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The Morning Record, November 05, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
^ Ladysmith Is' Vow Com
•plstoTy Got Off.
ia VMlttaB rwtSw Awaj, LMVtsf
«h* awi>si< OUy SmUM—
Urns. Wmmwr. that U* Wm^UA
Ct» VoM 0«CV« OndwM OlvM
or oapiMiauoD or wsiu.
LoBdos Mo*. 4 —* dtopatrt Mm Wm
ttoilwa at tha war ofl la froot LadyaaHk,to tba adaettbat tba BrtUah
ba*a tata wUhdra«ii from
<Wasaa.aoatbo( LadyasHh aad aai>.
oeatratad la a poaitfoa fartbar toatK
HoaawaofaaaaffacaMt^a tbat *1alaitf baa baaa reaei**d.
Loadoa. Mot. 4 -Tba foUawlas aflM atawwaal baa baw wada bjr tba
war otter: "Mo aaw* baa baaa raool*ad
toamLadfnitb *p ta le’oloek tbia
Darbaa taraorea tba
Tba BawaMpm H It tba raporttbat
Oaaaral Joabart bad protaalad acafaat
tba aaa of Ipddlu tn tba Brittob tbelia
Tbarraaarkthat Ijrddtta U Ideetleal
wiU tba Fraaeb Mliaito aad alwtlar
tbar baliara that tba Beara
lataad to aaploj a aiailar exploai*a
with tba raw ww la poaUioo at Prolorta.
lAdraaltb, Not. I. rta Loadoa. Nor.
4 —Tbb aiaraiar tba Boar* ara a^ar*
aatly taoaaUar taora b*a*7 «raa* to
tba aortk aad aortbwaak Tbaaa ara
likel7 to r<*4 troable. Piftaaa baadrad
BowaaraatraaialBraoatbward of tba
Bstimats of tlis Bosrd of
Pnblio Works.
It aad vm to to
aw Vi^i—diftac
tba OooaoU Tmoro
OaiWbl Pirtriac tbe Board Ooa*
oladM That tba Baftar Botlmata
Be e WoaU leet $190 4BS 9SCoaapleta aad Ooaprebaaaira X»ataU b Babtt'tiad.
Tba beard of pablie worha baa aowpleud iu eeilaiate of tba eoat ef ooa>
BlraetloB of a water works apataB coa>
tTBplatinr BabmataM-i. 6 of tba re*
Traaaarr Earn'atioaa Watvad ta Bacard tc Bbiptdng Baled Say.
raAlngtoa. O. &. Mov 4 -Tba
Briti^ goTOTBmentraaanUy eonfraetad
\0 Canada for large qnastlUaa of baled
b«y tOT aaa la tbe Boatb Afiiaan cam
paign Tba ahipmanta ware to ba made
toman Amartean port, balng tranaportad tbrongb tba Doltod State* to
boad. Tbetinaavyragaletloa*, nndOT
whiah tbb arna doaa, petoeriba that
tba good* ehanidb* exported to tba
original packag«a. aad whan It ana
foand naemaary, for oonvanloaea and
•afety In stowing tba bay ca the atanmOTtoebsngatbae'si and form ot tba
bale*, it wa* foand that ■neb a ooan*
wn* blocked by the ragsUtloBa
Appliontloa am* mad* to tb* Trea*ury Department for a tampcBary modi
fication of tbe ooadltioB* of uanmhlpit. sod Aaabtonl t
inf today. •• SB Intart
and nadar the exipaae
*MB. grsatad tbe naaeaeary p
M tba bay at tba port ot axpor-
! A Year Ago
tt'aa. W. 1. WbiU aad PariT T. PowatoAfUr Bapabileaa « Alaatloa
tor Aadttor eaaaral.
flruw are (Iraa in detail. Tbe loUl
Oaa. W L Wbita, qaartanaMiar aellante for n eoaplate new aTetaa.
raearal of tba aUte, wboaa dvtr with Beat bay aa the aenree. and n
baabeee firmed np to
It wat to eqaip tba aoldtara of .MlchU ;
raatortba lata war. baa'aaaooaead eoat im.tassv The** flniea
aba wba ia atUl laurraptad.*'
bb eaadidaer for tba Btpublleaa oon- neeamta end to* board bu expendad a
laaattaoftbte aUanoe. tba offietala toaUoa foraadUor rwaral. 8a rao- great deal of care and mneb time In
aTIbawarottoadoaoteradU tba *arl- orntaaa aa hi* atrancaat oppoaaat eompllinr tbea. They ba$e reeeived
aaa ranon aa la tba poaltioa of tba Parrj F. Power* of Uadiliae. Baiabar aaliwataa frmn tbe moat reliable ■tnneaoU Town Deeply AglUtad by
garrtooo aad ao ra*a analety >• f*lt of tba alata board of adueaiioa- Both aonreea and wall koown fieontraetor*
Tuion of What to Declared a
at praaaat recardlac tba abtlUy of are promlaeat la the eute. Beaeoe and dealer* In materiela. and their ri
Craoalne Aerial Ormft.
•eaaral WbUa to bold fata o«a.
L Dlx. tbe oroeeat aadltor raoeral. perbnea and ltttcllir«oee ba* been
Winoaa. Minn . N.;v.
Winona |
Tba faet that tba BrIUab war ottca who b eerrlnr bb aecond term. H alee 1 onployed to tbe boat ad*i
waa a I exdtaeient last oirbt over th* !
baa raealTod newt of tba altaatloo in
idldata lor reBomloatioB. ia addi
appmraoee of a booafide airship. The j
and want ever tbe report, and all tbe
CiadfacBltb aaams < ffactaallj to diapoaa tion to aararal other/ asplraou!
illnmlnatad veasal made lu appear, j
1 iU Net
fld TwterdaT'e eooUneotal mmora of
anea aoatbeaal of Win ma. it paeead |
Bmo and Moulton were abaent, but
j over Lake Wloona In tbe aoulbcre ’
wbtla Hr. Moultoo'e views
A* tba Uostmbiqae eable b
llmlte of the city, aad followed a '
sun brokan. It b Impoalble for aoy jaerlean Steel find Wire Company positively known by the board, tboae straight line weet parallel with tbe I
of Mr. Boon were euted to be in nc; blnffa aod np tbe valley.
aneaneored meaaara to reach Borop*.
Knkea ConUeeta AmouaUag to
cord with tbe aabatanee of the report.
aritb tbe cieeptlon of dbpetcbe* of
Tbe airship was seen by all who
Ibe dccument will go to tbe ooqdcM
foraln ro*emBenie. Blooe aa Impor
were OB tbe city streets. It wat p'aloly
tant Tielery would b> of the rrwtrat
cigar shap'd, and emitted a brilliant
•oral aaabiaooe to the Boer*. H aeem* nouoead here today that tbe Amartean will be a aerlea of explanation* of. ibe light from the rear aad a trvD of
abrlon* that Boer aympathi* r* would SteelaDd Win company bad doaed a work ot tbe board, including a etrong spark*
•nkeenob an erent known ni quickly deal for tba purcbaaeotM,000 tana of endorsemeat of tbe Batter plen aad
While in aiebt from Wiaons it re
a uDo
Iron at 'market prloea
and Bmt bay. They make no reoom- mained at ae eves height. ab.'Ot a
aad na widely ea poaaible.
Obpataba* today abew that tc««e* of another deal tor tbe pnrcbeee of 50.-1 mendaUoa. e* tbe eonncil eaked only
lonaand feel from the earth.
tba Oianga Froe dtata me pieparlor to 000 ton* of Beaaeaer ore. Tbb eggre-1 for an eatimato upon lb* work. While
Tbe light a*emed to be shot off,
tarad* Oapa Oolouy. Tbeir foroea are gate of 100,000 toa* will coat tbe oom-1 they all agree to the termt of the when the airabip wae eome dUuooe
* report «k.
th< Ir ln.«wlrfnal
Indtridual .Uw.
view* regardlog
Bot o*erwbelidinr. bnt tbe Oeteh In pany tt 175,OOO
above W oona.
The baalc Iron will be fumiabad by tbe feaaiblty uf oerrying out tbe pl*a
the aelrbborhood of doleaborg and
Borgbeindorp are rxeeptlonelly pro tba Braat mer Furnace aaai>:iatloo of re not given.
Tbe orglnal aeUiaete of Mr. Rafter
the Sbcnango
Boot and tbeir auppqrt U eridenUy ex
of the Alaba fpr'thU plan wn* $160,ooo The board
pected. The objMtlre of tbb force
o Mo-e Bxe at Poatag* Oan b<
nmured that when the estimate wa*
arlll probably be Maauw Poort. one of ma dbtriei- A t-ifle more than half
Ocllaciadoa fijIdiera'L-'tan
made tbe system e^old be built for tbe
tbe mnet Important atratagte railroad
From th.1 Phtlippiaca.
leas TbaSeost now
i tram U>«
aolnto in Soutb Africa, which will
Wsabington. N)v. 4. —Tbe poatmet
. •obably be, if n6t eaptnred. the tot fnrasoa* of *be aontb. Tbe price paid would ba mneb greater, chiefly on aet of tbe ooet of Iron wbfcb bat ad- tar general hat iaaued ao nMer forbldadvanee ^epot of the aecond dlTlaloa of lor bath norlbern and southern ton
lere in the United Suic*
tba asms. SSt.to par too. or a total vasoed ao greatly In price daring tbe
eoneral Bnller'e army eorpa Kaanw
pact year. The ooet of pipe alone now o eolleet poslsge''doc Id exem* of
Poor*. It b ondeiatood. b able to care
lomastle rate* on any letter* tent by
atould crowd SIM.OOO.
made at «S3 par Ion, valley prioe. to
Tbe ooBolnsiona of tbe board of pub •oldiers, marine* or other peraout is
three day* old. are regarded hare ee which b ada.;d 70 eenta for treigbt to lic work* will tbrow *n intallii^nt tbe United State* servlee In Uustn and
■ora ebaerlug. IndleaUng that tba make the Pittobnrg quotaUon. Tbi* light npoo tbe water avorks question, tb* Phllionlne tolsuda. Hfie ord*r to
Boaia aie Dot dbpoaad to com to eloM iron I* to be dellTtrrd In tbe tot and and now defiolte *•« may ba taken to given tra'O'diste effect and postmudiree-ad lo disregard aU
neeond q larter* of tbe coming .year get dotm to bosioesa. Howavar, Ua
rating^ of oeatage do*. In exeeas of tbe
and proTidw f w the eeUmntod rcqulr- queatton it still on* of * pazallng char
rste. made arl-w to tbto date.
baaa moantad at La
>nu of tbe Amerlena Steel and Wire aetar. While tbe aaUmate Is leaa than
expected by tba majority it tax•*liidZpt*^ro*. 4-Tba anll-Britlab
payef* to view of numaroas atatamants
pram of Berlin. Part* and Amatardam
that have been mads, tbara to aUll a
raltaiau tba raporta of a dbaatar at
grave dlSenlty to overooma Aoeord- V ofV. Ddtoat* Tlcginla AS toO—
liadipmltb. Tba latMl report from Osbtoft BeUaaw ttt Bffeet fiFlII ba
Ing to tbe charter the city cannot be
Harvard Win* From FenoaylAwtardam myatbat tbe plaoe ba*
Good oa State Blaetiona.
bonded for more than • per cent ot ite
*yeU—Oibar me*.
mpUalatad. aad that rooo Britbb are
natloa for water worke purWanblaglos, Nov. 4.-The ragnlnr
Tb* L'alverrity of Michigan added
priao^ a majortty .of tham being
leating ef the cabinet arms oceapled pnrpoaes. Tbeamouot that oonld be another victory yesterday by tbe de
*7dbpatcb to tba MomlBg Laadat with a dlseualoB of sBsln in the Pail- tboa raised weald be abont $1*3.000, feat of Virginia Harvard woo her
tom Brnaaab aaya that tbe report on Ipplaea and Cabs. Tbe report of tbe wbloh wUl fall far abort of tbe requir game with Pennaylvania aleo.
Tbmadny of tbe onplnra of Coleneo. Philippine commlMlon wa* ex»mlned ed amount
Tneeoore* of the priucipai gamu
Tbe report of the board of public
Matal. by tbe Boom ranched tbe Oar* in detail sad the document wsa spoken
played yesterday are aa follows:
•nn goeemmani la a cipher dbnaUb of n*s VOTyitroog argumtotlnsupport work* will go to tbe eonnell toetorrew
Uolveralty bf Michigan. 16: Virginia.
eTeniagand It trill resMin for that
The caw* wna cojnmunlcatad to Dr. of tbe ndmlnUtratioD policy.
At the eleae of tbe meeting it ara* body to take tbe action necemarr In
Lejda. tba TranaTanTa agent, who
Barrard. 16; PasnaTlvaala. 0.
24. Wc«-. nmi. 0
made it poblks.
CommunloaUoa with Ladynmitb la to urgecoogreea .to paee a reaolntloa
Drorer. 2ii; Kansas City. 0.
Still impoMlble. deaplte n ramor that it daelartog that the t'nltad Statce will
VflWVUSIU, il. AlUiUUJ. bed barn raetorad. A praw diapalob, rauin all the Pblllppinaa.
Ito Ute Wo* »oV;^r*n OriUetoed at
Washington, C: Knox, 5.
One Onblnet cB«r eaid after tba
Sated Oct 30. mya that tbe plaoe ia
Ibwa. 8U; Nebra-k*. 0
Ua Peaea Ooofereaoa.
proTialoned for taro iBontba. Informs- masting that th* report i4onld eerlato
>rthwc*tcm. 5
Indlan.p<lU. 3; N>nhw
ton tom other nouroM iodiate that ly have a d
D the elec
Abeenpply of aimmunltkio ia abnadant, tions In acveral etatea. Tbe same
and ibare la a geaeral dlapuaitioa to bar dtonrmed posaibla erlUetom of tbe Idea of a protest from the Boer*
control of what
ballera that the town can held Its own Prealdent's nelloa In making tbe report againat tbe use of lyddite. The um ot
u thc'Boaton Dental
If Oaanral Wbita will be eontant to la- poblle Jut before election day by my powerful exploeivea In ebelU be* never
toauteall old Boflutobod cootracu
ing that It yrae only fair that boaeat
Min Btrietly oa tba defenaWa
There la no nem of tmportaeoe tom minded elUaene ebonld have aU tbe w*a not even critletoed *t the peaice
aoy other place la South Africa, nor la noa-parttoaa informatien In tbe poaeeaTbe army ordnance department ot
there any Indleattoa that tba rigoia of elon of tbe government before easting
the caatorablp will be relaxed.
tbeir ballot* for« agatoet ibe admin- tbtoeonnUy bae been experimaniing
for aome time to eecore a safe yat high
The Sundard'a oorroepondeat at totrati^
explosive, aad will probably adopt
aaya ba baa laartad tom official
Tbe qneetion of
mrem that tba raportu of Impaadlag Cuba wa* eoneldered at some length tboalta. a eeeret compound inyeated by
aompUeatioii* la tbe Me
attbeCtoWnet meeting. Tbe genOTsl Preteeeor TntUe of Seatt)*, Wash.
Tbe Bagltob army nae* Ineeadlary
All powern will malatalo opinion among tba 'CtoWBet
wne that affaire ara prograaatog ao, ebaigto Is tba gun* of It* Bmaller
itato battOTto* for tbe pnrpoa* of
r^ddly In tba toland that It aronld bal
poadont elalm* to know that Or. Leyd*
When the UniUd
advtoable bafora long to withdraw firing riltogea.
tbe Traanraal'* agent, was. nnUl a vary
Beently pnrohnaad net
of fba mQUary garrtooaa. A*
few day* ego. to
batteries from Maxim A Oo.
aa tbto withdrawal bmilns, tbe
esttw with Pretori* tbrongb aa Indl civil gonmment will become
ot Baglasd a aapply ot Ineeatl
. ___ -tltbougb
>ugb It
11 It roeogalsed
raeoL ^
fast diplomatic cbanneL It wa* by
that^noasroogMy^elril form
eau maan* that tb* Traneraal t*a
Tbie report in henrd tronod tbe
at th**npp«*d BrllUh plaa|to enter
world, ntmibilnting time. diaUnce
the Free State tom tbe aootb aad adAnd resistance.
vaaea OB Bloemfontein. -It arne aritb Ohiletui
Oba*. A BIAnrtto ct leeto Vabbofi
Tbe ap-to-<Ute bosineee man
-tbariaw to saUeiMtlng tbb morewUl *oon bo bora. Now to the time to
la KUwaaksa.
will keep pace with the times—He
oall at tbe Tbmpla of Faabioa and
mml that tbs Boot* OHeantotad in
look at o*r fine fine of fancy goods.
MUwankea, Nor. 4.-OU* S. Bieb- will do $11 in bis power to mske
Batnl. hoping to enptnia or bolnta
-AaamplaUac of
arito. eaabkrof tb* Merchant*' bank his store eo sttneb
TniljiinHh aod Iboa ndvaaea oa Dmrosntrs ptoeee of lonto. Micb.. bn* bnnn nmntod bees inrito the stteation
....... 1 of tbe buyer
ban and olena tbe port, the t^tograpby
________________tor aalc vary ‘
OB tbn cbniga of embexcUng $1,M0
telephone is one
Mate yo*r friend bap^ by t
af the eoantry enabling a amall aorpa
from tbe bask. Cbnrle* Nub, tata
. of tbs mesns te this
oa tba aalgbbMBC bilb to pmaat tba
totbOT-lB-law. to pruldebtof tb* bnak
cod — It will bring
Britbh tom landing, wUla tba mnU
It to said that aom* Ume ago Elcb.
people to yoor plnoe
nrd* •mbamisd fil.OM. but Na*b madr
Boaramy baatily tatnraad todnfand
H good aad took him baA la tba bsaln
of bon-----tba Oraaga rlrcr.
Dyffiai at M»ty'a..
Tbr«n amate ago Btobnrdn dtonppurad
Tba Stnadnifi potato aat tba* tba
OppoMto BnmlltaB a
RAebarfisatortod bask to
$ '
partmeot—now tvo of the best workmen can bardlj
keep up with the orders—That’s a healthy growth
and speaks well for our ability to please our many
If you have a good frame
that needs a new picture.
Look orer the lot we have just received, in etchings,
photo-chromes and platino prints, from 18c up. We
will fit one in your frame and polish tbe whole thing
np in a neat np-to*date manner for a few cents.
Come ia an! talk with us about it
298-28S Front Street
Balph Oottuabla Jr, llAUignr.
I Natal ft.
Tn deal at this stora I* to W *at‘*fied.i--iot one' or twice, but all the tim
To Pass These OffeiiTgs Would be nn Inexcuaeble
lujostice to Tour Pocketbook.
Pea Jackets and Vests
made of such stuffs u
Irish Friesm. MclVona,
Cbinebllla*. etc., etc.
The gr 00 q-iality, all next week............... T.................$6 00
Tbe $10 00 quality, all nrxt week .............................. $7 os
Tbe $13 00 quality, all next week................................ $0 30
T%e$l5.00qaa]ity. all next week........................... $13 30
Everv one o» tb»*e Jackets ha* tbe • ZBRO ’ cellar—They are made
by Blrah. B'ann A Co.. Chicago's foremnsl do-blng maker*
Y.>o ought to see the new KBCKWBAR we unpacked Saturdayonly 30e—look like regular $1 goods—red. salanon, pink. taa. blue. etc.
Wayne Knit Hosiery Now In
This Morning
Will be s good time for you to drop in ber« sod see our
superb stock of Ocntlemen's
Fine Overcoats. S4.50 to $20.00.
See our world bentar aU wool Kormy oworooAt At
$8.60—the ei]Uiil of other stores' $10 costs.
You're welcome st nil timee to look at our stock—no ob^ ligation to buy.
Aud the beet eboee ever
6oltl at any price.
Urge and iucrensiog »sleeen SOROSIS means
that they are pleasing
those who
Alfred V. Friedrich.
Popular Shoe Mouse.
Making a Mistake
If 70a are not purchasing TOur fall and wioter
footwear a:t our store.
Haviog carried over a very small amount of
these goods we can give yon fresh, new goods in all
Women's Felt Sboee........$1.00, $1^. $B00
Womeu's Felt Slippers.............. 6O0, $1.00
Men’s Felt Shoes...................... $2.60. $8 00
Men^ Pelt Slippers..................................76o
Comflelt IlN lidits', Hissas aad CMIdiai’s Oiargahais.
Front Stnet
Exclusive Agent For Sorosla
' l^•a•ttlvtk•cvtr»tta■e<U• OMpBOITT.. • mOHIOAll
#. W. BA«np.
MBi! IUmc*'
IbsBaooaBbaaraCraiaod (rads tak
ing a poaittea oa tkla qaeriton aatU
now. We realise Us Importsoss of
I and srMom la
sariag for Us latsrasts pt Us todlrid
ssl taapeyrrasud of tbr pub'le later
ssts as well. Tbe ooly iblog that
sssma feasible at UU tisse. and
U (act Ue only Uinc sppsr
snUy. that can ba doos if Ue
Campbell noatract is not renewed, te to
parebsse tbe Oampbril plant for wbat
llissrorth. llwoald not be wtoe W
be satendeo into deeper water dpd Ue
m oonld be eatsnded or replseed as
demaaded by eiUUug oondtUoaa Tbe
mains placed la Ue streeis should be
la aocord wiU Ue fatare need of Ue
City and mul'd be so laid as U> be ready
to eanneot to a new, better and miore
inate syatem to be <
the (mure. Wtalie tbc srater la West
bay Is considered by many to be pot as
go^ as Uat of Bsst tasy. it b not bad
water, and Uare is eo immediate daager of contamination si fBcisat to endsBger tbc pnbltc bealib. We do not
ariU to be anderstooJ by tbU Uat Bsst
bayaboald be al ogeUer abandoned.
A more adequate system could be easbliabed a?e, or eren tea years hence;
Uea Bast bay woald be Ue .proper
eonree. la Ue meantime Ue profli
Uai'woald be derived from Ue Camp
baU system, and Ue saving to Ue city.
woaM la a few years pay for Ue
iTSBUnaat required at Ule time.
The whole situaUca le UU; We mutt
have a more adequate water works tyethan we have now. Aeeordlog lo
our charter we cannot bond Ue city
for more Uan l>64.000. nor ought we
to do so. The ooDulMlon Uen. U to do
Ue b St we can and pro^de for Ue
growiag needs of Ue city. Tbe only
Utag which eeems feasi^e to Ue Bm>
omv U Ue parebaee of Ue Campbell
plant for a reasonable fignre. and enffl
t improvement of tne preeent ey»VoenpMy the growing demands.
scMoely likely Uat Ue price ol
iron wUl erop euffieienUy wiUln Ue
next two yean to enable «s to eonstmei
Uaplaat propoeed before tbe Camp
bell oontract expirsa. All of Ue iron
ofUeeoontfy are taxed
Ueir utmoel and orden are eiUer re>r taken for dettvery mooUu
henee. Tbc preaent industrial eondi
UOD indieates Uat Ue demand for iron
In such volume as lo pre
vent any material redoetlop In price
for at least two yean- Therefore we
list uke Ue sltustlon as it is and do
lat wbicb_ wdl come vrlUIn
ans aod be for Ue beet laterests of
tbe city.
* Tbc W«wr WorkP ftx.b:cp>.
.Darlsir tb« pul few Bcaibi, po
4e«d lor pboBV two pepre. » crept
bM beea opid pod moeb wrluwa pboot
• fptnre wpter eopplj for Trpreree
Oltj- The frowib of Uie eitr Pnd the
pOMtPot iperppeinc dcBPOde opoo oor
poblte wpter eopply hpte oeerpeltpted
%a iBprcvemeat. psd p sorp pdrqopie
ijoiem. A good d«pl of tbeory bps
bpee lodalfod ie. Pod p focd depl
bifpBseat. iBore or leas aopod; bot tbe
‘ MPttar bps bees io soeb sbspe ps to pd
»lt of lltUe wbicb ooBid ppply directly
t0 ' p
MoastloB. Tbe report of tbe apeelpl
Wftitf works eomsUiee toretber with
Ibe eatlMle of Eorloeer Bpfier. node
pboot two years pfo. bps been made
tbs bpalp of IfUarlBf pod prfomeet.
Bat 00 poeooot of the pdvpoce in the
^rtee of Itbor. iron and other mpterlals
the ratlmpte of Mr. Bafter eoold Dot be
•enekUred ss pa pocnrate baaie at this
Tbe decision of tbe coonell to take
gv foUre wpter sapply tno Beat bay
psd to eetPblUb*p ^aot acoordlnc
air. Bafter'e eeUmato Bomber e wae
ri(hl. nnd there hae been eery litUr
appoetiion to East bay ss the soorce.
{•deed there ie no qaeatioo bot tbsi
Bast bay is tbe proper place from
vblab to take oor water. Tbe ooly
ppterial dlftereaee of oplnoo was as
tbeeyaieB, direct preasore. or reat
voir. Weipbty arpoBieDta baee twen
pdeasoed in fseor of both. TbedlSer
ppoa. tberefore. Is tbU eonsastlon b
•iBpIy s qocetios of merit
Mow tbe qaestioo of eost looms o as
the moot prominent element In tbe
Mtnatlon. Tbe board of poblie works,
by direction of tbc eoooeil was sotboi
iftd to obuio an esUmate opoo _
pyetem to be oi^ostmelcd under tbr
Bafwr eetlmnte Mo. «, this briny
Bermed by the conoell as the pUn bmt
eolud locor seeds and most sppn'pri
ptrfor Ibe crowing wanU of the city
Tbc board has completed its estimate
pad tbeli ftndlDci wilt be submitted to
BitU Tour Horace.
Ibe oouocU Mondsy night Tbe reaoli
I have e
of the isrcstlgatioDs of the bosid
iltbntthe sjsum npos which they d» authorities of people who are neghare procured flgorep. cannot be eon leeUng to observe Ue ordtnaaee rela
■trectcd for lem than about fsoo.ooo, or tive to Ue bltehlag of boraee Several
flae shade treeee heve been it jured by
poearately. epeakiag |1»V.09.««.
Tbe Bkvku has eonteaded that borsee eareleaely left on Ue street
paodlres discosslon of the water works Ued. OrooerU delivery men are
^SMtion should Bol be Indulged In moat frequent oflenden io UU regard.
ppUl tbe board bi^ nbrnltted its eon- Some of Ue eeite are being inveaUgairiaaioaa. This posiUon bae been Ukeo ed. aod awIgoroBS enforcement of Ue
by this paper beeanee nnseoeeaary ordlnnoce will be carried out.
It aboald be a matter of p'ide to
pfltatlon froold only rcaelt la eonfnMoo among tbe taapayere, wboae Is- erery eltlsen to ears for and protect
tareau are at suke and whose eopport Ue ebade trees of Ue city. It tbU U
M aeeeeeary when it eomea'to tbe quee- Bot a aotBelent motive for
iMa of TOtlng npon bonds for the poUee will bring op a eeoriacing argu
perpoae dtJesubUsbing a new system ment In ila favor.
Mow that tbe board bas ^Ired at au
1 O e. T. Installation.
faMlUgesl oonelnsion the qoeetlou
may be considered from a oorrect
Tbe Uood Templars held a very busy
pload point, and riewe may be bssi-d Moaion last eveaiDg. Offiwra were inapon the qaestioo which Is all-lmpsr- iialled for the ensnlBg-aosrterand Ue
laat-^lbat of cost We are confronted uiliatiou fee changed from XI to :&
■rltbtbisoondtlloo; Aeoordlnr to onr eenta. An locceased interest U manabarter tbe city cannot now be bonded ifeitef and ereryUlog promUca a very
for Bore than right pei^eent of itt as- profitable winter.
msaad ▼alnstion, which would be
Next Saturday evening Ue lodge
pboet tlU.OOO. Now. Ibis being tbr w.n bold e mUl eeesloo, InvlUng e
pue, tbe question of adopting BsUm few of Ueir'friends.
PM No. &. with Bsst bay as tbe source,
mwt be eoDSldered. We cannot bond
To Startup Vext Veek.
/et bSOO.OOO, wbleb will be neceesary
Tbe Oral Wood Dish factory has
|e procure tbe plan recommended npon
been shat dawn for repairs for about
by Ibe 0000011.0111
two weeka. Tbe work of
ref. There bas
baa beea nearly oompleted and Ue
Beea ooariderable objection
gegarding tbe purebaae of Ue preeent factory U expected to rcaame
•^Mm, operated aad owned, by B D. about Ue middle of Ue week.
Campbell A|Soae. There has bew
foaeoa ln;ue obJeetUms. Now. bowgnr. tbO«<aet sltnatSon maai be
Iseked.sqnarriy in Ue faee.
It la oonceded that Ue price of Iron
fflUUUmeibar^n^fTom getUng Ue
•setdown to within.Ue amoont wa
•N onUorised^to bond Ue dty for.
Borne eoatend Uat Ue priee of iron
•ay drop wlUlaotycar and that Uen
fpta be time enough to lake defialte
r a plant.
(Wseoanectloniliw-rilto sum Uat
•hn eontraet wim H. a Campbell A'
Bans will expire two ^cars from next I
A Oineb ffany.
Tbe young ladle* of SV Franc's
ebnreb wiU give Ue fliat of a eeries of'
aajoyable riaeb partlea at Fareaten'
baU next Tneaday evening. This party
la sure to be Ue popular eoeoem' that
aU Ueir enlnrtainmcnu are.
Brave Bzpl«>
Like Stanley aad Llvlogaioae. found
it harder to overeome Malaria. Fever
have found Uat BleeCrle Bitters „ _
«Mi<l«riiil core for all malarial dl-
Anrti, „ji.to to-ttoir
gtrnet a plant, make Ue oeeeessiy,
worn-oni feelings, a trial’ will
ffgUnelons. aiao tbe eonseqaent chang-. eonvinee yon of Ueir merit. W. A.
•a la ptlvau 'epnneeUoas, without'
of Webb, IU.. writes; "My ebUfenrdsblp to praperty ownmeqnd wlU :
wWv/r^tK: '1^
mfety to Ue elty eonriderlng the
Bluer. eSed Uem.- ^ M
------ -------------------tB* exUagaUb- et^ Try -- . Uaaraateed. Sold.
.xk sboald be began i by Jes. O. '
4nrfag next
.mer, aUowlng Ue
Igering ausmar to
‘•“‘““•IcniiaMBniUgu Cwm —WarMW*
l«*a the nutter of c
m Mmt the wfnUr ■
r do tc wwt* WhM fff Tar Syrops tbc
1 to be beat <mgh remedy on earth, core* a cold
n. The UcMdaytftatanlnttBn. S^fiOeta
iuwK)m>. buvday.
tfoyxMBBB 6, lan.
ofUe tapport
OiTcBUs V> nby.Ue
•aying PabUs.
■praelattaf Ue oramat and
Baanm- in wbicb tbe baytag pablie
bnvetae City reeoemdad lo oor r»q
bv po eba«lne Urir goode i»
dsyligHtaod taereby doiag meeh to
ra for as tbe shorter boats, of aerTloe whiU we now eoj>y. wk take UU
opportaally of pabllely expreeslng to
Uemeor beartfell thanks for Urir
Picture Mouldings.
Mats and Frames
—alt the latest styles and colors, and
we have a first class experienced mao to
Nor do we wUh to eowftne per expreasloB of gratitade to iroeds slane.
bat we are atrlving to more than eompvaspte Ue public for any IneonvenieoewUelr efforts iu oar bebnlf may
have caaeed Uem by Ue more earefel
aod pleaeieg eerviee wbleb nndrr Ue
preeent system we are able to give.
. Tux Bctau. Cij;a»:'i* Tmux
make the frames.
just tbe thing for enlarged photos.
More Deer Llceasra.
Tbe lateei deer licenses grant^ are
a« followt: John Leavell. Bruoe Uarwiek. H. D. ^mlU. C. C. Knowlloo and
A. dlicwran of Traverae City: tteorgti. Uondril of Keystone: Jsmes Nicker
son. Silas Davit. L>ewis Geigher and
Charles Usmmond of Kingsley; ArUur
Wlllismtof Wsiloo; James MsitisDd.
CnrtU Wood, Wiliam Cdrlis. Lowell
Morlstey aad George Rsrmond of Ang-1: Willism rillouon and J C Osys
of dummtt City.
Mrs. Mary Ore- n Dead.
Mrs. Mary Greer, wife of Frank
Green,died at her boiu-. .Mt Bay siret-i.
at 1:311 last evening. St ibe age of >, t,
after so -.Uness of but ffur weeks
Uieasedhsa lived lalbe ctiy for
t e past tiyeoiyfive years, and war
w U knos'D
H. L. CMrWr uas bad his rcaldence
acd place of buslucas piped for city
I, The Core that Cons,
Whooping Cough. Aeth
Bronchitis and Inclplo
Conaumption. Is
j Tilt ^MAN f^EOY^
For a ladles'
Worth more money—We are
cloeing oat thie line—not n
eboddy line^not ont of atyle
-nice 8x10 frame with glass aod mat for
2Sc. Bring in your pictures -We car
save you money.
ProflubU Seesiiyo of tbe '.dneols Lit
erary Society LaatH.gbt
Tbe Lineoln L;terary aoriety held a
try iaterestiog meeting last evening
aad Ue foUowlog oSeere were elected
for Ue ensuing three moetbi;
Kreeldent—Orton SmiU. '
Vice PreeidPBt—Lonia BiiWu.
Seeretarj—'ibsrlm Brim.
Assistant secretary—Charles Bennie.
Oorresponding secretary — Wayne
Financial necreUry—Moses OUbert.
Tresaurer—Frank Walton.
ParUamenlariau—Boben Walter.
Sergesat-aisrma—Bdvrard Clemont
The society then listened to carvent
e rnte by Charles Bltoo. A short talk
was given by Wayne Waters entlUed. -Tbereal objsctof Uiaeociety."
The queett <d for diseomioa was:
' Bewlued, Tbst men are be tier, teachme Uau womeo." Tbe members on
Ueafirmatlve were Moaee Ollbertand
Frank Walton and tbote on Ue nega
tive were Orton Smltfi and Hervey
Iripp. Tbe jsdgee decided In favor of
tbe sffrmative.
A nice 16x2o frame.
4‘y4 inch« wide, in all colors, for 73c—
ISO Front St
We are sole ag»nte for t »* above
brand of 800 flulhinu.
Mr<st de
pendable liie oil Ibe mn-ket—
costs no more to bnj- and you (.^et
more wear, etyJe and comfort than
from inferior makes.
Wilhelm Bros.
Honu FnhiUhing atom.
Bolh Telephones, No 43.
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors
318 Union Street.
"U henever you git holt of a ten dollar note you want to git it into yu or onto
yu jest s qiuk'syou kin.” The quicker you gel into one of our Ten l>oliar Overcoats
the quicker you'll have some of the best comfort onto you that \ou ever enjoyed.
An Umbrella
A Bedstead
We Repeat
full sigffd good wood. - war
ranted not to shrink, warp
or stretch out of shape and
sells (or $2.25 the one. It’s
an unheard of price we
know, but we're going to
you the benefit of a
■i-nap” we picked up. Bet
ter come early if you want a
good bed stead
is worth most any price,
the statement made about^.‘j,g,
it's raining and you're
our Jamestown Batting. It
is made from clean cotton "caught out." Here we're
j- . -T- Idling it at the same price
waste, cxintains no dirt^^ijr
rubbish — each roll 38 in
rain or shine and that
!. M
lone, weiahs 'sitocial drive" it a dollar
from1 -• to 4 lbs. sells at
o„e is most soceessful.
the pininu—one
pound-one roii
roll cut
cm tn
,n »,____.■ .... ............
two makes a comforter r
cover and one
feel long, o feet 4 inches '^ai will shed all kin<ls of
wide. A good thick **^(! rain unless itrains pitchforks
or grind stones.
Slylish, Sensible, Serviceable Shoes.
That s what is said of firry H^o•^ Ladies' Fine Shoes. The lirst word tells why
we sell so many. 1 hcy're made by up-to-date workmen, who know their business and
st\Ic is to be considered always. We sd! them at Si-wi.
and $4.0^^ the pair.
More News
“Con-dl-ments" Soup for dinner
of the little priced books,
Those little gift books in
dainty bindings sell at 22c
the book—while and gold
imitation leather, imitation
wood. There are hardly
any two aliKe in decorations.
Splendid opportunity to enlarge the library—remember
a friend and make a weddingora binhday gift. 497
books to select from.
according to webster “arc
something used togive relish
to food, lo gratify the taste
Read this then;
Olives, with red pej per and
mustard. ;,oc bottle. Baby
Olives loc; Oueen Olives
25c; Tomato Catsup 25c;,
Chow Chow at lOc; Midget
Pickles 25c; Durkee Salad
Dressing at 3oc:Mixed Pickles loc; Demkley’s Celery
Mustard loc.
makes a person feel good,
es|>cciail> these told days—
It warms you all through
—If the wife is busj-'here s
something she can use and
keep right on with her work
—Soups already prepared
and sell at loc the can.
Boullion soup—Cove Oyster
soup—Mock Turtle soup—
Chicken soup — \’egctable
soup—One can makes good
thick soup for six people.
A difference of but one letter, but what a difference in meaning. A I-'rieze
Ulster is an enemy to cold weather.
Each season this style becomes more popular.
We’ll sell you one of these "cold weather comforts' for $s.oo or $6.50 or S8.00 or
$12.00. They’re made to wear and are made by up-to-date workmen.
toe—See them—Get them of
Frank Friedrich
118 Front 8t^L
The Hamah & Lay Mereptile Co.
IBM uoamaa bmooms, bomdat, joymobk t, law
«BuiuauiLi«uii mm mmm m_
I .S\b.U i\mt
&TV\CTt«\. J
J. a. UaWM bM oywid • «nfw
tlOMr7Mer»Mft4llMiEirbtfe stTMt
With » tw llM of «Mdi« UO MbMM.
n« ItaiM •( Dtriata Mo. T of th*
frMMOiMMdad TWt M Aaa Arbor
load oUor poiaio. Sbo bUwdod tbo
! HkblfM FMoratiao of Wo«u'« elobo Me nra te »aw Torb BMatod te
Mod^iCMofaxM tb<. cloblatbtoeltp*
tom ^ um
W- B. BoiMo of h^id aty. to ftt Uo
Mow Torli. KoT. 4.—A Ira wbleb
ooBpJeialy wtedM tb* aoraa atory
W. W. Wbaaloak of Baula Craaa. to
; balldlur at M asd M Mott atooat yraloUaeftyudatoppterAt tba Oolan-
•mu BlttM ora rtqoMiod to acei with Mra.
Praah ScilU of BUtk atraet. loraarrow
wvMd th« KimiMe A lUriMtte oflomeaoMto'eloek
Thera wa* a yatberJ. J. l<anntny. a wall-koown trarelB«pl<«l aMoeUUof<. whleb hi* m islay today rf mo employed la tbe
A -t«14(htftU imraoilc port; ww (riraa vUarmao. tolotba city.
afratara.tbat tbaa
! balldioy and It wat learned that three
t tte raaUaoec of B «. ud Mra. U T
O t. Coaller of Oantral Lake, to a
I men eopcKiaed to be cafe cannot be
! ynmt at the Park Ptaea.
aad touyiBfiorct
Aboat fifty wart praaeat aed I Oaanto 8ta rr made a trip to Bapid found Ri>yer D< Pa^ea. '•ported mlmi^p laal niyht. baa taraed np.
wBla«a oot of all had a fiae» Uaa.
Olty yeatarday oo bailnem for hiK-^athalr aalary. Itorai
baa wntiao
.^dwlahra. aalad.
Plreman Grady waa aeraraly bnrnrd
«aka aad eboeolaia thar. OiaranceBlaterhaaratarnedfWm
aad may POt reeoror. Juaaph M .-Eln
war* tarred by Mra. BlooV
•N llabU to praaarotloB aa araata of
a eto ekall waa fractured aod be may
111 for
A. 'E. Falrhanka of Mabel, will leara d e. Poor are tboaybt to bare oeraa Boaatborliwd laaUtatloa.
tbto month for Oalllornla. where be tohed Thr I at to rarioeely eetimated
will eprnd tba winter.
at froir VI5UOOO to Avm ono
b. K>ml
Prod iarham of Cadillac to riaiUny ._________________
t.aoo baaboU of rora oo *0____ _____
that ba asd bto bratbar bnkad and
Vmbb.ai.SKbub..lb,icbt a.pb. _
*' *
When tba Micbiyaa Oeatral depot ra-' **aoayer StlenHery to endearoriny o
celrm the paaaenyar traine from all tbe »"*aye »o briny ore of the yre*t«ai
rallroadtaatoriny JaekMjo. tbare will anraeeeem of the teaaon to ba popular
play honre tbe latter part of tbto
be 5S tralaa out erery 94 hoara.
month. Tbe attraction to a rery etrany
"”.i.aiaiuu. p»t.ni.,
moaleel farre-comedy.aod tbe
J. B. Bledaoa of Biaton. Va.
lab ana for Baffalo.
^ crpt to adj .are The oaie of Bill rt
ticatattna Battle Creak aaniUrinw. kope of tbe beat eatoer. now playlny
turned on tbe yea In a atora Instead of <m'y the l%rya«i ciUee If Mr 9iie n
MmlDyitoffand waaa>phyztoted.
racceede in yculny them ’a
• IraTerre City, a roTv (raat wjn ^
aorred.and the tbrater yoiny pnb'c
«halr arrlral to Marqoaila. r» to data
I public win not be backward In show■aarly lOo lleroiaa to boot bare bean
»Bai raaollad Id a alicbi
Uaytbeir aporae=a;ion of tba eaterkanod is toarqoetla coooty.
daman «* • b"W ocoarrad yaaterday
U..I I.M0 h„a.
^ M.. will bold a apaelal ooBBoalea-
«-‘Cu“b'..r »r' Pies like Woiher Used to Make.'
lartMt alDylr amiflorer of tbit kind of
labortoW W. Williama. who baa III
Tomorrow ibe mlatoiara of tta eitr,
toartona on bto pay rail. Tba Bay«ty •»! «••» l» U» «»dy of tba Uony^w
fadlory baTloy eompletod all rapatn to
eborch, at 10 o'eloek.
now taraioy oot aoyar. aad after to'Hia Mlchlcao Btarcb Co. to Inlrofo.
morrow will rr^aira >50 wana Ijada «>0| • polo food made kom poutoaa
Of baeuparday to Harp it la opera- »l»*r aponUm/of tbaatareh baa bran
tlM. Tba toirbifao factory ealla for eztraeled, wbieb promtoea to mrat
apwarda of soo tone of beau par day.
f*w with tba farmara.
Both mUto are raaalriar ba»t» by tba ®«b farmer bripriar potaioaa to the
aarload from aurrooDdlof oooaUea.
faeiory to yieen a bathei free of ebarye
Boom Uma aloaa a farmer near AdPanea. Charlaroli aoooty. In dlrrior a
A laryc nambar of the ladlea (ram
well, diaoorarad a eala of oral aboat tba two bleaa of Lady Maecabcaa In
tour feat thick at a eery aballow depth, tba city, went to Kincaley ymtordaT.
Mothlny more wai tbouebt of the mat- the occaaloo balny tba ialtiatioB of b
tac naUl now It bna davelopad that Urye clam Is that towo. Twenty-one
frank M. Baara of Cbarlarolz. bna baaa ware added to the Elnctlry birr, and
qsiaUy at work aod bat taenrad an the oecaaloa wnt made a i 'yoot oae by
option at a nominal fiysra for the par- the rUllprt and the Eipn>«7 ladlea.
cbM of all tbe Itpd for an area of a' Vatterdty the lypat indleatao that
or more: alaoalaaaa for a Jaliut Sta.nberg't .hi*batt priced orer|N»iodof firayaara. for tbe prirllr. e eoau told for to. Tbe flyuraetboold
of ezploraUon and derelopmenl. Thto hare rrad »».
r .1 1
At Ooidrra^^ \
"I" *
.1 N.rsbpon
' ***^
married latt niyht In
MOW ttorm tndi„.p.,i,«^M.mV,olai McCoy,
bayan Mday morniny and conUnned
_ .
wll a.!.
<4z* i<
____ . . .. i Tbe
teho'vnar Tbomat Danbr
D..bj load
»ad b*rdly • icm reaturad on tb* *
ss&.Ooo frat of bsrdwood
* from Wllllnm Beitaerto mill eonsiyatd
Aboot • yenr nyo Mrs. A’rlns ^y. ;*®
mond-Vedder dlcdnt herbomein Ssnd-{
suae towastaip. Jseksoo county. nts<
BT**' •Be- Sbe hsd resided iktere nearly • Mra. J. W, Trsrtoreturned Isst niySi
It wss known tbst “Aunt" from s weeks' visit with ber
Altins wss tbs firratost msker of bed Grsod Bsplds.
Huiluofsny wornsn'is the ooantryj ^Balph Anderson will Icsra todsy for
side, but Jut bow msoy sbe bsd on. Glen Bsran on profrasionsl I
band DO one knew, tor sbe kept tt«m.! Msrion LsCore of Bmpire
locked in buye truDk-.sooe belay used. city.
A tew dsys nyo they bed no suction to * Sheriff snd Mra Adsm Bellinircr of
sell off msny tbioy. sod smony them Msple City wme st tbe'Motel Wbiuny
were Ion bed >iullu end lOO dresses, yralsrdsy.
Tbe old Isdy nercr went to town or
Mias Birdie Cliffs bsa raiurned from
Tlslllny, so sbe bsd bee dresses sll sn cxienoed visit lb Ohio,
peeked swsy. Amony tbe quilts wss
J. M. Blsksslss left tost oiybt
ooeoompQscdofsllkWocks.esehsboot Bspld CHy. to sdjost some seeident
five inches iqssra, and upon sseb block stoims for tbe Btatos Dnitsd Benevono«M solmal wu worked out. varyiny leal Society.
from sn elepbsiii b) s smsll inseeu
| Letond Tripp wu la (be city yratar
At MoIly.Aliee Bsrnes. syed 13 yesra Bsy from Bsrkar Creek where be to
who to chsryed with eetttoy anmerou («a«blny.
fifes, eonfeeeed. Sbe ssid sbe “wsnted ' A. A. MlOny rataned lut alybt from
toeeetbemea run." It to probsble Otsnd Bsplds.
tbst sbe will be-eent to the Adrisn
Praak Goodrich Isft tost alyht os s
Sobool for Girls.
‘ bnslaui trio to Btoaasba.
Jsmra Holden of Dowsytoc wUl msr-'
Osrtond of this ptoee
ket 8.000 pounds of pure honey tbto fs I
Bobert Gsrtoad of Areblr. era
Heesystheeprsyiny oftreu by fmlt ^<»**y to Monroe Center,
ytowerabueosihia St leut fiis.ooo
® Dsy tohtost eveaiay to visit
dsriay tbs lui few years, the poison **•' ■»«>»«■’ “»■ *- *»«y- "Bo to
■ s— eertonsly ill si bw hoaw to Oiawn.
kUllny the bees aad
Dr. P. p. Meieoa. of Wysadotte. who
from teediny.
1( to caUmated that Bsllows'ea hu bsaa rtoltiaff frteads ia this eity.
waakt St Jseksos____ _ e.
aIhome tost eveaiay.
see to povste
private property.
McFsU toft tost eveaiay
Loeklsnd. O . to sa early yrave. AU ^
eveaiay. hsvlay qmat a
aaid he bad a fatal Inay trosble aad f««v days sbopf^ la the city.
*• P»*wty» mA MraFraaou
a,k,..i.oi..„k.. «.,««
b^ties he was entirely eared. It to poratoUves at Willtomsberff, ratarnsltlvely ynsrsateed to care sll dlsessM *d U tbe city last eveaiay.
Mrs. C. J. Kneetoad sad Mrs. B. L.
the Banoah A Lty Mercantile Co.. | rereation the airanyer atraek bijattod
BWpao, Monday. Tne* ^ knocked kilm oot of the wnyoo.
.pp-srf.. u„
JohnJ Brr*ioaaodfeLyonTbnr.. ay.
throuyh lie
Frldar aad Haiorday. Norember V. lo > P*Mkuie man. aeeorinr between pg and
and ll.ademoB«trat|ra'workiny
w„ found shortly aftr
a»tr .
------------------------- ---------, wlth;»lo.
_... ..... HcG
oty was
hone baeb c-indenaed minec meat and wards br a pass«r b* ard tbe police
T.-d oumpkin. She will produce , were immediateir irbt'fied.
that will" make the
—-wife tbe . ijoal of her motbm-in-1 ft will not br a surprise
, . to
-J any who
tow in tbe eyes
eye# ol the........ ............................................
all ■fsmnar
with the e~d
baod. What she knows
ererrbndy qnsliiies of Cbamberlaln's Couyb
learn by watchlny her deft bands . Briredy. to know that people er..y.
the wi rk D-oo Into tbe abore wh»r» ulce pleasure in relatlny their
ra and see tor youraelf. Laasoos espeHeoce in the use of that splendid
free. 7*i« s • .1
medicine and in teliiny of the heeifi—
the* ha»e r* ceieed from I*, of bad coirs
Ladlte y«e«l tomtOblttramptoMl H‘'S-nir^ ol thre..en.d attacks of
time " Oalmu-s Blast c Floor V*rntoh
bss sa»rd from attacks of
S B Wait.
.crann aoc ebooniny couyb. It to a
_ _______
yrund. rood med'c’ue For mie by 8.
07«,n .1 !»hmr-..
Opposite UsuiM'ou cioihiny
(root street. 7«o-tf s
CalaiMi Tturior Spar it the amt
durali e »arr ..b made
Tell A Customer
That the paots we are showing him is a
or “Berkshire"
make, it's enough said—he knows there
a perfect guarantee behind these*
makes that insures him against loss.
Cannot be sidetrack
ed onto any make bat
These pants as well as Overalls are especialiy adapted to the us^f rail Odd
men—Union made, and only very best
material and work- allowed to pass out
of the Carbarn factory.
No need of
an introductiiin to those who have onceworn them.
All sizes—all grades.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
l.l.Cl„k-. l-.lo. I. tmi.. Ukr„,
' snec Is desired.
to promote tocb an lodutlry.
Borace Psimw
wu ' ^ ^ Knuwlion bss yooc
rteenUy tab,acted to a iryiny ez^. volz torn few weeks bontiny in tbst
d by Mra.
tonce whilepreachlay. A wa-p warmed
Into life by the tun dropped down hit
-“o wKI
oollarand beyan doiny batloeaa with *««•«■-Itb him II a fa of (am*,
htojarelln. The mlou'tercroebed the
ProeecuUny Attorney tVed H. Pratt
watp by a rlyoroac application of bit r»tum<d Ittt niybt from PentcD.wbeie
hand aod proceeded wtib bit lermon be hat been rtoltlny relatirct for abcat
at If noibiny aad htppanad.
{ten daya
Be reporu'^etry tsi.w
At Wrat Braoeb, there are JI5 fine •torma in tbe tootberr^^rt of the
flowiny well! that proBuea the beat of *tota ymtordpy and wna tarprUad upon
water Moat of them bare been tl >w- Arrl*io| here to find tbe weather
ini tor >o yeart. and aome prodnee M pl«»«mit.
su p, ghiml F.n._.
farmer atan-d to leare Flint Tbnra
They are oot a loat art. A tbiay day arepiny
about «:». wbaa a etran
worth ksowlny to bow to make mr aa1iked for a ride and elimt^ into
ptee like mother need to make, f* “
When We
jntooptoy Oosyh. Me and »i oo
«“ rsderaUoa of Womaa's dabs,
bo^es 10 CM at Jss. G. Johasoa'a aad
A. F. Osmeroa to at Ttorob Lsks.
Th« bAckwardn«B8 of the eeuon has caused ue
to wonder how we could get rid of our enormous stock
of men’s clc thing.
We muet onload—must couvert this mammoth
atock into cash. Nothing but a
Crash In Prices
will do it-A far reaching cut ie our remedy We have
tbe glory of quick eelling—you all|the profit.
^Saturday, November 4th
We shall knife clothing in a manner never before
known to the people of Traveree City and vicinity
When we advertise a SLAUOHrKR SALE (as
onr recent eucceeaful cloak ^e i the people know that
we mean bnelxTesa, and everything goee just as we ad
vertise. Advertising costs too mnch to make any fake
about it.
We had a good bueineu roaaon for our great
cloak sale- We have. If possible, a better one here in
the clothing, for it ie onr rule never to carry this sea
son's goods over till next.
'it la not what yon pay for clothing, but what you
getlfor money expended.
Bring this sA In—oompare price for price, the
former with the slashed one. Bring yonr pocketbook,
too, for yon're sure to buy.
One lot of oO men's suits, in lili/e an<l black cheviots,
our rcK'iIar $5.50 stiit--iinlli;i(iini; price g gQ
Si» men's suits of all wool blue 'cheviots, hair lines anti
cassimeres. our regular price $6.9s. this A Kr\
special sale.......................................................
7.^ men's suits oi a liner gracte of aN woolcas.simercs, in tiarks .ind fancies, our regular price K Kn
<7.^0. for this sale................................ .... O.OU
*>0 men s suitB of all wool blue serges, brown and gray
che\ iot chocks, our regular price SS-.to. C
this sjK-cial ...................................................'. . V Ow
ll^' men’s suits of all wool gray and black he.ivy clav
worsteds, serges and fancy all wool cassi- ^ KO
iifaere-. our regular .*io suits, this special • - On/
ISO men's suits of tine Melton, double breasted, raw
• edged; extra heavy all wool tine serges, up-io-daie
checks and strif>es in fancy cassimeres an»l w.irsi•-ds. our regular prices
and $i5, for Q OQ
this special sale.......................... ................... 5/.5/0
7S men's ulsters in all wool chinchilla and all wool
black Frie/e. well lined, high storm collar and goo<l
length; bought under value and sold reg- ^
larly for Ss.^o, for this special...............
40 men's all tv.»««l fine Irish Kriezs I'lstsrs. all wool
cassimere lincii. sold regularly at $10.00.
2R men's Heaver Overetiats in blue and Q QQ
black, sold regularly for S5 00. this special 4^*
50 men's overcoats, all wool Kersey in blue, black and
brown, our regular $0.00 coat, for this £3
special sale.....................................................
>'* • V
75 extra fine all wool Kersey, extra heavy all wool
Herringbone and Oxford cheviots—all swell top
coats: our regular Sic and $15 values, for Q OQ
this special sale................................................. 57,t70
C3-3-V J£! TIFTTS ^13 ^ TEST
mm ■OBVOiu «Boomi>, •uvoA'k, vovxicsxb ». lanv
1 &etv«n!l KM)i ,
^^"VDoAd. I
• A.B
AMTiMB «»«P*->y b* iMMd
«h« Sm J«»» b»Ul«fl*lA ud wUl b«ild
MMU*eti*e-Mdh(»MO« «h« aiu of
ftbc dMV^ad tort,
Parateho* by the Beapa
aaaoa (araoeraid
a*«. Ohea T. Owei. awMr.
Morolaf earrioe aad
Ihead^ Aehool at if
Brao'af eerrlee at ? p. mAil are eoidiaUy UeAed te tbeee
Ftmn aarner
““ A k»*r 0'« tbai •wept the w«tb•weetera pvt of the BrIUeb eoiM Frt*
weweeer OMffMow.. 8
hj w
'tetelij iejered uolhv trio.
•woo*t be ob'e to be preeewt,b«t lUeoM
wrtll to rtfbt Oh preperiar to oelebtMe
WeeUarMs'e deeth
•t Mk VerMB OeeMBber li.JPr«riA«t
BUAlalej wUl be there.
Le Uetoo BtpMoU at
tkcat of exireui-ly raiiulile tniuerai d«-
1040 a. a. Giee each oUer a Sabbath
aad haadahahe at the eXam.
claa of yoBBC ladlee aad
WMd 1.000 oopioi of the paper, pad
eroaU keredeMprad the MeUaecy
bet ler the poUoa
P- a.
ediete Soewty of Ohrtet
An let
taa Badeevor at 4 p ee.
Toanf Peoplob Society of Ohrtellaa
•re etraCTliac ter iadepeadeaea." ea- Bad«*er at S:4S p. a.
At Parte the ahaMpal oeaaea Pri-
pe«ed rawriatloae oflwiar
the Boera. "who
refret that, Ue
powere bad aet latveeaed to preeeat
the eoadiet.
boplof that peaee
•woaM be apeedUy eeoared.
Ttee Moraoae'are prepartair
eetaealfa la
for a
•core of their BBleeloBariw are preparInftoBakeooorertelathateUy. The
H >rBM« are aet)v« le maay eeeUoaa
of the wMk
At Bowan. U..
0*eob three
asaUebUdrea were baraed to death
while their
were away.
«eaf ofraitroadirrad*« were only to
rode away, bat the fltsee were
^aleh for their effortetoeare tbe'ebil-
Dieeot of Bithwe preeehtod their
teabee to lire. Paeetoa Prlday, and the
pailaat Utile wonaa kteeed ae maay
M ehe eoeld reach,
•aaded hr it haadi aad flraa a iword
ooetler 81.000.
The hoary etora OB Lake Mlehlran
bee done an iteiaeDBe aeeoaet of d ■
•re et Eeaoeha. Wie.
All of the for-
•reaeat work oa the harbor deriaf
tbelaet two miatbe wee totally de>
atroyed aad
wae etrewn
•loarthe beaeb for twa .allea.
worth pler4lffat aad ibe elemted walk
to the (Ifbtboaee
ere waeked away
•ad the htfbor te in dvkoeae.
United dtetee eerreye are to deterxB*ne joet
where in Ktaeee the feo-
rrepieal oeater of the
•*. a BalsbefT. Peswr.
Chareb on eorser of Ninth aad Wade
wrth etreete.
Snnday eerrlcM are ae follewe:
Preaching at 10:ma. a.
Snaday eebool at 11:10.
Preaching at 7.-00 p a.
Tonag People's prayer mertiag. «KK«
MM-weev prayer meeting at 7:10^ a
All are iatite-l to these aeetiagw
piaer anBooier.
Bar. J. A. BrsaAr. pMlor.
MornlngeebWt: "AOsod Soldier.”
Erentag Sa^j «t: "MignetleB of the
erase •'
Othv eerrlcee ae Beaal.
S*i«irel eerrleae will be held every
evenlag of the week eacept Saturday
PUMPS cat’Bca.
Bat. Barrlar Josaa. sMofCbareb. Our. 0»k end Fifth> etreeU.
Soadey eebool at V:4S.
Pablic worahln ll:0Ua. aY. P. S. C. B prayer meetlag t:4ft
'worship. 7:00 p B
Mra. JeSrlei and otbera wlU elag in
the erentag eerrlee.
The pBbUe te uurdially tavlud to
these eerrieew
Serrioes held in Orsage hell.
Soaday eebool V 0:1b e a.
Preaching et inihnte. a
Bndearorat «K)0 o. la.
Brralag eerriee. 74W
Eidv F F. Satloo of Uadeoavllle.
M eh, wUl praaob laetead of Eider L
O. Drew.
Tbeeanheftiito be creeled to
Prellalnaty work hM
.etelag at 10:10 a. m. aad at 7:00
p m.
Claee meetlag at «:4S a. m.
Soadey aehool at lt:4S a m
Bnworth Leagaeatt:4S p. *
eralw 1,400 barr^ of epera oil, 1.000
MM-week prayer
p tonde of bone aad 'eo ponade of aaal7:M
berprie were eeearad. The latter wUl
'^!!r^lnrllatlra to extended
; tertarfroafSMtoteooapcaad. 8epk
The whaUac hark OharlM W.
can hee reached
the OkhoU aea.
3 tae
Praneleeo troa
Darlaf hv yearb
L-ausnAR ecicRCK annen.
Oo^rore. a aeaber of the
Serrieee every Saadey at 1040 a. a
IharedeT erMlag at 7:10 -la Moatawell-todo
ralatleee la tadioM. wee eanfht by the gae hall. IIS Froatetreek
for Saaday mot -alag. -MorSubject
.rael wbhdi holde the Uae and diwyed tale and laaortali ”
arerboard by a whale, io Jaae. Ha
A eordlal inrltatlon te eztended to
teody wee not rewrered.
.Oallfemla'e erew. who bee
.Saltyabaff te now the OMet earafally
Thoafb the anaber of aea .anfafed
oabothaldeewaeiSO.oeo. the pualtioa
«f erery refiment, battery and eqaadMB pee beea'ae.u ately heated, ta ad
dition u
•et to dedna aeleal poaitiune.
dan. I San Franeteeo will eeaae to te
Abe ehipplag and general bnelDcaa eeaW of the PaelSc Ceaet Steaiaabip Co.,
•ad all tbe local lalereete of tbte eon•era will te moved
change te dne
fact that the
-Great Nortfaera RaUway Oo.
eared a
baa ae
Intereat la
Hover Ulcaoa. haowaae "Halve An-
Bow’g ThU.
We offer One Bonderd Dollars Re
ward for any eaacAifOaUrrb that ehaaot te enred bv Hallb Catarrh Onre.
F J Cn'icsKr' A Co.. Prop . Toledo. O
We, the uoderaigaed. have known F
3. Cheney for the leet IS yean, and be
lieve bta perfectly bonorable la all
__________ _________________
treeeaeilooe aad
. .
able to oarry oat any obllgatioae made
by their flra
Wnr.t- ‘R(-AX Wholesale ’ Druggtote,
Toledo, o.
Wauiivi.. KiNNA-ik A Uarvix. Whole
eele Druitnet-. I'umoo. i>.
Hall's Catarrh Care ietakeo iateraally. aeUog direeUy npoa the blood end
auoooe enrfaee of tbe eyetem.
75r. p*r bottle. Sold by all Dremate.
TWtimoBlale are free.
HaUte Family PMU are tbe teak
Seraon. the Mg Swede." for :s years a
raanee near Oafena. 111., is dead.
was of wealthy
fiaalT edaeated, aad
fflote in hie own
yacht aad
Ofthe Board of Bdueatioa of Che OHy
Traperee Olty-
Adj earned regalv aeetlagof Board
evtth tbe Illiaote volnateers la the elvU
of Edneatioa held ineoaaeil room.
mu. Doaeatic troablee eeade him a Nov
la a eoUteioQ tetweea trains at the
. gram
of Thonara,
two parecae
to othera
panioiitarly of gold and dla-
aoode. and IncMeoutly it lua.r be menUoaed that the Iruu. ouei and otiter
Bioeral depoelu of Souih AfH<e glee
great protulae when the wealth iwekere Sod titue to lure their auretloo to
iBduetrlee wbirb are tew aperuletlre.
The gold and dlaauod luluee are
wond«»fully profluble. The Kimberley
mines, which ere located la briUsb ter
ritory Jnet onialde the boundaries of
the Omnge Prw- Kute and about 000
Bllce from Cape Town, now supply
about OS per rent of ibe dUmonde of
Tbe esUteu<v of tlMe
oiioee was ankoowo prior to 1HC7. and
io Ibe brief period aluoe ibelr dlwotery
8330.0004)00 worth of rough '
have been taken from tbe Kimberley
mines, and tbe etouee were (««ily
worth doubk- ibis suui after eulUng.
Tbte enormous |>ru<)a<-iluii would bare
bePD gnetly lD<*tTai>ed tiui fur tbe fact
that tbe owner* of Ibe mine* lb tbe rlcluily formed an sineemeut l>>- wbirb
the annual <uii|.ut was so limited as to
are tbe great VVIlwalersnilH ;:cildAekla
of tkmti. Afri.-a. i.s-ntiHl in tb.- South
Afriean liepublie, Is-iter kiii.wii as tbe
Joliaunesbiirg mines Tb<- *irl|i of ter
ritory a few buiiilriHl uilb>> long and a
few Riilra In w iaUi to «tbl<-Ii Ibi* uauie
Is aiipIliHl was a few- yeor* ago con
O^ motloa of Mr. Blaghaa. daly
earrted. Beard adjamed to meet «•
Wedeeeday. Nov. Ith, at 8 o'eleek p.
Kinball Haiis ail Ofiais
are need aad aadereed te the leadlag
maelelaae eve^whera. So. 189 Fraat
etewt. N. B Straag, manager. 78t ft
OyWa «t SeMrtgrto.’
Prices are ^.aO to 420.00.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
Aerordiiig ii> pur mvisur.v bureau of
•lelletl'w giilil-wn* diMvivenvl there Id
1NM3. BUd III the ii.-st ytwr Ibe geld |iroduetiun was alsxit lAii.tasi
Tbe out
put-luertnwd witb startling rutihllty.
Tbe anKiiini of gold iiilmii lu Iioo. was
AMhKmuo. id lK>ei 8ln.uio.isni. in IkQ
over 84i.uhi.usi. In
over 84<>.uh).uio and lu ItelT end IKIn t-V>.nuMhM)
oarb yrer.
I'bi* u-onderfni develop
lueni naturally aiirat-iisl gr>.ai alientkiu to South Afrhe uud dn-w thither
Uiousande of |m-o|>I>- In the Iiu|m- of
making forinnes rapidly
The mln.w..
however, oauuol U' suei-eesrully work
ed exropi
aud. wblle
naed. tliey
by the um- of iiuielilDery.
they bave IH-.-U 'Mtett-inely
w bore niacbluery luii> Ih-cd
w-t-tv not of iiu.-b a ebararlake tuud u (dawr mining
profitable, as jvh* tbe <-aM> In t'allfurnia end Ausimlia and other plactfs.
Pot Rnttvvlr Onv.
' “.knd »o ibi-y »«Ti- uiBdr oiw."
"011. I don't know.
I U-IU-n- ebe
,S vinWr In a
Munhli hn-«;j-rv n--
v«-nl"«l tin- fm-i thHI tin- oinplnyr* wv-tv
k«-i-t liuKv r»miM-ii trt flruvn bnuiw a
day . ixH-.-lvltig oiily 81.--1" 817 • month.
Oou of tbe world. Recent disrovertee
tend to' tbe belief that these wooderfnlly ricK mines are tbe lung lost "gMd
of Opbir" mines from wbleh Solomon
obtaltieu his vast supplies.
Re Rr-ra te ttoea.
One of tin- gn-alt-el aixl nmat commini di-fornilihi. .if the day I* «ne that
w-iib care and atu-iiiloii cun Ih- rvmedlut.
It J* tin- nmnd ebouMoml or
eiuuplng bnbit.
Many of ibt- uwtt
natural llu^« abow tbls ti-mb-iu-y to
Kloop. wblll^lD the narrow ('bo*li><l it
IH iiiarkcl to a luilofiil di-gm-.
exercise la nol an" easy one. but may
be accomplUbed by |iaileu«-.
It can
be modifled. too. t>y euuding first on
one leg. then on the oibcr.
CM .t>4rer v e tb eeior L*a* Xaapk* —
. Mmr Iren «i h Hr* BoiMr.» Waal
136 Front 8tr**t
Th* Praetio*! Shoe Kan
breirerwor lusulrr of 8 O. U lll.lt. SS gaav
mb strril.
,r>.>.a. bmwcM Rsb-b'a
••i-k.*Bestfa Urv.borar
. ~i»mo peuoS*. «>'or l«B
Sla- sei, ■ . .
>b4 brosj • lUi >■*)< reU«« -vne» fiiMlrr
•111 el's** l.«.e »I BrrwU o»ce of RcwlfS
A W U.hr
T CW -On aoodi
■epalriwa «be Rwaa.
The niM-railoli -.f riilni>|0asty |s aald
to lie a very ••otnmun oni- at lleldel !
berg, w here il..- ■iu<l<-tii> have long'
bad ibi- «g)y linbii of alBKbing each |
otlier's nnacs In Ibelr trr-quelU duela |
A flap of aLIu la aluiiMi •b-uit-bed from '
tbi- forebiad ami brnugbl <lo«n over I
tbe Qtnve which baa Im-cD mreaurably I
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
■JKV RKN-r-HoBM on wr^ jldr.
____________ n*-i»
Onr eioeltoat Pouto Palp,
In lime lMi-..iiilng grafiv^ tbercto. Skin 'ealirely
X-Osr thrrf >«*rx>W
Apply u> J. V. Mrlswok
^^AMTED—ttffrfwl perMC. (or dtMrlrv
grafilDg I* alw. qitit.of M-rcrr bum*. KiiiaU «tri|>* of akin
lakt-n from llu- uotaiicbnl parla
anvLv-ui into email i.Uw-s. ibcn dletrlbuu-l over tbe raw Hurfa^.
In time
tiicy lake rout enit grow, spn-a-llng un
til they roliiplcioly rover the iilave. Tbe
•kin of frog*. re<-.-Dtly kilUxl for tbe
pnnKiM-. I* fr«'.|ii.'(iily iiaad where buiiinn .-iitl.-le cnuiii.i 1h- oonvi-alently obmined.
whleh to
by eatUa, horeen ‘
aad bogs and whleh we
will always
fnrmeh la a ewMt etate,
•ale at onr factory.
Tbe priee for whleh wo will eall this
feed in order to Introdnoe It will
eonaiderebly lom then half the Mt of
tbeeame amount of feed staffs eoataiaed in all
wbeat braa
la order lo latrodoee this
will eel> it is a prtmid stete at IS eenta
l■Tre«lratl■B (be Aarera. Il 1* «iHi.-«l ll..■^l til.- object of (beex
pedition Wbl.-b nHi-iitly b-ft Vopenheg>-D for lo-laii.l l> (.> Investigate the
Dortbern ligbi*. t'n.b-r the direction of
Men- Adam I’aula.-n. chief of tbe Denlib Meteorological Institute, a number
of lDBlrum.-Dik of s|wlal constrnctloa
will be used In the yi
.>b>- and
It of tbe electrical currenta.
a haadred.
This feed te fettealag and
eatUe aaa boraca prefer this
peiatoea aad other feada. aad It to la
each ^pe that it eaa
te hMtod la
harrela, box wagoas, etc , aad eaa te
•hipped la ear load loU.
plee faratobad troa of ahanra.
The Wchigai Starch Co.
Trarene Ci^, Micb.
Ohambarlaln’e Pain Balm Oarea Oihera,Whg Mot Ton?
w.. o~.5j-
Touil be noeeii ahead H im bey shoes aed lebbers el as
............. ..............hank Iseay toww
Another Old Haxlio *ooe te roBB.
The BriUsb M.-dIcal Jouroal takes
tbe opportnnity of egiln attacking tbe .
aid thcofT ibaT "early to bed and early
te riae makes a mao healthy." wbeterer N may do for hie wealtb or hie
Medical science today de•ce efBAwllMaasiaiBsOp.
ctores that If tbe laan U beelthy be
does not for cbotee get op eariy. tbe
derire m riae whb tbe tort bring tbe
result of "tbe bardenlog of tbe anerlea
and the leas reaidy aettoa of tbe raao, motor system." it to a disease of old
men aaS apparently also of woroont
natlonk for China to quoted ae a
•bocklng example of a people wbo
•bow their baidened arteries and sluggUb raaomMor eyetetne by a rlriooe
babR of early rtelag.
lee of leather. In the i
>Ume oar
never eo wi II stocked np with
I of file foo'
,r of every style •• It te now.
We bought them early this fell for
tbe priM of the prtaent
veloe. and they are ptacad on eele sna marked le pUia fignrvaat tbe old
low prioee. It would be wlae on yo ir part If In need of any footwear to
call and examine oar line of men'a women'e. boy’s aad girl’s sheee
which vre rffer at tbe old low prices.
Here are a few of onr auay bargalas.
Womea'e floe riel kid ehoea, lee* andAettoo. worth 8: 00 for
W-.nieo's b»x eslf shoes, lace and bnuon. worth 8t 00 fm-..
Women'e wvm lined eboee. laee and button, wortb 8t on f i
Heavier ahoea and alippera for............. .................................. W. ne, »Sc and 81-11
yt-i by rabting um-M-lf b-Uureiy u|k)d
Ibe tuce In a iH-riM-ndhiilar imaUion |
•everal times a dny tbls deformity can
be easily rrciliicil. T« d« this proper
ly one mnet Is- In a perfecily' upright Ttr ANTED -atvomuos AA cook or hou«be»
W lo prlfAielABUr. byaomca-ieoi •»•
position, tbe arms dropping at tbe side,
ASdn-a-J L . Lerk Bo> *>. Oeatral Lake. H
tbe beeU w-cll togrtber and Ibe toes'
forming an angle of C. degnre
Tbe rise sboubi Iw-mad.- very slow
Apply tn <1*0. H.Cfc**.
ly end frotn ibe lulls of both foot, end
Ibe descent should be aceompllsbed
in tbe same way without swaying tbe
body out of Its perpendicular line. Tbe
The daily papers are talking eo moeh
atent lu't worrying we in tbe least—In
fact we have an id-e that onr eaatare
HadcTonog AgOB.
‘•One of Dr. King** N*w Life Pm«i
each night fov two w*«eki be* pnl
. .icD'H. •
---------------------itaeyiowr. Pe. Tbey'r* th*
-.ret In the wor-’d for the Liver. SK-m•rh ead Bawele
Pnrr'y vereuble
Never grlae
D"lv *5 - at Jae. O John«»<• end S K. WeM's dreg atoree.
The gold piviductinD of till- Hand *ioce
18M bas been over 83isi.usi.<sio. aud
careful eurvey* of tbe Held show be
yond question tiiat Ri.QUl.uxi.00tl in
gold can probeldy be exlracti.d. wblle
tbe large numhei of mines wbicb have
been loceteo in adjau-ui territory, par
ticularly in pari* of itbnd.-sta. give
promise of atbljilonal snpplli-s. so that
I prolvBlilc that south Afrha
will for many years continue to he, as It
la the largt-et gokl prvsluclng aec-
Boston Shoe
gtlll lin« a mlud of b<-r awn."-C'blrafa
Oaly ttc at Jae. 3. JobMM
Tb to* U M|i^ h 14 IMTB.
Again we say:
eaacT oeaaed by death of C. Pybaa
Aleoappomtad D. Ooehlln m meaar of eoamlUM oa eohmde aadtewch
m to^ vaeaaeg eaaead bp death of
..’oreme^ aqaale WabncbB Whit*
W'lKB OP TAR Btkdp for thie terri
ble aad fatal dteeate UA ‘
satisfactory to wear, easy to pay for.
•Idefitl nearly wuniileM. uxful only
for tbr {lasMirage »f iwltle end shee|i.
Repatlea. whoaa lege were both eat off.
Bditor Seea Woadan.
coats we show
Tbe right garments are here lor you; stylish to look at. economical and
com|iaratlvel« Im-siM.uNU-e 1* the work
of diaiuoDd dlcgiug tiisi ilie industry
has almoet e««w4 In iiliier isms of tbe
world sIdo- Ibe Sotitli Afri.-nn mlDes
etltertvl Ibe tli'bi.
.Amoag the latter wae M. Oaaas Dora-
■dlter W. V. Barry of Laalafloa.
rrenn.. la eaploriag Mammoth Chve.
mtraetad a aeven oaaa of Pllea
The fntlness of the season’s variety—fashion right io every stitch—not a
custom tailo'r iu the country who can excel >io the 4t or tbe make of the elegant
Uy e*<-«.cl the au-
hnd nIelQg tbe chest at tbe same time
te a petf of tbe ex«-rclae and If perserered. Id will ultimately abow an tnerrasi^ cbeet meararement. develop-
ware lajared.
mado.a aamher of the ohamher
before you make any purchases in that Hoe.
le due to the dlororery and delfekip-
A BenM a»b broke ieto the oAee
Up-to-date Overcoats and Ulsters
rapid develiH'tneAi of
AfHea. eepeclally In the auuthera part,
Saaday Sehooi ii a.
B. T.>. V . 5:4».
Prayer aeeUaf Tharaday a*e^.
Blwwrd at
«he eeateulel of
tag al the preMwc tlwe owing to the
eaye The SeleDtidr Aaerloan.
lofecrMbed^rMBeeto h pelp ud
pM-iaDy the wonderful guid aad die
aaad fltdda. an- |•^tl•-ularly Inlereet
3f the tvtNsi
A loniBC ti^ wee wreehed
tbmt it’ll be to yonr interest to examine oar line of
The aialBf iotcteeia of Africa, ee-
oaecttied coadltioae iu the Traaevaal.
Morataf eerri
4*7 did wMospTMd deaace.
WeaAerfal .BotA aad
rieia* Prwa Whirb a
la Beltewte to RaT>
talBoO HU Beppl
My wife baa teen aeUig CtoambmUla^s Pain Balm, with wood twite,
__ hee pained her
for a lame ehoalder
for alas._______
years We hare
tried aU klada of medleiaee and
tote withoat
raoelvlag may teaeflt
tram any of them
One day we saw
an adveittoamMt of this medicine aad
thoagbt of trying it. white we did Motlaa of ■eoMat at Board of RavMw
with the beet of eattoifanUm
Ste has
aad BqaaUmtkM.
need only owe tetOe aad ter ehoalder
to almoet wril.—Adolph L. MHltei,
Maaeheaier. N. E. For sale by 8. B.
Walt aad r. C TbompBoii. dreggtom.
Oygtenat SahniT**
taamUtoB ClotUag Ob..
Front etraat.
780-tt 8
lhr<MWi>4iwt i« Oilaah'i MM
—------------- -----------■finelaiTIm
'• ■■’rrr'sr:?;:?'*'■;••'’
The Venezuelan Boundary Settlement,
^he binding Road to como uke.
' ^
ITHRH t3en*r«l Oi*tt« ^ni-r-d : iba Mil.f.fflon »ith »hirti V«irtu*ta Uod with thi- T*kuiu. After thi. lbr,M y -a «co. thr Itnr m» II t* bow Ssm]
Car»c««. thr republic of \>n- •o.misl t« lui'cpt ibr mUnic of UwVioM bow IBtvrn'mUuaAj boundary If t" folrturU OBC« more b>rainr (hr of arbiirauun in Ihr mallrr hai trndeJ low the mld»trrain of till* last mrnUun- Is a frwpartk-olars.
Both LordAU rr*mor of attrartton Mi South to <*urll any tolcra of protest that ed rJvrr to il« «.>urrr. thmre- In a j drrii and Lord Roarberr- aclln* for
. A><o-ri<a. for it was bmo 'X ajtolbar raUtbl otlp rw isr have ar»rn. Thr Mralcht Um tv (hr wrrtrmmool point | Bnxiaiid. oRttvd far morr Und
ebaner ua» to taka plarr In that land < hirf part of th- ir*t of Ibr award aaa
wbrrr covrmmraU arr madr and un- (o Ibr rffr. i th;^ tbr boundary ^Inr.
•bade In a*daj. f*-w (bat Ibr du»t. a«
from Ihr rr«ai at point Playa.
U a«r, baa t«(U«d down onor morr ua aball run In a atralcfat llnr to (hr RIvrr
tb«- Uat act of Ibr VrnesurUn Itarlma at l(a Jum turr with thr KUrr
boundary dlapuie. amd now Ibat far!- ; Mnruma. and (brnee atom: thr mld>
lac and blaa hare breomr a tbltut atrram of tbr latiar rirrr to Ita roun-r.
^ thr pan. it la latrrratinc In look Int > Prom that point Ibr boundary aball
Ihr rrrull of Ihla hlaturtral rzampir of' rontinur lo 4br luoclion of Ihr Rivrr
thr niirralion of arbitration aa a mraca i Haloaa with tb* Amakuru. and ibcscc
or arltllna Intrrnatioaal diaputrs to arr • alonk Itir mldrirvam of tbr Amakuro
fuat wbai tbr outcomr baa br«B. lb ; to Ua aourcr In Ibr Imalaka Hdcr. and
Ihr flrat placr. It muat br rrmambrrrd tbmrr apaln In a aoulhwrairriy direrthat all thr loBc and rompllcatrd nrve- j tion alonp (hr bli^rat rider of tbr spur
tlatlona a^ut tbr VrBTkBrlan boundary of thr imataka mountalna oppoaltr lo
•rrr ramrd on undrr thr rulrs laid thr aotirrr of thr Uarlma. Froi
dea n and approvrd by tbr pmrr con-; It aball run alone Ihr tummlt
[hi br ralM thr Aral ! main ndtrr of ihr Ir
' alltlOK of a aoulhraatrrly dir
ur lo aub- i of tbr Ararabtal am
r Ibr Max-: main airram of thr Ararabtal
I Cuynnl wratward to Ita
otba of'palimt dlacua-' tbr MVnareu. f-<llouin«
Jf 1
"’A m ' !
nnat rztraordlnary
winda over t
tbr Knxadlor to tbr world faim^ua Lak-uf Como Thr Mafovi Toail Is
and drMrnl fromI IIIiK^dl) platrau of (br Kiufadlnr
idlor and
ai a Inds
pk-larraqurly in and oul amon* uti pin? trr.y for many mllra It win br a autI Ir baa brrp aafrly rtddm down tl '
a Rtrrp drSetdiL
The Most Hated Man La Scotland-
srUJ-'tnrni (ban Wnrzurla baa new rarrlv.-d
V«nr»u-la. In fan. claimed
600.000 a-iuao- mllrr and ha* ohialniKl a
aquarr niiU-r. (irrai
XrltaJn oripinally clHlinrd (bill ah- <vnaldrrrd brn-rlf ••ntltlrd. aa an rxirrjuclaim, lo brrliory cuvrrlnf: ihr ahnlr
area aakrd for by Vanriurla. Shr aaa
n«l Hlmoluirly In ihr r1«bl In mnkinc
claim, but rvidmcr addu-vd at
m»rn and dabata a dacMoa wm at last
fcaadad down. While at ^rat that dr•tatoM waa tbou(bt lo br nanlfrstlyand
a»m nnjuatly favorable lo fircat Brtt•ln,*lha unaalmlty of tbr verdict and
of thr Ak-rai mountalna. aad then
amr. II la alao IntrrratlDx to notr
finally al<
ihr rider of (hr AkarnJ
■ hr many plantatinna of valuabb
mounuinr I- thr aourey of tbr Corrn- { llmbrr
1 Ihr ailTrrenI XOldBrIdolhrra lar known aa thr CuUii ' which wc
Ihr bone uf......................_
I now brrp indiaputably decided upon
As will br readily arrn. (his drllmlla- ’ in Rnxilah Irnitory But ar every c
tJon of Ihr l-oundary dorr nol elvr to arrma haps>y and thr I'nitrd Staira I
of this aatrrway o» m .1 ,atertiBa»t. VrnrsurU v. ry much of the Irirltory j obvioualy done her duty " •a- —aourcr, and thenrr la a dlrrrt llnr toI I..........for which ahi- hav been asklnp. The
mailer for ■
I'cnneralulatbr aiimmlt of Houni Roralma aad on 'suit of Ihr i>arlR arbitration tiibunsra' lion that thr aciilrmrnt waa brouxb'
to thr aourcr of Ihr roilnxa. and alon«, drclainn la practically
to Im
----- -.................. ...........................
:ly to
thr ' '
- n-of that r
a June- ’lludcmrnt
• sebombuitrek of n
Some of England's African AlUes,
The William Black MemoriaL
thr memiiriftl
William KInck. the famous Scottish
novHisi ami Ibr writer who In his
lifetime tnjuyrd Ihr distinction of
being the favoritr aulhor of Quern
Victoria. The mrroorlal in question la
One of the Kaiser's Cups.
la Ihr solid silver cup which tbr
rmpiTor of (irrmany somr llmr ago art
hla h.-urt on end went over to England
rturlnc thr Tow.* rrgatu to carry off.
If poarlblr. Th»
lial>-rr und 'his
yacht, ua I* how
»rll known,
wrrr rscrpllonally aucceaaful
in thrsr Intrfnutliinal ruces.
since Ihr Orrm * n - Imprrtal
boat carrird off
no l.«a than
Ihrrr of ihs
prif- oprn to
comp r 111 Ion
0<HK1 allvrr drllghta Uir hrart of rven
an rmp- rur. and whrn thul ppuid allwr
ha* Ihr additional charm of l. lng won
by good aportsmanahip II acqurrrs a
value nrvrr tn br paid In the mrre mar-
picture ahoalng thr tomb ..f (hr moal hatnl man In StotlanO.
This individual was Sir Grorgr Mackeotlr, or "Kluldy Macbrntb ." aa hr wag
.-allrd, thr adv.H-utr who madr himsrif bstrful to all the sons of
S<i>tl« during fovenanilng tlnirr. Thl< ti.mb, which la In Greyfrlara chun-byard. and la one of th.- hundaomcsi in 1,-undun. baa rrirntly b.-rn und.Tgolng rrpulr*. and arvrral |>rnion. had Ihr prtvilrgr of viewing lbs
remain. ,.r the once famous advorat-. who, in thr rrlgna of Charira H
und Jainrs II, had aJm.au despotic p..wrr in S..jtland and to..k such
advantiigr of It In hia prra.-cutl.ui of the Covrnunlrrr For gmrratiuna this
tomb has born regarded with abhorrem-e. Thr remain* when- rgaminrd arts
found tu br still .-overrd with what was oner a very fine shroud and. though
Bhrlvrl.-d and muminyllkr. were very well prramrd, m si-lir ..f thr fact that
a look a*
Where Dogs Have Many Duties.
\_tTr importani Indeed la the part which tbr African aaUve U to play in
tb* Tranavaal war. The aide which ran count on tbr support of the KalBr U
able to claim a very atron* and effreUvr ally, and tbr Boer and thi BrItUb
have each brrn bidding for native support. Joat aa was dona In America a e«Btury ago when France and England were engaged In their bitter struggle for
tha final poaaasalon of the northern half of thr new world. In thr prsaant
M It seem* that thr Britiabera arr getting tbr brat of It, for It Is a notorious
fwl that Ihr Boer treatment of thr r.atire baa always .been harsh and cruet
Hr even facers slavery for the blarks. while thr Engllsb. on tbr other band,
tew ala ay, brm fair and hontet with the blacks who have come under Ibrlr
domlBMUon. many y»*rs of colonluUon work having taught them that such
ts (br best policy. Th. aecompanylng Illustration .boas a band of natives
who hsvr come down from the mountains of (be Tranawaal and signified thnr
Join fc...... ............... r -.................
Engllsb to the struggl* against (be aii(o>
native* sre reprrarntrd as grinding “mealtsa," ftwn wbkh tbr roars* c D braad of the Boer* l*,<Bada.
ftulnt Serriu Outom.
A qualm custom obtain* in BenrU
«tere la seme towns It U usual for the
tahsbitantstoteng a dreassd doll, and
•ometinws two or even three d( them,
ta the principal window of tha bouac.
Thia Indicates that there U Urite tbwe
man than one. whs U wlOlng and
•Mdsb* to teoome a brMc.
ABothv Servtan enstom la that of
itig a amall sheaf of grain ootsld*
the house. Tht sspersttttoa is that tt
tha grain ts stoteh there will aoan be a
in the houam U the lady dwefltag wnun Is anHons to wsd. th* ahsaf
tatate Jov- q«tto wMhta raaeh of tte
«1» Mmy poasIMy h* as anztew
la abal M aa te* Is t* ha«a tt statsa.
The Czar's Latest Picture.
Here la thr^tea
that lb.
» a e-3in<
-ad espreeaton. though In hla Jaat pta*
tka tha fena of g coast beaeoB
ligM. It Is b^ng erected on Duart
point aad there Is a special appropri
ateness In the selection of this spot, aa
It was In tbU part of the Mutl (hat oea
of William Black's finest novels. "Macleod of Dare." waa planned and chiefly
The Automobile In War.
at lb* prassnt war In houth AMea ia the as* of
LlgBlng. The British now tew at tb* front aswal
engines and trains iSka that shown In the accompanying tUustratSon. TbSM
----------------l a* oanrtag machines in crossing the wide, level'
Teldt of th* lower aad of th* Dark OoDtlnant. Each engtoe has attached U it
fwr stoat, broad Orod waasaa. waU tsadsd with oapplte. aad while tbs tesad
U which oa«h a tram travala ta aat wry graat. this atrtomobOe methTS
-B la prevtne oftaa i
wnabta than te mate'or horaaa. sairsrianr
for extromaly teavy laate
^tor ta Atafitarfiaa or Rotterdam must oftao have ootleafi
usi V litasts of burdes. At nO times of the day
tb* wwirwi
eztetta u> waics oogs are ^
kBd tn aU parts of the oountiy
tettied kboai by large masUOq. BOBMomea, tte on* may aeb n dog and k weman hitched together tenltag th* same cart, while the eelf aatttfted Bial* owaer of Oh tettre peopeyty may be eeea wleldtag a whip Impartially over hi* bar.
B*^ ^ and hi* deg. As a rule, however. gtrU aad youag women are the
driver* of t^ earta. Uieugh eflaa eDoogh eves thas* g*BU* eraatures erwUy
a treat thslf pssr caatais. wte 4* tee tealtag.
TBB MOBVaia «BOOKl>. 8U«DA;k. BpVSltBBft r MW
iBberltrd a'large fortune from a bacbHor. Alexander Polar, gud has given
8 NSW DIMASC OEVCLO^KO SV rslp wvrdr.'-GIrvilUd Ptais DmI- fHMUMlO of it to charitW
Tbe dnebeoa of York. In tbe abaence
of tbe priaeeaa of Waica fmm London
fon»m:.~ H»: "Not o
IhU aeaauB. baa worked Indefatlgably
on 01* tba_______
in Ibe «;puae of duty and pteaanre and
wpn beraelf a warm p<n>ulariiy every-Ur daucfatoi'B nmle." «l(bM the where.
Diolli.r. ritj* >in-ti a Kml Pxproix-"
(Jueen laalietla of Mpatn Is
"ludnHl?" mum«) ilH- (u>vi wuu ba>l
Jb» Wcyde root li a new dIaeMe )o»t iMwnl bw plar- "HutDr ool(bbor«
daughter, the Infanu
yott I ^pooer-An»wprfc
Kulalla. baa reinmed to H|uilo. ber
Wtt tea been derHcqied by women rtd•ni thia Bomaer. lu aniTbwi Mac la
“I ■prnl ibe whole 4*y tcwUy be»p- husband. lK>n Antonio, baring goae
Jolla buys
buy* bat."
"What bUtd <IM (0 Vieby for a coonc of water*.
iMbsatle flatroot, md it la caOMd by Ing
Tbe eni|a-ror of Aneirla will lake a
she geiT" "Oh. ibU was only t
VMrtDC the thln-aoled. French-heeled
this ntomh. by tbe advice of bla pbyday. she nerer makea up ber mind n
8wto which are raabionable for wheel- til after tbe third day."-Chlrago Bee- ah-lana. Tbe
be Emperor
F.mpcror X
William I. attributed the rxeelleni hcBiin wnico ne
kV tbia aeaaoD. and alao from cnreleaa
enjo.ved nuiD be was lusi UO entirely
Hoax: "I ibon^i yon aald^ihat
$r tocorrect dlaaoiiDtlnK.
to his plan of ondergulag -'curpa^
4a a rule, women do not know tww
Bw be w
FUalDly t
la Jaap. They hare not learned, and
Queen Victoria has expretaed a wish
odlen." ;-I
:'I told yon be waa a com
paaa to be without the tnailnct wbleb poser of bcira. He manlpnlales aoolb- that 81r John Fullerton ahguld retain
Allog ny rup."—Tbe Rival.
•lea poaaca to land on their fert wlib a
- Uncle Pllas: "la It a fact that
lat they ' b< rt. Id sjilie of fail approaching
WrlB*. bendina the kneea and eaarp.
ID to the rank of rlce-udmlral.
i- cliyr
bev roof - ganlena down
IVI Ibe Jolt which followB If the knee*
CnlDehillss and Frlcxm with oUIoror BtewfB aol )
nty niece: "Wb.v. yea. ancle.
iu m
Mr k»»rt rlfid. Aa a comiJ«quenre ipaal
y» bi-fore a
have aen-nl of Ibcmr
Uncle 811aa:
' t Tba above prioM call tor the beat goods and w
r Cu
yeaeii ket a headache from JnapinK.
■It luust.sei-m funny to r> up on the
} maitahlp yon eonld wiah for—Come and aee the line
and the hk-y.-linc women, who fire' roof to dig isTiai
:atera an' alcli."—New
f Tbe priees below are all Bw good goods bnt not aa
. of I>cnn irk during
nl^l ailetiilen to tl>e •u) they act York Journal.
thla month and
•ff their wbeeli. vet the biryctr foot.
"Jom« «-aa In loHlay with a lot of
Chrlatian will euienaln hU r<-lailons at
Ttey allvbl on the hard paveaenta flab atori’w."
"And did you let him ilie castle of Fredenaborg. wbicb la fa
tell tiicur- "I lei him tell one. and
irltb dnneceakary itiorgj. Ilie force
mous for its chanuing gardens and Ita
9t the blow Miraitu tbe lendona to anch then 1 iQH-ned up with a lot of bug
i-h foresIB, where
bla Oah
• dejrree that Ibe proper an-b«f Ibe stories ibat
aoiind aa-oiii of dale aa a laai year's
D._l_ B___ a___ .
* .
faot U loal. It la hot done at onye. bat
popular iofig."—Ihdlanapotia Journal
Tbe duke of flutlierhiDd hoa been
Ite foot U aotiM-VHurs woDiba a ». tcircular has i>een aeut to
cruising along the coast
tJag out or ahaiie. Tbe llcaaeata are
many cler
wear, firat qa^ty. *1
slilrv Iaud Curuwall lu till yacht
ting forth
ool fleeced, only TSc.
laula. which was at Falmouth
lb recentMd <.
llgiiors. with prices by tbe n
ra. Id order ihal the
craaae tbe iroable. They afford too titThe end of the circular reads:
uu Uianl (Sir
. iff aapp4r< for ibe curred inatep and —T«i avefid auaph-ioo every ••ase aenl William Bussell. Sir Allen Young
M not protect tbe ImII from tbe cun- you will lie marked canned peacliea.'
and Montague liiiestt might visit the
fBBBtoB when the rider JauiM to Ibe •rTid-nita.
KtrandiHl liner Paris,
The new Itiiy mho l_
Pbyaleiana rocomroend only
In charge of the soda fountain hurried sirucccd the kiviit-r of the purm- to
Mlfaklo boots with low heela and
hack to ‘the projirieior of the drug invoi a large luift of his (leraonal fore
kMey aolea for. wheelioe. Tbe high
It any big oallsr" he asked, muc In bouse proiK-riy
|iro|H-rl.v In Hiidatieai.
teeU Irritate the nerrea of the feel and store, "iloi
s re|ieaii><l bis emplo;
doyer In aur- Ijind has alr>-a>ulj been pur
canae an additional aback, aa the b.<el
wanl to dor
•<Whal do you
will lie hulll at on.-.'- The
fMcbea (he ground a( ihe aame moemiierur la iiosiu-Haed of large estates,
IPeni aa ilo- >ui!l. which la not ib» case
but blitierio be has taken no iMin in
When tbe rout u a normal |M^altloD.
The hero was liealde himself with •-nurse of w-Bii-ra at lassteln during
Tranmalle nalfool la ao ralh-d In dla- rage, "inic serpent.'' he hissed,
for sp<t-ulatlve IlniiUiHal <HM‘ruli<>Us.
tlBClIon fittuj congenital aatfoot. It la II was In lh■•«<■ leraa Hist be mas m-oni
In refer to Ihe villlali of the plot, "has
mqnently treated
as rhcmnatlam.
wnu tlm' g.'.ir irtniby"' iltyicvirve
Which It aoniewhal reaemidea. In•aDunalion or the tnusolca la one of vliiifideretl. "nial'S what romea of bis
having be<-n scotched.
I doul>l nnlT"
•te reaulla of tbe aaggiug ligamenia
llcn><L sod
and mould
fain have
^e dell<-ale la»iea. Ihiia tellered of
mepi. Ah. It was i-asy ndw
Johu J.
iDgalU Is
Ibeir natural aupiwn. preaa npon the where
e mistakes bad been roadel—He- ihniugbout Kansas
for. hyr
gereea. causing Intcnae iwlu.
troll Jnttrnalla-rry Jam.
The ireatiiieDi for bicycle foot la pretletirge Harris, a Boslon cab driver,
iMgcd real and an artificial arch. Tbe
baa a<-,-iimulai<'d a foriuue of •Iiaj.tsiu
i raya show wbidber the Imnes are.
during his lifeiluie by Ihe luvcatuieut
of his fares.
fUplaced. If they are a plaster caat
...,11 meara• a long,
long. loose, double0t the foot la made, and from ibia the
flangsd |og, ih.T. mini one of Ibe sides
Utgg.t trousera.- MAKE RICH, RhO.HEALTriVBLOOD
- gianufarfiirera AT aiirgleal inalrumenla
sliding venlcall.v to form the door imd ^
ttrsi sight
aa it
gonainiH a steel brace to fit tha IkAND STEADY NcRVnS.
haring Interior Uorixonlal riba to sup- g„-at ma.-alm wen- • lad
•trp. Thla la pUiexI
Inside a thick- lairt the -b.-lxes. the wlHrfc Is-lng t:.a
J’. Bagle, reccnil.t
•joled lamt. and inuai lie worn tiaill tbe
Let the blood get thin, weak and
to the laalng milsl.le llic mlu
Iteleloxat the age of lio ,
ftrained tendons become aimng and
and tray part of the bod) i>
She mas •me of Ibe few
•aanme iheir natural idace.
ibauttcd lor.want of proper nourish
iulpnived ueckyofce for use ou p.-rMiiis nu liwl island who h.n>l
The dieeslive systrm fails to <U.
Meu are seldom aOnicled with Ibe
spreitli-y tremti-g Chronic i
and there is imligevtioo and
Mrycie f«ail. for the renaoD that they
r lh> iv.
Mses of Women. D aemara of the Bye and Bar. Moaeanfl
ciUstl spriugs liisiilv. rings being
Me tuore generally eareful In the matdogg«d and inactive, there are pains ia |
iMa.or fiadwearand In diamotiniing.— M-l Id the •s-iiK-r of llie springs to ho fouu.l lime l« a|.l.ly hlu.s. lf
beck, sides ami limbs; faeadarbs
'*nre caper ^ui
r«l prartice as well aa In speeisliiti- In iIh- sIoii. «-iii-u th^i«iiguc
lit.'ralm.'. rcplieil- "I diil so Is-fure I
Hew Yort Fun. »
neuralgia; tbe nerves become
cor-.em,„, eases In t
'4.» bs. C.tsA-1.. BroneM^
gives a,su<blcn tmlat. Hiiis IcvM-nIns
ivallv liii.l iliii.‘. As a Isiv 1 mus twrereisneryoosncs-v.leeir
-’ieDaer-u:,. Boilcpsy. lasanIh, >lii>ck to t,li.- horses.
>n a.> 'n .n.
f- e , L S'.-.Motor Ataxia. All
will appreciate
X peem In .tlabnma had a quarrel
of the B'S' >.
N r.r.T,. s. atem. O semaea of
•niKsit haw a hollow
the Blood. Nki- nia,,
[)!, s-.^a f Ih- s a
With a a bile man who in the <md
h L.'cr ,Bd BowrU. Dtsemaea
ml unsib- to ••ulerr the
of Ih.
Helen K-ller. the deaf, dumb -ml ' ,j,][%VirfVy Wrak aVd*’Xp?re‘'b^^
ofW .rasn l.-s '*o •«
Soee fl.eann ,vauB of treaV
gonoded him niimereiruily a-tth a
cigar, wllli
iliivc flogcim arranged
Iiliud girl, is s)»>udlug llie suiiiuier j|
K> Reciter a*^ tnentrellc'
sow oh.'inaie. ymr eaaa. dp
.8nb. To gel even on the a<-ore and act
around wlic nulshle of the liuldcr omi
WfvUlluim. MasK_ wheiv she is L.^-piBd Blood »“t.'<''apa''. f-'v yon can probiblv be CHai-T d
ib>- iDg U|> tier study of itm-k and .\rnbl.-.
MIC nolrh over for good nieasiire. the plvoi.-d in such a imslilan that
Yoo will Sod tbe doc«o''s ncMbnde ai-d tr
Pills the
menid ffTent and avperlor to
a. rc«1ug Ip of the mouthpiece csusi-k
nnllhg li.T cxerciws .m a l.v|» wriii r greatcsl pb'MriaD, l>r. A.
anything you bars ever uie gfgro anon ufleraarda l>nrn<al Ihe
tliclii l» grip the cigar.
b-sluitWAor Ihose
.Nerve and Biood
*»Mlve no pay
while mnn'a botiie nliclvu|n>D all the
■iguiim'C, Tu allom a inmk to stand riosc lu
Pills ii ’
•alffbimrbond of wbtlea mae as one
Hie wslt a m-m- lid la in iw» scctl.ius.
luidx IsmiM- 'I'ighe Is
Dvuiooq, ano eo nourish »d in-.
ConanluUon free
hluged Mt (be ,-nils of the iniiik to vivor of those pres.-m al
ftraoD and went gunning for Bnek.
Iba fire-bug. and lb a lonely wood ahot
Its fare, v ltli tills binged at tbe rear the Haiti,- of WalerliM,.
him. ao ihai Ih- lay apn-ad out as fiat.
of each Ihl iKuTiuu to s«-|ug iam-ar<i child at the thui'. but di
ILbp. and aa full of boles aa a flahnei.
Mt on II
lw«-k of th.- m.'mls-rs the mh.de wviie
•b'si-rilsnl and vitality to every organ of tbe body.
Tbrre thej left him. A month later
e III] Is
lu li.vnHi's -riillde llandd.
Bmipent ph’siciana who have preKx S.sTei«ry Johu <S. farlUle mhep
•■other house uiis huntial. The ••’lln Iw held Id poHillno m ili.ribed Or. A XV. Chase's Nerve and
tlh-.-Iiiiuem tbe gr
e enila-rs tc
lie >
I ......
.. hi.-h Is form.’.l of —
- flatoWc po. k.1. with a billion .
liulil long after iiild- bv mail on reran
■ ’
• •
• , which
i-e of cloili iileliT. -Xlthough bla mliul in im the «'. Chase Mrdici
iiii.rt' s<-rii>iiK ni:iiii-r. be rart'l.i iiiak.-n
. . . .
. . . . . . _r> pad lying
WU Buck Ihev had (n hand. He was dec the coat.
the theairb-nl
vet ion’ eiiouuh of Ms many wounds. ]
Walks aud si-.iwla are easily pu1le.|
iicm-n|iap>'r nian.
lively, Sat vigorous and lively.
from the ground
by a Callfornlan-s
• employ,'ll u> Di
silDg of a I
si by
Tkjs $nn is IS uliln Ikt irtiMiT ClttliH Store
WOMEN ntoens.
“As Silk Is To Cotton” WHYI
ntpt: It’a fit Beoda’e firhere none but NEW Rooda greet yon.
BeeoBd: It’a at Benda'a where the latMt ia aS» a;a abown £rat
-Fourth: It'a at Benda'a where eelection ia tbe aame aa in Detroii'a beat atewea
l»cl dioald ;oD n
Today We Mention New Arrh-als Of Last Week.
peiVsoblif Onreoats aiii Ulstais.
fu 00. ku.00. tie.so, fiis.oo.
Bat's Raefats and Blsiers
. . $io.oe.
Sbigbrnde. MM. 14 SO. M.oo. M.oo, r oo. gg SO.
New Uiderweat'
New Glares and Hosiar)
of r
any account and makea “How to Drew a Oentloman” a atndy. There'e ao demai^nm von
parehaae, wemmply ask you to'viait the new atore.
^ ^
s. 6e:nda a CO.
Clothing, Hat*, Famishisg*
FaahioiCBbl* Ootftttera
Hoorness ot blood Is In Traverse Citj To Stay
Ihe CaiiBc of Eahatisted Nsr^ea
and Al'l the ills of a W«ak«
ened B<idy.
Or. A. «. Chan's
■srva and Blood Pills'
ana KI loaM b iH Btniltsi » luiln Bloct. Cus SIM Eilnm
e. H. SNOW. M D. Specialist
''“uuJn.'T.Z'u 'uJirtu. .,«ni.i ?i3;e‘;da'‘r"biSIt
K.-lb-r. th.' d<-«r. dumb
».1..- -V - i ..eX Z
Teeth eitrecteil withouf pein for 25c.
offlci. opmuto. a nuuk«. Biook,o...
Ibe leader of whom was fals idd ctie
My. Buck <-oiir.-sMsl and lieggvd for
Mercy. ItU pl.-a did not find favor in
tbe mol.'s diIimI: It mas thongiit saf-r
to bang film and add a few more lotllet bnles In Ibe many already troiibl
pivoted t.ig»'ib,T and ns
mhi'clisl tni<-k. with handles c
of the lerera
ends on Ihe weed,
wbes tiefnnl is Hill'd to life tbe weed from
tbe grdunil
tills iiiiib'rliikliig m-er,' mi
issi. aiul Ibis niiis'i'os
FroliuiHu ia Mu'airi.-nl*.
tag him. mlM.-h Was forthwith done
Ooring the pme,-«s of hauling him •>n
bigb then m.i'hra iii.-iT) fusillade, and
Therv is ••II.' subji-ci. in a m-Oinan's
Joat at be tvs.-lMHl the exlivnie alti
tude. with Hu- pist.d halls raising a
Everything but your friends sim-k
ffrat dust nut of his baggy ganuenu.
to yon III j.'oi.'Pday's weather.
. aae Ulbslle hit the m|M' III bis neck. !
Tboiatb m.- gninihlo at the worid It
and snip! .b.mn lie ••ame.
is. iafi.vr all. ihe.b.'st wc ever saw.
Bis sudden des<vnt took the crowd
Rtudh-s ill ih<- nude In child life ar,'
I •■gtniek Ihe ground a-ninnln'." as
llaselnll In tsipulur.
KiM.ls an- lielng l.iilli.
^Coffi'^'IU for nve <vul> a pound.
'I,'U oraiigi-s .-au Iw Isuigbt f.>r o
I (>BUv-> O'V Toasritri block. IK rroat •<
IWrpboarNo. tua
'I'hen' ni
vi'Ootuous reptiles r
. xa-AMLI t. bOUOX. Atmracj muo eev
III,' ialaiid.
I XvX lor St Is*. oacM. ciir Opm Boom
The ll••t,-Is anI'-vK.
Sion'S the siiini-.
XJ spiv-isllKUcir. **r. sew-sod resllo urlKvery
very iniv,'ler
the Island's BS>) •lliwo.es. JM-yOooe.Bi; Mr*, lo; Oil.
W Opero HoUM
itest need Is schools.
gmaily. In evi.l.'iuv Jo tbe slums ihes.'
Ibt man who told me expressed II. '
U la plmaya a woman's fate to wear
•Ftnally dazi',1 them.
In short. Rnt-k a linen .-ollar on tbe moai
Mcaped by plunging Into a dense wo.4) days.
aafl could not Iw found again, al- I
One strain of moalc or Ibe
tbengh the senn-h lasted for nearly a perfume of a flower can open up a
veek. night aud day. Five ream la- concerned.
tar a roan who knew Bock well drop. '
»■<““« become atone blimt
pfl Into a haniware atore In .Vaatavllle,
and while transacting
a chan.'ed to catch a familiar
wtele ^lume of reminiscence.
lathe eaaleat thing In tbe
rayfromthe grinning face of the flrm'J
porter It
it waa
mo. Bnrk
Rock aoA
.... . *nd
lack porti'r
*aa me
„ self-sacHlice 10 get
. nm
Pst* sr OiIbm* BskWr*.
ANCfllME HANLTWCTUtlNC CD . Crrad RmHA. KcK. «<d far Sde by Al Drag^-
KiHtiD'sTs are lu d'-uiaml.
llaiiiuitH-ks an- the usual iH-ds.
The •'offw crop U Hire? times '*a
CRoaa. AttorMX ud OeoaocU.. ..
■•Msyuiloao. oaeeo. Otty Opero
valuable as the sugar crop.
nmre la genermi aailsfacMoD with
the Ameri.-an admlniatratloin of af. _ k.
CBlserolly. OSralt
M. pace tot. raMlooM 1C
with plentv of native
native baadwood not
furniture It made In tbe
MoteaotUe Oo. Black-_________________________
oMr-"' '“X'”',,..™.,
aimve SB degn'ea. even in summer.
“'•* “ '* ?“'*' ‘“P®*Bible to attribute te anything else.
Pi'-i-KSS-tsts' BsrrrW.kSSSJ?
'OoM M Lav. Bvsslal
,be isUnd'a market. That
to eoncern"O'* *'*'®
■ Jrtted hat yea- ed. the present facimiea
are Inadefpi, and looked as though
a quite, and will have lo be Improved If
dlab ^f
of g.’latlne
gelatine pudding had teen
been . trade U
la to expand.
forced to do aervlce aa headwear.
a few Spanish newapapera In
a paarable
there exist t
IVhal a shock to her vslnglarlona | Joan make a point of mocking thC
« Sf
Maay bands of rongha who tertorlxe
knowledge when thewoman dlacov- cfflctal acU of every American holding B«ii-p>w».
aativea who are of a more paclllr <>r
era that the footalepa ate waa abso- ' any foveni.nieDi Job, whether
he It TNB- B X- rUJOD. OBra lo or* TobmIWt
U Block CaUs AAowered praBBtQ dAV or
iBfloatriona nature. Tbe police are aaIntelr certain bdonged toher aweet-, doing bis dniy or noL
vert with them when cangbL When >>tert was tbe poaaeaalon of tbe buskPracticallv aU timber for bnUdlng U
BM killed on tbe apot tbe criminal la
Imported. In fact, ibeK are no mllta.
fartoed peopto In
t cage and coDflMd for aame ‘ ..^oihlnj^
S^^waltlM bU trliO. In two „ feneni trenda of taat«
Icaliy. not a factory
chosen by womthree days tbe (rtal taken place, when
lle. and bow any
'I la dreided wbetber tbe criminal la
Tbe preva^lng Idea of the United
’ that aeems te
la dto by kneeling on chains, the ibunih
umh ^nA<
og to a traveler, la that
it Is a country atent
half the slae of
............. tela*
. allced Into .placw,
J. or'
or •' xa’L
Ta’prove _
baw ____
maaterfnl „
aone ___
Porto BIco. which
-Ich tea a city c
New York and
a few amaller
of New T
to w •' “".'’i'tiJirL'”':'.'".‘“S'"
Man Bra ttern ta cobtIcL
retuaea to bodae-
“Mj "i“" i«";b.«TV
Beany ao large aa Ponce.
Just The Thing
For A Chilly Day
At our soda counter
We dispense
Inelnding Hot Choeolate' Rot Beef Tea. Hot Lemooade. braldaa tbe Banal Itot
ofBotSodaa. Oor repntalioo for a floe cboeolmte flsvor eommeada oar Hot
Cboaolate to tba pnblie.
«»«»a ov uot
____________ JAS.G. JOHNSON, Oniggist.
Tbe tendency of the amart tie ik has been taki-n away and the Uriff
bcavenwaril, much to tbe dlacomfon prevAui
i raurht
teve ter
lo Ih. .let.irI S. J Ticlnlty of ^n.
I te given abort ahrifi.
Fire Insurance.
L. Is. A. BnadiBf.
Here You Have an
Opportunity To Make Big 3Ioney
112 Lots in Oak Heights Addition. Wanted an
offer, as they mast be soW by December 15.
AieoNo. 431 Washington street, 44 foot lot, good
No. 542 Webster street, honse built about four yeata
—ih good condition, modem improYements.
Look these over at once and see
rnr MOHiOiro uuomo. acwbAy.
U«>* mi
- - '
(b« amrld la llw ereat leper b^ial
■ of tbe laUnd of Trtoldad. trttate lc|a«
from all? Ibe Windward lalaoda eomt
far irealnient. I went lo tbla Inatltu.
tioadn cvmpSny wlUi ibr aurgeon-r**Cfal of tbe coloBy- •»'l “ '• »*lnly
from him tbeae facta are derl >d, Ha
bad aindled leproay In India and m
half a
boapltal conalau of aouie half- . detarbrd, ooe-alory, atu.-coed buildInga act In Ibr form of a aqua re about
aeveral a.-n-a of graiwH-orered. treeabaded lawot One UiildlnK b reaerred entirely for tbe alaiera of rbarHr, wbo form tbe noraloK corps of «ba
bi-pltal. and <1.1. U bached by a gar
den wLlcb cue, work tbeinwirc. and
*Tb«T t>U « fuunjr Mur>' <*■ il*** *rui?
' abonl r»»i» fc l•»UUo. lha crark «1k.I.-*
I wld uor nt a lartf of late dliu^ “Ac(-online tiKitiF ram. (i«iM-ral MUn and
chUdn* ^
Waablgpoo oOi-ial ooi^'vIbIu-U
iportani »«a- ^ »•..««,.,* p.Mt a b^a tbc <aiiuin naa
®^****f*^‘ mtl.Ki.-d au.1 amt word ibai Ihpy
ad aitb the Unb of
chiM .» in M
a Uitb- .-iblWiluu of
auau,|.t U.dmztla-tha'i-bafatUTof lb* b,.
i-atlllo banp-ncd to be .julie
child. It la aW> co.dtmiat7 lo wk
i very
one . aAtmi-e Into a new reUtioo hr a
new nan>«. the ocnidance of the nanta
.Ji.ian.-.- lauee. lie blau-d
aLffnifyinx ibe aorepu^-e <d the new
e..rB.«t». who bad
OwweigniT and Ow obUitallona eonwav.-d
Uined thereia It i. raygr to-ee. theew ,
-Wl«i d.wn tlut lulwnT
fare, ^hy tlod w.mM aHfnalUe ha «- aakrd Ibc
traiu^tif’ Hie
H.« people
pe..,.le mu.
inu. new r.-)
r.-laUoM im-ana ^I iulMi->t the mbulr in^-t.
with Hhu 1.J- jflvina them a new
pHed I'a.i.ll.. a-Ue-iiilly.
Ahraiii U. Sami. U. Jacob
- .He
. .dij
^ to- with lb.- aiiUie r. »iilt. -I .h.u't Uniiw
and to
to olh.
oHieia. and it la bIm easy
wliaVa tbe nintter nltb lueT be ^
the a|H>i'‘ |>rieU-B.w- of d.-eitnaunx
ebiliiM-d in de.'
new relau-.n I.. «io>l ' boBVen by the
n... ...... WWS m
tfieinK of a u-w nameIk- ihinl ali.ii Hie dUtani tlmire
A new naiiw tfir.-n by Ibal aiireiAee
«!» •«•
that we liawilb
with <i.-l H
pa.«l ibr.mA acnm i^tfc. have
J. £■ Greilick Co.
Wh»r* lha Tortotea la a BaaoaaMOT
Md ruao Nu a»i4»ra.
, Tb<- (••nular la uoi au auiiual ona
wouM naiuraB<r Bz u|»u a> likaiy to
la- afraid of rain. i-ui it la alnmslaH.T
ao Twi-uiy four bourn or lu.in- lit-fore
rain falb iba GaUmena ton.ili.F luakra
fur nomo n»vt-nlou( nbedt.-r. On a
biirbl. erWar tu»mluK a lH-n o»i a cloud
la to la- M-t-n. lla-ilcniBcnB of a tortoiao
.\frli-an naiat
tliuea W. aeen bi-ndliut for the u-wreet
orcriianalDK ru-ka. Wli.-u llul bapthe proiH^tor ku»>VK tliat rain
ouir down durlua (lie„ de.f- *'‘d.
rub-.- ’’
It coum ilowu In lurtt-nia.
tuay .-all 11.
yi lu .» aUni.-.-
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,.
-Fine Mill Work
Cold weather is comiog.
cK-aidug weight of Hm- aHina-pliere
when rain I* foraiinE.-|«nly by bab-
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
molaluiv wbicb Is sliansi by all.
If wc ndot to dud a .-uiiuiry wberv
J. \l. Greilick Co.
nature ba* lurm-d iblugs i»iuy tuny—
that la Bccurdiiig to oUr notlou «a
must goto Australia. Mauy tiling* arc
r.-v<-rw«l In that i-uuutry. li is
then- wliilt- It U wlulcr lu Am
Tre-s sli.-d tiu-ir Imrk iuslcml of
fruit has ilic Bluni-. ..r kenn-l.
Cougltatiu ind Eianiiatioi Frea aad Strictlf CailHleilitl.-
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Americu ledinl ud Surgical lastitotc of loHejoa, Idi.^
s-'r ir'iiirxps;:: ..... ...
forth 111 tb.-ik.w.-r and -dn aglh of God '
tl.ai I lia.l ii.u b.-anl li.e new * ami
intlirist tooverv..u.e, that we limy l«*! ij,d .n.-n-ly .-.ll.sl w. take la.-k my
aiwared that we w-ill exjwrien.v this ? .)r,--u> suli. It w.»ild du.ibileBs )*> r.viiud
xi. jr.. ill; xiii P; I’bii
ill, ri; xix. II. li.
(Kje we f.m.1.1 .-..imki-e bis war.lrola-.'
"S.I yv.ii sas- the n-as.iu why I
K Just I
A Meaaev to Updltwesa.
like Ibe llillnli.' genlb-n.-ss ..f nil ang.-l
Far iii..T.-.lang.-r..n*t« true gisUiues*
baod-Dg ov.T III.- iuBiilIc li..rr«tr of bell.
Ten |ier .•eiil nf all Ibe huaiiril l»-lnga
W|H> die In New York city an- burW I
in poller's llel.1 nt ,.«tdb- ex,»-n-e; but i
thcreco.t1*«f..rg«ul«sl.-|,,rl,,,flfflcial j
publtr opinion noHI tbe imhuU.IIIIj .
checking or reforming the alvae grow*
Born ami mure jy-mote at tbe bnnleii
« and tbe evil resnlti mulllpl;
.... York glee* annualTbe city of New
*------------------------------iw ibe r*.aM
Tr*T*f*aOlVy ■arkatbelow U a Hat ot tbe bUTlng and ae’
lay for g
-till aiuall i«ile-lrowuf).mi1l.-s s.
I nllai-b ib.-ru
•-nsl us ih.-y
Tlicylind to go will. Hic family
tb-« were Ii«i*g will. TbI* li-d t>- »
is.nHiiuBiioii ..rtlic |niuci|ile. wlHi ilw
result iiK-iniomsl A» it works oni. Hie
census .........
. .......................... .. -.........
f-'xH-” U. sl«- o.. ,
“T «»- P-num - New \ork Post.
itoed by
>«o> for rl.f pons— prep., (.I.U ! —"'22-'"“?'“!
taac*.'interest aud conmy «xpenaee »
cUmlnatedi. almost 12 per cent t* prop.
heaven - 1‘rusbytenan.^
erty chatvealde to relief of poverty
gad aktae**.
Of tbla expenditure
eithaD nsMfiOa 1* paM to privata
Btlotvand aocletira over wbl<^
« city
y aautborlHea bare ao control or
(tsr A*.ts* V. to Hvs but «~r*
I vMhlei^klB U
rlraUSe prlael
c rcBtored to p^eet bowith k
s-ed their yeelB the bhcd. etopertB
'.piFOBTXMT TO LADIBS-OR.OTTMAK. after yewn of cipeneot*. Im. dioeoewrwC
rtvBtesirun-tuovB ter *11 dunassn^lar to the *ei Feahl* dlosaars pmluveteearo*h^e^rsatweat
•11 ‘Tiibr thooe* n-wedf.OLlVX BL0880X The cuiv M egeeted
IKS m» *ad gr*ORBOKIOSOl___________________
,??s:. *“
4 1-0 t Bisraos eeil* ih*i fullov It. 11* IrBlo
Bpeedllr. coapletcly and peraaaeatl/,
Sl'Itl Cf«g iw
Butter pe
per ”B> Daln..
Creamery Sntter.B..
Cbeeee per 1b..............
ewsre.'o*e hn ' nld '
s w—
S' “«»• -s-s
’ailTu^W biad^ IlMha
c 00 aloaart • i**r 4ar« aad aff ethsr *71
----------- -.bl**. saw*rd trew eatarr
SPECtALTieA Owiwrrk. UIB C
Mai-1! SPECtaL-:
I Burt*. PlBplM. aerofsia. Blood Talou.
Iteesr. nira add DMasa* of Wones
L «aleU. I,------^Dsxrai
- aod ptrvaoasilr rand Di vkr taMal approted I Maar
OM. Mo^l^ pi
'Oora, per bn.
‘ Potatoea.per 1
Bye. per ta.
I Butter.
-wsiia as p*
at aUea&t
DiPcaaRoiiio Bass ewr*« g
nn sxAimiATioir ofthb irBm.-Baek
w*St*hosldBm4srbrlQ«fr«atn>|OBo<-cs od arlar (that
<Bii»d1, srkKk will rsealtsa earetul cbrwical aad Bleroaeoi
awrluaBaaatrsi*«Ubsrli«e. Psraeaa ralaad la heahh I
rnimy w»h th^
N$. I. S. I CO. PCtyiTE 101160. IBSKFCOII. >ICB.
' I'PI-spo .'pao.M.’
___ ____________
.Vaed by BritNb BoldlMn la Africa.
Tbe Palbee Kwew.
q y DenaiaOd U Well
well known
Mra. Woiib -Jobn. l think ihU gold
omr Africa
aa oommandm^ of
of tba
foreaa that
- eaptnred the fwmona rcbal
OwUabe. Under date nf November 4,
1W7. from Vryborg. Beebnnnalend, '
writes; •‘Betnre etartlsc
-B •pMlalui «•> the I'alted am
IB the largeal baapUal* Is tl
>1 all CBOONtc. nnvot-H, SI
Teed. H. L. AOo. Beak................
Niru-b f^unlf In'lVn. m.d hldlvl, * The
•>Ml-e drug as use.1 In'metl-
from Ibe alirul. treated witb aiilpliurtc
tHd t'o.-aim- Is «>iu|M.s,st of «-arboJi.
bydrugeii aii.l nltmstl tssims-d to a sulLa.-li wb-lu.-ut ..f Hie...,..,-.—'
Sweetnesf.d cbaracler and lifecnira
dlns t ittBiH-m-e on the oervuu*
(mt of KAUelifled trial- T.-sting anftena
of Xankind Ponnibl* to Obr«ix,.
The WO.I sMelr as* (i.orBbly
larksble eklll and uei.eeml eu
. Sr>
1. u a*:
, Nov. 10, 189&-
• pie*. Bed eBIKle. bl« to the full roBBv-e»ee of the *Sleted eer.y Bkue.
. fuuii.i
r the
e |s>l Hi-hI slgulu.-am-{-.'‘ -U'astilug
n .'<iar.
It m-.iiis I
the SB..,.- table.
A 1.........1 is n family.'
BBixnie ruoK.
The Vlemurial Hall hi.
■ Clear Pork per boi. c
b a f-’l'.v; m. Is .be’ .Clear Pork per lb...
de.irv f.K^ tsKHUi.iuion l•aMv.•l> l.vinati.- usyluiu. A stray umn Shortcut
it P
I Pork p
...T.l.fmTk. .t t
kv-p. Imeliel...-, ball Is a fumily. UborlCulP
Tl..- ...ss-ssliy for H.ls usv of the le. tn
With a Trwv l.lahl.
It l> .-sslcr for au IndustriWe are imieU.sl t-i li^>- l.•llllful -.nl*
au« and slir- wd
Pre In luxury In New- York Ilian to who have-dsKie will, s.n-h a true light
amid lUcdarkmssv gb*-... and tvmfli. l*
exist Id any'.-ib.-r .-lly In Ha- world No ,rf tbe l.-d. and we I..V. to oKUemidale
tnacli-waml of am-b'iil fnlile wa* ever , .
, ,
...... ..
tie or pHmi.i iban the name of charity
• hiwU are e«c«.nraged ;iud in*j.ir.sl
I. to open a way toibt- pnl.lir treasuiy. ,
The llbeml atid well-nlgb Indlacrlmlnb.r«Dd graS and
kte girlug of ilK> money of tbe tazpayera for the n-lb-f uf‘*ickliea* and poe.
•Tly ba* been (-otuinand.-d. by law. —American Friend.
OSer Bonn froB « a. SB to 6 p. a
„uder any .-Irvuin-iums-* bad
S1..W theii--lv— (.1 I-- 1—1
and »eiuloiB.;ial, show- ll.at l.-s* than I ^
perreni Of lb.-living are ,*«pef. or de. !
Idem JM
.a, * IVHiuUr S-den.v ;
.iilbly. Tb.-fuarv
tbe dHf.-remv iH-lweeli Ibe ti.ii.i1sof llvliic |hs.r nud pi-niilless d.-u.l. The
Cblef otK- is Hint aluiBe of piilili.- i-har.
tty lie* glow II to sm-b |.ai|H>rHiuis that
Voice.’'—Liu li-t ..11.
the clly ti.is iBHsxiie tbe Miss-a of iRe
cbnutlc ldl--r* nnd irannai (if ibr ••Dtire
mine was a good dea. butu-rerr "
rbllad.d|.1ila li..|ulr.-i
U that s|urit aiuotiK fUnstians which j
1..V.W to minglettith ihew.irlil ..ml o«ri-
— Wasl.lagtuu Tost.
wax SB AT
Sot)«»l W^rlti-i-ng, Tx-a-u-OT-ao 0±tFy,
WOWI* •• tilBTvI.
kiii.KiE my frl--iiil's eff.s1 evi.bilu.sl.
U| ,roul.l like 10 say sum.-lblug tlrnt
•TIm- lai.-lln.ly nirmsi pink, while Btrik.-* Hu- {Mil.lk-a* Hioroiiglily origiu.
tnd. then i.luk again.
\Vl.y ' sIm- gasje
n-.uark.sl tbe pulHI.-lau
.1, ■M...
I....- I.-..
le-rksl blm iu
It wi.s tl..- ..i.ly guud m,g,„ a,,,o|,
. xxiii. -Jo.il; Neb ix.
xii I: EavI vil. I-. Luka
ir. 1 »: Hev.
Traverse City. Mich.
Telephone No 2.
ami.,, .a mal ... il»lr M. P-r- »-■ b.v. «... .
faDA and liivetln.-«» even in Ibe irop- God and have c..na—e»twl .aitwlrea Icl.-d w-..r-. Tlie dlKllllirili«brd vlalliir
; swwus ate Idack; there
lea, where B|.l.-odld
Bl'b-ndld orchid* grow. Tbe
^anew u.
m «.-l
God ' Jao.l.
Jao>l< « new natue lw.1
m.-uiu. In l
aiKs-b-s of dy iliai kills and eats Ilia
floweiu at* ae big at pe..yU-e. and ellb- aneb *iiniiB.-aii.-e. At JabU*. wW he
eplil.-r. and a Ilsb. .-irileil Hie cliulblug
•r pnre white
or IMu.h .olor. and the ws-ll..l with tbe -nxel until be rear
p<-rt'b. that walks d.-llls-riilcly
bnabes bloom eo pmfu»Hy and contln- ceiv«l
amL will. III.- aid of its flna
oonaly that It Is nee.-eaary now and
........... - tin- adja.vni trees after tbe inthen to take ih<-tu. root* and all. out of tmel ,„n«„
1', "i'-•li.".-.'."'
la-riou.s- - be {Kissed ■1 woa.l.-. wl.nl the dc.n-e nmde me
tbe grouml lo j>r.-renl c«ui|»lete ez- Jacob bail a
mis* H..tl.ow first two -botsT
life, be g<>t • '
batuniun of ibeir imwerw
| Ibriuigb a.-ri<>« inI bis.....................
'■»|..atn- .vpllcd Ibe Irishman.
TbU garden and tbeit. imxltwl in- ,new au.L.-ZMlt.-d i-oii.-epth.n .fOodaud
almmenu ere ibeIr refuge and relax- , nud»iibt.*liy .-mine lirt- a- new n-Utnm 4"*‘'.g c|..m- • Tl. divl H.e lulmc ye
I bln t hit It at ,r Hm-world in more a«-nse* tliao one.•thin, for tbe Blglii* tbey daily wlincna ' oi
of tvmi>s-ni.i..u
LMUi>^'riiti.>a Xi'o.i
to ibal. He was .-ntire- ^'* *' "* “)I
are ao dialreulug. ao wi-artng to Ibe..............................
, that the aiiperior fr«inenily
.require* ibem I. aliiu.luD ilH-ir work
for a fea daye aud give tbemia-lve* up
our hvea are* was at stake.'N.-H HrI.wn* TUu.-s- talu.sl InilLaus. Triiu.I.iilL artist lion
to tnnalc and gardening iinill tbey
of IlH- hour, bad iialnusl a Tull h-uglb
_________ ;_______ '
fecoTcr their tone. Kv.-ry few y.-em changed, wb«U we .-..me Inl.i a new re- ^
IMinriill <if Hh- pis-si.l.-ni. I'u.iuue M
tbey are sent away to eonie other duty
cate or .h.s^ess suit. see H.e effwl, Wuabbiglou le.1 a pa^
for aert-ral monili* for Ibe aauie reaof full bl.ssled Imliiius sud.h-uly Inta
„ hi* a-riea*. aa* aaw i
aon. Many of the nura.-e bare Im><« chiblreu. ami our, highest aim abunM
Tiew of It
<Mi.' of tbi-iu a.Ivams-d iuid
i, Barlr* la «be (leave.
more than 1f> yeam at work In ibo boa- be P. keep tlie n^ liame we bi«r un^,
..jy„ ,
n,„ gu,„g
pItaL and ib.-ti- iia* nec.y iN-en ibe mtUird by being faithful to Ibe new regrunted, with siis|.iclon.
lie iuuk<-d
aligbltwl algo of coulagloD In one of latmn
-wvn- t>-aliy Hal; dlaThe beavealy new name Bt*-ben of i*
tbain. Tbey obM-rre tin- iiaual exquleevvered with disgust ibni It was. Sot
||„. ..H.er .lay.
iie dennlln.-M demanded by Ibeir re Beveiati.m has biTgely Ibe same siguifl- ,i„
one wunld {n-riuli Tivni.liuU lo sk'-i.-b
ligions row*, and tbe ■iip.-rlor'^ take* catiuu a> the earthly new name. It ^Vell. Iw-aii..- Just now I au. not the
blm. Tne president i.sik an aiiii«blc
care that Ib.-lr pby*l<-n1 .Kindlllun It •umU f..r ...ir new reUtn.u I.. G.id. and
,.f a divsa suit and la.-k the
walk ikiwu itriHidway with tin- iudiaiis
carefully wal.-lu-d. but u.. other pre- it also must be in *..ine way tue nanir «-|„.n.aiH.al to pi.irhase amrther. it
In Hieir sH.uge iln-ss. paint and fcatbcaniloDe'are otwrreed. aud tbey do not of G.s1 - T.. him that..ver.-..nietb * * • | Ua|,,«.|„si ||,|, «av: I lui.l a friend, a
era. slateilu.-ss of cIviliuHoii and sav•eclude tbenieelTe* from tbe world. At
ag<- ■lau-llii.-ss i-uiiliast(si. Tbe dignity
tbe time of luy visit iheiv were but
woiil-lu't len.l him
ot file unrv-gencrate Indian was mL
' two-while men In ilu- boapltal. all tbe
is. just wbat it i, ....................
BIT swallowtail.
............ ........
I iKinseuied. but 1
ami yci 1... wa* lickl.-d llkea cbll.l with
otbetn bring negroee. Hlnd.m*. and
Imt what is I H>id him I wani.sl Hi.- .-loibee back tbe
Ibis o|.{H>rtuuity
for display.-Leila
here, how the, iiew [ n,.„
,1 I Uu.l a function lo atCblneor.
llcrlH-rt in llanwr* MagazimA half-breed Illoiloo In one of Ibr uaiuc may Is- ubuiui J. w'e do know. It teu.l uiyaelf,.
warda bad ev..lvi-d In bl* long leleure i* l*-u>T f'lr us to know bow u> gc) tba
-Wi ll, to make Vdong story abori.
Hla ilBB (be Beiier.
a molt logentou* tower eoine flvt- f.-rt new nnuie Uwn to know wi i.iucbalsval 111.- w.-ek n-.-iit l-v and not a wonl
"One day. ' says |i wiilei- lu H.e Huohigh, built of old .-Igar boxes, balf-used it. Tbe all iu>|>*-Utit >iue>tt..u in this frt.m uiy fiicii.l i-r u«t a sign of u.y luu Tniuscii)>i. "tbe ui.iiber uf a
peDcils. cast-off bit* of win- nails, etc.. life is. How luay w.- oldain Hs- u.-w evening-Inds. I bad i» i-mss my date yearsdd ls>y gave bin. two alb-e* ot
a tbouaand <Hlds and ends, hi.-ludlne a
prv-tiy Iliad. I.i.t I ilblu'l say iuiHetvd bn-ad. lelliug bin. I.i give utie
t'hri'i 's'name. "To him i
broken duck caw, whm- <.f which be
.SUolt-er week v
ami of tbi-i.i lu 111* lllHi- sister. He iwrrled
bad begge.1 fn.iii vlaliurs, niuiv ..f that vrt-.-nN.lii. lb will 1 give t.: eat of | a,|i|
Tli.-n I .let-l.lisl In in out
Ibe ordi-r
That night vvb.-u be
w lili-b be iuid n-woed fn.iu Hie n-fii*e tlie bi.l.leu manna and will give him
anil biiiil up my friend ati.l Hnd mil If went
to Is-d be' was evl.I.-llHy illsiurtilln*. Thb .-.uitalned some »• llllle white stvmc, oU"l in tile *tous a new bi- lnleiide.1 la k.s-|. my .-loHi.-s forever. eil III bis mlu.l ami r.-iii..iss-ful nls.iit
room* aud a «Indlug *talr. aiul was m- uiime wrilieai. wbi.-hpoman ksuwelh.
••I .-alleil ut li's lsMir.l'nB ti.wiae nii.l -s.iui-lliiug. and bis i.ioiIm-i .|iii-sHou^
bablied I-) a |H-i gray rat. wbu. ai a saving be il.ei msivWi it.” If wt .....................
the is-il. Ills liiu.lln.ly .
liliii lu a Way lu i.i-i.igoiu H..- truth.
aignal (''’»> bh. niasu-r. would iiw.iini overv-i.me self. Hm- wurld aiid sin. God . Hie d.sir. Wlieii 1 ask.sl If niy friend
wasn't ul.v tu I'eggy about
Ibe stair* and visit every n«oin. rlua. will f.ssl us u|*.|i tbe bid.l.-u liiMUOa. |
go .e a Eiis|> of usioiiUhtliat tin-ad iiu.l l.uiier.* t»- owmsl.
tng ala-ll III ouc. mmiiig a wlus-l In *|iiritnul l.liwsitigs im|**«dl.|e of attain- j
ai.-l ex.-la.misl. AVby. dlilu't you
--Wby?' asked bis luoibv-r. *l>luyon
another, pulling a siring wbl.-b bsiai-ii. meut .m earth Jle will give Ob tb«' gm.n be wa> d-a.l iiml l-)ir1i<tir
take tlie bigger pletv^
1 a Hoy sla
while Btotie of aiqnittal on whid. will |
h.-is ii.y -iini lo Is- klKv-keAnaiil"->'o.' be auswelvd.
'Her* was •
nd di*|>lnylti
ta> iuacnlssl Ibe new- UHUie
Ls-t ua m> J ,\fier I nssiv.-i-.sl iiiy ■•realb, I explainlIHle bigger than my |.l.s-v Wa*.. Wit
Mo«l of Hie iiaHeuts bad no aiicb reaouire ami sai In UrtsMlIng indur.-n-iii’e
and slli-n<-<-. itn- U<hm-I.-ss priauuers uf
<li<epair. Kiit Ibe patlemv anil pity of
tbe la-auilful y.mug woman In a * blie
cap. wbo bail glv.cn n|> wealth and
youth and blgl. plan- to easitin- Ibow
au uid;*|<py. uIki Ik-ni uver tbt-ni. wa*
Now is tbe lime
to p'ace yonr orders for
be d
make of
Petted Daugbler-Tbey nUrd me ta
of It.-Jewelerw' Weekly.
play at kira. Htghu|i'a tbla eveelng.
aad I did: bntJonmaL
The Pleat Teeeh.
Fond Hoiber (proodly)—Were they
'Ready (or all ibat might befall, tbr
•ot enlranredl It U wbilr yoo are js.UenGy tolliag
<>rtectlve {.rv|«red to venture
Petted naugbler-Bom! When I
ive." at the litif task* of life that tbe m«n- foWEi <• «»* track of tbe desperate
ing and abapsof the great whole of Ufe' Cflmliml. At ibe ibrewbold she paiwed
dawn npem you. Jt iswbile yemara le- ,
«■» "“r wore look lack.
FPPd Mother (ecsUttcaOyJ-Tknt's Nttinc Uttfe MiptntioM that yon an
**<« tur dlagulae ou stnilghtr pbt
-troodetfnl! Tbey maai haee baM nan- growing «miger.-PhUU|> Brooka.
I Bbked.-PhUadeIpbla North AmcrMn
«(B.-Ke« TocB Weakly.
Cboleri al_____
Bemfdy. wbkb I need myaalf whan
trowbled with bowel wwiplalnt. nnd
bad given to my men. and |« ev^
enae It proved mnat bmaefletal.” For
rale by 8. B. Wait abd F. & noapaon.
Marsi Bras., Hnsi PaiiPrs
Give them beall.
483 ■ Elavood Aw.
8id«WBlk Lnmbw in bU bIbm.
BOMBOW td Tfbtmm Oltj I(Vm8«r Oq.
THB mottmta r«uohd »owdat, H0VBMBa» b, law
<vi«M*a] be a»d laabcn* ««m down
(Rr bMcb to awte. Ram«n watrbrd
ibriD from tbr bMcb wb*B tb* KanMB Bottcod anddral; a ktcbi
■ ■■Mi
TWtr la Botklac «kat bdasa u • Arrstlcr
tloa 00 imaid TbunituB'* •
LONOON*f sthects.
wLih-b wa* aim tjrlBC si am-bor la I'b*
hartMir. U* c«aU a** ni*B irrma lo
w*m of R wbrn RCtMtiMa aUrt «W t*
could bear ibiiB
faitaai r.rr »• ptfcrort Cro»- exprrIi&FPt. Two Doitti aide
M M«nM «r umm>
< met IB a dear atorr od Chkaco btobi
Koiloalns lb* erident •llris‘il<iii <>f
jriMnda; and t»-KBn lo commeot oo
n know lUI tb*a odIj ita
<»f iIk' na*»»»—%».
a ‘T>*9>i>f'tB>ttirHaor eWtrtcal nia* wbm *«■ i
•ai«\rbi-;;u Ibelr elaih-es lb* kmi .*r*»
of lb- luuiult.
rbiM. Om ailoavd tbat lb* clear aior*
Wben Qb*«i VUtorit drlt** thrott«h
,1,, ,b«* wlibooi
\5;i,■■ r»*fu«d. HtBchto*. The oOier nduntecred to
itt* stdcBslU lose* b<^ paaa t>r. Wbeo
A* nifal llicrira ar*'dn>crlb)H] In lb*
AM ft*] ikr tiruBt aararAor Mac
fl* could also *.•.• that Thuniou was
> -AbAbc*. Ilii-n- I* a I«tid outburst of
rotate lo r«.ch tb*
-■llBPrInc « nil a deep undenoue of loyal
The IU» IMI fur Ur* te lU^irdTwe^.
l"Mlt Ibal had pul off from tbe wlHion•flM-UoD. As lb* caniaicF dran-n'oesr.
and bad left iMbrlb- to b*r fate.
« f*«r bau may b* raised aud band.knrldefx are wavtd. bm tb* voice* ar*
ftoabed aud ili* ijueen 1* mvlred Ib
twwmpuw int OHIWUHH.
o»Lr to c«.
I Lm::^!Notice!
Jr.^r*:':L“j2**a^''tr ”*r
-AM to OB* aide and Iben to tbe olber.
.Md bowliie lu brr sub><TU. Tbe> iB
-Aelr luru alar* at bar intently and are
WBbxIisii, wblle tb* crowd* a lobr way
to adeamo are aboutlBs Ibemariri*
%oara*. Tbat U lb* £n«llsb way of
!«jz "‘™\
oOeera who bad com* anhore white
ihHr Bhip waa evnUna bad raced over
ber ebnnua. and one. t:uKlKn luipb
Tburaton, had awom to hi* luatra that
be wouW OB* day, return to Tutulla
the U..I rracbed bln. be halicl
n ,ud clniiiiwrad la orer the
KbeeiK. Tbl* action mcani denth u
laulN-lk-. a- far as Thuraion wa. .a.n
Hiii there wa* another factor. In th-
1 IwTe bought • bhlf iotemk
Aod tb« boBineto will be ma
'tmder th* firm ouie ot
B firat clan ntoke
Tranrse Bella, Sc Cigar
W* aoUcit the patroaiage of tb*
pK^le of Tntrem t'lty.atid g«»r.
la Italy ibere I* ueilbrr ebrortne nor
♦ ■bsBtlUK *beu lb* qniwn appraadbra.
There were only tUrw white p*r- dl-.^.v-ennl the shark be ran to the trtifiriBl flavor—joatclean,
M wbcu ab*' U>wa flrat to tbc rlebi
A specialty. Kverythiog in •**•
aoBS llTliif; on the fair Satuuan iKland reef, uumnurmt and le«|>rd Into hi* . lobaoeo. This give#yona whole.
nnd tb*B to lb* left, tbe aalutallon b<
of Tntalla. In ibe i>piucl|i&l bartnr
aud lu a irtce ihe Utile crafi oooie. enjoyable emoke at an econOpen da/and night,
arturned. Tit* lyowdx at* alh-nt wurB
which. Pasu-Paito. Ihe I nlt.-,! Ktai.-*
llylu* <.ver tb* water, pro- ymical pri
tb* carrtate with lb* scarlet llverli* U
Covernmeui maintains iia tu»*l lui- Mb'*! by the atruuj: arm* of the Sam-^
• «r*B. but udii-n ab* bend* ber b*ad lii
k yonr
dealer for Uiem
Routh^uxica bad aeen the c»i
.avracBillun of ber Bub><'ta *r*^ man,
Mra. “xi**'0 of Thuraion. and the fur>
}*arlllc. Tlii-y were
voman and child sa-em* to rtyard It as
Uenry IManur and Ibeir dauisbier
dauictuer aufTcr
auyer ae*-med
ae*-med to
to add
add to.
to. bl*
bU en-at
_w pcnwHial loniiimncul and r*iura» !l
bold Ib.- cat If bla friend would fur- laabellc.
aireuKil.. iMlwIle
l«Wl|e bad
bad bl-.iin
<ha- ,
T .nellnr Block
4 Fiont Strna
-ty bowlus low.
Blah Ibe ta-nny.,
Lnder the influence of the iropicnl cov.-r.-d li.-r p. rit, and *...............
whoth..* ............... dri.,,. In ...................
fUnuile l*al»-U.- develo|N-d early iuio i‘nn«uw pul out In 1.1* .-ano.- aUe
-lira aJtoe iiTmtorf o
r.-un.1ed up ihe .-at and one held the n ramarhaWy Iw^mlful womah. She a«.m lo um,-i him with all ihe ajawd
she ■aiiihl .'.■uimaiid.
a'Z oc.-a-h»n. or
,r I]««*.-*
j-T*; of the “*
••• ■
on 7
a aiaic
mai-blm- with Ibe
II!* on- the
|rr.>|Mini<ui* of whleh
Pur a lime, ilial acviiiiN]
«-*.mjuini..u dmiHa-.! In
inuy. alawloicly |-•rf.-.-^i..ll.
tnit waa r.-.-tlly only a few mlnul. .. ll.c j
graaiad the oilier knob, turned on the htvwn hair wn *
be In favor ol Ibe
rinebn 11ie aib-rlators awall In ih- eurtvui and tfrabtaal rhe .-Ufa toll. .\ud blue
Ii:<d .ue laiu b-r.-emali tint aliark. rea.-binn tbe sir! lu advama- of
Ten mtrh' o'ac *•* me abnot atorlng
^nnu .ll.-n.-e herjOH-ilMB. ami when ,h.-n Ihe air «a. lUled will. a|«r*a and iluii la
.-hnnu-iertoil. ol California b.-r would 1.- r.-a.-ucr, hut with luhtbiyj
jr-ur wheel FRBB.for tbe wjoirr
iTi I* off.-r.-.! 11 I. #inru.-<l will. ih.ii f„r and a howl iluil altraei.tl all the woiin-n
Ko bntirr encno-linr tnai onra.
aickea of hi. luiddle Kamnipi drew |
«ra*e air of .-.^-im.uy •l.l<hn*4.-*ii- amall Ih.j* In tin-m-lBhlh.rh.HHl.
btep In nnd tolk it owe.
But lli.-re waa one mau ou ibe )*• raphlly .■l<i*.-r ami .diwer.
liar to tin- lailft rai-ea.
The Ural din-tor lamslinbe eitfara,
binl who lov.nl Iwiln-lle l.-iler llinu
-M the tii»ini-DI wh.-ii the moi)i>ter'|
An Kii|cr<*hmim In lloim-. faninc In
j —Sannica. the auu of Tuailu. lln- aauk In-neaili
KUrf.i.v pr.-pnrat.irv
tbenr ih. loud a<-i-lalin of iiopaUr w.-lI. Tout;...
rulln* .-litef .d I'utuila. nurablpueil 1« lurnlnc
1 hta. iMv
»vk to a.-uei
,«*ome wiil.'Ii 1. aKMn-laie<l wllh a royal
Rna-nt niiniira of Cerumn aunexa*
. Id lamdoii.
lion In Tonna yive .iMi-lal inti-r>-M. 1
i the .Ill-lit welcome a .-old oui-. information almni tin- .-ouuiry. In the
I maEUlO«ent ajn-.lmen of flmily Kl-a.ln-d lu bla band.
lauirb at Uie motley
paid Md diiya. somewliai after
after Ibe the Kautuai
^talL Hiralyhl. na an a momeui later bad m-lxed BauHica'
Itallnn tlirouK l.'inllns low aud n-lnni.
fomior ntiiiuer of Japan. Touca w:ia
arrvw and
and inaouiwed of the ain-upth cahoe. luto which .he haiileil In-rai-lf.
- arrvw
mv the B..v,.reinD> KrtH-lIn*.
I p.v.-rned by two kliipi. one tbe aplr- of n iflant. UU fe.tuiva wen- ivyular Kveu In-f.in- .he ba.l drawu h.-iwelf InAd liallau In l.oiid„u. on the other
tual the other the temporal inonar.-h. «m! baud.oim- aud while hi. .diio wa. lo the lliile .-raft the water all
’•mad. woul.1 r.-pml an Knitltah crowd
huriue thta *y-«pm of Rov.-nnnCnt ihe .Tnrk It wa. a. .lo.Kiih and pure aa ar..unU
wa- aialncd with bhanl.
M* nniMnin-H.t lu the pr.-aw-nre of royaplrilual, or Tul Tons*, a. he wna .-all. **tlu. Vndcr Mr. U-lau..r'. t.-achi-jt Wbeihertin- I.1...I wa. ihai .if Kaniuiely unit
toily. *lD.v It ia-cina by makltti; a rtvat
.-d. had ali^lmely
unlimited imw-.-r. a.. Kamiyta Im.l h-arue.1 to ap.-ak Kmtllia. .iCT or
the .Imrk iMln-lle did not
. awirtwr sinl en.la with little more tlian unr.-b no thatI H hi. aaucuai iiiaJeHty flu«>nll.r
W-nll.r aaii.l to r.-ad and write, siamn- know, but ih* uatlee r*nualued behiw
ji ntuUd alar.-. I(-Bviuit. a* It seenu. to found a b»n<- to bla flab ami tlina bad b.
the .urfa.v w> UliK that abe f.-ared the
Oitm. the «ju«-n'a aalniatlon vlrtitnlly over hla left ahoulder IhecAk w.-ia In- i^iK-Ue
yeara, but he bad never wonu. Wllh ivnlJl.- In hand, howev.-r.
iulK-Ue f..r
aianily clnblwd; If over hla rlKhl, tl..- even wblaii-r.-.! a wor.l of lov.-.
'.he ivmalue.1 ready to render aa.l.tlevcry K.iro|H-un .-aplial haa -a own aiteadania underatood that Ik-of ll.e
One daj ^ *.-boouer from Apia anee wh.-u the brate fellow .b..iibl
itaUni of view III It. relatlona with toy. kltehen was f.-nrlven.
The Totipui.tvund.-d the |..lni of tlanu-tiafu and
.-.mH- to ih,- -urta.-e,
,Uy and .Ustiliarlr* of atai.-.Even the
have alamlutoly m. hlaiory or eve..
au.-li.w off the Itim-r r.vf
ITeaenilv be api-ared In Ui* ml.lat
«Dwd« of .itv.-t-lou«p-rw III Itondou o l.-cend as to their oriRtu. but in 1ai- r- Kaliib ■ niiir*li>u Ml lu Ihe al.-ru .hei-ls of the bliaal.v t..d.
-. <ir I'ari.. tufve their own uoilon. ilm.-a ttielr |aiw.-r app«-ara to-havc' of the amall Ihmi that pm off from kluiall.v imhvd
ctlqu.-Ue aiHl pro|.ri..|.v.-VouiUB* gradually din.iiilahed nuilL lu tbe lem- ber aide and...................
headed r Ihe .bore, lie Uia-. But It wa
Prettf near tiing
to mat about baiiog yoai
Bicycle Enameled
Bi. by name Ealafehi. dh-d. aWmt tailor ami ..V.vurvie n.-.vpi.-,: the li.vl- had ha.I a ii-rrine liattle
<.over..lU. Wlilvniu «•*
yeatw «5n- aiwt wwa lnirb-.l ol ta,i.„,
.,.,un, p. lu the
tiire. b>-ii.’alh the aiirfaee. but
TV inivc»l.-r In.a f.ireUru land la not uihlfo. on ll«A i.bud of T.
A tatmr hmiwen-wdou < .troUBly tbe flBht. The .area.. w«.u
toeetwaarily b.-lpi.-.. be.-uua.- • he doe* |>reai nutnlwr W
and Wtt. I.iw.nl to the la-ileb.
to(d know tb.- iauiciup-. V..r wa* a lait___
.\l flcM itlamv ThiirKi.iti •.i-.-uiivI |.>
Thui-.toii n-n.-wed hi. suit that
*.-«i»ndeui ..f ilM- Chlcap. ll.-«-«rd. wh.. act ailU lu .•xlat.-m-e.
be an .'x.'1-.HlluKly p.MMiMiklni: >.ihiiu nlisht. but wa* n-ia-lir.1 .0 enipbatical'•dmit. ihai when be eiil. n-d Italy hi.
Thea.-cravea follow ihe
B.-iiernl man: l.ul ili.n- w.i. a u.-iikii.->. nl.mi ly that be itave up and -ailed the nett
tolne w.ird. ..f I'n-u.-h and Itfi.-en word, plan and pauy of tbeui
an a.-n- hi. uioutb and .-bln ami a .vnaln day f»r Apia.
:.-»-nu.ii werv-ofooirtwi ua*
u. him. of pruoiid and are
ai biiilUn
hree. .triniiHTi-alMxil
1 be
Kamnsa I* now a Elvai cbli-f.
.Ur KB)a:
, |onr or even five lien, or aitT*. ea.-h diatniat
baa for hla w ife the oi.ial lieaullfiil
Jb i.eniMi 1 w.-nt Into a ph»i>«ra|di- tier fa<-e»l with hup- atalw of .-oml
ttaiuusa mneelved an iiii.-iiKe dl.lik.- woman lu all Kamua.
-to'a and M-iet-ied a ............................... nx^-aome of wbliHi lueaauiv thirty- for
their nr.t ukviIiik. nilaed the Kaiu|||n. to b.-r level, and
. 1 pointed at the pboiuBraplia and two feel by nine or ten. and two feet and Hier.- «-em.'d to Iw au luatantam- the irlla- ..f Saniu
tomluHl at lilm lB-|ntrii«ty. whlrb mvnut thick. Thea.- are (Uled In with earth, oua mutual antliutihy Ih'Iwccd the n:o*l cullBl.t.-ned
aeeond il.-r heinjc then built a 111- .vokur men. Tbe enalBH
added to pelaRo.
le n.Kliled hi. bead aud wrote “H" tie amaller than tbe flrai. tbat lu turn till* unronnnaie fet-lluc bv a much at• *•***
torn* ailed lu with eanh. and so on. l.-mpt to -guv" the native wb<-reutM>n
1 maldial.
reeeni commencement
wiU take The grav,-*. or tagla. a* ihe nailv,-* .-all SauiuRa ta-.-ame aulim and luonwe!
them, have In the ivurae of a*e. Imk-o
Thiirxton l.wi no time in layln* brought agalti to tbe front a cuiiona
He watke.! .iver to ■ calendar hanff- entirely ov.-r*n>wn by ireen. Many «.f »le*e to iHaU-lle'* affn-ttoux. The *lrl old euatom which recur, there each
which c-nlen the
toff on the wail and iiolnied to »;"
Hm-.b tbe
“ '■
I WM srallfled by bla alleDlluna at drat.
*r wnlk.-d toek and picked np tbe a.-iwtlly dtaida.-ed the http- hlov-k ofJ but ahe se«-iiird lo have au luxtlui-tiw main Ititen-ai »f the senior claas anpiphnloBniidi.
aud Nhu.4 tiia bend,
the ta*l-are
ta*|. are couip-Mird.
1proiupiln* t;«i be wna inalt.-ere. ami |H-r. III.- public aiinouiiivmeut of en, - wbl.-b
-------- -------I tbe
New desigos and faoc;
girls wbo have
wienriy nie^i that b«- could nut allow
In 1H4(J H. U. 8. Favortie. Captain uDiniatworihy. Kbe had little kn.iwl;•* to Ink.- Ibe lines I had acletded, but Croker. arrived In Tonga. At that time .-d*.- of mm ..tli.-r than abe had glean- ymniE
tootlld have oita-ra priule.1 l.y the SltL. tbc kind of Tonga. Jootah TuIhiu. waa «-d from the iaioka bi-r falber bad «-onr»
Ther»-tiiH.i. t iH.lnt.>.l to r. ou the cal- at war with muji* of hla tvbiUlouB aule cb.M-li for li.-r. bill ah.- bail an .-x.-.iil
For year- the .-tan. a
Keep these ia mind when
^ndnr. aud Mhl. Iloma." wblrh meaul Jv-i-ta of lln- town of ik-a aod Houma Ingly w.ill-lulam-ed mind aud ib.- M-I.fied a. III.- ni
lb]. pro«'is-.llne.
fflial I al«.iiM d-pan for ICoiiie ou Chat aud upon the Kavorlie * arrlvaL at the heart of a trde wunun.
r.-«i..nd.-.i 1.. and the
down town and call in oar
liiatauvx- of tin- lulaalunarlea. Cktpuin
0°c nxMiillghi ulshi when Ralph U.-n r.-.lH-nd.-.l I; and ilh- hiiii.tn-d and one lit- ’ ,
He m-bl.-d and then polni.-d to 30 Croker lutlmai.-d to the kiug bla n-ndl- ami laalH lh- were strolling Hluug thb- tjiinpi don.- wiii.-ii oulv .-oii.-Be girta jcwelerT Store to look them
i> do anyiblng In his |Mrwi-r to ta-avh. Mr. li.-lanor lidd hl> wife that n<»|ld till
.ioliig. tio- clas* Bct-i
termlnut* llte waj
a ptvwsluK letter f
-'■llut.-ir' be asked.
on ta-half of Ihemsrivo* and famUiea,
What answer did you give hlmr
1 wn>n- my Koum- sddn-ss on a 1
.......... »j=««iry
a. (IrliUh sutije.-tw, he Bgm-d with ask.-.! Mr*. iK-tanor.
-tot paja-r
th* kluc to B.-t as medluior. and aa
"• ’"hi him, lu the Aral place, that caigagetni-M roll.
In making diauge be b.-ld »ul <
snHi dtvw up .Hmditlon. of |h-a.-e I** haTI ktiies-n Iwilietle loo abon a lime
wlil.li b.- pr...-.-eiW to.ink.- I- Ihv f.wt «•' {*e •'W'" <‘f his love f.«- her oF
di.|N.K.-il of their
“IVtote." Ih- i-xplalDod.
Then I .lep.-in.-d.
OnllnarllyHe wa. aUmlrted Into the fort aud
““i the girl slioiild In any even;
tohofqier selecting a doaen .photograph.
bad an iDli-r\-lew with Ihe cblefa. wbo deetde for lieno-lf and that, anally, knows aUiui tli.-m. But ilu-re *r.. >i. I
-to be,M»b-dto order.and fnrward.'d rvprt-wx-d theins.-lves favorable to Oi* man she choose tor a hustiand way.
- who, for wise r.-a.ods of j
■ loi-k<-<l up their ro-; _
to him at th.- nett town w-oiild spend them, but a.keAfor lime locoufer with “'*»• •x' sail.U.-d to live on thi. l-bin.I their
. wH-iiivIr In tb.-lr own bean*, j
minute, or more lu making In- tbe oili.-r'ehl.-fa of tbe morem.-ni at ■* lonif «» 1 bred. Any-other climate.
aa ih.w’. Every girl l. on j ' SI .• ^1
.^olrlea aud giving dlna-iloiiB. Our total oilier plai-v.. B»-fore
.«f coBversatU(ii waa Jiiat Arc w-orda.
have readied any «
------------------------, Captain Croker. having got bit gnu.
• within range of the ntockade, pnt him"“r *he way.” asked Mra. Itotanor. far the plandli. pt tbc crowd.
** I
Fart* ma.v pull down ber au.-Jeui «.|f at tli.. head of hi. men. aaylu*. ■
F"* noticod bow peculiarly
act.,1 .iura Mr. ■n.nn.ton
The building whicb Mr. L.
-toilldlngn bill* from thi* time forth uu -Sow. bluejackets, follow mer Aa *■““»« baa.......................«raof ibem Httl pi-rtth wltln.uf leav- ,he ,.,rly rea.-bed Ibe stockade a man
the roll Every face lo the ctaa* Is full Warsowsky bas leased, 225
Inler.-.! and expectancy. Bcndli
Bending ip„_»
tog behind a Irae* of their foruier *«n- .truck"at Cawnin Croker from Inaid*
and It ha. worrle.1 of Inter.-.!
Vo^;” ^iVh"'n*tamw
-AltlM. A
A *.-heme
*.-heine to.
ha. U-en
U-en ptopo«H,
ffrratly.” Mr. Detamw repllea,
replied, f^orw.r.1
far fomanl over
over the
the table,
Uhle. the
the aenloraenlc- 'J«nt fe>treet. one door west
'Id.-l ,by
by ibcMiulstcrof
tbc Minister Of Fine J^taln
«puln rerlrwl
retired a few yarda^
yard, and kJSd
- ®
“ noble fellow aud a* ,lJ?l^^V"r^ta«V'ttoVVlMoSr;
•111. If
If carried
csrriMi out.
tnit leave
b..... a
. attest
- .
__ _he wa* abotd^
.. .
If ......
Bav* reeeiecd Iftelr tllpiemas on
A*k t..:*!.
Artn that ylll.
a tree, whet*
brave aa man
man s.
as .rer
ever H*.«1
We.nl. If
only ....
be {5^ wraithby
him Nov. 1lOtb
lAMlng maml of all I
eighteen of his men being severely
would ivjok-e at bendlug far forward they wall ragerly'
„ .
wounded. The rrat retired.
ibe prospect of baeliig him as a pne for the word that la a signal for In1 RfSt CISSS VinStT
lu futinv all ancient bouae* of note.
-------------------------. lector for Isabelle. 1 am aattaaed Ibal dlvklnal and coneetlee congraidta.
" ni»miP»9 IBIWIJ
;Aud mU archliectarally Int.-muing
b* war*bl|w her and that he i* tercely tionagl MtrehlllliSft
Wtot author la moat downtroddent Jra^ou* of joung Thnnuon.”
All Ibal a girl ha* to answer
anawer to her'
jrtwclure* In IVrta. before belug pulled
.Am-B, will be racefolly drawn and Field,
Wait for tl. opening.
^ffronnd Ptaii* taken, togetber with
Wtot author I. tend (rrt, a. le«, «
VbOWffrapba of tbe Interior and extei-
TWII:aa.B irstoaMpaHarrarMOfts4kte.*Mstae|wr OraadfeapWs M a
Ti(«:»r. • ifwtahaananarea* la O
~>s4s amneg at l-JCs. ■ has *lwa»r
BS.I to arssd Rspia* aa« eoaeh so* S
Isi^rs^lcst 0 to UmoS BarMt so« rhsi
Troisi rrl>lacal*toa ■. hs.rkslrcar FV.
Orsa* Bstods sad e air ear Oraad
Chicago —
West Michigan.
L< PMssker
LtOH BapMa.
, .r... o,b„
... .....
Notice! Notice!
....... ,
to turn to money.”
ttowortd mn niiMk of >«♦ t h... now'enly 28 and where the y^
^ gradnetloo base been only taro,
mau mere i wtu
sartons secretarte* bad
r decMed to euiy hla point «t nil hag-. y«n, they nay that It wooU to Bwod,
to tore iBcr^ ntandlly eneh Ttor.'
' Os th* MCitaff Mtowl^ Bnipk'* -New T«fe HnaMT^
dr: sawyer
I i a■
.•44.ir » *»►»
_ ll _
i-tot pjwt might, by tolng b^, ^ bribed much as Oande deaerthed to
«“ wdlra* fflrte are fortunately ^^
»tin*ct.-d with tbe blsti
a pUUoaopher?
phUoaopber? Hogg
Hogg might
be- FBUllne
otlrely true.
comee a
might bep.^,„ tbe gkuiea
,mri- of
«r bU
hi. patattol «»®t entirely
No profenalon
„ , ,, m ,, , , ,,, j_____
..rDfensloD .*
lilgbrr Id <
_ a next brat tbin*
to ke«T>lng him «>“» Bacon.
!. laabelle was s' '
.. staging la to pr»Wbentaa
ial fiiend a
tbe meoMry of them, a* ibM fn““ snteTto^ k^*yoV she lege f« Jnat two yenra._____ _____
sntn ffencratloBS may at icnat imow
Jiat wtot they were Mke, and t
r father and 1
Twenty per cent la not n bad record
^ mensnrr enjoy ibe dty tbat
*^.****^,1 .
______ hearted nnd lonely. I would like to f*"- » cUsn were tbe aren«e-w
vseQ M the city that la.
Wtot In the durennee between
Cbrlstmas toopplng ud ntrong Tucktah coffee? Tb* Brat mekeo busy days,
Trmv«r*a3y IBs .It atom
ran unriBini
•«» errr. »c.ooi.
ooliio Korra.
^ Ladysmith Is' Vow Com
•plstoTy Got Off.
ia VMlttaB rwtSw Awaj, LMVtsf
«h* awi>si< OUy SmUM—
Urns. Wmmwr. that U* Wm^UA
Ct» VoM 0«CV« OndwM OlvM
or oapiMiauoD or wsiu.
LoBdos Mo*. 4 —* dtopatrt Mm Wm
ttoilwa at tha war ofl la froot LadyaaHk,to tba adaettbat tba BrtUah
ba*a tata wUhdra«ii from
<Wasaa.aoatbo( LadyasHh aad aai>.
oeatratad la a poaitfoa fartbar toatK
HoaawaofaaaaffacaMt^a tbat *1alaitf baa baaa reaei**d.
Loadoa. Mot. 4 -Tba foUawlas aflM atawwaal baa baw wada bjr tba
war otter: "Mo aaw* baa baaa raool*ad
toamLadfnitb *p ta le’oloek tbia
Darbaa taraorea tba
Tba BawaMpm H It tba raporttbat
Oaaaral Joabart bad protaalad acafaat
tba aaa of Ipddlu tn tba Brittob tbelia
Tbarraaarkthat Ijrddtta U Ideetleal
wiU tba Fraaeb Mliaito aad alwtlar
tbar baliara that tba Beara
lataad to aaploj a aiailar exploai*a
with tba raw ww la poaUioo at Prolorta.
lAdraaltb, Not. I. rta Loadoa. Nor.
4 —Tbb aiaraiar tba Boar* ara a^ar*
aatly taoaaUar taora b*a*7 «raa* to
tba aortk aad aortbwaak Tbaaa ara
likel7 to r<*4 troable. Piftaaa baadrad
BowaaraatraaialBraoatbward of tba
Bstimats of tlis Bosrd of
Pnblio Works.
It aad vm to to
aw Vi^i—diftac
tba OooaoU Tmoro
OaiWbl Pirtriac tbe Board Ooa*
oladM That tba Baftar Botlmata
Be e WoaU leet $190 4BS 9SCoaapleta aad Ooaprebaaaira X»ataU b Babtt'tiad.
Tba beard of pablie worha baa aowpleud iu eeilaiate of tba eoat ef ooa>
BlraetloB of a water works apataB coa>
tTBplatinr BabmataM-i. 6 of tba re*
Traaaarr Earn'atioaa Watvad ta Bacard tc Bbiptdng Baled Say.
raAlngtoa. O. &. Mov 4 -Tba
Briti^ goTOTBmentraaanUy eonfraetad
\0 Canada for large qnastlUaa of baled
b«y tOT aaa la tbe Boatb Afiiaan cam
paign Tba ahipmanta ware to ba made
toman Amartean port, balng tranaportad tbrongb tba Doltod State* to
boad. Tbetinaavyragaletloa*, nndOT
whiah tbb arna doaa, petoeriba that
tba good* ehanidb* exported to tba
original packag«a. aad whan It ana
foand naemaary, for oonvanloaea and
•afety In stowing tba bay ca the atanmOTtoebsngatbae'si and form ot tba
bale*, it wa* foand that ■neb a ooan*
wn* blocked by the ragsUtloBa
Appliontloa am* mad* to tb* Trea*ury Department for a tampcBary modi
fication of tbe ooadltioB* of uanmhlpit. sod Aaabtonl t
inf today. •• SB Intart
and nadar the exipaae
*MB. grsatad tbe naaeaeary p
M tba bay at tba port ot axpor-
! A Year Ago
tt'aa. W. 1. WbiU aad PariT T. PowatoAfUr Bapabileaa « Alaatloa
tor Aadttor eaaaral.
flruw are (Iraa in detail. Tbe loUl
Oaa. W L Wbita, qaartanaMiar aellante for n eoaplate new aTetaa.
raearal of tba aUte, wboaa dvtr with Beat bay aa the aenree. and n
baabeee firmed np to
It wat to eqaip tba aoldtara of .MlchU ;
raatortba lata war. baa'aaaooaead eoat im.tassv The** flniea
aba wba ia atUl laurraptad.*'
bb eaadidaer for tba Btpublleaa oon- neeamta end to* board bu expendad a
laaattaoftbte aUanoe. tba offietala toaUoa foraadUor rwaral. 8a rao- great deal of care and mneb time In
aTIbawarottoadoaoteradU tba *arl- orntaaa aa hi* atrancaat oppoaaat eompllinr tbea. They ba$e reeeived
aaa ranon aa la tba poaltioa of tba Parrj F. Power* of Uadiliae. Baiabar aaliwataa frmn tbe moat reliable ■tnneaoU Town Deeply AglUtad by
garrtooo aad ao ra*a analety >• f*lt of tba alata board of adueaiioa- Both aonreea and wall koown fieontraetor*
Tuion of What to Declared a
at praaaat recardlac tba abtlUy of are promlaeat la the eute. Beaeoe and dealer* In materiela. and their ri
Craoalne Aerial Ormft.
•eaaral WbUa to bold fata o«a.
L Dlx. tbe oroeeat aadltor raoeral. perbnea and ltttcllir«oee ba* been
Winoaa. Minn . N.;v.
Winona |
Tba faet that tba BrIUab war ottca who b eerrlnr bb aecond term. H alee 1 onployed to tbe boat ad*i
waa a I exdtaeient last oirbt over th* !
baa raealTod newt of tba altaatloo in
idldata lor reBomloatioB. ia addi
appmraoee of a booafide airship. The j
and want ever tbe report, and all tbe
CiadfacBltb aaams < ffactaallj to diapoaa tion to aararal other/ asplraou!
illnmlnatad veasal made lu appear, j
1 iU Net
fld TwterdaT'e eooUneotal mmora of
anea aoatbeaal of Win ma. it paeead |
Bmo and Moulton were abaent, but
j over Lake Wloona In tbe aoulbcre ’
wbtla Hr. Moultoo'e views
A* tba Uostmbiqae eable b
llmlte of the city, aad followed a '
sun brokan. It b Impoalble for aoy jaerlean Steel find Wire Company positively known by the board, tboae straight line weet parallel with tbe I
of Mr. Boon were euted to be in nc; blnffa aod np tbe valley.
aneaneored meaaara to reach Borop*.
Knkea ConUeeta AmouaUag to
cord with tbe aabatanee of the report.
aritb tbe cieeptlon of dbpetcbe* of
Tbe airship was seen by all who
Ibe dccument will go to tbe ooqdcM
foraln ro*emBenie. Blooe aa Impor
were OB tbe city streets. It wat p'aloly
tant Tielery would b> of the rrwtrat
cigar shap'd, and emitted a brilliant
•oral aaabiaooe to the Boer*. H aeem* nouoead here today that tbe Amartean will be a aerlea of explanation* of. ibe light from the rear aad a trvD of
abrlon* that Boer aympathi* r* would SteelaDd Win company bad doaed a work ot tbe board, including a etrong spark*
•nkeenob an erent known ni quickly deal for tba purcbaaeotM,000 tana of endorsemeat of tbe Batter plen aad
While in aiebt from Wiaons it re
a uDo
Iron at 'market prloea
and Bmt bay. They make no reoom- mained at ae eves height. ab.'Ot a
aad na widely ea poaaible.
Obpataba* today abew that tc««e* of another deal tor tbe pnrcbeee of 50.-1 mendaUoa. e* tbe eonncil eaked only
lonaand feel from the earth.
tba Oianga Froe dtata me pieparlor to 000 ton* of Beaaeaer ore. Tbb eggre-1 for an eatimato upon lb* work. While
Tbe light a*emed to be shot off,
tarad* Oapa Oolouy. Tbeir foroea are gate of 100,000 toa* will coat tbe oom-1 they all agree to the termt of the when the airabip wae eome dUuooe
* report «k.
th< Ir ln.«wlrfnal
Indtridual .Uw.
view* regardlog
Bot o*erwbelidinr. bnt tbe Oeteh In pany tt 175,OOO
above W oona.
The baalc Iron will be fumiabad by tbe feaaiblty uf oerrying out tbe pl*a
the aelrbborhood of doleaborg and
Borgbeindorp are rxeeptlonelly pro tba Braat mer Furnace aaai>:iatloo of re not given.
Tbe orglnal aeUiaete of Mr. Rafter
the Sbcnango
Boot and tbeir auppqrt U eridenUy ex
of the Alaba fpr'thU plan wn* $160,ooo The board
pected. The objMtlre of tbb force
o Mo-e Bxe at Poatag* Oan b<
nmured that when the estimate wa*
arlll probably be Maauw Poort. one of ma dbtriei- A t-ifle more than half
Ocllaciadoa fijIdiera'L-'tan
made tbe system e^old be built for tbe
tbe mnet Important atratagte railroad
From th.1 Phtlippiaca.
leas TbaSeost now
i tram U>«
aolnto in Soutb Africa, which will
Wsabington. N)v. 4. —Tbe poatmet
. •obably be, if n6t eaptnred. the tot fnrasoa* of *be aontb. Tbe price paid would ba mneb greater, chiefly on aet of tbe ooet of Iron wbfcb bat ad- tar general hat iaaued ao nMer forbldadvanee ^epot of the aecond dlTlaloa of lor bath norlbern and southern ton
lere in the United Suic*
tba asms. SSt.to par too. or a total vasoed ao greatly In price daring tbe
eoneral Bnller'e army eorpa Kaanw
pact year. The ooet of pipe alone now o eolleet poslsge''doc Id exem* of
Poor*. It b ondeiatood. b able to care
lomastle rate* on any letter* tent by
atould crowd SIM.OOO.
made at «S3 par Ion, valley prioe. to
Tbe ooBolnsiona of tbe board of pub •oldiers, marine* or other peraout is
three day* old. are regarded hare ee which b ada.;d 70 eenta for treigbt to lic work* will tbrow *n intallii^nt tbe United State* servlee In Uustn and
■ora ebaerlug. IndleaUng that tba make the Pittobnrg quotaUon. Tbi* light npoo tbe water avorks question, tb* Phllionlne tolsuda. Hfie ord*r to
Boaia aie Dot dbpoaad to com to eloM iron I* to be dellTtrrd In tbe tot and and now defiolte *•« may ba taken to given tra'O'diste effect and postmudiree-ad lo disregard aU
neeond q larter* of tbe coming .year get dotm to bosioesa. Howavar, Ua
rating^ of oeatage do*. In exeeas of tbe
and proTidw f w the eeUmntod rcqulr- queatton it still on* of * pazallng char
rste. made arl-w to tbto date.
baaa moantad at La
>nu of tbe Amerlena Steel and Wire aetar. While tbe aaUmate Is leaa than
expected by tba majority it tax•*liidZpt*^ro*. 4-Tba anll-Britlab
payef* to view of numaroas atatamants
pram of Berlin. Part* and Amatardam
that have been mads, tbara to aUll a
raltaiau tba raporta of a dbaatar at
grave dlSenlty to overooma Aoeord- V ofV. Ddtoat* Tlcginla AS toO—
liadipmltb. Tba latMl report from Osbtoft BeUaaw ttt Bffeet fiFlII ba
Ing to tbe charter the city cannot be
Harvard Win* From FenoaylAwtardam myatbat tbe plaoe ba*
Good oa State Blaetiona.
bonded for more than • per cent ot ite
*yeU—Oibar me*.
mpUalatad. aad that rooo Britbb are
natloa for water worke purWanblaglos, Nov. 4.-The ragnlnr
Tb* L'alverrity of Michigan added
priao^ a majortty .of tham being
leating ef the cabinet arms oceapled pnrpoaes. Tbeamouot that oonld be another victory yesterday by tbe de
*7dbpatcb to tba MomlBg Laadat with a dlseualoB of sBsln in the Pail- tboa raised weald be abont $1*3.000, feat of Virginia Harvard woo her
tom Brnaaab aaya that tbe report on Ipplaea and Cabs. Tbe report of tbe wbloh wUl fall far abort of tbe requir game with Pennaylvania aleo.
Tbmadny of tbe onplnra of Coleneo. Philippine commlMlon wa* ex»mlned ed amount
Tneeoore* of the priucipai gamu
Tbe report of the board of public
Matal. by tbe Boom ranched tbe Oar* in detail sad the document wsa spoken
played yesterday are aa follows:
•nn goeemmani la a cipher dbnaUb of n*s VOTyitroog argumtotlnsupport work* will go to tbe eonnell toetorrew
Uolveralty bf Michigan. 16: Virginia.
eTeniagand It trill resMin for that
The caw* wna cojnmunlcatad to Dr. of tbe ndmlnUtratioD policy.
At the eleae of tbe meeting it ara* body to take tbe action necemarr In
Lejda. tba TranaTanTa agent, who
Barrard. 16; PasnaTlvaala. 0.
24. Wc«-. nmi. 0
made it poblks.
CommunloaUoa with Ladynmitb la to urgecoogreea .to paee a reaolntloa
Drorer. 2ii; Kansas City. 0.
Still impoMlble. deaplte n ramor that it daelartog that the t'nltad Statce will
VflWVUSIU, il. AlUiUUJ. bed barn raetorad. A praw diapalob, rauin all the Pblllppinaa.
Ito Ute Wo* »oV;^r*n OriUetoed at
Washington, C: Knox, 5.
One Onblnet cB«r eaid after tba
Sated Oct 30. mya that tbe plaoe ia
Ibwa. 8U; Nebra-k*. 0
Ua Peaea Ooofereaoa.
proTialoned for taro iBontba. Informs- masting that th* report i4onld eerlato
>rthwc*tcm. 5
Indlan.p<lU. 3; N>nhw
ton tom other nouroM iodiate that ly have a d
D the elec
Abeenpply of aimmunltkio ia abnadant, tions In acveral etatea. Tbe same
and ibare la a geaeral dlapuaitioa to bar dtonrmed posaibla erlUetom of tbe Idea of a protest from the Boer*
control of what
ballera that the town can held Its own Prealdent's nelloa In making tbe report againat tbe use of lyddite. The um ot
u thc'Boaton Dental
If Oaanral Wbita will be eontant to la- poblle Jut before election day by my powerful exploeivea In ebelU be* never
toauteall old Boflutobod cootracu
ing that It yrae only fair that boaeat
Min Btrietly oa tba defenaWa
There la no nem of tmportaeoe tom minded elUaene ebonld have aU tbe w*a not even critletoed *t the peaice
aoy other place la South Africa, nor la noa-parttoaa informatien In tbe poaeeaTbe army ordnance department ot
there any Indleattoa that tba rigoia of elon of tbe government before easting
the caatorablp will be relaxed.
tbeir ballot* for« agatoet ibe admin- tbtoeonnUy bae been experimaniing
for aome time to eecore a safe yat high
The Sundard'a oorroepondeat at totrati^
explosive, aad will probably adopt
aaya ba baa laartad tom official
Tbe qneetion of
mrem that tba raportu of Impaadlag Cuba wa* eoneldered at some length tboalta. a eeeret compound inyeated by
aompUeatioii* la tbe Me
attbeCtoWnet meeting. Tbe genOTsl Preteeeor TntUe of Seatt)*, Wash.
Tbe Bagltob army nae* Ineeadlary
All powern will malatalo opinion among tba 'CtoWBet
wne that affaire ara prograaatog ao, ebaigto Is tba gun* of It* Bmaller
itato battOTto* for tbe pnrpoa* of
r^ddly In tba toland that It aronld bal
poadont elalm* to know that Or. Leyd*
When the UniUd
advtoable bafora long to withdraw firing riltogea.
tbe Traanraal'* agent, was. nnUl a vary
Beently pnrohnaad net
of fba mQUary garrtooaa. A*
few day* ego. to
batteries from Maxim A Oo.
aa tbto withdrawal bmilns, tbe
esttw with Pretori* tbrongb aa Indl civil gonmment will become
ot Baglasd a aapply ot Ineeatl
. ___ -tltbougb
>ugb It
11 It roeogalsed
raeoL ^
fast diplomatic cbanneL It wa* by
that^noasroogMy^elril form
eau maan* that tb* Traneraal t*a
Tbie report in henrd tronod tbe
at th**npp«*d BrllUh plaa|to enter
world, ntmibilnting time. diaUnce
the Free State tom tbe aootb aad adAnd resistance.
vaaea OB Bloemfontein. -It arne aritb Ohiletui
Oba*. A BIAnrtto ct leeto Vabbofi
Tbe ap-to-<Ute bosineee man
-tbariaw to saUeiMtlng tbb morewUl *oon bo bora. Now to the time to
la KUwaaksa.
will keep pace with the times—He
oall at tbe Tbmpla of Faabioa and
mml that tbs Boot* OHeantotad in
look at o*r fine fine of fancy goods.
MUwankea, Nor. 4.-OU* S. Bieb- will do $11 in bis power to mske
Batnl. hoping to enptnia or bolnta
-AaamplaUac of
arito. eaabkrof tb* Merchant*' bank his store eo sttneb
TniljiinHh aod Iboa ndvaaea oa Dmrosntrs ptoeee of lonto. Micb.. bn* bnnn nmntod bees inrito the stteation
....... 1 of tbe buyer
ban and olena tbe port, the t^tograpby
________________tor aalc vary ‘
OB tbn cbniga of embexcUng $1,M0
telephone is one
Mate yo*r friend bap^ by t
af the eoantry enabling a amall aorpa
from tbe bask. Cbnrle* Nub, tata
. of tbs mesns te this
oa tba aalgbbMBC bilb to pmaat tba
totbOT-lB-law. to pruldebtof tb* bnak
cod — It will bring
Britbh tom landing, wUla tba mnU
It to said that aom* Ume ago Elcb.
people to yoor plnoe
nrd* •mbamisd fil.OM. but Na*b madr
Boaramy baatily tatnraad todnfand
H good aad took him baA la tba bsaln
of bon-----tba Oraaga rlrcr.
Dyffiai at M»ty'a..
Tbr«n amate ago Btobnrdn dtonppurad
Tba Stnadnifi potato aat tba* tba
OppoMto BnmlltaB a
RAebarfisatortod bask to
$ '
partmeot—now tvo of the best workmen can bardlj
keep up with the orders—That’s a healthy growth
and speaks well for our ability to please our many
If you have a good frame
that needs a new picture.
Look orer the lot we have just received, in etchings,
photo-chromes and platino prints, from 18c up. We
will fit one in your frame and polish tbe whole thing
np in a neat np-to*date manner for a few cents.
Come ia an! talk with us about it
298-28S Front Street
Balph Oottuabla Jr, llAUignr.
I Natal ft.
Tn deal at this stora I* to W *at‘*fied.i--iot one' or twice, but all the tim
To Pass These OffeiiTgs Would be nn Inexcuaeble
lujostice to Tour Pocketbook.
Pea Jackets and Vests
made of such stuffs u
Irish Friesm. MclVona,
Cbinebllla*. etc., etc.
The gr 00 q-iality, all next week............... T.................$6 00
Tbe $10 00 quality, all nrxt week .............................. $7 os
Tbe $13 00 quality, all next week................................ $0 30
T%e$l5.00qaa]ity. all next week........................... $13 30
Everv one o» tb»*e Jackets ha* tbe • ZBRO ’ cellar—They are made
by Blrah. B'ann A Co.. Chicago's foremnsl do-blng maker*
Y.>o ought to see the new KBCKWBAR we unpacked Saturdayonly 30e—look like regular $1 goods—red. salanon, pink. taa. blue. etc.
Wayne Knit Hosiery Now In
This Morning
Will be s good time for you to drop in ber« sod see our
superb stock of Ocntlemen's
Fine Overcoats. S4.50 to $20.00.
See our world bentar aU wool Kormy oworooAt At
$8.60—the ei]Uiil of other stores' $10 costs.
You're welcome st nil timee to look at our stock—no ob^ ligation to buy.
Aud the beet eboee ever
6oltl at any price.
Urge and iucrensiog »sleeen SOROSIS means
that they are pleasing
those who
Alfred V. Friedrich.
Popular Shoe Mouse.
Making a Mistake
If 70a are not purchasing TOur fall and wioter
footwear a:t our store.
Haviog carried over a very small amount of
these goods we can give yon fresh, new goods in all
Women's Felt Sboee........$1.00, $1^. $B00
Womeu's Felt Slippers.............. 6O0, $1.00
Men’s Felt Shoes...................... $2.60. $8 00
Men^ Pelt Slippers..................................76o
Comflelt IlN lidits', Hissas aad CMIdiai’s Oiargahais.
Front Stnet
Exclusive Agent For Sorosla
' l^•a•ttlvtk•cvtr»tta■e<U• OMpBOITT.. • mOHIOAll
#. W. BA«np.
MBi! IUmc*'
IbsBaooaBbaaraCraiaod (rads tak
ing a poaittea oa tkla qaeriton aatU
now. We realise Us Importsoss of
I and srMom la
sariag for Us latsrasts pt Us todlrid
ssl taapeyrrasud of tbr pub'le later
ssts as well. Tbe ooly iblog that
sssma feasible at UU tisse. and
U (act Ue only Uinc sppsr
snUy. that can ba doos if Ue
Campbell noatract is not renewed, te to
parebsse tbe Oampbril plant for wbat
llissrorth. llwoald not be wtoe W
be satendeo into deeper water dpd Ue
m oonld be eatsnded or replseed as
demaaded by eiUUug oondtUoaa Tbe
mains placed la Ue streeis should be
la aocord wiU Ue fatare need of Ue
City and mul'd be so laid as U> be ready
to eanneot to a new, better and miore
inate syatem to be <
the (mure. Wtalie tbc srater la West
bay Is considered by many to be pot as
go^ as Uat of Bsst tasy. it b not bad
water, and Uare is eo immediate daager of contamination si fBcisat to endsBger tbc pnbltc bealib. We do not
ariU to be anderstooJ by tbU Uat Bsst
bayaboald be al ogeUer abandoned.
A more adequate system could be easbliabed a?e, or eren tea years hence;
Uea Bast bay woald be Ue .proper
eonree. la Ue meantime Ue profli
Uai'woald be derived from Ue Camp
baU system, and Ue saving to Ue city.
woaM la a few years pay for Ue
iTSBUnaat required at Ule time.
The whole situaUca le UU; We mutt
have a more adequate water works tyethan we have now. Aeeordlog lo
our charter we cannot bond Ue city
for more Uan l>64.000. nor ought we
to do so. The ooDulMlon Uen. U to do
Ue b St we can and pro^de for Ue
growiag needs of Ue city. Tbe only
Utag which eeems feasi^e to Ue Bm>
omv U Ue parebaee of Ue Campbell
plant for a reasonable fignre. and enffl
t improvement of tne preeent ey»VoenpMy the growing demands.
scMoely likely Uat Ue price ol
iron wUl erop euffieienUy wiUln Ue
next two yean to enable «s to eonstmei
Uaplaat propoeed before tbe Camp
bell oontract expirsa. All of Ue iron
ofUeeoontfy are taxed
Ueir utmoel and orden are eiUer re>r taken for dettvery mooUu
henee. Tbc preaent industrial eondi
UOD indieates Uat Ue demand for iron
In such volume as lo pre
vent any material redoetlop In price
for at least two yean- Therefore we
list uke Ue sltustlon as it is and do
lat wbicb_ wdl come vrlUIn
ans aod be for Ue beet laterests of
tbe city.
* Tbc W«wr WorkP ftx.b:cp>.
.Darlsir tb« pul few Bcaibi, po
4e«d lor pboBV two pepre. » crept
bM beea opid pod moeb wrluwa pboot
• fptnre wpter eopplj for Trpreree
Oltj- The frowib of Uie eitr Pnd the
pOMtPot iperppeinc dcBPOde opoo oor
poblte wpter eopply hpte oeerpeltpted
%a iBprcvemeat. psd p sorp pdrqopie
ijoiem. A good d«pl of tbeory bps
bpee lodalfod ie. Pod p focd depl
bifpBseat. iBore or leas aopod; bot tbe
‘ MPttar bps bees io soeb sbspe ps to pd
»lt of lltUe wbicb ooBid ppply directly
t0 ' p
MoastloB. Tbe report of tbe apeelpl
Wftitf works eomsUiee toretber with
Ibe eatlMle of Eorloeer Bpfier. node
pboot two years pfo. bps been made
tbs bpalp of IfUarlBf pod prfomeet.
Bat 00 poeooot of the pdvpoce in the
^rtee of Itbor. iron and other mpterlals
the ratlmpte of Mr. Bafter eoold Dot be
•enekUred ss pa pocnrate baaie at this
Tbe decision of tbe coonell to take
gv foUre wpter sapply tno Beat bay
psd to eetPblUb*p ^aot acoordlnc
air. Bafter'e eeUmato Bomber e wae
ri(hl. nnd there hae been eery litUr
appoetiion to East bay ss the soorce.
{•deed there ie no qaeatioo bot tbsi
Bast bay is tbe proper place from
vblab to take oor water. Tbe ooly
ppterial dlftereaee of oplnoo was as
tbeeyaieB, direct preasore. or reat
voir. Weipbty arpoBieDta baee twen
pdeasoed in fseor of both. TbedlSer
ppoa. tberefore. Is tbU eonsastlon b
•iBpIy s qocetios of merit
Mow tbe qaestioo of eost looms o as
the moot prominent element In tbe
Mtnatlon. Tbe board of poblie works,
by direction of tbc eoooeil was sotboi
iftd to obuio an esUmate opoo _
pyetem to be oi^ostmelcd under tbr
Bafwr eetlmnte Mo. «, this briny
Bermed by the conoell as the pUn bmt
eolud locor seeds and most sppn'pri
ptrfor Ibe crowing wanU of the city
Tbc board has completed its estimate
pad tbeli ftndlDci wilt be submitted to
BitU Tour Horace.
Ibe oouocU Mondsy night Tbe reaoli
I have e
of the isrcstlgatioDs of the bosid
iltbntthe sjsum npos which they d» authorities of people who are neghare procured flgorep. cannot be eon leeUng to observe Ue ordtnaaee rela
■trectcd for lem than about fsoo.ooo, or tive to Ue bltehlag of boraee Several
flae shade treeee heve been it jured by
poearately. epeakiag |1»V.09.««.
Tbe Bkvku has eonteaded that borsee eareleaely left on Ue street
paodlres discosslon of the water works Ued. OrooerU delivery men are
^SMtion should Bol be Indulged In moat frequent oflenden io UU regard.
ppUl tbe board bi^ nbrnltted its eon- Some of Ue eeite are being inveaUgairiaaioaa. This posiUon bae been Ukeo ed. aod awIgoroBS enforcement of Ue
by this paper beeanee nnseoeeaary ordlnnoce will be carried out.
It aboald be a matter of p'ide to
pfltatlon froold only rcaelt la eonfnMoo among tbe taapayere, wboae Is- erery eltlsen to ears for and protect
tareau are at suke and whose eopport Ue ebade trees of Ue city. It tbU U
M aeeeeeary when it eomea'to tbe quee- Bot a aotBelent motive for
iMa of TOtlng npon bonds for the poUee will bring op a eeoriacing argu
perpoae dtJesubUsbing a new system ment In ila favor.
Mow that tbe board bas ^Ired at au
1 O e. T. Installation.
faMlUgesl oonelnsion the qoeetlou
may be considered from a oorrect
Tbe Uood Templars held a very busy
pload point, and riewe may be bssi-d Moaion last eveaiDg. Offiwra were inapon the qaestioo which Is all-lmpsr- iialled for the ensnlBg-aosrterand Ue
laat-^lbat of cost We are confronted uiliatiou fee changed from XI to :&
■rltbtbisoondtlloo; Aeoordlnr to onr eenta. An locceased interest U manabarter tbe city cannot now be bonded ifeitef and ereryUlog promUca a very
for Bore than right pei^eent of itt as- profitable winter.
msaad ▼alnstion, which would be
Next Saturday evening Ue lodge
pboet tlU.OOO. Now. Ibis being tbr w.n bold e mUl eeesloo, InvlUng e
pue, tbe question of adopting BsUm few of Ueir'friends.
PM No. &. with Bsst bay as tbe source,
mwt be eoDSldered. We cannot bond
To Startup Vext Veek.
/et bSOO.OOO, wbleb will be neceesary
Tbe Oral Wood Dish factory has
|e procure tbe plan recommended npon
been shat dawn for repairs for about
by Ibe 0000011.0111
two weeka. Tbe work of
ref. There bas
baa beea nearly oompleted and Ue
Beea ooariderable objection
gegarding tbe purebaae of Ue preeent factory U expected to rcaame
•^Mm, operated aad owned, by B D. about Ue middle of Ue week.
Campbell A|Soae. There has bew
foaeoa ln;ue obJeetUms. Now. bowgnr. tbO«<aet sltnatSon maai be
Iseked.sqnarriy in Ue faee.
It la oonceded that Ue price of Iron
fflUUUmeibar^n^fTom getUng Ue
•setdown to within.Ue amoont wa
•N onUorised^to bond Ue dty for.
Borne eoatend Uat Ue priee of iron
•ay drop wlUlaotycar and that Uen
fpta be time enough to lake defialte
r a plant.
(Wseoanectloniliw-rilto sum Uat
•hn eontraet wim H. a Campbell A'
Bans will expire two ^cars from next I
A Oineb ffany.
Tbe young ladle* of SV Franc's
ebnreb wiU give Ue fliat of a eeries of'
aajoyable riaeb partlea at Fareaten'
baU next Tneaday evening. This party
la sure to be Ue popular eoeoem' that
aU Ueir enlnrtainmcnu are.
Brave Bzpl«>
Like Stanley aad Llvlogaioae. found
it harder to overeome Malaria. Fever
have found Uat BleeCrle Bitters „ _
«Mi<l«riiil core for all malarial dl-
Anrti, „ji.to to-ttoir
gtrnet a plant, make Ue oeeeessiy,
worn-oni feelings, a trial’ will
ffgUnelons. aiao tbe eonseqaent chang-. eonvinee yon of Ueir merit. W. A.
•a la ptlvau 'epnneeUoas, without'
of Webb, IU.. writes; "My ebUfenrdsblp to praperty ownmeqnd wlU :
wWv/r^tK: '1^
mfety to Ue elty eonriderlng the
Bluer. eSed Uem.- ^ M
------ -------------------tB* exUagaUb- et^ Try -- . Uaaraateed. Sold.
.xk sboald be began i by Jes. O. '
4nrfag next
.mer, aUowlng Ue
Igering ausmar to
‘•“‘““•IcniiaMBniUgu Cwm —WarMW*
l«*a the nutter of c
m Mmt the wfnUr ■
r do tc wwt* WhM fff Tar Syrops tbc
1 to be beat <mgh remedy on earth, core* a cold
n. The UcMdaytftatanlnttBn. S^fiOeta
iuwK)m>. buvday.
tfoyxMBBB 6, lan.
ofUe tapport
OiTcBUs V> nby.Ue
•aying PabUs.
■praelattaf Ue oramat and
Baanm- in wbicb tbe baytag pablie
bnvetae City reeoemdad lo oor r»q
bv po eba«lne Urir goode i»
dsyligHtaod taereby doiag meeh to
ra for as tbe shorter boats, of aerTloe whiU we now eoj>y. wk take UU
opportaally of pabllely expreeslng to
Uemeor beartfell thanks for Urir
Picture Mouldings.
Mats and Frames
—alt the latest styles and colors, and
we have a first class experienced mao to
Nor do we wUh to eowftne per expreasloB of gratitade to iroeds slane.
bat we are atrlving to more than eompvaspte Ue public for any IneonvenieoewUelr efforts iu oar bebnlf may
have caaeed Uem by Ue more earefel
aod pleaeieg eerviee wbleb nndrr Ue
preeent system we are able to give.
. Tux Bctau. Cij;a»:'i* Tmux
make the frames.
just tbe thing for enlarged photos.
More Deer Llceasra.
Tbe lateei deer licenses grant^ are
a« followt: John Leavell. Bruoe Uarwiek. H. D. ^mlU. C. C. Knowlloo and
A. dlicwran of Traverae City: tteorgti. Uondril of Keystone: Jsmes Nicker
son. Silas Davit. L>ewis Geigher and
Charles Usmmond of Kingsley; ArUur
Wlllismtof Wsiloo; James MsitisDd.
CnrtU Wood, Wiliam Cdrlis. Lowell
Morlstey aad George Rsrmond of Ang-1: Willism rillouon and J C Osys
of dummtt City.
Mrs. Mary Ore- n Dead.
Mrs. Mary Greer, wife of Frank
Green,died at her boiu-. .Mt Bay siret-i.
at 1:311 last evening. St ibe age of >, t,
after so -.Uness of but ffur weeks
Uieasedhsa lived lalbe ctiy for
t e past tiyeoiyfive years, and war
w U knos'D
H. L. CMrWr uas bad his rcaldence
acd place of buslucas piped for city
I, The Core that Cons,
Whooping Cough. Aeth
Bronchitis and Inclplo
Conaumption. Is
j Tilt ^MAN f^EOY^
For a ladles'
Worth more money—We are
cloeing oat thie line—not n
eboddy line^not ont of atyle
-nice 8x10 frame with glass aod mat for
2Sc. Bring in your pictures -We car
save you money.
ProflubU Seesiiyo of tbe '.dneols Lit
erary Society LaatH.gbt
Tbe Lineoln L;terary aoriety held a
try iaterestiog meeting last evening
aad Ue foUowlog oSeere were elected
for Ue ensuing three moetbi;
Kreeldent—Orton SmiU. '
Vice PreeidPBt—Lonia BiiWu.
Seeretarj—'ibsrlm Brim.
Assistant secretary—Charles Bennie.
Oorresponding secretary — Wayne
Financial necreUry—Moses OUbert.
Tresaurer—Frank Walton.
ParUamenlariau—Boben Walter.
Sergesat-aisrma—Bdvrard Clemont
The society then listened to carvent
e rnte by Charles Bltoo. A short talk
was given by Wayne Waters entlUed. -Tbereal objsctof Uiaeociety."
The queett <d for diseomioa was:
' Bewlued, Tbst men are be tier, teachme Uau womeo." Tbe members on
Ueafirmatlve were Moaee Ollbertand
Frank Walton and tbote on Ue nega
tive were Orton Smltfi and Hervey
Iripp. Tbe jsdgee decided In favor of
tbe sffrmative.
A nice 16x2o frame.
4‘y4 inch« wide, in all colors, for 73c—
ISO Front St
We are sole ag»nte for t »* above
brand of 800 flulhinu.
Mr<st de
pendable liie oil Ibe mn-ket—
costs no more to bnj- and you (.^et
more wear, etyJe and comfort than
from inferior makes.
Wilhelm Bros.
Honu FnhiUhing atom.
Bolh Telephones, No 43.
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors
318 Union Street.
"U henever you git holt of a ten dollar note you want to git it into yu or onto
yu jest s qiuk'syou kin.” The quicker you gel into one of our Ten l>oliar Overcoats
the quicker you'll have some of the best comfort onto you that \ou ever enjoyed.
An Umbrella
A Bedstead
We Repeat
full sigffd good wood. - war
ranted not to shrink, warp
or stretch out of shape and
sells (or $2.25 the one. It’s
an unheard of price we
know, but we're going to
you the benefit of a
■i-nap” we picked up. Bet
ter come early if you want a
good bed stead
is worth most any price,
the statement made about^.‘j,g,
it's raining and you're
our Jamestown Batting. It
is made from clean cotton "caught out." Here we're
j- . -T- Idling it at the same price
waste, cxintains no dirt^^ijr
rubbish — each roll 38 in
rain or shine and that
!. M
lone, weiahs 'sitocial drive" it a dollar
from1 -• to 4 lbs. sells at
o„e is most soceessful.
the pininu—one
pound-one roii
roll cut
cm tn
,n »,____.■ .... ............
two makes a comforter r
cover and one
feel long, o feet 4 inches '^ai will shed all kin<ls of
wide. A good thick **^(! rain unless itrains pitchforks
or grind stones.
Slylish, Sensible, Serviceable Shoes.
That s what is said of firry H^o•^ Ladies' Fine Shoes. The lirst word tells why
we sell so many. 1 hcy're made by up-to-date workmen, who know their business and
st\Ic is to be considered always. We sd! them at Si-wi.
and $4.0^^ the pair.
More News
“Con-dl-ments" Soup for dinner
of the little priced books,
Those little gift books in
dainty bindings sell at 22c
the book—while and gold
imitation leather, imitation
wood. There are hardly
any two aliKe in decorations.
Splendid opportunity to enlarge the library—remember
a friend and make a weddingora binhday gift. 497
books to select from.
according to webster “arc
something used togive relish
to food, lo gratify the taste
Read this then;
Olives, with red pej per and
mustard. ;,oc bottle. Baby
Olives loc; Oueen Olives
25c; Tomato Catsup 25c;,
Chow Chow at lOc; Midget
Pickles 25c; Durkee Salad
Dressing at 3oc:Mixed Pickles loc; Demkley’s Celery
Mustard loc.
makes a person feel good,
es|>cciail> these told days—
It warms you all through
—If the wife is busj-'here s
something she can use and
keep right on with her work
—Soups already prepared
and sell at loc the can.
Boullion soup—Cove Oyster
soup—Mock Turtle soup—
Chicken soup — \’egctable
soup—One can makes good
thick soup for six people.
A difference of but one letter, but what a difference in meaning. A I-'rieze
Ulster is an enemy to cold weather.
Each season this style becomes more popular.
We’ll sell you one of these "cold weather comforts' for $s.oo or $6.50 or S8.00 or
$12.00. They’re made to wear and are made by up-to-date workmen.
toe—See them—Get them of
Frank Friedrich
118 Front 8t^L
The Hamah & Lay Mereptile Co.
IBM uoamaa bmooms, bomdat, joymobk t, law
«BuiuauiLi«uii mm mmm m_
I .S\b.U i\mt
&TV\CTt«\. J
J. a. UaWM bM oywid • «nfw
tlOMr7Mer»Mft4llMiEirbtfe stTMt
With » tw llM of «Mdi« UO MbMM.
n« ItaiM •( Dtriata Mo. T of th*
frMMOiMMdad TWt M Aaa Arbor
load oUor poiaio. Sbo bUwdod tbo
! HkblfM FMoratiao of Wo«u'« elobo Me nra te »aw Torb BMatod te
Mod^iCMofaxM tb<. cloblatbtoeltp*
tom ^ um
W- B. BoiMo of h^id aty. to ftt Uo
Mow Torli. KoT. 4.—A Ira wbleb
ooBpJeialy wtedM tb* aoraa atory
W. W. Wbaaloak of Baula Craaa. to
; balldlur at M asd M Mott atooat yraloUaeftyudatoppterAt tba Oolan-
•mu BlttM ora rtqoMiod to acei with Mra.
Praah ScilU of BUtk atraet. loraarrow
wvMd th« KimiMe A lUriMtte oflomeaoMto'eloek
Thera wa* a yatberJ. J. l<anntny. a wall-koown trarelB«pl<«l aMoeUUof<. whleb hi* m islay today rf mo employed la tbe
A -t«14(htftU imraoilc port; ww (riraa vUarmao. tolotba city.
afratara.tbat tbaa
! balldioy and It wat learned that three
t tte raaUaoec of B «. ud Mra. U T
O t. Coaller of Oantral Lake, to a
I men eopcKiaed to be cafe cannot be
! ynmt at the Park Ptaea.
aad touyiBfiorct
Aboat fifty wart praaeat aed I Oaanto 8ta rr made a trip to Bapid found Ri>yer D< Pa^ea. '•ported mlmi^p laal niyht. baa taraed np.
wBla«a oot of all had a fiae» Uaa.
Olty yeatarday oo bailnem for hiK-^athalr aalary. Itorai
baa wntiao
.^dwlahra. aalad.
Plreman Grady waa aeraraly bnrnrd
«aka aad eboeolaia thar. OiaranceBlaterhaaratarnedfWm
aad may POt reeoror. Juaaph M .-Eln
war* tarred by Mra. BlooV
•N llabU to praaarotloB aa araata of
a eto ekall waa fractured aod be may
111 for
A. 'E. Falrhanka of Mabel, will leara d e. Poor are tboaybt to bare oeraa Boaatborliwd laaUtatloa.
tbto month for Oalllornla. where be tohed Thr I at to rarioeely eetimated
will eprnd tba winter.
at froir VI5UOOO to Avm ono
b. K>ml
Prod iarham of Cadillac to riaiUny ._________________
t.aoo baaboU of rora oo *0____ _____
that ba asd bto bratbar bnkad and
Vmbb.ai.SKbub..lb,icbt a.pb. _
*' *
When tba Micbiyaa Oeatral depot ra-' **aoayer StlenHery to endearoriny o
celrm the paaaenyar traine from all tbe »"*aye »o briny ore of the yre*t«ai
rallroadtaatoriny JaekMjo. tbare will anraeeeem of the teaaon to ba popular
play honre tbe latter part of tbto
be 5S tralaa out erery 94 hoara.
month. Tbe attraction to a rery etrany
"”.i.aiaiuu. p»t.ni.,
moaleel farre-comedy.aod tbe
J. B. Bledaoa of Biaton. Va.
lab ana for Baffalo.
^ crpt to adj .are The oaie of Bill rt
ticatattna Battle Creak aaniUrinw. kope of tbe beat eatoer. now playlny
turned on tbe yea In a atora Instead of <m'y the l%rya«i ciUee If Mr 9iie n
MmlDyitoffand waaa>phyztoted.
racceede in yculny them ’a
• IraTerre City, a roTv (raat wjn ^
aorred.and the tbrater yoiny pnb'c
«halr arrlral to Marqoaila. r» to data
I public win not be backward In show■aarly lOo lleroiaa to boot bare bean
»Bai raaollad Id a alicbi
Uaytbeir aporae=a;ion of tba eaterkanod is toarqoetla coooty.
daman «* • b"W ocoarrad yaaterday
U..I I.M0 h„a.
^ M.. will bold a apaelal ooBBoalea-
«-‘Cu“b'..r »r' Pies like Woiher Used to Make.'
lartMt alDylr amiflorer of tbit kind of
labortoW W. Williama. who baa III
Tomorrow ibe mlatoiara of tta eitr,
toartona on bto pay rail. Tba Bay«ty •»! «••» l» U» «»dy of tba Uony^w
fadlory baTloy eompletod all rapatn to
eborch, at 10 o'eloek.
now taraioy oot aoyar. aad after to'Hia Mlchlcao Btarcb Co. to Inlrofo.
morrow will rr^aira >50 wana Ijada «>0| • polo food made kom poutoaa
Of baeuparday to Harp it la opera- »l»*r aponUm/of tbaatareh baa bran
tlM. Tba toirbifao factory ealla for eztraeled, wbieb promtoea to mrat
apwarda of soo tone of beau par day.
f*w with tba farmara.
Both mUto are raaalriar ba»t» by tba ®«b farmer bripriar potaioaa to the
aarload from aurrooDdlof oooaUea.
faeiory to yieen a bathei free of ebarye
Boom Uma aloaa a farmer near AdPanea. Charlaroli aoooty. In dlrrior a
A laryc nambar of the ladlea (ram
well, diaoorarad a eala of oral aboat tba two bleaa of Lady Maecabcaa In
tour feat thick at a eery aballow depth, tba city, went to Kincaley ymtordaT.
Mothlny more wai tbouebt of the mat- the occaaloo balny tba ialtiatioB of b
tac naUl now It bna davelopad that Urye clam Is that towo. Twenty-one
frank M. Baara of Cbarlarolz. bna baaa ware added to the Elnctlry birr, and
qsiaUy at work aod bat taenrad an the oecaaloa wnt made a i 'yoot oae by
option at a nominal fiysra for the par- the rUllprt and the Eipn>«7 ladlea.
cbM of all tbe Itpd for an area of a' Vatterdty the lypat indleatao that
or more: alaoalaaaa for a Jaliut Sta.nberg't .hi*batt priced orer|N»iodof firayaara. for tbe prirllr. e eoau told for to. Tbe flyuraetboold
of ezploraUon and derelopmenl. Thto hare rrad »».
r .1 1
At Ooidrra^^ \
"I" *
.1 N.rsbpon
' ***^
married latt niyht In
MOW ttorm tndi„.p.,i,«^M.mV,olai McCoy,
bayan Mday morniny and conUnned
_ .
wll a.!.
<4z* i<
____ . . .. i Tbe
teho'vnar Tbomat Danbr
D..bj load
»ad b*rdly • icm reaturad on tb* *
ss&.Ooo frat of bsrdwood
* from Wllllnm Beitaerto mill eonsiyatd
Aboot • yenr nyo Mrs. A’rlns ^y. ;*®
mond-Vedder dlcdnt herbomein Ssnd-{
suae towastaip. Jseksoo county. nts<
BT**' •Be- Sbe hsd resided iktere nearly • Mra. J. W, Trsrtoreturned Isst niySi
It wss known tbst “Aunt" from s weeks' visit with ber
Altins wss tbs firratost msker of bed Grsod Bsplds.
Huiluofsny wornsn'is the ooantryj ^Balph Anderson will Icsra todsy for
side, but Jut bow msoy sbe bsd on. Glen Bsran on profrasionsl I
band DO one knew, tor sbe kept tt«m.! Msrion LsCore of Bmpire
locked in buye truDk-.sooe belay used. city.
A tew dsys nyo they bed no suction to * Sheriff snd Mra Adsm Bellinircr of
sell off msny tbioy. sod smony them Msple City wme st tbe'Motel Wbiuny
were Ion bed >iullu end lOO dresses, yralsrdsy.
Tbe old Isdy nercr went to town or
Mias Birdie Cliffs bsa raiurned from
Tlslllny, so sbe bsd bee dresses sll sn cxienoed visit lb Ohio,
peeked swsy. Amony tbe quilts wss
J. M. Blsksslss left tost oiybt
ooeoompQscdofsllkWocks.esehsboot Bspld CHy. to sdjost some seeident
five inches iqssra, and upon sseb block stoims for tbe Btatos Dnitsd Benevono«M solmal wu worked out. varyiny leal Society.
from sn elepbsiii b) s smsll inseeu
| Letond Tripp wu la (be city yratar
At MoIly.Aliee Bsrnes. syed 13 yesra Bsy from Bsrkar Creek where be to
who to chsryed with eetttoy anmerou («a«blny.
fifes, eonfeeeed. Sbe ssid sbe “wsnted ' A. A. MlOny rataned lut alybt from
toeeetbemea run." It to probsble Otsnd Bsplds.
tbst sbe will be-eent to the Adrisn
Praak Goodrich Isft tost alyht os s
Sobool for Girls.
‘ bnslaui trio to Btoaasba.
Jsmra Holden of Dowsytoc wUl msr-'
Osrtond of this ptoee
ket 8.000 pounds of pure honey tbto fs I
Bobert Gsrtoad of Areblr. era
Heesystheeprsyiny oftreu by fmlt ^<»**y to Monroe Center,
ytowerabueosihia St leut fiis.ooo
® Dsy tohtost eveaiay to visit
dsriay tbs lui few years, the poison **•' ■»«>»«■’ “»■ *- *»«y- "Bo to
■ s— eertonsly ill si bw hoaw to Oiawn.
kUllny the bees aad
Dr. P. p. Meieoa. of Wysadotte. who
from teediny.
1( to caUmated that Bsllows'ea hu bsaa rtoltiaff frteads ia this eity.
waakt St Jseksos____ _ e.
aIhome tost eveaiay.
see to povste
private property.
McFsU toft tost eveaiay
Loeklsnd. O . to sa early yrave. AU ^
eveaiay. hsvlay qmat a
aaid he bad a fatal Inay trosble aad f««v days sbopf^ la the city.
*• P»*wty» mA MraFraaou
a,k,..i.oi..„k.. «.,««
b^ties he was entirely eared. It to poratoUves at Willtomsberff, ratarnsltlvely ynsrsateed to care sll dlsessM *d U tbe city last eveaiay.
Mrs. C. J. Kneetoad sad Mrs. B. L.
the Banoah A Lty Mercantile Co.. | rereation the airanyer atraek bijattod
BWpao, Monday. Tne* ^ knocked kilm oot of the wnyoo.
.pp-srf.. u„
JohnJ Brr*ioaaodfeLyonTbnr.. ay.
throuyh lie
Frldar aad Haiorday. Norember V. lo > P*Mkuie man. aeeorinr between pg and
and ll.ademoB«trat|ra'workiny
w„ found shortly aftr
a»tr .
------------------------- ---------, wlth;»lo.
_... ..... HcG
oty was
hone baeb c-indenaed minec meat and wards br a pass«r b* ard tbe police
T.-d oumpkin. She will produce , were immediateir irbt'fied.
that will" make the
—-wife tbe . ijoal of her motbm-in-1 ft will not br a surprise
, . to
-J any who
tow in tbe eyes
eye# ol the........ ............................................
all ■fsmnar
with the e~d
baod. What she knows
ererrbndy qnsliiies of Cbamberlaln's Couyb
learn by watchlny her deft bands . Briredy. to know that people er..y.
the wi rk D-oo Into tbe abore wh»r» ulce pleasure in relatlny their
ra and see tor youraelf. Laasoos espeHeoce in the use of that splendid
free. 7*i« s • .1
medicine and in teliiny of the heeifi—
the* ha»e r* ceieed from I*, of bad coirs
Ladlte y«e«l tomtOblttramptoMl H‘'S-nir^ ol thre..en.d attacks of
time " Oalmu-s Blast c Floor V*rntoh
bss sa»rd from attacks of
S B Wait.
.crann aoc ebooniny couyb. It to a
_ _______
yrund. rood med'c’ue For mie by 8.
07«,n .1 !»hmr-..
Opposite UsuiM'ou cioihiny
(root street. 7«o-tf s
CalaiMi Tturior Spar it the amt
durali e »arr ..b made
Tell A Customer
That the paots we are showing him is a
or “Berkshire"
make, it's enough said—he knows there
a perfect guarantee behind these*
makes that insures him against loss.
Cannot be sidetrack
ed onto any make bat
These pants as well as Overalls are especialiy adapted to the us^f rail Odd
men—Union made, and only very best
material and work- allowed to pass out
of the Carbarn factory.
No need of
an introductiiin to those who have onceworn them.
All sizes—all grades.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
l.l.Cl„k-. l-.lo. I. tmi.. Ukr„,
' snec Is desired.
to promote tocb an lodutlry.
Borace Psimw
wu ' ^ ^ Knuwlion bss yooc
rteenUy tab,acted to a iryiny ez^. volz torn few weeks bontiny in tbst
d by Mra.
tonce whilepreachlay. A wa-p warmed
Into life by the tun dropped down hit
-“o wKI
oollarand beyan doiny batloeaa with *««•«■-Itb him II a fa of (am*,
htojarelln. The mlou'tercroebed the
ProeecuUny Attorney tVed H. Pratt
watp by a rlyoroac application of bit r»tum<d Ittt niybt from PentcD.wbeie
hand aod proceeded wtib bit lermon be hat been rtoltlny relatirct for abcat
at If noibiny aad htppanad.
{ten daya
Be reporu'^etry tsi.w
At Wrat Braoeb, there are JI5 fine •torma in tbe tootberr^^rt of the
flowiny well! that proBuea the beat of *tota ymtordpy and wna tarprUad upon
water Moat of them bare been tl >w- Arrl*io| here to find tbe weather
ini tor >o yeart. and aome prodnee M pl«»«mit.
su p, ghiml F.n._.
farmer atan-d to leare Flint Tbnra
They are oot a loat art. A tbiay day arepiny
about «:». wbaa a etran
worth ksowlny to bow to make mr aa1iked for a ride and elimt^ into
ptee like mother need to make, f* “
When We
jntooptoy Oosyh. Me and »i oo
«“ rsderaUoa of Womaa's dabs,
bo^es 10 CM at Jss. G. Johasoa'a aad
A. F. Osmeroa to at Ttorob Lsks.
Th« bAckwardn«B8 of the eeuon has caused ue
to wonder how we could get rid of our enormous stock
of men’s clc thing.
We muet onload—must couvert this mammoth
atock into cash. Nothing but a
Crash In Prices
will do it-A far reaching cut ie our remedy We have
tbe glory of quick eelling—you all|the profit.
^Saturday, November 4th
We shall knife clothing in a manner never before
known to the people of Traveree City and vicinity
When we advertise a SLAUOHrKR SALE (as
onr recent eucceeaful cloak ^e i the people know that
we mean bnelxTesa, and everything goee just as we ad
vertise. Advertising costs too mnch to make any fake
about it.
We had a good bueineu roaaon for our great
cloak sale- We have. If possible, a better one here in
the clothing, for it ie onr rule never to carry this sea
son's goods over till next.
'it la not what yon pay for clothing, but what you
getlfor money expended.
Bring this sA In—oompare price for price, the
former with the slashed one. Bring yonr pocketbook,
too, for yon're sure to buy.
One lot of oO men's suits, in lili/e an<l black cheviots,
our rcK'iIar $5.50 stiit--iinlli;i(iini; price g gQ
Si» men's suits of all wool blue 'cheviots, hair lines anti
cassimeres. our regular price $6.9s. this A Kr\
special sale.......................................................
7.^ men's suits oi a liner gracte of aN woolcas.simercs, in tiarks .ind fancies, our regular price K Kn
<7.^0. for this sale................................ .... O.OU
*>0 men s suitB of all wool blue serges, brown and gray
che\ iot chocks, our regular price SS-.to. C
this sjK-cial ...................................................'. . V Ow
ll^' men’s suits of all wool gray and black he.ivy clav
worsteds, serges and fancy all wool cassi- ^ KO
iifaere-. our regular .*io suits, this special • - On/
ISO men's suits of tine Melton, double breasted, raw
• edged; extra heavy all wool tine serges, up-io-daie
checks and strif>es in fancy cassimeres an»l w.irsi•-ds. our regular prices
and $i5, for Q OQ
this special sale.......................... ................... 5/.5/0
7S men's ulsters in all wool chinchilla and all wool
black Frie/e. well lined, high storm collar and goo<l
length; bought under value and sold reg- ^
larly for Ss.^o, for this special...............
40 men's all tv.»««l fine Irish Kriezs I'lstsrs. all wool
cassimere lincii. sold regularly at $10.00.
2R men's Heaver Overetiats in blue and Q QQ
black, sold regularly for S5 00. this special 4^*
50 men's overcoats, all wool Kersey in blue, black and
brown, our regular $0.00 coat, for this £3
special sale.....................................................
>'* • V
75 extra fine all wool Kersey, extra heavy all wool
Herringbone and Oxford cheviots—all swell top
coats: our regular Sic and $15 values, for Q OQ
this special sale................................................. 57,t70
C3-3-V J£! TIFTTS ^13 ^ TEST
mm ■OBVOiu «Boomi>, •uvoA'k, vovxicsxb ». lanv
1 &etv«n!l KM)i ,
^^"VDoAd. I
• A.B
AMTiMB «»«P*->y b* iMMd
«h« Sm J«»» b»Ul«fl*lA ud wUl b«ild
MMU*eti*e-Mdh(»MO« «h« aiu of
ftbc dMV^ad tort,
Parateho* by the Beapa
aaaoa (araoeraid
a*«. Ohea T. Owei. awMr.
Morolaf earrioe aad
Ihead^ Aehool at if
Brao'af eerrlee at ? p. mAil are eoidiaUy UeAed te tbeee
Ftmn aarner
““ A k»*r 0'« tbai •wept the w«tb•weetera pvt of the BrIUeb eoiM Frt*
weweeer OMffMow.. 8
hj w
'tetelij iejered uolhv trio.
•woo*t be ob'e to be preeewt,b«t lUeoM
wrtll to rtfbt Oh preperiar to oelebtMe
WeeUarMs'e deeth
•t Mk VerMB OeeMBber li.JPr«riA«t
BUAlalej wUl be there.
Le Uetoo BtpMoU at
tkcat of exireui-ly raiiulile tniuerai d«-
1040 a. a. Giee each oUer a Sabbath
aad haadahahe at the eXam.
claa of yoBBC ladlee aad
WMd 1.000 oopioi of the paper, pad
eroaU keredeMprad the MeUaecy
bet ler the poUoa
P- a.
ediete Soewty of Ohrtet
An let
taa Badeevor at 4 p ee.
Toanf Peoplob Society of Ohrtellaa
•re etraCTliac ter iadepeadeaea." ea- Bad«*er at S:4S p. a.
At Parte the ahaMpal oeaaea Pri-
pe«ed rawriatloae oflwiar
the Boera. "who
refret that, Ue
powere bad aet latveeaed to preeeat
the eoadiet.
boplof that peaee
•woaM be apeedUy eeoared.
Ttee Moraoae'are prepartair
eetaealfa la
for a
•core of their BBleeloBariw are preparInftoBakeooorertelathateUy. The
H >rBM« are aet)v« le maay eeeUoaa
of the wMk
At Bowan. U..
0*eob three
asaUebUdrea were baraed to death
while their
were away.
«eaf ofraitroadirrad*« were only to
rode away, bat the fltsee were
^aleh for their effortetoeare tbe'ebil-
Dieeot of Bithwe preeehtod their
teabee to lire. Paeetoa Prlday, and the
pailaat Utile wonaa kteeed ae maay
M ehe eoeld reach,
•aaded hr it haadi aad flraa a iword
ooetler 81.000.
The hoary etora OB Lake Mlehlran
bee done an iteiaeDBe aeeoaet of d ■
•re et Eeaoeha. Wie.
All of the for-
•reaeat work oa the harbor deriaf
tbelaet two miatbe wee totally de>
atroyed aad
wae etrewn
•loarthe beaeb for twa .allea.
worth pler4lffat aad ibe elemted walk
to the (Ifbtboaee
ere waeked away
•ad the htfbor te in dvkoeae.
United dtetee eerreye are to deterxB*ne joet
where in Ktaeee the feo-
rrepieal oeater of the
•*. a BalsbefT. Peswr.
Chareb on eorser of Ninth aad Wade
wrth etreete.
Snnday eerrlcM are ae follewe:
Preaching at 10:ma. a.
Snaday eebool at 11:10.
Preaching at 7.-00 p a.
Tonag People's prayer mertiag. «KK«
MM-weev prayer meeting at 7:10^ a
All are iatite-l to these aeetiagw
piaer anBooier.
Bar. J. A. BrsaAr. pMlor.
MornlngeebWt: "AOsod Soldier.”
Erentag Sa^j «t: "MignetleB of the
erase •'
Othv eerrlcee ae Beaal.
S*i«irel eerrleae will be held every
evenlag of the week eacept Saturday
PUMPS cat’Bca.
Bat. Barrlar Josaa. sMofCbareb. Our. 0»k end Fifth> etreeU.
Soadey eebool at V:4S.
Pablic worahln ll:0Ua. aY. P. S. C. B prayer meetlag t:4ft
'worship. 7:00 p B
Mra. JeSrlei and otbera wlU elag in
the erentag eerrlee.
The pBbUe te uurdially tavlud to
these eerrieew
Serrioes held in Orsage hell.
Soaday eebool V 0:1b e a.
Preaching et inihnte. a
Bndearorat «K)0 o. la.
Brralag eerriee. 74W
Eidv F F. Satloo of Uadeoavllle.
M eh, wUl praaob laetead of Eider L
O. Drew.
Tbeeanheftiito be creeled to
Prellalnaty work hM
.etelag at 10:10 a. m. aad at 7:00
p m.
Claee meetlag at «:4S a. m.
Soadey aehool at lt:4S a m
Bnworth Leagaeatt:4S p. *
eralw 1,400 barr^ of epera oil, 1.000
MM-week prayer
p tonde of bone aad 'eo ponade of aaal7:M
berprie were eeearad. The latter wUl
'^!!r^lnrllatlra to extended
; tertarfroafSMtoteooapcaad. 8epk
The whaUac hark OharlM W.
can hee reached
the OkhoU aea.
3 tae
Praneleeo troa
Darlaf hv yearb
L-ausnAR ecicRCK annen.
Oo^rore. a aeaber of the
Serrieee every Saadey at 1040 a. a
IharedeT erMlag at 7:10 -la Moatawell-todo
ralatleee la tadioM. wee eanfht by the gae hall. IIS Froatetreek
for Saaday mot -alag. -MorSubject
.rael wbhdi holde the Uae and diwyed tale and laaortali ”
arerboard by a whale, io Jaae. Ha
A eordlal inrltatlon te eztended to
teody wee not rewrered.
.Oallfemla'e erew. who bee
.Saltyabaff te now the OMet earafally
Thoafb the anaber of aea .anfafed
oabothaldeewaeiSO.oeo. the pualtioa
«f erery refiment, battery and eqaadMB pee beea'ae.u ately heated, ta ad
dition u
•et to dedna aeleal poaitiune.
dan. I San Franeteeo will eeaae to te
Abe ehipplag and general bnelDcaa eeaW of the PaelSc Ceaet Steaiaabip Co.,
•ad all tbe local lalereete of tbte eon•era will te moved
change te dne
fact that the
-Great Nortfaera RaUway Oo.
eared a
baa ae
Intereat la
Hover Ulcaoa. haowaae "Halve An-
Bow’g ThU.
We offer One Bonderd Dollars Re
ward for any eaacAifOaUrrb that ehaaot te enred bv Hallb Catarrh Onre.
F J Cn'icsKr' A Co.. Prop . Toledo. O
We, the uoderaigaed. have known F
3. Cheney for the leet IS yean, and be
lieve bta perfectly bonorable la all
__________ _________________
treeeaeilooe aad
. .
able to oarry oat any obllgatioae made
by their flra
Wnr.t- ‘R(-AX Wholesale ’ Druggtote,
Toledo, o.
Wauiivi.. KiNNA-ik A Uarvix. Whole
eele Druitnet-. I'umoo. i>.
Hall's Catarrh Care ietakeo iateraally. aeUog direeUy npoa the blood end
auoooe enrfaee of tbe eyetem.
75r. p*r bottle. Sold by all Dremate.
TWtimoBlale are free.
HaUte Family PMU are tbe teak
Seraon. the Mg Swede." for :s years a
raanee near Oafena. 111., is dead.
was of wealthy
fiaalT edaeated, aad
fflote in hie own
yacht aad
Ofthe Board of Bdueatioa of Che OHy
Traperee Olty-
Adj earned regalv aeetlagof Board
evtth tbe Illiaote volnateers la the elvU
of Edneatioa held ineoaaeil room.
mu. Doaeatic troablee eeade him a Nov
la a eoUteioQ tetweea trains at the
. gram
of Thonara,
two parecae
to othera
panioiitarly of gold and dla-
aoode. and IncMeoutly it lua.r be menUoaed that the Iruu. ouei and otiter
Bioeral depoelu of Souih AfH<e glee
great protulae when the wealth iwekere Sod titue to lure their auretloo to
iBduetrlee wbirb are tew aperuletlre.
The gold and dlaauod luluee are
wond«»fully profluble. The Kimberley
mines, which ere located la briUsb ter
ritory Jnet onialde the boundaries of
the Omnge Prw- Kute and about 000
Bllce from Cape Town, now supply
about OS per rent of ibe dUmonde of
Tbe esUteu<v of tlMe
oiioee was ankoowo prior to 1HC7. and
io Ibe brief period aluoe ibelr dlwotery
8330.0004)00 worth of rough '
have been taken from tbe Kimberley
mines, and tbe etouee were (««ily
worth doubk- ibis suui after eulUng.
Tbte enormous |>ru<)a<-iluii would bare
bePD gnetly lD<*tTai>ed tiui fur tbe fact
that tbe owner* of Ibe mine* lb tbe rlcluily formed an sineemeut l>>- wbirb
the annual <uii|.ut was so limited as to
are tbe great VVIlwalersnilH ;:cildAekla
of tkmti. Afri.-a. i.s-ntiHl in tb.- South
Afriean liepublie, Is-iter kiii.wii as tbe
Joliaunesbiirg mines Tb<- *irl|i of ter
ritory a few buiiilriHl uilb>> long and a
few Riilra In w iaUi to «tbl<-Ii Ibi* uauie
Is aiipIliHl was a few- yeor* ago con
O^ motloa of Mr. Blaghaa. daly
earrted. Beard adjamed to meet «•
Wedeeeday. Nov. Ith, at 8 o'eleek p.
Kinball Haiis ail Ofiais
are need aad aadereed te the leadlag
maelelaae eve^whera. So. 189 Fraat
etewt. N. B Straag, manager. 78t ft
OyWa «t SeMrtgrto.’
Prices are ^.aO to 420.00.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
Aerordiiig ii> pur mvisur.v bureau of
•lelletl'w giilil-wn* diMvivenvl there Id
1NM3. BUd III the ii.-st ytwr Ibe geld |iroduetiun was alsxit lAii.tasi
Tbe out
put-luertnwd witb startling rutihllty.
Tbe anKiiini of gold iiilmii lu Iioo. was
AMhKmuo. id lK>ei 8ln.uio.isni. in IkQ
over 84i.uhi.usi. In
over 84<>.uh).uio and lu ItelT end IKIn t-V>.nuMhM)
oarb yrer.
I'bi* u-onderfni develop
lueni naturally aiirat-iisl gr>.ai alientkiu to South Afrhe uud dn-w thither
Uiousande of |m-o|>I>- In the Iiu|m- of
making forinnes rapidly
The mln.w..
however, oauuol U' suei-eesrully work
ed exropi
aud. wblle
naed. tliey
by the um- of iiuielilDery.
they bave IH-.-U 'Mtett-inely
w bore niacbluery luii> Ih-cd
w-t-tv not of iiu.-b a ebararlake tuud u (dawr mining
profitable, as jvh* tbe <-aM> In t'allfurnia end Ausimlia and other plactfs.
Pot Rnttvvlr Onv.
' “.knd »o ibi-y »«Ti- uiBdr oiw."
"011. I don't know.
I U-IU-n- ebe
,S vinWr In a
Munhli hn-«;j-rv n--
v«-nl"«l tin- fm-i thHI tin- oinplnyr* wv-tv
k«-i-t liuKv r»miM-ii trt flruvn bnuiw a
day . ixH-.-lvltig oiily 81.--1" 817 • month.
Oou of tbe world. Recent disrovertee
tend to' tbe belief that these wooderfnlly ricK mines are tbe lung lost "gMd
of Opbir" mines from wbleh Solomon
obtaltieu his vast supplies.
Re Rr-ra te ttoea.
One of tin- gn-alt-el aixl nmat commini di-fornilihi. .if the day I* «ne that
w-iib care and atu-iiiloii cun Ih- rvmedlut.
It J* tin- nmnd ebouMoml or
eiuuplng bnbit.
Many of ibt- uwtt
natural llu^« abow tbls ti-mb-iu-y to
Kloop. wblll^lD the narrow ('bo*li><l it
IH iiiarkcl to a luilofiil di-gm-.
exercise la nol an" easy one. but may
be accomplUbed by |iaileu«-.
It can
be modifled. too. t>y euuding first on
one leg. then on the oibcr.
CM .t>4rer v e tb eeior L*a* Xaapk* —
. Mmr Iren «i h Hr* BoiMr.» Waal
136 Front 8tr**t
Th* Praetio*! Shoe Kan
breirerwor lusulrr of 8 O. U lll.lt. SS gaav
mb strril.
,r>.>.a. bmwcM Rsb-b'a
••i-k.*Bestfa Urv.borar
. ~i»mo peuoS*. «>'or l«B
Sla- sei, ■ . .
>b4 brosj • lUi >■*)< reU«« -vne» fiiMlrr
•111 el's** l.«.e »I BrrwU o»ce of RcwlfS
A W U.hr
T CW -On aoodi
■epalriwa «be Rwaa.
The niM-railoli -.f riilni>|0asty |s aald
to lie a very ••otnmun oni- at lleldel !
berg, w here il..- ■iu<l<-tii> have long'
bad ibi- «g)y linbii of alBKbing each |
otlier's nnacs In Ibelr trr-quelU duela |
A flap of aLIu la aluiiMi •b-uit-bed from '
tbi- forebiad ami brnugbl <lo«n over I
tbe Qtnve which baa Im-cD mreaurably I
To Dairymen,
Farmers and Cattle
■JKV RKN-r-HoBM on wr^ jldr.
____________ n*-i»
Onr eioeltoat Pouto Palp,
In lime lMi-..iiilng grafiv^ tbercto. Skin 'ealirely
X-Osr thrrf >«*rx>W
Apply u> J. V. Mrlswok
^^AMTED—ttffrfwl perMC. (or dtMrlrv
grafilDg I* alw. qitit.of M-rcrr bum*. KiiiaU «tri|>* of akin
lakt-n from llu- uotaiicbnl parla
anvLv-ui into email i.Uw-s. ibcn dletrlbuu-l over tbe raw Hurfa^.
In time
tiicy lake rout enit grow, spn-a-llng un
til they roliiplcioly rover the iilave. Tbe
•kin of frog*. re<-.-Dtly kilUxl for tbe
pnnKiM-. I* fr«'.|ii.'(iily iiaad where buiiinn .-iitl.-le cnuiii.i 1h- oonvi-alently obmined.
whleh to
by eatUa, horeen ‘
aad bogs and whleh we
will always
fnrmeh la a ewMt etate,
•ale at onr factory.
Tbe priee for whleh wo will eall this
feed in order to Introdnoe It will
eonaiderebly lom then half the Mt of
tbeeame amount of feed staffs eoataiaed in all
wbeat braa
la order lo latrodoee this
will eel> it is a prtmid stete at IS eenta
l■Tre«lratl■B (be Aarera. Il 1* «iHi.-«l ll..■^l til.- object of (beex
pedition Wbl.-b nHi-iitly b-ft Vopenheg>-D for lo-laii.l l> (.> Investigate the
Dortbern ligbi*. t'n.b-r the direction of
Men- Adam I’aula.-n. chief of tbe Denlib Meteorological Institute, a number
of lDBlrum.-Dik of s|wlal constrnctloa
will be used In the yi
.>b>- and
It of tbe electrical currenta.
a haadred.
This feed te fettealag and
eatUe aaa boraca prefer this
peiatoea aad other feada. aad It to la
each ^pe that it eaa
te hMtod la
harrela, box wagoas, etc , aad eaa te
•hipped la ear load loU.
plee faratobad troa of ahanra.
The Wchigai Starch Co.
Trarene Ci^, Micb.
Ohambarlaln’e Pain Balm Oarea Oihera,Whg Mot Ton?
w.. o~.5j-
Touil be noeeii ahead H im bey shoes aed lebbers el as
............. ..............hank Iseay toww
Another Old Haxlio *ooe te roBB.
The BriUsb M.-dIcal Jouroal takes
tbe opportnnity of egiln attacking tbe .
aid thcofT ibaT "early to bed and early
te riae makes a mao healthy." wbeterer N may do for hie wealtb or hie
Medical science today de•ce efBAwllMaasiaiBsOp.
ctores that If tbe laan U beelthy be
does not for cbotee get op eariy. tbe
derire m riae whb tbe tort bring tbe
result of "tbe bardenlog of tbe anerlea
and the leas reaidy aettoa of tbe raao, motor system." it to a disease of old
men aaS apparently also of woroont
natlonk for China to quoted ae a
•bocklng example of a people wbo
•bow their baidened arteries and sluggUb raaomMor eyetetne by a rlriooe
babR of early rtelag.
lee of leather. In the i
>Ume oar
never eo wi II stocked np with
I of file foo'
,r of every style •• It te now.
We bought them early this fell for
tbe priM of the prtaent
veloe. and they are ptacad on eele sna marked le pUia fignrvaat tbe old
low prioee. It would be wlae on yo ir part If In need of any footwear to
call and examine oar line of men'a women'e. boy’s aad girl’s sheee
which vre rffer at tbe old low prices.
Here are a few of onr auay bargalas.
Womea'e floe riel kid ehoea, lee* andAettoo. worth 8: 00 for
W-.nieo's b»x eslf shoes, lace and bnuon. worth 8t 00 fm-..
Women'e wvm lined eboee. laee and button, wortb 8t on f i
Heavier ahoea and alippera for............. .................................. W. ne, »Sc and 81-11
yt-i by rabting um-M-lf b-Uureiy u|k)d
Ibe tuce In a iH-riM-ndhiilar imaUion |
•everal times a dny tbls deformity can
be easily rrciliicil. T« d« this proper
ly one mnet Is- In a perfecily' upright Ttr ANTED -atvomuos AA cook or hou«be»
W lo prlfAielABUr. byaomca-ieoi •»•
position, tbe arms dropping at tbe side,
ASdn-a-J L . Lerk Bo> *>. Oeatral Lake. H
tbe beeU w-cll togrtber and Ibe toes'
forming an angle of C. degnre
Tbe rise sboubi Iw-mad.- very slow
Apply tn <1*0. H.Cfc**.
ly end frotn ibe lulls of both foot, end
Ibe descent should be aceompllsbed
in tbe same way without swaying tbe
body out of Its perpendicular line. Tbe
The daily papers are talking eo moeh
atent lu't worrying we in tbe least—In
fact we have an id-e that onr eaatare
HadcTonog AgOB.
‘•One of Dr. King** N*w Life Pm«i
each night fov two w*«eki be* pnl
. .icD'H. •
---------------------itaeyiowr. Pe. Tbey'r* th*
-.ret In the wor-’d for the Liver. SK-m•rh ead Bawele
Pnrr'y vereuble
Never grlae
D"lv *5 - at Jae. O John«»<• end S K. WeM's dreg atoree.
The gold piviductinD of till- Hand *ioce
18M bas been over 83isi.usi.<sio. aud
careful eurvey* of tbe Held show be
yond question tiiat Ri.QUl.uxi.00tl in
gold can probeldy be exlracti.d. wblle
tbe large numhei of mines wbicb have
been loceteo in adjau-ui territory, par
ticularly in pari* of itbnd.-sta. give
promise of atbljilonal snpplli-s. so that
I prolvBlilc that south Afrha
will for many years continue to he, as It
la the largt-et gokl prvsluclng aec-
Boston Shoe
gtlll lin« a mlud of b<-r awn."-C'blrafa
Oaly ttc at Jae. 3. JobMM
Tb to* U M|i^ h 14 IMTB.
Again we say:
eaacT oeaaed by death of C. Pybaa
Aleoappomtad D. Ooehlln m meaar of eoamlUM oa eohmde aadtewch
m to^ vaeaaeg eaaead bp death of
..’oreme^ aqaale WabncbB Whit*
W'lKB OP TAR Btkdp for thie terri
ble aad fatal dteeate UA ‘
satisfactory to wear, easy to pay for.
•Idefitl nearly wuniileM. uxful only
for tbr {lasMirage »f iwltle end shee|i.
Repatlea. whoaa lege were both eat off.
Bditor Seea Woadan.
coats we show
Tbe right garments are here lor you; stylish to look at. economical and
com|iaratlvel« Im-siM.uNU-e 1* the work
of diaiuoDd dlcgiug tiisi ilie industry
has almoet e««w4 In iiliier isms of tbe
world sIdo- Ibe Sotitli Afri.-nn mlDes
etltertvl Ibe tli'bi.
.Amoag the latter wae M. Oaaas Dora-
■dlter W. V. Barry of Laalafloa.
rrenn.. la eaploriag Mammoth Chve.
mtraetad a aeven oaaa of Pllea
The fntlness of the season’s variety—fashion right io every stitch—not a
custom tailo'r iu the country who can excel >io the 4t or tbe make of the elegant
Uy e*<-«.cl the au-
hnd nIelQg tbe chest at tbe same time
te a petf of tbe ex«-rclae and If perserered. Id will ultimately abow an tnerrasi^ cbeet meararement. develop-
ware lajared.
mado.a aamher of the ohamher
before you make any purchases in that Hoe.
le due to the dlororery and delfekip-
A BenM a»b broke ieto the oAee
Up-to-date Overcoats and Ulsters
rapid develiH'tneAi of
AfHea. eepeclally In the auuthera part,
Saaday Sehooi ii a.
B. T.>. V . 5:4».
Prayer aeeUaf Tharaday a*e^.
Blwwrd at
«he eeateulel of
tag al the preMwc tlwe owing to the
eaye The SeleDtidr Aaerloan.
lofecrMbed^rMBeeto h pelp ud
pM-iaDy the wonderful guid aad die
aaad fltdda. an- |•^tl•-ularly Inlereet
3f the tvtNsi
A loniBC ti^ wee wreehed
tbmt it’ll be to yonr interest to examine oar line of
The aialBf iotcteeia of Africa, ee-
oaecttied coadltioae iu the Traaevaal.
Morataf eerri
4*7 did wMospTMd deaace.
WeaAerfal .BotA aad
rieia* Prwa Whirb a
la Beltewte to RaT>
talBoO HU Beppl
My wife baa teen aeUig CtoambmUla^s Pain Balm, with wood twite,
__ hee pained her
for a lame ehoalder
for alas._______
years We hare
tried aU klada of medleiaee and
tote withoat
raoelvlag may teaeflt
tram any of them
One day we saw
an adveittoamMt of this medicine aad
thoagbt of trying it. white we did Motlaa of ■eoMat at Board of RavMw
with the beet of eattoifanUm
Ste has
aad BqaaUmtkM.
need only owe tetOe aad ter ehoalder
to almoet wril.—Adolph L. MHltei,
Maaeheaier. N. E. For sale by 8. B.
Walt aad r. C TbompBoii. dreggtom.
Oygtenat SahniT**
taamUtoB ClotUag Ob..
Front etraat.
780-tt 8
lhr<MWi>4iwt i« Oilaah'i MM
—------------- -----------■finelaiTIm
'• ■■’rrr'sr:?;:?'*'■;••'’
The Venezuelan Boundary Settlement,
^he binding Road to como uke.
' ^
ITHRH t3en*r«l Oi*tt« ^ni-r-d : iba Mil.f.fflon »ith »hirti V«irtu*ta Uod with thi- T*kuiu. After thi. lbr,M y -a «co. thr Itnr m» II t* bow Ssm]
Car»c««. thr republic of \>n- •o.misl t« lui'cpt ibr mUnic of UwVioM bow IBtvrn'mUuaAj boundary If t" folrturU OBC« more b>rainr (hr of arbiirauun in Ihr mallrr hai trndeJ low the mld»trrain of till* last mrnUun- Is a frwpartk-olars.
Both LordAU rr*mor of attrartton Mi South to <*urll any tolcra of protest that ed rJvrr to il« «.>urrr. thmre- In a j drrii and Lord Roarberr- aclln* for
. A><o-ri<a. for it was bmo 'X ajtolbar raUtbl otlp rw isr have ar»rn. Thr Mralcht Um tv (hr wrrtrmmool point | Bnxiaiid. oRttvd far morr Und
ebaner ua» to taka plarr In that land < hirf part of th- ir*t of Ibr award aaa
wbrrr covrmmraU arr madr and un- (o Ibr rffr. i th;^ tbr boundary ^Inr.
•bade In a*daj. f*-w (bat Ibr du»t. a«
from Ihr rr«ai at point Playa.
U a«r, baa t«(U«d down onor morr ua aball run In a atralcfat llnr to (hr RIvrr
tb«- Uat act of Ibr VrnesurUn Itarlma at l(a Jum turr with thr KUrr
boundary dlapuie. amd now Ibat far!- ; Mnruma. and (brnee atom: thr mld>
lac and blaa hare breomr a tbltut atrram of tbr latiar rirrr to Ita roun-r.
^ thr pan. it la latrrratinc In look Int > Prom that point Ibr boundary aball
Ihr rrrull of Ihla hlaturtral rzampir of' rontinur lo 4br luoclion of Ihr Rivrr
thr niirralion of arbitration aa a mraca i Haloaa with tb* Amakuru. and ibcscc
or arltllna Intrrnatioaal diaputrs to arr • alonk Itir mldrirvam of tbr Amakuro
fuat wbai tbr outcomr baa br«B. lb ; to Ua aourcr In Ibr Imalaka Hdcr. and
Ihr flrat placr. It muat br rrmambrrrd tbmrr apaln In a aoulhwrairriy direrthat all thr loBc and rompllcatrd nrve- j tion alonp (hr bli^rat rider of tbr spur
tlatlona a^ut tbr VrBTkBrlan boundary of thr imataka mountalna oppoaltr lo
•rrr ramrd on undrr thr rulrs laid thr aotirrr of thr Uarlma. Froi
dea n and approvrd by tbr pmrr con-; It aball run alone Ihr tummlt
[hi br ralM thr Aral ! main ndtrr of ihr Ir
' alltlOK of a aoulhraatrrly dir
ur lo aub- i of tbr Ararabtal am
r Ibr Max-: main airram of thr Ararabtal
I Cuynnl wratward to Ita
otba of'palimt dlacua-' tbr MVnareu. f-<llouin«
Jf 1
"’A m ' !
nnat rztraordlnary
winda over t
tbr Knxadlor to tbr world faim^ua Lak-uf Como Thr Mafovi Toail Is
and drMrnl fromI IIIiK^dl) platrau of (br Kiufadlnr
idlor and
ai a Inds
pk-larraqurly in and oul amon* uti pin? trr.y for many mllra It win br a autI Ir baa brrp aafrly rtddm down tl '
a Rtrrp drSetdiL
The Most Hated Man La Scotland-
srUJ-'tnrni (ban Wnrzurla baa new rarrlv.-d
V«nr»u-la. In fan. claimed
600.000 a-iuao- mllrr and ha* ohialniKl a
aquarr niiU-r. (irrai
XrltaJn oripinally clHlinrd (bill ah- <vnaldrrrd brn-rlf ••ntltlrd. aa an rxirrjuclaim, lo brrliory cuvrrlnf: ihr ahnlr
area aakrd for by Vanriurla. Shr aaa
n«l Hlmoluirly In ihr r1«bl In mnkinc
claim, but rvidmcr addu-vd at
m»rn and dabata a dacMoa wm at last
fcaadad down. While at ^rat that dr•tatoM waa tbou(bt lo br nanlfrstlyand
a»m nnjuatly favorable lo fircat Brtt•ln,*lha unaalmlty of tbr verdict and
of thr Ak-rai mountalna. aad then
amr. II la alao IntrrratlDx to notr
finally al<
ihr rider of (hr AkarnJ
■ hr many plantatinna of valuabb
mounuinr I- thr aourey of tbr Corrn- { llmbrr
1 Ihr ailTrrenI XOldBrIdolhrra lar known aa thr CuUii ' which wc
Ihr bone uf......................_
I now brrp indiaputably decided upon
As will br readily arrn. (his drllmlla- ’ in Rnxilah Irnitory But ar every c
tJon of Ihr l-oundary dorr nol elvr to arrma haps>y and thr I'nitrd Staira I
of this aatrrway o» m .1 ,atertiBa»t. VrnrsurU v. ry much of the Irirltory j obvioualy done her duty " •a- —aourcr, and thenrr la a dlrrrt llnr toI I..........for which ahi- hav been asklnp. The
mailer for ■
I'cnneralulatbr aiimmlt of Houni Roralma aad on 'suit of Ihr i>arlR arbitration tiibunsra' lion that thr aciilrmrnt waa brouxb'
to thr aourcr of Ihr roilnxa. and alon«, drclainn la practically
to Im
----- -.................. ...........................
:ly to
thr ' '
- n-of that r
a June- ’lludcmrnt
• sebombuitrek of n
Some of England's African AlUes,
The William Black MemoriaL
thr memiiriftl
William KInck. the famous Scottish
novHisi ami Ibr writer who In his
lifetime tnjuyrd Ihr distinction of
being the favoritr aulhor of Quern
Victoria. The mrroorlal in question la
One of the Kaiser's Cups.
la Ihr solid silver cup which tbr
rmpiTor of (irrmany somr llmr ago art
hla h.-urt on end went over to England
rturlnc thr Tow.* rrgatu to carry off.
If poarlblr. Th»
lial>-rr und 'his
yacht, ua I* how
»rll known,
wrrr rscrpllonally aucceaaful
in thrsr Intrfnutliinal ruces.
since Ihr Orrm * n - Imprrtal
boat carrird off
no l.«a than
Ihrrr of ihs
prif- oprn to
comp r 111 Ion
0<HK1 allvrr drllghta Uir hrart of rven
an rmp- rur. and whrn thul ppuid allwr
ha* Ihr additional charm of l. lng won
by good aportsmanahip II acqurrrs a
value nrvrr tn br paid In the mrre mar-
picture ahoalng thr tomb ..f (hr moal hatnl man In StotlanO.
This individual was Sir Grorgr Mackeotlr, or "Kluldy Macbrntb ." aa hr wag
.-allrd, thr adv.H-utr who madr himsrif bstrful to all the sons of
S<i>tl« during fovenanilng tlnirr. Thl< ti.mb, which la In Greyfrlara chun-byard. and la one of th.- hundaomcsi in 1,-undun. baa rrirntly b.-rn und.Tgolng rrpulr*. and arvrral |>rnion. had Ihr prtvilrgr of viewing lbs
remain. ,.r the once famous advorat-. who, in thr rrlgna of Charira H
und Jainrs II, had aJm.au despotic p..wrr in S..jtland and to..k such
advantiigr of It In hia prra.-cutl.ui of the Covrnunlrrr For gmrratiuna this
tomb has born regarded with abhorrem-e. Thr remain* when- rgaminrd arts
found tu br still .-overrd with what was oner a very fine shroud and. though
Bhrlvrl.-d and muminyllkr. were very well prramrd, m si-lir ..f thr fact that
a look a*
Where Dogs Have Many Duties.
\_tTr importani Indeed la the part which tbr African aaUve U to play in
tb* Tranavaal war. The aide which ran count on tbr support of the KalBr U
able to claim a very atron* and effreUvr ally, and tbr Boer and thi BrItUb
have each brrn bidding for native support. Joat aa was dona In America a e«Btury ago when France and England were engaged In their bitter struggle for
tha final poaaasalon of the northern half of thr new world. In thr prsaant
M It seem* that thr Britiabera arr getting tbr brat of It, for It Is a notorious
fwl that Ihr Boer treatment of thr r.atire baa always .been harsh and cruet
Hr even facers slavery for the blarks. while thr Engllsb. on tbr other band,
tew ala ay, brm fair and hontet with the blacks who have come under Ibrlr
domlBMUon. many y»*rs of colonluUon work having taught them that such
ts (br best policy. Th. aecompanylng Illustration .boas a band of natives
who hsvr come down from the mountains of (be Tranawaal and signified thnr
Join fc...... ............... r -.................
Engllsb to the struggl* against (be aii(o>
native* sre reprrarntrd as grinding “mealtsa," ftwn wbkh tbr roars* c D braad of the Boer* l*,<Bada.
ftulnt Serriu Outom.
A qualm custom obtain* in BenrU
«tere la seme towns It U usual for the
tahsbitantstoteng a dreassd doll, and
•ometinws two or even three d( them,
ta the principal window of tha bouac.
Thia Indicates that there U Urite tbwe
man than one. whs U wlOlng and
•Mdsb* to teoome a brMc.
ABothv Servtan enstom la that of
itig a amall sheaf of grain ootsld*
the house. Tht sspersttttoa is that tt
tha grain ts stoteh there will aoan be a
in the houam U the lady dwefltag wnun Is anHons to wsd. th* ahsaf
tatate Jov- q«tto wMhta raaeh of tte
«1» Mmy poasIMy h* as anztew
la abal M aa te* Is t* ha«a tt statsa.
The Czar's Latest Picture.
Here la thr^tea
that lb.
» a e-3in<
-ad espreeaton. though In hla Jaat pta*
tka tha fena of g coast beaeoB
ligM. It Is b^ng erected on Duart
point aad there Is a special appropri
ateness In the selection of this spot, aa
It was In tbU part of the Mutl (hat oea
of William Black's finest novels. "Macleod of Dare." waa planned and chiefly
The Automobile In War.
at lb* prassnt war In houth AMea ia the as* of
LlgBlng. The British now tew at tb* front aswal
engines and trains iSka that shown In the accompanying tUustratSon. TbSM
----------------l a* oanrtag machines in crossing the wide, level'
Teldt of th* lower aad of th* Dark OoDtlnant. Each engtoe has attached U it
fwr stoat, broad Orod waasaa. waU tsadsd with oapplte. aad while tbs tesad
U which oa«h a tram travala ta aat wry graat. this atrtomobOe methTS
-B la prevtne oftaa i
wnabta than te mate'or horaaa. sairsrianr
for extromaly teavy laate
^tor ta Atafitarfiaa or Rotterdam must oftao have ootleafi
usi V litasts of burdes. At nO times of the day
tb* wwirwi
eztetta u> waics oogs are ^
kBd tn aU parts of the oountiy
tettied kboai by large masUOq. BOBMomea, tte on* may aeb n dog and k weman hitched together tenltag th* same cart, while the eelf aatttfted Bial* owaer of Oh tettre peopeyty may be eeea wleldtag a whip Impartially over hi* bar.
B*^ ^ and hi* deg. As a rule, however. gtrU aad youag women are the
driver* of t^ earta. Uieugh eflaa eDoogh eves thas* g*BU* eraatures erwUy
a treat thslf pssr caatais. wte 4* tee tealtag.
TBB MOBVaia «BOOKl>. 8U«DA;k. BpVSltBBft r MW
iBberltrd a'large fortune from a bacbHor. Alexander Polar, gud has given
8 NSW DIMASC OEVCLO^KO SV rslp wvrdr.'-GIrvilUd Ptais DmI- fHMUMlO of it to charitW
Tbe dnebeoa of York. In tbe abaence
of tbe priaeeaa of Waica fmm London
fon»m:.~ H»: "Not o
IhU aeaauB. baa worked Indefatlgably
on 01* tba_______
in Ibe «;puae of duty and pteaanre and
wpn beraelf a warm p<n>ulariiy every-Ur daucfatoi'B nmle." «l(bM the where.
Diolli.r. ritj* >in-ti a Kml Pxproix-"
(Jueen laalietla of Mpatn Is
"ludnHl?" mum«) ilH- (u>vi wuu ba>l
Jb» Wcyde root li a new dIaeMe )o»t iMwnl bw plar- "HutDr ool(bbor«
daughter, the Infanu
yott I ^pooer-An»wprfc
Kulalla. baa reinmed to H|uilo. ber
Wtt tea been derHcqied by women rtd•ni thia Bomaer. lu aniTbwi Mac la
“I ■prnl ibe whole 4*y tcwUy be»p- husband. lK>n Antonio, baring goae
Jolla buys
buy* bat."
"What bUtd <IM (0 Vieby for a coonc of water*.
iMbsatle flatroot, md it la caOMd by Ing
Tbe eni|a-ror of Aneirla will lake a
she geiT" "Oh. ibU was only t
VMrtDC the thln-aoled. French-heeled
this ntomh. by tbe advice of bla pbyday. she nerer makea up ber mind n
8wto which are raabionable for wheel- til after tbe third day."-Chlrago Bee- ah-lana. Tbe
be Emperor
F.mpcror X
William I. attributed the rxeelleni hcBiin wnico ne
kV tbia aeaaoD. and alao from cnreleaa
enjo.ved nuiD be was lusi UO entirely
Hoax: "I ibon^i yon aald^ihat
$r tocorrect dlaaoiiDtlnK.
to his plan of ondergulag -'curpa^
4a a rule, women do not know tww
Bw be w
FUalDly t
la Jaap. They hare not learned, and
Queen Victoria has expretaed a wish
odlen." ;-I
:'I told yon be waa a com
paaa to be without the tnailnct wbleb poser of bcira. He manlpnlales aoolb- that 81r John Fullerton ahguld retain
Allog ny rup."—Tbe Rival.
•lea poaaca to land on their fert wlib a
- Uncle Pllas: "la It a fact that
lat they ' b< rt. Id sjilie of fail approaching
WrlB*. bendina the kneea and eaarp.
ID to the rank of rlce-udmlral.
i- cliyr
bev roof - ganlena down
IVI Ibe Jolt which followB If the knee*
CnlDehillss and Frlcxm with oUIoror BtewfB aol )
nty niece: "Wb.v. yea. ancle.
iu m
Mr k»»rt rlfid. Aa a comiJ«quenre ipaal
y» bi-fore a
have aen-nl of Ibcmr
Uncle 811aa:
' t Tba above prioM call tor the beat goods and w
r Cu
yeaeii ket a headache from JnapinK.
■It luust.sei-m funny to r> up on the
} maitahlp yon eonld wiah for—Come and aee the line
and the hk-y.-linc women, who fire' roof to dig isTiai
:atera an' alcli."—New
f Tbe priees below are all Bw good goods bnt not aa
. of I>cnn irk during
nl^l ailetiilen to tl>e •u) they act York Journal.
thla month and
•ff their wbeeli. vet the biryctr foot.
"Jom« «-aa In loHlay with a lot of
Chrlatian will euienaln hU r<-lailons at
Ttey allvbl on the hard paveaenta flab atori’w."
"And did you let him ilie castle of Fredenaborg. wbicb la fa
tell tiicur- "I lei him tell one. and
irltb dnneceakary itiorgj. Ilie force
mous for its chanuing gardens and Ita
9t the blow Miraitu tbe lendona to anch then 1 iQH-ned up with a lot of bug
i-h foresIB, where
bla Oah
• dejrree that Ibe proper an-b«f Ibe stories ibat
aoiind aa-oiii of dale aa a laai year's
D._l_ B___ a___ .
* .
faot U loal. It la hot done at onye. bat
popular iofig."—Ihdlanapotia Journal
Tbe duke of flutlierhiDd hoa been
Ite foot U aotiM-VHurs woDiba a ». tcircular has i>een aeut to
cruising along the coast
tJag out or ahaiie. Tbe llcaaeata are
many cler
wear, firat qa^ty. *1
slilrv Iaud Curuwall lu till yacht
ting forth
ool fleeced, only TSc.
laula. which was at Falmouth
lb recentMd <.
llgiiors. with prices by tbe n
ra. Id order ihal the
craaae tbe iroable. They afford too titThe end of the circular reads:
uu Uianl (Sir
. iff aapp4r< for ibe curred inatep and —T«i avefid auaph-ioo every ••ase aenl William Bussell. Sir Allen Young
M not protect tbe ImII from tbe cun- you will lie marked canned peacliea.'
and Montague liiiestt might visit the
fBBBtoB when the rider JauiM to Ibe •rTid-nita.
KtrandiHl liner Paris,
The new Itiiy mho l_
Pbyaleiana rocomroend only
In charge of the soda fountain hurried sirucccd the kiviit-r of the purm- to
Mlfaklo boots with low heela and
hack to ‘the projirieior of the drug invoi a large luift of his (leraonal fore
kMey aolea for. wheelioe. Tbe high
It any big oallsr" he asked, muc In bouse proiK-riy
|iro|H-rl.v In Hiidatieai.
teeU Irritate the nerrea of the feel and store, "iloi
s re|ieaii><l bis emplo;
doyer In aur- Ijind has alr>-a>ulj been pur
canae an additional aback, aa the b.<el
wanl to dor
•<Whal do you
will lie hulll at on.-.'- The
fMcbea (he ground a( ihe aame moemiierur la iiosiu-Haed of large estates,
IPeni aa ilo- >ui!l. which la not ib» case
but blitierio be has taken no iMin in
When tbe rout u a normal |M^altloD.
The hero was liealde himself with •-nurse of w-Bii-ra at lassteln during
Tranmalle nalfool la ao ralh-d In dla- rage, "inic serpent.'' he hissed,
for sp<t-ulatlve IlniiUiHal <HM‘ruli<>Us.
tlBClIon fittuj congenital aatfoot. It la II was In lh■•«<■ leraa Hist be mas m-oni
In refer to Ihe villlali of the plot, "has
mqnently treated
as rhcmnatlam.
wnu tlm' g.'.ir irtniby"' iltyicvirve
Which It aoniewhal reaemidea. In•aDunalion or the tnusolca la one of vliiifideretl. "nial'S what romea of bis
having be<-n scotched.
I doul>l nnlT"
•te reaulla of tbe aaggiug ligamenia
llcn><L sod
and mould
fain have
^e dell<-ale la»iea. Ihiia tellered of
mepi. Ah. It was i-asy ndw
Johu J.
iDgalU Is
Ibeir natural aupiwn. preaa npon the where
e mistakes bad been roadel—He- ihniugbout Kansas
for. hyr
gereea. causing Intcnae iwlu.
troll Jnttrnalla-rry Jam.
The ireatiiieDi for bicycle foot la pretletirge Harris, a Boslon cab driver,
iMgcd real and an artificial arch. Tbe
baa a<-,-iimulai<'d a foriuue of •Iiaj.tsiu
i raya show wbidber the Imnes are.
during his lifeiluie by Ihe luvcatuieut
of his fares.
fUplaced. If they are a plaster caat
...,11 meara• a long,
long. loose, double0t the foot la made, and from ibia the
flangsd |og, ih.T. mini one of Ibe sides
Utgg.t trousera.- MAKE RICH, RhO.HEALTriVBLOOD
- gianufarfiirera AT aiirgleal inalrumenla
sliding venlcall.v to form the door imd ^
ttrsi sight
aa it
gonainiH a steel brace to fit tha IkAND STEADY NcRVnS.
haring Interior Uorixonlal riba to sup- g„-at ma.-alm wen- • lad
•trp. Thla la pUiexI
Inside a thick- lairt the -b.-lxes. the wlHrfc Is-lng t:.a
J’. Bagle, reccnil.t
•joled lamt. and inuai lie worn tiaill tbe
Let the blood get thin, weak and
to the laalng milsl.le llic mlu
Iteleloxat the age of lio ,
ftrained tendons become aimng and
and tray part of the bod) i>
She mas •me of Ibe few
•aanme iheir natural idace.
ibauttcd lor.want of proper nourish
iulpnived ueckyofce for use ou p.-rMiiis nu liwl island who h.n>l
The dieeslive systrm fails to <U.
Meu are seldom aOnicled with Ibe
spreitli-y tremti-g Chronic i
and there is imligevtioo and
Mrycie f«ail. for the renaoD that they
r lh> iv.
Mses of Women. D aemara of the Bye and Bar. Moaeanfl
ciUstl spriugs liisiilv. rings being
Me tuore generally eareful In the matdogg«d and inactive, there are pains ia |
iMa.or fiadwearand In diamotiniing.— M-l Id the •s-iiK-r of llie springs to ho fouu.l lime l« a|.l.ly hlu.s. lf
beck, sides ami limbs; faeadarbs
'*nre caper ^ui
r«l prartice as well aa In speeisliiti- In iIh- sIoii. «-iii-u th^i«iiguc
lit.'ralm.'. rcplieil- "I diil so Is-fure I
Hew Yort Fun. »
neuralgia; tbe nerves become
cor-.em,„, eases In t
'4.» bs. C.tsA-1.. BroneM^
gives a,su<blcn tmlat. Hiiis IcvM-nIns
ivallv liii.l iliii.‘. As a Isiv 1 mus twrereisneryoosncs-v.leeir
-’ieDaer-u:,. Boilcpsy. lasanIh, >lii>ck to t,li.- horses.
>n a.> 'n .n.
f- e , L S'.-.Motor Ataxia. All
will appreciate
X peem In .tlabnma had a quarrel
of the B'S' >.
N r.r.T,. s. atem. O semaea of
•niKsit haw a hollow
the Blood. Nki- nia,,
[)!, s-.^a f Ih- s a
With a a bile man who in the <md
h L.'cr ,Bd BowrU. Dtsemaea
ml unsib- to ••ulerr the
of Ih.
Helen K-ller. the deaf, dumb -ml ' ,j,][%VirfVy Wrak aVd*’Xp?re‘'b^^
ofW .rasn l.-s '*o •«
Soee fl.eann ,vauB of treaV
gonoded him niimereiruily a-tth a
cigar, wllli
iliivc flogcim arranged
Iiliud girl, is s)»>udlug llie suiiiuier j|
K> Reciter a*^ tnentrellc'
sow oh.'inaie. ymr eaaa. dp
.8nb. To gel even on the a<-ore and act
around wlic nulshle of the liuldcr omi
WfvUlluim. MasK_ wheiv she is L.^-piBd Blood »“t.'<''apa''. f-'v yon can probiblv be CHai-T d
ib>- iDg U|> tier study of itm-k and .\rnbl.-.
MIC nolrh over for good nieasiire. the plvoi.-d in such a imslilan that
Yoo will Sod tbe doc«o''s ncMbnde ai-d tr
Pills the
menid ffTent and avperlor to
a. rc«1ug Ip of the mouthpiece csusi-k
nnllhg li.T cxerciws .m a l.v|» wriii r greatcsl pb'MriaD, l>r. A.
anything you bars ever uie gfgro anon ufleraarda l>nrn<al Ihe
tliclii l» grip the cigar.
b-sluitWAor Ihose
.Nerve and Biood
*»Mlve no pay
while mnn'a botiie nliclvu|n>D all the
■iguiim'C, Tu allom a inmk to stand riosc lu
Pills ii ’
•alffbimrbond of wbtlea mae as one
Hie wslt a m-m- lid la in iw» scctl.ius.
luidx IsmiM- 'I'ighe Is
Dvuiooq, ano eo nourish »d in-.
ConanluUon free
hluged Mt (be ,-nils of the iniiik to vivor of those pres.-m al
ftraoD and went gunning for Bnek.
Iba fire-bug. and lb a lonely wood ahot
Its fare, v ltli tills binged at tbe rear the Haiti,- of WalerliM,.
him. ao ihai Ih- lay apn-ad out as fiat.
of each Ihl iKuTiuu to s«-|ug iam-ar<i child at the thui'. but di
ILbp. and aa full of boles aa a flahnei.
Mt on II
lw«-k of th.- m.'mls-rs the mh.de wviie
•b'si-rilsnl and vitality to every organ of tbe body.
Tbrre thej left him. A month later
e III] Is
lu li.vnHi's -riillde llandd.
Bmipent ph’siciana who have preKx S.sTei«ry Johu <S. farlUle mhep
•■other house uiis huntial. The ••’lln Iw held Id poHillno m ili.ribed Or. A XV. Chase's Nerve and
tlh-.-Iiiiuem tbe gr
e enila-rs tc
lie >
I ......
.. hi.-h Is form.’.l of —
- flatoWc po. k.1. with a billion .
liulil long after iiild- bv mail on reran
■ ’
• •
• , which
i-e of cloili iileliT. -Xlthough bla mliul in im the «'. Chase Mrdici
iiii.rt' s<-rii>iiK ni:iiii-r. be rart'l.i iiiak.-n
. . . .
. . . . . . _r> pad lying
WU Buck Ihev had (n hand. He was dec the coat.
the theairb-nl
vet ion’ eiiouuh of Ms many wounds. ]
Walks aud si-.iwla are easily pu1le.|
iicm-n|iap>'r nian.
lively, Sat vigorous and lively.
from the ground
by a Callfornlan-s
• employ,'ll u> Di
silDg of a I
si by
Tkjs $nn is IS uliln Ikt irtiMiT ClttliH Store
WOMEN ntoens.
“As Silk Is To Cotton” WHYI
ntpt: It’a fit Beoda’e firhere none but NEW Rooda greet yon.
BeeoBd: It’a at Benda'a where the latMt ia aS» a;a abown £rat
-Fourth: It'a at Benda'a where eelection ia tbe aame aa in Detroii'a beat atewea
l»cl dioald ;oD n
Today We Mention New Arrh-als Of Last Week.
peiVsoblif Onreoats aiii Ulstais.
fu 00. ku.00. tie.so, fiis.oo.
Bat's Raefats and Blsiers
. . $io.oe.
Sbigbrnde. MM. 14 SO. M.oo. M.oo, r oo. gg SO.
New Uiderweat'
New Glares and Hosiar)
of r
any account and makea “How to Drew a Oentloman” a atndy. There'e ao demai^nm von
parehaae, wemmply ask you to'viait the new atore.
^ ^
s. 6e:nda a CO.
Clothing, Hat*, Famishisg*
FaahioiCBbl* Ootftttera
Hoorness ot blood Is In Traverse Citj To Stay
Ihe CaiiBc of Eahatisted Nsr^ea
and Al'l the ills of a W«ak«
ened B<idy.
Or. A. «. Chan's
■srva and Blood Pills'
ana KI loaM b iH Btniltsi » luiln Bloct. Cus SIM Eilnm
e. H. SNOW. M D. Specialist
''“uuJn.'T.Z'u 'uJirtu. .,«ni.i ?i3;e‘;da'‘r"biSIt
K.-lb-r. th.' d<-«r. dumb
».1..- -V - i ..eX Z
Teeth eitrecteil withouf pein for 25c.
offlci. opmuto. a nuuk«. Biook,o...
Ibe leader of whom was fals idd ctie
My. Buck <-oiir.-sMsl and lieggvd for
Mercy. ItU pl.-a did not find favor in
tbe mol.'s diIimI: It mas thongiit saf-r
to bang film and add a few more lotllet bnles In Ibe many already troiibl
pivoted t.ig»'ib,T and ns
mhi'clisl tni<-k. with handles c
of the lerera
ends on Ihe weed,
wbes tiefnnl is Hill'd to life tbe weed from
tbe grdunil
tills iiiiib'rliikliig m-er,' mi
issi. aiul Ibis niiis'i'os
FroliuiHu ia Mu'airi.-nl*.
tag him. mlM.-h Was forthwith done
Ooring the pme,-«s of hauling him •>n
bigb then m.i'hra iii.-iT) fusillade, and
Therv is ••II.' subji-ci. in a m-Oinan's
Joat at be tvs.-lMHl the exlivnie alti
tude. with Hu- pist.d halls raising a
Everything but your friends sim-k
ffrat dust nut of his baggy ganuenu.
to yon III j.'oi.'Pday's weather.
. aae Ulbslle hit the m|M' III bis neck. !
Tboiatb m.- gninihlo at the worid It
and snip! .b.mn lie ••ame.
is. iafi.vr all. ihe.b.'st wc ever saw.
Bis sudden des<vnt took the crowd
Rtudh-s ill ih<- nude In child life ar,'
I •■gtniek Ihe ground a-ninnln'." as
llaselnll In tsipulur.
KiM.ls an- lielng l.iilli.
^Coffi'^'IU for nve <vul> a pound.
'I,'U oraiigi-s .-au Iw Isuigbt f.>r o
I (>BUv-> O'V Toasritri block. IK rroat •<
IWrpboarNo. tua
'I'hen' ni
vi'Ootuous reptiles r
. xa-AMLI t. bOUOX. Atmracj muo eev
III,' ialaiid.
I XvX lor St Is*. oacM. ciir Opm Boom
The ll••t,-Is anI'-vK.
Sion'S the siiini-.
XJ spiv-isllKUcir. **r. sew-sod resllo urlKvery
very iniv,'ler
the Island's BS>) •lliwo.es. JM-yOooe.Bi; Mr*, lo; Oil.
W Opero HoUM
itest need Is schools.
gmaily. In evi.l.'iuv Jo tbe slums ihes.'
Ibt man who told me expressed II. '
U la plmaya a woman's fate to wear
•Ftnally dazi',1 them.
In short. Rnt-k a linen .-ollar on tbe moai
Mcaped by plunging Into a dense wo.4) days.
aafl could not Iw found again, al- I
One strain of moalc or Ibe
tbengh the senn-h lasted for nearly a perfume of a flower can open up a
veek. night aud day. Five ream la- concerned.
tar a roan who knew Bock well drop. '
»■<““« become atone blimt
pfl Into a haniware atore In .Vaatavllle,
and while transacting
a chan.'ed to catch a familiar
wtele ^lume of reminiscence.
lathe eaaleat thing In tbe
rayfromthe grinning face of the flrm'J
porter It
it waa
mo. Bnrk
Rock aoA
.... . *nd
lack porti'r
*aa me
„ self-sacHlice 10 get
. nm
Pst* sr OiIbm* BskWr*.
ANCfllME HANLTWCTUtlNC CD . Crrad RmHA. KcK. «<d far Sde by Al Drag^-
KiHtiD'sTs are lu d'-uiaml.
llaiiiuitH-ks an- the usual iH-ds.
The •'offw crop U Hire? times '*a
CRoaa. AttorMX ud OeoaocU.. ..
■•Msyuiloao. oaeeo. Otty Opero
valuable as the sugar crop.
nmre la genermi aailsfacMoD with
the Ameri.-an admlniatratloin of af. _ k.
CBlserolly. OSralt
M. pace tot. raMlooM 1C
with plentv of native
native baadwood not
furniture It made In tbe
MoteaotUe Oo. Black-_________________________
oMr-"' '“X'”',,..™.,
aimve SB degn'ea. even in summer.
“'•* “ '* ?“'*' ‘“P®*Bible to attribute te anything else.
Pi'-i-KSS-tsts' BsrrrW.kSSSJ?
'OoM M Lav. Bvsslal
,be isUnd'a market. That
to eoncern"O'* *'*'®
■ Jrtted hat yea- ed. the present facimiea
are Inadefpi, and looked as though
a quite, and will have lo be Improved If
dlab ^f
of g.’latlne
gelatine pudding had teen
been . trade U
la to expand.
forced to do aervlce aa headwear.
a few Spanish newapapera In
a paarable
there exist t
IVhal a shock to her vslnglarlona | Joan make a point of mocking thC
« Sf
Maay bands of rongha who tertorlxe
knowledge when thewoman dlacov- cfflctal acU of every American holding B«ii-p>w».
aativea who are of a more paclllr <>r
era that the footalepa ate waa abso- ' any foveni.nieDi Job, whether
he It TNB- B X- rUJOD. OBra lo or* TobmIWt
U Block CaUs AAowered praBBtQ dAV or
iBfloatriona nature. Tbe police are aaIntelr certain bdonged toher aweet-, doing bis dniy or noL
vert with them when cangbL When >>tert was tbe poaaeaalon of tbe buskPracticallv aU timber for bnUdlng U
BM killed on tbe apot tbe criminal la
Imported. In fact, ibeK are no mllta.
fartoed peopto In
t cage and coDflMd for aame ‘ ..^oihlnj^
S^^waltlM bU trliO. In two „ feneni trenda of taat«
Icaliy. not a factory
chosen by womthree days tbe (rtal taken place, when
lle. and bow any
'I la dreided wbetber tbe criminal la
Tbe preva^lng Idea of the United
’ that aeems te
la dto by kneeling on chains, the ibunih
umh ^nA<
og to a traveler, la that
it Is a country atent
half the slae of
............. tela*
. allced Into .placw,
J. or'
or •' xa’L
Ta’prove _
baw ____
maaterfnl „
aone ___
Porto BIco. which
-Ich tea a city c
New York and
a few amaller
of New T
to w •' “".'’i'tiJirL'”':'.'".‘“S'"
Man Bra ttern ta cobtIcL
retuaea to bodae-
“Mj "i“" i«";b.«TV
Beany ao large aa Ponce.
Just The Thing
For A Chilly Day
At our soda counter
We dispense
Inelnding Hot Choeolate' Rot Beef Tea. Hot Lemooade. braldaa tbe Banal Itot
ofBotSodaa. Oor repntalioo for a floe cboeolmte flsvor eommeada oar Hot
Cboaolate to tba pnblie.
«»«»a ov uot
____________ JAS.G. JOHNSON, Oniggist.
Tbe tendency of the amart tie ik has been taki-n away and the Uriff
bcavenwaril, much to tbe dlacomfon prevAui
i raurht
teve ter
lo Ih. .let.irI S. J Ticlnlty of ^n.
I te given abort ahrifi.
Fire Insurance.
L. Is. A. BnadiBf.
Here You Have an
Opportunity To Make Big 3Ioney
112 Lots in Oak Heights Addition. Wanted an
offer, as they mast be soW by December 15.
AieoNo. 431 Washington street, 44 foot lot, good
No. 542 Webster street, honse built about four yeata
—ih good condition, modem improYements.
Look these over at once and see
rnr MOHiOiro uuomo. acwbAy.
U«>* mi
- - '
(b« amrld la llw ereat leper b^ial
■ of tbe laUnd of Trtoldad. trttate lc|a«
from all? Ibe Windward lalaoda eomt
far irealnient. I went lo tbla Inatltu.
tioadn cvmpSny wlUi ibr aurgeon-r**Cfal of tbe coloBy- •»'l “ '• »*lnly
from him tbeae facta are derl >d, Ha
bad aindled leproay In India and m
half a
boapltal conalau of aouie half- . detarbrd, ooe-alory, atu.-coed buildInga act In Ibr form of a aqua re about
aeveral a.-n-a of graiwH-orered. treeabaded lawot One UiildlnK b reaerred entirely for tbe alaiera of rbarHr, wbo form tbe noraloK corps of «ba
bi-pltal. and <1.1. U bached by a gar
den wLlcb cue, work tbeinwirc. and
*Tb«T t>U « fuunjr Mur>' <*■ il*** *rui?
' abonl r»»i» fc l•»UUo. lha crark «1k.I.-*
I wld uor nt a lartf of late dliu^ “Ac(-online tiKitiF ram. (i«iM-ral MUn and
chUdn* ^
Waablgpoo oOi-ial ooi^'vIbIu-U
iportani »«a- ^ »•..««,.,* p.Mt a b^a tbc <aiiuin naa
®^****f*^‘ mtl.Ki.-d au.1 amt word ibai Ihpy
ad aitb the Unb of
chiM .» in M
a Uitb- .-iblWiluu of
auau,|.t U.dmztla-tha'i-bafatUTof lb* b,.
i-atlllo banp-ncd to be .julie
child. It la aW> co.dtmiat7 lo wk
i very
one . aAtmi-e Into a new reUtioo hr a
new nan>«. the ocnidance of the nanta
.Ji.ian.-.- lauee. lie blau-d
aLffnifyinx ibe aorepu^-e <d the new
e..rB.«t». who bad
OwweigniT and Ow obUitallona eonwav.-d
Uined thereia It i. raygr to-ee. theew ,
-Wl«i d.wn tlut lulwnT
fare, ^hy tlod w.mM aHfnalUe ha «- aakrd Ibc
traiu^tif’ Hie
H.« people
pe..,.le mu.
inu. new r.-)
r.-laUoM im-ana ^I iulMi->t the mbulr in^-t.
with Hhu 1.J- jflvina them a new
pHed I'a.i.ll.. a-Ue-iiilly.
Ahraiii U. Sami. U. Jacob
- .He
. .dij
^ to- with lb.- aiiUie r. »iilt. -I .h.u't Uniiw
and to
to olh.
oHieia. and it la bIm easy
wliaVa tbe nintter nltb lueT be ^
the a|H>i'‘ |>rieU-B.w- of d.-eitnaunx
ebiliiM-d in de.'
new relau-.n I.. «io>l ' boBVen by the
n... ...... WWS m
tfieinK of a u-w nameIk- ihinl ali.ii Hie dUtani tlmire
A new naiiw tfir.-n by Ibal aiireiAee
«!» •«•
that we liawilb
with <i.-l H
pa.«l ibr.mA acnm i^tfc. have
J. £■ Greilick Co.
Wh»r* lha Tortotea la a BaaoaaMOT
Md ruao Nu a»i4»ra.
, Tb<- (••nular la uoi au auiiual ona
wouM naiuraB<r Bz u|»u a> likaiy to
la- afraid of rain. i-ui it la alnmslaH.T
ao Twi-uiy four bourn or lu.in- lit-fore
rain falb iba GaUmena ton.ili.F luakra
fur nomo n»vt-nlou( nbedt.-r. On a
biirbl. erWar tu»mluK a lH-n o»i a cloud
la to la- M-t-n. lla-ilcniBcnB of a tortoiao
.\frli-an naiat
tliuea W. aeen bi-ndliut for the u-wreet
orcriianalDK ru-ka. Wli.-u llul bapthe proiH^tor ku»>VK tliat rain
ouir down durlua (lie„ de.f- *'‘d.
rub-.- ’’
It coum ilowu In lurtt-nia.
tuay .-all 11.
yi lu .» aUni.-.-
Doors, Sash, Mouldings,.
-Fine Mill Work
Cold weather is comiog.
cK-aidug weight of Hm- aHina-pliere
when rain I* foraiinE.-|«nly by bab-
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
molaluiv wbicb Is sliansi by all.
If wc ndot to dud a .-uiiuiry wberv
J. \l. Greilick Co.
nature ba* lurm-d iblugs i»iuy tuny—
that la Bccurdiiig to oUr notlou «a
must goto Australia. Mauy tiling* arc
r.-v<-rw«l In that i-uuutry. li is
then- wliilt- It U wlulcr lu Am
Tre-s sli.-d tiu-ir Imrk iuslcml of
fruit has ilic Bluni-. ..r kenn-l.
Cougltatiu ind Eianiiatioi Frea aad Strictlf CailHleilitl.-
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Americu ledinl ud Surgical lastitotc of loHejoa, Idi.^
s-'r ir'iiirxps;:: ..... ...
forth 111 tb.-ik.w.-r and -dn aglh of God '
tl.ai I lia.l ii.u b.-anl li.e new * ami
intlirist tooverv..u.e, that we limy l«*! ij,d .n.-n-ly .-.ll.sl w. take la.-k my
aiwared that we w-ill exjwrien.v this ? .)r,--u> suli. It w.»ild du.ibileBs )*> r.viiud
xi. jr.. ill; xiii P; I’bii
ill, ri; xix. II. li.
(Kje we f.m.1.1 .-..imki-e bis war.lrola-.'
"S.I yv.ii sas- the n-as.iu why I
K Just I
A Meaaev to Updltwesa.
like Ibe llillnli.' genlb-n.-ss ..f nil ang.-l
Far iii..T.-.lang.-r..n*t« true gisUiues*
baod-Dg ov.T III.- iuBiilIc li..rr«tr of bell.
Ten |ier .•eiil nf all Ibe huaiiril l»-lnga
W|H> die In New York city an- burW I
in poller's llel.1 nt ,.«tdb- ex,»-n-e; but i
thcreco.t1*«f..rg«ul«sl.-|,,rl,,,flfflcial j
publtr opinion noHI tbe imhuU.IIIIj .
checking or reforming the alvae grow*
Born ami mure jy-mote at tbe bnnleii
« and tbe evil resnlti mulllpl;
.... York glee* annualTbe city of New
*------------------------------iw ibe r*.aM
Tr*T*f*aOlVy ■arkatbelow U a Hat ot tbe bUTlng and ae’
lay for g
-till aiuall i«ile-lrowuf).mi1l.-s s.
I nllai-b ib.-ru
•-nsl us ih.-y
Tlicylind to go will. Hic family
tb-« were Ii«i*g will. TbI* li-d t>- »
is.nHiiuBiioii ..rtlic |niuci|ile. wlHi ilw
result iiK-iniomsl A» it works oni. Hie
census .........
. .......................... .. -.........
f-'xH-” U. sl«- o.. ,
“T «»- P-num - New \ork Post.
itoed by
>«o> for rl.f pons— prep., (.I.U ! —"'22-'"“?'“!
taac*.'interest aud conmy «xpenaee »
cUmlnatedi. almost 12 per cent t* prop.
heaven - 1‘rusbytenan.^
erty chatvealde to relief of poverty
gad aktae**.
Of tbla expenditure
eithaD nsMfiOa 1* paM to privata
Btlotvand aocletira over wbl<^
« city
y aautborlHea bare ao control or
(tsr A*.ts* V. to Hvs but «~r*
I vMhlei^klB U
rlraUSe prlael
c rcBtored to p^eet bowith k
s-ed their yeelB the bhcd. etopertB
'.piFOBTXMT TO LADIBS-OR.OTTMAK. after yewn of cipeneot*. Im. dioeoewrwC
rtvBtesirun-tuovB ter *11 dunassn^lar to the *ei Feahl* dlosaars pmluveteearo*h^e^rsatweat
•11 ‘Tiibr thooe* n-wedf.OLlVX BL0880X The cuiv M egeeted
IKS m» *ad gr*ORBOKIOSOl___________________
,??s:. *“
4 1-0 t Bisraos eeil* ih*i fullov It. 11* IrBlo
Bpeedllr. coapletcly and peraaaeatl/,
Sl'Itl Cf«g iw
Butter pe
per ”B> Daln..
Creamery Sntter.B..
Cbeeee per 1b..............
ewsre.'o*e hn ' nld '
s w—
S' “«»• -s-s
’ailTu^W biad^ IlMha
c 00 aloaart • i**r 4ar« aad aff ethsr *71
----------- -.bl**. saw*rd trew eatarr
SPECtALTieA Owiwrrk. UIB C
Mai-1! SPECtaL-:
I Burt*. PlBplM. aerofsia. Blood Talou.
Iteesr. nira add DMasa* of Wones
L «aleU. I,------^Dsxrai
- aod ptrvaoasilr rand Di vkr taMal approted I Maar
OM. Mo^l^ pi
'Oora, per bn.
‘ Potatoea.per 1
Bye. per ta.
I Butter.
-wsiia as p*
at aUea&t
DiPcaaRoiiio Bass ewr*« g
nn sxAimiATioir ofthb irBm.-Baek
w*St*hosldBm4srbrlQ«fr«atn>|OBo<-cs od arlar (that
<Bii»d1, srkKk will rsealtsa earetul cbrwical aad Bleroaeoi
awrluaBaaatrsi*«Ubsrli«e. Psraeaa ralaad la heahh I
rnimy w»h th^
N$. I. S. I CO. PCtyiTE 101160. IBSKFCOII. >ICB.
' I'PI-spo .'pao.M.’
___ ____________
.Vaed by BritNb BoldlMn la Africa.
Tbe Palbee Kwew.
q y DenaiaOd U Well
well known
Mra. Woiib -Jobn. l think ihU gold
omr Africa
aa oommandm^ of
of tba
foreaa that
- eaptnred the fwmona rcbal
OwUabe. Under date nf November 4,
1W7. from Vryborg. Beebnnnalend, '
writes; •‘Betnre etartlsc
-B •pMlalui «•> the I'alted am
IB the largeal baapUal* Is tl
>1 all CBOONtc. nnvot-H, SI
Teed. H. L. AOo. Beak................
Niru-b f^unlf In'lVn. m.d hldlvl, * The
•>Ml-e drug as use.1 In'metl-
from Ibe alirul. treated witb aiilpliurtc
tHd t'o.-aim- Is «>iu|M.s,st of «-arboJi.
bydrugeii aii.l nltmstl tssims-d to a sulLa.-li wb-lu.-ut ..f Hie...,..,-.—'
Sweetnesf.d cbaracler and lifecnira
dlns t ittBiH-m-e on the oervuu*
(mt of KAUelifled trial- T.-sting anftena
of Xankind Ponnibl* to Obr«ix,.
The WO.I sMelr as* (i.orBbly
larksble eklll and uei.eeml eu
. Sr>
1. u a*:
, Nov. 10, 189&-
• pie*. Bed eBIKle. bl« to the full roBBv-e»ee of the *Sleted eer.y Bkue.
. fuuii.i
r the
e |s>l Hi-hI slgulu.-am-{-.'‘ -U'astilug
n .'<iar.
It m-.iiis I
the SB..,.- table.
A 1.........1 is n family.'
BBixnie ruoK.
The Vlemurial Hall hi.
■ Clear Pork per boi. c
b a f-’l'.v; m. Is .be’ .Clear Pork per lb...
de.irv f.K^ tsKHUi.iuion l•aMv.•l> l.vinati.- usyluiu. A stray umn Shortcut
it P
I Pork p
...T.l.fmTk. .t t
kv-p. Imeliel...-, ball Is a fumily. UborlCulP
Tl..- ...ss-ssliy for H.ls usv of the le. tn
With a Trwv l.lahl.
It l> .-sslcr for au IndustriWe are imieU.sl t-i li^>- l.•llllful -.nl*
au« and slir- wd
Pre In luxury In New- York Ilian to who have-dsKie will, s.n-h a true light
amid lUcdarkmssv gb*-... and tvmfli. l*
exist Id any'.-ib.-r .-lly In Ha- world No ,rf tbe l.-d. and we I..V. to oKUemidale
tnacli-waml of am-b'iil fnlile wa* ever , .
, ,
...... ..
tie or pHmi.i iban the name of charity
• hiwU are e«c«.nraged ;iud in*j.ir.sl
I. to open a way toibt- pnl.lir treasuiy. ,
The llbeml atid well-nlgb Indlacrlmlnb.r«Dd graS and
kte girlug of ilK> money of tbe tazpayera for the n-lb-f uf‘*ickliea* and poe.
•Tly ba* been (-otuinand.-d. by law. —American Friend.
OSer Bonn froB « a. SB to 6 p. a
„uder any .-Irvuin-iums-* bad
S1..W theii--lv— (.1 I-- 1—1
and »eiuloiB.;ial, show- ll.at l.-s* than I ^
perreni Of lb.-living are ,*«pef. or de. !
Idem JM
.a, * IVHiuUr S-den.v ;
.iilbly. Tb.-fuarv
tbe dHf.-remv iH-lweeli Ibe ti.ii.i1sof llvliic |hs.r nud pi-niilless d.-u.l. The
Cblef otK- is Hint aluiBe of piilili.- i-har.
tty lie* glow II to sm-b |.ai|H>rHiuis that
Voice.’'—Liu li-t ..11.
the clly ti.is iBHsxiie tbe Miss-a of iRe
cbnutlc ldl--r* nnd irannai (if ibr ••Dtire
mine was a good dea. butu-rerr "
rbllad.d|.1ila li..|ulr.-i
U that s|urit aiuotiK fUnstians which j
1..V.W to minglettith ihew.irlil ..ml o«ri-
— Wasl.lagtuu Tost.
wax SB AT
Sot)«»l W^rlti-i-ng, Tx-a-u-OT-ao 0±tFy,
WOWI* •• tilBTvI.
kiii.KiE my frl--iiil's eff.s1 evi.bilu.sl.
U| ,roul.l like 10 say sum.-lblug tlrnt
•TIm- lai.-lln.ly nirmsi pink, while Btrik.-* Hu- {Mil.lk-a* Hioroiiglily origiu.
tnd. then i.luk again.
\Vl.y ' sIm- gasje
n-.uark.sl tbe pulHI.-lau
.1, ■M...
I....- I.-..
le-rksl blm iu
It wi.s tl..- ..i.ly guud m,g,„ a,,,o|,
. xxiii. -Jo.il; Neb ix.
xii I: EavI vil. I-. Luka
ir. 1 »: Hev.
Traverse City. Mich.
Telephone No 2.
ami.,, .a mal ... il»lr M. P-r- »-■ b.v. «... .
faDA and liivetln.-«» even in Ibe irop- God and have c..na—e»twl .aitwlrea Icl.-d w-..r-. Tlie dlKllllirili«brd vlalliir
; swwus ate Idack; there
lea, where B|.l.-odld
Bl'b-ndld orchid* grow. Tbe
^anew u.
m «.-l
God ' Jao.l.
Jao>l< « new natue lw.1
m.-uiu. In l
aiKs-b-s of dy iliai kills and eats Ilia
floweiu at* ae big at pe..yU-e. and ellb- aneb *iiniiB.-aii.-e. At JabU*. wW he
eplil.-r. and a Ilsb. .-irileil Hie cliulblug
•r pnre white
or IMu.h .olor. and the ws-ll..l with tbe -nxel until be rear
p<-rt'b. that walks d.-llls-riilcly
bnabes bloom eo pmfu»Hy and contln- ceiv«l
amL will. III.- aid of its flna
oonaly that It Is nee.-eaary now and
........... - tin- adja.vni trees after tbe inthen to take ih<-tu. root* and all. out of tmel ,„n«„
1', "i'-•li.".-.'."'
la-riou.s- - be {Kissed ■1 woa.l.-. wl.nl the dc.n-e nmde me
tbe grouml lo j>r.-renl c«ui|»lete ez- Jacob bail a
mis* H..tl.ow first two -botsT
life, be g<>t • '
batuniun of ibeir imwerw
| Ibriuigb a.-ri<>« inI bis.....................
'■»|..atn- .vpllcd Ibe Irishman.
TbU garden and tbeit. imxltwl in- ,new au.L.-ZMlt.-d i-oii.-epth.n .fOodaud
almmenu ere ibeIr refuge and relax- , nud»iibt.*liy .-mine lirt- a- new n-Utnm 4"*‘'.g c|..m- • Tl. divl H.e lulmc ye
I bln t hit It at ,r Hm-world in more a«-nse* tliao one.•thin, for tbe Blglii* tbey daily wlincna ' oi
of tvmi>s-ni.i..u
LMUi>^'riiti.>a Xi'o.i
to ibal. He was .-ntire- ^'* *' "* “)I
are ao dialreulug. ao wi-artng to Ibe..............................
, that the aiiperior fr«inenily
.require* ibem I. aliiu.luD ilH-ir work
for a fea daye aud give tbemia-lve* up
our hvea are* was at stake.'N.-H HrI.wn* TUu.-s- talu.sl InilLaus. Triiu.I.iilL artist lion
to tnnalc and gardening iinill tbey
of IlH- hour, bad iialnusl a Tull h-uglb
_________ ;_______ '
fecoTcr their tone. Kv.-ry few y.-em changed, wb«U we .-..me Inl.i a new re- ^
IMinriill <if Hh- pis-si.l.-ni. I'u.iuue M
tbey are sent away to eonie other duty
cate or .h.s^ess suit. see H.e effwl, Wuabbiglou le.1 a pa^
for aert-ral monili* for Ibe aauie reaof full bl.ssled Imliiius sud.h-uly Inta
„ hi* a-riea*. aa* aaw i
aon. Many of the nura.-e bare Im><« chiblreu. ami our, highest aim abunM
Tiew of It
<Mi.' of tbi-iu a.Ivams-d iuid
i, Barlr* la «be (leave.
more than 1f> yeam at work In ibo boa- be P. keep tlie n^ liame we bi«r un^,
..jy„ ,
n,„ gu,„g
pItaL and ib.-ti- iia* nec.y iN-en ibe mtUird by being faithful to Ibe new regrunted, with siis|.iclon.
lie iuuk<-d
aligbltwl algo of coulagloD In one of latmn
-wvn- t>-aliy Hal; dlaThe beavealy new name Bt*-ben of i*
tbain. Tbey obM-rre tin- iiaual exquleevvered with disgust ibni It was. Sot
||„. ..H.er .lay.
iie dennlln.-M demanded by Ibeir re Beveiati.m has biTgely Ibe same siguifl- ,i„
one wunld {n-riuli Tivni.liuU lo sk'-i.-b
ligions row*, and tbe ■iip.-rlor'^ take* catiuu a> the earthly new name. It ^Vell. Iw-aii..- Just now I au. not the
blm. Tne president i.sik an aiiii«blc
care that Ib.-lr pby*l<-n1 .Kindlllun It •umU f..r ...ir new reUtn.u I.. G.id. and
,.f a divsa suit and la.-k the
walk ikiwu itriHidway with tin- iudiaiis
carefully wal.-lu-d. but u.. other pre- it also must be in *..ine way tue nanir «-|„.n.aiH.al to pi.irhase amrther. it
In Hieir sH.uge iln-ss. paint and fcatbcaniloDe'are otwrreed. aud tbey do not of G.s1 - T.. him that..ver.-..nietb * * • | Ua|,,«.|„si ||,|, «av: I lui.l a friend, a
era. slateilu.-ss of cIviliuHoii and sav•eclude tbenieelTe* from tbe world. At
ag<- ■lau-llii.-ss i-uiiliast(si. Tbe dignity
tbe time of luy visit iheiv were but
woiil-lu't len.l him
ot file unrv-gencrate Indian was mL
' two-while men In ilu- boapltal. all tbe
is. just wbat it i, ....................
BIT swallowtail.
............ ........
I iKinseuied. but 1
ami yci 1... wa* lickl.-d llkea cbll.l with
otbetn bring negroee. Hlnd.m*. and
Imt what is I H>id him I wani.sl Hi.- .-loibee back tbe
Ibis o|.{H>rtuuity
for display.-Leila
here, how the, iiew [ n,.„
,1 I Uu.l a function lo atCblneor.
llcrlH-rt in llanwr* MagazimA half-breed Illoiloo In one of Ibr uaiuc may Is- ubuiui J. w'e do know. It teu.l uiyaelf,.
warda bad ev..lvi-d In bl* long leleure i* l*-u>T f'lr us to know bow u> gc) tba
-Wi ll, to make Vdong story abori.
Hla ilBB (be Beiier.
a molt logentou* tower eoine flvt- f.-rt new nnuie Uwn to know wi i.iucbalsval 111.- w.-ek n-.-iit l-v and not a wonl
"One day. ' says |i wiilei- lu H.e Huohigh, built of old .-Igar boxes, balf-used it. Tbe all iu>|>*-Utit >iue>tt..u in this frt.m uiy fiicii.l i-r u«t a sign of u.y luu Tniuscii)>i. "tbe ui.iiber uf a
peDcils. cast-off bit* of win- nails, etc.. life is. How luay w.- oldain Hs- u.-w evening-Inds. I bad i» i-mss my date yearsdd ls>y gave bin. two alb-e* ot
a tbouaand <Hlds and ends, hi.-ludlne a
prv-tiy Iliad. I.i.t I ilblu'l say iuiHetvd bn-ad. lelliug bin. I.i give utie
t'hri'i 's'name. "To him i
broken duck caw, whm- <.f which be
.SUolt-er week v
ami of tbi-i.i lu 111* lllHi- sister. He iwrrled
bad begge.1 fn.iii vlaliurs, niuiv ..f that vrt-.-nN.lii. lb will 1 give t.: eat of | a,|i|
Tli.-n I .let-l.lisl In in out
Ibe ordi-r
That night vvb.-u be
w lili-b be iuid n-woed fn.iu Hie n-fii*e tlie bi.l.leu manna and will give him
anil biiiil up my friend ati.l Hnd mil If went
to Is-d be' was evl.I.-llHy illsiurtilln*. Thb .-.uitalned some »• llllle white stvmc, oU"l in tile *tous a new bi- lnleiide.1 la k.s-|. my .-loHi.-s forever. eil III bis mlu.l ami r.-iii..iss-ful nls.iit
room* aud a «Indlug *talr. aiul was m- uiime wrilieai. wbi.-hpoman ksuwelh.
••I .-alleil ut li's lsMir.l'nB ti.wiae nii.l -s.iui-lliiug. and bis i.ioiIm-i .|iii-sHou^
bablied I-) a |H-i gray rat. wbu. ai a saving be il.ei msivWi it.” If wt .....................
the is-il. Ills liiu.lln.ly .
liliii lu a Way lu i.i-i.igoiu H..- truth.
aignal (''’»> bh. niasu-r. would iiw.iini overv-i.me self. Hm- wurld aiid sin. God . Hie d.sir. Wlieii 1 ask.sl If niy friend
wasn't ul.v tu I'eggy about
Ibe stair* and visit every n«oin. rlua. will f.ssl us u|*.|i tbe bid.l.-u liiMUOa. |
go .e a Eiis|> of usioiiUhtliat tin-ad iiu.l l.uiier.* t»- owmsl.
tng ala-ll III ouc. mmiiig a wlus-l In *|iiritnul l.liwsitigs im|**«dl.|e of attain- j
ai.-l ex.-la.misl. AVby. dlilu't you
--Wby?' asked bis luoibv-r. *l>luyon
another, pulling a siring wbl.-b bsiai-ii. meut .m earth Jle will give Ob tb«' gm.n be wa> d-a.l iiml l-)ir1i<tir
take tlie bigger pletv^
1 a Hoy sla
while Btotie of aiqnittal on whid. will |
h.-is ii.y -iini lo Is- klKv-keAnaiil"->'o.' be auswelvd.
'Her* was •
nd di*|>lnylti
ta> iuacnlssl Ibe new- UHUie
Ls-t ua m> J ,\fier I nssiv.-i-.sl iiiy ■•realb, I explainlIHle bigger than my |.l.s-v Wa*.. Wit
Mo«l of Hie iiaHeuts bad no aiicb reaouire ami sai In UrtsMlIng indur.-n-iii’e
and slli-n<-<-. itn- U<hm-I.-ss priauuers uf
<li<epair. Kiit Ibe patlemv anil pity of
tbe la-auilful y.mug woman In a * blie
cap. wbo bail glv.cn n|> wealth and
youth and blgl. plan- to easitin- Ibow
au uid;*|<py. uIki Ik-ni uver tbt-ni. wa*
Now is tbe lime
to p'ace yonr orders for
be d
make of
Petted Daugbler-Tbey nUrd me ta
of It.-Jewelerw' Weekly.
play at kira. Htghu|i'a tbla eveelng.
aad I did: bntJonmaL
The Pleat Teeeh.
Fond Hoiber (proodly)—Were they
'Ready (or all ibat might befall, tbr
•ot enlranredl It U wbilr yoo are js.UenGy tolliag
<>rtectlve {.rv|«red to venture
Petted naugbler-Bom! When I
ive." at the litif task* of life that tbe m«n- foWEi <• «»* track of tbe desperate
ing and abapsof the great whole of Ufe' Cflmliml. At ibe ibrewbold she paiwed
dawn npem you. Jt iswbile yemara le- ,
«■» "“r wore look lack.
FPPd Mother (ecsUttcaOyJ-Tknt's Nttinc Uttfe MiptntioM that yon an
**<« tur dlagulae ou stnilghtr pbt
-troodetfnl! Tbey maai haee baM nan- growing «miger.-PhUU|> Brooka.
I Bbked.-PhUadeIpbla North AmcrMn
«(B.-Ke« TocB Weakly.
Cboleri al_____
Bemfdy. wbkb I need myaalf whan
trowbled with bowel wwiplalnt. nnd
bad given to my men. and |« ev^
enae It proved mnat bmaefletal.” For
rale by 8. B. Wait abd F. & noapaon.
Marsi Bras., Hnsi PaiiPrs
Give them beall.
483 ■ Elavood Aw.
8id«WBlk Lnmbw in bU bIbm.
BOMBOW td Tfbtmm Oltj I(Vm8«r Oq.
THB mottmta r«uohd »owdat, H0VBMBa» b, law
<vi«M*a] be a»d laabcn* ««m down
(Rr bMcb to awte. Ram«n watrbrd
ibriD from tbr bMcb wb*B tb* KanMB Bottcod anddral; a ktcbi
■ ■■Mi
TWtr la Botklac «kat bdasa u • Arrstlcr
tloa 00 imaid TbunituB'* •
LONOON*f sthects.
wLih-b wa* aim tjrlBC si am-bor la I'b*
hartMir. U* c«aU a** ni*B irrma lo
w*m of R wbrn RCtMtiMa aUrt «W t*
could bear ibiiB
faitaai r.rr »• ptfcrort Cro»- exprrIi&FPt. Two Doitti aide
M M«nM «r umm>
< met IB a dear atorr od Chkaco btobi
Koiloalns lb* erident •llris‘il<iii <>f
jriMnda; and t»-KBn lo commeot oo
n know lUI tb*a odIj ita
<»f iIk' na*»»»—%».
a ‘T>*9>i>f'tB>ttirHaor eWtrtcal nia* wbm *«■ i
•ai«\rbi-;;u Ibelr elaih-es lb* kmi .*r*»
of lb- luuiult.
rbiM. Om ailoavd tbat lb* clear aior*
Wben Qb*«i VUtorit drlt** thrott«h
,1,, ,b«* wlibooi
\5;i,■■ r»*fu«d. HtBchto*. The oOier nduntecred to
itt* stdcBslU lose* b<^ paaa t>r. Wbeo
A* nifal llicrira ar*'dn>crlb)H] In lb*
AM ft*] ikr tiruBt aararAor Mac
fl* could also *.•.• that Thuniou was
> -AbAbc*. Ilii-n- I* a I«tid outburst of
rotate lo r«.ch tb*
-■llBPrInc « nil a deep undenoue of loyal
The IU» IMI fur Ur* te lU^irdTwe^.
l"Mlt Ibal had pul off from tbe wlHion•flM-UoD. As lb* caniaicF dran-n'oesr.
and bad left iMbrlb- to b*r fate.
« f*«r bau may b* raised aud band.knrldefx are wavtd. bm tb* voice* ar*
ftoabed aud ili* ijueen 1* mvlred Ib
twwmpuw int OHIWUHH.
o»Lr to c«.
I Lm::^!Notice!
Jr.^r*:':L“j2**a^''tr ”*r
-AM to OB* aide and Iben to tbe olber.
.Md bowliie lu brr sub><TU. Tbe> iB
-Aelr luru alar* at bar intently and are
WBbxIisii, wblle tb* crowd* a lobr way
to adeamo are aboutlBs Ibemariri*
%oara*. Tbat U lb* £n«llsb way of
!«jz "‘™\
oOeera who bad com* anhore white
ihHr Bhip waa evnUna bad raced over
ber ebnnua. and one. t:uKlKn luipb
Tburaton, had awom to hi* luatra that
be wouW OB* day, return to Tutulla
the U..I rracbed bln. be halicl
n ,ud clniiiiwrad la orer the
KbeeiK. Tbl* action mcani denth u
laulN-lk-. a- far as Thuraion wa. .a.n
Hiii there wa* another factor. In th-
1 IwTe bought • bhlf iotemk
Aod tb« boBineto will be ma
'tmder th* firm ouie ot
B firat clan ntoke
Tranrse Bella, Sc Cigar
W* aoUcit the patroaiage of tb*
pK^le of Tntrem t'lty.atid g«»r.
la Italy ibere I* ueilbrr ebrortne nor
♦ ■bsBtlUK *beu lb* qniwn appraadbra.
There were only tUrw white p*r- dl-.^.v-ennl the shark be ran to the trtifiriBl flavor—joatclean,
M wbcu ab*' U>wa flrat to tbc rlebi
A specialty. Kverythiog in •**•
aoBS llTliif; on the fair Satuuan iKland reef, uumnurmt and le«|>rd Into hi* . lobaoeo. This give#yona whole.
nnd tb*B to lb* left, tbe aalutallon b<
of Tntalla. In ibe i>piucl|i&l bartnr
aud lu a irtce ihe Utile crafi oooie. enjoyable emoke at an econOpen da/and night,
arturned. Tit* lyowdx at* alh-nt wurB
which. Pasu-Paito. Ihe I nlt.-,! Ktai.-*
llylu* <.ver tb* water, pro- ymical pri
tb* carrtate with lb* scarlet llverli* U
Covernmeui maintains iia tu»*l lui- Mb'*! by the atruuj: arm* of the Sam-^
• «r*B. but udii-n ab* bend* ber b*ad lii
k yonr
dealer for Uiem
Routh^uxica bad aeen the c»i
.avracBillun of ber Bub><'ta *r*^ man,
Mra. “xi**'0 of Thuraion. and the fur>
}*arlllc. Tlii-y were
voman and child sa-em* to rtyard It as
Uenry IManur and Ibeir dauisbier
dauictuer aufTcr
auyer ae*-med
ae*-med to
to add
add to.
to. bl*
bU en-at
_w pcnwHial loniiimncul and r*iura» !l
bold Ib.- cat If bla friend would fur- laabellc.
aireuKil.. iMlwIle
l«Wl|e bad
bad bl-.iin
<ha- ,
T .nellnr Block
4 Fiont Strna
-ty bowlus low.
Blah Ibe ta-nny.,
Lnder the influence of the iropicnl cov.-r.-d li.-r p. rit, and *...............
whoth..* ............... dri.,,. In ...................
fUnuile l*al»-U.- develo|N-d early iuio i‘nn«uw pul out In 1.1* .-ano.- aUe
-lira aJtoe iiTmtorf o
r.-un.1ed up ihe .-at and one held the n ramarhaWy Iw^mlful womah. She a«.m lo um,-i him with all ihe ajawd
she ■aiiihl .'.■uimaiid.
a'Z oc.-a-h»n. or
,r I]««*.-*
j-T*; of the “*
••• ■
on 7
a aiaic
mai-blm- with Ibe
II!* on- the
|rr.>|Mini<ui* of whleh
Pur a lime, ilial acviiiiN]
«-*.mjuini..u dmiHa-.! In
inuy. alawloicly |-•rf.-.-^i..ll.
tnit waa r.-.-tlly only a few mlnul. .. ll.c j
graaiad the oilier knob, turned on the htvwn hair wn *
be In favor ol Ibe
rinebn 11ie aib-rlators awall In ih- eurtvui and tfrabtaal rhe .-Ufa toll. .\ud blue
Ii:<d .ue laiu b-r.-emali tint aliark. rea.-binn tbe sir! lu advama- of
Ten mtrh' o'ac *•* me abnot atorlng
^nnu .ll.-n.-e herjOH-ilMB. ami when ,h.-n Ihe air «a. lUled will. a|«r*a and iluii la
.-hnnu-iertoil. ol California b.-r would 1.- r.-a.-ucr, hut with luhtbiyj
jr-ur wheel FRBB.for tbe wjoirr
iTi I* off.-r.-.! 11 I. #inru.-<l will. ih.ii f„r and a howl iluil altraei.tl all the woiin-n
Ko bntirr encno-linr tnai onra.
aickea of hi. luiddle Kamnipi drew |
«ra*e air of .-.^-im.uy •l.l<hn*4.-*ii- amall Ih.j* In tin-m-lBhlh.rh.HHl.
btep In nnd tolk it owe.
But lli.-re waa one mau ou ibe )*• raphlly .■l<i*.-r ami .diwer.
liar to tin- lailft rai-ea.
The Ural din-tor lamslinbe eitfara,
binl who lov.nl Iwiln-lle l.-iler llinu
-M the tii»ini-DI wh.-ii the moi)i>ter'|
An Kii|cr<*hmim In lloim-. faninc In
j —Sannica. the auu of Tuailu. lln- aauk In-neaili
KUrf.i.v pr.-pnrat.irv
tbenr ih. loud a<-i-lalin of iiopaUr w.-lI. Tout;...
rulln* .-litef .d I'utuila. nurablpueil 1« lurnlnc
1 hta. iMv
»vk to a.-uei
,«*ome wiil.'Ii 1. aKMn-laie<l wllh a royal
Rna-nt niiniira of Cerumn aunexa*
. Id lamdoii.
lion In Tonna yive .iMi-lal inti-r>-M. 1
i the .Ill-lit welcome a .-old oui-. information almni tin- .-ouuiry. In the
I maEUlO«ent ajn-.lmen of flmily Kl-a.ln-d lu bla band.
lauirb at Uie motley
paid Md diiya. somewliai after
after Ibe the Kautuai
^talL Hiralyhl. na an a momeui later bad m-lxed BauHica'
Itallnn tlirouK l.'inllns low aud n-lnni.
fomior ntiiiuer of Japan. Touca w:ia
arrvw and
and inaouiwed of the ain-upth cahoe. luto which .he haiileil In-rai-lf.
- arrvw
mv the B..v,.reinD> KrtH-lIn*.
I p.v.-rned by two kliipi. one tbe aplr- of n iflant. UU fe.tuiva wen- ivyular Kveu In-f.in- .he ba.l drawu h.-iwelf InAd liallau In l.oiid„u. on the other
tual the other the temporal inonar.-h. «m! baud.oim- aud while hi. .diio wa. lo the lliile .-raft the water all
’•mad. woul.1 r.-pml an Knitltah crowd
huriue thta *y-«pm of Rov.-nnnCnt ihe .Tnrk It wa. a. .lo.Kiih and pure aa ar..unU
wa- aialncd with bhanl.
M* nniMnin-H.t lu the pr.-aw-nre of royaplrilual, or Tul Tons*, a. he wna .-all. **tlu. Vndcr Mr. U-lau..r'. t.-achi-jt Wbeihertin- I.1...I wa. ihai .if Kaniuiely unit
toily. *lD.v It ia-cina by makltti; a rtvat
.-d. had ali^lmely
unlimited imw-.-r. a.. Kamiyta Im.l h-arue.1 to ap.-ak Kmtllia. .iCT or
the .Imrk iMln-lle did not
. awirtwr sinl en.la with little more tlian unr.-b no thatI H hi. aaucuai iiiaJeHty flu«>nll.r
W-nll.r aaii.l to r.-ad and write, siamn- know, but ih* uatlee r*nualued behiw
ji ntuUd alar.-. I(-Bviuit. a* It seenu. to found a b»n<- to bla flab ami tlina bad b.
the .urfa.v w> UliK that abe f.-ared the
Oitm. the «ju«-n'a aalniatlon vlrtitnlly over hla left ahoulder IhecAk w.-ia In- i^iK-Ue
yeara, but he bad never wonu. Wllh ivnlJl.- In hand, howev.-r.
iulK-Ue f..r
aianily clnblwd; If over hla rlKhl, tl..- even wblaii-r.-.! a wor.l of lov.-.
'.he ivmalue.1 ready to render aa.l.tlevcry K.iro|H-un .-aplial haa -a own aiteadania underatood that Ik-of ll.e
One daj ^ *.-boouer from Apia anee wh.-u the brate fellow .b..iibl
itaUni of view III It. relatlona with toy. kltehen was f.-nrlven.
The Totipui.tvund.-d the |..lni of tlanu-tiafu and
.-.mH- to ih,- -urta.-e,
,Uy and .Ustiliarlr* of atai.-.Even the
have alamlutoly m. hlaiory or eve..
au.-li.w off the Itim-r r.vf
ITeaenilv be api-ared In Ui* ml.lat
«Dwd« of .itv.-t-lou«p-rw III Itondou o l.-cend as to their oriRtu. but in 1ai- r- Kaliib ■ niiir*li>u Ml lu Ihe al.-ru .hei-ls of the bliaal.v t..d.
-. <ir I'ari.. tufve their own uoilon. ilm.-a ttielr |aiw.-r app«-ara to-havc' of the amall Ihmi that pm off from kluiall.v imhvd
ctlqu.-Ue aiHl pro|.ri..|.v.-VouiUB* gradually din.iiilahed nuilL lu tbe lem- ber aide and...................
headed r Ihe .bore, lie Uia-. But It wa
Prettf near tiing
to mat about baiiog yoai
Bicycle Enameled
Bi. by name Ealafehi. dh-d. aWmt tailor ami ..V.vurvie n.-.vpi.-,: the li.vl- had ha.I a ii-rrine liattle
<.over..lU. Wlilvniu «•*
yeatw «5n- aiwt wwa lnirb-.l ol ta,i.„,
.,.,un, p. lu the
tiire. b>-ii.’alh the aiirfaee. but
TV inivc»l.-r In.a f.ireUru land la not uihlfo. on ll«A i.bud of T.
A tatmr hmiwen-wdou < .troUBly tbe flBht. The .area.. w«.u
toeetwaarily b.-lpi.-.. be.-uua.- • he doe* |>reai nutnlwr W
and Wtt. I.iw.nl to the la-ileb.
to(d know tb.- iauiciup-. V..r wa* a lait___
.\l flcM itlamv ThiirKi.iti •.i-.-uiivI |.>
Thui-.toii n-n.-wed hi. suit that
*.-«i»ndeui ..f ilM- Chlcap. ll.-«-«rd. wh.. act ailU lu .•xlat.-m-e.
be an .'x.'1-.HlluKly p.MMiMiklni: >.ihiiu nlisht. but wa* n-ia-lir.1 .0 enipbatical'•dmit. ihai when be eiil. n-d Italy hi.
Thea.-cravea follow ihe
B.-iiernl man: l.ul ili.n- w.i. a u.-iikii.->. nl.mi ly that be itave up and -ailed the nett
tolne w.ird. ..f I'n-u.-h and Itfi.-en word, plan and pauy of tbeui
an a.-n- hi. uioutb and .-bln ami a .vnaln day f»r Apia.
:.-»-nu.ii werv-ofooirtwi ua*
u. him. of pruoiid and are
ai biiilUn
hree. .triniiHTi-alMxil
1 be
Kamnsa I* now a Elvai cbli-f.
.Ur KB)a:
, |onr or even five lien, or aitT*. ea.-h diatniat
baa for hla w ife the oi.ial lieaullfiil
Jb i.eniMi 1 w.-nt Into a ph»i>«ra|di- tier fa<-e»l with hup- atalw of .-oml
ttaiuusa mneelved an iiii.-iiKe dl.lik.- woman lu all Kamua.
-to'a and M-iet-ied a ............................... nx^-aome of wbliHi lueaauiv thirty- for
their nr.t ukviIiik. nilaed the Kaiu|||n. to b.-r level, and
. 1 pointed at the pboiuBraplia and two feel by nine or ten. and two feet and Hier.- «-em.'d to Iw au luatantam- the irlla- ..f Saniu
tomluHl at lilm lB-|ntrii«ty. whlrb mvnut thick. Thea.- are (Uled In with earth, oua mutual antliutihy Ih'Iwccd the n:o*l cullBl.t.-ned
aeeond il.-r heinjc then built a 111- .vokur men. Tbe enalBH
added to pelaRo.
le n.Kliled hi. bead aud wrote “H" tie amaller than tbe flrai. tbat lu turn till* unronnnaie fet-lluc bv a much at• *•***
torn* ailed lu with eanh. and so on. l.-mpt to -guv" the native wb<-reutM>n
1 maldial.
reeeni commencement
wiU take The grav,-*. or tagla. a* ihe nailv,-* .-all SauiuRa ta-.-ame aulim and luonwe!
them, have In the ivurae of a*e. Imk-o
Thiirxton l.wi no time in layln* brought agalti to tbe front a cuiiona
He watke.! .iver to ■ calendar hanff- entirely ov.-r*n>wn by ireen. Many «.f »le*e to iHaU-lle'* affn-ttoux. The *lrl old euatom which recur, there each
which c-nlen the
toff on the wail and iiolnied to »;"
Hm-.b tbe
“ '■
I WM srallfled by bla alleDlluna at drat.
*r wnlk.-d toek and picked np tbe a.-iwtlly dtaida.-ed the http- hlov-k ofJ but ahe se«-iiird lo have au luxtlui-tiw main Ititen-ai »f the senior claas anpiphnloBniidi.
aud Nhu.4 tiia bend,
the ta*l-are
ta*|. are couip-Mird.
1proiupiln* t;«i be wna inalt.-ere. ami |H-r. III.- public aiinouiiivmeut of en, - wbl.-b
-------- -------I tbe
New desigos and faoc;
girls wbo have
wienriy nie^i that b«- could nut allow
In 1H4(J H. U. 8. Favortie. Captain uDiniatworihy. Kbe had little kn.iwl;•* to Ink.- Ibe lines I had acletded, but Croker. arrived In Tonga. At that time .-d*.- of mm ..tli.-r than abe had glean- ymniE
tootlld have oita-ra priule.1 l.y the SltL. tbc kind of Tonga. Jootah TuIhiu. waa «-d from the iaioka bi-r falber bad «-onr»
Ther»-tiiH.i. t iH.lnt.>.l to r. ou the cal- at war with muji* of hla tvbiUlouB aule cb.M-li for li.-r. bill ah.- bail an .-x.-.iil
For year- the .-tan. a
Keep these ia mind when
^ndnr. aud Mhl. Iloma." wblrh meaul Jv-i-ta of lln- town of ik-a aod Houma Ingly w.ill-lulam-ed mind aud ib.- M-I.fied a. III.- ni
lb]. pro«'is-.llne.
fflial I al«.iiM d-pan for ICoiiie ou Chat aud upon the Kavorlie * arrlvaL at the heart of a trde wunun.
r.-«i..nd.-.i 1.. and the
down town and call in oar
liiatauvx- of tin- lulaalunarlea. Cktpuin
0°c nxMiillghi ulshi when Ralph U.-n r.-.lH-nd.-.l I; and ilh- hiiii.tn-d and one lit- ’ ,
He m-bl.-d and then polni.-d to 30 Croker lutlmai.-d to the kiug bla n-ndl- ami laalH lh- were strolling Hluug thb- tjiinpi don.- wiii.-ii oulv .-oii.-Be girta jcwelerT Store to look them
i> do anyiblng In his |Mrwi-r to ta-avh. Mr. li.-lanor lidd hl> wife that n<»|ld till
.ioliig. tio- clas* Bct-i
termlnut* llte waj
a ptvwsluK letter f
-'■llut.-ir' be asked.
on ta-half of Ihemsrivo* and famUiea,
What answer did you give hlmr
1 wn>n- my Koum- sddn-ss on a 1
.......... »j=««iry
a. (IrliUh sutije.-tw, he Bgm-d with ask.-.! Mr*. iK-tanor.
-tot paja-r
th* kluc to B.-t as medluior. and aa
"• ’"hi him, lu the Aral place, that caigagetni-M roll.
In making diauge be b.-ld »ul <
snHi dtvw up .Hmditlon. of |h-a.-e I** haTI ktiies-n Iwilietle loo abon a lime
wlil.li b.- pr...-.-eiW to.ink.- I- Ihv f.wt «•' {*e •'W'" <‘f his love f.«- her oF
di.|N.K.-il of their
“IVtote." Ih- i-xplalDod.
Then I .lep.-in.-d.
OnllnarllyHe wa. aUmlrted Into the fort aud
““i the girl slioiild In any even;
tohofqier selecting a doaen .photograph.
bad an iDli-r\-lew with Ihe cblefa. wbo deetde for lieno-lf and that, anally, knows aUiui tli.-m. But ilu-re *r.. >i. I
-to be,M»b-dto order.and fnrward.'d rvprt-wx-d theins.-lves favorable to Oi* man she choose tor a hustiand way.
- who, for wise r.-a.ods of j
■ loi-k<-<l up their ro-; _
to him at th.- nett town w-oiild spend them, but a.keAfor lime locoufer with “'*»• •x' sail.U.-d to live on thi. l-bin.I their
. wH-iiivIr In tb.-lr own bean*, j
minute, or more lu making In- tbe oili.-r'ehl.-fa of tbe morem.-ni at ■* lonif «» 1 bred. Any-other climate.
aa ih.w’. Every girl l. on j ' SI .• ^1
.^olrlea aud giving dlna-iloiiB. Our total oilier plai-v.. B»-fore
.«f coBversatU(ii waa Jiiat Arc w-orda.
have readied any «
------------------------, Captain Croker. having got bit gnu.
• within range of the ntockade, pnt him"“r *he way.” asked Mra. Itotanor. far the plandli. pt tbc crowd.
** I
Fart* ma.v pull down ber au.-Jeui «.|f at tli.. head of hi. men. aaylu*. ■
F"* noticod bow peculiarly
act.,1 .iura Mr. ■n.nn.ton
The building whicb Mr. L.
-toilldlngn bill* from thi* time forth uu -Sow. bluejackets, follow mer Aa *■““»« baa.......................«raof ibem Httl pi-rtth wltln.uf leav- ,he ,.,rly rea.-bed Ibe stockade a man
the roll Every face lo the ctaa* Is full Warsowsky bas leased, 225
Inler.-.! and expectancy. Bcndli
Bending ip„_»
tog behind a Irae* of their foruier *«n- .truck"at Cawnin Croker from Inaid*
and It ha. worrle.1 of Inter.-.!
Vo^;” ^iVh"'n*tamw
-AltlM. A
A *.-heme
*.-heine to.
ha. U-en
U-en ptopo«H,
ffrratly.” Mr. Detamw repllea,
replied, f^orw.r.1
far fomanl over
over the
the table,
Uhle. the
the aenloraenlc- 'J«nt fe>treet. one door west
'Id.-l ,by
by ibcMiulstcrof
tbc Minister Of Fine J^taln
«puln rerlrwl
retired a few yarda^
yard, and kJSd
- ®
“ noble fellow aud a* ,lJ?l^^V"r^ta«V'ttoVVlMoSr;
•111. If
If carried
csrriMi out.
tnit leave
b..... a
. attest
- .
__ _he wa* abotd^
.. .
If ......
Bav* reeeiecd Iftelr tllpiemas on
A*k t..:*!.
Artn that ylll.
a tree, whet*
brave aa man
man s.
as .rer
ever H*.«1
We.nl. If
only ....
be {5^ wraithby
him Nov. 1lOtb
lAMlng maml of all I
eighteen of his men being severely
would ivjok-e at bendlug far forward they wall ragerly'
„ .
wounded. The rrat retired.
ibe prospect of baeliig him as a pne for the word that la a signal for In1 RfSt CISSS VinStT
lu futinv all ancient bouae* of note.
-------------------------. lector for Isabelle. 1 am aattaaed Ibal dlvklnal and coneetlee congraidta.
" ni»miP»9 IBIWIJ
;Aud mU archliectarally Int.-muing
b* war*bl|w her and that he i* tercely tionagl MtrehlllliSft
Wtot author la moat downtroddent Jra^ou* of joung Thnnuon.”
All Ibal a girl ha* to answer
anawer to her'
jrtwclure* In IVrta. before belug pulled
.Am-B, will be racefolly drawn and Field,
Wait for tl. opening.
^ffronnd Ptaii* taken, togetber with
Wtot author I. tend (rrt, a. le«, «
VbOWffrapba of tbe Interior and extei-
TWII:aa.B irstoaMpaHarrarMOfts4kte.*Mstae|wr OraadfeapWs M a
Ti(«:»r. • ifwtahaananarea* la O
~>s4s amneg at l-JCs. ■ has *lwa»r
BS.I to arssd Rspia* aa« eoaeh so* S
Isi^rs^lcst 0 to UmoS BarMt so« rhsi
Troisi rrl>lacal*toa ■. hs.rkslrcar FV.
Orsa* Bstods sad e air ear Oraad
Chicago —
West Michigan.
L< PMssker
LtOH BapMa.
, .r... o,b„
... .....
Notice! Notice!
....... ,
to turn to money.”
ttowortd mn niiMk of >«♦ t h... now'enly 28 and where the y^
^ gradnetloo base been only taro,
mau mere i wtu
sartons secretarte* bad
r decMed to euiy hla point «t nil hag-. y«n, they nay that It wooU to Bwod,
to tore iBcr^ ntandlly eneh Ttor.'
' Os th* MCitaff Mtowl^ Bnipk'* -New T«fe HnaMT^
dr: sawyer
I i a■
.•44.ir » *»►»
_ ll _
i-tot pjwt might, by tolng b^, ^ bribed much as Oande deaerthed to
«“ wdlra* fflrte are fortunately ^^
»tin*ct.-d with tbe blsti
a pUUoaopher?
phUoaopber? Hogg
Hogg might
be- FBUllne
otlrely true.
comee a
might bep.^,„ tbe gkuiea
,mri- of
«r bU
hi. patattol «»®t entirely
No profenalon
„ , ,, m ,, , , ,,, j_____
..rDfensloD .*
lilgbrr Id <
_ a next brat tbin*
to ke«T>lng him «>“» Bacon.
!. laabelle was s' '
.. staging la to pr»Wbentaa
ial fiiend a
tbe meoMry of them, a* ibM fn““ snteTto^ k^*yoV she lege f« Jnat two yenra._____ _____
sntn ffencratloBS may at icnat imow
Jiat wtot they were Mke, and t
r father and 1
Twenty per cent la not n bad record
^ mensnrr enjoy ibe dty tbat
*^.****^,1 .
______ hearted nnd lonely. I would like to f*"- » cUsn were tbe aren«e-w
vseQ M the city that la.
Wtot In the durennee between
Cbrlstmas toopplng ud ntrong Tucktah coffee? Tb* Brat mekeo busy days,
Trmv«r*a3y IBs .It atom
ran unriBini
•«» errr. »c.ooi.
ooliio Korra.
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