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The Morning Record, October 31, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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TUii tmr-Vo 777.
Brittoh K«p«lUd til* Bm
•t LAdyamtth.
Utmf «w Vk^«*
hr tk«
99^t tm Whteh Mmttr 10*
mvflUk W«n KtlM.
Mtm Tork, Ort *0.-4 4tei»toh turn
BwltoMjothotof*portkM htm r«^Md thM IrO* OoUMd ttet OWNfftl
WWWk foM »» U/y»lU kot« nr«wdomA lolko fom* ud «*•» U*
Ort. n.-0«Mnl Wbliek
topflct. irtorti by
nvK »b.d7rtoitb. Ort. •*■—1 •ayloy•dkUtb*
Boot to taka a paaltioa oa the hUU to
dlaar the left daak. Tha tona sorod
at alaraa o’rtook laat alfht aod darlag
tha drtai* of tba batlary a aaaabar of
•alao artapadad 'with mbo r>M
trhteh I hope to foaorar. Two battaltoaa baaa aot yat rauraad bat aid aapaetadthte tnalur.
I dataUed two
McadM of Arid arUUary aad fl*a batteUteMot lafaotry aidrf by aaTalry.
T—I— OMoral Traoeh.^ attack tba
M which tha asamy yeaterday
Moaatod thalr r«aa. Koaod tba porttlM aaaoaatod. bot oar foroa waa atrtrtwd by tha awaiy with ooaaidarabla
otcoc. I IhUk by Joabartb Woopa-Thay
^ aaay r«M »kd abowad fraat oanhart Oar troopa poahad tba aaamy
hoakaaranl mUaa. bat did aot laaeh
tha laarw^
>"■*** ^ oatlmatad
^j-rrirr clffhty aad oea haadrod. The
Mawy*B icaa maat bo ataeb fraatcr.
Tba triof ofooroM *PP*>brt«»
••After tbo I
poevalboara, I withdraw mj troqpa
•ad rataraad aaaioteaiod. Tha aaacay
a la graat atwbara Sad thalr gaaa
hare a raara faitbar thaa ear
naa. 1 aow baeo aoma aafal goM
}. aad I hope
paraiiiT-‘1r tbraMnayb beat piaoaa
with whteh they ba*a baaa b-nbardtag tha towa. They have a raagc of
mr ate theaaaad yarda"
tmdyemlth. t>Jt ».—F«riug
&:M thte moralag. the Boere
•halliag Ladyaatth with forty-poead«ra. After aaeaaahota tha Brittehgaaa
aoMTcairl la attenclBg tha Boar Sra. A
lofMofboaritoBowpdeaaategoa tha
toodoa. Ort *0.-Tha dtepatoh of
tba AMo^tod Pma thte moralag from
Imdyartlth. ahowa that a ortete ia tha
^naat atara of waropacatloM haa
■baaa raaahad aad that tha expected av
nek ea Irtdyamlth by tbe jtlat Boer
A dtepateb troai Darbaa. tiaud at 10
o*aloek thte moralag. aapplamaete the
AaMeteted mea dtepateh with '
IMlorsatioa that t^ Boor aholte
^^jHay dlraeled at the atottea aad that
M damaga hat beaa doaa ap to the
t^that the ateenge from Darbaa
waa forwarded.
That tba baary gaca of tho Boera.
from whteh m much area axpected.
ahoald bare beaa aUeuoad m apaedUy
te a matter of great aorprtee. bat tho
aabaeqaaat adraaoa of the barghrr
lorotM tba Britteh Baak ahowa that
tha attaekmo are atlU fall ot aalf-coafldance aad dertegalraadyaxhlbltad m
wioaa eccaaloat
Boera have ooacaatratad for a aa.
aflort at LadyamlU aad ban m<
terily withdrawn thalr toroea from
ether nrtate.
Uatem the praaeat attack ta BMraly
a Mat to oeeapy tha Britteh white the
UiTaden are eattiag oB thalr eoaammateaUoaatotba aoathward. tha haute
which opcead thte aumteg aeay
dMldathateaaaof tba war ao ter
tha flghtlag te the opaa te eoaeara
toraalamthe 11.000 or bo.ooo Boon
aboat Imdyamith an able to deatroy
11.500 Britteh thora. they caa hardly
hope to oope with Ooaotal Balterb
army aorpa; M tho Boon wUl dMbUau
tataiB to atnek Ladynitt
they an beatn ot-
WiU T«ko Srt *4n«i«rt ««v tte
Ardaaldo, Wtth 0,000 den
WnkiarM, Ort. M.-tba
Atlutia ■qudm hn bn« art
AToids Omeiml Toanc
MM »fU b* erdond. to tbo Mtbout
oontof Airtrt gienrtjy Lm« nM rtitachmt Of OrtoMl BaUb Ba«i
Mt Btraek a Body of Zaoar«aate
Jtmr Adrtlnl SeUoj wUl.bo ordarla Bawtp OoMtnwtod TiMohat■iMtoro AtrtOM MOUrt Tbo
MfdiM wiu bo laSfOMOd to whotteamy waa . Attaakad aad Bitht
•nr oxtoot tbo oUdoUm doaoado. 1
Kilted two
do Mi thlBk. M ot proant odrtaad.
OBoan aad Six Priaataa Woaadod
that a larfor aqaadrea than tba Chiaad Om Mrato KUiad.
M(o. tba MMlTMMry. Md ftba WIU.
MlaglM ta BiBttatj. bat, aa 1 ha?a
WaahlBcloa, Ort Id—Oaaaral Ottei
Mid. tbaro My bo OMtiafODelaa whteh eat tha foUowlac dtepateh today: “A
woald »aka It adrtaabla U>raly to add
iiofColoaal BaUb rafUant
to than naaola.”
L. white
Lmc daoted hhai
Admiral SeUay bad aada ra raqaaet' woat of Oaaaraa. atnek a body of (ofor a larfor aqaadroa.V'-Bat,” aaid ba. i aargaata la aawly eoaatraetad iraaebaa
"I pronm aay eoBataaoiat ofiear
“Tbay attacked aad drorc tha
ffol^tothaBaatAMeaaooaatat thte oaamy. who left la tba haada of tha
woald prafar to haac' a rapraaaatatlaa 'dataebmaal four loancgeat offijara aad
eight aaUttad maa klUad aad three
prteooaia. Niue rid « ware captarod.
Oar caaaaittaa ware Captala Fraaeb aad
Uaatoaaat PairaMa woaadad, but
BaepteImproTiacUadar tha Protcoaa kilted aad aU wouadad.”
tocatc. bat are Hot Tat Beady'
Manila. Oct. M.—A oajirity of tba
iror Balf OoearertaBi.
report that Aguloaldo la mnaWaahlagtoa.O.C..Ort
«) Bayamhaa* with • 000
Piuhart Ua. Who arHaed la Waabio,-'
York. 1.
antaa ol dMaai. that tbo
We will preMnt a Plaster Cast to each ot the
Tberab a tTMt In atera ter theaa
womM who bana't warm a pair
of thna temow abora.
vit: those of Misses Adams, Bliss, Camp, and Hnrd,
also the Catholic school-The honor of winning it
for the room will go to the scholar who makes for ns
the best Jack Lantern before aii o'clock Tnesday
evening—anything can be used from a pasteboard
boa to a pumpkin. The best one of the'fire winner,
will recieve an additional prise. All lanterns will be
in onr show window Tuesday night (Hallowe'en)
That picture may get damaged if yon don't let
us frame it for yon this week.
Elegiin, Strriet, Conltit
Oaaof the meat attnetln of
a KKM wakpirueMe
Qg. abaaaly appearaae*.. with
a lengih at tbe too. At
fortabU abu u weU aaei
y baaduma te itb Iteea. BatBnry atyle tor
288-228 Froot S-rort
Bsiph Oonnsble Jr., KsBaesr.*
E<}ualled by few—excelled by none.
The Most Porfect Ulster
In the world te Benda’a Patent
repairiuf tbclr crippled fortaaea.
Ufa and property are aeeata ia Cuba,
owlag largaiy. be aaid. to tba aalotary
reatiatai axaretead by Anaricas aUltary antborily. Be tbiaka tba Um
aot ripe yet. bowarar. for a purely
•■Cuba,” laid Oaoaral Loa. “te Improriag. Tba Cobaae are trartablc
and octet aad the rcToiotlM bat gieea
them Mlf-rellaaba. Tbclr
are generally la the right direction,
practice ot celf-govaraBcnt they are
wholly wlthoat axparieaoa.
“There te amoag eertala Caban a
arejedlep agalaat acme
who. the Cabaat tbisb. oppreaeed
At under Spaaitb rale, aad if
glren a tree rela the Cabaat woald
OMka abort work ot them. The Uailed
te pledged to grai
« to Cabo after the 1Itlai
haa bMO pacidad, and 1 balien that
promtea aboald be folfiled Jut u
twlfUy u wa eu In raaaoo aad jutiu.'
at Saau Bou. The RioOraade b ftlliag alightly aod biadan the traaioort
urriee. which te aow depandiag oa
mclaa and ccrlbMU.
Ymterday Coloaal Ball paid hte
wMkly Tteit to Oabteo. which ww
atabboraly dcfcadrd. Be Soally roatad the rebala aad ehaaed them onr th«
bllU, killiag iqany- bat luiag two
offiun and foar-mea woaadad.
Tha Thirty aacoad raglmeat te now
Aatoa WHbelm<Paaaad Aw«y Vary
Baddenly at hte Bema te Oardcld
Old age waa tbe uau of tha death
of one of the nry early pionaen of
Oraad Tranru eoooty Saaday Aatoa Wilhelm, who eame to the oMoty
1s 1656. died at the borne ot hte eob-tetew, Peter Petenoa. te OarSeld towaabip, Soaday morning, wiibont
■trnggle. Be aroae early, and after
beteg oat of doora for aome time. i
to bte room. Whea be wu eallad to
braakteat. tbe family were aerpriaed
that be did Doi eoma. to bte grand
daughter went to bte room, where they
found him. dead ie bte ebalr. baring
died apparently without the lent pain
• atrogg'e
Mr Wilhelm waa a aatln of Bohe.
la- Be eam> to tbe Oraad Tranne
region la iKtn, tod aetUed oa tbe abora
of Boardman Uka. Ba later mond
thte city, ibaa want to bte farm te Oar.
held towaehip. when be beeaae oae
of tba laadiag farmera. After i
duth of hte wife, wblebf oeeamd
few yean ago. be went to lire on the
farm of bte aop.te-law, Peter P«te>aon.
where bte death oecerred. at tbe age
of 61. Be had alwaya bad tpleadid
health prerioai to tbe Ume of
( ehildrea aarrin blm Charln
WQbolm of fideiDe. WU.. Aatoa and
Bmaaael of thte eity.Jooepb and Beary
of Garfield tewaahlp aad Mn. William
Baaee ot Milwaahee.
Berate Bayaolda^ X.ec Brohaa ia a
BraetteaBtaeat tha Twelfth
Stmt Ore and Tutarday
A aad aeeideat oecarrod oa
Twelfth atraat park yaatarday. which
raulted la breaking the left leg of
Barnia Bayaotda. the plucky quarter
back of the High aebool foot ball u
Tbe Bigb tetaoote were engaged te
praettee, aad the work beteg done
not nry teat aor bard, bat te a terlina Berate fell, aad te tae mix cp
aad eeramble for tbe bUl. tbe leg wm
b*oken, it wat tmpaaalble to tell Jut
bow. Be wat cared for by the pteyen
aatU the arrlnl of Dr. O. E. Cbtae.
when he wat carried to hie te
Ben tbe bone wu carefully art aad
tbe boy waa rutteg quite caay late teat
Dr. Obau proaoaaeed it a tlmple
baetara of tbe Sbola near the aakle,
with a alight ttartarc of tba tibia.
wUl aBcrtaaUy abd Barate't playteg rOBAH OPBN DOOB IH CBIHA.
Xmtt ter the Vpper raalarala Yaaierday ta ba Baady for tha OpMteg
.TbaSrrtof the local dear haaten
left yutuday for tbe upper pealm
They wlU iocato thalr camp at Shteglaton. aad banady tor the Siat day of
Aaerioaaxd Bngtead Said to Z
Agned OB Policy.
Loadoa. Oel. SO.—The Central Newa
•aye that there tea delolte naderBtaadteg batwaaa Orut Britten, tba
United sntu aad China regarding tba
Aaglo-SaxoB poUey te the tar fiui.aBd
that the ChteaM gorerameat baaneelnd an aaaaranea net the Britteh
aad Amerieaaa will
pojley at the opn door. HegottetiOM
wlU be a Unly plaea wbaa tha n
aa?A'^»^**thte dty!^d
Bceokltete c< VvErt*
aoeordteg to tbe Gutral Ne'
eeedlag brtwen Pakte. Wat
Beparta* That hte Oeadlttaa te Brow
lag Worn.
Haw Yerit. Ort W.-Vlae
Will Boob bo Aanmod by OadOiae aad
Babari te U1 at bte borne te Pateraom.
Xnportaat Aatiat.
H. J., and tt te aaaoaaaad thte afterLeadoa. Ort W.-A eaater
WaahtegtM, Ort Sa-Tbo peetoBee
aan that hte eemditfea tea i
aaral ottean and
---------marked ahaaga ter tha woru te tba
a of llAMO or <
part law heaia. At the lima tha laterIt k 1
waa glna Mt Mr. Rohart.
mlralty tartaada
te ao
tha wteola Bart ta iiiimat tba hoau thM|» rtfll CMaeipaa, waa balteradte
ba atekiag. Or. Winiam Newttm. the
datea. la mort o< thM tbo ear'
temOy phyrtidaa. Mra. Bobart aad
an eeaataattr at hte bad rt^
0.6. Lh
9tm^U «*•
nannaU rtd
arOlba tahm i
E” ">•"........KoO, n.50,110.00. IliSO, 11.5.110. »1S 00, »25.0O
I'O' hoy's.......................................... lioO, M.50, «.00.17.00
)■»> U-U fc— U» <~U»Y
Look (uritl.TroCr-MorK
Alfred ¥. Friedricli
Oar 11.00 eblrt aaie Mite Iota of WIImo Brae r^iar *1.50 eblrta.
Bselulre agent for
S. BENDA & CO. 'SoSr
I Rainy Day Skirts...
Special nnmbera at
$6, $5.60, $6.
Inclnding Plaid Black Gtxda. See them.
Thte report U heard iroDod tbe
world, annihilating
time, dteUooe
and reeistancp
Tbe np-to-date bnaim
will keep pace with the limea—Be
will do all in bte power to make
bte sMjre
atore eo
ao aattractive that it will
invite th© att
attention of tbe bnyer.
Tfie telephone te one
of the meana te thte
end — It will bring
p^ple to Tonr place
of btuinei
i Shirt Waists.
Made of all wool flannel.
colors black, cardinal and navy •
$14ff to $3 76
SsttMns - $1,463 to 9iStO
firUlintinaB . $1.76^ and $1.96
UcUAu TelepIlOH Co.
New designs asd fane;
woods with oew decorations
Keep these in mind whep
down town and call in onr
Jewelerj store to look them
o^. We have manj new
tilings in jewelrr also.
All Silk and Satin Waists
$ it Popular Prices..
208 Front St-
OUR STOCK ****^°*^**^
date footwear for Men, Wom€a and children.
goods possible for tbe
McNaaAra Block.
rnm moawivo uoobd, totwat, ootobbh »i, m>>
#. «. ■«—». UiMr.aad ■■—fir.
We can gire it so jon
will Ceel comforUble. If
a man pays too noch for
A oonch or easy rocker
Solid Corofart.
iffiuTnaioiTT^ ' taoBtoASi
•BOB. «. m*Bi AD j. w. niiw
of tba teior ly
wt tW
I JMtrtAy
•*>< MTM#^
____ ^«<lk«>»fgruM 4M»U« far «b*
«»b»to wkieh to W uk« plM* WtwM*
he can never take com
tb* tD MetotiM.
IfaleyMM Left Teewrda* ter tbo
fort in them. If yon buy
bMB Mitltd D to tb* prtowt Uw: Mm Aoba r. Pmat, Pepertoteiadei
ibto toe l»ltoy o! (be
•tataKseitoc at A^acm.
cftbeXwayne.Spoke attbaOoa'
at SLATER’S yon will
Caitod 8(e*ee t» (be Phlltpptoe. to
A'partT of laefOtoy reomap from tbe
ywyetloaal Obn ob Paaday.
jeeUbe^" Tfce rreekU. eleb deelty left yraterday ter tbe state tedaranever be harassed with any snch (honghts as that.
The pulpit of tbe I
bet»D(bee*»»e(fae Tbere ere to
tiim of Wamaa'a clxbs to be bald this
beUreeeptokenmeeide. Tbemeto eburebwne fllled both moraine and week to Jsekaoa. The party con*
We have a very large Hoc to select from, over 55 dif
______ j!e ere to Ue( OM eed ooe-beif eeeo'nybjtbe Be*. John F Braat. I etetedof Mra & C Deaprea of 'ba
kowe. eeeb eUe heeisr 'dS toleewe, , it to enpertnteadeat of tbe AnOaalo'n Woman'* eleb. Mra. B. S. PraU aad
ferent strles in conches and bed lounges, over 300
aer be dmded beoreee toe Leeyne Tbe atieartanee wm laryae Mra C. J. Kaeelaad
B-aat always eomreanda a yood
toe oppoei»celd.e
different styles in rockers to select from.
aoelatlen aad Mra
ebooee. Tbed
rtelltoy member. They wUl be j<Aaed
In tbe morniny eerrloe be ouUtned ^ Mra U Boberta, now rlslUny to
last M mtoaiM, dirlded (quell| be(WMStbe two aoeieUM. Tbe debate tbe work of tbe leayoc. cxplatoiny 1» Aes Arbor, who will be a represeato*
Be detoto take plaee' to. i-ia eliy Friday. object aad ototboda of work.
tire of tbe Wotnas'a club.
Oeoeaber it. tW. Ail jedyea to be elarod that it to the yraaicet Ibflneece
There wtU be a mrauay of
rMidenis of both MaatoWe and la tbe work for practical temperance
Traesree City ebaptar No. it? of tbe
Traeema Oty. Ooe Judye to eboeea by trork.
ISO Front 8t
Boom Fumiahlnr Mtore.
Id the ereatoy the Btereoptlean rtewe order of tbe Baatera Star tbU erenlep
eeeb preaideat. and toe two prealdcnu
at T o'clock. Special hnstnem U to be
to _ebooM tbe tntrd Jototiy. rere presented, takea dnriny
The Senior lyoeom paya tbe expensM
of (be jadym and of tbe three debaion One of tbe featnrec of tbto part of tbe
•lsm»rek'..troe Verre
from Maniawe. Dectolon of the debate proyram was the tbrowl^ of poeya
Was to* result of hU splendid bealtb.
toto-beoatbe pqtoto mede. also the with words and music epoa the caa*aa, adomitable *111 aad kremrndoa* er
Both Telephones, No. 43.
jsdyMwUlbenquIred to decide tbe which the audience cany.
rrj are not found where ntomaob.
out of
SubceriptioBS warn taken for tbe
beet aad eeeoad brat del‘*ery. tbto
not to totarfere to any way with tbe etsto work aad a larye amonnt of
______ ________ they,-.
money was pledyed.
potoU made
Kiarb New Life PIIU Onlr S9
at JameaG. Jobnaoa'aaad S E Wait's
Trapped Hear Lory Lake by Mdward
CsnMfnpttem butra - Wsrner'a
DlMcnlty With B. W. Ueaamoro
WbKs Wins of Top Syrup, thr
Weatbera of tbto Olty..
Bm Adjuated.
best coubJ) tenirly on earth. <mn.-» a cold
AnaaM«aU»laryowddcatwaa dtoin one dav if uiken in time. ^ and 50 ct*
Is reyaid to the case of toe People
pUyed to the window of M.ke Utnay*e
eureSandey. ^e animal was trapped ra. Dr. A. B. Cortl* at Maple City, (
•ward Ttnt
»d in toe Bxconn of Satarday. tbe
Loaf Lake by Bd. Ceatber^ who
Palw. Prii
oo sale at P M Paine'* yreca
to to liOny Lake township tor a few matter was brooybt up before Jostles
dayn Tbe cat #U1 be monnled.
U to tbe laryMt balmel of tbto breed attorney. J- W. Patebla. Tbe case
318 Union Street.
UdlM. yn^ eaa_’ jaap esjt ^p|« n
a claim made by Mr. B. P. Ocas- it. but
rer enaybt to tbto rlctolty. maaanrtoy
t of Maple City, ior board and tlBia" OalB in'a Elastic Floor Varai*:
aix aad a half feet to taayUi.
llrary. clalmiay aboatSsi.OO to be due 8. E. WaltOeotye W MeVethy Dotoy WeU.
him from Dr. Cortlc.
Dr. CartlB clalaecd la bit defense
Or. Oerner Ute lest blybt reported
that Oeorye W. MeWetby. who was that toe Urery biH was uareaconable.
that. Mr. Dsaamore now claimed
kicked by a colt Satarday nlybV la dotoy aa wall aa oonld be expected nader aboot •» more (ban he did three weeks
tbe elreametaneea. Some fear to felt ayo for tbe aema items. Tbe doctor
as to Mr. MeWaUW^ rlybt eye, which bad alco onrcbaced come notec amountayalBCt Mr. Deneotarc which
to very mech c«-oUeb and poaalbly acr- toy to
kmaly lajered. Tba exact natare dt be claimed eboald be allowed to tall
the tojary aad whether It wiU be per* and would more tbaa balasee Mr
maneet or set onnnot be determtoed Oeotmore'e just aeeoaak The matter
finally settled without trial'by M*.
(or come daya. nntd tba awaUtoy bM
emore allowiay toe notep to fell
and Dr. CortU eetUiay the eoaU of
anltand paytoyfor toe Urery MU In
Mra. B. B. Saltobnry. a eompnniid fell, maktoy,B balance of S37.4» oomlny
by Mra. J L SalUran of St. Peal, ar* to Vr. Denamore.
Ur. CuriU baa located at AzeidU In
rl*ed Sendav'OB (be Cberle*olx. to
a few daya to toe city on .her Manistee eonaty. nod wat on bU way
back to Maple City to ship hte yood*
we; to Oalltorala.
Mra.M.M.8eytor and danyhter Beton, and close up hU affair* to Maple City,
Uft last ereatoy for Oallfornla, where when tba warraai was terred on b>m
to toU place. Ha had a retani ticket
they wUl speed the wtoter.
Mra. A. B. Btoyham. who -baa been tiSoloaatthat Ume,
Ttoltipy at WUliamabory, retnraad to
toe elty Uct ereatoy.
Mra W. Bobtoecn and famOy retamed to TaanerrUle last crenlny,
In Vour Families. Here In The African War. Here In American Hunting.
after. ha*toy spent the week with Mra.
Oeorye Molr of toto dty.
Arc Some Things To
Arc Some Things To i Here Arc Some Things
ioe Obmlln has rataraed to tba city
to attend the Blyb eebool.
' To«emember.
Mr. aad Mra D. P. Boxle of Lelaad
wera to tbe «lt; yMlerday.
; Msantoy nod pioaeDsUUoB of
Miss Minnie Brown is rtaltlny frienc e
There are cold days com-In
The bird season is open.
. HivrsifMitrio .LIooa^fM tisr,
in Lake Ann for a few daps.
infcT and you want warm _
Mra W. J. Parker baa returned from
....... .
rnrrign^ but are vou ready.*’ Hava
an extended rtoit to Grand B«plde atd
gookJs. We haveihc -warm- Burv-e-t .bohc-r,
. , <
I polnu to
' .
you as good a gun as you
What is Cslanr Kinr?
Be*. W. T. Woodbouee he* yone to
cst goods m-our shoe dc'
-.Mrrj ’
Attend toe Bapltot con*enUon at CalIt u *s berb dnbk. and I* • pesltlTe eoe
i'r'.-l'bV’vU.-....--otic*** want'* Don't you want a
tor ronmlpallon. beadarbr. brr%-oo« dlaor>
pariment that you ve seen.
kidno dlacMraand lb*
Mtoa Annette Baranm baa retnrpcd varlooa tn.oMra arliHnt from a dl«ordered
Warm leh slippers for S, ,cc S*S£'
from a rialt to Peuakey.
(toiKarb and torpid llTrr. It I, a bmK
and $,..5.
\\arm Heaver
barrel?- Oo. the
Mn. B. B. Thompooo baa returasd to ■armildr mi|Ali^nr.aDd l•nvomlnendrd bjr
pTi\-«lriati« CMwrall)'. Uriueiuber. il curr, .
her borne to Kalamazoo after e *toit cotiMIpalion
slippers lor 7sc.
Olrry Kln« 1» aoM
S-r *Dd tor. jmek- I
with Hn. A. L Beckaat.
azra b} druzzUU and
Mr. and Mra Tbomaa Moulton ha*e
lined Kid slippers for $,.oo
Have yoo seen that Flober,
yone to Cedar Hedye. where Mr. Moul
ton will bonk WJl Moulton noeom
S,..-5 and f,.75. Have those
rifle .-r size lor Sy.50 or ,,z
lied them.
• Feb Shoes for $.« and up.,.««
W the
(r. and Mi
to tba Baptist eearantloe <
Uave .he Beaver Shoes lor
Spencer rz nflesmasoo.
Leon A. Woltara. tbe enptato and
.he same money.
of Maaietoe'a base ball team
.forr-rTkO rr**»Bl.»-pnrllr*»
The Deer Season
the peat oaaaon. was to tba olty ymier*
lined Kid.Seoes in either,in Kw*>cT*rs»4 >'lt-eot-wr*-mu.
. ...
. k*r*t* B( tb, «aiu w*(«i
opens. r^ov. 8 — j^t your
-J- bw ibr Mnih4 of ”T "
lace or button for fi.50 and -0«B
Blmer BUlmaa of Cedar was at toe
lieu ben-Ig-Towbsrt.”Botel QplambU yMterday
$2.00. A bird in the hand Prswne. lb* e*pK*l of lb« Soelb XMesi. I Winchester or Marlin Re
Walleee B. Cutter, to edrance of
power? We sell cartridge
•The BeU Boy" company, who
is a good pair of warm shoes
appear at Stotoberyh Orand Opera
5°o-Game CarBoom Wednesday alybt, arrlred Uat
for no matter how busy the
ereatoy to eom^te niraay
Dalrb-.frM tbt riers for 25c—Canvas Game
„ w __________■ Dot-.
doctor is he can always find
r sblM people si aeeth Afrie*.
toe prodecUon to this city.
•toaigkx wiU be aaUoere-ee. toe oe4Mi« wblto to obeereed by ycMdeel
JotoM mpom »btob to eeaaU eU eerte
0| ilwriiitlnH esBerier «> baseaUy
tM ftoHreL Tbe ■eUskaa aoUTw
wbleb e(UD eet«e(e^ yoeef lees to
>bnr»tM HoUove'ea freqoeeUr ieed
•e tomble. Tbe pnMtoe of dtoficer*
wlBdeom, (reike eed prteeto
property peeereliy to deeptoeWr. wbUc
the aeltokMe deelreetooe of prtrete
property, too oftee, todelpod to. to
priBieei. Ittoeot eltreye (bet toeee
•Oli ere eo«altted by tboe aelleowly
tMl&ed. bot letoer by boye eed yoeec
IMB (Tbo to toeir tooeffhtlaeaoeM diepopetd tbe rlrbto* of otber people to
ibeir Ddeerore to perpetrete preetleel
jeheior do eometotop fenny There
toeybe too to e bermlcee jtoe. bat
wbet mlpbt be deemed e J >ke by the
perpetretor to qolte freqaenOy e yery
froet eosoyepee to tbe enbjeet of it.
Ddottone demete to bto pn^erty.
ftot tofcet my to to refreto from e
dTOorb-booee" obeerreoee of Hoi
- Jewe’es; theo tbere wUl be on deaper
pfretttof toto property or dodBf esy
PMtecetotbetroebleofotber people.
Tbe elty eetboritlee here tekes more
tbee erdieery preeemttMe tbto
pad apwlb' poUeemeo rrlU be oe duty
MBlfbt to iretoh cmt lor poMlote of*
loodere. therefore tboee (rbo
™ W1I1..UJ > rtfU
iBpt oo AU Hellotr Bren, or tbe even
lat ^oeedtoc AU Setoto' Dey. Noeem
^ 1. Tbe eblef oereMy of (be feeMrol (TM (be ktodltof of tbe Mcred
•re. to (he shape of a boofin, before
«rery daelltoy. Tbe feiriee
pboockt to be eepeetolly
Ihlr time. Tbe metbode of dlvtoi
to OM At'tbe preeeat time had no ooeaorttOB with tbe der (rbeo Ito eelebre
|Im woe flnt beyno. thoarb they an
pa^aeettooably eery eneleak
Tbe meoy fooltoh end eves mtlldooe
proetteee to OM to many plaeea. bare
propt Into the pbMrranee of tba day,
pobody' koowB how.
Tnaioanr Mcdmar to i
rltb M addtUooal problem. Beoator
toaoeo baa daelared that If tbe adatoMtradoo adbaroa to tbe preeeot policy
pptUaed far tbo PhUIppioM he trUI
pbpadoD tbe eoonwy to its fate. There
to » ee«Molatloa ter tbe preeUent. bowpw. to the fact that tbe people of
.•■■tr- IfBaoo*e own etato bare eboar“felly reeiyned tbemeelvca to tbe eltaaHD, *balr ooly worry betoy to. tbe
•pp^ that tbe eenator wUl not c
pot bto porpooe to rMtyo.
Tooxu Coraellaa VaaderbilV to eald
Ppboareryyoodenytoeer. wbieh to a
lertonate tbtny for him. It to too bad
Ibat that be iocerred bto fatber'e dtoplaarare. else, he miyht bare aecered
mwe than
ae hit ponton.
Bowerar, with the exerctoe of eeooomy
lbs amoesl of bto fortune, toyetber
With hit weekly wayea.wUI enable him
fo.fet alony very well.
Andrew Andereon, HI years old, died
ymterday afternoon at fke home of hto
P0S.A. O. Andertoe. SSt Beat Blybtb
ptraet. Old aye fee the eanaa
•wtb. Mrs. Andereon died tbiwe yean
pyo tbto eumaaer. Deeetsed oame d
from Bwedaa to Trararae City, 17 yean
pya Be lea?M Vwo eoae, Andrew u ,
trbero he made bto boaea. and Obarim
mho lt*M OB State atreet, and two
•Mfbtert. Mra. Krone of NorrtoTiUr,
pad Mia. Btoylaad of Mtonoai
TbefuoMl wfU ba bald Wadneadey
ptivnooa at : p. m. to tbe Bwadkb
^•r^ Be*. V. VtoeU el Tnatto. wOX
You Are
You Are
Ypu Are
,L?“>ture’s cub
f Oiwf m ooM tm 0mm Day.
A food eelaallen at FnlMUj
and FuneraUrectors
Practical Embalmers
Mobbed the ernTo.
Aafariltoy toeident to narrated by
•oha Ollrar of Philedelphla. ea follows:
••1 eras to aa awfal ooodltton. My akto
an almost yeltow. opMSukea, tooyne
Show (bates per oentof women naf
foobad. pain eoaUnnail^^^^b^ ^ fer tbe tortorac of Itcbtoy pi^ Inrer
tiyatton peore* that Dr. A. W. Omes's
OtotmcBt has nerar yet failed to car*
Itebtoy pOaa. and allof (base men aad
women ooold and their enflertoya at
hr nMay Ik Seoraa of tbooaand*
ment. 1 eon(toned tbelr nae far tbrea
ir&a. and am MW a weU maa. I
know tb« robbed (be yrWreot aaotbrr
ptetim."Ho OM abonld taU to t»
tbk* Warner** White Wine of Tar Synip
toe bcMoonybrefnedy on earth. »*nd
shop, to I----------- ---------------------------ygW
has a rooord—You get
vain# rsoeivad in *
you want to know about Cashes — Smokeless Shells.
time to “lend to'your case : theIfhabits
and customs and
—That is if yougive him. the wonderful climate where Maybe you want a revolver
, ,
these Boers. Burghers. Afri- —got them for $8.25, $i.75*
the chance.
$5.50 and $4-5a Our Gun
‘Departmeot has absolutely
everything you need.
5^hOCS Now.
Schreiner for 17c.
Buy Your
Sold In
Frank Friedrich
WUBZBUBOsBLOOS118 Front Strdit.
The Hannah & Lay Hercanffle Co.
Sift snftviaBniAS.
jft Pnttr VaMtecutte a»« af Hf
I ^ax)«Tse C-’Aa "Boias
, 5w *5Vv6 '?Kv\Vpvvaes •
m»A Mia. W. U. Bamllm.
Moara* CMtra. Oct. W—& pnvy
inXwi.'A. »
Oetote U. bf B««. a. L. « «r arw Mcianp i«tVvpr w v«nr
0 Tbanvw. at the heae «( Hr. ud Hn.
Skt\ck 0^ S<AAier SU^t a\ ’Wistaq «a& TU^treacw \9 0 * “ «•■»» «>» »*««»
A saw three-etorj brick hotel, with
alt tbe ap-W-date
»*«»a*a* a*a**»a» **»»»*»*a*
Or- The irarai weather is said to be
BeafTOM ^ t'>‘*
a U lataraned e'‘J aad i‘ »• *""Ir »»*a«or« U> elt be, totheeapertaoc-oltbeTraeerae Clty|bl»«J^t^i^Md peso etoel at thca* itoceof taeeWtilar yantc lad «■ «( aceoaotable lor the preeeaee of the
hcTi la the PhUlppiaca. b«i ao* thatX'| ^ "
1 will aiao BBi>c rn« • KBaiip pBpvi, > a nwa oi iirov cuanawe eiie. iriv i
hasdtyratoa «!«»• I wmuhe eoeoaat of r«rp>ral Morria of. **d la while liberty silk acd p^j j®”**** I®
aad aetire work ecaiest'ha
a, eed hie letaet »«•;*.
Itriaaleca She wore or.ti^e^.^ae. I Wm. Doyle, e hl«b eehool etodewt at
baa beea reeaaad
oartleolar iB-1 Win Ler»»rfe *ia. rroe'e.d a coaple ( The irr *oia it a yooof-a
teraet U hetac maalfeetwl
I of ■ H« boiUiWO RBc aJw ihe first we; niotleal ah litr Tbe HiMCi Hay and ^^id^
bleyele a UfT« do» raa in
la a latter tron Brace Scofield, irb cb here area *io« we Icfc frerete* Olt*.
K-oboer, alstcrt of the fr»«t »* “ tbrowlaf hi* with terrific,! force. He will reeorrr.
rood —
as aa Aaerl' '
V—, —
» »■■ r-~ •> ---•is
— »—
aselated the bride, aad the,
^^aroiew.eeareaB^bou Uk«|
;br.'dr’et>rothor. Hr Lee Wlrhunaa of! Harland Boarhtaliar. who hae a
H-'oUir yoe are all wWI. w» Iraer j
Centre and Thaa. J>bnaon of|*erat north of Standlah. ‘
UOaLJaeVA Thirty
A In^^
j Wylerl^lr awl.ted the r»^iii.
,an*ar beet the other da> which
''' OOdjwylerlllrawlMedtheiw^iii.
u o. intaauT .jetyoohn.w whet we do af.«r we; >fier tbe eermtoor the r®'*!*' who •••d’ foor feet aad three Inches la
The ptetores are aoeel and eery Inter
start 00 oe'eawoaim.
wars «mlT
oulT tbe near relatiees of the , leniftb. and thinks be has dose aboat
•Stlar. Hw« Interaatinr beeaeee they
Vo- . «l-.r e-f.llT.
w dr sod gr »m. reUred to the dlntag. •»
*■ tbs neat man.
Show Bone of oar own boya white oa
•UBiJcs Rkitk mnKi4>
n»m whe-e they were aeryed to a« j The 13 year old daaghter of Peter
t«. A 3ru. C S 1.
acUee daty. Tbe pletoree wm tabea |
elaborate repast The wedding eake Cole, of Lima, waa broccbt to Cbelaea
ootheMthof Joly last, at Ballaar. I
'’lease don't stop srri-teg t csm> from Lawnnee'e bakery- Tras* Hoaday aftemooa aofferlag with the
whara the Third laUatry had baea I
----------------------------------------------------------- aymptoma of polaoeiag. It wat laaraed
aUtlOBod Bomc time. The letter wjll
' that abe bad beea watching a eoaple
haee addlUoaal latereet tMcaaer of tbe
of oowa which bad bean ronolag id the
pleUrM. whld Ue Baooao has had i
jroad. ar.d b-«omiag thinty had gone
raprodaeed la half-toae.
I to a tank add socked eome water
B iilaac. P. I Bept. 16
.tbroprb a braes notzle
Sbe soon
'HoBKnv Rtc Bu;—We arc all wcil.
' foend tlttl she bad taken io eomettalag
teppy aad coateated. at preaeat. Oar
j besides weter. aod that was part of a
ralay iisioe la diawlar to a cloaa, aad
' neat of eplders—smsdl. black frllowa.
are all -are tblakiar of the oomlnr
aaoipaicn. Becrybody U r«tiar •>edted over it. aad tbe reoeral reaark
ealModstloa onUl Wedneaday. when
^:We will go after them right thw
laheecmmeneed ts improee. Oo that
day her pareau diseovered tbat one of
Thii towB hae beea the tocrea of egtbe epiden bad eeUblUbed Itself under
etteseat slaee we ardeed here lest
her upper lip and waa still allre.May^ as the lasargcau try to get ovr
Cbelseo Standard.
boye to JJla their forcea, acd promise
Lodmla Ball, aged IT yeart. who
to glee theta a '‘eomml'Skin." Oar last
that Umaelf at Oraud Rapids, la d-ad
trial of this was only a fe* daye ago,
of bis wound. Be said he bad ao m>
wbao a corporal of Co. A waa disobargtire for tbeact. but was not reep>n ible [i
ad: begot tbs "Ooc-UoaV' all worked
fwtl- Be said that erer sines he had
np. foaadont wberebis office was. aad
been hypnotised against his will br* a
tbe geaeral lay oat of thing*, then anoolored man last summer, be had had
othar corperal aod twoprirates. ea«-r
fiU in whlcD be fe'.t queerly aed was
«poa thasBeas. aod oar iasorgeat Ilea
ueable to eootrol hioualf.
toaaat aad adw his two orderlies with
all their papen are la the goard boase.
Bills Wlghtmaa. aged TO. was found
It la a ooatmoo thing like ihU to
dead by the roadside four ntilee west
ktppaa. Use corporal that worked tbe
of Charlotte.. Tbe eoroner's jury de
eaee. U now oo his way hoas. to the
cided thet death waa due to heart fail
‘•8Utoa."-aadaoTI50a loMith la the bo-r.vrirsM
ure) Tsrlcr. KonSTlIle. prtfste
1_______ _______ wi- ... pHt«e. T»*.
iaeurgent army would tempt him to
Traterw tllj. »-JeSo e
g. rarpMUl. OeiroU »- l. Woo». m-slr. parsed
BousfleldAOo..orBaBC<ty. are filMay OB tbie island.
, lO-Clsre S DsvU.pn«ste.OMrvU. Il-J»r B. Presw. prirMe. hsossb
Tiug an order from Praaee tor eereral
We all like ibe plaoe and
thrmwadash palls for packing Urd.
cUmated now la pretty fair ebape. uv because wegoootc moaigiSlny. for|e-ss City. The guests were enter 1 Formerly tin palU were used for this
We msy be s little shin, but I gue*s wr getsi right on the firlmr | Uleed during tbe evening wiU music purpose, but they could not euud tbs
tbatisall the belter tor us. .
C. B.B. I by the Rlrcboer Brass haad.
laea air and rustod. Than seperimsou
line and in the tren- i--.
Will LaFeyette does not have many
rbere was a reception to the bride j were made with wood, and ash was ds
Mills now. and Ulookiog fine.
by the psrenu of the'ededtobe
beat material for tbe
JayB Frat-rdoe.ootsee..ckd.,,UUim I
Wylexille. purpose. IBlousfield A Co. operate tbe
symore. and teas II rely as a kitten. 1
------------------------^ I where the many Mends
frleods of the groom Isrgesl
largest wo
woodenware factory
-We have bad our photo s Uken and I Lsrg- Osth-rTg s' tbe y' **'«*•[ cap
come the bride to her new world and vemrly ship vast qusntltiM
will send Uein as soon as they are'
Obuteb—InirreeuBg Program
of tbeir prodnets to foreign countries
Many valusble presents <
At Lake City. John Ward, a IS yearsad aed's
ThU group I send is eleven of tbe
both bsve a host
old bey. shuttered bit band while fir
Hiohlgan b>ys in Co. A. There ... - The. >'r<ends
r.v. v.^
chonh wss we'l filled eeived. They .................
10.™.. bo„ I. Co.- from «loH««.. I-..d., .Crti, — -...1"- b,lo, . I«~>d.-bo-111 oolf 1.-Uhl.., Uom ing giant fireeraeker*. A thumb aad
. .
' .
ane life
fe of
finger* are mtaaing.
t Hieb'gsa gopel temperanoe meeting n-rter the
Mr. Kirehoer bad bU home all furn
The gun taat was't loaded caused s
e largely repreee'iied, nnd , les'd -shi > <f the temperance eoir.ished and la readiaeai for his bridr, ripple of ricitement at the borne of
when we leel after each pay day. | ■l■tt^ee of the ub-'lsi'Ai. E dfsvor
where they will be at home to their
W^tberwsx la Biebfl.-ld last
there U ■ good eiird. crowd to sing society.
ilrl.o.0. .lu. .Vo.oo.b.. I. .t Vtjlwb.o ho ^oro-O Iro.. .
‘■Hlebigse my Hieblgan."
„.lo .00 "'10. UK*.___________
bunting trip Hr. Westberwai stood
p- s»-ifd
oaui tl e
It it very hard to get much
bit gun In the comer, where it was dtsHAH LOaO AHOHABD.
drlak out here, as we have no ••■-a
temp'-rahre reciuttons.
eorered later by bU sister. 6be piMaean," and what he-.r we do get iajJ Cries sang' j beautiful solo, sed
KarfcOruw's Boras Smsahed s Big ,el It up aed In a spirit of fna. poiated
it St one of the ladies io tbe room. Tne
and TooSmCo ths BaUroad.
; ;i -::v:
A Waterloo
ii tte chiat bisiitss if
Trinisi Cit|, for tin
■eit Two Di|s........
Giptic Siauper Sale
........ IN.........
Ladies’ Jackets,
Capes and Suits.
Tb« proatg are All yourc—Our onlj mlm is to unload
regArdlofig of price. Wo mention a few
of the many hig cote:
♦3.i’5 Black Beaver Jackets
$4-75 Black Boucle Jackets
$4.75 Cold Kersey Jackets
now...................................................... ..... .... vUi W V
$5 75 heavy Camels Hair Jackets
$7.5<i French Grey Kersey Jackets
ijg gg
$8.00 Seal Plush Jackets
$6 23
$0.50 Electric Plush Capes, fur trimmed 01 hfl
and well lined, now.......... ..............................Dw
56.50 I^ck Boucie Capes, Thibet fur trimg j'
$S 50 Black B-mcle, lined all throngh, and 0fl Qfl
Thibet fur on front and collar..........! vDoWV
A viait to unr cloak depurtment will convince yoo that ve
am pi’Ting valoee that places competition ont of rmnife.
A magnifleont showing in original ami exclnsive far
diaplay in wetit windou.)
Whether you wish to buy or not come and look these
superior furs over.
The pii<-e slsshint; ill our -iloak department is b'cail anil
deep -Everything g>>e* at s cut price, from llie l».-vt to th»cheapest
Onlji Two Daiis More of this Great Slaughier Sale.
the Boston Store,
Here You Have an
^'>take Big Money
tbe delivery «*grn. UKk fright on . dog wbea it tuddenly diaebarged aad
ON A small invest-MEXT
Sute .treet yrtierdsy and ran u. tbs billed the poor animal lawiaaily.
cjrncrufCM. Intplteofall .ff>ru«| With tbe^ecreaaeof stock* sad tbe
•top bim.
Bere he turned quickly. | rapid inereaae In tbe prlee of .dumber
O'erturning the wagon aad thro* tag evyrylbiDg tbat can be to rued into offer, as they must be soiil by Deciinber 15.
out the driver. Both of the >b*fu Were manafaetured Stock !• being seited npAlso'No. 431 Washirjrton street, 44 fool lot. good
broken. *ud tbe bone ran on. down onaiBayCiry. Tbe latmv mitcrlal to
Caw to Eighth Blreet. down Bigbtb
be out Into boards it tbe piles tbst for
No 542 Webster street. Imuse built about four year e*.
the Folghum fsetory
Through the i yean have done daty in the riyer snpyard here be dashed, over the embank-1 porting vast quantities of lumber. —in pood condition, modern improvem>:nls.
meat and up on tbe railroad track, These piles were put into ose at a time
Look these over,at once aod see
never stopping until be roacbed iba when logs were not as valuable as at
big cuisouifaeast of Fernwood. No present, and werj of fi-ut-clasa materi
one was serlr-nsly Irjured.
al. Now they are being eagerly aengtat'
after Wbliney Weils is the owner of s
pile driver. ReoeoUy be purchssed the
Wbstlasaidio be one of the fan- piling St several old mill sluu aod U
ni<et plays of tbe season will be pre* now engaged in pulling it from tbe
seated si Btelnberg'e Oraad Opera water and having It eawed. realising
Bouse Wedneeday erenlBg. Nov. 1st. largely from the Inveatmosk Tbe
The pirce le entitled -A Bell Boy.” piles are In an excellent ginte of preeand will be presented by a coterie of ervaUon. aod after ths deenyed trpi
fareeuTB who bold Mgb rank as quaint nre »wmJ off they make toe lumber.
rendUy bringingfiM per l.OM feet.
seldom seen in tbe coat of farce
A Jury of Womut
'Aud it’i the popular priced
edy. Ibey are aU more or lev fai
Who have tested the merits of Dr. A.
aboen tbat is making onr laige
’■oaUy Filipino beer and OQMaao eaata several aoaga were aang by tbe choir,
as singers, dancers and aetora. Aasong
a piny bottle or a ti U Hexleaa
n., ladings wew given by Hn. B them being John D Gilbert, JMa Gil W. Chase’s Kidney Liver PilU retam
the verdict that for backache aad kid
Men, women, bov’a and girra
*^’nportta that this regiment is ®- White. Hiss Hary Wblanery and roy. Joseph L. Treacy. J. J. Falley, ney dlsorden there is ooprrparsUoe la
are utiabMl with tbe kind of aboes
Bbrry B. Norman, Ann* Clay, Ada any way eqaal to this great discovery
going to taka up tte msnb at Saai>‘^*''“*
of Dr. A. W. Chase, America's greatest
we Bell.
Fwaando. and I gueas U win ba aoon.i
the eveolag was Bleb Collette, Vera Narkilie. Walter physician- Thb great kidney care la,
There’a no morel or phjncsl
Van Allen, Tom Springer. B. C. Esil, e^d by all dealeea at ss cents a bot.^
•a imr hospital IS packing ap ready
T. Pmalngtoa,
law to prevent yon from looking
Nsrks aod Smith. Tbe trans-Atlantic aad baa proved meet cSeetoal ae a rem
^word-Vreh.;of tM F«»JjP«l *“*;^'*
over onr line of aboee and see for
edy for tbe Bsany Ula to which sromnn
There was a report around that I hwi
yocreell that we aeil onr aboee 25c, 5Uc and op toflJWa pair
b eabjset._________________
'Also a noted
• Utribla band-lo-band fight with:
leee than other atoree charge for tbe same gyue of footwear.
play te of the bappy rallicklBg char
At Camden while ahooUng enb in
fin InsniffentB while on outpost
Start on tbeae atyiee:
acter, wbleb. whUe ever funny,
the woodpile. Vem nod Frmaoea Hyars,
dnW- bat t£ey (nlled lo find My
Women's lacc and bottea shoos worth <1 M for il l»
for an instant baeomse Ur
Idandtl yaniesf age, got on aither
Wpateu|s iM aed totUm Moca worth tl TS for Sl.46
When people turn aside from the
rids of Ue pUe aad Fenaees rwaivad a
_____ • Uee _ - button shoes worth fix 00 (or »!.«•
dinarrdnUes of daily life to look for
Women's Isee and batten ahoea worth S3 M for
Marge of shot in hb face. He will ro.BrM.OO
•hot of me ja«t as I hod got them
bscklng oougb that for many year* reerretioo. they want
' meo's It
alt, worth SI M
whipped. ledmltltwasahard fight, jb^^mai^lifaaburdea. Sbesaye:*-Af•ome en
»w.................................................................... St M
ill rest
M get them to be aUU while ha waslvr sll other .remedim aod dtloetof*
Job Oealdnt Save Stood it.
Women's l*^ sboea, mannish tee—tbe Inteea—
relieved the pain In n
_____ them as_________ —
worth fiSMfor....................................................tt-00
~ . enn now aleep soundl;
ly wiU 4^ it in -A Bell Boy.,,
The above goods are warrunted—nvery pair. If not as good as adU was a
n-boom boom” nod they were LMBethlng
aomethlng Ilean
ean aoaroriy
vnrtbed yon moeey wfll be refunded.
ing before. I feel like aonoding iu
Earl B. heads oTths ftr^ of Heads nlen Solve will w the worri ewe of
gsing to be killed.
Bubbers u fis them all-the beet Boetan grades.
Onr last apgngMtent was aboat three prmlsesAhrowhoatthe Uoivetee.” Dr. A White Of Lansing and Barber
King's New Diaeoven U gnarani
Springs, report great aetirlty in baUdwhen the -Goo-Goo's” .eu:
cure all troablea of the throat, a
lag at the nortbmm ruaerte.
He says
r ontpoBt. mod
lean attack on
that Bonring Brook, wbieh ie owned by tSeobox. Cure gaamntoeA told by
136 Front Bt.
Pcaetieal Shoe Xml
i. Johnson'a aod 8. B. Lanring men. ia expwteneiag the Jm. G. JohaHS and .8. B. Wait, drage to BaUnag. but
Walt's drag
112 Lots in Oak Heights .Vddition. Wanted an-
Johnson Block, Phone 73.
Real Estate Eichangct
It’s the Number of ISales That Count!
rmm Momaoifo &»oomo, tussday. ooiobsb zu ism.
otlhaltorthafa tMiihoBiOa. of thia
Jr., hw haao
fifoi aa hajar o< fttataw for tha
MMi(M BtaiA Oa.
Tha KlAitas Storah Co. raaolrad
raataadaj t,7qo hoaha'a of petaten.
' CklMfo i* •» k»»c • Mfbt dMTtai
Tha aao^oar taaaear Otar aa.ooa hwh*
niMM Md 7w4s omvTiiir ».K» MW.
tla ta tha bMasaat of the faetorr.
TbCMMauia forwM «t Watwwitrthar Urdle haa haaa aacafod to
:dMi «putj. Pft.. wa baiar dawtiW
taha Bharta of tha Boopantfi faetorr.
1^ Mtm. wUeh an aUa araapiaf dowa
ClaM tha vaUaya Md aadaarartac Mar
Taa rlald ad I >is baah^ of aarrota
aa tha aar>aB fara waa (ron IMif
Mia. B C Wailaar of Etatralt. ana
Bar■ irtaaan fraaldaat of (ha KiaTa Daa«hBaadar Boralnr.
. Bora addiaaaad tha
TWa wQl ba a laaoHac of the Dni■adlaaaa fa a few wtU
amaalpaadatnoiio I
1 for tha lorB Baak. K. of P. tUt onaiac. (BII
dat hla fiattta
BOBbanan arrad ta attend to
. Bharaa arho had aar^
i lotha Uailad Btataa. hat aoana. irhtah U the
• tea haaa faiaUlac oaaaliaa to arwitf flad hare.
ArraatdaaleM baaaldof tha^laaaaa rabala. It ia fcaoara that daatt*
did laataia of Mr. Dizea.
dMtIaa. hla ■araatie alogaaaee ihrlUa
aa lataaaltr which
CM»(.Xawthafthawhaiar Jaaaatta.
aloa* with hiat, throarh
«%aaraaahad’rrMaa aad raporM ih.» j »ka aaaaaa daaortbad aa foreafiOlr and
.»a«adaChaaiarahaaBM.la*flada 7j.». ;»•(■* Pleta»Kaa phnaaolo*r- “Tha
Tnj'TT"i------- r- -liT*- WM
thatahMmnaahadhrMh.»iaaa naaal.Jaatat thia ttan thathBaela
aumdeewptMBp-b- PWm.^u lM;Monk.
iBliho^ aorwadco thna tarl^th'*®*«*P*^UcUxrt daala with
* &ew<Xt(«o»
<4 W^t^DoiU;
VM Vanh« M«h School
eaataa WMoSai* BM
lhatntaasharoftha Bl(h aAool
laatan oaana ana tha oanalna at tha
iargaa* aadUaaa ia tha atj Opacm
aoaBoataaak ma ranodaiad.
•ora ae aacMt raaeraad aaaia, aad tb«
naatal adahaiaa aala ana haaar
a a lattarlar trie
aw to tha anaUaaaa of tha attnatkaa
of tha ooona aad a nark of appneUtkn of tha aCorta of tha aouf
“enrSKV.** *
a......... cat ta aad wan aaaalc to ** J tha araato aad aoaoaa of ibaiaM war
•aal. aad wwa ahaadopad.
the qaaaUaa of azpanaioB
haaa Jadfa. aalond. afad loe.
aonachatlaa.OMtlBMaaiaTaof az-Praaidaat WUl^Izoa la aa aaraaat azpMManBaarr Barriaoa. b dead at Maw i*><wb( Md b aaiphatie la hit daaa.^Uhaar, lad., tran hanw in\|liliit «i»tloa of tha -flatat haadod” aiataaMrom M oU afon azploaioa.
•k® **>•« laww the ABaricM fl «c
h wocaas la atala atUra waa db«w.tha panwaloaa waa thioafh tb«
..Brad oa board tha traaaport aarrrlof Uta war with bpata. Be daaerihed tha
, .hha rwaair-BlBlb rarxant to MmUb. harole daada of the Baa who attalaad
xShaaaldthawaefoiar to tha Pallip- faca Ib the SpMbb.hBwrtaaB war aed
vplaaa to ropmaft a aewapapar. but *
portrarad the aeaUBiaBt which
.wafand to fire bar aeme.
pnapted tbb (onraBaot to latorfare n O. OlLBBaT.aiMnej. ifwlalaiu
do ataor aoldUn dbeurrod at Ma- la behalf of Coba. with aTarrthUwr-to
^BilabaveraaohaddaBFraaeboo broke >0^
aotblof to fala. The aaaU.
■ atuatiaa total Utiw.
^dhat Oaa. daattor will raeoBBtead that' <»«Bt
tha hBaricu people to briar
::«hv be dlKbarrad la 'fTboo bare- Ubertr to the eppraned Md apraad /^*8 O. TOSNEAiacn
A lUlUiB Uoak. T
obflar ao tbej'U hare noaer to reach fraadom beroad tha border* of oar own
■ ^ana
^ ooantrr. that t^oaa who were enl>ct
Thahonaaia Waahlartoa la whleb 'totba tpranar of SpMbb domlatoa
^Abrahan blaeoln died baa heea raao* I*'obotarlaa oould reap the beneflu
•Atad la aooordaaoa with the aot of
taalllaUooa of Amarioa: aad
*aomtrmt prorldlar tor It. It b aew ‘throw « the poke of deapoUam.
roaad aa a maaaaa of Liaoola raUaa.
! «o®P*rad tha law atnirria with that
' HldrvB'>AIMMr«kap»<.|»llr.
Barbart Cola, aopboBora of tha La^
aetUere of the United T\B R R n/tOD. Ob(»
corona,'Wia.,bfrhaebool. acedia rear*.
declared that the rnat U Block CoUooiuwcn
Bl«tt Nonhorv-pboec.S
*aa prohahlr tatallr hart in a football "rohleM before tha Amariaan paopla
. i«|BaBatardaratWlDona.MlaB. Bb
be properlr aolred bj the lawlKIBOELX.AMBUU8 WAKT8
JSbil waa fiaetar«t aad pbrabbaa
»W<* charaewriaaa the rnav
;eat aatloa oa'the earth, wboee mtaaioa
Urippa, of a alldar form thM laat ^
^tora will be to apraad drill,
.yoar, b apldoBic in Barlla.
catioa Md eallcbtean
A PPLZH POR aALi^I-------------- U etplM (or
Tha Barrbca of PrlaoaB Karraarlw doded with a brmiaat word pietare A >oU prtaripollT H<lonhcra ap^
(orw ot Arm*
-----•of Orlaaaa to bar ooaatn. Prinoa Jom ^
datUe of Maalla, a rlowlnc
ilurol ihoM^a. wlU lo<r'«plnar«.
^ OrlMaa. todaj at Klaretoa wiu tribnw to Dawep and a dranUre de>1; Rat is Toclflfe
.ac 1*0 >■ o> IfeU oScc.
:'brlact«atharaararalroralUB, aBoar Mrlpt'OB of the fatnre of the PUIplnoa
ithoB PnaoM Waldenar of UaBaark. *haa the/raalixt what it b to dwell WWKD-A
r (or tacAl.____^
.-tha oridacrooa'e abler, aad parbapa
tba ABariean fltcee*cr b; apnlrlorto
•be PrUoa of JolarUla, craadfathar of'
----- ---------------------.-tht bride, who b •! reon old.
Thera b ao naah more fiala ooa-1 “’«» «»* “
*o attend a JP loo at.
..airaed to
pona thM tha Ballowa'aa aoeUt to be held la ProL
(Cbaadiaa lake raaaeb are able to oarrr Doakanr’a batlacB aoUaca roona
ithat'thadoffilaloormraBaathaaaaamolac- KefraahBaab wlU be
.pMdadforUta riaialnilai of tha aea>,***^ aad BtJlowa'aa axparlaaeaa,'
■aoB lha oparatioa of h# waatlef lawo •***» boara, raaluUaDa, ate., will _b*
forbUdlac AHwioM rBwb to oarry
^ HeBn. Waitoa. Bmekaa
it baiwaaa Oanadlaa porta.
IDodfa, Bataa. B. Moatafae. Bamiltoa
^.IlCiUlkan, Bailer. Dr. Knealaad Md
•ahw boookkvpvr.
.ibBafieaB. baa areated a tae rlUa oal“^ Adsbaloa taa aaata. ProaMoatawaonrlar >? aerae at SproaaUw pipe orfan fand.
Jhacaa. aaar Barlla. wbiab haa jaat baaa
the BlbU wrTieaa at the Plrat Math
opaaad aa a home for eaW.
odbt Bpbeopal ehareh will be ooatla
At EaBaaa City tha aheap peaa at tbaI aad ararr nVrht tbb weak axoapt Sat.
bri........ J.E,Cu.ra.
eataak jarda. eorpriac aa aaUae bleak., w4by-
>rrvAri7*e)0.sAr*bi*«««kir. n»
P*kk. XKX'ai.
tOBBoUdlcy,. rhlg>«0,
CD~»k<r«riU Ulfht AS« booMt a
SrSScr^.r-;;;;;; “S
£S2.‘S5-.u;i ...... “.5
.Fine Mill Work
Cold weather U oomiag. Now ia the time'
to place yonr orders for
sunae baswwv
WWt. oU. pw ba..................
Grilles made toOrder in any Finish Desired.
u per h*..
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No 2.
a.0. 'ili rtiiiiui IK p«
Traverse City. Mich.
FARMS FOR SALEI SnU Itpldi k Itilut L I
Arrtra) sad depanurs of uatas a> Traretae
nij, lsaSMO<;wb*reBd.ia».
160 acrea 12 mileo oontb of towB in tbe beat farmintf country in
this county, 70 acrea cleared, good orchard. Urge barn with stone baa^
mSnt 6 feet high, wind mill, small fnme bouse, timlier enough on tbe
place to almuot pay for it. No. 1 soil. Plies $2,000.
40 acrea 2 miieo from tbe city in Leelanau LVv 30 acre* cleared,
plenty of timber for wood. 6ne frame houae coat $760. well watend by
large creek on tbe north aide, h acres ont to fruit, twst location for
gardening. J'rica $1,660.
30 Bcm 2 miles west of town has do buildinga 40 nice la^e peach
trees ready to bear next season. 60 apple trees, a nic«- lot of timber oo
south end of lot, a nice lofof land for potatoes and froiu Plioa $600.
90 acres 4 miles froin the village of Lake Ann. small frame bonae
and bam. 25 acres cleared, plenty of timber oo place to pay for it.
40 acres 2 miles north ofLake Ann, small frame bouse log bam.
30 acres cleared,
small orchard, nice location on fonr corners.' “loe
FO acres in Grant 4 miles west of Wexford on conuty line road in
nice farming country, 36 acrea of nice timber on the place, small frame
house. Joe bam. small orchard, nice large clearing free from atumpa.
Price $fji00.
40 acres on Elm* ood.avenue near the Urge fa'm of the Asylum.
30 acres of nice rich swamp land, mostly ciear^, ep endid location for
farm or garden and the best of bay land. Price |S600
10 acrea on road going south from Ferawood, all clear of stumps
a good building apot. Price $1,000,
B. T. MORGAN. Prop.
Your winter's wood
at onoe to insure de.
Uvery. WE HaITE
Hemlock lumber in &U slsee.
;“|j---------- i----- ■
• h t!;:!
. jr irlOp a. iralB baa parlor rar u OraM
Rapid*, aad alroptec rar aad foset Qraad
Rapid* to Cblrace.
Tralo arrlrio* at I tjo p ■ ha* *lorpcr Cl*.
riDBatl toUraad Rapid, sod roarh aad bImr.
lecrarCblraioUXiraod Rapid* and rbatrwr
West Michigan.
I ••«
Wednesday Eye. Nov 1.
Tha MeMMea baUdi
lUdiBc oa Proat
dBtract, noaatlr
aapiad by UiraB
<Oook. wiU ba lakM oa the mb ot Not.
nBbar hp Mr. lihaaaban of tba aonthBfwpartof lha ataw for a enjoarr
Sow's This.
Wt esar Oaa Haadard Dollar* Bawnrd for Ml eaw of Cbtarrb that
It ba oared bp Ball-a Oawrrh Cat
F. J.Caut1 r A Co . Pn
thaaadmlfMd.1,I ban known I
J. Chaney lor lha laai It paart. aad ba.
aten blB pertaeUp boaornbla ia all
-bwaiscB tnanettona and SaaneinUr
BbU to aarrp oat nap obUgntloaa Bade
Tbuax. Wholania Onftlato.
^ "Sl.'T.S
Markn Orap. 10 aoothaold daarbwr
of Mr. aad Mr*. Albert Orap. died Sandap at the boaa of bar rnndparenu,
aad Mra. A. P. Orap
paalaanla, of eholan lafaatnn.
The followlaf took oat dear lioeaMa
paawrdap: Fred Lwdia. Cbaa B.
Morrap. Hark Oenw, W. F. Bowee,
J. N. MarUaak. all Of tbb attp; J. A.
OTaumm, Kuiiaz a Mabviz, WhoUv Clark. <d WlUlaBObnrr. PrMk Tbplor.
MapSald. Aatoa
mate DrnCTMia. Tolado, a
BaU'aSitnrrh Onra b takaa iatamnl- Oaatar, Peter Steflaa. Bartiet aad
Up. acMM diraetlp naoa tba blood aad
unae Hawlep, WUUaaabnrc.
tMvooaa narfaea of the apataa. Price
Poor Ooa»baloaar Joha WUhala
-aSc. 99T botUe. Bold bp all Dracfbta.
TbatteoalaU are trna.
will fmbh Mr*. LeBTMd of Waal
SSS.: ‘ II! SS-
Ar Peteskry.
««4*p $ «op.w'
lil W
TB«mUlrlMtls24 Imrsi
r ta Paablo. Ode.
The daocktor b aflleted with
. Nqreaadraqnab WaR-VIS'B Wkit
*WiKsop Tab Sybop for thb tarr onBpttoa. aad the ttaUp an la rerp
ffbWMd HreaBataMa It b b^
ok and taul dianaa. It takaa tho
A time.
__ ,_________
It wUl cure
« aa oaae <hat the Aaafe of naldanoa will
fo^ the cooBb that i<4- haaait tha health of tha enflarer.
•owe ttt Grippe
sr bUa to Bin
Then wiU ha a apaeial BaatUf of
wOarpaBtan'aaloa toalcht tor 1bMau'i bMBltt Ipw It (ha BMt portMt
Bncp BOBkar b
aigad tebasnMat.
OolUaaAUarmrthpopaaad tholr
an aaad aad aadoraad bp the landlac now Bap^ Qraad harhor ahop ta (M«b’
BittalaBO nneyi^ara. Ho. US Ittwi eifnr alM pwtordap. Th«p ban a
ateoat. H. B Btroag.
-------laoMa ontAt aad onmUat
Swbill Pinos aiD Orgus
9ttkti<tBsM BttS
ttMUbpJ. B.PnM
ABoar ISa BOW aaepenttao in|
od tnm f inMaf. b Mw Bwula Ooaatp
- phoM Oa. o< Bnaaala. with a
aaplttl oloak of SIAflOO. ThM oob-
Tliv Newest, Brightest Farce
Comeilv Hit ef the Seasei.
Exceptionally Strong
ArtisKc Company
26 People
■ SHmM B*1I4^.
enJOeclMk *.■
The OompUohted Farcical
A Bell Boy
Special 0oeBer7, OatNdip
Kaale,PF«tt7 (HrU.
BeaiaaU opens toBorrov ■torn,
iag at tbs bns^Aca. Piioas 26c,
860, BOiv 7So.
Where It’s Made ia
Utt. «
SS a
Where a cigar U made ia a
matter of considerable weight to
particular emokera. and it is to wei wB
them we speak.
Our work rooms are clean,
light ant] pleasant
Our stock is dean, finely cur
ed and fragrant.
Our workmen are neat, skillfol and efficient, using tbe beat of
These things make onr oigaia
tbe favorite brands with so many
Gate Post, straight lOc
Diamoat J, 3 for—25c
Traverse Balia—05c'
at Street
Thaaeitor BloMc
Rib Insurance.
Pretti aaar tine
to niat aboil haviiit jnir
Bicycle Enameled
TesBi^teiaosee Besheatetart^
He bstttr aMBHlM (has om.
L. Ia.A.Bulidb«.
Morsi Ires., Hiisi Paiiton
«!** ttwB s eaU.
4$8 V BlmwDod An.
At Ord RAPIds, I a cep a*.
L*Ord a*plds..l d Wp w,
oo Bork.
BoIrlkSIbr?' PeiTifii' **“*■“•' Our
raralar aeMiOB- The orli
which tntlaaar b to be takaa b that
tnrlw* >rlf,«
of Prank C. BUI n. .«obn A. Oibrn, a
■lalos Ooi
bill to aet wide a eaanpnooa. Part ot TToaeALz—roni ••
tha taai Biap ia the caaa- haa elraadp f larAiiM.or will*
■* W r Crot»r
baaa takea BaeidB tbb caw. there
■ (MUr bar
an aereml divaroa oaaaa to be eon- mR saib:^
. tA*Blrv »| <
Ort.l. II
KKSES, _ !S _ !g_
TralB arrinas at SdBp ■. ha*rbalr rar n.
Waxar loOraod Rapidsaod r sir ear OraaS
Raples W rwtoekrp.
O. L t omrwrtnn o • a T. a.. OrAd Baatd*
a dBtrojad bj fire law Satordar
Tbara will ba a nnlar BMtlac O)
.;Blfht aad too atiaap
Daohew Camp. No. 834$. M. W. A.
.Koar arMaea ware aanoMlr inured hr MoadarRlChk All Bamben are nMaUlac walla, aad oaa. Caarlat yd^wr* qneaWd to atWnd.
J. E fireilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
John R. Santo,
Gnml liHiam.
TUii tmr-Vo 777.
Brittoh K«p«lUd til* Bm
•t LAdyamtth.
Utmf «w Vk^«*
hr tk«
99^t tm Whteh Mmttr 10*
mvflUk W«n KtlM.
Mtm Tork, Ort *0.-4 4tei»toh turn
BwltoMjothotof*portkM htm r«^Md thM IrO* OoUMd ttet OWNfftl
WWWk foM »» U/y»lU kot« nr«wdomA lolko fom* ud «*•» U*
Ort. n.-0«Mnl Wbliek
topflct. irtorti by
nvK »b.d7rtoitb. Ort. •*■—1 •ayloy•dkUtb*
Boot to taka a paaltioa oa the hUU to
dlaar the left daak. Tha tona sorod
at alaraa o’rtook laat alfht aod darlag
tha drtai* of tba batlary a aaaabar of
•alao artapadad 'with mbo r>M
trhteh I hope to foaorar. Two battaltoaa baaa aot yat rauraad bat aid aapaetadthte tnalur.
I dataUed two
McadM of Arid arUUary aad fl*a batteUteMot lafaotry aidrf by aaTalry.
T—I— OMoral Traoeh.^ attack tba
M which tha asamy yeaterday
Moaatod thalr r«aa. Koaod tba porttlM aaaoaatod. bot oar foroa waa atrtrtwd by tha awaiy with ooaaidarabla
otcoc. I IhUk by Joabartb Woopa-Thay
^ aaay r«M »kd abowad fraat oanhart Oar troopa poahad tba aaamy
hoakaaranl mUaa. bat did aot laaeh
tha laarw^
>"■*** ^ oatlmatad
^j-rrirr clffhty aad oea haadrod. The
Mawy*B icaa maat bo ataeb fraatcr.
Tba triof ofooroM *PP*>brt«»
••After tbo I
poevalboara, I withdraw mj troqpa
•ad rataraad aaaioteaiod. Tha aaacay
a la graat atwbara Sad thalr gaaa
hare a raara faitbar thaa ear
naa. 1 aow baeo aoma aafal goM
}. aad I hope
paraiiiT-‘1r tbraMnayb beat piaoaa
with whteh they ba*a baaa b-nbardtag tha towa. They have a raagc of
mr ate theaaaad yarda"
tmdyemlth. t>Jt ».—F«riug
&:M thte moralag. the Boere
•halliag Ladyaatth with forty-poead«ra. After aaeaaahota tha Brittehgaaa
aoMTcairl la attenclBg tha Boar Sra. A
lofMofboaritoBowpdeaaategoa tha
toodoa. Ort *0.-Tha dtepatoh of
tba AMo^tod Pma thte moralag from
Imdyartlth. ahowa that a ortete ia tha
^naat atara of waropacatloM haa
■baaa raaahad aad that tha expected av
nek ea Irtdyamlth by tbe jtlat Boer
A dtepateb troai Darbaa. tiaud at 10
o*aloek thte moralag. aapplamaete the
AaMeteted mea dtepateh with '
IMlorsatioa that t^ Boor aholte
^^jHay dlraeled at the atottea aad that
M damaga hat beaa doaa ap to the
t^that the ateenge from Darbaa
waa forwarded.
That tba baary gaca of tho Boera.
from whteh m much area axpected.
ahoald bare beaa aUeuoad m apaedUy
te a matter of great aorprtee. bat tho
aabaeqaaat adraaoa of the barghrr
lorotM tba Britteh Baak ahowa that
tha attaekmo are atlU fall ot aalf-coafldance aad dertegalraadyaxhlbltad m
wioaa eccaaloat
Boera have ooacaatratad for a aa.
aflort at LadyamlU aad ban m<
terily withdrawn thalr toroea from
ether nrtate.
Uatem the praaeat attack ta BMraly
a Mat to oeeapy tha Britteh white the
UiTaden are eattiag oB thalr eoaammateaUoaatotba aoathward. tha haute
which opcead thte aumteg aeay
dMldathateaaaof tba war ao ter
tha flghtlag te the opaa te eoaeara
toraalamthe 11.000 or bo.ooo Boon
aboat Imdyamith an able to deatroy
11.500 Britteh thora. they caa hardly
hope to oope with Ooaotal Balterb
army aorpa; M tho Boon wUl dMbUau
tataiB to atnek Ladynitt
they an beatn ot-
WiU T«ko Srt *4n«i«rt ««v tte
Ardaaldo, Wtth 0,000 den
WnkiarM, Ort. M.-tba
Atlutia ■qudm hn bn« art
AToids Omeiml Toanc
MM »fU b* erdond. to tbo Mtbout
oontof Airtrt gienrtjy Lm« nM rtitachmt Of OrtoMl BaUb Ba«i
Mt Btraek a Body of Zaoar«aate
Jtmr Adrtlnl SeUoj wUl.bo ordarla Bawtp OoMtnwtod TiMohat■iMtoro AtrtOM MOUrt Tbo
MfdiM wiu bo laSfOMOd to whotteamy waa . Attaakad aad Bitht
•nr oxtoot tbo oUdoUm doaoado. 1
Kilted two
do Mi thlBk. M ot proant odrtaad.
OBoan aad Six Priaataa Woaadod
that a larfor aqaadrea than tba Chiaad Om Mrato KUiad.
M(o. tba MMlTMMry. Md ftba WIU.
MlaglM ta BiBttatj. bat, aa 1 ha?a
WaahlBcloa, Ort Id—Oaaaral Ottei
Mid. tbaro My bo OMtiafODelaa whteh eat tha foUowlac dtepateh today: “A
woald »aka It adrtaabla U>raly to add
iiofColoaal BaUb rafUant
to than naaola.”
L. white
Lmc daoted hhai
Admiral SeUay bad aada ra raqaaet' woat of Oaaaraa. atnek a body of (ofor a larfor aqaadroa.V'-Bat,” aaid ba. i aargaata la aawly eoaatraetad iraaebaa
"I pronm aay eoBataaoiat ofiear
“Tbay attacked aad drorc tha
ffol^tothaBaatAMeaaooaatat thte oaamy. who left la tba haada of tha
woald prafar to haac' a rapraaaatatlaa 'dataebmaal four loancgeat offijara aad
eight aaUttad maa klUad aad three
prteooaia. Niue rid « ware captarod.
Oar caaaaittaa ware Captala Fraaeb aad
Uaatoaaat PairaMa woaadad, but
BaepteImproTiacUadar tha Protcoaa kilted aad aU wouadad.”
tocatc. bat are Hot Tat Beady'
Manila. Oct. M.—A oajirity of tba
iror Balf OoearertaBi.
report that Aguloaldo la mnaWaahlagtoa.O.C..Ort
«) Bayamhaa* with • 000
Piuhart Ua. Who arHaed la Waabio,-'
York. 1.
antaa ol dMaai. that tbo
We will preMnt a Plaster Cast to each ot the
Tberab a tTMt In atera ter theaa
womM who bana't warm a pair
of thna temow abora.
vit: those of Misses Adams, Bliss, Camp, and Hnrd,
also the Catholic school-The honor of winning it
for the room will go to the scholar who makes for ns
the best Jack Lantern before aii o'clock Tnesday
evening—anything can be used from a pasteboard
boa to a pumpkin. The best one of the'fire winner,
will recieve an additional prise. All lanterns will be
in onr show window Tuesday night (Hallowe'en)
That picture may get damaged if yon don't let
us frame it for yon this week.
Elegiin, Strriet, Conltit
Oaaof the meat attnetln of
a KKM wakpirueMe
Qg. abaaaly appearaae*.. with
a lengih at tbe too. At
fortabU abu u weU aaei
y baaduma te itb Iteea. BatBnry atyle tor
288-228 Froot S-rort
Bsiph Oonnsble Jr., KsBaesr.*
E<}ualled by few—excelled by none.
The Most Porfect Ulster
In the world te Benda’a Patent
repairiuf tbclr crippled fortaaea.
Ufa and property are aeeata ia Cuba,
owlag largaiy. be aaid. to tba aalotary
reatiatai axaretead by Anaricas aUltary antborily. Be tbiaka tba Um
aot ripe yet. bowarar. for a purely
•■Cuba,” laid Oaoaral Loa. “te Improriag. Tba Cobaae are trartablc
and octet aad the rcToiotlM bat gieea
them Mlf-rellaaba. Tbclr
are generally la the right direction,
practice ot celf-govaraBcnt they are
wholly wlthoat axparieaoa.
“There te amoag eertala Caban a
arejedlep agalaat acme
who. the Cabaat tbisb. oppreaeed
At under Spaaitb rale, aad if
glren a tree rela the Cabaat woald
OMka abort work ot them. The Uailed
te pledged to grai
« to Cabo after the 1Itlai
haa bMO pacidad, and 1 balien that
promtea aboald be folfiled Jut u
twlfUy u wa eu In raaaoo aad jutiu.'
at Saau Bou. The RioOraade b ftlliag alightly aod biadan the traaioort
urriee. which te aow depandiag oa
mclaa and ccrlbMU.
Ymterday Coloaal Ball paid hte
wMkly Tteit to Oabteo. which ww
atabboraly dcfcadrd. Be Soally roatad the rebala aad ehaaed them onr th«
bllU, killiag iqany- bat luiag two
offiun and foar-mea woaadad.
Tha Thirty aacoad raglmeat te now
Aatoa WHbelm<Paaaad Aw«y Vary
Baddenly at hte Bema te Oardcld
Old age waa tbe uau of tha death
of one of the nry early pionaen of
Oraad Tranru eoooty Saaday Aatoa Wilhelm, who eame to the oMoty
1s 1656. died at the borne ot hte eob-tetew, Peter Petenoa. te OarSeld towaabip, Soaday morning, wiibont
■trnggle. Be aroae early, and after
beteg oat of doora for aome time. i
to bte room. Whea be wu eallad to
braakteat. tbe family were aerpriaed
that be did Doi eoma. to bte grand
daughter went to bte room, where they
found him. dead ie bte ebalr. baring
died apparently without the lent pain
• atrogg'e
Mr Wilhelm waa a aatln of Bohe.
la- Be eam> to tbe Oraad Tranne
region la iKtn, tod aetUed oa tbe abora
of Boardman Uka. Ba later mond
thte city, ibaa want to bte farm te Oar.
held towaehip. when be beeaae oae
of tba laadiag farmera. After i
duth of hte wife, wblebf oeeamd
few yean ago. be went to lire on the
farm of bte aop.te-law, Peter P«te>aon.
where bte death oecerred. at tbe age
of 61. Be had alwaya bad tpleadid
health prerioai to tbe Ume of
( ehildrea aarrin blm Charln
WQbolm of fideiDe. WU.. Aatoa and
Bmaaael of thte eity.Jooepb and Beary
of Garfield tewaahlp aad Mn. William
Baaee ot Milwaahee.
Berate Bayaolda^ X.ec Brohaa ia a
BraetteaBtaeat tha Twelfth
Stmt Ore and Tutarday
A aad aeeideat oecarrod oa
Twelfth atraat park yaatarday. which
raulted la breaking the left leg of
Barnia Bayaotda. the plucky quarter
back of the High aebool foot ball u
Tbe Bigb tetaoote were engaged te
praettee, aad the work beteg done
not nry teat aor bard, bat te a terlina Berate fell, aad te tae mix cp
aad eeramble for tbe bUl. tbe leg wm
b*oken, it wat tmpaaalble to tell Jut
bow. Be wat cared for by the pteyen
aatU the arrlnl of Dr. O. E. Cbtae.
when he wat carried to hie te
Ben tbe bone wu carefully art aad
tbe boy waa rutteg quite caay late teat
Dr. Obau proaoaaeed it a tlmple
baetara of tbe Sbola near the aakle,
with a alight ttartarc of tba tibia.
wUl aBcrtaaUy abd Barate't playteg rOBAH OPBN DOOB IH CBIHA.
Xmtt ter the Vpper raalarala Yaaierday ta ba Baady for tha OpMteg
.TbaSrrtof the local dear haaten
left yutuday for tbe upper pealm
They wlU iocato thalr camp at Shteglaton. aad banady tor the Siat day of
Aaerioaaxd Bngtead Said to Z
Agned OB Policy.
Loadoa. Oel. SO.—The Central Newa
•aye that there tea delolte naderBtaadteg batwaaa Orut Britten, tba
United sntu aad China regarding tba
Aaglo-SaxoB poUey te the tar fiui.aBd
that the ChteaM gorerameat baaneelnd an aaaaranea net the Britteh
aad Amerieaaa will
pojley at the opn door. HegottetiOM
wlU be a Unly plaea wbaa tha n
aa?A'^»^**thte dty!^d
Bceokltete c< VvErt*
aoeordteg to tbe Gutral Ne'
eeedlag brtwen Pakte. Wat
Beparta* That hte Oeadlttaa te Brow
lag Worn.
Haw Yerit. Ort W.-Vlae
Will Boob bo Aanmod by OadOiae aad
Babari te U1 at bte borne te Pateraom.
Xnportaat Aatiat.
H. J., and tt te aaaoaaaad thte afterLeadoa. Ort W.-A eaater
WaahtegtM, Ort Sa-Tbo peetoBee
aan that hte eemditfea tea i
aaral ottean and
---------marked ahaaga ter tha woru te tba
a of llAMO or <
part law heaia. At the lima tha laterIt k 1
waa glna Mt Mr. Rohart.
mlralty tartaada
te ao
tha wteola Bart ta iiiimat tba hoau thM|» rtfll CMaeipaa, waa balteradte
ba atekiag. Or. Winiam Newttm. the
datea. la mort o< thM tbo ear'
temOy phyrtidaa. Mra. Bobart aad
an eeaataattr at hte bad rt^
0.6. Lh
9tm^U «*•
nannaU rtd
arOlba tahm i
E” ">•"........KoO, n.50,110.00. IliSO, 11.5.110. »1S 00, »25.0O
I'O' hoy's.......................................... lioO, M.50, «.00.17.00
)■»> U-U fc— U» <~U»Y
Look (uritl.TroCr-MorK
Alfred ¥. Friedricli
Oar 11.00 eblrt aaie Mite Iota of WIImo Brae r^iar *1.50 eblrta.
Bselulre agent for
S. BENDA & CO. 'SoSr
I Rainy Day Skirts...
Special nnmbera at
$6, $5.60, $6.
Inclnding Plaid Black Gtxda. See them.
Thte report U heard iroDod tbe
world, annihilating
time, dteUooe
and reeistancp
Tbe np-to-date bnaim
will keep pace with the limea—Be
will do all in bte power to make
bte sMjre
atore eo
ao aattractive that it will
invite th© att
attention of tbe bnyer.
Tfie telephone te one
of the meana te thte
end — It will bring
p^ple to Tonr place
of btuinei
i Shirt Waists.
Made of all wool flannel.
colors black, cardinal and navy •
$14ff to $3 76
SsttMns - $1,463 to 9iStO
firUlintinaB . $1.76^ and $1.96
UcUAu TelepIlOH Co.
New designs asd fane;
woods with oew decorations
Keep these in mind whep
down town and call in onr
Jewelerj store to look them
o^. We have manj new
tilings in jewelrr also.
All Silk and Satin Waists
$ it Popular Prices..
208 Front St-
OUR STOCK ****^°*^**^
date footwear for Men, Wom€a and children.
goods possible for tbe
McNaaAra Block.
rnm moawivo uoobd, totwat, ootobbh »i, m>>
#. «. ■«—». UiMr.aad ■■—fir.
We can gire it so jon
will Ceel comforUble. If
a man pays too noch for
A oonch or easy rocker
Solid Corofart.
iffiuTnaioiTT^ ' taoBtoASi
•BOB. «. m*Bi AD j. w. niiw
of tba teior ly
wt tW
I JMtrtAy
•*>< MTM#^
____ ^«<lk«>»fgruM 4M»U« far «b*
«»b»to wkieh to W uk« plM* WtwM*
he can never take com
tb* tD MetotiM.
IfaleyMM Left Teewrda* ter tbo
fort in them. If yon buy
bMB Mitltd D to tb* prtowt Uw: Mm Aoba r. Pmat, Pepertoteiadei
ibto toe l»ltoy o! (be
•tataKseitoc at A^acm.
cftbeXwayne.Spoke attbaOoa'
at SLATER’S yon will
Caitod 8(e*ee t» (be Phlltpptoe. to
A'partT of laefOtoy reomap from tbe
ywyetloaal Obn ob Paaday.
jeeUbe^" Tfce rreekU. eleb deelty left yraterday ter tbe state tedaranever be harassed with any snch (honghts as that.
The pulpit of tbe I
bet»D(bee*»»e(fae Tbere ere to
tiim of Wamaa'a clxbs to be bald this
beUreeeptokenmeeide. Tbemeto eburebwne fllled both moraine and week to Jsekaoa. The party con*
We have a very large Hoc to select from, over 55 dif
______ j!e ere to Ue( OM eed ooe-beif eeeo'nybjtbe Be*. John F Braat. I etetedof Mra & C Deaprea of 'ba
kowe. eeeb eUe heeisr 'dS toleewe, , it to enpertnteadeat of tbe AnOaalo'n Woman'* eleb. Mra. B. S. PraU aad
ferent strles in conches and bed lounges, over 300
aer be dmded beoreee toe Leeyne Tbe atieartanee wm laryae Mra C. J. Kaeelaad
B-aat always eomreanda a yood
toe oppoei»celd.e
different styles in rockers to select from.
aoelatlen aad Mra
ebooee. Tbed
rtelltoy member. They wUl be j<Aaed
In tbe morniny eerrloe be ouUtned ^ Mra U Boberta, now rlslUny to
last M mtoaiM, dirlded (quell| be(WMStbe two aoeieUM. Tbe debate tbe work of tbe leayoc. cxplatoiny 1» Aes Arbor, who will be a represeato*
Be detoto take plaee' to. i-ia eliy Friday. object aad ototboda of work.
tire of tbe Wotnas'a club.
Oeoeaber it. tW. Ail jedyea to be elarod that it to the yraaicet Ibflneece
There wtU be a mrauay of
rMidenis of both MaatoWe and la tbe work for practical temperance
Traesree City ebaptar No. it? of tbe
Traeema Oty. Ooe Judye to eboeea by trork.
ISO Front 8t
Boom Fumiahlnr Mtore.
Id the ereatoy the Btereoptlean rtewe order of tbe Baatera Star tbU erenlep
eeeb preaideat. and toe two prealdcnu
at T o'clock. Special hnstnem U to be
to _ebooM tbe tntrd Jototiy. rere presented, takea dnriny
The Senior lyoeom paya tbe expensM
of (be jadym and of tbe three debaion One of tbe featnrec of tbto part of tbe
•lsm»rek'..troe Verre
from Maniawe. Dectolon of the debate proyram was the tbrowl^ of poeya
Was to* result of hU splendid bealtb.
toto-beoatbe pqtoto mede. also the with words and music epoa the caa*aa, adomitable *111 aad kremrndoa* er
Both Telephones, No. 43.
jsdyMwUlbenquIred to decide tbe which the audience cany.
rrj are not found where ntomaob.
out of
SubceriptioBS warn taken for tbe
beet aad eeeoad brat del‘*ery. tbto
not to totarfere to any way with tbe etsto work aad a larye amonnt of
______ ________ they,-.
money was pledyed.
potoU made
Kiarb New Life PIIU Onlr S9
at JameaG. Jobnaoa'aaad S E Wait's
Trapped Hear Lory Lake by Mdward
CsnMfnpttem butra - Wsrner'a
DlMcnlty With B. W. Ueaamoro
WbKs Wins of Top Syrup, thr
Weatbera of tbto Olty..
Bm Adjuated.
best coubJ) tenirly on earth. <mn.-» a cold
AnaaM«aU»laryowddcatwaa dtoin one dav if uiken in time. ^ and 50 ct*
Is reyaid to the case of toe People
pUyed to the window of M.ke Utnay*e
eureSandey. ^e animal was trapped ra. Dr. A. B. Cortl* at Maple City, (
•ward Ttnt
»d in toe Bxconn of Satarday. tbe
Loaf Lake by Bd. Ceatber^ who
Palw. Prii
oo sale at P M Paine'* yreca
to to liOny Lake township tor a few matter was brooybt up before Jostles
dayn Tbe cat #U1 be monnled.
U to tbe laryMt balmel of tbto breed attorney. J- W. Patebla. Tbe case
318 Union Street.
UdlM. yn^ eaa_’ jaap esjt ^p|« n
a claim made by Mr. B. P. Ocas- it. but
rer enaybt to tbto rlctolty. maaanrtoy
t of Maple City, ior board and tlBia" OalB in'a Elastic Floor Varai*:
aix aad a half feet to taayUi.
llrary. clalmiay aboatSsi.OO to be due 8. E. WaltOeotye W MeVethy Dotoy WeU.
him from Dr. Cortlc.
Dr. CartlB clalaecd la bit defense
Or. Oerner Ute lest blybt reported
that Oeorye W. MeWetby. who was that toe Urery biH was uareaconable.
that. Mr. Dsaamore now claimed
kicked by a colt Satarday nlybV la dotoy aa wall aa oonld be expected nader aboot •» more (ban he did three weeks
tbe elreametaneea. Some fear to felt ayo for tbe aema items. Tbe doctor
as to Mr. MeWaUW^ rlybt eye, which bad alco onrcbaced come notec amountayalBCt Mr. Deneotarc which
to very mech c«-oUeb and poaalbly acr- toy to
kmaly lajered. Tba exact natare dt be claimed eboald be allowed to tall
the tojary aad whether It wiU be per* and would more tbaa balasee Mr
maneet or set onnnot be determtoed Oeotmore'e just aeeoaak The matter
finally settled without trial'by M*.
(or come daya. nntd tba awaUtoy bM
emore allowiay toe notep to fell
and Dr. CortU eetUiay the eoaU of
anltand paytoyfor toe Urery MU In
Mra. B. B. Saltobnry. a eompnniid fell, maktoy,B balance of S37.4» oomlny
by Mra. J L SalUran of St. Peal, ar* to Vr. Denamore.
Ur. CuriU baa located at AzeidU In
rl*ed Sendav'OB (be Cberle*olx. to
a few daya to toe city on .her Manistee eonaty. nod wat on bU way
back to Maple City to ship hte yood*
we; to Oalltorala.
Mra.M.M.8eytor and danyhter Beton, and close up hU affair* to Maple City,
Uft last ereatoy for Oallfornla, where when tba warraai was terred on b>m
to toU place. Ha had a retani ticket
they wUl speed the wtoter.
Mra. A. B. Btoyham. who -baa been tiSoloaatthat Ume,
Ttoltipy at WUliamabory, retnraad to
toe elty Uct ereatoy.
Mra W. Bobtoecn and famOy retamed to TaanerrUle last crenlny,
In Vour Families. Here In The African War. Here In American Hunting.
after. ha*toy spent the week with Mra.
Oeorye Molr of toto dty.
Arc Some Things To
Arc Some Things To i Here Arc Some Things
ioe Obmlln has rataraed to tba city
to attend the Blyb eebool.
' To«emember.
Mr. aad Mra D. P. Boxle of Lelaad
wera to tbe «lt; yMlerday.
; Msantoy nod pioaeDsUUoB of
Miss Minnie Brown is rtaltlny frienc e
There are cold days com-In
The bird season is open.
. HivrsifMitrio .LIooa^fM tisr,
in Lake Ann for a few daps.
infcT and you want warm _
Mra W. J. Parker baa returned from
....... .
rnrrign^ but are vou ready.*’ Hava
an extended rtoit to Grand B«plde atd
gookJs. We haveihc -warm- Burv-e-t .bohc-r,
. , <
I polnu to
' .
you as good a gun as you
What is Cslanr Kinr?
Be*. W. T. Woodbouee he* yone to
cst goods m-our shoe dc'
-.Mrrj ’
Attend toe Bapltot con*enUon at CalIt u *s berb dnbk. and I* • pesltlTe eoe
i'r'.-l'bV’vU.-....--otic*** want'* Don't you want a
tor ronmlpallon. beadarbr. brr%-oo« dlaor>
pariment that you ve seen.
kidno dlacMraand lb*
Mtoa Annette Baranm baa retnrpcd varlooa tn.oMra arliHnt from a dl«ordered
Warm leh slippers for S, ,cc S*S£'
from a rialt to Peuakey.
(toiKarb and torpid llTrr. It I, a bmK
and $,..5.
\\arm Heaver
barrel?- Oo. the
Mn. B. B. Thompooo baa returasd to ■armildr mi|Ali^nr.aDd l•nvomlnendrd bjr
pTi\-«lriati« CMwrall)'. Uriueiuber. il curr, .
her borne to Kalamazoo after e *toit cotiMIpalion
slippers lor 7sc.
Olrry Kln« 1» aoM
S-r *Dd tor. jmek- I
with Hn. A. L Beckaat.
azra b} druzzUU and
Mr. and Mra Tbomaa Moulton ha*e
lined Kid slippers for $,.oo
Have yoo seen that Flober,
yone to Cedar Hedye. where Mr. Moul
ton will bonk WJl Moulton noeom
S,..-5 and f,.75. Have those
rifle .-r size lor Sy.50 or ,,z
lied them.
• Feb Shoes for $.« and up.,.««
W the
(r. and Mi
to tba Baptist eearantloe <
Uave .he Beaver Shoes lor
Spencer rz nflesmasoo.
Leon A. Woltara. tbe enptato and
.he same money.
of Maaietoe'a base ball team
.forr-rTkO rr**»Bl.»-pnrllr*»
The Deer Season
the peat oaaaon. was to tba olty ymier*
lined Kid.Seoes in either,in Kw*>cT*rs»4 >'lt-eot-wr*-mu.
. ...
. k*r*t* B( tb, «aiu w*(«i
opens. r^ov. 8 — j^t your
-J- bw ibr Mnih4 of ”T "
lace or button for fi.50 and -0«B
Blmer BUlmaa of Cedar was at toe
lieu ben-Ig-Towbsrt.”Botel QplambU yMterday
$2.00. A bird in the hand Prswne. lb* e*pK*l of lb« Soelb XMesi. I Winchester or Marlin Re
Walleee B. Cutter, to edrance of
power? We sell cartridge
•The BeU Boy" company, who
is a good pair of warm shoes
appear at Stotoberyh Orand Opera
5°o-Game CarBoom Wednesday alybt, arrlred Uat
for no matter how busy the
ereatoy to eom^te niraay
Dalrb-.frM tbt riers for 25c—Canvas Game
„ w __________■ Dot-.
doctor is he can always find
r sblM people si aeeth Afrie*.
toe prodecUon to this city.
•toaigkx wiU be aaUoere-ee. toe oe4Mi« wblto to obeereed by ycMdeel
JotoM mpom »btob to eeaaU eU eerte
0| ilwriiitlnH esBerier «> baseaUy
tM ftoHreL Tbe ■eUskaa aoUTw
wbleb e(UD eet«e(e^ yoeef lees to
>bnr»tM HoUove'ea freqoeeUr ieed
•e tomble. Tbe pnMtoe of dtoficer*
wlBdeom, (reike eed prteeto
property peeereliy to deeptoeWr. wbUc
the aeltokMe deelreetooe of prtrete
property, too oftee, todelpod to. to
priBieei. Ittoeot eltreye (bet toeee
•Oli ere eo«altted by tboe aelleowly
tMl&ed. bot letoer by boye eed yoeec
IMB (Tbo to toeir tooeffhtlaeaoeM diepopetd tbe rlrbto* of otber people to
ibeir Ddeerore to perpetrete preetleel
jeheior do eometotop fenny There
toeybe too to e bermlcee jtoe. bat
wbet mlpbt be deemed e J >ke by the
perpetretor to qolte freqaenOy e yery
froet eosoyepee to tbe enbjeet of it.
Ddottone demete to bto pn^erty.
ftot tofcet my to to refreto from e
dTOorb-booee" obeerreoee of Hoi
- Jewe’es; theo tbere wUl be on deaper
pfretttof toto property or dodBf esy
PMtecetotbetroebleofotber people.
Tbe elty eetboritlee here tekes more
tbee erdieery preeemttMe tbto
pad apwlb' poUeemeo rrlU be oe duty
MBlfbt to iretoh cmt lor poMlote of*
loodere. therefore tboee (rbo
™ W1I1..UJ > rtfU
iBpt oo AU Hellotr Bren, or tbe even
lat ^oeedtoc AU Setoto' Dey. Noeem
^ 1. Tbe eblef oereMy of (be feeMrol (TM (be ktodltof of tbe Mcred
•re. to (he shape of a boofin, before
«rery daelltoy. Tbe feiriee
pboockt to be eepeetolly
Ihlr time. Tbe metbode of dlvtoi
to OM At'tbe preeeat time had no ooeaorttOB with tbe der (rbeo Ito eelebre
|Im woe flnt beyno. thoarb they an
pa^aeettooably eery eneleak
Tbe meoy fooltoh end eves mtlldooe
proetteee to OM to many plaeea. bare
propt Into the pbMrranee of tba day,
pobody' koowB how.
Tnaioanr Mcdmar to i
rltb M addtUooal problem. Beoator
toaoeo baa daelared that If tbe adatoMtradoo adbaroa to tbe preeeot policy
pptUaed far tbo PhUIppioM he trUI
pbpadoD tbe eoonwy to its fate. There
to » ee«Molatloa ter tbe preeUent. bowpw. to the fact that tbe people of
.•■■tr- IfBaoo*e own etato bare eboar“felly reeiyned tbemeelvca to tbe eltaaHD, *balr ooly worry betoy to. tbe
•pp^ that tbe eenator wUl not c
pot bto porpooe to rMtyo.
Tooxu Coraellaa VaaderbilV to eald
Ppboareryyoodenytoeer. wbieh to a
lertonate tbtny for him. It to too bad
Ibat that be iocerred bto fatber'e dtoplaarare. else, he miyht bare aecered
mwe than
ae hit ponton.
Bowerar, with the exerctoe of eeooomy
lbs amoesl of bto fortune, toyetber
With hit weekly wayea.wUI enable him
fo.fet alony very well.
Andrew Andereon, HI years old, died
ymterday afternoon at fke home of hto
P0S.A. O. Andertoe. SSt Beat Blybtb
ptraet. Old aye fee the eanaa
•wtb. Mrs. Andereon died tbiwe yean
pyo tbto eumaaer. Deeetsed oame d
from Bwedaa to Trararae City, 17 yean
pya Be lea?M Vwo eoae, Andrew u ,
trbero he made bto boaea. and Obarim
mho lt*M OB State atreet, and two
•Mfbtert. Mra. Krone of NorrtoTiUr,
pad Mia. Btoylaad of Mtonoai
TbefuoMl wfU ba bald Wadneadey
ptivnooa at : p. m. to tbe Bwadkb
^•r^ Be*. V. VtoeU el Tnatto. wOX
You Are
You Are
Ypu Are
,L?“>ture’s cub
f Oiwf m ooM tm 0mm Day.
A food eelaallen at FnlMUj
and FuneraUrectors
Practical Embalmers
Mobbed the ernTo.
Aafariltoy toeident to narrated by
•oha Ollrar of Philedelphla. ea follows:
••1 eras to aa awfal ooodltton. My akto
an almost yeltow. opMSukea, tooyne
Show (bates per oentof women naf
foobad. pain eoaUnnail^^^^b^ ^ fer tbe tortorac of Itcbtoy pi^ Inrer
tiyatton peore* that Dr. A. W. Omes's
OtotmcBt has nerar yet failed to car*
Itebtoy pOaa. and allof (base men aad
women ooold and their enflertoya at
hr nMay Ik Seoraa of tbooaand*
ment. 1 eon(toned tbelr nae far tbrea
ir&a. and am MW a weU maa. I
know tb« robbed (be yrWreot aaotbrr
ptetim."Ho OM abonld taU to t»
tbk* Warner** White Wine of Tar Synip
toe bcMoonybrefnedy on earth. »*nd
shop, to I----------- ---------------------------ygW
has a rooord—You get
vain# rsoeivad in *
you want to know about Cashes — Smokeless Shells.
time to “lend to'your case : theIfhabits
and customs and
—That is if yougive him. the wonderful climate where Maybe you want a revolver
, ,
these Boers. Burghers. Afri- —got them for $8.25, $i.75*
the chance.
$5.50 and $4-5a Our Gun
‘Departmeot has absolutely
everything you need.
5^hOCS Now.
Schreiner for 17c.
Buy Your
Sold In
Frank Friedrich
WUBZBUBOsBLOOS118 Front Strdit.
The Hannah & Lay Hercanffle Co.
Sift snftviaBniAS.
jft Pnttr VaMtecutte a»« af Hf
I ^ax)«Tse C-’Aa "Boias
, 5w *5Vv6 '?Kv\Vpvvaes •
m»A Mia. W. U. Bamllm.
Moara* CMtra. Oct. W—& pnvy
inXwi.'A. »
Oetote U. bf B««. a. L. « «r arw Mcianp i«tVvpr w v«nr
0 Tbanvw. at the heae «( Hr. ud Hn.
Skt\ck 0^ S<AAier SU^t a\ ’Wistaq «a& TU^treacw \9 0 * “ «•■»» «>» »*««»
A saw three-etorj brick hotel, with
alt tbe ap-W-date
»*«»a*a* a*a**»a» **»»»*»*a*
Or- The irarai weather is said to be
BeafTOM ^ t'>‘*
a U lataraned e'‘J aad i‘ »• *""Ir »»*a«or« U> elt be, totheeapertaoc-oltbeTraeerae Clty|bl»«J^t^i^Md peso etoel at thca* itoceof taeeWtilar yantc lad «■ «( aceoaotable lor the preeeaee of the
hcTi la the PhUlppiaca. b«i ao* thatX'| ^ "
1 will aiao BBi>c rn« • KBaiip pBpvi, > a nwa oi iirov cuanawe eiie. iriv i
hasdtyratoa «!«»• I wmuhe eoeoaat of r«rp>ral Morria of. **d la while liberty silk acd p^j j®”**** I®
aad aetire work ecaiest'ha
a, eed hie letaet »«•;*.
Itriaaleca She wore or.ti^e^.^ae. I Wm. Doyle, e hl«b eehool etodewt at
baa beea reeaaad
oartleolar iB-1 Win Ler»»rfe *ia. rroe'e.d a coaple ( The irr *oia it a yooof-a
teraet U hetac maalfeetwl
I of ■ H« boiUiWO RBc aJw ihe first we; niotleal ah litr Tbe HiMCi Hay and ^^id^
bleyele a UfT« do» raa in
la a latter tron Brace Scofield, irb cb here area *io« we Icfc frerete* Olt*.
K-oboer, alstcrt of the fr»«t »* “ tbrowlaf hi* with terrific,! force. He will reeorrr.
rood —
as aa Aaerl' '
V—, —
» »■■ r-~ •> ---•is
— »—
aselated the bride, aad the,
^^aroiew.eeareaB^bou Uk«|
;br.'dr’et>rothor. Hr Lee Wlrhunaa of! Harland Boarhtaliar. who hae a
H-'oUir yoe are all wWI. w» Iraer j
Centre and Thaa. J>bnaon of|*erat north of Standlah. ‘
UOaLJaeVA Thirty
A In^^
j Wylerl^lr awl.ted the r»^iii.
,an*ar beet the other da> which
''' OOdjwylerlllrawlMedtheiw^iii.
u o. intaauT .jetyoohn.w whet we do af.«r we; >fier tbe eermtoor the r®'*!*' who •••d’ foor feet aad three Inches la
The ptetores are aoeel and eery Inter
start 00 oe'eawoaim.
wars «mlT
oulT tbe near relatiees of the , leniftb. and thinks be has dose aboat
•Stlar. Hw« Interaatinr beeaeee they
Vo- . «l-.r e-f.llT.
w dr sod gr »m. reUred to the dlntag. •»
*■ tbs neat man.
Show Bone of oar own boya white oa
•UBiJcs Rkitk mnKi4>
n»m whe-e they were aeryed to a« j The 13 year old daaghter of Peter
t«. A 3ru. C S 1.
acUee daty. Tbe pletoree wm tabea |
elaborate repast The wedding eake Cole, of Lima, waa broccbt to Cbelaea
ootheMthof Joly last, at Ballaar. I
'’lease don't stop srri-teg t csm> from Lawnnee'e bakery- Tras* Hoaday aftemooa aofferlag with the
whara the Third laUatry had baea I
----------------------------------------------------------- aymptoma of polaoeiag. It wat laaraed
aUtlOBod Bomc time. The letter wjll
' that abe bad beea watching a eoaple
haee addlUoaal latereet tMcaaer of tbe
of oowa which bad bean ronolag id the
pleUrM. whld Ue Baooao has had i
jroad. ar.d b-«omiag thinty had gone
raprodaeed la half-toae.
I to a tank add socked eome water
B iilaac. P. I Bept. 16
.tbroprb a braes notzle
Sbe soon
'HoBKnv Rtc Bu;—We arc all wcil.
' foend tlttl she bad taken io eomettalag
teppy aad coateated. at preaeat. Oar
j besides weter. aod that was part of a
ralay iisioe la diawlar to a cloaa, aad
' neat of eplders—smsdl. black frllowa.
are all -are tblakiar of the oomlnr
aaoipaicn. Becrybody U r«tiar •>edted over it. aad tbe reoeral reaark
ealModstloa onUl Wedneaday. when
^:We will go after them right thw
laheecmmeneed ts improee. Oo that
day her pareau diseovered tbat one of
Thii towB hae beea the tocrea of egtbe epiden bad eeUblUbed Itself under
etteseat slaee we ardeed here lest
her upper lip and waa still allre.May^ as the lasargcau try to get ovr
Cbelseo Standard.
boye to JJla their forcea, acd promise
Lodmla Ball, aged IT yeart. who
to glee theta a '‘eomml'Skin." Oar last
that Umaelf at Oraud Rapids, la d-ad
trial of this was only a fe* daye ago,
of bis wound. Be said he bad ao m>
wbao a corporal of Co. A waa disobargtire for tbeact. but was not reep>n ible [i
ad: begot tbs "Ooc-UoaV' all worked
fwtl- Be said that erer sines he had
np. foaadont wberebis office was. aad
been hypnotised against his will br* a
tbe geaeral lay oat of thing*, then anoolored man last summer, be had had
othar corperal aod twoprirates. ea«-r
fiU in whlcD be fe'.t queerly aed was
«poa thasBeas. aod oar iasorgeat Ilea
ueable to eootrol hioualf.
toaaat aad adw his two orderlies with
all their papen are la the goard boase.
Bills Wlghtmaa. aged TO. was found
It la a ooatmoo thing like ihU to
dead by the roadside four ntilee west
ktppaa. Use corporal that worked tbe
of Charlotte.. Tbe eoroner's jury de
eaee. U now oo his way hoas. to the
cided thet death waa due to heart fail
‘•8Utoa."-aadaoTI50a loMith la the bo-r.vrirsM
ure) Tsrlcr. KonSTlIle. prtfste
1_______ _______ wi- ... pHt«e. T»*.
iaeurgent army would tempt him to
Traterw tllj. »-JeSo e
g. rarpMUl. OeiroU »- l. Woo». m-slr. parsed
BousfleldAOo..orBaBC<ty. are filMay OB tbie island.
, lO-Clsre S DsvU.pn«ste.OMrvU. Il-J»r B. Presw. prirMe. hsossb
Tiug an order from Praaee tor eereral
We all like ibe plaoe and
thrmwadash palls for packing Urd.
cUmated now la pretty fair ebape. uv because wegoootc moaigiSlny. for|e-ss City. The guests were enter 1 Formerly tin palU were used for this
We msy be s little shin, but I gue*s wr getsi right on the firlmr | Uleed during tbe evening wiU music purpose, but they could not euud tbs
tbatisall the belter tor us. .
C. B.B. I by the Rlrcboer Brass haad.
laea air and rustod. Than seperimsou
line and in the tren- i--.
Will LaFeyette does not have many
rbere was a reception to the bride j were made with wood, and ash was ds
Mills now. and Ulookiog fine.
by the psrenu of the'ededtobe
beat material for tbe
JayB Frat-rdoe.ootsee..ckd.,,UUim I
Wylexille. purpose. IBlousfield A Co. operate tbe
symore. and teas II rely as a kitten. 1
------------------------^ I where the many Mends
frleods of the groom Isrgesl
largest wo
woodenware factory
-We have bad our photo s Uken and I Lsrg- Osth-rTg s' tbe y' **'«*•[ cap
come the bride to her new world and vemrly ship vast qusntltiM
will send Uein as soon as they are'
Obuteb—InirreeuBg Program
of tbeir prodnets to foreign countries
Many valusble presents <
At Lake City. John Ward, a IS yearsad aed's
ThU group I send is eleven of tbe
both bsve a host
old bey. shuttered bit band while fir
Hiohlgan b>ys in Co. A. There ... - The. >'r<ends
r.v. v.^
chonh wss we'l filled eeived. They .................
10.™.. bo„ I. Co.- from «loH««.. I-..d., .Crti, — -...1"- b,lo, . I«~>d.-bo-111 oolf 1.-Uhl.., Uom ing giant fireeraeker*. A thumb aad
. .
' .
ane life
fe of
finger* are mtaaing.
t Hieb'gsa gopel temperanoe meeting n-rter the
Mr. Kirehoer bad bU home all furn
The gun taat was't loaded caused s
e largely repreee'iied, nnd , les'd -shi > <f the temperance eoir.ished and la readiaeai for his bridr, ripple of ricitement at the borne of
when we leel after each pay day. | ■l■tt^ee of the ub-'lsi'Ai. E dfsvor
where they will be at home to their
W^tberwsx la Biebfl.-ld last
there U ■ good eiird. crowd to sing society.
ilrl.o.0. .lu. .Vo.oo.b.. I. .t Vtjlwb.o ho ^oro-O Iro.. .
‘■Hlebigse my Hieblgan."
„.lo .00 "'10. UK*.___________
bunting trip Hr. Westberwai stood
p- s»-ifd
oaui tl e
It it very hard to get much
bit gun In the comer, where it was dtsHAH LOaO AHOHABD.
drlak out here, as we have no ••■-a
temp'-rahre reciuttons.
eorered later by bU sister. 6be piMaean," and what he-.r we do get iajJ Cries sang' j beautiful solo, sed
KarfcOruw's Boras Smsahed s Big ,el It up aed In a spirit of fna. poiated
it St one of the ladies io tbe room. Tne
and TooSmCo ths BaUroad.
; ;i -::v:
A Waterloo
ii tte chiat bisiitss if
Trinisi Cit|, for tin
■eit Two Di|s........
Giptic Siauper Sale
........ IN.........
Ladies’ Jackets,
Capes and Suits.
Tb« proatg are All yourc—Our onlj mlm is to unload
regArdlofig of price. Wo mention a few
of the many hig cote:
♦3.i’5 Black Beaver Jackets
$4-75 Black Boucle Jackets
$4.75 Cold Kersey Jackets
now...................................................... ..... .... vUi W V
$5 75 heavy Camels Hair Jackets
$7.5<i French Grey Kersey Jackets
ijg gg
$8.00 Seal Plush Jackets
$6 23
$0.50 Electric Plush Capes, fur trimmed 01 hfl
and well lined, now.......... ..............................Dw
56.50 I^ck Boucie Capes, Thibet fur trimg j'
$S 50 Black B-mcle, lined all throngh, and 0fl Qfl
Thibet fur on front and collar..........! vDoWV
A viait to unr cloak depurtment will convince yoo that ve
am pi’Ting valoee that places competition ont of rmnife.
A magnifleont showing in original ami exclnsive far
diaplay in wetit windou.)
Whether you wish to buy or not come and look these
superior furs over.
The pii<-e slsshint; ill our -iloak department is b'cail anil
deep -Everything g>>e* at s cut price, from llie l».-vt to th»cheapest
Onlji Two Daiis More of this Great Slaughier Sale.
the Boston Store,
Here You Have an
^'>take Big Money
tbe delivery «*grn. UKk fright on . dog wbea it tuddenly diaebarged aad
ON A small invest-MEXT
Sute .treet yrtierdsy and ran u. tbs billed the poor animal lawiaaily.
cjrncrufCM. Intplteofall .ff>ru«| With tbe^ecreaaeof stock* sad tbe
•top bim.
Bere he turned quickly. | rapid inereaae In tbe prlee of .dumber
O'erturning the wagon aad thro* tag evyrylbiDg tbat can be to rued into offer, as they must be soiil by Deciinber 15.
out the driver. Both of the >b*fu Were manafaetured Stock !• being seited npAlso'No. 431 Washirjrton street, 44 fool lot. good
broken. *ud tbe bone ran on. down onaiBayCiry. Tbe latmv mitcrlal to
Caw to Eighth Blreet. down Bigbtb
be out Into boards it tbe piles tbst for
No 542 Webster street. Imuse built about four year e*.
the Folghum fsetory
Through the i yean have done daty in the riyer snpyard here be dashed, over the embank-1 porting vast quantities of lumber. —in pood condition, modern improvem>:nls.
meat and up on tbe railroad track, These piles were put into ose at a time
Look these over,at once aod see
never stopping until be roacbed iba when logs were not as valuable as at
big cuisouifaeast of Fernwood. No present, and werj of fi-ut-clasa materi
one was serlr-nsly Irjured.
al. Now they are being eagerly aengtat'
after Wbliney Weils is the owner of s
pile driver. ReoeoUy be purchssed the
Wbstlasaidio be one of the fan- piling St several old mill sluu aod U
ni<et plays of tbe season will be pre* now engaged in pulling it from tbe
seated si Btelnberg'e Oraad Opera water and having It eawed. realising
Bouse Wedneeday erenlBg. Nov. 1st. largely from the Inveatmosk Tbe
The pirce le entitled -A Bell Boy.” piles are In an excellent ginte of preeand will be presented by a coterie of ervaUon. aod after ths deenyed trpi
fareeuTB who bold Mgb rank as quaint nre »wmJ off they make toe lumber.
rendUy bringingfiM per l.OM feet.
seldom seen in tbe coat of farce
A Jury of Womut
'Aud it’i the popular priced
edy. Ibey are aU more or lev fai
Who have tested the merits of Dr. A.
aboen tbat is making onr laige
’■oaUy Filipino beer and OQMaao eaata several aoaga were aang by tbe choir,
as singers, dancers and aetora. Aasong
a piny bottle or a ti U Hexleaa
n., ladings wew given by Hn. B them being John D Gilbert, JMa Gil W. Chase’s Kidney Liver PilU retam
the verdict that for backache aad kid
Men, women, bov’a and girra
*^’nportta that this regiment is ®- White. Hiss Hary Wblanery and roy. Joseph L. Treacy. J. J. Falley, ney dlsorden there is ooprrparsUoe la
are utiabMl with tbe kind of aboes
Bbrry B. Norman, Ann* Clay, Ada any way eqaal to this great discovery
going to taka up tte msnb at Saai>‘^*''“*
of Dr. A. W. Chase, America's greatest
we Bell.
Fwaando. and I gueas U win ba aoon.i
the eveolag was Bleb Collette, Vera Narkilie. Walter physician- Thb great kidney care la,
There’a no morel or phjncsl
Van Allen, Tom Springer. B. C. Esil, e^d by all dealeea at ss cents a bot.^
•a imr hospital IS packing ap ready
T. Pmalngtoa,
law to prevent yon from looking
Nsrks aod Smith. Tbe trans-Atlantic aad baa proved meet cSeetoal ae a rem
^word-Vreh.;of tM F«»JjP«l *“*;^'*
over onr line of aboee and see for
edy for tbe Bsany Ula to which sromnn
There was a report around that I hwi
yocreell that we aeil onr aboee 25c, 5Uc and op toflJWa pair
b eabjset._________________
'Also a noted
• Utribla band-lo-band fight with:
leee than other atoree charge for tbe same gyue of footwear.
play te of the bappy rallicklBg char
At Camden while ahooUng enb in
fin InsniffentB while on outpost
Start on tbeae atyiee:
acter, wbleb. whUe ever funny,
the woodpile. Vem nod Frmaoea Hyars,
dnW- bat t£ey (nlled lo find My
Women's lacc and bottea shoos worth <1 M for il l»
for an instant baeomse Ur
Idandtl yaniesf age, got on aither
Wpateu|s iM aed totUm Moca worth tl TS for Sl.46
When people turn aside from the
rids of Ue pUe aad Fenaees rwaivad a
_____ • Uee _ - button shoes worth fix 00 (or »!.«•
dinarrdnUes of daily life to look for
Women's Isee and batten ahoea worth S3 M for
Marge of shot in hb face. He will ro.BrM.OO
•hot of me ja«t as I hod got them
bscklng oougb that for many year* reerretioo. they want
' meo's It
alt, worth SI M
whipped. ledmltltwasahard fight, jb^^mai^lifaaburdea. Sbesaye:*-Af•ome en
»w.................................................................... St M
ill rest
M get them to be aUU while ha waslvr sll other .remedim aod dtloetof*
Job Oealdnt Save Stood it.
Women's l*^ sboea, mannish tee—tbe Inteea—
relieved the pain In n
_____ them as_________ —
worth fiSMfor....................................................tt-00
~ . enn now aleep soundl;
ly wiU 4^ it in -A Bell Boy.,,
The above goods are warrunted—nvery pair. If not as good as adU was a
n-boom boom” nod they were LMBethlng
aomethlng Ilean
ean aoaroriy
vnrtbed yon moeey wfll be refunded.
ing before. I feel like aonoding iu
Earl B. heads oTths ftr^ of Heads nlen Solve will w the worri ewe of
gsing to be killed.
Bubbers u fis them all-the beet Boetan grades.
Onr last apgngMtent was aboat three prmlsesAhrowhoatthe Uoivetee.” Dr. A White Of Lansing and Barber
King's New Diaeoven U gnarani
Springs, report great aetirlty in baUdwhen the -Goo-Goo's” .eu:
cure all troablea of the throat, a
lag at the nortbmm ruaerte.
He says
r ontpoBt. mod
lean attack on
that Bonring Brook, wbieh ie owned by tSeobox. Cure gaamntoeA told by
136 Front Bt.
Pcaetieal Shoe Xml
i. Johnson'a aod 8. B. Lanring men. ia expwteneiag the Jm. G. JohaHS and .8. B. Wait, drage to BaUnag. but
Walt's drag
112 Lots in Oak Heights .Vddition. Wanted an-
Johnson Block, Phone 73.
Real Estate Eichangct
It’s the Number of ISales That Count!
rmm Momaoifo &»oomo, tussday. ooiobsb zu ism.
otlhaltorthafa tMiihoBiOa. of thia
Jr., hw haao
fifoi aa hajar o< fttataw for tha
MMi(M BtaiA Oa.
Tha KlAitas Storah Co. raaolrad
raataadaj t,7qo hoaha'a of petaten.
' CklMfo i* •» k»»c • Mfbt dMTtai
Tha aao^oar taaaear Otar aa.ooa hwh*
niMM Md 7w4s omvTiiir ».K» MW.
tla ta tha bMasaat of the faetorr.
TbCMMauia forwM «t Watwwitrthar Urdle haa haaa aacafod to
:dMi «putj. Pft.. wa baiar dawtiW
taha Bharta of tha Boopantfi faetorr.
1^ Mtm. wUeh an aUa araapiaf dowa
ClaM tha vaUaya Md aadaarartac Mar
Taa rlald ad I >is baah^ of aarrota
aa tha aar>aB fara waa (ron IMif
Mia. B C Wailaar of Etatralt. ana
Bar■ irtaaan fraaldaat of (ha KiaTa Daa«hBaadar Boralnr.
. Bora addiaaaad tha
TWa wQl ba a laaoHac of the Dni■adlaaaa fa a few wtU
amaalpaadatnoiio I
1 for tha lorB Baak. K. of P. tUt onaiac. (BII
dat hla fiattta
BOBbanan arrad ta attend to
. Bharaa arho had aar^
i lotha Uailad Btataa. hat aoana. irhtah U the
• tea haaa faiaUlac oaaaliaa to arwitf flad hare.
ArraatdaaleM baaaldof tha^laaaaa rabala. It ia fcaoara that daatt*
did laataia of Mr. Dizea.
dMtIaa. hla ■araatie alogaaaee ihrlUa
aa lataaaltr which
CM»(.Xawthafthawhaiar Jaaaatta.
aloa* with hiat, throarh
«%aaraaahad’rrMaa aad raporM ih.» j »ka aaaaaa daaortbad aa foreafiOlr and
.»a«adaChaaiarahaaBM.la*flada 7j.». ;»•(■* Pleta»Kaa phnaaolo*r- “Tha
Tnj'TT"i------- r- -liT*- WM
thatahMmnaahadhrMh.»iaaa naaal.Jaatat thia ttan thathBaela
aumdeewptMBp-b- PWm.^u lM;Monk.
iBliho^ aorwadco thna tarl^th'*®*«*P*^UcUxrt daala with
* &ew<Xt(«o»
<4 W^t^DoiU;
VM Vanh« M«h School
eaataa WMoSai* BM
lhatntaasharoftha Bl(h aAool
laatan oaana ana tha oanalna at tha
iargaa* aadUaaa ia tha atj Opacm
aoaBoataaak ma ranodaiad.
•ora ae aacMt raaeraad aaaia, aad tb«
naatal adahaiaa aala ana haaar
a a lattarlar trie
aw to tha anaUaaaa of tha attnatkaa
of tha ooona aad a nark of appneUtkn of tha aCorta of tha aouf
“enrSKV.** *
a......... cat ta aad wan aaaalc to ** J tha araato aad aoaoaa of ibaiaM war
•aal. aad wwa ahaadopad.
the qaaaUaa of azpanaioB
haaa Jadfa. aalond. afad loe.
aonachatlaa.OMtlBMaaiaTaof az-Praaidaat WUl^Izoa la aa aaraaat azpMManBaarr Barriaoa. b dead at Maw i*><wb( Md b aaiphatie la hit daaa.^Uhaar, lad., tran hanw in\|liliit «i»tloa of tha -flatat haadod” aiataaMrom M oU afon azploaioa.
•k® **>•« laww the ABaricM fl «c
h wocaas la atala atUra waa db«w.tha panwaloaa waa thioafh tb«
..Brad oa board tha traaaport aarrrlof Uta war with bpata. Be daaerihed tha
, .hha rwaair-BlBlb rarxant to MmUb. harole daada of the Baa who attalaad
xShaaaldthawaefoiar to tha Pallip- faca Ib the SpMbb.hBwrtaaB war aed
vplaaa to ropmaft a aewapapar. but *
portrarad the aeaUBiaBt which
.wafand to fire bar aeme.
pnapted tbb (onraBaot to latorfare n O. OlLBBaT.aiMnej. ifwlalaiu
do ataor aoldUn dbeurrod at Ma- la behalf of Coba. with aTarrthUwr-to
^BilabaveraaohaddaBFraaeboo broke >0^
aotblof to fala. The aaaU.
■ atuatiaa total Utiw.
^dhat Oaa. daattor will raeoBBtead that' <»«Bt
tha hBaricu people to briar
::«hv be dlKbarrad la 'fTboo bare- Ubertr to the eppraned Md apraad /^*8 O. TOSNEAiacn
A lUlUiB Uoak. T
obflar ao tbej'U hare noaer to reach fraadom beroad tha border* of oar own
■ ^ana
^ ooantrr. that t^oaa who were enl>ct
Thahonaaia Waahlartoa la whleb 'totba tpranar of SpMbb domlatoa
^Abrahan blaeoln died baa heea raao* I*'obotarlaa oould reap the beneflu
•Atad la aooordaaoa with the aot of
taalllaUooa of Amarioa: aad
*aomtrmt prorldlar tor It. It b aew ‘throw « the poke of deapoUam.
roaad aa a maaaaa of Liaoola raUaa.
! «o®P*rad tha law atnirria with that
' HldrvB'>AIMMr«kap»<.|»llr.
Barbart Cola, aopboBora of tha La^
aetUere of the United T\B R R n/tOD. Ob(»
corona,'Wia.,bfrhaebool. acedia rear*.
declared that the rnat U Block CoUooiuwcn
Bl«tt Nonhorv-pboec.S
*aa prohahlr tatallr hart in a football "rohleM before tha Amariaan paopla
. i«|BaBatardaratWlDona.MlaB. Bb
be properlr aolred bj the lawlKIBOELX.AMBUU8 WAKT8
JSbil waa fiaetar«t aad pbrabbaa
»W<* charaewriaaa the rnav
;eat aatloa oa'the earth, wboee mtaaioa
Urippa, of a alldar form thM laat ^
^tora will be to apraad drill,
.yoar, b apldoBic in Barlla.
catioa Md eallcbtean
A PPLZH POR aALi^I-------------- U etplM (or
Tha Barrbca of PrlaoaB Karraarlw doded with a brmiaat word pietare A >oU prtaripollT H<lonhcra ap^
(orw ot Arm*
-----•of Orlaaaa to bar ooaatn. Prinoa Jom ^
datUe of Maalla, a rlowlnc
ilurol ihoM^a. wlU lo<r'«plnar«.
^ OrlMaa. todaj at Klaretoa wiu tribnw to Dawep and a dranUre de>1; Rat is Toclflfe
.ac 1*0 >■ o> IfeU oScc.
:'brlact«atharaararalroralUB, aBoar Mrlpt'OB of the fatnre of the PUIplnoa
ithoB PnaoM Waldenar of UaBaark. *haa the/raalixt what it b to dwell WWKD-A
r (or tacAl.____^
.-tha oridacrooa'e abler, aad parbapa
tba ABariean fltcee*cr b; apnlrlorto
•be PrUoa of JolarUla, craadfathar of'
----- ---------------------.-tht bride, who b •! reon old.
Thera b ao naah more fiala ooa-1 “’«» «»* “
*o attend a JP loo at.
..airaed to
pona thM tha Ballowa'aa aoeUt to be held la ProL
(Cbaadiaa lake raaaeb are able to oarrr Doakanr’a batlacB aoUaca roona
ithat'thadoffilaloormraBaathaaaaamolac- KefraahBaab wlU be
.pMdadforUta riaialnilai of tha aea>,***^ aad BtJlowa'aa axparlaaeaa,'
■aoB lha oparatioa of h# waatlef lawo •***» boara, raaluUaDa, ate., will _b*
forbUdlac AHwioM rBwb to oarry
^ HeBn. Waitoa. Bmekaa
it baiwaaa Oanadlaa porta.
IDodfa, Bataa. B. Moatafae. Bamiltoa
^.IlCiUlkan, Bailer. Dr. Knealaad Md
•ahw boookkvpvr.
.ibBafieaB. baa areated a tae rlUa oal“^ Adsbaloa taa aaata. ProaMoatawaonrlar >? aerae at SproaaUw pipe orfan fand.
Jhacaa. aaar Barlla. wbiab haa jaat baaa
the BlbU wrTieaa at the Plrat Math
opaaad aa a home for eaW.
odbt Bpbeopal ehareh will be ooatla
At EaBaaa City tha aheap peaa at tbaI aad ararr nVrht tbb weak axoapt Sat.
bri........ J.E,Cu.ra.
eataak jarda. eorpriac aa aaUae bleak., w4by-
>rrvAri7*e)0.sAr*bi*«««kir. n»
P*kk. XKX'ai.
tOBBoUdlcy,. rhlg>«0,
CD~»k<r«riU Ulfht AS« booMt a
SrSScr^.r-;;;;;; “S
£S2.‘S5-.u;i ...... “.5
.Fine Mill Work
Cold weather U oomiag. Now ia the time'
to place yonr orders for
sunae baswwv
WWt. oU. pw ba..................
Grilles made toOrder in any Finish Desired.
u per h*..
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No 2.
a.0. 'ili rtiiiiui IK p«
Traverse City. Mich.
FARMS FOR SALEI SnU Itpldi k Itilut L I
Arrtra) sad depanurs of uatas a> Traretae
nij, lsaSMO<;wb*reBd.ia».
160 acrea 12 mileo oontb of towB in tbe beat farmintf country in
this county, 70 acrea cleared, good orchard. Urge barn with stone baa^
mSnt 6 feet high, wind mill, small fnme bouse, timlier enough on tbe
place to almuot pay for it. No. 1 soil. Plies $2,000.
40 acrea 2 miieo from tbe city in Leelanau LVv 30 acre* cleared,
plenty of timber for wood. 6ne frame houae coat $760. well watend by
large creek on tbe north aide, h acres ont to fruit, twst location for
gardening. J'rica $1,660.
30 Bcm 2 miles west of town has do buildinga 40 nice la^e peach
trees ready to bear next season. 60 apple trees, a nic«- lot of timber oo
south end of lot, a nice lofof land for potatoes and froiu Plioa $600.
90 acres 4 miles froin the village of Lake Ann. small frame bonae
and bam. 25 acres cleared, plenty of timber oo place to pay for it.
40 acres 2 miles north ofLake Ann, small frame bouse log bam.
30 acres cleared,
small orchard, nice location on fonr corners.' “loe
FO acres in Grant 4 miles west of Wexford on conuty line road in
nice farming country, 36 acrea of nice timber on the place, small frame
house. Joe bam. small orchard, nice large clearing free from atumpa.
Price $fji00.
40 acres on Elm* ood.avenue near the Urge fa'm of the Asylum.
30 acres of nice rich swamp land, mostly ciear^, ep endid location for
farm or garden and the best of bay land. Price |S600
10 acrea on road going south from Ferawood, all clear of stumps
a good building apot. Price $1,000,
B. T. MORGAN. Prop.
Your winter's wood
at onoe to insure de.
Uvery. WE HaITE
Hemlock lumber in &U slsee.
;“|j---------- i----- ■
• h t!;:!
. jr irlOp a. iralB baa parlor rar u OraM
Rapid*, aad alroptec rar aad foset Qraad
Rapid* to Cblrace.
Tralo arrlrio* at I tjo p ■ ha* *lorpcr Cl*.
riDBatl toUraad Rapid, sod roarh aad bImr.
lecrarCblraioUXiraod Rapid* and rbatrwr
West Michigan.
I ••«
Wednesday Eye. Nov 1.
Tha MeMMea baUdi
lUdiBc oa Proat
dBtract, noaatlr
aapiad by UiraB
<Oook. wiU ba lakM oa the mb ot Not.
nBbar hp Mr. lihaaaban of tba aonthBfwpartof lha ataw for a enjoarr
Sow's This.
Wt esar Oaa Haadard Dollar* Bawnrd for Ml eaw of Cbtarrb that
It ba oared bp Ball-a Oawrrh Cat
F. J.Caut1 r A Co . Pn
thaaadmlfMd.1,I ban known I
J. Chaney lor lha laai It paart. aad ba.
aten blB pertaeUp boaornbla ia all
-bwaiscB tnanettona and SaaneinUr
BbU to aarrp oat nap obUgntloaa Bade
Tbuax. Wholania Onftlato.
^ "Sl.'T.S
Markn Orap. 10 aoothaold daarbwr
of Mr. aad Mr*. Albert Orap. died Sandap at the boaa of bar rnndparenu,
aad Mra. A. P. Orap
paalaanla, of eholan lafaatnn.
The followlaf took oat dear lioeaMa
paawrdap: Fred Lwdia. Cbaa B.
Morrap. Hark Oenw, W. F. Bowee,
J. N. MarUaak. all Of tbb attp; J. A.
OTaumm, Kuiiaz a Mabviz, WhoUv Clark. <d WlUlaBObnrr. PrMk Tbplor.
MapSald. Aatoa
mate DrnCTMia. Tolado, a
BaU'aSitnrrh Onra b takaa iatamnl- Oaatar, Peter Steflaa. Bartiet aad
Up. acMM diraetlp naoa tba blood aad
unae Hawlep, WUUaaabnrc.
tMvooaa narfaea of the apataa. Price
Poor Ooa»baloaar Joha WUhala
-aSc. 99T botUe. Bold bp all Dracfbta.
TbatteoalaU are trna.
will fmbh Mr*. LeBTMd of Waal
SSS.: ‘ II! SS-
Ar Peteskry.
««4*p $ «op.w'
lil W
TB«mUlrlMtls24 Imrsi
r ta Paablo. Ode.
The daocktor b aflleted with
. Nqreaadraqnab WaR-VIS'B Wkit
*WiKsop Tab Sybop for thb tarr onBpttoa. aad the ttaUp an la rerp
ffbWMd HreaBataMa It b b^
ok and taul dianaa. It takaa tho
A time.
__ ,_________
It wUl cure
« aa oaae <hat the Aaafe of naldanoa will
fo^ the cooBb that i<4- haaait tha health of tha enflarer.
•owe ttt Grippe
sr bUa to Bin
Then wiU ha a apaeial BaatUf of
wOarpaBtan'aaloa toalcht tor 1bMau'i bMBltt Ipw It (ha BMt portMt
Bncp BOBkar b
aigad tebasnMat.
OolUaaAUarmrthpopaaad tholr
an aaad aad aadoraad bp the landlac now Bap^ Qraad harhor ahop ta (M«b’
BittalaBO nneyi^ara. Ho. US Ittwi eifnr alM pwtordap. Th«p ban a
ateoat. H. B Btroag.
-------laoMa ontAt aad onmUat
Swbill Pinos aiD Orgus
9ttkti<tBsM BttS
ttMUbpJ. B.PnM
ABoar ISa BOW aaepenttao in|
od tnm f inMaf. b Mw Bwula Ooaatp
- phoM Oa. o< Bnaaala. with a
aaplttl oloak of SIAflOO. ThM oob-
Tliv Newest, Brightest Farce
Comeilv Hit ef the Seasei.
Exceptionally Strong
ArtisKc Company
26 People
■ SHmM B*1I4^.
enJOeclMk *.■
The OompUohted Farcical
A Bell Boy
Special 0oeBer7, OatNdip
Kaale,PF«tt7 (HrU.
BeaiaaU opens toBorrov ■torn,
iag at tbs bns^Aca. Piioas 26c,
860, BOiv 7So.
Where It’s Made ia
Utt. «
SS a
Where a cigar U made ia a
matter of considerable weight to
particular emokera. and it is to wei wB
them we speak.
Our work rooms are clean,
light ant] pleasant
Our stock is dean, finely cur
ed and fragrant.
Our workmen are neat, skillfol and efficient, using tbe beat of
These things make onr oigaia
tbe favorite brands with so many
Gate Post, straight lOc
Diamoat J, 3 for—25c
Traverse Balia—05c'
at Street
Thaaeitor BloMc
Rib Insurance.
Pretti aaar tine
to niat aboil haviiit jnir
Bicycle Enameled
TesBi^teiaosee Besheatetart^
He bstttr aMBHlM (has om.
L. Ia.A.Bulidb«.
Morsi Ires., Hiisi Paiiton
«!** ttwB s eaU.
4$8 V BlmwDod An.
At Ord RAPIds, I a cep a*.
L*Ord a*plds..l d Wp w,
oo Bork.
BoIrlkSIbr?' PeiTifii' **“*■“•' Our
raralar aeMiOB- The orli
which tntlaaar b to be takaa b that
tnrlw* >rlf,«
of Prank C. BUI n. .«obn A. Oibrn, a
■lalos Ooi
bill to aet wide a eaanpnooa. Part ot TToaeALz—roni ••
tha taai Biap ia the caaa- haa elraadp f larAiiM.or will*
■* W r Crot»r
baaa takea BaeidB tbb caw. there
■ (MUr bar
an aereml divaroa oaaaa to be eon- mR saib:^
. tA*Blrv »| <
Ort.l. II
KKSES, _ !S _ !g_
TralB arrinas at SdBp ■. ha*rbalr rar n.
Waxar loOraod Rapidsaod r sir ear OraaS
Raples W rwtoekrp.
O. L t omrwrtnn o • a T. a.. OrAd Baatd*
a dBtrojad bj fire law Satordar
Tbara will ba a nnlar BMtlac O)
.;Blfht aad too atiaap
Daohew Camp. No. 834$. M. W. A.
.Koar arMaea ware aanoMlr inured hr MoadarRlChk All Bamben are nMaUlac walla, aad oaa. Caarlat yd^wr* qneaWd to atWnd.
J. E fireilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
John R. Santo,
Gnml liHiam.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.