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The Morning Record, February 02, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
BmmA Jrnr-nom
MUraB SwolotloB AfalBBC
That Oooraa
cifimi wmm* tmtm o»9«M
Tltog TO» — Btaolrtw— to Boa•MttM «rMh Bmm Vratgr.
WMktar«<». ^ t.-Th« MMt«
aMlUam lorilo ni*UaM wtoy
BiMMMd tk« WlOB*
m»BHtOM Men Um MMU ta «ouaUM
wttk Ifce fmm Metf ead «UcVUd eot
aofpaee iMfw Ue toUer ofe?oM
tW Sret Me »1U «DM a » aotloe U»
•Mr Ue Bmm rapletkw le tke <
alMea nie vlU
eppoad by Ue
■—ben or the eemluea
I with tbtor Ideee They
•east Bpoa hertoc eH the i
«BBM tftot «f Br BeUlres. roted dewB
VheydoBoteppMtheBamrea BeeeThe BeUlrea renlattoa toae fellewe;
“Vtoto the retlfleettoa of the peadlay
toeatyofpeeeeeheU toae wtoe deter■toe tbe peliSFed the'Uatted Btetee
to rtoMd te the Fhlllpptoee. aer eeaaWt tte'forerwMat te e eelealel poliey
•ertolttotoadedteewberew the ew
tobitohtoeaied e-eleble. tottopeedeat
Bereraaieat by the people of thaee
totoade wheaerar the eoadlttoaa eeehe
eaeh e
hopefel et eaoeeeelel
■eaetor Ltadeey of Keataeky. today
•Berad the toUowiaf )alat raeolettoe:
•>net the eeqeUIUoa by tbe Ueitad
•toUa Ihroacb eoaqBWt. treaty or
•therwtoe of territory act adjeceet to
•ad rnrnphtoelly pert of the
toaat of north ABerlee eerrtoe with it
‘•eeoMUtaUoeel or morel obllKettoe
>rrbet It to ecelaet tbe potley, tieAlttoa ead tatereeto of tbe Aaterleea
paepto to edwlt etetee ereeted oet of
oart Boa-Aatertoae territory or porWOM tboreof lato oar aaloa et eoy
«toM or aader aay eoadlUoae.
•That tb« tlDlted Bieiee eoeept from
•peie tbe oaeeioa- of tbe Fhiliopieee
arltb tbe hope tbel tbe people of tboee
totoede will demoaetreU their eeperity
te eeubitob ead Deioieiti e eieble yorerpmcBl. cepebleof eof'>rciey iew ead
erdar et borne eod of dtoeberyiar tbe
totoreetlooel obllyeUoDe reetloy
aoprretc lodKprDclsot elate, eod with
ao e>pcetetloe or deelre of penaei
^ boldlay tbe toleadi ee coloslee. or
eabjeet proeiiieee, or eompelltoy
people ayeiaat their ooeecot to be eab>eet to tfar eatborliy of the Oelted
•letee. after they drmoaeireU tbrir
aepeeliy for ealf yoTemmeet.e« berelo
drBDed.'Uteyorrraetrotof tbe Ualtod
Btetee le bttbajodye of each cepeelty."
At Mr. Liadeey'a reqeeei thr' re
ttoa wee left oe tbe table eabjeet to
Mr. BewUae of Uub eddremed
aOMte oe tbe V«at eaU-eapeaeloa
d maton««hBal>
Detroit. Feh. 1.■Bij' tower trea aWetory edwerA
WMaoMTor. D. c. dee. rr. tin.
r Dub OomneK-Tbe epMet
■hi* whkta win «e te Oehe <er Uw
ef dlWatorrfaf eed retmte* te
the Dslted Btetee th« resBae id eold.
tote there to eeaetad te toere Hew
Toth eboet the Ut or *»d of Febroery.
The reNto «U teeeh et ftorto Btoe,
toere e eerpe od eeMteiMte there eed
thee preeeed to Beatiere. Ittobetdly
likely thet it ma ratarm to tbe UelM
Btetee with the bodtoe to toae thee e
toeelh. eed it mey be loBrer.
Very trwly yean.
B. h. Ambb.
ttocretory of Wer.
ChertoB B. RipItarM’. the
hae (oae to Weehtotto^ wlU hie eredeallele ead wUI eaU
tor Oabe to tbe rorereweat'e epwdel
ehip. Oeputo Betee. eae of Oeaerel
Alfer'e eppoiataee, who wUI aoetotto
the work of etteadiof to the dbtoterrtoroftbe bodtoe to Oabe. applied
yeelerdey to the (orereor for treaeI et the eteteb «
> te Thlrteeatb Otrooit
•emiUee meetiay of repraeeatotlemfroB Aatria.Uraad Traveree.Leelaitae aad ObarieeoU. met here yaeterday eod deed the daU of tbeBepoblioea
for tbe Tbirteeath
eirepiL Tbe oDereBtioa will take place
to tbto elty oo Mareb Ttb.
There are aaiaerou eaadtdetee for
tbe BomtoeUoa te the beach rMaoUy
oeeepted by Boa. Boaeu L. Corbett,
wbowaeebotto tbe a^er pealneala
Oread Trevatee eoaaty bee eevaral,
amoBff them Jedye Loria Bobarte. P.
C. Oilbert, Mealy C. Dodye aad J. W.
Petekia. Aalrlm eoaety wUI hrUy
forward Boa- Pitch R. WUUame aad
Cbarlevoto eoaaty'e eaodldeu to Pred
Mayaa. The rivalry utoUay promtoee
Oompuy H Boye WUI Mol Oet That
Two Moatba- Addttlcmal
A bill be* reoeatly beeo pamrd la
eoayram ailowlay two moatbe' citra
peyioeoldiere who aerved tbe Ualted
Butee.ia Cefaaaadwbo
ured oat prior to the ISlh of Jaooary loci. Membere of Conpaoy M
Thirty foartb Ulebtyao have beea lec
to believe ibai tbto bUl applied u
tb.'B: bet it eeome that tbeTblrtyfoartfaMioblirao doee aot eomc la for tbe
eelia pay. la order to Ice'o the etect
iauntof the bill 1’. C Oilbwtwr
U tbe Commleeioaer of l*eiutooe
WaabiaytoB eaJ baa reeelved tbe
followtoy rtrply. whlca to aelf-«ipUaatory:
WaaaiaoTn!i, O C.. Jaa. St, U9$.
P. C. Ullbert. Traverae City. Mich.
With reply that tbe'reeeat act of
ylvioy two moatba' extra
Psvsrod it by a Party Veto of
pay, ete.. referred to by yea, applUa
ooly to voiuauer a<ildlen wbo
K.b-i -Tb,b.. i;;;b,^rt.TrbT'
1... 'I
• ..
peeaed tbr ermy r.-ory.„-.xvtl.,n billI bv
avoieofiw to m. »:x B-puUI'--laavmueb aslhe Thirty Poartb UicbVOUi ayelMt—Ibe tatll. They
ina vnluatoer tofealry, dpaatob wer.
Barber, df Ma-yl^d. Ciaaelly. of lUlmatured oet Noveaiteyte, 1H»S.
•ole. Load of Cetiforato- JubaiMi. of etid tow doee aot apply te mmbera of
lodlaaa, U.;Bwea of .New Jereey aad
WadkWWth of New York. Foar Demoocata asd oae Popaltot made ap te tbe
defeetloa. They are Berry, MeClcUom,
McSaler. Taylor aad Bkioaer. The
MU tereeeee the etaadlay army to Bebata m ApproprlaUou Bayaa
100,000 maa. bat yivee tbe piwidut
aatbority to rodaea the etoe to a mlai1. Feb. l.-Tbe boam to
mamof ftOO.ooDoua. day . ittoioeammltueof tbe wbMe
The bill ae paeaad orovldaa to add! aad 1
beyao tbe eoaUderatlu of tbe
Um u tbe ywenl oBeeia aad aufl river aad harbor tafll. Mr. Bartoo of
departmeato for twelve raylmuto of
Ohio, cbalrmao of the river aad harbor
uvalry of twelve troope each, 144
eommiltee. opeaad with a yvaerai
ooaA beueriea. twraty-foar fleld bateUUmeat of tbe oeeemily of coattoateica. thirty rcylmeaU of tofaatry of toy tbe river aad harbor work.
twelve eompealee each, a eorpe of u^eoaotry, be said, to eaUrtay apu u
ftoaart aad oae reylmml of aaytoaora.'
aa ordlaaaee deperimut aad a elyaal
vact amoaat of oar axporu aad tbelr
oorpe. tbe Utter with <M ultoted mea
tbe imporia
It alao rirre the prwldeal dtocretloB
of tbe eommereial world. The yrcatthe orye,
mtiectorlB tbu expaaeira ww the
«B-«ai ......... . ...
ir riven aad barboia
PBWle to whole or la pan from
to order to cbeapu tbe ooat of traaepertptloe. We had expeaded
♦MO.OOO/100 to river aad harbor work.
More Maeterad Dot.
TbeeaUmaieeapoa which the Mil to
Waakleytu. Fvb. l^The war daThe
partBMet today imaedha order 10 mimI litUe I
Mt It.ooo voloouer troope. NelUf thaa SW.OOO.OOO.
Orof tbr Hiehlyarf rryimeau i
Tbe proyreulve prdro party yivea
'.act evealay by tbe youay ladlae of Bk
Fraaeto ebareb la tbe ecbool baU.<
Buy ra- h>ll tqeiyht. DaacaUcka. pud aacema to ovmy way. (
iMltAeeeapperteeaa. 0<ud maaU aad cake wataaarvad.
bee te ll.000.OQP abiaylee from tbelr
tract to Boloa aad the Moek wQl be
muafaetarwl by Aerry BaUlvw at
Oedar. Tha ajmpaay hu alco parahaead tha uUre eatpat of tbaChmCM Immber Oo. at Tbreh teha.
liBf Timbw.
aaMuttoy to aa,ooA«M ebtoyU^
Tha Baricer Cedar Od. at Btaglmm to
IR Kaa Baahiac Chair Imyctoc
weB aqalppad tbto euwm. aad ute
PaWtoy to Xeary Btatoa All
tbe maBay—ut e< P. 8. Torha Ihe
Buy aad the Bautlty Opt Me pleat wiUeat clou to ».OOa.PU tet.
beWdea aboat l.na.000 belay eat by
BaaaM WUI ha Lane Btolwa
Moote Brae.’ mOl at Pmomut.
AmpaM to be Oat.
Baridea tbe above thore are eomar^
Tbereeutaeld eaap aad the ea
mlUa aboat tbo reylu ^
paaytoy aaow hu aUmeUted the tor
Jaeeat U tbto el^ whlcb. la tba ayyreytoy baatoeea to a meaaer to brtoy
eitoiler atimalae to baetaem yuarely .^U. wIU eat a eut amoaat of Umber.
to Trerene City ead
the leu MImd ead retruM eatd the
ao ee to metertolly latwftera w>lth the
toy of
to thto loeellty. bat bow
tbe tBdoeiry to rnlred ead there to a
proepaatefe healthy autleaeaa
rebto eoadUlou te mortoy ttm-
These Are
“Expansion” Times
WeVe expanded and taken ia more territorj
and covered it deep with Tablets aad Compoeitioa
Bofdca. We’d like to
pnrehaser of some—It’s the fgreateat assortmeat yon
ever aaw.
uu Lowdu alad Boa Oiwmatad
hi ThlerBaralay DwaUtoy
Meara. Mleb.. Feb l.—Flredeetroyed
tbe borne of Tbomei Lowdea. aevea
Tbto---------wUl be ooe of tbe beet io mUee aortb of bare, laet alyht. Low
yure aad the qaaatUy of timber to be du feeeaed bto wife aad foar ehlldrea.
waa ratarDlay to reecoe bto l-yearcat tolo lembar wUI be ee yreet if aot
Ip ereeee of aay of tbe peat three yearn. old boy wbo elept ap atoln, wbu be
A eaiatal eaa*aea of tbe allto to ead waa overeome by emoke aad both peraboaiTravensMy iadtoatoe a lively tobed to tbe flamea. Mta Lewdea left
liar aad e. baa},
boiy eammer aad there three ehlldrea to Uie bare, took bar
baby to bar arou aad waot to tbe aaara aow very few v
it to bard U aeear* ataa. eataelybbor'e. balfamile awey. bare
TbaWaUa-BIymaa Baaket Oompaay fooled ud clad ooly le brr alyht robe.
kneeivtoy vaatqaaaUtlca of loye every Both of her foot were badly froaaa.
dey. both by rail aad alaiyb aad tbe
faelory aad mill are belay pat la firat
elaaa abape for a baay aeyoaaad.
Airivod Toaterday to laapeet tbe
ereaead capacity will ba yivea. The
Monbera Aoylam.
wlU cat alucether aboat
The eommlttee of the leytolates ap1.000,000 fact, a part of which wUl l«
yottea oat to tha aommar. Laet year petoud to laapeet the Nortben Asylem
tba beat la tbe btotory of tba fac
i from the aortb and were Imtory aad there to a yood proepeet for
otedlauly driven U the aaylam Tbe
aaotberbaey aaeiea.
party oustoud of ehelrmao BarkCierk
Tbe Oval Wood Dtob Co. to baay.
tael, aad yeutay la 1o«e aataaiaa UriSaaad Meeare. FaiTTaat, Brownell.
they eaa be baadled. Aboat 10.000.000 Goodyear aad Pack. They toveoUyalfeel will be pal la thto wiaur aad dar- ed tbe eyeum and balldiaye aad vrerc
lay tbe aaramer aeaaoa aboat S.uoo.ooo eaterutoed to tbe evealay by BapertnUodcataed Hra. MnaeoB. to oompaay
Tbe Traverae City Lambcr Oo. la with the local iruieee.
BepmeaUUve Peek to one of the
beylay all tbe bcmloek they eae yet
eoaepIcaoBt members of tbe leytolatore
aad larye qaaaUttoa of
aad hemlock lop, arc belay cat and Be wee a tuuUaaat la tbe Thirty-third
haalcd to coavu'lut petou oa Uie mtchlyaa volBBUaraaad wbea he ar
bayaborca teraHlay wbea the bay rived from Cube feaad that be wae tbe
cbolee of hta party te tbe leylelatare,
opeaa ap la tbe apriay. la tbe mi
Ume peat qaaDUlUa are belay baaled aad be wae elected by a torye ma
Be to oae of the briybteai
to oo elelyh* aad the mill U forecd to jority.
nia aaUl e o'clock each nifbtia order aembere aad to htybly cauemod to
to keep ap with the work. They
the booM.
emptoytoy to mea at preaeak Tbe
baidwood will amoBBt to aboat 4.000,om aad tbe hemlock betweca T.DOO. 1
To Move Here From Hoakryoa oa
000 aad ».ooo,0'io feevAccount of He V Candy Factory.
Tbc Falybam Uaaafaeturiay Oo. hae
Btreob Bros A Amioll, Ibv eaady
cloaod one of the rnoet proaperoae
wbo are moviny tbrir
veara la ila history. Thi* plant baa
yataed aa eaviebic. repuUlloa for iu bnatocM from Hubkerca to tbi* oily
ftooriay orodact aad tbe baalaeee to to; ere yeitioB ready to Uko poewwaioo of
ereaalny year by year. The factory U the bulidlay owned by Henry Wia^haot BOW runalny bat will aev^n beyio newekl. on B»»t Kroal «trr*l. and two
U operaU with a fall force. The plant cerlocdt of metertoleand fon.ltore and
will qtaaotaeuire iato floorley tbto Bxiurm have arrlred. There will be
five famlUec to ebaop their reeideace
aedma aboat l.roQ.Ooo feet of maple.
William hettosr'a factory Uaowraa- from MuiikeFeu to tbik city on accoaoi
alay full blaat and aearly uu mia are of ible promMny eaterprise.
employed la tbe tecUnT. mill sort yardv
Loe* ara oomioy in aa fact aa tbry eaa ' POWDBB MILL EXPLOSION
be cared for and a buatllny aeaaoa la a
la Which Two M-b Were Killed.
briybt proapecl. Mr. Beilner baa three
Youayetowa. Ohio. Feb. ).-TLe
men oe the road aellla'y earieia poles,
and tbto departmeatto a biy additioa preu min of the Ohio Powder oomUtbepIaaL Aboat 4,000,000 feet of paay'e worice, four mllei aortb of tbe
hardwood will be manafaciared iato city, exploded at bood. killior two
caruto poles aad chair stock la tbe employe*. t)*vid Even* end Uaniel
Devil, aad toully dimuitoblay tbe
U K. GIbla A Sob have yot tbalr buildiayeaod maebioery.
Btw aew mill raociny at West Sommil
To lacrea-el a DeruciU
sod aboat thirty meo are emp'oyed ia
Wathinykin. Rb. I —Secretary llaye
tbe wuoda and at the mill Tbe plaut
will eat aboat aboat S.UOO.OOO feet tbto today ikkued an order allowiny the
Fourth NeUoaal bank of tiraud KepHe
J. U Ulbbe to raanlay bto saw mill to iaereaao iia'\toe of yoveromcetdeand eklayle mOl at MaySeld and about pasItafromSbO.OOO to »0’>.00». Pretlx.OOO.OOO tel will be cot lau lambcr.. dent Aodereon armayed tbe depoall of
bcaldcee.000,DO0ablBpaa. Tbe factory yovorameat bonds neceaaery U leeare
will tara oat alao a qauUty of chair tbe yovemmeot from loss.
9SS0 Front St
“City Bookstore.”
111 tlBlea Btiut.
I The FinestoStock Funeral Goods
Xxx xrox-Uxwz-m uto&imwm,
“Diamond J 9f
or “Traverse Belle”
Made by
!' ' A. W. JAHRAUS, Tonnelier Block
I Suits,
I OveFcoats,
Tbe Bmpira Lambcr Co. it employtoy a Urya force of men to tbe woods
aad mill and yards aad will yet oat aU
the timber peaatble. Tha eompaay will
ealoTw 10.000,000 feel aad if eoadltlou ara favorable aboat li.OW.OOO.
A. B. BeUlayer wlU curt bto mill at
Maple City to aboat tea days and eat
TM.ooo feet.
Greiliek Broa. are pnabiey tbe work
altbMrplaatatOrelllekvllleaad wUI
bayalltbelop they eaa yet. They
expaet to eat i.ooo.ooo feet there aad
at tbe Baltou Bay mlU the lop oa
head will be sawed, aianitntlny te
aboat tOO.OOO feck
TheJ.-B. OrelUck Oo. taetory aad
tw mill WlU atart ap next week with
e teec of 40 employee. The oompasy
aria bay a yood deal of lamber, bat at
tbelr miU hare they wUI eat aboat
uo.ooo toot tbto wiatcr, to be maaalactored tolo aoeb aad laloHor faraishlays. Tbe compasy bee an uUbltohed
reaelatloa for taralay oat ol^ut
L. P. Sextu A Su have a ynad
p’nat M Pomoon nml they wUI yot wnt
i.«o.«ah tel of bntdwood.
Tha EeUa*■MytoOn. wfUeattlm.;
Tn Tear Ciuitracts
Made by Mleblyna ThleitooM On.
te nay eUaa of aarricn dmired.
Subscribers Mai Cancel
nl ead of nto moatba or cbnaM
to nay elnm of aervtoe n( wuL
TeUakoon tbe amancertoenU
ud explnla MW mUB adopted by
1-4 OFF
Gome While Assortment Is Good
Also Special Lots.
Less Than 1-4 OffJ
jHamiltoD ClottiiDg Go.
vouora »^»p. •atomt.j. ctbbpaot «. l«e»
fin. T amM a» j.
muac •«*«• br
w. w*»—•
Bad Um r»-{
vtfatMTTiM w»i pri»dB«»t»» 0l
ta« to . .ywito of
w. *.;
w»s I—•»f*»v-o«i». »►
•Mm On «ood mra MMon «al«
by Ba*.
Witof K. Vrlfftt:
<1^ tiark ItoU: -j—«Bto Ma-boaoat aad bappyt Ma tbataaw»
uclo^ asaaar bad boM ear aafbi aot frwa bead
bis. a» thy wartaK^
to Math la tba (aw aioatba
be facrMai with Joba Uutotb aad bto
talealed aotapany. Fbo wUI .paaaral
YaakaowthaaWT. bow.
batJartr'e prophecy aaM traa. rad -Tba Aranror."aptoy wnttCBtapaelillalhaaJtf ofJariofc tha bUa| btr
«w. 8arthDaa«, b«ar« flat J«aa. of ir tbaae laur yaara tba eld JUlbird ij (or Mr. UrilBtb. Tbto aolad usUf
Wa.ar;tbwaapaaali»>y.a»d. thoMb M »aoa a oalai, wbeae eooaaMird wfU be rameBberad aa bariiir ai.
Mbanaaarbtteraawaia btaa.
to Ufa airbt wau abawa sMy a.oaJtl«wt> ad bare two yeaiaaffo la ‘'Iban** aad
Cbrtot for balp. aad Jcaaa oallod bln aJtcbrtoUaa. child of plooa boM aad h tbaalaftao latp>'*a»lao wbleb wUl
Mrra to BU the ibeatra wbaa ba aoMi
laBlMaadwIUa word raatorad bto Msy prayarm. Ba bad baca torrin
aiaeb. aad ba lorad Boab. Aod tba lo- afato. early aext Boatb.
--------------------------IWa ara aaay bllad btffata la the datoftelboBea which baaaiabJtobod 40,
Baaa«en Doomad.
i,. MO bHadad by Uw fad Mew York. Chlcarc. San riaactoco.;
^^ ^
of Ybto world aaUI they eao aoa aotblaf PhUadelpbia aad Brooklyn ore boob- ' ^
btyoad Ibo awld. aad Ood aod aUr- Bcatalobto ebrtoUao entorprtoe and bare bacn caaMd by tbeUrlpMierery
•boQld baow wbat
____- a wonderfol
I. with taprtfll eyoa. bloat bl« (
Bita Mao aotblof t» tbaia. Bartimaw
r for tbto caalady to foaad
baaw ba waa bllod aad slaar^a and tor tba bopa be bat pat lalo tbair Urea
That dto•r-B Kow c
--------------------------^ -.aodihaopportuBlty to U»a wbleb be
Ba waoiad to a^
atrarrllBf towaida B bettaTUfa- IbM | baa claae iba«>
^ joar tbroai. raba jm of • ^p. w :.akCbrtotianaayebolny baaamdy.and cca yuar ayatcB aod par>.-« <be way for
Mdara bllad beffara. Moy of tbam.
MlWVIto &ooAs.
TtollAe SAtveiv,
^OTStVtofts. . ,
Td-ediVii ■\itv4iCTB6M,
^OUkcJu «« an ViaVai n* W
^mwbV 'Mfc.tt* 6oo4sp
Ckant Sth, bWoV vrom^»u \o ^ s Ttwri brt»V«.
AtoTtaloaraa tb# rrwt Kaac
■^1*-- powan aspaad tweaij bU
HMtoofOoUanoBary yaarla bfUdtof
• ItodaMlalslBf lhair sarebaat aa•Mtodaoalalalaf
rlwmyaathaaaa. a»d thto Mtioe doe»
■ottlaf far ‘
—.rMfraaaaaByeta wlU tba aldad foratn ■bipa- JoMm Itaf »a aaall ramala
n||i opoa tba aw-.jpa^ aa >Md wa do »ol>aaw.tbay •** bllod. They
•hap ba at tba Mrv of opr ^ofolfo
M« to eoro
' aaoB-tbr prmaaaM4.powar^lbo^^_
H«*lb So Ian •• Mbaldtoa ara paid of tba wOTld abore tba*. Tbpy are.
W^Otbar |«varBM8U. aad wttboat ■otatmcflinc
* betoor Ufa
Tbey ar«aoU%«adaa^. aia. JCapy one ot the ebUdroa of Ood. What baa ;
laayiyebotosy to tojT
tn/«or by yaar—ao loay wa laaatdo of tbao woald oot ba happy In b»rao..
tba atlracICBI are ooti
ended, tpett. aed I
If not
Ulnrtoa. or wa ahall eoaaaaa aaitbar UtoA^toutbtoC iOMte»»Mr 40
Li boUlr Wtlc tree at the E WE ARE
a of St. ttoal WM a sir- eared.
HMrin oblp*
oaarolai laaBaa. atngsla. totoMw.Uiot jboa Ja a
i. Up opp-putap pi Klplippl
•“” Pi«. K "Pli andJ.O JobaAoi, U «dy for aaral roeraUMOi por- tar Ufa. a Ufa to t*otf M ^toi- »■* V>
Maaa. wa oaad bolb sarobaotablpa aad rpaeb toward li.-Wbat (i a mb pcoQt* DOBO. Uewaa a poor blind bergar.
■apbaotMMO aplapiy. Tbapraad ia. It be aball <ato tba wbola toorld. Mow ba aaaa
Ti-a BoeUar In Ue rrieoda eharrii
fasldafrM.arraoa lb%t vba «»‘y
aad lawbUopBaoBlTMa o qoaattoa
IP ^oadt by tba paaaafa of the propoa Uodaaki; aad no reaaooiac man can waa alao wall attaided. Ba*. Oaraan
be fleda tba aaawar—toprcacbod an Inaplrlnr aarBoo. Uklnr.
■d tow weald ba the ablp ownaia, Tbla
^ If you hawe any to aell oorreapoBd wlUi Um “
-------OFto ^Blatakaa Idaa. aa tboDaaada of aaa Ood. The Be*. Dr. yraacto'L Potter. I (or bto toil. "A saaelon la elan»ily.'’
MS woiaU dad a«pl«yMBt. to aay pMidaat of tba Prlaeoton Oi)lr«raliy. Tralrbt Bor -Keiitob wUl preach In
TrawerM City Ltuaber/Co. We luiye also Z
■etoiaf of flfOMP aad aariaam- ladott opt tpar tiV* ^
• man ! tba rrloDdi eboreb.
9bao tba lataat of t ita law to alao to may loaehtoaoel- Flral, by not ba.| Tbara will be acirhborbo
•thpalata ahSp baUdlaa ia.tbla aoaauy ItoTlac that be baa a tool. Saeond. ly awailarr thtoaftomooo at
H^aboald tba blU ptm tbooMadk of tapp<«-iwf that aeUlac to the matter deaee of Ura. Uell bqotrea on booth
ibipad worhMB woold baaddad to tba with bto noot Third, by iBartolec
Atorln- ablp yardm. Wblla to tba that Mwra U apM Mtbod of aeration
ba oo direct baaa- ^art from CbrtoL Tba foorth aad
mdbara ara raat aambbriof abilled aaatujBBi^ way by which .a naa
•M Uboriay mea wbo fwoold Sad ad- MJ i«aa hit tool to ibroacb ahaor
We have abtrat 100 unipleo o(
lltleoal deMPda for Ibair aarrlaaa an>tn^
Mill matbiDery of all dmrripUons, iocladba two e
I Mlknd with a maa in tbto rleintty Work Well uadar Way on Jlortbarn loBrain, Tapeolr>- nod BruBKste—
Apy lartolatloo wbleb baaeSu worblar
' gini i, set workA cArriaae and saws. A oomplt
With.Traaa. Oo.'a Maw SMBar.
T*fj pretty
- ST
paapla. rrao la a lUaitad dafrar. baae- aot loaf ago. an old ataa who bad only
aaw mill plant for sale.
aUtUaUMbttbesototolin. and l
'iWtba wbolapaofda
will niale Cnice roga
We will
ulu U. pbp., hul.u™. H. PP ^ ppU..1„u,
close them out from 8oc to 1100
faxiMo tkioBB. tba Cobta taoaral. to
oalaariiTlnr to eoBrlDoa Ue ttoliad
Boaie.chrap tugs.
•tplaa that br boowa a rood ibloc baaat. aod that to the end of .bUa." baeaeaataad the work to baiag PoebAb. li to iadaed Iran that a Baa may ad with great rapidity. The reaeal will
Wltoo ba aaaa It aod to
the drat of April and
tototltMCOpa- BtadamaBd tor too.- Uae bto owe aoel by aot bcllorlng that
snoootepay toaCabaB araty baa lu ba baa a aonl.
plaaed lo coBBtoaioa oa the l&th of
Bo be Bty loaa hla aoel by anppoalng
TbU la capeetad to ba the
PBMtof aa arellaa aarloBa faataraa. If
iMoald iodaaa the admlelstratloo to that aothinr to tba Batter with the finrat alnamer on the lakaa.
New iStore. 120 Frout Street.
Ml oaar that aDooDi of eaah tt woold eeol. Witb the raragea oAi ala la pal
ba p aartoa* drata oe tba aallosal ln«a■with MB In oBriaUte and la oar
•ry:, beta tea tbinr (or Ooaai aad bla
A Bintoter's BoaUng will ba he'd
f««|(aUiAOd.anaBaalw apociaeU to aayiBBa wbo are pturtienl aad laea^l ibb ahrraooa at 1;S0 o'clcck at ttaa
It to
■ • - wrecks boMaae of aln. .Man will etUl home of Ecr- 3. A Bready.
tbera to Bothlng
tt* dtoUogatobad patriot Intmida- paratot In eaying that there
MtosJosapbiaa Vadar to 111 at bar
W^ ba gato the Boaay-lo dtoboraa the matur with tba aoel. *■ The IMtroU
bar home oa Colon aireet.
H^bdor tba Spantab plan. That to. to Ernnlng Nawi of Jan. 11. IBSp. WUa of
HtocOIlTe FolgboB toenSerlng with
man In aoptbera Hlebigaa wbo let
pay llbanl aama to bto ofleara
•ai to Mho tbla oooi tarwa powh bis old Mthpr, 70 yaarf of w*- die In tfaroat tronble. .
WUaoB Uubball to anSertDg with the'
Wtreta aoldlara; aad the poor bouse witbont going to see
grlpl( «bwa la anylblag left, pot It where
Lasterening Be*. J. W. Hiller unitIt ireald do tba Boat good—to Ooaat. for hla in asple ilaa to oom. Aad
tT~* UoBti baa a leog bead and yet Ibare am maa wbo will taU as that ad In Barrlsga. at fats reaideBea. 411
OOWlfirlng bto trUalag cannot ba tbam to aotblag tba matter wlU that State atreeL Cbarlaa KiBtotee and Mm.'
Anna Warier, both of Cedar Bna.
MbMd for Ubiog advanlageof ao good man's aont
If they ache—get a hot
rbat about moral man. tbo good
ga>pnor*on»y »« eaaci pay for aacniitotake waa made In the an-1
Iiery eommenity wbo am llrlng
tie of Rose’s Coro Cure
|gf tba (raedoB of the Cabana. Batba
iBonttbat tba Knlghta of Pywitbont Oodr Tbey am eaUad i
hM sot pat raeeirtd the Boeay.
tfalaawonld bmI iasl algbl. Tta;y
• •• 15c •— and take them
mant bat they am aotBOral. Bae
arill hold a regulareoDTootiOB toaigbt
Id tba Ami plant, no maa that
aad oonfar the third raak on three
Tba Company Wlan.
Ilmd baa kept tba law of Ood, aad in
Aa laporunt anil waa brooght In the aroond pisoe. they am not good to- candldator.
foot sore.
A ticket to the Creaceni band party
AatrtB oooDiy laat yM by Cyme
It by the Farm
I On. of tbrir
Mataal Fire Ins
4k... nelgbtork
(HMdi. prrbapa,
nrrfaans ad by the ladles. a
A good u
Uma. wllb
and friends,
draad Trarrrer, Antrim aed Leelanau but tbey sm not good tolbaUedwbo good maale to anUelpated Is Foreateiv'
geaaUm tor loar anaulnad by bim In gem them all tbey bare. Tbey -treat ball. Sapper alone ton erata
tbs bnrnlBg of bto honra The oorape- no other friend so lli-”
Mtoa Wilsey. principal of the Basrdllrrc wsi s bllod man stmggUag to- ISO aienne school, to quiu sick with------------------partof ininred Id tall applleation. Ttaa wanii tbe light. Bnt the world to full Ibr grip
|n>y randrred a vardlet for complsio- of bllod beggars today wbo ara appsr- _ Thr bs? to now fros>B o*ernnd if ibe
Mt. Laarlti A Uulli of Hallalr* esrried eelly salUfiad to mmaln apiritnslly pn-sral cold westber oonilnoas them
tbs oaaa W tba SnpraM eoarV whieta blind fomrr.
will ba ice thick rnongh toekab-npon
Tbto bUnd man stngglod towardi
bM rammed the dsetoloa. aad
soon snd afford a harvest for ice men.
the light In spiU of tbe difienlUM lo
ssapaay wins the case witb eoiti.
A Paagbars, wbo is mry sick with
bto way No one prompted blB to go
teOhrtot. Many appitotad bto going.
low yoatorday.
fmd Hsyna. CbarlaroU
ouhtyb BvenUtaliord seemed iedifferant for
Fraak Gaonett to anrslDg a very
asplmnt for tba noBination f< • ].dga atlBC. BU own tbooghi of himself
was a difienity lo bto way.
we band, wbleb ba received accidentM tbaThlrtaaolta drehlt, wa
only a poor bllad beggar aayway t -What Uy Is tbe bowling alley ycatmday
mcmlag. A nsty naU was tba caasa.
A B Dongher0. prmacnllag attor■ly Of AatrlB county, was in the city ms« Isses bto MlPraapect.i.^m
B. O. Sherman. repraaeniaUve of
yvMday to help ts tba data irf tba heard tbe atery «f Miebaal Dana, a
Grand Baplds Ber^ to in tba city.
1 M
inlapablleaa eeamaUoa for the aomli
tooa of a eaadldata for elrealt |ndga.
Kra. H. Baistrd. wbo baa hMn rtolt- Tbe story was la tbe '■Ontlook’‘of Mar.
tagbOMtimaatMlU Broot
r to Btsai;
larbad boM.
bsasya. “Maaa'm g
y. MiasrotChtaago. la agaoatotB.
M llTlTlll next WlQber W® WIU
vuviu wun can fpB-w-wr msa«..ss—
Mamaias'M motbar. omiy oas of:
Msata^ (or a (aw daya
■s was la toretbor for tblerln' aad it I
Fraak Oaanatt tnaoBotad
eaMnatnralas brsatbla"'. Be was
ia TbompaoBfIlia yoiwrday.
MtiolkU SmUmas bafombewu la
Mtoa Unatoa Smlib ed Boloa. to rtoltTeam old. Thlrt*-e*e yaara la prtooo;
lag la tba city.
Bobbed the Warn.
Mrs. A J. Hradsbaw baa gone lo fifty-three yaam la criminal lUa—bto
A atarUing Incident of which Mr.
band agsln^ erary ama. and eraty John
Oliver, of Philadelphia, was tbe
s.eallrd iberc by the lllaestof
man's hand against blm. Sant rirom
Kngland to Answalto; ablppad from
. p‘-£2s:ri:.p“
I Buying Logs! I
Bound Hemlock Lumber*
liapXe Plooring,
' Shoit Maple Wood.
URds For Saie-Suhabte Far Farms.
Blame Your
Biggest Four-
IS' -. '.lu
B. H. ROSE { son:
I Portland or Old Comfort Cutter
At a Vety Low Price.
w b<uu u r.iSA* •»-> -lu i
yfg have a few of these cutters left over, which we have
"i It been selliuK at $29.00. and rather than to carry them over
be given
Thi> ifi a
Opportunity to get a nice cutter for a little
Zi money.
We have an aesoi^ent of Heating Stoves, for both
^ wood and coal, on which during the month of February we
Olbmlior wUh a free ppm to America. ^Byakiq was almost yeUow, eyes. MUUb.
dunlor German Olaaa.
Tba Janler Garmaa olaaa of tba High
wbspl have organlted a aoclaty for tba ' thing to get rid of him; and Mtbicf ia I ph^lclsas Jssd glM m ^ Ftorte-1
friend ■
itten.'and to my great toy and]
sarprtoa. tbe first boHle msdaad^ed |
leapromment. 1 ecaUnsed tbelr
Ir nac
piwliiit; Biatfrad FalJer, aoeratary.
g, drops Into Jerry McAaley’alito- tor three weeki
•eka and am now a well |
I know
sloaen Water stmat in New York one
day.aadJamy taUahUatbatbacMba
s U tbs, anbtmwtaadahappymaalf ba «m.
I'aioekadat blm lupd o' dtsad Uko.
U.U. wuu.»u,;
.u" vr.Tv;;
Will mSke a liberal dlSCOUUt frOm preSOUt prlCeS—NOW i® Z
your chance to set a good stove for less money than ever "
before. The place ^
fiebeeei -WUktM kU bro«ckt s»li
tioe of Wiiiic • r«tu« hutar. D» *m
tb* tA\f «f FJId'I for CtSMO.
bai ioM bMB npixar it i» |«ia't w«^ that •■««•
»I Skr
>be fen oa »
imted for an iavvatloii tbat b said to binV'
walb bat 1
aad tojaradhef'earrTtbavoioelaadlrBBdrbarlrfora _***
I 4W«.™ «( nlk» IV tkcL^ao. 11.11 ,
II l»i-TI.-BI»
4b Maalitia «vly
rrlni roaaAoBlabBuad. Mbh., topranbit
Frod Bdlwlf, arad «• rmn. of Dt-1 U b claimed
the Umtnr. H. I*
--------M«li \tnt9‘ •*• i*« fmr tU 4Mrh- aUlMte aa aetata of IM.O00.. left bp
. belt, dropped dead of apoplexria tbaof hbr.iparataa I .aUol that I <aa bM w daacbtat
tm at Ctartw VarMf. « datr^aue. «m Wmiaat Flolda
tMtmmVj IdIM m4 Mra Vam«j wm
AtJaekaoB. J. WUaea
MrioMt/laJaM bf u« at^oaiOB of • boUe add la Iba of
WUta* WUr. wUeh ateo »n««M baetladfor
raadwltbaatwaralpr«Mr mt«mm joti MrthM* of tbt daaloc. MeaowbUa tba creawpawad
At Aaa Arbor, oa Frldar cmUrwtoltb.
•itj. Tbo boiUr »M oUMUd ia a two gaUooa of awoat aUk dewa the
■OWtr-^i kMWMt Md difOetlj OB- BWB’a throat, nrlar bb iUa
^ u»«ia«ai at bUue m
*“■ «fc* pwlar, U wbMx TDom boU tka
Obw aoBBlp famata aar that
Itrr tmm luanai ae*
. .__1 .1. .
--------- ; ------»«“ »
Iiutnan- na
tUtUMof too Bsplo- aanbara of robta* an, tbb wintor sabIba died Taradar
* **'•
" • K-tarrr '
Ur tbalr boM* U the U«re ■—
: i-lHar a fnaael bi'.prd m^thpboa.
bib at (be on aad tbe men njor bli'
OB raeord lim is awampe U tbat aeetloa Intaad of etal(Uor«a A. Oaekbora of Laadar. wbo j Moat pmeU bare b<«rd with WU,
bite at thi-woturn
Cblcaro B«oDrd '
■•HU Owk. aUbMfb k« hu Bot jM rratliV •oo\k. aa b tbHr anal eaalos. bat ban operatlDr la Cripple Omk * to «»*4r earn the record,
of the pbrw--------- -------------a. a. arauST' **' *"*
kBM MmUM. CltorlM D I/Mtu, OBe
veMtos Cm.
M>>or al Balftie.
The ooatlar pear oocbt to bo a fortba paat few waeba, b reporud aa xrapb The urw lurftrniucot rirr* firth
•f lb* bwk kBowB Bolorod bco la Uw raapareo* ooa for Mladea Cltj, barlar cleared rt.»'0 oa bb lareat-: »h.'luOidt-nl aud n.-al ewwb to uib
-Wbr •huold 1 aiarTT roaf ab*'
Hty, dlM) U bki rBO* U B bulam
•aau to tba laabelb rnlea.
rolnme a* b> he almcrw deaftnlnx to aa aibM o-.WIt
aad Udaebtoob. Bad TaaBOar Blfhi • tbUf •••
At Ml. Mocrb. Frank Ebbanb. .
“td. a. iU. Bbort, -Wod. id contw." berndtodruaoa*-,
<b»i >aaau<*>
At Ki. Hocna. rmak Bbbanm a rtow.tl. be coald lacreaM tbb rohnae |y. "yoo caa V aa «dd maid if joa‘
•Md bb roo« and otoU bit bMi nit
, wood aboppar. m»t wlU a tairibU aoKiTMaaca.
•t rrta
I ^ --PLiladeliihU Nurtb Americaa. >
•fBloibaa, irkieb kb frltad* laWaM
flak mill aad aa
t Tuadap. WhUa alaaptor to a
"Mr ittrtnmeirt." be aaid. "wtU
ate poix
UbanblMUUoBtU Bvbb tbaibnU pUav
ebaatj both bb feat WM fietaa. U»'Jfbrk dUttoctir acd with mtiMactiaB ‘
Oam lb* bad trora aUo labn.
Farman la aoatl
WaTMOoaBtj h*ab(«amnrM: to a Dajrn't bo aTt^^''^^
ullcA andtbi.
li. 1 hare______
hare actaaUj
had7 bad baaa Ukaa to aa aadar report rrowlar wheal aad rpo la very !
] iir.n-ed. It la only *ix
dx muUhi
muiilhi eince
aioce 1
Ubar'a. dM tba tbUf awarad Taaadaj *wd aoadlUM. For some week* the '
■! retnrced to Buirlamt
litre A««Dta W&Bt«d in
■atprUad bp »ora) Veirbbtfta
EarU^ hut
but ih..
ibe ..natcriwi
alffbt wbn tba rao* oa* aapiy. Taa rroaad baa beta bare of saow aad the
menhee. nf <k. t “*■*«*
‘Uit time coBrlitce
oocapied Teiritoiy.
......I tbat the vc.Icc raa be runrered o.^i
cvau ba* beta aaVJaetad to alunau
Ud)i(tD Acddot iseditlH..
SVvort,'5TesVv *Ke®s Stories
J.S.---- -
Tba Laalartoa Vair* aapa; "Jobe
■Mwo«JabBatows.UUaweald of baaa tbe bail Utor la tba world tor iv I A twh plamaaat aoelal ttnia wa* aa-' adua to a heavy fop at aea. OTforahlp* j
■•'■iMltJMd Obs't an U* war OBI of
O08*tatlBr of pBiediiit each titber at nlKht at a die-,
L ». WlBChall of Dowartac. mailed
H. Ba r«aBB«Ij.pB»abaoad ala barbar*. a aiu Ohfck to W. S- Platt, a bardwara •^•ftohea. eako,
r ligbm
wblab Utar pro*ad4o ba aU r>bUan dealer at MUo* la paymnt of a aoU-j
Now. buwerer, I r
I pbooea caa be made hr
Ha anarward Indad b«o of tba robThp Uttar .WM barer raealrad. ft b!--------- BjmlBer to amiftifr
flify a epcaker’a voice; ”‘TalWa of wrddto'a aia t ytroerw
WMforBaaraaaa. wblab aU teraad
ao that It
it wui
wiU fill the
tbe larrrat
larreat hall
ball Ttoa:
Ttoa 1 "«> “«>»T
»««»T '
•at to ba rudeta Tbaa bU awtbarthat waa awiaa aad lueoaUaU ibrowa , laclaoee
joclaOee tapper
sapper for ooe.
ope iijod ma.to ■
*T»aker or iffo-I "} ««o‘V The
iaJaw iaaoonUj praaaatad biai oftb
-_____ .
fiMloaal Tocalirt euteruiutor three or! “•*
**’ «" bor.unary
nraa daek* tbai prevad to ba of tba ,
aodlnce* eeit.<d to halb wida
■aaialiaataBdar. Joha koowa tbat t
2 ' apart at cdu-end tbe name time.
------------------------kb I taka aaaa tt ladraaat. aad U
I* •■lotimeofwuMhradmir-ilto"-"-'
** '*
. iHunonabrly fond
•otea tbaj kaap ap ia tba barvv
iM win. liy mean, of my tovcuUun.
will rat drifa blai Uto tba aadbotMa.
iwae hi* urdta
_ _
painted mmt of tbe adrta>
month to th« diffemt abi're of
■TMkrbbnMr. tba MatU-BiUlooriuiM a
r* lu aliMtaw
aqnadron Ltohtbimi^ may'^iak abim'
the Adto.mdack*."-aaaaalraoftbaKloedlkeSsid*. aad a railto danKcnm. p.-iti..a.i ud tbe Tn«b,
InrtiM ol tmhvhaea-*
daal i43*rod*. iibm bb waddinf two
Ml* BM<*. LeieM and
'e^'tur B*kU« «iiraeUa?^C ■
tooatbt afo taa* protaa blanelf a baaaw.—: ■—-------------------- :
faetor to bb oaa villafa. U* ba* Taaaday.of paaonMoto
, aak aa aa ameodmnt to tbe app-opria-; rention Ordi-rli.a will du 1ow«R- tiidttJCAPT PAfllTPC'
W. J. iflller. a etoe*<aaa of Oklabo-'
bill tbat Sto.uoo be rivea to aid to ' their Urea, except whm-slmluu-aucre-1 J*
fw 1 1^/11 Li^ Iv C I m
boocbt avarr eoraar lot la tba vlllare
of bb roatb. araetad a aair opara
>. U aader tmtaient 1
Wtohlta. 1 ihe extormlealloB of ibU peal. It l« i
•» n^oired. in carrytog order* nnder h„ oMo been otyied tbe caate of death i
bnaa. aew atoraa aod mw raaldaaeca ICaa . forUareooralofaomreaw.haad.lHatcdtbat tfaonatnd* of caaeaoftt i*
• commanding gautfal to the In per*«na wbo li
aad««BrwwfUpat la ba ^tHe abot there by tbe ladlau In a batUa la {dlieaM hare appeared dorlag the paat
Urktplantaada aaoipleU waiar a/a- IMP. Tbe BneBlfeo raya will be a*ad I two years. In aome cioharda aa many
TbU «lllar*. »!,. Ptalaoator *«ra. to loeate iba arrow head, whloh of UU j “ ^ ^mit baartog lre«B ware reader- .w«, ,i.„ be„„. „d
can raito bimw
........ ........hour, the ben loco. _
wUl ba Iba antral paiat la tba one- baa baoB esBalsg Mr. Miller macb pwin.!
uaeUto and bad to be chopped dovra
iDotivedOOO (eetandthehean
V7b*aaBBBttrro*ort. anJ from thU
aUde nearly a mile long near i
The diaaaae j diicor.Ty inU-OMiSrtl Urn
Urn ei«re
ei«re ov«
ov« 20.000 feoi. To piwerve Ha
It b Ufarred taai a »aaiB«r botei oUl OokcrUU, Wyo-UrUd aararal B»ea aad
orMt alarm Ul whub the human voice and *ouad g«i anerfiet to full gle^ and force,
ba araatod *ra aaotbar *euM cada.
AU tbe maa ware taken
Uh« ahore U.i all the' «»Uy will truvel’
i Pa_b« Mali Extract, The ^
Wltbta a abort tin* Ira clUBtat. Hr- potalire. wUh toe eaeepUon of Bart:‘^‘"‘**‘*9"‘‘“*‘>“t'Of«' Theca—------ —-----------If"'*’
larlaOaldtratororaaarbr. ha*a *!lpad ai^ fall, braaklaetbalr bip*. Koar
of than are alratdr daad from
im *
aboak raaelrad aad U>« Bltb aaa
is oppoeltioD to tbe straet ear lUa. The
eatlmato. but the grower* claim’Arir,<w
City Opera House,
bat a abort Uaa.
boaea* are robber Ured rebielca. carry- ;
encTR, withi that U will amoQBl toaereral haodrad
outfaod. No
J. B. Fttoto of Cildwater. a prlaa'a lb lag to paasaogara. They arc
Oa.A lid Mlefairoa rolaaUara. left far
Rhi>r. •I'o'.'
,.~.. *“*•**
“"koowa and all a.„_,...• tbaaoatb with bU aowpaar. laartuf a
bean i* (be great engia* ^RLabe body.'
wifa aad babr b*biad. kbc I
Keep it gotog. ateadily, aamly, peraiailinea. Tb. line of baaiwa wilCra* from V®**"****®* *“
"* “** P“« ®*. Bvi-V; c,*?;
eaily, unto a ripe old-age.>
ofUa*loraUiihtallr. Footoi
iba aaaur of the ell, w aU aabnrba
, i?* '"*•"• *“*'*
l.icut'rai adiuiflfciun, l‘>c: reserv-^
ad to dbaaaa aad wu broacbt back
I kM.ew« yMrMto~rmc.Ck^.'^bet^-|ed MmU. 25stiri Hoc
boawwbara ha baMad wl b trpb<dd
j Te»V: —T-' » be luabimd.utt iW rt»*U» mw _________ ______________________
{aver wUb part aaooeM, but ba b aa
fiemij. 1.1m#
wvwdenlteMUilMiM*. Wh»i»«giuhpwCM»il»«
- —I
M'S*. Maud
toali.w wuuaarMWe »wei;
MBralld. probaWr for llfv- Back daj
Ait maU* cloae Jo uiouU* before de- •ewanMWUM.
thOS.SBI1»IE«. b.0. . IOBIBj
ba b wbaalad to taa store ia aa la{ parlure.
rahd'k akalr to atiaod to ba.lia«a send a few thonasod
Gboeok W. RArr.
>*of proriaiona
OtlMDi doff tbalr bau wbae tbaroaar a that dUtriet and be eatiaflad with a Tbe produet h marketed eblely to the I
Battle Oi
woald be a aafa tavaauaeataad a WarntlUea bare
ire beaa ahipped ia c r lott aa \
•r«a tba 4
tod ado* sapper f< •OBC. Oeod ma.lr
lag to the mtoan.
aa Maw York.
Boaaeiar tba dlaaorarr of armt raid
-O- H. B. C3-IBBS
Foardtatba from frecaUg
! Xardi Orat Ratal U Vav Orlaaa* and
•trtka at tba Uaballa rroaad* at Grip
bt. UiBte Teewlay aad oaedaalhtol
Creak A Ckaajc eonpaaj of wbieb A.
Btotbl-L^la. AllOo-cloek Taeedayj
*-UF Obasg*,
oo aeooant of Mardi Ora. oeleiwttoe. I
L Msletrrabpraeldaataad Joha K.
nlgbtlbr thmoBMUr regUtored oa*
U*»ryHoutba* parohaaed Mr Hal-(ihr C. A W M. Ry. and l> . u. U A W I
Lothrldra vlaa pvaatdaaL owa* a«laa d^i*.nbo*c ere.
*toad-. latoreat to tbe bowling alU, ' B b -ill acll roand tHa ilrk-v.
ocj, ^
1^11 mr up nyir>rr*o*r Mo. IPl, (• <-»ll aid e«l iokr hw^lviiB* h*>-r li uni i* ^
adjolalartba laabvila r^ad. aad a
g vuud raun-ii* UT.1—. M I a.w li ran*, le rU> id
>prtur. WlD air* Pr** Star- 4
' aiM a ball interaat la tbe oaoeera baa,
to lUb toelu*ivr in Ke^
Tbamaa Heyaalda ol BaUerllle N. J.. 1 ^
Orlaan^ Mobile and B.rmingbam «•
lanra eawlar of <ritl*aa* era atoakbold-
jj&Vta,TV6^ *5x0X11 Sx)0T^®\vCT0
Wednesday, Feb. ^
i Record
Want Ads!
{Tk Practical Bicycle Bniider and Repairer |
amaU town Dear Nawark. became a llT^
by Clarh O
Corbatu |
Retarn limit
irtog maaUeTnwidar
ran lhrou»ii''
** theiiylam. rnth.
»i»4n«c ABMeay and
of th«
: •““^-“"'““"’“'‘'jBmlon.oftbeUantiabRlfle.wbowaBt
DcBarae. i; P A
a knlla fa hi* haad. j JH-"*“®'
to Caba
Uraad lUpIdu.
kWiklaFu areryone ha mcL Mo*i of
roomed at tbe Agrtealtaral eoHega. Ute paopla aaeaped from hlax. bat two
Bear tbe apot where a herd of eaiilc af ware aerlou*ly iajured. They are Mary
flieUd with lubereutoali were killed. r-ya*.wba**kliBllarB*.traeinrad and
aadtothU tn.oour be U tboagbt to wBu will probably dl*. and kit... Mannj tag. B yooBg girl, who wa* bxdly tojarhar* coaLractod tbe dhaaec.
App‘loail..a ha* been made to ib* . '
toBded to jtll
Frolmte Court to bar* William Weght. j Tbr ho*plUl» id the Kloodtoe haTe
>f«wrr«ldeoiBfbi Clair adj uigrd {bead taard to their uimJkt capaeliy
$6.00 SbosB
7**^' “•
borne toD year* ago and iw.th Cerer alrlcken paUanU daring the
Ueaiad to Tf-eaa. F«»r the past rght past moaih. T, |fbold feYer la the baae
go at $4.60
yoaia Bo Ud.Bga bar* beea reecir.d . of the pnj.peeior’a litr. aad he I* bar(romblaaBribUmolhar. Mrs. R uaa-j tog hia fall share ol tronUaa. Adrioa*
dry Wright, ha* appl.edtotbeDoorilor'reoeU^d by the euto departm«Bt to
a* adakeUiratrli of hU I Wakhiarton mr tne bUmmto
.*. tom^klBf
u m^ktog
aauia. Tbe miaalag mas ba* an totor- rapid toruadaoB the hrallb of tbe mmt
$1.76 Bomeos Oxfords go at
ml U *om* propsny la 8t Clair town- healthy moo to the frigid dletrkcU of
abip which U is desired to bare settled AUaka. bearrymaae are alio reportod
at $1.83.
broegni ee by aaltod food, bet many
A fatal aaaidaBt took ^aea Tawday mee with planty offrreh auat hare
moraUgatthaC. AO T. cramlag at fallda a rlellm of ihU dleeaea by orer•warn Oaak. eight mUa* wait of FlUl. worb aqd rgpaaara.
Grain Boots
$1.60 SbosB
FUea. Iba 14 ymr-old daagbtor of. Bimerti fCiaball. a trareler, whoar
Owwge Maady
of Clayi^
towaahip. .nrea
rived U CtaetBBau1 Ual
at $1.88.
laat daaday.
ttaaday. ap$1.18.
^la.iMUy kllUd. aad CUra Maady. j piled at the city UupUal aad aikad to
^ if.danghtor of Tbcwae Maady. | be anamUad to detormtoa wheibcrbe
One lot
aM Jaeprr B.om. a yoaag maa who | bad leproay. Simtoll left tbe Pblltpthan
$$ Shoe Packs
' He tapraeeeud aareeal A
ranirawooowa the eemeal work* aaei Ana* While at Maalla beaaid
at Ualoa Ciir lurr baea at Blk mapU* he wa* cxpaaml to to* duacM. and
at $1.60
“*»“*•-** ‘“kkdf «war tha frtmad feared Ihalhe bad daralopad symptom*
with a rUw of eaublUhUg a Urge ea- of toe acourg* atoee eomtog to Amaruaatfaetory(b.r* The, hare quUb
/ — • famUy
••—'X Hr«a
— to Datrelt. Mich.,
lyboaghtaptheBurihad.araaad ft- ay'ke dU aot waat
wai to go borne to!
tobamUke. and ,i » agpMtod iber VteaaUl be bad 1
•full, ex-!
•*2JJ ^ ‘-C‘» «f«au*e. tote oo.
Th* doctor* at tbeboapiul{
f-wr of tBi. m*r! wa. aoaly. madeaeai^ful exaDiiaation. bet they!
^ai KblUdelplila acd h pr«ouB»d aoald Bad bo rridaDo* of toe dlsaaae.
■m^lorw—nu They wUi give
aakad to call again for toe aaa-1
nagtoymedt to tou or Ain -uf,
This sals wiu contlnus
oad examlBsUon. bet the doeton are !
Al nut, Mayas'd w. H wood. aged poaltlre be baa not coatraeted leprtay. ]
M. aick. dnpQwUai and cat «f w
A diapatob from Xi tohlagton *ay*:,
ahot kimaaU at e e'cUek Taaaday m
Two OT three yean ago adiaeaa* kaown
lag. dyUg. Ha laarea a wkUw aad
the "UtUa pewk" ippmiil amoag
llfl Frottt StTfKt;
«*Mhoraha(d»U AUagaa acmaty.
Ba«MI flBl^ at Saad BaaA.bM MUMfbb. aad hn* UrmiU m m,
.n* w. «y re.
Frof. Arlbar Ooaler, who died baa-
day, waa the rletlm of ar,|alrad tabaraaleata. Aboot two ^aari ago OroiUr
reomui *>.
Oup One-Foupth Off Shoe Sale
PIngree t Smith
Male of Fine Shoes
and Ner Stflts
. at M off.
$3 Shoes Go At $2 25
Nenleton’s Patent
Calf aod Tons.
$2.00 SllOBB
go at $ 1.60
$4 ’WeltShoBS
at $3.00.
$6 Enamsls
maks at $4.60
$4 pairs
$ I Children's Shoes $3.50 Hand Taras
at 760.
at $2 68.
Udies' UOO
Torn Sole Jolienes
to ool|i $1.48.
Ooe lot Men's $3.00.
$1.50 Heair Shoes
ot $J.I3.
96 Pairs
Oil Grain
ladies' Hood Toro Cr6oles.$1.60
going al$i.48. going at $1.13
90 gaits Men's
$3.50, $4 and SS-Not
$i.50 Lace end and Felt Sha'es 14
aad 1-2 off.
until Xarch 16th.
ZPraxiJk: IH^iec3j?ic±L,
I KOBSiira WMoao. mu—dat, t»b«pabt », um
- TH* orptccnr ouawtimom poaro
An Ua> profMM ihm BcqMul —e»Mf7.
Wto*« MUi »-e b*AU •-! <«m«aKns
ca«> Awe
naUI *bl to« Mb
,-t Bi Ibnr- rMllTel ead S>i»
!>• nnlroMa oBA HM-etf-.wvbttw
3MwpUc»e( ■!> (fa* olteoOoanor
TUI km erlm,
Aad tenbUd bt leito eed renmi
»D Aye Mt (Mweb
ViUOM MMPIIM. tbe«--------- aAmr.
*XW Atobbr b »«
B* Ut« bf hinmU,
kb own «*Mm. kb own
.«VB MmaU. Data] AbqDAtt* mod o«A
te*A MAklUkad thbkAUl of boU.«tai rerlkA iBAB « (he blip wbo kAA
■MiAWilerAlHkAwb. The MAM b
r to be tend to (he*«7
I«M» (te k* I
UdA« tbeee dreuDbAHee AST
.aiUMspA to (msb Ike Mpertodtr at bb
n»k br
«t A ODouM cAbto or
Mr. Hmy Apfa of Scstas eonpl
Ike Alias of the wiiee oa the towa cf
flAAMcb eOBit.
Be toofcadap al (be
hsb( to the dnabng mn
obaokM •ahlf aa be beat the tort y«d
Of win.
-A trip to ttoto.” AAid Mr. AppA
••brta Otoe.”
Be threw the
ladder feedr to
Ibr air. end rt Uw fltrt effort it eaagbl
I thAi kBtoAyaM
%e AOCiAbb, fur niat b depmib epno the i (5, p„
' w-y^A^ebciwj
^oaaiblbty welka baad asd haffl
“Fmatr (bat Mw.” laid Mr. Appa
with capacity mad pow«r.~J. O. Hole wai relbred at betos as ohrioae
way oal of hu dlttoalty.
of areapalioa b aotvert. A
aotbias l-fer dotop tbe itatoff to a prc^
Htlad qaltovacaat U a sttod dbUiawd
et, rtrileforward w’y."
••And.” mii tody btaptobaiM. with
ber tao os bb ana ^ thvy walked
Ba b rtebert who boasknt wtto
amae tbe toon, "yoe ban pot Ike Irart. tor costpot b tbs woaltb of aaaart eod aeeest capitbly-”
in Ooentn.
•■Tatoteodony. b itf
BewboUvnoslytoheaiflt blneelf
Bbe brokotird to tbe fosdolbr.
omfara oa toe world a baaeAt wbsa ba
‘‘Gaptato Koraan aod I ai« fleet din—Tettalltos
bsda.” aba ntd to aa esplasatofy
Thera at»aol food tbtoft ntMfh
way. “Bebat BOt bees toss bone firan
}ifa to todenaify aa for tot ae^act of a
abfOad.asdbefcaoweaearoeJy anyosa*’
Btoib duty.—Man Swatddaa
■Kot a bbMd aosl.” eeboed Mr.
U wa have Deed of a etroBf wUl to
-Too start let ne abow yea tooad a nder to do good, it U etiU aton aeedaUl. Oaptato Nmaa." nb ibe ffoadA. nry for ae to order aot to do evil—
ad grttiality. "Cas
yes oonerosad I nydabose nlgbt
tbbweekr•■Wbafforr’ d leaded Mr. Appe naploioaaly.
“S'by. to dtoa
bay Tbaradey.
”'Baveo knowe where 1 aballbeos
BMlay."ealdMrAppe. ”1 doa’L”
■■Yoa naet oooaidrt aie at your diepoeal if yoo requite aay introdoetioiia
rttrtfl tbe aurtnart eamatraa bb eXto.
rope ladder, ‘aad tba forl b Bloa. ’
Mbewirtmittobagferat TterttaaUr oprord tbe window very featly
nrs elood iasbr tbedrroeinsrQan
to tbe fnwT air of iba watdroon wa . ^
II..-ti-i, irtf.
nadooe rtiaptols nay all be tocladed
to Abe wardruam of a torpe
naa iitela atatomuue
Aonatoa apaec, wbiub
■■wardr.nBnaatry ” TbU
kaew that At StoL Jart Cir (Be aeaeaM.
I tbmsbl 7<rt »*« ■
lot of tmabb if I'd koowed.
awans opro tbe beavy door
aBd lietrtMd to tiu- aoeio
doWD eiain Yooof iBdy btapleboret
Sivius. ae Mr. An* w»y **•»
mew. e oenne
e lai
ber retara frun (be oosiiueal after ber
UfiD (f widowhood.
”ril |eM enffretof ell.” be raid,
naajetratiTely trvtbfal totbewa
^aanne of a ship
la Ibb "eooj
'' I
«ibia tba aoetoi Ufa of (be wardi
Hcoe tbeee bub of varied calUaiB. yet
1 “lliat Ibe
Then bsoliBpo^tdUty for bin who
etasde prepared to ooDqart every baaard-toe feaifal are toe tailing -fbtmb
**U^^toeaUny worktoba
aad If Hdoaaaotpcovaao 1 naku tt
atiiUiA aaTMorTi
Tbe reflartiaae oa a day well quBt
faiaieb n» with Jut. bkwp pbapiag th.a
tea tboanad trianpU — Thonta -
Stop la till I o*eloak aeary aeaatof
b toe fpoet wtwk SB car witobwe
every BUB aUBp* bb owb valoe <B
be if every ose would osly talk to are
klnwlf • • • Tbe twice wv«ball€S«
to their (■berartrr."
ilrharrt ton with sonetbtog for «in-lv»l.KUvatu • * • Maa b
r till
The oaly way to rid tlw doff ef bb
bark b to toia him
A CTcb eide path ba't a lead, tboogh
‘Am 1 too porioaet I kuow very lit
tle of tbe army. I'm afraid. ” TiMpaadolier wae rnolvid to be egimUe to
Udy BiaplehiitM'e friead. ”1 alwaye
dodge tbe army nigbte to tbe besea.
o kuow eeveral of tbe a
niaute afliTte bUlUrd halb
John R. Santo,
GihiiI lisiraDce.
« '«
Hbe tMild the band of Mr. App- fur
n nuBueul. (WBUOK »iul geiitJemau ui
SaaaA W * Oe. Martt
Ever Bwmed Owtt
Uao yoa know
■wU. CbObiatoa.Coraa.a
towptioBa, aad pealtivaly ai
Irad. Itia f
rtooe anertioB that a Urge prequrtioB
of tbfwe wbo have made tbe aaoeat of
Mont Bt-pn have been penoae of ua sals bv J. 0- Johnson aad 8. B Walt
life lu the wardroum. fur tbe daily mil- |t..,ojr«. xtn- «a(. wa« *1111 upin. aud Ibe
ttary r<i<itiiic I* full of drill* and ravr«vr«- waiting f.w b:
ton* wlii.b k.»p BMwt of tbe om.-«re on
w„b Muufamun Uuy 8ia.dacA
'Ibrri. ere drill* with gr.«t gaaa
aad wnb etoali amia drill* to .-bwrug
totp fur a.Airai. dnlle lu tiaodlwg amnaailUMi nod mao)- <rthM>—all of tbwo ^
yootol in the <*ie idea that yem mort
'( one ihiUR. it'a,
prw. r.u y.mr tmu life by (Wfwyiug
ijp .b..* bu b.-ad r. fl
' |,_
au ..nWf iwtam. Wlhe
„*]j D1 .we drill aud begtu* a j
,„o will kn.ov any
r |.-rkaf iuuu. 7>l udy here. O.ptn.n borman." ebe nid
by the buKl.-oud«-k and ^
walk'd down ftaira. •'hot 1
a hi* ewont aod rrturn to.
,,„i,ng you a card. »ee-
„4brr .mil
j in- buu fn.-ndl* we were «i tbe FeAt et. ly .^11 to qaattm all ofllcew
n ....-uiUrr iboee evennuei O |..rt ibeuiW'lvo. rveoy f« duty ,,
iu ib. It-d w-al"
the (buplaiu auil payuiarter. bat^ 1
. ^rry Due young
nacb bw* to duwub diili* Ibaa tbs |
ni.o lu li.-r rOKtuiue *be loukrd
Other ..flLesTV. are .i.ually tbe linn to ba. ^xin ii.-1) well,
Bw-k IU Ibr w*r.ir.*ua. wb.iv Huve IS'
..j^, j „.4"' ,,l,i Mr.
..i. I-„rti..m TL-u.-du-4l u«-' n,n,i,i,,rv. r ■•.st.alllri.-rf.Rgrt'etn?"
bawaidtoibe *i.kbeytU|
• j„uiory
juuli . (run Bnu-
It wn
m.... like dabu.” ibr laogbwL - to’iof burlin iDueeum
Coder lb* ...liiruB la tbe Buenau
1 uar, CaplalB Ktwmati. 1 01 □ •t talk
liwnm markim? tb.-eput wb«r» (^•nr e
• > budr wae bnni»l euuie aahee bavu bees
gift” nid Mr. Appa.
[fcni^ Aocrdinf: tu the LondonJauily
what it la"
to Mail they are belirred lu be tbe re‘‘Y<aj don't want to be Iniroi
Buia. of hie fotiernl pyre
aayl>..ly b.-re, 1 aappoac?"
to lb. loan wbo
onl. ml it4/. be dirjMiehed al ut..v
a tu dlrimi tbeoaipnng of the,
a bu»j iiigbl l»fiw>'
iJetwuru ti.i. larly ui.wl w*d »be
Aiqw. iru.i..gly. Hr tb..oghl
brnklu'i po.|«T, which oau» at buli ^|,„*,».,„,ng„oUwlBwnaD.I(.ar11 or IS ..'dork. Iberu u 001 inu. b
,„„pj,urlour bark,
■---“siTSsttr- ~
A. W. BuUrtia.
Acrordiag to raceat peer bw eutbtin to Eugtoiid. the total anoBat qteat
rff.wt IO imitate ibu wrkuey'e aeovnt. fill«<l with
• blow me If ibie ato-i a fair Uka—I >>m.. <if which have been aeat to Ibe
" ebaiige my !<«■ anil do all 1 want to.
otocr onitvrt pUfud
.iuiyou etay longer?"
Atlbeotberaudirf tbeikbU.
u» eanllo lb. maid and
It e tba aert toiOR to It
, .
Tbe "owl tare' tarty the “alfBt
bawto' ■ wbu are out for a **h^ "
Importaat depoeit. of ^Iphar here
L-'t.'ly been diecovered io' Asiatic RaiForeaterw' ball tonifbL 1
nwe. ••ltoiaki.e-e»yiy.‘'
ie '^la tbe FutghiiBe dUlrirt there U
laAladn anapto tor saa.
“U you knew bU qaal.it.^ y«
will yield .boot
wonhio't vpeak of him like that.
mrftihor vearlr
mouud toTa-et by tbe aide
Mr. P°^ »
At the tlaeaa City Rntaai
Hteirr Anne.
**"* celUr of tbe old LbsMeaB
Colltot U tbe proprietor.
••WuUiWow bus" nid Udy Staple. kinR, ATRert" II. ^ h« diec^ertd
'■ •‘“P *"
oue of the
; tueida
abe aald ”1i mart arrange foracarid bU beawtmen Tbe
riare to take UapiaiB Mormaa back
WarOr>xjui Uounetanliy rt
.bu hotel to Ibe morntoff. Iwaaa'taare
Tbe BMlIDi
i that be would come."
then uuw wbo live ui b'.
"> nmwalk." rtaaarked Mr. Appa
ap tarlier M tbe auwaioB and gu to
1 wo ,
,*if ptaaenian.
Inrlieretnigbi Men of our ward,
“IwoB-i bear «tf it Wbea aball wa
are bortluig with ofBoan at 1 oVlook to ear. uow?”
“(toy lu an bonr'e time," aald Mr.
The Penneylvanu commandery of toe
“You bare beard of"—
Military (hder .d FoniRn Ware of Ibe
Bb.- (eiiBted to tbe dirertioa <ff tba Uaitod Ntatee bee voted to jitm-ot to
Rear Admiral Dewey tbr gold toHigato
"All I want
the order. wliii-Ji the I'nlted Stolee
"If. '* really luaking a big aauie ii^
r.TuiiieDt p.Tniiti.ijtoc«re<d tbr army
tls-bi.uiir, rtn kii.nv. 1
ms.. '
mTWilhRr>-ni lulerre^.
Think, .e .jolly
Im.l a IkI ..f -liim. l<«.." r
ni*rk.*l Luoy r^ta|i|.
"And I* tl.*t a jiium. .1.. kiUR <mt of
y.iut jn 'k. I |»» kei ' Tbi* 1-. indM-d.
rt .iloiu Vnu duo'lknowbiw It wocka.
misns m lonnuRsi s. l
M ItoeVloek a-a.
OoBpnr B BobUi. C tMta.
Tfaere are a few of tba baaf
Hannah B.flememoetoU left, wbteh
no be bought at to* City Boob
(or ns eenla eeeb.
^Qto nttcatoofk
o wl 4 su|
MSotatr* uiw
,» to 4 o
rved eorracUy at toe (Jaaaa City
StonTla'* am
5 4 S: B»»to?cJ^*»
Ill] .that (oiiuylltUe
t Luuukiait. Ib*l Cite
rveterw n.,_
«*'• WUl letrrlsUr.
•m. 1
"W.'ll, I'vi-gul a kind .f a bldea.”
said Mt. Aj.[ic "Uxik'ere. Yoa pot
(bi. rod III ai
Mr. Api*i I..UIKI Jiimwlf g. ltn.gqoito
.i-lltd iu llu- riplauaiiui.* (bat be
g-v.'. It wa* a i.rw *et»ai>oo it. meet
m„. „ I,,, .lunt.ii an inlelliBeut iiil. r.-»t
.. ................................. hr eool.l ix.i be Ip
Uokmg i.j^ be aai
Ul. goDdcili' r Kniii.g al him
"He duii'i look 'ap].y. that rbajx'
niU Ur. Apia.
"Will you eacoae me fur one ta<
K aarr
^iiiaRTaTriwAiue.*/*-ae«-»**n< ^
IstnFif-CUe MUn.
- Ry .pev-ial reqaeel Madame DeUmar
be, caBcelied other eagagemrata w> re-
h~-■»* ol
malo Id tour city ooe week luBRer. All
wbbing to coeealt ber bad better doeo
a« early a* noratble.
A* tbry will e
a rare rbaee of bating the futaro
voaied to them.
cD good
"Wot are you goiag ap X BiitoP’ be
auid appr.luJi-iv. ly.
”1 want In *p.«k to blm. ”
"Oh.” with rvliri. ”1 don’t mind
___________ ____
Tbe moilame boa glv-
mtlafoetlaB for tbe aaat
weebe abe ha* beeo bera
ffbe will
Wliil.- Udy Ru]ilcbnm waa making
th'y‘.n.l"Ii' r rwui;m bi* oriliii»ry« *pr<-»i<'ii Mr AjU*and IliuOKht. ji
Tbt- <i'0|il>w pn.iiK i.ading aiu-r tbe.'
i uaoa. ar'*i.Tr»>rrei-Oltg
walte luukrd rari.iu.Jy al faito.
W.llJl.'H-tV.miuf Or-*» ■,■»(..'*
•'ll', tbe TU1UIU..W1 show y.w (far rv- 1
•y Ir.
•iu.'Kiiery."aaid Mr. Appa. "yoo'rv
tort.'I* tbe Urrt.Unilb.iig •|«KT(ia-a
_ 'ai iu '.uj >iu i<i»t. }<ni are, bat yoa'll I
llUto IrA^are and tilataticm
Ual tbe
be Rlad III Rci upBiair* aRaiu. Yonwaat'
dniU lor the day are mrt yH over, and j
the girl wbo played tbe banja toetu diam<««lA toai'B w« yoo want
at : o cliai toe bort^* »•
TiBw. m.-iiu« tocaM'y u. yoo. 'lUiety."
Ibroogboul (l^abip A ■addraoall luay .
great.” agm-d
id Mr. App
Udv .Slapli bar*! homed Unrard tbo
ilwiBR to oeterwl new caae* adde
nme f.r o.iHi*iW drill or flrv dnU, of I
A liiuniiar uf aniuMtuent
the nomerou. Ibt of cure* mad.
baltulKai drill If at ■*. a
.... 1i "■^"lergrbaUimaBwarWrytolL
w(Ot torouRli llie noma* tbe gu rota
De luimafa »
jet may be dropj**! w.Ttmanl.
amali covey .f brightly dmewd young saw a new »rriv«l 10 the fvwtiim* uf a reliable treatment wMIe Id yoor
aa b<«r toe »bip be elmkrn from
et^n '
. j„
, flew lowetii tbe ymug bornen to police oQortaMe artxnpoBlt*! by a man tbe paat alx weeka. ka la rvqooate.
tbediecbari2e.f guiw Fran
, if bev irmpirary atoenoe from to plain rlotbea. Mr. Appa tbinklng
g to 6 o'rloA
p,.,., ^id e brand *t>aBl<lrted goa- ever bis rxpluita. gartag abttraetadly *
o'cloi* la Iba anernum use ••
> BmaiUiM CIMkIsr Ps.
tborroRbcarabletreatmcat. Allba
ftarrally a raapUe frem work, aud Ota
b,, and lotA bu btou. and reRretimg their want
• ^*0* B4Lg-N»e SevUlBf ksiM. reeSr to
waidnxim b.«in* to abow awn* of f-- I „p ber card with waartbing of an air of piiliab. Old not we tbeu aoul tbe plain loovdledbumllaftor all other t
t r orcuor- Bw»ll *er>**>
tog a bum.
hone to 41 are reedtog of |
elolfaee luan tapped blm na tbr toooldet. failed, ae matur wbal ailmenu
or womaa art aafferlng from, rbe
writing, otie-r* err emoktog
playing ,
Wbat! Appi. agaur* aMUimfd tba
• I ,b..ugh,
ItMUght 1I bad bit tbe key iaj^
tlam, parulyala. dropsy. oonaaiBt
guMe or Iwftuf
bull oUan an. u —ixrowia.'.” Tbe yuaag b
liver, kidsvy .aad !
thatr rouiB* uktog toe aeamaa'a after- fanA bev card Irwa tbe gondoliw. "I
■-Vaa”aaid tbe burglar dimoeteo*- Uoeble. headaebe. pilot. Dervoe
Itoi at S o'cUito tba dnIU am rngagKl tc C'aiaala Xurman. X<n> ediy.
"Yoa. it U Appe agiue. Mr. eeaacm caaoar. loot oiaBbood.
aad raercia* oaiiL ocbta
don't kuow biui? Allow me."
Walkev. And vuity glaa you are to sea aad veneral di.ot
fly • AU O'clock (bees la afeeltog that
are aabjtol 1
"Plrawi! to ruert you.” aald Mr.
and w,
blm. I've Dodabi.”
«*a na eit down aed dtoa witooui fear Henry Ap|w
,Uy coiwd In a ebon time.lbi
” 'Uw'e tor world aCtog
“Alwaj* ■ ploaenre to meet a gonttobeen given ap aa laearabla t
iff iatorraptom Tbe tnea* aa a whole li you?"
man like y.nx." oaid Mr. Walker cbeer.jtow gatoomi togwbv. aud Ibe meal ii
•That'a aaonimaltiwiumeol yoor*. fully aa be euidu.ied blm to lU do(W- request the profi
.day, aftar wbieb
rvary eStb. Mooi
MMTalty a tbufouglily eujoyabie and Capuui K««maii.'• nwarked toe goa- w^. ‘‘I'vewauiedio raa'apagainrt raary
igtoo for a few wc«
laavos for Udiagto
UvJi^btful affair AfUTUittwrt Uw»a doUrt. "I dua'i IfDOw that I've ewr you befoev.”
where many people (ram Maniatee •
anytoiag ao daringly real brforru'
Murb commctiuain the baltraon at arouBd will taek bla aid to c
an Cigara g*mn.
Uritodiaw wilbia .wcaelf witocmt a*•W.-11. wot uf it?” demand.*! Mr. ihediverlinglittle.eeDe. UetMWalagew- from reeommeadai
wMtog renark
By 10 Colock mart of Ana
aadd.u aggmovenm sMit that Udy btapleboTM ww apet- toeru 11 weeka
tonu nllora are lu bed. bnl even now "WoT* tbe >«ld» loyOBWotl like to f-«i geniue at enieriaiuing.
Iba dnllamaywi hooter Atmidni^ wvarf Yoa nmln't tbtok you're”—
‘But. lovclir*! girl” aald tbo gon day. He'od partleulars. '^1..........
.*a lugU may *ooBd. aud m two mto“Oaptato Kormaa." ink-rpowd the dolier ounlicbJiiiall^W^ Ud^ 8to^^ fMor De Umar. Traveroa City
•too. M kb. (or tbe Beat Ibroa 1
■ Blaa all toe abip'. ttonpany be ra^ly roang bottm Uagblngly. “yuo uiuui't
naanest addrem. Prcfeeaor
saakuiR nady lor an ewc-my —»ew ovrnio the part. Uuk betv. I've pal
mar. Aatrologlcal Mrdletoo C
ymir name down for tbu waltc. but if
_______a.” said tbe love
Jforit Hoot_____________________
Fifth street. Detroit Mleb.
yon like wr'U ail it «»t—that i*. if you trembling
Ofllee boors 9 a. m. to t p 1
It II ktraage to notioe bow many old prutoiae to kerp op that ditrtting Mil
bnrglar tea"
Sooth Ualoo alrret.
riawical eipremum* ftiH «rv.ta to end talk. 1 like it. Do you Ibuik yoa
None need have GRIP
"A real"—
Tbe people rtlll ewoar By
It they BOB profesBOr’* mvtbods of treatiB uianiRv lu do K>?”
”Y*A yta. Don't make ..
Baoebutt" aad "By Olanaf' jurt a*wc
• IU Ukt.-; .aid Mr. Appa
dmi't waul ibe daure epoilrd. Take art m«Dt that at obbb baBiabae toe
du"by Jotar hat wbea they tatt (ff
oftbemlaerubledlaeaae. Oars GRIP
••Aod it la a capital make ap. Chp- down to agpprr. likewgood fallow."
-to.. Dito aad Barty” (boy ny ”»•
da Mnnaa.” aha w«wt ae. ”Oo yoa Lesdtai Ut-Sila
Tveverae Clir, Mlto
bet ImI to bpaia
1; u, caring (or tor pour of Cbgbnd and
Waka leratoaieBtoe waee<
__ bemucee op with.”
The hoeteNi rt-farned frcon Beary TDl.
“I t-au ante mtUitog of tbb naa."
wbUpemd- tbr gnodolier to bar aa ba
r 5
rt I do all ktods of ito
aad derlvayaatoabntwato <
oaa la tba city tor tba noaay. -----^daoalto^ Si? oonTaa?nTtor
J. Bab
borrt.eerewii.RbeTpniiy muoib tolK-t ntar Uke Via in Aeu Minor
Bicycle Riders.
Wp rSBBOt bvp better UuiB ia seek1 JtBow a r*»l >«
P«P>®. •«» “W piK to bpooine brtirr. Bor »or* agreetrioid uf Udy hteplpbom'i"—
'abty thea iB bavinK a clnr cosactosee.
“Oh. coiae at the wof.” eahkMw'
Appe wiib Biacb dieoobteoi. <dffot’a
R<a|BW arealwaya foBDd oal to autM
of tork^gr'
Wbupver ie a wolf will art u a
“ItD't it otpiielV eiked Udy 8towolf: that b tbe uwrt cvrtaia of all
pleboret (d (be gosdoUcr delightedly.
“Uow BiiMb' Bear iDtoeattog it woald
■ '""'e >"W«. U-«.|».
..MB. aebe'WuUMl equally (« blm <>«*
rtde of bU .nrn .-Kioiry be u -o smt ,
Staruler tiiet Very few nJriliaae can
; di*i. you kinne.
g;:r.::4r-(6rul Biplli t iBdtiu K. R
New Methods
H«ra untU Fab 6tk.
4tjre”zz ••'«’?
■arrival as4 «Bssrtsrr o*w»is*a»*ra»W
OIIT.ta e*e«« We* tolrtU.
laisM iiiSffBii
laaaaa saaasssa* oa
haaasas *■ssesaosaeaaaw
1ZS8 fi
.ee. e
*■ —
2RB8«8S8aSB£B«&8 888SB
1 arrivsB at Wto am.
BmmA Jrnr-nom
MUraB SwolotloB AfalBBC
That Oooraa
cifimi wmm* tmtm o»9«M
Tltog TO» — Btaolrtw— to Boa•MttM «rMh Bmm Vratgr.
WMktar«<». ^ t.-Th« MMt«
aMlUam lorilo ni*UaM wtoy
BiMMMd tk« WlOB*
m»BHtOM Men Um MMU ta «ouaUM
wttk Ifce fmm Metf ead «UcVUd eot
aofpaee iMfw Ue toUer ofe?oM
tW Sret Me »1U «DM a » aotloe U»
•Mr Ue Bmm rapletkw le tke <
alMea nie vlU
eppoad by Ue
■—ben or the eemluea
I with tbtor Ideee They
•east Bpoa hertoc eH the i
«BBM tftot «f Br BeUlres. roted dewB
VheydoBoteppMtheBamrea BeeeThe BeUlrea renlattoa toae fellewe;
“Vtoto the retlfleettoa of the peadlay
toeatyofpeeeeeheU toae wtoe deter■toe tbe peliSFed the'Uatted Btetee
to rtoMd te the Fhlllpptoee. aer eeaaWt tte'forerwMat te e eelealel poliey
•ertolttotoadedteewberew the ew
tobitohtoeaied e-eleble. tottopeedeat
Bereraaieat by the people of thaee
totoade wheaerar the eoadlttoaa eeehe
eaeh e
hopefel et eaoeeeelel
■eaetor Ltadeey of Keataeky. today
•Berad the toUowiaf )alat raeolettoe:
•>net the eeqeUIUoa by tbe Ueitad
•toUa Ihroacb eoaqBWt. treaty or
•therwtoe of territory act adjeceet to
•ad rnrnphtoelly pert of the
toaat of north ABerlee eerrtoe with it
‘•eeoMUtaUoeel or morel obllKettoe
>rrbet It to ecelaet tbe potley, tieAlttoa ead tatereeto of tbe Aaterleea
paepto to edwlt etetee ereeted oet of
oart Boa-Aatertoae territory or porWOM tboreof lato oar aaloa et eoy
«toM or aader aay eoadlUoae.
•That tb« tlDlted Bieiee eoeept from
•peie tbe oaeeioa- of tbe Fhiliopieee
arltb tbe hope tbel tbe people of tboee
totoede will demoaetreU their eeperity
te eeubitob ead Deioieiti e eieble yorerpmcBl. cepebleof eof'>rciey iew ead
erdar et borne eod of dtoeberyiar tbe
totoreetlooel obllyeUoDe reetloy
aoprretc lodKprDclsot elate, eod with
ao e>pcetetloe or deelre of penaei
^ boldlay tbe toleadi ee coloslee. or
eabjeet proeiiieee, or eompelltoy
people ayeiaat their ooeecot to be eab>eet to tfar eatborliy of the Oelted
•letee. after they drmoaeireU tbrir
aepeeliy for ealf yoTemmeet.e« berelo
drBDed.'Uteyorrraetrotof tbe Ualtod
Btetee le bttbajodye of each cepeelty."
At Mr. Liadeey'a reqeeei thr' re
ttoa wee left oe tbe table eabjeet to
Mr. BewUae of Uub eddremed
aOMte oe tbe V«at eaU-eapeaeloa
d maton««hBal>
Detroit. Feh. 1.■Bij' tower trea aWetory edwerA
WMaoMTor. D. c. dee. rr. tin.
r Dub OomneK-Tbe epMet
■hi* whkta win «e te Oehe <er Uw
ef dlWatorrfaf eed retmte* te
the Dslted Btetee th« resBae id eold.
tote there to eeaetad te toere Hew
Toth eboet the Ut or *»d of Febroery.
The reNto «U teeeh et ftorto Btoe,
toere e eerpe od eeMteiMte there eed
thee preeeed to Beatiere. Ittobetdly
likely thet it ma ratarm to tbe UelM
Btetee with the bodtoe to toae thee e
toeelh. eed it mey be loBrer.
Very trwly yean.
B. h. Ambb.
ttocretory of Wer.
ChertoB B. RipItarM’. the
hae (oae to Weehtotto^ wlU hie eredeallele ead wUI eaU
tor Oabe to tbe rorereweat'e epwdel
ehip. Oeputo Betee. eae of Oeaerel
Alfer'e eppoiataee, who wUI aoetotto
the work of etteadiof to the dbtoterrtoroftbe bodtoe to Oabe. applied
yeelerdey to the (orereor for treaeI et the eteteb «
> te Thlrteeatb Otrooit
•emiUee meetiay of repraeeatotlemfroB Aatria.Uraad Traveree.Leelaitae aad ObarieeoU. met here yaeterday eod deed the daU of tbeBepoblioea
for tbe Tbirteeath
eirepiL Tbe oDereBtioa will take place
to tbto elty oo Mareb Ttb.
There are aaiaerou eaadtdetee for
tbe BomtoeUoa te the beach rMaoUy
oeeepted by Boa. Boaeu L. Corbett,
wbowaeebotto tbe a^er pealneala
Oread Trevatee eoaaty bee eevaral,
amoBff them Jedye Loria Bobarte. P.
C. Oilbert, Mealy C. Dodye aad J. W.
Petekia. Aalrlm eoaety wUI hrUy
forward Boa- Pitch R. WUUame aad
Cbarlevoto eoaaty'e eaodldeu to Pred
Mayaa. The rivalry utoUay promtoee
Oompuy H Boye WUI Mol Oet That
Two Moatba- Addttlcmal
A bill be* reoeatly beeo pamrd la
eoayram ailowlay two moatbe' citra
peyioeoldiere who aerved tbe Ualted
Butee.ia Cefaaaadwbo
ured oat prior to the ISlh of Jaooary loci. Membere of Conpaoy M
Thirty foartb Ulebtyao have beea lec
to believe ibai tbto bUl applied u
tb.'B: bet it eeome that tbeTblrtyfoartfaMioblirao doee aot eomc la for tbe
eelia pay. la order to Ice'o the etect
iauntof the bill 1’. C Oilbwtwr
U tbe Commleeioaer of l*eiutooe
WaabiaytoB eaJ baa reeelved tbe
followtoy rtrply. whlca to aelf-«ipUaatory:
WaaaiaoTn!i, O C.. Jaa. St, U9$.
P. C. Ullbert. Traverae City. Mich.
With reply that tbe'reeeat act of
ylvioy two moatba' extra
Psvsrod it by a Party Veto of
pay, ete.. referred to by yea, applUa
ooly to voiuauer a<ildlen wbo
K.b-i -Tb,b.. i;;;b,^rt.TrbT'
1... 'I
• ..
peeaed tbr ermy r.-ory.„-.xvtl.,n billI bv
avoieofiw to m. »:x B-puUI'--laavmueb aslhe Thirty Poartb UicbVOUi ayelMt—Ibe tatll. They
ina vnluatoer tofealry, dpaatob wer.
Barber, df Ma-yl^d. Ciaaelly. of lUlmatured oet Noveaiteyte, 1H»S.
•ole. Load of Cetiforato- JubaiMi. of etid tow doee aot apply te mmbera of
lodlaaa, U.;Bwea of .New Jereey aad
WadkWWth of New York. Foar Demoocata asd oae Popaltot made ap te tbe
defeetloa. They are Berry, MeClcUom,
McSaler. Taylor aad Bkioaer. The
MU tereeeee the etaadlay army to Bebata m ApproprlaUou Bayaa
100,000 maa. bat yivee tbe piwidut
aatbority to rodaea the etoe to a mlai1. Feb. l.-Tbe boam to
mamof ftOO.ooDoua. day . ittoioeammltueof tbe wbMe
The bill ae paeaad orovldaa to add! aad 1
beyao tbe eoaUderatlu of tbe
Um u tbe ywenl oBeeia aad aufl river aad harbor tafll. Mr. Bartoo of
departmeato for twelve raylmuto of
Ohio, cbalrmao of the river aad harbor
uvalry of twelve troope each, 144
eommiltee. opeaad with a yvaerai
ooaA beueriea. twraty-foar fleld bateUUmeat of tbe oeeemily of coattoateica. thirty rcylmeaU of tofaatry of toy tbe river aad harbor work.
twelve eompealee each, a eorpe of u^eoaotry, be said, to eaUrtay apu u
ftoaart aad oae reylmml of aaytoaora.'
aa ordlaaaee deperimut aad a elyaal
vact amoaat of oar axporu aad tbelr
oorpe. tbe Utter with <M ultoted mea
tbe imporia
It alao rirre the prwldeal dtocretloB
of tbe eommereial world. The yrcatthe orye,
mtiectorlB tbu expaaeira ww the
«B-«ai ......... . ...
ir riven aad barboia
PBWle to whole or la pan from
to order to cbeapu tbe ooat of traaepertptloe. We had expeaded
♦MO.OOO/100 to river aad harbor work.
More Maeterad Dot.
TbeeaUmaieeapoa which the Mil to
Waakleytu. Fvb. l^The war daThe
partBMet today imaedha order 10 mimI litUe I
Mt It.ooo voloouer troope. NelUf thaa SW.OOO.OOO.
Orof tbr Hiehlyarf rryimeau i
Tbe proyreulve prdro party yivea
'.act evealay by tbe youay ladlae of Bk
Fraaeto ebareb la tbe ecbool baU.<
Buy ra- h>ll tqeiyht. DaacaUcka. pud aacema to ovmy way. (
iMltAeeeapperteeaa. 0<ud maaU aad cake wataaarvad.
bee te ll.000.OQP abiaylee from tbelr
tract to Boloa aad the Moek wQl be
muafaetarwl by Aerry BaUlvw at
Oedar. Tha ajmpaay hu alco parahaead tha uUre eatpat of tbaChmCM Immber Oo. at Tbreh teha.
liBf Timbw.
aaMuttoy to aa,ooA«M ebtoyU^
Tha Baricer Cedar Od. at Btaglmm to
IR Kaa Baahiac Chair Imyctoc
weB aqalppad tbto euwm. aad ute
PaWtoy to Xeary Btatoa All
tbe maBay—ut e< P. 8. Torha Ihe
Buy aad the Bautlty Opt Me pleat wiUeat clou to ».OOa.PU tet.
beWdea aboat l.na.000 belay eat by
BaaaM WUI ha Lane Btolwa
Moote Brae.’ mOl at Pmomut.
AmpaM to be Oat.
Baridea tbe above thore are eomar^
Tbereeutaeld eaap aad the ea
mlUa aboat tbo reylu ^
paaytoy aaow hu aUmeUted the tor
Jaeeat U tbto el^ whlcb. la tba ayyreytoy baatoeea to a meaaer to brtoy
eitoiler atimalae to baetaem yuarely .^U. wIU eat a eut amoaat of Umber.
to Trerene City ead
the leu MImd ead retruM eatd the
ao ee to metertolly latwftera w>lth the
toy of
to thto loeellty. bat bow
tbe tBdoeiry to rnlred ead there to a
proepaatefe healthy autleaeaa
rebto eoadUlou te mortoy ttm-
These Are
“Expansion” Times
WeVe expanded and taken ia more territorj
and covered it deep with Tablets aad Compoeitioa
Bofdca. We’d like to
pnrehaser of some—It’s the fgreateat assortmeat yon
ever aaw.
uu Lowdu alad Boa Oiwmatad
hi ThlerBaralay DwaUtoy
Meara. Mleb.. Feb l.—Flredeetroyed
tbe borne of Tbomei Lowdea. aevea
Tbto---------wUl be ooe of tbe beet io mUee aortb of bare, laet alyht. Low
yure aad the qaaatUy of timber to be du feeeaed bto wife aad foar ehlldrea.
waa ratarDlay to reecoe bto l-yearcat tolo lembar wUI be ee yreet if aot
Ip ereeee of aay of tbe peat three yearn. old boy wbo elept ap atoln, wbu be
A eaiatal eaa*aea of tbe allto to ead waa overeome by emoke aad both peraboaiTravensMy iadtoatoe a lively tobed to tbe flamea. Mta Lewdea left
liar aad e. baa},
boiy eammer aad there three ehlldrea to Uie bare, took bar
baby to bar arou aad waot to tbe aaara aow very few v
it to bard U aeear* ataa. eataelybbor'e. balfamile awey. bare
TbaWaUa-BIymaa Baaket Oompaay fooled ud clad ooly le brr alyht robe.
kneeivtoy vaatqaaaUtlca of loye every Both of her foot were badly froaaa.
dey. both by rail aad alaiyb aad tbe
faelory aad mill are belay pat la firat
elaaa abape for a baay aeyoaaad.
Airivod Toaterday to laapeet tbe
ereaead capacity will ba yivea. The
Monbera Aoylam.
wlU cat alucether aboat
The eommlttee of the leytolates ap1.000,000 fact, a part of which wUl l«
yottea oat to tha aommar. Laet year petoud to laapeet the Nortben Asylem
tba beat la tbe btotory of tba fac
i from the aortb and were Imtory aad there to a yood proepeet for
otedlauly driven U the aaylam Tbe
aaotberbaey aaeiea.
party oustoud of ehelrmao BarkCierk
Tbe Oval Wood Dtob Co. to baay.
tael, aad yeutay la 1o«e aataaiaa UriSaaad Meeare. FaiTTaat, Brownell.
they eaa be baadled. Aboat 10.000.000 Goodyear aad Pack. They toveoUyalfeel will be pal la thto wiaur aad dar- ed tbe eyeum and balldiaye aad vrerc
lay tbe aaramer aeaaoa aboat S.uoo.ooo eaterutoed to tbe evealay by BapertnUodcataed Hra. MnaeoB. to oompaay
Tbe Traverae City Lambcr Oo. la with the local iruieee.
BepmeaUUve Peek to one of the
beylay all tbe bcmloek they eae yet
eoaepIcaoBt members of tbe leytolatore
aad larye qaaaUttoa of
aad hemlock lop, arc belay cat and Be wee a tuuUaaat la tbe Thirty-third
haalcd to coavu'lut petou oa Uie mtchlyaa volBBUaraaad wbea he ar
bayaborca teraHlay wbea the bay rived from Cube feaad that be wae tbe
cbolee of hta party te tbe leylelatare,
opeaa ap la tbe apriay. la tbe mi
Ume peat qaaDUlUa are belay baaled aad be wae elected by a torye ma
Be to oae of the briybteai
to oo elelyh* aad the mill U forecd to jority.
nia aaUl e o'clock each nifbtia order aembere aad to htybly cauemod to
to keep ap with the work. They
the booM.
emptoytoy to mea at preaeak Tbe
baidwood will amoBBt to aboat 4.000,om aad tbe hemlock betweca T.DOO. 1
To Move Here From Hoakryoa oa
000 aad ».ooo,0'io feevAccount of He V Candy Factory.
Tbc Falybam Uaaafaeturiay Oo. hae
Btreob Bros A Amioll, Ibv eaady
cloaod one of the rnoet proaperoae
wbo are moviny tbrir
veara la ila history. Thi* plant baa
yataed aa eaviebic. repuUlloa for iu bnatocM from Hubkerca to tbi* oily
ftooriay orodact aad tbe baalaeee to to; ere yeitioB ready to Uko poewwaioo of
ereaalny year by year. The factory U the bulidlay owned by Henry Wia^haot BOW runalny bat will aev^n beyio newekl. on B»»t Kroal «trr*l. and two
U operaU with a fall force. The plant cerlocdt of metertoleand fon.ltore and
will qtaaotaeuire iato floorley tbto Bxiurm have arrlred. There will be
five famlUec to ebaop their reeideace
aedma aboat l.roQ.Ooo feet of maple.
William hettosr'a factory Uaowraa- from MuiikeFeu to tbik city on accoaoi
alay full blaat and aearly uu mia are of ible promMny eaterprise.
employed la tbe tecUnT. mill sort yardv
Loe* ara oomioy in aa fact aa tbry eaa ' POWDBB MILL EXPLOSION
be cared for and a buatllny aeaaoa la a
la Which Two M-b Were Killed.
briybt proapecl. Mr. Beilner baa three
Youayetowa. Ohio. Feb. ).-TLe
men oe the road aellla'y earieia poles,
and tbto departmeatto a biy additioa preu min of the Ohio Powder oomUtbepIaaL Aboat 4,000,000 feet of paay'e worice, four mllei aortb of tbe
hardwood will be manafaciared iato city, exploded at bood. killior two
caruto poles aad chair stock la tbe employe*. t)*vid Even* end Uaniel
Devil, aad toully dimuitoblay tbe
U K. GIbla A Sob have yot tbalr buildiayeaod maebioery.
Btw aew mill raociny at West Sommil
To lacrea-el a DeruciU
sod aboat thirty meo are emp'oyed ia
Wathinykin. Rb. I —Secretary llaye
tbe wuoda and at the mill Tbe plaut
will eat aboat aboat S.UOO.OOO feet tbto today ikkued an order allowiny the
Fourth NeUoaal bank of tiraud KepHe
J. U Ulbbe to raanlay bto saw mill to iaereaao iia'\toe of yoveromcetdeand eklayle mOl at MaySeld and about pasItafromSbO.OOO to »0’>.00». Pretlx.OOO.OOO tel will be cot lau lambcr.. dent Aodereon armayed tbe depoall of
bcaldcee.000,DO0ablBpaa. Tbe factory yovorameat bonds neceaaery U leeare
will tara oat alao a qauUty of chair tbe yovemmeot from loss.
9SS0 Front St
“City Bookstore.”
111 tlBlea Btiut.
I The FinestoStock Funeral Goods
Xxx xrox-Uxwz-m uto&imwm,
“Diamond J 9f
or “Traverse Belle”
Made by
!' ' A. W. JAHRAUS, Tonnelier Block
I Suits,
I OveFcoats,
Tbe Bmpira Lambcr Co. it employtoy a Urya force of men to tbe woods
aad mill and yards aad will yet oat aU
the timber peaatble. Tha eompaay will
ealoTw 10.000,000 feel aad if eoadltlou ara favorable aboat li.OW.OOO.
A. B. BeUlayer wlU curt bto mill at
Maple City to aboat tea days and eat
TM.ooo feet.
Greiliek Broa. are pnabiey tbe work
altbMrplaatatOrelllekvllleaad wUI
bayalltbelop they eaa yet. They
expaet to eat i.ooo.ooo feet there aad
at tbe Baltou Bay mlU the lop oa
head will be sawed, aianitntlny te
aboat tOO.OOO feck
TheJ.-B. OrelUck Oo. taetory aad
tw mill WlU atart ap next week with
e teec of 40 employee. The oompasy
aria bay a yood deal of lamber, bat at
tbelr miU hare they wUI eat aboat
uo.ooo toot tbto wiatcr, to be maaalactored tolo aoeb aad laloHor faraishlays. Tbe compasy bee an uUbltohed
reaelatloa for taralay oat ol^ut
L. P. Sextu A Su have a ynad
p’nat M Pomoon nml they wUI yot wnt
i.«o.«ah tel of bntdwood.
Tha EeUa*■MytoOn. wfUeattlm.;
Tn Tear Ciuitracts
Made by Mleblyna ThleitooM On.
te nay eUaa of aarricn dmired.
Subscribers Mai Cancel
nl ead of nto moatba or cbnaM
to nay elnm of aervtoe n( wuL
TeUakoon tbe amancertoenU
ud explnla MW mUB adopted by
1-4 OFF
Gome While Assortment Is Good
Also Special Lots.
Less Than 1-4 OffJ
jHamiltoD ClottiiDg Go.
vouora »^»p. •atomt.j. ctbbpaot «. l«e»
fin. T amM a» j.
muac •«*«• br
w. w*»—•
Bad Um r»-{
vtfatMTTiM w»i pri»dB«»t»» 0l
ta« to . .ywito of
w. *.;
w»s I—•»f*»v-o«i». »►
•Mm On «ood mra MMon «al«
by Ba*.
Witof K. Vrlfftt:
<1^ tiark ItoU: -j—«Bto Ma-boaoat aad bappyt Ma tbataaw»
uclo^ asaaar bad boM ear aafbi aot frwa bead
bis. a» thy wartaK^
to Math la tba (aw aioatba
be facrMai with Joba Uutotb aad bto
talealed aotapany. Fbo wUI .paaaral
YaakaowthaaWT. bow.
batJartr'e prophecy aaM traa. rad -Tba Aranror."aptoy wnttCBtapaelillalhaaJtf ofJariofc tha bUa| btr
«w. 8arthDaa«, b«ar« flat J«aa. of ir tbaae laur yaara tba eld JUlbird ij (or Mr. UrilBtb. Tbto aolad usUf
Wa.ar;tbwaapaaali»>y.a»d. thoMb M »aoa a oalai, wbeae eooaaMird wfU be rameBberad aa bariiir ai.
Mbanaaarbtteraawaia btaa.
to Ufa airbt wau abawa sMy a.oaJtl«wt> ad bare two yeaiaaffo la ‘'Iban** aad
Cbrtot for balp. aad Jcaaa oallod bln aJtcbrtoUaa. child of plooa boM aad h tbaalaftao latp>'*a»lao wbleb wUl
Mrra to BU the ibeatra wbaa ba aoMi
laBlMaadwIUa word raatorad bto Msy prayarm. Ba bad baca torrin
aiaeb. aad ba lorad Boab. Aod tba lo- afato. early aext Boatb.
--------------------------IWa ara aaay bllad btffata la the datoftelboBea which baaaiabJtobod 40,
Baaa«en Doomad.
i,. MO bHadad by Uw fad Mew York. Chlcarc. San riaactoco.;
^^ ^
of Ybto world aaUI they eao aoa aotblaf PhUadelpbia aad Brooklyn ore boob- ' ^
btyoad Ibo awld. aad Ood aod aUr- Bcatalobto ebrtoUao entorprtoe and bare bacn caaMd by tbeUrlpMierery
•boQld baow wbat
____- a wonderfol
I. with taprtfll eyoa. bloat bl« (
Bita Mao aotblof t» tbaia. Bartimaw
r for tbto caalady to foaad
baaw ba waa bllod aad slaar^a and tor tba bopa be bat pat lalo tbair Urea
That dto•r-B Kow c
--------------------------^ -.aodihaopportuBlty to U»a wbleb be
Ba waoiad to a^
atrarrllBf towaida B bettaTUfa- IbM | baa claae iba«>
^ joar tbroai. raba jm of • ^p. w :.akCbrtotianaayebolny baaamdy.and cca yuar ayatcB aod par>.-« <be way for
Mdara bllad beffara. Moy of tbam.
MlWVIto &ooAs.
TtollAe SAtveiv,
^OTStVtofts. . ,
Td-ediVii ■\itv4iCTB6M,
^OUkcJu «« an ViaVai n* W
^mwbV 'Mfc.tt* 6oo4sp
Ckant Sth, bWoV vrom^»u \o ^ s Ttwri brt»V«.
AtoTtaloaraa tb# rrwt Kaac
■^1*-- powan aspaad tweaij bU
HMtoofOoUanoBary yaarla bfUdtof
• ItodaMlalslBf lhair sarebaat aa•Mtodaoalalalaf
rlwmyaathaaaa. a»d thto Mtioe doe»
■ottlaf far ‘
—.rMfraaaaaByeta wlU tba aldad foratn ■bipa- JoMm Itaf »a aaall ramala
n||i opoa tba aw-.jpa^ aa >Md wa do »ol>aaw.tbay •** bllod. They
•hap ba at tba Mrv of opr ^ofolfo
M« to eoro
' aaoB-tbr prmaaaM4.powar^lbo^^_
H«*lb So Ian •• Mbaldtoa ara paid of tba wOTld abore tba*. Tbpy are.
W^Otbar |«varBM8U. aad wttboat ■otatmcflinc
* betoor Ufa
Tbey ar«aoU%«adaa^. aia. JCapy one ot the ebUdroa of Ood. What baa ;
laayiyebotosy to tojT
tn/«or by yaar—ao loay wa laaatdo of tbao woald oot ba happy In b»rao..
tba atlracICBI are ooti
ended, tpett. aed I
If not
Ulnrtoa. or wa ahall eoaaaaa aaitbar UtoA^toutbtoC iOMte»»Mr 40
Li boUlr Wtlc tree at the E WE ARE
a of St. ttoal WM a sir- eared.
HMrin oblp*
oaarolai laaBaa. atngsla. totoMw.Uiot jboa Ja a
i. Up opp-putap pi Klplippl
•“” Pi«. K "Pli andJ.O JobaAoi, U «dy for aaral roeraUMOi por- tar Ufa. a Ufa to t*otf M ^toi- »■* V>
Maaa. wa oaad bolb sarobaotablpa aad rpaeb toward li.-Wbat (i a mb pcoQt* DOBO. Uewaa a poor blind bergar.
■apbaotMMO aplapiy. Tbapraad ia. It be aball <ato tba wbola toorld. Mow ba aaaa
Ti-a BoeUar In Ue rrieoda eharrii
fasldafrM.arraoa lb%t vba «»‘y
aad lawbUopBaoBlTMa o qoaattoa
IP ^oadt by tba paaaafa of the propoa Uodaaki; aad no reaaooiac man can waa alao wall attaided. Ba*. Oaraan
be fleda tba aaawar—toprcacbod an Inaplrlnr aarBoo. Uklnr.
■d tow weald ba the ablp ownaia, Tbla
^ If you hawe any to aell oorreapoBd wlUi Um “
-------OFto ^Blatakaa Idaa. aa tboDaaada of aaa Ood. The Be*. Dr. yraacto'L Potter. I (or bto toil. "A saaelon la elan»ily.'’
MS woiaU dad a«pl«yMBt. to aay pMidaat of tba Prlaeoton Oi)lr«raliy. Tralrbt Bor -Keiitob wUl preach In
TrawerM City Ltuaber/Co. We luiye also Z
■etoiaf of flfOMP aad aariaam- ladott opt tpar tiV* ^
• man ! tba rrloDdi eboreb.
9bao tba lataat of t ita law to alao to may loaehtoaoel- Flral, by not ba.| Tbara will be acirhborbo
•thpalata ahSp baUdlaa ia.tbla aoaauy ItoTlac that be baa a tool. Saeond. ly awailarr thtoaftomooo at
H^aboald tba blU ptm tbooMadk of tapp<«-iwf that aeUlac to the matter deaee of Ura. Uell bqotrea on booth
ibipad worhMB woold baaddad to tba with bto noot Third, by iBartolec
Atorln- ablp yardm. Wblla to tba that Mwra U apM Mtbod of aeration
ba oo direct baaa- ^art from CbrtoL Tba foorth aad
mdbara ara raat aambbriof abilled aaatujBBi^ way by which .a naa
•M Uboriay mea wbo fwoold Sad ad- MJ i«aa hit tool to ibroacb ahaor
We have abtrat 100 unipleo o(
lltleoal deMPda for Ibair aarrlaaa an>tn^
Mill matbiDery of all dmrripUons, iocladba two e
I Mlknd with a maa in tbto rleintty Work Well uadar Way on Jlortbarn loBrain, Tapeolr>- nod BruBKste—
Apy lartolatloo wbleb baaeSu worblar
' gini i, set workA cArriaae and saws. A oomplt
With.Traaa. Oo.'a Maw SMBar.
T*fj pretty
- ST
paapla. rrao la a lUaitad dafrar. baae- aot loaf ago. an old ataa who bad only
aaw mill plant for sale.
aUtUaUMbttbesototolin. and l
'iWtba wbolapaofda
will niale Cnice roga
We will
ulu U. pbp., hul.u™. H. PP ^ ppU..1„u,
close them out from 8oc to 1100
faxiMo tkioBB. tba Cobta taoaral. to
oalaariiTlnr to eoBrlDoa Ue ttoliad
Boaie.chrap tugs.
•tplaa that br boowa a rood ibloc baaat. aod that to the end of .bUa." baeaeaataad the work to baiag PoebAb. li to iadaed Iran that a Baa may ad with great rapidity. The reaeal will
Wltoo ba aaaa It aod to
the drat of April and
tototltMCOpa- BtadamaBd tor too.- Uae bto owe aoel by aot bcllorlng that
snoootepay toaCabaB araty baa lu ba baa a aonl.
plaaed lo coBBtoaioa oa the l&th of
Bo be Bty loaa hla aoel by anppoalng
TbU la capeetad to ba the
PBMtof aa arellaa aarloBa faataraa. If
iMoald iodaaa the admlelstratloo to that aothinr to tba Batter with the finrat alnamer on the lakaa.
New iStore. 120 Frout Street.
Ml oaar that aDooDi of eaah tt woold eeol. Witb the raragea oAi ala la pal
ba p aartoa* drata oe tba aallosal ln«a■with MB In oBriaUte and la oar
•ry:, beta tea tbinr (or Ooaai aad bla
A Bintoter's BoaUng will ba he'd
f««|(aUiAOd.anaBaalw apociaeU to aayiBBa wbo are pturtienl aad laea^l ibb ahrraooa at 1;S0 o'clcck at ttaa
It to
■ • - wrecks boMaae of aln. .Man will etUl home of Ecr- 3. A Bready.
tbera to Bothlng
tt* dtoUogatobad patriot Intmida- paratot In eaying that there
MtosJosapbiaa Vadar to 111 at bar
W^ ba gato the Boaay-lo dtoboraa the matur with tba aoel. *■ The IMtroU
bar home oa Colon aireet.
H^bdor tba Spantab plan. That to. to Ernnlng Nawi of Jan. 11. IBSp. WUa of
HtocOIlTe FolgboB toenSerlng with
man In aoptbera Hlebigaa wbo let
pay llbanl aama to bto ofleara
•ai to Mho tbla oooi tarwa powh bis old Mthpr, 70 yaarf of w*- die In tfaroat tronble. .
WUaoB Uubball to anSertDg with the'
Wtreta aoldlara; aad the poor bouse witbont going to see
grlpl( «bwa la anylblag left, pot It where
Lasterening Be*. J. W. Hiller unitIt ireald do tba Boat good—to Ooaat. for hla in asple ilaa to oom. Aad
tT~* UoBti baa a leog bead and yet Ibare am maa wbo will taU as that ad In Barrlsga. at fats reaideBea. 411
OOWlfirlng bto trUalag cannot ba tbam to aotblag tba matter wlU that State atreeL Cbarlaa KiBtotee and Mm.'
Anna Warier, both of Cedar Bna.
MbMd for Ubiog advanlageof ao good man's aont
If they ache—get a hot
rbat about moral man. tbo good
ga>pnor*on»y »« eaaci pay for aacniitotake waa made In the an-1
Iiery eommenity wbo am llrlng
tie of Rose’s Coro Cure
|gf tba (raedoB of the Cabana. Batba
iBonttbat tba Knlghta of Pywitbont Oodr Tbey am eaUad i
hM sot pat raeeirtd the Boeay.
tfalaawonld bmI iasl algbl. Tta;y
• •• 15c •— and take them
mant bat they am aotBOral. Bae
arill hold a regulareoDTootiOB toaigbt
Id tba Ami plant, no maa that
aad oonfar the third raak on three
Tba Company Wlan.
Ilmd baa kept tba law of Ood, aad in
Aa laporunt anil waa brooght In the aroond pisoe. they am not good to- candldator.
foot sore.
A ticket to the Creaceni band party
AatrtB oooDiy laat yM by Cyme
It by the Farm
I On. of tbrir
Mataal Fire Ins
4k... nelgbtork
(HMdi. prrbapa,
nrrfaans ad by the ladles. a
A good u
Uma. wllb
and friends,
draad Trarrrer, Antrim aed Leelanau but tbey sm not good tolbaUedwbo good maale to anUelpated Is Foreateiv'
geaaUm tor loar anaulnad by bim In gem them all tbey bare. Tbey -treat ball. Sapper alone ton erata
tbs bnrnlBg of bto honra The oorape- no other friend so lli-”
Mtoa Wilsey. principal of the Basrdllrrc wsi s bllod man stmggUag to- ISO aienne school, to quiu sick with------------------partof ininred Id tall applleation. Ttaa wanii tbe light. Bnt the world to full Ibr grip
|n>y randrred a vardlet for complsio- of bllod beggars today wbo ara appsr- _ Thr bs? to now fros>B o*ernnd if ibe
Mt. Laarlti A Uulli of Hallalr* esrried eelly salUfiad to mmaln apiritnslly pn-sral cold westber oonilnoas them
tbs oaaa W tba SnpraM eoarV whieta blind fomrr.
will ba ice thick rnongh toekab-npon
Tbto bUnd man stngglod towardi
bM rammed the dsetoloa. aad
soon snd afford a harvest for ice men.
the light In spiU of tbe difienlUM lo
ssapaay wins the case witb eoiti.
A Paagbars, wbo is mry sick with
bto way No one prompted blB to go
teOhrtot. Many appitotad bto going.
low yoatorday.
fmd Hsyna. CbarlaroU
ouhtyb BvenUtaliord seemed iedifferant for
Fraak Gaonett to anrslDg a very
asplmnt for tba noBination f< • ].dga atlBC. BU own tbooghi of himself
was a difienity lo bto way.
we band, wbleb ba received accidentM tbaThlrtaaolta drehlt, wa
only a poor bllad beggar aayway t -What Uy Is tbe bowling alley ycatmday
mcmlag. A nsty naU was tba caasa.
A B Dongher0. prmacnllag attor■ly Of AatrlB county, was in the city ms« Isses bto MlPraapect.i.^m
B. O. Sherman. repraaeniaUve of
yvMday to help ts tba data irf tba heard tbe atery «f Miebaal Dana, a
Grand Baplds Ber^ to in tba city.
1 M
inlapablleaa eeamaUoa for the aomli
tooa of a eaadldata for elrealt |ndga.
Kra. H. Baistrd. wbo baa hMn rtolt- Tbe story was la tbe '■Ontlook’‘of Mar.
tagbOMtimaatMlU Broot
r to Btsai;
larbad boM.
bsasya. “Maaa'm g
y. MiasrotChtaago. la agaoatotB.
M llTlTlll next WlQber W® WIU
vuviu wun can fpB-w-wr msa«..ss—
Mamaias'M motbar. omiy oas of:
Msata^ (or a (aw daya
■s was la toretbor for tblerln' aad it I
Fraak Oaanatt tnaoBotad
eaMnatnralas brsatbla"'. Be was
ia TbompaoBfIlia yoiwrday.
MtiolkU SmUmas bafombewu la
Mtoa Unatoa Smlib ed Boloa. to rtoltTeam old. Thlrt*-e*e yaara la prtooo;
lag la tba city.
Bobbed the Warn.
Mrs. A J. Hradsbaw baa gone lo fifty-three yaam la criminal lUa—bto
A atarUing Incident of which Mr.
band agsln^ erary ama. and eraty John
Oliver, of Philadelphia, was tbe
s.eallrd iberc by the lllaestof
man's hand against blm. Sant rirom
Kngland to Answalto; ablppad from
. p‘-£2s:ri:.p“
I Buying Logs! I
Bound Hemlock Lumber*
liapXe Plooring,
' Shoit Maple Wood.
URds For Saie-Suhabte Far Farms.
Blame Your
Biggest Four-
IS' -. '.lu
B. H. ROSE { son:
I Portland or Old Comfort Cutter
At a Vety Low Price.
w b<uu u r.iSA* •»-> -lu i
yfg have a few of these cutters left over, which we have
"i It been selliuK at $29.00. and rather than to carry them over
be given
Thi> ifi a
Opportunity to get a nice cutter for a little
Zi money.
We have an aesoi^ent of Heating Stoves, for both
^ wood and coal, on which during the month of February we
Olbmlior wUh a free ppm to America. ^Byakiq was almost yeUow, eyes. MUUb.
dunlor German Olaaa.
Tba Janler Garmaa olaaa of tba High
wbspl have organlted a aoclaty for tba ' thing to get rid of him; and Mtbicf ia I ph^lclsas Jssd glM m ^ Ftorte-1
friend ■
itten.'and to my great toy and]
sarprtoa. tbe first boHle msdaad^ed |
leapromment. 1 ecaUnsed tbelr
Ir nac
piwliiit; Biatfrad FalJer, aoeratary.
g, drops Into Jerry McAaley’alito- tor three weeki
•eka and am now a well |
I know
sloaen Water stmat in New York one
day.aadJamy taUahUatbatbacMba
s U tbs, anbtmwtaadahappymaalf ba «m.
I'aioekadat blm lupd o' dtsad Uko.
U.U. wuu.»u,;
.u" vr.Tv;;
Will mSke a liberal dlSCOUUt frOm preSOUt prlCeS—NOW i® Z
your chance to set a good stove for less money than ever "
before. The place ^
fiebeeei -WUktM kU bro«ckt s»li
tioe of Wiiiic • r«tu« hutar. D» *m
tb* tA\f «f FJId'I for CtSMO.
bai ioM bMB npixar it i» |«ia't w«^ that •■««•
»I Skr
>be fen oa »
imted for an iavvatloii tbat b said to binV'
walb bat 1
aad tojaradhef'earrTtbavoioelaadlrBBdrbarlrfora _***
I 4W«.™ «( nlk» IV tkcL^ao. 11.11 ,
II l»i-TI.-BI»
4b Maalitia «vly
rrlni roaaAoBlabBuad. Mbh., topranbit
Frod Bdlwlf, arad «• rmn. of Dt-1 U b claimed
the Umtnr. H. I*
--------M«li \tnt9‘ •*• i*« fmr tU 4Mrh- aUlMte aa aetata of IM.O00.. left bp
. belt, dropped dead of apoplexria tbaof hbr.iparataa I .aUol that I <aa bM w daacbtat
tm at Ctartw VarMf. « datr^aue. «m Wmiaat Flolda
tMtmmVj IdIM m4 Mra Vam«j wm
AtJaekaoB. J. WUaea
MrioMt/laJaM bf u« at^oaiOB of • boUe add la Iba of
WUta* WUr. wUeh ateo »n««M baetladfor
raadwltbaatwaralpr«Mr mt«mm joti MrthM* of tbt daaloc. MeaowbUa tba creawpawad
At Aaa Arbor, oa Frldar cmUrwtoltb.
•itj. Tbo boiUr »M oUMUd ia a two gaUooa of awoat aUk dewa the
■OWtr-^i kMWMt Md difOetlj OB- BWB’a throat, nrlar bb iUa
^ u»«ia«ai at bUue m
*“■ «fc* pwlar, U wbMx TDom boU tka
Obw aoBBlp famata aar that
Itrr tmm luanai ae*
. .__1 .1. .
--------- ; ------»«“ »
Iiutnan- na
tUtUMof too Bsplo- aanbara of robta* an, tbb wintor sabIba died Taradar
* **'•
" • K-tarrr '
Ur tbalr boM* U the U«re ■—
: i-lHar a fnaael bi'.prd m^thpboa.
bib at (be on aad tbe men njor bli'
OB raeord lim is awampe U tbat aeetloa Intaad of etal(Uor«a A. Oaekbora of Laadar. wbo j Moat pmeU bare b<«rd with WU,
bite at thi-woturn
Cblcaro B«oDrd '
■•HU Owk. aUbMfb k« hu Bot jM rratliV •oo\k. aa b tbHr anal eaalos. bat ban operatlDr la Cripple Omk * to «»*4r earn the record,
of the pbrw--------- -------------a. a. arauST' **' *"*
kBM MmUM. CltorlM D I/Mtu, OBe
veMtos Cm.
M>>or al Balftie.
The ooatlar pear oocbt to bo a fortba paat few waeba, b reporud aa xrapb The urw lurftrniucot rirr* firth
•f lb* bwk kBowB Bolorod bco la Uw raapareo* ooa for Mladea Cltj, barlar cleared rt.»'0 oa bb lareat-: »h.'luOidt-nl aud n.-al ewwb to uib
-Wbr •huold 1 aiarTT roaf ab*'
Hty, dlM) U bki rBO* U B bulam
•aau to tba laabelb rnlea.
rolnme a* b> he almcrw deaftnlnx to aa aibM o-.WIt
aad Udaebtoob. Bad TaaBOar Blfhi • tbUf •••
At Ml. Mocrb. Frank Ebbanb. .
“td. a. iU. Bbort, -Wod. id contw." berndtodruaoa*-,
<b»i >aaau<*>
At Ki. Hocna. rmak Bbbanm a rtow.tl. be coald lacreaM tbb rohnae |y. "yoo caa V aa «dd maid if joa‘
•Md bb roo« and otoU bit bMi nit
, wood aboppar. m»t wlU a tairibU aoKiTMaaca.
•t rrta
I ^ --PLiladeliihU Nurtb Americaa. >
•fBloibaa, irkieb kb frltad* laWaM
flak mill aad aa
t Tuadap. WhUa alaaptor to a
"Mr ittrtnmeirt." be aaid. "wtU
ate poix
UbanblMUUoBtU Bvbb tbaibnU pUav
ebaatj both bb feat WM fietaa. U»'Jfbrk dUttoctir acd with mtiMactiaB ‘
Oam lb* bad trora aUo labn.
Farman la aoatl
WaTMOoaBtj h*ab(«amnrM: to a Dajrn't bo aTt^^''^^
ullcA andtbi.
li. 1 hare______
hare actaaUj
had7 bad baaa Ukaa to aa aadar report rrowlar wheal aad rpo la very !
] iir.n-ed. It la only *ix
dx muUhi
muiilhi eince
aioce 1
Ubar'a. dM tba tbUf awarad Taaadaj *wd aoadlUM. For some week* the '
■! retnrced to Buirlamt
litre A««Dta W&Bt«d in
■atprUad bp »ora) Veirbbtfta
EarU^ hut
but ih..
ibe ..natcriwi
alffbt wbn tba rao* oa* aapiy. Taa rroaad baa beta bare of saow aad the
menhee. nf <k. t “*■*«*
‘Uit time coBrlitce
oocapied Teiritoiy.
......I tbat the vc.Icc raa be runrered o.^i
cvau ba* beta aaVJaetad to alunau
Ud)i(tD Acddot iseditlH..
SVvort,'5TesVv *Ke®s Stories
J.S.---- -
Tba Laalartoa Vair* aapa; "Jobe
■Mwo«JabBatows.UUaweald of baaa tbe bail Utor la tba world tor iv I A twh plamaaat aoelal ttnia wa* aa-' adua to a heavy fop at aea. OTforahlp* j
■•'■iMltJMd Obs't an U* war OBI of
O08*tatlBr of pBiediiit each titber at nlKht at a die-,
L ». WlBChall of Dowartac. mailed
H. Ba r«aBB«Ij.pB»abaoad ala barbar*. a aiu Ohfck to W. S- Platt, a bardwara •^•ftohea. eako,
r ligbm
wblab Utar pro*ad4o ba aU r>bUan dealer at MUo* la paymnt of a aoU-j
Now. buwerer, I r
I pbooea caa be made hr
Ha anarward Indad b«o of tba robThp Uttar .WM barer raealrad. ft b!--------- BjmlBer to amiftifr
flify a epcaker’a voice; ”‘TalWa of wrddto'a aia t ytroerw
WMforBaaraaaa. wblab aU teraad
ao that It
it wui
wiU fill the
tbe larrrat
larreat hall
ball Ttoa:
Ttoa 1 "«> “«>»T
»««»T '
•at to ba rudeta Tbaa bU awtbarthat waa awiaa aad lueoaUaU ibrowa , laclaoee
joclaOee tapper
sapper for ooe.
ope iijod ma.to ■
*T»aker or iffo-I "} ««o‘V The
iaJaw iaaoonUj praaaatad biai oftb
-_____ .
fiMloaal Tocalirt euteruiutor three or! “•*
**’ «" bor.unary
nraa daek* tbai prevad to ba of tba ,
aodlnce* eeit.<d to halb wida
■aaialiaataBdar. Joha koowa tbat t
2 ' apart at cdu-end tbe name time.
------------------------kb I taka aaaa tt ladraaat. aad U
I* •■lotimeofwuMhradmir-ilto"-"-'
** '*
. iHunonabrly fond
•otea tbaj kaap ap ia tba barvv
iM win. liy mean, of my tovcuUun.
will rat drifa blai Uto tba aadbotMa.
iwae hi* urdta
_ _
painted mmt of tbe adrta>
month to th« diffemt abi're of
■TMkrbbnMr. tba MatU-BiUlooriuiM a
r* lu aliMtaw
aqnadron Ltohtbimi^ may'^iak abim'
the Adto.mdack*."-aaaaalraoftbaKloedlkeSsid*. aad a railto danKcnm. p.-iti..a.i ud tbe Tn«b,
InrtiM ol tmhvhaea-*
daal i43*rod*. iibm bb waddinf two
Ml* BM<*. LeieM and
'e^'tur B*kU« «iiraeUa?^C ■
tooatbt afo taa* protaa blanelf a baaaw.—: ■—-------------------- :
faetor to bb oaa villafa. U* ba* Taaaday.of paaonMoto
, aak aa aa ameodmnt to tbe app-opria-; rention Ordi-rli.a will du 1ow«R- tiidttJCAPT PAfllTPC'
W. J. iflller. a etoe*<aaa of Oklabo-'
bill tbat Sto.uoo be rivea to aid to ' their Urea, except whm-slmluu-aucre-1 J*
fw 1 1^/11 Li^ Iv C I m
boocbt avarr eoraar lot la tba vlllare
of bb roatb. araetad a aair opara
>. U aader tmtaient 1
Wtohlta. 1 ihe extormlealloB of ibU peal. It l« i
•» n^oired. in carrytog order* nnder h„ oMo been otyied tbe caate of death i
bnaa. aew atoraa aod mw raaldaaeca ICaa . forUareooralofaomreaw.haad.lHatcdtbat tfaonatnd* of caaeaoftt i*
• commanding gautfal to the In per*«na wbo li
aad««BrwwfUpat la ba ^tHe abot there by tbe ladlau In a batUa la {dlieaM hare appeared dorlag the paat
Urktplantaada aaoipleU waiar a/a- IMP. Tbe BneBlfeo raya will be a*ad I two years. In aome cioharda aa many
TbU «lllar*. »!,. Ptalaoator *«ra. to loeate iba arrow head, whloh of UU j “ ^ ^mit baartog lre«B ware reader- .w«, ,i.„ be„„. „d
can raito bimw
........ ........hour, the ben loco. _
wUl ba Iba antral paiat la tba one- baa baoB esBalsg Mr. Miller macb pwin.!
uaeUto and bad to be chopped dovra
iDotivedOOO (eetandthehean
V7b*aaBBBttrro*ort. anJ from thU
aUde nearly a mile long near i
The diaaaae j diicor.Ty inU-OMiSrtl Urn
Urn ei«re
ei«re ov«
ov« 20.000 feoi. To piwerve Ha
It b Ufarred taai a »aaiB«r botei oUl OokcrUU, Wyo-UrUd aararal B»ea aad
orMt alarm Ul whub the human voice and *ouad g«i anerfiet to full gle^ and force,
ba araatod *ra aaotbar *euM cada.
AU tbe maa ware taken
Uh« ahore U.i all the' «»Uy will truvel’
i Pa_b« Mali Extract, The ^
Wltbta a abort tin* Ira clUBtat. Hr- potalire. wUh toe eaeepUon of Bart:‘^‘"‘**‘*9"‘‘“*‘>“t'Of«' Theca—------ —-----------If"'*’
larlaOaldtratororaaarbr. ha*a *!lpad ai^ fall, braaklaetbalr bip*. Koar
of than are alratdr daad from
im *
aboak raaelrad aad U>« Bltb aaa
is oppoeltioD to tbe straet ear lUa. The
eatlmato. but the grower* claim’Arir,<w
City Opera House,
bat a abort Uaa.
boaea* are robber Ured rebielca. carry- ;
encTR, withi that U will amoQBl toaereral haodrad
outfaod. No
J. B. Fttoto of Cildwater. a prlaa'a lb lag to paasaogara. They arc
Oa.A lid Mlefairoa rolaaUara. left far
Rhi>r. •I'o'.'
,.~.. *“*•**
“"koowa and all a.„_,...• tbaaoatb with bU aowpaar. laartuf a
bean i* (be great engia* ^RLabe body.'
wifa aad babr b*biad. kbc I
Keep it gotog. ateadily, aamly, peraiailinea. Tb. line of baaiwa wilCra* from V®**"****®* *“
"* “** P“« ®*. Bvi-V; c,*?;
eaily, unto a ripe old-age.>
ofUa*loraUiihtallr. Footoi
iba aaaur of the ell, w aU aabnrba
, i?* '"*•"• *“*'*
l.icut'rai adiuiflfciun, l‘>c: reserv-^
ad to dbaaaa aad wu broacbt back
I kM.ew« yMrMto~rmc.Ck^.'^bet^-|ed MmU. 25stiri Hoc
boawwbara ha baMad wl b trpb<dd
j Te»V: —T-' » be luabimd.utt iW rt»*U» mw _________ ______________________
{aver wUb part aaooeM, but ba b aa
fiemij. 1.1m#
wvwdenlteMUilMiM*. Wh»i»«giuhpwCM»il»«
- —I
M'S*. Maud
toali.w wuuaarMWe »wei;
MBralld. probaWr for llfv- Back daj
Ait maU* cloae Jo uiouU* before de- •ewanMWUM.
thOS.SBI1»IE«. b.0. . IOBIBj
ba b wbaalad to taa store ia aa la{ parlure.
rahd'k akalr to atiaod to ba.lia«a send a few thonasod
Gboeok W. RArr.
>*of proriaiona
OtlMDi doff tbalr bau wbae tbaroaar a that dUtriet and be eatiaflad with a Tbe produet h marketed eblely to the I
Battle Oi
woald be a aafa tavaauaeataad a WarntlUea bare
ire beaa ahipped ia c r lott aa \
•r«a tba 4
tod ado* sapper f< •OBC. Oeod ma.lr
lag to the mtoan.
aa Maw York.
Boaaeiar tba dlaaorarr of armt raid
-O- H. B. C3-IBBS
Foardtatba from frecaUg
! Xardi Orat Ratal U Vav Orlaaa* and
•trtka at tba Uaballa rroaad* at Grip
bt. UiBte Teewlay aad oaedaalhtol
Creak A Ckaajc eonpaaj of wbieb A.
Btotbl-L^la. AllOo-cloek Taeedayj
*-UF Obasg*,
oo aeooant of Mardi Ora. oeleiwttoe. I
L Msletrrabpraeldaataad Joha K.
nlgbtlbr thmoBMUr regUtored oa*
U*»ryHoutba* parohaaed Mr Hal-(ihr C. A W M. Ry. and l> . u. U A W I
Lothrldra vlaa pvaatdaaL owa* a«laa d^i*.nbo*c ere.
*toad-. latoreat to tbe bowling alU, ' B b -ill acll roand tHa ilrk-v.
ocj, ^
1^11 mr up nyir>rr*o*r Mo. IPl, (• <-»ll aid e«l iokr hw^lviiB* h*>-r li uni i* ^
adjolalartba laabvila r^ad. aad a
g vuud raun-ii* UT.1—. M I a.w li ran*, le rU> id
>prtur. WlD air* Pr** Star- 4
' aiM a ball interaat la tbe oaoeera baa,
to lUb toelu*ivr in Ke^
Tbamaa Heyaalda ol BaUerllle N. J.. 1 ^
Orlaan^ Mobile and B.rmingbam «•
lanra eawlar of <ritl*aa* era atoakbold-
jj&Vta,TV6^ *5x0X11 Sx)0T^®\vCT0
Wednesday, Feb. ^
i Record
Want Ads!
{Tk Practical Bicycle Bniider and Repairer |
amaU town Dear Nawark. became a llT^
by Clarh O
Corbatu |
Retarn limit
irtog maaUeTnwidar
ran lhrou»ii''
** theiiylam. rnth.
»i»4n«c ABMeay and
of th«
: •““^-“"'““"’“'‘'jBmlon.oftbeUantiabRlfle.wbowaBt
DcBarae. i; P A
a knlla fa hi* haad. j JH-"*“®'
to Caba
Uraad lUpIdu.
kWiklaFu areryone ha mcL Mo*i of
roomed at tbe Agrtealtaral eoHega. Ute paopla aaeaped from hlax. bat two
Bear tbe apot where a herd of eaiilc af ware aerlou*ly iajured. They are Mary
flieUd with lubereutoali were killed. r-ya*.wba**kliBllarB*.traeinrad and
aadtothU tn.oour be U tboagbt to wBu will probably dl*. and kit... Mannj tag. B yooBg girl, who wa* bxdly tojarhar* coaLractod tbe dhaaec.
App‘loail..a ha* been made to ib* . '
toBded to jtll
Frolmte Court to bar* William Weght. j Tbr ho*plUl» id the Kloodtoe haTe
>f«wrr«ldeoiBfbi Clair adj uigrd {bead taard to their uimJkt capaeliy
$6.00 SbosB
7**^' “•
borne toD year* ago and iw.th Cerer alrlcken paUanU daring the
Ueaiad to Tf-eaa. F«»r the past rght past moaih. T, |fbold feYer la the baae
go at $4.60
yoaia Bo Ud.Bga bar* beea reecir.d . of the pnj.peeior’a litr. aad he I* bar(romblaaBribUmolhar. Mrs. R uaa-j tog hia fall share ol tronUaa. Adrioa*
dry Wright, ha* appl.edtotbeDoorilor'reoeU^d by the euto departm«Bt to
a* adakeUiratrli of hU I Wakhiarton mr tne bUmmto
.*. tom^klBf
u m^ktog
aauia. Tbe miaalag mas ba* an totor- rapid toruadaoB the hrallb of tbe mmt
$1.76 Bomeos Oxfords go at
ml U *om* propsny la 8t Clair town- healthy moo to the frigid dletrkcU of
abip which U is desired to bare settled AUaka. bearrymaae are alio reportod
at $1.83.
broegni ee by aaltod food, bet many
A fatal aaaidaBt took ^aea Tawday mee with planty offrreh auat hare
moraUgatthaC. AO T. cramlag at fallda a rlellm of ihU dleeaea by orer•warn Oaak. eight mUa* wait of FlUl. worb aqd rgpaaara.
Grain Boots
$1.60 SbosB
FUea. Iba 14 ymr-old daagbtor of. Bimerti fCiaball. a trareler, whoar
Owwge Maady
of Clayi^
towaahip. .nrea
rived U CtaetBBau1 Ual
at $1.88.
laat daaday.
ttaaday. ap$1.18.
^la.iMUy kllUd. aad CUra Maady. j piled at the city UupUal aad aikad to
^ if.danghtor of Tbcwae Maady. | be anamUad to detormtoa wheibcrbe
One lot
aM Jaeprr B.om. a yoaag maa who | bad leproay. Simtoll left tbe Pblltpthan
$$ Shoe Packs
' He tapraeeeud aareeal A
ranirawooowa the eemeal work* aaei Ana* While at Maalla beaaid
at Ualoa Ciir lurr baea at Blk mapU* he wa* cxpaaml to to* duacM. and
at $1.60
“*»“*•-** ‘“kkdf «war tha frtmad feared Ihalhe bad daralopad symptom*
with a rUw of eaublUhUg a Urge ea- of toe acourg* atoee eomtog to Amaruaatfaetory(b.r* The, hare quUb
/ — • famUy
••—'X Hr«a
— to Datrelt. Mich.,
lyboaghtaptheBurihad.araaad ft- ay'ke dU aot waat
wai to go borne to!
tobamUke. and ,i » agpMtod iber VteaaUl be bad 1
•full, ex-!
•*2JJ ^ ‘-C‘» «f«au*e. tote oo.
Th* doctor* at tbeboapiul{
f-wr of tBi. m*r! wa. aoaly. madeaeai^ful exaDiiaation. bet they!
^ai KblUdelplila acd h pr«ouB»d aoald Bad bo rridaDo* of toe dlsaaae.
■m^lorw—nu They wUi give
aakad to call again for toe aaa-1
nagtoymedt to tou or Ain -uf,
This sals wiu contlnus
oad examlBsUon. bet the doeton are !
Al nut, Mayas'd w. H wood. aged poaltlre be baa not coatraeted leprtay. ]
M. aick. dnpQwUai and cat «f w
A diapatob from Xi tohlagton *ay*:,
ahot kimaaU at e e'cUek Taaaday m
Two OT three yean ago adiaeaa* kaown
lag. dyUg. Ha laarea a wkUw aad
the "UtUa pewk" ippmiil amoag
llfl Frottt StTfKt;
«*Mhoraha(d»U AUagaa acmaty.
Ba«MI flBl^ at Saad BaaA.bM MUMfbb. aad hn* UrmiU m m,
.n* w. «y re.
Frof. Arlbar Ooaler, who died baa-
day, waa the rletlm of ar,|alrad tabaraaleata. Aboot two ^aari ago OroiUr
reomui *>.
Oup One-Foupth Off Shoe Sale
PIngree t Smith
Male of Fine Shoes
and Ner Stflts
. at M off.
$3 Shoes Go At $2 25
Nenleton’s Patent
Calf aod Tons.
$2.00 SllOBB
go at $ 1.60
$4 ’WeltShoBS
at $3.00.
$6 Enamsls
maks at $4.60
$4 pairs
$ I Children's Shoes $3.50 Hand Taras
at 760.
at $2 68.
Udies' UOO
Torn Sole Jolienes
to ool|i $1.48.
Ooe lot Men's $3.00.
$1.50 Heair Shoes
ot $J.I3.
96 Pairs
Oil Grain
ladies' Hood Toro Cr6oles.$1.60
going al$i.48. going at $1.13
90 gaits Men's
$3.50, $4 and SS-Not
$i.50 Lace end and Felt Sha'es 14
aad 1-2 off.
until Xarch 16th.
ZPraxiJk: IH^iec3j?ic±L,
I KOBSiira WMoao. mu—dat, t»b«pabt », um
- TH* orptccnr ouawtimom poaro
An Ua> profMM ihm BcqMul —e»Mf7.
Wto*« MUi »-e b*AU •-! <«m«aKns
ca«> Awe
naUI *bl to« Mb
,-t Bi Ibnr- rMllTel ead S>i»
!>• nnlroMa oBA HM-etf-.wvbttw
3MwpUc»e( ■!> (fa* olteoOoanor
TUI km erlm,
Aad tenbUd bt leito eed renmi
»D Aye Mt (Mweb
ViUOM MMPIIM. tbe«--------- aAmr.
*XW Atobbr b »«
B* Ut« bf hinmU,
kb own «*Mm. kb own
.«VB MmaU. Data] AbqDAtt* mod o«A
te*A MAklUkad thbkAUl of boU.«tai rerlkA iBAB « (he blip wbo kAA
■MiAWilerAlHkAwb. The MAM b
r to be tend to (he*«7
I«M» (te k* I
UdA« tbeee dreuDbAHee AST
.aiUMspA to (msb Ike Mpertodtr at bb
n»k br
«t A ODouM cAbto or
Mr. Hmy Apfa of Scstas eonpl
Ike Alias of the wiiee oa the towa cf
flAAMcb eOBit.
Be toofcadap al (be
hsb( to the dnabng mn
obaokM •ahlf aa be beat the tort y«d
Of win.
-A trip to ttoto.” AAid Mr. AppA
••brta Otoe.”
Be threw the
ladder feedr to
Ibr air. end rt Uw fltrt effort it eaagbl
I thAi kBtoAyaM
%e AOCiAbb, fur niat b depmib epno the i (5, p„
' w-y^A^ebciwj
^oaaiblbty welka baad asd haffl
“Fmatr (bat Mw.” laid Mr. Appa
with capacity mad pow«r.~J. O. Hole wai relbred at betos as ohrioae
way oal of hu dlttoalty.
of areapalioa b aotvert. A
aotbias l-fer dotop tbe itatoff to a prc^
Htlad qaltovacaat U a sttod dbUiawd
et, rtrileforward w’y."
••And.” mii tody btaptobaiM. with
ber tao os bb ana ^ thvy walked
Ba b rtebert who boasknt wtto
amae tbe toon, "yoe ban pot Ike Irart. tor costpot b tbs woaltb of aaaart eod aeeest capitbly-”
in Ooentn.
•■Tatoteodony. b itf
BewboUvnoslytoheaiflt blneelf
Bbe brokotird to tbe fosdolbr.
omfara oa toe world a baaeAt wbsa ba
‘‘Gaptato Koraan aod I ai« fleet din—Tettalltos
bsda.” aba ntd to aa esplasatofy
Thera at»aol food tbtoft ntMfh
way. “Bebat BOt bees toss bone firan
}ifa to todenaify aa for tot ae^act of a
abfOad.asdbefcaoweaearoeJy anyosa*’
Btoib duty.—Man Swatddaa
■Kot a bbMd aosl.” eeboed Mr.
U wa have Deed of a etroBf wUl to
-Too start let ne abow yea tooad a nder to do good, it U etiU aton aeedaUl. Oaptato Nmaa." nb ibe ffoadA. nry for ae to order aot to do evil—
ad grttiality. "Cas
yes oonerosad I nydabose nlgbt
tbbweekr•■Wbafforr’ d leaded Mr. Appe naploioaaly.
“S'by. to dtoa
bay Tbaradey.
”'Baveo knowe where 1 aballbeos
BMlay."ealdMrAppe. ”1 doa’L”
■■Yoa naet oooaidrt aie at your diepoeal if yoo requite aay introdoetioiia
rttrtfl tbe aurtnart eamatraa bb eXto.
rope ladder, ‘aad tba forl b Bloa. ’
Mbewirtmittobagferat TterttaaUr oprord tbe window very featly
nrs elood iasbr tbedrroeinsrQan
to tbe fnwT air of iba watdroon wa . ^
II..-ti-i, irtf.
nadooe rtiaptols nay all be tocladed
to Abe wardruam of a torpe
naa iitela atatomuue
Aonatoa apaec, wbiub
■■wardr.nBnaatry ” TbU
kaew that At StoL Jart Cir (Be aeaeaM.
I tbmsbl 7<rt »*« ■
lot of tmabb if I'd koowed.
awans opro tbe beavy door
aBd lietrtMd to tiu- aoeio
doWD eiain Yooof iBdy btapleboret
Sivius. ae Mr. An* w»y **•»
mew. e oenne
e lai
ber retara frun (be oosiiueal after ber
UfiD (f widowhood.
”ril |eM enffretof ell.” be raid,
naajetratiTely trvtbfal totbewa
^aanne of a ship
la Ibb "eooj
'' I
«ibia tba aoetoi Ufa of (be wardi
Hcoe tbeee bub of varied calUaiB. yet
1 “lliat Ibe
Then bsoliBpo^tdUty for bin who
etasde prepared to ooDqart every baaard-toe feaifal are toe tailing -fbtmb
**U^^toeaUny worktoba
aad If Hdoaaaotpcovaao 1 naku tt
atiiUiA aaTMorTi
Tbe reflartiaae oa a day well quBt
faiaieb n» with Jut. bkwp pbapiag th.a
tea tboanad trianpU — Thonta -
Stop la till I o*eloak aeary aeaatof
b toe fpoet wtwk SB car witobwe
every BUB aUBp* bb owb valoe <B
be if every ose would osly talk to are
klnwlf • • • Tbe twice wv«ball€S«
to their (■berartrr."
ilrharrt ton with sonetbtog for «in-lv»l.KUvatu • * • Maa b
r till
The oaly way to rid tlw doff ef bb
bark b to toia him
A CTcb eide path ba't a lead, tboogh
‘Am 1 too porioaet I kuow very lit
tle of tbe army. I'm afraid. ” TiMpaadolier wae rnolvid to be egimUe to
Udy BiaplehiitM'e friead. ”1 alwaye
dodge tbe army nigbte to tbe besea.
o kuow eeveral of tbe a
niaute afliTte bUlUrd halb
John R. Santo,
GihiiI lisiraDce.
« '«
Hbe tMild the band of Mr. App- fur
n nuBueul. (WBUOK »iul geiitJemau ui
SaaaA W * Oe. Martt
Ever Bwmed Owtt
Uao yoa know
■wU. CbObiatoa.Coraa.a
towptioBa, aad pealtivaly ai
Irad. Itia f
rtooe anertioB that a Urge prequrtioB
of tbfwe wbo have made tbe aaoeat of
Mont Bt-pn have been penoae of ua sals bv J. 0- Johnson aad 8. B Walt
life lu the wardroum. fur tbe daily mil- |t..,ojr«. xtn- «a(. wa« *1111 upin. aud Ibe
ttary r<i<itiiic I* full of drill* and ravr«vr«- waiting f.w b:
ton* wlii.b k.»p BMwt of tbe om.-«re on
w„b Muufamun Uuy 8ia.dacA
'Ibrri. ere drill* with gr.«t gaaa
aad wnb etoali amia drill* to .-bwrug
totp fur a.Airai. dnlle lu tiaodlwg amnaailUMi nod mao)- <rthM>—all of tbwo ^
yootol in the <*ie idea that yem mort
'( one ihiUR. it'a,
prw. r.u y.mr tmu life by (Wfwyiug
ijp .b..* bu b.-ad r. fl
' |,_
au ..nWf iwtam. Wlhe
„*]j D1 .we drill aud begtu* a j
,„o will kn.ov any
r |.-rkaf iuuu. 7>l udy here. O.ptn.n borman." ebe nid
by the buKl.-oud«-k and ^
walk'd down ftaira. •'hot 1
a hi* ewont aod rrturn to.
,,„i,ng you a card. »ee-
„4brr .mil
j in- buu fn.-ndl* we were «i tbe FeAt et. ly .^11 to qaattm all ofllcew
n ....-uiUrr iboee evennuei O |..rt ibeuiW'lvo. rveoy f« duty ,,
iu ib. It-d w-al"
the (buplaiu auil payuiarter. bat^ 1
. ^rry Due young
nacb bw* to duwub diili* Ibaa tbs |
ni.o lu li.-r rOKtuiue *be loukrd
Other ..flLesTV. are .i.ually tbe linn to ba. ^xin ii.-1) well,
Bw-k IU Ibr w*r.ir.*ua. wb.iv Huve IS'
..j^, j „.4"' ,,l,i Mr.
..i. I-„rti..m TL-u.-du-4l u«-' n,n,i,i,,rv. r ■•.st.alllri.-rf.Rgrt'etn?"
bawaidtoibe *i.kbeytU|
• j„uiory
juuli . (run Bnu-
It wn
m.... like dabu.” ibr laogbwL - to’iof burlin iDueeum
Coder lb* ...liiruB la tbe Buenau
1 uar, CaplalB Ktwmati. 1 01 □ •t talk
liwnm markim? tb.-eput wb«r» (^•nr e
• > budr wae bnni»l euuie aahee bavu bees
gift” nid Mr. Appa.
[fcni^ Aocrdinf: tu the LondonJauily
what it la"
to Mail they are belirred lu be tbe re‘‘Y<aj don't want to be Iniroi
Buia. of hie fotiernl pyre
aayl>..ly b.-re, 1 aappoac?"
to lb. loan wbo
onl. ml it4/. be dirjMiehed al ut..v
a tu dlrimi tbeoaipnng of the,
a bu»j iiigbl l»fiw>'
iJetwuru ti.i. larly ui.wl w*d »be
Aiqw. iru.i..gly. Hr tb..oghl
brnklu'i po.|«T, which oau» at buli ^|,„*,».,„,ng„oUwlBwnaD.I(.ar11 or IS ..'dork. Iberu u 001 inu. b
,„„pj,urlour bark,
■---“siTSsttr- ~
A. W. BuUrtia.
Acrordiag to raceat peer bw eutbtin to Eugtoiid. the total anoBat qteat
rff.wt IO imitate ibu wrkuey'e aeovnt. fill«<l with
• blow me If ibie ato-i a fair Uka—I >>m.. <if which have been aeat to Ibe
" ebaiige my !<«■ anil do all 1 want to.
otocr onitvrt pUfud
.iuiyou etay longer?"
Atlbeotberaudirf tbeikbU.
u» eanllo lb. maid and
It e tba aert toiOR to It
, .
Tbe "owl tare' tarty the “alfBt
bawto' ■ wbu are out for a **h^ "
Importaat depoeit. of ^Iphar here
L-'t.'ly been diecovered io' Asiatic RaiForeaterw' ball tonifbL 1
nwe. ••ltoiaki.e-e»yiy.‘'
ie '^la tbe FutghiiBe dUlrirt there U
laAladn anapto tor saa.
“U you knew bU qaal.it.^ y«
will yield .boot
wonhio't vpeak of him like that.
mrftihor vearlr
mouud toTa-et by tbe aide
Mr. P°^ »
At the tlaeaa City Rntaai
Hteirr Anne.
**"* celUr of tbe old LbsMeaB
Colltot U tbe proprietor.
••WuUiWow bus" nid Udy Staple. kinR, ATRert" II. ^ h« diec^ertd
'■ •‘“P *"
oue of the
; tueida
abe aald ”1i mart arrange foracarid bU beawtmen Tbe
riare to take UapiaiB Mormaa back
WarOr>xjui Uounetanliy rt
.bu hotel to Ibe morntoff. Iwaaa'taare
Tbe BMlIDi
i that be would come."
then uuw wbo live ui b'.
"> nmwalk." rtaaarked Mr. Appa
ap tarlier M tbe auwaioB and gu to
1 wo ,
,*if ptaaenian.
Inrlieretnigbi Men of our ward,
“IwoB-i bear «tf it Wbea aball wa
are bortluig with ofBoan at 1 oVlook to ear. uow?”
“(toy lu an bonr'e time," aald Mr.
The Penneylvanu commandery of toe
“You bare beard of"—
Military (hder .d FoniRn Ware of Ibe
Bb.- (eiiBted to tbe dirertioa <ff tba Uaitod Ntatee bee voted to jitm-ot to
Rear Admiral Dewey tbr gold toHigato
"All I want
the order. wliii-Ji the I'nlted Stolee
"If. '* really luaking a big aauie ii^
r.TuiiieDt p.Tniiti.ijtoc«re<d tbr army
tls-bi.uiir, rtn kii.nv. 1
ms.. '
mTWilhRr>-ni lulerre^.
Think, .e .jolly
Im.l a IkI ..f -liim. l<«.." r
ni*rk.*l Luoy r^ta|i|.
"And I* tl.*t a jiium. .1.. kiUR <mt of
y.iut jn 'k. I |»» kei ' Tbi* 1-. indM-d.
rt .iloiu Vnu duo'lknowbiw It wocka.
misns m lonnuRsi s. l
M ItoeVloek a-a.
OoBpnr B BobUi. C tMta.
Tfaere are a few of tba baaf
Hannah B.flememoetoU left, wbteh
no be bought at to* City Boob
(or ns eenla eeeb.
^Qto nttcatoofk
o wl 4 su|
MSotatr* uiw
,» to 4 o
rved eorracUy at toe (Jaaaa City
StonTla'* am
5 4 S: B»»to?cJ^*»
Ill] .that (oiiuylltUe
t Luuukiait. Ib*l Cite
rveterw n.,_
«*'• WUl letrrlsUr.
•m. 1
"W.'ll, I'vi-gul a kind .f a bldea.”
said Mt. Aj.[ic "Uxik'ere. Yoa pot
(bi. rod III ai
Mr. Api*i I..UIKI Jiimwlf g. ltn.gqoito
.i-lltd iu llu- riplauaiiui.* (bat be
g-v.'. It wa* a i.rw *et»ai>oo it. meet
m„. „ I,,, .lunt.ii an inlelliBeut iiil. r.-»t
.. ................................. hr eool.l ix.i be Ip
Uokmg i.j^ be aai
Ul. goDdcili' r Kniii.g al him
"He duii'i look 'ap].y. that rbajx'
niU Ur. Apia.
"Will you eacoae me fur one ta<
K aarr
^iiiaRTaTriwAiue.*/*-ae«-»**n< ^
IstnFif-CUe MUn.
- Ry .pev-ial reqaeel Madame DeUmar
be, caBcelied other eagagemrata w> re-
h~-■»* ol
malo Id tour city ooe week luBRer. All
wbbing to coeealt ber bad better doeo
a« early a* noratble.
A* tbry will e
a rare rbaee of bating the futaro
voaied to them.
cD good
"Wot are you goiag ap X BiitoP’ be
auid appr.luJi-iv. ly.
”1 want In *p.«k to blm. ”
"Oh.” with rvliri. ”1 don’t mind
___________ ____
Tbe moilame boa glv-
mtlafoetlaB for tbe aaat
weebe abe ha* beeo bera
ffbe will
Wliil.- Udy Ru]ilcbnm waa making
th'y‘.n.l"Ii' r rwui;m bi* oriliii»ry« *pr<-»i<'ii Mr AjU*and IliuOKht. ji
Tbt- <i'0|il>w pn.iiK i.ading aiu-r tbe.'
i uaoa. ar'*i.Tr»>rrei-Oltg
walte luukrd rari.iu.Jy al faito.
W.llJl.'H-tV.miuf Or-*» ■,■»(..'*
•'ll', tbe TU1UIU..W1 show y.w (far rv- 1
•y Ir.
•iu.'Kiiery."aaid Mr. Appa. "yoo'rv
tort.'I* tbe Urrt.Unilb.iig •|«KT(ia-a
_ 'ai iu '.uj >iu i<i»t. }<ni are, bat yoa'll I
llUto IrA^are and tilataticm
Ual tbe
be Rlad III Rci upBiair* aRaiu. Yonwaat'
dniU lor the day are mrt yH over, and j
the girl wbo played tbe banja toetu diam<««lA toai'B w« yoo want
at : o cliai toe bort^* »•
TiBw. m.-iiu« tocaM'y u. yoo. 'lUiety."
Ibroogboul (l^abip A ■addraoall luay .
great.” agm-d
id Mr. App
Udv .Slapli bar*! homed Unrard tbo
ilwiBR to oeterwl new caae* adde
nme f.r o.iHi*iW drill or flrv dnU, of I
A liiuniiar uf aniuMtuent
the nomerou. Ibt of cure* mad.
baltulKai drill If at ■*. a
.... 1i "■^"lergrbaUimaBwarWrytolL
w(Ot torouRli llie noma* tbe gu rota
De luimafa »
jet may be dropj**! w.Ttmanl.
amali covey .f brightly dmewd young saw a new »rriv«l 10 the fvwtiim* uf a reliable treatment wMIe Id yoor
aa b<«r toe »bip be elmkrn from
et^n '
. j„
, flew lowetii tbe ymug bornen to police oQortaMe artxnpoBlt*! by a man tbe paat alx weeka. ka la rvqooate.
tbediecbari2e.f guiw Fran
, if bev irmpirary atoenoe from to plain rlotbea. Mr. Appa tbinklng
g to 6 o'rloA
p,.,., ^id e brand *t>aBl<lrted goa- ever bis rxpluita. gartag abttraetadly *
o'cloi* la Iba anernum use ••
> BmaiUiM CIMkIsr Ps.
tborroRbcarabletreatmcat. Allba
ftarrally a raapUe frem work, aud Ota
b,, and lotA bu btou. and reRretimg their want
• ^*0* B4Lg-N»e SevUlBf ksiM. reeSr to
waidnxim b.«in* to abow awn* of f-- I „p ber card with waartbing of an air of piiliab. Old not we tbeu aoul tbe plain loovdledbumllaftor all other t
t r orcuor- Bw»ll *er>**>
tog a bum.
hone to 41 are reedtog of |
elolfaee luan tapped blm na tbr toooldet. failed, ae matur wbal ailmenu
or womaa art aafferlng from, rbe
writing, otie-r* err emoktog
playing ,
Wbat! Appi. agaur* aMUimfd tba
• I ,b..ugh,
ItMUght 1I bad bit tbe key iaj^
tlam, parulyala. dropsy. oonaaiBt
guMe or Iwftuf
bull oUan an. u —ixrowia.'.” Tbe yuaag b
liver, kidsvy .aad !
thatr rouiB* uktog toe aeamaa'a after- fanA bev card Irwa tbe gondoliw. "I
■-Vaa”aaid tbe burglar dimoeteo*- Uoeble. headaebe. pilot. Dervoe
Itoi at S o'cUito tba dnIU am rngagKl tc C'aiaala Xurman. X<n> ediy.
"Yoa. it U Appe agiue. Mr. eeaacm caaoar. loot oiaBbood.
aad raercia* oaiiL ocbta
don't kuow biui? Allow me."
Walkev. And vuity glaa you are to sea aad veneral di.ot
fly • AU O'clock (bees la afeeltog that
are aabjtol 1
"Plrawi! to ruert you.” aald Mr.
and w,
blm. I've Dodabi.”
«*a na eit down aed dtoa witooui fear Henry Ap|w
,Uy coiwd In a ebon time.lbi
” 'Uw'e tor world aCtog
“Alwaj* ■ ploaenre to meet a gonttobeen given ap aa laearabla t
iff iatorraptom Tbe tnea* aa a whole li you?"
man like y.nx." oaid Mr. Walker cbeer.jtow gatoomi togwbv. aud Ibe meal ii
•That'a aaonimaltiwiumeol yoor*. fully aa be euidu.ied blm to lU do(W- request the profi
.day, aftar wbieb
rvary eStb. Mooi
MMTalty a tbufouglily eujoyabie and Capuui K««maii.'• nwarked toe goa- w^. ‘‘I'vewauiedio raa'apagainrt raary
igtoo for a few wc«
laavos for Udiagto
UvJi^btful affair AfUTUittwrt Uw»a doUrt. "I dua'i IfDOw that I've ewr you befoev.”
where many people (ram Maniatee •
anytoiag ao daringly real brforru'
Murb commctiuain the baltraon at arouBd will taek bla aid to c
an Cigara g*mn.
Uritodiaw wilbia .wcaelf witocmt a*•W.-11. wot uf it?” demand.*! Mr. ihediverlinglittle.eeDe. UetMWalagew- from reeommeadai
wMtog renark
By 10 Colock mart of Ana
aadd.u aggmovenm sMit that Udy btapleboTM ww apet- toeru 11 weeka
tonu nllora are lu bed. bnl even now "WoT* tbe >«ld» loyOBWotl like to f-«i geniue at enieriaiuing.
Iba dnllamaywi hooter Atmidni^ wvarf Yoa nmln't tbtok you're”—
‘But. lovclir*! girl” aald tbo gon day. He'od partleulars. '^1..........
.*a lugU may *ooBd. aud m two mto“Oaptato Kormaa." ink-rpowd the dolier ounlicbJiiiall^W^ Ud^ 8to^^ fMor De Umar. Traveroa City
•too. M kb. (or tbe Beat Ibroa 1
■ Blaa all toe abip'. ttonpany be ra^ly roang bottm Uagblngly. “yuo uiuui't
naanest addrem. Prcfeeaor
saakuiR nady lor an ewc-my —»ew ovrnio the part. Uuk betv. I've pal
mar. Aatrologlcal Mrdletoo C
ymir name down for tbu waltc. but if
_______a.” said tbe love
Jforit Hoot_____________________
Fifth street. Detroit Mleb.
yon like wr'U ail it «»t—that i*. if you trembling
Ofllee boors 9 a. m. to t p 1
It II ktraage to notioe bow many old prutoiae to kerp op that ditrtting Mil
bnrglar tea"
Sooth Ualoo alrret.
riawical eipremum* ftiH «rv.ta to end talk. 1 like it. Do you Ibuik yoa
None need have GRIP
"A real"—
Tbe people rtlll ewoar By
It they BOB profesBOr’* mvtbods of treatiB uianiRv lu do K>?”
”Y*A yta. Don't make ..
Baoebutt" aad "By Olanaf' jurt a*wc
• IU Ukt.-; .aid Mr. Appa
dmi't waul ibe daure epoilrd. Take art m«Dt that at obbb baBiabae toe
du"by Jotar hat wbea they tatt (ff
oftbemlaerubledlaeaae. Oars GRIP
••Aod it la a capital make ap. Chp- down to agpprr. likewgood fallow."
-to.. Dito aad Barty” (boy ny ”»•
da Mnnaa.” aha w«wt ae. ”Oo yoa Lesdtai Ut-Sila
Tveverae Clir, Mlto
bet ImI to bpaia
1; u, caring (or tor pour of Cbgbnd and
Waka leratoaieBtoe waee<
__ bemucee op with.”
The hoeteNi rt-farned frcon Beary TDl.
“I t-au ante mtUitog of tbb naa."
wbUpemd- tbr gnodolier to bar aa ba
r 5
rt I do all ktods of ito
aad derlvayaatoabntwato <
oaa la tba city tor tba noaay. -----^daoalto^ Si? oonTaa?nTtor
J. Bab
borrt.eerewii.RbeTpniiy muoib tolK-t ntar Uke Via in Aeu Minor
Bicycle Riders.
Wp rSBBOt bvp better UuiB ia seek1 JtBow a r*»l >«
P«P>®. •«» “W piK to bpooine brtirr. Bor »or* agreetrioid uf Udy hteplpbom'i"—
'abty thea iB bavinK a clnr cosactosee.
“Oh. coiae at the wof.” eahkMw'
Appe wiib Biacb dieoobteoi. <dffot’a
R<a|BW arealwaya foBDd oal to autM
of tork^gr'
Wbupver ie a wolf will art u a
“ItD't it otpiielV eiked Udy 8towolf: that b tbe uwrt cvrtaia of all
pleboret (d (be gosdoUcr delightedly.
“Uow BiiMb' Bear iDtoeattog it woald
■ '""'e >"W«. U-«.|».
..MB. aebe'WuUMl equally (« blm <>«*
rtde of bU .nrn .-Kioiry be u -o smt ,
Staruler tiiet Very few nJriliaae can
; di*i. you kinne.
g;:r.::4r-(6rul Biplli t iBdtiu K. R
New Methods
H«ra untU Fab 6tk.
4tjre”zz ••'«’?
■arrival as4 «Bssrtsrr o*w»is*a»*ra»W
OIIT.ta e*e«« We* tolrtU.
laisM iiiSffBii
laaaaa saaasssa* oa
haaasas *■ssesaosaeaaaw
1ZS8 fi
.ee. e
*■ —
2RB8«8S8aSB£B«&8 888SB
1 arrivsB at Wto am.
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