The Morning Record, September 08, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 08, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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lUid Te*~No. 782.

THEYWASTTO KNOWi ™e outi^ bright. DEALERS____±_

Our Quality
Our Prices

Xiehlv4a WUI topplj PoUtOM for
Ths asstsTB Kkfkst to s Lores Sx- Workloff to Promoto Hard­
tost—Uule Dsauc* by Drooffkt.
wood Indutry,
Ths rsessi rsis* hsrc boos rsry boa*
sfleial to the poUlo crop In tbio rscioe
lrrlUU»c »oa« o* OomB«Blertlfcn* rsMTsUp. WUlo In >oms loeslitlM Xeetlst Keld Here Testerdap to E«orguise Kichicss Bsidwood LamTroa
•taw »•b*r:AtsoeihtioB—Psrmsasst O.-fSBtat,Md lITbM* i« A>7 CkMc«
iMtloe M ta Mkotad Oct. O-Oaih
U 4ha aitMttOB It Is for tte Wotss
welL A Urce crop le sow Mssred, lAd
sriDK Bepresentsd Cat of 63,000,_Amiat » Umaem nd Osps the prospoet It thot rood prieee wlU
000 fan. Kesrlp all Sold.
prsTsU. tUIoolm Wluie, one of the
The hardwood Inmber aanufartarert
■Doet eztoulre taper* here, be* rePrstorls. Bopk 7 >-At ttas 4sslfs of
oeived Isqclrlc* se to the tnpplp and it in the Grand Trarerte region do sot
«ko TrsMSHl eoTontSMBt there bM
propoee that maple, which reprreenti a
depend npon Hlchlgas. | large portion of the wealth of the 1
Oiweae. the British diplomatic ageot' Wieeontis and Minnesota for pototoe*, region, tball take a eeeondarp place in
hera. to 8ir Alfred MUmt. the British' this faU end winter.
| ihelnoiber iadnttrp. Yeeierdap afterhigh eomateeiaacr
^ ^
In Indiana, Ohio, and the eonth and I Mon a meeting wm held In the Perk

drj -~U.« ba rar- i Pl~e P,rlm. 1. .blib Ui. ladlb.
be fires In regard to the meblUsatiaa
tailed the prodnetton materianj, and | hardwood manntaetnrcre In the region
Of Brttisk troops on the Tranaraal the prospect U thst Michigan potetoee. were r«prc*eBtad._^Thc gi
Here’s another one of onr
especiaUp the norU e a MlehigM pred-; a prellmlnarp meetlag called for tbe
Laadon, SayL 7.—If the Traneraal net. will be to good demand.
' purpose of reorganlalng the old Mleb“aerer diMppoioUDg linee;”
s'tastioebsaebtarrdaapeiBee pietsr‘igan Hardwood Lumber AsaoelaUos
Ttiej* are some elegant Fall
dap it ie for the worae. The Boer remarly < t quite a figure In
qneet for an enplanaUoo of the maeStylet of Men*e Box Calf
tbe lumber industry In Miehigsu
elng of Brltleh troop* on the fronUer
The meeliug was presided over by
Of the Traneraal ha* as omlnon* note Tedtimony in HIa
Favor b. a. Osy of 0:en Haven, with G. Von ; Bho«s we have just received
of Irriutlon. which at each a eriUeal
—and while in quality, styK-,
Piston of Boyne City as secretary. Tbe
Bulad Oat of Ooart.
stags U Interpreted a* a defiance. Here
meeUag wae devoted to a general disfit, finish and durability they
andatOape Oolonp the Unslon and
cuseion of tbe maple lumber siinaUos
arming eodtlnna Whether tomor­ Tortlga Xilitarp Attacbee
t Allow and letters from ow forty of the leadrow's cabinet eonneU will afford Im*d to Testify for Defease—Believed | ing deali
and maontac'.urei* In the
medMte relief is a donbtfnl qneetlan.
to Kean V.^rdict of Guilty— •eglon were read, pledging enpport to
Lesdon. Sept. • —The Time* eape;
tbe orgsBlsatioa and exprceslMr-ap­
Dtcislon to be Given Kosdap. .
"The Cabinet will todap decide
proval of the movement. Those pres­
qoeetion ofrital momeottotbeemplreBeanes. Sept
Maltre Labor! to­ ent were: D. H- Day. Qlen Haven: Mart
our price ie but
“If le the Transvaal, not we. which dap announced to tbe Dreyfus court Crane, Crane Lumber Co. Frankfort;
has taoeen to raise the qneeUon of martial that be bad received a semi
Js*. OamaroB, Cameron Lumber Co .
Bnclish sopremaep In Sootb Africa. official
that Colonel
Central Lake: W. A WhUmsa. South
It 1* the datp of the government to be Sehwarukoppeo, tbe former German Arm Lumber Co.. Sou'.b Artu: G. Voo
readp for war if it le foroed on them mllltaip attache at Part*, and Colonel Platen, Boyne City; W. B. Porter, Bast
"It it it neoeeeary to oonpoke Parlie- Paniltardi. the former Italian mUitarp Jordan Lumber Co-.Eaet J irdan;Mayor
ment to obtain supplies, let Parllment attache at Parts, will be nnsble to ar*
Harry Nicbols, Charlevoix Lumber Co .
Inoouri pereonallp-Tbecousen bad Charlevo:x; Mr. Culver of Lndlngton.
prepared that an Intarroga^ eomof the Michigan Hemlock
mimlon be epplled fir bp telegreph to
n. and member of the L J.
receive the deposition. Tbe court,
Be bopelees."
Steam* Lumber Co.; W. B. Chandler,
The Standard. In a leader tbU mom- after e quarter of an hour’s dellbersElk Bspldi Iron Co.. Elk Bapidi; W.
tag. aaps that the Transvaal's last re­ Uon. declared iieelf incompetent to N. Keaep. of tbe Reltey Shingle Co..;
ply is a poslUva lasnit to her msjeetp'e grant M. Labori'i npplicetlon.
and repteeeniing Cam A CroUer of
After taking some farther taetimonp
fovemmnnt. and adds: "We are clearEingslej; 11. S Bull. Oral Wood Dish;
Mijv Carriers made as hour and a
Ip within I
Co..TraveT*eCl»y; Dsniel Dake. Tr»»-,
half speech, closing the case for the
ereaCity. W.A.Whi;e.of«e White Lnm- i
The seeosd edition of the London prosecution.
her Co . Boyne City: J-L. G.bba, May
Times pwterdnp pnblished n dlspeteh
All tbe generals and officers in tbe
from Newcastle, Natal, which aape witneea' ebair* left the court room lust'
Johnson ct Mllwai
thatdorlDppesterdap's debate in the before the goverocucat oommlmary
The atien'lsnce represented a cut of
Baad regarding the proaimitp of Brit- ipeaed in %eeordanee with order* from
CS.OOO.OOO feet of msple. Of this
Mb troop* to Transvaal territory, Berr tbe minister of war to leave Beenes
amouatall-but 1 oiKj.ow feet has been
Delarep. a member of the Raad, said within two hours aftar tbe pleading
acid and only ij.OtKi.ow feet restate un­
"The Boer* onlp reqnire h*lf a dap's began.
Demsnge will probably occupy
notibs to fight." The eorreapondent of
Tbe general discussion was directed
the whole of tomorrow with hla epeech
the Timm saps:
toward ways and means to promote
"Manp ooDclode that the dsBact lor the defense. Maltre Leborl Is to
the hardwood industry. It wss learned
tone of the apecchee are not aneonneel- speak Saturday. The verdict will be
through il. ci'-eapecdence introduced
Sd with the fact that Manter ammnnl- rendered Monday, beeauw the police
that the pri'pirtioD of hardwood sold
Mon. which fane been etopped at Dela- antboriUee are opposed to tbe anand shipped Mroagout tbe region was
goa tap, hat not bean received. Tbe a> e eiDCLt ol a verdict on Saturday
about a* represented in tbe figure* giv­
a* It might lead to trouble Sunday.
Pretoria government sadmlu that
en above. I was also determined from
When you cousider this fart,
ThaiColonelJinanst's ov«rruUng of
It of cannon U now i
figures acd is -u presented that tbe in­ don't you tbiuk you
trap from Prance , It is the evident tbe application for tbe taking of the
creased coil ‘ i stumpage and msnufsc-" when you say yuu "don't n«?ed a
>y of the two foreign military
•1b of the B >er* to secure lime cnUl
tureduriuj • e coming winter will j
your liome.”
auaehee mjans the condemnation of
gmei and enter are plentifnl.

liBi r- most preciouB in
Dreyfus la i
barghere follp resognlte that a ■
'and it is or - d that prices will be' the world is tlit-r.-. and iu the event
ment of the difficulty ie out of the the anU Oreyfnserda, end also the im-;
of aci-ident or dan­
preesion of tbe milority of the Drejfui-'
cer y.m woo'd u.-.-d
erds, whose lest hope is that Colonel
it even more at your
Joaaustouly dared refuse to take tbe that maple bu been too long the dis­
evidence of Colonels SebwarUkoppen play lumb.^r. sod that it is time some
Company X and the Bops' Band Will and I'aulisardi. because tbe court bad actioD t
D lit proper foolleg
•layini: s cood deal.
Attend the O A. X Convestlos in
already made up It* mind to acquit tbe should be taken. All other wooes
have Increased materially in value, but
Totoe and Have a Oood Time.
maple, the' principal output and tbe
Company M. Thirty-fourth Miehigau
wealth of the r^ion, has been made to
Volunteers, held a tpeelal meeting last
sforat- Lnrgeet Btenmer la the World Balia take a seeondary place, simply because
nlgbt to eomplete am _
heavy eonsnmere of that lumber have
tonding the
O. A. B reunion at Big
arrom Liverpool for Mew York.
seen fit to depreciate its value every I
| |
Bapld* next week. It wee decided to
Liverpool. Sept. 7.-The new White year. Wbile other hardwoods have had I Oil I I
leeve Traverse City on Tuesday aftornooD, the ISth.eoaato epend the en­ Star line eteamer. Oceanic, tbe largcat their natural advance, tfa
In the srorld. started o
has been to keep maple doi
tire day on Wedneadap, the mh. at
maiden voyage tar New York
No definite ^c« vra* fined at tbe
the encampment. Wedneedhp will be
o'clock,this evening. During the af- meeUng and It ia net intended that
apanlah-American war dap and the enternooD large .crowds gathered on tne
laited ataoeiaiien shall be ar­
lire Third batulion of the Thirtypier bead* and at other poluta of vant­ bitrary 10 that dlreetioB, but the
tenrth Michigan Volunteere will be
age to see the ahip. which preeented
gaaitatioD will promote a better feel­
fine Bight ae the ewnng with the Ude ing amoBg dealers and work a benefit
B g Rapid* bm made elaborate p
before getting nnder way.
to all who handle that Innber.
aratkAS to entertain the vlsitlag solThe Oceanic did not go i
meeUag to effect a permanent «odiera. and all who attend may aspect a
landing stage, owing to the etrike of ganisaUoa and elect officer* will bi
grand Ume. General Alger U expected
the aalloTs. DesoiM the utmost en­ held In tbU city on the Sth of October.
to ta prwest. and several other dledeavor* of tbe men on strike to eaoae
Mngalshed eUlsens of state and nation­
ntAXX X. won.
tbe eeamea and fire­
al teputaUon will he there.
men, the Oceanic sailed fully manned,
It B dmired by the ofiear* that all
Took FiretXoaey to 8:60 Baee at
her crew nnssbertag 410 mMu The
who Intend to be present shall noUfp
Xaaietee Teetataay.
pierhead ww packed by striker*, bat
Ueutanaat Hlasean at ones so thet the
In tbe l;U clam trot at ManUtee
had been shipped the prerlou
Bseseeary erraogement for tiansportayaeterdar, Frank M.. B. C. Compton's
molesttttoa mevbe made.AU members of other
o^pealee of Michigan regimenta In tiea.
Tbs OisaBie has ISO mLom and ISO at first by Rlngaaerth. and af lerward
Mtavirintiy.areoordlallp Inriled to }oin
by Charlie Germaine, nnder whoae hand
QpnpenT M In the trip and aU who go second cabin paaaengers ' aboard.
mathenea. fiaUsbury's^uldeleta
U tbe Bight Boa
m(U be amnred of e good Ume and firat
der. Tommy M.- wae in the nca,
J. rirrt*. lord ntayor of Belentertainmeat at Big Ba^ds.
tat did not get a pneltioa.
fMt. The paaeengsn srere emta
3be Bops Baad of this cUp wOl
moat azpadlUeoaly. At the
eoldleri frdm bar* to
Busle os the wap and at the
~~ "a—“ “
. Ban of OoUv* Trtmo. Xenr XorthOf Mg* and pleasure steamet* crowded
port, Deetrayed by Flra.
wlUalghaeei* Allowed In the wake
At the back peg* of this
a*sAy XA8 WOM OUT.
of UeOeeaaScfor a ooaaldcraUe dlaLightning oeated diaaettona havoc
paper end leara of
near Northport yesterday montog.
dietod Oemmaader of the Oraad
n* aew
Bhip Is sehedBled
eehedelad to arrive
at Kew Y'ork at 7 a. m., Septambar 13. Dnrtog the brief aleetrlc stena, the
Army by AeoUmatiaa
On her wlal trip ah* made tweaty- ban of Octave Pritao was straek and
PbUldalphla. Sept. 6-^ndge Leo thr«* kaota. tat she is not goiiig to
set on fin. The atnetan was burned
£M^eW et.SV Louie, today withdrew auampt to b^ rwotfia.. It Ja miO.
lilstely to the ground togeUer
however, that aha wDI arrive at New
Terktem Llvarpool within five minBtaaefharadvtrtltod tlma. The ship
la to enmmaAd of CBptato Cbmaroc,
-------- ------ . . . oj the Teotoulo, KiMlFatton*.
U the employ *I« and IS enta. None higher. None
tatter. Tbe Bceton Store-

Wlt7 Bnglaad is MoMHgtng
Hot troopft.


800 Ngw Books
Arrivoil Last NightAbout one-third of latest publications, the
balance are neat little gift'booka that sell
from SO to S6c each.

Bazaar Department.
Just unpacked a line of handkerchiefs
and stockings, all at 10c.
Seen our jar wrenches at 6cf

S30-322 Front Street

Bitlph Connable Jr.. Muia^.

Night Robes

"$3.00 Shoes
$2.50 a* Pair.

Extra long, bo you can wrap
your ffvt up—Pretty new pat«
teine—gust from Wilson firoa.
factor)'—Plain or embroidered
—J*ricee 60 low thej-11 not dieturb yoor slumber — 50c, 75c,
11.00, $1.25, $1 60.

Popular Shoe'House.

Seen onr new fall anita and
top coatB?

Tasteful Women
Will admire the prettioess and care
with which our new line of

Fall Wrappers
are made—Serviceable garments for com­
fort around the home—59c to $1 75.


Begins With Intnmn
Oncf more, when tbe Bummer
girl comes home fiuebed with
L-onqo»«t ami eager to poeseaa


a new Kimball Piano to add
to the entertainment of her
frienda and the attractions of

Ilchlfu Teltobtg! Co

Than Ttaverse Belle
The Faiorite 5c Cigir


Is hecomisg populai, loo.
Biggest aid best lOcentcloar
for the price.

A. W. Jahraus




her home.

Don't begrudge

yuur wiff or dauulitar the pleasure thst a high grade and melo­
dious piano brings to your home, when we will sell yon one at
such a low coat

Easy Terms-Factory Prices.
Sheet Music at Half Price.
See us beforv you buy—It means doUar* to yon.

n. E. STeOIG, Iigu*.
lii Pmt SL. lirUun Bl«k

HRVe yOR S66R it ?
DurS 1.68 Shoe for ladies.
Ask for it. its a bargain. We
have a few pair of hand turn
shoes, lace or button, former
price $4.00. Yoo can buy them
DOW for $8.00.

See the “VelTet Shoe” for
ladies. Its a beauty. Special
sale on all summer tan shoes.

KcNamara Blk.







Can You be Convinced

AnaieacMry of Bntlce Kelley.
Tlwt Dr. ChPM’s Ototacot Is
AnaxtraMely ea)>yaUe danring aod
Abpolutp C«r« tor
aoetol party took plaM at tbe boeu ol
Mr. aad Mm W. N- Kelley, ol 441
ZMMljid in n OloM and State etreet, and at tba W.quetong
BxeiUng Oenter.—Tcavarae City Club bou*e. lait evening. In bosor ol
ree end Tbeu
Agalnat Oolltige Playeie—Devia. tbeir daughter. Eunice Keliry. The
Coovincod by b.-iax
i oreP_p
iax to'
lively ibroag of young people gathered
Bnptlet .mni
___ ter
. jr Tc..»
TraBbull, WUhelB and Bcken Die
M* Wei
Wee Cniwd
to help ber celebrate ber lourtoea^i
tlngatoh TtiimMiTti Wrrrrt 18 to 0. birthday anniverMry. and the gneate
Much inurcetbee been manileated , left eeveral very bawdaome aa well aa
in the flrat gacne cf the loot ball
i baeful artlelea in token ol their aatecB
There am eo___ ^
And tnqulriee Ivere eager and fre­ for the young la^-y.
Beaded to cure pilev. aad K> many that
quent la«t evening at tbe Bxcobd efflee
It moM people wboiuSer
Tbe early part of ^e .evening wm utterly fail. ibat'moM
»rture* of thii >M(b*o«e
katbaome di
aetothareaBltolyeetetdey’arame at apent at tbe Club Bonae which wm
le discouraged aad dcapeir ol
Petoekey. Early in tbe evening tbe taitily trlBBed with llaga and e*ercured.
lolfowing lelrgraB wai received:
.. .j jnat lacb people who, when o
greena. Dancing and other aoelal amcared, meet atroagly recommend
■ Traveree City won. The eeore wai
uveaenu Bade Father Time move chWi“bini
It to A Star pUy*. were Bade by along at a rapid pace, after whleo all u«e in it the oee aheolute cure
Bob, Davto
Tram- returned to the bcuM on State, iagpilci.
bull. each of wtcB
» Where four l^gtabl- bed been placJT.!toBCb down by a long- ran eroupd
on the town in tbe mean time, band-1 yj,* 6nt appliMtion of Dt. ChaM’i
rmn u
Daivto ran
yard* aumely trimmed with l.^aeri and oiotsteot will eouvinee tbe moat akepand TrumbuU *0 lor tonebdoton.
tbe treM with bright
.by rtojipi^g the tern We itching and
To. WUS.!"
Tow Boko.-nw. .u . f'-J.
; ,.„j„k. ....o., IWh Ubl. kiM oo.- care any caae o >.iod, itebiag. bleediag
the game.
1 uined a candle auck containing* lour- _ protradiog pil_H.U.k., kWo .ll lor nlo. y
u.. jwol
Bcv. W. K Edwmrdi, BapliM miatoti
n>9 Tnaity IHacc, BoSalo,
bo.kW. b.'o» HoF,.«b. ol u» ,
" I cao moet bcartilv lem
ol Kkbibkb 10^ “'!..„d,ikb...w u.. a.oU« .«.«i.
ball- It waa a hot game. Tbe crowd several flaab light pbologr^ba were
wai with ua. Tbe largeet crowd ever Ukea. which will enable tbe young
■DDOvaacc to me, and fre<|oeDtly the
lecn on Beerietict Field."
people to recall tbe icene in alter •ufleting baa been nioat iateeae. Tbe
The Bret fame o( tbe eeaaoo to tbn»
beardta derived from (be -w
uie w.
of w..
Or. A.
woo by tbe boi&e team, aod floe loot
Tboae preaeauwerc: Eunice Kelley. I W Cbam’i Oiotmeni have b^e magi
bal I tport to mat ared tor tbe reat ol tbe
Loku. 8k,pw,,ir....
Bwck. I
aaaaoo. aa the boya are all eoibnalaatie
Harnnm. Imo Cameion. Carry Avery.
icflueace to make iu wonderfni
over tbe dame.
Myrtle Miller. Jabraua. De'li
I>r. A. V. Chaae'* Oioluienl
Mardnek. Florenee MUler.Laara Ash­
ho*, at all de*Icm. or Dr. A. \
ton. Della Martinek. Clara Hoxie. Medicine Co.. RufTtlo. N, Y.
a. D. OempheU Onttcixea Ttowa ot Laura Fnrtach. Laura Tr^rea. Datoy
Sbadek. Caiberiae VanVaibenburgb.
Kr. Detmoud.
China Faintieg Ex^ib'-t
Julia Kelley. Ora Sbenard. Uvtel
EuiToR MuXKtxu Bt<.x>Ki>—I notice a
Mil* Florenee Jaekaoa will give an
Keboe. Came and Florence Earl. Bar­
communication in .Xltreaay’e toene ol bara Corbett. Irving Murray. Claude exhibition of due china pa nting at
tbe Etouxii by Mr. P. C. Detmond, enPound. JameaMiUlken. Friu Beitner. ber home. US Ewt Eighth a-rvet. ihii
tltlcd «hto viewa on water worka, tn
smoon. to which are levited ber
Montogue. Hebert Stout. Trlx
-ndi and all otbera that are icwblcb be makca tbto aaaertlon. witboni Tinkham. Waiter Paige. Louie Baker.
• - -ntieg All wUl
further proof: .‘•Tbe rceervolr ayaum Boy Wood. Perry KccceyM^lfred
landaome piecM f
aboald be need by aU Bean*, ea It wUl
wiki kM Ik/I VWIC•
M*x>re. Larneit Wiegand. Cbarlei
reduce the coat of pumping, lor one A*hton. Robert Chaae. Arthur Walt.
thing, far below that of direct prea- Will Vogleaong. and Frank Kvlley.
with a Riyat PriaoMr
lure, like the city now bea"
OTbat tbe laxpeyeta Bay have a tanHIGH SCBOOL ATBLXTIOS.
glble cxcuae for voting for an appro-

The People Know

mCHlOASi Horn* TMm Tiotorloos bt *


Hot Foot fisU Oabo.

t Bat» Am 3. W. Bab^.
f. W. BAnn. tdirii mmA Mimct-




t M


■■ciBiill cl

Tn trtwBph ot mod*n •blp-bnildlar
to r*preMiiMd is tb* rrc*t OetAnic.
wUeb U<1 Lirerpool lor New York
WedBMd*;. Tbe OmabIc. wbleh U
Ue Ur»«t eblp e*er boUl tor eomV«ree. eUAin-or eeil. b»j be r^uded
•■Ibb trait o( Boclend'e etuapt to
keep p«ee with Ucibab esurprUe lo
•tctnebip eopetrectioD, u tbe Wllb«la der OroMc. op to tbe tosocbirng
«t tbe CtoeABle. wm tbe l*r|;eet. leeicei.
•ad IB BUBj mpeeu tbe Bseet BceAn
•tMBAblp efloet. Urcqniredtweoirtwo Boetbt to boild ibe OcceDle, Afid
bar eoet WAS neArlj >5.000,000. Sbe
bae A crew of too o>en. ABd wiU eerry
IJOO pMieBgen. Ber lenctb to 704
|aat.or tweBt;*elB feet grmter ihAo
(be #rcAt Eoeteni'e. Bbc bat eereB
defV«. aU eteat. ABd would rAtoe il
placed iB tbe etreet above all tbe rooli
Oi alx.ator7 .balldlB|A Uke other
modem veeaeto. abe to equipped whb
twlB aerev a of tbe noat powerfal
(jpe. Sbe to aebeduled to leave Liverpo^ or New York every Wedoeaday.

Jtare Largely Attaaded Tbaa Xvar—
laipartABtiBproveBCBU Aboat
Tba preacDt New Yaar'a cxerelaet
and aarvleea ol tbe Hebrew cyoagogoe
««re vary largely attended dorlsg tbe
two daya holiday, aod tbe aervlee*
trara vary iBpreaaivp Rev. E. BabMbw waa aaatotcd by Mr. b. Graaaa of
Moatreal, who waa in the city vialllDg
The Hebrew eoDgregaUoD have Bade
tba tysagogoe felt-tBataiDlDg, aad tbv
debt oa tbe property ;a beiog gradoal
')y cleared cfl. deveral kDpartAOt impcoveBeBta are belag coBteBplated.
aaoBg them tbe levellBg of tbe cborch
lot ABd tbe reBoval of tbe feecea. ^1tna dtaloberg U active In bringing
abODt tbeae improvemeDU and to meet
lag with Bocb encocragCBent and aa>M»aee.
Mia bteiDkrrg baa brio wcrklog ri
•rgetleally toralae fundi to build ac
attractive lenee aroaod the Hebrew
•aaetery and baa met with aneb lucMta that the eootraci will aooo be let

priatioB in bond* to conairact a neeleall^ptMle for ^ water aupply aa
tbe reaervotr propcaed. I would be glad
if Mr" Dcamoed. or acme other nereon
cqy ai well edvtoed in tbe conatruction of water worka, would give ni a
fair and reatonable aoluUon of tbe
problem: "Why e reaervolr ayeum to
cheaper than a dlreel-preMure ayatem
for o*. located aa tbto city to.” I deaire
further, that in Ueeting ibto tuljvci.
that domeatie and Are prcainre wUt
tbe fricUon low in maina to tbe buiinee* portloni of tbe city will be fairly
treated, eo that we may know that we
have a fire protection at leaat (qua! to
tbe preeent lyatem. which baa never
been found wanting.
H. D. Caui-bki
&.>eortera’ Delightful Trip
A party from Spring Beach Beeort
went tobOld Miaalon aod the light
bouae yeaterday. They bad an ele­
gant trip and were delighted with the
beantilul ecenery and Ue fruit tarmi
through which they paaaed.
Tbe party confuted of Dr. and Mr*
1/ong. Mr. and Mra Scherer. Dr. Mor­
gan and two lona Mra. Shelley, Mra.
Overman and-Mra Vondcr«aar.

|l. B. Keeney d Soon BxteadirgXbeu
BnalBeae to Cbeb •ygan
B- T. Bdwarde. local tBanager for
(beF. P- Keeney Seed Co., returned
yaetcrdey from Cheboygan, where be
baa been looking after the intcreeto of
b'e cempesy Tbe concern bee com­
pleted errangcBenta whereby a new
erarebouae and elevator to to be erected
pt Cheboygan, which Mr. Edwardi will
manage to oonnecUon with the bullpaw of tbe oompeny in thli city. The .NoremodTcqualr Wakser's Whitk
pew eiracture will be aox36 feet in di- Vl.N'E OP TaK SVRfP for Ihia U-rriMnalona, andAbree and one-half itor- -!<-and fatal UiMUt-c. If taken ihor-ii’hly and in linio. it will run? a k•a^•
Ua tn height- Tbe eompaoy to extend­ •1 24 houtv, and far the cou^h that foling Ita bnilDCM largely end thto Imi*i> L4H:riii|ie it never fails Ui t'ive
provemenl to neceialuted by tbe de- •••lief. Prii-c. iV ankl .'lOc.
Banda for tbe prodnete bandied by A £07x1 FrUcstr.
tb— Mr. Edward! »111 auperinteod
the bit of the yMr. ^tnrday. night.
both coDccrni. bnt reuln bin realdeace
A Seyal Prtaestr.
Iptbto city.
will bring with him bto city caat.
The local factory, will be opened
paxl Monday with a full force ol em-

To Caro la Mpp9 la 24 Hours.

VcMBUla OoBpany'i PrcnotioBa
Some cbangee of coniidereble impor
lane* were made lo tbe fore* of tbe
Baanab * Ley Mercanyie Co. yeetarday.
Mtoa Alma Deaprva.who bae
been aeatotant caabier in the grocery
gapartment. baa been premoted to the
plaoe formerly held by the late Mr. Py.
bw,and Relpb Bailett to for the preegst bolding the poeltion ef aeatotant
gpabier. Tbii to only e temporary arnacnBCDt, ee Mr. Healett will i
ipbe a poaltlon in tbe dry gooda and
glstblng department, when another
pMBUnt wUI be put leto the caahier'i

Aeeocialion Organ sed Cor ibe Promo­
tion cl Od> Door Bporta.
Tbe young men of the High acbool
who are etbleiieally inclined held e
meeting aftert acbool yeaterday, in
which matien of an atbleiie character
were diacuaaed. and a permanent
orgaolation effected, to be known a*
tbe High School Athletic Aaaocietion.
Iteoijict to to prcmoteklniereet In gymnaetic and athletic mattera Eventually they hope to have a tborooghij
equipped gymnaaium oo the third floor
of tbe Central huiloing.
ThecfBcer* of tbe aeaoctotion are:
Prealdeot—Prof. C. B. Horn.
Secretary and treaaurer—Herbert
Abate ball team*will he orgaeiied
ae eooD aa pom hie. Tbe team will
choae Iu ow^fBcera.
Tbe quarterly meeting of the Evan­
gelical church will be belo here beglouing Saturday afternoon, and laatiog
Tver Sunday. Tbe aervieee will
cnarge of Rev. J. A. Frye, of Grand
Elaplda, presiding elder.
Bndureo Death'• Agoniea.

, Aathma.
from which he luffered for yeara. He
writeahia mlaerv waa often ao great
thatitaeemed be endured tbe agouie*
of death? but Dr King’* New Diicovery
tnr Conaumplion wholly cured him.
TbI* marveloua medicine it the only
i>BowD cure for Aathma a* well aa
CkDeumplIoD, Congbi and Coldi. and
»U Throav -

The great aoeeeea of Chamberlain'*
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy in
the ueaiment of bowel oomplainta hai
Bade it BUndanl over the greeter part
, of the clvlllaed world. Foe aale by 6.
B. Wait and F. C. Tbompeon.

Bojal Prtoooer brought to ear city.
pad Me a Boyal Prtoosar Satsrday

And we b>T« beea ginog tbftn no flwfol good tbtrg tor th«
ten dny& We bere been aellmg

Eagle and World Bicycles
at Less Than Factory Cost
And they have not been slow to Ulu' ndvnntige of it. We heve
sold .ST bicyclee in tbe last ten daya—sold seven Monday, and
have only a few lefa, eo if pn want to take advantage of Ibia,
come quirL and do not think of baying a bicycle witbont an
eatablUbt-d repotalion. when yon can boy such a bicycle aa the
Eagle or World at Ibe pri< ee we are eetling tbem at, and are
guaranteed for one year by a party you know ia reeponeible.

First class double tube tires,
guaranteed, torS2.2S. '

J. W. SLATER’S HoQse Enmishing Store
120 Front Street, Traverse City.



They Bring Quick Returns.^


Eooms Wanted
o apply at once with
r .jc straw hats

liove to gel into
srliixil suits ws'vv juBt openvd.
bvll at tl.UO tbs suit.

to have some of uur new drap­
eries, poriieivs and Uc-e curtains.
They add-sneh an artistic toneb
to tbe room. Good lacs curtains
for 75c tbe pair
Draperies from
$1.4-5 tbe pair to tbe finest Persiss
A*ffecUt ,


Girls Wanted

An i-arly inspsctian of onr
nsw stork of fall r-arpsta.
all suminrr and now it'si :nveteeary
to carp>-t that bedroom.

thirty an lionr to buy those
new neck riblxins, linen collars,
(best grade only 15c.) taffeta and
all silk-ltock black velvet, scotch
plaids, all tbe latest novelti.-s


Kitchen Girl Wanted
lu lix>k over UUP stoi-k of tin­
ware and tell ber mistrsas bow
many tilings are needed to make
tbs Work .-aBisr
Flour sifter,
c'Ookii- cutter, disb cleaner, soap
shaker, a lioel of monsy saverB,

Is now locatsd at 157 Front Street, In the

We hare received our new fall goods—up-to-dat^
styles-no more-oomplste stock snsrwhere.

A few hundretl dollars spest
in our Famiture d.*p*rtment. We
guarantee tbe U-st of returns for
money inves1e<l. If you haven't
the hundre<l. we'll tak<- just a few
plain dollars, say $2,4-5 for a Rat­
tan rocker. $2->0 for six gtvxl dinning room chairs, everything else
in proportion.

Saturday somstime, one loixI
opportunity to get on.* of the biggk*8t bargains iu ladies' sbosa ever
$;^.00 pair^or $1.4>.

refunde.1 if purchases are not
satisfai'tory, but why ask it where
you get soap ?cskes for a ni- kle,
lulbe ru\[^ oate for 2.»<-. toilet
soap -5c the cake, good Rio coffev’
10c the lb___________________________

Nurse Wanted


A little dog, ail week* old
that didn't have on one of oor dog
collars. Nest time boy one, pay
your dog license, get yonr dog tag­
ged and be happy

Woman's fine up-to-date shoes 98c, $1 88. $1.48,

For Sale

See our chromo kid walking ahoee, haavy sole

Baby carrisgee, only been
here one mouth. Don't show tbe
least wear. Warranted solid in
evera respect.
Owners have no
ose for tbeb at present. Want to
dispose of tbem at a sacriffee. 20
per cent discount in some casea.

and kid lined—a beauty, at $8.60.
Boy’s and girls

school ehoee, solid and good

wearers-very low prioea.
The balance of the McNamara stock of light
shoes will be sold regardless of price.
See* oHir bargain tables.

2.4(11 scholar* to buy s tablet
a piece Biggest thing ever shown
for a nickle. Lota <>f other kinds.

400 people with a quarter of
a dollar loose in tbeir pocket to
tmy six good white metal tea­
Best thing ever offered
for the money.

Between suurise aod dark, a
place to buy your choice of thirty
dining room
tables. from
$4 25 up

9,*>4S people to wash three
times a day with soap, that is soap.
Forty kinds to select from. 5c.
tbe cskc for some kinds.

Trade at the Bargain

Shoe store and save dojlara.

Front Street


Most complete line of fall over­
coats ever Been. New sliapes, new
patierns. brst workmanship, nob­
biest Btyletk. Take time to look at


$1.48, $1981, $8.50 to $4.00-the latest style toes and



Our men's and woman's $1.98 lines are onques,
tionably the beat values in the city.

for afternoon leas and even­
ing entertaiunii’tiU. sheplvt glass­
es, cut glass punch liowi. white
porceliane l ups.-aucers and plates,
folding chairs, at a very little ex-

niidillc aged lady to sss tbe
the new dark dr«-ss gcxxls juxt open­
ed. .Make tbs nicest bouse drese,
aud a dozen patterns (osslsct from.

An experientW nuree to tell
her patients of our pain killing
liniments, bandages, rubber good*
and all articles needed in tbe dek

—not in IfcNamara's old atore, aa formerly.

To Rent


For Sale



Read the “Go’s.'’ Want Ads.

ABeyal Prlmtr
will arrive la Traveree City Satur­

▲ large range of men’s fine shoes at 98c, $1.36,
Bevtoion of City Library,
AU perwiaa bolding hooka from the
Mty library are reqoeeted to retnm
them OB Satbrday. anre. This reqneai
to made lor the purpoee ol e complete
mtolon of the library. Many new
beoke are to be added, and It to very
MaenUel that all booka be returned

3 Good Thin§ WbeaTlieifSeelt




The Hannah & Lay Hercantile Go.

TBM MOjurnro Birt?omD. jraiDAY, bbptbmbb& 8, issa
All UdlM «f the BMtara Bur v«

I S\».Ve i\m.%
» Werthr lUtm> »i Ue MMOftle noBM
thte kfumoo* »t S:M. Tkm will be
&ft.\wes\. 5,.U
5 a»«d*l hMtsMi to htteD« to..Md » fmU
' .H^deea. t. eer^ e^«U>l
wi«t wrwnvnvnvr

RommUc druk U alwAje iaMrwv
inc. MpKUUr trou the ten ihht 4

„ u„

Satarda;. 8c(t «. ]• Intercatiaff froa
Hamid ...rf
The old nor* of Parker Broa U be-' »e»7 »»«dpolott. The laeldeau apon
lihTtSf *■«
“1 the door r«|alr«l -hicb the ola, ia baeed are hletorioal.
»tt Beaton
Bealo. Harbor. Be
H. haa
baa Urht
Heh. hair.
^ ^
cbaracier, *ere permoWaa epea and wore a dark aalt with reetanraot aoon. The work ie be-! ef«« of exalted rabk uad freat teme
kaee paata.
i darinc the reicn
Inr done hj Alderman Qarriioa.
Mra. W. H. Jaiaea reenUj picked ap
The periid. 1741.
Tbefeed pine of the Oral Wood Dub Ellxabrtta of Rnaa
caber tern near Daadeo aa ladlaa'a factory boUera blew oat Wedaeaday. U one ef the I
tomahawk. The weapon waa aa extra The Ore doora were blown open and Rnaelan bietory. The dialocne ia
larreoi and waa foand on the alte of I eoaalderable damace waa done to the really dowery aad haa a depth of
the old
brick work. Portanalely no one waa thoncbi that abowa a matur hand.
In eoataminc the brilliant romatic
Mra. A W. Whltemore of Middle- Isjored.
rUle waa atraek hy a bolt of lijrbialnc
A letter frotd WU1 Roberta, who re- comedy. * A Royal Prtaoner,” the
darlBd the atirn «
----- .---------- . oently pined the army with aeretel dreaaea and oniform* worn by the
andrewrerr U| other IrareraeCity boya. atatea that ladlea and effleen cf the Raaaianoonrt
thoae wboUftlotbe party with him hare been accurately reproduced, Mr.
Elk BAplda people think their town hare ewe aboard the traaaport --War­ Jsmea harloc apeot many daya in the
Aator Library. Kew York, aearebloc
Mfbt to be a ffo^ enmmer reaort and ren," end will eoon aall fer Hanlla.
throneb the rolnmee of eoetame hooka
want eomeone to erect a hotel with
J. W. Patehln bna aold the dwelllnc.
and hiatorlea which eontain tta
aeeoBunodetiODa for 3oo to 400 people 404 Front itreet, to J. R. Bnah.
colored plate*, illnvtralinp ootlume t
■e a atarter In that direction.
A lecture on Cbriatlan Beinnee will of all nation* (or centurie* back. Mr.
Llfhtnlar atraek Aleeri EaymoaiTa berl'enlB Bielnberc'e Grand. Septem^ Jamea elaima that in thU Ubrary only
borae hero at RUey Ceater. paaaed ber 12. by Judpe W G Ewinp, of Chidealred plate*
dowa tbrooeb tha hay lof^ k.llod one
**•*on Eu**laa coatumea of IhU parilcnlar
borae and tpllotered the baildloR, bat
Five well Blled eo*ehca left here | period. 1741
did Botaet itoo Are.
yesurdey momlspon the N A N. E. | The eoatume*'worn ere not only
TtM foar year old daafhter of Blram The blp fair In ManUtee proved a pop­ novel aed bUloricaliy eorreet, bat are
Boydr. a drayaau of Baehai
ular attraetioD.
allofOrienul purpeoninem la color
bold of a bntla of carbolic acid aad
Alice Miller of BUte ilreet, waa very lap and dtxziicp in inelr brlllUney of
attempt^ to drlek the eontenU. pleeaanUy eamdaed yeeterday afun pold aad ieweled oraamehUtlon.
Prompt aitlon of tha doctor haa ao
coon by a aamber of her frlenda, who
Hved her life, althoagn ahe a not yet
Not intheblatory of the minstrel
left maoT token* of their repard. The
oat of daofer.
party wa* in honor of her eliventh world has there been eolleeud naoer
Pierue foreet dree, which have been birthday anniveraar^
one manapemeot *o many noud color
b imloj near Ch. b jyiran are ex Unja a t
'Ihe cbom* choir of ine Conprrpa- ed performer* a* that of Mabam Bro> ,
ed by the csploua rain. Raw waa alao
tloaal church will meet for pnciice at to be seen at the City Opem Bone
needed for the city and cooatry. An
Monday, SepUmber lUb. Look ove.the church this evenlap.
inch and a half of rain trll. A bam
the Hat of leader*. Berry end Nellie
Mre. Jennie Reid, wife of A D. Reid, Baton, acknowledped the beet-^ored
eontalnlnjr a lot of hay and farm imdied
plamenta waa atmek by Urblolac and
Uem on earth la eonpe. daoeee acd
Ape 44
year*. cake welkt; Tom White, premium com­
horned down in Wedoeaday oiebt'a of eonaamption.
Beaidee ber buaband and one aon, ahe edian and enuruiner; Sam William*,
leaves eevemi brotbera and alatera and
The AllecanConnty Teacher*’ Rwd- an aped mother. Mre. A. B. Brawn wonderful boy ooniorilooUt: Cbarle*
French, the phenomenal lyric uaor.
lac Circle haa an enrollmeat of aboat
and Will Jarrett of ihla city, are ber
110 aad new mrmbera are beinc added brother aad liiur. The faneml will and 41 other artiau in a propram laatinp two hourm. Wauh for tne bip
dally. The oonniy echo
be held from their home la Inland to­
parade, with the Filipino hand.
r will dIride (he terrlwxy Into foor
day at 2 p. m. under the dlreciioa of
or more townahipa. and local Diaetioca
Ralph Andetaon.
Fruit prewer* around Paw Pew are
wUl be held mooihly. with a ceneral
The alUndanee of a'.l member* of coraplaininp tbat their prapea are bc“round np" In the aprincthe Local ik>od Templar lodpe 1* re- lop deatrayed by amall yellow nird*.
At Manoelona a bold robbery
qaeated at the mettinp which oocara
oommitted at Dr. C Bearti'6fta;di_.. ihli evenlap. Severn! •maiura of im­
The Bravery of Woman
Tna thief entered tbroacb a .-ear door. portance win be broapht np. There
Wa* praadty shown by Mr*. Job*
Ba faok the doctor'* tranaert and reat will be the reporu of delepatee to Dow)
. of Hutler. IV, in a threi
with a malipant
malipanl atom
aad bia wife'* Jewel ca*e to the kitch­ Omod Lodpe pivew. Viaitinp member*
aeh irouble that cauaed dUtreaainr
en. where they were, found emptiei
of the order are Invited.
auaek* of' oauaea and indipeation
their money aad raluablee. amouotlnc
remrdiM failed to relieve ber until ahe
Good Athletic Exhibition.
to about C400. No cine to the thief.
tried Electric Bitter*. Afur takinp ii
month*, she wrote:
Johnny Roche, the Gmnd Rapid*
A eoaple of men in Hendrick* townwholly
• cured and can eat anything. I
ablp. Mackinac county, felled a trae athletic loetrocior. enurulned a larpe .

for the whol.
and cut from it one cord of four foot crowd In the old K. of P. hall la»i j »y*um a* I pained
in weight ae
wood In 48 mlantea. and alnce then nlpbt. Be pave an exhibition of bap-) mneb eirooger tince utiujip It.”
(»1*. Improvet.
they bare been watUsc to hear of aome
one makinc a belter record.
---- M....k •. I .*mrf I.*
’ .. ...
... drop store*
The mine of laet week were a c^eet bibillon and very much ei j >yed by tbe
audience. Mr. Roche 1* bow ready to
—i-.*. . .
thincforthecbioory crop of St Clair
IctuuctioD inMnvic
oonn^. It bad beirnn to aaSer badly opea bia daae aod arranpemenu can
The music clas* of Holy I
from the drought, and the farmer* w! o be made with him at bnee for a Counc Academy bepan work Sept. 4
had pone in for miilnp it extenairely
j b.™
ber* -Kb,.*
wiabiDp to have aame boor* aa b
Mr* 11. J. Morpan hat retarned fn m I lo" will please notify ui aa early .ar
were pettlap preaily dUconraped.
AtOuepo, Bruno Piiaehal. aped 28. ..b™
1 A limited number n( pupil* in other
area atruck by a •tick flyiup from a taw Mllwankee.
branebet will alao be taken at tbe
at the chair factory Monday and killed.
A Powder Kill Xxploclon
Academy ibl* year. Pupils are re­
ceived at any time dariap
i la belt
drasUc miner
but both are
Jnllaa Rleinberp leftyeaterday after­
•vaslon* Koarc
noon on a baalsea* trip to Cbicapo.
Life Pill* do the work eo easily and | and toiiiOD (10 per month,
>tb. pa;
payable Ir
Willard Buah, former prlrale aem perfectly. Cure* Headache. Coastips-1 advance. Pupils of all denom'
tary to Uoremor Pinpree. now tecre- tlon. Onl;
710-6 -0
DoUIMc as M*.TEB<<.
ait's drug stores.
tary to Secretary of Bute Btcam*.
paeeed throuph the city yeaUrday
hie way to lunainp. aeeompanicd by
E. R. Meiheny.
Mr. and Mra. W. A. Clement and
Frank Slnert hare returned to FonsUinCiiy. Ind.,atwr a riait with Mr.
and Mra. R R. Clark.
Mra. Gaorpe Jaekaon of Snmmii City
wa* a Trarerae City Tialtor yeaurday.
After you have worn a suit
Mr. aad Mra. Jamea Harahall of
of clothes or an overcoat for
Danville and Mi»* Ada Cobb of Poiwrallle. who nave been rUlUnp Mr. and
some lime that you are able
Mra. Charlca IrUh. hare returned
to satisfy yourself whether
their homna.
or not the materials are all
Mia* Mlunie Howen retdraed Tneaday to Lynn. Ind . after a eUlt wlthtbat were claimed to be—If
Mr, aad Mr*. C. L Oonaer.
you wear clothing made by
Mtm Pearl Tackaberry relamed laat
Blpbt afteraTiiii of two month* at
^ L. Adler Bros. & Co. you
her home in Three Rivera.
need never have the slightest
J. E OoDMr of Morende. Hleh., la
X* doubt as to its quality—AH
the pneet of hi* brother. C. L Uonaer.
W. B. DavU ha* relamed (ram a via
^ woolens used by this firm un­
it to hU home In Cana City.
dergo the most rigorous tests
Mr. and Mm Berberi Dwlprlna retamed yeaurday to their home ia
for strength and color—they
FoMUlnCity. Ind , afura eiait with
arelKiiled down for detection
Mr. aad Mra. C. U Gonaer.
Clark A. Bh*w.
of cotton and subjected to a
loyal Prlaoner" company. U la
thorough shrinking process
before going to the cutters
Senator Merriman of Hartfjrd. aathor of the celebrated Merriman tax
The slightest Imperfection is
Mil. 1* In the olty acoompanied by Mra.
enough to condemn. Every
Menlman. the pneau of Mr. and Mia.
J. W. rravia
piece of goods must be ab­
Mra. Clarenoe Qreillek U confiaed to
solutely perfect to be deemed
her home by lllneea
worthy of manufacture. As
Ed. Harrow ia ill with pleurliy.
C. O Strode, editor of the lamber
with the material, so with
paper, “aardwood." pabllahed In
tbe workmanship — only the
Ohleapo. la U the elty. Be la on bnalawe oonneeted with thereorpanlntion
best is good enough for L.
of the Michipas Hardwood Awocia-



Adler Bros. & Co.

OfdwM(iUau Ctarw-WTwra
WIilto WkM Gf Tar tyra^ tb*
boM coogh remedy on earth, cores * cold 1 _
iaooeibyilukcttuitiine. SSandSOcta..


New Fall Styles I


Priecun." «rhkb will
i prunaUd b; Mr. Tne & Jann aad

Ageuta for TraTorae City



Pingree & Smith
Make of Footwear 2


A. 11 the Latest Toes

Special K”!.- The Composite se&en The Governor I
WewantyoOr inspection-we lead the styles-You takfe no chances when i
2 you buy the Pingree Shoes-a shce with a record-Get them of


Fra.r\k Friedrich
118 Front Street.

Tln.e Old. Seliahle Slxoe Jwtan.


Lamson & Hubbard


But none “just as good" as our $3.00
Derby—We gusrantee every one of them
Fall Style, 1899.
—not only as regards wear, but guarantee them to be the most
comfortable and perfect fitting bat on the market—The $6.00
Dunlap is no better.





Bran’ new. up-to date goods (wear resisters) Never struck such bargains be
fore- When we strike a good thing we always give you the benefit of it—Ton know
that from past experiences. Such values were never before offered.
Notice a few prices —Must be seen to be appreciated.
Hny '$ Union Snitf.................................................


Boj'fi ell wool woretfdfi and ch.vio $. sr^
strictly up-to-iUtc, double e«'At and
Boy’s model achtK>I eiiiU, in all j.-^ini;
(-oloru. iip-lo-dale in every respect.^

Boy's three piece suite, pretty iiatteme—
are winners............................. $3.86 tO $8.60
Boy's gennine all wool Diiki.-'s Mills
suits, never lip, worth tS. onr price.. $3.00
Ekiy’ti fine tailored snits, neat checks and
^tripee. Well trimmed, for......................$3 60
Boy’s pants..........................................19. 85. 86. 60c
Boy’s Panls. all wool, douhle seat and

Our line of s^4.00 ard S4 50 suits is complete in every respect, strictly up
with the limes 1n every detail, fully warranted, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Blues, blacks, browns and gray mixed.
and $5.50*boy's suits are the best the eastern markets produce.
All we ask is for you to call and inspect them---Secing is buying.

Front Street



SyedaV "KoVvae
CA\,kS& \0 OUT

§>9.b0 Y.eTse^
in ttie ckS\0T sVvaie (\bViVc\\ vs
wVot ttvvs HW.) £>vive&
WvTouqtvowt \DtWv sWV. stvav scams aad
Wttoacd tnmmcd.

Si. AO. mvvVttv.

.- .'-I

TBB xosvora VtaOHD, FAIDAY. BBPXXK bis 8. 18IW
I &eiv«ra!L1U«t'
-Aoraday craalat at tbe home of tbe
Mrldeb father on Park araama Ibe
Old Maldc' laaraa. of whleb the bride
^ a mambat. attaadad tbe weddlnc
Is a body, all Bownad la black at typl«al o< tba aorrow that tbay fait at
<ba lorn of one member from -tba aotodlatioe.
Twa deathe asd sine prMtratkme
<rcn baat wara repertad Is Cblearo
Wadnaaday- The weather beraae ra***!*?*!*

Wfi* «U«w —»te» to Bottom ud
Pfwt«d 11 to tfaaoatet Mortotto la


koBorof b<rMmd birthday It wu Is Bom of B:* ssd Km. K. K
UeflftoftkcOkloton •rhoM bum
tbt rnboat bew*.
4n usneUp p'.aSMBt efftlr wu Ike
The ehaapioa losr dieiMM bone- fwoweU meepUos ta- Ee*. asd Mm
bMk ri6mr of dMrle* ie Mn. Nellie 4 M. B. Eemeh rims at tke borne of
Wbmler.ofoi^wood.KyT wto'bL’*^- ^eaU Wadaeaday erealo*. .A
journey fmm bar aouib-j
»»»»>ere of^
embocoe to Kokomo. lod.. .bare .he!®^<*
badaeetofharsaela. CbarlaeAmmar-i^*^**^
Mm WheaJaf made tbe trip or ***‘y*^ ®*‘ **

tbe packs- asd hie wife, who bam doaa
1*00 mUea Is lem than tbraa waaka
eo maeb ter the efa^fA aid oily dnrisd
Flee tbreeberm, while reMreliir tram
tbe paet two yearn
BraadoD. Itloa.. Tbtumday aftarBooa.
Sewal dalBty and appropriate ylfu
were etrack by Ucbtaln*.
John ware preeentad at mamaaloee of tbe
Laadeuom aad O. C. WaaUsas jrare
* In Tmreree City.
killed isetaatly.
Tbe oibari wore
Be*, and Mm. Beaaeb will leare tbe
leae lejared. bet wlU moaeer. elty neat Monday for lenla. where
The eeairal Form Ekan rellaf aoa- they win attend tbei
anather appeal lojrrom there tbay will r> to Albion

Dainijr and delicate; sweet and gingery; nntritioos and
wholesome; ever good; always fresh. That's the story of


wlebee of e boat of frlenda win fellow
'^‘•1l»n UU..1U. .1 lib.
that dcaMsdcd Wadaeaday momComplalau were ecade to Seattle.
mcebed a Baoonl.
Waah. raoenily, that the ffre-alarm
) tbe ten-boar
Tbe Oader Talley Lead and Z'sc Co.
■“'■‘W -'jlr.iDiiteWkTnt 'biiV'luk.J'ii
bae eold tu property lo Miecoari. w?'”


erhleb eoncbtad of orer «00 acree ot
M .10,.
deb lead and tine laode, to tbe AmTi«an Zinc, Lead A Saeltiny Co. Tbe
famoiic Bonentc mme. tbe "Sllrer
The cblpmeat of Ameriean applm t
Dlck.t wae ieeladrd in the tale. The Oermcoy bat coBmenced one montb
price ie not el*en.
' earlier than ataal. Laet year S3 ooo
Mim Celia WlUlamc. who retidee barreli were eeat abroad and tbii yearn
with her parenu la Aliee eoanlT. Ky , chlpmeni will reach barreU.
mlracaloaaly became a well woman. Admircl Dewey aayc be doee not exfiPedneaday attar baTiec been aa laea-! peet to yo on tea aerrice ayala except
lid and line bed tor two yearn Sbe I la tbe eeeat of war and he 'Will
rolled off tbe bed and prayed for (lad probably retire ander tbe recalailoae.
tobnalhercfHcUon. She felt better | By the eapeitlajf of the yacht Ahadla
St the coDclucioD of her Ineoeation, | in sheeptcoU bay, Maine, flee pemoni
and later In tbe day walked Toar mltea. \ were drowned.
She eaye the U entirely well
A~Word to Motbem
Bicbtlhoamad yoang Finn, bare |
,u-i---------------- ----------------------- ^
left tbelr
na ;l»e
to admlnlcter Chamberlain'* Conyh
of tbe CMr'e February manlfeeta
Remedy. It coauloa no oplaU nor
narcotic la any form and may be yl
the membera of which ewear ncrer i ae eonfldentle to tbe babe a. to
abake bande with any one nnlra* weariny yiOToe.
and c
Two tbooeand new coke oeeoe are and prak______ _________ ______ ,____
beiny balU in tbe CennencTllte reyton, the .United Statoe and many forelyo
Penncylrania. ylriny It stotol capacity landt. For aale by S E Walt and F.
C Tkompeon.
of at leant 31,000 oreaa Tbe ply iron
sad eteel prodaoem are maklny ace of Bimlformie
Nice larye eynio barrel for eale at
erery araitable oeen to keep tbelr
Siraab Broa. A Amiotte. Good for
_ faraacec yoloy.
rain barrel or other parpoaea. 7S7Cadet Philip S, Smith,' of Nebracka.
bae been diealaeed from Wait Point, Oyiten In try Stylefor kaziny Ulyaae* S. Grant, Ird; tbe
I bare reeelred a coocl^ment ot
oyatam and am prepared 0 eerre
yrandeoD of Geo. U. 8. Grant, tbe
them In any style at my
former preeldenv
sear the Uotel Nhitinr
Got. Boebnell, of Ohio, roeently eonJohn MacDosxlo.

H.w.iuai,.™. c. MIC. tKWrj
n. .MW .mM rf

baekete made in ten boom by a yood
maaleaboatl.S00.bat Nr. Hotebkiae
alBoai doabled that In tbe tea boom
be made S 000 bxekeu. the meet erer
oiade In that Ume. not mily here, bat
at any other place in the world.

The sweet sister of Unsstfa Biscuit. Sold only In
air tighi moiststo proof boxes.
Ask yoar grocer for
tbem. MadecAi^bv


At Coldwater. 7. 11a BUke. a ylrl IS
yearn old. foand a eartridye on tbe rail­
road track She placed it on tbe rail
and etraek it with a atone, when a r!olent ezploaion followed and tbe youny
lady’* arm wa* badly lacerated by tbe
flylay metal. Tbe arm will be edreA
Bdlior’a Awful Pliybt.
F. M
that BO doctor or remedy helped nntU
be tried Backlec'* Aroioa Salre. the
rid. Be wi
____ Jim. tnfL
Cure yaaranteed. Only fSc.
J.G. Jobneon and S E Wal

RnI Estate, Isctioteers,
Traftis,Moaei Loaaars.
Wanted—A purchaser for
bouse and lot ou Fifth St.
Wanted—A purchaser for
a lot 50 X 165. West Front
Wanted—A purchaser for
bouse and lot Randolph St.
Wanted—A purchaser for
50 acres close to tbe city.
Wanted—A purchaser for
6ne farm. 200 acres.
Wanted—A purchaser for
lot OB Eij^bth St.
Wanted—A purchaser for
lot on Barlow St.
Wanted—Every one think­
ing of investing in citr or
farm properly to call on
us for bargains.
Wanted-All persons de­
siring to sell their proper­
ty to list it with us
Wanted—All peoplehaving
money to place call and in­
vestigate oiir securities.
People having
money that they wish to
have earn big premiums to
call on us.
Wanted—.■\11 kinds of peo­
ple that havn’tgot astring
.on and that want to do
business. . no
what it is, call on us. If
any one's got a string on
you .fetch ’em along. Save
a trip.
Wanted—All the trade
. 'there is in our line.

TTlOND-kwr, o«o«:

I. aB A

proviog p'oprr:, >■
Call at 111, Nem York Stor



.. „... ...

The LsAic» Caiholle BeaeroleBt A»-'
o»c*i.o-i »> •t». n»ar»ti«;ri} •jx-no* ito
Orwll«N*m*rS'o Sbo*tNera
ifor*abs,(oc ibr Urrv«i lUi *’d !••.( b*rV, ICYCLX BHOP FOB B*LB-To
»ocl*U0Q Wil. »erre Ice crr*m In the]
rotsB, wr are »ir.«ir
alnollr i»u. w« »or« »u ise
X> wlihloB k BUOd. pAfltis Wcycl, l.u.lor.., 1 eucllm*ntcl huiidlny. formerly occu-|
11B». «r ran .oil you .
briT U • cbBcrr. I ba.r lb* bni f|Uiup.-d
TOU barxais. Kkkkr m. i
klioi, Is tbr eliy friib po« rr
pl*bl. UilM, oi»d by tbe Coiombi* rettAorwnt. on i
o,»«brr at altrc. ai »c
*cd sod sti cvmoir)- ■srhlsrrr for bstldlnr S*lur<t*y crer^ay. Sept I- from 6 p. m, I
*.*mi«AXLA- rr VXM*.
: vi,-;^.;.r^o7oT-Vir;7i7;.Tdr«r7oVbB
barfaln. ai top of malr>.
*n<1 rrpalrtBB Wc/'lr*. A Uislona lb*i r*T*
afimou turn to left
• - Mb
beedel tbooi '
tram (Ik totmprrday. Will ri,r Ub, oe r*n.
h; rr»i.oi, for ..oillBr—b>r» otbrr bu.ior...
Vll*)l.*d Aif *dollu,«r
•"rod for abwiuto palo- .
TbU <-b*sc< I* rortb your umr W Inrr.iIxMr.
Ir.. Brlr*rtloo of loelk
roBr.fin,! ..rrtrC Csll or vru, u> iis
Am,dolor, for riira.ilon
riirs.of tomb .liboLi!
oppoou C * W M.drpc
tiiL- Ik-sI cou^h rrnK-dv on earOi
ps,n,a~-d LotMIaud

Wade Bros.

211 Front St.

V* coma.

Up Stairs

Steinberg’s Grand Opem House, One Night, Saturday, Sept. 9tli!

The Sensational Play of the Year-lf you don't enjoy a good laugh, better stay away.

An Unbounded Success - The Peerless Romantic Comedy.
It is the Hit of the Year—Everybody Delighted.
Prices-25c, 35c, 50c anil 75c.

Dazzling Costumes—Bewitching Russian Music

Read What the Managers Say What The Press Sa\s About It!
Ispbeming. Micb ., August 29,1899.
J. D. Cuddib'v. Manager Opera House, Oalnmet Micb.-“A
Boyal Prisoner'’ is a great show. Everybody who witneased it
E J, Bctlbr,
Manager lapbemiug Opera House.
Wausau, Wis^Augnst 25, 1899.
Emil Enorr, Manager Open House, MerrU, WU.-^A Boy­
al Prisoner" highly pleased M'aussu audiences. Best show
seen in years.
C & Cons,
Manager Open House.
Merrill, Wia., Aug. 96. 1899. ‘
E. £. Stolxmann. Manager Open House, Bhinelander.
WU.—"A Boyal Prisoner'* is the beet show we have seen ben
in yean.
T. M. Looxs,
Editor Merrill News.
Mr. £. E. StoUmann, Manager Open Hoose, Bbinelander,
nays:-Bring 'A Boyal Prisoner” back to Bhineknder and I
wiU guarantor we will turn them away. A gnat show aad a
great cast

“Mr. JsSMi soared s •aeoc** to ‘A Royal PriMcner.’ si the Bijou last
ai^t.--MUwattkee Neva.


“A most iateresUny play."—MUwankee Breolny Wlseossla
"AsUrriny play—dsallay wtthehanctersofblyh life lathe yrsat
Empire of Russia"—MUwsnkee BsatlnsL
__'"IVaa P. Jamea. aad a strony snpportiay eompaay. deliybted a laryc
hoBse at tbe Oraad last alyhL"—8t- Fael DaUy Qlobs.
-*Thoss who sUoadod the perlartBsaes of -A Royal Prisoasr' last
^aiyht speak rwy hiyhly of ttts prsisatotioa. aad shoald the same corn.
paaypMybsrsaymiBmay testasraredofs warm rwspUoa."—Waana

“ 'A Royal Prisoasr,' pcorsd to he a hlybly totorsaUay pl^. tall of
BtiiriBy sense, aad la the last set Mr. James was able to sway Us aadieaos with his intaassaettay."—M:BssapelM Tklbaaa
“Tras 8. JsmsB aad his stroaff oompaay hss yirsa as sa oriyiaal
play."-MlBiisapoUs JoaraU.
•■AraryBtnayeempaaysapporisMr.JamsslB -A Royal Prtoeur'
-asvaral of whom bars pnrraa local faTorltos."-MiBasapoUs CriUe.

All the blyly «
ary press noUc- . wrltteo '
prodaeUoe “A Boyal PriMioer.’' yireo Id tbi* city last treetoy.prored true aad tbe aadioBee. which attended was more than dsliykt•d with the prodaetioo Is erery way.
Mr. True S. Jamea la the Isadlay charaeur made a decided bit,
while Misa Fairchild as the empress easily eaptnred the hooora amoay
tbs tadtas of tiie company. D. H. Alyer a* the ooant was also rary yood
lo hii eharmeter and tha other members took their parto with credit.
Tbe faa la tbe eatsrtalnmsat U the most wholesome kind aad then
is plsaty of It. IWa plaa U asaseally aoterssUay. IWe eompaay has a
spare daw aad will play la this ei^ ayaia tosiyht, ylrtay the same prodoetioB. It U to ha hoped that they will hare s larys imllsass UiM
srsUny as the eatortalnaMat M of eleaa charaewr aad the eompaay eer
taiUy Bkwlts ezeelleat patroatye. Urn News feel* that It «aa tos vaeom.
Mdsd to sreryoae aad it may aot be orer swUay the facts to say that
all who attoadsd lest ermiiay share the same oplaloa.
Oowisyb orehsstta of ssa pisoss will laniah mask batwasa toe icm
toalyht.—Ooppar Ooaatry Nswa.


THJ MbHHnfO BBOOm. iraniAY.
■Mvt >f Dr. I>«raer.


“la rierre Fonmine berer
**No. He U at bit odice in MeaaMeta

- Aa4 B«kra tb«4r upM tmear* t
It sIm tkr t«C(U4 will lB<fvs*r
Or ywf^ur. aa4 (Dud-wtU pivwwT««.
B«* ^Carollr. t» »«p'ro** rann.
n*l waraUK ^..cbt:


VM atltar tf rowr wlf^ obarrm
Tte rtMrr oe (ubd rad rrawrrra.
BfraWM Ibr Miasteat-* rapflra



PmrlB fartorx «t (b« boortuoua Mlnrr
OffaOk'rrar. PlcTTr



BUbcd two or tbn« Uulr room* fn


•’Owtillsf' of tbe g»T dtp and mumad to kla naUra tiome

to marry tlw

girl be loved.
For a time thej were aa happy at
the day waa long.

Balwne wat-the

Mol of tbe ntaUon: all the Inmaira lov­
ed her.

Fat. chuhliy little l>aaL who

arrlred about a year after ib<- omr'

rirajardinea- fartory."
“That he lan't. We are jnrt ct>me
from there with a warrant for hU arrrat on a charge pf embenllna W.OUO."
“What: You dare accuae my riejre.
my bnaband. of tbeftr
“Excoae me. madam, but t did (Ml
know yon were hla wife. Alao. It la
only too trae. tbla cbanse. Tour bua-

lUnnic te<ani

riage. did nothing but bubble and (TUW

Her. Jowpb Parker at London, who
haa Jim won an untdraeant notoriety
by hit rather profane attack on the
anltan of Turkey, haa been pnwrbing
aince be waa IK yrari old. and la now
Uia father waa a aiooecutter. a
man of Ctoniaemaa type, wbo-bated
Ilea and deapiaed aoft people. Tbe flrat
Hr. Parker dHlvered waa
Bercer. aa be hima<-ir aaya. than volcanoca. tomadw-a and whiriwloda.
lUring fell ih,. flrr of oratory and

band baa n«>l beet to tbe ofllre for over the xeal of n-ligioua work. Hr. Parker
a week, aud It la tboagb another cb-rt went to lamdon aud enren.d I'ulveralty
being apinlDted In hla place iliat ihe College to preinn- hiniaelf for the tulnfraud'naa diw<o|rered. for tbe llnu latry. He <-ouimeDred hla London mhiiairy In Imxi.
h,- wax calk-d to the
iruated bitn fully^"
"We muat wait here until be re- pulpit of ttw Poultry i-Tiapel. In Chea]>Blde. The eburrii of which Hr. Parker
With a moan of angnlab tbe unbap- la now Che head la the oldi^iit rongn*.
ry wntnao Miik into a chair. Sudden- patlonal eliurvb to Ixiuilon. Tb.t ebur<-ti
Ir the city Temple, aud Hr. Parker'a
ly the arow- agala aud cried
IX ba'
"My I..J : My imiocem little Paul! He aermoux
mnw never know of hla falhet'a ahanie j hraled than It e>.-r sax.
and dixgra.y. I must go and And him.!
Vlgtirvux aud ■•l*eo-Bj«.keu In aerlous
gemlemen. andvake him Where he will maiM-rx. ibe doeiur Ir full of wit and
not aee my hu'alamd tvmoved
to the humor, ou.y n lady asked him what
prison." and. luudlly pniilng on a Fat, »»» ‘'I* ‘'"W'y.
and shawl .be left the bouse.
-pr.wel.iug. nmdam." waa bU reply.
Inallm-tirely she made ber way


"Hut u|ian fn.ui pt\wehlug." uhe iwraiai.-d.

with delight all hfa waking honta.
“Beally. 1 don't



"Then- is nntliinc ajiarf fnim prebchwe

ahould do without her nowT the eonderge 'would cxeiaim to



"8lie fat the aunabine of (be

Whole Itnnae."
Hut after a while clondR loonud on
tbe horlxoD of Bahetle't happy


1‘Serre fn-qaeatly left her alone


many boura In the erenlnga.


that be bad to attend n>n-tiop< of the
fartory workmen.



"»ah.-ifer and her huslwBd aio««l be- l“B-" i'*e .hwtur n-x|H.ud.-.I.
fore her.
"Pierre. O. IMerrc.- she
ir-na.™.-. nr.

cried, "the!







'"'■i-r -, .c

r.-i r«». Tl-r
yn .1
1. .
yele. The |oiig<wt ruu he has made
4n.0rai fraora. But you arc nut guilty,
wax from .Vld< iitiuiu nldwy. WaUunl.
Plcrtv; X.1.V yon are nol!"
Ihroiign Ixmdou. to >jxtl..urue. Uie
"Guilty:" b.- aoixn-d.
couno. not. What gull, la there In tak'»•" route being
lug what ought to Iw minei 1 took tinand ..vereme
m.mev right enough, and waa a f«d l-J
The duke u faacinat) not to hav.- taken men-. 1 nmxi wait
hix Inm xiix-d.

iMitea and pieeea of papi-r. with atrnuge

a few mouieuix and see that my work ■

looklDg marta and wonla

•omiug out to se.‘
"Work: Wlat workT'aaV«I Ra- rlnb play rrieket1 ihlx afleniiMjD?"
■rniMjnr' a»klieiie. a vague terror ni her hi-ari.
rd Mrs. «'tv*w
“Why. yon wx- that i.laceT said
“.\o." ivpll.xl Sir. t'r.-.
. relnctantPleriv, motioning toward the noble m- ly. "Vou know I've got to stay home

on them,

were left for him. when he would leave
bli wife luitnedlately the eveulug luedl
waa Bnlabid.
*‘Wby ahould all these aecret mesaagea be k-fi for llerre? It la tnyatciiona. lan't If. my treaaurer the anld
one day. a]M-fikinc to her liaby laiy. aa


Ihi-dral and l-H.klug around to iimk*sure he wax m.t; "It 1« Itll.xl

with the mlxrtilert. of Ihe land and llie
riiii and gn-nt. for a fexiirul.....................Bbe ala-aya did wlieuerer anylhlng iwr
going pD. I liiive put a dynamite iMUiih
plexed her.
i lu the inalB plllpr. whl. h lx liclug nirtxl—Ihe oui- ts-xt tbe piilpit. in a
Plem* rcturued. ahiunef'aeed
in-o It will eSlii«^e and Mow
erc|>t anflly lutii the room.
Ihe whole huildlng to plectsi: Ah. It
"Pierre, iii.v lore," Babelte
*‘|•lem', how Inie you ttrel How long
Mo,....-! W....rh!" lui.-.,..
the evening lisn Ixxm without you! You
crhvl. elui.iilng hix arm. "Ito
uats] to In. happy and .niuieiit.Hl
you know ..tir Haul lx In ihereT' aii.l
siaylng-wlth'me U-fore you had ilioxe
wtih.iui nnoth.r word xhe fl.-w toward
horrid m»x.|lnga i.. attend. <J. tell me
why you l.wve me ao'tiiui-h and wlinl
the many myaierioux duk-x yon get anenierv.1 Hi*- <«tlie.ltsl aud walk..! i
alwui." Amt. w<x-plng. xhe threw her

■»<*«'klugx.“-PbllaNonl. Amerb-an.

.. .................
inoxi ItriUluiil
lirllliaut .'iKi-h
.\x hlx wif.
day enlerlaltvxl at dlntier h.-r . x-liuxhand. her >-x Iov.t. the |awy.-r who


UId her

"Balmne; you f.xdlxh little glri!" he

We* wii down with tiip ami llxteti.
Moat of lilt- men at our fa.-j.iry are
raen-berx of 'Tlie HODS of |.'n.-<tnm lea|TlM'.' I. loo. behmg lo It. aii.l the u.iliw
you think x<> iiiyxierlmix are xlmply lo
are held
baVe lo
tale, fur

uii- loalM-.ial iiux-tiiigx. whi.ii
.Hvwslounlly. Tliiit lx why 1
h-are you au oft.-ii and xtav
there lx inueh n'riling to lx-

"l\ hy don't you give It up and n«ae
to be a niemixTr' Itnlx-tie axk.xl,
"You lnu«.e..m child; how Utile .von
know alKiut tilings. Of eonm- I
must go ev.-ry time, and it Is iiol |xni.
allih- for lue to leave the lenglle: no one
»vev does."
"Hut what Is the ohjoti. and what
So .vou do at Ihe mecllugxr'
"The league la ratabllxherl for every
ene le have rlghia-ihe ixxir aa
w«U as (be rieh. To l.-vel riaxs dix.
ttoetlona and make an men equal. To
relieve dlxtnrax and isjveriy by making

Bepi tih. OnafaraforeoundtrlibOrtod»te fair, Sept. »tk.
>ne I -■> f->r ronnd trip.
Rif Banlda. Voluatoer Benaion. SepL
lUb. wac fa e for round trip
fletroll. 1. O. O. r. Sopt. 16th.
fa rfw round trip
Eaduced raw to many other pointa
Phone IS : rioga. C. E Wrmur. Ag't.

Of D« uoil wul arrive atx-nt Septem
her It. to uke ebarge of our drew
ntakiug dcparttaent. Anyone wiah.
B do ao by call

done at ‘.Lnr i omea. Iroaire or addreaa kiua Sebi field, dresnng rwrim.
441 to 443 eaat Front atraet.
Tl7-tf e

“West Michigan R'y."
Th.- ISth will be SpaoUh-Amerirat.
»sr ve.eranf'aod Woo. of Veterarx'
day. and promt ant pablie man will
speak. An att
at -s. program, inelnd
ng lande. etc.,
has b-en arrasgao
•train -.ill. lea
leave Traverse City at 0:S..
and arrive at Big Eap'.ds at ll:uii
Leave reinrnlng at 6 40 p m.
late tl.Ml
A apae a; t-aio w. 1 oe run
from Kig Eapid* Junclioa to Pant
•t-r after .rv.v.l of the train from
gBvpiJ.inlbeeveclBg. In addition
lbs vp-elal raw on the 13
will be sold OD tbe lUh to iCth at one



Tng.cia Editor

Giveu Up. but Waa



Br. ugfat Hack


■W.l.vrtK -T.e dooee n«ra giri.





rhesa Remedy aed a'»o xotne lest
montab Btatinv >i^w some wonderfi
cores bad beer wmoi-ht Ik tbla remedy
I decided to try it
Af’.-r laxing a (
1 wsx eoiir-ly well of ti
trouble, snd I
ah m sts'' further .
my readers an t fellow snff -a that 1 am
a half and lies'ty man t.MiA and fe"l
as well as I ev.-r dirt in ttiv life.—O. R.
Moore. Sold by S K Walt and C. '1

might and entab everything iM-oeatb
pa. fur we have had enough of this
■itaeraMe eswieuce."
"But I*lerre. What cause have yon —

Mr.. HuLbs B r
upon r


ww-lo comidalD? We. aif happy and
comfr^vahle: every one la gixM] to us;
we have earh other and our little Paul
ao why mk be cunttst aud ivfua.- to
meddle with iueh tUDgerous anl>Jeelsr
"That lan't Ihe thing; It la the prinetple." I*lerre niuroed, "I^.k at th.ise
poor Heblaiidera at the lop of the
house. I Dialntaln that the rich ought
to be made to share iheir money with
the p(»r."

you rare

lo share

prdinl dixiln.-tlon



prov.. thill Gival Britarn's fiitniv ruli-r ban ueyer forguiteu hlx <xm. j

AU aiieuipia to wean h.-r hualMiid
from th.- Uwl.-sx
be .-alle.l
"brotherx- proved futile. As time w.-m
on he lx-.-amevimr>- and mon> Involved
ao that retraction was Imposalble. I.tit
be stlU maaapvl to rvialn hla altuatlon
U the factory.
And ao years pasa.vl on. Finding her
aou bad a great love foronnah-. Ilabene often took him lo the grand .-ntbedrml of Notiv l»am... where be
would alt for hours llatedMig to the
voices of tbe singers and
the d.-ep
toBM Of the organ, qalrertng with exdtemcfii and pleaaufi- at its thundertags and wblapera.
The fratlval of tbe AuDwnclaiiOD waa
desUoed lo be a momeDlous day for
Babelte. The aervice at Notre Inime
was to lie unmally grand, and little
Paul waa tbnc
In hla
ills mother was aitttnc atone



vra.UXlt.t V ,f.K.4 r.I.lm* Urd unrt l>
P r,..oi B. ..-r*
Ie<|U.Pv of Krrd xll.'.

F IS...'o!?r.lrorTofi'"xTnTo.k^iXrrr,*’1
*ill f..rf«nr n l.rsti pr..i».r<, Tt.1. I. a
-.._i------ — .------------ .-----




in the long iag.i.


geueratlon." said

‘imlilng J><x>|de out.'






rt^E-nrrlr\ Mlnofr_rsn Iw
noth Mionr.^Vl'""


r».. lurjrr d
I outer our •

the engageui.-iit

had elearixl awaS' tlietv waa no qu..stlou ralv.-U aa m who bad won.



that iltpe 1 waa visiting my un­
cle. who Ilv.'d In I'onu Bolo. the fummile Sv.llixi. pKltery town oU the
south loaxl. on the Firth of Forth. One
Any 1 wax ri.liiii out ou a. donkey, and
the young prluii- waa walking by ou wlii-ii we (iian.xxl to uiix-l nu.l
trouble followivl; The priu.v appr
<sl me and. eatijilng m.- hy the
the hg.
pulhxl m.' from the saddle.
In (lioxe
dayx 1 waa a fight.t. and Is-fon- the
yoiiugsi.-r kiM'W juxt what siru.-k him
1 had Inmhxl atone g.Hxl l.-fi awluga
and he wax nil but ont wii.-n hlx tutor.
him. value l» tl>e reai-sn not di-ay that Hi., primv got
the first fnll wla-n hr pulled ui.' from
tbe donkey, hut All the n-sl of the bouirere easily mine. It Is not of rtxortl Just what bappeu.-d to me afte/
I have Juxt a baay
narle that .-n.led
“That fight made the prinei- of Wales
my frt.-iul for life.
Ixmg iift.-r tli.nt
•ting in lioybood hV bap|>enixl to
learn tliai ! wax In Dixxl of nnuiT<lal
aid. and he loat no time In a<-Dding mx
ebeek for a princely sum. We have
met acveml tlmtii slncv Ihcu. and the
prince always buys the wine afbtr

WiVT lB.ui»-er of Bii; Sin.I In
,-,s.. roBiIsin.r. nr U. Suj s bou.r, |,
XI .i's:i us g B All} u. room. Tssd >. Mr
Co Ble--k.Tr>rrTsr I'lir

Gas Lamp-- CITYMONUar,

Price Reduced to Close Out Lot
Beat workmaunliip money
. ■ .



Quick work.

ns Union StrvfU

John K. Santo,
Geneial lisuraoce.

A. R SrurasT. U. I). ITopT. K w Rnwssv.
tl. b-. E"x»-B1 rhrite_...........
.. rosMiUiac
t*y•X-itnt lure-est. snd srafrsonssl snnrs
Ttertoaie.1 Ssnlisnoin Is ikr world; s ptsertw
the poor sad nlddl'clsu. Arr

sr*fcind Waa*wu«ui£*|itsisa»d pxn


of Mankind Poaeible to Obtain.
rl; snd fsTOFsMy known BprelslIM is ihr L'Blied Slates. Hls l€S>c vzpsrlraes.
reaarkshlr xiii; sud
Slid uu
Uii rrrusi -i...
-i.rersm In Ibr iArgr.1 bMpitsU lb tbr world rnshleo bln ts
ttul Bl»a
■ SBKVi.rx.xKlS
■ -...........................................
Ibr Istrst selssliae prlaMpirs. snd roliil.-- bin l.. u..- fui i-onX -rc-rof tbr
___ ... __________ ___________or sod UTSting diassaas sad dw
ormltlrx- Mrd'.rsI ss.l Mur^rsl Disrsars. Anita sad CaraaM
Cstsrrb. I>i-essrs
>...essrs of tbr Kyr. Xsr. Norr.
Nurr. Tbna
Tbrtst snd Lungs, bysprpsls. Brlgbl's OUaaae. DIai.rj . Ul'rr, UlsdJrr.fD'ool.- Vraslr
mxot Lhst bs- Grrrr tsllrd tc tbnussnd- of r
Hsc; prop!- mm drslS r-rrj yesr vbo ml. •
e bren restored lo prrfsci .hssllb had thay
pisceu‘tbrirrs.r. tn ibi- bsod. ..t ripens
IKBOKTAJTT TO LADIES -UR OTTMAM. sfwr yesrsot eieerteaec.baa d__________



I; oaier
frulB X ll. IS..rmB( until •l□r^rt
inc. W..Ir Urur . ill Pront .trm. up .Isir

t H*LX-e».S or it»ts:iB.roi.. Srt Bor lou
,o 0»A Ur.ehw, on XiAhiS. ..fsBl, n..-«
snd Kow-.trrri. «od HsnnxM s—ccr. ft.xn.
of tbr t>sndwoBr.t leu lu ibr nbolr pisi UU
rrsi di~.«ur'. I.-sll rs«B lo-iu.rr si
Ott. r otTbo. T Bntr.

prluee iiud m.iMiir met lu Imiile. mill

UI of It.

Bros.. 411

•Wal.w" has ..ti

the veteran |m.iiit.V man. -every lluiig

Tha lEgBi Snccaaafu; and Scientific TTMUnrat of All DlaMM and WoakBMW

rruui .frr ,

TpOH KAI.e-Or rvrhxner
C ►•.-vt.-M.OIrr'. dr.k dood cvndItloD.
• 1 Ut.oBl.omer.

•V le Mr. Jl.ll.T lu a Iloan.-Ial way.
'lu this day aiod


h^tr Plswtn

niofv than one .MiiwxUiti btvn of aaalxi-

fcbim 1—a wbtAibiip laafclac «■* rnium m IMIM «• a«ht fak."




STH-T..HBNT Fr..ut oBcr. on rronl
-I.r,. Ur.srri. P,r4 ,nd fnion


Aiiyrtoe desiring good pas Aire
cows can be sex.inm datci oy me st
SO r«nu a we. k each
U’i|i uke all
east of llrlo-' 'treet. begn-ning Sept.

I wi l call and arrange upon
celpl of posU< cxr*l. A. Dion.
Webater xir.-et

Uakland niau who pot liim down aud

when the xiuokel of

ed from her life, l.wvlng ber a sad.
lonely w..uian.

Paxtue fer Cows.

queror^iud la high caus-m thlx

"too don't uoderxtand." piem- jn-iOlantly r.idl.Nl.
"Wu Anarchists^—“

That was the tnrnlng point in Ita-


To b>- xutv. It was only a Ix.y-


belle's ilf.': from ifacu xhe iM-gan to
change. Tbe ros.-x loft her ch.vkx. an.l
all Ibe brlgbinexx and auiiahim- dc(>an-




chiit. But don't let the fact Iw known.
Bale-tie. unless yUti wish me to be arrealedf"


tuan who over 'ileked" the priniv of

money, cotnforis. and happiness with
the .Heblandeni. t’lerrer

"What: Anarehlxisr cried Balxiic,
•brioktng luick In i.‘rror.
"It la Ix'xt that you should know all."
Pierre replied, "y.w. I am an .tnar-


extensive ix.iteiy' wurks. iHduugx


I -u.lenl tlirrr .,r fan
-«r*elii,: O.A.I AUd .It-T. 4lx Lnkrii..

to Jatuex Miller, the well-kiiowu |
Oaklniidcr tCiilifunila).

Sept. 14, 1899.



h.-nvy-w.-lglit HiiimploD of the worM.
HMJliO OM-n |MM>r slavts. to lei one lu-.
reine rich.
8onn we will rixe in our



JCTXIi - .At i
ruts w! rn



Ofiec BoanfromB a. m. to8p. m

^J^ASTEl>-A^l.ou«-1.. n-ol l.j Vvi. I.t

hViim theTi'o.a, Hillsdale. Va.

........ .


lyof New

Americau ledicil aud Surgical Mtute of luslt^ou, IcL


dy—Bead Hla Ed i >nai


DRS. B. S. & CO.

ri.tM.too.lrd Jrrwr r

I suffered wUli diarrhoea for a long
.tiiil now In nil na.vltim n.-ar I’nris
III. re U II Illliil1l...wh.ix.- .ax.- lx .->11- time and thought 1 wa« past lielng
muet. timxhlcr.xl h.i|«-l.'XK. lie n-ftix.w to .-iii or ed. I had apeni
moery and luff red so much m<
long wnn.l.Tx
. that I bad aim v.i decided
'f np all
niid ilowii lu h
exl.-uding j,
, recovery
yeiirnlug. aiippli.-niii.g,b„-. nofcingsiAoe advri.s.way. and .rjii
ChamlwHaln'x^dc. fboicra
a nand Uiar


Coosultatiop and Eiaminatioa Free and Strictl|i Cnntidential.

SoUel 'Wlajlting, Xura'c^ezree 0±tjy,

■^AS'TKIt .10.-1 rlTTforVoersI

■lUiwtl.ilinMy eulhhrt tu



U F /

Oolic. Obolaraasi D ar-hoea Borne

the mighty AuKirnllan. to al.x-p. lx un-

By the hundred—26c to $1,60—
Double seat and kn^es — Best
makes only. Everything that
the bosTS need, at

Uraverse City Butincaa Colltge will
be e oaed til. sieplembor 4lh. I8W
lea will be

to Perfect Hea th by Uhamberiaia'x

turtxl cnlir..rnlau. ax the only niiiu i


C-paSupt 4

itolx'il.. Fontnluc. the
lutd cxiiiatixl
her huxMuiiPs

t.'ome I

Nice, nobby novelties In Oblldren’s SuiU—bought for wear,
as well .as looks, and sold on
their merits—See them.

Kn Lmtlm Pfaaaasaebatdt

fiiixh of tiglit. u (h-ar.-nlng roar, amt a
gr<.at liol.. wax torn lu Ih.* |>i>veMi.,|i(.

Wnipp.xi Ihe l-rlsra
"Jim", the hig. g.xKl.


a B A I. AunaJ Srenraloa.
Exeartlon to BiehmoDd Sept. *6lh»S.
Ez.-uralon to Detroit. S&.
Eaeuralon to Chicago
Oct. 3rd.

C*'« sSMt H«l.|. Arrl«g.; U..-J .«.■ u„oi|,
r 30K TV».h..f,x..,

"Come I...... .. Ihilaiti
LuuOuu Tit-KItx.


“ I


through th.. amaktsl congregation to­
ward the exit.
few uionii-nta she waa outside.
Paul awl Uic «acp.d edifice xavHut Ju«t ax she had d>-sccn.|.Hl the
aie]ni and wax alsiut to plti.v th.- In.iiiIi
gr.iUHd there was a hllu.lliig

mefneed Bata* on iba fi


Mme. Talleyrand. In her early youth,
marrhsl an ottlelal of the Huti-li kU't
Indies. lie dlvor<.|-d ber .ui anxiiiiit «f
a lore affair with WIr Philip lCs.ii..'.
who lx aiipimHcd to hnw STltl.-ii the
xo lett.Tx of Juiilux. Tie. lady
iMiek to her native Kraie

... h-'....™

anus aniuud hla m-ck and
bead ou hla l>n«at.


S. 18S9.


OBROHIOaORB ETE8 Sbd granulated
tor Vbr swfu! oXms ut rsr If rirr Sbd tbe tiu*

Csm sod rorrespoBdeBec caafidsaUa
fM* persoeal eopseUslloo ptafenad.

■JSV;'ir".%i,i'aSit»D,8s.-'TO VOUNO *«t> "IDDLe

BBS speedily, romplriolj sn.t prr»soe«llj



nras sud si: deliesir disordsn prculisr in
ritbwsei. posnire!; rumd.Us vri) s> t.-n- '
tinesl dl~vdmi that result (rom rbvittul ts|.
lies or II e airees of asiu re years

DB- O-iTKAB cdvraies s.uxx...rcl|. and
uslolesaly far xgoltt eyes, pterygium, irldrr
.nmy. lurntog In ..rout of r^r Is. brs or lids

ruM both
sMdy. aaetoty
or fnsrnsge
MaHKIED BEN. or Uosa rawrlagea tka»
bsppy Ufe. avsre of sayslesl AsbUlly, qaleUf
« F. Ot ABlNTEff TO CTSB aarraw da
txiity, rsnroeolr istnesare'glaec waak aafld
sod all kidney sgtl bladder dlsmss



caaoer. Piles sad Diseases of Women qulrkl; , DBAFBB88 I rare M per eanl at aB amaas
sod permanently eured 6y the latest spptorrd i Hasy rases cored Isoaa trimfsin.
V-*r“» in“


niSCUABOI.SO BABB raimd la raw, .am

FBSB BX-AKIRATIOM OP THX UKlkrB--Kscb prraee spplylag ter medical trcaa*
meal should erod or bring from t to 4 ounces of arms Itbai pasaed firat la ise maraiag arm
ferred). vhleh elli rveelrs a careful rbraiiral>nd mlrroacoplcsl ejamlBSUoD. sad Kcaqaaabad
a wTUiea analysis will be gteeo Persons roioed In bealtk by nnleareed preteadara. who kaap
mSIng wlib Ibes montb after mooih, girlag polaoaaus sod ln)nrloaa eompeanda. abaald apply
Immadtately. Delays are dsngerons

Picaninny_ Show, WDHDERFUL CUR(s

Tbe Qreateet CoIotmI Mioatrel of
Tbe Arv.
More Fi-atnree Than a ('ircoa.
Carr>-iDR The Only Filipino Bnaa
Band Ever Brought To
This Country.
A Whirlwind of Dancing, Moaic,
Song and Fan.

Watch for B4r Parade.
PrM«s86. 86 tad aOe.

Pa^ ireatad by maiiw
•xpraaa.bat where possible. prreooaleonsullaUonM preferred. Oni
|V*thmaaaBdeerr«apoBrtriise csniddenilaL “----------------------- “•
O. a w ady^ af O.*

s t rn poiwiTf


fun mi^rFcnii ■irh


Good Hardwood In Stove Len^ha.
Alao Four Foot Maple Slabs and Bd^lnga.


Traverse City Lumber Co.


aovatetM^rAcB ladtt. ^ Ml


. •’SPiifsuwfe.



gHaniry." ..Id

elded what to do-and even wlilh

She waa a dark-cheeked. dUmond'
ayed girt of 18. with btalda of Woe-

tteaiuied. with color ean'IOR ■<>“
of the AiiiitUod flag In

Uack 'hair coUed around the back of

a high wind, the door at the fwi of the

bee BtnalL Creek-ahap«d bead, and a

atalra flew open and In aulk.-d Jnllan



^ ‘'wwrf.'‘fn «"liy

“HWnphr aald ^
beard gtria talk ao before, and It fen-

a'wiled Turklah dr.-wpearl-olonHi

crmlly ended to one thing."


^"“ry^'^^werfully d“

dignity of haring a city charter and an

, fortune at It, bnt

galling waa the tact that

-mil waa next" contlnoed the fa­

a colored man walked up to tlM- Italloi
box Juai ab(«d of bim and de]>oalt>bla vote unqneatloDed. Thia waa to<
much for the jndp-. who. alibnugh be
waa an anient repablUao. luti-d :
negro like itolaon and for a wet-k In
neglecti-d hla work and wanden-d
arunud cuixlng a country where "hoii-

ther. -He waa abafi* aa Ughtln’ on a
mewl trad<'. and nobody could fbol
him on a I.ohb.
Hr might he* made
i l»owrr o' money In tradin’, but he
g<ho off to ITvatonburg and Beta np a
____ • ____
and glia Into
1 tried
my ba-ai to uave him. but hr waa
eud Ih- woulilu't ttuJ no welcome If be

eai mnnbotKl waa denied the tight of
Buffrage. while proiwrly. when repreaenied by an Ig^raul negro, waa allowiHl to Vote."
Ilia lameotationa Anally made the
boja a little llr»-d and they accordingly

du.uld <ouie to a«-e na. Suke waa next.
tthe could have married a tlo-|M-ddler
with Wat, and aho could hev aiu-<l a
wludoilll man for breai h-<if-pniiiilae
and got gTaai. but alie go«-a off to I'erty-aharg and marrloa a preacher. She

■dviaed him to hire a liall ad air hla
grlevanei-a. He took their advice In all

to come home once a yvar. hut
we i-onldn’l use her right and eho got

m-riouau<-Ha and atx-unlingly n-ui<-d a
rooD) aud advertiaed that a puUlc
miviliig would la- held there on a c<-rtall) evening to prop-at agnliiai the arlion of the eliy auibririih-a 111 pn-Hcrib-

Joi- waa next.
what a hunter he wiwld have
made! lie iuid an eye for U'arH aud
ixain and lUMtuma.
he'd nev-r.
hav<- lacki-d for what aklna would

Ing a proiH-ny quamii-ntlon for voting
on any auhJ>-<-t. To thia mii-ltng he in-

puy. but It waan'l no uw- to talk to
pm,. He suieka
hla duda ami
;a up hi
ndavllle and the laal w-

tnean. of loarae. that he U an agm>-

don’t you-’’
And fhen. pereelTing to whom
a aeiually addremrtng hlmaelf.
Now, this Aunt Sara waa no apec.
aurted lock, turning flety n-d.
—-I"—— — — --------------------.
-jjiBi -Uiaa
Hunt; llutitr'
portly, plllow-ahaped widow, with the |
a downward gUee a

luaotn-tiui *0 petty young woman of
four or fire and twenty, with Iwlght
blur eyea and hair all atn-aked wlib
goidcs ideama. who waa engaged in

Boating llki- n-d and orange meteorn
behind him. And. mortified and lerrlfled though ehe war. Ethel Hunt could
not realai the temptation to break

the eongeuUI ocrupatlon of making up
her w.-ddlug eloibea.
eompanlon — of
eouiw." aald Aunt Sara. -t>ook. Bib.1.

a ptwl of beany laughter,
Thia. then, waa her Ideal among
men. her galUni: eBTtller.
hot “Sir
Unnn lor

do you think white Malieae Un- or
Preneh Wonde. with a heading of nom-

anarilwg at hla mbth.-r and »l*tera like
an llUtmdliU.ned liear, Binging old

an pewrla. would be prettleat for iWa

boot, down tie- Mair* at them, turnMing out of l»e«l a/ l» oVkx-li In

Aunt Sara knew when to drop a BUl>)ecl. and when to bold oD to It. Uut
wbih- Ethel waa atltchlng the quilting
of l-nnich Idonde on to the while allk

V1I.-.I all hb- friend* aud arranged with
a jri-U-kn<iwD young lawyer, who uow
occuph-H a prominent poHlilon In the
■late gorerniDenl. lo lutroduc«^J{^i lo
the audleucc
When tin- Dlglit for the nMx-tlng ar-

her mind that be la the flm-at


Walt until Everard

«'»' '» Everard fJrnftorr"

-all gone—and when 1 *ol down

nud he made
form ami for tin- •
-los-k* and the I
rolling down h

t they tunii-d
Ih-. It Ji-*i muk.-« me ao rip-ruarlD' ni;

man! Everard Grafton la worthy of a !
Grafton came he ao fnf
JnatJ(l<-il Aunt Sani'a emximlam* tlini

and throw .liitia at the iiiewir

l f"".' •»'■« "ke liim. And Am t
w«llng to lean- the ivai to

Biieaklog a word for the nnprvcedenii-d , foie.—New york DaHj- Newa,
period of fifteen mlnntea.
•They aay hi- la pcfcctly Intolerable
at borne." she aald to beraeU. “Clam
Water* waa there one- and heard him
mitng hi* aUtem fi-arfully b.-cau*i- Hu•Peefateak for hi* late bri-akfaat wa*
a lltlic overdone,

t only wlah 1 conid

manage It that Ethel aboold oee him
In hla trnelight.".
She aat and thought a while longerand -uddenly tin- color Idoomed into
her cheek. tJie dlmplvt Into her chin.
She alaried up.
••E»|j.d." ahe aald. T’in ante yoi
mnat be tired of alttlng over tliai ever
Uattng allt.-hlug.
I've got to go orn
to Snay Mornnd'a to borrow a luitlern ■
It will be Juat a pl.waant walk fur u*.'
"To Mia* Murand'ar Ethel wai '
vexed with henwlf. but ahe could no


------------ly aa. Kvaaa.
j Old and lru«ti-d maid who did all he
The deck o
man-of-war I* Ihe ter- ahopplng or ordi-n-d th--Ir giKsl*
n to bring their
giHsl* lo 111.- piiln.v
nnikm who«<- flag *hi- ilh-.
to a.-.-, *up|H.*.il
from the ma«il»-ad. ''Tlie la-arlng* of
*lu- waa not uv.-r.-hargi-d. H111 on 01
thia olwervailun laya In Hu- npidtiathui
dark day for the maid *1..- f.-ll III. -ii
on II.'' lo ipiote Jack Iliiiialiy. An anthe tpiivn. having need of a vi-ry air
„.doie. told In Wntteraoii'a “tlbitory of
pie frock, on.- of her ladl.-« In wnlili
IPo SpanlBh-Atm-rtcan War." ahowa
waa dealnil to und.-nnke the nmiiiii
Ion |,“ made by iK-walou. "til. to X.." said the maid, ni
.lu-V.-naa- auxl.-iy; -they alway* aervo L.-r ni:i
eaiy." .Mid. accordingly. Muu- de—
While the Ih-nsacota waa at Manila pal'd a visit to that .-aiubllaliii..-ni.
plain pl.|i
In 1SK7. a nnmla-r of aallor* w ho had
gone aabnre on leave ln-eame


alns-l brawl.

An alarm wa.

turned It. but the aatlora *-aeH(H-.l lu
the ship.

The next luomlng th.- Span-

toh iraplaln of the

|M.rt rl*li<-d ib.

8o»y and 1 are


"Mhai .an I dor aak.-d


to intlmale we don't mind curl i»pef»

“Why. your men fwl«-d


and ciillo. wrat.pcfn.

ahore. ami you .-an aiialHi me in ar-

Not a bit.

Gel your hat and

coroe along, quick."

riot on

eating and punlahlug Ih.-m," It-plled

Hut. Id apite of her exhortation*


,j„. Siwinlnnl.

a|M-ed. Kara Uarti-ll #mlb-il to h.-rw-lf
th wi-y .mineourty rxpreaa.-d hi* n-to pent-lve tlutl Ethel Hunt IlDp-n-d -ip-el 1li:it aolU.iS
long enough In ber own room lo atumld Ih- lawli-aa whlhon
ahon' change iter Idack lace breaai-knoi fur |i-ave bui .i-uld iuh- □.< way In whU-li
a becoming little l.ntierfly bow of roatti„. mipt.i a**l-i hU vlalior in aenronciilored rlW«u and to rearrange
dainty leudrila of »llky Mark hair that

Ing out th.-»gull|y onea.
The reply of D.-w.-y angered the

dr.H.|.rtl oo can-a*lugly over ber hiw.

port captain, and be aald pi-rempTor-

"She think* we ahall ane Jnllan Mor- <
and." ahe thought to horwelf.
perhapa we ahall. I am pulling my^rlf entln-ly Into the haoda of Lu.k
aud Chanc-"


tJuiW Mnrglmriln ha* known

for a long lime that her dri-x* bill*


c-nalnly can



crew In-fore
erw may W Id.-nOfl.-d.
booking nlofi aud |«lnHng to U.e
**’«™ •“’I Sirti.e» waring at tbeauRt-

the alu.pman i*j|liety. "hiii -pi
for the gJn n la not .-xc-aslvi-. I
Uiett- an- P.-pplna'a Uu.-*."
Who I* IVppli

I Ilk.- sUlera."

•mic patl«-ni?

Iking apple oak.-,
or rourac. yon siuill

bare itr ah.- cried.
«te until I get It

"Jn*l wall a mb

"I'll go with yon," aald Sara. “Ethel.
yoo'H not mind walling for nae ben-r
- “Not in Ihe least." said Ethel. And
abe aat .l..wo by the window, where
Irtes. traln.-d In bottles of water, were
creeping like green Jeweb aernoa the

That night I'epplna left the Qulrlnal
a aadd.-r but wiser woman.
legitimate and
while maid to her ma)<-aly. were eunrmoua. Noi l.-a*i among them waa n.-r
paaaed to her SO little umil Ihni lo Huordinary eye It wa* wlihont lileui!*li.
IVppInn had a aal-,-.
which was lorgi-ly atiended by Anu-r-



a.“‘i “«'«■
jUgium. bunching Hi.-msi-lv.-* up to look
r. *.duHo«lsi« ~>ught rof.ige
on ' ,
. ,urtl.- a* i*u«ii.i.- aud i«dIrnard.
Th.-r«- w.-ntiirw- « miean dling along In the.ruunl.-*t way. with
‘"i ' »n«'“ '.>«» .o oo
...y him
him that
that If
if the
the n-fug.-t-i
ri-fug.-t-i w.-nw.-n-not
•um-uden-d bis thn-e ship* would fol­

aults. “Confound yon all. down Ibere.
why aront my booU blacked T
Mother! Nell! whai'a become of my
brtwkfaslT Von mnat think a man baa
Bothing to do hot to Ue here aad wall
•U fiay for yon May folka to oUr

th.-lr nna.-B Ju»i out of ihi- water .inJ
„rm* moving rhyihmlcaUy lu
jmtlun of fllpl>cr«. Then there

be another shoot of "Magu" Isliarki
low the lialilnMiv- ont of the tfarbur this time, and down all the youngatera
would go nml.-r water, awimmlug
*^*‘'*i /
^ •loug rapidly and st.-adlly. with only
bit guest* j
arm for the fln
for them < ,i,owlng aboc- water,
aelvcs-for hU part he waa ready to
, 3,,,.,., ;,uglu-.l *0 mueh In my life
protect them al
all haxartla. -Tli.-y
iag„on with tbem- frl*■
, , .
atn with him. and
mlachl.-voua plckanlnolca.
-------- -------------Informed the Chllalways lusisl.-d on a performance
ran admiral ad.llng that as long as
,„d , „„bl awim about half

wouU proie.-l

, ^oxen stroke. In a froglike fn.blon

'and they would <-aia-r and y.-ll with dc“Very well." replh-d Ihe admiral;
.3^ .bout ont xHHclsrns which
"yonr ahlp wHl U- aunk half an hour
D leave Ihl.- harbor."
like this: "Ta faflne (the womanl.
"That may U true," said ^f^PUIn
all-a-aame maulki
Erana, "but Hu- Baltimore^ make
- ^he amaU pv-ople -have never
yon a Km of troMl !e for balf a£^bonr.
monkey, by the way, hot

Tbarr sraa M («pty M hr pamd. ap- ' He
wtaulx capeettac dbrn -Ma»h«" was •

had bM

CHINA... Chicago —■
We have just rweivorl an ' West Michigan.
eltvAnt elotk of tbe moet
beaulifal «rt work in Dainty
Cl.i». ever dUpl.jed in Ibe
Tbtrt* are eevetwl t-vchirilCT:’ ’
bandfiome and new designa.-------------which we invite the Udiee to lTou-*«o
Ouratot'kof jeweJry ia
ta the
Uur aUx'Koi jeweiry

i|M-rilu.iua 10 aay that'the Id.-a
An»-rl<-aii wouiuiiIiihkI la aiuiu.-.!

.manly If alie
working of our gnveninu-ut. If *h
pr-H-late* the hroa.l iirliu-lpU-a upon
which u n-i»uldlc r.-*l*.
Our ynuug
ni.'ti and woiiu-naiv not usunlly lauglH
to |.ro|H-rly valui- Hu- prtvlleg.-* of Hi

aad ktipl the Rt-^bare frequently a4n ^re. i SL

her hualuiDcl, and although she '<ui«
lu-r.-r pra.-ile.-.] In the enurt*, she ’i»*
ofii-n lieliM.I him In the pr.-|.arBilnii .>r
hi* cas.-*. Sill- studied law through
sheer love ..f .i.uipanlnnslilp f..r lu-r

aJ wTrI^Tj/

MuDBon Block.


nao. oxBAvaM. (J. f. a..

and Rapid

- nnawOA.ato.

See This!

r had my t*ftb exlrart.Hl Rt
The IhwUJH UeiilHl Parhiiw with­
out [feifl. I never tliatighl such a
thing posRihle. l>m now 1 know it
cmn Lie done.

* IV
» »>
V V.

4 I- 4.*'
g.* P. M Depc
4 a»Ar ttpekaaa J e.'a I
4 40
Chirr Lake
4 M,
ii (R
* IS
Hraaea Clij

- i,sa.


Rhera>*n-> Hill
Lake Baa
t'HHlar Eua

7X5 SUI.- Si., t'ily ”

Teetli Cleaned Free

1 to 4V » !»'
' 10 4T •*»:

The next six days.



n Baadar u aad ti



Tbt* CoBipaoT re
-baeplB* tbr tTaie <


B. W. OCR K mo B AM, Arret,

Corner Front and Cas* StreeU.
Bcadl- mock

Picnic Parties,
fishing Parties,
and Finerals.

Is SB Old Osleb Taws.
Rome nf Hie qulcictt and most 'nr;oll.-u of all Ihe village* In Hu- W..H.1
r.- fouml Jn Hu- lul.-rlor of H.-Ilond.
in.l Hu- jn-ople in Ih.-m have llith- -11—
ki-.-p up with Ihe o. i-\irposition tu
he go-at world lu-youd ilu-’r, any* the Yonth'* foiiipanIai*I y.-nr two Am.-iican im-n of

I have jnat a.ld.-d a fine back,
several roomy two- and tbr.*.* bcaL.
ed ridta, Ln-eiJee rd iiicreas.-d noniUt of niw cBriiatirs. 1 am net’s
prpjwrtvi to <io an ext.-i.«ve livery
basiDvse iti mldition (o
cariiit; for learns
Drivers furnished if
Everytbmu in tirsl-claaB shape.

ilooru. in nd. fruiii n-bl.-h C'n;HII,.ni ha* It* name.


,jl*.-..v.-r.-<l 111.- c.-i|H- lu liilii. ganame of -TaiH- lloori
nntlv.- ploc-.

lu honor of his' TdepliOBe 160

languiige with whlrti Hi«-y were more
fainlllar-lf not EnglUh. then Fn-ncb
4>r Ui-rman; hut not a man, woman nr
child lu Ih.- town kn.-w any piher languag.- Ihali Dulch.
Afu-r Hi.-y bad dorelop.-d this facand aelil.-d down to Dntcli. lh<- local
ranctioDdry. who waa endeav.>rlug to
Inform them Is various maitetu. aald
to tliom:
"You arc Am.-rtcana; what part of
mertca do you come fromr'
•'From N.-w York'' th.-j snawerod.
S.-W York!” h<- cxctalmed.
why do you not apeak rtuteb oa I d.i?"
"How could w.- be i-xpertcd lo apeak
Dutch at well aa you doT
"Why." aald Hie genllemaD. looking
snn>rtaed. “1* not New York a Hutch
rlty? It wa* roiinilcl by the l>ut.-ii;
surely Ha | *l|.-ak Dulch atllir

' j! S


husland. and was admltl.-d to tlu- Ni-


I «.s a ai : «a ;«
* 40 IS u' e» IS «
*i*:____■ >a» aw


Barnum & Earl.

'tind.-t a (lini-f<.|d d.-vel»pil«'llt nf I
l>h.« Hu- ni'-nial. aii.l apliiiuaL
I lu ll...
"I .

'• In- a bit of f.-iulnine ailiu-ratlll.iu slu- n■What
uiUj.I.sI him
lhal In ev.-ry liislnti.-temiirtiil the aaioniah.-.! Indy.
itti-nd.-<r Baaenihlng"*
hna that p<-raou to do wlih her niaj- - wlu-r.- ah.
wa* ini
Oily * affnlraTwon.
Wtu-n ahe r.-innlDed a«-ny
"Evi'rythlug; *he I* the qu.-.-n'a
rollilci aside, ber devotion to
maid, and* alwaya ln*l*t* on having lo«t.
and iH-lh-r In her husband are lo.ichmore than 5o |H-r ct-ot on every purIng
Mrs. Hryan 1* a Inwy.-r aa w.-Il a*

Ib* SaUvea.
I alwaya look from half a dob-D lo a
"The d.-.-k of Ihl. v.-sa,-! li I nltcd' ’ a.i.r.- of .-hlldr.-o do u lo Hu- lagoon
8«»‘« «-rr1i..ry. and
to lialhe and wc
ffi^'KOvra that ever drew ...................
n 0 v.-ry m.-rry i me, *aya Uro. E.
He ontrone,-. all shaded with hom y- :
, n
.-hlldn-u would
•uckh-a and irumi-t rluea.
^ about at nu-. 'Fonu" Hun
and thi n
"I always g.. lu hero." «iid abe non- • ahl,u H»- Ital lnH.rc. wa* lylug lu Hu.j,,,
cbahiuUy. lu r.-|.lj lo Ethel', romou"8u.. Mornod and 1

(Hin-er lo th.- aplrtlunl wnrl.l. and whe:
oiu- look* into a <-lnm-h In any pnii ..f
d and aeea how much of tluoui
> .I1.11.- I.y women. It *.-ema nlwi.

' anl.l iz.-iiBhll.."
Mr*. Hryan—ihl* was la-fore Hi.
I 11.on i-l.-ctli.n 111 lioal-ihvld.-d to ac<-.iiii
I pull, her luialuiud in hi* lotira. WhI

Hui wb.-o they reached th.- Horacd
tnauslou. Inaiead of rtuglng formally

at the front dour. Mlaa Mart.-ll w.-nt
around to tin- back iKirch. a pretty 111-

C. L.Loriawoono. a.BT a.

woman" thiialy:
hmg iHH-n a rr-cngnlx.-sl


- '

. lO. ekalraw
Walioa u> TiiMn via Reed .Hr.
Train learin* S w ■. ha* •h-etia*
UralBpoli> and St. Lmil*. dinlag c. .


r*. Wllllaiii Ji-millig* Hrynii. whose
•rl.-u.-.- with her IiubIruhI a* Id*
.1.1 la .nn uii*UMi-**fnl (-ampalgu
It not augur w.-ll for a foMowius
ler iidvie.-. iievertU.-l-** th.- olh.-r
a.hlr.-wu'd a gniduallug clus*
ig women and advlw-d the •'Am

wen- enomionaly high. Imt. Uavluc iin

tv--- - complain
th-wey of the action of hi* sallom.

only 9 0'ch.ckr

Bmt Kbr iH-t H-r
The followltig *lory ............ *


!*Tr*lMarfl»eff«« Blehmon*, Fan Wajr»*.
DetroM *n.l .irsaU
a. a.
Tram If-m-lnr a. <11* a. *>. *aa CSalr W

Bneal in this |.artof the state.



Tr«ln* »m»» fro* Harkla


ilia BjHH-i h III Fori llentou, *




nnd pul oil) that I hev to go out :n
' mil nij Ici.-k on the iwriM-il-win- fi-uet-

emv at hi* hi-iTin- in-eting

Hrriie fra* Oeaa* UsOlU*. OtaelB-

off to liln-hvllle. Olid next we heanl of
hlm he wa>
lehlu' Kkule aUd W •arlu'
shlrta amt ixillar*.

irxrr™ 1;.. b„b„™„„

B ;

to.p... Tw-*«».n

eliiglu', mill you'll gli a reiiulailon
hiog and a* wide aa llx- kibIc.'
-Hut Mom-h waa the *ame a* '
n-at. One ilay he |>a<-ki-il up and n-

lkerH-biK>. ker-choo.
tlemen (k.-r-chcKii. were |hi.iK-r-M hy

;s iSfieSSSfiS*


aud lurued out liad I any* lo M•■•Jly »on. you an- all wlmf
ami yonr i>op I* de|M-udlii' on you. Ji-at
ki-<-p right on lylu' and tlildllii' a

kn-p her heart Whole nnlll Kverar.1 I
^1'" «'■•••■»
mung fellow tii the
Orofton conu-a lo be CharleW groom*- world-after n.y bi-iroitu-.l hiiahnnd."

And Mia* Sara Martel! ant and a«-waway In alamrbed alienee. wHhoul

Bpaeul a.
Ur UBiIow to pnibale'praattca.
111 Erirantllf Oo

could also (day the llUdle and alug.
When the n-al of thi-m had gone awiij'

,^,.,^^001. I Imre tker-

I. ».n, M.n„. -b™

wash nor wear!
r'nroB eom.."

S8Sf;S«BS :

pn. W. E. a W. H. Mooa. geMtal pn

iMiy waa the nuiootheat. alicki-el. cuteal
liar ever beard of lu Ibeae pariA ami

rlfi-d the hall waa crowd»-d with the
prlDcliial clilena of the |>la«-. many
of iheiii pdng there for the fun It

- her young aum>a mind waa bnay high 1-e.Uwtal In the cHtlmatlou of Ulaa j
niKiD the to|dc ahe-------------------------------•ahandoned.
they wi-ro aafe at home.
"The dlaagn-t-aMc Mlow." thought
1 ihor“Aunt Sara." ahe amlA
Atmi Sara. "He ban aoniehow heanl
that Ethel baa mom-y. and be la de­ oughly dlaem-linuii-d."
Ula* Mariell ahrugp-d her ahouldera
termined to win it. If abi- i-ould only
aee him In hU true iigtal: but t know
“I could have told you n* Inueli lawhat a iM-rrerae thing a woman's b<-iin .
It. JuM aa ann- aa I attempii-d to tell fore." aald ahe. -Theai- Adonl*i-a are
her what he really 1a Bhe'II make up llkr cheap cnllep. Ili.-y wilt neither

?hc «iTh. ' And I dW ao want her tl I


9Uem »ew TBat>rU*r Uaah, tli Ft
rHlepBaoT Wb. 100

beam of him he was working for the
iiillroad aud 'lowlug folka to Ikihs tnni
•round. The D*l waa Mom-h.

pronilN-<l. -Mul then- wa> fun. but not
of the kilul anlii-ll-ati-d. Some d--ge|lorate had put ml (w-piK-r on iIh- atore
morning, while hla mother apHi Llti' and It oomniencrd to get In Ha work
dling and picked; tomato.-# out In ih.Juat about the time the young lawyer
t'c-g.-iol*- garden’ Like Home Chlneac
nenix-il III* Hpet-eh. lie comnieueeJ
Idol, ho fell Ur. Julian Uorand off hla , . ..

.hp ,.,a

1?as IM;
M ! liJ .
; : .«« ;» :«S£g ;a«« «

I. Dht or Bleat n
WM. Bril U9; K«

and offerwl to role, but waa chal- yer fathi r and hurt the feelln’* of ycr
Irnged and bla rote rcjn-led oD the mother, and yer no longer a aou of
gronnd tliat be owned no property oara. Don’t neri-r come honio to ua no
wit bln the city lltnlia. What made the

able companion."

,on,.t. he fnirty turned and fled,
sklita of hi* Turklah'tLri'mlng gown

ghclhyrlllc and got

moonablne to help hla old father ont.
Ten y’ar*> ugo 1 aaya to him:
- -Jim IVnlo. you've dUapp'lnted

“I aay. yoor be anarlfd out; "why

photograph of her dear departed huahand worn, locket-abaped. upon her


m Lm> a lawyer, and wouldn't even aril

<Uont.) 1-eadcr.
When the day of election rolU«d
round the Judge went up to the polU

into dirty r»>d nione-eo allpiwra.

“I only


qneatton of Iwoda. Baya the Cresi Falla

gamieota. and atockinged ftH-l. tbrOHt

“Kor ahame! Atud Sarm." erted Ethel
coloring op to her eyalaabca.

we aat amoking our pl|>ea on the doornep. -I reckoned that my Bee might

Poor little Ethel! She half ro»f np.


Hunt onthnalaalloaHy.


and aonte don't," aald the old man. aa

articled of weir In qoctHIoo down the
winding atairway that led Into the kit­

tbo c

CwutmcnAxcn-BMM low^ -

"Some folki baa rfatldron'to brag of.

Some old-Umerv who tend the atoty
of Judge «. B. Choaie'H experienc- In
expelling the Cblneae from Nelhari re-

election waa to be htdd to role on the

yonr u«noea» not to aaawer a fellow!
Do you hear, Knr? BDck my booU.
I'lD walllna for tbrmr
And “bad«: haner catae the oaefol




“I know tberKa aome ooFUowi)
tbereT he abonted. “I can bc«f yon
I breathe and yoordn?* m«lo. Jon like

M MIM« Oood THo« gM*i



««• W M J
w la WUek a PaUUe I

wu In the front rnrd picklnc rodrlDfd antntnn Ibbti*' out of tbo K<>U
nod niBwt drifu that U7 like tr«aBnr«i of prerlood Monea opon the itrBdi
dbni np anoof ib* myalerfes of '‘pattemr" idoamerable. with
UlBB Sara ManeH.
Hont aat
.<olohDx and half frlfhiened. the aoie
aodim-aa of Mr. Moraod a ohjana-

B» OBIT l«r <>• MMC»:
(IMI On d* V*T br do!)
! *T«MI dn n«'l otoo- oo rood WtBTBB CftllB'iiSS«T~TOar'
■ CoBMItoUa*.

“I ibhik


cn^o Bitii-boAiM>t (MtberlSLit MVleAcbnakni tomatotp for dlmirr. '‘NoiT

• 1 Man a* Mmta t PwtOrr-


tiiiinf Nartfa

<)sr riri-pt BbsUsr,

■'Sr““ ■....



UuiuuH—.11.—rn as) »*r*-p. Bands/.

■•rS'.K'.- "-'"''- ::: ,!S::
p .l,ri. Pls*l,Td.


1/ (toutb FT»I7 ds/ FlC-Fpl Hi ledar.

F«crpi Hasdsr




'bcupsk iotee m boat co
.00 bull,
siwodcd b



Steamer Oof kama


Tire tarance.
Is L. A. Bniiding.



waWblcUM P^wv cradj*. Plaafai

Umw omrn, WarkbSMi Blook.

Oapt J. D. Amory.
Leave ()l<l Mi*al0D..
Arrive EIW RapH* ..
E^eave Elk EUpida...
Arrive OldMla*ion..
LewveOld Mlmlou .
ArrI'e BIk Sapldl..
Lwve BIk Baplds...
nqop. m.
ArHveOld MIhIou..
AO p. m.
■But will laave ib« Hereanine

bloek. Hotel WblUng and Parit
at£:S0 p. m. ‘Boa will alao eaBsaet
with boat at 11 :B0 a. m
Emit ear wUl
be at Boat Head oc Tneadaya, Thar*day* and Batarday*. Pimstirm uA
trull «rtll K* taken oa 1 '


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