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The Morning Record, July 16, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TrosW* Among tho Chmf.
•nBM and Wyomingn.
Twmurt m
OMBfia Mmitev SUM to Ste Otfl
Union Stroot Struetors to bo
TMtonUr Ay • lUdatoto
BoUt hy O. B. Hsydon.
GaUMarm*. Oa.. Jaly is.—SI Ssltk.
a tonMT yrho kiUad WlUtoa Bell.
3Urt* »ft»d KbUbc tor Satota »U aoBMereial tiarate' treat Atlaato ae*- Zhd Oentraet Price to 9«.6S7.ie nsd
Wo^ WiU be Stoned nt Once and
Lutfa ■uallac M They
araloeaiheace,«aeelMtto death to
by, Boiy •«
Km-Touc ie‘l thta BMCBtof. Tba ahattf
to be Plntobed In AbontZUrty Say*
Br»*c*D<fi*d n«rtf WhoM rprMi»«»>MM4 kyaauaat tk« door who —Be WtU BMM toe Bridge and
inaatnd toat be waa tba abariS of GUVaaWe BataU w-taka Ohaaeaa
war ooaaty and bad a - priaeaer he Swan Abu tmeato.
Ftoe BUct. B D.. Jaly tft —Is ra- wanted loeked np for toe night. When At toe meeting of toe boarde of pnV
iyoMe w toe eall of BhatUT Oa«sl»r tba daor waa opaaad aaveral
lie works Uat evealng toe contract tor
0t Gcwforae eoasty. Wyo.. toe fall atc^ad iorward, one having hto banda tha ereetoon of toa proposed Cnlee
ferae of itVladtoa pellee. baaTlly boasd and wMl aaenmiag toa role of
bridge waa awarded toO 8. HayafMd.AaaatartodtoyBtealt of 8«rlft prlaooer.
dan of Petoekey. for pt S3T.1S. Tbto
Mmr a^Uahaadof Sloaa warrtea. A gan waa aimed at toa nberiff’a price tocledaa the ereetloa of toeetsne
who uiai flalimlrr* to *tort an np- bead and be eoepUed with tba demand ahataaeats and the bridge proper. The
aaNBt too Sioaa and Cheyaanee. fortoeJtUkaya.atarttog down^tain
ig to of earth for the approecbae
for torm
- ^
be doaa by toe city nnder toe di
ABadharpaMaef tolity anted aai
Meanwhile toe totredere foaad rection of toe beard of pnblle works,
•MlaUoaW toe Indiana from Laak. Smith to a cell |od aUenUy opened lira and toe coat of tblp portiin of toe imirya.aad forty
■“ •" on him. Stodnad body waa pleroad
wlU l^bont fit.OOO. The
•her toe hand freta Bdcamaat. a. D. with three ballot bolaa.
toul oMl of toe bridge, therefore wiU
The todtoaa are maktof toward toe
be within a very tatall amount of the
•onto DakoM had laada . Swift Bear
origlonl eettoeata. Mr. Beydan
haa with blai nearly 100 eery dtapwato
preeent nt tha masting Uat sight, and
voanf haaka of toe Sionx trihr. For
ha acnounced that be would begin
-eaka they hare been kllllar •anlUry Bxperu Mnve Breve Veara work Jut ee eeon ae tbo material could
gave todlaerimiaataly to WyoB Bf.
for toe Blooded Atotriet
be placed upon the ground which will
Whoa Bher:fT Desmtof atanod to arprobably be within a very few days.
real thaw and foand toe easp oa Back
He axpeete to have toe brl^ eomptoteaek, tba Indiana, at Swift Baar't AatUn. Trxae. Joly is.—It to the ed to aboet thirty days
onromir* got oat toair gOM and tptoloo of eanltary rxperu toat as epi- Other bidders os the work were OapL
4nred toe eberiffto creaa the ereek, demle of elcknreo-iv eertaln to Mlow Joe Beasvafe of Chsrlevolx sad L. A.
aadw penalty ofatarttog an Xndton the recent dlanatroaa flood. It to
Merrill of toto olty._______
almoet Impoatible for n homan being
Aa toa akarld bad bet tan atea with to live to toe blighted dtotrieu. owing
hlB. be bU to withdraw, and the
toe horrible atanch that riaea from
• |nf«y hooted at btot and flrad toair dead aninalt and vagetotion.
wane to toe air. Tba band then atarted Bight tola atanch to awfel, and a nem Ptotond, Prases and Ohins Save
fer.to* bad laada aa faaiaa toair poaiea. her of white ptontere, who moved their
Ptoeed, Large Orders for
«oaU traral. ateallng on their way tamilice back to their bomee a few
.wytotog poMaaaed by eereial abaep days ago. have been forced
higher grennd. where toe air to free
PblladelphU, Jaly IS —The Baldwib
Tha Indiana totok that troopa are froa polaoB. Tbo negroea are toe only
hee reoelved aa
rallahle to fight them, and ooea who teem to have toe hardihood order for thirteen oontolldatod enginu
net BOW avalli
_ _
adentof late to rwmato to the botioma over night. from toe etote railways of Finland.
iDdapendanoe Km , Jnly It.—The In many locallttoa the eareaaees of Theatmmtoip PoriWn to taking on
hlg gboet danee wbleb to being bald to anlmala. which cover the gronnd. are forty engloM tor Chineu and eutero
toe Otoe rwerraUon to Indian Terri being hnroed
railways and tklriy one will be boilt
‘ tory, eoethwaat of here, to beeoBlng Pioneer phyiiclana of toe etate cite by the beginning of next year. Tec
toe fact toat the former great nvertooeblaeoma ^
vet for toe French etote rellBepreaentaUrae from twelve tribea flowk of the Breroa were followed by way, toe flTsl American ever export'd
are taking part to the danee. which
‘ and toat another to France, are betbg loaded on
haa been going on atoea Monday. Tba plegM of toto kind to imminent nnlam etoamahlp Panenta.,______
danenre, who are naked and palntod. prompt etepe are takes to piece the
have dally toereaaed in anBbeia. The whole regwm in the bml possible tabihave been dianttofied for aone tary ebndltlen.
Mata and an ontbraak to not anlmproV Now toat toe watora have reeeded it Pell Down fh' Oellar Btoire and Broke
aWllty. The agent baa ordarad toe la apparent that the damage te raUBer Arm-Second Time She Haa
nda to eaaM danotog. bat they rafaeed road property was msch greatw than
Safftfed Prom n Pall.
flret esUmated. Many mUaaof road
Mnllea.an old lady of Btot Bay.
Staten troopa to on toa way tbara from bed and traek will have to be rebttllt.
The aggregate lorn to toe ratlroede to fell down toe eellaratoirs at her home
fbrt Qlhnon. 1. T.________
not lest than fS.OOO.OOO, exelnelve of ymterday morning and broke ker right
arm In two places. Two bones were
lose of eamlnga.
broken in ber band and toa arm above
KayAMBtoaV. A.M totbaBlg Bnthe wrtitwueleo broken. It will be
enmpment to Aagaat.
e long time before the will r^ain the
of ber arm on nceonnt of her age
The exeenUra oMBittoa of toa eom- Woman to Ocdar Palla, town, Sics
toa bonaa wiU knit together very
tag 0. A. B. anenmpmant held anotoar
Proa Bffeets of Its BiU.
moating yaaterday and toaagnrated
m Motoae. Iowa. Jnly IS.-Mary A year ago aha fell and brake her hip
farther pinna for tba getbertog of old Vasgkn. a young eroman of Cedar
^ aoldUre. It wm alao daeldad to make Falla, died last night from toa ittog of Mdwaajcti gelUng well from toat
toto a Joint reanloa. it pemible,^t toe nkimlngbog. She w_t bitten on the lejory when the eeeond aeddeat oc0. A. B- and the yoenger eoldlen of Up while sitting OB toe lawn Saterdny | corted yeetordav.
toe Speetoh-Amertoan war. The battal evening. Her face swelled up tmmed-'
ion of the Thlrty-foartb Miehlganvol- lately, and toe awelUng extended to
tmteere, oonaittiog of the eompanlce of her entire body. Phnleinnt oonld do Beportod That Oen. W. L. While wUl
Traveree City. MaetoUe. Big Baptda nothing for her t
Be e Candidate.
and Metbegon. wlU be Invitod to borne ■geny.
Dcirolu .Jnly )».—The News uye
hart aae Joto the veteraaa of toe v-ivU
war. eed a ganerwl ierlutloti will be BVLISZBXVT SATIbS^OBZ. that evideneea of toe candidacy of
White for toe
axieedrdtean eoldlen latotoeectlon
who served to the war with Spain. Saongb Ben are Already Seenred to Bepabltean aomlnaUoa fo? auditor
general have reached here. It to being
,t the idea may
There are It
form Ose BfgiaanL
he earried oat enoocasinUy and if it to Waahlngtoa. O. C.. Jnly IS.—ddje- talked tout it to one of toe planka in
toto will he thelargmt and maatdtotla- taat General CorbU eald today that
gutohed gatoertog of eoldlera ever gath toe enltotmeot of volnstoera waa ea-''
ered ugetoar to toto pait of Miehigaa. tlrely eattotactory and that already
Qasrwrmnster Uaneral White bu toto wees enough men had enitotod
Had Bla Sou Cat and One of Bto
•oUSed Oommander Beberta that 400 organiia one regiment. With the u
Aaklu Broken
teata will ba placed at the dtoposal of number of reerulOag eUtloaa. there O. W. Poet, an employe of toe Oral
toe eommltiee for toe eneampaent. bu been almoet donble toe number of Wood Dtob Go. to laid up with a badly
An etort will be made to lodoee Gen- reguUre enitotod in a wuk. abowlng trjored leg u toe rualt of an accident
•nl WbiU to ececpt aa tovitotloa to that toe volunteer army to popaUr and at toe futory yuterday morniag.
ba present, and toe popular officer who that there are more men anzloBB to wu carrying come rolle of veneering
•quipped toe eoldlera of Miehlgan
enltot u volnotoere
there w«
wbleb be dropped la eomy manner. The
toor^hlyaadao quickly will be a enltot u regulars.
ehnrp edge of one of toe rolls ctroeh
toeleome garni not only to the youagar
him ea toa knM. es ttlng a severe gnto
•nldlera hot to too eld eoldloie who
to toe boM'aad then fall on hli ankle,
taUy sppreeUU toe d'lffieelUea
bruking II. Ba wu immediately ukequipping a Urge body of men for net- Aad Good Bau Bali |Wm Be Pally •BtoDr. BsUlday'aoffim and toe inlesaervlee.'
a won Utonded to. It will be
time bafen toa nafortanato maa.
l toat toe BaaUaie
id npOB a Bohataa- wOl ta able to work.
Xbd^endent Order of AbolMnoe Xa have bun r
Ton eff a Thnaab VaU.
taeorppmud at WaiMw.
Bong toa oatoeM- HnbMt Nortonp. la Mark Crawb
Pnakfort. Ky.. Jnly is.—The moat utioftha national game. Maatotea
•mploy u a driver, met with a rerr
hu toa atrongut team evar support in paiatnl aocidaat yaaterday moralag
wUla •natrap^ag a teak f^oe
bS nnU-diinklng aoelety. Tha Kanmtraaa. Ba wu nalag a battoa
tMky Indapendent Ordv of Abitalnu Tba Baatlnrs are made sp of hook in htoenduvor to looaaa toa
toe of Warsaw. OalUttn oonnty. filed •tnmg players aad toe team wUl give
brtielse of Inoarporatloa hare toto toe Oolto a good hutie In toe gne^ Stepp aad ta aoBe maaam the tool
toarlag off CMofhktoamb
■enlng. It baa w> oapltal etoek, and next Wedaaeday aad Tbnreday. Tba
btoextot (or "l.ooo yeaie. or nnUl ticket hocke are prUted aad will be naQaaad badly tearing tou mem
toe death of toe last member,v toe .ob^ dcUvered to ankuribrnm befora
Hew Day Olach.
MS being *0 “pweta too eanno of gemu toto week. Tba aew aato
O VanAarpooLwhohuNau
In-fi------ U Eeataeky."
he bare to lima te toa fim lag la toe capaelty of day clerk te
Tbe Innarpeeaton of toa aaoeeUtom
Colombia Hotel (or eeveral meatoe. hu
breOeeggi SimpuB. Bdward Winter.:
raMgBodhiapoaltkmnBd hu gou to
BiwardWhlto.badetoen.au of War- The game that wu to have beea Anod aty. Gedkg* UtOafield of Bv
mw. Tbeefltan are kaowb aa the played yeatorday ateraooa bekweea Look. Mieh.. who hu beu n^ u
dWefabstolnmeU a tohtolmy prodeo- Baadah Teririara aad toe Old Mtoatea atet elerii te toe pnat (uv wcoka
team wu declared o« beeaau of the
ble poalttoa u day elark.
huvy eeadlttoa of toe gronads. It to tfcahUafladihtaa
pcobabte, howorarthat toe two toaam
wfllMoettotoeaaar tasara.
Ill tpinaiic FEiBiP.
We are
Closing Out......
henilreds ol pairs
ol shoes at bi{
radonioBS doriae
ear great
CliRR Sweep
Shee Sale.
Wo must Lave onr stock
all clear of broken lota when
our fall aboee arrive. You
can get good ekoe bargaine
'pHB next three weeka are twoally the dullest of
A the year—sort of “between c^ss and hay”—
Jnst to shake np the dry bones/re make a.......... .......
10 per cent, cut
on all picture framing.
lliii will relieve lu of tbe reguUr faU roah-keep our men
buty snd give yob the benefit of rook bottom price*.
In bnr went window are tome frame* we turned out
TMtorday—we priile oonelre* on the krtiqtic oombinntians,
•tyle and workman«hip. Bring down your jneturea and let at
give you aa estimate.
Special Hamnant SaU of Cartaina—from one to fire
of a kind, at 7 to 17c each.
290 Froat StiWt
Balph Connable Jr.. Kanaxer.
Not eld geode.
. i »S
Newetyluoftoee. Beetofwrar.
tJ oiMClean Sweeppriee... .|i so
*'-s--Clean Sweep pricr... in
H’-Clean Swevp priee.... 9t
Light. Dreuy.
fit 00—aean Sweep priee .. ,H.50
at 00 and U so—Clean Sweep
price .............................. : 98
»S 00 aad tt rs-Clean 8wup
• price................................ *00
Yop can now got a very
good pLoe for wLat a common
pair dsnally costa you
Ifew Idea Fashion Sheets
—AncuM luaa-B«w mas i-attanu-Auguat
I atylaa—Now hara—Faahlon Sliaata Fraa—Any Saw
IdM Pattem, 10c.
Foot tfaonaand pattama in stock.
Alfred Y. FreiSricli.
Sa Benda & COa
It PAy> To Tradk Here.
Oar Gaaetalship amoie Clortiiars is so Unmistalabla aad ladispotable Fact,
Tea Tear Cootracts
Made hr Michigan Telephone Oo.
for any elaet of urvlae deelred.
Sabscribars Mar CmcbI
nt end of six moatha or change
to any clam of aervioe at will.
Telephone the manager to call
aad explain new raton adopted by
the companv.
Mlthigaa Talephoaa Co.
Jtlings’ flaTm Cigar
Gate Pos
New Goods
New Ideas-New D^ds
New Thoughts
Have bronght ua to the front in ehort orders
We jost came in time-people were abont to
tire of the old ftahloned, drowey, “If-I-don*!oome-today.I.oome.tomorrow” way of doing
bosineee —Hot only that, bat they had to eend
outeide to get nioe np-to-date clothing, hats and
forntohlnge-Now. atnoe BEHDA baa taken the
lead, everything rune smoothly and the money
etoye at home, for Ohioago or Detroit stores do
not handle a better class ol goods than won can
find here.
To be OMilecBM or MMInil to on Mi temaaBls Is
to 1« “h tto iUit* ibool Ho Uiosl FuMog
Our July and August Offer
le to give f^ of charge every 10th hat, pedr of
panta. shirt, salt of underwear, cap, aox, ana*
pendera, belt, nmbreUa. ooUar, tie, eta
Elegant weather for mackintoehee and ambrellaa—we've got all the good kinds at the low.
eat prloee.
Early faU atylea of Hewland Hata-$1.00,
$2.00 and $8.00. Jost unpacked, English eqaare
ties, new tinbe and polb.
S. Benda & Co.
First Class Nataoa Ci|ar,
Good Sira,
Eicallaat Qaalitii,
I Now TUagniartb Caltlntiag,
1st roar Oealat far Than.
We State
Simple Facts
A. w.Iahraus,
Bho. In th. ol«7 Ite taOO ua eS'X^
Oxtua.; sqpe., BQ. tba *1.00. tiAs.
TpoBBliw Blo<^
$l.B0udVS00. Hnr tin. oTBUppen
Fin bisuraiicG.
Parker Bros.
Or. E X. <>M«f Ifw UotMmi
rkittM Ww«i i» t>* i*ty-
Mn. M. i. IMte wm ter* te
.TftATnraoirr. • lacnoui BorttipRrt
MMarrow wml*C.
wfU 4tecMfl< MM fiuptey
«kM *lM*.
0**. Hwrte* )na rMwtel tro« ft
ffeM. T. Eatm a» J. W. Jtfxnii. trtploCkftrUraU ft»£ ftflrtte-lj foUtft
/, W. Bftxm. lAtwr tmi tUaagtt. Mr. tad MjTft. A. T. WWtefta ui
EU BftU,Tbr*« 0«M!
TM «lt7 of Chtaro baft
IMtaM U not tfaft vhoU tblftf
Ma r*MlBft.1 for tb* HtU« rUIair* of
tIvM Oftkft. EUh.. to h«®iUftt- th*
titr whieb taftCfftM ttftftff
- |M ftfttloB. Cbteco *ftftt«l <«• of
«M ftftftfton Oftptftiftd by Ad«lr»l
p*«r*y ftt MfcftUft »»A *r«7
p*4* to Mcnr* oM of tb* pris«ft la
Mfft* tbftft tb* jMloft* rftc* of Cbtero
w%m tb* wirM Mao«B«*d tb*t UtU*
TbrM Oftk* WM ftWftrMd. oa* of tb*
ns* ftM Cbtero «m Uft Is Ut* lorob.
Tb* Mwapftptn «e*ld not l*i It gc *t
tMt, bowc**r, Bor ooftMftl tb* dteppoElMSt tolV bat BMl T*Bi U*U
baaor *po« la»o*«tt Tbi** OftMTb*
|*Mr 0**ftft prtnMI ft* ftU*C«d l*Mrritw eftlealftUd to fllaf •ftreftfta
■POT tb* •*el«d*d Mlebicu tows B*r*
••«FMtb*fttft M." r*aftrk*d J«Um
W*ldra. ft trftTftllbf aftft wbo aftk**
Tbr** Oftk* ooe* * aoatb to ft*U pro«rte wb*ft b* bftftrd tbft MWft tel
■ifht. -U to «r*r* out wh*»* la *1*
IMy will pvt lb* OTMOT. Tb*r* r*ftlly te't ma la frovt of tb* poAoSo*.
pad U tboy pvt it la frovt of tb* blftckpattb vbop tb* tenaerv wlU OM it M ft
htteblap poftt. tMy alrbt pvt It la
Wftrraa'* *ppU orchard or take It Uto
raram^ BUI yoa*'* eoraftold. wb*r* U
■nOd b* dud vp to *M«* th* twefnl
p»Tfeii of ft •cftrft-erow wbcft oomAot
------ -D.aplto tbft dmmOT«toeftrofteB.tbe:fftet rcmaine that
TMn Oftk* nuiadtbe Itoi* acfttet
•U eoMr*. rnat |aad OBall, and earytod oB tbe pcreiBiBMae. and uy critle^•Mckaoleoar fMpeft. AU hail
TMMOftka. LOTClltetobermftp.hftr
^olle and her abondant Bftrra”
Oood Bbowivy of Export*.
TMAaealiyearoodUy Jva* M tet
Ahow*ftrMotdef*Bb*tontial batlaaet
I* and tb* dyarM of oar exMrtt are mneb better tbas wm <
ftt tb* boylaatoy of U* year.
TbotoUl export* of Ue Hailed
■tote* for U* year w*ra|ll.m.44i.4ts.
•yalaaldl.Stl.Ul.UolaUedMal year
•adlByJaaeM. iMto. Thutoabetur
•bowlny tbaa wm expected- Tber»
fnea yneral belief that Ue hlyb
■taBdardof itM, wlU it* bwey ex
pert* ot yrato. «Mld bM b* malatftlBftd
bat U* ftxporto of UU daoU year are
■Ply d4.vS8.M!i below UoM of 1898.and
•r*dlT8.0oo.oM Uryer Um any ^ee*d{■y year exeept 1*98.
Thai* WM ft redaetlOT U wbaat expertft. bat Uto waa more Uaa o8a*t by
IM laoreaaed *xparu of Boar.
PHt abroad U tbe dnl year eadUy
Jan* 10. a.ooo.000 barrel* amr* ot B
teatb* proceduy year. The haary
OTporto of oom tet y«ar were rory nwarayiay to farmer*, ft wa* aaderftoed at tbe time Uat Ue ebortaye la
otkftr yralnt aoeovnied for Ue extraor
Alaary demand for Ara. Tk* exporu
lertbto decal year *bow a UlllaycfT ,f
^Mriy 14,000.000 baU*U
Tb* areray*. price per bnabel of
Wbwt expoTMd In Ue dMsal year iivs
wm M to owta. Tb* araraye U Ue
iaOTl yaar ia*t *ad*d wm 74 n e*nu
tb* deereftM U the exporu ot
WM e»a«ed by dreamataaoe* wholly
OTtoid* U* fUld of war. |te Imporu
at tb* Uitdaeal year amOTated to
iWl.07T.U8. an iasTOTM of dll.ooo.ow
■rvUalmportoofU* prvrtoM dwml
ftm- Tb* yrOTtor pan of Uto laeiM**
Mft ban wlthU U* tet lew awatM.
Owix* to tb* ftbftenoe of Beeratary
Alyer. Oeaeml EUm wUl bold tb*
pnltioa of aeUay eeeretary of war
til Monday. Btre wonld be a yraad
' appcrtualvy for U* yeaeral to work U
iB BOB* of bto ehariabed taforma, bat
IMr* wUl aot b* Ume Moayta before
MaBaarataryrataraetobtopOTt. Tbto
I* aaeUar cablMtiM of U* irony of
Eta wbleb bM made BlybtaarM of Ue
ArOTMOf the eemmaader of U* army.
AftOffhMT of Cblcftt* kft«* r»
MM to ftpite tb*
MM Aftftft ftftd Oltejftd UiteftU
Mr* nunml to tftl. tHy ftftM ftttedtef tM C. E «9«rMtte U DMrdt.
W. r. K^M- hft* ntarsM (roa i
trip (a MslMn MiftblfftB.
MM L«m Orouer o( Klnn^7*p«a<
tb* 4fty ta tow* ycsUrday.
;iddof Oop**y to la
BcbeOTft Kidd
tk**ltytb* ft«c*t of tbe fftaily of
Newtw FrftftkUv.
Mn- Bftvoftb NoyaftbftftKOoetoLoar
Lak* ftfter vtolUaf bcr^atoee, Mr*.
Mftrii CMw of ttato city.
Mr. tad Mr*. W. WoroMtar of ChiOTgo ftr* *wpplac ftt tbe »ark PUot
B. A. Tr*ftdw*y aad C.ally of Graad
Bft^ bfteft too* to Se-ftb.tft-wvaU.
where they bar* a eotuye.
C. L. Byder of the UeUaft* hotel.
day froa Graad
Rapid*, where b* t
Mr. aad Hn. /■ P- WfalU ftvd Mrv.
L. Stftatoy of Maple City. »r* U th*
vltyatundUy tb* Prto^ qaarteriy
aM Tb*b«tte«Mtb*doak ftt, KOnjIOXXUX w anSBE
• o-teak with tb* Boy'vBfta4OTbOT(«l
n* boat will fttOT orvr Cr* bear* at Bor* ■booM M Oartel •* «pat* «M
- »M* VT*t»«te kp X. .V '
tbM ftUowlar ptetp «t
tM* (er ft trip vro*ad tMt pUe*.
TMn fti* May boy* la tb* elty wbo
O.T. W=Ui
aftke ft rMftte prftctte of ftbootiac
ar*«d ft lot *{ b
bMv. wbo arm pvrMM Mt OTwaic
Svttow Sty yc*urd*y. oa tb*
tMtltMft paalftbftbl* olfeaM to kiU
rnlvaVaftPd rxa««t* tp
i>kd tMt'acap M-dt. To tboM -ho ftr* aot
1 po.wd vpM tb* tow tv tb« rarvtd H
pt»e» bi* f*t*r* boat*.
Tbe rB»«t« of T^Trr** B*t W** *i» -ni be ud latarMt to kaow wb*t tbe
r*av«n*a i« b* pmaat *t tb* raarate Uw prorida* la refard to tb* kUlfap of
f«ri*w toaonow *T*alaf. m tb«r* it •topincblrdft ItbMOOMto tb* ootto* of D*pv9 G*m» fTftfdOT CMw tbtt
oertftla boy* bar* b*OT la tM habit of
kUUac bird* t^vi proweted by Uw vad
OTtiOT tonorrow akrbt *t 7:M ttaarp.:: torth*bftft«Btor tbon tb* foUowlry
eatraet troa tb* pva* Uw* «iu prawe
Or-tp* Blv* of »b* foraltar* d*p*rt.
iDfTt of tb* MeroftvUl* Oa. toft toat
etoht to ftttrvd tb* rroftt faraltar* **_______
klllftByrpe iiioa Iv Orftvit B«p't». **d to aak*
• bftwk. whippoorwill, dveb,
the tor*«*t oor'hftM for toll ft*d bntiI- lark, awallow, yellow bird, bloi
. AT
W. are ■elliiig .ome nice
Lawn &ttees
for tl.95 to red and $;re«n.
We bare a Urge line of
wreb bad Lasa Rockera,
^Uee*; Haminook Cbaini,
in moat all colotd and stj*
ng at
In, and tbe; are going
reT7 little prioee at tbia
big sale.
tbftt ivaGtvtloo.
! bird, or Ab ttCB«*U of'aa'ch' bird.'
Mftieoa WloB<* to bar'er • eearat »ba!l bepaUty of a atodearaoor. as'’
walk told la boat of bta iaftia«ao* oa ou
ot ooavtcuiia
oaovletlOT .Berooi.
tbe^. naaii
.ball oe
be deed
flre.dolUiv lor eaeb Wrd ao killed, a
Bute itree*.
for eaeb Beat *o tabbed, or oocfioed
ifioed Ir
Tb* D'trdt Ptm Pt*a
tbe cojinly jail f^ tea dayi. i both
enfftreaenl of Mtol Var{,£ aveb
>• aad it. ,
u m tb*edU
■M-r'l of D*i«Ht.to. Prof. C. B. Boat, cretlOT of tbe eoort.
tbe TioUotot of Tr«een* City. Mto*
B dwell to tbedftvtbterof W. a Bidftxuo Dr. D. It Cftrrile, of
w«'l, of Mftrey*tf**l. Detroit, ftad to
W**biU. 1.
I. T. He write*; -Fovr botprr>aloevt in aMleal drcle*. beivy a tU* of Eleetric
Etetric Bitm bsa corOT Mra
tfttonUd aoprua
Brewer of *erufQla. whlcb
J. W. Slater, House Furnisher
Stioire—120 FxxjXL-tBt.
ble *®m wovl^to^ ovt on bo-'^b^ •
tbft yvaatbf bar bfotbar, Beary Snltb.
There are. bowerer, a tow buodre*
1U.1.U. 1.1. lor
not.* tbe brawny. b~n«< t..,o.*d
bit bom* yeetorday ftftor apeadlaf a yoon* ^
men hneiw
badly kiMn*
ktariny their
tbelr womea
abort Urn* U tb* vlty.
,b<J tellln*. for U.r tbonaandth
MM Uaa FlafE to belplay U tb* ‘
faroona day.
, that Keetrie Bitterv to Ue
?e’bMr*blLj I
•oprcvM rcm- '
‘«tM ”*?!:'rbevm
;j rTi._
Blin. .bouTSd rnn^y
| *UmnUt«a Uw, kidney*
cldney* and bowel*!
polaona. help* dlyMtloo. bvild*
*. sutor-. h.»- I^Uh. I
3. W. BUtcr and *oa went to Graad
Bapkto yeatarday moralay for a weak*'
rtoU at tb* faraltar* cxpoaiUoa.
MM Jaaate Gore of Lftlayetu. lad..
and Mm Orao* Darrah of Bly Bapld*.
tb* roeato of their eovaU. Mr* T.
O Qaaton.
Fraae Pw"VI« MUUr of FUat to tb*
iMBily of Arebta
yvaat of lb*
L. F. P*rlMU wUl toftOT lor <%toftf*
T T T¥ F
X T T~\
dT'14 T
a. .m r.
ire of a cfipplr tlian a flghtrr wbea ,*Btoed )
abr wt tbe pace for the conntry-<l*nta
Ip Manila bay. ‘Ougbl to hero been Pall *8t to $6 casta
In dock.” aay* grimy John Bothwcll.
gunuer’B mate. ••Utlf the time w*
boiler* wonldnt
bond and aend n* *11 i« ibe rioud* fall 8rt to 96 east*
by • new route. Baninp her t>oller*.
That price will bay at tbe Fvbom :
pood « thlp ■■ there 1* ■float.'*
half dezaa SUrariaa kalvea aad
Of Admiral I)i-we.r*« qnailfleaMnua
many forka.
for the prealdeo^ the aatloria rqilnh-a
a* repreaented hy Jature Dalton, flint.
gnnner. leaning In pegtlgcDt
AU details A>f the profession looked after in a pro*
fessional manner.
. I lo. SIS OiMi Stitel
. .
I dectmyer. are fall of tenw fori'e.
■oaUweat to look up trait i^pect*
ttaiion. “ to
aad will #0 a* f*»^
far M R*8*M
RaaaM CUy.
I! At to be hemperor of the world. There
Alderman O. W. Mrdi* will left** | ain't oolhlnit that that man rvn'i do If
tomorrow for Cbtoftfo ot baaU*** U | be trie*. But we don't think tbe ad.
tniral wootd Ik- a auoceiw ai a |>n>ati
naak Weltov, eashtor of tk* Ftoat dent. Too *e*. he'd b**r ao uae
NfttioDftl Bank, latvratd ye*tard»y fbe ylad-Uacd tbaketn. The penial
.............. -.-..Itnan ain't mnrb In hto IitM>. Seel Bat
tram Port Barnp. where ba attaaded
, be'* a Bailor if erer there llred on*
Ue meetUg <f tbe Slat* Baakar*’ yi>t. And how be doe« lor.- a flpbtl
f •RsSt
------, „ Why. when Jie wa* poiDR lolo anion
Mr. vvdMn. J. B. Buhop vad M (_, ,,, on ,br Olympia then, but
Bl*bopofCtodUte.winoe in Ue elty tmiu.fem-.l-Myf b* to tw. any. be.
to attend tbe fvneial ot tbe Uto B. B , 'Boy*.' uy* lie. *we're yolnc «> hare v
.. C.
„ B
Plaaen and________
wife aad Jndye
A. Bom. wife and family of KaaSM.
rluf ftyaU- I‘'«»
time, bat well gel there
^i‘afJr“‘:2n5iM i^^J^da^'^t
gold lace or ruffle* ahnnt IL either.”
U* Bolal ColambU.
Prof. C. E Horniretnnud tet Blyht| ^r. Terence Mntphy. foreman of tbe
framDatroU, and will rMame rtoillB eccood aectlon. “Why. I»r0 lore y.-a.
iaatraetloa la Ue School cf Hnale *o the day that wo did np Montojo'a
, Boot he wulkvd ap and down the
K. L. Johnaoa cf Mapletra wm U , bridge of the t)lympla with a nray
- i-llke jon're wearing now-end
Ue city yMterday.
Job. I.
ol OH UlHkm
<■''b.m Ib-r. 1.1, ,.1.
... 1. 0.wb,«.nU,.
next Saaday.
i a* if be wae riltlng in the porc^f hi.
Sam Slone left Ue mty yeaterday own houae at Itome tin a auiuDier’e
lor MaatoUqaa
| ereiiliig. It wa* beantlful to ih><- him.
B. Bim«, Bwt Wlaaie and Ed. I There he trmalDed the whole time.
--------------- --------------- - . ..pp ,r
Gilbert wUl iMT* early Uto moralng Siring unlen. here and ib. iv. taking
for Baa* Uk* toerjiy adayb Bahiay. eeer^-thlng with tbnne c
look Jhrongh
, .
Mia. AaaUa Broderick aad atour of !
Graad Rapid* are U Ue c^y TtollUy.
^ raw'-tMiey. alnewy gentle.
WlU Mra BartUtl of WaabUyto^
h»Me*t Jaw erer eeen
on land or
of pototoea and viewed lN«ef To remark
« i-rnTb-Tb'.
enyayW. to appear at Btetoberya
Graad Mit TMeday erMiay. ar* or*
of ue most Mlcbtaud eoeoert oryan*
toatloai DOW bafor* Ue pablU “Tbe
Black Melba"beadB tbe company aad to
a ■optaao alager of dtoUnyatobed
merit. The company carry a tpIandU
crebealra and t'tey bare an catabltobed
ilay orar SO yaara,and
bare appaarad pariodlnaUy U Great
BrltUa. Cftaada aad Ue DnlUd 8Ute
Itoketa ar* a*w a maim dt U* bu
Oa* of Ue faanieet ot negro otUt*
t to a Ic^ time wUl
tbe ylraa in Ue Ofty Opera loaa* Mon
day aiybt by Dara Ptekteb Elay Play
«r*of Dili* aad ynat cake walkwe.
Dare PicMt to oae of U* atoal etleaad M baa
blmaolf WlU a tatejM
Tb*y bara bean ^ay*
an aadtoacm aad racririay
Oa aeeoaatof Ue rapalrt U
la U* CoayrayatloaalUbareb the
TheUrMaxenratouOTtbeC A W.
ortol aerrieea of TraraiM City Tmt,
M. today premtoa U b* nry wcU at.
' go. ri. R. O. T. M.. -will be datonrad
teadad on* of tbam gotoy to Bay View
MtU aaxt Baaday. Jvly u.
CM to MnkacOT aad tb* oUar u
1 * "W* Mr* eold Biaay diSwaat eoayh Graad Raplda BoU tzalae ten at 7
rawedtoft, bet aoa* bM ylren belter
...Uefan to Onad Rapid* aad
' ' uoa Uaa CbamberUU'*'' aay*
keyoa briny dt aad to Bay Vtow
M BoUba'aca Drvyrtot.
A laiy* aambar ot ticket* ban be«8
Mid for tba«XOTralOT today to Oharlcnto OT th* Btaamm^ Oolambla to beyie« aad«r tb* anaptoa* of, U* C M. B.
tb* Wimor. 10 E aM If th* w«aUm to tanrable oae
|at tba torgmt erawda cf Ua botbot will
your«eIf."-lH-*lle'a Weekly.
0*a>d**l DaOenUBO It.
‘Tdnther.'' teld Ur. Sprlggint. *• bt
Irciired Icto the .rorklr^t-i hair
puU.d a letter from hli pocket. *T've
got tutnelhln' I want to n*i yoa."
•T.ar.d aaktr Sllat." the old lady ex
claimed. "they ain't nothin' happened
•to John, are theyr
Ur. ftprTggiu wiped hi* •pectaeleaaad
"Well. I dunno ae yon eonid call li
harpenlrt* to 'Im. hut it'* blame auccr.
that * all I gnt to aay.‘
Ttenjie tlowly lemm-ed the totter
from It* eox-elupe and carefully ncfold*
*d It. but hi* wife, who bad become rl*Ibly ImpatienL t.-ok the *ht*t from hi*
hand* and ra«t a haiiy glvnce over It. !
tc make sure that John bad not died.
' "Well." ahe aalA banding th* letter
back. "I don't »ee anything la there to
make a tu*a about.*'
"John aaya bc'a coming home next
week, don't heT' the old mao demand
ed. "and they ain't a word in hi* letter
about him wantin' me tqaend owmey tb
pay hla way back, and t* don't aay he'*
w.goin' to bring three or four of hi* college frieed* along down to apend thetr
YBcaUoB hare and aat tf worth of grub
n day, totber!*'
It’s Passing Strangs
That so many of . the merchants complain of
“July the dull month,” “July usnally the dullest month
o' the year’s “Just to keep busy this dull month."—
We hare no huefa thing as "dull month" in pur vocab
ulary—we‘re bus/ all the time—we are the veritable ,
*'bee hive of industry" of Northern Michigan.
We don’t-offer “special bargains for this month
only." We are giving you bargains every day of the
year. Our goods are bought by those wbo have
studied the markets for years, and wbo always an
ticipate the fluctuations, tlws saving you many dol
lars when our prices are compared^witb others.
Each department has received enormous ad
ditions during this so-called “dull month." filling
. them wjtb the best bought stock of merchandise un
der due roof outside of Grand Rapids or Detroit.
This is a statement fully borne out by a lookthrongh
our mammoth establishment.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Hahilto.'* '‘lotbik
rnri divtai. wobk.
Th*U*ed Alrw
V: ■i'
f I ■
TMI KORMOro B»OOap 8PHOAT, JOLT 16. 1686.
M<r f lii Muatifc
i Sl«.U Mem»
,. . . - _ .
0^ Stv\ert6\. ^1
SipwwwiVaiamw^ w
mmrj J. SaUar.wheat daaik ooearari
•t Maaloa raaatlj. •»« »i jmk of
ar*- TWomaJ4ff«TBi
ofiba t'aUad Btataa vhaa Mr Sollrr
•aa bora ia Oiwagooraaip. Saw Y^ak
WUk 1
Bo« a buiii ^ran
mU a M«p>«
rallrad tlckau (• tba
t>a*laoraqiM«mil*.«>iD«l,of emw
rairM U«i SatnnUr ai a Wading
Aioong U.e gsnu of tbr W
waa a waalibf Trxaa BM^ltani wb«
vaa fB tovie. wttb bla vlfe. for a ridi
to Xev KDglacd. Tba Teua bad a lo
in tba
CKxrmcH nsFioxi tosat.
•acts (BptaoopAL) tamcB.
iwt of V. V. Baball
by Larra Otowd.
. Tbacioaoart irtraa by tba W. W. Blm
HBBd BoardjbaUOo iB tbair .:aw aiorala tba IfarkI haaa bloA- laat aaaBiar auiactad a
e at »;«e a. m.
Aaaday School at 1»
agar, azartad hjiMalf to make It plra
Vaapar aarrioe at,«:lft p- ■
ant fcr bU gnaata and tl-a raanlt waa a
AU ara eortlaUy taaitod to tl
ebarmiac anraaa Tba Boya' Baod
MV or wa worui cbaafo maf tiataa ia,rn. wbo tram eapaaUUr aiutloga
•u*.j.a.«raar. aamor.
(raprodooad from tba Grand grapboSMday-Praclitag at 10:10 a. m.. »••>«»• »*^er tba direction of Prof. J
.n.:7:»0pB. C aaa Biaating at B:W a ^
Martangba fall orebaatra
m. Satday achool at tba eloM of mxB-^^botad a pleaaaat psrtlon of
{the program. Dr.J.A.SByderraedarJobo A. Braot of LaaGag wUl an I *^ * **‘‘"^
*bU too. waa rapro.
tbe palpit both moTBingand erening.
Sicfftna played aereral
Epwortfc Detgna at 6:14 o. «.
' •*:*ct«oni oa the Sne eocaiion which la
rbotaday-Oeneral prayer maetiag •
be olaeed in Graee ehnreb. and the
at 7ao p. m.
; P>r«M prorad that ttie ehnreb ia to
All ara oordla’ly iarlted.
ibaaeapriiatt.be appreciated.
rmiarua CHvatm.
! Alberta readerad «a»tal barp aalaeEaa. Baretay Jonca. Paaior.
**«“ bf r qaeau It waa a aery eaterSnnday echool at #:4S.
talning conoert aad a fluing opening
Preaching. 11:00a.m.
‘be laqreet and g^oat ettspleta
Y. P. S C.E.. 6:l*p, m.
[mnaleatora In dortbera Michigaa. Mr.
Prayer atacuag Wadneaday aaaaing!
pwaented the alaltora aHib
jprcfywniaecilralotbeabape of deeoEca. J. 0. Biaford ot Kolgbtttown, |
lod , General Snp’t of EaaagalUUc
work tor Indiana aad Mlebigaa will ba
•1 raeken' the moat excitin' race I
prraaat and preach la tbaia aerricaa
Bca. J. W. Vlnaaga and Bee. Bow- aaar aec." tdwerved ibe man with the
aH MooiT. from Manton, will aaaiat in faded hatr. after an Intrraal of alienee
I Tba aotlHior waa abown op. tvrrlr«-d tba maetliiga
At Bpabafoa, WllUam B. Barsatt, a’
conUally. and glrati an Inimedioozoaxeanosai,
blaekamltb. waa aaaaaliad by a footpad
onh-r for tbrongb tranaportallon da*. O. OackUa. aaaier.
thing elae Ip (be rarroM that would
laat Sunday algbt aad la ttlll oneDB«aya Hr drioriFd. cbarkllug
Tbara will be no aaraicM at tba Con make a hot |re. The Prairte Rose waa
the name of one boat and the lUnne«regatiooaI chareb tomorr'
ot U,
count of tba bnllding ttodergolng re-1
«>«*'er. hot .verrB.„ bui,
knowed It waa a race between bwMB .k)Bl lb. ehwl Md h. WM, f P "n>un«p. pp,| -■ihpophifuln,*.;- a'd pair* and rraoaatloo. Seralcea aa asaal
fur the raasMi that thryd
paraatlyabokad. Be bad |40 walob U hour or an Utrr the kx-al m>r«^i>tatlrF tba following Snaday.
onre. I «ai
^ druiiim] arvunil and wa> uri liy bla
rinar nAPnar
. the Rore. and we waa chlhnln*
At Maniataa. Hra. Soonabaad of
“> *br lobby. The irr«tinr Bee. W T WouCaosBC. Pa>t»
I rBatcettra oa the Belle. It wa:
; tiKira’D forty feet away, and the beat
Moraibs icralca at lo:l0 a. m.
that got around the Big Bend Ar*t wa
Sunday School 11:00 n.
I fcoi-wed would win the rwre----Yonng Beopla's maeGng 0:|.t p. a.
br bad wadr a
• Which got there fl.air- asked
Baenlng aaraiqa at T:tu
ti» tire
Mr. and Mra. Unaarr, batb agad M. i bad bivak.
>e engli
AU ara eordlally uaited to tbOM aar_
tlere i
. ______
____ _
' . «o tbo dFjiot. and lurldrnlaUy
of tbalr marrlace a t Delta Uaada.
fat ed hair. "Or parts eg him
_ .
thing waa aald alwut ibe route. "Wa
bllar exploded."
Taa |-yaarK>M non of WlilUm Hitler- \ <W< id,.d to go tbia way on a.t-ount of
Church on comer of Hlntb and Wad»Aaar. of MaBomlnaa. fell from tba aae- *br gentleman wbo <«lb-d to m-11 na
eod atery ipiadow aad fraetarsd biah*''b'-t*-” nplatned the lady. ‘■Hr wat worth straw.
Sundaa aatalesa aa follows:
talls nf II
akaU. BUrnooaeryiadoabtfal.
.» nourtrona and pWaaanl. Wby. wonyi
Preaching at 10:13 a. m.
kldraplng of fbe Clark child,
1. which
Oaorga Leonard. IT yaan of an a'
Sunday tebool atliilo
parrr.U dlKuatrd frequently
Preaching at 7:lo
.* -r M ' *'"**' •*“
Of «be breathleM I
Mid-week prayer
, tereei of their f-yeer-dbl son. T
Ba waa a partictpaat ia tbra wara— fnaka ibaro; of bit prinHpaJ aa pttaa^ Blaok Bawk, tba airngg.* wtUi au aa pOMlU*. Anvrdlnglr b« roabt-d
If adao and tba elvU «rar.
a flortot'a aa auua aa ba
'samn on tba raglinFr and «rdan-d hlxn
At WilliaBBtoo Bo7 Cobeiraa. agad
to pot D|i tba haodMitoact buocb of
7 Taan. •a^foollair vUb a Uwa mota- roan ba bad
la tba ab»p and a«-nd <t
«r aad aaddaply dlaeoaarod tbatooaof
i-r to
Blank ai;aiKb-aod-an<b
Ua lacara «aa Bbalag. Ba bpotad
aroaad la tbagraaa aatll ba foond tba
bii burr; b«- fot*M to Invc
mUalag BatBbar.Md iban hnaUad to
iiK-t<aiir>-. atwi. aninmatiia It
a doctor wboaa»ad Hob. Tba floMr
Inimilouallr. ibr florUt
W hnllrr
prurt^lnl t« i>r>qv>t^ ■ maanlBivm
^ _ . , „
trbb-b br <U>|iai<'bF<l fortbAt BatUa Grab Bazct Parka potUBd with t>; mmw-Dger. It a» ban|iun<4. af
faaoUaa oa tba wood in tba cookatora 'br tnoiuFai ibr fluwm arrlrrd. that a
Ff4,daj aftanooB aad tonebad a match
twaawjK>-r aollriior for ona of tba
toll. A flamab«ratfroiB tbaatoraaBd '»«'*'-l«niDd ma.Ja I>ad Jual bamW
Um nMllna CBB aaplodad. The »trl
«... "—-TT
Tanib-maL# aparintauta, and qalta uat„
urallj- tba i«aiaU.ard and tba r««aa
na Cbleago A WMt knablfaa dapot want op' togaibar. Tba rialior wai
at Baptd Cft; waa ferokaa lato early both aatooUliad and plaaaad. 'Tbi* U
Friday moraiBf and aora alotbiag aaa c^olnl; a prlnn-l} way of aollHilng
—'•-—•alnMnl tba
a marrbant.
aboaalakao. Tba awaay dnwar aad
•afa ware opantd bat so TaloabUa
Pbresti aappoaod ba waa camping, and i A fl<.rtafa bl» ro^»12.73.-NVw Orii-ana
bpaae. Motrsceettala cBobe ftted j
In thf
Bsdbsm wbk a Tsugeemea.
i rook
wa* icrding avtr
A company of wandering cemedtana '
goldnth va
Oaaa Warden Mora eaye ftaomble j tluab-a-l.y. lail.y. eo.l l.Bt-.- all to >110: have t^n acting at Prwmyal a play | ^
reports bare been reeelaed of tba In-t That you're well married, mamma wgt
lie followed with
•reeaa of quail, partridga. and daer, .
:*'*d «>»0* Inm tbt place
lion of tba drama tha
• and with lbs patrol now aatablUhed 1
iben In pearv. for luy l»by girl, vpeclalor* waljed for "Mrnry" and j
boom to ba
ha aWa
wM. to proteoi
■ >«»*•
"f •Eurrhary ns they left the theater
tba warden bopea
and cudgeled the two miscreants. The
tbrm until the open aeaaon.
pearls and diamonds for boeoni two artist* who bad ru*tain»d the the hoti*e. termming frar.tirally. i am
Eaa; Jordan baa navar enjoyed ane'->
part* ir1 (he Uhlan and the forg.r werv ratnlp(-<V" aad It !o..k his mothir
rorduci.d bark to their iodgtnga In a •nmr lime to persuade Wm that h« wa*
BbMmaaatpreaantezUU. TbemllU An lucome from pajm of a mimon
pHIco:.siitr by the polUv.
I will out more Inm'ter than aver before.
all lines of bualncaa are In a proaperona <bU tbese shall lx- youm, without
coadltloa. and not a aaaa wbo wanu I
work la Idle. Every bouse and room
wWle mamma
lookk out.
to tba village U oe
leu. aad tbere U
B demand for doxeoa of new boaam.
■aw opera bonaa u large aa any in
Stui.lK-'Tiinfs rimugr. It haaii't
InfU a wrrk sino- Briggs WAS arunud
■ortbem Mlebigaa baa juit been
b<-|i' Ihn-atffiliig to s.-hil that pugllplated.
soil Ilf Ills to a ri-fonnaiory. To*
BeereUry of Sute StCBma U prepar
day bi 'a an.nn.^* •l••l•larll■g ibo aamr
ing lo pnth lutcraainlalmaof Michigan boy U a P'wvLBgaintt Uta ganarBl goveramatiU
lVun--\V.H. that's Just wliat I'd
amonnUng to about WOO.OCS), -No In rail liiui: a
terval wu allowed for tialma paid the
Ptu».u--But wby-r
IVnn-''lh-<Auai- yon mn gvtivrally
•UtifromUmeof tbelr allowanoe to
ibaAlme of tbelr paymvnl.
He aaya Sod blm In ihi- ring.*'
other sUtee have pntbad each elalm«
toakBooaufol Issue.
Jobs Saleml. an Italian fruit ii'r
•bant of Hudson baa mystertoualy di*
BegisDiDg SatordAy, July 15. and for the remainBevaared. Ba left before the Foartb
d«r of thlA month we will make tho hi^nt cot on
to visit trleeda in Owoaao. intending to
hi^h gmdo shoes ever nttemptod in this part of the
ntnre in two or three day*, but la atll!
Bbaent. Ba laft Ms bealnaaa. wbieb U
oauntry. Of course, we have the advanta^ on the
wary proaperoBa. la tba eare of bu
present stock that other dealers have not—We bought
broihar. Tba Wotfaar has haard noththe ffoode at 50c on the dollar of manafaoturer'a o< at,
lag from tba young man and f mra that
ba baa met with foul plav.
and have had a remarkable sale at the low prices we
rdore Fvnkar <f Kj _______ _
have been making, bat those low prices will be cut, ao
AUratthai wblla tying nalea^'bU
they even won’t be reooffnired.
hammock tba other aveolag be was
We have abont four thouean'd doUara. worth left
BTOBaed by a sharp aad aevere aUag
Bear Ibe eomar of bla
old Btoch, and lots of new goods bonght daring
mtb on the
lower Up. BU lip soou twellad
the past month.
BlarmlDg proponloBa and aUll give*
Everything getm in this sale—the fiseet np-to-date
blm mueb pain, aa though aoma atrong
acid bad bora lejaetnd Into the wound.
ahoes for ladies’ and gentleman aad the boy’s and
lluvxpirtsd I’m 11.
TUt U tba Afst koowa iaataae* of lbs
together with more ancient shoes. 1 he bargain
"Fbope you are getting godd rvaull*
hlmlag bug gatilng lo lU worii in K»ltables are full of those and the prices unheard ot
■from the gymimMIr ux.-rri*,. t rwx.m.
mfuded.* aid 'Mr. Itirer'a mvdlcat
800 pairs ▲. J. Johnson dt 0o*a ladlaa’ fine hand
Tba magnlfloeal Baakey block at advUar.
Fetoakay barely eqeaped daetracUoB by
tamed kid shoes, were $3 00. 63.60,64 00 and $4 50, in
"tVeU. I'm not.- rviUlvd Mr. meer.
ire Thuraday sight. The Soon are -'TTiey bavr ruined a good coal for
opera and oommon senee lasts, all go at6l 48. They
aaad by J. H. MUor A Oa. tba bouse
are worth that for a day's ontlng.
tBTBlibm. Lms. ts.ooo aweb; gt.kOO
■•nWo'l yoo'ukv your root oirr
"CcHalnly. but Ibe exerclae baa en«B building, aad Stw on tba books and
Wen% fine hand welt box oalf, vlei Ud, willow
aad apparatoa of tba Pato^ Sormal Urged my abonkOen so I can't wear
celt taa aad black. Ixwk at them and ,gat the prioee
It any mora Coat waa as gouO ua
•ebool aojainlng.
new. toor
we are mahittg—they will surprise you.
The Greatest Of All
The marrel is that kid eo 6nc and soft can be so
tough and durable and wet-proof. Robert H. Foerderer alone ha. the-.ecret of A’ici Kid. and of Vici
Dressing and Vici Polish.
During the wwk we are teaching at the store
the right way to dress shoes, and giring raluable
hints as to the care of them. Those who learn the
lesson We teach get greater satisfaction and double
wear from their shoes.
Don't forget DOLLS' DAY, Satnrday, July 27.
Filled With Bargains
Men’s Suits
Boy’s Suits
Goods From 25
to 50 Per Cent. Discount.
Clearing Shoe Sale! Haiilton’J Clfltliing Co.
■n. Bbeaatar Barrla of Ualtaa
tblnka aba baa baUar luck than, some
Ooe year ago wkiie away from
boms aba bad a aat of dlsbm atolaa.
Ust Tusaday meralag tba dUbaa «___
back and ware on tba porch when tha
SponUMoasoombaatian cauaad tba
baraing of Fred t‘oucd'a barn la MaraaUaa A large qaaaUty of h^y. far*>tag ntooBlla. two bonan, eew and
A Wnj Ost.
Irate Cn*tomer--Sev here, young
man. 1 Umght OiU tiair tonic from yog
and R U abaolately woriblem.Cierk-'tVp can't help that, alr.Irotc <ru«ionH-r--«ui yon guaran
teed fwch bottler
Ch-rt-“Exactly, air. but .we didn't
guarantee the tunic."
“1 come to stei-l." said Ibe buoMr0* rat.
''lieeaed to wdcooic you.- replied
the matter-cf-fati steH trap, as it
cprang to embrace the new comer.
The Kt. lAiul* MaB-~You’B admK
.arrfty baa plewy of Tmab* nbont ttr
Everything In the store is s bargain.
It ia the quantity we sell that makes our profits.
We advertise nothing thst we cannot back np. We
want yottr trade and will get Itlf teir and square deal*
Ing counts.
The goods are right—the prioee muet be.
We are the S Savers on Shoes!
808 Front Street
Fresh Goods—Attractive Packages.
li*! Front Street
, 3Dm3.^^±st:
Where Is
The Markham Block? .
—It 18 located in the busiest part of Traverse City— J“
on Front street—between the stores of^J. A. Monta*
gne and A. A. McCoy ^^Son.
Aad in the Markham Block is located the
Headqnartcrs of The W. W. Kimball Go* i
The piano that is used by more families in this
vicinity than any other piano made.
This is the largest music store in ^orthwesteni £,
Michigan and the finest display of pianos and organs is here.
Also a full line of small musical instruments, musicial merchandise and popular sheet music.
Markham Block
N. £. Strong, Mao ager
1 ^
■ :•
l-n.'- >
xm nQ^roro mc^bp^ subiiat. roi<T le. law.
THt -wiOKtw.
! ARE YOU BUSY OR IDLE ? I "’“f" * ”P'° ”
As IrM tv7 (Mmad th»
waT*artnto« at Umrrirk a
I ■atbaOi Ata Pf U PI.
Baar Ateinl MiUt ^ P»' •■Mr- ttir. At tmclk. BtlwJy r»a»p«rfll7l >V
«*tM4aaMV«< Uatwrity of lucki iMHr tm-ralaritr ol rtrp. tW
*ot: “Hah: JUt rnow «»« b^.
ly MdMM at hfa w—T kpM, fti bawM
all of J-MU aart Wok at
l< » •
•Mdfwka poisi. OB Ua Boaod aaot to.- Utir ro'ra lu^a’. In'l ur'
ita hoow for bia biwakfaaX 00»
Tko BAflalnl c»ve »,
of bartna it tw^
•hatebofbMUIa fro- bta
‘ iS im,„ b, tbi a”'«*3S
whac B bop, »o4 ^eka pBrtiCBUrtp< uitrrlr. Tat:,
•OebB of Corrarob flora
uK.V»-I Ub kaSJ ho* it 4. t« br
blpoM.” fat: -All- pbai an- jr min
**T* ‘“'ulr TlSda“oSi^ !
»iri.c.Hli.aib.tb.JUd on 11«
rt HferS" ““ siS
«ka papor ad4a. a slabop caaiod bln ^ a|Kiw.^<>«'<|Tar bad airao ^idrnw to
•pot Of tka coaerTfoeaFoar boaba cspiodad to dlffaroot
parta of Baroalooa Tkatadap «oratoff.
JfoaarlooadaBafawaa dona, bot U»
MoHoMot waa MtoMO. ThoBBtbBtiof
Iba OBtnffoa an ukbowB.
mm Harp B WUklB* U fotoff to
Svrapa tbU aamMor—pMalp to alait la
BaotUadBueb plaaaa aa Tbraina aod
l>ruBloebtp, In wbtcb aba La partiealarlp iataroatod. bar Uklnff for tha
kooka of Barrio and-Ian Maelaron baiof acBU.
■Tka aiaamtf AUlanea arrirod at Be•tUe Krtdap aonil^ff from Bt. MIebaala
Alaaka. with adriaaa from tba nawlp. diaooraiod cold flalda of CApa Somr.
Color* ware toand alotnt ararpwbara
. ckronffbOBt Ua aoM, wbiab te is -sUm
•qnara, and aaarlp a» aralUbUffroond
.baa bean aukod. ffoor mb aborallnr
•Ifbt dapa took out dM.OOO. Tba ffoid
la dlffarant from ikat of Ua Yakon In
that It U blaak, dna U Iroo. U tuna
BbontllttoUaoDBoa- Ibora waa a
«roat rnak of MD troB dt. MlekaaU
Into tba diafriet. Town louanaolllnf
.M blffb aa dl.OOO.
At HoBtlaffD da Cabo Ua atrtet anroroamantof tianaral Wood’a qnarmnilna and eanllArp ordar aaami to be
tWraMiBff tba pallow farar oak Oalp
one daalb and Urea aaw eaaaa wara
raporiod paatordap. but Uar* bare bairn
BO BOW caaat omonf Ua Uoiud SUtaa
traopa. Manp Am-rloBa aad Jamaeiao
wwuata ka*a baeu arraatod BBd Ukrn
. MUadatan'ljoeatBp.
A dUpateb frOBi Klal aapa tba Uar
raaa ervlasr Oaler . bat left Oorlnto,
OtutamaU, to }>lr
nOroat BriUia lo a damoBatratloB lb bi^ half of tba foralffn eradttor* of that re. poblle.
ArUnrBawaa. tba «-paar-old abUd
of Mr. and Mr*. 3. P. Boweo of Maspbl*. Tann . waa blows from a train oo
tba PboDpalranta railroad arar Wirp
»aB*a auUon and dlad of bla lrj*rl<a
.Tba nanfflad bodp of Boarard ■
CfBlff. aanraant of Ua Blatoantb com
paap r. 8-volBnlaaralffnal oorpa wai
' foand 00 tbarBllroad track near Vallap
OUp.M D poaufdap.
Ha waa aridwtip MBrdorad.
Adfloaa bare bean raoalrad at Booaton. Taaaa. of l«o Ipoeblngt In Ual
alBtr. An ankaowa aaffro waa atrnaff
Bp bp a mob near tola for tba murder
of a bop. Naar Otlaad. Aba Brotrn.
•Bolber aecro. waa abot bp a mob for
. nataulUnff a Bobamlan womaa.
Pbe bad mat an (dd araool frirad
tha flnt time la a pwd many
temag ^ bn^
jrrofB. Bod abr
bond alt Bboot IL
-Wo bad a loQC talk'ot old boardtns-oobod daFA" abr oBld. “aod w*
aarrrd to ao» inotr of each otUrr l8
ttaa fnmrr. \'oa arr. Bbr'a manird.
and lltfoc Id the We«t rad dow. -bo
Adrmtorr «au. “I •» «P‘
“Wliat'a bpc btiaband'a naamr
find tbr bnstsraa womaD too bri^ bm
”Dr«r mr: I forpot to aak brr.
I frlroloiis to
fhr aoclrty wotnaB
pWaaa mr. hot wbra thrra U work to Nrrrr nind. I'll find out tomorrow
In- doDc. btialona affair* to bo atirad- wbrn [ po to ear bar.*'
••What'e brr addnwar br nakrd.
“Whp-I-I don't brllTTr I know.*
abr faltrrrd. “I maat ban forcottra
toaaktH-r. ni bare to look Itt tDp In
tbr dlroctory."
“Witboat koowlaff bra bnabnad'a
alllns ^
bar to obaarra
P'or a mlnntr abr arrmrd ready to
ffivr up. hut yon cant defeat a really
np with all bar rmatllr world
rraoum-fol woman.
draianda of bar. If yon aend a note
“It WB* mr thonphtlrm of mr."
of imiutry to the woman wbo la nrl- •br aaU. “hut II dn-a not ntakr mtu-b
tbrr brrtdwlnnw nor a bottrrfly. yon dlffrrrBcr. aflor all. 1 aball Bimply
may or may not rrcHra a rrplT- 8b« wait far bor to call on me."
may far .n or out of town, abe appolnta
“Voo mire brr your addtvaa. tbrnT'
DO one to oppD bar mail, abr forpri*.
-j-I^on't brllerr I did. now I
abr alalsy*. abr ha* a tbouaand rxline to think of It. and-and-1 don't
brilere abr knowa wLuu I married,
rithof.j I-l-----"
And wbal an anawrr! She datr* It
Aa Up left tbr room abe told talm
Sunday or Monday and abeatupria to br waa ea oumn. hateful, old lliiRe.**
pual II nutll you bare ftawp doobta aa and (hat appeared to Ih- all of which
to wbU'b
wbUh Panday or Monday la niranL
mranL alie wi* abaoluiely <a-rtBln at that
She omit# all oMhr thin** yoo would tlme.-».obd.m nd-IU!*.
like to know and wriirs proi>rr name*
aa m.«lbly aa the rrat of Ibr lattrr.
owiy (Wa*. •
PomrUra** afar underacrr* Ifarro. aa
man can do
coll attpotlon
attPDtioD ...
to tbrir
i/Jo call
...... Uleirildllty.
........ .
wuioau uoe he<
c-liarlilca and clul* wbo have an-om^lifbr aokrd . Ur. Mraktou'a
wife. ;
He wa* allrnl.
lr» do uoi know bow px|«ialci. UtHr
“I.e<hiWaa." *l»c *ald araerriy. '1
voloutary M-rrlotn aiv. One woman a
, aa.-rrtarj- wl.o arada ont wa* aiUre»plag you. 1* there any
*>.-r lutliatlonaAnd aniNwncrtn.nta on thing a man can do that wcMoan can
poatal carda., Tto- wrttln* U almoat noiY" i
Wril. Hcnrletu. you know tbat a
undeclplic-rsldr and It la a* dlfflrall to
n can manage for |tl or 87 tq-ge: a
Ip roIdc to read a pa|*rr afaon'l or hat lit to wear on any iK-caHoo—bat
on what day *be I* colna to read It ni ihat'a |rbe only rose 1 two think of.
II la to decipher where ahr la poine tu Henri<ata. wbi-reln he piwiiw* any
advaiibge wluileeer."- WaaliUMCloo
read It. Aud often. nnleM one I*
'club meuila-r and familiar with oitker Star, i
'Tbo flekloBiaaZaltaac, of BtobUb. da
^IvH tkai tba daotb of tbo
brotW wat
Oraad Daka Oaorfo. who paaaod awap;
F iaat vrrk, bot wr foond
Jolp to. waa doa to a blepela aoeJdrai. hte B»x, d„."
fM41rd: “Ko. yar bonor; but I wonb)
a^ wa« Ibai a aksU for a fun to (o
to a fair widf
Ad Irlab lady. Id a party wbirb waa
dlaraaalna Ibr rlrlBP* or rrtla of amok!■>«. Ilialatod that Ibr. habit abitftwi^
“w!.L'i*aItrrr^ ihBt."'^“i^m-al la-'
i; •thFrF>^my faibcT.^^wbo
.......... -. jM-d dar of k. .
now 7" Ff*r»
lac.'' rrlMl ib<- iMilr ImnuUIrFli: “If b«
bado'l amok<-d. br would pTubablr be K)
by (bU ilmr.An hfrti««. almplF Iriahman. a abort
A f. ll.w Ml tb.' qnay. lUBkiiu; to unU
tb< PfMW aininc-r. Ini|iiirf«l: “liow laoe.
fat, har.- piu brokr to-wr from ronr
anawan-d; *'Oh. they err arry wril. my
.K..& ,f
rooll}' walkid off,
■nee of ibi- old aaylax that
la but a atrp rrmored t
(hr fellow ii>a roam of fi
nifpp an- cllpd:
Iran li'Afx- had rtalona.
n>ltVr Pndt had rUJona
irlr* Lamli
LamI, wpbI fr»l
Byn.n Wa* rialted
Ity fh'wti
II Pi.lleplic.
JalluP Carur
Colpridm- wap a mnrl.l<l naniar.
Tiier Ibr Ureal wa> ai <-liUr|.lic.
UaniD Ixilbpr bad hall
D<-*rar1ca waa Mlxwid
lUpbart waa affflrlf.0 ailb auiridal
I-ldear A Tor jdipwfd aymidutna of lo•aiiily,
waa a mrliorfaoly
J. J.
_iwrll waa
bad tUIool
Uii-bellru. <iO o
HwrdpDbora falelisl tlial be went to
braerp .III a while bnrm.
Maliiinuui-d wap an ppUrptlr and rrCelTed mpwaacea from Und.
hi* frirudp “Mad
iK-d Inaaolt). and
not a IIiiIp maA
raacaJ In early youih woi Ibrowa laia
a ioiaptdoll hy tbr aialil iif walrf.
>0 at Icapl one «rrap|i»o. *nouiili-rrd a (ibaidsatu of blmtelf.
The ao-at JofaiiPOD waa a bypocfaoadriac. and bad balluriaatb>aa of bearlai.
i> aiKillirr man tbe arat 1
de Ptaal waa frarful of the roM
nf the touili. aud cnjiuanded that ber
dead I»dy be wr*p|ird In for*.
Mihou WtP nf « IBI ■ ' ■
ir:;’.."!;";;:".'... i
Ett'" ■■
lanliy. Modem
rated on ibr drB dipcaard iiiiaB-
Tbe naoii' of the rluli la printed at the
top of ihe rani. •» if one haa aeal and
ardor one can apidy lu p»T»oo and Inquin- when, where and for wbal one
“The iiDiiiteur pliUanthroplai it more
annoylmt^-auae ..n.- feela ibal abe I*
waailiis tlBe and |ialience end opj>nrtniilllm lliar mlc’it l>e tuade to yield
auch glorloua n-*iili». Mbc aendi one
a tlllle ooie'oa pretty noirpa|>er. and
aaka If the liilaalon for pIsroD-loed
Mow apiM-alB-i(i one. and If one wou'd
ram to do ooutc work for H. Of contwe.
Ibe rrctpleDl of aurb a modeal lliite
Dole frilP down at once 4lf a Imalncaa
Wiiman or a nuclety wiimau) ai.fl
wrilet ilial notlilmi-In ihia world Interrota ber BP much aa do ptreon-toid
liableB. and If llic oertvlnry of tbe »ocleiy win oriid her parilculafw of tba
mlaaloD abe will not only Iw fflad b>
flo wbal ahr can berta-lf. iHit will *!•«
try to Interrai brr i
frleiula In lia hrbalf.
“And wtuiC diM-a tbai aniaieiir arci\f
taryY Pbe Ip ilellBbird, of roaror. hot
duea al'e aend n report of Iaat yrora
nmnlwr of cblblr«-n cared for.
nrlcuburboodp they ronir ftnm.
ruat of maintalaluii them, tbe praopi:*
- laailiuilitD and when
and why it waa rataMtabedY No. *ba
dtr« no'hlna of the wort. Pbe rbaia
alwai nierej and rtiarlty and duty to
one'p felbro-rntan. a pwiiwia* ‘
bnlldlnx. a well-known cirri
a-pll-known phnuc of praloe foe aurb
Inatliatlona and
of patron* and dlrri-iora and an Intimatloa that aptnal dlpraot- la
en. -lt> dipcouraKlnc bat I arourr yon
I do not exarm-rate. Kur philanthm-'
py and rlutip. commpDd mr to tba
Woman wlm baa had a aoriat or bualBy*a tralnliiK."
w ala* Doc aad 81.
. . ..
'"*■ t"''"’-
‘‘iE^,.y.,r-«ld Umtp MrKrouy. of 1# aerrrd. The eland* Inclode Turklab
' .BriMnl. I**., tried to noidii ber |day dMbe*. French concuctloa* and Amh
KUSit. ss ““•.
- -
; of all tbe rarrani* and dependnntA
a gla»»-coTered candle,
tod down tl deoble line thn* formed
walka to tba portion of
the bouae where ^JiiWe bai^ tara
•«gm ran OB Rant Bay aa follow*attired In
____women are
worth bnn----------.p.—
“Ye*, mamma. tbHr beat and
. 7:10 a. — ^ Iona
mmber. ^ Iiaaghtra:
ot do'.of Ibe word. 1 don't tblok droda. fraqoei
. 7:40
Sioo A ro
yoo rof
ll’Mmm.ia* adeaoced womanTW* tm>ra« Blgag
j^a* Raat Baad............
r T': “Ye*. lorV." Agacba tjweetlyl:
8-»t m,' r®"
«r w
^Va'wdWi^.................. SIm p m ■l^uTThirtj caaro" A mra Iraki like
TMo* ' J
Ttm^ Tb.ro-1
dtd wt^'w
r^ : .to fH.
«-S* ***^””*^
bu a
eb" a»A tllaw fw a Bto-
' rataro^U wUl b* qatt* Ora aaavgb."
"Wndnt Ip; 'em fanty berr ajaraIttrd McLnbfaraiy. “An’ for pbwoy
ai« Ol dnn-Dor
“She wa*Bl dead! Tbofa wan OB
rro. Mackr
“.Vlrcr BWlod: Mrra motod’ OlU
•ark tR apb oo wiwobody llae.“
Mratlnf OlUfgerty
a linkmtk later
Uter lie
remarked: “I't'a aaragro tbot rale a*.
m not married mr«Ut.“ ropHed
(riUggraiy. calmly.
“Ol don't mane tbot. B««oiro. dh-y
wadn't let 'em Iwry a poor owld dead
“Tbwtiy notr
“B'caime abe waan'l dead. Qaw!
BncMaro Axatea Saioa.
TSB Bmt Balti In tb* world tar
“Waan'l dradY l>be drali! Yea MM, BraMoai Boroa. Olaaro. Salt
oald abe ws« drad."
“Ae Ol did. Ol got -abrod mrollf.
rV* a Joke, d'yro areY Ol am a wag.
or no parroqnlrra. It u gaamauS
D'yro know what a wag Mr
terlro porloev aatlafaetkm or mM
“vurro&adad. Prtea It eantt par mx. For
-rbwot. Ihinr
«ala br J O. Jobnaon aad 8. d NalA
“A wag U a dom fooir—Harpert
TTOTaroaOttp Market,
below 1* a Hat of tb* baring amd ara-
10 M
; Pixk........
4 00
lie Voeut-Sly gramlfather,
know, llntl till he wap. «».’•
Trevor-t'anbew-WelL my grand
mother aie»l *t ih- age of U7.
Brown—In my family; there are «pt
eral wbo are tint dead yet!—I'uncb.
ru^orTkAYsraaoRT 1
The Yer>" Latest
W wowav TO U>*M—o* rrol VMM* ■•canty.
AT al--.»ccra.ertan*.a»aniyl~ Mr
pair. J. a Bil.»r. mrroaiwtrci.
t:*OR BBN'r-rnrnk*kc4 re<N»« lot U(lit
f hoorakrepiop torfowUy vlikaBtrbtMrcB
**> a*u Fnui\ >
received here yesterday.
Swell styles in the new
tall desigrns of silks. We
show P*£fs, Tecks. 4-in*
hands. Bows. Strin^^Very choice in every way.
«a Sorts eprucr rttccl.
—twr »
tOB aALg OB kX!(T-<i
< -T. u
l> ucag WatCrKU-aa»:i rr-alru
^Prices 25c and 50c.
ml »um BFiit
New Fall Hats
Received yesterdav. includi^ the celebrated and ever
popular IfOWAR£> HATS. Fedoras and Stiff, in black
Und colors, will be placed on sale To-morrow. Don't buy
until you see these.
«Blr« Jena T. anal*
_______ *»««-
£„ei;mkra OBI of eat «
Onr Mid-Siunmer Sale of Suits.
is interesting economical buyers. If yOn
can save a dollar or two or three on a
suit, even if you want only a medium
priced suit, why shouldn't you do it?
Vou caa by taking advantage of this
Sale. Sec our window for values on
new goods.
•BoawlUlaaroSba 1
•buSTioiM r^Uag
AitrH pm. 'Baa
*H«e yea brord abrat Btr qaarird
ShannlrntB. wiu waO-almnlated Win*
athm. "Dbe ant'otlttea wadn'i let
■aiu faniT a poor owM woman ytoter-
Tba aambm of iraU aalai ff>«
9. Ba»da A Oo. aUea Moadar meralaff
ap to «:M Iaat croaUf raaebad a
aefOBBmbar aad from praaaal proO'
mam Ue Hat wUt rradaaUr ffat terffar
•ab wara BO to Septembar 1. S««7
aaUparebBaer ol man’a taralabliir
oadd^rkre ffiwaa Ualr panbaam from
ta foUowiar M a U» of Ueaa wraa
^ aaearod ffooda frw of ooat;
Mrw s.
6. OarlaBd.
OarlABd. Mlm
MIm BiiUar. Mr
P. D. Ortetroak. Mro Abbott. Proak
HormaU. L. O. Bakar. J. Boan. Troak
Park*. J. Probarl, P. Brtkao*. Aaf.
U rich. Will Wlghtmao. John Oaaflald.
RlUy 8waa-, B. E. MoCoj. E. B.
Hiekot, Tooy Maakaj. .Bidy Wooda.
Ploek. Ralph Aadaraoa. Frod
vat Browa, J.
Snow, Joa
>od. J- Baob.
.Bt* Catlor.
"Thiiy bare made a great deal «f
fun of; my pdd collar." «ald Agatnaldo. -liOt tfarte M one thing 1 drolre- to
any." •
“Wlmt la fhatr Inqulnri tbe nuplDO Intmlewrr.
••It gSi-eu'l etiend . up iN-bliid luy
Aa Rpldamic of B
.«-*r* ilVe a lioard fenro. and then turn many belrP.-TM-Illi*.
Mr A. Sander*, writing from OoeoaaRalu #u Oint ItV neltlier a atau.lBBttifOT*. KiA. »*T» Uera haa been
(■g a lay-d*.wn collar, and 1 a.-n’O
• iny fmilUh little red o*-<-ktle
I U* bad a rarer* attack and t _ ..
with li eUbra."-Wa*blngton. BUT. •
! hy
K_ lour d
dooro of Chamoralaln’* Ool^
'Xu. tuiater; cant oay that I do. I>ad cLlaroa
TW* M***aaegeai-rall) r>-icbea duuu a roll of }can
I be a1
Telj the fra that ww will beVer Ju« big .-uuf t<> cut out »l* ftair of
•liir: axclaliaed the KlUplno cbk-f- IwCita au- uo nmri-. I elUjer baa
they raw urad. For aalc by A B. Wa»
tain. ;
wear daJ'i
r fnat euuf
“Vei geaemt" .
•Tell them we tRn Bglil » ont U tro : ,„oU,
ng the m- Broourlnltt
Badueod in Price. Kow 8S as
bare lt> work on karat holiday* to oo tlelat do«-a all the rniuilp an' glU the
BAMiLtoa CLpraiBo Co.
aunt ruffo. Ain't i > luck lu U."
“Ye«* r-DcnttbrnT'
Obf lHdu<*-Mral.
“Wra. then If they gel down *o
Roib far Ota.
Sandy l'lkcp-T>IU MMty MiHida die
Fratbar doatore at tba Famoaa. 10
biulni^ and i>ITer a cnah roropromlae.
you uie It quUk."-Wa*blngtou Star. tanl. Itlli}V
maia. _________________
Billy r.wlgatc-Xop.-; Very ptuooth.
Sandy I*lki-»--"But t nlway* tbongM Tba Uini might mt
“Cofie beiv. Johnny: I’p^going to- MUty had *«-nj|de» 'gain** "hlftlug off
4e mortal
gire Jpn a nice ple»-e of—^
.......... Hy I'ualgate—•'So he dirt. Sanrty;
••Ob< mamma. U U lemon oi
pier .
' till be heard de di- ior *a> he wu»
“How dare you Interrupt me. John-:
to Id* reatlii' place. au‘ den l-e
nyY »ome hife; Tm 'going to gl»e a ju,| imarad away wld dal awrat
•Iva uTece of adatve.*'
' aullc."
of Innd'tp.
Yalliiia fare downward Into a waabWhile aaektoff refaffe from » aierm tub of water, a Pamuniil... Cab. baby
laatmraat 8t. Joe. 111.. OlU P'abar
A U'*-*crt- he
•Bd Dan Wieoffer. two farm baodt,
When one l•vc-ln•P an torlt*t1ra to
ha* I
arm* klUod bp UcbtslBp.
n wedding in I'nlro. l-lgypi. It li an lm»
III* got
the pltiFB of a
event U-caura loBUtad of t*-1og
I. rhtirrK IT»|I Binl CBII-.I
mlnntep' rimreb cen-di-'-"i.fh'lil ti'i'-i-'
iimny or a
d hrlef
erenlcr re.--pin«i.
reei-pil<^ the
A'aolber great dlacorcry baa been
1 11 . Krc-ti... f'pl.. ..I .1. n Iiimi.r
nnri evcui;:r
made, and tbai.too. by a lady la tbl* e*i> ol <i> -Iawl omtAed a clgaivi. iPTiiatloa read* for tlin-e day*, "nie e
rannUT. “nMaara faataned luclotob- Hr I* •haO
' 1« fra«ilng doting all tbit iliiir and tba
m apoa her aad for **»rr y^ abe
Afli-r *ui<*-ii ror. Harry
*tr.Ti are Hla-rally d.-roroiro^l
mUbaUmd It* rarereal teau. hut ber alNlii.-trd hi-tr. lunietl
oUal or»a«“
undermined and and Ulrt claim to a foriaae.
oirtal ibe body of
Klr».-n year* aft.-r loirtal
death aarmed Immlneut. kor throe
1 rtUililirred awl tbe cen-mraU-* the i-ourtyard of tb*
nioalb* rae ooagbed inerraaatly, aod
hrhlr'* hou*e t* roofed with tenting.
eauid BOl *lrap. She floally dl*oo.----_ of a*
,.f M.ri.iiih- 0 Vh.. WM *>«“«
emuroldHraorery klllld io * pLiJhh- fnlm *"*m*ll l*.y'a rrtc*. the grojimt la atn-wn with rich
n boMl* ol
1 rug* and tin- place lighted with banlumovlon.- ——--------Ue*^ra’'ialiinr
flr*l daaa that abe "('^■rW
•harW H.
Pay. of Oakland, h** be.;«
^f candrtafara. All tbe laopla
a taking ib*
alaot all night; and with two bottle* ’ -..uvirtrd .
baa been aWluUly onrod. Hra naw* ' tooftiter'* tug*
img* t--c.u*e
w-c*i»*e ■*»■
air a pi«v----i««v
. entertainment
one atr
ronHal. of
rfe'wirjSj 5
tka Aoba mro)«M.
iMaa Yety tNArobM
wtU as Hmrie 8«taL arhkk cmI
^ \\ve'VDtfrtA.
« •r ABAroaa aM Boi
best values always,
Renibli ul PiBlu Oq GbMs, Ciibi al ClDtliiit Htisx
VA*r aiPg MO-Oa^y*^
— -SSK.*“»?i5SVSlSS‘ *“** ■*2?*'
V.’nOXICATKD witti hit 4rMi
I Isipertellrai. Uw «Uv of tht li
' IhC twthimh emturr I
bt tte Altturbar of U» pmt* <if Earopt
. for MBr • rw 10 com*. H'hlltptoBf
1/ 4ltcflM)iw Um BiJvuiUvoo of <s*»r«t Bl Tho Kacu* thli Bl«r. vtae
t «ntb bit I4(«a of p
•uu of
Md tb* bMorr dTshhapvr
It bpint rrpMltd Ih tb*
cat* of rtBlaad. At b rMsli «f tb*
CBBr't opprtB^t meatortt vtlh rib*
Und • crtBt oBodBt of rinaa bat btoB
taklfts plBT*. and ttK>aaanda and tboutoBda of Umb* |MoHr ba«-« fao*B *ml>
wltboot lb* phTtkrlpBUoB bsd fr*« oobatm of tb* BOUtaa. aa to do ao «ooM
b* roBtrarr to taw. to bit aoral pcorn*
It* BBd w bit rvraaatioB oaib.
Br tb* ukaa* of rhbnmiT laat tb*
roar hat aodfbt to o*«rthroar tbtoa
aaf*CBarda at tb* rlvfala 'and libmi**
of tb* Dtina and to aaoum* all lb*
> ;
ootemoB lot*r«ota of tb* OBtln emplr*.
»♦ dirt la no loOKor to bar* the rl«hl
to «1o* or witbbtdd Itt oonaam to aarb
iBwa. and tb* roaolf It Ruatlan abaohttlBB IB PlaUbd. Tb* no* parucolar'
of thnr own ti
Thu U BOt the Ptlnc.- of Wulee. th-.uyh a: tlret *tffbt nlBc pcrton* eat of
t*n would ctalni the rvverte to be Ihi truth. It I* .-nly the laletl portrall
of hU royal blsbnctt tb* Duke of Utae-C'oburc-Cufha. thr oerand wm at
Queen Victoria, who hold* the honorary |o*lit..n ofr admiral
of the tieot.
Bmeat Atben U three year* younser than hi* biff brother Albert E4«
;ard. thr.PilBr*
of Wale*, but the ttnuiy family re«rreblance It eatlly I
liceabl* Thlt
portrait of the duke ahowa him In bit unlfom) of ad«
mlral pf the Bret.
iy atki.
PriAHw bar
t>i cro*t> a Ulti* clnocr to hit Iona rovolad Pacific cnaat and pour a f*a- thouBand mora litiaalan in»pt Into Man«burU. But whil* II hat b*roc*n*ralIr
kBOWB'Utal ituatU bat b**n adtlduouiir taeixiacbind opoB Atia and tltaliBc
■r lb*
fiueb. hdaarer. doe* not atam to bt
th* eaa*. for ahai mlabt b* called tb*
PutalBiadim «r Kinland I* at pretent
tablDB place In ibal much p*rturl>rd
Borlbarti fnrner nf the ctart <-«.untry It) llir cuiialllulion adopted al the
diet of lli>r«a and aftrraard <H>nnrmed
hr Aloaiirter 1 In Itut, the riti|.*r»r uf
Riutla It. of rourae. alto the srand
dub* of Finland. Tb* ■•uriiinteni
Ibi*a ffraad duchy.
duchy, «f
of aom* j.MW.oou p*opit, hat aiaay* liyen repotenttiiv*.
put of late the r*l(nln«
f ha* bi-en
■ratln* to ih« mit*d fliateo and Cana
da. Th* preaenl caar and araod duk*.
on hit aaiwnalon to Ibe Ihnme In ISH
ronrwpd lb* pledffea which for almoat
cenlun- bad b*en rc|<ealedly mad*
by hit -predec
firm and ratify th* relijilu. and fundamental laaa <.f Finland,
mental lawa to abteh the pretrni peace
teeklnff ci4r one* ao (tibly idedffed hi*
aupiKirt an VrO' etpllrll and clearly
tiaied In th* contiliutiua. and aom*
or them are a* follow*:
The munaich vannoi rreal* any new
801C£ imnSE TYPES,
law nor abulith any old on* a-|lbi*ul Ih*
liarllrliiatlun and rontant of the *atale*.
The oitBie* cannot abulith any old
■p yp ti
iw nor cn-ate
the aRIrmallon ai
V Inalatioit on her oiictnal demanda.
ItuaalB'* bold uaur|<allbn. the emperor
1 tx-forr very long the ixuver of
Thr monarch aball lead.and pn>tect
r of all Ihe Ituaalat will be aa a
tbe nation, npecially ayainit eneniie*
from without, but he can never levy on
» South African affalrr ore much more rxintaiTd
. ---- --------a. and In caae uf a g.nernl ujihraval at tbe tall
end of the dark continent on account <>f tbr trouble between England and
the Tranivaal the authorllle* at Waabtngton are pleparinff to protect Ameri
can Inierett* there. The cruiarr Chicago, which wae to haw tailed from
Tamatalee. HadagaM-ar, around tbe Cape .if iS.hkI ll.-pt- f.o- liraall. haa bMA
cruliung about I>elag.« bay ao that the might proieci Amvricant till af.
fair* aaaume a -more iranuull a»{w.-tt. In
tmubleili quarter
-- that
of tbe ffleba,
While the number of Ann-Hcans living in the Traatvaal U not to great aff
the number of KrIUthert. the volume of American capital emplu)-ed I:
Inhuttrliw in th- .S..ulh Afrlcnn llepubllc make* it De.-et«ary for tb>
ington aulhorllbe lo keep a dote eye on the court* of evenit at the vt
^ 'ii
The deaperate attempt* of Ewiand
keep peace with Rt
matter of controlling Ibe detllule*
dettlule* of China I* again throatenlr _ tbe a ell btlBff
id of the
‘ dragon.
England ha* ufferr-d
undertake the recoBtlmcbave a ftw
the other hand, art dolhff
their b.-»l to lecure a railway conevt* on that will eventually all.iw tbtlr
Iralna to aleam into tbe very capital of the Chineae empire. The EaglUh
haw oh>ecled lo tbi* and bave oald In \-ry pUIn languajte that they wlB
go to ealrrmet rather than calmly allow what Ibey Ivrm the vKuaalftcathta
of Peking." Tbe goal of. all tbI* InteniaUunal European ttrife It by B« '
meana a palatial looking city, at the accomiianyiBg puture of on* of PeUnff'ff
b,-*i known atreet* will abow .
A COSTLY CAYThe faabionable world, alwayt noted
r ef the a
I and fftffamic abllUy. BU moat
UBtabl* pollikal
k waa hU a
‘ tun when b* wat cbalrtBan of .. * commlitM on a
■'Watch Oeff" Bolman in that pottuoa and fully earryinff 'oat bU tduta.
Oovaraor >ay«r* la « nativec cof MUaiaalppl.
/(W. and Am
am aaw tb« tight at day
a b«r aff u ba boeama a cllian
oat of bU tam bad taiuted In
^ Oobftdtrala hraty. WhM U*
gav* Bp aoldlcriag
ka war waa ovtr and bt gav*
|M WM^ iba at«dy of law and waa rraarkably i
Ilia bUpractlM op
of bU Miry iBto acUvt paUUca In Itn.
At I'ganda. which la utually daalfft
to eau.
feline 1* tbe ialof aortal dUtIoctloB*. a B d
ihy Amcriwho ara
traveUng tn
Europe arckerptbelr eyea _
for aom*new and coally In putties. Hero
U a Blue Perttan wbkb a «ilcago girl
lual paated through the ruttoma. and It
U a-bitperod that lb* raluatlon placed
OB tbe mite aBlmal waa lost DOO. All
of which goat to obow that waaithy
folk! utually bay* to pay for tbelr Ul<>• f*d«-
On* of th* moot tgtraordlsarr i
I to bt wtta.mid Is
la the pllgrtmage of pcpitcBl* to tb* motmuia chapel at tbe
Bpanteh mobaaiery of "Our Lady of RoaoMt-altet." Tbe aceempnaytag inoatratloa tbowt a band of tbtae pllgrtmt ob tbelr aannal josmey up tb* mo«»Ulaald* threugb tbe p*ai of RoBcerau. uheh peraea walking bortfooted and
Mrmng a huge wo^b cm. Thlt toleaui proeeaBtee takai place on the
Wedntaday befoie Whltaaailda and It performed to coaUoaatloo of a row
mad* centortM ago by c*rt*lB Baagnt rUlagta. Back yaar tbit pilgrim ar•! tb# Old monaiitry ainglng hymn* and chanttag th* uuay of ptniUbM on tb^ wny np tha moantaUHida.
•t w>.-v.wnM»ir>nB PH.-MUW. la maue OB
framework of wood, rtth a thatebad
Tboma* BnUey Aldrich. atoM labarit■g a fortan*. haa been erttiriaed for
wrlQBg tea* than baratofera. "Thlt tt the gbeota ta Afilea to dlaporl batan
uajutt." h* taya. "for. tboogh 1 do not
bave to prodne* ao much. I gtve th*
Unr* lo earefnl conalderatloB of what I
Kritpp. "lb* cannoa king." la aa a
do writ*,
i worh Rwt aa much aa t*nr aoologtst hi* chief delight b
1U th* lahahltanta aff th* a*k
OUT WjTH wiOAoewoiiac.
• la • erwaaataa
|a Wa^tavtaa la a SalUtaa Wl
»Oala*< (»• Pa»M Itaclaa.
1 to** flfurto la goli« • aumbcr of
«BlM *TMn* dimu< oTcr a goamr ot
$ toStoiT ot **otb o*«rapap«r ripertoftal lit*,- ipUlaea aa Od aewtoaper
Vrrttar to • Ktar nportcr. n>ot I narw
M la bm MM duel wbea tt vaa i« a
ato la Ito laeuiirc 1 refer to »
VW W a ftaUh, i aaean re«. I iraa
fsl/ as
It is lr«e. tat I m«
•ore ttoo I vaaud la a«a. aad Oiore
ttoS I woold erOliucty agala eee. It
vai toanf » j**tt ar>. tat 1 to**
m Ltalalau atvoto bftwmm Xlatb
tad Tastb Btreeta Tto taUdlaf ad-
' felatBf ^ ■lw«'^«^i**‘C'>**'*^****’
tto P*U» autJoa.
"Om •Tcnluf I ««• iBTited bj a
fllead. trta waa a tono*i oevapapec
to aiUDd tto Kjrn
toalam la trltooH a e»ord coiatot. la
VWcb two of bl* frlmd* were u lake
ton- I «*a* told that tbn* or>fv«r
•ton waald to pnweat aad ito coidtol troaM to rather U*d/. '
ttot pan af >'
to mj. eocaplate
“With tto other*. ^
--------------Vfltar*. a ronple of anora aad a roupl*
«r ■ponluf iDca. we fot to the S7a>paeloRi'alwtit » o’rlorti. tat were told
that th* ratutoi woBid Dot tafc* place
SatU tto cytuoaeluui rlaaec* bad beaa
dIatDiaaad. ae >1 wae dealrri ttot tto
palookora aboald br ae few a* poaalble.
“Koa* of a* tod aof Idea ae to who
tto parUripaat* would to or tto inrtlcolar reaauD for It. but w* were told
that It wae dealred that we eboald to
areaeat to *** that everTthlm wae coadlKt*d property. Proto ible we loferred
|tol there waa a auke or eotaeiMef at
lean*- aad «*
«> ^ i***
ireU aa referee*, a* It were.
**AI 10 o'clock two carrlate* oitIthI.
to each of wbicb era* a aiafk- occupaDl.
•acb torlBC a aword. wtot It cooiipobly khowa ae a brtMdeword. like Ibal
arblcfa neB-of-war’e men to*a They
bad bat little to aay. and la a tow minpie* they were property attired In tto
'1 and anoABaeed that
* ready for ibe tottle.
“I tod*
aword combau and rather looked for
aoito baary work, hni lb lee* ttoo a
BIsbU w* all reallaed tbai there *ecn>«d to to more earneatiie** abont the
eenbat than waa coitomary In meettof* ef profebeloula. It mattered not
tow iart* the etake* ecere.
“The men wore tto
Send covering, and It oae well they did
pa, otberwlae there would tore been
pB* or two bead* acatlered about on
It ata
tbe Boor, for tbe flgbt waa faat
fttriou- At Ito eiptrailon of tenD mlbpia* then* waa a ball calb-d ao that a
tarrlbU gaab on tbe aword arm of
pf th* eomtiaiBoia could Iw bandaged
ty a pbyalcun who wnvenlenUy drepP^
' “Then Ibe fighter* atarted tn hammer
and long* ai each other, and tn I'J mlnpte* one of tbe men wae tying on Ito
Soor with a terribU' gaab -in bU aboulSar aad a rap on bla bead wbli b aound0 loud that It was hranl In ibi- |>
^ men was' aa fully curered with
* blood aa If they tad been iialoted witb
'Thai ended .11. Rntfa men tad repelvcd at le«*t,a dioen wonnda and
the victor fell In a faint In leu ttau n
•■onie after be waa declared Ibe conQUerar. Ny frieoil. uu In-baU of tbe
partlctpanta. thanked in for our atI. and we left after ereing tbe
•*0 lifted Into carrlBgo* and taken
fiway“]| waa «everel weeks before we
knta to a oertalDty what It all mrent
find were not told then nntll both men
Sad folly rvcoeered. It trentplred that
b Danldab offiper*: that they tad qnarreled In New
Sorb In regard to an official matter,
gad that a cballenge paaaed and waa
pecepied. and itai all tbe deUlU of tbe
pettlement tad been left to lb* Danlab
pobabi- Aod that tbe whole party of ua
Sad issocenily preaided over ji^ real
. "The atrenge part of It waa that It
took place within aound of lb* police
ptatlon."—Washington bur.
a ago t
able d«
fblUdelpbla dlacovared npoo tbe whiteeraabed wall of one of tbe rooms tta
tibcaaee of a buman Cnee, which fnded
and reinrwed again. Tb* nelgbbore
paat tn to rtew tbe wonder. Other
face* appeared and vanUhed.. Crowd*
tSrongad tto bouae and atreet and aoaennu of tb* mystery were printed In
tS* dally papeiw.
It was to no purpoa* that nclestiflc
•*s iMlatrel that tbe figure* were
panted by moldy groe-tta which enm*
aad weal with the di
s and that
Ito llktoeas to tb* human face
ImaglMry. Tbe bouae waa pronounced
Sy tto paMIc to to toonted. and tb*
pwner waa naabte to find a tenant for
U tor yearn
UteepUyA ObIcngo woman tad ber bnatand
pad tar pug dog cremated and tto
pabe* placed In tto earn* ora. and tto
Mtemed editor of tb* Uet Creek
Idtv legnrdj tbe trenreetteo n* “a dugfoos burning *tam*.'’-Denrer Poet
SB fleet bHpmat* to the effect that
|a wining, nod to oinm ate* tore tto
pgpren* renaent of tto accoad wit* aad
H^«P BPyOAT. JPXY 16. 1889..
UfA*B V------- .UBTitre togbet. M*
p<at hre t«v
tta karea't •*>.**«•?**
tab* ptac* between anlmaU lo cooSoe- ato-•**. rere-hr .re-MM eaak e* Mt ta
meat. A ebort. atorp'battle took place
■ mel UM mm
la EdmoBde'
to rem dMUoB aad a ttow 40 yean apo. Tto Ibm
wae the Mate which had cacaped from
Umracb'e yard In what was tton Kei
I bl.-'a otM
eareto ta M
tlUr Ulfbway and btiten a tay- Nr.
<bi Mto I
edaond* bought It. and la aald to tor*
bUkd it aa “tto Oi
u au«r treu d>«* tut irey «*■ mm* re
tto cbBd.- Of eonree. tto toaet waa
II.U tU>
'->9 lu.
a gt**i drew, but afirr a few day* In
-r an *7 a
iu new gnaner* tto Ug«r managed
to draw forward tto alldlag ahmtcr
and agneene Uerlf buo tto adyolulng
den. wbere a tto) waa confined. Tto
Uon reeenicd tto Intrtudon. but waa Im
mediately acUed by tto' throat, and.
tbongb Itone were tremt^u atregfkn. the figbl waa pe^tJcaUy orer aa
toon a* It commebced. Tbe tiger never
™'i ire« IM
bold, and la a few mlnntce
Ito Uoo wae dred. .
k.ud Ito hm.
Abtat au yean late* a faul flgbt
i^ren n— ato pom re« pret ato aeell tare
took place In tto Hon boom of tto Zoo
logical ganta»*.Bei*nf# park, between
a tiger and a tignwa. Tto Utter waa
' and. In aparrtng with ber
«gb bla
mate, drere ber cUw Ibrougb
till, and ao began tto fray. Tto dger a gentire
threw her down, and atrtick ber aererel
tlmre with We paw, but wtiboin doing
“If there la one thing that make* me
Uiilr weniier than nnotber.'' aald an
ae If to dlecooUno* the fight. Thl*
aiuBieor cynic. 'It la to bear a man
Ugree* would not atifier. for ato apreng boaet that be uerer talk* abop' 1 met
at bla flank and filed ber teeth In bU a fairly emiacot actor at a Uttle gaibthigb. TbU waa more than be eonld eriug not lung ago. and when some
eiattd. One wild bound freed him: Id a
wna m»d* to drew
moment ebe wae knocked over, and to blmself up and aald. 'Yon wUI pardon
gUppod ber by Ibe neck. In which hU me. 1 am anre, b-t.-.v^, I make l‘. a
n..i-ur tn talk ahnlt* 1
huge canine teetb made fearful
Sutton, tbe keeper, now
managed to drive him off. and to naod
to aay that when the tiger looaed bU .......
illy. I
bold tbe bkwd apoutod from bit vie- of u* that to was n double dyed don
Umb neck and tpUabed on tbe roof of key and n poeeitr of tbe purest tay
tbe lofty den.~CaaaelT* Magaalne.
“Evt-ry right minded man Ukee to
LOADED WITH HARD LUCK. talk aluip and does ao wbenever to
geu a chance. It la that wbicb makre
aoeeeel ■Itle*
cinaa clnta almost Inrarlably a aucIToeinrel «<
ceea. Tbe memtara are all mtereeted
Toung John Kaibner. an Inexpert- In tbr same thing and
. ulk shop ad
r for adren- Ub. witbout gettlng;^ll«d down. One
tnre. ran away from borne tbe other of tbe redeeming feattoe* of matri
day with mo mark! la bla pocket. De mony Is tbe fact that a man aecurea a
termined to
Ibe world he booked heipirsa victim lo whom be can Ulk
foe Berlin. Intending to aurprioe
•bop every day uf tbi- yver.
nt raiding there, with
“When a ebap la traveling aa In a
atrenge chy. what a Joy It la to bump
acgoalnied- On reaKiIng bl* deatlna- np aKaloai aomebody In one's aai
be atniUed abont tbe city making Une of baatneaa: It la Uke meeUng a
■ for Aunt Katbner’a place^ <of long lust brotber! I tave often tbougbl
ital Uie chief objection to being n
A woman accoeud him: “Wtot. yon bnngmnn It that tbore are ao'few perdel" •ona with wbt>m a fellow could ebat
•bout Ibe crefi.
mei; Why. tbeu. I'am your annt: com*
"And yet It baa grown to be a faabborne wUb me." Young Ureenborn dhl Ion among peo|>le of eminence In ell
her bidding. Ibey tupped together, and tbe pivfeealona to affect a reluctance
be was aenl to bed.
to dUcuas the preclae thing In which
On awakening next momlng be dla- Mcli la moei luieresled. They don't
covered Ibal bU clothe*.and bit money like 10 .talk abopf raugb; Nobody
were gone, and an. loo. was auntie. In baa any right tiiinake lucb an aaaerbif deepair be ruebed tn tbe window In tIoD except a, burglar lu a pollee
bla ulgbiablrt. crying out bU mlafoi^ ilonr—.New Orleaua Tlmea-Oemocret.
liter lMwli{ Oil If RirB(flirtKt»ars Tee Cii Well Mtsrt Ti Pat liar On laet
The People Tike
—bO we shall coatiDne to icire awffiT
FREE OF CHARGE every................
♦ l| pair of pants, ahirti
* “ sweater, collar, tie,
suit of Qoderwear. bat,
cap. pair of sox. handkerchief, belt, umbrella,
We also have cat prices
oi all car fine
and Soy’s
A few dollars will now
buy a brst-class outfit—
See US' before yon make
yourfnal selectiou. nut
the* HflY yesterda? — Colored Dress Shirts —
rrehn put OI me OOX
fan styles- Newland bats-Eu-
glish st^uare ties. Hardly a day passes witbout this store beiug able to. show
sometbiog new—others continue to trail behind. To be dres^ “right*’ at a
moderate cost means to trade with
S. BBND.4 & CO.
"Thin clothiig for Irnt dars."
Steinberg’s Grand
. Ods Might:
Tuesday, July 18
EoRngement of
Jubiiee Singers
■Dd Imperial Orchestra.
■ • Bow Ike PoOol.
A fonuer aitoru.-y geut-ral of tta
reepondi-d to bla *i>|>e*l
"I will
and find yuur auoih-,“ aald abe. “and I'niiiHl Kiaii-k. lu a rveem article, tella
k-avr baby «iiu you miwnwfallr.' tbe following aoeedotea of Mr Justice
Fife fffirr tov ol 6ntt Muli
Hoiira i>Bi*ed. with baby bowling for Mllh-r of the fed.-rel MUprwme cooi^;
Juilge MlUer waa a. very agreeable
D£it jmfi tov il Qatled Suta.
nmu auctally. but tn tbe later years of
Ai leurb a raueuble came
Sna YeuT Tov ol CaoMt.
Jobann'e tverw- with a eult of rluibea, bl* llfr l>e(«UH- aomewliat
and bundled Lliu and “bU Infant'’ off upon tbe beuek. Hr was no orator blmaeeui.sl lo have ao sreralun to
to tbe iM>Uc« atoikm. when- iIh- iua|H<c- *.-lf aud
tor wired to Ibe young luan't failier.
Company heai!e.| hy Mian D. Un“Tour aoD Joliano ia tore wtib hit lo- seen him on tuoiv than one occasion
'derwo^ known w
illkjolm with shBri. iiatolfona a bi^utlfaui. Y'ou can take Ibvui In charge «
fally prrj«red »|wveli with wbicb an
amblihm* orator ex|N*t-trd to charm
and enirtlvaie Ibe court. One midaumluer day. as It li asM. be wae bolding
Be Chut* t'eaU rut aire.
court lu a weatton state, and a lawyer,
A naval ottcer «lu> told a clrll
pluyuient at Uliudi- Island during the whom we tvlll call Hrown. waa ad- AUo tbe Poyal Paragon Male
Aoierlrau war of Indrpeudeuce
*|Ms-eb. Tlte Judge littene.1 and fanned Goartetie—Two bau sotoigtsam)
lihiiM-ir and fidgeted about on tbe and t«nor aoloiat.
tunlike figure waa aiopiied by
l•<■lll’b fur aume time, and. finally, lean
Alnel late one nigbt on bl* return from
ing over bis drek. aai In an andilde
a rlell and abut up lb tbe eeotry box.
wlil»|ier. “Confound It Brown, come to Spec'ial^cce. 35 and 60c;<;hiidthat to nbonM rethe iKtlDl."
male there until bi* officer
iVhat point V Ingulred tbe i
et^^’^aale.tUie Box Office
. reunila at 12 o'clock
tbia mormng.
"Ny good fHlow.“ aald Mr. WI the Judge:
-Any. point."
bare i<dd you wbo I am. and I really
nd. tbongb Ibe aeguel doe* not apiwar.
a protablr that there .waa a rapid
••It will not do." repll
"1 am by DO mrana aatUSed.
Then, uking from bla |Kx-ket n guarler of a dollar and preeenllQg It “WUl
Tk* Coreefa Br«
that tatlafy youT*
The Nile I* essentially a river of al•nce and myatery. Even tbe camel*
are Ibeir beautiful soft eyea upon you
ns If you were Intruding upon ibrlr al
lence nnd reeerve. .Sever were tbe
“I apptvtaDdcd yon." aald tto soldier, eyre In a human bead so beautiful na a
“a* a deserter from tto cburcbyatil."- .camera. There la a limpid sofitteaa. an
api>rellttg plalotireneea to tbeir expreeahm which dreg at yonr aympathtea
When Samuel J. Randall waa apreker like tbe look to tb* eyea of a buoebof tbe bona* be proved blmaellr an ar- tack. It maana itai with your opporUatic and •ck-ailflc desk splint
with yonr life. Yonr mother look*
Irering tbe t-'orty-foortb coogreea.1
counted and Mr. you that way aometlmea In church
wb«-D tbe aeRDon touches a particular
llaye* waa declared
lUndall ponnded tbe top of hi* desk ly rew nerve In yonr aplritual make up.
oot of ah^ three time*. Bmployeee eC>
tbe capltoI wbo do tto repairing of fiirallure naam that thee* never hu been man's Home Oompnoloo.
'The Black Melba'
Dave Pickett’s
Negro Klog Players .
of Dlile, aod Greatast
Clt]! Opera Hoase,
Monday Cta. Jolyll.
First Class, Claaa,
Up-to-data EatettalnmeBt
Doal Miss It.
Popilar Prlcas
Of Mmissioa.
Funeral Supplies.
324 Union Street.
a speaker wbo did not B*t* tto
plBBlog Mire ttorem.
at tto cloae of a aeastoo in bad con
He-l believe ttot a man abonld let
dition. but that Mr. Reed aneceeded la hi* acu apeak for ihemaeivre.
aidtotertng It more effectively than any
8be-Am 1 to nnderatuid then that
other apeaker.-Plttsburg Dlapatcb.
when yon took my band In yooia last
nlgbi you IntcDiled it as a {wopOMtl of
mnrrtageT-KTblcago Newt.
‘■B»re.“ aald tbe aiatesnuiii wbo tad
bees temporary cbninnnn of tbe
Rwite th* aevere—
veniloo. “I'd like to know wbai kind of
Osmond-WelL you've trever Men
a party organ you're running anyway.' me run after people who tare mo**;.
“Why.’-tto editor aatad. ~wbat'a
Deamonit-No: but I're seen people
run after you becaose you didn't tare
“In yonr ncroonl of the
money.—Bnltlmore Jewish CommeoL
you tore not once referred to my
Tbe moat celebrated tattle steed* of
tbe rlvil war were CIncinnatL Ttureler
tto fnrorite etargee
of Qrent. Ue and Storldnn.
OwaeaeP AMwer.
Qotrox-Mow would yon like tn ta.a
Tto firet poatoOk* wn* opaaad to
rteto man like me?
OeoDox-I'd like to to rtcL-l»- Pniii In 1402: tn BnoUta In Ufil: ta
: fapsjpf'
Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three years—Look at them'whether you need one or not.
$S 00 or $10i)0 will buy a good second-hand bi
cycle—$25 will b^ny the best new wheel on the
market—Come and see my display before going
Good hardwood in store lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
Tteocbt tkc* Mat BV m AMth W
k Ik* ite vkn Ik* taM «*« «ns
TV km Md IV IM «f V***i
Vltk •cM*rt*l «V» tVt k»*»*k*«
TV tUr« .r IV *M-* ki«w Vua.
kr.tv wtr iVi fMM
TVO' •••*« «r »*•«*»• iMt:
AM IV kk—Kn* *M
•kM MAJ toUk M
TV «la*M»T<.M w*au at (V «i|kt*«k
»r«tV4 imn IV V*Mkl*« 15
tH ktf UcV ta.1
W* VU*«Ml (V *ur fn t VM
<VVrt H.M-*
lt« • kV U n«v« BV
Sw IV rwMW rm l« tV
AM »««*rT V«*t» u i«toAM *«■ l» tv V.k *M tVV
w* k»**T v*u i» •(«ia.
-At Pttf^
Gas Camp—-
Tia WM k •oad-MtwvA cferl 8b«
, *VA» Tar «V W*«k TiaflM AaV _
>taicac4 M all ckat tto 7«a> aau M
V MI7. tb*B aV calmlr laid Un that HOW MK MAOK HtS SCHOLARS
«* cooM B«t M17 Wm.
-1 knew It.- cried nneosa; 1 waa
a fool lor By-palM.*
b a bbaecd tblag lo
kaew wVir
bare a friend in wboai wo can atam-Ah! Beewmlad. SatVbatoeA
iutely tram. wV know* a*
mn I bee him at I w<«M my own
tailtagi and oar WMkaMM. a* w^
»w«ber. Parewenraadbedaabedopt
aa oar ppinti
and wbo.
wbo. la
la ■WwoL yet aa a preraaiotlea of ante.
---------------„tk. and
«aio tV atxert
“If yoa only beard Uatt pby. and Wiu
of ail. b coMant aad uatailiag. I'»« *• f**] it a daiy to ny a good
.. oace to hb garrettand didaT aae bln, yoa torn Vlf tV ploam ! ?**•**■»
comtottiBg aa ‘ ^ ** <>ambertaia»a Colt CbSera
thw* V foaad PranHaco. hb
bowHl la hb banda. He towVd him
00 IV ahoolder
Beat woiiaanahip money
rCbeerfal.- V eitad. -8V wll ^
OAD emp)c7 for Bicycle
marry you.**
aoaata of Beetbores before blm
Bepatrittg. (jaick work.
irtieiaa b await-i
“He! Batyoar
' in depmdlrgl
“AV doe* not W ore. I kaew h
"Ptono. ptaao.-cried LUxl
-------Ine for a care.
tong ago. 8« go. my v.CteBd. 8V
alag-lei It alng! Cant tv *ool of errrr man and wootta hot we do bolleV that if a botUe V'
w piano wrilien therer cried V. cboold V toit to tbe aoqi of aaotber ia Cb*mb*rlaia'a Diarrhea Bem*dr war*
wall* for yoa.”
M abiding tiMndrbipa* tV eoob lA
»“* admlabteM « ■
itbaaaad Darid.'If it wwaoa^ ’**1
“Ko.“ V cried. Vl*r awblle. -I cam
>*»l LU« took bb Vnd* fromi^ Vtrayed. bow manr elood* woaid V
not uw myaelt 1 atwi not V her*
Vlf^grily, Vlf-tufted from tV dark and
wbea V cDine* bach. 1 will go now - •»w«htngly:
V V weal oat, and at tbe door of
A “end in neri b flinatratod la t V
an7p C^TSom^m Dr^rbi*.'^
tv bonae
V bft word
vA- .
' ■ ■■ —
waw wltb
wikw tV fwte
— — do»a_ wVn
—, ^ical
rov ADgeio IVt V would mvt Fran
feemit* ran act ifH tV dlffeience j Tbongh tV rebtioa between tV SceUro In Ibe coontry iV next day.
right and left? He tie* a ; maritan and tV man wbo fell utk^f
“TVa 1 will V calm and will V abb
or •*«* on tVlr right arma tbiere. w.. not mricUy wVt we caU
to bear It alL” V algbed; aad V went
• »>"«>Ale of Vy oa tbeb left and , frieaddtip. yet it dom m torib Urn
to a lodging booae near by
’Hay, itraw- characterirtic* of a ira* friendibip.
aball bare 10 try tbb pUn wilb
’ *•
It ——
wmi fnendablp in adreraity.
Tbe next day V fell Viter. Be Ml ^ T" “P^oo'•«»<» Torter Now. then, TV good Samaritan waa a friend in
repared to deliver icm
gulv brare aa V atepM from tV
8^-tPow • eVnee. -------- need, and only a friend in need b a
Tearara* City. Hbt
tram at tv etailoa ^ad attwh out
friend indeed. Tocall a rebtion friendabip tVt exbti QBly when tV con
down IV road tVl led to Uw VteL
. ‘‘"T
BtTaiKSbe CAKD8.
aUnea and dlaappean with tV
Both 'Phonea. M.
of tV clontb is a nlanaincr. Such a irhad Vtaed logelUer In tbe country and '
‘*.‘5 •“«-«»<»- of bl. enriy life btiuD U not friendabip It b Vt a baae R ■ «
V clgbed When V tVnght that now I!
hlmvlf; RlrVid
■True friend* wait to be
V would know tVm ao mor.
*» ?“!'* anmisonediniVtiiMof proeperity. Vt c»i»g ,M*r-aA»
He reached tV llttU clump'of tree*l
In troobb they come and o4« their T
,„i ---------- nretoj Ml
rvUagi* Mwl
that ibeltered the hotel, aad Mddealy' ***’
*•■ *
f. It waa a ayi
Tbe Sauiaritao
. Ont • fW* V«vlr.
*iV-*•” •
THEPHJUUAWiraWUttf =MRi8mj^D«voR. ,
Price Rediced It dwOot Lot
Tlamao noasM MarhM beota for
A unaa: l>aiinaM Vtajnio bad a liA
tto appi* and p*aeai atak^ at (V
•ar «t tV Bowery and Bayard ativL
Vlocmao sad rraaolaeo ww awora
Criaada They ibanA tV uaie carm
la Hon atreet aad «a Ansdaya they
•haiwd (Vir baUdaya aad pleaaiirea.
ai as wiTk days they VIM ea.-b
aibv tbroorb tv dirt aad roar aal
laiiie of tv Bownr.
Odc workday waa ■oefa Uke IV
•eit. It waa only oa Agodaya aad boL
Idaya that ib*y reaUy llred. Thee ibf^
pat oa tVlr tw«t dotbea bad. ca<b
wltb a atraw la bla nootb aad fala
pipe tir bla root pocket. tb«7 lafi IV
elty bebloA and got out lato tbe cocatty
*I)owo oa 8tat*n bland a eonatryBiao kept a little boiel wbev oB*
ulKbt f*t good RNutVtil and cbbaii
and a *eal cutlet, treaded with
to aauctt, for UtUe or aotblnc. TV
hotel waa called the White
Here «V might ah and amok* bla piv
sad drink bla wine aad watcb tb«
gBde»«iw ylt^ a *p**l*tiy.
•blv CO out.to aiw. 'Tbe Mrda aung
.}gieat and Lcrite -felt
snch aym-------In Oie tree topa and tbe cool hreeaea
lathy. They were not friend*.
came lu from tbe oceta. tV aunbeama he waa giddy.
«pecUllr l-alway. fearcl bl. aVrp
8 It waa
belpful friendsbip. Jbe
*»»T««a«U.T Uleek. XM rroa. sirMt.
Tr*s*»w Cn* Mieai**..
daocrtl 00 tbe waeea and Harb. that
lie went un m t.lm .n,t
>.1. w.-a
■ Hub. n»f (-oume. ail of M Samariun
practical in hi* arm-]
Waa -tbe biidlord'a daughter, played
V«hy. He relieved th* mao'* wantt
,?-°SS?k- l“?~r Vj
vniy 00 tv guitar and agng tbe did
Mags or Italy
ftieod ia
Grery Punday In tbe aummer time ■ci-nao. For a few aecuniU they looked 1
T>uee. after a long antuiim. It h»Wviiko aitd Fmnciaco )niaod
4. It was a continued frienduhin. ' fe? "*?*•. oa*^ ettr gyr* Be«.« bhaV
little vulouy of ItaUana down at
n»e fnl-tre well being of tbe----aw t>tww ***!»*,,*,
White Uouv. bnt ov Vy Vlnceaao
mUe was ..
------------------------------for. and undonht-1 0*u« nSSJ'w 2J
dertaiwd tVl V cobM Doi go with hla
ly tV demands for KUt
BOt b {ireparatieo
bow are yon!"
IDAY. gradami* Torcalc
I two wbule ila.v* the deliatc raged N*. Were met, it rr.iold have been had thel'n*- *
Pegncbco aaked no goeailoaa H.
"And your
cam. b«T real True friend.hi,, must V,
Went tr Aiatea bland alone, and raim
“Hnt wUre were you ta*t nlghtr
cootiDued, (Mfietant,
mediate purctikae of
tack at Dicbl eery much dbpleaaed
il witb-onr re
"Vnn did not need me."
requiredu<vd pnrw.
wilb ib« world In general .Vincenio
“Von were a coward, to run from me.
••I waa not aHted. l•ecauw Bulow meaia of an ideaL perfect Friei>d "
did VI nmie borne nnill bie. and bb 1 did need you Teryjpn.-b Indeed. Acer
is a Friend that «tU-keib cloaer tVn a
friend Vd no cbance to apeak to him he (Tied, a* he held oul bl* Vnd. “we kww IVt I would yield, hut he, na
wotber He >1 a lYicnd iu need, a aymvnill IV O. JI afternoon.
■ that It WBO rldlcre broiher. •illL"
pcihUing.-VIpfnl. omsiunt, nuchangeulouK
Tvu it ail catne out. VIncenM waa
“Bui Tur'
able friend. N'u one «t>.>nld be or need
poting you w. and-wgli v waa Ha.
••Ah. TU. m. #Tle«.t Ti. I_______ • 'bptenllier. But I am freealug.- mIJ
V with..nt Ibe frieudehip ,J Christibitiacts oC Tni*
.Tla rat a girl, if you plraae. Abe had other. Our
Life witbuui Cbrist V friendabip b like
larga- bbck eye*, tbe complexion of a
tV *ky n itbuDt the son.
deep nd rt<ae. Her figure—Vlncento
Billie Keadinse.-I Kata, iriii, I-4
threw up bU Vndt and cloaed bla
and do onr beat to pleaae you.
*yea and drew In tV comer* of hla
resftep be
Word* could not tell ii.c
sab * La;
a* Prbct -treel
■Yon idiall aee for youraelfV uid
to l^urlitr.., aud tiult night be took
hla comrade lo call on ber. FrwartM
Ttie ValH* »t 9
had l>ui lu look ai her lo lore her TV gooil one.
Tbe chiirge of scneati-'tuilliiu i* n.;t
k>oca were not well ihined the next
Jl lo M-H.'
always He- Horst that niuy he urged.
jrotil. siiicl; lu hu ibroai. for a gUixv
day, and aa for lVancliUM>. he reaaed
Sen^tiiiiialj.ui ba. ib la tt-r Mde. The * '
".knd Tiar
around tV n-.iii ■bone.l iiim how
to pay much aiieuilon tn the erat* of
ili.i may l»- a > 1111711:1*11. and
..-sue, .0
h.nd hcl|>etl hImiM-lf. s>-veral ib.-n be uiay VajiT,. i b. t .-f
bla aindea ami the cooking hf hla peapii.
>h. hiwna are llghi aad yonth for cVIn and
U«rk UI■i••H l.iy <111 Ibe
jahwaau s.-tiestinualisl There i*
• ri|.|>lc<t: IVagiM-r
Together IV yonog men called on •••‘kmor.-drutualic
iiuidtul in all faiatigy ,
off tbelT leg. and llia.k- Ih.Tia altiMml .-very Bight, and Ihnugli
Flgattng*htp>..( tkeWarM.
Orv g-|lli tlieui. Biilen- wa« sjH-ei-hli-**
Y*lncenv bad l.adtiV atari of PranAt |>r<-*.oi
Italy atin .| .......... ‘he with rage. But 1 sksnI at the <1.»ir th.- Bapti.l WH. a eenaati.>b,-ilbt. snd *■
Claco. tbe Utter-* heart.wa» lo a eery ,
Vy w
w.-re tbe voU-., <,f'i
urgesi IwiiUwhIp. the Viianio, while •»*' laughe.1 tUI th.- i.sir* caiiie at till* ws* Faul, TVy
ftw t
tfaondvr from a cl-iL.
»nJhes ekv.
ticTuiany owa* ihe •malleat. the Old- tog»-uhiu. way of helping uiiew-ir.
ndel»pw-ni..d that we would hnv.- t.. wa» a •M-Daatiniisr>M. His interview*:
There couM V Vi one ending to all vuVrg. Aa reganls rrulacn It will
wlib Pbara.h were a Vrie* of semw-t
*''•• toudla.Iy'a .-l,alni and
Of Ibb. Vliicenv awoke lu the fact aun-rlae not a few 10 lenm tVl China
thMl deui..n*ttali.m. Sneh. iiu, was!
not sit down
that Kmm-l«x> loM Tb; and Fran at pr.H.-ni |K«M-«te* the two fa.t.wr
Jofrpb. Ssm-tified eenagiienalism 1#!/-eiaeo
rnila.-rs. the ITal-Tlu and llal-Tehin
eJaco u'aa
Has •h<a4i<wt
»b<M-ked '' when kbe __ ______
never a stodir.1 effect,
alway* tbe I ^
wbirh. with englorti Indicating. ITOiSt
auawere<l. *pliertilly: -|
Vred that Vln,-.-nko had loved
nnosnal Eamestuee* break* in n]ain' ^
ViHc-power. haw aitalDcl an average
T'***'. ‘
KHI«ws like tb.- hniudniia world and creat.-* a senAo nothing ■hpi go walking,
AngO' Wiinls wefe <ini of the goea- ap.-ed of twenty fimr pnoia. Argen
Hnnorableaensatiuu isaneffect.
P"r taldre, If you saiiiia
tloq wilb fruiirliH-o and Vlamixo. hui tlua. Chile, and Japan follow with
but never a
o—Preebyierian Jourk*’’*'"
"»"“*■? tri»hl off.
tbrv looked «r ea.-h other Terr sorrow crulaiT* Wlug an avenige apccl of
valuable fumliuri- would «illl
folly that night that Ihetniih dawned •Weiiiy-iwo kOMia. The four crulaen.
trever Paalla.
upon them, and aal for a long ilitic In
Onr ••teeret fanV mav V hid from
“"‘'-'f- onr own i-ye* as wsll as from tV eve*
“iV* will go Into the country again eating SO.t».rthorM-loWer, are Intcnd.-d
“j;’™-*'' k«'A new chain of all others bniOod. He can. how
OP Aouiby." aald Franriaco, -and t.. Vw an av.Tag* *|H-.-d of twenty
ihnv Voia. A similar ap«y? la w. V
'***'‘‘*^ Wagner picked out the ever. cleanse ns from tneb faolb in
think oui aume iilan."
hitnaolf. and I aald.io blm. answer to prayw. whether we
'll was agree.!, ao.l on Rnnday al- atialm-.! by two cruV-ra In conrae of T*-**
(■.luainiethm for Ihe Riuabn navr hj
you. list,-u: | am know exactly what tboa* fanlb mav be
nji-.-iu* of eogln.-* having an Indicated
*" '®*ure till* new fprnltnr* or not We can V aav.-d. clranM,
'■.» fire ImmeObiely.'
aanctified wholly-not »mly -op
nr to ut III from of ibeir chlanil and aisH-ilv..|y
140 Front Street
Traverse City. Mich
K*'*.'-!' <;ioV.
gmok.-.!. Ile-lr pipe#
what we know," bnt also np to what
If wc i.w.k ai the wbilve strength of •
we dll not know and may never know,
■•W.ll"eald Kranclaco, at laat “whai
x*,,i to mvemlas
onlen Uod at aouie lime .may show
iiJ.'..r’. ".'"\rT_ «
~r "*■’ •“.t onw, ■ N>*
u.k hi. pl.w
P..W out
on. Of
nf bla
bl. ' o .1 ^b^TtVoto^
-hat V S,
.vu... UK,k
Invention. from Vw great "Wrret fanlt* - and
«muth and U.wed 1,1. head.
kre no, exVnsVl. a. conaeqnent peril* He bad delivered na
“Then- I* hot
r to do." V* JUIV
*'«h u- ‘-hnleai now,edge >-Chrtstian Standard.
.Italy .14::
.14:; (lennany. »'e.-Indo*tr1e*
"W* iHiib bve Tla. AV c^n '«nd Mm'
U gpiie api to make a fortune out of
II aeeee r*H,.
marry hut on. of i.a;
Pome catch penny Inv.-uitop. No apeAll mm are sinner*. All some titna
•^OB must ask her flrat. You loved
olal knowledge wa* needed by ,be man
W flr»t. uiy Vlncenao.e
•“’■^ut'tl'the heni-wtre sah-ly pin, become coDK-lonsuf their ainfutnesB and
crmveanpematnral help All, In one or
Vinc-nao. -wv win tcavn
her wsy. look up to their more or
.( u
ll» „„1„,-----xmacionaly reallxod Creator and FtAfter awhile Fraaclaco agreed
e good, but la
Jbl* pUu So IV joong men fonv V*
with aplced drink In • walny weaiVr bsrom.- aiipperi nV Tbq. All appreciate in aome meatnre
broken thread* in Ihe table cloth on *krge l»wl. Just at be wa* monotlog dangefiing
- ••
wear out tV duty of attaining in ouadoct tbe
ita* tahW Ui fivni of them and pull.-d bl. Iiorae. It waa called tbe -attrmp
_ _
„ It geU- bigbert ideal of which they are aware.
be fenewed
And because of tbi* intora and erey
. :. —'..ee. eiieu
<ue yneod- »*«j tuMe*. »MI IS Wanted It a MV
preaent reaponslvepem the gospel aeverSke™ V.;-------. V"".— '-------—— belHHvo boat and
gnest waa phoi wbl.-b Va tV hohllng advan^. \ n.-v«u..ihreml wa. the long■ prvtenae
and not a r««Hty tv ‘*v# of macadam. ,V pernSL-n.-y of faiU wVn wisely and lovingly offered
ind received, to jnstify it* appaoprUte*1 '
VrVp^ of aapVli and tv Bllenw^wood. «
TVt H..-k wa. IV Mddest ,b day. while dripkia, iV gorat wa. r.nr: tpua, V cheap.
“ MM. —UongreK* tionalur
John R, Santo:
GtnnI lisirain.
Bopkins Bros.
Prorident Life
and Trust Company
I Dr.J.I.GaiBtlett
w. “.Jg!E?£A?ag“
o. iijssa,!;
|al n in tte am tartwi.
SS,Arch and Bert
sr “-
Nothing Nicer
...... .!«„“‘.“ri',::
C I’S i,r,!L
t.r vei .u.nh.e ..e" 'Jl " VJ
SMdT* itiiu<i,ni..vc'icbi.
n,,., mow
*].eud la the cbuniiiry and tb..n-w<ll.
m bbit.d,,
wvid tv ilmv epoui
- '••a«-ici.'.b,»
Saturday night came only too aona
||pd ViDi-rnao dreaaed blm*.-ir and pro”TkrHl bipiseU.for the ordeal, te si
■ y.w
l!?"* **1^^*’"“'
Atw. Th.
n. \ln«-aio wept to vgli
W»n TU and IVaacIseo in fear *t>d
rvmalne.1 .nM.—u
Vbind ...
to awali
• lb# mum of bl* friend and rival
Y lntvni.1 round Tta at borne and
Bom V wa* pleading aa if for bla Uf»
BAd. aa a matter of f*«,-bl# tor* V
B. J. MORGAN, Propr.
______ _____ ____
L" ’.'.' '*'**
V Cup. whlcb had three
baoillea Two of ihew were gnaM
*k •b«»
ti>.t lb, liino,
gueai ih.-n tmik ibe cup hy the third.
band sHU bidding one *0 iVt V
might rnt*>- Ihe cnp. and Incidentally
•0 that hi# right hand might V too
huay tndnw a sword or dagger. tVben
‘V gneai Vd drtttk, tv boat released
the cnp. wbiih was passed to IV next
<we. The moaka m earty times named
»bU tV "pocuU camatla"
or CUP
cnp of
I* wt* filled with wine with a
«f toaat fioated therein and Hrto left aronnd tba
“ “■ --------------
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
_______ ____________^
«vxlNe., have great strength, eleclrlc
and v cbeap,
I* largely wnso
Man is-tpnch liV a ailkwinn.- He la
a spinner and weaver by nature. A robe
of rigfateonsnem.U wrongfat ont fiw him.
bnt be wilt not bavi. it: V «ill spin ft*
biuiaelf. and, UV tV ailkworu. bt
BpiM and spina, and V only s,um blmaelfadiruod. AUtbe iigbi«onax>emthat
a dnnner can maV will oely V a
aVund in which to wrap np his owa
*• «t»tBendou*.
b-j-i-1--bUb»‘i«ordtMry ikwnlM
-------- ---------------- _
hu Kiag.
"hen *“
«Vnt tV woefnl fallOaewbo dose right lodaynesd not V
•»« of? In bla pbyidcal vwrs. hla aatroubled ahoat doing rigbi loacgrow.
seed —-that will bev
------* -■
au. hi
wa oso*
. ’ act tkme i* a ....
d me. jlam
old- ■£ve*7
« ®ka ‘ban yon are. BUmnrefe. aad - *"*“• *•'*’ k^'*' **■
win find it easier to
yet I am atm abb> to ride."
art repeated
'Ab. y*g," r«)oIaed iv
b. w-------and.tV
-bnt then, yonr ma>e*ty
ber tVt a rider alway*
•l.nr. lun
.< h.bh k dkncU.-«„Ar
than bl* ham."-'
^ (BAoolTimaa
A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
Some arriving every week.
Park Place Hotelf
Tara-wox^ 0±ty.
o>.. go.-.
in inuhi
Wm t»mm4 hr •
I koBxnro Bwr«a. sp»h*t. jto.* t«. iw>.
______ I Hid: *«Tir
MBwr Baaarrawd: ■Ob.Hrdaat
iHl E$MN, iMtaters,
TnBn, bHtr tMNn.
Meals.... i5«w»
Wh Babr. tt-a aa affair af aMaa.* Aad
I ibaaebt aad tboagbt MI alKbL U
tbr BoralH.l na dacifcd. It la aa
•n** lolar bbr lana
I laM U affair of atlaa Wby? Bohbh I owa
»ba rafloaa af apace barMd •»
ProBBify nemd w s wsl
VBbawa dWBi ibatwaBta hloBBod
raa av tUo. aad bKaaaa I Uka yoa pHBM are Sited vttb Srtoc traffBaata
H aa<A-ao t»aeb-joa daat kaowj BoHC Beet tbr rartb la Ita aevard
^y.valaeilMK. WUlffVBbW
ABd vbM I bear thia*a-*b«B tbrj iwh: otbm. bartBB attalard taroaSmh BBd a pm aeau laiaeaat. WiU
pay bait U aU moatha. baUBH U
Mr tbiBca—H barta aa. Tbafa, ao* eetrabte eetoetty. avacttka asd eraab
«Tw a>B» aa I
PanW are temperata.
roa’ra vexed."
IbtD tbr vrhlritnt apbeie witb toad drHol-fcabta bHlfiiM,
Thj£'1 tMblad tnt amm aor ab-a:d
“Ko." aald CoBatastlaa. -No. >«h i
, aodaxpenautbelru—^
Jta« b7'o» H Hrh. am lh«y heat tw o*. ■oby. ira oaly that wbra a laaD hM'
POff SALS-etfr-Lot <4 bib H.
___ _
avad aloae *ome vfblle tfa father eo deatr»rttoo. or p^pa »*«
I kaabB. food bMlacaa property,
thee a eWHIaew came aepe me.
rtooa te have aay one cane aad talk afala !■«« »*»e aakBowa.
' traUy loHtad. Alwaya reata
I ial4 aara waeC hot f beta bar »
r eared—"
' Sooir coa>e alnxlr. t**"** fabrtre
food Arm. no* laaaod for I
-Oh I care a lot. Ur. UaieoltD OoB- from tbr tBSolty of apace: otbrra fail
rtaatlBT." cried Rnby. -IiookI tR^y Id abowen Ukr goldra tala. Ml cob*
fHcaab price. I1.»00.
doo^ yoB try .boblBeHt No aatter etltatlDX a bonbaidiBeBt appalUns tB lOftSALE—«*>—NH o f aeli of ea t*
■aHWhatat mi aenaehed aimer Daa.
how low yoo brg^ tbe top’e atwaya n* maanirodr.
ac« SB. M. 11.1 i aem ail nader c« - AM woffcarumeen f»*afhW rr»a*. rmai
I It baa beeD eotlinated that eywy
tlvaUw. 400 bearlBf fruit troee. rood
VevOttM. UaiSbam Blodk
"Bayln# and aeOlBsl"
twenty-roar boora tbe earth oo n» atas milea from city. Pnee. .
------------------ ’ “Why Bot, If If’a boheatT HI trtl moaphere ta atnirk by «u.O».tWO of
Aa DfteruooB of rntd-nepirmner.
blood, tbonsh I mimiea of Iron or atooe. tanrtis freat »Oa dALE-Ml-lO aeroa ua bay
brlfbt aa • dream, warn aa a fHUfy.
,-dro^*• hM oatapoket ,n ounce up to tona In wel»bt.
la ale
slowed over tbe Borfb IHab coDit imby. “But. after att. did yonr nneoaEvery laoath there ruah opvn tbr
I par more. Will aall S or 10 acrea
ToBDg CooaUDtliM wu .watcblaf D tora do Aoytblnf brttrr than brlp syiBi; cluhr at Wat 12.0rri.o0D.n>i> tr»o rOB 8ALB—«M—Lot I block ». Weal
came Wtwcea three wild and beautt-nakr tbe worldJ Tbafa what
bime sud »igue fraBtueata which, wltt lurll
rropl -reel
aireel botwoea Cedar _____
ful Iwlrnra. Tbe three were ll-year^Od neaa ta. And Dow I moat pa or elae acevini-uluieni. rraah Uto the clc^-om.
hprnce Lava level with atreel;
1» Pr=e BtM.
BM.e M-rrtti her new noDT. mt»d the »
set in « almidy tarfM ocrape. ,uiWrni aiamaiihere.
Boby Merrtth her nea^y.
^ ^l,t»aee offers! by FV-B SALE—Usr-Farm
B. J. IIOBGAN. Proprietor.
on a wwrrM bay maii^wn
"Vea. Iwill." Mtd CoDataHtah -And. u»e air. few of tbeee aoM ahvta atrike
,nVv^ tbe however It la, Ood bWa yoo. Mt» the eanb. They mure out of ai*.-e
l Platform Warop. laHta.ail In good
*der, price »5 00.
1 twa-ocat catenaloD top Oaniafa.
.ibarna. all neeoaaary abeda.
^ m^e ehXDxtd. Bttby DOd tbe
. . .
miW ai aecohd. and. like aivtba.
pouluy bouae. yardt and irood dmia lewlv paintad. price B4t oo.
n.«r made a madcap Saab far forTwelve yrora paaaed. VaWtm Com ph,J,e toio lb« reVolrtiis irtolw. luitd
I Phaeton Bayrr- food order. B^OO.
mte. Soc new modern hooM 11
ihe pony threw the aunfine. Junior partner In the rrewt to their dcamictioB by Ite fatal at1 Top Burgr. an Ir. rood abapr. «a oO.
rooma. atooe fonadationAtone cellar
aloar ta rittabnrr Iron worfcA entar over to tractluu.
1 Road Waroc. rood aa now. SSS.OO.
« horaoa. 14 cow». baraeaaea. bon1<a
tLe‘'ln^Wli.ta retreat of the Atlantic »aki- a -bard-earaed holiday, buy land . -nir moment they enter oar atmo.
t Lumber Wagona.
waroaa. e'eiyb*. cattera. all tarmtrp
ron.f. her araacleaa bedy vraa borae ta Antrim, and aee London.
1 Oow to trade for a pony.
implcmei U. aii ijot« of wblc a there
A duWBKer counteaa, who
*r« *0 acrea conaUtlo* of wheat
uad 'wtth terror, tbe, rroom. ao oroaaed In tbe «roe boat with him. lacx.BtelvalOe fon-e. the reauUaai frt>corn. oata. bay. poutoea. lO aerc4
Mdertook to make hl» May In town 4l..u pr.idiKlnx an Imm.-dlatv rtae In
Sorsr.^. Tbwtarm ta koown ai
awlmiaer. taabed at ihP
It o IVeidocfi
crjlnr for ln4p. tore like tthe wlnd'np axtceable to tbe rich bachelor pf Ibi. u uiperatutv. and tbe ebcHathx
the meii-vr of iiuiiutar lartanre. la the
bui dll
the lank and ronnd tbe rabbit warren fOie bad aeveu puriUi
•oil. ai
rwulL-lVpuUr Ifa leiret: UuudOy.
In Jbe .dIroMkm of Port Hairy. Con- only one of whom waa married.
FvW for aU. S4.U0O
On a Sue Uay afternoon Con
>". B< CWM take.
-'-J —.l!?
have alor mb.™,- b. ,
AM<-d by two Sabertnen. whom the found blmaelf *eaied between two of
.' ITfi'-eTNeCi f
tween Park and Prank to on Wetb-;
111 rOBx
erW of tbe sroom had lironxht in tho tbtae r»“»« Udiea and thHr mother
logtoo or 8taw tirecu. Moat be mod-. j■
r-n aod Bb re*Min»b:e price.
FOB SALE-01—H- mr and loL corner |------------------------ ------------------ -------- —“
Olgas* afSTwy Kina .
ttelMattM cotthtcM «r Dhrtoiv
• *mae to tlto
■th IB tb» wtMe that abe baa bm
«MHd ta bar (amllj aBd rrWnOa af*
slxtrtn rran of foBflaomrm l> aa aayltui) for ibr
nr ur« ramlaiMa oae of ibr Mddrat
r*« fcaovB ID bleb iUr
■aterr bar-iaatnaga Mm-arta can
MlaaM UlbMT. aod mdlud with
na* asr of tbe wum braaHfat wwn-.
«■ la EafUwl
Tfcr aan of Darbasi wa. akb. lint
_ _
'ID U» Mlaa UUney waa
n beDe of Yottabire. At U»f titse.
_u abe'dtd Bot lovr bla». pr.a. from twrt-DU aad trteBda waa
ffuj (war and the waa tadaerd
H> warry the rleb eart
WHIita all mnnlba be beeame coaWlurod ihal W» wife waa Uamnr. Bbr
Ubd ma Inve blm
YW lairt rataldlabed tbr truth of
fay on iirliilnBl «-xt<rrttural. Tv tr>c
nr affeotlou be klaord aBulbrr Udy to
, BWt pn«^'
■ brimani iiany
• •raav^im to Yoikahtr-.
!», a alnadUr rol«ld.v«^lbe Udy
«4nted r»r tbU e>:|>t04nietit wa» alxt
M««y iM^iuilfol-tb.- tv.unt«aa dr Oroy.
tba ran but ibe count<;a« of Darbatn
WHabied Itatteaa. The otbera of tbe
•■ny aymd with Durham that
Hrtfr lauiii be eraay. alHmuyb
wtfdkj ewally au|>t>uM- that a
VoaaM wuold diadalo tv ooller aucL
HB tiwalL
Otbir *Two.rf«* f'dWa-ed,
l”, . b!— ■
|-....u«,ir. Ml ™i~. Ib»..tbl« -b-beral frail and oraamental UaH.
. ffjidy Durban naed to evade brr atHe llnitered loni enoOfh to Wrn u, ike wdotlM
•“ «i"wnre portrait TeWrapb. It bring an;ueU that m
amatl frail and good garden. Tnta
fcTiUnw and wDadrr aU day loof tn that Ibe doctor, who waa ataying to k„ ba<* *een Ud iHought atrongly to
ta a larra lot and b-g property for
HBUwry Unea or UnduD nreeia re the bouae. bad aald Mtaa Bnby wooM bla mind tbe baodMimc. e|drttcA redIf
•mall price—Price K>00
, cHatas tale at Btxht. rov.Ted with do; Ibi-n he lounged boma.
cheeked, warm-hearted acbool ftrl. blmwdf to the MUe of eonu
roaSALE-6<iy-S»*, ofneS, i
■aaU.A iiBthellc, wIM-eyrd rialoa of
town Ss-j A g-------------- --- - -» IAaS4
tarty in the afternoon of the M- Buby MrtTltt
with wing all fnrotabe'*. Wind
:>nd mi;
eMBty. ftn cabaly lieauilfaJ waa ber
and wel'. «»t(r pic a
I fare ttau no one ever dand Udlca and
were grenped on the w,,„ian; ,be might aott bta t
bonaa,t00 bearing api»r. clnm. cherry . «• « 10 L*
cspUlna'ibat It ta bla right and bla
a|>on ll>es<- iiranxe exrnr aniau
anial! leveled
bit oi
of gtr*™
green In
imag, oi
of «uny
|{ui.f uie
the girv
leveiea on
lu front of image
• -•—~ hu
tree*. B*"b S4*«0 1Farm oL Improvand 1
cd. lay*
miie* o<
«r for the uobapti
n»-1 .
bp goB B.« Rapid, road Priee.Sl.MJO.
______ohinlus. bedmicried rolwa.
FOB SALE-6IS—N« of »■ 1. arc l"Jtasi eame the atury of a idrangt
town *6 north n we*t.
"Hy dear.- Hid Mra Merritt to her
•» * aln creute*. a. he mulotaim. ..mfu.W
pv-w kt ibe dnke of Abercorn'a lUmiaemo'-der catlivaiion, food barn. • w * ^a *
which ta .Imply dcploraldr T^en be
4SM tofMUw. A lirHIIaiil Iwll waa la bu.baml. -Ifa the foung Babmnan
Conatawlue look.d rcuoA One of
i,^i,.vra u> b.- «h- trw F^% l^E-6ie-40 aae farm four
Bomprea: ibc itn-ai rwma were ablate who tvM-ueb lluliT He bai pnl on bta
m »
mile* north of Elk Banid*. MW Irolt N
bv‘aa^LTr '^gmof .h- 0™* W-taln.KM.-rtm.y.
arm llBbi. ibroneed wlih menr danc b;udirvlS.H."Jbe added.
ivtu ece
Ur Merritt aa the young man came 1*“’ •»* J
agnlO"t by
<«, jjay T. IT'IT. n U>y »■«* «•“”> “« i tree* S year* old amall frame bouae. IV4v at*
Hh N«De baa iiivrv lawiitlful tluin
la a a i*
...............under enlUvatIdn.
Ilurfaam. and none, aurel.v.
o “fell lu bta w.tatcHt pewket.
? ’**'
WcUeruuge. in the tSard. wf>t>
I0 4T w St
t-vnawnilne lifted bla bat to the akirt «f ‘hr c«.UDie*a
n*..a ,ml mclMercl In the l-lli.*-ug
AtatraiinbL Kor aaidle abe wandi-^-d
SALE-617—Weal so acreai'Iol S.Tmaatae fttf
1..I T
OctaU-r. and u, whom wero given the
S ts. 10. lay* on ahoro road,
■kaM. uiarlDB tHib vacant eye*
ily.. Thi p aoiue thou
Peninaula. orchard SO appie ireea, 0*
eberrr tree*. ISO pear. plum*, peach.
e oomlv
nivihcr. In
Price Alini)
prflrW Umr.. pn>m
promised ber to b.-clu Uiu ^.rritt la"
ITPC tbU individual married a Mile. FOB SALE-600—Tire acre lolonOar. • calmlyy iaa If abe wi>fc '*^^lnU. certainly.". Hid Mr. Met- • P>^-“‘
teld avenue. Price tsoo
U wa» a little awkwar.1 for all par- canler. at Mme*. and waa entered In
■ Vw oB-a rbamlN-r. Al Wat. that ta rill wlthtaU atriNc air. "MW Mbrrirt' ta PnwrArinS m«at favorably. «W at tbe ux.ment, and the wiHpraj^*i,ter a. Jean Marie .tujni.tc Eta- FOR SALE—Lou 10 and SO. block 1
_ ieau>0.
Perry Bannahb aecond add. corner B.W.'CCBBIMOBAJt^h .
u-rbaay. Tw, rou. a-ece l-.n. of tKta
k »nuiTi rrf ladle* huddled alainl tier Thed.KnS?f^aarethat MtaaMec tUal Ruby lnfo_^ him
Habemla and lUh atroek Price
marriagi-. tbe y.-ungcr. Louta JoM-idi
mtU i*''*tiad<d-lH‘r to leave the room. ritl I. to keep quirt and aee no one that be roally ahouJd
E,.r,im,nd. at Nlmin. to 1N»T. Jean
Btm Bever ap|ieared In poldlc axnlii. but bernunuk but tbr U a preenutlon- apenit to her till «hc wa. off duly.
""iF^'LLE-604-NKofaw S. ace 14 ChlCaiEO •>«
■ FV meBaurvtncaanre. rm
Pm *ur«^hum-*nreBure—hum-aorc- |I “ily alory-a
ttoryta quite almple." abe aald.
Augwatc wa« tb.m
ddown a* , «_,i_*bou\ 65 aerm ao.ld lim.,
■be wa* rehiiivi-d to an aaylnm.
hardwood. balHm.cedar awamp.
WaUlu.K»terha*y. ThU
.yonnger aon
eon , ner.
I*iililli’ *yiu|>a(hy nilsbt have rer conduei—moat Mvditatde to you. aii be wajkivl by her aide. "A few v^|u.E,terhaay.
aa* the father of the maji.r. H"
'I Some cedar taken onk
hbIBwA wIQi 4b>- earl, only
for ibe . _ aurr—1—hum-bi- -to tbe rauU of gvBiTal. and fooghl in F
- fwt that lu- filed auli for divom-. HI* anitak to you yeatentay. and royaelf luc tarScly.
and Mr*. Merritt would like-"
UttU fortune went, too.
, peimrai wa* east aalde.
tt, erto,.- V.W
He banded ConaUntine A »5 gold think 1 waa (It to he a govcrui
And now CO me* furtb from her Iona
Sewn rroomaaicclyftni... Seven
I did not feel Inclined to Hve on
wbleb the commandanl,
-'H*lWvnii*ui the iH-auilful ronntea*. a<
d well wate
young man looked At It enrt- frienda 1 waa very Iw^y to get m> !^“';rt tatlcL "aod be eaidalna. to r
'. brr youth and lieauiy
nothing aliout [
^■twcAuualy iirtwerved by rellrrmeiit onaly ^Tb^ bU eye darted over tie prewnt altnatlon-lt a an excellent one.
mmi n -jitarUI life, pcrfenly mw. and
SS milee from city. 14U0apple. Mnm.
l oi «oi noble. There • mf Tn»*-Autty
ti.-j,»«Fr ami a* during the
■YmTTi- 1 by her atater. lAdy <St Murritt
cherry and peach treee, all beai^.
mombera of-bU
•BBi*. and 1ier brother. Henry Uniwr. '*“1 wonder now.** uld Conatantlne. and I Wve a nice Unto WMtof ^t^
Carpenter HIH. SnHt location on Pennave .miy paid few and i-riof
•«*m Harried tbe laie duobiw* of Mont- “wbal your forefaiheta were doing ward Hemnieramltb. Come and »ee
Inauta; will take part city propr<V;
P t* . IH a la
nine wero feaetlng king, and ua> Yea. of coutae you can."
, {•“'I',..„er tote than
Price-------Ar OrC napIO '
ig klngt- danghtera to thta la- Seplemlwr again.
Malcolm and j
OW friend* are aaylng that abe baa
'the' more •« 4t» “reomt .nj
and no-,
no-1 ifOB*8A*LB—sas—HoMe and tot. Oar^^ig
Buby Con.taoitoe itood togef^ Oh
^oi alk.w
bm. ^
-. avenue. »6S0.
Hcver lieeO. ]>rvq>eriy *|»<aktox. luaane^
Mr. Merrill atarted back and almoat <be torfy headland to front of the t^to
^ ni* name any poR SALE—S«7—DwelUif. Webeaer
Ah tBllr driven Into prufvnqd melan*
t|T Jmr unhappy marriage. t>y choked
A"^ltog1y tta-w Pr.-M.lv, aireei. 10 looma. Sl.ooo. BHy pA7
Ctanatantloe gtonced toward two npending their boueymooa
ju^^ve ta-en In.tltut.Hl. The, cvw* I menu
torr badiiaiid'a treatment, and by the
_ BALE—STS—Ninty acre «
laber tad* who were atandlng
etandlng a
x ^ Roby pointed to a epot «toO® toe
“* win .w abortly before the .nvif ...ourf
good hahdiug*. SS.SSO.
way off with a tdg crab to a bnaket. aboro
,,« • of the Seim-. Malire Itec.rl e,ui.-4rllW FOB SALE—S7S—Uood tram* boH*
Tbe gold coin waa apnn to the Mr and
-Tbcrt’a wb*re you Mved my life."
'itaterhaay. whSe Mail".'
asd eight acTH of land. sltHtad
wa* caught by Andy Ne4L
Connantlne t>otoied fariher.
r«iane* *-m to aU nro'*«bll}M-. -hboBt OBC mile from .oeour of city,
•There-, boya'-" aald Conatantlne.!
little bonae? T^cre'a ^
bouae l4xS4, aix roomi to boHC.
ihia «.
for tbe niejor. who. „ .n.
heelih Of the Fmgj.„„ created «toe."-I*ondon make* out. la the groat-graadaon'vf
Hrirnt yv-wey aJnee the vti-tory at M'- “You'll drink
0IQ«, ti t. iwutaUe that none la m<> e
Uie r^.manil'- marriage.
Hinted the todlew
M.<-hrt«tanEaterhaay. coualn of the
URWtby «*f the dl»tluctl««n ritan »li
turnol atid. with a alow. HOntering
YtMUreof atWW.
gum will' ll hna lately apiiean.l.
tbe major, la tortu-h-d to the proceplBumance baa played a
log* taken by IMiic- Ketcrbaiy.
WE wMt* few hundred doUan
«r Ibriri t*W abade ahd ta vi-ry frau- at«q>. n.i’
“Win. I. t. ••• eiehilim-d
rngBT^ to tbb tongevliy of ^
place on pereonM propHly Iobh
nnt. It. prlnrliiat ehxracieri.itc. and
AlHii. . ,
• paiwonM ih. nrv.
whnt M.va the hlBlilaml adag.-. ’
Th. Tf*bB H-aherWill gnaraotee all loon*.
ffbr ame wlileh baa enhaiin.l tt. vnb e
I once Wiilrhed • tnonkry wtirh ha.l WE have a client who waau glSOO 4n
• * a ■e
Sn tSa- eye*, of tbe niirt*i*. I* It* taat- ''^•ThTr i. MMroila 'conatlnttoe." be • Thrice the «e of a dog to that of w
flrat-elaM nol aatat* aocarUy.
-s isasi
WE have for Hie BHldeaee property
BH qoaltty. An Admiral Dewey
.. .a...'
flourmill*, hotata, gvorory atoeka.
* fur a* long aa
hIB fwtain It*yirtingater waa moat anxtoua ,lo have
general atoek*. boot and ahoe atoeka.
Hb riaya Tlie raae ba* l••'•1l In
• grwiie. but hi* mother tiring either
; :
timber land, vaaaat iota, pot
mrbtv for a little over Ihnv month..
too aelflah to allow him to abar^- h. t
ent righu: la (aoL we have almcat
tMl the auindj I* yet very a»-arcr. It
«r .tmWl tb, fnib ibteb' bot V
saythtog you want, and at aclllng
bOT.,r avi M,. Mn. I
tb, w. .1 • dm . lb.1 of Irnil
H grown to A Borift at itayalde. 1.. 1..
•ood for ber aon'a Juvenile digestive
prteea- Alwaya pieaeed » aee you.
AD eagle.
wtak tt ta ukL |>ald AlVtaai for tbe ritl. fuming.
Wm do oar bHt to anil yon Alwaya
"Bu-pT-wli. be bad been a dabr^^n.
age of h. e-Me U tba, of 1
^^gtaial ptatii. The ro*«r In eowe nnady toabow yon wbal wa’vegot Vo
jfiHSflSglit ;• k ;
w^va. cloaely reaetnldr* Ibe Hrtdi-a•ell. Wa forgot to mentiem that wa
Hid Mru. Merritt ^^.y
enough to attemP^o take a
have 40 acroa of tbe fleeai Potura
f~k* roe. although of a much ridi. r “1 thought yon wonld have
W than ano year* and tbe eatl- grape ont of
“on’ta The h^-. .• r
Clay to the world. Veto ta 7S
ntar. AtioilMT new ro*.- «B the mar 123.“
ta aupported by rainy highly rlr- in charge Hid atafMtOeen aad eover* the whole 40
No one perceived at a window above
, Rev ta the l.lUTty. It la an imporwThua, Cai'V M.V rod and aimll tbe eblld" when Ita
edge ol 40, lay* within 75 fret of B.
•SHn fr.no YhtgUnd. fX.'>.taa> bring pa:d
rho died to KT't. , mme too “ohatreperoua A* hi* PB . nnderlymg this bed of clay ta a
ledge of red asd wblu land etoaa.
aged » year*, to hM to have knom. rent wonld not give
ta the mMt valHble bod of clay
the, w blU- hind of Loch Trelg for dflT Wtlr frUow
in the United SUtea. Have refnMd
lb— .lrv..ly «blMW b.T,.| F„,d.F 1.1"
r*". bb
l.ib« tnr .Uke
b,- oo
bwbaccoimu and
tl0.g«0 for It. It will pay oapltaltata
eitaaped from ber arm* and began
to toTMtlgale tSIa m there ta plrtty
climb tbe wire neittog to »bc '—•
of marl adjaoent to it. Prtae.
rarer » b.» cage, bni
Ob ,b. Am^» b,.r
„,„».r7. wb«. Ubb. c.»b • I
ilL "'.b. OtU. i, IWb b.
tte^above aro all bargains^ can
“' knock.
knock Tlie
Tlta old woman who looked veported to have killed a atag wn»
which hart by t^
running np
Rag. It* claim for ench dlatlnrtlon ta
■n Mb «A«, whleli ta a genuine ruby ,r,Fr the bouae for him wa* ont Ooo i»re a marii on the Wi nr W^1<M
put one hand be bought on eaay term*., W* have
- '.t
-----tbonaanda of dollara worth of other
BrccyroHl--lnga1m.tai an exact
w.«l to tbe door, a^ tbece with that made on aU tl»
f^I^h the mr^^" of the galvanl«d bem'H to farm and dty property.
K* to ««b>t of the Auroi gem No
u„hr MerritL
eonld catch by Ewen-iUctoBDg, who
Come and an ni If yon wMt to bay.
It in
to ini*
ibU re.,
IV. j “i
FI nunT
aun-r "neitav*
tieUev* Td
aee >ou.
yon." aha mu
fc*d ueeu
been ueau
deed i.~
ISO yearw Anto^ua -•••
PA«rk iHtle eve* for a *^a*t- Ltat w property with na H ^ want
^Btar rnae ajiproavn.-a> ii
lu are
a—., p la hM. In alse the Ubeny „ta. impetnoualy. *tand Pm going hart gtorWa. ll may be noted.- are told to ,
artually btt herOar ofioe to at 111 Frdht atroei. mp
a— (omparo* with the Brideamald. ^4, acbool tomorrow. Bni they’ve all cotwtriH on the continent of Bnrope. rt- ^
„ar ber-nanghty
etoln. Yoa wlU aw oar Mr* at the
S^^rUeavMblrt.lem. One of.
aver to cborcb at Ootorotoe. aBd where deer are to be foniM to aw
bottom of etalrway. aonpataira. tarn
Sr MH««t doriata 00 Broadway rt“ ‘ uft* I am. Ton need my life. 1 wnnt nomber.
But tb* !«»»> optokm . boy’s bad bebavioL
........................ It door to right; OV
•iMSr wsfhlbttod a few Liberty roaea ^ (bank yon."
tmoai experta wonld teem to be that
T* t>a»aet CrohA.
Uadoor. Wears not
Bb Mi window, in anolber part of 1 CoHUnltoa frowned. "I wtab yon thirty y»ro or ibecHbonta la the Umtt
A Oerman paper gl^e ^ foltowl^ tSfthe groand floor, at laHt oar offtoe
HtoK Bome of tbe fanout Law- wonMa't mentioo that, Miu Bnby. of n deer'a Ufe.
tatbod of d4«ctlng amMl cracka In
^ flgaraUvaly •Pfaktog.
pHfta The exhtlUtlw drew as You're none tbe worn tor It; that*a all
gtiti tooU: Tbe looL ■
■iBtawa crowd, bnt tbe rooea appa^ that algnlfleo.*' be Hid.
I. •
. FMUlb, UIW,
r cBose
cBBse m
to lor
for a grrowr
grHtor enaro
abato 01
of , *«ni„
exh,, dergysun.
dergyaun. nr.
Mr. Hawieta.
SanBdeta. wa#
' which mttat be rubbed off cIhb aad Wa work all tba ttma. we aan aaU your
b._™. -w>h «r Venice. Prof. Lorn- wbleb mufi u
Jt vrtll be HP* tlmr. It to niktei of^ yrttorday. He hM:
wcaltb of
Ow^arotbH wiped with chalk- The
.^10, betoH many can be porcbaied. -jr* *«aag man bxe llm-rnte abBltle*. bcoeo note* tbal to
oetreleam. which bn eatsfed the ta*
4V-««fly BOO ro#*e wlU be propagated
rather etarve and mop* bta .t^a mcrclmnt
SartT^tota oM 00 the chalk and MgaIgBBt beUoH of aiaba. BigbargalM rt top of ntotta. Aral de« to
■rar aHwm
to this comer, where (ha ,hU tort^ by
"^.*2 Ssei»«• visible to Itt whatoextort.
^ *H ta (taead
^ right Bftor Piri ton to toft M h«d
■MteAHOrtM. the AdmliBl Dewey MeamoBpropM hrid him to boBor H ahlp^tog eugar
of thartaln.
«» LHierty. floriata aay. ASv (be .
(ban try and make Wa Leaden. Hcbangtog it f« wool, na*
a In MOffWOOB «.». A «■ A. anad
TRe dally average of Immiphrta tn
Srt f« prodaced In tbla dourtsy^ ^ nmo^n
tfa a tkeonad .MlUag the wool In Flaadera.
Good loss
aod Piclerel Fishiig
msiffi no mbthbisihi «. t
;s!5 -ss:.s“ liis! is
,jy JJ
i:s 18
!S iS
•|!5 7£
West Michigan.
l:Si‘.K,„i7 8E 13___
t muiu L V.
•r;."': •;_p« ..».f -r.
o>. i
: ; ;T^
s.b'rLT'J r Sb“-A,rrb'S:."s;s
■ “rj.-.rrsrbr^’.br-b r.
■: :
lgflsAflS£Ss& =t isflflfsads*
^ Irtk itto-
tkrtnoutiy toR.«0D.
•Ill Frail St
TrosW* Among tho Chmf.
•nBM and Wyomingn.
Twmurt m
OMBfia Mmitev SUM to Ste Otfl
Union Stroot Struetors to bo
TMtonUr Ay • lUdatoto
BoUt hy O. B. Hsydon.
GaUMarm*. Oa.. Jaly is.—SI Ssltk.
a tonMT yrho kiUad WlUtoa Bell.
3Urt* »ft»d KbUbc tor Satota »U aoBMereial tiarate' treat Atlaato ae*- Zhd Oentraet Price to 9«.6S7.ie nsd
Wo^ WiU be Stoned nt Once and
Lutfa ■uallac M They
araloeaiheace,«aeelMtto death to
by, Boiy •«
Km-Touc ie‘l thta BMCBtof. Tba ahattf
to be Plntobed In AbontZUrty Say*
Br»*c*D<fi*d n«rtf WhoM rprMi»«»>MM4 kyaauaat tk« door who —Be WtU BMM toe Bridge and
inaatnd toat be waa tba abariS of GUVaaWe BataU w-taka Ohaaeaa
war ooaaty and bad a - priaeaer he Swan Abu tmeato.
Ftoe BUct. B D.. Jaly tft —Is ra- wanted loeked np for toe night. When At toe meeting of toe boarde of pnV
iyoMe w toe eall of BhatUT Oa«sl»r tba daor waa opaaad aaveral
lie works Uat evealng toe contract tor
0t Gcwforae eoasty. Wyo.. toe fall atc^ad iorward, one having hto banda tha ereetoon of toa proposed Cnlee
ferae of itVladtoa pellee. baaTlly boasd and wMl aaenmiag toa role of
bridge waa awarded toO 8. HayafMd.AaaatartodtoyBtealt of 8«rlft prlaooer.
dan of Petoekey. for pt S3T.1S. Tbto
Mmr a^Uahaadof Sloaa warrtea. A gan waa aimed at toa nberiff’a price tocledaa the ereetloa of toeetsne
who uiai flalimlrr* to *tort an np- bead and be eoepUed with tba demand ahataaeats and the bridge proper. The
aaNBt too Sioaa and Cheyaanee. fortoeJtUkaya.atarttog down^tain
ig to of earth for the approecbae
for torm
- ^
be doaa by toe city nnder toe di
ABadharpaMaef tolity anted aai
Meanwhile toe totredere foaad rection of toe beard of pnblle works,
•MlaUoaW toe Indiana from Laak. Smith to a cell |od aUenUy opened lira and toe coat of tblp portiin of toe imirya.aad forty
■“ •" on him. Stodnad body waa pleroad
wlU l^bont fit.OOO. The
•her toe hand freta Bdcamaat. a. D. with three ballot bolaa.
toul oMl of toe bridge, therefore wiU
The todtoaa are maktof toward toe
be within a very tatall amount of the
•onto DakoM had laada . Swift Bear
origlonl eettoeata. Mr. Beydan
haa with blai nearly 100 eery dtapwato
preeent nt tha masting Uat sight, and
voanf haaka of toe Sionx trihr. For
ha acnounced that be would begin
-eaka they hare been kllllar •anlUry Bxperu Mnve Breve Veara work Jut ee eeon ae tbo material could
gave todlaerimiaataly to WyoB Bf.
for toe Blooded Atotriet
be placed upon the ground which will
Whoa Bher:fT Desmtof atanod to arprobably be within a very few days.
real thaw and foand toe easp oa Back
He axpeete to have toe brl^ eomptoteaek, tba Indiana, at Swift Baar't AatUn. Trxae. Joly is.—It to the ed to aboet thirty days
onromir* got oat toair gOM and tptoloo of eanltary rxperu toat as epi- Other bidders os the work were OapL
4nred toe eberiffto creaa the ereek, demle of elcknreo-iv eertaln to Mlow Joe Beasvafe of Chsrlevolx sad L. A.
aadw penalty ofatarttog an Xndton the recent dlanatroaa flood. It to
Merrill of toto olty._______
almoet Impoatible for n homan being
Aa toa akarld bad bet tan atea with to live to toe blighted dtotrieu. owing
hlB. be bU to withdraw, and the
toe horrible atanch that riaea from
• |nf«y hooted at btot and flrad toair dead aninalt and vagetotion.
wane to toe air. Tba band then atarted Bight tola atanch to awfel, and a nem Ptotond, Prases and Ohins Save
fer.to* bad laada aa faaiaa toair poaiea. her of white ptontere, who moved their
Ptoeed, Large Orders for
«oaU traral. ateallng on their way tamilice back to their bomee a few
.wytotog poMaaaed by eereial abaep days ago. have been forced
higher grennd. where toe air to free
PblladelphU, Jaly IS —The Baldwib
Tha Indiana totok that troopa are froa polaoB. Tbo negroea are toe only
hee reoelved aa
rallahle to fight them, and ooea who teem to have toe hardihood order for thirteen oontolldatod enginu
net BOW avalli
_ _
adentof late to rwmato to the botioma over night. from toe etote railways of Finland.
iDdapendanoe Km , Jnly It.—The In many locallttoa the eareaaees of Theatmmtoip PoriWn to taking on
hlg gboet danee wbleb to being bald to anlmala. which cover the gronnd. are forty engloM tor Chineu and eutero
toe Otoe rwerraUon to Indian Terri being hnroed
railways and tklriy one will be boilt
‘ tory, eoethwaat of here, to beeoBlng Pioneer phyiiclana of toe etate cite by the beginning of next year. Tec
toe fact toat the former great nvertooeblaeoma ^
vet for toe French etote rellBepreaentaUrae from twelve tribea flowk of the Breroa were followed by way, toe flTsl American ever export'd
are taking part to the danee. which
‘ and toat another to France, are betbg loaded on
haa been going on atoea Monday. Tba plegM of toto kind to imminent nnlam etoamahlp Panenta.,______
danenre, who are naked and palntod. prompt etepe are takes to piece the
have dally toereaaed in anBbeia. The whole regwm in the bml possible tabihave been dianttofied for aone tary ebndltlen.
Mata and an ontbraak to not anlmproV Now toat toe watora have reeeded it Pell Down fh' Oellar Btoire and Broke
aWllty. The agent baa ordarad toe la apparent that the damage te raUBer Arm-Second Time She Haa
nda to eaaM danotog. bat they rafaeed road property was msch greatw than
Safftfed Prom n Pall.
flret esUmated. Many mUaaof road
Mnllea.an old lady of Btot Bay.
Staten troopa to on toa way tbara from bed and traek will have to be rebttllt.
The aggregate lorn to toe ratlroede to fell down toe eellaratoirs at her home
fbrt Qlhnon. 1. T.________
not lest than fS.OOO.OOO, exelnelve of ymterday morning and broke ker right
arm In two places. Two bones were
lose of eamlnga.
broken in ber band and toa arm above
KayAMBtoaV. A.M totbaBlg Bnthe wrtitwueleo broken. It will be
enmpment to Aagaat.
e long time before the will r^ain the
of ber arm on nceonnt of her age
The exeenUra oMBittoa of toa eom- Woman to Ocdar Palla, town, Sics
toa bonaa wiU knit together very
tag 0. A. B. anenmpmant held anotoar
Proa Bffeets of Its BiU.
moating yaaterday and toaagnrated
m Motoae. Iowa. Jnly IS.-Mary A year ago aha fell and brake her hip
farther pinna for tba getbertog of old Vasgkn. a young eroman of Cedar
^ aoldUre. It wm alao daeldad to make Falla, died last night from toa ittog of Mdwaajcti gelUng well from toat
toto a Joint reanloa. it pemible,^t toe nkimlngbog. She w_t bitten on the lejory when the eeeond aeddeat oc0. A. B- and the yoenger eoldlen of Up while sitting OB toe lawn Saterdny | corted yeetordav.
toe Speetoh-Amertoan war. The battal evening. Her face swelled up tmmed-'
ion of the Thlrty-foartb Miehlganvol- lately, and toe awelUng extended to
tmteere, oonaittiog of the eompanlce of her entire body. Phnleinnt oonld do Beportod That Oen. W. L. While wUl
Traveree City. MaetoUe. Big Baptda nothing for her t
Be e Candidate.
and Metbegon. wlU be Invitod to borne ■geny.
Dcirolu .Jnly )».—The News uye
hart aae Joto the veteraaa of toe v-ivU
war. eed a ganerwl ierlutloti will be BVLISZBXVT SATIbS^OBZ. that evideneea of toe candidacy of
White for toe
axieedrdtean eoldlen latotoeectlon
who served to the war with Spain. Saongb Ben are Already Seenred to Bepabltean aomlnaUoa fo? auditor
general have reached here. It to being
,t the idea may
There are It
form Ose BfgiaanL
he earried oat enoocasinUy and if it to Waahlngtoa. O. C.. Jnly IS.—ddje- talked tout it to one of toe planka in
toto will he thelargmt and maatdtotla- taat General CorbU eald today that
gutohed gatoertog of eoldlera ever gath toe enltotmeot of volnstoera waa ea-''
ered ugetoar to toto pait of Miehigaa. tlrely eattotactory and that already
Qasrwrmnster Uaneral White bu toto wees enough men had enitotod
Had Bla Sou Cat and One of Bto
•oUSed Oommander Beberta that 400 organiia one regiment. With the u
Aaklu Broken
teata will ba placed at the dtoposal of number of reerulOag eUtloaa. there O. W. Poet, an employe of toe Oral
toe eommltiee for toe eneampaent. bu been almoet donble toe number of Wood Dtob Go. to laid up with a badly
An etort will be made to lodoee Gen- reguUre enitotod in a wuk. abowlng trjored leg u toe rualt of an accident
•nl WbiU to ececpt aa tovitotloa to that toe volunteer army to popaUr and at toe futory yuterday morniag.
ba present, and toe popular officer who that there are more men anzloBB to wu carrying come rolle of veneering
•quipped toe eoldlera of Miehlgan
enltot u volnotoere
there w«
wbleb be dropped la eomy manner. The
toor^hlyaadao quickly will be a enltot u regulars.
ehnrp edge of one of toe rolls ctroeh
toeleome garni not only to the youagar
him ea toa knM. es ttlng a severe gnto
•nldlera hot to too eld eoldloie who
to toe boM'aad then fall on hli ankle,
taUy sppreeUU toe d'lffieelUea
bruking II. Ba wu immediately ukequipping a Urge body of men for net- Aad Good Bau Bali |Wm Be Pally •BtoDr. BsUlday'aoffim and toe inlesaervlee.'
a won Utonded to. It will be
time bafen toa nafortanato maa.
l toat toe BaaUaie
id npOB a Bohataa- wOl ta able to work.
Xbd^endent Order of AbolMnoe Xa have bun r
Ton eff a Thnaab VaU.
taeorppmud at WaiMw.
Bong toa oatoeM- HnbMt Nortonp. la Mark Crawb
Pnakfort. Ky.. Jnly is.—The moat utioftha national game. Maatotea
•mploy u a driver, met with a rerr
hu toa atrongut team evar support in paiatnl aocidaat yaaterday moralag
wUla •natrap^ag a teak f^oe
bS nnU-diinklng aoelety. Tha Kanmtraaa. Ba wu nalag a battoa
tMky Indapendent Ordv of Abitalnu Tba Baatlnrs are made sp of hook in htoenduvor to looaaa toa
toe of Warsaw. OalUttn oonnty. filed •tnmg players aad toe team wUl give
brtielse of Inoarporatloa hare toto toe Oolto a good hutie In toe gne^ Stepp aad ta aoBe maaam the tool
toarlag off CMofhktoamb
■enlng. It baa w> oapltal etoek, and next Wedaaeday aad Tbnreday. Tba
btoextot (or "l.ooo yeaie. or nnUl ticket hocke are prUted aad will be naQaaad badly tearing tou mem
toe death of toe last member,v toe .ob^ dcUvered to ankuribrnm befora
Hew Day Olach.
MS being *0 “pweta too eanno of gemu toto week. Tba aew aato
O VanAarpooLwhohuNau
In-fi------ U Eeataeky."
he bare to lima te toa fim lag la toe capaelty of day clerk te
Tbe Innarpeeaton of toa aaoeeUtom
Colombia Hotel (or eeveral meatoe. hu
breOeeggi SimpuB. Bdward Winter.:
raMgBodhiapoaltkmnBd hu gou to
BiwardWhlto.badetoen.au of War- The game that wu to have beea Anod aty. Gedkg* UtOafield of Bv
mw. Tbeefltan are kaowb aa the played yeatorday ateraooa bekweea Look. Mieh.. who hu beu n^ u
dWefabstolnmeU a tohtolmy prodeo- Baadah Teririara aad toe Old Mtoatea atet elerii te toe pnat (uv wcoka
team wu declared o« beeaau of the
ble poalttoa u day elark.
huvy eeadlttoa of toe gronads. It to tfcahUafladihtaa
pcobabte, howorarthat toe two toaam
wfllMoettotoeaaar tasara.
Ill tpinaiic FEiBiP.
We are
Closing Out......
henilreds ol pairs
ol shoes at bi{
radonioBS doriae
ear great
CliRR Sweep
Shee Sale.
Wo must Lave onr stock
all clear of broken lota when
our fall aboee arrive. You
can get good ekoe bargaine
'pHB next three weeka are twoally the dullest of
A the year—sort of “between c^ss and hay”—
Jnst to shake np the dry bones/re make a.......... .......
10 per cent, cut
on all picture framing.
lliii will relieve lu of tbe reguUr faU roah-keep our men
buty snd give yob the benefit of rook bottom price*.
In bnr went window are tome frame* we turned out
TMtorday—we priile oonelre* on the krtiqtic oombinntians,
•tyle and workman«hip. Bring down your jneturea and let at
give you aa estimate.
Special Hamnant SaU of Cartaina—from one to fire
of a kind, at 7 to 17c each.
290 Froat StiWt
Balph Connable Jr.. Kanaxer.
Not eld geode.
. i »S
Newetyluoftoee. Beetofwrar.
tJ oiMClean Sweeppriee... .|i so
*'-s--Clean Sweep pricr... in
H’-Clean Swevp priee.... 9t
Light. Dreuy.
fit 00—aean Sweep priee .. ,H.50
at 00 and U so—Clean Sweep
price .............................. : 98
»S 00 aad tt rs-Clean 8wup
• price................................ *00
Yop can now got a very
good pLoe for wLat a common
pair dsnally costa you
Ifew Idea Fashion Sheets
—AncuM luaa-B«w mas i-attanu-Auguat
I atylaa—Now hara—Faahlon Sliaata Fraa—Any Saw
IdM Pattem, 10c.
Foot tfaonaand pattama in stock.
Alfred Y. FreiSricli.
Sa Benda & COa
It PAy> To Tradk Here.
Oar Gaaetalship amoie Clortiiars is so Unmistalabla aad ladispotable Fact,
Tea Tear Cootracts
Made hr Michigan Telephone Oo.
for any elaet of urvlae deelred.
Sabscribars Mar CmcbI
nt end of six moatha or change
to any clam of aervioe at will.
Telephone the manager to call
aad explain new raton adopted by
the companv.
Mlthigaa Talephoaa Co.
Jtlings’ flaTm Cigar
Gate Pos
New Goods
New Ideas-New D^ds
New Thoughts
Have bronght ua to the front in ehort orders
We jost came in time-people were abont to
tire of the old ftahloned, drowey, “If-I-don*!oome-today.I.oome.tomorrow” way of doing
bosineee —Hot only that, bat they had to eend
outeide to get nioe np-to-date clothing, hats and
forntohlnge-Now. atnoe BEHDA baa taken the
lead, everything rune smoothly and the money
etoye at home, for Ohioago or Detroit stores do
not handle a better class ol goods than won can
find here.
To be OMilecBM or MMInil to on Mi temaaBls Is
to 1« “h tto iUit* ibool Ho Uiosl FuMog
Our July and August Offer
le to give f^ of charge every 10th hat, pedr of
panta. shirt, salt of underwear, cap, aox, ana*
pendera, belt, nmbreUa. ooUar, tie, eta
Elegant weather for mackintoehee and ambrellaa—we've got all the good kinds at the low.
eat prloee.
Early faU atylea of Hewland Hata-$1.00,
$2.00 and $8.00. Jost unpacked, English eqaare
ties, new tinbe and polb.
S. Benda & Co.
First Class Nataoa Ci|ar,
Good Sira,
Eicallaat Qaalitii,
I Now TUagniartb Caltlntiag,
1st roar Oealat far Than.
We State
Simple Facts
A. w.Iahraus,
Bho. In th. ol«7 Ite taOO ua eS'X^
Oxtua.; sqpe., BQ. tba *1.00. tiAs.
TpoBBliw Blo<^
$l.B0udVS00. Hnr tin. oTBUppen
Fin bisuraiicG.
Parker Bros.
Or. E X. <>M«f Ifw UotMmi
rkittM Ww«i i» t>* i*ty-
Mn. M. i. IMte wm ter* te
.TftATnraoirr. • lacnoui BorttipRrt
MMarrow wml*C.
wfU 4tecMfl< MM fiuptey
«kM *lM*.
0**. Hwrte* )na rMwtel tro« ft
ffeM. T. Eatm a» J. W. Jtfxnii. trtploCkftrUraU ft»£ ftflrtte-lj foUtft
/, W. Bftxm. lAtwr tmi tUaagtt. Mr. tad MjTft. A. T. WWtefta ui
EU BftU,Tbr*« 0«M!
TM «lt7 of Chtaro baft
IMtaM U not tfaft vhoU tblftf
Ma r*MlBft.1 for tb* HtU« rUIair* of
tIvM Oftkft. EUh.. to h«®iUftt- th*
titr whieb taftCfftM ttftftff
- |M ftfttloB. Cbteco *ftftt«l <«• of
«M ftftftfton Oftptftiftd by Ad«lr»l
p*«r*y ftt MfcftUft »»A *r«7
p*4* to Mcnr* oM of tb* pris«ft la
Mfft* tbftft tb* jMloft* rftc* of Cbtero
w%m tb* wirM Mao«B«*d tb*t UtU*
TbrM Oftk* WM ftWftrMd. oa* of tb*
ns* ftM Cbtero «m Uft Is Ut* lorob.
Tb* Mwapftptn «e*ld not l*i It gc *t
tMt, bowc**r, Bor ooftMftl tb* dteppoElMSt tolV bat BMl T*Bi U*U
baaor *po« la»o*«tt Tbi** OftMTb*
|*Mr 0**ftft prtnMI ft* ftU*C«d l*Mrritw eftlealftUd to fllaf •ftreftfta
■POT tb* •*el«d*d Mlebicu tows B*r*
••«FMtb*fttft M." r*aftrk*d J«Um
W*ldra. ft trftTftllbf aftft wbo aftk**
Tbr** Oftk* ooe* * aoatb to ft*U pro«rte wb*ft b* bftftrd tbft MWft tel
■ifht. -U to «r*r* out wh*»* la *1*
IMy will pvt lb* OTMOT. Tb*r* r*ftlly te't ma la frovt of tb* poAoSo*.
pad U tboy pvt it la frovt of tb* blftckpattb vbop tb* tenaerv wlU OM it M ft
htteblap poftt. tMy alrbt pvt It la
Wftrraa'* *ppU orchard or take It Uto
raram^ BUI yoa*'* eoraftold. wb*r* U
■nOd b* dud vp to *M«* th* twefnl
p»Tfeii of ft •cftrft-erow wbcft oomAot
------ -D.aplto tbft dmmOT«toeftrofteB.tbe:fftet rcmaine that
TMn Oftk* nuiadtbe Itoi* acfttet
•U eoMr*. rnat |aad OBall, and earytod oB tbe pcreiBiBMae. and uy critle^•Mckaoleoar fMpeft. AU hail
TMMOftka. LOTClltetobermftp.hftr
^olle and her abondant Bftrra”
Oood Bbowivy of Export*.
TMAaealiyearoodUy Jva* M tet
Ahow*ftrMotdef*Bb*tontial batlaaet
I* and tb* dyarM of oar exMrtt are mneb better tbas wm <
ftt tb* boylaatoy of U* year.
TbotoUl export* of Ue Hailed
■tote* for U* year w*ra|ll.m.44i.4ts.
•yalaaldl.Stl.Ul.UolaUedMal year
•adlByJaaeM. iMto. Thutoabetur
•bowlny tbaa wm expected- Tber»
fnea yneral belief that Ue hlyb
■taBdardof itM, wlU it* bwey ex
pert* ot yrato. «Mld bM b* malatftlBftd
bat U* ftxporto of UU daoU year are
■Ply d4.vS8.M!i below UoM of 1898.and
•r*dlT8.0oo.oM Uryer Um any ^ee*d{■y year exeept 1*98.
Thai* WM ft redaetlOT U wbaat expertft. bat Uto waa more Uaa o8a*t by
IM laoreaaed *xparu of Boar.
PHt abroad U tbe dnl year eadUy
Jan* 10. a.ooo.000 barrel* amr* ot B
teatb* proceduy year. The haary
OTporto of oom tet y«ar were rory nwarayiay to farmer*, ft wa* aaderftoed at tbe time Uat Ue ebortaye la
otkftr yralnt aoeovnied for Ue extraor
Alaary demand for Ara. Tk* exporu
lertbto decal year *bow a UlllaycfT ,f
^Mriy 14,000.000 baU*U
Tb* areray*. price per bnabel of
Wbwt expoTMd In Ue dMsal year iivs
wm M to owta. Tb* araraye U Ue
iaOTl yaar ia*t *ad*d wm 74 n e*nu
tb* deereftM U the exporu ot
WM e»a«ed by dreamataaoe* wholly
OTtoid* U* fUld of war. |te Imporu
at tb* Uitdaeal year amOTated to
iWl.07T.U8. an iasTOTM of dll.ooo.ow
■rvUalmportoofU* prvrtoM dwml
ftm- Tb* yrOTtor pan of Uto laeiM**
Mft ban wlthU U* tet lew awatM.
Owix* to tb* ftbftenoe of Beeratary
Alyer. Oeaeml EUm wUl bold tb*
pnltioa of aeUay eeeretary of war
til Monday. Btre wonld be a yraad
' appcrtualvy for U* yeaeral to work U
iB BOB* of bto ehariabed taforma, bat
IMr* wUl aot b* Ume Moayta before
MaBaarataryrataraetobtopOTt. Tbto
I* aaeUar cablMtiM of U* irony of
Eta wbleb bM made BlybtaarM of Ue
ArOTMOf the eemmaader of U* army.
AftOffhMT of Cblcftt* kft«* r»
MM to ftpite tb*
MM Aftftft ftftd Oltejftd UiteftU
Mr* nunml to tftl. tHy ftftM ftttedtef tM C. E «9«rMtte U DMrdt.
W. r. K^M- hft* ntarsM (roa i
trip (a MslMn MiftblfftB.
MM L«m Orouer o( Klnn^7*p«a<
tb* 4fty ta tow* ycsUrday.
;iddof Oop**y to la
BcbeOTft Kidd
tk**ltytb* ft«c*t of tbe fftaily of
Newtw FrftftkUv.
Mn- Bftvoftb NoyaftbftftKOoetoLoar
Lak* ftfter vtolUaf bcr^atoee, Mr*.
Mftrii CMw of ttato city.
Mr. tad Mr*. W. WoroMtar of ChiOTgo ftr* *wpplac ftt tbe »ark PUot
B. A. Tr*ftdw*y aad C.ally of Graad
Bft^ bfteft too* to Se-ftb.tft-wvaU.
where they bar* a eotuye.
C. L. Byder of the UeUaft* hotel.
day froa Graad
Rapid*, where b* t
Mr. aad Hn. /■ P- WfalU ftvd Mrv.
L. Stftatoy of Maple City. »r* U th*
vltyatundUy tb* Prto^ qaarteriy
aM Tb*b«tte«Mtb*doak ftt, KOnjIOXXUX w anSBE
• o-teak with tb* Boy'vBfta4OTbOT(«l
n* boat will fttOT orvr Cr* bear* at Bor* ■booM M Oartel •* «pat* «M
- »M* VT*t»«te kp X. .V '
tbM ftUowlar ptetp «t
tM* (er ft trip vro*ad tMt pUe*.
TMn fti* May boy* la tb* elty wbo
O.T. W=Ui
aftke ft rMftte prftctte of ftbootiac
ar*«d ft lot *{ b
bMv. wbo arm pvrMM Mt OTwaic
Svttow Sty yc*urd*y. oa tb*
tMtltMft paalftbftbl* olfeaM to kiU
rnlvaVaftPd rxa««t* tp
i>kd tMt'acap M-dt. To tboM -ho ftr* aot
1 po.wd vpM tb* tow tv tb« rarvtd H
pt»e» bi* f*t*r* boat*.
Tbe rB»«t« of T^Trr** B*t W** *i» -ni be ud latarMt to kaow wb*t tbe
r*av«n*a i« b* pmaat *t tb* raarate Uw prorida* la refard to tb* kUlfap of
f«ri*w toaonow *T*alaf. m tb«r* it •topincblrdft ItbMOOMto tb* ootto* of D*pv9 G*m» fTftfdOT CMw tbtt
oertftla boy* bar* b*OT la tM habit of
kUUac bird* t^vi proweted by Uw vad
OTtiOT tonorrow akrbt *t 7:M ttaarp.:: torth*bftft«Btor tbon tb* foUowlry
eatraet troa tb* pva* Uw* «iu prawe
Or-tp* Blv* of »b* foraltar* d*p*rt.
iDfTt of tb* MeroftvUl* Oa. toft toat
etoht to ftttrvd tb* rroftt faraltar* **_______
klllftByrpe iiioa Iv Orftvit B«p't». **d to aak*
• bftwk. whippoorwill, dveb,
the tor*«*t oor'hftM for toll ft*d bntiI- lark, awallow, yellow bird, bloi
. AT
W. are ■elliiig .ome nice
Lawn &ttees
for tl.95 to red and $;re«n.
We bare a Urge line of
wreb bad Lasa Rockera,
^Uee*; Haminook Cbaini,
in moat all colotd and stj*
ng at
In, and tbe; are going
reT7 little prioee at tbia
big sale.
tbftt ivaGtvtloo.
! bird, or Ab ttCB«*U of'aa'ch' bird.'
Mftieoa WloB<* to bar'er • eearat »ba!l bepaUty of a atodearaoor. as'’
walk told la boat of bta iaftia«ao* oa ou
ot ooavtcuiia
oaovletlOT .Berooi.
tbe^. naaii
.ball oe
be deed
flre.dolUiv lor eaeb Wrd ao killed, a
Bute itree*.
for eaeb Beat *o tabbed, or oocfioed
ifioed Ir
Tb* D'trdt Ptm Pt*a
tbe cojinly jail f^ tea dayi. i both
enfftreaenl of Mtol Var{,£ aveb
>• aad it. ,
u m tb*edU
■M-r'l of D*i«Ht.to. Prof. C. B. Boat, cretlOT of tbe eoort.
tbe TioUotot of Tr«een* City. Mto*
B dwell to tbedftvtbterof W. a Bidftxuo Dr. D. It Cftrrile, of
w«'l, of Mftrey*tf**l. Detroit, ftad to
W**biU. 1.
I. T. He write*; -Fovr botprr>aloevt in aMleal drcle*. beivy a tU* of Eleetric
Etetric Bitm bsa corOT Mra
tfttonUd aoprua
Brewer of *erufQla. whlcb
J. W. Slater, House Furnisher
Stioire—120 FxxjXL-tBt.
ble *®m wovl^to^ ovt on bo-'^b^ •
tbft yvaatbf bar bfotbar, Beary Snltb.
There are. bowerer, a tow buodre*
1U.1.U. 1.1. lor
not.* tbe brawny. b~n«< t..,o.*d
bit bom* yeetorday ftftor apeadlaf a yoon* ^
men hneiw
badly kiMn*
ktariny their
tbelr womea
abort Urn* U tb* vlty.
,b<J tellln*. for U.r tbonaandth
MM Uaa FlafE to belplay U tb* ‘
faroona day.
, that Keetrie Bitterv to Ue
?e’bMr*blLj I
•oprcvM rcm- '
‘«tM ”*?!:'rbevm
;j rTi._
Blin. .bouTSd rnn^y
| *UmnUt«a Uw, kidney*
cldney* and bowel*!
polaona. help* dlyMtloo. bvild*
*. sutor-. h.»- I^Uh. I
3. W. BUtcr and *oa went to Graad
Bapkto yeatarday moralay for a weak*'
rtoU at tb* faraltar* cxpoaiUoa.
MM Jaaate Gore of Lftlayetu. lad..
and Mm Orao* Darrah of Bly Bapld*.
tb* roeato of their eovaU. Mr* T.
O Qaaton.
Fraae Pw"VI« MUUr of FUat to tb*
iMBily of Arebta
yvaat of lb*
L. F. P*rlMU wUl toftOT lor <%toftf*
T T T¥ F
X T T~\
dT'14 T
a. .m r.
ire of a cfipplr tlian a flghtrr wbea ,*Btoed )
abr wt tbe pace for the conntry-<l*nta
Ip Manila bay. ‘Ougbl to hero been Pall *8t to $6 casta
In dock.” aay* grimy John Bothwcll.
gunuer’B mate. ••Utlf the time w*
boiler* wonldnt
bond and aend n* *11 i« ibe rioud* fall 8rt to 96 east*
by • new route. Baninp her t>oller*.
That price will bay at tbe Fvbom :
pood « thlp ■■ there 1* ■float.'*
half dezaa SUrariaa kalvea aad
Of Admiral I)i-we.r*« qnailfleaMnua
many forka.
for the prealdeo^ the aatloria rqilnh-a
a* repreaented hy Jature Dalton, flint.
gnnner. leaning In pegtlgcDt
AU details A>f the profession looked after in a pro*
fessional manner.
. I lo. SIS OiMi Stitel
. .
I dectmyer. are fall of tenw fori'e.
■oaUweat to look up trait i^pect*
ttaiion. “ to
aad will #0 a* f*»^
far M R*8*M
RaaaM CUy.
I! At to be hemperor of the world. There
Alderman O. W. Mrdi* will left** | ain't oolhlnit that that man rvn'i do If
tomorrow for Cbtoftfo ot baaU*** U | be trie*. But we don't think tbe ad.
tniral wootd Ik- a auoceiw ai a |>n>ati
naak Weltov, eashtor of tk* Ftoat dent. Too *e*. he'd b**r ao uae
NfttioDftl Bank, latvratd ye*tard»y fbe ylad-Uacd tbaketn. The penial
.............. -.-..Itnan ain't mnrb In hto IitM>. Seel Bat
tram Port Barnp. where ba attaaded
, be'* a Bailor if erer there llred on*
Ue meetUg <f tbe Slat* Baakar*’ yi>t. And how be doe« lor.- a flpbtl
f •RsSt
------, „ Why. when Jie wa* poiDR lolo anion
Mr. vvdMn. J. B. Buhop vad M (_, ,,, on ,br Olympia then, but
Bl*bopofCtodUte.winoe in Ue elty tmiu.fem-.l-Myf b* to tw. any. be.
to attend tbe fvneial ot tbe Uto B. B , 'Boy*.' uy* lie. *we're yolnc «> hare v
.. C.
„ B
Plaaen and________
wife aad Jndye
A. Bom. wife and family of KaaSM.
rluf ftyaU- I‘'«»
time, bat well gel there
^i‘afJr“‘:2n5iM i^^J^da^'^t
gold lace or ruffle* ahnnt IL either.”
U* Bolal ColambU.
Prof. C. E Horniretnnud tet Blyht| ^r. Terence Mntphy. foreman of tbe
framDatroU, and will rMame rtoillB eccood aectlon. “Why. I»r0 lore y.-a.
iaatraetloa la Ue School cf Hnale *o the day that wo did np Montojo'a
, Boot he wulkvd ap and down the
K. L. Johnaoa cf Mapletra wm U , bridge of the t)lympla with a nray
- i-llke jon're wearing now-end
Ue city yMterday.
Job. I.
ol OH UlHkm
<■''b.m Ib-r. 1.1, ,.1.
... 1. 0.wb,«.nU,.
next Saaday.
i a* if be wae riltlng in the porc^f hi.
Sam Slone left Ue mty yeaterday own houae at Itome tin a auiuDier’e
lor MaatoUqaa
| ereiiliig. It wa* beantlful to ih><- him.
B. Bim«, Bwt Wlaaie and Ed. I There he trmalDed the whole time.
--------------- --------------- - . ..pp ,r
Gilbert wUl iMT* early Uto moralng Siring unlen. here and ib. iv. taking
for Baa* Uk* toerjiy adayb Bahiay. eeer^-thlng with tbnne c
look Jhrongh
, .
Mia. AaaUa Broderick aad atour of !
Graad Rapid* are U Ue c^y TtollUy.
^ raw'-tMiey. alnewy gentle.
WlU Mra BartUtl of WaabUyto^
h»Me*t Jaw erer eeen
on land or
of pototoea and viewed lN«ef To remark
« i-rnTb-Tb'.
enyayW. to appear at Btetoberya
Graad Mit TMeday erMiay. ar* or*
of ue most Mlcbtaud eoeoert oryan*
toatloai DOW bafor* Ue pablU “Tbe
Black Melba"beadB tbe company aad to
a ■optaao alager of dtoUnyatobed
merit. The company carry a tpIandU
crebealra and t'tey bare an catabltobed
ilay orar SO yaara,and
bare appaarad pariodlnaUy U Great
BrltUa. Cftaada aad Ue DnlUd 8Ute
Itoketa ar* a*w a maim dt U* bu
Oa* of Ue faanieet ot negro otUt*
t to a Ic^ time wUl
tbe ylraa in Ue Ofty Opera loaa* Mon
day aiybt by Dara Ptekteb Elay Play
«r*of Dili* aad ynat cake walkwe.
Dare PicMt to oae of U* atoal etleaad M baa
blmaolf WlU a tatejM
Tb*y bara bean ^ay*
an aadtoacm aad racririay
Oa aeeoaatof Ue rapalrt U
la U* CoayrayatloaalUbareb the
TheUrMaxenratouOTtbeC A W.
ortol aerrieea of TraraiM City Tmt,
M. today premtoa U b* nry wcU at.
' go. ri. R. O. T. M.. -will be datonrad
teadad on* of tbam gotoy to Bay View
MtU aaxt Baaday. Jvly u.
CM to MnkacOT aad tb* oUar u
1 * "W* Mr* eold Biaay diSwaat eoayh Graad Raplda BoU tzalae ten at 7
rawedtoft, bet aoa* bM ylren belter
...Uefan to Onad Rapid* aad
' ' uoa Uaa CbamberUU'*'' aay*
keyoa briny dt aad to Bay Vtow
M BoUba'aca Drvyrtot.
A laiy* aambar ot ticket* ban be«8
Mid for tba«XOTralOT today to Oharlcnto OT th* Btaamm^ Oolambla to beyie« aad«r tb* anaptoa* of, U* C M. B.
tb* Wimor. 10 E aM If th* w«aUm to tanrable oae
|at tba torgmt erawda cf Ua botbot will
your«eIf."-lH-*lle'a Weekly.
0*a>d**l DaOenUBO It.
‘Tdnther.'' teld Ur. Sprlggint. *• bt
Irciired Icto the .rorklr^t-i hair
puU.d a letter from hli pocket. *T've
got tutnelhln' I want to n*i yoa."
•T.ar.d aaktr Sllat." the old lady ex
claimed. "they ain't nothin' happened
•to John, are theyr
Ur. ftprTggiu wiped hi* •pectaeleaaad
"Well. I dunno ae yon eonid call li
harpenlrt* to 'Im. hut it'* blame auccr.
that * all I gnt to aay.‘
Ttenjie tlowly lemm-ed the totter
from It* eox-elupe and carefully ncfold*
*d It. but hi* wife, who bad become rl*Ibly ImpatienL t.-ok the *ht*t from hi*
hand* and ra«t a haiiy glvnce over It. !
tc make sure that John bad not died.
' "Well." ahe aalA banding th* letter
back. "I don't »ee anything la there to
make a tu*a about.*'
"John aaya bc'a coming home next
week, don't heT' the old mao demand
ed. "and they ain't a word in hi* letter
about him wantin' me tqaend owmey tb
pay hla way back, and t* don't aay he'*
w.goin' to bring three or four of hi* college frieed* along down to apend thetr
YBcaUoB hare and aat tf worth of grub
n day, totber!*'
It’s Passing Strangs
That so many of . the merchants complain of
“July the dull month,” “July usnally the dullest month
o' the year’s “Just to keep busy this dull month."—
We hare no huefa thing as "dull month" in pur vocab
ulary—we‘re bus/ all the time—we are the veritable ,
*'bee hive of industry" of Northern Michigan.
We don’t-offer “special bargains for this month
only." We are giving you bargains every day of the
year. Our goods are bought by those wbo have
studied the markets for years, and wbo always an
ticipate the fluctuations, tlws saving you many dol
lars when our prices are compared^witb others.
Each department has received enormous ad
ditions during this so-called “dull month." filling
. them wjtb the best bought stock of merchandise un
der due roof outside of Grand Rapids or Detroit.
This is a statement fully borne out by a lookthrongh
our mammoth establishment.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Hahilto.'* '‘lotbik
rnri divtai. wobk.
Th*U*ed Alrw
V: ■i'
f I ■
TMI KORMOro B»OOap 8PHOAT, JOLT 16. 1686.
M<r f lii Muatifc
i Sl«.U Mem»
,. . . - _ .
0^ Stv\ert6\. ^1
SipwwwiVaiamw^ w
mmrj J. SaUar.wheat daaik ooearari
•t Maaloa raaatlj. •»« »i jmk of
ar*- TWomaJ4ff«TBi
ofiba t'aUad Btataa vhaa Mr Sollrr
•aa bora ia Oiwagooraaip. Saw Y^ak
WUk 1
Bo« a buiii ^ran
mU a M«p>«
rallrad tlckau (• tba
t>a*laoraqiM«mil*.«>iD«l,of emw
rairM U«i SatnnUr ai a Wading
Aioong U.e gsnu of tbr W
waa a waalibf Trxaa BM^ltani wb«
vaa fB tovie. wttb bla vlfe. for a ridi
to Xev KDglacd. Tba Teua bad a lo
in tba
CKxrmcH nsFioxi tosat.
•acts (BptaoopAL) tamcB.
iwt of V. V. Baball
by Larra Otowd.
. Tbacioaoart irtraa by tba W. W. Blm
HBBd BoardjbaUOo iB tbair .:aw aiorala tba IfarkI haaa bloA- laat aaaBiar auiactad a
e at »;«e a. m.
Aaaday School at 1»
agar, azartad hjiMalf to make It plra
Vaapar aarrioe at,«:lft p- ■
ant fcr bU gnaata and tl-a raanlt waa a
AU ara eortlaUy taaitod to tl
ebarmiac anraaa Tba Boya' Baod
MV or wa worui cbaafo maf tiataa ia,rn. wbo tram eapaaUUr aiutloga
•u*.j.a.«raar. aamor.
(raprodooad from tba Grand grapboSMday-Praclitag at 10:10 a. m.. »••>«»• »*^er tba direction of Prof. J
.n.:7:»0pB. C aaa Biaating at B:W a ^
Martangba fall orebaatra
m. Satday achool at tba eloM of mxB-^^botad a pleaaaat psrtlon of
{the program. Dr.J.A.SByderraedarJobo A. Braot of LaaGag wUl an I *^ * **‘‘"^
*bU too. waa rapro.
tbe palpit both moTBingand erening.
Sicfftna played aereral
Epwortfc Detgna at 6:14 o. «.
' •*:*ct«oni oa the Sne eocaiion which la
rbotaday-Oeneral prayer maetiag •
be olaeed in Graee ehnreb. and the
at 7ao p. m.
; P>r«M prorad that ttie ehnreb ia to
All ara oordla’ly iarlted.
ibaaeapriiatt.be appreciated.
rmiarua CHvatm.
! Alberta readerad «a»tal barp aalaeEaa. Baretay Jonca. Paaior.
**«“ bf r qaeau It waa a aery eaterSnnday echool at #:4S.
talning conoert aad a fluing opening
Preaching. 11:00a.m.
‘be laqreet and g^oat ettspleta
Y. P. S C.E.. 6:l*p, m.
[mnaleatora In dortbera Michigaa. Mr.
Prayer atacuag Wadneaday aaaaing!
pwaented the alaltora aHib
jprcfywniaecilralotbeabape of deeoEca. J. 0. Biaford ot Kolgbtttown, |
lod , General Snp’t of EaaagalUUc
work tor Indiana aad Mlebigaa will ba
•1 raeken' the moat excitin' race I
prraaat and preach la tbaia aerricaa
Bca. J. W. Vlnaaga and Bee. Bow- aaar aec." tdwerved ibe man with the
aH MooiT. from Manton, will aaaiat in faded hatr. after an Intrraal of alienee
I Tba aotlHior waa abown op. tvrrlr«-d tba maetliiga
At Bpabafoa, WllUam B. Barsatt, a’
conUally. and glrati an Inimedioozoaxeanosai,
blaekamltb. waa aaaaaliad by a footpad
onh-r for tbrongb tranaportallon da*. O. OackUa. aaaier.
thing elae Ip (be rarroM that would
laat Sunday algbt aad la ttlll oneDB«aya Hr drioriFd. cbarkllug
Tbara will be no aaraicM at tba Con make a hot |re. The Prairte Rose waa
the name of one boat and the lUnne«regatiooaI chareb tomorr'
ot U,
count of tba bnllding ttodergolng re-1
«>«*'er. hot .verrB.„ bui,
knowed It waa a race between bwMB .k)Bl lb. ehwl Md h. WM, f P "n>un«p. pp,| -■ihpophifuln,*.;- a'd pair* and rraoaatloo. Seralcea aa asaal
fur the raasMi that thryd
paraatlyabokad. Be bad |40 walob U hour or an Utrr the kx-al m>r«^i>tatlrF tba following Snaday.
onre. I «ai
^ druiiim] arvunil and wa> uri liy bla
rinar nAPnar
. the Rore. and we waa chlhnln*
At Maniataa. Hra. Soonabaad of
“> *br lobby. The irr«tinr Bee. W T WouCaosBC. Pa>t»
I rBatcettra oa the Belle. It wa:
; tiKira’D forty feet away, and the beat
Moraibs icralca at lo:l0 a. m.
that got around the Big Bend Ar*t wa
Sunday School 11:00 n.
I fcoi-wed would win the rwre----Yonng Beopla's maeGng 0:|.t p. a.
br bad wadr a
• Which got there fl.air- asked
Baenlng aaraiqa at T:tu
ti» tire
Mr. and Mra. Unaarr, batb agad M. i bad bivak.
>e engli
AU ara eordlally uaited to tbOM aar_
tlere i
. ______
____ _
' . «o tbo dFjiot. and lurldrnlaUy
of tbalr marrlace a t Delta Uaada.
fat ed hair. "Or parts eg him
_ .
thing waa aald alwut ibe route. "Wa
bllar exploded."
Taa |-yaarK>M non of WlilUm Hitler- \ <W< id,.d to go tbia way on a.t-ount of
Church on comer of Hlntb and Wad»Aaar. of MaBomlnaa. fell from tba aae- *br gentleman wbo <«lb-d to m-11 na
eod atery ipiadow aad fraetarsd biah*''b'-t*-” nplatned the lady. ‘■Hr wat worth straw.
Sundaa aatalesa aa follows:
talls nf II
akaU. BUrnooaeryiadoabtfal.
.» nourtrona and pWaaanl. Wby. wonyi
Preaching at 10:13 a. m.
kldraplng of fbe Clark child,
1. which
Oaorga Leonard. IT yaan of an a'
Sunday tebool atliilo
parrr.U dlKuatrd frequently
Preaching at 7:lo
.* -r M ' *'"**' •*“
Of «be breathleM I
Mid-week prayer
, tereei of their f-yeer-dbl son. T
Ba waa a partictpaat ia tbra wara— fnaka ibaro; of bit prinHpaJ aa pttaa^ Blaok Bawk, tba airngg.* wtUi au aa pOMlU*. Anvrdlnglr b« roabt-d
If adao and tba elvU «rar.
a flortot'a aa auua aa ba
'samn on tba raglinFr and «rdan-d hlxn
At WilliaBBtoo Bo7 Cobeiraa. agad
to pot D|i tba haodMitoact buocb of
7 Taan. •a^foollair vUb a Uwa mota- roan ba bad
la tba ab»p and a«-nd <t
«r aad aaddaply dlaeoaarod tbatooaof
i-r to
Blank ai;aiKb-aod-an<b
Ua lacara «aa Bbalag. Ba bpotad
aroaad la tbagraaa aatll ba foond tba
bii burr; b«- fot*M to Invc
mUalag BatBbar.Md iban hnaUad to
iiK-t<aiir>-. atwi. aninmatiia It
a doctor wboaa»ad Hob. Tba floMr
Inimilouallr. ibr florUt
W hnllrr
prurt^lnl t« i>r>qv>t^ ■ maanlBivm
^ _ . , „
trbb-b br <U>|iai<'bF<l fortbAt BatUa Grab Bazct Parka potUBd with t>; mmw-Dger. It a» ban|iun<4. af
faaoUaa oa tba wood in tba cookatora 'br tnoiuFai ibr fluwm arrlrrd. that a
Ff4,daj aftanooB aad tonebad a match
twaawjK>-r aollriior for ona of tba
toll. A flamab«ratfroiB tbaatoraaBd '»«'*'-l«niDd ma.Ja I>ad Jual bamW
Um nMllna CBB aaplodad. The »trl
«... "—-TT
Tanib-maL# aparintauta, and qalta uat„
urallj- tba i«aiaU.ard and tba r««aa
na Cbleago A WMt knablfaa dapot want op' togaibar. Tba rialior wai
at Baptd Cft; waa ferokaa lato early both aatooUliad and plaaaad. 'Tbi* U
Friday moraiBf and aora alotbiag aaa c^olnl; a prlnn-l} way of aollHilng
—'•-—•alnMnl tba
a marrbant.
aboaalakao. Tba awaay dnwar aad
•afa ware opantd bat so TaloabUa
Pbresti aappoaod ba waa camping, and i A fl<.rtafa bl» ro^»12.73.-NVw Orii-ana
bpaae. Motrsceettala cBobe ftted j
In thf
Bsdbsm wbk a Tsugeemea.
i rook
wa* icrding avtr
A company of wandering cemedtana '
goldnth va
Oaaa Warden Mora eaye ftaomble j tluab-a-l.y. lail.y. eo.l l.Bt-.- all to >110: have t^n acting at Prwmyal a play | ^
reports bare been reeelaed of tba In-t That you're well married, mamma wgt
lie followed with
•reeaa of quail, partridga. and daer, .
:*'*d «>»0* Inm tbt place
lion of tba drama tha
• and with lbs patrol now aatablUhed 1
iben In pearv. for luy l»by girl, vpeclalor* waljed for "Mrnry" and j
boom to ba
ha aWa
wM. to proteoi
■ >«»*•
"f •Eurrhary ns they left the theater
tba warden bopea
and cudgeled the two miscreants. The
tbrm until the open aeaaon.
pearls and diamonds for boeoni two artist* who bad ru*tain»d the the hoti*e. termming frar.tirally. i am
Eaa; Jordan baa navar enjoyed ane'->
part* ir1 (he Uhlan and the forg.r werv ratnlp(-<V" aad It !o..k his mothir
rorduci.d bark to their iodgtnga In a •nmr lime to persuade Wm that h« wa*
BbMmaaatpreaantezUU. TbemllU An lucome from pajm of a mimon
pHIco:.siitr by the polUv.
I will out more Inm'ter than aver before.
all lines of bualncaa are In a proaperona <bU tbese shall lx- youm, without
coadltloa. and not a aaaa wbo wanu I
work la Idle. Every bouse and room
wWle mamma
lookk out.
to tba village U oe
leu. aad tbere U
B demand for doxeoa of new boaam.
■aw opera bonaa u large aa any in
Stui.lK-'Tiinfs rimugr. It haaii't
InfU a wrrk sino- Briggs WAS arunud
■ortbem Mlebigaa baa juit been
b<-|i' Ihn-atffiliig to s.-hil that pugllplated.
soil Ilf Ills to a ri-fonnaiory. To*
BeereUry of Sute StCBma U prepar
day bi 'a an.nn.^* •l••l•larll■g ibo aamr
ing lo pnth lutcraainlalmaof Michigan boy U a P'wvLBgaintt Uta ganarBl goveramatiU
lVun--\V.H. that's Just wliat I'd
amonnUng to about WOO.OCS), -No In rail liiui: a
terval wu allowed for tialma paid the
Ptu».u--But wby-r
IVnn-''lh-<Auai- yon mn gvtivrally
•UtifromUmeof tbelr allowanoe to
ibaAlme of tbelr paymvnl.
He aaya Sod blm In ihi- ring.*'
other sUtee have pntbad each elalm«
toakBooaufol Issue.
Jobs Saleml. an Italian fruit ii'r
•bant of Hudson baa mystertoualy di*
BegisDiDg SatordAy, July 15. and for the remainBevaared. Ba left before the Foartb
d«r of thlA month we will make tho hi^nt cot on
to visit trleeda in Owoaao. intending to
hi^h gmdo shoes ever nttemptod in this part of the
ntnre in two or three day*, but la atll!
Bbaent. Ba laft Ms bealnaaa. wbieb U
oauntry. Of course, we have the advanta^ on the
wary proaperoBa. la tba eare of bu
present stock that other dealers have not—We bought
broihar. Tba Wotfaar has haard noththe ffoode at 50c on the dollar of manafaoturer'a o< at,
lag from tba young man and f mra that
ba baa met with foul plav.
and have had a remarkable sale at the low prices we
rdore Fvnkar <f Kj _______ _
have been making, bat those low prices will be cut, ao
AUratthai wblla tying nalea^'bU
they even won’t be reooffnired.
hammock tba other aveolag be was
We have abont four thouean'd doUara. worth left
BTOBaed by a sharp aad aevere aUag
Bear Ibe eomar of bla
old Btoch, and lots of new goods bonght daring
mtb on the
lower Up. BU lip soou twellad
the past month.
BlarmlDg proponloBa and aUll give*
Everything getm in this sale—the fiseet np-to-date
blm mueb pain, aa though aoma atrong
acid bad bora lejaetnd Into the wound.
ahoes for ladies’ and gentleman aad the boy’s and
lluvxpirtsd I’m 11.
TUt U tba Afst koowa iaataae* of lbs
together with more ancient shoes. 1 he bargain
"Fbope you are getting godd rvaull*
hlmlag bug gatilng lo lU worii in K»ltables are full of those and the prices unheard ot
■from the gymimMIr ux.-rri*,. t rwx.m.
mfuded.* aid 'Mr. Itirer'a mvdlcat
800 pairs ▲. J. Johnson dt 0o*a ladlaa’ fine hand
Tba magnlfloeal Baakey block at advUar.
Fetoakay barely eqeaped daetracUoB by
tamed kid shoes, were $3 00. 63.60,64 00 and $4 50, in
"tVeU. I'm not.- rviUlvd Mr. meer.
ire Thuraday sight. The Soon are -'TTiey bavr ruined a good coal for
opera and oommon senee lasts, all go at6l 48. They
aaad by J. H. MUor A Oa. tba bouse
are worth that for a day's ontlng.
tBTBlibm. Lms. ts.ooo aweb; gt.kOO
■•nWo'l yoo'ukv your root oirr
"CcHalnly. but Ibe exerclae baa en«B building, aad Stw on tba books and
Wen% fine hand welt box oalf, vlei Ud, willow
aad apparatoa of tba Pato^ Sormal Urged my abonkOen so I can't wear
celt taa aad black. Ixwk at them and ,gat the prioee
It any mora Coat waa as gouO ua
•ebool aojainlng.
new. toor
we are mahittg—they will surprise you.
The Greatest Of All
The marrel is that kid eo 6nc and soft can be so
tough and durable and wet-proof. Robert H. Foerderer alone ha. the-.ecret of A’ici Kid. and of Vici
Dressing and Vici Polish.
During the wwk we are teaching at the store
the right way to dress shoes, and giring raluable
hints as to the care of them. Those who learn the
lesson We teach get greater satisfaction and double
wear from their shoes.
Don't forget DOLLS' DAY, Satnrday, July 27.
Filled With Bargains
Men’s Suits
Boy’s Suits
Goods From 25
to 50 Per Cent. Discount.
Clearing Shoe Sale! Haiilton’J Clfltliing Co.
■n. Bbeaatar Barrla of Ualtaa
tblnka aba baa baUar luck than, some
Ooe year ago wkiie away from
boms aba bad a aat of dlsbm atolaa.
Ust Tusaday meralag tba dUbaa «___
back and ware on tba porch when tha
SponUMoasoombaatian cauaad tba
baraing of Fred t‘oucd'a barn la MaraaUaa A large qaaaUty of h^y. far*>tag ntooBlla. two bonan, eew and
A Wnj Ost.
Irate Cn*tomer--Sev here, young
man. 1 Umght OiU tiair tonic from yog
and R U abaolately woriblem.Cierk-'tVp can't help that, alr.Irotc <ru«ionH-r--«ui yon guaran
teed fwch bottler
Ch-rt-“Exactly, air. but .we didn't
guarantee the tunic."
“1 come to stei-l." said Ibe buoMr0* rat.
''lieeaed to wdcooic you.- replied
the matter-cf-fati steH trap, as it
cprang to embrace the new comer.
The Kt. lAiul* MaB-~You’B admK
.arrfty baa plewy of Tmab* nbont ttr
Everything In the store is s bargain.
It ia the quantity we sell that makes our profits.
We advertise nothing thst we cannot back np. We
want yottr trade and will get Itlf teir and square deal*
Ing counts.
The goods are right—the prioee muet be.
We are the S Savers on Shoes!
808 Front Street
Fresh Goods—Attractive Packages.
li*! Front Street
, 3Dm3.^^±st:
Where Is
The Markham Block? .
—It 18 located in the busiest part of Traverse City— J“
on Front street—between the stores of^J. A. Monta*
gne and A. A. McCoy ^^Son.
Aad in the Markham Block is located the
Headqnartcrs of The W. W. Kimball Go* i
The piano that is used by more families in this
vicinity than any other piano made.
This is the largest music store in ^orthwesteni £,
Michigan and the finest display of pianos and organs is here.
Also a full line of small musical instruments, musicial merchandise and popular sheet music.
Markham Block
N. £. Strong, Mao ager
1 ^
■ :•
l-n.'- >
xm nQ^roro mc^bp^ subiiat. roi<T le. law.
THt -wiOKtw.
! ARE YOU BUSY OR IDLE ? I "’“f" * ”P'° ”
As IrM tv7 (Mmad th»
waT*artnto« at Umrrirk a
I ■atbaOi Ata Pf U PI.
Baar Ateinl MiUt ^ P»' •■Mr- ttir. At tmclk. BtlwJy r»a»p«rfll7l >V
«*tM4aaMV«< Uatwrity of lucki iMHr tm-ralaritr ol rtrp. tW
*ot: “Hah: JUt rnow «»« b^.
ly MdMM at hfa w—T kpM, fti bawM
all of J-MU aart Wok at
l< » •
•Mdfwka poisi. OB Ua Boaod aaot to.- Utir ro'ra lu^a’. In'l ur'
ita hoow for bia biwakfaaX 00»
Tko BAflalnl c»ve »,
of bartna it tw^
•hatebofbMUIa fro- bta
‘ iS im,„ b, tbi a”'«*3S
whac B bop, »o4 ^eka pBrtiCBUrtp< uitrrlr. Tat:,
•OebB of Corrarob flora
uK.V»-I Ub kaSJ ho* it 4. t« br
blpoM.” fat: -All- pbai an- jr min
**T* ‘“'ulr TlSda“oSi^ !
»iri.c.Hli.aib.tb.JUd on 11«
rt HferS" ““ siS
«ka papor ad4a. a slabop caaiod bln ^ a|Kiw.^<>«'<|Tar bad airao ^idrnw to
•pot Of tka coaerTfoeaFoar boaba cspiodad to dlffaroot
parta of Baroalooa Tkatadap «oratoff.
JfoaarlooadaBafawaa dona, bot U»
MoHoMot waa MtoMO. ThoBBtbBtiof
Iba OBtnffoa an ukbowB.
mm Harp B WUklB* U fotoff to
Svrapa tbU aamMor—pMalp to alait la
BaotUadBueb plaaaa aa Tbraina aod
l>ruBloebtp, In wbtcb aba La partiealarlp iataroatod. bar Uklnff for tha
kooka of Barrio and-Ian Maelaron baiof acBU.
■Tka aiaamtf AUlanea arrirod at Be•tUe Krtdap aonil^ff from Bt. MIebaala
Alaaka. with adriaaa from tba nawlp. diaooraiod cold flalda of CApa Somr.
Color* ware toand alotnt ararpwbara
. ckronffbOBt Ua aoM, wbiab te is -sUm
•qnara, and aaarlp a» aralUbUffroond
.baa bean aukod. ffoor mb aborallnr
•Ifbt dapa took out dM.OOO. Tba ffoid
la dlffarant from ikat of Ua Yakon In
that It U blaak, dna U Iroo. U tuna
BbontllttoUaoDBoa- Ibora waa a
«roat rnak of MD troB dt. MlekaaU
Into tba diafriet. Town louanaolllnf
.M blffb aa dl.OOO.
At HoBtlaffD da Cabo Ua atrtet anroroamantof tianaral Wood’a qnarmnilna and eanllArp ordar aaami to be
tWraMiBff tba pallow farar oak Oalp
one daalb and Urea aaw eaaaa wara
raporiod paatordap. but Uar* bare bairn
BO BOW caaat omonf Ua Uoiud SUtaa
traopa. Manp Am-rloBa aad Jamaeiao
wwuata ka*a baeu arraatod BBd Ukrn
. MUadatan'ljoeatBp.
A dUpateb frOBi Klal aapa tba Uar
raaa ervlasr Oaler . bat left Oorlnto,
OtutamaU, to }>lr
nOroat BriUia lo a damoBatratloB lb bi^ half of tba foralffn eradttor* of that re. poblle.
ArUnrBawaa. tba «-paar-old abUd
of Mr. and Mr*. 3. P. Boweo of Maspbl*. Tann . waa blows from a train oo
tba PboDpalranta railroad arar Wirp
»aB*a auUon and dlad of bla lrj*rl<a
.Tba nanfflad bodp of Boarard ■
CfBlff. aanraant of Ua Blatoantb com
paap r. 8-volBnlaaralffnal oorpa wai
' foand 00 tbarBllroad track near Vallap
OUp.M D poaufdap.
Ha waa aridwtip MBrdorad.
Adfloaa bare bean raoalrad at Booaton. Taaaa. of l«o Ipoeblngt In Ual
alBtr. An ankaowa aaffro waa atrnaff
Bp bp a mob near tola for tba murder
of a bop. Naar Otlaad. Aba Brotrn.
•Bolber aecro. waa abot bp a mob for
. nataulUnff a Bobamlan womaa.
Pbe bad mat an (dd araool frirad
tha flnt time la a pwd many
temag ^ bn^
jrrofB. Bod abr
bond alt Bboot IL
-Wo bad a loQC talk'ot old boardtns-oobod daFA" abr oBld. “aod w*
aarrrd to ao» inotr of each otUrr l8
ttaa fnmrr. \'oa arr. Bbr'a manird.
and lltfoc Id the We«t rad dow. -bo
Adrmtorr «au. “I •» «P‘
“Wliat'a bpc btiaband'a naamr
find tbr bnstsraa womaD too bri^ bm
”Dr«r mr: I forpot to aak brr.
I frlroloiis to
fhr aoclrty wotnaB
pWaaa mr. hot wbra thrra U work to Nrrrr nind. I'll find out tomorrow
In- doDc. btialona affair* to bo atirad- wbrn [ po to ear bar.*'
••What'e brr addnwar br nakrd.
“Whp-I-I don't brllTTr I know.*
abr faltrrrd. “I maat ban forcottra
toaaktH-r. ni bare to look Itt tDp In
tbr dlroctory."
“Witboat koowlaff bra bnabnad'a
alllns ^
bar to obaarra
P'or a mlnntr abr arrmrd ready to
ffivr up. hut yon cant defeat a really
np with all bar rmatllr world
rraoum-fol woman.
draianda of bar. If yon aend a note
“It WB* mr thonphtlrm of mr."
of imiutry to the woman wbo la nrl- •br aaU. “hut II dn-a not ntakr mtu-b
tbrr brrtdwlnnw nor a bottrrfly. yon dlffrrrBcr. aflor all. 1 aball Bimply
may or may not rrcHra a rrplT- 8b« wait far bor to call on me."
may far .n or out of town, abe appolnta
“Voo mire brr your addtvaa. tbrnT'
DO one to oppD bar mail, abr forpri*.
-j-I^on't brllerr I did. now I
abr alalsy*. abr ha* a tbouaand rxline to think of It. and-and-1 don't
brilere abr knowa wLuu I married,
rithof.j I-l-----"
And wbal an anawrr! She datr* It
Aa Up left tbr room abe told talm
Sunday or Monday and abeatupria to br waa ea oumn. hateful, old lliiRe.**
pual II nutll you bare ftawp doobta aa and (hat appeared to Ih- all of which
to wbU'b
wbUh Panday or Monday la niranL
mranL alie wi* abaoluiely <a-rtBln at that
She omit# all oMhr thin** yoo would tlme.-».obd.m nd-IU!*.
like to know and wriirs proi>rr name*
aa m.«lbly aa the rrat of Ibr lattrr.
owiy (Wa*. •
PomrUra** afar underacrr* Ifarro. aa
man can do
coll attpotlon
attPDtioD ...
to tbrir
i/Jo call
...... Uleirildllty.
........ .
wuioau uoe he<
c-liarlilca and clul* wbo have an-om^lifbr aokrd . Ur. Mraktou'a
wife. ;
He wa* allrnl.
lr» do uoi know bow px|«ialci. UtHr
“I.e<hiWaa." *l»c *ald araerriy. '1
voloutary M-rrlotn aiv. One woman a
, aa.-rrtarj- wl.o arada ont wa* aiUre»plag you. 1* there any
*>.-r lutliatlonaAnd aniNwncrtn.nta on thing a man can do that wcMoan can
poatal carda., Tto- wrttln* U almoat noiY" i
Wril. Hcnrletu. you know tbat a
undeclplic-rsldr and It la a* dlfflrall to
n can manage for |tl or 87 tq-ge: a
Ip roIdc to read a pa|*rr afaon'l or hat lit to wear on any iK-caHoo—bat
on what day *be I* colna to read It ni ihat'a |rbe only rose 1 two think of.
II la to decipher where ahr la poine tu Henri<ata. wbi-reln he piwiiw* any
advaiibge wluileeer."- WaaliUMCloo
read It. Aud often. nnleM one I*
'club meuila-r and familiar with oitker Star, i
'Tbo flekloBiaaZaltaac, of BtobUb. da
^IvH tkai tba daotb of tbo
brotW wat
Oraad Daka Oaorfo. who paaaod awap;
F iaat vrrk, bot wr foond
Jolp to. waa doa to a blepela aoeJdrai. hte B»x, d„."
fM41rd: “Ko. yar bonor; but I wonb)
a^ wa« Ibai a aksU for a fun to (o
to a fair widf
Ad Irlab lady. Id a party wbirb waa
dlaraaalna Ibr rlrlBP* or rrtla of amok!■>«. Ilialatod that Ibr. habit abitftwi^
“w!.L'i*aItrrr^ ihBt."'^“i^m-al la-'
i; •thFrF>^my faibcT.^^wbo
.......... -. jM-d dar of k. .
now 7" Ff*r»
lac.'' rrlMl ib<- iMilr ImnuUIrFli: “If b«
bado'l amok<-d. br would pTubablr be K)
by (bU ilmr.An hfrti««. almplF Iriahman. a abort
A f. ll.w Ml tb.' qnay. lUBkiiu; to unU
tb< PfMW aininc-r. Ini|iiirf«l: “liow laoe.
fat, har.- piu brokr to-wr from ronr
anawan-d; *'Oh. they err arry wril. my
.K..& ,f
rooll}' walkid off,
■nee of ibi- old aaylax that
la but a atrp rrmored t
(hr fellow ii>a roam of fi
nifpp an- cllpd:
Iran li'Afx- had rtalona.
n>ltVr Pndt had rUJona
irlr* Lamli
LamI, wpbI fr»l
Byn.n Wa* rialted
Ity fh'wti
II Pi.lleplic.
JalluP Carur
Colpridm- wap a mnrl.l<l naniar.
Tiier Ibr Ureal wa> ai <-liUr|.lic.
UaniD Ixilbpr bad hall
D<-*rar1ca waa Mlxwid
lUpbart waa affflrlf.0 ailb auiridal
I-ldear A Tor jdipwfd aymidutna of lo•aiiily,
waa a mrliorfaoly
J. J.
_iwrll waa
bad tUIool
Uii-bellru. <iO o
HwrdpDbora falelisl tlial be went to
braerp .III a while bnrm.
Maliiinuui-d wap an ppUrptlr and rrCelTed mpwaacea from Und.
hi* frirudp “Mad
iK-d Inaaolt). and
not a IIiiIp maA
raacaJ In early youih woi Ibrowa laia
a ioiaptdoll hy tbr aialil iif walrf.
>0 at Icapl one «rrap|i»o. *nouiili-rrd a (ibaidsatu of blmtelf.
The ao-at JofaiiPOD waa a bypocfaoadriac. and bad balluriaatb>aa of bearlai.
i> aiKillirr man tbe arat 1
de Ptaal waa frarful of the roM
nf the touili. aud cnjiuanded that ber
dead I»dy be wr*p|ird In for*.
Mihou WtP nf « IBI ■ ' ■
ir:;’.."!;";;:".'... i
Ett'" ■■
lanliy. Modem
rated on ibr drB dipcaard iiiiaB-
Tbe naoii' of the rluli la printed at the
top of ihe rani. •» if one haa aeal and
ardor one can apidy lu p»T»oo and Inquin- when, where and for wbal one
“The iiDiiiteur pliUanthroplai it more
annoylmt^-auae ..n.- feela ibal abe I*
waailiis tlBe and |ialience end opj>nrtniilllm lliar mlc’it l>e tuade to yield
auch glorloua n-*iili». Mbc aendi one
a tlllle ooie'oa pretty noirpa|>er. and
aaka If the liilaalon for pIsroD-loed
Mow apiM-alB-i(i one. and If one wou'd
ram to do ooutc work for H. Of contwe.
Ibe rrctpleDl of aurb a modeal lliite
Dole frilP down at once 4lf a Imalncaa
Wiiman or a nuclety wiimau) ai.fl
wrilet ilial notlilmi-In ihia world Interrota ber BP much aa do ptreon-toid
liableB. and If llic oertvlnry of tbe »ocleiy win oriid her parilculafw of tba
mlaaloD abe will not only Iw fflad b>
flo wbal ahr can berta-lf. iHit will *!•«
try to Interrai brr i
frleiula In lia hrbalf.
“And wtuiC diM-a tbai aniaieiir arci\f
taryY Pbe Ip ilellBbird, of roaror. hot
duea al'e aend n report of Iaat yrora
nmnlwr of cblblr«-n cared for.
nrlcuburboodp they ronir ftnm.
ruat of maintalaluii them, tbe praopi:*
- laailiuilitD and when
and why it waa rataMtabedY No. *ba
dtr« no'hlna of the wort. Pbe rbaia
alwai nierej and rtiarlty and duty to
one'p felbro-rntan. a pwiiwia* ‘
bnlldlnx. a well-known cirri
a-pll-known phnuc of praloe foe aurb
Inatliatlona and
of patron* and dlrri-iora and an Intimatloa that aptnal dlpraot- la
en. -lt> dipcouraKlnc bat I arourr yon
I do not exarm-rate. Kur philanthm-'
py and rlutip. commpDd mr to tba
Woman wlm baa had a aoriat or bualBy*a tralnliiK."
w ala* Doc aad 81.
. . ..
'"*■ t"''"’-
‘‘iE^,.y.,r-«ld Umtp MrKrouy. of 1# aerrrd. The eland* Inclode Turklab
' .BriMnl. I**., tried to noidii ber |day dMbe*. French concuctloa* and Amh
KUSit. ss ““•.
- -
; of all tbe rarrani* and dependnntA
a gla»»-coTered candle,
tod down tl deoble line thn* formed
walka to tba portion of
the bouae where ^JiiWe bai^ tara
•«gm ran OB Rant Bay aa follow*attired In
____women are
worth bnn----------.p.—
“Ye*, mamma. tbHr beat and
. 7:10 a. — ^ Iona
mmber. ^ Iiaaghtra:
ot do'.of Ibe word. 1 don't tblok droda. fraqoei
. 7:40
Sioo A ro
yoo rof
ll’Mmm.ia* adeaoced womanTW* tm>ra« Blgag
j^a* Raat Baad............
r T': “Ye*. lorV." Agacba tjweetlyl:
8-»t m,' r®"
«r w
^Va'wdWi^.................. SIm p m ■l^uTThirtj caaro" A mra Iraki like
TMo* ' J
Ttm^ Tb.ro-1
dtd wt^'w
r^ : .to fH.
«-S* ***^””*^
bu a
eb" a»A tllaw fw a Bto-
' rataro^U wUl b* qatt* Ora aaavgb."
"Wndnt Ip; 'em fanty berr ajaraIttrd McLnbfaraiy. “An’ for pbwoy
ai« Ol dnn-Dor
“She wa*Bl dead! Tbofa wan OB
rro. Mackr
“.Vlrcr BWlod: Mrra motod’ OlU
•ark tR apb oo wiwobody llae.“
Mratlnf OlUfgerty
a linkmtk later
Uter lie
remarked: “I't'a aaragro tbot rale a*.
m not married mr«Ut.“ ropHed
(riUggraiy. calmly.
“Ol don't mane tbot. B««oiro. dh-y
wadn't let 'em Iwry a poor owld dead
“Tbwtiy notr
“B'caime abe waan'l dead. Qaw!
BncMaro Axatea Saioa.
TSB Bmt Balti In tb* world tar
“Waan'l dradY l>be drali! Yea MM, BraMoai Boroa. Olaaro. Salt
oald abe ws« drad."
“Ae Ol did. Ol got -abrod mrollf.
rV* a Joke, d'yro areY Ol am a wag.
or no parroqnlrra. It u gaamauS
D'yro know what a wag Mr
terlro porloev aatlafaetkm or mM
“vurro&adad. Prtea It eantt par mx. For
-rbwot. Ihinr
«ala br J O. Jobnaon aad 8. d NalA
“A wag U a dom fooir—Harpert
TTOTaroaOttp Market,
below 1* a Hat of tb* baring amd ara-
10 M
; Pixk........
4 00
lie Voeut-Sly gramlfather,
know, llntl till he wap. «».’•
Trevor-t'anbew-WelL my grand
mother aie»l *t ih- age of U7.
Brown—In my family; there are «pt
eral wbo are tint dead yet!—I'uncb.
ru^orTkAYsraaoRT 1
The Yer>" Latest
W wowav TO U>*M—o* rrol VMM* ■•canty.
AT al--.»ccra.ertan*.a»aniyl~ Mr
pair. J. a Bil.»r. mrroaiwtrci.
t:*OR BBN'r-rnrnk*kc4 re<N»« lot U(lit
f hoorakrepiop torfowUy vlikaBtrbtMrcB
**> a*u Fnui\ >
received here yesterday.
Swell styles in the new
tall desigrns of silks. We
show P*£fs, Tecks. 4-in*
hands. Bows. Strin^^Very choice in every way.
«a Sorts eprucr rttccl.
—twr »
tOB aALg OB kX!(T-<i
< -T. u
l> ucag WatCrKU-aa»:i rr-alru
^Prices 25c and 50c.
ml »um BFiit
New Fall Hats
Received yesterdav. includi^ the celebrated and ever
popular IfOWAR£> HATS. Fedoras and Stiff, in black
Und colors, will be placed on sale To-morrow. Don't buy
until you see these.
«Blr« Jena T. anal*
_______ *»««-
£„ei;mkra OBI of eat «
Onr Mid-Siunmer Sale of Suits.
is interesting economical buyers. If yOn
can save a dollar or two or three on a
suit, even if you want only a medium
priced suit, why shouldn't you do it?
Vou caa by taking advantage of this
Sale. Sec our window for values on
new goods.
•BoawlUlaaroSba 1
•buSTioiM r^Uag
AitrH pm. 'Baa
*H«e yea brord abrat Btr qaarird
ShannlrntB. wiu waO-almnlated Win*
athm. "Dbe ant'otlttea wadn'i let
■aiu faniT a poor owM woman ytoter-
Tba aambm of iraU aalai ff>«
9. Ba»da A Oo. aUea Moadar meralaff
ap to «:M Iaat croaUf raaebad a
aefOBBmbar aad from praaaal proO'
mam Ue Hat wUt rradaaUr ffat terffar
•ab wara BO to Septembar 1. S««7
aaUparebBaer ol man’a taralabliir
oadd^rkre ffiwaa Ualr panbaam from
ta foUowiar M a U» of Ueaa wraa
^ aaearod ffooda frw of ooat;
Mrw s.
6. OarlaBd.
OarlABd. Mlm
MIm BiiUar. Mr
P. D. Ortetroak. Mro Abbott. Proak
HormaU. L. O. Bakar. J. Boan. Troak
Park*. J. Probarl, P. Brtkao*. Aaf.
U rich. Will Wlghtmao. John Oaaflald.
RlUy 8waa-, B. E. MoCoj. E. B.
Hiekot, Tooy Maakaj. .Bidy Wooda.
Ploek. Ralph Aadaraoa. Frod
vat Browa, J.
Snow, Joa
>od. J- Baob.
.Bt* Catlor.
"Thiiy bare made a great deal «f
fun of; my pdd collar." «ald Agatnaldo. -liOt tfarte M one thing 1 drolre- to
any." •
“Wlmt la fhatr Inqulnri tbe nuplDO Intmlewrr.
••It gSi-eu'l etiend . up iN-bliid luy
Aa Rpldamic of B
.«-*r* ilVe a lioard fenro. and then turn many belrP.-TM-Illi*.
Mr A. Sander*, writing from OoeoaaRalu #u Oint ItV neltlier a atau.lBBttifOT*. KiA. »*T» Uera haa been
(■g a lay-d*.wn collar, and 1 a.-n’O
• iny fmilUh little red o*-<-ktle
I U* bad a rarer* attack and t _ ..
with li eUbra."-Wa*blngton. BUT. •
! hy
K_ lour d
dooro of Chamoralaln’* Ool^
'Xu. tuiater; cant oay that I do. I>ad cLlaroa
TW* M***aaegeai-rall) r>-icbea duuu a roll of }can
I be a1
Telj the fra that ww will beVer Ju« big .-uuf t<> cut out »l* ftair of
•liir: axclaliaed the KlUplno cbk-f- IwCita au- uo nmri-. I elUjer baa
they raw urad. For aalc by A B. Wa»
tain. ;
wear daJ'i
r fnat euuf
“Vei geaemt" .
•Tell them we tRn Bglil » ont U tro : ,„oU,
ng the m- Broourlnltt
Badueod in Price. Kow 8S as
bare lt> work on karat holiday* to oo tlelat do«-a all the rniuilp an' glU the
BAMiLtoa CLpraiBo Co.
aunt ruffo. Ain't i > luck lu U."
“Ye«* r-DcnttbrnT'
Obf lHdu<*-Mral.
“Wra. then If they gel down *o
Roib far Ota.
Sandy l'lkcp-T>IU MMty MiHida die
Fratbar doatore at tba Famoaa. 10
biulni^ and i>ITer a cnah roropromlae.
you uie It quUk."-Wa*blngtou Star. tanl. Itlli}V
maia. _________________
Billy r.wlgatc-Xop.-; Very ptuooth.
Sandy I*lki-»--"But t nlway* tbongM Tba Uini might mt
“Cofie beiv. Johnny: I’p^going to- MUty had *«-nj|de» 'gain** "hlftlug off
4e mortal
gire Jpn a nice ple»-e of—^
.......... Hy I'ualgate—•'So he dirt. Sanrty;
••Ob< mamma. U U lemon oi
pier .
' till be heard de di- ior *a> he wu»
“How dare you Interrupt me. John-:
to Id* reatlii' place. au‘ den l-e
nyY »ome hife; Tm 'going to gl»e a ju,| imarad away wld dal awrat
•Iva uTece of adatve.*'
' aullc."
of Innd'tp.
Yalliiia fare downward Into a waabWhile aaektoff refaffe from » aierm tub of water, a Pamuniil... Cab. baby
laatmraat 8t. Joe. 111.. OlU P'abar
A U'*-*crt- he
•Bd Dan Wieoffer. two farm baodt,
When one l•vc-ln•P an torlt*t1ra to
ha* I
arm* klUod bp UcbtslBp.
n wedding in I'nlro. l-lgypi. It li an lm»
III* got
the pltiFB of a
event U-caura loBUtad of t*-1og
I. rhtirrK IT»|I Binl CBII-.I
mlnntep' rimreb cen-di-'-"i.fh'lil ti'i'-i-'
iimny or a
d hrlef
erenlcr re.--pin«i.
reei-pil<^ the
A'aolber great dlacorcry baa been
1 11 . Krc-ti... f'pl.. ..I .1. n Iiimi.r
nnri evcui;:r
made, and tbai.too. by a lady la tbl* e*i> ol <i> -Iawl omtAed a clgaivi. iPTiiatloa read* for tlin-e day*, "nie e
rannUT. “nMaara faataned luclotob- Hr I* •haO
' 1« fra«ilng doting all tbit iliiir and tba
m apoa her aad for **»rr y^ abe
Afli-r *ui<*-ii ror. Harry
*tr.Ti are Hla-rally d.-roroiro^l
mUbaUmd It* rarereal teau. hut ber alNlii.-trd hi-tr. lunietl
oUal or»a«“
undermined and and Ulrt claim to a foriaae.
oirtal ibe body of
Klr».-n year* aft.-r loirtal
death aarmed Immlneut. kor throe
1 rtUililirred awl tbe cen-mraU-* the i-ourtyard of tb*
nioalb* rae ooagbed inerraaatly, aod
hrhlr'* hou*e t* roofed with tenting.
eauid BOl *lrap. She floally dl*oo.----_ of a*
,.f M.ri.iiih- 0 Vh.. WM *>«“«
emuroldHraorery klllld io * pLiJhh- fnlm *"*m*ll l*.y'a rrtc*. the grojimt la atn-wn with rich
n boMl* ol
1 rug* and tin- place lighted with banlumovlon.- ——--------Ue*^ra’'ialiinr
flr*l daaa that abe "('^■rW
•harW H.
Pay. of Oakland, h** be.;«
^f candrtafara. All tbe laopla
a taking ib*
alaot all night; and with two bottle* ’ -..uvirtrd .
baa been aWluUly onrod. Hra naw* ' tooftiter'* tug*
img* t--c.u*e
w-c*i»*e ■*»■
air a pi«v----i««v
. entertainment
one atr
ronHal. of
rfe'wirjSj 5
tka Aoba mro)«M.
iMaa Yety tNArobM
wtU as Hmrie 8«taL arhkk cmI
^ \\ve'VDtfrtA.
« •r ABAroaa aM Boi
best values always,
Renibli ul PiBlu Oq GbMs, Ciibi al ClDtliiit Htisx
VA*r aiPg MO-Oa^y*^
— -SSK.*“»?i5SVSlSS‘ *“** ■*2?*'
V.’nOXICATKD witti hit 4rMi
I Isipertellrai. Uw «Uv of tht li
' IhC twthimh emturr I
bt tte Altturbar of U» pmt* <if Earopt
. for MBr • rw 10 com*. H'hlltptoBf
1/ 4ltcflM)iw Um BiJvuiUvoo of <s*»r«t Bl Tho Kacu* thli Bl«r. vtae
t «ntb bit I4(«a of p
•uu of
Md tb* bMorr dTshhapvr
It bpint rrpMltd Ih tb*
cat* of rtBlaad. At b rMsli «f tb*
CBBr't opprtB^t meatortt vtlh rib*
Und • crtBt oBodBt of rinaa bat btoB
taklfts plBT*. and ttK>aaanda and tboutoBda of Umb* |MoHr ba«-« fao*B *ml>
wltboot lb* phTtkrlpBUoB bsd fr*« oobatm of tb* BOUtaa. aa to do ao «ooM
b* roBtrarr to taw. to bit aoral pcorn*
It* BBd w bit rvraaatioB oaib.
Br tb* ukaa* of rhbnmiT laat tb*
roar hat aodfbt to o*«rthroar tbtoa
aaf*CBarda at tb* rlvfala 'and libmi**
of tb* Dtina and to aaoum* all lb*
> ;
ootemoB lot*r«ota of tb* OBtln emplr*.
»♦ dirt la no loOKor to bar* the rl«hl
to «1o* or witbbtdd Itt oonaam to aarb
iBwa. and tb* roaolf It Ruatlan abaohttlBB IB PlaUbd. Tb* no* parucolar'
of thnr own ti
Thu U BOt the Ptlnc.- of Wulee. th-.uyh a: tlret *tffbt nlBc pcrton* eat of
t*n would ctalni the rvverte to be Ihi truth. It I* .-nly the laletl portrall
of hU royal blsbnctt tb* Duke of Utae-C'oburc-Cufha. thr oerand wm at
Queen Victoria, who hold* the honorary |o*lit..n ofr admiral
of the tieot.
Bmeat Atben U three year* younser than hi* biff brother Albert E4«
;ard. thr.PilBr*
of Wale*, but the ttnuiy family re«rreblance It eatlly I
liceabl* Thlt
portrait of the duke ahowa him In bit unlfom) of ad«
mlral pf the Bret.
iy atki.
PriAHw bar
t>i cro*t> a Ulti* clnocr to hit Iona rovolad Pacific cnaat and pour a f*a- thouBand mora litiaalan in»pt Into Man«burU. But whil* II hat b*roc*n*ralIr
kBOWB'Utal ituatU bat b**n adtlduouiir taeixiacbind opoB Atia and tltaliBc
■r lb*
fiueb. hdaarer. doe* not atam to bt
th* eaa*. for ahai mlabt b* called tb*
PutalBiadim «r Kinland I* at pretent
tablDB place In ibal much p*rturl>rd
Borlbarti fnrner nf the ctart <-«.untry It) llir cuiialllulion adopted al the
diet of lli>r«a and aftrraard <H>nnrmed
hr Aloaiirter 1 In Itut, the riti|.*r»r uf
Riutla It. of rourae. alto the srand
dub* of Finland. Tb* ■•uriiinteni
Ibi*a ffraad duchy.
duchy, «f
of aom* j.MW.oou p*opit, hat aiaay* liyen repotenttiiv*.
put of late the r*l(nln«
f ha* bi-en
■ratln* to ih« mit*d fliateo and Cana
da. Th* preaenl caar and araod duk*.
on hit aaiwnalon to Ibe Ihnme In ISH
ronrwpd lb* pledffea which for almoat
cenlun- bad b*en rc|<ealedly mad*
by hit -predec
firm and ratify th* relijilu. and fundamental laaa <.f Finland,
mental lawa to abteh the pretrni peace
teeklnff ci4r one* ao (tibly idedffed hi*
aupiKirt an VrO' etpllrll and clearly
tiaied In th* contiliutiua. and aom*
or them are a* follow*:
The munaich vannoi rreal* any new
801C£ imnSE TYPES,
law nor abulith any old on* a-|lbi*ul Ih*
liarllrliiatlun and rontant of the *atale*.
The oitBie* cannot abulith any old
■p yp ti
iw nor cn-ate
the aRIrmallon ai
V Inalatioit on her oiictnal demanda.
ItuaalB'* bold uaur|<allbn. the emperor
1 tx-forr very long the ixuver of
Thr monarch aball lead.and pn>tect
r of all Ihe Ituaalat will be aa a
tbe nation, npecially ayainit eneniie*
from without, but he can never levy on
» South African affalrr ore much more rxintaiTd
. ---- --------a. and In caae uf a g.nernl ujihraval at tbe tall
end of the dark continent on account <>f tbr trouble between England and
the Tranivaal the authorllle* at Waabtngton are pleparinff to protect Ameri
can Inierett* there. The cruiarr Chicago, which wae to haw tailed from
Tamatalee. HadagaM-ar, around tbe Cape .if iS.hkI ll.-pt- f.o- liraall. haa bMA
cruliung about I>elag.« bay ao that the might proieci Amvricant till af.
fair* aaaume a -more iranuull a»{w.-tt. In
tmubleili quarter
-- that
of tbe ffleba,
While the number of Ann-Hcans living in the Traatvaal U not to great aff
the number of KrIUthert. the volume of American capital emplu)-ed I:
Inhuttrliw in th- .S..ulh Afrlcnn llepubllc make* it De.-et«ary for tb>
ington aulhorllbe lo keep a dote eye on the court* of evenit at the vt
^ 'ii
The deaperate attempt* of Ewiand
keep peace with Rt
matter of controlling Ibe detllule*
dettlule* of China I* again throatenlr _ tbe a ell btlBff
id of the
‘ dragon.
England ha* ufferr-d
undertake the recoBtlmcbave a ftw
the other hand, art dolhff
their b.-»l to lecure a railway conevt* on that will eventually all.iw tbtlr
Iralna to aleam into tbe very capital of the Chineae empire. The EaglUh
haw oh>ecled lo tbi* and bave oald In \-ry pUIn languajte that they wlB
go to ealrrmet rather than calmly allow what Ibey Ivrm the vKuaalftcathta
of Peking." Tbe goal of. all tbI* InteniaUunal European ttrife It by B« '
meana a palatial looking city, at the accomiianyiBg puture of on* of PeUnff'ff
b,-*i known atreet* will abow .
A COSTLY CAYThe faabionable world, alwayt noted
r ef the a
I and fftffamic abllUy. BU moat
UBtabl* pollikal
k waa hU a
‘ tun when b* wat cbalrtBan of .. * commlitM on a
■'Watch Oeff" Bolman in that pottuoa and fully earryinff 'oat bU tduta.
Oovaraor >ay«r* la « nativec cof MUaiaalppl.
/(W. and Am
am aaw tb« tight at day
a b«r aff u ba boeama a cllian
oat of bU tam bad taiuted In
^ Oobftdtrala hraty. WhM U*
gav* Bp aoldlcriag
ka war waa ovtr and bt gav*
|M WM^ iba at«dy of law and waa rraarkably i
Ilia bUpractlM op
of bU Miry iBto acUvt paUUca In Itn.
At I'ganda. which la utually daalfft
to eau.
feline 1* tbe ialof aortal dUtIoctloB*. a B d
ihy Amcriwho ara
traveUng tn
Europe arckerptbelr eyea _
for aom*new and coally In putties. Hero
U a Blue Perttan wbkb a «ilcago girl
lual paated through the ruttoma. and It
U a-bitperod that lb* raluatlon placed
OB tbe mite aBlmal waa lost DOO. All
of which goat to obow that waaithy
folk! utually bay* to pay for tbelr Ul<>• f*d«-
On* of th* moot tgtraordlsarr i
I to bt wtta.mid Is
la the pllgrtmage of pcpitcBl* to tb* motmuia chapel at tbe
Bpanteh mobaaiery of "Our Lady of RoaoMt-altet." Tbe aceempnaytag inoatratloa tbowt a band of tbtae pllgrtmt ob tbelr aannal josmey up tb* mo«»Ulaald* threugb tbe p*ai of RoBcerau. uheh peraea walking bortfooted and
Mrmng a huge wo^b cm. Thlt toleaui proeeaBtee takai place on the
Wedntaday befoie Whltaaailda and It performed to coaUoaatloo of a row
mad* centortM ago by c*rt*lB Baagnt rUlagta. Back yaar tbit pilgrim ar•! tb# Old monaiitry ainglng hymn* and chanttag th* uuay of ptniUbM on tb^ wny np tha moantaUHida.
•t w>.-v.wnM»ir>nB PH.-MUW. la maue OB
framework of wood, rtth a thatebad
Tboma* BnUey Aldrich. atoM labarit■g a fortan*. haa been erttiriaed for
wrlQBg tea* than baratofera. "Thlt tt the gbeota ta Afilea to dlaporl batan
uajutt." h* taya. "for. tboogh 1 do not
bave to prodne* ao much. I gtve th*
Unr* lo earefnl conalderatloB of what I
Kritpp. "lb* cannoa king." la aa a
do writ*,
i worh Rwt aa much aa t*nr aoologtst hi* chief delight b
1U th* lahahltanta aff th* a*k
OUT WjTH wiOAoewoiiac.
• la • erwaaataa
|a Wa^tavtaa la a SalUtaa Wl
»Oala*< (»• Pa»M Itaclaa.
1 to** flfurto la goli« • aumbcr of
«BlM *TMn* dimu< oTcr a goamr ot
$ toStoiT ot **otb o*«rapap«r ripertoftal lit*,- ipUlaea aa Od aewtoaper
Vrrttar to • Ktar nportcr. n>ot I narw
M la bm MM duel wbea tt vaa i« a
ato la Ito laeuiirc 1 refer to »
VW W a ftaUh, i aaean re«. I iraa
fsl/ as
It is lr«e. tat I m«
•ore ttoo I vaaud la a«a. aad Oiore
ttoS I woold erOliucty agala eee. It
vai toanf » j**tt ar>. tat 1 to**
m Ltalalau atvoto bftwmm Xlatb
tad Tastb Btreeta Tto taUdlaf ad-
' felatBf ^ ■lw«'^«^i**‘C'>**'*^****’
tto P*U» autJoa.
"Om •Tcnluf I ««• iBTited bj a
fllead. trta waa a tono*i oevapapec
to aiUDd tto Kjrn
toalam la trltooH a e»ord coiatot. la
VWcb two of bl* frlmd* were u lake
ton- I «*a* told that tbn* or>fv«r
•ton waald to pnweat aad ito coidtol troaM to rather U*d/. '
ttot pan af >'
to mj. eocaplate
“With tto other*. ^
--------------Vfltar*. a ronple of anora aad a roupl*
«r ■ponluf iDca. we fot to the S7a>paeloRi'alwtit » o’rlorti. tat were told
that th* ratutoi woBid Dot tafc* place
SatU tto cytuoaeluui rlaaec* bad beaa
dIatDiaaad. ae >1 wae dealrri ttot tto
palookora aboald br ae few a* poaalble.
“Koa* of a* tod aof Idea ae to who
tto parUripaat* would to or tto inrtlcolar reaauD for It. but w* were told
that It wae dealred that we eboald to
areaeat to *** that everTthlm wae coadlKt*d property. Proto ible we loferred
|tol there waa a auke or eotaeiMef at
lean*- aad «*
«> ^ i***
ireU aa referee*, a* It were.
**AI 10 o'clock two carrlate* oitIthI.
to each of wbicb era* a aiafk- occupaDl.
•acb torlBC a aword. wtot It cooiipobly khowa ae a brtMdeword. like Ibal
arblcfa neB-of-war’e men to*a They
bad bat little to aay. and la a tow minpie* they were property attired In tto
'1 and anoABaeed that
* ready for ibe tottle.
“I tod*
aword combau and rather looked for
aoito baary work, hni lb lee* ttoo a
BIsbU w* all reallaed tbai there *ecn>«d to to more earneatiie** abont the
eenbat than waa coitomary In meettof* ef profebeloula. It mattered not
tow iart* the etake* ecere.
“The men wore tto
Send covering, and It oae well they did
pa, otberwlae there would tore been
pB* or two bead* acatlered about on
It ata
tbe Boor, for tbe flgbt waa faat
fttriou- At Ito eiptrailon of tenD mlbpia* then* waa a ball calb-d ao that a
tarrlbU gaab on tbe aword arm of
pf th* eomtiaiBoia could Iw bandaged
ty a pbyalcun who wnvenlenUy drepP^
' “Then Ibe fighter* atarted tn hammer
and long* ai each other, and tn I'J mlnpte* one of tbe men wae tying on Ito
Soor with a terribU' gaab -in bU aboulSar aad a rap on bla bead wbli b aound0 loud that It was hranl In ibi- |>
^ men was' aa fully curered with
* blood aa If they tad been iialoted witb
'Thai ended .11. Rntfa men tad repelvcd at le«*t,a dioen wonnda and
the victor fell In a faint In leu ttau n
•■onie after be waa declared Ibe conQUerar. Ny frieoil. uu In-baU of tbe
partlctpanta. thanked in for our atI. and we left after ereing tbe
•*0 lifted Into carrlBgo* and taken
fiway“]| waa «everel weeks before we
knta to a oertalDty what It all mrent
find were not told then nntll both men
Sad folly rvcoeered. It trentplred that
b Danldab offiper*: that they tad qnarreled In New
Sorb In regard to an official matter,
gad that a cballenge paaaed and waa
pecepied. and itai all tbe deUlU of tbe
pettlement tad been left to lb* Danlab
pobabi- Aod that tbe whole party of ua
Sad issocenily preaided over ji^ real
. "The atrenge part of It waa that It
took place within aound of lb* police
ptatlon."—Washington bur.
a ago t
able d«
fblUdelpbla dlacovared npoo tbe whiteeraabed wall of one of tbe rooms tta
tibcaaee of a buman Cnee, which fnded
and reinrwed again. Tb* nelgbbore
paat tn to rtew tbe wonder. Other
face* appeared and vanUhed.. Crowd*
tSrongad tto bouae and atreet and aoaennu of tb* mystery were printed In
tS* dally papeiw.
It was to no purpoa* that nclestiflc
•*s iMlatrel that tbe figure* were
panted by moldy groe-tta which enm*
aad weal with the di
s and that
Ito llktoeas to tb* human face
ImaglMry. Tbe bouae waa pronounced
Sy tto paMIc to to toonted. and tb*
pwner waa naabte to find a tenant for
U tor yearn
UteepUyA ObIcngo woman tad ber bnatand
pad tar pug dog cremated and tto
pabe* placed In tto earn* ora. and tto
Mtemed editor of tb* Uet Creek
Idtv legnrdj tbe trenreetteo n* “a dugfoos burning *tam*.'’-Denrer Poet
SB fleet bHpmat* to the effect that
|a wining, nod to oinm ate* tore tto
pgpren* renaent of tto accoad wit* aad
H^«P BPyOAT. JPXY 16. 1889..
UfA*B V------- .UBTitre togbet. M*
p<at hre t«v
tta karea't •*>.**«•?**
tab* ptac* between anlmaU lo cooSoe- ato-•**. rere-hr .re-MM eaak e* Mt ta
meat. A ebort. atorp'battle took place
■ mel UM mm
la EdmoBde'
to rem dMUoB aad a ttow 40 yean apo. Tto Ibm
wae the Mate which had cacaped from
Umracb'e yard In what was tton Kei
I bl.-'a otM
eareto ta M
tlUr Ulfbway and btiten a tay- Nr.
<bi Mto I
edaond* bought It. and la aald to tor*
bUkd it aa “tto Oi
u au«r treu d>«* tut irey «*■ mm* re
tto cbBd.- Of eonree. tto toaet waa
II.U tU>
'->9 lu.
a gt**i drew, but afirr a few day* In
-r an *7 a
iu new gnaner* tto Ug«r managed
to draw forward tto alldlag ahmtcr
and agneene Uerlf buo tto adyolulng
den. wbere a tto) waa confined. Tto
Uon reeenicd tto Intrtudon. but waa Im
mediately acUed by tto' throat, and.
tbongb Itone were tremt^u atregfkn. the figbl waa pe^tJcaUy orer aa
toon a* It commebced. Tbe tiger never
™'i ire« IM
bold, and la a few mlnntce
Ito Uoo wae dred. .
k.ud Ito hm.
Abtat au yean late* a faul flgbt
i^ren n— ato pom re« pret ato aeell tare
took place In tto Hon boom of tto Zoo
logical ganta»*.Bei*nf# park, between
a tiger and a tignwa. Tto Utter waa
' and. In aparrtng with ber
«gb bla
mate, drere ber cUw Ibrougb
till, and ao began tto fray. Tto dger a gentire
threw her down, and atrtick ber aererel
tlmre with We paw, but wtiboin doing
“If there la one thing that make* me
Uiilr weniier than nnotber.'' aald an
ae If to dlecooUno* the fight. Thl*
aiuBieor cynic. 'It la to bear a man
Ugree* would not atifier. for ato apreng boaet that be uerer talk* abop' 1 met
at bla flank and filed ber teeth In bU a fairly emiacot actor at a Uttle gaibthigb. TbU waa more than be eonld eriug not lung ago. and when some
eiattd. One wild bound freed him: Id a
wna m»d* to drew
moment ebe wae knocked over, and to blmself up and aald. 'Yon wUI pardon
gUppod ber by Ibe neck. In which hU me. 1 am anre, b-t.-.v^, I make l‘. a
n..i-ur tn talk ahnlt* 1
huge canine teetb made fearful
Sutton, tbe keeper, now
managed to drive him off. and to naod
to aay that when the tiger looaed bU .......
illy. I
bold tbe bkwd apoutod from bit vie- of u* that to was n double dyed don
Umb neck and tpUabed on tbe roof of key and n poeeitr of tbe purest tay
tbe lofty den.~CaaaelT* Magaalne.
“Evt-ry right minded man Ukee to
LOADED WITH HARD LUCK. talk aluip and does ao wbenever to
geu a chance. It la that wbicb makre
aoeeeel ■Itle*
cinaa clnta almost Inrarlably a aucIToeinrel «<
ceea. Tbe memtara are all mtereeted
Toung John Kaibner. an Inexpert- In tbr same thing and
. ulk shop ad
r for adren- Ub. witbout gettlng;^ll«d down. One
tnre. ran away from borne tbe other of tbe redeeming feattoe* of matri
day with mo mark! la bla pocket. De mony Is tbe fact that a man aecurea a
termined to
Ibe world he booked heipirsa victim lo whom be can Ulk
foe Berlin. Intending to aurprioe
•bop every day uf tbi- yver.
nt raiding there, with
“When a ebap la traveling aa In a
atrenge chy. what a Joy It la to bump
acgoalnied- On reaKiIng bl* deatlna- np aKaloai aomebody In one's aai
be atniUed abont tbe city making Une of baatneaa: It la Uke meeUng a
■ for Aunt Katbner’a place^ <of long lust brotber! I tave often tbougbl
ital Uie chief objection to being n
A woman accoeud him: “Wtot. yon bnngmnn It that tbore are ao'few perdel" •ona with wbt>m a fellow could ebat
•bout Ibe crefi.
mei; Why. tbeu. I'am your annt: com*
"And yet It baa grown to be a faabborne wUb me." Young Ureenborn dhl Ion among peo|>le of eminence In ell
her bidding. Ibey tupped together, and tbe pivfeealona to affect a reluctance
be was aenl to bed.
to dUcuas the preclae thing In which
On awakening next momlng be dla- Mcli la moei luieresled. They don't
covered Ibal bU clothe*.and bit money like 10 .talk abopf raugb; Nobody
were gone, and an. loo. was auntie. In baa any right tiiinake lucb an aaaerbif deepair be ruebed tn tbe window In tIoD except a, burglar lu a pollee
bla ulgbiablrt. crying out bU mlafoi^ ilonr—.New Orleaua Tlmea-Oemocret.
liter lMwli{ Oil If RirB(flirtKt»ars Tee Cii Well Mtsrt Ti Pat liar On laet
The People Tike
—bO we shall coatiDne to icire awffiT
FREE OF CHARGE every................
♦ l| pair of pants, ahirti
* “ sweater, collar, tie,
suit of Qoderwear. bat,
cap. pair of sox. handkerchief, belt, umbrella,
We also have cat prices
oi all car fine
and Soy’s
A few dollars will now
buy a brst-class outfit—
See US' before yon make
yourfnal selectiou. nut
the* HflY yesterda? — Colored Dress Shirts —
rrehn put OI me OOX
fan styles- Newland bats-Eu-
glish st^uare ties. Hardly a day passes witbout this store beiug able to. show
sometbiog new—others continue to trail behind. To be dres^ “right*’ at a
moderate cost means to trade with
S. BBND.4 & CO.
"Thin clothiig for Irnt dars."
Steinberg’s Grand
. Ods Might:
Tuesday, July 18
EoRngement of
Jubiiee Singers
■Dd Imperial Orchestra.
■ • Bow Ike PoOol.
A fonuer aitoru.-y geut-ral of tta
reepondi-d to bla *i>|>e*l
"I will
and find yuur auoih-,“ aald abe. “and I'niiiHl Kiaii-k. lu a rveem article, tella
k-avr baby «iiu you miwnwfallr.' tbe following aoeedotea of Mr Justice
Fife fffirr tov ol 6ntt Muli
Hoiira i>Bi*ed. with baby bowling for Mllh-r of the fed.-rel MUprwme cooi^;
Juilge MlUer waa a. very agreeable
D£it jmfi tov il Qatled Suta.
nmu auctally. but tn tbe later years of
Ai leurb a raueuble came
Sna YeuT Tov ol CaoMt.
Jobann'e tverw- with a eult of rluibea, bl* llfr l>e(«UH- aomewliat
and bundled Lliu and “bU Infant'’ off upon tbe beuek. Hr was no orator blmaeeui.sl lo have ao sreralun to
to tbe iM>Uc« atoikm. when- iIh- iua|H<c- *.-lf aud
tor wired to Ibe young luan't failier.
Company heai!e.| hy Mian D. Un“Tour aoD Joliano ia tore wtib hit lo- seen him on tuoiv than one occasion
'derwo^ known w
illkjolm with shBri. iiatolfona a bi^utlfaui. Y'ou can take Ibvui In charge «
fally prrj«red »|wveli with wbicb an
amblihm* orator ex|N*t-trd to charm
and enirtlvaie Ibe court. One midaumluer day. as It li asM. be wae bolding
Be Chut* t'eaU rut aire.
court lu a weatton state, and a lawyer,
A naval ottcer «lu> told a clrll
pluyuient at Uliudi- Island during the whom we tvlll call Hrown. waa ad- AUo tbe Poyal Paragon Male
Aoierlrau war of Indrpeudeuce
*|Ms-eb. Tlte Judge littene.1 and fanned Goartetie—Two bau sotoigtsam)
lihiiM-ir and fidgeted about on tbe and t«nor aoloiat.
tunlike figure waa aiopiied by
l•<■lll’b fur aume time, and. finally, lean
Alnel late one nigbt on bl* return from
ing over bis drek. aai In an andilde
a rlell and abut up lb tbe eeotry box.
wlil»|ier. “Confound It Brown, come to Spec'ial^cce. 35 and 60c;<;hiidthat to nbonM rethe iKtlDl."
male there until bi* officer
iVhat point V Ingulred tbe i
et^^’^aale.tUie Box Office
. reunila at 12 o'clock
tbia mormng.
"Ny good fHlow.“ aald Mr. WI the Judge:
-Any. point."
bare i<dd you wbo I am. and I really
nd. tbongb Ibe aeguel doe* not apiwar.
a protablr that there .waa a rapid
••It will not do." repll
"1 am by DO mrana aatUSed.
Then, uking from bla |Kx-ket n guarler of a dollar and preeenllQg It “WUl
Tk* Coreefa Br«
that tatlafy youT*
The Nile I* essentially a river of al•nce and myatery. Even tbe camel*
are Ibeir beautiful soft eyea upon you
ns If you were Intruding upon ibrlr al
lence nnd reeerve. .Sever were tbe
“I apptvtaDdcd yon." aald tto soldier, eyre In a human bead so beautiful na a
“a* a deserter from tto cburcbyatil."- .camera. There la a limpid sofitteaa. an
api>rellttg plalotireneea to tbeir expreeahm which dreg at yonr aympathtea
When Samuel J. Randall waa apreker like tbe look to tb* eyea of a buoebof tbe bona* be proved blmaellr an ar- tack. It maana itai with your opporUatic and •ck-ailflc desk splint
with yonr life. Yonr mother look*
Irering tbe t-'orty-foortb coogreea.1
counted and Mr. you that way aometlmea In church
wb«-D tbe aeRDon touches a particular
llaye* waa declared
lUndall ponnded tbe top of hi* desk ly rew nerve In yonr aplritual make up.
oot of ah^ three time*. Bmployeee eC>
tbe capltoI wbo do tto repairing of fiirallure naam that thee* never hu been man's Home Oompnoloo.
'The Black Melba'
Dave Pickett’s
Negro Klog Players .
of Dlile, aod Greatast
Clt]! Opera Hoase,
Monday Cta. Jolyll.
First Class, Claaa,
Up-to-data EatettalnmeBt
Doal Miss It.
Popilar Prlcas
Of Mmissioa.
Funeral Supplies.
324 Union Street.
a speaker wbo did not B*t* tto
plBBlog Mire ttorem.
at tto cloae of a aeastoo in bad con
He-l believe ttot a man abonld let
dition. but that Mr. Reed aneceeded la hi* acu apeak for ihemaeivre.
aidtotertng It more effectively than any
8be-Am 1 to nnderatuid then that
other apeaker.-Plttsburg Dlapatcb.
when yon took my band In yooia last
nlgbi you IntcDiled it as a {wopOMtl of
mnrrtageT-KTblcago Newt.
‘■B»re.“ aald tbe aiatesnuiii wbo tad
bees temporary cbninnnn of tbe
Rwite th* aevere—
veniloo. “I'd like to know wbai kind of
Osmond-WelL you've trever Men
a party organ you're running anyway.' me run after people who tare mo**;.
“Why.’-tto editor aatad. ~wbat'a
Deamonit-No: but I're seen people
run after you becaose you didn't tare
“In yonr ncroonl of the
money.—Bnltlmore Jewish CommeoL
you tore not once referred to my
Tbe moat celebrated tattle steed* of
tbe rlvil war were CIncinnatL Ttureler
tto fnrorite etargee
of Qrent. Ue and Storldnn.
OwaeaeP AMwer.
Qotrox-Mow would yon like tn ta.a
Tto firet poatoOk* wn* opaaad to
rteto man like me?
OeoDox-I'd like to to rtcL-l»- Pniii In 1402: tn BnoUta In Ufil: ta
: fapsjpf'
Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three years—Look at them'whether you need one or not.
$S 00 or $10i)0 will buy a good second-hand bi
cycle—$25 will b^ny the best new wheel on the
market—Come and see my display before going
Good hardwood in store lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.
Tteocbt tkc* Mat BV m AMth W
k Ik* ite vkn Ik* taM «*« «ns
TV km Md IV IM «f V***i
Vltk •cM*rt*l «V» tVt k»*»*k*«
TV tUr« .r IV *M-* ki«w Vua.
kr.tv wtr iVi fMM
TVO' •••*« «r »*•«*»• iMt:
AM IV kk—Kn* *M
•kM MAJ toUk M
TV «la*M»T<.M w*au at (V «i|kt*«k
»r«tV4 imn IV V*Mkl*« 15
tH ktf UcV ta.1
W* VU*«Ml (V *ur fn t VM
<VVrt H.M-*
lt« • kV U n«v« BV
Sw IV rwMW rm l« tV
AM »««*rT V«*t» u i«toAM *«■ l» tv V.k *M tVV
w* k»**T v*u i» •(«ia.
-At Pttf^
Gas Camp—-
Tia WM k •oad-MtwvA cferl 8b«
, *VA» Tar «V W*«k TiaflM AaV _
>taicac4 M all ckat tto 7«a> aau M
V MI7. tb*B aV calmlr laid Un that HOW MK MAOK HtS SCHOLARS
«* cooM B«t M17 Wm.
-1 knew It.- cried nneosa; 1 waa
a fool lor By-palM.*
b a bbaecd tblag lo
kaew wVir
bare a friend in wboai wo can atam-Ah! Beewmlad. SatVbatoeA
iutely tram. wV know* a*
mn I bee him at I w<«M my own
tailtagi and oar WMkaMM. a* w^
»w«ber. Parewenraadbedaabedopt
aa oar ppinti
and wbo.
wbo. la
la ■WwoL yet aa a preraaiotlea of ante.
---------------„tk. and
«aio tV atxert
“If yoa only beard Uatt pby. and Wiu
of ail. b coMant aad uatailiag. I'»« *• f**] it a daiy to ny a good
.. oace to hb garrettand didaT aae bln, yoa torn Vlf tV ploam ! ?**•**■»
comtottiBg aa ‘ ^ ** <>ambertaia»a Colt CbSera
thw* V foaad PranHaco. hb
bowHl la hb banda. He towVd him
00 IV ahoolder
Beat woiiaanahip money
rCbeerfal.- V eitad. -8V wll ^
OAD emp)c7 for Bicycle
marry you.**
aoaata of Beetbores before blm
Bepatrittg. (jaick work.
irtieiaa b await-i
“He! Batyoar
' in depmdlrgl
“AV doe* not W ore. I kaew h
"Ptono. ptaao.-cried LUxl
-------Ine for a care.
tong ago. 8« go. my v.CteBd. 8V
alag-lei It alng! Cant tv *ool of errrr man and wootta hot we do bolleV that if a botUe V'
w piano wrilien therer cried V. cboold V toit to tbe aoqi of aaotber ia Cb*mb*rlaia'a Diarrhea Bem*dr war*
wall* for yoa.”
M abiding tiMndrbipa* tV eoob lA
»“* admlabteM « ■
itbaaaad Darid.'If it wwaoa^ ’**1
“Ko.“ V cried. Vl*r awblle. -I cam
>*»l LU« took bb Vnd* fromi^ Vtrayed. bow manr elood* woaid V
not uw myaelt 1 atwi not V her*
Vlf^grily, Vlf-tufted from tV dark and
wbea V cDine* bach. 1 will go now - •»w«htngly:
V V weal oat, and at tbe door of
A “end in neri b flinatratod la t V
an7p C^TSom^m Dr^rbi*.'^
tv bonae
V bft word
vA- .
' ■ ■■ —
waw wltb
wikw tV fwte
— — do»a_ wVn
—, ^ical
rov ADgeio IVt V would mvt Fran
feemit* ran act ifH tV dlffeience j Tbongh tV rebtioa between tV SceUro In Ibe coontry iV next day.
right and left? He tie* a ; maritan and tV man wbo fell utk^f
“TVa 1 will V calm and will V abb
or •*«* on tVlr right arma tbiere. w.. not mricUy wVt we caU
to bear It alL” V algbed; aad V went
• »>"«>Ale of Vy oa tbeb left and , frieaddtip. yet it dom m torib Urn
to a lodging booae near by
’Hay, itraw- characterirtic* of a ira* friendibip.
aball bare 10 try tbb pUn wilb
’ *•
It ——
wmi fnendablp in adreraity.
Tbe next day V fell Viter. Be Ml ^ T" “P^oo'•«»<» Torter Now. then, TV good Samaritan waa a friend in
repared to deliver icm
gulv brare aa V atepM from tV
8^-tPow • eVnee. -------- need, and only a friend in need b a
Tearara* City. Hbt
tram at tv etailoa ^ad attwh out
friend indeed. Tocall a rebtion friendabip tVt exbti QBly when tV con
down IV road tVl led to Uw VteL
. ‘‘"T
BtTaiKSbe CAKD8.
aUnea and dlaappean with tV
Both 'Phonea. M.
of tV clontb is a nlanaincr. Such a irhad Vtaed logelUer In tbe country and '
‘*.‘5 •“«-«»<»- of bl. enriy life btiuD U not friendabip It b Vt a baae R ■ «
V clgbed When V tVnght that now I!
hlmvlf; RlrVid
■True friend* wait to be
V would know tVm ao mor.
*» ?“!'* anmisonediniVtiiMof proeperity. Vt c»i»g ,M*r-aA»
He reached tV llttU clump'of tree*l
In troobb they come and o4« their T
,„i ---------- nretoj Ml
rvUagi* Mwl
that ibeltered the hotel, aad Mddealy' ***’
*•■ *
f. It waa a ayi
Tbe Sauiaritao
. Ont • fW* V«vlr.
*iV-*•” •
THEPHJUUAWiraWUttf =MRi8mj^D«voR. ,
Price Rediced It dwOot Lot
Tlamao noasM MarhM beota for
A unaa: l>aiinaM Vtajnio bad a liA
tto appi* and p*aeai atak^ at (V
•ar «t tV Bowery and Bayard ativL
Vlocmao sad rraaolaeo ww awora
Criaada They ibanA tV uaie carm
la Hon atreet aad «a Ansdaya they
•haiwd (Vir baUdaya aad pleaaiirea.
ai as wiTk days they VIM ea.-b
aibv tbroorb tv dirt aad roar aal
laiiie of tv Bownr.
Odc workday waa ■oefa Uke IV
•eit. It waa only oa Agodaya aad boL
Idaya that ib*y reaUy llred. Thee ibf^
pat oa tVlr tw«t dotbea bad. ca<b
wltb a atraw la bla nootb aad fala
pipe tir bla root pocket. tb«7 lafi IV
elty bebloA and got out lato tbe cocatty
*I)owo oa 8tat*n bland a eonatryBiao kept a little boiel wbev oB*
ulKbt f*t good RNutVtil and cbbaii
and a *eal cutlet, treaded with
to aauctt, for UtUe or aotblnc. TV
hotel waa called the White
Here «V might ah and amok* bla piv
sad drink bla wine aad watcb tb«
gBde»«iw ylt^ a *p**l*tiy.
•blv CO out.to aiw. 'Tbe Mrda aung
.}gieat and Lcrite -felt
snch aym-------In Oie tree topa and tbe cool hreeaea
lathy. They were not friend*.
came lu from tbe oceta. tV aunbeama he waa giddy.
«pecUllr l-alway. fearcl bl. aVrp
8 It waa
belpful friendsbip. Jbe
*»»T««a«U.T Uleek. XM rroa. sirMt.
Tr*s*»w Cn* Mieai**..
daocrtl 00 tbe waeea and Harb. that
lie went un m t.lm .n,t
>.1. w.-a
■ Hub. n»f (-oume. ail of M Samariun
practical in hi* arm-]
Waa -tbe biidlord'a daughter, played
V«hy. He relieved th* mao'* wantt
,?-°SS?k- l“?~r Vj
vniy 00 tv guitar and agng tbe did
Mags or Italy
ftieod ia
Grery Punday In tbe aummer time ■ci-nao. For a few aecuniU they looked 1
T>uee. after a long antuiim. It h»Wviiko aitd Fmnciaco )niaod
4. It was a continued frienduhin. ' fe? "*?*•. oa*^ ettr gyr* Be«.« bhaV
little vulouy of ItaUana down at
n»e fnl-tre well being of tbe----aw t>tww ***!»*,,*,
White Uouv. bnt ov Vy Vlnceaao
mUe was ..
------------------------------for. and undonht-1 0*u« nSSJ'w 2J
dertaiwd tVl V cobM Doi go with hla
ly tV demands for KUt
BOt b {ireparatieo
bow are yon!"
IDAY. gradami* Torcalc
I two wbule ila.v* the deliatc raged N*. Were met, it rr.iold have been had thel'n*- *
Pegncbco aaked no goeailoaa H.
"And your
cam. b«T real True friend.hi,, must V,
Went tr Aiatea bland alone, and raim
“Hnt wUre were you ta*t nlghtr
cootiDued, (Mfietant,
mediate purctikae of
tack at Dicbl eery much dbpleaaed
il witb-onr re
"Vnn did not need me."
requiredu<vd pnrw.
wilb ib« world In general .Vincenio
“Von were a coward, to run from me.
••I waa not aHted. l•ecauw Bulow meaia of an ideaL perfect Friei>d "
did VI nmie borne nnill bie. and bb 1 did need you Teryjpn.-b Indeed. Acer
is a Friend that «tU-keib cloaer tVn a
friend Vd no cbance to apeak to him he (Tied, a* he held oul bl* Vnd. “we kww IVt I would yield, hut he, na
wotber He >1 a lYicnd iu need, a aymvnill IV O. JI afternoon.
■ that It WBO rldlcre broiher. •illL"
pcihUing.-VIpfnl. omsiunt, nuchangeulouK
Tvu it ail catne out. VIncenM waa
“Bui Tur'
able friend. N'u one «t>.>nld be or need
poting you w. and-wgli v waa Ha.
••Ah. TU. m. #Tle«.t Ti. I_______ • 'bptenllier. But I am freealug.- mIJ
V with..nt Ibe frieudehip ,J Christibitiacts oC Tni*
.Tla rat a girl, if you plraae. Abe had other. Our
Life witbuui Cbrist V friendabip b like
larga- bbck eye*, tbe complexion of a
tV *ky n itbuDt the son.
deep nd rt<ae. Her figure—Vlncento
Billie Keadinse.-I Kata, iriii, I-4
threw up bU Vndt and cloaed bla
and do onr beat to pleaae you.
*yea and drew In tV comer* of hla
resftep be
Word* could not tell ii.c
sab * La;
a* Prbct -treel
■Yon idiall aee for youraelfV uid
to l^urlitr.., aud tiult night be took
hla comrade lo call on ber. FrwartM
Ttie ValH* »t 9
had l>ui lu look ai her lo lore her TV gooil one.
Tbe chiirge of scneati-'tuilliiu i* n.;t
k>oca were not well ihined the next
Jl lo M-H.'
always He- Horst that niuy he urged.
jrotil. siiicl; lu hu ibroai. for a gUixv
day, and aa for lVancliUM>. he reaaed
Sen^tiiiiialj.ui ba. ib la tt-r Mde. The * '
".knd Tiar
around tV n-.iii ■bone.l iiim how
to pay much aiieuilon tn the erat* of
ili.i may l»- a > 1111711:1*11. and
..-sue, .0
h.nd hcl|>etl hImiM-lf. s>-veral ib.-n be uiay VajiT,. i b. t .-f
bla aindea ami the cooking hf hla peapii.
>h. hiwna are llghi aad yonth for cVIn and
U«rk UI■i••H l.iy <111 Ibe
jahwaau s.-tiestinualisl There i*
• ri|.|>lc<t: IVagiM-r
Together IV yonog men called on •••‘kmor.-drutualic
iiuidtul in all faiatigy ,
off tbelT leg. and llia.k- Ih.Tia altiMml .-very Bight, and Ihnugli
Flgattng*htp>..( tkeWarM.
Orv g-|lli tlieui. Biilen- wa« sjH-ei-hli-**
Y*lncenv bad l.adtiV atari of PranAt |>r<-*.oi
Italy atin .| .......... ‘he with rage. But 1 sksnI at the <1.»ir th.- Bapti.l WH. a eenaati.>b,-ilbt. snd *■
Claco. tbe Utter-* heart.wa» lo a eery ,
Vy w
w.-re tbe voU-., <,f'i
urgesi IwiiUwhIp. the Viianio, while •»*' laughe.1 tUI th.- i.sir* caiiie at till* ws* Faul, TVy
ftw t
tfaondvr from a cl-iL.
»nJhes ekv.
ticTuiany owa* ihe •malleat. the Old- tog»-uhiu. way of helping uiiew-ir.
ndel»pw-ni..d that we would hnv.- t.. wa» a •M-Daatiniisr>M. His interview*:
There couM V Vi one ending to all vuVrg. Aa reganls rrulacn It will
wlib Pbara.h were a Vrie* of semw-t
*''•• toudla.Iy'a .-l,alni and
Of Ibb. Vliicenv awoke lu the fact aun-rlae not a few 10 lenm tVl China
thMl deui..n*ttali.m. Sneh. iiu, was!
not sit down
that Kmm-l«x> loM Tb; and Fran at pr.H.-ni |K«M-«te* the two fa.t.wr
Jofrpb. Ssm-tified eenagiienalism 1#!/-eiaeo
rnila.-rs. the ITal-Tlu and llal-Tehin
eJaco u'aa
Has •h<a4i<wt
»b<M-ked '' when kbe __ ______
never a stodir.1 effect,
alway* tbe I ^
wbirh. with englorti Indicating. ITOiSt
auawere<l. *pliertilly: -|
Vred that Vln,-.-nko had loved
nnosnal Eamestuee* break* in n]ain' ^
ViHc-power. haw aitalDcl an average
T'***'. ‘
KHI«ws like tb.- hniudniia world and creat.-* a senAo nothing ■hpi go walking,
AngO' Wiinls wefe <ini of the goea- ap.-ed of twenty fimr pnoia. Argen
Hnnorableaensatiuu isaneffect.
P"r taldre, If you saiiiia
tloq wilb fruiirliH-o and Vlamixo. hui tlua. Chile, and Japan follow with
but never a
o—Preebyierian Jourk*’’*'"
"»"“*■? tri»hl off.
tbrv looked «r ea.-h other Terr sorrow crulaiT* Wlug an avenige apccl of
valuable fumliuri- would «illl
folly that night that Ihetniih dawned •Weiiiy-iwo kOMia. The four crulaen.
trever Paalla.
upon them, and aal for a long ilitic In
Onr ••teeret fanV mav V hid from
“"‘'-'f- onr own i-ye* as wsll as from tV eve*
“iV* will go Into the country again eating SO.t».rthorM-loWer, are Intcnd.-d
“j;’™-*'' k«'A new chain of all others bniOod. He can. how
OP Aouiby." aald Franriaco, -and t.. Vw an av.Tag* *|H-.-d of twenty
ihnv Voia. A similar ap«y? la w. V
'***'‘‘*^ Wagner picked out the ever. cleanse ns from tneb faolb in
think oui aume iilan."
hitnaolf. and I aald.io blm. answer to prayw. whether we
'll was agree.!, ao.l on Rnnday al- atialm-.! by two cruV-ra In conrae of T*-**
(■.luainiethm for Ihe Riuabn navr hj
you. list,-u: | am know exactly what tboa* fanlb mav be
nji-.-iu* of eogln.-* having an Indicated
*" '®*ure till* new fprnltnr* or not We can V aav.-d. clranM,
'■.» fire ImmeObiely.'
aanctified wholly-not »mly -op
nr to ut III from of ibeir chlanil and aisH-ilv..|y
140 Front Street
Traverse City. Mich
K*'*.'-!' <;ioV.
gmok.-.!. Ile-lr pipe#
what we know," bnt also np to what
If wc i.w.k ai the wbilve strength of •
we dll not know and may never know,
■•W.ll"eald Kranclaco, at laat “whai
x*,,i to mvemlas
onlen Uod at aouie lime .may show
iiJ.'..r’. ".'"\rT_ «
~r "*■’ •“.t onw, ■ N>*
u.k hi. pl.w
P..W out
on. Of
nf bla
bl. ' o .1 ^b^TtVoto^
-hat V S,
.vu... UK,k
Invention. from Vw great "Wrret fanlt* - and
«muth and U.wed 1,1. head.
kre no, exVnsVl. a. conaeqnent peril* He bad delivered na
“Then- I* hot
r to do." V* JUIV
*'«h u- ‘-hnleai now,edge >-Chrtstian Standard.
.Italy .14::
.14:; (lennany. »'e.-Indo*tr1e*
"W* iHiib bve Tla. AV c^n '«nd Mm'
U gpiie api to make a fortune out of
II aeeee r*H,.
marry hut on. of i.a;
Pome catch penny Inv.-uitop. No apeAll mm are sinner*. All some titna
•^OB must ask her flrat. You loved
olal knowledge wa* needed by ,be man
W flr»t. uiy Vlncenao.e
•“’■^ut'tl'the heni-wtre sah-ly pin, become coDK-lonsuf their ainfutnesB and
crmveanpematnral help All, In one or
Vinc-nao. -wv win tcavn
her wsy. look up to their more or
.( u
ll» „„1„,-----xmacionaly reallxod Creator and FtAfter awhile Fraaclaco agreed
e good, but la
Jbl* pUu So IV joong men fonv V*
with aplced drink In • walny weaiVr bsrom.- aiipperi nV Tbq. All appreciate in aome meatnre
broken thread* in Ihe table cloth on *krge l»wl. Just at be wa* monotlog dangefiing
- ••
wear out tV duty of attaining in ouadoct tbe
ita* tahW Ui fivni of them and pull.-d bl. Iiorae. It waa called tbe -attrmp
_ _
„ It geU- bigbert ideal of which they are aware.
be fenewed
And because of tbi* intora and erey
. :. —'..ee. eiieu
<ue yneod- »*«j tuMe*. »MI IS Wanted It a MV
preaent reaponslvepem the gospel aeverSke™ V.;-------. V"".— '-------—— belHHvo boat and
gnest waa phoi wbl.-b Va tV hohllng advan^. \ n.-v«u..ihreml wa. the long■ prvtenae
and not a r««Hty tv ‘*v# of macadam. ,V pernSL-n.-y of faiU wVn wisely and lovingly offered
ind received, to jnstify it* appaoprUte*1 '
VrVp^ of aapVli and tv Bllenw^wood. «
TVt H..-k wa. IV Mddest ,b day. while dripkia, iV gorat wa. r.nr: tpua, V cheap.
“ MM. —UongreK* tionalur
John R, Santo:
GtnnI lisirain.
Bopkins Bros.
Prorident Life
and Trust Company
I Dr.J.I.GaiBtlett
w. “.Jg!E?£A?ag“
o. iijssa,!;
|al n in tte am tartwi.
SS,Arch and Bert
sr “-
Nothing Nicer
...... .!«„“‘.“ri',::
C I’S i,r,!L
t.r vei .u.nh.e ..e" 'Jl " VJ
SMdT* itiiu<i,ni..vc'icbi.
n,,., mow
*].eud la the cbuniiiry and tb..n-w<ll.
m bbit.d,,
wvid tv ilmv epoui
- '••a«-ici.'.b,»
Saturday night came only too aona
||pd ViDi-rnao dreaaed blm*.-ir and pro”TkrHl bipiseU.for the ordeal, te si
■ y.w
l!?"* **1^^*’"“'
Atw. Th.
n. \ln«-aio wept to vgli
W»n TU and IVaacIseo in fear *t>d
rvmalne.1 .nM.—u
Vbind ...
to awali
• lb# mum of bl* friend and rival
Y lntvni.1 round Tta at borne and
Bom V wa* pleading aa if for bla Uf»
BAd. aa a matter of f*«,-bl# tor* V
B. J. MORGAN, Propr.
______ _____ ____
L" ’.'.' '*'**
V Cup. whlcb had three
baoillea Two of ihew were gnaM
*k •b«»
ti>.t lb, liino,
gueai ih.-n tmik ibe cup hy the third.
band sHU bidding one *0 iVt V
might rnt*>- Ihe cnp. and Incidentally
•0 that hi# right hand might V too
huay tndnw a sword or dagger. tVben
‘V gneai Vd drtttk, tv boat released
the cnp. wbiih was passed to IV next
<we. The moaka m earty times named
»bU tV "pocuU camatla"
or CUP
cnp of
I* wt* filled with wine with a
«f toaat fioated therein and Hrto left aronnd tba
“ “■ --------------
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
_______ ____________^
«vxlNe., have great strength, eleclrlc
and v cbeap,
I* largely wnso
Man is-tpnch liV a ailkwinn.- He la
a spinner and weaver by nature. A robe
of rigfateonsnem.U wrongfat ont fiw him.
bnt be wilt not bavi. it: V «ill spin ft*
biuiaelf. and, UV tV ailkworu. bt
BpiM and spina, and V only s,um blmaelfadiruod. AUtbe iigbi«onax>emthat
a dnnner can maV will oely V a
aVund in which to wrap np his owa
*• «t»tBendou*.
b-j-i-1--bUb»‘i«ordtMry ikwnlM
-------- ---------------- _
hu Kiag.
"hen *“
«Vnt tV woefnl fallOaewbo dose right lodaynesd not V
•»« of? In bla pbyidcal vwrs. hla aatroubled ahoat doing rigbi loacgrow.
seed —-that will bev
------* -■
au. hi
wa oso*
. ’ act tkme i* a ....
d me. jlam
old- ■£ve*7
« ®ka ‘ban yon are. BUmnrefe. aad - *"*“• *•'*’ k^'*' **■
win find it easier to
yet I am atm abb> to ride."
art repeated
'Ab. y*g," r«)oIaed iv
b. w-------and.tV
-bnt then, yonr ma>e*ty
ber tVt a rider alway*
•l.nr. lun
.< h.bh k dkncU.-«„Ar
than bl* ham."-'
^ (BAoolTimaa
A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
Some arriving every week.
Park Place Hotelf
Tara-wox^ 0±ty.
o>.. go.-.
in inuhi
Wm t»mm4 hr •
I koBxnro Bwr«a. sp»h*t. jto.* t«. iw>.
______ I Hid: *«Tir
MBwr Baaarrawd: ■Ob.Hrdaat
iHl E$MN, iMtaters,
TnBn, bHtr tMNn.
Meals.... i5«w»
Wh Babr. tt-a aa affair af aMaa.* Aad
I ibaaebt aad tboagbt MI alKbL U
tbr BoralH.l na dacifcd. It la aa
•n** lolar bbr lana
I laM U affair of atlaa Wby? Bohbh I owa
»ba rafloaa af apace barMd •»
ProBBify nemd w s wsl
VBbawa dWBi ibatwaBta hloBBod
raa av tUo. aad bKaaaa I Uka yoa pHBM are Sited vttb Srtoc traffBaata
H aa<A-ao t»aeb-joa daat kaowj BoHC Beet tbr rartb la Ita aevard
^y.valaeilMK. WUlffVBbW
ABd vbM I bear thia*a-*b«B tbrj iwh: otbm. bartBB attalard taroaSmh BBd a pm aeau laiaeaat. WiU
pay bait U aU moatha. baUBH U
Mr tbiBca—H barta aa. Tbafa, ao* eetrabte eetoetty. avacttka asd eraab
«Tw a>B» aa I
PanW are temperata.
roa’ra vexed."
IbtD tbr vrhlritnt apbeie witb toad drHol-fcabta bHlfiiM,
Thj£'1 tMblad tnt amm aor ab-a:d
“Ko." aald CoBatastlaa. -No. >«h i
, aodaxpenautbelru—^
Jta« b7'o» H Hrh. am lh«y heat tw o*. ■oby. ira oaly that wbra a laaD hM'
POff SALS-etfr-Lot <4 bib H.
___ _
avad aloae *ome vfblle tfa father eo deatr»rttoo. or p^pa »*«
I kaabB. food bMlacaa property,
thee a eWHIaew came aepe me.
rtooa te have aay one cane aad talk afala !■«« »*»e aakBowa.
' traUy loHtad. Alwaya reata
I ial4 aara waeC hot f beta bar »
r eared—"
' Sooir coa>e alnxlr. t**"** fabrtre
food Arm. no* laaaod for I
-Oh I care a lot. Ur. UaieoltD OoB- from tbr tBSolty of apace: otbrra fail
rtaatlBT." cried Rnby. -IiookI tR^y Id abowen Ukr goldra tala. Ml cob*
fHcaab price. I1.»00.
doo^ yoB try .boblBeHt No aatter etltatlDX a bonbaidiBeBt appalUns tB lOftSALE—«*>—NH o f aeli of ea t*
■aHWhatat mi aenaehed aimer Daa.
how low yoo brg^ tbe top’e atwaya n* maanirodr.
ac« SB. M. 11.1 i aem ail nader c« - AM woffcarumeen f»*afhW rr»a*. rmai
I It baa beeD eotlinated that eywy
tlvaUw. 400 bearlBf fruit troee. rood
VevOttM. UaiSbam Blodk
"Bayln# and aeOlBsl"
twenty-roar boora tbe earth oo n» atas milea from city. Pnee. .
------------------ ’ “Why Bot, If If’a boheatT HI trtl moaphere ta atnirk by «u.O».tWO of
Aa DfteruooB of rntd-nepirmner.
blood, tbonsh I mimiea of Iron or atooe. tanrtis freat »Oa dALE-Ml-lO aeroa ua bay
brlfbt aa • dream, warn aa a fHUfy.
,-dro^*• hM oatapoket ,n ounce up to tona In wel»bt.
la ale
slowed over tbe Borfb IHab coDit imby. “But. after att. did yonr nneoaEvery laoath there ruah opvn tbr
I par more. Will aall S or 10 acrea
ToBDg CooaUDtliM wu .watcblaf D tora do Aoytblnf brttrr than brlp syiBi; cluhr at Wat 12.0rri.o0D.n>i> tr»o rOB 8ALB—«M—Lot I block ». Weal
came Wtwcea three wild and beautt-nakr tbe worldJ Tbafa what
bime sud »igue fraBtueata which, wltt lurll
rropl -reel
aireel botwoea Cedar _____
ful Iwlrnra. Tbe three were ll-year^Od neaa ta. And Dow I moat pa or elae acevini-uluieni. rraah Uto the clc^-om.
hprnce Lava level with atreel;
1» Pr=e BtM.
BM.e M-rrtti her new noDT. mt»d the »
set in « almidy tarfM ocrape. ,uiWrni aiamaiihere.
Boby Merrtth her nea^y.
^ ^l,t»aee offers! by FV-B SALE—Usr-Farm
B. J. IIOBGAN. Proprietor.
on a wwrrM bay maii^wn
"Vea. Iwill." Mtd CoDataHtah -And. u»e air. few of tbeee aoM ahvta atrike
,nVv^ tbe however It la, Ood bWa yoo. Mt» the eanb. They mure out of ai*.-e
l Platform Warop. laHta.ail In good
*der, price »5 00.
1 twa-ocat catenaloD top Oaniafa.
.ibarna. all neeoaaary abeda.
^ m^e ehXDxtd. Bttby DOd tbe
. . .
miW ai aecohd. and. like aivtba.
pouluy bouae. yardt and irood dmia lewlv paintad. price B4t oo.
n.«r made a madcap Saab far forTwelve yrora paaaed. VaWtm Com ph,J,e toio lb« reVolrtiis irtolw. luitd
I Phaeton Bayrr- food order. B^OO.
mte. Soc new modern hooM 11
ihe pony threw the aunfine. Junior partner In the rrewt to their dcamictioB by Ite fatal at1 Top Burgr. an Ir. rood abapr. «a oO.
rooma. atooe fonadationAtone cellar
aloar ta rittabnrr Iron worfcA entar over to tractluu.
1 Road Waroc. rood aa now. SSS.OO.
« horaoa. 14 cow». baraeaaea. bon1<a
tLe‘'ln^Wli.ta retreat of the Atlantic »aki- a -bard-earaed holiday, buy land . -nir moment they enter oar atmo.
t Lumber Wagona.
waroaa. e'eiyb*. cattera. all tarmtrp
ron.f. her araacleaa bedy vraa borae ta Antrim, and aee London.
1 Oow to trade for a pony.
implcmei U. aii ijot« of wblc a there
A duWBKer counteaa, who
*r« *0 acrea conaUtlo* of wheat
uad 'wtth terror, tbe, rroom. ao oroaaed In tbe «roe boat with him. lacx.BtelvalOe fon-e. the reauUaai frt>corn. oata. bay. poutoea. lO aerc4
Mdertook to make hl» May In town 4l..u pr.idiKlnx an Imm.-dlatv rtae In
Sorsr.^. Tbwtarm ta koown ai
awlmiaer. taabed at ihP
It o IVeidocfi
crjlnr for ln4p. tore like tthe wlnd'np axtceable to tbe rich bachelor pf Ibi. u uiperatutv. and tbe ebcHathx
the meii-vr of iiuiiutar lartanre. la the
bui dll
the lank and ronnd tbe rabbit warren fOie bad aeveu puriUi
•oil. ai
rwulL-lVpuUr Ifa leiret: UuudOy.
In Jbe .dIroMkm of Port Hairy. Con- only one of whom waa married.
FvW for aU. S4.U0O
On a Sue Uay afternoon Con
>". B< CWM take.
-'-J —.l!?
have alor mb.™,- b. ,
AM<-d by two Sabertnen. whom the found blmaelf *eaied between two of
.' ITfi'-eTNeCi f
tween Park and Prank to on Wetb-;
111 rOBx
erW of tbe sroom had lironxht in tho tbtae r»“»« Udiea and thHr mother
logtoo or 8taw tirecu. Moat be mod-. j■
r-n aod Bb re*Min»b:e price.
FOB SALE-01—H- mr and loL corner |------------------------ ------------------ -------- —“
Olgas* afSTwy Kina .
ttelMattM cotthtcM «r Dhrtoiv
• *mae to tlto
■th IB tb» wtMe that abe baa bm
«MHd ta bar (amllj aBd rrWnOa af*
slxtrtn rran of foBflaomrm l> aa aayltui) for ibr
nr ur« ramlaiMa oae of ibr Mddrat
r*« fcaovB ID bleb iUr
■aterr bar-iaatnaga Mm-arta can
MlaaM UlbMT. aod mdlud with
na* asr of tbe wum braaHfat wwn-.
«■ la EafUwl
Tfcr aan of Darbasi wa. akb. lint
_ _
'ID U» Mlaa UUney waa
n beDe of Yottabire. At U»f titse.
_u abe'dtd Bot lovr bla». pr.a. from twrt-DU aad trteBda waa
ffuj (war and the waa tadaerd
H> warry the rleb eart
WHIita all mnnlba be beeame coaWlurod ihal W» wife waa Uamnr. Bbr
Ubd ma Inve blm
YW lairt rataldlabed tbr truth of
fay on iirliilnBl «-xt<rrttural. Tv tr>c
nr affeotlou be klaord aBulbrr Udy to
, BWt pn«^'
■ brimani iiany
• •raav^im to Yoikahtr-.
!», a alnadUr rol«ld.v«^lbe Udy
«4nted r»r tbU e>:|>t04nietit wa» alxt
M««y iM^iuilfol-tb.- tv.unt«aa dr Oroy.
tba ran but ibe count<;a« of Darbatn
WHabied Itatteaa. The otbera of tbe
•■ny aymd with Durham that
Hrtfr lauiii be eraay. alHmuyb
wtfdkj ewally au|>t>uM- that a
VoaaM wuold diadalo tv ooller aucL
HB tiwalL
Otbir *Two.rf«* f'dWa-ed,
l”, . b!— ■
|-....u«,ir. Ml ™i~. Ib»..tbl« -b-beral frail and oraamental UaH.
. ffjidy Durban naed to evade brr atHe llnitered loni enoOfh to Wrn u, ike wdotlM
•“ «i"wnre portrait TeWrapb. It bring an;ueU that m
amatl frail and good garden. Tnta
fcTiUnw and wDadrr aU day loof tn that Ibe doctor, who waa ataying to k„ ba<* *een Ud iHought atrongly to
ta a larra lot and b-g property for
HBUwry Unea or UnduD nreeia re the bouae. bad aald Mtaa Bnby wooM bla mind tbe baodMimc. e|drttcA redIf
•mall price—Price K>00
, cHatas tale at Btxht. rov.Ted with do; Ibi-n he lounged boma.
cheeked, warm-hearted acbool ftrl. blmwdf to the MUe of eonu
roaSALE-6<iy-S»*, ofneS, i
■aaU.A iiBthellc, wIM-eyrd rialoa of
town Ss-j A g-------------- --- - -» IAaS4
tarty in the afternoon of the M- Buby MrtTltt
with wing all fnrotabe'*. Wind
:>nd mi;
eMBty. ftn cabaly lieauilfaJ waa ber
and wel'. «»t(r pic a
I fare ttau no one ever dand Udlca and
were grenped on the w,,„ian; ,be might aott bta t
bonaa,t00 bearing api»r. clnm. cherry . «• « 10 L*
cspUlna'ibat It ta bla right and bla
a|>on ll>es<- iiranxe exrnr aniau
anial! leveled
bit oi
of gtr*™
green In
imag, oi
of «uny
|{ui.f uie
the girv
leveiea on
lu front of image
• -•—~ hu
tree*. B*"b S4*«0 1Farm oL Improvand 1
cd. lay*
miie* o<
«r for the uobapti
n»-1 .
bp goB B.« Rapid, road Priee.Sl.MJO.
______ohinlus. bedmicried rolwa.
FOB SALE-6IS—N« of »■ 1. arc l"Jtasi eame the atury of a idrangt
town *6 north n we*t.
"Hy dear.- Hid Mra Merritt to her
•» * aln creute*. a. he mulotaim. ..mfu.W
pv-w kt ibe dnke of Abercorn'a lUmiaemo'-der catlivaiion, food barn. • w * ^a *
which ta .Imply dcploraldr T^en be
4SM tofMUw. A lirHIIaiil Iwll waa la bu.baml. -Ifa the foung Babmnan
Conatawlue look.d rcuoA One of
i,^i,.vra u> b.- «h- trw F^% l^E-6ie-40 aae farm four
Bomprea: ibc itn-ai rwma were ablate who tvM-ueb lluliT He bai pnl on bta
m »
mile* north of Elk Banid*. MW Irolt N
bv‘aa^LTr '^gmof .h- 0™* W-taln.KM.-rtm.y.
arm llBbi. ibroneed wlih menr danc b;udirvlS.H."Jbe added.
ivtu ece
Ur Merritt aa the young man came 1*“’ •»* J
agnlO"t by
<«, jjay T. IT'IT. n U>y »■«* «•“”> “« i tree* S year* old amall frame bouae. IV4v at*
Hh N«De baa iiivrv lawiitlful tluin
la a a i*
...............under enlUvatIdn.
Ilurfaam. and none, aurel.v.
o “fell lu bta w.tatcHt pewket.
? ’**'
WcUeruuge. in the tSard. wf>t>
I0 4T w St
t-vnawnilne lifted bla bat to the akirt «f ‘hr c«.UDie*a
n*..a ,ml mclMercl In the l-lli.*-ug
AtatraiinbL Kor aaidle abe wandi-^-d
SALE-617—Weal so acreai'Iol S.Tmaatae fttf
1..I T
OctaU-r. and u, whom wero given the
S ts. 10. lay* on ahoro road,
■kaM. uiarlDB tHib vacant eye*
ily.. Thi p aoiue thou
Peninaula. orchard SO appie ireea, 0*
eberrr tree*. ISO pear. plum*, peach.
e oomlv
nivihcr. In
Price Alini)
prflrW Umr.. pn>m
promised ber to b.-clu Uiu ^.rritt la"
ITPC tbU individual married a Mile. FOB SALE-600—Tire acre lolonOar. • calmlyy iaa If abe wi>fc '*^^lnU. certainly.". Hid Mr. Met- • P>^-“‘
teld avenue. Price tsoo
U wa» a little awkwar.1 for all par- canler. at Mme*. and waa entered In
■ Vw oB-a rbamlN-r. Al Wat. that ta rill wlthtaU atriNc air. "MW Mbrrirt' ta PnwrArinS m«at favorably. «W at tbe ux.ment, and the wiHpraj^*i,ter a. Jean Marie .tujni.tc Eta- FOR SALE—Lou 10 and SO. block 1
_ ieau>0.
Perry Bannahb aecond add. corner B.W.'CCBBIMOBAJt^h .
u-rbaay. Tw, rou. a-ece l-.n. of tKta
k »nuiTi rrf ladle* huddled alainl tier Thed.KnS?f^aarethat MtaaMec tUal Ruby lnfo_^ him
Habemla and lUh atroek Price
marriagi-. tbe y.-ungcr. Louta JoM-idi
mtU i*''*tiad<d-lH‘r to leave the room. ritl I. to keep quirt and aee no one that be roally ahouJd
E,.r,im,nd. at Nlmin. to 1N»T. Jean
Btm Bever ap|ieared In poldlc axnlii. but bernunuk but tbr U a preenutlon- apenit to her till «hc wa. off duly.
""iF^'LLE-604-NKofaw S. ace 14 ChlCaiEO •>«
■ FV meBaurvtncaanre. rm
Pm *ur«^hum-*nreBure—hum-aorc- |I “ily alory-a
ttoryta quite almple." abe aald.
Augwatc wa« tb.m
ddown a* , «_,i_*bou\ 65 aerm ao.ld lim.,
■be wa* rehiiivi-d to an aaylnm.
hardwood. balHm.cedar awamp.
WaUlu.K»terha*y. ThU
.yonnger aon
eon , ner.
I*iililli’ *yiu|>a(hy nilsbt have rer conduei—moat Mvditatde to you. aii be wajkivl by her aide. "A few v^|u.E,terhaay.
aa* the father of the maji.r. H"
'I Some cedar taken onk
hbIBwA wIQi 4b>- earl, only
for ibe . _ aurr—1—hum-bi- -to tbe rauU of gvBiTal. and fooghl in F
- fwt that lu- filed auli for divom-. HI* anitak to you yeatentay. and royaelf luc tarScly.
and Mr*. Merritt would like-"
UttU fortune went, too.
, peimrai wa* east aalde.
tt, erto,.- V.W
He banded ConaUntine A »5 gold think 1 waa (It to he a govcrui
And now CO me* furtb from her Iona
Sewn rroomaaicclyftni... Seven
I did not feel Inclined to Hve on
wbleb the commandanl,
-'H*lWvnii*ui the iH-auilful ronntea*. a<
d well wate
young man looked At It enrt- frienda 1 waa very Iw^y to get m> !^“';rt tatlcL "aod be eaidalna. to r
'. brr youth and lieauiy
nothing aliout [
^■twcAuualy iirtwerved by rellrrmeiit onaly ^Tb^ bU eye darted over tie prewnt altnatlon-lt a an excellent one.
mmi n -jitarUI life, pcrfenly mw. and
SS milee from city. 14U0apple. Mnm.
l oi «oi noble. There • mf Tn»*-Autty
ti.-j,»«Fr ami a* during the
■YmTTi- 1 by her atater. lAdy <St Murritt
cherry and peach treee, all beai^.
mombera of-bU
•BBi*. and 1ier brother. Henry Uniwr. '*“1 wonder now.** uld Conatantlne. and I Wve a nice Unto WMtof ^t^
Carpenter HIH. SnHt location on Pennave .miy paid few and i-riof
•«*m Harried tbe laie duobiw* of Mont- “wbal your forefaiheta were doing ward Hemnieramltb. Come and »ee
Inauta; will take part city propr<V;
P t* . IH a la
nine wero feaetlng king, and ua> Yea. of coutae you can."
, {•“'I',..„er tote than
Price-------Ar OrC napIO '
ig klngt- danghtera to thta la- Seplemlwr again.
Malcolm and j
OW friend* are aaylng that abe baa
'the' more •« 4t» “reomt .nj
and no-,
no-1 ifOB*8A*LB—sas—HoMe and tot. Oar^^ig
Buby Con.taoitoe itood togef^ Oh
^oi alk.w
bm. ^
-. avenue. »6S0.
Hcver lieeO. ]>rvq>eriy *|»<aktox. luaane^
Mr. Merrill atarted back and almoat <be torfy headland to front of the t^to
^ ni* name any poR SALE—S«7—DwelUif. Webeaer
Ah tBllr driven Into prufvnqd melan*
t|T Jmr unhappy marriage. t>y choked
A"^ltog1y tta-w Pr.-M.lv, aireei. 10 looma. Sl.ooo. BHy pA7
Ctanatantloe gtonced toward two npending their boueymooa
ju^^ve ta-en In.tltut.Hl. The, cvw* I menu
torr badiiaiid'a treatment, and by the
_ BALE—STS—Ninty acre «
laber tad* who were atandlng
etandlng a
x ^ Roby pointed to a epot «toO® toe
“* win .w abortly before the .nvif ...ourf
good hahdiug*. SS.SSO.
way off with a tdg crab to a bnaket. aboro
,,« • of the Seim-. Malire Itec.rl e,ui.-4rllW FOB SALE—S7S—Uood tram* boH*
Tbe gold coin waa apnn to the Mr and
-Tbcrt’a wb*re you Mved my life."
'itaterhaay. whSe Mail".'
asd eight acTH of land. sltHtad
wa* caught by Andy Ne4L
Connantlne t>otoied fariher.
r«iane* *-m to aU nro'*«bll}M-. -hboBt OBC mile from .oeour of city,
•There-, boya'-" aald Conatantlne.!
little bonae? T^cre'a ^
bouae l4xS4, aix roomi to boHC.
ihia «.
for tbe niejor. who. „ .n.
heelih Of the Fmgj.„„ created «toe."-I*ondon make* out. la the groat-graadaon'vf
Hrirnt yv-wey aJnee the vti-tory at M'- “You'll drink
0IQ«, ti t. iwutaUe that none la m<> e
Uie r^.manil'- marriage.
Hinted the todlew
M.<-hrt«tanEaterhaay. coualn of the
URWtby «*f the dl»tluctl««n ritan »li
turnol atid. with a alow. HOntering
YtMUreof atWW.
gum will' ll hna lately apiiean.l.
tbe major, la tortu-h-d to the proceplBumance baa played a
log* taken by IMiic- Ketcrbaiy.
WE wMt* few hundred doUan
«r Ibriri t*W abade ahd ta vi-ry frau- at«q>. n.i’
“Win. I. t. ••• eiehilim-d
rngBT^ to tbb tongevliy of ^
place on pereonM propHly Iobh
nnt. It. prlnrliiat ehxracieri.itc. and
AlHii. . ,
• paiwonM ih. nrv.
whnt M.va the hlBlilaml adag.-. ’
Th. Tf*bB H-aherWill gnaraotee all loon*.
ffbr ame wlileh baa enhaiin.l tt. vnb e
I once Wiilrhed • tnonkry wtirh ha.l WE have a client who waau glSOO 4n
• * a ■e
Sn tSa- eye*, of tbe niirt*i*. I* It* taat- ''^•ThTr i. MMroila 'conatlnttoe." be • Thrice the «e of a dog to that of w
flrat-elaM nol aatat* aocarUy.
-s isasi
WE have for Hie BHldeaee property
BH qoaltty. An Admiral Dewey
.. .a...'
flourmill*, hotata, gvorory atoeka.
* fur a* long aa
hIB fwtain It*yirtingater waa moat anxtoua ,lo have
general atoek*. boot and ahoe atoeka.
Hb riaya Tlie raae ba* l••'•1l In
• grwiie. but hi* mother tiring either
; :
timber land, vaaaat iota, pot
mrbtv for a little over Ihnv month..
too aelflah to allow him to abar^- h. t
ent righu: la (aoL we have almcat
tMl the auindj I* yet very a»-arcr. It
«r .tmWl tb, fnib ibteb' bot V
saythtog you want, and at aclllng
bOT.,r avi M,. Mn. I
tb, w. .1 • dm . lb.1 of Irnil
H grown to A Borift at itayalde. 1.. 1..
•ood for ber aon'a Juvenile digestive
prteea- Alwaya pieaeed » aee you.
AD eagle.
wtak tt ta ukL |>ald AlVtaai for tbe ritl. fuming.
Wm do oar bHt to anil yon Alwaya
"Bu-pT-wli. be bad been a dabr^^n.
age of h. e-Me U tba, of 1
^^gtaial ptatii. The ro*«r In eowe nnady toabow yon wbal wa’vegot Vo
jfiHSflSglit ;• k ;
w^va. cloaely reaetnldr* Ibe Hrtdi-a•ell. Wa forgot to mentiem that wa
Hid Mru. Merritt ^^.y
enough to attemP^o take a
have 40 acroa of tbe fleeai Potura
f~k* roe. although of a much ridi. r “1 thought yon wonld have
W than ano year* and tbe eatl- grape ont of
“on’ta The h^-. .• r
Clay to the world. Veto ta 7S
ntar. AtioilMT new ro*.- «B the mar 123.“
ta aupported by rainy highly rlr- in charge Hid atafMtOeen aad eover* the whole 40
No one perceived at a window above
, Rev ta the l.lUTty. It la an imporwThua, Cai'V M.V rod and aimll tbe eblld" when Ita
edge ol 40, lay* within 75 fret of B.
•SHn fr.no YhtgUnd. fX.'>.taa> bring pa:d
rho died to KT't. , mme too “ohatreperoua A* hi* PB . nnderlymg this bed of clay ta a
ledge of red asd wblu land etoaa.
aged » year*, to hM to have knom. rent wonld not give
ta the mMt valHble bod of clay
the, w blU- hind of Loch Trelg for dflT Wtlr frUow
in the United SUtea. Have refnMd
lb— .lrv..ly «blMW b.T,.| F„,d.F 1.1"
r*". bb
l.ib« tnr .Uke
b,- oo
bwbaccoimu and
tl0.g«0 for It. It will pay oapltaltata
eitaaped from ber arm* and began
to toTMtlgale tSIa m there ta plrtty
climb tbe wire neittog to »bc '—•
of marl adjaoent to it. Prtae.
rarer » b.» cage, bni
Ob ,b. Am^» b,.r
„,„».r7. wb«. Ubb. c.»b • I
ilL "'.b. OtU. i, IWb b.
tte^above aro all bargains^ can
“' knock.
knock Tlie
Tlta old woman who looked veported to have killed a atag wn»
which hart by t^
running np
Rag. It* claim for ench dlatlnrtlon ta
■n Mb «A«, whleli ta a genuine ruby ,r,Fr the bouae for him wa* ont Ooo i»re a marii on the Wi nr W^1<M
put one hand be bought on eaay term*., W* have
- '.t
-----tbonaanda of dollara worth of other
BrccyroHl--lnga1m.tai an exact
w.«l to tbe door, a^ tbece with that made on aU tl»
f^I^h the mr^^" of the galvanl«d bem'H to farm and dty property.
K* to ««b>t of the Auroi gem No
u„hr MerritL
eonld catch by Ewen-iUctoBDg, who
Come and an ni If yon wMt to bay.
It in
to ini*
ibU re.,
IV. j “i
FI nunT
aun-r "neitav*
tieUev* Td
aee >ou.
yon." aha mu
fc*d ueeu
been ueau
deed i.~
ISO yearw Anto^ua -•••
PA«rk iHtle eve* for a *^a*t- Ltat w property with na H ^ want
^Btar rnae ajiproavn.-a> ii
lu are
a—., p la hM. In alse the Ubeny „ta. impetnoualy. *tand Pm going hart gtorWa. ll may be noted.- are told to ,
artually btt herOar ofioe to at 111 Frdht atroei. mp
a— (omparo* with the Brideamald. ^4, acbool tomorrow. Bni they’ve all cotwtriH on the continent of Bnrope. rt- ^
„ar ber-nanghty
etoln. Yoa wlU aw oar Mr* at the
S^^rUeavMblrt.lem. One of.
aver to cborcb at Ootorotoe. aBd where deer are to be foniM to aw
bottom of etalrway. aonpataira. tarn
Sr MH««t doriata 00 Broadway rt“ ‘ uft* I am. Ton need my life. 1 wnnt nomber.
But tb* !«»»> optokm . boy’s bad bebavioL
........................ It door to right; OV
•iMSr wsfhlbttod a few Liberty roaea ^ (bank yon."
tmoai experta wonld teem to be that
T* t>a»aet CrohA.
Uadoor. Wears not
Bb Mi window, in anolber part of 1 CoHUnltoa frowned. "I wtab yon thirty y»ro or ibecHbonta la the Umtt
A Oerman paper gl^e ^ foltowl^ tSfthe groand floor, at laHt oar offtoe
HtoK Bome of tbe fanout Law- wonMa't mentioo that, Miu Bnby. of n deer'a Ufe.
tatbod of d4«ctlng amMl cracka In
^ flgaraUvaly •Pfaktog.
pHfta The exhtlUtlw drew as You're none tbe worn tor It; that*a all
gtiti tooU: Tbe looL ■
■iBtawa crowd, bnt tbe rooea appa^ that algnlfleo.*' be Hid.
I. •
. FMUlb, UIW,
r cBose
cBBse m
to lor
for a grrowr
grHtor enaro
abato 01
of , *«ni„
exh,, dergysun.
dergyaun. nr.
Mr. Hawieta.
SanBdeta. wa#
' which mttat be rubbed off cIhb aad Wa work all tba ttma. we aan aaU your
b._™. -w>h «r Venice. Prof. Lorn- wbleb mufi u
Jt vrtll be HP* tlmr. It to niktei of^ yrttorday. He hM:
wcaltb of
Ow^arotbH wiped with chalk- The
.^10, betoH many can be porcbaied. -jr* *«aag man bxe llm-rnte abBltle*. bcoeo note* tbal to
oetreleam. which bn eatsfed the ta*
4V-««fly BOO ro#*e wlU be propagated
rather etarve and mop* bta .t^a mcrclmnt
SartT^tota oM 00 the chalk and MgaIgBBt beUoH of aiaba. BigbargalM rt top of ntotta. Aral de« to
■rar aHwm
to this comer, where (ha ,hU tort^ by
"^.*2 Ssei»«• visible to Itt whatoextort.
^ *H ta (taead
^ right Bftor Piri ton to toft M h«d
■MteAHOrtM. the AdmliBl Dewey MeamoBpropM hrid him to boBor H ahlp^tog eugar
of thartaln.
«» LHierty. floriata aay. ASv (be .
(ban try and make Wa Leaden. Hcbangtog it f« wool, na*
a In MOffWOOB «.». A «■ A. anad
TRe dally average of Immiphrta tn
Srt f« prodaced In tbla dourtsy^ ^ nmo^n
tfa a tkeonad .MlUag the wool In Flaadera.
Good loss
aod Piclerel Fishiig
msiffi no mbthbisihi «. t
;s!5 -ss:.s“ liis! is
,jy JJ
i:s 18
!S iS
•|!5 7£
West Michigan.
l:Si‘.K,„i7 8E 13___
t muiu L V.
•r;."': •;_p« ..».f -r.
o>. i
: ; ;T^
s.b'rLT'J r Sb“-A,rrb'S:."s;s
■ “rj.-.rrsrbr^’.br-b r.
■: :
lgflsAflS£Ss& =t isflflfsads*
^ Irtk itto-
tkrtnoutiy toR.«0D.
•Ill Frail St
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