The Morning Record, May 24, 1899

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The Morning Record, May 24, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



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Bnt OMiBotOfioUlly BndorM
▲m»riM0 PUa.
«fMM4 tmd Tk0f M
Im^pUjMtJ VltA
«4 AmmU4M-Tb« Armr MImm it »Ml
«»t *0 ■rfottet*. *«t U Vent a

br rifktur
UMiU. May » —Th* FUi»lae em­
it iba day at Ibe real■ Of tbaA»
They diopaaaad every potat of
aabaaie of yovaraaiant aad the paaea
praalaaiatloa datalla. aaklay iafonaatloa aa to the nykta to ha yaaraataodtboB. OowalwhMar Daahy aeplataad Uat they woald be the rana
oa sadar the Ualtad BUtaa eoMtha-

1 iafonaaa acbool ayataa
tabihhad aad approve the Awarlcn
poliay of the aaparatloa of abarah aad
alala. Ibvy ehlefly ohlaetad to the
oahaaiaoffDvmmat oa the yroaad
that It cava thaw paraoaal bat
pelltMal libeny.
Biaally iba PtUplaoa aaid that they
wrra amooally plaaaad with (aa plaa.
bat ooald ooi oadoraa It oSatally.
Darluc the day the BlUplao toomwiaaleaaraaalladupoa Oeoaral ciiU, aad
win repeat Ua oall toworrow. Ibora
la woeh oowwvnt oa Ua outiac the
flltploo aavoya are aajiylac. Thry
are arrayed ta bloa coau. acariet troaarra aod c«ld laoa. They driaa aboat
the oily ravellBC ia the atteatli
atowad oa then, which U avldaatly eiaaedlBfly cntifylac They are eeatan of ooeUaaal lavaaa at tha Pillplao
beaaaa, where they have baaa eai
halaad aad have ovary oppo.taalty to
advaaee the IntaraaU of the tauuiraeUOB.
The nmiaryaaatiiaent dUapprovaa
Of tha PiUplaoa belBC lloDlaed by the
oivlllaa elewast. Ooaaul Ueoeral WlU
Swa, (row aou-balluw axperlaaec
aad owlayto the yillplaoa' fondi
for dlacBaaloB. haa malouioad the attltade he aaauined wtth Ue Ont con
nUaloa. Be haa ao oflar to auha the
niiplaaa. aava that they lay dowa
their arma wlthoat terma The arwy
baltevca that H wa ialeod to raraala in
tha PhUIppiora it will
the loop ruB to whip the iaaqrfeota ao
thoroachly that they will br flad of
aa oppurtuaity to aarraoder. rather
thae parjay aad maha ierau which
(hay nay ooDatraa aa a
Profeaaor HchumaD. apaahlac of the
Aaterleoo eomminlaa'a policy, aaid
*’l baliera that foroa waa aeoaatary be
oaoaelhvy tboacbt aa weakllafa and
oowarda. but i believe, alw.
oUlatloa ahoBld aoooapaay foree. My
oadeavor baa haea ever alooe I came, to
oaerciae ooBblUallea
The profraaor la opUmlatle aa to the
raanlU of the ai«etiailoaa and hellavea
(hat the aeh.
poaad by the Itallod ttUtea will be
Neoar Rcaaiie. a
tnta aad a wealthy rraldenlot Maalla,
tenorly Ayulaaldo'e eonatlaBary cradbyaa
(ala. oallad ea (leaeral title today and
aaeouDoad that -We deairc to aurreadoroar peraoaa aad properly loto'tha
haa^ot the AaterieaDe."
Boharlo oorraapoadad la cipher with
t^eaeral Lnaa. ao he'baa been dearly
watched by < fllclala at Tarlacaloee the
teaurrectiop becaa weakaaiac. Boaarfo
ooly eaoaped by pereuadlay Luna to
aead him cw a aeeret nlaaloo to Manila
for Ue purpoae orooilaotinc fnoda.
With the eaptala and tea nea aad
thalrfainlUei. fioaario Uaveiad throuch
owanpa aad noBBtalaa. peat tha liaea
of both armlae aad aawred Maoila
laai alrht. Aooordlac to U-wario, L.uoa

Sappy Sarvla^ at tha Hone of Sr.
aad Sra. Bd Lantaar Tratord^y.
A aulet waddlny teok place yaalerday attcraooa at the hone of the alator
of the rrooai. Mra. Bd Umtoar. 119
(laioa atreat The priaelpaU were
Miw Bliaabelh Tacer of Soloo aad Mr.
Parry W. Warper of Blnckan. The
eeremopy wae perfomad by Rev D.
Ooehlla. ter. Qaorca 1b«ar waa beat
aaa aad Mlae Flora H. Wartnraerrad
aa bridaanald tiula Mabel T. LaataarflrarodMthrriacbaarar. It waa
a vary bappy event and aftor tba eara■ony a waddiac dianer waa aaiiad.
- Mr. and Mra. Waraar will raaldaoo
tbeir tarn pear Btarhan. Both have
naayfriaadeU tba olty aad vlatahy
who are plaaaad to wiah then h»c

Mtora Bertha aad Mary Claaaaa and
MhwBlaBahBlua at Maatoa ara the
CaaaUolMra. Bra telth of Ewt Front

1,090 .


Tfaifd Y*«r-No 6«0


imubkTt am

Kfa. feaaU SrtAaoa Sad a Sarro*
^eapa rroa S*«en Vara-

tag r«t«rdar

Fumuv Olab PaTor Sanoal
XaaaoM of $1,600,000.


If your neighbor

Sccnlara on Snt-eaa Oaatral Took
aiiak aod Awful Bevan^ ter
Aoaaalt oa a Wonau.

ClBclBoaU. May St —An E-iqulrer
Mra. JMDie B'lebaoa. «b» Uvea oa
Baardoaa aveaaa betwaaa Buteaad erabam Bill Taalaa Tel^raph aad apedal Iron D aa. Mexico, aava: Taere
it r<«at exeitemiut at San I) alo. over
rroat atTMlt. aarreirlr eaeaped aaeTairphne Oempaalea Oraatad X.lvatba lyachinc of aeven oolorad Uboron
vara baralar yratardar.
Bor drvae
ly IMaea»loa aad Aatloa WaaOa oa the Mrxleaa Ceotral Ballroad.
eaarbt tre Irm loo eloaa eoataet with
Joae Baato, a Spanith aecro, at­
a raaoUea Move aad aba nivhed eat
tarrad-Seaea Baaead BiU Approapoa the pereh of the boaaa aeraawtar
prtailaf $198,000 for Acriealtarai tempted toaaaaallthe wife of Senor
nuply. a ranch ow«er.
aad eadeavoiiaf to aitlafuUh
Be waa tracked by bloodbouada and
fl^nea. bat la tbta aha failed. Mra.
twvaadorf. bar aalebbor. aad J. W. Uaalar. May » -Tkt lartaUtiva far- with ntoe otbera wat eaptared In a hat
oa the river bank oppoaite Racle Paaa
Parkar, ware attnoud to tha apot aad ! nm' elnh net today aad daeidad
bwathar they aooa axUaralahad tha lataad (or aa Iporaaaa of aboat (ton ooo Tbe racniara did not attenpt to prove
blara Mra Brlekaoa waeaot aaaevera-; in railroad toiea. or aanarb to make the colltofaay of the or^roee. bat
lid hava baaa bad tbaaoaaal revaan* •l.MW.OOu. Tb<a le banced thteaand abet (our mora Baoe
ly boraadaa
halp BOt arrived ao m
timee tbe loereaee nade by tbe trouble Utbraataaed in the eolored
tar. Poor of the necroea killed
blit wbleb waa tbeapreial
order for IbU aftaraoon. It U evident
that tha rovarnorwUlfaU to cat tba
Sapnty Oaaa Wardaa Oraw Oaa^t (1.000.000 laeraaaa ha denaada. tha
It U aaid that Japan bat prom'aed
(arnere* Unit, balac the beat be oaa
'iwo Vlahrmra Who VioUud
by treaty u aid Obloa ia the event of
hope for.
tha Law.
Tbara waa a lively dlaeoaeiofa before Oermany'a eelilac Ohan TnocYaatorday Mark Otaw arroewd aaar tbe Moata taxatloa eonnitlaa over tbe
Na-ah-ta-waata l^ewiaaod Ellery Maaa (Irabam bmualBCtalFtropb oomp^
of Blk Bapide. Be charred tbaai with lae St oiBBta per mile of wire aod WlevlolaUoaa of the Aah Uwe by oelnc aaU pboae conpaalae tbe eanc per mile of
with too flea a iseah. Bealaitd ihalr rlrenlt, exebancra to be taxed locally.
pata-apd foood that while tha ooUldaa Opialona aa to wbttber tbli woald Inware eonpoard of three aod ona-balf
radaee the praavnt taxee
aeh neat), tba centre had bean cut out differed ao witviy that aetton waa de­
1 will aupplr dae toe for tbe
aad a nneh f oar net (aateped in tba ferred aatU tonorrdte. Peoator Sayre ,l (1.2S per month, or (l.OO per
piaoa of it.Tba naa were brourbt before eaya that U la Boaaepaa to paaa auoh a
JaaUae Browo. They pitoded pillty bill aa tba covernor would veto iv
and were Anad (to and ocwta of |e.40
Tbe aeeate Haaaee committee re­
port favorably tbe bouM blllniklec]
aolInttedaaaropriaU'Mu lor baeteuc*'
bouotiei ' Pa frieada claim that the
The Olympia WUI Sewoin Thera^Ten bill win cet'lwcotv voiaa The aame
oonnltlae baa cut the allewaoce (or
Daya f->r Bepolra.
atorace battery and bath faooae at tbe

rubs it into jou because j-ou paid too much
for your wall paper, don't get mad at him. but
kick yonrsclf for not looking arouud before
buying—we urge you to do so—it will only
satisfy'you with our prices, as well as color­
ings and designs.

We offer you today
4 pattern* wall paper at SJo aingle roUa,
border Sc.
These are good patterns in light paper, nicely
matched and cannot be duplicated.
3 oakea Malted MUk ToUet Soap..........


City Book Store,
UlPH-COmiLE, Jr.,liu«er



$1.00 a Month

For Ladies’—

C. W. Mer(ilUCo.||

Minted by Ue ehlpe «f all national-1

_ ^ „ornlnx tbe bouee p^orad a

of tbe Riyal WeUh fuvIlMn wbea | nee of preearvativae la milk went
they iaaded to vUit tbe c^tori
Uroogb. Tne bill to lleenae berbera.
Bong Kong. Sir Beary lUake: Uvneral andOraham'e fnraetry eom wlmtoa bill
naeeolrne. la oommaad of the troopo.
werp aleo pomed.
•nd Oommodore Powell, oommaadlag
the naval foreae. The viclt waa after­
ward retarned by the offlolol* menUoned.
ilral Dewey le tw 111 to attend Oa* Hundred in Bewloa ntUe Lenatog OeUeriag
tbe queen'e blrUday dinner. The
O ymple will dct-k here end rameln
Idaoelng, M»y 25 —Oee buodred offi­
cial reaeewDUtlvnW Mu-hlgaa citiea
araattendiaga meetihg held at Ue
Dowaey Houee tbit attcraooa for tbe
Soword Olty Triple Mnrdarar OeU formation of a Ma higan ; League of
American MunoiptliUee
Bia Draene.
Mayor Perry of Urand/Rapid*, who
Rtoatoa. Mich.. May 21.—"To Jockt«u«d the inviutloBt.'%rralded at a
•M arieoB for the term of hla aetural
brief me-ting held at noon, gy^wbieh
life" U tbe eentonee given Joaeph BorMtnmltteee were anpolnteJ- It U ex­
vey. the Bowerd Oily triple mnrderrr.
In the OIroult eonrt Borray pleaded pected that a bureau will be formed,
gnilty to the marder'ofble wife. Irene, which will (oelliuie exchange of ex­
and of hla ancle. Robert Pleraoa, bat perience la mttlera regarding public
•urk to Ue elory that hie ancle killed work* and munleipel poUelea.


Mra PlerooB. the grand mother. Jodge
litvla pronoanoed Ue beoteoce and


Teo Tear Contracts





Serpentine Caps



in —


The Savings
Bank Bazaar.

Saturday’s Sale

Hamilton Clothing Co.



Rockers and Dining Room Chairs
See the eh-ganl line in my di.splay window,
then caM in and profit by the attractive prices

C(*rner Union and State Street!

Michigan Telephone Co.

lajuriaa Beeelvr-d on Leg Bollway
. Pn.ved raUl.
Heary CrtoradcD died ycaterday at
lo, Oi.
- . .
_ . ..
' rraelved loat Saturday while at work
•alherinc at Oadtlloe.
(or the Wylie Cooperage Co.
, • '
R B U end and Obot. B Stewart of
A large log which wa* bMag drawn ;lf vou nccd anything in this^
Oadillae ora in the elty to Intereet tbe up into tbe mill fell off the elide to the I
]ine you had better buy
differoni K. O T. M o^alxetlooe brra grouod, .triking the unf .rtanate man
ag pfices will
In Ue greet annual Hoceabee eelebraUe bach. Inflicting Internal iojurica:
not last always.
tlon which will be held in Chdillae beelde* breaking bU ankle.
JueeBU. Loat year It wM held here
HelearMawiteoad two dnugfaum Wriling T^blHs. l*eat ouality.
and It woe a grand aucocM aad a great and woenbroUerln-law toUe Buper-| former pri«« lOi-.................... 6C
Ibroag of people attended
from Intondent of tbe mill, L A Lyon.
viz* Tablet, fmr qualthroughoat norUern Mlnblgnn.
Deoeoeed WM poet oommender of Ue I
Tale year OadtUae win eodeavor to K.O T M. lodge nt that place, in
tippwl l^tl P,-m.-ila
make Ue eelebration wbet it ebould which tie carried *1 onninkurance- Be| b --iv.n.* aoob-lH*r
be aad ebe will uadoubtedly do all obe aleo carried *U« avsldent inenranee to 1 pj,in ,.„Jar I>»md iVncile. ih>z 2c
uadertakee Tbe bptlceM mra there Ue Saginaw Benrfli Society1 Ikml black Ink. 4 <« bottlr. .. 6c
ore giving Uetr eopport to Uone who
The funeral wHl uke place tomw j
pueblng Ue work. A large dele- row afternoon nt 2 o'clock from Ue Legal and Foolarap Paper—
getloo from tbte city will atUoA
^^1 ijuaUtT-quire...............
Hooeabeea from Ulaelty are Invited Npte Pai>er. 5 lb, good quality
MraB. MoDtagae ku gone to to ntlaad and rig* will be furnlehed.
- quire .
Watertown. Wle.. for a vUt wlU her
Obleaco Market Bapotl.
Kehoe hoe retarned from
Ckle*co,May i»-tloaed Wheat-May,
Urnad Bapide. where he wlUcMed TSiic: July. 74Htf7«Hc; Sepumber,
gemM and met Bant, former
T«h<#74l«->- Rang* of wheat—July,
catcher •( Ue BueUera. who le bow
high. 7&ltc; low, 74l«c; Septamber. M.rct.ot-. i-oimtor lx»k ....
catching fur Ue Wheeler interatate high. 7ic: low. 74',e. Oora-Mny.22i;e
«gae team.
July. S3t,MUSc: Septembar,
Mr. and Mra. C. P. OoMer wilt go
stc emta—May.July.tK,
> Urnad Raplde UM mornlnf lo M2SS.C1 September. 20^e.
apaad tbe day.
O. Cooley
Ue SnttoM Bay
Boioo. aooompoBtod by ble wlto. woe
la towB yeaierday.
Or. Mortis who hae boea oowRaed to'
hie bad for Ike poet few d2ya wae rv
parted a little better loat aMrbt.
o. beeper of tk* NorU
MaaituM Light kowe. wa* U' U* elty
on b laiaeM ymterdoy.
Mra. J. C. termoa end daaghtor who
'VvAtA TawU m\u\xvv*S^V\ o^8t
have beea vlelUng relaUvaa st KorthMumV
awA mttVi (ia

UA) a\
port. west to ladlonap<dlB yceierday |
to Jala Rev. Cormaa wba ka* aooaptad
a call ae sMlataat paator of Ik* taigwt
Baptlet ehareb Uer*.
A Bodfca flame over from Flfa

■■ A


Subscribers May Cancel

little flurry

For Men —

All the rage down cast -beautiful color
combinations, such as red and \vhit(j,
blue and White, red and bliui.^iack
and orange, etc.—price.........................
You skoutd get one at once

Made by Michigan Teirpbooe Co
for any -elate of tervlee deeirod.

at end of elx monUt or change
tc ecy eloae of aorvlce at will.
ITeleohone the tnenager to call
end exp'aln new rnlra adopted- by
the eomptiiv.

sao wRONT sTRerr

“An Ounce of Value
Is Wortli a Pounil of Talk."
A r.-putati..n can only b« inaintaiu.-d by trnilifu! states
monta -T.-mpurary advantago may bo gaiuod by dw. plivo annouuc'*‘in.*nta. bnt it r4?aits .-tWomora aro tho only t-ffootive
8dvertiH.-uH*nt - tbeir 4mdors«*mi-iit i-arrilPw weight. The lieu ta
FiarDiabiDgs w«- a»-ll are the kiuii that iuBpire coiitideiuv in mir
traj- -Tho lino.^ wo now hand’o aro alriotly uew. alylihU, clean,
uatly. up-to-date pnaim-lions for olit*- dn-tteora—eDduraed every

day by tin* publir, at prices oot exhorbitent

We tlir.‘cl every effort to please t>ur patnjua, aud are ever
i>n tbe'ali-rt f<»r the lateal.
tiee »>iir nobby line of ti»-Dtii' Laiinderr-d IVrt-ale Xt^ligee
tiliirU —with aud without <ollar«i attached—Hie n*-aU
-rat and m-jal varied aba k iit the cily. fully worlb
75*-. at.._._..........................................................................................
Ottr tine of T->o. b5<- and 9“c Genta Negligee Sibirta have uo
♦Hjna!—they atv nuexeelled values.
\ Iteautiful Silk Prout Hbirt, cheap at 7or. our price...
7oc, l*5c givea you a aele<-tiou of beautiful, superb, ailk fruut
shirts, untbiiig to niual them.
Easy to ask $l 50 for a shirt, but our latest producliou of an
enormous eastern manufacturer, we aell at 11.15 is tbe
warmest tiling out- see them. Men’s goo.1 laiiilried While ShirU................................
We handle the celebraU^l Monarch Shirts, the mc«t perf<id fitting shirt............................................................................
Men's silk fiuUh. fast (vdored Hose, in black and tan...
Men's fancy i«l<ired, half hose, fancy striptw—tbe latest
Men’s Silk Eiii'Toiderwl
Men's fancy half Hose. 4 thread anperior Lisle, guaraot4M-d Blainleea, im|>orted, assorted colors.........................
Men’s fancy >^ilk H<ste...................
Choice of any finest ties, incTuding 'iSc valuea, lor today
Choice of any 2*c Tie*, today only...............................................

Ocxid Balbriggau, suit, shirt and drawers................................
Better ones, per suit ..........................................................................
Elegsot fine French Bslbriggsn, oer suit................................
A fine fsney Lia'e thresd silk nixed suit, lor.......... ..
tVvmbinalioD Suita, from......................................................96o to $3.00
Splendid.line of summer weight wool anitafrom $1.00 t}$8.00
Trade st the best equipped snd tbe most wide awake fur­
nishing department in Traverse City. Other deiwrtmeuU full
of good things.

The Boston Store,

Frost Btreot




Tss Moxauro ssoomo. wbdi



■•lad a toe aalt yaataoday.
It b
-Whan bb WUeb Away.''to ado^d by Bed Deer, tba «>l*ea Mc«ra
Hgbtthi comedy of cUaa. bright baBt. BnMto Kaj
OostteM* w gor trcttiag aiallkm
.orMdtotooohUthnagb tbe ptoer. ■
Trtaaaiw Waiabarg.
• WICBIOAII▲unct Orovto ud VUl b»
The prodaetwB to put oa la aa impoa-!
Cbailia Waiblaa, former ptteber of lag maaaar aa to aeeaery. eoatama aad <
• Bnad BwmM
Btaga dreaaiag. aad aa tor tha eaaU It |
JTUU th« amrd at lb* Mar foUval tba Ttavataa City Baatlafa, la
T-~ T. Baim ^
W. B^nn- »aa vary laf«« Utmi^ alyat U »aa plt^lag lor tba Daytoa. O.. iataiatate aboald be aa aUwufSeieat gaaraai
tha aapcriorily of tbe atuaetlua
BMaeti«a»»ua«atotka «™ah whW* laagM letiB.
A W. Ba»»m. B^iHor
MmmwBddia Waarlcr, wbovaa thud baae- It b aaid that ea^h •eli-kaowa artbu
«lUtf tfc« Cl»j Opefa Boaaa laai ai(bv
taa lor tba Bahlleia for two araaoaa. ae Foraat Flood. Joha Ban«ti. UerTba auracUOM dr*» U» yaoida o«i
BOW paying witb tba ruehbmrb ‘^ada Oemeaa. Jaaa AAea aad otban
wall kaowafoim part of thia organbaTba ladlaa aad feat •aa m eharc# ■am of tba Mew Xaglaad leagaa.
▲11 Odd PaUowe aad Brbakaba. wbo tioa. The Staart Bai ka On.
eaariad ovary aBori I wait apoa tba
Tba aagagamaat b for three algbu
logo to tba
ib roof aad tb
Tba bootba aad latraabakaat lablra hratlow at CbdUlac, are urged to meal aad It b oaly to tb)B fact that
•era aaaaroaaly gatroa led aad tba at the hall promptly at 7 o'clock tomor­ tha Fitocs have been plaecd ao low aa
iMaipia war# saab lafgar tbaa oa row morning to go ta the (rain la a U aad Mb. Tha above aamed play
wUlbepreaaatad Mcaday aAbt. May
Moaday aigbv
Dartagtba avaatag MartaagVa orItarlag tba paat week William fait- <u. at Steiabarg'aiiraad. Taeaday and
abeam far«iabed aiaak aad Baoa Tra- nar haa ahippad Sve earloada of mruia
Bcaday evealaga otfear playa will
Tu Mkhifaa how
■aiaa aBUrialaed with b>a dlalaet polea aad nine earloada of ekalr aiock he preaented.
Bna baa yalaad aa t
Mayor Fraak BamlUoab la Unaiag
Ihrvafb iba rallag a< Hpaahar Adaaa,
Tbara U aa iaertMlag laiaraat la iba
The Death Maoord.
attcadtag a meeting of repreaentativea
vb* daelarad «ba lalaai Mitaga
voUag aoauata. aad ae ladleailoa that
William Uatkcha dbd ycabrday
kbrday aftof Mlvhigaa citiec gathered for the
Bsvaraor t^yraa m of order, bpaaktoaigbt will tea aoatlderaUe eacita
KBta of bb
iraooB of paralyMa at the bt
purpota of org^Ulng a league
m Ai*m» eUiMl a> a reoMa for bla
meat id tbcB.
John L'lanaka oa Third
a ibai (ba
The gold watch for th oioatpopalar
a iba yof
mtasalaU eaeb a a
There will ae a regular meeting of atreet. Deceaaed wae r.# yeure of age
girl, la on ixblbltiot. . l»o the frame
aad bad bacn a realdeat of Ub city
arow aoBi to Taeaday. bat wataaaiba
whkh gore witb tbaplc • i e of Company tbe board of ednoaUon tonigbv
toi Uc paat Sfteea ycura. Be Icav • a
•saeatlTo to raeutaiaaadaUoaa or atataTim Toolant Tcrtiera bave chal­
H. Photograpbar Buo.« ezhibliad a
wife, twoeoaa aad a daughter. The
•aaU ralallve to atau affalrm-Tbara
of the COB (any abowlng lenged tbe winning team In tbe ball luBcral will take place from the LuU
arm ba diflcraaoaa la optatoa racardag
exact alee of tbe ate^are when It game Saturday betwaea tbe cigar
I church on Weal Seventh eueet
Ibto rallag of tba apeaher.l^bapa ha U
OTTow aiterooon at s © clock.
laahal^lly right the iauat leavca tbe artiaU
ronawiaii are tbe total Sguraa cm
•f tba ooaaUtatioa. but when Ua asForty-eight looomouvea have beep
rote for the wateb and pleturaordered of the Scbwanakupfwoike ai
aaaUeaof the aiau U p
a Amioa Saiva
taabad by mamban of a< ■miltae of
Berlin for the Bumlan ia:l>hg^ In blThb Bmbt 8ai.tb ta the world foi
Outa, Bruiaea. Sorw. Uleara, Salt
Iba lagialawra. It wonid ai a that tba Uraaie Ctoala............................. ........
Bhauu, Fever Sorea, Tatter. Chapnec
propareouraalawbiotata make reply HuAle Duncan........................................
Banda. Cbilblaina.Corat. and all Skti
Vo Might to VgUaeoie;;
to tbrongb the body from which the at- Nettie Wuiiburg.................................. 7i
Tbe woman wbo b lovely^ In. face, Bruptlona. and pca-Uvelv eurea FUca.
laeb emaaatad. la tbU iaaiaoM there Anna Needham.................................
form and temper will alwaya bavr or no par required. It » guaruntaec
• give parfect eatUfactiob or monet
area earare uriUeUm rrgardlag the eoo- Wilbelmena Shane.............................
rrlenda. but ooe who would be at•funded. Price It eeau per box. Fo'
dial of tba mllllary dapartaiaat of
iraclive muit kvep her health. If »he
■a weak, aiekly and all run down, abe aalebrJ Q. Jobaaon and 8 B Wait
the atata, of wbleh the goraroor b
ThUl..................... ...........................
aommaodar la chief, and atroogPicture OonUOl.
eonatlpatloB or kidney trouble, ber im Km for Tear Xuey I
goraraor. Oeo Doyle............................................
pure blond will cauaepiinplaa.blotchfe.
You cau ge m ire for y
Tbarefore bin order to aat bimaalf
«ktn erupiluoa and a wn-lcbed comtbe Famui
plexlra. Bleetrlc Bitu-ra b the Wt
right with the Irgbleure acd with
medlcloe in tbe world to regulate
tba people lt| act Bia that tbe proper
.iomaeh, liver and kidu-ya aod
few oeota. aod you wtn'be kurprbrd
•oarae waa parauad by tbe goraraor.
purify the blood. It givea aln _
at the vatuea.
Tba ruth-and eieiumetit of piaelng
nervea. bright eyea. amoulh. velvety
thin, rich coBipleaion. It will make a
gear tboroaghly iquipprd regimeau
Bara Tan Taa Caaul
good looking, charming woman of
la tba Said in a hurry nactatail'y aa BeriUage...........................................
It you bave. go to tbe Famou* and
rea-down Invalid. Only Buc at Jobi
tolled aosetaoBfuaioa aad it etmtracia
y.ui w.ll be vmat-d at tbe value you
ann'a and Walt'a^h^ atorva.
can receive for it it> kome nwful am
irara aot made wl«h the kame tpaclal
cle you need every day.
baaaaaae aa In tlmaa of peace, there b -Tonight the ylfung will be by ei
II you bave. go to tbe Famonaan
aoma aznueefor;what at other Umea ballot during the laattnlnnlaa before
you will ba amaied at tbe
might bare beea apparent aegllgeaea


im*TiR«* crrr.


&srwrr- .

Cadu-lac b;gettlsg abc.ui all tba big
aalebratloai thb year. Iba Odd Palloara wUl gather there toawrrow and
aa Jaaa|« the K. O. T. M. will hare
Ibalr aaaiiAl aelebratioa at that pl>cr.
^araraa City, tbe metropolta of aorihgn Uiebigan.^wlll not make a rery
gead record for public ereat tbU year,
adlaaaaPoarU of Juiy erlebratloa b
dacided upoa, which b ualibriy. aa
tbara b aoarorly time left to gn up a
anltable program.


Ibera will ba a big ero
pa tbe
apaelai trala to Cbdlll
Tbe Hoyt Sand will go along to make
mualc tor tbe Odd fellowa The aaalexpected to be tbe moat In
portant ever htld in nortbera Hlchigan by that order.
At the Ht. Kraacb May featival
night the Fourth ward ^able will i
a menu ooaabtiag of chi. keo, radUbra.
Kreach tried poutoea hbd other g<K4l
Tag Hukiou Poet I
I out with a iblnga.
•aggeailoi) that tbe name of tbe I'hil-. bilrer Brae are preparing to preaent
Ipplne blaoda be 'changed to the a Sr*t daaa enteruinineot in tbe City
'T'Dewcy blanda" Thb b a eery good Opera Uouee aonie evenieg next week.
aaggeetion and would bound alrictly They have a Sae entirely new progi
ABarieaa.fe,tVbtle they are about U. lovludlng the lateai euaga and etcrcopbomerer. It would be oonferring a aa- tleoa viewi.
llosal favor to reaame tbe ciUea aad
Mcnibera of the Fin de Siede cycle
toaraa Ualeeaiomethlag of ibb kind dub are rvqueeted to meet la the partodoaeU.wlllUkc cenivriea to thor- lore ofVheFirat M. B. clurch thia
gSgUy Anierloaoice the 1‘hlliyqlaaa
evaniag at 7 o'dook.
Baipb BaaUaga and Walter feck
went to SllghU yeaierday after Uout.
They returned laat night with a large
gptfhaiMtioa of New Olab Ptofeetad Caleb.
The femily of Dr. A. U. Holliday
Aad Ami graaaia Made to at
have OK-ved Into, tbelr rtaldioee on
Oaea Oat tba Uouraa la Shape.
Tbara waa; another uieatlag of the Waabtuglon Btraet. The dwelling baa
Traeeraa City Uolf club laM night at been remodeled and U now greatly im­
vbbh a coBbtitutloa and by-lawa ware plied With many added oonvenlencea
Adopted aad other bublneae.iraaaaeted. aad very attractive.
Mra Jamea Moody b very ill with
AO that active work la the game will
malaria fever
AOon be ex uicuraecd.
Tbe Ladim Aid Society of the Con­
Tbe memberahlp of.tbe dub b llnigregational
church will meet Wedaveitad to lii». and the charter memberttie Itih of |day afternoon at twoo'clock with Mra.
pbip Uat cloaed
•lied hefore ' Iknford, No.
Imke Avenue. Juat
Jaae. All who are
•Travi. A Sew-a lumber ottce.
tbhtdaU will be aduitiud upon the
gaymeat ot.s: to appl^ oa the annual Tbe lad MB are rtqueated to attend preAaaa. butmftcr that aa inliiatioci fae of pared to
gl vlU be charged aad laereaMd every
d a aerica of
Blder U. Soule
toB mtuibera aalil tbe limit b maetlaga in the Adveaibi church laat
A memberabip eommittee evea-ag. They will be oontiaed to.
••eleewd. noaabiiagof SamUarlaad. aigbt and tomorrow evealng.
J.W. Baaaeaaad Bert Uavilaad. aad
All membera of Claaa ft of Ue nrat
AWlleatioaa may be placed la the M B Sunday acbaul are i
band* of either of the eommitlM.
mact in Ue abarcb parlora Ub cveuiog
Tba colon adopted for tbe dab are at A:4&.
pad aad Mnoolo green,
N. b. Chapia albwad kb hone to
Tbe grouada eommittee reported trot over a bridge yeatarday. Ue paid
Itot Ue grooads were laid out aad a JadgeBobaru a dollar fw Ue privtphMdaal aam wee appropriated to lege.
gMbe tbe aeomeary Im^ovemaata.
Theladbaof the Epiaeapal ebareh
Aaaaral aaw membera ware admitted, wUlaervea Ian oaat capper at Ue
^biag atoullbtaow of 17. Tbb borne of Kev. 0. T. Stoat, Hft SUM
•rlU ba iaeraacBd to Sfty aooa aad to a atreet. corner of Hoard man Avaaae. to­
graatar number aa aooa aa the apart morrow avonlag. Everybody b cor*
toflM t«
dblly Wbilod to atteaA
Tba dab ataru with a eery bright
Cbarlea Irbb wUl maanfaeiara kb
proapeel aad it »expected that golf
patent aaU-aat graaalatod auger can
arlU become oae of the ifavoiiU aporte
Ub aummar in F. E Beardaley'a tis
gt tba eommnalty.
ahop oa Weal Front atreet.
All Maooabeee wbo wbh to attaad
•arpriaa on Othb Smith.
Mba outa Smith of Baal Froat Ue funeral of Heary -CrboadaB at lagWWA waa thirtaen yaara <018 yeturqneaud
to cc
• wlU B.
4hy AMi a aambar of bar girl fricada
fhva bar a pleuaaat anrpriaa party ta CArter today.
Tbe yacht being buUt ky WUl Fetthe hf larnoon.
Oat of door gamaa ware anJ byad and twly tor John F. Uit. E J. Maedoaald
and J. E Santo, b aearly oompletod
UtUe Bern Compton aatOTtaiaad and wUi be Uaaehad today.
Cbbf of Police Benaie haa a tna new
miU arverai aoaga and recilatloBe.
Mbe KdtU Uibba. teacher of Ue ^U drivlag horna whieb be recently pargrade at Ue Oratxel. wac oae of the
geatta- OUera pm eat ___
Scab tor Ue
a U StelaAar. Mead and Beva Oompioa. Chmb
avaaiag eaa ba
Whiting. BllaSmtU, Marba

' " • »>«*’•
Emma and Charlaite


'swift. Imatoer BroA tootter.

'TAh^tb ATti tn.wUViSA


Special Sale
on Hosiery.
- --

we Vew Wt tesV

'NDh sTt

Qoo&s A\ \\tt Wwert vnees «v


\o W ^e \yxiv ^

AA& we whTt\

tmTtQ \\ktm A tuAV. ^ i.\AC«nu\V lo

pntee mVV eeT^A^RtV^

\t \0 IBOUY A4DAA\A«t \0 a\UA& \K\h

*>o#o 4av

J. W. Milliken.

I The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go. |
ioun SEWING machines!



Here Is a Beauty!

---- 8258-3._

We have a few of these
rockiTs in Mahogany. anda|^^
few -in Gold Leaf, and we
will make the prices very in*
teresling. ,
J. n. OLAifillPunilBher
>. Itu Front Street.


B They are Standard first-class machines, and defy competi^

tion. The Domestic, E:dredge, aueen and White,
all of them standard make-$20.00 up.




A few yards left of tbat 12 12c line, we sold on Monday ^
-They are a snap for the money and well worth your con- -w

25,35 and 50c Goods (or only 12ic.

tor eaab, if taken qalek.
Ooing oat of bbyele bualacM. Oall early.

Our Hat Department



is overflowing with,



Children’s Hats and Gaps-Men’s Crush Hats and GapsThe Famous N. Y. Yacht Club Gapand Star Line Cap-


Oompleve plaao eopbe of laieaf
Vocal or ioatramenul.
No ekeap li> cent adiUon. but
late aad popular pieeea. i piece

An^^caTML cmTMuaic co..


rm DXKTAI. woxx.



Prices Always the Lowest ^

who 4o^Mi Itakt Ut MM ho hop*
fro* tho poMto, hM «oMio« «l,on ht
Ijlho foUrWMM ttOtonr boord U» ho
I'wod UotooMmo ihtid olofp or m




Btfaw to a Hat od tho a«7tac Md tail

The Proof of the Pudding
is in the Eating!

II ••


pa«ad hr aa-

' At BtootAolo whllo
ot broftk•ook opood ow hlo Moyolo. Jooh Mobt«,
rlWj' UJorod. Bh wbeol eoUo^oA
Lo( hla to iko imoA. iooorMtof Uo fooo oM toortoff o«w o< kh

...Jr, H L. A 6a. Boat,
Tho ootoraa* of Awe* B Btoalo Poot, tya noar, B. U A Oo. I
O. A. a of North Uakhecia. aro pro iW, B. U A Oo. B
pariar ta oboaroi Moourtal day aad
oao of tho iMolal (oatoroo wlU bo tho
of tho
If foot hlfb, with aa alrbvfoet k
Of oooroo .oooryotio' fcsowo <thol o wkteh to aow hotat pUcod ia tbo i
•Motor bej with o boat oU for o ho .k atarjr.
Md rvbo (or bolt eaa oatoh »oro ftah
4*ar<'«« ^Mthba aar.cltr aofltr
tmhhtotopooaloo Oiidt of rodo aad
fMU aad Sim. A Boraor hqj. howaror.
hoo foao ovoo (arthor lhaa ikU, aad ty m. Viaaor. Om of tho Traotoot wook «aafht tho bl«t«i treat that
oM BeyB' Tolto B'O
Wheat, old. par I
hoo hooa ooea OMaad thto at*
“ . _ Tp.-*tooMrhlOf (oar paoad^ wHk hio haodo
Tho Mlowlac U tho oyaepoi* of a Ooro.
per ba.
alo«»i ao booh or llao of aay kiad. Bo Uttor roeeivod by Mr. aad Mr*. C W.
If tost
wadod o«t iato tho atraaM aad irabbod Trsoer of HaBaab froa* their aoa Jay
B. Pratsr. who to iB Oompaay A. ;ird
At (blotto Horaoo Biobop. 3r.. tho L' a. lafastry aow dfbUBC tbo UwarIf-roar^Id ooB of Horae* Uo^ tbo yooto la tbo Hhlllpploro:
Mao la, r. 1.. April 3. M.
wall-kaowa oiwsk bay«r, woo Miioatly
I)KAH Mi>iiiOK *\i> Patiiso—I raool
laiorod wklU rtdluff hi* blaroio
attOMpUaf to paw a rtder who bad ed oerorel of your lettoro while at tbo
laUoaaabortdtotaaoo ahead :of him fort aod oomo aflor I *ut to Now York
Mk whaoi woo otraak by a taadan rtd- aad ooao after arrirlat boro. I oapdha hf Uoawa Koah aad Hhepard ito- poae «rueo wroto aod (old you of ay
ooodltloa. If be did oot bare to fo to
lafatarteordbroakiacellp. Tho
totooai will o
tho iroBt hrtcico bo had Uaa
oy ta boffla a
Wo wrrr ordered to tbo (root a*
aoweyoibere Yoa kaue t euB.-red
' ao attack (f aalarie aod wa* Ukeo
_____ ____ a lobow.
TMtar a whoa) at Mot aad «al trarel- | tbr hoopiul tbo Uih of Pohcaary.
Ur alooc el e rapid raU wbaa; be oolyo oot the heat
lidod with a (Ire dopertaeat Uha with
lebea with cbltl* aod (errj for
aaob twwe that ho fell troa hU bicyele
Udwaoraa oror by tho haary fire two doyo The oeot morotoy I wool
aod ebeo the oor»e vena
wayoB He waa badly todiiaed aod bed
oee how 1 wee eod aekr my bed eb«
•aa lay brokaa. He eharyoe jhet the
ttolva wao earelao* la thO: Batter. told we I we* to weak lo be a^ dh<
While the drirer eaeru that Peroe- laid her hao.1 oa ay heed end aaid I
bed th* aeaela
OMrth wao aaorehtoy.
The doevoB ordered ‘ae lo aawthei
worn uuredetum modr
OMMObBilaoaBeaaoeni ^ bo of
bad. 1 wee up rrery day pat wao oery
tbo kiod Uat r j ly wbiay »,.4>b pt-w** week efier they weal la oo bw. I wae $3 uo eboeeT l>ld you ever ol*jrct to
onv of them *<ecoaM they were loo .
aro la Ufa. iBeleed of davotisd ell their
allowtd to yo aay where lo the ward bet e'nmef or too fine lo euod |he4«ket". ^
Mae to work
The (oar duWa lowi the ovbere bed to Moy io their bade
We beve tb. m IneH Klode of lUlher. j ^
for oil purpose wear, io uoloyrB end {9
dray otorc propriotoa roooatly yot to
Por ki«-4MO deya I lired os eotbloy blerk , e tburouybly vustooi sbqerAolh-1 jw
Botkaroad arraayod Ulayi! oo tiat
lied mllB Id llqold (ora.
log but tbr bnl of oielerlel eod-Vork I ~
aoltbor theaMlrw aor tko^ clorko
Jdskee eooB Ok be woe ellowt>d in. ^ mepefaip The vemps orr bmebeHl{i|
WUlhavotoworkooroB dayijo wook
• three rowe uf i U. '
aBhept oBoa o aobth. Uao of l|bo otoroa
to lu^t opoB each (fabday. tohlle toe duty hot ouaee dowo o* olteo Ok be
atkarthroo oloae aad poet la tiair wlo- BBO yet ow«y. Wheo we yot or*rly v
do«a aotleao lelltoy wbleh of
MoBllB heuBloe to me ood Baked lor ;
atoroa la open oa that dv
4a Ur tho awtber'e oddreee end eoid ate woeld
ptaa hao worked wo'l. aad Ao orer- write «k ewio oe ptwelble.
W^ed dreyyloU are ytad to ^t a day woe very ulbd to me
The day Uey
e lo o while.
Nearly ovary orchard la
fewoohip, lo the oouoty of
koow and he would yet it (or ae.
•aae. hae
baea f,aad
uiy ctimpnoy if they | ,
I expect to go
Ufeeted wiU
the ,oyotel’ eealc, don't flud out what ailk ae. I hkVe { «
Whieh eaoaeo the deaUi of t^o apple tbe uumpe oa o^kld
.Ide of my fac.- no.1,
traoe by deainirtay tbe bark.
what it was;
wbeo the docloT/Mki
Borl Hoichlat, ayed 0, eoa >( a far I told him I bad a root of a tooth that'
a year. Ue said I
.rMaekeyoe aay loee Ike olybv
of OBO eye tbrouyb ibe cxplciifoB of a 1 bad better have it putl.o
•ai of yanpowder. He plaead.;a liykted | Wbeu they took us ' ft tbe boat tbry '
put Uk lo tbrUeo-od K wer.e. We 1 vc i
M. UoraoB nsd wife of Bugler, were
•Uaeked by two ibombm bkM-meea kod reiliayol whichnreof t lick walnut
fBemtiyaBd the reptUae •!«■# only ormabfvaoy toktead of beiuy oileO it ‘
Tbe wiudova are three I
w I e -a< a h*d raa Ibio topalBted.
eakbes hly^. euo t"» to fourr wide.
vyide Tbr : 4
. Ihe hoaw ud arcured hu revolver.
~Favor;ili)c* situation of tactorics
e biyhaod | ]
Martlo Boyd of belaa hae bayuo a ■ve
wide aod thr paue* ore square , ♦^—Matchless facilities
Mcaaer J >b ala bUm eaat of BKc Lake, pteoee of e>.u kbell two eod a bsif Id- . ^
— Enormous production
lor Ue MUkiyoa Berk nod' Laaber
Enables us to furnish buyers the most
•oapaay.havioy eloeed a cootmet with
Ihea throuyh ihoit ayeat. Mr.
-. W
Wade of
Maotoo. laatt Setudey. Ttaie 1timber
. , ^ t of
. f.Wki.nui feet of ibealock. . WUl i-ik r Is Ihlkl Tiil> IrlLrretb !
- which srill be pee.ed. t$e bark hauled ok*ueJ re-Hv How «!.>«■ ■•or Im.w l.
to KUe l.tkr. aod the loye to the Mao- ' u Ihv I*klb..l.«lrui uu< irlj t Y^ui ko..w
• Italae near
Mr. Bjyd will employ ’ by thr
u> utad thr suh-IU.
about 30 mea duriay the eummer.
| What d » Ihel yraitlmuo nsyf'
; Uiotlrin.
oI u.
aU I. lidhiin I
* ■:*r.dU..... d »..i» I



^;e;e I


I imn fROM Buiu.


We adrerUsed a eale of HcNamara'e $8,000 stock of high
grade ehoee at just one-half the former pricea The store was
crowded during the shopping noure of the day, and the people
found out It was exactly as we said and the sales surpassed our
most sanguine expectations. The same low prices will prevail
all along while the stock lasts.
We appreciate the confidence tbe people have already giv­
en us, and we give our promise not to break faith with them—
The remainder of the week we intend to make red letter days
with the low prices.

208 Front Street

Both Phones 43.


318 Union Street



Strict ettention to out o«m husioess, with good Botk, and prices always just hetween
man and man Is our motto.

A. S: Fryman, J Traverse City, Mich.
;''::;::iv.Vu:r”n:r‘tr“rmfritsi' ■ ■4ttMSb««n'i»»***»*«»****»^*»**»**»*»«*»*»**«*e*»i

ReceiyedJiiehest houots at the World's Fait:

Ample Capital

for their :


Easy Terms. Estahtisheil 1857. ;


IldbUnc Idddi .1 NddUto,. jddd U>.
,vi.„ „ tb.i dd a pUl.T •U.., :« .
dock wbleh wee la ta« lowpr of ihc'toiuur It U a very lar»;r It
Mtehlyou buildioyet
the eakoe expo-, wrlyhe IU>
Waatbr taiu
. t Ike
alUpD Ik to be pieced lo the :tower of ^

. bb, dd-.-u,.. bbdddd, u

In children’s suits that you will find only
with us—in nobby, up-to-date Vestee and
Three-Piece Child's SUits, our stock fills
th«i bill—Come and see.


aaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaa* a>


One Dollar
a Pair


At Bmmrt a ead aad pai$ful-ac«-:
Aaat hoppeoed to Jooo UDo|yoD, Jr.,
Wb,t u this io Ibe tmltlrt It i« a
tlBaday eveoloy. While lamovloy a ; taprwono It is a l^g U|>rwuriu. it >a
•ork from abotUeof yinyaf ate tee three qnsrwr«<>r a uule luny Is Ibxt
tookUe exploded aod eevaral bieoea of;u"<'h (<« ■ teprwonu? It ie iodrvd
ylametoack biro io tbe eye with ytaat ‘
»'0i not u-urb
Impa fie wUl Um the elyht of oae ‘ f^the l■•tlK.k<wal wdciny—toJiaa.
♦ye. Bopaeme aBi«rtato*d that
, ^*«dKal Jou-ea.
ethar eya eao he aaved.
Bert VaaLoveo. ayad

•aatiB railroad Utwa^xar^ of a I j^clire of Win? Ute. and fioxlly tbe
:l4 to'lop^ j iTefdrtie^ thethurch arkid thr'mio
: uuu to rrprimabd him opealy. Oa the
a trelyht toala. fie moat kave heaa - aext Kooday when Harr eatered Uu |
ae ueueL the loioikim gtopped io tbe
taataaUy killed.
middle of hiex-riooB aod saiA "Sir, t
0 Vietoria'e elyht- •hxll appear at tbe judyiDeat eeat
totA birthday auBivenary
The ^'uw j
Y'ork World t, leyrapkad to promln- j Bon gaied al bim placidly afid uaBBt mea throuyhoat tbe roiled dtatee , ewt-red. "Sir. id all of aiy |•rB(-tile 1
aekiay tor oeotiioeaU appraprlaia to bare foabd that cUm of cniuioeto that
___________ |»f. J B. AnyaU'i yvwat-1
•Ute'i evidencu the Bkuut to ba


Some S^ieVvxsvoe

-n.!. uUod m., ..II .dd a»P“rt ■. Tb«.

U. b.1
«.,r.d.l.Uo,„ U
IJaaaa Victoria, who hae aeker toUM
to Ao aU
bar power; to preaaruB
trlaaAly mlaitoai batw.
Bar people aad
r. a premlaest (arm.
.«r la Urn am-tbara^t oi Maot<
waa tbrowa from hto «ay«to aad reaelvM lejurlM from wbleh ba died
acKM aftar he waa taka* to toa boH>-taah Ba wmU yean did. waa well-toAa.aadlaavaaatomlly.
Oae ut MaraaKtoto WMlIki aitiaaBa.

ddd. pbbU.

medeaed Sataa-D- E * 1. ». K.
Mattoaal Paaaa Jabtlao. Waahlaytaa.
D. C.
. (todillae.
«, daeiao.
lolyhla of Bi. Joha. CicvalaBd. O.
Uoltad Sooicty C. S. Coavaatloa.
Dtroll. Mtab.
Kpworth Laayue NatiOM>

Woridto B«^« M«av Moatraah

Is just half price on a
Suasun of *99
Thu high bred trotting stallion


No.^l89-^w oed by B. J. Morgan, can be seen any
time at the

..Pioneer Livery Stable..

Hoe of high grade



Wr have placed on aale to cW out ijuit-k—the eises run from
2tto5, A, B. C


1) width-Pinyree & Smith


Get your money's worth of

Frank Friedrich,
Old BelUble Shoe Men

118 Front Street

Terma, $10. with retara privilege.

Description and Pedigree:
.. hoode. By
RBHMONr, No. Mto. darii bay.^iyht nco.
Vih iflel ®(pi
Wilkaa 17*K reoMd 3:t0. »to« of Ka'ph Wllki
'"BtoaehTLoolks IP)
iltoUe WiJkea *:lls. Bed NoUioi
3:11. lalBud Wilkea3:13i«. Red <%arry 3:i*\,. Priace Wilkaa 214 -,.
ftUeru. d»ioa of dally Toler io! t:C8b Bert iKiver Ipt
181 oUeru.
*vvo Lady 3:11H. avenyelioe
Aout Delilah 2:131,. Roxaae
Aileo Dere3:i3'» 73 ©there aad yrabdelre John R. Gentry
.pi *:oes. B:lard3:t.-.-’.. Jape, 3:li>.'i, aad over .lOO other atandard
Ut Dem'SeV ALMOST, by Almont 3*. Record S:3S.\. 8i
Witherkpoon. 2:!6>,. eUAmOol
Sr. ©them and dat
low Wllkm. .p) *:W.. Token 2:12. Tuna t nVNj
. Son of Abdallah It.
aad orer
ballv Aoderkou by Mambrioo Chief--------tad Dan LADY ADAMS by Brown Chief ms. aire of Mayyle E. t:tVn
“„d da™ofSktaodardi»rtormereinaudlny Altamoat 2:»h- *lre
of AltaoS.owt*. Cbahallk (Dl
l>il Norm (pi »:0e, BlU T. (p)

i *3o eVose 6vi\

CVvM's SvaVs
>Dt Att WaVvTII
bACTV^ett WV mAfUft VVtv&A
—ask \o set \\vtm—iieuT ho^ iTvtvsVt ow han*
VwQ A VA«\ OAT kVTtt-tivtce s%v\t
—tomiUilt Wttt oVKATv&bomt qoo&s.

ALawXUwv eVottvVna Go.



6«neT«\ 'K«ob«


t»a> CeV'IUre.


e»- Pen. v> pJew aaA
» ml Ut»i U>r*t bUm to

Mn. B iM Uratr. of bro»l<lf >• N V .
wtu »«ft
^Mrt dtAeoee
4bMM while
rtriema with
«hMta« two
Who h*a stoles her
The aoUrc buieeae porUeo of Hew•eoCatyto the Kloedlke. h reported
wiped oet hj ire wlU iom of U.ciw.OM.
The Otwaoe <i leetiiaa hs> eolored «p•w.phMe whioh WM ssforeeees ^
ihopowM whe*
wheo the (o«trai
towot of
«he WMd woe raorrMlt >d. The Mae■elWMe ore ewlpretUc ea ■eaee. epwerd of I.OW bofiof loft eloee Me; U.
their eeope «od eemof
ihelr fnrsliere. elotblBf. OOc.. for oast
«e ooUtaf. The reMW for their oetloa
«• their profoeod dletraet od the oew

•> ■•
,.ictcL» ui>p-Por .am
Iaaav m
___________ •»*«’
W Ae«rmi.«Ae.AM_______


la AO
ratwioea Aea. miU. n»
im .III AwaaTim 1.4 ar A>
fApMAlrA.) eiBAewpar.

Bi.MhB0< >'u» eAmeced Aam AT.


^TM* a a car. ol Ttmterw otr Musak.

Real Estate
Uoder i-oanere

Cr. Kiat'a New Dlwwrer;. Oac botUe
ware preat relUt. I eoaUBaed to uee
it, aad sow SB well aad atnaw. I eaBt
aareat aod
- Is tbe world for
al bottle
aad Wait'a Drop

San to Tew Ibmf I
• thaa at av other atorc
la the elt;. Yoa »a pat aoouthlap
-eoa asad all the Use b; tareeuap
few oeata. aad ;««
« wUl
""be earprUod


Wewr onr rastom made $S.&0 Shoe,
beat in tbe city.

Wade Bros.


136 Front Sreet, Traverse City, Michigan.

Ts.ttp uef bATAoe we ioe>
otMTA.. iii
HifAwi BarM ertee
J. Wur(AB > tlcwTA Atre.


HU Zdte Vaa Bared.
Mr. J. B. U11;. a proaalaaat Mtlaeo
«t Baaalhal. Mo . Uteir had a woodertul dellvaimBoe troa* a triphtful death.
A telliap of it ha ta;a:
waa Ukaa
aitb l^phold Pever, that i



<kpl Daatof thoMth loteotry oow O lm. n
•tll«pUs,M7e the people of the Hbll- ^laL WABTaD-Ai «
ippisae hove offered to feraleh eoldiete
ioholpaopprew AgaUeldA ood that
the iMoneetloo (Moot be; eoaUooed.
Troo^hoeebeeanaMdiio oU the F“ut;; MAbI* TAm tBBbrr .
rroelooae of Ghioe to raoht forther
KeropcM affreaeloo.
I^mobj la
yoahlof lorwoid^or troopa to peoteh
■oUrae ood preb nore Wrrilorj.
A portp of eelestleto of the deportaeot of ofrleolMre. eoaprH<Mr
C- Hb-A . .lie miaJI A<nua AwnMtA. Warm tlnBart Merriam. bloloplet. had Meeaie ArraaeMiWAlreU .pH.e* farBli« . '
rubor aod btoehA. oeaUlhoW. to be
jotaed lo a da; or two hr Chief Bolaawui«*>*sf ACT klad lu er.i
Ut Oortlle. left Mooda; for Alaeka for
_____ » mr III buT a Aouw. <ot or
MUraaUpatlooof lUapriMltoral reItf Allra. madrlcA aiork.^'^*•oeioea.
Dr. B. B reraoW. head of
the Geroall e^lepe of loreaMT aod a TTraMTBD-U«e lo work Is aB
Bill. IlMulr. ut B.rkn O
eeall-kaowB edutUl, will Jtla Ue AW
ab. Mb-h
part; halore the aapedlUop a^ from
masu.! -<
roethtad Deal waehT u>>>akH>
ai.4 How .Im
A larfa pari of tho coraraMol of at U. kudwi
foAairakas oo the oorUrweatooaet of the
rrafTAu. T
Ceaplaa sea hM bees eahyefred t; aa
orerffow of the rWer Volfa. which dloldee U lato t»o oearl; euual ptrU. Id
'abe7.uewAkdiAiriel aieo; tUlapee are
A oaaeof (BAl poz wae dhcorered lo
the alwhouar oo KlaekwpU‘A Uleod
Moadaj aad ae a raaa t ol the eubae«)ooav loreatipatloa b; the boerd of
laealth ottcer. the eatlrr Ulead, on
eehleh there are about lo,^ pitAsaa
haa beas put uoder qeaiutiaa
Word waa reorleed at Buffalo of the
death of Mile. Bhea. the well kauwa
BCtreae, 1a Mootnoreae;. Btwace- The
reed; lo work. Are ;vu lo
oewiaaaleatioQ eawe iu theahape uf a
trouble, bueiaeae alow, lotereai
la»»e blaek bordered eoeeleoe ejotalalUUap on
Borlpap a.
trade pulop apaicel ;ou. crenriDf ao aaBODOceotaat ol her fuuera)
thiuK 1 •oka alack. ;oo feel blue,
The test of the letter traoalaled waa aa
auD abluea turoupbI clou
auude. ever;foUowa "You are BehedtoeeAut as
thiap poiup wroDs?
•Boortfatbe aerriee of iatermeat of
atop: Llaleo^.we're Wo tbroupb
It all. koow jiikt bow ;ou feel, la
Mila. Hortaaee Barbe Urwl. ealled
the rut ADd iBu‘1 pel out. Come
Bhea. whodifd eireapthpard with the
up and ace u*. perbapa we caa
j^raetaoU of the eharch. at her homr.
help ;ou. beeo threupb fort;
'Bae de Cheraaaut. |No lu, to Moot;cera of Ik Almoat aa;ibuip
that botheca ;ou haa botherMi ua.
woreoe;, is bar ift;4tth ;ear. "Tbc
Wc'ee bad our upa aod dowtu,
MvelMB will use place oa Bride;. Me;
Bsperl■Iduiie U a pood acbool. but
>, luia. a« 3 p B la the parUk ehurcb
IM one .a
a mlpi
bad a lot of It.
! ol tt Bipat baacdi
A Porter coast; odoeera bM hepua
the Basafacture of briek pat of saw
daat h; a preoaM t^t Bakee them
I aide. BuMte; woa'i
apaioal our clieok
fMjaaae frosi theetfeeU-ot tre or
so difference
ureter. Tbr pcoeeet Was laraated b;
wbai It U. what ;ou bare done,
or wbat;ou are poiop lo do. if
we know it we bur; ^ ao far aa
i‘realdeai McKiale^ upota the adriee
we are ooBoeraed, i^rided ii ia
Of pbjaiclaBi. b abateini^ froB esaoBetbiop ;ou dos t went otbera
rwinlTrir V np
U> know. We duB'l claim that
‘At Haatlapode Cuba.
we koow it all. but wbat we
dou't kaow woaldD't be worth
dieuorer; waa made , buoda; that the
much to ;oa ooe wa; or tbe
faiaoiu ahrine of >' •ustra Braora Cariother. We eaa do the
-da. at B'vXrrbe. had beea robbed of
for ;oB,. aod do It ripbW
jewel* reluad ai il^nou. aod that tb.
waut ail tbi
there U if we eaa pet It,
I't w’l> lake ballIf. can't
e caa't
head of tbe ttatae had beea btohea lA
half will lake - Bold '
Md rcBored. Tbe report cauaed preai
Uei«, ttdaker: If we can’t pel
ozellOBeDt lu the town, where tbc
half the buaioeaa will bo; ;on a
ahrlaa Ueuppoted to hart mlraculoua
dUmoad bipper'a a buabel baaWVre out for tbe Uade.
Boaliap power. It U rUt^ aooual ;
polap to bare it. pot to hare it.
W; thoeaAPda of pllprinu from al. paru
will hare Ik Cose up aod aec ua
«fOuba,lro« Mesioo aat ereo from
-Kor aale- E«ht; i
Barope. who bare loaded the Imapc
witbla ooe halt Jnlie ri tape 1)
airtm i
■rith rich plfu It U aaaefied that aa
Aarerieau will be arreaU
ealed oo the
.. Mra. iohu O Keefe
preaMUd bar baebaaof with three
WOOA. ead tbe proad fkther aaated
tbrB Dewe;. bampeoa a«|l Schle;.
Tbe Third Sebraeka rolouteeia.
. WtlUamJ Ur;au-. old replBaBi.waBU
to po to Maatla aad ipbt Ptll^oa.
Mall aoelcei from Pekin declare
that Obiua will ipbt rathpr than eubHlt to far-.^ Burreader lof Urriior;
to Baropeaa powers.


5tt--Poreale- Beaideuoe propart;. one of UU ftceat hoaca la
UeaaoBU. eoue.; aeat Beoi.e
Co..aisaerea pround. four acrea
pW bare, eUtcra. well water,
all in pood repair, will aell oa
ras; terma or esebaape for
Trarerae C»t.r propert;.
S5S —Kon; acre ^rm rritblo
oDc Bile rillape Beaziaia, pood

One eye witness is better KEEP TOUT ETE ON
than ten bear>saye.
Come yourself and see our
ehoes and know our prices.


Now ia the time to secure them, stock
as nature intended. Kaae. comfort, grace
and beauty combineil with suiM-rior work­
manship and style unexcelled- Prices to
suit evervikxiy as follows;-$200,$2.26,
$2 60. $2 80 and $3 00.


Jaat sold tbe aeaMat aboea todaj
Eaealllnp lo our nice dUpla;—
la black or oolora the; wa; ba.
New Id deelpa aa« qaallt;.
Bach a praec aad beaut; la a aboe
Tbare haa not beea la |y>bUe rlaw.
-at d
dealpaBaeb pattern U of seat
In fact, tbc beat tn footwear liar;
The; wear like Iron aad look seat
Aa u; footwear in the atreek

Price $2.50 to }3 00
Onr niitteiun in to aell tbe fIioi-b the piih
lie wants to buy
Huw far we have fultilli-d
tbe deairea of our (-UAtuiii>'ra iu beat tuld in
the large and iucrcaeing bueiueoK conutantly
roming to ua. It is t<i our iotereut to pleaae
tbe publp-. which we endeavor to do by giv­
ing tbe beet value in shoe lealherthat exper­
ience and akill i-uu produce.
It haa paid ua to inake Miid aell the lx-«t
klick-a that the pn'cea would ivrmit and we
f.-el confident that if you a.*e our ah » k you
will be ph*uaed. and if you buy them you will
Wear no other.



Kid Biitioo atiiS
Ludit'k. examine
I,aoe Shoe Stoi-k. tip. all Boiid ibroiujh-mt.
.Made iooell at $1.50. our litUe prit-e $1.1S
in hiuK'Ie aoltui and $1.26 in duublt- uuh'u.
Our $1.60 line are wonderful ahoeu
for tlie price.

For 15 )can.thileader in men's line S
fiKitwear *il i pop- C
ul-ir price.
W. L. iJongb^
slioes are Union
nude, by the besi
S vkilled worknu-n in ihi., connl,iK.k lor the uimp on

Misses' anil Children't

Geiiiiitts t'hrom Kid, BuUon and
according to size, 48c, 66c
and 76c. Higher priced shoe* if y<>ii
want ihcin.

Kangaroo Calf, warranted all a<.Ud.
Koe. Vi hi 2 at 98c; and 2i lu r,^ $1-16.
\V« aell Itigher prii-eil shoeu if you

LADIES' OXFORDSof etvrydiwrip.
. 1»-. kind
and (juality. .kli
we auk b that
you SEh* OUK
St<x-k and compart* our price*.


Two of UB oa the bench.—I have uecured the aervice* of Charli-e CaHeeii and
agree to Etalf aole vour aboea while you wait,
Pricee 40c dor light a-des
and 60c for beevy aolea .All work guaranU«cd first class- My w.>rk baa l>ecn known in
the city for nine yearu for as b.‘st.


wa;to01dMUaloB- too beariap
apple. aereral ekerr; treee.
prapra, etc. Oood farm hoaae
aad barn. Cheap U aold aooa.
&M —Por aala Port; acre
tarB. laahaUa Oo.. alpht BtUaa
west ol Clare, eeay terma. or will
azehaape for Trarerae C3l;
'^'^-WaaU. BBallatoekof
mrohaadUe ta pood tows. PifOB dollar.
540.- For aale. Stock elathlap
renu' turoUblape. lavotee
four boaaaad See huadred dol
AU la pood ooadlUtB. wlU
acU at olpht/ire eeaU oa dollar
or wUl esebaape for dealrable
Trarerae CU; proport; of equal


»( FnH SL

Men's every duy k'oo-T wearing kboes,
lace ami congress for $1 16 a (lair.

Hundreds of different kinds of footwear that we have not room to describe, that we
will bo pleased to show you when you call.

A. S. FRYMAN, Practical Shoe Man,

City propert;
—Thlny-three acrea on the

We take pride in recomm-nding this
line «f onr cukIoiu made ahoes, which are
made espet-ially to our nnlvr, wi I our
name on ev*ry pair of them
I* and
Button. $200.

By a lucky purchase we have secured a lot of White
Dimity fully worth ISc a yard. We place them
on Bale today at Just

lOc yard.

All Colors
Shirt Waists ^0 COOtS
For less than tbe cloth would be worth—
KOinz at ten cents while they last.

.Hamilton Clothing Co,.

Try a Record Want M

T-^ ■

ram mqjuidio »»oo»p. w»p»»»oat. m4v t*. la—.

] OM VaUow* M. « «. B. Xxewstea
to OMUlM. $1 00.'
______ and the »4iSt7 f«m» of tb« warea ara
andaf otoB a <y«truL Witiiam and Bd-1 of Atoari«M Odd Kalloarahip at Cadll
■maUxiiiK. t*.. SanU Clara iu» »a« on ThoftdaT. Mar ts<h
Tho 1
y»tan mn of «n Mm M
bar., baih a wav,, motorpomp
R will wii tlckaU
or pomp'*
ucKeu to
Al /■%
U Im cammM (hu tbo
.kk-hwotk. AUw—»kU«m.kUi ■“ Vf ."‘"’.•'.•i,™•!;
dM! maa to
SlH ea*
oMd* Um- bH(bt of all fooc For ererr ?to*ttl*w?»oof^ f^^tod Ktatto b7 ^
.11 feet
feet indlaiuetk'r
to ^touirt.T and
and SS
M ^^rmla'arci^ ofTiwto^ o7 “ '
GCBBrSl UlDltryiflg.
tool of autura a Ban altould wrl^h the commander of Um> Bcnntostoh —
. from tweatr-alK to t« .-ut7.«l(at
TOTat* acfoaa the J'aotie are fee* deep amdugat tbe edge of tl» , 4*niar irala Frldae Mm «ih .to U. *1
bounda. a proportloa that it not tha Sl*w to a report to the Navr Uopan- bluff oh the• (niff road, and roomicttnc k g. mu a. A. R. 1
boja Band o« < ^
•ikM^tattr le tto»
tot of all to thaw huirjitic. acuiTTtoS meet from CvmiMBder Tatmaiswawa. aduuml U feet^ apoetol uatoa
! ..U
Work railed (or a
Tbe oOeer aa>a be approi«-bed the Ions and eix te.a bich The top of thia
' ril) llBIkle
^ is aTonco^ton! nan walfha 140 talaad with the narlfator at *be maat- rhantw-l wa. two f.^t below t^ towaat
pounda; a woutas llS poawta CoH- bead, ateamlac atowly alonx the aouth.
uiart In thu well an Minare
Vltht aud
. ^ .
. • ooily HK)ueh- tb« tuc«u »vltht
•ndap Bacoraioaa to Naatowo.
■ttuty flf the HBb and Palnu, lod belcht
lunatk* are bek>»t- tboto
tooto Iof* era and eaatem atdw to dlaeover al^ fore* pump with a «x imh c7ltodet
TheU.AK. E R R Oo. will rna
pao|>to. Ao..ibpr
exearalon trains to Maniatee on
thtoc to Utia M|»ot that a nt^ro'a Rate tbelSnd. hut a«-ltiR that the
U.7 l4
|4 ^rs; Jant
Jandate.; M»7
akoMnn wiilgha luvra than that of as outlet on tbe north wa» haerednotoBip : wine come rumtng' to"Vim>tt^ ihei
Eo^ la liman.'
bT a wall of cord but wImi h. a aatul-! chaunel and bft the heary
Trawiwe City
City it;^
ptl. he returned to tbe Iw of the 1ml- 1 raiaioR
Awl work* the puton o*,^
m . arrlee at Manlmtee li:ooa- m reuid a flagand. A landlDir
a .alve nnderueatb
DDderoeatb oIieI»S;^„nii7e'M_,.
o]>-i)a turn Ito.e Manl.tee &;40 o- <nI , arrive.
. made
. i tbe p^m^a
• uin-le IMvMed latn.twa fan* (fi^ionda to c« tb<- roObd of ltw'tHHl7. |H>le was raised, Bualdc«
ih-cea and the pump fills with water Tbo at Tra.orae City
«in>r pieeea
I'sual ralej
•• ru—« «a (ae'CMr-fhe Kamn . There paaaea iLn>ui;b the heart i>n<« off m
wrevkage. no ali
*rr^- wave
wat reevdea. the fluai falls, tbe foot ‘ one (are rDundd trip
of buOton «a*rui
I rap. 'to »T«fT three oiliiutea an auMimt of
•at.™: '•I'*'
itl w won- vliwl.1
»l Oil
■>«1 I**** rtobm dpweoding i pol to eaoeed »l
irsrk et kivkrs. ■■•MiUe rrads. Plaa i
j tbla pnckioB fluid i..iual to all that to
*07 tim' laUud.'ImlN^ded
ItornaU Sundays
nnder ktfT*
ibe weight
of kie*
tbe float
^ , Qbdej
ee.x u» \u
uk.«. f»n«e
...iie. tbe'
kuv Maalatee ot altorni
Chur was seen and*'
P,A MnvMkU.. <1
A bewntirnl dtp to Bavaha. Ha.anTbe mlk-acr of tlie hhiod rlrculaa
WewOfllcn Wsrbbam Kleek
I W. CvsMiximau. AgL
■ah. Ito Havana. Raa Orltoohal de la
ivn-ala aome asiouUblui; ai.l un____
ahaM. tbe town of bt Chrtatop^ dr«io«Ml of ttutha It In esiimauMl
When tbe flag ataS was to place tbe •traigbiIt into the air. Tbi Old Saltotl* Tutr
tbe Ua.ea. like mo<« tropic^
aaouiulns tin- avera».-e apeed of
Cuffe has been In Traverse
10 be aluy-ulm- iieatB a Biln- ing seaward, and having called all to
bkkod travel. 2ti; yarda tn witu>-aa that the Nland was no' to |kis«Mer Boch flnery aad rB.i.t. Oue ,i*iy
ner is
jisty Bet'oiidm; m
tu t>iii<-r •-onl., aewu Btoslon of any other uatiou. I'otuiuaie Ban Tog Ta Oaato .!
It yoa have, go to tbe Famoas and
aherof mg'
■not not dwell oo Ita tocorttbly f««l . B.ib,
mllen an hour,
hour. los
108 a Uap.
Uap, or lUtau i>cf der Ihusslg ordere.1 U.e Aiu. rt. su nag
7ou will be ainsxed al tbe value 700
hVhor. Utol U potoonoua the
ntor cnatomer* vrill tesiily to hi*']
ability and his care in looking after ;
nma with fetor. Looktol
if a man of M roul.l hare one alnc»e t'jsm tvsehlug tbe truck tbe flag wsi
th«» obtoo ttB patoto and •o'llng blUa.
.vtpuatte lloailiiK
tbeir pianaa. Ur Cliffe is i-onoe
atliiK lu hie W.
- khI
We are again prepared to deliver loe
by tweiily-oue guns from the
with Itae liKWi hewdquarters of
. le wonki have tran-ne-d anhiteil
in ail pa-U of the -iiy. Our prioea will
lleuuingtnn. .kfter the salute the flag
Eiwball Co..
f'ronl atreel.
t period no lew than ■fl.lMhUti was nalh-d to the uiawllnad wilh bat
be as tow as any • fl.<red
Mtoctod from whim nphea and' Billem.
baa ebarge ol no immense lin.
I for five eenu.
rolsheet music and small toatrumen'
Tbe a.era^ weight of thi- brain of ..................................... was serv-Hid to the
Orw romande walla there pwp f**-- an adult uiale le ihriM- pomule Tlifl.t
Botk^l’lyvnew, vt
Any Mt
taatlc and gracefal ,ti^ eirange ' i ouucea, of a fetuah-. tn-u )iuuuils four
) em Anctoni bouiea. with ouncea. The •wc.iiuui e brain iM-(liie to
deep archwapa and wttb inyalerlotM deetlne to weight after the age of
gnUaga over wUndowa. to- thirty, tbe nniii'a nut till ten yeara
. ii-yt ut wi
Tile to apevulatloD. Narrow eireeu Uier. Aeeordlug to high autburiiu-a Edward It. Taussig;. I'. S. NByv\f
I...S1UV. ou s.tnaoding tlie V. S. fl. th iiiiiu^^. i
miubIaS'^i b ailb .Aissl iuoM*> lor sk-wc




The City Hides Much Dirt and
Squalor Under Finery
. and Glitter.:
f=EVER RIDdEjJ harbor.
bteresUnr ArchiUduit of the






.in';;; «■«

">• ■i-'k-*- i“v- . .


..................... '

Hopkins Bros

—-:|Provident Life
and Trust Conifiany


panutlera, handaome wlffi
froots, while tbeir owner*



Tbe pain of tlie tuinde and e»l.* of
- rt>mi*>Mil of ••UMtaloiie of
jolt, and t io-

atigar cane# and great yelliw glol.-.. t-h-s and honts nndmieeth.
of oeangaa with which tbe auliuale| The muech-e of wbie
are laden.
. tnouorudlaea eleveti-and
u.n If. white clothto, 'women In'huiiian Mtrueiure lu ini
pane ibrtmgb tbe aire.-ta. twi^hle of more than 1

^1*. teaching of exi».rlcnce Indicatei
that accideut. are far IlL. ly tu
___ pitoBQto-woolug people t;
lliau to
and are. and It le hard to toiagiu<- that
the Idle. ea»7 going place wo« tak.-u tbe le... . ........................................
and retaken once by the iwor.t biic- *» supplied by the u.ak.-m of anilittal
caneera who ever tafratod the K|>aul«b Unibe; ihey diaiM'^ .rf many nr-re a|.
to Ibe ^l>l aide oMIe-body
e olde:tleaofthe than *'to »the other: MaiiMtice hImiw tluit
In Bfty-four caeca out of a biiiidred tbe
yiMtni World. Tk.r. b.. I„k ... !k.«n)-I"ur
______ -on Ito alte alnc iolV It ,, i toft leg I* etroiigvr Uiau iln-right,
dielded into two •paru-tto- old iown|
aad tbe new. Tbe oM ti.w-i l« inelde POHnin*'*?
I far abort of 8UU miles i
of tbe aoeleni walla, while the new
pan to lOUtalda. aad baa muy pretty

eniliulsHtIc hunter, "it le easy u* we
a rifle buIlef~IB' the air. and Ui<>«.- Aivd
from the new )iiy>i.|x>wer gime are
▼ery curloiie to ItHik at. Nlalid a tioxen
yards to one ekle of tbe mark and h't
a friend blaxe away at any range wlib
a small I'allbre wea|*<n ti.iiig atiiokeh-e* iM.wdi-r. and you'll ae<' a eirange,
utulah white atreak the In.uui the
bullei strikes home. The atrenk
Is apparently a tample
wide and M-vcral feet long, and la
more like a of light iban anything
elac i can .htnk of. M llh the old fii.Ul<Mie<l llemlugloD or Sprlligfleld enrhine
tbe bullet baa the ap|.'arsine of a loug
ldn<-k rod. and 1 do-^i know why there
should be aueb a dllTeivine lu the
Heal milHloo ptfalieed by the siimn.T
callbn-. 1 have beard souteiavpledeuy
that tbe bullet esli he s.fU, hut lli-.r
are very mueli In . rtor. It all d.-i. tida
on gelling the right vi.'U |k»iul.'
few feet elih.-r w»y will r»-iid.r lb.mlatle InviKllile. Imt tlie right .p.>i |«
noon found by ek|>erli»eu(. and after
Ibai the thing Is as pUlu as day."
The lateel uee <-f glass to lusiead
of gold a* a mut.'rial atopi-ing
decayed teeth. It wuswer* m>k-u.b<llr
aud la far h-aa cuiisi.icuoiis ihan tlie
eiSk .k-j;;. m
« s

I'ommander Taussig de-nrllies
l*bud tiins; li was uieiv In-avHy
wiMMh.l than sboWn in the eliari
I'atcli.-s of grass weiv growing
lagiHin shir tif tin
the sbrulds-rf aflonl.Hl ii. s'ilig |4a.for He- iiiany'sea fowl i'i.h we
plelillfiil lu the Ugn>iu. and there
u swift current runuUig out of the
southern passage. The lag<»n on the
Miulb side was shoal, but on Uie puHh
sMc ilierv was a long
blue waK-r exi.-Bdllig i
u ciywdlug C
»! th^ili-s.
aiK’hor(Uid '8
an an
■ Ilk- to told
would have n'uiili.-d In
vl.-inlly two nr thre.- diiys le r
niditv moiv Uiorniighlv/itw Isbind and
III take asirniioinhwl uBd ln•l?I.■•ll.• ob
.. ... . ... ...... i:Tt _____< ......

—t time bHnc removed,
plant shall not be laporeriabed. Tbe
ptoata are pertodlcaBy pruned wheg
uy slips wbM have fnlM to sprooi
are removed and replaced bv otbera;
BO that ttaete are plantatlMa which re*
aato In fnO crosrth. nltli*ngn nenri'
A bnndrod yenn oU. Tbe filbert i
not aableet to «
b^ It aniton aavoe^v

•j .Aeij.-.r-

In nnrlent ttmes to eot salt vltb n
nnn va* held by moot people to form
t sacred tie of bn-ttaerhood. TbU
mttom auu bold* among Opencala.

Levi T. Pemiio^^ton. Diatrii-t ArI..

Mily rvJlsWr sl».-k .-oaossk H*»* s iwiM-y
wriueosi o«cv b. K W Us*ui>« > aaesry.
JOWD^Hl lUcs-k.


John K. Santo,
Stuart Burke’s
SenetBl Usuraice.
^Irpbubc Kw tui
Warsbarg Htosk
I -a^TAMLY C. UOUUE. Aueftiv) as« r^osel.
Al (oral
OBcvs.CliT O^sBousr nit.
1-xn a H wie.'K ,*.>kis* aus .urr......
. »iisn.'-a u. pr-.»isi> Pk.-uv». ifc-u u;.. K-.m..


Wanted-Men aad Womea

I ,MMv. Msntor Biwsl ig Psasi.Mi Bsaisicisr.



-I pro ,
V \ RO. U. rK'im. aiuirary a< 4rJ^'"^'u'»tvl. i;»'
ytuuvy u> Iwau oBcv*. 0n» ■ n»rs



l■r.•.■ll Wi.-y

1.,.. .< XI.I

erind Kipidi S Indiiai K. f.

Fmms Rn-e T.
flome-made. nndass4-« soiled phi^
I ig. HvtvMMlsJ.'i. n^;_________ _______
rerarnvaiasd dsvsr.i " or - .!*■*• T awrve
tobaiv-o. In TOis-s a huudrisl f., t long
Cut.IS «9vr' Usy
ITYK * J.ttCiVPT. v.senii*rr»iir».«i. Or*aIs one of the priiiijllve w.nidei'*. of
I U <is««l «>i,isi4e Vvb-riuMrj 4^“^
.»rj ''fl-B S 6 * e b i i i * E fe s' ■ S £ 9“~~^
Island. On any market ilay otwe mat
lu!wXlSBj”L-*“’»rlbout! ‘
1- the V*
ia<TM>u.*or,.-rT luyswisickiesUs nnwiM.
Id.' pll^
pllj/ 1up with Iwd elcvrs
If sio-n.:ra IS C|I> or ru^trv Al n 4. Mac
. s«. gr.-k ii that you may
■'sssaeiiiBsesc .ssi'se'seb
w ring water rnmi tln tu. aii'l so ch>-u|
H. POHTHIl Atb^r^ »t tow. apMU
that a silver dollar will l.a-- out his
sl.s'k In iru.le: but the ilih.g whi. l Popular priceii--35i and 50c.
ralelies the eye Is the
lni.|,-"s. eight
e<-u iDebes high hy six In livndih
made up. you ,Woilht SW-'.-r. fD.lii
Sale of beats
s-iie Wi-diii-edMv. I
blglits of bawM-rs s..iikcil In i:.r. but lu 10 «. tu. at box .
Mir Kkwk.
reality chewing totm.s'.. Try It oti.v
.\ li.'Wiiig Ja.-key
T A. THOMPHOk. H. b OtterlaHs
;Xi A pilUk|«^l'«k^ aoQr*.vu< II a
fivmr tb-orgla. with a d.iy ashore al Every Smoker
IVim-l-. voluntcTk-d the lii'oniiallon
• Ye*. Suh. that's the aio-I |*.w'lu: Appreciates
Vblir.1. ..II berntlt*. >* .
„.,aJsim1. Itsnoub'* 1.... I




O. 'wfillEITi. '.Sas-'Jir'.’E



Rare Bits! t

tu.Kiisi. tin- cigar and Ihi' eigvx'lii'
Inc sliematisl by most native'* wnli
out auv a|i|UiivDt prelen iu-e. Tbe In-t

the black



I»... livlr.... MMl

c L. isw-Kwie-r r; e sT A..n.*e

John Fortsch's Delicacy Store


or Diamond J -IOciil- ^ r. -.’k
be enjoy* the beat ii
Manufmeturfd bv


Tr***r«* I'ltj ..

Look Here!





W PtoB b' I
11 Uroa tor iil>..»:.i.llll.l. I-fKei J >>arasU I
I beat Park Place - o- i
Traverse ci,i loe* i
I. tuly • 1 ■<- .11 Osv

Tonmliv Bluet'
...Insumnental Music..,



YVest 3lichigan.

4iHi I'lii .n Sii'ct.


* u......
■ . r a VrTT
1^11 to.........

ll-kcd H*td4*.. ..

Oraud HuoMs

' Ll' Trsvvrsc
tr six asp')*.
L* ■!< n*p:dx
' At.Trs'sfsv rity


« it
X .1
* IS

I W*.a

110 pis

(lao on BAvsH*u?i

for 5 cents

Ercr Burned Out llUISTEE UD lOBTBElSTEBI L i.
Tuls*. ea..'l '

painted and tbe top glided—a gold am-i

MSkluusvler ^r a*w« bpoo 'wr^i*».Vr
Tom wish help ol ssj d**enpiwn or *u> leBkVIi
of lias, sad I wUI 4« sip tost to Isralsh >1 la

Uatil farther notice I viU gell
rfc* are w
mous men betw.
reen the I
snd sixty."
( reKolbr sued lonTee of bre^ 2 for
“Tea: by that time tbrtr eblldren are
T w*ai Uborer* of oil kind*, no etoarge*
big enough to pUyr ont af doora." 5c—ditberlfrom wagon or atMe— n*W
•ussuoss tnrnl*tod. I fsraUh help
tor dutverai ».*«■ ot tto Ma*n aosarts. ho­
for onah only.
tel*. rs.i*srnBi*. snap*- loetonoo. oSo**."What a deiltoto Uttle wmiu ;

Laborers Wanted!

tonuBMtoa to wndk-GWocoRm



.r'JVr” Palace Bakery '
more elaborate and <v>stly
and Grocery, Free!
than those more commouly owd. being
perhaps not a foh'Iiig umbK-Ha. hat
Help Furnished...
one made of metal, with tlie Inside
Cor. 7th nod rnion 8to.

epelicate! Do'pM know that 47
mnartra are railed Into play when the

BiBlc *E

Imported and Domestic.
Ill kinds------ --


wife ur

that will rannt and bind in pack.
enrda to ton bom

aadeeavaxas^BS tn Vroi

Honda; Eieaing, la; J9th.

b" fniuiluir
to.nte life.
s.kiww .Tkk*. r. .kvAk..
The peasant woiitaii •lesrlv lores her
anburba. Good rnads lead to It fmtBlaoiue new {lateui p- -c<sm. wl.n h reiid- Mack elgai. ami .v sight w l.t ''i anntM-*:
is 111. -v.imu.m one
a huge
tbe lovely ctnimry- ibat rises In Un<' er* i* sufi aud ui-lkabk-. Glass t>s>
ativtcbea bebtod It
U tw-ing eatensiv. l- i-sM f»r ebiireh btot-it auniy ndliiig d.>wu the le'ntn- of
One of the show plai
of the Hty It liells. it win Is- 1 Highleiied so that I a Kb
tbe ratbedmi.
which w
hsnit in 171‘4. there la no risk of it era. mg. snd ihe load heavy enough for a horw plseuk
ly smokluc an inky .-igur of aide pr..and which Is of tiIntorest to tin whole lour Is wald to he h y.m.l any
nyihiiig .vv-r |>.>ni<>ns. whose .h.ii.l* of suiuke i'll
world becavae It contains> tthe tuuib ol Invvnicd. ix-rfect. s-ft aud Bouoruus.
khroud her head nnd wiifi lu'u her t-onColumboa.
body basilieei
(enli-d half-< e.ves
away, but tbe tomb and the m
OpaU Aiw iwt*.
She has otHy half enough l.> lat.Tmi
atone and tnacrlptloaii reidnin.
Opals will soon l-i' considered lockv Is rich In the M»iMug of aw-iar
of the city la ( I
atone* IT It la fo-ml that they an- tlUe.-HarpiT'* Wii'kly.
> of conientlnn
bnrglar pivMif. whl -b k».k» as IP U
tod the plrai-s
might be llie casi- from tbe ae.vunlt
given of a r.-.-eiit r..».l.ery' In<ue,
It front of
row etrrets were the scenes
YVaah. The hurglsr* iheiv Uro<e ID- mo'vs where uuihrclln* an- ►old
tul deeda The l>nccane>-rs Bptunsl It to a Jewclcry ali'>|> .nid ii»>k a quaiill- a-oranionly of cloth, thuiigb inade in a
raanv umes while Un-ir |
lasted. IT of Jcwolrv. lint left tbe m.-Mit vnln- very I'oneitlershle variety' of <v>lors nncl)
and each time (be city
lu pay able •lon.-s. a nimitier «if npali
opals, who
ivuihtnatlon. of color* snd .'.m< iim.'*
e. la the Oghtita tbe they

ivmld have taken
>-a*lly a* ll
to pla.-e of slgp Hiukrellii* ti.i-iv sre
jyed fiai
town was deatroyed
. and
cltenper nnil more It
used for the saojc piinx-w l•aIb.•D'
of it Ua been rehnllt -ar and
they varrW nway.
shaped eoDlnvan.i*. of eloih. lu front
of retail usIaMishmeDtH wii. re utuApart rrom tbe attack*
breUas form Imt an ti.-ni of fh - stixck.
caneera. It siiffervil In tie
war* of
Tbe patent laws of Jaiwn affptd as. for loststii'e. ni.-n's furuishlug
Bpain with other rower*, inrt in l.ia jita,. proiei-tloD tu foivigh imuiirfact' goods alon-s. the niubn-lla -.>k2i goe*
waa uken^^ the Fnihib. iTte rtege xjtvra -or liiventofw. A
• —...
oua only in rainy or ilmstenlog
native ----n
weather, to rail attention to the fact
any trmlciuark
hie In British history «n n<+v.;ot of the u the.paref.i he taken
that there unihrellas are sold; the sign
eamrmous ln*s nn tbe Eik1<*>- ship*.
.has .luotcd
. .
to this cas<- Is tike ib.- sign of rulde-r,
..._ __
oot from ttgbtlng. but rfoo' yelU.w Tbi-n the only •-nnrn- open to the <iu-n- .hoe* set out In tike elnumsi»(i<-es In
er Is to buy from tbe uailvi- tlie right front of shoe stores. Such sign am
hrella* an- commonly soppiied b;
to use Ills own trndcuiark In Jaintn.
wholesale dealers to tbeir cii*lniDer*.
The wholesale desler 1* likely to keep'
i<or that to
«tgn uuibtvllss or other ac:-*vted om i
certain dlairicta
tuly the Albert
lu-ella vuihlrms flying all the time, aa
crop rivala the prodilore of Ibe Tide in
do also the estaldishmenls selling at
commerctal '
Thew- detlcl.
utul'pellas exclusively, of which
>w'B on {* or! but t« 1* a cnrh'ii* fait ibai I* Is al•na nnt* are grown
arranged lu grooi>t< ways drunk aitiljig. the nOli-en never Therv are not very many. A
establishment, however, the
> ^ feetlsMrt so as rising, sa la usual on land.
Tt la tvdlered In Norway that'wolves
lleued swsy by telegraph
ra. Oo o
one nccaelon a village voted
could be used bqt tbe growth would
money to help in tbe cottstroctloo of
too alow to be proBtnMe. ^s ii Is. tbe: a line pBusIng Biwr
Uteto for this
Arabs do not beer fruit naiii the third niMan nloor.

ol I'hJlMdelphto.
gudosa^t pnlicima »p»f tally-

8 ta**'*T*''w**^u»l



NSskUj iS (nesi



4 K I

t M' « to J

« IV
» »
V 4X
r>B »
10 w

< .>
4 to

4 IS•»&)

•* »

rap H Ori
i*b* j
. Girl L.G
Hsn.uleo X

SK It risnKTu


0PX «U;
|'»W' 4«
t0«4 e II
; 4 4h a It
l«<T, *es B»tch'» CrXMlsg
tl to d a
Trnrora* Clip___ | _* g f
Trains eoBBMl at aherava'* HlU tirieodaUa,

TBB Koaauta mwobb. waotnapAT. kat m. i«m.










Cm« !■ fB4to-V»* »

tbeoe atorlM

a rellaUe Hatrolt lawyer, who dm
teati-d bit ptofcMiooal fonoiwa la
Nortb«4li Mlaaotiri.
* ‘-RrerytlilnK elae beUtf anywhere
ntwr equal oot there lo tbuae daya.
the mao who waa the beat.rille abot
hatl tlte moet eOvUble pcqwUrlty.
Kcott aad BiUa were two rival marka-

CT-ruin raauirifK.
Wb«i • 4'4.lfcamaii
awmn u> b*U tl>r tnilii br kotfU duwii
kiMl ■ c-bloa raucrr Ik
t* btsi. and tbeir >ealo»ay of each c
Tlila be prorcMla tn break Id plecra. M> xreat (bat It was '
dxhI tbe following oalli 1*. Ilieu adffilo- dbted that ibry would
Uirred; “V«o AbaU trtl «be tni<U aad luute- oa one aoutlier.
tlie irbo)» tniib. Tbe KauMT !■ reeked
"litott was elected Jnatlre or me
«im1 ir
do u«l Irll tbe Inith r»ur Peare. aad at the time of tbla lueldeot
DuW «-lU br ttarked like (be aaiH'er."
Otbrr aj-ailMdlr vanatlnae of
KlilB bad I
cuiueoe oaU> are tbe exi!upiii»Wn* of aa a wluiesa. but did aot appear.
to prm red
without him.
a eaurtift. itr nrrUnjr off of ■ i-ork’a de<llned
bmil. tbe llsbl uf (he rstelle ireprr- After fumbiini: and aaylui; unlietuiu•eutlAC IIm- witneau.'* eout auil (be fate Idk (blDKa fniiu the bench, tbe Court
Of (Iw cock aruibulixluc tbe fata of a onlered tbat Billa be Itfousbi In dead
or alive. “He eaa't ahow no coaienipt
^lo eenaln part* of lodia tlpera’ and fur ihla court aad ylt away wlib It.'
Utarda' akiua take tbe |>lao- iff (be aad the (tqulrv bit tbe tabh a monadUlUe of Cim-tbiu .oonirtee. and tbe lux Mow.
•■•He •
|ieiialtr of breaklos tbe uatb ie 0>at In
one caae tbe •lutein will beiitae (lie staMe a
fwej wf a tip-r. and to tbe oilnf tbat •ays aD (be »m<era la Mlaaourey two't
Ilia bud*' n Ul be cotrted vlUi janlea brtac him. oe iber.’
- 'He do. do iH-r aad Scott si>raox to
like a Ibiard'a.
'Wbar U
(bw of Utr mnat terHUe of hafotteao bU leet. bla eyes blaainxMtb* la that adutbUlena] In Norwev- her
•• 'To a ahontlB* taOe out to tbe edxe
Ian courla «f la*. Tbe |>rHoiSe ^ tbe
oath |>n>|eT U a htba bi>oitlj Qo tbe of the tnwa.'
" A abiutlo’ ralBet why wem't this
aaiH-Utr of tbe oatb and tlie tfi-nlde
’ >»nen|iHHiian wf n»i kv|>laa t(. I I'art court noierffedY Taw la adh>umi-d.
of till* btiKtbf armi'in taken tbla fonn;
e|f ’jrijti BiTfar a fal»e oatb t>.e|K>aMlhiti-llli>' I waa fni ptittlD' the law on
lieaa and uterry of «Sod • l|t bid. avail
><KI. I>D( j-o« will la- |m»m>ed ^(erti- liiui so be laiulil'l make a niair<l.
aily lu bell aa a jiervi-nu- and banieoi-d foana- be wonlda-t come.-•’-Hetndl
olDiH-r. If yini awear falaely al| your
fKauu-iuiloiui •'111
enm-dl ywur lalnt
ywe Awab»ao«
and UK-adoWM. an tbat tlirj will'yield
n>e had no> la<<qi tnarrli-d ao Innx
Jtou no fnilt: jour cattle and |idiee|i
• HI Iw iMm-n. awd ail (bat yun^njo) that she bail limketi bi-rx-ir of (lH-1iaId ihta worid will tM-emor^a oinu- to liit of iM-i'a«lounUt llatiluc for i-iiiuiillnn-nla. and abe llk'il alMive all ibliixa
^ WliPfi tbe witneaa !■ dnly| .Tualled by to liear bliii aay Itow be pria<<il ber. But
tbe M-u»- of ble fiarftil refiaitieBdlKy. (Ida dim- III- nna (aki-li off Kuard aod
-Vhe oath la adnillilMi-retl. . •'bile Ite BjBike lIXMielitleaaly.
"It \>B« u $U<> xuld pbaa- yon ffnve
bnida aloft bl« Ibmub anil foni anil
middle (Kipura. ae an euit^-ui of tbe' till- mlnl-rt.T wliii ninrrl«-il ua. wiixu'i
Itr abe aakeil.
It la a little eiiririDa tiuit 1(11" eypfeaabm. "ilie tnilb. (he wliola iniib and
•"Tliara a lof of money, ficorxe.*
blDK I
S»M« BtiBci-atcil, and ibi-ti wbIkhI for
Taried forma.
iroiixh alniiiat
biiil to throw down Ida pn]Mf and
- the uatha adoilniaienil
111 In Kiitiiiw
any; "Xot for ain ti a ireaatm-.” -or
In an Italian i-niir; the wiineaal wKh aoiui-lblnx like |liai. bin he didn't; Inbla HkI|( band re.ilin; oii au o|e-n ai.-ad be rvi>Ib-d with a depth of feollux
nilde. dii lnn-a. "I will awoar lio leU tbat waa nniiHiial’
"VV.-JI, yon can Jiwt ererlaatlaxiy bet
tite trntfa. tlie whole truth iud niibinic
that It la "
but tb*; tniili "
I .
Kite ba«n*t lM>cn mnch of an aaxler
The kloliainmedan takee the nnlb
arllb bla lorebi-ad rev.^v4t!y liwlliic eluee.—<‘liU-axo I’oat.
no ibe Often Koran
llt^ tiikda Ilia
He aaureU It.
’'bUde" In bla lialida. and. a1<bi)dim
Mra. Ilanamii- I (imlerataDd air. that
low. aa If 111 the t>rem-inv of a iii:ber
power, alouly Iona hU bfad lijiill It yon have -ue-ri-il.v la-i-n uiskinx l»ve to
niy daiiubti^. nnd I nnat forlild no actouebea tbe laaik. wbleli uj |ilni|la in
apIriHl. In (lie ri-veiviie>- ii l-.ii| aria qnalniam-e liecun la that way. Vou
and tbe tinawerviUK loyaliv t« an oaili ■bonid have wh-ii me tirai.
Rbri nil Smior-Mndam. had I aeco
many Kiin>iMwna bare miiHi lo learn
yon nrat I abnuld bnvi- foix»iien yuur
from a follower of -Mi>ham|iieii.
daaxbter ami fallen In with yon.
In certain lutrta of R|>alu ibe w
Ilanaiim iiim-iIhInforuiallty
tafclnp an naili crimaei
. thunib of one band orer tlii- fori' liiL-i'r of tbe prie.'.allnB waa all I irtiji-i-ieii to
t'oBie with Mil- and I will Intruloiv
of tile other, nlol kUaliiir
yoii to Diy linaliand.—Tit Hlla. ,
If Iirlmitlve. eroaa. aaya -|(y (Ida
: 1 awear |i> (ell tbe tnitli."
In the nion- iiaiial forni (if Ddhiinla
Cnuidina Jsi kan»?^I»iM-a de BIMe
terine the' oath In H|ialu. ibe
. dal liar will U- no luartyla' la bebkuerU a.pU>iilld\ liefore tbe 111
(tlai'i-a bla rfcht band n-veueiill)
JohmuiD—It autiltily doea.
The Jiidu-e Itien taka dnm. !"Wi|l
Stalab Jarkaoli.
yon Bwrnr. In ilw name of ibi^ a
ilraildma Ja.kaon-rVn, Pahwin I
Ilia holy IWatk. to api-ak -be ln|ili
anawer to all i|m-atlona tlsii mhy lie 'iBilal eerlonaly dunbi de Biitbi-utlatl.-lty
fo' n fortniH- b-ller tioiie
nakeil yotir The• witoi-a. nn-wiim. "1
Jiiilfe Ibetl ivilniiidi-a. tide me im'v laa* «ivk ibil I'd hab fivab
Ps.- on:y bad freo, ao far.
**lf yon do (bla «:<n1 will ninaiklhun " biialmllda
don'l a.-.- le.w Par xwlae
An Analriau takea bla lui-b la front
Of a cnj'tll*, Aalikeil |.y tixbhat <wu ! t- xalt de toatb ’leas 1 xaita him la
dlio. tVltJi upralM-d riclil l>nii<i be liearcn!—l*uck.
aaye. "I awi-ar by tbe all |eiw i-rfii1 and
all wtH- C<al that I will ajieak (lie
"I wish." said tbe yuuax man who
wbnir and clean irtitlt. aa.1 mlihliiE
IhiI the trtith. In auaoer lu any |•|ll<■e- «-aa wrlilnx a a|i.aa-li, •iliai I rould
Uillik of ll«- woni dial 1 want."
UuBs tbal may be aaki-il lu this court."i
"What kind of a word la itr' naked
hi. wife.
Ke«-ol4a te IM A-etlea.
*!Sotui-ildne that means cniihmal.
XaMon and hla rai-n diiritis rbe:three
robla-r and villain.
I(« col to
feara wlib b they a|»iil In Ho- Ar--lle
WtoHl of a) b-aal four avllalili-a. laiwiiae
rexbioa oeier i-Baxlit a ivdil Yet ilii-y
I want It lo lie a p>IIali<<d aarcaaui."—
wen- rx|iuwd lo odd. fatlxne and wei
Waablne^on Star.
ta a' df-xTtv wbh-li we at : buiue I'an
hardly r.-alli--. aaja a wrll-r It tioeiBM or •sieMrrl.
l>|a-. tolly uUe l.-vuieaiU ri
“Wtiil's tlw- rea-aiD yoirre ao can-.
bow \aDaen and bi> mmra
Icsa lu dn-aa of late, and why do you
aea dtuluc Ibelr «i>nd<-Tful I'tpejilibiu
Bi-ver wi-ar your liair In that pn-tty
on foot otee (be (adar h<e Wt-nl oQ. day
Btj’lr I iiaed to adinln-'^' asked the
aftiT day. Had to Mltea wbiHi w.-iw
biiabaml wb<> liked to apeod bla even«• aaturated wit. qM-ra|dni>ou; llial
Inc* at (l••■ne
tb>-y m«r tiy day Into one iiikwa of
"I aai pn-itortnc a lectare." replied
aotid Ve. and even i-ol late (he ilh-ali:
the wife, "on the "Haan of Eatbt-tlc
bow every’ ulKht. wbeo ib-y an-ki-d Ufe.’"-IViroH I'ree Prvwi.
theaiaHvws up la tbHr elre|>iux I'ms*.
tbe Arat hour waa a|>-D( la Uiawlus.
Lachot >,*eriesse.
bow they lay ablverlnx- ttieli flroai'n
‘’Am 1 to nnilcraiatHl." said tbe naa>a-ka a|irvad ai roaa tbi-lr idieaia.i until
sa'-ivs'-fnl esndidsTe. "iliai yoe accuse
tbeir Holloa a-titolly iie-wiae «>i and
me of liBVlnx aaed mooey In tbe Leslasoft, aad eietitiially romlvrtald* and lamn r*
Yet tb--j m v.-r iwiirlil a: cold.
“So." aasWeted Senator Snrchnm.
with a pllytue ainlle
-You didn’t into
tismev Yob Jast wasted lL"-YVasbittfIrnef atla>-k of lumltoxn. ih-ir beabb
did not auffer la any way fn»n. t*e -ipoeun- Itln-tl.i tiH-y rvarliel cltlliaaA TerHfy-ca iwenaa
lb>n they all I'auxbl e«bl.. Sat*en'a
"I'd never go to sleep ax'ln If 1 thort
ewa nateaient to tbe writer - was:
I'd have a 'notW nlebiiaai*' like
There Is. of course, an doubt • (list lba»." Sixhed Ibe w.-ary bubo.' *
raid U aa lafeHiooB dlx-aiw.
"Was It Imrrlbler'
Bone durtax aur pnine-i. and tfe all
Tbe'hwTlblest I ever. I dreamed
Xnl It (very ItodI/. ton.i at tbe very
■ mvbed Norwai -"

An eadlmate has lieea made o^ -be
averaxe aimniai of awoey whli-fc Koru|>eaa etutxrauu take wlib ibetn to
America. this It ap|>-ara Ui»l the
ftml place U held by the llmnao. who
Ukes orer Just tea rulaeaa with biiA.
while the aecoml pla-v belonxs a> Hie
KaxllsblUBIi. with almqt ala abllluxa
lem. Tbe lUrd la the Preaebman, who
has aloe xolnews. and be H fotlowial
by tbe fW-brtao wlib just over ft. while
tbe Irtabman'a mplul la n. (be Busalaa's Lt KtiJ aad the ItalHn'* barely
a. He la. fheeefol*. tbr prto-v*I. Im|
It U bHIered that when be rriucns lo
fcta own land he iieobaMy carriea away
mere mooey than any of the othetv

Ultie Hike—Pliwot does It maaet
klclAiblo-rty—Whey, « uniquee Is a
iiastr tbot has but wan bora___Judga.

sbe mM.
Is Ibinkine seriously oi marHaxe."
"Very likely." he rrpibn'. In hla
abrupt. maa.-uHne
»e way,
“He alwaya
a boy."-Chlea»o Poai.

makes the tenth mnntruc.
aa'aai. that I have brted to coUecx ibli

narry-Papa. wbat la tbr atlU. amaU
voice »
!•apa-IPk the voice la which yw
entrtber makes auueatloM la iba mok.
-Cbiraxo Newa.

^e triad more moralnxa that.
a*e, to collect a little creaBi from your
milk, aad l hate preer had any better
■aaaam tbaa ym-re xola* to bavr ihia

Whu baby wakes' Wbea baby wakml
Tta uaebtos (a proHaim.
tech member of aar bo

Vte MU ate daoB Ite




■ ly rmtmt ^i»n

•* **•


■I bear a Koad deal about lack.** md I
tbe ucullat SB be pollsbed away u a a«al dmea befiov tbe aarvait let btm :
pair oi eyerlaaaea and amlled la a aoa-'m ns laoklaf eurpclaed ate a trlfte ;
rowfuf way. "but I don't believe la It apprebMialve when Mra. Blyklaa came
Tbe man wbe baa luck is tbe maa who luja u» room.
doD'Ci^ke a fool of blotaeU.-aa I did ,
"I called.’
a yctf or two ago.
If Pd had two about yuor
xratOB of aeuae la my bead on an occa- t bebing to tbe
sion twenty mouibB axo I'd have bemi' oereral of tbe i
cn)oylnK a soft snap to-day.
, call ate aee bow be U gettliix akmx.


i very kite af you." abe an-

tbe xlasae* and boldlnK theta up to
the Uxbi. "I xol a lener from the awered.
l*tesldent of one ,of tbe blceeai rmU-;
Jbere way a craah Which abook tlte
roaib. la tbe country, asklux me to caU ; dtaadi-IU-r.
at bli- oSK-e. Wbea 1 (Ulled 1 dlBcor-i
Sbe paM ao atter.tlon to It
«red tbat be waatvd to |>ay me V>.wM> I
"I tblDk it will be oulv a day or two
per year tt. l.-et tbe euil.l<.y.-.-B of tbe Itofonr be la al>le to get out ate go
road for color bUiii1m.iui. I i-lused with down lowo." abe added,
the offer as quick as I could get my i
Tbe sUtatalDX of doom e^oed benebreath, and a day was named for tne
to Ixiax up ray aampb-B aixl show the
old xetii the miuiluB <>i>eniD(!l of tbe
"Sot until to-day."
tblng. 1 was'on lisad wbea (be hour
"But I
d you to any that be
arrived. 1 bad all tlo- colorv ever ais'd wBB •vtuvab-Bwul."
about a railroad, ami after looking
"1 think I way aay tbat be Is ao.
tbein over ibe Prvto.l<-ut. saeaHousIv wasn't wi-U raouKli to be danxerouB
till tbla iDornlag. Bin befotv noun be
" Tills xreen doesn't seem to me to ' ' dlw-barged
________ ______
iralued ____
be quite as .lcc|i as otir slinialB. but | •luaneh-.l with th- coi>k. huiSbIoiI
perhaps It will-answer well enuugli.’
i ro.'kiuxHiair again-itwhltb he atublied
"1 turned to him. and I bnpe to drop: bU toe aad thivwu tbe caaary bln]
dead la my iraeks if be wamt looking of tl^- window.
Those are alw
brtgbteBt kind of led-ibe dan­ bo|M-mi aynipn-iaB witb him. and .
ger signal, yon know!
feel talriy Juslltled In aaylug that be
"You mean thlB." I said as 1 polau-d Is coDvaliwceliL"
ta the d<-ep green.
“ '.No. sir, 1 mean this.' he replied, aa
Bsr Nisi
be put blx finger on the n-d.
I young lady from (be country was
“Ab. mer sighed tlie <M-ultat. "bat
lug her ex-svii-t'jiiiri for breacb of

tell ted from gns-a, nor blue from
wblie. and I was ass enough to give
iv.lor l.lluil
WBB only beiwis-n
B'two. but he flew
mad and •■alld me an itaisMUir and
sa Idiot, and I aan vlrtualiv kicked
out of hiB othee "
-Vou ought have llc5! about It." waa
n-marfced. .
“1 ought to bave kept tny month
shut sml aexer said a »Dr«l. It wa*
aotblng to me wl<-ilii-r be could tell
(be lolor of bis bat or nut. but It was
a heap to blai to l-am that bed Is-ea
married for ililrty yi-ars and dlrtn'r
know wlii tlH-r his wife bad blaek
hair or red."
Osttlse m (tnrh os Hlai.

“Hr^ proitoSe all right." said tlie
man CouUdentiy. "1 have bltn

"What did yon doT' asked the pdrioua mother.
"I asked him lo lend, me grgiS^d
be did it. Ob. be Is lo earniwi and te
"But you didn't want the money.”
prutcBtecI the auxbuis iii<>tber.
"<lf i-ourse mu." uiisn-ered Hie foxy
father. "1 only waiit<-<l in •■m-uiirage
Idiu. He thinks he has in- lU.-d so 1
can't object, and he'll iv>rue to the point
In a burry-now."M7bli-iigo, I'ost.

: gulrli-s.
• Yoo say." n-mnrk.d one. “that tlie
defendant fr«s|UeuUy sat »«y chwe to
“Yi-s. sir." was tbe rejOy wjth
bts-lh- flUHll.
"Iluw .-l.wer
*<'l.st4« enough no one cheer «d» aU
(be M-ttln' r»Ui we WssIihI."
*:.\ud you soy be put bla arm amnnd
yonr•■No. I didn't."
“What did you way. ttienr
"1 said b<- pul beUi anns around

at Brodhagen’s Bam, State St.
I will arrive Wednesday. May 3tt
with a load of fine horses from Indi*
ana. Weight 1250 to 1600. Call and
see them before buying.


Bread 3c! Bread 3c! Bread 3c!
BELL, THE BAKER will sell bread for 3c a loaf,
as he runs no wagon or places, no bread in groceries, be
can give you the benefit by coming to his shop and getting
all kinds of bread at 3c a loaf, regular size loaf; buOS

Sc dozen, cookie.s Sc dozen, fried cakes Sc dozen.
The same price to anybody, in any quantity.

____________BELL, THE BAKER

“Then wbatr"He liuggisl we."
e\'.-ry liard:- "
-Yes. be illd: an bard -tbal I ciuae
puny m-ar ll••llerlng;.^ul."
•"Wby didn't you boUerr
“ ■Cause."
"Tliat'B I
Be extdldli.
p|en>e. Bci-ausi- wbyT'
•• y’ause 1 was afveiTd he’d Btop.~—
Holden I'enny


..... ....

BeUe* faelUtlW to

Practical Bicycle Builder
and Bepairer.

"Ob. don't mliel
“Blit one of tbr
Hie J.airr
"Tliaf* nuiblng.**
“And tbe Ollier has bla opponent'
ear Is-iwei-u bl» teeth:"
■till. «-unie along."
“But wall. It may lie a tnunte'!^,
"Will you ivmi- alougr
“Tell me llnii wb<u they are fighting
“Tbi-y an- not fighting.
“Not (IgbllngV XVbut are they doIng-y
"Arguing over Ibe cuOKmutluu."


. ...

a give you tbe beat to be had.
turn oat work; better a

SII Ualaa 8k
Oppitolto ^ w


a has the ether by


L Hating contraciail with a BosVA/ A M-rirr\i f
Inns* M


200,000 Pounds of Wool
I will |>ay lilt* full market price. I will gnve one cent a pound more
than any ouUide travelini; man can pay yoo. Cash up. Pleaae call
for v»ur own beiietik 1 muet have tbe Wool.


Wsrvbouar TtS gsu rrael BW
TrsvsrsF Clly. MleS.

Telephone 1.^0

Tte (•eatleriMn—How's thia? T.ast
Wis-L llwas (lie riglil li-g you bad li.sf;
Tbe (inifler-Ba.i. ,i..ii iwn't exp«s-i
a fellow to Btaod all w<-«-k on one l-g

(wood hardwood in stove lengths.
Also four foot maple slabs and edgings.

ymir pleiurv-sqne old linrii. sii
Kaniier Jones-qjo alii-nd. wuinyibnt
Pd a diirn sight ralber ye'd jialut de
lien liouse—It niHsIt

"IHdn't you knur, ii was against Un­
N. l-lDlser.t. Isr HIM
law to b«* for im-in-yl ' said the Jady
"TVhat you*i‘ SamuePy
to ibi- inuupjii Ibe Igi'k d<s>r.
"Pliiiari'li's I.Ives." dud."
••| wasn't going to l>eg for money,
-Say It again."
ma'am." was the reply of tbr buwtde
"HulBn-b's 1,1vi-b"
• aoderwr,
“You put dat IhviU right downson.
^li's jnsl as bail to beg.for hn-ad." j Diin't yon know dem pliitarcir» Is the
A-l .wasn't going lo beg for bn-ad. I wnsi •qiemleR dls yer i-oiiutry's got?
I Hat's riglil. Iwiy. Hf It wasn't for de
^Wbat are you going to beg for. then j luliroiiairvB. and ill- trusts, and de pluI tarelis. we all lulglit Iw getting rich
/^•dly for Mie of yoor plctui
ma'am.'*—Yonkers HialeBman.

tvlephune 192

311 Front Street

Is Your Bicycle
In Need of Repairs?
If 80, this is the plao- to get it done rii^bt and promptly. Bepaihag,
En«m*4iug'aud LatLe Turuini; of all kinds. Call in aad see my new
line of wljoels. A good line of wliy-els to lent


^ aneWs.B vb •(
As lUhtbllUo at lirsol I.MS
".Are you going to make blacults
Maroma-So you think tjeorge loves
day. ib-ar'r"
“Xo.1 waBti'l going to; but If you j
Mildred-Tes; I am sore of IL
want me t», j will' .
Matuna—XVbat bua be erer done to
“WHl I wUb ,..u would. I might a> prove It?
Well I«y that ebatiuB hel. beday aklildml—Tlie engines and trucks
any other MJ time. "-Yonken State.
Fordiddi-a walks and cromlaga a>« a
went pssi bi*re last nlglit but he didn't
iwrrAo IH go of my iiand even lung bad thing to ride oa -but a poor Job of
enough to run aro:<n<1 tbe corner and repairing brats thrm all. New. if you
A I.Mg-»slf Waa«
want tbe very best woric in Braxiag.
aye where, tbe fire waa.
Ton-I saw a nb-kH ln ilie-sloi nia
VDlcanixiag. or repalriog of any -kind.
chine today that will tell nbeiber a
Qg your work to lit (JdIoq street.
A Ssrrev KAeBpe
man is in oie or not.
J Froat, and you will gel joti what
Flraf messenger U.y: "WaPa der
Jaek-tV-li. the lurefitor ought to
you want. 1 bave the very beet work­
matter. JHinnie. yer walk lamer*
make a out of It. Mint any j
Bi-cuDd uiesM-ngi ' l>oy: "Matter: IPs men tbat money ean get and am able
tiuiu will -.-la tlv IIM a niekel to find a wonib-r Pse not deadT
toaallsfy any and alleomera. All work
oul wh-ilier It I. love or dys|>epsla
guaranteed to be right, ate M not, we
“What bappmeiir
alb blU).
“Why. a bloke down de street seut a mahe It ao at


“But could you bring y<nirsi-lf to
marry a woman wb.. sniokeil cigan-t
tes'c' llu-y s.-ml i|„. yonag IIIBD Who
bad Insisted ilut wotuen bod a right ta
wiiitoe If the.
".N.I ,1 isie em.iusb ptoqile Is-gghiB
Biy cigareiies nov. "
As r>e>e teeal Hsa
I»lggs- "S"inklno-naluly
has a
W«od. rt.:| Ii-einon."
Bigg. :
!'V de >aa think aoT'
It'Kt- “He orverJearM bbaii-'rella

...a* Is nou wsiuliar. I tele Ale.-?"
“.V Boo se -.U;sr Is wbea a Widuwet
adtiBOB H r t-b.i. to uinrr.v. aad iliea
«* • nt lie-|stoe,"-.<'b:.agu Ke,-nn'

•«fi................................... 'oukeni Biatesmao.
A Wat Bwtts Maa Ha*w
Tild Hiap." said the man wbe has
coasHeuiiouB scnipVs against bnying
hla own cigars, "got a snn.ker bandyr’
“No. I'm not smo'riDg la l.eni.“
"Weil. wHi: Tue tad! Kay. I goeos
ni swear off inynelf Oil yon be^
again."—Detroit Free Prest.
At ntfUag-t'e n»a.
When tbe rising bell Is tinging.
Tboagb tbe world U wrapped In
nnage » ow from^'oeatb the coven,
-Chicago Record.

118 felon Street.

icuFSE lOTEi m ton CO.


eitoi built u> vixlt-r.
ilriwlr s-orS
.•sSee M. Bhop near 4oct,
wW rgTTW
a srAKOvci

Dr. J. W. Gauntlett
Eye Specialist.

* "sr.i'i-'.'i.'ir-'st.ssr"-'
Hemlock Bark

Mr. Ferry-Tao say tbU aecood-band
Bark paalen wsated at

tte tef know Mr

Ban U. H. A la On. Uoak.

I hare seenred tbe aerrioes of
the best npholsterer of Gnnd Eapids. C. A. Birge, and am now able
to hsneUe all orders, inolnding re*
pairing of every deecriptioo.
All work guarantoed to be finiahed in first-claas ahkpe.
Orders may be left at the ahop,
over Jaa. Murobie'a wagon abopk
at the fnmitnre store of 6. W.
Tbomae or Telephone No. 62.

ITo more d«ln7.

M. C. Barnes,
Or«r XonhlWn Shop.
State StnsU Near Unktt.atmk'

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