The Morning Record, March 31, 1899

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The Morning Record, March 31, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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; »': •






AMioftB Armw «t th» OaU
•kiru of Valoloa


»«jm «uu tk«t Loot «T Vommm
vai VM
)M« TbrM *W tot
UTkte Lcaalltf.

Vafca riMa St Oaaa.

I of Uwdlspoal
iloa of tba Aatertaao trooaa od tba allliar/ aarab. abowa that Bala'a biifada
atratebaauat oa tba rlffbt, witb HarriaaUrar Otia' br gada oa tba lafi.
■aeb biifada ia UU adraaoa llaa la
aada ap ot aaaaoaad rdBateaia. wltb
tear batterlaa of tba Tblrd arUUary,
tba oaly rafolaa
Jaat faaak of tbea. aad aldway ba>
twaaa tba two adraaoa brlfadea. te tba
atroBf torea of WbMtoa. wbiab baa
baaa b^ aa a aort of batterlaf raai.
Uiaawda ap aUaly of rar
taASpaetad to ba baard fro* wbaa tba
awla aaaaalt baflaa

Vattbtel Xapteya of tba Xaaaab A
Lar KaraaaUla Oa. for
Maar Taaca.
LoaU Baaaoo dlad yaaterday at bia
hOM oa Uatwopd araaaa, af plaarowalsty yaars
of ara aad waajbora la Daa*ark.
aate# to thia alty thirty yaara aro aad
baa airraya baaa la tea aaplay of Boa.
Parry Baaaab, altbar paraoaally oi
far Haaoab A Uy Oo. Ba waa a dallraryuB for tea ira aad It war oaly
• weak are today teat ka rraa foraad M
flaa ap bla rrork oa aaaoaa t of aloki
Mia. Uaaaoa died aboat two yaan
aro aad tea oaly ralatlra of tea daeaaaad la tela aoaatry ia bla aiaea. Mite
Ada MoatrOteary, who baa lirad with
lbs tetellyaiaM early ebildbood. Mia
Moolgoaiary baa baaa ooaflaad te bar
bad for aoBM tlas peat with asrioaa 111
aaaa. troa wbteb aba has aot yal raaorarad. She baa a larfa alrete of
frtaada la tea diy who will oyBpa.
teUa with bar la bar aad beraarsMt.
Tba daaauad waa aa aateeated oiUaaa aad a taltefal aaiyloya and will ba
fraatiy nlaiMa by teoaa wbon ba baa
. aarred wall for so taany yaara.


■ «T OZAE.

tba bayan la tbU eity state
that tba loaa la tbia loaality will aet
aaaaid I paraaat, aad aosa dais that
tbadaaaca wii-BM batbataaeb. At
brat it waa tboafbt tbal Wldara of potatoaa woald to haary loaata. bat tba
raaalt of aaptylaf pita aad eailara ara
altboafb aoBu tern
an loot w

BriU»b ADd Am.rl.Aiu Bo^i
OarteAB Ooaaat •aidto Baaa Xaatiratad tba Traablr, Vbleb wa« Oataoma oTBiaeUaB of Xiac.
Apia. tlaoioaB Ulaada. ria Aaeklaad,
N. Z.. March to.—War U afala rafflaf
la iba banoaa ialaod, Tba aatlra rll.
lac«a aldsf tba abora oaar Apia bara
baaa botebardad by tba Aaariaaa arolaar Pblladrlpbia. aod tba Krlilab eraUara Poroolaa aad KojalUt. Tba Aaiarieaaaad britlab marlDaa are flrbtlnc
lew- who baa the Boral aapport of
Oanaan Oooaul Rom. Maoy aatlrat
bar# baaa killed, aadiararal Atearicaa
aad RrliUb tearlaaa bare baaa klUad
r woaodad.
Tlie iroable aroaa emi of Iba aleotloa
of tba king of dtnoa. Tba Uarmaa
il waa the lamadiaia lattlfator of
tba nora rr^-eat tronbla. Mataafa abd
bla oblafa, who ooaatituted tba prorUloaal gorammaat. opatinaad to defy
"la Barlie traatr. Tbereopoa Aditral Kanta aallad a aiaaUac of tba
aoaaala aad
the Ptalladelphla. A rwoloUoa rraa
adopted te dtamka tba prorialoaal forImiral Xante teaiiad a
aad hU eblafa to ratnra to their honaa.
Mataafa aUrtad to obey, aad with­
drew from MBliaaB. a auborb of Apia.
Barr Eoaa, tba Uarmaa eoBanl, teaned
a proelamailoa apboldlnf tea proriakooal roraramrat. Tbte aaeonrarod
Mateala to defy Admiral Kaateb preoUmaUoa aad make bim rabalUona.
Tba Manfana aaaamblad U terra
forea aad bammad te tba tows. Tba
Amarleaaa forUSad MbIIbbb. wbare foliowara of Mallatoa, tea rightfal kiag, took rafaira. Tba
barrleadad tea ateaeia aad aa'aad Brit-

An alttmaivB waa aaat to Mataafa
orderlaf blm to a*aenato aader paaalty af boBbardoMBi by tea Britlab aad
Amarioan emtaera. Tba bombards
to bare eommeaead at I o’cloak oo
March IS. Tba DltimaiDB waa loorad
aad tbe Mataafana wbiBenoad aa ab
tack, adraaalag in'tba dlreeUoa of tea
Britlab aad Amaricaa aooaelataa Tba
warabipa than opaaad tra.
Loadoa. March SO.—Tba Britlab
fotalmoftlwbat raaaiaad oflolal diapatebaa contrmlnr tba
tea Aaaoclaiad Praas from ApU.temoa,
of baatillUaa.

“City Bookstora.”
. 8201^\>ntSt.
Tlw|f lian stjili
The; have qualil)
Theii ban dutibililr
aa Uir bc«t made.

Selling Agents.





About April iBt I will open my store with a new stock
of House Furnishing Goode.
I invite all to give me a call, It will be no trouble to
show goods.


Ten Tear Contracts
Made by Michlrao Telephoaa Co.
for any claaa of aerrioa daalrcd.

House Furnisher.

201 Corner Union and State Sto.

Subscribars Mar Cancel
at end of ats moatha or ebanre
to aay claw of aerrlne at will.
Taleaknae tea tnanaifeT to call
aad axp'aia aaw ratea adopted by
tee compaBy.


Gasoline Tac'bts;
Row Boats, Sailing Craft
Bum U Bual
BUAl ruiDDirW all
Ir fur
ai—laoa Curatumr CAllautS
CaIIauO look orar
orvmrk la t.rorr»AA

Cli; braa-k. 8a> Air-rt.awi of Cold Pioraea
B eiApV.n.h IA... AA...MI....

Vote for Bon. F. W. Mayae tor Llrat Mew York TMa Oaba caiWadga.
w York. March SO —Tba I'altcd
Siaua traaaport Crook, bariar «a
bjord ter bodlra of MS Amarioaa aoldlara aad elrlllMu. moorrd aloor^de
. Urookiya to­


Boy’s and
i Children s









For the balance ot this weeL

rkothtphn po*»blr vtM*. PSar(el
verb • Apeclalty.
-■aanab. Lap • Oa. Slaek.

MOTHERS, don't neglocl to luk« advanUK© of Ihia oppoptunily to u*-atly clntha your boys at a email outlay. Of all
times in tbe >var on Ea«ter you want yoor children to look
their beat.
W© spare I no pains iu selecting our sto<?k and we are prood
to say lhat w« Lave the Hneat line of children’s r’othing e?er
.1----- —i' this j. ty. Thf---------shown
They wore. bought rery advantageously
and we are givu.g yon the beneSte of our great bargaina.


THtSt ARt n*MT tniTATlOWS Of COOP 3A0E1.
^/T mtt ARC
, ( BUY OMLY THt |


Block I


New Furniture Store'



Ffahionable men trade at the.......................... ...

I S. BENDA &...---------CO. —____


Parte, March la -Tba Parla papan
today poblUb a dUpaWk from Copt^baraa Mylar that a plot aralDal tee
arad, la wl
wbleb bU
ourff. bead of day and ibr work of diacbarRiag bar
tea holy ayeod. ara m»ll««ted. Tba
abjrclof ibaeoaapiraion la to take ad
Tba trasafrrriDp of tee pine boam
iDlara of tea eondlUpa of tba ciar'a eonuiaiDg ter oaakrU from tea ablp
hteUh aad remora bin aad aoBflde tea
tea wharf waa alow work.
gwrerameBt to bla eaele, who Uclaaaed aradlea were awaar from darrltea, aad
:h caakat waa lowered orar tea
HUrtllorramofa wlthaa
abaabip'aaldaaroardof hooor aalataabatenllal baait ttere bara oc
Whra tea eaaketa reaehad tba
from lit peterabarr for aoma
dnrof tea dock ibry were pnt oa a
llitor aad carried by foar man to ditfereat paru of tee wharf ao tbat Idaa*
UfioaUoa woald be faeUiUted
O X Boornm la Dead.
Tba traaaport baa on board tea
O B booraa. formerly of teb <dty
bat lately ef HMkrroe.dted at tbal lodiaaoftwo Cbarlatw boya. Prieata
fUaa Wednaaday from tea rffaeia of aa dertoo ftenUayof tea Nlneteaatb ia. |
wbo dlad at Ponce. Porto Bleo. i
il opafotioa. ■ Booram rrOl
aad Corp C. C Cbambertaia of Cou-j«
ba ramemberMi brra aa eaa of
Fltobarafcr tea Hoatlara baaa ball paay I. Tblny-fuanb Mleblgaa. who
died of feeer at Saallago. The aamataa
Mam. aerml yrar* age
ara expected te reach Charlotte by
•rayaoB’A Bicoiutar wite a Dog.
Batorday ereataf.
Oa Wadoaaday algbt Nlgbt-Watebi
aGrayaoa bad aa aacoaaWr
Tka M. A M. E iraia daa bare at
ama of Tip O d.-dog*. Tkeaaimal loraj« *‘'P m wax aeearal boom lataWedtkacoatolteao&i.:er badly aad Used aeaday algbt on acemsot of a^liai-ta
ta make a maal of oae ot bte 1^ Mr. at Baar Oraeb. write a load of 1^
one waa kart, bat (ba aaglaa.waa ac
Mdtfcaa waatto Ur. Kaaalaad’a raai- badly aaaaabad teat aaotbar one bad
• aadbadtea woaada 'ia bk U« to be aaat ap from Maaktea to (aba Ua

I on can t ro wrong hertv. for tbia atore loads in newneas
-;Wc have no old and jumbled job loto to work off. See oor
window— it fairly ivOecta the atw'k. —


Miebipan Talaphona Ca.

Vote for W. J Hobba for City Trcaa-

Easter Sale..
of Easter Suits, Top Coats, Hats.

And reoo^ized er«i7wbere

Moaarbaa'a blit to f
waa the aabjacl of a aerap la tea aeaato
tela aftoraooa and waa afaln tablrd.
Tbe Aaa Arbor aacur.lua at tea la
dIrMaal axpeuae of tboae rolag will be. —______

Tba laatalUtloa ot tee offlmia of
City Oommaadary. Knirhu
Templar wi i taka place tbiaarraaiac
at S o'clock. A feU atteadaaoa iadealrod. Tba Katfbto will giya a party
la tea aaar fntnra.

is a book we have'hkd auny
calls for.
For the,beoefit of the. scores
of yoneg people who seem dis­
appointed that we do not carry
the book in stock, we will say
it is under the ban of Anthony
Comstock’s society aod barred
from sale in the state of New
York, it is also barred from
the U. S. mails as obscene literatnry, and being such, will
not be carried in our stock.

In thA world

porialta iteMoanar Aacaaa.
Laaaiat. Marob M.-Oorarww Ptegraa aaa daawaited Prlday. April ttih
aa Arbor day aad epos It ba aaya:
baraby aall to tea attaettoa af tba pao>!
pla of tea atato tba
plaoUar oa teat day, traaa for oraaabada. aad 1
tea atata acbool boarda, fnoalUea,
Maebaia aad atndaaia of adaeatloaal
tea day by laltI and by pUaUar traaa
abrnba. rlam aad flawara.
Pinrraa la la raoalpt of a
latter from Ooraraor R-maaralt who andaraatborlty of a coacorrast rproluiloa of tee New York Araambly.ia^Uaa
Mteblraa clliiena to ba rapraaeatad, at
ike Pao-Anerlcan EipoAlUoo to b( Md
na« year oa tba Nterata Froallaa.''
Tba quMUoB ot tee Mlcblraa Cen­
tral rapaal ereatod a dead-lock and
for half a doMO lie-.
ape of a parltemantary aatara. (terton oppoaad R^'a
I toap.
potet a oommUtaa to ooafrr with tea
proper Miehlraa Caatrml offlclala aa to
a oo wtaleb 'tba said carporatioa
will cMMSt to a rapaal,Mr. Cartoa
aald: "Tba adopUoa of aneb a reaolntluo woald be poor policy. Let oa poM
tee repeal bi 1 aad tbea If ibay bar#
any cUlm tor damar** l*i ibam ro bafora tea eoarta aad altaw a jary of tba
ateta teay bare robba^vde^ wbat
.k.ll AMI
tbry abaU
ret A 'bait doaea aobatUutaa' wwa propoMd. one of wbleb eltod tea Micblraa
Oaniral toappaarand
codm why
aaahapreUI ehartor abould not ba rapaaled bat aa tba railroad ot^uiiitae
fa bare a pablic bearlor nut later
ibaa April 11. tea raaoluilua to poetpoaa flaally prarailad aad may r« over
aatli after tea bbarlnr- Duriar tba
dteenaaloa beol'y obar«ad teat bla bUl,
to repeal ibteobartar bad baaa delayed
la tee oommniaa becaaaa "Tbat aommltwa baa baaa flirUar wite tba MlebIran Caalra- railroad eoDpaay."
Tba bill locaUac tea Norteera Stata
Normal acbool at Mar<iuetta waa har­
ried teroBfh tea bonae uuder auapaaaloa of tea ralaa today. Obardorlar of
a bitter flfb
eoald aot atem tea tida Some aebamainf waa apparaat from tea fact teat a
oot aaUl after roll
call ao teat tea twa-tetrda requirad for
taaaloa aader tea rule* of tea booaa
lid ba a amaU'-r aumbar tkaa If all

From the Ball Room to Hell.”

Popular Hats

PM«dB*tTbara laaOi^aattlOB to
Allow aa Kara Parlaytec-> «m
Paaaad aoi nnac Laoatlow of Saw
Vonnal toool at Mai

>mm n.. tt. ■« >..1. wm
Multe. Mwab I) <-liaat araalar^tba
iM4a a ataa4 ia iba traaebaa
baU a alta Wp<ia4 Oatr«<»lo alaUoa
at tba rivar aitoag. Tba Kaaua aa4
iaUi«a4 brUra aa4ar a baaap **• aM
auaakadtba mtmr't poaltloa. Tba
4 tba piaakatiT flra for
baMaa boar bat tba artUIarp 4lo(»a«arta4 iba«. aa4 after fon^-flra
aUBataa «/bt tba
ward tba bllU. Oar Umb waa two kill,
ad and twMitj woaadad. Tba aaa*7'a
laaa waa a
Uaaeral MaeArtbor eavpad laat
aifbt aaar Uuifolato atatioa. foor
mllaafrcMB Malolna. Tba laaor(aaia
bara boraad all tba tearaa tba/ bara
ratraaud froaa.
tfaablartoa. Marob to—la rlaw of
tba teal tbal iba AoBorleaB troopa
baitbraaaadMa-half atUaafrwa Maloioa. Adjoiaai Oaaaral Oorbio today
stated that baballarad tba attask on
tba rabal oaMtel will b^a todaf.
la rlaw of tba lotraaobaaota aarrooadlac tba towa, otbar aUltary laoa
41aa#raa with tba «aaaral aad tblak
tba attach will ba nade tooaomw at
tba aarllteb


Otoitod Hot DiMOBiioB
Idtnblng 'SMterdxy.

• ■tetWMBt tbMtU* tow U peUtOM
«to riMtec
Ka4« »tiM« •»
!■ MteblfM bew—■ of fTMstac 4arisff
mtw m4 I>HWfly
44- tb« raeml nti«M eol4 vMtbar, aver«MM «r Ov
B«( Wm acaa aboat 4> par aaat «f tba aattra
Tba fraauat 4aiaata ta rapori.
SrtTMSMkVttkBMTT Lom-Ss.


Ll(;!rtum£ oAi&mALj

let ns clothe up the little fallow

With one of our Vestee suits, mad© of extra 6ne Idoe worsted
elegantly made, beautifully trimmed with braid, laige aod


jS s'siiAIS',
beau.rfnl grey, all wool Yestoe snit, trimmed in red,

iS. 4

OaiUli, SolM leaikir, lew Rrices and Ri|bi Stflas


large butUras. a heautifnl garment, one tbat you will delight
seeing on yonr child—sold all over for 15.00, oor sale pried
is $3.60 Onr asBortrarnt of these snita i« large, prices ranging from ll.JW np to $5.00. In bIack,.brown, bine and grey, all
fancy trimmed.
Boy'. SuiU, 8 to 16 ya»«, from 76c to $6 OO, in .11 tb.
latest aeasoDsble oolora.
Onr $1 48 dulU are wiouera, double hoees and aeata.
An •'Ic'Taut line of Confirmation 8nita uf fine Uaek Clay
Worsted, lb oonce. silk
a IBO'Ml,
laoM, the
newest thing ont, mile prioe

line ofof boy's Blouses and Drees Waisla S6e,
I 46«, 600, $1.00. $1A6.

We rerneatly
earneatly solicit yoor inspociion.

Glaw Block.

Tr»Tsn« City, Mioh.


i MommiMa

mmoomd. ttel «««U

k •>k«4 Mr. M«7M%
—M^«y. laMM «( km«41i« kimm

nuvCBSSoiTT. . monoAii
m*— *■» J. w.

ftm 9

wauAidiuD BMOoaansMX.

*• t«toUlml r«Wte mpem tk» mrntm « '

■■^W o( ft «M fthiiftM to ftlftWl tor ft
pakUft irifti? Wftftt tJhc *oM»* wftftt
•n Cftcto «9 tkrow »rki ftfM «W mtlU of tkft' rw^Uvft Mdidfttftft. ftot
iM«ftdlaff miiwttn (ftloftlfttod to
ffrftt thft «hsrft«lftr at ftft k«Mftt m«
)Ml for am (wrpoft* of (fttolM
for tbft CFtWitif c»ft41dftl«.
U pristine oot/ port ftt ^ t«ftU
■UI7 Ift tbft COM is ^orftUoftftftdlftftf
tftC oftt tkftt fibiek woftW Aftfttrop tkalr
It tkft Birlft di^iiftjft ft re«kl>ftft
M xpiww €Hr.
4to^s«dof tkft koMT of MO. •bleb
WUI kft ftOftdCMftd ftt tbft poUft BMt


KPUiumi Ticm.

WftXsinAftOO tkft Mftft.
Tbft BftfU 7ftftterdft7 Mdft tblft vcr7
•OBftIbIc q*«7:
Do TOO Wftftt ft MS for ]ftd«ft ftbMt
lH3ft0 ftbftTftetftr tbftre U ftft7 dosbi?
fkr l^t of tkft MUtft.DftlTwM
r will 700 folft lor ft Bftft wkoftft ohorstftT
to ftbOTft rftproft^h?
POU MSK&Y A DBAS cf Waaktoww.
B7 ftll MftOft. •« •ftftt ft MS •
COL. BU g-kUTTOM of WftT**.
ckftTftfttftr to ftkoTft n>proftftb-ftad that
Mftft to Boa. Fred W. Mstbo-

JwttM •( tiM mprcM Covrt.
■AimiOt A OSAMT 9l fMvblM.

fapOMUftAff*. Utk /litftalftiabftait.
fBSD W. MAYkB. ofCkMiotoU.


Vor MftTW.
Vtftsk ■ft^w*.
for ai7 OftHt.
AIM «• A>«k«d.
For Tt—ftirtr.
WilUftB /
fkrJftdtftof BamAcr^CkMrt.
toflB mobeitft.
for Seho^ In^ftetor.
0. B. Dookftrsj.
gl^ MMhv Beard ol Fsblie Works,
for JftftUoft of tkft fmm.
/.A» Fwlp________ ____ _

••Maaftsl trslslaf in aakaato" wttl k*
Tkoro ftsa ko so bottar toudattoa
for )ftde«eat tkaa the oplaioa of tke the sftVjret for aanaldcrfttloa at tk*
aanb elnb ineftUaf tbto eftersoon.
of ft tows, wkas tkr
kewar of ft alttofto to atlftekftd. Ikto to Ml*. U Bokftrtft wUI ha** okaif* at
wkftt tkr bsftii aaa Mftft od Ckarlcrait tbr pmeraM «nd will •U'l read a paper
the ftut j ck Mr* Feck ftftd Mra.
liokof Fred to. Msyee:
To tkft Tjtrrft of mb Clre«U—li «• J. Cvnlk w.n al*. pr«*nii fwpftf*.
Tbrae ftiiaftl* talks *111 k* fl«eft by
vlftw of tkft sojwt attack that baa born
Bftdft epos tbft ebaiftctcr aad Intrfrity Mtoa Barkfts. Mrs. 8tUe*. Mi*. Pt«tt,
of oar fellow eilltaB. Fred W. Ma7aa. Mr* Falrbftftkaftft4otkw>fti« •spictlata for dre«lt Jedgo. •d to uke port. Mtoa WllkdB wUl
favor with a koloand Mra C. i Koecwa tbft I
lad b7 Mr. Mayor. Isnd will report ftoafttblog of the aanCbarlftroix. ft
doftlre to toatify tkfti wa belle** bis to sal work of tb* glrla at tke Agrlcalbe ft Stan of koMr. intagrlly and bWb t«i*l eoUage.
ftbUity. and !■ rrery w»y wortby of the
BwckUsa ArauB Sslva.
klfb ofioe of JndreThb Bsar 8al*s in ika world for
k. M 8u ■ 8ua>
OsU. Bnttofts. Boras, mefti*. Snlt
FftAftft M. liftAM
BkftftB, Farer Boras. Tel
F. O. UuiSft A CO.
BnBda.CbUblaiaa.OorBn,------------------Cafti-nra A Mnxn.
of BO pftr’^nlrftd. It L rsarsof^
H VKiiroiD
rtva parfftct saUafsetiOD or Mouy
F. N. Chaioji.
refvsAaA FrloaSaosaUparbox. For
M. klrLAK.
aalebr^ O-.lobsaos and a. K Wait
B K. BftooK*.
nst milUsary
CftAmavois Lunnui Co
The Iftdlr* ar« cordially lurlied u> In•prcl the floe dUp^aj « f Ba»t*rniil' F. A B1.AIIOSABI.
ifaery at Mtoa Minnie KortlrV W,»i
A. T. BimnTT A Co.
81da. »0« Bay streol
i'*3 U
L. 8. Hn

TftftSft «u bft so doubt of tkft electloft of Frftftb BamUtoft tor M^er bcHkftkftftSoqppofttUos. Bfttai
•boftU «ot* for klB fta7how, joftt
to ahow ho* ft riod oltUoft » appr*. _.*A. Tkft ftBM will »ppl7 to0»»7
Oark ElekftfA. wkooa record In tbft
eUrk'ft-oaeft ha* ffttnod tk« ooaBdonoft
iTftr700e. Tbow B—bowaro freo fre« tko worry aad ooaI wklob oftftftll7 fall* «« tkft csndldata tor pftbUe oMea

O. Lnviahua.
Qfto Walt.__ _
M. V. Cook
H. D Lirae.
' )
O B Wiijira.
Thla to aftld to be tkft Ufttlmosy of M
^ OOBV Of tbft bsalftftft* men of (AftrlerolK. Itftpftftka for ilaelf. andaboeld
eoerisee rrery voter la ibe elrcftit
of the faulty of tbft ebargcft.

In eoaaidarlDc ike <)dftli>«klk>aa and
fllsam fiv tkft oMdldatM far Um oftlM
of Jodf* of tkft Bftftordftcto «onrt. caet
yoar *oU for Jadg. Lorla Boberta,
whoae adaiatoWatloB ^ tke ofBae alBoe
itwftftereaudww^ftftlft Itaelf to^
Unpayer* Judge Eobarla to a Uwyar
of ability and a good eltiBen and It la
for tka later*at of tke sw>|da to rsuln
bl«B In otHee


Mr Waikerb Pfttoftatag*.
MoftjfUKt BaL\>M>—FUftftft oorruet the
report ia regard to tke per oeat. 1
ekarged for Mking ftcbool koweplaaft
My ebargae mtr* *S per o*aU on
tbft eoftt of one and tper oeat. 00 tke
oiker. iaeladlag ftftp«^lDB- Wltbout
par OMV oa one and
iSbft other.,

aay whole tlwe to lb* etteriateodeacft'
tk* baiMlaga.
FtoM Man Wko Xsew
F. A WACkCK, Architect
fa ftOMldtrlnr tka ebargea of t^ft
The pereantage a* glvea'MB-yeftter.
CtgU •»*
dayto RiuitBii wae ace >rtllng to Mr.
fnt W- Mays*, voursaboaldearrfnlly | for tonrik Asaual Moctiag Travwsa
Walker'B ftfttlBaU wkea preaeated, but
^Btdarali tw pbaaaa of tke costro-:
gity Basday
kft reduced it after the board bad eon.pang. Tbft repitoafteat to Will Hamp.j Tbefoarikaa
Tb* foarik aaaaal oOBreailoo of tke
•Idered tke plana.
•■aUrMpoBMUbtorulualaouqun-ilvavarfteCIty danday ttohool Aaw«la.
fiaato la Wbtoa b* oonreystk* U.-mu-! tUm will be held tbto craalag la the
8^n>* OraeUftt Mead.
idaaot Mr. Maya*'* okaracier. i>r«ftbyt«rtoA cbBreh. ooBuaeaelnc *t
Mr K i>. Olivia of Barcelona. Rpain,
^se* dftrrloped a ftpleadul argumeoi in
jq o'elock. Following to tb* progTaiD:
fanarof Mr. M«yo*. It will be aotiood I Bong mivIu* led by tnale quartet of kpcoda hit wlDtera at Alkru. H. C.Weab
aereeft bad caused severe ptlos in ibe
fkat tka g*stlem*o wbo wore tacllned q,, FInt Motbodtot church
beck of bis head. (Id using Klectric
•a ka laaneaoMi by Mr. tUmpton's asDerotlonal-Re*. 8 Juoea.
Hitters. America's grentesi Bl«>d and
Addi«M of to>lor>me—Mrs B. R tiir- , Serve llrmedy. ail pato soon left him.
He says thU grand mediciu* U what
Ika ao^lad bosd d«al Rut tko**
bU cuunuy aeeds. AH Amrrlaa kuowa
whs b*cw all aU.ui tk* tranaaetloa
that It curea liver aad kIdary trouble,
aad Mr. May*a'ft eosnccLioa wiu
' Soug—Male quartet.
pnriflrs thr brood, tour* up tbe slom4ftftB*dkto aetioo kacftaae tkry kBfts| Addm*.'Oar Yoasg Fftopto"-Fraab ftrb. Birrngtheas tbe nerve*, puu vim,
vigor and new life Into every muscle,
MMtMr. MayacU ooufM wa* strictly Welloa.
serve aud orgae of tUe body If weak
BaMrabU. beeau** i( aaa agreed sod
Addreftft. "T* Teachm"-IU*. to'. K. tind or atllog you need It. Eeery bolI tbftt Mr. Mftys* •»• re-:a>^ai.
aaranled. onl;.................................
Jobnaoo and
i^Hiiroooanyotl.gaUon to Ue rilSoog-Bar. J. C. Oaraaa.
kigS of
tolIsifttsg rrsHaft to Mr. Hamptoa** B^bUg tbe’^rMohed-'-Prof. C. I
fa tbata&iis
dgasMoaft wilt be of toMroftt to voter.: j Horn.
Mr*. F. M. A.btoB has been able to
1 hallo** I boo* all abcMUthe bt.adj Oftoersl dtocuMlo*.


■■ -

The couaty executive cOrnttlUcft will
bold a mecUag la tbe eharcb Friday
■r of yoar tudgemaat ol U>« Uaa*- afteranoD at t o'clock.
W F. Iskwi*. M. D.

Kbe vr ll be p.rescd
t of Traverse Guy
faau aod boaneu A tbsre
patcoeage Is kiad'y soHi-ltod.
F. M Ashton

The foDcral ol Louto Haneon will
lake plaoe front bU
day afternoon at i o’clock.
BvrllaebUrk of tbto city and AI»a
tftdlc* will be delighted with tile
andar Cbrtoty of dUlUville. war* auUlatest styles sboen by Mis* Fearl
ad In marriage yeswrday by Julio*
Tarbshernr, wbojias now • m-mplete
line of elegant effects la IftUct fashBrown
Boplytag to your qu-uoa will aayTbe actesisb well in the rear ol tbe loaa
Itklaai luliT uadcistaad tb* buod
kuoauig wBftt 1 00 I could uot ToBBaller block to bow Sowlag IZ.Obu
la t«|dy to yoar quAtlosa. I batleve
- staad tSft uusd traaaacttuu
poakier that It was a tegiuwsaeuoa aao Mr. Mayoe did
wbatoveroat of tse aay.
L. I.kwi*. H. I).

»rla* SmaU-

ailiemeat to rvUtiv* to Mr.' that can be dmlr*d.
Maya*'* ounniaiatiuB Ml May. lavt 1
CapUlB Aadre* of tkaSoqtb Maaitoa
)oww wbftB 1 vutod Bft iTkatos to
life uvlag autloa. to la tb* city cm kto
bto appolotmcBt. that
•fttastod u aitoroey for paruu aoia- way from Oread B»*ea to Ue tolaad.
CC fkd bosoa. u a* *0 atatod to tftft H* will rvport at the ftUUoa with kto
er*w on the Ub of April.
r W. LkFavaa. M. I»
Tkftteaoker*' camianUoa to aow
baisg brldiaOreaga kail by Ooaaty
Hebool Commtoaloaar Mtaft Maul* C.
Vba MaglCft Oaafaaataa.
Grey. Tb* cxamlaaUoa to for Brat,
Th* Eagle yeatorday gav* vole* 10
fttmoad aad third grad* ecrtlBeatM and
thfaraMarkaM* ooaUaatiinto lu edtk*r* are forty-two applieaata.
Tk* rareal Workftrt Mtoaloa Baad
Th* Eagle pabltobed all tk* evideso*
' > by to* ouart auaograplwr. wUl BM*1 ikto attoraaoB at • o'elock
«. uv* that of Mr. CenUc- with Miftft Oreoft curb. 4tl -Webfttor
iiek threw ao Ugbtoa tbe
i II aoy WM omitwd it •iMftt.
auftogrepbar aod aot by
WUJam Love to ptaaaiag to
addittoaft to bto raaldeaee oa Fifth
U was tk* duty of tb* Bagto la pea- •iraet. Ta« general appearasoe *f tb*
aaatlag tk* isaUMay to au to it that bo«a* will b* Improved..
popart Mr. Mayu's eharac.
8<.v. E L- KaUogg, who kM
Iv WM omitted.Tbe Eegic pracUcally very sick wm •nfllilftoCty r*oover*d
pAiailft that U omlttftd ‘»|HirUol Mterday to lake ^
a rid*.



i .

bore* “»'*'•
aagin* of bto yacht, the H. it
n-A^i- lb. k.ame apoo lb. etreau'*'”"
Piogr**. Jr . to Fred Wlaal* of
Mart fttesograpber. For akemelMr.
pirv, wb. will bave It i^accd ta
' Ikgla. Sow to U not uue tbat
aloc^ Rvreae. wblcb be porebased
U JO* dcairad all tk* tcsUiuooy Is of Oftpt A. E Jobutea. Frank bM
gha «a*e la qaeatioa tkaiyou could pnrebaoad a twelre-aoru power taiMv* tad It for tk* aaklagT Wkaa yo* gtee. whleb will be plaowl In his bpal
praearod tb* uatimoay wny did yon
pot ••* that wbat ywu bad was ail that
pCactadMr. M
Mrs. Vfj, U. Lawrraee bn returaed
from ^ greet aaarbrU aad will dis­
play ^bar opeatag Thareday.Friday
floKadapoaMr. M#**'* koauMy aad
aad^tetarday tkft moat eirgaat boajsa dA Hit waat that wklab dlaprovcd
sfttd la tkft UtaatfttvlH of Mtil|p>ry.
Jtm tHcrtloa* against kim, hseaaft*
Ceilllal isvlutios to ladtoa Ml-tv

BagaM Xmisoiy



Vtekof Maysa

*• iwtlw. to

J. 9. m&nu, hdiu* M«


Bs^aar tar PtosiaatoM by VkaassM

50 cents for
A nice
little solid oak
center table.

Wc have a fine line of par­
lor and library tables in an­
tique, golden oak. malachite
and mahogany—50c up.

Honae FnmiabioK Htoro.
New Store. 120 Front Ktre.1,


Of ladiea fine akoea afler eeemg the ahoea »a are aelliog

will qaickl; decide that they
are really geanin* bargaio
ftboea tbftt are equal to sboea
•old at from $2.W to $;i.00 a
pair. Tbat*a what we claim
for tbeo) and yon will be delighted with yoor bargain
when von buy them'

popular 8buf Honae.


Make rough, red hands ^ Wj are buying in large quantities and pay highest pricea.
Carnation Cream -1
25c—keep them soft and I
aid Short Ma|ile Wood.



Tie HaDDdh & Lay Mercantile Co.
Oup Silk Department
is offering very special induce­
ments for the few days before
Easter. We will offer a Black
Brocade Silk for

____ 49c per yard.

Black Dress Goods Department
Can show you the choicest line
in the city, they are Crepons,
Poplins, Bengaline Cords, Brilliantines, Venitians, Coverts,
and Armire Cloths. A pleasure
to show goods. Call and inspect
our stock before buying.


You need a new shirt for Easter Sunday.
We have lust received our complete
line of shirts, comprising silk front
Shirts from

75 cents up.

Colored Madras, Percales, attached and
detached coUars and cuffs at

50 cents up.

Tga IWCTlgltiy

TWarr MW ertod ■LWBfMly.
S'kvcUoc UMWTMod
~No. ool" ba rxclalMd {Owdla^.
j tui4 ofcoMcro U Invtatlni* U>a mx ‘’Anyttant bdt tb4t "
*TUefr aba taprolod. ~A
•IM ttOM of tb« UOtBB Ital pmm4
TW foUowt^ ofo tbo BopabUcM tbroaab tba awaU pUc« vHm be «m ac UUW It W bar«.r wward. bo aw*
_ .
, bwalar Ukra *11 tb*t i« withte rwch. j ,
Corrfvlly i
U*l tbcio ‘ *i>d • OnaBcter ibhai *o norb It cm**!
ba bwod I
«9Mn vlU mU» M «M»ln by
axprwa tr*lB do* bt l.baoowdtd. Tod atol* but «**-•
I. a* Uwy br* jJI «-tlock .Mbu afien.o.>*. Tha E»*l»bB* I* ooir b aaaoetar.-CbtOKo PoM
Monk AdMM bM •
rM^ lb* Odbliftw I
(•« Unw Wilb bU srlp, «&.
Dava ao D»aaiallaa>.
la tb« pmcm of Mm. Polly W «lr. worf^ywn
Tm yoind to quit, our boa* la ta*
•♦'•rta for «->b*«leaUo#* OObJte mrr%a\ ■ a>d au «bi th* aspr w tram. Tba lbVbOMlabraiad lb* booArotb wnl*rr>
I inaiB* Obarantar act. bad U appr. bob |,r*nbK»i.“
• id Uoy bra wob of bbOlty:
thr loaiirf bowrwry of b«r btrU toM work. Bar 4a»
bpaad. Tba iraral-r aba bi»'Ted. bbd ; -Ha'a madr a rv'a ibat do dark aball
Wb«d Vo. 1.
ooateat* •••bar
ta tn
tunilDy to a ro!<irrd mad who *t«»d *e*r a inurtatba darl&t buainaw
•iMwtfow. waw^ MNi ctf wkem m*
•aporriaor-W. B- «rwinr.
■«a*r. ramarbad: -Thbt trbta didn't;
*U>p?“ -No. air.- Mp.Ird Ibr

a14«mb-U Mootoc**lUaas cb#artuUr.'da«'ta*B la-'Ut*'-“i------------------------------------------:--------------■ortO-HoM.oto»o—hboy.rt>too.lwpaotcroflilOBUoM BE- McCoy.
A laarhci in a iiriman a>.b-ol racanU
vUoooofni«fit w»lo Md «>hw bal Maabwof »0Ar4 «< BlowUoo-J. ly r«ad to her pupil* -The UId Oakab
rwdhad bla dwllHlob l*wpad oS A. Moore.
tucket. " Afiar expUlnitif It to OieWj ». A.«ar«T«,«,
eery carefnll> >b* akkrd them to copy j Prart* Itbnr
»UI«th*irbtb wbb bt.ll lb woUob. CoutaWa-C. W. Aahtoa.
■■ _»a
Ibe flr*t Mxnaa tr..m <bc blarkboard i
■idtoolBllppbdbbba )a»pMf bsd b*
Ward Vo. fl.
and try to ILumatr It hr drawl
a'd lra>H.->,w(H
«u.« rCrlMk.
fbU wttb aaeb fore* that ba frbetarad
(b* anut llltutraiee a aiory Pretty
Baparrlaor—d. C. Damw.
BOOB oa* imw fflfl bunded In bar booh, lA-M-.t,
MbiIrbU bad tr** badly lojared lawnAidarwaa-B. W. Baattafft
wiib aeverat litti* doi* between tin
lily. BadiadlwwlyfoorboaraUtar.
|«*pc«torof HlaeUoM-A. B. Rrowa. tlue*.' a Hrric.- Iralf a dotco dot* and
M Mbnbbll Ua aorooar sbd * •*«Mawborof Beard of UMattoa-Amn thrae burkeu "I do not undenianl
thu. B-a<lc.- Mid ibr tea har
tar«fMU»aa*r«ah*dlBU> b ylae* of B. Blaffhaw.
that clrrirT" "Ofa-Abat’a the well,’
woeda 4W th* raport that a dwd body
Opaatibla-Hlraw Klanwthr reply. "Aad ab>> da you hkv* tbrat
had haaa to«ad. bat diaeonrad that It
bockMa)' 't>h. one 1* the oaki-n S-e i>o.i n'rfjjmAMSr'Toue wwvWI. oi.
Ward Vo S
huekal. an# i< the leoo-bound bucket
WM Mat of a abaap
Tbair rawaiha
and the ntber U tbe bucket that buna
wttl aot ba.r pablteattea.
Ml the well." Hut wImu are the tiu.e
At Mbpl* Bapidb a tawor «« i
taapaewr of
WaaHoaa-W. W. dou'^ "Why tbo*e ar* Hi* rpnrte which
tnr infear) knaw^—chtew« New*
Mawber of Board of Bdaeatlor.Noah Wabff^’ wae bom In We*i | (^1*6 AtlDif
Praab Priedrtoh.
■onw doathby. a U yaar-old boy
Ceaatobla—ilaa. Arwatroaff. *
been etartad there for th* areiiluo M '
, •
af Poraat toaaahip. Oroaaaa eoaaty.
Ward Va. 4.
Wloffaatnabaok. Bahatd a hay


&n^ere»V. J

Hand-Made Process

ia sensation
' 'T "“ over our shoes

Paparriaer^W. P. Baraha.
Ald*rwaa-K J. Palffhaw.
taveator of Bl'*ttoa*-0 W. Urdl*.
Mawtaar of Board of Bdaeatin-M.
:. Oriati.
Ooa*tahla-P. O. Marrla
Ward Va d.
•aporrteor-L. K. Oarataad.
Aldamaft—0. B. Wriffhv
laepaeter of Biaotloaa-A. i. MaHaary
Mawbar of Board of Bdioattoa-Ber.
D. Cocblla.
Oooatabla—iewa WMl*.

kaifa lb bU baada aad Ar*«b oa th*
polat. whlbb aatarad hb
hlai tamMy. Ha way n
W«*d ha* Jabt baaa raealaad at PoaMae Crow daatUa, Waah.. that Bebaylar
tl. Bodfob, who Ibfl that iUr a f*»
waMwado *a nat* to th* Kloadkk*.
' Wbb awloably ill at dwtU* bad thbt

h* had aatirMy Int bl* *ye*tfht.

WwwMaV O* at AIlT'

-tYbat-x the tlUer" lniernlp*4d the
manaarr. talent oo a*itins down ta de>
tail* without loa of time.
*T havt called it Tbe Puiillat.' and

Have you seen them?
ifnot, why not?

“Ut'oB'l do at all.' Interrupted the
manaaar. "li'a name abowa It ta be toUlly furelffB to ibe corract dramatle
Me*. We iBUBi bare •om* artton In a
play.-you l^w: U can't be all dialoffu*-"—Cbloapo 1»o«t._____
CaaMa* ^rprUe Uliw
P-tttaea—1 »er ihay*ve cot a yak out,
at ijtico'n park
l-ana—A yak'
A* Br—O. yea Th* faeir* bulldiny them by tbaf
tone* here ar*
lluHiMtid. *n<ry^
aolny to
'» aoini
■ *Ul>er*<4«
tba hurt* en Ir ty%^l a«e Tr:bi.BB,
way Me
Be t*Wl>
"Jenk* look* weary ^ lal*. - Bav*
you noticed lt»"
-Ye* Hit bc.y la setBi.s old euoufh
to want hiti. u, cH'lalb ihinai "-Cbl.
esBu Dali) N, wr.
A Htwreeelve Pi Loul* weman u*r*
(b* Irlepbonr li. n et^iix roMBPcdl a
Tbcy Bt tbe feet, aa nature iateuded.
for style. Wirkajaneblp, Boish an-1
!dar>bj‘ily they are aaldum i >| alej. but
Vote fur Loria Bobaru for Judffa of j never aso V o.
Raoorder's Court
i In connection rrith good Buinr qual_________ ________
I Hie* nur sSom are o' unif»nu ff»ud
;*t<ck and ohoe niskinff—are made nrei
afyMIr ami well Bvilua Imi*.
k|Pip*rlor»ull*tH.L Carter* i Our’aellin* yr.L*^ 1' «>
■ At 01.—other

i »o*e, other prtee*

•adffabwaat to tha Eloadlk* ayaar
^aad abllarJlBK thraacb tha CbUaoM paw broh* bU lap.
At th* raralar Marah aaaalea of tba
hoard of raaaau at Aoa Arbor W*aMiday Prof Paal C Praar of tha
ebasloal dapartawat autad that Chaa.
r. hraah of Oaralaad, a Hlebl«aa
Lltilr taa Bac^. dauffbtar of John
alawaa*. bad aaaoaaead bl* iaUauoo
Barry. baaffoBa^Saffinaw fora rlalt
at ri«laf tba aatvaralty a ll.KKi thraawith ber ffraodpamta.
a*d«balf bora* po«*r liquid
Mr*. John DtVernob, who haa ben
phMt, do b* laotallad la tba haaai
Ul lor lienaalklx weakaat the bow*
to ihpbhawlaai laboratory bafer*
I. ft trill b* the Brat of IW bind at an at bar parrnu, Mr. aad Mr*. W, A.
Mar*ln of Ma*t Biffhth atraat. b abl*
Awarlcaa aalaeralty.
to ba ooL
Kraryhody at llatUa Craab M
J. Ilarrow. raeanUy publbbrr of the
Bllad onr wart bada Baoaatly a elark
Mwiok Uacetle. baa wored W thb city,
to th* ( BIb* of a Urpa waslactarisA
where be wlU loeate.
tobtltntlOB pot aa oplioB on a Boa bed
Mr*. 8 C. Ueaprr* left yeatrrday foi
of warl, and ba* wad* a
a two week*' riait with ber buabtad at
•aU to caplialiau of tba land and ba*
alwrad aa «**• BW.uxi by ibe operatwalle Crain and ftwily, who bar*
tkw. Kaary farmer la onrron with
baan litloff at KlUfferald. Oa-. lor orrr
, proapaotora tor war), who are ammina year, retnned to this city yeaterday laportaat U Ladiw
[and ruarsntoe ili.ic tugiveab.
toff arery maiab irablB M milea of ibla
Mr*. W. (i l<a«rranee will have ber laatUfaetion Kre vbeabtaa in our *how
afUrnooD. and will make their home
twl|> mUuke
In the
Tba bbbitof awokinff bsonff Lanalaf bare in the fatura. Mr. Crain broupht
day. fridar and tiatnrdav of i
with talma box of rip* ■trawberrlca
week Udir* are eapeelally InaUw) I
hlffb aabool pupil* b**
to inspect tbe late atylM and aleaohotorablp of tba awokrra to aach an wbirb ha picked jaet before laaelap
sul St
I! . front SL
Practical Shoe Man.
'nctaBt, aad aataaeba had eaataple for tieorffia.
Mr*. I^aoh HamUUia rrlurned
thayounfferacbMara, that tba hoard
adadawtioa baa antbor.asd duperin bar borne on Sute «lre*t ytaUrday
tasdaat Laird to auapead alt pup>U nuoa trow a four week*' .elalt In >'ew
York. Boatoaaad Main*
arho faU to abaUtn frow awob In*.
Mr. and Mr*. M B Johnnoo. of MidTh* Ban las Harbor llbnry ofil wra
dlerllte. Mlcb..aretbeffue*too( 0. H.
wanappriaedof thalr flnt ffitt WadHaDtaraitdtaffilly.ofHtateatrari Mr.
■aaday by wbleb tba orpanlaatlon re
Jobnaon <* lo«Minr for a pleoato loi-*'aalra* batwaan PI-OOo and »T,o«j. ,Tb«
K. C. Cook of the Uoeea Oity RmTIu
ffitt aomea under tbe prorUlboa ^f a
rant, returord jeeterday from Harbor
WUI wade by Mr*. Mallaaa Terry. «bo Nprlrff*. where be rrmt U, r:»il Mra
died there dwaday atleraooa.
CoMt wbouill Tbcy are preparioff
Terry waa aupp^d to bare barn In
to more to tbe city
' aitrewely pow^ einti
narafal «a* abe of ber espeodUare*
Vote fur Lorin EoberU for Judge of
that in bar rreakcof lllnaM aba would
Kecordvr's <V>urt
aot allow monay to be apani for
«lM. food ar faal
Kneploff a d'-r >» Ipiiug to Drove a
UenaralOoweawaa utked by Chpt ooally thing for Kly Wuidouck ->f near
But w« do believe in signs when they arc
Cyrnabmllbot Oo. D. lUh Hirbiffan MbdIIiuo. Allegan eountr. tStv^ajo
TOlunicari, Ifbedldaotdrmlreto oon ter hisnanioe pet bit Ciiaion <iibs^,
cunvindng as.those which point to the
tribute aowaiblaff to th* Kike’ fair of tisngew. wkJe tbe latter was paiaifig
Wbieb befflsa%t Jackeoa April
tbe Woodcock d-imlolle. and a» a result
increasing demand for onr "BEST" flour.
aoMuIted with bli little dauffbter. who of the bite Mr. Oibs-ia b'a. been laid up
A^aoat all winter Now be baa demanded Btitn
BOta from th* ff<
of tbe put>.
but the latter refuses to pay aad tbe
Eey Oran, nffed It*, awpteyed i
« case will be tabea Into the oourt*.
Walch folding bad factory at dparta
.. a I where
whar* It will coal a a
Deal sum f >r both
atraak Tolwer Nelaoa. aged r.^ fallow I eonlestente, ao matter wbieb win*. .
awploya. over tba aya NelaonMlandj Barry C. MeAlpin of Monterey, Allaa tew wbwaau later d|»d. Craa
s gab eonnty. owns a calf which when
totOibasUlagaabouia year ago aadloniy two day* >ld walffbed M> pounds.
an* astreaMly dlMdoRt. tVe otherl
_______ _
boy* to tAa factory eoatteuallytodfer^


..&3i5\eT 'K,o\)eV\ves..
.T^6M3 '3\wV?iS
"aVvVt qtar wVW ec\V\it6 aVV tAWt Va
qaaaWWea iA4.
'VDe Vvase \acTeam4 oar aVoeV Vxdo
IVVVVa be^tiirt ttva atoaaet \a
^TVeea. ,
&orqeaaa Va C.oVOT&....'&roea4aa....
e.\\«,ka....3aaVW 8iqe aai C«r4a4
iV&V. Vo see VVve aaTTom oaes ^or

Oor Special
Silk and Dress Goods Sale
....IS A WINNER. ..

%. AJD. '^{tvVVvKeTv.

Place Your Money on the
Winning Number.
"A largf iissorlment-of patterns—IksI
fitting goods ever 4)r(Hluced at this price tbosi-gtNKls have many imitators but no AT Cfl

A)uals..................................................... OliUU


^l^opular priced gotHls ten to fifteen fine lines m»w
hantisome patterns—you will
in-some decidedly bai
think them fifteen d<*llar goods when
vou see them..................................


Amtiny many t»lher gotnl fhings at this price is a
brown summer weight Melton- same <{na)ity as tbe
winter weight of which we sold st. many—most popnlar goods ever olK-fed- some handsome light colors,
double breasted vests, at this price - a twelve
dollar suit from our immense assortment C f 0 Hfl
i.s g««*d enough for anyone....................01 Z«UU


Fine all wool worsteds- goods that a few years
ago could not be touched less than fl8.00
$32»»0 —We iiride oorselves on this fine




wtoatba vintim loat bla tamper *ad
' auanb oae
Oaa eapreaaad deepeat i
narrow for tha ttbffady aad th* lym-1

path. Of bla fMlow ma. 1* w.u him.



»—s—kte, •-ffaaau-

i Jr^*. teL^


Ail lormar raeorda for miMpalUaff : U.t rvi^ri from one company' Columbia Cbainless. Ladie.p’ or Gent's............................. $76 00
VpMlaBUwaraacllpaad oa* day this! that in a year tsu# watches, luoatly aii. , weak, whoa a totter from Scetlaad waai
wer^iumvd ^t. Tbetc U a tec- | L/OiUmllia CbaiD..
raealwd to th* poaiolHce
....... ....................
Hanford., Ladie.' and Gnnf.................................. $86.00
"Mr. Lewi*. Waat Botel. BypUnU. airectlci.a of Jaiwnmc who learned
i Vedettes. (Ladies' »S6) Gent's............. ■ ■
America-" NotwithsUodiag ib* ml*- trade in tbe lanA Tbouak it

$60 00

g‘!*rr.ur!’.T:?~ is:


W« hAv« each of Umm hemdsome blcjeles in '
stock Look ih«m over before you boy.

addresa. tbe letiar mebed >U proper
, **t4bnakir* svkaol. at it hawnoi
dnUnaikn. a'lnbate V> tbe abarpneac jret'turn-d < ui a s nclr ccmpeie tiiu*>
of the Aiuertcan poatal clerk.
n just mad* by the sec-1
*ala»y of Aatesbuw* that there wer*.^
1-d^U,. ho. 1I..UI.I 1. SUI.l.,‘r4,;£<'i'.'."„
ffaa laat year. Kunr to Auffust. three out. But the sut>-arUer ta Jowu-Biatf*.
to June, and «»e each to May aad ^ ^d^hicagv Tiiintct.
_______ __________
Vote foe Boa. P. W. Maya* far (Hr
------ r- ------------Vote tor W J. Bobto tor OMff Trca*

Tbe rxlmely Oaew.
'lov* tapped at fair Uyrt.lA's dnnr;
jTT.e daroeel wept in *.i»TO* aare.
<t^>w could she kesrkt-R with eantent.
| When all her act was kerp ng Unit
' —<?iic*co Rtcerd.

flM ttUUMTy
«dbpla*of Baater mU-| ■ O..I.H
• Mto& Koaato'a. W«at around
y atraffi
m-?!* I bU boat

i ax'd fet'd dte It y«a
ujr ?.-arr.*i«.'
wared; bt^l bu*(>*
. am* olbar thtc* ta gat

Johnson's Drug Store


$5.90, $8, $10, $12, to $15-A«ythinB you
line we either have or can get for you
notice—everyone wants a top coat this
never was suCh a demand for them before.

lb tbtb
on short

The Blue Labcl Like ThisE

ter prtoe* tfeau aay wbarc eUe.

Piaetieal Bioyel* BuOdMand Bffpalnr.

tit Catoa 81.

I«.oB every box of Union Made Cigars—Insist on cigarr «
made under this label and you will be sure of good valnev
and a pure smoke.
Union men oom good wogoo for honeat labor.

m iiaMtiaa—oo«). waPAT.iiAaog n,


Vhp WBsaaa ax* 1


toatiM or utter anIlapM of te *«r
Tk* ncalar
*d Ik* Hi«k tfnmm sate w^Uk womm "w b^ to
aakool Uwrarj iiBiiy leek ptea*laet ^eeaa.** M te uptoc to b*«* eaaaad
maA tesght aad laeeaUgatkM
L- StMtord, widcm «< Ik* llTMed the lateral la tk* proftaa tepartof phptoetaa*.
CklUmte mlUtoM^ hM «ritkta lk«
wa to easM Tarkm* tocm* of dto
Ml «Mr Mtk* ud« ti.Aw.oeo ware foreod to reaposi to kaartp ma wUoh ar* raadUp tranad u te
«kfM«k Ik* •dTMM U tk« V»lM of
OM prodaeiag tern. Farter roitavOMlnl PMike
Tbs vie* prsaldent. Frod tel*, pro
aasMh lead* to te bsltof tet alam la
41 «•» Y«rk • b«UM wM krod «p
oeaUlag eaas* af aooaltod
Vu«»iobp*Ml4Urof ik« Twolfik lag maanar to a roRaaal tor a atoaab.
nglmoi wko *M oikSWUM’ kk Krmt- Tb* dobota wm apes tb* gaea
“ReeolTod. That tb* goearsmea
^■ftliii rUU. Ttet ^U«i
abeorpOoa toto te-blood ar* veep r*>
«M BM i» Um
»od iklWBrt lk« tbe Uaiiod But** *boald owa aad
markabl* todaed. BxperUaeaU pbpalkOM. null U VM aol dekMiad. b«t treliu raUraada**
olMieallp aad* upas aalmala br OrTb* aMruaUe* wm prmiaUfl bp Jo*
«Mltkro^tkol«ik/p»rto( MMk•la. Pretaaore B*m Mapae. Faal ^
TkM h spod oa tmi Bbraaborger. Dots Marrla and Teat
MMok Mk^ uUl It had UkMiod IM WUkdmoad tb* sMeUe* bj Aato* prodaoaaon
lefor aanp
Repaolda Fred Dago aad Bitato
yaHU, wkw it pMMd tkriMrb tk«
Epakp. Thaaaaalmoaadaekloaof tk* daps after la totradeettoa laio tb*
bodp. Tbea Mlew las of apsetiu
JadgaawM for tk* attrataUt*. Tba
VolM of ftll purtiB is Rio. 111. hr«
aad eter allaeatarp diatarbaaeea. aad
Otkor aambore war*:
•oMar • daop iatorwl la Ike omImI
Raallp a aaloav pralistioe of te
8aa}e solo B. &. OhasbarUa.
«of «ko otto* of oAoal ItmIm boi<
whole aereoM apstea. Tb*
JhBM itiwdild *od hi* irtfo. Mr.
preatocat pkpaletoM aow baliea tet
WMM«4>ldlOOMOf lk«
rroa* pratratles*' and manp af
VvWleaao of hU toosiklp pad two
toetka* of te aavm from wbloh both
agalaat Cbullaa-Bdaa Marral.
wookh oro WM BootlohUd ky hli prtaoa woaon anila aro monad bp
Blograpbleal Keaap. Joba t.otdaaarr m a oaadldhto for Mbool
MoUnnalahaorpUoaof alam toto
«M. Tf tmm» daj tko doBoerMio
tba epatea
Vocsl boio—Bolt Ml>l*r.
4M4MOI7 |M>1 ap Nra Maatflcld. wko
U probable tet aanp atedleal
Uorsaa 'reeiutioa. "bar Brlkoolg*'
do dooHMnpic la prlodlplo. ochlaot
are onawar* of the extont to
Era Taaokar.
AlB. Tko matter wm at knt rrrw^
ReprodactloB. Flint Impraaalou of wbleb aelu of alumina map be latroBoajoko. kotoaek port; W aow «•
ducod Into tk* bodp. being .u^ar tba
Oaraea L .f*—Lulu Oaapball.
■MOlt; otrlvloc to rioet iw eoBdldato,
Oratioa. BilMboU of Rnj^d— imoromlon tel tb* aae of alum in
broad U problblted. Alns.-kdiwever.
AdrooUoto art ro)oielar «*er the oo
Laoaa Borbas.
wochkw of P. a BaraoU of Liooola,
laproapitt. lunalngOirls aod Fara- ta atUi osid anirepiUonaip lo'jtea ex­
3ffb.,oooof IboBUr kkToU ridwo of ora'College—BproB Uuldawortb.
toot U whiten bread aad verp largalp
akio eoMitrj. Be hae akaadoaed raeioa,
to amkiag cheap klad< of baking pawPlaao dMt—Miaao Cbrrotl.
.4e fotUar a epMlal wboel aiad* to or*
dor. In famOle* where baking powOrlUe—Mia Bonldin.
der la ganerfillp oaed great oare abenid
4*r aad will do atheloaary work oa a
exeroleed to proonre onlp tboee
brand* aad* from cream of tartar.
Mlae Batb Baaaa. daoRkUr of
aof Baaaa. le tko karelaa of a wlldeat TebeBraeted Eooa bp John 4ada The ulna powder* map geaerallp be
dlatiBgoi*ked->p te lower prim at
%oat wbloh oeoorrod oa bar fatbar-o
Jobs Aod* A Compaap, daalon la wbleb tep araaold.
weeMillj. For oom time a Utf*
pradaoa,wlU locaU la this eitp aad wUl
Vet* tor Lorta Boberu foe Jadge of
.«al hM beea aaao/lnf tk* otb*r eeeo*
^aahi of tb* prM«rr* aad daallj MIm tba opening of tbelr baalnea bare. Recorders Oonrt.___________
iBaaaa defrmlaod to r*t Ito lealp. 4e- Propertp ba faoea laaoad of tb* C. A
TraoMM Oivp MaiRat.
.eoBpaalad kj Howard Baana her
Below la a Uat'ctflkobuplog aod aallW. M. tallroed..,c>inpeBp aod a now
I of peatef^ for grooorla*
*1*. both beloc mOBBlod on fleet b
warebonaaOOx^ laelin sits la to ba
atbeatarlad for tke ebaae beforo anarla* araeud batwMO J. B. Mobongb's ware
74* **eat waa laknn up b/ hoaad*. aad bona* aod Caa street bridge. Baelda
dor aaarip two bo*re tb* two eouln* haring a eapti-Up for M.iXtO buebeis of
#*d* ov«r roorb oooatrp. Mia* Baaaa poutoe*. tbe balldlag wUl also ooatala
•ket tk* eat wbaa it took rofag* la a a buainea pSa and llrlng rooea will
dra*. It waa one of the blffratt aalmala be fitted op la tb* aaoond atorp.
«t the Mad *«ar ***a la that part of addiUoB U tb* aula buildlDg. a abed
Will be erected larg* enough to permll
•rman. AaaUia, hat 10,000 laflaesta the loading of four ear* *t * Umeea*M aad tk* death tat* U
Jobn And*, the head of the firm. U »
Tkar* it Ptaeoo to koltar* tbtt Joha ipreaeataUrc of Karl Bros., whole
0. BoekteJior lateadt to «roci a palace produce dealen of Chicago. Be riaited
leooat fll.OOU.OOO on hi* aaUte. -Box* tbe ottp Toeadep with the C. A W. M.
■rood." at tVteaatiea Hllla. la tba aonb- oMelal* end made the arraagemenU.
B B. Bibbard of tbU dtp will maatvs part of Waalebaator eonatj. aod
dk*d work will brRin on Mar l.- It it age the btuiaea here. For the past
mM tbat tba maotloa wUl be bnllt of two pear* h« hea repreeonUd Btrl
with markla, aad Bros, la this dtp aad it i* Urough bla
aatMogTsaiaMann s«almlain lOOrooma Tba hooaa will etorU that the eompaap ha* extended
-«*ballt after tba atplaof a Freaeb their baaleeea b«r*. Tbe baildiog* are
Vkataao, tba rroaad* will be laU ont to he completed bp Joae It.
la Italian. Uraek and Freaeb fardaa*.
Talk eaMleeuidtp.
erttbalnriarfoBBUia*. In Ik* park
Mhip oCBaUModa



......... .................



iSEJLir:................. . S

; ;
r. Cbddem. aa aieoirieal axpart
' dharn wUl be arUfleial laket. wbUe
from Cbiaago, gare the chamUlrp and
i along tba brook to tba P
' < «U1 bemlaiaiere watorfalla aitd grot* phpalee elae* of the Bigh eebool an Intoreeilng and inetrueUr* talk poatordap afleraooa.
Tvoatp Oayn ta ik* Watd.
imtauUlp daaaribad tbaaetloaof
faaiterlaa aad etorag* batteries; the
Tk* d««aUea aa le what«
esaMaoca La a ward for tk* parpoaa of eetloB of an electro magnet, ladocUoa
.weUag UartUad bf tb* dtp aharur. eoU, traaaformera. different enrroata,
i Till* lU. BeeUoa >. wbleb reads aa fel* dpnaoMa. end aimple, duplex, and
lows: -Erorp eloeter shall roU in the uadriplex Ulegrapbp to them.
dntrd wbaro ba abalt bar* rvldod dnrTbe Ulk waa well UlMtratod bp a
lag ih* 90 dapa nasi p^tdlag tb* anmber of free band drawiags which
slanUoa. Tba raaldenoe of aa doctor added inUrest to tk* rerp clear ex*
sot b*lag a bouadtoldar aball b* daem< plaaalton. A large number of quo*ed to ba in the ward In whleh b* boards Uoa* were aakad Mr. Caddem which
' sad Ukaa bl* regolar meal*.
-_j anawerod. bringing out a good
TW anooaaoamant was mad* that nuop aseallant poinU Tor the atndanU.
aa doetor ahnnld have reelded In n
Blk«' Annual Boouoa
•vard 10 dap*; bet tb* Uw bM baaa
Tbe followiag ofli:era war* elected
.Akaagad, fixing tba aarlod at to dapa.
and ioaUllad laat erealng in Trararae
Bubp Ugbt Omb.
Clip lodge. No JS3. B. P. O E ;
Exalted Ruler—John R. Bsnio.
Mr. aad Mr* A. W.-Peek wlU enterBat. Uaadmg Knigbt-J. M. Boetl*da the Rabp Blgtit dob ibis erenlng
attholr home oa Bast Ninth atroet. manUl.
Lopal Knight—Frank Dean.
Thn fotlewlag pragract will be raa*
Beu Laeturlng Knlgbl-F. H. Pratt.
B ijnire-D F. Campbell
Addroei-Bp tbe Prcaldenl. Barrp
Inner Guard—Jame* Murchle.
■Kneeland. t
Treasurer—J. T. Uannab.
Paper-NlM UttteU.
Bwrourr—Cbarlee E Hale.
-Pbotogrtpbpata Orcoratlre Art*'—
Tpler—S. C Uaapraa.
Tmstee-H B Gale*.
. Papers- Hp 8. B. Wall. C. Boek aad
*Mlaa Otrr
Afurthe insutUtloa a antaaunilai
“Pbotograpbie Eomaaoe.*- paper by banqnet waa spread.
Mr. keck.
VoU for W. J. Uobba for Citp Treas-



B Bart, of Qmton. B. I}. -Wta taken
-with a bad euld which aaitled on my
, lenge; oougb art in and flptllp trrmin*
atind In Connmpiion
Four doetm
gara me np, nping I eould lire but a
«kort Uiur. 1 gar* mpaelt up to mp
Marlor. drlertul&rd U I .eould oot cUp
STM adrtaad to gat Dr. KLag'a Krw DUooeerp for OoMampthm. Congba and
<Mto. I ffavr
gave It a uiai. took la oil
olgkt botUea. It ba* enrod me, aad
,Aniik find
fJo-’I am aared
" aad bealtkp wosxan. Trial bottlaa
IB at*, at b E Wait^i and J. G. JohnSOS^ Drug Storra.

XUgiBt XUlinory
Ain. W. U. l.*awnnce has retamnd
from tbe great maiketa and will dU
plap at bee epaning Tbnradap, Fri*
dap and teaidap tk* moat olagant
boaaata tote'
rp. ODodtol tsMtolte to ladle*. Wl-M



Wr bare saved manp doctor bllii
inee w* begun using Cbambrrlatn'e
ongb Remedp in onr borne. Wa keep
. bottle open nil the time and whenver unp of mp famllp or myvrif begin
o catch cold we begin to use tba Cough
Eemrdp, and aa a reeutt we never have
u> send sway for a doetor and ineur a
laig* doetor bill, for Cbamherlalo's
trfalU to cere. It
Ine of great merit
and worth—D. ti Maarble, Ueaeral
Mrrcbant aod Farmer. Mattie. Badfi>rd.(x>natp.Pa. For sale by 8. B Watt,
druggist. _________________

NotoforW J. HobbaforCttT TraaaVoto for Latin Bobarto fa Judge of
Boeeedar'a Court.___________

Votg for Bon. F. W. Mapne for CirenltJndge.
[Bpoitut to ZaUw
Mra W. U. Lawrenoa will have her
spring mlllloerp opening on Ttanredap. Frioap and Batnrdav of this
week. Ladian are eapeciallp iDvltod
10 iDsprcl tbe latcat slplco and ele­
gant cflrcU.
t»l »t '

Tb* LAM. Xaroh.
Tbe passenger depaHmeat of tbe
iMioUTiUc A Nashville Bailroad ha*
Jnst published a marcb. wbleb wa»
pom-d bp a well known band maaif tbe sontb, aad dedicatod to tbe
irimenk Tbe tlUc page I* a heautp.
tbe mnaic looks as though It might
be toneful. Ponreenu in atampe eacl'wed to C. P. Almore. Oeafral Pmsrnger Agent. Lonterill*. Itp., wlU
eeenre a eopp.
Ladies will be delighted with

a to all her friends

ao special dap* for opeainga.
abow overp dap daring tbi
Bargalai la Boekrn,
a oompteu line of bats, boei
spring*,.mAUreeee* and bad* to eloee
etbm milliaerp etples as good, price*
them ont *t B. L. Onrtor'x
M tow a* aopwhere In Trevrree C ip
Bar trimmer is now in tbe eitp trim­
ming after tbe lateet paturna Toar B*g*at aUliaaiy.
patMoag* la klndlp Mlleltod. Mm.
Mim Pearl
^ M_^toa, Travars* dtp. Mieb.,


Both 'pitots No. 43.

Telephone 192
, , 311 Fropt Street
Is TTojir Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?


J~* Oeawyigr ei

i REEn (iirr siwiriMni

f7iaBtKSva*K('«.a*m towvr >a>B
f Prowin aviUvBvvI. twrrtui atUaUoti
eab reiUUk vux-k roatpuj tiarv •

;• Ewry
smoker knows
a 3i »md oitt. oiomioau.
------- f---------------^ A. B. smsn. H. 1) . l-rupl. E. W Snxxxt,

: R a.^B^ral rbrOd^ellb eoeiulOBC pbp-

f\a J U. STUiaui. phrmldaB aad vari
iJ (Iraduvirot I'alTersIty e( Ceniuxlx
o«cm evvTouuvIMr blorh. n« freol al
~ ' UmaNo. au.


; good Cigar by smokiag it 3
• ■sl?*bUd ne «iMU«a lun yriM sed^



Meav} ie loaa. OBcm, Out Opere

Ever Burned Out?
If *0 pon know
■nrj-an-R a •tat-itn

_ ____1 Cw^cVeurU^oIXcv. Trvsu
aiWM* v( all doavcvlc anlaiA bl tb*
laion and bol Wfdbial*. Bpaetai ativutkae

Chicago ••• -.8.1*
West 31ichigan.

QILBXar * OATM. Allery* ■
le. Mw^Sl^Oe- Bloclf***_________ * **

1 JSSSiw;;:;:.


O. 'iSIfai

wialelUoet. _


rpEAlKBU NVMS-NIwImeUeBAloewb. a
X areduateof Uo Qalwfeltr BmplMkl, Ass
Arbor, «::: .’.^DdMir4aU ter esreUf ■>
T ADIXH^DMlrlar Crrsa aakiBC Coer al
' • -e-ir boBM lii<tulr« or edCrroo Mlw
^O^row OAkier parlors, ddl-mawl


T70R BkLV^tArvr Fn-oeb brr«-<plsir mirror
A* aireor rlaw (U iMd SUCU. laijulrrof
Or. Sesprr, ilrrrsoUlr block.
T OST-PorkMl-oakrobtslalDrrumafiiiosrf.
Xa probsblr somrvhrrv oe Cow •irort.
riBdor ptwur losrr si Usiesii oAm.


Saturday, Apr. 1
1 o’clock,

Horses, Cows,
Boggies, Wagons.
2-Seat Surreys, 2-Seat
Single Buggies,
and Platform Wagons,



/XIKI. W4MTKt>-Por ronrrsl bouor
V.T ittrs.t> work snd rood wscod. A|
:toib nrT^i. C. S T


Real Estate ExebaDge!
Bulmi LmaUhi aad icrj dednUa
Inelndlag over lOD in Oak Height*—
N'^lhlog better or cheaper in the dtp.
I know it Is for pour iniereai to look
over What I have to offer before hoping.
Froat Stieet.
Johnson. Block.

500 Bicycles
At one*, to eaumaL clean, repair
aad pnt to proper aHape. Tbl* la ihc
onlp idace to tba dtp w^ pon ean
^d pollab^' iitrite’^nd d*eorated. AU work properlp^ promptIp doae. SatlatacUoa gnaraatead. at

Merle's lew .Skop,

!Sj :::: ta.::.:-

«!i !ii: ■iiiS

1 nano*. Assst.TrsmrveOUp
■ BAVEM. Osavi^FsMgr AgvBl.
arasd *.Diev.Mieb.

unsm ID lonBUSTEBi l i.

t <0^ 4 if L.
• 4^ 41* r.
r.WP. M. DvfM
Sim 4 atAr Oa___________
• OH 4 4*
Ohlri Lake
• 1*^ 4 to


•10 to •* Ml
in to & tbl
10 to 4 oe]

to 40 • 1*1
man i«i

10 <7 >4 a!.
• low. •4A
11 00. a S

MmI.w« XtDg

..Tau'D MIU
Lekr Add
(>«sr Rub



?,s ;s
II at' an

II »i I»
II«»! I It

41 S 44
M *4 ■

iOM «8


■9 tl tv
« *1 U
•• 40 VS41


Trslot roanwt at XbrrwDsW Mill M
•xrvtn *sD4a> le ued Irew Boeer ee risw*
Uwr BruDck.

At Pioneer
Grind Ripidi i Indim R. F.
Livery Stable,
*rl val aad daxarTuv
traia* ai Trev*>* sRrri r-i, 4. taw.

B. J. Morgan. Propr.

111 OaloB *i



Mia Foarl
, .ba* a full
aaw Uoa
lioe of Spring
BpHag bau wbleb win
delight the ladim A eoidla) invita­
If ao, tbi* is the place to Rot it done ci^bt add promptly. Bepairing
tion iaexunded fm an ii
Enameling and Laih« Turnins of all kiucU. CUl in asd aae my naw
ine of wboel*. A gooil line of shpoU to lent

• irrotwt.__________
bSk a


318 Uaioo Street

Vote for W. J. Hobb* few dtp TiumBbbm
Toaigbt at Fanetam' balk tUlrer*
•eadomp^_________________ *

It 1* rerp hard to etaad klip bp aad
n-msn T*r(lHT-A to) rpol-m
*0* our dear oa«o snffer while awaiting T-kRMS
U hirllO Ws-trd. e» SFsrr* luirsrulbr
the arrival of tbs doctor. An Albanp, World'* Pslr^rTvm)a« Tsl^
dairpman oailad at a drag clore
urriit* ID rtrrj lows north ol Otsad Rwpld.i
. doctor to noma aad aaehlaehild. b}
Mr. a M n. <1 Hlllrr. Bol 04. Trs>rrM
than varp aick with croup Not find­ PIIJ Mlcb^___________________ ______
ing the doctor la, be left word for him
roB 8ALR on TRAnB-Sl srrM on
to come at once oa hii reinra. Be ^ARM
C priiissBls. XO sppla. Dumr rbeerr snd
also bought a bottle of Chamberlains nibrr fruit, oil ••sflnc, rood batldlars. will
Congb Beniadj. which be bopM would *rll for lonlbird. lU vslnr or ollltrsdrior
give uome relief uutfl tbe doctor abould rliyproportr sod psj diarrrsev. orwl'lalro
arrive !a a few bonn
ratnrned. Fyool olrrol. TVsr-i..- <1
aapiag the doctor need oot come, aa
C-A squsro pISDO loreodcosCItb* obild wa* much belter. Tbe dmgS bsr.4sln Uqulrv si 447 WrbCough B
friend* 1

SS««««» SSSSSSS ssssssssssss

A to De F aeat. editor of tb* Joera^ D 7lueawa, Ohio. aaff<-rcd for a
aaaber of peon free* rbenmatlam In
to bl* right ahoalder aad aide Be
aapu: "Mp right arm at tlmm wm *aUrMp amfaa. 1 triad CbamberlalaS
Pala Balm, aad wm aarprtoed tore
ealvo relWt alomt iMtaatIp. Tba
Bala baa baaa n coMtant eoapaaton of
mlM avar aloe* aad it new fella”
Foraala bp 8. R Walt, draggl**-

fP0Ratt.B-O«>e M> wOk (W«. teo^slrve
T Uttwrv Uetr. lltMuuuravu

Xn r X Aiktea


Tb* taaral of te tot* W. X Baakaa
af te pastoaato wm btod peetadap
asdwMtotgslyatleeded bp frtosda
Tbalataraaaltoohptom la Oakwsad
rnr-j It WM a doable Isawsl. m
te mil* graadaoa of te daaaeaad
died Wedaaadap Bight aad wm burled
at te same time. Tb* httte oa* was
son Bbetieiip and be wm tbrM
puaraof ag*.

AAAAa BAAsan* ««« «a
Come to this sale and U will do pon
iSfiSSa S8SS«28 ifH ss
Time given on ail ealm.
EiiiiiiififiasBwa aaeftaafia
Havejnkturrivul with a ear load of
fine horaca. and find mpself feeding
Aopand wa----------- -------- ' '
50 bead of

good eowu
lumber wagons.
t-eeat canopp top surrep.
2 aeatextensioa top carriage.
3-Bcat platform wagon, canopp ton
road wagon, with top. good *■ new.
open bnnriea.
single top boggp.
single hameoee*. light.

John R. Santo,
Gneril lesiraiM.
Provident Life
and Trust Company
of Fblladclpbu.
Baiewavet priirisse aaelaitr.
Vrtu lor tanes

Leri T. Pennington, Difitrict Agt,


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