The Morning Record, August 24, 1899

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The Morning Record, August 24, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ji,:siuTt mn



TUid Ye«-No. 71ft

»i»t 8*ntlmeiit PrmUad at “Hho^d
Am\ belter. '
•anltary OosTantioiL
He reiteistod

>pos be£T
belac »”r^


Beln« Rapidly MobUIsad at Cape Town.

tke i
bjJIr. D«tU Ouit the StoM Baord
Boor* *B« BritUh is Soaih Afrie*
Antbodtr of Kwlth OfiotM u»d B^tk U elmplyuI ftdeiaorr
Xokiac Aetlee BrcperoUoiM for
Serfbe* OcMkdlUoo* Treotod—Bari- vitboot the power to wt la loeal mat.
Tn.ablo-rZTW Aabatc^w Brii«
fleottoB of Water Diaeaeeed Wiib '**^ Be ei^ the local ofisera to lay
laterait-So* B D OtapbeU „d
UaldUy. re*l». af j Arrur«d=iAlleged rn«id« of Brtttot*r*it-Bo*. «. o. wamp^ eeo
p«.taloloc »o the pob-!
Ub Seid to be Becrotlj Workiog is
Jade* Beaetd^ Orttteleed BaclAaer j jj^
I abeolaie I
Beh*lf of Boer*.
Befiarb BoKteniou.
Yaeierdaj'* ■amloM of tbe mIUit '*Hc'deplore9 Uefeet ibet loo oftea'*'“»»• C*P«*«»- «*ore cere le
the beellh of tbe
Btfeldttf boree rerttami b mobiN
bon. lo 4b.
Snml booJrcd norm..
tai.n«nnl ..-^ol«lU
^ U..
U«b „, b.n «rlnd. b»o .,olp,«l bn«. .od
eet to the people of TraTere* City weretbe paa, than
|j>loed ViTiM* eeap. Brerj train
dUenMM bou.
both bj;<b««bM"»>V'‘"
pT '‘“® P“®“* •aw'"'*------------------ —-—.j — —

L.d b, ,«p.m In., i ■” "b'T “ .‘b—t'™ “ *. lb. d.l, 1
fc~b nonitt It U
«b„,-l~. «o..H.aDr.U' of . b«.U oB,r nb»I bplb H. blip. , i^, Bnn b.n .on»d .

Meg's Bill Womer's
Famous Baigain
Shoes at

For we try to tell yon
aboat them. Every one
who buy a pair—and there
are handr^e of them-—
tries lo
you. etill the
eboee tht-uiselveB are eofar
ahead of Anything we can
aay that all who look are
^atly purpmed—“iki
mnch better titan I ex-pected.” they exclaim.






there U every
te believe that It wUl. tbe Eeaisaege aad Jtentueky will be. beyond
doubt, the
afloat: with turreto *o arraaged that
two thirteen and two eight inch guae
eaa be «moeatratcd on the
time, the hMviaet fire kaewa to
naval warfare, the Kcarsarge aad Eonto eky wHl take rank as the nscat pow­
erful ahlps afloat.


Than Traverse Belle
The Favorite Sc Cigar


txnnitB te Omasa
Tonight thaOraaoaathaad will giv*
aa axearsicn to Ua— ‘—■— -•dock at T;M o'eloek.

For three weeks we hare pold
“David Hamm" at I1J9—Too
it e^where in town for
The secret of meraantile aae*
ce«a is in buying right—that’i
why we are able to undenell
‘‘moahroom’' competition and
win out

We can under buy” any dealer in Northern Michigan—
How?—We'.l. I hat's a leading qnestion.
.Price our irroda before yon buy

220 Front Street_________Ralph Oonnable Jr.. Mana^.


■ Nrml.i..1 Hi< rrn T*.ol
ft.iu. HiiuuJ ma>.

Is becoming popular, ton.
Biggest and best ID cent clear
lot tbe price.

A. W. Jfihraus

vm DXHTAI, wosz.



To sell cloUnmr for Itor'enod children, because we sell the
very best We have everylhiog fof boya. H to 1(5—and our
low price* hit mamma’s pocket every time. We want all
X .mnmmA’eto know—not think-that when they call at tbia
store there son’t be any obligalioiie to buy—We find it very
X. pleasant to show goods.
Boy's Suit. *»•*! 50. %i. as w, 9i. 96. r 60.



I •• X»* H«-». S,. C»r-.
: ;X*

Coll,,,. Km. Aiilu.

»*»■ roCrwcM-. I
Wsrojit air-wwt.

I e»»aa.a*o.Men»«*».»«*wM—•••••• ••••MMeStSUSSU

I Ranisome Nev Fall Plaiil Guois-Ste our Display Wimlow

I Big Lot of
I New Fall Wrappers


Rveeiv.- ! here yesterday.

Choice style*—nicely made

and trimmed-Price*. 59c.q:5c, 90c. $1, <1.25,35. <1.50. <1.76


Cultivation of
the Voice
Should not be neglected
in tbe joung or in those
who have any claims to
musical talent—For this
puroose the Kimball piano is unajJfjroflchable by any
other made, and is the embodiment of exquisite tone
and fine modulation. By all means have a Kimball
in your home. A good piano is tbe great refiner,
and no one should be without a Kimball.

Sh»8t lasic It aUf Price. Snull ikruiesU ud Iisieal lsrcliudt$e.

I. e. STeoiG.

Oetasy bsggsgsl
If.your viclUng
viclUa, Meads have
" Isav^ech
le cheeks at the ^
.. ..jreaad they wUlbedelivorad
quiek aad cheap. Mark Craw.


Ten New Styles
Just Received

Big Battleahip Will be Baady by
September S.
Newport New*. V*.. Aug. 83.-U the
unexpected doe* not hsppeo. the flmela*. seagoing battleahip Kcarsarge
will be ready for her trial trip to the
ocean Septembers. The big ship le
about i per cent from oompletlon. and
the ftoUhlng touche* are being pat
a*, a rapid rate. This morning tbe
work of painting the ship pure white
was commenced. In thte color ahe will
ntak* ber trial trip, captain Folger ia

ar« right at homfr—ita onr

Btroog hold- We aim to keep
the Uteet pnblicationa at Cbi«
cago price*.

and do half joatica to
oar line of

iidromt ib.t..l»*J* ob.tKl.riMO
a.oalwlu coupled with deaperata »«» and paatahaay Briilih .uM cueo.
Aldennan Ha.Unf.’ •afgeaUoa..
operating with the enemiea of the
At the hour for the morainr
Barfaee Oondttion in CiUee.
•eadon Prealdeat B.tM called the
^.t modi nont o.tneeUng to order, aad the (jjeea City . B.Ion* a. n.dlo, of bl. , '* >•

b. .pob. o,
quartet raaderod aeearal dae eeleceeveral
bsve been prepared by secret agenu
the matter of the tuV j >ct that had.been
Addraea of Boa B O Daaia
assigned him—••borface Condition. In tor tbe British troopa lo the event of
Hob. B. C t>*rU then
Cltle*. with «>scl*l reference to Travwith hU able paper.-The DjUe. aad eraeCity." He aald first of all, that
A force of poliee hu been ordered to
^wei of Health Ofiten and Local the street* and alley* cf tke city h»d Coleneo. owing to the rumored inten­
Baardi of Bealtb." He aald la part: Jut been cleaned which destroyed the tion of the Boers to destroy the rai Eijual to many *2
to $.1
“‘ne dntlat of theacfiffiear. are found­ relevance of some of the things thst he road bridge there.
Shoes, but Remembor
ed upon atate law and local ordinance, had contemplated saying.
Biraingbam. Eng.. Aug. li —A firm
tbe Price is but $1.96
Then be
la munlcipaliilea. Tb* protection of haalietenedto able paper* aeiil hi* here has received an order fer it.O'M,.
A pair.
the life and healtb of the people U unall light had flickered aad almost 000 Msuer eariridgce for urgent dc>
olearly a police power, and ha. .0 been gone oat. In addition to this, he aald livery lo South Africa. Secrecy 1* OPdeeidad at earioa* Umea Thl* power that be wu not a lawyer, and eonee- eerred m to tbe ammunition'* enct
A vaatad entirely in the local board of qacatly not need to speaklag to twelve destination,
hat it Is said
health and lo tbe health offi Mr, ao far men t.nother hit at the smallne*. of
'» that terri«• rtlat*. to tanltatloB and tbe ear* of
•) sad that last of all, be '
eommanleabl* dl*aa.ea. Thelawih***
.ority Vaughan aad tbe other esperu could
Popular Shoe House.
that a nagleet to promptly and Ucr. aay what they ilked. and It mwt be
oughly attend to mattara of public believed, beesnee they are autoority.
Beat Dealer* in Large Citiea Oontem-1
duty la not oaly a Tlolation of duty, but be WM nader the painful haadkap
plate BiarUng Independent
bit a b'eaeh of tbe oath of offl m.
of having to confine bU remark* to
"Not only do tbe atate law* give tb* things that bad In them an element of
New Y.irk, Aug. #3.—Tbe Herald
local health officer authority in the aenae else be would not be believed.
e.yr:-‘New York botch­
metier of public health, bat the loeal
Mr. Haetisge aald is part;
mnnlclpalHlee frequently make Ibl.
Not all of our disease* come from U c . er*. oo-oper»Hrp with the reuiler* in
atlll mold emphatic. The charter of water -we drtek. There are other other large ciiiee. hsve decided to fight
thU city glTe. the eouncH. through the eonree* of dleeaee sod death. We must the beef trust to * fioUh
bealthoffiier. the right to define aul- learn the close relatioseblp of filth and
•They Intend
anaem. and^to UM anen meaui a. may pMUl..Mb.lK...K.rKijV. iKb
Be adrluble for their abatement, to lo,p.nlKI, .1 th. ,.»lloh. lh.HK. f*’ •“"“•
l-'l.p.h'i... duulbhiramoreor deetroy aaytblng Inj iriou. K.tU,.piK.hl lllh.
D all paru of tbe country.
Oh. hi U:h IhIhJ...- --------------------------------------to health, to taka mea.uraa1or tb* pre- iMt Imponaniot tbe Question* of
eentloB of diaaaae and to do any and IteUe lU tbe matter of sorfsee oondl•big five." the Ar­
nil aeu aaoeaaary to the public healtb tions. The importance of ttal* qoMtioa mour. Sw f-, Morris. Cudaby and
Scbwarts-.-biiJ A Sa'zbarger combina­
of the people of TraTarae City. Tie
i OonUnned on fourth page-1
atota board of health ia an advisory
Tbose Uc< of this gigantic entarconaell to look into the ca«e« aad praYea, we are all in one nation, and
priea asUm ve that they will be eble tp' have been so for over 100 years.
venUoa of dleeaaa. to adriaa with and
raise at CD ^ from to fi30.•reealye raport* from local health offlBnt wo never got so cl'we to^ ether
000,000 u <• :-y it out and they are
oara. and to hold coavenUooi and to
Qreet Damage.
ooDfldeot • t '.ter they can get **;“ “
th* lo^
us* other meane for the dlfloaloo of
telephone has put all the

boowladg* of the lawa of health among
Aug. S3. -Advloe* from many milhn - isoreas are necaeeary. distance
twenty-five Uwn* In Hlchigau state Sabacripi
for >700,000 to bnUd in­ country at the elbow of ewry enthepaopta.
housee in New iterprising bustneas man.
••In thinking of tb* po»**a and that tbe drought Uruiniag the crop*. dependent
„ ,
datlaa of theae officer*, we must, not In tbi* county It 1* very tevere, oora. 1 ork have b^n raeelvad.
t. i
The for.;r ,l«g ontll.e of one of the I
l^tt^r neoeasary to wnte
forgdl th*t every power ImpUe* a duly. potatoes ud beans are suffering the
fight* ever I
All that 18 retim.ite
It ta O'*! enough that the offlMr* feel woret. Light frost end light ebower*
undertaken wa* given at a mBetlng of'is to talk and get an answer then
that they ouy docerUin thing* if they are reported le the Upper Peslssulachoo*e. they mutt feel that they n
In If acomb eouBly tbe corn er^ i* lb* New York BeUU Butcher.- sMOOi- and (here,
Imoet a complete failure.
Oeueeee ation last eight. Pbiladelphls bnichert
do th«lr duty. In the dlaeharge
thaae duUeathey may eater boi
dounty also reporu injury to growing
retailer* in the fighv Baiton. Bnffslo.
wbanavar neeeaeary. and may n*a i
•ps Com le burning up and
CLnclansti. Cleveland. St Loals aad
«a*ary fere* lo punUhlag offender* farmers are feeding It to elock.
agalMt public health and In enforcing Oakland oonnty farmer* are becoming all of tbe principal clUc* of the
alarmed. Tbe pouto crop throateni try wUl have slaughter hauses of their
•■It U the duty of all ciUi«n* to give to be a faUare.
prompt naUee of any eommunicable
The oora erop in SbiawsMee promTAIAL TRIP OP KXABSAMB.
dleeaa* that they may know or enipact lee* to be a failure.
The drought la
U in their houeahold. Bat tb* health Ionia oonnty la bacomlog aarious and
officer eheuld not wait for ihi* if be aariou* Injury to crop* U faared. Montb*. reaeon to ■napeci th* preeaao* of
I oonnty has had no rain for four
tbe dieaaea. Be ahonld go at
waaks and crop* are suffering. In Ber
Mocrtaln for blmwlt."
rien county com and potatom are both
Inconclnelon Mr. Dtvl* summed ep drying up Livingston county is parchthe power* and dntiae'ef local health 1.
officer*, to oovar the prarcntion of the
Pastures In 8t Clsir oonnty qre dried
aprmd of dleeaee* of Mlmali. the de- up Well* bsve gone dry sad slock and
euccum of dleeaeed meet, the care crops ar* suffering. Jsekaon county Is
that ordlaaaoc* ralaUve to privies and no exception to «be rule and (armars
water clcoet* be enforead. InvmUga* fear aariou**loaa Masdows and marshaa ar* burning. Tb* drought In Mo«tloBS a* to the eaaea* of aicki
enforcement of rigid qnaraaUne where roe county baa :proved equally dlaaaI. Ia Wariitanaw oonnty eom and
neoeaearr. the dUlefeeUen of property
lUble to epreed ceotagton. the amln potato** are ulmMt complete failure*,
tenanee of a peat houe where aeoee- owlur to the eentlnaed drought.
•ary. the bcrlal of thoee who died from
1b Che* eoanty oom. potatoes aad
clover have bean badly damaged. Th*
proper notioe of th* preeeace of eonla- situation in Bsttm county ia bad and
gioe* dlaeaeee. and the punishment * eropB are suffering greatly. Th* corn
erop In Branch county baa been dam­
offapdai* egaleet Ue public health.
aged >S par castJudge BcAlray'e Uaas.
Jndg* A V. McAlvay of XanUte*. a
"In the Shadow of th*a Plaaa.”
member of the suu hoard of health,
opwwd th* dieeeaelon In a vary able
WiUiam BeltBor aad tamUy and Ed­
wuf. Bis remark* were fall of feel' die Austin era camping at East Bay.
tag. aad carried convietloe with every They have sat up > large teat, I8xt4
word. B* epok* fini. In a aareaatia aad fka camp is aa idaal oaa. It is
way. of the email attaadapce at the
ached oa military priariplas and
ooBveatInw. attrlhattag it to the pmal. i* aamad the “Shadow of the Plaaa."
bU Mae la tba miade of the paopU
tbs eaeltary acwdlUoe of Travaraa ;lamlMto 6A(n
TUaight lb* Osaoeat head wQl giv*
Olty was perfect aad aad admitted of
aa oxcart lo Omaaa. laaviag tba
Seek at >40 ofcloek. Boaad trip M
*Beapoke Witt pride of U* pariOae
oabta. miwie da board.

In Books


- Ut.

oa the‘'t>atl*i*wl Power* of Health! b* «i<l tbat the health oftteer bad
At Pieltermaruburg. Natal, lo oob' OBeara and Loeal Board, of Health." _____
»o call oat all the_____
■- the
L halotal 1 eommaalty. if aeoeMary. to eafoioe a ’
»**e rumor t^ihere are
I »aoy Boera who are BrSh .abject.
hiau aad detolu laturohatloa a. to the 9«araaUae.
^ ' aod who oatwardly ■ympatb'ze with

Two Cent*.

It; fmt St., lirUu BMt

W« are
for tin oolobrstad Volnt
ShoM forVaiUw. Stop in nnd mo them—
They are baantiaa.

Special Sale oe ladies' Oifords.
Remember ns when jon pozoliaaB yoor
Ohlldren's School SboeA

U3 Freit Street.




. ''-i




SAMstre Taemu**.


—*T —

<> B*w AD

EwTlhiaf U Mvlj rc*4T M
work* for bow
ioroi Miooo M tbo tell crop of opplw
bofflM io WTITO. wfclA «ui bo the er«
^ ®fn«t»o»lb. Aii^o*
ac OT7 will b* ood« »oe*y « • hondrod--------------

W. BiOT.

■ ■•
Oocvuto*. I the rub bcflM.


„ ^iwoo e


Thru Xtght Get K-sod
Mr. J. T. Budieaaa wife of Detroit,
and Mr. J. T. Beadle of Jackaon, are
Oanoeled tbe O ise to Haee Been TlBlUng the temUy of J.T. Beadle of
Played Here Ye»w daT to Fi*j m
State atreet. Mr. Budle o( 0,-trolu U
Mr Beadle'* brother and Mr. Beadle cf
Tbe Colombian Oiaat* (ailed io ep- Jackaon ie the nephew of both M-.
pur here yutetdey ecoording to tbe Beadle of Traewu C.ty and Mr Beadle
arraogemeot with tbe management of ; of Detroit. Mr. and Mr*. Beadle and
tbe BuaUer*. They tailed to maki Mr. Beadle will tpend aereral day* in
Ccnn««tion* and were dclaycu one dey !« pleauni rlalt with Mr. and Mr*,
in reaching Maniawe ^bare they were : Beadle- Wulteral

wu play Monday.
peraoaded lb'eolored turn to cancel iroBl Oest^ Leaf
win eeU breiil at
After today
their date tar yuterday here and play
alMfiatraight. Palace Bakery
two game* <a UanUtee. Maoagv
Krboe endurocadto *witeb Wolter*
o(f and Uled to gel him to play fair
and permit the UianU to flU tbelr
Tra*er*e City datu u adeeniaed.
Wolian WM obdnraU. however, and
140 Front Strkkt.

.t: tfoioREo puiebs here todu.
O. B. Owner tuud‘

not rubed M MCb u h« tetnded at
flnt w the applM ar* later in thl* localKy. than fartkar tootb
BowoTor. il» parora abd two aileet*
eplaeedrea#y> :for work, oae doable
and anolbcr one te
drier U c
Ttali giru tbeia•mntioB a capaolty of four beedred
bubel* pv day. and cTeryibtoy U
*o that the eapaeliy eta
be caaily tecreaaed. Ib tact the Bachisery i* ob basd bot w»u t ol be plaoed
netU needed.
Mceara. Brown d D^nrr. the foaodry tlnn of Allerao, are tbe owner* of
Ibe plant In tbie city. They own tbirtoan other CTaporator* tbroachout tbe
Uekis. bat only one other4s HIcbiyaa,

Ta* •naUATT OMrraUoa.
TbabuituT oonrenlUm cloud Uet
Md the beacta dorieed Ixom
Iho »bU yapet* nod esbMuUre dUew^oat are bdmtou. Tiu'cne City bu
bon oonfroBMd for three yeu* with
the ptvblrai of o fntare woter ioppiy.
iBowtlcniteM hove bees moda and
But boy.
fr«t bay. Boardman rirer and olhn
peanealeu atiract.ea There are BBany
ptfaseau In faror of all the aooroea
^oaUoaed, boi the eoacanao* of opla
Ipm ateOBf the expert* at the coons•tos WM that fteav bay ia the very baai
arrangement wa* mad. lor
pesTM ir^B wbiob to draw oar water
papply. Oor water anpply oomatttee, product of tbelr own foondry. built to a game today and another tomorrow.
telegram announcing that tbfig,
^ftsr iBreatlyatioB, came to tbe aame
the rtqulremuitt for which It U
Would aurely be her* ihi* morning.
Therefore there will be a ball game
ooDtaalnaOn the lower fix>r of the old notelty tooay. Pete Tlbald. tbe new abort
work* baUdlag U the machinery and atop, bu arrived and wiil be in both
BBbjMlof earBtel dlacuBioa and it wu
bln* for the applu. The opper
with iheloul turn. They will
Pfntd that with adiqdata purifylnc
aiwy la to be devoted to tbe packing
petbod* Weal bay won.a aleo («*e w
rm gamu.
while In the uUar applu will be kept
•xeoUent water fur the future. While
ao M not to freeae. allowing tbe plant
^OM teroring But bay ecreed to tbU,
to run up to the middla ol December.
Tbe 16tb quarterly convention of tbe
Ihoy BtUl belleeed that the thing for
Tbe two double kiln* are built upar- Long Lake and Gaifield Sunday School
XiB*«M City to do WM to get tbe anpata. A force of fifty will be needed to Aikoclation wu beld at tbe Lone Ti«e
aly teon Beat Bay.
operate os the atari; about IS men and aebool bonae Aog IV. with an attendThl qauUon wUl now arlu u to the
415ereoelnoeatota*yeieBfor pomp- tbe rut girl* and womeo.
Manager Danner elated that be wu
The board of edoution will maM
iafasd dlatribotlng the water from
imoletlng arrangemenu with a boat
tbU evening. They did not meet
Ibal bay withuat a titer or Wut bay
beuo*e tf the unitarr
•rfU a titer. The Berii* of the roacn
jay aberu. tbu aUowlag a
rolr and direct prewar* ey*i
of an tnereau in tbe eapa- coavantioD.
city, and the foru to lOO hand*.
gjBM in for dinuMlOB alao.
lere will be a regular maeling of
The eoarentlon detcloped mneh valtbe KnigbU of Pylbiu tonight. Tbere
pp^B information npon thla aabject.
are two unldaualor tbeaecoud rank.
talpnaaiipn adraneed by man who
Mr. a nd Mr* A. B. Yonag of eoutbliood ball game thia afternoon be
B and water sopply eru Michigan at* the gimata of Mr. and iween tbe Uuitlor* bud Columbia
• 4o«paiody. The people ol TraTeru Mr*. J. W. Travla.
Mr. Yoneg U a Olanu.futett colored team intbecouc
City have bad ao opponanlty to gate prominent atave manufaciorer.
pnowladga wbiefa would bent fit them
John Dumend of Wyandotte i* viaTbe W. W. Kimball P.ano Co. bu re­
is OOhaiderlng our fature water tnpply. Itlng hi* eon, F. C D
ceived a carload q^ianoa ol tbe lateat
Jut the opportunity which bu been
H;a* Allie Sweet of Maaon. I* the make and with calfu of the moat ele
oleawred (or. Hot only a lew profited gumt o( Mr*. L. M. Bennett
gant daalgna.
Py the dltcnatlou. Tbe attendanjc
J.M. Dillett and family aii’e
Tbe Creaceni band will give an exwu mloerably light and
lag tbe Miaau Lottl* and L'ule Hoieureiow on the Columbia to Omena ibl*
Sight, when tbe Trarem City water
of Deuoit.
evening. TbU will be a delightful
gapply wu tbe epecial kuljrct couldMr. and Mr*. J. J. Eateiburn of Folpred, oaly about :w were in attend- too. are vimIUng tbelr daughter, Mr*. poc'.ually to vlall ihereaort n ’ erj >y a
Tbe boat will
finetall on the bay. ~
Tnere abould have bun many W. P. Croiaer.
leave at •;J0 o'clock.
«iiM« that Dumoer. Tbou who were
Miu Dora Bollaud, wbo bu been a
Ja«. T. Hudleof Jacl-aoq and Bert
pot there, howew. cannot complain guut ol Mb* Kaibleen B. Vtaeb.luvu
do not know u' nincb about tbe fpr Chicago ital* momiDg after epend- MiUer wU go t} Carp Lane thia morelag on a flablog trip.
Wfitar problem u they onghk They Ing foer week* U the oily.
haee bad tne opportontty aongbt.
Toe (uneml of the late Wlllmm Bleb
Mru. A. B. Jadd. who bu bun vialv
Traa. tbe paper* preeenied can be read ing bar niece, Mr*. A. King of Waah- ter held at Kemwick yeaterday waa
In printed lurm. but mucb valuable iii- IngtoB ateut, bu retumed to her boate tbe largulever beld In that loeali(cnaatloD wu brought out In the dia- io Grand Baplda.
IT. The aervicea were conducted
wblcn wiil not appur in print.
Mr*. L. Arery of Bna*on. fad., and the Church by Bev Raff, the Evangel­
Whatever may be tne opinlou o( Mra. Amanda Doty of Aahley, Ind .
ical psatOT.
TariOBi panon* upon the merit* of var. vlallUig the family of A. A. McCoy.
There will W a regular meetlug of
toUAO«rce*ai>d*y*MBU. the oooven Mr*. Doty 1* a-aiiter of Mr. McCoy.
the N. A S.. E. tonight in Odd Fellow*'
1)^ iiu done u* guod and it we obMn. fay and dagbter Mabel, who ball.
aarv* tbe rnlu ol aaniutloa placed
have been vlaltlng Mr. and Mr*. EoxGeorge Uluebu Juat fioiahed tbr
lorelbly before ulteveru City will barg of Wabater atreet, returned borne
decoration of a fine window in tbe
be e model of cle.nlineu, ana whether to Big Baplda Tneaday aftemoou
furniture department of the Mercan>t Bay or Wut bay la aelected for
wm Blakuty, wife and Aild from l!ie eompany'a Btore. Mlrrora. plctnrea.
oar water anpply. tbe leaaou learned Wayne eouaty, arrived on tbe C. A W.
rocker*, curtain* and lamp* make a
is thceonveutloo will do u good in M. tealevening (or a vUii with George
very bandaome ifi,*ct.
Jameaon and family.
A. M. lUndoIpbcame In on
golly But Bay Ftcnlc.
Sick Headache,
earaioD lut night (or a vUlt wiib bi*
e to rain tbe iayatem with
A Jolly parly of young people
ceutln. Loren Puller.
atrong drug* and beadaebe powder* |
to But Bay lut evening where they
Martin L Meikrl of B.kbari. Ind..
I>f AA \v Chaee’a Kidney Liver'
tnj^ed a corn rout on tbe beacb.Tboae and S Ball of Port Huron, came In on HU!a will tore natui
pruent were: Clara Uall of Detroit, L. tbe excuraloD lut evening and are ently
•nily I
> liver
Beth Loflln of iirand Baplda, Uuel eiopping at the Columbia.
[Ive BI
mev*. .____
I ofCaalllac. (iraoe bmiib, MarW. f. Gill of Gill* Pier, ia tUying at rermaoeni'y cure aick and
garette Loudon, Lulu Qalldni. Flora tbe Whiting Hotel.
een’* ^
headache One pill a done.
Oaldwall. Louihc Bucu.Mamie Puhoral.
Joe Needham of Leland, la atopping b<’X.
Uraoa Buange, Bibel Uibba. Bboda at tbe Hotel Columbia
Battenbury. John llroadloot. Jack
A. Maaoa and E. Atkinaon of Empire
Parry, Taeodore-hobnalder, Theodore are reglatered et the Oolnmtei
Ulu. Tom Wabelm, Will Bannlc.LouU
Mra. J. L. Gibb* ha^ returned from a
Webber, and Uande Vanoervorn. The
Mlaae* Boobinaaad Bdith Utbba acted tialt to Sheboygan FalU, Wl*. She
ompauled by Him Julia BobMCheperona
Bnah a^ the Wnltmg.
H. J. Phalpe of Boaor wu ia the city
“I had my U-etb extracted at
The toUowteg people came la on the
0. B. fi I. axeureioe lut evening and
Dr. llaydar aad lamlly arc oatertaln- Tbe Boeton Dental Parlor* with­
art reglawred at Hotel WblUag: W. B, tog Dr. 6. B. Snyder and wife and A. out pain. I never tbongbl *ucb a
MUler. Cubocteb; S. A. Bouman. J. H. Snyder and wife ol Fulton.
thing poaeible, but now I know it
|Tiah, Waterloo; Mr* D. B. Mevney and
Mra A. L Baahani of Sixth atreet la can be done.
eiater. Henry Hyen. Coleman; Mim
father, B. B.
Bertha DavU. Him Grace Pai*ber, •ajep^
Loan J. Uaruolumew. BiTan, Obto;
735 State St . aty
Mit. J. B. Cook. Norihrlur: Saab A.
D. C. Tho
•haUey and Hand Shelley. Bortb Brad- 1* enteruinlng bit
lay; Jcuie McUoaaia. St. Loula. Mo.;
E. J. UMdenricb
and mother,
Detroit; Tbompaon of Saleln.
Vrancla T. Perry and Elmer 1
tort BaaMit o« Fifth atrut. bu reTvaoola; Mr* Bxmard BovI and
tunaod from a two weMcb vUiv in the
lU part of thaatau with reUttve*.
>ete Tibald. wbo bu been with the
-The next eix days.
Hotel* ary Ovvdtd.
Canadian laague. arrived yuterday aad
Two eoaebu and a haegagt car. all win be In the ball game today.
mowdad with cxcunioaina. cam* in ea
Mtu Clara Hall of Detroit 1* vUltiag
Ihcti. B. A L Uat night at »:«&. Many Mr. aad Mra. U. W. Bali, for a lima
pt thaae met friend* at lb« depot, but
C A. Crauy of Grand Baplda, 1* latome aongbt the beuU lor areommoda- t->e city vialtlng friend*.
tlM- They found UiUe comfort at
Mlai Dollie BogVTV of Owego, aiyieed
any of Uw howl* u all of them have ia the city ta*t evening (or * vialt with
hue crowded lor aomc tlmr; but wo- Mra- J W. Hannen.
••B were cared for u comfortably u
Mr*. J. A. Montague earn* over (tom
poulW* and the men wei* given beds Old Miuion to attend tne unitary aonon the floor or on cola tn the Whiting veniloe, but bu retarned to tbe reeorL
of Philadelphia.
•ad Cotamhla. Park Placa- wpa alao
0. A Eeai of MiMpble. Than., one
fiUod and U would ban been bard to of the Well* Hlgman bukei manfaeBad a bed for a atogle fndtrUaal at tnring eemphny. tilk theeltytbeguut Leri T. Penningtem, DUtrict Agt
of A. W. Wel'a.
. s»y of tha hotel* after ten o'ekek.
tviverw aV-Miuieu.

is a good time to take a4YUtage of the
1>4 off on Gasoline and oil stores.


give you 1-4 and the use of one for a few


of these hot days will pay yon tbe other ^4,


Bon Ton Cafe

120 Front Street-

K*«l of Si'iobrrtt Oprra Uouw.

t S:





Lunches and
Order Cooking.

N'ow Di|im{ Uusuit-h*.




See This!

Teetb Gleaned Free


Provident Life
and Trust Company



Like the Woman Chopping Wood
—We are not doing: this for fun. We are paying for this space to
teii what kinds of goods we're selling. It will save you money
to trade here, and make us money by the increased volupie of

tu-'..nuer—"Are iboae real down pillowa?"

({Ot down pilli
y're marked t«
ill for 7;«;.
down. They
Just unpacked some ilandies. Take 'all
tlie ache and tiredness out of your head
lent \L - --- - -


■■ Got a feather pillow for ?5c. or we ll
sell you the Cold Blast Odorless l.ivc
(.ieesc Feathers at 75c the pound.

Oon't be like the tramp that two
years ago used I'ear's Soaij^, since whicli
time he'd used no other—when -tc wiil
buy London Tra.isparent Glycerine, or
15c buys Kirk's ji;vcni!c tnevef before
Here are
a quarterl. '■
sold for less

som better gratles—Cashmere. Houiiquet.
Oil. Kesiiiat, Musk. Zenethia.
We start Family Soaps at 2 cakes of
Mich, i amily fora nickle. Can sell you
Other gratfes—Lenox, Jaxon. Santa Claus.
Oak Leaf, Ivory, Dingman, and twentyfive others.

Regular “nerve quieters"--Got differ­
ent nerves to quiet, so we've got different
teas. Pick your “chooser ’ from this list—
Regular Japan. Sun dried Japan. Basket
Fired Japan. Oolong. Knglish Breakfast.
Young Hyson. Gun Powder, Ceylon and
East India.
35c buys a first class tea. It takes
more money to buy these better grades,
but there's more satisfaction, and you
don't regret the price you pay.

Best "quencher " is White Rock Gin­
ger Ale at oc for a pint liottl*. f)rder
half a dozen bottles when the team com­
es the next time. We have .bottled Vichy,
.Appolinaris. Hunyadi, Jaros Mineral Wa­
ter and Hires' Root Beer in packages.
These are beverages that are drink­
able at all times, and especially when
these hot da\s are so sandwiched with
the cool ones.



Its a pleasure to use good paper, and
n we're selling the best quality Nawhen
al Bond, and Parchmeut X'cllum at
25c the pound pack age, what more is necccssary/ but r
the act of buying. We have
the envelopes to match, at three packag­
es <2S in eachi for a quarter.
These • papers are in Cream and
Azurcinc and in Rgyal—Commercial and
Octavo sizes.

It's the dainty little half inch mouldiags'that
'that give the true artistic touch to
the framing of the Flatino Photographs
that are so popular just now. using a col-'
ored mat to match. .All the combinations
that are the creations of the designer’s
brain are carried in our framing depart­
ment. Larger pictures require heavier
frames, and we have them. Don't have
to wait a week for your orders.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.



0^ itv\CTW\. ►

« wrm «r ipj«rV w nr w IV ir
cFwTMrtftrvul Hi«bM««reevuiaff
tMraors to fMd baforalt bars* 09
Tb« »t*U CMloftol «v*e7 bM bb•wibBd • rBurk»U« btd o( flaM Bud
1* Monroe ooBst/BBld to b« Um iBeet
i- W. Nmim, ace M. of Boorbroo, wm
droiTMd while bBtbtsr »t Pome* Bbtrj. Ha wme a Teuroo of ibe baBt^ce
At Brows City. Bnwel Oaas. acad 12,
waa ridinf a horae Toeaday wbao tbe
boraa atsabled aad fell on the boy.klllIsf bliB InetMUy.
Two Doree« baloscisf to L B Ltach
Of CoTBOsa. were killed OB. baaday by
a tralo 00 tke O O. a. A M railroad.
Loash la aaelof the eon jaay ana wlU
alleire that It bad no ri<st V> nta into
OB banday.
At Cahiaat Peter Yaylek was eroab
ad to death Toeaday oi«ht by a fall of
earth la a Tansrsca u> oe.
a B. Cooper Ue Metkefoa aooiraeior, Waa very bed.y bon oy a aeaffjld
that be waa ataudiay os. b.*eaklsf aod
throwlsc bis to the frr.>ood. aaistaB.:e
of H feel.
The Bve year old dangbter of David
Polieee of dlpeoa. wbi c piayiaK wjtu
matebaa, eat Are to nor e otblay tbU
noralsy. aod batoe tae flaaee eOBid
be extlorulabed abe was bordbiv baraed. Her reooveiy is doubifat.
The QCW steel bridge over backer
river, two Biles west of But Dsytoo,
eollspsedasatracUimeiMriaeaad sepasaior was passiBg ov:.r it. Tko engi­
neer saved blnaelf Ir Jump'iog into the
The draogbt lb the Tbunb is beeomtag eerioBS. Frail of all kisls li drip
piog from the trees.
Many fsrBera
are eoDpelled to feed tbeir stock from
their bams
Psitores have not been
so badly dried up ta years.
Wunam F Brdnas. a laborer eoployed Is Asa Arbor, feU from a ladder
Taeeday eveslsg, to tbe groaod atd
broke bU seek, death eosuisg Istiaot>7A cow beloBgiBg to James blocam, s
tenser llviog near LsDdsg. was cbokisg to death, blocam pleyed tbe good
eamariun and ron his band down tbe
aaiaials throat to remove tbe obsiructioa. The beast rewarded him by doeisg down 00 It and terribly laceretlog
tbe Beeb.
At Cbeboygeneigateea year-old Fred
Erratt, employed te bU fathers most
■arhet dropped to the stable Dror of
bean iailare. Tbe efforia' A two dosi
tore failed to resuscitate blB. Uedled
two bours later.
At Bentoa Harbor an espiosloa esnted by ipoBtaneoBt combusitoa ocoorred at > o'elock Toeaday mornlof In
tha grocery store owned by Mayor
Bowe. Toe enploalos aouaded like tbe
eraekisgofa safe and many persons
were scared. Tbe lose was Sr.uoo. Insurid.

Mrs. Webb-How did.ran enjoy the
oattoalighto nhaAa. tot hla akSa la
now ateMBt Mtitaty at a aOlk wblu
Heywoodb Gele teitiee gave a delight aamon. Joebna*
Mr. Webb—Fine! It waa the ->.f«
fal aatenalBeaeBt in tbe Qty Opera
eon- enjoyable I've beard for a long
A aoval team o< toadea riders teft fioBaa last evaalag. Tha
Dr. Ooodloy waa at hla beet.
MeaoBlaee Taaaday to a trip to aUta of aevaral highly Ulaatad artMu
Mrs. Webh-What waa hla textf
Siagara Falla Tb^ ara Fred Bath.
Mr. Webb-That ba'a going away
and wont be beck for three moniba.
wealthy elgar dealer, who la totally
blind, and Oeor^ Hack, a yoaag man
aeleciions, vacal aad
Ask Tobt Fnasily Doctor ^
who has baea aa attendant oa the ' ^”"**"**^
Oee eepeeially flat
If he knows of any care for o'Irt
former to several reara. They expaet 1
Bt- vhieb
is equal to Dr. A. W. Chase's
toba gone flve weeks, and -ni ^slt !»*»• “•rtea, whose u’.nu are admirirav .Aak yoBr drnggist if be
Detroit. Beffalo aad aeveral other raw .
toaocatrated la her difisall and ;,------he, Bv otber
other preparation that be eaa
klea : roeoramend with tbe eame reoflAeace
era eitlea. aad also paaa Uroagh
Can- '
G‘“'“ *»’♦ eomeverj pleasing l“he
ada. This U tbeir third annaal
' Dr- A-dy
W- dharia O.n'tiroVli
Iona oa Ue piano, Mtss Rath Let-,
Bapar*l>eled in tbe hisantortalDcd with soprano aelee torv of msdielne.'only » cento a box
Uens. aad Mms Isabel KeDjaald.
at all dealers.
tralto, also eatertalned cbarmingly.
Open Sept 4
Ohaa M. Ferris, of Daleerslty of Tea Mead Marvin and Mr. C. B. Marvin
Traverse Ci*y Bosiai
presented seme excelleal dnmatic and
be <-'osed till Srptei
neasee. Vili Dompile One.
when new cl
strong and
all coorsea.
Uaan eonaty for a new oonaly atlas. ; uoo by eathosiasiic appli
I ftOuoed mates on tha O. M A L m^
l%e Titas atlas was a good one in iu
Niagara Palis. Toreato. Montreal.
day. bnt It U aow nearly twenty years 1
Ace. sub. Boned trip It 00
old and great ebangee bave taken place
Bucklens Araiea Salve.
Pbiladeipb'a. Oraod Army
la the county In that time In tbe bubThx Bx«t la tbe world for' Seal uh
ber of viltagee. location of roade and ' au. Brnlsea, Soros. Ulcers Salt___
Oraod Rapids, stole fair. Sept SSib.
Ebenm. Prver Sores. Tetter. Cbai
apped I >ne fare lor round trip.
owaersbipof land.
Saods. Cbllblalas. Corns, and
Skin I Big Ranids. VoIaeieerReaclon. SeptCbas. B. Farris.
CraptloDS. and poslllrety
Piles. I Iltb. Oee fare to round trio,
drawing la tbe Ualvertoy of Tenaea
BO pay rrqnlred. It is guarani
mteed { Drtreit. I. O. O. F.. Sept. inih. One
and aformer resldmit of tbecouniy baa| VI give oerfect satUfactinn
i money , fare to loond trip
to or
per box For ' Reduoed ratee to Bsay other polnu.
S. E. Wait
Phone !• S rings. C. E MvRRtT. An

Th.™ h..1.



Neckwear—Hats — The newest
nobbiest and most up-to-date
goods you will see this season

Our New Derby
Just fresb from tbe batter’-In
brown and black—Nothing like
it—Old customers are sure to
come for it—Hew ones are in­
vited to see it.

. It is bit pride to put ont an :

.UII; SUfttlUlUlHWriMtWItWW w w wwwwwwwww w

be as nearly oorreeias time and care- ^
ful work -can
toll. It will be pot I
DP in the beet poetlbUstyle, similar to
tbe Titos atlas and win eonUIn all I
township and village man*, giving
aamee pf property holders, leeation of'
roads, etc., and will also contain a Aci
complete Hat of all properly ownm' - •
aad bntlaeea mea of tbe eonaty with \
loeatlcm and paeteffixe addrew. Two 1
pointo which are of apeelsl valor are |
B-st tbe price, which will be ooly hs.oo.
tbe larger sale making tke low price
possible, aod aeeeito. It will be handled
by one of tbe nest known reeidenu of
tbe eonnty. John White ef Solon, step­
father of Mr. Ferfia Patrons will be
tbos aesnred that everything aboot tbe
atlaa will be ] >si as be repreeenta it.
The atlas will appear from tbe preea
aboBi December I&.
"The Fixles.'’
The charming operetta t > be prodneed at the City Opero Honse os Wedneeday aod Thursday. Aug 30 and SI for
Orace church.
About one hundred and Bfty of oar
young people bave been bolding dally
rebearaals in "Tbe PIxIm ' nader tbe
dIrecUoB of tbe author. Mr. W. A.
Mllae. It win be produced on above
date# for Grace Bpisropal ebnreh.
Tbia la uequeatlonably tbe most
e talent production ever
mptod here and si
already aroused that ■ briUlaat success
IssMured. Tbe charaetere repreaented
are •Pixlei," funny little men with big
eyes and wonderful bodies, represent­
atives of every nation doing business
on this plane’: fariM "gll'.uring with
spauglei and In flim<y gowns of lace;" •
goblin*, little d-firmed men ever on !
mischief beo': furies, in weird, witeb-{
like cociumes and covered with eotwlaIng serpcDls: the wandering ltaltsD|^
mtnsUcl and his trained monkey, the ! 9F

CoDsIderable esclimeot has bees dainty butterBy guard, tbe etolwarti
caased at Rapid City by tbe arrest of Colunh an guards. 10 glittering armor: '
T. U'Asderaan, poeimaster of tbe vil­ the graceful archer,, tbe fnnny lulled
lage. by United biates Depniy Mambal coons These and a seore of special :
Bd U'UvDDeii. to alleged emoezi e- features combine to furnish two hours
aeot of United diatee funds to the n of fun and frolic
mount of iTug. Mr. Anderson is well
Never before has an eotortaininetu
known IS church and society circles In been cfl-redtothe public paeaeoslng
KsUaskaooBBty and tna story of bis- such a peculiar charm to b >ih old aod {
wrong doing comes as s complete sar- yonngattbl*, A love of folk lore '!*
unlvermal, and all the brvl loved mythCharley Parker, an 0;uws couoty ologlcal nbaractcra are here aeen in
farmer living nesrCooger. osd iound- Be*b aod blood in the most wonderful
ed to eat down bis plum orchard tbit and laughable advQDiures. It abounds
apring. thinking all tbe treee ciad been ' with features eever before exhibited,
baled, bu . be le glad be didn't now, on the (toge. aod is enii-ely new and
ap to date
for be bas SOD bushels of plums to show
ItUa maleatrom of merrlm
that bis orchard is very much allvelong. 1
Adnesommer resort is beiog botll tmque
nparoBod tbe "Baldbesd Mououlo, " du-wd
the greet bill that standt across tbe U-acechurch it to be eoagralutated in ;
Kalamaxoo river oppoette tiaagatack. securing to rich a feast.
•O, many a year and trying age
and in time t^at village is going to be
May pass away, e're on the stage
a great summer reeorl town
Another band lik* ihU wit] rise.
It lattotad that many Uiuwaeonniy
To please, to puts e afii snrprlae "
tenDcn bave refused tlM an acre for
Keep your weather eye on all Pixie I
tbeir sogar beet crop. The expert who acnoDreemento
is looking nfter the beeu In that vicin­
ity anys tbe proBt lor tne Bolland fac­
tory win be over IllW.OOO to this year.
The etorage and packing honseat the
works of tha Paerleaa Portland Cement
Co. of rnion City, is n wreck tbU mornlag. The Booring in the third story,
where tbe eement bias are loeated.gave
way uader the heavy weight, and
t.oeo barrels of eament want eraablng
Uroogn to tbs hasamaai.
Charley Btopbenaoo boaeu of owning
an edaeatod bog—self edaeated, too
The porker will rear ap on his bind
legi grasp an apple Limb In his moatb.
and ^ke liaavagely. tbas seenriag a
good Baal of fruit Cnarley says the
lowcrlimki In bia orchard bare bean
pretty well etofpped of apolee by ibU
"bog-rienllure."— Onsted
At Crow village aa old Indian named
Shaw-waybe-oeesa to tarolag white,
and tbera are now ooly a few dark
spots left OB hla face. Ue u a largc
maa and eays be 1* ia excellent health.
Tas change hat been going oa for aevera! yean. Be wosoriglnatly of a very
dark oolor, darker than the avmge
Jadlan, aad ha haa'utBCTaty blaaehad



f N b ctreful chemical ex1 amiDttioj) of the leading
Mak Extracts of the world,
the United States Goveror
mem Chemists found

-t»-i> -i*j j

'Ko\o vs \\ve Svme sw
to see voVvat StiaVe ’Swtr
wW he tCgxt ~\PwUt.

® ®



Gut "Kt® Grttb nit comVm \tv
vVeut& Vo \vhot



e*A.mVTvt \Vttm.

Hwt W\ ttvvi Vo »n^. VVnV ®t ®vVV


In soft hats-^colors, shapes and

Hamilton Clothing Co.



wt fS



'BeUer 'OslVmcs yr


'iVvO.Tt SwtT ^^OTt-


Good all wool Kersey Jacket, lined ftn rn
througout, for............................................ wDiJU
wool, heavy and warm..........................


Good Oualitv, all wool, silk lined
Kersey Jacket.......................................


^ 1 l l 1 iv

IT «


K8i«S|S|8i9||nii|iai K X


Age 4 to 10-Just ri^ht for school wear,
and marked many half and others

8ut see (he make up and
grade of stock we sell
and we will sliow you
tire difference.

There’* nothing like leether when well put together—
Ton get it of tbe Old Beliable Shoe Had




Good Hardwood ia Stove Leagthe.
Also Four Foot Maple Slabs and Edging

Desirable Property Must Be Sold
New 8-room recidence, stone fouodatlon
and basement, well and city water, a nice
lawn and ehade treea, handsomely painted
end papered. sulUble for tti^o families.

Oor. Webster and Franklin Sta.

Everybody knows that means tbe great­
est kind of values.
Since this closing out sale was started
many lines offered at first have entirely
disappeared, but we keep adding new at­
tractions every day-For instance. We
bave selected and placed on our front
counters a line of


Shoes May
Look Alike

Traverse City Lumber Co,

was the only one ci all that
was absolutely pure and per­
fect. Otbers-jcannot replace

Everything New


2-3 Value.
AlotofCottonade Knee Pants at........ lOc
A lot of All Wool Knee Pants, value 60c
at....................................................... .36c

Straw Hats at Half Price.
Colored Laundered Shirts at...............38o
Big sale on Hen's Light Weight Pants.

Sooth Side


Park Place Hotell
Xr-arse-o^ City,

Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms witfi
private baths bave l>ecn added, making it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Northern Micbig'an. Address for
rates and other information

TKS KOAVnia ElUO&D. THX7R80A.T, AUGUST 94, 1898.


tabMte ptefM h»*« bM> r«port«d »t
Oporto. 9>aotnot* of lh»t oTtr on
mow potroUedoad vbo town k oomkcdoiwL
At Tolodo Mfo. SloMor Cowior
hoB hM died froB theea«eu of a
haodsctia powder of onUkoBte. 8be
WM tbe wife of Dr. P. L. Coulafhorn.
Tbe Londoa ehnreb Blielooor; eoeiety bo* reeeirxi» report •leiior that
-40,000 pereoae bare died of faBlae od
Ue eael eoaet of Atriea.
Tbe Speakb aleaBer AUooao Xlfl.
wbleb aalM for Spala froB Barana
Tueeday, had oo board U« Spaniard*,
who are btlaf repatrUled at tbe expeaea of tbe Madrid (roTeraBeat.
ABkaiooofBaBlaa cnflDeera and
their eaeoru were receoUy attacked
by Cfaiaeae bfifasd* at Klria. oa the
Obloa-Baaeiau troatler oa the MasobBrta,r*Uway. All were maaeacred.
7U BiSel tower la belait pat la
readlaeH'fortbeexpoelUoa. It 1* to
be r^ea • ooat of eaoBel palbt la Are
SbadB. yradeated from lesoa cbr<jme
oa tb* aoBuii to deep oraas* uo tbe
pedeatal Two eoau will be applied,
for wi-ieb aeariy dfiy too* of eoawel
•rill be r«<]ulred.
The Bintop of tbe aatlree of the
Pbillpplace oea oeen eoaflaed to the
•ilarlal depoeiu of tbe rlrera, for tbere
U not a etreaB rUiap la tbe mono.
tala* of L.uaoa aad tbe other i.laadt
Which bat pot lu cold bearlac aaade
•ad oUer depoalu, froB wbleh for
OeaiurlM tbe larfer porUoa of tbe
preeioB* seul* bare beea obulaad.
Deaf la* Norlboott, a'etreet oar eonAuotor ofgdlncy, III., ba* beea killed
ia a Binralar sanaer. Hk ear bad
reached the ead of tbe Hat and he wa*
rereralnr tbe trolley. BU' elbow
Btmek tbe eoatroiler, tamlaf on tbe
power, and tbe ear Jnsped forward
kaoeklaf him down and mnaiaf over
Tbe preaeat ma of eoekeye aaiinoa
on lower Pafai Sound la ao pbeaomeBal a* to make U almoet oertaia that
tbe Pufet Sooad aaliaoD pack will be
larfe eaockfh to oompeaaete for tbe
eboriafe in the paokt on the Praeei
and Columbia rlrera. if tbe fall mo of
hurapbacki aad aliretaldea, wbleb
ebonld commence eooD, cquala the aocheye run now cloelof. alt record* of aalBoa paekiBf will be anrpeaaed.
Sereral caaee of yellow ferer bare
oocuirrd at Panama, 1*
ealri. barlnf beea Imported from Uuaye^ail. Benador. An aireat appeal war
B id* to tb* loMl aotborltie* in rofard
11 lb* Boeeetlty of lb* lBB*dtat*' eoa■truetiaa of a laaaratte ia 1‘aaaBa. It
waa polatndoet that otberwkf tb* rw
oeatly laereaaed traBe of tb* Uttaaat
with ib* Paolfle pork bdiI euffer a deA •uipaeled oaa* of yellow ferer at
OeatBaloapaB, Met., wa* reported to
the Bhria* boepltal eerTloe aatborlUe*
Prof. Bdward Cbarlea Plekerlttf of
the Barrard obaerratory k at Klafaum

U beiac eonatracted la Cambrldr*
peclaliy for oMerriny tbe new planet,
wbleb la due to paw rery cloae to tbe
earth le moatb* beaea Be k tarorably Impreaaed wUb Jvaalea-a adraa.
tacea. Prof. Fiekerlnf eaiabllabed.tbe
Klatl obaerratory of Peru.
Mra. f. 0. B.oodfojd Daad.
Mra Bmily B. Bloodfood, wife of J.
O. Bloodfwd of Wirnamabait. died
Tueaoay eveaiaf of blood poiaonias.
D.-eeaerd waa S'l yran of ape aad la
old aad bifbly eaieemed reaideot of
Uk rarioD.
Kanenl aerrice* will be brld today
at : o'clock from tbe Williamaburf
Pleoerered by a Wasaa. 4
Another freal dtacorerr ba* been
Bade, and that, too. by a lady in thla
country. “Diiraae faatentd ita clutch'

('oatUwdfy Bflmpace.]
k readily oem whoa rre aotlee the
preeeBt ftae eowdlttea of the eliy of daw
tiaco oeanared with tbe
rear afo.wbaa la a popalatloa of 00,000
people 10.000 ware alek- AU hi
Oerrey. Schley aad Saapaeo. bit let a*
totforfet tbe creator rktory o{ Geaoral Wood at Saatlafa. More and aore
atteatioa k esaaiaaUy belajt firea
to tbe Batter of atreet eleaniaf la aU
the eltie* of the world. The city of
Bgffalo baa juat entered Into a eontnet
wbieb proTidea f'w tba cxpeadltare of
1100,000 a year tor aueet eleaalac
“la oar own towa we bare tbe alreeta
cleoaed ooeaaiooally. but there k ao
ayatea aboot It. Our alley* are far
troB eleaa. Our atreek oocbt to be
cleaned at Icaat twice a Boetb. and the
alley* kept eleaa. aa the city ordlaaaee require*. Our eoll k rery poroua.
aad all oBaner of filth raadUy peroolate* tbroiurb It, to that our welU la
tbe dV aa well aa tbe bay become eontamlaated by all of the aurfaoe impari>
U«*. It ba* beao demoartrated that a
well draw* from a radio* of 100 feet.
Tlouni the raaUa, baraa and otbar
aooreea of Imparity witbia too feet of
your well, aad aee It you want to oaa
the water ear loafer. We are up to
tbe arerace of tbe eitiea Of oor atria
tbe aiatr. but we ehould not be eaUafted Ull tbe Qaeen City of tbe North la
tha moat bealthfol aa well aa tbe moat
beautiful city la the eiaU of MichIfaa "
Viral Sattle Water Ouaetioo.
Mr. A. V Friedrich, who bad been
left la tbe audience to fill up. ea Prealdent Batra axpreneed It. wa* aow
called to lb* platform to open tbe dieiloa of tbe paper. Be called at
leoUoafiratof all toaaam* that bad
beea omitted In ihoee who bad done
noble work tpr tba klaad of Cuba, Col.
Ueorfe Warln(. Tb* name wa* raoetred with cbeera Be amared the
of tbe tnetltai* that tbe
email atteadanee waa aot due to a lack
of Intereat In tbe welfare of the city,
but to a mtanndentaadinc of the parpoae* of Ue coarenUon. Moat of the
people thonebt that tbe conrention
technical one. and that it rraa
beyond tbe anderaUadlac of tbe oobpeople. Be alao urfed the Im­
portance of putUnc tbe aanlUrr aiaadard aa hlfb aa poaaible. Ba apoke of
tbe deelrablli^ of better atreet*. bat
held that the water work* ayatem
abouid fimbeaettled. In eoaelutlon
be apoke of tbe food that tbe oonreatlon wa* aore to reault la amoaf
tbe oilUea* of Trarerae City, alone tbe
line of belter aaoiury ernliUoaaPurtfleailon of Bewac*.
Prof. John W. A>*ord of Cblcafo. tbe
ezpcrtin elrll, eanlury and hydraulic
eaclaeerlaf.ww oalled upon to fl** an
addrea* OP‘'The Purification of bewar*'" U* becaa by taylnc b* bad bean
f Irea a lubjaei not well uadantood by
lb* maeae* of tb* p*opl*. and oa* that
wa* aeceeurlly raib*r wehnlctl la Ik
a**pok*of tbecreat i*e*ially of a'
pore water aupply. aad of tb* c^Mt
dlfisaltyof poHfyinc water that had
bean coaUBlaated, aad c*rt a* the
eealeat aolntkm of tb* dlflliully la
many cam tbe parlfieatloa of tbe aewace. Be recoaated Ue work of ABaiiaaaltary expart* alone thla line,
and al*o of tke alill farther adraaee
made la Bocland. Ue cei>e>«l onUiae
of tbe Eaclkb eyatem now beiac
adopted in Ule eouatry.
Be car* a detailed deaeriptioa of tbe
ayatem introdoeed by him in a auburb
of U* city of Cbieaco. wbleh wa* aaceeaaful bayoad all expeetatioaa.
Aftanooa Xeetiaf.
Tbe af'emoOB aeaaion called oat a
laryer rrt'* d tfaaa Ue moninc. bceauar icr t>e p'e are latent' Ir ioiereataupoy
ed iu
wa* opened wtU a eolo by E E tVhite.
with ucoompuaiment on Ue piano by
Hk* Dcapre* aad an tbe rioUa by Prof.
X BatM Uen culled U Ue
ebair Vice Prerideat W. ff. bslU.

SnclBMr M .tUrup 00 8ewec«.
Tbe ftiet paper of U* afternoon waa
ne on UeMwuceeyatoto of Trarerea
City, rend by City Enciaeer B. P
NorUmp. Be fuee a eery eomprebeamoaU* abe couched -Hneteaantly. aad
could aot aleep. She fiaallv diaeorered alet dlaeripUon of Ue ayetem that la
j* wry to recorery, by purcliaainc of aa la aae at Ue pre^t Ubc. belnc U*
a bottle of Dr. Klnyr-New Diacorery
adopted while Trueeree (Sty wna
for Conaumplion. aad waa ao much re- yet a eillac*. Be CU*« ^ total leactb
liered oa takinc Ue Aral doae that abe
alept all nlcbi: and wiU two bottlea otaewereln Ue city at Ue praaent
ha* been abaolutely cured. Ber naae time aa led aad Uree-foarUa mUcu
k Mr*. LuUcr Luu.*’ Tbua wrium W. Be auld that there k need of a floahiac
C. HaBnlck A Co., of Shelby. N. C. dceice for all Ue eewere, and -«f
Trial botUea le ct*. at Uedrucetore* *f
B. E. Wait and J. U. Jobnaon. Rogolar alae t«e aad fit. Brery botUe goMT- peonl* are at preaeat aainc U* eetreru,
and when tbe pyateB exUnded to take
of a pare
Card of Tbaoka
<ratar naplT from Weet bay will be
day erenlac.Ue Woataa'* Relief Oorp*. out of Ue queatloa.
He erfud Ue
• reeoluUoa «f Uank* wa* *<iead*d to adoption of Ue only plan that eaema U
Tony NoroUyand Em. WUbelB for
Ue free aae of Uelr beanUtnl aad be boU *af* and praellcabl*. Weet bay
ter aewace- ^t bay for wa>ar enmlyTbe dkeamian of thk paper waa led
. of Uecamp, for
by Dr. OtdllM E Jobaaoo of Grand
« aad net* of klac
ia fixlu Ulage tor Ualr comfort. Baplda. a member of Ue aUta board of
Tb* klnAaeeee* are fully appreciated baalU. Tb* oblel thooebt pr««
ud will loaf be reBembered.
wa* Ue neoeealty of oblalalac the wa­
ter eupply. if poadbl*. from aa euiiiely
diflwwt aourea than that Into whteb
the aeweruc* k poaied.
^*5t#r today w* wlU eall bread at 4 j
VUWrlnc Treated ty Vnt VaU.
eaakakBfetrairkt. PaluM Bak«y.,
i Prof. Delot VaU of AlWoh. wm Ue

■ntepeahar. HkMbJeet aruathapar-lhalf of U'e eitr, atoreda hearty rote of
tiai—eeOHy Maikot.
Ifieatlen of water. Be becaa by ex-j thank* to Ue eoadartoru of Ue conbdawkalktofthebwlBcaedMnprmelar *»*■“*'* M emphatically la eantloa. B# aaok* in word* of warm iny prloH of yeaterdpy tor fraemki,
f.eerofUe aae of Bart bay a* the appceelailon of Ue c«»d that bad berm [ Prort^ aad far* prodaem la TrmraoareeofUearuteranpplyforUecity. dooe ^ Ue eoareatloB, aad Ue rote J
Be apoke of Ue Urea prlaeipal qaea- *1 Uaak* wa* girt aaaalmoaaly.
(clear Pork per bbl,
cn so
UoB* la r^ard to Ue water anpply, | Boa Praak WeUa rcepoaded la term* i 0*ar Pork per E..
ria.. snail we o*e We*t bay wlUout of appreelaUoa ct Uc kladaem aad'""'
aa] ebaac*? BbaU w* try Ue plan of ^ procresaire aairit of Ue place, aad a*'
porlfyiaf the Weat bay waterPor aball anred Ue eoareatloa of tbe pleaaarc it
Plonr, B. L. A Oo. Bon...
w« aae Boat bay aa Ue aourc* of oor bad been to Ue member* of Ue auu Meal. B. L. A Oo. BeaV..
water auppiy? After a earutul diacn*: board of healU
feed. B. U A Co. Beeu..
alon of Ue aubjeel. Uat la all ofluj After U*** remark* by Ue preaidenl
Ue aute board U* meeUnc wa* de.....................
baariaca. he ayaia
expreeaed Ue belief '; of
ekrad ddumlaanl
Batter per E Dai^.
Uat by tar Ue beet plan la Ue matter
eiorioaa Mewa
would be to aae Emi bay aa the eoaree
Cornea from Dr. D. B. Caryilc, of Lbeeae perEWaablU. 1. T. Be wiilea: “Foar bot. Cau per bn (0!
tie* of Electric Bit-era baa cored Mr*. Corn per*
that If Weat bay were uaed aa Ue Brewer of aerofuia. which had emuaed
aooroe of Ue water auppiy. it would be her yreat auflpriay for ti
abaolately neeeMary to bare a fl terinc ble aorca would break oottoo b
nam or tuti
aad faoe. and the beat doeto_______
plant. Tbl* would require akilful op- ___
aratlon, boU oa tbe part of tbe eay aeera iad Ue'»teroaeopi*i If we are to abow* what Uonaaada bare prered- 2^
be Bare of pur* water. The plant for that Electric Biuere U Ue beat blood S*™- P*''
purifier known If* Ue anpreme retn- Potato**, pw bo. (ne*
Ue c ty wMld coat in Ue aelcbbor- edy for ecaema. Utter, call rheum. “1^
bood of SSO.OOO
nicer*, boil* aad ranalay ^
| ’''''
Prof. Pail. C Bauer, prealdeat of Ue
pel* poiaona, iclp* dlyeatlon. build*
Mleblfua btarcb Oo.. wbo wa* to bare
ibeti eayU. Only SO cent*. Sold Fear CfBti
a Leaf
entered Into Ue dlaeuaaloa Of UU npitbetireacU.
a and Wait, arncyiaia. lUu*'.
fur todar we wUl tell breed at i
queatiaa, waa unable to be preaeat,
rata a loaf auaiybt. Palace Bakery.
and Ue matter waa at oae* opened LadlM'Amnukiac
done at Ueir n(me*. Irquireor edBoa. B. D. Campbell waa Ue firat to
drre* Mia* Scbofield, dreaaiay oarlor*
firSIKCbd CAHD9.
44t to its real Front atreet. :iT-tf.6
ipeak. The principal point made by
him wa* U* compariaoa of Ue water
of Ue two bay* made la
a fair oae, a* Ue aample* were not
, .
max tNeVRaMCX-Ram lo^r tkao
taken at the name time nor under like
That Ue dlffereaee
oBlr r-!i*bl* surk <-o»aaDj Ha»» a potlcy
-rtu»B at ooc« i.r X. W a»«tiB('> ****€7.
claimed waa only 1 »U paru in lOO.OOO.
jdiBBOB btork. Pkwn.______________________
Mr. BafterOriiclaed




" Dr. Donald McDonald,

Real Estate, iyctioaeeis,
Traders, Mdtiey loaners.

Judee Bamadell waa the next to
eeak. Be denounced Ue manner of
arcuBicnt uaed by Mr Rafter in the
dlacuMlon Tueeday ereninc aa belnc
far from fair Tbe moat of bi* apaecb
howarer wa* uaed to call atientiOB u
Ue poaalblllty of obulnlnc a pure
waler eupply from arteaian well* locat­
ed weal of Ue c'ty.
He arced that
Ula plan be tried at leaat. a* it would
Ue city but Utile aad mlcbt aare



Want a baryain. you aay'.’ Want it »urBd«J
BUrBdod to
to prowpii)
pri.wpii> PBonn. BrO Itl; Koa
on a farm, yon aay '

Well, we bate It, one of tbe beat
Ue oounty. uw acre*, tw acre*
cuUitaiioa Bwuae and Oarn, yraca.'y. Tei<
10 acre* pouioe*.
acre* core. 10
kcr** oata. 10 acre* wheat. 40 acre*
cloter aad Timothy cut and In Uc
• X * W. a. Hocm. eeeeTBt mexf-. ol-o
barn. 14 cow*, 1 Durbam bull, four T>R.
JLe *por'Bti«u ere. atBr. BOW Bed aenllo wr)borae*. barneat. mlik wayob, famine nBti'li-eB*'*. lid'rbose. I»: Kee. I«r. Of.
implemeeu Tbi* property U a boa* leeOperB H.'Uie aieek

The Specialist.
OFFICE I'.kin.oi;.- .V i

Hotel Columbia,
Traveree City, Mich.
----- FROM------

Thursday Morning, ing 24

Sunday Evnaing. tug. 27.


Dr. McDoo,ld h.. lot ycu. Hud,
' MOfU-r'u loBO OAc*B.OU7 0pm
a atudy and i^icciahy of ebrpaiu aad

wvx a. m BOLUOaT. rradsaM Tore*** lingering diacMoa that require BkiUU fniteT.itr^»t la >
m*< •PSoaful medical treatment for their cure.
Sui'b caaea oa family pbraiciana fail
to belji, and pronounce incBrable are
]>artlcutarly aolicited, especially tboee
nvenloK'd with xtrong mineral druga
H»ob k M.lUf dlnet. r.*yr
tx>Uoos. Dr. McDonald axes on­
KOFFarr. abMivt* <
ly tbe pDK-at medtcinca from tbe Teg.
clable kingdom. He l>aya attentkm
to tbe cause of tbe diaeose and in.
totp.n. Tetophoo*. tt
'.tructs bis patients the way to beoltb
msCELLUNEOUe WANTS bappioesa. - Eh-. McDonald can
hundreds of testimonials In the-a alpl tor rrartml OoBBteork. Bt
•aNTEDCBlt Bteomoroi C*.*
State bandwriling of grateful patiuute who '
have been cored by bim wbep others
failed. He is so familiar with tbe
•" *'"■>* **•
'np'I'BtwrB to put Of human system that be is aUe to read
•rboBl a*duioBB _ 4p
VV -u^r lu iB«
all diaeasee of the mind or body cor.
p‘j b"
' WByaKTXD—!tur«- hH Appir *■ «3 weak reoUy at a glantc wilbont asking any
questiona. Tbonsanda of invalids an
bring treated ilaily fur iU*ea*os that
dit-y do not have, while a few drops
(>t medlrlDe directed to tbeseatof the
rite you
y. our it
r wbai tb* aaaoola , Br>». ni »rea(«t
would give eiwedy relief, ^ad
« U* abot* , 7*vrxD^> kx\T-rrent
In the
OB r
ter furUer 1
permanent cure In a very abort time.
* Frufil «•
I alway* pleuaed 1
b tbe moat preeioua JewildlBC Bf fear
el in our crown of happlnesB. With It
Any kind of a acoeme we are ready to ^ »•“••''' «>
without it, misery
take hold of. we mean of courae 1
,t-K re»d iX'lioa 1
Ik ur««. iB'iulT* el
ia leyitimate. We dc
claims oa for ber own. If yon are a
e deal*.handle more .'
•kUtTerer yon abouid weigh well these
p.l b«.U.«. :
wunis: A pentuB who neglects bb
health b guilty of a great wrong to
r * buo-p BB'i ni'p Brre. ^
Limsclf and a grave injury to bumaa>r lovB propprl. Tbi* i* B ity.
Tbe name of Dr. McDonald, tbe
hpr.if CbBocp vf • lilrlier TkoBi' well known specialist in the cure of
' B> M >
rtinniic sad Ungeringdiseases has be­
I a bar,-. BlMirirl tor r^B
come a bousebold word in tbe tboussn-b of bomes wmeh his skill and
'k-onderfol remedies bare made bappy
hv reatoring dear ones to beoltb aftei
all hopes were lost. The doctor i» a
grskiuate of Ue htabret and best medI Bortb or iB.prucooioBt.. .'oco.imr or bmldlfieB Ko) colk^ and bis sdranoed tbeor.
—■ ■ ■
I BBC B kBlI Bilk I'm.-* nr TB* rihlbtllon balkl- ics in the treatment of chronic dbI iB,r BloBr !• «orib Il3a'. Tom* b'*o b hBa*
j BbI: ClBBOtiC OB ibr proprrtj AI*OB flor rro-B ea^-s sur^iri-e Ue most akepticskL -kU
ofiiBklr-M a trBor «U3UI iBr rBUrr IbbC
1 cma *1 B -bbIJ »«p*n»r
pm is ropair. Tbm chrunre diBeasc.. of tbe
Best worbmADsbip money

bnaia*** r>«*
yoe* at $t>.«W0 If Uken
taken *000.
. 12 I
C.). Koeeland Uea took tbe
limit*. W rU $100 an
floor. Ue criticiaed tUe report of Mr.
• price
for Ue 1? acre*.
Rafter, aad oppoaed the reaereolr ay*lem propoaed Be nryed tbe mainleaanee of the preaeatayalem for yeaerel purpoaea, wlib the arteaiaa aya­
*tooe f^uodaiioccioae
tem aocyeated by Jndye Ramadell aa ta.yUtedye property,
•l.'r.n -r,™.. u
Ue aojiplT for drlnkiay aad cookiny moat out on ttats property
Hr. Eanb^Baeponded WtU Spirit
■iher baryain came In today.larye
and lot earner Bohemia aad mb
Mr. Rafter wa* 00 hia feet al the;
1. worth accordior to oUer
oae of Dr Kaeeland'a remark*, with '
Bow i* Ui .' S
blood la bia eye. Be aaid that be bad
»*toS I'oiOB-lwo
Ul* city tor tbe porpoee of
. flte dollar*. Moat
dlacuatioc Ue diflerence between be taken *000 or price
phee twill be rataed to
tweedle-dee and tweedle-dnm with $3SU. Thai * wbai they are worth hOw.
Another—T*o larye lot* on B*r.ow
Tom. Dick and Barry. Be bad ao dealre to defend blmaelt like a achool SI. clo*eio tbe factori**, WSO eachAnd *0 It ,yoe*. Some of tbe property
boy for Ue report Uat be bad made a* waa placed with
wit a* before the rlae—
and for wbleb be before Uc ri*«v Yea. frlenda before
kt 1*
t* loat wbai
wfaai we mean.
bad b*eo paid, and Uat bad b* kaowa the rlae. Toat
Traterae City and alao In
Uat aaeh would be expecied of bim be
f Tratar** City.I* ihcre**lb* ticiD
would not hate come to thla city Be
Uea pitobed iBUaom* of Ue remark* p*rmlt, we eould'iell you why.
Uat bad been laad*. aad *how*d tb* would make ao differ«80* la lb* facU
pcopl* wbo bad mad* them tbrnyt in oflbtuaB* Tuere U a rcaaon lor
U* report that Ucy bad ctldeoily not
BoUecd. He dtclaiwd that It I* ua*l**a
to dkeua* quaatloa* Uat w*r* aettled
by experlino* lone bafore wa etar
Uouybt of them. Be declared Uat be
bad recommended only thoaa Ulnyt
Uat reaaoa aad experience dictated.
After a few more exebanye* of eompllmenu. In which Senator MUUken
joined, Ue afternoon meetlny wa* dia>
The Btentny Vroyram
The etenlny aeeatoa opened wiU a
eoaeertby Frof. Muruu«h't orcbeatra.
Seteral fine aelection* were rendered
in a manner tery yreiifylny to Ue au­
Tbe paperof Uiaaeeaioa wa* “Daeyerou* Communicable D aeaae*. ' The
aubject wa* preaeated ia a fanner
aeccaaarily aomr what technical, by
Boa. Kramk Well*, preaidiat of tbe


211 From SI.






bo-rf .1
,b. pfjjj jejiiced to Close Dot Lot
aubjeet of yerm produced diaeaaea la a

iner boU clear aad comprebenalte
lai'J Bill piBI ,-.Iu atnil- aailolB Bbirb BI BBl7
and bi* tnyyeation* a* to the preten­
can employ for Bicycle
I re. prr )ol .-oBir- to fr S"'
1 oFrr IBr »D«lrr
pFuprrtr lor *4.iO> Cb^ or lUr ko
tion of Ueae dlaeoae* were eminently
Quick work.
irmi OB bBiBprr * prr.-rm or I «ill
pi ala and proeUeol.
Tbe dlaeuaaloa of Ue aubjtct w** op
eaed by Dr. B. B Garner of Trarene 118 I'oloo Street.
lyaNTKD—a BrBt rlBBB BouwkrBprr. LlBCity. Be apoke of Ue Importaace of
> *1*1 BB«Tm Bill te BBk.1 ApB>7 ■•••'‘’I
bealU and tbe need Uat Ue aute
ilruiMr, J H acbrnkiTId Ml->,lue r>-lL
hcu-otiiically and succesefulty treated
board be abote U« flaetuaUon* of party
j^Mry frail
T BBd kOt
poUtlea. He apoke of Ue nre taity of;
Dr. McDonald bas made a special
up-to-ilBlc (lack In:
.oud loBBItOB
care in Ue matter of Ue apread of
top bu«is«B> H /OU
^dy of all diseasea of Ue brain aad
communicable dtacaae*. aad called atnervous Bistem. aad all delicate aad
untloo to Ue exeellent pamphlet bL. L A. BtiUdlitg
BcB*rr4 doUar* obscure diseases pccolior to wotaeo.
Bued by Ue auu board. Or. (roraer'a
Dr. McDonald's Special Beatedba
BU lOBO* BBd (BI >ou BKBr,
remorka were timely and toreible. He
are a pennaoent cure for mea sailer.
■ocr; Nu riBk. Wadr Bra
elooed wiU Ue auiemeat Uat Tr«ter«e
Bp «lBlr«._________
iu“ from nervotia ai^ aexaal debility
kusilrcS erllarm
City want* Ue beat water anpply to be
WTTiS-TXD-W» and early decay. Rheumatic aad par­
W lo pUc« SB |WF*0BBl _provmj ISOBB.
obuined. from whateter aouree. abeoWIU^riiBrBBios Bll ks*i« _ Wb<J* Brgk_^^ril alytic enpplea made to walk;catarrhal
letely free from dlae*M yeniia. and war*rea«B(o*a.
deafness positively cured aad Bumr
IB.I L'BSK^Osnrtid* MIoorT cbb br IsubS bi
Uat Ue eoat of Ue ayatem abonld hate
.n Mr* CBBSto *. 2(0 a; WoBBiB(ioo ,krrrt. made to bear a wbbper ia a very few
aoUlay to do with Uc matter.
minutea. Ail aches and pains fc«t«
Dr. Henry D Baker, of Laoalar, aaepW>BSaLt-Two^ lBT(B domlarO 1
away ondar bb magical remadbo. Ep
reUry of Ue euw board of heolUeloeEye
{ilepsy or foiling ticknesa posittvei’
Cliy ^OBfejkkofB.
ed Ue diacoaoioa. Bexpokela CMald
through bb
aew atethod
>b DSW
SMtbod of
Specialbt. JpoB SaLX.^3r ci«bBB«« tar^~^.^CBBr^ B cured
erable detoU of Ue work of Ue beolU
treatment. Special attentioo gii
board in Ue poet and abowed Uat Ue
to catarrh and dbesses of tbe Wood.
j^josav—To ^toBBj«^fc
apread of Uaee dlaeoae* bod been yreetThose unable to coll, write for qaesrr»oo*r properly lowered Uronyb Uelr wm
ly.Oflk* opco frock 4 leiBcnU tBBUJMocrratioa blank. Bandieda cured Ummgh
IB(. Wb4» SroB.. til From
abowed Bumeroua dloyram* ehowlay
*rci korietk-___________________
correspondence. MedieineB seat er*
Uerelatlt* dreU rata* la difiterent
▼F TOC waWT iBcarsBOc of Bay kla* la Bm erywbm
Cimsultatioa free sad
X elaMcoaputoortobay a koecc, lot cc
yeoiB, U* relatit* mortality dne to Ue
tewcaUee S B a:iyB.roewBlaB4 4.MrrsB*- •uktly conBdentbl.
different dlaaeaee. etc.
lie remark*
«ll (WB
My Dental OflEcx will be ■IM Ob. mack.Trerersc City.
•on teey Mptul.
dos^ two weeks, commenc* I70BhBOa*
ce X^ik. OrML bics
Oloe* of thaOuBoeattoB.
TEeprarramof Ueo
bei^. tag August 17th.
lou IB Uc vfeolc plat I
S4S and 250 East Fsltoa Htnet,
eoBk. ti^alra s* Ban
aow flhbked. Mayor Bamiltaa
S. 0. SAWYER. D. D. S.



Fire Insurance.


John R. Santo,
Geieral lisiraict.



Dr. D. A. McDonald*


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