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The Morning Record, February 14, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Ueoai Tcv-No S66
BrwldMt enUdlMl Piploma iMUta!
«os ts Troable.
Blf I4a«rs Dtu od SfttordAy Nilaa. Mlek.. F«b. ta.-Dr. Cb«rlM
RtotSL Lake's
Hot Yot in.
ko^ul. wujtrreeted tbie aorsiaf <»
I ss Ike AUesUe » werrealaworsoet at dt. Joeeph by
Mn. ••Bluk” of Sooth Bead.- »ho
OaimBr 0»Te VeM for Bototr of ebwfae hi* wiU bittmr- He wea
Ukw to St Jooeph thia aftaroooB.
8L Lokab hoapltal la tbe iaaUtatiOB
that baUared to have Bedbal dlpUMiaa
led to belMeobtodatBo*.
at prieee raoriar fro* fi to tS. aeeord*
He* Tork. Feb. U. -Hom of tke AV lay to tba ^oaUty of tbe paper eaed.
tetto lloerefroB tfreot BriUlo Md
«be oaoUsest tk»t rcfoUriy orrire ntKBS OOT WITH AOAVTBOOX
kmottkeeddof tbe week kke bees
wnurh .
a^th i- ih.
TsrriAo BUnard i^oog AtIsntie €k>wt.
Bee Tork, Pkltadelphta aaA.>Mtoa
•aflkred Terribly aad Brea Haitiaaora aad Other Saatbara OtUaa
•ao* Boaad-Sariaiia latartareaoa
to Boataaaa aad Ballroad Ttafflo.
loeBlodmdap the Boom of Ttaoerae
City IdUber Co.
Tbe boom of the Travacoe aiy Lam>
ber On, became eo boaad la with Ice
ow baaday that b was impomible to
yot loyt from Ueriverymtenlay moralay. A* early as Ive O'clock workmea
beyaa to eadeavor to clear the tee to aa
toyatattheioya. betit waaaol aeUl
aoM that tbe atrcam eoald be opeaed
aoae to admit of the atartiay of tbe
mUL Tbe i«* waa frome ao thiek aad
Mlid that it required thirty ckarycaol
dyaamite to hlaat It oat.
A Blank Lbok
U not vtrjr eipressiVe, but shosM you wut s
Blank Book
Waablayyia, Fbb. IS.—The pbeaomcaal .weaker of tbe paat week eelBtaaied today la a blixurd-like caow
atorm. wktcb broke all reeordt. A aew
eaow record was cetablbbed. wbea to
the heavy fall of tbe paat week was
»l»ed»y» fro* dootheoipHii: Etrerte.
Hleee TeoUtdoy.
edded foorieea laebra, wbleb fell from
Bffktd^frowUaeeoetowB: Le Ere-: Jto Orlfflo. u enploye of tbe Tr»v- Saturday aiyht to % o'clock tbb after- Boaad A Boa Bara Boaybt A W.
toafe. elrbl day* fro* Herrt; As-|erM City Lomber Co., wm the vletia BOOB. At tbe latter boar there was do
WaltMfy. Oo. Property for a
oberl*. elzieee dtye from aiMrow:|af u lOTolnotuy beth is tbe river let ap whatever aad tbe aky yaveao;
Tirat Olaaa Plaat.
1 deye fro* Bit-Jnewr tbe boom yeelenUy momln*.
dltttioD of immedbte relief.
Yeeterday Richard Roaad made
raooold aaolfeat them
terdasi Pretoria flfteea days fro* i fore hb n
I T>ae favorableelemeat wet tbe corn-Ideal by which be bvcomm owaer of tbe'
■asbory: Oara. tbtrteea daya
’ |£ratl<
;lvely moderau temperature, tbe; factory balldioy aad property for*erlr
Bremaa. Tbe voyaym of eeveral frelybt f carried a«me dbtasee dowa atream.
mercury beiey 10 above aero. Buslaeu jowaed aad occapied by the A. W. Writ
oteamera are »rowla* aaoomforubly, floaily be was fished out with a cant bpraelkally eospeaded. Street can | Haantaetariay Co. oo Biardmaa aveteny.
are altber uol ruDalay or are eo isfre* | aue.
RTteabOcee a larye fleet of steamorai
--------------------------qoeat aa to be of little aervtee. Bitai-; Mr. Boaad was formerly a member
la tbe drpartmeata b almoat at a of ibe TravarM City Iron Workt eora■UadatiU.
lew thaa bait tbe varioae J paay for many yearaaod has bad a loay
tbe blixxard to paw.
forcea rerortlay.
j ezperleace la the beat kiad of caatiaya
LoadoB. Peb. 18,-U b feared that Tbare Befay ao ftuonun Hothiay w
Doae with Ordtaaacea aad
Railroad traffic b almoat abaadoaed ; aad macbloe work. Be will be Jolard
tkeloatof the Brltbb ateamer Aroo.
today, the oaly irAla la op to aooa bo-1 la the wtabllabmeat of a aew foaadry
trhteb foaadered in a yale off Mab
_ to have been aDadjouraedi‘*'F*
Baltimore. The Po J boalaeea by bta eia Barry Boaad. and
liybtabip. will prove a very eerlona dlt•atm-. Tbe oapuln aad three awmbera meetlay of the ooaaeil last evenlay for I
** •
aia j tbe Arm frill be kauwa as Bound A
the erew., who reached Soatheea ia the porpoae of eoaalderiny the pro-jvratera to tbe bay,! Sob. The factory will be enlaryed and
«■ eeheasted eandlUoa with their boat j
rhaiiTr aTiiffndmen'if end rr«‘>ed j
** broken a fliod li. rcbailt aad eapeeblly fitted for a mod^aeUeaily amaahod up. report that , city ordinances
Alderman Monlayne'
Iblrtecn of the abip'a company are miaa ! was abeenU however, ana as be b ih, : *f<slloDa of tbe city. Many ewee of cx-1 ’Tbe new firm will enyaye in aycn
toy. One of tba men had hb ley brok- airirmai of the oommitthe on ordln-i
,««»'bn»‘o«>** •'»* tt*ke a ape^-«a and none for a time was able to yive anew that matter bad to be deferred. i
to be reported Uter.
^ laity of fine caeUaya and plows. Both
At Altxaadria. Va.. tbe <
mben of tbe firm i
Aad. aa savre
there WM UO
-* —
aotblay to do bnt defer the other .
“ reaaUed ia almeal chaeica aad they will cater w the bwi j
wrecl^ within matter *!»• The only amendmenla i
» aiachlae
•e lly^hlp and ! which the conncll will a«w coaaider!
has been antpeaded. Tbe shop will be added to. tbe plant.
balllay dbteaceof the
aaakrapld'y. ThreeboaU werclauneb-lwm be that relalioy to vbe recorder'a '
bte returned from
ad. bnt tbe captaln'e boat was found aalary. the extenaion of the term of ’
o®*' barges are Ice boaad aad i exsenalvr trip throuyb tbe principal
j their crews are in a belplew condiUoP. cities of the state arranylny
waterlocyad. aad ft b doubtful wbetb- offiaea of the city clerk and
tba new enicrpriae.
ar tbe otbera eoald live la tba boUiag and aaothcr more cloeely defialay the
TrafBo Dalayed In Mew Tork.
There^ tea
eaa, A coal Ilyhter
f powera of the city reyardiny a vrater^ New York, Feb. 13—A fearful storm
,, vac'Di apace aouth o* tbe
^ vwterdav
rciaeiit bo’Idiny which will be occaplOrocaer, Norfolk oonnty. and five of ber I works tysiem. Ail of theee will be ; which'prevailed
«aw were drowned.
eoaeldered at the next reynbr
w™. ------------ ®« r*or each
• night hw'lp"credeml”Tvb^len«“
Boavm. Feb. 13-No additional tld.'(„
wrib\he.powwhlch drifted la mapy'**““y Tbi.w.^d another Imporfaye have been received from tbe Cantael ladnatry to Traverse City, and oae
places has almMt paralyzed uafB«. Tt
ard ateamablp Pxvoala, wbkb Irfi
rhieh will be sure to grow.
“rfM* ears are almost entirely sulled
Liverpool Jan. 34 for Boeten, ealllay at
4|aaeariowB Jan. is. Tbe ateamer was for tbb year have been rvoelved by J.
oat reyard to acbedale. Toe ferry boeie
dae at Boaum two weeks ayo. Friday W. Slater.
are maklny only a few trips.
tMt tbe Wileoo line ateamer Colorado
Mrs W. B. Stoae b very 111 with tbe’
Tbe Bpper aitd lower bay ia a
etopoed at Fayal. Aaoiea. to saad word j yrip at her home at Old Miwloa:
that ^ Pevcplx -as -‘dhted Feb. 5 T A valuable dray boree belonyiny
beloayiay to ol\uaS^[^trb*Ca‘wTdar. and
dllloiL The Coten^o
Yoa will express rour {deas^ at the et
B stock
we are carrying and the prices at which they mil be
Vj-ont St.
“City Bookstore.”
no council meetiiie.
318 Union StreeL
Ten Tear Contracts
Made by MIefaigao Telephone Co.
for any class o' ai-rvice desired.
Sebsctiliets May Cancel
at end of »lt oonilo or chanye
to any elaa* of aerviee at will.
Telsphoer tbe manacrrlocxll
and explain pew rate* adopted by
tbe company.
Telephime Na 4h
The Finest Stock Funeral Goods
Its. xe'or'Uswr’Zx acxoXUmmxi.,
Bnt kept ont of aiyht until sneh a time aa wanted.
A.OXIOA.I. TTxrzsmstxja
Everybody Likes
The Kimball Pianos and Organs.
Finest in tone, finish and workmanship. Good
stock of fine small instruments.
Look in on ns.
235 Front Street._________ f. STRONG, Manager
Su-|even the msia atreeu of New' York;
look like those of a little town.
■r■**‘*^the aameaae wen aiowipg. ainoe,,,^
l... t.. jo^n Carroll's
I abo place
a 'phone
ftuaker City Hit Bard.
that date DO report baa come of the
general store ua East Eighth street.
I’s., Feb. 13.—The:
mlsaioy ateamer. If ehe la atill afloat,
aaduodoobi It enieruioed here that
T***-J- H. GreliickCotnpanya factory. |aiorm la ihUvicially has aaanmed tba;
abe la. she mnav nave drifted far to the I
been anui down for three j the proporiioaa of a bliiztrd. Jhb has
will reanme op-1 bad tbe effect of pillay tbe aaow in
aoatbward and now be to tbe aoath of! "'®**‘* * “ repairs,
etaUona tbb mimiay with a full foree drifu natil aume of tbe atreeu are imtbe Axorea.
of men.
pastable for trolley cart.
Bhippiny remaioa at a ataadaUll
Mias Btbel Petera of near Maacelaaa
b a aew etadent at the Traverse City tbe Delaware river. Tbe ice b yettlpy
heavier and there it no praapeet of any
Xxpioatoa of Banye in Orawford Baal- Boslacaa Colleye.
deaoe Created Sad Havoc
The Michiyan Telepbtme Company arrivalt or deparurea from Philadel
■anday Kornlay.
will place now desk tclepboDM in tbe phia darloy tbe week. Tbe Keadiny
AboatTo'elock Saadsy moraiay aB.'®<^<®* ®^
KeUey aad B. <Jy Nor raUroad at Boon ietaed an offl;<al anof tbe cetire abaadoaoaploBloa oeenrred in the kliehea of
meat of tnia aerviee natU farther
etideneeof laba Alice Crawford,
■niay at tea o'clock tbe local tice.
which parUalty wracked that apart altoraeys aad all peraeaa intereated in
Tbe PenDsylvanU railroad U makiay
menl and eampletely abattered the■ fieinvraiiyaUoDreyaraiegJadye CorbeioteafforU to more paaaenyer traiaa
mmklay range.
I bvtl'a death, are requested to meet ia
and baa thoa far succeeded la movlny
Tbe domestic bad Ijybted a fire aad the eoaacil rooiaa.
abonv »0 per ceat of tbe regular achedleft the kitchen expecUay the fire
Iwat evcaloy a pair of skalea were nied paaaenyer acrrlce. Thrtmyh we«Vyet well started before tbe family
atoten from IP front of J. W. blater'e! era trains are from five to eiyht honra
She left tbe klteben aad
— L
that'behind lime. Oo the B. 4 O . Lehlyh
j Three Days’ Special
Plain and Fancir Uned, Handsome *11 Wool Bearers.
tiosa of delay have prevailed and achednice are mrtallcd to a mlBimnm.
Tna Bean City Buried.
' damayedone. The range v>xa abatier- pecu tbe b.^ya to call ana settle.
«d aad several pieces of iron were
A Dc-mocratle Unlda city mt
thrown witn each fdn>e aa to be.
Feb. 13—A northeasterly
I veetien
.uiMvu tw
cicc* ueicica*ea to the Conatv, Baetaa,
> embedded
Oo.„nio. .. b, b.ia ivi,™,. r.bn...j I •*'“ “
bi. a-uu
Mra A100I4
Crawford bad arisen and
fedneaday eveniny
jamaveof anowdUai la dclaylny uaffle
abonttocBter the kiu-nee when tbr
The South Side Shakeapere Club will 1
ixploaioo occurred, but f.vrtuBately ahe
■t with Mrs. Tburtell ibir'aftemoou
ir enough to receive injury.
The fife in the range was aeat.tercd :
Baltimore Snow Bound,
aboet Ue room aad tbe wood work be j Frofeeaor Urawn bas arranged .with | BalUmore Feb 13 —Snow baa been =
gan to bnra. ^mi the preeence of Menayer Steinberg to have sddiUoiial!
^ere without Intermiaaiou .luce
m nd of M...; Cr*wf.,rd saved what; chalm for th^-bo have not yet aeSaturday niyht, and durinylfc
mlybi nave beep aerioua damage. With'eared aeeu for tbe euterttinmant of 1
of the lime the wind fane *1^!^
■bb.™ bbd tbbb ™i,bbbbd b, U>. In ™,blb(. .
• :bobUlbbbbrbblb.bb.blbbtbbdbUll
db,»r>b».,. Tbbbb.«lcblbo,l«,.bbl Mr.. WllbbrcUbl W,, Sm.U.! lUporM ft™. .U pbru ot U.. .W
™>.b..b,l,bbbbbt Ibb, »™b™.b»l,.Ubbbl..l,b..U.™.snp.
|.h„, ,b,
cbdIUob ol Ibid..
farther damage was prevented.
The Brpubiican eaacoaea, to elect < Mneta aufferioy hea reunited. All traiaa Tbe cSBM of tbeexploelon was the :,delegates to the eonuty conventiou, I are mneh behind time.
2m. Will
wilt lie
beI i WUmloyion. b^*..
Del.. .Feb.
13 -A
blU-' ^
--------------— to
™ to
—“ be
—— held on tbeW.Mb.
«I b....». wbleb had
froxea aolid ;
several wards on Monday : wd baa blocked rallniad travel in Del-; ^
dariay tbe night
evening, the 20ib- OBi dal notices ap. j aware On tbe Delaware road.whleh;^
ir ia aaotber colni I, namlay places ; traverses tbe length of tbe elate, track
[of meetlay.
icleariny erewa baveaaaembled at varlBnvprila Hotel of Oeaat and Itenylam j 'Die cablee for tbe c
taaye of ®**
ordera, it have, fwai* re- ^
decided that It would be tite- < ^
Noribern Telenl
less to attempt to opea the tracks naUl. ^
Ived yeeterdav.
Chicago. Feb. h —The I 'nlted Siatea
the snow ebatri. Ail tbe FealaxaiajC
hotel, a landmark on tbe ocmr of SoaetfltiB
braaeb railroads ar* blocked.
. Cottage Grove aveene aad TbiVty-flrai
» ebance to see a tiee of aamelee
Snow aad Cold la Alabama.
atreet. burned today. Lony befure the rvaentlng tVKi.ouo stock of
elf il war the hotel was a favcr.te re- madexuiu. skiru. eapas aad .
».b. b,...d,«, oay. Fvb. I ...
to the InteBMly entd weather-10 deGrant and Donglasa.
yreea below xaro—tbe Birmingham
Carairai aoetety baa ealied off tbe
Bmt BMabaaiOb^
mardi yms eeleheatloa aebadnled for
At -Fete’s" Cblcayn Waffie Bonae,
-Fete's" enteayo WaOa Boas*. MM
FmaiiBtnet. Beatauatolatbe
Froataueel. if.
blixaard to tbe worat on record.
25 to 35
Men’s Suits
Very nice all waol goods-chaice of abare for naif 3 days
These are bargains'and are worth looking after.
Cold weather continues—Overcoats and Ulsters
moving off fast.
Come earl}r to get best selections.
! Hamilton Clothing Co.
B07B* 0**7
port of Commi ttM
Mates tte«
They Bar.-dTerer Boea Aafcad to
Tba reeeot report of tbe oobb
fresco ^0Yse\.
UteJodffe B. L. Corbett bea brooffbt
M vQMetMb h
aa iadlffnaat reply from tbe seBben
^ \
loa.of New York, baa eecored aa abOf the knUar pany who
Tbe many Mend* of Mti. ^ K. ;Matant te order that beaaay hetter<»re
atad with Jadffa Corbett at the Umc Back la Trarerae Ctiy tympaUlirMr foe tbe eompaoy'* eteady '
of hi* traffic death. Tbe ataa
daeply wiU her la Ue deeU of her baelnete ia Uh dietrust. Tba paruer
Uwt, AW&
are rceideaia of Boyaa4Cily aad moUer, Mra KaUck, whlok oeenrred |arrived deaday evebinff and Mosday
My taka azarptioae to the eoffffi
uwiuA vufcVbVB WV.
ywterday morainff bboat tea o'cloek.' m-rntaff eatered npoa hie detlee oa
their allcffed rclac- Ml*. Baicek bed beeaeerioaalyUl w:-b uffiee BMeffec. and tbe liule fellow alVtT^bcW^ com^irrtBkU
\a a
taoee lo atate what they kaow of tbe ffrip.bnt ber^Heenee bad appareaut ready dU^lay* a remarkable
mrkable eficleacy.
. Tn 4mm1ob of M kdtqMU npplj clreaBataaeea Tbe Jtoyae City bant- ebahffed for ito better ato Mra wa*'TbeBrm wlllam
«Ue name of Baa^b so^ 04
•f pmn Md WbolMMM «*MT kM •ft- eta IraBbd a reply addreB»d M B.
erery oabae to top* tor tor faU and dermw A Son.
of tbe apeedy reoorery, nntil aboot twelve'
Mad th* c«t7 of Urmad B*pU« for a
The Pore Im onppe Oare.
leaf «>*•. Md a Wr« aaeaai'of
boor* before n*r deaU, wbea abe be
There U no nee aafferlaff from UU
aad MiBcradlnMWT ha*
VMit la aa eadaavor artleie to be priated >a itae Bqyae City
' dreadful malady. If you will oely pet
‘ «OdaMrMiaa«batti bwi tot Iba eltji dUsea ia lu Uat Beae. Tbe daeaM
■nee paia eatll ber deaU.
tbe riffbl remedy.
Yoa ere barloff^pain I
. .»
MdaactaaUoM of all aorU bare bMa UeefoUow*;
Mra KaUek waa one of Uu wrly ......-------------..
M^’ffb yoor
body, y,
Boyae City. Mioh.. Peb. v. IM.
Mda aad aeiad apoa. J. J- MeVaaa.
ploaaete of TrarerapCIty. baviaff come of order, hare ao appeti r. BO life or i
Bop. £. 6. PatfT. oae of a oartala acre WiU ber buebend aad daoffbur bBtItioa. bare a bad c I. in f*elarr j
•UafaaclaaaradtkaaAW. K. BallooBBltM.
Elee'rtc RUIen
paad. dlara«M ib« problcB ta ih»
OBAPbia ItUa little etraoffe that
•toad Ba|dd« Herald of ptaurdar la
ber bnabaad aad beieell bare mad* prompt and anre Atlief. They
M rasarki Mr. KeVaaa deplorta U>e we. or aay of o*. wbe oarer by
their borne wiU Mr. aa^'Mra BuU. reeUy oa your Liver, dtomacbaod Kid«pM*
dad iBoa«7 la catrjlBr eldeat or letaat ever haratad a balr of Her life waa a quiet, bomakeepiaff. one ney*. «>»« op the whole *y*iem and
aaBwnai aaff**llnni aad refer*
full of motherly lor. W^r aoa m«l
teeBed friead aad aelffbbor. aboald be
ta U* fact that obere eltic* bare «
dauffbUr aad Ue children, and ber oar
ForenleatUr Druff^loree of
be alBoat forM latoyoer iBpertiaeat buppIneM waa to make UrtfSbppy by E Wait and J. O. JobKio. Only 50c
aaaaUT tbep hare abiaiaed iba be*t prmeaoc wita tbe threat that if. wa do every mean* la her power. Tbm* who to^ toltU._________________ i
Malta HearraeetbatOraad Bapid* oot pnrffe onreelree of pallt we eball kuew ber beet, knew what a daar.
j TbtOnaiS^iBenU
haa apaat a aufieleal aaiouot for a aiaad eoadeBaed before year eclf coa warm. aoUer brart waa bera
lera, and
handled by C. E TayaosplMe
iraMiB. wtthoet hartaf ■Utated, oejiut, baartlaa*. (iaeaorable bow lonely Ue borne will be
« wlUoul
jor'» City new* dtand.beirpao looffer
C*U »r BU hr Irl'phane Kn IHI, lo r*ll Bid eel jour bw,«ftr bbJ h*rr It Ml IB \
oMaUadaapdeenlUroeBita He auf- ' tribaaal.
ruiielaeerdrr, aD/l **<« It rfady la tide In Ibf •prlsr WlU Sire Free nter- §
her dally loriBff mioUUatioa*.
delivered wlU Ur Mnaxix.i Bktvbb
s*. Much
M MmplB* of ruBnellac Lailir Mnlne, cup*, eunr*. *h*n* luntd w '
Of weal? ' W# woald aotear becaaae
Brad order* U aty Hr'
^•eeU that the oalp «ra7 oat of
bj-Nffoe. to
yoareeeret.i(arehaabar iaqaietlorial
bII ■BdB'e B>i'se* tswlrl* (or W. hA Bair Bp4».daw blejele Burka IB tfe«
the dlOsBltp 1* to eiBplo/
a Itet
»4t tbe oompaaioa
wbo ba*
of fifty _____________________________________
■f ^BBMrhnp^Pr M (
a elij WllIvlT.. TOU pf.rle'l •■•.h'm-Uob Id t
aapart who t* recofaUed ac ■ tbe eoBBllloe ba* been too cowardly to Uree yeat* of wedded life. Mr*.---------- --------------------------------------------ml ml. OVpriB'lml
. Mt aatberltp to. be
had. He ispute to aay of a* tbe crlae at which Kaixekera; abput eeveaty-Ureeyear* Do yOU koow ibat }'OU CaO
•too arfoM that eaeh eiperU eao- yoa darkly biat.
No coart or aetkorlty eoBaaadlaff
•at ha bad cheaply, hut that the acrrlcbuy a nice oak
• a* of each nea ooae bljrb. bat arc eerebedleeee or reapect bae aoajrbt
tMtb all they coat. Id' thU ooaaeetioD
Tbe OmU Beoord.
■ Jedffe Corbett'a laBeai
JuhaBebemeof Mayfield, t* monral^ar* reeoratMoaabelBcatttae top able and aatlBaly death, or I
laff Ue deaU of hia Infant dauffbur
0t the proteaBoa aad wboae work* tbe tmtb. wblcb your ooBBlttee a
Mary, wbo dteo Hunday moraiaff.
•Md aa BOBOMDU to their worth aod
Brea bad your ao-callcd eoBBlttee.
^kaawladpe. Asoap Cbeac be oa
Rolaad O'Brien. Ue Uree-year-old'
wltboat tbe abadow of aathoriiy b
'^aaa. W. Bailor, who wa* cBpUiyod
eon of Mr. aad Mra Tbomae U'Brien;
.We are t^aying in large i^uantitics and pay highest prices.
qnire loio tbe troth of tbia matwr, abd
Tmrarae City u> make aa
of Ba*t Bay. died Bundky of membran-1
combised for oaly
•ad eopraat a plaa aad eooroe for ade- wbote preeoBptioa lb eo dolBff eboold ouacroop. Mra. U'Biien aad foar cbll-*
.^■ata water work*. The report aude
dreaare kcfferioff wlU U* ffrip
By Mr. EafUr. amlaied byberreyor U. aaked iw for onr aereral atateBieau of
oar kaowlrdffe eoacerataff this *ad
r. Kortbrup oftbl* city,
A Olmu io Pedayoffy.
•ha aaoat eompleie aod eoByrebeealre aSair. we aboald bare ff Iren the aai
Xe alao bare tor aale land* for good fare
Y'eaterday sfieroMo Superiateedeat
-----•pareoBplIed boo I* *o valocd by B*ay to yoo heartily. faUy aod fairly. 1
mI«bUB<: eaploeer* lb tbe ooaatry. we hare already di^raaaed too 1
The aafirmUan* of Mr. MuVeae lead from oar porpoae ia wiitioff ihie
waa held af Mr »cbuol. Tbe claa* *urtUpwards,
•0 lha belief U>»( tbe work of Mr. Baft- you.
Yoo *(aU io yoor letter recently ad- ed with a memberablp of SO aad Ue obw hare will prove of p<vbt «*>»• to
thhelty aa well a* to otbrr clile* droaeed to P. V. Mclotyra of Hoyoe jMtU u amUt Uuae who intend to
take up teaebioff.
Oiy. Hleh . that Mr. Uarri* lafona
yoB that we aod each of u* refeecd
W«AT«n ■ bare bae« the effect* of etate what we know of tbe eUcoBHoose {■'DmifihiDB'Store.
Boy Palmer of Oopomlob spaot 8uo>,
eeaotJodffc Corbett * death.
lay ia Ui* city riaiileff frieada
New fStore. 120 Front Ktr«*«-t.
illy aa
.lowpb Slador baamaraed from Metorbbaea pabUoiy Bade by Oaaetal declare to yoo that MiIr. Uai
BoolDee. where he attended a conreaMUw. the report of the war ibvcaUffat- er aaked aay of os tor a 1
Uff eoamluee will hare oooelderable aod If he ao alaud to yoo. in plain OoB of Ue Modem Woodmen of
welffbt with ihlakibff people. Aad la blantBufflUb. be U a liar.
Cha*. H Coy. Aldea’a buaUlaff mer•meetloe with thia tba prrwtaoal of
Bat wbai will It avail na to make tbU
ebaal, wa* in tbe city yeaterday renew.
lhaooart of to<jaify to
donlaratioo to yoa whan la th*
•to ebarffca made by Oeaeral Mila*. letter yoa ia eSeot aeeere o* Uat yoo
Mra. Prank Helm of Weet tieveaU
wUl ffo far toward* dIeelpaUoff Ue Im- will aol uke from a* your oDjiut,
Uoioo* band*? Yoo will not retract atreet. returned la*t aiffbt from Naab4aa bare Ufl. Tbe eoort te eompoeed Ui**laoder affaiaat oor namca oDlcaa ville, Ahcre aae wa* called by tbe
•ff AMtiBffolebed mea wbuee jadff
Mr UarrUwiU eoofm* biouelfa Har. deaU of ber alatdr.
U A. Meyer, of Alden. waa a pieat at
Will be Ubqoeetlooad aad oalcm
and tbla be never will.
Ue WblUoff yeaterday.
pr»i Mllm eao cffrrtaally pn.ee bl*
And *o welook foi
tieoetor J. W. MilliKea left leal even-!
toaUrnlimt be will beacefortk be be- Md tbe eeuioff up of bw iafamoo* laffiftof ibe loatre which aa boaoraUc qolMtloa on *bore* that are wmebed by lay for Lanalay, after apeadiny Batur-'
•araer baa broofftal to blm. If be tba fiwe and rcaUei* warce of Lake
UuafiufT. wbo formerly wewked for!
And others When yoa want the best ask for
prore* that there wa* eorrupUoa ia Miehlffaa. before wboae dark
tto war departmeat or by lu t.bser*
•ball be. a* we Fred Beehlei; and wbo U now eayayed
to will reiato hi* place la Ue celeem bare beeo. tried aad aoarieted. denied in Ue aalooa bualaem at Boyne r*Ua,
af.the people aad dWboaor will tall the bleeeed prirUaffe of siandlaff face with Joe Mook. i* ia town vUiilay:
itol it reaUy look* aa to fBM wlU oor aeewete.
W. N. Kelley, ba* relaraed.from lie-'
thPPffb be bad a pretty hard ta*k be
troU, where be atieaded Ue ooarea- RMille Bid
fore him.
W J. Lk«u
Uloa of retell lumber draler*. atoppior
A. J Uei.*<'i
BtOraad Bapidtto altead Ue Sbriuu................ —
la thedeaU of -MuUer "d Areambal
Lkwii MclimRK
wbiab took pUoc at Ueuoii OB ttoaday
I fit i» 1*. Etr
Herbert Moauyue went lo Detroit
•eeaiBff. H Icbirao lu*r« one of iu beet
F. McWai*
Uat eveelay to atteod theeaaual meetlorad womra. hbc wa* puMoeed
W. J. H<-W*ip
lay of the retell yroeer* of Ue Cute.
MTkad ae iadirldoallly tbktUoee who
l.rau Ml Waip
Mae met her will remetaber alway*.
II*V>» M. Ki'UPi
IsTrarcree City, Uom who bare lUun.
TbaeommiUee bare eallad a meeUnff
ad, aa many bare, to ber ekqneBl of Ue local attomay* and all other* io- W hat tbe. Banka and Uedlet
weed*, will pay lorlay trlboto to ber
itad. far UU moralbff at Un
Bamrj Her* wa* tbe ffreat mother o'clock.
toaet which yearned over tbe errloff
Oo Wedacaday Mr. Pratt aad P. C.
•Bd the repeatani ae did tbe ChrUt Ollbert will ffo to Boyaa City to look
wtoee follower ebe wae. asd abe died, farther Into tbe matter.
•aahe bad lived, te Ue Home *be bad
fendad for dieeharffed prUmefe from
Mtablffaa prtaoa*. eorroeoded by ber
-beyi'‘*toee Hree *be wa* etriVlaff
E. Hart.
_ __
toW oot from tbe depth* of criB* aod with a bad oold wbleh eattled oo
aecletiuo i>f ttu 4-ji>.Bod *d
dliffTaw into tbe Mraiffbt road to maa- iDoyt; oouyh *et In aad finally
toodasd opriffbUeear- hb* wa* oeariy
aeeaaty-al* yaar* of affa at Ua time
Savior. dXmla............
WiU my friend* on earth, t would
A»oB( b Urr» Bivwber>aip lo .
TVB dmlaratioa that Uere arc ao my afasent one* above My bokbaud l*l« r,t; arr lu.tvDrTrr br*rC Broapl»tDlol ae- ,
fDod PlIlplDo* i* iwfated by raaeai re wa* adriMd to yet Dr. Kin/'* New Dia- X*lr IrrusrDt or fBlIoiT I.. Birvi *11 If '
erwery for ConaumplioB. Couyba and
pertt from Uearral <HU- Siacr Ue at Cold*. I yarr it a Uial, look in all
rir*i PikiioBal Bau
Mk by Uc iaaorffeau apaa Manila li rlybt boitiv*. It ba* cured me. and
toa developed that there arc at le**l tbauk <iod I am eareil aed am nowa
C*.hu.r HoBr I
well and healUr wobian. Trial bottle*
, 4,«oormyffood KiiipiBo*.
lOrt*. atti K Wait'* *pd J. O. JohuA.« Kra*a\>
•oti’* I>in<r StorvB. BTHTuiar alie iilc
Bteaaaat Bareweli Party.
and II. Coaranieed or price refnodvd.
AUtar V MBitu
Leat biebt a eaobci of frjead* viait
Rfic>,o<r ol Dr*d*
•d Mb*Mianu Ubouky .*i her hocueon WaU'Paper .
C«**. •■■■ l.a**.
toegad atreet u> make he' la*; c*coin|r
Oar new am-k of Wall Pe^ will be
^^11,^ BtHl Urei-* rBral*bla«.
tsTrarer>« City a pleaaajil oo vHlaaL*on eablblUon Uia werk. We aalielt
Whrl.-**> WaiioBrn
boteky will leave fur ra.i-*ir<> tbU atur
iUB Ti-J
imos tojoioberekteraad Ur party wa.
Ta<-.P ULa*>»i.
■wr'rn Brr. k*1j
a farvwe l ffatbeHaff wl.ic-b tbr bourn fint Cletbim
may >bow laryer aioclca than ooi*—
Md bmr ffUbd* Uorooffhiy enjoyed.
but all of 'em '‘hnacbMi” eannot
• bow vou *o many New Sprlny Nor Lira Agvntm Wanted In Un- i
Barbert dobnatoa of *>id Mbeioa.
e tie* a* we dt—donbi It?—yo aed
riatted la the city yaalorday.
•r*. S.HetidaACo.
oeotqdfid Tatrltory.
Wvc;e %\.00
ZLTitS'.,:, r>- 70.
U. E. O-IBBS ♦-
{The Practical Bicycle Baler and Repairer j
Writing Desk
and Book Case
We also sell Sound HBmIock lumber, Maple Flooring
and Short Maple Wood.
It Gives
There Are Two Kinds Of FlourHannah & Lay Co's.
flose’s Pine Eipectorant25 ceots-for coughs anil
Fish! Fish! Fish!
Udipji hMml .HdlUH.':
For the Lenten Season.
Lent commences 'Wednesday. February 15th, and we
have laid In an extra fine stock of strictly No. 1 Salt Hackerel, No. 1 Bound Shore Salt Herring. Fickled Salmon, Smoked
Salmon, Canned Salmon, Smoked Herring, Smoked Finnan
Haddies, Domestic Sardines, Hustard Sardines, Imported
; Sardines. Canned Lobsters, Shrimps, Boneless Smoked Her
ring- and don't forget our Oysters—ail solid meats.
Give us a call. The place----- ^
vs« iUMUUi4mT »Qcithr.
Wmu« TtaMTMM. lead, n . tor, boplaf to
MaaMLitr. bat w»t
belar prrptrid/
wraew mope (raw belof kilM by 1/iof ptaeee of tras PmM »ol«rplpcecMaiM*ioo« to ffoarrou is tho wMor bMk »M the «»M
Gf«ad KeptditatraMoapMtoWftUr
ptpn Isire end bmU esd plMbcn
rrurteirt lat«Oae.
At the tael Beetior of the Saedap
eeboo) of the Sreoed Metbodiai ehondi
the Bowberereeolved toontealia tato
a BtMkmrp Boeletp.
After (he lee
eoae eiew nlaaiea n«r« ri*rr> for \he
» verb, therefore la weep I
etwaee to decide vhet eooatrtee thep
there Ie weeptaf Md week <
eriehad to aotkforia the Bitelaa
Selda. ea followa:
Africa.................. .• Floraaee Wa-tm
A Terp yieeeeat AnucaBCBt
Boaa Miaeioee..
................Mr. toootl
! <f Oifhlaad Chlaa................... ........... Run Happard
Caba................... ............Unra BiekoM
Park. 111., baa arrlred
idSo taka ap b : Italp............
........Mra MrClraky
y of \to daarbt*
boate with the fiBlIy
............. £ U. Aiipo
..Juraphinp Epberl
B. ...------------If^. Uariche , r .
Mra J. Vf. Markkaa.
............... BbleCiaaa
bae had dited ap a oeal ^had ooBfurt-1
...............Bll* Kellner
able cotlareeloaetoth^erkhaa real-1 |i^to R-^
...............Mra. Epberl
deoee. eapaetallp aa a retreat for Mr. I Tnrkrp ....
. Lillie Happard
. .Robert Walter
Soarthwalu. irbera be caawR^d fato Phllipplor,
Miar Hivk.ia'a clava aliavdy bare Bt
t'fflraecordiar .to bto laocp aad pleeaare. The eottara baa heaa uaed the toward* their Biraoa work.
JtMUS M. Stilm.
■•aadltoriBB" Md It will be derated
decretarp proieB.
eselealrelpeothe aae of Mr. Baarth-
M*or^ yWi livlM
U • bovcl U i o»»reo— bj MioWi —< pwiabod. BoroAtfto* tMT^feip Mr
K vpl<b.' tetni
koUM. lU<t«- Ml to Um
«*M (Mod doftdUUaWd wd It tolMraotboM*. »BUr4to<Mt,Mdfron
.botauctaobadij iboi be qwj loeM
wUltea areMt tamer llrl«( els j them.
■Um (roM (IIMwIb. ie slMlar Md M ] Tbe niai A Pere MorqMtie cor («reapeoeed t» be faw to death to the ; rj bndrc oU rMontaot •rieter oerlco•aode.
j uoB »he« It errterd ot bMUartae et lo
tl rftrt iriMirl Moehlep. m'iedi-1
*oodejr oIrbV honor oromd
feat froB Dea<w. died IfMB the re- Lake Hletalffeh Ih K boara. thnrarh •
ftaldofaoUd eabrakao toe. The dtaaeUe of aapoem hi the eeeere
to M> ttUaa.
Ae aekaoira me «ra« toaadee
rieer road bortheaet of
No. tbp P. A K It I
IroaM aur A plat bottia of irhtakep
irhtekep :
half fall, »ae foaad la hie pocket, eo lOepUlo Ktt
^ I report that Laho tolehlrao wae from
that Uqaor probeWp did
a^d froaaboratoahora..
varie toe BM'e death.
TiroterBorareuratar hoBo ttotar- I At Baclaaw. WIIIUb W. Oeofc. afod
4»p alfhl loaad the dead bodp of a W, a looeBotiea aactaaar. bat teBpo- wait*, while at the aame tine be to as• whtoh proved to be that of Ureeee rartlpacUara* a awItebBtaa oa the peeled tOvBake:faliuMlf happpattbe
TbOTM.. miU aorth of Ka-ha-ll-’» *
fanl.p arc^eatall tinea.
llaa HmrtoB BoandMd Harry Barria.
Mr- Harrp Rairia aad Mtoa Marioa
Blood, both of thU eltp. will b* oalted
in marrlape thia Born'iDp.al tab o'clock
at tbe home of the bride'* parenu. Mr.
and Mrs. Richard RoBOd.oo Baal Bipbth
Rer. A. B. Walla trill perform the
careBoap. after which m elaborate
weddinp braakfaat will be aervrd at
the hose bp C. T. ColUa* of tbe greeii
Cily rtaUaraat.
The poeep oouple will nake their
home her* nntil aest aprinp, whea Ifaep
wilt po to Montaoa where Mr. Uarrl*
especta to enpape in buaiqnaa.
-------------------------Leetara cb Xadleal Profeaetoa.
The Best eabj nl to which the poaar
la the alreadp pnpalar
Mm. Marp Aadoraee. araddS. m la- <.
- Bate of tea womaa'i Maes of the j **P“« lanbrraaa. d
oaaraa of lactam, will be -The MadMdiera' hoae at Ura^ Raplda, ,rae I*m. Plortda. Baadap.
I-rofaealoB. " tap Dr Sowirp. aaetotr. the oldeal Preach aet i
t» leva Krldep rUlilar frtapda aad j
I of the Northera
d I raeldent of Detroit died ttotnrdep Bp<d Aaplaa Dr. Rowlep bolde a reaporelatarted to walk hack, hba waa fnad|
bp theI nadelde PrUapjM. Uhtopooth ha had at oae Uae We pealtloo Md tale rsleadedeSperlalrht aad died a fev hAan lator froa |awa the praat Nepoleoa.
i eaee will eaablr bin tolatercet aad la
the affeeu of espoaere.
A eook elore lo Mr*. Parrel!'* hoard- •tract the ponap oen wekior a Seid
A BM bptheaana of LaBBera > lap hoaer. Difi.loo etrael. Oread lUp- for tulore occupMloa
lirtar aloae aararmi alloa froB Bol ..................— .
laad, to reported to have baea foud
dead la bad.' ao doabi ovarceBa hp the
John BM«e». a well kaeao reeldMt
win Bowl ta Haatotae.
•f Plat Rock, who waa fouad la tba
raad laat Ttaaiadap alpht, aearlp from i
A party of flee of tbe beat ttowlen
•o death, died at bto hone froB the :
from tbia clip will po Ui Maaiatee
eReete of the espoaere.
Tburadap to plap a maicbed pame with
It wae eo coldTl OalBbarr, that it
Chli*c«. oo H.odap the yrral' PftOBPROT POR D01.LAB LU ■»«A ateaui from tbe Salt CItp.
taoh liroBeo It hoare to dip m or-1 book etora of A. C MeOlorparo, wa#]g^^^,
BaHaeea iheOoHook
dlaarp prare
jwlth Itacaaiouu teullp deatroprd hy |
euta«a. The bodp w.. pat wara. la-i-Wla
Aleatipf that ha bad baM aaadralp
<•« i
___ I &ewCTa.\ 'KexDS
i i SUarvedi *5Tom SxicT^xxiWt |
Klua wJsl. . b„ua< -piu I MrfJ.r, * Co.
o.o ol ,0. l.r,-:
0.0 f.lloo.o>.,.0 bot oool. .10.0. »>«ool«olr." oil I”.* ood co...,
no no llto-oll, oooOoO oil...
I -olM ooiolO. ib. r~i ll^rl~. lo-
r.l. IS-E,-Oo».n,
A Dleeeenip of honor id matteni roa^ secied with Boeey I* viry importanL
lioM- a cirl Is iren>iir>-> »r a Morictp.
he cure of itie fua.ls She
moat never for aa Ins-.iint. or la an
ea><-i|t*nov. tend ibex- riiiiits lo oUier.
peoi’le. or borroo' liii'Di lor tii-r oea
ime. I knea a Cir' l'u!!y was lie'
aacne* nbo waa loilunA. iHing irranur.-r of a rer:Hlo pulld. to lead bet
hrr.’li. r, for uHi. day. ib.- mom-y elie
hud til her rwr.- The brother was old
er Then l•o!ly, and n very |»,r*iia*lve
pereon He uidt "Why vbould poo
b**ltaie* I'll brinit li Uatk to you tonlidui. and it «iU oblipe me very much
If I .-an utk<- (bat
and iwv n bill I
owe before aeon to-dvy " Kouli«h Poh
ly i>eriBliied her aeiuplra to he overruled. The tdonty
not tinmidil
iNU-k. and but for her Ialb< r'o klDdueAa
In mvklnc It p<K>d obe m>-iM have lieen
dleenired as a dl*liuti.»i irtaunirerf
She luld me lonit afleraards thai tha
les'on had le-eu burned In .ni her tniod
eerir lo Uke llberlltii with taoi.ey
»-hl«h vbe held in irusi
*‘“1 “““i^.ooUooWo, o ir«i, Sb.v wUl .o.o„o.„,.„o„l.,ood
the proMd la froioa flea feat deep aad ----------------- - *„u™,...olo.S
la a»Biw alldeat BiWer Plamr, Colwaior Bale* are froaaa aad baratod,
I'clUd BtaUa Markbal Wfanrlrr aad
C™ .-.!
W. Rodp'ttof „,„o
Uraod ^.pio,
Rapid* arrWer
aewar* are aleo frotea and eewape I*
raealap thmipb toe *UeeU froa mao' Ib WaahiaptoB
ihto Borniap
are Itallaa lainpr* allh thielr fanlllca- Dwlr a bo liar for Ibr Caaitol whrrr
bodiee have
bare beea
beea recovered
WhUe aacaped la a frtaadip ac-affla '
Sroarar McMflaa'.
•“f* .““V commllloi-room by er-Uoveraor B-.h
ooolT Hatardar erao ! «»«
‘•They araescpMInply uncommuotcet.v.
»r rmlvel Iba eolire"'»»<>
: eh^"* »he obJ~-l of Ihrir vialt. aayiap
tow. Pella Moa
the ead of ih* that it ia purely prmmal. ^
eharr* thereof •>.10.. It coil....: V “ J4“
___. la___
___ _________ : monthVTbeocP
hehe will lake a Ulp lo
HudTo" HMai^o'rehPd
the Brnb aad boae
a horrltile
aorth Africa. The 4oera of Kweden, Looalap. Peh. n - Kire did #1
aad Korivay U atlil *ery feeble. She ^ damape to the Hudraa Hoaa« nday
The hotel liH eoffoorod from repeated
At AMley. Mra William CrawUy (P® ^* "*"•'*• ^^"■“*- ****'*'‘“* Brea within the la't two mnatbv
waa tawlly baraed Matorday afteraooo ' <*»•*'■• departore for Biarrlt*
while attempUep lo roKma her child i Diaaatrona conflapraUooa have ocPRACTICAL PROTECTION.
wboaaeloihlap.had oMpki Bra. Hrr «»"ed la the
alotblop waa bnroad eat
Marla*. Laaaara mad Cmvlde bare
abe tired bat a few boara
baea wiped out Maap brrda of calUe ' ^ * l».-ni.-.-ri,tu o.mi
At Baapof. aa oil eto*e esploded Ie
tbahoaaeofa Mr. Decker, doiapaav
All the rff .rla to qaeach
\vilU ...niriU n. by «iit..
oral hundred dollara'damapa.
, .
• the Brea bare beea fuUle. U l» aot, ri.iu |,nl.li.l.ii« tin-it-m uiiliont
laaereral plaeoa la the rlelaltpof
whether there baa beea aap »..r<i .,ft r.-i-r,.
rt'i>r(i .b
«b |..r
I' Hi.- ii.ii.l.-mr
tranae the prooad baa oraeked aad 1,____
i.» (irrilirs-o ii.
loBof. life, bnt the peop'e are oeolc
peolc fr.-.-Irntlr
iporta rerambllap aarthqnMe aboeha i
U, ,!«*• of; a n-iil.m .ut..
"Th.-Aliil'aiiiii b I'lriainre tuiv jn«t
Mm itarah Roamll. the
year^rid j
chleapo alsleea perraa. wer. cat
Utiap near Hlerllap. .till re | ^p .hore by brraktap of Ih^ aad aet
paaiaa Uralp. aad .la dolap
a reacord but the
adrift. Tran
.UU 0O-!
„f ,Ib„t,i,l ...Airt IbBl itwiU
bstv a urKoI d«Ht nf Wi-iplit with lb...olU br 01...0 V.lb>.. b.ro.0 I „„„.„„..o,|,„u..Uo,o...... rrettir. M-rkitiK n
fur b<-M tuaoa
•lib lU ...UbU 00,1. loorolbiaov !_____ b. obi. to l.lroO. .
fiettmiiK «-ut.-rpn-"-«. ■■
arday moratiip. the family
i~"“*irth7^psi oMaloa of tha Prutt“ •Ii'" «'-r<l>. the .ntirpripiap
, thalr Urea Tbpp
‘ aiaa diet for the eoDktraetloo ofaei
'! aeltable for larpr i
X-... otw
^nvuriBs »«“* *»« ur* cau,ot
^ ^poH town.
i ipd.r to «n...ur;i«<- iiiuj.iif»ftur.-i
fra. a d.fm:Uv. cblBne, and bad it i
aol I-WD fur thPlr falibfnl dop. who
,‘neBonaparW third ran b'«»'- •tu...-in ixtoirijd.. cwonldlr.
arouanl lb* alreping lu.a.tet hP hU
‘ “'•‘PP'i.m. I. « r«r.l ui. . Mb-prv^
baralnp.tUPentlrcfam.lv wunid barr
dn.t>l-r «. n.m li a juiv,
«nv ..rli
Canlno and rhtrf of the oldrr baaaeb uf fj..,
X,. ..u. Uit cn oot
At ainroctt. V,1I1. Mo,..Arf , tbp llcnapartp famllp. U dead
1 and •••ii ilv*.! in lb.-wi.-l iir..i.t ii<miiil
Ibc Fniii b papt**
hn>ily enlieok
lap iDWunivs Ilf what Ihey ciai«iitt«
Atu.-rti-aii uiilri.'iidluit-NBlovi'ttrd Knuiui.
In onli-r to IhiImut
T op thmr rt
bneiiliiy B4.'niu*t ibv I'mi.il .'.tatea
The KifniS. r.-noilly {m|.h*lit«l tit^irK*
Ouu.-n.lt K li-:i>r id •'»n^-rtitulAli<m to
Bi>m!uvk<.ii die itvull i.t die Krunvii
IVawtaii war. and
it np with
kctvnU otbir lu.-idi-ui* of a Ilk.? uttcuv.
adtuUK wbi.-h le (•.-u.-ruj limitiateln
pruiii i.f i*ai|;ralnlaUiUi to the euiperur
of </eniiauy in teiu. and thuL-u?l that
Viilia lIuKu n-tnr.ol tu rt-n-ivv luni uu
aciimul <>( It iliirruK Uiv vuit.luHaru
wv.-ral y.-ar* lai ir
Oard ol Thaska
The ftmiip nf the late Elisha Itanp
lotro arepra'U'fnl for maDy kir.dnoae*
aid aid aeenrded durinpihe lllneu O
Mr l*ar.pb.,rD and tbe tender sympal .
exnrraoed la the time of brrrarment
and they wish to iutprea, ^in th-i<
rood friends that their kiadarBre wi'
remain a piraaant mrmorp.
1 Uoardlnp bouae.
‘; land* Satardar and baa eoBtloard. Hae-. nu-h « i.t.;iM;r.- Many* l»')i>-vor in
baraed to death in
fluoda at manp polnia the ibairiu.- i-f pn-utU.m ha* 1»-<*
BepablicM Ward Oaaruata.
At Petoakpp. Andraw Porter, the Brat■ RIrpn hare orerfiowed tbelr banka. I teuifW lu fall-ui of 11h 11. |m»Jitan
while aettler Md Blaaloearp la dead. —.I.... k... bccB •ahmerped
fi«li> hi bin i« y Iw* dpanamerwed and•1'''**
and >
ratiwapa hare
a llr*..I.UrsB rsurns ter ward tto l.wlUhe
BeaeiUpd in Heloakep In In&r, oa what
' nuiii'b-ij H«
«rf a U-nuty
there hare been
! Tltfiol'iMt bur Di'AiDlit that AUlwnui'a
to kaowa aa tha Old Mlaalon farm, z
At Newport. Mon-,
atoep tbe coaal.
teoo IBP Br|.i.iawaa retiBi;
wftklB tha dtp limlu. where heean
biph tidal
ael.im - •Bonthabira. a bi«>o
>•••■ ware
-«•- —r
- ,; ^______
_ „......... ........
J A Lnstsen
aa htoeho
orer the aea wall, aabwerplop ikon. >
n,at.,^tPUkiD>r it* eUad
H.C. DtlDKR.
the iadlaw.
•aada of acre* aad the low-lplap por- f.ir {.ri>lp>-tioo by auhecriiiiup
Near Adatr. Malrls Wleka.wblla rld- tloaa of tbe towo- Ooe «** waa draws* luuet exaitius ii-alorr id tbi- protn-tion
iap bit wbrel.waa blttaa la ihr knaa bp ^
(ailb. and lb* Port tmmftr-bi tu tbe
A Beiobllrae raurn* tor Wart So, f v II loK, K P a hall. Hrroirt .iPr*.. oi.
B larpe black di« It to feared tha dop
At Peru lad, by a aerioaa break
l*rty that aelaaio
M..i*iarr>ri>inx. PrB. ti. I IS*. a« V oVlork. lo
.Jl..^:.„...,:oo.o. SOS,
On Wednesday,
February 15
Sudap Scboo] o( bee 'Bd V. I Cbareb
Pli-I'l dplr(stP> lo
altend Ihr brnulAiratj
Thto wtoll repoud SanahiM Cloak mod Suit Co, OlcTe*
land, Ohio, will reproMOt their eatlr*;
prodoetioii of tnllor moeo
Suits, Separatu Skills,
Gapes aad Jackets
In oar elotk dtopartment for on* day only.
Tbe above firm caoaot bccsurpabsed for fine taiioHog and excellent finisbingf We will take orders
to measure at most reasonable prices for spring de
Tbe ladies are cordially invited to participate in ,
our exhibition of FINE A RT, if it is only to leave
an impression of the kind of merchandise we are
slocking up tbe coming season.
The Boston Store,
In taoaaUnp, a gentleotau who to aw
coiiiitauyaic a Uul). bulda ber abeeL
Elir staeda oa the left ride nt the ma*
rhino ud puts her riitht foot arraa*
lb.' framr upon tbe ripbt pedal, whirli
at the time muai be op. I'oshleg tha
r.Kh' H'dal eauset the manhlae 10
P'utv. and ihi-n. with ihe riptht tooi la
plu'-e. the ridi-r aunv, aluwly at firai.
In order 16 plve ber cavalli-r tfnie lo
......... . hU a-hei-l. «hlrh be I* experled
Ui du la tbe hrlAteai liotr pussjble.
Wbpo Ihe end of the rido
fho niBD qiili'kli dlsmounM and !■ »l
)ii> iimipanlonH side to iteslst her. elia
fii ibe turanllme iiHsIsilna berri-lf ua
miuh is ptnuilhle.
n.> not healwie to le.ive
e yuui
yuuf P.
oi-e tWa II
rift «rfad, rarv.%-. r'stSe.. .
It •« annoBireti that Mr. L. Z. lAPlter,
of ChlraRO. the faitoer-da-Uw of Imrd
Carzon of Kedku oo. the new Viee.
ra» of lodla. piil'l for ihe Indmn outfit
of liOrd and Imdv I'nTwii. w'nn atarted
for Indln nadi-r ih> 'utppIrM atuq.k-M,
and After a apU-odld vraJ off from tbeit-*
In lolbrt Inj; a vmb »here there ta
pu; ruuiu fur two b't.msi. H I rbe \w>niau Kc. first, and be on the alcr! to
dl-niuunt at u inuiD.-nt's uolli* zo li.-ip
her fu vB>*- of iroitide If.a man »< re
tu go first III] a lind ronil hv iiilghi Ket
a lung eii> alxud nf hU raiup?iiiltiil
wlilium kuuuiiii; that abu wus In <lto- The Covriiitiipm Mmi.e at Cal. ulta.
friends l^y Currou.m'. rs u|un her
A Rian hiuaya rides on tin-Mi aide duties Be Vk-erete with a irruisseaii ..f
of »
to-.'U'4iie Hi.'li be ilui h ive liupre.i-di iiii-d luapa'tl'eU. •. wb.l.- Mr.
bto rlKlil aru. irady lu giv.- utosiance.
lajlter pii-M'UU-d i-OT.I Curzua with
When lidiiiR lu alufil.' Ule. a k.mhI three
.ililclal Durbar teonfereavO
dtotaare ahoold alway* Iw kept betuero riders in ortlir Ibsl ihon* rid.us cluBkr of the Uuwd tciu and gold, lit
hrliilHl aitl not uiuxl In .-asr uf acet- pale blur, niby and while, rarto with
uC India hi gold and dmdeni to one In from.
A'vays rsmeiaber that too laurh rare
rniinut be cserclatd tor the iwf«-iy of
Roaes are MmlllHlIy Uie .-iniitovD of
iHdvMirians. as iscll as other eycltoto.
It you have the misfur^uiie |lo run love Au (dd lra.'Hi.in sa>> that a nira
down A i-bdrstriaii on Ib. road' do uot pe.li*r«Bi Ufauu nitdeuniitor rve. and
paper until
nm sway, hut sloti and give abut help kept In'a rlcao sbeRi
>ou ran.
X'hrbamua day. elll .be Trnrtl, enouph
aerideni fvlibrnit for a noDilvu tu w-e^ m her Isrvuia
wjiai the wbru b« who is ta. b«;hei husiuiud tvMl
Is, end wheih. I ,w.ii .'uto *»■ of come and take it onL in Tburlngta
ire. bill Is-ur tu mind liiai any tbe rose boiile a Kimliar |s*4ik« aa a
you may nnder tu ai wlieel- lov* rtianu. A iuu-kI wbu lias several
dues iioi fiitiili' ><Mi luihrr ec-. levers will nauii a rore leaf atoor each,
uii.Kulani'- wllhoul tbe usual
anil then siatiei tiirni iip..ii the water:
th«< wtoi.-h vJliks llie ISK.'^ri.irraeiaiOp
prni>er lu si>r
' It la alwsts
her fi.iiire hiiKlmnd In -a>ti*e pen* o(
elwonmii who iii:.y r*- in leed of Germany il I.- .uuoniait tc. throw roee.
as-Uian.-e biiinuiiliy nsiulres
leiiv'^ on a • :>»t fire, aa a means of in>
or nuumr a genileui.iii will | always
miiow- bl* ntp «h--n mnkiDK Ipquiriea
01 a w.mmi in lef. rei.i'e to ru(uilr« or
airleiaiKs.- il ohe U nut one uf jils own
When OR Ihr road atwars irwp to
the riabi e»c<-,.i when ino-Iiirm tehlcl'- atume In tliv lame <ti,r'|t,m. in
vlmb COM- tuni ..i.r lu Ibe bfl. Ibis
ts Diartn neces..iry In onler ifi avmd
aclng vrowdi^l up BKainut the rarb or
Uilo B dhrh shmild thi w tii.'Je you ai«
la.isiUK suddeuly tvi-r ni that dlrectiuu.
When cnmtns up to-blnd « rliM- eoIng Bl u slower p.ii'e yui should rlnp
your bell and bkIiis uft to the Ml.
When rldlne pert B'vehlrle ««.Ibk Ib
tbo aum* dne.'iioii alwsys ring yt.ur
la the fairen Bower la the parden
bell, it Is not t.KHi lurv. lu ring <uu
of homanhy. Eve#>- womto mar
freoueotiv or luu >k>Vut)y, «vr<'pt
be lovety aBer her own atyle, with
»heu eturraeucivs ul ilie caac ^uire
tparkiinp eye* and rosy ebeeia,
and with every line of beauty fullp
To uae a abrill whisile or ralllope to
Jtt Malt Extract...................
bad ft-rm at any iluis. and-lttCUi-uiea
will bring out her beauty,
Ibi Rorlee.
fUI in the hollows, cover up the
Tu atop and repair yoor wtoael op
bonei and angles, pound oat tbe
the pstli Ik datigcruus.' U show* laci
curves, and develop all ber linea
of euuKldrraticifi fur o hers
of beaup,'. It ia a ncsb and tissue
pnilmbly bkaisi yuu in lUAMUg ^pairt
builder that will make any womaa
were jeu to mu<e your wheel [to one
plump and round and rosv, as she
aide and rlrar the why.
was meant to be. Trv it yourself
and vour mirror wfll thow yuu a
WfceR romlap np Isliind a rider tf
pleasant aurprise.
you uutUe that blj or
t!a' du IM'I f.'.il to rail
euanlT coo«rnlK.n to hr BrU Pot. 21. 1W»
At I'lfp Lake a partp of i
«w. liASTINua
: porta j.r,.troti.m in ite .su.-iup-l pbora
<' I. Ill 1LI>'K
« la from ramp and rlaitod a aalooa la
tbe city
nu,orallv lek.- kindlv
^rm Clark, on* of the partp. waader-.
BOt pone!
.l„.u L.4
L-t tbo
irii ii
ad oat on tbe lake aad lap duwa oa the ,00,, one ooaea end preat **’®*"®? ' evilntiiv ami nlwava Uulir
A Krpul.Ueaarsare* for Wart Mo ivUIW
toe abuBi : ur a o'clock te tbe moraiup aad diatrcaa U reported froi
the aiipsinouent of br!.’ in ikr Punsrli iwIMis.: Ka <ui rcw.
Me ramp to eouasi. w make hto way to i b-nra eld. The povernment therm
Mo. d*> r«'U c*. I'ob 2V. ix*. ai •
Bi-KT.y-* lu ittiit.—laf aUndoUi-d. and •wrrri. »e
Vrl-rl < ' d-h-rntr* it Bl'end Ihr Mr
therifpUk. iiuuae. where It wradia eler reptaUr. M below
lb- 'll. i-’il !:r*u |*-ny mi.\ r.-a-oluiMy -..uU.oai.e..ci..^.t..rM.on .kbrt..4, I'.b ;i
i»Bp of tbe iriilappv belurpinp'n th»
l-i. .. 1. IK « |A)ial Oi'
-t both band* and »>*» St.uth DaUU latartc naylum at Yank b..j,
' ~
U0t> H1\T.
e. la-riaily aiiprecisled. Jt may
•y happei
■erefrozPD The doctor aapa toe i^n boraiA at ■: o' rinek'►'•'"day
'ork »“tindi
tli&i when ;ou po to ihe auisiaii
bPaU.pU. karphiafeot, but will
aeveuteen Jnaate* belap bujavd to, «ii.^<« >'■"
B w.u.isB rider who ba ■ baU a^i
baea to su.yulatr tbr flopera of tbe death
• •tfrirtp, t. '
d-.ui ><ai wiP hat,' to la..-- Iitr «
T<M> Waeb Ael.nsoa Kor ladiaaa.
rlphtband 1 kr tbermuBeter we* Is'
- 'Buckleaa Aratca 8ei*e.
A fireut.lrav oaors. for War* Mn. < *'ii| l>- K.ire U;t Blire in Im* r.-p
ll isUita,
\V. a..Bill r. itiiiid Mr J.iliimat ,ai>d hrIC
SI <i tt l.STUI*'* pnuMr.
or *0 brio* A,10
th* «**t 8ai.t» la the world for | 0»u.i- wbii •Vtiip nUize uiili hint that
»vM to. leaf jv.ur wb<.-i wtlh
i.t !Lrl -I'Arlrcatni'm aiiei.J mr Mr ^
Aluays j.r<«er.-e .\imr dtgally and
■Bdy Saturday ui.rninp in tbeapara.dan n n.n-. luioji.-*r U. cn
ctjnt tl
.il'Oi ta b« b«bl Crb a,
or dopa
Uyaettledf.r.L.Br«.cu<» four mllB g^“v)hnWaius.C«;rM.Md
^ ladiul
- i.mb j:i‘ i
ly hanulwu 'to
K i n I/iHt'Wt-t>.p.dir.l lu haw |uii<l
oonheoat uf l-srta. tue Doa*« of AaUia Sruptioi
la*, ;i nqir.—riiuTive.
losa, and....
pciaitl*e\p eurea^ pii^
r. H xnitH.
a.orapf v.h«-rimam
r. took Ore. Alt aaeaped thinly IT no pi
parri-qaired U to pai
paaraa aed I a ‘'h:,;li tiii:iit"" n. - iL- h"*il <.f fin- x.
.e**parf«ct aatiatartlon
work aaviaa bui' w *'*'•
or moary _ rail'll kiivriuiii. nt uf ib.‘1 iuliiqiiL'r-.
urkaaviapoui retaflded.
FTiireitoeaUperho*. y
Eor Snr-ly ■In
dea FTiirritooBUper^i^
i effects, and la tbe *1*11*- »a!r hr J. fi. Joharan and 8. B Walt.
1 -.'trA.i'il his pem
BMlforputbuwlfiv Whvith* roll.*
• « rl«-«
A b.- M.ld unt the laa ea M.«a*> e*vsUa«.*'<. AS
ooobd off. tbe charred Lodirauf Mf».
Bader aad her 2 pw-old ra« wei
AwtCuUr. for eiiraetirs ol w(k wRaevS
•ala gird UiviasO a. «i valbtar
foeod. It to evident that abe. toe.
tered tbe boea*. corryiap ber titUa OM i Stoiw.
1 stoapoil*
u, s
That aharTr at Tkttford vonia «wr.
««U wifb tka bnadj a»a watar at
Otaatbiia aad tka Mtier ba»r and
IrUk «kl*ker at Patark(>ro «nd tba
Xlaw or two of aioot *itk ■ alp of sta
«a rrarbiac cowb.
Perkapa ika roa*
laau of bu own Saak aad a bad el»ar
•«B tka road icigbt bare kalpfd. bcl rar.
talalF wkaa ba raarhrd kka owe ko«M
ha bad to atead) blaiaalf acalaal Ua
laBppoat bafora darUag la.
**Vba Ua't thara." ba actlarad, looklag ap at Ika ligbtad wladow of tba
littia dravlag roon. whteb at tba bo«a«t ah iwad aaaaral Sguraa la all.
lhauatta -Wall, i’a haagad If akt
.laa'i aajg>iBg haraelf la tba mldit ol
.« BaddlBg crowd U bar boaband’a ab*
« keg turn raiber bard, but at lengie
Smlib got Cbe door opep.
CauHouety. like an InebrUtcd bur«tar h.
tinniMi intn a
5^' ,
<hklr In the lobby He wocld gel hla
boot* Off and Kirjl quietly up to bed.
lle wre»iled wiDi them and conguered. and sneaking along iq bU
•lork-liiga was aup,lulling bimaelf by
ou tba second eiep of Ibe
Mslrs, when
g stumhla.
He raiild baar a voice—hla wifea.
he ibougfai tomplalnlng of Ibe bent.
and deep baa. lonca In reply.
ethiced Smith. OD Ibe land,
•[ Tad-How did that SngUah noala.
Ban Banaga to hono* the bomv troB
babiaat.. *
>. xin..^
t* That 1
Boaaral .«..ai4a ara baoiiiig Baaga- kaa realir made aaotbrr raeoaarr, nta It ba waan't ban on tba Mbar
B»aa oar froo lUwata lo Naw Tork. ara* onlr racwaur that, taming to b I I Cteor Porh par
tkanca akipplog Uy nil to Piiia'rurg. j pcnonal atieodani. be aaid. with t • ;aaorPM
Short 0«t Pork..................
<111 >gBk* arr i.. lir lined with a new avwt atrlla; "Wall. IHo. 1 wonii r IshortOn
water oiool papei Ja»t paieata'L It what they will ody^ now, tboa« oieror. ShortCvt Pork par
4 m'
thnt edluw rstntn poor
: M Bannaertptr*
ean he taadr (bit) a* tUMw or na Inch peraoo* who bare killed and kuned
, H,
-Y«; the Bann old thing! 'Why. I
j »e *0 often IB ibo la»t twenty year*."
H P®«"* *
«»••<* of tbe hast
Uanng tfae Bni fo«r Bomb* of tMaj Car Pin Centra the private aervaui : Peed, 8. U A Oo. Beat...
ft la^ axtrset on tbnt atoryt”—Pneh
veer (tie Are luwe> Sgsred up over' of Lao Xlll., ball* from Carplnete. tbe
«I2,W0,0«I. ThU 1* leu Ibao for two tirtbplac* of hli maatar. Ha U motw
’’ Bsvsyen
| even than a faithful and pnvileged ImrdparM.......................
Dined in “Pete's*' Ohlengo Watts
Over toe lomi eoBraiiUM over tka'pcrvant; be U a cobaunt eompanloa BnnarperliDnlro....
yet? Try tt sad got s
Waat are gaiberleg <ar load* of corn tj,i, mtltuaie connection with
ba ablpkad from Naw YoA
'HoilneM dstt* bark even twtore tna
lae atrlrken iudU.
aacenaloD of Leo XIII. to tbe papal
-w ThsSn&dS^BsnU
Thera li anorber good tign. wheat throne. Pio Uivai'aoly aleepe In n Potatooa,par b*........... .
M>l la now being handlsd bv C. B. Thy. ativanrJiig
Couox u airong and email ebamber next tbe hadcpom of Salt nor bU.'..................
100*8 City News Stand, beirg no long>m bold* ii* own; all thane things tbe Pope, and there li twiwrdp me BmopwlBO...................
or delivered wItb tbe Mommwo Rco>
iu«an a great daoL
two eo tbin a pamilon lust k* can Boekwhant.......................
« M
onp Send orders to City Newa Stand
There U one matter of great cn- eve* hear tbe PontllTs breatM^ At •imm nAnnwtnATi
eenu n week.
ouraxeBenL The mrrcautlle agenciea nil Umea ha U able lo keepTAmje*!Snd Ibal we arc uu* only IP prr :auL Unce by tbe aid of a little glam wir- Jhanv <Ud.perk^..
Wbenl. now. pBhn...,
beoind the buaincu ol April. lUb
dow. wbirb li at tbe Leai'i of bl* bed.
No. l. pat•
A good many pairolmiu trlcyties ara:
lepbone be la put In con- Com. per hu..
««>fa n.u
Bing Into use In 1‘arla
unlraiioB with tbe Pope ■ Bye, per bn............
45,0. Lav.
nuiaber of newly patented bliycia* are
stout being lulrudunwl ua the market. doctor.
Bnttar. pw ft........
Ceooombte anticipate great ebangea
I'olwrm; "I e'a*»yl'«am
, Kffgn. perdoaan...
In the wurld'k trade when Siberia be prill pbyairlBU there are two aviet- iPotntoes. per bn...
St to tl iO»~. •rvT.wrrllrr black,
nut doctors. Vao live In tbe paiac-- am
; Trl.pbaw Ka *no
have the care of the bealtb of Ih-i Sve
. OOcra. Oliy Opera
t that region fur agrlculiural ttuple* hifndred soula wbo 'rompnae the y-np* I
(be Mwwy.
ulaiiou uf tbr Var.ran. In the 4a>» of ' New Clerk lauxioua to show bU aa- Bmweniurt.
: _________
Piua l.< there were many mure w»a gncliyi—"TUI* silver dollar you Just U,-J
i *“ ootnpt***** “t loeomoilte# the
took in U COUDIerXe.t. ' •
n now
'prauure U S.WMi ponnda to the eoiiarc made 'lieir rbode there
^ k.VVMOO eirctrl. railway up
Ivren now that ibe Pontiff 1* so old. : Proprietor .n<rvcu.ly)—-l was waitHOOK. rhr««4aB aad (toifaiw. uaathlghem iirwk of Ibe Aliw will caj-- and far from feaUqg rubUKt. bi- lu*leia HK ..n the mlulairrvCIfe."
| \V.
.at at IS* rn aad ear. Ceantr Cer
„ ^«opie up-*t the rate ol Ove miles on lihlng tiarly. ^twul elx o'clocit
vpu dar- -------------------------- — - - i ” •hw Board of_PanalMi toWa.^
an hour.
\ Cav. Plo Centra kn^a at hla door,
fi,, e-beai ^jierta nay our next eaters, opena tbe ahtfiirr*. and ro>iik of
It «4< ut Ik* «ouUt]r k» k^ Uk«
-Ht Mver U—kM
rUlealou Biz.
tov- «0 <tBltk-b«'«M » 0
With a apunartag vaa iviao
4Bltk madr rarUlB of Ika I
•So. I It r-
\D\L...__ ____
"UidU t
4 see (bla was counter.
r liked aiwlManre f(s bl* urdinarr
•rop esiiniMe naa iuk jci «ii- : presaliqi. but laielj beiiat. had lo S1<«
prarml. but farmeB ara learning U»iway aomewhat. dniT^ vain returns
tbe dollar 1 dropped
dl»er»lfy ihalr crOpa.
buckle hu »boe* and
Into the niDimmilon box last Sunday.'
The calaraOa of the Nile In Egypt' g«ab he waara witb hla
robes. -Sew Vork Weekly.
are i« be uaed like Niagara PalU lOj
,.rry litiieiaiiiitry
koiicraie elerirlelty to conduct ‘rrlga-j
j, ^,^1,. ,
'• ■"'»>■“'"
the grnaarme* m the coti-vyard of San lianiaao. at the foot of the
leading to t>co Xlll. i }uarisrhmeni of firemen end n
Sola* guard at the fauiou* br.mae
door. The watch la perhaps mure
_ 1__
said Pickaninny Jim.
“wfiai makes de
a say ilnt «r muis
Is de moa' am
i>ied animal dat
• "Don* yoh Kbow dair*
I "1
a ebanca
wanler waicb a mule kirk
r\ll A J.MXnr. VewnearyaDrervu. Orad*
U nsicof Ooiarlu V.-trrlba.i CeUrer.. Treat*
dl*.*4e. ot all dnv>e.ik- a*lB*l. I*r Ibe
UteM aa.t
npe..i*t atimllaa
llT.ry. TVIetibna. Ko S.
, ^ Mto«mr,
_ _ -____ ,
la tb» w*tw,; a
Bicycle Riders.
Bememher that I dn nil kinds of
pnirihg and enameling, and tLnt I enn
and do give to« the best work of naff
on# in Mie city for the mocey.
be deoeived by whst olhsts tall m to
the eontrniy. bat eome and sss ter
' I gnarnatoe nU my work to bs right,
and U Udoosnotproeeso 1 anks tl
Stop la tUl S o'eioek every emniag
nxoept Sandny. la tbe CbldsreU ft !«•don Wlding, at north end of Oales
John R. Santo.
Gneril Igsiiranca.
All week efhlgbew^pa^l^jrn^ nsegeU
/lIUtSBT a tIAVX leeUflatoProi
to Probate praeUee. I
IMtereaeUle Co I
trial at
H. yOMTItlt. Atton^at L
uiAiU. raa title*.
Ever Burned Out?
It eo yon know
the vnlwe of
for each man lo Ul hlmarlf
D OAK* u> HaiBlhcai
O. P. CARTER. Agon*
Italian police kll along the Vatic
dba back!
does not count for initcb.
Hacum.su. II a-ta.. I
Smlih waa kapldly Bobarlng.
______ : auihurliy In Croat Drltaln walla.
iblngtoD ^ar.
;to«p.B. Teietd>>«*.n
By an arrangemeni between >
•Tbey're going out Uhi the gardan. on Wiue lanufmcUirliig aaya
It la
; rpRAINgP Mrs
gatetle Roleeab. e
What aball I do?"
true Ibai uur ahoe facto- police and tbe papal autii<>m!ea.
' UalrersliyBeap’lal. Ana
.North. South. Unal and Wtaai aie window next :hr pupai apar:im-iK>
The Judge—Have you anything
He pauaed a mumanl,
ODoaiderIng. Than:
at utgbt.'but with a Itgbu-a
should not be pronoimeed upon
T ADlgA-De-JHac Are*, m
"Hang Bl*. If I'll hava ay wife partil
nmlxilallng by moonlight with a baas
e siven dlatlnci
dUUnci raisons,
The brh-k msaulariurera In ibe lar. In th.* day or P.-e putting out of me hare
«lol! Perfect stranger to me. I'll
rr rlika art- appreUrui.U’e of u ile- Hgnt at tilglii mean* that aomeib>ng Which would convince mesllf if Ol wa
for hiKhei w««e» aa r.aii. « in.u*ual has happened, and that help >s only yer honor.—New York Tribune.
HiBiib had gone upiialra n lamb—ba
il liiieli.eas Improt ea. ’ l.iiiiila-r . nnvUd In caM- ul t
II 4n i:«f........
went down i lion. He flung aside bU
* hope 10 get l-d1er prir.-> ihlsl,.,j^
,n.rf„iar sign ,ouH mcHi
s «! .......
.boots and Ills fear of dateclloii lugettaChieftm..............
Plai.iug millA are nut ';«Ti^that be I* orod. An Itali.m wml...
Of. and draceuded. There, ae he bad i,„i builder*
'• widows- weeds ars very unhealiby. * ft.*"'
continually waicning the wlnfl.vm
r.a I A-e- e m.!a,m.
gueaaed, waa Ibe open door, and uti the pio lu be Wwrv
However, this did not prevent tne
a (ontinus n Bfs
mooulll award beyond be could seein manufaciurli.g-textile, we. run mir -,.,*1,* «f t-ener.i iwii. K.
yes." be sumiiH waa a rauiloo lo gardeners U. M omrhti.rrv too fa.l. An e..gU>l.man 5^
Hte Homo
I'l s«« why they
sw tr
Sepiimua Buiiib gel over thai euwa*. win pU k up the noIU tba! fall from
■ are
, TpoR WALg One 8*r ie*m- welrM smo
L" .............. . •lrlBa.b*ro»*«aoAh|*i.Xe|..<wr
th- ........ ri.in pick-., ab.p them lo 1
What limlted l.wn In hi. .locking*.
■^1 Bhi danl.lr l.aete-*»sn-<a.«*f.ew i™.l« SO
Like *n overgrown Pock, he irlpiM P:>-i-lauJ and mai.uiaciure a pie.-e „t' who *nnoiincc<t in Uic House 1 .. de..ih
T ^»k?>
W...-l«h »ir-.ei,
M rgMi«,Jr ms-li
li euparlor Im aim k and look, to , of » >'
BsfSBt lias e( ssr^ sBlto
TOSS floeer-b.
.! and dewy
dewr graas.
araai. HU.'
HU .“«■ l\
Ireland lirnta ua In liucn*. Scut- . place Pall Mall Uoxcite
Bin'. Vs-ea
Plain or fared—rivdrd or aqaa<
.nosbud Ice) madi
II sound, aud bla ;
1 In twiH-da. Knglnnd In broadcjulh | ' ^ —------from tba factory. S. Benda
•He and her compi inios ulk<-d o
ami tine cotton gu.idB of every d«»crl|e 1
imarruplediy, then backs lurou
Ibe law
lHni, lin-aUKc they bra nut In auct a ' Auditor Uorrla'
ward hini
cral) burn aa w*.
[ Wna paeMd ul
>. on BA<Vufoeee're”'
rARM-S ar **
"What ought ths hark of an sneay
It la easy lo *«e bow tba world It dvwired to i-u m«c iiH-men* ol a l^mpkiylMCwwial*. Kemts.
to suKgot til a brave maur' ibe Jenl- mmlhg. Them are at ibU lime under ,small and wci
A theory ad- i There are a few of tte handsome i
----- -ai .vleft,
; •'A."*
4*A Kmilb asked himself. "To me It roiwliucllun lu tlioa: BrlUln <3» uicr- , vaiu-ed lu eon.,- quun.-rali
B'flr tn*morlsls
which I _
b» baoeHt at tbe City Books toee
sugiemi M draire for booU^ Husevar, Miaui vessel* uud Vli war t>-*aaU. These ' and iMUinty law was enarlivl liecuiino
I'uiino ^
eenu esch
heie goe*'" ,
iii.ri L^ul- v.*»eU will plj belweru i the nddlfrs of a vl'clorlour urniy wers I
land Rarwei-l-W.*
WHli ihla hs ii.laed himself, and da- lou'ilrie* all
i th.- wuild. rcduclug sHo«)>d to pliiiid.T ui.d luoi after a
llvered the moat eiophaltr kick hS ro--. iiMra«el. IncrAnsliig irule. allmit-,
thus wr-i.Hng money aud valuXoUca to Tbs Pnyera.
Bo'clerk a ■
oauld under the clrcumalaniva.
I-"lng luduslO and oja-nliiK up ave,, ,j,,. ..oncluslon of their work.
The City Council having granted an
A man ran but do bla bast. Tba
f*'' •’f''* ''
crowded rouiiirlea
possible (or seamen, and enlenalon of time until Mareb 1st for
welPmeuning-SrnUh did ibai-and hr
they *ete
! tbe paymrnt of taxes levied iuTra
goi hi. reward.
The haas-volcad Iv*. < ro*d,rf countrhw.
! mg v-lih wddlerw.
......... Tbe ........
of civ- ritvfori:
the year IHUH. I will be In me
■mwci TAPOttT-■Worie-w HI'
Ar, l« IS e ■
. T.ylor nq.are CoBwearlOf
idliur Mom* ho da. ought ;
sirangei lurned on the In.iant; and
* »■>'«•' •hlpmcui of egg* waa lately
dueipg the momh of
inberv'* ■■.•re
AetUv >*.
*H[ « nrar OeekAwa J'c-1-b Lt, u <* CM
as h* dld-ao onr "commervlar aa«
'nm' Arg.-,tMne lo Kiir<.,« I he
sitl. *ufh
such i.ncicut law..
urn Miw-n.ll.il U.HIIIei
» wi «*«
lie lo the vlriortee of the
„„ Tuewl.T and Krldaveveoin^
Ibe .same
*- l.xpedlllons arc lo le- loiuicd ao.ni to
*“* ' ICC. Admiral Fnrragui wa. !
with cmiineudable vromjiUr„,,ia.r ,„uju.-,ud , fmW * tvial cfjun.kv:. Tm. man who; All ux«a must be paid before MaiVb
tude un <he wat gnaa.
t.-alou*. The .tusiralian salt Uub ihjt ’ rer'-lved tbi • next higberi aum was . ut to save extra expeoaee. Taxes an
Tbe lady gave a liiile acraam. and i.mk.-s exc.-llem fodder la to be iniro- ('apt. B V. Lee. HI* abare In various ; paid March 1st will be returned to tbe
10 :i *«>'
me-rwaW* Mill
, wa
>.* IIS».:SI. Hear Admiral jCoonty Trwaaurer Personal tazeacaoSmlih.
hr look bl. BBirunomlca] ob-.Uuc-'d Into t'nllfomlu. U will gVuw cnpiure*
I" m * m
rorclvd »1S9..'1«. while Kear : bOt^eet.irT.e.i. .heeefore ^slbe paid.
(-eSer Rub
aeiVAlim>>. br*rd her ciy:
o» dew-rl and alkali Uo<U, ol wbIcK IHnicr ivn-l
■0 «U! « IT.
ISM 4 «
■O.Kwl graclou., Tom. U'a sorely m-mlUluna of nciva.
'Admiral Huponi was pa...
I * SI t •
BBirb'* rra*4wg,
tie M.. Ktnlih of No.
Amoi.R otbeck * ho r.-.eiv«l amig sums ; ^
Krrat street.
•lUlS, •*»
UreUlefe.llU '
"And pray, wbal dot* little Mr. I
‘ were the following: L»eut. W B. t'uabI i^h. r-^i'r*'."rbob.pum
11 W 8 B
Ttataroe our
I P*lr work boa. .
S«ilib of No. I mean by forcing his
irV'iH: I'oiumandcr ). J. Almy
way Uilo No. * and klrklng me?" sakTblrieen mtlli.m. ai. rlliig U ihe y.wrCommander Itallcy. Ifl.TtS; Thi Orand Sapid! EaiwU
HAbt-IUIrJ Hlr*.
being bandied by C. E. Tsy
ad ihe .ulwari Tom.
ly v*lu.-ot pouiiooa grown In the \ ull. , f^Bironnder WlllUm Hnfld. »:ik.3IS;
Hinllb ro.c iwlufully. He fell that
f,*«wimo.|i.re W W. McKean. »37.«iil;
be had made «.aie borilhle Uluuder.
Mor- than ll.00.1.tlofl yard* o tweed deling Ma.lei W L Howortb.l35.Sfil;
0 City Newa Sued. 1
b. said meekly.
-"uMlfy tor clmblng the male c,..,
y, sunda. |3;-,tS5: Acting Adr. A. MnessLL.
tulral St. 1. Hreexf.ISI.97l; Anlng Eur. CVKHIMOHAM. A«*BI.
T „ oray, ISK.TIU; Third A*waliu* broken the jM*>jnRHieer WIlllBm Sioteaburg.
in Ihr iirareat aayluui. Mlaa i
ca. u-,
"U. (hat nilaarable nunlwtr' .b*
‘*“‘i. .tie. ver. »S3.9S6; Capl- H. McDoug.l.
"1 told
yeaieiday ihai
• luial ntituber of prrludiral* luil.- Ifi.wo.
aonietblug unpleaaaui would i^.me ol
1 Ul the Unguage of HollaoU la
From ihl* aimnint dwan bufidrods or
It If li WBBu'l lookad to."
if which {uriy-mue arc prlui.-d In offi<-er,> mviv.-d go»dl> «uma. K.vit
reearft*wlaa4SapAnv>«e(inkia*at*re«*r •
Sbu fluiirrstl nn I-rrure them lo the
“i Of The CondiUon of the Trwveres Ctiy
buaae. tbe acsriri riblamt Ibal bad d«I
Stole Bank.
:ifiai clfcfca iic ii
osUed irnor Bmlib all a-srave.
■1 Tr.vrrwt-n.v. MIrklean.at >a*
•Hkime Imih of you." she said. "In
Pro(e«aor ILLsmar wUbN
I’ -Gf-ESfi SRSdXia
FrrflueBtly sh.ps
owing lo eo .nany men aed women.
three m.uuiM i'll make you apologise p.kk.l--. lo.. and *.Ueu(urers.
to uue another fni your rudcaeiw."
e Uuily, four years <i|ik of Halaupr^tobe-------- --------- Aa KioUh agalD looked at tbal UBiny
lucky hiaa. uuin-rwl (hla lima with b<->i ..lullv Ibe dalnile.1
i4 sbszgteiiKSSse-£SSflS8&K?
I Inirivate de.lgni and biasding which wrnt to a high nrlcc belure ib* to lake PBOFE'k-OU'S New Meibodo
sober ere. - a tight dgwned upon him. foR
close of tbe war. Tbe James Adgei Trea^^.Jor during the p*
■Hy Jovet" he ejaculsi^. "Ii's ha
tleUkhU'lul ban
w : ; ::;i :i ;; :.
elaar aa gUaa to me now. Tbe top
tapper was actually .,-d in Sweden caplured .v nfedersle ship, vslued i
♦ fl.clof hial •rr.rrlU^
: over lion,wo The Ksnswhs captured
tba » has come out. and the dU'»'S '»“• l*»' ceniurj a.
>n Beeae Methods, enring after I
w.enteec idiip! from April. I8«.
a t.verMMl itself Into a b'cdu.m of .-xchAi.ge. aud ai .
t failed, many wUbed him *‘.ay
horild figuie
Chama bad to taka wbeellux
a w.ib January. 1865. and ihc olBoers wbo one or two w'erke'longer (or w verU J >‘i'K'-'r.>ii
ooniuanded her naturaiiy reeped rich out and In town people *osee him aod , Y-!* »"•!
• ...U-a llu. Oak.,;
rewardn The Kc-nut-iwv was another bebeoefliod heforegolag lo nest city, rass veba»4
"and 1.00 la-ilup. you'll ahake hand* “’5'** “*
fortunate I’nlon ahlp. cspiurlng many as anwoged. he will bor remain the |
weeks looger^or benefit of i '•'**•1
o longer, aa arraDgementa |
Cray Jacket, wca valued by the couru
at »HT7A10. Id July, IMS. the Magnolia
red to !55 Front VBdl'Mrd p
Anna naaa
;ro.-ig> Ho'‘c «l*.nre. near
heeirooi and lo<>k*d vary un.-ututoru- j-4r_ ,-i,en
••blucjsckat" bscanic captured the Memphis, vbI'jmi ai $32S,*
4BT. The Quaker Cny captured or took Oporw Boose Hours: » a m lo U pi
ble aa ba lold tUe story of hU little cnaiomarypart in the capture of twenty
Free advice all needing Trualm*Bt
! I laiieriiiiscsiaiB itiifl!!
I The qusrrira Horn whlrti ijie ancient
matter what
yourWBatnewa. or diaee
rnksttS ;?-*AnAaAnAniiAABAnAA a«ae*Y^
Xpn minutes aDerward, aa be atood <jt*eha obinluod ibo highly prU. J valued at many tlKstU'snd*. Some ot■_____
,)Cb did
lU flgbtink IS. If anv pnastbilit.v at alt rvaaonably
OB >be step of tbe terltable No. C. be Tboa-alUo of v.rd marhte »r;ie lia.i
be fortunata yon can W Corod
Uermael disease
raised hla hand lo the calsi night aky for nearly one thimiaud year., bu; «>r* were not rankeq
took Aral from yoor syatem by thl* iu*u- *i Mlckl*MV.Oe«niyatOr..4 Tr*t»i»e. I
of rich
and reglatared a couple of vi.Wi—flrsl, ' mcniiy re-diaco'crcd. snd are no« :«■ in tbe matter
Chicago —
West Michigan*
-"™ ....... . ->•' eew .1 r 7,,r.:x ;;7;.r,.'"™ :x,,r: *• f■
.. Ills !s
HE :s
......... .
CORES WITHOUT ■EDK«l!,!^^’r^'§r^!»
Grud Bipids « iidlui S. B
;,;k..,;XvX,X7«v:r,;i,s »'■<•>■
'■X’.rk.rx r.
to qiiii s terrsoa wbars the b'ou.tw lio; worked l>y an v:ugt..b couiiMuy.
were all alike aud Ibe lockc weic sveu- ^hey ara near I-sriaaa.
.wD the aatr-a; and. aoc«iid'.y. ibeaoa- I A rwtber curlnu* di.cv.vcryr l«
1. thai
eousldorforth to avoid mUlogAi* Lquoi*.
cap be kept all
Tf lh«
I Atbleir*.
tben are only M-tly
Icdlan wres; :■ and aililctei ]raln ktrc-.eiically caled. The fish In rhv
«.f milk. opac Jar died lo «B hour*, but thwie In
Li ths and of three w
|.j.T.aasA*h.Oe*hWr*4ia* aWn*
>.*..i*.i by
K» U*
In* wuri*
M.ii'ii. oreparwuena lor all oiseaeew
Rearsarge. was valued
Conanmptioo. Dropey. Bhea-' „ i,
and every
•' H90.OW.
••''••wv. *nu
v.«.i person <» htwrl "
FaralywK. CHe*. Oonatlpattoo. hrBrf.
the viclcriou* Koaraarge wa* awsTued j)y*prp»u
................. ......
kld^v and Ueai^ trouble, fesale,
ba; IMM na*f*esfod weakneesaod disease*: aiaodlM-aacotl
hit bounty or prise money Then; me men and aexosl dobinty. both sww
« tb» one man u not known. Ml* pot into _h^thy. atrong w»dliton
Thia edd
^sro»«s"’trow ^uskw. Msrktaaw
(AartuatLChirar*. Ur*s4 RapliA. I JD a ss.
ka* earlor car la Qrmad KapMa
TraiB l«avlMTr*"rwUtr at tkap.m.ba*
parlor car u OraBU RapM*.
a L.uir«wooDO.^^'flI'(in2i'naMne
WTMTxaATS ABsan •roar.
Hot Flfht In
Tmt«rdA7 AfUnooa.
»toi|to •»« BIdW
( to aMrAk tor Bs
•toekktoa. rah. 14—1^ SMlkk
MlalDUr »t Sl P»i«nb«rr rDpotoa to*
rMDipl ol » Ul4«ruB troM lA* 0«r•raor of Imim Mtorto. eoor«7la«
VttAaU OMMlTutUM KfMww to* lafoTMUoo rItM hf th« ToBfatM
to ttoM OMsitMM, rrmuto- PMordtof too lAdtoc of »tot «rto apPOTmUj too «r of IWmmt ABdfM
fhrMU af ■MwritofaMw
m4 hta two OOMBMiOIM. Ao f«*Itoto—Warn Tim Tmuato to »o- •r»or toUto toot to kMoootoaltoaff
MU Wito tol fWMrto uxothw
«tM to totoo oototoittooo. 0> ™urood..
tot kottlo. Tto *rot rolo o* tto pro*
▼towqoooUoo voo o PtofToa ftetory.
4* to 47. tol lour too ootio rl«» vooo
oorrtod »1 to 4S. Tkrooto of twooooldorotloo' or* ororrwboro toord. *
Uwlp •Mfloo Uprotoltod toatorrow.
property woo only aUpbtly
Otooral MiUoi^ forao bad eoBplole
ooatrM of tto altMtioa wkea tto P^tAati-EBp*B*ioa Amtndmoat moMlodforMnatla. Tto dlstk Uaitod StalM artUlary oe'opitda poaiiloo
▼Moot fto too BoAOlottow of ito^ftor toe town aad tto Tkaamii eol^ai
aad Bipktooato Ufaatry omptod
MoBmdT. PiwvMtoc for
watoM ooMlrtMtod ky tto rokoM.
mm% la rklUpplooo Mt^ -to
WMto aai Ootolttooa ooO far Boto
Xotorootoef Vtotod •totoo ood to-
will¥t bk dropped.
Tto roll ooll UiU oftoroooB otowto
ooljr fonr obooBtoo*. Oroolv. BMosoto.
BovIm oto toal>7. oqwll; dlridod m
to toeUoft. two kaioil Pio^rM m<1 two
Mtla tod a fow bobobu Idut Ctook/.
PtoCroolto. flotoo In. Tkb U too lorfMt attondnoto otnny twioa olaoo too
olooitoa of ttoopoakor.
Bowolfokai pwBltitac tot orpaalaatMWOfttoMorcMoralaoeloUta k;
ooatlpaoao loeal aoeloilat la . toe aaso
or a<>J>kaka(eoaBtlaa. put on it* pat*
mt* oador tbe taaptaaloa of tot raiet
wato too MBMofMr. McKajr
iwaetod. toot pMUemaa roee aad 44ld:;Md died.
.. w_
Judpe Corbett to the upIt WM defeaind by a rote of fV to to,' ‘
pealBaola oal
doa’t baow aaoaph aboot tob bill} Mary Uolaa. aped TO. waa foaad fro.toe rlee-presldeat aoUop U tto aepa- ] i,u. tru^u, ae,^vh.
M veto.” Ttoapeakerproaptty rapped jet, to death la bar mob on Kirit arefar urdar. daetarinp tor roll eall could i su, today.
; Bade pahlleibroBpb toe Boyne Oitlsaa
The McEoery reMiution *». toeni^j
Rioted la toe local dally
Mt be Interrupted -Oao I eaplala
The city b aaable to bury tu
«y roteT” aaked Mr. Meltay. "Tbe..................... .
paatleBaa eaaaotexplaia fait rou.”
•aaoBaoed tto apeaker. "Caa 1 taake
raBorks oa toe Uii?-‘ promtad MuKay "Nor rapoaded toa apnakar
toorlead lo proceed with toe iaeeetlpaa prepare tbem for local aett Uoa aocordlnp b> toeir beet judgment
and Boat relactaaUy Mr. Mi Kay took tripe to the city cetnelery at Uarl'a
neat, and la due tiae to loake aad to eanvlse tbelr dberetloa la palohb oMt. ataakiap bb bead eiporoaaly | i„d. No burUb hare taken place I
■ of toe talanat aa
“*• “••• ________
I ainc. laat Tueaday. wtea a eoSla lad.a ' beat proinole the lotereeUof tbecltl- lapallpoBibleiaforBttioa repardlap
the irapedy.
OMdellolWayne. latrodimda jolall.tMBer Bade iu laat ttip. There
teaaoftoc tialled Sutea aad toe'nala parsnaaoe to tbeea iaatructuxb
of !"<»«•• 1 were la tbe orpue on Saaday fllty* la Wayoe ooaaty fmoi le.uuo to ki.ww. elpht bodlea awalUup burial and toe Ueee of toe blanda.
toecoBBltiee will employ 4. E: UeaYto bill waa laid orer
•teaoprapher of toe Tbirteeotb
BBBber wat raUed yeaierday to eipbtyjadictal dUtrlet. and aoonapaaled by
Aaioap tto
hlB Mr. 1‘rauaad Mr, Uilberi will po
bare aleo pea. a bill by MoCall W, Brlrate undertakera
.---------------------------j to Boyae City today f .- the parpoee of
coupellMi to dechbb to lusurgents Sot Flr« to
prahlbii the > aaotaoinre aad tale of<«'^‘y
|pettinf at the boli.iin facb In the
eoadnet fuaerala. Thb waa
jease. Tbe memWru or iLc bunllng
Town and Fled.
A4hI1 bylbck to republe toe ratee aeomary. not oaly by toe dlttcalty of
I party alluded to will b.- iolerriewed.
opeatap praref. but by toe iapoMibllfar aleeplag oar bnrtbs la tbb atnw.
Uy ol laduclnp tto drieere of
HobelaOieea 84 Boar, to •arraaderL*®'’sutcaeob'will be ae■ nt The.
. Matte
*!pi»ooanopporinoiiy to aUie all tbry
to. »oatoa aad Petrel Bombarded ,
of the clrcuB.aU.OM aad to aid
Lbe Oily.
| la toe.lneeatipailoa.
tto purpoMi to huira^ a teapi. to hold j ^^telde,*^.™ ^hae. be^ toa^
Maaila, Keb. 14.—Iloilo baa beea
-------------------------M*MUon.. etc KMd.B alU reiueB- ^bo„^
Ukeo. UMeral Miller pace toe aaUeca Ort*WaWs Patoer Dead.
^rporu l«,» all clUe. .loop toe tweaty-toarboBn la which to aarrea* Beaaape .rrired yeaterday aa-:
der toe city. They retuaed to aarrea. nonaelap toe death of Mica Oaylc
tto fund creatod under thb
ah ;
^^roaph to. .oath abow a a^.l.r der, proeoked a battle before Ute|0®‘»"“'^'“ falber at Vcrm-tatrllle,
MM-towltoto.fuada Mr. ElobboA^,u^.
twenty-four boura wore np aad wrra'**‘®^' M>itUrUwuld b auauprapher
__ bi______b. ■_
—. aara be wuiU the bw repealed Do|d,j*,^
teleprapblc eoBBualcn- wblppedt
for toe kl._u_.li..
Meroaatlle Coapany.
In -L
abort order.
•bea eoB. ecb.BB rabna fundi baaBl |
iloyea of tbe atore <
waatwouphtbereby toepnafaoat Pet
oa tab law and puna off with It be Bay
m, alao
rel, wlblch Ared the Aral pna in toe •yopatoy by aeadlap beanUfnl Bopere
to clBobed for fabe preteam.
to tb« bereaTod fasl'y.
Oolby of Wayae ptopnaea to atop EBKMI OXTMS tA.OOO TO TOOA
Aa aooa aa tto tiMaport benrlap re- ._^ v
itorMB.au reached Uea«M Miller
bribery and pulltlual oorrupiloa by aaOrokar
bat toeUaern Uliy Uu
laat Friday, and be bad beea pirei
OBfUap toe laker of a bribe from ounVpwlto $15,000.
lailructtona of Ueaetal Olb, he landed
bbmeat Tto law now maklnp It c^oal.
ly cnailnal to pit. or lake a bribe
New York, Eab 14.—Jamae R. K'ree toe aatlre eoBBbtloaer. who were re rUatonH feral”.
♦peratua tv orvU>ct both frua eapoanre. toe banker, eeat bit check for Si.uuo turned from Manila. He aeota cob.
to a carloto of I 1
am <
br tbra to toe tnaurpent
draft btiraea I
llhepberd of Cueuuynaa aotleed a bill 1 •* Mayor Van Wyck today for tbe rewblcb. if it boooam law. will preaUy I
foot. Suoo after Richard leader at Iloilo calliopupoa him toaartold at prloea which everybody
aSucl the laterauU of tbb tutc
wrote eat bb peraoMl check tor render wltola iweaiy-tour bourn, aad
reach who aeedi a ptod aaitnal Call
atock.at tbe
aeeke to proteei tto leBaialap'roreaU 1
ehalrinan of the I
“t** *® *»*«. any daaonlivery and aalce barn of Georpe
aadprue.dtoaforBUy ooBBbaioa io'8'“»®* ooatwUte. of IbBBaay haf*® « W ooaducl
Caraa (formerly Geo. Molr’ki on
aeetodvlnp tob
| wrote out aaotber check for Plo.ooo.:
belllperMt operatloaa.
a». U. 4u»os
'BbstoaU and *
^ I Mayor
Van Wyck
.icea a am toraaaeef
— waa
------------- by
r tola.''
— i.a
tto lepal rate of latcrnal la tobatot* to \ pavae that tto Sit.ouo would be tondrd : *
> ebaace to oee a Hoe of aoBolaa rep
Ate per vent. It u ctalBad tar iBproe- orrr to hla to be need lor tbe aame !
reaantlop. AMO.OOO atoek of uilor»U.|—Mr. K—Ikir-l -«"b d— 1.
lap ooBdliioBa joeiify ibw rediu-Uon.
madeaulU. aklrla, eapea aad jtckeU
bated for.
*vd tbe crultia oar’ ICirak Deaartmeetoa Wedaes________ ■ . _
er Beaton took tor aUUoa at toe otoer
toaator Sawyer propma a atiaewtot'
nay. F<
'eb. It. The U wtou Store.
aoeel beeteapar bbl by the protbMMu
<>< town.
of wblcb toe beet prower b to 1.'
-----------Friday paaed qnbtly. Durinp toe BeftSuafataACBiopi
■ I'aie-a" Cbicapo WatDe Bouae. too
oae-balf aad toe aupar Baaufaciurcr ’
***. BlUwortb Penad Dead day aany refupeea left town. Tto aaFront atreet.
aaa ball of tto bounty on aupar Bade
la B<4
I }ortty were taken aboard foralpa toipa.
from bi-ru Mr. Sayer alao wania a
Mra Mary K:kswortb. aped nearly ;^'f 1^® tinitod Sutra
. pe.-.tl t ua uf to B.UCU per barrel on niurly-toree, waa found dead in bed !
llinmlaaUd toa town aad debeer aad prvridea how tto prveaeda of at the home of her daupfater. Mra. will-,*•“•••
________ __
imioa that
that to.
toe rebel.
rebel, were:
Mr. Kll.worto 'waa ___'.,..,,^;ed
retarkabl, ~ to Ito ll»toa
The bUI wbk-a <
« toe four
f®**®*- Th. Petrel
townabipe-ta Crawford____________ -ell aad act... aoUl about two mmk»'
ukeam with
a,!.- U..„ u
aad detorwiaad to have ii
<0.1—«. >•;'—P..7 ~
I part of toe balldlap were aaved. but
-ho., fro. ,h.
, Thfrl‘:--To-*.’'-"’:, ui^. “"‘i-'r'f“ atrlpea over the fort
and hb
Wbtoler nutioud a bUto NpulaU : la a well
, known
towktap aad peddlmp i. uu
j f*«a*lj *l*®aat UiaptoB, The loan b
dbc prvMBt Uw <« that aubjeev bkvlap ®**"‘*^
' been UBUlariy
TbU plaee
-Ima declared uBLuuauiuilouat i., hj.
. j kaoWB oa tor Foa pUte.
-tdectaloa Tto__
Urinaa alao p.vre nollk-« ol a -Jl to^ .
. '—Z1—
uad oa toe blpuwaya of tab auto
IB tto prtee.
•U'lt )
md took pdaaeeaion of tha place.
Tba marlaea aadaoldimuabora then
troeeedad to toe ual| of uvinp tto
Eoplbb and OarBi
aalatoa troB Are. Tto Bwtaa coaaal'a
raaldaaoe. U tto mat* row aa toe ooaMilatM noBto. waa bamed. Tbe as" " a and-uUve aectkBa at tto
dtolcoyaA, bat ter^pa Bar-;
New Curtains
Those felt ones with s(»in£r rollers—all ahades
BTMdAktinB OommittM Will
Waablartoo, Pok. li.—Tto toaoto
Oo To Boyn* Olty.
tocaa Ita totalon today wito only alaa
toaatoto prootoT Tto otoaia wan do- AatooMaad at Olitaowa* MaMla* to Pro-'
Terrlbl* BUU of Affair* la layod ky tto anew, but tuaprUd la tUI
ooadVito Saqalry aa to Xtoatoof
^odpa Oork.-U-Oirealt Oaort *MaI Mr. Attwart ol Netada took tto doer
Ofraptor Headaraoa- WiU AoeOB-1
IU oppoaltkB to tot MeBaery rcMlatloa
paay OoBBlttea.
Uabarlod | and la faror of rtUlelap tbe Pbllippiaet. Mr. L.lo()kay of-Keotaeky aad Mr.
la rotpoaao to tto call baaed tkero '
■teaail of ai^oalty la BTntk*~t
watapood attoadaBMof loeal attomOoMttoilM — T^tao Dalayod aad
, aye aad ciUeeai at too BteUnx lo toe
Ttltprapkic vOoaaBnatoaUOB latorthe Baeoa ooonell rooa yeotorday Boratap. Tto
ftnwd Vito.
oblect waa to eoaler with toe opBali-'
UooooabUopof S- a Pratt. P. a OilNow Yoto. Pak. 14.-NOW York to ,
UnliedAtaloabarobydiSelalBtaaydb- btri aad 4. A. Loraopar. who were ap.'
day oa>oyM> - too Am toaaklao tloet
poelUoa or Inteetloa to o«o(aise per-j poiatto to lo<,alra iato tto cireaBotaa-'
PrMkay. bat tot city b tUII eat off for
Boaeat aorerelpaty. jurbdlctloa or Um earroaadlap tto death of toe Ute I
tot Boot part f roB rail oonBualoaUoa. ooatrol orer tbe blaadt. aad aaeertt I j«dpa Corbett.
An atioBpt wai made today to toad
diumluu... U.U ..... .ubl. j
awayapoiUoo ol tbe bbIU piled la
ladepaadoat portraBeat b erected ctolrBon aad T. T. Bam aeereiary. 1
tot poatofUata. Tto priooe of provlThe ooBBitmatadea report of toei
eloueaeTtrl - * "
letuU of toeir laeeetipaUoai ae tar ai'
they had propriiiil aad eubBitted the:
wfur pakaiup it touaP'out that lUy ®®®"‘®A preoedtnp bar deavb, nM fell fuaUlada. Tha Boaton and i‘atr«l tbea
Bala body of ibe inaldeab aaoBed to ' *®'®®P
»“r®ad apata.
I tba iwbeb- tiwaebM. mob
•ppooe the dikaolutuw and paaaed aj
'or.Bpletolyclearlapto«iB of ttolr ol4 at Pouch. .
ueoluuoatu rrcnil the bin froB tto ‘
tto time
tlnu \ia***m
id' ,!
K »e
dinoa tto ad
SooB after the bombardBent bepaa
>oaraB«at tbr bill bad ——■ both ‘ **^*'*““
““ “*
amee broke oat U variona parta of
t toe town. TtoraapcB toe Fonrto ma-
Ten Tear Contracts
Sobscribers Mt| Ctiecl
at ead of aix Boatoa or ebaape
to any elaM of aerviee at will.
Telepboae tto laaaaper to eall
aad explain new ram adoploa by
Michisai Tclepbone Cn.
good cloth ones on Hartshorn spring roUera selling
at 22c.
PrevenU the sun fading yonr carpet and
makes the room look cosy.
I aao Front St.
“City Bookstore.”
SU Ualna Straet.
Talepboae No. 41.
The Finest Stock Funeral Goods
Xb Xrozt^wr-a. *f1nniw ii.
Bat kept out of alpbt eaUl Doeb a tlae aa wanted.
Everybody Likes
The Kimball Pianos and Organs.
Finest in tone, finish and workmanship. Good
stock of fine ymall instruments.
Look in on us.
235 Front Street
___________ NJ^STRONE, ManagW
To clean up odd slaes ot
Jaros HygieniG Underwear
W, frffvlt kmonr nuiny othw dMldkd
■mdantar buckliu at
1-4 Off Regular Price
This for a Short Time Onl>:
Made by Micblpaa Telepboae Co.
for any data of aervica dealred.
—seH at ten cenU—Then we have a big tot of those
{ Supply your future wants now—There Is
only one 4aroe and none
other so good.
I Hamilton Clothing Co.
Ueoai Tcv-No S66
BrwldMt enUdlMl Piploma iMUta!
«os ts Troable.
Blf I4a«rs Dtu od SfttordAy Nilaa. Mlek.. F«b. ta.-Dr. Cb«rlM
RtotSL Lake's
Hot Yot in.
ko^ul. wujtrreeted tbie aorsiaf <»
I ss Ike AUesUe » werrealaworsoet at dt. Joeeph by
Mn. ••Bluk” of Sooth Bead.- »ho
OaimBr 0»Te VeM for Bototr of ebwfae hi* wiU bittmr- He wea
Ukw to St Jooeph thia aftaroooB.
8L Lokab hoapltal la tbe iaaUtatiOB
that baUared to have Bedbal dlpUMiaa
led to belMeobtodatBo*.
at prieee raoriar fro* fi to tS. aeeord*
He* Tork. Feb. U. -Hom of tke AV lay to tba ^oaUty of tbe paper eaed.
tetto lloerefroB tfreot BriUlo Md
«be oaoUsest tk»t rcfoUriy orrire ntKBS OOT WITH AOAVTBOOX
kmottkeeddof tbe week kke bees
wnurh .
a^th i- ih.
TsrriAo BUnard i^oog AtIsntie €k>wt.
Bee Tork, Pkltadelphta aaA.>Mtoa
•aflkred Terribly aad Brea Haitiaaora aad Other Saatbara OtUaa
•ao* Boaad-Sariaiia latartareaoa
to Boataaaa aad Ballroad Ttafflo.
loeBlodmdap the Boom of Ttaoerae
City IdUber Co.
Tbe boom of the Travacoe aiy Lam>
ber On, became eo boaad la with Ice
ow baaday that b was impomible to
yot loyt from Ueriverymtenlay moralay. A* early as Ive O'clock workmea
beyaa to eadeavor to clear the tee to aa
toyatattheioya. betit waaaol aeUl
aoM that tbe atrcam eoald be opeaed
aoae to admit of the atartiay of tbe
mUL Tbe i«* waa frome ao thiek aad
Mlid that it required thirty ckarycaol
dyaamite to hlaat It oat.
A Blank Lbok
U not vtrjr eipressiVe, but shosM you wut s
Blank Book
Waablayyia, Fbb. IS.—The pbeaomcaal .weaker of tbe paat week eelBtaaied today la a blixurd-like caow
atorm. wktcb broke all reeordt. A aew
eaow record was cetablbbed. wbea to
the heavy fall of tbe paat week was
»l»ed»y» fro* dootheoipHii: Etrerte.
Hleee TeoUtdoy.
edded foorieea laebra, wbleb fell from
Bffktd^frowUaeeoetowB: Le Ere-: Jto Orlfflo. u enploye of tbe Tr»v- Saturday aiyht to % o'clock tbb after- Boaad A Boa Bara Boaybt A W.
toafe. elrbl day* fro* Herrt; As-|erM City Lomber Co., wm the vletia BOOB. At tbe latter boar there was do
WaltMfy. Oo. Property for a
oberl*. elzieee dtye from aiMrow:|af u lOTolnotuy beth is tbe river let ap whatever aad tbe aky yaveao;
Tirat Olaaa Plaat.
1 deye fro* Bit-Jnewr tbe boom yeelenUy momln*.
dltttioD of immedbte relief.
Yeeterday Richard Roaad made
raooold aaolfeat them
terdasi Pretoria flfteea days fro* i fore hb n
I T>ae favorableelemeat wet tbe corn-Ideal by which be bvcomm owaer of tbe'
■asbory: Oara. tbtrteea daya
’ |£ratl<
;lvely moderau temperature, tbe; factory balldioy aad property for*erlr
Bremaa. Tbe voyaym of eeveral frelybt f carried a«me dbtasee dowa atream.
mercury beiey 10 above aero. Buslaeu jowaed aad occapied by the A. W. Writ
oteamera are »rowla* aaoomforubly, floaily be was fished out with a cant bpraelkally eospeaded. Street can | Haantaetariay Co. oo Biardmaa aveteny.
are altber uol ruDalay or are eo isfre* | aue.
RTteabOcee a larye fleet of steamorai
--------------------------qoeat aa to be of little aervtee. Bitai-; Mr. Boaad was formerly a member
la tbe drpartmeata b almoat at a of ibe TravarM City Iron Workt eora■UadatiU.
lew thaa bait tbe varioae J paay for many yearaaod has bad a loay
tbe blixxard to paw.
forcea rerortlay.
j ezperleace la the beat kiad of caatiaya
LoadoB. Peb. 18,-U b feared that Tbare Befay ao ftuonun Hothiay w
Doae with Ordtaaacea aad
Railroad traffic b almoat abaadoaed ; aad macbloe work. Be will be Jolard
tkeloatof the Brltbb ateamer Aroo.
today, the oaly irAla la op to aooa bo-1 la the wtabllabmeat of a aew foaadry
trhteb foaadered in a yale off Mab
_ to have been aDadjouraedi‘*'F*
Baltimore. The Po J boalaeea by bta eia Barry Boaad. and
liybtabip. will prove a very eerlona dlt•atm-. Tbe oapuln aad three awmbera meetlay of the ooaaeil last evenlay for I
** •
aia j tbe Arm frill be kauwa as Bound A
the erew., who reached Soatheea ia the porpoae of eoaalderiny the pro-jvratera to tbe bay,! Sob. The factory will be enlaryed and
«■ eeheasted eandlUoa with their boat j
rhaiiTr aTiiffndmen'if end rr«‘>ed j
** broken a fliod li. rcbailt aad eapeeblly fitted for a mod^aeUeaily amaahod up. report that , city ordinances
Alderman Monlayne'
Iblrtecn of the abip'a company are miaa ! was abeenU however, ana as be b ih, : *f<slloDa of tbe city. Many ewee of cx-1 ’Tbe new firm will enyaye in aycn
toy. One of tba men had hb ley brok- airirmai of the oommitthe on ordln-i
,««»'bn»‘o«>** •'»* tt*ke a ape^-«a and none for a time was able to yive anew that matter bad to be deferred. i
to be reported Uter.
^ laity of fine caeUaya and plows. Both
At Altxaadria. Va.. tbe <
mben of tbe firm i
Aad. aa savre
there WM UO
-* —
aotblay to do bnt defer the other .
“ reaaUed ia almeal chaeica aad they will cater w the bwi j
wrecl^ within matter *!»• The only amendmenla i
» aiachlae
•e lly^hlp and ! which the conncll will a«w coaaider!
has been antpeaded. Tbe shop will be added to. tbe plant.
balllay dbteaceof the
aaakrapld'y. ThreeboaU werclauneb-lwm be that relalioy to vbe recorder'a '
bte returned from
ad. bnt tbe captaln'e boat was found aalary. the extenaion of the term of ’
o®*' barges are Ice boaad aad i exsenalvr trip throuyb tbe principal
j their crews are in a belplew condiUoP. cities of the state arranylny
waterlocyad. aad ft b doubtful wbetb- offiaea of the city clerk and
tba new enicrpriae.
ar tbe otbera eoald live la tba boUiag and aaothcr more cloeely defialay the
TrafBo Dalayed In Mew Tork.
There^ tea
eaa, A coal Ilyhter
f powera of the city reyardiny a vrater^ New York, Feb. 13—A fearful storm
,, vac'Di apace aouth o* tbe
^ vwterdav
rciaeiit bo’Idiny which will be occaplOrocaer, Norfolk oonnty. and five of ber I works tysiem. Ail of theee will be ; which'prevailed
«aw were drowned.
eoaeldered at the next reynbr
w™. ------------ ®« r*or each
• night hw'lp"credeml”Tvb^len«“
Boavm. Feb. 13-No additional tld.'(„
wrib\he.powwhlch drifted la mapy'**““y Tbi.w.^d another Imporfaye have been received from tbe Cantael ladnatry to Traverse City, and oae
places has almMt paralyzed uafB«. Tt
ard ateamablp Pxvoala, wbkb Irfi
rhieh will be sure to grow.
“rfM* ears are almost entirely sulled
Liverpool Jan. 34 for Boeten, ealllay at
4|aaeariowB Jan. is. Tbe ateamer was for tbb year have been rvoelved by J.
oat reyard to acbedale. Toe ferry boeie
dae at Boaum two weeks ayo. Friday W. Slater.
are maklny only a few trips.
tMt tbe Wileoo line ateamer Colorado
Mrs W. B. Stoae b very 111 with tbe’
Tbe Bpper aitd lower bay ia a
etopoed at Fayal. Aaoiea. to saad word j yrip at her home at Old Miwloa:
that ^ Pevcplx -as -‘dhted Feb. 5 T A valuable dray boree belonyiny
beloayiay to ol\uaS^[^trb*Ca‘wTdar. and
dllloiL The Coten^o
Yoa will express rour {deas^ at the et
B stock
we are carrying and the prices at which they mil be
Vj-ont St.
“City Bookstore.”
no council meetiiie.
318 Union StreeL
Ten Tear Contracts
Made by MIefaigao Telephone Co.
for any class o' ai-rvice desired.
Sebsctiliets May Cancel
at end of »lt oonilo or chanye
to any elaa* of aerviee at will.
Telsphoer tbe manacrrlocxll
and explain pew rate* adopted by
tbe company.
Telephime Na 4h
The Finest Stock Funeral Goods
Its. xe'or'Uswr’Zx acxoXUmmxi.,
Bnt kept ont of aiyht until sneh a time aa wanted.
A.OXIOA.I. TTxrzsmstxja
Everybody Likes
The Kimball Pianos and Organs.
Finest in tone, finish and workmanship. Good
stock of fine small instruments.
Look in on ns.
235 Front Street._________ f. STRONG, Manager
Su-|even the msia atreeu of New' York;
look like those of a little town.
■r■**‘*^the aameaae wen aiowipg. ainoe,,,^
l... t.. jo^n Carroll's
I abo place
a 'phone
ftuaker City Hit Bard.
that date DO report baa come of the
general store ua East Eighth street.
I’s., Feb. 13.—The:
mlsaioy ateamer. If ehe la atill afloat,
aaduodoobi It enieruioed here that
T***-J- H. GreliickCotnpanya factory. |aiorm la ihUvicially has aaanmed tba;
abe la. she mnav nave drifted far to the I
been anui down for three j the proporiioaa of a bliiztrd. Jhb has
will reanme op-1 bad tbe effect of pillay tbe aaow in
aoatbward and now be to tbe aoath of! "'®**‘* * “ repairs,
etaUona tbb mimiay with a full foree drifu natil aume of tbe atreeu are imtbe Axorea.
of men.
pastable for trolley cart.
Bhippiny remaioa at a ataadaUll
Mias Btbel Petera of near Maacelaaa
b a aew etadent at the Traverse City tbe Delaware river. Tbe ice b yettlpy
heavier and there it no praapeet of any
Xxpioatoa of Banye in Orawford Baal- Boslacaa Colleye.
deaoe Created Sad Havoc
The Michiyan Telepbtme Company arrivalt or deparurea from Philadel
■anday Kornlay.
will place now desk tclepboDM in tbe phia darloy tbe week. Tbe Keadiny
AboatTo'elock Saadsy moraiay aB.'®<^<®* ®^
KeUey aad B. <Jy Nor raUroad at Boon ietaed an offl;<al anof tbe cetire abaadoaoaploBloa oeenrred in the kliehea of
meat of tnia aerviee natU farther
etideneeof laba Alice Crawford,
■niay at tea o'clock tbe local tice.
which parUalty wracked that apart altoraeys aad all peraeaa intereated in
Tbe PenDsylvanU railroad U makiay
menl and eampletely abattered the■ fieinvraiiyaUoDreyaraiegJadye CorbeioteafforU to more paaaenyer traiaa
mmklay range.
I bvtl'a death, are requested to meet ia
and baa thoa far succeeded la movlny
Tbe domestic bad Ijybted a fire aad the eoaacil rooiaa.
abonv »0 per ceat of tbe regular achedleft the kitchen expecUay the fire
Iwat evcaloy a pair of skalea were nied paaaenyer acrrlce. Thrtmyh we«Vyet well started before tbe family
atoten from IP front of J. W. blater'e! era trains are from five to eiyht honra
She left tbe klteben aad
— L
that'behind lime. Oo the B. 4 O . Lehlyh
j Three Days’ Special
Plain and Fancir Uned, Handsome *11 Wool Bearers.
tiosa of delay have prevailed and achednice are mrtallcd to a mlBimnm.
Tna Bean City Buried.
' damayedone. The range v>xa abatier- pecu tbe b.^ya to call ana settle.
«d aad several pieces of iron were
A Dc-mocratle Unlda city mt
thrown witn each fdn>e aa to be.
Feb. 13—A northeasterly
I veetien
.uiMvu tw
cicc* ueicica*ea to the Conatv, Baetaa,
> embedded
Oo.„nio. .. b, b.ia ivi,™,. r.bn...j I •*'“ “
bi. a-uu
Mra A100I4
Crawford bad arisen and
fedneaday eveniny
jamaveof anowdUai la dclaylny uaffle
abonttocBter the kiu-nee when tbr
The South Side Shakeapere Club will 1
ixploaioo occurred, but f.vrtuBately ahe
■t with Mrs. Tburtell ibir'aftemoou
ir enough to receive injury.
The fife in the range was aeat.tercd :
Baltimore Snow Bound,
aboet Ue room aad tbe wood work be j Frofeeaor Urawn bas arranged .with | BalUmore Feb 13 —Snow baa been =
gan to bnra. ^mi the preeence of Menayer Steinberg to have sddiUoiial!
^ere without Intermiaaiou .luce
m nd of M...; Cr*wf.,rd saved what; chalm for th^-bo have not yet aeSaturday niyht, and durinylfc
mlybi nave beep aerioua damage. With'eared aeeu for tbe euterttinmant of 1
of the lime the wind fane *1^!^
■bb.™ bbd tbbb ™i,bbbbd b, U>. In ™,blb(. .
• :bobUlbbbbrbblb.bb.blbbtbbdbUll
db,»r>b».,. Tbbbb.«lcblbo,l«,.bbl Mr.. WllbbrcUbl W,, Sm.U.! lUporM ft™. .U pbru ot U.. .W
™>.b..b,l,bbbbbt Ibb, »™b™.b»l,.Ubbbl..l,b..U.™.snp.
|.h„, ,b,
cbdIUob ol Ibid..
farther damage was prevented.
The Brpubiican eaacoaea, to elect < Mneta aufferioy hea reunited. All traiaa Tbe cSBM of tbeexploelon was the :,delegates to the eonuty conventiou, I are mneh behind time.
2m. Will
wilt lie
beI i WUmloyion. b^*..
Del.. .Feb.
13 -A
blU-' ^
--------------— to
™ to
—“ be
—— held on tbeW.Mb.
«I b....». wbleb had
froxea aolid ;
several wards on Monday : wd baa blocked rallniad travel in Del-; ^
dariay tbe night
evening, the 20ib- OBi dal notices ap. j aware On tbe Delaware road.whleh;^
ir ia aaotber colni I, namlay places ; traverses tbe length of tbe elate, track
[of meetlay.
icleariny erewa baveaaaembled at varlBnvprila Hotel of Oeaat and Itenylam j 'Die cablee for tbe c
taaye of ®**
ordera, it have, fwai* re- ^
decided that It would be tite- < ^
Noribern Telenl
less to attempt to opea the tracks naUl. ^
Ived yeeterdav.
Chicago. Feb. h —The I 'nlted Siatea
the snow ebatri. Ail tbe FealaxaiajC
hotel, a landmark on tbe ocmr of SoaetfltiB
braaeb railroads ar* blocked.
. Cottage Grove aveene aad TbiVty-flrai
» ebance to see a tiee of aamelee
Snow aad Cold la Alabama.
atreet. burned today. Lony befure the rvaentlng tVKi.ouo stock of
elf il war the hotel was a favcr.te re- madexuiu. skiru. eapas aad .
».b. b,...d,«, oay. Fvb. I ...
to the InteBMly entd weather-10 deGrant and Donglasa.
yreea below xaro—tbe Birmingham
Carairai aoetety baa ealied off tbe
Bmt BMabaaiOb^
mardi yms eeleheatloa aebadnled for
At -Fete’s" Cblcayn Waffie Bonae,
-Fete's" enteayo WaOa Boas*. MM
FmaiiBtnet. Beatauatolatbe
Froataueel. if.
blixaard to tbe worat on record.
25 to 35
Men’s Suits
Very nice all waol goods-chaice of abare for naif 3 days
These are bargains'and are worth looking after.
Cold weather continues—Overcoats and Ulsters
moving off fast.
Come earl}r to get best selections.
! Hamilton Clothing Co.
B07B* 0**7
port of Commi ttM
Mates tte«
They Bar.-dTerer Boea Aafcad to
Tba reeeot report of tbe oobb
fresco ^0Yse\.
UteJodffe B. L. Corbett bea brooffbt
M vQMetMb h
aa iadlffnaat reply from tbe seBben
^ \
loa.of New York, baa eecored aa abOf the knUar pany who
Tbe many Mend* of Mti. ^ K. ;Matant te order that beaaay hetter<»re
atad with Jadffa Corbett at the Umc Back la Trarerae Ctiy tympaUlirMr foe tbe eompaoy'* eteady '
of hi* traffic death. Tbe ataa
daeply wiU her la Ue deeU of her baelnete ia Uh dietrust. Tba paruer
Uwt, AW&
are rceideaia of Boyaa4Cily aad moUer, Mra KaUck, whlok oeenrred |arrived deaday evebinff and Mosday
My taka azarptioae to the eoffffi
uwiuA vufcVbVB WV.
ywterday morainff bboat tea o'cloek.' m-rntaff eatered npoa hie detlee oa
their allcffed rclac- Ml*. Baicek bed beeaeerioaalyUl w:-b uffiee BMeffec. and tbe liule fellow alVtT^bcW^ com^irrtBkU
\a a
taoee lo atate what they kaow of tbe ffrip.bnt ber^Heenee bad appareaut ready dU^lay* a remarkable
mrkable eficleacy.
. Tn 4mm1ob of M kdtqMU npplj clreaBataaeea Tbe Jtoyae City bant- ebahffed for ito better ato Mra wa*'TbeBrm wlllam
«Ue name of Baa^b so^ 04
•f pmn Md WbolMMM «*MT kM •ft- eta IraBbd a reply addreB»d M B.
erery oabae to top* tor tor faU and dermw A Son.
of tbe apeedy reoorery, nntil aboot twelve'
Mad th* c«t7 of Urmad B*pU« for a
The Pore Im onppe Oare.
leaf «>*•. Md a Wr« aaeaai'of
boor* before n*r deaU, wbea abe be
There U no nee aafferlaff from UU
aad MiBcradlnMWT ha*
VMit la aa eadaavor artleie to be priated >a itae Bqyae City
' dreadful malady. If you will oely pet
‘ «OdaMrMiaa«batti bwi tot Iba eltji dUsea ia lu Uat Beae. Tbe daeaM
■nee paia eatll ber deaU.
tbe riffbl remedy.
Yoa ere barloff^pain I
. .»
MdaactaaUoM of all aorU bare bMa UeefoUow*;
Mra KaUek waa one of Uu wrly ......-------------..
M^’ffb yoor
body, y,
Boyae City. Mioh.. Peb. v. IM.
Mda aad aeiad apoa. J. J- MeVaaa.
ploaaete of TrarerapCIty. baviaff come of order, hare ao appeti r. BO life or i
Bop. £. 6. PatfT. oae of a oartala acre WiU ber buebend aad daoffbur bBtItioa. bare a bad c I. in f*elarr j
•UafaaclaaaradtkaaAW. K. BallooBBltM.
Elee'rtc RUIen
paad. dlara«M ib« problcB ta ih»
OBAPbia ItUa little etraoffe that
•toad Ba|dd« Herald of ptaurdar la
ber bnabaad aad beieell bare mad* prompt and anre Atlief. They
M rasarki Mr. KeVaaa deplorta U>e we. or aay of o*. wbe oarer by
their borne wiU Mr. aa^'Mra BuU. reeUy oa your Liver, dtomacbaod Kid«pM*
dad iBoa«7 la catrjlBr eldeat or letaat ever haratad a balr of Her life waa a quiet, bomakeepiaff. one ney*. «>»« op the whole *y*iem and
aaBwnai aaff**llnni aad refer*
full of motherly lor. W^r aoa m«l
teeBed friead aad aelffbbor. aboald be
ta U* fact that obere eltic* bare «
dauffbUr aad Ue children, and ber oar
ForenleatUr Druff^loree of
be alBoat forM latoyoer iBpertiaeat buppIneM waa to make UrtfSbppy by E Wait and J. O. JobKio. Only 50c
aaaaUT tbep hare abiaiaed iba be*t prmeaoc wita tbe threat that if. wa do every mean* la her power. Tbm* who to^ toltU._________________ i
Malta HearraeetbatOraad Bapid* oot pnrffe onreelree of pallt we eball kuew ber beet, knew what a daar.
j TbtOnaiS^iBenU
haa apaat a aufieleal aaiouot for a aiaad eoadeBaed before year eclf coa warm. aoUer brart waa bera
lera, and
handled by C. E TayaosplMe
iraMiB. wtthoet hartaf ■Utated, oejiut, baartlaa*. (iaeaorable bow lonely Ue borne will be
« wlUoul
jor'» City new* dtand.beirpao looffer
C*U »r BU hr Irl'phane Kn IHI, lo r*ll Bid eel jour bw,«ftr bbJ h*rr It Ml IB \
oMaUadaapdeenlUroeBita He auf- ' tribaaal.
ruiielaeerdrr, aD/l **<« It rfady la tide In Ibf •prlsr WlU Sire Free nter- §
her dally loriBff mioUUatioa*.
delivered wlU Ur Mnaxix.i Bktvbb
s*. Much
M MmplB* of ruBnellac Lailir Mnlne, cup*, eunr*. *h*n* luntd w '
Of weal? ' W# woald aotear becaaae
Brad order* U aty Hr'
^•eeU that the oalp «ra7 oat of
bj-Nffoe. to
yoareeeret.i(arehaabar iaqaietlorial
bII ■BdB'e B>i'se* tswlrl* (or W. hA Bair Bp4».daw blejele Burka IB tfe«
the dlOsBltp 1* to eiBplo/
a Itet
»4t tbe oompaaioa
wbo ba*
of fifty _____________________________________
■f ^BBMrhnp^Pr M (
a elij WllIvlT.. TOU pf.rle'l •■•.h'm-Uob Id t
aapart who t* recofaUed ac ■ tbe eoBBllloe ba* been too cowardly to Uree yeat* of wedded life. Mr*.---------- --------------------------------------------ml ml. OVpriB'lml
. Mt aatberltp to. be
had. He ispute to aay of a* tbe crlae at which Kaixekera; abput eeveaty-Ureeyear* Do yOU koow ibat }'OU CaO
•too arfoM that eaeh eiperU eao- yoa darkly biat.
No coart or aetkorlty eoBaaadlaff
•at ha bad cheaply, hut that the acrrlcbuy a nice oak
• a* of each nea ooae bljrb. bat arc eerebedleeee or reapect bae aoajrbt
tMtb all they coat. Id' thU ooaaeetioD
Tbe OmU Beoord.
■ Jedffe Corbett'a laBeai
JuhaBebemeof Mayfield, t* monral^ar* reeoratMoaabelBcatttae top able and aatlBaly death, or I
laff Ue deaU of hia Infant dauffbur
0t the proteaBoa aad wboae work* tbe tmtb. wblcb your ooBBlttee a
Mary, wbo dteo Hunday moraiaff.
•Md aa BOBOMDU to their worth aod
Brea bad your ao-callcd eoBBlttee.
^kaawladpe. Asoap Cbeac be oa
Rolaad O'Brien. Ue Uree-year-old'
wltboat tbe abadow of aathoriiy b
'^aaa. W. Bailor, who wa* cBpUiyod
eon of Mr. aad Mra Tbomae U'Brien;
.We are t^aying in large i^uantitics and pay highest prices.
qnire loio tbe troth of tbia matwr, abd
Tmrarae City u> make aa
of Ba*t Bay. died Bundky of membran-1
combised for oaly
•ad eopraat a plaa aad eooroe for ade- wbote preeoBptioa lb eo dolBff eboold ouacroop. Mra. U'Biien aad foar cbll-*
.^■ata water work*. The report aude
dreaare kcfferioff wlU U* ffrip
By Mr. EafUr. amlaied byberreyor U. aaked iw for onr aereral atateBieau of
oar kaowlrdffe eoacerataff this *ad
r. Kortbrup oftbl* city,
A Olmu io Pedayoffy.
•ha aaoat eompleie aod eoByrebeealre aSair. we aboald bare ff Iren the aai
Xe alao bare tor aale land* for good fare
Y'eaterday sfieroMo Superiateedeat
-----•pareoBplIed boo I* *o valocd by B*ay to yoo heartily. faUy aod fairly. 1
mI«bUB<: eaploeer* lb tbe ooaatry. we hare already di^raaaed too 1
The aafirmUan* of Mr. MuVeae lead from oar porpoae ia wiitioff ihie
waa held af Mr »cbuol. Tbe claa* *urtUpwards,
•0 lha belief U>»( tbe work of Mr. Baft- you.
Yoo *(aU io yoor letter recently ad- ed with a memberablp of SO aad Ue obw hare will prove of p<vbt «*>»• to
thhelty aa well a* to otbrr clile* droaeed to P. V. Mclotyra of Hoyoe jMtU u amUt Uuae who intend to
take up teaebioff.
Oiy. Hleh . that Mr. Uarri* lafona
yoB that we aod each of u* refeecd
W«AT«n ■ bare bae« the effect* of etate what we know of tbe eUcoBHoose {■'DmifihiDB'Store.
Boy Palmer of Oopomlob spaot 8uo>,
eeaotJodffc Corbett * death.
lay ia Ui* city riaiileff frieada
New fStore. 120 Front Ktr«*«-t.
illy aa
.lowpb Slador baamaraed from Metorbbaea pabUoiy Bade by Oaaetal declare to yoo that MiIr. Uai
BoolDee. where he attended a conreaMUw. the report of the war ibvcaUffat- er aaked aay of os tor a 1
Uff eoamluee will hare oooelderable aod If he ao alaud to yoo. in plain OoB of Ue Modem Woodmen of
welffbt with ihlakibff people. Aad la blantBufflUb. be U a liar.
Cha*. H Coy. Aldea’a buaUlaff mer•meetloe with thia tba prrwtaoal of
Bat wbai will It avail na to make tbU
ebaal, wa* in tbe city yeaterday renew.
lhaooart of to<jaify to
donlaratioo to yoa whan la th*
•to ebarffca made by Oeaeral Mila*. letter yoa ia eSeot aeeere o* Uat yoo
Mra. Prank Helm of Weet tieveaU
wUl ffo far toward* dIeelpaUoff Ue Im- will aol uke from a* your oDjiut,
Uoioo* band*? Yoo will not retract atreet. returned la*t aiffbt from Naab4aa bare Ufl. Tbe eoort te eompoeed Ui**laoder affaiaat oor namca oDlcaa ville, Ahcre aae wa* called by tbe
•ff AMtiBffolebed mea wbuee jadff
Mr UarrUwiU eoofm* biouelfa Har. deaU of ber alatdr.
U A. Meyer, of Alden. waa a pieat at
Will be Ubqoeetlooad aad oalcm
and tbla be never will.
Ue WblUoff yeaterday.
pr»i Mllm eao cffrrtaally pn.ee bl*
And *o welook foi
tieoetor J. W. MilliKea left leal even-!
toaUrnlimt be will beacefortk be be- Md tbe eeuioff up of bw iafamoo* laffiftof ibe loatre which aa boaoraUc qolMtloa on *bore* that are wmebed by lay for Lanalay, after apeadiny Batur-'
•araer baa broofftal to blm. If be tba fiwe and rcaUei* warce of Lake
UuafiufT. wbo formerly wewked for!
And others When yoa want the best ask for
prore* that there wa* eorrupUoa ia Miehlffaa. before wboae dark
tto war departmeat or by lu t.bser*
•ball be. a* we Fred Beehlei; and wbo U now eayayed
to will reiato hi* place la Ue celeem bare beeo. tried aad aoarieted. denied in Ue aalooa bualaem at Boyne r*Ua,
af.the people aad dWboaor will tall the bleeeed prirUaffe of siandlaff face with Joe Mook. i* ia town vUiilay:
itol it reaUy look* aa to fBM wlU oor aeewete.
W. N. Kelley, ba* relaraed.from lie-'
thPPffb be bad a pretty hard ta*k be
troU, where be atieaded Ue ooarea- RMille Bid
fore him.
W J. Lk«u
Uloa of retell lumber draler*. atoppior
A. J Uei.*<'i
BtOraad Bapidtto altead Ue Sbriuu................ —
la thedeaU of -MuUer "d Areambal
Lkwii MclimRK
wbiab took pUoc at Ueuoii OB ttoaday
I fit i» 1*. Etr
Herbert Moauyue went lo Detroit
•eeaiBff. H Icbirao lu*r« one of iu beet
F. McWai*
Uat eveelay to atteod theeaaual meetlorad womra. hbc wa* puMoeed
W. J. H<-W*ip
lay of the retell yroeer* of Ue Cute.
MTkad ae iadirldoallly tbktUoee who
l.rau Ml Waip
Mae met her will remetaber alway*.
II*V>» M. Ki'UPi
IsTrarcree City, Uom who bare lUun.
TbaeommiUee bare eallad a meeUnff
ad, aa many bare, to ber ekqneBl of Ue local attomay* and all other* io- W hat tbe. Banka and Uedlet
weed*, will pay lorlay trlboto to ber
itad. far UU moralbff at Un
Bamrj Her* wa* tbe ffreat mother o'clock.
toaet which yearned over tbe errloff
Oo Wedacaday Mr. Pratt aad P. C.
•Bd the repeatani ae did tbe ChrUt Ollbert will ffo to Boyaa City to look
wtoee follower ebe wae. asd abe died, farther Into tbe matter.
•aahe bad lived, te Ue Home *be bad
fendad for dieeharffed prUmefe from
Mtablffaa prtaoa*. eorroeoded by ber
-beyi'‘*toee Hree *be wa* etriVlaff
E. Hart.
_ __
toW oot from tbe depth* of criB* aod with a bad oold wbleh eattled oo
aecletiuo i>f ttu 4-ji>.Bod *d
dliffTaw into tbe Mraiffbt road to maa- iDoyt; oouyh *et In aad finally
toodasd opriffbUeear- hb* wa* oeariy
aeeaaty-al* yaar* of affa at Ua time
Savior. dXmla............
WiU my friend* on earth, t would
A»oB( b Urr» Bivwber>aip lo .
TVB dmlaratioa that Uere arc ao my afasent one* above My bokbaud l*l« r,t; arr lu.tvDrTrr br*rC Broapl»tDlol ae- ,
fDod PlIlplDo* i* iwfated by raaeai re wa* adriMd to yet Dr. Kin/'* New Dia- X*lr IrrusrDt or fBlIoiT I.. Birvi *11 If '
erwery for ConaumplioB. Couyba and
pertt from Uearral <HU- Siacr Ue at Cold*. I yarr it a Uial, look in all
rir*i PikiioBal Bau
Mk by Uc iaaorffeau apaa Manila li rlybt boitiv*. It ba* cured me. and
toa developed that there arc at le**l tbauk <iod I am eareil aed am nowa
C*.hu.r HoBr I
well and healUr wobian. Trial bottle*
, 4,«oormyffood KiiipiBo*.
lOrt*. atti K Wait'* *pd J. O. JohuA.« Kra*a\>
•oti’* I>in<r StorvB. BTHTuiar alie iilc
Bteaaaat Bareweli Party.
and II. Coaranieed or price refnodvd.
AUtar V MBitu
Leat biebt a eaobci of frjead* viait
Rfic>,o<r ol Dr*d*
•d Mb*Mianu Ubouky .*i her hocueon WaU'Paper .
C«**. •■■■ l.a**.
toegad atreet u> make he' la*; c*coin|r
Oar new am-k of Wall Pe^ will be
^^11,^ BtHl Urei-* rBral*bla«.
tsTrarer>« City a pleaaajil oo vHlaaL*on eablblUon Uia werk. We aalielt
Whrl.-**> WaiioBrn
boteky will leave fur ra.i-*ir<> tbU atur
iUB Ti-J
imos tojoioberekteraad Ur party wa.
Ta<-.P ULa*>»i.
■wr'rn Brr. k*1j
a farvwe l ffatbeHaff wl.ic-b tbr bourn fint Cletbim
may >bow laryer aioclca than ooi*—
Md bmr ffUbd* Uorooffhiy enjoyed.
but all of 'em '‘hnacbMi” eannot
• bow vou *o many New Sprlny Nor Lira Agvntm Wanted In Un- i
Barbert dobnatoa of *>id Mbeioa.
e tie* a* we dt—donbi It?—yo aed
riatted la the city yaalorday.
•r*. S.HetidaACo.
oeotqdfid Tatrltory.
Wvc;e %\.00
ZLTitS'.,:, r>- 70.
U. E. O-IBBS ♦-
{The Practical Bicycle Baler and Repairer j
Writing Desk
and Book Case
We also sell Sound HBmIock lumber, Maple Flooring
and Short Maple Wood.
It Gives
There Are Two Kinds Of FlourHannah & Lay Co's.
flose’s Pine Eipectorant25 ceots-for coughs anil
Fish! Fish! Fish!
Udipji hMml .HdlUH.':
For the Lenten Season.
Lent commences 'Wednesday. February 15th, and we
have laid In an extra fine stock of strictly No. 1 Salt Hackerel, No. 1 Bound Shore Salt Herring. Fickled Salmon, Smoked
Salmon, Canned Salmon, Smoked Herring, Smoked Finnan
Haddies, Domestic Sardines, Hustard Sardines, Imported
; Sardines. Canned Lobsters, Shrimps, Boneless Smoked Her
ring- and don't forget our Oysters—ail solid meats.
Give us a call. The place----- ^
vs« iUMUUi4mT »Qcithr.
Wmu« TtaMTMM. lead, n . tor, boplaf to
MaaMLitr. bat w»t
belar prrptrid/
wraew mope (raw belof kilM by 1/iof ptaeee of tras PmM »ol«rplpcecMaiM*ioo« to ffoarrou is tho wMor bMk »M the «»M
Gf«ad KeptditatraMoapMtoWftUr
ptpn Isire end bmU esd plMbcn
rrurteirt lat«Oae.
At the tael Beetior of the Saedap
eeboo) of the Sreoed Metbodiai ehondi
the Bowberereeolved toontealia tato
a BtMkmrp Boeletp.
After (he lee
eoae eiew nlaaiea n«r« ri*rr> for \he
» verb, therefore la weep I
etwaee to decide vhet eooatrtee thep
there Ie weeptaf Md week <
eriehad to aotkforia the Bitelaa
Selda. ea followa:
Africa.................. .• Floraaee Wa-tm
A Terp yieeeeat AnucaBCBt
Boaa Miaeioee..
................Mr. toootl
! <f Oifhlaad Chlaa................... ........... Run Happard
Caba................... ............Unra BiekoM
Park. 111., baa arrlred
idSo taka ap b : Italp............
........Mra MrClraky
y of \to daarbt*
boate with the fiBlIy
............. £ U. Aiipo
..Juraphinp Epberl
B. ...------------If^. Uariche , r .
Mra J. Vf. Markkaa.
............... BbleCiaaa
bae had dited ap a oeal ^had ooBfurt-1
...............Bll* Kellner
able cotlareeloaetoth^erkhaa real-1 |i^to R-^
...............Mra. Epberl
deoee. eapaetallp aa a retreat for Mr. I Tnrkrp ....
. Lillie Happard
. .Robert Walter
Soarthwalu. irbera be caawR^d fato Phllipplor,
Miar Hivk.ia'a clava aliavdy bare Bt
t'fflraecordiar .to bto laocp aad pleeaare. The eottara baa heaa uaed the toward* their Biraoa work.
JtMUS M. Stilm.
■•aadltoriBB" Md It will be derated
decretarp proieB.
eselealrelpeothe aae of Mr. Baarth-
M*or^ yWi livlM
U • bovcl U i o»»reo— bj MioWi —< pwiabod. BoroAtfto* tMT^feip Mr
K vpl<b.' tetni
koUM. lU<t«- Ml to Um
«*M (Mod doftdUUaWd wd It tolMraotboM*. »BUr4to<Mt,Mdfron
.botauctaobadij iboi be qwj loeM
wUltea areMt tamer llrl«( els j them.
■Um (roM (IIMwIb. ie slMlar Md M ] Tbe niai A Pere MorqMtie cor («reapeoeed t» be faw to death to the ; rj bndrc oU rMontaot •rieter oerlco•aode.
j uoB »he« It errterd ot bMUartae et lo
tl rftrt iriMirl Moehlep. m'iedi-1
*oodejr oIrbV honor oromd
feat froB Dea<w. died IfMB the re- Lake Hletalffeh Ih K boara. thnrarh •
ftaldofaoUd eabrakao toe. The dtaaeUe of aapoem hi the eeeere
to M> ttUaa.
Ae aekaoira me «ra« toaadee
rieer road bortheaet of
No. tbp P. A K It I
IroaM aur A plat bottia of irhtakep
irhtekep :
half fall, »ae foaad la hie pocket, eo lOepUlo Ktt
^ I report that Laho tolehlrao wae from
that Uqaor probeWp did
a^d froaaboratoahora..
varie toe BM'e death.
TiroterBorareuratar hoBo ttotar- I At Baclaaw. WIIIUb W. Oeofc. afod
4»p alfhl loaad the dead bodp of a W, a looeBotiea aactaaar. bat teBpo- wait*, while at the aame tine be to as• whtoh proved to be that of Ureeee rartlpacUara* a awItebBtaa oa the peeled tOvBake:faliuMlf happpattbe
TbOTM.. miU aorth of Ka-ha-ll-’» *
fanl.p arc^eatall tinea.
llaa HmrtoB BoandMd Harry Barria.
Mr- Harrp Rairia aad Mtoa Marioa
Blood, both of thU eltp. will b* oalted
in marrlape thia Born'iDp.al tab o'clock
at tbe home of the bride'* parenu. Mr.
and Mrs. Richard RoBOd.oo Baal Bipbth
Rer. A. B. Walla trill perform the
careBoap. after which m elaborate
weddinp braakfaat will be aervrd at
the hose bp C. T. ColUa* of tbe greeii
Cily rtaUaraat.
The poeep oouple will nake their
home her* nntil aest aprinp, whea Ifaep
wilt po to Montaoa where Mr. Uarrl*
especta to enpape in buaiqnaa.
-------------------------Leetara cb Xadleal Profeaetoa.
The Best eabj nl to which the poaar
la the alreadp pnpalar
Mm. Marp Aadoraee. araddS. m la- <.
- Bate of tea womaa'i Maes of the j **P“« lanbrraaa. d
oaaraa of lactam, will be -The MadMdiera' hoae at Ura^ Raplda, ,rae I*m. Plortda. Baadap.
I-rofaealoB. " tap Dr Sowirp. aaetotr. the oldeal Preach aet i
t» leva Krldep rUlilar frtapda aad j
I of the Northera
d I raeldent of Detroit died ttotnrdep Bp<d Aaplaa Dr. Rowlep bolde a reaporelatarted to walk hack, hba waa fnad|
bp theI nadelde PrUapjM. Uhtopooth ha had at oae Uae We pealtloo Md tale rsleadedeSperlalrht aad died a fev hAan lator froa |awa the praat Nepoleoa.
i eaee will eaablr bin tolatercet aad la
the affeeu of espoaere.
A eook elore lo Mr*. Parrel!'* hoard- •tract the ponap oen wekior a Seid
A BM bptheaana of LaBBera > lap hoaer. Difi.loo etrael. Oread lUp- for tulore occupMloa
lirtar aloae aararmi alloa froB Bol ..................— .
laad, to reported to have baea foud
dead la bad.' ao doabi ovarceBa hp the
John BM«e». a well kaeao reeldMt
win Bowl ta Haatotae.
•f Plat Rock, who waa fouad la tba
raad laat Ttaaiadap alpht, aearlp from i
A party of flee of tbe beat ttowlen
•o death, died at bto hone froB the :
from tbia clip will po Ui Maaiatee
eReete of the espoaere.
Tburadap to plap a maicbed pame with
It wae eo coldTl OalBbarr, that it
Chli*c«. oo H.odap the yrral' PftOBPROT POR D01.LAB LU ■»«A ateaui from tbe Salt CItp.
taoh liroBeo It hoare to dip m or-1 book etora of A. C MeOlorparo, wa#]g^^^,
BaHaeea iheOoHook
dlaarp prare
jwlth Itacaaiouu teullp deatroprd hy |
euta«a. The bodp w.. pat wara. la-i-Wla
Aleatipf that ha bad baM aaadralp
<•« i
___ I &ewCTa.\ 'KexDS
i i SUarvedi *5Tom SxicT^xxiWt |
Klua wJsl. . b„ua< -piu I MrfJ.r, * Co.
o.o ol ,0. l.r,-:
0.0 f.lloo.o>.,.0 bot oool. .10.0. »>«ool«olr." oil I”.* ood co...,
no no llto-oll, oooOoO oil...
I -olM ooiolO. ib. r~i ll^rl~. lo-
r.l. IS-E,-Oo».n,
A Dleeeenip of honor id matteni roa^ secied with Boeey I* viry importanL
lioM- a cirl Is iren>iir>-> »r a Morictp.
he cure of itie fua.ls She
moat never for aa Ins-.iint. or la an
ea><-i|t*nov. tend ibex- riiiiits lo oUier.
peoi’le. or borroo' liii'Di lor tii-r oea
ime. I knea a Cir' l'u!!y was lie'
aacne* nbo waa loilunA. iHing irranur.-r of a rer:Hlo pulld. to lead bet
hrr.’li. r, for uHi. day. ib.- mom-y elie
hud til her rwr.- The brother was old
er Then l•o!ly, and n very |»,r*iia*lve
pereon He uidt "Why vbould poo
b**ltaie* I'll brinit li Uatk to you tonlidui. and it «iU oblipe me very much
If I .-an utk<- (bat
and iwv n bill I
owe before aeon to-dvy " Kouli«h Poh
ly i>eriBliied her aeiuplra to he overruled. The tdonty
not tinmidil
iNU-k. and but for her Ialb< r'o klDdueAa
In mvklnc It p<K>d obe m>-iM have lieen
dleenired as a dl*liuti.»i irtaunirerf
She luld me lonit afleraards thai tha
les'on had le-eu burned In .ni her tniod
eerir lo Uke llberlltii with taoi.ey
»-hl«h vbe held in irusi
*‘“1 “““i^.ooUooWo, o ir«i, Sb.v wUl .o.o„o.„,.„o„l.,ood
the proMd la froioa flea feat deep aad ----------------- - *„u™,...olo.S
la a»Biw alldeat BiWer Plamr, Colwaior Bale* are froaaa aad baratod,
I'clUd BtaUa Markbal Wfanrlrr aad
C™ .-.!
W. Rodp'ttof „,„o
Uraod ^.pio,
Rapid* arrWer
aewar* are aleo frotea and eewape I*
raealap thmipb toe *UeeU froa mao' Ib WaahiaptoB
ihto Borniap
are Itallaa lainpr* allh thielr fanlllca- Dwlr a bo liar for Ibr Caaitol whrrr
bodiee have
bare beea
beea recovered
WhUe aacaped la a frtaadip ac-affla '
Sroarar McMflaa'.
•“f* .““V commllloi-room by er-Uoveraor B-.h
ooolT Hatardar erao ! «»«
‘•They araescpMInply uncommuotcet.v.
»r rmlvel Iba eolire"'»»<>
: eh^"* »he obJ~-l of Ihrir vialt. aayiap
tow. Pella Moa
the ead of ih* that it ia purely prmmal. ^
eharr* thereof •>.10.. It coil....: V “ J4“
___. la___
___ _________ : monthVTbeocP
hehe will lake a Ulp lo
HudTo" HMai^o'rehPd
the Brnb aad boae
a horrltile
aorth Africa. The 4oera of Kweden, Looalap. Peh. n - Kire did #1
aad Korivay U atlil *ery feeble. She ^ damape to the Hudraa Hoaa« nday
The hotel liH eoffoorod from repeated
At AMley. Mra William CrawUy (P® ^* "*"•'*• ^^"■“*- ****'*'‘“* Brea within the la't two mnatbv
waa tawlly baraed Matorday afteraooo ' <*»•*'■• departore for Biarrlt*
while attempUep lo roKma her child i Diaaatrona conflapraUooa have ocPRACTICAL PROTECTION.
wboaaeloihlap.had oMpki Bra. Hrr «»"ed la the
alotblop waa bnroad eat
Marla*. Laaaara mad Cmvlde bare
abe tired bat a few boara
baea wiped out Maap brrda of calUe ' ^ * l».-ni.-.-ri,tu o.mi
At Baapof. aa oil eto*e esploded Ie
tbahoaaeofa Mr. Decker, doiapaav
All the rff .rla to qaeach
\vilU ...niriU n. by «iit..
oral hundred dollara'damapa.
, .
• the Brea bare beea fuUle. U l» aot, ri.iu |,nl.li.l.ii« tin-it-m uiiliont
laaereral plaeoa la the rlelaltpof
whether there baa beea aap »..r<i .,ft r.-i-r,.
rt'i>r(i .b
«b |..r
I' Hi.- ii.ii.l.-mr
tranae the prooad baa oraeked aad 1,____
i.» (irrilirs-o ii.
loBof. life, bnt the peop'e are oeolc
peolc fr.-.-Irntlr
iporta rerambllap aarthqnMe aboeha i
U, ,!«*• of; a n-iil.m .ut..
"Th.-Aliil'aiiiii b I'lriainre tuiv jn«t
Mm itarah Roamll. the
year^rid j
chleapo alsleea perraa. wer. cat
Utiap near Hlerllap. .till re | ^p .hore by brraktap of Ih^ aad aet
paaiaa Uralp. aad .la dolap
a reacord but the
adrift. Tran
.UU 0O-!
„f ,Ib„t,i,l ...Airt IbBl itwiU
bstv a urKoI d«Ht nf Wi-iplit with lb...olU br 01...0 V.lb>.. b.ro.0 I „„„.„„..o,|,„u..Uo,o...... rrettir. M-rkitiK n
fur b<-M tuaoa
•lib lU ...UbU 00,1. loorolbiaov !_____ b. obi. to l.lroO. .
fiettmiiK «-ut.-rpn-"-«. ■■
arday moratiip. the family
i~"“*irth7^psi oMaloa of tha Prutt“ •Ii'" «'-r<l>. the .ntirpripiap
, thalr Urea Tbpp
‘ aiaa diet for the eoDktraetloo ofaei
'! aeltable for larpr i
X-... otw
^nvuriBs »«“* *»« ur* cau,ot
^ ^poH town.
i ipd.r to «n...ur;i«<- iiiuj.iif»ftur.-i
fra. a d.fm:Uv. cblBne, and bad it i
aol I-WD fur thPlr falibfnl dop. who
,‘neBonaparW third ran b'«»'- •tu...-in ixtoirijd.. cwonldlr.
arouanl lb* alreping lu.a.tet hP hU
‘ “'•‘PP'i.m. I. « r«r.l ui. . Mb-prv^
baralnp.tUPentlrcfam.lv wunid barr
dn.t>l-r «. n.m li a juiv,
«nv ..rli
Canlno and rhtrf of the oldrr baaaeb uf fj..,
X,. ..u. Uit cn oot
At ainroctt. V,1I1. Mo,..Arf , tbp llcnapartp famllp. U dead
1 and •••ii ilv*.! in lb.-wi.-l iir..i.t ii<miiil
Ibc Fniii b papt**
hn>ily enlieok
lap iDWunivs Ilf what Ihey ciai«iitt«
Atu.-rti-aii uiilri.'iidluit-NBlovi'ttrd Knuiui.
In onli-r to IhiImut
T op thmr rt
bneiiliiy B4.'niu*t ibv I'mi.il .'.tatea
The KifniS. r.-noilly {m|.h*lit«l tit^irK*
Ouu.-n.lt K li-:i>r id •'»n^-rtitulAli<m to
Bi>m!uvk<.ii die itvull i.t die Krunvii
IVawtaii war. and
it np with
kctvnU otbir lu.-idi-ui* of a Ilk.? uttcuv.
adtuUK wbi.-h le (•.-u.-ruj limitiateln
pruiii i.f i*ai|;ralnlaUiUi to the euiperur
of </eniiauy in teiu. and thuL-u?l that
Viilia lIuKu n-tnr.ol tu rt-n-ivv luni uu
aciimul <>( It iliirruK Uiv vuit.luHaru
wv.-ral y.-ar* lai ir
Oard ol Thaska
The ftmiip nf the late Elisha Itanp
lotro arepra'U'fnl for maDy kir.dnoae*
aid aid aeenrded durinpihe lllneu O
Mr l*ar.pb.,rD and tbe tender sympal .
exnrraoed la the time of brrrarment
and they wish to iutprea, ^in th-i<
rood friends that their kiadarBre wi'
remain a piraaant mrmorp.
1 Uoardlnp bouae.
‘; land* Satardar and baa eoBtloard. Hae-. nu-h « i.t.;iM;r.- Many* l»')i>-vor in
baraed to death in
fluoda at manp polnia the ibairiu.- i-f pn-utU.m ha* 1»-<*
BepablicM Ward Oaaruata.
At Petoakpp. Andraw Porter, the Brat■ RIrpn hare orerfiowed tbelr banka. I teuifW lu fall-ui of 11h 11. |m»Jitan
while aettler Md Blaaloearp la dead. —.I.... k... bccB •ahmerped
fi«li> hi bin i« y Iw* dpanamerwed and•1'''**
and >
ratiwapa hare
a llr*..I.UrsB rsurns ter ward tto l.wlUhe
BeaeiUpd in Heloakep In In&r, oa what
' nuiii'b-ij H«
«rf a U-nuty
there hare been
! Tltfiol'iMt bur Di'AiDlit that AUlwnui'a
to kaowa aa tha Old Mlaalon farm, z
At Newport. Mon-,
atoep tbe coaal.
teoo IBP Br|.i.iawaa retiBi;
wftklB tha dtp limlu. where heean
biph tidal
ael.im - •Bonthabira. a bi«>o
>•••■ ware
-«•- —r
- ,; ^______
_ „......... ........
J A Lnstsen
aa htoeho
orer the aea wall, aabwerplop ikon. >
n,at.,^tPUkiD>r it* eUad
H.C. DtlDKR.
the iadlaw.
•aada of acre* aad the low-lplap por- f.ir {.ri>lp>-tioo by auhecriiiiup
Near Adatr. Malrls Wleka.wblla rld- tloaa of tbe towo- Ooe «** waa draws* luuet exaitius ii-alorr id tbi- protn-tion
iap bit wbrel.waa blttaa la ihr knaa bp ^
(ailb. and lb* Port tmmftr-bi tu tbe
A Beiobllrae raurn* tor Wart So, f v II loK, K P a hall. Hrroirt .iPr*.. oi.
B larpe black di« It to feared tha dop
At Peru lad, by a aerioaa break
l*rty that aelaaio
M..i*iarr>ri>inx. PrB. ti. I IS*. a« V oVlork. lo
.Jl..^:.„...,:oo.o. SOS,
On Wednesday,
February 15
Sudap Scboo] o( bee 'Bd V. I Cbareb
Pli-I'l dplr(stP> lo
altend Ihr brnulAiratj
Thto wtoll repoud SanahiM Cloak mod Suit Co, OlcTe*
land, Ohio, will reproMOt their eatlr*;
prodoetioii of tnllor moeo
Suits, Separatu Skills,
Gapes aad Jackets
In oar elotk dtopartment for on* day only.
Tbe above firm caoaot bccsurpabsed for fine taiioHog and excellent finisbingf We will take orders
to measure at most reasonable prices for spring de
Tbe ladies are cordially invited to participate in ,
our exhibition of FINE A RT, if it is only to leave
an impression of the kind of merchandise we are
slocking up tbe coming season.
The Boston Store,
In taoaaUnp, a gentleotau who to aw
coiiiitauyaic a Uul). bulda ber abeeL
Elir staeda oa the left ride nt the ma*
rhino ud puts her riitht foot arraa*
lb.' framr upon tbe ripbt pedal, whirli
at the time muai be op. I'oshleg tha
r.Kh' H'dal eauset the manhlae 10
P'utv. and ihi-n. with ihe riptht tooi la
plu'-e. the ridi-r aunv, aluwly at firai.
In order 16 plve ber cavalli-r tfnie lo
......... . hU a-hei-l. «hlrh be I* experled
Ui du la tbe hrlAteai liotr pussjble.
Wbpo Ihe end of the rido
fho niBD qiili'kli dlsmounM and !■ »l
)ii> iimipanlonH side to iteslst her. elia
fii ibe turanllme iiHsIsilna berri-lf ua
miuh is ptnuilhle.
n.> not healwie to le.ive
e yuui
yuuf P.
oi-e tWa II
rift «rfad, rarv.%-. r'stSe.. .
It •« annoBireti that Mr. L. Z. lAPlter,
of ChlraRO. the faitoer-da-Uw of Imrd
Carzon of Kedku oo. the new Viee.
ra» of lodla. piil'l for ihe Indmn outfit
of liOrd and Imdv I'nTwii. w'nn atarted
for Indln nadi-r ih> 'utppIrM atuq.k-M,
and After a apU-odld vraJ off from tbeit-*
In lolbrt Inj; a vmb »here there ta
pu; ruuiu fur two b't.msi. H I rbe \w>niau Kc. first, and be on the alcr! to
dl-niuunt at u inuiD.-nt's uolli* zo li.-ip
her fu vB>*- of iroitide If.a man »< re
tu go first III] a lind ronil hv iiilghi Ket
a lung eii> alxud nf hU raiup?iiiltiil
wlilium kuuuiiii; that abu wus In <lto- The Covriiitiipm Mmi.e at Cal. ulta.
friends l^y Currou.m'. rs u|un her
A Rian hiuaya rides on tin-Mi aide duties Be Vk-erete with a irruisseaii ..f
of »
to-.'U'4iie Hi.'li be ilui h ive liupre.i-di iiii-d luapa'tl'eU. •. wb.l.- Mr.
bto rlKlil aru. irady lu giv.- utosiance.
lajlter pii-M'UU-d i-OT.I Curzua with
When lidiiiR lu alufil.' Ule. a k.mhI three
.ililclal Durbar teonfereavO
dtotaare ahoold alway* Iw kept betuero riders in ortlir Ibsl ihon* rid.us cluBkr of the Uuwd tciu and gold, lit
hrliilHl aitl not uiuxl In .-asr uf acet- pale blur, niby and while, rarto with
uC India hi gold and dmdeni to one In from.
A'vays rsmeiaber that too laurh rare
rniinut be cserclatd tor the iwf«-iy of
Roaes are MmlllHlIy Uie .-iniitovD of
iHdvMirians. as iscll as other eycltoto.
It you have the misfur^uiie |lo run love Au (dd lra.'Hi.in sa>> that a nira
down A i-bdrstriaii on Ib. road' do uot pe.li*r«Bi Ufauu nitdeuniitor rve. and
paper until
nm sway, hut sloti and give abut help kept In'a rlcao sbeRi
>ou ran.
X'hrbamua day. elll .be Trnrtl, enouph
aerideni fvlibrnit for a noDilvu tu w-e^ m her Isrvuia
wjiai the wbru b« who is ta. b«;hei husiuiud tvMl
Is, end wheih. I ,w.ii .'uto *»■ of come and take it onL in Tburlngta
ire. bill Is-ur tu mind liiai any tbe rose boiile a Kimliar |s*4ik« aa a
you may nnder tu ai wlieel- lov* rtianu. A iuu-kI wbu lias several
dues iioi fiitiili' ><Mi luihrr ec-. levers will nauii a rore leaf atoor each,
uii.Kulani'- wllhoul tbe usual
anil then siatiei tiirni iip..ii the water:
th«< wtoi.-h vJliks llie ISK.'^ri.irraeiaiOp
prni>er lu si>r
' It la alwsts
her fi.iiire hiiKlmnd In -a>ti*e pen* o(
elwonmii who iii:.y r*- in leed of Germany il I.- .uuoniait tc. throw roee.
as-Uian.-e biiinuiiliy nsiulres
leiiv'^ on a • :>»t fire, aa a means of in>
or nuumr a genileui.iii will | always
miiow- bl* ntp «h--n mnkiDK Ipquiriea
01 a w.mmi in lef. rei.i'e to ru(uilr« or
airleiaiKs.- il ohe U nut one uf jils own
When OR Ihr road atwars irwp to
the riabi e»c<-,.i when ino-Iiirm tehlcl'- atume In tliv lame <ti,r'|t,m. in
vlmb COM- tuni ..i.r lu Ibe bfl. Ibis
ts Diartn neces..iry In onler ifi avmd
aclng vrowdi^l up BKainut the rarb or
Uilo B dhrh shmild thi w tii.'Je you ai«
la.isiUK suddeuly tvi-r ni that dlrectiuu.
When cnmtns up to-blnd « rliM- eoIng Bl u slower p.ii'e yui should rlnp
your bell and bkIiis uft to the Ml.
When rldlne pert B'vehlrle ««.Ibk Ib
tbo aum* dne.'iioii alwsys ring yt.ur
la the fairen Bower la the parden
bell, it Is not t.KHi lurv. lu ring <uu
of homanhy. Eve#>- womto mar
freoueotiv or luu >k>Vut)y, «vr<'pt
be lovety aBer her own atyle, with
»heu eturraeucivs ul ilie caac ^uire
tparkiinp eye* and rosy ebeeia,
and with every line of beauty fullp
To uae a abrill whisile or ralllope to
Jtt Malt Extract...................
bad ft-rm at any iluis. and-lttCUi-uiea
will bring out her beauty,
Ibi Rorlee.
fUI in the hollows, cover up the
Tu atop and repair yoor wtoael op
bonei and angles, pound oat tbe
the pstli Ik datigcruus.' U show* laci
curves, and develop all ber linea
of euuKldrraticifi fur o hers
of beaup,'. It ia a ncsb and tissue
pnilmbly bkaisi yuu in lUAMUg ^pairt
builder that will make any womaa
were jeu to mu<e your wheel [to one
plump and round and rosv, as she
aide and rlrar the why.
was meant to be. Trv it yourself
and vour mirror wfll thow yuu a
WfceR romlap np Isliind a rider tf
pleasant aurprise.
you uutUe that blj or
t!a' du IM'I f.'.il to rail
euanlT coo«rnlK.n to hr BrU Pot. 21. 1W»
At I'lfp Lake a partp of i
«w. liASTINua
: porta j.r,.troti.m in ite .su.-iup-l pbora
<' I. Ill 1LI>'K
« la from ramp and rlaitod a aalooa la
tbe city
nu,orallv lek.- kindlv
^rm Clark, on* of the partp. waader-.
BOt pone!
.l„.u L.4
L-t tbo
irii ii
ad oat on tbe lake aad lap duwa oa the ,00,, one ooaea end preat **’®*"®? ' evilntiiv ami nlwava Uulir
A Krpul.Ueaarsare* for Wart Mo ivUIW
toe abuBi : ur a o'clock te tbe moraiup aad diatrcaa U reported froi
the aiipsinouent of br!.’ in ikr Punsrli iwIMis.: Ka <ui rcw.
Me ramp to eouasi. w make hto way to i b-nra eld. The povernment therm
Mo. d*> r«'U c*. I'ob 2V. ix*. ai •
Bi-KT.y-* lu ittiit.—laf aUndoUi-d. and •wrrri. »e
Vrl-rl < ' d-h-rntr* it Bl'end Ihr Mr
therifpUk. iiuuae. where It wradia eler reptaUr. M below
lb- 'll. i-’il !:r*u |*-ny mi.\ r.-a-oluiMy -..uU.oai.e..ci..^.t..rM.on .kbrt..4, I'.b ;i
i»Bp of tbe iriilappv belurpinp'n th»
l-i. .. 1. IK « |A)ial Oi'
-t both band* and »>*» St.uth DaUU latartc naylum at Yank b..j,
' ~
U0t> H1\T.
e. la-riaily aiiprecisled. Jt may
•y happei
■erefrozPD The doctor aapa toe i^n boraiA at ■: o' rinek'►'•'"day
'ork »“tindi
tli&i when ;ou po to ihe auisiaii
bPaU.pU. karphiafeot, but will
aeveuteen Jnaate* belap bujavd to, «ii.^<« >'■"
B w.u.isB rider who ba ■ baU a^i
baea to su.yulatr tbr flopera of tbe death
• •tfrirtp, t. '
d-.ui ><ai wiP hat,' to la..-- Iitr «
T<M> Waeb Ael.nsoa Kor ladiaaa.
rlphtband 1 kr tbermuBeter we* Is'
- 'Buckleaa Aratca 8ei*e.
A fireut.lrav oaors. for War* Mn. < *'ii| l>- K.ire U;t Blire in Im* r.-p
ll isUita,
\V. a..Bill r. itiiiid Mr J.iliimat ,ai>d hrIC
SI <i tt l.STUI*'* pnuMr.
or *0 brio* A,10
th* «**t 8ai.t» la the world for | 0»u.i- wbii •Vtiip nUize uiili hint that
»vM to. leaf jv.ur wb<.-i wtlh
i.t !Lrl -I'Arlrcatni'm aiiei.J mr Mr ^
Aluays j.r<«er.-e .\imr dtgally and
■Bdy Saturday ui.rninp in tbeapara.dan n n.n-. luioji.-*r U. cn
ctjnt tl
.il'Oi ta b« b«bl Crb a,
or dopa
Uyaettledf.r.L.Br«.cu<» four mllB g^“v)hnWaius.C«;rM.Md
^ ladiul
- i.mb j:i‘ i
ly hanulwu 'to
K i n I/iHt'Wt-t>.p.dir.l lu haw |uii<l
oonheoat uf l-srta. tue Doa*« of AaUia Sruptioi
la*, ;i nqir.—riiuTive.
losa, and....
pciaitl*e\p eurea^ pii^
r. H xnitH.
a.orapf v.h«-rimam
r. took Ore. Alt aaeaped thinly IT no pi
parri-qaired U to pai
paaraa aed I a ‘'h:,;li tiii:iit"" n. - iL- h"*il <.f fin- x.
.e**parf«ct aatiatartlon
work aaviaa bui' w *'*'•
or moary _ rail'll kiivriuiii. nt uf ib.‘1 iuliiqiiL'r-.
urkaaviapoui retaflded.
FTiireitoeaUperho*. y
Eor Snr-ly ■In
dea FTiirritooBUper^i^
i effects, and la tbe *1*11*- »a!r hr J. fi. Joharan and 8. B Walt.
1 -.'trA.i'il his pem
BMlforputbuwlfiv Whvith* roll.*
• « rl«-«
A b.- M.ld unt the laa ea M.«a*> e*vsUa«.*'<. AS
ooobd off. tbe charred Lodirauf Mf».
Bader aad her 2 pw-old ra« wei
AwtCuUr. for eiiraetirs ol w(k wRaevS
•ala gird UiviasO a. «i valbtar
foeod. It to evident that abe. toe.
tered tbe boea*. corryiap ber titUa OM i Stoiw.
1 stoapoil*
u, s
That aharTr at Tkttford vonia «wr.
««U wifb tka bnadj a»a watar at
Otaatbiia aad tka Mtier ba»r and
IrUk «kl*ker at Patark(>ro «nd tba
Xlaw or two of aioot *itk ■ alp of sta
«a rrarbiac cowb.
Perkapa ika roa*
laau of bu own Saak aad a bad el»ar
•«B tka road icigbt bare kalpfd. bcl rar.
talalF wkaa ba raarhrd kka owe ko«M
ha bad to atead) blaiaalf acalaal Ua
laBppoat bafora darUag la.
**Vba Ua't thara." ba actlarad, looklag ap at Ika ligbtad wladow of tba
littia dravlag roon. whteb at tba bo«a«t ah iwad aaaaral Sguraa la all.
lhauatta -Wall, i’a haagad If akt
.laa'i aajg>iBg haraelf la tba mldit ol
.« BaddlBg crowd U bar boaband’a ab*
« keg turn raiber bard, but at lengie
Smlib got Cbe door opep.
CauHouety. like an InebrUtcd bur«tar h.
tinniMi intn a
5^' ,
<hklr In the lobby He wocld gel hla
boot* Off and Kirjl quietly up to bed.
lle wre»iled wiDi them and conguered. and sneaking along iq bU
•lork-liiga was aup,lulling bimaelf by
ou tba second eiep of Ibe
Mslrs, when
g stumhla.
He raiild baar a voice—hla wifea.
he ibougfai tomplalnlng of Ibe bent.
and deep baa. lonca In reply.
ethiced Smith. OD Ibe land,
•[ Tad-How did that SngUah noala.
Ban Banaga to hono* the bomv troB
babiaat.. *
>. xin..^
t* That 1
Boaaral .«..ai4a ara baoiiiig Baaga- kaa realir made aaotbrr raeoaarr, nta It ba waan't ban on tba Mbar
B»aa oar froo lUwata lo Naw Tork. ara* onlr racwaur that, taming to b I I Cteor Porh par
tkanca akipplog Uy nil to Piiia'rurg. j pcnonal atieodani. be aaid. with t • ;aaorPM
Short 0«t Pork..................
<111 >gBk* arr i.. lir lined with a new avwt atrlla; "Wall. IHo. 1 wonii r IshortOn
water oiool papei Ja»t paieata'L It what they will ody^ now, tboa« oieror. ShortCvt Pork par
4 m'
thnt edluw rstntn poor
: M Bannaertptr*
ean he taadr (bit) a* tUMw or na Inch peraoo* who bare killed and kuned
, H,
-Y«; the Bann old thing! 'Why. I
j »e *0 often IB ibo la»t twenty year*."
H P®«"* *
«»••<* of tbe hast
Uanng tfae Bni fo«r Bomb* of tMaj Car Pin Centra the private aervaui : Peed, 8. U A Oo. Beat...
ft la^ axtrset on tbnt atoryt”—Pneh
veer (tie Are luwe> Sgsred up over' of Lao Xlll., ball* from Carplnete. tbe
«I2,W0,0«I. ThU 1* leu Ibao for two tirtbplac* of hli maatar. Ha U motw
’’ Bsvsyen
| even than a faithful and pnvileged ImrdparM.......................
Dined in “Pete's*' Ohlengo Watts
Over toe lomi eoBraiiUM over tka'pcrvant; be U a cobaunt eompanloa BnnarperliDnlro....
yet? Try tt sad got s
Waat are gaiberleg <ar load* of corn tj,i, mtltuaie connection with
ba ablpkad from Naw YoA
'HoilneM dstt* bark even twtore tna
lae atrlrken iudU.
aacenaloD of Leo XIII. to tbe papal
-w ThsSn&dS^BsnU
Thera li anorber good tign. wheat throne. Pio Uivai'aoly aleepe In n Potatooa,par b*........... .
M>l la now being handlsd bv C. B. Thy. ativanrJiig
Couox u airong and email ebamber next tbe hadcpom of Salt nor bU.'..................
100*8 City News Stand, beirg no long>m bold* ii* own; all thane things tbe Pope, and there li twiwrdp me BmopwlBO...................
or delivered wItb tbe Mommwo Rco>
iu«an a great daoL
two eo tbin a pamilon lust k* can Boekwhant.......................
« M
onp Send orders to City Newa Stand
There U one matter of great cn- eve* hear tbe PontllTs breatM^ At •imm nAnnwtnATi
eenu n week.
ouraxeBenL The mrrcautlle agenciea nil Umea ha U able lo keepTAmje*!Snd Ibal we arc uu* only IP prr :auL Unce by tbe aid of a little glam wir- Jhanv <Ud.perk^..
Wbenl. now. pBhn...,
beoind the buaincu ol April. lUb
dow. wbirb li at tbe Leai'i of bl* bed.
No. l. pat•
A good many pairolmiu trlcyties ara:
lepbone be la put In con- Com. per hu..
««>fa n.u
Bing Into use In 1‘arla
unlraiioB with tbe Pope ■ Bye, per bn............
45,0. Lav.
nuiaber of newly patented bliycia* are
stout being lulrudunwl ua the market. doctor.
Bnttar. pw ft........
Ceooombte anticipate great ebangea
I'olwrm; "I e'a*»yl'«am
, Kffgn. perdoaan...
In the wurld'k trade when Siberia be prill pbyairlBU there are two aviet- iPotntoes. per bn...
St to tl iO»~. •rvT.wrrllrr black,
nut doctors. Vao live In tbe paiac-- am
; Trl.pbaw Ka *no
have the care of the bealtb of Ih-i Sve
. OOcra. Oliy Opera
t that region fur agrlculiural ttuple* hifndred soula wbo 'rompnae the y-np* I
(be Mwwy.
ulaiiou uf tbr Var.ran. In the 4a>» of ' New Clerk lauxioua to show bU aa- Bmweniurt.
: _________
Piua l.< there were many mure w»a gncliyi—"TUI* silver dollar you Just U,-J
i *“ ootnpt***** “t loeomoilte# the
took in U COUDIerXe.t. ' •
n now
'prauure U S.WMi ponnda to the eoiiarc made 'lieir rbode there
^ k.VVMOO eirctrl. railway up
Ivren now that ibe Pontiff 1* so old. : Proprietor .n<rvcu.ly)—-l was waitHOOK. rhr««4aB aad (toifaiw. uaathlghem iirwk of Ibe Aliw will caj-- and far from feaUqg rubUKt. bi- lu*leia HK ..n the mlulairrvCIfe."
| \V.
.at at IS* rn aad ear. Ceantr Cer
„ ^«opie up-*t the rate ol Ove miles on lihlng tiarly. ^twul elx o'clocit
vpu dar- -------------------------- — - - i ” •hw Board of_PanalMi toWa.^
an hour.
\ Cav. Plo Centra kn^a at hla door,
fi,, e-beai ^jierta nay our next eaters, opena tbe ahtfiirr*. and ro>iik of
It «4< ut Ik* «ouUt]r k» k^ Uk«
-Ht Mver U—kM
rUlealou Biz.
tov- «0 <tBltk-b«'«M » 0
With a apunartag vaa iviao
4Bltk madr rarUlB of Ika I
•So. I It r-
\D\L...__ ____
"UidU t
4 see (bla was counter.
r liked aiwlManre f(s bl* urdinarr
•rop esiiniMe naa iuk jci «ii- : presaliqi. but laielj beiiat. had lo S1<«
prarml. but farmeB ara learning U»iway aomewhat. dniT^ vain returns
tbe dollar 1 dropped
dl»er»lfy ihalr crOpa.
buckle hu »boe* and
Into the niDimmilon box last Sunday.'
The calaraOa of the Nile In Egypt' g«ab he waara witb hla
robes. -Sew Vork Weekly.
are i« be uaed like Niagara PalU lOj
,.rry litiieiaiiiitry
koiicraie elerirlelty to conduct ‘rrlga-j
j, ^,^1,. ,
'• ■"'»>■“'"
the grnaarme* m the coti-vyard of San lianiaao. at the foot of the
leading to t>co Xlll. i }uarisrhmeni of firemen end n
Sola* guard at the fauiou* br.mae
door. The watch la perhaps mure
_ 1__
said Pickaninny Jim.
“wfiai makes de
a say ilnt «r muis
Is de moa' am
i>ied animal dat
• "Don* yoh Kbow dair*
I "1
a ebanca
wanler waicb a mule kirk
r\ll A J.MXnr. VewnearyaDrervu. Orad*
U nsicof Ooiarlu V.-trrlba.i CeUrer.. Treat*
dl*.*4e. ot all dnv>e.ik- a*lB*l. I*r Ibe
UteM aa.t
npe..i*t atimllaa
llT.ry. TVIetibna. Ko S.
, ^ Mto«mr,
_ _ -____ ,
la tb» w*tw,; a
Bicycle Riders.
Bememher that I dn nil kinds of
pnirihg and enameling, and tLnt I enn
and do give to« the best work of naff
on# in Mie city for the mocey.
be deoeived by whst olhsts tall m to
the eontrniy. bat eome and sss ter
' I gnarnatoe nU my work to bs right,
and U Udoosnotproeeso 1 anks tl
Stop la tUl S o'eioek every emniag
nxoept Sandny. la tbe CbldsreU ft !«•don Wlding, at north end of Oales
John R. Santo.
Gneril Igsiiranca.
All week efhlgbew^pa^l^jrn^ nsegeU
/lIUtSBT a tIAVX leeUflatoProi
to Probate praeUee. I
IMtereaeUle Co I
trial at
H. yOMTItlt. Atton^at L
uiAiU. raa title*.
Ever Burned Out?
It eo yon know
the vnlwe of
for each man lo Ul hlmarlf
D OAK* u> HaiBlhcai
O. P. CARTER. Agon*
Italian police kll along the Vatic
dba back!
does not count for initcb.
Hacum.su. II a-ta.. I
Smlih waa kapldly Bobarlng.
______ : auihurliy In Croat Drltaln walla.
iblngtoD ^ar.
;to«p.B. Teietd>>«*.n
By an arrangemeni between >
•Tbey're going out Uhi the gardan. on Wiue lanufmcUirliig aaya
It la
; rpRAINgP Mrs
gatetle Roleeab. e
What aball I do?"
true Ibai uur ahoe facto- police and tbe papal autii<>m!ea.
' UalrersliyBeap’lal. Ana
.North. South. Unal and Wtaai aie window next :hr pupai apar:im-iK>
The Judge—Have you anything
He pauaed a mumanl,
ODoaiderIng. Than:
at utgbt.'but with a Itgbu-a
should not be pronoimeed upon
T ADlgA-De-JHac Are*, m
"Hang Bl*. If I'll hava ay wife partil
nmlxilallng by moonlight with a baas
e siven dlatlnci
dUUnci raisons,
The brh-k msaulariurera In ibe lar. In th.* day or P.-e putting out of me hare
«lol! Perfect stranger to me. I'll
rr rlika art- appreUrui.U’e of u ile- Hgnt at tilglii mean* that aomeib>ng Which would convince mesllf if Ol wa
for hiKhei w««e» aa r.aii. « in.u*ual has happened, and that help >s only yer honor.—New York Tribune.
HiBiib had gone upiialra n lamb—ba
il liiieli.eas Improt ea. ’ l.iiiiila-r . nnvUd In caM- ul t
II 4n i:«f........
went down i lion. He flung aside bU
* hope 10 get l-d1er prir.-> ihlsl,.,j^
,n.rf„iar sign ,ouH mcHi
s «! .......
.boots and Ills fear of dateclloii lugettaChieftm..............
Plai.iug millA are nut ';«Ti^that be I* orod. An Itali.m wml...
Of. and draceuded. There, ae he bad i,„i builder*
'• widows- weeds ars very unhealiby. * ft.*"'
continually waicning the wlnfl.vm
r.a I A-e- e m.!a,m.
gueaaed, waa Ibe open door, and uti the pio lu be Wwrv
However, this did not prevent tne
a (ontinus n Bfs
mooulll award beyond be could seein manufaciurli.g-textile, we. run mir -,.,*1,* «f t-ener.i iwii. K.
yes." be sumiiH waa a rauiloo lo gardeners U. M omrhti.rrv too fa.l. An e..gU>l.man 5^
Hte Homo
I'l s«« why they
sw tr
Sepiimua Buiiib gel over thai euwa*. win pU k up the noIU tba! fall from
■ are
, TpoR WALg One 8*r ie*m- welrM smo
L" .............. . •lrlBa.b*ro»*«aoAh|*i.Xe|..<wr
th- ........ ri.in pick-., ab.p them lo 1
What limlted l.wn In hi. .locking*.
■^1 Bhi danl.lr l.aete-*»sn-<a.«*f.ew i™.l« SO
Like *n overgrown Pock, he irlpiM P:>-i-lauJ and mai.uiaciure a pie.-e „t' who *nnoiincc<t in Uic House 1 .. de..ih
T ^»k?>
W...-l«h »ir-.ei,
M rgMi«,Jr ms-li
li euparlor Im aim k and look, to , of » >'
BsfSBt lias e( ssr^ sBlto
TOSS floeer-b.
.! and dewy
dewr graas.
araai. HU.'
HU .“«■ l\
Ireland lirnta ua In liucn*. Scut- . place Pall Mall Uoxcite
Bin'. Vs-ea
Plain or fared—rivdrd or aqaa<
.nosbud Ice) madi
II sound, aud bla ;
1 In twiH-da. Knglnnd In broadcjulh | ' ^ —------from tba factory. S. Benda
•He and her compi inios ulk<-d o
ami tine cotton gu.idB of every d«»crl|e 1
imarruplediy, then backs lurou
Ibe law
lHni, lin-aUKc they bra nut In auct a ' Auditor Uorrla'
ward hini
cral) burn aa w*.
[ Wna paeMd ul
>. on BA<Vufoeee're”'
rARM-S ar **
"What ought ths hark of an sneay
It la easy lo *«e bow tba world It dvwired to i-u m«c iiH-men* ol a l^mpkiylMCwwial*. Kemts.
to suKgot til a brave maur' ibe Jenl- mmlhg. Them are at ibU lime under ,small and wci
A theory ad- i There are a few of tte handsome i
----- -ai .vleft,
; •'A."*
4*A Kmilb asked himself. "To me It roiwliucllun lu tlioa: BrlUln <3» uicr- , vaiu-ed lu eon.,- quun.-rali
B'flr tn*morlsls
which I _
b» baoeHt at tbe City Books toee
sugiemi M draire for booU^ Husevar, Miaui vessel* uud Vli war t>-*aaU. These ' and iMUinty law was enarlivl liecuiino
I'uiino ^
eenu esch
heie goe*'" ,
iii.ri L^ul- v.*»eU will plj belweru i the nddlfrs of a vl'clorlour urniy wers I
land Rarwei-l-W.*
WHli ihla hs ii.laed himself, and da- lou'ilrie* all
i th.- wuild. rcduclug sHo«)>d to pliiiid.T ui.d luoi after a
llvered the moat eiophaltr kick hS ro--. iiMra«el. IncrAnsliig irule. allmit-,
thus wr-i.Hng money aud valuXoUca to Tbs Pnyera.
Bo'clerk a ■
oauld under the clrcumalaniva.
I-"lng luduslO and oja-nliiK up ave,, ,j,,. ..oncluslon of their work.
The City Council having granted an
A man ran but do bla bast. Tba
f*'' •’f''* ''
crowded rouiiirlea
possible (or seamen, and enlenalon of time until Mareb 1st for
welPmeuning-SrnUh did ibai-and hr
they *ete
! tbe paymrnt of taxes levied iuTra
goi hi. reward.
The haas-volcad Iv*. < ro*d,rf countrhw.
! mg v-lih wddlerw.
......... Tbe ........
of civ- ritvfori:
the year IHUH. I will be In me
■mwci TAPOttT-■Worie-w HI'
Ar, l« IS e ■
. T.ylor nq.are CoBwearlOf
idliur Mom* ho da. ought ;
sirangei lurned on the In.iant; and
* »■>'«•' •hlpmcui of egg* waa lately
dueipg the momh of
inberv'* ■■.•re
AetUv >*.
*H[ « nrar OeekAwa J'c-1-b Lt, u <* CM
as h* dld-ao onr "commervlar aa«
'nm' Arg.-,tMne lo Kiir<.,« I he
sitl. *ufh
such i.ncicut law..
urn Miw-n.ll.il U.HIIIei
» wi «*«
lie lo the vlriortee of the
„„ Tuewl.T and Krldaveveoin^
Ibe .same
*- l.xpedlllons arc lo le- loiuicd ao.ni to
*“* ' ICC. Admiral Fnrragui wa. !
with cmiineudable vromjiUr„,,ia.r ,„uju.-,ud , fmW * tvial cfjun.kv:. Tm. man who; All ux«a must be paid before MaiVb
tude un <he wat gnaa.
t.-alou*. The .tusiralian salt Uub ihjt ’ rer'-lved tbi • next higberi aum was . ut to save extra expeoaee. Taxes an
Tbe lady gave a liiile acraam. and i.mk.-s exc.-llem fodder la to be iniro- ('apt. B V. Lee. HI* abare In various ; paid March 1st will be returned to tbe
10 :i *«>'
me-rwaW* Mill
, wa
>.* IIS».:SI. Hear Admiral jCoonty Trwaaurer Personal tazeacaoSmlih.
hr look bl. BBirunomlca] ob-.Uuc-'d Into t'nllfomlu. U will gVuw cnpiure*
I" m * m
rorclvd »1S9..'1«. while Kear : bOt^eet.irT.e.i. .heeefore ^slbe paid.
(-eSer Rub
aeiVAlim>>. br*rd her ciy:
o» dew-rl and alkali Uo<U, ol wbIcK IHnicr ivn-l
■0 «U! « IT.
ISM 4 «
■O.Kwl graclou., Tom. U'a sorely m-mlUluna of nciva.
'Admiral Huponi was pa...
I * SI t •
BBirb'* rra*4wg,
tie M.. Ktnlih of No.
Amoi.R otbeck * ho r.-.eiv«l amig sums ; ^
Krrat street.
•lUlS, •*»
UreUlefe.llU '
"And pray, wbal dot* little Mr. I
‘ were the following: L»eut. W B. t'uabI i^h. r-^i'r*'."rbob.pum
11 W 8 B
Ttataroe our
I P*lr work boa. .
S«ilib of No. I mean by forcing his
irV'iH: I'oiumandcr ). J. Almy
way Uilo No. * and klrklng me?" sakTblrieen mtlli.m. ai. rlliig U ihe y.wrCommander Itallcy. Ifl.TtS; Thi Orand Sapid! EaiwU
HAbt-IUIrJ Hlr*.
being bandied by C. E. Tsy
ad ihe .ulwari Tom.
ly v*lu.-ot pouiiooa grown In the \ ull. , f^Bironnder WlllUm Hnfld. »:ik.3IS;
Hinllb ro.c iwlufully. He fell that
f,*«wimo.|i.re W W. McKean. »37.«iil;
be had made «.aie borilhle Uluuder.
Mor- than ll.00.1.tlofl yard* o tweed deling Ma.lei W L Howortb.l35.Sfil;
0 City Newa Sued. 1
b. said meekly.
-"uMlfy tor clmblng the male c,..,
y, sunda. |3;-,tS5: Acting Adr. A. MnessLL.
tulral St. 1. Hreexf.ISI.97l; Anlng Eur. CVKHIMOHAM. A«*BI.
T „ oray, ISK.TIU; Third A*waliu* broken the jM*>jnRHieer WIlllBm Sioteaburg.
in Ihr iirareat aayluui. Mlaa i
ca. u-,
"U. (hat nilaarable nunlwtr' .b*
‘*“‘i. .tie. ver. »S3.9S6; Capl- H. McDoug.l.
"1 told
yeaieiday ihai
• luial ntituber of prrludiral* luil.- Ifi.wo.
aonietblug unpleaaaui would i^.me ol
1 Ul the Unguage of HollaoU la
From ihl* aimnint dwan bufidrods or
It If li WBBu'l lookad to."
if which {uriy-mue arc prlui.-d In offi<-er,> mviv.-d go»dl> «uma. K.vit
reearft*wlaa4SapAnv>«e(inkia*at*re«*r •
Sbu fluiirrstl nn I-rrure them lo the
“i Of The CondiUon of the Trwveres Ctiy
buaae. tbe acsriri riblamt Ibal bad d«I
Stole Bank.
:ifiai clfcfca iic ii
osUed irnor Bmlib all a-srave.
■1 Tr.vrrwt-n.v. MIrklean.at >a*
•Hkime Imih of you." she said. "In
Pro(e«aor ILLsmar wUbN
I’ -Gf-ESfi SRSdXia
FrrflueBtly sh.ps
owing lo eo .nany men aed women.
three m.uuiM i'll make you apologise p.kk.l--. lo.. and *.Ueu(urers.
to uue another fni your rudcaeiw."
e Uuily, four years <i|ik of Halaupr^tobe-------- --------- Aa KioUh agalD looked at tbal UBiny
lucky hiaa. uuin-rwl (hla lima with b<->i ..lullv Ibe dalnile.1
i4 sbszgteiiKSSse-£SSflS8&K?
I Inirivate de.lgni and biasding which wrnt to a high nrlcc belure ib* to lake PBOFE'k-OU'S New Meibodo
sober ere. - a tight dgwned upon him. foR
close of tbe war. Tbe James Adgei Trea^^.Jor during the p*
■Hy Jovet" he ejaculsi^. "Ii's ha
tleUkhU'lul ban
w : ; ::;i :i ;; :.
elaar aa gUaa to me now. Tbe top
tapper was actually .,-d in Sweden caplured .v nfedersle ship, vslued i
♦ fl.clof hial •rr.rrlU^
: over lion,wo The Ksnswhs captured
tba » has come out. and the dU'»'S '»“• l*»' ceniurj a.
>n Beeae Methods, enring after I
w.enteec idiip! from April. I8«.
a t.verMMl itself Into a b'cdu.m of .-xchAi.ge. aud ai .
t failed, many wUbed him *‘.ay
horild figuie
Chama bad to taka wbeellux
a w.ib January. 1865. and ihc olBoers wbo one or two w'erke'longer (or w verU J >‘i'K'-'r.>ii
ooniuanded her naturaiiy reeped rich out and In town people *osee him aod , Y-!* »"•!
• ...U-a llu. Oak.,;
rewardn The Kc-nut-iwv was another bebeoefliod heforegolag lo nest city, rass veba»4
"and 1.00 la-ilup. you'll ahake hand* “’5'** “*
fortunate I’nlon ahlp. cspiurlng many as anwoged. he will bor remain the |
weeks looger^or benefit of i '•'**•1
o longer, aa arraDgementa |
Cray Jacket, wca valued by the couru
at »HT7A10. Id July, IMS. the Magnolia
red to !55 Front VBdl'Mrd p
Anna naaa
;ro.-ig> Ho'‘c «l*.nre. near
heeirooi and lo<>k*d vary un.-ututoru- j-4r_ ,-i,en
••blucjsckat" bscanic captured the Memphis, vbI'jmi ai $32S,*
4BT. The Quaker Cny captured or took Oporw Boose Hours: » a m lo U pi
ble aa ba lold tUe story of hU little cnaiomarypart in the capture of twenty
Free advice all needing Trualm*Bt
! I laiieriiiiscsiaiB itiifl!!
I The qusrrira Horn whlrti ijie ancient
matter what
yourWBatnewa. or diaee
rnksttS ;?-*AnAaAnAniiAABAnAA a«ae*Y^
Xpn minutes aDerward, aa be atood <jt*eha obinluod ibo highly prU. J valued at many tlKstU'snd*. Some ot■_____
,)Cb did
lU flgbtink IS. If anv pnastbilit.v at alt rvaaonably
OB >be step of tbe terltable No. C. be Tboa-alUo of v.rd marhte »r;ie lia.i
be fortunata yon can W Corod
Uermael disease
raised hla hand lo the calsi night aky for nearly one thimiaud year., bu; «>r* were not rankeq
took Aral from yoor syatem by thl* iu*u- *i Mlckl*MV.Oe«niyatOr..4 Tr*t»i»e. I
of rich
and reglatared a couple of vi.Wi—flrsl, ' mcniiy re-diaco'crcd. snd are no« :«■ in tbe matter
Chicago —
West Michigan*
-"™ ....... . ->•' eew .1 r 7,,r.:x ;;7;.r,.'"™ :x,,r: *• f■
.. Ills !s
HE :s
......... .
CORES WITHOUT ■EDK«l!,!^^’r^'§r^!»
Grud Bipids « iidlui S. B
;,;k..,;XvX,X7«v:r,;i,s »'■<•>■
'■X’.rk.rx r.
to qiiii s terrsoa wbars the b'ou.tw lio; worked l>y an v:ugt..b couiiMuy.
were all alike aud Ibe lockc weic sveu- ^hey ara near I-sriaaa.
.wD the aatr-a; and. aoc«iid'.y. ibeaoa- I A rwtber curlnu* di.cv.vcryr l«
1. thai
eousldorforth to avoid mUlogAi* Lquoi*.
cap be kept all
Tf lh«
I Atbleir*.
tben are only M-tly
Icdlan wres; :■ and aililctei ]raln ktrc-.eiically caled. The fish In rhv
«.f milk. opac Jar died lo «B hour*, but thwie In
Li ths and of three w
|.j.T.aasA*h.Oe*hWr*4ia* aWn*
>.*..i*.i by
K» U*
In* wuri*
M.ii'ii. oreparwuena lor all oiseaeew
Rearsarge. was valued
Conanmptioo. Dropey. Bhea-' „ i,
and every
•' H90.OW.
••''••wv. *nu
v.«.i person <» htwrl "
FaralywK. CHe*. Oonatlpattoo. hrBrf.
the viclcriou* Koaraarge wa* awsTued j)y*prp»u
................. ......
kld^v and Ueai^ trouble, fesale,
ba; IMM na*f*esfod weakneesaod disease*: aiaodlM-aacotl
hit bounty or prise money Then; me men and aexosl dobinty. both sww
« tb» one man u not known. Ml* pot into _h^thy. atrong w»dliton
Thia edd
^sro»«s"’trow ^uskw. Msrktaaw
(AartuatLChirar*. Ur*s4 RapliA. I JD a ss.
ka* earlor car la Qrmad KapMa
TraiB l«avlMTr*"rwUtr at tkap.m.ba*
parlor car u OraBU RapM*.
a L.uir«wooDO.^^'flI'(in2i'naMne
WTMTxaATS ABsan •roar.
Hot Flfht In
Tmt«rdA7 AfUnooa.
»toi|to •»« BIdW
( to aMrAk tor Bs
•toekktoa. rah. 14—1^ SMlkk
MlalDUr »t Sl P»i«nb«rr rDpotoa to*
rMDipl ol » Ul4«ruB troM lA* 0«r•raor of Imim Mtorto. eoor«7la«
VttAaU OMMlTutUM KfMww to* lafoTMUoo rItM hf th« ToBfatM
to ttoM OMsitMM, rrmuto- PMordtof too lAdtoc of »tot «rto apPOTmUj too «r of IWmmt ABdfM
fhrMU af ■MwritofaMw
m4 hta two OOMBMiOIM. Ao f«*Itoto—Warn Tim Tmuato to »o- •r»or toUto toot to kMoootoaltoaff
MU Wito tol fWMrto uxothw
«tM to totoo oototoittooo. 0> ™urood..
tot kottlo. Tto *rot rolo o* tto pro*
▼towqoooUoo voo o PtofToa ftetory.
4* to 47. tol lour too ootio rl«» vooo
oorrtod »1 to 4S. Tkrooto of twooooldorotloo' or* ororrwboro toord. *
Uwlp •Mfloo Uprotoltod toatorrow.
property woo only aUpbtly
Otooral MiUoi^ forao bad eoBplole
ooatrM of tto altMtioa wkea tto P^tAati-EBp*B*ioa Amtndmoat moMlodforMnatla. Tto dlstk Uaitod StalM artUlary oe'opitda poaiiloo
▼Moot fto too BoAOlottow of ito^ftor toe town aad tto Tkaamii eol^ai
aad Bipktooato Ufaatry omptod
MoBmdT. PiwvMtoc for
watoM ooMlrtMtod ky tto rokoM.
mm% la rklUpplooo Mt^ -to
WMto aai Ootolttooa ooO far Boto
Xotorootoef Vtotod •totoo ood to-
will¥t bk dropped.
Tto roll ooll UiU oftoroooB otowto
ooljr fonr obooBtoo*. Oroolv. BMosoto.
BovIm oto toal>7. oqwll; dlridod m
to toeUoft. two kaioil Pio^rM m<1 two
Mtla tod a fow bobobu Idut Ctook/.
PtoCroolto. flotoo In. Tkb U too lorfMt attondnoto otnny twioa olaoo too
olooitoa of ttoopoakor.
Bowolfokai pwBltitac tot orpaalaatMWOfttoMorcMoralaoeloUta k;
ooatlpaoao loeal aoeloilat la . toe aaso
or a<>J>kaka(eoaBtlaa. put on it* pat*
mt* oador tbe taaptaaloa of tot raiet
wato too MBMofMr. McKajr
iwaetod. toot pMUemaa roee aad 44ld:;Md died.
.. w_
Judpe Corbett to the upIt WM defeaind by a rote of fV to to,' ‘
pealBaola oal
doa’t baow aaoaph aboot tob bill} Mary Uolaa. aped TO. waa foaad fro.toe rlee-presldeat aoUop U tto aepa- ] i,u. tru^u, ae,^vh.
M veto.” Ttoapeakerproaptty rapped jet, to death la bar mob on Kirit arefar urdar. daetarinp tor roll eall could i su, today.
; Bade pahlleibroBpb toe Boyne Oitlsaa
The McEoery reMiution *». toeni^j
Rioted la toe local dally
Mt be Interrupted -Oao I eaplala
The city b aaable to bury tu
«y roteT” aaked Mr. Meltay. "Tbe..................... .
paatleBaa eaaaotexplaia fait rou.”
•aaoBaoed tto apeaker. "Caa 1 taake
raBorks oa toe Uii?-‘ promtad MuKay "Nor rapoaded toa apnakar
toorlead lo proceed with toe iaeeetlpaa prepare tbem for local aett Uoa aocordlnp b> toeir beet judgment
and Boat relactaaUy Mr. Mi Kay took tripe to the city cetnelery at Uarl'a
neat, and la due tiae to loake aad to eanvlse tbelr dberetloa la palohb oMt. ataakiap bb bead eiporoaaly | i„d. No burUb hare taken place I
■ of toe talanat aa
“*• “••• ________
I ainc. laat Tueaday. wtea a eoSla lad.a ' beat proinole the lotereeUof tbecltl- lapallpoBibleiaforBttioa repardlap
the irapedy.
OMdellolWayne. latrodimda jolall.tMBer Bade iu laat ttip. There
teaaoftoc tialled Sutea aad toe'nala parsnaaoe to tbeea iaatructuxb
of !"<»«•• 1 were la tbe orpue on Saaday fllty* la Wayoe ooaaty fmoi le.uuo to ki.ww. elpht bodlea awalUup burial and toe Ueee of toe blanda.
toecoBBltiee will employ 4. E: UeaYto bill waa laid orer
•teaoprapher of toe Tbirteeotb
BBBber wat raUed yeaierday to eipbtyjadictal dUtrlet. and aoonapaaled by
Aaioap tto
hlB Mr. 1‘rauaad Mr, Uilberi will po
bare aleo pea. a bill by MoCall W, Brlrate undertakera
.---------------------------j to Boyae City today f .- the parpoee of
coupellMi to dechbb to lusurgents Sot Flr« to
prahlbii the > aaotaoinre aad tale of<«'^‘y
|pettinf at the boli.iin facb In the
eoadnet fuaerala. Thb waa
jease. Tbe memWru or iLc bunllng
Town and Fled.
A4hI1 bylbck to republe toe ratee aeomary. not oaly by toe dlttcalty of
I party alluded to will b.- iolerriewed.
opeatap praref. but by toe iapoMibllfar aleeplag oar bnrtbs la tbb atnw.
Uy ol laduclnp tto drieere of
HobelaOieea 84 Boar, to •arraaderL*®'’sutcaeob'will be ae■ nt The.
. Matte
*!pi»ooanopporinoiiy to aUie all tbry
to. »oatoa aad Petrel Bombarded ,
of the clrcuB.aU.OM aad to aid
Lbe Oily.
| la toe.lneeatipailoa.
tto purpoMi to huira^ a teapi. to hold j ^^telde,*^.™ ^hae. be^ toa^
Maaila, Keb. 14.—Iloilo baa beea
-------------------------M*MUon.. etc KMd.B alU reiueB- ^bo„^
Ukeo. UMeral Miller pace toe aaUeca Ort*WaWs Patoer Dead.
^rporu l«,» all clUe. .loop toe tweaty-toarboBn la which to aarrea* Beaaape .rrired yeaterday aa-:
der toe city. They retuaed to aarrea. nonaelap toe death of Mica Oaylc
tto fund creatod under thb
ah ;
^^roaph to. .oath abow a a^.l.r der, proeoked a battle before Ute|0®‘»"“'^'“ falber at Vcrm-tatrllle,
MM-towltoto.fuada Mr. ElobboA^,u^.
twenty-four boura wore np aad wrra'**‘®^' M>itUrUwuld b auauprapher
__ bi______b. ■_
—. aara be wuiU the bw repealed Do|d,j*,^
teleprapblc eoBBualcn- wblppedt
for toe kl._u_.li..
Meroaatlle Coapany.
In -L
abort order.
•bea eoB. ecb.BB rabna fundi baaBl |
iloyea of tbe atore <
waatwouphtbereby toepnafaoat Pet
oa tab law and puna off with It be Bay
m, alao
rel, wlblch Ared the Aral pna in toe •yopatoy by aeadlap beanUfnl Bopere
to clBobed for fabe preteam.
to tb« bereaTod fasl'y.
Oolby of Wayae ptopnaea to atop EBKMI OXTMS tA.OOO TO TOOA
Aa aooa aa tto tiMaport benrlap re- ._^ v
itorMB.au reached Uea«M Miller
bribery and pulltlual oorrupiloa by aaOrokar
bat toeUaern Uliy Uu
laat Friday, and be bad beea pirei
OBfUap toe laker of a bribe from ounVpwlto $15,000.
lailructtona of Ueaetal Olb, he landed
bbmeat Tto law now maklnp It c^oal.
ly cnailnal to pit. or lake a bribe
New York, Eab 14.—Jamae R. K'ree toe aatlre eoBBbtloaer. who were re rUatonH feral”.
♦peratua tv orvU>ct both frua eapoanre. toe banker, eeat bit check for Si.uuo turned from Manila. He aeota cob.
to a carloto of I 1
am <
br tbra to toe tnaurpent
draft btiraea I
llhepberd of Cueuuynaa aotleed a bill 1 •* Mayor Van Wyck today for tbe rewblcb. if it boooam law. will preaUy I
foot. Suoo after Richard leader at Iloilo calliopupoa him toaartold at prloea which everybody
aSucl the laterauU of tbb tutc
wrote eat bb peraoMl check tor render wltola iweaiy-tour bourn, aad
reach who aeedi a ptod aaitnal Call
atock.at tbe
aeeke to proteei tto leBaialap'roreaU 1
ehalrinan of the I
“t** *® *»*«. any daaonlivery and aalce barn of Georpe
aadprue.dtoaforBUy ooBBbaioa io'8'“»®* ooatwUte. of IbBBaay haf*® « W ooaducl
Caraa (formerly Geo. Molr’ki on
aeetodvlnp tob
| wrote out aaotber check for Plo.ooo.:
belllperMt operatloaa.
a». U. 4u»os
'BbstoaU and *
^ I Mayor
Van Wyck
.icea a am toraaaeef
— waa
------------- by
r tola.''
— i.a
tto lepal rate of latcrnal la tobatot* to \ pavae that tto Sit.ouo would be tondrd : *
> ebaace to oee a Hoe of aoBolaa rep
Ate per vent. It u ctalBad tar iBproe- orrr to hla to be need lor tbe aame !
reaantlop. AMO.OOO atoek of uilor»U.|—Mr. K—Ikir-l -«"b d— 1.
lap ooBdliioBa joeiify ibw rediu-Uon.
madeaulU. aklrla, eapea aad jtckeU
bated for.
*vd tbe crultia oar’ ICirak Deaartmeetoa Wedaes________ ■ . _
er Beaton took tor aUUoa at toe otoer
toaator Sawyer propma a atiaewtot'
nay. F<
'eb. It. The U wtou Store.
aoeel beeteapar bbl by the protbMMu
<>< town.
of wblcb toe beet prower b to 1.'
-----------Friday paaed qnbtly. Durinp toe BeftSuafataACBiopi
■ I'aie-a" Cbicapo WatDe Bouae. too
oae-balf aad toe aupar Baaufaciurcr ’
***. BlUwortb Penad Dead day aany refupeea left town. Tto aaFront atreet.
aaa ball of tto bounty on aupar Bade
la B<4
I }ortty were taken aboard foralpa toipa.
from bi-ru Mr. Sayer alao wania a
Mra Mary K:kswortb. aped nearly ;^'f 1^® tinitod Sutra
. pe.-.tl t ua uf to B.UCU per barrel on niurly-toree, waa found dead in bed !
llinmlaaUd toa town aad debeer aad prvridea how tto prveaeda of at the home of her daupfater. Mra. will-,*•“•••
________ __
imioa that
that to.
toe rebel.
rebel, were:
Mr. Kll.worto 'waa ___'.,..,,^;ed
retarkabl, ~ to Ito ll»toa
The bUI wbk-a <
« toe four
f®**®*- Th. Petrel
townabipe-ta Crawford____________ -ell aad act... aoUl about two mmk»'
ukeam with
a,!.- U..„ u
aad detorwiaad to have ii
<0.1—«. >•;'—P..7 ~
I part of toe balldlap were aaved. but
-ho., fro. ,h.
, Thfrl‘:--To-*.’'-"’:, ui^. “"‘i-'r'f“ atrlpea over the fort
and hb
Wbtoler nutioud a bUto NpulaU : la a well
, known
towktap aad peddlmp i. uu
j f*«a*lj *l*®aat UiaptoB, The loan b
dbc prvMBt Uw <« that aubjeev bkvlap ®**"‘*^
' been UBUlariy
TbU plaee
-Ima declared uBLuuauiuilouat i., hj.
. j kaoWB oa tor Foa pUte.
-tdectaloa Tto__
Urinaa alao p.vre nollk-« ol a -Jl to^ .
. '—Z1—
uad oa toe blpuwaya of tab auto
IB tto prtee.
•U'lt )
md took pdaaeeaion of tha place.
Tba marlaea aadaoldimuabora then
troeeedad to toe ual| of uvinp tto
Eoplbb and OarBi
aalatoa troB Are. Tto Bwtaa coaaal'a
raaldaaoe. U tto mat* row aa toe ooaMilatM noBto. waa bamed. Tbe as" " a and-uUve aectkBa at tto
dtolcoyaA, bat ter^pa Bar-;
New Curtains
Those felt ones with s(»in£r rollers—all ahades
BTMdAktinB OommittM Will
Waablartoo, Pok. li.—Tto toaoto
Oo To Boyn* Olty.
tocaa Ita totalon today wito only alaa
toaatoto prootoT Tto otoaia wan do- AatooMaad at Olitaowa* MaMla* to Pro-'
Terrlbl* BUU of Affair* la layod ky tto anew, but tuaprUd la tUI
ooadVito Saqalry aa to Xtoatoof
^odpa Oork.-U-Oirealt Oaort *MaI Mr. Attwart ol Netada took tto doer
Ofraptor Headaraoa- WiU AoeOB-1
IU oppoaltkB to tot MeBaery rcMlatloa
paay OoBBlttea.
Uabarlod | and la faror of rtUlelap tbe Pbllippiaet. Mr. L.lo()kay of-Keotaeky aad Mr.
la rotpoaao to tto call baaed tkero '
■teaail of ai^oalty la BTntk*~t
watapood attoadaBMof loeal attomOoMttoilM — T^tao Dalayod aad
, aye aad ciUeeai at too BteUnx lo toe
Ttltprapkic vOoaaBnatoaUOB latorthe Baeoa ooonell rooa yeotorday Boratap. Tto
ftnwd Vito.
oblect waa to eoaler with toe opBali-'
UooooabUopof S- a Pratt. P. a OilNow Yoto. Pak. 14.-NOW York to ,
UnliedAtaloabarobydiSelalBtaaydb- btri aad 4. A. Loraopar. who were ap.'
day oa>oyM> - too Am toaaklao tloet
poelUoa or Inteetloa to o«o(aise per-j poiatto to lo<,alra iato tto cireaBotaa-'
PrMkay. bat tot city b tUII eat off for
Boaeat aorerelpaty. jurbdlctloa or Um earroaadlap tto death of toe Ute I
tot Boot part f roB rail oonBualoaUoa. ooatrol orer tbe blaadt. aad aaeertt I j«dpa Corbett.
An atioBpt wai made today to toad
diumluu... U.U ..... .ubl. j
awayapoiUoo ol tbe bbIU piled la
ladepaadoat portraBeat b erected ctolrBon aad T. T. Bam aeereiary. 1
tot poatofUata. Tto priooe of provlThe ooBBitmatadea report of toei
eloueaeTtrl - * "
letuU of toeir laeeetipaUoai ae tar ai'
they had propriiiil aad eubBitted the:
wfur pakaiup it touaP'out that lUy ®®®"‘®A preoedtnp bar deavb, nM fell fuaUlada. Tha Boaton and i‘atr«l tbea
Bala body of ibe inaldeab aaoBed to ' *®'®®P
»“r®ad apata.
I tba iwbeb- tiwaebM. mob
•ppooe the dikaolutuw and paaaed aj
'or.Bpletolyclearlapto«iB of ttolr ol4 at Pouch. .
ueoluuoatu rrcnil the bin froB tto ‘
tto time
tlnu \ia***m
id' ,!
K »e
dinoa tto ad
SooB after the bombardBent bepaa
>oaraB«at tbr bill bad ——■ both ‘ **^*'*““
““ “*
amee broke oat U variona parta of
t toe town. TtoraapcB toe Fonrto ma-
Ten Tear Contracts
Sobscribers Mt| Ctiecl
at ead of aix Boatoa or ebaape
to any elaM of aerviee at will.
Telepboae tto laaaaper to eall
aad explain new ram adoploa by
Michisai Tclepbone Cn.
good cloth ones on Hartshorn spring roUera selling
at 22c.
PrevenU the sun fading yonr carpet and
makes the room look cosy.
I aao Front St.
“City Bookstore.”
SU Ualna Straet.
Talepboae No. 41.
The Finest Stock Funeral Goods
Xb Xrozt^wr-a. *f1nniw ii.
Bat kept out of alpbt eaUl Doeb a tlae aa wanted.
Everybody Likes
The Kimball Pianos and Organs.
Finest in tone, finish and workmanship. Good
stock of fine ymall instruments.
Look in on us.
235 Front Street
___________ NJ^STRONE, ManagW
To clean up odd slaes ot
Jaros HygieniG Underwear
W, frffvlt kmonr nuiny othw dMldkd
■mdantar buckliu at
1-4 Off Regular Price
This for a Short Time Onl>:
Made by Micblpaa Telepboae Co.
for any data of aervica dealred.
—seH at ten cenU—Then we have a big tot of those
{ Supply your future wants now—There Is
only one 4aroe and none
other so good.
I Hamilton Clothing Co.
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