The Morning Record, October 20, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 20, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TUrI T«tf-No 76S.






TCAaaor Wonaauraad Oolaaal X
bjp Baaab Eaaaaanr o4 Tbalr
ruhU am BxhlUUoa Of
War to WaUlartoA.
PosttioB ia «aUl.
Driftiag YMtBTdAy.
Vaaeoafor, B. C-. OoV l».D. C. Waroaatar aad Oolaaal Daabr^
PUUprtea Ooaaariaaiaaan. ban arrind ■otBaaa^ Wiadto Baabla Baarra
—Mxmimer OpnU 9m SmU 9qn»49 ban oe Ua alaanar Baipnaa of Japaa
io to Oaar Ooaiaa Wiibia Tna
«t CftvUry o> th* Britkk Oatpoata. ud Ml r«taadar attanoea for WaahLtmit-OalxBbb X«d Bbaa
lartaa, wban thar wtU naka tbalr raSal Bom Chat WlM-««Mnl
BrTbna KUoa Wbea Ooataat Waa
part to tba Prooldaat. UaUl tha raport
to oar store for
■an VrftMTtet AU WnWaU M;
ZntarliB «■ «ha ITib.
BaKada Today.
will naka a atalanaat o< aap Idad for
OapaT»wB. Oa'i. 1S.-4 EUaWlay
Saw Tort. Oet it.-Todar'a i
toot tba pBMiB>aia .ea tba Bn- Utwaao tba Ocdaatbb aad I
«ipateh dMad Oat 17 aapa: ‘■4)1 la
orJapaa waa Bdltar Uttnoor. taraad oat a Mian oa Boeoant of tba
wall Ban. OalaMl«on aanc^ r
of a braeea. Tba yaabu aailad
Baan at lUfaktac Oetakar 14 wUb
irnat aaaetai. tUlaklof waa atlll aala mbakm to daaorlaa b to aira tba rotba aoane bat wen aaabla \o
natal of Oaaoral Otb bom tba oob- Babb witbln tba time Unit. Tba *^00OatebarlA.'’
I ifinlil illaplfk to tka 0apa4fr>a taaodof tbi Daitad Blataa foren la lanbla, bowerar. bald tba lead froia
Vioi Kid.8pl6ndid ratrallaraaaa tba ataUataal tkat la the tba PbtUpidaaa aad tba proawUoo of tba atari aad It b tba oplaiaa of
ere-all eolid—6So pr.
erhtlBC at Mafaklaf. Caloaal Bora ra- Oaaaral Uwtoa to tba
parte that aba woald ban woo
ral Uwt
the 81
palaad Ua Boaaa, tafllatlac a loaa of
d tba froita of rie- ban ylvea a yood aaeouat of bemalf.
Liffbt Caifakio or Vici
Tba (Bpa TlBaa pablli taatbatollo- tory by the baalutloa of Qoaaral Otla.
Whan tba raaa waa daeland off the
Kid — They mean dry
OoluBbU vraa flva mllaa from the flalaff dlapatati (ras Klail wtar: -BalUbblay liaa. the Shamrock thna miln
feet to the wearera 76o
babiad her.
tbat aa arsorad tmo. arhlla raaano
P*-Appealed to Attoraar Oaiiaral Oraa
Another nea. and paAapa {Uie Anal
arlaf aortb of tba tawa laat Baton
to 4wbt ia Altagad Tax Irreroaacacad ftoq Boon, who aotarad bi
ODe,wUI be aalled tomorrow.' Both
Oj. Ooloaal FIlMdaraaao'a eoloaio
yaehta an ia exeallent trim and if a
any siu op to 12-iaade
yond wicd pnralb the ooataat will be
foUad tba Boon. iotlcUof aarord loaa.
Uadlot. Qbt. i9 -Tba aaparrbon
to wear hot lots ot’etple
Aa Brlteb aaaaatUeo ware two kUlad MiebKaa an llkalj to boar aonaCbu
a Boa one
too. Yoall like em. 85o ]
Then waa a eloodlaaa bloc aky tbU
• aad toortaao wooodad.
drop The ataU i
pr- Coaiplalata ot Boar ootncaa npaa yoaa lato the Batter of eaforrioc the Boralay and a liyht ateady nortbi
tba aaUrea oaotlBoe to arrin. *
•at 8:30 the Shamrock
aaoeaemeot lawa, aad proooaee to aid
aarra fortbor to lofiaiaa tba Baontaa the atoU tax oominbelODer la erary bobtad bar maiaaaU. Jib aad club topaad Zaloa Taatardar l&o Baaotoa poatlble
■ail and triad bar aaw topmaat._Ber
froBi Jahaaaaaborc arrirrd at Bonrh- toraey Dewaal o( Baaoonmaa baa ad- Inemaad ballaat aaamed to oauae her
ardarp. Oapo Ooloap, ailarlnr tkat tba ▼bad Atioraay Oaaaral Ona that two to auad up wall. The eoane today
le wearen are pnieiog
Boon bad robbad tba« on the wbola- aaaarriaon of that ooeaty bare form­ waa befon tba wind, aoutbaaatoriy by
them. They deeerve it.
, Bftaaa mllaa to leeward and a
nla plaa. Tba Baaotoa aald tba Boara ally ebaryad four otbar aaperrbon
$1 00 pr.
alaa flocr«d tbaa wltb ‘-btaekaBakaa.*’ wltb Imyalaritiaa -la makiar aannback. Tba wind waa blowl^
about elybt Iraota.
' ^
Tba par^. wbiab laeiiMiad a aoa of
ObUf Urotbodl. waa aontdiad wltb
The pnpantory alyaal waa flred at
laataaoea eltod laaloda one
ptorlalan aad tba Baaotoa atartad
10:45 and the wcrtaloy ynn ton mtantoa
bonaward. ahaariar tor the qaoan aad' a nnabar of rood tarma aad an «■ later. The aUrtlay yua waa flred at
Usata of >300.000 worto of ataedlay 11 o'clock. Tba Colombia eroaaed the
Than b an Ueeaeant ]
plBv; whan the anUn anaaaad valoa- Une atll:m:3iand the Shamrock 11:03
for aoUn military aervica. A oaelalUma
aad the aaw foree ot tooo BOaalad la- aaoond towuhlp of aem b
At 11:10 the yaebU appeared to havr
fpatry wkleb tba ImperUl yo^aniBut bnaaaad at 84 oenta aa aen. Aaothar aalled two.mllaa and the Columbia'
liM naatloaad will be qelekly raind townablp of lo.foi ocraa U —rrml
Beamed to bare a lead of lOO yarda.
PnBlar-SchnUar aonannaa to bane •i tlparacn aad^a fourth towai
At 11:30, when four and a quarter
alnalan to tba Dutch naMaata. ad- r«i.334 acmatSOeeau per men.
nilea from tba atart. the Columsb
d to have a lead of about aa
rblaratriel loyalty to tba Imperial
It b allayed that ynaa (nad*
forarnBant. Tbadaafar of revolt b evident
aiaenmaat of pine olebth of a mile. Than waa oooalderallykt
laada.aad that lusbarBaa an not able jiekeyiny. which U(^ the yaebU
Darhan. Ost. 19 -The tollowtay payiny oae-ieath of the taxea whle^
aoatb «t tbel^^pei
tbht time aaitber '
BOta baa bean baaed: “4a they would If tba law wan obdyad
Oraaya Praa Btau foroe with a few
i, altboayb pre­
Dawaal nquaab tba attoraay yea broken oat i
pared todoao.
yaat aoead about tea mllaa down atal to aid bis in lavnUyatlay
A Weatara naioa cable boatdbaatch
Tlstwa*a paia aad opened with arUl••lahallnferthaproaacutor-a latter
lary oo email aavalty patnU. The to Ooveraor Ptoyraa." aald Attoinay atll:50«»id that tba OoUmbb moat
raaca waa vary dbtaat aad tba aboot- Oaneral Oran Uii. moraiBy,
have iBcrcjuad bar lead yaaUy. fn abe
Isr ladiflanat. Tba.oblaet may have doabt be will direct me aad alao the waaalmaitOQt of aiybt la tba batt.
been either a falat to dray out
touabt. If tba la The Shamrock waa atlll plainly la
a tba nal point or a pnlada to a vaaUyatloa denlon tba tact that view. Both bad broken ont □tbalr
•oarooaMBtnlloaayalaat Ladyaaiitb.'' then baa baaa a oonaplraey to dbnand the ran of ncvea aad
Loedoo. Oat. 10 —Tba loaf expaetad Card.tbaaaaaaamaat lawp l ban ao one-bait mile* to the half-way
t on Blr Oaorya 8. Whllab doubt that tba atata win anbt la the
accomoiUhed la abont forty mlaThe mac who makes a bit in
-poalttoa la Natal baa bar>a la aanaat. proaacatloo of the yullty parUaa. It b Btea.
bnsiaeee is the man who ie thon
A1 13:07 the Shamrock appeared to be ooghly up-to-dataw
"tbo Onaye Free Btato buirhan. who
neoBtly made a forward Bonmaai lb;
If you don’t have a telephone
aad aaaeaalcy yalniaraomeaiittoo tbe Oolambla, aa
■ tba dlnetlon of Aetoa Hi
ofleen yaaanlly ooma to a faU ap tba challMi^ waa boidlay a better people are Uable to think that yon
are alow.
eraat of Ladyamlib. aad who nbpatod praebtioaof the tact that they will
whan dlaoovarad by Oaaaral Wbitob
They will probablv
be eompallad to obn the Uw. tba bet­
foroaCDP a raoooaouanoa. advaaaad tor It will be all anaad. la tbb work however, the Colnmbb picked up
think that yon are
tbroayb Tlatwa Paaa Taaaday alyfat tba lax commlaaloa will. |a my Jody- breeae aad anoeared to be ayala
even slower tbaa yon
aad bayaa boetlUtlae by opealay with meal, help oat amailayly."
ereaeloy bar lead.
tbalr artillery on email aqneda
Tba Columbia waa a yood qaartar of
Noboilv ^nte
cavalry <m tba BriUab ontpoata. The
mile ahead at :t:30 Both boau were
_ deal wilh people who
npya waa eoaaldanbla, aad tba abootrnaalny toward Use mark with aplnaa
are behind the times.
lay of tba Boar artlllary wUd. The
ken aet and bad made abont ton mllea
oa^b wan Olvosaeked at tba Uom If •bamroA ffeUa to Xilft tba Cap Aa- of the oonrao at that time. The wind
other Taebt Will be feot
aoma tea bUm waat and alrhtoaa
had died dot^^yusd waa fitfol aad naof aasp Tba avldut oVJeet of tba
eartaln, dropplay at Ubmi to four
«• xt Tear.
Boan waa oltber to attack, and by tba
Loadoo. Oct. 10 —slr lliotaee Upton kaota.
falat to draw the mala body of troopa
TheColambla rounded tba leeward
averywhen pnbad for bb aportafrom LadyaBitta. or pnlada tbalr ooaaaltka damaaaor ia the faoa of db- mark at 3:34:80. naoSelal time. The
oaatiatloB ayalnat tba town, at any
ooanytar ooadltloDa. In fact.wbetbar Shamrock turned the mark at 8:10:35.
rate the firlay laatrd a abort Ume.
At 3:45 Useyackta bad lam than ma
the Shamrock wina or loaaa it will nafter which the Boan oaaaed. No
tara to Bayland the moat pc^olar hoar to labk and aooa atterwarda the
•aaoaltiea wan nportad.
race waa danland off. the OoLnmbb
cfahllaamr aant onr U many year*.
leadiny by abont 3 anen.
Utor the Boan made another aortle,
A wall kaown dab frlaad b autbority
Bxtn ballaat to the weiybt of 3.380
tbb time oolUdlay with the cavalry tm the •Utomant that la tba
patrobat Aetoa Bobm aad
Iona Sir Th<»aa Llpton poanda wat placed on the Shamrock
her topmaet waa belay placed.
StoUoa. aoutbwaat of LadyamlU.
will baild abotber yacht to yo after
Sbawaatbea nmeaanndandtbe new
Tba flrlny oaoUauad tba ynator the cap ayalB next year.
maaBarmeat of the Shamrock akowed
part of tba day. and than ware aaverat
Brltiab caaualltlea. the axaet aamber SAMBA PUADS FOB WAASMIpe tba yacbfa preaeet watarltae to be
New designs and fancy
•8 85 feet and her radny laaytb by
•tomaay b la Bitter Meed of a elab rale 108.585 feet. '
DaUy Talacnpb'a I
woods with new decorations
tba Sbamfock allowed Use Colambia
l laat alyht aabled: “A
Keep these in mind when
Bambary, Oct tS.-Bmperar WIUtoroa of >,000 Boon b aayaffad at Aetoa
Bomaa. ThaBoan.aaaaaal.tookad- 1am. otooklMt at a laaebeea ea the
Bbamroek alx aeeoeda aa baton.'
down town and call in onr
vaataya of tba bUU. rock* aad ynUlaa
to blit tbamaalvaa, but wan aaabla to
Jewelery store to look them
“Oarmaay b la bluer need of a
advuce. They aaad
ayalaat our rifleman, who aavartbe- Btraay fleet. If re-aafonemaato bad
over. We have many new
Uah malalalaed a atont
things in jewelry also.
Tba flriay waa heavy. It b aaUelpat- elybt yaanot myrdya,U^toad my
ad that a anmbar of Beer* wan alw
nUy wa aboaU
“Tba aoaatry aboat Aetoa Bomm aparad me, h
balat man opea. oar moaAtod vcdaa- be able to paab eartbrivlBy trade aad
in lining,
tan an talUay back apoa Dewato' iataraeu ovar tba aaa.
“tat tba (qaUay far tbato Ulnya -b
36 inch,
“U b nported that the Mamy then aaly yalalay yvoaad is tba fatbartaad.
b k^aiad la aad eaffarlay aevwaly.
naytblatoomaebCralUamatrtfa of
and Drapeiy
Atones Laka,Wb..Tfonea Beaah
. 0Mtao.a)arrabotel owaed by W. A
‘Proad of their fatbmfoad. and
K^.bvBedyaatardayaad Mr. aad aefotoof tbtor nal worth. Oaraaaa
Mn. Jaaka. paraab of Kra. M^w,
wan bemad to daath. Mr.Jaakswaa
•mi malm
^IWvbrylUlabadaad act axpaatod
peadtlM as a wsrid powm. “
to Uva. Mra. Jaaka made aa hmak
dBart to ton bar bmkaad. aad the
5m salUsy a* I easts a laat At Pnah
■tad esayto died tofalbar.
488 H Smwood Ata

I <mO«ii«ral WhHt^

Cram’s Atlas for 17c.
16 pages of maps, 6jMges of ataastic
and hiatorj, with specUl reference to
onr late war.





We take Subscriptions
to all magaaines, newspapers and
We can get Rubber Stamps. Seals and Steel Dies
—also Rubber Type and Pads.
Jnst nnpacked. Fine Ladies' Pocket Books. seU
up to $4.50 each, in Russia, Morocco. Seal. Kid. Snake
and Alligator skins, silver and gold trimmings.




Bnlph Omumble Jr., Knnag.,.



Men’s Underwear.'



The Popular Shoe House


SOc Garment

Want a Fur Coat?

m rroa a„ A. t. t>wme> t»d>

Handsome Styles
In Children’s Long Cloaks

1 6, 6



* Special

$ Drive




39c yd.



^ J. W. MILLlEEN. •



Horst Brts., Nmsi Pailan



A Bargain
Just received a line of

Ladies Jackets



0*^,, ihun, Fpiitn.

Made of all wool Kersey—
Lined throught with sUk
finish serge.

Price $5.00.


Those Celebrated
Thos. Emerson Shoes.
We have them in black and tan—drill or leath­
er lining.
They are up-to-date in erery respect, and are
the proper thing for a gentlemen’s drens shoe.
When yon buy an "Kmereon” shte yon buy the
best—Call and examine.
McNamara Block.


rsM xojumro BBoomD, tbidat^ ootobbb so.




fiinrssis of 01fer%

k T. Batm Aia> /. W. Haro-

■ki^d aad

ddipaad WMh Mat

t. W. BAnn. Hltor Md Maarngm.


Pocro Rico praMiMa t
turn tor AiMTlM «BMrpriM Is the
^ktaf iiidMlo. A Moeat report ot
Ihp Uailed dUM* OomalMlaBMe of
rtih BAd PtotwriM r>rw ><»• inWrtriT^f
------- the indoury U the
■0»w AaertoM pcete«lr>ni which
pfeotr the aeclMi of the reaoareei Is
thotiUBd- There te pood r«oM>n to
Mloro that the loeal flaberiea wUl
■Tore to be of epoaidanl
B—rkaa Mthoda hare bees iotro. Paead. A preat Tarlatj of edible flab
iatoaod both ia the aalt aad treah
oratara of Porto Eloo. pet litUe altaa
Idea ia paid to their eaptare. aad aoae
Vhatorer to their care. Oolp'thoae
UrlaffaaartbaeeaaeaMoraeaieof the
firata orer hare aap treah Aab. aad
Ihea oal7 at hiph prteea. The people
#epnd for their flah food
pilled, aad eanaad dab. which ta 1897
arara imported aaoeUp troca Nora
•oote aad Newfoaadland to tha ralae
Now that the klaad hat
pose iate oar poaaMaioa there ahould
N aa opaalop for tha taereaaa of trade


Mb. Bavaic eoafaaaed to Kcatnek^ooTaMdap that the paopla owed
aothlnp. The people hare faeea
jaaiiap that wap for aooae tlBe.<-IaIwOetaa.

Pa» pt Boardaiaa Blror Bleeuk
Kepht * Power Oo. lUMThree
Poet: XakiBK as Foot Heod.
At decided epca acreral laootha apo.
Kk» dan of toe Boardaian Sirar ElecIrU Upht A Power Co. haa beta
patted three feat, siriap a head of ta
iaat aad aa addltloaal too borae power,
the t^ raea haa alao haea ealarped
(Hhar iaaproreneaU are oootewplaud
lo allow laereaaed capaeltp for the
|i«WiBp baaloeea of tbe conpaap.

The adoptloa iff Iho report of
tho opmmittoe oa epaallwUoa
the meet Impertaat maUar
fore the heard of aaperriacra ymap aftcraooa. After eoaddaraWe diaramloB tbe report waa
adopted bp a eeta of 1* to I. Mam.
PpMT. Oartla aad Wilhelm eotln* ta
tbe BOffaUra. Beperriaor WUhelm waa
acUrc IB hla oppoalUea to tha report
08 tha ffroand tUt tbe awe wed mlaatloa of Trarma Citp had beea lacreaaad Ht.MO. which be declared waa
cahorbUaoL Ha waa eaerretie ia aa
half of tha dtp. but tha report waa
adopted }aat aa preaeni d bp the com­
H. B- UbU eppearod- < fore the hoaid
ai addreaacd them r paidiaff the aaatmeot of th^faclor ea. Ha referred
to a report la dreaUtioa that tbe feetoricB were net beiac waeaaed proportloaatelp. la Ua remaru be atatad
that inch a report waa probablp dae to
tha fad that in maap dtlea aw
ita BFoa maaBtedMlea ware
low. aad ia nmnp oaaea thep ware aat
aaaeaeed at all. Mr. Bull aaid he wonld
ba find to hare the lae'tcricaameai a
Bwora atatemeat af ralae oace orerp
pear. Ih April alone »lth other propertp
Id the eonntp- He did not know that
that waa tha raaaoB for ioeraaaed < qoatIsaUon acaiaat the dtp, but If It
be dcelred to hare the anparri
know that Uerc waa no cauae for the
a of each a report.
laarralBC afaiaattbad
ate Tainatloa of Tbamaa Ottp compar­
ed with oatalde towna. Mr. WUbeli
aaid that while tbe dlpb ralnatlco lad
pear waa $I.W3.4$8, it waa thb pear
t<.074.l08.a deereaae. aad aOU the
miuae had lacreaaed tha tS.MO.OOo
eqaaliaed laatpaar bp »U,840.
At tbe moralac aeaaloa tba board
praated permtaaloa to MePberwm
Peat. 0. A- E.. to mlaa their laree flap
BUff oa tha ooaatp proaada. Parmlaaioo waa raadllp praated. The poet iataadadtoaettheTOlaoBtha O. A. E.
plat la tha otwturt. bat tbe board of

XRfUffbtfal Bliibdap Partp.
Bra. F. T. O'Neil ffare a dellchtfa)
^rd partp Wadneadap erealap at her
Bema, <18 Baal Tenth atroet. ta boaor
pf her alater. Mlaa Martha Ctrbp'a
iwaatp-ftrat blrthdap The ladiee', iUat
pad eeeond prlzea were woa bp Mra. L.
OeaUeraad'Mra. Marp Sehulcea.
Aa caaUamen'i flrai and aeeond pHaea
wore won bp Mark Bolmaa and L. H.
Llpht ratraahmaau ware
parrad. Masp baanUful plfa ware re­
wired bp M6t Klrbp.
Xa Boaor of Kiao BopA
A rorp plaaMat partp wan tieaa iaat
plpht at the home of Mlaa MaUma Oaa*
^pd ee Lake avaanc, la hoeor of Mim
^tbtr Bopd. Mtaa Bopd haa beta atMpillrr the baalaeM eoUen for aome
lima, bat wUI leare the dtp tomorrow,
faaea aad liffht ratreahmaala wort
lha crdar of the oeaataf.
Oaatm <Htp aaartot Ooooert
Tf pabUe are cxpaetiaff a rare treat
pp tha oocaaloB of tbe eocoert to bo
•troa bp the-goeOB Oitp Male Qaa^et.
plated bpi Howard Braaa Lwr.
yloUalat, Laoa F. Tltaa. riadar. aad
||lM Jeaapbaa' Vader, aoloiat aad ao>
nia te tba Aret Uma that the oriciaal
flaiMi Oitp goartct haa bean beard for
pl^tlme. Tbta wUl be the ialUal
mil--------- oi Mr. Loa^. aad the work
||ta Vader aad;Mr. Tltaa are too wall
haowa to Bead oommeat. AftaeMter'

T* Cara • SOM
fake Waniefa White tVinc of Tar Sptap
ffm beat dbutbmedp on earth. Send

paina to furalah a euarae cf lecioraa
aad eatertaUmsBU of which aap
mipht well be prvnd. Bome of
aambera on the eoaree are booked at
chief attroetloaa ia each elUm aa Chi
capo. Detroit. Aaa Arbor and New
Xork. Aa carried oat bp tha moaapement. tbe eooiae b jtot a moaep maklopachcma. Tbe blph price paid lor
the Uleat and the low price atbed for
the UekeU makea' it aececaorp that
lhare be a larpa tola ia order to clear
Nevertheleaa the liberal
pauoaape that the eoaree haa received
in the peat makea «aa aanapemcai
aoaddeat of aaaataom to be noed for
iBoraaalBp the Utacarp aad tqaipmeat
of U>e Htph acbooL

■ea^p toTake F aca Taaadop Vipht
to EffMt an O paaiaattoo—Serlea
of OcB'ca a FropoatA

Tbe movemeat to reorp«Blxe a pan
elnb u ihia dtp haa atet with favor
amoap the enthoaiaata ot abootlap aad
a meeUap baa been oaUed to take ploee
at the ottea of'^, F. Carver next Tueadap nipbt. A plea to effect a perma­
nent orpaaixation vrlil thea be dbeaaa
ed. ItUcDppaatedttaataaeriHofeonteata take place dorlnp the toll
There ore a praat ■tan;
nuap expert aiarkala Traverae
—------ -i city
Clip aao It la q ‘
.able that» pood
- - dab
will be
few ,peara apo trap ah
,ixad. A fan
lap WM a favorite aport aad It b
pected that tbe eetboaiaam will ba re­
vived now. AU tboae lotereaied in
trap abootlap are Inviicd to atiead the
r extract redilap the meeUap.
daairca of tbe atate tax <
I read aifd made the occaaioa of SIABOB FAOTOBT BglTMlH
la order to arrtre at a atethod
of eqaallaatioB which will be peaeral
ihroopboDt the eUte. the oommlaeioB
dedrea to determine the ralae of all
real Mtate la the atole. To do thle the
nlmloa baa called upon the

^oha F Ottof Trareraa Clip Lumber
Oo. Boapht S6B Aoraa ConUialap
4 000.000 raet of • Bardwood.
.Joha F. Ovt of tha Trareraa. Citp
{MBber Co., haa cloeed a deal with
BraUick Broa., wherebp be beeomea
pwsorottuaeraa of raloabla' Umber
jaadt attaatad ia Beaale and Ualaaaa
T%e deal wet effected
paalerdap. tbeooaalderaUoa belnp
PI7.M. The laada oonUla aboal
PM.000 feet of hardwood, which wUl ba
pat off and broapbl to the miU here to
Pa maDufaoMiad Into lamber. Mr.
lOU raeeaUp parehaaad 7?o aerea of
terdwood laada la rariODi loeallUea.
Iko prodvcla of which will be worked

llatWBlbaBeadT Sw BimiUffaf
Beau far tbe •tadaaha* LMtaia
aad Mmla Ooaiaa.
Tbe plat for tha StadaataV Leetarr
and Made Oowae wUl he pat CB at th'
atp Mewa amad kemarraw mccalaf^
a a:M->'alaek NjparaoowUlkaaloead Wiaarremeeathaa * acau a
aUam. Tba Brat aambarea the eoan
wUl prore a piaat attneilna Ea*
Tbomaa Dina, tha Map of tba pin-form. wiU pirn bia tomoaa taetore.
"Taa Battle Crp of Freedom."
AUtheeat.itaiameauof the eoaree
will be plraa ta the dtp Opera Hobbc,
wbicb baa Jjatbeaa retued, makiag
It far bethtf aa aa aadheriam thaa
arar bdora. Tbe rear atata below
have beea raiaed. piviap modi better
opportaaiiiea for both heariap and aee-

1.000 EnaheU ot PotatOM Meoeiv
While tbe poUtoatareb foctorp faai
notaeeared enoaph poUtoea to keep
the plant ranalap to aap exirat, they
b»v« enoopb au>c« to ran the faeWrp
sottdenUp to thoronpblp teat 1*.
peeterdap - and everptblap worked
flcrlp. The kUeraerOolombia broupbt
la 1000 baebelk cf poUtoea from But
toot Bip and Uaua aad other kblpaeaU will fotlOwf Tbe eoiopaop ba*
arraaped for larpe quoatlt-cc of
Dotatoe* to cose from bap po
iD Ok the farraera have gotte

traaaferof real eaute la the eoaatp bp
warraatp deed where tbe amouat laTolred iaOrarSIOO. ap to Jolp 1. IBM
Tbe treaaurer laaahed to fdralah a re­
port of tha ammat of taxea each deaeriptioa paid in tbe peara IBM. 18M
and 18»8.
L waa ataled that the expeoae of the
•k waa expected to be borae bp tbe help.
eereial eonatlea
li woe eaUmated
that tha work woald uke about a
month. Tha board fiaallp decided to
No rvriMi^-equals WARKtuOi Whitk
pep -the repUler aaa ireaaarar for
E or Tab hVKVP .for. thb terri
:oantl fatal dfkeoec. If taken tbor
mh bark, their bUU to be premted
at the Jaaaarp aeaaioa of the hoard for Jithl.v and in time, it will.
:i 24 boura, aad fu* the cough that lulhadlUop.
La Grippe 1; never
ir (alb to plve
Tha diaeoadoB broapht oat eoaaldar- vlivf. -Prloe. 26e and 50c.
able infaramtloo repardlap whathar or
Dtvtp oaCJIhTer Vex Wpek
not tranafan of propertp ahoutd ahow
the aotoal raluea lieTeral oaaea were
recited where tbe peraoaal propertp
waa ladoded ia the real eaute ttaaafer. Bat it wa« apreed that tbe fiparea
pa tba traaafar woald atrika aa
len waa aoma diaenaalon aa -to tba

0 Cire U arippt li 24 loan.


warm weather, but U vro* fiaallp dadded ta kald the axarebaa katwaaa tha
lataadiiUof Joauarp.
The eommtitaa oa poor reporlad that
tha weat addiUoa of tha poor houM
Deeded repair*, but that oUterwbe the
buddlnp woa to pood coaditioa.
Weddlap at Merthport.
Northport, Oek 19.-Tka town ia all
opop over tha weddlap of oae of
HarthpMVa fair daapfaiara, Mba HatUa
Doom, aeeoad doapbter of Mr. aad
Mra Qeorpa Dame of Northport. who
marrlad on Wedaaadap avealap
at elpht o*elodi to Wliilam 8. Darrow
of Traveraa atp- The weddlap ceramemp waa perforated at the homo of
tbe brtda'a father aad aaothar bp tha
Eov. a Bleela la tho preaeaoe ot aboat
thlrtp-ava of the meat l
aUf«aa4Mwda Tlte bride waa attaadad bp bar abtor Bloacha. aad Mr.
Ham Porhar of Northport. aupported
the prooB- Attar the oaremonp aU
adionraed to the dlalap room where a
rich repeat wo. aaread apoa tha hondeoBMlp dreoeated toUm. Mr. and
Mra. Darrow reeelvad tha warmaat
eoaprataiBUone of khelr frienda. AU
aaita ia heat wbhaa for bride aad
bridaptoom'a bapplaoea and waltara.

Whp^tep apeUeoloaei
la a atpb ae lafoloael.
1 Ub^ a At qiMUoa to aak el



on top of oor Bpring. and mattreiKs
than nnderneath them.

: Coupti. Aattima.

J Tk, Wnua poioiT"*

We carry a very large line ot fresh new sprin'gB
and mattresses. We can suit your tastes and can sure­
ly suit your pocket book.

Plush Cape

120 Front 8t

For trimmed.
Oillar and front
Meroerixed silk.
Lining of extra qnalit;p.
30 long foil eweep-


lire Insurance.




Both Telephones, No. 43.

Practical Embaint^rs



and Funeral Directors


318 Union Street

with any shoe sold in Um
olty for«S.oa
W« cive yon FAloe r«oelred or refund your





L. L. A. BuUding.

The “COMPANY’S” Bill of Fare
Served six days in the week.

Cove opateia. ite eaa
Chiekeo actap,
»P. lOr
iV eaa

BoaEUou Boap. lOe eoa
Mock tartia aoap, iQc can

Queea ollvea. ;se bottle

Blioed oaloai

Colombia river aalMa *teak, lOe oaa
Deviled (OBpae. 8c to lie can

Potted toaphe, 5c to its caa

Eoaat beef. Me caa
Boned tarkep. soe eaa
'Booed cbickan. 50c eaa
Potted tarkep. Me can
Van.oamp'a park aad beaam ios eaa
Broiled macke»l. Tomato aauce. Me coa
Prime oora W. Ue can
Olpm Powder. <5c eaa
MocblM Bav lobateto. Uc caa
Batatarla Shrimp, !«c eaa
Vieana Sanoopc, lOe mb
Irioh poUtoea. SOeIjn
^ Sweet poUtoea. <<;e Ih
Sopor loaf hcaoa. ISccaa
Sweateoro, lOscan
Sopor loaf poM, l5c can
Chiekaa tomale. I5e

No bone berriop lOc

>mato eataap. <5«
Chow chow.-lOe to 60c

Oherkiaa. lOe to 60c
Mixed pleklaa. lOe to dOe
Para olive 0*1. Ms-50e
Oarkce mlad dreoainp. 30s to soe
Sliced plaaN^ »«
Mcoiareh mlaee pla, lOsa

$1.69 SHOE

Houte Furnishing store.


None each pompkln. lOe e
Dried peach pie. 7e Ih

Cream eaadlu. Me Ib

B. U Oo'a "Baer flsv bread.
Whole whut floor bread, tie mek
Oraham Aoarbread. S5e«ek
Prime ehaaaa. 16c lb
-Baafa WaUr Wafera. ise box
Brammorb Soper Wafeca. <5: hoc
Eaaaadpb Fafay Waforo, tie box
Saan Tatti Frattl. Me lb
OaaadA Bbealt, 5e box
Uaeoda Jlajer Wayfora. lOe box
Whiu Eoek Qlapar Ale. 9c plat
Vichy Wator, lOe

Bnayadi Jaaca Mineral, 30e
Appoliaario. <5e

Oolonp Ua, FOB to Al-iO
Yoaap BpacE.« to T5e
Mo^ and Java Oaffee. S5c


AU pooda for maaM daUvorad
. frao aapwhota Is tha dtp....



Frank Friedrich

The Hanoah 4 Lay Mercantile Go.


tBM MO«jgiio luwOMP, gaiPAy. ootom. mj. lan.


Th* hmwj ni% of Tumimr m4« tkm
\ erlfktM- tor
iMt work tbo ••Mpt obeot fea'
aUM «Mt of K«i«s EopUta «rero oc
Sra Md aUw of foooa borood ood
■uapomt of Utebtfod load ralaod.
*»•*»■*■ Ettoa oad Broek•oU lowBoblpo to oMTlj datrojcd.
•ad »U1 coat amral baadrod doUoia
M rabaUd. .


<taoaa boob 4Mka.~ Iba *«teo to
aaloaUarWtew .a Ua teaarIdte la «toa Stoui|iptaaa Aa Vlavod
Wa triad dril
tUa eitj. aad had a nUpteotar moTor.
kr Sraoo BabiStod. a YiaaWotboopbt wa wara dol^ a laad
dSae badaoM, bat oaa day aa oataoat
waa raoMtly raedrad by oaa. taw oar Myar cowtef oat tt
•da bwa ta tba cHy. froBjaadaa /
I. baa ofl«ad to admit aebool,
aUUraaatlTaaaauaaeh.te ordtr tei®^ BeboBdd. oaa of tba Tratarta|poat. otTt^Jril*M^|S!ld*hter tld'
^bla tbaa> to praCi by tba opportaa-1
boya aow la tba Pbillypteab It ‘aaai^ad biak aad loaad tba sMtar
ity towliaawtbawoBderralratalt* of ^*^btBteaBtetaraaUarBaaMr'-f rdt^ef oar mararb rwiamat. W*
bawaa tefaa.ity daw«.u»tad to tba
tbara, aad bara 0^ fawaj
fbaad ,that too atayor
aaiooaatle an oxaodkloa.
a«™cta fro« tba latt«;
tba teoarfaal army aad waa maklac
W. L Bcowa baa paiabaaad tia
Ba laaf. P. I.. Sapt S
aalaato-do aa ap** Bat aow tba
BtoekbaUdlaC.o. B.,*Xair^Lh !.
^ Aealro. tba mayor aad- arTwal otbara
waadamapad by Bra aoma Ume ^
»bUa I an bare. I art wbata they will ftra m ao mar*
aad to bariap It niamlaleil aad pat la
Ballere that I woald qait the imblc lor nma Una.
abope for oeeapoaey.
»«»t Aadaow.
Soyoaa^awbat oar work to like
UadvaOwatkiatto baUdlap a rad^aoo« aad oftaa tot w, »ai a«y
daaaaoa Wcat Proat atraat. arn to
frl«da. I will write yoa a «xl me to bear the aawa. The other
bU neat narkeL
b>ya are wdl.
«aeara»T year friaad
T«*»htet: We.theibraeTraTaraeCity|
ity bead of catua
‘ I boya la tbU raplwrot. bare «ot bad or ,
Sapc* 'tworoao.
Iktedalaoewe left there teat Doermaar
Piaak Snpaa to naktap inprorr-. Aad aa It tokm orw- two noatba f* ra
Ooodrteb mmat

Wte k It ttftt otwaji «uta~k Upr*
•*AB«UBa9r.''M4kkMiiM M Stateb«r* On^ Oftn Bom Woitewday.
Sot. Ut, wUl hMo TOO iMfktec lo(«
nrnyi»np mr awJ
UtiiMor Swterh of tW

^ SV&U SleiM

Vot boot raoia Ik baa baoa kaeva
ttibtqwtteaotalaiac r>ld astou ia
OateaaCM aoaatp. bat U hu aarar
toaaa foaad la pastor qaaatlklaa- Now,
Wwaaar, It to raportad tbot rock baa
r Hidaaw, wbleh
wUlraafttiothatOB-la pdd.
Tba Brat tralnload for Ibto year o^
waatara abeap tor taPnara aroaad
•' “■
“ “» "t. ■--<« u..
Veraoa arrlred at Varaoa Teaaday.; narkat oa ?•
It ^ nada ap of twaoty foar ear
g,, HeNmfr daopblor of Mr. aed
L.o;.l»,ol 0.„„1 L.I,. u I.
tonda, or ahoap la all. Iron Moa- Mta. Martio MjNetl. died yeetarday.
Manila. It hae no railroad, bet a riror I the city
taaa. Tbaaa wlU be ukea la taiall at tbe ape of two aad a bait yeare.
"< Kuk-k.. T„..
^ by the farnera aad fattoaad for Tbefaaeral wiU oeear pt tbe Becoad
tororrblpblB tbe ruloy eeaeoa. aadcity risltor yeetwday
Mr B. obareb tbto afteraooa at ; thtototberalay^a.
. j Her. Horrord Moore of'Mmito. ero’clock.
There are ten companies of the ' Heed to tbe city last aipbt. Be w U
At tbe Tlkoaeope aaim-tolanaat tble T^blrdr^imentJ^ ono troop of h-jtbto m.ralnp. for tbe Friaads'
bineelf oe the Willwlapton la Oabaa eraalap, to addltlpa to tbe prise Bpbt airy, and a battery of artiUery. hmldm 'qoa,t«-ly meetinp at Maote dtr
waiera. bMane ae«|aateied with Jee. aad tbe Dewey parade, tbe pbeDopracb a^Ulappao. We bare litely Umee j MlmClan ErsHof Wnilamsteirp to
Maxwell of Jeekaoa. Mtoa.. wbo atoo praad will play eeTcral eeleetloo' aboat eroTT two wroln. Tbe other two ' jn the city
had a aoa oa tbe WlInlDjrtoa. The two• Oaff MeD»aU aad A- L Joyce will eompanlM of oor replmeat are at]
Prank jBllaby aad wUe retaraed
bayaworeebana Tba pareoto dadd make a record, which will be at ooce Uateoa. M*ea mllM down tbe rirer.
yroterday from Eoeeommoo, wbera
ad to pat narrtad aad the weddlup' raprodoead.
took place la tbe aoeth oa Weda«aday.
TbaTrararaaCto Maele So. will
Naltbbr of tbemarlaea were able to be
. —— \mruoar nceeiaua lelt
' more lato tbe balldlap oa Weet Ttoo)
praaeatattbe weddiop.
the riror. An-1
in Grand Bapidt yMterday:

etrect,^poalUihe BtpU tflisc, Ib*
train pees
poet lo
to aaioloa.
Maloli tl tbe roll-1
. •
Aadrew Baeaell. aped eo yean, a j balldiep la belap mfltled for the pur other irain
wall-to-do tamer, wbo reaidee oc the • pm*, aad will mtke a aloe loeatioa Tor
towb liae belwaco Aarallaa and Oaoo- tba baeiaam.
A aioek of Mwlop
dapa, mat death U a horrible maaorr machlaas will be baadled. la addUloa
Tharaday afteraooa. He wae aapaped to the etock of maele aad nasieal ia
la dipplap a bole la tbe pnaad tor tbe euam
parpoae of alnWap a naminoth etoae.
A eUl aterai yaalerday ealted tbr
wbea tbe etoae became looeeaed aad
cbcmloal aapiae to 01} Wcat Bipbi
roilad oa bln. o-osblap bit life oat la
street. Aa csplaeloB of aa air tipbi
aa lactaau
store caused1 tl
th'ti aUm. bet ao danap*
White aa old ladlaa wonaa waa
baattep piaaaap aba dtoeorered tbe rw
Meadanee W. Boldeworth, W.
■alaaefa body la a aecladed epot
aboat M rods Iron tba main trareled Bnltb. 1. Winate. A. Oopres,
Bbe reported tbe
aatheriltoa aad there waa an laeeaUpatloB made aad a jary empaaaled to
■eat Tharaday. Tbe eberiS foaad tbe
rwaatae aothlap bat boaea. aad come
of tbe olottalap wae left, wbteb prored
to be that of Ateaa aboot middle ape
Thera wae a katle, rale aad a pteee
of red chalk ia tbe poekete. alao a
UrawooBce bottle oa»-thlrd foil of
laadBBom. whleli mipbt tadfeate aal.


! toedsy for a tea daye rscation at bii
I would (ell you about some -of our | borne in Wexford. Be wae accompan•■eerups.” boi 1 know bow ilrceome |by bU wifo.
that woald be te yon. m it to always' Mlm Either Cook came to tbr city
tbe Hme tbinp. BeeldH. yon mipbt >''<>« Hicbaoad. lod . yreterdsy oa her
beliere me. Bat we are aby throe way totbr Prie
prlrates and our C'seeany commander at Maple City, waiefa bepins today.
ae tbe roanU of oar last flpfat. We
Mrs Jamee Merpaa. wbo baa been
bare aot bad any of oar company
at. tbe Park
killed, bat come hsTe beea badly Mner. left yMterday for St. Psul.
■Mine., aeeompaaied by Mrs. C. T.
I will pire yoa aa IdH of oar datia i dteut, who will retara
There are tea eoapaalM here in
Mrs. (^iM UncMUr entertained
all. Monday we po on oaipoet da^, Mm. Ueorpe Baebant of Fooefa yHtvthe whole company. Tuesday we are
C. A. BeaH of tbe Sontbera ftelioad
rellered by another company, and It to
our day of rust. Bnt we drill orer an and J Vandermark of the gnees aad
Creeoent roate. left for the eoutb yM
boor when not on poet
Wednesday wa drill foreaoon and af t^y after spendtep some Ume in UiU
eerooon, do onr wasbiap and clean up
Mtoe Lou Taylor, an employe at tbr
penerally. Tbutuday we drill, and Fridsy to epent in the Hme way. Satai- uyinm. bu pone cm a vaesUon af fonr
day to inspection dsy. and all of oor weeks, which ebe will spend et Clncte
neti, Ullweake* and Cbicapo.
It be in sblp-shape from
Mrs. Krsak, Friedrich and ebildrea
•op to bottom, ae oor Hptein looVl'~at
ererytfainp with a careful eya 8nn<*sy are TtoiUnp In Grand Baplds.

& O. Howard. & J. lUBarf>Dd. A
Bate. U. Nararte. Ohusploa. C. Wil
belm.J. A. MoMaaai, B. b. Oorbrti
0. U. CoreU. M. A.Weq^te. Mieem Bslella Lae. Loedoa. Braas aad T. Boldl
worth, nembere of tbe pipe orgai.
coraailtkee No. 0. are r> qaeated to meot
with Mra. CM. Fnli of Beet BipbU
atreet tbto afterrdbe at t o'clnek.
Tbe teaeben of Binwood areonr
Latpe alteraUoaa will be made la the will welcome tbe motbrrs of ihri' s tbr Hme ai a week dsy. except tbst
A Tbouand T^pan.
etaamere City of Obieapo aad City of poplls at tbelr eebool bnildiop tbU we don't drill.
Could not rspre*4 tbe ropiore of .tnNext dsy we go h pusrd to gainos. nie E. Spritiper. of Pnlladelpbla. wbre
MUwaokee. of tbe Orabem A Mortoa afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The LadlM- Uolld of Unix- ebareo then oa interior puard. tbeo old paard Dr. kiBfs
_ _____
line. T>eel«k'eoffloeiaodthetedlm
New _______
cored ber of
fsUpue,and to oa. dsy after dsy. Som* I * bsckinp coapb tost for many this
cabin will be remored aad a etape wUl bepin this week to bold Bats
•reeud la the etera with eeeaery, drop oiarkeU'In N. B. btroap'e mueie atore.
•artalB aad orebestra. Dbrlap tbe Bread, eakes. pim. baked beaas, fried
Don t ask me. lam bero. and u .
,t .^on reliered tbe pain in my
loop as 1
in pood bHltb. 1 aa will- | chest and I ho now sleep aoondlT. plr- csket and cookire will be on ule.
Tbe ladiea of Dirtoloa NV S cleared lap to do my share aad take my sometblop 1 Ha SCSIireely remember do
like aonndinp ite
cbaacM of meetinp a Maoaer or a RemTbe yadrt. Olad Tldlapa, which wae
orators throophout tbe ColTofse." Dr.
I bsTe a Beminptoo Klnp’s New Diseorery to pnarapteed treplledby Csptola Bendy. the”Lake < Bt of tba pipe urpan fond Wetaeadey iaptoD bullet.
rifle that I Hptariia mrself. 1 aball core all trooblM of the throat. cbMt or
Mtoakmary." P*e years apt, weal Bipbt.
aeboce oa tbe reeke la tbe bay at
TrueerM City Chapter No. tOI. B. A, try to brinp It home with m*.
Tbto U a loeely ooaDlry.preea all the
Waabbara aad WH pouded to plecea. M.. will bold a eprciel comroeatlm UNo ItTM wareflMt.
aipbt at T:30 enarp. Three caadidetee yearronDd.Pruiuofall kiads Id abac
bare picked eocHaata. baa
At BV Loato, FfMk Kolly. al^t i tor tbe P. H. ^ M. E. deprsea
auM. manpoH aad other wo.iIhI
yean old. wae ran orer by a wapoo
•ad bao hto face badly eratbad. He to
Tbe HIph eebool foot ball team U- fruite. Baoanae are « cenua doxin
Boicaqpeetad to Urs. Tbe drirer of dolpedteaoBM eery bud practice at 4a tbe town, and eoocannu are 10
tbe wapoo hM aot beea IdeoUfled ae tbe Twelfth atreet park yeeterday.
All tbe “AmlpM" or Fllipiaoe are
•one bat email ehUdrea Hw the acei- Tbe boye an ImproTinp. and a pame who are not tesarpenta. are plintlnp
between them and come tMm from ti a rice. They om tbe earabo. an animtl
town In tbe bhf fotnn to aot nnlila- slower tbaa oseo. with borne some of
Tbe aew wall belap laid
priaon will prohibit taoarllop to treewbteb are eti tool from Up to Up. Tbe
Aom on the pai^ of eoarlcta The wall
By mtoteka the place where
women work
than tbe men.
le Bre feet la tblckaem and to belap Pmbyterian C B. eoolal waa held They carry ere^tbinp oa tbeir beads,
amde with boclden. At tbe aortb- Wedaeediy eiraelop was omitted
from a pin to a strawsU'k.
Glore that will cause yon
WMt corner are three “hard beade' yMterday'e Bm-ouu. Tbe ao<»i»i wee
Some of the natleH arc clean, and
apon which tbe oorner Iqplald that held at tbe pleaaaat borne of
no trouble is what we
tbe luat are eery dirty. Tbelr boasH
welpb rcapectirely 6.STD. e.rro and 6,- Mtoem Anderson, cm Wmi tterentb are ail made of bamboo. Ued tepetber.
offer you at
All are built from throe to six feet
aboTetbeprcmnd.aad fl'tb and elope;
(tetb dtrattoa of Battle Crwk. le
B'bbed tbe Orare.
said to be a pbyrioloplcal marrel la
pipe that are kept there.
Wbep tbe j
that be bm two atoeBaeba.
“I wae In ana
iditlon. MyekiD
after tbe foiay seaeon. !
Colors only—
A heary rate la 0am coanty Taeaday
II almost yello
,. . . eyee
ennken, tonpur
tbe eteacb to enoupb to kilt anyone bnt i
mted. pain oontionally
ii back
' ' aad
lonally in
baemred winter wbcAV Ateigc
sUtee, no aKteni PTOwinpt weaker day
ays WM sown te that locality.
All eizea.
tryinp to teaeb them better ways of
by day. Three
ilTinp. but it hH been tbelr wey for
Mn. Oarld Dale's bone and happy me up Then 1 wae adrised _
Bleetrie Bitten; to mj pruat joy.
wen stolen at Baule Creak lost after Bnt botUe made a decided Improre- entcrlee. and they will not ebaape In
dark. Officer Pi
otent. I coBtlBBed their use for three
Weeannottraatanyof tbem.H “AlJ
wheel aad started te ponalt. fa eplto weeks, and as now a well «>■. i
know they robbed tbe pn*e of another
of tbe bip baadl
idicap of mnddy reads
OTsrtook tbe th!
thief after a chan of ten Tiellm.'’ No one aboald fall te tiy
Only Me. poaraateed. at Jae. 0.
aMtes and amatod him.
I's and B B. Walfe drop sterH
Mre. Armoar of Orapd Baptda. to
Tested OUUtsb
maktep a toar of Bortbara
Tbie bal^ the iMt week of tbe wontewaa te eeareh of bw aoa, whom elo
AatomaUc BipoeltiOB. eebool
hae Bwarned h dead for a Bambar of ■ Aerfol
children will be admitted for halt
yaare. She wee racaaUy adriaed that
pries, »oeoto. Do not mtoe this, tbe
be waa lonted te that etate aad aba
prandHt of all seebanical aeb'—
meats. Ae an edaeator from a
bM atarted out detennteed to Bad him.
ebsnlcal etaodpoiat, It has an <i
Learn te Bfteaa mtentM want a
- Tbe piAteeheTe located a b^par'a
time qd^ttent toU bae accomplb
joint on Jobaaoa etraet at, Jaekuoa.

\TS.~' "



The Boston Store

Special Prices


tot niea, wgmti, ports, misses.

.................................................................................SI .36 up

Womun'. tongol. batlo,^ felt lm«l, rt«.k tip »lid ^
inner and outer aole.................................... ................ (t.48t

lost nectiied a toll liae of Warm Goods
run.i«linKo(E,nbToid,fe<l F.ll SUppe™, Fur Top. Julfetfe.,
Poll«-kl«i Doiuoil. Fokod Fell Shoeu

Ool)i Two Dais More of oar
Special $2.00.aod 13.00' Sale of Shoes
for Mao and Women.
We earry a ftoli line af,.,,

The McCall


Bazar Patterns, _


SOSTSrvUSB. gOStOII 01018.
..Fu.blo> M,....,. n«IM ETk,.,

Glass Block.

J. E. Greilick Co.
Doors, Sash, Mouldings.
-Fine Mill Work
Cold weather is coming.

Now is the time

to place your orders for

Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.

J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No *i

Traverse City. Mich.

J. W. Milliken


Bermal traaka wwoioaaB paakod foil
•t clothtep. bHldM bapn of etdn
amowtlap totWA Tbe BUb to be.
yoad deeeriptloB. They may be cent
back to Oermasy.
Job Oonldst Bawe Stood It.
If he’d bad Itebtep PQee. Tbey'rs
terribly annoyinp; but Bneklea'e Ar•tea SalT* will core tbe wont can of
Pllnoa^eartto It bae cured thossandr.
ftar tn}4rtoa, Paine or Bodily Bruptiom
tt'e tbe teat mire U the worid. Prtoe

Kimball ^iaios and Orgaas

maelctoae erorywhero. No. ItePraai
atreet, N. B. Stroup, amaapar. 7St tl
Do not forpet that the pivat Fils
almmoae-Jeffrtoa baule te tbe ring
to te be reprodneed apafa In tbe City
Opera Boom Friday ni^t by the
Bdtoon Ame^n \ntseeepe On.

at OcdBmbia Hall. Tneeday erenlnp.
Oetebarlt Jobaacn A Foote wcbcatra. Xti iybo4y terited. l»t 9

JmroB, Wrlght'B H«Bltb, Wool Fleece^ NatofAl 8Uk FIboob, Potb Wool Scmrlet, Oneite
Oomblnatlon, WintBr Weight Belbriggan—Bott
o&derweBr ▼alaet—Biggest BBsoHment—Mod.
BBt prioBB Bt ^‘andBrwBBr hBadqaertBre”—that's

Hamilton Clothing Co's, i

A word
To the wise.

Have you see the latest pro­
duct in W. L. Douglas eboes
for men. A glance at our
abow windows abow yon the
latwt fashions in fine foot,
'wear. Ton may kwk where
yon will, see everybody’s
offerings, compar» criticAlly
and your verdict will, be be.
yond question. The Doug,
las ia the leading shoe in
He price ia stamped on
every-shoe and one price to all. Everybody ia cordially invited
to see them whether they wish to boy or not.

Boston Smnd Babbert trom 8he apwArd*.

luu'V I. S. FBYIMN

saoEui. I


tmtOMOItf «BOOBi>, FUD4Y« WTOBBB 90.19W


•fbe Dntb Bcuard.
Tba early eloelay morameat baa
Mn. EalaMebart, w«b of Albert
■veaa a aaoema with the bartaem of Mabert, who died Wadanday am
VewTcefe VerM aad Leafoa
eareity aad baa mot the appronl of
OflW a Oap Fbr Bxtra Oolamh
Mra. John
aU. yivlay maay adnatayee aad ao
•haaroek Oaateat.
Biekar. old eettler* of
Baw Ycrk, Oct. Ik.—The BvMtay
Why eaa't
aad Mcu. Mabert wmn both bora at
I ofTra'
Tka Brtttahatoov X«fc 1« tOM. wltk
Mortd ha ■aatrtniirl that ta^eoa- aty Jaia la the i
Propria- Ecawiek wlibla oae mile of each
IMM. M«d U. Md »«o
aoc'ioe with tba Dally MaU of Loadoe
ofaenral of the abope ban ex- other, aad wen alaamt bre«ri>t «p
«3th«n M «ra*. kM naekad .OaUao.
t often a cap to be nllad far by the
Ina aa belay haartOy la toyether from ebildbood. Brtb atJPara. ae ra«M tnm Victoria, B. a. It
thamrookaad O^ambia at aa extra faBorofeloaiay
teaded the aame dbtriet eebool aad
aoa, aa a day to be ayraad apoa by at elyht o'clock enry enaiay except tbe Biyb acbool in Traniee City, aad i
loUnrtoaUa aad Sir Tbomae Ltpt
Satarday. or exeapt Wedaaeday aad
welt kaoira. Mn. Meben waa i
rardlaaad KobH^Ua toll from aaaalUy
da of WUl aad John Richter of
«ai^oB toe ekmrah of St. Loaia M HUc
Saa aad waa a (raat iotpronateat
toaetaetbeqoaaOoa wbetbar
M Bay. who died only a abort
Brother barbare.nleaee ylre tbb your
Sad.w fact h>rh. aad waa kiUad.
the laat
r k bettor tbaa the other.
atteatioa aad eowperatkm. aad let at time ayo. She waa only tl year* old
Tboua LMka. a arippla, wka la aa Oorbett-nudm
adept the early eloaiay monmeat, aad aad beaidea bar beehaad. father aad
■■■ata of tka Boaaa of Bafac*. raaaaad real that a pwaoa oftaa lawciaad that
ban mora timeat bom with oar tarn- mother, oae ebter aad brother, ebe
*«» Toaac ladiea aad a mb treat
m by the riac aide. Brarybody
A. O.
leane a brlybt Uula ylri two aad onejr^waiac la SaiaUtoB ka^aattoSad, for tbay
half yean old aad a baby boy throe
Japaa ki to'hafo aaval
aa rood effaet far U oaata aa wbat ooat
“I wbh loexpnm my tbaahe to tl
weakeold. Mn Mebert waa ece
atal Toaay aad Foree of
wstAfrU to aarpa« aartUaf that froa St to MO at the rlar aide.
------ -rmof Cbaatberiala'a'Oolks. up to tbe *ery laet aad made aeam of
- Remedy, for
«outT7 haa
attcaptad, -'Orar lao
6fiOO Kaa-'
tbe amayemeab for her own fuaenl.
baviaypatOBtbemarkMaaeb a r
worth the prioe of adaUtloa. Tboee
Manila. Oet. Ik.-Gaaaral Lawtoa la derfal aedlelae." eaya W. W. Mam
iftbebymae abe wanted
who wtah to aee aoaethiar that
ippoaed to bare reaebed Saa >ldro. ill. of Beaamonv Texaa. There
•Bj«. Oa aopoant ad Mr. MeberVe
SpalalaaMlatlaff haraakjaetalo an- like the real thlaf, aboald aot aha
o eammaaieatioB bae boaa reoolred maoy tboataato of mothere wboee oaly beotber-wbo b is Baaeoek. Mleb..
ehtldrea ban been nnd from aUackt
S«rautoOaba. Orart.eoohaTo arri?- ihia yoMaa opportani^.
from him eiaoe bo Uti Arayat Uia
belay, expaeted (borne Satarday to at

<ad at Sanaa wlthla two Mtha. aad
tend tbe fuaenl. tbe time baa been
StfBaKpaatadaoo.000 wUl
Oeaeral Uwtaa aiS
Mt the by 8. B. W^t aad P. C.
aet fM^ Suoday morolay at 10:10. etaabetweea the acw of the play each
dard tlme.fri>m tbe eburcb at Keawlck.
WnHawHMan BUou. widal/kaewn enatajr by the' Friabee Sto^ la the baae at Aiayat with a faroe-^ararla.
*■ MtoUcM aad lUaoia «aa aa aboU City Opera Boaae are well worth teeTo eeethe freat Dewey parade
etlcaiat. diad . Wadaaaday la Ckteaco. iar. aad will aadoebtedlr be ap- are preparlay tS mon aloay the rirer
the City Opera Bonte tbb enntoy. BfSS’wETrfTrIr
Barial wlU be ia .the taally lot at preeUkd by the aadleaee. Speeial lea- to Saa Itidro. whieb wlU bo held at
Oetobm to.
be* couyh remedy on earth, enrea a cc™
baee for operatioaa to the north.
in coc day if taken ia time. gfodCOcfa.
tarot will be latrodaoed dartay the
Pwtly If 0el7 tet Ken Zb7
luaaaae fanat Sfoa. allw la eateat.
proyreet for eeraral dare aad the axA WeatefBl CzpedUoe asA Tour Xait
mn nciaff la the Maialae aaar ParTa eee the Great Art Bxpaeition.
The patroat of the Stodeate' Let
ChasM to Set It
pedltioawhoeeobjmUnpolat U Taryou han not aeea tbU truly wonder­
u W. Va If lllloae of toet of lawaad Moae Coaiae are yreatly pleated lac, elartod eompletely rqalpped. Sap.
Vlriton to Tn»cnr. aad all otben
ful Bxpoeltloa. yo and en H at ooce.
toerarabaiar baraad ap. aad other
will end tbe Art Bxpociti'u at *1S
If yoo ban eeen It yon will aorely
with the flrei auraetloa.' which, at a pllei were takea oa oaecoea.
B«'Ppw*y S la laatiaaat daarer. ParFront ctmi, will eoatrlbote more
yo ayain aad toke all your frieadt.
drawiapeard. oaa hardly be exeeUed
«aeat la U daafor of daatrae Joa.
real enjoyment than any other p)
It b exhibited at *1} Front atreet
by the aame of aay orator oa'tbe plat- elyht compaalm of the Twaatyfatfrtb
la Tnnjie City, for oae dli
Only oae more day.
Thataday oat Oaaadab Tbaakwlv fona
Tkomia Dlxoo. the plat­ infaotry. elyht oomcaalee of the
Don't fall to make a *bit to thb
Aar Day aad all eivie aad soeeraiBeBt form kiay. will b» rem^nbered by the Tweaiyeecoad Intooiry, alae troopt
dellybtfnl and iaieUeeiual eniertalnBVStSES!> VAROS.
cMoaa. kaaka aad bahtoaat plaoee
PoelUyely only oae more
people aa the orator who of the Fourth ctralry moealed aad a
M took the towa by elorm laet year mixed rerimeatx,e eonebtlay of oae
Sewejr patkAe tniytat
“If yoa epea Hre oa the towa 1 ahaU aad prored by loay odda the beat thlay compaay of the Thirtywereath intoa'
Bee the S5u Bsarinee who fourbt
]^ooaad to abeU yoor worka." It the ra- la the ooaraa. The maaayatB of the try with tlx yoat, a compaay of oanlry
Manila at the bead of tbe prreee*ioc
Vortad weaaare of the Anerleaa ooatnl ooerM han done wlaely la ebooalay aod Ckpuia BaUoa't
la the Dowry Pande ehowa by thr
AO latela who ware prepanne to attaok
tha opeaiay aombar. Mr Dixoa
Tbe Third eaniry It eqclpploy-at
BdleoD Amertesa Co.’e moviny pic­
S^iarto Chbello, Vaaetoela. October i. will ylre hie tomoae loelarr. “The Bat­ Saa Ptraaado to joia
ture machlae la tbe City Opera toBlyhjL Admtnl Dewey and Mayor
*Tbe c«M of the erolMr Detroit were tle Cry of Freedom." Moaday enaUiy. Beayy rathe, thr flrtl la weekt. beyao
. VOiatod at the tebaU aad there t
October U, aad the capacity of the latt niyhl and ontinned tlaadfly.
M<FBd*eu>aroayUr. PkoBm. a*U IN: Xena(Osty Opjrm Boaee wiU doebtleae be
(ooiotad), driear tor
ttou Sunday School OoBreaUon.
Oft^^wTBWlWt Moek. m Prsei
m Lowrie< while takiay
The 3«tb Anaiial Coareatioa of the
Ttaaaiko Olty Ifaifeat.
m nlaable team aad riy to Meaat
Mlehiyan State Soaday School Amobelow ia a Uat of the baytay aadeaL - clation will be held in the Taberaaele.
Maablaytoa oa tae Moaonyi
mliae loei fait life ia a peealiar
roTtadoH aad tona prodaett la Tnv BatUeCraek. Mich . Taeeday. WedaetThe cart had aaceaded about 150 feet
day. and IbBreday, Not. 14. is. aad le.
arhea the boreee Jom^ orarboard.
The ladicationa are. that tbit eonmarryiay Oox with Uam to almoot layeatloB will be the moetlaryely attend­
mUAt death.
ed meetiny of ito kind la the Sute of
I are eoaetaatly efaowia#
Mlehlyaa. The eonreatitw will briay
toyether promineat Soaday achooi
Lised all tbroogb.
workert of etery deaominatloa. the •o c olt
tr. le Pf
aaaoclatioa belay tfaoroucbly loterde- MereaBUk
tbaifhtthafraat Pita
itoatriaelcht wfU be lapnd
Opera SoMa. Tba Bditea
Vttaaaope Oa. praaaaiad thle
atttaeUoa bare a abort tiwe afo aad It
laeaired ertth aatbaalaaaa tW
aanawMCtno ta Mt****^ Tatoday
ai^ Tba Adnnta aaya
“A iarya aad amhaalaatte aadteare
>T«daettoa of U<

: &«wra!l.'Kca»

30 iiwhee !cttg.
Thibet froBt.
Thibet collar.
F«ce<i with aam».
Foil sweep.


We ocmider it of aaaz'
cttpticmal value at

a yrua> «bxMr

J. W. Milliken


Queen City Quartet


Aaaiitad by

Howard Enos Ung,


Uop F. Titus,


Miss Josephiae Vader,



g-JSs:?':”’;:;::;;; “‘S

Kersey Jacket

Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House

Wednesday Evening,.

marUoai poalUoa.

abrbtiaa Bodweor Bicycle Boa.
The OonyreyatioDBl CbrUtba Bedearoreoelety willbavea bicycle run
tabeyeoiny. They will meet at the
church at 7 o'clock. Mr. C. J. Bbner
will art aa captota. and wiU lead the
cycler* around on the - lodiaB TraiU”
ofthedty. The run will terminate
with a marahmallow roaat and yhoat
atorlea. Juet where. Mr Bbaer alone

lavnao aataa oPTaxTaaaaaTr

O. A. B. Thaake Citlaeae' Committee.
At a reynlar meellay of the Poet held
fedaeeday enutay. it waa unaaimouely decided to retura a vote of thaake
to tbe cltixBDa oemmittee of the SoliBritaia. Canada, and the Dnitod ^Kplee-Oalb eid wiiidtoil^ »oe par
dlere nnnlon. held here in Auyuet laat..
Mtatm are reported to han ayraad oa 10° >!>*■
for Ihelr Icindaem la donaUay to the
-m temporary boBBdary line la Alaeka
Poet tbe exoeeeof money in their
j peodlay final defioiUon of the line.,
after payiny all other expenee*.
■ The tomporary demarkatioa will ran
jy,t of Imrri
W. M. Saira,
Kld..u ri... ud
. p.d.t
W, B. THaoKia,
dDcartkiuokwan toa monntalo peak oa m. Tr>*er«r citr pu*iotter iuk*u«i

Strap Bfam.

•uCetalliSreD'a illMuan » apreikltr.
r aoixe d>^1Hnc drewBekloK dear * Ibrir
AJ b-.«n. In.iuir* at or •ddrr» Mu, Brbo.
and a Ore** Maklar Porlen 441 A l« Pronl Ht.
7b If.


' Marta from the Inurior at Banna. The pSStoST^ba. (
Jaamleaa Uborera. 150 1a aapiber, will i
maU tor Eiayttoe today.

di.u.,.b. u.Msuu.

control of the tldemtera. one of tl
atoalree of Canada, malatotnloy Amen-•
I eoaUol oyer the rich
ibb P<
Mbtrlctaad earlay the
Ammrlcaa mloeta aoa on the
the runaci.Caaadian



KartiB. tru.'Vraak

ri,hu ot .11 faCiMi
De»llo, llrTrlU


WallOB. O


prenU la the tonthera dUlrIcte of 1;- artarc Mr. Ah(-unit Hr.> K
Kat- J
Hlleos I amp
PB)ni-r Baud
Saa Gloryio a brldye aad twenty houi
ratee Harr*,, H<
yoeB«. Mbt
ach adnrtiaed
>i away.
Oxoaet W. Rarr.
lierod that there hM been ooastdarable |
1 om of Ufa there. At Monte Mnola, a '
it to Uraod Eaplda
. ahareb waaetrnck by Uybtaiay daiiay
W. Carey Hall
ataea. three penon* belay kUled aod <» boaiaem yeau
forty otbert belay more or leee eeriooeW D a Oermaiae hat retaraed from
.^y lajared.
a trip ibrotiyh Obfa.
Toar nuB are dead aad eiybt mors
Noble it
lajared ia Teaton
eoaair.' At Bay City William
Co. for
Mmta^ frtw't^ ^t atarau.~Tile •*“*•
dead are all ebMp berdera. Normaa
damayea far the loat of aa eya
Oraoe aad one —«-t- amalond br W
ot the

S. Plowarae; WUl Orabam, woriclay


Bain._____ ______ for epnlae.
aod rheomattam. For aale
b 8.
•ale by
Walt and F. C. Tbi

noJ*r pbur bar*

Wamarakb boa Mmaa
Mae tba raaalt of bb aplandid health,
fladwltible WlU and
U yea want


Vomrn. -o (ralir Ihrl7
roinvs PrniouB ^tprrinir* oan
■brr. nu«r*ot*rd »«utc vlooer. If rou bur*
buMblnr u>*rll. or wool to bur unrtbloR: ii
JOO nal b peuilleo. or brip, brrr U tb» dcBlr»d oppOTtutiUr- AppIruRKnuDOOrr.

TrmTrruuCitr. MIrb.

o* Ibui »r Buko
•■Ml tuiilr hidpu.
■ a "oddibruHi.
Boi Mb.

*NTXt>-H<.UMM.rpi>i bnvrrnuo* bed


bead tot qoBSUoe lisl. prIOM bbd )0U*bli


IW ^ bad bolU to order

RM*r wort

---- -









bOd hoMi p»r-


bbd •xpra,>B. Birblrbt. boob Hdr. bo not*.
-- .•«< ublb-r PnaltIuD prrBbSr
pn-WbbmL .Our rof>oun lt^^»blDlr
r town



A R SrtUbif Jl. D.. rrop r. E. W. Bnxsn
I. !>.. kni^ot PbjiMbe, irUb oobialUac pby

___ ___________________________ ro-if


epllM If of oar yraadfathon aad


Tlcketoaowon eale at City Book
Store; Grace M. Coaalayham'a Muale
sum. W. W. Kimball Co't. atora aadby member* of the Church Commitlea.
Box office ia Sielahrry'* Grand opea
Moaiay morainy. TiekeU will he oxebaayed for eoupoa reaerrad seats
without extra ehxrye.

•a n>OBB.Ml

the Mory of “Tba Imet Fire Tarda " :
Ac aa adar-‘ Amoay other eeatributor* to the
ctaadpolBt, It baa BO aqaal. Lcani Mhv are Praetdeat Bealamia Ida
la ftfkaaa mlaatce wbat a Ufa tlma of
Mrhe dbeHaee the rayulaUoa
pattoat toU bae aceomplbboA.
Mllbt Ikhfal at lulaMi OtU^k

r. aaa Dr.
•t JaMt 0. jebBaoa'a aadS. B.'


Under aospicea of tbe Pipe Orgaa
Fund Comniittee of Congra^
gational Cfaarch.


Literary Mote.
Korlaw Mlf bdd
The CoUere Man'e Number of The Dowibloo Co,pbor. Pep-.j.^lobeo.Jj»
te^ey Bnalny Poet (of PhiUdelphu) thonyh planned primarily to
appeal to unlnnlty area, put aad
preeeat. wUl latereetall who eare for
the ehort atory at lb beeV Bobert W.
Cltblb< Co.
for UwB
Oiamben la “The Spirit of the
North." telb of the advataree of-a
-Tabor: two bardan aamad Mclatoah Soatb. Pt. Pleatant. W. Va.. eoatraet- party of Oolumbb aataralbu aad
their qmt of the dlayae-hltberto
Nppoeed to be exUaet-te the aa^wn eoun^ behind the Hudaon
Monatalaa Tibetaryba rather ra- TTropwaitTiabum-oBofaarktadia am
AboMTh tbalr abaap> han baaa foaad. nambar of ao-oalled
■Tbara ara two partlae la the I
bottle of 1
which acted like a
beard from. They ban taab aad food'
i nott ebamfally’ rt~nnmtnea?i
bat may aot aaeapa. Tbay ara W. M. | it to the paWle." For nU by & B. *000^ and the Pram dnh," aa
Tbbto aad Cbarlea MeDaaaallaad tbalr, WailaadT. & Tbompaoa. drayybta.
arfaaa of Dapoyar. now la Baa B1t«
«aaoa. aad W. F. Rablaa and tear test
ehrpaiola. “The Or^t
Great CbU^
Tbb bMay the last waak of the won- OlFMc
Mc Flybi" hetwaea Prlae^
U BmA Cbaek eaaoB. The
derfal i
.fear faat daapoa the larat ia parfa
MUldrea wlU ba admitted i
mf Trataa coaaty.


in every partienlar.


bbd Vllbf-lB Bn> .ionat b«X>M Btcbtbac.

Reed, one of the leadioy eltiona and
merebaatt of Clay. Clay Co.. W. Va . rrv) RXNT~ri
•track bb ley ayaineta cake of lee la X bad Irlrob
each a manner a* to brube it eenrely. It bream much ewoUea aad
Mined him to badly that he could
klh without tbe aid of erntebea
a half yallone of wbbkry la bathlay it
butaoth'nyyaTe any relief unUl be
bwnuelnyChafflberialo'iPaln Balm.
Thb brouybtaimoet a comnlete core


a SjJiSfHii

--'^October 25th


BmmS.BerkU MUbf.


Call and see them before buying.

T03VC SS-A-lsTE,
state St. Sale Stabla.

We keep the “Two In One” sweater
for men who are out in the cold—very
heavy—knit double—almost as good as an
overcoat—only $1.00.
Sweaters here In ^etif style and
oolor-men’s and boy’s rises —from the
cheep to the finest grades.


fSi aaiMBIB hbUflM, HHiAV; MMoom m iM.

momAAi. nomnarM

AoU olao ftla a dapllaoU WU with tba
ettydark. If tba MU to paU to aim
or U* «»m0 i( th* «9 or Tmtmm wtd laapaetor. ba oball waaipt both
blU aad dnpUM, pmap oaa to tba
Ott,. ‘ '
. BanUr ■w>tag A aty Ovaadl
mTU 0—^1 iDMii. OMetar IS.' '
M—<lf WM aatlad to ord«<
arary worklaip dor.
Haartaa I. Bboald ibe ii
Leieber ter »r— a*it» ............
tba eoadiuoa of o w* b Boi
bpt aaadlap rapolr. ba oball aarra opoe anrtekiiiic
tba owaara. or laaaaaa of tba proparty,
porUy Ariitaa oai portly prta-cd ruiac !?■*)**senTa *U*y.!
or adj wf—d fcalw watl^Ui Oot. o
—— wltb tba ordlaooea prUtad
•U. >N», W«f« FMd M4 »P0(«««d.
ootifriop tba party of tba Bieel I'eWa •treri let***____
t. Va.. O^L e, Ii
aa*r*« au*.................... .
• opoira
M »ij. Mieb.
Ur*4~*e« >***1*
U^b*^ (or «>a«w*IOs...............

■ oi M ii«oM«od ^

for utna U related to tba eoultua




-SoeteMd plMM M ptm-

work bhoold bo U tl I ofiea of OTbry
!«. It vUIbe »
oi^ ottenor (a AiMcloo.
IMrpotaol roport of oil U»----------------------•d b)T Ibo AaoTM eoaru of Uot n
•on, boorloff apoo too loo of mnnieipot oorpoTMioao
Wa ort roevirlair
ordon fraa o lorfo eambcr of to<ni>
ood «IUm lo 0*0*7 »<•>« 000 ooetloa ol
Uo eaaoU7. Wa wrlio to rrqoaat Utoi
yon briar tba otourr W> tba ■
of roar Onaatoe Goaaell.
Voa <rUloUo B..<l aocloaad o HUlo

oat aaotloao of tba roaotry
Toero aarr tm'a.
Uoo B B MicuiO&Qn.
MotmI by AioeriDop toruia tuat tb*
aoBaaalooUoo ba refarrod-U tba eon
Biluao oa woyo oad laeoao-

Trovoroa nty. Oat la. isw
Tbifcr H'fioioiJWc. rh< Muinr <lnd CUy.
I'ouneil uf ihr CStv of Tmarror Cliy.
OaaUoaiaa-Wa. tba aodaralffaad.
raoidaato oad Uzporara. beraby re*
paetfally peUtloo yoar boaorobla bod*
to order oao ore liabt ploetd batwero
tba ttead Hoaaa of Kaooey A 9oo oad ih*
pMkiof ■oaaa>ofB. L Boqm>b. IIhi
foot iraat of tba O. B. A I B. B
Prairbt Uoaaa:
K. L. Baoaooi. H. P. Haori. W
Hoaat. M M Ur-tvta. ti. S Luikr. t H
Boaoo, B. J. Oauo.
Bdrrla Moriia.
Mellte Htiaaa. Aalrld P«tar*aa. AHae
HlOBia Biaoit, Ltd* Carur.
Prod J G blaaoa. rtopblo Io*on.
L Wltkop. C. N. H\
I>ark Wltk-tp. ■: B
Kaeory A <»ob
Morad i
tb- petm^_ „ -.................
iBittaa O'! pubhe llrbtlog.
-p MoUoo aorr'ol.

Tr*»era* Ci*e. M<eb ■ Ooi. ID,
Ifonornldr. tOr ttayt^r and t'Uy
nl the VUy uf T'orer** CIcy,

followior paraio*
oppUeO to me for permlu to erect
d aeliior*
tritblD tbe city UmIU.
8 Adder
>d*ley for
for perinlctiob
permlctioi ...

balldla*.bi«Jfropad. „ ____________
*nzt rcrnlor maeflaff.
MotMw carried.
Morad M Mr. Moore that SapenaABdcat Hon be natborixed lo nncad
Mi CMOcdlac AlflO for the parebaoc of
MoUm carried.

mL a5^'SSrSld“'' “"*****^

A. W.Bkrkw.
_____________ _ «t‘P a»tk-

_ ......................_.i the_____
I tpoka aold rapolr* ud


.. a blu of tl

city Clark. If wld ibe ytotemeat be ooeeplod ood claim*
bill to paid i
I laapactor. ba aboil
be ordered poU oa twmmmrndad; obd
botb e
dnplioota. fllloc
fll|o| the
that tbe elerb be la*tr«eted to aood o
opUckta *ltb tba city elerb.
bill to tbe Anailo A Weetoo eompooy
Ao U veli known. In nil tyotem* of
dccuoa 4. Wfaaofrnlk«orerapolrod. for tbe omoDDi of mpoin oa tbe etiwat
tdepbone cvnnmtun where there are
oil ploBh**bol be aet e«ea with tbe roller.
o uuinlter of tnetnimepts ob one Hoe
MoUoi ..
ooiooM of tba ploak*. oaJ eoi aolled
oo the top thareof.
If ooy wolka ore
Y«*-Aldermea »*orkor. MoaUeno. tbe Tariouc *ubiicriber*
down tbeir re*-elrern
can oyerhear
foood oltb the plonk* or board* polled Baatlnp*. Ciooh. Lordle and Wi'
k Alder

d by
on top. the lokpector aboil take tbem
Urdie, Tbot tbe eonyereatlon earned on by other aub.iff *ad proceed to rep Ur in the moaoer clerk and I
be ontuorUed
•eriben oo the main line. A Texa*
apeelfien, and o* tbuopb do aueb
iranafer from the ooatlopeat load patentee ba« deriaed a ayatcen of
ppirbod beep mode
AH plonk* bo* 9s *24 IB to tbe erodit pf toe vorioa>
nectlona. emplnylnK a double ms of retop boie* loald* the enter •trlnpam of o 'uod* oa follow*;
eelvere. whereby any nibccriber
tbot admit* of d*Bper ia trorel K re daportmeot fond................$ 300 00
Water food
1.534 IB cm out a aecUon of the main line af
I b* tooeo an »ad or « plook* *ab
altber aide of hi* atallon. w that
All plkPb* broken beio-en Bollcefnad..
tbe ouialde ■irupen *k*ll be u*eo
S&0 M)
oad new ooea *nb*titated
uk» pol ftrmly oailnd *bOil X
3(X) op
led. ood Kh-rc oay •irinper*
not oDorr of Arm poillep tbemloio.
«E.?3« 18
Motion oarrlvd.
d by Alderman Meatocne. that
.the matter
oualruetiar new eroesIter of ouairuetiar
wolM* oecroe* Kiftb oo Maple, deeond
oo Maple oad Biitta oo Cedar atraeto b
d d'miyobliM
Ali plook**b*ll ei
ad u>-y.>nd the oulolde otrlayeni, oad referred to the eoi^iitee on atreeU
of uniform leopth
and aidewaike, torepurtat next rejn
BecUta 5.
Wbea ooy oolk 1* fuood l*r meetioy.
Muiion ca ried.
•rbere tbe repair* will eo*t lee* than
oae dollar for o t«eoiy S*e fool lot. or
Hnredby Alderman Hontoroe that
two duilon for a 6fty foul or o »iiiy- tbr matter of onerinir a aidewal
'ii fuot lot at oay Ume of repair, the
side of lioiOB otreet
lokpeciorkhnil reptir tbe *ome la th4
block 4 orirlool plat
proieed a* of iroekld ^lity be refrrred to the eummittep on
btaou il Ibe oo«t of repUn oo oby walk ■ireeu and tidewalka with power U>
De e*i'm«>e<l ^ erot more tb*n t
Motion .mrried
•m laat *bi*e *pe<' Bed. the ia*p*r
*b*ll notify
notify tbe pr...perty owner. .
Moved by Alderman UoaUan that
awW.'OOd I
0* In *001100 3
the matter of adjnatiu? irreirblaritiev
» ordinan.w.
In aidewalk* on t'o*. Bark and Mtatr
pelred wbea 'bee >*t
aireelB comer Hiardman ar>ine aoc cuDyeraatkin carried on between blmo* wore tb«n »oe third tbe co«i of a S’ate Btreeu and on Mnnme *treet br »elf aud au'iitier aulwerlth-r cauiiut br
ew walk
referred lo tbe K -ord of l^■blio Work* beard by oilier* on the line. ' Tbe wlriieeti.iD 11.
Wbeo entire Pew w*'k< loimediale arj-iiunept.
lO|! of tbe ■•lAieiu la tbe aanie x« usual
are needed, the io*n*5Wr eh*ll report
MoUoo carried
aud the ordinary furm* uf tranvinlitbeanmeca 0 •peeiolly pie >*red blank
The mayor appointed W O Poote a
tu the city vi«'k. wuo aball tronkcnlt ■nember of tbe board .-f edocatimi fn iu ter aud ns-eiver *re employed, the
ouvel featlin- helny tbe ret of double
leaa'oevo be c >mia >o couacil
Ward N<a : to All vacancy caused by
reeelrera aud ilieir cooneetKm tu
dnetton T. Waen uH w*.k* ore re­ the death of C i'ybu*.
paired. and. n>>t on prod*, they ehall
(Ii mo'loQ of Alderinsn Monta(or malii i-lreuli.
Tbl* la aucb that b.v

- Dlnr
duly rar'ied tbe appoloimeat wo* con
Ukluf down and otlnr ooe nwlrer
Hr ned
ibat a-e anI *radi
one *0011011 of the main line rtii ult
frode, djilnicf property ownerv. or
em out aud If that recelrer ly allowed
. *b*U nnlte
to nunaln on ii» houk and tbe oei-ond
u on a
to tbe eoa a Itee on Way* and
nvvlror taken down instead tbe oiber
0* poai'blr
f-eiluD of llie line I* cut out.' This arSf«iion B
Tbe loipeclor and reMotion carried.
pal.-er.' raonre for all repair* will be
M'ved by A derman Woalaxiie that rniicenieni prereni* ather
ecDty Are ceau OB boor for o.Hiikl tbe matter of Impi-ovior the eurb ^radt er* liaTinj; a Ibroucb onneetlon
ime cnaaomnd ladolnctbe work and no l*a'k*treet near tbe corner of State tbe ume time and eouatH]uently
he market price (nr *Il IniPber on I •ireei be referred to >he cnmmltlee on hearlujc tile 'iinverutloD.
tbe uorel
lollk n*ed la Bold w 'rk.—provided
atree'K and *dew*lk* to report at feature Of ii><- luteiitlou
Qoeborpr abati he made for le*a than next rernlar meetlor-'
iwentj-Ave cet'a \
Milinn carried.
4-Oaace »f Vtawa.
Toe iarp.s-1 >r ahaf] moke daily
<>□ motino of Alderman MontOBbr.
The conwriaiire and retpeetablr
port* >o the ritv clerk, *. (be foresoina duly carried.
character of .rour paper prumpi* me to
.ace provide*, anil pe'f wm *>)
. W Ri.'k.i
luilueuce acalntt. tbe pre'rkloa* orofflp*.
ond I Al -lent pioaaer.
City Clrrk.
vallinc dlari-cBrd auiung tbe yoiin.;
tieeUm V
A'l bill*!

■“ • a-i

omol) dwellia* on lota 1 oad t. block B.
11. L A Oo'B 2d odd., oa the ooutb *idr
uf Weo . Blerantb suoet.
Jome* B Barden for permlaaloo to
erect o vatorr dwellloc oa toe north
oldc of BMt Tnaih «tr«el oo Iota 24 o,ad
15. block Id, B. L. A Co'* tit odditioa
Very rmtaetfally.
A. W. BicKKOU.
iiy Clerk
»' '-*ga
the peUMoabermBWuDcrr be aiprc
Uon renpec Irrly of the Kite W»r«ie>i>
o* prurlded la Heclioo T of the urd<a*eee rel*tlre U> prereotioo of lire*.
MoUoD carried
Mj*e<t tif Aiderm*a Mootorne tbmt
paid la V
Heoltb OfBoer Or.B D A*btoo broeat *«
* delcffotr to the Heo'tb i^at*reee* -» eltv c erk for oiare «hae *-xiy d*y*.
ahvll 2>e *preod un tbe tax ruU, oad a*
be held li
eeaaed Otrainal tie property.
iiW), ond
Any c -mpia Pto m*<le orolntt tbe inbe boroe br the city.
■piCtor lor ovrrvhorKe*. or for unoeMoiloo e*rrled.
- repair*, •boll be reported lo tbe
Yeo*: AMermea Porker. Mostocae.
erk. vbu aholl refer tbe
Lerdie ood Wrlfat.
tbe oomoton eouacil
Noy*. oooa.
8e«Uun lu
Thit ordlDoace
TrmrereeOlir. Mlnb .Oct in.
take Immediate rfl s:l.
K VV. H*hiin><«.
Ori> W. Lahkio.
UkhiTi.Kaa.'i-—Relottre to' Brorelinif
of Hiai
iml'tee 00 Ordtuauce
lateento »tn>ei..................................
•ei.‘re'errrd to.......o >m
mtitoe OB ■ireelo ood lijwolki repor
• o*fulio««:
Tbl* eir<a' It n*ed nu
little lor beorr looda bad o»li
puoorenl the ordinance be deferred
w *
kUte of Ibe *treet fam
tby >o«
until u< XI refulor meeiipir.

orthe Buord ofKducauoB ut tbe OHy
Treverae Oity.
Adjiurned Be<(Ular luertiey of Board
nf Bducati"'' held iu ouuocll room.
October IS. ls»l>.
Meeting‘wa* called to order br
l''reDk Bamilton. VrMident.
Preaent, Member* M< flatL Moore
Poole. Binpbam. Hoyt. Pope. I! >uDd.
Steam*, and C-cblin and tbe Prmi
deni. Prank Hamilton
Tu lAr U-’i-'-ul-'r
uf Tnifrrtr i''ty, .tlk'Ai<M»

confer with Meaare Wilaon X Irwlo,
OODtraitor*. hefi leave 'o aubia-l * proMotion carried.
potitloa from aald WlUon A Irwin,
C ty Treoanrer'a report for month uf which 1* attached lo tbl* report, wblcb
September -wo* preaented end ou mo­ reads a* follow*:
tion uf Alderman Cook, duly carried,
Trsverw City. Mich . Oct IB. iS'.m.
w*» aooepled oud ordered pieced on
Ti>(A< HimuruMr /I'-inl d f.MuciKi'xi '•/
Committee on Streeit and Sidewalk*. Ala
7'r"iyr»r t'tty. MU'inyouTrsvenedtr. M'cb .Oct 14
Moved by Alde'man Lordie that thWr,
Tothr Uutfntlit
reportof tbe poraalltee be
addiiloaa lo tbr Boardman i
<'ouni*l( "f
pad odopirdv
avmoe *chool
Motloe carried.
tiasri.AUKM—1 berewitb auhiolt aty
Yeoa. Aldermop Parker. Montoffue.
paaaib'r. aald additions will
repuri uf work perfurmed a* Are wa
Boatlpp. Cook, imrdle and Wright.
0 tbr follow
den of Ward No :i of tbe cit.
I hai
Na.ra. BOPe
Witl put S Ineh Portland cement
made a thorough loapretioo of oil It
Troverae Qty. Mteh.. Oct. in. ihu><
tl <uiiraof
pre •
Will S>(toooth
olh and
7b IA< U'MiemMr. Ibr JUiipin'iin<f I'uy nff'
rough plaoeaof wainscoting in BoardUon* of the ordinanyca-elatlve U
CuMHCtl */ (Or t'Utf uf l'nir*rtr Viiy
oreventlooa of A.-v* but nearly all
Will waioBcoi to
tonb buildini
vrboD wOa rrfarred the matter of etK B'-kto>*rd mouldlo
log* wi
tending tbe eewer ti tbe court bou*e
Ismooth and yarnlabed In bstb
^rouade do report that or have lo* k-d
the mattei no and have ofreed to e*
il raedinka
J ,
^ 'i
tend tbe eewer from tbe alley beiwe-r
I'oere am now oaly o
Htoie and Waabiojru>D to the eontb aide
lie urd>o*nor,
o' violat’oua
urdWAKor, but they
of WoablPAton airee'. and that
. opunty I* to pay one half of tbe eo*t of
Cold air dneu in' Boardman avelaylnr aoid eeweV.
will be eased and mode tight
me permt
Uieo W LakiMK.'
Stair treads of more than ooe
a viz
W.J Pahokh.
piece wHl be rep'aeed by ireoda of one
Oommliteeon sewer*.
leee oak. .
Moved by Alderman Cook that the
WtlJSOS * iKWlk.
ropurt of the oomipittee be peoeptrd
Hr W J. lawiN
and odopied.
All of wblcb to respeutfnlly
anbHolioa corried.
B Parker. Mooiorue.
Jaubs a v.wax.
i, Loidleond WrlfbL
Nay*-N we
AuiM B Bisi.bau
Motion carried.
7\' (he UuNomfdv. (hr
d f‘ly
Mov«d by Mr. C «bi‘n. That tbe re- j
Traveme City, Mteb . Del. 14.
CuiiN'-U i.f (A* Clfp"/Tniiwi
port of the cammliw*
be received and ,
We do hereby certify to the council
placed ou Ale.
Mouon earrled.
-Yoor c
. ‘*m
Reaulyed, Tbat Merer*. Wilson A Ir­
■ beff to eobmlt I
on atreeU and the c ipalruction thereof,
win, eoDtraotora for tbe eonatrncUop
tbeamdunt of material awl and tbe
and e -mpletlon uf tbe Boardman avenue

)MH>pie of iisUy fur mairitmuiy.
no longer ei'iivldered sdvluble.
cept In wealiliy (atnllle*. where Inher­
itance Il desired, llie areroge young
men and women ofmbat may be rail
ed (be middle or working claase* are
••PIHwed to marriage wlifa tbuae
their own class. That this I* wrong
U needle** to state; that the teudeney
is iDcreaalag *iail«tlca will abuw. anil
the reault. ao.' and erery thinking per
*on must agree, will be a fatal one tor
I lire In a hoaj'dlnR-honae. where tbe
liuiiales are lu good luiytng employmini
T!ier«' 1* one young < woniau
«h.> 1* H lm>rr In one of tbe big ivtall
ai.ire* here; one young man la payingteller In a liaiik; there are two
ograpberw. a trnveliag man. and
prauu In one uf tbe wenliby eburebm
here, Tbe •-•iiiverutloni w lileb are In­
dulged lu at latde bare abocked Uie
be.tonirlliwerlpilou. Uarriage la. odd­
ly euouiih. a favorite tuple
Tbe opin­
ions etpresMsl are fAnlikfa, IgGoranl.
and dlsgusilng. and the common r«
marks ir«. Aippaiit In the eitn-me.
I b'-aiM one young woman adraoe
tbe *taiemeni lliat she bad bad pleiii
many offersi bin that nowadurs men
were an frivolous sbe wouldn't tbink
of irusiliig uue with her future. She
clt«t in warm tones her obaorvaneea of
tbeir vnolt.i. an<l went *o far as'to ray
that her eiiiployi-r. who I* a single
k.-ei'i. a wuatl mirror In his desk,
tiever goeti to sgieak u> her. ften alxoil
hair .





tbe young


clerk said that young men would like
to marry if ibe glrla of today
less extreragaut. but that tbe


Ing of wife was belpedmate Instead of
One young wutuan aald that tbe rea­
son young men ibuugbi they could
aA’ord to matTT was that there were eo
many moderu Inrentlona for tbeir comfort, and that a man couldn't Indulge
Turkish hath*, silk underwear, good
clgare. and a "sweir club and keep a
wife. loo. adding, acornfullv. that It
wa* ancient history wbat comfon wa*
tpa man.
Her tuomma^ said

tbeir directma eerve fr.i
oe tba eonDcIl may dire a; whoae daUw
ba to ayatematioelij obd tre
^aentlyeoamloeall wa'lmln tbe city
—repair all walk* in a donnroua eon

It wasnt that.

tore of man
s b>ba, a* such eontreitore. ] that led blu lo refuae
' share. bis
theSute of Miebigu „ury with a woman, be contented.

to tbe peopllie of
tbe statute of t



Ma.l* (or r*u*tna« •larvalk*


board be and

ik'uBiilxtaa<.a Hill
_ _
w walke
Deeded, oad each
Other work Ol PCI
MV direct.
Ottuaiac a ten* 14
Stieal. When tbe aald loapectnr LuwB*r Aw BUI Bti
ftada the w*(ha danforopely defeet ve. Luatwr tor0.vta •
ho akoU rapolr tba aoma at ooea aid Loalavlm a
Npdar a b.ll then aad tbore to tba
•marorlaatacaf the ftofyng. aad 'SSSSfAmST

K«w loToioM Of floe good* olmoot dolly to ro.
ploMidi Btoek Id our oMldnm', daportmoot - Homo
hDDdMme pAttornt io both Vo-toe and Doable SrMut•d •alto, for boy’* three to aixtoeo yeww. in the dodoUr piieeA $2.60 to $4.00 Theee ore mode for both
look* oDd seroioe, aad oor ^uuwntee goeo with

Th«t u» mlmrat lndMtructlbl.-b<»t goods onr •hows
«t tlM prioao-^oablo mt ond knaM-topwl —___

Hamilton ClothiDg Co.


ANO^ MANUfACTlJRINCi CO. (read R#>dA Mck. «ad far SMi by Al Orw^


G. H. SNOW, M. D.

Has located ic Ttamse Cit; at Hstel Wliitiae.
Medicine Free.'
Services Freel
Teeih Eitracted Witliout Pala FreeTbe doctor bo* bod a large experience le general practice oa well aa in oa^
ialI work,
work, and
and ba<
has cured
cured many
many eai
ease* m tbr past uf Asthma. Chtarrab. BtoT
bill*. -dnaump'i'iD.
iTion, Caoee*.
caoee*. Tam
Tumor* of all kind*.
Chrenic Dtorrhoca.
Diarrhoea. E
I*. <^‘tr^t|ic
losopity. U'ltre.
neck) El
•, 1ibig
big neck!
RbcutuatUm of all form*. KHes. Looo-MotorAt^i!
pnilik, niaeoae* ut
All form* of STpnilia,
of tK..
th.- U—.^7
Hratn. >pine
aad Nervous BysulTd'iM^
i the Blood Skin. diMwaea of the Suimacb.
------- Liver
dlataav* of tha
to diaaaae* of women hi*
hi* apecial
apecial speelAci.
speridvi. and
and system
of treatmaat. r»
Mrea and cure* erery cose. No matter bow obaiinate your a M. do Bot daapalr
r ym can probably be rretored to health a—You will And the doctor's n
I* metbod* and treatment different aad *apartar to
lything you have ever tried.
Cauroct cured without mutilating tbe eve.
IB eyre *traigbt«aad.
If you need gloase*. br boa a complete •K,qiptueg
meat for Aitlng you
To *11 who apply during rli • we^a be will farm
farmsh medicine and hto aarvtoa
for ooe -eek'a treatment KBKK OK CHAlHiE.
toythiDg yel dioi


of rbaU'-es Mbe\ all *<>em to bare bad

-s es: -- -r' rr- .....

ui> ivKTai ovaa ■>* ol

CMdren’s Reefers
and Suits.

MoUgp aorried oad Mr. _

Your winter's wood
at once to insure de­
livery. WE Have

Heiolock lumber in all •izee.

Here You Have an
Opportunity To Alake Big Money
112 Luts ill Oak Heights Addition. Wanted aa
offer, ab ibey musl be sold by December 15.
Also No. 431 Washin^ion street, 44 fool lot, good
No 542 Webster street, house built aboat four jeut
—in good condition, modern improvements.
Look tbesie over at once and see

joiiism bioci. ’piioib 73.


woni.'p to exp.H-t tn marry’No woman
M(^ ^ Mr. Moore that the raeola- jf ,be tell* the tnitb wm nay the llkea
hjoeWnesK. and all women are not anf■aouu camM.
onto ihemaelveo. What to the
M«red by Mr. Moore that Un bo^
sray le took at it If I hare hare
lore. Mreeata.---------------'
Mk AMW XoU “ "


Beil Estito EuNugi

Morning RBConl Want Ms Pai.

DAMfitltt taiotft IttLL I iACniOl FMbDOM QAl

BS9T .^mwniTKR.

rw wm «■• af tte AtgaMitt. Md «Mt hlM MM CfMI
tUlbUM M tM CMR WhM tb«7
■MtlM 10 aMh «C tbe riBov Mtal
I •« «r tbe CkUMtl Made.* reawtk• MMd o« SMtar StewiR aC N*.
I "Tea. there wm aaae bi«b raUM
»memg the apom Is iboae
>M*ed aa bat did mi psRiclpite. Mr
*n>7 ezpartaM vse a Bss
*"»*»«»» »■ 0»e optlM of XMia I
«d b«*tsa reaort esUed the EMorsdo.
which all sorts of gmeo were Is prosm the ubk. were .died so
; soge atarkt of gold asd aUeer rain, l
looked on as a gram routh woold. sad
{ was attneted to a ronlMte wheal. A
-miser was betting $UK) at eerrr tom.
>»ck sreOMd to come bis war. I
didn't haremot-bawner. but coadoded
* **
* ebaMw. aad started In wlib
* ‘“***’
ererr bet
I r»b
this » renu

•M M M*
»M TMa
Me m^wf eM tM
. M, «...
--------^ ^M*i »ft tjawrttan aad tjpantaimd • dapsntaaat aAdal a s Waahlajnaa Best tiponet.
•VMM are pood, rarr good: sad asaa
•I. M4. Tirr bsd; b« tha, dl IP a
•ska up s dsaa. A «aM tTPnrrtter
- • (osdort SM a Mesalsg tor aterr
•isite Is the ssvsB-haor daj at departMt UtA sad the bod trpewnier
la bad aeetr alsate of the mum time.
Br a pecnllarltr at the law making
the appaaprUtloaa, tbe bad tTpewrtter
draws aa aoeb aalacy as tbe good
OhA thoogb the MctM r-iTiM tbe bettar caaww
chasee in
la tna
tha waj
war or
of promoilOA
whieh M ao alow as t
I to SA. snd Ihongb elated with nr forlag. 1 hare had and now hare m
: tone, obered tbe prompting of produt bath klnda with ms and. while
1 eoce aad qalt.
haatent the wa>k7 the other emre"As I went out of the plare I beard
Mesdlsgi/ bptda » hack. U Is m
a old gambler aar. The sarker wiy
•pedal adrasuga • have a tgpe- be bark Inside of an hoar and lose It
writar whe la pbanomaaallj rapid na- Thsi remark, for all 1 knew, bad
■oltw abe or ha la at the aame ttme s great JnfloeBce on mr after career,
tdeas' la the worA The bad trpe- for 1 not onlr resolrad aot to go back,
wrltar wrttca at aa alarmlag speed. bat aeeer to flgbt anr game of ebam-e
hM msM ihaa eaMierbalascee It br la tbetutnre. 8o 1 dub gsmMlag tbea
the time apcoi la making eima«r««. and tbere and kept i&r tesolutloa. In
ponikt In worda that bare baea left. .mr Ome I baee known wanr of tbe
la tbe went. Some

tha othar kind and hi. or Mr-arror.
d and no notice tnkea of
the time that la taken ap In mnklM
eamctlona and coapnrlsg
“Mr obnerratlaa ta'rsod’l ha*e bad
after gfleen raaro* experience with
them that wkat ta knowa as the me.
dtam tgpewrtter le the beet In tbe
amonai of work tbst is inrnsd oat.
Tbs igpewrlier that loads ap a maeklna with eraaen. rubbers aad pa­
per and tbe like la oac tbat ebould be
aeaMad U It U pomlUe to do so. A
alow writer eeldoia baa anr o*e for
each scceaorlea asd ss erasing ts
slower thss writing tl la beet to se­
em the wrtten who do net nee them.
Nmetr-nlse oat of ererr hundred ei^
forn made bp n irpewrller are made
hr too moeb speed. wbIcA la mr
oplnloA la but nsotber word for careIr—neaa. I iblok I bare ebaerred another thing rarrfuUr enough to exPMa an Minion on tbe autaieet. and
that la tbe older tbe trpewiiter tbe
bener—I mean tbe writer, aot tbe ma­
chine. Pm laatanre, a writer 40
pears of age can be
lam otK mors perfect work In a glrM time thM A ao-renr-old writer,
tbongb tbe latter mar bare tbe most
apoed M far as actual writing la conMraed. It Is not rapid bursts of speed
or grandwtand flatabes that count, it
la the writer who stare there, and Is
as good and correct In tbe last half
of tbe dar ns In the drsi half, la
otbM wofdA like la ererrthlng but

"The Uit time I was In Vlrglnls
Ctlj. one of tbe ninet bonotible mem("••■rtiltr J erer'kaew,
told me be was bungrf and
hadn't a rent to bar bread. I'm the
aake of old a*-«)ualnuore I reilered his
heceaaltks. bot 1 thought of ttie time
whM be cared no more for dollarthan If iber were pensteA"-lndlsna
polls Itenilnel.

M Wiiily troeh la''«M '

; i

7J>SS »rodsr«d
•» awh has hm mM shoot the
ceastrr weatfast n«olj seeds a ward. **11
r Is a h
saps tbe Banatarinm. Tbe cvuniTp whM pcodocea aa ladai______

Just such a well within tbe last few
moniba Thrae generations bni-k ibis
^IomI eaaaels after
old wall fnreUbed water for tbe same ,
'* *»•
famllp, nod no onA In fait, ever he- ®*»»^**“ «**• »»d n^metlmes 4osa
caue ah-fc from It. At Ust the old
Tbe ottlp treatfolks died and tbe aei-ood geMratkin
It which baa rcMhed In recoeerp t
Marted on their wap with a Urgv^ fam"eta ampntatlon. and In i
Up of sons and daogtaiers. BlUlnoone InatnncM tbat. ioa has failed.
Utwn sick. Tbe third cenerailun be.
The name whi
Isis have'givcame men and women and still resided
en to this bacUfoa is the "bacUlM
at tbe old bomestead: Ibrn at least, af.
aerogeiNa cnpmitatnAWhen Ibe
ter BO manp peats, tbe weU began Us
bodies of
deadlp work. One after another of tbe
famllp was strti-ken with Ippbold fre­ mice, guinea pIgA rabbits and ptgoooa
er uniU four were III st one lime, and It make* death for those aabjects la
that homestead will never be the same from one to two dapA The
It ooi-e waa for there are two vacant rapidly
places, and ibis old w«IL which before
throughont the body. tlU the
bad ••never made anp one sick." pleW victim U swollen like a balloon: foe tbe
ed on chemical exsminailuu 17.V pans gas collects under tbe akin and pnffsJi
of chlorine |wr li»i.uOft-oot far remov np like a bUdder. This gas burns
ed from dilute sewerage.
with a Nne flame If It te allowed to
The sllurements of tbe oLI borne •scape and then touched with * matcA
stead seeui verp entirlug on the stage
Infection with thU taaclUos prod
or ou canvas, bat under tbe exactly
epe of tbe sanitarian, witb bu Inc-Awstbe Infected ttasueA t
ed angle of vIsIoa "Ibings are nut al- gas qnlrkly spreads gangrene.- Iieath
waps what tbcp seem
follows nnless prompt nnd tborougb
The rlbe-cUd porch, with Ita wis. means are taken for tbe removal of the
tarla and fragrant bonepsuckle. wheie e«lre Infected area.
“mother used to sli." resolves iisrir InInfection from this bacillus map
a damp, tnusip.•unless uursery
reach wot^nds tbrongb instnunentA
“tbe chronic rheumatism which made the hands of surgeons or Ihrongb Ibe
aiolber's life a burdem" The old well Intestinal trset
with its •i>nre. swH-t water. ’ bas h.-.
A case treate.1 by an AUlama doc­
leal.tuW of colon baclUM tor recently was that of a negto pris­
at least. If none other, and the delight- oner who bad been abot. “
fnllp pure sir. redolent of the perfume .vears old vnd weigbe.1 Ifln pounds.
of flowers, has become surebarged wHb Pony bourn before obaervatloi. be bad
moisture nVklng with the gases nr de- receired a rerolver bullet below the
k.n, from a befouled soli and knee, which bad ranged downward,
s eeUar Soil and air saturated with the and passed out of tbe lea six Inches
WoM.v detirls «f dtHW.ved vegelatib-a. below. The skin aU oyef tbe wound­
Such Is not ran-lp tbe true siorj of the ed member was distended into a huge
old homestead.
hag and gave a crarkllug aenaatlon on
prvMure. A W«wwlp. bubbling, frothy
flnid exmle.1 from the wound of exit
on the slightest touch. The wound of
enirnnee had panlally healed, and
names. Take Brst the little Carliue
had a bHalifay appearance.
thistle, whose golden epe set about
As soon xs the leg bad been cleaned
with 8lra\rsolore<l rays is suiong the with an anllo-pllc s.dutleu the man
commonest wlU plauts on every wln.l
was ertierlsed ami ■ deep inHslon
swept waste and larreu dowu of Eng. made. Pluld and gas ruslowl out with a
land. Ills name of Carilna ts touinci
ise that could lie beard all ever the
r<t from Cardl^. and there runs an
•ui. The wound was thoroughly
Buclent iradhloti that an angel ap|>ear- cleansed, being Irrigated with hot wa­
ed to Charleiuagite w hen his anuy w as ter. It was plckeil with anilaeptlc
sick of plague aud |H>lnteil mit to him game ibeti. aud It was felt that tbe
a cure fiw tbe sivurge in the staaiw of leg might he saved. Then tbe doctor
this .omm«n lil<is«oui. It was useil for and his assistants begau to bunt for
hysteria also aud to this dap |s-aMiut> the liaclllus They found it. and sut>lu Ceraiaiiy and Erauce hang It «i. as S.s)ucnl InvesMcatlous proved that
Weather-glass, for the flowers exjutod ' they had caught the right fellow. But
next momiug the leg
III dry tv.nther, hut shut up If mots.
• - ibn-atens.
as Is-forc. aud It was dc-tded that
loihcr water-lover la myosoil.- nothing but atuputaliuD could
(Sr«-k. mus. a mouse, and otce., an ran man's life. The u|H-ralluu w
from the sbaiw of tbe foliage. Every formed, and evenUially the msu recov­
rivulet, every river* brink Is hrighien. ered.
ed by bis blue eye. and

Raging Fires
of Eczema

Gas Lartip-

An <Mcldr
mmi IS.


Dr. Chase’s Ointmeni

CAB ««i|d07 for
BApniring. Qidek work.

ramea ns aad tbe Itehlnt sad boraiag
weraascA tbe safleriag ta so iataa« m
to almost drive the vtriim iaarae.
la deopenttoa. aalvta aad oiatmeam


John R. Santo.

V ov« cwrm eStetod bp UiU graat
Ip^ Hereby a covplc of gnilefnl

Chase's Ointmcai tor


,s,-j (nil foMt t Miui 1.1

the skis rissr*snd^
Ml. F. S. Rose, of lu Sixtcvnib
tobv boy aafferod lor some time with
wretebwi ecMom. snd wv
•bta to find snptbing to rare o



r. A. W. CbasF’aOietmratatonwd tbe
;h|^ snd healed tbe
igbi Bsiaral skia now lakes tbeir
, Dr.' A. W. Cbsae's Oirnm*,, has no
•" «'*»‘»to.cere tor Salt
Rbrnm. Braems aad al\ itcbiag of the
tala ; so eenia .
dealers, or
w Cbaa. ModtotM Co.. BuJIalo.

City Opera House



I:;!"!?::::::!!: :!!!f

Honda;, Oct 23

nrepaiBs Their TIUse.
wll tests Sss softer«or laOrwai
Ms. ssd mUmprr OrsM BsnUs W CtaslsIt hss become t recognised enslom
fur a poral perstmage. when irarellbg
I bepond tbe bouadarp of bis own counRssMaMt'kIraaB.
I trp. le adopt for tbe time being such
TrslB erelrtas el I im p w bsa elsepev Otoeleseil w Urwsd Kat>Ws ss4 CMVk ss4 etakf
' a title ns be mir select, of a lower
I B^ror Ck test o ts U rssd AopUs asd ekslr ear
rank than that which bp blrtb he baa
^Trats srrttUw et • A>a ■.kMebolrear PX.
; tbe right to bold.
Queen Vleturia takes her iDrognlte
title from her fBeorlte reeldeoce.
countess of Balmoral she uuw eUiis
the nunnp shores of Praai-e each .veir.
Doubtless tbe manp bappp recoller.
in • repertoir* of
Hobs connected with her Bcottlsb home
Indoenced her declalon In tbe mstli-r;
for. ever sln<-e 1KT4. she has assumed
tbe siple of ibe chatelaine of Halinural
when aMruad: before that date sl.e
traveled Ms •«uatem of Kent, whk-b
uniMu Bom
title tbeiduebesa of Kdlnburgh. siut«
18TA baa oc<-aslunallp assumed when
L, Peietaey
la KngUnd. TrsrarseCy
X 4Dps
The prince of Wales bas several In­
L, «nl RssMe l 4 *VM
II to
ugbuut Europe for waoy y.-ars.
. WaXpa
cognito tlllea, tbe eari of Chester befktrasv
lag. perhaps, tbe one be nses most fre- Tradition sa.vs that two loveix loiter
Tlie wooderfnl child ActmA Her
OontM MOItB.
lle has sometimes iravcW log beside deep wal.Tw In the old lime, Ihc llrlug Is due to J^e efforta of a [>xsaw moiue.ear growing ujKtu au ixlaud imlt deuial A year ago Die. •i&tfiog And dancibK have CApliva.,, c«,..
•pood alone, and nOUbHIlp doesu-t ~
L-Cklra.. .
..L- I
In rnldsm-aiu The girl waut.d a wbu U a yuuug farmer of Royal Oak. ated the Andiebcee eTerywbere.
Baron Hnifrew.
bun a horsA either."
bilnch-. the mah with mote chivalry
takes tbe title of
1.4 Ora aspta* ,
.■ouiniou seuM-. plunge.! In. and.
SB's Csrtas a
TrarvfW 3p «a Ms tt «Bw •'
■Msntlp tbe honaabold furallnra.
I* to
pIctaroA hooka and enrioa tbat be­
longed to the tale Alexabdsr Herr- • There te Inflolte paibot In ibe sight
And S6o.
of a reOoed-loaklng. sad-faced woman regain tbe shore, tviih a last effort be
mann were sold at«ucilon In the Stb
Lv Bk AepMs !
who nwres qufetlp ataiui Parti during flung Ibe flowers to the glrLcrle<l '’Por.
avsnuo an gallertvA New York. I'he
*> TrerarseCy
gel me-noir aud sank to rise no more.
- arUctas of the groataat Uitersat Ut tbe her frequent vtslis. clad ip the bla.-k,
.Vasturtliim Is a woni the derivallun
Pralakitrailing rotiea which show that ahe Is
eoUoctlon were the works of an and
a widow aud bereaved mother. This of wbU'li will cHvur to few wb» see It.
oeo. OU XVgK.O P
Mu of hrir-a-brac that the great maMrwsa ■
Yet there is a laugh lu It tbat you uny MIcb.. bad his lower Jaw shot off by an
glctaa had picked up dnriog bti trav- Is tbe Countess de Plerrefonds. who as­ rei-all wli.-a uexi yog cat water cre»s Irate broiber-lu-taw. fuaUe
sumes tbe title aa her incngnltu. hut
ota ta roiMgn countrioA Manp of these
whom Ibe. world knowa best as Kii- ami bread aud butler, or sec the plant -and with bis caae pronounced bu|>cbfoaigbt targe priesA and tbere was
starrlug ditch or sireaui side with It- less Up Ibe surgeono. be was rapuilp
genle. tbe ex-empress of the Krencli.
spirited bidding atao on the few pleees
Queen Natalie of Servla U never an llllle four-leaved hlosp>ouis. The word starving to death when be found Ur.
well pleased at when she throws oft Is derived from nasu* lorsus. a ■■uu- Oslu*. a demist, who beUeved be
•Minor. In Ibe erawd of bovee. w...
••hlle and assumes TUlsed UOM-—au effect xup|>oeed Ip iw could t^lp him.
e of the manp appetUllon* of lower produ.'eil ou tbe huuiau eater liy its
Tbe boctor exiwrimented till be
siime'elarte. w.
acrid aud i.ungent qualities. Tbe fa­
rank to which she la entitled.
airieat people asd mnnp coUecton of
Tbe king of the Belgians travels as mous old remedy of ai*ring jul.vx be­ found that bp means of One wires he
Connt Blvenaieln. Invartablp putting loved by our givai-grandiuothers. was tvuld fasten an artificial Jaw
Tbe flrot dar« aata was not allogeth.
up at bb hotel In Parts with far lens coiH-ocied of tb.- water .•res* mingled two back teeth, after they bad becu
or oalUfaciorp to Mme. IlemnanA
bustle than that which tbe arrival of with bruuk lime, or scurvy grass and raised ollgbily wltb gold raps
asd a number of antclea were bid In
crowns, giving a starting point for the New Store. New Maneon Blk.
an ordinary foreign count would en­ beville oraug.-s.
by bar to save them from oacrlflcA But tail.
manp bnpera fonnd bargains In aptie
Bsails M Klchl.
It was then a delicate problw
of Ibis. Two pain of silk atocklngs.
I'arrlsges aiv but liiile *e.-o at oigbi. dentistry to manufacture a jaw cononce In tbe wardrobe of Bmpres. Car- ^
.V tVnn«^t .nrin.
The uatlvr driver of a puldlr v.-iii.l,. talulng 13 teeth and to fit It lu the
lotta af Mexico. wm« .old for ».60; a . Th“
U not aUiiwed out jiny more Ihsii s place where the jasr ought—lu
native iKslctrlsu would Iw. Ueu.v, realliy. to coo»truct a Jaw. a work
flkao. and valnabta canvA aworda and
then. U u« •■arrlage to lie had. unless differing vasily from makiug a dental
daggort went for prIcM rtdicnlonslp
you are ibe owner or leasee of a pri­ ptate to rest on gums and Jaw
The experiment took atioui bra
vate rig. and even then you must IhO. a, »«,d ..1 niM .n-r.-o.»
eitber oBlclal. or suaiclenily near so. to 'weeks to <vm|4ete. When tlulHiied
be privileged to pass, your driver by the Jaw was not a pretty object, but
as pUttued CO do work. It fined
tarred piece# of furniture. Jewels and oppcneni. who has taken tvfuge lu the H'Ulry. Moreover, every time you Dlea mouth to a nicety. After a f,
aiv bailed In a carriage you must leave
watches that bad b
. U fui
Ibe rarriage and advaniv ou foot for daps tbe young man became used
y»l pen
.. duel which___ _
new baruesa and raivfullj tiegao
inA|s>otlon and quesiloulug. Over in
r. and n
Ibe ban Nlcbotas dlsirlA. around the ex|H-rimetitlug with It as a food crush
port, tbe seuiriea are so thick that er. Uls expectations were raalliMl.
proceeding lu a carilage I* more tlie- and In a few weeks be ate a b>-^fI- c— -r.
.cd ,b.
some by far iban walking. Every lll­ steak for the first time In a year. Die
doubtful If ukibgs at tbe anetton come
declares now tliat be believes
friends of bi>tb lle Interval covered n.-cea»itales
within manp thonnand doUara
partlea walling on each other
The other bolt. expUuatlons. aUvamv. and might crack hickory nuts with _...
toaMlnc tbat figure.
Where a cigar is made ia a
weapona were to Iw platola But a ruoopie thing over ogalu. about aa new Jaw.—New York Evening Taleriona and altogether nnoaual condition taat aalpon can enter the carriage aud grau.
matter of conciderable weight to
wns proposed and agreed to. Both alight. There is no pleasure In a night
particalar smoketa, and it ia to
Ootog arsnk vvvry Soy «srap(
combatants were to be blindfolded,
placed before tbe public.
them we apeak.
ride through tbe crowded luirts
Tbe aiory of the London music p«nibtaa a con '
“ ■"•‘Mted and Manila.
Onr work rootna are clean,
ettbottt the
■tMprtslng that three abot.
But tbe end jnatlfles tbe means. lUbera who tweived tbe other day a light and pleaaanb
asking for
AStoMlty of tbe itsis^tf bolding tbe **** ***** without result. After tbat Then- are no native uprlsingA and no letter from i
Oor atock ia clean, finely cor­
torment le bta earx .A repreoeaiapoBsIblUiy of one. .No cliv in tbs the address of Ben JobaaoA author ed and fragrant.
tiee of tbe Dally Chronicle was ptoaWorld Is as safe bp nigbi aa Manita. of "Drink to Me Only M'ltb Tblne
Our workmen are neat, akillDescried and nearly as aiill as tbe KyeA” recalls another. A very heb
and efficient, uaing the beat of LMTsCOwtraWs I
mbde with one of tbe laairamentA
'*“'7 »*7 Bat on grave It lenuloa. under martial taw. parvenu gave an order
ABfl apeecb was rtaarlp bean! ttaronrh
ffToutHl. aad tbe bnlleU wbltaed until broad daylight comes around bookaeller not long aso to Bead Mu material#.
Theee thifiga make oor cijrara
TOftoM seatataarea at a.distance of
-------again, when windows ©tw-n. shutters 1.000 volumes or oo of books at hta
thirtx (Mb-ldoadon CbnwklA
come dowa tbe populaw swarms ont, dlsrretlOA Tbe bookaeller very prop tbe fororito branda witb ao ma
- TravravvCMp
The anlta^ bas tang bad a paarion and the busy life of a clip begins like erip Incinded a bandaome ediiioa s| men.
AM Be Was s OethsUw
magic with tbe firing of tbe aunrise
“Ob. Wh7.'' praieotad tbe UtUa Ptab.
Bbakeapeare; bnt. while be was gtMdetermlAcd to put It to n pracllcnl teat guu.-Mauita Correspondenie Leolle’s Ifled to think that be had plexaed am
>tde 7M «nt mer
“BerattaA- npM tha Big Ptab. He wUbea to aee wltb bta own eyes,
' be was
bnt wlthont tbe tronble entailed bp
It a Prldapr
bp one paaoage la a letter raTbii fabta ttmehaa that eonntatrp ta travMiag. the working of tbe AnaTbe clTfl antboritlea of Santiago have eelved from tbe mlUkmalre. to wbub
able to file aomethlng of tbe «s>lor i.f toltab nUwnp. and bae given orders renamed one of tbe clip atneu ^ter
ramarked that be partlcotani
to almoat nap nU daaC--l>etMi
Ueneral Wood, beatowl^ nptm it bta liked tbe ptaps of Mr. Sbal. quara. Sold br oil doolen.
Cbrtattan name aa weU. Tbep propooe and would be obliged If tbe bookMSI-------------TboT^Ol' bo ahowT*^ in ^ to aame tbe ipad over wblch tbe Amee- ef would take cate to arnd any nura
Icob troopa enured the citg aftar tha tbat be mlgbt writo dlracUj tbu

The Celebrated

Frisbee Stock
Standard Plays.


West Michigas.

La Belle Ethel


Specialties bp Eitire Compaiy


Wa boy Eggs. 16c a dozai.
Good Dairy Buttai, I7-I8c.


unsns UD KBrnuim i. l

mi Coffae-ll lbs for $1.
Hiram Cook,

Where It’s Made

Coluiibii udUaA. Cuulifi



: K

Gan Pest, straieht lOc
Diainoid J, 3 far—ISc
Traverse Bella----05c

***^f raS^S^taa « Sto!






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