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The Morning Record, September 03, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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.. .'^^i^.-iiasBieasr’--.
ts:£iaAn w
fUid Tew-Vo 7K.
twitfiiiri am
irsoAost «o r TO M tovts.
War DaparOBMi Abaadoaa IdM of
•aMtat A^lawt w Atlaata
Allaata, Ga.8*pt S.-Ta*r* *rlll b*
BO aerro refisMal at Fort MePbenoa,
a* waa otiflaanr Ua parpoM of tba
r«Mtr-OM Mrtg»nd» X1’.M la u war dapartmaaL Whan it waa aaAmmU ap M aiBMt V«n»wdl. aonaoad that a black r«riaMal waa to
ba aaat to Atlanta a i
Mtar «*p< > Dwtfefd • Baa4U
b^n to briBf a raooaaldar■tnmKkoU Wbieh Waa TbMfht atloa OB the pari of tba aatboritlaa at
SaaoewmSbU •*< OaptaMd Imrsa Waahlartoa.
aad Ooreraor Oandtar
aaaatHica of Sapptlaa.
•craad that the praaesee of aaproa* anWaablaftoa. Beet. l.-Oaa*ral Otia
der the dUtarbad eoadltlou raantUnr
ioday eabM the foUo<
I ftwn Iho Dartaa rtott mljht reanlt aarwhich be raoaiead f
towly. aad talacraisa from tka moalHwhaa at Ilolio. laland of Paaay:
elpal and atata aatbotitlca wara aaat
'■UeataBaat Ooloaa) Byraaoa Thar,laat Moadaj. maar atroar anwal* by
day deatroyad Airwala. * ■«>« Imletter followinr that aftaraoon araiaat
pvtoat baadU etroerbold'' kUUac
briortar the aacroei bare.
A letter
twaaw-oaa and wtmadtat maay. Ha
waa ncelead today, aaylap the delariiiplin' larfa qoaaUUca of aapplica,
mlaatloD to qoartar a ne*n> rtelmaat
laeladla* a complaM ootAt for reloadat Fort IfePbaraoo bad been raeoaaidtafabaUa. Boloa, apaarm. at«. wara
erad, la tUw of the proteata
»Tbe deal waa ramarkahle aa tba
town U aooaaaibla ooly by a road op an
almoatparbandlcBltr alopa. ooo»Uoi1t
under *ra for 1,000 faal. One ofiear
uud two man wara atrnek by the' ABATOhy May.Tet R*lg1k in
boaldara rolled down on them, bot |
Ssn romlfigo.
I BOt aarioasly bort. No cssoaltiaa are reported. Tba bandit atreaplb
■tmbatarf Batiriap Cabinet Detect
ed in Becartaf Arma and Astmanlticn—Supprrsaad KxeiumeDt Pre-
ABWioan Soldier* PeifoRDod
• Paring Aot.
raili and the Outlook la Mot Brifht
4mm WlU Play flrai Bsma of
Pot Peace.
lAs BaaeoD in fetoafcay aaat
San DomiDfo. Sept, t -Membere of
the retlrluf eabioet of former Preai
Tba Trarerae City foot ball team will dant Flfuereo bare been delected loedinf
a lot of arms and ammunition on
play the drat fame of the a
* Pabmkey neat Thoraday. A hot faae I board acboonara.wbieb 'they intended
U expected, aa the Petoaky boys kaow toaeadtoAsua.
Tbit dlaaoeerr eauaad freat exciteboir to play tba fame- They bare bean
in praotloa macb Iwfar than tba home nest in tba eity and lad to aariona
team, hot la aplte of this fs^-i.. it is damonatratioaa
Large crowds formed Id tba atreate,
macb to be qaasUoaad wbatbar they
are la batter ooadlUoa The Trararaa a msjwity balaf yonaf. bot-baaded
aty boys bare dona tbalr pracUca un man. who marched up aad down tba
Id a dlaordarly masnar.
der capable laatnietloa.and wUl donbt
Icei teaoh tba Patoakeys a tblof or deatroylng property and ahonllnf
-Vl*a Slmiarr:" aad -Vlra BaToIuBobart W. Daris, who baa bean mao- cIob!" at the top of tbalr roloca.
Od tba aurtaoa the city Is quiet, bat
aftaf the team, baa aaeurad tba ateam
arOaekaaiafortha trip to Petoakay. there is a deal of euppretsad excUaThe boat wUl leare the city at aU mant and dUturbaneea may be rethe exeltamaat
o'doek on the momlnf of tba Tth., an**d.
und wUllaaTa Petoaker si 10 p.m. on' cheeked vary aoon anarchy will raigo.
tba return trip. All daalrlaf to make and numerous murders may mult.
Foraigners here are safe as yet but
iba trip ean aaoura tiokaU of B. W.
Darli, in the Bssdia block.
The fare llUlmpoasIbleto trU what tba next
fortnight may bring.
Tfalaga look
will be dO oautt for tba round trip.
gloomy for the goranimeBt
BcvolntioBists are undecided aa to
the man tber want for praaldent It
Uundermtood on cxoallant authority,
One* Blaae Started But Sffactiva bowerer. that they are not in favor of
putting Jiainez at the head of tba
Work of Flrrmaa PreraBta*
republic. Tbla atiituda of the revolu•erioos DansafoOonlsta U likely to esuaa a crash and
TMtardayal t:R0 the moekiag bird ahas lead to fresh dlsturbancas.
ftHtS the ftre department to the Par>r- Jlmlnr z cabled today that bis amlaaarias
bora Bouaa on Bay atruat. where amoka would soon arrive bare, and that he
aad flsw— were latuiaf from the roof would follow them. Jimlnrz U poslar
ofthaaoutbwiaf. Tba fire bad ataried la thU city, but the masaaa are flekle
from tba kltchaa. but bad apraad aad wUl deaert him oo the allgbtcat
.•apldly. aad bad galaad eoDsldaruble provoeatioa.
before the department
Tba popular idol Just now Is
arrirad. Prompt aad affactire work Chwrea, who has assumed the office of
by tha ftremao aoon put the dre under mlBlatcrof war. Be U expected to
ooalral. nad the damafe was alight reach San Domingo on Sunday
compared with wbat it woold bare
The provlatonal mlnlatry U eompeaed
baaa bad not tba work of tha depart'
B who are <
I entirely upael the old order of tbingt.
neat bran ao eaargatie.
are eonfroeiad by a difficult
It appeared at floi aa If tha whole
buUdlag was doomed, fpr a airoag problem, and failure to aolva tbla
bcoeta preraUed. and the building waa problem, srill cauae tbalr owe down
asdryaa dual. Bot a good praasura fall. foUow^ by another eivU srar and
waaea la the waur matua, and the anarchy.
ftramaa aaamad ao more afraid of tba
Wise beads among men who have
flra than If it had bMB tbalr naUre bad long axparianea In San Domingo
aUment. Two of them. Pat Doan and affaire regard the outlook for the
WUl Aabton. were on the roof in the future as warruBtlBg a faallBg of
rary midst of the a%maa. and did Bot grave apprehesalon.
quit tbalr poalUon UIl Ua flra waa out.
Tbare was ao lasoraaoe on tba bnUdDAAOOBD rmOK A OWSBlag. which la owaad by the Haaaab A
Lay Oompanr. The furniture waa la- FoUoa Offioar Baaata Baved a Dog
From Aa VaUmely Death.
aurpd for •3.100: of tbU sum 11,000 wsa
la the agoaey of B. H. Allyn, while E.
A email knot of men on the earner of
W Baatiogs bad the other tUROO.
Front and Oaoi street attracted atE. O. Towae, who waa aiek In iba tcntloa about eleven o'clock last nlgbt
boMl at tba time of th a Are. had to be A doc bad fallen Into the newer at that
canted out of the building on a mat- point, and tha mas wore Uylag to reUM- It ii bellarod that no damage laaaahim. All ssould have bean easy
will reenit from the baaty rpmoral of had It not been that tha dog dlatrustcd
IbaMck ama.
the moUvea of tha man. and weal back
Thaloasontba bnUdlug waa about outof eight srbaoa man was let down
■ ■ • • ret b'm•tOk, aad a new roof wiU be aaadad.
liee Baatlc flBuIty came
Tba farnltara waa damagad but
allchily by flra. bat tha damage imuawl te the reaene. and with tha aid of Dan
can McUagtiUn aueceadad in
by water was ooaaldarabla
lag tha doc and drugglag him
la lif
JKlfia Oreak waa the Laat ■unieor
Ot Wat af ISIS.
Aa* Aaolhar S*Md Bast to tort
WMblagto*. D- CX. Beph l.-Bham
Ntagan Taatarday.
Oroak el Aea-. K. \\ U dead, at tha
■ Foar new maa srara aiUlaWd by Capagaaf teyaan 0«^k waa aot oaly
tala Ball at tha reerulUag etettoa y«aUa last aarrleiBg mdAter of tba WB^ of
kmtey. WUUam A Bateana. oaa of
IBik, bat wte atoo theoUaat pwilnam.
Baawoa«tertottr«*P*tB*ha fall of tha ClBWpaay H hoya aallatad aa a ragalar pad wQl go u Preeidlo Bameka
1814 iB lha Maw Toek mUitte. Ckoakb Mwdaywiih otbar rugulan aalistod
M aiUl BB tha paaaloa foUa.
hara. Tka votaasaen Ukm yeater
day w«« Fraak Babal Bart C. CaepeaBr. V. 9. OMk.
yaadBdwardJLFarmwi They wan
"tS"’to ^
Britith and Boers Key Yet
OriUnal etaea la Oa aad Sariona Ooetaqnaaoaa are feared—Boen
■utarBO.OOO Hea ta Titm Xtaya
aad Oraaca fraa BUU lO.OOO—
We usually spend about S30.00
at the opening of tbe school year for ad.
vertlsing. We propose to inaugurate a
new Bcbeme this year and will give that
amount directly to the scholars in
are th.o*e who wear
Ten Valuable Prizes.
Tnawraal WUl Sapadlata ZofUad'a
Loedoa. Sept I.—Tka Staadard atd
Dipfara'Kewa today raoaired a cabVrram from Johpaaaabarr daiad yialar*
day. aaylae tbaVa tJermaa OMra, »00
ationp, haa baaa formed there to co>
operate wltn thdBoera la tba erwt of
war wlU areat BrlUan.
The d'lpateb adds that the Boara
oooid BiobUlis «0.000 men la tbraa
days, wbtle the Oranpa Fraa Sute
coaid master lO.coo aoldlara la 'the
e period. Tba dUpaicb aaya: -Mr.
sberlain'i i«ply apboldlaf the
aaxeratnty of Great Brluia was reeelrad by the read with prasi demon-1
atraUon aomUtaksbly iadlcaUnt tba |
a of tba TraBBvaal to n
Great Britain's pretensions. The road,
on bearlag the five year tronehlsr pro
posal, gave every sign of dissent and of j
detehniaation aot to go beyond tbe |
year limit."
It must aot be forgetien that these ^
atatemeeu come from a profaaaadly |
pro-Boer aouree. A special d'spatcb
today from Jobaonesburgsays that tbe
editor of the T.ansvaal leader has
raatad. charged with blgb
It la geaerolly believed that
tbe eriUeal stage of tbe negotlatloas
bat been reached. Warllks rumors
prevail. _________________
•trlking Ooal Kmers Vsed
and Dana and One Kaa
Here ie the way we do it -Ticket* will be given to each achol*r
pnehaaiog over 10c worth of anppUe* and one sHditinrial
ticket for each school bo-ik purchaaed.
The New Shoe
For WomcQ.
Ca Saturiiair, Sepieinber 16th the prizes gill be awatdeil
For Boy*-Sesson’a Lecture Oonrae Ticket. Foot Ball Soit,
Foot Ball, Punch Bag, Indian Olnbe
For UlPl*-S «Bi.n Lecture Cooree Ticket, year’a acb«rripao*
to Ladle ' Heme Joamal, an order in any store in tbe city
for a pair <-f aboee Toiiet Set, Dumb Belie
We give beet va’oe.for yonr money of any etore in (tto city—
“The Old Reliable,”
Were expead»d
by tbe
•hoe* in perfecting lasU
g20-S22 Front Street
and pattenu that are now
Bhlpb Oonoabl* Jr. KAiutF*r.
correct in every line and
Undressed Kids Dressed in Short Order
are worn by faebionable
ladiee everywhere. They
are tbe best ahoee ever
sold at any price.
s 00 and *3 so.
Waa Billed.
Exclusive sgeats for SOROSIS
WUkaaharre. Pa.. Sept. 2 —Jobs
in tbe rily.
Pollock was shot and klllad, William
Thayer was seriously wounded aad
eight other men were hurt in a flgbt
eetwean tbp.jtrikers at tbe oolllerics
of Weal PlttUon and a repair gang to
day. Tbe alrikers have bees ugly f< r
aeverol days and vesterday they atortd
aavaral meu.
Warronu have been
To look at Fall Clothing call HBRB aad eee tbe ap>t(v
leaned tor them, but none have been
date line we are ebowiog. We feel enre we caneoit yon and at
Laat Bigbt a lot of top rock fell Into
r the Mme time Mve yon money.
tha mtaa and today Watchman Will
iam Thayer got five men together to
make rrrs '
As they reached tie
mine the sti .kera blocked the way med
threw stoc's The workmen ran f>
the "bead‘•nuse 'forsbelter. and Ue
strikers firrd -in them.
When you coueider thie fact,
Thayer f l badly wonuded. Tha
don't you think you are miKtakeu
otbero retnro«i the flra. killing Pol
when you My yon "don't ne«d a
lock. one of - he atrlkero Tha aulkero
l^bone in your buuie.”
then aeatto'-Mi In the woods and are
What Tou have most precione in
3w bMlog 'r -Q arraat.
the world ie there, and in the event
ia a well-epring of pleasnr*
Five bu-.-"i men are Involved In
of accident or dan
'eo bai bMn In progrtaa
in tbe hooae when it bu tbe
ger you would need
for six w.eks They are etrikirg
it even more el your
melody and eweet tone
wbst -bey call exeeaeive doekhome than at your
of a Kimball With pardon*
office. .\nd that ie
A large number of eonetablea are
able pride in its beanty and
saying a good deal
guarding tbe mine.
Tbe eulkero.
merit, we will abow onr mag.
particularly the foreign element, are
worked up to e high pitch o( excite
nificent stock of Kimball
ment and threaten vengaaoe. All are
pianoe and when yon test it*
armed and It will uke but Utile
wonderful tone yon will recognize it* superiority above all
provoeatioa to etart a gearrsl riot
Sheriff Harvey has been notified aad
others. Come in and look at our fine assortment
will take precantioni to preeerve
peace. Tbe officlsUof tbe company
my that it wae ebeolnlely neceeeary to
eend men Uto tbe minee today, ae tbe
at half price.
■wavy tall of top rock threatened great
Small Instruments
damage. _________________
This Store will be cibsed Tuesday and Wednesday,
Sept 5 and 6, owing to Hebrew New Year.
New Piano
II :a£S'«
■ichlju TtlepPime Co.
Divideads aad latorseu Payable in
Mew Turk. Fnt to Clrcalatlea.
Mew Tor*. Sept. 2 -It was eeUmatod
in Wall street yceterdsy that the total
dUbnraemenU made yesterday on aceountof dividends and Interest falling
dna woBld amount \) S30.000.000 This
lacludm dividends oa atocka figured at
|ll,M$.500, aad Intsreel oa railroad
aad other eorponle hoods amouaUag
to *11.617.830.
It svas beliaved that the treelag of
tbla great turn woald have a good effect
npoB the ssarkei and relieve the alight
etTM eor moaey which had baaa maaifeat.
Facaoas lejara* at Lerala.
Lorola. O..Sepk I.—Bight panoae
ssara lajmrod today aa the raaeU o< a
baad-oe eelUatea h««waaa tsao motor
ean ot tha Lorola * Blyrte eleetrie
Uaa dvriag a fog.
Both ean srere arpwded with pamaaganaad ware raaaiag rapidly. Tbe
troBt hall of aaeh ear me damoUahad.
MaaaofthalBiarodsroa totally hart
We have jnst received
elegant stock
the most
beantifnl artwork in
handaome and
which we invite the ladiee to
Our atock of jewelry
i* tbe
fiaeat in thia part of the state.
Barnum & Earl.
Mnosoii Block.
and Musical Merchandise.
I. E..?TB0I6, linOtf.
i!9 Fmt SL, larUu BM
China ever displayed in tbe
All Sheet Music
September 4th
Oor friends wiU find us located one doOF
east of Hamilton Olothlng Go's.
Btor% In the KcNamara BIocIl
We will open business with a Glean XTp
Sale where prices will cut ao figure. We
invite everybody to con^
Rm. T. Katm
J. W. aunn.
t. V. BASsn. Bdlur ud 1Ub»cv
HiomiSAK wlU be mtU repiweiited Ifl
the PhUlppiMA
Colonel Uerdner'i
reflBoat ie oboBt tc etATt for the Pe>
^ eoMV ABd of ibe i.too men 1a the
TBlnleth. too Are tren MiebIrAo. Aod
■Any of tbes eerred Uncle dem In
OnbA And MW preuy bnrd eerTlec.
Ihte rerUnent W one of the beet
AfBippcd of Any of the Unlud BtAtee
(cron And U eonapoMd of men of worth
And phyelcAl perfection. Uke »U Mlebi(AB wddlen who hA*e (Wen a rood
Mronnt of themeeleee, three wUl honor
the emu by telthfAl eerelce. Beeldee
tbooe In Colonel Gerdner'e eonuAnd,'
Tr»r«nc CUy bee ernt ebont tfty
MKM Ue Peelfic. Includlsr ihoee re
OenUy enlhud. And tbU nnmber will
be iwellcd to ncArlr ecTeniy before the
reeralUor eUtlon U cloeed.
OOAiui. KL'setA.v of Eenue eeyt.
thet the wny to end the war In the
pAlllpptnOi It by A teriea of bold deahee.
OescrAl PnntiAn te able to Ulk Irani
ptActieal (sperience. end he night
Add that ewiminlnr rleeie lean tffeeW
ireeienent In toch A compAlgn. Be
■ntgbt Aleo Add that a eapprculon of
the AnUgonlaB to the edmlnlctrAllon
AAd the Dotallnr of Ineorrcnt lympAthleare woold aid ia the end that all
^MTicAint ahonld dealre to eee qnlckly
^ anAonyllehcd^_________
3 Tw eiiy of »t. Coota ie etUl worry•lAforerihe Chicago drainer* «anal,In
pylU of the aaearanee from truetworthy
AOtborlUee that the dnmplnt of the
refnae of Chicago Into the Miaatealnpl
trill do no harm and oaaee no cell (ifecu
10 the Mlnourleity, dt. Lout* knowing
2^ Aonetblnr ebool Chicago itabbernly
rofoeea to Accept the theorlee edTanoed
by the anthonUea mentloeed,
PAWAAlly Hcaty BnrallmentSnpeeted Ibie Tear.
Bterything i* now ready for the
ppanlng of ecbool wmorrow. Hnpt. C.
B. Born an? Prof B- B. Byder have
bean buy for a week arranglDg the
AlaealficatloD. and all U now in ae clear
ly detned condition ae it can be nnill
the opening of the'ecbool and the arriral of the pnpUa. Beery Indlcatlob
^olAU to the lATfeet atundance that
^he ecbool hie ceer known. The perpestafe of foreign poplU will be eeen
blgher than la former yeare. The attaodanoe la espccUd to be large from
the eery Are'.
Xbe eeeeral Janitor* baee the bulldlAga in eacelicnt condition. Janitor
Retth of Boafdman aeenoe and Tbomp
•on of Klmwood aecnue haee been
parlonely handicapped by the bolldlng*
pot being eompleud. Janitor CuriU
pf the Central building bae thloga In
axcepUonally &ne abape. The door*
AT* All newly ollrd. and ereryiblng U
epick and tpao. The lawn turroundlag the building hat been carefully
eared for during the aummer. and
■reaenta a doe appearance ibik a 1.
^ The library it in Bne ehape. U hat'
bean rearranged by ihe librarian.
FraddmUb.a former employe of the
^»CvW>- Beerythlng poinU to a eery
eaceeeifni tchool year.
There will be delay In opening of
Elmwood arenne,^ Uoardman aeenue.
and Boonrllie. at noud In another
Buneral oliChrieupber f ybaa
Court Traeerae 1. O. F. will haee
•barge of the funeral of the lau Chrlelephar Pybne tomorrow afternoon. The
Bombere of the court wUl meet
p'eloeh, and e'eery one la urged
A abort ecrelee will be held at the
bOMA afur which the proceaeion e '
PAB to the Congregational chun
•rbara the main eereiM will be bcld.
Tbe Board of Bducatlon will atund
tba funeral In a body. SMU will '
for ibeiB at the church, and
will be proetded for thair eonyfyAACe to the cemetery.
The pall bearer* haee been ehoaen
froB among tbe aeeocleue of Mr Py but
lA the elore of tbe MeroantUe company.
^ Arable OaBeron. Frank
pAAA.Jaaeph Zimmerman and JobnBanAleteky from the grocery deparment.
John Fowl* from the hardware depart^•At. Dab London from the fornlture
K. Wilhelm and Ftaak Kafka
troB tha eloUung and dry goodi
9^ poetofiice wlU be opan Monday.
■Mi 4, Labor Day. tram 7 anUl» a. m.
7tra« S wUl 4 p. 04. There will be
ABoralayb^twry.meaa by the oar^
■attoctod tatercat to the VmpUaTha Vtw Add tk»a Oa«a
Tbr TripAaoB FMlflt.
DeAiB CUmp. Ma. BM. Modan
Wocidman of Amactaa. will meotia ragItalATulariaaaaioA Monday aeoalag. Than
WI.U be aaeoral eaadldatoa to adopt -lacnrTAPt
All departmeam begla on Mzt Mon to the myatoclB of woqdmaft. A fuU
attendanea la daelzed.
day ai 9 yelock ,
L<iUan. CM of the eight m 'stto old
AUroemt opaa on Monday, BlgUli twin daagbtora of Mr, aad Mra A A
grade etadeam from thU dutrfet will Gray, dUa at their home la Acme ye»be nadar tbaprlnelpaL MUa FJkine.
tarday moratag. .Fvnaral aaresm wiU
boaBdmam aanvE
be held at the raaidaMa at > p. m. toBeildlng not yet ready fOroi
The aeraath hod eighth gradee from
thUdUtrietwilIbeaoer>mmodeud for
fniloeriAg letter tram
bar. eaa of tha boya am rauta to the
Proaidlo Barraeka, Baa Frandaeo, Aug
t7. 1»M.
Dsaa Pimraa—Wa reaebid thle eliy
Friday eTaalng after a ride of aU day*
aad Bra aighta. Wa i
all pratty
tirad of the ride. 1 wlU not tall you
:ae much ae rulhai.wlea would haeanec
I hare written to .lua Moixixe B^I. and 1 enppoat you hare alre^
raad U before tbU.
the preaMt at the Central building,
One of the reglmenU eutloned here and they will begin their work ot> Mon
laareaforthe Philippinm aczt week, day- The fourth grade will go to the
and wa will eoon follow. It will be a Suu etreet building mod the fifth grade
long ride on ihe big pood. 4t day* for to tbe Oak Park building, beglnalrg
thetrtp. We are an well, and are______
^ _______
of thU di»baring a good Ume. eo far, bet the
eannet begin their work oniil the
boye who hate eeme bach from the j
building U ccmpletPaiilpplna* eay that we will get our ^^
flnlah there. But they cannot acare ni
that way. I gnem we c. n etand It if
It ft hoped tbat_all of tbe departthey did.
menu of the -Blmwood arenne eehool
We are In tbe Tbir y tilth United will be able to begin work on Wednee
Sutee eelnntcer*. anc ikal regiment la day. S.'pt-6ih. DeBolu announeamont
•ly foU. We are ^drilling erery will be made ia the Bagle Toeaday.
day. We bare a atccl "nigger" to and In the Baixinn Wednetdey.
lying down be
l-OITtI piiimaBv
. We call him
On roloo etreet wUl begin on Moo007 Filipino.
Wtixiau J. FraoBca
BooncrlUe ecbool cannot be opened
nest week.
Drflalte ennonoceraeat
Will be made later.
Monday night DarM A Beeby'a big
C. B. Bohn. Snperlntoedent.
Uncle Tom'e Cabin attraction will eahtbii Lb the City Opera Boom. Thiele
declerid u he the beet I'nete Tern
Leon A., tbe i-montni-old child of
ebow ever prodnoed here.
Mr. and Mra Frank Ullea, died enddenIn epiu of the oppreeeire weather a 1t yeeterdey morning at ihelr home at
large audience wltceaaed a Bne pro Mapletoo. They called Dr Garner,
duction Of "Under the Dome" in but the little one waa dead before he
SUlBb^rg'e Grand laat erening. TbU arrired. Tte funeral will be held to
U one of tha maeUrpleeee of the eeenic day at H p. m. from tbelr bi^me.
arlUt and one of the greateet iriumpbe
Parker Broe. remoted their atock of
of the cclebraUd author. Lincoln J boot* end ehoea te their new etand in
Carur. The anUtle and mechanical tbe McNamara block laat olgbL
effecU are new and eplcndidly aiaged
Tbe ateamer Columbia will glre a la
and tha play U glren by a good eom- bor day excortion tomorrow at eight
pany. The ferry boat eoena in the o'elocK. The fare for the round trip
Bret act U preaentad with cffecUre will be
realUm. but the etorm ecene in tbe
M‘ee Joele Bauman bad her wheel
harbor at ApU. Bemoa. rcreallog Ur badly damagwl while rldUig on Ran
wrecicaof ecreral war eblpa. wu* one dolph etreet yeeterdey. Bhe wae run
of tbe marreU of etage effect and the down by a earelcm cycler.
enthueiaem of the eudienee required
There will be a gcapel temperance
I than half a doteo euriain calU.
meeting In Montague ball thU afterOne of the fine fealuree among icreral
nnOD at ) o'clock Bee. W. E Wrlgbt
good tpedalUee glren waa the dancing
will apeak In behalf of the goapel
of MUe Madeline Bant, wboee eantlworkera- An Inrltailon U extended to
reting preeence and exceedingly elerer
all to attend theae meetinge.
work Inrlted continnoue applauae dur
On acconnt-Of the Hebrew holiday
ing her act TbU waa ooe bf the fineat
tcenlc produetione ever glren here and tbe ehoe etora'*^ A. d. Frymao will be
cloeed Tuciday end Wednesday of ihU
the play wae appreciated for tu artUiic
-lu and tbe cxoeUeoce of the perThere will be a regular meeting of
tie council Monday night.
Tne next attraction to appear in
L ''ornwell A Co . tbe meat dealera.
Sielnbcrg's Grand will be "A Royal
PrUoner." wlib Mr. True James ia the are preparing to sore Into their new
tbe C & W.
iMdiBK role. Thl. U . .1,. .i.., | < fflro .od .erehouro
romeeUe comedj ud Ur. J.d,e. lu.l“ t-edidi
Pl-e- 'd-r
Ide .epponidd rod,p.ii7. Tbe pl.j
teke» bj H C
deele »iU U,*p.r;od ol 17,l, uid ,, 1 B.roee, the upbol.Urer. who will b.ee
loeededohu epiiode Id U.e ,„e .d |”P
Eeipeeee E.lteheih. d.osbler ol 1-eier i '■ '™"' “■> woehrooe. In tbe reer.
tbe Great.
i Hiram Cook k*» leasedjihe e*st store
FraparatloBa in Frograaa ta Tour
Big Day* V«Mt VeeA
ManUtM U making great prepara
tion* for the Weetern Diatriel (air to be
held there Septombor ». B. 7 and 8. ThU
will probably be the blggeei felr
held In thU part of tbe atate and the
management U preparing to make It
one of the meet ecm >let* aad ecj lyablc
The Boys' Band of thU city will be oer
of the attrucUons on the 7th and
large number are preparing to atteoc
from ihU city. Excursion rate* will
orerail on the M. A N. E. tor the four
day* and a tpeclal excuraioo will be rni
from bare on tbe 7th.
The Branry of Vomas
Wae grudly shown by Mra
Dowling of Butler, PA-. in a three
y^' tiroggle
iiroggle with a mallgeot
atomrouble that eauaed dUtremlng
attack* of nausea aad Indigestion. Ali
rcmrdice tailed to relieee ber unill *be
tried Electric BitUn. After taking It
two mODibs, the wrote: "I am now
wholly cured and can eat anything. 1
U tru-y a grand tonic tor the whoU
ayatem as 1 gained In wigbt and feel
rnneb kirooger since using It." It afd>
digestion, cores dyspepii*. impnr**
appetite, gives new life " ' "
Guarranieed at J. U
B Wait's drag stores.
The fare
; “ne store and a largely increased stock.
for the round trip. The boat will leave ,
tbedoek at «:»0. and returning „i;i ,
h** returaed from Chicago, where
leave omens at three. ThU will give.
an opportunity for a basket picnic at;
either Ka-ah-ta-wanta or Omens.
, for the big »tor*. Em Wilhelm, who I
--------------------------U in charge of the rtrv goods depar.XdduM D-Ubd igOb...
.roo«.p.blwl M. UobUC„.
ly a roaring fire enabled J.
Tbe regular ^urld•y tscuralon to
:UOD, of San Antonio, Tex., to
Asthma’ Manistee will be run over the M. .t N. 1
he down when attaoed by Asthma,
“ B today.
from which be suffered for yeara He
writes hU mls<
Tbe infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jthet It seemed
W Patebin is very *lck
of dratb: but Dr. King's Now Diseovery
ii-rmaloe Broe. sold 12 boraeeyeeurwhol
TbU marvel'cus medicine ia tbe only ' dsy st anciion
koowD cure for Asthma ss well a.' k A Newton of tbit city, bae bwn
New store, new goods and new methods—Lees
expense and less profit means bigger bargains and
more business.
Lots of Genuine Bargains left of the McNam
ara stock at HALF PRICE and less.
The bargains at 98c, $1.48 and 11.98 are rare
Come and see us' at onr new quarters. It will i
pay yon to trade at the Bargain Shoe Store.
_ _ _ _ WM. WATSON;
at Less Than Factory Cost
And they hare not been alow to take adrantsKe of it. We have
Bold 37 bicycles in tbe laat ten daya—sold aeven Monday, and
hare only a ftw left, ao if yoo want to take adrnntaire of this,
come qoicL and do not think of baying a bicycle wiiboot an
ealnblUbid repnfalioo. when jod can bay each a bicycle aa tbe
Eagle or World at ibe prices we are aelUog them at. and are
gaaranieed for one year by a party you know ia reeponaible.
First class doable tuba tires,
enaraateed, for 12.25.
J. W. SLATER'S Hoflse Farnisliiiig Store
120 Front Street, Traverse City.
Some articles yon bay whan FOG most.
Some yon buy when yon oan—yonll
bay all these. It’ll, be a pleaenre to
wash Wooden tube tor 46o and K^lTanlzed Iron for bOc. 60j,
and70& Save your back and yonr feeling and get a washing
machine, from $3 00 to $8.00. Want a new cloibee UneP Sope
one costs 12c. a wire one is S6o. x our wash boiler leaks? Qet
a new one for $liJ0. Your wringer don’t work good? Eight
different styles sold, from $2.00 to $6 00. Wash beard getting
oldP New one only cosU 20c. And sospP IWeuty five differ
ent kinds, from two cakes for a nickle up.
your work
save you
money, and
make your
home life
Ironing is hot, hard work. Unmade a
pleaanre by using our patent ironing
board, sells at a dollar, larger else for
one fifty. Want some new IronaP 20c bays one. Ever use
Mrs Potts'esd irons, or tbe Troy polUbiug ironsP. See your
face in the shirts you iron Broke the handle of your ironP
New one sells for 16c. Twice the amount of work dose in half
the lime if you had an Automatic Blue Flame oil stove. Only
costs $7.60. Good for every day of tbe year.
WEDNESDAY Uont darken your windows with dirt
PT Wm VTwrx-HA V °° «be panes-Do. ws won’t asy that
CLEiiJJING DAY, j^.t-daet ” Duet will gather In spite
of everything. Try Bapolio at 6c tbe package. Floor needs
deaoingP Jaxon powder at a nickle, or Eirkaline or Gold
Dust st 18c the package with a new scrubbing brush for 6c
will make a new floor We S.-I1 clean good* from a clean stock.
THURSDAY .........
i his day you call on your friends Be
fore doing eo. see If yon have enough
calling cards. Bell you some for 6c.
The proper thing sells for a quarter, or better yet. have some
engraved. Leave your order at once. You dlacnss the bar
gains of tbe day. read our ads over to your friends, telling
what you bought the day before, talk over fall styles aad the
materials for your new dress, and buy one of our new golf
FRIDAY ...................
And your carpets need attention Bprin.
kle wet tea leaves and use one of our
SWEEPING DAlf good quarter brooiue-not the go-to-
The Bargain Shoe Store
IB now located at 167 Front 8t, in
Eagle and World Bicycles
ber It. to lake charge c f our drees-1 •
making department. Anyone wUh- {
ingr to engage time,
time can do eo by
br call-.
cull-. J
al”Th^V°Chr.t“and Ung tro*ubU»*
PiiccSOcandtl.oo. Onvranteed. Trii 1 mevi in Grand Rapids. October 3rd.
bottles lOo at b. B Wait and J. G ;Those
from this section as
Johnson Drug Ktorra.
' traverse jurors are Bmmet Uagga^rn
3 Qood Thing whuTUrSwn
Aad we hawe bees ^viag tbem bs Bwfol
thinff for tbe
last teo d*j a. We bare been aeUing
Kn Leuiaa FtaaBta'chaidt
We can make
and OamiL
The People Kaow
& Lay
tile Co.
piecee kind, but a good one These are good enough for some,
but we'd advise a BiaeeU or a Goehen carpet sweeper. Bell
from $2 00 to $3.60. They're labor savera. back-reeters. badword-preventers. and make sweeping a pleasure.
SAT 0 RDAY............ See how we help you on this Important
wAWTwn TtA-w
day First-Order a sack of H L. A
co’s •Beet' flour
(Best good-broad
producer known.)
60 lb. sack costs you a dollar Got the
niceet. biggest mixing bowls—sell at 12c, 16c, 20c, 26c, (white
or yellow ) All sizes of Oarmellte ware for baking—start at 6c.
Diah pans, baking tins, cookie cotters, floor slfiers, dippers,
strainers, muffln.ringe, rolling pins. Want a new bread boxP
Nicest thing made—sells from 66o to $2.00 Same with cake
cloeeu. Aver look over oar steel ranges. Yoor wife, danghter
or mother spends half their time in the kitchen Why not have
eomethlng that will make their work easier. Stop and eee
them. Sell from $30 to $60. If you think that lota of money.
Jost you change places with them for a day—you’d bay one the
next morning and not regret it.
SUNDAY................... The day yon read and talk over the
oworr -new
iUSai PAX.............. frienda Just now the Sheldon books
are in great demand Ever read "For Ohrist and the Ohnreh,”
(The latest, and one Btr. Shtidon read at the great Endeavor'
convention at Detroit.) v. We’ve sold loU of them at 16c, Have
his other works ee well Have e host of little dainty gift books
—seU at 830, S3o, 38c, aad all the popolar, np-to-date booksaoon
as published. Will be pleased to look them over with yom
tSM moiumfo too<^Bp. «xniuAT.
S\&V« 5Vcmt'
AlBrMi. «b»
Wm rWttoff
Mr*. O. W. Ovtte. b»vo rota^ to
la thto aeat CBfafadL Btar aMed
tboir boM »t BMa Mlek.
,tba fffety bat dmuer.
Un. L- C. MayM. wlfo of imdf
-No. air. bat I an; ao JOB barMt
Maya*, wbo ba* boMi vtaltiac Kn- aay bhaw."
Saylor aad otbar ralaUr** aad friaoda I Tbea tbe drammer diaiaiDad hie Aa>
ger* and gaicd out at tbe dytag aeaa>
wwm w ml
\'ew Pall Styles!
Mr. aod Ml*. D Oroaa. »bo bara *»7t
MM rWUar at tb* bono of Em. 8.
Mra. Kato Soott of B**arly,Oblo. wbo
«Ub*ry. bar* r*(araod w Owcmi
M baaa TtoitUy
Ttoitiay bar taaatbar, Ooaat;
Im. S telibaiy to attMdioc •
curb Nawtoa for tb* paat mootb. bee
«rly eoafarMo* at Boloa.
coo* to MrooBlar*. wb«r* aha will
^a^pyty Uat to aaklnc
»< 0.^’'«o bn
»!•»«<•* U»lr Uik
1I„ >. t. W.H
woAAlac Mtlrmary yMMrday Tb*y EmIii* yrttorday.
^midod at Battia Cr«*k »7 yoan., Hra. J<^n Black Bm b*M caltad _
- jxrsx lUffoaivBiD.
Tte? 7Nr«MMa e( UonH 8ekoVM. ®f Mwta* C,ty. «m fHfkUMd bj
MM wttU Md Ml Off tbo bride*
tb* rirw. It WM «o alMU* b*fn
th* UM« (oUoWt body
l? »**Torkbytb#a*.^MaM*of bM
Patoakay baa-a atoMt raUway fraa-j Mtoa Patoy Bbadakhaaialaiaad fwMobto* »o« OB lia baada. A Toledo aya- a tbraa oaak*- atolt at Bk>rbaai «Kb
dlaata wanu a traoebto* lor a Ua* to Mlaa IdaObarlia.
Bay TIafr aad to raa tbroafb tb* eaa- | Mr. Wla. Satfa. wbo ba* b*M' atolv
tar of tbe city to tb* fair rroaeda. la( tb* faailly of W. A. Marrla of aaat
Cfcarlaa 8 Haapton aad otbm opaaa* Blffbtb atraet for tb* paat too day*,
r^oraod yMtarday aaoralat to bto
Mfa. Nao9 Bowvd baa llrad ta Port
** Oa)d*«tor.
■araa for aara tbaa 4* yaata, aad tb*
iawa Olaoa. wbo bare
Btlrrlaf Una* of tba war of itlt ar*
*l*lUaf la Waaford. retaraed
atm fraab la bar ai*«ory. ffrtday
aba ealabratad bar ataatT ibM birtb^ ff^« ^ Polladelpbla
Bay. vbaa aba ww rUltod by friaada •'* k**laaM.
Robert Walter baa rataned to the
Raika*Ka apole orchard* are paiuar
8a will attend lb* Hlyh dehoci
oat tbalr aaaoad abowtar of bloMoa*.
^ ^
that ae doctor or reaady be1a«<d an"!
b* triad Baeklre'a Aralna ttolre. tbe
bMt la tba >orld. Be writ**, two boxo
wholly cored blok. lefalllbU for PtU
Oar* ruaraataed. Oely t»e. Sold I
J Q. JohaM aad 8. E Walt, draj
Pingree 'Sc Smith
Make of Footwear!
All the Latest Toes ;
Special ffi.'.. The Composite gA» The Governor!
We want your inspection-we lead the styles-You take no chantes when '
j9 you buy the Pingree Shoes- i Bhce
• a record-Cet them of
Prar(^k PriedricH
118 Front Street
Wood Uryy Crippaa ratoraad M bto from a tbraa waak* ’raeatioB 'To"k*w
k*—.—----- iToraClty.
at a pleaic ha fouod i (rasp la tb*
#M. full kVooCM
yard wbo aabad for a
Be wt$ aappUad with a baadoat from
■WT^aa-ar., Ma>b. a
alabad by tb* Baapaefie* Oharoba*
tb* boaaabold larder aad departed, aad '
Utar bto baaefafetor foaad oat tba a'
«aacK (■riaeorA.i.) cat;acBpO« aiLC-Babret
■alt of bto beat clothM were ■telag. '
and tbaa be raeallad tbai the tramp
Comer Waablagtoa itreet and Board-
b«i. b„.„ „d„ b„
ba waa fad. praaaaably tb* alalay
AtMoakaron. Ma ThoM* tiilbert.
70 yean eld. atuatptad to eba»lt
•Bleida by drowalng. Bar daarbtar
Bitoaad bar. aad aroaaad tba aalybbor-
Tii.0 Old. £761131016 SlLOe •bifn.-n
(in. le.^iilre ol Un B
ir aod rcutliD
m If
'n-ot eaireu
'k and c.tei
*—». til rrvM Mfaei.__________
Holy ComaaBioo at 11:10 a. a.
Sunday School at U a.
NoMaalag aarrioe
All are eo^lally
rdUlly iBTitcd
to tbeae *er-
! p.OR
Nstf Suits
^^*STK^D-Wr «kBi a l<»
** ***
Suoday—**r**cbloy at 10:»o a- m.
>. kl DuDkkB Bus.
aboBtto Jdinp late tba water balp aadTilOo-m. C aaa meetiBg at b:»0 a Maatal**!
t MplaracBi (Ires.
rfi. all IcaM aad (*| >ou
prior fo* ri.uf
• oorj Kor.ak. VTada Broa.. til rmoi «.
arrirad. Tbto to tbe third time witbla ™ Hooday aebool at tbe cloae of Dora
ti Uat few moaUw that Me baa
XV rapai* tor boBaekMplQ*i oaa i id -ilr. iTTTtNTaD-Wr-actafr-btiodrad dollar*
aoekUdrea. acara..T. Us i.ako«r.
....... tJ^ru'^rSiSS S.
BIBO aaa txnone uutattUd.
| Erealitay
. BBbjse
KbpoTtt iedlcaw a flee lala fait la
_______ _
; •irrri
*cmib*m eouBlU* Th«r*day alrbu la at
^ ^
«**tUc ^ot-aa ASD
Mraaah oodb^ U wUl raaaii ia taelac
Al. ar* walooma
B»-d. 88 8ml.
UU poutom aad yraaUy beDcAUay'
oaaMnxa *cienq»:
cam. Oakiaad oountyrapori* a good
Serrlct erary Soaday at lOiM a m
BMblof, but tbe faraeraeay they can Tb»>Mlar at Tiio p m. la S O T. M.
r kboo COST, s
rrodurc. W. U Brovs as Wa*t Wfc Ou r» it JPOR^LI
afaad a great deal mora. xt ih« AvoI
*** Proat atreetI rOBdliloo
rpwo FARM* for ssi.
ul. cSrap
ebrap or oUl r. ui
e.l.ural^;*"^*"’,:: ti::;‘r*d^X aillN south Elk Rkpids os Dk
raiAKP* oaimoa.
U, nth,,, i srro. i.p«,.«,.
At DettoU, AogukUB Pcsilgaol. «
Be. Barclay'Joae*. Paator.
iti(. W.dsBro
tirsi U) r'«hi__
yaark of aye. wa* burned to death ttatoi Cburob. Cor. Oak aod Frfih atraet*.
iluf M a rcaalt of aa eaploaioa of
gnaday school at Bits
Wrbs.rf , -TF VOV WAUT le.urs-r.
so, k,o.l ,o Br..
?,rS‘c‘‘o”.*,%....l8...,. ,
«ia..logtot PetOt aay* tb* «
fffata worm that baaaoaUrmed augar
MMUag T 3u p. a.
beat grower., f waaiara II «blg^’ All are welcome,
tbe eoBBOD gardes web worm. He'
Womo(tot..,r«i Trs.srM Ci,.
\ our attention is called to those two special and
most popular lines—popular because they possess great
durability- handsome patterns and fit the best.
^ r,.
Mriou. aad eay* tbe peat can be readily ■■TbT^DhifnJmW
dmiroyed by aprayuug teld* wlu pane tioa aad SaacUdcttloa."
Suuda.T Nobooi i: m.
Fall Opening!
Itoiroli. lu prop xedeoai to 17*0.0*0.1
aaouifi) ».icn*eta*T.
tb* building to be 210 by »M feet aad, tow. a. a aeu~b. y-.o,.
a'aor eeeea atoHea high. Tbe prop-! Claa* meetiug at lOa m
eftyiiaaidto ba.e beea bought aad;
- '
piABDed to bagla a* aooa a* tbe or(ioai
ipel' aertiee. 7;Jti p at
Ptayar Meetiug Tbaraday ereulag
ffaaltaUoo to completed. The *tte to
All are cordially tD.lled to tbaec aeroa Fort klreet ;utt lu the rear of Use
The oldeal eoooer in Michigan taa aai-«T r-wr
Nalhanlei Fuller, of Portland, and be
Cbuirb on comer of Ninth and Wad*
tod2 yeare of age. He worbi e.ery worth atreM*.
day. eioept dundAj : aad while he to
Sooday Mr.iet. are a* foUaws:
no,„,„.08,8„,.,w„l. 8,8,b„
•• ^ *“• be It able to do a good day * ' Preacbiog at T sn p m
work He ba* been at tba eooper
ilea tb * in preach in tbe
trade tlnce ItJe. and for tbe nasi ^
lo;M aod Ee. Joaiah Pei
tblny. two year. ba. worked aW “1‘! “**
8o.„8..llr 1. P0,U«.8. R- 1.
Ing a fair degree of good haalth.
ptnawoisp , oxctL
A noT.i attraction propoaed (or the
Preaching at loiJO a. «.. by Em. C.
Ealatctoo street fair will be a teat of Spencer. Mr Speucer ba* been re
•ireugtb between two loeemutieeA
Uii* place for tbe eotniog
-ui y iR-bn W
tbe old L.ake Shore depot,
ataanded. and the word gleoo.
».d 8, lX^US'k8'i7.,2S,':;
A held at Cadillac
to*t <
Sunday acboel, 3:A0 p. m.
Free Methodtot prayer meetlag Tnee-
tralon prayer meeUag Fridar <
Ing, 7:80.
All are cordially lartled to tbme
■U8.t.U,P.U,..o,«|,..l„».8., ...................
at 10:10 a. m. oa Cbrtot and
Mr. H, J. Cortto of Weei SMeetb tbe Worklngmaa, a •ubieet eouai'dered
•treat relnmed to her borne yeeicrday la rlew of tabor day Working people
baabel* of oau from thirty acrea.
“issi'Gxr.,,. .r„, . „.o „.
morning on the Charleeol* for a two
Y. P. 8 C. E. at «:IS p m.
weaka rtoll with rclailTm la MaatoE.ealng Mrrloe aad aermoa at 7:I0
,P «
Barry Turner Newcomb.chlef of
Labor Day raailaltlaa.
tioa of tb* Agrteal
’ eTtolt**'"•'
«l‘y ka.e
Waabingtoe. D C . to la tbe city,
aot made any preparation* to obaer.e
tagbto uncle. M*}jt Neweomb '
a. T. Cmpb-ll. -diu. ol U,, E..8.
lag Arytuofi:)
-Rl' “J “I Pn»i»n,. bo,
a of tbe local orgaalaaUoat
-Riuw..b8.«.,.^rb» -
P«.8 8..,;pl>8.8,8.IL B.l.l,Ull.
-„i..o.u,8Cb88„8.u ,08 R8,b,8
Bprup and Frankfort.
E C. BilUaca arrirad from Grand
Eapld* last erealng to atay over Soaday with bto motber aod atoter.
Ealpb Oonaable retamaA Friday
bight from a bwlaeaa trip to Kalamajoo
Mfa. Ealpb Oonnabla and daughiar
Dor«b,. ,;i8n«l r»U8l8r >i£88 8
Mia MlaaBattartactoa. aapbaw aad
“ '‘'■•‘ “7““-
”RI r> "•
Him, and otbara are Inritad to }iln in
tbe feaUntie* of tbe ocmaian.
A Powder VUl Krploaloa
at Merrtblag ia »lgh . _ „
draatle tnlaeral pillv taut both are:
laageroM. No aead to dyaaK—
tton. Only ts oaato at J. G> yobaKS?* '
^ B Wait** drag ateraa
Many have already been made happy in oiir suit
department this week and weexpecl more l«fore school
Little Gonernor Suits a! SS.OO
little Captain Suits at S4.00
.Also extra special values at Si.iS. j=i 90 and $2‘(;o.
an<l you can depend they are right as no shoddy is per
mitted here.
Suits, Top Goats,
Hats and Furnishings. Morning RecorJ Want Ads Pay.
Just simply opening up new
goods daily. Tou can not
imagine from any descrip tion we can give in print
what handsome patterns
and decidedly nobby styles
we are receiving daily. Do
not postpone your visit—we
are prepared and willing to
show goods as fast as re
Men’s, Youth’s,
Wants were all carefully con
sidered when these goods
were purchas'd. It will save
you many useless steps to
give us the first caE
Hamilton ClothingCo.
Successful:^ -Always, judging from tbe multi
tudes that atteml them. Why so successful? Becau.se everything is found just as advertised.
Here is what we offer for tomorrow;
DaikPriola......................................... .................... .................
White Ouliug,.........................................................
Apron Ginghaaia..........................................................................9^0
86c Sumra-r Silk.......................................................................
:»c W.8h Silk............................................................................. S6<s
Children', nb^l ho«,, good uid h«vy, 15.- qn.lilr. Mon.
Thread. Mond.y’e .pccial. 2 .pool, for................................. 06c
School T.blcu........... ...................................Half Prlco
Corliu Coon Co. bc.lbr.nil l.din' Coll.r...................... 10c
Udic' biKk Bilk Uilu. 50c .inelilf.......... .........................
Wide Smh Ribbon.JO end oOc .in.lil,, Mond.j'. >pcc.
Choice of all our light colored Shirt Waieta for....................48c
Boy'a Waiata, 60c .lualiiy. Monday's special......................... 30c
25c quality ladiee auniiner Conteto.....................................
Mammoth cdnsignmeni of new fall g-oods arriring daily. Watch for later announcements.
The Boston Store
tsB xoaxota mMooma, »onA*,*Mmiawm t,
Ttie ortfita of ArtaomiM. which for
■o loQv has twM a dchatrd qnet Ion,
appean to be esplalnefl b; a recent
dlacoreiT near Kimberley.
In oou.
aomoeney. id
Sa«n tomm trw l^nuM tb«t (he
the BrailUan dUtnond
JkfMMi foreraMBt iste»4e,
flebk the fem occttra like a pebble In
—-------- *•"»
, certain ffrarcily atrata. bat baa not
toboldaU»Bphorma^ iaihel^td^^^^^^jj^^^j^ ^
fordaaaoatha or » wlt^t «kln»
^ After tba
•ay aalaa and tba.'to e> tba prtoa ac- ^ucorery of dUmonda In tbe rirar
aardlaftotbadamaad -hUh »*y ba|
^rer. a
toaad toeaUttertbadrar la Wf»| J^uJ. u^.erUJ of «i brawtaab
8ia bandrad Urm bare baai
the loodiar of a copper
.Baabb Ulaad of Shleoek-
nond.DCtlar «asa at f^raballa. near,
Oasoa. when ImmedUtely after drink. .
10, ,0d>, or lb, coo..cT.lri -1». b, I
Jail to the floor ia front of the aUar,
Ud died almost instantly. The cure's
«*i,bew had brmUuke. flllod tba cud!
fnalna T^ifl mtililnlrr T 1‘Quid used
^romar««eleonUlnUra i quld ^
for eleaulDy purpt
•ad which was a deadly poiaonor the i
•till drawinfr peaslont. the yoi
Mr* Mary Hnead of Parksley, Va. At I
aba U now 89 year* old. she was horn :
1816 or S3 yea
Tears after to treaty
of y
Ul JHiO, or
With Groat BriUtn. Assuming
that bsr bnsband was SO year* old at
to data of tba ireaiy. he was ii yeara
old when hU wife was bom. sad if she
svps IT at the date of their marrUge.
b* was TO.
A new ore road from the Meaab*
rasge to to Vermillion mave and
tkanee to Lake Suf^lor U lo be balU
by the Carnagle Iniareau which baea
about four mlUlon tons of or*, ate-',
•nnoally to handle.
Praudclent adTertlaamaatt are be
ing circulated sU* log tot SO.OOO canan* enumerator* are wanted without
cssminatloD and offering partleulan
balow ta a Uat ottha Myth* and atfl
tie prlMh of ywtwtay *W WTtmfirn
provWoMaadlampradnati la Tnr
A Tw«ah phyalclao txae been expert■ieotii« mccewiniUy on the uanairiaatluR of halre. one by otc. to baM parta
of ihh aealp. HU rcaolte eeem to abow Ctaar Pork par bhL naw.....
y*, .here U no ImpoealbUlty
In (be
(be Oaar Pork par l»...................
...... ty In
Short Oat I&k.......................
eowpMe iwwal af a loai bead of Short
Oat Pork park...
hair t.y ih|» meana.
Floor. B L. *O
Tbe pbyalclaa., Dr. Meaabem
EyaFloar, H. L. AOo, Baat^..
dara. tried'bU expartoenu In the caae ifkb H.L.-------------------L-hOo-Baat...
»• Pj«» w«»
aearify tbe bar* aurfbee andto laplMt O^J*^
remor^l froo other .
‘'I r^-;S
Scrloaa tmblo baa oaeoiTad U the
Klao Chou Htatartaad batwaan tba
Oarmaa* and U)* Ohinaaa, In which ala
of the Uttar war* ahot. Tba
miaUter to Cblaa, Baron Von EettaUr,
haa banded an ultlmatom to tba Chin••• Soeemment daeUrins tot unlea* |
aaenrlly of Ufa and proparty
tbara U aoeiirlly
and order U maUtalnad In tbe BUlw-1
iMd. Scrmanywmukeatcp* to proteot bar own iataraats.
Tba FUaUb delera.Uoa whUb baa
uleet lan<>.
bean aant to America
foro.olo.rorl.1,.00 S.OOO
™ ood Id- '
000 famUlaaelU probably daeUe npon I
BriUab Columbia aloay
taama^nr HadM.
trXnsplaiJtino hwr.
omom OF oiAMONOSi
toy Id tbU material, tofetber with aereral otbor mtneraU, aoeb as faneta,
1^0 ores, austte. ^rtae, etc. Excava-;
tlona - besun
iraiematlcally - ware
ereawally carried on on sueb a scale
You Gd\
' Home
:o-nigbt. don't forgd to take with
you a package of the new deliocry
with acUaora at tacb end. Sotne four i r^a per ba <ald).........
weeks after Uuptantattoa a certain! Corn par ba., old.........
of tbe batra were found to; potatoaa. par ba,..........
uken root, nad In no Ions Ume a; Spit par bbl....................
cuodly new crop aws produced.
i Bran par 100...................
r^*^r«ukiL Dr Ho-1
Eiu-outas.-d by tbeae reauha. Dr. Ho- ],
dara ba* aince apidled tbe method U'
or boUin. roUo,1oc t.-| Wh«i. old. POT b.......................
^ bard
.bataa, i^ad wKb
«rt,tooe In wbltb
* dike* of
ba-ali or aome tnsterial which was
once In a molten condition are oecaaioually found. Tbe Woe sround flUt
t *»"
aort bf abaft <>'
of colomaJ slxe Id tbeae
other rock* and la Itself rot op by Pfm1^, JH,.., Tb.
Tb. opldloa.
or ,«>lotUa
_a* to whelbw
_ _
the s,iua
produced wbere they now Ue or ha\e
been formed of some older rock, which
— UfiMda 4*^
will please tbe little folks, and pro
vide a dainty nibble for the older
............................ .....................
«bat small buodlea of hair au-mt ct
, ,
____ ^
^ .
•■«*> »''»«'
ImpUBted Id the Inrtsl«“ natde wttb the------------------( and grow, fonnlnsdn time!
■..Id.r,' :.''
aatlsbed blmaelf that after eome weeks
real »■»
new bulb fonus at ■“
tbe lower <•»'>
eud :
■a '"I
*>f '»»• ltnptawe.1 balr Dr. Hodara’s
results are Iniereatlns U ibemselve*
“O"- In tbe promise which
»*♦“ Oflered-of all place*
i., .be world-ln SwluerUnd. A PV^'
„,i. AmWcu. pbrUcUn mldooT^o
Zurich wanted hU.lateat bom to bear
of the admiral. Over there
the** iblno are all. mattera of
It Is thoorbt that the myatery an.lr.-nmi-d
,n3cniou« expenmemer.
who tne a craiii -erj senalble Swii
last beeu rlear»-d up. AltoDt
manacer of
of a
a dla-.
dU-; "’“y
uot the aatne treaiment
two rears bru the manager
„„„J „„„
Klmb..n.r piolLod o,, .
“ ”"'“7
or<b% tiS, Itii,,,. ook.o lo 6,lu*p*,.inj..u lo u hicb sinsUer dUmonda
• ^““y
would Rla<Uy „laod—Pren^ German and lUUan.
wer»- s|>paremly emlwsld.-d In a irarm-t
**’<“*'■ scalps plowetl aod
abstract thU Is a law for which
This b-d to au iDvestlgailon of various kf«erwan! fK>wn with new hairs If B,o*,helplet8lnfants6houldb*lhankbowlders, one of which was broke* Hien-was a r-asooal.lc hope of cren a
But the doctor was not a helpless
o,-d and was found to comnlu dla-, tuode.n.ie hart^t
Infant He aionred and threatened the
little republic with the vengeance of
mood*. The roek Is of the deacriptlon |
----------iis big brother, and found tot be was
kuowu to tuloerulofflsts as ocloElCe.
a helpless adult The authorities bsv*
remained obdurate The Mediterran
ean is a longlib war from them and
tuthor ix-eu.lar light irwn auffite. Ihe
they do not fear Admiral Dewey. Tba
la* tuinda________________
tth k Is coarsely crystallloe and In aU
<-ondltlon. t>M,
tbe /tlamnnd
diamond lM*1n»
and engage the time you wUb yoor
original cvuslUucDts. Exdrees mad*. Our dresamaklag de
pertH n«w tend to tbe belief'that tbe
partment opens about Sept. l$ih.
*t’lue ground" Id which diamonds were
Many orders received already. The
found U not tbeir irue birthplace. Th*
Bsstoo Store.
bowlik-rs arc often tvatcr marked and
have rested for ages In an ancient
gravel at the very bottom of solimenBCSIKEaa CA.HOS.
ury^>eks of tbe district. In ceurae of
M. BBOWN, siteroar aer 0<
tliue volcanic explosions sbatK-n-d the
rocky floor lu which ibf diamonds
it aaSeooTrraocIo* tlirrostat
Pine view of an old country
were embedded, of which the l^wl- Very rare and unknown at the British
l7IBtlX9VRSNCt-Ba»et I-------—
der* were only samples, and dlsis-p*J7cum.-Ally Slo|H-r
;P Pro*pt ertaenest. careful at
'OBir n-likblT TUivk cviwpaOT Ss>v a policy
ed It. together with the overlylug ma•»
vnUFci at ODcr ^
W AaallBX't aavacy.
teriala It Is IH-Ucvod that this is the
true esplatuiiloD of the formation of
Mr*. Darllng-U. rc.t, CUarle*. wbaf
the diamond lu-ariog "blue ground."
. D“o5
mabes delightfiil eating for every
body—something entirely new
[and tempting. A crispness and
delicacy that you can only find
in tbe celebrated Unooda
products. Tbe bakers make
them crisp: 'the air tight,
moisture proof box
keeps' them ao.
By tbe way,
do >'oa know
atiCBdM lopTxiWptly
Fresb Goods—Auractive Packages.
PSeBva.BeU 1*4; Herts-
Quite a ««■»»
lat the} c
Oilonablr d
OpasSapt . i
fianini: I'b. that w * kind of <>tkcw^BT»^Towller'SCrt, tie fVooi atraat.
TruTerae Cliy Boainees Cellete will
Dr. Sen, the fsmTU* Chicago soram
be closed till Beplember 4th, 18M. llquor."-Bo*ton Tranecrlpi.
gm. who ha* jnsl rctnraed from a
when new claase* wil' be formed In
hi! eouraea
TIT tw eod 5
trip to Hawaii. baUaea* to Eanakaa
a W. a. Hooc. faerral
will alowly bnt surely baoome extinct
'• said 1:
BBd^rrDlla vH
‘■when you erv a boy loaUng about to
uj 'rboor, »•»
through the aganey of leprosy sad
»; K»«. 1(T
ctM-ner* at all hour*, what pb-w irroprr* Boum ntaes
In life do you suppoae be ts fitting him-, —, „.3=~~7.r:r:
The Buegarion ministry of agricnl•elf forV
.sry'iolout. OOecs. OUr O^r*
-To bf a ponceman." replied
* . HOBM mock
Mre has jest Issued Us anunai eatioung pbllcbopher prompUy.
matc* of to »wWs harreai-Thlt polnto
IM*,;.'-; .'..°s!S.s,r5STS.;
123 Front Street
to a coalderabla defliaeney. Wbllo the
slocks remaining from leal year are
mseb smaller than was generally tn.epoaod. the wheat yield U iSS.000,000
haetolletra* below last yaara yield and
about 34.000.000 abort of tba worlds de
mands. The estimated yield of rye b
1.000.000 lew too tot of lait year
.barley ts.ooo.ooo leea: of oate 35,000.000
leaa The total defleeney U all eereas
i* about 9T.ooo.ooo beetollctraa.
- At Kapoleon. Ohio. Emma SbnlU.
It-year-old girl wa*.£thlng|lB to Mia
mi A Erie oanal her line became
tangled, she gave It a sharp jtrk and
brought np tbe bead of a bna.an being
Ber frightened screams attracted to
atVeniioB of pasa*re-by. wbo npon
eeatigatlng foned It tobe that of her
father. OnaUTe Bhnltx. a es-year-old
man who bad been mlaalng since Tuaaday morning.
Ifawa has been raoeir^ of sharp
fighting between Conge Free aUU
troop* under Baroo d'BanB and Batotla nallTaa,beyond Dongola The rebels
ware drlTea back with a lot* of 100.
The CoB^ troop* lost S!- aailresoldlerB
-Tbe rebels were not followed, beeanas
they retreated orer famine and amall
pox davaatatad tracta Tba eouniry ia
reported quIcL
A Vord to Hothera
Mother* of children' affected with
croup or a aeeere cold need not beslute
ia administer Chamberlala'a Cough
Esmedy. It eoataina no opiate nor
nareoUe in acy form and may be giees
as eonfidenUy to to bah* as to the
adnll. Tbe great saceega tot haa at
tended its use In the treatnseniof eold*
and eroup has sron for U the apm
and prala* it baa reeeieed thra^____
to UntUd SUtaa- and many foreign
Unda For sale by S. B Wait and F.
Real Estate, luctionesrs.
Traders, Moist loaners.
-blh 8t
opooslle Bate*. Bixe
Price, each S3O0.
Por8*l*-«45-40 acre farm
west of Monro* Oenter. Ooon fmme
honac. T room: Fmme bars: about so
bearing fruit tree* 40 b well watered.
Price $500.
DT Silt-C38—50 acres ' on peninsola.
11 acre* under eoiilvaiion. balanee
Umber, about l.too eords wood,
land A No. I Pnee $800.
For 8aI*-«36-3CO acre*, five mile* oat
of Maple City Small bearing orchard,
balanee bawlvwood timber land,aecond
wner Uvea in to city and
srehaaer a faargnln
will giv
0 8’la- ---------- -------------------35<i <-■ • -■ hem ock and hardwood.
Price $400.
FOR ■‘.t
-11—Fft.v-t'*^Uea . f t.
___ cut
Good frame bam
no honeafelay loam and bUvk smidy
ring water live all the
year .land no better adj dolor It held at
$TS per acre. This goes at $540.00
“OE SALE—043—05 aerta. Farm on
sulnsnla one mile from landing at Old
Mission, 5 year eld orchard: plume,
peaches, pcan. app es
14 acreC 5
year* old. 01 acres apples 3 ehtrries)
Two good bams, stone foundation.
.'Ine large bouse eost $1300. Windmill
and welt water.’ntls U on* of to neat
famu on the penlnanla, owuer has
ther bualnce*. besme low price. $4500.
FOB 8ALB-«44-Bualnem nropeoy
low oocupled by to New Tork Store
.omerof Union and ^0i St. This
peooerty apsaks for its self, needs no
reeommandation. tbe tact tot one of
o. ■
Boeton S-.ore'e ad. for epeelal
•ale tomorrow.
JUST eeceived:
I bammeat. This property eoat
g $1700 bnt having a chance to go
fS-iSSi1JST.-SEK-,.1£; -Z
Ibr Wnnk
'Wade Bros.
Sp Snln
IA Carload of Shoes |
and put on sale as many
man; \
as we could possibly get \
In addition
aririitirvn «
in tliA
tbe cfrtt-A
store. In
to our fall stock of shoes.
I bought in Chicago
Tbe Dnlled Bums Clrtl Berrtee
bMob will hold a apeetal cxamilaatlaB
ir oSet Iv ai XI Preet •uwi. eo «i
MV Mr •Iga at i*« bmua of <
by Ha pontafie* board in thi* elty. Oe- way.wUl
Oo «s stalra. lam to UfL take
SeortoriekCMrUx* u aleagelS* Uw
Wo am Ml M tbv enmad nm. ai Ibm ovr
•Skvtoa-L Wo am. araraiiwlf ■pMkl**. to
tarakSavl^ Iko laenM IM ana Uaai kar.nmlaattga mist be filed in com
cmaa. w* am otfleUr la IV W* vm all Mo
• tor^ with the board at the post
tbefore to hour cf clotog bnriiam on •vsboT bu alno at beitM of naira. Bis
karealas ai Mp •< vialre. am doer Ul Ms rtc*i
after yre lam lo Ivti ^ head mt ibo BUIre
koChkrtnK. Tnnimatar. iieeatnry of
to Isaal board of qaamlnaa. at to
pBlIlDt Ovt-
"I nndereiand they fell out tbe next /■liLniwr a asm. sMenar*
Ur tcBUoB u> rrobww praeilev.
day after they wen- married."
-Yc*. the newupaiwr gave a column lO.ltarcwatlW Oo Block.__________
1. snonm at Inv. $»*maJ
to their wedding, and they disputed
as to whether I! was boenute of tbs W.‘
imlnenee of bis family or of her*."prominence
Detroit Journal.
•99 Styles at
40c on the Dollai
and we sell them at
prices accordingly. It
IS im^ssible to do our
shoes justice on paper.
They must be examined
Therefore we earnestly
request every one inter
ested in footwear to cail and examine our large stock
of shoes which we have on band in every style, sixes,
quality and price We are hustling for your trade,
and if good honest Shoes at low prices mean any
thing to yon we'll get it.
all day Tuesday and Wedneeday, Sep
tember 6 and 6. on account of Hebrew
New Year Store will open Wednesday
evening at 6 o'clock.
We have placed on sale.
A great line, both as to qoalitien
and style*.
Pricee range 8c to $2.60 a yard.
See tbe handsome skirt plaidn, also tbe smaller plaidsAoitable for waists—«H prices. •
Xew Black Waists,
Of fine TaffeU Silk, fancy cord front, taUor made, at the
special price of $4.0a In nioe qoaUty «tin. $an»e ntyle,
New Cloaks Coming in—
Wait For Steinberg's Great Line.
____________ _
____________ Jighm prieMi ..
pries bnvaaeolUUntor shoe nUtoPBgh. SoUd
•olid beeha. eelld apnmanndn niee nehnelbnc in
_ .j*e Oxford Tie* at tonpnir. Man-a Fin* Sheaa at
$t IS a nnir. One aye witnam la betto ton tea heanaya Cvrne yoar•elf and sM to ahoea and know to prlcea. Bamamber oar eobblnr
shop. BepnirtngdoMwhUnyon watv
Pneticnl Sboennn,
. 185 Fraot Street, Trsn eCitj.
See Our LadiesFall Suits...
ReliableI^OoedaOi^andCMhingHntien .
TRAGEDIES ' OF THE KIONDIKF i Apmm dewevs pet dog.
•VE*T Ktoiidlke ha* I
CbUkooC seent* hare taken pise* alone the Ed- «esh of hU
ipaaJon. A daj- or
«v«y soldflau ,t» fatamia*. Tb» montoB roote. that desolate trail islo
Uter he himself mnst have died.*
• ma«^ aord -»oM" bas ala ar* U*«i the Klondike, which lie* over porelp
wo froien bodies belne found side
abte to crcat* a aort ot omAdm Id the Canadian lemtory. berlnnlne at the
adbOt <a B«n. Th«a U mo (*rcr m loan of EdmomoD. on (hr Caoadlaa
One returned miner tells how he and
Tinjieiil as the ro;d fever, and the Pacific r»ll«ay. The toUl aoretwr of
minine chum of his were caueht dur••rid has ton had one more erldeocc deaths which took place alone this trail
le '-be Suede stsmpede out In the open
«r this tact th the nuraerous hard luck will Bceer be known, but it It oolr
Ith the Ibermwneter st « h«W aero
Merles vhbrti bare beea broacht down evident that
Uted up and erlthout food or blankeU.. Por 0
tbs Takoe coiibUt hr t««arau« into the
Althaoeh the Ca- wboU ulebt thev ha« I
idure tl
dreaded i
B passes erow-
Uanr were the deaths, too, thst took
pisce by drunnloa. «hen travelers,
venlurlnc arrow some Uke or river
too late In the season for safety. br..ke
throoch the r.iurg Ire It death was
not the immedtus ee»ult, som-t"‘i6 al
most as bad aeneially ensued, for often
enoucb all supplies «onid be lost, and
CfthtrsKT »f THE KltsrOOtE-
r seemed (Treat I
‘ maeter le the finest
,,, ,
e leather. This rooly Is n-ne ..ther
Admiral Dewey’s atewsi
n t'..ard the niymMa. and the d<« sh^wo le -.ide ibis aueust Celestial In tbd
picture IS the admiral s favorite dos H-h. »;..b is a very clever little caning
and to say that he loves his master, the n'lmiinl. as murh aa his master lovtd
him would seem superfluous |r> any one who had ever seen the two together.
prospectors, not all of them yet cored nadlan Northwest
iwest mounted police (
Inlense cold. and. although there was
«f their paaalan for the yellow metal.
Ir power to alleviate
plenty of fuel st hand and they were
While the past year has been termed fering which look place all along the able to keep a huge fire going all the
a most successful one. and It h«» been Edmonlon trail, the stories of gold time, the frost was so keen they found
•stimaied lhal the total output of the ^kers who crawled mile* with trosen that while one side was slowly freezing
Klondike for the season will aggregate A't. of adventurers who were reduced the other side nearest the fire was
DO leas than tM.OOO.OOD. few people who to surh extreniltlet thst they were forc
and mittens
have pot arlually fared the terrors of ed to chew their mocassins for food, mocassins wep burned in ihls way,
an Alaskan Journey In midwinter will and of some who were even driven to
anjererw manag.il to
•ver realise the trials which were
survive the night. i
endursd by those adventurers who went one case two bodies were foond close found relief
«ut la search of our new El Dorado of together. They
hsd been comrades
The horrors <
Ihs north. It has taken the hews a Journeying together.
Provisions had Chllkoni a
long time to come down to cIvillaaUon. given out, scurvy had attacked them, experiences ssd^ have so often t>ee
hut about all (hr returns appear to be fuel had been scarce, and one of them described lhnt''rt Is not necesaarj- t
In at last, snd the ro-ord Is a dark one. had frozen to death
The survivor In touch on tlh-re. As time g.e-s oi
Tbs most terrible and tragic scenes desperation had been driven to eat the
thdangers of the one
ezp.»utc and want and sgftertng would
m«ke (J-ath a w>-le..me r-i-ase.
But In the face of all th-se hardship*
the ttdvenluf'.us spirits of this roi
n« ni c..niinue t.. r. - k northward
, will be more m.-r in the Kl.-ndik.- tha
i ever before. Wh.-n th- all fan-lia
I railway
un.ler construction.
Ilnally cnmpl-l.il. It Is ..b> :ou« Ihi
I Klondike
tu aueculent harvest walling (or (he native gleaner. Such a sight a* this Is
common enougb on the Island, wher.- the growing of pineapple* follow* cloee
on the heel* of sugar making and coffee cultivation as a national Industry.
There Is yet considerable rich agricultural land belonging to the govarnmenl
waiting to be taken up by the Incoming farmer. This land ran be purchased
for aboul UO an acre, and. when once cleared of fern log* and stump*, la
found to be of ihe most astounding fertility
Most of the labor on such land la
done by Aslatl.-s and If T'ncle Sam derides (i. shut oft (.ermaii.-nlly all Asi
atic Inimlgrailon the planUtlOB owner* ot Ihe islands will have a serious
c problem to face.
Th- <-.r-Bnd Duke Michael Alexnn-lMvItch. whose latest pholograr* H
her-VMili .-i r-^lufiil. 1# the young man who will prr.haMy become th* eaxt
- matter Is still a prolmMllly. f.ir It Is a woQ
th- Imr^rlal family ..f llussia Is tainted wlt>
|e.i.il.le thai MU-hael. like his eider brother, the laW
vinlm to (he diend dls-ast- wbU-h has been th*
ban- ..f ...I .f Itussta * rrulers, ft Is now n-p-.n-d that Michael is te
'.rand Duchess Helen, the daughter ..f '»!•
< Vladimli
Helen was engaged to a German prlnc%
It I* said, but the engigemenl wn* broken oft i 1 long i > because <of M
preference (or the Ori.i.d Duke Ulchael.
Here Is a picture of Hyd. abbey, the spot where King Alfr-l ihe <;r-at was
It Is, Ilf Course, n niult-r of hl*|..rv- (hot when thi- uM—> was l.ytd to
replace the minster which Alfred had f.pund. d und-r th,,f winches
ter cathedral the remains of the king w. r..- removed tr. ih- r.-w Mructur-, but
w-heih-r or not his.hallow.-,1 duat still r-|i,ses th-re it is imi».**ible to state
HVd- abb. y Is at pres-nt u*ed as a farm building, since sh >ril> after th.- .11*soluUun of the monaM-rie* in the risie-rth cet.tury It was alin..«. dismanvmalns of that once stately edifice being msde
- budding
accompanying Illustration.
The acoumpanylng Illustration *h,-v^* ,
H-i. i* b plriur- of a |,}lh -n bu
■ne of the strang-st graves in whl. h engaared in hatching .-ut
. f its ,
This huge Indian sn.ik, is an
mate of the Manchester z--.logtca. «
den*, and Its method of bringing a i
Tbs moM sktn
ATT srotl la the world Is tl
r Ambrtsett*. Id South
AttiCA. SbeWB ID Ih* a
.. wvecuvjuu. I ne
Urge baobab trsa. the tfo*
____________ _
he python eeniag
threogh th* two large braachoa. This ssparaUoh has prevtdntlaUy toraod a
totrsd. at his own rogaoat th* «
... ._I bug* body careful
lily up so as w
hate about oight foot fioop la tho truak. aad this hoi*. Alls with water durlhg
I>r. l.owaon Tan after hU body had cover the entire nsst.1. though U tbs
tho ralay mmod and thus prorldoo rofroahment for the carrion M that
boon cr
cremated. This caV* la la the , present insunce a few of
• - -.....................
Owing to oom* pwjuUar Mtarac- IgardoBs
the Ut* doctor at St Po- escaped the mauraaJ wt
IMttaaof tha waa« tho water r
• always pure and swoot.
Kroeks t
I th* maternal ua.
The mod
erteman who gom Uger bunilog In IndU la usually riMlirl
If he secure*
vide- For two bunumaa te start out and then bag no (sag
than M tigei
•re the end of their trip is naturaHy a remarkaW* i* f ici
uu. *0(0 was tecenily done by two native prince* of India, and the 4^
companylng plctnre, reproduced from a photograph, (hows (be exiraordlnaiT
good luck which lfae*< two sportsmen encountered.
It has been tald
Uger* are growing scarce In India so numerous and so tnduatrioM haaa
been tb* sporumeo wbo seek tbis royal beast. But ertdeally these are stUl h
few left. It Is true that the buntetn In this case had ZO well trained elephanto
and twice that number of mea. and that they bad to pierce the fever hauntod
wood* of Nepaul Terai before they came avroa* any game. But tb* tact ro*
main* ibat-At* remoter i>aru of India are sUll rich In “man oatera." and tbak
»"• Kl- ---- --- --------- ---.. --------- -.
fHQI m VLm mi. rmm fbqm helei. Gonu) ARE DISREPUIABU BIRDS.
' New aati! IT-w dhlru: New Ties! New flcndkerchlefs. Etc.!
MiW Bf-tn CoalO tu» rl^'u
ir roll«i^.
_ 000
^ um aau
UDoniKTaieiit wai m<> b; rn^'Oent
Tailor ai itM rommenct-mrat exerclaet
ai rouKl>kf*-i«lc.
UlM Ooul.1 bad b«we atiradln* tbe
c j
iirr oame
i. 'll
lUIpb Han of lIoM.-D. U<>.. b<>'>om.
*S»NaE -»
M »«c-ti w
ta the E
IOWBUf aboBt tba BUbdard OH tntat.’'
“PP'**"**^ ®F ^ eoUefe no- ,j,a, tj,r modmi panrl.lsr. aa ie^ io|«H by dtllliaikin. la a di-l'raved aud
MM AS oU fitIteA to tbe Owenaboro
alMiicloard iTualorr. utMU'tOij.) Hrmmget. -mnlnda me that
r tb.- talikf of r«ii«eclab> fan•Ml «0 aod cDOboll Uiopa were a
llli-« aud
iiLdt to a«aoraie
Must anirlc abont iblny.«Te year*
f wlib
lilrda iluil haTr any «*lf•M- 1
dlatlsctly reneaiber tbe
aay* 1L«- I'bibdoipbia In<iBir*
im C0al-«u lanpa offered for aale to
i-r. Mr. Hart lia* a Urs«‘ on li.tnl.
OvtWboro. About tblrtr-flee yeara
uiM«tly Id iiatiiral froll. lJ>»t (all In*
tgo a BUD eatoe down tbe Oblo hrer
grrrtiiiil aail iiriTiu^ Lla at>l'>* un >1
Inat Pltlaborg OB a little Inat wLteb
Dvw i-M<-r woci 'dotTD 10 l•‘>■ ilino II a
Sa tad leaded with coal oil aod latutia.
bem-1. aft'T u bii-b tbo.rrtualcluc fnilt
-w>iii<- »■) or Jiai bqrbola—t»a» li!i o
I Uvad In Ibe UaMOrllle country at
liauj; ..II tiltwJiitt It waa tan)-Ita tittc. but 1 waa tn OwroaUiro ou
|.|p.l l.yiMiirMBM, MjDlnvU. |iIut 6tt>«Ita tay tbe boat ameed berr aod 1
1-ak* aDd ■nrli other crealiirea aa
SOBfbt oa* of tbe lamp*. 1 paid «!i
llkf.1 K.iir, froti-n apploa aa a *tea-!y
f•r-it and tbe man filled It with oil {
artU-lM irf diet. Tbe |iartr1<lc'^ didu't
Iraa. Sorb a lamp tonlay retail* at ..............................
aeeib III eqrr uiuefa for Hie a|>|>li*a. but
AtafitdQceeu. Tbe man dldD-l baee
won- r.ifi.l ..f tbe aet^la, auJ. aa tb. J
•V ofl to aell. but only carried enoagb UH-pibry of her mother.
bad t» |.iek ibroucli an iDeb or tnorv
•a to tbe Umpa be aold. Tbe Urapa
Aidodk oib.-r gift* annoiinn-d
of llttity. fr.ij>-n fmlt to get at tlieae.
•oM.wcU. and quite a BBtnWr of fam- tnouey to build a new inftnoary bnlld- Ur. Hart l~-lieT.d they I«ild well for
Olaa out In iny eetrbbortiood tame to ine. fr. m Ur*. r*r.dlD<-Rwlft Aiwa e
lliilr iimveiiil.-r. Uareli ivna a Tory
Cvtsaboro and bou«bt tbem. Of 77 of |•..Ilchk.•epl.le. An unknown
imi mouth In eaaiem Maine. l‘n•Mm. tbe Umpa were not u»ed reg- friend In N.w KiigUud gave
r the hoi.ruya of the auu the fron D
•laxly, but were pUced In tbe beat mward a now blulogtcal UlMrai.Ty.
■]>'.«< lliiiw.-il out'mid .•xu.l>..l JuliK
The Imllditig will U- erect..
iliui «-er.- *«.-t aod *11118106 to The
MU> KaiUarliie Tuttle gave a flo.frO
Id a ni.itith the fron-u elder
WtaB ComiMoy wa* prea'-nl; tbe lamp achoUnililp In memory of ber dMer.
o ferment and erpry Bidde had a
I lighted for
tt comsMuy
Ura. I-upy M. Kiedman. I). M. Kirry liUlieli of froth lu the llllie bor«tf
a preatl
Kber .
of hetruli gaTT- an »h.000 «hotar*hip n Ill' ll liohU the Mem. The |iartrid8' *
•tber per*oB wboae preaence called for jp m.-njory of bit wife.
w.Te whlrrliic ni.om the orrhard fr. tn
It’s a ««od habit to trade hert—we have led the other fellows for ovrr a year—id fact.'^dnote formality than a tI»Ii from wini*
•uii-iii> until dark. 8^’B<l>a fat upon
ncated some of Vm -but somehow it’a bappeoed that the moat decided hits have- been made by—
•f tbe iumi.'dtate ueifbbor*.
Twuiea me Tru.t.
■ hi' nm-lironn *ei'ds. a'lih'h eould tie
“Is coura.^ of time the ull bumod out
"1 don’t care to incDilon name*." Hiell.d out en>lly. .Mong In April
^ J]l!- laiiiii- which the tx-ople pur- eald a tUll.ir from VeW Jereey, •httf ‘ Ho,,
t the hinl*. did i..it
•baaed from tbe man oiMiH. little boat. ,hi. i, «n ai.n:ni,.|r true «..rr of h-.w ^,..w u..-.,,
■ 111 that oreliar'l
nt WM g..«e. and the mm liauli. of
Owawboto were
handling neltber „wn game. He wa. at tb.-head of a „..,w m lenrii If they hadeat.u up Ml
Aan^ Dor oil and tbe nearcat |«lnl oil ,ma|| ponrern niakine—let u« »ay- ear
apple* thatr>'iiialn<-.1 on thetn-e*
.that'* not e^arlly It. but prei*ppi„ olP*T1i'
itiug a ,j. noartyi, and al«nt
alniii a y.aii
y.-or -ago he' |||,i)m and iiuder fhe tr<-e* he i
CoaTOll rumpauy.
rompauy. iben
ih.n nju-ni
at ClorerlHin. I rude a mula got ^
a private It.
him that tbe ..th.-r ear- p,. fo„r plump juirtrldg.-. that
t.loverjKirt to buy
arranging a com- piqiT..rliig from nutie form of paraly*!
> eoupir of galloDi of oil. i bad
hi lie. He aaUI noliilng. but lliim.nll- They ■■oaldn't wiilk _.
•MPlc of gallon fuga. one In earb end ably cemmimlraied wHb acv.-ral «f
t» Keep TbeiB M
n,..n, np and carried tbrni
§t B B3f«J bag Ibrown acruat tbe mule'a tbe largest ensumer* and by offer- h„nie thee Buiieh-.] aU the way and i
'tack- 1 palo II a gallon for the olL Ing conndenilally a redncilnn of al«'Uf
, ^.g,- Uiai IndlcnCan
off the runPOAl oU wa* not reUuiM In ibo*r day* ir. per rent secured udranre order*
.uff. rlng Hileiis.Oy
M It I* Buw. and It cuuUInNl all of li.at a-ould ocTipy him over two yeara threw them tuam the pninary fl.eir fon.Is? It waa to satisfy my own curi- iU
of a feast io emooth. rich
(boae highly mfiammable pmiMnlea to fill, running at full capacity. At .......... heo be «i«-ne,1 the .Wr lie*, oslty In r.-gsrd to thi-.inestlon, and 10
the price named etery wheel wonld lll•>mlng iill tour of them wen- iH-atliig fiml out how successful my etuplojer. •fj aod fins ice cream dorins
jbere wa* a caution
be made at a less*, and bl* partner* their bends agnlust the window Iry ng the g.-neml manager, had iM-eO In btl
JgBp, Which warned you not to more were liadly scared. Me bdd them to
tbe Bumoier moiithe. aa
Ita lamp after It wa* ligtiied. a* it ke.-p tln lr mouiha shut and wall. In to get out. When liU-ral.Hl tlii'j- fleiv aiiempl to au*w,>r It iu the afflruia'lve.
waa daugennu to do »». i know a»tu" a few months tbe inj»i was organ- away to the w.sel* as If nuililug nuns- Hu,i j nnd. rt.s.k the liiveailgailon
well BB other
'whieh I have deserll-sl.'savs the CenpBople tn Iiovteu county loMay who tted according to program, and one uni had hai'ls-ne.1.
The following afternoon Mr- Han
itc-vIou. toi> hi*
his effort*
efforta to
I ki-ep
•111 not (wruilt the morlDg about of a
daiDtiea, ia yonrt wfaeo
cppeil It and .if- found three more partridge* suffering
Sfbted .nial-oll Ump In their bouae*.
railroads It had 1
Ice for t e plnM. from till' snuie malady and placsl
you taonre a fre« ger from
be has atal.sl. ilmi It
He aald be didn't care to xdl. The them Id tbe gmuary to ns-ov.-r, tying *
our stock
We have them
. I.ll
1 lO .ll. lT
lu ">'■'11'“’ »n
•P the first lamp* wild
•eanty pe..ple. There are bI*« a few
iu all sizes and all prices,
a lea.
ii* hours Isii-r foiiml ii>e whieh a ernsiide against iio-m w-uild
MOple In HavlM* .•uniity who do not cither wobls.
•M coal-oll lamp*, hut chug to the old strange to say. ihe little wlu-elmaker puTtridn inid out on the snow uiulet i>c-,asl.ui. It Im* at last 1s-en d.uiiouaod mtney invested iu one Bill return yon more pleasure
Use lallow caflille. bwauae they are didn't aiH-ni to <-ar«i. Then they mnd-' m, am,;,. tr<-«-«. iiid ihns' of iheni Im.l sirat.sl. lio«,-ver. that irani|>s cau be
another and inu.-h larger rut with Ihe ri-.! flanii.-I am i-h.nl to their wings, r.-fuiosl fi.-e irans|~'riailoii h> om- ot
and comfort duriog the lieatvd toi-ni tbau the same 'amount ^
•fnid of coal vil."
lut.-niloD of fn-erlng him- out at one jj,.
•xi»'ilmeni for a w.s-k. „ur great,-»i niilroa.Is. with a saving of
fell awoop. That was Just wlmt he itmUiig fr.,m ih.-.- .u
Pe-eoeks >.d Tiger*.
l■.‘Irt^ldg•■s ex[M'iiM' to the o>m|uiiiy and with
invested in anylbiug else.
belleeed . «••• walling for, and through a third r,..ry ,iay. Th.-n he did ~«liie la I pr'-nl U-lietl« to tbe roiiimuiiliy. aid
Peacocks and figera
order* c..v- ' ,i,!'iking and gjpie
,s>iielii*l«n t|„- Huh- Iuis rotiie wh.-ii the puidh- :s
. pln‘-<“l
MOally to lire tugetber. TbeiT Ualau P*«y
thnt the Iilnl* had made ilo-msi-Iies Jusiltte.l In deimiiidlug that all rai.• common Jungle legend that leopards
at a figure that U-ft him a ban.lsoii,< drunk on apiiU- hntiiilj' tlmt hud l-c-n _ro<id» ijjjte a -imllar stan.i lu regard to
jf^ tlfWT lap
mahnfiietiinHl from fi-.iz.-n soiir ap- this .-viL
pirs by a lll•.'rnl application of *uu- - if nil the nilln>:id innipauli-* Would
tatb leo|iani* aud peacocks Itari- t|>oli
140 J'ront Street
Traverse City, Mich ^
Tlcth the trust pe<i|de pght. Mr. Hurt. Is-liig a rig'd prohibi- agree uihiu ,-i.ttis-rusl ai tioii against
Ihelr Intended victim,
•Dd that (here la tome r.iyatrrlon*
Isfanic alarmed tt the lusae* ltirtirre.1 lu.i.lst. Las made n vow- that h. will trami«. lu a few v.-nrs the f.illoiviug
lBiiOD*Di}i iN iween tbem. (ol. Tytler m
frts-zlng out pmeeas ami made n.-ver agiiiu lean- appl.-s on his ir-es ter, -aii«fjo lory r.-suHs would istad *0 eziNTlenee which showed that him an..ih. r ai.d tijil.b U-tt.-r offer for „v.-r wliit.-r. M. bop-* ihat by r.- a, l.'e,,--l Kir-t. i.-ry few tramp*. If
tta M'l'*’* Mien- Ih tbe ap.ry. When his plant, wbl.-b h.' pruu>|itly ae.s-ptM. .......
ii,,. i..mpiatloii th.- misguide,! any. n-ul.l try i- i«-at il,.lr wn\ "D
•UlklDg a peacM-k he wa* rath.-r sur- Now the irusi has the on.-eni and is jiarirhigvs inny s.-.- H.e error Into ini'liis: L.-. .,i,.i' aii appn-<-hib:e miud*-r
,ri„„i.;i,g eiiIt day and ..1-,,.
’'Maed .....
1(1 *.a- bow sAar II allowed
him olillged ...
i ------I I.
llrely. U-.-niis.- tb-ir pr.-»eui railr-ntd
lb approach. Tlu- bird |uilj no alien.-‘
wl'»-vl* a t a per cent under a.tual cost f.ir-the man H tri.-d to ru n.
prlvllegi-s are to muuy Hie
OHals of lUrSer Pole
'As faat as he getarheni he tuni* them
• of Hie life; IhmI. a f>
"1 n«i;d-r If you know the orlgtn
1- tirufesi-lotiBl
isBfle jiisl In front. I>w>klng In (h* ‘"•‘'f
*'«««'»■•«» •“<> r<'-i|>* ib*
New 8-room reeideace, etone foundAtlon
|mnly out of n-v.-tig.- a
MDX dire, thin lu- *aw a le«|>aM sl.-al- liib-nnedlaie profit, while, ti.-edh-a. to and, iiiraulng of that sirl|w.l t*ole In
ir.implng on the iuriipik «
e and buement, well and city wafer, a nice a
IBM a l‘»
">ward the bird, whl.-h “T- «»••- Iriiaf niagbate* howl with ane
•MtlDOed to r,-m*lii still ip the same Bulib evr-r.v ilm.- they make a d' llvery. tire ................ to the r.-Hi-ein Iwrbor ' would In-t,.- dlsogn-.-iilile; and four'!i.
and ehade trees, handsomely painted
position. He wa* gn-atly *un>ri*.-d, Tbe llnle wb.vimaker got
.......it af’er he luid given lii»trurtIon* *« to B largi- tiiimlH-r would lak- to the hig!.
|or br had U.-vet even h- ard of h-«p. of the sab- of ilio p’Jiut to r.-Iire for Ihe -Ijle of hoinui lo- de*lred. TUN ways where suaie might lie ma.b- '<
end papered, suitable for two IkmilieB.
In Huh Ui-lghliorhood, but his ns- life, and be 1* i-arrylng out the r-st of piinleular luirlN-r. unfiki- th.- gn-at ma- do tann w ork, and « li,-ri- nil would. n<
lonlsbnient was greater wh.-n. on his (he campaign mep-ly for *|H>n
He J'rity of Ills fe!li>w-erafi»m.-ti. ue.er lea»t. N- In toueh with farm life. IliralalDg hi* gun. one l«nvl of which *a.v* If* gr.-al ftib to see a mist on Imlulg.-.! Ill .-olii.rwtHoU wuh his eu- r--ader m,.j mke ex.-epllou to the Hi r.l
Cor. Webster and Franklin 8u.
•t* load.-.! w-lHi hall, and .-••vertng the the gridlrou "-N.-V Orl.-ans TlmvS- toniers,
he merely «h.N'k hi* h ad l-s-n.iln.v and Hiliik thai great hnnr
•Cimal, (he h-ciianl threw up Its {law* Hemocrat.
ii.-gailv.-ly ami r.-a. h.-d for the elip- , would .-..me ..f an Im r.-iiw•sirahrlek.-d 111 a voice bourse with
f.-Md..ral I
ttmrr; "Nebin. Rabib. n.-hiu. mut
Tk* ma
"Well. I’ll I.-1I you." said the rU*to:u j *>'l*'- 'mil
...................No. sir, no- don't flre''i.
' tVbi-o a . hlld-onr anc-stral . hild. of
ns h.- N.-nle.i- Kn.k lu the chair. <rluHiia!*.
fie aald that for a momeni he r«.urse-had done wlHi Id* horub".ik he
tway bn<k III llie elglil..eti1h .ent.liy
tttCUfbl be must W going mad. and all waa prewtitly liaraased by M.iiie dre.-idiig.i>li bnrlN-n- .'oiiibln.-il ciirg.-iy oitly hin-l ih.-iii It
Ibe Indian tale# of enchanted prinev-a f«l H'He ats-IHng lK>ok or another »ay«
It 1. pr..lviM> luu-o.slt.le ever enItli *11*1-1118 niid hair cutting. T'le
Apd falrie*. were wolves and tbe like <}.«>d Word*, one of Hie pl.>n.-.-r» In
tirt’ly tn .‘lliiilmite Ihe Migraul e'e
Essbed Ibrougli his recolIe^Hon. Tba this line was i-alhvl "A pelee ac .'ic .'if f'CUlar •iirg.Niii. fiDu;l, iimde u khW. nieui 111 a Iiailou's life, iiml no stu b
and during the time of <!i-.irg>- II a
MBt ■oment be saw a man v.-ry < siM-lllnge atui wiiiinge English.'<laGood Hardwood In Stove Leo^thB.
law S-.IS •-Iiii.'le.l which pr..vM-.l that hoiM- I* h.-hl ..III In .•niincctk.n with Hie
darerly disguised In a leo|«rd spin, led l»*i A*.* Isur effort came “Th*
Aiao Four Foot Maple Slabs aod EdgioE*.
reform a.lws-ni.sl lu this article; but
•lib a w.-11-stuffed skin, an.1 a bow rompletl K.-hoalm**ter," which wa* Itarle-rs »lmiilil only In- all,.«.•.! to this iiiu.-h i» .-ertaln—liad all the mil
dras- bliNHl and pull mh-H. In ounec.!* I—-u a* close to
tl.in with ih.-lr regular bu*liie*i<.
••Th - l«irlN-rs. Id a «iiirit of n-inTia- \
fir*t . xcurNb.De Into HoNdaitd,
minister. rMldlng In Jerusalem
Hon. succeeil.Hl lu having a l.vw pu«*<-d , one of tli.-ra has r.-<vuily 1*-.-..
conn. Fleet MreeL
least, w.iul.l not have all.-mplwhich
•*sr enough to shoot the bird* with a
This “Compleat Sch
fre.- riding, aii.l would nut havf
tarireTther'of them ting bslr ..r -having. In thoM- .lay*
taw and arrow, and aoinetlmca to night
found-»o iiiBiiy tramp* to study.
•Btrb tbem In bis band.—London Bpe« rslculaled to drive Ihe-leamfr
In the first he wa* forced to airnggie l-'.eni or sign.
of PhiladcIphU.
Id mortal .-onitat with such word* aa
OrvMsa «h* Oases.
lo-.lay. exoi'pl that Hie *trli>e - f
bSovncBI poliriess *p«cl*liX.
spleyngth. sprawygld and sqnewagi*.
blue now *e.-o wa* then omlH.-l. Tlie
wtIcU are not Welsh, how.
white strl|M- around Hi.- i-ile In.ll.at,d
Diatrict Agt
they Bxay l<s>k tike It. In the a.-cnnd
•rBndrblkdreu. Two Utile girl* were he proceeded from coroparatlvelj sim Ihe bandage uw-d on tbe arm after
TranrM CUj. Mleklc**rtattlng tbem tbe other day. when the ple aenieucea. aa “Beg tbe big buffle he bleeding opemilon. and Ibe ted
Prominent Viig.nla Editor Had
•U»*D came hi. to tbeir great rauater- lag and let It ly on tbe tag." to auch '
I Up but
Broogbt ““
Back i .V T ^ ,-r ' T / -r c- I
... Wa* ......
^ '^'681
•StlbB- They did Dot know bow to ad compll.-sted effort* a
to Perfect BealtAi by Obamberlaln * 1
( ) 1
baring been well
drabl’d caoae he gnibVd where
and 1 supi-uie It wa* done f-r
OoUc. Oholtra and Diarrhoea Rem •:
dy—Bead Hi* Bd.onal.
a King Harios. flo th.-) -threw then- , mere are iwewy-four (tag.-* ..f ibl*
F»m tba Tim- a. BlUsdale. V#.
•‘'C' l-<“"tie Americanized to
stuff, which la an the .nor.' aggrevaituHlonal
I anflered with diarrhoea for a long
log because one re.'U an Intense ‘and «>lot*.“-«'B*hIngl«n Star,
Urns and iboturbi I was past be.lng cutmused. Rhe
I bad spent *o maeb time Md
to gi't to Ibe mean- '
■Bl down, look tbem on her knee, aud lug of It. Why did be. whoever he
loey WDd anff red *(i much mi
One of the higheat pri.
r given
Mterttlaed tbem wttb funny qurw
wa*. go and reuW where they bad -a for a mlulttiure wa* realised tbee utber ._.il I bed almustdecided
fancy U> braid, and wlial came of it at day In t’nri* at tbe Unblharher sale. hope of roecreiT and awi
but Bottelnr
______ . the
tba advertaement
n_____ _
____ _
Ia*i7 Al*ft. are thoae myatertoua k bl* This wa* *l2.uk> which was paid by CbambM-laln'a Colic, Cholera and DiarODWVridearrtia*tbed«erU_of Ro.<>' >"■ (her-pvb- U. WlldetRielu for a bcaotlfol minia rboM Remedy and al*o some teatlmoolal*
•IB. Mr. Robert L. Jefferwih, P. H. (7
ture oil Iv.iry by Hall. It r<'pres4-iits
E„ saw many strange tlgUt* and bad
a y.ijiug woninn seaii-d on a luiilua- eurce bsd been wrought by ihl*remedy
Barrea Kspltrade in a |«rk with two chlhln-n. I decided to try iv After Uktng a few
do*e« I was entirely well of that
^Uisa of Turkestan a couple of
while In the liackgroUDd 1* a lake. trouble, aod I wUh to tut* fanber to
With a d.dpblu. M. Mubltacher's ool- My rctaera and fellow eufl tn that I am
lectlona are said to have cost him a Dtle aod hearty man today and feel
UB bf«, hot »■ BPlC of ’he bad going up iia.-kage* of
aoweiblng less tlmn catu.ftk. and tb* ae well a* 1 ever did le mt Alfa-—U. A
MS unerly
uMertx defaaifd.
defaaied. and ttta tvinel
■ala ivalUed npwarda of CSK.tH).
Moore. Bold by B. B Walt and C. T
Ata you daalar.
^IMn Biojiped IB dlagUBU
AmoDg. l
I hie s, and Jus ly,<oo.forev<r7thiDghas gone up
in the wholesale cost.
“We .m« lied a mice' and bought our FaU and Winter Stocks
be ore tbe advance. It places us in a position to sell you
Clotliing, Hats, Furnishings, Etc.
at almost the same prices other dealers have to pay now.
Above statemeuts are stubborn facts and you cacaot find a
clothier in this or any oiber city who can TEUtHFULL-T con
tradict us.
1P4 Front Street
Fasbionable OutfiUers
Desirable Property Must Be S ]ld
Traverse City Lumber Co.
Provident Life
and Trust Company
Than Traverse Belle
Is becomiie populer, toe.
Biggest Bed best lOceetciear
lor the price.
John R, Santo,
tennl lesertice.
A. W. Jahraus
■■ff "i-
*H» Aoiumio BiiO'BO. limbAT. •■p»kb>s s
______________ Am I
■am waaft la a
A pranlaa baa baan jnada to W«o
g for tba PrI* da
Bona la tba paUra to Cuuidasna. Lot
taa Dot aa pat baan k«^t. aay*
I Nawa. Tba tan aalactrd
. aOBpata mnat madltala Jn rail* at l
Senla da* Baau Ana Tlia ordaal
Wblab aompatlUfi ara Wt-iaatad »a*
bamn to-day. They are to work
two daya. bnt tba arm Ibirty-aix boiua
a tba uoai irytn*. 'Tba call la ban-r
1 monaitary. whara tlic
wfcUa. All tba fnmltora wonid not
falcb 100 franc* at tba auction mart.
It coiiaUt* of a mtitra**, pillow and
bolitar. a mib mat. au •■a*a|. a cbalr
and a amall. ial>la. TL.-n- la ooiiiiug
alaa. A* llsbt coniaa fpini abora iber*
la no ootbiok.
Tb* com|M-illor la tlin.wu couiplaialy
npon Urfn»<-If. but ■•■|k-ciiill) durinx iba
ant Ibrae claya. lit- 1* tbrO deprive,!
Of all coiiiiuuntraiion wlib (be uo(*i,lv
world. an,I I* to all liiieui* aud i>ur»
poai-. In Jail, lue akel.-b of Id* .-..mpi-ilug j.l, tun- uiu«t Im- niadd In that
time. He may «uiHu-,|uemly modify
bl* di-Blcu. but tiiuii not cliaiiEe tba
nialo feaiun-*. Tbe flKiiro* an- to keep
tbalr utlgltial aiillud,-*. uo tltfura I* to
ba wHbdrnw. and tlie de»lcu la to Iw
duplU-aii-d. «>ui »( Die tuu drawluxa
la aealrd up hi,,I aeiil to a Jnry. Tl,e
atudeut kev|>a (lie other. Tliia doue,
tlia door of Uie eell |a nid,K-k<Hl. tbe
OccuiMiiii cait a„ lo ai»l oui. i«). but
He may
ronaiilt wlih him a« lo Hie IhhiI iiieniia
Of lildlnx gi ueral deft-eta ,tr ,'titinuelUK
wUal la luerltorluua by lueaiia of
Chaueea lu detail and i>y e(r,-,-ia of
It Kinietlmaa bapiiena that there la a
1rl|dli-ale. ao ibal a i-<i|,y may U- Riven
to Itae profeaaor ahuulJ' hi- l>e dlajiOM-d
to work It U|>. Hut thU I. RRalnat the
•plrtt of the rule! In iMilui of fact, it
1* ran- mu to aee the mnaler'a hand In
tba Prix da Itouie Itolunuga when they
■re flujahed and n-ady lu le exhibited.
Tba aubjecli
I R<-n«raIly are riaaeic or hlslurU-«l
■ IHl demand what !■ leruie<l hen- b
nohle atyle of Intafmeiil. I’lutnnli,
Tacitus aii,l I’atwar an- the gn-ac |uirveyore <if ■ulijerlB. Pcent-s from Mi-h-d
btalur) HIV s„UH-llmen rhuseu. Tl„-re
la no men- imlui, r,-.(li,R .-xhlt.ii|..u
tbati that ,.r the l>rlx d>- li„m,-. S-ldoiii. Imhi'l I. ■•riRiiiHliij .initvn. ,,r
the pmuil.,' of fnlorc cx,vtl,-i>ce rIvcu.
kliist of the |>l,-iurt-e an-,
lu s|M';ik,
DAVIS & BUSBY, at City Opera House, Monday, Sept. 4r
I of tba
terrrtt loc«a(leacvo( Hvctnc lamp eret
ma.lp. «r« ibr CUe*fu Trtlniae. Tlif
ordl&aiT lamp nm
booftit for 29
c«ota. tt roat •UO> to tmlld aad ibatall tbit riant, wtilcti. «xc«pt u In
•laa and puarrr and In Utr fllasaoi*
naad. diSm in no waj- fpow Um imi«
la t»uaia potrw bulba naed a^-aryTbara.'
Tba DotnhuU pon^ar of Uw blf ooe if
«lttal to 9-Wai <«nJ)aa. Evary j«ri of
It Lad tu lie ■iK'cMUy and can.-fully
mada. and aomt- »f tka pana wara complati<<t only after cciuldaraMa exparl____ _and aaverai fidlura*. It* Incan
SI (art it uiatfe of the aunMlarJ
duiildt- ftlnmcul
Ilia two Olaiuacli
balDf pa
parallel with ««c|i <»iLar.
Ibtcb rcunaaniua a full 'JWi volia. tba
rciulrtox 'a cunvot un ueib oC
oaar <>« omi>ar>-H.
Ttia tamp wna axblbliad raaantly In
Saw York, it B|>pfartM Uka a lun.
amt tba Intrbiia yalliiw xlow wa* pain
_ to tba
_ ayaa
of many iwopla.
eibibiiloo the lamp w'aa 'buux in
^ncle Xjom*5 Cabin,•
iKnxnmi os....
The Largest
in the World.
arnan Toa i Cxan~ earer rrce*
fbeta run* .IrouRt « a rrla ^ pa-io.
barlrt(~vaincaBOav«e(. papru.ihcui
Ml taupact of (C* tean. U leBct*.
pauca M hirniAt. e-st
iir amul-buiL.L
.( iha aoRi. It I. ag pur. ibai
-'(< rhastaalCLi Lllie tse Xiu
.coer» hr Itr eery !aiu)c«n» g:
Ibe .-hatacter ,.! U^-a, It !• :ni
uKCbenib la iDBBorr .oneunuem tl.imr «bo pa.,ei .«aj
klheOe. o( ebJdbgoa-. ataralac-iooi-.oi
pore.f<*B»* "Waa tber* aver a iT'ia:;!:*
tt Yaa. but bar awt- it eriitaa oe rruvr.
TUa rood old ploy liualQoc
It ti Iba OBlj- ooa tbai ponrvyi tba* ebaradtr.
fba aeeoery I. excelietit. la tba near toear.
OM a«rt tbe tJoatia* aakra of tea alewlr nrortar
egaa tueoBL Qua caB m«. la the apleadld
panpeeU>-e of (tt, aceoa. ai-rerol &Un up tba
rrotee Hvet, aad the aadUatlnR aaow-clad hTb
a lypleal Soutbara hooe. tmb It. B.a
lu !>« eoMax. aad lu fouoa-fleW. It 1
may. >0087 South u l> a vana. Ujello*
rboi rawu-leo »a«
e Oteeaoe.
k the niodlcal pa•ta lo their Hat of
plQR 1
r riaao •twdeol
Uu studenta from droji- ' «ae W ho I'oderwrol
* lou low, a cuimuoa ,
newrtbea the Se-
uf DORKEYS....
I" ‘V< t n aot a*u<Ty tuaay tut tbe "iMit-.
. . Cue. *>r.- M d.pH-iad Or t:.i» w*;p«ofc
.. . se nt :he ic«".i ee-raorlar aiwiaete* enw
.r,-a T'-e e-eae opea* unit a 8uu of cioou^
:: e
, -1
...a • pwi.lai!
e! *a.-e!. hc»r:a.- forle Tt'X to bcoveo. A
I..'.-,- -.<eU of 'rl.le.tacl .ptethlor U brtrl • f
tviLhllBClafniai. TbeckNHUdupCTw.re.eol.
t£K Va,lr Tufli Niia OBRCI rwen before UM
CNhlen SW-O OB either «liU of «bleb. poU(4
pllUn iBlald «lih pearlood
t-.-U. -t,md oacel watiBcU irlibesponded HrlsRo.
Chance toUov. cb0B(O. Kumereuc aarel. appear fiois out tb. Ceeay etoodi vttb now wr.
round ibe weoe Uke a halo o( dory, la it*
deep renter a auddraiDoreBeat of the clouds U*
i«eG. and like a Bonlac star. Uke tbe ee«tral
.K-wel In a erewu of f
vhltprrloc ancels. UuU Eva. wlib
hand., smllei down bpeo Cede Tom. while tfaw
heaotUul cate* sUwty opf« tt the Rtoat city
that Ur. beycad. It is a apieadld Mcbt to see,
Purina the ialerral ef thU nqtilslu upectae U.
the nieUow e-toore of an InTlilble ebntr tall
fatally upon tbe ear. and the eunala dreerade
upon a pl,-tnre of tba
that oM Ic
cat«-,l to
e Cleelrle-ltr.
nNfutly coimnanie
:-b ISychIcnl aortciy
c iDlcPfeHtu: t-xiwrl-
Almoet every
eamiw escHi e from iN-lcg faunged. on I lailug to the origin of atmosjUierlc
the singe „f Ibe i^e, n> tbeMcr. Dui^ electricity, a tuiuiiiary of wbk-b a|v
n'inarkaMc ctmimunlcntlon relief for
I nrt neiC*a«D c<
CASOhl Pu*
lin. Hr wa. playiuR ihcpatt of AcbmeW |,^tvtl lu Hie IxinJoii Hli,rtrk-aJ Englihe Bulijxt
of ...........
lufiwtion of aong ,
v* —
easy Lbur
a partii-olarly Tillainuu* character. wLB n«,r. Agtw ago It Lad Inn« obaeni-d
pratlHon tbe twvfiie of that abown In Tilnla Id The Lancet, contributed by |
after a lung career of crime It. to ibfi that a cvoMdcrabIc amount of eh«Ibe muaintloa. It wmi fewnel that If t'YTucker Wl.ve of Montrwu.'
g.-nerul sati-farti. n „f the aodieocel irIcHy was timveyed to tbe atmoitInxiallod In tbe regutar w*j tbe flU- 6«dtxerUml. He M.va:
captnn-d J,y tw,. British eoldief* aodM-’icn- Hinuigb the evapurailon of walueuta would droop.
"Wblle enguRe,! uD an Inquiry Into
froiu Uie caril: - e'trfaci-. Actual
Tbe nwuli pn.v.-d Shat the glas* bulb ll*« aotwcin of bacillary tufccHon In
••One night, while struggling with pi^'f- however. v.u» nut fortiHouiluiC
was Incaiaildc of wlibstaudlug Hie In <•»•«'
Itnve rwvmly come under
• rope slippid fnan tny ' umll ITufcaaor Helbit ondcrtiuk LI*
Icnae b-wt tlev-i-lopiyL for » rolla|*a.-l 'ny m.tkv I have U-en ami.-k by the
ibocl.b-rs an-l kuotted
lOotled itM-lf
ItHlf ar.iaudiny
BMQUdiny ■\|H-rliio-ul. lie cmidoycd two bras*
umler tbe aiu»«,|dicrlc pn-wure and uumK-r of ii*tlent« wLo hare lived in
neck Ju.t us I was b>-JUg bauhd opl” .•-ss-ls insulatcil from Hie laiiib iiud
tl>e laCTp banied oifl. Elccirtc-al 0141- eoninet with ,li«,-aM,d cauarle* aud
sa.'-Mr Hicks “Nev.-r shall 1 fitficct spuilly cliarcc,! wlib clii-lrlclty. The
mvra who .aw lu clorlout llluiulua- fiber reaHk-nsl pet*.
111,It uw-fnl mLiuieUt Dir-sllv 1 felt tbe uic was tilhil with waicr aud the otbHou wild a brver bulb lu au tii^lcht
“Among caih> binls. plgeona and
-LUpty. ibeu set aside for
:iig at Ii.y Bei-k I gar- a ivuviibive kick
IKisition would ■'lltnlttate'tbrdaug^ of |K>iiIir.v ium-n'ulu»l* U a i-omiiioo Ulv
in expressi,,! aud cmdi- lu ciiiriiiR.
ii,d iri-d
d to sh it -Stop" bnt the word hour* 1 a rw>tu at noruul tempera*
Hn,! Uo-r,- Is a strong pndwUlllty
" from my twitchiog ' H“w.
lure. ..\i
> Hie eml of this (.-rliJ U waw
To id,mill a ITlx de llom,- ,-ii:i1.1.,a evllnps.'Tlo- big lamp tnas an expcmncni 'bat avian luf-.-H.in enn Iw conveyIbe student ii, coinpleie his nn «lii. argling is<vrt;<!toiI. with Uie abl of au el.ninmieb-r. that/ the vosael isjulaliilus
lily I kie
lion Id Italy at the u,si uf ibe smie. inade al-.ug a Une now engaging luncU ‘il «o buman.^ lug* who keep bird*
Whim lUere he Urea ni the A'llln >le ntli-DHon. Ilial of iWlsIug an electric "llUii Ho- I0W-- Tbe obji-cilonable
:ss none. etraagelT ivutcr Lad parteil with the greater |kitlight for llghUiouaiW. locomollTew etc. l>r».-n,v of all-.wlug them to place
kledlcl and !• nmler the «iM-clal |ui.
h.'king, stiffocating ilou of Its eliarg,-. wLile tlw otLiT La-.l
tninage of Hu- Kn-TK-h amha«aad»r.
■ Id bear th- touinl- i.-,i l.,si any ui>pnv!aMc amount. It la
cbi«:*'r to oiwraie than an lucan- rlskt nud 4jinu.-rviii« procei'.Hcg aa
,n« apidanse of I
n lience. who .io|*,ssiide lo explain this fact otLcrThe slay lu Itoiiie wIiU-iih IiI> atvHii-lIc d.-s(VDI lamp of cikii-si»>miUK |«>wcr, garil- lialdlUy M rwi-ht
D Ibis
Ilian Hiat tbe water in the filhiS
re Ungclyenii-riMii
itb what they
rletti and anukcUH, |M'rhB|is. tb<- 1,is.
U a failure as a Iwamn fur mariner*
''*nl is not lo-.ib i,y.
-M-1 Id tbe proevs* of cra|>oraticD
imagiuf-d WHS my Tealisiic aeiiug
torlcal aelJHe, for Home 1. a uua.-uui •arc In the ckwivst nttnosploTe. a con- '
i^l.ug au.l iior-llig .l.-L t'lrdi
"Th-n a terrible s,-o*atioD. like mol- bn.1 rmnsfcmsl tbe el.'ctrleUy to the
city. It 1* of til,- iDiiM M-rviiv lo atii- dlihin Whlcb Is mte on many part* Mowing lU-du.i auj bu.k. from
srrV..i:T roK ri*v,> pLsi
This Would ccrfailit
li.IyI-D I'-ad rushiug down luy spin^ p«i- ;
di'Dla nlki ilevol,' IheuiMelltw lo n- of the aeacoaiil In this country A fi<
«U’I cl^nlug the cage are not
■1 to jMTitv that water lu prtK’CTUrtof
vadeil my whole b.iy. and 1 ibongbt
llRloua art aud |Hirtralis. It ivnaluly ba* the rffn-t of tdotling out uralMurbi without ilau-gcr. la tny ..pinloo the
• •rali,,n fivlii tlie earth's« surfa.-e
belpa (hem to (luderstaud Italian art Ing Ho- while are light. Tlie JelL.w canary or any ,.iher Ms.1 k.-i,i Id the « ,u,
ap lo pass ui.-r my h-gs were harsling. 1 gave another
of the grand jM-rlotk
ighh-n-<] uuill ,t
i*y* id H»r gl.'witiB tilatuenta la au air blirbcn 1* a |s>.M,ve pi-rll to the bouse- *b, «
■ pr.-i~-r lo-lght. strove-to scroaui I st.-tiied to twholda <
rxLangtod bidb hate far grtwter iK-iiis bold. a.
by ili,u. rlag» ami whisking
be i«nf* 4-L-oMrs. thiay. t-hH.tUa______
niutiig Ho- arnu U-.1.I wrist lo Uilglity ni-h of green water..aud tty i
wanio-«t bnurtk
1« ,U.- ,.,.,...11 ..r I,.., ..-1.™. .1,. I
p™'; allbPOgb Uicy an- *tin Hie dust frvm 11* eag,- or mucus from
ears were till,-,! with Ibe r„ar of a rata- j
I tKo.i'ion f'.i
lufurior to the lUutbluaUuo of the oU,”* *"«k ih.- fcul of a whale family
liecaosc Wap
• )bty I
(Ml*. Kdd}> l„id dlarovenil that the tompa.
reel I have a dim recoll-etion of see- ,
»• ipuiuo this
'** comaDiluat.sL
| k«'.v*
-I. of tLe
i^rtb's moisture tbeo
ing a great rriui-os mu ehiniog dimly !
cures would not work wiihoiu a aac■
A group or cluster of tncaude^imt
“I'Htrv.is can al.io lie atiackcl by tuHint. Pit.r.-ssor I*i|.
rlOce on Ho- |ui'rt of the |uiii.-iil. a ehNVlc lamp* does Uut api*«r to meet '•■r. le. which hi chan»-icrlx,il
0UI.-UH.1 nneb aU
i,t:t ttiai the smoko
IMH-UBlary oi,'rlll,i' whwh she asaeNHoil tbe delhwie reiinlreuteuts of a light- <J"c«'ly I'.v n.-w grown.* ,.f horny
Lkewls,- a Uoslliim
at 1 pound a »v,-h. ,ir h .liilliue* a boure iN-acon One lamp. U ii cuucliul- which *oi;i,-nt,i.-* attain a musldenible
••oasMerable (|uaiiil-Two day,
*r0 Ir.i'.veredccn Hin.iml, w,:i.-U
TIm-j' ,-an easily b- t.rokcn off,
Tlsli. jiayable In ailvHik-,-. .iu,v. as an eil must iH-rfot-oi lb,' work. 'Hila t>lg
V or ,•l•••1^lcll^• IS trnusfaiTisI to llio
'b.-y eoutuln miiioToiis tulx-rcle
emlsciii h,-alcr delli inuely •-xidain* bi lamp I* tbe lal.-sl eJTort of It* maker*
inoreov.T. N-Id*
" *nfl,<-a!ing seb 1
■ iHliT to otic of bet
-tl>e lo prodpci- wliat Is «-e,|iiln-d. ami li 1* '■‘“‘Hb m *b.-lr IcihoI granulation tissue. , tt,- i o'>c"i .'.auw. u u
ill remained, hut it was .c- \ , T,- roily cLargvJ with negative «docthe evidoiion of DUBieroiis oiheiw. enrb
”l•..lt9,■,e-l«. an inf,--ti..iis dla,-aM- ,>f b-uds on au ai-rag.- iw
niuuliig B]> of hllU for L.-oni,R Is <vu- a Hub* Urcer tnav Ibe one befure. and lurnus. lia* nlrtsulj la-u ohs-rved to l■™d^^ltl* every y,-.ir
d by HD ,insniucb..Me tuiret.
ntiou fiwrfol |uiius id luy body
trary to Ho- spirit
of riirlsi’an tl U aald the ptvioun big om? will he
® "■tImu. ami fatal pneumonia ■no.nut lo 2ts'..i*st caae*
ai'letice." Thus Ow Whole «lru,-lurc of .u<-.is-.li-.l by on.- yet larwr lu the «f •-l>■■'•l»l '.' l-' tran-iulttwl by tbeae iwudl.-itls so comuiitn
■ .l.-lat.- in txiod'.Q
riirlatiaii SI-1,lincnUHon.
, '•Irds to m.ii,
In l^cc! at«ttt 50 |«*r- | few ..-nr- ag* tt was t»
' cuurae
-n hypu-iisii
vn I >r. Itraiaw.-D
rin<- . say. ftlackwood's HogaalDe The
----------s.n,s ,1,
w.-ro att.ickCTl. Blnre l»»* b'd >ui’re rotum-u
than f.ir
■ of Hint CUT a
,V Jlyi-r* ,if
pallenl sH, rill(vH to tbe lotiler; the
OMlltaJkM sf( Teaa.l*.
Uiat ttio.- . 'b.-r iiill-ler cpKiciDic* have imTIt
U'Im-u a pi-rviD
of whn!
in the foiirte
Ib celilary <ine-fonrtb brul.;e the f„
bcaler sAcrin,-<-a to Hni. Field Klug;
OM'lliatlou of abli>t can be meaa-' lo*-n n,,ik-,sl an.1 siu-ik-d by GUbeit. ,; w,0"w ,-all
-• -.......
—- ..apiwndl................... .. .... cauae of of the |s,pnlHlio of Enr.'pe are corn- In.i [ira.-il.-al
■ lu this
kir*. E'l,-1.1 King as.-Hilces lo her
I death was axsIgtM-d to some one of Hodied of the bubonic 4’Xis-H,-:,.-,- <-,-\.-riiig aouie nine y.-an. of
tradesax-u. or i>ou.ll>li ifor ibi.
maDufacinred by Messrs. UuxzL Bavlx-1
follnwtug dlaefunw.- via. tiphbtls. perlitrodoced from the ea« Tbe sugc-siiv,- pro,-ills-, during whl,-b Le
Mr. hMdy heryelf lu the U tt fo. of UIL1B Aud known aa Ib*
(ypbinia. eutero colitis, pcritoiijiit, m- first measar.-s to ehi-tk its spread were ha>l out aoou even Ihe nlighte*t l.ad efmrsl*1«»lral lastrwMeot.
furui of a isiiiimlsslou on Hm- proDiit.
Tbli lustniment coo-1 *
ius,n,u,.at known tuaauw’ej.tlon. vnlvidua. iDUwHlial ole adopt,-.i by the city .if Venice, which fi-el. cither lu.in.sliaie or rvtuoie. xml
Mr*, kklil.i aJou,- .mjM>, imiiittulty alHU of a aman elerude iDou.r mounV ax tbe blain.-i.-r and iui.-ud.s| for ineas- •tmeften. typiio,.! fever, malarial f.ipiHODied ID I81H three guardlau* of he cuDcluded Hiat the moral aeuaw
from sa.-rltl's-. as Is iml\ Jusi. s>s-lug «d Is gimbals^ like a
rer. la grippe, bfltoua colit ncute In tbe pabl
comiiaM.i urtng ._ .,
blic beattb Id Uu3 Venice ea must I.C hclghti-ued lo a di-grce. llw
that she Is as It weri-. luiieiii.s- of the with Its armature niimii
(BgeatJoii. Dcuralgta of the tiow.-ls. tabllrbei
a vertical
lia. Us-o conirlvisj hy i>r. ...
laaxret. ,» contagion* dis ha,I ivsorteil to suggmtIoDs with pa>
•yaieni. A* «ne of lo-r uomu tniiicd posUlun at a very blgb
eate hoepitiL on a amall isUnd adjoin- Heoti uf ell ages—aoine actually In
nidoch of Muiileb. Tbli iDICDslty
folluwi-r* declared, 'klra l-bldy lias a .\* tbe Bblp rolls, the armainre
pMAS abacesa. aluweM of Hie alslorol
mainaaue. many or, the lM,rderlan<l of insan
lined to have jiro|s>ril(aiau- efteci
«*'“• "• o'rtalMl pMtilon. while the ;
aromri^' or' rt'ai-ILug'Td.-ire^'v - luO wall, perlbcpatHli.
perlbcpatHH. perlnepbrlUa or '
lUd of mental iimditlun su extreme
of life au.l a shrewd bu.lueas in-Huct. frame aupponlng tbe glmt«l Hngt foln.,X ^
coMUx—lgedlcwl Dial.
d qt
ly UDSUhle that If there bad Wo au>
loareuiioa Tbe word 11
SO many uegrveii. LWn------------- .—
J xc- ,I 1...,.
Iowa ,1...
tbe n..,!....
end imphee 4U daya tbe peri danger i.f pn-l^ang-lad efTocta eom*
•bo BonJe* and pointer*
!. provkled, ••
ji,,.plDg *f this tMue SI its mmil- Colic, Cholera and Dlarrboes Eemedy In od uf detention impoaed un veaeels at pailenu
ilil.havi- shown them, t
rbxrgv* «l" iH.und* for three weeks’ Hint the unaoiit of morenieDi An U
' mum xticr luldd.e age Now. the prin- 'he trcntmeoi of bowel tomplainu has
quanoun*.— In but a sluclc ln^ianoe Lad there bc.ee
traluihgxs a healer and olBlDia to ba,
accurately iloleniilDid.
a wi-nki'Dlug of Hic wilL On the eonIv of iIm- blometer lx that when a made H sUndard over tbe greater part Youth Cumpaniui
au atiendatu'i* of A,ihs> pupils, and has *trum<*nt
i>y xue aam
of tbe eieilbcd world.
sale by a
trarr. those with a weak will galm-cT
cur•old Hsi.issi of her b,>oks *1 14 ' '
aod known a. the gyroaeopic compaas
B. Wait and f. C. Tbompaoo.
furre of charac-tiT and gave up vice.
lings m>ue w ill ,|u,-sih>u the •iniM
Is contitrocted upon tbe same prlDcl- rtgtit to left' Tbe right hand than wlU
"I here come.' exclaimed tbe Urge A.-rordltig to Mr Myrrw. tbe leading
lUniatM Pair.
e pedal
this loving lies,-ripiIon.
pie. with a borixontal dial 11^ tbe or- attract tbe needle 15 degrees beeauM
framed, athletic young woman. roUicg fact* of brpnollam, l«.lb for tbe phr*]int«' tbe Pair at Mas
dltiary marlnct'a sw,|a»aa. The frame ,ue .-urreDt Is entering, and tbe needle
rtan ud tbe psycholnglgt. the fact*
up her sleerea "tu clean uni
LaXr M^.4«lph’.
Mich., the, M a;,- E R R. Co
to follow the force, while the eall tlckeu___
which call ffioet pmwlagl.v both for exroom."
, at one tare tor the 1
L«dy Raodclph (’hurcblU ha* adopt of this insirumeot. In-lng atuci.eil to
tbe vo*ai-l. follows any change In dP
band will nm-l H.
the trip 00 ref^ai
pUnxtlon ud developuient. are thoiiw
trsios Sept S to * InWbicb, being the scTublady. the
ed a working dr,-** u hlrh U *al,| lo >« roctlon. While the motor annature coo1. leaving H^t exm-m^y
llml'ed to return Sept. V. leM medisHy proceeded to da—Chicago profound sanative regeneratloDi wbiob
both *ru*Hde aud prelty As idltor of tiauc* to revolve alway. In the original
..^Tuty 1.
to be sJown^
uHiu Agent
hare BO often transformed the dlptbe Anglo-tbixuu Uagaxlne. her lady plane. In this way any change
'IS-Sepl. T
change liIn «Uband* rcfadling the needle, P A. Mn.HXU., U. F. A.
eomutac. the morpblnomulac etc.,
ship Is oWlgvd to gel down to ival rectluo uf tbe t
1 U at once linU- ,bougb during ahs-p N>tb ban,Is at- Xilnewl Rates on Utx O. R R I. R'y.
taio eeir cootrolled and orafol mai»m—Au |,bwat wud ya h«ofioe»ety.
work, and Bod* her eoaiumo • great rated.
"- A reveiwal of the current of
Pblladalpb's. Grand Army rennloa, take fer tbe dog. nowT
conrenleuce. H lisa a round-waist, no
A HrsteriMa >r*i* OUa4. ' {
accord I* I.Miked u]>oB ax an Sept nn. One tare for round trip.
School Oiri*' Met
Very recrntlv U Ima Iwen dlacorercd «“*f«vonil,lc bartilngcr, and on th--blotmr. Iwliod imugiy at the'waist wlih
Rapids, sute fair, Sepv JSth. (it along widoet money, but 1 radu'i
. -- B*ph
a •liirr belt and ■ *ilver bvekle. Tbe Hint there Is connected wlib tbe brain ,
registering ■ great loM „f "tpe fare for rouod trip
wldoal de dog.-«iiUdelphU
Big Rsplds. Volanteer Beanlon. Sepk
........ .........
are looae. with deep cuff*. The
.... i amxU gUnd cfUed tbe Infundibula- '“•Hty the aubjeet 1* to be *hut In a
aktri 1* trimmed wllh braid around Ibe gland, which a|>pareuily snppUca a "■*'
are arranged electric mb. Oae fare for round trip
Detroit. I. O. O. P . Sept. I«lh
bottom. ]>ut on lu Indian anla.’eques.
iDce 10 tbe brain, them UC*'** «f great Intensity and other elecO R A I Aunoal Xxxnralon.
» be dlfftiacd tbraqgli tbr brain carlflxtntva. and after remaining In
It Ut aald Ihxt “iJidy Handy,"
Rsearsloa to R'cbmoeH Sept ifllbfll
........... ..........
Ora.in-It Is tbongtit fliat this substance *•**’' '"miIQou* »«th
furfire minutes be
lx called,
alwa.vs wean ..............
Exeuraloo to Detroit, fll. '
’be cheek ud the brigbtnMa la
n since ber lodlen decoration by (be ^ iDdUpcnsable to (be health of tbe ,
ExcaralOB 10 Cb'eago •». Oct ird.
eye tell of ibe building ud ,
queen. In winicr the wear* a smell brain, and ttwre Is promlac that the)
PluBi fv CaBBing.
which is uking plane U
the body.
toque. Now she I* wearing a flat baU
''t this gUnd In animal* and mu
My eanulDg plum* *re now ready. I
trliumed with blue retret and blue vlU enable physlctaae to nnAmtand
- . ™p
wll' detirer in the cty. |i OO per baUdMi'dmoaklsg
Bowen. She Invariably we«ra a aim) Q«*t certain dlse«*ce of the brain Straab Broa. A Amlona. Good tor
Spar cent, off on poeial eard
C A W. M- exeureloa rata to Ba
TtTorder* A 8. Dobra*. P. O Box *45. ^w Sunday only tl oa Train laan
flMible frill around her neck of blsa vblcb are now my obac«m~Beat«s
Tt4-«t«—4 at «:10 a. m. retural^ at 7:40 p ■.
.. .'^^i^.-iiasBieasr’--.
ts:£iaAn w
fUid Tew-Vo 7K.
twitfiiiri am
irsoAost «o r TO M tovts.
War DaparOBMi Abaadoaa IdM of
•aMtat A^lawt w Atlaata
Allaata, Ga.8*pt S.-Ta*r* *rlll b*
BO aerro refisMal at Fort MePbenoa,
a* waa otiflaanr Ua parpoM of tba
r«Mtr-OM Mrtg»nd» X1’.M la u war dapartmaaL Whan it waa aaAmmU ap M aiBMt V«n»wdl. aonaoad that a black r«riaMal waa to
ba aaat to Atlanta a i
Mtar «*p< > Dwtfefd • Baa4U
b^n to briBf a raooaaldar■tnmKkoU Wbieh Waa TbMfht atloa OB the pari of tba aatboritlaa at
SaaoewmSbU •*< OaptaMd Imrsa Waahlartoa.
aad Ooreraor Oandtar
aaaatHica of Sapptlaa.
•craad that the praaesee of aaproa* anWaablaftoa. Beet. l.-Oaa*ral Otia
der the dUtarbad eoadltlou raantUnr
ioday eabM the foUo<
I ftwn Iho Dartaa rtott mljht reanlt aarwhich be raoaiead f
towly. aad talacraisa from tka moalHwhaa at Ilolio. laland of Paaay:
elpal and atata aatbotitlca wara aaat
'■UeataBaat Ooloaa) Byraaoa Thar,laat Moadaj. maar atroar anwal* by
day deatroyad Airwala. * ■«>« Imletter followinr that aftaraoon araiaat
pvtoat baadU etroerbold'' kUUac
briortar the aacroei bare.
A letter
twaaw-oaa and wtmadtat maay. Ha
waa ncelead today, aaylap the delariiiplin' larfa qoaaUUca of aapplica,
mlaatloD to qoartar a ne*n> rtelmaat
laeladla* a complaM ootAt for reloadat Fort IfePbaraoo bad been raeoaaidtafabaUa. Boloa, apaarm. at«. wara
erad, la tUw of the proteata
»Tbe deal waa ramarkahle aa tba
town U aooaaaibla ooly by a road op an
almoatparbandlcBltr alopa. ooo»Uoi1t
under *ra for 1,000 faal. One ofiear
uud two man wara atrnek by the' ABATOhy May.Tet R*lg1k in
boaldara rolled down on them, bot |
Ssn romlfigo.
I BOt aarioasly bort. No cssoaltiaa are reported. Tba bandit atreaplb
■tmbatarf Batiriap Cabinet Detect
ed in Becartaf Arma and Astmanlticn—Supprrsaad KxeiumeDt Pre-
ABWioan Soldier* PeifoRDod
• Paring Aot.
raili and the Outlook la Mot Brifht
4mm WlU Play flrai Bsma of
Pot Peace.
lAs BaaeoD in fetoafcay aaat
San DomiDfo. Sept, t -Membere of
the retlrluf eabioet of former Preai
Tba Trarerae City foot ball team will dant Flfuereo bare been delected loedinf
a lot of arms and ammunition on
play the drat fame of the a
* Pabmkey neat Thoraday. A hot faae I board acboonara.wbieb 'they intended
U expected, aa the Petoaky boys kaow toaeadtoAsua.
Tbit dlaaoeerr eauaad freat exciteboir to play tba fame- They bare bean
in praotloa macb Iwfar than tba home nest in tba eity and lad to aariona
team, hot la aplte of this fs^-i.. it is damonatratioaa
Large crowds formed Id tba atreate,
macb to be qaasUoaad wbatbar they
are la batter ooadlUoa The Trararaa a msjwity balaf yonaf. bot-baaded
aty boys bare dona tbalr pracUca un man. who marched up aad down tba
Id a dlaordarly masnar.
der capable laatnietloa.and wUl donbt
Icei teaoh tba Patoakeys a tblof or deatroylng property and ahonllnf
-Vl*a Slmiarr:" aad -Vlra BaToIuBobart W. Daris, who baa bean mao- cIob!" at the top of tbalr roloca.
Od tba aurtaoa the city Is quiet, bat
aftaf the team, baa aaeurad tba ateam
arOaekaaiafortha trip to Petoakay. there is a deal of euppretsad excUaThe boat wUl leare the city at aU mant and dUturbaneea may be rethe exeltamaat
o'doek on the momlnf of tba Tth., an**d.
und wUllaaTa Petoaker si 10 p.m. on' cheeked vary aoon anarchy will raigo.
tba return trip. All daalrlaf to make and numerous murders may mult.
Foraigners here are safe as yet but
iba trip ean aaoura tiokaU of B. W.
Darli, in the Bssdia block.
The fare llUlmpoasIbleto trU what tba next
fortnight may bring.
Tfalaga look
will be dO oautt for tba round trip.
gloomy for the goranimeBt
BcvolntioBists are undecided aa to
the man tber want for praaldent It
Uundermtood on cxoallant authority,
One* Blaae Started But Sffactiva bowerer. that they are not in favor of
putting Jiainez at the head of tba
Work of Flrrmaa PreraBta*
republic. Tbla atiituda of the revolu•erioos DansafoOonlsta U likely to esuaa a crash and
TMtardayal t:R0 the moekiag bird ahas lead to fresh dlsturbancas.
ftHtS the ftre department to the Par>r- Jlmlnr z cabled today that bis amlaaarias
bora Bouaa on Bay atruat. where amoka would soon arrive bare, and that he
aad flsw— were latuiaf from the roof would follow them. Jimlnrz U poslar
ofthaaoutbwiaf. Tba fire bad ataried la thU city, but the masaaa are flekle
from tba kltchaa. but bad apraad aad wUl deaert him oo the allgbtcat
.•apldly. aad bad galaad eoDsldaruble provoeatioa.
before the department
Tba popular idol Just now Is
arrirad. Prompt aad affactire work Chwrea, who has assumed the office of
by tha ftremao aoon put the dre under mlBlatcrof war. Be U expected to
ooalral. nad the damafe was alight reach San Domingo on Sunday
compared with wbat it woold bare
The provlatonal mlnlatry U eompeaed
baaa bad not tba work of tha depart'
B who are <
I entirely upael the old order of tbingt.
neat bran ao eaargatie.
are eonfroeiad by a difficult
It appeared at floi aa If tha whole
buUdlag was doomed, fpr a airoag problem, and failure to aolva tbla
bcoeta preraUed. and the building waa problem, srill cauae tbalr owe down
asdryaa dual. Bot a good praasura fall. foUow^ by another eivU srar and
waaea la the waur matua, and the anarchy.
ftramaa aaamad ao more afraid of tba
Wise beads among men who have
flra than If it had bMB tbalr naUre bad long axparianea In San Domingo
aUment. Two of them. Pat Doan and affaire regard the outlook for the
WUl Aabton. were on the roof in the future as warruBtlBg a faallBg of
rary midst of the a%maa. and did Bot grave apprehesalon.
quit tbalr poalUon UIl Ua flra waa out.
Tbare was ao lasoraaoe on tba bnUdDAAOOBD rmOK A OWSBlag. which la owaad by the Haaaab A
Lay Oompanr. The furniture waa la- FoUoa Offioar Baaata Baved a Dog
From Aa VaUmely Death.
aurpd for •3.100: of tbU sum 11,000 wsa
la the agoaey of B. H. Allyn, while E.
A email knot of men on the earner of
W Baatiogs bad the other tUROO.
Front and Oaoi street attracted atE. O. Towae, who waa aiek In iba tcntloa about eleven o'clock last nlgbt
boMl at tba time of th a Are. had to be A doc bad fallen Into the newer at that
canted out of the building on a mat- point, and tha mas wore Uylag to reUM- It ii bellarod that no damage laaaahim. All ssould have bean easy
will reenit from the baaty rpmoral of had It not been that tha dog dlatrustcd
IbaMck ama.
the moUvea of tha man. and weal back
Thaloasontba bnUdlug waa about outof eight srbaoa man was let down
■ ■ • • ret b'm•tOk, aad a new roof wiU be aaadad.
liee Baatlc flBuIty came
Tba farnltara waa damagad but
allchily by flra. bat tha damage imuawl te the reaene. and with tha aid of Dan
can McUagtiUn aueceadad in
by water was ooaaldarabla
lag tha doc and drugglag him
la lif
JKlfia Oreak waa the Laat ■unieor
Ot Wat af ISIS.
Aa* Aaolhar S*Md Bast to tort
WMblagto*. D- CX. Beph l.-Bham
Ntagan Taatarday.
Oroak el Aea-. K. \\ U dead, at tha
■ Foar new maa srara aiUlaWd by Capagaaf teyaan 0«^k waa aot oaly
tala Ball at tha reerulUag etettoa y«aUa last aarrleiBg mdAter of tba WB^ of
kmtey. WUUam A Bateana. oaa of
IBik, bat wte atoo theoUaat pwilnam.
Baawoa«tertottr«*P*tB*ha fall of tha ClBWpaay H hoya aallatad aa a ragalar pad wQl go u Preeidlo Bameka
1814 iB lha Maw Toek mUitte. Ckoakb Mwdaywiih otbar rugulan aalistod
M aiUl BB tha paaaloa foUa.
hara. Tka votaasaen Ukm yeater
day w«« Fraak Babal Bart C. CaepeaBr. V. 9. OMk.
yaadBdwardJLFarmwi They wan
"tS"’to ^
Britith and Boers Key Yet
OriUnal etaea la Oa aad Sariona Ooetaqnaaoaa are feared—Boen
■utarBO.OOO Hea ta Titm Xtaya
aad Oraaca fraa BUU lO.OOO—
We usually spend about S30.00
at the opening of tbe school year for ad.
vertlsing. We propose to inaugurate a
new Bcbeme this year and will give that
amount directly to the scholars in
are th.o*e who wear
Ten Valuable Prizes.
Tnawraal WUl Sapadlata ZofUad'a
Loedoa. Sept I.—Tka Staadard atd
Dipfara'Kewa today raoaired a cabVrram from Johpaaaabarr daiad yialar*
day. aaylae tbaVa tJermaa OMra, »00
ationp, haa baaa formed there to co>
operate wltn thdBoera la tba erwt of
war wlU areat BrlUan.
The d'lpateb adds that the Boara
oooid BiobUlis «0.000 men la tbraa
days, wbtle the Oranpa Fraa Sute
coaid master lO.coo aoldlara la 'the
e period. Tba dUpaicb aaya: -Mr.
sberlain'i i«ply apboldlaf the
aaxeratnty of Great Brluia was reeelrad by the read with prasi demon-1
atraUon aomUtaksbly iadlcaUnt tba |
a of tba TraBBvaal to n
Great Britain's pretensions. The road,
on bearlag the five year tronehlsr pro
posal, gave every sign of dissent and of j
detehniaation aot to go beyond tbe |
year limit."
It must aot be forgetien that these ^
atatemeeu come from a profaaaadly |
pro-Boer aouree. A special d'spatcb
today from Jobaonesburgsays that tbe
editor of the T.ansvaal leader has
raatad. charged with blgb
It la geaerolly believed that
tbe eriUeal stage of tbe negotlatloas
bat been reached. Warllks rumors
prevail. _________________
•trlking Ooal Kmers Vsed
and Dana and One Kaa
Here ie the way we do it -Ticket* will be given to each achol*r
pnehaaiog over 10c worth of anppUe* and one sHditinrial
ticket for each school bo-ik purchaaed.
The New Shoe
For WomcQ.
Ca Saturiiair, Sepieinber 16th the prizes gill be awatdeil
For Boy*-Sesson’a Lecture Oonrae Ticket. Foot Ball Soit,
Foot Ball, Punch Bag, Indian Olnbe
For UlPl*-S «Bi.n Lecture Cooree Ticket, year’a acb«rripao*
to Ladle ' Heme Joamal, an order in any store in tbe city
for a pair <-f aboee Toiiet Set, Dumb Belie
We give beet va’oe.for yonr money of any etore in (tto city—
“The Old Reliable,”
Were expead»d
by tbe
•hoe* in perfecting lasU
g20-S22 Front Street
and pattenu that are now
Bhlpb Oonoabl* Jr. KAiutF*r.
correct in every line and
Undressed Kids Dressed in Short Order
are worn by faebionable
ladiee everywhere. They
are tbe best ahoee ever
sold at any price.
s 00 and *3 so.
Waa Billed.
Exclusive sgeats for SOROSIS
WUkaaharre. Pa.. Sept. 2 —Jobs
in tbe rily.
Pollock was shot and klllad, William
Thayer was seriously wounded aad
eight other men were hurt in a flgbt
eetwean tbp.jtrikers at tbe oolllerics
of Weal PlttUon and a repair gang to
day. Tbe alrikers have bees ugly f< r
aeverol days and vesterday they atortd
aavaral meu.
Warronu have been
To look at Fall Clothing call HBRB aad eee tbe ap>t(v
leaned tor them, but none have been
date line we are ebowiog. We feel enre we caneoit yon and at
Laat Bigbt a lot of top rock fell Into
r the Mme time Mve yon money.
tha mtaa and today Watchman Will
iam Thayer got five men together to
make rrrs '
As they reached tie
mine the sti .kera blocked the way med
threw stoc's The workmen ran f>
the "bead‘•nuse 'forsbelter. and Ue
strikers firrd -in them.
When you coueider thie fact,
Thayer f l badly wonuded. Tha
don't you think you are miKtakeu
otbero retnro«i the flra. killing Pol
when you My yon "don't ne«d a
lock. one of - he atrlkero Tha aulkero
l^bone in your buuie.”
then aeatto'-Mi In the woods and are
What Tou have most precione in
3w bMlog 'r -Q arraat.
the world ie there, and in the event
ia a well-epring of pleasnr*
Five bu-.-"i men are Involved In
of accident or dan
'eo bai bMn In progrtaa
in tbe hooae when it bu tbe
ger you would need
for six w.eks They are etrikirg
it even more el your
melody and eweet tone
wbst -bey call exeeaeive doekhome than at your
of a Kimball With pardon*
office. .\nd that ie
A large number of eonetablea are
able pride in its beanty and
saying a good deal
guarding tbe mine.
Tbe eulkero.
merit, we will abow onr mag.
particularly the foreign element, are
worked up to e high pitch o( excite
nificent stock of Kimball
ment and threaten vengaaoe. All are
pianoe and when yon test it*
armed and It will uke but Utile
wonderful tone yon will recognize it* superiority above all
provoeatioa to etart a gearrsl riot
Sheriff Harvey has been notified aad
others. Come in and look at our fine assortment
will take precantioni to preeerve
peace. Tbe officlsUof tbe company
my that it wae ebeolnlely neceeeary to
eend men Uto tbe minee today, ae tbe
at half price.
■wavy tall of top rock threatened great
Small Instruments
damage. _________________
This Store will be cibsed Tuesday and Wednesday,
Sept 5 and 6, owing to Hebrew New Year.
New Piano
II :a£S'«
■ichlju TtlepPime Co.
Divideads aad latorseu Payable in
Mew Turk. Fnt to Clrcalatlea.
Mew Tor*. Sept. 2 -It was eeUmatod
in Wall street yceterdsy that the total
dUbnraemenU made yesterday on aceountof dividends and Interest falling
dna woBld amount \) S30.000.000 This
lacludm dividends oa atocka figured at
|ll,M$.500, aad Intsreel oa railroad
aad other eorponle hoods amouaUag
to *11.617.830.
It svas beliaved that the treelag of
tbla great turn woald have a good effect
npoB the ssarkei and relieve the alight
etTM eor moaey which had baaa maaifeat.
Facaoas lejara* at Lerala.
Lorola. O..Sepk I.—Bight panoae
ssara lajmrod today aa the raaeU o< a
baad-oe eelUatea h««waaa tsao motor
ean ot tha Lorola * Blyrte eleetrie
Uaa dvriag a fog.
Both ean srere arpwded with pamaaganaad ware raaaiag rapidly. Tbe
troBt hall of aaeh ear me damoUahad.
MaaaofthalBiarodsroa totally hart
We have jnst received
elegant stock
the most
beantifnl artwork in
handaome and
which we invite the ladiee to
Our atock of jewelry
i* tbe
fiaeat in thia part of the state.
Barnum & Earl.
Mnosoii Block.
and Musical Merchandise.
I. E..?TB0I6, linOtf.
i!9 Fmt SL, larUu BM
China ever displayed in tbe
All Sheet Music
September 4th
Oor friends wiU find us located one doOF
east of Hamilton Olothlng Go's.
Btor% In the KcNamara BIocIl
We will open business with a Glean XTp
Sale where prices will cut ao figure. We
invite everybody to con^
Rm. T. Katm
J. W. aunn.
t. V. BASsn. Bdlur ud 1Ub»cv
HiomiSAK wlU be mtU repiweiited Ifl
the PhUlppiMA
Colonel Uerdner'i
reflBoat ie oboBt tc etATt for the Pe>
^ eoMV ABd of ibe i.too men 1a the
TBlnleth. too Are tren MiebIrAo. Aod
■Any of tbes eerred Uncle dem In
OnbA And MW preuy bnrd eerTlec.
Ihte rerUnent W one of the beet
AfBippcd of Any of the Unlud BtAtee
(cron And U eonapoMd of men of worth
And phyelcAl perfection. Uke »U Mlebi(AB wddlen who hA*e (Wen a rood
Mronnt of themeeleee, three wUl honor
the emu by telthfAl eerelce. Beeldee
tbooe In Colonel Gerdner'e eonuAnd,'
Tr»r«nc CUy bee ernt ebont tfty
MKM Ue Peelfic. Includlsr ihoee re
OenUy enlhud. And tbU nnmber will
be iwellcd to ncArlr ecTeniy before the
reeralUor eUtlon U cloeed.
OOAiui. KL'setA.v of Eenue eeyt.
thet the wny to end the war In the
pAlllpptnOi It by A teriea of bold deahee.
OescrAl PnntiAn te able to Ulk Irani
ptActieal (sperience. end he night
Add that ewiminlnr rleeie lean tffeeW
ireeienent In toch A compAlgn. Be
■ntgbt Aleo Add that a eapprculon of
the AnUgonlaB to the edmlnlctrAllon
AAd the Dotallnr of Ineorrcnt lympAthleare woold aid ia the end that all
^MTicAint ahonld dealre to eee qnlckly
^ anAonyllehcd^_________
3 Tw eiiy of »t. Coota ie etUl worry•lAforerihe Chicago drainer* «anal,In
pylU of the aaearanee from truetworthy
AOtborlUee that the dnmplnt of the
refnae of Chicago Into the Miaatealnpl
trill do no harm and oaaee no cell (ifecu
10 the Mlnourleity, dt. Lout* knowing
2^ Aonetblnr ebool Chicago itabbernly
rofoeea to Accept the theorlee edTanoed
by the anthonUea mentloeed,
PAWAAlly Hcaty BnrallmentSnpeeted Ibie Tear.
Bterything i* now ready for the
ppanlng of ecbool wmorrow. Hnpt. C.
B. Born an? Prof B- B. Byder have
bean buy for a week arranglDg the
AlaealficatloD. and all U now in ae clear
ly detned condition ae it can be nnill
the opening of the'ecbool and the arriral of the pnpUa. Beery Indlcatlob
^olAU to the lATfeet atundance that
^he ecbool hie ceer known. The perpestafe of foreign poplU will be eeen
blgher than la former yeare. The attaodanoe la espccUd to be large from
the eery Are'.
Xbe eeeeral Janitor* baee the bulldlAga in eacelicnt condition. Janitor
Retth of Boafdman aeenoe and Tbomp
•on of Klmwood aecnue haee been
parlonely handicapped by the bolldlng*
pot being eompleud. Janitor CuriU
pf the Central building bae thloga In
axcepUonally &ne abape. The door*
AT* All newly ollrd. and ereryiblng U
epick and tpao. The lawn turroundlag the building hat been carefully
eared for during the aummer. and
■reaenta a doe appearance ibik a 1.
^ The library it in Bne ehape. U hat'
bean rearranged by ihe librarian.
FraddmUb.a former employe of the
^»CvW>- Beerythlng poinU to a eery
eaceeeifni tchool year.
There will be delay In opening of
Elmwood arenne,^ Uoardman aeenue.
and Boonrllie. at noud In another
Buneral oliChrieupber f ybaa
Court Traeerae 1. O. F. will haee
•barge of the funeral of the lau Chrlelephar Pybne tomorrow afternoon. The
Bombere of the court wUl meet
p'eloeh, and e'eery one la urged
A abort ecrelee will be held at the
bOMA afur which the proceaeion e '
PAB to the Congregational chun
•rbara the main eereiM will be bcld.
Tbe Board of Bducatlon will atund
tba funeral In a body. SMU will '
for ibeiB at the church, and
will be proetded for thair eonyfyAACe to the cemetery.
The pall bearer* haee been ehoaen
froB among tbe aeeocleue of Mr Py but
lA the elore of tbe MeroantUe company.
^ Arable OaBeron. Frank
pAAA.Jaaeph Zimmerman and JobnBanAleteky from the grocery deparment.
John Fowl* from the hardware depart^•At. Dab London from the fornlture
K. Wilhelm and Ftaak Kafka
troB tha eloUung and dry goodi
9^ poetofiice wlU be opan Monday.
■Mi 4, Labor Day. tram 7 anUl» a. m.
7tra« S wUl 4 p. 04. There will be
ABoralayb^twry.meaa by the oar^
■attoctod tatercat to the VmpUaTha Vtw Add tk»a Oa«a
Tbr TripAaoB FMlflt.
DeAiB CUmp. Ma. BM. Modan
Wocidman of Amactaa. will meotia ragItalATulariaaaaioA Monday aeoalag. Than
WI.U be aaeoral eaadldatoa to adopt -lacnrTAPt
All departmeam begla on Mzt Mon to the myatoclB of woqdmaft. A fuU
attendanea la daelzed.
day ai 9 yelock ,
L<iUan. CM of the eight m 'stto old
AUroemt opaa on Monday, BlgUli twin daagbtora of Mr, aad Mra A A
grade etadeam from thU dutrfet will Gray, dUa at their home la Acme ye»be nadar tbaprlnelpaL MUa FJkine.
tarday moratag. .Fvnaral aaresm wiU
boaBdmam aanvE
be held at the raaidaMa at > p. m. toBeildlng not yet ready fOroi
The aeraath hod eighth gradee from
thUdUtrietwilIbeaoer>mmodeud for
fniloeriAg letter tram
bar. eaa of tha boya am rauta to the
Proaidlo Barraeka, Baa Frandaeo, Aug
t7. 1»M.
Dsaa Pimraa—Wa reaebid thle eliy
Friday eTaalng after a ride of aU day*
aad Bra aighta. Wa i
all pratty
tirad of the ride. 1 wlU not tall you
:ae much ae rulhai.wlea would haeanec
I hare written to .lua Moixixe B^I. and 1 enppoat you hare alre^
raad U before tbU.
the preaMt at the Central building,
One of the reglmenU eutloned here and they will begin their work ot> Mon
laareaforthe Philippinm aczt week, day- The fourth grade will go to the
and wa will eoon follow. It will be a Suu etreet building mod the fifth grade
long ride on ihe big pood. 4t day* for to tbe Oak Park building, beglnalrg
thetrtp. We are an well, and are______
^ _______
of thU di»baring a good Ume. eo far, bet the
eannet begin their work oniil the
boye who hate eeme bach from the j
building U ccmpletPaiilpplna* eay that we will get our ^^
flnlah there. But they cannot acare ni
that way. I gnem we c. n etand It if
It ft hoped tbat_all of tbe departthey did.
menu of the -Blmwood arenne eehool
We are In tbe Tbir y tilth United will be able to begin work on Wednee
Sutee eelnntcer*. anc ikal regiment la day. S.'pt-6ih. DeBolu announeamont
•ly foU. We are ^drilling erery will be made ia the Bagle Toeaday.
day. We bare a atccl "nigger" to and In the Baixinn Wednetdey.
lying down be
l-OITtI piiimaBv
. We call him
On roloo etreet wUl begin on Moo007 Filipino.
Wtixiau J. FraoBca
BooncrlUe ecbool cannot be opened
nest week.
Drflalte ennonoceraeat
Will be made later.
Monday night DarM A Beeby'a big
C. B. Bohn. Snperlntoedent.
Uncle Tom'e Cabin attraction will eahtbii Lb the City Opera Boom. Thiele
declerid u he the beet I'nete Tern
Leon A., tbe i-montni-old child of
ebow ever prodnoed here.
Mr. and Mra Frank Ullea, died enddenIn epiu of the oppreeeire weather a 1t yeeterdey morning at ihelr home at
large audience wltceaaed a Bne pro Mapletoo. They called Dr Garner,
duction Of "Under the Dome" in but the little one waa dead before he
SUlBb^rg'e Grand laat erening. TbU arrired. Tte funeral will be held to
U one of tha maeUrpleeee of the eeenic day at H p. m. from tbelr bi^me.
arlUt and one of the greateet iriumpbe
Parker Broe. remoted their atock of
of the cclebraUd author. Lincoln J boot* end ehoea te their new etand in
Carur. The anUtle and mechanical tbe McNamara block laat olgbL
effecU are new and eplcndidly aiaged
Tbe ateamer Columbia will glre a la
and tha play U glren by a good eom- bor day excortion tomorrow at eight
pany. The ferry boat eoena in the o'elocK. The fare for the round trip
Bret act U preaentad with cffecUre will be
realUm. but the etorm ecene in tbe
M‘ee Joele Bauman bad her wheel
harbor at ApU. Bemoa. rcreallog Ur badly damagwl while rldUig on Ran
wrecicaof ecreral war eblpa. wu* one dolph etreet yeeterdey. Bhe wae run
of tbe marreU of etage effect and the down by a earelcm cycler.
enthueiaem of the eudienee required
There will be a gcapel temperance
I than half a doteo euriain calU.
meeting In Montague ball thU afterOne of the fine fealuree among icreral
nnOD at ) o'clock Bee. W. E Wrlgbt
good tpedalUee glren waa the dancing
will apeak In behalf of the goapel
of MUe Madeline Bant, wboee eantlworkera- An Inrltailon U extended to
reting preeence and exceedingly elerer
all to attend theae meetinge.
work Inrlted continnoue applauae dur
On acconnt-Of the Hebrew holiday
ing her act TbU waa ooe bf the fineat
tcenlc produetione ever glren here and tbe ehoe etora'*^ A. d. Frymao will be
cloeed Tuciday end Wednesday of ihU
the play wae appreciated for tu artUiic
-lu and tbe cxoeUeoce of the perThere will be a regular meeting of
tie council Monday night.
Tne next attraction to appear in
L ''ornwell A Co . tbe meat dealera.
Sielnbcrg's Grand will be "A Royal
PrUoner." wlib Mr. True James ia the are preparing to sore Into their new
tbe C & W.
iMdiBK role. Thl. U . .1,. .i.., | < fflro .od .erehouro
romeeUe comedj ud Ur. J.d,e. lu.l“ t-edidi
Pl-e- 'd-r
Ide .epponidd rod,p.ii7. Tbe pl.j
teke» bj H C
deele »iU U,*p.r;od ol 17,l, uid ,, 1 B.roee, the upbol.Urer. who will b.ee
loeededohu epiiode Id U.e ,„e .d |”P
Eeipeeee E.lteheih. d.osbler ol 1-eier i '■ '™"' “■> woehrooe. In tbe reer.
tbe Great.
i Hiram Cook k*» leasedjihe e*st store
FraparatloBa in Frograaa ta Tour
Big Day* V«Mt VeeA
ManUtM U making great prepara
tion* for the Weetern Diatriel (air to be
held there Septombor ». B. 7 and 8. ThU
will probably be the blggeei felr
held In thU part of tbe atate and the
management U preparing to make It
one of the meet ecm >let* aad ecj lyablc
The Boys' Band of thU city will be oer
of the attrucUons on the 7th and
large number are preparing to atteoc
from ihU city. Excursion rate* will
orerail on the M. A N. E. tor the four
day* and a tpeclal excuraioo will be rni
from bare on tbe 7th.
The Branry of Vomas
Wae grudly shown by Mra
Dowling of Butler, PA-. in a three
y^' tiroggle
iiroggle with a mallgeot
atomrouble that eauaed dUtremlng
attack* of nausea aad Indigestion. Ali
rcmrdice tailed to relieee ber unill *be
tried Electric BitUn. After taking It
two mODibs, the wrote: "I am now
wholly cured and can eat anything. 1
U tru-y a grand tonic tor the whoU
ayatem as 1 gained In wigbt and feel
rnneb kirooger since using It." It afd>
digestion, cores dyspepii*. impnr**
appetite, gives new life " ' "
Guarranieed at J. U
B Wait's drag stores.
The fare
; “ne store and a largely increased stock.
for the round trip. The boat will leave ,
tbedoek at «:»0. and returning „i;i ,
h** returaed from Chicago, where
leave omens at three. ThU will give.
an opportunity for a basket picnic at;
either Ka-ah-ta-wanta or Omens.
, for the big »tor*. Em Wilhelm, who I
--------------------------U in charge of the rtrv goods depar.XdduM D-Ubd igOb...
.roo«.p.blwl M. UobUC„.
ly a roaring fire enabled J.
Tbe regular ^urld•y tscuralon to
:UOD, of San Antonio, Tex., to
Asthma’ Manistee will be run over the M. .t N. 1
he down when attaoed by Asthma,
“ B today.
from which be suffered for yeara He
writes hU mls<
Tbe infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jthet It seemed
W Patebin is very *lck
of dratb: but Dr. King's Now Diseovery
ii-rmaloe Broe. sold 12 boraeeyeeurwhol
TbU marvel'cus medicine ia tbe only ' dsy st anciion
koowD cure for Asthma ss well a.' k A Newton of tbit city, bae bwn
New store, new goods and new methods—Lees
expense and less profit means bigger bargains and
more business.
Lots of Genuine Bargains left of the McNam
ara stock at HALF PRICE and less.
The bargains at 98c, $1.48 and 11.98 are rare
Come and see us' at onr new quarters. It will i
pay yon to trade at the Bargain Shoe Store.
_ _ _ _ WM. WATSON;
at Less Than Factory Cost
And they hare not been alow to take adrantsKe of it. We have
Bold 37 bicycles in tbe laat ten daya—sold aeven Monday, and
hare only a ftw left, ao if yoo want to take adrnntaire of this,
come qoicL and do not think of baying a bicycle wiiboot an
ealnblUbid repnfalioo. when jod can bay each a bicycle aa tbe
Eagle or World at ibe prices we are aelUog them at. and are
gaaranieed for one year by a party you know ia reeponaible.
First class doable tuba tires,
enaraateed, for 12.25.
J. W. SLATER'S Hoflse Farnisliiiig Store
120 Front Street, Traverse City.
Some articles yon bay whan FOG most.
Some yon buy when yon oan—yonll
bay all these. It’ll, be a pleaenre to
wash Wooden tube tor 46o and K^lTanlzed Iron for bOc. 60j,
and70& Save your back and yonr feeling and get a washing
machine, from $3 00 to $8.00. Want a new cloibee UneP Sope
one costs 12c. a wire one is S6o. x our wash boiler leaks? Qet
a new one for $liJ0. Your wringer don’t work good? Eight
different styles sold, from $2.00 to $6 00. Wash beard getting
oldP New one only cosU 20c. And sospP IWeuty five differ
ent kinds, from two cakes for a nickle up.
your work
save you
money, and
make your
home life
Ironing is hot, hard work. Unmade a
pleaanre by using our patent ironing
board, sells at a dollar, larger else for
one fifty. Want some new IronaP 20c bays one. Ever use
Mrs Potts'esd irons, or tbe Troy polUbiug ironsP. See your
face in the shirts you iron Broke the handle of your ironP
New one sells for 16c. Twice the amount of work dose in half
the lime if you had an Automatic Blue Flame oil stove. Only
costs $7.60. Good for every day of tbe year.
WEDNESDAY Uont darken your windows with dirt
PT Wm VTwrx-HA V °° «be panes-Do. ws won’t asy that
CLEiiJJING DAY, j^.t-daet ” Duet will gather In spite
of everything. Try Bapolio at 6c tbe package. Floor needs
deaoingP Jaxon powder at a nickle, or Eirkaline or Gold
Dust st 18c the package with a new scrubbing brush for 6c
will make a new floor We S.-I1 clean good* from a clean stock.
THURSDAY .........
i his day you call on your friends Be
fore doing eo. see If yon have enough
calling cards. Bell you some for 6c.
The proper thing sells for a quarter, or better yet. have some
engraved. Leave your order at once. You dlacnss the bar
gains of tbe day. read our ads over to your friends, telling
what you bought the day before, talk over fall styles aad the
materials for your new dress, and buy one of our new golf
FRIDAY ...................
And your carpets need attention Bprin.
kle wet tea leaves and use one of our
SWEEPING DAlf good quarter brooiue-not the go-to-
The Bargain Shoe Store
IB now located at 167 Front 8t, in
Eagle and World Bicycles
ber It. to lake charge c f our drees-1 •
making department. Anyone wUh- {
ingr to engage time,
time can do eo by
br call-.
cull-. J
al”Th^V°Chr.t“and Ung tro*ubU»*
PiiccSOcandtl.oo. Onvranteed. Trii 1 mevi in Grand Rapids. October 3rd.
bottles lOo at b. B Wait and J. G ;Those
from this section as
Johnson Drug Ktorra.
' traverse jurors are Bmmet Uagga^rn
3 Qood Thing whuTUrSwn
Aad we hawe bees ^viag tbem bs Bwfol
thinff for tbe
last teo d*j a. We bare been aeUing
Kn Leuiaa FtaaBta'chaidt
We can make
and OamiL
The People Kaow
& Lay
tile Co.
piecee kind, but a good one These are good enough for some,
but we'd advise a BiaeeU or a Goehen carpet sweeper. Bell
from $2 00 to $3.60. They're labor savera. back-reeters. badword-preventers. and make sweeping a pleasure.
SAT 0 RDAY............ See how we help you on this Important
wAWTwn TtA-w
day First-Order a sack of H L. A
co’s •Beet' flour
(Best good-broad
producer known.)
60 lb. sack costs you a dollar Got the
niceet. biggest mixing bowls—sell at 12c, 16c, 20c, 26c, (white
or yellow ) All sizes of Oarmellte ware for baking—start at 6c.
Diah pans, baking tins, cookie cotters, floor slfiers, dippers,
strainers, muffln.ringe, rolling pins. Want a new bread boxP
Nicest thing made—sells from 66o to $2.00 Same with cake
cloeeu. Aver look over oar steel ranges. Yoor wife, danghter
or mother spends half their time in the kitchen Why not have
eomethlng that will make their work easier. Stop and eee
them. Sell from $30 to $60. If you think that lota of money.
Jost you change places with them for a day—you’d bay one the
next morning and not regret it.
SUNDAY................... The day yon read and talk over the
oworr -new
iUSai PAX.............. frienda Just now the Sheldon books
are in great demand Ever read "For Ohrist and the Ohnreh,”
(The latest, and one Btr. Shtidon read at the great Endeavor'
convention at Detroit.) v. We’ve sold loU of them at 16c, Have
his other works ee well Have e host of little dainty gift books
—seU at 830, S3o, 38c, aad all the popolar, np-to-date booksaoon
as published. Will be pleased to look them over with yom
tSM moiumfo too<^Bp. «xniuAT.
S\&V« 5Vcmt'
AlBrMi. «b»
Wm rWttoff
Mr*. O. W. Ovtte. b»vo rota^ to
la thto aeat CBfafadL Btar aMed
tboir boM »t BMa Mlek.
,tba fffety bat dmuer.
Un. L- C. MayM. wlfo of imdf
-No. air. bat I an; ao JOB barMt
Maya*, wbo ba* boMi vtaltiac Kn- aay bhaw."
Saylor aad otbar ralaUr** aad friaoda I Tbea tbe drammer diaiaiDad hie Aa>
ger* and gaicd out at tbe dytag aeaa>
wwm w ml
\'ew Pall Styles!
Mr. aod Ml*. D Oroaa. »bo bara *»7t
MM rWUar at tb* bono of Em. 8.
Mra. Kato Soott of B**arly,Oblo. wbo
«Ub*ry. bar* r*(araod w Owcmi
M baaa TtoitUy
Ttoitiay bar taaatbar, Ooaat;
Im. S telibaiy to attMdioc •
curb Nawtoa for tb* paat mootb. bee
«rly eoafarMo* at Boloa.
coo* to MrooBlar*. wb«r* aha will
^a^pyty Uat to aaklnc
»< 0.^’'«o bn
»!•»«<•* U»lr Uik
1I„ >. t. W.H
woAAlac Mtlrmary yMMrday Tb*y EmIii* yrttorday.
^midod at Battia Cr«*k »7 yoan., Hra. J<^n Black Bm b*M caltad _
- jxrsx lUffoaivBiD.
Tte? 7Nr«MMa e( UonH 8ekoVM. ®f Mwta* C,ty. «m fHfkUMd bj
MM wttU Md Ml Off tbo bride*
tb* rirw. It WM «o alMU* b*fn
th* UM« (oUoWt body
l? »**Torkbytb#a*.^MaM*of bM
Patoakay baa-a atoMt raUway fraa-j Mtoa Patoy Bbadakhaaialaiaad fwMobto* »o« OB lia baada. A Toledo aya- a tbraa oaak*- atolt at Bk>rbaai «Kb
dlaata wanu a traoebto* lor a Ua* to Mlaa IdaObarlia.
Bay TIafr aad to raa tbroafb tb* eaa- | Mr. Wla. Satfa. wbo ba* b*M' atolv
tar of tbe city to tb* fair rroaeda. la( tb* faailly of W. A. Marrla of aaat
Cfcarlaa 8 Haapton aad otbm opaaa* Blffbtb atraet for tb* paat too day*,
r^oraod yMtarday aaoralat to bto
Mfa. Nao9 Bowvd baa llrad ta Port
** Oa)d*«tor.
■araa for aara tbaa 4* yaata, aad tb*
iawa Olaoa. wbo bare
Btlrrlaf Una* of tba war of itlt ar*
*l*lUaf la Waaford. retaraed
atm fraab la bar ai*«ory. ffrtday
aba ealabratad bar ataatT ibM birtb^ ff^« ^ Polladelpbla
Bay. vbaa aba ww rUltod by friaada •'* k**laaM.
Robert Walter baa rataned to the
Raika*Ka apole orchard* are paiuar
8a will attend lb* Hlyh dehoci
oat tbalr aaaoad abowtar of bloMoa*.
^ ^
that ae doctor or reaady be1a«<d an"!
b* triad Baeklre'a Aralna ttolre. tbe
bMt la tba >orld. Be writ**, two boxo
wholly cored blok. lefalllbU for PtU
Oar* ruaraataed. Oely t»e. Sold I
J Q. JohaM aad 8. E Walt, draj
Pingree 'Sc Smith
Make of Footwear!
All the Latest Toes ;
Special ffi.'.. The Composite gA» The Governor!
We want your inspection-we lead the styles-You take no chantes when '
j9 you buy the Pingree Shoes- i Bhce
• a record-Cet them of
Prar(^k PriedricH
118 Front Street
Wood Uryy Crippaa ratoraad M bto from a tbraa waak* ’raeatioB 'To"k*w
k*—.—----- iToraClty.
at a pleaic ha fouod i (rasp la tb*
#M. full kVooCM
yard wbo aabad for a
Be wt$ aappUad with a baadoat from
■WT^aa-ar., Ma>b. a
alabad by tb* Baapaefie* Oharoba*
tb* boaaabold larder aad departed, aad '
Utar bto baaefafetor foaad oat tba a'
«aacK (■riaeorA.i.) cat;acBpO« aiLC-Babret
■alt of bto beat clothM were ■telag. '
and tbaa be raeallad tbai the tramp
Comer Waablagtoa itreet and Board-
b«i. b„.„ „d„ b„
ba waa fad. praaaaably tb* alalay
AtMoakaron. Ma ThoM* tiilbert.
70 yean eld. atuatptad to eba»lt
•Bleida by drowalng. Bar daarbtar
Bitoaad bar. aad aroaaad tba aalybbor-
Tii.0 Old. £761131016 SlLOe •bifn.-n
(in. le.^iilre ol Un B
ir aod rcutliD
m If
'n-ot eaireu
'k and c.tei
*—». til rrvM Mfaei.__________
Holy ComaaBioo at 11:10 a. a.
Sunday School at U a.
NoMaalag aarrioe
All are eo^lally
rdUlly iBTitcd
to tbeae *er-
! p.OR
Nstf Suits
^^*STK^D-Wr «kBi a l<»
** ***
Suoday—**r**cbloy at 10:»o a- m.
>. kl DuDkkB Bus.
aboBtto Jdinp late tba water balp aadTilOo-m. C aaa meetiBg at b:»0 a Maatal**!
t MplaracBi (Ires.
rfi. all IcaM aad (*| >ou
prior fo* ri.uf
• oorj Kor.ak. VTada Broa.. til rmoi «.
arrirad. Tbto to tbe third time witbla ™ Hooday aebool at tbe cloae of Dora
ti Uat few moaUw that Me baa
XV rapai* tor boBaekMplQ*i oaa i id -ilr. iTTTtNTaD-Wr-actafr-btiodrad dollar*
aoekUdrea. acara..T. Us i.ako«r.
....... tJ^ru'^rSiSS S.
BIBO aaa txnone uutattUd.
| Erealitay
. BBbjse
KbpoTtt iedlcaw a flee lala fait la
_______ _
; •irrri
*cmib*m eouBlU* Th«r*day alrbu la at
^ ^
«**tUc ^ot-aa ASD
Mraaah oodb^ U wUl raaaii ia taelac
Al. ar* walooma
B»-d. 88 8ml.
UU poutom aad yraaUy beDcAUay'
oaaMnxa *cienq»:
cam. Oakiaad oountyrapori* a good
Serrlct erary Soaday at lOiM a m
BMblof, but tbe faraeraeay they can Tb»>Mlar at Tiio p m. la S O T. M.
r kboo COST, s
rrodurc. W. U Brovs as Wa*t Wfc Ou r» it JPOR^LI
afaad a great deal mora. xt ih« AvoI
*** Proat atreetI rOBdliloo
rpwo FARM* for ssi.
ul. cSrap
ebrap or oUl r. ui
e.l.ural^;*"^*"’,:: ti::;‘r*d^X aillN south Elk Rkpids os Dk
raiAKP* oaimoa.
U, nth,,, i srro. i.p«,.«,.
At DettoU, AogukUB Pcsilgaol. «
Be. Barclay'Joae*. Paator.
iti(. W.dsBro
tirsi U) r'«hi__
yaark of aye. wa* burned to death ttatoi Cburob. Cor. Oak aod Frfih atraet*.
iluf M a rcaalt of aa eaploaioa of
gnaday school at Bits
Wrbs.rf , -TF VOV WAUT le.urs-r.
so, k,o.l ,o Br..
?,rS‘c‘‘o”.*,%....l8...,. ,
«ia..logtot PetOt aay* tb* «
fffata worm that baaaoaUrmed augar
MMUag T 3u p. a.
beat grower., f waaiara II «blg^’ All are welcome,
tbe eoBBOD gardes web worm. He'
Womo(tot..,r«i Trs.srM Ci,.
\ our attention is called to those two special and
most popular lines—popular because they possess great
durability- handsome patterns and fit the best.
^ r,.
Mriou. aad eay* tbe peat can be readily ■■TbT^DhifnJmW
dmiroyed by aprayuug teld* wlu pane tioa aad SaacUdcttloa."
Suuda.T Nobooi i: m.
Fall Opening!
Itoiroli. lu prop xedeoai to 17*0.0*0.1
aaouifi) ».icn*eta*T.
tb* building to be 210 by »M feet aad, tow. a. a aeu~b. y-.o,.
a'aor eeeea atoHea high. Tbe prop-! Claa* meetiug at lOa m
eftyiiaaidto ba.e beea bought aad;
- '
piABDed to bagla a* aooa a* tbe or(ioai
ipel' aertiee. 7;Jti p at
Ptayar Meetiug Tbaraday ereulag
ffaaltaUoo to completed. The *tte to
All are cordially tD.lled to tbaec aeroa Fort klreet ;utt lu the rear of Use
The oldeal eoooer in Michigan taa aai-«T r-wr
Nalhanlei Fuller, of Portland, and be
Cbuirb on comer of Ninth and Wad*
tod2 yeare of age. He worbi e.ery worth atreM*.
day. eioept dundAj : aad while he to
Sooday Mr.iet. are a* foUaws:
no,„,„.08,8„,.,w„l. 8,8,b„
•• ^ *“• be It able to do a good day * ' Preacbiog at T sn p m
work He ba* been at tba eooper
ilea tb * in preach in tbe
trade tlnce ItJe. and for tbe nasi ^
lo;M aod Ee. Joaiah Pei
tblny. two year. ba. worked aW “1‘! “**
8o.„8..llr 1. P0,U«.8. R- 1.
Ing a fair degree of good haalth.
ptnawoisp , oxctL
A noT.i attraction propoaed (or the
Preaching at loiJO a. «.. by Em. C.
Ealatctoo street fair will be a teat of Spencer. Mr Speucer ba* been re
•ireugtb between two loeemutieeA
Uii* place for tbe eotniog
-ui y iR-bn W
tbe old L.ake Shore depot,
ataanded. and the word gleoo.
».d 8, lX^US'k8'i7.,2S,':;
A held at Cadillac
to*t <
Sunday acboel, 3:A0 p. m.
Free Methodtot prayer meetlag Tnee-
tralon prayer meeUag Fridar <
Ing, 7:80.
All are cordially lartled to tbme
■U8.t.U,P.U,..o,«|,..l„».8., ...................
at 10:10 a. m. oa Cbrtot and
Mr. H, J. Cortto of Weei SMeetb tbe Worklngmaa, a •ubieet eouai'dered
•treat relnmed to her borne yeeicrday la rlew of tabor day Working people
baabel* of oau from thirty acrea.
“issi'Gxr.,,. .r„, . „.o „.
morning on the Charleeol* for a two
Y. P. 8 C. E. at «:IS p m.
weaka rtoll with rclailTm la MaatoE.ealng Mrrloe aad aermoa at 7:I0
,P «
Barry Turner Newcomb.chlef of
Labor Day raailaltlaa.
tioa of tb* Agrteal
’ eTtolt**'"•'
«l‘y ka.e
Waabingtoe. D C . to la tbe city,
aot made any preparation* to obaer.e
tagbto uncle. M*}jt Neweomb '
a. T. Cmpb-ll. -diu. ol U,, E..8.
lag Arytuofi:)
-Rl' “J “I Pn»i»n,. bo,
a of tbe local orgaalaaUoat
-Riuw..b8.«.,.^rb» -
P«.8 8..,;pl>8.8,8.IL B.l.l,Ull.
-„i..o.u,8Cb88„8.u ,08 R8,b,8
Bprup and Frankfort.
E C. BilUaca arrirad from Grand
Eapld* last erealng to atay over Soaday with bto motber aod atoter.
Ealpb Oonaable retamaA Friday
bight from a bwlaeaa trip to Kalamajoo
Mfa. Ealpb Oonnabla and daughiar
Dor«b,. ,;i8n«l r»U8l8r >i£88 8
Mia MlaaBattartactoa. aapbaw aad
“ '‘'■•‘ “7““-
”RI r> "•
Him, and otbara are Inritad to }iln in
tbe feaUntie* of tbe ocmaian.
A Powder VUl Krploaloa
at Merrtblag ia »lgh . _ „
draatle tnlaeral pillv taut both are:
laageroM. No aead to dyaaK—
tton. Only ts oaato at J. G> yobaKS?* '
^ B Wait** drag ateraa
Many have already been made happy in oiir suit
department this week and weexpecl more l«fore school
Little Gonernor Suits a! SS.OO
little Captain Suits at S4.00
.Also extra special values at Si.iS. j=i 90 and $2‘(;o.
an<l you can depend they are right as no shoddy is per
mitted here.
Suits, Top Goats,
Hats and Furnishings. Morning RecorJ Want Ads Pay.
Just simply opening up new
goods daily. Tou can not
imagine from any descrip tion we can give in print
what handsome patterns
and decidedly nobby styles
we are receiving daily. Do
not postpone your visit—we
are prepared and willing to
show goods as fast as re
Men’s, Youth’s,
Wants were all carefully con
sidered when these goods
were purchas'd. It will save
you many useless steps to
give us the first caE
Hamilton ClothingCo.
Successful:^ -Always, judging from tbe multi
tudes that atteml them. Why so successful? Becau.se everything is found just as advertised.
Here is what we offer for tomorrow;
DaikPriola......................................... .................... .................
White Ouliug,.........................................................
Apron Ginghaaia..........................................................................9^0
86c Sumra-r Silk.......................................................................
:»c W.8h Silk............................................................................. S6<s
Children', nb^l ho«,, good uid h«vy, 15.- qn.lilr. Mon.
Thread. Mond.y’e .pccial. 2 .pool, for................................. 06c
School T.blcu........... ...................................Half Prlco
Corliu Coon Co. bc.lbr.nil l.din' Coll.r...................... 10c
Udic' biKk Bilk Uilu. 50c .inelilf.......... .........................
Wide Smh Ribbon.JO end oOc .in.lil,, Mond.j'. >pcc.
Choice of all our light colored Shirt Waieta for....................48c
Boy'a Waiata, 60c .lualiiy. Monday's special......................... 30c
25c quality ladiee auniiner Conteto.....................................
Mammoth cdnsignmeni of new fall g-oods arriring daily. Watch for later announcements.
The Boston Store
tsB xoaxota mMooma, »onA*,*Mmiawm t,
Ttie ortfita of ArtaomiM. which for
■o loQv has twM a dchatrd qnet Ion,
appean to be esplalnefl b; a recent
dlacoreiT near Kimberley.
In oou.
aomoeney. id
Sa«n tomm trw l^nuM tb«t (he
the BrailUan dUtnond
JkfMMi foreraMBt iste»4e,
flebk the fem occttra like a pebble In
—-------- *•"»
, certain ffrarcily atrata. bat baa not
toboldaU»Bphorma^ iaihel^td^^^^^^jj^^^j^ ^
fordaaaoatha or » wlt^t «kln»
^ After tba
•ay aalaa and tba.'to e> tba prtoa ac- ^ucorery of dUmonda In tbe rirar
aardlaftotbadamaad -hUh »*y ba|
^rer. a
toaad toeaUttertbadrar la Wf»| J^uJ. u^.erUJ of «i brawtaab
8ia bandrad Urm bare baai
the loodiar of a copper
.Baabb Ulaad of Shleoek-
nond.DCtlar «asa at f^raballa. near,
Oasoa. when ImmedUtely after drink. .
10, ,0d>, or lb, coo..cT.lri -1». b, I
Jail to the floor ia front of the aUar,
Ud died almost instantly. The cure's
«*i,bew had brmUuke. flllod tba cud!
fnalna T^ifl mtililnlrr T 1‘Quid used
^romar««eleonUlnUra i quld ^
for eleaulDy purpt
•ad which was a deadly poiaonor the i
•till drawinfr peaslont. the yoi
Mr* Mary Hnead of Parksley, Va. At I
aba U now 89 year* old. she was horn :
1816 or S3 yea
Tears after to treaty
of y
Ul JHiO, or
With Groat BriUtn. Assuming
that bsr bnsband was SO year* old at
to data of tba ireaiy. he was ii yeara
old when hU wife was bom. sad if she
svps IT at the date of their marrUge.
b* was TO.
A new ore road from the Meaab*
rasge to to Vermillion mave and
tkanee to Lake Suf^lor U lo be balU
by the Carnagle Iniareau which baea
about four mlUlon tons of or*, ate-',
•nnoally to handle.
Praudclent adTertlaamaatt are be
ing circulated sU* log tot SO.OOO canan* enumerator* are wanted without
cssminatloD and offering partleulan
balow ta a Uat ottha Myth* and atfl
tie prlMh of ywtwtay *W WTtmfirn
provWoMaadlampradnati la Tnr
A Tw«ah phyalclao txae been expert■ieotii« mccewiniUy on the uanairiaatluR of halre. one by otc. to baM parta
of ihh aealp. HU rcaolte eeem to abow Ctaar Pork par bhL naw.....
y*, .here U no ImpoealbUlty
In (be
(be Oaar Pork par l»...................
...... ty In
Short Oat I&k.......................
eowpMe iwwal af a loai bead of Short
Oat Pork park...
hair t.y ih|» meana.
Floor. B L. *O
Tbe pbyalclaa., Dr. Meaabem
EyaFloar, H. L. AOo, Baat^..
dara. tried'bU expartoenu In the caae ifkb H.L.-------------------L-hOo-Baat...
»• Pj«» w«»
aearify tbe bar* aurfbee andto laplMt O^J*^
remor^l froo other .
‘'I r^-;S
Scrloaa tmblo baa oaeoiTad U the
Klao Chou Htatartaad batwaan tba
Oarmaa* and U)* Ohinaaa, In which ala
of the Uttar war* ahot. Tba
miaUter to Cblaa, Baron Von EettaUr,
haa banded an ultlmatom to tba Chin••• Soeemment daeUrins tot unlea* |
aaenrlly of Ufa and proparty
tbara U aoeiirlly
and order U maUtalnad In tbe BUlw-1
iMd. Scrmanywmukeatcp* to proteot bar own iataraats.
Tba FUaUb delera.Uoa whUb baa
uleet lan<>.
bean aant to America
foro.olo.rorl.1,.00 S.OOO
™ ood Id- '
000 famUlaaelU probably daeUe npon I
BriUab Columbia aloay
taama^nr HadM.
trXnsplaiJtino hwr.
omom OF oiAMONOSi
toy Id tbU material, tofetber with aereral otbor mtneraU, aoeb as faneta,
1^0 ores, austte. ^rtae, etc. Excava-;
tlona - besun
iraiematlcally - ware
ereawally carried on on sueb a scale
You Gd\
' Home
:o-nigbt. don't forgd to take with
you a package of the new deliocry
with acUaora at tacb end. Sotne four i r^a per ba <ald).........
weeks after Uuptantattoa a certain! Corn par ba., old.........
of tbe batra were found to; potatoaa. par ba,..........
uken root, nad In no Ions Ume a; Spit par bbl....................
cuodly new crop aws produced.
i Bran par 100...................
r^*^r«ukiL Dr Ho-1
Eiu-outas.-d by tbeae reauha. Dr. Ho- ],
dara ba* aince apidled tbe method U'
or boUin. roUo,1oc t.-| Wh«i. old. POT b.......................
^ bard
.bataa, i^ad wKb
«rt,tooe In wbltb
* dike* of
ba-ali or aome tnsterial which was
once In a molten condition are oecaaioually found. Tbe Woe sround flUt
t *»"
aort bf abaft <>'
of colomaJ slxe Id tbeae
other rock* and la Itself rot op by Pfm1^, JH,.., Tb.
Tb. opldloa.
or ,«>lotUa
_a* to whelbw
_ _
the s,iua
produced wbere they now Ue or ha\e
been formed of some older rock, which
— UfiMda 4*^
will please tbe little folks, and pro
vide a dainty nibble for the older
............................ .....................
«bat small buodlea of hair au-mt ct
, ,
____ ^
^ .
•■«*> »''»«'
ImpUBted Id the Inrtsl«“ natde wttb the------------------( and grow, fonnlnsdn time!
■..Id.r,' :.''
aatlsbed blmaelf that after eome weeks
real »■»
new bulb fonus at ■“
tbe lower <•»'>
eud :
■a '"I
*>f '»»• ltnptawe.1 balr Dr. Hodara’s
results are Iniereatlns U ibemselve*
“O"- In tbe promise which
»*♦“ Oflered-of all place*
i., .be world-ln SwluerUnd. A PV^'
„,i. AmWcu. pbrUcUn mldooT^o
Zurich wanted hU.lateat bom to bear
of the admiral. Over there
the** iblno are all. mattera of
It Is thoorbt that the myatery an.lr.-nmi-d
,n3cniou« expenmemer.
who tne a craiii -erj senalble Swii
last beeu rlear»-d up. AltoDt
manacer of
of a
a dla-.
dU-; "’“y
uot the aatne treaiment
two rears bru the manager
„„„J „„„
Klmb..n.r piolLod o,, .
“ ”"'“7
or<b% tiS, Itii,,,. ook.o lo 6,lu*p*,.inj..u lo u hicb sinsUer dUmonda
• ^““y
would Rla<Uy „laod—Pren^ German and lUUan.
wer»- s|>paremly emlwsld.-d In a irarm-t
**’<“*'■ scalps plowetl aod
abstract thU Is a law for which
This b-d to au iDvestlgailon of various kf«erwan! fK>wn with new hairs If B,o*,helplet8lnfants6houldb*lhankbowlders, one of which was broke* Hien-was a r-asooal.lc hope of cren a
But the doctor was not a helpless
o,-d and was found to comnlu dla-, tuode.n.ie hart^t
Infant He aionred and threatened the
little republic with the vengeance of
mood*. The roek Is of the deacriptlon |
----------iis big brother, and found tot be was
kuowu to tuloerulofflsts as ocloElCe.
a helpless adult The authorities bsv*
remained obdurate The Mediterran
ean is a longlib war from them and
tuthor ix-eu.lar light irwn auffite. Ihe
they do not fear Admiral Dewey. Tba
la* tuinda________________
tth k Is coarsely crystallloe and In aU
<-ondltlon. t>M,
tbe /tlamnnd
diamond lM*1n»
and engage the time you wUb yoor
original cvuslUucDts. Exdrees mad*. Our dresamaklag de
pertH n«w tend to tbe belief'that tbe
partment opens about Sept. l$ih.
*t’lue ground" Id which diamonds were
Many orders received already. The
found U not tbeir irue birthplace. Th*
Bsstoo Store.
bowlik-rs arc often tvatcr marked and
have rested for ages In an ancient
gravel at the very bottom of solimenBCSIKEaa CA.HOS.
ury^>eks of tbe district. In ceurae of
M. BBOWN, siteroar aer 0<
tliue volcanic explosions sbatK-n-d the
rocky floor lu which ibf diamonds
it aaSeooTrraocIo* tlirrostat
Pine view of an old country
were embedded, of which the l^wl- Very rare and unknown at the British
l7IBtlX9VRSNCt-Ba»et I-------—
der* were only samples, and dlsis-p*J7cum.-Ally Slo|H-r
;P Pro*pt ertaenest. careful at
'OBir n-likblT TUivk cviwpaOT Ss>v a policy
ed It. together with the overlylug ma•»
vnUFci at ODcr ^
W AaallBX't aavacy.
teriala It Is IH-Ucvod that this is the
true esplatuiiloD of the formation of
Mr*. Darllng-U. rc.t, CUarle*. wbaf
the diamond lu-ariog "blue ground."
. D“o5
mabes delightfiil eating for every
body—something entirely new
[and tempting. A crispness and
delicacy that you can only find
in tbe celebrated Unooda
products. Tbe bakers make
them crisp: 'the air tight,
moisture proof box
keeps' them ao.
By tbe way,
do >'oa know
atiCBdM lopTxiWptly
Fresb Goods—Auractive Packages.
PSeBva.BeU 1*4; Herts-
Quite a ««■»»
lat the} c
Oilonablr d
OpasSapt . i
fianini: I'b. that w * kind of <>tkcw^BT»^Towller'SCrt, tie fVooi atraat.
TruTerae Cliy Boainees Cellete will
Dr. Sen, the fsmTU* Chicago soram
be closed till Beplember 4th, 18M. llquor."-Bo*ton Tranecrlpi.
gm. who ha* jnsl rctnraed from a
when new claase* wil' be formed In
hi! eouraea
TIT tw eod 5
trip to Hawaii. baUaea* to Eanakaa
a W. a. Hooc. faerral
will alowly bnt surely baoome extinct
'• said 1:
BBd^rrDlla vH
‘■when you erv a boy loaUng about to
uj 'rboor, »•»
through the aganey of leprosy sad
»; K»«. 1(T
ctM-ner* at all hour*, what pb-w irroprr* Boum ntaes
In life do you suppoae be ts fitting him-, —, „.3=~~7.r:r:
The Buegarion ministry of agricnl•elf forV
.sry'iolout. OOecs. OUr O^r*
-To bf a ponceman." replied
* . HOBM mock
Mre has jest Issued Us anunai eatioung pbllcbopher prompUy.
matc* of to »wWs harreai-Thlt polnto
IM*,;.'-; .'..°s!S.s,r5STS.;
123 Front Street
to a coalderabla defliaeney. Wbllo the
slocks remaining from leal year are
mseb smaller than was generally tn.epoaod. the wheat yield U iSS.000,000
haetolletra* below last yaara yield and
about 34.000.000 abort of tba worlds de
mands. The estimated yield of rye b
1.000.000 lew too tot of lait year
.barley ts.ooo.ooo leea: of oate 35,000.000
leaa The total defleeney U all eereas
i* about 9T.ooo.ooo beetollctraa.
- At Kapoleon. Ohio. Emma SbnlU.
It-year-old girl wa*.£thlng|lB to Mia
mi A Erie oanal her line became
tangled, she gave It a sharp jtrk and
brought np tbe bead of a bna.an being
Ber frightened screams attracted to
atVeniioB of pasa*re-by. wbo npon
eeatigatlng foned It tobe that of her
father. OnaUTe Bhnltx. a es-year-old
man who bad been mlaalng since Tuaaday morning.
Ifawa has been raoeir^ of sharp
fighting between Conge Free aUU
troop* under Baroo d'BanB and Batotla nallTaa,beyond Dongola The rebels
ware drlTea back with a lot* of 100.
The CoB^ troop* lost S!- aailresoldlerB
-Tbe rebels were not followed, beeanas
they retreated orer famine and amall
pox davaatatad tracta Tba eouniry ia
reported quIcL
A Vord to Hothera
Mother* of children' affected with
croup or a aeeere cold need not beslute
ia administer Chamberlala'a Cough
Esmedy. It eoataina no opiate nor
nareoUe in acy form and may be giees
as eonfidenUy to to bah* as to the
adnll. Tbe great saceega tot haa at
tended its use In the treatnseniof eold*
and eroup has sron for U the apm
and prala* it baa reeeieed thra^____
to UntUd SUtaa- and many foreign
Unda For sale by S. B Wait and F.
Real Estate, luctionesrs.
Traders, Moist loaners.
-blh 8t
opooslle Bate*. Bixe
Price, each S3O0.
Por8*l*-«45-40 acre farm
west of Monro* Oenter. Ooon fmme
honac. T room: Fmme bars: about so
bearing fruit tree* 40 b well watered.
Price $500.
DT Silt-C38—50 acres ' on peninsola.
11 acre* under eoiilvaiion. balanee
Umber, about l.too eords wood,
land A No. I Pnee $800.
For 8aI*-«36-3CO acre*, five mile* oat
of Maple City Small bearing orchard,
balanee bawlvwood timber land,aecond
wner Uvea in to city and
srehaaer a faargnln
will giv
0 8’la- ---------- -------------------35<i <-■ • -■ hem ock and hardwood.
Price $400.
FOR ■‘.t
-11—Fft.v-t'*^Uea . f t.
___ cut
Good frame bam
no honeafelay loam and bUvk smidy
ring water live all the
year .land no better adj dolor It held at
$TS per acre. This goes at $540.00
“OE SALE—043—05 aerta. Farm on
sulnsnla one mile from landing at Old
Mission, 5 year eld orchard: plume,
peaches, pcan. app es
14 acreC 5
year* old. 01 acres apples 3 ehtrries)
Two good bams, stone foundation.
.'Ine large bouse eost $1300. Windmill
and welt water.’ntls U on* of to neat
famu on the penlnanla, owuer has
ther bualnce*. besme low price. $4500.
FOB 8ALB-«44-Bualnem nropeoy
low oocupled by to New Tork Store
.omerof Union and ^0i St. This
peooerty apsaks for its self, needs no
reeommandation. tbe tact tot one of
o. ■
Boeton S-.ore'e ad. for epeelal
•ale tomorrow.
JUST eeceived:
I bammeat. This property eoat
g $1700 bnt having a chance to go
fS-iSSi1JST.-SEK-,.1£; -Z
Ibr Wnnk
'Wade Bros.
Sp Snln
IA Carload of Shoes |
and put on sale as many
man; \
as we could possibly get \
In addition
aririitirvn «
in tliA
tbe cfrtt-A
store. In
to our fall stock of shoes.
I bought in Chicago
Tbe Dnlled Bums Clrtl Berrtee
bMob will hold a apeetal cxamilaatlaB
ir oSet Iv ai XI Preet •uwi. eo «i
MV Mr •Iga at i*« bmua of <
by Ha pontafie* board in thi* elty. Oe- way.wUl
Oo «s stalra. lam to UfL take
SeortoriekCMrUx* u aleagelS* Uw
Wo am Ml M tbv enmad nm. ai Ibm ovr
•Skvtoa-L Wo am. araraiiwlf ■pMkl**. to
tarakSavl^ Iko laenM IM ana Uaai kar.nmlaattga mist be filed in com
cmaa. w* am otfleUr la IV W* vm all Mo
• tor^ with the board at the post
tbefore to hour cf clotog bnriiam on •vsboT bu alno at beitM of naira. Bis
karealas ai Mp •< vialre. am doer Ul Ms rtc*i
after yre lam lo Ivti ^ head mt ibo BUIre
koChkrtnK. Tnnimatar. iieeatnry of
to Isaal board of qaamlnaa. at to
pBlIlDt Ovt-
"I nndereiand they fell out tbe next /■liLniwr a asm. sMenar*
Ur tcBUoB u> rrobww praeilev.
day after they wen- married."
-Yc*. the newupaiwr gave a column lO.ltarcwatlW Oo Block.__________
1. snonm at Inv. $»*maJ
to their wedding, and they disputed
as to whether I! was boenute of tbs W.‘
imlnenee of bis family or of her*."prominence
Detroit Journal.
•99 Styles at
40c on the Dollai
and we sell them at
prices accordingly. It
IS im^ssible to do our
shoes justice on paper.
They must be examined
Therefore we earnestly
request every one inter
ested in footwear to cail and examine our large stock
of shoes which we have on band in every style, sixes,
quality and price We are hustling for your trade,
and if good honest Shoes at low prices mean any
thing to yon we'll get it.
all day Tuesday and Wedneeday, Sep
tember 6 and 6. on account of Hebrew
New Year Store will open Wednesday
evening at 6 o'clock.
We have placed on sale.
A great line, both as to qoalitien
and style*.
Pricee range 8c to $2.60 a yard.
See tbe handsome skirt plaidn, also tbe smaller plaidsAoitable for waists—«H prices. •
Xew Black Waists,
Of fine TaffeU Silk, fancy cord front, taUor made, at the
special price of $4.0a In nioe qoaUty «tin. $an»e ntyle,
New Cloaks Coming in—
Wait For Steinberg's Great Line.
____________ _
____________ Jighm prieMi ..
pries bnvaaeolUUntor shoe nUtoPBgh. SoUd
•olid beeha. eelld apnmanndn niee nehnelbnc in
_ .j*e Oxford Tie* at tonpnir. Man-a Fin* Sheaa at
$t IS a nnir. One aye witnam la betto ton tea heanaya Cvrne yoar•elf and sM to ahoea and know to prlcea. Bamamber oar eobblnr
shop. BepnirtngdoMwhUnyon watv
Pneticnl Sboennn,
. 185 Fraot Street, Trsn eCitj.
See Our LadiesFall Suits...
ReliableI^OoedaOi^andCMhingHntien .
TRAGEDIES ' OF THE KIONDIKF i Apmm dewevs pet dog.
•VE*T Ktoiidlke ha* I
CbUkooC seent* hare taken pise* alone the Ed- «esh of hU
ipaaJon. A daj- or
«v«y soldflau ,t» fatamia*. Tb» montoB roote. that desolate trail islo
Uter he himself mnst have died.*
• ma«^ aord -»oM" bas ala ar* U*«i the Klondike, which lie* over porelp
wo froien bodies belne found side
abte to crcat* a aort ot omAdm Id the Canadian lemtory. berlnnlne at the
adbOt <a B«n. Th«a U mo (*rcr m loan of EdmomoD. on (hr Caoadlaa
One returned miner tells how he and
Tinjieiil as the ro;d fever, and the Pacific r»ll«ay. The toUl aoretwr of
minine chum of his were caueht dur••rid has ton had one more erldeocc deaths which took place alone this trail
le '-be Suede stsmpede out In the open
«r this tact th the nuraerous hard luck will Bceer be known, but it It oolr
Ith the Ibermwneter st « h«W aero
Merles vhbrti bare beea broacht down evident that
Uted up and erlthout food or blankeU.. Por 0
tbs Takoe coiibUt hr t««arau« into the
Althaoeh the Ca- wboU ulebt thev ha« I
idure tl
dreaded i
B passes erow-
Uanr were the deaths, too, thst took
pisce by drunnloa. «hen travelers,
venlurlnc arrow some Uke or river
too late In the season for safety. br..ke
throoch the r.iurg Ire It death was
not the immedtus ee»ult, som-t"‘i6 al
most as bad aeneially ensued, for often
enoucb all supplies «onid be lost, and
CfthtrsKT »f THE KltsrOOtE-
r seemed (Treat I
‘ maeter le the finest
,,, ,
e leather. This rooly Is n-ne ..ther
Admiral Dewey’s atewsi
n t'..ard the niymMa. and the d<« sh^wo le -.ide ibis aueust Celestial In tbd
picture IS the admiral s favorite dos H-h. »;..b is a very clever little caning
and to say that he loves his master, the n'lmiinl. as murh aa his master lovtd
him would seem superfluous |r> any one who had ever seen the two together.
prospectors, not all of them yet cored nadlan Northwest
iwest mounted police (
Inlense cold. and. although there was
«f their paaalan for the yellow metal.
Ir power to alleviate
plenty of fuel st hand and they were
While the past year has been termed fering which look place all along the able to keep a huge fire going all the
a most successful one. and It h«» been Edmonlon trail, the stories of gold time, the frost was so keen they found
•stimaied lhal the total output of the ^kers who crawled mile* with trosen that while one side was slowly freezing
Klondike for the season will aggregate A't. of adventurers who were reduced the other side nearest the fire was
DO leas than tM.OOO.OOD. few people who to surh extreniltlet thst they were forc
and mittens
have pot arlually fared the terrors of ed to chew their mocassins for food, mocassins wep burned in ihls way,
an Alaskan Journey In midwinter will and of some who were even driven to
anjererw manag.il to
•ver realise the trials which were
survive the night. i
endursd by those adventurers who went one case two bodies were foond close found relief
«ut la search of our new El Dorado of together. They
hsd been comrades
The horrors <
Ihs north. It has taken the hews a Journeying together.
Provisions had Chllkoni a
long time to come down to cIvillaaUon. given out, scurvy had attacked them, experiences ssd^ have so often t>ee
hut about all (hr returns appear to be fuel had been scarce, and one of them described lhnt''rt Is not necesaarj- t
In at last, snd the ro-ord Is a dark one. had frozen to death
The survivor In touch on tlh-re. As time g.e-s oi
Tbs most terrible and tragic scenes desperation had been driven to eat the
thdangers of the one
ezp.»utc and want and sgftertng would
m«ke (J-ath a w>-le..me r-i-ase.
But In the face of all th-se hardship*
the ttdvenluf'.us spirits of this roi
n« ni c..niinue t.. r. - k northward
, will be more m.-r in the Kl.-ndik.- tha
i ever before. Wh.-n th- all fan-lia
I railway
un.ler construction.
Ilnally cnmpl-l.il. It Is ..b> :ou« Ihi
I Klondike
tu aueculent harvest walling (or (he native gleaner. Such a sight a* this Is
common enougb on the Island, wher.- the growing of pineapple* follow* cloee
on the heel* of sugar making and coffee cultivation as a national Industry.
There Is yet considerable rich agricultural land belonging to the govarnmenl
waiting to be taken up by the Incoming farmer. This land ran be purchased
for aboul UO an acre, and. when once cleared of fern log* and stump*, la
found to be of ihe most astounding fertility
Most of the labor on such land la
done by Aslatl.-s and If T'ncle Sam derides (i. shut oft (.ermaii.-nlly all Asi
atic Inimlgrailon the planUtlOB owner* ot Ihe islands will have a serious
c problem to face.
Th- <-.r-Bnd Duke Michael Alexnn-lMvItch. whose latest pholograr* H
her-VMili .-i r-^lufiil. 1# the young man who will prr.haMy become th* eaxt
- matter Is still a prolmMllly. f.ir It Is a woQ
th- Imr^rlal family ..f llussia Is tainted wlt>
|e.i.il.le thai MU-hael. like his eider brother, the laW
vinlm to (he diend dls-ast- wbU-h has been th*
ban- ..f ...I .f Itussta * rrulers, ft Is now n-p-.n-d that Michael is te
'.rand Duchess Helen, the daughter ..f '»!•
< Vladimli
Helen was engaged to a German prlnc%
It I* said, but the engigemenl wn* broken oft i 1 long i > because <of M
preference (or the Ori.i.d Duke Ulchael.
Here Is a picture of Hyd. abbey, the spot where King Alfr-l ihe <;r-at was
It Is, Ilf Course, n niult-r of hl*|..rv- (hot when thi- uM—> was l.ytd to
replace the minster which Alfred had f.pund. d und-r th,,f winches
ter cathedral the remains of the king w. r..- removed tr. ih- r.-w Mructur-, but
w-heih-r or not his.hallow.-,1 duat still r-|i,ses th-re it is imi».**ible to state
HVd- abb. y Is at pres-nt u*ed as a farm building, since sh >ril> after th.- .11*soluUun of the monaM-rie* in the risie-rth cet.tury It was alin..«. dismanvmalns of that once stately edifice being msde
- budding
accompanying Illustration.
The acoumpanylng Illustration *h,-v^* ,
H-i. i* b plriur- of a |,}lh -n bu
■ne of the strang-st graves in whl. h engaared in hatching .-ut
. f its ,
This huge Indian sn.ik, is an
mate of the Manchester z--.logtca. «
den*, and Its method of bringing a i
Tbs moM sktn
ATT srotl la the world Is tl
r Ambrtsett*. Id South
AttiCA. SbeWB ID Ih* a
.. wvecuvjuu. I ne
Urge baobab trsa. the tfo*
____________ _
he python eeniag
threogh th* two large braachoa. This ssparaUoh has prevtdntlaUy toraod a
totrsd. at his own rogaoat th* «
... ._I bug* body careful
lily up so as w
hate about oight foot fioop la tho truak. aad this hoi*. Alls with water durlhg
I>r. l.owaon Tan after hU body had cover the entire nsst.1. though U tbs
tho ralay mmod and thus prorldoo rofroahment for the carrion M that
boon cr
cremated. This caV* la la the , present insunce a few of
• - -.....................
Owing to oom* pwjuUar Mtarac- IgardoBs
the Ut* doctor at St Po- escaped the mauraaJ wt
IMttaaof tha waa« tho water r
• always pure and swoot.
Kroeks t
I th* maternal ua.
The mod
erteman who gom Uger bunilog In IndU la usually riMlirl
If he secure*
vide- For two bunumaa te start out and then bag no (sag
than M tigei
•re the end of their trip is naturaHy a remarkaW* i* f ici
uu. *0(0 was tecenily done by two native prince* of India, and the 4^
companylng plctnre, reproduced from a photograph, (hows (be exiraordlnaiT
good luck which lfae*< two sportsmen encountered.
It has been tald
Uger* are growing scarce In India so numerous and so tnduatrioM haaa
been tb* sporumeo wbo seek tbis royal beast. But ertdeally these are stUl h
few left. It Is true that the buntetn In this case had ZO well trained elephanto
and twice that number of mea. and that they bad to pierce the fever hauntod
wood* of Nepaul Terai before they came avroa* any game. But tb* tact ro*
main* ibat-At* remoter i>aru of India are sUll rich In “man oatera." and tbak
»"• Kl- ---- --- --------- ---.. --------- -.
fHQI m VLm mi. rmm fbqm helei. Gonu) ARE DISREPUIABU BIRDS.
' New aati! IT-w dhlru: New Ties! New flcndkerchlefs. Etc.!
MiW Bf-tn CoalO tu» rl^'u
ir roll«i^.
_ 000
^ um aau
UDoniKTaieiit wai m<> b; rn^'Oent
Tailor ai itM rommenct-mrat exerclaet
ai rouKl>kf*-i«lc.
UlM Ooul.1 bad b«we atiradln* tbe
c j
iirr oame
i. 'll
lUIpb Han of lIoM.-D. U<>.. b<>'>om.
*S»NaE -»
M »«c-ti w
ta the E
IOWBUf aboBt tba BUbdard OH tntat.’'
“PP'**"**^ ®F ^ eoUefe no- ,j,a, tj,r modmi panrl.lsr. aa ie^ io|«H by dtllliaikin. la a di-l'raved aud
MM AS oU fitIteA to tbe Owenaboro
alMiicloard iTualorr. utMU'tOij.) Hrmmget. -mnlnda me that
r tb.- talikf of r«ii«eclab> fan•Ml «0 aod cDOboll Uiopa were a
llli-« aud
iiLdt to a«aoraie
Must anirlc abont iblny.«Te year*
f wlib
lilrda iluil haTr any «*lf•M- 1
dlatlsctly reneaiber tbe
aay* 1L«- I'bibdoipbia In<iBir*
im C0al-«u lanpa offered for aale to
i-r. Mr. Hart lia* a Urs«‘ on li.tnl.
OvtWboro. About tblrtr-flee yeara
uiM«tly Id iiatiiral froll. lJ>»t (all In*
tgo a BUD eatoe down tbe Oblo hrer
grrrtiiiil aail iiriTiu^ Lla at>l'>* un >1
Inat Pltlaborg OB a little Inat wLteb
Dvw i-M<-r woci 'dotTD 10 l•‘>■ ilino II a
Sa tad leaded with coal oil aod latutia.
bem-1. aft'T u bii-b tbo.rrtualcluc fnilt
-w>iii<- »■) or Jiai bqrbola—t»a» li!i o
I Uvad In Ibe UaMOrllle country at
liauj; ..II tiltwJiitt It waa tan)-Ita tittc. but 1 waa tn OwroaUiro ou
|.|p.l l.yiMiirMBM, MjDlnvU. |iIut 6tt>«Ita tay tbe boat ameed berr aod 1
1-ak* aDd ■nrli other crealiirea aa
SOBfbt oa* of tbe lamp*. 1 paid «!i
llkf.1 K.iir, froti-n apploa aa a *tea-!y
f•r-it and tbe man filled It with oil {
artU-lM irf diet. Tbe |iartr1<lc'^ didu't
Iraa. Sorb a lamp tonlay retail* at ..............................
aeeib III eqrr uiuefa for Hie a|>|>li*a. but
AtafitdQceeu. Tbe man dldD-l baee
won- r.ifi.l ..f tbe aet^la, auJ. aa tb. J
•V ofl to aell. but only carried enoagb UH-pibry of her mother.
bad t» |.iek ibroucli an iDeb or tnorv
•a to tbe Umpa be aold. Tbe Urapa
Aidodk oib.-r gift* annoiinn-d
of llttity. fr.ij>-n fmlt to get at tlieae.
•oM.wcU. and quite a BBtnWr of fam- tnouey to build a new inftnoary bnlld- Ur. Hart l~-lieT.d they I«ild well for
Olaa out In iny eetrbbortiood tame to ine. fr. m Ur*. r*r.dlD<-Rwlft Aiwa e
lliilr iimveiiil.-r. Uareli ivna a Tory
Cvtsaboro and bou«bt tbem. Of 77 of |•..Ilchk.•epl.le. An unknown
imi mouth In eaaiem Maine. l‘n•Mm. tbe Umpa were not u»ed reg- friend In N.w KiigUud gave
r the hoi.ruya of the auu the fron D
•laxly, but were pUced In tbe beat mward a now blulogtcal UlMrai.Ty.
■]>'.«< lliiiw.-il out'mid .•xu.l>..l JuliK
The Imllditig will U- erect..
iliui «-er.- *«.-t aod *11118106 to The
MU> KaiUarliie Tuttle gave a flo.frO
Id a ni.itith the fron-u elder
WtaB ComiMoy wa* prea'-nl; tbe lamp achoUnililp In memory of ber dMer.
o ferment and erpry Bidde had a
I lighted for
tt comsMuy
Ura. I-upy M. Kiedman. I). M. Kirry liUlieli of froth lu the llllie bor«tf
a preatl
Kber .
of hetruli gaTT- an »h.000 «hotar*hip n Ill' ll liohU the Mem. The |iartrid8' *
•tber per*oB wboae preaence called for jp m.-njory of bit wife.
w.Te whlrrliic ni.om the orrhard fr. tn
It’s a ««od habit to trade hert—we have led the other fellows for ovrr a year—id fact.'^dnote formality than a tI»Ii from wini*
•uii-iii> until dark. 8^’B<l>a fat upon
ncated some of Vm -but somehow it’a bappeoed that the moat decided hits have- been made by—
•f tbe iumi.'dtate ueifbbor*.
Twuiea me Tru.t.
■ hi' nm-lironn *ei'ds. a'lih'h eould tie
“Is coura.^ of time the ull bumod out
"1 don’t care to incDilon name*." Hiell.d out en>lly. .Mong In April
^ J]l!- laiiiii- which the tx-ople pur- eald a tUll.ir from VeW Jereey, •httf ‘ Ho,,
t the hinl*. did i..it
•baaed from tbe man oiMiH. little boat. ,hi. i, «n ai.n:ni,.|r true «..rr of h-.w ^,..w u..-.,,
■ 111 that oreliar'l
nt WM g..«e. and the mm liauli. of
Owawboto were
handling neltber „wn game. He wa. at tb.-head of a „..,w m lenrii If they hadeat.u up Ml
Aan^ Dor oil and tbe nearcat |«lnl oil ,ma|| ponrern niakine—let u« »ay- ear
apple* thatr>'iiialn<-.1 on thetn-e*
.that'* not e^arlly It. but prei*ppi„ olP*T1i'
itiug a ,j. noartyi, and al«nt
alniii a y.aii
y.-or -ago he' |||,i)m and iiuder fhe tr<-e* he i
CoaTOll rumpauy.
rompauy. iben
ih.n nju-ni
at ClorerlHin. I rude a mula got ^
a private It.
him that tbe ..th.-r ear- p,. fo„r plump juirtrldg.-. that
t.loverjKirt to buy
arranging a com- piqiT..rliig from nutie form of paraly*!
> eoupir of galloDi of oil. i bad
hi lie. He aaUI noliilng. but lliim.nll- They ■■oaldn't wiilk _.
•MPlc of gallon fuga. one In earb end ably cemmimlraied wHb acv.-ral «f
t» Keep TbeiB M
n,..n, np and carried tbrni
§t B B3f«J bag Ibrown acruat tbe mule'a tbe largest ensumer* and by offer- h„nie thee Buiieh-.] aU the way and i
'tack- 1 palo II a gallon for the olL Ing conndenilally a redncilnn of al«'Uf
, ^.g,- Uiai IndlcnCan
off the runPOAl oU wa* not reUuiM In ibo*r day* ir. per rent secured udranre order*
.uff. rlng Hileiis.Oy
M It I* Buw. and It cuuUInNl all of li.at a-ould ocTipy him over two yeara threw them tuam the pninary fl.eir fon.Is? It waa to satisfy my own curi- iU
of a feast io emooth. rich
(boae highly mfiammable pmiMnlea to fill, running at full capacity. At .......... heo be «i«-ne,1 the .Wr lie*, oslty In r.-gsrd to thi-.inestlon, and 10
the price named etery wheel wonld lll•>mlng iill tour of them wen- iH-atliig fiml out how successful my etuplojer. •fj aod fins ice cream dorins
jbere wa* a caution
be made at a less*, and bl* partner* their bends agnlust the window Iry ng the g.-neml manager, had iM-eO In btl
JgBp, Which warned you not to more were liadly scared. Me bdd them to
tbe Bumoier moiithe. aa
Ita lamp after It wa* ligtiied. a* it ke.-p tln lr mouiha shut and wall. In to get out. When liU-ral.Hl tlii'j- fleiv aiiempl to au*w,>r It iu the afflruia'lve.
waa daugennu to do »». i know a»tu" a few months tbe inj»i was organ- away to the w.sel* as If nuililug nuns- Hu,i j nnd. rt.s.k the liiveailgailon
well BB other
'whieh I have deserll-sl.'savs the CenpBople tn Iiovteu county loMay who tted according to program, and one uni had hai'ls-ne.1.
The following afternoon Mr- Han
itc-vIou. toi> hi*
his effort*
efforta to
I ki-ep
•111 not (wruilt the morlDg about of a
daiDtiea, ia yonrt wfaeo
cppeil It and .if- found three more partridge* suffering
Sfbted .nial-oll Ump In their bouae*.
railroads It had 1
Ice for t e plnM. from till' snuie malady and placsl
you taonre a fre« ger from
be has atal.sl. ilmi It
He aald be didn't care to xdl. The them Id tbe gmuary to ns-ov.-r, tying *
our stock
We have them
. I.ll
1 lO .ll. lT
lu ">'■'11'“’ »n
•P the first lamp* wild
•eanty pe..ple. There are bI*« a few
iu all sizes and all prices,
a lea.
ii* hours Isii-r foiiml ii>e whieh a ernsiide against iio-m w-uild
MOple In HavlM* .•uniity who do not cither wobls.
•M coal-oll lamp*, hut chug to the old strange to say. ihe little wlu-elmaker puTtridn inid out on the snow uiulet i>c-,asl.ui. It Im* at last 1s-en d.uiiouaod mtney invested iu one Bill return yon more pleasure
Use lallow caflille. bwauae they are didn't aiH-ni to <-ar«i. Then they mnd-' m, am,;,. tr<-«-«. iiid ihns' of iheni Im.l sirat.sl. lio«,-ver. that irani|>s cau be
another and inu.-h larger rut with Ihe ri-.! flanii.-I am i-h.nl to their wings, r.-fuiosl fi.-e irans|~'riailoii h> om- ot
and comfort duriog the lieatvd toi-ni tbau the same 'amount ^
•fnid of coal vil."
lut.-niloD of fn-erlng him- out at one jj,.
•xi»'ilmeni for a w.s-k. „ur great,-»i niilroa.Is. with a saving of
fell awoop. That was Just wlmt he itmUiig fr.,m ih.-.- .u
Pe-eoeks >.d Tiger*.
l■.‘Irt^ldg•■s ex[M'iiM' to the o>m|uiiiy and with
invested in anylbiug else.
belleeed . «••• walling for, and through a third r,..ry ,iay. Th.-n he did ~«liie la I pr'-nl U-lietl« to tbe roiiimuiiliy. aid
Peacocks and figera
order* c..v- ' ,i,!'iking and gjpie
,s>iielii*l«n t|„- Huh- Iuis rotiie wh.-ii the puidh- :s
. pln‘-<“l
MOally to lire tugetber. TbeiT Ualau P*«y
thnt the Iilnl* had made ilo-msi-Iies Jusiltte.l In deimiiidlug that all rai.• common Jungle legend that leopards
at a figure that U-ft him a ban.lsoii,< drunk on apiiU- hntiiilj' tlmt hud l-c-n _ro<id» ijjjte a -imllar stan.i lu regard to
jf^ tlfWT lap
mahnfiietiinHl from fi-.iz.-n soiir ap- this .-viL
pirs by a lll•.'rnl application of *uu- - if nil the nilln>:id innipauli-* Would
tatb leo|iani* aud peacocks Itari- t|>oli
140 J'ront Street
Traverse City, Mich ^
Tlcth the trust pe<i|de pght. Mr. Hurt. Is-liig a rig'd prohibi- agree uihiu ,-i.ttis-rusl ai tioii against
Ihelr Intended victim,
•Dd that (here la tome r.iyatrrlon*
Isfanic alarmed tt the lusae* ltirtirre.1 lu.i.lst. Las made n vow- that h. will trami«. lu a few v.-nrs the f.illoiviug
lBiiOD*Di}i iN iween tbem. (ol. Tytler m
frts-zlng out pmeeas ami made n.-ver agiiiu lean- appl.-s on his ir-es ter, -aii«fjo lory r.-suHs would istad *0 eziNTlenee which showed that him an..ih. r ai.d tijil.b U-tt.-r offer for „v.-r wliit.-r. M. bop-* ihat by r.- a, l.'e,,--l Kir-t. i.-ry few tramp*. If
tta M'l'*’* Mien- Ih tbe ap.ry. When his plant, wbl.-b h.' pruu>|itly ae.s-ptM. .......
ii,,. i..mpiatloii th.- misguide,! any. n-ul.l try i- i«-at il,.lr wn\ "D
•UlklDg a peacM-k he wa* rath.-r sur- Now the irusi has the on.-eni and is jiarirhigvs inny s.-.- H.e error Into ini'liis: L.-. .,i,.i' aii appn-<-hib:e miud*-r
,ri„„i.;i,g eiiIt day and ..1-,,.
’'Maed .....
1(1 *.a- bow sAar II allowed
him olillged ...
i ------I I.
llrely. U-.-niis.- tb-ir pr.-»eui railr-ntd
lb approach. Tlu- bird |uilj no alien.-‘
wl'»-vl* a t a per cent under a.tual cost f.ir-the man H tri.-d to ru n.
prlvllegi-s are to muuy Hie
OHals of lUrSer Pole
'As faat as he getarheni he tuni* them
• of Hie life; IhmI. a f>
"1 n«i;d-r If you know the orlgtn
1- tirufesi-lotiBl
isBfle jiisl In front. I>w>klng In (h* ‘"•‘'f
*'«««'»■•«» •“<> r<'-i|>* ib*
New 8-room reeideace, etone foundAtlon
|mnly out of n-v.-tig.- a
MDX dire, thin lu- *aw a le«|>aM sl.-al- liib-nnedlaie profit, while, ti.-edh-a. to and, iiiraulng of that sirl|w.l t*ole In
ir.implng on the iuriipik «
e and buement, well and city wafer, a nice a
IBM a l‘»
">ward the bird, whl.-h “T- «»••- Iriiaf niagbate* howl with ane
•MtlDOed to r,-m*lii still ip the same Bulib evr-r.v ilm.- they make a d' llvery. tire ................ to the r.-Hi-ein Iwrbor ' would In-t,.- dlsogn-.-iilile; and four'!i.
and ehade trees, handsomely painted
position. He wa* gn-atly *un>ri*.-d, Tbe llnle wb.vimaker got
.......it af’er he luid given lii»trurtIon* *« to B largi- tiiimlH-r would lak- to the hig!.
|or br had U.-vet even h- ard of h-«p. of the sab- of ilio p’Jiut to r.-Iire for Ihe -Ijle of hoinui lo- de*lred. TUN ways where suaie might lie ma.b- '<
end papered, suitable for two IkmilieB.
In Huh Ui-lghliorhood, but his ns- life, and be 1* i-arrylng out the r-st of piinleular luirlN-r. unfiki- th.- gn-at ma- do tann w ork, and « li,-ri- nil would. n<
lonlsbnient was greater wh.-n. on his (he campaign mep-ly for *|H>n
He J'rity of Ills fe!li>w-erafi»m.-ti. ue.er lea»t. N- In toueh with farm life. IliralalDg hi* gun. one l«nvl of which *a.v* If* gr.-al ftib to see a mist on Imlulg.-.! Ill .-olii.rwtHoU wuh his eu- r--ader m,.j mke ex.-epllou to the Hi r.l
Cor. Webster and Franklin 8u.
•t* load.-.! w-lHi hall, and .-••vertng the the gridlrou "-N.-V Orl.-ans TlmvS- toniers,
he merely «h.N'k hi* h ad l-s-n.iln.v and Hiliik thai great hnnr
•Cimal, (he h-ciianl threw up Its {law* Hemocrat.
ii.-gailv.-ly ami r.-a. h.-d for the elip- , would .-..me ..f an Im r.-iiw•sirahrlek.-d 111 a voice bourse with
f.-Md..ral I
ttmrr; "Nebin. Rabib. n.-hiu. mut
Tk* ma
"Well. I’ll I.-1I you." said the rU*to:u j *>'l*'- 'mil
...................No. sir, no- don't flre''i.
' tVbi-o a . hlld-onr anc-stral . hild. of
ns h.- N.-nle.i- Kn.k lu the chair. <rluHiia!*.
fie aald that for a momeni he r«.urse-had done wlHi Id* horub".ik he
tway bn<k III llie elglil..eti1h .ent.liy
tttCUfbl be must W going mad. and all waa prewtitly liaraased by M.iiie dre.-idiig.i>li bnrlN-n- .'oiiibln.-il ciirg.-iy oitly hin-l ih.-iii It
Ibe Indian tale# of enchanted prinev-a f«l H'He ats-IHng lK>ok or another »ay«
It 1. pr..lviM> luu-o.slt.le ever enItli *11*1-1118 niid hair cutting. T'le
Apd falrie*. were wolves and tbe like <}.«>d Word*, one of Hie pl.>n.-.-r» In
tirt’ly tn .‘lliiilmite Ihe Migraul e'e
Essbed Ibrougli his recolIe^Hon. Tba this line was i-alhvl "A pelee ac .'ic .'if f'CUlar •iirg.Niii. fiDu;l, iimde u khW. nieui 111 a Iiailou's life, iiml no stu b
and during the time of <!i-.irg>- II a
MBt ■oment be saw a man v.-ry < siM-lllnge atui wiiiinge English.'<laGood Hardwood In Stove Leo^thB.
law S-.IS •-Iiii.'le.l which pr..vM-.l that hoiM- I* h.-hl ..III In .•niincctk.n with Hie
darerly disguised In a leo|«rd spin, led l»*i A*.* Isur effort came “Th*
Aiao Four Foot Maple Slabs aod EdgioE*.
reform a.lws-ni.sl lu this article; but
•lib a w.-11-stuffed skin, an.1 a bow rompletl K.-hoalm**ter," which wa* Itarle-rs »lmiilil only In- all,.«.•.! to this iiiu.-h i» .-ertaln—liad all the mil
dras- bliNHl and pull mh-H. In ounec.!* I—-u a* close to
tl.in with ih.-lr regular bu*liie*i<.
••Th - l«irlN-rs. Id a «iiirit of n-inTia- \
fir*t . xcurNb.De Into HoNdaitd,
minister. rMldlng In Jerusalem
Hon. succeeil.Hl lu having a l.vw pu«*<-d , one of tli.-ra has r.-<vuily 1*-.-..
conn. Fleet MreeL
least, w.iul.l not have all.-mplwhich
•*sr enough to shoot the bird* with a
This “Compleat Sch
fre.- riding, aii.l would nut havf
tarireTther'of them ting bslr ..r -having. In thoM- .lay*
taw and arrow, and aoinetlmca to night
found-»o iiiBiiy tramp* to study.
•Btrb tbem In bis band.—London Bpe« rslculaled to drive Ihe-leamfr
In the first he wa* forced to airnggie l-'.eni or sign.
of PhiladcIphU.
Id mortal .-onitat with such word* aa
OrvMsa «h* Oases.
lo-.lay. exoi'pl that Hie *trli>e - f
bSovncBI poliriess *p«cl*liX.
spleyngth. sprawygld and sqnewagi*.
blue now *e.-o wa* then omlH.-l. Tlie
wtIcU are not Welsh, how.
white strl|M- around Hi.- i-ile In.ll.at,d
Diatrict Agt
they Bxay l<s>k tike It. In the a.-cnnd
•rBndrblkdreu. Two Utile girl* were he proceeded from coroparatlvelj sim Ihe bandage uw-d on tbe arm after
TranrM CUj. Mleklc**rtattlng tbem tbe other day. when the ple aenieucea. aa “Beg tbe big buffle he bleeding opemilon. and Ibe ted
Prominent Viig.nla Editor Had
•U»*D came hi. to tbeir great rauater- lag and let It ly on tbe tag." to auch '
I Up but
Broogbt ““
Back i .V T ^ ,-r ' T / -r c- I
... Wa* ......
^ '^'681
•StlbB- They did Dot know bow to ad compll.-sted effort* a
to Perfect BealtAi by Obamberlaln * 1
( ) 1
baring been well
drabl’d caoae he gnibVd where
and 1 supi-uie It wa* done f-r
OoUc. Oholtra and Diarrhoea Rem •:
dy—Bead Hi* Bd.onal.
a King Harios. flo th.-) -threw then- , mere are iwewy-four (tag.-* ..f ibl*
F»m tba Tim- a. BlUsdale. V#.
•‘'C' l-<“"tie Americanized to
stuff, which la an the .nor.' aggrevaituHlonal
I anflered with diarrhoea for a long
log because one re.'U an Intense ‘and «>lot*.“-«'B*hIngl«n Star,
Urns and iboturbi I was past be.lng cutmused. Rhe
I bad spent *o maeb time Md
to gi't to Ibe mean- '
■Bl down, look tbem on her knee, aud lug of It. Why did be. whoever he
loey WDd anff red *(i much mi
One of the higheat pri.
r given
Mterttlaed tbem wttb funny qurw
wa*. go and reuW where they bad -a for a mlulttiure wa* realised tbee utber ._.il I bed almustdecided
fancy U> braid, and wlial came of it at day In t’nri* at tbe Unblharher sale. hope of roecreiT and awi
but Bottelnr
______ . the
tba advertaement
n_____ _
____ _
Ia*i7 Al*ft. are thoae myatertoua k bl* This wa* *l2.uk> which was paid by CbambM-laln'a Colic, Cholera and DiarODWVridearrtia*tbed«erU_of Ro.<>' >"■ (her-pvb- U. WlldetRielu for a bcaotlfol minia rboM Remedy and al*o some teatlmoolal*
•IB. Mr. Robert L. Jefferwih, P. H. (7
ture oil Iv.iry by Hall. It r<'pres4-iits
E„ saw many strange tlgUt* and bad
a y.ijiug woninn seaii-d on a luiilua- eurce bsd been wrought by ihl*remedy
Barrea Kspltrade in a |«rk with two chlhln-n. I decided to try iv After Uktng a few
do*e« I was entirely well of that
^Uisa of Turkestan a couple of
while In the liackgroUDd 1* a lake. trouble, aod I wUh to tut* fanber to
With a d.dpblu. M. Mubltacher's ool- My rctaera and fellow eufl tn that I am
lectlona are said to have cost him a Dtle aod hearty man today and feel
UB bf«, hot »■ BPlC of ’he bad going up iia.-kage* of
aoweiblng less tlmn catu.ftk. and tb* ae well a* 1 ever did le mt Alfa-—U. A
MS unerly
uMertx defaaifd.
defaaied. and ttta tvinel
■ala ivalUed npwarda of CSK.tH).
Moore. Bold by B. B Walt and C. T
Ata you daalar.
^IMn Biojiped IB dlagUBU
AmoDg. l
I hie s, and Jus ly,<oo.forev<r7thiDghas gone up
in the wholesale cost.
“We .m« lied a mice' and bought our FaU and Winter Stocks
be ore tbe advance. It places us in a position to sell you
Clotliing, Hats, Furnishings, Etc.
at almost the same prices other dealers have to pay now.
Above statemeuts are stubborn facts and you cacaot find a
clothier in this or any oiber city who can TEUtHFULL-T con
tradict us.
1P4 Front Street
Fasbionable OutfiUers
Desirable Property Must Be S ]ld
Traverse City Lumber Co.
Provident Life
and Trust Company
Than Traverse Belle
Is becomiie populer, toe.
Biggest Bed best lOceetciear
lor the price.
John R, Santo,
tennl lesertice.
A. W. Jahraus
■■ff "i-
*H» Aoiumio BiiO'BO. limbAT. •■p»kb>s s
______________ Am I
■am waaft la a
A pranlaa baa baan jnada to W«o
g for tba PrI* da
Bona la tba paUra to Cuuidasna. Lot
taa Dot aa pat baan k«^t. aay*
I Nawa. Tba tan aalactrd
. aOBpata mnat madltala Jn rail* at l
Senla da* Baau Ana Tlia ordaal
Wblab aompatlUfi ara Wt-iaatad »a*
bamn to-day. They are to work
two daya. bnt tba arm Ibirty-aix boiua
a tba uoai irytn*. 'Tba call la ban-r
1 monaitary. whara tlic
wfcUa. All tba fnmltora wonid not
falcb 100 franc* at tba auction mart.
It coiiaUt* of a mtitra**, pillow and
bolitar. a mib mat. au •■a*a|. a cbalr
and a amall. ial>la. TL.-n- la ooiiiiug
alaa. A* llsbt coniaa fpini abora iber*
la no ootbiok.
Tb* com|M-illor la tlin.wu couiplaialy
npon Urfn»<-If. but ■•■|k-ciiill) durinx iba
ant Ibrae claya. lit- 1* tbrO deprive,!
Of all coiiiiuuntraiion wlib (be uo(*i,lv
world. an,I I* to all liiieui* aud i>ur»
poai-. In Jail, lue akel.-b of Id* .-..mpi-ilug j.l, tun- uiu«t Im- niadd In that
time. He may «uiHu-,|uemly modify
bl* di-Blcu. but tiiuii not cliaiiEe tba
nialo feaiun-*. Tbe flKiiro* an- to keep
tbalr utlgltial aiillud,-*. uo tltfura I* to
ba wHbdrnw. and tlie de»lcu la to Iw
duplU-aii-d. «>ui »( Die tuu drawluxa
la aealrd up hi,,I aeiil to a Jnry. Tl,e
atudeut kev|>a (lie other. Tliia doue,
tlia door of Uie eell |a nid,K-k<Hl. tbe
OccuiMiiii cait a„ lo ai»l oui. i«). but
He may
ronaiilt wlih him a« lo Hie IhhiI iiieniia
Of lildlnx gi ueral deft-eta ,tr ,'titinuelUK
wUal la luerltorluua by lueaiia of
Chaueea lu detail and i>y e(r,-,-ia of
It Kinietlmaa bapiiena that there la a
1rl|dli-ale. ao ibal a i-<i|,y may U- Riven
to Itae profeaaor ahuulJ' hi- l>e dlajiOM-d
to work It U|>. Hut thU I. RRalnat the
•plrtt of the rule! In iMilui of fact, it
1* ran- mu to aee the mnaler'a hand In
tba Prix da Itouie Itolunuga when they
■re flujahed and n-ady lu le exhibited.
Tba aubjecli
I R<-n«raIly are riaaeic or hlslurU-«l
■ IHl demand what !■ leruie<l hen- b
nohle atyle of Intafmeiil. I’lutnnli,
Tacitus aii,l I’atwar an- the gn-ac |uirveyore <if ■ulijerlB. Pcent-s from Mi-h-d
btalur) HIV s„UH-llmen rhuseu. Tl„-re
la no men- imlui, r,-.(li,R .-xhlt.ii|..u
tbati that ,.r the l>rlx d>- li„m,-. S-ldoiii. Imhi'l I. ■•riRiiiHliij .initvn. ,,r
the pmuil.,' of fnlorc cx,vtl,-i>ce rIvcu.
kliist of the |>l,-iurt-e an-,
lu s|M';ik,
DAVIS & BUSBY, at City Opera House, Monday, Sept. 4r
I of tba
terrrtt loc«a(leacvo( Hvctnc lamp eret
ma.lp. «r« ibr CUe*fu Trtlniae. Tlif
ordl&aiT lamp nm
booftit for 29
c«ota. tt roat •UO> to tmlld aad ibatall tbit riant, wtilcti. «xc«pt u In
•laa and puarrr and In Utr fllasaoi*
naad. diSm in no waj- fpow Um imi«
la t»uaia potrw bulba naed a^-aryTbara.'
Tba DotnhuU pon^ar of Uw blf ooe if
«lttal to 9-Wai <«nJ)aa. Evary j«ri of
It Lad tu lie ■iK'cMUy and can.-fully
mada. and aomt- »f tka pana wara complati<<t only after cciuldaraMa exparl____ _and aaverai fidlura*. It* Incan
SI (art it uiatfe of the aunMlarJ
duiildt- ftlnmcul
Ilia two Olaiuacli
balDf pa
parallel with ««c|i <»iLar.
Ibtcb rcunaaniua a full 'JWi volia. tba
rciulrtox 'a cunvot un ueib oC
oaar <>« omi>ar>-H.
Ttia tamp wna axblbliad raaantly In
Saw York, it B|>pfartM Uka a lun.
amt tba Intrbiia yalliiw xlow wa* pain
_ to tba
_ ayaa
of many iwopla.
eibibiiloo the lamp w'aa 'buux in
^ncle Xjom*5 Cabin,•
iKnxnmi os....
The Largest
in the World.
arnan Toa i Cxan~ earer rrce*
fbeta run* .IrouRt « a rrla ^ pa-io.
barlrt(~vaincaBOav«e(. papru.ihcui
Ml taupact of (C* tean. U leBct*.
pauca M hirniAt. e-st
iir amul-buiL.L
.( iha aoRi. It I. ag pur. ibai
-'(< rhastaalCLi Lllie tse Xiu
.coer» hr Itr eery !aiu)c«n» g:
Ibe .-hatacter ,.! U^-a, It !• :ni
uKCbenib la iDBBorr .oneunuem tl.imr «bo pa.,ei .«aj
klheOe. o( ebJdbgoa-. ataralac-iooi-.oi
pore.f<*B»* "Waa tber* aver a iT'ia:;!:*
tt Yaa. but bar awt- it eriitaa oe rruvr.
TUa rood old ploy liualQoc
It ti Iba OBlj- ooa tbai ponrvyi tba* ebaradtr.
fba aeeoery I. excelietit. la tba near toear.
OM a«rt tbe tJoatia* aakra of tea alewlr nrortar
egaa tueoBL Qua caB m«. la the apleadld
panpeeU>-e of (tt, aceoa. ai-rerol &Un up tba
rrotee Hvet, aad the aadUatlnR aaow-clad hTb
a lypleal Soutbara hooe. tmb It. B.a
lu !>« eoMax. aad lu fouoa-fleW. It 1
may. >0087 South u l> a vana. Ujello*
rboi rawu-leo »a«
e Oteeaoe.
k the niodlcal pa•ta lo their Hat of
plQR 1
r riaao •twdeol
Uu studenta from droji- ' «ae W ho I'oderwrol
* lou low, a cuimuoa ,
newrtbea the Se-
uf DORKEYS....
I" ‘V< t n aot a*u<Ty tuaay tut tbe "iMit-.
. . Cue. *>r.- M d.pH-iad Or t:.i» w*;p«ofc
.. . se nt :he ic«".i ee-raorlar aiwiaete* enw
.r,-a T'-e e-eae opea* unit a 8uu of cioou^
:: e
, -1
...a • pwi.lai!
e! *a.-e!. hc»r:a.- forle Tt'X to bcoveo. A
I..'.-,- -.<eU of 'rl.le.tacl .ptethlor U brtrl • f
tviLhllBClafniai. TbeckNHUdupCTw.re.eol.
t£K Va,lr Tufli Niia OBRCI rwen before UM
CNhlen SW-O OB either «liU of «bleb. poU(4
pllUn iBlald «lih pearlood
t-.-U. -t,md oacel watiBcU irlibesponded HrlsRo.
Chance toUov. cb0B(O. Kumereuc aarel. appear fiois out tb. Ceeay etoodi vttb now wr.
round ibe weoe Uke a halo o( dory, la it*
deep renter a auddraiDoreBeat of the clouds U*
i«eG. and like a Bonlac star. Uke tbe ee«tral
.K-wel In a erewu of f
vhltprrloc ancels. UuU Eva. wlib
hand., smllei down bpeo Cede Tom. while tfaw
heaotUul cate* sUwty opf« tt the Rtoat city
that Ur. beycad. It is a apieadld Mcbt to see,
Purina the ialerral ef thU nqtilslu upectae U.
the nieUow e-toore of an InTlilble ebntr tall
fatally upon tbe ear. and the eunala dreerade
upon a pl,-tnre of tba
that oM Ic
cat«-,l to
e Cleelrle-ltr.
nNfutly coimnanie
:-b ISychIcnl aortciy
c iDlcPfeHtu: t-xiwrl-
Almoet every
eamiw escHi e from iN-lcg faunged. on I lailug to the origin of atmosjUierlc
the singe „f Ibe i^e, n> tbeMcr. Dui^ electricity, a tuiuiiiary of wbk-b a|v
n'inarkaMc ctmimunlcntlon relief for
I nrt neiC*a«D c<
CASOhl Pu*
lin. Hr wa. playiuR ihcpatt of AcbmeW |,^tvtl lu Hie IxinJoii Hli,rtrk-aJ Englihe Bulijxt
of ...........
lufiwtion of aong ,
v* —
easy Lbur
a partii-olarly Tillainuu* character. wLB n«,r. Agtw ago It Lad Inn« obaeni-d
pratlHon tbe twvfiie of that abown In Tilnla Id The Lancet, contributed by |
after a lung career of crime It. to ibfi that a cvoMdcrabIc amount of eh«Ibe muaintloa. It wmi fewnel that If t'YTucker Wl.ve of Montrwu.'
g.-nerul sati-farti. n „f the aodieocel irIcHy was timveyed to tbe atmoitInxiallod In tbe regutar w*j tbe flU- 6«dtxerUml. He M.va:
captnn-d J,y tw,. British eoldief* aodM-’icn- Hinuigb the evapurailon of walueuta would droop.
"Wblle enguRe,! uD an Inquiry Into
froiu Uie caril: - e'trfaci-. Actual
Tbe nwuli pn.v.-d Shat the glas* bulb ll*« aotwcin of bacillary tufccHon In
••One night, while struggling with pi^'f- however. v.u» nut fortiHouiluiC
was Incaiaildc of wlibstaudlug Hie In <•»•«'
Itnve rwvmly come under
• rope slippid fnan tny ' umll ITufcaaor Helbit ondcrtiuk LI*
Icnae b-wt tlev-i-lopiyL for » rolla|*a.-l 'ny m.tkv I have U-en ami.-k by the
ibocl.b-rs an-l kuotted
lOotled itM-lf
ItHlf ar.iaudiny
BMQUdiny ■\|H-rliio-ul. lie cmidoycd two bras*
umler tbe aiu»«,|dicrlc pn-wure and uumK-r of ii*tlent« wLo hare lived in
neck Ju.t us I was b>-JUg bauhd opl” .•-ss-ls insulatcil from Hie laiiib iiud
tl>e laCTp banied oifl. Elccirtc-al 0141- eoninet with ,li«,-aM,d cauarle* aud
sa.'-Mr Hicks “Nev.-r shall 1 fitficct spuilly cliarcc,! wlib clii-lrlclty. The
mvra who .aw lu clorlout llluiulua- fiber reaHk-nsl pet*.
111,It uw-fnl mLiuieUt Dir-sllv 1 felt tbe uic was tilhil with waicr aud the otbHou wild a brver bulb lu au tii^lcht
“Among caih> binls. plgeona and
-LUpty. ibeu set aside for
:iig at Ii.y Bei-k I gar- a ivuviibive kick
IKisition would ■'lltnlttate'tbrdaug^ of |K>iiIir.v ium-n'ulu»l* U a i-omiiioo Ulv
in expressi,,! aud cmdi- lu ciiiriiiR.
ii,d iri-d
d to sh it -Stop" bnt the word hour* 1 a rw>tu at noruul tempera*
Hn,! Uo-r,- Is a strong pndwUlllty
" from my twitchiog ' H“w.
lure. ..\i
> Hie eml of this (.-rliJ U waw
To id,mill a ITlx de llom,- ,-ii:i1.1.,a evllnps.'Tlo- big lamp tnas an expcmncni 'bat avian luf-.-H.in enn Iw conveyIbe student ii, coinpleie his nn «lii. argling is<vrt;<!toiI. with Uie abl of au el.ninmieb-r. that/ the vosael isjulaliilus
lily I kie
lion Id Italy at the u,si uf ibe smie. inade al-.ug a Une now engaging luncU ‘il «o buman.^ lug* who keep bird*
Whim lUere he Urea ni the A'llln >le ntli-DHon. Ilial of iWlsIug an electric "llUii Ho- I0W-- Tbe obji-cilonable
:ss none. etraagelT ivutcr Lad parteil with the greater |kitlight for llghUiouaiW. locomollTew etc. l>r».-n,v of all-.wlug them to place
kledlcl and !• nmler the «iM-clal |ui.
h.'king, stiffocating ilou of Its eliarg,-. wLile tlw otLiT La-.l
tninage of Hu- Kn-TK-h amha«aad»r.
■ Id bear th- touinl- i.-,i l.,si any ui>pnv!aMc amount. It la
cbi«:*'r to oiwraie than an lucan- rlskt nud 4jinu.-rviii« procei'.Hcg aa
,n« apidanse of I
n lience. who .io|*,ssiide lo explain this fact otLcrThe slay lu Itoiiie wIiU-iih IiI> atvHii-lIc d.-s(VDI lamp of cikii-si»>miUK |«>wcr, garil- lialdlUy M rwi-ht
D Ibis
Ilian Hiat tbe water in the filhiS
re Ungclyenii-riMii
itb what they
rletti and anukcUH, |M'rhB|is. tb<- 1,is.
U a failure as a Iwamn fur mariner*
''*nl is not lo-.ib i,y.
-M-1 Id tbe proevs* of cra|>oraticD
imagiuf-d WHS my Tealisiic aeiiug
torlcal aelJHe, for Home 1. a uua.-uui •arc In the ckwivst nttnosploTe. a con- '
i^l.ug au.l iior-llig .l.-L t'lrdi
"Th-n a terrible s,-o*atioD. like mol- bn.1 rmnsfcmsl tbe el.'ctrleUy to the
city. It 1* of til,- iDiiM M-rviiv lo atii- dlihin Whlcb Is mte on many part* Mowing lU-du.i auj bu.k. from
srrV..i:T roK ri*v,> pLsi
This Would ccrfailit
li.IyI-D I'-ad rushiug down luy spin^ p«i- ;
di'Dla nlki ilevol,' IheuiMelltw lo n- of the aeacoaiil In this country A fi<
«U’I cl^nlug the cage are not
■1 to jMTitv that water lu prtK’CTUrtof
vadeil my whole b.iy. and 1 ibongbt
llRloua art aud |Hirtralis. It ivnaluly ba* the rffn-t of tdotling out uralMurbi without ilau-gcr. la tny ..pinloo the
• •rali,,n fivlii tlie earth's« surfa.-e
belpa (hem to (luderstaud Italian art Ing Ho- while are light. Tlie JelL.w canary or any ,.iher Ms.1 k.-i,i Id the « ,u,
ap lo pass ui.-r my h-gs were harsling. 1 gave another
of the grand jM-rlotk
ighh-n-<] uuill ,t
i*y* id H»r gl.'witiB tilatuenta la au air blirbcn 1* a |s>.M,ve pi-rll to the bouse- *b, «
■ pr.-i~-r lo-lght. strove-to scroaui I st.-tiied to twholda <
rxLangtod bidb hate far grtwter iK-iiis bold. a.
by ili,u. rlag» ami whisking
be i«nf* 4-L-oMrs. thiay. t-hH.tUa______
niutiig Ho- arnu U-.1.I wrist lo Uilglity ni-h of green water..aud tty i
wanio-«t bnurtk
1« ,U.- ,.,.,...11 ..r I,.., ..-1.™. .1,. I
p™'; allbPOgb Uicy an- *tin Hie dust frvm 11* eag,- or mucus from
ears were till,-,! with Ibe r„ar of a rata- j
I tKo.i'ion f'.i
lufurior to the lUutbluaUuo of the oU,”* *"«k ih.- fcul of a whale family
liecaosc Wap
• )bty I
(Ml*. Kdd}> l„id dlarovenil that the tompa.
reel I have a dim recoll-etion of see- ,
»• ipuiuo this
'** comaDiluat.sL
| k«'.v*
-I. of tLe
i^rtb's moisture tbeo
ing a great rriui-os mu ehiniog dimly !
cures would not work wiihoiu a aac■
A group or cluster of tncaude^imt
“I'Htrv.is can al.io lie atiackcl by tuHint. Pit.r.-ssor I*i|.
rlOce on Ho- |ui'rt of the |uiii.-iil. a ehNVlc lamp* does Uut api*«r to meet '•■r. le. which hi chan»-icrlx,il
0UI.-UH.1 nneb aU
i,t:t ttiai the smoko
IMH-UBlary oi,'rlll,i' whwh she asaeNHoil tbe delhwie reiinlreuteuts of a light- <J"c«'ly I'.v n.-w grown.* ,.f horny
Lkewls,- a Uoslliim
at 1 pound a »v,-h. ,ir h .liilliue* a boure iN-acon One lamp. U ii cuucliul- which *oi;i,-nt,i.-* attain a musldenible
••oasMerable (|uaiiil-Two day,
*r0 Ir.i'.veredccn Hin.iml, w,:i.-U
TIm-j' ,-an easily b- t.rokcn off,
Tlsli. jiayable In ailvHik-,-. .iu,v. as an eil must iH-rfot-oi lb,' work. 'Hila t>lg
V or ,•l•••1^lcll^• IS trnusfaiTisI to llio
'b.-y eoutuln miiioToiis tulx-rcle
emlsciii h,-alcr delli inuely •-xidain* bi lamp I* tbe lal.-sl eJTort of It* maker*
inoreov.T. N-Id*
" *nfl,<-a!ing seb 1
■ iHliT to otic of bet
-tl>e lo prodpci- wliat Is «-e,|iiln-d. ami li 1* '■‘“‘Hb m *b.-lr IcihoI granulation tissue. , tt,- i o'>c"i .'.auw. u u
ill remained, hut it was .c- \ , T,- roily cLargvJ with negative «docthe evidoiion of DUBieroiis oiheiw. enrb
”l•..lt9,■,e-l«. an inf,--ti..iis dla,-aM- ,>f b-uds on au ai-rag.- iw
niuuliig B]> of hllU for L.-oni,R Is <vu- a Hub* Urcer tnav Ibe one befure. and lurnus. lia* nlrtsulj la-u ohs-rved to l■™d^^ltl* every y,-.ir
d by HD ,insniucb..Me tuiret.
ntiou fiwrfol |uiius id luy body
trary to Ho- spirit
of riirlsi’an tl U aald the ptvioun big om? will he
® "■tImu. ami fatal pneumonia ■no.nut lo 2ts'..i*st caae*
ai'letice." Thus Ow Whole «lru,-lurc of .u<-.is-.li-.l by on.- yet larwr lu the «f •-l>■■'•l»l '.' l-' tran-iulttwl by tbeae iwudl.-itls so comuiitn
■ .l.-lat.- in txiod'.Q
riirlatiaii SI-1,lincnUHon.
, '•Irds to m.ii,
In l^cc! at«ttt 50 |«*r- | few ..-nr- ag* tt was t»
' cuurae
-n hypu-iisii
vn I >r. Itraiaw.-D
rin<- . say. ftlackwood's HogaalDe The
----------s.n,s ,1,
w.-ro att.ickCTl. Blnre l»»* b'd >ui’re rotum-u
than f.ir
■ of Hint CUT a
,V Jlyi-r* ,if
pallenl sH, rill(vH to tbe lotiler; the
OMlltaJkM sf( Teaa.l*.
Uiat ttio.- . 'b.-r iiill-ler cpKiciDic* have imTIt
U'Im-u a pi-rviD
of whn!
in the foiirte
Ib celilary <ine-fonrtb brul.;e the f„
bcaler sAcrin,-<-a to Hni. Field Klug;
OM'lliatlou of abli>t can be meaa-' lo*-n n,,ik-,sl an.1 siu-ik-d by GUbeit. ,; w,0"w ,-all
-• -.......
—- ..apiwndl................... .. .... cauae of of the |s,pnlHlio of Enr.'pe are corn- In.i [ira.-il.-al
■ lu this
kir*. E'l,-1.1 King as.-Hilces lo her
I death was axsIgtM-d to some one of Hodied of the bubonic 4’Xis-H,-:,.-,- <-,-\.-riiig aouie nine y.-an. of
tradesax-u. or i>ou.ll>li ifor ibi.
maDufacinred by Messrs. UuxzL Bavlx-1
follnwtug dlaefunw.- via. tiphbtls. perlitrodoced from the ea« Tbe sugc-siiv,- pro,-ills-, during whl,-b Le
Mr. hMdy heryelf lu the U tt fo. of UIL1B Aud known aa Ib*
(ypbinia. eutero colitis, pcritoiijiit, m- first measar.-s to ehi-tk its spread were ha>l out aoou even Ihe nlighte*t l.ad efmrsl*1«»lral lastrwMeot.
furui of a isiiiimlsslou on Hm- proDiit.
Tbli lustniment coo-1 *
ius,n,u,.at known tuaauw’ej.tlon. vnlvidua. iDUwHlial ole adopt,-.i by the city .if Venice, which fi-el. cither lu.in.sliaie or rvtuoie. xml
Mr*, kklil.i aJou,- .mjM>, imiiittulty alHU of a aman elerude iDou.r mounV ax tbe blain.-i.-r and iui.-ud.s| for ineas- •tmeften. typiio,.! fever, malarial f.ipiHODied ID I81H three guardlau* of he cuDcluded Hiat the moral aeuaw
from sa.-rltl's-. as Is iml\ Jusi. s>s-lug «d Is gimbals^ like a
rer. la grippe, bfltoua colit ncute In tbe pabl
comiiaM.i urtng ._ .,
blic beattb Id Uu3 Venice ea must I.C hclghti-ued lo a di-grce. llw
that she Is as It weri-. luiieiii.s- of the with Its armature niimii
(BgeatJoii. Dcuralgta of the tiow.-ls. tabllrbei
a vertical
lia. Us-o conirlvisj hy i>r. ...
laaxret. ,» contagion* dis ha,I ivsorteil to suggmtIoDs with pa>
•yaieni. A* «ne of lo-r uomu tniiicd posUlun at a very blgb
eate hoepitiL on a amall isUnd adjoin- Heoti uf ell ages—aoine actually In
nidoch of Muiileb. Tbli iDICDslty
folluwi-r* declared, 'klra l-bldy lias a .\* tbe Bblp rolls, the armainre
pMAS abacesa. aluweM of Hie alslorol
mainaaue. many or, the lM,rderlan<l of insan
lined to have jiro|s>ril(aiau- efteci
«*'“• "• o'rtalMl pMtilon. while the ;
aromri^' or' rt'ai-ILug'Td.-ire^'v - luO wall, perlbcpatHli.
perlbcpatHH. perlnepbrlUa or '
lUd of mental iimditlun su extreme
of life au.l a shrewd bu.lueas in-Huct. frame aupponlng tbe glmt«l Hngt foln.,X ^
coMUx—lgedlcwl Dial.
d qt
ly UDSUhle that If there bad Wo au>
loareuiioa Tbe word 11
SO many uegrveii. LWn------------- .—
J xc- ,I 1...,.
Iowa ,1...
tbe n..,!....
end imphee 4U daya tbe peri danger i.f pn-l^ang-lad efTocta eom*
•bo BonJe* and pointer*
!. provkled, ••
ji,,.plDg *f this tMue SI its mmil- Colic, Cholera and Dlarrboes Eemedy In od uf detention impoaed un veaeels at pailenu
ilil.havi- shown them, t
rbxrgv* «l" iH.und* for three weeks’ Hint the unaoiit of morenieDi An U
' mum xticr luldd.e age Now. the prin- 'he trcntmeoi of bowel tomplainu has
quanoun*.— In but a sluclc ln^ianoe Lad there bc.ee
traluihgxs a healer and olBlDia to ba,
accurately iloleniilDid.
a wi-nki'Dlug of Hic wilL On the eonIv of iIm- blometer lx that when a made H sUndard over tbe greater part Youth Cumpaniui
au atiendatu'i* of A,ihs> pupils, and has *trum<*nt
i>y xue aam
of tbe eieilbcd world.
sale by a
trarr. those with a weak will galm-cT
cur•old Hsi.issi of her b,>oks *1 14 ' '
aod known a. the gyroaeopic compaas
B. Wait and f. C. Tbompaoo.
furre of charac-tiT and gave up vice.
lings m>ue w ill ,|u,-sih>u the •iniM
Is contitrocted upon tbe same prlDcl- rtgtit to left' Tbe right hand than wlU
"I here come.' exclaimed tbe Urge A.-rordltig to Mr Myrrw. tbe leading
lUniatM Pair.
e pedal
this loving lies,-ripiIon.
pie. with a borixontal dial 11^ tbe or- attract tbe needle 15 degrees beeauM
framed, athletic young woman. roUicg fact* of brpnollam, l«.lb for tbe phr*]int«' tbe Pair at Mas
dltiary marlnct'a sw,|a»aa. The frame ,ue .-urreDt Is entering, and tbe needle
rtan ud tbe psycholnglgt. the fact*
up her sleerea "tu clean uni
LaXr M^.4«lph’.
Mich., the, M a;,- E R R. Co
to follow the force, while the eall tlckeu___
which call ffioet pmwlagl.v both for exroom."
, at one tare tor the 1
L«dy Raodclph (’hurcblU ha* adopt of this insirumeot. In-lng atuci.eil to
tbe vo*ai-l. follows any change In dP
band will nm-l H.
the trip 00 ref^ai
pUnxtlon ud developuient. are thoiiw
trsios Sept S to * InWbicb, being the scTublady. the
ed a working dr,-** u hlrh U *al,| lo >« roctlon. While the motor annature coo1. leaving H^t exm-m^y
llml'ed to return Sept. V. leM medisHy proceeded to da—Chicago profound sanative regeneratloDi wbiob
both *ru*Hde aud prelty As idltor of tiauc* to revolve alway. In the original
..^Tuty 1.
to be sJown^
uHiu Agent
hare BO often transformed the dlptbe Anglo-tbixuu Uagaxlne. her lady plane. In this way any change
'IS-Sepl. T
change liIn «Uband* rcfadling the needle, P A. Mn.HXU., U. F. A.
eomutac. the morpblnomulac etc.,
ship Is oWlgvd to gel down to ival rectluo uf tbe t
1 U at once linU- ,bougb during ahs-p N>tb ban,Is at- Xilnewl Rates on Utx O. R R I. R'y.
taio eeir cootrolled and orafol mai»m—Au |,bwat wud ya h«ofioe»ety.
work, and Bod* her eoaiumo • great rated.
"- A reveiwal of the current of
Pblladalpb's. Grand Army rennloa, take fer tbe dog. nowT
conrenleuce. H lisa a round-waist, no
A HrsteriMa >r*i* OUa4. ' {
accord I* I.Miked u]>oB ax an Sept nn. One tare for round trip.
School Oiri*' Met
Very recrntlv U Ima Iwen dlacorercd «“*f«vonil,lc bartilngcr, and on th--blotmr. Iwliod imugiy at the'waist wlih
Rapids, sute fair, Sepv JSth. (it along widoet money, but 1 radu'i
. -- B*ph
a •liirr belt and ■ *ilver bvekle. Tbe Hint there Is connected wlib tbe brain ,
registering ■ great loM „f "tpe fare for rouod trip
wldoal de dog.-«iiUdelphU
Big Rsplds. Volanteer Beanlon. Sepk
........ .........
are looae. with deep cuff*. The
.... i amxU gUnd cfUed tbe Infundibula- '“•Hty the aubjeet 1* to be *hut In a
aktri 1* trimmed wllh braid around Ibe gland, which a|>pareuily snppUca a "■*'
are arranged electric mb. Oae fare for round trip
Detroit. I. O. O. P . Sept. I«lh
bottom. ]>ut on lu Indian anla.’eques.
iDce 10 tbe brain, them UC*'** «f great Intensity and other elecO R A I Aunoal Xxxnralon.
» be dlfftiacd tbraqgli tbr brain carlflxtntva. and after remaining In
It Ut aald Ihxt “iJidy Handy,"
Rsearsloa to R'cbmoeH Sept ifllbfll
........... ..........
Ora.in-It Is tbongtit fliat this substance *•**’' '"miIQou* »«th
furfire minutes be
lx called,
alwa.vs wean ..............
Exeuraloo to Detroit, fll. '
’be cheek ud the brigbtnMa la
n since ber lodlen decoration by (be ^ iDdUpcnsable to (be health of tbe ,
ExcaralOB 10 Cb'eago •». Oct ird.
eye tell of ibe building ud ,
queen. In winicr the wear* a smell brain, and ttwre Is promlac that the)
PluBi fv CaBBing.
which is uking plane U
the body.
toque. Now she I* wearing a flat baU
''t this gUnd In animal* and mu
My eanulDg plum* *re now ready. I
trliumed with blue retret and blue vlU enable physlctaae to nnAmtand
- . ™p
wll' detirer in the cty. |i OO per baUdMi'dmoaklsg
Bowen. She Invariably we«ra a aim) Q«*t certain dlse«*ce of the brain Straab Broa. A Amlona. Good tor
Spar cent, off on poeial eard
C A W. M- exeureloa rata to Ba
TtTorder* A 8. Dobra*. P. O Box *45. ^w Sunday only tl oa Train laan
flMible frill around her neck of blsa vblcb are now my obac«m~Beat«s
Tt4-«t«—4 at «:10 a. m. retural^ at 7:40 p ■.
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