The Morning Record, December 01, 1899

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The Morning Record, December 01, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TwiifiiTi am

. Thiid




Afoinaldo Wm Hmve Dlfflonl.
tj in Blodinc Amarloaiit.


OaomlZikvtOBudlilcteM Thmx
th* Xaranr^t LaadTto «« Bti W«7
to SBOfMA—OOMTol ToVBg lO B«t
Panait Witt Kmrr Won».
MoailA, Hev. tt.—The iBMrfest g»r'
riMS ef 100 *t »*7o«boog. Ki
VtMTV tt* •maAtnA to Oooeial
N««« trim Horttwooton Lozoa ia*
<ieot«tt»t4c«io»ldo:M7 000Btt la
tto blatt of hi* Aamtew fmrwM*.
AeeordiBC to UtMt aeeoaaU tt io
frottbl7 BOV OB tto W07 to Btagaed.
ttt eaoltal of tlio pmlooe of Aero.
OoootBl Y Mac. with ttfM tfoofit of
aaratcT. two eoapMlOB of ttt ‘ftlrt7ttird Tolaotoor lBfastr7, aad three
oonpaaloi of Mooeatttta. left Nai
gaeaa. *la La tiolon proelaee WedoeedB7, color to fhedireetionofBaBCoeA
It wae reported that Aroloaldo pa
Kamtepaean oo the Uth with 1.700
aeo. BOder four gBsmi*- laelndinr
Tiaa aad Pilar.
If the luerreot leader taka op a
faalUooatBtaCBedbei^ be praoti
«all7 at the oiarep of the AaerteaBt.
tor the aa?7 eoald be ttoncht Uto
pU7froaVica&. whiehwM tatta b7
the Orecaa aad Samar ob 8onda7.
.Boate eaa be teat op the Abta lieer to
BaBcaed. aad with Oeoeral YooBf
aloeal7 porealor him Iron NatBaopa
«an It world aeea that AgBlaaldo eaa
oearoelr eacape thia Uma
Beporte from Vigaa Mj that the In*
habttanU of Uoeoa prorlaea are mj
triaadlp. and their bande aereoaded
(he Anerleane after the dtp wae taken.
ttt lattbl
Ttt batUa in which Colonel Bell of
(he Thlrtp-eUth raciment tarprleed'
tteeomblned forew of Oeaeral San
Mirael asd a meial Alejandrino took
irtaoelatheniBBtalaenear Miocata*
rea paaterdap. Bell etartod Mondap
Boralnc and marehed for twantp-fonr
feonn, with fonr honrn’ reet. nnlil at
Aapliffat. Norenber SB, ttt titaoM
oaerged from a timbered eanpon. mn•laclBto the rebele’ adraaoe gnard.
The laanrcenu retreated to ttt otaln
heap before ehootlacOolooel Bell. who wae io adranoe
with the Booow and one oemoaap. 'bad
«he rebela beaten before the main bodp
of hU troopa aiTleod. The rebeU Sed
Sown the Bonntaioa to the twanpa
between Manratareai and Acnltte.
laavinc ten dead and manp wonndad.
The Amerieane entered all their
Btoree and arUUerr. manp Maneera.
Bemlnctcne. and Wineheatem. two
Hordenfeldta, one three-lneh Kmpp.
«M Harlm and one Botebkim. An
•nenal and powder a ll waedeetroped,
with aarannlUon. The eneap retreat­
ed wtttont aap atoree and with few
plflw. A doim prtionere were captarel. tnolndlhc die chief of the aree*
Ttt women nod ehUdren In the camp
had no time to eeeape.
ArtUlerp had been trained to com
Band tha reenlar trail from Manratarea. bni Colonel Bell approached from
the oppoeite direction.
The reheU nnmbrred S.OOO aen. with
eoae Bnlrileb. Japaneae. and ' f jnr
BpanUh oS wra.
Oeotge'Barlov. Sr.. Paaeed Awap,
After a Stroke of Peralpsla.
Qrorge Btrlov. Hr., died at hie home
on Hannah areone at 3 o'clock peetei
Amy afternoon, aped 7fi jeare. Mi
Berlov vM etneken vilh paralpeii a
fev dape aco, thia being the third at*
: tack.
The famllp cam« here abont 38 peam
ago. Mm. Barlov died laat apring.
George lUrlov. Jr. Mm Entb
BrdMttJ«iUB.rl,vua the
; lag etalldmn. Mr. Barlow aru a highly
’ natoemed eitUen. nested bp all. and
, (ha family will ban the beartr apm^ ^thp of trtmda in ttt donbla affi eilon
IthatbueeaM npmi thaa this paar.
’ An nnaonnoament-of the tsnaral ur>
otaB will tt made Uter.
Vniud Stewa Crna^ Toaohad at
Colombo. OoTlon, Mot. »0 —The
OniMd Stama ernlaar Brooklyn from
: Mew York «n ManUa arrlrad hen lut
1 night and npora all wML When aha
ittaeoaUd ahe wiU proceed to Blng-

Boporud That PmiaplTasM. WOl
Oootool B and o.


PbOndalpUa. Ho?.:^B0.—Bailrond
aen hare knot the optnlon that there
la eoae deal on which vUUreanlt In a
doalnaUoa of Baltlaofn and Obk>:
aMaimbp the PennapleanU Ballmad
eomnanp. and the geaerallp neeaptad
oplnloB te that the Nav York Central
la a partp to ttt agreeBieat. Tboae who
donbt tha atorloa think there baa been
a deal, but that It aaonna to an agree­
ment alaUar to that entered Into be­
tween the New York Central and ttt
PeBBeplranto na to B dlrUlOB of traffic
and mnlBteBaBoe of ratea.

ttVaot Known That ■ethnen'a Laat
Bight Wan a Oeeaplete Tietorp—
Beapp ''meaea oe Both SIdaa.
London. Mo«. BO —Mo diapatehee of
official newa hare maebed here from
Sonth AiriB elnee the raeelpt of the
official di^teboi which arrlTod Wedneedap momlBg, of which, of eonraa.
Oeneral Lird Methnen'a aeager
eonnt of the battle at Modder rirar
forma the eole topic of taoaaeat In the
preea and hy the pabllc. It is BBlrer.
■allp aaBmed that the caanaltp Hat.
whan it ooaea in. arUl be torriblp
beai^. ttt whole toaor of Oeseml
Methnen-a dtepnteb pointing te large
Britlah loaMS and not olalalng a decid­
ed Tietorp.
□ UtaargniM thntat the aurt of hla
march be did hot hare anfficlenl earalrp for pnrpnlt aad to ellaob the Tletorlea gnlBad and that branch Boat tt^
OTerworiaed aa to tt praeticnllp wwn
That so pnranlt eaemi to hare bean
attempted ia a stronr anpport to hie
UBOBt. Probablp aa in tba prerioaa
in carrping off their artlUarp, and will
make another etand farther op the
railroad, in all probablUtp at- Spptfontain, where thep an reported to hare
a etronglp fortifisd laager.
Oomaentlng os Genenl Methnen’a
dlapateb. the Timm enpa: “Oenenl
Metbnenoalp nutea that the eneap
made to qnlt hla poaition. Onr
troopa moat hare been teo ezttaated
to pnrane. bnt If the Boon wen drinn
•a the rlrer. amnaing it waa ford­
able. their loeMa Boat ttra been
A dlapateb from ladpmltb dated
Not. so, aapa:
“All hwe an well andcheorfnL The
Boen an not thelllBg todap. and we
ttTe no fear that thep will attack the
tows. Onr poaition we ban made
Terp atrong with ^onbta and breaatwortt. and we look forward eonSdenttp to ttt nltiaate raanlL"

BitJiped a BrowM Md X>eeMed to
t^ide Kanp Meedp LltUe Foltt
,With Proper Clothing.
LMt night according to their annnat
enetoB. The mrmben of_Tn_rene
dtp Lodge NA S« B. P.*'0.'~Elke esJoped a browae »nd genenl good tia7.
Toe menu conelitod.lor roaet dnek.
rout ^rkep. < «ae*Uoped - lopaien.
pleklee, oelotp. white and brawn
After the feut an taproaptn enterwai glTen. the aeabera
Before the browu a bnalnou meeV
log wM held and the lodge tnnaneted
a little bnalneae which deoMMtrated
In a pneileal way the real beneTolenl
obj-CM of Ute order. It wu Toted unanimoulp to make the needp little
folkofTnTerae'Cltpttppp on Chriatau bp ecmtrlbnUag articles of wear­
ing apparel, from a pair of mittena or a
cap, to a complete anil of cloihee to
asp who map be la need. One bnodred and Sfiy aola for bopa from
8 pure of age will be glrea ont and
if needed: and underwear, cloaka.
„titena.'etA. for u many'litUe
may be in
girls of
The EItt reqneet aap and
UdlMor gentlemen to mi
namu of ttt bopa or girls of ttt ages
aentioned who map be
elothlsg, eo that ttt oontmlttee map
prepare to anpplp nufnl artielae.
All Information ahonld be unt to the
ooaaittee. Ba. Wilhelm aad RUep
Swaera or to any aeaber of the lodge,
uaoonupaaelbla It M dealnd that
theapeelal wanM of ttt lltUa folks be
ec.naonted. The lodge wlU hare a
wagon akebribnle tha
ChrlMmu morning, and It gou withont mplng that thin pneUeal and ba­

le a^rit which proapm it.
E'.da Porter a rnored
e U the chief ol^eet of the
Blda Porter.eoaehaan at tbeasplnm.
Tthat ttt lodge hu
Itta nalgMd hM pomUoa then and
to derota m
|wlUlw*e inn abort ttaa A nnaber
to making ttt llltlh fn'tt ha
hM trloeda met Wedaaadap night
I gere him a thorongh aarprlaa, u a
AbOBt SSS wu tak.0 in at tbs gats
Aa a toku of thair i^ard, In tha foot ball game at ttt Twallth
left hla a Tory Saa orenoab

High Bohool Tasin Won on
Home Oroonds
Bnt Zadepeadenta Ware Baatea at Betonkep in a doae. Hot Oontast—Petoakey High Sebool Kowt* Prored
Banr Karka for Local Plapm and
Were Defutad bpaSeereotSStoO.


This fdstive bird mast
-iiave our andivided at*
tention today and to
that eod
gagg ___


We Close
Our Store
At Noon


We won one and lost one. Yester­
day’s foot ball games wen erenlp
dlrldad betwun Petonkep and TrnTeru
City. The High ubotd team defutod
the Petoattp High aebooU in a rather
The pbe
one sided eontut, while the TmTeree
toam wen defutod «t Petoskap in a
“Qaeen Qaalitp", the fsm
hard foogfat game. Petoalmy making
?:f.00 ShoPfl for women.rrovpfl
the only toachdawn of the game.
Ttt Petoskep High achools
that they are a thol'oatrly high
Into the dtp on the S:30 train, and pot
clasa shoe at n eensible price
np at the Hotel Cotnmbla. They ate a
and that they hare anaanal
g^ dinner, and were on the gronnds
at S:30. ready for the fame.
merit. They are mSle on
A good eUed crowd wu present, and
luU and pattema that ipaure
there wu no delay in ttarUng
game. The eontut wu one sided
ease and comfort to the wearfrom the atart The local turn wu
er while givioK the foot a
considerably burier than their op
Btvliab and well dreaaed appanenta. and -their weight told con
stanUpis the msm pUpa. Bnt the
pearance. They have rtrejigth
and linrability and retain
and pretty foat ball,
gam, on itmwita. ‘

their ahspe while the shoe
/There hu nerer been a TlalUng turn
on the local gridiron that played to
dean, atmlgbttorward a game. Thep
were perfect gentlemen, and won the
treadeblp of the epeeUtore, and
eeaedallp of the local plapem. Thep
sr« game to the finish. to->, and eerer
ceased to play ttrd{^ fait, u
thoogh the game wu etiU thelm for a
mlnntecfgood play. I'
greited that the play of
WU not u dean u that of the Tleltom.
Bnt there were one or two who played
a game that wu not u etralght n^t
ahonld hare been.
Ezcliiaive Agent for
At the opening of the game, ITrs'
Queen Quality Shoes.
u (»tp kickeo off. and the ball w,
downed on Petoakep's >0 yard llna The
Tidtom made a good gain aronnd the
end, when oo the next play Sansttll
pamed the Interfermce. and downeS
the baU lor a lorn o( s yards to the Petoekepa Then ttt ball went orer on
The play wu opened bp a long gain
aronnd right end. Mayn^, the new
balf-bsek carrping the ball. The play
tut all the time, and Maynard
and apnsttU alternate, earrying the
ball for good gains aronnd the end or
gaining steadUp through the line, till
at the end of
mlnntu.; Maynard
made a tonehdown right between the
goal poata. Be wu thrown and the
ball fell from bU bands, bnt Vogelaong
A prominent New York official
faU OB Ik MoTotnp kicked the goal
said the> gem
ttanUfollp, and the score wu e
Petoekep kicked off. and tba ball phone bad made the taskofefficwu ennght aad carried to the center ently protecting life and property
^er 50 per cent, easier.
of the field by Lsngworthp. Tbeo
Telephoning in case of fire, ac­
’etoakop got It on a fnmble. bnt 1-mt
it at oooe on downs. Sonshall again cident or burglary baa become a
mekling the halfback in the rear«u< recc^'z>-d neuwsity.
Every well regulat­
the line, finnshall mada a good gain
ed bonaebold baa a
aronnd the end and another through
the oenter. when Maynard took s mn
Have you one in
aronnd the end fur a gain of ti yards,
f OlSTASCLl your home?
annsttll plsplng floe interference,
seriu of line bocks aad Maynard made
a touch down through the center
NoTolny made a pretty kick, hat the
ball sirnck the bar. and the score wu
Again Petoskey kicked to Lsngyrorthy, and the ball wu carried to
within four yards of the cent*- of the
field. Snusball msde a great gaio
ir vTuda. riat («'
aronnd the left end. and wu booked
for s toQchdovn had it not been for a
V Offin* If-irkham Block
Uekle by Utx. But the tonehdown
wu made a little later by Lsngworty.
in a floe mn around right end. It wu
a hard plaee to kick the goal, and MoToioy's fallore wu perfectly ezcnuble.
-The aeore wu 16 for the home team.
It reqnirud bnt 3 S minutes for his
You Bhould 8«« ‘
Again Petoskey kicked to Imngwortky. and the ball vu carried nurly to
the eentor of tbe'ddid. A donble pau Jebam Block. 'Pboo* Tt.
wu tried, which ruultod in a loas of
fiTs yards, but the lou jru more than
made np by a long end m of May- BIG
nard. in whiebbepnt OTor fonr men
in SBoeeBioo, and wu downed bp the
fifth. BnnshaU made a long end gain
end wu Terp near the line when
downed. Be crossed It in another
play, and the eoore wu 31. u MoTOUp
faUed to kick the goaL The hall ended
u the tonebdovD wu made.
Our sale Saturday proving a anePetoskep
to BnnshaU. who cees, we have decid^ to continue
skep kicked
made a ftae
fine run. AltemaU plays bp it a few days longer
Bnaahall and Maynard carried ttt ball
are offering
_ . „.some
.. big
, indn<
rapidly^most to theTMitom'goal. Almonte. No stale jfooda — ereryfumble threatened to lou the bsU, bet. tbinf? strictly new and {reah.
Boyer,. Uie Utile quartarbeek who
namTBT wlTAfgAlTAIg
played for the first time yutorday.faU I
en the ball and In another mlnate **■
Morotny earried It onr for a touch­
down. He IdBkefi a alu goal aad tha
aeore WM17
Again the (mil wu kiekefi to SanohaU who tumbled, ttt Maynard feU

.. Shoes?

All Styles,
One Price,
$3 a Pair.



For the balance of the

Be Her get some of
New Games. Parlor Ten Pina for 10c;
Parlor <Quoiia llV.'^AU kinds of neweamoa .'>c to t4.-T0 each.
December ‘laRHzinea coming in. 12(X) volnmee bright new
books 13c
Buy, one. re^ it today and give it away
Cbriatnuis. ]

oity:book store
230-322 Front S'reet

At Benda's yon find the N«w Thinxfi First


studio St 835 Wimhington Strttt


Liberal discount in dozen lota packed in neat CfariaUnaa Box.
Bwelleet Neckwear in tha Land.

26. 60, 76e, $1.00, $160, $2 OO.
Christmas Suependare for Embroidery Purposes.

Clothing. Hate, Capa,

Gloves, Mitts, Mnffiara.

That's quite the comfort that an Umbrella is
in this weather? Not safe to be without three
—ooe at the bouse, one at the ofEce and one
to lend.
Prices 35c to $5.00.


S\ve SwAXcaVvows
M.mbTdV& sia4 tttaicVwtosb
\Diattv6T \»\VV 'piroa.W. UouW
&ss6Tinv6A\s We e\
[ ■\tm\>veVVa6 ^tota---I &oo4 KtackVaiosW

---- . .Sftc u-p


That’s a lot of babies, but if there were
that many in onr store at once we could
fit them all with shoes. If your baby
needs shoes it will pay you to come and
see our line.

Babies soft eol» shoes, button................ ..................... . ..86o
BalHea kid Moccasins, assorted colors................................S6o
Babies fieeoe lined Moccaains, assorted colors...................8b«
Babiee soft sole shoes, lace, kid and silk vesting top.......60o
A -well made all kid shoe witb^band tnmed>ols.................50e


Mrs C E. Horst,
Tiukff Volea Cdtin.

Silk Handkerchiefs

Fire Insurance I


25, SB, 60, 76c, $1 OO.


E. W. Hastings

Of Beautiful Plain. Colored or Initial

flcbioo TdeptoiieCo.l


Ralph Ooimablfi Jr., ManaKor.

Front Street

McNamara Block


gam. T. BAWi Ajp J- w. Bam**.
f. W. turn. MUcr


e at TravWM CUT.

Bee* Cxoxas the Twamany leader, of
Bew Vork. bee fovinally annoonced
that Bryaa U to be the next denoerat
le eandldata for pre^enU If Mr.
OrokercoBld be )edaeed
ary to make
•r the ticket, tee price of a naUonal
•daventioa might be eaved for the
Pamoerate. at d need to better advantar* te thecampalra.

A CABxrvL examlBbtion of the map
el the leland ot Luxoa ehowe that
there are bnt few more important
town* for the Amerieane to taptare.
At tee preaeot rate they will be Uken
laaverylltuetlme. When Ajmlnaldo
Bade no anluble place to pat np
hie rmrnlar dleappaaraeoe be may
be taken. ________________ _
Tax deelalon to withdraw the Halted
Bute* tJtwpa from Cate will meet with
aatMfactioo among tee natlvee and
apnvlnee thoee.yrho have heretofore
objected to mintary mle that oar perpMOi are Jnev The rtttoval ef the
•eldleta will aleo open the way for
Onbaae to damoaelrato tbeU abUltj

After BUvlng PatcoUed the Lake for



Vbmi Veering at BapUet Chnroh
Imrgriy AMnded-AbU Addnm
David HeteatnoB. noa of the Olreait
mK. SMwmi leaf gmlM Ej lUybyte**- J- A. Bready.
Mf4»nd SBOAkAU evTtod Um tell te
What b aald to have bemi tee largeat
in thU city, ie atlrinlng eoma dim
Um ▼liltan’ten ynrd line.
thy to BBTley «nr- tlMtion in tee Gnlled States naval audlenee ever gatheiod at a Union
atlO:Sdat the
rM U* bnU teck of tte ft»l *«U, am^ee. Dave wee one of the ere.w of
Admiral Sampaon-a flag ahlp New Baptbl chareh, to obaerve Thanktgivbat the referee decided thet It
Ingday- Theboueewae fuU, to the
forwnrd p*«, end the teU wne broefh*. York during the 6panteh-Aa
tete. Senehell innde • lonr wd r*l» war and has alnoe become an expert dojt*.
Several ehaagee In tbe program aa
on the next plnr. did n tonebdown gunner. Tbe foUowing from
orlglaally intended
WM ceored. Novotny kicked low. end Oadlllac Democrat ie deaerved and
by the absence ot eome whoao namm
the bnU hit the her, mnklor the eeore be of InierMl:
"Dive Benderaon is now one of were on tbe program. The abseaoe of
of tee choir made neeeaeary tee
dolB BnnebnU cot the teU on the Oocle Sam'a fell fledged gunner*, hav­
kick off. end nude a rood gala. Sene ing completed hU eonrse of inatruc omlmkm of eooM of tbe music.
Tbe Thanksgiving proriamation waa
galBc were Made throeri tee tioD-iatbe varioue technieal snijeete
lln«, then Novotny panted. The ball neeeaeary for such a reapoo^ble ^poei- read by Sev. Woolbonae. Rev. A A.
went to Ulx. who taUed to oateb. tlon. After flulehlng at Wmblngton Wall invoked tee divine bleating, and
rorthy pet hlos over and carried aehori of gunnery and at Newport. B. Rev. Wrlgkt led in a responsive read­
1- torpedo aUUoo. Dave received very ing. Rev. Aabbery led in prayer.’
the ball over the line for a t
Tbe Thankagivmg sermon waa
Novotny kicked a goal, and the eoore flattering official eertifieatca from the
of them two tralalng preached by Rev J. A. Bready. It wae
Petoakey claimed that the
eat:h wae laterfered with, and It look acboola. bU chief telUog him that hU full of teoughl aa well as teankfnioeaa
He spoke eapeelally ot tee great atridM
papers contained "aa fine
1 BO to many ot the epecUtora.
that tee eoDutry baa taken in the past
Petoaaey kicked to Novotny, who
two years, and declared In no uncer­
«mrried the ball almott to the center got." The poloU ei
A wedgC'pUyln wh crdnoaballearried jeertifleetee being abaotnte reUabllity tain tonm bla position on tee fatore
orthineae and a flrst-clam policy of the United States In her rethe ball, made a long gain, then the and 1
tell wae paeeed to Laogworthy. who knowledge of tbescience andart of the lation to the new poMeeslona teat are
made a long ma aod croeeed the liae. aabjeeu be bad been atadying. Dave hers. Be aleo spoke In a way teat
Bnt it waa a forward paea, .and Peto«. baa still two years to serve before be tended to show clearly that there are
attains hU majority, when be will re- mare ways than one ot looking at tbe
k*y got the telL
Then the moet exeiUog playe of the eelve hb discharge. Be hooee In tee great comblnatiopa ot capital. In which
game began. Tbe laatcet work of tee meanUme to be gautted to tome for­ BO many people see a pnbllc menace
enUre game waa done by Petoakey. A eign service. All of which b very He showed the beneSta that come
gain wae made aronnd rigkt end. gratifying to oar newly fledged gun- throagb aneb orgaoiaatlona aa these.
Tbe offering Uken amoonted to the
anoUier aronnd left end. a good one ner'a friends In Chdaiao-and their
flne sum of, which will be need
b legion."
through the oentar, bnt on the next,
for tee needy in Porto Rico. Rev.
VogelBoag downed the ball back of tbe
dbmbaed the eaeetlng with
line for a big loee. Then Babcock
Cabled Money to Hb Brother,
tee benediction.
tried a so yard place kick and mimed
few days ago Peter Dodb
waa by only a tew feel. Tte tell received a cablegram from hb
Tine Menu at Bark PUoe.
by Novotny, and Petoakey broiler Poaapae. Brataepb. who b In
It b nanal at Park Place hotel
wanted a eoore of S on aoeonnt of a
asking him
tonchbaek. Beferee Weatgate waa
bnt yesterday Landlord Bolden <
doubtful ef Ita being a tonchbaek, any­ come to America. Tbe mee^e
way. aa the rnlee give no authority for written In Rnaeian and it waa some passed all previona efforta. Tlie mem
ieorlng on a tonchbaek. the eeore had tlma before Mr. Barry oonid nnder- ; cards were etaboruie works of art and
to be declared 38 to 0 In favor of the etand wbat waa wanted, as Dodb cu- ; the teblea were spread with tbe flneat
teat the market affarda and tee exrelTrnverpe Oily Blgh school.
not apeak Bngibb. Tbe meaning
I lent cosine of tbe hotel ooald provide
Opring tbe game Maynard had
pbered taewever, and Mr. Barry
inmber of families took dinner at
ahown clearly hie effie eaey aa a half
back. He and SnnahaU make h fine cabled to Tib!
Tbe brother b a Ui
pair. Maynard la fleeter on foot, but nnian and recently aneoeeded In leav­
Bnnthall M stronger at line breaking. ing Bnaria wlihoat a passport, for tee
And tney work so well together that purpose of avoidliig entering tbe Bnathey are hard to atop. Boyar will alan army, preferring to eome to Amer
make a flae quarter. Be la very quick,
and with a little more ptaeUoe to stop
Thanksgiving Dinner Farty.
bU llaMlity to fnmble, he wUI make a
atar qnartor
Mr. and Mrs J. W. Patebin delight,
Pollowlng U the line np of the two folly vnterulned a number of friends
at a Tbankeglviog dlnver party last
evening. Those present were; Mr.
Mr*. J. \V. Patcblr. Mr. and Mr*.
wni and
a Yrati Conoablr, Mr. and Mr*. Croieer, Mr.
and Hr*. Rrxburg.'-Dr. aod Mr*. Martin and Mr aod Mr*. Kehoe.

Tiolaton of Flah Law and Selaing
Property Valned at W.OOO.
The eteamer Oolnmbla ol tee Trav•ne Bay line, arrived la thU port Ute
Wedneeday alght after having covered
t,eoo mllee in the eervloe of the eUte
command of Oame Warden Morae
•nd Depniy Uame Warden B
The eteamer vlaited Urand Beven.
Booth Haven, St. Ignaoe. Mackinac.
Cheboygan. MhntaUqae. Cbeneanx laT*tnt« Btnrgeon Bay and aeveral other
polnU in eeareh of violator! of the deb
Jaw. Several arreeU were made and
•eU and boate to the valae of
were aeiced by the cdiseia.
. ..O. Gix
The eteemer will be laid np for the
■ P. Babcock
I-------- OapU Webb will .gem^
A. Novotnr.............. P.................U. Oeakvy
«h« dty aU winter.
Tbe Feioekey Aame.
The met of the story b briefer, but
BoteoplcMaat in the telling, thongb
■eelal Svent of Merry Boelal Vine It most have been pleeeant to tee Petoakeyliea
to see such a game, won by
Waa a Pleaaant Affhlr.
the borne team. It was a battle royal,
The Merry Social Nine waa reepontu which tbe winning team had to play
•Ible for a aplecdld maeqaerade ball in
aad play hard for aU that was scored,
tea City Opera House leat night, aland where no score waa made till the
teongh the rainy weather canard the
last minute 'oTthe last half. It la even
^Wndance among tbe aaakera to ba
hinted, and that quite strongly, teal
limited. Afior the nncaasklng. how
tee aoore was not made Ull tbe last
«Tor, apeetatore from the gallery Joined
half had been finUhed aboni three min
tewe who came masked, and the flxir
ntea At least that wav the way that
WM crowded.
Traverse City watches showed ibe lime.
There were many bmnUfnl and
Bat they might have been ont of repair.
ft coatamea. some unique and a good
Tbe Travene City Uam were feeling
•amber origlaal and artiaUe, displayvery sere last evening. They have a
lag rare taste. Mnruagb's fall orcbeagrievance against Petoakey'a Uekle,
teafnralahed excellent music and it
Cbatioway. ubo. they claim, did np|
mas well along toward morning when
two of their men in a manner not j
tee Jolly gathering dUpereed.
oonnlenanoed by the go'den rule nor i
Several flee prltm were given ee fol­
bcrnlraof foot ball. It b claimed!
that in tbe flrat half, after Ike DavU |
Bast droaaed lady, gold wateb-Mra.
waa down, teat Cbattoway ran and
Jumped on hb foot with hb heel, efB«t dressed genUemao. gold watch
fcCinaily stopping tee work of Trev^Will Akers.
Oty'a great end pUya. Later, in
Beet male character, pair
tee aeoond half, thb same Oiattoway
flaaeee—A. U Joyce.
Beet female character, gold ring b aaid to have put Fenry ont of the
bnsineaa in tee same way. and tee boy*
^Bertha Canute.
Beet gentleman waltser. grid ring do not like lb
It will be a rather monnfnl pro'^nidj^riuer. gold rlnf-Mlae nalon that will ea'er tee city this
t/fd% Gerard.
toruaooa. To outplay a team, aa onr
Beet cake walketa, aobo boro.
Beorge Joyce female character; Bert boy* Burely thiak that they again
did. and teen to be done np by
Seoood belt cake walkem, aobo born neb work. bA« **7
1m*1 nnplea*^A. L. Joyce and Bnoa Tnmalce.
anb Bnt there b a hope that a game
The cake walk waa an artlstte and
biblUoD of graceful move- seay yet he eaeered with Petoakey on
HBUtipg rxbibl
meota and
d poet
poeUc motions and the large the groanda in thb dty. la which case
•adieaee were geaeroma In
I their ap- Travene City hopea to repeat tee fini
game of tee akaaon. and win from Pe­
« by Prank rricdrlte.

BnppUy Marriid.
Walter C. Finney of thb dty and
Mbs Blla Plnmmer of Maneelona were
married ymterday at tee home of tee
bride, at t o'clock. A snmptnona wed­
ding dinner was served after tee
ceremony, after which ibeparty took
tbe train for thb dty. Ike bridal
gneeu ef Mr. and Mrv A-

TWMly fieeTeare'Ooaetant Vae Withont a Tallure.
^ Tfceflrs\lndieaUoDoferoapishoane•cm.and In a child subject t« that
glT~~" It may be takes aa a 'aure alga
of the approach ot as atUek. PollowIng this hoareeaeM U a peculiar rough
aongh. If Cbamberlaia-s Cough BemAa a care for rheamatbm Chamber•dyM given aa aooa aa tbe child b»- lalna Pain Balm b gaining a wida
m>rnai boane. or even after the cronpy
mtkm. D
D. B
B. Johnatos ot Rich■ e av
1. lad., bH been troubled with
teat ailment dsee ms. In epeakbig
h—— ia teb enad land ant
ot it he eeya: "1 never tonod anything
mpprisb tee anxiona mot
teat would rulleve me unUl I need
have yet to lean ef a alagle InetaBee 1* ChamberlalB'a Pain Balm- Jt acta like
vbleh It has not proven tffeetnal. No magb with me. My toot was swollen
>n can show eneh a re- and paining me veiy mneh. bnt owe
good appUeatioa of Pain Balm rolierml
me. For sale by S. E. Warr aad F. C.



No.. 115-P^Hor Table, $2.00.

It is a handsome table, 24x26 inches, solid gold­
en oak or in mahogany, and only $2.00. We have a
large line of parlor aod library tables from fl.OO np
to tbe very finest. Goods picked out now, stored un­
til Christmas free of charge.

J. W- Slater,
120 Front 8t

House Famishing Store.

Ralph Anderson

Will Anderson

and Embalmers
Both Telephones, No 48.

318 Union .Street





ing Vinaly in the Mavat Bareioa.

Thankegivicg Wedding.
Yesterday afternoon a couple came
from Willlamiborg for tbe purpose of
gelling , married. They called npon
Joatlce tt.'M Brown, who peiformed
the cert mooy in a proper manner. Tbv
happy once were Mr. Worthy ScoDeld
end Mbs Prarlie laogworthy.

|,Tlw Cura that Cms,




A $1.75 KID
Is what we are now
making a ran on.. Af^er
yon see t^isonc you will
be satisfied that they
will compare with any
$1.98 shoe in this dty.
See them."


Frank Friedrich
ue Frost attwt

With Traverse City Pictures
mahee a handsome present to
send away. Little plates in
odd shapes at s6c; Pin Trays
26c; Bon Bon Boxes 60c;'
Brush and Comb Trays 76c;,
Cups and Saucers 60 and 75c;
Tea Pot Stands 26c; Olive
Dishes 26c; little odd shaped
Pitchers 26 and 36c.


Buys your choice of hundreds
of bits of china and fancy
Glassware, \rasee. Cups, Sauc­
ers. Tooth Pick Holders, Pin
Trays. Card Becelvers, Spoon
Holders, Sugars and Cream­
ers, Napkin Bings, Olive Dish­
es, Tea Pot Stands. Fancy


For that new crayon p‘ctureP
A good one in oak costs only
80c; there's another size at
$1 00, and a beauty at $2.10.
Those in white with gold dec­
orations sell at $1.10 and
$1.86, and those with a good
clock* at $2.40 make a nice
gift. Then Screens, in new
styles of finish and difi'erent
sizes. One particular style
that women say Is "just what
they want" selle at $2.10.

Every “Liftle Woman”

Wants a new doU tor Christ­
mas, so we've had Santa
Claus leave a host of them.
Little undressed dolls for 6c;
big dressed dolls for 26, 60,
76c, $100. Dolls with plain
dresses and those with best
“go-a-risiting'' dresses. Dolls
with kid bodies that will not
break when they fall down.
Dolls with light hair, black
hair, white hair and no hair
at all. In fact all kinds of


Have a cab to go calling with,
or a go cart, and 10c buys one.
LMt year's cradle got broken
somehow, but a new one can
be bought at 10, 26, 60o. A
pretty white bed “like mam­
ma has” at, 26,60e and $1 00.
Doll chairs In pink, blue or
white at 10 and 26o; a little
trunk 26, 60, 86c and $1.26;
a dolls dresser at 60c, $1.00,
$2 00.


For the sitting roomP An
easy sewing Hocker, say for
$1.26? Perhaps a cobbler
seat Bocker, sells at $1.16,
with other styles to select
fi-om that cost $1.50 to $2.60.
A Rattan Bocker is “awful
easy" and sells fi-om $f2.46 to
$12.60, all manner of styles.
New foot stools at 76s in
quarter sawed o^ birch and

The Hannali A La; Herantile Go.




matha'KataMoo TWairraph we
pciat the foUawiac:
JoUy The
t Btaaloo at the
"The Opera BoMe bald a larro aadi« of Boa. aad Vre. A.
X»ows to MMt ia OUaac«
eaee loot alfht eaffer to aee the prodeeW. KUilkaB.
Udo of the diaataUeed eeraloa of Mi)
Woodh toeehioff etory. Beet Lyaae.
A renalon of the Sommer Clnb wee
Delralt, Nor. 90 —The Oairerai^ of
The popelarlty of the Marka Broa. wee held leet ereniac in the heaomMit of
to defeat today
Tk« •Mpoetod •mallpox eoM
folly cetablbbed, aad tboee who weal Senator Milltken'e home, which wae
CMoi hw d«T«lop*d Ut« • r«BBtae
It wee a flea faae. bet Blrhitaa expeeUac to eee aomethinr of a hlyh each a delldhtfel aff eir that It wUl not
«M0f thodrWdod dkMOM.
order, were not dleappoloted. May A. aooa be farynten.
At AdrUa. tfarioo B«t>IS. u old'
Tbe room wae decorated in a manner
„o^her and oeiee.
•old|w. WM oatkMBd Is Utcblnc op a □ vtaer gomm were piayeo aa rauowa
laree, dUpiayed
dUpiayed rare
, beflttloy the sea-<ott. Coraetalke. care
hone is the »i« dapanoMot whoa the
I emotional powen. She p
lofeom aad pnmeklne deoocated the
Cold weather is coming. Now is the time
aalmal kteked. Mrlkiac kla «■ the
mlrably the worklniie of tbe pemton of | piiUn of the beermenV aad Jti
ChUaro-ChiMro Ualewalty. 17; JealoMy within her, and her deep anleft hreeet,aod kaoeked him IsmelMe.
to place your orders for
beBo woe rooioTed to hu home ead rieea
Ooeoftbe pleaaaat faatnrea of U*
Mew York-OolmmMa, ft; ChrllMe :larpald. Her ooetamee leet airbt
rrery attoatfaa. bat Uee la a erlUeal
evMiny wa* the roadiay in character
ladlane. t»
^were rery pretty. Ales Marka, ee ot'-Bitteraweel.'' by J. G Hcdlaad.
Omaba-Nebraika Unleoretty,
; Archibald Chrlyle. U almoal a faalUeea These who took part In tbU raadlny
Dm reUtlToe of Robert Belot/re.
Ofinnell. o.
aetor. BeU the poiirmor of a Ana were. Mr. J. W Patcblo, Hr. aod Mr*.
wboee body «ao toaad flooKsf ia the
Tma. Ohlo-Heidelbnrd. 10; Datndl
^ ^ ,
tdiad atare an­ Frank Welton.-Mi*« Sanodera Mli*
rlter at Port Bonw. ewaeet foal
AthaleUc Aeaoelatloo. S.
ted well to tbe Hammond, Mr. Hammond. Prof, and
t»V. ae the MB had eoaeidoiable U.l—Itj.
o Archll»M Mr* Horn. Matter Welton, Loeln*
moeay at the time of hU dteappear>
■I: Oblo W>liTU Oollwc. S
CrljlA U>, properoM Uwp« ul Patebln, Georyietla Bboer.
PI.Ub«,-0»,...» AUteU. a.b,
oorto. MA After the readiny refreebmenU were
ThaakaffiriBC la^ WuAIbCioA »»J
poIWAl mppi.
drew op before the bi >e of a ooedy
KfmneUco—DnlTPtpitp ol 0»HTom Horim kopi the kodP buttermilk and. et ff ee i
. In tbe
Watt Hide family
The eoa< fomla, lo; Leland Stanford Unieer» la Uaybter at bU Dill. Tbe otb- yood old eonntry stylo.
Telephone No. 2.
Traverse City, Mich.
trtbotloa wee from the r
er membera re*« rx>d tnpporl."
Com hwk *onvenlr« were preeeated
B 1( the aebool laocht by MUe Ijeeier
Keaeae CUy-Kaneae Unieeralty. »4. «mpany wUl be at Steinberyh O
to tbe yueeU. of whoa there were
d.Bapide towoeblp aod loclnd- M^eri Unlrereiiy. 6.
Dec 4 to I*.
odoha^. applee.
poutoee and all
liefaycttio—Indiana OnUeralty, 18.
•oovenirs wa* a monoyram eompexd VtaXTTi a i ,-i' X-t
ktade ofWei
>r«e)reublea needed In a holi­ Perdoe, ft.
of the letter* S aod C. aad tbe word*:
day feaai. and lor anbetaaoe for a loof
DeaBolaca - Drake Unieeralty
time afterward.—Oraad Bapida Bten> Pennaylranla Goileye, ft.
Tbe Cellar Scene.
Tbaakeyiviny Oav.
Sloes City—Sootb DakoU Unleetelty
At Candle LlybUnj
At Elk Raplde. the Michlfaa Mann
.a; nmi... .. ! ib»tl»P~Plo~i»T«)li.Tl.l,h^
d lu bid lath
“Shaw Knit" has no equal—fine assortRock
yeelerplant thie week. The new eetablUb_____
ment, either black, gray or tan color.
. pweuaded blm to take ai___ _______
the laryest lath pr
----------------------------—------,--------------l-B.*ei*ltyof UllooUO.
25c buys of us a very fine grade all,
eapaelty In the world. *40,000 daDy.
Grand Bapida—Detroit RIyb Sebool, |
Coeblln preached the Thaoke- berUlo'* Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea t'
A.----- -------------- - w- -------------- A------- j.
ttopidt Hlyh Sebool. ft.
eermon at the aaylnm yeeterday. Bemedy. After n*iny two bottle* ot ^
Cashmere Hose. Ask to see them.
*S cent sise be wa* cured. ! ylve tl 1*
PonUac,. for ebamplonaUp of the
A larye number of bnnlere were In UAtimonial. hopiny some one *lMiil*rlv
abont two-iblrda wUl be from Man> Btate, PonUae 6; Plainwell ft.
j tbe wood* yeeterday, tbe eldeiny day tfflicted may read It and be beneSt d.
of tbe eeaeon for banttny partrldye ~ rhoma* C
•ale by 8. E.
|andqaall. So tar ae reported, but .lit­ Dmyylsta
The Borey A MeCraeken eawmlU at
4 k IT
I'- ''7
tle yame wa* *60010(1
Nnekeyon ba* cleeed down for yood
Anyn* Urayaonand wife came down
About Sft ynmto partook of tbe
after a eteady ran of 18 yeara. It am- from Central Lake yeeterday to eat
plpyed Its moa.
,k.l, nm.k«l.lw imlmj wlUi Mr. Thmik.*iTlw dlm.m.1 th. Bo«l WhlP
A eaae that woo hmeybt from Bay- Ompm.'.pmm.tA
Pred Beektel and Tony Novotny re-1 AU Sir Enlyhta and ladle* of Trav- That Dr. Chase's Olntineat Is aa
land to Amerioa In the MayAowar la
Absolute Cure for
owned by a Vtekebory man. one of tnmod laat niybl from Cbloayo. Mrs. orae City Teit, No. 871, KalyhU of the

Stt\ere*\. J

J. E, Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,

tfalvmity of Ki^^cu Taoa W«ct

^Fine Mili;Work


Grilles made to Order in any Fiuish Desired.

J. E. Greilick Co.

Fine Hosiery.


Hamilton Clothing Go. I

£an You be Convinced

wboee anoaetort wae tbe criylnal
paa**mnf of tbe tUck.
Berberl Steam*, a well known
throaber of Woodbridye towneblp,
Bllladal* oonnty, feU*trom hit w*yon
Monday nlybt and brob* bU neck.
Shortly after the lerUUti*e InreaUyatlon of tbe Adrian *ebool for ylru
and tbe centnre beetowed noon tbe
pBBiabflwnt and tbeaolllarT cell, ooiraetire meatarra, were aboHabed by
tbe board of manayeta. Now It U
aald that a ebrt of re^ ot torror took
place afterward anT that dUetpllne
wa* a tbiny of tbe pact. It U even al­
layed that aome of tbe bad ylrl* went
aofaraatoalapthe faoea of tbelr U>dtmelor*. ReoeoUy the board of mancyan *otrd to rr*tore tbcee two mcMmree to tbrlr former atandiny, aad tbe
autement U made that the effect for
tbe belur wa* inaUnUBeoua
Amy Lewi*, who Bfea fonr mUe*
Bortbweet of Barrytoo took two onnc^
Of earbollc acid witb aaicldal Intent
beeanee of a dimapointment in a love
affair. She will probably rcooror.
At Grand Rapid* A<re a
milyof Peed J.
yncau were poUooed byeatloyrefreab'
menu wbH^, celebratley a wooden
weddiay AU will reoo*er.
Tbe WaabloytOB Mloiay 'Co. of
BoBybton ba* lecreaMd lu eopiul
from to K.soo.poo. lu proper­
ty Ilea Borth of Caiumet.
Battle Creek boy* wbo make *pend
laymoncrby maani of the aparrow
hOBOir ard full of Inyeoulty. Shoot
lay the bird* one at a time 1* too alow
and espeulre, ao they arranye a ay*
tern ot moiqaito nettlny upon which
they aeaiter corn, aod when a Sock of
Wrdayatberfoa a fraal. 'tbey poll a
atriny or two arranyed lo aach a man
ner that few of the blrda have time to
At JaekeoD the aeholar* of tbe pnbllc
aebooU provided tnrsey for eo famillea
An attracUon for the townapeople at
Gaylord laat week wa* tbe eareaae of a
white deer haoyiny in one of tbe mar
keta. .The animal wa* abet in the
aelybborbood of the Tlllaye, and tbe
man who did it ha* refuted an offer ot
•US for tbe *kle.

Bechtel dooompaaled her hoeband to Maceaboea are reqneetod to meet attbe
Cbieayo and they ats Thanhaylvlny hall tbU evenlay for a baaket eoelal.
dinner with Mr Beebiel'a relatlvee In Tbe ladiee are rtqueeled eo briny baaScorn aod Thousand* Have Boon
Grand Rapid*, where Mr*. Beebiel re- keu Ailed for two.
Convinced b> botny Cared—A
mainod for a itaort Uma
| Him Doyle wboee art needle work U
Baptist MinDter TelU ttow
He Was Cured by
Tom Shane ba* yone to Indiana .ao well known. U In tbe elty makiey
after a carload of hotaea
arranyementa for a dicplay ot her
Mr. and Nra Prank Mead* aad Prof. work.
C H. Bom and family want to Maal*. | Bon. C. T. Sawyer, a well knovm
m*ny preparation* tecom.
e pile*, cod *0 many that
taoyeeterday tocBjoya Tbaakayivlny bnaiaem man and prominent Repoblilat molt people wbo suAc*
reunlon at the borne of Mra Moadr can politician of Lndinyton. and who,,.
aod Ur. and Mra Speer. AU Mra roeently bouyht the Lndlnyton Boeord j
Mead*- cbUdren aad tbelr tamille* plant and bnlldlny. wae In the elty | bdas rored.
were there with tbe esoepUon of oae yoetordey ealtiny on old Ume friend* 1 U » j***' •«>cb peoole who. when once
| „, U.Wj ,»m
--------------------------I Joaepb P-hl. for a nnmber of year* i dkc in it tbe one *b«oIutc cure tor iten.
Bev. and Mr*. Wriybt 8Brprl*ed.
bookkeeper tor GrrUick Bro*. at Orel-1 i°jl PJ

DRS. B. S. & CO.



thm I

Wriybt of tbe Preabyterian ebnreb State Bank Monday,
were treated to a moat deUybtfnl ftorThe Creeeent band appeared on tbe
priae. All unknown to them, the street last nlybt for the Arst Ume la
Christian Bndoavor •oeleiy have had aeveral week*. They played for the
tbe prayer meeUny room papered and maaqnerade and tntrodueed aeveral
oarpeicd and Rev. and Mra. Wriybt piece* of new mnsle. which were playyoi tbelr Ar*t look at tbe improvements ed well.
lastniybu Needlem to say. they were - Manayer Barry of the MIcblyan Teldellybtod.
apbone exehanye will act a telepbooe
llntbalodye room* of Traver*
Traverse City
Lietof Xmtteia
Lodye. No. 73. KniyhUof Pyitaia*.
rollowin* U the lUI t>l krtler* rvBalalBi
Ibr Trarriwe CUT PiM »fllee uDcalM (or 'be
John F. Ott ba* bad e U
week enUiu* Su>-» In ealllo* (or U-ll
platod la bU realdener on Watbinytoe
"4<l«ert»eCKu*. "M “*a|AtreeL. Tbe number i* ST3
Burdra Juka

„srKraiflrtd Cana


Culler Wallaer It


l>p.ter Trank U
rare lUr
Uuwe MoroB
Brbr Wllbela

PolIrrC »- l-arr.OU
KMnIrk Hrtra
HrbT'abi B*?il
Mnaulftiur I
Vannllrr Vm!
. Wallnrr-S'ei

rr Alice
_____ . A««la
UuBUOnr luuo
UuriGnn Etln

kurkntler <l«rtrud*
Mlllrr tVnrJ
Moaror Mrnte
KBndrrlBB Allrr
WblUock Ad*

I Mr. and Mr*. A. B. Finney were in
'Mancelona ye»ierd*y to attend tie
I weddiny of Walter C. Finney and Hi>*
Ella Plammcr.


imericiB Medical aad Soriictl lastitate ot loale^n, licb.

^0^2. ■W'laJLtiXkg, TTca-yesrso Oity-,


Dec. 7, 1899.

Office Bence frtnn 9 a. m to •p.-n

proof :

Tbe bi*t ■(iplicatloo oS Dr.
I Ointiuent will ccinvipc
tical bvatoppioy thtierriliic itcbinyaiid
(lurniiiy. it i« rery Bvldom that more
than one bo* i» required lo *b*olutr1y
enre auy mac of b ind, ilcbiny, bleeding
or proirudini; pile*.
Rev. W, N. Hdwardf, Baptist misiMer,
109Trinity PUce, Bnflalo. N. V.. wtil**:
‘1 can uiosi heerlily recommend Dr. A.
W, Cbme's Oinimeot a* a positive core
tbe piles I
frc<|ueDtly '
sufferinf! bai, been most intense.
bcnrlitT drfUTd from the use of Dr. A.
W. CbsTc's Ointment have been mayicsl
and IsTiiDK. BDtTl feel it ■ doty to my
lellow.i'einits to recommend it and s*e
mv iiiri-.rnce to make its wooderfni
meriu known. ”
Dr A. W. Chase's Ointment. 50c a
bo*. *1 all drslers. or Dr. A
Hr.iiritir Co.., N Y.

Children’s Caps

I oent due on eaeh adverUaed letter. '7
GaoaeK W. Rarr.

Fine line heavy wool Totjues—red, blue,
black, brown or green colors, 25 and -50c.

Dvwev SwIVB.

Hamilton Clothing Go. ^

The Must BncBtoefal and BdantiAe Treatment of AU E
of Mankind Poaeible to Obtain..
Tbe BMt wldHj aad ta»of*Wj Xbowb ap«vl*ll»t iB isr rDiweeia
• B'ksl-lf skill sod ool.vrsai aunv.* lo tba Isryn
al'Snd VDUtla.
VDUila. taiB to tk. fall roufldpora of ikasSk-isd



Seeing Rubbers Alike
But Wait a Bit I

Csutrrk. Dlwsaraof ibv K*v. asr. Nusa.TbrosI sod Luoas-'U/spamls. Bn«k|-s IMbssm. Disbvtos. EldBoj. Lirar. Bls^pr.CkrooIr FoBSW sod Hrsusl Dlarsm aptwdUy cvivd by tr«atBoot Iksl ksa Bwrr fsllrd la tkOBSSDds ot esara tbst bsd '---------------------------' '---------' *•-----KSBJ paopla B»«t dastb erarr yesr wbo Blyhl bsw !>««&
to pertaet b**tlb bad ibcy
B rvBtoTWd
placed tbelr CBOca le tb* bsoa. of ci pert*.
—DR. Otn
stior yesr* of csBcrtoBea.baa mamiaiii
preolisc to tb* a*r rnste dlaaw^ pe^Vl^^cw^
tbe cTwstMi: eotv'koowp
cotv'koowu «er
(or all
si) dlaraoea
diarsooa prrol
byt^eawrcsody.OLITXSLOSSOM Tb
ksnslMB sod taally sppUed. OcB**It*UcB b-

^^OBMjriO iwnx xna sod prwemslcd
(ortbeswtBloBecuofcsrlyner sad ibe


fDxnr dxara.
To decide tbe kind of Rubben to
bay eoJtbey trill wear and get your
money’s wortb
Bemember that
all Rubbt-n look alike and that
moet stores will ask yOo tbe same
prioe for ee«»d ijoality that we
offer the best for, We did not
keep awake nights to decide s hicb
kind of robbers will wear the bngeet; experience makes perfect Tbe
Boston and Mishawaka Ball Band
Sox sad Rubbers are the kind we
Bell. Prices the lowest Buy them
and get your money e worth.

Kinluli Pianos ud Organs

WWte Whs* wf Tar >yrm the TbeCh
bmt cowyb imrdy oe earth, cure* a ooid will be 01
iBdBedqrtftakcaiatise. AAendAOeia

The Celebmted Sp**lall*t*.Porm*i4yft^ Kew Voik.andaow of the

•. t'«£ 6* *.4. i,. * c •

One of tbe lily linns In the New Tork
abopplUK diKirii't dc<-urated tbe front 2
of lie store wliii an Iniuienae portrslt 0
of D<-wey. and l>eueatb ft pieced tbe ^
word "Mlve'Mn Inrye letters. A
ftrauyer In tlu- lowu. niurii |ilen*ed at
Ib<- diT-oraltoii. openly expressed bl*
adnilratloa. but. Uiny e iriAe short on
liSrlD and not nDderwtsndlny that
‘‘salre” mi-aiit ball! Inatrad of oint­
•100 Etwaid. tlOO.
ment. reniBi'ki-d lodlynantly; “Don't
Tbe readers of thU paper will
you think If* » pit.v that people wUl;
^leaaed to learn that there is at loa*l spoil a Ane picture of Dewey like that I
•one dreaded diaeaae that ee‘:‘enee baa

- iMy to edveni»e with It a,
_ ______
ea able to core in all
all tu *t*yea.
at I* catarrab. Hall'*
Hall'. Catarrab
ibe only pcaitive
paitive care
car known
Editor Aoea Venders.
M Ibe
odical fraternity. Oatarrah
belay a
lUorW. V. Barry «f Lexlnyton.
naUtullonal disease, requires a eon. eanaUtallonal
in explori^ Mammoth Oavs,
aUtaUoaal treatment.
ot. UaU's Catarrab Tenn..
Onre U lakeo
aetlny direct. eoatrseted a aerere ease of pile*. HM
naUy. aetlny_____
W upon the blood and mBcnoa* *ur
tooeo of tbe *y«tem. tboreby deetroyioy
«be fonadaUon ot tbe diaeaae. and ytv- irjBrie*. ieA*mn
lap tbe patient atrenyth by bnlldlny
up tbe eonsUtatloa aad aarietloy aa- rupuon* thilv *se at Ja* G. iekof
tarelnd^nyiW work. The proprie- >n and S E Waifs dray atorea.
ftora have ao mneh faith in ita enraUve
Why the tk nledaracy PalleA.
powontbat they offer on* bnndrsd
Joel Oiandler Barrte eoatribatea to
doUanforaay ease‘that It faU* to
tbe Chrtetma* namber of Tbe Belorday
enr*. Send for list of teetlmonlaU.
^Addram P. J. Cuukt a Co.. Toledo. Evenlny Post an aatbenlic aeeoant of
tbe dariay attempt to warn the Confederste cabinet of tbe.
y Pills are tbe beat.
iny the Confedersey.
How tbe attempt faUed aad why it
failed arc tbe snbjeeU
of a chapter cl
^ Utile kpoi^ history of
rise. Nr Harris ba* bk fact* Arst
d. sad be baa woven them Into a
•tiaet. N. B Strony. manacer. 7Sft ft
y ot soeb abaorbhiy tntoreat that
OlWlftHlaii lAHW —WMPW

Consultatio* and EiamiBBlioi Free and Stncilf Canfidaatjal



dr*»?of&la. ^


' stl d«lleslc dlsordsra pocBlIsr to
paolU.alV CBTBd.lsa w^ sa rwac___________rdsra tbst Tvauli
roasbfBl (elUsa or.tb* o*cMa e( BStitra yvsrs.

DAOm______ _

pslBtBBSlr tor agslBl area. ptorTriu. t
tOMT, lartuse to or oat of *v* laobaa or
-'----------- - -.r dart aad sll otb----------


r, uaatUsc thaw
KAMtlXD Men. or tbeasaetenaca* lb*k
bspprUto.swsraad»bxalcsl dsUUiv. «blckV

we oTARftirru

bUKy. vsrteoMS*. atr
sad sL hMavy sad bl
lu^abtos.wB*a4(rMeMarrk. pamuvaly

fbaear, Pltoa sad PIimhi ot Wotooa qatekl^
wwkkBCTt SB

w Wsdiay apaAs^^

»0p*r W*(*pca«a*

DucaAseiwo cabbci

la every c

• writ-



FimoUc«l aiios M»b




MS. L s. < CO. ruHn toi isi. ■isosoi, iicl


PWW191AS, no ynonroB.

! &«M!r8V'Uemv

ss, im.

Tk« Horth Ohia* D*U» Sew* kM •
«Up»tek from Cbo-roo.
Skmar^uC- wUeh
• rtoinc oBOMf tho aoUMo
la Uo CU-Su-F« dietrln.
'MoarofUe mom mpoMihlo po
' tiOM at tk* KtaWlor
ibo CTMlmt in Ue world, nr* hold
fonanl moBa««r of
tko minim To OoUod StntM noannlnr
Got. Bndr of Alndm. to hh nnn—1
nport Mka thnt tko torrit^jW^n^
mdotnMliood. Uto.donbUM » ooin
etdeoeo that la Uw nuno report h*
moke for flSO.SM fa* • peoUeatlnry.
la oelebmtiaf the Ittleth nnalrbre•*7 of hk profmaotoUp. Prof. ViixEow
of Berlin, aald be owed bit aeleatidc
npnUUoB nlmoet entirely to hie Ameriena end Jtpnaeee pepUe. who eoatlanod hie rmenrobee.
At Peri* ThnahaclrlaA wae eele
■ hreted Wedaeedey erealaff nt
Ho«o] Oontioentnl by the Amerlenn Uni▼eralty Dinner eleb. United Btntee
Ambnemdor Porter preeided.
The New York board of health Wednmdey rehmed to iroat permieelon for
eoCre-lodea eblo i. W. Taylor,
whieh orrlTOd reeenUy from Soatoe
with eoee* of bnbonle plnene on board,
to fo to her dock.
Jnmee^eleh. e renldent of Coolbanfh. Po.. odrerUeed in the ••wife
waatad” eolnma, deeeribiat himMlf oe
a iMOly, bat well-to-do. rlcnroee and
amiable bachelor of U year* who
weeld like to marry a woman who
wonld make on arreenhle eompoaloa.
apeor^ of hie od. hk
|ae over
laoU bee been
l.OM women hare olrnlted their wiUtaffteea to eheer hie lonely bow 0. Mr.
toeleh U toertnc the adjalninc ooaa^toeiienphle oorreepondenta and
bendredt of nerroM eplaeten ore all
of n tntter every Ume they eee a tIcoeoM nod ocreeable lookinf man of 00

Tbore belac oot eaonvh memben
recent to eoMtltaU a qeoram. Bee*d
;dJonnedtoBeetSovember U. IBM.
at • o'clock p. m. to the eoeaeU ram
A. W. BiCKoais
CiW Clerk.
Adianmed rccnlnr aebtlnf of Board
of ^ocatloa held In eoencll
November «*. Itm.
Meednc wee coUed to order by
Prank Hamilton. Prenldeat.
Prwent. Memben MoCatt. Moore.
Blnrbom. Hoyt. Pope. Boand. and
Oo^ln and the ijceelilieil. Prank HomUtom
MUatee of Uet tafolor meatlar and
of odjoaroed rerolor meeUwre b^d
November Srd
November 8th. 18M.


SSaijS'bii:....... “.S

would like to itate what

G. H. SNOW, M. 0., Specialist
aaSr'vw1axv«aSar;seawMUaaae4aetabia sesuD- neov «Oe told aa wy troeWa Ma
dc mod weak. I*y avpatu oU worn* at caaa aaa wadlHaa o»d Oaipod wr si aw^. oad
pssr: akin
bod tamats^mMih. abaai *«U oeols t »«bM
WMaestMitse oad todfaall^lB wr U i4ak to coU oe Dr. Hm«.
t;kas4>aad tart add sod a

OnalitHHulltnudlOlQas Block.
‘•Oaeof Or. KliMT’e New Ufe Pill*
ooeb nlffht for two week* hee pet me
In my ‘leene’ affaln" writes_p. H.
Taraer of Dempeeylown. Po. Tbey're
the belt la the world for liver. »tomoeb and bowel*. Porelv veeeuble.
Never rripe. Only fSe at Jos. O. Johnoonb and 8. B. Walt's drar ttoree.


^Mm' ba' m'otodinr



rime." Caimans' BleMie Floor Varnish.
I. E Walt.

ixnnuxcx rmn>.

CisSt Eitniee.


City of Travene City, repair-


I Pig Tail!

In the show
case you
will know
that dealer
----keeps the

isSibr^a- *








■ —BY—

JOHN F. OTT & CO, John

F. Gtt & Co.

oeMora to TrmverM Olty Lumber Oo
PCXL rvnp.



Bidewslk Lumber iu .11 .I.M.


ruBBirma puxiiaty Book Store, dicUoaoilea


I 5c 5

hU aplaXMi at Dr. Oaea-a aarateW
TWa W to canity that I kac* kad cotorrfc tor
SDyrara- Olaco last JoBsarr wy *taaa o( io.ia
oad MB.n haw baaa aailraly tool Mykaolih
tea aawe Uaw boa baao oSac-tad trow U- la trookta. I>r n. B e«o« hoa traoiad m*
oad i OB wry oinrb hrilar.

wayt and means reeneetfally report
that we have examined the followinf
dalmo. one havioff found them eorreei,
wonld recommeod their payment from B.U-..............................
the vmrioiie faoda at followe;
asee of
Dr. Snow mike, i .peciilt; ot .411 Chrome Di-mie,, Diioaime
o! VtoVT.
^^ee-Onlle ^
Me per
TnacaxB'e ■xi.AKiBe reno.
men, the Eye, Ear, Nooe and Throat. Teeth eitrected for 2-Sc
rexiToar aai.aaae nm,
JoBlton pay roll for Novem­
ber............................................. t
Arthur O. Wall, reptoriaf
ball.............. .............................
rt'KL run».
Trevjy City Unmber Co.

If You See


i^atyrCtetof Sov. M. I9».

Saccassers la


df do

qyiASTESK KOHBV—To toe» *t * V*' eenl on

lest* sMvu

Iraiarsa Cit; Umbar Ce.

Elegant line, both Silk aod Cashmere
Goods. Onr line ranges in ‘ price from
25c to $3.00

4 »

I 84


Hamilton Clothing Go.

r 4S 91
t S6
8 00
8 00
8 «0

Traierse Citg, - - Michigaa
Grud Ripids t Indlui L I
Clly. la a«a« Octabar B

noemON WAWTEO-By ■ISdle i





Bpaelal^gtyaig^ta t

Farmers and Cattle

- -t
Wt« M
Jeka»oo bhx*. Pl>OBan.______


1 pbyalalan oad .orueon

Moved by Mr. Bound that the report
e accepted and claims be ordered paid
Motioo carried.
Moved bv Mr. Moore that the Board
-PproveoftbeoetioDOf Supt. Bora in
ooeeptlng the eervloes of Prof. Flynn
In tbe inetraeUon la phyoicol enUnre
■ e echoola
ition carried.
1 of Joseph Boon of *80 for wood
delivered at BoraviUe ecbool house
was read and on motloa of Mr. Binabam duly carried woe ordered ptod
from the feel fund.
Beport of SuperiDteodeat of non ree'dent tulilop oolleeted In November,
■onntiog to toS ST woe presented oad
motion ef Mr. Moore duly carried
«received and ordered plooed on

To Dairymen,


aToaaaUei Mook. tl6 Fraat suvai.

M-ii:.--! £.°g^-.arss


plrax-d to .uy. v



oary dlaaaaao. »ld'pkaoa,»: Kav. 1«.
Ita Opara BiMiaa Btoak


‘°Motiou carried
ed by Mr. L..
paid at tbe end of toe December
ichoormonto 00 the approval of the
payroll by toe «
........ ”i Ways

.. --- ,

Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Moore that the proram for the Hiyh school ooma
«ut be fnralsbed by toe pupUo.
Motion carried.
Oa motion of Mr. Hoyt, duly eorried.
board odiourned.

We ore now prepared to sell our exerlleut feed—POTATO PULP, which
we have on band at all times In a sweet
and dwlrable elaU.
In order to introduce onr feed to the
price to
lOe per IM, wblch OOmpt

relative valve ol tbe otoer feeds makes
lleoet about onu-thlrd of any other
Some of toe mast influential feeders
________________ have given this product a thorough test
epaataiatiaatiMi osd report that it is deulrnble in every
• ■*••• •
’*' —a-t nnd equal to all that is claimed


,XO. B.caoee. AtlOT»eya»4

wore for rviure lo BBC

rooay to loon, ometrn. OUy Opera

410 Stale a

n C aiLBKBT.Ai

and ordered placed on 81e.
Moved by Mr. Mewre that the Clerk
correspond with the Smeod Co. rela­
tive to beaOnr apparatus.
Motion carried.
Moved by Hr. Moore that the oomlioeeon bonding* and frouods be
authorised to purchase the wood for
next year's use sod that the seme be
paid for in toe same manner oe hereto­

Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Hoyt toat no ecbool be
held on Friday follcwiaf Ttonksriv-


taodadiayfowp-ly. Pbaa«. Ball US: Woftk-

roBgement for loading into wagons
etc., and wereepectfnlly invite all feed­
er* to try our iced

Chicago -•

o" ■ -

•West Alichigan.

The Michigae Starch Ce.
U>4p.m. Talepbotialt


Traverse City, Mich

wimn» to W yesrly

ne couolln.
pay.l.le■ •ee.kl>. Ue

druM-rl .lami—d rs.elopr, H A. rork.
--- •'ulMliiB.Chlea*

nao-.Bod rbiiilrrn-«.llwa—•a.parlaltj- Otr bear.: IlUo It a. m.; S K» • a»d . u> r p
Ball 'phOPagA
i.marad prooil
0-. SS; Ball.*-

ss:;s;-o;',:i„.‘..Jt. CLOCKS......
John R. Santo.
Geieial lisoraict.
Pietijr'aeat lima
to thiak about bating goat

•U Frtchtful Failures
«x terrible fOUares of six different
Aoetoru nearly seat Wm. H. Mullea of
Brave Xxplorors
Loekiaad. 0.. to on early frava All
•oU he bod a fatal luor trouble and
L'ke SlOBley and UvU,.._...-------that ha most eoon die. Bat as wa« it harder to overcome Malaria, fever
orfod to try Dr. Kina's New Discovery oad ocue and typhoid die
for eonmmpUoB. After tokiar Bw toon eavo*re coanlbale: but
hoUlesto woe antirely earto. It is
d to <
LI dieIf you have ehUle with tewr.
Ton might aieo see me about storiag
eladlaf eoBfhs. colds, locrippe. paeu oehra la bock of aeck oad heed, oad your wheel FBtt^^the winter.
moala. brtMcklUa,aetoma. toy fever, tired, worn-out leeUnf. a trial will
oroap, wbooptat courh. ue oad 81.00.
iviaoe you of their merit. W. A.
Sm^^^tolk It ovur.
Trial hottim lOe. Sold by Joe. « Null of-Well.
Ill. writes: “My childFohnaOB oad S. B Walt drunleta.
rea suffered for Boretoonayeor with
and few then two boitiee of
Electric Bitteru eared them.'' Only 80 lit Dnkm StrvM.
Try them. Guaranteed. Bold
No reme^ equals WakkebA Whith by Jos. O. Johaeon and A B. Walt,
Wine of ’Tab Srsrp for this terri­ dracriau.__________________
ble and fatal disease. If token tooroufbly oad la time, it will cure a c
T* Omt* m OoM In Ome Day.
hourt. and fo> the oouxh toot
rske Warner's «*bite Wine of Tor S>-nq
lows La Grippe it nevor ftok to «
ibe beat cough tmnedy <n earth. S5 an
eellaf. Prtoa.a8oaiid fiOe.

Bicycle Enameled

SSSi.Sv .b-. bb. ...iv „


To Cm U trtpw a M ■««>.


Tm fitMii tan mm (Ush'b BUMIp


B>/norol.U Board oM
of Traocnt CUy. MtcAloen;

9bomae Comae, tocUoa foremoB.
mwlkllled oe a Teae railway near
Weir-wdOlo berakally trylac to pell a Olan A Co., books....................
hoadoor off the track to prevent wrecknrciDxnTAi. xxpxxex rtmn.
Inr the pameofer train bearing Ten.Eaiperor William left ll.soo in LonAm be a
io ibe land for the beaeftt
of widows nad orpboa* of British sol41ere klUed la Sontb Africa. (
A PenasylvoBla trala erwhed into a
■tote at Cranberry Oroerinf. Pa-, kllUnc three womea and severely Injarfof the driver.
The dtUeae of Key Weet have peti­
tioned the navy deportmeat not to re­
move the remans of toe victims of toe
Malae who were Interred In toe ceme­
tery there. They have ropreeeated
that toe town porehoeed a Bae lot in
the cemetery, ploeed on Iron fence
aroand It and erected oa expeaelve
moanmeot whieh is to be dedicated
this wlatw. All tole woe done aader
on Implied naderetoadlnc that toe remoiaa were act to be removed. Moreovw. It b reported that only two of
the bodiee ooald be Identlfled. The
tteportmeat. thertoore, will not aaderUke to remove these bodlea Tboee
bnrled at Havana, however, aboat lea
la number. wUl be brought honae on
the Texes.
Bxperimeate carried oa for oon»«
time pest by toe Woeblncton nrrienl
tarol department have reeeaUy devel­
oped a new nee tor eometalke, from
evblcb a very valnable horoe and cat­
tle fo^ can now be male by irrlodloy
the dry eorotulx*. leaves and tope« powder and mlxtny it with blaid
molieem, or both ThU 1» pressed Into
cakee under n hydraulic prase, and cac
be skipped ea eeslly os bricks or cordwood.
Max Pfeanlr eaieidto from a PUnt
A Pere Marquette *teamer Wedentday
tie woe born a noblemao.hi* real name
beinp Max Von Scfaalenbarg. He
an officer le the German army,
tore leaviop hi* native lend he married
apalost toe wlsbee of hi* noble family
Be then ehowred his name and left for
America on oeeoaot of trouble In mil­
itary elreles.
A 83 000.000 are in Philadelphia
Wednewlay nirht burned out toe Upplaoott Pabliehtny company, with a
lose to that Arm of ts ,000 .000.

Bd0w M a Uet ef the botoff and aeU-

Of the Board of MdaoetHm ^the Olty

Fire Insurance.
li. L. ▲. Btalldlng.

New designs and fancy

Steinberg’s Grand
Gpera House.
Dec. 4 to 16th


woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when Supporting the Joint Stars,
down town and call in onr

Jewelery store to look them
over. We have many new Plays Changed Every Night
tbings in jewflry ^so.


Advance oale of owtoop^at
the box office Satarday morning.


lOo, Ibe, Sbe.

ifAr Bk BapI*?
La Elkitapide '
At Traaarw^.l______
■ rraleb-v-


0X0. DBBAVXN. O. P. A..
Grand Bapida.

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