l »treat Iniereat.
bean*, fiab, pie. mflee, tea, bread, bntJohn Bdward Untner. who took hto
itaak. ataw^paaeakca and ma
ftr«tdayraeiBl89taod hto aaoond In ple ayrap.
Wa bare braakfaat at S:lo,
im. and wbo Unyht la Ue Uemao ' nar at II. andnnpper at 4:80.
IB the yean Idsn-W. to
I am not with all the boya from Trar
ia Oamaay taklny ^eeial work.
arae City. Only LewU Oarrabo, Wrlyht
Thomaa A. Coalon yradoated from and myaelf are In ibis company, the
tbaBiyhaebooIln tkto olty In 1W7. othan oalnyt ia< Co. K.
We do not
Be to DOW preaident of tka aaalor law know anytbloy about them at aU. i
olana In tba ulreraity.
bare two holla os my face that hare let
Gbarlaa F. Watklna. TSaraiia Clty'i me oat of^nard doty, (la San Pedro
aae ball pltebar ••WaUla," to a Innior X waa ordered on dnty for the oSeen
nadle. Balph E. JohnaM. wbo apant taeadqnarlara.
nar b«a. to a aaaior In tba
The weather here to not ao warm a*
aama drpartnaat. aa ia also Sara T. to be eomfortabU -for a man to aleep
Chaae. wbo foraerly taoyht In the wltbonl a bUahet. We bare aom«
aprtoya In front of the camp, aa hot
Hiyh aebool barn.
~ Urdle raytotan from that yoa can boU an en U oae min
Old Miaeioc. bat to to all Intaata and ata.
Pete aad I wUl hare oar pteterM
I a Trararaa City boy. Ba to
a Jnnlor Uw atadant. Oaear Frladrieb Ukan as aooa aa we yarto the city of
wbo now raaldaa la Ann Arnor. to a MaaUa. I waa tbera about aa hoai
before joinlny the company here. W«
freabnaa In tba aana dapartnank
Bobart O. Jlekllsy to a Jenlor la the are now about 40 milea from VaalU
Wa bare a fine lot of offleaia. They
Utarary dapartnaat- Ba waa yradaatad from the Hlyh aebool hare thto year. are jDsi like the :men, eat and alaep
McAlpla BOW elaina loyetber aad we bare fine^Umea.
Island to not to hot here, aad lou
Trararaa City aa hto home, tbonyh he
from Bapld Olty when be of tbeboyeara yolny toauy.Bat exeoae
eaterad the Uw departmaat. Janaa me. The negroea and Chinese arp too
Hamilton, of tha Blyh aahool, to alao U dirty.
We are boldfny an outpoit here, aan
the Uw department. BobertS. MonUyoe of Caro, in the literary depart when the neyroes yo tbronyb the lines,
we taka from them all their riee
ment. to aUo known In thto eity.
8Uce 1890, Trarene City itndeato fire pound!, and all the salt. The Inbare Uken anireralty deyraea aa fol suryenU are yettlny abort of food, and
It to eorreader. If they do, that
be yreat lock for oa
Parmina C. Gilbert. LL. tf. *91.
'hen yon write, tddrraa me as folWilliam Ueary Umlor. LL B. ’91.
Moryan Bale* Pnleipber. LL- B. OS.
Aarm-H VsMiniivohT. U. 8 V.,
John Artamua Wood. LU B. 01.
Company E. Thlny-aerenih raynlara.
Joho Joaapb TwfddU, LL. B. 93.
Manila, P. I.
WlllUm Blebard OaUweU. C. B. '9S.
OaaoU Bioh Montayna. B. U ’9S. M.
The High aebool football team bad
planned to yo to Kalkaaka today, but
Loato A Pratt. B. L. '06.
owing to tbe wet weather and the re
B Ayaee Rich, Pb. C. '97.
ported eondlUcn of the yroonda. the
Percy M. Boldaworth. M. B. *08.
game was posipoard for a tima U
Cbarlaa P. Watklna. Pb. C. ‘08.
will probably be played Saturday.
Jamm McMllUa London. D. D. & *08.
Mare. A. Rroapa. U. D. 8. '08.
Oaear B. Chaae. M. D. 00.
CUranee W. Whitney, M. B ’OO.
To be Bduoatad by tba Conyr
Church oftbtoOiiy.
Mira Mvy C. Wr|yht. for a loay ttone
a mtoalona^io Turkey, apoke at the
Conyreyatiooa! cbnreb yealarday is
three rery intereatluy and welt at
tended mectlnys. In the maralDy she
addremed a large aadietce on the
.ret of the work among the Armentoc!. In the afternoon on ibe eondltion
of the Tnrkuh women and to the < renIny she described a U.p to the country
for which she baa Ubored so long and
A» a result of her a
Cooyreyational cturcb are caring for
and idueatlpy three orpbae*. the chil
dren of CbrUtian parenu in the Bm.'yin Home In Aimeota. TheanmoffidT
-ibed for that purpose, wbicb
wiltaerreto IncreaM the lotereat in
that panicuUr mtoalon here.
Biy Dtnand for ibe Bolidey Mumbei
of The MciBlt y Bacird.
There waa a beery demand
■oplea of the tprcial holiday hnnber of
Tv Mouim. Kix-okk Hunday and
^ yaatarday. Aa the demand to yreat all
Who dealra extra copl. labotild call for
Imst night the aanntl Heetion of
then at once or telephone the otter,
No. S»f. P A A. j
Ho. SI. ud hare what to rrqelred
reaerred. Tha low prlea of fire cento M.. waa held wlin tbelolUwlnyrcault;
W. M — Wm. Ahbttv
wUl avble many to yat a few cstra
8. W.-Herbert Joynk .
■epiaa to aead array to Iriaada
J. tv.—Waller Ttaeia.
Urare Urn e’en
Treaanrer—J. T. Banat’-.
Viclima loatcmach. lirtr and kidney
Becreurj—KJ. A. Newton.
tronblea aa well aa wi men, and ail feel
Tyler—A.’lhur Drepni.
tba rikulu in luaaof B|<priar. potouba
Truatee fer three yeart—W. A. Newlathe niuoo. bacnacne, nerreoanfoa.
beaoacbe and tired, ialicaa. run
tba thiLg for a luan whiii be dou'iuar- I A puUie iraUlatioe of Trarerto C ty
WbeUit-r Lc iieca or dita It gtte me Chapter «ill be hrld cn the r:.a at
UcMion hf. .• »>!,>- ioc at Jaa. O.
Jobnaon'k aoo S. L tl a;t'a omy aterra.
Beery boll If
.0 Curs U tilippB IS A* iisiir;,
« near future.
I at,a
.1 di-tu--'. If takc-n U;o>-
Choice pieces. Just the tbiny
-'s.altbratndioof MiM
48 Baal Elybibj PsretUyu
• Varamb
A Nice
Parlor Suit
Whooping Cough. Anthma,
MEN'S $4
' $1.98
Would make a nice Christmas Present for
your wife or daughter. 1 have ten different
styles in suits, ranging from ^12.50 up.- A
fine 5-piece suit, upholstered in three cobrs
Velour, for only $19.75. It is a bargain.
Job. BdiMlt te wy ill., u. h».
UAeme. Mr. Bebmlt to probably the
oldest maa U tbe eoaaw- U be lieM
tUI fiUy BMct. be will ba a bandrod
yaara oM. Be to tba fstbar ot Hta
Peter Wnrsbwy and tormmiy rmldod
U thto el^.
W. C. & B. A.
We have-odd Rockers s^d Chairs in velour, silk brocatellc. silk damask and leather. Morris chairs, the most
comfortable chair made, upholstered in cotton goods,
velour and corduroy from $6.75 up.
Couches and bed lounges of all kinds. We can please
you in upholstered goods.
J. W. Slater,
and Opticians.
Bouee FoRiieblsg Store.
If it u6neW*tch«i, Jewel,
ry, Silverware Or Silver Noveltiea, Diamo&dn or Precionn
StoDM of any kind, in aoy
kind of moaiitiny, tlmt you
Will Anderson
are Beekiay, you can find 'em
at Gaonett's.
Make a nice preseal—Jfever
mind the fit, we‘Il attend to
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
W.C. 4 RA, fiANNEn
137 Front Street.
•d^rw-w-g- g t g
Bolh Tslepbooes. No 43.
318 Union Street
« ■ ■
It’s A Sign of
Good Luck....
in summer to find a four leaf clover.' It is ^od
luck tb ese days to be able to get what you want
in your Holiday shopping. You are sure to find
it SOMEWHERE in our many departments,
wnere your wants have been anticipated in
every particular.
is a Rattan Rocker. It cost $2 40 or
$4.25 or $5.00 and make.s a nice present,
so does a Cobbler Seat Rocker at $1.15,
^1.4U and $.5.00, An office chair pleates
the man of the house and sells from
3.50 to K'.OO.
P rames
” Of Games
5c[and 10c buys Authors Anagrames or
Shopping. 25c buys Animal" Te"^Pins
Bonanza Mine etc. 50c buys CbcsT.
India and 25 others. I.OO buys Crokinolc and tbe combination caroms ami
crokinole fiom 2,25 up.
puls t!ie finishing touch to'the][ftable
lor a card photo or a cabinet. Tbe anil nolliirg nicer for a Christmas pres
novelty counter has just the things in ent. 'i'ou can spend $1.00. $1 50, ,$2.00
wood or nickle or gilt or celuloid and and up to $b.00 and $12 00.
sell from i5c to 50c. Nothing nicer for
a gift.
It's a little word but just see the host
of things that can be bought for 5c and
lOc. Games, blocks, toys made of wood
.md tin. wood carts and doll chairs.
Bigger toys for more money.
A. Beautiful
always nice to enck'Se with other gifts
or even to send by themselves. Sell at
2c. 5c. and 10c. Nothing nicer for a
Sunday School clai^s. Buy ihesc carlv
and get the assortment.
X eel-sLwea r
Never have to think the second lime
what to give the men folks ard from
is a parlor lamp, most elaborate designs such a stock as here displayed; 25c, 5.0c-.
Made for ornament ard for service, sell 75c $1.00, $1-25 and $1.50. Mate your
•for 4.00, -1.50. 50e>.
7.£0 to 9 00.
selections early.
Frank Friedrich
The Happali & Lay Mercaitile Co,
lie Front Street
I Slide Items
I____ of Interest.
At ppimt Ibara w 111 p»UwM la
A baater ow la Ck*borr»« eoantj
eUta» that bt klllad a dear bj aaart
of frOMO potatOM thMvn from a Bllar.
It i* ballaTad that tba amallpoi ba*
bMo«0«laalJ7 lumped oat of daflaaw cHr aad ooaatj-.
Tba Bae Kaepan of Mlcblfaa wDI
Mat la TboiBpaoarlUe JaDoarp l f« a
t»o d»n' mtaatloa.
OTbaa mboraottba local eolnstor
'Mt VoBKbt Anaapt to Obtala far- Bred
aatkm of-Pat
S’-lnStalnAaaAtftbaSardarar Tbkaa
barytoOtuBd Mmlgbt. tbo g«aata of
rroBtba Boa»L
MiBager StaiBberg. who extended tba
Marqaatta. Dae. ll.-tfaeratarp Tam- Are dafBrtmmit bb iBvltBtkm aa a
Uaaoaof tbaAtata Board of Pardema
ark of apprectotioB tor tbalr good
raotiaad a aomaaalcatloo lodap from work at tba flra wtaiob i
I bto I
tb« maBarar* of tba paUUon for tbe building tba otbor algbu Imat night'
pardos of maidarar CWIm T. Wrtrbt. tba Marks Broa. Oo prcaaated -Tba ;
—.eaeo. I
formallj wltbdrawlat lb# peUtloa
da Urga
from tba board. Tba aoUoa waa rlroo
to tba board today, aad oe« ao far aa atuodauee. Several now ^oelaltiaa
tba Wriybt earn UooMaraad. it la ao- ware Introdnoed aad tba program will
ba ebaagad every night.
UraJy oat of tbalr haada
Urae of tbam la waa ainehon bllad
M ywa aco. at tba a«* of r«.
Mra Paallna Bakor. of Holly, la tba
pMoaaofofabible MO yaara old. It
waa prlBlad la Loodoo ie lew aad waa
bn»,l.tio U.I. emo, «»,.
Mea for work In tba Woods ara *ory
aaaroaallaloavtbaHnaof tba MaekiBBwdlriaioBof Ua Ulobiraa Oantral
railroad. Wapaa aablfb as «;• aad UO
bra balny offarad ^ iombar oparatora
W. L. Aadraa. tba wall knooB
laka oapuio of Oraad Haroo. waa a
rd»t at a Grand Bepida botal Saaday.
For tba imal lira yearn Oaptoln Aadrrs
baa bad ohanre of tba life aarlaf aUHoa on tbe North Manltoo Uland. and
la on.bla way homa for tba wlntar, tba
Ufa aariay aution bariar bean
OB tba last day of Norambar. While
rnadinctbeOeUoltPrae Prwa at bla
botal OapUlB Androa laaraad for tba
flrat Una that bo bad raoelred tbe
BpaolntoiaBt aa oaptoln of tbe Jaekaoa
Fiark Mlfa aariny s'atlon in Cbloayo.
Tblawaaa rary pieaaanl anrpriia to
bin. aa that li oonalderad one of tb«
moat desirable aUUooa is tba eoantry.
Tba maaneat man baa often bean
baardef. bat wlibln the bordara of
Toaoola eonnty Urea a woman who
•Uowad bar own aaotber'a lomlatooa
to ba Ubeo up and rrmorad to aaiiafy
a nou of pao wblob aba latuaad to
altbonyb abe to tbe owner of a fine
leo aera fann and baa a anny amooiii
of money out at laieraat. What makaa
Um mattar appear In a sadder llyht to
tba taai'lbat bar old fatbar bad partly
paid for tba tonbatona and died paanl
Baoday waaayreatday In tbe btotory of Joy Hemorial . B. ebnrab
Baplda. After a aeries of eloory eddi
•ca by tbe
a of the city with approprlau earemony tba mortyaye
which baa rested upon tba cfaorcb for
tka past aeren yean waa burned
aslU emoke ascended, tba‘'audience
who bed labored ao loayaad faitblolly
tor that bonr, aa If mored by obe impntoe. rose and aaoy tbe Doxoloyy ae
It bad Merer been beard in tbe ed.lee
Tbe upper peninaula bat yrown rap
idly duriny tba past year, and It to now
aailmated that there are eso.aoo people
wlibln Ita borden. Tbe boon In Iron,
oopter and lumber lathe mainoaoae of
the Increase. Farntiiy to dereloplny
rapidly aieo. The faiure looks brlybtor for that aectloo.
Tbe Newberry Newa aaya that a
man liriny in the woods aereral mtlek
Borih of there aold bto wife leal week
to a man woo admired her more than
ba blmtelf did. tbe couilderation beioy
thirty railroad liet. bdeen biuhela of
potatoea and lis in ca»b.
At Petoakey tbe annual meeUnyof
tba North Micbiyan Puoltry aaaoetoiiok
at tbe opera bouae Kaiorday was a
great a'bcceas
Orer Mo eoopa of beau
■ tiful birds were enwrad.
BB-Attamay •eaaral R^a not BnUty
to Cbaryaa la tbe tsdletmaBt.
Imcalny. Mleb.. Oee. 11—Mow iBtareat waa added to tbe yrasd Jory larcatlyatloo wboB aa-Attorney Oaaeral
Prad A. Maynard waa arralynad tbto
aftenmon. Mr. Maynard
not ynllty aad walrad tba raadlny of
tba indtouaeaV Ba waa boned or«r
to tba neat lorm, Bto attomeya ara
Thomaa J. O'Brien and Oao. P. Wanty
of Oraad Baplda
ittoballaradlbat tba obaryea
uad on tbe taatimony ylren by
Urntrya B. Kahns aad Boyer I Wykas,
forsiar elerka in bto departmani, toyetber with tbo abowlny made ky pay
roitoaBd ronebara procarad for the
aUte aooonolaatb ofiee. What tbe
allayed facta relaura to Wykaa' salary
are. to not koowa. bnt It to aaderalood
that Knbai reeefred only f7S per
month, wberrai PI2S h all^>^ to bear
baeo drawn from the aUU treaanry
Oryan'Bed Among Adeanoad PnpUs
of tba School of Vaaio.
The pnplto of the Seboo
> i .
who are furtbeet adtaneed tn mntlealatadleebateonranlaed a elnb for
tbepurpoaa of adtunelsy tbemaeltee
sUll farther along mnaloal liner. Tbey
will meet on the second Wadnmday of
each month to atndy tbe elaaeieal
poaamand tbeir worka. The effleara
of tbe dob are aa follows;
Praatdeni—C. B Bofat.
' Secretary—Miss Olite B. Wblta.
Treasurer—Miss Etelyn Morgan.
Owing to tbe death of Antoine Bleder.
coonty clerk Newton baa informed
IMUe MeUarry that be wJl be rrqnlred
to fnmtoh anew aecnrityonlito ^resent
iliiuor bood.
Tbe asoaa] meeUny nf Truterae
City Conaell. No e. R. A 8. M. will
meet this'etenlny. membaera^are tv
quested to lake noUce and yotem
theraaeltm aceordinrly.
Tbe regular meeting of tbe Traterae
City Chapter, order of the Baeiem 8Ur
win be held tbto afternoon at fi
u’clock loataad of ia the etenlay as tbe
Maaona wish to naa tbe ball in tbe
evening. Bvery member to rrqaeated
to be preaen*. as Important buslm m to
to coma before the lodge.
A. H Calkins of Hopkins and
Haw of Orawo were married yesterday
at the raaldenc-ecf W. B. Umloi,
D Coeblln c.ficiallny.
Henry WhlUop of tbto city, aod
rlmma Weiidbary of Long Laka^own>hip were married yastarday by Rvv
II. CocLIin.
The plana for a »;.ooo residence for
A. Uoldfaib o.f BIh Baplda. are being
drawn by Ar^iteet Dean.
There.will bfe'NmeeUngof the Ui
form Rank. R. of P. tbto evening, b
candidaiea for initiation.
A petition waa circulated In tbe city
yeeierdeyjor the purpoee of lodneine
fiooirrees tn set aside the daotolon of
bei-retaryof War Alger forbid.
dlnglhelay.nKofa cable to comp,-;,
with tbe line already laid to the Uland
oPCoba. Tbe petition u In the inureau of the Poaui Telegraph Co.
If ttainya loro ool aa be ezpecU. a
oenaio reaideot of Orion will bare^
lUypBuud turkry as tbe piece de reai.Uoce for hia Onrialmaa dloorr. He
biacut the bird a week ur two ago at
tbewciybtot forty-ibree pounds, ^d
e*p«•Ulu^u•. tbe other aeren pbonda
oo b f re loe i.iuuoomes to kill him.
William Moody and laaac Welt met
At Hariiucue.a woman known aa
**3ras.r Kau-." who ksa beeo beyyiny with an accident yesterday that aent
both of them out of tbeir buggy and
wataculU) the county jail
into the atreet. They were on their
aa a duoraeriy and me jail cfliv-lalt diaoorered
in bonds and bills sewed way to the Incoming M AN. K train
in bar ciomet. Her bote! and general ia tba forenoon, when OB turning tbe
appearance waaauBimy ibai the olll- comer on Front and t'nion. tbe clip to
oars were MtonndeJ when tbey found tbe aide bar of Ue boggy broke and
Vlh of tbe
were thrown out.
no much mouej.
The Ui.u.1 Dowry.of Harbor bprinyr. Acide from a aeveee sbiking np.neitber
owned by W. U. Uewey. a-couam of of them waa hurt.
Admiral Dewiy. turned alCteo^lock
Bonday morniuy. enu:liny a lost of | A mail bag tern and badly used np.
•l&.ouj. wiib as.ooj insuraooe.
_-> asJ rjO cto.
kpSI'h's uf Hs|>llUll, BlMl t
ilued lu u Inrgi- way. ib'
pm«lu<'ilon I f It fviiiHtliuiluK au >m
jionaiit imliiKiry. Thi- sjult Is usisl f.,
makilig vaiiiMu-s. For this |iuriH.s,
II is es|wlally g.H.d.'U-ratl»e vnn,;-li.mad.- of It «di nor .-ni.-k. Cuus|.l. :i
ous siivaks of tbi- gil»..cilte run- l-k.
sirll- of rll.li..u o».-r bill aud did.-, h>
that they ran Ih- fullunt-d ullb It.r rte
for tujies.
S..IU.- of fids "giiin asphall.” as It Is
po|iulnrl.v .-ii!l.-<l. wiis idacod In llnhamlB of P...r Hay for aualvsU. an.|
Declares Dr. Waelzhotd In an be found Thai lis liiake-ui. was sii.-l. a>
to siiggfsi ao atiiimil origin, ai l.-asi
Article OH -nuslc and
Id part. It is In-li.v.d m.wndu.vs by
.rl.-mlU<- Uii-n g.-m r;iMy tlial Hs|.bal1s
Chlorosis KeumsU aad Other New inliiiarlt.v ui.' dorlvi-d from vi-g.-talde
vous Ulsorders From Whkh So
maii.-r. 8u<-b mait.-r, U-lug told down
Many Oirta Suffer aald to
iH-ds diirltiK the coal fumdiis
befthe Pesult of -HamJM-rl.M. Kiih>.H(Uriii|y uuderw.'Dt <-b.-iu
merieg me Keyboard."
leal ]iro,-esM-s.
bim Ihal an ImltailuTi
In tbe Hn
rnsi to <flsiiticle cm of It iiiighi la- Qiado la ibe laU.ratory
iig su.-b animal and vegeerv^”
winch be by <-.iiiil
nts aa sreiued m Iv n-pr moos disorders in young guU is dut s.-iii. d lu i;.e
iuvlHiilng .u.-..
I the ••■iesilly custom" ol hsmnieiiuB
got from il.h. So be U-.k. tn-cam-e
Wbellirr ..r nut the cause it due to tbey biii'i- iir.l to In- .................
piano lessons nisv remain a qucslfon, a few frvs., herrlacs from H..- inark.-t
bur mere IS no denviog the Uel rhsi
I and pni iheiu Iti n distilling npi.araiii*.
there is au enurnu-ur incr^M .
,1,, I togrlln;r wltii a .|.i:.lMify of siiiv.htsi.
out dise.ises ainiiHK yonngTfVrti
Ptiticsl sge ..f Hirhe to tiiteer, when Tinu be suh.i-.-U-.l ibe mitliire b. d s.
ihry srr just Clos ing Ibr threshold of tdinlion. Ill-- viip.rr iM-mg pnss-0
sumsnbi^ T.' iir nervoos •>stems arc ihmiicb a red b|J Ituii |.iih- uii.l iui.. j
put to « severe sir .in l.v eicessuc siody flask, lu whl.-li If was .-.lUdeu.-s-,!,- T;,.■I selnml. on.. - c of music sn.l susiets r.-siilliln:pi--‘lii.nvasB jH-ri.~tly b'.j I;.
Otiw lieiiig I
Piano Practice
Causes Disease
le II.at girls liecume |>aie. ireak
rvouj. and suffer Ibe re-ulU i.i
irregutamies ef the-delicate femtnio}
Id..- gdM.
for pvie, weak gir's
ring with the ills
peculiar >o iheii II. there it no treat
to lie i-nnii
Chss-'« Nrr. e a
niorvi pills, (be ereai
presenpiiouu of Dr. A. W. Chase,
whose poma-l and ignaiure U os every
boi.of the geituine.
I>r. A. W. ChrsePlIU restore aud r<
>kx>d and nerve cti!or r.u Hie cheek'
Ibe f.irm 51. reidt a hoz, at ah ilesleri,
^ ^ ...
r,ha.e Med. Cm, liiJIa;®.
wins of Top Syrop, ilii i-’-’*
gubirly imr.-
■ VIA t! R A I.
One and one third fare for the rni
ria TiekeU on aale Deoember 31
daus fan boundtraiu in Terre Haute,
Sp^isl A o^a^mr nt Hot ••
lod. The bag, which cnolaincd tome
vslusb'.c mail mstur. wtt wrapped
;we!y ar. uml the' brake beam ar:d
r beer plekml np at Mil.
.f rd.O , cEir.*«i thfcugh ta tbe fs»l ‘ 1 *7^ *
ae-l Ihal loe
qhr and then hrr-i.ghl ce• i-r iSf>-j.
w-.-sad «» e, .. i>e
VO St.
that ei-y before
p-. serce on the bruVe b-aro of the car ‘
wra d.so.;v. ri-.*, Biiiroad men cannot I
Jnn S: ■ v^iHiatifo.
nede.srstd ink xt« bag b,c«e'
It w»s a thr !
“'*• twin so tightly I
Davis of Ho*.-:su.r. 1 isle jr hlus/i from
Mo‘ Ce«o
nor bos- Uie t irvad iDsp.ctora over-j
» frigbtffl death, f
T>i*»a»'Mi-.'.r.Sixk.-tf !t.
vere lung t.-c-ulle vo: s-...:,, ,y g,
>a> . nUl be furaardrd
iilsf->njrb ill- r.vi--. dxId Wasliit-,:
Then hr- iugan to
fecleU a permiornt ciire.- huch wo ; Whlta
derfu'cuiea bhvc for Z\ yeuij. prov.
Ito power to cure u;i Tbro.t. ('«•! and
L«rguoublm. Price r.o.- and '
Bvei; b..uie
• pnaranii^d''qitofbrtUto‘it
*100 .Snrsrd, *loa
Tba readers of tnia papar wUl be
pleased to learn that there to at «—»
« dremJed dtoma,
bm able to core in all Its atagaa. and
that to oatatrab.
i\ Ctolarrab Cure
to tbe only rosiMee
mcdloal ft. rmliy.
e^Ulo^. ,> a: dUcaae.
dtoraae, ixqoire.
nonirea a «b
Ancrng tbe affrr'ts leD by ^enry
Mabkm. an aged aea rupialn who died
recently at Plymouth. Pa., was a aboe
having bto wUi wrltteo u|>on the aoU-.
while on tbe ...........
beel was
bli pbotograph.
In place of a signature. Tba laxt'ivaiU
“ follows;
“PlJinonth. May 4. 1»2-Tc whom the foundatiim of tbe diaeM. and aU
Coocem: AU my eaute, In- log ^ patiani strengih by buildlac
nptbeconatltntioB and asatotlor ^
i«B ^ doing lU work. ThT^^
fairt la it. Sr?U^
?®.T***J*^‘ «hry cSer cme bnodrad
doUaraforany case that it fails
«tu«. send for list of teetimoBlala
A Co.. Tolri
Bob. Parry Banaab waat Oii^
Hold by druggists. 7»e.
J M LawtooftbaOaabmBBBoBsatf
HaU<s Family Puls are tba bail.
PBtoBkey. to at Park Plaaa.
Tba Ooi
Priadrieb want to Grand
It of 1899
Baplda yaatarday.
Doring the remaining weeks of IS'jO
David Saibar of tbe Briber bouaa at
Tbe Toutb's Oumpanion-will maleuiti
ito fresh and tarid Iniereat for young
Buttons Bay. was in the city y
and old by presenting articles from the
Joseph Marks, of tbe Marks Brea?,
pens of eminent men and women ana
went to Owcaao yaatarday. to arrange
stories of the moat gifted wrilera of
tor tba appears
imcpg tbrae centribntora will be
there next week
Frank B. Stockton, wbo preMoU i
Levi Acker baa gone to Mokana, 111.,
droll story.-Tbe Wolf and the Wheel
for a tbrm moatba* vtoil.
barrow; "Jamea Joyce, autbor of -The
American Commonweath." who oOera
B- 8. Ball lafl yesterday for Clew
"Utntoon Beaolng;' "W D. HowelU
land to attend a meeting of all the
dodtng my deposit In ibc hanks. I and Jane Barlow, each of whom eon. tn maonfaeluren of tke Unit leuTc to my fi
gratiilson. Waller Malili
tribute! a aerial atort; Bret Harte. who
ed 8utas.
providing he doe* not marrv Iwf.ire recalls an early Califorria experleocc
•. Prao
In -How I Went
to the Mint*: -Mary
tbe age of 91. bm In cast- •
■aa In tbe city yi
E Wilkins, wbo tells of-berery Maris
rlsge iH-fort- ihal time, lli,- alsir.- tm
*t bclool;- acd Henry M. SUnlev, wbo
J. B OakaofMaatoa to is the oHy lloilcl Is to lie
ti.v Hie suite 1
he title.- Fort feund Llberf
under the
on buslnaas.
cliirliahle purTio-es Yours famifull;
relates a tbrilhng
ihrilhng indventnra of bto
The perwio tvfi-rr.-d to In rlie wHl
Vodam Woodman BlaeUoo.
only 9 .Tears of age now, nnd ibc '
—-------------- ,ud December nnmTba following tffioara were alaetad tale and <h-I«osHs uu-litl,.n.-.l rir.i iiibers conUinlDg tbese fewtures are
by Duchaaa Camp. No tiii. M. W. of A. tr-rii-s 1o rile sea
M-a eJiilHiirK
n-lailv.-s given to every new subscriber for the
at tbalr annual meeting last ulgbi
I tinh<d for liU |ira<-Iieal idOOvolnmy free from the time sup
Vauarable Coosul-Cbaa.
B. Howard
Ji.h.-s, and 1 Is ihuiiglii tuar be left scription to received, in addition t« tbr
lids one in I VP after 1dm. riilUdeh CompaeioD's raqulslto calendar for
. Joaepb Sleder.
IriW-thelastcaieDilarof Ua century
pbliL lltxvrtl.
___ ^ker—Pard Lantnar.
ard the most beauiifnlone ever given
Bseort-B 8 Jonee.
to Companion subscrlbera
Of HetviBgs sue s«t>,
^ t^^^tolana—William E. Moon and B
Illnatrated anmnneiment number
Tbe mitl.v of making as
laining a full proapeetus of the
flHiilly from berriligs an.
voinme for<r IMH. wjll be aent treeVatebmau—B. S Byaa.
wviUM.ao ••straordllinry as
Baolry—Francis West
any addr
Manager—L H. O-'//,oet«.
The Yo(TB-*r„iii-AMo.s.
lug feat I
803 Columbus av.-BBc.
Boston. Maas.
Augnat 11. IMS. 81mry'Phelps was Prof. \V. C. Ira.v. of Kwanbmore *-.d
lowing gram oo a marsh six mtlw lege, m-ar Phltodel|diia Hixs-hin-os o
To Osrpeturs ss« Butlderu
jntb of Oeraeoo vlUagc. The presi ibe produ.1 are iio»- in |Km»-ssluD o
Contisctors snd parties interested In
dent's call for troops waa tosurd.abou’ the geologleal surrey In Wasblngloi bnUdlng for tx it ses«on. are rrqncatad
that time aud Mr Pbelpa made up hi-by tbe Carpenter*' Uaiao to meet at
mind while in tbe hay field that be ami Were sbvun to a Wasblugtuii e-.t UeC. 8. P. 8. ball.
8. nth Ui
I tnioD street.
would go and help -Old Abe" out of bis r.-«|H.udeni li.v Prof. iniJer. om- uf ili.
ip^r. Dteri Bber IS. at
d'fBcuIllea He bong np tbe acythe am uiauiU-rs of tlie seleUllIU- sliiff of lli;:
went. Wbeobe came asck K me year government imn-au.
Not long ago n very rurioiis tulm-rd
' Iter be bad forgnttan the tool am
ever went attar Iv
Last sreek tie siibMaiiiv-.. U]l
up to
to 1Ibal lime ulikiioun
eX<^L'B8!OK VIA (!. B. Al.
lan who rnDs^tke farm found the
d In I'tal
lb. di-IH>slle. .
Ttbe. snath aud all, baugiug wbeA wbl.-b bad ouiv be.-ii tissun-s In rillBound trlpes.ui-si&D iloktts will be
r. Pbelps bed left them tbirly sever rrii-ks. 1 bese itssOres luid U'.-f
•old to Csi
ttadton points Dri
years ago.
Tbey were In a good stat< up h.i, l.liundm.iis mailer giisblii
and 17. rriurn
iturn llnill
llmU Idsnnaty S. itwtat
of preaervaUon and will be most inter
one fsre for roi
eeilDg relies toUa genllemao Mar Ibr Is-wels of Hie t-arlh. and
shall Newt.
Id.nrir. ..............................................
the businea* cooler of the
city, aud for a time it was iMliev.
that ibc retire Luaitess portion of
town wou d
Vie largest 1 *
boiels lu Ibe
Ibe riwori
to reuuilt it wi.i u
bar Bpruiga.
A gobs at aa Ota Bm Oaptalo as
:ill r.-s|..-.-i
111 fl,.
•Mn-d by
for s-Jtillg n J-.b :l
.Id V
Bioldta,. :
the most complete stock
in Traverse City. Becenl
_ seditions give* us the
^ cresm of the msrket nnd
St'prices that are as Jom
,_as;tJe lowest.
purclase gnartiiUtd..
Is coming.
time enough to work s
pillow or some other
fancy Article. Tour per
sonality goes into such
a gift and is often more
appreciated than exjiensive articles. Tbs use
ful and ornanieiital can
easily be combined* in
j _this store. Rugs for in.
stance, \flist could :
3^'JiwiLtvq’ t
8’^vivbatvA ''
S.-lect that wouM be
_^niore desirable, uiiiess
it should be Laci- Curtsiiis.
With a Jimiled amount
of bis own money can
find here semethirg just
I snittd to mother or aie■ forsistet'fori’ricor mote,
'"KidGluvos for mother,
j ^T.x-, *1.00, *1 j6.'*LoO,
and if yt u don’t hit upt-n
the riyjlit size thi-y can
be exchanged.
Scc-res and scores of
I ^IliingB in oDrst« k~tbat
^ Bomebt dy_w< nld juM^be
•^delight, ri li^'.fget >n
Cliiistnias luornipg. A
ftw etnts or many dol
lars can be wia«ly
vested with
h ns. Wi'fan
' Dot iHgitl to
f. ennniersts
1 ^the desirabli
Me ibiugs, but
j |_ we can and
d do cordially
invite icsper-tiuii.
at tiu-
Variety Store
DC door west cf
Steioberg-T ri-ai>d OprrB Houie.
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera lluuse
Marks Bros.
P'ays Charged K"rrj
.\i;;llt— Cl I.'.IUllilib
1\ rii-rinart't.-.
Mi.-d tdm. b-:
:T.tn. Iti n- ;v
ittd miridv.
:h.' r-rt;:'. 'MS
< :;!r-rs
Willcbutge. It's rare
to be i»Id. Better prepATe for it St once. If
yoa wKot A Cloak here’s
Henjrmbery.iu get tlieat- iiarghiut
Supporting- tbe Joint
TOM MAKKf5;ncl
—..--r- wK- lei
« 1.-P . f I pp. .-ef,; l,.r ....
i»r> t.* ly.i. eau.-o. and nl.-t J...
(liiklrr-ire Furuiturt-from lOc up
Iron Toys Iiaudsomi-ly
6c up
Bi HUtiftil lookingdulbi fro: II 6c up
Iron Stall- Katika from
6c up
Childr. n'a Kitchen Set
6c up
W.-n's niUBtacbe imas and
phiiited for
10 pr
Kilcheu Lamps for
Dramatic Company.
l->.*-.::i;s aud •••ti
r.ldd.v .lad 1..- V
.:•rl:lda!;:.-,! by
.V h rk-r
I’arBaiue in Xn n NovrltisB-'don't
wait, buy it
W«- r.ff.T tlir
fullowiDt; goods at a apvcial luw
|MDea.\.W i l
Dec. 4th
to 16th
[-rwee-u III.- iwo.
Monibly. l!e
:r<’::c-ihal is.
ov.r: Bi-vcrd
tn.V.ic to [-'T
wh'--'i »i-un| mit. Wh-j
1 M.re .lir.-ivil him f
frJ.-b he Im-ig.it t!ip;u quictlj- opd g--l
bla job oo ibe vtrt-oL
Suij.s ou r.i’p r.‘ l!..- L x
T- J> 1 i;out- 11'J for ecatF.
Admiseion 10c, 18c, 26c
It Is Not
Many Years Ago
•;»« Fuck nld, -ni rnt a girdle
•rourd thr- r*»th in ferty icirutra.**
and icrn lauphtd at tbe id. »;lut tbe
g r<:!t- i« iliT.-. acd B»»-agea tan
through il t.d*v with hardy aEjoco
p V rg it a ‘.v<rd ttrucU
1-. h.« b.<n the tame with o». and
..rf<- iw.ar. U la w 'act wh’ck r.o
orrwrald have b-l'pvr-d ri<f*ib;e lea
ti at tve w. u'd build up as
• rge a Ira do aa we bare. Acd ioore is
today that *11 the leading
- m iho ciiv fr. a I'.ie ea»t to
M ard Ihe r. r 1. lr, ti e rouih.
. ard et-rfrotm.-ar hard r« cr m•h. n herr iro»- be a resKD for
What to i .■ 1. U toeatae our
•-b<f» i>. made'>iwiia!-y to our
by Ibe beat wt.ikmen mrney ean
f Ihe lealUcrk morerna Iw,
dr-Ike Juat arM-ni 1-rVr. c^n
wertv j.aiB of practical
iirviirrv- 11
We fli Ibc
I acd pitaie ttc euv
b’o better than to buy your
Piidial Sl« lu'
•d OaiTtaB aad Major BamUM*.
TTarerw Otj, Mich.. Dae. e, ttw
rwbte. (be M«ver aad OB|r
(be Cay
cay <if
tif Trovtnt City
OawaeUar Iba
Aa Qggl»l di«p«teh froa MmU» «•
S«v Tsrk
OamBan:—Tovaemmittea ea Era
aad water to wbom wm refarrad tbe
aattMOf baatiag Om atrMt aarlae
hoBaa. woBld raapaetfallj raport aa
folio wa:
tb»tt*9 Sp4slvda. wbe
*OT» ferMriy prt»<mwr% ifi the buds
ot Uu niiplMk bs*a vriv^ U«r*-
aad k
to> w
toirao taatMtare, aao
? to ts“1 bare twee cU over thli eonntrj
a tbe ea^t? of iba praaoBt tja.
•Dd la mao7 otben." Mid Haft? li.
woald be eometbloc of aa eaperl
Power, a Caicaco dnunmer. “bm l tiU _____ _ Toar cootmUtM woald raeomto coma to New Tbrk to get bnnko<-<!, Baod. that the hot water vjatem aow
and tbeo I wu a« eaa? aa aa? farmer. U the baildiBg. be takes oat aad re1 was ataadiug at Broadwa? aad Tblr- plaead with a ateam beattac plant of
to beat the Wldiac
l?-fourtb alreet tbe Olber algbt. wait-, aelBelaateapacltj
to the itqalrad tampatnra
lag for a car. wbea I aoilced two fcP I
raira axpesaa to the eii?. wblafa tbe
Iowa. aboDt nn? feet away wbo were ! =
PmSdMt MeKl«I<7 4 Mlor
bj «lib WOMB
o*or tb« ooBatrr to
apfwlai MfB Pouof PBl»er<rf Chio*»oM OM of
th« eoulMOBon
to tbe
lUrte BXMlUoB of IMKI.
D.'. Hu Lmc*, tb« fwaoM OtfiBiw
obM MMor,
The DmU
j alao ai
The? looked to toe Ukr college boy*. | pualoB tM) to hast water for Ire
tad appeared
hare rearbed tbe ex-iMwisaT
laa. Tbaa
Tbi doing away with email
hUanUng ctage cT lotoxiration. Erery j hot water plataa which Am beaa need
haa made
aaotbaraEorttoaaU-tho Daalah Weat
ladlaa to tba UoltodStatea
oaitloa wae laid
bafora tha atala da
partmaat by a
rapraaaataUra of tba
and then they would look at me for that parpcaa
and fall to arguing like a couple of
lawyera. Finally they each pulled nut
Daaiab goraramaot tad tba matter U
BOW nadar oouldar^loa.
a roll of gw\ nbacka and depoaiied a^reral ©f tbem with a byeiander, wtro
Tbe Amarl-
Loadoa le aaaUUag la
the aaffotlationa
At Asg«eta.«a. Ere 8oad«y morola tbe oenlar of
■ porttoa of the elty.
of a national quarantlae law agalaet
Begnlar maeUng ot CU* Council held
in Council room Dec. 4. 18W.
Jeetlng wueai:
wu called to order by Frank
Hamilton. Mayiw.
’’Wfll. I alwaya did Wlk-ve in
Present. Aldermen
Ing yoiiiig ni. n lo tbe whj they ahcruIU i
.0, ,nA n-IM,., II..I .bm w.,
'"O. Sj.Uh.
1 JuM want to give tny fiieud a Icmoii
Ilf la eternally wanting to twt.'
be the
Biabop. formerly of
Kaw York, from Dec. 11 to Dee
Boagbttm ball whish Mr.
U. at
Bishop ruata
from Lord Cholmaadcley.
Tbe Fraueh goramment baa formal
read and approred.
He toolj^'i with a cbuckte.
A. W. Rlekcrd.Clty Clark. Traratwa
to pie
^e aiakebuldtr.
r. Mlcb.
turned to me' and handwl
me a flo
ly Dear Sir;—I hare the boner to
of yonrTalued
bill, still cbu< kling at the good )okf ou acknowledge
WM raapoaalbla
the murder of the bla friend.
I pm-keted the nob- anil fatror witbautad encloanre.'and in reFrench oBeara at Montao bM not baaa ; bfgau to chuckle a llitle m.vaelf. After aly uka pleMore In sU'Jng that tbe
atter will receive eameat cBorta
iwblle I went hack to my hotel and
earrlad euL
Tba Taong Ll-Yi
I with next Congreaa
I was so mui-h amused c
r tbe affaii |
ly demanded
a A'> blU.
the dagradation o! tha
walked orer
wloaroT of Canton beeanae the order to
asaenta tba
iODOoa .1
at Ih.
toe »r-«,
piwunt „
a^ ^ ,
aloe of congTcaa
. ... __ ..
“ r-.
rrqneat immediate acUon.
Utat we may be sueoeesfnl In ae<
le UBceeaary legUlatiou. 1 am.
Very reepectfullr,
W. S. Muu-K
Moved by Alderman Smith ibsl thh
immnnieation be raoaived aod placed
Joint ptitoadaa
Kew York will appeal to tbe atiata ler ,
tolaturaand to aongreas for Uwi to
”-Wbai do you think about Ibai for
‘’’l^cver saw auytblug like U.* rc
p™.,bU..U»rd»~™Uo.ol bUlort,
PlMtb. .b.bW.
U preparing an
opinion M to the power of the city to t
;Bnt j-...
-N. w lorb
_________ :_____________
The law department ol tbe city gov. ■
umment of Chicago
Roasted Coffee
there wAe all you woubl hare to »!<■
vvuUI Ih- to yell "mp" and we w,.uld
be amwied iM-fore we could gel 25 fe.-t
Infected nnraery atock of all klnda im-
to niece
$5 bill from you. You glre me the bill loonnty
Poor Bobm
anty F
—of conrae, we couldn’t run away if
e gj^y_
we wanted to—and I'll collect ibi
i< flM
Motion carried.
and glr^jon FlOof It. You
ili.can’t be Any -coa” game about tbla. If
Tbe .prince
t tbe
■ orer there
mere tan
e:ai that
uiat I
i coold
coma borro»norrow a
» i'
baa drafted a Mil to be eubmUted to
guaat of Baber B
ifi aa ea.y \
ae roUlngoff n tog. I Isct bet my frIcuJ |
______________ .an of Sootbem Ctolifomla
eongraw propoalDg tha
. .
(tinge, Emlth. Lardle and
U yo^^do . . 1 gay we ' (Hrrli
Nay*. noD«
Smith that
Hored by Alderman
tha bsal-
Tbe damage
wiU ajiproaiaala one mUlioa dollara.
j then approached
and aaid with a]
------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
lag baraad foor hoam and Uld -ante a
aolUt block
W. W. Farru.
Quo. P. OaBBieoa,
rai. to ail appearuncee. a total etrang«r to them. The Uller of tbe two boy.
Tbe iwiea aekad for
the ialaada to IS.000.000.
o.d,.,-,,.. j?i,*
looiUt. U dMd »t LoipBle.
'There must be a
good reason why the coffee
lovers of America buy millions of
pounds of ARBUCKLES’ COFFEE in prefer' ence to any other kind. The reason is found in'
its rich drinking qualities; in its permanent goodThe quality never changes. Whether you bjuy ^
1 big coffee dealer or at a little ■ grocery store'
' around the comer, you get the same coffee, the same goodss, the same valu^ for your money. You can’t I
eived if you buy
Tummy Kspisiaed.
It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation too
highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of
many years experience and utmost reliabuity. It is not ground
1 because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reach-i
ing the consumer. It is not sold in bulk because of tbe ^
possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high pricey
because it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee at i
a small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit. .
Everj’ package of Arbuckles’ Roasted
tains information
Coffee con
“I d.m’t sci-. ' «ld Flossie, tbrowln: .
Ask your grocer for Arbuckles’ Roasted Coffee.
that the consumer is entitled to
foroeatrael railway comp.olca to pro
a tonfdo on the gtound wlib a
Tide their rail* with proper caooeetlon
*’how ibey mauap< to blow up a big lapMSifcliy ask permission of you' boo-
to prwveet iMkaga of elneiricily and
aldp with'one »f these tblngs.Y
OeiUl^ee;-!. the nnders'goed reNew York CU>,
lorsble body to bclld ao addition on the
tbe iubtequent damage to water and ]
"f'T*- you girls can’t cxjsvr to ui ‘
*•'''« • 'o**
. EMt Front street. Mid
' «ai.d such things.” said Ttiwiny, in a - 10a:« feet In ,5,^.
site, ana
ana 11 story
story high
It to now eartaln that the Canadian suis-rlor nianucr. ‘ Of CT>urse the tor-11* be covered with iron, aad
Olber pipe, laid below tbe iracka
■•earner Niagara,CApt Henry MeUlory,
fouLb..;rml on Tnmday
lodtie* they use are about 100 limes ns ; bulli under anpervision oj your Ere
big. and they use a derrick to lift Hicni' chid.
" '
. acuii
- Cf'i.Ha.N
about eight
Lake Erie, with all hauls, uumbeilng____________
Ifl perswa Togs sent out to Bcareb for I
the miming eteamer
on Ere and water to
ab lacBiriBe
MoUou Carried.
The celeliniKnl supraud was In tbe
brluglag with them great qaantitln
middle of her solo wheii'iltlle Jotauiiy
of wreckage picked up oMf where tbe
“"W « l»‘» n»«‘hw.
utMmer to euppoiwi to have foundered.
about eight mllee eMt ef Long
referrUig to the
"f tbe orchwtra;
It to the cplnlou of lake captalM that'
Ueboatwent down In deep
^.0“* “““ ““ *'
PoioL ' u,other; ”k.-r|> oulei."
M none of her epars have been found. |
Tbe Bourne mills. In Tivjrton, B
report ■
Hirhirs- TH-»h''nr f® wnl*! .........
h J MuFcso (nr.lr.u
Ad^. Ilr"«t1 btiru—huvls#
hho-r Brtm J..U work
.uvp k.
Jtiha Rvimlr. bay uod trad
f-.iiry FfSili
Full (»'N.r-ieW
. .
*••.>.1. luf board of fri-oWT.
To Utr BoniimipU. the Mayor n
VoUnHIoithe CUy of Tmrtr : CUv.
OehtlememtT-We. the nroperty owurm
interaeted, petition Y nr Honorable
iiody. to plaoe aa elrrtrle light at tbe
STIII!*:! HI*TB1CT Ft Sll NO. 1
W PCfuMf’vlww„a <.-arbt walk
J A Be.d.r rvbsu Ob rva.st w.lk
rr*bk BsakltOi. rrbstr oo rwwvbl
«U» ..
Lons Nr.
X arNsaisi
« olceptod by hlmMlf aorl tbe cnaDCll.tbmi
J “: if the c ty elector* sboold f.il to votv
t Si,Ibe booHs. be-Mr
*« absolve tbe oommiuesAod the eoueeil >
n BBy and a'
ootUering V
taodpuiet, yotir m'-mmiitoe are nsan ;
moosir of tbe . piBti^ii that this is the'
e for tbe beat
4 W
Luuibrr for.id..
loy. • r-ri
J *; reeonm-Bd immediate aetioa In aocor-;
danee tberewl’b.
nil r* t.,r rrw-wau.
Signed (<y tbe Cnmmlttee.
;, bi.rsi.r
uj/xi.ir out
ou( r¥.>,rr.ou
yr*,,. r. oe autb
mats wrevt
. ' SriBinareroMiwelb.
Kxssk H^nii.tos. chairman.'
. tlra.il,J for .Idrw.lk «o Tra«b Brvei
I aad WaCiuonb .tre-d. .
reaxv Banish.
I Gatbr.- Be up and SuiBC luBlirr (er
--Well, tiieii. wtiai U »bv bollerin so
b**4 of psy roil;
2*[|« »<■' fu.w.M *•-•*’*'
tMoc ur-r< brtd*.
1 and rsMinr ot>
Sornce atreel, north ot
Frrnl street
W. W btlITU
( tMauaU.
Their Rsbsbb.
Cbaa. Irish. F. F Greer, D S. Padeeo.
weevlug mill under one roof in'-tbe
I Ws-biortoa .'taw conb^d Cea.
Mrs. Walker—I don't bo« «by the Frrd F Cook. Jsmtu C. Avery, Hens?
Moved by Alderman Smith that the j eirret i,nd,., iiii#. re.To«r'o*i
emntry. the people having voted to «aC. Smith. J B Knight. B W
Ball airrrl DO TroB'. tmond €■
diH iom all rki-uiumend bb-yclc riding
WBpl. fifXD Ball, a»I: iBfBbrr
•mpt auob a building from taaation for „ „
hcUnUT It tu a lou Mr*. C J. Kinsev. S. C. Darmw. F o
■alarm, pay roll lor Novawlwr
Hsrily. Ml* J B GreUiek. Mrs E M livr.
layMra. Tbe building will bu H9 by ,0,he doctors.
Motion carried bv yea a
l.miTT rCNK
George Lever:.
verr. U E Cfuin*. Msuh'r
tM tagt, and will eonuln l.oou looms 1
Mr. Walker-] know, luit they calcu-,
Year. Aldermeo Honiagoe. UMUOga. : (,ra
dmao R't'r Mrririe U«hi A Pou'gander, W A Wbtelock. P Eyselk*.
t»fl» -Smlib, La-dle and GarrieoB.
^ i>r.
va,vlto rnraaslk.
I'o.. Ilxbt tur|>n.rsbrr
Snrguon General
Wyman, of
the late ihni one uuuml. healthy rider mil
p ^mitb. C U Parmenter. L Wt
Nay*, Alderman Kenyop.
lk«m ri
marine hoepital eervlee. in view of tbe dl<.tldc at Icusi Uvi- pinJcstriauB per',V
j V Nelmen, B ~ II Allyn.'Jobe
Traverse City, Micb . No*. 17. lew.
wcfk,—Uitulnu Gloltf.
, Frank Hardy. Ju Blxw.
Wllbriw. poor ari. KowBbrr ..
offietollF reported prevalence of plagoe
leear.rr » Ipr aces, inalewi
P. Ker,
.rgra’ rs. B I>
■fiheC.iyof Trtiomr <’«y. ,
and tbe local oondlllons of those pjrt-7 ^-t-How did you and jour friend man | Smith.
h. The
Tbe National
stlonal Loan
Irs Cc, J E
I Huu!rii.'s railloIHUr. .elk UD Weat
•11 Bens.
L B^br
hMtosned ragulallona to prevent Its agf to gel through n .-.m.iuilgu.
Ahr*ms, Brownell
iutrodnetion into tbe I'nlted Stotoa,, biking an active part. * Ithoui U.it.ui i, Apvnt^
A Birdsall
Birdsali Agu.
are to add to tbelr plant tbe biggest
..............! FT“
which regolellons
in' Ing
HutinM that
force nnUI thirty days after thecffitlai:
I ,h“prmioJ W
e referred to the commit*
apnouncementof tbe cesMllon of tbe -‘•■k 'U JcaU.ust. s ..r jK-rBoual fis-Lug
P' pubV lighting.
er OB
fi..,..-, I .1•Atf ilMtt i~l..iig 1.1 the same lart;. MoiloD carried
ptagne in these eltica. 1 he regulations « «.hluirt..u Mar.
preeeribelD deUH
tbe treaimeni
•els from the infected pvrts. methods
TrkV'rseCily, No*.’.‘Tib,
tiris>ai—•That vor'
permission of your honosable body
bod; to
Enal dlepoultloD of »eus-ls, etc.
|h> Wm-"Vcs: be ivmalned 1 I tiiv move the bul ding known as Coekrsn
the nlley be
Paid Dear for Bis L>«.
at a
B D. Blsotou of Thuekervilic. Tea.,
point j-ist
—Clrvcluud I.eoUi r.
en'ma all
■ cot it off.
MuuMUt-Wliat’s the birth rate In * point Just west of the wsrehouee of
cured U with one box of Bockleu’s
jtbe Grand Bsptds Brewing Co.
Arnica Salve. Guaranteed cure for the PUdl|i|,iu
Said building to
feet in 1
tSc e box
Sold by
Ja*. G.
I dc
lou’t kuow: wbyT
torin high, asid building to be moved
Johnaon and P. E Wstt droggiau.
noder direction of your fire chief aod
>« Icug ul the iirv
ircscDl dtelL
A Greet CbrmtmM Humber.
Tbe Christmas number of Tbe Setnr- will lake us lo cud that ivvuluilon.day Evening Post mark* a new den>e>' I'kUadclpbta North Auicrti-an.
lureI is
iB p<
periddteal Uiera nre—the
Boy’s Us»ur Aettus.
._-SM*ful attempt
-.......... ..
W give
Motion oarrled.
'-Jackie Is cither ill or In love."
oeuu. atorlee. artleleu
ad pi ;inreu by
TraverM CUy. Micb.. Nov. «.
the tame writers aod arttoia
t magasinca
the high"He went out through tbe gate a 7o Uie^onoralile, Jhe Mnyi/r and CUy
rouneil of the CUy of :lYarerte CUy
For exam
ole tbe opening ctorv In tbe minute ago Inetead of cllmMng ibe
to by Bndyard Kipling,
ChrtolmM Post
ft^ce.”—WasUIngivu Star.
and tbe tale that of Private Ortherto
We. your eommlttM on claim* and
^ hto dog. Gant; Joel Chandler
aceonnts, reapeetfnlly report that we
"Why the Confederacy
Ur*. Blley—Are rex on callin' terms have examined tke following claims
Failed.” a aOrrtng story of tbe Becret
and finding them eorreel and jut,
wid our new nelgblH>r?
Service; and Ian Maclaren, JnaUn Mcwonld raeommend tbelr payment as
Mrs. Mnr^ihy—Av coorae I am. Sbe follows;
Cbrihy. M. P.. John Luther Long. M.
B. M. Duvto. W. C. Coup and W S. Bar- called me a tbafe, and 1 called ber AAco.vnscxxT rt srtt.
wood oontribute storieu and artlelae. other.—TW-Blta
trieh Teirphnoe Ca rcstsl........
( «>
Tbe verse In tbe numbcMu by Edwin
DoBblvOsy Broa A C3o Usak book
IS 00
Markham. Prank L. Stanton. Mair B
oeonre RBMlehleaCoVeilcorpor^ ^
Wilkin* and Clinton Seollard .
Tbe half-toue page beadiBgu. iUni. OrUM Board of Hd
GnJ!!?%^atar^&er^)ob work ..
I C%riatmM
C%riatinM In Htotory.
Htotory. are by
a. W. BlrkvrC.ponapa.vtc ................
TrawatM OUt.
J X NetaoB klUkse Sue ..........................
s Looia
Louia Hinton.
Hinton, Frank and Joe
Leyendecker. W. 8 1Lnkena. George
SDedalmeetiurofCl^fVmndl h-ld Ttw. T. Bstea. oSre rVBL
UsCsarbrU work OS Uk rulU ........
Olbba. F. L. Flthton, Bmlen
' '
McConnell n OemBcil room Dec. «. IBM
Kibel Dastew week vb tax roU*
Meeting wm called toordar by Fraak Mabel niekw* lypcwrlOec etc............
and Ba-riaou Ftoher.
Tbe hand
BsmlUon, Mar
eolored cover to by Benir Butt.
rtBX DxrABmxT rc.vn.
arimr. Mopto
ChrtouutPost wUl be uaaU I
gae, OnUiek. HMtinga. Bmltb, Imrdi
eaueengeru and
Ibnnal b Ifore v. bom Mr t. bb* s.dr.ai;. r-rair ubor
p-rper iribnnal
d iaad made hi* ob| ?bould have■appesrt------------appeared
.j-clioo* to tbe a leged unreasonable.;
of the assessed valastion. srd the .
To ll.r Uonfi 'ihU.the M'li/or. riiiii c.ji; a*te*.m nt of sneb property sas he;
Bmpeeifnlly snbm''tod.
, clslm* to be exempt from Uxsiiot
Cf tincG o Mto ruy/ T"ii'tr,r
B"*M> or Pi m <' WnHsa
sloni of tbe statu‘e.
W. F Cki-Mss.
O-oiltmrn — Your
A W Bt< KF.RP.
waterworks, agreeable
able to vonr
yoor Instroeinstroe- ' “• “**“
ti'*0*. bare hud ••■*
tfaer consideration
Mored by Alderman l^ardic that the
has held that "the emrta cannot sit 1
with Mr Camobell.
Campbell, and ,
autemrnt bea.-cep’<d and oialnM bn
Jjclgment upon nis supposed error*.’’
would reapectlully report, as f.ilows:
ordered paid a* raoommeoded.
"-imverv re«pect'nlly, •
A mpellcr
mpellng was brid cn Tbnmlay, |
Motion carried.
Ha.s-lt C. DotN.i:
November S3 d. in Hr Bannab's offiee.
Sm-th. Lardic. Kenyon and lismsoDNays none
I uhrure «f Ncgtlcuaeu.
of dlslafeeUiQ of abips. cargo, pcruousl
eSecu ot
erty, awevsed to him. Hi.i',i"'.’.i''r.aik
Moved by Alderman Hontagiie that hii pe(~na! pr perty,
noder .proto**, be re^^ j-.i*,’,*.
thereoortbea erpted and claim* be
P*"* by him nod,
ordered Dsid ss recommended
mittoo. I beg t ■ adviue yon that ibeiy i
t.w rr..,. .tr—i eai
at which all tbe members of tke uommitte* were present. Tbe matter was
earefnlly considered for some time, ’
and a oonelnaton was reached that if
Mr ttompbell would agre*. tbe beet
oonrMt^purToefor the pnrcbaee of.
the Oampbell Water
Plant I
would be along the line af arbitration
led in the
—M speeifled
tbe original eontnet
be city and Mr. Campbell
between tbe
e meeting was adjourned to meet at
nafa's office on the
Nay*, nena
BcMtivvd, by the CeuneU of tbe City
of Traverae City, Miebigan, That a •
foot piaok walk be ordarad built on
theeortbaideof EUudolpk strMt adj*c«nt to lot 93. block (. Goodrich ad
dition. same to be buUt within 10 daya
from tbto date.
Moved bv Alderman l^rdie that Un
reaolntion be adopted and pMted.
Motion carried.
Yeas. AidmD-p Montague. BaBUngn,
?*" ■tvember I8» wm pi^n^ and on Smith. Lardie. Kenyoa and Oarrtoato.
Mr. Oampbell was invited. Tbe VnU
fell;i N'»e»Ber
Alderman bmi^
Smith dnl;
dnly e
committee were present, and also Hr.!I motion of Alderman
Naya. noea.
Uampbcll. 'T^r queat'on of po’vbsae t-rir^^a* received and ordered placed
Moved by Alderman Bsstlnga that
of Mr. Ck’bpbel.'s water —orb. plant '•
tbeC AW N B B. Co banotifled to
^t^dlv was earef-ny considered : uTATXMR.vTor nosKS or rmijc wokKa plank tbeir tracks neroM tbe full width
be is ready
r. Campbell agreed t
of Cam streeL
Traverae City. Michigan, Dee. 9 IBM.
Moii;>n carried.
We do herrby certify to the conacil
Moved by Alderman Laid to that tha
'ofsaidcity that tbe following to an OommlttoeouWayaaDd Means ba reMme to a board of i
;traet I ■eenrate aecouQt of ttaeeost of rnalir qnestod t-> appralM the valac of the
with tbe city, with tbe exception that i on atreeU and the oopstnietlon tbere- bouse aod lot on north Spruce ntoaat
be agree* to waive any possible advan- of. tbe amount of material oaed aad beldorlag to tbe city, and report at tbs
tage that the o'igiiui contract wonld the expense thereof, and tbe street or next regular meati^.
seem to give him. and to abide by the place where sneb matcHal wm oMd or
Motion carried.
deciqioa of tbe arbiteatoM.
labor perfortned; a1*o tbe nnmber of
On motion of Aldman Memtogue
He aleo agree* that la CMC. after the i days of labor performed on aaid atnet,, duly earrlad. OonneU adjounad.
whole matter'should be Mttled and*and tbe amonoU due tba aererall
A. W. Bkxxxd.
agreed to by tbe arbitrator* aod ac-1 permni bareiaafter named nadM tb*
C ty Attorney be received
prdVrrt placid on fiJa'
Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman HMtlnrs ihsl
matter of remittinr tnx to B. B.
Gibbs be referred to tbe oemmitiee os
«*** and means to report at next reg. meeting.
Motion ea^ed.
Oalk: BIeigiL“bs _A-d-d-i“bioxL.
/Va t of OtUtvroa^AdA.
E. W.
and has some exceptional fine
bargains to ofiTer. Can name
YOU prices and terms on
Vacant Lots
in Oak Heights
As weU as all other parts'of
the city.
Some 5 acre lots at $ I SO,
80 acre farm at $SOO
Good residooce, W, 8th St„ $1,000
One on Washington street, $1,000
One on Webster street with fornoM and
modern improrements, $1,150
Ooe 01 Bates street, $750
One on U stroet. $653
One on 15th street, $350
A Special Bargain-Residence with all
modern improvements. East 8th street,
near Onion,
Some Very Desirable
fiusiness Property
You should certainly see
'Phone 73,
Johnson Block
Traverse .City, Mich.
W. L
and Builder
Having bought the balance of
the vacant lots in this addition,
will build for you such a house
as you may want, on very easy
terms, or make you an excep
tionally low price on any of the ‘
Can show you other very
desirable real estate that will
pay well as an investment, and
a number of residences that are
2 new dwellings, Barlow street
I new dwelling. West lOth street
I small dwelling. Cedar street
I small dwelling. Second street
I good place. Bap street
Also Fine New Hotel, splendid location
I good tarm, 72 acres,.well improved,
good land, near Acme,
On any of tbe above I will
make the price right.
And I am always open tor a
Inquire for
W. L. Brown
Contractor and Builder, .
Residence, 315 W. 10th street.
Bell 'Phone IBS, Northern 159
Traverse City, Mich.
TcamtoiOHy MmOmt.
iMlow to a list Of tba ba/lnf mad aaU-
T»« WCAVdt
li K tM ••m ntft BVT**
b «« UM
« u> «r« M MMd
•kM «> t» M« « bw ••
‘ Tkw bMa Tjilm
' tmtm k <tak ^ f«U men raril McM
tW U« Mm.* Klx H<WT r<HKk a«
Stoefc4« porkata are tbe UUat M
They are made to bold a nU of bilk,
leweiry and yaluabka that can ba
atored away IB' a amall apace.
**Wbat csamlaatkmw. then, baa i
foatb patoedr aoked the aemiadar.
“Aa to evamiBalUua.
' *nT hilSi^ rM I****************
far be baa,^ attempted aay. bat tbera
Ite naM tk<n !• «( •
to ao-vnbt that he would carry aU be. Tta Vfr
by mnej bWa M
Care him wore be to compete with other
•( M Mi M al.
tb U»ab
I >nn afSrtn tbal be otudlea
moot'diligently in faU own bouee nader a
Brabman'a aupervlaioB. moot
TIaa (Mt «Mf«
agcMleal aetnladar.”
Vk» mgtt At Um «f tM
“Tbal la. iadeed. a different report of
tmmk iteM «»»««<
ac yootb to (bat wbicb I hare brnrd.’*
Implied tbe Utter dignitary, “for It waa
aaid ibat be waa an idle, good for noth
ing boy. who apeal tbe greater part of
bto time ia beatlog aod tormeatlnc bia
yoQDgei: brother* aod aiatrn
I coofma
that I do But like (be propooal."
“Nubie air." cootlnued (be ghatacb.
aaanming a more coobdentlal manner,
•rirben I add to the awnranie. I wbo am
dcan-nded frum Brabma, that those yw
porta are all fal»e. the addirinnai prom
ise of a handeome pnweot for yonrweU,
perbatw your high eKclIency will ba
plraeol tn <*.n«ldfT tbe matter In a B
jfarnrable light."
j oWrvaot ghatacb
tbe effrci of the inferred money .peraua
oioo upon the levniadar wa« aooo ap
A ponM Unk utiot tAc ^revd
pan-nt. for after proiealitig that the mat
ut tb» rUIac* rbaiorb, m profnMoBal ter of a ■•rr.wnl Jnre do weight witb bio
Mtekmakrr. as b* alovly nidc bit war whatever be M laat agreed that If tbe
thmsb tbp baaaar to tbp houw of So qneatinn of cahe were aalUfactorily aetma* UopaUbriaboa. a w«IJ
lied, that BO'ill
^ant. batwiwD wboae aoa Flari and ■ad that Ibe present look Ibe form of
pmir Uuk Cbotl TacDiT. th« daufbi
good atim of rupees he might be disposed
ft (bf aenladar. or prioripal laod o«
to think well of Ibe propositioa.
ar. be had beae arraivias a marrtaie.
Oreryoyed st tbe su'-ivss of bia efIt w<ml4 appear tbai wbni erarribiiif forta. tbe Khaturb. witb a anecewaloB of
irai aO bat oaiUfarioKIr arranced a low oaUains. then took hi* departore.
third panr- a wealibr Booer lender, feeliog aasured that tbe money lendcr'a
had laterreoed. aod wlib a roDaideralilp big fee was aliwady due in bis banda.
Mbr bad irtopted tba rbatarb tn break
cM tbr malrb. Id order to CDarrr bU.<
Now, a few days afterward, all QB(tba atoaer leader'i) aoa. a< ill lookinc a
jrontb aa be was 111 kuoiored. to th» coDsr'ioiis of Ibe dismal fate in atore for
lier. little Choli Tagon-. flying
■M&lodar’i danebter.
“I iball be obliced to aakc tue of atr from the roof of (be aemindar'a bouae.
«tu to reorraose lUa matter,*' aolllo- attracted tbe altrntlnn of a-group of
boys onl In tbe road, atnung whom were
talaed Ibe cbaiarti aa be app
tbe sons of Soman Gi^wlabrii
tba merrharn'a b..uae.
“It will
Badaba Das re*i>ertiTHy. “You
aa eaar . affair, but tbe moorr
aaid youug Pinto Badaba. poluling out
hie fee. vbicb I alreadr feel in mj eraap.
aboold be aa iaeeotlre to a fiue piere of t'boli tn his playfelioWB. “She is
my wife, and I inlend to beat her well,
So. aaauminc a erar
l>e<-au«' I ibink (bat la (be right way
■eoBor. (he cfaaiurb entered tbe
^aat'a booia. where, barioc aalaamed treat girU."
"How would you like to be treated In
aad aeated blmaelr mna lesaed oa a
sat. be awaited Che opeaiaf of (be coa- tbal w’uy yourself?" at ome asked young
llirl (inpBlsIirisbnB, wbo bad a long
**1S'elL Bhatach,“ aaid tbe inertAant. standing f.-ud with tbe other boy.
«(th a malic of weleome. for be ewaaSd- she werc'iuy siater. 1 Would leat you
Well in rHiirn." “Y'ou would? 1 should
•red tbe marrUae of bia aoo to tbe aasindar'a dauj(fat4 a (ood alliaace- much like in see you do it." retorted the
“well, vfaaturb. yoo hare brought ib* other, with a lough
sarrlage coatran. I auppooe?"
“Alaa, BO. wurabipfol air.** replied
^tueb. ^1 re^ to aay t^t 1 bare
fflare. (be giri CbPti
■ find
t a east la bar
you dlaeorer tbe blemchant. “Bow did
“Aa 1 oaid. before," replied the gbntach. wllbuut directly aaawering tba
qaeatloB. “1 bare beea miunformed.
tibc U alao a little laiue.
She hae a
Itsp when afae walka. aurablpful air."
“Good gbatarh." oald tbe Dserchaet.
“It would aerer do to bring aucb a poor
creature Into our family, even though
lie the aenilndar'a daiighierr*
“Bealdee. there la a wbiaper." rontiaa•d tbe gbatueb. lowering the tuae of bit
Tolco. “that (be temindar la ioaliig bU
Kaougb. ghatochr* cried
the taeirbaat.
“Hay ao more.
It la
fortunate indi.ed tlut you made ibeae
dlacoeeriea before (be contrail waa aigncdVon may return me my retaioing
U (be worthy ghaturh. wbu bad apmU It
he bad not forgotten, tbe fee. and wbu
had aeitber the lueana uur Ibe iaelinaiiob
to repay (be aaine: no again iwlliug bia
wita to bia aid be gave
! tbit, bar
sore adrantageoua rualeh for bit aoo—
tbe daughter, in fact, of a rayab. wboae
name be waa not then at liberty to taeotioB—and by tbal meana wt« granted
permlaalon for tbe armunt to atand over.
8u. with many oalaama and protratatloBa of eterual fidelity to tbr mctcbanl'a
htlereala. the gbalucli went on bia way
U the bouae of tbe aemiudar, <.uncralu
UUng hlmaelf on tbe eaae erltb which
he Waa eocaplng bU diCBculiy.
Arrirlag at tbe aemlndar'a boaoe. ba
' fouad that dignitary bad juat finiobed
tbe morning rerepllun of bia ryoto. or
WsaaU. and waa at once nweired' la
prirate andienre.
hand. “You come about Ibe marriage of
sy dangfati-r. no doubt.
Hare you ar
ranged eterything with tbe eatimable
serebaal? lUre you farongbt my preacat. good ghaiui h?“
“llluatrioaa air." reidied tbe gbatuefa,
tbal la. after alb 1 am afraid. Dot a dealrable match fur your arell favored
daagbler. 1 bare been greatly deceived
ta my
ooa. It toroa onl. la a yonag
man of
- vril conotenanre aad equally bad baUto,
wbo““Come. come, friend ghaiacfar' laterpooed tbe aemiadar. “Uow ly It that it
waa oaly but two daya aince you aaaured
aae by Earn. Siva. Viabau. and ao forth,
that be waa baadaome aod iatelUgent
“Mom -aoble Bemtadar." replied tba
wUy gbatueb. “1 admit I wa. muied.
Tbe merchant baa a aepbew linag opoa
hla charity whom I mlatonk for the aon.
He to r»d lookibg. but. of coune. toe
poor for aa to take iolo roaaidenCuA.
Nov. 1 have la miad for your daughter a
- yeatb of (aanr talenia, particulariy ••paplaf otanm-ra aod fiae rilemal appovaace. Ibe woa of our #<rrmed capS
taltot. Badaba l>aa.“
“Tbe aoo of Badaba Dea. tbe moaey
Moderr exdaimed (be aemiadar. “To*
de Bot atean the boy Pinto Badaba.
vbom I have beard apokeo of aa (be
' ' '
cal S tbe ofirror to alJ the
«ta are woihed Into tbe top off tba
boae. abovo tbe knee, aod arc n
wttb a faateniBS. ao that there ta no
danger of their eooteota faUlng oot
Ihere are ao many aneak thierea who
Btea) from bedrooma while the Camlly
ta at dinner, from eaniagea and frtmi
other placea where women are obUged
to leave tbs-lr money aod jewelry when
they are not In oae that aume aafe re
ceptacle about the clothing of the own
er to an Bboolnie neccaoity.
are not geoeraliy found tn women'#
dwaacA and the atocking pocket haa
Miggeated itoelf to oome lorentlvc fes-
expenaively. Bren now. when coatom
bos babitnated people to tbe change.
It la unplesHant to aee a young glri
T\R- W. R.^ W.a. Heoe.tcsetalw*ettovalao
-BY^ hw.
Otoooa. OUy Qpava
irss- fis.rfS'.'T. John
oa.oBev lOA-roaUoao* lOt.
nrvnto RATCd or tkavsxsk ctrr
gowns bare a knock of adding yean
tn ber age.
We hare no young glrto
DOW and no old women, and these
phenomena are ascribed to tbe ierriIng effect of modem toilet—making
young girls older and elderiy wu
Bswahfaat Cet
Hnuaekeeiwn have U'vu rellered to
find (hat breakfast cerealA acmrdlag
tu tbv recent rt-port of (be cbrmlabi of
the agrlcuhunl department, are eel
doru adultented.
It la. however, a^
Tted by the a.tue authority that tbe
prices of these f<H>dB are not In proporto ibeir quality, and that aome of
thoae which sell for tlie lowest price
^ aa good aa othen aelling for three
four timed aa much. All need more
tie for cooking than to adrlaed on the
F. On & Go.
Successors to
1 reverse Ch|f Uimlier Co.
Traverse City, - - Mlcliiean
Applcw-Calls and wlndfalla. lOe par
ML Park Ptoeo B«el. Boom* OU abd «£. Wo
man'* aad cblldroa'* dlaeaae* a opeclallr. (XBe* bosr* 10 to It a. m.: t to 4 and T ta fp.
aa. Bell -pboo* St
worth on ber back, while abe to fooUsh
In orerlooking the tact that her cootly
A Kaan, Oear Brain.
fVR B. B. FLOOD, oare In Bee Ttoapeller
XJ Block Call* Bssorred promntly day or
Bigbl Nenhvra'pbooe. S: Bell, Sal.
lion or baMoeaa aneoeaa depend largely
on the perfect action ol year Slomaeb X/fVaiC LRWtOKa-Brs Fraaeeo B. amlth.
and Uver.
Dr. King’s New Ule PllU IVX TearberolPtoaoaod urraa. ril Waob.
lagtoB .tract.
Ill S*
_____________________ gth, a keen, clear
min. high ambition. A is oent boa
will make yon (eel like a new being.
Sold by Jaa. ti. Johnson and S E
Walt, draggiau.
werkefbtgbMi pMibto grada. rtoai
work a agMlBUr.
Vew Offloe. Xarkbam Block
Prettr near time
to thiol about having fonr
Bicycle Enameled
You Will Make
A Mistake The Finest Line
Ever Seen in
(rud Ripldi t Indlui R. I
This City
We are ebowiiig n very
Urge stock of the UleKt
novolties in ... .
You'might »1so oc« me about aloring
your wheel FREE for the winter.
No better enameling than onn.
Slap is and talk it over.
tl( UniOB Streci.
An tmuanal wedding took place late
ly at PbllHiMburg. N. Y.. when a coo-
By choosing any other
cigar than
1.10 yean were married
Both parties
had entered (be state of mafrlmony be
fore. and (here were prewent at tbe
MosiseU-iulck^Br fine pslr ol
"He said he iolebded b> bedt the litUe to >br coiinlrr. WSOI >o spII bppsosv 1 ,■> oai
Irl on tbe roof when *b« came to be bis nppdibpw, R. nrbomhprcpr.
-Ue, so I heal blm to see liow be liked
IriOR RgKT- « roooi beosp Oood
." .-ame the esplirit rejoinder.
Eo-iulppOrsI Wao.t DisbCo.
“Oh, indc-d:" replied the aemiudar.
"And who may you l>e. pniy?"
llari. (be son of Konian Copalabrislmu, the iiierefaBut." answered the
Boai« Ob Ea«< Eicbih
sirret. WltUakrlii pan p.y a brk.r
*”“S-ou the ~tn of On^labriahnar re ^aib. haraMw. •Irlirb. e«. gat|UlfT^a-^^^cV
peated the aemiudar iii amaaeitieoi as
be vii wed with ap|>n>ral the manly form
Of the l-.y l»-r.ue him.
"There aurely JIL - erty l^qv.-hlii A Croloer.
►H tr
lUst he s.rme mistake."
'No. sir. I am llari lioiutlabriahna." f^IRLWAVCTHD-ror ornrral hoiisv «ork.
RoQUIrr at cold sieraev »arc|rf>iu»,
relteraosl the b»y. “and that is Pinto kX
cororr I'QlcHi aad Bay atrcvis
■"t i(
Badsbs ............. I have bi-alen."
"t'oine with me." said Ibe aemindar, rpo RKNT—House aad IVrvi class banj H. B.
HISS ard. If; Bast Klnlb street
«l? tr
"(or I must S.C yiHir |>arents about eonieihing of gn-at imporlBiue.
And as to 'QOCKrrBOOK-Losllnor acar lllclMs-ras
Oprra Hoasc. Reward lor return
•ou,“ he said, lorning to the er.ring •T
'into lUd.ha. "if I ever find you In my
eiiinpound. yoii shall get a worse beat
ing. foi in s|iiti‘.J5j everything the worthy 1.J oa Kasi Pruniscret. V< leet oa Raoi Htaie
gbaitieb nia) say I am now cenain that street: Su leet ofi Barin* .ireet: IMi (eel oa
Rose street :bnuee and .moot lot ol Bast stale
a cruel young vtllaln."
eearralIms.l,tdID: XI IcMt )al aa East Htaie
And nest ,Uy. wilbout (he ghatueh'a sirswiatlivd kiaeres land oe.r HayfleM to
the contract wa* signed by eirbanor («r l»l in city. Oae sailina ouim oae
tbe rewjKWiive parvuls for tbr marriage ■loop yaebi cheap; oae Olacle opea bupoy.
Prank Prlclrleh.
of Hart <>opalabri«hns and t'lioli Tagore,
wbu in due season lived logHher many
y^m^in great bapptueiis.-X*w York
/rilRL WAKTTO -For treoeral bousenork.
iMulreSSBfaae .ireei.
a tittle Twi.
J. Adam H.'ile, says the Omaha Nononfonuisi. wldoni wrilc* poems that
jingie. but he writ.-s pnss' |km.-U7 that to
worth tvadiug
Bead this:
-“ttbe is.only a liltl>' tot.
Tliree or
four summers bav<' touched ber lips witb
wtodoui and left Ibe sunlight In her clut
tering hair.
Her spirits aie as blithe • Ill «eban«e tor olb*r property,
and buoyant as a bird and her tboagbta
light atul airy as tbe akybiovm tbiatJe
1^0 BRUT—PumKilied room* vitb or v^oul
down. She clings to your band in tbe
morning and is eager lor your borne
coming w’bivi the abadows fall, being TTTAIVTgO-Two -ood cutler*. Weeat* a
W cord (or (■ loeh wood. Boardtt per •eek.
1 peeping Ibruagb the panVacee every eaiurday nlgbU J. O. Jre*oa.
gate. where ber greeting to
ingenuous and MtieTre.
She to tbe arw T^R BRNT-Vory deelrable room, ftnUbed.
woman with tbe wurld before ber. and
with b.f toy, and plnyboose sbe to walt- board. XB Rtate .treot.
ig for tbe future, and you praoa ber
> your bosom arbile abe waits.
"Yet a few years and oTber hearts bo
Aod then. too. other cana_yrUI
*. b.n to you. tboufb ibe borne nc« .
ba* been long dc-serted and many yean
have flown, sbe is atlll tbe little borM of TriAaTBRV M(}KBY-To toaa at ( per coat oa
delight, and. though yuu are a century
«M. .vour bean U a faundted yeara
And tben yon understand bira
TrifRlVIAHRO BOOHB-To real witb Bo*H
wbo aaid. 'Suffer little rblldrco «• coBW Jr
gaguirv.tlUWamavevolb ■irocL Hr*.
and forbid (bem not.' For tbo A T grdpH
bM thing OB eoflb to a littlr tot."
or to elly or eonairy wbn *111 call at !ri
Eaol HiBtb birvot. oo or before Dae. Itofe. sill
Boumania (ollova Bnaaia'a iMd In
RB0oB»OOcv.Trav.T..<aiy. NIcb
ral^ Avpartarv ot ipbIbs ai Ttb'
CUy, la eflvel OeWber tSad. (MU.
Frnit EnlTM
Knife and Pork Beta
Berry Bpoona
Orange Spoons
Salad Spoons
Soup Spoons
Oyster Forks
Fall Sets Knives and Forks
EKvant ififU in all kinds of
It’s Up-To*Date.
InilisGN eiocK.
Mrs. C. E. Horst,
cooking at all timm. day cr nlgbL
OyHtem served in all stylai-
Tsader of Voice CiltBn.
Fnder Tonnelier Block.
Stndio At 3^15 WHBhiDi;:toD Street.
Fire Insurance, Calendars
Ina car Cbiraco to Grand BapIdB and chair car
.1E. W. Hastings’
John R. Santo,
General Insgrance.
Fire Insurance Office
Johnson Block.
WarvbBva Bleak.
For a Cliristinas Gift
SSiSiito <tojBm.Bmmmaato. audme
1XKXW00d;'<?' Ra^AVofan^EapIdo
West Michigan.
Lv roiouor
h^or .. .! #«** I ^
TravpnwCr » »».w|
What is prettier or more appropriate than
an article of Jewelry from our assortment.
,11 U
til B
Ar Urd Rapid*
Lr Ord Rapid*
Or-*• Mailt 40P.B
H«p I 40p.s
The same old prices prevail—as low as ever.
Very fin«f
Solid Gold Rings, Watches, clocks. Silverware, Opti
cal Goods, Pins, Opera Glasses.
Lr TrawrsrCr.
Ar Uk Sapid*. I
Lv BURapId*..!
Ar Trareto.Oy.l_
Grabd Raplda
New Goods and New Fixtures
In my store
stim)o’eloekB.w. '
..i.217 Front Street.
SKStpS :££SS8
II.Ua b. iralB boa parlor par uOroDd
BspIds.aadNlnpppr Uraod Rapids to Ciaeta-
L. L. A. Building.
sidewalk Lumbar in all aisea.
“BaeoUeoi ^r.“ proteatad tbo gbatach,
n. who am deaemded from Brahota aaff taaued a clrcnlar to prlnclpab of gtria*
) U*. I. aotemaly 4a- acboola. ordering tbem to forbid tbe
waariSg of coraeu. aa lajorioiw
\rAire.T a DODOB. Auonoy aad aeoBoal
iXL too at tow. OSeoa.aiyOpavamoMBIk
marrled glrto. wbo a few yean ago
would have been conoldered dremMd
in exceedingly bad (arte If clothed
• Plabinv9ii A pair (vr >aatM-rlur or st^
t>u-u>ps». Prlcp (3>i. Also <«e ir'rs
■Ichlsc tail, so eiirs rood O-P Call r-adpssMrs. J. t.Csrs*. AdcpII WIrb.
(be enuade againnt tbe coraet.
mloiatpr of rellgioi) and edneatioo baa
OSCM •*• TomaMto, Mo*k. tH Proal awoal.
A noticeable feature of the dreoa
raatoma of tbe day in Bngiond to tbe
Itunrlona toilets worn by yonng im-
A atnple pollab for fomlttire can be
mde of one pan turpentine and three
jl 00
It would look aa If tbear new
poeketa would be aa aafe aa any that
coold be devtoed.-ClncUmatl Poat.
wedding breakfast seven children. IW
AiiKuig boys ererywhere. sneb a posi granilchihlren aod two great-grand
tion U ing rvwibrd. a p.-r>.nnal
becomes Hie a.de court of appeal, and
warn, amid a cloud of dust, tbe two w.
XufunAt Ball
tbrusbiiig away in a fasbion Ibat meant
Tbefe'wiM be a masquerade ha1
Minie Isslily barm.
Down went Pinto,
Columbian Hall.Weat Side, op Friday
bringing Mari at (be same lime
evening. Dec 33.
Mnaie by Heir
ground. wlier>- they ndb-d over and over
Blakeley's orebaatm.
812 lot
until llari, •Ms-oriiig his adtersary.
priled Imii with loud lameiitationa t
for iiii-rey.
• What i. all IbisT' ealled out the voire
of tbe zeniiiidar. appearing from bia con}pound and surveying tbe alrugglioi;
llari rose instantly and stood.
pans Itnaeed oil Vnd to quite aa effleartona aa any of tbe expenalv* oBoa
with fancy namea.
OMMTt t* SraTWM Olty Lombar Oo.
.« *o| « IoIlv
8«, I It!
8 or. « KVAr OB*kai____ ______
eraae'* HIU
jTlufd Yc*r-No. 813
fiMt te Oftp* Oolosy.
ammBBBATAx. i
Onniad kj Bissaa'a Bs-«lslaln el
Tana, Dee. 1L> L iLoikip. os-MIsietarenfarlae.aK ealled kp nfaro aa
arBceaasrslwar wtU tn«lisd. rw
•« bf o«
i Is M AMsak iUed:
«m« m»rny Waasm—OpaW—i
Dnyaasto FWcbtUc st Ko
Laste D«. l».-Aar«Uac diasstar
«o Oasanl Oslsara^ ailawaai la Oa?a
Oetaar la raportai Ira Oapa Tm.
Is as attaaaM «s mrprtm tba Bean'
aelana s» Btecsibarf as Sstsidar
Maniac tka Prtitak %<ra ItaaU faU
late tka a ttv sad aaffared a aetara
rararaa, batsf rapaUed te ratira te
Meltasa, arttk a laaa el mans la klUed. weasdad. sad mlaalaff. Tka
Bwealtatof aMacIa eadanteadkan
tenaaassetknwkfdaaala aspisrakv
Lead Lwadewaa, Baaratsrj
“Iha Bacitob an Bote tkaa twtoe aa
Mroscataaaiawe. Tkap keae daaa
osaoe war rtmrH of aU kisda. te
wkM Moat ka added MO « 4« aarraadp la be arswd.
IkalafUah aksM aeald faae rissee
aad tba tr^ alUasae Not oslp to
the saMkar of tkalr warakipa formidable, aoMpand with the rroaek Bast,
bat their orvaaintles la laaostaatablp
i«arpeaa.oBr Aeat
d bp a Britlak saral teree
af doabU. tnMe. its ettasrtk. eea
naadad kp peaat oBewa. Is amp
ew the Bepliak poiiiM saral atatloaa
whan tkap oaa rarlataal sad eesl. tad
aMMasIties, aad repair doMafea. da
for aa, we ban so aheltar porta, or
ter wv. raaaiaad a diapatak aaaeaaeeearaelpaop. With the exeepUce of
kic Oasaral Oataera'a naaraa fra Oae
Toaloa, wo ban sethlar worth mobaral Wr Bradarfak-Walkar. eouasdai
tioslaf la the Medltemaeaa."
«f tka Britlakireepa la >0apa Oeloaf aa
•Tka foUewlac
«asaaalOatsaratklanarslsr *I «-r
iy rarret to Istmrea tkat I kaaa ant
aHtkaaorlew raaoaaa la aa attack
tkto (Batetdap) Mslac ea Storakarr
I waa mlaUd kp tka raldaa aad fOsad.
U a Utar
te tka arar e«ea
«asacal BenaHar Wallwr aapa:
-la tafaraaaa le BP talapra Of tbia
aMTStat tka aaaaaltlaaaa tar aa kaowa
St prataet are. Saaoed Bopal trUh
rlflaa. kiUad Boaa] wooodad. iMotassst Odosal Barer. ^Kajv Saatoa.
OaptalaaDoUasdKaUar aad Ltaatasasta Btapaai aad Baraardatea-Saffelk rarlMSt, Oaptala Wair aad
tkiea Ueataaaata Bl«to(: raak aad ftla.
seaa killed. 11 weaaded, aad PPO mtaa
B«port of
Fall la tka ]
1 Bear Oneasaa Batwaas MhJar Barak's BabtaHaaasdtkaBaordefdcalaaldo
laaaiBnt Oaan Waakaead kp kte
Oaatk—ddMbst Vatna TUB af
Baalla, Dee. 11 —It te sew at
tkat Oasaral Oraforto del FUar waa
killed at tka asfueMnt batwoHt
Ma]wMaiab<BhsldaUesof tka Tkirfipthird rerlMnt »f«d dpaiBaldote paard.
aaarrrrrfB •. Ocoetaldal FUar waa
osa of .'ba proMiaast laadan af tka
aaditteballand kte death
wUl haates tka aappraorioa of the rebel
Ites. Bar I a akrawd oBoar aad te raportadtoki
tp adaoatioe. taklap a laadlap part la
PkUIpplaa aftalra darlap tba
pean of tka troabla of tka telaada
itb Bpsia.
WaahlngtoB, Dee. 11-Tba foUawlap
I bae bean raeairad i tka
sarp dapartmaat fra ddwlral Wataoa talUnp of Iba aarp’i part ia tba
patloB of Babid bap: "Oa tba
Moralar of tba »lh I raaaind a tala-
Tbe facte that Boner te a rradaa
VaadarblU eclnraitp aad aomn from
r>« .Wd Hnr tl» ptododa ot Tlarn.. at, emd,
m.k»n (tho. .n aw.1) It not onl, Oimia>ta. em.
pbjmant ot koo. Ubor bat psiutaM a para sbolMcaaa
articla—tnaa iiyatioga iagradienta.
TOUOEEOW wa arlH raoeiva If ton aad, (38
differant kiada) vhiob will aelt at lOo a pcaiad.
Thia lot aaa all laada b, SInab Braa k Aiaiotta
oMbiaoit, aad iaabaalatol, para, vartb 90c to 30c a
SUNDAY SCHOOLS mint place their orders with
m this week to iaaore prompt delivery.
Ws WBttt 3 eztn girls to
ssU osndy for os astordsy.
See oar assortment of
Xmas footwear and tbe
puzzling question “What
shall I boy” will be solved;
A Pair
of our fiue slippers for
men, women and children
will not only please the
one receiving them but
will add to the wearer’s
comfort for months.
Prices are low as al
AlfriedV. Friedrich
tkat ka akot Slater onr tba kaart witkoat, ao far a* U kaowa. aap particaUr
pronaatloB. team lltae doabl la Baa
Fraaeteao. aaeordlap to tbe intorma-.
ties to tba poltea fra that eltp. that
be te tba aama Walter Baaear who waa
triad tor mardar there jeet a pear afo.
Tbe caan are nmaikablp alBlIar.
waa bald far examiaalioo
la tbe Jefferaon Marbat
•verpwhara. , No fraat aarprlaa eaa
sow ka fait If tba rereraa raaaltad in poltea eoart Bail wae fixed at tl.OM.
Oapa'OoIoep kaeoMtsc adaMt Itom aad beaaiMaaDote from Dr. Wpaeoop of
B«llenia etated that Blatar'e eoadltlua
aot at bad aa bad
>t of tbr Oallp Mawa
Oaaaral aadtbatbeaonld probablp pet well.
at U
Boaaar told tbe martetrau that be
Baatar'a 'eaptara of tka roB*
eot to tbe pattlea a mUa
BUI. lara:
-Baj w SaodaraoD. with 14 ra'dea. llqoor, aad there rao loto a lot cf
Wkj waa diraeUoc tba oborcmaata. led poonr set., who proeeedad to "rap
tka torea ap tka praalpitoaa. bowldrr braoaaeooaat of bit oeodltloa. Bi
etrawo heirhu. Whao aaarlp kalf healed pul hte pUlol. be nld. when be
Aitenveolr From Laoe.
wap ap tka diScalt aaoast a Boar oet- wae afraid of keior attacked. Wbea
M. B. Boltep hu renired a cnrteapoat, apparaeUp Jjvt awake, abal- be fired, he aald. be bad ao idea wboai lip In tbe form of a pablleaUoa, wbicb
coinp to hit. Be did aot aim
laacad tba Britlak. BeealriDr ao aaformaaealaableadditiojto bte larta
awar. tkap eallad to tbalr eomradra at Blatar. be declared.
eoUecUon of Cbnatlan Eodeavor eoneakera: "Tba Bo(>Ub arroe at.Sbooi.''
He reeeired pnterdap a co^
tliaptkae fired tkalrHflea-aod axploof a C. B paper from Laoa, a email ae^TekallaUfiiakadaatkap au-aek the
Dothard A Baadp wm
9m- tion Dear Staoi. printed in tbe Laoe
rodca A karriad faaUlada from tka
It tea 14 papa pamphlet
eeaaioo Tod tp.
eraat of tba kUl waa aaawarad kp a
eutcbed topcthar with wire aad te as*
Tka OeBaea mtefast. fomarlp
elarle rollep. ‘ntea oar tro^ raked
iqne la ite make up.
riaglat ekaata. apparaatlp doakttrr wdaetad bp M. DU!, bae keaa eold
tkalr BBBbara bp tta rapatltioe of tka , aad tka aaw propriatora will taka poa- HaatettAWalkispSaM
ooaeda. Oaaeral Haoter. leadlaf hia'
*««w»a their firat oMaa
Bedand to 50c aad 7tc.
hat. $S 80. 0___________
Jftmta. took ap tbe comsaad, oroar-{ ^
ereBlac. Tka deal
Boeton Store.
Isf tba mao to fix tbalr bapoaata. ^
1^* nte wae made wai
Tbdp dUmbad Uka lleinte onr tbo •»■»*•« ynlerdap. aad tbe firm
hare bowldara la aa imralar bet or- of tka aaw proprtetcn te Southard A
telp lisa. Wbea tbep valaed the Haadp. Oeorva Boathard kae bees
aratbepfoaad tbe Been U faU re- ooodecUac tbe reaort betel at Foaeh
foraome time, baetar reaeaUp sold
MoUer Binr. Dee. u —Tka sanl that baeiaan. Mre. B. Baadp waa
4 ? laeb r«B
poaiUoa cook ot that mort aetfl reosatlp, Sba
sortb of tka eamp pnterdap afianoos bn baaa aookiar at Wlnate'e munr
white tka bowltaar batterp waa pnted tsaraat tar come time.
to the netkaael oo the left of the
W of tbe fire d
Boeta. Both opeaed a bot fire with
Ipddiu ebelli aad abrapeel. to wbieb
taa Bnra raplted abarplp with a dona to moot tbte anaiac at tba Oan auaet
tbn uamartlar
- t-tbwbteb wae the obiaet of tbe Brilteb aaplaa boon to attead Stalaberra,
After^y^^e firlap^tba Graad Open Boaaa. U reapoan to tba'
iBTUaliaa axtasdad bp Mr. Btalabarr. itaUwdwuprawpUr aim
tear r«B
fldaoeated. It sow ap-'
aaare that the Been iatead tba aaxt Allaboaldba.SBnaaattkaboan aot
ifbt te taka plan at NafantiMilela aa later tbaa » o'aloek.
tba repltee to tba Brttteb artHterp an
SiO-SSi Front Street
Balph Oonnnbls Jr„ lUBagsr.
Alamlnom Hst Mnrk Free to Furehnsers.
They make a very acceptable Cbrietmas gift
I3A0. $5,00, •650, f750. $8.00, $10.00
. . . Umbrellas
We’ve got a line that's good eaongb for a King
_____________$1.50, $200, tgAO. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $6A0
Pick Holiday Gift* from tbe only ^tire New
in 'Oraverse City, at
S. BEira.A. & OO.
“Zero” Ulstera, $4.50 to $25.
"Newland" Hata. $1, $2, $3
Fosaral of tka Late W B. Tbaeker.
•andap-Bodp Laid to Bnt
is Oekwjod Oametarp.
Oae of tbe larrnt faneral faikerioce
tkat anr met ia tble eltp nme toretkar Buodap to pap the Int trtbuta of raapeeito the late wuilam B. Thacker.
A creht cjneouree of triende ware at
tbe keen to linen to the funeral aermoB preackad bp Bar. D.-Ooehlia. wbo
bad akarra ot the aarrtoae. Tba admir
able pablle and pereonal qaallUnof
the daeeaaed wan epokaa of aad a fine
irlbota paid to tka dead.
Mra C. J
Bkaar. Min Uammond and C. K. Back
toraiahad the mn^e tor tbe oeeaaioe.
The fuaenU waa la ckarre af MePkams Poet O A. B, and the pail
baarare wen ehoeen from amonc the
oldooeuadn of the deeeeaed. Tbep
were Lorln Boberta, Leel Boate. John
Jameeoa. Nalaon Ohattsrdoa. F. D.
Marrte and Oaorce W. BaS.
About ao Keiphu of tbe Mareaben
were prteeat. aUo M membereof the
L. O. T. M. aad a nore from the Wornaa'e Belief Oorpa.
Maap bandtoma
fl>ralplaon ware rinu ae iribntn to
tbe departed, both bp peraonal frieode
aod tbe earioae prdeta. A wmtb with
the tetlare G. A. B. wn preniittir bp
that orcanlutioa. the l^p Maoeabrn
can a haocUome wmtb aud the Mac
oabaes' offr-nac wn a brokeu wbnl. It
ie ntlotatad that at leaat ISO carrtecn
followed tbe recaaiae to the oemeterp.
In Buying
Xmas Candy
of ZDsoicoBt
To Dealda tka Itakote oa PkUlpplae
a loftioo Baiwaae rraeklta Qab of
Oasaral MaeArttav ear eooparatloa
eritb Oaaacal OraaVe foren anttarcd
Masktee aad Sasler l^aaoB.
.^Tbrledsaa for the debate katwaca toward Olaarapo. Babif bap. I etartad
oa tbe lama araatat for Babif with
tkaPraakUaelabof Baakteeaad tka
Baaior Lpeeaw of thie eltp ban koea tba Baltlmon aad Otefoe aad a aen'
paap of mariaaa. Wa arrlnd at dapaelaeted. ditkoark their anntipiaari
Urbt OB tka lOtb. with Uadimr partln
baa Bot keaa raaalrad aa pet. It te prokorvaatead aad foaad Major Btenn U
abla tkat tbap wiU aom. SaperUteanalos of Oiaacaao. I nliand tba
deat Blodpett of b4i<lUurtoB bee keaa
aaked bp tba praaldeat of tka Fraak- armp feme bp marlan aad tisaapoetlie elab aad Baperiataadeat Lott of ad tba armp dataebmaat to SubicBk Baplda haa kaaa aalaetad bp tba That town waa abaadoaad on onr
Beater LpeaaB'a pcodidaet, aad tba rieaL Oanatal Qranl arrind la |ka
rnooa. Wa left on tbe Orefos,
twopneldaala aoejUaUp ban aakrd
Snperiataadaat Ktpa of OadUlaa to aot Oardoqul aad Mindoro aad ratarned' to
GteTlia oa tbe mb. Tba Otanrapo
ae tbe third jadra.
Tbadabata wUI taka alaaa ia this aavp pard aad ite mtcbiaarp are la
eUpattba«Rp Open Boaaa Fridap fair aooditios and the abope ware i
1 oslp allcbtip >p tbe prerioai
anoiap; Darabar It. ddatteaioo will
**^Barkahlra nnstai iBtaBtrp, oaa
. "Bereatj feartk kattaiy. a liaateaaat. aad tkrea aaea oawrelp
a aiajar aad oae Aaa allrkU;
sad oaa raaaar...........
erlaad faalltera, Malor
Bteraaa. OapUla Pleteber aad Iforlep Baliend la itea 1
Tkat it
sad tkrea lieeteoaaU ainlBr:
soa aoa eeBBlaalaaed oOeaia aad
New York. Dao. n.—It tbe iafoma
"Tka ramaladar of tka eaaaaltira Uoo raaaind boa Baa Fraaeteao
Itee cm ilate te aorreet. tba poaop nedlwill ka wired aa aooo aa kaowa.’'
oal itadaBt who abot Frad Slater at
lAlar dalatla recvdlaf tka dinatar
Is Otaaral Oataera'a oolasa akow that tba Badteoa Bqaara Qardaa blcpele
Bktardap Blrbt aoBMlUada wilfsl
bat lor the maro^OMt work of tka
srtUlarp. tka dafaat wmld kara keaa sardar ia that eltp. The New York
ofleera will axamtoa iato the nporta
lar Mara aataealva, aa tka iaaaaaaat
Boar akall flra is tka Mldat of tka la- with a Ttew to nriloatloB Tbe police
Ufaatcp alUBatalp lad to disorder, beltenBMeer map be predtepoeed to
wklek oalp aoaapad daraloplar lato a
reat tkroark tka artlUarp baitartaa.
wklek ^ oeeapplat aaooaaaira pooltioaa. aorarad tba rairaat, tkai drawtsr a portioB of tta Smto faltlar fire.
dppWMUp tba Britlah bad aat akoat
sa iMpoadbla task aad wi
«Mlp r«kUd- Ikaro U litUa la tka
teary of tba battU to wlurau tba
latosaa hsMlUMtlos of tka ealeod.
wUAIaalMaot aa exact aoaotarpart
of Blekeiaoa'a Sak. Tka afliir baa
Cold Weather
With the chill taken off the prices. Onr overcoats and
uUtera are perfect garments—are right np to tbe minate in
style—are made of dependable materia*8,end are rightly priced.
Tbe greatest stock in town is here—This month we’ll
sell yon overooata. nlsters and suits at ten per cent, discount
from our already low prices. Oome and look.
A proi
paid the cereral uk of tbe tele,
phone bad made tbe task of efficently protectinp life and properly
over 50 per cent, earner.
Telephoning in caae of fire, ac
cident or borglary baa become a
reoognixed neoeeaity.
Every well resnlat
ed bouaebold baa a
EHBB telephone
Have you one in
your borne?
' UcUAU TtfflDhOH (A
Hamilton Watches,
Fancy Clocks,
Elegant Effects
In Diamonds,
Beautiful Novelties in Jeweliy
For Christmas Presents.
Finest assortment I have ever carried. The line
this year is especially fine and^ou should see it be
fore deciding on your Holiday Gifts.
That's s bsl peopW arc Cola* si
CbH.IBS. -Wv hsr* sol s tilf lle« of '
sl'klaOof (soc, (ocrfsthls rr^r-bal
ws do risla lo hs^ B flo*. Isrc*. i
sod Birlcil, op-lo-dBW Use of PrrU
Post OfBes Building.
Atoaiim. PortoiBsrf Is fsacf rs
bottles, (oev stalest ssd Poi-kcl .
Books. BUI Books. C«rC Csstis. ote-Wr
Wait’s Drug Store. |
SteV 6ue 'tdVTvute
Aad tee what wu can do for you.
Strictlyfraah Eppa................Meperdot
Cboior dairy Butter...................tOc pw lb
AU packape Coffee.................. lOcperlb
Granulated Supar................... 5H« per lb
BmI 50c Tea for........................40e per lb
Beet «Oe Tea for...........................soe per lb
AU pronad Spteee (pare).........>5e per lb
lOkare Lenox Soap.............................. »5c
1* ban Aeom Soap................................ 15:
I cane Pampkln .................................... «5c
Scan* CwB...............................................«5c
leaM Tomatoea.................................... tte
Aad la fact for everytklapia tballne
of Oreeartea we are yoar Mvtapa baak.
You Can’t Afford
To Have Wet Feet
Better buy some wet weather footwear. This
is the -time of year for taking cold—you may
prevent it by having your feet properly
We carry a complete line of Wet Weather
footwear, including Waterproof shoes, Rub
bers. Over Gaiters, Rubber Boots, etc.
Our ■>«,« tuna •(
McNAM4RA block
T-.-- r-T£-F‘ r- •-.
IM ad •Mdanta Who Idea is Cm*anaOHp.
B. B. BUawwtb haa wrtttn for tba
Otaod BapM BaroM as arttela U iw
yard to TtoraiM CS^ atwtosta la tba
UatoaaHty of Htablyaa. wbkb ylraa
tba at^nte at pratant In Ana Arbor
from thto eity nod rietaity nn foUowi:
tm. «. Mtxm AMB 3. W.
A Thrivisc XattMUj.
lAbor OcmaMonv On hi
l*BM Ot th« <
■ Mkhicui whiah BiuvraeUr* *«U
rmlt to worUr e( eoMiacr•tiPB. WbUa U« fBhtoto
tut InauUj In tb« aUta bu baas
toaewa to ba axtanaiva. lU rani alfnliannaaaaoM of'onr
tadnal^ baa aenreal7 baan raniiaad.
l&junataan aaatan la Uta auta fiftyJra ooMarM wara atolted.
Tba enpitnl atoek af thaae flrma a*fragntaa $S.fin,*ao, Wiib na afidiUaBnt
ffrptaa of «tss.O(a rapertad by thna
gim*. maktay na nTaracn for aneb firm
anBTMoafi of bU.7e7. Porty-nlaa of
tkaaa fimu g%n aa their cmttmt ia
IfiPa. aabtelaa DaBbarlay 171 TCO, or aa
aracnca of 7.M7 for aaeh firm.
Tba ralaa of thto yrant ontpat iraa
yltaa at fa.xa.it?, aa a?an«aofabo«i
itt-OO tor aaeh vablela, aad aa areraya
«t birr.all for aaeh firm.. It waa aaU»a<ad (bat the iaeraaaa la ontpat for
Ibapraaaatyanr, ovar that of im,
wonU araraya M par eaaU
Tbaae firma. at tba Una of tba anaVnaa, wara aa^loylny t.Mt poraoaa. aa
•Tomyaef 9i for each factory. Tba
•roraya nnaiber of aaiployaa for tba
/aar had ban a? paraooa fn aaeh.
Tbalr aytrayata waakly pay-rolto foot•dytt.ais.aaaTamya for aaeh factory
Tbaaa flyaraa ylra a fair Idea of a
vory iBportaat Indoatry and tba is«naaa of bnaloeaa oaar 18»a to rary
yratifylay. Wbi e the '
«Bly the larycat ooneama. there are
«asy anwllar faeturiaa whoaa oatpot
arlU awall the proonet aad abow a
yraatar Dombar of nan employed ibaa
fabaraylras. Bntfortbe porpoae of
famtohisy aa Isulllyant'Idea af the
•ataat of the ladoatry. the faeu ylrea
are ralnablr. Trarana City haa no
larya aatabltobnaou of thia kind, but
(be wa hare are ibrlrlsy eotteema
Xs.ATTonarv UnNKSAL Matmakd to
Mtha carpet before the yrand jury
■adit to latlaatad that the charya
■Uoyaa that a oertais Clark in tba a.larMyyenaral'eifflM only drew r#
par noath, when the aalary
■bowed »lfS. Hr. Mayaaid to raportao
10 hare autad that tba ebarye to prac
tleally that be borrawad nonay from
hto elerkt. In thto oosnactlon atunHon to ealied to the feet that Mr. Me^
■ard daroted hto entire time dnriny
tcmi yaara, to the work of tba ofica of
attorney yenaral for a aalary of ynoo
par year. If the lalary of the attorney
fOMrol of Miehlyan ban bees wnat
attorney of the raqntolia ability
•o^d earn In prirate praeUee there
wonld be no ocoaeion for him to bu.
fOWSBonay fnm aoybooy, mneh laaa
from hto elerka.
Tax yrand jnry i
to have before it a wide ili-ld and pier
(y of work ahead, but a rtetae will be
taken for the holldeyo, nnd reenmed
-With more riyor afur the *<eiine bate
had a little more tmr to wrirry.
lUies the food nore detdous Md
.t; Min Marlon 8. Boham.
Jaalor yaar. Utarary dapartnani; AnO
HarUayar. faalor yaar.Uw d
Barry B. KyaMka, Jaaior yaar. nadtoal Trararaa Otir B. y -Wnten of SoMlrr
oowac: Albert T. Hoala. laalor yaar.
bonnopathla dapartnaai; r. Waller
The foUotriaitUuor bee been raTblrlbyJaaior year.daatal dapartauat:
drad from Arthar Vasderrort. Co. K.
ITtb B^lmeat. >0. 8. Volaataaia, by
tar In thto city. It will beot
iatanat aa akowiny aomatbiay ot tba
aataal Ufa of tbaSaoUtora wbo weal
from bare to tba PbUippUea.
MvUa, P. 1.. Oek II. I«00.
WoUa. aenlor yaar. aniaaa' tralalny d<
1 fot yoar Uttar yraterday. aad Uall
partnaal; Ada L. Watara. traahman In yoa I waa rUd to bear from boma, 1 am
wall aad yaulny alony all riybl.
thara are aat- bad a fine trip orer tba pond,
afalothara wbo. wbUe i.ot now ret;- atoppad at two papanaH towaa aad
daaU of Trararaa City.. la wall known bad a fine dUaer U each.
barn, aad ia tboaa eaiaera Trararaa
Oar diet bera| oonatota of poUtoce,
CiW *1U ii«l »treat Iniereat.
bean*, fiab, pie. mflee, tea, bread, bntJohn Bdward Untner. who took hto
itaak. ataw^paaeakca and ma
ftr«tdayraeiBl89taod hto aaoond In ple ayrap.
Wa bare braakfaat at S:lo,
im. and wbo Unyht la Ue Uemao ' nar at II. andnnpper at 4:80.
IB the yean Idsn-W. to
I am not with all the boya from Trar
ia Oamaay taklny ^eeial work.
arae City. Only LewU Oarrabo, Wrlyht
Thomaa A. Coalon yradoated from and myaelf are In ibis company, the
tbaBiyhaebooIln tkto olty In 1W7. othan oalnyt ia< Co. K.
We do not
Be to DOW preaident of tka aaalor law know anytbloy about them at aU. i
olana In tba ulreraity.
bare two holla os my face that hare let
Gbarlaa F. Watklna. TSaraiia Clty'i me oat of^nard doty, (la San Pedro
aae ball pltebar ••WaUla," to a Innior X waa ordered on dnty for the oSeen
nadle. Balph E. JohnaM. wbo apant taeadqnarlara.
nar b«a. to a aaaior In tba
The weather here to not ao warm a*
aama drpartnaat. aa ia also Sara T. to be eomfortabU -for a man to aleep
Chaae. wbo foraerly taoyht In the wltbonl a bUahet. We bare aom«
aprtoya In front of the camp, aa hot
Hiyh aebool barn.
~ Urdle raytotan from that yoa can boU an en U oae min
Old Miaeioc. bat to to all Intaata and ata.
Pete aad I wUl hare oar pteterM
I a Trararaa City boy. Ba to
a Jnnlor Uw atadant. Oaear Frladrieb Ukan as aooa aa we yarto the city of
wbo now raaldaa la Ann Arnor. to a MaaUa. I waa tbera about aa hoai
before joinlny the company here. W«
freabnaa In tba aana dapartnank
Bobart O. Jlekllsy to a Jenlor la the are now about 40 milea from VaalU
Wa bare a fine lot of offleaia. They
Utarary dapartnaat- Ba waa yradaatad from the Hlyh aebool hare thto year. are jDsi like the :men, eat and alaep
McAlpla BOW elaina loyetber aad we bare fine^Umea.
Island to not to hot here, aad lou
Trararaa City aa hto home, tbonyh he
from Bapld Olty when be of tbeboyeara yolny toauy.Bat exeoae
eaterad the Uw departmaat. Janaa me. The negroea and Chinese arp too
Hamilton, of tha Blyh aahool, to alao U dirty.
We are boldfny an outpoit here, aan
the Uw department. BobertS. MonUyoe of Caro, in the literary depart when the neyroes yo tbronyb the lines,
we taka from them all their riee
ment. to aUo known In thto eity.
8Uce 1890, Trarene City itndeato fire pound!, and all the salt. The Inbare Uken anireralty deyraea aa fol suryenU are yettlny abort of food, and
It to eorreader. If they do, that
be yreat lock for oa
Parmina C. Gilbert. LL. tf. *91.
'hen yon write, tddrraa me as folWilliam Ueary Umlor. LL B. ’91.
Moryan Bale* Pnleipber. LL- B. OS.
Aarm-H VsMiniivohT. U. 8 V.,
John Artamua Wood. LU B. 01.
Company E. Thlny-aerenih raynlara.
Joho Joaapb TwfddU, LL. B. 93.
Manila, P. I.
WlllUm Blebard OaUweU. C. B. '9S.
OaaoU Bioh Montayna. B. U ’9S. M.
The High aebool football team bad
planned to yo to Kalkaaka today, but
Loato A Pratt. B. L. '06.
owing to tbe wet weather and the re
B Ayaee Rich, Pb. C. '97.
ported eondlUcn of the yroonda. the
Percy M. Boldaworth. M. B. *08.
game was posipoard for a tima U
Cbarlaa P. Watklna. Pb. C. ‘08.
will probably be played Saturday.
Jamm McMllUa London. D. D. & *08.
Mare. A. Rroapa. U. D. 8. '08.
Oaear B. Chaae. M. D. 00.
CUranee W. Whitney, M. B ’OO.
To be Bduoatad by tba Conyr
Church oftbtoOiiy.
Mira Mvy C. Wr|yht. for a loay ttone
a mtoalona^io Turkey, apoke at the
Conyreyatiooa! cbnreb yealarday is
three rery intereatluy and welt at
tended mectlnys. In the maralDy she
addremed a large aadietce on the
.ret of the work among the Armentoc!. In the afternoon on ibe eondltion
of the Tnrkuh women and to the < renIny she described a U.p to the country
for which she baa Ubored so long and
A» a result of her a
Cooyreyational cturcb are caring for
and idueatlpy three orpbae*. the chil
dren of CbrUtian parenu in the Bm.'yin Home In Aimeota. TheanmoffidT
-ibed for that purpose, wbicb
wiltaerreto IncreaM the lotereat in
that panicuUr mtoalon here.
Biy Dtnand for ibe Bolidey Mumbei
of The MciBlt y Bacird.
There waa a beery demand
■oplea of the tprcial holiday hnnber of
Tv Mouim. Kix-okk Hunday and
^ yaatarday. Aa the demand to yreat all
Who dealra extra copl. labotild call for
Imst night the aanntl Heetion of
then at once or telephone the otter,
No. S»f. P A A. j
Ho. SI. ud hare what to rrqelred
reaerred. Tha low prlea of fire cento M.. waa held wlin tbelolUwlnyrcault;
W. M — Wm. Ahbttv
wUl avble many to yat a few cstra
8. W.-Herbert Joynk .
■epiaa to aead array to Iriaada
J. tv.—Waller Ttaeia.
Urare Urn e’en
Treaanrer—J. T. Banat’-.
Viclima loatcmach. lirtr and kidney
Becreurj—KJ. A. Newton.
tronblea aa well aa wi men, and ail feel
Tyler—A.’lhur Drepni.
tba rikulu in luaaof B|<priar. potouba
Truatee fer three yeart—W. A. Newlathe niuoo. bacnacne, nerreoanfoa.
beaoacbe and tired, ialicaa. run
tba thiLg for a luan whiii be dou'iuar- I A puUie iraUlatioe of Trarerto C ty
WbeUit-r Lc iieca or dita It gtte me Chapter «ill be hrld cn the r:.a at
UcMion hf. .• »>!,>- ioc at Jaa. O.
Jobnaon'k aoo S. L tl a;t'a omy aterra.
Beery boll If
.0 Curs U tilippB IS A* iisiir;,
« near future.
I at,a
.1 di-tu--'. If takc-n U;o>-
Choice pieces. Just the tbiny
-'s.altbratndioof MiM
48 Baal Elybibj PsretUyu
• Varamb
A Nice
Parlor Suit
Whooping Cough. Anthma,
MEN'S $4
' $1.98
Would make a nice Christmas Present for
your wife or daughter. 1 have ten different
styles in suits, ranging from ^12.50 up.- A
fine 5-piece suit, upholstered in three cobrs
Velour, for only $19.75. It is a bargain.
Job. BdiMlt te wy ill., u. h».
UAeme. Mr. Bebmlt to probably the
oldest maa U tbe eoaaw- U be lieM
tUI fiUy BMct. be will ba a bandrod
yaara oM. Be to tba fstbar ot Hta
Peter Wnrsbwy and tormmiy rmldod
U thto el^.
W. C. & B. A.
We have-odd Rockers s^d Chairs in velour, silk brocatellc. silk damask and leather. Morris chairs, the most
comfortable chair made, upholstered in cotton goods,
velour and corduroy from $6.75 up.
Couches and bed lounges of all kinds. We can please
you in upholstered goods.
J. W. Slater,
and Opticians.
Bouee FoRiieblsg Store.
If it u6neW*tch«i, Jewel,
ry, Silverware Or Silver Noveltiea, Diamo&dn or Precionn
StoDM of any kind, in aoy
kind of moaiitiny, tlmt you
Will Anderson
are Beekiay, you can find 'em
at Gaonett's.
Make a nice preseal—Jfever
mind the fit, we‘Il attend to
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
W.C. 4 RA, fiANNEn
137 Front Street.
•d^rw-w-g- g t g
Bolh Tslepbooes. No 43.
318 Union Street
« ■ ■
It’s A Sign of
Good Luck....
in summer to find a four leaf clover.' It is ^od
luck tb ese days to be able to get what you want
in your Holiday shopping. You are sure to find
it SOMEWHERE in our many departments,
wnere your wants have been anticipated in
every particular.
is a Rattan Rocker. It cost $2 40 or
$4.25 or $5.00 and make.s a nice present,
so does a Cobbler Seat Rocker at $1.15,
^1.4U and $.5.00, An office chair pleates
the man of the house and sells from
3.50 to K'.OO.
P rames
” Of Games
5c[and 10c buys Authors Anagrames or
Shopping. 25c buys Animal" Te"^Pins
Bonanza Mine etc. 50c buys CbcsT.
India and 25 others. I.OO buys Crokinolc and tbe combination caroms ami
crokinole fiom 2,25 up.
puls t!ie finishing touch to'the][ftable
lor a card photo or a cabinet. Tbe anil nolliirg nicer for a Christmas pres
novelty counter has just the things in ent. 'i'ou can spend $1.00. $1 50, ,$2.00
wood or nickle or gilt or celuloid and and up to $b.00 and $12 00.
sell from i5c to 50c. Nothing nicer for
a gift.
It's a little word but just see the host
of things that can be bought for 5c and
lOc. Games, blocks, toys made of wood
.md tin. wood carts and doll chairs.
Bigger toys for more money.
A. Beautiful
always nice to enck'Se with other gifts
or even to send by themselves. Sell at
2c. 5c. and 10c. Nothing nicer for a
Sunday School clai^s. Buy ihesc carlv
and get the assortment.
X eel-sLwea r
Never have to think the second lime
what to give the men folks ard from
is a parlor lamp, most elaborate designs such a stock as here displayed; 25c, 5.0c-.
Made for ornament ard for service, sell 75c $1.00, $1-25 and $1.50. Mate your
•for 4.00, -1.50. 50e>.
7.£0 to 9 00.
selections early.
Frank Friedrich
The Happali & Lay Mercaitile Co,
lie Front Street
I Slide Items
I____ of Interest.
At ppimt Ibara w 111 p»UwM la
A baater ow la Ck*borr»« eoantj
eUta» that bt klllad a dear bj aaart
of frOMO potatOM thMvn from a Bllar.
It i* ballaTad that tba amallpoi ba*
bMo«0«laalJ7 lumped oat of daflaaw cHr aad ooaatj-.
Tba Bae Kaepan of Mlcblfaa wDI
Mat la TboiBpaoarlUe JaDoarp l f« a
t»o d»n' mtaatloa.
OTbaa mboraottba local eolnstor
'Mt VoBKbt Anaapt to Obtala far- Bred
aatkm of-Pat
S’-lnStalnAaaAtftbaSardarar Tbkaa
barytoOtuBd Mmlgbt. tbo g«aata of
rroBtba Boa»L
MiBager StaiBberg. who extended tba
Marqaatta. Dae. ll.-tfaeratarp Tam- Are dafBrtmmit bb iBvltBtkm aa a
Uaaoaof tbaAtata Board of Pardema
ark of apprectotioB tor tbalr good
raotiaad a aomaaalcatloo lodap from work at tba flra wtaiob i
I bto I
tb« maBarar* of tba paUUon for tbe building tba otbor algbu Imat night'
pardos of maidarar CWIm T. Wrtrbt. tba Marks Broa. Oo prcaaated -Tba ;
—.eaeo. I
formallj wltbdrawlat lb# peUtloa
da Urga
from tba board. Tba aoUoa waa rlroo
to tba board today, aad oe« ao far aa atuodauee. Several now ^oelaltiaa
tba Wriybt earn UooMaraad. it la ao- ware Introdnoed aad tba program will
ba ebaagad every night.
UraJy oat of tbalr haada
Urae of tbam la waa ainehon bllad
M ywa aco. at tba a«* of r«.
Mra Paallna Bakor. of Holly, la tba
pMoaaofofabible MO yaara old. It
waa prlBlad la Loodoo ie lew aad waa
bn»,l.tio U.I. emo, «»,.
Mea for work In tba Woods ara *ory
aaaroaallaloavtbaHnaof tba MaekiBBwdlriaioBof Ua Ulobiraa Oantral
railroad. Wapaa aablfb as «;• aad UO
bra balny offarad ^ iombar oparatora
W. L. Aadraa. tba wall knooB
laka oapuio of Oraad Haroo. waa a
rd»t at a Grand Bepida botal Saaday.
For tba imal lira yearn Oaptoln Aadrrs
baa bad ohanre of tba life aarlaf aUHoa on tbe North Manltoo Uland. and
la on.bla way homa for tba wlntar, tba
Ufa aariay aution bariar bean
OB tba last day of Norambar. While
rnadinctbeOeUoltPrae Prwa at bla
botal OapUlB Androa laaraad for tba
flrat Una that bo bad raoelred tbe
BpaolntoiaBt aa oaptoln of tbe Jaekaoa
Fiark Mlfa aariny s'atlon in Cbloayo.
Tblawaaa rary pieaaanl anrpriia to
bin. aa that li oonalderad one of tb«
moat desirable aUUooa is tba eoantry.
Tba maaneat man baa often bean
baardef. bat wlibln the bordara of
Toaoola eonnty Urea a woman who
•Uowad bar own aaotber'a lomlatooa
to ba Ubeo up and rrmorad to aaiiafy
a nou of pao wblob aba latuaad to
altbonyb abe to tbe owner of a fine
leo aera fann and baa a anny amooiii
of money out at laieraat. What makaa
Um mattar appear In a sadder llyht to
tba taai'lbat bar old fatbar bad partly
paid for tba tonbatona and died paanl
Baoday waaayreatday In tbe btotory of Joy Hemorial . B. ebnrab
Baplda. After a aeries of eloory eddi
•ca by tbe
a of the city with approprlau earemony tba mortyaye
which baa rested upon tba cfaorcb for
tka past aeren yean waa burned
aslU emoke ascended, tba‘'audience
who bed labored ao loayaad faitblolly
tor that bonr, aa If mored by obe impntoe. rose and aaoy tbe Doxoloyy ae
It bad Merer been beard in tbe ed.lee
Tbe upper peninaula bat yrown rap
idly duriny tba past year, and It to now
aailmated that there are eso.aoo people
wlibln Ita borden. Tbe boon In Iron,
oopter and lumber lathe mainoaoae of
the Increase. Farntiiy to dereloplny
rapidly aieo. The faiure looks brlybtor for that aectloo.
Tbe Newberry Newa aaya that a
man liriny in the woods aereral mtlek
Borih of there aold bto wife leal week
to a man woo admired her more than
ba blmtelf did. tbe couilderation beioy
thirty railroad liet. bdeen biuhela of
potatoea and lis in ca»b.
At Petoakey tbe annual meeUnyof
tba North Micbiyan Puoltry aaaoetoiiok
at tbe opera bouae Kaiorday was a
great a'bcceas
Orer Mo eoopa of beau
■ tiful birds were enwrad.
BB-Attamay •eaaral R^a not BnUty
to Cbaryaa la tbe tsdletmaBt.
Imcalny. Mleb.. Oee. 11—Mow iBtareat waa added to tbe yrasd Jory larcatlyatloo wboB aa-Attorney Oaaeral
Prad A. Maynard waa arralynad tbto
aftenmon. Mr. Maynard
not ynllty aad walrad tba raadlny of
tba indtouaeaV Ba waa boned or«r
to tba neat lorm, Bto attomeya ara
Thomaa J. O'Brien and Oao. P. Wanty
of Oraad Baplda
ittoballaradlbat tba obaryea
uad on tbe taatimony ylren by
Urntrya B. Kahns aad Boyer I Wykas,
forsiar elerka in bto departmani, toyetber with tbo abowlny made ky pay
roitoaBd ronebara procarad for the
aUte aooonolaatb ofiee. What tbe
allayed facta relaura to Wykaa' salary
are. to not koowa. bnt It to aaderalood
that Knbai reeefred only f7S per
month, wberrai PI2S h all^>^ to bear
baeo drawn from the aUU treaanry
Oryan'Bed Among Adeanoad PnpUs
of tba School of Vaaio.
The pnplto of the Seboo
> i .
who are furtbeet adtaneed tn mntlealatadleebateonranlaed a elnb for
tbepurpoaa of adtunelsy tbemaeltee
sUll farther along mnaloal liner. Tbey
will meet on the second Wadnmday of
each month to atndy tbe elaaeieal
poaamand tbeir worka. The effleara
of tbe dob are aa follows;
Praatdeni—C. B Bofat.
' Secretary—Miss Olite B. Wblta.
Treasurer—Miss Etelyn Morgan.
Owing to tbe death of Antoine Bleder.
coonty clerk Newton baa informed
IMUe MeUarry that be wJl be rrqnlred
to fnmtoh anew aecnrityonlito ^resent
iliiuor bood.
Tbe asoaa] meeUny nf Truterae
City Conaell. No e. R. A 8. M. will
meet this'etenlny. membaera^are tv
quested to lake noUce and yotem
theraaeltm aceordinrly.
Tbe regular meeting of tbe Traterae
City Chapter, order of the Baeiem 8Ur
win be held tbto afternoon at fi
u’clock loataad of ia the etenlay as tbe
Maaona wish to naa tbe ball in tbe
evening. Bvery member to rrqaeated
to be preaen*. as Important buslm m to
to coma before the lodge.
A. H Calkins of Hopkins and
Haw of Orawo were married yesterday
at the raaldenc-ecf W. B. Umloi,
D Coeblln c.ficiallny.
Henry WhlUop of tbto city, aod
rlmma Weiidbary of Long Laka^own>hip were married yastarday by Rvv
II. CocLIin.
The plana for a »;.ooo residence for
A. Uoldfaib o.f BIh Baplda. are being
drawn by Ar^iteet Dean.
There.will bfe'NmeeUngof the Ui
form Rank. R. of P. tbto evening, b
candidaiea for initiation.
A petition waa circulated In tbe city
yeeierdeyjor the purpoee of lodneine
fiooirrees tn set aside the daotolon of
bei-retaryof War Alger forbid.
dlnglhelay.nKofa cable to comp,-;,
with tbe line already laid to the Uland
oPCoba. Tbe petition u In the inureau of the Poaui Telegraph Co.
If ttainya loro ool aa be ezpecU. a
oenaio reaideot of Orion will bare^
lUypBuud turkry as tbe piece de reai.Uoce for hia Onrialmaa dloorr. He
biacut the bird a week ur two ago at
tbewciybtot forty-ibree pounds, ^d
e*p«•Ulu^u•. tbe other aeren pbonda
oo b f re loe i.iuuoomes to kill him.
William Moody and laaac Welt met
At Hariiucue.a woman known aa
**3ras.r Kau-." who ksa beeo beyyiny with an accident yesterday that aent
both of them out of tbeir buggy and
wataculU) the county jail
into the atreet. They were on their
aa a duoraeriy and me jail cfliv-lalt diaoorered
in bonds and bills sewed way to the Incoming M AN. K train
in bar ciomet. Her bote! and general ia tba forenoon, when OB turning tbe
appearance waaauBimy ibai the olll- comer on Front and t'nion. tbe clip to
oars were MtonndeJ when tbey found tbe aide bar of Ue boggy broke and
Vlh of tbe
were thrown out.
no much mouej.
The Ui.u.1 Dowry.of Harbor bprinyr. Acide from a aeveee sbiking np.neitber
owned by W. U. Uewey. a-couam of of them waa hurt.
Admiral Dewiy. turned alCteo^lock
Bonday morniuy. enu:liny a lost of | A mail bag tern and badly used np.
•l&.ouj. wiib as.ooj insuraooe.
_-> asJ rjO cto.
kpSI'h's uf Hs|>llUll, BlMl t
ilued lu u Inrgi- way. ib'
pm«lu<'ilon I f It fviiiHtliuiluK au >m
jionaiit imliiKiry. Thi- sjult Is usisl f.,
makilig vaiiiMu-s. For this |iuriH.s,
II is es|wlally g.H.d.'U-ratl»e vnn,;-li.mad.- of It «di nor .-ni.-k. Cuus|.l. :i
ous siivaks of tbi- gil»..cilte run- l-k.
sirll- of rll.li..u o».-r bill aud did.-, h>
that they ran Ih- fullunt-d ullb It.r rte
for tujies.
S..IU.- of fids "giiin asphall.” as It Is
po|iulnrl.v .-ii!l.-<l. wiis idacod In llnhamlB of P...r Hay for aualvsU. an.|
Declares Dr. Waelzhotd In an be found Thai lis liiake-ui. was sii.-l. a>
to siiggfsi ao atiiimil origin, ai l.-asi
Article OH -nuslc and
Id part. It is In-li.v.d m.wndu.vs by
.rl.-mlU<- Uii-n g.-m r;iMy tlial Hs|.bal1s
Chlorosis KeumsU aad Other New inliiiarlt.v ui.' dorlvi-d from vi-g.-talde
vous Ulsorders From Whkh So
maii.-r. 8u<-b mait.-r, U-lug told down
Many Oirta Suffer aald to
iH-ds diirltiK the coal fumdiis
befthe Pesult of -HamJM-rl.M. Kiih>.H(Uriii|y uuderw.'Dt <-b.-iu
merieg me Keyboard."
leal ]iro,-esM-s.
bim Ihal an ImltailuTi
In tbe Hn
rnsi to <flsiiticle cm of It iiiighi la- Qiado la ibe laU.ratory
iig su.-b animal and vegeerv^”
winch be by <-.iiiil
nts aa sreiued m Iv n-pr moos disorders in young guU is dut s.-iii. d lu i;.e
iuvlHiilng .u.-..
I the ••■iesilly custom" ol hsmnieiiuB
got from il.h. So be U-.k. tn-cam-e
Wbellirr ..r nut the cause it due to tbey biii'i- iir.l to In- .................
piano lessons nisv remain a qucslfon, a few frvs., herrlacs from H..- inark.-t
bur mere IS no denviog the Uel rhsi
I and pni iheiu Iti n distilling npi.araiii*.
there is au enurnu-ur incr^M .
,1,, I togrlln;r wltii a .|.i:.lMify of siiiv.htsi.
out dise.ises ainiiHK yonngTfVrti
Ptiticsl sge ..f Hirhe to tiiteer, when Tinu be suh.i-.-U-.l ibe mitliire b. d s.
ihry srr just Clos ing Ibr threshold of tdinlion. Ill-- viip.rr iM-mg pnss-0
sumsnbi^ T.' iir nervoos •>stems arc ihmiicb a red b|J Ituii |.iih- uii.l iui.. j
put to « severe sir .in l.v eicessuc siody flask, lu whl.-li If was .-.lUdeu.-s-,!,- T;,.■I selnml. on.. - c of music sn.l susiets r.-siilliln:pi--‘lii.nvasB jH-ri.~tly b'.j I;.
Otiw lieiiig I
Piano Practice
Causes Disease
le II.at girls liecume |>aie. ireak
rvouj. and suffer Ibe re-ulU i.i
irregutamies ef the-delicate femtnio}
Id..- gdM.
for pvie, weak gir's
ring with the ills
peculiar >o iheii II. there it no treat
to lie i-nnii
Chss-'« Nrr. e a
niorvi pills, (be ereai
presenpiiouu of Dr. A. W. Chase,
whose poma-l and ignaiure U os every
boi.of the geituine.
I>r. A. W. ChrsePlIU restore aud r<
>kx>d and nerve cti!or r.u Hie cheek'
Ibe f.irm 51. reidt a hoz, at ah ilesleri,
^ ^ ...
r,ha.e Med. Cm, liiJIa;®.
wins of Top Syrop, ilii i-’-’*
gubirly imr.-
■ VIA t! R A I.
One and one third fare for the rni
ria TiekeU on aale Deoember 31
daus fan boundtraiu in Terre Haute,
Sp^isl A o^a^mr nt Hot ••
lod. The bag, which cnolaincd tome
vslusb'.c mail mstur. wtt wrapped
;we!y ar. uml the' brake beam ar:d
r beer plekml np at Mil.
.f rd.O , cEir.*«i thfcugh ta tbe fs»l ‘ 1 *7^ *
ae-l Ihal loe
qhr and then hrr-i.ghl ce• i-r iSf>-j.
w-.-sad «» e, .. i>e
VO St.
that ei-y before
p-. serce on the bruVe b-aro of the car ‘
wra d.so.;v. ri-.*, Biiiroad men cannot I
Jnn S: ■ v^iHiatifo.
nede.srstd ink xt« bag b,c«e'
It w»s a thr !
“'*• twin so tightly I
Davis of Ho*.-:su.r. 1 isle jr hlus/i from
Mo‘ Ce«o
nor bos- Uie t irvad iDsp.ctora over-j
» frigbtffl death, f
T>i*»a»'Mi-.'.r.Sixk.-tf !t.
vere lung t.-c-ulle vo: s-...:,, ,y g,
>a> . nUl be furaardrd
iilsf->njrb ill- r.vi--. dxId Wasliit-,:
Then hr- iugan to
fecleU a permiornt ciire.- huch wo ; Whlta
derfu'cuiea bhvc for Z\ yeuij. prov.
Ito power to cure u;i Tbro.t. ('«•! and
L«rguoublm. Price r.o.- and '
Bvei; b..uie
• pnaranii^d''qitofbrtUto‘it
*100 .Snrsrd, *loa
Tba readers of tnia papar wUl be
pleased to learn that there to at «—»
« dremJed dtoma,
bm able to core in all Its atagaa. and
that to oatatrab.
i\ Ctolarrab Cure
to tbe only rosiMee
mcdloal ft. rmliy.
e^Ulo^. ,> a: dUcaae.
dtoraae, ixqoire.
nonirea a «b
Ancrng tbe affrr'ts leD by ^enry
Mabkm. an aged aea rupialn who died
recently at Plymouth. Pa., was a aboe
having bto wUi wrltteo u|>on the aoU-.
while on tbe ...........
beel was
bli pbotograph.
In place of a signature. Tba laxt'ivaiU
“ follows;
“PlJinonth. May 4. 1»2-Tc whom the foundatiim of tbe diaeM. and aU
Coocem: AU my eaute, In- log ^ patiani strengih by buildlac
nptbeconatltntioB and asatotlor ^
i«B ^ doing lU work. ThT^^
fairt la it. Sr?U^
?®.T***J*^‘ «hry cSer cme bnodrad
doUaraforany case that it fails
«tu«. send for list of teetimoBlala
A Co.. Tolri
Bob. Parry Banaab waat Oii^
Hold by druggists. 7»e.
J M LawtooftbaOaabmBBBoBsatf
HaU<s Family Puls are tba bail.
PBtoBkey. to at Park Plaaa.
Tba Ooi
Priadrieb want to Grand
It of 1899
Baplda yaatarday.
Doring the remaining weeks of IS'jO
David Saibar of tbe Briber bouaa at
Tbe Toutb's Oumpanion-will maleuiti
ito fresh and tarid Iniereat for young
Buttons Bay. was in the city y
and old by presenting articles from the
Joseph Marks, of tbe Marks Brea?,
pens of eminent men and women ana
went to Owcaao yaatarday. to arrange
stories of the moat gifted wrilera of
tor tba appears
imcpg tbrae centribntora will be
there next week
Frank B. Stockton, wbo preMoU i
Levi Acker baa gone to Mokana, 111.,
droll story.-Tbe Wolf and the Wheel
for a tbrm moatba* vtoil.
barrow; "Jamea Joyce, autbor of -The
American Commonweath." who oOera
B- 8. Ball lafl yesterday for Clew
"Utntoon Beaolng;' "W D. HowelU
land to attend a meeting of all the
dodtng my deposit In ibc hanks. I and Jane Barlow, each of whom eon. tn maonfaeluren of tke Unit leuTc to my fi
gratiilson. Waller Malili
tribute! a aerial atort; Bret Harte. who
ed 8utas.
providing he doe* not marrv Iwf.ire recalls an early Califorria experleocc
•. Prao
In -How I Went
to the Mint*: -Mary
tbe age of 91. bm In cast- •
■aa In tbe city yi
E Wilkins, wbo tells of-berery Maris
rlsge iH-fort- ihal time, lli,- alsir.- tm
*t bclool;- acd Henry M. SUnlev, wbo
J. B OakaofMaatoa to is the oHy lloilcl Is to lie
ti.v Hie suite 1
he title.- Fort feund Llberf
under the
on buslnaas.
cliirliahle purTio-es Yours famifull;
relates a tbrilhng
ihrilhng indventnra of bto
The perwio tvfi-rr.-d to In rlie wHl
Vodam Woodman BlaeUoo.
only 9 .Tears of age now, nnd ibc '
—-------------- ,ud December nnmTba following tffioara were alaetad tale and <h-I«osHs uu-litl,.n.-.l rir.i iiibers conUinlDg tbese fewtures are
by Duchaaa Camp. No tiii. M. W. of A. tr-rii-s 1o rile sea
M-a eJiilHiirK
n-lailv.-s given to every new subscriber for the
at tbalr annual meeting last ulgbi
I tinh<d for liU |ira<-Iieal idOOvolnmy free from the time sup
Vauarable Coosul-Cbaa.
B. Howard
Ji.h.-s, and 1 Is ihuiiglii tuar be left scription to received, in addition t« tbr
lids one in I VP after 1dm. riilUdeh CompaeioD's raqulslto calendar for
. Joaepb Sleder.
IriW-thelastcaieDilarof Ua century
pbliL lltxvrtl.
___ ^ker—Pard Lantnar.
ard the most beauiifnlone ever given
Bseort-B 8 Jonee.
to Companion subscrlbera
Of HetviBgs sue s«t>,
^ t^^^tolana—William E. Moon and B
Illnatrated anmnneiment number
Tbe mitl.v of making as
laining a full proapeetus of the
flHiilly from berriligs an.
voinme for<r IMH. wjll be aent treeVatebmau—B. S Byaa.
wviUM.ao ••straordllinry as
Baolry—Francis West
any addr
Manager—L H. O-'//,oet«.
The Yo(TB-*r„iii-AMo.s.
lug feat I
803 Columbus av.-BBc.
Boston. Maas.
Augnat 11. IMS. 81mry'Phelps was Prof. \V. C. Ira.v. of Kwanbmore *-.d
lowing gram oo a marsh six mtlw lege, m-ar Phltodel|diia Hixs-hin-os o
To Osrpeturs ss« Butlderu
jntb of Oeraeoo vlUagc. The presi ibe produ.1 are iio»- in |Km»-ssluD o
Contisctors snd parties interested In
dent's call for troops waa tosurd.abou’ the geologleal surrey In Wasblngloi bnUdlng for tx it ses«on. are rrqncatad
that time aud Mr Pbelpa made up hi-by tbe Carpenter*' Uaiao to meet at
mind while in tbe hay field that be ami Were sbvun to a Wasblugtuii e-.t UeC. 8. P. 8. ball.
8. nth Ui
I tnioD street.
would go and help -Old Abe" out of bis r.-«|H.udeni li.v Prof. iniJer. om- uf ili.
ip^r. Dteri Bber IS. at
d'fBcuIllea He bong np tbe acythe am uiauiU-rs of tlie seleUllIU- sliiff of lli;:
went. Wbeobe came asck K me year government imn-au.
Not long ago n very rurioiis tulm-rd
' Iter be bad forgnttan the tool am
ever went attar Iv
Last sreek tie siibMaiiiv-.. U]l
up to
to 1Ibal lime ulikiioun
eX<^L'B8!OK VIA (!. B. Al.
lan who rnDs^tke farm found the
d In I'tal
lb. di-IH>slle. .
Ttbe. snath aud all, baugiug wbeA wbl.-b bad ouiv be.-ii tissun-s In rillBound trlpes.ui-si&D iloktts will be
r. Pbelps bed left them tbirly sever rrii-ks. 1 bese itssOres luid U'.-f
•old to Csi
ttadton points Dri
years ago.
Tbey were In a good stat< up h.i, l.liundm.iis mailer giisblii
and 17. rriurn
iturn llnill
llmU Idsnnaty S. itwtat
of preaervaUon and will be most inter
one fsre for roi
eeilDg relies toUa genllemao Mar Ibr Is-wels of Hie t-arlh. and
shall Newt.
Id.nrir. ..............................................
the businea* cooler of the
city, aud for a time it was iMliev.
that ibc retire Luaitess portion of
town wou d
Vie largest 1 *
boiels lu Ibe
Ibe riwori
to reuuilt it wi.i u
bar Bpruiga.
A gobs at aa Ota Bm Oaptalo as
:ill r.-s|..-.-i
111 fl,.
•Mn-d by
for s-Jtillg n J-.b :l
.Id V
Bioldta,. :
the most complete stock
in Traverse City. Becenl
_ seditions give* us the
^ cresm of the msrket nnd
St'prices that are as Jom
,_as;tJe lowest.
purclase gnartiiUtd..
Is coming.
time enough to work s
pillow or some other
fancy Article. Tour per
sonality goes into such
a gift and is often more
appreciated than exjiensive articles. Tbs use
ful and ornanieiital can
easily be combined* in
j _this store. Rugs for in.
stance, \flist could :
3^'JiwiLtvq’ t
8’^vivbatvA ''
S.-lect that wouM be
_^niore desirable, uiiiess
it should be Laci- Curtsiiis.
With a Jimiled amount
of bis own money can
find here semethirg just
I snittd to mother or aie■ forsistet'fori’ricor mote,
'"KidGluvos for mother,
j ^T.x-, *1.00, *1 j6.'*LoO,
and if yt u don’t hit upt-n
the riyjlit size thi-y can
be exchanged.
Scc-res and scores of
I ^IliingB in oDrst« k~tbat
^ Bomebt dy_w< nld juM^be
•^delight, ri li^'.fget >n
Cliiistnias luornipg. A
ftw etnts or many dol
lars can be wia«ly
vested with
h ns. Wi'fan
' Dot iHgitl to
f. ennniersts
1 ^the desirabli
Me ibiugs, but
j |_ we can and
d do cordially
invite icsper-tiuii.
at tiu-
Variety Store
DC door west cf
Steioberg-T ri-ai>d OprrB Houie.
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera lluuse
Marks Bros.
P'ays Charged K"rrj
.\i;;llt— Cl I.'.IUllilib
1\ rii-rinart't.-.
Mi.-d tdm. b-:
:T.tn. Iti n- ;v
ittd miridv.
:h.' r-rt;:'. 'MS
< :;!r-rs
Willcbutge. It's rare
to be i»Id. Better prepATe for it St once. If
yoa wKot A Cloak here’s
Henjrmbery.iu get tlieat- iiarghiut
Supporting- tbe Joint
TOM MAKKf5;ncl
—..--r- wK- lei
« 1.-P . f I pp. .-ef,; l,.r ....
i»r> t.* ly.i. eau.-o. and nl.-t J...
(liiklrr-ire Furuiturt-from lOc up
Iron Toys Iiaudsomi-ly
6c up
Bi HUtiftil lookingdulbi fro: II 6c up
Iron Stall- Katika from
6c up
Childr. n'a Kitchen Set
6c up
W.-n's niUBtacbe imas and
phiiited for
10 pr
Kilcheu Lamps for
Dramatic Company.
l->.*-.::i;s aud •••ti
r.ldd.v .lad 1..- V
.:•rl:lda!;:.-,! by
.V h rk-r
I’arBaiue in Xn n NovrltisB-'don't
wait, buy it
W«- r.ff.T tlir
fullowiDt; goods at a apvcial luw
|MDea.\.W i l
Dec. 4th
to 16th
[-rwee-u III.- iwo.
Monibly. l!e
:r<’::c-ihal is.
ov.r: Bi-vcrd
tn.V.ic to [-'T
wh'--'i »i-un| mit. Wh-j
1 M.re .lir.-ivil him f
frJ.-b he Im-ig.it t!ip;u quictlj- opd g--l
bla job oo ibe vtrt-oL
Suij.s ou r.i’p r.‘ l!..- L x
T- J> 1 i;out- 11'J for ecatF.
Admiseion 10c, 18c, 26c
It Is Not
Many Years Ago
•;»« Fuck nld, -ni rnt a girdle
•rourd thr- r*»th in ferty icirutra.**
and icrn lauphtd at tbe id. »;lut tbe
g r<:!t- i« iliT.-. acd B»»-agea tan
through il t.d*v with hardy aEjoco
p V rg it a ‘.v<rd ttrucU
1-. h.« b.<n the tame with o». and
..rf<- iw.ar. U la w 'act wh’ck r.o
orrwrald have b-l'pvr-d ri<f*ib;e lea
ti at tve w. u'd build up as
• rge a Ira do aa we bare. Acd ioore is
today that *11 the leading
- m iho ciiv fr. a I'.ie ea»t to
M ard Ihe r. r 1. lr, ti e rouih.
. ard et-rfrotm.-ar hard r« cr m•h. n herr iro»- be a resKD for
What to i .■ 1. U toeatae our
•-b<f» i>. made'>iwiia!-y to our
by Ibe beat wt.ikmen mrney ean
f Ihe lealUcrk morerna Iw,
dr-Ike Juat arM-ni 1-rVr. c^n
wertv j.aiB of practical
iirviirrv- 11
We fli Ibc
I acd pitaie ttc euv
b’o better than to buy your
Piidial Sl« lu'
•d OaiTtaB aad Major BamUM*.
TTarerw Otj, Mich.. Dae. e, ttw
rwbte. (be M«ver aad OB|r
(be Cay
cay <if
tif Trovtnt City
OawaeUar Iba
Aa Qggl»l di«p«teh froa MmU» «•
S«v Tsrk
OamBan:—Tovaemmittea ea Era
aad water to wbom wm refarrad tbe
aattMOf baatiag Om atrMt aarlae
hoBaa. woBld raapaetfallj raport aa
folio wa:
tb»tt*9 Sp4slvda. wbe
*OT» ferMriy prt»<mwr% ifi the buds
ot Uu niiplMk bs*a vriv^ U«r*-
aad k
to> w
toirao taatMtare, aao
? to ts“1 bare twee cU over thli eonntrj
a tbe ea^t? of iba praaoBt tja.
•Dd la mao7 otben." Mid Haft? li.
woald be eometbloc of aa eaperl
Power, a Caicaco dnunmer. “bm l tiU _____ _ Toar cootmUtM woald raeomto coma to New Tbrk to get bnnko<-<!, Baod. that the hot water vjatem aow
and tbeo I wu a« eaa? aa aa? farmer. U the baildiBg. be takes oat aad re1 was ataadiug at Broadwa? aad Tblr- plaead with a ateam beattac plant of
to beat the Wldiac
l?-fourtb alreet tbe Olber algbt. wait-, aelBelaateapacltj
to the itqalrad tampatnra
lag for a car. wbea I aoilced two fcP I
raira axpesaa to the eii?. wblafa tbe
Iowa. aboDt nn? feet away wbo were ! =
PmSdMt MeKl«I<7 4 Mlor
bj «lib WOMB
o*or tb« ooBatrr to
apfwlai MfB Pouof PBl»er<rf Chio*»oM OM of
th« eoulMOBon
to tbe
lUrte BXMlUoB of IMKI.
D.'. Hu Lmc*, tb« fwaoM OtfiBiw
obM MMor,
The DmU
j alao ai
The? looked to toe Ukr college boy*. | pualoB tM) to hast water for Ire
tad appeared
hare rearbed tbe ex-iMwisaT
laa. Tbaa
Tbi doing away with email
hUanUng ctage cT lotoxiration. Erery j hot water plataa which Am beaa need
haa made
aaotbaraEorttoaaU-tho Daalah Weat
ladlaa to tba UoltodStatea
oaitloa wae laid
bafora tha atala da
partmaat by a
rapraaaataUra of tba
and then they would look at me for that parpcaa
and fall to arguing like a couple of
lawyera. Finally they each pulled nut
Daaiab goraramaot tad tba matter U
BOW nadar oouldar^loa.
a roll of gw\ nbacka and depoaiied a^reral ©f tbem with a byeiander, wtro
Tbe Amarl-
Loadoa le aaaUUag la
the aaffotlationa
At Asg«eta.«a. Ere 8oad«y morola tbe oenlar of
■ porttoa of the elty.
of a national quarantlae law agalaet
Begnlar maeUng ot CU* Council held
in Council room Dec. 4. 18W.
Jeetlng wueai:
wu called to order by Frank
Hamilton. Mayiw.
’’Wfll. I alwaya did Wlk-ve in
Present. Aldermen
Ing yoiiiig ni. n lo tbe whj they ahcruIU i
.0, ,nA n-IM,., II..I .bm w.,
'"O. Sj.Uh.
1 JuM want to give tny fiieud a Icmoii
Ilf la eternally wanting to twt.'
be the
Biabop. formerly of
Kaw York, from Dec. 11 to Dee
Boagbttm ball whish Mr.
U. at
Bishop ruata
from Lord Cholmaadcley.
Tbe Fraueh goramment baa formal
read and approred.
He toolj^'i with a cbuckte.
A. W. Rlekcrd.Clty Clark. Traratwa
to pie
^e aiakebuldtr.
r. Mlcb.
turned to me' and handwl
me a flo
ly Dear Sir;—I hare the boner to
of yonrTalued
bill, still cbu< kling at the good )okf ou acknowledge
WM raapoaalbla
the murder of the bla friend.
I pm-keted the nob- anil fatror witbautad encloanre.'and in reFrench oBeara at Montao bM not baaa ; bfgau to chuckle a llitle m.vaelf. After aly uka pleMore In sU'Jng that tbe
atter will receive eameat cBorta
iwblle I went hack to my hotel and
earrlad euL
Tba Taong Ll-Yi
I with next Congreaa
I was so mui-h amused c
r tbe affaii |
ly demanded
a A'> blU.
the dagradation o! tha
walked orer
wloaroT of Canton beeanae the order to
asaenta tba
iODOoa .1
at Ih.
toe »r-«,
piwunt „
a^ ^ ,
aloe of congTcaa
. ... __ ..
“ r-.
rrqneat immediate acUon.
Utat we may be sueoeesfnl In ae<
le UBceeaary legUlatiou. 1 am.
Very reepectfullr,
W. S. Muu-K
Moved by Alderman Smith ibsl thh
immnnieation be raoaived aod placed
Joint ptitoadaa
Kew York will appeal to tbe atiata ler ,
tolaturaand to aongreas for Uwi to
”-Wbai do you think about Ibai for
‘’’l^cver saw auytblug like U.* rc
p™.,bU..U»rd»~™Uo.ol bUlort,
PlMtb. .b.bW.
U preparing an
opinion M to the power of the city to t
;Bnt j-...
-N. w lorb
_________ :_____________
The law department ol tbe city gov. ■
umment of Chicago
Roasted Coffee
there wAe all you woubl hare to »!<■
vvuUI Ih- to yell "mp" and we w,.uld
be amwied iM-fore we could gel 25 fe.-t
Infected nnraery atock of all klnda im-
to niece
$5 bill from you. You glre me the bill loonnty
Poor Bobm
anty F
—of conrae, we couldn’t run away if
e gj^y_
we wanted to—and I'll collect ibi
i< flM
Motion carried.
and glr^jon FlOof It. You
ili.can’t be Any -coa” game about tbla. If
Tbe .prince
t tbe
■ orer there
mere tan
e:ai that
uiat I
i coold
coma borro»norrow a
» i'
baa drafted a Mil to be eubmUted to
guaat of Baber B
ifi aa ea.y \
ae roUlngoff n tog. I Isct bet my frIcuJ |
______________ .an of Sootbem Ctolifomla
eongraw propoalDg tha
. .
(tinge, Emlth. Lardle and
U yo^^do . . 1 gay we ' (Hrrli
Nay*. noD«
Smith that
Hored by Alderman
tha bsal-
Tbe damage
wiU ajiproaiaala one mUlioa dollara.
j then approached
and aaid with a]
------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
lag baraad foor hoam and Uld -ante a
aolUt block
W. W. Farru.
Quo. P. OaBBieoa,
rai. to ail appearuncee. a total etrang«r to them. The Uller of tbe two boy.
Tbe iwiea aekad for
the ialaada to IS.000.000.
o.d,.,-,,.. j?i,*
looiUt. U dMd »t LoipBle.
'There must be a
good reason why the coffee
lovers of America buy millions of
pounds of ARBUCKLES’ COFFEE in prefer' ence to any other kind. The reason is found in'
its rich drinking qualities; in its permanent goodThe quality never changes. Whether you bjuy ^
1 big coffee dealer or at a little ■ grocery store'
' around the comer, you get the same coffee, the same goodss, the same valu^ for your money. You can’t I
eived if you buy
Tummy Kspisiaed.
It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation too
highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of
many years experience and utmost reliabuity. It is not ground
1 because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reach-i
ing the consumer. It is not sold in bulk because of tbe ^
possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high pricey
because it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee at i
a small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit. .
Everj’ package of Arbuckles’ Roasted
tains information
Coffee con
“I d.m’t sci-. ' «ld Flossie, tbrowln: .
Ask your grocer for Arbuckles’ Roasted Coffee.
that the consumer is entitled to
foroeatrael railway comp.olca to pro
a tonfdo on the gtound wlib a
Tide their rail* with proper caooeetlon
*’how ibey mauap< to blow up a big lapMSifcliy ask permission of you' boo-
to prwveet iMkaga of elneiricily and
aldp with'one »f these tblngs.Y
OeiUl^ee;-!. the nnders'goed reNew York CU>,
lorsble body to bclld ao addition on the
tbe iubtequent damage to water and ]
"f'T*- you girls can’t cxjsvr to ui ‘
*•'''« • 'o**
. EMt Front street. Mid
' «ai.d such things.” said Ttiwiny, in a - 10a:« feet In ,5,^.
site, ana
ana 11 story
story high
It to now eartaln that the Canadian suis-rlor nianucr. ‘ Of CT>urse the tor-11* be covered with iron, aad
Olber pipe, laid below tbe iracka
■•earner Niagara,CApt Henry MeUlory,
fouLb..;rml on Tnmday
lodtie* they use are about 100 limes ns ; bulli under anpervision oj your Ere
big. and they use a derrick to lift Hicni' chid.
" '
. acuii
- Cf'i.Ha.N
about eight
Lake Erie, with all hauls, uumbeilng____________
Ifl perswa Togs sent out to Bcareb for I
the miming eteamer
on Ere and water to
ab lacBiriBe
MoUou Carried.
The celeliniKnl supraud was In tbe
brluglag with them great qaantitln
middle of her solo wheii'iltlle Jotauiiy
of wreckage picked up oMf where tbe
“"W « l»‘» n»«‘hw.
utMmer to euppoiwi to have foundered.
about eight mllee eMt ef Long
referrUig to the
"f tbe orchwtra;
It to the cplnlou of lake captalM that'
Ueboatwent down In deep
^.0“* “““ ““ *'
PoioL ' u,other; ”k.-r|> oulei."
M none of her epars have been found. |
Tbe Bourne mills. In Tivjrton, B
report ■
Hirhirs- TH-»h''nr f® wnl*! .........
h J MuFcso (nr.lr.u
Ad^. Ilr"«t1 btiru—huvls#
hho-r Brtm J..U work
.uvp k.
Jtiha Rvimlr. bay uod trad
f-.iiry FfSili
Full (»'N.r-ieW
. .
*••.>.1. luf board of fri-oWT.
To Utr BoniimipU. the Mayor n
VoUnHIoithe CUy of Tmrtr : CUv.
OehtlememtT-We. the nroperty owurm
interaeted, petition Y nr Honorable
iiody. to plaoe aa elrrtrle light at tbe
STIII!*:! HI*TB1CT Ft Sll NO. 1
W PCfuMf’vlww„a <.-arbt walk
J A Be.d.r rvbsu Ob rva.st w.lk
rr*bk BsakltOi. rrbstr oo rwwvbl
«U» ..
Lons Nr.
X arNsaisi
« olceptod by hlmMlf aorl tbe cnaDCll.tbmi
J “: if the c ty elector* sboold f.il to votv
t Si,Ibe booHs. be-Mr
*« absolve tbe oommiuesAod the eoueeil >
n BBy and a'
ootUering V
taodpuiet, yotir m'-mmiitoe are nsan ;
moosir of tbe . piBti^ii that this is the'
e for tbe beat
4 W
Luuibrr for.id..
loy. • r-ri
J *; reeonm-Bd immediate aetioa In aocor-;
danee tberewl’b.
nil r* t.,r rrw-wau.
Signed (<y tbe Cnmmlttee.
;, bi.rsi.r
uj/xi.ir out
ou( r¥.>,rr.ou
yr*,,. r. oe autb
mats wrevt
. ' SriBinareroMiwelb.
Kxssk H^nii.tos. chairman.'
. tlra.il,J for .Idrw.lk «o Tra«b Brvei
I aad WaCiuonb .tre-d. .
reaxv Banish.
I Gatbr.- Be up and SuiBC luBlirr (er
--Well, tiieii. wtiai U »bv bollerin so
b**4 of psy roil;
2*[|« »<■' fu.w.M *•-•*’*'
tMoc ur-r< brtd*.
1 and rsMinr ot>
Sornce atreel, north ot
Frrnl street
W. W btlITU
( tMauaU.
Their Rsbsbb.
Cbaa. Irish. F. F Greer, D S. Padeeo.
weevlug mill under one roof in'-tbe
I Ws-biortoa .'taw conb^d Cea.
Mrs. Walker—I don't bo« «by the Frrd F Cook. Jsmtu C. Avery, Hens?
Moved by Alderman Smith that the j eirret i,nd,., iiii#. re.To«r'o*i
emntry. the people having voted to «aC. Smith. J B Knight. B W
Ball airrrl DO TroB'. tmond €■
diH iom all rki-uiumend bb-yclc riding
WBpl. fifXD Ball, a»I: iBfBbrr
•mpt auob a building from taaation for „ „
hcUnUT It tu a lou Mr*. C J. Kinsev. S. C. Darmw. F o
■alarm, pay roll lor Novawlwr
Hsrily. Ml* J B GreUiek. Mrs E M livr.
layMra. Tbe building will bu H9 by ,0,he doctors.
Motion carried bv yea a
l.miTT rCNK
George Lever:.
verr. U E Cfuin*. Msuh'r
tM tagt, and will eonuln l.oou looms 1
Mr. Walker-] know, luit they calcu-,
Year. Aldermeo Honiagoe. UMUOga. : (,ra
dmao R't'r Mrririe U«hi A Pou'gander, W A Wbtelock. P Eyselk*.
t»fl» -Smlib, La-dle and GarrieoB.
^ i>r.
va,vlto rnraaslk.
I'o.. Ilxbt tur|>n.rsbrr
Snrguon General
Wyman, of
the late ihni one uuuml. healthy rider mil
p ^mitb. C U Parmenter. L Wt
Nay*, Alderman Kenyop.
lk«m ri
marine hoepital eervlee. in view of tbe dl<.tldc at Icusi Uvi- pinJcstriauB per',V
j V Nelmen, B ~ II Allyn.'Jobe
Traverse City, Micb . No*. 17. lew.
wcfk,—Uitulnu Gloltf.
, Frank Hardy. Ju Blxw.
Wllbriw. poor ari. KowBbrr ..
offietollF reported prevalence of plagoe
leear.rr » Ipr aces, inalewi
P. Ker,
.rgra’ rs. B I>
■fiheC.iyof Trtiomr <’«y. ,
and tbe local oondlllons of those pjrt-7 ^-t-How did you and jour friend man | Smith.
h. The
Tbe National
stlonal Loan
Irs Cc, J E
I Huu!rii.'s railloIHUr. .elk UD Weat
•11 Bens.
L B^br
hMtosned ragulallona to prevent Its agf to gel through n .-.m.iuilgu.
Ahr*ms, Brownell
iutrodnetion into tbe I'nlted Stotoa,, biking an active part. * Ithoui U.it.ui i, Apvnt^
A Birdsall
Birdsali Agu.
are to add to tbelr plant tbe biggest
..............! FT“
which regolellons
in' Ing
HutinM that
force nnUI thirty days after thecffitlai:
I ,h“prmioJ W
e referred to the commit*
apnouncementof tbe cesMllon of tbe -‘•■k 'U JcaU.ust. s ..r jK-rBoual fis-Lug
P' pubV lighting.
er OB
fi..,..-, I .1•Atf ilMtt i~l..iig 1.1 the same lart;. MoiloD carried
ptagne in these eltica. 1 he regulations « «.hluirt..u Mar.
preeeribelD deUH
tbe treaimeni
•els from the infected pvrts. methods
TrkV'rseCily, No*.’.‘Tib,
tiris>ai—•That vor'
permission of your honosable body
bod; to
Enal dlepoultloD of »eus-ls, etc.
|h> Wm-"Vcs: be ivmalned 1 I tiiv move the bul ding known as Coekrsn
the nlley be
Paid Dear for Bis L>«.
at a
B D. Blsotou of Thuekervilic. Tea.,
point j-ist
—Clrvcluud I.eoUi r.
en'ma all
■ cot it off.
MuuMUt-Wliat’s the birth rate In * point Just west of the wsrehouee of
cured U with one box of Bockleu’s
jtbe Grand Bsptds Brewing Co.
Arnica Salve. Guaranteed cure for the PUdl|i|,iu
Said building to
feet in 1
tSc e box
Sold by
Ja*. G.
I dc
lou’t kuow: wbyT
torin high, asid building to be moved
Johnaon and P. E Wstt droggiau.
noder direction of your fire chief aod
>« Icug ul the iirv
ircscDl dtelL
A Greet CbrmtmM Humber.
Tbe Christmas number of Tbe Setnr- will lake us lo cud that ivvuluilon.day Evening Post mark* a new den>e>' I'kUadclpbta North Auicrti-an.
lureI is
iB p<
periddteal Uiera nre—the
Boy’s Us»ur Aettus.
._-SM*ful attempt
-.......... ..
W give
Motion oarrled.
'-Jackie Is cither ill or In love."
oeuu. atorlee. artleleu
ad pi ;inreu by
TraverM CUy. Micb.. Nov. «.
the tame writers aod arttoia
t magasinca
the high"He went out through tbe gate a 7o Uie^onoralile, Jhe Mnyi/r and CUy
rouneil of the CUy of :lYarerte CUy
For exam
ole tbe opening ctorv In tbe minute ago Inetead of cllmMng ibe
to by Bndyard Kipling,
ChrtolmM Post
ft^ce.”—WasUIngivu Star.
and tbe tale that of Private Ortherto
We. your eommlttM on claim* and
^ hto dog. Gant; Joel Chandler
aceonnts, reapeetfnlly report that we
"Why the Confederacy
Ur*. Blley—Are rex on callin' terms have examined tke following claims
Failed.” a aOrrtng story of tbe Becret
and finding them eorreel and jut,
wid our new nelgblH>r?
Service; and Ian Maclaren, JnaUn Mcwonld raeommend tbelr payment as
Mrs. Mnr^ihy—Av coorae I am. Sbe follows;
Cbrihy. M. P.. John Luther Long. M.
B. M. Duvto. W. C. Coup and W S. Bar- called me a tbafe, and 1 called ber AAco.vnscxxT rt srtt.
wood oontribute storieu and artlelae. other.—TW-Blta
trieh Teirphnoe Ca rcstsl........
( «>
Tbe verse In tbe numbcMu by Edwin
DoBblvOsy Broa A C3o Usak book
IS 00
Markham. Prank L. Stanton. Mair B
oeonre RBMlehleaCoVeilcorpor^ ^
Wilkin* and Clinton Seollard .
Tbe half-toue page beadiBgu. iUni. OrUM Board of Hd
GnJ!!?%^atar^&er^)ob work ..
I C%riatmM
C%riatinM In Htotory.
Htotory. are by
a. W. BlrkvrC.ponapa.vtc ................
TrawatM OUt.
J X NetaoB klUkse Sue ..........................
s Looia
Louia Hinton.
Hinton, Frank and Joe
Leyendecker. W. 8 1Lnkena. George
SDedalmeetiurofCl^fVmndl h-ld Ttw. T. Bstea. oSre rVBL
UsCsarbrU work OS Uk rulU ........
Olbba. F. L. Flthton, Bmlen
' '
McConnell n OemBcil room Dec. «. IBM
Kibel Dastew week vb tax roU*
Meeting wm called toordar by Fraak Mabel niekw* lypcwrlOec etc............
and Ba-riaou Ftoher.
Tbe hand
BsmlUon, Mar
eolored cover to by Benir Butt.
rtBX DxrABmxT rc.vn.
arimr. Mopto
ChrtouutPost wUl be uaaU I
gae, OnUiek. HMtinga. Bmltb, Imrdi
eaueengeru and
Ibnnal b Ifore v. bom Mr t. bb* s.dr.ai;. r-rair ubor
p-rper iribnnal
d iaad made hi* ob| ?bould have■appesrt------------appeared
.j-clioo* to tbe a leged unreasonable.;
of the assessed valastion. srd the .
To ll.r Uonfi 'ihU.the M'li/or. riiiii c.ji; a*te*.m nt of sneb property sas he;
Bmpeeifnlly snbm''tod.
, clslm* to be exempt from Uxsiiot
Cf tincG o Mto ruy/ T"ii'tr,r
B"*M> or Pi m <' WnHsa
sloni of tbe statu‘e.
W. F Cki-Mss.
O-oiltmrn — Your
A W Bt< KF.RP.
waterworks, agreeable
able to vonr
yoor Instroeinstroe- ' “• “**“
ti'*0*. bare hud ••■*
tfaer consideration
Mored by Alderman l^ardic that the
has held that "the emrta cannot sit 1
with Mr Camobell.
Campbell, and ,
autemrnt bea.-cep’<d and oialnM bn
Jjclgment upon nis supposed error*.’’
would reapectlully report, as f.ilows:
ordered paid a* raoommeoded.
"-imverv re«pect'nlly, •
A mpellcr
mpellng was brid cn Tbnmlay, |
Motion carried.
Ha.s-lt C. DotN.i:
November S3 d. in Hr Bannab's offiee.
Sm-th. Lardic. Kenyon and lismsoDNays none
I uhrure «f Ncgtlcuaeu.
of dlslafeeUiQ of abips. cargo, pcruousl
eSecu ot
erty, awevsed to him. Hi.i',i"'.’.i''r.aik
Moved by Alderman Hontagiie that hii pe(~na! pr perty,
noder .proto**, be re^^ j-.i*,’,*.
thereoortbea erpted and claim* be
P*"* by him nod,
ordered Dsid ss recommended
mittoo. I beg t ■ adviue yon that ibeiy i
t.w rr..,. .tr—i eai
at which all tbe members of tke uommitte* were present. Tbe matter was
earefnlly considered for some time, ’
and a oonelnaton was reached that if
Mr ttompbell would agre*. tbe beet
oonrMt^purToefor the pnrcbaee of.
the Oampbell Water
Plant I
would be along the line af arbitration
led in the
—M speeifled
tbe original eontnet
be city and Mr. Campbell
between tbe
e meeting was adjourned to meet at
nafa's office on the
Nay*, nena
BcMtivvd, by the CeuneU of tbe City
of Traverae City, Miebigan, That a •
foot piaok walk be ordarad built on
theeortbaideof EUudolpk strMt adj*c«nt to lot 93. block (. Goodrich ad
dition. same to be buUt within 10 daya
from tbto date.
Moved bv Alderman l^rdie that Un
reaolntion be adopted and pMted.
Motion carried.
Yeas. AidmD-p Montague. BaBUngn,
?*" ■tvember I8» wm pi^n^ and on Smith. Lardie. Kenyoa and Oarrtoato.
Mr. Oampbell was invited. Tbe VnU
fell;i N'»e»Ber
Alderman bmi^
Smith dnl;
dnly e
committee were present, and also Hr.!I motion of Alderman
Naya. noea.
Uampbcll. 'T^r queat'on of po’vbsae t-rir^^a* received and ordered placed
Moved by Alderman Bsstlnga that
of Mr. Ck’bpbel.'s water —orb. plant '•
tbeC AW N B B. Co banotifled to
^t^dlv was earef-ny considered : uTATXMR.vTor nosKS or rmijc wokKa plank tbeir tracks neroM tbe full width
be is ready
r. Campbell agreed t
of Cam streeL
Traverae City. Michigan, Dee. 9 IBM.
Moii;>n carried.
We do herrby certify to the conacil
Moved by Alderman Laid to that tha
'ofsaidcity that tbe following to an OommlttoeouWayaaDd Means ba reMme to a board of i
;traet I ■eenrate aecouQt of ttaeeost of rnalir qnestod t-> appralM the valac of the
with tbe city, with tbe exception that i on atreeU and the oopstnietlon tbere- bouse aod lot on north Spruce ntoaat
be agree* to waive any possible advan- of. tbe amount of material oaed aad beldorlag to tbe city, and report at tbs
tage that the o'igiiui contract wonld the expense thereof, and tbe street or next regular meati^.
seem to give him. and to abide by the place where sneb matcHal wm oMd or
Motion carried.
deciqioa of tbe arbiteatoM.
labor perfortned; a1*o tbe nnmber of
On motion of Aldman Memtogue
He aleo agree* that la CMC. after the i days of labor performed on aaid atnet,, duly earrlad. OonneU adjounad.
whole matter'should be Mttled and*and tbe amonoU due tba aererall
A. W. Bkxxxd.
agreed to by tbe arbitrator* aod ac-1 permni bareiaafter named nadM tb*
C ty Attorney be received
prdVrrt placid on fiJa'
Motion carried.
Moved by Alderman HMtlnrs ihsl
matter of remittinr tnx to B. B.
Gibbs be referred to tbe oemmitiee os
«*** and means to report at next reg. meeting.
Motion ea^ed.
Oalk: BIeigiL“bs _A-d-d-i“bioxL.
/Va t of OtUtvroa^AdA.
E. W.
and has some exceptional fine
bargains to ofiTer. Can name
YOU prices and terms on
Vacant Lots
in Oak Heights
As weU as all other parts'of
the city.
Some 5 acre lots at $ I SO,
80 acre farm at $SOO
Good residooce, W, 8th St„ $1,000
One on Washington street, $1,000
One on Webster street with fornoM and
modern improrements, $1,150
Ooe 01 Bates street, $750
One on U stroet. $653
One on 15th street, $350
A Special Bargain-Residence with all
modern improvements. East 8th street,
near Onion,
Some Very Desirable
fiusiness Property
You should certainly see
'Phone 73,
Johnson Block
Traverse .City, Mich.
W. L
and Builder
Having bought the balance of
the vacant lots in this addition,
will build for you such a house
as you may want, on very easy
terms, or make you an excep
tionally low price on any of the ‘
Can show you other very
desirable real estate that will
pay well as an investment, and
a number of residences that are
2 new dwellings, Barlow street
I new dwelling. West lOth street
I small dwelling. Cedar street
I small dwelling. Second street
I good place. Bap street
Also Fine New Hotel, splendid location
I good tarm, 72 acres,.well improved,
good land, near Acme,
On any of tbe above I will
make the price right.
And I am always open tor a
Inquire for
W. L. Brown
Contractor and Builder, .
Residence, 315 W. 10th street.
Bell 'Phone IBS, Northern 159
Traverse City, Mich.
TcamtoiOHy MmOmt.
iMlow to a list Of tba ba/lnf mad aaU-
T»« WCAVdt
li K tM ••m ntft BVT**
b «« UM
« u> «r« M MMd
•kM «> t» M« « bw ••
‘ Tkw bMa Tjilm
' tmtm k <tak ^ f«U men raril McM
tW U« Mm.* Klx H<WT r<HKk a«
Stoefc4« porkata are tbe UUat M
They are made to bold a nU of bilk,
leweiry and yaluabka that can ba
atored away IB' a amall apace.
**Wbat csamlaatkmw. then, baa i
foatb patoedr aoked the aemiadar.
“Aa to evamiBalUua.
' *nT hilSi^ rM I****************
far be baa,^ attempted aay. bat tbera
Ite naM tk<n !• «( •
to ao-vnbt that he would carry aU be. Tta Vfr
by mnej bWa M
Care him wore be to compete with other
•( M Mi M al.
tb U»ab
I >nn afSrtn tbal be otudlea
moot'diligently in faU own bouee nader a
Brabman'a aupervlaioB. moot
TIaa (Mt «Mf«
agcMleal aetnladar.”
Vk» mgtt At Um «f tM
“Tbal la. iadeed. a different report of
tmmk iteM «»»««<
ac yootb to (bat wbicb I hare brnrd.’*
Implied tbe Utter dignitary, “for It waa
aaid ibat be waa an idle, good for noth
ing boy. who apeal tbe greater part of
bto time ia beatlog aod tormeatlnc bia
yoQDgei: brother* aod aiatrn
I coofma
that I do But like (be propooal."
“Nubie air." cootlnued (be ghatacb.
aaanming a more coobdentlal manner,
•rirben I add to the awnranie. I wbo am
dcan-nded frum Brabma, that those yw
porta are all fal»e. the addirinnai prom
ise of a handeome pnweot for yonrweU,
perbatw your high eKclIency will ba
plraeol tn <*.n«ldfT tbe matter In a B
jfarnrable light."
j oWrvaot ghatacb
tbe effrci of the inferred money .peraua
oioo upon the levniadar wa« aooo ap
A ponM Unk utiot tAc ^revd
pan-nt. for after proiealitig that the mat
ut tb» rUIac* rbaiorb, m profnMoBal ter of a ■•rr.wnl Jnre do weight witb bio
Mtekmakrr. as b* alovly nidc bit war whatever be M laat agreed that If tbe
thmsb tbp baaaar to tbp houw of So qneatinn of cahe were aalUfactorily aetma* UopaUbriaboa. a w«IJ
lied, that BO'ill
^ant. batwiwD wboae aoa Flari and ■ad that Ibe present look Ibe form of
pmir Uuk Cbotl TacDiT. th« daufbi
good atim of rupees he might be disposed
ft (bf aenladar. or prioripal laod o«
to think well of Ibe propositioa.
ar. be had beae arraivias a marrtaie.
Oreryoyed st tbe su'-ivss of bia efIt w<ml4 appear tbai wbni erarribiiif forta. tbe Khaturb. witb a anecewaloB of
irai aO bat oaiUfarioKIr arranced a low oaUains. then took hi* departore.
third panr- a wealibr Booer lender, feeliog aasured that tbe money lendcr'a
had laterreoed. aod wlib a roDaideralilp big fee was aliwady due in bis banda.
Mbr bad irtopted tba rbatarb tn break
cM tbr malrb. Id order to CDarrr bU.<
Now, a few days afterward, all QB(tba atoaer leader'i) aoa. a< ill lookinc a
jrontb aa be was 111 kuoiored. to th» coDsr'ioiis of Ibe dismal fate in atore for
lier. little Choli Tagon-. flying
■M&lodar’i danebter.
“I iball be obliced to aakc tue of atr from the roof of (be aemindar'a bouae.
«tu to reorraose lUa matter,*' aolllo- attracted tbe altrntlnn of a-group of
boys onl In tbe road, atnung whom were
talaed Ibe cbaiarti aa be app
tbe sons of Soman Gi^wlabrii
tba merrharn'a b..uae.
“It will
Badaba Das re*i>ertiTHy. “You
aa eaar . affair, but tbe moorr
aaid youug Pinto Badaba. poluling out
hie fee. vbicb I alreadr feel in mj eraap.
aboold be aa iaeeotlre to a fiue piere of t'boli tn his playfelioWB. “She is
my wife, and I inlend to beat her well,
So. aaauminc a erar
l>e<-au«' I ibink (bat la (be right way
■eoBor. (he cfaaiurb entered tbe
^aat'a booia. where, barioc aalaamed treat girU."
"How would you like to be treated In
aad aeated blmaelr mna lesaed oa a
sat. be awaited Che opeaiaf of (be coa- tbal w’uy yourself?" at ome asked young
llirl (inpBlsIirisbnB, wbo bad a long
**1S'elL Bhatach,“ aaid tbe inertAant. standing f.-ud with tbe other boy.
«(th a malic of weleome. for be ewaaSd- she werc'iuy siater. 1 Would leat you
Well in rHiirn." “Y'ou would? 1 should
•red tbe marrUae of bia aoo to tbe aasindar'a dauj(fat4 a (ood alliaace- much like in see you do it." retorted the
“well, vfaaturb. yoo hare brought ib* other, with a lough
sarrlage coatran. I auppooe?"
“Alaa, BO. wurabipfol air.** replied
^tueb. ^1 re^ to aay t^t 1 bare
fflare. (be giri CbPti
■ find
t a east la bar
you dlaeorer tbe blemchant. “Bow did
“Aa 1 oaid. before," replied the gbntach. wllbuut directly aaawering tba
qaeatloB. “1 bare beea miunformed.
tibc U alao a little laiue.
She hae a
Itsp when afae walka. aurablpful air."
“Good gbatarh." oald tbe Dserchaet.
“It would aerer do to bring aucb a poor
creature Into our family, even though
lie the aenilndar'a daiighierr*
“Bealdee. there la a wbiaper." rontiaa•d tbe gbatueb. lowering the tuae of bit
Tolco. “that (be temindar la ioaliig bU
Kaougb. ghatochr* cried
the taeirbaat.
“Hay ao more.
It la
fortunate indi.ed tlut you made ibeae
dlacoeeriea before (be contrail waa aigncdVon may return me my retaioing
U (be worthy ghaturh. wbu bad apmU It
he bad not forgotten, tbe fee. and wbu
had aeitber the lueana uur Ibe iaelinaiiob
to repay (be aaine: no again iwlliug bia
wita to bia aid be gave
! tbit, bar
sore adrantageoua rualeh for bit aoo—
tbe daughter, in fact, of a rayab. wboae
name be waa not then at liberty to taeotioB—and by tbal meana wt« granted
permlaalon for tbe armunt to atand over.
8u. with many oalaama and protratatloBa of eterual fidelity to tbr mctcbanl'a
htlereala. the gbalucli went on bia way
U the bouae of tbe aemiudar, <.uncralu
UUng hlmaelf on tbe eaae erltb which
he Waa eocaplng bU diCBculiy.
Arrirlag at tbe aemlndar'a boaoe. ba
' fouad that dignitary bad juat finiobed
tbe morning rerepllun of bia ryoto. or
WsaaU. and waa at once nweired' la
prirate andienre.
hand. “You come about Ibe marriage of
sy dangfati-r. no doubt.
Hare you ar
ranged eterything with tbe eatimable
serebaal? lUre you farongbt my preacat. good ghaiui h?“
“llluatrioaa air." reidied tbe gbatuefa,
tbal la. after alb 1 am afraid. Dot a dealrable match fur your arell favored
daagbler. 1 bare been greatly deceived
ta my
ooa. It toroa onl. la a yonag
man of
- vril conotenanre aad equally bad baUto,
wbo““Come. come, friend ghaiacfar' laterpooed tbe aemiadar. “Uow ly It that it
waa oaly but two daya aince you aaaured
aae by Earn. Siva. Viabau. and ao forth,
that be waa baadaome aod iatelUgent
“Mom -aoble Bemtadar." replied tba
wUy gbatueb. “1 admit I wa. muied.
Tbe merchant baa a aepbew linag opoa
hla charity whom I mlatonk for the aon.
He to r»d lookibg. but. of coune. toe
poor for aa to take iolo roaaidenCuA.
Nov. 1 have la miad for your daughter a
- yeatb of (aanr talenia, particulariy ••paplaf otanm-ra aod fiae rilemal appovaace. Ibe woa of our #<rrmed capS
taltot. Badaba l>aa.“
“Tbe aoo of Badaba Dea. tbe moaey
Moderr exdaimed (be aemiadar. “To*
de Bot atean the boy Pinto Badaba.
vbom I have beard apokeo of aa (be
' ' '
cal S tbe ofirror to alJ the
«ta are woihed Into tbe top off tba
boae. abovo tbe knee, aod arc n
wttb a faateniBS. ao that there ta no
danger of their eooteota faUlng oot
Ihere are ao many aneak thierea who
Btea) from bedrooma while the Camlly
ta at dinner, from eaniagea and frtmi
other placea where women are obUged
to leave tbs-lr money aod jewelry when
they are not In oae that aume aafe re
ceptacle about the clothing of the own
er to an Bboolnie neccaoity.
are not geoeraliy found tn women'#
dwaacA and the atocking pocket haa
Miggeated itoelf to oome lorentlvc fes-
expenaively. Bren now. when coatom
bos babitnated people to tbe change.
It la unplesHant to aee a young glri
T\R- W. R.^ W.a. Heoe.tcsetalw*ettovalao
-BY^ hw.
Otoooa. OUy Qpava
irss- fis.rfS'.'T. John
oa.oBev lOA-roaUoao* lOt.
nrvnto RATCd or tkavsxsk ctrr
gowns bare a knock of adding yean
tn ber age.
We hare no young glrto
DOW and no old women, and these
phenomena are ascribed to tbe ierriIng effect of modem toilet—making
young girls older and elderiy wu
Bswahfaat Cet
Hnuaekeeiwn have U'vu rellered to
find (hat breakfast cerealA acmrdlag
tu tbv recent rt-port of (be cbrmlabi of
the agrlcuhunl department, are eel
doru adultented.
It la. however, a^
Tted by the a.tue authority that tbe
prices of these f<H>dB are not In proporto ibeir quality, and that aome of
thoae which sell for tlie lowest price
^ aa good aa othen aelling for three
four timed aa much. All need more
tie for cooking than to adrlaed on the
F. On & Go.
Successors to
1 reverse Ch|f Uimlier Co.
Traverse City, - - Mlcliiean
Applcw-Calls and wlndfalla. lOe par
ML Park Ptoeo B«el. Boom* OU abd «£. Wo
man'* aad cblldroa'* dlaeaae* a opeclallr. (XBe* bosr* 10 to It a. m.: t to 4 and T ta fp.
aa. Bell -pboo* St
worth on ber back, while abe to fooUsh
In orerlooking the tact that her cootly
A Kaan, Oear Brain.
fVR B. B. FLOOD, oare In Bee Ttoapeller
XJ Block Call* Bssorred promntly day or
Bigbl Nenhvra'pbooe. S: Bell, Sal.
lion or baMoeaa aneoeaa depend largely
on the perfect action ol year Slomaeb X/fVaiC LRWtOKa-Brs Fraaeeo B. amlth.
and Uver.
Dr. King’s New Ule PllU IVX TearberolPtoaoaod urraa. ril Waob.
lagtoB .tract.
Ill S*
_____________________ gth, a keen, clear
min. high ambition. A is oent boa
will make yon (eel like a new being.
Sold by Jaa. ti. Johnson and S E
Walt, draggiau.
werkefbtgbMi pMibto grada. rtoai
work a agMlBUr.
Vew Offloe. Xarkbam Block
Prettr near time
to thiol about having fonr
Bicycle Enameled
You Will Make
A Mistake The Finest Line
Ever Seen in
(rud Ripldi t Indlui R. I
This City
We are ebowiiig n very
Urge stock of the UleKt
novolties in ... .
You'might »1so oc« me about aloring
your wheel FREE for the winter.
No better enameling than onn.
Slap is and talk it over.
tl( UniOB Streci.
An tmuanal wedding took place late
ly at PbllHiMburg. N. Y.. when a coo-
By choosing any other
cigar than
1.10 yean were married
Both parties
had entered (be state of mafrlmony be
fore. and (here were prewent at tbe
MosiseU-iulck^Br fine pslr ol
"He said he iolebded b> bedt the litUe to >br coiinlrr. WSOI >o spII bppsosv 1 ,■> oai
Irl on tbe roof when *b« came to be bis nppdibpw, R. nrbomhprcpr.
-Ue, so I heal blm to see liow be liked
IriOR RgKT- « roooi beosp Oood
." .-ame the esplirit rejoinder.
Eo-iulppOrsI Wao.t DisbCo.
“Oh, indc-d:" replied the aemiudar.
"And who may you l>e. pniy?"
llari. (be son of Konian Copalabrislmu, the iiierefaBut." answered the
Boai« Ob Ea«< Eicbih
sirret. WltUakrlii pan p.y a brk.r
*”“S-ou the ~tn of On^labriahnar re ^aib. haraMw. •Irlirb. e«. gat|UlfT^a-^^^cV
peated the aemiudar iii amaaeitieoi as
be vii wed with ap|>n>ral the manly form
Of the l-.y l»-r.ue him.
"There aurely JIL - erty l^qv.-hlii A Croloer.
►H tr
lUst he s.rme mistake."
'No. sir. I am llari lioiutlabriahna." f^IRLWAVCTHD-ror ornrral hoiisv «ork.
RoQUIrr at cold sieraev »arc|rf>iu»,
relteraosl the b»y. “and that is Pinto kX
cororr I'QlcHi aad Bay atrcvis
■"t i(
Badsbs ............. I have bi-alen."
"t'oine with me." said Ibe aemindar, rpo RKNT—House aad IVrvi class banj H. B.
HISS ard. If; Bast Klnlb street
«l? tr
"(or I must S.C yiHir |>arents about eonieihing of gn-at imporlBiue.
And as to 'QOCKrrBOOK-Losllnor acar lllclMs-ras
Oprra Hoasc. Reward lor return
•ou,“ he said, lorning to the er.ring •T
'into lUd.ha. "if I ever find you In my
eiiinpound. yoii shall get a worse beat
ing. foi in s|iiti‘.J5j everything the worthy 1.J oa Kasi Pruniscret. V< leet oa Raoi Htaie
gbaitieb nia) say I am now cenain that street: Su leet ofi Barin* .ireet: IMi (eel oa
Rose street :bnuee and .moot lot ol Bast stale
a cruel young vtllaln."
eearralIms.l,tdID: XI IcMt )al aa East Htaie
And nest ,Uy. wilbout (he ghatueh'a sirswiatlivd kiaeres land oe.r HayfleM to
the contract wa* signed by eirbanor («r l»l in city. Oae sailina ouim oae
tbe rewjKWiive parvuls for tbr marriage ■loop yaebi cheap; oae Olacle opea bupoy.
Prank Prlclrleh.
of Hart <>opalabri«hns and t'lioli Tagore,
wbu in due season lived logHher many
y^m^in great bapptueiis.-X*w York
/rilRL WAKTTO -For treoeral bousenork.
iMulreSSBfaae .ireei.
a tittle Twi.
J. Adam H.'ile, says the Omaha Nononfonuisi. wldoni wrilc* poems that
jingie. but he writ.-s pnss' |km.-U7 that to
worth tvadiug
Bead this:
-“ttbe is.only a liltl>' tot.
Tliree or
four summers bav<' touched ber lips witb
wtodoui and left Ibe sunlight In her clut
tering hair.
Her spirits aie as blithe • Ill «eban«e tor olb*r property,
and buoyant as a bird and her tboagbta
light atul airy as tbe akybiovm tbiatJe
1^0 BRUT—PumKilied room* vitb or v^oul
down. She clings to your band in tbe
morning and is eager lor your borne
coming w’bivi the abadows fall, being TTTAIVTgO-Two -ood cutler*. Weeat* a
W cord (or (■ loeh wood. Boardtt per •eek.
1 peeping Ibruagb the panVacee every eaiurday nlgbU J. O. Jre*oa.
gate. where ber greeting to
ingenuous and MtieTre.
She to tbe arw T^R BRNT-Vory deelrable room, ftnUbed.
woman with tbe wurld before ber. and
with b.f toy, and plnyboose sbe to walt- board. XB Rtate .treot.
ig for tbe future, and you praoa ber
> your bosom arbile abe waits.
"Yet a few years and oTber hearts bo
Aod then. too. other cana_yrUI
*. b.n to you. tboufb ibe borne nc« .
ba* been long dc-serted and many yean
have flown, sbe is atlll tbe little borM of TriAaTBRV M(}KBY-To toaa at ( per coat oa
delight, and. though yuu are a century
«M. .vour bean U a faundted yeara
And tben yon understand bira
TrifRlVIAHRO BOOHB-To real witb Bo*H
wbo aaid. 'Suffer little rblldrco «• coBW Jr
gaguirv.tlUWamavevolb ■irocL Hr*.
and forbid (bem not.' For tbo A T grdpH
bM thing OB eoflb to a littlr tot."
or to elly or eonairy wbn *111 call at !ri
Eaol HiBtb birvot. oo or before Dae. Itofe. sill
Boumania (ollova Bnaaia'a iMd In
RB0oB»OOcv.Trav.T..<aiy. NIcb
ral^ Avpartarv ot ipbIbs ai Ttb'
CUy, la eflvel OeWber tSad. (MU.
Frnit EnlTM
Knife and Pork Beta
Berry Bpoona
Orange Spoons
Salad Spoons
Soup Spoons
Oyster Forks
Fall Sets Knives and Forks
EKvant ififU in all kinds of
It’s Up-To*Date.
InilisGN eiocK.
Mrs. C. E. Horst,
cooking at all timm. day cr nlgbL
OyHtem served in all stylai-
Tsader of Voice CiltBn.
Fnder Tonnelier Block.
Stndio At 3^15 WHBhiDi;:toD Street.
Fire Insurance, Calendars
Ina car Cbiraco to Grand BapIdB and chair car
.1E. W. Hastings’
John R. Santo,
General Insgrance.
Fire Insurance Office
Johnson Block.
WarvbBva Bleak.
For a Cliristinas Gift
SSiSiito <tojBm.Bmmmaato. audme
1XKXW00d;'<?' Ra^AVofan^EapIdo
West Michigan.
Lv roiouor
h^or .. .! #«** I ^
TravpnwCr » »».w|
What is prettier or more appropriate than
an article of Jewelry from our assortment.
,11 U
til B
Ar Urd Rapid*
Lr Ord Rapid*
Or-*• Mailt 40P.B
H«p I 40p.s
The same old prices prevail—as low as ever.
Very fin«f
Solid Gold Rings, Watches, clocks. Silverware, Opti
cal Goods, Pins, Opera Glasses.
Lr TrawrsrCr.
Ar Uk Sapid*. I
Lv BURapId*..!
Ar Trareto.Oy.l_
Grabd Raplda
New Goods and New Fixtures
In my store
stim)o’eloekB.w. '
..i.217 Front Street.
SKStpS :££SS8
II.Ua b. iralB boa parlor par uOroDd
BspIds.aadNlnpppr Uraod Rapids to Ciaeta-
L. L. A. Building.
sidewalk Lumbar in all aisea.
“BaeoUeoi ^r.“ proteatad tbo gbatach,
n. who am deaemded from Brahota aaff taaued a clrcnlar to prlnclpab of gtria*
) U*. I. aotemaly 4a- acboola. ordering tbem to forbid tbe
waariSg of coraeu. aa lajorioiw
\rAire.T a DODOB. Auonoy aad aeoBoal
iXL too at tow. OSeoa.aiyOpavamoMBIk
marrled glrto. wbo a few yean ago
would have been conoldered dremMd
in exceedingly bad (arte If clothed
• Plabinv9ii A pair (vr >aatM-rlur or st^
t>u-u>ps». Prlcp (3>i. Also <«e ir'rs
■Ichlsc tail, so eiirs rood O-P Call r-adpssMrs. J. t.Csrs*. AdcpII WIrb.
(be enuade againnt tbe coraet.
mloiatpr of rellgioi) and edneatioo baa
OSCM •*• TomaMto, Mo*k. tH Proal awoal.
A noticeable feature of the dreoa
raatoma of tbe day in Bngiond to tbe
Itunrlona toilets worn by yonng im-
A atnple pollab for fomlttire can be
mde of one pan turpentine and three
jl 00
It would look aa If tbear new
poeketa would be aa aafe aa any that
coold be devtoed.-ClncUmatl Poat.
wedding breakfast seven children. IW
AiiKuig boys ererywhere. sneb a posi granilchihlren aod two great-grand
tion U ing rvwibrd. a p.-r>.nnal
becomes Hie a.de court of appeal, and
warn, amid a cloud of dust, tbe two w.
XufunAt Ball
tbrusbiiig away in a fasbion Ibat meant
Tbefe'wiM be a masquerade ha1
Minie Isslily barm.
Down went Pinto,
Columbian Hall.Weat Side, op Friday
bringing Mari at (be same lime
evening. Dec 33.
Mnaie by Heir
ground. wlier>- they ndb-d over and over
Blakeley's orebaatm.
812 lot
until llari, •Ms-oriiig his adtersary.
priled Imii with loud lameiitationa t
for iiii-rey.
• What i. all IbisT' ealled out the voire
of tbe zeniiiidar. appearing from bia con}pound and surveying tbe alrugglioi;
llari rose instantly and stood.
pans Itnaeed oil Vnd to quite aa effleartona aa any of tbe expenalv* oBoa
with fancy namea.
OMMTt t* SraTWM Olty Lombar Oo.
.« *o| « IoIlv
8«, I It!
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eraae'* HIU
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