The Morning Record, February 17, 1899

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The Morning Record, February 17, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





•PAur* nrosionTT
> Xaeladad ia lA* faDtirr
oiTti am.
CisgmeeflU Acts of Bovdlea
wAhlartoD, Feb. 16-—!b tbe hoM*



You May
Pick Up a Pick

tato Obaryae of Oaaerml
WaUttartba. Keb IK —&U the memI todej the eeDete uiwMlmeBU to tbe
bareoftbe ourt of leqairy e.>Breoed
•rrkalwrel WU «
ti iaree^lffate the ebar««e of Oea'etal
BeaMtary of War Joerad at
Par­ MIlea c»eeraiD|r tbe food
I Wmm« b7 a Fneadly aad tbe blllwae teat to »
bare arrfred. The oryaai* tlioa of tbe
ade la Whieb Praaldaai Kc&alajr
«~Arm accratiT taiHied

B«ing Planned in Oitjr


for the Uaa «( |l»UTae-BtrasrllDr tbe esadry elell bill.
Kii . Tbea ■ben of tbe court held aa ial«at Bight by i f^rtaal eoafereaee. aad at iu eoaelal»etatebia«eU of Ue Baes; ©rieaa !
eaeuloed a p>iat of order
afalaat the Uo.ooq.oiio iodemait}' ay
jaioa ■Joloael'n*TU. the raeorder. aaBosoe
bto tataribr.
proprtaUoa. Hr. WUllacBt of HUeieeI BOaaoed that the fonaal ■leetiae of
Boatos, Ffb. 16.—1
Maalla. Feb. le —A larye body of the . ippi appealed from tbe deeUtoa.
lB-‘c«wrt Mild be deferred aatil
•amr preeeiaably reeoanoiterieK. vat: fbe polat of order wae that the Wo.- lej ahd parHua-^rad at 10 o'cloek tbUlrotr.
the rlfbt of Ueaefal ] approprlatloa to pap dpala for morelBf. Tbep are tbe ruetu of ibej lUvU bae been feUEar a liet of wit
• waa obBozloaa to rale | Uume Market ci
Klag'a poeitloo a ,T daa Pedro MaeaU t tbe Pbl
The neiDbera of I aeaaea. Aa Ueaeral MUea U apeclBealtbUmaralag Tbe eoUre brigade taro- SI. the i
B aa waa the Nlcaragaa., »** I»rty
________ _____
Alger ]y aamed la tbe order
■ taad after ex.’baiicing rollept. eaaal project. Tbe iodleeUoaa ere tbet, <tBd Bliaa, PoetaiMter Geeeral b»itb. i eoart aaaaiborUp for tbe chargee, it le
tbercbcUrelrcatediBlotbeJuarleaad tbe raliag will laute a bitter AghL
iCMgrtsaeoaa Oroereaor. Private dec- expected tbat hU teeUmoap will be
.............................. retarp Porter. Private SeereUrp Got-; uken Brat aa a baaU^oribe kubat oueai

Or a pick can be made from iron, sleel or from our
enormous block. In jacking ont a pick be sure the
picked ont article is a |tri«)d pick. We have 3,000 for
a nickle—seven boxes for a quarter—We're: talking
of tooth picks just nop-.

are eneamped aloag tbe liae.
Ann«Z ot pAZit P1bc« tO b« . eome direct from Chioa|b. Tae Uoue :
----------- Theeruiaer lioffalo fired foorabelU
i Market cluVa boapiulfip waaexteaded WUl Arrive Bere Today ia Force to
‘at a parky of tbe eaemp which tbe _
: in the form of the laigeai dioaer ever!
laapect Onr Fobl:c School
oraiaeria aearchUgbt abowed to be
;giveo in tblaeoaotr;- tooigbt Tooor. |

»™r 1........ I..I' »«l>


rn».m. Will b. Ob......


„ „„

Tb...™,ib«1.0b,.pl,..d; , -WlUi . B.U1 BbOn. of Wblbi

,b f .

,b, bbildipp. bbd
• cloth for uBlforrus of ii
ll.p.1.1 Uilr..
‘bltar Ihr is.pmioD, »l tour o'ridcb.lbr
I hot and cold water wUI be always pn>- tor.***“"
at well as other pnrapbpraalia and d>ic-.
I At ae<.rr.1 olbrr po.oU «»«Pl‘! ,blwri .,|| br
rd .. . boomade
-■*- - -iiart faisaei as Alger
■enU In tbe natipr Tag
• luetintbe parlors of ibc Coegrega
Taeea ebangea will aeceesitata a re- '
pasaed. but tbe cheen. for Mehioley
relating to the reW Poa.
tioaal ebureb, a here the board of edu.
Ing oi
of the
MIC entire iBserMjr
interior aoo
aad tbe
we . _ ...
'“^.bblldlpp.Ill b. IUl.d .lib Uip b».,
ealiOB and loctl teacher* wilt j da tbt-m
have been InformHi tbat the dlsaffiwted
aad tnost modern of this kind of conia a feast and lafuroial rec-piion. Ap­
.atlvra la M.ntia ara busily spyl« out;
The room* will be eniirtd,.
propriate rnteriaiDiueat wiil be prothedetellsof
locsUon and aumber. of, refitted, newly
___ _ ______
papered_ and _____
' rldi-d for the occaaloo and every t ffori
I. ibr rli, Pi«P-.*ottiOi„a.„„„0
j L.U.. At.rlboM ,o HI.. Hlou .1' .m br o«l. b, o»ir ibr .1.1. ol Uir
a geoeral uprising.
i fort for guests
When completed the
B iiag Againei America.
i Manistee educators pleasant aud profiti Cblbooi.. br. -.r,»d Ihr boirrl.
Uavaaa. Feb ir>. —Im Diseuwloa pub-. able
ll Is expieied that tbe Traverse
that sevenri boatload* "« f'Be* I jo ibis regard to any boUl la northera ’ lUbed yesterday the following letur Icity teachers wiil relura tbe visit atan
Tbe coairaci for the ouUl| purporting U. have been wrUtea by «arly date.

“ • Tolrdo Eojeoto Uo.- j,„

“City Bookstore.”

11 fI.""___________

, lb,™ Will b. Twoblj.foor-Ib.' _So..™lllo.«do,ib,lh.p,™d. Ibu!,,'
Two aleaner* have arrived from
afteraoon. and amid the geoeral cbnei
Ohaaga Will Caet BA.OOO.
Iloilo, but brought ao later newa Tbe
lag. pelU of derlsIOD and bUaes
[ tee schools. Who are coming to laapect' 5
rebela Mraad all reeordi before va­
beard for Secretary Alger
terdap for aeveral important imp
onr system and to look over the work B
cating ibc town.
At tita. corner of Hnacoo and Charles
■loos drpartmeoU. including j A
Tbe provost guard baa aeized IW
Vue MsaUke peaa-!^
anaad lasurgeata who were ooaoeaird ,
11.P... »»biui,rf u,,™i.p. wiib:iti“«^»'rri..;;;,uVi.7Vn»k j
lb . bPb» I. Bl.o»do_ Tbl. bb.»,.!» I Tbp libp,o.„«..u .III Ibpibd.
bpth I
•' el'lbx »>■ ; b, fpppl.1 Ublp Pbd .ill b. „.l .1 Ui, i:

5rJ.t^U h.,lo, r°r,a .brT..“.l '““

220 Front St.


the aebela having nuded the senlnra. g^jjj The work^of filling tbe rooms; tea of Torto Rico;
••HeteV Chicago Wsfltll is a inert nd that word has been
‘‘I with the new Improvement iocindiag
“Youra of Jan. VI received. 1 know
Huuw. yet? Try it and get
’ ] the plumbrag
plumbing wmbeiTae^by
will be Jkne by uVunV-jalready
the Han- »''^'wdv that you
W0.1 were working to mve .
edamoDg the K.liploo. ia
r*. ovolo.. Uir AoioH..,. o.d boro |
Ur«.,Ul. 'IPortoRtoofromanawfolsivaation.
tbe city.
. Manyebangea will be made lathe frUbydiplomaUcirickeryfromaSpan-;. -iv,w-.-,-hicago tVartlr H..t.-. «>■..
PBBAyPFOFhTBBItIfi HBAYY I "w™* »«>d those which now have but' Ish colony to a.terrltory conf|uered by; Front street.
~~~ window will be provided with i tbe Ameticaaa. Your eorro< is ou«p. :___ ____ ____
Inttrsaae in Sbipbulidtag and Birae-:
*nd while the work is being done ' We Aaumaas are! brotbmw and
tural Work FustalDK the Billn
Iborewill be various ebaages which I •<»»« of our lands.unites us of tboee
Na. Yorit K«b ll —Hhinhuiirt.v. ^
*** '*’* coBvealeaec andap-jtbre* islands la the Caribbean sea
, ■ puiatqienis of the various rooma
i wbieb. united arc ao great, if their sons
are balldiag so many steel ibipa ah
This improvement will cost about! haow bow to act rightly. I ofler you
tbe AtlaaUc and Faclfle coasu tbpi
^j$S.0iK>and later on the ofUce will be j my eupport. 1 am near you. I will
• people.
always ready in the defense of just aad
and the drmaad la very argent. The
noble causes."
Iron Age Bsys'
tro BMW dbyb:
t.a Mliscosion makes the autemeet
"fiblpbullden at Haltlmore. at New­
tbat the eotftlict belweea ticDeral !
port News, and on tbe lielaware have iDveatlgaiiag i
Bare No | Brooke and the Cubaa Assembly iseadeontraclod for an additional number
ed. Oeaeral Brooke bavlog apologised
FartherX.>gbtoB Oorbett BysWiy
•r veaaeta. aad ordea for bridges aad
E. S. I'rail and K C. OilBBrl. who to the members of tbe Assembly. This
a ponriag in. Cbi«a» sold about lO.ooe tons, wralag were at Uoyne City to look more cloae- stetemeatyVoeral Brooke brands as i
dowa a much larger •inaatUy. The ly into tbe eircumsUneea of tbe death
Be Infor^ied your correspoBdenl that
leading mllli in Pitiaburg onanot aell of Judge Corbett, returned here yeaMade by Mlcblgao Telephone Co.
tanUy. after having eoaferred with be had oo| kaea any of tbe members of
anything before July delivery.
for any claw of s>rvire desired.
»“<>• conaequenily, bad
of tbe hunting parly who i^*'^
“It IS InMresUag to note that a
t nW**,rI tkAm arr. . —..I . m ■■
With Judge Corbett la the upper
fipolPify- XX.
On .1___
eoagroup of four Oermaa plate mills have
trary, be said to BecreUries Lanusa,
taken tbe acwond half of tbe famous peaiasula. Tbe Buyae City people
Capote, aad Ueeveralae at the Ckbinet
end of six moaths or change
. whinb onr mills. made frank etatemeaU and ttai
snaell tbat tbe Amembly bad aasumed
to. any class of service at will.
tbe first half, would tUil a deep myatery
eblldisb attitude and waa alone leTbe committee, however, are
Teleabone the manager localL
Steel U exceedingly eearre^
and espTain new rates adopted by
for prompt dellrery. and iboae who
inveetigatlag the matter sponaible for the recent tronble.
tbe company
must buy are rv<|gln>d to pay as high I
"P"* ‘‘Wr on. la the me*n-1-------------------------astlA .volatbe central west and fiSMo “*'• *‘*“ ““*HWe wish to imprem ,BADUYBDOYABTHBOENTUBT
Aaolher lalerseliag! "P®"P"**'**^
**• «»«e»t «»• i
------------thing about tbe iron trade just now U P®^*
was no ipteutlon to intimaW j ***•
“<• Harridl Hatch
Ole la l.oalavlUe.
tbat tbe Boyae City hunUng party!
the demand for airaelural material."
^ in any maimer tTsponaible for
UniSTille, Ky. Feb. lO-Two of
tbe world died
and tbat tbe bnatere in queation will - LonisvUle jeeterday. One was Eoea
Bnl it Ooet Two Toong Ban Ftaea in aid in every way poaaible U> determine ^ WaahiagioB. a wbito eroman, who retbe facu In tbe caw.
.aided at FTceion and Walnut atreeU. I
Judge BoherU’ Oonrt.
land who is said to be Hi years old. I "
Ymurday Jack Probert and Hike
ANDBIBB BODY MOT FOUND. I'Tbe other was Harriet Uutebesoa of' Bteitael ware uken before Jodge Bob- j
rxn ...h.r«. nV
..s k.1. ~
------------1 No-«n 5 Weal WalDOt itTeei. who bad


Telephone So. 4:i

Will S. Anderson

i Practical Funeral Director!


318 t'liion Street.

ill the popular music heard at the

Splendid Concert Last Night
For sale at 235 Float Street.
N.E. STRONG, Manager


Ten Tear Contracts

Subscribers May Cancel

Michigan Telephone Co.

upon Hub Baker, tbe well know irav-1

rll,™,. UU.UWU..1
I H.lrl,..,. .o.I„
rolimd -d
was aeaanlted one nigbi a abort time ' *“«*>‘bolm, Feb. 16 —M. Stadling. »» » »*ned ebat^Ur here.
agocal-nion strwet. but that be waa '
U*® ««P«1‘Uod sent t«i
--------------------------mlauken for another party. A plea of i^'^*'**
»*»* »-*rilah 0«k>-j
guilty waa aamred ud l*robert paid a I F^P*^^ •^iely to search fcg Profee------------fine and costa amoantlag to AS. Bul-i**
^ raonived a telegram! Wlthdrawa From Jndgeahip Baoe ia
mel was let off easy aad was ArtT-i^ !
YeaceeUk, Biberia.'
iha lateresu of Hannoay.
jauUBf that the report of the fiadlagi Eoiroa Mt*t.*« Bac.anr^a my
lofttareebodiea. anpposed
i Bume baa beea meatioaed as a Bepub[of AaBreeaed htseompaaloMs, is "P^jllean.caadidate for Olrealt Jodge 1
! believed to have been natrae.
I wUh to say tbat In the intereaU of
•eMior Bm-kee Wants tha Ball-Top ■--------------;-----------. peaee and harmony in the party I here- [
B Dd for tbe SMaU
ToBond for LfbVaty BnUdii
! by withdraw as a eandidaU for that
laatins. Feb ifi-SeaalorMiUiken'
Feb. 16-tepresenUtiv* ofti, and ask my fnecds aad aupport-'
other candi-'
waalatheaeaaie supplied with modera!****^^*®*™*"®*^*
atnioeiaite npoa
g«U top desks, the prmeat
being <
Grnod Bapids board cf education . date.
Loam B<>Bicai«.
toi^ small aao aft wdiag ao plaee Iw'
filing pspvrs. bills, eu. From tbe at-!*" P«rcbase a library aJte aad erect a
Utade of the senators so Ur\» m be' b«»ldiag ihereoa.
•lelgb Bide to WilUaanbarg.
Imrnea and the promineaee aad ia, Clasaee i and k of the First Methodist
e ol Senator HiUlkea. it l» preA Judge AspbyaiaUd
! Snaday school will form a sleigbride i
dkstad that tbe bill u likely to paasBvxlefonUine. ti. Feb. it;—lodgeiparty
Wililamsbanr this
Thomas Mitunberger was found drad evening. Tbe Ladlee' Aid boeiety of,
in bed this morning. Bto wits
the-Hethodtot ehnrub at'that plane
wm give A sappor this eveBlag. Toe ,
At "Feu's" Chicago U'alfieHoBaa. *oa‘*o
Vrcmtaireet. Bret meals la the dw! recover
g gas from a brokO^ yonag people who expaet to attend
treca lure aattelpata a Jolly tima

I Puffs, Tecks,

I '
j ASCOfS, Ctubs, Bows,

25 to 75 Cehts
Handsome Goods.
Direct (rom oenter of faahion.
Call and see thdn.

HamiltoD Clothing Go.

me«te • of tke orcmsimlioo Ad
W* OBMUod to omUMoO
Ooad rrofraiB for WomUx’o
» pruM for lo«lvld«ftl ud
E~:,pn«Hj B.J ■
. eeoUoB frhleh oo^y Ue bMl okiUod
Ub. <iMtoter('« to ftndine • compuand wb»ch wtlJ^Ul
WomMi'* Clob; Mn. P. J.*CnnJ»,
I OfMd OfM Boom ww UtonUy p*ek- •Icobolin «<j».jiin to
. that hir "---------■
Tac prcyraB will be at follovt:
»r* aod Bodat Whether It he
Mti Joeepbiae M.
a proBlBB. Iadoed.eeau that aoU
laWItraetluil Boiiae etoe ha» ever bef.-’
. n. n.n
hr lira M A A
for *fty
,Uucc^.-dtoKrttiiiKeU-.d.ultot.,»a.,.' «..^d. Ovoew.. road br Mrm. H. A, A
MX be booyht tor doable that
, j tone, it U certain that nu cbm baa Boberta.
priae yeaterday. aad yi.M» Bod
' imt it into the luatkrt to tluit ehai*.
Vocal Sola Miae Moryaa.
odtered to boldaf* of tlekoU. It
.-xhe Doty of Wjmen e Clnb* Toward
TKarnM Oirv eaotokaa JoaUflabk
an apwreelaUre Bodiaoce aad a
aOrantoKe W «ub a roiiiiamna. Public g iMtloat," Mta. Mary
^iHObOwtor tko I- •
rone aprtokllny of taleatod atatl-1
ipveut^ <i>^n>|>btea iu u»e aolie Cortto, Charlotte; read by Mrm. J.
latnb— throach «or -boildtoft Md
bIbm Bade HacritU-al asdieBOe. asd to |r a» a fnrl. Wheilter it couM he nx <(
■■iBltttor M toapoetioa ofoaroyatom.
I.. i_. oi u.r^> tni j i'« oib.T«~ a»« ».>i

S^Mbootootthytoty *r« Mdod for
. .. --------------------- 'iK.-,. ......M tr, In other |we»iblllU*v
. .
Adrias; read by Mia. J. Powle.
• MdtoeoAtockm i
ptocat to the band, each a ahUled tor
After the
UmpKt tbe« (he «
ariicniar UMWHIBOBI
, , torentur had exhibited
o a
Barbart MoDtayne baa r-tonted froB'
po with the rwUuUoo that toef wU
...... I
•r«tt by thrlr vUtk And to ton It U
Witte likely that o*r own teweher*
„ j.ractiral way by tuakinx
•oetoUoB of the tuta.
tele Mielhtor by » *l-iler MB^ity. >Tbc pfoyraa aooatotad of,
for the r«-|mirl»-f;)if the
ftolt to lUDtotM. Aa webMfoofeonrIin
> l■an■■rr would k» to lito
hieI Vorki>bc>|i
Baoklaaa Atatoa Salra.
woritof thaooBpany i
li^ of thy «((•’• MB be iBMle ■», I Newark and Ube with Uu> hU oxrti
tj,e world for
pleewiit Md profitoble.
forbad work
Oaa Bartkn-' *"in>>y of elvohul. Tbeoaf; Ktipnlatiob Ogu. Brntoea, Sorea. Clean. Salt


Bov COMO B totter poirorttof lo
hBoe bMD vrtttoB to • party to Porto
Btae byOMeral Uoatez to vhleh he
gtttn hto eiiK»rt to roetottoc the
AmtImb*. TbU doee Bot heriBon)**
With the reoMt BcsoeptBOce of (be three
aimoB doliBiB by tioMM to pay
OBhao BoldtortBBd theyeoeraTa ready
•eealweenoe to Amerteaa plane aad bU
•Maranee of toyiliy to the Cnlted
•latee. It 1* probable that the Utur
' to (he ereaUoB of aotoe InagiBatlve

. hnto.

”KeM3 ‘iVivR^s &R


ORtb ^OT iTtAA

Utt biat, ar&

aHraeUre yd
k5 per c-ent to etn-nKthmar the Banda. ChUblatoa. Corma, and all Skto
DOBber waa a ^nartal of eoaeU.,
would prerent the
poaiUraly cam PUea.'
3 parreqalTBd
iTBd. It la ynarantoad j
which deligbtod sot only

>• of tl»- procewc Tbe reta>rler ac- '
with maalcar leBdcBctM but erctyone
■tbr'i.oiji.'u.iiion ind'’weni w
Tbe tottm-aaUljxWukmawith him nhalf ,int
prtyram waa reOiered by eereral ao- whi.Lv fla.k hill'd w»b J'.*. j- r errt
praao aoloa by Mtoa Bewtoa. a cherB-' abided
-------------------------------------------------------- :
toyyouay woman with a remarkably!, ^e itiT.^or nnwrared ot tbe h1«v-

JpnoB Eomuire to to be «



!*-l^ Do you know that you can |

. .ok.,

.to,l..iitlnf n.,,.vr!'' it added to H a elice irf a Waxy com-

aoloa by Miaa "hUo,
„ i„, ,i„. .j*,. ^ua ehnia-of a
wboaearttoue eaecntlon held tbe an-K; l..x, fcm U eli.i- .if'lhie
diaoee totcBMly iDtereeted. While <ciiuiyv>nudwa«aU>iit an inch a ide at tbe
every aamber by the full band waa ’ circnu^f^’iire of the Nn. half an inid:
enalleBt. apeclal BoUoe boU be i Uiuk and I >, itK-li--- lonx What thia
iggdcof IheTaonbauier march by Way-' aa»coiiii«»*e<iof»iM<iTet.
tot and I
e toixhi
.which waebeaatlfnlly eseentod and
■M-n bud
yiven with a toaeand Tolnme worthy

buy a nice oak


Writing Desk
and Book Case!

•he Tariooa l^eal aaplraou for the i
ImUoo. If Trareree City espeeU to
hare a ahow for thia Bomioailoa I
OhoBld he aolty bbobc local attoraeya,
•hd theactkto of Judye Boberta to
tonfotoy hU chaaeea tor (be dkatlnfatohed reooynttioo aneh a oomtoi
Mhy*. ahoBld baraa toBdency to I
^hOBi tha end.

It called forth. This
uki'Uol and thia ix>tni»-imd were
combined for bnly
rated the ability of each b'-uttd to|!< th<-T iu a waliT luitb until
ladirldnal performer:
Ayato to the the alndiol l»ibil. and at that t.iuperaMtond part, after tbe readerlny of. tore the ti>uiiK>un<I to it ll■•■Jted and
they played for aa ] mixed with it. formine a i-b-ar li<inid
•acore ••Baaurt oa Parade." by HilU. exui'l fiirapiuk O'l.irinu wl
So BBcb aathualaeB waa maaifeated arUiirary addition to the waxy <iiml>oniHl. The uiixinr*- wn« now eel to
that tbe ladlec were compelled to re- cool, und in i ahort time it to-caine a We have a fine line , from $5^
pnt the piece. It waa a apleadid en- •tiff InoHe.
tartatomeat and one in which criUctoB
It i« to thia form tbnt the ineeiiUV
would beeapoflaout.
parp''''CH to put it «n the nuirket. Althoiiyh it MilllUetrouitly Ilf the almhol.
Baary W. UUler. the barber la the
the. mixture wiiiia to he eUthli'. and
Maeoato block, baa pat a (bird ebalr la
Mr. and Mra: V. B. Mcore of B<k eauiphv wbii-b w<-re put up in two oiiut-c
hto ahop to aeeomBodate Iba toerraatoy Bapida. were to the eity laet eeeatoy till U>xe« llirie tiionib« at:o huve hrt
HoDse k uniisbioi; Store.
to auasd the ladiea’ hand coneert.
little hviTHpnnit ion If a lijchtiiliiiutrh
W. N. Kelley went to Boyne Fblla Ip toiiehiil to the skuhol p.iste it loelta
The Bike held a baelaeea eeaalOD laat
■>iew Store. 120 Front Stivrt
on Hie lurfiici- and mbi» fire. Immiiiy
■iyht and a haa<i<tot
Mrrrd at iu and Beat Jordan yeaterday.
MiB Kate Strehl, who haa been with friH-ly with the cbanu-triiMii- lOue altii-.
b<J kutoe, only with a tinp-of
W. B. hteffepe U oOBAaed to hto reel _lra W. N. Kelley, haa yone to her addul at the outer jiart- Bimmu;
home at Mancelona.
14wee with aa atlaeii of broacbftia.
to 111.- l»>x and pivioy a fiami
W. B- Wllaoa.-BaleamaB for J. W.
Ml* Bthel 'Tboetaa.
hue been Slater, to- awflertoy with a aeooad at­ enonxh to heat a chafinx dUh. a two
___IX. »..x of |«»tc kept lighted foe
•Miowly UI. waa oat for the Sret Umc
tack of the yrip
Bi«.iit two hLUiie. when, the name alco­
pHtetday to rlalt her atotor. Mn P. C
Mr. aad Mra. Ralph Coaoable^Sr.. hol in a liiimd f.<na would have burned
came from I’etoakey yesterday to at- out iu ti-n miuuu-e.
TayBaeter Beary Salliraa of the t; tend tbe concert and etoit tbe family ' Many
itiy tiH.tiH.1. fi» the new
».*l,arrlred to the city with the of their eoD. Ralph. .Ir.
r the fk
II the r.
pay ear yeaterday and the railroad
Captain J. D. Kromer. traeeltoy miwt diniralile .if fu.-i- for many Und in a f..nii where it cai
•Bployee are oorreepoadtoyly happy.
freiyht ayMt of the <i. R. A I . to to
iiM«.irt>il « itb.iTil ilaOKer of its l. akdaBBi McCoy defeated Al. MeDoa the city OB beatoeea.
Ur vpiilinx would hare an add'-d
MtoeSeelya l*ny and Otto Powers ratne hnuliny and ranm-inu tii|B
If you waat it when you
walybl. to Boyne City the other niybi of Elk Bapida. came over laat eeeatoy.
.•M.l.irili) ex]»ilitiutM. liwte '
to the flat round. DUtUny hto mo U to attend tbe enteriaiameDt.
my_ 1__
i-aii have :
buy Rose's Pine Expec­
of tb.' flfluid,’ ____
■tocp to two and three-quarter mlo
O. B. Scbombeiy. the well koown
torant and it doesn't give |
BtM Be alao defeated Bather at Kre- tomberraan of Milwaukee, to to tbe i-taitiny dixh <v fo heat a i-nrliny iron. |
ami a man can ns.- it to heat sliaving ;
atOBt, to four rouDdt.
O. t>. Barth and Otto Barth of North- w.-iler «r to iliBki- a t'"ldy. If -th.- mis- j
Berry Hoot bariny cold hto totem
b.-ai.d to a ni.-ltiny p..iiit and ,
ci. wereyucau at Ue Whittoyyea tiire
to the bowlioy alley will make prepar
tti-ii Ict-t'*
ayitiilk'B while it <i«.ls, it |
Btloaa lor the openiny of the baee ball
RInry Pickard of Leland. Umnaaeted d.»-« Dot hatil.-n bnt the liardoniug ;
au.I is liel.l ill imt- '
)Hi— He rxoecu to etyn with tbe buaincaa here yesterday. Beadle Bid.
iniduB. Iu this
Philadelphia Nailooal leayue team.
Albert Kent i-i B np from BendoD
is snyx'-sts
liybt be and
The Wtooea daoctoyetobaremaktoy -esterday on buali
pr^nUouktoyivea larye club party
RayPalkocrof Cbarlerdix, toTialL
to the City Upera Hall oo the ereniny my relailTca io>lbia city.
af Waahlnytoo'a birthday. Pebruary
Nye Jordon and L B. Bablc of Sat­
ft. InritaUoofc are beiuy aeat out to in* Bay are to tbe city.
•holrtrlcada Mualc will be furotobad
Pat McDonald of .Maatotee. to rlalt*
^ Martanyb'a fall orvbeetra aad re- toy hi* brother Doff McDonald.
jtrBihmaBU Will be aerved.
Mtok Sophia Laay baa raturBcd from
Mtoa Elbei Tbomaa of Webater atreet Petoakey for a etoit wiU friends to
|» tbe happy Pomeaaor of a now Kim- tbla city.
Mua Ida Oberlto (f Binybam. to rtoiP
>bU ptono-preaeBted to her on St. Valay IB the eity. '
her parenu.
Bill Hope for Frnit.
Tbe Elk Bapide Iron eoBpaay will
_j advited to yet
fBBOdel their ctM* at that plM ArJadye Ramadell baa mads a cl.
eorery for Or
•toiucl W. A. Dean of thto city, baa mlBaUoBB of bto frnit tress and to Colds. I yav
^t eompleled the plaaa
eiybt botllea.
thauk God I am saved and am now
a a SlemoBBOf Sbennan. haa
•veil and healthy woman. Trial bottles
ppBlnatad for eouaty ecbool eommto- aerlonaly affected by the rstreme cold 10 cts. at S. E. Wait^ and J. G. JobnytOBCr at tbe Wexford ooaaty Bepnb- weather tbe ireea of all ktoda of fruit wio's Druy Stores. Bcynlar alse tOe
appeartobc nntoiured.ThtoconditioB and SI. Gaarantocd or prtoc refunded.
)1— emveaUoa held at OadUlac.
■Jbe Utrd party «t the aeries of Ire prcTalla la many of tbe orahaid
At Pomten haU wUl be yieea oo thto locality which hare been farou^t
to the soUcBof Judye Bamadell.
Tha bait 8S; dtohar
Tbandey eeeatoy. Feb. <1. Card
to al the gueen City Bcatannnt. Try
Igblea and wbtot deehs will be famlab-reHtee.
yd tboae wtobioy to epend a part of the
A. J. Bereridye. tbe ae rly fit
ytyalay in that way.
•ena«or from Indiana, waa

, S3^0?


a You Get

Your Money
r; Back


•i\vt miiA oRts RTt aWVV Vr Sk-ow



W ATt ^OtBlR) A

..^Latiisomc tteu) SAtve.. '



The Flour To Buy



Want The Most For Your Money

Xol nccestarilj- the most Hour but the most value.



Zb SoBOr of Little HelsB ObtUb.
LoBtoa Bale of Seeeath atreek yore ■
anfely pBrty Wedaeadoy Bftor«oon la
^OBor of LliUe Helen Carlin of Orv«a.
^to. Tbe yuesta were Helen Smith.
Habel Aaderaon. EnbyGrayaon. Pcarlie
W^flal. Lena Henry. Mabel Lamord.
- ^ohn and Mary Horn. Barold and
iBilmr Ollben. Maryerte Clark. GIobb
Poyla and John Beaty. Eetreab

Fin Horses For Solo.

Am fame as an skator was luo^t
tboat to a aorel waV. It waa adrertised in an Indiana town that ex-Oorenior BiTcrldye of Ilttooto would deliver
an addma When' yonny Bereridye
arrived and mw tbe Aaminypnetey.
did not wish to epeak. but finally dr­

op ibeir
tauftoter chanyed to cbeera. and ri^t
there be made bto paUic repnUUoo m
an ontor. He haa ever since bam to
to Ihaet^ tor Arat class oedar eoolc- yreat dmnud. Ba to a yoony. atUatie
tocBBd careful attcnttM to at Us
fan cT Tipar BBd wttb a ~ ' '



I hare just arrived with a
oariood of flnt dlan Ikna
•nd draft horaaa 6rom Kizu
Beaota, which will b« sold
at prices which everybody
can reach who needs a ^ood
animal — Call and inspect
this, fine stock at the livery
aad sales bam of Qso. Cams
(fonnerly Oeo. MoirV) on
State street.

Lent commenced Wednesday. February IBth, ahd we
have laid in an extra fine stock of strictly No. 1 Salt Mjackor.
eCNo. 1 Bound Shore SaltHerringr, Pickled Salmon, Stooked ^
: Salmon, Oanned Salmon, Smoked Herring, Smoked Finnan ^
: Haddies. DomesUc Sardines, .Mustard Sardines, Imjported ^
: Sardines, Canned Lobsters, Shrimps, Boneless Smoked Herring— and don't forget our Oystere—all solid meats.
OiveusacaU. Thepla:3---- -


I u« vlclBity -of tk* MSau. «vl<lea4* '
^io*ert»k«DVTeoUw«MlMr Md fro*«

j "SoVii 0^ 'M.lcV.vaau.


Afiar foar d»js ®f hrcakiaf
the Asa Arbor ear ferriea Ko. : \
The maBBfactiire of BUiebn. inrUl
aod No. I asd AUoe Htafford a
. ____ ,,
. *» *1 ®“y •«“. *■ »“« of
IB worblnr their war Utoarh •etar.l »»« aoai tmporUBl emtlos- Solar*.
I Ur*. wiBdrtrwa of lee which are ataBj ,a aaouDi of araaer U Ureeted In
Jam «a«*«U, of Moaeow. fait dead , oe boarm. ainl laaUy eoa
feethirhaodaMhoredoB the h©Uo» their tnannfactare that ifl FraDce It l»
^ bMrt fallnre Taeaday.
i haeo eaipooded three wceto.
from the end of the PTaokrort *ier to:
r and a roosid*
Ja*t!e* Charlea T. ParetaoB of Oraod pal»«l takJaf aothfae botamaU qaao-___
- . . -al»hlof the tliiee of water d>Hog all tbU tlaie
m»e oev
, .
TV.................. ...... With e*lra amoaBtt Of eoai ane pro*»« «r...ea jrom laia eoaree. loe
BoTal Order of dwedeu. Ib
- ItloB The eaM la attraetisr a rood Seal of |
eeartrd -fw their reralar trik
of »J>« maiehee made Is
ddfeleeerrleMaaa Swedlah ooaatl at,
I ra lieeUawoe ..-___________j Me»uJ<: En*IaBd aloee is uld to amount to
.|GraBd Haetn, whleh poaiUon he hnaj At Calomel, a lam# e*ptoded at tbe^„
aach year. *nd that
*’ Iliad for manr yeaja.
;home of Joaepb Pceord. eanaiar the
^he nonben that the makers tun out
Ayoaar lady of hi. Johsa on . elothlDr of bla iBlaBldaarhter to
n« 0#erBl»r’> M
’■dara’* wrote a leitar to pMaUsBL li«. i*a* ’Th. child was terribly b





aa BW ow». She haa rooeleed a eoar ----------Wed.eaday dereloped . had bar U •»« would *o to the iheetre wuh
Uoaa letter from the pTealdeot’aprteate *’'***^'^
] »••«»*•/ «« ;
. —
hini ID we HsdeiB^ ('.xlve "
.1.1.0,r .1
affaire thare. All oree the
^ ihat*all?^
^ ‘eliy. It U found that water malna aod I So. ‘ The operator had it read:
Polly Clark, of Portland. raeenUy;
I irater pipea were froten and bnnt with Will you go to the theatre with niv to
I her Blnety eeventh birth- '
; i the beat. In many plaeea eellan arc a^ ^roe'a Calt-oa." — Norriaiown

sL^wsirsfji^d"' —

A I'ieb Tea.
health UaaoeUant.
frosen (round. In a number of
o„ity_r wanf;Tf-*ouad of 1
At Jwtkw. J n ».T-ti
Mr. Sboriwelght-Wi'birV^ind. kti
AtJaekBon.J. O. ForrelJ true r.mor-,
people are pattlnr ep am?
laralroamuypboobotUewhenU ea-;,io,^
' Nra. Goffy—Well, fm
■m ilreAf
if Yoaar
der. and / I don't
ploded Uerlaaacuttlnrabole in hiai i« twenty ________________________
four incbee thick eorere
tareaat. breakinr a mirror and tearinr Tv„ader Rs* .od srwtercaunot he wee
enSBOt &Bd the jeweL
hearlly loaded team crowed orer to ladles nsin* IL"—Eyprew Oaaeua
Dr. Cyrus hmiih.who died at Jackson ^ Middle Island last week the eecond ;
--------:-----------------------laat week, haa wUled hie prtraW collee-1 time ench a sbio( baa occurred. Cepl.;
■* "»w Tb«u«ht.

JTiii “.7"™'"'f*

SIO.OOD. to Albion oollerc.
; lltewaTinr station, broorht orer a
At Maple Rapids Robsrt heott took a , larye bra of wild ducks, which were
swallow of oaallc acid, auppealnr it to picked up on the ice frcsen atiff Mr.
be pop beer. Be eel the bottle down,' Pereont ssji there are many
remarklnr: "It ie eour." whereupon. G.
--------B. Groom, the clerk in the (rocery. j
pMk B ewallow to teat li,and then read ; f
tbe UbeL The prompt^ eerricea of a ! t
phyeieian prerented fetalitlea.
- On the fourth fl Mr uf the bnildlnr £
oecopled by Hawiey A Ook dry (ooda i A
store in Day City, a tank aontaioiD( [
130 barrels of water fur use in ease of
The spring ruth of I
I already begun at Winnipeg.

i.Edllor--Tell the foreman to aei a
lot of type at random, and we'll call it
a Scotch dialect story."—New York

SeitCTaV "KciiBs
SUantii *3totiv. S\>6TQ\nWe ;|
within 17 mil A
of tbs Blue Kidge nioonlains. register-

Another •ed.,o,Ib..bbbbo™.,.„.'”“‘^‘‘“‘ta* ‘* "*“«


i;^7L7:!“.T4;i::,7.A”rb:»~^HoA .boo. t'™..„.. ■»> »:‘-jiTTz:7oor:frLuA
: =>«•“
Anthony celebrated her

OBBBOt tweofcr. It te a strange eoln- ^““la from Cyprus.
grange coin ^

| miy«.ty.ninth birthday Wedneaday.

Europe are thote of the SraDdlDasf*® penlnsuU and Knjcland. to <3ermanv. hoaever. there are beiaeen 500
and 30<i fseinries. Of the daniterous
material phosphorus, which U employ­
ed in the manufacture, between 1.000
and 5.000 tuns are annually consumed.
Tbe cecersi rharaccer of phosphorus
is that of an eiceedlngly Inflsmmable
subttaoce. buralaR slowly In the open
air and sbinln* with a luminous appearaui-e in tbe dark. In tbu aute It
it one of tbe most poisonous substancM known, leas than two grains
bavins been known to raoae the deaih
of an adult human bring, and Inniimcrahle cases hare occurred of chil­
dren being poisoned by aucUng tbe
ends of a few mairhea.
On tbe other hand, heated without
eaiKMuri to the aG for some short time
the phnspboruB change* Into a red
powder, which is perrertly Insoluble
combustible and not In
Oic slightest degree poisonous,
this latter suie It U mixed with other
siilistaD<.es and piaied on the ouiMde
of tbe boxes of what areJermcJ lufety
These mau-facs consist of
Iiiu;.polaonons chemical maieriais that
u.ll not IgoUe when struck on any ordlusry kurfaie, but ore ImmedUitJr
file by Tubbing on the bux.
which U covered with pieparattun of
Innocuous red pbusphurus.
Bat. unforuinai* ly. the public at
larte prefers malcl ea which will Icniie
when R'.r::ck on ai;y siirfsce and the
mauufaciiire of ibWe is nei-rs.-iu-iir at*
tendrJ with risk to the w-uikers. the
people who are most serl.itt«!y affected
l«lng the .giiis who pa<k the fluished
matches .n the boxes iu w hi. h they are
aoid. By practice tl;cir dexterity beeuDic* su src.i! they almost Invarlal.lyAtafce up hand the exact
number tcqulred.

kta C»e ■* fcMar<1v>

Nr. and Mra. B.aik were lia*ertB* (akre a a II to dlarueat the
- late breekfi^ <m amBOar laora; children make thtae blUBd.^ aa a
Ing when
loud rin* of the bell an- „ „ trirhm
Bounced the presence of some on»«ouiMike, the old Irish u*h-r a Wallack'm
aide of their door wnoae ou«nm theatre, was alwa:
mailing funny
aremed to be urgent. The maid :.i»r blunderm. One n«hi when
awered tbe bell and discovered a
| was trving
boy. who looked aa U be had texu
blow* in with tbe worm.
a^« want. ml4.r
-la the SUV nor her. r be asked.
• -Ye« . .eat
-You mean Mr. Blank?'

■ -V^.„.„r».lyl. -



-j«i. i«i h,.".b., *«.,
him most per-tK-inr.
The maid wu so impressed wirti[
I'etry's style that she cameu it hip
mew and «r. Blank went out M,
look at hit visitor.
• ,-rr tbe guv-rorl said ;Ce .-.out
boy. inqulrtii^ly.
-And I'm I’etey.”
• Hstey. you know.
-Wen. I did not. bat 1 do now.


siandin.' herfintioaed. "}eM
till oi and one."
When Mike got In fore
long sigh ami said:
"It s a great t^mfort. Nr.
^pfctalLv when yfcui
heart is wid te '
Nike when
' his t>rotber Barney, be said;
I ; "The last ume I saw hi 1
' days ago. w iim he called “

bd I 1


This s R tbe same Irish
. wanted a painter to'paint hts picture

“ ■?: ~>a '»

To show how chlldreii bjusder Intor asked a little girl why sho­
ot more account
"Madam*'ms7 Tklte thsle beantlftil
the sun?
ehildren?' inquired G-xieral W. B. '
the moon shines in ihw
Pbatluc.-as be leaned orer a front
and tbe son.
gate, saya the ('Inclnnatl Enqu'-er.-Certainly.-air: there' Is no poasibie ablnes in the day lime, when It la light
enough without "—Wi Perkins.
-They are tore*y darllDgsr said tb«
Hrt ri»i onl*r.
general, after he bad fl'niflhed the
eleventh. "1 have seldom aeen mo^e She was newly married, sod did not
Ix-BUtlful lAblrs. Are they yours. mS- know a liUle bit about either bouM.*dam?
The lady blushed deeply
they are. the sweet little
freasuresi Kmni whom else, ma'am, was used to all kinibi of urdera. and
could ihey.biivc Inherited those limpid could Interpret them easily.
"I want teu pounds of paralysed au(>
rr':rlAelr ulong "f|.t:ad-lhn Reetisrou
eye*,, those rosy rtm*ke. itinw pr'.itiae ar." she begau. wUh a bb»lDeBa-llks«
, curls, those comely figures and thoM
■'Yes’m. Anything el*?"*
nuiRtra) v..ii-es?'
, Tbr I.P, ,«..lPPrA b.»bl„,
; i
•11, ,h.
n,.:m-uid br. -nb, j fl, „ ddWb -rplrrn,.d .«»••■ uiO
1 botheryoutoi. il your csliraablr bus-;
milk "
land that Wlllism », Shuttuc. randl-! -Anything more, msamf'
"A bag of fivsh ruii. Be sure U'»
this ••• enlng.
-Kxruse me^r.-;^ld the lady. ^; ^^-fes'in. What next? '
have no hiisbanJT-/^
;j -a pound of desecrated codfiah.I'Biii ihes.- children, madam—>'<iu
He wrote glibly "dciwieated codfish.'*
Burely are not a widitm ? "
"Nothing 'more, ma'am? We liava
fean-d ?ou
soMie nice bori**'rBdl»h Just in."
when »ou flr»H*me up. Thee.* are nc
"No." vhe Raid; "it would be Of BO
*h.-n you-drrt came up These are niu one to IIS. We don't keep u horse."
clilidrou ThiB is the fresh air fudd
Thcn the groi'OT sat down and fan­
vacallun .-ottage.ned himself with a patent washboarA
-Th^t s.-ens to be a fair siaiemeni. although the temperaiure :was nearly
Peiej." said Mr. Btank.
■ x
"Wciir said Mr. Blank.

■-Well? " sold Betey.
Da get* of tbe Grip
< Tbeprest.wt danger, fruu- i->Grippe
vrm. la of IU resiillitg in preumi.nis If
reasorsbie rs*r I* oacd. however, and
, ,j ''hsir‘;-r)alD> reegh Kera.dy ’aken.
.’ ill dahgir will b*' avoided. Among .
; a-b»nl»n > H * ber l »’ *“ I the ten* of ih. oaauos wthohsvenR*d
: this remedy f.*r larrippe webtvey'fet
=• '■“'*■
—"I '*“l * barpain.- satJ lo learn of a single A-a*e havieg re»u't
ed in pneumonia which ahowe eonciu.
Mr. Illunk.
Mow- do I know i5ai vou won'r ruu
•» ■ '"‘■ruin
,h, .bo,,IT- ..k«l Mr. ,1 , llwill
sny ot
*'HU ! have your shovel. ai>4 lie *nd emU to take For sale
fap “"<1 he;<t ii out. Wait. drugpUi
'‘H''w-ouldn'l be mueb sei-ur_________ _ ...—____ 1..

Bogna quarter, and half^lolla.. are *
'’«« C”*i
worth of gorerament
bel^l«.l.ted qnlte «terJ^yTl.‘»»“«“"**“P“'“*«- Nnch dam-'property wa. deatroyed by Bre which
oSLS'dI BThts^S" Zte S
“oPe‘u,bacoo '«‘®«edin the large machine .bop of
W^smiVT ea^UenTai^m^ al ««
Brooklyn nae, yard, known at ma
All Max Par ilaarA.
1 A plagn. panic haa mtenrred in the
When Rienilicis *.r the queen's fam­
n Kolar gold field, of Nysew^ I working, of tbe navy yard bare reee.rSerosml hold-npa b#** oeeured at Dewied aaerioua setback. Many fine models ily «t any wanderiTig German relanves
Abont S.SWi eoolies have bolted, i'
cBtor of late and people
is'of hattlesbips. their parU oMiigb desree vGU Ibcndoii and U.-CUis ‘“rrO
feared G>‘»
this «"».»
miy lead to a sutpension
suspension ::'
two hlghwaemsn ' *•
^ p> a^vnrjuits in Buckingham palace.
■b, I,„iuti„„. - ,b,r
tbeb bo-rj
•Mi they go abooi -V:!^****7^-“? : of tbe work. There have been-iO caiM.
JH.I Ilk, „.b,o,ob t,.|k. lb . b„«l.„
proVbl, b.
.,o,p. 1. p.10, o.r, U,, .orb o«ppoA
bbirf. Tha pi,,Ml, th, w,.r.,b„
md to Bant down the iwbbecm.
«Dl In U>e beginning.
Inpy fibni buvlp, t.iD niudl comiap,
Tha opeatag of'oew and raopenlBg 7I7*'
and make* things very pleasant fur
of old copper mines U Ontonagon
The national goeemment ha. glvtn!
. „AAA*.rb.^i*e
the pal;;ce acriacts. The iodepeBdence
eooaiy aoema to be palUng new ii£e
howltier with Uti sheila to
U gliea aunie of the royul guesis I*
IBM the half-dead town, of that aec- »wrl« tbe grave of Mr jor tJeoerat John i
akm and Imatnes. la beginning to look ,
^ Cornwall. Cl. Oene*al
queen early in -hvr iei,;n deiermioed
crii.'iomlccl'cou;*.’. her subjecta
again, after several years
egoeed-1 brdgwick
jiiMly Cb.mpl«iu of her exiravaiagdnllaesa Tbe latest eridenoe of toeei II ~war.
I««h^ .fleets the air .,f a saint.—La
It of a naUonal' Tbe queea In her long life baa travel- vap-r.
*or;li a dirxen eap« like thia "
hank at Gatonagon. which event will: ed very little abroad. She has never
r>oty aiM t.iday are imrw. B.-nlta pl.,.i»iirt>, being a fiest nf royu!
'•Why, guv'nor, I wouldu i dare to go
I have jaet arrived with a
been in Roaaia. Denmark. Aaatna.'and fntpritr to UuL—llmtv even, the quec.r's own children
paj thtlT wuv i: of Ui'-er a'kAWunr.Mi, iwav with voui- shovel. Ho you tiiink
carload of firet class farm,
John Cutler, an aged hotel man ofl*’**^*"Spain or Greece, flrerl.y !
could lai-e my nitidcif+' wliho*4t niy
when oot
eedrr mamma's roof,
Bowell. dropped dead on the sidewalk ^
®*> •"?
i.ili.ts may ^. J use
and draft horaee from Min­
i> ' her eoleniee, or upon any part of Asia, >p tivicliinv n>. net vrliut
are, bat
Aa—ilwv Pipe nirtes.
Wedneaday on a buaiaeas ateeet
nesota, which will be sold

i A-Uat VL'.'>,nk-ht l» I.. -Han:.
had been aalferlng aume Ume from the
at pricee which everybody

grown for the i* auifaciure of tpr
i !>eit# R
diapatch from Brest saya Ukt
grip, but waa better, AO he walked ap
can reach who needs a ^od
Birm«. For i!.:s r''rp(i«v sbe sicms of c^yinnng that
hat Mr. Blank
town. He wnaearried into aatere. but
to .-i"vbi«t iu la-nring It. - Kic-hl«-r.
the growing -re traincl wiih the' haw a shovel, and what
more, he
animal — Call and inspect
life waa eaiinetwhoo be fell.
•><»»« «»a‘
o» tbe i. .t, .v„
I French coast and that 3f. fiebermeo beTlo* I.P-li;;..l 0*1** htv li.-ir. the mivcT greatrst i Ji:.! i!'**y have auaiiiyd got it luck again. I'eiey b*1'!.'<i nno'hthis fine stock at the livery
Imat sumoMr an a«eri«i. udy io«i a i'
. ri>l«* hniib<,|r. Till* iimMI'- way is jti-Uie tbe pioper icayih .v:r*i •!«•. The
er ho-.iM* to Hu “regnJars. and .Mr.«-_M,rb.
lb Km.lbm-,«. , :■> onm-lvn* oixl ollo-rM - Drovere.
and aalea barn cf Oeo. Cams
is mii:«-.ted hy n r-:.itip pg of viu Bisni. Iius regiatmud Troys' caps ! hs
. flV.
iag high and low for it.
e te tbe the bay of Aode, have been drowsed.
Yon may divcive all:l til**
tli** jwiplo part ed liueo or kvou-u. T wour three times • available vecunHes i.t'an occasdoa
(formerly Oeo Moir’Bi on
conclBsioD that U .
t«r1 of thelx.iiU all a year ihl^ wi,| to fakeu off asvl the ' erlkos w-ton auv*> n tbltig .■buulfl,' iie
State street.
alolen. Last week she sent a lounge ;

to be reopbolsiered, aod. the
much sotjpht .-.^er. Some of these |'
-Hie Twlnv
[ |
t of his watch
l->**ry jiw.«l of lif., lias itH i«Ttilinr .
wbo did tbe j-ib disoovered the nuseing | <»>''' ®®<! i®®®’’
trii to elghte-.-ii j "And what j
prrjiiihn-s. Wlu. v.-r *aw- ..H ngc that : Ph* s'en«
pnrae. with its oonienu inucu it hsvdid Sot Applaad the |ui--t and c
lag alipped down at the back of tbe ! Omrpiroe
Over HeVunsn'M Rlva tturs' '
i -Men. mlR», weve .(ViHlile*! lo Mil

tbe t«w«pnt GiimkS—Moiiiniv'tie.
■nuuxo xtf6.
■ atend for use by the soldler'a widow.
.one 'KhtC uu'l the other 'Duplicaii
I Alway* Tote f.d|.v,nripl|.. ,Vy,l. !
The paat week'a deUy of navigation
«f^»^rai tnis. commander of
from the aevere cold, weather has ior«a In the Bbilippines. U said to to a Jh--uo-i r-H.-i ti..., that vourvoisis t A traveler tells . 7 treasure ehUuitKi*
Ih'Hacdad llial rival the tales of. ilio
cMsed 5uu to uoo can to to side-track- "tan of iaoonic speech'who rarely V n,.r.g ]o^^.-JoIm « Atlalii*.
N;5ht,-" Among these mi;P
ed Ob tbe Aon Arbor road from Cadil-, •*”
lac te Frankfort, wewtboood. and from * U«e. but who managea to make that:
DON’T 00 ITl.MO teS.ouoeanon the west shore. :“®‘^®'» epigrammatic and full of

great powe* throi ghoul Asia. |
y J
eaMbonnd. awpiting traasportatlon:; *®^®'®<Ti Don'tIin:T**ratib**U.noinoftbelBt!Mlx«A Melaphur».
bnlw there ia DOW no
AtGslvnten.a toautifnl eword and
Eilh* r-.p. nj. or flown.
a open water, and
acres tse.steslsw
havli.g c*ubltel.ed 1 gne-'When you marned me yon
the Bonday acbool, Don t .•x.-.-t a c«i .f paint tower themselves In LoMU’n. and one of them mill you were well off."
bsavy ice the whole width of Lake {bible-----------------------------------------------_ABiMoix.,ror enrs^uae o< jteeu xtosu
te nwrried to a i'otbM:hild. A pass­
Nbehigma, Bavigatioa will be aome- childrenI of Teua.
Teasa. were preeented
preeented *
srhat retarded. Chptein Ackerman of Wedneaday te Commodore John W. • !>»'» htann- >..or life nnd tton laor port signed Soaso - Is a safe condiii'l
throughout tbe «- -ievt regions of tbe
the orferryNo. l.came aeroee from «Hlip. who commanded the batUeMoaltewoc laat Friday, and ob np-, *hlp Teana during the war with Spain.
D.m'tth.nk.a wwn«., always a.hlcrep HimaJavaF. throuah .Afghnnlstan or
Perris or ThlbeL They deal with the
proBchiBg tbeenatstaore eaeonatered * The aword eras made by tbeeaaiefiiin j grratn*w when sbe g'^ a hoslv.ud.
that dealgned the D-wey sword and i D*-" «tWult a tosn dw..|b neil to the chiefs of all the w.»ndering iribea, such
heavier tea from twelve
tranMclicos being mostly on hbcor.
«t S3 wo
rod mrrvly f.,r tto xaicv of the view,
l^ee la thieknea


" fine Horses for Sale.


,«... „e-„.


6 •• t I


*. ».„1. 0.t.
Tha life of a ae<
Harwell who regiatered at the
the srUds of the n:
a Is ap- ’ P-wt
in i ring.
In Ite'V
Vendome as Margaret Wsetcott, w*a
pareaGy not on a bed of n
Don tloAtbe stsWed<« after the
A ltow»-*»l Deg.
iatt tone the Bidnaw Jonrsal eaW: | found dead in her room. The room bone
PoesiWv the thief may
is ri»l-n Poesihly
There te i pow- fill breed of dogs
We are buying in large quantities
•■The pehlisber U penning these words I was fell of gas from- a Jet partially; repent and bring it bsicL
•long Smith's sci’h.i that does not hes­
by the olHoe fire. He te wearing a' Wrned on. It te thooght te he an #eDon't int.gin* that long hsir wlD itate to attack the "lost ferocious wild
heavy nteter. cap pulled way down|«ldo®‘animals.
Theee dogg boot in pain
and a big bear Is a joke to them. One
oeer hte ears, and in order te keep htei Tbongb Wyeaieofngei-rnele DmA"
dog ran bring (low- a reindeer and kill •
feet warm te wearing three pairs of | Thompson-of Terre Baute, Ind.. osce
It in a few minute' Their thirk coat te
enrmaa nocks, furltned mooenstns aod seeretary of the navy, and leag a eov
in hue and In winter a thick We ateo have for sal* land* fog good farms.
A short clay pipe does ser-^ gromman. te atUl wonderlnlly hale,
•painte GiMte^t Meed.
fleece of wool covert them. They look
so much like wolvs it te bard to tell
what they are at a little dtetsnee.
the Utebea store. \ erily. nesrapaper! Adami with Lincoln, Webster, (Ubonn ootcs had caused severe poios In the
pahltehlng In this neck of the woods tenod Ony. Be te aa Uveterate smoker. ■ bock of his bead. On nsing Kleclrlc
has I
Its in 'he form of wave*
A ease that u toffl:ng the skUl of the , temperatare of Charlestown since 173*. \ He says this grsnd medicine te what
rapidly aaeceedltig one another eaa
Aoeters at OsBlUee te that of the eight i th* oldest on this eonUnent. prove that; *>'» coonlry need*. All America knows produce Insensiblli'r to pain and eotd
yoar old #on of John F. B. Mead, a j the record of Tttesday morning, e.s de- ’Jl*____________ ______ la the fieah, acting as aa naeetfaMIc like
. mter. It appear* that the lltUeigroM above aero, te tbe lovemt ever i
s rto. ether. When the c'lrrenu were applied
to the finger and thamb by vriree. the
filUow hasbecnina aemi-oaeoaseto»!kn«wnthere. The taU of
finger eould to pfleaed with a pin vrlth.
aamdittOB for tha past month, thte be-! u four iaehsa. ateo beoko
_______ _
tosfior^lagyoaaoedjt. Srsry boV oot fhtn.
lag tha eolmlaaUnaf a aickaoM of j The reports from tha aUto show simlBte first steop Ur «i
f. iohBBoeaadS. E t
afcfllowed l^lltoti

and >ay highest prices.

We also sell Sound Hemlock Lumber, Maple Flooring
. and Short Maple Wood.
^ |



BJ. o-iBBa


tbe Practical Bicycle Builder aod Repkirerj

r'jr 2K=s=;i:i^arbS^.?:st

- JI tke victalt^ of

10^ Kl\c\\\i^a?
SVvort,^T«s\v 'Kcms S\ones

I------------------------------------------------ ---

Jeees itedreit. of If omow. fell AmA , m boon, eod lull/ «
________________ ___ ____ _____ _
i heee uuprsded , Uirc* weete.

Wmc. •vMraUr

• limarOr.
Mr. and Mrs. Buik were iingertnc
•] After foardaja of brc*ktar«iMl k«tover a late breekthgt on boniUy momIng
of tbe bell anTbe BMDafketare of meirbw, trlrlel.
4S It mar seem. Is one of tbe Isrxest pounced the presence of some one outworkJor tkelr wmy tkrotMrh ee*«r»l and most important r.xliilBE. So large side of their dttor whose ousmest
t-. 1windrowa of tee which are many «b amonat of mener »a InremeU tn seemed to be urgent. Tbe maid an--.4 - - -t«U«
.L.i._______ __ _____________-I
,_ W*
.. I. I.
_ feet blffb and
asehorM) ■*on the
bottom tbeir
manofactnre tbtt- in
it It ^ered toe bell and discovered a small
boy. wbe looked as if be bad own
blo« in with the etorm.
"Is ibe Kur nor ber^r ne n&ked.


tbe numbers tbat the makers turn out
--------- ----------------——.
n'dallj exceed SW.OOO.IiOO.
In Prance
Th. Operstor-. Miitiilie.
| the Oorernmtni monopoly U In to a
•■What baa become of Ubarley Oay- company for a mlniraum annual par­
ley and Miss Katnilyr 1 understand meni-ot over ll.'KiO.OPn, ,ith a great
the)- don't epeak to earb olher now.
Increase If a certain ijiinit>er I* ex­
"tt'by be sent her a lelegram asking ceeded. .tmong (be largesl facluries
her It she would go lu (be theatre wlib
him to see Madame Calve '
Europe sre those of tbe Scandlnav| **“ peninsula and England.
In OerWell. U that aU?f’
Tbe op«»af bad It read: maly. buuever, there sre beimeen 200
^be theatre with me to bnd 3W> farinries.
Of tbe dangerous
- Blaetyw
btrU, see Hadme'a
tbe beat. In many places eaUara
bleb Is employday aad te as tiraly m a cricket. Her
. acnld.
ed lb the manufacture, between l.vOO
and 3.000 tons are annually consumed.
Tbe geberal character of phnspboms
bMltbieaaoaUMt. ; tbe froiea r®«»d- lo a nombe
Mrs. Guffy—r want a pound of lea. is that of an exceedingly
pUee. focao. 6r» bare »-« «»«•
Mr. WbWt kind, Mad: ” Csume.
t. J. D. PomU SI
pc uac
‘PGuffT Well I'm H^fYoDO.
tlre^f Yod»
shining with

sued ter aaaay yean.
; borne of Joaepb Peeord. eaaalac tbe
elotbiarof blaiafaatdaDcfaterttoeatcb
A young lady of St. JohM
P.1 ti..
*'«ara- wrou a letter to f>rmideBt
.v : dre -Tbe child was ttrnbly buraed
hope Is
»ta»ey. mmrrataUUer him
hie awl
»** BO
“ eatwtained for berfebirttiAay Whicb earn# oa tbe aame dato
AlSL L<ooU tbe warm weather wbieb
aahmowa. She baa roeelrad a eoar'
prevailrd Wedneoday dereloped a had
taoMlMtwfros U
at'i prirata
atauof affalra tbare. All orar tbe
■aeratary. tbaablag ber.
city, it la found tbat water malna aod


Irish >
takn a wit to dlsroum thew.bitmdara,
children make tbeae blunders as often

mite. ,hf otj Irish usher at WallaekV
t-beaiee. was alwsvs making funny
blunderm. One night when the.tbealre
^ crowded 1 was trying to^gK A
-Js it a sate y.w want. ml»?i
-y**. ,

• ~i»d.a.. Bln - «w uik.. “i--

but t\.
r.;.rj- »«»"• n«">
p. ,i.d .o ,1V. lod .
•■Jd.“.llh'ri'b.tPn7^»« IS™?."""'
diandln." be continued, "jest ag dewm

him most per-tii-lar. Uot tbai7 Mon tUI ol find one."
per-tlf-tar. '
When Mike got in lore be drew *
The roald was so Impressed wifn tong sigh and said:
Teiey's style that she came*. 1 nis I
tximforl. Mr. Peth^^na. to
and «r. Blank i
^ be alone, especially when your awnetlook at hit rlsiuir.
heart Is »Id ye,"
• VoilTe the KUV-eiir: laid .1 no Ul :
hoy. inqiilriiteiy.
, bis brother Itorney. he said; i
"The last time' I saw him iraa left
•'And I'm IVtcy."
:jv« ■ when be called and 1 wan'■yes."
••Peley. you kdoa.”
This was the name liishmi^ that
••Well, I ilid not. hut I do now,
Vanied a painter to paint b'ki|pielure
"Ves. and your walk ougbt tob«;J„.
represent him standingl behind
A tree.
To show how children blunder lnt»
,ed a little girl wby sbw
I Wit. I asked


"Madam? ms7
: than the sun?
children?" Inquired G-.Laeral
Pbatluc. as he leaned
gale. savB the (-Tncinnall Enqu'eer.1 Bight when 1 Is dark, and the suit
• l-.n.l.l,. .Ir; lh,r. U »o po.11,1.
-k.. ll,» lUkk.
ladles using lu*'—Express OaMtlc
I adult human being, and
*noqgt without
Kll I’erkini
ble cases have occurred of chll- ohjeclion.
"They are love'.v dorltoga.'’ said tbe
I being pdinmed by sucking tbe
Her PIrsI Order.
general, after he bad finished the
a*»eatb column
Bbe was newly married, and idld ant
On ibe oiber band, healed without elcventb. "I have aeldnro seen more
Bdllor-"Tell tbe foreman 'to net
hcauliful liahirs. Are they yours, ms- know a llUle bit aUmt cither bouseexiKMiire to ibenir for some abort
lot of type at random. an*l we'll call
orus t-banges Into a
ing her first iirdcr. It was a rrukber,
• ^leh dlalnt story."—Nesr York
powder, which is perftvily insoluble ' The lady l.hihhed deeply.
"Of «»urw they sre. the sweet little [but the grocer was a clever matt and
to water, nut combuailMe and not to
trcasiirea! From whom elite, ma'am,
the nllablesl degree prilwtnoui.
Ibis latter stale It !• mltod wlib Other could thf.v burr toberlti-d those limpid
Ibe nulKlde ' <v:rl.nelr olQIig "I1-t:sd-lhfi Keelta:oo
snlMtatu-ea and piac
teiBieJ aafely iyi*. ihoscTotiy . h.-cke. those pr-.liiae nr." t-hc began, t
of the huxes <>f wiiul
Thew matih*'* coorjit of curU. those *v>mely flgtiiiii And those
tii>i;-|K>li>onou» <-Leuiii-al Jiiateriai* that j nmaleal v.iIccB? ’
ou the fk/urth d POT of tba building not Ignite wb.-n siruck on any orThe lady .cinrinued hliis'nlng.
oeanpled by Hnwiey A Co’a dry goods
dinar}’ fcurfaic, but are liumeillaicly i "liy the way. tua'ant." aald he, "may
He set down "rulvcrixed kugar*' and*
atorc in Bay Cup. a tank oontalnlng
i sei on fire by rubbing on the box. .) Itoiiier you in l■'ll ymir i-rilroablc busniitamscd mlMt."
immigration has lege weather boreau, within 17 mil a which laxovered silh a iirvparatlOD of hand that Willliitu II. Shultuc. candl- I . "Anyihiug mure, ma'am?"
.late for this district. cMl.-d upon mu
!already begun at WioDiptg.
of tbs Blue KIdge mountalos. register- tociu'UDUS red phovphurus.
But, unforitina:< ly. ihc public at this V-cuing:*Ikresh"
.____ _ , w « w .. . w . i For the Brat time in ss years the Kl- '“E *•*<»• ns 7 degrees below aero. large prefers niatcl cs which will ignUe
■ Kirusc me. sir." said the lady, "I ■ j .'Yea'ni. Whnt neil ? '
'™" k--!•■<» <•
blk— lb >'»
“P”k when Mrui'k on ai.y surface bioI Ibe have ti*. liiiMuinjjr'
suoppan oaaa wnija laantag nis norae
j froieo over
negroes, are suffering for fuel and
•But thec' id^drcii. lliadam->uu ' | He wr*>tc glibly "do.iai-alcd rodfUb."
to water. Uat week hi. wife
' much dastituUon U r.pectod. Crop, mniiitfai'iure of tlucc is neccn-urily at­
tended w;ib risk to the workers, the sundy ur<-nut a widow?-’
'jj "Noihlng more, ma'atn? We have
leading tbe same hors, to wntor.
I have bee^
pSi>|.le who arc mu*; Beri.uo.!>- alfected
"I f*-jin *J you w}-r<- imsiaken. tnr. ■ *ome iilc*'honteradlsh Just in. "
»<«*'■ “
i hnaan B. Anthony celebrated ber iK-.iig the girls sbo pack the llnUhed
j„„ fl„, f,„„. „p. Them- are nc |; "No." she aald: ' ll would be of no
, a airange onto-°JP^f |eevenlr-ninib birthday Wedneeday.
niaii licsin Ilie-hoxes InWhu h ilicy ve wl;<-u you flnu came up,Thiiw are nol ■ ;une to ua A\'e doii'i keep a baree."
\ The eold wave baa atruck tbe gulf i*
By i.rai-llcc ;ttelr dexterity be•l.«w.»»* worth of govemmeni romcs So great that they aliuosl Invari­ my clilldrett This in the fresh air fund i Then the grocer sat down and fab- '
Bogna quarters and balf-doUara i , ..sat of tbe ataU of Vera Crua InB.ct-,
vai-ailon cottage."
jWed bimself with a puti-nt wantabMrA
, tog maeb lota to planten. Much damdestroyed by fire which ably take up ill one bend ibc
"Tlmt wen s to I-' a fair suirment. I although the temperature wan nearly
Ur^fUDlda B^ bear th. dau of
m ffee.‘tobacco '
‘he large machine shop of nuniher leqiiln-d.
PeieyJ- said Mr. Illiink.
' wro.
wTsli arT
navy yard, known a. ma .
"Well-" Hulii Mr. Blank.
!■-------------------------All W«S| Pa* Htbard.
•■W.’il?" said 1^16}.
^ j:
Da geraofibeOrip •
I 4 plWb. pu.,b b- abrbTOM. lb.
XVbeu oieiiibcrs
the queen's fani- |
m,.™. !-"''““r-bk...-«l..
t Thegreaii-st
danger, ..oo.
fiotr L»<!r
bevaral bold-s^ bars o ..ndb. D. l«»lb.r.K,l.. »U I.ld.
lly iu anyI wauderl'ta
sue k'--s'.-.. oaoarr.
wsuderl'ie Herman
Berman relatives ,
“-Hb-b.-i.i. of liigb degree visit l-ondon and otvu- ' ■
lSa of iu resultti.g in preui
oatar of lata and peopla i 7717.,^.
I and pattema of battleships, ' UVRIV-V vo'b I-OIIU m aiiu *yiwu
.i,„vf.i her off for let mi' »e,. vV eil Veacorshie esre is us.-d. br>»
alarmed. Tbaraaralwu
P) upanotrul. to iU,*-klt.ghsm palace.
’ '•h,ir‘-. rlait,'» ro-gh Kcmmy rsaen.
lt,v.tati..ii,■■ lltcy pay thelr hoard
" " [">
f":,u dai.g.r will be avided. Among
aad they go about mask* d. A viglaomeof them cannot be obulncd —‘~ "hr
“ ■‘''■lu.-iimi. l ll uo iter up in , ^
,h,.usands who have os>d
nrahshiv be
P'hC“* *“ “"Xhera Kolar add —
j ' - like .omiiion folk, lu a flrst-clasi
laaea eommlitae will
{:tbi* remedy tor larrippe we bi
'Ibis preveata the sovereiKa P**! shaiM-ft r 31 eeiita.*■
bargain." nal.l ;to learn of a single case having wulW
lady from huvluc loo much romiwny
led In pneunirnla w hich shows cnnciuThe opeaiag of aew and reopening I
and makes thla/s very pleasaut tor
wifely that this remedv is a crrlain
old et^pcrmln'ea to Ontonagon
The nnthmal governu«ent bMglven!
iho pal.ue seivaiiis. Tbe indep-odeu.e
nrevrntalire of that dsogcruus dlsesac.
ans toeb bowitser with Uo sfaells to
couB^ aeama tobepaiUeg
It gives some of li.e royal g.;e.;s is not.
' "Sk-l
I*- It « ill-ure lagrippe in IrisHmelhan
tote the half-dead towna of tbat aec- mark the grave of Ms jor Oeaeral John I ^
wloiiiy!e.; LV them. the ’
Kuv nor. I'JI Id you nold my wnv other trealiuert It Is pleasant
qii.cp eaiiy In h-t ivUn dsieimto.'d *>61 while I Have your shov-H. att.l tie •"d ssfe to take For sale by S. E
Uoa aad ^laeaa la bagtonlog to look
Cl <.liumleal rw.!ec. her sabjccls
* ragged ra|. uttd he'd ti out. Wsit. drurclst
■p again, nfier sevarnl years of aceaed- HK-kb«. biiiki >, bbiu.
the elvil wwr
" *"»“
"“iii this wouhto t to- miicli seeurtogdallocaa. Tba latmt evidence of
lew* be «g.vbi *lhe atrv*f a saint. —La v..!.,.'.: justly .'oiui'liiaof lierevtrtnagaiue. It is a V.';..- ct|«Hsiv. pi«e uf |
Mr. Blank. "The shovel is
Tbe qoeea to her long Ilf* baa traveltbta U tba eaubllsbment of n nattonnl
pli-.csiiry, hdng a i -leal oT ni.v.itiy, aud ^ Wvirtli a dozen ca|u. like this. ”
1 will ad very IliUe abrond. ghe baa never
xtpty and ti-lar
. wbKb t
even the queer s <v«u children must
"Why. KtiVbor. I woiiltin i dare to go , I b«T6 Just arrived with a
been to Kcwla. flabmark. Aeatna, ^ and fnlnrils ivlios
pay llulr wav «ri; of.their iillowanrcs. away with votir shovel. Ho you think '
, carload of first claea farm
Jbbtf- cuar. an aged hotel maa of •
Norway. Hpaio or Greece.' «rr. li
when not dir. it-, i-nder mamiua's roof. 1 <-otild late my innodeT without tny !
Bowall. dropped deed on tbe sidewalk
'y** on ncy of
Th*- icii—• .rf ..Huts
its) do you. now? '
| and draft horsee from HlnWcdBMdayona biulaoei slracl
“P®" ““y P**t of Asia. In t<s.i liiiiu ii»-m- wliul wc are. lint
Jasmine Plav meaas.
-Wliv?" asked Mr. Blank.
| neBOta, which will he sold
oiiklit f» 11
_______________ _ _j„, yan
tbe Afrles Or America.
In Itiikey. ll.e vmlhe Is rfxleiuiveljr ! "WhyT Why. IgtfBUW sli*-'n 1|eg nn,
at prices which everybody
Piiva-rly i- till' bililt li.riil w'faicli i« Ibr* gi.isli for Hie i> sni fiteturc of fnr sure " and !Vl^ s ma'inci wass.i^
grip, but waa-hritar. so be walked «p: A dUantcb from Brest mys ttot
there ar« sinus For l!,;» i-nmse the stents of convincing that Mr. Blank Ic: blni ' can resch who neede a good
carr^dtotoastore. bat
h .... and coaaterabiv.
tbe growing •ilatit -re traliiisl with Ihe' have it shovel, and whal a more, he ; animal — Call and infi^>ect
be- «oat aloa. tbat aectlon of tbe
'‘‘i' T!"*: ..
Ilfs was
when be fell.
Tin- tir.*ii,'.J rt-lw lii« heir. Ibe niiwY grepiesi Cate i lit.! tl-e;v have aiuiiiivl got It liack BgMn. I'eley adde*! anu’hIbis fine stock at the livery
Lnat anmmar an Adrian lady lost a French eoavt and tbat to fiabi-rmeii be-' , T..l» him--lf Tillway i« jn-ti.w the piope; !ei,>:-'.i -i:!. sire. The I>.uk cr bouse to his "regutars. and .Mr.
and sales barn of Oea Cams
perse eoetalnlag glu. aad after saarch- longtog to And erne. In Finisterre. ot
..>iir~-Ive» nml <.ih. r'. Hmyavr.
it pri.te. ted by j etj;,pYis of Vtii iii-li'- lllanl. hus rcclatetvd Xtu'8' caps a*
tbe bay
tog high and low for It. came to the -*■
"» of Aude, have been «~woea.
ed l.iien .ir'Ivsu.ui tlire« Umes ' avallaldr vecun'lea
It an
(formerly Geo Moir’s) on
ooDctiumn tbat It maat have been' Goe of the miny .pear IbniiU which .,f tio-tim-. a.Hl |c.rt ..l ii.»
Ml a year this will l>s takeu off and the ' arises when suui a thing ahunld be
'state Btreet.
Biolen. ibasi week aha Mi a lounge
Lleutennot Itobrrt lirecnfell at the tiiii*-. I<nt iwt all the jvi^ili- all ibe lark trei:..’. to h elifan jiiic-e bath. ' ncrtvaory.
to be reanboUlered. and. the workman
penetrated tbruiigh both time. —Linnolli.
iBurh S.,ugljt y;’".er. Suitie i.f tlwee
«M- Twill*.
who did the Jib dianorered Ibe moalog '
inner eases of bis watch.' Kerry lachal <’f lif<- li:i> it* |■v■n1lBr
' Ani whit are you gviing to rail Xba|
with iiacoDtenU intact, it hav''I _i. i..k______ bb....
lho».. stopped at ‘-pi The ITejiuli"- \Vhi«vrv ...vv-.,I>1 age Uitil
. twins Mrs. Mul
tog Slipped do'wuatlbetaack of me ‘
mounted as an ink- Hid i...i nfi lsmi it»- |m-i rod ivmdtoun fe-7 In !u>-:’h aiul mine as luuili
Over MeUsmsrs'* P>'/w Piorw'
"Well, miss. wcVr
lilhi to rallr
stand for use by ibe snidler'. widow. , »!-■ l-f"'''*
, one 'KaiC atl'l
atli the Olhu.r 'Uuplli-al'.-. "I
P Wealtu*
The paatweck-sdalay Of navigation
'tooerai ntis. com„ndev o?
irctisure rlmnil..ii.
.from Uto aavareeold weather hto fov«. la the l•hiUpp^De.. l*.sald to be a
ihat vt.ur'to I
ll the la'e* of th.'
earned sou m -kw .-are to be side-track «an of la-oni. spercb who rarely «t opr., i„.t,, J..l.i, t^iit.-y A.Ums. .
• * '
Orator "How can c encourage the;
Nigh'.-.y" Among these mt.lad oa tba Ana Arbor road from t'adil- •*»»»><"■' than one sbdrt MmtetMeal
----------------------li-r.>'* ore tpe SaMoom*. who>a fl<'<'llum of geUlUB? "
<'loiil<-us--"AI>oltoh th'- lunacy t
lac to Fraakfort. wasiboand. and from • l**"*who nanagea to make that
l'.ii:k:ng firm exe"e.pes the functions
mlSillunB.-'-' New York Jiruinal.
I,MW to :.uiw <mrw on the w«at shore.
epgraniiuatic and fall of
.•if u great powe- ilituigbual Asia. i
caatbouBd. awaiting UaBsportatluB:
rViB'ilinr"T»tils'U.ttmiinttbe'la(l- •Siinie Jiietulier* «.f -hU family have ba- ;
Imt as there u BOW BO open water, and
At tislemtoo. a l•<>a«tlfol sword and
r i'» up "t .Icwii.
Uv sbsshito ,ele
.*.mrKHr..,,cap‘ze> having rstabll.hed ' Bbe-"When you msr.ied ma yoai
baaey lee the whole width of lovhe 1 bible. parchatod by the HuBday school
IVm 1 .-if-r-i a-«t. f |.atott.ieoTer th. miHiver In L'>i;a>'n..and one of Jhrm kaul v*m were v.el! on."
Anuaolsr. lor rttrorUoe
MGblgBB. Bsvlgatioa will ha some «hlldrea of Traas. were orem-ated a w.iman's ag.-sm---dully,
If married lo a Itoihschllil. A pai»- I h,- •i was. but J dlilnT know ll."-;
v<bml rnr •"*
port rlgcej SatBO'c to a safe condii<-t Tll-Jllto
what ratardad. Cbplals Aekarmae of WadDesday to U
tbrdug.huut the «- ■Irsi regionii uf the
' li.
l-rr, .No ,.
Iro. Hblllp. .bo o„o,m„4-b lb. b.u„:
•" —"
r.U.7. bbb Ob
.blpT,», lb..«.l,b«,bl. ; Ib'b't.b..,b....„,.o.lyv....b„™ HIma'.P.vns. ihro.ti.s Afgbanlitan or
Persia or Thibet. They deal with the
proaeblag tbe aastabora enaouBtored The sword waa made by the same *rm
chiefs of all the »^nd»ring uibea. such
haatmr m» from twelve to foertoea that dmigBed the ftow., sword aod I I>« Mbtok a inan dvedU next to the
tranitarllr.b* l>cifig mnslly on honor.
t-ek.. la UilckiieBs.
;««at S*,M».
; "■»
_ the ___
Ttie Idea
of falling
I* M'
lliaUteotaBewapaper^bhUaber to' *l barBla. onl. an old **dy frbm
j terialned a Iih as much dread and borthe wilds of tbs npper pmlosala U ap-; Fort UurweU who aaglsured at the.
^ „inj.
ror as dsalh.
pare«ly sot on a bed of roses, la lu' Veadom. to Margaret Weetooti. was ,
a Few'-fsl Deo.
last bsoa tbe didaaw Joaraal aald:,
•‘••d to her room. Tbe room b*nw is rtidm PosaiMv the thiof toay
Thrrc 1* s puw- ful breed of dogi We are buying- in larj/c quantities and pay highest pricee.
•The pehlaher U peaaing these words I waa fall of gaa from, a jet paitlaUy ; repeui aod briag it hack,
along RuUb's aox'. l tbti does not besbjr the ufltve fire. Uetawaariag ajt«™»doa. It la tboa^t tobeaaac-j ivjb i itnagine that Icng hair wiU liaie to kiisck the
fcrw-lous wild
baavy aUur. cap pullad way dowa ;«•<•••give you tlm idre«wlli of hantom. od- anlmaU.
Thesr dofn hunt to pain
ovor hte ears, aod to order to keep hU i Tboagb Wyearaof age.''roele Oiek”
ymt haveabeadfur and a hig Ibear Is s j.ike lo them. Oca
dog CSC bring dow" a reindeer and kill
tat warm la irrartog three pal™
| Thompeoo uf Terre Baati lod . oaoe!
It to a few minute* Their tblrk coat U
Omsaa eocks, furiiaed mootmatos aad i secraury of tbe navy, aad laag a eon- {
uwny tn hue ad! to winter a thick We alao have (or oale landa for good torma.
------ pam A sburt clay pipa doaa aar- gratomaa. U atUl woadcrfaUy hale.
■paia'a Oraotat Mead.
fleece of wool eovera them. They look
eta to keep bu buae from fraeatog. though hia figare te aomawhat bant, j
ao much like wolf's li is hard to tell
what they are at • tittle dlnance.
the kttoheo stove. Vrrily, aew^oper I Adaau with Liacola. Webster, Calhoaa ! n^m^dtooatd tovto^
ere pales to the
fablishtag to Utsaeck of tbe woods Uload asy. He is aa tovelerausi^er.' ba<^k bTb(s bead. On1 a
. Klectrlc
Ble«-<rlrel <
I Bh A srleatlsi hat discovered that eleetrliai currents in lbs form of waves
rapidly succeeding one another ean
daetora at Caaillac U that of tbs aight i the oldest aa ibU eonUncot. prove tbat; >>'• oonniry needs. All Ameriea kaows prodnre lBseaslb<l<*T to pala aad ro1d
,<to aid mm of Joha F. B Maad, a ! the record of Tae-lay morning, o s de- j
‘.SU''tir{h.*'tS2ir to the flesh, aettoa as aa aneriheile like
ether. When the currents were applied
aargeater Itappstos that tbe tittle greea above zero, is the towaet aver ' S ^SJ^ttoSSTtoT^rs^
to tbe finger and thumb by wires, the
Mtow has been to a seml-saeMmeloM kaewn there. The toll of aaow tbtto ' vtg;rMdM«^' '
finger could be pricked with n pin wlibeoadlUoa tor the past asoath, this baiagtba aalmtoailaaof a slchaom of
■atha' darattoa. Uls ftrai atoop
tatod It hoara. Thla vras tatowafi by
wnallr found to eur own tomtUeo.



dstod from his abirt.
cannot'And tb« jewel.
haarily donded team
l>r. <^rug«itb.wtao died at JaelnoB Middle Island last weak tba aeeond
Ian waak. baa willed Me prteato oollec- { Ume sueb a •bing has oeearred. CapL
«foaof Utorary werla valued at ovn! Persoas7 keeper of Tbender Bay Utasd
gU.oau. toalhlOBCoUege.
lirc-wriiig eiaUon. brooght over a
At Maple Bapids fiobwt ticoU took a , large bsx of wild deeka. which ware
swaUow of oaalle acid, aappnalng It to picked np on the lee froxen auff Mr.
bo pop boar. Hs act tba botUs down. ‘ Paraona aaya there are many me
remarklag: *'ItUaour."w
B. Groom, (be dark in tba grocery.;
took a awallow to toot ll.and tbea read
tbs label. The proadpt aerva

J StTveraV "Ke\»s SVems
SUanadk *5x0X11 SMex^xjjWe •

„ b„. bb..

^-- -b
a-!,-kb, I.

Cl u,,,...


I- r—..Ub.u.kTbii.

Fine Horses Fni Sale.




We also sell Stunil Hemlock Lember, Maple Flooring
aod Short Maple Wood.


-♦ ET. E3. 3-IBBS

jtbe Practical Bicycle Bnilder aod Repirer $

Rcco cmr.

................ ........
; prVriUlb^'ihe pwleaiibB of dJnilM^y
**’ “ In>:«ypi ai leaat Ave ihouaand yaara

.. -

in ar. BCU.


*’ tlrar .lUL^

ibr »BJp:

t»._ 4iia b«-U-rt bl» i-» .uu.«w
mp. »**iug iu..*o —
P>^ >“«•■



U * Oo. hmX.

ftaU a naiib. ai wblefa our aelerted
CaarWaiea »er» plilrd acatnet ibtnc of
Ibe Mlyblairinf rooBly batlalim


Mlauetie, -

luvped la.

1 B«e

5B 0 Bicycles

HranVr l«..................................

Joined rhuniiiAfinc ei.o bew on tbe i**”'-] pocy*.b«»l. i”!*.*..
Itre. ttke l» » •o. ial leilo* . and » bfn
-N> idf, f hi eni J««n pni«Jrli.8 »M iu.iied lo m rloi* lo ibr labl.j*®"*® tu.mop'wmm
fc.u«h.‘ md Billy
Bn I'lig tlir olB.eru lu>«rnJo)rd ibr |>roe-p^l,,..................

if; 4ipr' aake
Nawvilb pnde fi>r Mary aa> preeaai
that afi<
9«rda and » f-..m Mai yard.
• lib M, fi.ak!Bi nr
.«(0rc >l, a r.>Mj pe^fuiuiub-e lb itauM
<l«r«e Kriub.(»r «aa-down n“ii a»d
I am«e4 l.i <«bf-a4 ibai II «•»


- AT-t ‘“'J ?“’•
^ “My own uuain. Jfarbi.

Afiet Ooifraiidai

iMiudro ki MUi «r adjoumed for retTr^i.ini^ui end nn loubrr b*d the red
.Rac lien. buUini in ibe maiiMeia ibao

“How iljTU she?" »ay« Orowna<«i.
after a pau«'/
■-About k’lbouktnd Iasi, atr." aaju

«d and a lii.» aj.r.k of Ind had foiert^ hit eye and aa> bln
Sfoai pkiB.
At 4)11: only fii.D rom trbo bad rnaoladrd hik ' kli*oMr(. Krmiiiirr
rhopea, and • l.unir. ii waa n. i«k*- rare
0f him or beffi bun doUsr ihe aiilaebas I

J Vtt*‘»»ked Uojiiay. '
|toro. perbn................ .....
-ii.t-y «aiii lo are how I can per- ! “J®:
.................................. .

“-^il atunp Ue Atlamlr caaat." laid f.,rm #ra»," aa. il.e
t>t ibe
, «ui..i.-lan. pull.«l up ibr collar ol

t>.U aliboul a i.iuiLphani «Un.e al.d a
rtuaite loaaril H*rr Ibai I (..w bln fib4ab wlib
and .. of k4.

4Jk Aiarkrr .rkn'oui,
It apjiraied that t bullei had aplaeb-


■Tbankrw air. " asya Hilly. aaliuiiiK
And Hu! 'old man' wi-nt to bia klalbrooB) —l^yiiical fleiirw.

AM> liOA IhK.

Haorpr W. Waiu of SoBtb Hardiner.
tii*. ^,.k. "I have bad Ibe «cirklc..ocb
jrip anil have taken Iota
_ inf trskb of no aocuunl but pmttt to the
wrciIU! inne. , Teoder. Chamberlais'a Cough Remedy
uuraped la the oo’.v tblqg that baa done any.
than CaplalD gm^i •wbalever. I have uaed one
buitir and the cbllik. aed
from Frip have all left me.
I rongratulai

lur.-lj ibm I
"buir II*

liUi fron ibe ir-'
w4f be-l II -u >81. ami when kliocrt.
BoaiMln »r liirlj
k waa llurd li) lu
4s& aaa In- prb«
t.uli that dropped
«daee bj- a bear
I tierei uiMlriaii.i.d
It reaaon fur tbia
lUI i obi-e beard
•UI Iild aeiyraai ibk.ruaor rxplalli tbcl

look Plate f>.r iua i.ipt abd puulirr,
tbe unloHuiiair ..blmaU orn- lilaCed In
tbe apeytuie ami aeir rlaimed b> Ibe
■urkeman afau i..:ird tbrm
I had niixie lh> plait l'.«k aplrk hnS

General Sh.iflrrs l ilks lliliik li

Mber 111. ni> niuuih. and before t roold

"Uieeialda illtlle l Ui!” be hlaaed.
“Viiu mouclil. you'd rob me of her, and

■YWia A q llol.I.inaV. (reaUli.-e^ T.ui-slo
U t i.i...f»i^«»mee
uii siifud*. ■nii.ii.

••Irrte Hum ilk plarr, and fa>ieu aiTiisa
tlbe •!»•* a iM.k i>ii>.'k .luib: tbea 1
•aa jerked ui n>> feel, aod m> bark

“'Xr « 'i. HOT-

l> Slleieled In ..
, .-su'. li>.r>. I'c

O P. CARVER. Acaat


I'm' i so

rMiakn. ..........
Ar Krand Rt
Lv tlraeur

0 tu

t tU


■aSS" - : ■


llrMd Rapid....
• UraaU Rapids



J ngeog. AMBi.Ti
inersT Paaarr Saeai,
lATIM. OsBeraVPasHr
(Iran.' •'sr.ids.MIeb.

Tv take •fled
Brci We.liMday. Jaa.


k Ik

i ir Lr
Arl It <a .
4 It
r.ap s itrpvt
iiew s
4 SB4r Uaekaaia J >-t B Lt II ss .
• S
« ni
Muisita Msg
II » s
loss 4
'10 « *s
•k«i • »

‘'Rem.b.lcr*'' be ablspered. 'May*

.:S|4S ri-KuSa

•ebl'ir .ti.<>iii.r
fleew* q-ieer that be
aboul.t B..M.W M.H.ebr'
He laugbed,
•ad be net polie.

war torres- ' thecouveoiebecofmany inand ogtofjappir Ws»«Bp.t-e.a. Mimai.siw
If He
e Spani'
■ her on all af-1________
and FUJ- I W«£ H
- . of _____
- --•i.»wsl
■.ri' tio.'.u'».l.llHltilC •oJallj !«»
ibair . ,J >:.U Ili-J' Ills pjcn. He TURK which she reads the life of pe-> j T see

<»lo»' ..ii.l a d.*um rf.jH.ri and out

ought lo ju-

'Inm il.e maiillel cHUie ibe Mark asd
•hll. WKiril
riuiei) Krrd ruuld odt
Be abuoiiuk. he bad Deter |oi au low

------------------------------------.s.. .........................

•a Ibai fur lauutha.
A dull (had. and up Aew tbe vblte


! m^ToTpL^lch«

....................... . - .... ...............a.
irooil. iMi auM bi
t srrote no Msgathie antrkirs al-oui
.•hilt atiowk Wbclbcr 1 auldier known
III. bisuma.

HuH'. e>«!
M-bai 4td it
kke* I bii?
U'iieii 1 .aiae to niyatir a rruad ot


lull boy

“All «i#bi; <!ii ibap." be abUperad.
1 iblBk I aniiiiii. aad as i turned my
pead 1 saw a body tiemg carried away
•a a burdla.
Waa I killed, aod did I
Me niy own fnucialT 1 lelapsed into

pomible dui loglb^




------ I lu
AS A...
lu 4J •« i'luj* >en<


■^^AX'i kh'U see

“Oh, BBmnia." replied .tbr bo
don't want >ou to know about II.
“Wby. it'e aU right." uaid
“i only want to know what my boy
did with them."
"1 bid them In tbc aubte," uald the
UUIc fellow.
'.^0^ what forr
' 'Cause It's my arbeme.“
| pSk
'Your sebeme? Aud whsit la your'
gehemeT '
mamuis." aald the
Bhllosonber ' when eega U b««-'

Il Uko a brtgbt woman l rebuke
nnotbar woman'a nideneM, ■ Ceneral
Maiemenl borne oui by ibe following
^‘-''‘Tbi dbBsteiL-t;..ii of the oBlooklady Miteied aj-allway traiu
« l.ullsex a., ,,«ualled. and Ibe
catdstli of tbe orlioalBg laam,
* mt in ffoai of a newly
^1, . hallMined lb. sbo:
Tbe bulla marrHid roupl •\ She was scarcely neat.
•ns Bounded, tail w answer *»a gi*«a. od before the Tiekau to peas remarks
snd no marker made bU appearance.
Then some wie ran arro*. Ibe mea­
dow u> asrartalB tbe cause, and there
•I Ibe buiu tound two api-arenily '
Ona was dasd—pulsnu.hand; but ibe other. sir*piwd and J^den'^nop^i^*7h^pff!^rim"lo^^ A
needlecs to, add that op to the
• bad vo;y fainted.
XXrlX SU *"«
was souu al ha»d ^ coaa bias
acle was ctill uMccompluibatL—Clevooiieed that tbe bride was considerably


Mk you
Mecd-Vour ri« P»
u'nadlaialy poimmed bou to cloae tbe window btitlod you?-.
Tbf “aoR" eJoned bis month, aed the
**• *****‘*
sods aad patal rigkin to the laal.
Poor Fred U» mmHt trod a rifle' vide so toager gtggUd.

rU. k'ul' lafar«stk>
I. lUll-lOB CkeaiBul





f e • B iVi • ■ M~iTTVi'Ti iTn

SS8=ei6e&se«8 S8S««8&SS


' 5




usaBav. t.

b-bu,,..... -

_ r...:!'-—-V—"................

fiS.'iS'* &tsv4;;'jr;si.'S'5Sirc:''s to'jEt2Tr.*."r
' ‘

toll ' HI.., u». .b, .;::ob."todlb. ubbriubM.,.

aiiu«tbest of
iding that hi* II ini pur-'................................
* ■to&e.,

_____ 1, bad
“Madam, will you pleaM

A OTIVR and trusted IprOHio la wrh (nr ns
*alar> miAraDO-r.1.


S«S£|4 ssssesa tfta ss

he hale

c e HnuN.
p. c-uiLBUn

TeaeerarCIty. Mick

iH'FjGrui Sipidi t ImUui R. R


•aeuied Bervous. and bu rifle abuok in

I 0 IS 4 «
t kSI' SM
I •• M *S M


a wewawaa..,
.1)^ driirr
..brap WII
laquir* N«i

inbumt, and
;ry be waked fal
.oar 4m.M
Bepubiii n Ward Oauruaea.
picked up a woudniua Store of asionUblng exiicriencc.
One day tbc farmer amillngly aald fiO
bia mother;
) a- ii«e, a> •• v ri.>-k.
......... ..............------------------------------------------------......
- ,J
' ^J^AS''TKr'. T > BfV-r»l^
.jf pl
“Juai auk your boy what be bid two
•ram l,«Oj ■» 1 WO
«r«s in tbc stable for."
.aesika .
j * u.uaSviei
{ poBad.*^'Apply^o^tHrbatd Koua
So. at the very flrat opponUBliy the ;

“My desr, wbal did >ou do with]
aace su.<
tboac ->gga .you took frulu Ibe beil'1. ] A RepvWlcaa eaaru. lor WarU X». J • II ta- ««■-___ _ _________________________

«an» bm k
; bul hi.n

I 10 so 4 M

\ns ii

BBU-B'»'Crnaal Bg

r.ccM «____ _
Urer Srasek
•rise Btaiioas.
TWi* Co«pBnr vra^mH the prtrklafB ef
ckaBelac Uie llae vl shsva traiua at (Bale

srrangementi with ■
.another cHy longer.
NOTR'K' have ; *yrT\<fTKii-Aa ua
to 2.W Front arJigel over: W
luraied. by a >
istroog’s MoaicKlore. near Swlnberfr'a^*:^''______________
f*i"1’‘»r*«»‘,opera house. Uoura U a. to. to * P « '•nwti.KAiJi a pax.


Md lUi.' sc
IK'heaat i^l 1 nrerd tbe aior) from
Ftpds ow« Mpr. all Ibe bufrid detalU

ion. 4 ■

Mkrtiaaji'a MOI
Las* Abb

two weekb


the farm in a urigbbonng coun- I

K.ik I «M lb a biiiue, aud some one
•tib soft, cool banda sniuulbeil my
II S.4S M.nyOther, were
^.sAiiiy I.eki toy woll^er. and Fled.


i ,!i: !!

liJnSTEE UD lOtraElSTEfill S. 1.

souldnl ot Wn tor Rlrlit'd
Haldihg davls sod Jmiie-i Oreo'mnu AsIXO Psy-Ohic Msdium-Mad-1
U'luir wo.iU ililk i-ountiy be lo Jiy? it
' ------ ---------------------- ----------------------ausn'l Ibe I'Uilers »lial llrke-f thr '
1/'xirL « AUTai>-ror reiw.r»l •,>«•» »«


•rbllai III. madman kilently and awlfily bound me Ia>t by uei k and feel aad-

fcU hand!.
U.s flrat and aeioad shota were poor,
ftnl ai bU third . .me rhadow appejred
to niiis bU elghi. and as be pulled ibe
lTl*,ir hU leti U.nd dropped, and
•ynii one saw tbv .but strike the beok

Chicago k«

West Alichigan.

*“'* draft horses from Mis“b»^
“••Ota, which will be SOld..m h.^WTER. AU..ra.y'a« Law. BpMal
at prices which everybody: _
-------------------- „,oh who neod.. good i C'.KA SS^\M'iS™.V“'*
animal - Call and inspect
uoFPAiT.\hwm<-u of 'ntu. s«ai
thltflne •tockat tha llvary Si,
and .ala. barn ot Oeorge
Cams (formerly Qeo Moir*#)
Tsir,4-u.^H_______ l________

lie ays II. ilone it aii.i I
‘ He aaiy. u soldier c lib
|hiippct»-d lo In- nine am
at II. ao lie- \Mo-vler Irrl
Ul iun, l««vis IImi be.-n I
•D ikin>
• think I

pi Ids when

I aam him remove Ibe imall black




OsBpAV ^ XUBUibl*.
' 09^
Tberrarea few of tbe handaomc <•■«“*:»'................................ .............—
Hannah Rifle luciDorials left. whIchiWNK a'i. tKxrrr. v«(>r.
can he bougbl at Ibe City Hookstorc '
ti> ISC
loruenu eaeli
- -•

.[„--ln! .Hcl.IWi

of hiund*'? ^
,id get Hiiij!
Il iii |.la.-e iH-Jore They .
siojit tiul tlibard «io. llT
,.,.I M„.;
taiw M tbc) Held iiini (tawu
y I
His hod. aud a kibhf
........... Impeii.
1.1 I'aney, bill Jau.e. fr.-

iap her .1.. iiRv ai-d I felt my Unbt
•n.iiielr le<uuini'''etbor.

ibe aiiff


I have juflt arrived with'h
carload of flret class farm '---------------------------

I tear tbroiigb to llui

. lie Bad a rop>.. and na hlbdiBK Biy
•riua to tDK Adr roHlBB me mer and
to and fill akiib'iUEb i aere a do«.
When bill ( iUiked up he waa aiaiid-

• lu bir for >0.1
•wia- and abiia y>
I l..led at uHl yar.ik’ "

Ever Burned OatT
If ao you'know
tbe value of

om.-.. IH-S T.Uii.eiicf Uloes. fie r nan sneel.

Tine Horses For Sale.

jli> lulsier Ne4i ..iDi iilie I
Jf ti auuldri'i a been
Hulling daris Khafler lu


tireaked Mtiln>i


a UH Man. Uii «hi.i is Ihim-fic •
Pier Three Hnndie.l j.-.l.lid
He .
.............. lore FII TO tube fiilia than 1
»-ei» I herd |uiW aay so
faW Ibl

laid uioa niy abouldvia and an-




, dtooer is at tbe 'f'inen City
I counter.


Baanab. Lay di Oo. aiaok.

..llllll.'l dll I

•pan, and bad gui.r hehlad lu the khade
to leU v.i.rn ku.' a heaiy band


Tbe (’upialti did mil unbi-ii.l
an prsIliiMry

•----- u
kcauiaicw^t^^e^e. rm.

Q, M Um'WW. AKorasy
O. Law Misoal sliroi
•raeonrej-SBeioy. tlirrw

Esiiroatoa made on balls par-.
w^^ng. or

only imaKine h" fell the cooling
drniight eliding down hie Um«l.

•Ulna yeara ato. wbrii a prjee sbiHil

ftiOTA. I «-■ Ibniau bearliy lo
Aa-I rni.rerr.1 from
•hoi k Ilf tbe fall I |r.» the
•r KeoipkUr. nadir ibauye.l. but

Betwitfw lOeblseB Cub

'!. 1. hi.
C..tW M R, agenuwillkelltlckeu
b* f, rail trains Kehruary flat and for. the
morning liains February i'fod nlonc
iial tare rate lo Itelroit
lUd carefully biirlurrsl ■ to return February
Gao. llaliavi
ily be
-hex- «iiH a cbiinik of
rank bad uliu-it out
le of llic iDlernu-tu),

liejpit ibriiugh
ntipluiite when
ihai luHi bb!li
aiid cHih of the aiiiorraiH of the tosemlle lltlid bla gUaa lu aMire>-latli>n
of the liiat. •bile Hu vlulli.lii muld


eeniiH. eornee .larkson kleeet^one of
'blcago's oldest and mi>*« nmmlnenti
lend Ohaniberla'n'a:
la grippe, aa it not ]'
only giv.-sa p-iitnp'and compl*«e re-j
lief, but alio cnunteiacts any tect'en y '
of la grippe t.^ reaolt in pneamc
For sale by s. E. Wait, druggist.

from uiiy oiher in
' .tbein

‘Ibe Ui«H lieelf, a heavy iron pUta.


ihai *ouid
Imrnl of dllul

John R. Santo,
General lasuraact.

For !• Cr pp.
Thomas WhllcSeld .V Co.*10 WabMbl

'%'an you play the
Tailallirrla Huklliaiik
or •nurM' 1l«».bke eoiiUI play it.
he perfoThied II in i
hule brilUKllI hiDI I

; Ilk Union Street

It Is aald of Mr. MouJi'e ad.lreanee ,


"I aee." aaja Ilrownaofi

■ lederle's Rew Shop,

that be niakes «i jKiiai i
tiiiM- minulra: wbcreujui l?ic t)l«er-:
V. r klutes llial II U acll :o baio pl.:i
or jKilDii* »o long an ihcy iiolui lo »o
useful oltmaa at the >-ud.

...................................... ■"

«toii« aupiMiilid l>» aioui rlidera aim*
•'.« feet IroOLlbr Ulik of edrili la tbe
. klx-SBi'h


2111^7 «r ft...............................

tVbat kiln

Mark Taaln drdkaies tbe nev Knc* [
)Ub i^dlilon of bU ' Jouu o' Ari '‘ to bU
».lf, in ''gralefiil i«-..4tuUlon Of Bof
teiniy-Qve yeora of valiurt ncrvlce u
tu> llierary adcl*er and cJlior."

M-,blue aauoi w.lrt to Wake a ro.h.on
p^, bn..................
! I<.f rlo- liialiunieut
Mr aalled In *ilb ----------..
aayt , ;„eiy ,-,.„r that bro«bi bm.-Pl.iaiue , a» Honrat Madic.oa fortaOrippe.

dini-i hmia. bill ibt <a|italn arked me
«ii nxotiiJiaDy lUn.

-tie aii.n- p.r.iej'

W the general deprejalou.
W Unikk fuel il m
M «aa the Ucoon; reply,

»>»,><«! bendi^ ihu ,»blp*e K yon p.,1
He luisbi Imve been inoud lo WbeBt new. pM b«................
bed eleerrd before,', uld BriiWO^'.
tu.e . upu l*er. bul be vewi’l. He .ObIB. No. I. iwbB. (uw).
-Ye*. »lr." aald Hilly
'i bave.“
“Where*' aaya Hrr..«eec»ii.

,. w a n tpd

As anxloua .loublfal. timid
» » t* 11 W y*
eon arcumplub
ircumplub blile.
Kaai us*i r»e»
ee Uk. hope laenlrt*
laeplrt* u».
Hen nearoet lynch n«roe».
hare Jiiei
Jiui dope in Tcaai. ii
I does not
the whitei, btii ebot the deadly
to IsBuesce of a vad osanpla
. to esatoel, clean, r^air
The laieat aiiracilon In ibe
fl *»d p»^ 1“
•'“p®- '***'‘? “ ^
> fUldrleM turf bumee la a imlr ■Zi l •*
only place in the city where you eaa
get roar enameling properly dnoe.
Hand pnUtbed. striped aed deev
friend to a IniokMlIi
"Tha ated. All work properly and prompV
le la affected. I eu|>|iOke. by lydone. Saltofacllon gnaranteMl. at


pieenM Ume IB Ihu rutin )ie\pd bl*
' viciilB wtix

I1R.SPINI(ET r.vvsaj.'^srra


*J bopr.

«.t« ..ui «i >»«. >t>a OIIB p;-«iull> forlUr »M.y« uUlU 101> »u»u S€.r^Jrt. ■■■■*■“■
,’*.r liO)»--ycjU kiiui. blin-«'kii ao-:ur JtoCi botue BUil
< UiW Ui bim« , Inrd per ft
hu til' i «t tbr Mlio-I furauikanr;. ba«-r nud hard ik'-k
..•nwte .tM*r u|.
btm kna
Tbr oltcur* li- uru
« «iitrbtu« blm « tew- aBiquite. |M«nBb
*-u-M u.Bal«\Uie w»w chM«..

{tbab a wbBHtwnx'B or Auai. kutl uoe 0»u per bu lol4>.........................
«HI. «r «■■» ■'
■lilll. )u* Mluled -belBi up ou

. u.

ou cumith aa dear to it a> poaalbla. aa)
tbr.Somanille Jouroai.

Hi»uu Jrauk »» -n - ' —riui.u- fiyo Flour, H-

ih«ur. Iuut> iWijire to
••ork. • «.>d ofl« «l

jSs^SSaai? '
nelL amdlsraaniKali

No man mllr ki


*r*^t»o^*iadi*?*or*^BaB*aoJ wile, (arwaea - _

^ *’irTh.*'‘HVanSp:?*T4rs:s,. :
i ■w*iS"srt£.".t.t “-ii-issi 13:

a> ll:|ka.m.

s!?j; * “






|r«d oaIj o> eitiM Md Tillacw. to
lonUir* Md
it to Blk Bkpid^
Tb« OBly cseiMaut of t't« d»/ «m

kliUU te«Bil7 ^Mrroi aiBOBf tlM M»CocUloB BeBordiasTh* Porto
BlUs BftT«
I Wm of
Ootralt delacfttloa ovw
'l*kli«»toealklllir«aatbet*bl«, Md
Bieo ShipmoBt.
o*«r ehufl>« Um
! rate M'to an* of ■—tUy tm Moodaj. WhM DoUrar^ tbo Boot Wm
Would Itetej
-------------------------OIBDW SBW TOM.
Oood Oondtlte^BM W oA Wkkif
lA« ThM Boor/IU> Wteo I>««n»
fw • Wo&tk Bofor^
ifa^Botet Vi
»o Xtetek ttqow • BoT«e» •kdW j
Vo Kora.
Vor Wm it Obomioalir TiMtod bj
B«j • LXimw Md Bora Hte »m
, —— O- *'•'»- ”--A Now York
. Fobltektel Broff Tkro. lU.tfc«.
ieltj dted la« boopltel»t No« York toWMbtectoo. Fob. I.-Hio ar»y

teCMd tkoko Wlte
To rtiiM tbr tett i


Farmer’s Life.


We have the largest assortment, of go<id writ­
ing peos in the city.
Our peos fit any hand that tries thea —can’t
help but write with them.

Lmi Bight with Tweaty-Bight

AllU... ud


r £;j^‘.^rr-.-;i-.i'suiciDE oej#sepb steiger.^,.^
..-U„ tk. k,.uU. ol
:------ —
;.k.r«.o™lo, U>. co^.~.»Uo.
, „k,,C.,. Th. .bj«. .1 Ih.
1^* Pioneer of Leelanau County I thl»parUe«Jar cargo aad decide wheth-1
to effect a temporary orgaoiseiloa
wbeatfteld la
ia»y of Mweaci audio
ffwift A Ca.
Ca. from
from whom
whom the
the beef
beef «f.,i„
oaioo. aa hram-h
braech nf
of tha
the Ra.
Eeoorporate It la the towaeblp ol Vieaae.
Haoged Himeelt
or tbe gorerameai wm . t,ti Oleik’a Natlooal Frotoctire Amo!

After a fall hearlag the goreroor hae
I rMpoaeible for lu apoUia^. a decUloa eialioo. Tbe appilvatioo tor a charter
' algaed the aei eaeatiaf the lour towoBis Daugbtar which will determiae whether the go*- hae bees eigaed by ri clerkt. E. E.
Canter wDOa
ahip. of Hlalae. Ufoea. Ball aad Caater
theLlfelcM Body Fell Upoo
j era meat wm reepone.ble lor lu epoil-i ffe^ver. who hat beea
Plaiae la 'Jrawlord cooaty. the oppoelI lag. a decikioa which will oetermiae \i
etartiag tbe
Uoa belag wlthdeawa by realdeau of ;
whether tbe go.erameat l» liahte to ejected m
that eeettoB
To aabaiit to eote the Huealiooof'____^_______ ^______
raltertag Ueaaorer ol Horae towoahlp.
(, ^ iragedy.
Moate^m oooaly. from the repajataat
of fuade loot la the tailura ol the Bd...»Tb.»d„ -o„.«
- ^
Mi<* •»*»‘fc««‘jUlewMeaUacV
detaohiag the beet *ugar fMtorj elu
The uofurtuoate'ma.- wm liviog at
from Weet Kay City aad loo
the home of hie daughter. Bra. Fred,
it in Baagor towothlp. Bay uouoty.
Atkineoa at Uood Harbor aad oo Wed- i ‘
load beoedt aad a more iatimaie a
Lyoa hM latroduoad a bill
eveaiag appeared aa well at |'


is the Bane of the


I Mr. MUter wottko oroildoof of tko
.................. .................. ........... „W,.'^„U^l^-!ofrrfnc«tedb.ef ooo»l»Bo<l toOrn.
r ibo'Cb*
^ »
I ibo Vloorottooedod IV Bo* oteop«.l-|«'
Bout of the,
.. «f lit ; inr Ibo war. hM oorerad

U. lUckl.,. U..UJ

A Bad Pen

riroMu Borted BooMtk Buiao of
Buraod Baiidiog.
Pkltedolphte. Feb. iT.—dt 3 o'doek
tbte Borulag while a dosoD ircsea;
were at work io the raine of the eiore
Of the Bmcmii 8boe com pea/, which
WM boraed oat la » big Ore teei algbv
a BMM of Iroa aad eioae crashod dowa
droB the apper 0 sore, barjriag the sea
beaeath iv The foUowiog flreoea
were kiUed: Wllltaai chaaee: Bagb
Duff;; George W. Stiale. Fire other
ftrcBee wore iejured. two eeriouel;.

220 Front St.

“City Bookitoro.”

rbii.::;: TtuphoneNo,«

p,.*ib,t,« u»»u bib,.d

.. u..,.k.

wb.. b„ d.u,b..,....

Will S. Anderson

Funeral Director!


318 Vnioa Street.

........ .b«b.b..,;;:t.ji7.r.^bTu r.d“o.

Slate abould it pau.
i abe raa agaiatl the llfelea* body of her ,
The liouee hpa iaauf uratod a reform ^ i^umr auapeaded h, the am;k from the ;
by pro*ldlag foroooreaiiig Booday at, uppe, hiog, of the door by aeatall:^
loor p. m. laatead ol alae .p, m. aa hM I
y,*. Aiktaaoa atorted to reiora i
lu, the kltcbea to ret a kalfa

. ,
«,hleh waa auB -lenll* , *““*'*‘*
.n^^urdJr tolT »BdiU«; I'
j^t ^t„g
For La Onpp.
uaturall* found ' Thom** WhluBeld A Go -•.'«(> Wab;*’.
“ okturally o
opmer JibckaoD alreel, ubc ol

Popular Music
Grows More Popular

ippc. aa^ U aol
poratlooalutoreatedareaoUftedto M» : lu weight directly upon her. The re-jcommii^ry oo General j Uef but alao ..^oieracu
pear at thia Uma or daring the follow-'
... d.5.j b. to,......^
.db; .bU cdd>...U. b p™.l.,d b,|„ib,b..b«k. Tb. bi...
i,l.»i i
tb S"’ “"““S °'
u...r.b. i-ibn~«. )~.rd.y | z,T “i'iiT"lo’l”b’^hb^rb;
aad Mked aa to the report Uial he WM I for *^i»Uocc.
oompromlaur, Keplyiug. be “‘O' , Deoeaaed wm ~j years of age aad had '
Bodgea Victim of aa Accidaai 1
• That* alllajk; ibero* nothing to; been a realdeal of thU region forty
Which Beaulted
wmprowlae. I'm aUndiog pat Theao ^ yeara. He waa Well known In Traeerae
fellow, think the.v can draw a b.ll in ^ity haring been a fre.,ueal • rUlwr
A aboebing ronaway aceident near
Balfamhourorbalf aday thatwill be terv.
He learea two aoaa aad one
.notional aad they opp.we ibU daughter: Mra Atkinaoo of Oood HarblllireferriagtotbeChoerer bill- baStolger. Jr. and Frank,
'«»e death gf Gilbert H^gea one of the
buaiaeaa in St.'™**'
highly eaWmed
• gaged in the railroad buaii
you wouldn l aae them oppoaiog iv U a•l-anl.
I jonag mea of that place. Mr. llcxlgea
Juatwhatth^ dwauv! The funeral will Uke place from the : who
.. owaed
... and
^ a mw
^ mill
Tbe btueatloo regardiag the change. ,
B„da, moraiag at lo
.D the matter of judge, balng under
„ Ealph Aoderwin went o*er y.,.
in the e*eaing
di«.ua.lon. tbe go.ernor Mid: •‘Oh. \,y^ay to make the amie-ar, arra^e-'
***^‘“* frigbicneci
they tell ua they are pure, and thair
I and ran away, auiking a tree and
frtende wanted ihrm to have robee.!
! throwing him ouV Tbe team ran
white robea. bnt when they want oftloe j '*"** FOtTAOB DB1BABLB. , ^boul-a mile farther, turning into the
or their term, made longer or “iary j
Lltarary Bocteiy Debated
Hodge, wbo at once atariralaed ifa differaaV Wo Bad tbey’re
ae Itnoortani aueatloo
ied ooi in aearch of hU brothy. flodlng
! him lying br the road where be bad
in polittea thea they're wllUag to lobby !
Tb. B..10, S«J,W ot U»
when It'e to their owe iaiereat " What
____ , UI,h„bob, b.M . r.,uW »~llW Ulur,.H»J.rl». «. n. .bl. I.
.were you doing doara oMt, go*arnor'.'“
. b..D UbroUi«.
U.'. j•"
! bl. brbCb.r »I lb. bMidc.. ud did ...
.„ib. Id ..b. .bb« d... u...., ■
P™«™ “ • "T
u, b.
b..., b«. r„. ™p.
do., in HuMbhuMtu.'. Tbi. h lb-!
, idlp .o.-ne bbd died ui .boat bfuen
»»d.«l u. ..fat. tb. ahatia. a.ada la | Tbad,aoa«oo .aa apoa Uia baa.:.|„„^
aaa.allb.aap;nth.. b. .aa.
| Uba. Tb.. U.. UaUad StaU. .
M a b,p daab or U..
*,'"?• .*•"? Pa«..«-"
oU «a ..rtiad u. UiM lUud feellay,ooaippa.'‘.“«U«i...d.c.d.d i. f..or ol
Jdayfleid, |,«.a.ber 2b. ia,.2., din.™.. Uiu. U.a "IblofU... Spaakan oa Uia. Ud. |
, ..o
Cbaa... bill.
.Ida.araBdUb Hba.lapa bbd *l«o.
pt„u..„. u.
. M,K.. U> aall-"..U.. ... ai»a.d |
^a J. O. .. f. aad t O. T
Up U.B aa. -hieh reouain. aUx-k trow ;'»/,•? Ib.vwpuw bbd Joe KaUkey. y,
^bU In.nrkaae ot fa.iaw
r'vnuintf at large, ao far m it applira to; “'•* •‘"•'“'“ff
Vbe aUle no'Vh ef rfwnahip H.xieen.un- ^
"I'*'*’- P»«*
! .ego.
lem girca effect by aoticn ol townablp' *»‘»»ebe Baraum aad Beaaie Fulgbum.
k'uneral eorrioee will be held at 2
I Biograpical essay—".lobo Miltoa''- p. m. Suoday at the home of Mrs.
Eepreaenlaltre Howell waou to re- j
Hodgea' mother. Mra. C. E Kelley, at
tbe EMtera lorase Asylum tor | 5*ketoh—•CbrtetmM Abroad." Grace
featale patiehte aoJ protlde that all i
female patlenta la aialc inetUutiooa
Essay—“Hum w of Our Korefalhers." ;
ahallbeaUeoUedby female phyatclane
only, ex.-epi that one male phyaiciaa
-Hlograpblcal-“Jsn » Whiteomh El‘
• may he called fa oounacl
, ley." KraoclaCsffre’V.
| Mma Bmk McUlIaaV Fnsnd* Made s
NetloaufAllegMiprop.'aeaaaorelllqUltwy-" Anna
,r law taxing hraryportoo who waau

..^he Sindy of Eagllsh ' About twenty friends of MiMMaa
MetsUan gave her a delighlfnl aurprtM iMt evening at the home of Geo.
I, eo Itoeasad. every tbrM
6. McLellaa, oo Bmi FtmI atreeV
e ot theoouaI Music and various kind* of games were
Ay. it alau fixes b penalty of fi-.t Ane i Boy. b very ii! with the grip.
ieajoyod and refreahmenu serv.d.
tor each .jlfL-nM by any dealer aelliag
Bon. W. B. C. Mitoheli of Baal Bay. MA^Eex and Anatin of Elk ^ida
tonalicenMi driakara. and the aamo;!, suffering from a aevere attack of, were among tbe gueata.
tneiiimiKwedupoD any drinker who grip.
| ^ j,cLellan Iravea next Monday
dtepcem of ku loan, kb lloeoM to any ■ Oa aoeouat of the Foreatora meetlag fu# her home in Oxbow, Sew York.and
Other perakbu Thia would Mem like a the Eupublicaa ffnt wart eaacaa will; ib, «raat iMt
s arranged
joke but 11:» the OrtgoB law and said nut be held ia their hall Monday eeeo ** » farewell,
who verv and producUve of ing. The meeVng will be called to orravsaae
. d«. there, however, then adjourn to
Beprmeniatlve Kuleaagproposes that' the Markham block for businem.
iBiuraacc cumpaoica shall pay loaaca' (Aberiffbimasua is out again after too .
I Bostbein
without waiting the ,ixty days they i day, of acrioua aickneu with bronchi- ^
areoowaliu*eJ ET,reMOUtl*e Burch lb.
Kalamaxoo, Feb. K.-FruH growers '
baa mm-ified
prupowed Telegraph
Jo*. Shier ;,ablet.. be out again ia the peach belt exteodiog from UolBlll to pri-veut any free meaaagua Or afte-aa maeaa of Mverai day*. BU land to St. JuMpb Bod that there will
deml head tuaiUr being «.ni. fifteen;
of oarrylSg I'. S. mail a*, filed not be a peach ralaed next aommm. ‘
wortsgmagforirncnbandtixagaatbyE A Evans.
: Uttndrwl* of orebart, bate beoa exam-

“bn;:: o^tirk’k“..“.^ ^ b,^.aw,^. p.^

<Uons that IMF wlU he rained.

When played



Kimball Piano.


Small iiistruinenta, too.

ing onr elegaoi hoe.

Tbe 11 eton

2.v^ Front Si.



__ _

H. E. STROKG. Manager


Ten Tear Conuacls
Hade by Michigan Telcpaonc Co
for any cla„ of ,*r*ice .li-wred.

I Puffs, Tucks,
Ascots, Clubs, Bows,
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Subscribets May Cancel

at end of »>x oiootba or change
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Teleohuae the manager to call
and explain new rate adopted by
the company.


Michigan Telephone Co.

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good cigar by smoking it 3 0

25 to 75 Cents
Handsome Goods.
Direct from center of bshiba.

Call aad see theszL

Hamiltoir Clothing],Co,


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