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The Morning Record, October 08, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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TUti Tmt-No 75&
nmnirt tmt
rarUuBMt to KmI oad AntborlM
OflM Wiu fuwM MiOOe
Ai4tUMal Km *»
«M7MMtB*port«0rD«lrbf thi.
to u
•Mtto Oapa Towa-naaaa Ttoo»
•hlaa Sato tead'M VoroM.
I^oadoa. Oalohar 7.—h rofal procUOalobar I? aad aatboritlat tha ealUar
•.taf totarraaaraaaiffhad Ult aa>n-
BacUa*-* Pmuad tor TomoU ronm
Up WrotthM.
WMblartoa. 0- C. 0«t. 7.—rrmmk U
BmII of Um tra of Pour Wrlffbi O
Boa of PhUadalphIa waa bafora iba laMr. Naan
aald that ataaa tha Traaaraal qaaatioa
bad haiawi aoau Oraat Brttala had
tahaa at Uaat aaaaaty-tta aniili that
la tha fonln
eanTtaf trada of tha Oaltad Sutaa.
Tba roaolt had haao a okarhad adraaaa
la fralirht rataa. Mr. MaaU doelarad
that tba tquafa of AwartoaB vaaaato
araUabto for oaaaa traSo did aol av
oaad Mo.ooa. wbaroaa tha total tMoaaa
of tha raatela of tba world waa «t.000,.
000. Ba faaorad tha porehaaa of
alca baUt roMato. Tbaooat to Im la
■oropa thaa hara. Mr. NaaQ aaaoasaad bbaaalf aaoppoaad toa dtooinlaatlac doty f<w tbb raaaoa that ha ballarad
aoeb a a^otam woold praelpltata ra4Uatory ■aaanraa oa tba ptrt of otbar
oaUooa. Beaatd that tbara waa-aot a
Kre. lUto AeUna Foieoned
XlU bar Toang
•oa aad Baiaalf at ThonpaoaaUla
la tba tamo ■inaar Orfa
aad IMlharataly Tlaaaad-Mmguldad Voi
Oaar Oaath of Haabaad.
ThompaoarUla. MHb„ Oet. 7.—Mra.
Mau dakiaa, a woman abont »S ymra
here, abanrad with the mvrdar of bar
-TbaftaMiana lor aarrioa la Booth
girl baring bank polaoaad by her mothAIrtaa, tha war oKaa aaaooaaaa. will
w. Tba womaa alao attempted to kUl
> Moadaj. H to
honelf aad aoa, Glen, aged ala. bat
nMoiatftorWMUth that tha-a4•baity will orgaatoa a'"
Mra dakiaa and bar two
lor thaOapa.
eama U from Honor yaaurdaj and
Tha O
about towo uaUl ovealng. wbao
a wUl ba laaaod today for tba
Mra. dakiaa aaenrad a room of Laao------ ^ of
rf roaarroa
roaarraa ha^ara^
aacaaaary w
to brioir
onop ,, ““ ** oompaaad aaUraly of Amarluaa lord BmlU of tba Oommeinlal BoUl
•aory battalloo ordarod to Booth dtrlaa
aaylag Uat aba and bar oblldrao
Mltofall atraofth of l.OOO saa.
gedag on to Grand Rapida In Ua momThe womaa and eblldran rotirrd
tora Oalobar IT tha qoaaa baa alaa
at Ua aaual hoar, and aoUlag axwe
aoaantod to tha ooaUaupea la tba
waa heard of Uam until Uto moralng.
army of all aoldlara oow aamaf.
’boo ahe oalled to a lady pamlng along
nriul Baffled the Big TaohU Ua hall that bar little biy waa having
.....llndlurllj b.
diaebarra or ttaaafar to tba raaerraa.
apaama and abe would Ilka %o have a
Tba war o«
phyaleian eallad. ''boeiora HUven and
tha proalaotailoo oalllac c t tba TOMcDermott were anmmoaad, and upon
Ooald Vot Oat Or«r Ooaraa la Tima— enlartng tka room, found Ua daughter
t, tt.OOO man will ba <
Tbto forward moramant to lolly oooi
Both Beau X* pi lf«ar Togcihar oa Marjorie lying dead In bed and tha
d by atorlaa of mUltary proTrfp aad Bhamrock Bhowad that moUar and bar lUUa eon Qiao very
pitloni la tha Traaaraal aad Orao^
•ba Baa Xaoelleai •alllog OualHIea. aleb with all Ua iadleatlom of potooalag.
NawlYork. Oet. 7-Tba third at
Ost, -.—Tha balb of the
Inquiry of Ua moUer alleitad Ua.
Mwa from tba Traaaraal oooalry yaa tempt batwaa the ^raat yaebla tbto Caet that aba had mined thirty graina
afternoon proved to hr a diale again. of morphine wlU wine and beraalf and
t^dayrauud to tha
owing to leekwind eaoagb to earry
i^rtroopa toward tba troatiar.
tba children bad Uben it. Mra. Aikica
terao «B0 baa boaa flrad. aad tha tba boaU over the ooaiua within the bad baeoma very alek| aharward and
papara thia moralaf pradlet time limit.
fearing the doae would not proye fatal
It waa another drifting matob and
tha praaaat altaalloo omy aotat for
had awailowed an annee of chlcmdot:
both boata ahowad an cquaUty In mqay and ttoanty graina of ooeaina. Prom pt
aeaa tlsr.
Bowarar. tha oomaoil of war of
lea by Ua dockva soon pnt Ua two
Boar taaatato oa Ua Matal border haa
•Bflfaran oni of danger.
waa eallad o«. dt tbto Uma tha
.dUoaiailBO aapact. Tba raporta
raporu of
The following lettar was^foand la
tba mmirtaaoa raoalrad hare ara raf oa. yaehu were Are mtlea aontb of Ua
> iodloaU aetloB of------- dntob llna
‘•To whonavar flada-Tnlagrapb to
Tba preparatory gun waa drad at Avery Tbomaa. Honor. Mieh. aad If ba
irt’ U to daamad^w^^probabla
ii«3 aad tba waralag gaa at a:ia.
Uat to la
Both yaebta ware near tha Una, whaa ■7 rrlp. eapea. batoand aboaa. There
tha froatlara. They ara aot tralaad tba alartlng gun waa flrad at tl;ta.The la money eaongh to pay for my room
Boopa. Bach atao haa bto own oplaloa. OolnmbU oroaaad Ua llna at lUriiOt and aaad a telegram aad to bay ui all
aad thara to a tout lack of ar.rythla* with tba Sbamroeb aa«anUan''naMia; apairofetxklngm. Take off my ring
hablad bar.
nqalalu for aaaiaload aoeq«p»at.
aad aeod It to Meat Pred Agan, Central
dt lull Ua yaebta bad aeUad about Lake. MIeh. Wa will all have to be
The Oraaga Fraa 8UU ^tar^J
MUa^ too toaa Of aoal haU^laB^ n mile, Ua OoUmbto aUU ahead. She bnriad in Ue eloUee we bare here. I
Oapa Ooloay. wbtob. addad to otbar •aamad u ba drawing Inway from don’t want any Uronda for any of ua.
Ua Bbamioek. bat Ua
waa vary We won't bare to have our bodUa
patoofhoatmty.toMMlac ^
waabad.onty onr arms and faeaa. Tbara
dt 11:01 tha Oolnmbto atlU lad by aa to*no aaad of *■ ..qemt for I am in my'
••a of tha roflmaata aow anirlag
tm India ara batag paahad to tha eighth of a mlia. but. Ua Sbamroek'a right mind ana have intended U> do
big aplaaakar waa drawing very wall, Utofor two yrvrv Be sure Uat ws'
Taal Elrar aa qalokly aa poaalbla.
while Ua Oolnmbla'B did aob
ara really dead baforq we are .bnriad.
ttoopa hrtlalaf at ©arbaa.
dtl»:l0thaabamroek had blankat‘•Mstc AsKina"
Beraa troopahlpa ha»a already arrirad
ad tha (UambUeadet. 11:14 paaaad
Tba woman was plaead In ebarge of
at Darbaa. brloglag a total of t.WO
bar U Btarhpaid and took tba land. lha oaeara and ebe diauiod Ue follow
Mb. Thara ara alao foar warahlpa.
Thn yaebta ware than aboat aavaa lag talegrau.. wi.teh was aaat to Avery
lha Tartar. PblUaaal. Maglclaoaa. aad
Un^. Micb:
,, at Darbaa. aU of whiah will mUaa down Ua flrat 1« of Ua aonrae.
dtl»:47Ua6bamraek paaaad Long '•Margie to d. ad lam arraatad. OWUl
Uad aaral.foreaa. la eaaaof a I
Tha Oolambla waa fifty yoa ooma lo>4.i-jiataly7
aaaoada bahlBd her. dt 1:05 haU ap
Tha praaaaoa of thaaa troop, baa
By dlreetlon of Proaaeutor Warner.
peared U ba raaning lor Ua mark.
broagbt groat rallaf to tha paopla of WIU Ua wind aa It atood Uaa U did
eoroaar'a i I'-y was Inpaaeled aad
Ctopa Towa.who ara new harboring l*.- aot appear aa If Uay oould flntoh with after taking t.>me tmUmoay adjouraed
POO Band rafngaaa. Thara are t.ooo
in tha Uma limit aa H waa blowiag bat to 9 o'clock Monday morning.
Urea baola from Ue norU norUaaat
Mra Aaa'naandaoD wUl live, and
thoaaaada more ara aa route. Tha
dt l:tt Ua Bbamroek iaereaaad bar akeeapremaa no aorraw. eaoapt that
Woamn'o Ballaf commlttaa to boey oar
lead. Tba boata aaamad %o ba aboat a bar attempt wat only partially
lag for them- Pnafla have baea ratoad qaarter of a mile apart to obaarvara.
b, popaUr aabaeriptioaa Tha rafagaai
Doriag tba east tea mhiataa. however.
Mra. Aakini wm dwpoadent over the
r Ineuaara of braUl bad to ba galDlag daaU of bar faaiUad. which
ba^on Ua part of Ua Boara. aiU OB bar rival.
about two years ago, aad It to belli
aigbt tmvallag baa bean aaapandad la
Aatba boats turned Ue outer mark Uat bar mind was affseted. Uongt
o^quaaaa. Wonan aad ahUdraa
I ran Ua Shamrock waa a laagU |a Ua sbs dselarm la bar note that ahe wat
have baea UeaUad. and aeveral ebUd- land. A11 :M boU wore aailtag ahreael
la Ur right mind.
onUaboawward beak
At 7:14 tba Bhamrech atUI held tha
The Daily Mall aaaoaaem Uni| Ue
land. BoU ware oa tba port taek aad
MMwvee ol Ue Ttoat drmy Oorpa ware
^lad out today.
Bad Cross ••Misty OoUaeUng Panda
At >;ie Ua Oolambla waa leading.
Tba oOcial flgurea give Ua Uma of
aad Maa ara Volaataarlng for
lha dntoh. Oolamkia. ttol-ttiSharnfack,
Ua Plgbtlag IdBA
.. . .... ... , ^
Imadoa. Ocv 7.—Tba great qaaotioo'
la Brittoh yaebtiag dralw aow to
whether Llpton. In tha araat of Bbamrook wlaalag tba eop. ought aot to ba
•bar of that aaolaalva I
body, tha Royal Taebt aquadtoa, <f
whleh tha Priaaa of Walaa to
dora aad tba Marqito of Ormoada alaaTba Royal Yaeht aqnadroa to tha moat axelmlra body ?
world. Tba lata J. L. Aahbvy, owner
of Chmbrle. waa paratotanUy blankof Ba
from eajoylng tba privilagaa of tha
Oaatla at Oowes tor many a day. Up
ton haa powartnl baekara, bat be alao
Admiral Raid to Bava Adviaad Ua
rreaidaat to Read Ua Bead of
Ua Army to Haalla.
New York. OsL 7.—A dUpateh U Ue
Joarnal from Waablngtoa toy that
when Present McKlDlev aaked Ad
miral Dewey to my fraokly wbai would
reetore peace 'a Ue tolanda. he aald:
••Mr. Preeldeat. I abould send Oener
a) Miles, the head of Ua army, to Ue
••I abould atooaand General Merritt,
who to the aeoond ranking < ffl mr of Ue
Tlie Sbamroeb again prorad la ba a
ilgbty flaa bonk galalag H aaomda la
Ua raa to Ua staka.Tba oplaloa of
Ua ra- pane to that Ua eballaager dU Uttar
work to Ua windward Uaa Ua dafaadpr«fUaOBp Bhawaaatoa haauttfally baadlad. T>a raaan kept eloae t*:
gaUar dartag tUruoand atUa aad of
Ua flrat hoar wera abeam. Ua Shamaland. Rgperto
that Ua raea should b^la
Bnmdna Xepert That Jhtoru Oaar of
o'rtonk la Ua moralag. whaa Ue wiad
BMla aad aa Bagllah PrUaeaa
wa Utoaly to eoatlaaa laag aooagh
to allow e« a datoh bafOra Ua aaplraOev 7.—Tha Oraad Daka
ttoa of Ua Uma limit.
Mtohaal. broUar of tha caar. aad tha
Mxt belr U Ua Raealaa Uroaa. to fotnguRalmaralWvtaliUa qaaaa. It
to whiBpand that thara to aomt Idea of
I Ua Gtnad Duka
^ Prlaaam Hargnrat of Ooaanaghi, ■r. Pat^ K. XoldowarU Tbkm a
Popalar SahaolTueBar flor a
oUerdaagbUr of tha Duka of Ooa'____ »■. who wlU oe'abraU hor laU
U Jaaaaiy Utaad Daka
Mim e. Roby Dana of Uto
_ waa bora fit ird^aad kto
Mr. Parey M. BoldawmU of WUmlgr^UTtoge to maab daMud hy hm
haa. BorU OhmUaa. ware qalatty
■arrtadat Ua hams of Ua brlda'a
yaraaiB oa Wmk HfghU etoaat. laM
SE^MmMMMUa atautaa of avaalag at at|ht a'eloek. Rav. D.
llB parformad Ua aaramoay la Ua
DUIETir MlffllEO.
ToartaaaU Waddleg i
Mr. aad Mra Akmao Fu
aa NlaU
^ *««>teg at Unto
sirask 8avanl ef Ualr trtsada ware
pcaaaak aad Ua aimilaa was a .voty
■srvsd. aad several valaable priiwki
The D. C. Cook Co’s Series.
“MARTI” A Btorj of the Cuban war
correspond with the latest research 6o
•THE LAMPLIOKTEaS” Verj fascinating so
at 25c.
pocket book*
Saturday we unpacked the largest line of
Sha^saodtrimmingA Prices range from 50c to
of a kind but a large assort-
290-229 Front Street
Balpb Oonoable Jr., Xabs^.
.gillie YES ’DEED SAH
All de world am aad an’ dreary
Without one ob dem
Seven Dollah
Newluid HaU
New Top CoAte
87.60. $10. $16.
S. Benda & Co.
j See Us
Wherevor you ko
You should wear
the new shoe for vouion.
The Binarteat boot of the day.
Faabicuable women all wear
Ibam./ Styles aoitable for
every oecasion.
t For Furs..
Several large shipments received this week
from prominent eastern mannfacturors—choice styles
A —late effects—correct in every way. Low priced for
the qnalilies. H,85 to »25.00.
For fall atroet and wet weath
er wear,
Light Kid Shoe* with weh
eoloa for street and awell
dress service.
and floe kidsboeawUblluIesolas
for dress tceations Tbry're dif
ferent from all others. ’The btet
skoes sold at any ^ios. All style
Monday and Tuesday, Oct 9 and 10,
-Mr. H. H, Sheets who repreeents one of the olddst and moat
reliable Fur Factories in Uiis country, will be wit'i lu.
Fur Garments
and Small Furs
$3 50 a pair.
The Leadlog Shoe House
of allkinde.willbesbown. It is needleaa to say that thia line
repraeeoU the highest standard of excellence in style, qnality
and workmanship at attractive prices
ed to esamme same on above dates at
Yon are ttordislly iovit-
torllB. Uetobar ?.-At Imipalc Ua
Pao.'iaraiaale union bus aaat a i
mlttea to latorm Ua Red Cram eoolety
In Hollaad of its lateatioa to help
Uelr broUeis In Africa If war eaaoes,
aad aBBoaaem a luaee-niacting ta protaat agalaat Ua Bagllah poaltlom.
TU Pan-Oarmaa unioa to eompesid
of oaUualMU wU want to aaaan Bolland. Switalaad. aad Ua fUrmaeblag pan of Ai
. ferUa Basra oxtoads.
bowavar, to aU alaaam aad partlaa. 'A
A volantom oOrpa of aaveral haadred
taa to forming la Ratohaabanr.
loUmla. TU Oarifaaldtota ta Italy
Good Reading
-There will bean adjrarnad meeting
of tba eliy conncll tomorrow evening.
IT unoM vua.
Saggmtrd that Ba ba Admitted to
Boyal Taebt Bq ladroa.
The meo who makee e bit in
boaiaew is the msB who is thoroitoAly ap.to-dste.
If yon don't hare a Ulephuie
people are lUble to think that yon
are slow.
They -will probably
bink that yon are
van slower than yon
Nobody wants to
I deal with peofila who
Bow la tha tlma to bny yonr lUl and winter
footwear. BTerything yon nood can ba fbnnd
At OOP Store.
We here pUoed on ulp for thia week 48 pairs
of lAdiss button shoes, formerly sold for $1.85
And $1.60-ttae^ go Rt 86c.
See our WATBKPBOOir 8HOB for Udles —
$8 60 bays it.
IcNimra Itocl.
■ -'5
•THB MOaifllfO ItatfOMD. WMPAT. OOTOB»m S. 1999.
vmAVXscx orrr, •
mm, «. .Basw a»
f. KAMra. MtMr
W. BA>n
AaorsEM <xsl« an* to U* kklescM
0t tte wind to recorded la the loft ot
«k<r«TMt tMlaff
bTMM preveated a r*w IIm WmS'
•o* Kala pr«i«d tba akUi of bar da•tCMraadot bar aoBmaadar, aadU
•ha OelBBbU wlaa aba will have a bl^far )ob oB bar baada tbaa aa/ of ber
peadaoeaaow la Uia. cap ccbUcU hare
•■partaBead. Tba Sbaiarock to aaplaO'
JU BpaelBiB of Ba«lbb ablpbBildlBp
•ad iba OolBBbUooiBbloeaall tha>«la
•lapqaallitoaof tbc foiiaar eapdefrad0n. Tha eoataot wbtob baa baea IbfBe
Hmm loft U doaM «U1 tbarafora ba
^•Mma UeTaehtplaau of tba ara.
la tba
(fsltad SUtaa darlaf ibe pact year baa
la aad the preaent oat*
}90k to tbai It win aoBUaaa. lo ibe
•iM moBtba laadlBf Saptambar M,
iiToe BUoa of new railroad were laid,
••1 beforeJaaeary I Ibto wUl prob
ably be iBcraaaed to 4 ooo allaa. Tba
VO'k to retarded by iba lack of Ubor
Md Isabimy to oblaio ataal rallt for
iBMadlata dellvaiy. Thera ara
datprcaasief alelap la the
Mrd roah of proapertly.
dbmlS Adam Bclllagar of lldgU,atr
B^deM wf LatiUaaa Oomaty atod tba wa* 1* tba Mty yaatarday.
Mr.aadMra.A B. Walt hara gawa
mlmwla Bagar fee tba BtaatiM
10 Alba to rtoit talatlraa
. BaUv^ Uaaa U >rwipaet
M- Obarlla of Biagbam. wa* la tba
Tba moramaat la tba dlraetlcw of aa eity yaatardar.
alaawla tailwaT >o Mo^port aad
Jadga Pred W. Meywa ratarwad to
aronad tba paaiaeaU waa tba prUaipal
• and wife of MapK
toptoof diMBMkwoa
tba tanner* and dcaiare from both aao- City, were In tba nty yeaterday.
Uema yaatarday. Tba aeade of aaah an
Mlw Mabal Bebofield to atCerlag
improTcmeat to gimUy fait aad tl» with atalarUI tarer.
raalduu U the tarrllory to be fararad
Mr*. Leri Boaia hae gone to Maple
will lead arary aaooaragemewt to tBc City to laapeet Ue Womaato Baliaf
peomotaee of tba aatarprtoa. W. C. Oe^ ad tbat pUwtba. procaotar. waa eagerly
Arebitaet P.; B.
aoagbvaad UianlMad regardUg tba tba eity ymtarday frtm a trip to dagproapeeu for tba eaanmmaikm of tba laaw.
aatarprtoa. Mr. Jobncoa bald oat aeHiB. & Oarlaad of Detroit m rkitBg
arr pomlUe cacoaragcmcai aad u trUad* la lb* eity.
nred tboaa who talked with him that
Mia. B. C. Bodge to rtoltUg trtoada
tbe plan* were rUMwably ■are of tae- la PraaklorV
aem prorldUg tba rcaMcata taTe tbe
Georg* Oalklaa ha* lataraid from
aaaoaiagemaai tba Improreaient da- Cbtoago, wbera be hqp parehaaad fursItar* for the aew barber abep tbat ba
Wbaa tba uperu and manager of U to occupy lu partaarublp wltfi J O.
tbe New York buke,> . each bare tbto Langwori
week they will be Ub^. over tbe proBherlifl Slmpaoa.wu la William*,
po««d rootaa and a^>itnl Urritory burg and Blkj Baplda yeaterday, aab.
anil tbe adraaiage* bioagbt to tbetr
notice. Mr. Joenaon w»U ramali here
hare been •rlaiUng Mr. Deaanme'a
^boattwowayk* to paib tba pr>j
pareato. Mr. aadMia. B. P. Dcu
of Maple City, pataed Ibroagh Uto city
yeaterday oa tbelr way horn* to Holley
Tba badaaae of tba apple araphrator Nprlnga. Mtoa
N. W. Herrington ot Solon, wa* In
to oa taa;laemaa. aa tba wUtar applaa
beglatoaomala. Tba eapaelty of tba tbc city yaatarday.
Ed. Pray of Mabal waa U tbe cHy
plant to not nearly reaobed, bowarar.
aad they wUl ba abU lo baadla aU tbe yeaterday.
Mr*. A A. MeOaybaarataracdaf-<
applea tbai can be faratobed them.
rtoit at Grand Baplda aad HadaOB, lad.
Tbemembaraol TrarerM City Teat
Mia. J. G. JobnaoB ratanad Uat
No. 171, K. O. T. M.. wilt meet at aooB
t>day«farlb<parpoaa of marching U
Prank Wiataky, clerk at the Park
a body to rlew tba^malaa qf Alfred
Place, will atUad^the fwtlral iaCbieaKarranv
and after a few day*
dmeag the ImproTcmbata being there go to Milwaukee for a rtoit.
mane by tbe C. A W. M. raUroad, Are
Mr; and Mtu. Don 6. Dean of Sutton*
aew uaoka will ba laid U tba round Bay. war* U tbe eity laM cranlag to
bonaa, doabiiag lie eapaelty.
attend Iba weddlag of Mr. Deanto aU
Tmeane City Lodge No. m, T. A d ter. Boby. to Percy M. Holdawonb.
M.. wlU bold a epcelal
telal eornmna
Or. J. A. Bnydar baa goa* to BalaMonday Bight for toork on tbe B. C
u. B. Oordaa o< Lalaad to la the olty
8B. Blackwood waa la tbediy from
(HtyCUrk Blekaitf la eeadliv oat
BoUemtotbaowaare of propatiy who Lalaad yeaterday.
It to qaaer tbat the 1
iaiay 1b aetiial boalBaaa 1b tba TibocPMl bat Bot baas atora feBarally
IPMWB. Wbao Jobs »Bb11 c«ta tbat
yMbtrBaatffkto baada ba win bare
■are tlM to look aftar tba mtle difl
aalty wUb Oom Paul. Tbarafeea tba
Taa owner will
aaqpar Maw York eaa farstob a bbIi- be required ta mead tba wallm or hare
•bU braetatbeaoowibawar mH»- tbam repaired by tba eity, aad thaoeat
^t will lwrta.
***'*** ^ tawpartj.
•ra waidaaa*wUi eater apoa
W faraacB aad boalseoa
tbair datiaa Monday. Tba property
aty aad OB tba paBlatBla owaare will all rteelva a copy of tba
faUybppraclaUibaTalae of tba asdra ofdlBiaee. aad the wardaaa wUl
tarprtoa wbtob prostoea railroad faaaforeeUa
k lYaecraa Olty
There wUl ba a BkeaUeg of ibe Uni
•Bd It win Bot be tbair 'faoU If ibe
form Raak, K. of P.. Taeaday ara
aad erery member to eepactolly urged
t) auend.
Tn reporu front London and tbe
Tbe qnaiiarly meeting of the Ladin'
•Traatraal are TBrlable apd tbe lataai
Library Aeaoelation to bare^ been held
saw to that beatllltlaa eaaaot be preyeaterday. ba* been poatponed
tatftad. Tbto Bornlat'a dtopatcbM
vara a yraea atpact and U aaeaac tbat
At'tbe Allegan fair Priday Tcmmy
• ^beasbe delayed bnt a .iltUe
M, B H. Baltobory'a'gnldeltu apeeder.
waa eaoortcd to tbe track by the New*boyaBand of Orand Baplda, and be to
It will Bot 00 to coani toa atrowyly
aatd to bare eaade tbe faatait time
VMB faroriDftrblB lb
tbe track. flatoUag the lui
aratara antll tba •Qblcayo featiral baa
half mile la
one qnarlar la ni,
pBiaad IdIo hlatory.
acoooda. and one eighth la 1&H aceond*. with the track tmly ia fair
n'of Edtooa'a lataat lion.
« In tbaiCliy Opera Hoate nut
Parmer* are beglaalag to take adWadBMday will atlrBet eonajderablr rantage of tbe opportunity clTcrcd br
•tlaatlon. The afreal Fitaaimmooa- the Miebigan march 90. to take tbelr
Mrlea batUe In tba rinq will ba rw eull potato**,
(ieraral load* were reffodaoad and the new wacblne will oelred yeaterday and arraagemento are
UlTC tba abimated illuatratioaa la bat- belag made for mer<'deU*eriea Tbto
lar forai aad qraataraocarBcy than any
yaartbere.ia an Dananal quantity of
dlalUr apparatua that baa erar been
cull* and green clock, owing to tbe
dry weatbir and froaie, and tbe pquto
It was a very large andlenoe and a grower* are fortnaate In haring a
■oat appreclallre one wbkb wUneued market for a great deal of atock tbat
tba prwenUUon Of “On tbe Bnaanae oonld not And a market eUewhere.
Klrar" in Stelnbergb Urand laat cran
An American flag at the apei ot tbe
ia. Before tbe rtoe of tbe corUln. tower ot tbe new court boote yeater.
•taadlnq room Ucketa were told, and day bnnounoed that tbe workman had
’ paly a few aaata In tbe parqMt rereached the-top. LiTbe woodwork cl
BBlaed eaeant.'- The play la a bcautl- tbe tower to completed and tbe alau
fal heart atory with tbe aoeae laid In roofing to in progi
tba plotnreaqna anany aontb, IntroduLPeuvoe* la the local market brought
Us typical ;aontbcni eharactaim and
10 eeaU yeaterday.
popalar plantation muate. There la a
It mnelnq tbrongb tbe
pUea wbieb>ppeala to tbe r
aldeofone'aaaUre. and tbe etory to PropoaltioB ta Orgaalae fer Clay
told with a realtoB wbleb commande
a. and tbe piece to
Tber* to aome Ulk among lorera of
apli^Iy etaqed. Tbe ebaraetera ara
abootlag about the pnapeet of argaalzU ueellent handa, and tbe oaat to
lagagnnelub. A few y*an ago tber*
Mecb atraoqu than when the play
a goa club formed
preBeatad bare laat aprlaf.
beia of tbe We-que-loag elob aad
Hte BtalU Maybaw. aronad whom iba
tor two aaaaoaa there waa eowaUerabl*
•blaf lBtareat[oaatraa. entered tba
riralry batwaantbe leealeapartmtarki
art with I
man. COay plgaoa abaotlagba* Ita fae1 chanalBC UtuprataclaatioB* aad’there are maay exparto la
tiaa of a typical ncfro mammy, with
Uto:eity wbo^ra made good laeocda
big heart and the geanlBa aagr
Daring the life of .the laat gun elab tbc
bamor.l^Wbaa tbe play waa bare b*
eoBtaat* took place on the We-qua-toag
lue Mtoa Maybaw
elnb groanda, bta It to
tbto tlma the tooa the andtonce by better plaeegmn be found, Amowg tbe
•Urmaad bald tba moat Utaoa* ia
upon markamaelwbolmtceted in tbe
Urcei tbroagb the aleae. She to Aaaly
fortaer organlatlon were Dr. 8.
OTppoelad. tbe*olbar ^araetcr* bring
Sawyer, Ual Perry. ea-Aldcnnaa Daa•Bong aad la talented hand*. Tb*
mond. J. a. (Sbrlgley. Pred D. Oartto
Ppaatala Clty -quartai tntroduaad old
aad a few -otbei*, who wUl proba^
time planiailOB atelodtoa aad aoag* take an aetirc Intareat U the propoaad
and with tbelr ueellent toIo**
Ubltobad. the repatattow they made
. to propoeed to ba«c a aertea of eone^B bera. twfora. Tbe play to oae
a to takc;p]aea tbto faU at frequent
arblcb will grow upon tbe pablle aad
with tbto
Mbate to tbe atage one of tboae plaea* Qnyea Portrait fta*
wbleb nercr wear onV
For » day* anly, if you will trad* |l
at WiIhFla, Baiiak A Co., a chance
T* Ourm • OoM In Ond Day.
of* lUe Urn*. See tbe arttot i«Mk
Tike Waiamto White Wtnepd ttor 6>Ttip
la tbelr window. Hare for a abort
Iba bem cough ftmedy on eaith. ftau,.
timely. B* formerly did only gu
At a maaa meeilar of the eadeU of
tbe Oobard Uke MUitaiy Academy,
Tbto aaaoeUtkm
bare ebarg* of all aiadant eaterprtoea.
aoeb aa tbe albletle icami, tbe mnaieal
olub* and tbe Uterary aocleUe*. Tbe
pswereftbeaBaoeiationtooantered In
a board of direeioia which to eompoacd
ot two reoreeenUtlre* of each aludeoi
faculty. The object of tbe orgaolta_. ..
___ 1- .______ 1_____ ___________ J
ia to place di'totudent ______
upon a amootbiT working baai* with
• hand* ot tbc
otdeta Llentenaat Betheriogton of
Kauaa*. waa elected prcaldeot: rice
preaideui. Swart of Iowa; aecretary
Terrle of llllnou: teeaanrer, Piu
pauick of Illlnola.
V3x±a ia m 'bacbvxtiT-.
IraaM QmM Arjovwad Tcnettey
Mama MatU Keadag Mtealag.
Oaart adjoBiwad yaaueday at aoow.
> meet Mowday mining at 10 o'claek. |
Tb* Uat CBM bafora tb* aoart wa* tb* ;
raalula appeal. Ana* re. Bapbaa).
wbleb waa begaa PrUty. Tb* taetlrnowy to act all In. ard tbu eau b*a
baea adjourned ua laiww.y ot tbto
weak, at »:M o'clock.
Tba court will aonreaa Mowday
moraiag, for tb* aoaalderatleo of
euanaary eaiee, Tb* demarrer aad
motion far acaarlty of eoau. Woodnrard
d. ba* baw Ukea aader
adrtoement by tb* aoart.
Noaantaaee* were Impoced ia aay
of tbe erlmUal eaaa*.
Tbara are a nambar of ctaanacTy
matters to come up tbto week aad tbe
replerln appeal suit will occupy eoacld
arably more time, ao tbat it to not u
peetad that a flnal adjoarnmeat win
to* laaabed tbto weak.
flM ■i
izza pro. ksoo
Only $3.76
tro. eswa-w
Ooldao Qdk or *-lCAhogBa7
SoeUI Party for Married POlka.
Tb* fliat elnb party of the aeaaot
for Btarried folk*, will be giren on
Priday erentag.OoL ll.al tb* Academy,
City Opera Baoaa Vartan* game* ai^d
amuaemenU will beprotided for tboae
tbat do not ear* to join In tb* tfanelag.
Tbe aerie* yrlU aoaUoue erety two
‘k* ibronghout tbeaeatrn.
Lai^t lino <a Sock*
•rs in tho sUto.
I'Ai Front St J. W. SLATER'S loDSC Fnniishiiis Store
Arab Gibb* of MvAol- wu U tb*
city lut aighk
Dartag the winter of IM<: Mr.
wr. dame*
earn** w
Bead, one of tbe leading cii
It tent and i
merebanuofClay. Clay Co.,
~ Va, f
».. W.
atmek bto leg agalnat a cal ec of
w. ice
... lb #
each a manner u to bruiw it acverrly. It became
mneb awoUan
paiaed blm *0 badly tbat be could
yralk without tbe aid of .
wa* treated by phytleiant. aUo u*ro
aereral kind* of Hulmcnt ard two and
a half gallon* of wbtokry In bathing It
bat nothing gar* any r«tl<r uo‘ll br
nalng CbnmberUto'a
rUto'a Pain Bali
TbI* brought
‘Oiplete qorr ; A
tn a week'* timr and be bri
»ltoye* li.ali'
bad be not naed tbto remedy bi* leg < ^
would bk*e bad to be amputated. Pain ‘ «
Balmtonnequlcdfcirapraina. bruiaa*;*
Walt and F. C. TbompaoD.
; ••••
-w «.
On the lOth of C
nl. W.
edaaerrre czld wbleb waa aiiended
from tbe beginning by riolent oougb
ing. Be aar/: - After reeorUng to a
nnmbrr of ao^Ued topee,fim.' uaually
bed in tbe bouac, to no purpoae, I
pnrebaard a bottle of Cbamberlalnto
Cough Brmedy. wbleb acted like a
m. I moat eta
Wait and F
Kimball Pianos and Orenns
a-e uaed and endoraed by tne leading
fflua:r aD« ererywhere. No. K'b Front
aireet. N. B Strong, manager. 7ftS h
Calf Boots,
Grain Boots,
Kangaroo Boots,
Kip Boots,
Hip Boots,
Rubber Boots.
Frank Friedrich
Nevermore bo than now. Each department packed fUllofthe best
productions pfevery market, bought with judgment that
years of experience has given, and that only spot
cash can buy Close margins move our
goods quickly, giving you a constant
ly changing, up to date atock.',
Hunt ’er
Than A Brother ’
Did you ever
A man beoatne Kepamted from
luB wife,-wliile Blmpping. A»k
Tlif glufS and rooeilagtw we 8‘°P ‘f
People goiter.
ed whert. he'd be likely to find aell.
Diainond and Sanford
l^“ow as little about drugs
her. Said ahe waa looking for. Crvatn Paitte, beat for everyday •• ahy‘-•ommodily on the marBed Room Snita. “Why at the .nse, 5c tbe bottle.
“Aliaointe parity" is the
Oompany’B of courae,* wa» the glne * beet on earth” cornea jnlBtampon all onr good*.
They’ve got a dandy,; 5c and 10c bottlae and in 25c |
Department givea
Looked for her and found Vr.
and 50c cana.
jyou the b-at of aervice.
Put Silverware!''2*''His
If you were
Smekery. Smekery
Sneeze Qijggjj Victoria
Gnt Glaae—China on a roi
table'cloth—how doea it Itx^l'.be goea prowling ironnd the
Table cloth ape^ it ail—Bay a' honae wondering where he'.yon coold of ooorae have a ail>
fine aoft table cloth, will make' cat^ht hia cold. He didn’t boy mounted cooeb-^itb gold clolh
the plaineet aeUinga look tasty,' tbe right kind of a stove. The i and set with (^diamonds, but it
if not rich. We’ve aome new fire wouldn’t burn half tbe time.; would be no'taore comfortable
Damask linen, 72 inchea wide, !Ten mioutee'of bis time would than outa at $ti.50.
a beauty at $1.(0 tbe yard. I have giv^ him A Garland or a years of wear in them—Shape
Xapkina to match at $3.60 the:RonndOak for $12,00, $14.50, right—frame atrong-epringa
dozen. (Cheaper goods if yoo;i6|00 to $35.00—or a Boae'good—npholatrya beauty—let's
j Heater for $6.60.
send one op.
The Haimah & Lay Mercantile Go.
1W wont Ihtat U»Mr
P hMtaffloMtMri »lih to tk* gn-r*.
7w4tkM. Mt. Ho** mrnmmr wm
vWtoidUtowMk Md BM7 kwBtiM
•owMMoiM. Ad*toeUf«wUlbt«»ptOT^ os U« «M*.
irvrtorwwk OwlBc to » protoetive Uw. itoe BofiPmUost. Brows of Um ototo Uto »» rt*« Md tribouriw ore filtod
-----------------------------MoA naii^
cwnUMhw my
ibot bowltkloh. Tbo.o«d.ofp*rofc«o bobM boos ktpi bM7 touiy lot^t ^ eootbt dsUj wltb s book Md iW.
bfur oowo tbot on »a«iod wUb
At Boyal Obh to a eldar am wUeb to
TbtodtooMooppMtobo owaed aad operated by a woaaa, wllb■era prooaloM to MtohifM at prm- ootaaatotaaee of aay ktod fi«a tbe
Mt thu OW tootoo. Ao 0 nto tbo otboreea.
MtMto OM be eoKd. The oopcrTtoor
Mra. Abel Ctorr of 0
Am MtboHtj to istoe the oooiuttoo Borriea ooaaty. aycd M yaare.baatoee
by Abonitai of (be ooMtootoswith bar daoybter to etolt bar atoler.
Tbero to a esrtato fa^Mr to Alpeu ayed lOI yeara, wbo Urea at Oarltole.
OMaly wbo baa Areal blib to ibe Pa. Mra. 9arr bad aotobeea to Pobbfataraoftbaaooalled barroM of the aylraBlaelooe aba waau yeara of aye.
wo( the atole aa al^badaevar
a railway ear prevlpUoa for ratotoy eaiUe. Be baa bcafkl
. trip
torte traeto of toad, whlob eaa bo
Stafford of Nortb Braaeb,
boByht ebeap. aad to poutof all ibe
raieed.st&bBabeleofaatooa Bee aorce
aoaey boM ratoo toio abeop. Be of yroosd tbto aaara. aad tbtoke „
tw Ue aboap oat oa tba toad, wboro kaa doae )oat a MtUe better tbaa aay
tbair paaiaraca ooata btoi praeUoalJy [ other Urator to tbe whole a^^
~M^a». aad be Utok, be to yoto, to I Miebiyee
■ake aaore moaey oat of tbe la
Amoay a party of vimion to toe Je<^It tbaa be eoaU oot of a yold mloa
eon euie prtooa yvaa a womaa wbo eaw
bar baeband to eonvlet yarb. Tbto wae
Tbe people of Nllaa are prepartoy a toeArettoetehe knew where he wae
plaaaeatearprieafot Obarlaa Mltiball.
loeated. Bedtoappearvd it yeara aya
boyler of toe O.yapia. apoa bia arrival Bto neae to Cyrf, Bcyera, and bto term
at tbe bom of bto boyhood. Ml ebll
willaborUyenptra. Tbe pair ware <|.
oooaded tba ordcte that eoBaeaeid
lowed to bare as bonr'e vtoli tcyetber.
tba battle of MaaUa.aM Nitoo to prood
ofhloi. Uebaa a Bother and etoter
Drntk and Dtoordarly
roeldtoy taare aad be bet writioo that
Too mneb Are water, aod oondnet
betoeoBtoy boaa Upoa bto amral
tbe arbe wlU be Uadered a yraod reoepuoa. that wae not becoalny,
AttOTMy Oeaeral Orea baa faraUtod raat of a man by toe nam of OUley
yeaterday. Jndye Koberta Aned bla
Sftandyi.ttooete. lobelp him remsBtbaatate depariaaat wtib farm ata> bar to be yood neat tima
Uatlea requlrad by. toe etatam. Tbe
atlomey yaaeral eaye it la the iaperatlvedeiy of Ue eup^rtoon to feratob
tbaae atottotlea, aad tbat they oaaaot
be axeaaed troB eaeartoy It oa aeooeot
of aa allayed lack of Um or beoaaaa
they are to iwoalra ao oompeaaa
Tba aaereiary of atoia la toforoied that
it to bto daiy to leport aeab aaparrl
wbo do Bot faratob tba toforaaUoa to
Mtoa BUa Botiar, ayad »7 yaara. aad
rasldtoy with bar motoar aasr Poatorto.
waa ^ktoy aroaad ao oU atove Fri
day Borptoy wbaa bar elothaa eauykt
Are. Ska waa ao friyfatfally beraad
thstabadladto a taw Btoutea. Ske
waa aloM at tba' Umi aad to to oot
knows Jaat bow tba aeeldaat bappesad.
Oeorye Oenaaa, a wall ksows farBer of OaHilaod ooaaty, atopped at tbe
Boul Bodyee at Poailac oa Tbereday
alybtaad blew oet tbe yaa. 'Be hae a
ebaaoe for bto Ufa
Mra. Bslly Snito. as^edlady fro«
Port Elyto. Uot.. pot Bp at a Saralee
botei. aod blew out tbe yai at reUriny
She waa f.ood dead the Dczt Borainy.
AtMooroe, Albert Lockwood, too it
ea-ProaecDllDy Attorney Barry
Lockwood, faai received a eev^rr
eOBcnaelon by betoy thrown froB bU
bicTCle. Tbe boy wae unooneclou for
eom UBe, and It ii feared tbat be to
eerkmaly irjared.
Aaa reeult of rldiny a bicycle at
nlybt witoont a'lamp, Elmer UlUetl.
llvlay at Byron, nwrly loai bto life in a
eolltoion, by mnnlny Into a riy drlrea
by Or. D B. Aodrcweot St. Loato. Aa
it waa, be waa thrown abool thirty
feat and bto head waa teribly cot and
btntoed. beatdea
tojcriaa. Be wUI recover.
Tbe barklay of bto doy wiU ooet Fred
Uoeu 9f Ooranna, tSOO.
Mra. Ida
Wllletu’ horae wae friybteaed by
OoetiV doy. a maaway eaenad. Lstar
aaaitwaabronybtforSa.ooo daaugw.
Tbe ptotoltff bat been awarded a Jodymeni.
The aaeent of Mlaa BelBoot to a'
balloM at the Eatometw fair wae
Badethrilllny by tbe dtorovery that
the balloon waa
Are. Mtoa BelaoLt
atsck to tbe trapcae natll 7ft feel In tor
nlr, when ahe ent looae, and dropped ,
aafely with toe paracbnta, which
opened qelekly, eaviny bar a bad fall.
Tbe Mlntoy Journal tolnka Marquette
to yolny to be a yreat tuBBter raaort
dty In a few yaara aad that tbe
travel to .already aettiny that wpy.
TbetaonaaotBoseyleft to toe city
by iSiriala toe paet enBraer to aeUmatod at SftO.ooa
At McBato on Friday Oeorye Teapla
wbo bad been drivtoy a damp eart at
Byraae' aaw bIU waa dtoeovered borled
to toe dnat heap daadfroa aaSoeatlos.
A farmer near Grand Barnn baa ban
axparlBasttoc la toe ratoUiy of peanuta
toto eeaaoa. wtto anch aneoeB that be
aaay yo into toe bnatoaaa on a laryn
aeale seat year, ae be hae demoMtistad that toe eoU thereabout to vrnU
adapted |or toe yiowiny of toe yoobere.
Aa a reaalt of laet week'a Beettoy of
too Lawae of Mlc
• baa bean aurtad to kave toe
lefMUIare start a aanlury eoytoeertoy
dapnrtamt aa aa adjubet of toe etate
board of health.
Tke auu board of oorraetloM aad
ebartOM baa aa «yly probtom to aolvr.
There wna an appropdaUon to put In a
beatlny plant at toe bmpltal of toe
boBo. Im bee made anch a bly ad*
vanea that toe work cunot be dona
lot toe amowl awropriabea.
tWbMeanba Aomk toaproUaB tor
want toeae qnaliUee
Klee’* New Life____ ___ _ ..
at Jamas 0. Jobaaonto and a B. WaiU
drny siOTea.
Tbe New Barvard Glide vrae inirodn^ at tbe Wlaooa Club party
iMt Friday rraoiny. A aamb^of
toe aemben quickly learned toe
—------ _
»ruj-. October;.
Pruidnt apolu >t OslMbora
Breatmaeeptloa on 'ibe Oemfnt at
■totorle Kam Ocl.ye.
. Whoopiny couch. Aa
F.mona Ocbete Beiwees Kepbes
A. Itonylae aad Abrabtn Xtoooto'
Totk Fiaoa.
Oaleebary, lU.. Oet. .7.—On toe
eampat of the htotonc Knoa eolleye,;
where forty-one yeare ayo Abr«baa
Ltoooln and Stephan A. Dnyla bad
toeir memorable aerica of dabatee to
determine which ebonldoeenpy toeaect
In toe United States aeaate. Praeldi
McKUiley and
Smith tbto aoratoy delivered eUrrii y .
ol U» «... ,
Met betwren toeee yreat leadara. of
former day*.
' '
At tbe conclaeion of tbe ezerctote
Tbe president
tlal party board* d
,h. d., b,
pixmlsent eft r tot to a lony line ct
Tbe entou
of toe I
Mew Jttcbiyan Te-epbonet.
yreeUoy all alopy the route vrae nnJ. bn Barry, manayer of the local e
boBoded. At toe eampne a yreeUay | ehinye of the Mtcblyao Tt
froB toeauteof nitooie was delivered bat eosnec'-cd toe foUowtny
by Senator Onllom.
Tbe praeldent {eeribert;
epuke br»fly, rtviewiny toe bieioric
J Stelabery. desk telepfcooe in addlepUodet oT tbe oonteei between Uoo to wall eek
Lincoln aod DonylamPark Place Hotal. ^ tolepbonn in
■ Ttaelr aaaoeiaUoa''said be,“bccaa to additioe to wall eet.'r
eonOIct aad ended In oo<oparatioD.Tbey
IftS-Mrt. Nettie Miller, reeldence
were aatayonUu for more than a y*n- Wurtbury H .ek.
eraUoa oeer the intrepretation of toe
Sft»—W. F. Benba, rcUdenee v ft
conailtutloo, and natited at latt when Union street
toe eoMtitniion itself wae aaaailed.
sav-May Pollock, reaidenec ftoe Wcai
They mlsbt d Iff tr over tbe meaning of Scunto etreet.
some of lu provtolopt, tnl wbi.n the | ftOo-Mra. Uerlrade Mtoore. reeldeaec
e they atood toyelber for lu Sid Franklin street.
inviolability and tbe inseparabim; of
.—Perry Bros. Inenranee ayenU.
tbe onion it eetabTlthed. Oce nseerted Tonaeller block.
Ibe rlybi of ftlavery under cerUin eonMS-M Dill, reetonrani, US Front
dlUont.to enter toe territoriee; tbe
Other dtopnted that riybl ander any
coodlUone, but both ayreed tbat tbe
aUve ebonld not dlrlde toe Union.
I It >>»•< i.rteo )wn •|iibt(-d that a yralo
"Tbe bebate was epoch Bakiny. bot|<-f nl.-otlm-, Adminlxii-red all at once i
when toe qnrsUon vrae removed from ' wniibl kill il,.* KtruDymt duy.
While \
toe arena cf ptaeefoldUcnaelon to tbatj 'I'** >‘laleiiii-ut U umlnulili-dly true. It I
of war aod oemaye, Lincoln and Dony-''*
mleleu.llnjr. In order i..
las stood no lonyar divided Wheni
"**'‘‘***‘ ''ft wrr.klii- tbe dog
Llnoolc called for i««pe Itocyl..:
allyned blmeelf on toe side of toe *
oational yovemment and threw toe
Job Oon'.do't Meve Stood Ik
force of hU yreat peraonality Wabe
If he'd had itebloy Pilee. TbeyV
anpport of the enenUve. Both will erribly anenriny; but Boeklen'e Ar>i>% Salve will core tbe worst ea«e cf
bereaembered lonyeak not for toe Pile
debate, bnt for toelr part to tbe For tr-jurlea. Pal)
the beet ulvc
Blybiy evant wklek ensned. They
abov. Cure
will live became Use Union which
. <} Job:
eavid and tbe libertv which was
Dress pants that are made
by Hart, Bchaffner & Harz
or Bosenwald & Weil are;^
are eure to have proper di
mensions-not cut out like
so much lumber, same size
all the way down. Look at
this cut then come here and
see the genuine article. A fine assortoent of black dress pants- also
fancy stripes in fine worsteds, $3.00
to $6 60.
This time it’s pants for the workingmen, msde for both wear and
looks—C ARK A RTT (union made) —
BERESHIBE PANTS—both warranted in every respect.
Here's tbe famous Berkshire war
rant: “Warranted not to rip, and we
pill pay you 18c for each euepender
button that comes off, 60c if the
waistband rips, or a new pair if they
rip elsewhere within sixty days affer the date of sale."
Prices $2.00, $2.26, $8.60, $2.76.
Or yit-r joo nu-re tvliable yooda. Tbia atore aatiafiM the maitiiuiLt* and plraare the people more than any other atore.*
tbronyb ita atnking ralnra.
Tboosanda of baryaina on tule here boldly aland, at tbe
bwd of tbe yrabdeet money aavin*; opportoniliee ever offered a
diBcnminatfng community.
In the Cloak Department
.-vfioo of aplendid valuea in women'e fell and
winter onter wraps Itaa been .prepared for tbia week's aelliny.
The followiny m«-ntion will ahow you how yon can obtain the
newest and beat tall attire and save many a dollar on yonr
pnrehaaea. •
place on ule Monday morning over one hundred
Jackets just received, representing tbe prodnete of
the furemoet New York makera - made of Kersey’s,
in black, castor and French gray, beadUfully lined
with aattn aeryea and fancy taffetas- in fact are yarmenfa that were intended for retail at $7 50, f1000,
flTl.OO—A fortunate chance enables ue to put these
garments before you at..............................$600. f7-60. $9.00
.Golf Capes...
A mayniScent variety in nobby combinations, priced
............................................... .............................................$6.60 up
The Millinery Department
This great department is crowded all day long with an ap*
precintive ibD'ny of buyers
If you would know just wbat'is
tbe newest and moat correct thing in women’s headweap^yoo
have but to come in here and see it Glad to eee yon whether
you purchase today, tomoirow, or not at all.
If There Is a Difference..
nwrchiM uilarafpsnl a&2
ratoy-te-wesr cloifaiac for
men, fUsc times out o! tea
it's in Ikvor ol the Utter
Ths ta only reasonzble.
cm^DV constzntir
of 2,HO ,4 ihe b.3» iiiiars
known lo the^vih. lo the
tntsl exclusMHi ol sweat
shop User. Better eiiects
in clcrtbiny caanol be produced'thas these ^istscseeule, aad tto etoaosuy of
quantity works to the saving
ol about hall to the cooKUP>ENHE1MER
The Boston Store
dothlny h known 'by this
ttotit^aishing mark found
.in tbe inside cealpoclut.^
_________ Look far this Label
IMi Cattnent Onwwueed by ths Mskeis
Me CmI PmAsS.
Salt* from........ $6.60. $7 60. $8.00. $9.00 up to $18 00
Top Coats and Overebato frtim $6 60 ,$7.60, $8 60, $10
to $2200.
October Offerings
in Fashionable Footwear.
■R»liable and very fashionably abated shoes for men. women
and children.
Men’s black velour bals, Tonraine cap. kid lined—yon
nanallypay $550. our price...............................................$4.60
Men’s box calf bals, Belmont cape, never regularly priced
under $4.00. on'r price................................................................$2.60
Men’s calf Uned bale, Admiral, up-to-date in every re*
epect—you’d expect to pay $H00, we aay.*...................... $2.00
Men’a potent calf bala. Tonraine or French laat. the nob
by aboe for a “dreeaer”—moat etoree aak $5.00—
Men'a crack proof calf bela, Klondike laat, an eaay com
fortable aboe and a wearer, our leader at..
... $2 60
Ladiea black vici kid. welt, manniah lest, stockmade
to QUr apecial order, Eseat valne ever offered for.......... $2.60
Lediee’ black vici kid, bntton or lace, atock or patent
tip, a guaranteed shoo, boneat $2.00 value, apecial
Ladies’ bln'k vici kid, venting top, laced, atock tip, upto-date in every particular,epedal price..............................$2.00
Ladiea' black vici kid, lace, band turned, imitation tip, a
regular $3.00 aboe,we mark them........................................... $8.00
TBS KOBvaro uooBi>, •mroB'k, uoxoBn s. law
80MDAT ■0Ur»6 8CEHB
> o>* •( la^(la« a SMtto ThM niaWaMa'a C-arlasHr U Oalr Ta
Ou*t^ Ma«IM.
'1 R*d a litita inWrriaw not king
]pe had been. oU pretty late, and ba
aaid a New Ortrana kto<w. knew it Where he had been, who ba
"'Flu- r«..«wlK. panort.! Ic .
had bm-n with and what be and the
uiiriung. ‘ aaU a aerea-yewr-oM
Icnlan cooi'eniBK tbe m
other (eUuars bad been doing are matu bar are-yaarold Urotber durlBf
! ters not Kcrmane to the story. 8nf£ca
ni«nws «f a back yard romp the «.
(hal tbara
say that when, be opened the doiir
-All ^>i« • »niia.< ii<» IMF atMi be *•" • •••odintt reward of ♦lO.tKKi tif a with bi« UfebkeT and made aa qi
an entry as pxwiMe he^felt in
U|.ped liiio
lulO tlK- bouae. ROt bold ot JQ ------------ _ . -----------------------to nctr bow a fable. »noe aet adrift, is
«r raaaal (bare M taka (ba plane of* (ba
*“' old <-uIoml Baindetueoi of a “yellow”
uald ask him a whole lot of tbibgs
riB>eat NaahelUb. which baa been Ii new»|iaper. and mat down with U ta eoniipnally vitaliaed by rejietitlua. I wooH
4 to aail l^aadiaUly for MatUa < reatlc chair, wlib a pencil In one cor- bap|H-n to know aomethibg abr>at tbe which be did not care to detail juti at
bolUe queeiion. and 1 can atste pisd- that lime. He wa. not misUken.- As
Tba owyor of Uaeana baa dlraetad 1 o*-r of bla mootb tn Imhatiou of a^
tirely abd sntbiwiuUTely.that there aoob as bis wife beard him enter the
-Kdward.*' aald tbe little girl ^k* bat DcTer been a reward of tIO.UUO Of ebamher abe knew fnatinctirely that ba
DO tb«
tba Spaaiab
«lty. cse^t oa
ring to "boM out ' on berand
to« up> to
l( him. “are va goingI to eburett any other amonnl for sneb a derice.
••The iuipratsiun probably origi
It iaballoead that tbU'will eanae ooa- Uib mur
abe asked:
"Where bare yon beanV’
"Ruhr aald Edward, wltboui tala- with a circolar that was prepurt^years
ago by a morentioa <4 northera diitiUKow.
it wasn't part of bla plan to
A oomgaay baa baaa foraad to work
tell biT where be bad been. ‘ The idea
tbo aolB yif opppor wbleb waa diaoor- autM-blng on bU pendl-elgar.
iriefly and was fnrtbest from his mind, ao be tew"Are we going to ebun-h or not il^la tiob of li
aa«d tcaaaUy tw a farm mmr Haw OoabeWarly jost wbat was Msential
tial to a poriz^^d.
ilogr repeated tbe little girt.
wa. Indiana. John B- 8bank. tba
practical oonreeilaWabotUe-whatthe
"Sow. eoe here." aald tbe bntbasd.
“Wbat'a that— -wbad'ju a
farmw who dWoowad tba rich «aU of: chnrcb. Duuno. Looks Uke rain, does- working part ehonld be wade of. wbat ••if yon wtll let me go to aleep and
wlnoral, had aarnml opaelsaananMnyed ' n't itr aald the boy, who bad atudled teats it sboold ba able to sOaUiu. wbat don't atk me anr qaeatloos now cr at
it should cis.1 in quHOtity. and so on 1 anr other time atawt wbera 1 bar#
nnd aaperto roport that tba oro la of a!bU dad.
In caah for
hlwb rmda and Iba ran to tbe ton wUl! “« rU. aome.” aald the Utile glri; donlit whether there It now a copy of been. I wiU g.ra yon
that circnlar in existesoe. bnt it nn- yonrself."
moT^iai^ tom
Ifa a alD and a ataama the way we qnesUumibly gara rise to tbe story that
This was a poaer. and the dntlfnl
■MBt orar the flad. ^
^ ■ neglect oor eburcb dutlaa. But It doea tbe whisky men of the country were wife naturally started to reach for tba
foUg orar tba gr^tmA adjaoonl to tbo ^
hot after a bottle that conldn't be re- $50. Bat feminine cuiionity was a litBbanb farm.
| “I'm.'’ said the boy. and then ibero dUedand.had offered an enonuona re- tie too stroUK. and she did ^t at once
ward for the si
At Oblnago. Bnrriot Ballbnrtb. 6 ^ wm_^a ^m^eot of alleoce.
acqniesce. Tb< jkext morning, when abe
••The Lord .wly knows how many arose, the first thwg tfagt cunght ber
lirm bare bi-en wrecked by that yarfa. ere was ber busliand's cost, with one
Next to pertieinal motion it has been
^ read piy iutiwr la peace.’; aald tba ! tbe great a.yluai feeder of the weebsn sleeve Ptni -nut by the ruoU and bangnae of
or her
ner limbs
umos raetorad
»e.wis« tbro^b the to
tug l>v a Ifaread.
nganey of tba X-mya. 4 few days ago
funniest luiagtnabUlagtnabU- aa-! ical
icel world. The jirobleia hxiks easy
"Why. Will what U tbis? '- aba
tba X-raya reraalad a tumor iba alae of sumption
of-----------------hu fsiber’euiaoucr
luaout-r» when ! enougb on tbe snrface and bj ward of asked.
----nn ^g preaalng on tba br^. tbs ll■•r«l>us.
iiiTvous. -I'an't
“fan't you go yourself,
yourself. my 50 patents bate been taken oot un difThat-a a loose deeve, ' said ber boalU was (repbinad and the tumor re- di-ur. auil take ibe kIdsT I don't feel; ferrat derices. but mme ^tbetu works band.
TheeblW waa able to motel
under ... conditixna The favorite
_ I'U
- - go j,------"Well, bow did it get 1
you next Sunday.”
[ aebeme is a hall valve which wotild ba persisted.
bar limbs on reoovortng oonaeioaaneea. With
"If you don't ^ wltb me. Mw.rij dosed automatically by premure from
"S.^ here." be mid suddenly, "do
••snnd la now gradnally recovering bar
ahaU not ^ at all, said tbe lllila above, bnt it is readily worked by a yon want to lose that W.«>T If von do,
ri. deqIsiM-ly. auil then thi-lr mother *1^ a, *n air pump
' yoat keep aakiog i|Uestious aUmt that
Tbe traoaporta City of Para, /.•alan- aiipeared o
"At first the liqmv
n and tnakaa If yon want to get it. yurt let Ibe mat
dla aad Valeacla bate aalled from San hiudi-d to
of proprietary remedies that wen
er dm:
Pranclaeo for Manila with (ba Twenty
largely connimelted encouraged investDsiug a wise woman, she l.-t H drop,
nlBtbreglmentandnlnrge^ambar of
relwated fail- but bis frieu.is are makiug Ms that
8nagg.-rly, the grocer. Is not a gen- ;
will first s.s ur<' ili- $.'.U aucl tb<-n
mu. man. <lu tbe contrary, be baa tbe 1
J^e^ thini’
F™lri,«r«.«FPu». 111..m.ui.ii..i. .r b. in, „d, m ii.. -w I”',""''J’il'I.'T'''"'', ''
«-.l-'.y l...» .tai .iKV.s...
■ OU r*lks •«M o*p^ '
IrXSuI^r Sir. U .nob rwiu-' “b"' « «">*“« “
s;I' '2?if..,'"d ,C. c...„
•troyad bnndreda of acres of ma^w,
d'“"d >«« “>*• ‘-r-hk.<Mllpersevere, and every
ud bon>. > lbo.«-H i«a of bw m
I oo« .oJ Ib.o
rnJ; ol . bTO bolPATE OE FOIE GRAS,
M-onl boWloin.
l„„ . Job,.
of oib,™, i
• F'“™,
Btabop Hearr 0. Potter la going to' and prides himself on being a wli in ■
“** *“*
"“a * The Peerfet rreeUz Tbei Makce Tku
the rtimeelBsalnbabaUof tbe Prot^ibls own way. akia the Igmdon Wei'kly w»kel*Jd U> say you mter wta —
u.iaiz • ros.ibiuir.
I T.looiopb. kra„.r J.y J.„l. ni..' | -Ti.o..-I>b..«.b
| To tb. ..rdib.,; o... .bd ,o„..o „
1 «bi‘aouUT. aiep|>«l Into Snaggeriy'a'
' conception Of the torture to which tbe
fl. 0. Armour of Chicago, paid $1,000
^ i-mck. and while they were I THE EVILS OF FLIRTATION. p,K>r. nDfortuuste guuse ia put could
Torahonaeon tba Una of tba Da«y I
,1,.. I,,,.,, ue,., .
piMbly Is-formed.
wamda In New Tork the Other daj.Tba 1 iv riad 71-How. evldeoilv’ a tramp hr
«• >
The geese when about 9 months old
---------- - • n.l U'gged foraa-;
are tabrii from tbe pastures aud placed
lease was for two days.
In flirtation there ia tbe same du- in an
tatauce fruui the grocer.
Prof. O. K. OUbert, of the Onltcd
“I caniia belt. you. mm maa" aaW •»!ipated element of excitement lo be »i,in,ng .tone slain vtand in
oal aarrey, baa returned SuBggerly. "You maun ask the mats- K':niling in gambliUK—nucerUiuly—in
,,^,1.^ Tbry are'
from bta profiUWa exploration of the ■
he Is." In.lh-mlng Jamie with fact.
set. we might add to tbs dictumary
Oaaende mnge.wbera be bat dtaeovered a
n nod.
nud. and winking
wlnkiug nsUh- to bis croi-.y.
t-roi-.y. dvBnitii.n
a still lat« one. 'To flirt.
Feri!^ wings aud bodies are anr
"Are you really Id wautT" aaked tbs giinhliug in h.-ariii.' " wrltee Franeva
bound by Iwnds, so that only
manyfoaaila of grant vnlne 1 to aetanBtsuh. "AU.ut Men. In The Ladtea u.s n.-. k t. h ft free As mar be tmagaoutsr. and of .-ounH- tbe tramp au- tvaus.
Hume Journal
aw>-r.d 10 ihsafflnuailvs.
.I Homs
• ined, Ihv animal strugglm with all iU
A Daqaaana (la ) man baa a dag
'T'hsn gi.-ihr piilr iiuiu aaxpeaasaat'
fevda ni^h,
till, after
;l "The flirt, like _lhs ^whlcr. »“-«•.............................
which waa sent him by axpeam all (ba o' the till.'' aald Cray to ih<- asionlabrd ^ ^ the intoxuation of hi. iwsamns. 4,,., of ram rn.leavnr to fr.-s itsrlf
tray from Maalln. P. L
finaggrrly. ami walked out of tbs shop: |
from tbs band, and its position, its
Aa effort to being made to erect n and the tramp m> lurnai-iDgly ioFlMi^d ;
.'era of rcpistaucs arc orercome. aud
•znoaument to Cromwell at tba Baat- In tbe fultlllmrut of iIh- uiastrr's
lagdon Ummmar Behold, where ba waa
mdaeaiad. A aimUnr attempt nnda at
Bt. Ivaa fallad aome yenre alaea.
Tbe Rank of Bpain now bolda $!«.700.000 more'gold tkan It held a yaar
ago. aad S«l,700.000 more ellver. lu
note elrcBlnUan meaaUme bat laeraaaad $Sl.soo.ooo.
There baa bean aarlona rtoUng at
-NnlgooUa.' Aaatralln. Buadradt of
nalnora have raabad vnriooa elalma and
raaaovad the ora ia defianoa of a atraag
fores of poliee. whom tber bant aff
sritb pleka nnd abov^ Balnforeamrata have Waa
to tbe
aeaae of dleinrbaaee.
At Oolbeabarg. SwadM. (bare waa
uavallad Friday, ia the praaaaoe of an
anormoaa crowd, a autoe of John
Brieaaon. Nearly tO.OOO aobool obll. Area, wltb bnnuora, marched paet tbe
aUtac. wfakob was modeled by tbe
Bwedlah aealptor Fabtatadl.
Dr. Vaughfl. no American who hM
worked np a large tmde amoog tbe
people of New Oalnea. narrowly eoonped being eangbt by tbe catlvea a
few weeks ago- Early la September
Vaagka witti eeveml men weot oo a
trading and aeiaatlfie trip up tbe Mb a
river aad Inndvarteat y jnmeli toan u.
frtoadly territory and were compelled
to rstreat baaUly to tbelr lanocb. la
tbe middle of the river the machinery
broke down and tba boat drifted helpleaaiy wltb the current. Tbe natlvce
ma along tbe ahore. harllag ipeara at
In tbe craft, while oUeia foUowad la war canoea. Several of tbe men
saaro wonndad. bat a mU waa rigged
np aod the taaaeb got ont of ranch of
Hynic Onnflald Bnd n Party.
Myrtle Onnflald bnd n alee Httia
pnrtT at bar borne on Tenth atreat yaatmdnyattairacoo iahoaoc of bar ninth
tdrtbdaj. Tba ebUdran anjojad tba
nftanzaon with gnmaa. apanldag. nnd
B'bbod tba ff rpTO.
A atortllng Incident ta narrated by
John Ollror of PbUadol^^aa Mlo|
bad to baud ..reMh.-sliiwu.s-. the h»a
of the mnuey affi.-tlng him quite aa
much us the laugh whic-h the iraimac■i“"
................. -‘"-F-did
element of ideality, of spiritual sympatby as dietinct from niert-ly tbe attracUun of brute nature. Tbe open minded.
«i-« r”""-:.-”"'?»“ -.-p-,-,prm. b.».«ll .«
,P-V* ■’'
' b. I.kn, bni lb, «.n k«,». b,.m Ibk.
k I«nj ki k rflkbd-. b0d«-. dr1,0 t„ dlB,T,bl
w,l» ..WlF-d
WW We.M B. Wane.
WPS almoat yoUow, ayasanakaa. bmg«o
«Mtad. gala omattmaally In back aad
aky Brotkam. tmaloflflaa. no mMu, gfOwW woabarday
to day- %«o pbyatalaaa bad giraa
Man Than 1 was adrtacd to oao
Mo l»l—J. A. Mimingne, U7 ftont
■taetrieVlttani be my grwl Joy. tba atraot.
flzat bottta made a iiocidcd improveNo. flOfl-W. M. aitaky, «!• Untaa
Mpt- 1 eontlnaad tboir pm tor throe
zzaiika. and am aow a wall ma
No. MT—P>«t C. B. Bom. m Wnthtaow (bay robbed
grave of am
w Otlm." Ho one abpaU fall to tra
No. I»-Dr. B. B, Ffaod, 7fl3 WabaUr
No. Mfl-Bar. W. T. Woodbeaaa. M7
at Jaebmta. loe Fnu
Xa flfl-d. B. Saab. flU Front atraat.
Balow ta a liai of the baying nnd aal'*
ing prloea of yaatorday for groeectar.
IwovtaloaB nnd fnm prodaeta la Tbnv-
enacx lariacui-aLI c-umCH.
ter. oaaa T Swsi. Rsriar. '
Comer Waahlngtoa street nnd Bonrd-
Oanr Pork par bbl.
Oenr Pork per ta...
voruiug swioornuu soi
10 71
Short Cat Pork
Punday School at i: m.
Shortcut Pork per
Bsenlng aerviee aud acr
4*0* *
T;M. I Fioar. H L. A Go. 1
S 7S'All are cordially
invitee to ibeae eer-! Bye
ly invited
Plour. B.
B L. A Co. Beav...
, Meal. B. L. A On. Bast..............
1 SO
'reed. B. 1. AOo. BaaL..............
< ttusriAS aciRscR axavicts
tor October a, "Doetrioe of |
isMslIii I
Church 00 oorner of Niatb and Wadn-. i^Tpa^^.
worth aUeets.
Bran par
. Sanday aervioea are aa followi;
Praachiug at I0:3u a. m.
Sunday aebool at 11:30.
Praaeking at 7:00 p m.
Yeung Peopla'a prayer maeUng. 6:00
p. m
Mid-wees prayer moetlugat 7:30 p. m.
All are inviiad to theee meet.nga.
« at 10:»0 o'clock.
100 Ua.
Suoday aebool at IS 1
Evening aervica at 7:
Subject for Ibe evenlag eervler:
•Why do we Baptlee CbUdran?"
wkitB wiiiB *f Ttai?
All are cordially invited to tbeae aer- best cough nrtnedy on earth, cures a cold
le day if taken in time. 25 and.Mcta.
punna enunen.
Bev. Barclay Ji.Cor. O '
Sunday tcbool
Fablic worabip ii:uui
Y. P. S. C. E prayi meatlng S:4S
B wnwml
, ,tk....... It 1. i,l.l.A ol II... l,r.itht
U.tJ.B.Utb.t IB tb, a.J.wh,B h,
Wk. bbBtt.BK lb, UBy wh,^ k. .It«WktB «.m.A lb,
IB 1.W to I.—
Dotion. IB tBKBitl to tb, pr,.pri,tiwAW...D,BdlciOB. mobkh OB OB, onw.ibB
ibBt.1,. at, ,Mb, .i,i„|Btit.T.t.K .br
warming of bis approach The conacquence was that be f.Mind tbe awestarts occopyit
ing a single rimir
I’ked ..
Itoply abiwk^^brtbia
Oldman aclemoly lald^^'Nr^Ma.d^^
1„ b„
tboaa aorvioaa.
riasT asiTMT
■cv. W T Weodboiue. Psswr
Morntaf aeirioe 10:30 a. m.
Sundav School i: m.
B Y. P I’ . 3:43
Evaniag service. 7:00.
Mornlug Topic—-'Blomenta of Trao
Evening—"Wbat Ood aaka of moa.
and why."
iB. rroel •
/ Iriz a> n*>3eaev-
>3_IKU-WanTeD-rof xveer«l aesvewerS:
TgyANTKP -A poslUov SAVeok le raww T
W s.BIMaaII ISRBlrrslDr MoessoBet.
' Clir Opera Heuw Woek.
_________ tO* **
>rs poffoSs AMIvreerv Is UMlr wetchl. aoS ibsr
nitsT urrmooivT.
SSs'lo Si‘Mu'B.‘ri‘Ms'ilfiyar iBSpact^
imuol .
. ..
tbe close of the morning aarviee. Bpworib Laague at 3:45 p. m.
Bav. M D Carroll. Praaldiog Eldar
oi tba Grand Traverae DUUicl will
preach at 7:00 p m.
Tbaraday—General prayer meeting
,B, „,|t„p„t at 7:30 p. n
Every bo.
I, b„,.,Brf,h.-t
to btwk bi. I..A Tl..
Vttybbl, W.b,dTBBk
TM tb, roof kt»rt«i. Be y.llwi ____ ___________________ -Jon t_.
HP, ,„B,|.,|BP, util, wit. home. Don't forget tbe friendly bandshake.
6oBd.y echool at not a
abcml un one fuol
and. ecrcecblng like
Junior CbrtaUan Endeavor aoelety at
Yonng People's Society of Cbrtottan
He ran to the water pipe and drank
kvor at 3:43 p. m.
^ two quarts of cold waW and then
7:00 p. m. will be tbe monthly
quieted ,luwn enough to
"Wbat i
al eerriee. Tbe program wlU
TO-BinsHXD noons to '*8T-Plraa^«
X? room.sirrrirBiraaca. ^
ASTKD-A toai laOj cook a> e
d4o> ••*«. exIVB.kfe tabW. 1-fo
.iBsIr bed. fkllS'B sprtaf b*0.
roc»»f*. ru. tsvsl*v ^
bra Aaa Ualr toe wvAiavnsik Bttwi, mm
-She smelled of It and mid; "Wb;
r. you mistook tbe gruund clove* fi
1 sbonld bare duiie if 1 bad been oontttng'Mra Brown "—Troy Pwaa
Mo. tlO-lE.. Mra. W. B. C. MitebaU,
No. «a-H. Blaebmn&.UB Beat Ninth
Will loeaie in TruTwue CitT where bs will Inlrodnee bUnaw ayitem and meth
ods of (reatmeat which will be toand Buperior to anything you base triad.
Special attenUoa given to cbraalc and lineering diaaaaea. priaaU dlaaaaaa. diaea*et of Women, diaeaaaa r>f tbe Bye and Btr. Nooe and TbibaV
Tbe doctor baa bad a largu exparlooM la geueral praeUoe At well as * In apaoial work, and baa curod many cases la tbe past of Aatbraa. Oartarrab. BroseblUa. OnaumpUoa. Oanear, ramoia nf all ktoda, Cbroaie DiaTboea. BpUepay.
Inaaaity. Oedtra, <blg neok) Bbeematiaia of ail forma. PUaa. Loco Motor Ataxia.
All forms of dypbllU. dlaaaazu i f tbe Umiii. Splae and Narvoaa eyetam. dlaaaaaa
•'f tbe Blood. Skin. dlaMam of tbe bmmacb. Liear and bosvaU. dlaaaaaa of tba
Beart In diaeaaaa of sroman bla apaoial apeeiflm and ayatam of treatmaat. rolicvee and cares arery case. No mattor bow ohatlaata yoar eaao. do wM daapatf
for you can probably be restored to health agala.
Toe wUI find tbe doctor's melbode aad treetmeat dlflerent and aapenor to
anything yea have ever triad.
Cbtaraet eared witbont matllaUng tba eye- Gross eyea atralgblmad.
If yon need glaaet. be bea a eomnleta eqaipznent for fitting you
D> oot mlm this ehanoe: you will find everytblag as repraaaatad and Toa sriU
mot ba dlsappolaivd. Ton will find tbe doelor exeeotloaally akUfal ia
Use doetnr sHU give a wrlttaa raarraetea to care yoa or reoeive no pav tor
biaaervleea. 'To latradoee btaeorrloea, daring this sreek all wboapply trill bo
treatod tree of charge, and your
Kitty—I can't Imagltie anything
more disagm-able than n proposnl
fttpin a man.
Rntb—1 .an.
aba aal on one side of tbe
Klity-Whai. for g
itbe other."
Maw Mortbers 1
Tba Nertbarn TmlapboM Oo. boeo
oonsotod sp tba fallowing
njouihe must paw. away More death
1^,,,.^. relief
xhe auimalsafe meanwhile crammed
^ ^lle wofabi
tblp7:W p. m.
Tbe pastor will preaidi morning and
e,,,,,,i„„ , d.,. ,b,j c-vaalng.
Arraagoments are made for special
e Bin
Bin u
iweet t
i„ bi. b.kOk.d. A Bin pilU.'
creaiuirs that they atnsteb
bl. nlk.lbd. theI tortured
their necks to Iw t-ranliued.
Tbe m.»t difiicnii tark ia to deter
I,nd tb, 11.11, tM b bdb.
I bed, .d bbosr b, b..T bbid, by lb oib,r
mine the right uiomcDt fur death.
-Nb lb...k .,.„k AtkAUt- kkld, tt.
lli,tAbWi,b«i. ..U.b«dbb
Tiioee who die of their own accord are
‘^b, b,«~.'b”bTJbl''b;ibpml. lb
b,„.bd r,b,rfj. Tbrnl.b.,
B. u„ uvn
,b,„,or. .
n lJwkn
•^untbwb.rhd,,,!..,. lubt,r.l.ldlrtbbb kind .J Kbd; bi bwdnl l» w, «b,b the
-l^b-i - n-bIM tb, ptlt,.
frtl lb" dtndtibb. bbi-i,™
,„u „d tbe
klr-kdr; ibt tlb.bbtt tiB., 1 n,m. I' Jl‘"" ''’’T^
A T tb ST
-P- In-kibA Tb, Min td
will iiriDc a ItaakeL.*'—UuU Tlm^
fwide I. Wounded more deeply than bu
,.ipg ones are like pumpkins—
wUl bring a baakel. UuU Tlmen
liefer, era buried in
^en, if then, be a slight fliruiiona
f,t Dolhing but akin and bona
Bcy to begin with, it wtll be bnt
(,mnd. Tbe lirerz have absorbed aU
igbt; before
-------the weed has grown
,trengtb and iuii-es.
to surprising pniporllomi. ebuking ont
conscience and kindnwe while it sup
A PalaZal MUlake.
ports and strengthens vanity, whifb
^ conduclur got up early tbe other
ftauds close by wounded affections in
morning aud got bis own breakfast. He
tbe human heart. "
is iiut use<i u> this, as bis wife, who was
sick uu this ocvauon. is use.1 to getting
_ >sl4 Have Deae t
twvakfast readv.
ready. He la
ia foud of ttnmg
PB,l„rf k.pllBk BBdbBHrfly IB,, tf.
wit It.,.., h.. ^-t'tB.l imall.Ih,,. tt.
King Banglebeeife-Ab. bal me
llke-e dls wlu.--e dat apll in yo' tacv-el
-.^y Sloia-r.
Coming To TraYorse City!
The riac an (to WelL
A Herele BeeBedv.
The Truy Times tells of a visitor at
school, wba being reqtiested
Malta’s way of treating rbeumatism a pnVIic
. .
the pnpita,
pnpita. spoke of t
a trifle heroic, but a generation to address tbe
brongbt up on mnstard ptariers end necemity of obeying their teacher end
trieity ongbt nut to obje^ to it. growing np to
t be osefnl. loyal and
patient it stripped and We ere patriotie dUti
eordilially invited to eettle npoa bia { Tu empbaati - bisremarka. be pointed
rbeomattani. so it aeema to be a pbltan- ered
thropic system all around. Tbe palm , "Now. boyt. who am tdl me wbat that
in the bee srlngt is said to oeutrsllM flag it there fort"
One little fellow, who nndonfaod tbe
oonditioaof tbe room better than tbe
speaker. repUed"Iknuw.mr, It's to bide tba dirt"
Gray kept tbe elwy by bim far
iriM yeart betora be gave it to tba
world. Be poUtbod away at it all tboaa
"Johnny, am yonr people going to
yean at a lapidary politbes a gem. and taka yon with tbom cm that trip nctom
tba reach wash# made it a gem. la bta tbsocennr
bola life ba wrofla comparatively Bt(la. nnd when asked why be bad written
.......................... iad:"I
■ tbafabtaof eompo-
Mra. Baebant aod Mr.
Violin Solo. Blegla.......................... Brnat
Prof, Horat.
Soprano BoWTby War not Mine"
In Solo. Cbvatlne..........................Baff
MlmBlanebe Barnnm.
Baerad Solo..............................
Mra. C. E Hocat.
rveviBM'* Ordeerj Fw.
A Tbonaand-Toaguoa.
Otmld not expram the raptnia of
nta E. Springar. of PtHladalphta. when
Dr. Kiagta Ifto DtaWary eorad ber of
a hacking aoegb that tor many yaara
bad made life a bardee. She mya: "Aftar all other romadlm aad doetora
failed It
A and 1 aan now alMp aocndly,
etblag 1 oan aenrcaly ramamber do-------. A-j
mmndlng 1»tba ur
Ktngta New tiammy ta gtoraatead to jr TOC
email troakftm ad tta tbrcnL ^eat or
ma be toeai al
IHWWW tew la a, wkW. .kfA UW
5S.‘S ............
• -fUT I* K tha
t. .
•bent, but Btti* nciBemeod Id AmerteA
Wb« llM am clMh eniM bMw«M
tb« B8«r uid the Briton. It occutnd
•v«r bu-k In ini. The Beers rialmed
ibe rlcbt to eMiave the Sonth Africnh
UstiTe tribes Tbe Britlab conteated
B iia«l and woo (beir polDt. When
t Boer* wbo bad
At-Ibe Orance river tbia craat ha»«
of eppresMd '-trekkers" divided lata t*o
l*rta. Ofla pari founded tbc Oraaae
Free Biata, and tbe other.
farther eastward, fenaded Natal. -AlIbouRh the Oraiwe Free 8UU was aubaegnenUr ouaquered br tbe eacllsh aad
tbe Boer* of NataJ were forced to aeek
freedom by croeaing ................
Vaal aad foundlnx tbe Trwaavaal. both
Mule repubUt* In lime recataed tbetr
aemlnal ladepeadeore.
Uoked toeetber by camatoo Mood aad
la tbc Prt* State aa la tbc TtwanraaL
Judge Stern-a electioa to the prealdea.
therefore, waa both
tndorved by Prealdeal Krucer.
Dnrinc the Jameeon raid laU tbe
poulb African Republic, at a time when
that BnclltJi buccaneer bad the UcU. If
not the active, ermpathr of all ulllaadere In twtb tbe Orwaae Ftee BtaU and
tbe Traan-aal. Prenldeat Sieyn etood
for tbe ronaervativc. or Boer. IntrrcsU.
Hie eubtequeal election abowrd tbc
RTowlnc tide at opposition amonc tbe
berth of Cape Coloay aad east •T Oriawaland. with tbe TrwaaVaal oo ite
north aad Natal on Its eaat. Ita area
Ii UAZt aquare -mllea. and lU pevseaC
popuUUoa I* abom ao.808. of which
abobi 8S.etO are whliee Tbe Eorernmeal corulst* of a presldtil and a coun
cil appolnied by the volksraad. Th.coonlry le divided Into U dlrlricla. eech
dlatrtcl bavins a landroet. appointed by
tbe president and conOrmed by the
volksraad. This la*t mentioned admla*
IstraUve body, by tbe way. U a lect-lo-
w.. t.e
^ r.>;
uolud In resisting the advances t/t a
common oppressor, or a power which
they bad alwaye regarded as an op
pressor. It la BO wonder that the Orange
Fn-e Stale and Ihe Boulh African Re
public have for many yeara alood shoul
der Ik shoulder
When Judge 8teyn not long ago was
eiccird president of the Orange Free
Slate, that election was looked upon In
South Africans of Dutch 'descent to the 11
restless Brillsh domination, of which I'
.raid was a very telltale ' 1
s every two year*. In oth
President Rleyn Is an escellenl stales-1st and a strong mlml- the Transvaal. With the same sm iol
■•ther Poer children, he and --.immer-'ial aiiil|>ulhl-s and the
• hsve cut his teeth
same agrlciiliural aspirations a- thk
; lto<T of the Traneiaal. II is n..l l<> be
old had kn.. ic-d over his buck with his
f.nder.-d at that ihe astute burgher of
own gun. II-' may have the Dutch
j the Orange Free Stale is ready l>. lake
rowness -t - , .,n. but he certainly has
with bis cousins acrusa the
the Dutch eui.>lN>mness of purpose. The
lal In r< slsilng Cecil Rhodes and that
country ... . x.hlch he rules lies Just
.aer for vhich he siaiids.
A VolittMe Dof.
A Mexicin Fnoeral Car.
Now that the faithful b«r*e U des
tined to pass out of the life of man. eaeepi. perhaps, as atufflng fur the atroblllous sausage, the dog seems to tv
becoming mere and more prised by his
admiring mas-
The City of Mexico goes ahead of
other places In tbe matter t Myles for
hearses. If the funeral
fur one af the wealthy riaas. a hei
with six horses drawing It can be
cured for »..me
ll». If. how-
The Famous Stonehenge Cromlech.
t ruinous rales. 80 atrnng grew tbe
lodlgnatlon against tbe Brtilsh empire
that rather than live In a country domldated by It they abandoned Cei-^
Ca|w -Coler and warn ortbward Into unki . _
territory. This waa known as the •trek"
I great ecodus. and ihr bittci
le natives
latr^ am
and rearing of
fancy and thorhls funeral ■
oughbred dogs
■ has become
only tC.M.
. iroporiaat bust and he la taken to blKl^l testing place
^MSB of late. Many new apeclmens ol
carriage the aame ab’ahaC ^wa In
uanlne hava appeared on the markei
accompanying llluriratloa. This
One .-4 tbe moat attractive of thrpe la
i car In 1
tbe nasset bound, a specimen of which
d U often hauled by the n It miserla shown In the accompanying picture.
le looking qf steeda
The arconH‘anylnK llluUratloD ehou* -me of the Itiany sitikiiii! plei
statuary which nepreaeni the differvpi industries of iberi'nited Sutes a.
National yispurt • xiawnion nuw Iwinc held In i•hilallelphla. T#ls i-artlcular
1 from the Illustration. 1 r llsiiia
m day#
when (he ever srowina Iron trade of America promises to he<-->me the arewlest
business t>f the world there Is an especial fitness In sui-h a flaure being uBC tt
the croups at an exiuslllon that Is so obviuurly national la cbaracler.
A Mcb of Mioy Crimes.
One Tbpasamt Years of Rose&
•hown In the accompanytnc llhisiration
H known by the name of Abolum and
vaa one of the Benin chiefs responsible
or tbc murder of eeven w hite
wo natives In IIOT. This outrage wao
ihe ralaon d’etre of tbe now weU known
w rose tree that la over 1.000 )^re old.
fills famous uld^rose tree grows at
Hlldrshrlm. and Iwsl year it wa8
thuuem the ancient vine was dying.
Creel care was taken of It, however.
Kaffir Signalmen In South Africa
The latest remarkable move of
remarkable man. Sir Thomas Liplon.
Is reported to be an effort to nureba
base Siunebengc. the an. lent and mysterious
remains which are sho«-n
areompsnyliig lllustrall'.n Readers of Thomas Hardy's "Tess ' will remember tbe rotnsmic part »h!ch
............ Kid
stones play In Ihe life of the daughter of tbc D'rrbervllles sir Fldmund
trebus U Ihe present owner of Stonehenge and its surrounding
n Fuuabury plains and has offered Ihe entire grounds to the Rrltlsh 1
Ma.000. At this ridiculous figure the historic spot waa iK>litely de. Hn--d lhi.>ugh
It Is now rumored that Sir Thomas Upton Is negotiating for Ua pur< haee at a
far mole reasonable flgi.re. The seciel of s...n. h.-nge has lutflled alike the anllquary, the arctmect and the engineer, inlgu J..nes atirtbul*d to the Romai,.
the feat of placing one unwieldy stone upon another, wllh ubal appliances the
great engineer could acaree suggest. The typical antiquary, however, assigns
the dsle to a remoter period, and the Druid gets bis hoary allusion
How the Boers Treat British Graves.
sinter with the greeleet solk-Ilude.
BOW. eecniing to have lakan a new It
Benin expedition and the subsequent
futile search for Vl-.glKi Sheri and his
colleagues. It was only during the
summer juat past that the English exl>edllion of Major C. Carter and t>aptaln G. usbbell secured the chief of
fenders. for whom England has been
making such a long search. Ah-.lum
Is now s prisoner In tbe old Calabar
jail, and as a result the Benin country
a much more settled condition.
of life, It IS more flouridtlng than eVOAi
lU branches are trained against tb#
wslls of the cryt.t of tbe calliedral
founded by Ludiilg the Fious Id OL
The legend has It that Ludwig himself
led the tree, but whatever tbe real
• of tbe matter may be there caa
o doubt that tbe roots Ihemselve#
SI least l.OOC years old This wa«
concIusIvHy proied by the natnraUst
Humboldt, who was very much Inter*
ested In Ihe matter not long ago and
went through many old manuscripts in
order to see If there was any truth ta
Ihe old story of the bush's antiquity.
About the most expensive luxuries II
Lima are p-Hitage stamps. It coats S
cents in native siicer in carry an or
dtnary fetter, which is equivalent t« 11
i cents In gold.
A Wiiiiam Tei! Post Card.
Pojfwte QfTlpil-Aj'ia^furnj if/vfKrf
''T*«jpeiv M WfrwftUitatreopr.
Now that OTorythliig eoaaMted with South Afrte* la of pwraaownt Intamt
thaaoAmpoaytag plctur*. ahowtag naUteatgaalraanoathcNetherlands raDway,
fBEBlng through KemaU Poort into iheTranaraal. la not without tlmallDM. U
*** ">*y i^lwajr^ throvb Ute pam that the long dokayad •mmsaitloa
•oMtnod to tha Transvaal by way g( DalacM Bay had to paa# bofor* It
a 0.^1 Jo«_b«rt and hU men.
M «wrdla« tha raadbad a
tbe dark enuUnent. Theae grwv** ara the hartal places of lengllsh oflleers and
men who feU la that -Uttar atruggt* h*tw**n the Been and the Brttleh which
took place just U y*ar* ago. Theae partteular men (eU at ~
that in fatod attack upon tbe 8totM Boer*. Just after tbe
the tereaccgul burgbere de#Myed i
ta thin Uttle bory*
Inc ptace. aad in all pewibM ways •
their deep rooted hatred «g the
Rere ts an efBelal post aatdof 8
d wtal^ hae been approprtauly
the reeent pmfgrmaaoe of SebUier's "WUUam TeU" at
tbe Lake of Doserae. Tbe picture# on tbe card show • typical view of IM
beaaUfol Uiaerwe lake — ■■ a scene from the drama of -'VViiasm Tell."
aeetlag that haro aad bl*
louiio“*ni‘nHO A cm.
«k« Mw *• OmlHd Mi S«t •• W»
U %M> «C 4
«M of Ri«
. to be tb«
Wb« or vhai U e
‘ Bnsltoh nntborltj on pronuncUtion? I
t ol end a nnmbtr of other gnatlr dl*
Umed AMorimne miding In Bn^asd
On June 1. ISBIt. a new IW ypf
a^*)**! to tbe bistoir of the Tongue or
PrteBdlj Mawta wbeo George Toboa
II- not onl;^ dst\tS lo Aetj the oppoal-
troohl be Terr glad of thin lafav<alion.
>!«>« o' bln rtiiPf«'b}' marTTing
•■faolee of tils bt-Art. bat elerated her
otli Fisbitulile
----------A tor or two ago. In a eompnnr of »<> bU
lUqKT i
I wnn Olttlttg nrtib tbe old Jontlee ^ «rHl.edarated Englleb and Ameiicati Wr<‘lJr-After tbe niarrlsse rereuiunr.
lha peaee dn the veranda of bin bouee .men and women, I was naked be an as hie bride knrtt before him.
Vbaa a rolored man came tbroaitb tbe Engltabman why we Americana Iwlet- king.' pUring tbe bright new golden
fntn and op the stepa and lemoTcd bln rd npon speaking tbe EngUata langoage rrown upon her bead, nld In a clear
0tp to nay:
tnconvctly. eays rail *i«H UaMite. 1 roii'e; -LaTlbla, 1 crown Ibee qoeen
' 'Mr. r<TfclnB. I wabU a law anil wM replied:
«' Tooca."
P«B Tbompeoa."
-| think thai edneated Amencana.
tieorge Tnhon II. U a haodaome
'■Wbnt nbont. Mowaf kindly In- on tbe whole apeak English correct- nun. IM-Ing six feet three
Incbe* In
fhtnd tbe oB«toL
At the same time. If yon
will height abd turning the aiaha at 8u0
«Ba ditn ran away Wld my wlfa, prove, on the beat Engilsb autbority. pouuda. in complexion be resetnblta
'Did. ebt Well._I ^on'l IbInk yon
feav* any cane. Eoir wUe must bar#
that we mlapronoDoce. 1 am sore you the Mexh-ans iTungaus
are lighter
will find ni amenable to reason."
'ban llawallansi. with s most gentle
ImmedlaiHv l was caught .up on the expression in bis
tons willing to go.",
"Tben I wants a law anlt wld Jim
TiCobold.” eofitlnned tbe caller.
word -amenalOe:-it u not a-me-nabte.' but a-menabler declared my Engiisb critics. "It
^yrs. He was educated In New Z.-aland and speaks EngUsb In a sofv
well-modulated voice.
Ih looks and
is locorrect lo give tbe
bearing be Is every Ineb a king, and
■■ be stood by ih^ tbrone i-bslr In. bis
-But Noah Webster, In bis diction
j, ^ -a.me.iisble.* •• i retort,
own splendid chapel awaiting tbe ar.
rl'il of bis bride, dressed In full ualforui. bis l>reast adorjed with gittter-
"Oh. well. Webester 1s no authority
here." was the reply.
me de.-orail.ms. bis .tIiosou robe. ft.
uitii.-lrtunii.-d. upheld
by two little
"Wbai'a Jim l>eeD dolngr
"Be'dun run away wld my dangbg»r Unto, sab."
"Your tottgbter IJndal Well, she's
•f age and sbe was willing. Yon bare-
said b«-fiire. 1 nm always •‘a’roe-uabk"
to n-ason.
•mbody 10 k.-ej. house."'
"Wife and lK.ih datighlera gone. rt»T
ru look over tbe staintes. Hoses, tmi 1
don'l think yon bare any ease. If any
•roman of the Jiouse bad been carried
. dff against her will U would bare been
Reefers b;:;-*
—Tko fopd kind y
t .d
boro—All a'l *• from i yeara
Bp—Warm aa esn b
bigatorm ollar*. w..
I nm
-EopILU .. .1,0 I. .polo- o..t l.o™
icU*gTaph leleiiUone or write lo Ox
ford before 1 am at lllwriy to kaj
Ml the train.
of sliver and
_»blle linsade. fully Hw
Usi of him. but a quarter of an hour wh„uep I write a letter of •'.-..n-.l..
Igtrr he retiirrw-d to aay:
Ith a
a Ions
lung o ami accent on ibe mi'l*'«n'a'da dresse.1 In wblie silk. The
“Mr. ivrklns. I'ae got do case,
1 ayUahle
second (according
ayllahle (ac.-ordlng
to my
mnrh'r.>usw-au was made In
to my mnehmet Pl.k Whit,, down by de compres.
,pl 1 ..ii,.) inio mu. .pd tin U.P ”r,to
i wk\
of a feaat io
ened Body.
I Uw suit wld Di.^
Kgawa former.
-I .boou up
I dkl- topip,.!
•rhlskensl son of toll.
to A':but the prof.wsors in these unlver*ltll-s
“" ■*
.wcaalons the
bitter is uf sHilii or velvet, and Ouesi
to"'- rejibKi- tbe valaa which are alw'om In the presence uf a <-htef.
1 and wife never
partake of
food together. Hie male )Kirtii>n uf (be
family eating In luir part uf the lawn
and the females in another
niealH m-m-ni|ly
eonslat ufwntgjus.
to Webster
tpotpo .ptotltotloo
"Yes. an' ihlrd
of Wel.si.-r's dl.ilonary for any "die-
AO* fonrih site. too. Why. bleaa your
bout, alnce tli' cyclone seanoD aot In
Chat bouB<- of mine baa b.<cn on five
Alfferest sites an' no two of 'em iden-
tlou'ry" that may Iw In use In England. I ask ouly. Which one Is the
one? - Or is It neither, bni Just Oxford?
MuU-"—CleT.‘land ruin Dealer.
planlalUH. ]H>rk. Osh
pii.lillligs made of luanloe and .-in-uaniits. Wh.-n Infants reach the age of
Oil,' year th.-lr
an- shaven
A cluJi w ill
ses lo he a very
some wei-Vs ago In riiilndelpbin. says
•How do you
mnee the accpier
•rta nxkdy wn-sted from your grsspT"
“Tbe BceiMcrr said ...............
felag. who hail Itcen enjoying hlms<-ir.
“Tbat hnsn'i niiyihlng to do with the
Wliat iiiiKcn, IIS- Is the iiiaiiiii-r
quite sniiMithly by' a shani pl.-i-e of
ginss-a. bottle usually Is-Ing liMken
the Phlbiilel|ihia ItiH-or,!. Ii Is lo U.............. ...
known as "The HlsiipiHiluied ..Auihoi-'
of'oniy siieli
Cliih.'' and Is
prcsiu.v large nitmls-rs
Lism the d.-iiih of
•■'“‘•f- «'‘men
ninl.b us
woul.1 a MKssnSful author Is- iMTiuli-
could ace Hint 1 bad another strike
^mlng Ui uie.“-M’asMugtuu 8(,ir.
“■elr gri.-f.
l.-d i.i.J.dn, .\s S.H1II as a meuils-r Is-.
glus to JM-II bis storb-s h.s- wlll iH- n-,.nl„l wlll,-.l..lp,..r 1... 11.0 .IPI.,
a iew.
"Can't nuike me >N-ih-ve iHvyfns is a
Bi-bfi-w." aald the man with the Cel
tic cant of feaiuiv*.
"W'y Iioiy aske.1 the oiber man.
yiiHved «.s*
York's new
WH-Ielj.Ill ||„|
.vdurrd ... ................... .. I’blladelidila.
(Kvuiviiil of the limne for the
island. Aud when in- came away the
Ctb« fellow, still owmvl It alh'-Indi•capoila JouniaL
i_ be asalbsl
one of the rcmlml.ms ,«ia«.d by the f-*'' club l. a.
I- iiigi-iiullv we |Hii
Where Th.r Dinvr.4.
for—Kimrc MoineoiA
ttlviM lUsiMWsIMIIty.
•roman or the woman mai
Tnn—KotiM-tIm.-s one way and
> considcr.sl
Thi- vnuitg man
person for pn-slilenl
usually the ma
■qually to blame for
.U n*|M-*t by hesn' tls. priDt.-d note of the vi
bouses a.-.'omiuinying rejeci.>d maun
•heir Ware mt Pattlag tt.
scripts. He knows sev.-ral editors by
be ia sight, and has slinging adjecti
Htbel .of Itoatont-Tbey
which he applies to Ih.-m under his
f rich, but iniqlembly vulgar.
Victoria (Of Cblcagoy-Y'ou're dead breath as they pass. He knows to the
Hfkt there, my dvr. He'. p>t a load
r d«gb. b« be*. (» the “bor every
•Ifear way.-Judy.
remonstmted and aecured II hack
by special iDeasenger. He
nrnily soiled for tbe place.
ming from
There '
B a Wt put out.
■mat was once a plain farmefa boy.
) wrader wli.-rc be d.'vcloped bis UIwstei
dewB Ob the farm.
iK-ts w.-rc always at the dlsi«sal
maSnSr^J ^
‘vpi s
^ ,h«, pi*no In tbe m-it flat."
Ii,. \tatt-“yon're mlalnken. my
jone* family. Tbev
r*et U I'd take yon to be tbe eldral
tmught one of those new InstrameDis
plays tunes by electricity and I
Asd TbatW All.
"Ohu yes." replied the trushaod of the
'•dvanced person, bitterly: “I go borne
a Biy
my 0
meals, t have managed to reto
mnslc."—ClevcUnd l.«ader.
CMvisetsa ArawBwsBi.
You*n..w there's, woman at
.lbs bottom of everythlng.''-»rool:bb
' Hsver give up-unless It's In a lonriy
•not. and tbe other fellow'bas a sand.
^ «r A raTotror.—Bpare MoasBta.
Owing to the tmoraal laig* per
able potatoes this aesaon, we have
decid'd in order to make a market
and daughicrw. as w.il as her hushaud
have loik slui-i- dlt-d, and Mary Is uuw
many of tbia grade of
for aame, to run our factory on tm
potatoes aa
Rhi- sc<>uis tu cn-
I'urkesian with tbe KiusUu adrance
aud for a long time be was eugagvd In
fighting aud winning prouiotiuu rfor
biiDSeir. After having served his sp
in the .-aat. be rcinrued
: <-loU* sovereign."
|a,p- .niur
lacunl.-ally. ".M .............
the control of the Ice trvst.'*—Pbila.
delphla North American,
HnrUi CbM.
never talk
.Mrs. Bloblood-:
Ibeir abortcom- j
Mfw ParreMo-I
B—Indwhen T was too poor to klN 'sm.lanapoU* JooruL
Kusslab ottle.-r to do so.
Next y.-ar he
Went lo K.ikand and f.iughi around ih»
Pamira. lu the tvuoiry
uf Klinbla
Khan. H.- rode S..'UKI miles on horse.
ba.-k. cam.- Iiack. wrote a book, and
won the gold medal of tbe Geograplil™* Wlety. In the Turkish war he
dtatJngnlshrf hhi-elf and came out ..f
H a colon,-I.
Slowly he robe In the
service of the ctar. and last year be
was apiiolnied mlnistsr <d war of
you aaecnre a freezer from
oor atock.
We have them.
in all aixea and all
aod money im-eeted in one will
more pleasure
ao'i comfort during the heated term thau the same amount
invested in anything else
Front Stroot
Traverse City,
W«* arc in poeition to furnish Ttirnioric Pure Mustard
ami Spices, aiu-ii as Nt'bit.' and Black I’epper, Allapii-e.
We make a s|Mi-ial «ffoH ingrouD.l apic.-s and
offer yon th.‘ K*et selection
the niark.-ta aflopi at no
"Jolmson's Drue State."
w»ttd horses FORSALE!
a 1>
She then
mlKircsa until she
married, and was blessed with a faioll.v ..f elghj chlhlrt-n. All of her sons
a coaling
station In my borne."n<>„h pole hove 1
©SWOll Journal.
: ,h,, ju,rie, In the c
mtber-You should do as 1 dld-beIts at Um> iM.iiom and work up.
"Tben why not let me marry Amy.
centage of cnlla and
faithful and tbe must powerful s.-rvuDi of the exar. Years ago. when be
wus a young nuu. he wss.seut
higher pricaw than spices of Ii-ster worth.
She says that she owes her long life
to the. fact that sbe was brought up
on the pUlnesi kind of food and ai
bad plebty of exercise.
General Al.-xel NIeubilrlicb
Kueopatktn. who eDglne«-red the nsurjia|iuD of f-lnland. Is prol«bly tbe most
Pickling Season
is now at hand
TaFamieis and Potato Shippers
I ‘
witi-“»ome one is murdering
tbe liver and kidoe>-s become
id iBaclive; there are pains iu
tbe back, sKles ami limbs: beadacbc
sad Bcni
Irssoeu and initsbililr, female complainti, Isssitade end deapoodrocy.
To rid the sytirtn o, these distrmiug
Ills, caused by weak sod Itupore blood, ]
there is no prrp->ratiou so rfieclive ss
Dr' A. W. Chsar's Nerve su.l Bloud
I’iilv the
presrriotiuB of America's | fm
greaiest pbv.irtsu. Dr. A. w cbsse.
A. W. Chssc's Nerve and Biood 1 W
Pills luei
in tbe blood, and
-IgoTste the whole sysictu. They geDtly j z
ilete tbe bowels, mske tbe kidneys
kidnevs I
liver active, lone Ibe stomach i
rsiew, and give new ene ...
and Vllsllly to
m every
eeM-.- organ
nreen of
ni tbe
the body.
Eminent' pfa'Siriaai who have pre- j '
acnl>e.l Dr. A W. Cbose'a Nerve and,},
Biood IMIs prouuUD(:e them the greatest
ot resioralives for weak and impure
blood: JO cents a box, at all dealrn. or
ill «m receipt oi price, by Dr. A.
sooe' Medicine (.'ompauv, Budale,
. On e\-cry box ol tbe genuine
. . « found portrait and foc-siiuile
iigoature of Dr. A. W. Cbaie.
rmalned w-iib h» master and
emooth. r<cfa
and fine ice cream
blood get ibin, weak aad | C#
vatcry, and every port of tbe body is ^ (a
rabausted lor want of proper noor^-*^
wore a plain caU.-.> dress and sunbunB(d.
Bill- never owned a sUk dress.
Mlaa rniom-rcrhaps ymi wonidnt
tblBk that I belong to one of Ibe flrai-'
Mr. Blmm-lndced
we can obtain.
Ing 111.'' English language If he .-v
an.dh.w'ukc'u’Mlmrthe 5'ublii4' J“> “f’*
fXttvm.- old
Onr factory, which. haa a cap
Hob of Ih.- st..ry would be a crime •K*'. bhe has evr-ryihlng u.-.-essar>' to
acity of 10,000 bnaheia of potatoes
scaiust s<H-ii-ty.
comfort lu her d.H-llnlng .lays, and pw-day, is now complete and we
The waiting list of the “Dlsappoli
k'lUg ■
ed Aulhor*' Club*' Is already large,
a« m'W.M are ready to take all tbe cnll po
and DO new nieinlN-rs
nieinlN-rs will Iw admlltnl IXt jHiuu.U uf cari»i rags, and sbe
until originnl meoilM>rs
tatoes that are offered ua,
Ira from the
come su<-.-.-"srul and
which we will pay their full valne.
Yurk Journal.
club In disgrace.
yg)trtioua ev.-ry
* **'*'“•
General Washington's troops. Sijic rem.-mlrcrs that duriug
the war she
the only one left.
Dr. A. W. ChasB*a {
Narva and Bload Pills (•
Mary was-uot a
at until all.- was IS j-eara of
wealthy fami.-r named Kei-sc
Boston, however, who 4s equally cligl-
-«•» -.... s:;;,;
She u-lls a irlfling sijry
of the skiruiish.-s with the Briilsli iha:
wen- fnitglil Iii-nms 111.- farm at Valley
I'orge. when- she was ralsisl. She hi-r-
-iiig. falling leav.-s aud drunkards'
Iiosn.-s shall b.- sysiematli ally submit
ti>d lo maeaxiues lu gissl siandiiig as s.-lf s.vw llie .\itn-rU-ali Hohller* when
lw>st cab-iilateit lo aiiuoy anil .-Xiispi-rthey were syuyliig during the awful
nio.“ It Is Inieuibsl to rail s|<e<-lnl
“*"> “>"•
- club
n known ns '
smok,- of battle -tliat blew aeruaa
the-very douryard of li.-r homo.
II* ** *
I know where my m-xi load will tsime
from, but 1 don't know bo* it la to be
N'-wmln-r N. 17T0.
gn-at baitl.-s.
mj negi load «f t-^1 will .-..me from.
Ml*. IVaggs M'ell. you an- hard u|i.
i* «-'» auil..-i..l. si.-,l.
She rem.-mb.-rs of the war uf the
ii-voliiil“ii. and riviills niuiiy uf Its
K shall Ik '
Mr*, fbvagg.^ don', know where
for the
liiu-resihic subje.-t
aubjeet In Mrs.
Mary -M.-H.m-
and All tbe Ilia of a Weak-
Sarj::* 5i~
Men's. b--y'e—55 io.?5c.»l.
such eolo-a as gray, bins,
Fashionable Outfitters
Poorness of Blood
Tbe Caute of Exhaufted
Underwear• I ». tiM-all siaos and
CO -
dhilon'ry in my own llbr'y during nir
Sb<- was cxqulsiii-ly attired
™n.„i ra,lr,r„to to Ir.m to .nt-t J"--l-lit ....Id itioitoij ptototolj »!ib
-V«, .,11. ni et . t,to.Tbe'man disapiMwred down llin
Come in-&ee them -feet'em turn 'em over—they bear in
spection—-why, it’s a regu.ar snap to get such serviceable suite
for tbe price we ask. Some of them are silk lined -Any style you
want—round outa, square cuts or a nice black clay worsted cutaway.'eto. Such value; only possible at
\„w. r would like to know if this Is P'V ^e ass«nbl.-d gu.eis as Lavlnu
the true state of affair*. Must
Das #
the church, baulng upon the
, .™ »r tor fitor. Kulto. u.lto.trr ..I
eai be leafer.
Is it lat tritb that the
.otbet lellBws
tallav IX
wml »b»e velcet (tbe Tongan
national eolorai. one could not realise
“Why. tbe best of bur Ufry people «bal all this was bappenlog oh an Isdo not consult a dlrtlon ry. Oxford U laud Mouglug to a group which many
our authority on proounclatlan and teaders t^uve supjHwed lo be sUU llnwhen ao Oxford prof.-ssor says a thing g^-lng In beaiheiilsm aud beyond the
j, ngbi. why tlum It Is rlghlT derlau-d
apparently iutedeciual Britisbi-r
Oulte a Hotter of excltenicnt paaoed
Mffmot for you.'•But l x.-got to bev a Uw suit, asV
ll.«, u b,
and young mon’* nobby fall nnd
winter •ulis nt oe ly
Tranrse Citf.
-Wbo; then, isr I asked, for. as r boys of blgb rank attired in page solta
Oewgv Davis be dan niaui-d-nway
arid my other dangbiefand 1 aln’l.got
"Tben you must have a
•IM ItoJiMIto.
yoor Qomerchaatable
potatoes and write
oa for quota*
The Michigaa Staich Co.
Tr«rei« atj. bicE;
We buyfges, 16c a dozei.
Good Dairi Botter, IT-I8c.
We soil
mx Conee~ll lbs for SI.
I will have a car load of horses
here on Wednesday, Oct. 11. They
will weigh from 1200 to 1700 lbs.,
and -will be a fine lot.
If you want a good' horse at a
reasonable price call for
at Brodhagen’s Bam
Your winter's wood
at once to Insure de
livery. WE Have
Hemlock lumber In ell elsee.
Hiram Cook,
X«w Store. Sow Muiuon BUl
torn MOMfiira it>coBD, bo»iia». oo obto «. isse.
CusilMiiM Ilf Enwiitm Fm uf StrirHr Giiflinijil
air b flrat fMved tbronsh a pipa. It b
Iben lllimd tbrutiKb cotlon-wooL and.
batty, b driven asalnat a abeet of pbie
Rlaaa'coated wlib flyieHne. Tbb b
lo Caleb all Ibe bactarta
have nut bean aalaed'by tba
It b bolll eoltrvly of
ttbaa. that tbe beat of tbe ana may
kill any atray mlcrobea that bare en
tered by cUance.
•Vtim tirr.l a. abr waa known to
tke BKiaBtaJn r««la& of Uw opjwr Cowkariaad. waa a apiww aploirtfr of 40 or
ttmwboou atu) it wv fmaraUy n»darstoud Umi aba would be wUlloc to
wed If aufllHaBtlr oivrd. aa)» tb«
An epldamlc of rafa-tdea rased In
WaablngToo 8tar. Sba owned a food
Mtle «repk farm, waa Uirtfir. and for Paris dnriug iba uonib of July. No
MWcauw uoknowD aba bad acquired fawar than M-eentarn cases of suicide
the tiUa of ■■mlMi.’' tbai aOx of Ibe weie raimriad ai tba prefactnre of poHuhlda on arCbrtatlas name of wonan not balti« -lica on ooa Hamby.
nanal amooc iba noauu^naatn. Her count of untequltad alfatt^n Is noi
■alchbor waa ooa Jamaa Uofua. a wld- rare In Pari* bai nearly all tbase re•war, wbo owned a (ara adjoloJnc e)-ni (-asas ware dna to poverty. Tbe
. M|ea Llar'a One da; aba <-ama Into tbe fact tbai so nisny ocenned on tbe
aompaDf’e eomBilaaarr. aod ralllna ma same day b aacounied fur by HaiurOff to a rvwiota c-omar. aba fair]; Uasad day b^ajr the qnanar-day for awall
One of 'iba most aad'of tba
with wralb aa aba Biada nia bar coO- lenia.
sevauiaan tngadbii Was. aoaeted In
-I e’poaa ;on ksow, celMal.*' aba Iba Kua Varsigny. ai Uooimanra.
ekrlaJmrd. lu a boane wbla|)ar. ‘ibat W'bara a widow. Utn.a LaiTuUga. 90
toot Jim llocua that Uvaa adj’loln' to yiwrs of aga.' klllnl barwalf and bar
two llltia boys. Hba bad wurki-d bani
mr placer
DRS. B. S.&CO.
- . -'eak'’^ Struva. wife of tbe
"Tea, ani^itioB bn^ ma.*’ oaidV mlnlm-r at that time, waa
Ibe ex-gamlilar.
pw^ring that tU
^d mH ibis famous woman
next man to bim
a L.***]" ; .w
Tba facta) fdalBcrumad bis flngara.
nub, au 1 adverused for one I got blm
right, a
1 a bum
u feet I
wilfa tl
and kludlr
bBericu Mol ud Su«icil InsUlitt if liskejn, IkL
Lull at Monte Carlo, Goin^,
rat on tbe rtewiner 1 made a little*;^
m.-nN.o- ««ew
mooar.,nd Icuoldaaaaglorioosfiniih. ^.^,^^ -..i.iiMa
Fan.,. I-,Via. I ..— air
' l■^ll-UIa^ WWldlUg bnWkfBSt.
my taink cull cuusUntly
against my msscoi's wagDiSceni bump
“lU-farring to l«-atbar.“ sold tbe bar-
Oct. 12. 1899.
oaaaB«n»«mB«a.m.to8p. a-
mark as to the splek-anil-apan )>oUiih
•To make a long story abort. I 'll jtiit of Ih'W'a.v'a sword belt—ha was. )n
tbat IB F|iiUt of mV bouipbacked dress onlforiu—“tbe most remarkable
lU I dttq>iied my ndl at ronb-tte be- bit of ItiiKslau ieatbi-r in tbe world
fitfa w« bad bean in tbe Casino two la viiy faiv.”
boors 1 bad just aUiojsBudfrunc note flteW-i
left, aud luy marcol. wbu was as badly as ba Is now. but
"Madsuie." be salil. afti-r a |>ause.
hrukeu up as 1 leu. bnoPNi ua to let
"I am but a rough Kallur man. and
bim play Ibat in )|im~U. I culisented.'
this Is a heavy di-uiau<lI wbl.-b y ou ■
wasiixe 1 didn't see bu^'■ tbe lurk u>nld
make niMin me.
1 am Boi equal to i
be any w-on«. Tbr hr»i track UuU bs Ibr emerg,-w-y."
made w-as to pDl a limit bat o.i lbed,in*i>f.euurs>'." said tba Iwrouass. lap-'
»-le x-ro. Imi.wneii be won it 1 fainted. plug blm wlib b)-r fan. "I sbonld have
By the time tbedivtors bai; bnmgbl me •
)s>usl,ler you bo|>rlcM)|y rude w»-rw
agm- wiiIII ma.
liut you i-fln
Bbe knew I knew Ur .Hoitua. but lo trying to make a living as a dries, to br was jdaying on vclvit a fuiit thick
abe aeemed to waul m; apuk<« leail- maker, boi in splia of all bar alToria ■wnd never tnrued u
arc they not—
mony ou the |>oliil. and I .loM bar f had fallau bablud In itayiug bar rant,
■ I by telling me what ri-all.r fine eyes 11
kbaw bim.
and dii-l-laO to pul an and lo bar ax.
I Save.
They are
fine, are lliey nut? ' I
Mlaillar ransuiu lad to tbe
*^VH. I waui to tell you a|>o«l blm.*
man in
Tims aHSisi.Kl
>kI. iN-We.X rosK- lu ibeOeaba want uu. 'Tra jiat sot to tell auuia- aulaida of a auupla. agnl mij^Ud IRl.'nworld then. I gnfas. but in-t for long,
eyi-s wara. In
-llri-ly. In ilia tfua. Hauipoid. They as 1 latna back in the stivrage.
body, culimal. or I’ll boat riniu wbla*
No: I trtiili. I
open, and 1 won't tall nona nr ibaea
liaau DslUii-d lo Wani by Iba d)Wlb •didn t lt>« it U.k. lu fact. 1 didn't gi-t
Itffrant.'aunnd bare, an I came lu you.” Of tliair Mill.;
I ,-bauci-. fur wben I asked my bntupnt. fveh.i MMk Wa.Vu.bd.
I'tbankad bar fur ibta mark of bar
Our (Idaf aim In Iba days that |>asx baek to divide be said 'Nit.' 1 remindA yanrag.. Prob-ssor J. T. W<vka of
COnllllem-a and aetai'm.
sa<-ni> to Ik- Iba saving of lima.
<k1 bim of bow well I bad trewtad him Winmlld. Kns_ In ellmliing a iiiountnlii
"Wall." aba aald. "you know ha'a
UddI affirri in this dins-tiun and begged Mm hi at least ti|i Ueoff U>
lo Hwlixerhnid. bwi a isN-keUswk .-cmbaan kiiidar eeiiln' lu 4ua bare lataly,
riHafulIy wab-niiiad by Ibosa tbs-aecretof bis ancceinL He nnbnitalnliu; Fir> lu goM.
lie noiltliNl tba
and aunar boUIn' uui lio|>aa. tbuusb who Iind tliai tba maiutlual lullri htned his coat, loiaiened a few aUajia
Butborillas of Ida l,>ss. Imi bad no hope
l^rdy uuiaay knuwr wbai a woman
-l■Brali<lUs alworb ao many iklDutrs and bnw-d ma over a must artistic arwhatever of re<-overlug tba moue.v. j
could h«ji«- far, Rillin’ a rrltl^T Ilka
aac-h )lay. Instaad of Imvliig lo g)' tihvinl bmnp
‘That's it. he Mid.
him. and ylatbldy avanin'. wln-u work ihrongli the usual riiutina of rnbblng
”Ab, yt«1 Sn]N-r>trtiiin has rninad
wna dour ami tbloRa wna inixhiy aillt oiiasair dowyi on mapping from ibr many a good man. "—New York Prem
hlmtbHtbls|sN-k)-tUs>k bad Invu fonud
and pMcaful llkr ami Iba hum*yeu< kb'a luiib. tlH-u donning a rola- da bnln and
nml Hint Its wiiii-nts uimbl ba fur-1
wtti anialllu' llia'r awn-laol. be cuuiaii sll|i|M-n>. and flnally gUing om-salf a
wanlisl to liim at i.ii.v,
up and ai-ta ou my pon-b. am) nulaxly Ouisbiug iHilisb. Ml to say. und)-r tbe
'round iMil ualwo. Jim aoi ibarawhlle.
aw Ihr l■mBl>rtB{_AbF Won t■ysiaiu all oua will bava to do Is
"I wUb to expiwaa my thanks to tbe
kinder bamiuln' an' a-bawlu'. and uol lliarally lu bloi onasair Ilka a laiu-r.
Marls awcer—as al Ihr Bar.
--innfaetnrera of ChambarUlD'a Colie.'
irllUu' to Ibe iilui and aiuiiartn' out
nx-aUK baa U-an diseuvared of
A Btiit waa toudgbt in the I'nited
olera and DIarrtaoaa Remedy, forj
aumaibin' be bad tv ax ur uia. I■•lu' a uilllxtog iwpar for baib rut>aB aod atlpkving pnt OD tbe market aucb a w-nButna court in Springfield against
Steal favor lo bim. and m> funh and is-rs, so Ibat tba baibar. on amarglug
-rfol maoieine." aaya W. W. MaaalDg.|
citixen fur an infringement uf a pata
no ou. ml I K<>i iniHii won- to a fmxxle fmni tbi- walar. simply gats lulu a
. Texas.
Tbere are',
rigbi. Mr. Lincoln was aniployed
and I rb lu ibe (miwxIuu myrndf. aa Iba l>li>uiui)-|>BiH-r garuiaui. so to s|M-ak.
a of mbttaera wfaoae
want lo t:
Bpaai-hiuakeni aaya:
-.......... ... u—r
saved from attacks
and is siraigbiway 41^ Ttw priH-asa
) tbe city. :
of dysenierrand cho'araioHntiim w*--)
"•liOOkaa hara. Jim llosna. aaya I. Is said lu In- miieb warmer ilian tbe
qoired bow ba spent bis winter avanonat also feel tba-bfnl.
It iifora.lj
*«-bat air you ibmabiu' 'nmi
uuiid Ibe usual mi'iliiHi. and app-vautlvr of
ings and received the reply "If tiima by 8. E Wall axd P
tbiekat Ibat Bjnaj far? You alu’
rulds. IS-rba|>s ^a tiUK^jimy y'l-t euma
brisk. 1 souietimrs work. OlberwiM
acbwdbuy wlib yer ibumb In ycr when w a abal] paper oni^vas lDslaa<l
1 have DO
nioatb-Lr'e »ll itnin’ on Til af be'a a Of drasslug. or. al all eraiiu. array
said "I have a latent
Catsrra. DxwMssef tc.- Xsr. Ksr. Kos'. TUrusi i
day—and af you want lo ax nia to mar ouraalvas In garmanis comiHwad of Ibis
kriM. Xidor;. Umr. nisaJrr.CSrMilr Fraisls s
right case in coort
I want yen
ry you why dou'l you do II iind ba done malarial, .-yirs. Hlank looki-d charm,
■sol ihsl sa. sr.sr (sllsO Is tknusSBSs o( rsa
paitner and will divide fen. 1 know
Man) peonis sm) drstb srerr rear vt
B tasveted w perttev aMbX b
with lir An’ «bat do you think ba log lu a<-ml.dlapbanous dra|H-rias of
pjscvd Ihrir rasssls Ibe bs!^.
-itsDiithing alwnt mechanics—never
aald to lliai. cubmalV
WIiji do you
Issue pajNT." or "Miss Junes,
tatPOBTAa' TO r-srvTM -PR.omiAM. after rsarsel cxpsnrMe.haa aweevered
it a stnd’
• think ba mild
lu tbai?" aba fairly
lovely gown of craam-iatd note wjib of Ih
blaaad at wa lu bar-uratli.
revacs of m-jNS-gn-an bleratlca" may d)«'t
I bad an hlaa. bin 1 didti'l caininuoi- In smue fuliin- fiiKblou Juurual la- dr:. OBBtHilO flOBB STB* asd araaBlaiahart
cata li. On Iba aontrary. I ra|dlad
H-ribed for Iniarasiad ivadera.
yon Cl
send to Chicago or New Y’or^
**A^g*tAlirAKD POfllTXTB Otjgl
"I pnnuma. Mina l.lxy. be lliaiiked
for them
far tbs awful ottsru or earlr rtee aad Uw a<
I want yon to come to uly
y«>u for •iimtnc
|>nmijitly and crace■ sroQ. svlls that roUos lo Its irate.
bonsa one night each Weak and give we
fully lo biir n-lief."
Atbleiio and ilo- N.H-lal part of Ox.
BBS ■psrdll). coBgIsieir aad avrmaMbtt
instnu'iions. " In a sb<gt time hr bad
"lild ba? " »be ainially auorlad. ••|H'
ford life Will ilr-n Imprasii ilie Hiranwitxn-sses to meet biun and lln-y were
•iUi.a May
gar. Kvi-r.v •ia.v of u-riii from I o'l-liH-k tboronghlv drilled.
aaya ba, ’’iwmau t iluit .-axa* kly 1 wan.
In tbe ariermuiu uulil ibe .'url.v w Inter
tiH- trial «-oinmrn<vd. Mr. Lin
ad loax you. Wbul. I wauiiil wux tb
dusk, or tbe laie. lingering Nummer win |,ut bis qnt-siKiDs at the .cross extoan nv yar smj muta far )0'm»rraf i
■ m>ti»li,ai so sci-nlifically that many
plow that |»ateb lie i-om oraroii i'oiIi.t iwlliglu. nil,- will MV enlleg,- liieU do.
Vsesls w»ak
"««tUax tbra lor slMj. socMy
Ing uoiblug but pb-asup- M-eking. says wiiii,-s.-s were iNiibei-i-d to r<-|ily When
aid)- _jiT Iba • rli'k
Uy bona ipii foiio
darad Ua' nii:lii an’ la lab) u|r.
Kin I
abe )-on<-luded. ’an ax I Mill. | »i> R,,i
t). tall wmialmd}. ar I’ll bust wbkepen. Would you mart7 a mnti Ilk*
tbai af IH> aver did ax you. iid.in.-l*"
"Mias Mxy." I snbi wlib all Ilia gnir.
tly 1 i-oiibl iiMiiiuand and la tbi- ver
bacular. "I simra would niiir"
t-ssMsi Fssl ■» «,.
viory «-oma- fn.m «'.-y|..a.
A laa plainer-ba had a glass ayaVary daslnms t» go and ban- a day’*
etinoilng will, a rrieuil. bui be hoav
tbe oailves wbo
i> ar work 1
not do a stroke of work.
be lo gel off? .that was as ibe IIII.-S
imiHi lliouglil an
struck blm. <b-lng up lo its- imu Iw
addn-ssatl iliem ilnis;
"Alibougb 1 myself win is- abwni.
yai I siiall leave one of my eyas lu «-«
that you do yonr work."
And. mueb 10 Ibr surprise awl bevUdarmani of tba natives, be took out
tbe classayaand |4aradlloniba stump
•f a tree and Irfl. For some time tbe
nailves worked like elepbants. now
•bd Iben <-usilog funive glances at the
eye to sea if It w«we slllt waleblDg;
bnl at Iasi our of ibam. aaUing bis Iln
tn which be earrlad bis food, approBi-bnl Uie ijvi'bnd genily pla<-ad it
over Ibe ey.-.
As sin.d as they saw
that Ibey wen- mu Is-iug watc-ba<t thav
all lay down auu laaia peai-efutly uuiil
I,, lud form
gl Oxford. aina-loiiKly luid form, lo
work lu tin- afienjiK.u. .vnd. after uH.
siieii au iftib-r of ililiigK will mil Ms-m
sirange wbeii im>- niillx)-* wliat a
I......... .
Hg playgnmiid Oxfortl really
Yei It wilt Ik- olm-rviKl that
Iba Oxfonl ......... luki-s Ids |>li'BBtiri- lu
wry gnire ami a v.-r.v l>u»iii<K-Klike
On ibe riv.i. r«r example,
it In nmnxiiig to iH-liold llie quiet dig
ulty with which the rowiug man sul>
mils to the hullyllig auil llm sarea>ui
of the ettfieb oil Uie low.palb.
Or if
Ibe stranger vl.lU tb<> Holywell ten
nl> i-nunK. aud looks ou at tbai.gn-ai
flanuel.lroiiM-nNl liatlallons of l.usy
playefK. lx- will «H- slru.-k,»iy tin- »e.
quh-iui-ss of It all. Tba only
sounds he will bi-ar will Iw tbe low,
Btead.t (uittar of lb,- ti-jiiiU lialls and
Cbii-ago. St
Imky aud Micliigan to try intent right
cBM-s. amt the list rear of his iiractire
did little else. —Tl........
L,-wis' "Keco:lectiiiua of Lincoln'' in Leslie's Weekly
Prom tXeliiiAv apaalsh.
i-ry long time ag>i tin- British
government «gder,-d that Knglisfa sb<mld
be tnnglit in WeUh schisds As a resnjt.
in isn.’i a roluny ,,f iN-rwa-nti-d Welsh
anrronnded by wild tribee of boatila
Cfh-kel mslelo-s he will
etring of aettk-meuts right acr.an Bontb
America, uwn b j-aying railway and
obi|i large crops of wb<-.it. wool, oetricb
featbars and quanaco skina
Ilie Mnir
"In Havana su.-leiy. as In all aocIMy
»f ^Mnlali or Portuguese origin,
Tbay left Wales teaacape the tyranny
tba English Ungoageandnow. ratber
than Ulk Welsh, they convanw largely
of their freedom in excellent Spantah.
A M»4rr> Blapamral.
Theagitatedgirl l> >ked backtbitmgh
tbe cbmd of dnat that roae in tbeir rear.
formality of (irellxlDg a name with
Ur., lira., or Ulss'la done away with.
I besliaie lo eall a matron
whom bi- has just ui<-l by her Cbris.
tan nanu-. ixw <luv« site brsllatc lo ad.
divas him lu Ilka manner,
I'll., woman Is Invarlai
rtahly known
mald.'n luii
Thai maiden
“lonsv Uiuxbi aflS vesion PTtdav’'
“IHd It bring you IBUI lu.-k?"
*X>b. no, I broke H,. bomba, bv never
Ivonght into tb:it e-iart np to the time
be xx.iil I,. Wasbiligtoll
lie W)-ut to
aaragra and made them warm frienda;
Sow and then, after a paiilcnlariyf. they were mied by a foreign fovcnigood play, ba wUI bear a little patter mant and became loyal cilixena.
Through kmg yearn of want and
of gloTMl bauils. and perbatw aouie
forgatfnl littir im-bln sbama-facadly famine they narar daspairMl. Tbay
have tnmad the desert into a beantifol
gives tiirlh a shriek of
adudrallon; liui tliat will be .ail. And farrilr onnntry. have Incomerirb.
summer afieruiNin l»-r 8.000 pivpls. have extended tbelr
■BVaBU's uaasr BmUI Way.
rnry: go o
lleniN-kl YYiai.l used t
In Cuba In Ibi- war.
His witiiesMv could reply
He gaimd Ibu suit aud
repiiiHtii'D siieb Ibat Mr LI
LHyei’In V
snslain,-i| in ewry (uiteult nglii Cl
ci4ea. no flag waving, aw) no under
graduate dallriuor.
pans to have nci'D ouiv tb<- Buttering
of blue and M-ard the ibunder of
rukvs when Yule M-on-d. il will beam
ku'kiug In auiiuatioii and life.
> uionay.—Anawars.
his XV itm—K-s w.-re pfit on the stand, so
skillful «er»- bis c|ni-siiiiiis ihst the
court, tin- jury and tin- bnr wondrn-d
how Aik Liiic-iln .kn,-w w> inncli alsmt
sli tyranny
"ibirty all." or,
•iova llfiivii"
tir If be giN-s to the Slid M-ttli-d in lbs dev-ris of PatagoDia.
(larks and iN-eomi-s a s|H-<tati>r at one These iiiau were beris-s. and with most
of thegrval fiH.lliall nmleh.-s. batwivD maicnifii'ant canrago tbay dan-d to live
Cambridge and okford. for Inaiaucr. in a desert where not a plant Would
be will bear no "nmilng." ibi-ra will grow, where the water wax brackish
be DO bom blowing, and no collage and tbe beat intolerable. Tbay were
hiug n-iN-aiiNl: the same uielaneholy
siniliess aud Iba same sad ausl.-rlty
Tbay may enjoy It: n is lo U- (>rexunwNl IIh-.v <uj<>y li or ibey wimldn't
do tl. Hui lo Iba Ameri«-an. If ha bap.
we bad wbH iiukI at tba oib.-r awl of
tbe luu ii bsK found out our addra«s.
' lla oalb-tl with limt Iasi .vear’a bill
ami «ji. vi-M luiiierlliieni.
^ Mr. Hanlujnie ibotlyl.-Impanlnent.
'Algarnun.'' Mie exclaimed in terror.
"pap is pnmning nsV
.’•Let bim pDrvnel
armel'' ^nckled____
Alger'The last thing 1 did before we
suned waa Ux slip ont and ebange bis
storage battery. It'a only got ahmt one
more mile in it. and then it'll atop
'' ■
tiumd's uaiik-. Is printed on her vlallTbs ltau«.M>Ui
iQg ,.,rds.
After Ibe death of lb«
n aisnit lo enterthe stale Inatband the words ’wWow of am
•f matriniuu.v.
printial tiefure bta name.—Pblladel.
Wlgg—Who ia Ibr iDcky-waman?
pbla '’resa.
■Wagg-Oh. I’m s)m|dj golDg to uke '
B trip to riah.-l’lexoUnd Irfwder.
Jasi M ■» asrask.
Bl9wit-Bow did you get tbat bUck
She—It must have taken a great deal
Prrslatence on yottr part lo learn to
plMT the violin no wpIL
fli*M-T|iv maaqoMa dsekaA-lndl- > B'-lt dM. I bad to go coaotantly
—MwHi JonnnL
maed tor flve y«nra.-The Rival.
New designs and (anc;
WOOtlS with new
»»-OTTItA* ..urratr.’^ sures»fally asd i*^wTGl41iaNTEE TO Cl'lie aarveos d*
"ainlse.i.efsr ajoiDl wr^. po-rjrlu*. IHdsc bllltr. rarlrurels. .trlriuiv'rissi. wsak pan.
9ffi). lurulnx l^ir mii of-e-is lu.br. or 1m|s. . add all kl-.>Brr aad bladdsr dlssasea
CATABMIlOFTtlB MtSF. brosrb.U. aad
. ca ssU fr*» cstafrh. pasiuvalr
Jeweler,- rtore ,o look then.
over. XVe have -ipj
things in jewOrv also.
frrfscied la ol
fsaisd Ko'j
BIUNUM & EARLilflll..,
worils bia aatumubile drew away from
»hr puraavr. while from the lagging maf* ’ '
Within a mile from Congleton. Eng
land. un the high n^d from Maivleafit-ld.
there is a dewrted village ooMlstiDg of
over 6U honoM. nut one of wbicb is
■as arbich bars astt eaxlected O' BBSktllfaUr
■twsDts or »ain-m. Parties »rrstr»: hj ■ail e»
>B t. prsferrvd. 'furatds cases gaaraaMed
-------------- >1 seal 0. O. O. u aay part af C- A
» s t Ml i>«iw»Tf any icn siirrrcoH. aim
Wednesday Oct. 11.
in the rlnr.
- -
Greatest Dt >11 Prize Fights.
^ MOUSCHOLO mmioT^AT'^U_____________
SKn?oJT5T?T5*" r***”*” • ^
■■ • r-. MOm■».
ANGEUNE MAfarACTUBNC CO.. Grand MA. KcK. sad ler Ssk by Al Ibiq#*.
Neproilnceil By Edisoe's latest
htiproyed Vitescope.
Gino Is Perfect Is The Most
Poweifel Electric Effects
Wotic« to Taxpayan.
Could Make Possihle.
Reelistic As lifx
t -".vi-.r iio. ii. m,i]«i" ■■hm“i-.p
Mskla. II SAsyrsmirn.
Thaflfbtwaa delayed from 9:t0 to *”*■“
I0;>0 by tb. optotor to4»d* fbato.ll/%„t Vd:-*:;:
A for it's reprodaotlos pw-
iumhIv, ;
■urr a
Tbe Edison Amer-! ■aubstltui
"And xxlibi Is itiair' i,wk. -I Hu- yonng
fcan Oompeny reprodnelng tbe eoene!
feet In every deull.
oauie. followed by a small de. wblek '»>>'•««» »•'-» «rl« of impritent rage
In lia inm Is
allowed by Ibe bus Unnu tbe batted iwrenL—CbicaguTrib-
with a td) modal machine ud tbara la !'
No FlickeHoR. No Tirinc The Eyea.
ter." n-iiliiNl H .- Kiifiil I
RcnlUtUnaLlIe. kAch Move Her*’
Admluion B5o.
Don't Forgot Tfa« Doto.
ThrfhMMl |i
“1 can mat.,- w..,.,.. ari-i.ru.-v fur Hm
plwisury- nf «iir
--1;i-iir i-olUraOK.*' Kiild Hi.
wito hapiK'ii.-.t It
!l,- Il,-«qili}K-r of j
lliv ou .Muiiday
carTylng ou a .
powem uf duikiii-Ni. ciul
Fire Insurance.
TZ D. ▲. BnlMiBS.
Morse Btos, Huse Paiitetx
down to two Incbmi."
sIl isim uapaid Mrpi.wi«-r i., .s<l paie earircMrptrnl. r Ibrrv sill hr rfcargrd a MBallr
of I pvrcrui
cullmioo. aaO oa
-----I Oriobrr
per real.
— .. ._iaras,
Cllr Trvasurrr
Herat dm.lMlsx.
4S3 H. Slmwood At*.
L •Omt • man teaoteat
tbontb tbrp i
arare. w«v oliUa^d to rtfM tl>* palm j
<0 tbMf ruuiitiiB arroM Itw water, far a I
■ «aitenlMih<taD<-e of Ktowlng coN>r. and
“I hare no wlab to do ao.** aald 1.
I •Tbefe la no Deed."
“lly dear Mr. Wroosbinlabt." mid
ahe. with thinly relied impatience, “do
you honeatly maintain that ioale la
la all
any better. motaUy, than ^be arerape
The oib..r Uadlt aufrCCoax In uke mt twin'.
-Itarprr'i MafUlBO
“Incalenlably better." aald I.
•Then you are midtaken."
“BeaUy. 1 iblnk hot
call him the Halni."
awl bred i
Cbeedie liaa lately arqulred a p**t.
nut ^f hia liuacinatlon he baa built np
for any of tbe_ «lorr apmd arfoM
tbrnn ao they do fur an Inirtcate |iaP
, ,„rtd taiwa-pHon of tala alnful hai-hi-
lor aeir wbb'b frigbtena
other day I tried
nolfaing whait-ver to reproach yourwlf
generally caml nmre for an w-i-aalonal
“My diwrA-beeillo." 1 Mid. “you hnvi-
tlnia and
-vo. In all ainrerliy.
' nr two laier
Of .
,1,.,, w„„.i,,„i,ki;- nkl
Clnivlle u day
atiing to ef^^-mtlon.
“Were y<.u druiikr
Bill—aa Ibe iwp^aot gir'a
“Of eonr«- 1 waa. Why aakT'
“I beg yonr panlon. old .-Imp.
aay—I never a«-rept valuaUe preaeni*
welo|>ed flgtirea. that li 1» not for tbo
twgier. Tin- languid awl «h-lb^ate wom-an. wh«a<- aenahive lu-n-iw were alwaya on nlge. baa gone euiln ly out of
fnaldoo. aiKl llw iinfortniinli-olu-a who
have yon la^-u saying to.niy wlfeT
“IloH- atienbl 1 kliowT' I rejoined,
give you a wunl in ««•
Ilia manner waa rem-lU
•y;ood <ohI. man!" he rri.sl.
ukk.^nl ...d .nk...WI
nut a eluiugi- Ima ctmie to our wom.
M. ami w1h> aball oay. aa lls-y gaae
wn their glowing faisw and tluely <U^
from gentlemen."
-TbIa .voiiug uutn'a craving afier an
evil repulaliou Ih unbeallby In the ex-
p-all.v. biT atilimie toward me la un
bearable lately.
You know that pho
itvuw'. You'll iv|>eDi of it auine day.'
1 waa Irriiatiai. '•It a<‘<'nw lo nie.“
tograph of lAtttleT*
'Tbe one you Ihongbt waa lAdtle'a.
anawer to Hint d>-a<-Hi>tion now are ao
Mid 1. "Hull Ii la you wbo ai« doing To" mean.
the cravlng."\
you. CheraUe.
T don't uutietgtand
you,” aald
...------------------------------- Anyhow
"You know you were a perfert Pori- wlfe.got liold of It, 'Who la iblsT aald
'My ruuslu—In Ausiralta.' I re-
la-i-anar they muihh - htdp It,' And
•■ba} tMa wrought tbia obange? Wluit
Mb-hemlat liaa been at work, rbanging
• “1 don't deceive myself, old man."
"You kitpi
your niUdeeds pretty
<he abouldem. r<nitMl<*l tbe lltuhs of our
WmlWbUe ruulHi-abollldetvd ami altell*
dark, anyhow.
anted .vnuhg women? T()i' anawer la
no awakeuing to tl>e Importnniv of onl^oor life. a»d a i-onaequenl Improving
appearance at Oirial to tbe eeren ditclplm on the Galilean eea. where they
had hern Siblnp an entire niftfat withoniencceaa. Jana appeared in the morn
ing. Be eaid to them.
the net
net an
I. '-Caat
-tJaat the
Ibe rigbt aide of I
ritip. and ye ahaU
plied. 'In llglitsT aald she. ‘A faney
i-oatumc.' t said.
Nolnsly ever found you
Cb.ivUe.’ said she. 'aiv you a nillkaop
opt In anyiblng wonw than a Isix at
Koster & Blal’a or a Muuday at Man-
«r a byisK-rlieT
T did not like to
plunge on eiiber alienatlve.
do. ,you meaur I asked. ‘Your frlemls
• He atgln-d.
A dapawese.Nataa.
"Old man.I'd Ilk* t*
•ee.vou give up ihBljua of thing."
“Which son of ililngr.
Ura. Hugh Kraiwr. to a recent voL
mme of reuiliilmeui-eok given a quaint
.^n pk-mre of a iralneil oiirae who
"Y'ou know.
Tbe aort « thing
naed to go Id for."
warvM for her Is Japan. Mya Ibe .New
Torii Mall and Kiprewa.
“Kbe wa- liarely' four feet bigb."
•You mean
other day." I mninbled.
Yw« B-u- rwaHiiw.
obey tbe cvoimanda of bia aaperiur oC
he done and wbat we are capoble of doing- The ofti. er alwoy* hua a
»>*!« vision than the priv
Poftnuitiea for auperior ki
greater. Cbriat aViaion ia greater than !
now. Tbe diaciplea bad failed. When
they did what Hr told them lo do. they
O. 1 say.
“You don't
end wide leather beK put on over apron
Rj>d all.
Into this lieli. bolding her I
ls>ok here. t.needle, aunt
-...II. f..r. toi.,ilo»«r,i. .l, ,yuUj -i,.
,,,b A.V.,
I excUltued.
No r«;nio^ equal* Warseh's White
' IKK OK T.kB.riVKl l* lor this terr.and fata! discuec. It taken thor-igblv and in time, it will cutv a
.1 a hour*, and be- the ivugh that f«!
■ws La<;Hpi>e i'. ..ever fails
a to give
Ik-r. IMoc. 2.V- and •’’■Oc.
short lime she had to Wre
iileu l•et■alue railunal., bouse.
!«: xliii. 4S; xli, ⅈ
U<vra««re a>* Hellclew.
.•be noiisl tiewu. rnun right to left,
ir ••............-*
«bey knew aU the alna biy pulae aud
• fbai the ••honie“ mnst be nutfle In tome
thinking that be ia on
„„,i, „d eapecially when
,be «iwe time Zwboi voic.
mav attain
“P be « tPo*
- W..ld..rf-AMUi.a at i | |.Mai,HM,rd and put In running order.
Betwtwu 1KT» and IMO many ebaritai
“I ani
fha moat faablonaWehradgear of Urge'life.-
! Porated aa
The Mitaanchoaeit. Home
Keep la ToaeS With the WarlS.
not live in syinpatby with tbe limea
They grow bard because they keep the
world ubtside. They lose in apirilnal
force becsoae they keep that force un
der In their daily life. Every day witnesM to tbe life lived tbe preceding
day. Tbia must be ao. for life is enmnlative eiiber in good or evil. Tbei* la
nublana. Consctooslyornnconaciontly.
this force is working for gesd <« evil.
Stagnsliiiu is death. When we realiaa
tfala tu tbe ftill. we strive to compel attaittUPDi. When we look npon each day
die. with mauy balrieb pluuiea. aud :
"U U useful i» me.” I replied meek-; for intemperate Wonieu” and tea years aa a period by itself, we become the
brick playibings of time.—LYmstiai
tbe white fitatTwr Iwaa looked extreme- ' ly. “In fact. I don't quite ae* bow 1 ’ ago was retueved to tbe newly well with the ctUT
aud mauve , could gel ou without It.
building on the corner of Bmyma an.1
I’leaelwB tHker*.
Y’on waste so wocta of Tonr tlm*.“ Biuni-y sirceiA Ruxliury. The Insiltiifow-us that I
Tbe best rule ia tu'iake people as yon
"As time Is ..f no value to me that I* lion now- Includes a hospital anti disideal day. the mid being ao |>owerful
6nd them and make tbe moat of yonr
>r opitUat even In Ibe atanda parasola wriv nut a great eitraragance." '
n-—,, .»d
please them
aietf—ury. aud the red oue* jtivvailed.
«b.A. lAa«J.T ...tt -a —1««
- *rhh tevasloually a abot of green and great deal, too.”
Ibobgbt“1 coufeaa H.”
red. Old fashioned p«o|>le are still
PbilmtA Tbn, At,
Ub. „,.„.TO
pi„„ „ri.n.kl«sA bU
"Yon gv to tuualc balls."
beard to iMnln* If ladina go to tb«
lb lb. b«n». -.Vlbb
' .j »bkb b.i«ii-i-r.irf »lih U» nllb
Iterby—a^utwiktn that may be ans
iDbral btm |diy.i™i hMlih. Th- Ul.,r .rf honibn blbdow. cmiduI (-11 of hrliiiiwered In the alBrmative aa far m i
"Yon belong to too many clubs."
o( Ihwo. -bo .AQboi pbA bbd IbolioK,,«olt»bicb will b-BUe-clorj.
"But k only frequent tbe others."
blgbest lu tbe UnU ate
money of tltcse wbo ran
make the When
wben we learn to live to plesM othera.
"You know loo many people.'
«ery pretty dtva-e* hr* worn.
manv nennU
fin home abtiui two-ihirds oeir-*upi«>riliic.
aball reap tbe largest taarrest of
“There are
of cbfwe w-t-n- to be *«Tn on tbe hill
many people.
Im jj^a.^barploldlreciathe household, the pleasure fot oorselvaa by imitating onr
pasMlng to aud fro to tbe hospitable afraid,
InduitrlAl department,
the bosp:tal Lord and Master, wbo went aboof do
team of iIh- K. a. BBd tbe l^h Lan-,
"You aiiend
tbia ing good to Ibe sools and bodies of men.
rera where tea proved
—Philadelphia Methodist
Bbla .
. bbd„id I. -I bbd
li^ibrs^.'’.”:-; ’
' of It before.
rpe day has gone by. luckily. wbeB
women thought chat for traveling they
Thank yoa Mr*. Cbeedl*.
TMe Harm •! Uealaa.
gnidance helps them topard self
nnanano. you
Btnat envelop ibcmselvea In sbapleleaa ,
-whr dna'i von set married too?"
line, duatera. queer hat. ^graon '
•r brown Iwlge vHla. miy. tbe Crtt*- ,
amn. Travehng toga for women are
agmcially ixvity nowadaya. th« un lln-
", h.. altered Joale"
^ wealthy woman of Boston. Mr*,
Thayer, provide, a vacation
f»rl. at Lancaster. Msm It
Wheedle It
**•■« *«»
M and Irish craab aniu cut In tailor
^aliered*blm la tbe least”*
•tyle and nnUbed wHb bravy smui*
Mag tbe moat popnMr. eool a^ fieN
^ ^
’rtilcb U owned by Mia. Tbay10 look at The Tarioon alpacas that
er. ha* Urge room* and broad pUsM.
4mme in ao many prMty ahades «C
... with aatteea and lounging chairs and I.
•rm and gray are also aaluble foe
She half »roae.
,„,t,«Bd*d by shade trae*. Near by la
mmr In can and boats, a* the mat*-. »a——”
|. >1^
,ntb bammoefca
Oenina asm uiudvl Uliabl* to produce
barm. - Un« might as well attempt to
dlacoorae opoB tbe kon to a convention,
of lantern maker* Work bard ax they
may. there will atwaya be e painful,
coBtratt between tbelr an and noon-,
day. Perfection aermonx do no good.
They only deceive tbe xnxceptible and,
—Preabytrrian JonraaL
aett rights
a Celer et Thaaaht.
Mid ****
L» Tra»ararOy..
Ar Rlk RapU. ^
na Froi
, ■
uraM Rapida
GnM RipMi t iDiUui L I
re ofJVala- al Traearaa
OneOrrlal. liOa.
---------------------------------IDAY. grMusW Toroew
c« l^knBMB Bldg. 'Ptas-
n C. OILBRRT.AUOrMy. epwlalAi
to Probate praeUee. Bo—s 9
MtrcaameOo Block.___________________
W. ■JEE.'tiTJ
o. sjKsa;;
^EI!K(iiifiC£CS«SI;n VSSS8
a.Blo 11 B.B.. I
IHbC drossBaklog dope at Ibelr
lOlre at or aSdivM Mlaa arXoBrId'oUnml oktag Parlon 411A t«
The Moderi Woodmea
of Imeiici-
rJ^«'’xM co!IrX*BS*M^
lae ear rwuxqo to OrMS BapMo M. ckalrcar
C.L. LooRwoona.r
unsm UB KHimismi ll
Per capita coat of man^ment. 5*
eauU-Cbaapeat in the world.
-- Lowaat average death rate, being in
188S but t.St per 1.000 mei *'
tahetn }u» like jrouI
no fi.ni. —n—b
I ■ S li
S S «
«w .<w
ii •liiJS
W* ba-e ewer l»4 nrftre >hu eleven m-------■eai»—for ta« last teo yean ae're bad only
Ullrtie (K68BMJMM.
Tn cutiOirt U N witM n.
Yon are cemially loeueC u> )«lo with n«.
HbkeanpUeatloo teaey of IbcaeBberaot tbe
loeal eaap. or l«T. W. RIteble.DMnrt Depoiy
Gas Lamp-S2.p0....
Price Rediced to Clo« Oil Lot
Beet workm&nabip mooeF
CBQ employ for Bicycle
Bepairing. Quick worii.
_______ kXtac
Twin MOBBtatS
•“.S "I '1? 4£ '!■■
i 5£J ■;
; SES:.
HR) I •
MM 4 Ui« » I or
1040 4 U
t0 4» e IP
10 47 WB.
•10 IA *4 m
11 m 4 M
i i!
____ 4 U
1 iis
oom, w«rtb
to, -toto. tow,to.
»nTT.»n.OtW ................................. Jto.W
: •^KSs.'iiitob::::::::: !Se:
Itl DnlM Streak
John R. Santo,
Gxitril iisinm.
by bM oeenpation or by tbe dialect oc
MlMoelock a-B
i 4o; 4 IoIl*
BUItt Mm iM RUT (».£■££
.rtwbw tba ebaraetar and «dor of tba tboagbt! fw Ml- aw, bWl
return te
•d^i^DMa^attiacUn OnUh to Ms M<*
•Ot'clud. ArPmoanr^
Fbone Ul
tbe grammar of bia eonveraaden
-b,b, o, .bicb..
Men grow narrow be^nee they do
r bad been coniuliilDg.
And a few <b»f* teler i<*f
“Her awtiN- waa O'Tora »iin,-Hon..r.
! 1 rtHlectiMNl niy pminise aiiipl.v. 1 met (Ibe common t-aiisi;. This waa the emable Tiger
‘"T *^'‘1^'
Ylr- fhcjlli- ..II
I'ifili avenue, an I ; bryo of the temporary borne for workajnjoe vt .ut-■ otntrot
aofteai piiiiay
^ ...at
that .--n
• AMorUi tiw
It la : i„c women on Bbawmul avenne and
ftumd on a domeatlc hrarth nig; and :
• "iii!l-s 1 piHinml street, whirb
Mra. Cbnrplnt
II »
Homo Baktd U--M*. o-di
Mna Nnnr v„.i,
a larger; perjen,* be au blet*^ to bim that ha
Aa her work developed
I should lie employetl In tome way and
U Plaeo Botei: Romo> «u asd a
aodrklUtvB-s <Uora*e- a-peelaln
; saw It waa ueces-ary that her charge- j bia writiugb are silent.—.
r. a, Mooa. geperalpracUreaJao'
TAlie e-I"
'>■' poH-—n. ..J —
b.„ b.™ b, ,1....»! .1,.. b.,yb, «>-;■ --.b. .b;
tu spile of bImseU be laughed.
J yj>w
Ar Gr~' Bapi<
arist na in diH-iding when Cbriat v
ns to work and wbat Ue wants nr :<
btTO ^BO.H.Oaos*. AimracyaaSOeuiBelkwai
do onr beet to discover wbi
Cbrisi wauU os^ work, and IbeD let eJ-eVuw““*^ ***^ o***a Ony Opera
MH.,b i„
oonco oocTB.
To Cm U Cri|i$« ii 24 NMit.
' UTtnloed to devote her life lo the res- ia fur progrew and the development
late class.
, Chicago
West Michigan.
belpleiamna and need of the inanwliu;.---------------------------------------------- ----
'druukenness and dbrnrerly condu. t.,
Woman's Jonnial. .She dc ! h, i.
OOM Fnwt had Oaaa Streata.
BawdU Block.
want* na lo work .
wee thaa ever.
rtol anealioa.
aaHedidlliadiaripleaufold.andyetHa'r Trooipt
Have -a patter
doe. give na leadings in tbe matter.
1. Abllitv abonld awist na to decide. I r.M.eVw.Sr ^oS;S
given na ability lo do i wwg. g b. minor. pbrMrUa
>r or oWB> eadlB
certtin kind uf work, we may le-t | ^i**!
Bell IM: Kortkaasored Uiut lie do« not want na'to do
S. Opia.rtnnity abunid be looked i
wonmn .xiumiltted to hit dally rare-" ^ am-sted .m the aireeia of Boaton for
and ahe waa kept InMde her bnttouleM
andairingk-aa i-lulben by a cruelly tight
ceeded beyond all exi>eeUtiona
exi>eeUtiona. Suek therefore, de]teQda uponnbedienca
I g M. SROWH. AuoTMy are UaaaaeiuiT a
to Christ.
i O. Low. apeelal auaaUaa -.a hellaeUM
But bow may
tAOeoaTwaMlaf. ailProatni. .
■ rrw'r;,~'r, r:
PnistcM extfBiftiDg mod fillisR
without gas, chloform or frdier.
Term* cub.
mply hiipuMilile for....................... ,
oltro cunfrusi
Chriaiian pet^e. nor...
they alwayaaniwered. Onr topic girea' •'•'r hi* w«tliU>r aa lilioaelf If be baa p p t„.„, v«na«»oe
na a aafe principle to follow-work •
“ ■“'» I*'" ni-igUbor baa ihick-1Vijeaxex. akBoager.
aoni aaving rrligiun among tbe nxat
tnilUani writers uf tbe day. In too
my of them we enconuter only hilli
The man who cotuddere hliuaetf all
' i> iuake bluiaelf felt.
Some wOmeo'a love la limited to tbe
iH-keiUiok'aad her
«lu- of a luau'a |>N-k
eblUty to handle ibe* ir
In vain do ws srateb for true and
"Marriage." Mid be
..$1.00 op
....75c np
....5Qc up
0®*^ FlUlOgl..
) PUtinom FilUuga..
Th.-pe la aotwHIilnc wroni; with tbe
the '.Cil<-..e Pillina
man who d«*a not acfeily lore |«lae. Wlrt*r HHmg..»-
Wbal (ball we do for Chriat T Shall wa
preach tbe gapelT Shall we become
foreign uiiaiionariea. or «ball we atay in
tbe borne cbnKb. and. if as. wbat abaU
we conddrr oor facial doty and -nilaei.m there; Tbeee are
, *•. 4#: Ronj. *ii. *-»: I Ctor.
he l-I I; Oal vi. 1-8: (*.U lii. 1
.AihI. afUT/alU perbapa I did.—New
*ni obod with dainty airaw MDdala
with green velvet atrapa.
"Her llgure. tbe abape of a very aofi
feather idllow. waa draped In a tight.^winp while apmn wMi a large bib.
_________________ -
Tbe end iiMu la a mtiHitrel abow twn
ell a Joke aa «eU aa the next warn.
mah who
trta aa hrortuK
In court!
court !”*•»*«-------la airt to b««r ao{i>etbUiE be doean t '22 |ur*t BoW crowna. .3.00 to 8A)
« -j
if money .oold only lndw>e peopla to '
.................... a AW per toow
be sooiL
what a Jolly world ibb
would be.
"Ami I told v.
apln-e are not a |*a«t."
"1 «-nn sec you overdid
He aigbeil again. It was a diplomatic York M'orid
„ Wrilen Mn». l-'raai-r, "lier loUipletlM
-waa dark, her feet were ewaaed In
They eaat. therefore,
herefore. and now
they were not able to draw it for Ibo
mnltitnde of Sebea. Bere lean illuatratloo of working where CbrUt aaM to
work, aw} tbe reanlt.
Where Mull wa work aa ChriatUnet
her you badu'i got one. You haven't xxviii. in-SO; John ii. Ml
Phoi.rgrapbs at Sii
xv. 1 H ; Acu vi. 1 16; xiii, I 8; Luke
' Guraiteed lir 10 revs.
Hope la-a tniUtde tbe tmaaccraafal
nan hkiwB andlitowa mull It hnma.
bailan Beach.
Of 4v>ur«e. you Bome111 tell you.'
tinica left artreKm>«' pbolographs lying will
yoti.' said she. Bo
So I came
cauie lo or do Hir work. “Where duty calls or
g there."
alsiut. Rut we know- where you bongbt. yon.”
I danger, b- never wanting
; Math.
"Kbe asked me ahoiti .vour past the;
Bible Headings.—Eccl.
•f every opiwnun y lo live, move aud
It ivUllon*
Tkt lest 01 eenk.
reference' by an incident In tbe’ life at
A true
knot la aaM to be tbe
Chriet after Bia rraorreclion. It te tba top-knot of a woiuan'a luap{>lne«a.
■An. ,0.1 ko... .0 knk «r .k.l CM. ■ ip,".'™.,™;'! C.'cknTk S!.?j
the muddy hue of lIMiealfb to tb>- i-b-ar
pink end w-lilie. nal awl brown
<wboleMiuH' akln>? Wbat mlm<-lc baa
lengtbeunl Ibe atatun-. airalgbtened
A haHier
. aaya
-----------a nina'a wlilakera nt«
Tbe topic it illnetrated In tbe topkil! ■««V« cat down IIn bia youth.
I gave It." Mid I. -' ~
tUie lookiHl at me gloumllv for «oim'
I doirt ililuk I e\W api-nt a
duller ofn-rtioon
-o. in Irony, yon meanr- •
1» »k- 1
white llmii iMK-kB with divided
Bualnna with tbe buay Uule bee it
OhedieBt-i to Cbriat i* a teat of
1 Mid.
magnlB.vmt •
Ko woman Ian bootne to her dTMD■aker.
onrUA-efurCbriai. CbtiM IliuiM-Uaaid.
may be nilaUken.
love Me. keep My a.mmandWronghtniglit.
, "If }'e
If we love Cbriat. we are to
“Of cwurw.*' Mb) I. “1 admit that, meoie.
If >oH d.iu i mlud. Mra. Ctutedle, wc ahow it doing what He wante nt to do.
"But yon kw
* ”■•'"*■“Why. we uaed to call yon ■ Mint."
vo-wl all aummer bme wlili rapt- ]
nr...u k,,k.i. fra.Mk,- ikm... -t ik,.u.
»' ..............
n(ed to
my opinion of Jnaepb
Samulvre Cbia-ille.
I do wbat aon of a life I naed to leail."
••riolaimiv - Mid 1
et w.. . A..H1
tbe ofa*ra.
nrta IIk glamour and
«umi>liK>n« a
would imivide a liienn- for d<^
•Igbi/ul r.-triw|ie.-tb)n for luoiitlia. w hen I
••You pakitl
^iBbe,! out.
mn. 1<
........ ...................................
If 4 cf.iild only
believe Ihatr be
trip to tbe rlij. a pilgrimage*
pilgrim ,
Twple r«r the Week Bawtaslu Oi
".N'onaeneer ahe aaM Bpatn.'SiublDf
i don’t bellere IL"
j where Cbriat tella yon to.
For many reamna we ahonld work
’I bowed and waa alleat.
• leaa alike." ■ where Cbriat tella na to.
' k laayer
, laiulug a dlvonv (ban
Mid abe.
.1. Oecauae it ia our doty. It ii for
d.»-» for
1 did not trpiv.
' Cbriat to coniuaBd and for na toobey. ,
“O. waa I rude? I beg yonr pardon. ' lie la onr leader, aor CapUin. and tba
iMTlie iil<v. Mr. Wrongblnigbt."
. , muat iiaparlant duly uf tbe aoldier ia toi
Arm la ctucbei. lailiatlny leaf or Sowwr. wbli-li after liitlnlte toll aud-nerroua
•Hwdarhea tin-r dereluli In tbrawd nr
woraled tn nilom aonte lialwr alirlne.
women of lelaniw
Cren tbe e»ii
n-he Salntt How abaurdr
“It waa a aaylttf amons uB. 'Aa lanocent aa riieedler "
«mM natun-'n tnrp|lne«a care aa nrurh
■llw almi-, and
' «Udet tn a
man la a anint to the
Rlnor. I
milO bellered that no one conld de*
welop tbe blRtieat of healtb and beauty
wiiiiten bom
' woman who lorea him!
lad. aarel/ . be aball ded me.
•tirely few
.b1(« at you. but 1—yon can't dcccUc
Aeatthr. a^iniMtrlral :
Aerttaae fruni ■enermiiona gaaa beforev
«r bouaed from one week'a end to the
other. atMl wlM Itad bred np to ibelr
Briler. oayn l-'rank Lealte'n Monthly.
It U atrauae. lioi tmn. that enmpar*
“Of ronrao. yon at* bid frimd. You
wanid bP auro to way ao. It'd loyal and
Good tor IS Days
powreo .PA1U1QIUPHS.
nu thas
Itko that."
1 rorkoo »M Ibo ataaiaa.
Tbo rrar> ibat fall aad aa«;
Ufa aurd hot rap and aplllod
Thai hnar. ‘oac- load
loaf a:
tera twM ao ctaasiM hi Amrrtfw t«s |
peaia aco- Anx-rtcas womra pn-rlow '
ahr Mtd abarfdp.
~TIim U M aaora rhw Ip him tkaa
la a klttea.'' mU L *'n« ww alwapa
airtou a>r ooal oiiraM>d.
ftart-d OIMI roarbod a«r»da:
II draak thr |M
or boaioB'a «
Tb« MOfnc aiMl «rbulMK>n« prodnci
Muubliie and Imb atr knows aa
«» ooMoor vomas rooM amrerU I
KitiwonHuTr«a H m*f »Pe*"- ?»*»
wka irrf«ll7 annoftid.
••XiyitBl i r
aao oano wild •aorfe and odor
or a aWBBxr limth:
r.«M mm*
1 UntoC to«ao4 mnrj waithM,
Notunc rwiU I ivo:
Bat a* ibo Httk <M UooU
'Oao roBto truai Uiai la ato.
Lmm BMtelM- wrf K«rT>
to that
YWa r»a* a* BHlMa mt QiM
(Mar aac tar to
Tw*. taro aDt Dralk roso aRM
Oaaw mmtm and dm acala.
TUti Tmt-No 75&
nmnirt tmt
rarUuBMt to KmI oad AntborlM
OflM Wiu fuwM MiOOe
Ai4tUMal Km *»
«M7MMtB*port«0rD«lrbf thi.
to u
•Mtto Oapa Towa-naaaa Ttoo»
•hlaa Sato tead'M VoroM.
I^oadoa. Oalohar 7.—h rofal procUOalobar I? aad aatboritlat tha ealUar
•.taf totarraaaraaaiffhad Ult aa>n-
BacUa*-* Pmuad tor TomoU ronm
Up WrotthM.
WMblartoa. 0- C. 0«t. 7.—rrmmk U
BmII of Um tra of Pour Wrlffbi O
Boa of PhUadalphIa waa bafora iba laMr. Naan
aald that ataaa tha Traaaraal qaaatioa
bad haiawi aoau Oraat Brttala had
tahaa at Uaat aaaaaty-tta aniili that
la tha fonln
eanTtaf trada of tha Oaltad Sutaa.
Tba roaolt had haao a okarhad adraaaa
la fralirht rataa. Mr. MaaU doelarad
that tba tquafa of AwartoaB vaaaato
araUabto for oaaaa traSo did aol av
oaad Mo.ooa. wbaroaa tha total tMoaaa
of tha raatela of tba world waa «t.000,.
000. Ba faaorad tha porehaaa of
alca baUt roMato. Tbaooat to Im la
■oropa thaa hara. Mr. NaaQ aaaoasaad bbaaalf aaoppoaad toa dtooinlaatlac doty f<w tbb raaaoa that ha ballarad
aoeb a a^otam woold praelpltata ra4Uatory ■aaanraa oa tba ptrt of otbar
oaUooa. Beaatd that tbara waa-aot a
Kre. lUto AeUna Foieoned
XlU bar Toang
•oa aad Baiaalf at ThonpaoaaUla
la tba tamo ■inaar Orfa
aad IMlharataly Tlaaaad-Mmguldad Voi
Oaar Oaath of Haabaad.
ThompaoarUla. MHb„ Oet. 7.—Mra.
Mau dakiaa, a woman abont »S ymra
here, abanrad with the mvrdar of bar
-TbaftaMiana lor aarrioa la Booth
girl baring bank polaoaad by her mothAIrtaa, tha war oKaa aaaooaaaa. will
w. Tba womaa alao attempted to kUl
> Moadaj. H to
honelf aad aoa, Glen, aged ala. bat
nMoiatftorWMUth that tha-a4•baity will orgaatoa a'"
Mra dakiaa and bar two
lor thaOapa.
eama U from Honor yaaurdaj and
Tha O
about towo uaUl ovealng. wbao
a wUl ba laaaod today for tba
Mra. dakiaa aaenrad a room of Laao------ ^ of
rf roaarroa
roaarraa ha^ara^
aacaaaary w
to brioir
onop ,, ““ ** oompaaad aaUraly of Amarluaa lord BmlU of tba Oommeinlal BoUl
•aory battalloo ordarod to Booth dtrlaa
aaylag Uat aba and bar oblldrao
Mltofall atraofth of l.OOO saa.
gedag on to Grand Rapida In Ua momThe womaa and eblldran rotirrd
tora Oalobar IT tha qoaaa baa alaa
at Ua aaual hoar, and aoUlag axwe
aoaantod to tha ooaUaupea la tba
waa heard of Uam until Uto moralng.
army of all aoldlara oow aamaf.
’boo ahe oalled to a lady pamlng along
nriul Baffled the Big TaohU Ua hall that bar little biy waa having
.....llndlurllj b.
diaebarra or ttaaafar to tba raaerraa.
apaama and abe would Ilka %o have a
Tba war o«
phyaleian eallad. ''boeiora HUven and
tha proalaotailoo oalllac c t tba TOMcDermott were anmmoaad, and upon
Ooald Vot Oat Or«r Ooaraa la Tima— enlartng tka room, found Ua daughter
t, tt.OOO man will ba <
Tbto forward moramant to lolly oooi
Both Beau X* pi lf«ar Togcihar oa Marjorie lying dead In bed and tha
d by atorlaa of mUltary proTrfp aad Bhamrock Bhowad that moUar and bar lUUa eon Qiao very
pitloni la tha Traaaraal aad Orao^
•ba Baa Xaoelleai •alllog OualHIea. aleb with all Ua iadleatlom of potooalag.
NawlYork. Oet. 7-Tba third at
Ost, -.—Tha balb of the
Inquiry of Ua moUer alleitad Ua.
Mwa from tba Traaaraal oooalry yaa tempt batwaa the ^raat yaebla tbto Caet that aba had mined thirty graina
afternoon proved to hr a diale again. of morphine wlU wine and beraalf and
t^dayrauud to tha
owing to leekwind eaoagb to earry
i^rtroopa toward tba troatiar.
tba children bad Uben it. Mra. Aikica
terao «B0 baa boaa flrad. aad tha tba boaU over the ooaiua within the bad baeoma very alek| aharward and
papara thia moralaf pradlet time limit.
fearing the doae would not proye fatal
It waa another drifting matob and
tha praaaat altaalloo omy aotat for
had awailowed an annee of chlcmdot:
both boata ahowad an cquaUty In mqay and ttoanty graina of ooeaina. Prom pt
aeaa tlsr.
Bowarar. tha oomaoil of war of
lea by Ua dockva soon pnt Ua two
Boar taaatato oa Ua Matal border haa
•Bflfaran oni of danger.
waa eallad o«. dt tbto Uma tha
.dUoaiailBO aapact. Tba raporta
raporu of
The following lettar was^foand la
tba mmirtaaoa raoalrad hare ara raf oa. yaehu were Are mtlea aontb of Ua
> iodloaU aetloB of------- dntob llna
‘•To whonavar flada-Tnlagrapb to
Tba preparatory gun waa drad at Avery Tbomaa. Honor. Mieh. aad If ba
irt’ U to daamad^w^^probabla
ii«3 aad tba waralag gaa at a:ia.
Uat to la
Both yaebta ware near tha Una, whaa ■7 rrlp. eapea. batoand aboaa. There
tha froatlara. They ara aot tralaad tba alartlng gun waa flrad at tl;ta.The la money eaongh to pay for my room
Boopa. Bach atao haa bto own oplaloa. OolnmbU oroaaad Ua llna at lUriiOt and aaad a telegram aad to bay ui all
aad thara to a tout lack of ar.rythla* with tba Sbamroeb aa«anUan''naMia; apairofetxklngm. Take off my ring
hablad bar.
nqalalu for aaaiaload aoeq«p»at.
aad aeod It to Meat Pred Agan, Central
dt lull Ua yaebta bad aeUad about Lake. MIeh. Wa will all have to be
The Oraaga Fraa 8UU ^tar^J
MUa^ too toaa Of aoal haU^laB^ n mile, Ua OoUmbto aUU ahead. She bnriad in Ue eloUee we bare here. I
Oapa Ooloay. wbtob. addad to otbar •aamad u ba drawing Inway from don’t want any Uronda for any of ua.
Ua Bbamioek. bat Ua
waa vary We won't bare to have our bodUa
patoofhoatmty.toMMlac ^
waabad.onty onr arms and faeaa. Tbara
dt 11:01 tha Oolnmbto atlU lad by aa to*no aaad of *■ ..qemt for I am in my'
••a of tha roflmaata aow anirlag
tm India ara batag paahad to tha eighth of a mlia. but. Ua Sbamroek'a right mind ana have intended U> do
big aplaaakar waa drawing very wall, Utofor two yrvrv Be sure Uat ws'
Taal Elrar aa qalokly aa poaalbla.
while Ua Oolnmbla'B did aob
ara really dead baforq we are .bnriad.
ttoopa hrtlalaf at ©arbaa.
dtl»:l0thaabamroek had blankat‘•Mstc AsKina"
Beraa troopahlpa ha»a already arrirad
ad tha (UambUeadet. 11:14 paaaad
Tba woman was plaead In ebarge of
at Darbaa. brloglag a total of t.WO
bar U Btarhpaid and took tba land. lha oaeara and ebe diauiod Ue follow
Mb. Thara ara alao foar warahlpa.
Thn yaebta ware than aboat aavaa lag talegrau.. wi.teh was aaat to Avery
lha Tartar. PblUaaal. Maglclaoaa. aad
Un^. Micb:
,, at Darbaa. aU of whiah will mUaa down Ua flrat 1« of Ua aonrae.
dtl»:47Ua6bamraek paaaad Long '•Margie to d. ad lam arraatad. OWUl
Uad aaral.foreaa. la eaaaof a I
Tha Oolambla waa fifty yoa ooma lo>4.i-jiataly7
aaaoada bahlBd her. dt 1:05 haU ap
Tha praaaaoa of thaaa troop, baa
By dlreetlon of Proaaeutor Warner.
peared U ba raaning lor Ua mark.
broagbt groat rallaf to tha paopla of WIU Ua wind aa It atood Uaa U did
eoroaar'a i I'-y was Inpaaeled aad
Ctopa Towa.who ara new harboring l*.- aot appear aa If Uay oould flntoh with after taking t.>me tmUmoay adjouraed
POO Band rafngaaa. Thara are t.ooo
in tha Uma limit aa H waa blowiag bat to 9 o'clock Monday morning.
Urea baola from Ue norU norUaaat
Mra Aaa'naandaoD wUl live, and
thoaaaada more ara aa route. Tha
dt l:tt Ua Bbamroek iaereaaad bar akeeapremaa no aorraw. eaoapt that
Woamn'o Ballaf commlttaa to boey oar
lead. Tba boata aaamad %o ba aboat a bar attempt wat only partially
lag for them- Pnafla have baea ratoad qaarter of a mile apart to obaarvara.
b, popaUr aabaeriptioaa Tha rafagaai
Doriag tba east tea mhiataa. however.
Mra. Aakini wm dwpoadent over the
r Ineuaara of braUl bad to ba galDlag daaU of bar faaiUad. which
ba^on Ua part of Ua Boara. aiU OB bar rival.
about two years ago, aad It to belli
aigbt tmvallag baa bean aaapandad la
Aatba boats turned Ue outer mark Uat bar mind was affseted. Uongt
o^quaaaa. Wonan aad ahUdraa
I ran Ua Shamrock waa a laagU |a Ua sbs dselarm la bar note that ahe wat
have baea UeaUad. and aeveral ebUd- land. A11 :M boU wore aailtag ahreael
la Ur right mind.
onUaboawward beak
At 7:14 tba Bhamrech atUI held tha
The Daily Mall aaaoaaem Uni| Ue
land. BoU ware oa tba port taek aad
MMwvee ol Ue Ttoat drmy Oorpa ware
^lad out today.
Bad Cross ••Misty OoUaeUng Panda
At >;ie Ua Oolambla waa leading.
Tba oOcial flgurea give Ua Uma of
aad Maa ara Volaataarlng for
lha dntoh. Oolamkia. ttol-ttiSharnfack,
Ua Plgbtlag IdBA
.. . .... ... , ^
Imadoa. Ocv 7.—Tba great qaaotioo'
la Brittoh yaebtiag dralw aow to
whether Llpton. In tha araat of Bbamrook wlaalag tba eop. ought aot to ba
•bar of that aaolaalva I
body, tha Royal Taebt aquadtoa, <f
whleh tha Priaaa of Walaa to
dora aad tba Marqito of Ormoada alaaTba Royal Yaeht aqnadroa to tha moat axelmlra body ?
world. Tba lata J. L. Aahbvy, owner
of Chmbrle. waa paratotanUy blankof Ba
from eajoylng tba privilagaa of tha
Oaatla at Oowes tor many a day. Up
ton haa powartnl baekara, bat be alao
Admiral Raid to Bava Adviaad Ua
rreaidaat to Read Ua Bead of
Ua Army to Haalla.
New York. OsL 7.—A dUpateh U Ue
Joarnal from Waablngtoa toy that
when Present McKlDlev aaked Ad
miral Dewey to my fraokly wbai would
reetore peace 'a Ue tolanda. he aald:
••Mr. Preeldeat. I abould send Oener
a) Miles, the head of Ua army, to Ue
••I abould atooaand General Merritt,
who to the aeoond ranking < ffl mr of Ue
Tlie Sbamroeb again prorad la ba a
ilgbty flaa bonk galalag H aaomda la
Ua raa to Ua staka.Tba oplaloa of
Ua ra- pane to that Ua eballaager dU Uttar
work to Ua windward Uaa Ua dafaadpr«fUaOBp Bhawaaatoa haauttfally baadlad. T>a raaan kept eloae t*:
gaUar dartag tUruoand atUa aad of
Ua flrat hoar wera abeam. Ua Shamaland. Rgperto
that Ua raea should b^la
Bnmdna Xepert That Jhtoru Oaar of
o'rtonk la Ua moralag. whaa Ue wiad
BMla aad aa Bagllah PrUaeaa
wa Utoaly to eoatlaaa laag aooagh
to allow e« a datoh bafOra Ua aaplraOev 7.—Tha Oraad Daka
ttoa of Ua Uma limit.
Mtohaal. broUar of tha caar. aad tha
Mxt belr U Ua Raealaa Uroaa. to fotnguRalmaralWvtaliUa qaaaa. It
to whiBpand that thara to aomt Idea of
I Ua Gtnad Duka
^ Prlaaam Hargnrat of Ooaanaghi, ■r. Pat^ K. XoldowarU Tbkm a
Popalar SahaolTueBar flor a
oUerdaagbUr of tha Duka of Ooa'____ »■. who wlU oe'abraU hor laU
U Jaaaaiy Utaad Daka
Mim e. Roby Dana of Uto
_ waa bora fit ird^aad kto
Mr. Parey M. BoldawmU of WUmlgr^UTtoge to maab daMud hy hm
haa. BorU OhmUaa. ware qalatty
■arrtadat Ua hams of Ua brlda'a
yaraaiB oa Wmk HfghU etoaat. laM
SE^MmMMMUa atautaa of avaalag at at|ht a'eloek. Rav. D.
llB parformad Ua aaramoay la Ua
DUIETir MlffllEO.
ToartaaaU Waddleg i
Mr. aad Mra Akmao Fu
aa NlaU
^ *««>teg at Unto
sirask 8avanl ef Ualr trtsada ware
pcaaaak aad Ua aimilaa was a .voty
■srvsd. aad several valaable priiwki
The D. C. Cook Co’s Series.
“MARTI” A Btorj of the Cuban war
correspond with the latest research 6o
•THE LAMPLIOKTEaS” Verj fascinating so
at 25c.
pocket book*
Saturday we unpacked the largest line of
Sha^saodtrimmingA Prices range from 50c to
of a kind but a large assort-
290-229 Front Street
Balpb Oonoable Jr., Xabs^.
.gillie YES ’DEED SAH
All de world am aad an’ dreary
Without one ob dem
Seven Dollah
Newluid HaU
New Top CoAte
87.60. $10. $16.
S. Benda & Co.
j See Us
Wherevor you ko
You should wear
the new shoe for vouion.
The Binarteat boot of the day.
Faabicuable women all wear
Ibam./ Styles aoitable for
every oecasion.
t For Furs..
Several large shipments received this week
from prominent eastern mannfacturors—choice styles
A —late effects—correct in every way. Low priced for
the qnalilies. H,85 to »25.00.
For fall atroet and wet weath
er wear,
Light Kid Shoe* with weh
eoloa for street and awell
dress service.
and floe kidsboeawUblluIesolas
for dress tceations Tbry're dif
ferent from all others. ’The btet
skoes sold at any ^ios. All style
Monday and Tuesday, Oct 9 and 10,
-Mr. H. H, Sheets who repreeents one of the olddst and moat
reliable Fur Factories in Uiis country, will be wit'i lu.
Fur Garments
and Small Furs
$3 50 a pair.
The Leadlog Shoe House
of allkinde.willbesbown. It is needleaa to say that thia line
repraeeoU the highest standard of excellence in style, qnality
and workmanship at attractive prices
ed to esamme same on above dates at
Yon are ttordislly iovit-
torllB. Uetobar ?.-At Imipalc Ua
Pao.'iaraiaale union bus aaat a i
mlttea to latorm Ua Red Cram eoolety
In Hollaad of its lateatioa to help
Uelr broUeis In Africa If war eaaoes,
aad aBBoaaem a luaee-niacting ta protaat agalaat Ua Bagllah poaltlom.
TU Pan-Oarmaa unioa to eompesid
of oaUualMU wU want to aaaan Bolland. Switalaad. aad Ua fUrmaeblag pan of Ai
. ferUa Basra oxtoads.
bowavar, to aU alaaam aad partlaa. 'A
A volantom oOrpa of aaveral haadred
taa to forming la Ratohaabanr.
loUmla. TU Oarifaaldtota ta Italy
Good Reading
-There will bean adjrarnad meeting
of tba eliy conncll tomorrow evening.
IT unoM vua.
Saggmtrd that Ba ba Admitted to
Boyal Taebt Bq ladroa.
The meo who makee e bit in
boaiaew is the msB who is thoroitoAly ap.to-dste.
If yon don't hare a Ulephuie
people are lUble to think that yon
are slow.
They -will probably
bink that yon are
van slower than yon
Nobody wants to
I deal with peofila who
Bow la tha tlma to bny yonr lUl and winter
footwear. BTerything yon nood can ba fbnnd
At OOP Store.
We here pUoed on ulp for thia week 48 pairs
of lAdiss button shoes, formerly sold for $1.85
And $1.60-ttae^ go Rt 86c.
See our WATBKPBOOir 8HOB for Udles —
$8 60 bays it.
IcNimra Itocl.
■ -'5
•THB MOaifllfO ItatfOMD. WMPAT. OOTOB»m S. 1999.
vmAVXscx orrr, •
mm, «. .Basw a»
f. KAMra. MtMr
W. BA>n
AaorsEM <xsl« an* to U* kklescM
0t tte wind to recorded la the loft ot
«k<r«TMt tMlaff
bTMM preveated a r*w IIm WmS'
•o* Kala pr«i«d tba akUi of bar da•tCMraadot bar aoBmaadar, aadU
•ha OelBBbU wlaa aba will have a bl^far )ob oB bar baada tbaa aa/ of ber
peadaoeaaow la Uia. cap ccbUcU hare
•■partaBead. Tba Sbaiarock to aaplaO'
JU BpaelBiB of Ba«lbb ablpbBildlBp
•ad iba OolBBbUooiBbloeaall tha>«la
•lapqaallitoaof tbc foiiaar eapdefrad0n. Tha eoataot wbtob baa baea IbfBe
Hmm loft U doaM «U1 tbarafora ba
^•Mma UeTaehtplaau of tba ara.
la tba
(fsltad SUtaa darlaf ibe pact year baa
la aad the preaent oat*
}90k to tbai It win aoBUaaa. lo ibe
•iM moBtba laadlBf Saptambar M,
iiToe BUoa of new railroad were laid,
••1 beforeJaaeary I Ibto wUl prob
ably be iBcraaaed to 4 ooo allaa. Tba
VO'k to retarded by iba lack of Ubor
Md Isabimy to oblaio ataal rallt for
iBMadlata dellvaiy. Thera ara
datprcaasief alelap la the
Mrd roah of proapertly.
dbmlS Adam Bclllagar of lldgU,atr
B^deM wf LatiUaaa Oomaty atod tba wa* 1* tba Mty yaatarday.
Mr.aadMra.A B. Walt hara gawa
mlmwla Bagar fee tba BtaatiM
10 Alba to rtoit talatlraa
. BaUv^ Uaaa U >rwipaet
M- Obarlla of Biagbam. wa* la tba
Tba moramaat la tba dlraetlcw of aa eity yaatardar.
alaawla tailwaT >o Mo^port aad
Jadga Pred W. Meywa ratarwad to
aronad tba paaiaeaU waa tba prUaipal
• and wife of MapK
toptoof diMBMkwoa
tba tanner* and dcaiare from both aao- City, were In tba nty yeaterday.
Uema yaatarday. Tba aeade of aaah an
Mlw Mabal Bebofield to atCerlag
improTcmeat to gimUy fait aad tl» with atalarUI tarer.
raalduu U the tarrllory to be fararad
Mr*. Leri Boaia hae gone to Maple
will lead arary aaooaragemewt to tBc City to laapeet Ue Womaato Baliaf
peomotaee of tba aatarprtoa. W. C. Oe^ ad tbat pUwtba. procaotar. waa eagerly
Arebitaet P.; B.
aoagbvaad UianlMad regardUg tba tba eity ymtarday frtm a trip to dagproapeeu for tba eaanmmaikm of tba laaw.
aatarprtoa. Mr. Jobncoa bald oat aeHiB. & Oarlaad of Detroit m rkitBg
arr pomlUe cacoaragcmcai aad u trUad* la lb* eity.
nred tboaa who talked with him that
Mia. B. C. Bodge to rtoltUg trtoada
tbe plan* were rUMwably ■are of tae- la PraaklorV
aem prorldUg tba rcaMcata taTe tbe
Georg* Oalklaa ha* lataraid from
aaaoaiagemaai tba Improreaient da- Cbtoago, wbera be hqp parehaaad fursItar* for the aew barber abep tbat ba
Wbaa tba uperu and manager of U to occupy lu partaarublp wltfi J O.
tbe New York buke,> . each bare tbto Langwori
week they will be Ub^. over tbe proBherlifl Slmpaoa.wu la William*,
po««d rootaa and a^>itnl Urritory burg and Blkj Baplda yeaterday, aab.
anil tbe adraaiage* bioagbt to tbetr
notice. Mr. Joenaon w»U ramali here
hare been •rlaiUng Mr. Deaanme'a
^boattwowayk* to paib tba pr>j
pareato. Mr. aadMia. B. P. Dcu
of Maple City, pataed Ibroagh Uto city
yeaterday oa tbelr way horn* to Holley
Tba badaaae of tba apple araphrator Nprlnga. Mtoa
N. W. Herrington ot Solon, wa* In
to oa taa;laemaa. aa tba wUtar applaa
beglatoaomala. Tba eapaelty of tba tbc city yaatarday.
Ed. Pray of Mabal waa U tbe cHy
plant to not nearly reaobed, bowarar.
aad they wUl ba abU lo baadla aU tbe yeaterday.
Mr*. A A. MeOaybaarataracdaf-<
applea tbai can be faratobed them.
rtoit at Grand Baplda aad HadaOB, lad.
Tbemembaraol TrarerM City Teat
Mia. J. G. JobnaoB ratanad Uat
No. 171, K. O. T. M.. wilt meet at aooB
t>day«farlb<parpoaa of marching U
Prank Wiataky, clerk at the Park
a body to rlew tba^malaa qf Alfred
Place, will atUad^the fwtlral iaCbieaKarranv
and after a few day*
dmeag the ImproTcmbata being there go to Milwaukee for a rtoit.
mane by tbe C. A W. M. raUroad, Are
Mr; and Mtu. Don 6. Dean of Sutton*
aew uaoka will ba laid U tba round Bay. war* U tbe eity laM cranlag to
bonaa, doabiiag lie eapaelty.
attend Iba weddlag of Mr. Deanto aU
Tmeane City Lodge No. m, T. A d ter. Boby. to Percy M. Holdawonb.
M.. wlU bold a epcelal
telal eornmna
Or. J. A. Bnydar baa goa* to BalaMonday Bight for toork on tbe B. C
u. B. Oordaa o< Lalaad to la the olty
8B. Blackwood waa la tbediy from
(HtyCUrk Blekaitf la eeadliv oat
BoUemtotbaowaare of propatiy who Lalaad yeaterday.
It to qaaer tbat the 1
iaiay 1b aetiial boalBaaa 1b tba TibocPMl bat Bot baas atora feBarally
IPMWB. Wbao Jobs »Bb11 c«ta tbat
yMbtrBaatffkto baada ba win bare
■are tlM to look aftar tba mtle difl
aalty wUb Oom Paul. Tbarafeea tba
Taa owner will
aaqpar Maw York eaa farstob a bbIi- be required ta mead tba wallm or hare
•bU braetatbeaoowibawar mH»- tbam repaired by tba eity, aad thaoeat
^t will lwrta.
***'*** ^ tawpartj.
•ra waidaaa*wUi eater apoa
W faraacB aad boalseoa
tbair datiaa Monday. Tba property
aty aad OB tba paBlatBla owaare will all rteelva a copy of tba
faUybppraclaUibaTalae of tba asdra ofdlBiaee. aad the wardaaa wUl
tarprtoa wbtob prostoea railroad faaaforeeUa
k lYaecraa Olty
There wUl ba a BkeaUeg of ibe Uni
•Bd It win Bot be tbair 'faoU If ibe
form Raak, K. of P.. Taeaday ara
aad erery member to eepactolly urged
t) auend.
Tn reporu front London and tbe
Tbe qnaiiarly meeting of the Ladin'
•Traatraal are TBrlable apd tbe lataai
Library Aeaoelation to bare^ been held
saw to that beatllltlaa eaaaot be preyeaterday. ba* been poatponed
tatftad. Tbto Bornlat'a dtopatcbM
vara a yraea atpact and U aaeaac tbat
At'tbe Allegan fair Priday Tcmmy
• ^beasbe delayed bnt a .iltUe
M, B H. Baltobory'a'gnldeltu apeeder.
waa eaoortcd to tbe track by the New*boyaBand of Orand Baplda, and be to
It will Bot 00 to coani toa atrowyly
aatd to bare eaade tbe faatait time
VMB faroriDftrblB lb
tbe track. flatoUag the lui
aratara antll tba •Qblcayo featiral baa
half mile la
one qnarlar la ni,
pBiaad IdIo hlatory.
acoooda. and one eighth la 1&H aceond*. with the track tmly ia fair
n'of Edtooa'a lataat lion.
« In tbaiCliy Opera Hoate nut
Parmer* are beglaalag to take adWadBMday will atlrBet eonajderablr rantage of tbe opportunity clTcrcd br
•tlaatlon. The afreal Fitaaimmooa- the Miebigan march 90. to take tbelr
Mrlea batUe In tba rinq will ba rw eull potato**,
(ieraral load* were reffodaoad and the new wacblne will oelred yeaterday and arraagemento are
UlTC tba abimated illuatratioaa la bat- belag made for mer<'deU*eriea Tbto
lar forai aad qraataraocarBcy than any
yaartbere.ia an Dananal quantity of
dlalUr apparatua that baa erar been
cull* and green clock, owing to tbe
dry weatbir and froaie, and tbe pquto
It was a very large andlenoe and a grower* are fortnaate In haring a
■oat appreclallre one wbkb wUneued market for a great deal of atock tbat
tba prwenUUon Of “On tbe Bnaanae oonld not And a market eUewhere.
Klrar" in Stelnbergb Urand laat cran
An American flag at the apei ot tbe
ia. Before tbe rtoe of tbe corUln. tower ot tbe new court boote yeater.
•taadlnq room Ucketa were told, and day bnnounoed that tbe workman had
’ paly a few aaata In tbe parqMt rereached the-top. LiTbe woodwork cl
BBlaed eaeant.'- The play la a bcautl- tbe tower to completed and tbe alau
fal heart atory with tbe aoeae laid In roofing to in progi
tba plotnreaqna anany aontb, IntroduLPeuvoe* la the local market brought
Us typical ;aontbcni eharactaim and
10 eeaU yeaterday.
popalar plantation muate. There la a
It mnelnq tbrongb tbe
pUea wbieb>ppeala to tbe r
aldeofone'aaaUre. and tbe etory to PropoaltioB ta Orgaalae fer Clay
told with a realtoB wbleb commande
a. and tbe piece to
Tber* to aome Ulk among lorera of
apli^Iy etaqed. Tbe ebaraetera ara
abootlag about the pnapeet of argaalzU ueellent handa, and tbe oaat to
lagagnnelub. A few y*an ago tber*
Mecb atraoqu than when the play
a goa club formed
preBeatad bare laat aprlaf.
beia of tbe We-que-loag elob aad
Hte BtalU Maybaw. aronad whom iba
tor two aaaaoaa there waa eowaUerabl*
•blaf lBtareat[oaatraa. entered tba
riralry batwaantbe leealeapartmtarki
art with I
man. COay plgaoa abaotlagba* Ita fae1 chanalBC UtuprataclaatioB* aad’there are maay exparto la
tiaa of a typical ncfro mammy, with
Uto:eity wbo^ra made good laeocda
big heart and the geanlBa aagr
Daring the life of .the laat gun elab tbc
bamor.l^Wbaa tbe play waa bare b*
eoBtaat* took place on the We-qua-toag
lue Mtoa Maybaw
elnb groanda, bta It to
tbto tlma the tooa the andtonce by better plaeegmn be found, Amowg tbe
•Urmaad bald tba moat Utaoa* ia
upon markamaelwbolmtceted in tbe
Urcei tbroagb the aleae. She to Aaaly
fortaer organlatlon were Dr. 8.
OTppoelad. tbe*olbar ^araetcr* bring
Sawyer, Ual Perry. ea-Aldcnnaa Daa•Bong aad la talented hand*. Tb*
mond. J. a. (Sbrlgley. Pred D. Oartto
Ppaatala Clty -quartai tntroduaad old
aad a few -otbei*, who wUl proba^
time planiailOB atelodtoa aad aoag* take an aetirc Intareat U the propoaad
and with tbelr ueellent toIo**
Ubltobad. the repatattow they made
. to propoeed to ba«c a aertea of eone^B bera. twfora. Tbe play to oae
a to takc;p]aea tbto faU at frequent
arblcb will grow upon tbe pablle aad
with tbto
Mbate to tbe atage one of tboae plaea* Qnyea Portrait fta*
wbleb nercr wear onV
For » day* anly, if you will trad* |l
at WiIhFla, Baiiak A Co., a chance
T* Ourm • OoM In Ond Day.
of* lUe Urn*. See tbe arttot i«Mk
Tike Waiamto White Wtnepd ttor 6>Ttip
la tbelr window. Hare for a abort
Iba bem cough ftmedy on eaith. ftau,.
timely. B* formerly did only gu
At a maaa meeilar of the eadeU of
tbe Oobard Uke MUitaiy Academy,
Tbto aaaoeUtkm
bare ebarg* of all aiadant eaterprtoea.
aoeb aa tbe albletle icami, tbe mnaieal
olub* and tbe Uterary aocleUe*. Tbe
pswereftbeaBaoeiationtooantered In
a board of direeioia which to eompoacd
ot two reoreeenUtlre* of each aludeoi
faculty. The object of tbe orgaolta_. ..
___ 1- .______ 1_____ ___________ J
ia to place di'totudent ______
upon a amootbiT working baai* with
• hand* ot tbc
otdeta Llentenaat Betheriogton of
Kauaa*. waa elected prcaldeot: rice
preaideui. Swart of Iowa; aecretary
Terrle of llllnou: teeaanrer, Piu
pauick of Illlnola.
V3x±a ia m 'bacbvxtiT-.
IraaM QmM Arjovwad Tcnettey
Mama MatU Keadag Mtealag.
Oaart adjoBiwad yaaueday at aoow.
> meet Mowday mining at 10 o'claek. |
Tb* Uat CBM bafora tb* aoart wa* tb* ;
raalula appeal. Ana* re. Bapbaa).
wbleb waa begaa PrUty. Tb* taetlrnowy to act all In. ard tbu eau b*a
baea adjourned ua laiww.y ot tbto
weak, at »:M o'clock.
Tba court will aonreaa Mowday
moraiag, for tb* aoaalderatleo of
euanaary eaiee, Tb* demarrer aad
motion far acaarlty of eoau. Woodnrard
d. ba* baw Ukea aader
adrtoement by tb* aoart.
Noaantaaee* were Impoced ia aay
of tbe erlmUal eaaa*.
Tbara are a nambar of ctaanacTy
matters to come up tbto week aad tbe
replerln appeal suit will occupy eoacld
arably more time, ao tbat it to not u
peetad that a flnal adjoarnmeat win
to* laaabed tbto weak.
flM ■i
izza pro. ksoo
Only $3.76
tro. eswa-w
Ooldao Qdk or *-lCAhogBa7
SoeUI Party for Married POlka.
Tb* fliat elnb party of the aeaaot
for Btarried folk*, will be giren on
Priday erentag.OoL ll.al tb* Academy,
City Opera Baoaa Vartan* game* ai^d
amuaemenU will beprotided for tboae
tbat do not ear* to join In tb* tfanelag.
Tbe aerie* yrlU aoaUoue erety two
‘k* ibronghout tbeaeatrn.
Lai^t lino <a Sock*
•rs in tho sUto.
I'Ai Front St J. W. SLATER'S loDSC Fnniishiiis Store
Arab Gibb* of MvAol- wu U tb*
city lut aighk
Dartag the winter of IM<: Mr.
wr. dame*
earn** w
Bead, one of tbe leading cii
It tent and i
merebanuofClay. Clay Co.,
~ Va, f
».. W.
atmek bto leg agalnat a cal ec of
w. ice
... lb #
each a manner u to bruiw it acverrly. It became
mneb awoUan
paiaed blm *0 badly tbat be could
yralk without tbe aid of .
wa* treated by phytleiant. aUo u*ro
aereral kind* of Hulmcnt ard two and
a half gallon* of wbtokry In bathing It
bat nothing gar* any r«tl<r uo‘ll br
nalng CbnmberUto'a
rUto'a Pain Bali
TbI* brought
‘Oiplete qorr ; A
tn a week'* timr and be bri
»ltoye* li.ali'
bad be not naed tbto remedy bi* leg < ^
would bk*e bad to be amputated. Pain ‘ «
Balmtonnequlcdfcirapraina. bruiaa*;*
Walt and F. C. TbompaoD.
; ••••
-w «.
On the lOth of C
nl. W.
edaaerrre czld wbleb waa aiiended
from tbe beginning by riolent oougb
ing. Be aar/: - After reeorUng to a
nnmbrr of ao^Ued topee,fim.' uaually
bed in tbe bouac, to no purpoae, I
pnrebaard a bottle of Cbamberlalnto
Cough Brmedy. wbleb acted like a
m. I moat eta
Wait and F
Kimball Pianos and Orenns
a-e uaed and endoraed by tne leading
fflua:r aD« ererywhere. No. K'b Front
aireet. N. B Strong, manager. 7ftS h
Calf Boots,
Grain Boots,
Kangaroo Boots,
Kip Boots,
Hip Boots,
Rubber Boots.
Frank Friedrich
Nevermore bo than now. Each department packed fUllofthe best
productions pfevery market, bought with judgment that
years of experience has given, and that only spot
cash can buy Close margins move our
goods quickly, giving you a constant
ly changing, up to date atock.',
Hunt ’er
Than A Brother ’
Did you ever
A man beoatne Kepamted from
luB wife,-wliile Blmpping. A»k
Tlif glufS and rooeilagtw we 8‘°P ‘f
People goiter.
ed whert. he'd be likely to find aell.
Diainond and Sanford
l^“ow as little about drugs
her. Said ahe waa looking for. Crvatn Paitte, beat for everyday •• ahy‘-•ommodily on the marBed Room Snita. “Why at the .nse, 5c tbe bottle.
“Aliaointe parity" is the
Oompany’B of courae,* wa» the glne * beet on earth” cornea jnlBtampon all onr good*.
They’ve got a dandy,; 5c and 10c bottlae and in 25c |
Department givea
Looked for her and found Vr.
and 50c cana.
jyou the b-at of aervice.
Put Silverware!''2*''His
If you were
Smekery. Smekery
Sneeze Qijggjj Victoria
Gnt Glaae—China on a roi
table'cloth—how doea it Itx^l'.be goea prowling ironnd the
Table cloth ape^ it ail—Bay a' honae wondering where he'.yon coold of ooorae have a ail>
fine aoft table cloth, will make' cat^ht hia cold. He didn’t boy mounted cooeb-^itb gold clolh
the plaineet aeUinga look tasty,' tbe right kind of a stove. The i and set with (^diamonds, but it
if not rich. We’ve aome new fire wouldn’t burn half tbe time.; would be no'taore comfortable
Damask linen, 72 inchea wide, !Ten mioutee'of bis time would than outa at $ti.50.
a beauty at $1.(0 tbe yard. I have giv^ him A Garland or a years of wear in them—Shape
Xapkina to match at $3.60 the:RonndOak for $12,00, $14.50, right—frame atrong-epringa
dozen. (Cheaper goods if yoo;i6|00 to $35.00—or a Boae'good—npholatrya beauty—let's
j Heater for $6.60.
send one op.
The Haimah & Lay Mercantile Go.
1W wont Ihtat U»Mr
P hMtaffloMtMri »lih to tk* gn-r*.
7w4tkM. Mt. Ho** mrnmmr wm
vWtoidUtowMk Md BM7 kwBtiM
•owMMoiM. Ad*toeUf«wUlbt«»ptOT^ os U« «M*.
irvrtorwwk OwlBc to » protoetive Uw. itoe BofiPmUost. Brows of Um ototo Uto »» rt*« Md tribouriw ore filtod
-----------------------------MoA naii^
cwnUMhw my
ibot bowltkloh. Tbo.o«d.ofp*rofc«o bobM boos ktpi bM7 touiy lot^t ^ eootbt dsUj wltb s book Md iW.
bfur oowo tbot on »a«iod wUb
At Boyal Obh to a eldar am wUeb to
TbtodtooMooppMtobo owaed aad operated by a woaaa, wllb■era prooaloM to MtohifM at prm- ootaaatotaaee of aay ktod fi«a tbe
Mt thu OW tootoo. Ao 0 nto tbo otboreea.
MtMto OM be eoKd. The oopcrTtoor
Mra. Abel Ctorr of 0
Am MtboHtj to istoe the oooiuttoo Borriea ooaaty. aycd M yaare.baatoee
by Abonitai of (be ooMtootoswith bar daoybter to etolt bar atoler.
Tbero to a esrtato fa^Mr to Alpeu ayed lOI yeara, wbo Urea at Oarltole.
OMaly wbo baa Areal blib to ibe Pa. Mra. 9arr bad aotobeea to Pobbfataraoftbaaooalled barroM of the aylraBlaelooe aba waau yeara of aye.
wo( the atole aa al^badaevar
a railway ear prevlpUoa for ratotoy eaiUe. Be baa bcafkl
. trip
torte traeto of toad, whlob eaa bo
Stafford of Nortb Braaeb,
boByht ebeap. aad to poutof all ibe
raieed.st&bBabeleofaatooa Bee aorce
aoaey boM ratoo toio abeop. Be of yroosd tbto aaara. aad tbtoke „
tw Ue aboap oat oa tba toad, wboro kaa doae )oat a MtUe better tbaa aay
tbair paaiaraca ooata btoi praeUoalJy [ other Urator to tbe whole a^^
~M^a». aad be Utok, be to yoto, to I Miebiyee
■ake aaore moaey oat of tbe la
Amoay a party of vimion to toe Je<^It tbaa be eoaU oot of a yold mloa
eon euie prtooa yvaa a womaa wbo eaw
bar baeband to eonvlet yarb. Tbto wae
Tbe people of Nllaa are prepartoy a toeArettoetehe knew where he wae
plaaaeatearprieafot Obarlaa Mltiball.
loeated. Bedtoappearvd it yeara aya
boyler of toe O.yapia. apoa bia arrival Bto neae to Cyrf, Bcyera, and bto term
at tbe bom of bto boyhood. Ml ebll
willaborUyenptra. Tbe pair ware <|.
oooaded tba ordcte that eoBaeaeid
lowed to bare as bonr'e vtoli tcyetber.
tba battle of MaaUa.aM Nitoo to prood
ofhloi. Uebaa a Bother and etoter
Drntk and Dtoordarly
roeldtoy taare aad be bet writioo that
Too mneb Are water, aod oondnet
betoeoBtoy boaa Upoa bto amral
tbe arbe wlU be Uadered a yraod reoepuoa. that wae not becoalny,
AttOTMy Oeaeral Orea baa faraUtod raat of a man by toe nam of OUley
yeaterday. Jndye Koberta Aned bla
Sftandyi.ttooete. lobelp him remsBtbaatate depariaaat wtib farm ata> bar to be yood neat tima
Uatlea requlrad by. toe etatam. Tbe
atlomey yaaeral eaye it la the iaperatlvedeiy of Ue eup^rtoon to feratob
tbaae atottotlea, aad tbat they oaaaot
be axeaaed troB eaeartoy It oa aeooeot
of aa allayed lack of Um or beoaaaa
they are to iwoalra ao oompeaaa
Tba aaereiary of atoia la toforoied that
it to bto daiy to leport aeab aaparrl
wbo do Bot faratob tba toforaaUoa to
Mtoa BUa Botiar, ayad »7 yaara. aad
rasldtoy with bar motoar aasr Poatorto.
waa ^ktoy aroaad ao oU atove Fri
day Borptoy wbaa bar elothaa eauykt
Are. Ska waa ao friyfatfally beraad
thstabadladto a taw Btoutea. Ske
waa aloM at tba' Umi aad to to oot
knows Jaat bow tba aeeldaat bappesad.
Oeorye Oenaaa, a wall ksows farBer of OaHilaod ooaaty, atopped at tbe
Boul Bodyee at Poailac oa Tbereday
alybtaad blew oet tbe yaa. 'Be hae a
ebaaoe for bto Ufa
Mra. Bslly Snito. as^edlady fro«
Port Elyto. Uot.. pot Bp at a Saralee
botei. aod blew out tbe yai at reUriny
She waa f.ood dead the Dczt Borainy.
AtMooroe, Albert Lockwood, too it
ea-ProaecDllDy Attorney Barry
Lockwood, faai received a eev^rr
eOBcnaelon by betoy thrown froB bU
bicTCle. Tbe boy wae unooneclou for
eom UBe, and It ii feared tbat be to
eerkmaly irjared.
Aaa reeult of rldiny a bicycle at
nlybt witoont a'lamp, Elmer UlUetl.
llvlay at Byron, nwrly loai bto life in a
eolltoion, by mnnlny Into a riy drlrea
by Or. D B. Aodrcweot St. Loato. Aa
it waa, be waa thrown abool thirty
feat and bto head waa teribly cot and
btntoed. beatdea
tojcriaa. Be wUI recover.
Tbe barklay of bto doy wiU ooet Fred
Uoeu 9f Ooranna, tSOO.
Mra. Ida
Wllletu’ horae wae friybteaed by
OoetiV doy. a maaway eaenad. Lstar
aaaitwaabronybtforSa.ooo daaugw.
Tbe ptotoltff bat been awarded a Jodymeni.
The aaeent of Mlaa BelBoot to a'
balloM at the Eatometw fair wae
Badethrilllny by tbe dtorovery that
the balloon waa
Are. Mtoa BelaoLt
atsck to tbe trapcae natll 7ft feel In tor
nlr, when ahe ent looae, and dropped ,
aafely with toe paracbnta, which
opened qelekly, eaviny bar a bad fall.
Tbe Mlntoy Journal tolnka Marquette
to yolny to be a yreat tuBBter raaort
dty In a few yaara aad that tbe
travel to .already aettiny that wpy.
TbetaonaaotBoseyleft to toe city
by iSiriala toe paet enBraer to aeUmatod at SftO.ooa
At McBato on Friday Oeorye Teapla
wbo bad been drivtoy a damp eart at
Byraae' aaw bIU waa dtoeovered borled
to toe dnat heap daadfroa aaSoeatlos.
A farmer near Grand Barnn baa ban
axparlBasttoc la toe ratoUiy of peanuta
toto eeaaoa. wtto anch aneoeB that be
aaay yo into toe bnatoaaa on a laryn
aeale seat year, ae be hae demoMtistad that toe eoU thereabout to vrnU
adapted |or toe yiowiny of toe yoobere.
Aa a reaalt of laet week'a Beettoy of
too Lawae of Mlc
• baa bean aurtad to kave toe
lefMUIare start a aanlury eoytoeertoy
dapnrtamt aa aa adjubet of toe etate
board of health.
Tke auu board of oorraetloM aad
ebartOM baa aa «yly probtom to aolvr.
There wna an appropdaUon to put In a
beatlny plant at toe bmpltal of toe
boBo. Im bee made anch a bly ad*
vanea that toe work cunot be dona
lot toe amowl awropriabea.
tWbMeanba Aomk toaproUaB tor
want toeae qnaliUee
Klee’* New Life____ ___ _ ..
at Jamas 0. Jobaaonto and a B. WaiU
drny siOTea.
Tbe New Barvard Glide vrae inirodn^ at tbe Wlaooa Club party
iMt Friday rraoiny. A aamb^of
toe aemben quickly learned toe
—------ _
»ruj-. October;.
Pruidnt apolu >t OslMbora
Breatmaeeptloa on 'ibe Oemfnt at
■totorle Kam Ocl.ye.
. Whoopiny couch. Aa
F.mona Ocbete Beiwees Kepbes
A. Itonylae aad Abrabtn Xtoooto'
Totk Fiaoa.
Oaleebary, lU.. Oet. .7.—On toe
eampat of the htotonc Knoa eolleye,;
where forty-one yeare ayo Abr«baa
Ltoooln and Stephan A. Dnyla bad
toeir memorable aerica of dabatee to
determine which ebonldoeenpy toeaect
In toe United States aeaate. Praeldi
McKUiley and
Smith tbto aoratoy delivered eUrrii y .
ol U» «... ,
Met betwren toeee yreat leadara. of
former day*.
' '
At tbe conclaeion of tbe ezerctote
Tbe president
tlal party board* d
,h. d., b,
pixmlsent eft r tot to a lony line ct
Tbe entou
of toe I
Mew Jttcbiyan Te-epbonet.
yreeUoy all alopy the route vrae nnJ. bn Barry, manayer of the local e
boBoded. At toe eampne a yreeUay | ehinye of the Mtcblyao Tt
froB toeauteof nitooie was delivered bat eosnec'-cd toe foUowtny
by Senator Onllom.
Tbe praeldent {eeribert;
epuke br»fly, rtviewiny toe bieioric
J Stelabery. desk telepfcooe in addlepUodet oT tbe oonteei between Uoo to wall eek
Lincoln aod DonylamPark Place Hotal. ^ tolepbonn in
■ Ttaelr aaaoeiaUoa''said be,“bccaa to additioe to wall eet.'r
eonOIct aad ended In oo<oparatioD.Tbey
IftS-Mrt. Nettie Miller, reeldence
were aatayonUu for more than a y*n- Wurtbury H .ek.
eraUoa oeer the intrepretation of toe
Sft»—W. F. Benba, rcUdenee v ft
conailtutloo, and natited at latt when Union street
toe eoMtitniion itself wae aaaailed.
sav-May Pollock, reaidenec ftoe Wcai
They mlsbt d Iff tr over tbe meaning of Scunto etreet.
some of lu provtolopt, tnl wbi.n the | ftOo-Mra. Uerlrade Mtoore. reeldeaec
e they atood toyelber for lu Sid Franklin street.
inviolability and tbe inseparabim; of
.—Perry Bros. Inenranee ayenU.
tbe onion it eetabTlthed. Oce nseerted Tonaeller block.
Ibe rlybi of ftlavery under cerUin eonMS-M Dill, reetonrani, US Front
dlUont.to enter toe territoriee; tbe
Other dtopnted that riybl ander any
coodlUone, but both ayreed tbat tbe
aUve ebonld not dlrlde toe Union.
I It >>»•< i.rteo )wn •|iibt(-d that a yralo
"Tbe bebate was epoch Bakiny. bot|<-f nl.-otlm-, Adminlxii-red all at once i
when toe qnrsUon vrae removed from ' wniibl kill il,.* KtruDymt duy.
While \
toe arena cf ptaeefoldUcnaelon to tbatj 'I'** >‘laleiiii-ut U umlnulili-dly true. It I
of war aod oemaye, Lincoln and Dony-''*
mleleu.llnjr. In order i..
las stood no lonyar divided Wheni
"**'‘‘***‘ ''ft wrr.klii- tbe dog
Llnoolc called for i««pe Itocyl..:
allyned blmeelf on toe side of toe *
oational yovemment and threw toe
Job Oon'.do't Meve Stood Ik
force of hU yreat peraonality Wabe
If he'd had itebloy Pilee. TbeyV
anpport of the enenUve. Both will erribly anenriny; but Boeklen'e Ar>i>% Salve will core tbe worst ea«e cf
bereaembered lonyeak not for toe Pile
debate, bnt for toelr part to tbe For tr-jurlea. Pal)
the beet ulvc
Blybiy evant wklek ensned. They
abov. Cure
will live became Use Union which
. <} Job:
eavid and tbe libertv which was
Dress pants that are made
by Hart, Bchaffner & Harz
or Bosenwald & Weil are;^
are eure to have proper di
mensions-not cut out like
so much lumber, same size
all the way down. Look at
this cut then come here and
see the genuine article. A fine assortoent of black dress pants- also
fancy stripes in fine worsteds, $3.00
to $6 60.
This time it’s pants for the workingmen, msde for both wear and
looks—C ARK A RTT (union made) —
BERESHIBE PANTS—both warranted in every respect.
Here's tbe famous Berkshire war
rant: “Warranted not to rip, and we
pill pay you 18c for each euepender
button that comes off, 60c if the
waistband rips, or a new pair if they
rip elsewhere within sixty days affer the date of sale."
Prices $2.00, $2.26, $8.60, $2.76.
Or yit-r joo nu-re tvliable yooda. Tbia atore aatiafiM the maitiiuiLt* and plraare the people more than any other atore.*
tbronyb ita atnking ralnra.
Tboosanda of baryaina on tule here boldly aland, at tbe
bwd of tbe yrabdeet money aavin*; opportoniliee ever offered a
diBcnminatfng community.
In the Cloak Department
.-vfioo of aplendid valuea in women'e fell and
winter onter wraps Itaa been .prepared for tbia week's aelliny.
The followiny m«-ntion will ahow you how yon can obtain the
newest and beat tall attire and save many a dollar on yonr
pnrehaaea. •
place on ule Monday morning over one hundred
Jackets just received, representing tbe prodnete of
the furemoet New York makera - made of Kersey’s,
in black, castor and French gray, beadUfully lined
with aattn aeryea and fancy taffetas- in fact are yarmenfa that were intended for retail at $7 50, f1000,
flTl.OO—A fortunate chance enables ue to put these
garments before you at..............................$600. f7-60. $9.00
.Golf Capes...
A mayniScent variety in nobby combinations, priced
............................................... .............................................$6.60 up
The Millinery Department
This great department is crowded all day long with an ap*
precintive ibD'ny of buyers
If you would know just wbat'is
tbe newest and moat correct thing in women’s headweap^yoo
have but to come in here and see it Glad to eee yon whether
you purchase today, tomoirow, or not at all.
If There Is a Difference..
nwrchiM uilarafpsnl a&2
ratoy-te-wesr cloifaiac for
men, fUsc times out o! tea
it's in Ikvor ol the Utter
Ths ta only reasonzble.
cm^DV constzntir
of 2,HO ,4 ihe b.3» iiiiars
known lo the^vih. lo the
tntsl exclusMHi ol sweat
shop User. Better eiiects
in clcrtbiny caanol be produced'thas these ^istscseeule, aad tto etoaosuy of
quantity works to the saving
ol about hall to the cooKUP>ENHE1MER
The Boston Store
dothlny h known 'by this
ttotit^aishing mark found
.in tbe inside cealpoclut.^
_________ Look far this Label
IMi Cattnent Onwwueed by ths Mskeis
Me CmI PmAsS.
Salt* from........ $6.60. $7 60. $8.00. $9.00 up to $18 00
Top Coats and Overebato frtim $6 60 ,$7.60, $8 60, $10
to $2200.
October Offerings
in Fashionable Footwear.
■R»liable and very fashionably abated shoes for men. women
and children.
Men’s black velour bals, Tonraine cap. kid lined—yon
nanallypay $550. our price...............................................$4.60
Men’s box calf bals, Belmont cape, never regularly priced
under $4.00. on'r price................................................................$2.60
Men’s calf Uned bale, Admiral, up-to-date in every re*
epect—you’d expect to pay $H00, we aay.*...................... $2.00
Men’a potent calf bala. Tonraine or French laat. the nob
by aboe for a “dreeaer”—moat etoree aak $5.00—
Men'a crack proof calf bela, Klondike laat, an eaay com
fortable aboe and a wearer, our leader at..
... $2 60
Ladiea black vici kid. welt, manniah lest, stockmade
to QUr apecial order, Eseat valne ever offered for.......... $2.60
Lediee’ black vici kid, bntton or lace, atock or patent
tip, a guaranteed shoo, boneat $2.00 value, apecial
Ladies’ bln'k vici kid, venting top, laced, atock tip, upto-date in every particular,epedal price..............................$2.00
Ladiea' black vici kid, lace, band turned, imitation tip, a
regular $3.00 aboe,we mark them........................................... $8.00
TBS KOBvaro uooBi>, •mroB'k, uoxoBn s. law
80MDAT ■0Ur»6 8CEHB
> o>* •( la^(la« a SMtto ThM niaWaMa'a C-arlasHr U Oalr Ta
Ou*t^ Ma«IM.
'1 R*d a litita inWrriaw not king
]pe had been. oU pretty late, and ba
aaid a New Ortrana kto<w. knew it Where he had been, who ba
"'Flu- r«..«wlK. panort.! Ic .
had bm-n with and what be and the
uiiriung. ‘ aaU a aerea-yewr-oM
Icnlan cooi'eniBK tbe m
other (eUuars bad been doing are matu bar are-yaarold Urotber durlBf
! ters not Kcrmane to the story. 8nf£ca
ni«nws «f a back yard romp the «.
(hal tbara
say that when, be opened the doiir
-All ^>i« • »niia.< ii<» IMF atMi be *•" • •••odintt reward of ♦lO.tKKi tif a with bi« UfebkeT and made aa qi
an entry as pxwiMe he^felt in
U|.ped liiio
lulO tlK- bouae. ROt bold ot JQ ------------ _ . -----------------------to nctr bow a fable. »noe aet adrift, is
«r raaaal (bare M taka (ba plane of* (ba
*“' old <-uIoml Baindetueoi of a “yellow”
uald ask him a whole lot of tbibgs
riB>eat NaahelUb. which baa been Ii new»|iaper. and mat down with U ta eoniipnally vitaliaed by rejietitlua. I wooH
4 to aail l^aadiaUly for MatUa < reatlc chair, wlib a pencil In one cor- bap|H-n to know aomethibg abr>at tbe which be did not care to detail juti at
bolUe queeiion. and 1 can atste pisd- that lime. He wa. not misUken.- As
Tba owyor of Uaeana baa dlraetad 1 o*-r of bla mootb tn Imhatiou of a^
tirely abd sntbiwiuUTely.that there aoob as bis wife beard him enter the
-Kdward.*' aald tbe little girl ^k* bat DcTer been a reward of tIO.UUO Of ebamher abe knew fnatinctirely that ba
DO tb«
tba Spaaiab
«lty. cse^t oa
ring to "boM out ' on berand
to« up> to
l( him. “are va goingI to eburett any other amonnl for sneb a derice.
••The iuipratsiun probably origi
It iaballoead that tbU'will eanae ooa- Uib mur
abe asked:
"Where bare yon beanV’
"Ruhr aald Edward, wltboui tala- with a circolar that was prepurt^years
ago by a morentioa <4 northera diitiUKow.
it wasn't part of bla plan to
A oomgaay baa baaa foraad to work
tell biT where be bad been. ‘ The idea
tbo aolB yif opppor wbleb waa diaoor- autM-blng on bU pendl-elgar.
iriefly and was fnrtbest from his mind, ao be tew"Are we going to ebun-h or not il^la tiob of li
aa«d tcaaaUy tw a farm mmr Haw OoabeWarly jost wbat was Msential
tial to a poriz^^d.
ilogr repeated tbe little girt.
wa. Indiana. John B- 8bank. tba
practical oonreeilaWabotUe-whatthe
"Sow. eoe here." aald tbe bntbasd.
“Wbat'a that— -wbad'ju a
farmw who dWoowad tba rich «aU of: chnrcb. Duuno. Looks Uke rain, does- working part ehonld be wade of. wbat ••if yon wtll let me go to aleep and
wlnoral, had aarnml opaelsaananMnyed ' n't itr aald the boy, who bad atudled teats it sboold ba able to sOaUiu. wbat don't atk me anr qaeatloos now cr at
it should cis.1 in quHOtity. and so on 1 anr other time atawt wbera 1 bar#
nnd aaperto roport that tba oro la of a!bU dad.
In caah for
hlwb rmda and Iba ran to tbe ton wUl! “« rU. aome.” aald the Utile glri; donlit whether there It now a copy of been. I wiU g.ra yon
that circnlar in existesoe. bnt it nn- yonrself."
moT^iai^ tom
Ifa a alD and a ataama the way we qnesUumibly gara rise to tbe story that
This was a poaer. and the dntlfnl
■MBt orar the flad. ^
^ ■ neglect oor eburcb dutlaa. But It doea tbe whisky men of the country were wife naturally started to reach for tba
foUg orar tba gr^tmA adjaoonl to tbo ^
hot after a bottle that conldn't be re- $50. Bat feminine cuiionity was a litBbanb farm.
| “I'm.'’ said the boy. and then ibero dUedand.had offered an enonuona re- tie too stroUK. and she did ^t at once
ward for the si
At Oblnago. Bnrriot Ballbnrtb. 6 ^ wm_^a ^m^eot of alleoce.
acqniesce. Tb< jkext morning, when abe
••The Lord .wly knows how many arose, the first thwg tfagt cunght ber
lirm bare bi-en wrecked by that yarfa. ere was ber busliand's cost, with one
Next to pertieinal motion it has been
^ read piy iutiwr la peace.’; aald tba ! tbe great a.yluai feeder of the weebsn sleeve Ptni -nut by the ruoU and bangnae of
or her
ner limbs
umos raetorad
»e.wis« tbro^b the to
tug l>v a Ifaread.
nganey of tba X-mya. 4 few days ago
funniest luiagtnabUlagtnabU- aa-! ical
icel world. The jirobleia hxiks easy
"Why. Will what U tbis? '- aba
tba X-raya reraalad a tumor iba alae of sumption
of-----------------hu fsiber’euiaoucr
luaout-r» when ! enougb on tbe snrface and bj ward of asked.
----nn ^g preaalng on tba br^. tbs ll■•r«l>us.
iiiTvous. -I'an't
“fan't you go yourself,
yourself. my 50 patents bate been taken oot un difThat-a a loose deeve, ' said ber boalU was (repbinad and the tumor re- di-ur. auil take ibe kIdsT I don't feel; ferrat derices. but mme ^tbetu works band.
TheeblW waa able to motel
under ... conditixna The favorite
_ I'U
- - go j,------"Well, bow did it get 1
you next Sunday.”
[ aebeme is a hall valve which wotild ba persisted.
bar limbs on reoovortng oonaeioaaneea. With
"If you don't ^ wltb me. Mw.rij dosed automatically by premure from
"S.^ here." be mid suddenly, "do
••snnd la now gradnally recovering bar
ahaU not ^ at all, said tbe lllila above, bnt it is readily worked by a yon want to lose that W.«>T If von do,
ri. deqIsiM-ly. auil then thi-lr mother *1^ a, *n air pump
' yoat keep aakiog i|Uestious aUmt that
Tbe traoaporta City of Para, /.•alan- aiipeared o
"At first the liqmv
n and tnakaa If yon want to get it. yurt let Ibe mat
dla aad Valeacla bate aalled from San hiudi-d to
of proprietary remedies that wen
er dm:
Pranclaeo for Manila with (ba Twenty
largely connimelted encouraged investDsiug a wise woman, she l.-t H drop,
nlBtbreglmentandnlnrge^ambar of
relwated fail- but bis frieu.is are makiug Ms that
8nagg.-rly, the grocer. Is not a gen- ;
will first s.s ur<' ili- $.'.U aucl tb<-n
mu. man. <lu tbe contrary, be baa tbe 1
J^e^ thini’
F™lri,«r«.«FPu». 111..m.ui.ii..i. .r b. in, „d, m ii.. -w I”',""''J’il'I.'T'''"'', ''
«-.l-'.y l...» .tai .iKV.s...
■ OU r*lks •«M o*p^ '
IrXSuI^r Sir. U .nob rwiu-' “b"' « «">*“« “
s;I' '2?if..,'"d ,C. c...„
•troyad bnndreda of acres of ma^w,
d'“"d >«« “>*• ‘-r-hk.<Mllpersevere, and every
ud bon>. > lbo.«-H i«a of bw m
I oo« .oJ Ib.o
rnJ; ol . bTO bolPATE OE FOIE GRAS,
M-onl boWloin.
l„„ . Job,.
of oib,™, i
• F'“™,
Btabop Hearr 0. Potter la going to' and prides himself on being a wli in ■
“** *“*
"“a * The Peerfet rreeUz Tbei Makce Tku
the rtimeelBsalnbabaUof tbe Prot^ibls own way. akia the Igmdon Wei'kly w»kel*Jd U> say you mter wta —
u.iaiz • ros.ibiuir.
I T.looiopb. kra„.r J.y J.„l. ni..' | -Ti.o..-I>b..«.b
| To tb. ..rdib.,; o... .bd ,o„..o „
1 «bi‘aouUT. aiep|>«l Into Snaggeriy'a'
' conception Of the torture to which tbe
fl. 0. Armour of Chicago, paid $1,000
^ i-mck. and while they were I THE EVILS OF FLIRTATION. p,K>r. nDfortuuste guuse ia put could
Torahonaeon tba Una of tba Da«y I
,1,.. I,,,.,, ue,., .
piMbly Is-formed.
wamda In New Tork the Other daj.Tba 1 iv riad 71-How. evldeoilv’ a tramp hr
«• >
The geese when about 9 months old
---------- - • n.l U'gged foraa-;
are tabrii from tbe pastures aud placed
lease was for two days.
In flirtation there ia tbe same du- in an
tatauce fruui the grocer.
Prof. O. K. OUbert, of the Onltcd
“I caniia belt. you. mm maa" aaW •»!ipated element of excitement lo be »i,in,ng .tone slain vtand in
oal aarrey, baa returned SuBggerly. "You maun ask the mats- K':niling in gambliUK—nucerUiuly—in
,,^,1.^ Tbry are'
from bta profiUWa exploration of the ■
he Is." In.lh-mlng Jamie with fact.
set. we might add to tbs dictumary
Oaaende mnge.wbera be bat dtaeovered a
n nod.
nud. and winking
wlnkiug nsUh- to bis croi-.y.
t-roi-.y. dvBnitii.n
a still lat« one. 'To flirt.
Feri!^ wings aud bodies are anr
"Are you really Id wautT" aaked tbs giinhliug in h.-ariii.' " wrltee Franeva
bound by Iwnds, so that only
manyfoaaila of grant vnlne 1 to aetanBtsuh. "AU.ut Men. In The Ladtea u.s n.-. k t. h ft free As mar be tmagaoutsr. and of .-ounH- tbe tramp au- tvaus.
Hume Journal
aw>-r.d 10 ihsafflnuailvs.
.I Homs
• ined, Ihv animal strugglm with all iU
A Daqaaana (la ) man baa a dag
'T'hsn gi.-ihr piilr iiuiu aaxpeaasaat'
fevda ni^h,
till, after
;l "The flirt, like _lhs ^whlcr. »“-«•.............................
which waa sent him by axpeam all (ba o' the till.'' aald Cray to ih<- asionlabrd ^ ^ the intoxuation of hi. iwsamns. 4,,., of ram rn.leavnr to fr.-s itsrlf
tray from Maalln. P. L
finaggrrly. ami walked out of tbs shop: |
from tbs band, and its position, its
Aa effort to being made to erect n and the tramp m> lurnai-iDgly ioFlMi^d ;
.'era of rcpistaucs arc orercome. aud
•znoaument to Cromwell at tba Baat- In tbe fultlllmrut of iIh- uiastrr's
lagdon Ummmar Behold, where ba waa
mdaeaiad. A aimUnr attempt nnda at
Bt. Ivaa fallad aome yenre alaea.
Tbe Rank of Bpain now bolda $!«.700.000 more'gold tkan It held a yaar
ago. aad S«l,700.000 more ellver. lu
note elrcBlnUan meaaUme bat laeraaaad $Sl.soo.ooo.
There baa bean aarlona rtoUng at
-NnlgooUa.' Aaatralln. Buadradt of
nalnora have raabad vnriooa elalma and
raaaovad the ora ia defianoa of a atraag
fores of poliee. whom tber bant aff
sritb pleka nnd abov^ Balnforeamrata have Waa
to tbe
aeaae of dleinrbaaee.
At Oolbeabarg. SwadM. (bare waa
uavallad Friday, ia the praaaaoe of an
anormoaa crowd, a autoe of John
Brieaaon. Nearly tO.OOO aobool obll. Area, wltb bnnuora, marched paet tbe
aUtac. wfakob was modeled by tbe
Bwedlah aealptor Fabtatadl.
Dr. Vaughfl. no American who hM
worked np a large tmde amoog tbe
people of New Oalnea. narrowly eoonped being eangbt by tbe catlvea a
few weeks ago- Early la September
Vaagka witti eeveml men weot oo a
trading and aeiaatlfie trip up tbe Mb a
river aad Inndvarteat y jnmeli toan u.
frtoadly territory and were compelled
to rstreat baaUly to tbelr lanocb. la
tbe middle of the river the machinery
broke down and tba boat drifted helpleaaiy wltb the current. Tbe natlvce
ma along tbe ahore. harllag ipeara at
In tbe craft, while oUeia foUowad la war canoea. Several of tbe men
saaro wonndad. bat a mU waa rigged
np aod the taaaeb got ont of ranch of
Hynic Onnflald Bnd n Party.
Myrtle Onnflald bnd n alee Httia
pnrtT at bar borne on Tenth atreat yaatmdnyattairacoo iahoaoc of bar ninth
tdrtbdaj. Tba ebUdran anjojad tba
nftanzaon with gnmaa. apanldag. nnd
B'bbod tba ff rpTO.
A atortllng Incident ta narrated by
John Ollror of PbUadol^^aa Mlo|
bad to baud ..reMh.-sliiwu.s-. the h»a
of the mnuey affi.-tlng him quite aa
much us the laugh whic-h the iraimac■i“"
................. -‘"-F-did
element of ideality, of spiritual sympatby as dietinct from niert-ly tbe attracUun of brute nature. Tbe open minded.
«i-« r”""-:.-”"'?»“ -.-p-,-,prm. b.».«ll .«
,P-V* ■’'
' b. I.kn, bni lb, «.n k«,». b,.m Ibk.
k I«nj ki k rflkbd-. b0d«-. dr1,0 t„ dlB,T,bl
w,l» ..WlF-d
WW We.M B. Wane.
WPS almoat yoUow, ayasanakaa. bmg«o
«Mtad. gala omattmaally In back aad
aky Brotkam. tmaloflflaa. no mMu, gfOwW woabarday
to day- %«o pbyatalaaa bad giraa
Man Than 1 was adrtacd to oao
Mo l»l—J. A. Mimingne, U7 ftont
■taetrieVlttani be my grwl Joy. tba atraot.
flzat bottta made a iiocidcd improveNo. flOfl-W. M. aitaky, «!• Untaa
Mpt- 1 eontlnaad tboir pm tor throe
zzaiika. and am aow a wall ma
No. MT—P>«t C. B. Bom. m Wnthtaow (bay robbed
grave of am
w Otlm." Ho one abpaU fall to tra
No. I»-Dr. B. B, Ffaod, 7fl3 WabaUr
No. Mfl-Bar. W. T. Woodbeaaa. M7
at Jaebmta. loe Fnu
Xa flfl-d. B. Saab. flU Front atraat.
Balow ta a liai of the baying nnd aal'*
ing prloea of yaatorday for groeectar.
IwovtaloaB nnd fnm prodaeta la Tbnv-
enacx lariacui-aLI c-umCH.
ter. oaaa T Swsi. Rsriar. '
Comer Waahlngtoa street nnd Bonrd-
Oanr Pork par bbl.
Oenr Pork per ta...
voruiug swioornuu soi
10 71
Short Cat Pork
Punday School at i: m.
Shortcut Pork per
Bsenlng aerviee aud acr
4*0* *
T;M. I Fioar. H L. A Go. 1
S 7S'All are cordially
invitee to ibeae eer-! Bye
ly invited
Plour. B.
B L. A Co. Beav...
, Meal. B. L. A On. Bast..............
1 SO
'reed. B. 1. AOo. BaaL..............
< ttusriAS aciRscR axavicts
tor October a, "Doetrioe of |
isMslIii I
Church 00 oorner of Niatb and Wadn-. i^Tpa^^.
worth aUeets.
Bran par
. Sanday aervioea are aa followi;
Praachiug at I0:3u a. m.
Sunday aebool at 11:30.
Praaeking at 7:00 p m.
Yeung Peopla'a prayer maeUng. 6:00
p. m
Mid-wees prayer moetlugat 7:30 p. m.
All are inviiad to theee meet.nga.
« at 10:»0 o'clock.
100 Ua.
Suoday aebool at IS 1
Evening aervica at 7:
Subject for Ibe evenlag eervler:
•Why do we Baptlee CbUdran?"
wkitB wiiiB *f Ttai?
All are cordially invited to tbeae aer- best cough nrtnedy on earth, cures a cold
le day if taken in time. 25 and.Mcta.
punna enunen.
Bev. Barclay Ji.Cor. O '
Sunday tcbool
Fablic worabip ii:uui
Y. P. S. C. E prayi meatlng S:4S
B wnwml
, ,tk....... It 1. i,l.l.A ol II... l,r.itht
U.tJ.B.Utb.t IB tb, a.J.wh,B h,
Wk. bbBtt.BK lb, UBy wh,^ k. .It«WktB «.m.A lb,
IB 1.W to I.—
Dotion. IB tBKBitl to tb, pr,.pri,tiwAW...D,BdlciOB. mobkh OB OB, onw.ibB
ibBt.1,. at, ,Mb, .i,i„|Btit.T.t.K .br
warming of bis approach The conacquence was that be f.Mind tbe awestarts occopyit
ing a single rimir
I’ked ..
Itoply abiwk^^brtbia
Oldman aclemoly lald^^'Nr^Ma.d^^
1„ b„
tboaa aorvioaa.
riasT asiTMT
■cv. W T Weodboiue. Psswr
Morntaf aeirioe 10:30 a. m.
Sundav School i: m.
B Y. P I’ . 3:43
Evaniag service. 7:00.
Mornlug Topic—-'Blomenta of Trao
Evening—"Wbat Ood aaka of moa.
and why."
iB. rroel •
/ Iriz a> n*>3eaev-
>3_IKU-WanTeD-rof xveer«l aesvewerS:
TgyANTKP -A poslUov SAVeok le raww T
W s.BIMaaII ISRBlrrslDr MoessoBet.
' Clir Opera Heuw Woek.
_________ tO* **
>rs poffoSs AMIvreerv Is UMlr wetchl. aoS ibsr
nitsT urrmooivT.
SSs'lo Si‘Mu'B.‘ri‘Ms'ilfiyar iBSpact^
imuol .
. ..
tbe close of the morning aarviee. Bpworib Laague at 3:45 p. m.
Bav. M D Carroll. Praaldiog Eldar
oi tba Grand Traverae DUUicl will
preach at 7:00 p m.
Tbaraday—General prayer meeting
,B, „,|t„p„t at 7:30 p. n
Every bo.
I, b„,.,Brf,h.-t
to btwk bi. I..A Tl..
Vttybbl, W.b,dTBBk
TM tb, roof kt»rt«i. Be y.llwi ____ ___________________ -Jon t_.
HP, ,„B,|.,|BP, util, wit. home. Don't forget tbe friendly bandshake.
6oBd.y echool at not a
abcml un one fuol
and. ecrcecblng like
Junior CbrtaUan Endeavor aoelety at
Yonng People's Society of Cbrtottan
He ran to the water pipe and drank
kvor at 3:43 p. m.
^ two quarts of cold waW and then
7:00 p. m. will be tbe monthly
quieted ,luwn enough to
"Wbat i
al eerriee. Tbe program wlU
TO-BinsHXD noons to '*8T-Plraa^«
X? room.sirrrirBiraaca. ^
ASTKD-A toai laOj cook a> e
d4o> ••*«. exIVB.kfe tabW. 1-fo
.iBsIr bed. fkllS'B sprtaf b*0.
roc»»f*. ru. tsvsl*v ^
bra Aaa Ualr toe wvAiavnsik Bttwi, mm
-She smelled of It and mid; "Wb;
r. you mistook tbe gruund clove* fi
1 sbonld bare duiie if 1 bad been oontttng'Mra Brown "—Troy Pwaa
Mo. tlO-lE.. Mra. W. B. C. MitebaU,
No. «a-H. Blaebmn&.UB Beat Ninth
Will loeaie in TruTwue CitT where bs will Inlrodnee bUnaw ayitem and meth
ods of (reatmeat which will be toand Buperior to anything you base triad.
Special attenUoa given to cbraalc and lineering diaaaaea. priaaU dlaaaaaa. diaea*et of Women, diaeaaaa r>f tbe Bye and Btr. Nooe and TbibaV
Tbe doctor baa bad a largu exparlooM la geueral praeUoe At well as * In apaoial work, and baa curod many cases la tbe past of Aatbraa. Oartarrab. BroseblUa. OnaumpUoa. Oanear, ramoia nf all ktoda, Cbroaie DiaTboea. BpUepay.
Inaaaity. Oedtra, <blg neok) Bbeematiaia of ail forma. PUaa. Loco Motor Ataxia.
All forms of dypbllU. dlaaaazu i f tbe Umiii. Splae and Narvoaa eyetam. dlaaaaaa
•'f tbe Blood. Skin. dlaMam of tbe bmmacb. Liear and bosvaU. dlaaaaaa of tba
Beart In diaeaaaa of sroman bla apaoial apeeiflm and ayatam of treatmaat. rolicvee and cares arery case. No mattor bow ohatlaata yoar eaao. do wM daapatf
for you can probably be restored to health agala.
Toe wUI find tbe doctor's melbode aad treetmeat dlflerent and aapenor to
anything yea have ever triad.
Cbtaraet eared witbont matllaUng tba eye- Gross eyea atralgblmad.
If yon need glaaet. be bea a eomnleta eqaipznent for fitting you
D> oot mlm this ehanoe: you will find everytblag as repraaaatad and Toa sriU
mot ba dlsappolaivd. Ton will find tbe doelor exeeotloaally akUfal ia
Use doetnr sHU give a wrlttaa raarraetea to care yoa or reoeive no pav tor
biaaervleea. 'To latradoee btaeorrloea, daring this sreek all wboapply trill bo
treatod tree of charge, and your
Kitty—I can't Imagltie anything
more disagm-able than n proposnl
fttpin a man.
Rntb—1 .an.
aba aal on one side of tbe
Klity-Whai. for g
itbe other."
Maw Mortbers 1
Tba Nertbarn TmlapboM Oo. boeo
oonsotod sp tba fallowing
njouihe must paw. away More death
1^,,,.^. relief
xhe auimalsafe meanwhile crammed
^ ^lle wofabi
tblp7:W p. m.
Tbe pastor will preaidi morning and
e,,,,,,i„„ , d.,. ,b,j c-vaalng.
Arraagoments are made for special
e Bin
Bin u
iweet t
i„ bi. b.kOk.d. A Bin pilU.'
creaiuirs that they atnsteb
bl. nlk.lbd. theI tortured
their necks to Iw t-ranliued.
Tbe m.»t difiicnii tark ia to deter
I,nd tb, 11.11, tM b bdb.
I bed, .d bbosr b, b..T bbid, by lb oib,r
mine the right uiomcDt fur death.
-Nb lb...k .,.„k AtkAUt- kkld, tt.
lli,tAbWi,b«i. ..U.b«dbb
Tiioee who die of their own accord are
‘^b, b,«~.'b”bTJbl''b;ibpml. lb
b,„.bd r,b,rfj. Tbrnl.b.,
B. u„ uvn
,b,„,or. .
n lJwkn
•^untbwb.rhd,,,!..,. lubt,r.l.ldlrtbbb kind .J Kbd; bi bwdnl l» w, «b,b the
-l^b-i - n-bIM tb, ptlt,.
frtl lb" dtndtibb. bbi-i,™
,„u „d tbe
klr-kdr; ibt tlb.bbtt tiB., 1 n,m. I' Jl‘"" ''’’T^
A T tb ST
-P- In-kibA Tb, Min td
will iiriDc a ItaakeL.*'—UuU Tlm^
fwide I. Wounded more deeply than bu
,.ipg ones are like pumpkins—
wUl bring a baakel. UuU Tlmen
liefer, era buried in
^en, if then, be a slight fliruiiona
f,t Dolhing but akin and bona
Bcy to begin with, it wtll be bnt
(,mnd. Tbe lirerz have absorbed aU
igbt; before
-------the weed has grown
,trengtb and iuii-es.
to surprising pniporllomi. ebuking ont
conscience and kindnwe while it sup
A PalaZal MUlake.
ports and strengthens vanity, whifb
^ conduclur got up early tbe other
ftauds close by wounded affections in
morning aud got bis own breakfast. He
tbe human heart. "
is iiut use<i u> this, as bis wife, who was
sick uu this ocvauon. is use.1 to getting
_ >sl4 Have Deae t
twvakfast readv.
ready. He la
ia foud of ttnmg
PB,l„rf k.pllBk BBdbBHrfly IB,, tf.
wit It.,.., h.. ^-t'tB.l imall.Ih,,. tt.
King Banglebeeife-Ab. bal me
llke-e dls wlu.--e dat apll in yo' tacv-el
-.^y Sloia-r.
Coming To TraYorse City!
The riac an (to WelL
A Herele BeeBedv.
The Truy Times tells of a visitor at
school, wba being reqtiested
Malta’s way of treating rbeumatism a pnVIic
. .
the pnpita,
pnpita. spoke of t
a trifle heroic, but a generation to address tbe
brongbt up on mnstard ptariers end necemity of obeying their teacher end
trieity ongbt nut to obje^ to it. growing np to
t be osefnl. loyal and
patient it stripped and We ere patriotie dUti
eordilially invited to eettle npoa bia { Tu empbaati - bisremarka. be pointed
rbeomattani. so it aeema to be a pbltan- ered
thropic system all around. Tbe palm , "Now. boyt. who am tdl me wbat that
in the bee srlngt is said to oeutrsllM flag it there fort"
One little fellow, who nndonfaod tbe
oonditioaof tbe room better than tbe
speaker. repUed"Iknuw.mr, It's to bide tba dirt"
Gray kept tbe elwy by bim far
iriM yeart betora be gave it to tba
world. Be poUtbod away at it all tboaa
"Johnny, am yonr people going to
yean at a lapidary politbes a gem. and taka yon with tbom cm that trip nctom
tba reach wash# made it a gem. la bta tbsocennr
bola life ba wrofla comparatively Bt(la. nnd when asked why be bad written
.......................... iad:"I
■ tbafabtaof eompo-
Mra. Baebant aod Mr.
Violin Solo. Blegla.......................... Brnat
Prof, Horat.
Soprano BoWTby War not Mine"
In Solo. Cbvatlne..........................Baff
MlmBlanebe Barnnm.
Baerad Solo..............................
Mra. C. E Hocat.
rveviBM'* Ordeerj Fw.
A Tbonaand-Toaguoa.
Otmld not expram the raptnia of
nta E. Springar. of PtHladalphta. when
Dr. Kiagta Ifto DtaWary eorad ber of
a hacking aoegb that tor many yaara
bad made life a bardee. She mya: "Aftar all other romadlm aad doetora
failed It
A and 1 aan now alMp aocndly,
etblag 1 oan aenrcaly ramamber do-------. A-j
mmndlng 1»tba ur
Ktngta New tiammy ta gtoraatead to jr TOC
email troakftm ad tta tbrcnL ^eat or
ma be toeai al
IHWWW tew la a, wkW. .kfA UW
5S.‘S ............
• -fUT I* K tha
t. .
•bent, but Btti* nciBemeod Id AmerteA
Wb« llM am clMh eniM bMw«M
tb« B8«r uid the Briton. It occutnd
•v«r bu-k In ini. The Beers rialmed
ibe rlcbt to eMiave the Sonth Africnh
UstiTe tribes Tbe Britlab conteated
B iia«l and woo (beir polDt. When
t Boer* wbo bad
At-Ibe Orance river tbia craat ha»«
of eppresMd '-trekkers" divided lata t*o
l*rta. Ofla pari founded tbc Oraaae
Free Biata, and tbe other.
farther eastward, fenaded Natal. -AlIbouRh the Oraiwe Free 8UU was aubaegnenUr ouaquered br tbe eacllsh aad
tbe Boer* of NataJ were forced to aeek
freedom by croeaing ................
Vaal aad foundlnx tbe Trwaavaal. both
Mule repubUt* In lime recataed tbetr
aemlnal ladepeadeore.
Uoked toeetber by camatoo Mood aad
la tbc Prt* State aa la tbc TtwanraaL
Judge Stern-a electioa to the prealdea.
therefore, waa both
tndorved by Prealdeal Krucer.
Dnrinc the Jameeon raid laU tbe
poulb African Republic, at a time when
that BnclltJi buccaneer bad the UcU. If
not the active, ermpathr of all ulllaadere In twtb tbe Orwaae Ftee BtaU and
tbe Traan-aal. Prenldeat Sieyn etood
for tbe ronaervativc. or Boer. IntrrcsU.
Hie eubtequeal election abowrd tbc
RTowlnc tide at opposition amonc tbe
berth of Cape Coloay aad east •T Oriawaland. with tbe TrwaaVaal oo ite
north aad Natal on Its eaat. Ita area
Ii UAZt aquare -mllea. and lU pevseaC
popuUUoa I* abom ao.808. of which
abobi 8S.etO are whliee Tbe Eorernmeal corulst* of a presldtil and a coun
cil appolnied by the volksraad. Th.coonlry le divided Into U dlrlricla. eech
dlatrtcl bavins a landroet. appointed by
tbe president and conOrmed by the
volksraad. This la*t mentioned admla*
IstraUve body, by tbe way. U a lect-lo-
w.. t.e
^ r.>;
uolud In resisting the advances t/t a
common oppressor, or a power which
they bad alwaye regarded as an op
pressor. It la BO wonder that the Orange
Fn-e Stale and Ihe Boulh African Re
public have for many yeara alood shoul
der Ik shoulder
When Judge 8teyn not long ago was
eiccird president of the Orange Free
Slate, that election was looked upon In
South Africans of Dutch 'descent to the 11
restless Brillsh domination, of which I'
.raid was a very telltale ' 1
s every two year*. In oth
President Rleyn Is an escellenl stales-1st and a strong mlml- the Transvaal. With the same sm iol
■•ther Poer children, he and --.immer-'ial aiiil|>ulhl-s and the
• hsve cut his teeth
same agrlciiliural aspirations a- thk
; lto<T of the Traneiaal. II is n..l l<> be
old had kn.. ic-d over his buck with his
f.nder.-d at that ihe astute burgher of
own gun. II-' may have the Dutch
j the Orange Free Stale is ready l>. lake
rowness -t - , .,n. but he certainly has
with bis cousins acrusa the
the Dutch eui.>lN>mness of purpose. The
lal In r< slsilng Cecil Rhodes and that
country ... . x.hlch he rules lies Just
.aer for vhich he siaiids.
A VolittMe Dof.
A Mexicin Fnoeral Car.
Now that the faithful b«r*e U des
tined to pass out of the life of man. eaeepi. perhaps, as atufflng fur the atroblllous sausage, the dog seems to tv
becoming mere and more prised by his
admiring mas-
The City of Mexico goes ahead of
other places In tbe matter t Myles for
hearses. If the funeral
fur one af the wealthy riaas. a hei
with six horses drawing It can be
cured for »..me
ll». If. how-
The Famous Stonehenge Cromlech.
t ruinous rales. 80 atrnng grew tbe
lodlgnatlon against tbe Brtilsh empire
that rather than live In a country domldated by It they abandoned Cei-^
Ca|w -Coler and warn ortbward Into unki . _
territory. This waa known as the •trek"
I great ecodus. and ihr bittci
le natives
latr^ am
and rearing of
fancy and thorhls funeral ■
oughbred dogs
■ has become
only tC.M.
. iroporiaat bust and he la taken to blKl^l testing place
^MSB of late. Many new apeclmens ol
carriage the aame ab’ahaC ^wa In
uanlne hava appeared on the markei
accompanying llluriratloa. This
One .-4 tbe moat attractive of thrpe la
i car In 1
tbe nasset bound, a specimen of which
d U often hauled by the n It miserla shown In the accompanying picture.
le looking qf steeda
The arconH‘anylnK llluUratloD ehou* -me of the Itiany sitikiiii! plei
statuary which nepreaeni the differvpi industries of iberi'nited Sutes a.
National yispurt • xiawnion nuw Iwinc held In i•hilallelphla. T#ls i-artlcular
1 from the Illustration. 1 r llsiiia
m day#
when (he ever srowina Iron trade of America promises to he<-->me the arewlest
business t>f the world there Is an especial fitness In sui-h a flaure being uBC tt
the croups at an exiuslllon that Is so obviuurly national la cbaracler.
A Mcb of Mioy Crimes.
One Tbpasamt Years of Rose&
•hown In the accompanytnc llhisiration
H known by the name of Abolum and
vaa one of the Benin chiefs responsible
or tbc murder of eeven w hite
wo natives In IIOT. This outrage wao
ihe ralaon d’etre of tbe now weU known
w rose tree that la over 1.000 )^re old.
fills famous uld^rose tree grows at
Hlldrshrlm. and Iwsl year it wa8
thuuem the ancient vine was dying.
Creel care was taken of It, however.
Kaffir Signalmen In South Africa
The latest remarkable move of
remarkable man. Sir Thomas Liplon.
Is reported to be an effort to nureba
base Siunebengc. the an. lent and mysterious
remains which are sho«-n
areompsnyliig lllustrall'.n Readers of Thomas Hardy's "Tess ' will remember tbe rotnsmic part »h!ch
............ Kid
stones play In Ihe life of the daughter of tbc D'rrbervllles sir Fldmund
trebus U Ihe present owner of Stonehenge and its surrounding
n Fuuabury plains and has offered Ihe entire grounds to the Rrltlsh 1
Ma.000. At this ridiculous figure the historic spot waa iK>litely de. Hn--d lhi.>ugh
It Is now rumored that Sir Thomas Upton Is negotiating for Ua pur< haee at a
far mole reasonable flgi.re. The seciel of s...n. h.-nge has lutflled alike the anllquary, the arctmect and the engineer, inlgu J..nes atirtbul*d to the Romai,.
the feat of placing one unwieldy stone upon another, wllh ubal appliances the
great engineer could acaree suggest. The typical antiquary, however, assigns
the dsle to a remoter period, and the Druid gets bis hoary allusion
How the Boers Treat British Graves.
sinter with the greeleet solk-Ilude.
BOW. eecniing to have lakan a new It
Benin expedition and the subsequent
futile search for Vl-.glKi Sheri and his
colleagues. It was only during the
summer juat past that the English exl>edllion of Major C. Carter and t>aptaln G. usbbell secured the chief of
fenders. for whom England has been
making such a long search. Ah-.lum
Is now s prisoner In tbe old Calabar
jail, and as a result the Benin country
a much more settled condition.
of life, It IS more flouridtlng than eVOAi
lU branches are trained against tb#
wslls of the cryt.t of tbe calliedral
founded by Ludiilg the Fious Id OL
The legend has It that Ludwig himself
led the tree, but whatever tbe real
• of tbe matter may be there caa
o doubt that tbe roots Ihemselve#
SI least l.OOC years old This wa«
concIusIvHy proied by the natnraUst
Humboldt, who was very much Inter*
ested In Ihe matter not long ago and
went through many old manuscripts in
order to see If there was any truth ta
Ihe old story of the bush's antiquity.
About the most expensive luxuries II
Lima are p-Hitage stamps. It coats S
cents in native siicer in carry an or
dtnary fetter, which is equivalent t« 11
i cents In gold.
A Wiiiiam Tei! Post Card.
Pojfwte QfTlpil-Aj'ia^furnj if/vfKrf
''T*«jpeiv M WfrwftUitatreopr.
Now that OTorythliig eoaaMted with South Afrte* la of pwraaownt Intamt
thaaoAmpoaytag plctur*. ahowtag naUteatgaalraanoathcNetherlands raDway,
fBEBlng through KemaU Poort into iheTranaraal. la not without tlmallDM. U
*** ">*y i^lwajr^ throvb Ute pam that the long dokayad •mmsaitloa
•oMtnod to tha Transvaal by way g( DalacM Bay had to paa# bofor* It
a 0.^1 Jo«_b«rt and hU men.
M «wrdla« tha raadbad a
tbe dark enuUnent. Theae grwv** ara the hartal places of lengllsh oflleers and
men who feU la that -Uttar atruggt* h*tw**n the Been and the Brttleh which
took place just U y*ar* ago. Theae partteular men (eU at ~
that in fatod attack upon tbe 8totM Boer*. Just after tbe
the tereaccgul burgbere de#Myed i
ta thin Uttle bory*
Inc ptace. aad in all pewibM ways •
their deep rooted hatred «g the
Rere ts an efBelal post aatdof 8
d wtal^ hae been approprtauly
the reeent pmfgrmaaoe of SebUier's "WUUam TeU" at
tbe Lake of Doserae. Tbe picture# on tbe card show • typical view of IM
beaaUfol Uiaerwe lake — ■■ a scene from the drama of -'VViiasm Tell."
aeetlag that haro aad bl*
louiio“*ni‘nHO A cm.
«k« Mw *• OmlHd Mi S«t •• W»
U %M> «C 4
«M of Ri«
. to be tb«
Wb« or vhai U e
‘ Bnsltoh nntborltj on pronuncUtion? I
t ol end a nnmbtr of other gnatlr dl*
Umed AMorimne miding In Bn^asd
On June 1. ISBIt. a new IW ypf
a^*)**! to tbe bistoir of the Tongue or
PrteBdlj Mawta wbeo George Toboa
II- not onl;^ dst\tS lo Aetj the oppoal-
troohl be Terr glad of thin lafav<alion.
>!«>« o' bln rtiiPf«'b}' marTTing
•■faolee of tils bt-Art. bat elerated her
otli Fisbitulile
----------A tor or two ago. In a eompnnr of »<> bU
lUqKT i
I wnn Olttlttg nrtib tbe old Jontlee ^ «rHl.edarated Englleb and Ameiicati Wr<‘lJr-After tbe niarrlsse rereuiunr.
lha peaee dn the veranda of bin bouee .men and women, I was naked be an as hie bride knrtt before him.
Vbaa a rolored man came tbroaitb tbe Engltabman why we Americana Iwlet- king.' pUring tbe bright new golden
fntn and op the stepa and lemoTcd bln rd npon speaking tbe EngUata langoage rrown upon her bead, nld In a clear
0tp to nay:
tnconvctly. eays rail *i«H UaMite. 1 roii'e; -LaTlbla, 1 crown Ibee qoeen
' 'Mr. r<TfclnB. I wabU a law anil wM replied:
«' Tooca."
P«B Tbompeoa."
-| think thai edneated Amencana.
tieorge Tnhon II. U a haodaome
'■Wbnt nbont. Mowaf kindly In- on tbe whole apeak English correct- nun. IM-Ing six feet three
Incbe* In
fhtnd tbe oB«toL
At the same time. If yon
will height abd turning the aiaha at 8u0
«Ba ditn ran away Wld my wlfa, prove, on the beat Engilsb autbority. pouuda. in complexion be resetnblta
'Did. ebt Well._I ^on'l IbInk yon
feav* any cane. Eoir wUe must bar#
that we mlapronoDoce. 1 am sore you the Mexh-ans iTungaus
are lighter
will find ni amenable to reason."
'ban llawallansi. with s most gentle
ImmedlaiHv l was caught .up on the expression in bis
tons willing to go.",
"Tben I wants a law anlt wld Jim
TiCobold.” eofitlnned tbe caller.
word -amenalOe:-it u not a-me-nabte.' but a-menabler declared my Engiisb critics. "It
^yrs. He was educated In New Z.-aland and speaks EngUsb In a sofv
well-modulated voice.
Ih looks and
is locorrect lo give tbe
bearing be Is every Ineb a king, and
■■ be stood by ih^ tbrone i-bslr In. bis
-But Noah Webster, In bis diction
j, ^ -a.me.iisble.* •• i retort,
own splendid chapel awaiting tbe ar.
rl'il of bis bride, dressed In full ualforui. bis l>reast adorjed with gittter-
"Oh. well. Webester 1s no authority
here." was the reply.
me de.-orail.ms. bis .tIiosou robe. ft.
uitii.-lrtunii.-d. upheld
by two little
"Wbai'a Jim l>eeD dolngr
"Be'dun run away wld my dangbg»r Unto, sab."
"Your tottgbter IJndal Well, she's
•f age and sbe was willing. Yon bare-
said b«-fiire. 1 nm always •‘a’roe-uabk"
to n-ason.
•mbody 10 k.-ej. house."'
"Wife and lK.ih datighlera gone. rt»T
ru look over tbe staintes. Hoses, tmi 1
don'l think yon bare any ease. If any
•roman of the Jiouse bad been carried
. dff against her will U would bare been
Reefers b;:;-*
—Tko fopd kind y
t .d
boro—All a'l *• from i yeara
Bp—Warm aa esn b
bigatorm ollar*. w..
I nm
-EopILU .. .1,0 I. .polo- o..t l.o™
icU*gTaph leleiiUone or write lo Ox
ford before 1 am at lllwriy to kaj
Ml the train.
of sliver and
_»blle linsade. fully Hw
Usi of him. but a quarter of an hour wh„uep I write a letter of •'.-..n-.l..
Igtrr he retiirrw-d to aay:
Ith a
a Ions
lung o ami accent on ibe mi'l*'«n'a'da dresse.1 In wblie silk. The
“Mr. ivrklns. I'ae got do case,
1 ayUahle
second (according
ayllahle (ac.-ordlng
to my
mnrh'r.>usw-au was made In
to my mnehmet Pl.k Whit,, down by de compres.
,pl 1 ..ii,.) inio mu. .pd tin U.P ”r,to
i wk\
of a feaat io
ened Body.
I Uw suit wld Di.^
Kgawa former.
-I .boou up
I dkl- topip,.!
•rhlskensl son of toll.
to A':but the prof.wsors in these unlver*ltll-s
“" ■*
.wcaalons the
bitter is uf sHilii or velvet, and Ouesi
to"'- rejibKi- tbe valaa which are alw'om In the presence uf a <-htef.
1 and wife never
partake of
food together. Hie male )Kirtii>n uf (be
family eating In luir part uf the lawn
and the females in another
niealH m-m-ni|ly
eonslat ufwntgjus.
to Webster
tpotpo .ptotltotloo
"Yes. an' ihlrd
of Wel.si.-r's dl.ilonary for any "die-
AO* fonrih site. too. Why. bleaa your
bout, alnce tli' cyclone seanoD aot In
Chat bouB<- of mine baa b.<cn on five
Alfferest sites an' no two of 'em iden-
tlou'ry" that may Iw In use In England. I ask ouly. Which one Is the
one? - Or is It neither, bni Just Oxford?
MuU-"—CleT.‘land ruin Dealer.
planlalUH. ]H>rk. Osh
pii.lillligs made of luanloe and .-in-uaniits. Wh.-n Infants reach the age of
Oil,' year th.-lr
an- shaven
A cluJi w ill
ses lo he a very
some wei-Vs ago In riiilndelpbin. says
•How do you
mnee the accpier
•rta nxkdy wn-sted from your grsspT"
“Tbe BceiMcrr said ...............
felag. who hail Itcen enjoying hlms<-ir.
“Tbat hnsn'i niiyihlng to do with the
Wliat iiiiKcn, IIS- Is the iiiaiiiii-r
quite sniiMithly by' a shani pl.-i-e of
ginss-a. bottle usually Is-Ing liMken
the Phlbiilel|ihia ItiH-or,!. Ii Is lo U.............. ...
known as "The HlsiipiHiluied ..Auihoi-'
of'oniy siieli
Cliih.'' and Is
prcsiu.v large nitmls-rs
Lism the d.-iiih of
•■'“‘•f- «'‘men
ninl.b us
woul.1 a MKssnSful author Is- iMTiuli-
could ace Hint 1 bad another strike
^mlng Ui uie.“-M’asMugtuu 8(,ir.
“■elr gri.-f.
l.-d i.i.J.dn, .\s S.H1II as a meuils-r Is-.
glus to JM-II bis storb-s h.s- wlll iH- n-,.nl„l wlll,-.l..lp,..r 1... 11.0 .IPI.,
a iew.
"Can't nuike me >N-ih-ve iHvyfns is a
Bi-bfi-w." aald the man with the Cel
tic cant of feaiuiv*.
"W'y Iioiy aske.1 the oiber man.
yiiHved «.s*
York's new
WH-Ielj.Ill ||„|
.vdurrd ... ................... .. I’blladelidila.
(Kvuiviiil of the limne for the
island. Aud when in- came away the
Ctb« fellow, still owmvl It alh'-Indi•capoila JouniaL
i_ be asalbsl
one of the rcmlml.ms ,«ia«.d by the f-*'' club l. a.
I- iiigi-iiullv we |Hii
Where Th.r Dinvr.4.
for—Kimrc MoineoiA
ttlviM lUsiMWsIMIIty.
•roman or the woman mai
Tnn—KotiM-tIm.-s one way and
> considcr.sl
Thi- vnuitg man
person for pn-slilenl
usually the ma
■qually to blame for
.U n*|M-*t by hesn' tls. priDt.-d note of the vi
bouses a.-.'omiuinying rejeci.>d maun
•heir Ware mt Pattlag tt.
scripts. He knows sev.-ral editors by
be ia sight, and has slinging adjecti
Htbel .of Itoatont-Tbey
which he applies to Ih.-m under his
f rich, but iniqlembly vulgar.
Victoria (Of Cblcagoy-Y'ou're dead breath as they pass. He knows to the
Hfkt there, my dvr. He'. p>t a load
r d«gb. b« be*. (» the “bor every
•Ifear way.-Judy.
remonstmted and aecured II hack
by special iDeasenger. He
nrnily soiled for tbe place.
ming from
There '
B a Wt put out.
■mat was once a plain farmefa boy.
) wrader wli.-rc be d.'vcloped bis UIwstei
dewB Ob the farm.
iK-ts w.-rc always at the dlsi«sal
maSnSr^J ^
‘vpi s
^ ,h«, pi*no In tbe m-it flat."
Ii,. \tatt-“yon're mlalnken. my
jone* family. Tbev
r*et U I'd take yon to be tbe eldral
tmught one of those new InstrameDis
plays tunes by electricity and I
Asd TbatW All.
"Ohu yes." replied the trushaod of the
'•dvanced person, bitterly: “I go borne
a Biy
my 0
meals, t have managed to reto
mnslc."—ClevcUnd l.«ader.
CMvisetsa ArawBwsBi.
You*n..w there's, woman at
.lbs bottom of everythlng.''-»rool:bb
' Hsver give up-unless It's In a lonriy
•not. and tbe other fellow'bas a sand.
^ «r A raTotror.—Bpare MoasBta.
Owing to the tmoraal laig* per
able potatoes this aesaon, we have
decid'd in order to make a market
and daughicrw. as w.il as her hushaud
have loik slui-i- dlt-d, and Mary Is uuw
many of tbia grade of
for aame, to run our factory on tm
potatoes aa
Rhi- sc<>uis tu cn-
I'urkesian with tbe KiusUu adrance
aud for a long time be was eugagvd In
fighting aud winning prouiotiuu rfor
biiDSeir. After having served his sp
in the .-aat. be rcinrued
: <-loU* sovereign."
|a,p- .niur
lacunl.-ally. ".M .............
the control of the Ice trvst.'*—Pbila.
delphla North American,
HnrUi CbM.
never talk
.Mrs. Bloblood-:
Ibeir abortcom- j
Mfw ParreMo-I
B—Indwhen T was too poor to klN 'sm.lanapoU* JooruL
Kusslab ottle.-r to do so.
Next y.-ar he
Went lo K.ikand and f.iughi around ih»
Pamira. lu the tvuoiry
uf Klinbla
Khan. H.- rode S..'UKI miles on horse.
ba.-k. cam.- Iiack. wrote a book, and
won the gold medal of tbe Geograplil™* Wlety. In the Turkish war he
dtatJngnlshrf hhi-elf and came out ..f
H a colon,-I.
Slowly he robe In the
service of the ctar. and last year be
was apiiolnied mlnistsr <d war of
you aaecnre a freezer from
oor atock.
We have them.
in all aixea and all
aod money im-eeted in one will
more pleasure
ao'i comfort during the heated term thau the same amount
invested in anything else
Front Stroot
Traverse City,
W«* arc in poeition to furnish Ttirnioric Pure Mustard
ami Spices, aiu-ii as Nt'bit.' and Black I’epper, Allapii-e.
We make a s|Mi-ial «ffoH ingrouD.l apic.-s and
offer yon th.‘ K*et selection
the niark.-ta aflopi at no
"Jolmson's Drue State."
w»ttd horses FORSALE!
a 1>
She then
mlKircsa until she
married, and was blessed with a faioll.v ..f elghj chlhlrt-n. All of her sons
a coaling
station In my borne."n<>„h pole hove 1
©SWOll Journal.
: ,h,, ju,rie, In the c
mtber-You should do as 1 dld-beIts at Um> iM.iiom and work up.
"Tben why not let me marry Amy.
centage of cnlla and
faithful and tbe must powerful s.-rvuDi of the exar. Years ago. when be
wus a young nuu. he wss.seut
higher pricaw than spices of Ii-ster worth.
She says that she owes her long life
to the. fact that sbe was brought up
on the pUlnesi kind of food and ai
bad plebty of exercise.
General Al.-xel NIeubilrlicb
Kueopatktn. who eDglne«-red the nsurjia|iuD of f-lnland. Is prol«bly tbe most
Pickling Season
is now at hand
TaFamieis and Potato Shippers
I ‘
witi-“»ome one is murdering
tbe liver and kidoe>-s become
id iBaclive; there are pains iu
tbe back, sKles ami limbs: beadacbc
sad Bcni
Irssoeu and initsbililr, female complainti, Isssitade end deapoodrocy.
To rid the sytirtn o, these distrmiug
Ills, caused by weak sod Itupore blood, ]
there is no prrp->ratiou so rfieclive ss
Dr' A. W. Chsar's Nerve su.l Bloud
I’iilv the
presrriotiuB of America's | fm
greaiest pbv.irtsu. Dr. A. w cbsse.
A. W. Chssc's Nerve and Biood 1 W
Pills luei
in tbe blood, and
-IgoTste the whole sysictu. They geDtly j z
ilete tbe bowels, mske tbe kidneys
kidnevs I
liver active, lone Ibe stomach i
rsiew, and give new ene ...
and Vllsllly to
m every
eeM-.- organ
nreen of
ni tbe
the body.
Eminent' pfa'Siriaai who have pre- j '
acnl>e.l Dr. A W. Cbose'a Nerve and,},
Biood IMIs prouuUD(:e them the greatest
ot resioralives for weak and impure
blood: JO cents a box, at all dealrn. or
ill «m receipt oi price, by Dr. A.
sooe' Medicine (.'ompauv, Budale,
. On e\-cry box ol tbe genuine
. . « found portrait and foc-siiuile
iigoature of Dr. A. W. Cbaie.
rmalned w-iib h» master and
emooth. r<cfa
and fine ice cream
blood get ibin, weak aad | C#
vatcry, and every port of tbe body is ^ (a
rabausted lor want of proper noor^-*^
wore a plain caU.-.> dress and sunbunB(d.
Bill- never owned a sUk dress.
Mlaa rniom-rcrhaps ymi wonidnt
tblBk that I belong to one of Ibe flrai-'
Mr. Blmm-lndced
we can obtain.
Ing 111.'' English language If he .-v
an.dh.w'ukc'u’Mlmrthe 5'ublii4' J“> “f’*
fXttvm.- old
Onr factory, which. haa a cap
Hob of Ih.- st..ry would be a crime •K*'. bhe has evr-ryihlng u.-.-essar>' to
acity of 10,000 bnaheia of potatoes
scaiust s<H-ii-ty.
comfort lu her d.H-llnlng .lays, and pw-day, is now complete and we
The waiting list of the “Dlsappoli
k'lUg ■
ed Aulhor*' Club*' Is already large,
a« m'W.M are ready to take all tbe cnll po
and DO new nieinlN-rs
nieinlN-rs will Iw admlltnl IXt jHiuu.U uf cari»i rags, and sbe
until originnl meoilM>rs
tatoes that are offered ua,
Ira from the
come su<-.-.-"srul and
which we will pay their full valne.
Yurk Journal.
club In disgrace.
yg)trtioua ev.-ry
* **'*'“•
General Washington's troops. Sijic rem.-mlrcrs that duriug
the war she
the only one left.
Dr. A. W. ChasB*a {
Narva and Bload Pills (•
Mary was-uot a
at until all.- was IS j-eara of
wealthy fami.-r named Kei-sc
Boston, however, who 4s equally cligl-
-«•» -.... s:;;,;
She u-lls a irlfling sijry
of the skiruiish.-s with the Briilsli iha:
wen- fnitglil Iii-nms 111.- farm at Valley
I'orge. when- she was ralsisl. She hi-r-
-iiig. falling leav.-s aud drunkards'
Iiosn.-s shall b.- sysiematli ally submit
ti>d lo maeaxiues lu gissl siandiiig as s.-lf s.vw llie .\itn-rU-ali Hohller* when
lw>st cab-iilateit lo aiiuoy anil .-Xiispi-rthey were syuyliig during the awful
nio.“ It Is Inieuibsl to rail s|<e<-lnl
“*"> “>"•
- club
n known ns '
smok,- of battle -tliat blew aeruaa
the-very douryard of li.-r homo.
II* ** *
I know where my m-xi load will tsime
from, but 1 don't know bo* it la to be
N'-wmln-r N. 17T0.
gn-at baitl.-s.
mj negi load «f t-^1 will .-..me from.
Ml*. IVaggs M'ell. you an- hard u|i.
i* «-'» auil..-i..l. si.-,l.
She rem.-mb.-rs of the war uf the
ii-voliiil“ii. and riviills niuiiy uf Its
K shall Ik '
Mr*, fbvagg.^ don', know where
for the
liiu-resihic subje.-t
aubjeet In Mrs.
Mary -M.-H.m-
and All tbe Ilia of a Weak-
Sarj::* 5i~
Men's. b--y'e—55 io.?5c.»l.
such eolo-a as gray, bins,
Fashionable Outfitters
Poorness of Blood
Tbe Caute of Exhaufted
Underwear• I ». tiM-all siaos and
CO -
dhilon'ry in my own llbr'y during nir
Sb<- was cxqulsiii-ly attired
™n.„i ra,lr,r„to to Ir.m to .nt-t J"--l-lit ....Id itioitoij ptototolj »!ib
-V«, .,11. ni et . t,to.Tbe'man disapiMwred down llin
Come in-&ee them -feet'em turn 'em over—they bear in
spection—-why, it’s a regu.ar snap to get such serviceable suite
for tbe price we ask. Some of them are silk lined -Any style you
want—round outa, square cuts or a nice black clay worsted cutaway.'eto. Such value; only possible at
\„w. r would like to know if this Is P'V ^e ass«nbl.-d gu.eis as Lavlnu
the true state of affair*. Must
Das #
the church, baulng upon the
, .™ »r tor fitor. Kulto. u.lto.trr ..I
eai be leafer.
Is it lat tritb that the
.otbet lellBws
tallav IX
wml »b»e velcet (tbe Tongan
national eolorai. one could not realise
“Why. tbe best of bur Ufry people «bal all this was bappenlog oh an Isdo not consult a dlrtlon ry. Oxford U laud Mouglug to a group which many
our authority on proounclatlan and teaders t^uve supjHwed lo be sUU llnwhen ao Oxford prof.-ssor says a thing g^-lng In beaiheiilsm aud beyond the
j, ngbi. why tlum It Is rlghlT derlau-d
apparently iutedeciual Britisbi-r
Oulte a Hotter of excltenicnt paaoed
Mffmot for you.'•But l x.-got to bev a Uw suit, asV
ll.«, u b,
and young mon’* nobby fall nnd
winter •ulis nt oe ly
Tranrse Citf.
-Wbo; then, isr I asked, for. as r boys of blgb rank attired in page solta
Oewgv Davis be dan niaui-d-nway
arid my other dangbiefand 1 aln’l.got
"Tben you must have a
•IM ItoJiMIto.
yoor Qomerchaatable
potatoes and write
oa for quota*
The Michigaa Staich Co.
Tr«rei« atj. bicE;
We buyfges, 16c a dozei.
Good Dairi Botter, IT-I8c.
We soil
mx Conee~ll lbs for SI.
I will have a car load of horses
here on Wednesday, Oct. 11. They
will weigh from 1200 to 1700 lbs.,
and -will be a fine lot.
If you want a good' horse at a
reasonable price call for
at Brodhagen’s Bam
Your winter's wood
at once to Insure de
livery. WE Have
Hemlock lumber In ell elsee.
Hiram Cook,
X«w Store. Sow Muiuon BUl
torn MOMfiira it>coBD, bo»iia». oo obto «. isse.
CusilMiiM Ilf Enwiitm Fm uf StrirHr Giiflinijil
air b flrat fMved tbronsh a pipa. It b
Iben lllimd tbrutiKb cotlon-wooL and.
batty, b driven asalnat a abeet of pbie
Rlaaa'coated wlib flyieHne. Tbb b
lo Caleb all Ibe bactarta
have nut bean aalaed'by tba
It b bolll eoltrvly of
ttbaa. that tbe beat of tbe ana may
kill any atray mlcrobea that bare en
tered by cUance.
•Vtim tirr.l a. abr waa known to
tke BKiaBtaJn r««la& of Uw opjwr Cowkariaad. waa a apiww aploirtfr of 40 or
ttmwboou atu) it wv fmaraUy n»darstoud Umi aba would be wUlloc to
wed If aufllHaBtlr oivrd. aa)» tb«
An epldamlc of rafa-tdea rased In
WaablngToo 8tar. Sba owned a food
Mtle «repk farm, waa Uirtfir. and for Paris dnriug iba uonib of July. No
MWcauw uoknowD aba bad acquired fawar than M-eentarn cases of suicide
the tiUa of ■■mlMi.’' tbai aOx of Ibe weie raimriad ai tba prefactnre of poHuhlda on arCbrtatlas name of wonan not balti« -lica on ooa Hamby.
nanal amooc iba noauu^naatn. Her count of untequltad alfatt^n Is noi
■alchbor waa ooa Jamaa Uofua. a wld- rare In Pari* bai nearly all tbase re•war, wbo owned a (ara adjoloJnc e)-ni (-asas ware dna to poverty. Tbe
. M|ea Llar'a One da; aba <-ama Into tbe fact tbai so nisny ocenned on tbe
aompaDf’e eomBilaaarr. aod ralllna ma same day b aacounied fur by HaiurOff to a rvwiota c-omar. aba fair]; Uasad day b^ajr the qnanar-day for awall
One of 'iba most aad'of tba
with wralb aa aba Biada nia bar coO- lenia.
sevauiaan tngadbii Was. aoaeted In
-I e’poaa ;on ksow, celMal.*' aba Iba Kua Varsigny. ai Uooimanra.
ekrlaJmrd. lu a boane wbla|)ar. ‘ibat W'bara a widow. Utn.a LaiTuUga. 90
toot Jim llocua that Uvaa adj’loln' to yiwrs of aga.' klllnl barwalf and bar
two llltia boys. Hba bad wurki-d bani
mr placer
DRS. B. S.&CO.
- . -'eak'’^ Struva. wife of tbe
"Tea, ani^itioB bn^ ma.*’ oaidV mlnlm-r at that time, waa
Ibe ex-gamlilar.
pw^ring that tU
^d mH ibis famous woman
next man to bim
a L.***]" ; .w
Tba facta) fdalBcrumad bis flngara.
nub, au 1 adverused for one I got blm
right, a
1 a bum
u feet I
wilfa tl
and kludlr
bBericu Mol ud Su«icil InsUlitt if liskejn, IkL
Lull at Monte Carlo, Goin^,
rat on tbe rtewiner 1 made a little*;^
m.-nN.o- ««ew
mooar.,nd Icuoldaaaaglorioosfiniih. ^.^,^^ -..i.iiMa
Fan.,. I-,Via. I ..— air
' l■^ll-UIa^ WWldlUg bnWkfBSt.
my taink cull cuusUntly
against my msscoi's wagDiSceni bump
“lU-farring to l«-atbar.“ sold tbe bar-
Oct. 12. 1899.
oaaaB«n»«mB«a.m.to8p. a-
mark as to the splek-anil-apan )>oUiih
•To make a long story abort. I 'll jtiit of Ih'W'a.v'a sword belt—ha was. )n
tbat IB F|iiUt of mV bouipbacked dress onlforiu—“tbe most remarkable
lU I dttq>iied my ndl at ronb-tte be- bit of ItiiKslau ieatbi-r in tbe world
fitfa w« bad bean in tbe Casino two la viiy faiv.”
boors 1 bad just aUiojsBudfrunc note flteW-i
left, aud luy marcol. wbu was as badly as ba Is now. but
"Madsuie." be salil. afti-r a |>ause.
hrukeu up as 1 leu. bnoPNi ua to let
"I am but a rough Kallur man. and
bim play Ibat in )|im~U. I culisented.'
this Is a heavy di-uiau<lI wbl.-b y ou ■
wasiixe 1 didn't see bu^'■ tbe lurk u>nld
make niMin me.
1 am Boi equal to i
be any w-on«. Tbr hr»i track UuU bs Ibr emerg,-w-y."
made w-as to pDl a limit bat o.i lbed,in*i>f.euurs>'." said tba Iwrouass. lap-'
»-le x-ro. Imi.wneii be won it 1 fainted. plug blm wlib b)-r fan. "I sbonld have
By the time tbedivtors bai; bnmgbl me •
)s>usl,ler you bo|>rlcM)|y rude w»-rw
agm- wiiIII ma.
liut you i-fln
Bbe knew I knew Ur .Hoitua. but lo trying to make a living as a dries, to br was jdaying on vclvit a fuiit thick
abe aeemed to waul m; apuk<« leail- maker, boi in splia of all bar alToria ■wnd never tnrued u
arc they not—
mony ou the |>oliil. and I .loM bar f had fallau bablud In itayiug bar rant,
■ I by telling me what ri-all.r fine eyes 11
kbaw bim.
and dii-l-laO to pul an and lo bar ax.
I Save.
They are
fine, are lliey nut? ' I
Mlaillar ransuiu lad to tbe
*^VH. I waui to tell you a|>o«l blm.*
man in
Tims aHSisi.Kl
>kI. iN-We.X rosK- lu ibeOeaba want uu. 'Tra jiat sot to tell auuia- aulaida of a auupla. agnl mij^Ud IRl.'nworld then. I gnfas. but in-t for long,
eyi-s wara. In
-llri-ly. In ilia tfua. Hauipoid. They as 1 latna back in the stivrage.
body, culimal. or I’ll boat riniu wbla*
No: I trtiili. I
open, and 1 won't tall nona nr ibaea
liaau DslUii-d lo Wani by Iba d)Wlb •didn t lt>« it U.k. lu fact. 1 didn't gi-t
Itffrant.'aunnd bare, an I came lu you.” Of tliair Mill.;
I ,-bauci-. fur wben I asked my bntupnt. fveh.i MMk Wa.Vu.bd.
I'tbankad bar fur ibta mark of bar
Our (Idaf aim In Iba days that |>asx baek to divide be said 'Nit.' 1 remindA yanrag.. Prob-ssor J. T. W<vka of
COnllllem-a and aetai'm.
sa<-ni> to Ik- Iba saving of lima.
<k1 bim of bow well I bad trewtad him Winmlld. Kns_ In ellmliing a iiiountnlii
"Wall." aba aald. "you know ha'a
UddI affirri in this dins-tiun and begged Mm hi at least ti|i Ueoff U>
lo Hwlixerhnid. bwi a isN-keUswk .-cmbaan kiiidar eeiiln' lu 4ua bare lataly,
riHafulIy wab-niiiad by Ibosa tbs-aecretof bis ancceinL He nnbnitalnliu; Fir> lu goM.
lie noiltliNl tba
and aunar boUIn' uui lio|>aa. tbuusb who Iind tliai tba maiutlual lullri htned his coat, loiaiened a few aUajia
Butborillas of Ida l,>ss. Imi bad no hope
l^rdy uuiaay knuwr wbai a woman
-l■Brali<lUs alworb ao many iklDutrs and bnw-d ma over a must artistic arwhatever of re<-overlug tba moue.v. j
could h«ji«- far, Rillin’ a rrltl^T Ilka
aac-h )lay. Instaad of Imvliig lo g)' tihvinl bmnp
‘That's it. he Mid.
him. and ylatbldy avanin'. wln-u work ihrongli the usual riiutina of rnbblng
”Ab, yt«1 Sn]N-r>trtiiin has rninad
wna dour ami tbloRa wna inixhiy aillt oiiasair dowyi on mapping from ibr many a good man. "—New York Prem
hlmtbHtbls|sN-k)-tUs>k bad Invu fonud
and pMcaful llkr ami Iba hum*yeu< kb'a luiib. tlH-u donning a rola- da bnln and
nml Hint Its wiiii-nts uimbl ba fur-1
wtti anialllu' llia'r awn-laol. be cuuiaii sll|i|M-n>. and flnally gUing om-salf a
wanlisl to liim at i.ii.v,
up and ai-ta ou my pon-b. am) nulaxly Ouisbiug iHilisb. Ml to say. und)-r tbe
'round iMil ualwo. Jim aoi ibarawhlle.
aw Ihr l■mBl>rtB{_AbF Won t■ysiaiu all oua will bava to do Is
"I wUb to expiwaa my thanks to tbe
kinder bamiuln' an' a-bawlu'. and uol lliarally lu bloi onasair Ilka a laiu-r.
Marls awcer—as al Ihr Bar.
--innfaetnrera of ChambarUlD'a Colie.'
irllUu' to Ibe iilui and aiuiiartn' out
nx-aUK baa U-an diseuvared of
A Btiit waa toudgbt in the I'nited
olera and DIarrtaoaa Remedy, forj
aumaibin' be bad tv ax ur uia. I■•lu' a uilllxtog iwpar for baib rut>aB aod atlpkving pnt OD tbe market aucb a w-nButna court in Springfield against
Steal favor lo bim. and m> funh and is-rs, so Ibat tba baibar. on amarglug
-rfol maoieine." aaya W. W. MaaalDg.|
citixen fur an infringement uf a pata
no ou. ml I K<>i iniHii won- to a fmxxle fmni tbi- walar. simply gats lulu a
. Texas.
Tbere are',
rigbi. Mr. Lincoln was aniployed
and I rb lu ibe (miwxIuu myrndf. aa Iba l>li>uiui)-|>BiH-r garuiaui. so to s|M-ak.
a of mbttaera wfaoae
want lo t:
Bpaai-hiuakeni aaya:
-.......... ... u—r
saved from attacks
and is siraigbiway 41^ Ttw priH-asa
) tbe city. :
of dysenierrand cho'araioHntiim w*--)
"•liOOkaa hara. Jim llosna. aaya I. Is said lu In- miieb warmer ilian tbe
qoired bow ba spent bis winter avanonat also feel tba-bfnl.
It iifora.lj
*«-bat air you ibmabiu' 'nmi
uuiid Ibe usual mi'iliiHi. and app-vautlvr of
ings and received the reply "If tiima by 8. E Wall axd P
tbiekat Ibat Bjnaj far? You alu’
rulds. IS-rba|>s ^a tiUK^jimy y'l-t euma
brisk. 1 souietimrs work. OlberwiM
acbwdbuy wlib yer ibumb In ycr when w a abal] paper oni^vas lDslaa<l
1 have DO
nioatb-Lr'e »ll itnin’ on Til af be'a a Of drasslug. or. al all eraiiu. array
said "I have a latent
Catsrra. DxwMssef tc.- Xsr. Ksr. Kos'. TUrusi i
day—and af you want lo ax nia to mar ouraalvas In garmanis comiHwad of Ibis
kriM. Xidor;. Umr. nisaJrr.CSrMilr Fraisls s
right case in coort
I want yen
ry you why dou'l you do II iind ba done malarial, .-yirs. Hlank looki-d charm,
■sol ihsl sa. sr.sr (sllsO Is tknusSBSs o( rsa
paitner and will divide fen. 1 know
Man) peonis sm) drstb srerr rear vt
B tasveted w perttev aMbX b
with lir An’ «bat do you think ba log lu a<-ml.dlapbanous dra|H-rias of
pjscvd Ihrir rasssls Ibe bs!^.
-itsDiithing alwnt mechanics—never
aald to lliai. cubmalV
WIiji do you
Issue pajNT." or "Miss Junes,
tatPOBTAa' TO r-srvTM -PR.omiAM. after rsarsel cxpsnrMe.haa aweevered
it a stnd’
• think ba mild
lu tbai?" aba fairly
lovely gown of craam-iatd note wjib of Ih
blaaad at wa lu bar-uratli.
revacs of m-jNS-gn-an bleratlca" may d)«'t
I bad an hlaa. bin 1 didti'l caininuoi- In smue fuliin- fiiKblou Juurual la- dr:. OBBtHilO flOBB STB* asd araaBlaiahart
cata li. On Iba aontrary. I ra|dlad
H-ribed for Iniarasiad ivadera.
yon Cl
send to Chicago or New Y’or^
**A^g*tAlirAKD POfllTXTB Otjgl
"I pnnuma. Mina l.lxy. be lliaiiked
for them
far tbs awful ottsru or earlr rtee aad Uw a<
I want yon to come to uly
y«>u for •iimtnc
|>nmijitly and crace■ sroQ. svlls that roUos lo Its irate.
bonsa one night each Weak and give we
fully lo biir n-lief."
Atbleiio and ilo- N.H-lal part of Ox.
BBS ■psrdll). coBgIsieir aad avrmaMbtt
instnu'iions. " In a sb<gt time hr bad
"lild ba? " »be ainially auorlad. ••|H'
ford life Will ilr-n Imprasii ilie Hiranwitxn-sses to meet biun and lln-y were
•iUi.a May
gar. Kvi-r.v •ia.v of u-riii from I o'l-liH-k tboronghlv drilled.
aaya ba, ’’iwmau t iluit .-axa* kly 1 wan.
In tbe ariermuiu uulil ibe .'url.v w Inter
tiH- trial «-oinmrn<vd. Mr. Lin
ad loax you. Wbul. I wauiiil wux tb
dusk, or tbe laie. lingering Nummer win |,ut bis qnt-siKiDs at the .cross extoan nv yar smj muta far )0'm»rraf i
■ m>ti»li,ai so sci-nlifically that many
plow that |»ateb lie i-om oraroii i'oiIi.t iwlliglu. nil,- will MV enlleg,- liieU do.
Vsesls w»ak
"««tUax tbra lor slMj. socMy
Ing uoiblug but pb-asup- M-eking. says wiiii,-s.-s were iNiibei-i-d to r<-|ily When
aid)- _jiT Iba • rli'k
Uy bona ipii foiio
darad Ua' nii:lii an’ la lab) u|r.
Kin I
abe )-on<-luded. ’an ax I Mill. | »i> R,,i
t). tall wmialmd}. ar I’ll bust wbkepen. Would you mart7 a mnti Ilk*
tbai af IH> aver did ax you. iid.in.-l*"
"Mias Mxy." I snbi wlib all Ilia gnir.
tly 1 i-oiibl iiMiiiuand and la tbi- ver
bacular. "I simra would niiir"
t-ssMsi Fssl ■» «,.
viory «-oma- fn.m «'.-y|..a.
A laa plainer-ba had a glass ayaVary daslnms t» go and ban- a day’*
etinoilng will, a rrieuil. bui be hoav
tbe oailves wbo
i> ar work 1
not do a stroke of work.
be lo gel off? .that was as ibe IIII.-S
imiHi lliouglil an
struck blm. <b-lng up lo its- imu Iw
addn-ssatl iliem ilnis;
"Alibougb 1 myself win is- abwni.
yai I siiall leave one of my eyas lu «-«
that you do yonr work."
And. mueb 10 Ibr surprise awl bevUdarmani of tba natives, be took out
tbe classayaand |4aradlloniba stump
•f a tree and Irfl. For some time tbe
nailves worked like elepbants. now
•bd Iben <-usilog funive glances at the
eye to sea if It w«we slllt waleblDg;
bnl at Iasi our of ibam. aaUing bis Iln
tn which be earrlad bis food, approBi-bnl Uie ijvi'bnd genily pla<-ad it
over Ibe ey.-.
As sin.d as they saw
that Ibey wen- mu Is-iug watc-ba<t thav
all lay down auu laaia peai-efutly uuiil
I,, lud form
gl Oxford. aina-loiiKly luid form, lo
work lu tin- afienjiK.u. .vnd. after uH.
siieii au iftib-r of ililiigK will mil Ms-m
sirange wbeii im>- niillx)-* wliat a
I......... .
Hg playgnmiid Oxfortl really
Yei It wilt Ik- olm-rviKl that
Iba Oxfonl ......... luki-s Ids |>li'BBtiri- lu
wry gnire ami a v.-r.v l>u»iii<K-Klike
On ibe riv.i. r«r example,
it In nmnxiiig to iH-liold llie quiet dig
ulty with which the rowiug man sul>
mils to the hullyllig auil llm sarea>ui
of the ettfieb oil Uie low.palb.
Or if
Ibe stranger vl.lU tb<> Holywell ten
nl> i-nunK. aud looks ou at tbai.gn-ai
flanuel.lroiiM-nNl liatlallons of l.usy
playefK. lx- will «H- slru.-k,»iy tin- »e.
quh-iui-ss of It all. Tba only
sounds he will bi-ar will Iw tbe low,
Btead.t (uittar of lb,- ti-jiiiU lialls and
Cbii-ago. St
Imky aud Micliigan to try intent right
cBM-s. amt the list rear of his iiractire
did little else. —Tl........
L,-wis' "Keco:lectiiiua of Lincoln'' in Leslie's Weekly
Prom tXeliiiAv apaalsh.
i-ry long time ag>i tin- British
government «gder,-d that Knglisfa sb<mld
be tnnglit in WeUh schisds As a resnjt.
in isn.’i a roluny ,,f iN-rwa-nti-d Welsh
anrronnded by wild tribee of boatila
Cfh-kel mslelo-s he will
etring of aettk-meuts right acr.an Bontb
America, uwn b j-aying railway and
obi|i large crops of wb<-.it. wool, oetricb
featbars and quanaco skina
Ilie Mnir
"In Havana su.-leiy. as In all aocIMy
»f ^Mnlali or Portuguese origin,
Tbay left Wales teaacape the tyranny
tba English Ungoageandnow. ratber
than Ulk Welsh, they convanw largely
of their freedom in excellent Spantah.
A M»4rr> Blapamral.
Theagitatedgirl l> >ked backtbitmgh
tbe cbmd of dnat that roae in tbeir rear.
formality of (irellxlDg a name with
Ur., lira., or Ulss'la done away with.
I besliaie lo eall a matron
whom bi- has just ui<-l by her Cbris.
tan nanu-. ixw <luv« site brsllatc lo ad.
divas him lu Ilka manner,
I'll., woman Is Invarlai
rtahly known
mald.'n luii
Thai maiden
“lonsv Uiuxbi aflS vesion PTtdav’'
“IHd It bring you IBUI lu.-k?"
*X>b. no, I broke H,. bomba, bv never
Ivonght into tb:it e-iart np to the time
be xx.iil I,. Wasbiligtoll
lie W)-ut to
aaragra and made them warm frienda;
Sow and then, after a paiilcnlariyf. they were mied by a foreign fovcnigood play, ba wUI bear a little patter mant and became loyal cilixena.
Through kmg yearn of want and
of gloTMl bauils. and perbatw aouie
forgatfnl littir im-bln sbama-facadly famine they narar daspairMl. Tbay
have tnmad the desert into a beantifol
gives tiirlh a shriek of
adudrallon; liui tliat will be .ail. And farrilr onnntry. have Incomerirb.
summer afieruiNin l»-r 8.000 pivpls. have extended tbelr
■BVaBU's uaasr BmUI Way.
rnry: go o
lleniN-kl YYiai.l used t
In Cuba In Ibi- war.
His witiiesMv could reply
He gaimd Ibu suit aud
repiiiHtii'D siieb Ibat Mr LI
LHyei’In V
snslain,-i| in ewry (uiteult nglii Cl
ci4ea. no flag waving, aw) no under
graduate dallriuor.
pans to have nci'D ouiv tb<- Buttering
of blue and M-ard the ibunder of
rukvs when Yule M-on-d. il will beam
ku'kiug In auiiuatioii and life.
> uionay.—Anawars.
his XV itm—K-s w.-re pfit on the stand, so
skillful «er»- bis c|ni-siiiiiis ihst the
court, tin- jury and tin- bnr wondrn-d
how Aik Liiic-iln .kn,-w w> inncli alsmt
sli tyranny
"ibirty all." or,
•iova llfiivii"
tir If be giN-s to the Slid M-ttli-d in lbs dev-ris of PatagoDia.
(larks and iN-eomi-s a s|H-<tati>r at one These iiiau were beris-s. and with most
of thegrval fiH.lliall nmleh.-s. batwivD maicnifii'ant canrago tbay dan-d to live
Cambridge and okford. for Inaiaucr. in a desert where not a plant Would
be will bear no "nmilng." ibi-ra will grow, where the water wax brackish
be DO bom blowing, and no collage and tbe beat intolerable. Tbay were
hiug n-iN-aiiNl: the same uielaneholy
siniliess aud Iba same sad ausl.-rlty
Tbay may enjoy It: n is lo U- (>rexunwNl IIh-.v <uj<>y li or ibey wimldn't
do tl. Hui lo Iba Ameri«-an. If ha bap.
we bad wbH iiukI at tba oib.-r awl of
tbe luu ii bsK found out our addra«s.
' lla oalb-tl with limt Iasi .vear’a bill
ami «ji. vi-M luiiierlliieni.
^ Mr. Hanlujnie ibotlyl.-Impanlnent.
'Algarnun.'' Mie exclaimed in terror.
"pap is pnmning nsV
.’•Let bim pDrvnel
armel'' ^nckled____
Alger'The last thing 1 did before we
suned waa Ux slip ont and ebange bis
storage battery. It'a only got ahmt one
more mile in it. and then it'll atop
'' ■
tiumd's uaiik-. Is printed on her vlallTbs ltau«.M>Ui
iQg ,.,rds.
After Ibe death of lb«
n aisnit lo enterthe stale Inatband the words ’wWow of am
•f matriniuu.v.
printial tiefure bta name.—Pblladel.
Wlgg—Who ia Ibr iDcky-waman?
pbla '’resa.
■Wagg-Oh. I’m s)m|dj golDg to uke '
B trip to riah.-l’lexoUnd Irfwder.
Jasi M ■» asrask.
Bl9wit-Bow did you get tbat bUck
She—It must have taken a great deal
Prrslatence on yottr part lo learn to
plMT the violin no wpIL
fli*M-T|iv maaqoMa dsekaA-lndl- > B'-lt dM. I bad to go coaotantly
—MwHi JonnnL
maed tor flve y«nra.-The Rival.
New designs and (anc;
WOOtlS with new
»»-OTTItA* ..urratr.’^ sures»fally asd i*^wTGl41iaNTEE TO Cl'lie aarveos d*
"ainlse.i.efsr ajoiDl wr^. po-rjrlu*. IHdsc bllltr. rarlrurels. .trlriuiv'rissi. wsak pan.
9ffi). lurulnx l^ir mii of-e-is lu.br. or 1m|s. . add all kl-.>Brr aad bladdsr dlssasea
CATABMIlOFTtlB MtSF. brosrb.U. aad
. ca ssU fr*» cstafrh. pasiuvalr
Jeweler,- rtore ,o look then.
over. XVe have -ipj
things in jewOrv also.
frrfscied la ol
fsaisd Ko'j
BIUNUM & EARLilflll..,
worils bia aatumubile drew away from
»hr puraavr. while from the lagging maf* ’ '
Within a mile from Congleton. Eng
land. un the high n^d from Maivleafit-ld.
there is a dewrted village ooMlstiDg of
over 6U honoM. nut one of wbicb is
■as arbich bars astt eaxlected O' BBSktllfaUr
■twsDts or »ain-m. Parties »rrstr»: hj ■ail e»
>B t. prsferrvd. 'furatds cases gaaraaMed
-------------- >1 seal 0. O. O. u aay part af C- A
» s t Ml i>«iw»Tf any icn siirrrcoH. aim
Wednesday Oct. 11.
in the rlnr.
- -
Greatest Dt >11 Prize Fights.
^ MOUSCHOLO mmioT^AT'^U_____________
SKn?oJT5T?T5*" r***”*” • ^
■■ • r-. MOm■».
ANGEUNE MAfarACTUBNC CO.. Grand MA. KcK. sad ler Ssk by Al Ibiq#*.
Neproilnceil By Edisoe's latest
htiproyed Vitescope.
Gino Is Perfect Is The Most
Poweifel Electric Effects
Wotic« to Taxpayan.
Could Make Possihle.
Reelistic As lifx
t -".vi-.r iio. ii. m,i]«i" ■■hm“i-.p
Mskla. II SAsyrsmirn.
Thaflfbtwaa delayed from 9:t0 to *”*■“
I0;>0 by tb. optotor to4»d* fbato.ll/%„t Vd:-*:;:
A for it's reprodaotlos pw-
iumhIv, ;
■urr a
Tbe Edison Amer-! ■aubstltui
"And xxlibi Is itiair' i,wk. -I Hu- yonng
fcan Oompeny reprodnelng tbe eoene!
feet In every deull.
oauie. followed by a small de. wblek '»>>'•««» »•'-» «rl« of impritent rage
In lia inm Is
allowed by Ibe bus Unnu tbe batted iwrenL—CbicaguTrib-
with a td) modal machine ud tbara la !'
No FlickeHoR. No Tirinc The Eyea.
ter." n-iiliiNl H .- Kiifiil I
RcnlUtUnaLlIe. kAch Move Her*’
Admluion B5o.
Don't Forgot Tfa« Doto.
ThrfhMMl |i
“1 can mat.,- w..,.,.. ari-i.ru.-v fur Hm
plwisury- nf «iir
--1;i-iir i-olUraOK.*' Kiild Hi.
wito hapiK'ii.-.t It
!l,- Il,-«qili}K-r of j
lliv ou .Muiiday
carTylng ou a .
powem uf duikiii-Ni. ciul
Fire Insurance.
TZ D. ▲. BnlMiBS.
Morse Btos, Huse Paiitetx
down to two Incbmi."
sIl isim uapaid Mrpi.wi«-r i., .s<l paie earircMrptrnl. r Ibrrv sill hr rfcargrd a MBallr
of I pvrcrui
cullmioo. aaO oa
-----I Oriobrr
per real.
— .. ._iaras,
Cllr Trvasurrr
Herat dm.lMlsx.
4S3 H. Slmwood At*.
L •Omt • man teaoteat
tbontb tbrp i
arare. w«v oliUa^d to rtfM tl>* palm j
<0 tbMf ruuiitiiB arroM Itw water, far a I
■ «aitenlMih<taD<-e of Ktowlng coN>r. and
“I hare no wlab to do ao.** aald 1.
I •Tbefe la no Deed."
“lly dear Mr. Wroosbinlabt." mid
ahe. with thinly relied impatience, “do
you honeatly maintain that ioale la
la all
any better. motaUy, than ^be arerape
The oib..r Uadlt aufrCCoax In uke mt twin'.
-Itarprr'i MafUlBO
“Incalenlably better." aald I.
•Then you are midtaken."
“BeaUy. 1 iblnk hot
call him the Halni."
awl bred i
Cbeedie liaa lately arqulred a p**t.
nut ^f hia liuacinatlon he baa built np
for any of tbe_ «lorr apmd arfoM
tbrnn ao they do fur an Inirtcate |iaP
, ,„rtd taiwa-pHon of tala alnful hai-hi-
lor aeir wbb'b frigbtena
other day I tried
nolfaing whait-ver to reproach yourwlf
generally caml nmre for an w-i-aalonal
“My diwrA-beeillo." 1 Mid. “you hnvi-
tlnia and
-vo. In all ainrerliy.
' nr two laier
Of .
,1,.,, w„„.i,,„i,ki;- nkl
Clnivlle u day
atiing to ef^^-mtlon.
“Were y<.u druiikr
Bill—aa Ibe iwp^aot gir'a
“Of eonr«- 1 waa. Why aakT'
“I beg yonr panlon. old .-Imp.
aay—I never a«-rept valuaUe preaeni*
welo|>ed flgtirea. that li 1» not for tbo
twgier. Tin- languid awl «h-lb^ate wom-an. wh«a<- aenahive lu-n-iw were alwaya on nlge. baa gone euiln ly out of
fnaldoo. aiKl llw iinfortniinli-olu-a who
have yon la^-u saying to.niy wlfeT
“IloH- atienbl 1 kliowT' I rejoined,
give you a wunl in ««•
Ilia manner waa rem-lU
•y;ood <ohI. man!" he rri.sl.
ukk.^nl ...d .nk...WI
nut a eluiugi- Ima ctmie to our wom.
M. ami w1h> aball oay. aa lls-y gaae
wn their glowing faisw and tluely <U^
from gentlemen."
-TbIa .voiiug uutn'a craving afier an
evil repulaliou Ih unbeallby In the ex-
p-all.v. biT atilimie toward me la un
bearable lately.
You know that pho
itvuw'. You'll iv|>eDi of it auine day.'
1 waa Irriiatiai. '•It a<‘<'nw lo nie.“
tograph of lAtttleT*
'Tbe one you Ihongbt waa lAdtle'a.
anawer to Hint d>-a<-Hi>tion now are ao
Mid 1. "Hull Ii la you wbo ai« doing To" mean.
the cravlng."\
you. CheraUe.
T don't uutietgtand
you,” aald
...------------------------------- Anyhow
"You know you were a perfert Pori- wlfe.got liold of It, 'Who la iblsT aald
'My ruuslu—In Ausiralta.' I re-
la-i-anar they muihh - htdp It,' And
•■ba} tMa wrought tbia obange? Wluit
Mb-hemlat liaa been at work, rbanging
• “1 don't deceive myself, old man."
"You kitpi
your niUdeeds pretty
<he abouldem. r<nitMl<*l tbe lltuhs of our
WmlWbUe ruulHi-abollldetvd ami altell*
dark, anyhow.
anted .vnuhg women? T()i' anawer la
no awakeuing to tl>e Importnniv of onl^oor life. a»d a i-onaequenl Improving
appearance at Oirial to tbe eeren ditclplm on the Galilean eea. where they
had hern Siblnp an entire niftfat withoniencceaa. Jana appeared in the morn
ing. Be eaid to them.
the net
net an
I. '-Caat
-tJaat the
Ibe rigbt aide of I
ritip. and ye ahaU
plied. 'In llglitsT aald she. ‘A faney
i-oatumc.' t said.
Nolnsly ever found you
Cb.ivUe.’ said she. 'aiv you a nillkaop
opt In anyiblng wonw than a Isix at
Koster & Blal’a or a Muuday at Man-
«r a byisK-rlieT
T did not like to
plunge on eiiber alienatlve.
do. ,you meaur I asked. ‘Your frlemls
• He atgln-d.
A dapawese.Nataa.
"Old man.I'd Ilk* t*
•ee.vou give up ihBljua of thing."
“Which son of ililngr.
Ura. Hugh Kraiwr. to a recent voL
mme of reuiliilmeui-eok given a quaint
.^n pk-mre of a iralneil oiirae who
"Y'ou know.
Tbe aort « thing
naed to go Id for."
warvM for her Is Japan. Mya Ibe .New
Torii Mall and Kiprewa.
“Kbe wa- liarely' four feet bigb."
•You mean
other day." I mninbled.
Yw« B-u- rwaHiiw.
obey tbe cvoimanda of bia aaperiur oC
he done and wbat we are capoble of doing- The ofti. er alwoy* hua a
»>*!« vision than the priv
Poftnuitiea for auperior ki
greater. Cbriat aViaion ia greater than !
now. Tbe diaciplea bad failed. When
they did what Hr told them lo do. they
O. 1 say.
“You don't
end wide leather beK put on over apron
Rj>d all.
Into this lieli. bolding her I
ls>ok here. t.needle, aunt
-...II. f..r. toi.,ilo»«r,i. .l, ,yuUj -i,.
,,,b A.V.,
I excUltued.
No r«;nio^ equal* Warseh's White
' IKK OK T.kB.riVKl l* lor this terr.and fata! discuec. It taken thor-igblv and in time, it will cutv a
.1 a hour*, and be- the ivugh that f«!
■ws La<;Hpi>e i'. ..ever fails
a to give
Ik-r. IMoc. 2.V- and •’’■Oc.
short lime she had to Wre
iileu l•et■alue railunal., bouse.
!«: xliii. 4S; xli, ⅈ
U<vra««re a>* Hellclew.
.•be noiisl tiewu. rnun right to left,
ir ••............-*
«bey knew aU the alna biy pulae aud
• fbai the ••honie“ mnst be nutfle In tome
thinking that be ia on
„„,i, „d eapecially when
,be «iwe time Zwboi voic.
mav attain
“P be « tPo*
- W..ld..rf-AMUi.a at i | |.Mai,HM,rd and put In running order.
Betwtwu 1KT» and IMO many ebaritai
“I ani
fha moat faablonaWehradgear of Urge'life.-
! Porated aa
The Mitaanchoaeit. Home
Keep la ToaeS With the WarlS.
not live in syinpatby with tbe limea
They grow bard because they keep the
world ubtside. They lose in apirilnal
force becsoae they keep that force un
der In their daily life. Every day witnesM to tbe life lived tbe preceding
day. Tbia must be ao. for life is enmnlative eiiber in good or evil. Tbei* la
nublana. Consctooslyornnconaciontly.
this force is working for gesd <« evil.
Stagnsliiiu is death. When we realiaa
tfala tu tbe ftill. we strive to compel attaittUPDi. When we look npon each day
die. with mauy balrieb pluuiea. aud :
"U U useful i» me.” I replied meek-; for intemperate Wonieu” and tea years aa a period by itself, we become the
brick playibings of time.—LYmstiai
tbe white fitatTwr Iwaa looked extreme- ' ly. “In fact. I don't quite ae* bow 1 ’ ago was retueved to tbe newly well with the ctUT
aud mauve , could gel ou without It.
building on the corner of Bmyma an.1
I’leaelwB tHker*.
Y’on waste so wocta of Tonr tlm*.“ Biuni-y sirceiA Ruxliury. The Insiltiifow-us that I
Tbe best rule ia tu'iake people as yon
"As time Is ..f no value to me that I* lion now- Includes a hospital anti disideal day. the mid being ao |>owerful
6nd them and make tbe moat of yonr
>r opitUat even In Ibe atanda parasola wriv nut a great eitraragance." '
n-—,, .»d
please them
aietf—ury. aud the red oue* jtivvailed.
«b.A. lAa«J.T ...tt -a —1««
- *rhh tevasloually a abot of green and great deal, too.”
Ibobgbt“1 coufeaa H.”
red. Old fashioned p«o|>le are still
PbilmtA Tbn, At,
Ub. „,.„.TO
pi„„ „ri.n.kl«sA bU
"Yon gv to tuualc balls."
beard to iMnln* If ladina go to tb«
lb lb. b«n». -.Vlbb
' .j »bkb b.i«ii-i-r.irf »lih U» nllb
Iterby—a^utwiktn that may be ans
iDbral btm |diy.i™i hMlih. Th- Ul.,r .rf honibn blbdow. cmiduI (-11 of hrliiiiwered In the alBrmative aa far m i
"Yon belong to too many clubs."
o( Ihwo. -bo .AQboi pbA bbd IbolioK,,«olt»bicb will b-BUe-clorj.
"But k only frequent tbe others."
blgbest lu tbe UnU ate
money of tltcse wbo ran
make the When
wben we learn to live to plesM othera.
"You know loo many people.'
«ery pretty dtva-e* hr* worn.
manv nennU
fin home abtiui two-ihirds oeir-*upi«>riliic.
aball reap tbe largest taarrest of
“There are
of cbfwe w-t-n- to be *«Tn on tbe hill
many people.
Im jj^a.^barploldlreciathe household, the pleasure fot oorselvaa by imitating onr
pasMlng to aud fro to tbe hospitable afraid,
InduitrlAl department,
the bosp:tal Lord and Master, wbo went aboof do
team of iIh- K. a. BBd tbe l^h Lan-,
"You aiiend
tbia ing good to Ibe sools and bodies of men.
rera where tea proved
—Philadelphia Methodist
Bbla .
. bbd„id I. -I bbd
li^ibrs^.'’.”:-; ’
' of It before.
rpe day has gone by. luckily. wbeB
women thought chat for traveling they
Thank yoa Mr*. Cbeedl*.
TMe Harm •! Uealaa.
gnidance helps them topard self
nnanano. you
Btnat envelop ibcmselvea In sbapleleaa ,
-whr dna'i von set married too?"
line, duatera. queer hat. ^graon '
•r brown Iwlge vHla. miy. tbe Crtt*- ,
amn. Travehng toga for women are
agmcially ixvity nowadaya. th« un lln-
", h.. altered Joale"
^ wealthy woman of Boston. Mr*,
Thayer, provide, a vacation
f»rl. at Lancaster. Msm It
Wheedle It
**•■« *«»
M and Irish craab aniu cut In tailor
^aliered*blm la tbe least”*
•tyle and nnUbed wHb bravy smui*
Mag tbe moat popnMr. eool a^ fieN
^ ^
’rtilcb U owned by Mia. Tbay10 look at The Tarioon alpacas that
er. ha* Urge room* and broad pUsM.
4mme in ao many prMty ahades «C
... with aatteea and lounging chairs and I.
•rm and gray are also aaluble foe
She half »roae.
,„,t,«Bd*d by shade trae*. Near by la
mmr In can and boats, a* the mat*-. »a——”
|. >1^
,ntb bammoefca
Oenina asm uiudvl Uliabl* to produce
barm. - Un« might as well attempt to
dlacoorae opoB tbe kon to a convention,
of lantern maker* Work bard ax they
may. there will atwaya be e painful,
coBtratt between tbelr an and noon-,
day. Perfection aermonx do no good.
They only deceive tbe xnxceptible and,
—Preabytrrian JonraaL
aett rights
a Celer et Thaaaht.
Mid ****
L» Tra»ararOy..
Ar Rlk RapU. ^
na Froi
, ■
uraM Rapida
GnM RipMi t iDiUui L I
re ofJVala- al Traearaa
OneOrrlal. liOa.
---------------------------------IDAY. grMusW Toroew
c« l^knBMB Bldg. 'Ptas-
n C. OILBRRT.AUOrMy. epwlalAi
to Probate praeUee. Bo—s 9
MtrcaameOo Block.___________________
W. ■JEE.'tiTJ
o. sjKsa;;
^EI!K(iiifiC£CS«SI;n VSSS8
a.Blo 11 B.B.. I
IHbC drossBaklog dope at Ibelr
lOlre at or aSdivM Mlaa arXoBrId'oUnml oktag Parlon 411A t«
The Moderi Woodmea
of Imeiici-
rJ^«'’xM co!IrX*BS*M^
lae ear rwuxqo to OrMS BapMo M. ckalrcar
C.L. LooRwoona.r
unsm UB KHimismi ll
Per capita coat of man^ment. 5*
eauU-Cbaapeat in the world.
-- Lowaat average death rate, being in
188S but t.St per 1.000 mei *'
tahetn }u» like jrouI
no fi.ni. —n—b
I ■ S li
S S «
«w .<w
ii •liiJS
W* ba-e ewer l»4 nrftre >hu eleven m-------■eai»—for ta« last teo yean ae're bad only
Ullrtie (K68BMJMM.
Tn cutiOirt U N witM n.
Yon are cemially loeueC u> )«lo with n«.
HbkeanpUeatloo teaey of IbcaeBberaot tbe
loeal eaap. or l«T. W. RIteble.DMnrt Depoiy
Gas Lamp-S2.p0....
Price Rediced to Clo« Oil Lot
Beet workm&nabip mooeF
CBQ employ for Bicycle
Bepairing. Quick worii.
_______ kXtac
Twin MOBBtatS
•“.S "I '1? 4£ '!■■
i 5£J ■;
; SES:.
HR) I •
MM 4 Ui« » I or
1040 4 U
t0 4» e IP
10 47 WB.
•10 IA *4 m
11 m 4 M
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1 iis
oom, w«rtb
to, -toto. tow,to.
»nTT.»n.OtW ................................. Jto.W
: •^KSs.'iiitob::::::::: !Se:
Itl DnlM Streak
John R. Santo,
Gxitril iisinm.
by bM oeenpation or by tbe dialect oc
MlMoelock a-B
i 4o; 4 IoIl*
BUItt Mm iM RUT (».£■££
.rtwbw tba ebaraetar and «dor of tba tboagbt! fw Ml- aw, bWl
return te
•d^i^DMa^attiacUn OnUh to Ms M<*
•Ot'clud. ArPmoanr^
Fbone Ul
tbe grammar of bia eonveraaden
-b,b, o, .bicb..
Men grow narrow be^nee they do
r bad been coniuliilDg.
And a few <b»f* teler i<*f
“Her awtiN- waa O'Tora »iin,-Hon..r.
! 1 rtHlectiMNl niy pminise aiiipl.v. 1 met (Ibe common t-aiisi;. This waa the emable Tiger
‘"T *^'‘1^'
Ylr- fhcjlli- ..II
I'ifili avenue, an I ; bryo of the temporary borne for workajnjoe vt .ut-■ otntrot
aofteai piiiiay
^ ...at
that .--n
• AMorUi tiw
It la : i„c women on Bbawmul avenne and
ftumd on a domeatlc hrarth nig; and :
• "iii!l-s 1 piHinml street, whirb
Mra. Cbnrplnt
II »
Homo Baktd U--M*. o-di
Mna Nnnr v„.i,
a larger; perjen,* be au blet*^ to bim that ha
Aa her work developed
I should lie employetl In tome way and
U Plaeo Botei: Romo> «u asd a
aodrklUtvB-s <Uora*e- a-peelaln
; saw It waa ueces-ary that her charge- j bia writiugb are silent.—.
r. a, Mooa. geperalpracUreaJao'
TAlie e-I"
'>■' poH-—n. ..J —
b.„ b.™ b, ,1....»! .1,.. b.,yb, «>-;■ --.b. .b;
tu spile of bImseU be laughed.
J yj>w
Ar Gr~' Bapi<
arist na in diH-iding when Cbriat v
ns to work and wbat Ue wants nr :<
btTO ^BO.H.Oaos*. AimracyaaSOeuiBelkwai
do onr beet to discover wbi
Cbrisi wauU os^ work, and IbeD let eJ-eVuw““*^ ***^ o***a Ony Opera
MH.,b i„
oonco oocTB.
To Cm U Cri|i$« ii 24 NMit.
' UTtnloed to devote her life lo the res- ia fur progrew and the development
late class.
, Chicago
West Michigan.
belpleiamna and need of the inanwliu;.---------------------------------------------- ----
'druukenness and dbrnrerly condu. t.,
Woman's Jonnial. .She dc ! h, i.
OOM Fnwt had Oaaa Streata.
BawdU Block.
want* na lo work .
wee thaa ever.
rtol anealioa.
aaHedidlliadiaripleaufold.andyetHa'r Trooipt
Have -a patter
doe. give na leadings in tbe matter.
1. Abllitv abonld awist na to decide. I r.M.eVw.Sr ^oS;S
given na ability lo do i wwg. g b. minor. pbrMrUa
>r or oWB> eadlB
certtin kind uf work, we may le-t | ^i**!
Bell IM: Kortkaasored Uiut lie do« not want na'to do
S. Opia.rtnnity abunid be looked i
wonmn .xiumiltted to hit dally rare-" ^ am-sted .m the aireeia of Boaton for
and ahe waa kept InMde her bnttouleM
andairingk-aa i-lulben by a cruelly tight
ceeded beyond all exi>eeUtiona
exi>eeUtiona. Suek therefore, de]teQda uponnbedienca
I g M. SROWH. AuoTMy are UaaaaeiuiT a
to Christ.
i O. Low. apeelal auaaUaa -.a hellaeUM
But bow may
tAOeoaTwaMlaf. ailProatni. .
■ rrw'r;,~'r, r:
PnistcM extfBiftiDg mod fillisR
without gas, chloform or frdier.
Term* cub.
mply hiipuMilile for....................... ,
oltro cunfrusi
Chriaiian pet^e. nor...
they alwayaaniwered. Onr topic girea' •'•'r hi* w«tliU>r aa lilioaelf If be baa p p t„.„, v«na«»oe
na a aafe principle to follow-work •
“ ■“'» I*'" ni-igUbor baa ihick-1Vijeaxex. akBoager.
aoni aaving rrligiun among tbe nxat
tnilUani writers uf tbe day. In too
my of them we enconuter only hilli
The man who cotuddere hliuaetf all
' i> iuake bluiaelf felt.
Some wOmeo'a love la limited to tbe
iH-keiUiok'aad her
«lu- of a luau'a |>N-k
eblUty to handle ibe* ir
In vain do ws srateb for true and
"Marriage." Mid be
..$1.00 op
....75c np
....5Qc up
0®*^ FlUlOgl..
) PUtinom FilUuga..
Th.-pe la aotwHIilnc wroni; with tbe
the '.Cil<-..e Pillina
man who d«*a not acfeily lore |«lae. Wlrt*r HHmg..»-
Wbal (ball we do for Chriat T Shall wa
preach tbe gapelT Shall we become
foreign uiiaiionariea. or «ball we atay in
tbe borne cbnKb. and. if as. wbat abaU
we conddrr oor facial doty and -nilaei.m there; Tbeee are
, *•. 4#: Ronj. *ii. *-»: I Ctor.
he l-I I; Oal vi. 1-8: (*.U lii. 1
.AihI. afUT/alU perbapa I did.—New
*ni obod with dainty airaw MDdala
with green velvet atrapa.
"Her llgure. tbe abape of a very aofi
feather idllow. waa draped In a tight.^winp while apmn wMi a large bib.
_________________ -
Tbe end iiMu la a mtiHitrel abow twn
ell a Joke aa «eU aa the next warn.
mah who
trta aa hrortuK
In court!
court !”*•»*«-------la airt to b««r ao{i>etbUiE be doean t '22 |ur*t BoW crowna. .3.00 to 8A)
« -j
if money .oold only lndw>e peopla to '
.................... a AW per toow
be sooiL
what a Jolly world ibb
would be.
"Ami I told v.
apln-e are not a |*a«t."
"1 «-nn sec you overdid
He aigbeil again. It was a diplomatic York M'orid
„ Wrilen Mn». l-'raai-r, "lier loUipletlM
-waa dark, her feet were ewaaed In
They eaat. therefore,
herefore. and now
they were not able to draw it for Ibo
mnltitnde of Sebea. Bere lean illuatratloo of working where CbrUt aaM to
work, aw} tbe reanlt.
Where Mull wa work aa ChriatUnet
her you badu'i got one. You haven't xxviii. in-SO; John ii. Ml
Phoi.rgrapbs at Sii
xv. 1 H ; Acu vi. 1 16; xiii, I 8; Luke
' Guraiteed lir 10 revs.
Hope la-a tniUtde tbe tmaaccraafal
nan hkiwB andlitowa mull It hnma.
bailan Beach.
Of 4v>ur«e. you Bome111 tell you.'
tinica left artreKm>«' pbolographs lying will
yoti.' said she. Bo
So I came
cauie lo or do Hir work. “Where duty calls or
g there."
alsiut. Rut we know- where you bongbt. yon.”
I danger, b- never wanting
; Math.
"Kbe asked me ahoiti .vour past the;
Bible Headings.—Eccl.
•f every opiwnun y lo live, move aud
It ivUllon*
Tkt lest 01 eenk.
reference' by an incident In tbe’ life at
A true
knot la aaM to be tbe
Chriet after Bia rraorreclion. It te tba top-knot of a woiuan'a luap{>lne«a.
■An. ,0.1 ko... .0 knk «r .k.l CM. ■ ip,".'™.,™;'! C.'cknTk S!.?j
the muddy hue of lIMiealfb to tb>- i-b-ar
pink end w-lilie. nal awl brown
<wboleMiuH' akln>? Wbat mlm<-lc baa
lengtbeunl Ibe atatun-. airalgbtened
A haHier
. aaya
-----------a nina'a wlilakera nt«
Tbe topic it illnetrated In tbe topkil! ■««V« cat down IIn bia youth.
I gave It." Mid I. -' ~
tUie lookiHl at me gloumllv for «oim'
I doirt ililuk I e\W api-nt a
duller ofn-rtioon
-o. in Irony, yon meanr- •
1» »k- 1
white llmii iMK-kB with divided
Bualnna with tbe buay Uule bee it
OhedieBt-i to Cbriat i* a teat of
1 Mid.
magnlB.vmt •
Ko woman Ian bootne to her dTMD■aker.
onrUA-efurCbriai. CbtiM IliuiM-Uaaid.
may be nilaUken.
love Me. keep My a.mmandWronghtniglit.
, "If }'e
If we love Cbriat. we are to
“Of cwurw.*' Mb) I. “1 admit that, meoie.
If >oH d.iu i mlud. Mra. Ctutedle, wc ahow it doing what He wante nt to do.
"But yon kw
* ”■•'"*■“Why. we uaed to call yon ■ Mint."
vo-wl all aummer bme wlili rapt- ]
nr...u k,,k.i. fra.Mk,- ikm... -t ik,.u.
»' ..............
n(ed to
my opinion of Jnaepb
Samulvre Cbia-ille.
I do wbat aon of a life I naed to leail."
••riolaimiv - Mid 1
et w.. . A..H1
tbe ofa*ra.
nrta IIk glamour and
«umi>liK>n« a
would imivide a liienn- for d<^
•Igbi/ul r.-triw|ie.-tb)n for luoiitlia. w hen I
••You pakitl
^iBbe,! out.
mn. 1<
........ ...................................
If 4 cf.iild only
believe Ihatr be
trip to tbe rlij. a pilgrimage*
pilgrim ,
Twple r«r the Week Bawtaslu Oi
".N'onaeneer ahe aaM Bpatn.'SiublDf
i don’t bellere IL"
j where Cbriat tella yon to.
For many reamna we ahonld work
’I bowed and waa alleat.
• leaa alike." ■ where Cbriat tella na to.
' k laayer
, laiulug a dlvonv (ban
Mid abe.
.1. Oecauae it ia our doty. It ii for
d.»-» for
1 did not trpiv.
' Cbriat to coniuaBd and for na toobey. ,
“O. waa I rude? I beg yonr pardon. ' lie la onr leader, aor CapUin. and tba
iMTlie iil<v. Mr. Wrongblnigbt."
. , muat iiaparlant duly uf tbe aoldier ia toi
Arm la ctucbei. lailiatlny leaf or Sowwr. wbli-li after liitlnlte toll aud-nerroua
•Hwdarhea tin-r dereluli In tbrawd nr
woraled tn nilom aonte lialwr alirlne.
women of lelaniw
Cren tbe e»ii
n-he Salntt How abaurdr
“It waa a aaylttf amons uB. 'Aa lanocent aa riieedler "
«mM natun-'n tnrp|lne«a care aa nrurh
■llw almi-, and
' «Udet tn a
man la a anint to the
Rlnor. I
milO bellered that no one conld de*
welop tbe blRtieat of healtb and beauty
wiiiiten bom
' woman who lorea him!
lad. aarel/ . be aball ded me.
•tirely few
.b1(« at you. but 1—yon can't dcccUc
Aeatthr. a^iniMtrlral :
Aerttaae fruni ■enermiiona gaaa beforev
«r bouaed from one week'a end to the
other. atMl wlM Itad bred np to ibelr
Briler. oayn l-'rank Lealte'n Monthly.
It U atrauae. lioi tmn. that enmpar*
“Of ronrao. yon at* bid frimd. You
wanid bP auro to way ao. It'd loyal and
Good tor IS Days
powreo .PA1U1QIUPHS.
nu thas
Itko that."
1 rorkoo »M Ibo ataaiaa.
Tbo rrar> ibat fall aad aa«;
Ufa aurd hot rap and aplllod
Thai hnar. ‘oac- load
loaf a:
tera twM ao ctaasiM hi Amrrtfw t«s |
peaia aco- Anx-rtcas womra pn-rlow '
ahr Mtd abarfdp.
~TIim U M aaora rhw Ip him tkaa
la a klttea.'' mU L *'n« ww alwapa
airtou a>r ooal oiiraM>d.
ftart-d OIMI roarbod a«r»da:
II draak thr |M
or boaioB'a «
Tb« MOfnc aiMl «rbulMK>n« prodnci
Muubliie and Imb atr knows aa
«» ooMoor vomas rooM amrerU I
KitiwonHuTr«a H m*f »Pe*"- ?»*»
wka irrf«ll7 annoftid.
••XiyitBl i r
aao oano wild •aorfe and odor
or a aWBBxr limth:
r.«M mm*
1 UntoC to«ao4 mnrj waithM,
Notunc rwiU I ivo:
Bat a* ibo Httk <M UooU
'Oao roBto truai Uiai la ato.
Lmm BMtelM- wrf K«rT>
to that
YWa r»a* a* BHlMa mt QiM
(Mar aac tar to
Tw*. taro aDt Dralk roso aRM
Oaaw mmtm and dm acala.
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