The Morning Record, August 27, 1899

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The Morning Record, August 27, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



tlAaon nm


Third Te«r<.No. 7S1


' Ar»>4BodlMsf OlUMMWdabcriffi
P«M PrivlM Oolorad ftlotM Xato
• w»ap*-Trft3pf



l>Mp«r*U litastion »t Dari•n.O«orgU.

nsTxmri am

rMrolltBK Ua

CUt7 - Om IUb ZlUad - Troabl*
•f«wOtt«r tk« ArrMto( » Sacra—
Vorty MoMn Talua.

8.818 Bnrtala of Hurrlaasa Ylettea
Bava Baaa Hade U Porto Bica
SaoJaaa. Pjio Blao. A<NT- »6 ~Aa
oflkdal raport haa kaaa laaaad by Uu
praaidaat of Ida aaparior board ^f
baaltb, akowloc ttal Vbera hare baaa
t.llt bariaUoI alaiiaa of tba raaaat
barrleaaa. Oaa tboaaaad tamUlaa are
aUalaf. tofatbar with tbalr hoaaca.
Tba report aUtaa that the number of
daaUtaU pacwu U t».0W.
ItU aaUmatad that It will rc^glre
<t,000.000 ponnda of rioe and beaaa and of eodflab to allow a
ration of a pwind a day balaf loaned
anUI eropa eaa ba catbared aareniaan
!ka banoa The coat of tbaae
Tba larca eicarotta lac lory of Boca-

OartM, Oft.. Auc- M.-Foll«wiac
tkrM Aayt of narra rioUaf hara amad
%odlai of clUx«M and a tkarir* poaaa
•n drirlBf Ibe bUeka to tba awampa.
f.a proainaal wkita,
ko.'todaad. kUlad by aacraaa. and
-o..a... >“*> “*

I—1»ln>m.r UI.
Daria, rol, a.™
era era an roola by water to aeTanoab
for aata berplr c and a apadal ataamar
baa baaa apnl to Bmoawtek for retnforonnaam for tba wbltaa. who aapaet The Pcpolar pLbeanan aed Hr*
to elaak with the nairoaa In the
Hate Hopbine Wrra QuieUy Kar.
awBBpacf Melntoaboonnty.
rled Laat April.
8ueh. In brief, are tba devalopmanU
Dick HaaaeU, Ue fl^herraao whoac
In tba BO t atnbbom race war tbla aaelaland home in lb* bay baa aitracud
tioD bat erar known. It befan aavaral
much attention and newapaner solFue.
*dayaaco with tba arraatof Henry Da
baa ttolan a march apon bii friends by
Ural- a nerro. Da Lefal «aa placed
■lyly Uking a wife. Ue did U very
in Jail bare, and tba nerroeB, who
i ‘‘“‘•‘^1' ““
anmbar tba wbltaa flra to •
^ ^ Kate Bopkint. wboae home wee in Lee­
tba report that Da Lafal
lanau county. Tbe eoaple were marri­
ed tu Benale enmty last April and
Bbarlff Blonnt, feaHdctroabla. aurtalnee tbe ceremony tbe matter has
•d to remove De Lafal bo SavaoBah
been aeeureiy kept a secret Tbe pair
Jail, wbea tba nafroea, l.uoo aironf.
determined to becEp it qaiet. but in or­
baran maaelnr at tba jaU and foreed
der to do ao were Impelled to reeort to
tba abariff to return lie Lefat. Two
a subterfuge. They did
iMdred Bavannah millllarman atorm•d the nefro mob aad carried Di Lt- Uke out a llcenee In tbia oonuty for
their friends would bear of it The
fal to the traio for Bavannab.
Seventy aoldlera were left to rt>^ same applied to Ueelaoau oonoty,
Darien, and the local aatborltiaa b^n where tbe relattvee of tbe bride reside.
Rot Dick was'equal to tbe oceasloo aad
to arreet the nefro rlnfleadere. Forty
wore captared. allbonfh mtny of tba eolved tbe problem. Be went o
to Benile eonnty io April and
oSandara left Darlea tor tba oonolry.
*d oat for ten dape. Jut long enoegb
A eonrtar reached bare at II o’cloek
to gain a raaldenee la that eounty.
today with tba Information that fitly
After tbe requisite Ume required by
narroaabave taken poaaeaaion of De
lew a license was Uken out and tbe
tafal'B bonae, fifteen milea from here
pair were qHleUyjsined'iB boly wed­
and tit mllaa from the awamp In wbleh
tba nafroea are aoppoaed to ba maaaed
Tbe matur beeame public yesterday
fi aqoad of mllltU had baaa aanl to dlafor tbe first time aad now the frieoda
of tbeeoupla wUl be gled to eslend
their eongretuUtlona.' Tbe bride has
been employed In tbe family of Urv.
Joaatoan Jobneon on West Blgbtk
Will *a Bnllt by Mlcblfan Btarcb Oe.
street some time, and none anspacted
Tor Kaanlaotnra of Oaztriae
that genial Dick Basaet aad abe were
Paetory Aboni Oonplatad.
Htan and wife. It leaked out veeter
dey, and now, It U aald. pieparaUaas
Tba Miabtfan Siareb Co. U nc
being made for tke wedding tour.
fInnlaf <o abow to wbat estaot their
big fi Very vill oflerata. All tba ma*
1 trip and
oblaary baa arrived and la bainf <|n)ek- tbe sou lb for a
large porUol of their tlm> will be
in poalUon.......................
will fo toCbioafoaant naontb to pro- spent In kmrttg tbe south on their bl• oBietbeUbomtoryaqolpmaBtandibaD eyelea
aearytblnc wUl ba eomplata to pnab
tba manalaeture of atarcb.

Beading, SUlidale Ooanty,
Boffered StaawUy.



Two Cent*.


Many Merchants

Coban Oomm'tteea Vill YUlt Va^.
ington to Aak for It.
Bavana. Aag. <6 —The eenUmvnt in
fever of aenentlon to, or. at )««at. tbe
eaUblUhment of a protoctorate by. tbe

make fj|e mintAke
dpToUng their best
rffoiu to SELLING goodA nod lenre th«
matter of BUYING to spare momest*that’s B mistake—

I—ir-O.. B.01I.C. Data,... I.- u.Ua Suu. .tlcb ba b—

volvlBfa liOM of $lOOOOO-PaU-.hlow1yaatfaereaaU of the arork of tbe
.a of W.bri 8.PP1,

: apparent. Tbe pceelbilltv of tbe withC11 for Aid Prom Other Towna-]i«,.v
^^a Amvrieao troop.,
Tea of tbe ttfnrtnrea Bnraad Were followed by the at
of tbe Uland. baa led tboee favorlaf
ennenUon or e protectorate to ap.
Bllledale. meb .Aiif » -A fire early point a eommittce to vlait Waahlnrton
tbia mornlnf at Beading, a Iowa of! u aeek tbe deelred end The
l.SOO Inbahitanta ID tbia county, dea- aioa oonalawof AatooinO^Tln v tprrea
troyed tweBty-ona-bBUdlDf*. iaelodtng and Mareot Garcia. The formtr was
light brick and two eooden atorea. a ao antoDomUt of infiaeuee uoder tbe
livery auble and dweltinca. Tbe loae SpaoiabregiDM.
and was Secretary of
wniafrregatellOO.OOO, wlthlniBranee|jaaiUii iT the aVu»«mlat cTwneL
at about half the value of the property | Seaor Garcia wav oWU Oov«nor of
------------ Hlllhdale and Joneevllle., sanu Clara. They wUl sUrt for Waah-

Ao article lell boD|M idls ibtlf.
no expense or fime in keeping posted on alt that
IB offered on the markets util pick np the “rfniiu" as they
appear anywhere Ih** son sbioee—
That’s why it takes twice as mnch help to arrap np goods
as u did a year a»ro
We don’t wau» anyone to boy an article of ua ontU they
have looked aramul first.
If you hmwo any picturas that naad
framia; let os give you an eatisiate ou them.
.“rheOld EeUable,"



Tba machinery will all ba In plaoa
nbont Hapumbar let ‘Dia boUara have
baaa aat and work U now In profroaa
at tba anfine. Tba brick work of tka
boUar and enfloc kooaa U nearly complated and wlU ba ready by tba Ume
tba factory U ready to oparato.
Tb* three atory atmetore orlflnally
daalfaed (or the deitrlne factory will
sot be need (or that perpoae. bat will
ba oard lor packing, ablpplng and
drying. Tba mala floor will be need
t and tbs
as tbs shipping I
I tor packing ui drying.
The bnlldlag Is bqulppod with tbe mod-^
«m Sturtevant beater and blower,
wblob U DOW being eel np and which
will supply tbe hot ali for drying purposes.
On aeooant of tbs ebaage In tbe
plans regarding this bnlldlag. they
hsve determined to build a kuUdlng
tor tbe manutaetare of dextrine ex
elnslvely. The structure will be one
•tjry, tOstt feet, end wUl be of brick
aad built back of tbe present throe
story portion of Uia factory. This additkw will add considerably to tbs ex­
tent ol the orlginel plank
Tbe plant will be ready lo begin
baslnsm within a tew days after
September isk and In time for the fall
crop of pels toes.

Oovanor Ping -ea Asks Kicblgan to
Lancing. Angott
Governor PingreehBsisaeedavracUmatloD calling
upon tbe people of Michigan to i
aid to tbe enflerlag Porto Rloena. Suppiles sboold he saBt to Col. F. B. Jc
Army building, Whitehall atTMi, New
York, and ekould be marked "Porto
Bican Belief."

voire made tba fighting of tba fiamet
Tbe fire broke oat In tbe Bollinnhead livery euhie about midnight Tbe .
------------ham waa located ia an alley running ^ t^u^**** On*
° > * I Train
parallel with Haln etreei.
In a^few j
While Billing on Track Hear
mlnotea tbe fir* apread to thc^ad}oiD>j
South Boardman.
Itig baildlpga and'nine biivioeM boutea' a aad accident recurred at Sooth
end (oor dwrliingi became a roaring BoaMmsn Thorsdsy morning, result­
mass of flime*.
ing in the death of eledbn-year old Bert
Hooaea. abeds and bams caught and BolsUin. a deaf aod damb boy of that
bnrned like tinder. The village's only olace. Ha was sitting on tbe track as
fire proi««ti9D waa an old band engine, tbeG. B A I. train came in and was
but hocket lines were formed, end for caught under the locomotive, the top of
three hour* men fought like heroes to bU bead and one foot being eotirely
aeve their homes. It seemed certain cutoff. Death ws« Inetsntaneoue
that the village wou'd be destroyed.
Usd it not been for tba gallmct work
of tbe home fire department and asalai
ance from JoDeavIlle, bundreda of teniiliea would be homeless.

220-222 Front Street


Silk “Kerchief ”-3T'ss 50c 1°


We are now ahowinc the
new advamwtfall ahspee io
We have no ht-siuncy in
adyini; that oui new aboes
are ahead of anylhing ever
aho^n in this lity.
We are showing


Tbe work of rserulttng men 'o the
PhUlpplne s rvios. which was begun
week ><7 CapV McCabe, will be
napt. George Bell. Jr.,
Klrsi I'. S. ItifAStry. The elation will;
be opened t<'marraw morning In the |
tlrasDtei “u Idlngand liUprobable:
that CapUki K II will remain In thU I
city aboBi ’ D ‘syk ■ Since the depar-,
tare of Oar « u MeOabe many have
algnified tbr r rteaire to enliat aod It ia
probable the' a large number wUl be
Beat from fa-'-e
CapUln K ' will enlUt men for all i
braoebea of tbe regular army and (or |
the volunteere. The volunteers will be j
tent to the following regimenU, ac-!
cording to choice: Torty-flret or Forty’
Btb at Camp Meade. Ps.: Forty i
aeoond at Fort Niagara. N. Y : Forty |
third, at Fort Ethan Al'en. Vt; and!
Porty-alilh at South Framingham, i
E W Steel, the clerk who amUied |
Cepk McCabe, arrived from Detroit:
last evening. Cbptain Bell will arrive |
Monday aftemoen. accompanied by an I
army turgeon who will make tbe medl-1
cal examioatloas.

Tb< Rtf SbK lur Wooiet

50c r
e have no old stock to work off

Fashionable Outfltfers.
Soc our window Tueaday. August asih.


Oapt. Oca. Bal<, St. First Infantry,
Will Open a RMmiliog SuUon io
Tb a Ony Tombrrow.

Prof 0. R. Horst Will Direct Hasio
for ilelBbarg's Oread.
TbciGrand Opera Bouse orebestra
has been re-organited. with Prof. C. E.
Borat as leader aod director. Tne
memberm held s mbeareal last evening.
They will (gralsh strictly flret-clsM
luslc (or attracUons at Steinberg's
Grsod during this fall and wlnur. oomiclag with Lincoln J CbrWa "I'ndar tbe Dems" next Setnrdey. Trav- Hot an XxpanaionUl. but Says “Flgbi
tbe FiPplnoa to Submission”
eras 0ilj,^eatrogoere will be pleased
at this arrabgament (or Itassurea them
Washington. D C , Aug. t6 —Senator
^a featura in kneploc with the ex- Spooner of WisooBsln. retamed from
Karope last fiatnrday and came on to
Weabingtoa yeaUrday. leaving for
home tbU morning In an interview
fiapanene Ronds Bought by United joat before going to tbe train Mr
•Ulaa Oapltallata.
Taeoma. Wash;. Aug. M-Tbe JaAHBUSHZD BT U8X1.8
laneee newepapere announce tbe first
1. tbe president U not
lands Is O'
Om Amarlaaa Xeoapefi^but Throe iotroducUoa of foreign oepltal wltboot
e for Ik ss U claimed. When
reduce Maofficial intervention. The amoant la Dewey asked (or troops to reauee
waWere EUled
aald to ba yen with Intereet at nlla tbe whole country wanted them
Hanlla. Aag. M -Four men of tbe perceak Tbeimda cold at Bt. They cent at oooe, and even eeverely erillclsTwanty-tblM reg meat. aUUoaed at on for 16 years, but redemption U J- ed tbe preeldeat beeanee they could not
be eblpped Immediately. Not e voice
Oeba.wercambuebed by omUvas in the lowed after ten yeare.
Tbe moaev was raised for the Kobe was then beard against sending these
Oeba bills and tbras of them
wateb works. That manicipallly de­ troops; no one seemed to foresee that
kUled. Tne fourth miaa teeessd
sired to borrow yen. but tbe ■uch ooeopation ai that then oontemaaeaplag. Datalls of tbs sSair are Amsrtoaa Trading oompany wonld plated must naeeaaartly mean more
gaaraatee only 1.000,000. half of which than the simple radnetioa of Manila."
"Our troops could not eaU away afim
Aag. It. ud tbe remainder by
the city bad been taken, and nobody
The Oolnmbla will give a noiber pop
- Ptwpont Morgan
Hew Fork. U asked that they abonld. beeanee it
nlar afteraooa exenralon to N»«h-ta- ------ated U Japan, made tbe loan. Bf- transpired that kba (oealgW and
wants Tnaadey. Tbs boat wUl leave foru arobeing made to Intermi him In even tbe ritlsena there, aaaded our wotbe dock at «:», and rvmaia at the re- other enterprleM.
taction. There baa baaa no time ^ee
aert long enoagb for a picnic euppm or
wbeo we eonld have withdrawn from
. ■■
n auppM at tba hotel, leaving tWe at
tbe ialanda. aod all that ramadaa now
•At tbe Wladson flower ebow in Lon- ia to fight tba Flllplnoa to sabmMakm
doa sweat pea yiaM were exhibited
•Imte nat
which were grokn from eeed takes
Parker Broe. erfll rmst the. .
. they pom Urn tomb of an Egyptian mammy tbalrg
---------MW oeeupy.
eeupy. poei
pouweiei to ba givaa...........
1,000 ymn ago. The bloaeom b
Bepumbw 1st.
*••***■“* afa daUMte pliA\ad whTu in
I ballava tba qo«ti^
Fraat Btreek
aad M lam tbaTtA^odUnary alia.

"Deeds, not tvorda. la e

II SQUARE-TOP "irs $1.50 i °


Several Mas Suspected of Being Boer
Xm ssarles Takas at Dslagoa
Lonrscz'Msrquvt Driagoa Bay.Aug
se —Several men. tnspseted of being
emlasarieaof thsTransvasl goverameot.
have bean arrested here.
Great exel^ent prevails, sod In
view of s conumplstsd TrsnsTssI
raid Portugese tr wps arc kept lo read!MS for any vm-rgsney.

Balph Oonnnble Jr.. Hmiinger.

more new hats
received yesterday. All the correct
fall ityles shown in our stock.



Cultivation of
the Voice

iu many new laaU for fall.
We now have them in both
light turn Holes end in the
heavier welt soles; also in tha


Should not be neglected

last, a calf shoe for ladies
with heavy wide soles iust
like a man’s shoe. A aplendid shoe for ladi->B who donot wish to wear rnbbt'rs.
We invito you to call aod
see Ihe new ^oea.

in the jouDg or in those
who have any claimk to
musical talent—For this
purpose the Kimball piano is unapproachable by any
I other made, aod is the embodiment of exquisite tone

The Leader in Fine Shoes

5 and 6ne modulation.
i in your home.

By ail means have a Kimball

A good piano is the great refiner.

' and no one should be without a Kio|ball.

: Sheet lask il Balt Rrtoe. SdHI [KtFUDents ud^'Issictl lenhudlse.



• I. E. STBOIG. Iiupr.

til Fmt S., luUun Bloct

WITHIN i^tAKI N Q ' 6 is TAN C e
Yes, we sre all in one nation, and
have been ao for over 100 years.
But we never got so cloae together
as is now tbe cue, when tbs long
distance telephone hu put all the
country at the elbow of every esteipriaing bosinSM man.
It is ao longer necesaary to write
or tdegraph. Al! that ia reqniaito
is to talk and get u anawer.then
and there.


September 1st
we will move to th$ McNamara store. "We will con­
tinue to carry tbe beet line of shoes in the city, at
prices that art right.

143 Froit Street


THx xournra mxooti>, sxtvlay. acoust S7 ibm.
cn moBVxvo hbooso.


VHAS tt A 9AAT1TT ffniSilP



Veal BMo Ball Team W PUy the
Ol y Bngtaeee Voribrap S i
Satioo* May tadltaa.
Water Work* OaMtloa.
TBATxmn cmr, ,• micbioam Owemera (ary. After Aatopey. Mod*,
if Lavfal ta Baiy tbe mcBtlM
Tb* Weet Side boy* btv* orgai
Thcetaliary eoavintlem mad* two
a baae baU team called tb* Uvtaelble
erObtrlea BaabUge*.
polaU clear tad dletlapt, ell: Thatr
Armadat. They play tbolr fiias gtaM
CeroM Mann bald ta lagaatt yaw bay U tb*
Cm. T Bxn* An» J. W. Bajob*. tordty tftaraooa to datarmlaa tba our water eappty tad alto that i*o ob- today witb tb* Snttema Bsy ladMaa,
tad Ibeir Uae-ap M ta follewv: WlUitm
#. «. BASn* Brfitor bb4 IUu«« eaate of tb* det'b of (^arte* Ma*btl jretloM, *0 far ta taaiitry lat*re*ta|'
Aod we hare bees giviDg them an awfol »^-xid tbing for (be
t(*t.wbo died tt-iheftrm of Mike Flta are eoaceroed. vta be urged tgtlaat t ita{fka.e.; Horry W-w p;
laat ten daya We have been eelliag
«# : Perry Qjorge. I o ; T- F rgutoa.
tgma Friday moralag. tad tb* etoae
r tbe d.Ser
death wa* aakaewa. ThU
•ay* I b ; Wtliar Ladkt. > b: Vletor Lodkt.
ita tor who** My t bariti whereby water cab be eupaUed to t c. f : Cbtrlet Nortk, r. f.; Frank Roeertifleale eoal4 aM be leeaed bertae* dty. by BDlveroal coatcaU tb* gravliy koe. 1. t.; aad Joe Toaiakt tad Gewge
the caoee of death woe not glvaa in ^* eyeiecB U eoaeeded to be tb* beet. But
staagar of tke team,
why U It tbe bee ? Beetote it U tbe
emtlflcmt* of death.
It wee arranged to boldaa Isqeeettt •aiaetlalte action: It give* tbe bret tkonld be t very formidable oae as it
And they have Dot been alow to take advantage of it. We have
tb* aaderUklag rootM of B. U Carter
eold U" bicyclee in the laet ten daya-aold seven MtaidBy. and
at « o'clock yeetenUy afternoon tad eoeu bat little to operate tbd -mtle.few left, ao tf
have only a frw
if you want to take advantage
advantat^* of tl

«1— »»U«T.
O. Z Local UaicaBteetlaa.
wltaeetcebtd beea t^bpi-itcd to ap­ UiXL
come quieL and do not
not think of baying
buying a bicycle without
Tbe local aaUm of C
pear at that boar. In tb* meaaUB*
To fix oar tdeae and get tome drflelu
-d reputatt
3. wben
when yon can buy
bay such a bicycle aa 1the
OotMor >nx<.aKK bM iMued • pn>e- (JnderUker Carter had gone oat to Mr.
iaformttloa on tbi* latereeumg eubj
Kagle or World at ae prices we are telling them
th _ at,, and are
I Ua pwpla ot Fltatgtn’* to eoadaet tbe fnacral.
*^*•4*7 evening in the parlors of tbe
poee tbe qaeetion tt U»ae wt* I
guaranteed for one year by a party you know ie reeponeible.
U« a»M to onirlbau to tbc Bid of tbe When be reached bU room* later la
twe«a t gravity eyitem tnd direct Coogregstlontl church. Tbe election
nBaran la Porto &l«x Mlobifon b tbe tftemooa tba eoroaer tad )ary
cficer* will take place for tbe ensspre*aa>e. How mueta more ecnld Trtv of
ftlwaya M Uw
>• <w>tR «< beoo- vrere there crtltlag for tb* tppctraaee ei*e Citr afford to pay for t gravity lag year a* well ss faU plan* will b<
mode for the mb District eonveaiioc.
ToUm*. Md la tbb looiaaoe ib« cbaae* of tbe body. Mr. Carter did not na■yatem. provided *neb t tyetem wtt welch will Ie bild in ike city three
to aatot U tbo'ralbf of tbo lobaWtaai dervtand tbe trrtag meat for the
within lu retcb, thto for t direct mwe dtye. Septembar S*. ts tod 24.
stoMofearMw pombmIooi win b« ioqaett at bU pW ead bod de*cr. ? Tbe earn would eoagiderably ex­
Mtwitb the fonMvaiij wbleb
poelted tbe body la tuc grave at Oak- ceed but for tbe *tke of trgnMMrIcM oar pooplo. Ho matur wbot wood eemetery. Tbr,capon Coroner
ment let ni aay SIOO.WW Why eould
tto ladaotrial ttiutloB may bo, M;chl- Moon, tb* jury tad wiia***** repaired
120 Front Street, Traverse City.
we afford lo pay thli large aum of
r to (1*0 to to the Mmetery- Doctor* WUbelm tnd
m >ncy io*t for tbe dIBerenoe ta the
tba nforlar; bat aow, wboa ttao otaie AndetvoB were lubpoented tad tbe
manner in which the water ia oonveyed
It BOre praopwoo tboa o*er aod wboa body WM teken op.tgtin. The doctor*
140 Front Strkkt.
to the city? Tbe to*wtr 1* plain, vit:
vorldnf ipoB oBd baolpooo men alUt*
Xsoi or ewiBbrr* 0|-rs Hou*c.
poet mortem Ihe d fferenoe in operaiing- expense* 1*
prttajojrtac good rotarat for tbolr
a on the ipbt, and it wt* de­ greater than the intereet os fitoo.oou.
labor tad daroMarau. it orUl
termine that dettfa wt* dM Ui gaitro- la ue flnt taiiaace tbe intereet on the
pnartl< Mteblcaa doooaot rcti
etienUt, Involving tbe liver tad tpleen extra oome* in ten part of the
^o^ly tad (oavouly to tbe «tU af te ptritonenm.
annual expen** of the gravity aystem,
Several wltnettce. neighbor* of Fltn- ted in tbe eecond tbe coet of cipmatlng
ntgan, were examine tnd ibe jury the pomp* bt* to be paid. Tbe fint
VuDUtao W. PELK. Ualtad Siatat rendered tbelr verdict t* noted. Tkb *sm 1* Ive* than tbe eecond, to tbe an­
In wfa'cb Dr. Andereon nual burden bom by tb* itxptycrvand
OoBiaUtlOBer to tbo PtrU etpoolUoa.
^laatoo tbtl tbo *tl«c of the cipoat- decline lo tute tbe caute of death, ta water uken U let*, tad that U tbe
ttca of PtrU to Praaoo. from t iata- be be not regaUily treated tbe patient vittl point *o for ta flntneitl ooneiderOrder Cooking.
pltl poitt of *Uw. woald be blmool fo- we be Mngbt neicJne oft travel­ tlion* or* ooaoemed.
But wbtt U t gravity *y*tem tad
baloat. Cobceatlabt vf oaorsoao rtla ing doctor.
bowtretbediflereat paru orrangedf
tad tllowlBf bl( profit*. aaMBBtlBC to
boadrtdo of mUlloB* of doUtr*. will be
Mra t. W. BoUar of wttt Se*eBtb Flrtt, from tbe tooree of eupply, wbe>
Itt tad tbo tUaadtaoe tt tbo ezpool- •tTMt, U •BterUinlnir bar brother, Mr. tber they be t lake or t etortge reaerNow Doing Bneineaa
tbe water U ooadneted to t dUtritlOB U otUiatlad tt 00,000.000 of pw>ple. Chtrleii Stone of Jtaetvlll t.
luarly ibroo-foortb* of tbo oBilre popMr*. T. D. Hobb* of Ktlktaka, tnd bating rceervoir near tbe dty, ted
(JattOB of tbo UDltwl dtatto. Ho Mid It Mr*. Barry Bcae of St. LouU. Mo . tre from vbU latter receptacle to tbe eupT3DnD13T12''T'rtO.S
pty main* tnd dUtribotlag *7*1*01.
fTMOtUBBteo tbtt tbo toUl roerlpu vUUing Mr*. C. H. ; Banter.
When tbe aource of aapply U eoffl(or tbo ozpctlUoB will tiuooBt too*.r
MU* Afoe* Seae^ leftyeeterdty for
clenily elevated above tbe city, why,
CM,000,000t *UU with fritadt tt Pn
tbe ground t f economy, tbonld t
MU* Koeaic wUl let** oo theCbarloIf «t*eaOa( lu *t*t(e tbrati* tt *oix today for t bdala*** ulp to CblM- dUiributing rceervoir be bail.'.' B«tbteltytdraiBUtratloD. tt U oely tett (o tad other polatt.
ctuoe tbe pipe from tb* Muroe of *nppl} VO the diitributlng rceervoir may
la tB««t tbtt lb* Kt(i* tboald bt*c
Cbtrle* M. Barfltod of Otlcebarr.
lu wctpooi eterllUed.
la btrbtr- 111 . left today on tbe ColombU after be much imtller than thetupply mate,
pa* Frtaee daellap *w6rdi tre belof epeadlog bU recatlos with A F. An- tod tbe differeace in coet between tbr
aiee* of pipe will more than
noB, hU noele. of Oment
J. W. Slater trent to Elk Rapid* ye* build tbediairibntlagreeervoir. Tbb.
terday afternoon fla *tty over Snadty. In brief, tlmoei without excepuoo. U
Lariog the huntiog seasos, but it ia a buaineaa all the
Mum Katie Doeberay. bookkeeper In tbe way tbtt dtle* *o favorably til
year where bax^aina are coacemed What about theae:
IMafBooemful AppilctaU for 0*r J. W Sitter* bodee fumUblog etore. uated tbtl tb\^ctn get Ibeir supply by
went to Barker Ciieck yo *Ult ber pttlfleatM tt litBnaaUoB.
6c buya a pair of ladies' black hose- 4c buys a yard of
Now whtl it tbe d tlerence between
yetterdarAttb*tcMber*eEtmiBttioD held Id
outing flanD^el—So buya a straw hat—9c buya a pound
Mr*. W. A. Sei^dder i* vieiUag ber tgrtvi-y system tnd tbe one proposed
Orta(* btll tt e followloywere taeoetB
>n. a. E Wetve^. of ihit city.
Klocoffee-9c buya a pint b>ttle White Book gloger
(al ie UklBf tbe eam«lt>ttlob:
R Gldley of Eajplre wt* In tbe city P'oposed system the water must be
buya two cakes Michigan Family Soap—19c
riitt rr*d*-0. W. Poorer*, K k Etpjumped to tbe disiribaiing reservoir
buys a ladies' shirt waist- 6c buys a pair of anapend*
Ml*. Percy Utboni tod ton of Sinib nsictd of being coodacted to it by
(rad*-L. U. Ea»t. Heal.
era-6c buys a tin dipper-86c buya a dozen glass
•treet. bt*e gone to Holland. Mich-, gravity. The advantage* of tbU sr
Orte* Polelpber. Vubt; Mr*. Utger.
rtngemeni over direct- pressure tre,
here they will *f*U relttlvea
Orawn: Mtod* Mttl. Wet«ord: Unra
A. P. Boogb tad wife tre *pendlBg first. gretGy increased fire prou-ciion.’
irCley. Somialt Cltj: Oart Evtae. W .11very important ooDSlderttion to tbisj
SuBdty tt F-Ue tfke.
laaubargi MUtCole. File Lake: Ladle
C. A. Crewy tad dtagbter*. Ida e'ly; tod tec-Jod. t lighter burden
plfeal, Alice Aiober. Liu'a B*aD*.
U P Nokiukii
tnd Orpbt, hate returned to tbelr tbe uxptyer*.
JaUa Heedbtm, tncy Brown. Jennie
Bare tad Mtm.CYoaDg, dlyweek*’ vUltintbc city.
OlsooTsroa br • Woman.
^^(rd (Ttde—Blrdt* Booo, Ortce K:dIt Id some of our new atylee of Fall Furoiture Never
Mlae Adt Benedict, formerly of tbU
Another great discovery has been
nfi,Btbel I OlUbtll. Amy Oltcbdl,
was a handsomer stock or more varied in patterns or
uliy bot now of Ltatlag. U In tbe city mvie. and Ihsl. loo. l>y t ItHy in thU
l^Krtioer, Mabel Oreeaougb, Sadie
vultingattbebameofW. F CUlkina. counuy. 'llisetse fastened iUcluWblower in price ever unpacked. Tbe rattan goods are
Klafdon tad Myrtle Sttalon. City:
ted other tcqutlbttnce* In tbe city.
severest tesu.
more dlveralfled In style, and start in at $2.76 for a
Bat* Bowemtn tnd Edith Moody. Sum
MU* Bineict held tbe poeiUonof prle vital organs were undermined and
good Bocker to the finest upholstered couches. Mew
•Uaiy: Mary Boyd tnd Alice Boyd, ciptl in the ]
oa^mtn Avenue tebool
WUlUntburg; CltrUot Kntpp. Ida
Mew Ideas In making new Oriental effeeta in coverings
wben *he wt* here, aow e* bt* t elmceuld not sleep. She finally dlwovero!
Taylor and Fred Ttbbcrer. Kn,'al*j:
— Made stronger, last longer, look finer than ever -A
wry lo re.'overy, by pur>-bo<-lng
pad. Ida Bubblo*. Sbeboygoo FalU.
.. Wti. ofUld Mieilon we*
bc-ltleof. Dr. King's New Uiscoverjbargain at $8 60—to the flneai leather. Five big rooms
ir CoDsumplloo. and wo* so much i
aiackvd full
HIM Uray Wbbe* all tbooc in tbr
B. A. Noble of'Omenta
s'ept all night; and with two boUles
pity, who did not receive certificate*, to tbe city yeeterdoy.
has Ix-en absolutely cured Her name
pader*uad tbtt they will receive tbem
Mr*. J R. Santo wont to CMar yew is Mrs. Luther Luu. " Tbus write* W
i p* toon t* ebe can get ibem from Lao lerdty for t vltit until Tuetdty.
:. Bamoick A Co . of Shelby. N C
plpg. tt the aapply *be bad on btoddid^
-isi boules 10 cu. at ibedrugstore* of
>. O Croteer ot Klngtley wot la the
b E Wait and J G Johnson Uegupot bold out. Tbe out of town tetcb'* city ycaierdty
Ur sis<- r.'K and tl. Every boulc guar­
M were enppUed ftrtt. bat iboee to ibi

Or let the other person If you wont to be "in at/la"
fitf wUl roeetve tbelr* t* eooB t» m >re Elk lUnliU.
y^ttfiette* are recelveddon't let the season advance, and the stock become
Mite Julia Robbia* tnd Mim Edith •XkePlgii* "
G.bfat tre In Mayfield tor t few day*
The dates—Wednesdsv and Thursbroken before you select one of our ‘‘especially made
day. Anruit 3laud3I
—The even-."Tbe Plxle*"-The number-'on
Stm O'Cooley, editor of the Sutlot*
for us" Collarettes. Made in every ki^-olfur kno^.
Mltar Ctatpbel > Ptil«d to fiecar* O ih< r
............................. y-Th
Bt}- Baioo. u la tbe clij teeking relief
'll laugh.
Mmplre Sucet Fair.
aod in all shapes, from $8.60 to $46 00. The aame can
from kU weighty editorial work tt
W. B- CUmpbell. editor of tbe Em Sntton* Hty.
be said of otu- Qolf Capes—Handsomest goods put on
■In Loader, oeme up from LaBtlog
MUrdty. He bt* beeo lo tbtt loetl arrived Itil evealag for t vUlt with
tbs market. Start at $6 to the most elaborate.
|ty t week- H«
U> Lantlog to tt Mra J. W. Btaaen.
Ippp ipe etreet fair Iber*. tad tt
Mr*. C. D. Stanley of Sattoa* Bay
fiiet tpp—limn
tppetraaoe -M«Ni***
bought tbe
PU pr*t
aad Mra. C. C. ikaJtb of Beatoa Harbor
legmenl tad ettted bU parpoee of com dined at Fork Place yeeurdty tad re­
tag to laBtlDg to ecouretttrtclloB* for turned to Sottpa* B*y in lU afterfbe Mg Empire ■treat fair. The mtapgaseat eUed up the Leeltatu eounty
D. Fowuter, wife, child tad mold, ot
■dllor tad tt ODoe tdvUed bim that ao Claelnntti. tre tuying tt Pork Place.
pibar attraetloa* would be aeMed *•
A. S. Frymta returned Itat i^ght
nn: B* wt* t whole aorlotltyebop from Chictgo. Where be bt* been bay­
.gp treek
emporium la blmtelL ~
The ing gooda
Ton’ll win out if yon take advantage of our extraor­
goiplM editor wt* not dUoooraged tl
A. J. Utrloa tad wUe of Coldwater.
dinary offer. Yqu want a good wheel for the balance
IbM Mt of flattery, but pitched la tp ore in tbe dty. |
Mp mbk«
Uaeiag ebow t eneee**.
Jerome Wilbekm, who Ie aow firmly
I came home yeaterday, and a
of the season. Old that big twenty dollar sign catch
Befoia tbe ebow|Wt*. over the Uaeiag •eiUed tt civil engineer of tbe G.'R. A carload of eboee ie following—It
Upn offered OtmpbeU ta eaoratoo* I.. came up from Grtbd Rapid* la*t trill be here the tint of tbe week
pour syey It*a sailing our wheels. A few added dol­
pplpn to throw up ‘bU ebtaee* la Em ivealng lo epead Sunday.
In addition to our fall stock I
lars buys better wheels. We have said ws'rs not to
pin aafi go aboet tbe eeoatry t* tbe
Frank Goodrleb will go to Newberry tiave hongbt eeveral bondred paira
pbiaf attraetloa of a eerie* of •treet tbU morning to look up t tract of land of aample ehoea at 40c on tbe dolcarry over a single wheal, amd we mean it Every day
Campbell loel tb* ebtaee of t
decreaaee tbe stock. Don't walk wben it coats so little
and tbi
hey will be.-eoW at price*
Mfiefa tad deollned. bectoM be oould
Mra Horryr Milirr of Frankfort, U accordingly.
to ride, and the comfort and happineas in it—you'll
pot abtadoo tbe enterprUe now os la tbe gueat of Mr. tod Mi*. Manly -C.
Examine the aboea—the prioea
Uodga Yetterday they, la company
longer for it
Pupln tad wLleb U
witb Mia MrUeotld
c Grand Raplda will irpriae
----- i of
^1^ aaytblng | yet lairodaeed lo
-ah _____ __
£11 oar advertiaetnenta aext
enj <y«d a ulpto Nc-ab-u-wanta.

The People Know

a Good Thing WbtaThirSMli

Eagle and World Bicycles

at Less Than Factory Cost

First class double tube tires,
guaranteed, for S2 25.

Bon Ton Cafe


J. W. SLATER’S House Furnisliing Store





Hunting is a Fad With the Ladies

Leisure Momenls Spent in Comforl

Whellier Yon Buy a Bargain


IIS , ,


New Fall Dress Goods
and Skirt Materials From 36c yard up.

In a Race for Big Values


Tba latest Chleaea taws.


•« ...


tb* aMtaatee tad mtke-ap of '‘Tk*
tisUe-an...........................<aa>7, »•
' ^ p rlaafary aonl .Indeed who cantot
' fuA a tangb la every mlaat* aext Wedgn*Tj aratlbC

Weet, mod* t '^p~io Krw^u^waatt
a irUl raat tb* tto

Good ]

loon, alwava for the b- at foot
«ar and the losraat pricea.

A. S, Fryman,


Prtedeil SlKtt lu

The Hanoah & Lay llercaDtile Co.

THB Ho^imio BBU0»D. yroPAT. JlTrOUST ST, 1W>.
Mt auvioM* vkUo M Otwd U4c* I
laat»«s«aj. la boardlar a --------------M^ky bte al4« «M*ki
rittla oo a nak «Mt katioa; tka ekalB


obaerrH Uat la tkb rcqt««t tba pa^

«^>fc\CTe*V. I

TIm CkBll/ of Briatoo Onbl«. Urlar
ad nalawaiU wara poUoaad by aaUot
frary that bad atood orar nlykt la ■
to^a. II b baUaradall *111 «■
Bdward A. Wlta. of OKra towaablp,
fall frcw a load of bay. atrikiar oo bit
haad. Ba waa ooaiplatoly paralyaad,
Md. at be It ;i yaara of afo, bh raeova-y b doabtfaL
Baatla Oraat. aa asploya at tba Daaaar laaadrr. Kalamaaoo. bad oaa of
bar arma ftarfally •aUlatod by c*Vliar it oaaykt U tka roUata of aa Iroa
tec Mekiaa.
It b to dry at K^alOak tetdaalm
ara BOt Cbltlac nora thaa oaa-ball tba
■Ilk tkay aaad. Tba paaltiraaara dried
to a crtap aad fodder eom b c^ttof
krowB. Pltaaara baralac oo all aldaa.
Tka bic well at tba waterworkt at
Ooldwator wfaleb waa -■bellt'’ above
tka croaad aad tban taak baa proved
a rraat eaeeaaa. It U to feat la air
•aafrraaor. U M feet deao. aad the
toator la It ramaiaa ytoadily IS feel
deep, DOtwItbitaadiDC aa averafe of
1.000,owjralloaa U baiag pa apad tron
It dally.
D.vid C. Hearla of Maryarllla waa
klUad at diac lalaad while trylac
atfrt a water wheel naod to
o throw w
tor from a marab la tba bland to tba
rlrar. Tbe aarlae wfaicb oparaiea tbe
wbael atarted while Saarla waa be­
tween tba paddlea
At Cbdlllac oeer t 000 people atwad•d tbe Monday aebtol rally Tbaraday.
•BdtO d« rra-. boal^ kehoob wire
npraaaatod iatoa parade la the moraikfAaatlD Oarbardl, of Reed C ty. a
• ■ameer of Company U, Heoond Oreron
Volnntoem. bu arrived borne from Ma•klta. Ba parttalpated la 40 of Iba'bat
tltoaronad Uaalla Darlac tka laat
■ootb ha baa cuTnad one ponad. vacb
Donald Oraai, a Bay Ct^ san, bad a
pramoaltloa vt an early end. Torae
weaka ayo ka made arraaramaaU for
maiaa be aeat to kb old borne In Cana­
da Two daya ago ba died, and hi*
wbbea were oomplied wlta.
J C. Corwin, of Bandatona townatalp.
la tjolto a factor oat there a'lont her*
vMt time. Thb year, he belnc «t yeaia
old. heaUck'il IU9 acrea Jatt to gi*t
tbe boya a chance to learn.
At Kalamuoi. fire In Uanael’uaa'a
candy factory did to oaodamace Thnraday nlcbt. Among tba gooda damaged

Between tbe ravagea of a paoollar
aad laul dbaaae. and hen rbolcra Par
rintoB b feat beiac dfl^polated of ib
kotaaaand ebiekeaa- The Hint maa
tlooed'dbeaae tokeiaoff the horae withont any algae of pravloua lllnrai and

ak>oc and ufce il .
they t<««tn to refer tl
a eoa Ptaun-b Borcbnm' I'U know that
It'a Ilnte for me to look mlcbty abarp
aad not cH oat of my dep«b.“—tVaablafton Star.

bafera ka eoal4 ratan U to tka
aka41acoaaradterl«aa, and aaalac U
la Ika boyt kaad aba aaeuad hloS of
taallar it. Portaaataly torOlaaa kb
'raeaparpDU and otkar trlaada wm
at kaad to prow kla akaractor. Itk

‘'I doo'i tea bow they dare take aarb ,
beetir the a«a« Matertai.
Ubi-rtlra.'' aald the younc wowaa.
*Vr. BUnkaoa.*' aatd tbe lawyer.
“tlckar------ -------- »'The fanlUarliy wltb wbtt-b tbe pob- lanilnc to tbe naa who .had lava
Ur men of tbla coontry are treated b drawa aa a juror, nbb b a caae la
aometblnc waadaloiia*'
wbich-by tka way. Ur. BUukton.
"I duDDo't 1 exactly follow you. bare yon rrer been a wltneaa before
O'.lra Plarea. widow of tka Uta Oapt. ma'am." aald i^nator dorcbum.,
an iBvettlcatinc commlHecr
Ora Plarca, bat kaaa fraetod a paaaloB
••Wbf. ibey caU eminent men by
-Vet. tlr."
of M par atoatk.
tbelr Brtt namea to fregnenUy: .\ud
•tVe’lI take blm. your Hnaor. He
Tkt adraaee tala of taatt to- "Uadar aoiue(lm<t Ibe}' eren oae nlcknamea.*' doetu't know anythlns abwot ILta
' waa ilie complacent rejolnderj caae-or anythlnc elae."
tka Dose’- will «ipaa at Ika boa offloa
--------------------------of Stoiaberv'a Oraad aaat Wadaaadap “tbafa all rlsUt.”
“All. y.a," abe proreedeil. ralalng
■uale at Dianar.
I uct
ber rjvw
ryia to
to uiB
bit «lui
wltb aa looa
look ui
of wui
rouild' 1
Bee Ba-eiay Jonaa of the Prieoda u,c admiration; “I abould expect yon
inreb will apeak Id Moatame ball to aay that. You an' too pniud’i
tbb aftaraooa at t p. m. la behalf of bniad-mlmleil to admit ilui you have wi 1 ba eatortaloed wUb maadolla and '
Ut Uoapel Temperaaoa Workera of
buu»)iiI Tn any »urb tuantHT. .yoit*rmnala DIddo-wUI be called at
tbit city. Beery oneta oordlallyinelt18:Sa
. M
llu» of Ibiiu- nitliloM iHHiple."
to .tuod .h.» o,».ion
a aoB'i ..fl ija,
OloHt ua Mewa.
a hull- aoxlviifcly.
Cornea from Dr. D. B. Carglte, of ‘
The ofBeera of jibe Hataal Protortlon | ~TI» y n fcrtxKl to you a* 81m SorgWaablM. I. T. Hewntea: "Poor bat- \
eoclety apent laa< rvealngat the home'bum."
tlea of llieetrle Bii,ert baa cored Mra.
eflfra D-egg. aft State atreet. Tbeyj
that'* my name, ain't'Hr
Brewer of acrofala. which bad canaed
“Not your full naim-."
>r yram. Trrri.,.
out on ber bead
and eaka were aOTred to the gneata bv
«nyl«Kly calling n
I aad face, and
the heal docio-* could '
•be e.uwttlrn,^'"'
' ,
glvr BO be'r: but ber cure b eompVte I
-u>h„,hp„. ll'a all Hcht. When I lead ber bealib la exerllcrt.'' Thb I
beenfinedinher room on aoeianteT
, i^.y, nnd tlilug* were golug
the’ Rlectrlc Bittem b tbe beat blond
along al*>i;t Hit-buu*>'Nti-aily and oolii- onrlfler
lorlfler 1kunwo. It'* the lupreme eembe a
There win be
a; me«
mretioff of the Bo- fvrtable a* u«ual. faikcr anMautbi-r
___ .
‘'•'W m..
m<- -Ktvn
'Sim.',' 11 *it..v.
kn. w fl.»*t
then Ij ^4ra?^b^b
toll a«rk*a Oalok la I^!lM UBntry
‘that If ‘1 had bei-u doing Boytblug |i atlmulatea liver, kldneya
kldne; aod bowela.
ball Moadav evening at TiSO
At the aoelal rWea bv Amaada Hiva *"*"• nulHely had found It out. no I I expela poboo*. beipe dlgeaUon. buUda
so ahead wltb a . bar <-oo- up the treogtb Od»y M oeau. Sold
laat evealag JcMle Smith woa the ,
Ju«t plain'Sim'meant that I by Jobuaon aad Walt, druggbia iOua'*wa* HO good lenui with moet people, untoed )
The C. B eoel«>^ea of the 'Praabytor- i and that llietv waan't ati} thiug atari--------------------------Ian aad Prlaada dknrefaM will give an , !■»< Solus lu m-rur. Bui « ben father
Stan to rant
eseaiaion on the :bay Monday evantog,
IVuBabn blue roliw
Parker Broa. will rent the atore they.
OB tk# ateamer Cdlumbla- Tbb win be'
BOW occupy, poiarvilon to be given
fmnnniiiili. fii.
tuBllieea. -simeou riutanh Sorghum.'
September lab
Good location oa
a g^ ^portnuity for a pleaaaat trip,,
^^vaie with
Proot »tre»t.
TSS tf
oa tba bay
I you.' that abowed iliat 1 waa up to
bate laaaad tba aiO'e la'trouble, aud that 1 would have to
the McNamara balldlng for a terra of {abow cattee why 1 *lK>iildii'i Iw rbaayeara aad will more tkelraboabaalBaw
ttaer* oa tbe fliat of September.
The aaw atreet rollar waa taken
aeroM Cam atraet bridge yaatorday aad
win ba pat In aae on that aide of tbe
river In repalrlsg tbe atraeta.
-■Usdar the Dome.'’ the big naval
comedy drama which will be Manager
bWlBberg^ BUractlon-Bext Saturday
evening. September S, b one of tbe
moat pretention* aoeale producUoaa of
tbe yaar. A* tbe action Ukc« ike cbtr
actera of tbe play to Apia at the time
of the terrible burrieanc wbieh proved
daatnictlve to the German aod Amrr
loan war vemeb aUembled there, tbe
upportualiy for iramendou* acrolc dU
play I* abuodant. Tbe autbor-maoager aoema to have availed faimvelt of
bbopporinnUiea. aa the atorro ae-nea
andlDg la tbe wrt^k of the Trenton
aald to be marvcloualy complete la
tall and aeooDd in tbelr awful rval am
only to theTtorm ftaelf 0-j>er acenea
of tbe play are a remarkab'e rorebanleal and Kcenle llluaion porfvedy cmn.
terfeltlng a ferry boat trip from Jeruey
City to New York, a view of tbe capl
tol at Wavblugtoo daring a night illuminaUOD. teveral arU thowlng familiar
l<«alitle< in Waabingion. and a pretty

At Coldwatcr Mba Helaa Newtnaa
rode ber bicycle into a awarm of be a
and tbouaanda lighted on her wbael,
bat tbe queeu bee did not atsp. Mb*
Newmaa kept lUll and they flew away
Some Pumping Pig .urea
witkoat aiinglag ber or puDCturiag her
Here are aome Sgurea which will be
of lotoraat to atudeau of the water
A.peeoHar and dbtreailng feature of worki problem, auggeated by D. K.
ibe p'olonged drouth la that nine pro Camobctl;
plaontoftonlnUahlaad oouoty have
To pump l.Juu.OOO galloa* of water to
bad an attack of hay fever. Local doc
height of sji ftot ( T V7 pound* per
ton claim that a heavy rain would wjuare Inch) in ted houru will require
eloanaetbaalraad relieve ,tbe auner- I SC horae power per hour.
To pump 1 il*) r*jogallon* of water ...
Beporta from farmera witkia a radiua a height c-f K*i f^i (or <3 pound* p<-r
of 10 milea from New fioatoa abow that aquare Inchi !n ten b-are will rvqu re
they will hardly make anougb to pay to borae power per hour.
thalr debu eoptraeied thb aammer.
To pump<M«iuga loua of water to
Corn aod poiaioea will b« almoatafailbright of 100 fa*t in St boura will
• nre and the drouth haa daatagad the re 1 Jire M d horae power per hour.
Bugar beeta.
Orutae of the B B. Prag'ree.dr
Dr O. A Laerone'a horae rao away
Prank Priedricband parvy have Soat Kabmaioo aod collided with a rig
bbed tbelr crDlae on the yacht IT S.
in wbicb Logcue Webber waa altiiog.
Webber waa thrown Into the air aad Pingree. Jr. The yacht came from
Charlevoix yeaivrday aad aiopped at
atruck on tab kaad and abonldera, reNorthport laat nlgbh
8ke will be
oeivlag fatal injnrba He haa a fami­
brought to tbe city today. Mra. Priedly
Baron eonaty wheat Saida are giving ri& and cblldraa aad Mia. Henry
goodretnrna tbb aummer
Edward Bloecker of (iraad Haven came down
from Northport on tbe Oolumbla yeaWhlM of Pigeon averaged ayteld of tu
icrday afteraooa. The yacht haa been
buabeb from M aeraa.
crnlaing about among tbe rcaoru with
Loub W. Aaderaon of iUpcaa, haa Charlevoik aa her headquarien for
ratoraod from the Etondike wl b nearly three weeka
aboot too,000 cleaned up in tkat coun­
try. Ha will take it eaay lor a wblla
Or. A. J. Wlldanger, a well known
Hivlog rented tke McNamara atore
dantbt and a C. of M. frat mao. waa for a term af yav*. we wlllon or about
badly tejared at Fliat by being throwi September 1. remove oar preeeot aiock
from bu bicycle. The forka broke of booia aad ahoea to that localliy.
whUe he waa going down a bill,
With bettor facllitlea for aorving'aur
left ekaek bonaa were badly araaaned
aad be waa toaad lying uneonacloua on a large atock of faU gooda. wa feel bat­
the railroad track.
ter oiul^ed for aervlag oar trade tban
ever before. Hoping to eee all of our
Flank T. Lodge bad aent
aupreme ooart at Lana lag a return to a old enatomen aod tmatlag that we
writ of error In the caae of IVench va. will meet many aaw otiea. gaaraatee
Newberry, bat it went np In aa exprma ing to tarakh tke ^t up-to-date good'*
oar in which a monkey waa being for­ poaalbla for the price.
warded. Tbe mdakey got far enoagb
out of iu cage to get at tbe beg con­
taining the r«Um, ripped it open aad
A great foreei dre la raging near
chewed np tbe ratara. I^rtday BctUemaiebiea. lavaraCMbire. EigLodge callad at tba ooaaty ctarkbottoe laad, mUea of aaparb wooda arouad
to protoat agalnat kb retnra being Loeb Billea being la danger. Two hue‘-■aakeyad'wltk.
dred man an ang*^ to aa effort to
Maator Ulau B^ari had aa aaplaaa-

Herd. Aud wheuerer mother bad ntiy
diKaxret-ablf I ■Bpoa*1Mllly to put oa
like loukliig after iba
dolug aiime work
(bat wa* loo murb fur anylMNly pIw.
abe would iiill me 'SinxHiii i'lutarvb
' «o >a to abaw lUat ikU W


are TbmViwva
a 50o4 VraAe Itv wit cVo&V. ie«
Vartmeivl bij coTvs\aul\ia
awaij al Wsabvs.

OUT cVo&V. rooms l\\ls ^ear to maVe
room ^OT oar brVa\\t aai attraetVne
aem aoois tlvat are arttutna iaCVa.

a 1Ct\B CVoaVi.
Trices ^rotit

StptdaV \)a\vtc^s


-slrvtouaiv <h*i I vrill •eiileeli b(iU■ *r.l
r<wtt«.->rC •« B.

. - - _..

lo ^0 00

.Out S5.00

t>w I «!)' iv

ir oo lull* roolracwd by

^OT V\va moaeia.




J. W. Milliken.


Kerchief Ties-Handsiime patlerns-plenty of silk in them—
two sifics—5'»c, 75c.

Blue Yacht GapsArmy HatsDrab and black colors— hare had a great sale
of these Another larjfe invoice \viH be in
this week.

Crush HatsBound «l>re. the newest and prettiest shape
shown this fail-'Dlack. drab and dark brown
colors. It might surprise vou to see what
space it takes to accommodate our new fall
stock of hats. No one goes away from our
.store * hatless.”

New Fall DerbyLoads all others, so-far there is absolutely no
comparison. New customers invariably ex­
press surprise that these hats are so perfect­
ly comfortable to the wearer—almost as flex­
ible as a Fedora—equal to a Dunlap for wear,
and costs only ♦J.CKi. Made in Boston, sold
only by us in tbe Grand Traverse region —
Don't fail to see them.

SuspendersAre seldom advertised by us—fact is we sell
so many suits we give away a great partrof
our suspender stock. 'We now have the in­
voice of something Hke a hundred and fifty
dor-n. mostly fine goods ranging in price
from 25c to 75c. which will be placed on sale
in a few days. Don't go "suspenderless.”

1 part of our new fall soils are aow in-Possil)l|i as many
stplas as roD would find elsewhere during the en­
tire season-We pride ourselres oe our immense
lioe stripe worsteds now so very popular. .




Everybody knows that means the great­
est kind of values.
Since this closing out ssle was started
many lines offered at first have entirely
disappeared, but we keep adding new at­
tractions every day-For instance, i
have selected and placed on our front
counters a line of

Age 4 to 16—Just right for school wear,
and marked many half and others

2-3 Value.
A lot of Cottonade Knee Pants at.......10c
A lot of All Wool Knee Pants, value 60c
at........ .......................................^.86c

Straw Hats at Half Price.
Colored Laundered Shirts at.......... 88c
Big rale on Hen's Light Weight Panto.



THB ll0.ttrafO ft3sOOEl>, BUyPAT. A.PQPBT 87. IWB.

nrhe Pixies” City Opera House


t 8Bd8tTMitaid«ad
Fmeh Hslr XaUs-Veiy :
eonTnlettoe to th* Imditt in arroncbif th« hair^
Two 8lM8, lb and 160.

Wednesday and Thursday, August 3<> and 31.

Tha eliwuat crop la SovUi Janej
fKomlam to ba Uu Vrr^t In bm/
Ui*. Z 8. Well* Of KMon, Ma. died
of rrtat bM»nM o( bar hoaband'a daaih.
Haary Etlan dtad at HUvaakaa,


Wla.. Wadnaaday. aftar hla aaaa had
baaa biaadlac aina daya.

to 8 laiY* MOW Uao of

TfroFMaraoa (N. J.) ehUdraa hara


baaa probably fatally p^laoaad by aaliBf baana of tba lobelia plant
ThaforaraBantlapaylar from SJOO
toStOOadayfir aaok vaaaal oarryln(
boraw. aappllaa and army

Fall Wrappers

bacsace to

tba PbUIpplnaa, and Sl.OOO a

day for

aaab ramel that aarriaa vroopa.
Peter Banller of Wawrbnry. Ooan..
diad from Ua blta of


kiailnc bnff.

and Samnal Boab of Monroe. K V..

We've placed on sale—The prices are 69c,
69c, 76c, 90c, $1.00, $1.26, $1 86. $1 60,
$1 76—Very choice styles


fa a erlUeal oondiUon from the aama
Tba artylnal Oaway

baby la daad-

tha baby who waa drat named for tba
fraat admiral.


paroota lire in

PbUadelpbia. whara tba UUle fellow
waa bom abont a year afO
ar wboaa'uame la



prMaloy bU ibaska for tbe honor oosferyad and

The hundreds of Traverse City ladies who
have tried

Tbr faib-

Doerabacb, baa tbe

latter wrlMpn by Admiral

eaoreetin* tbe hope that


tba little fellow would yrow into a niafnt and nonoraole clUaen.

Tbe letter


Improred Bia B«a


baa been framed and U now hanyier;
wall of the Ooembaeb borne.

Pumlabed by tba BaapacUTO Obnrebaa

TlburoD Ulandin the Gu'.f of Cali­


fornia, which waa one of the laalbomee
of the modem cannibal, la now oflerod
aecnreo It for tbe Meiican UoeemmenV
A newW.married couple In Portland,

iday School at IS m.
•nine aereioa alT:3b p. m.
art cordially Ineited to tbea

Me., who are both deaf, and are Uylny
bonaekeeplDf without a aerrant. have
deeiaed an InyeiOona aubatllute
-door bell.


aleetHc button all tbe
■bodae fiaah np,

for a

a caller preeeee





CBBitinAX acta.icE

in the

hall, iss Pront atreet.
Snlj-cl formomlny •erriee. -MaB.”

made known.
BHra Day. colored, a»ed 60 yaara a

.s curncM

patient nt tbe Colnmbnt (O ) State H
ptlal. who waa recelred from Marlon. ■indent of


on KInih street at a*eoal of over r-w.

erne City:

pt.Ceam. t
1.. atout.
nwui. beeior
Oorner Waablnttoe atreet and Boardman aeenue.
Holy Comn _____ at K;«0 a. m.
ioaand aenaonatlO:M

for eale by Oeneral Andrade, who bai

G. W. Lardlebujiat comtleied attmetire Improremeati to bis reeidenpe

by O. A. Lind,
Lntbanm Ool-


A iary. and bandaomr plaui bu bero

KLuna pnica.

•11 30
10 73
4 00
3 75
1 30

I built around two aides of
I part of the buildiny raiaed and o rooma
added, makiny it one of the i
: foruble and roomy bnuaes on
: notioeable for lu pleuant hoi
xbe sootbinr and bealier properties
of Cbambemin'i Couyb Hrmed;

Proclaim it the equal of any pattern made
—a little in advance in style, perhaps, of
tbe other kinds—Yet'we sell you the

he people everywhere
lie with tbe
B. Wall and F C. Tbo




O.. tan yaam afo. died from peiilonllla.
Momlnyaerrlea at 10:30 a. m.
Sunday acbool at IS m.
fiTenlny aereice at -. liO p. m.
Mid-week aerrlce. Thuraday,

aad an autopay rcrealed In the etomaeb the bandlee of Are aUrer apoona
and Sfty cambric needlea. and in tbe

Real Estate, luctloneeis,
Tradets, Moner Leaners.


boweU nearly fifty more noedlea.
A Buaalan expedition will


are cordially Inrlled to attend.
rsK-vwooi> CQ*rr.L


We bare more calU for money
personal property eemrliy Utan we can
13-14 [at times supply.
We make these loans
IS I o commisitosa aed yuarantee bee
I the security all loans, made. Some
• pie
make IbU class of loans for fear they
mlybt bare to distress aorae one. but a
e at Vbelr bomei
lor« yood maoT of the ume people would
IS Mias Schofield. <
charye i *o price* for tbe rent of their
btfuc and if tbe tenant failed to pay in
advance, would put them out to tbe
"Comiatency, what a |
^dead of win:

new Siberian lalanda next aprlny. with

Preaehiny at I0:3fl a. m.
Snnoay acbool, 3:00 p.m.
absut tbe myaleriou* Sannlkow L*nd,
Free Metbodlat prayer meeUny Tneawhich several iraTeleraaaaert they hare day ereniny. 7:S0.
aeen to the Bonheaat of Koljelnol, the
Union prayer maetiny Friday
the object




tbe tmUi

emy of Sclenoea to aaaUt in the expedl- j

ImAita' AmnukiBy



a,,, w. T. WooCSouw. Pa»»or

A python abont thraaTeetloay made I




Preaeblny at 10:30 a. m. and



Sunday m:hool. IS m.

lUndiny at the ooraera, ewinylny bli
club and warnlny


Yonny People'a meeilny C:t3 p. m.

people away from j

All are ooidlally inrited to these aer-

G-".' Iu•rIrork
1. airo m








A Inrye doy and a hone had a fierce I ^Uy.^ UUin^“lIbto at’^^n^^
battle at Hackenaack. N. J..a few day* aerrier.
Tbnraday—Oeaeml prayer meeUny
ayo, U wbleti tbe latter came off rlc0 p m.
loriou, tbe doy betny kUIed.
All are weleome.
A atick of dynamite exploded In the
bands of Henry Gilbert at th- Maryaret Ber. D Oeeklu, natter.
Ulnlny Co *a mill near Ofirterrine. Mo.
Moraine aerriee and nerat
Tbe explosion of a case of dynamite putor at 10:30 a, m.
Sunday acbooiiat noon
followed and betides Gilbert, Jamee
Y, P. S t. E hi 6:13 p m.
F.aton. Frank Fiddleman. Wm. MeuBrrnlny *e ri^ and sermon at 7:30
more and and an nnicnown miner are
pily iprlied 'nail these
B ear y nan lu ea.:h
Aeoordlny to reportt recelred from
at tbe close.
Chill, properly ralued at more than *;i.-,
too.ooofau •-— ----------------- .h.
" i Rer. a. naltberr. Putor.
severe storms Uat have swept the;
churcb on ooiyier of Ninth and WndeoonnUT dnrlny the Uat foriniyhL

u, B«,




worth atreeU.

aboce of (.{^jer momlny or evenlny.

tide they were.

A much belter yradel

land now fir 30 per emit-leea

Eimonton trail from Wtnnyel. Alaska,


Bor**. al»o ptrl for rro


Bpneial preeantlons are belny teken bonra.
at Southampton and other BoylishporU


U r^nrd to the bubonic playne and j

Bevr BarcUy Jonu. Futor.



the uni

CMi ncn.



y. P. 8*C. B. pmyer meeUny 6:16


Pnm annenaoM

that the iBbabitantp of Acre, the terri­
tory elaimed by BmtU and BollvU. pro-

SnekUna Amlea talvn.

The Best In the wor
>e and eonsU.Cnts,
Sotm. Ulcx
uud a new Sonth Ammican common-' £ienm.'pevnr Sores.' feUmr'Chipjid


Banda CbUbUlna. Oorxis. nnd nU SkU

8tDOS the beytonlnyofthe Simnlsh'


wnr them hnva been anltoud la Ue toyive’%rtS» »Us(netlon or money
rmlar nnny 90.671 men. lUslndndet retnnded.
Price >3 oenta per bos. For
thoM who wm AUebnryed after the;«aU by 1- U Jethamw and & B. Walk
doM of the war and the tncraasi of------------ ^ r-----------------------------------the mynUr «my

tot emU. to the

Tbrae hnbdmd and ten

and dxtT-fln «wUed and


of Dry Oood., FuruUhingB, Hau. Clothing, etc.

New Goods are Being Receifod Everir Daf.
(. orae and 6«fe ibfm



Madame Lontoe the eeUbratad eard
reader and palmist has mtaraed to
Ute WUttof Hotd. Tm<
will be thm this srwk.

estate dealt
kooek(-d down In tbe Mt lo year* by
the banker than all other ayencie* put
toyeiber. Keep your
bank, have It
when tbe smash oomee yon find some
other fellow bas been ahead ot vou.
while your mortyaye calls for tbe coin,
and if
it you
yoo don't
dos t yet It yon yet tbe :

u iss


■ ■■
I of tbe mortyaye. We have calls
ealU ifor'
W *l'o*Si^t?^o«o'«»p*rtin»Br ‘^arasiee
Gaarsstee loans OD properly to this vicinity I
and pel JOS blphrsi prle* lo; y.ur
Nor-k. VaevBros.. «l Pr^ ft. find any belter dace ot people
op stairs^_______________
to cr any better real estate to loan on
TTTSKTED-Wv want *lv» husStvrf
than yon will find to a larye portion of
this vidnliy: but In ease yoo prefer to
buy prodnetlve farms or dty property
Uat will earn from 7 to IS per eeai
over and above all espensee. call on us:
we always hive a baryale lo farms,
ilmter land, dty property, vacant lots,
stocks, merebandlae. Always on Uc
f (aittal
aty Bookst.
bosUe: always ready tor busiaeea.


oroBsly examined by the medical offi-



>ALt I bsrr a boow aad flvr ere. of
o< nib aoil Oak S'
f laud oo <
will indr lar
Cur loesilos f



It’ll Be a Record Breaker.
Children’6. MinseB’, Lsdit^'.

Other ser-

Eev. UartiMm of Lanslny wUl oocnpy


Watch For Our Line of Cloaks


All are invited to these aervieea.

$100tO$8 60O8Cl3.


p kiTrri br,»,»o WelJ n«
LoiSetIA Oworr

is. w.n wri*at. usisr,

Mut of them are desUfuVe and badly



| p. «“

Tbe steamer Oottaye City arrived at'
Seattle with twelve aarvlvor* of tbe^

New Tapestry Spreads--

security u. .
iperly rained, n perer bosU and
-d y t rer pays off at lesitban a busimea It
t»Ti» I ffiS]j deprecl
ilate In value but hardly
r win the
cent and no loan should be madp
over 30 ner cent, of value of security.
rr. ItSProBlBPl.
But how about your bank? Depre­
dation there means entire loss
little comes
Into the receiver’s bands la
plf to Wilsoo e IrsiB.

expenses of receivers,
^^arTTED-Nurw ffrl.
Ot coarse it Is
-----------------------------------Icourmlent. we know, at times, to have
>od Pr jit
Dt '
Ti> SKKT-Corner Slate sod
other felli
•rry your money,
rnu P—
but if yoo Slop to eenslier that be is
only a man. same as yourself, and just
^J^A.sT^n>KKC^mo^oac«on Pi^ as apt to (ool it away la some Bair
brained tpeculatian, we think you will
•;1'i r/4ot
° n« n.
pome to tbe eoncluiion that every mao
^J^ANTED^ KENT—Pro«l ol
that has brains eoouyb to make money
bad oarbi to have brains eaouyb to in»fOS. 8.l*^B^«trmT*

, vest it: but It is pot always the case,
of four; People that accumulate money oft Umea
= at P

think the only place (or it U me bank;
Walkrrs. ka> ntib Birrand (be banker, of course, enconrayes
pviRSAL*- . rood loliilDC^br

Sunday eebod at 11:3U.

$3 00 to $6 00 the pair.

They are very pretty—See them.

i^pnnlsh manufacture, and a clumsy ar-' ricee will be held as unal.

of Americap sboee are eelllny In tbe U- •

should be sold aeeordiny
manda of the situation on both aides.
Sow don't be foolish and yo and uk

iriri for (rorrai

:ir?«Bi'li'.°" ’' ‘‘^r'lT^'icount paper, wblch l» the same tWny.
------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- at 7 per cent. Our adriee would be to

, 10:» -

SnodaybU hat over the python's bead and car-1 ^ad
and 7:30 p
p.m. O naa meetlny at 9:30 a.
I Pete's mutenm im. Sunday acbool at the close of
rled It to BatUee
g aerrlce.
that bad jut passed when it made Ita

We are showing
New Tapesiry Portieres-

•rStswasa r>*okliB •'rm».' money, for he will no doubt yire ns a
__________________________________________ T-;nt
'back eye. It'- hUbosiueee to pay yon

lh.,rtlcle.«h.» h. cwbt ,l<bi ol

u,. ...1... wt".
...d, lowi.Dew.hOTrM BP,

Why pay more? 4.000 patterns carried
in stock tor. you to choose from.



BSLE-^ esehayv IBT


XyOMET—To laas-see koatekoU ceodi
XkI ker>ea.ea<>klnS>pef«oca:pro|m
ty oa«« opes tTMB S lu woraUw naUI S ta vvsa1B«. WsUeBrua..tll PToal stiavi. tip ■talra.

OnroBM l« at 111 Pvooi street, np stain
You wUI see oor slcu at IS* bMiow of stair­
way. Oo up sia
stain, tun to feru take Cm
s aloarsM* the «oor.
Ws ere wot SB Ike
4 ftoor. at least our
oAMlaBt. Weal
. haTtac the lateeat list a«d best ba
k we are nrletly is ft Ws woes all il

TT roc wswr lasoia-es of any klad la arei yoB baryalss Kake ao'wlaiak's la aS6M.
- BSC, lot or
l.k«reaa- nawber bly sleus at bouon o< slain.
lUs On. Blaek.Tta»ates City.

Wade Bros.
Up Stairs

Reliable Dry Good*. C«rpft and Clolbinj? House.

Shoes May
Look Alike
But see lire make up aid
grade of stock we sell
aad we will skew fee
tNe diflereice.
There** nothing like leather when well pnt together—
Ton get it of the Old Selieble Shoe lUn






THEHoEinira bboord buhoat, Axroust ar isaa -purt two. \
street tmr bam, *miM be operMed by
Cbarlee M. Sheldon was bora la
WeUsvIUe, N. T- aad-li U yean of
age. Rev. Suwgrt Sbeldoa. hla father,
moved to Dakeu wbUa Cliarlee waa a
boy. and waa actlvriy engaged la mlsBlonary work among tbs Indiana. Tbe
young man's sarly edocauon waa re­
ceived la tbe country ectaooL I.aler
be was graduated from Phllllpa.acad­
emy. Bm«-n unlvers;ty and the An­
dover Theol.igira! somlr.sT-y Ati'r hU
graduation h
O :;:;aiand. ■

il"a“Oriw. , ■ : -Y-W-Ap-

Although Mr. Sheldon haa written
<4T^' «><' STEPS: or. WTiat Would
I ;e*ut Dor br Re%-. Ch&rin U.
A Sheldon of Topekn. hu roncbcd • author of "In HU Stepa." The work
•nlc fivAter than anj- itory over pHotnot copyrighted In England, and »
•d. 11 baa beeb tranalaled Into no leaa
are aim laaolng
than nine lat«uac«A and over tMO.OOO edltlona. It haa been tranalated
French. German. Ruaalaa. Italian, Ar­
menian. Bwedlah, Norwegian. Spanlah
eray. anticipate a-arldenpread drculn- and dialeeta of weetem Africa. From
Uon. for be itlpulated with ibe publlah- thee editions In the United States, which
•r that tbe book be printed Id a cheap
an well aa expenalve edition, aa that It
1 at »W0 per
nlrbt be within the reach of alL
In im Ur. Sheldon adopted a new
Mr. Sheldon la by nature a retiring
man. and almo« dreads notoriety, He
mtral Con
breaks that rule,
flrat atnr>'. eoUlled “Richard Brvce.” on ra
e to enter the lecture field, but re­
Bach chapter nerved aaa Sunday even- fuses them all. preferring to accept InInc aermon. The new m ay of preacbluR vltaUoat to lecture before religious so­
ChrtaUanIty met with approval, and cieties without remuneration. A writer
. aiBn then he haa written 11 atorlea, for an eastern religious paper tetevhleh have been read In the
graphed him aa follows:
'■Richard Bruce" waa
“I am coming to Topeka to atay a
Un. “Robert Hardy-a Seven Oara"
week to treat fully of your methods
Utt -The Twentieth E>oor“ in im.
'ritlng and the work
~Tbe CrvclOxlon of PhllUp Sti^nc"
of your church In detail. The artirte
will be syndicated and will be printed
D im. “In In nearly every paper In tbe country."
Hla Slepa" In UH. “Ualcolm Kirk" In
Ur. Sheldon replied Immediately as
U>7. "Tbe Redemption of Preetown" In follows;
UM. “One of the Ta-o" In 1»S. “The
"Tou need not come. 1 will not talk
Ulracle of Markham" In UtS. and “For to you. 1 have some tlghu which you
Cbrtat and the Church" In ISM.
are bound to reapect."


Wben told that the people who read
hla books would like to know about
tbe author, be said: "That la mere Idle
curiosity. 1 do not wish to be talked
about or to have roy church work talk­
ed about. The message I have for these
sermons. The message I
world at large I give In tny booka.
have nothing more to aay."
Although be avoids notoriety, he I

willing to speak when an opportui
prewnia Itself to further
rdiglun or humanity. He txflleves
municipal ownership of public utilities,
and has studied the subject at home
and abroad. He alllllales with nn po­
litical party, but In local campaigns,
wheti this point waa In question, he
haa made speeches In favor of public
ershlp. Hr believes that water,
I light plants, together '«'ith


He became pastor of his first : hi
at Waterbury, Vi.. upon htt r':i
and in IMU accepted a call to the : i
of tbe rratral Congregational tnurch j
In Topeka.
At one time he requewt^ hIS oingregallon tu excuse Mm from parish work,
and was seen only at rhunh sr;iirea.
For several months be aiudled the dif­
ferent clssaes of wage earners in a
novel manner. Unknown to sny .me,
be donned tbe garb of a laborer, se­
cured a - Job" and went to work. He
worked aa a roecbanlc's helper m the
railroad rhopa and sivnt some time on
the road with the tranmen. He min­
gled with the laa-yers and doctors, and
finally entered WashUurr. college at To­
peka as a student. Hr >olned the
scholars In athletic gsmrs and lllerary
socletle*. His special field of labor was
later in "Tenneaacetow n." the negro
quarter of Topeka.
The rrault of his work la most noticeable In the negro quarter. The
yards, once littered and unsightly, have
been transformed Into gardens and
Bower beds. Prises were oSered for
tbe best kept houses, nesteat yat
moat thrifty families, and the cbai
has been wonderful. A I
and kir
ed for the colored people. The tloo'
"The Redemption of Freetown" la the
Ston- of the Work among the negroes.
Through hla efTorts a kindergarten was
established In connection with his
church, and the kindergartens are fostcred by an association.
^Tien asked If "In His Steps" waa
founded upon facta. Mr. Sheldon aaya;
•The story In Hla Steps' when written
was purely imaginary. I knew of no
such placet or rharaett-n In existence.
It waa not founded upon facts, hut It
was written with a desire that the im­
aginary might become real. Since the
story was w ritten I have beard of *ev-,
era! cbaraciera who are very nearly'
like those In the book."
Mr. Sheldon Is married and haa one
child, a boy Hla borne is a
filege Hill. Moat of hit v
tage on Coll*

TEl nnt Of TOIL
tratloa. that Ue bead of the onfetts
unaic Duka of Tork was bung four MS*
luriee and a haU ago by order of QoMS
Margaret. Tork wae slain In the battM
of Wakefield Green In 14«. and by ord«d

1 bit head wat iroBlcaltF
n a paiwr erowe and hunt
ince tower of the city of
L • Vork might overlook IhB

The most eztcns.o tc'.lgate to pait
through is. perhaps, thni which is kapt
up at Sivlnford bridge. In Ernabam.
Bicycle; cott 1 cents each way, vthlclM
cenu per wheal. I
are charged


perambulator It not permltUl
tlan basis. At the meeting
Christian Endeavor society In Detroit
unhappy ffis
he asked the meeting to subscribe tLooo.ono to be used In establuhlng a thor­
family who has to take bU
oughly Christian dally newspaper in family through Ewinford bridge toll*
Chicago. He bellevea that the time will gate will be seriously mulcted befoifi
come when hla dream will be a reality. he hat pasted along hit way.


. .
famous Asiatic explorer, taken before he started on hit s<-<-nnd luurii'y
Into central Asia. This adventurous yi'ung Swede will si>.'nd several yenrs
traveling once more through the unkn. wii iu.r(t of Asia, taking
through Asiatic Ruasla and Turheatan. H-dln w.ll iruv-l mcompanled
Astatic servant. lelam.Ual. who «mt with the explorer on
ui Journey through the unknown regions of Chin-se Turk<arol Tibet, so well described In the explorer', reiently published


Tbt many thousand readers of Barrie In America who have pored over tbe
pages of that delightful book. "A Window- In Thrums." w ill examine with In­
terest the accompanying picture, which shows the original •Thrums" window
aa described by the young Scottish novelist. The window of fiction was on tbe
ground floor, w-blle the ;indow in reality, as shown In the picture. Is a small
attle window In the gable end of tbe bouse. From U. however. It Is i>OBslble, as
from the window of the author's cri»tlon. to command not only



Mau TVl Pomare It a New Zealander
:sky genii
Who will study anatomy in a manner Pundit Tarim Prosad JyotishL and bis
different from his forefsthera. This tal­ husiness Is that of a tiropbel. Elach
ented young gentleman, whose picture
gravely publishes In tbs newspapers
CalcuttaI forecasts
of e
la shown




mailr affections and disorders of the digestive organs think they receive trt«
mehdous relief by dally immersing thernselves in the saline waters of the dlf*
feretil springs.
Tnnsahla of late h.v b-ea Invad—l ii> the ub>oullout l'urot“'an, .who hat
discovered the Wonderful curative |e.«-ers of ii. waters and the health giving
'luaittnv of Its mountain air The result has I---n a sud.len ni ..lerniaaUon of
what pr-vt..usl> w iLS a I>rimltlve L;tt> Inland Jur*an;.s>. burg, and It is not Im*
probable that Tansania will In llm- rank with the rtlcfira as a fashlonabtb
health resort.


bs was at one time a native Maori king,
he la now a hardworking medical stu­
dent In tbe United States and is a well
isant spoken young gentle-

man, with good feaiares and a clear
allva compIsKloti. with tbe broad shouldtn and phyMaoc of the trained ath‘ a. Hte naiM has beta AngUclsad.
1 Bo» ba la knon as Hr. WUllam
. aad M hoMrad by bis
ooUsga ebOM aa ba axpsrt ~

ll- re la a iilcturi of Japan's favi.rlte health resort where tbe fashlonab’d
ip g --. uh-n ot.-oT3l do-sliuiMi'h hiak'-s It het-.snry for him to “take tha
a<-r. ' Ii I. oiioui this o.ld Pm.king spot, kuuwn as Tansama. that tbe far
im-'l Tanson oai-r spriags a;- f.-uml. This water. wh>-n aerated, it
nivn.oi;y .iruiik by f.-i-ignrrs through.lUt Ja|mn In preference to soda wa.

nlng U months, and
like other Indian Zadklela. oftts makea
a happy bit. Thla. by tl
•. U tha
maenwlD vblcb bs hu alssd up Lady
“She ta poattttsa at graat smd food
omeu. Bar eyet ata baavtital aad
bright, aad IndleaUvc of graataata aad
rayal atbibatsa. Sba wiU bs faaMOt
boTMU aad oaaM taaM to btr butband."

given the traveler while
Russian territory, and has provided a apecial eacort of Cosaacks for
him through Asiatic Ruasla. On reaching Kashgar Dr. Hefiln wlU procMd
sterly direction for the purpoae of making
veatlgatloos in
Cblneae Turkestan, where he hopea to make new dl
country. After this be will explore the unknown
Lob region and ci
great Astatic sand deserts by various routes.
Theocc be will make his way
y down through Tibet to India, where all bis
work, of course. wUI be for purely scientific purposes. King Oscar of Swe­
den wtu defray tbe expenses of the long )ouraey. which will amount to tit.too, aod Lord Cnrson. tbe oew vicaroy of India, will give him every asotstaaos while be is in BriUab territory-

The Bceompanylng picture shows the getlant mare Irish Lass, which aol
long ago carried lu owner from Vienna to Parle, a distance of T» mUes. In U
days. Sixty-five miles a day. as every oar knows, is more than tbe averaga
rltbout showing i
t her desUnatloc r e the wo^ for ber long Jaunt. Her rider on tl
D mdsrtaklag the trip e ■ u> beat Major Zot>owiu-i recv>rd of li d^ya. i



h ti Wi4w tUtt tku mUf Mt «< Mt IbtMic^*^

fc“i'^‘tsas:'35 SE•Hi tw rjM «tw»

-mur waiL ik 6Li'ui£ -

••!«» W-

-r»do«W«dlyr stanslBC-Owd
i prmlly."



«»to u«e

^ « kaU ■>•«. hi «kU*d. UMCk *M
«-y for 1 w^k. lUl I'iM-Je b« *
^ patkB rwr »»«t
o*»f wW<* tW 8be w^Dj bad • *r«it ksack of


ass' — -

tkt InlarSbm'TM/
iMtsi vbvti tMr loanrriiC
for tki
If. ..KjrTi.1, in.-.
If tt*y eot» ib» ninak* «* iW'r* *»»•
5^ii. ^ rt,.

Maa X. M.l. Bowlea. an BncUah girt
In 8001b AMc*.
rtc*. tdU of a debt Be.
tween a kaflr and an otM^
••Ibe tnfnrtated oatrlcb waa ebargInc at a kalBr wbo waa eomlac np
from tbe camp tn pnrauh. llie man


as her praetlc«d oye mn down ibe clotoy wrtttM
■»!«■ -Ofxi: R'l •■»■ •■“»■'
Job. rtn-nm-obe wnalnly ba* tbe
‘k«»to bow.' Lefa •«« anotb^r."

” “".i TiS.r ' ■"•"»••"“•'“•

insiaiwf cittiiijtuuniiH^HhWiM.


Stylish Nsiii Fall Suits

81.. b..i 11, adict. bi».

•®"' ”•

loarw and aoJaciod anoibar aota from
tl. pu,.
Bin pickod op Ibo mlatira wiib a

a aU«nc* for orer half an boor, except for ibe «tap ranie of note paper
They were an op-ltMUte yotmi________
' aa It waa^ withdrawn or replaced In Ita
dosple. 8be waa a weU-known Joor- oneelope.'
------•--- At tbe end of that time
•aUat-be waa a rtoinc poUtldan. They ,i,ere waa a
• at tbe
bad Jnat taken np their abode In one iida of tbe bride and a aUybl deepen*
of tiM many atean beated. electric- Inc of tbe llnca about tbe month of tbe
>|lc1ited. elcbt roomt and a batb apart- croom.
. Bent hooaea. aa modem aa tbemaelTet.
“I *l»o«
t« tmOeraUnd aenOEdwUia her irniite waa- known ar *«''•
Ed»'n*MW bla dancer and threw kerric after
1M" to her large elrele of •ronaln*'
became »f berT' abe aaked.
kerHe. wUcb paaaed wide of tbe mark.
•ncea. gbe waa tall and fair, atnkmcE„n>pe ahortly
"There waa more abouUnc now, and
ly bandiome. with an alert teUInc
mairfcd; abe aeparated I bopad that others bad ewne to tbe
reacoa, bat clanriac back acaln t saw
Banner ib<i beapoke practical aeoae.
from her huaband."
It waa too lata ostrich and mao had
Bla Cbrtatlan name waa IVnilam
and a TBit circle. Indeed, called him
BHI paced aboot the room for a few met! Tbe kafflr made a aprloc at tbe
. “BIU*' In erery Intonation from coltege momeniA *'l~tbon|tbt yon had belter neck of tbe bird, bnt be waa too alow,
Cbtimablp to “Bowery” Freemaaonry. know it. Ed. dear." be paid. rVon and an awful kick seat TSf popr
wretch into tbe air and dropped blm
with a tbod opoD tbe earth.
"Before be bad Uma to reeorer—If.
Indeed, be eter could—tbe bird waa
daocinc upon blm, and 1 ebni my eyet
dam -of bla wife waa. "Poor Ed baa ^0,^ aereMy. Edwina caucbt bla to hide tbe sicbl. By this time several
fcaffln and a Dntebmao bad come np,
CO little Uct."
Tbe Uctleat one wai BUodlnc at tbe
"Tbe Idear* dhe ezcUlmed. ".tre you and with a lone lasso they caucbt iha
window of tbe all-modern-oonvenlenc- crazy? DePlroy them—nby. Ii> the bird's neck and atrsnclrd It dracsloc
ad flat lookluy orer tbe not un|t|pa»- bcot copy In ace»-a tegular gcdd mine; It otr tbe prostrate kafflr at tbe tame
mt proapect of roofa.and »ky with dU- No‘ • bit of It; you .han't tear one: Ifa
"I beard afterward that the unfor.
contented eyea
* .fiii’ i»'« ■ttin^nitfinB* i*ii rihIta
innate kafflr bad only lived till be
- “Confoond itr
He turned on bis wife a look half reached tbe farm, and then be sue.
1; "here I have a Bully chance i.
M a footing on the Iwdd Macailne. amazed, half Ironical: then be gatb-wed cumbed to bU terrible Injuries.
5«t what they ask me to do Is way out
Cf By line. They hj they Uke my
CtyX and all and my stories of Ufe on
a tog. bnt they want a love story, and
Ibey tboucbl I could do U. Of course 1
)otUed them alone
Llong and pron
promised them
_.—8. i_
In ... —A..—

I haven't an idea—not one. I've
taan raking my brains out trying to
fSd aometblDg. and I can’t. Love's
•eardoae-tbere's no new aioff In It8Bd If 1 can’t gel anything new, wh.v. I
lay on tbe atyle-a:
•-and1 there you
•n. 1 ao H, raotb .»a lanhl.. .n«p.
Pf sort of tbing. and what I'll banlive Ibeui It 100 long and leuderr’
“Well, try It."
“Try It yourself. Now. you know,
HUy. I neier
“Tt*. 1 know ll’a a fault of yourafcsr ought to have aenilment; It's a
mat attraction."
—• It
.• Itr
•> .
-lea. It Is. It's a charming sensatfon
t» feel one’a self rolled and enfolded
IB loti of rare, warm acntlment-ira a
|tMt jdeuup-."
“dJtd. pray.-may I ask when you ezICflencvd tills delightful wnsatlon?"
, “Ceriilnly. my dear." Bill arose and
Jtt hli pipe. “It was-some time ago.
•be was a pretty Utile blond; and-mU—abe did that sort of thing deflgbtfuHy-the M-ntlmeni. j>ou know."
/'Moan It?"
»T>. mercy, yes—had caae.”

'be scattered correspondence logelbef
*■"*> • *«tnre of protection.
^ “Hardly." he «ld; "iww tbst yon
yon don t need Ibe
!«**»• -The Criterion.

*ae Oeamtt al mesa.
Hme In tbe Forum were tbe aoldlera
advanclDg with
measured tread among tbe nnonlered
ibrongs. pushing all - auiboriuiively
k“d preserving order, says Altialee'a Magazine. Here. too. gathered all
those people without any oecuimllon.
who appeared every week at the atotv

the Tibet
grain, who
the cirrus,
who spent ib<4r nlgbts In rli-kely
bouses In dlstricta be.rond tbe river,
tbeir sunny, warm days under covered

{•efore tbe '‘Insulae" of tbe gr>-at.
where from time to time rvuinants
from tbe tables of slaves were thrown
^8811 to
lu (ueui.
them. AAipi
Lfst Ml
of mil.
all. i^iiivun
porrlous vi
took advantage of that
pnslom of the Boman nobles, who des),lne aa patrons of tbe public.
In make theniselves bangerv-on. It
mast be remeniis-red that In those
, palrou's noUlllty was measured by
ihe number of <fllents who mustered In
the morning and saluted him on bis
flrst appearauee on Tbe Iwlcony of his
bouse. Thereafter they lounged for
the remainder of the day In
' plea and |>ortU-oi-s of tbe Forum. They
'whiled awa.v the lagging hours which
separated ifaeu) from tbe )
, acratcblDg rode veraes and coureoejeets

*Bow after a fashtonr


loUowlng up and all—1 let bet—It was ' they leaned, or by iracluE
ipt my pls'-e to say, HJo to, llltlv obi— iiarements gaining lahUn whereon to
tanpt me not.' ' play dice.
•■Of course."
1 Here, ilu-n. i^nd In places |«ariaklng
“Well, she really did mean U, poor of a sjmllar ntiu<wpben-. were scratchtittle soul; and I mnat confess it was ed those grattld which c«<me UQder
plttasni for a while. Hut. dear me. tbe Ursi of pagan siiNlIvlslun of tlie
Chat aort of thing couldn't go on for- new s<-lenc<-. Hid the crowd oih-o fr»iu
gT«r. 1 was afraid her husliand would time to time liefon- tlie Utter of muiic
get on to It—and she was so much In famous s>-nmor or some ri-miwio-d
Jove there was no getting her In plsu iH-auty. an idler inlghi tratv ihc f<-aaaylhing quietly and ann<-ly. Flie kept turea of the npiupaiit or write euiue
calling me up on the l•'l«•phone aod rilald reniirkii for Ills, ow n sar>-a»ilc
begging me to sw her. It got to Iw a iK-guUemeui. *'ld a few s.iKllers nr
bora, besid.-s hi-lng dangeroua. And Inunp-rs agree; to gunihle. they would
Ijien jbe cipt>cteil SO much of me. I irai-e on the stone invenirnl llielr
BBSt awear I loved her every- tbne square, ninrklag on eaeli side their
BlfiOtes aod write every day, ami
and galus
galDs or losaeit. 8omellm«-e. us In the
BBvrr «p<-ak lo any oilier woman. It lliuztraihin of ihq gauitillug grnlHii.
waz her Jealousy that r»-ally made the the victor woiil.l heap sarea.ui u|k>u
gpUt beiw«-cn us. You »cv. I met you the de|>artiDg loser hy writing, as was
about Ibai time."
done in this one, "Vanqulshi-d; gel
"Tea. dear." Ed crossed ibv room ib*>e gone; ihou knowezt n«i bow to
asd niuiphil Bill's lialr alfecilonalely. play: give ihy plai-e to one who do.s."
“Ton met me—B year ago Iasi LX-eem- tu another place some louuger dau•ar—$0 this affair Is more than 'quite' gling bis legs (vimfortahly o ■r Ibe side
of a temple iwrtleo. no doubt
"O. yes. »’• modern enoogb."
Idly sketch things which he bad s<vu.
“TVbal wa* she llk«-r
. What these might have l«een 1^ well
“Small, and rather fraVlooklng. Big. lUnstrated by the gnfflU found on the
gray eyet and Mgbt balr-lt was beau- lamplo.
fitnl balr-fell way down Iwlow her
Ta Ij^T* Ra4wao4s.
baan. Nice complexion, too-a trlfls !
The Meekeii grove of redwood fleet
on Ibe Russlap river. In Sonoma coun­
ty. lias Iht'U boughi fur f2T.Mll Tiy liie
IBOlBt tea shell."
of San Francisco. Tbe
'•Heavens. BUlyl
you're gening
action of the club In preoerving
••Well, abe waz a beaniy-really l>eautiful gro?e. one ^ the moat attbp
n>dwocu zone of Callnitg a »>e««ty. Wie lacked strength
T.____ .________________ ___ ....


Business Men
Are u a rule very shrewd—especially Traverse City busioess
men—They spot a apod thing when they see it^spot it mighty
quick too—that's why a many of them buy our


Style, Quality and Fit
We certainly wculd not have such a cpiendid trade. let every
man who [haslnct seen Here cults call acd ccnvince himself of
their high quality.

ic^ Ei^ Etch Stii WiiriDied This Seasot's Make.

filHi Bm. FiriliklBis. Hiiliid Bats uhI Ctyi.

Fashionable Outfltte’S

124 Frotif Street
Brsfirxfuf CAJiDa.
tfe caltontoa.

Ant’d paticn

lover lhac ever

of B fetst in Binootb. rich
iofeesee btoefe. rtoweTl-______________________

Itovvrslbla Kealearefc

Tbe clever "puaale odltoi” of tbe
Ixmdon Truth czerclaea Immense Inprize for
"aeotences making
aenao whether
liacka-ard or forward." Here are aev.
eral amt In:
Scandalous society and life make
gossips frantic.
This reads Itackward;
Frantic gossiiM make Ufe and Mclety prandalous.
Apply tb|^.^rop rule to tbe others
given below:
tUei slowly fading day; winds mourn­
ful sigh;
Bright stars are walklog:
Fllea owlet, hooting, holding revel
Mgbt sftenre bolding.
Solomon had vast treasures-silvcr

and fine ic« cr«Bm darinff

ctle^eC to prow]




yonrs when

yon neciire a tre* ter from
We have tbem

in all sizes and all prices,

Ire fvp-ra House Block._________________ j


and mosey invested in one will retom j>on more ple<
Bouse Block.

aod comfort daring the bested term tbau tbe same amoont
(TV reslCecce lOe__________________

G'ss J St™.

invested in anything else.


lO.HereaatUcOe Block.

140 Front Street

She fells tamentlug sadly, often Loo
mneh alone.
liear Horry-Devoledly yours re
lotp.a. Teleohoa
main I.
Have .vou forgotten glX)
Repiv ' iintiii-dlal-'Iy. please,
n'nd band to yours—flni< e Itsrilng.
Man Is iiolde and getiermis often, but
eomellnies vnln and eowartlly.
Careftijl.v IxilleJ eggs an- good And

.XII Iteware; saya age.
Is (toveny. and Seeling la love.
Radiy gnvenied and fearfully trou­

bled now Is Ireland.
Exercise lake, eieesa lieware.
RIm- earl ami hreaihe fresh air;
Knt slowly, tronlile drive away:
Feet warmish
keep: blend work
Time flies faal: sails

Trawerae City, Klch

(Mcels Bamlli
Mrs. a to il a.iB.


( Keziored and Re lullzed. and
tbe B«l> tied »lib >ew Life
and V;cnr, by t'zlag

l.nve Is heaven and heaven la love,


Fresh Goods—Attractive Packages.

If Dervoai czbaeslion
drrstmAl, ibe n'oatlwrs
epiicpnc ptrsoDs vuuld
ductd, and there sroald i


nd proleS'lOBil men irould
e l>y htaiD fag.
-iTSit and beadscce; iracbers asd
DU woo'd DO* be ezbaustod br
Ihcir work, snd womeo woold eol lie
wesk sad nvrvout, aod tsofier Ibe

12-i Front Street


“* :.'x

are set. Isaits are ready. Farew-eli;
Matter and mind are niyaieiies

never miml. Wbai Is matter': Matter
ls~never mind. XVhat la mind? Mind
Is—never matter.
Honesty and truth are good and aJmlrahle qnnllliea. as sym}>atliy
lore are endearing trails.




.tl he Ood.

with play.
Adieu, darling;

eniDmer moLtbs, bb

daiodeB, ia

I be; Faitbl

Here l« good sod sonucl zdvlo
rrlMR Tr-

Tbr South African wagon Is a long,
lii-avy can mounted on four lilgb
wheels, as a nile. with a son of can­
vas li-ul over tbe l>aok half, leaving
ilie front clear to carry the miscellau<-ous ftirulture of Its owner, drawn
liy sizicen, i-tgliteen or twenty oxen,
eurtously flcrcv-looklng. with their
Immense spread of born, sometimes
as mnch as eight feet from tip to tip
and rarely less than six. hut in reality
ns pnileiit and bard-workltig l>easts aa
one reiild wish to And. says the rientleman's Magazine. Their mode «f
progression Is certainty slow, bul there
Is a slrangenes* and a faselnatloo
aliout it which may draw men to it
almost as the Alps draw their devol•■-■s. In front there mareh<>s the
■Tonr.looiNr." generally a small boy.
leading the two foremost oZOD by a
n-ln or rope (lassed tbrongb their noatrils.
The driver walka alongside with tbe
long and K-rrible whip he us>-s so un­
sparingly. or else alls on the front of
the wagon and gets off oeeailonally to
tosh up tbe whole team with unfailing
Iropanlallty. The traveling is all done
t night. Blanlng a little before snnrl and marching till perbaiw tl or 12
'duck: then ih.-re
ih--rp is a ball till a liiile
liefurv tbe first signs of dawn, when
they go on again till (be sun U-gius to
get hut owrli.-ud. and Xhen they lie
hy for the day.

•earimeot. Would you
Ran Francisco. Tbe
here Id my boon' travel
picture? 1 have one
."high Jinks" of the club bare ralcen
several years aod tbe
in tbe atUolnlng room the newly ar- place there f
fivsd minks and bozet were piled next will t«e h>4d ip the grurp^iurhigh. A fe«v moments' aearch. and be day. July 2.
rrappeartHl with a square tin lock imz. i
•pbla be carried back to tbe aittlngroom, placed II upon tbe (able, and ' Tverythli .
araats to have his Unger In It."
*^^erer be said, vttbdrawlng a I
y-orkcf Sttlve ts
pbotograpb. "What do you think of '>“•*•«' evening. Had tu put bU Unger
The turkey waa Brat dlseovered le
"laU '“®- ,
amerh-a. and was taken lo Englaod In
picture to tbe
d»«l Tic come «itT"
Wtodow and examined 11 closely. •T>r-! "He came right ^ TT»e flDger
^Ualj a fttumlng bead." abe eomotost- , $tayed.''-ae^Dd Plato Dealer.
aearty all parts of the world.


At $10, $12. $1A. $16.60. $18 00. Ko basinets man can afford to
dress in shoddy or ill fitting clothes, therefore if ours were not
correct in

Steinberg’s Grand; $68 TWs!

misei«escsnse-l bydevsog
pv<etisrly femioinv orgs'
To get ml the csose of ihcsv troohles
you must Duurisb and rvsiere tbe wasted
Serve ,
nerve cells. Dr. A W. Chase's
and BlotKl Pills are tbe gmteat tesloraknown te modero science. They |

cning eSect of a pnrgativ.:e.
bv bailding np Ibe sj

>e favorite
■I. n. n.


oas'anlboc ol Dr Cbaae's Redpe Book,
and have proven tlie greatest core of tbe
age for d'seaaea arizing from thin,
this popnlar mnedy will completely iv.
store nsle. weak, nervous men, women
and children to robust bcaltb. By >oCTtasing the corpuscles in the blood,
and creating new nerw force, they fill
tbe body with new lift


Saturday, Sept.2

"I bad my tveth extracted at
Tbe Boaton Dental Parlora with­
out paiQ. ^ never thooiffai such a
-thing poBfeible. but DOW I know it
can be done

733 Suto St, aty."


A aqmptaona



can rely absolutely on their rcstorilive
aad enrative properties.
Fifty cenU si
alt dealcn. or by mail on receipt of
price, bv Di. A. W. Chase Hedkinc
Co., Bnffalo, N. V. On every box of
tbe genufoe will be foond portrait aod
fsc-sfmlle signature of Dr. A. W. Chase

a eoDUBoeuk

Dnutlc SvpriSN
SUrtllBg SituUois
lonl Effects
TbriUii^ CUoutt

See the..

Prict Reduced to Close Dot Lot
Beat workmanebip money
can employ for Bicycle
Bepairing. Qoick work.

at D&toa I



Fisbiig Parties,
laf Fonerals.
I bare juat added a fine back.
sereral roomy two- aod three-aaated rigs, besidea an increaaed nonj ber
nice carriage!

SI 00. Seata on aale at box office
caring (or teama
next Wednealny momiog
Dnrera (omiafaed if deairedErerything in firat-daa abipe.








----------------- ^





. __

Ital b«rbwt«DdWM

tetti a test visit to tor

Till Trnerts Mir
Tin Fmrilt Sc Clear

Tb«iDPtberwu«w.k*wd JnrtT**I fcM AaVB one Boniiiig IM w«*k toy
**Tb« CTMtcft KStbtriBs el jdckpoek- MUd dI MbbioB 4b<) v^piac oatitoc
•to Ibat I mr «w. nd. I Amrtmj. Um bcr owa ■torpiof roam docc. Her barCrettMt boMb that
tb*t «*«r •fMoUed. »J rod rAccUhroeDl Udimorerto* ha
Mit.tb* HMt-Oobm
«M. Guoda. «n M«r It. 1071.• dtoeetlra vbo bM been is tta* btut- icioed.
awi alom 1KU. ‘Tb« Hg fi^t w«*
“CbailU wm <n-«-B-el to bm."
bcldia tb« rirlsitrof tbo old light- wailed Uw brid« of a mosth or Iheteheoae oa Loag PoiaL and the only way aboata atoorafolly. “aad ao 1 cama
to get to the grooad wa* by boat (rom toune"
ZMe or BoCalocr by walklag a good
"Bat what did OrnrUa do—tba
Btaay BtMihroagb Oaoada. The boat wretcfal" iaqaired the mother, ready
that left BoOhla carried ia the aelgh- to htoaw the haabaad oo general firiaborbood at 1.000 pmma. The fact that ciplee ' To ttaii tjneatioD. howeacr. the
there were a large aamber of tblerea on bride retaraed bo aoawer mre Giltcr
the teawl wae aoiaed aboat. and tbe weepiog Tbeii the notbs. feelisg that
gammt peraoM begit tbeir haiide os the cnae wae beyood bar. adminictmed
thcirealnableaalltbetlBM. Sttasge to a serre reaterMive and awoka tbe
my. not a tonefa wh made on tba way bride'• father.
"Now. my child," began tbia todi•*Two aamda. both ksdad to tbeli rldoal. apaakiog with tbe aatlxwity of
fan«at capadiy. left Brie. Pa., aadeacb one who had aettled all her difficnltiee
of tbeae carried a bnmbar of ptdepoek- from the time aha coold walk, "tell me
eta There were abool a doaen detect- lms>edUtely what that wretch of a
leee is tbe crowd, amoog them baiag haabaad of yoore bee done and be ahall
DetcctlTC Patrick T. Cnmck of Baflalo. eofler tor it wbaterer it ia '
Captain Bogere and Deteetiee Bafbean
The brlde'a ardor cooled perceptibly
dt Boebeater and a few detoctlTca from H«r voice wan almost elcady ae ahe be&ia Pal. and Taronto. Oat They gao her story.
knew that there wae oo nee la trying to
"Well" ebe oommcsced bitirrly.
pat a check on (be work of (be crooka her eyes 0atoiDga( tbe remembrance at
betnMc there were at least SOO protea- her wroaga "Charlie wae oat very late
■ioeal plrkpocfceU in tbe crowd Jort last oiKbL end I tbooght I’d get op
after tbe spectatore bettaa Uklag tbeir and—end—uy" eoueioing to him—
^eee aboat tbe ringaito the^erlff gel when became home. 1 bad tboaght
ia tbe ring and madea^weeb Uke tbia that ao loag a* Charlie wat geing to be
"’Iwiah lo warn evoy one againet ao late borne I'd—I'd Cr op my compickpoefceto. There are hnndrede of plezioa a little. So. when Cbariie got
Ibem bwe.'
into bed ia tbe agwre room. 1 jost for"Tbe toeriir atrpped oat of tbe ring got everything bat him and went in
and aeveral men groaped aboat him. tbera
And—aad"—bitter eobbiog
Tbe central fignrecf.tbe group wae • agalni-"! forgot all aboat tbe beamy
crook known ae Papea When tbe eber- maik 1 bad on and went right in with
Iff got oat of tbe mis bie diamond ftod. it opon me. And"—a perfect paroiysm
hli roll of bilk and bU watcb were of teare half drowned ber ertrda at tbii
miming He Btode known bie toes to point—"Cbariie most have tboogbt 1
one oi tbe detectives, and tbe detective was a gboel. and be threw a pillow at
volanteered tc recover tbe properly maChicago Inter Ocean.
^bedetective was Capteln Rogers Be

1 the titaatlon

inhaling a Inag toll of fog remarked-b h^vtl AD my troabka
tre paid for Thank beven. I brvetbe
Ibe sir of 6sn PtsdcIko once agslnV
Thb was all verv sw«et in the*fa!iA
priced canary bird and tbe neu-spaper
bwV««e.n dtltehi^
"However it wteonly a short time
before I wrot down lo (be trtit
-iiPatti at Salt Uke Gty. Sbe
mendingfrom her car. and ai b« feto
tonebed tbe groand rbe eaciaimed;
■Tbank heaven. I breathe the air of
Sail Uke City once more! AH my troabl«a are paid for. Oh. thb it beavenl'
Tbe newipaper Me were tU driightod
with her
"Ae for myeelf. on both of tbeae occssioDS 1 wai delighted sbo—with tbe
diva’s lovely hypocrisy, that acenrsed
•in which tbe poet tells
tell oa taker tbe
1 never tbongbt
much of an actreea. hot 1 changed my
ipect aft<
mind in tbia respect
after witneaaing
tbeoe two exbihitioDs."

’** mftM of baling to
^ compVirty ^ tbs
America. The main wall, are all
dressed stone or roogb blocks fared
»‘to morur. girders and cros»l»wme
«f >«>»• «■»»«>»• dtobed and of brlrk.
»»*lrs of none or marble. Boots of illing. the roof of terra colU or aUte. and


« o.. o, WU.

Noibiag in the way of "lovely by
pocrisy" can surprise anj;^j who has

io derriopBient of tires she to better
prepared to fight them. Tb>- fife com-

^.rtneva - feel at homa. aald
you have an' htmr

pa Dies of tbe I'nlted States stand
without a |>eer and In the records of

to apend with me. and you abali do as^

smiling radiance, eyes swimming with the d.-partment are noted deed, of herihe luoietnre of uv^n^wering jov^^ a otem unc<|ualed anywbete else In tbe
look of pleuding affix-ti
worid’s bistor.v.
tenaoce; as if tbe present moment were
LMdea-s Lass
tbe happiest of ber life and as if sbe :
UndoD coDialns many *o<
eager desire to '

-Ei.Mjy „ i'
echoed PrinVictoria doubtfulie.

I many people who are eligible for i
' berabtp.
Idle persons, however.
' U'lter not enroll'tbeniM-lves raatal

be had taken it just for a joka
.a »f ce«aii»«.
"Tell me bow abe looks slinatlona
"1 can’t begin to tell yoo bow many {
Bold ynor bands op bofore yon. pnlma again. 1 ahall soon be able to are. and I
Mr. Heasun Is one of the members
pockets were pteka^ this day Tbeflgbt outward, thnnibn atanaculeangle. Be- know I shall find one more btaoMInl of this enrious <-ommuolty. aod so in
waned warm and ev«y one wae ercit- gin os (be left. Little finger 1; little
than all tbe reet and cry mother I moth-. earnest to he that be Informed
ed. so tbe crooka had e fine field to work Anger and ring finger Hi little finger. al Wby do TOO nut speak?’’
1 Maraham at IVesimlnUier that no
In Pocketbookawereaetoally fiying in ring finger and middle finger III: all
Bis Beositive face was turned re- pnDlsbmeot would loduce him to break
tbeair Men were accuilag honest men tbe fingers of tbe left band UHi and proaehfully toward bis father. "You stone* or pick .oikuin. He wa* ebargWho ant beside them of touebing them | tbe band and thanib at an aonte angle have alwavs told me bow lovely she ia ad by the maMer of tbe- workhouse
Bmcw of fitouKSid stnda were noacrew- ^ form V
In place of tba IIII yon may
8be to little-not talter than my sbool- with refusing to do any work, and he
«d and nipped. Tbe moat hamorous in- nse tbe fourth fiqger from the left, atill der—I know that"
'even <-arrted hi* principles so far as
kideni of tbe day wat the theft of fiaoo bolding the thumb at ao acute angle,
Tbe Old man laid bis arm ov« the lo decline to wa>b or uodre* blm»elf.
in Ulto from a thief who hailed from and you have IV.
tod’s sbooldt^
He had l*en punished In every pos.lBt-Xonto and was onknowo to the New i
Nowgiam to tbe right banA Holding
"Yoo must know now wbat your hie way ...loloous phrasri. hut all lo
York dclexatioa
A New Vork man tbe thumb and fbe band at tbe aame
blindnrm would have kept you from no acvctim. lb- remained. In spile cf
named O’Dunohne bad got tbe 81. Louis angle as before we have VI; by using knowing." be said. "Your
,onr n«.n..r
mother Is all tc-m|.tot;cm, Hn^.bstlnate member ..f
thief's roll, end be returned it when be tbe lodei and the middle finger we get.
f-ir^iod bcantifol now in fare but
Ijcr.v Society.’’ Tbe Jallc-r a«V>-0
teamed hf. uiUtaka Some men were VIL white (be thumb and toe torea, ^
tbeilefctulnni to give snntc exphuistUiii
When yoo can see. lorck for
tbe face which bolds ibe greatest lore

tbe two V’e made by tbe

Von will not be mistokvn.
your mother’s.’’


few pockets left to pick.


hand curved toward (be thumb makes '

■m who had been robbed inaiated that C. tbe tniti.l of «nto« UOb). and •>
tbeboneet men abonld baud together ^ oo with tbe bundreda Now join tbe
andaltacklhe tbleveB for the pnrpoee two tbomhe with the forefingerw or
tolen prcqterty
The ; two Vs
>’* inrerted. and y<»o
you have »be
Of TMOvering the atolen

- ------- ^
were mingled so cloaely as not to be dU..............................
r, tbelhievea'
»,aU ^b..D.l»o.ldS8bt
.■ill tbo tbl.™r..mrf JoB.II.lo

reached tbe city bne
"A few years later ■ big gang of
pickpockets went to anolbar fight at
Long Point, but in siae aod expartncaa
it did not apiiroacb tbe gang that went
to tbe Mace-Ccharn fight At tbe Bann-Cojrtney rowing luatcb at Chau'

The blind boy was the first to speak.
^ ^ , •. , • •
irtti around tbe redden-

HiB Hair IWeeeA Blaelt.
Tbere have been eeveral instances of
bait nnCK
turning Irom
from .bic,
white to
o.. ol ,b. to., .oublo porb.p.

me now." and they torm-l and gave
place to the others.—Sc w York World

ai><l Mary in 1776. and among the charter members were John Mancball, chief
ju.lice. and W.*biDgtcn, aaw>
ciate justice, of




Hl»»cer H.wne. w|k. wa* considered tbe
aUiwt jurist ever produced in Virginia.
John Brown and StejAen T Ma-con.

Ktodeuta Tbe old build
ing baa been restored to alm.iet its orig-

A pretty saving of an army officer to »«»«i ev.nduion. sltbongb in tbe days of
reportc-d hy an excbinge
He married
pro-peniy wa. doable lU preaeat
inliHibtbe daugbMvd ■ man wboBf siae.—Chicago Record

much interested in tbe lUvrtTdt»«ti«* “y^**'*^
1 knew veat ” aaked a eolWa for all ie gri.t that cocues lo hi* gaslro^bo bad not #m ,he JH«e^ noniic mill, and tbe f.dkiwing mixture
“<> «« *« toe offtete fof
bv the majority

minuteatetertbedetective’s pocket was
a and be wat ao

-‘y.* bat I didn’t

talk mocbabont'«< toe rougher cUasm

Holland Is •.till the t

ttolongsfar another tucta expedition
It wUl never be T^ are too many |
aetoctiveanow ’-enicagolDtwOceaa

tbe oil from the
tbe «tnline
sardine box to lib■, and the
erally poured over tbe whole Aloud
He Dtaeiw
Prom wee.
uiBereu rvBu.
uuacking of lips and other manifmUBbi*-l ace that acme doctors have du-' Oons of thorough appreciation accomelded that paralysis to s conurt,«e"«-of p.nv tbedisja-al of tKelioatebonneoveruse uf the pin* affectedbouebe Bat tbe oneophtoUcated Boer
1 don’t see bow yon can bava ©nly indnlgea
ry wbt-n b,
any that
lion, my dear. '
enjoy a special treat, quite rewhen yon know yob ara<fr«efirapa 'gardlMofupaDita—Cbwbm’ioiirntysis of the longue.-Borton Courier nal

,iln ancient times
run a aimph course and recover nnder , p^,p}„ ,he pcBseaa
’ r^/rbe'SaoVia^irtoS'i^^^

------------ __«Bef *B*^
AnMsIar, tav .swmOm •
wls es*«. UwBi sad bbb< b
lersurn re> bbbS *ar Babtar

Provident Life
and Trust Company
of PbiUdclphtn.

Uttle Dasgbter<a X. fe.
I am tbe oiotbar of eight ebl’dree and
baeehada great deal of experience
witb medirinca- Laat summer my litOe daughter bad tbr dysentery is Its
worst form.
We ibougbl sbe would
die. I tried everything I eould tblsb
of. but "otMng eeemed to do ber am
good. 1 saw by aa adeerttoemMt Ir
our paper that Cbamberliie's Colic
Cholera aad OA rboea Remedy «a»
highly rvoommandsd and aeat and got
a bottle a' once
It proved to be oaof tbe vety beet med'einee we ever bad
intbebonac. It aaved my lltt'e dangb
ter’e tifa I am aexloo* for ever moth
•r to know what aa excellent medietsr
‘I to. Had I known it at fl st It would
have eared me a great deal of
%od mv little danghts-r murfa aefferirg
—T-oure truly
•to F Bi-xniCK.
Liberty. B I.
rrele by R E Wall
.ndP C.ThM

Lgri T. PeaningtoB, Diitrid Agt.


We have a $175 teal astats
mortea^, 7 pai ceil., 5 (aar^
giltedea. Whowaatsit?
Mo ioa offipccial J
Tc Mra.r F liius. JL r. CsBrrva.C. J. gt>crr.J W CMcbl*. Hrlre B Ureve, EdvarO

XB!Bs<aBrrvB, A S »»rru. L'kafUdtr Burlr). L X BahM. a ar. asdatBuB. U
W T BBkaB.KW ass IcrvTit,.. -ictrr. J„-

Hotioe to Taxptjrera.
Mbrr iSBe. ■*rlBd,BCSter>ai B.~-..a
Se rrsr mwii.r* l«.eu i.lsrr. Is
oreollevtioB.Bd iSsl t BlK tr .
iDin N.o 1*1. I*. Trca > oVtoi
>lu-'k B B and (roB 1 c
Db Bll <sie« twi-l <

•I. Ivr tiu A,.

,-.v ‘s:;' £'


M C OTlsii. Juba Lar

vs.'?: cjss.

:.a- a Co . I. W. Ml llkrc. M Bulirr. H fi
coUmioB SI
i>ps..i^t. 1*1 1 d ps'd ddfpsg C
rr »m br rk»r»____,,
I s persli/ of t
•locrS. r II OrrrcouBk.i carsd Wn^p.OTB}.
(or rollmloi].
ruodDnkC.. . (i-v ltoa*k. Ba Bossrr. M.
Prrr* Wrstti's*. C
rbiir.Oro LoBnr.Msrj t. Mbb(. M a VV»
BiBs-Sld BolldlDC
a*. X XsawtOB It T. Brl;. LoBxBBkfVr.llakk
_____________________________ ^
_______ , yvutrr.aLioa Kuioli.}. BkkSBk 4
Os .



tu byai

dl-tlDctinn IcTt
T HoIl.i0i1 among
«-orld i-iwer». says the SaMirday
*n. So ..m- who Is a--<|Ualiiled
with the Tlcurrs of the Dutch
trade and ho* watcli.-d the InslDUatlOu
of the livaHiitb Into the most forbldding c-crtienc of Kugitoh urban life w 111
doohf tli.ic Haarlem’s imiusiry It
world |H.w.-r.

proBiptlr sttekded lo.

“WEST Michigan R'y.”
DE' ROIT.................
7 no
7 to
15 yo

. Ought no, th.^ every Hcd and.-r to
“f Hsarleni? hbould not li.take off bie ha, to ev.-ry Inih
bh-.o. he imesc-.?

Aud If be Is hot

i« i-ow with grace the flower
wUlic-aclib.ui forihehumUUyortjutural Iwauty Uivarialdy savee the hya
of bearing
clntli from any arr-a

^kope^r dofk. Bb;

•rum all ttatioo* Bav V -w to Travel

D,p:rj.W t-Joor.- rrath CksapBCur. Iieo
DiSirv.aoB i Blor. B t H*a. asry YeuBb
U J.BursvM Bren Veukrr. duBrpk iisd«r
a £*Iri.B i Morass B Z Coullrr, Kli)sk
MUl.- rfsssBCarll-I. W . F. McLbc*01.b. Ms.’ nrj ar.lrrvts. V II .-iIb.biv). W. a Martvli.

! J*^M‘tTr»Br. H ^’*wi»S. Itarrwit'roT'orir
. KrouM.u R a • -silvst.c a W. M rsUoaj
' Bcd B-l otB.r |.ri*ui.* itiWrrstr.:
, Tkr ruU of .psriej s»~arsu brreiototv '
B»J* 1.. -kr
*E^iUd'’kr' r*:?B»S lioror or
.. M (Of I-Ok-tn.. UBS •»**!■• OB
.-Irt Ro.S. Ik fur«uBB<r..t rr*o!u.
• u-t, |«.ord Jul; ti. Its*. >. CJB OB eit )• BT
cRrr lur puldlr iiBoeciiak.
Notwv !• »,M> krrrky strrs ibsi -br Coctnl
Bt.d bi, r o A—riBirr,
ot. th, i.k .isj of v-t.,u.b-r. iwi-s.

jbpough aiecpiog care to Chicago and:,:';rrp:Lrcr*:,r.^,.rrru*&";

"I- tawi'kTrue. It has not the -Ingular grace -d Aug. 1 3!
the daffiKlIL which learns lli. h-»»on of
humility a-fad U-Dil* 1,* head just as lh>
crlsl* of Its glorv ; etIIU the upright
hyacinth, left ,o Hs .•wn device*,
never stiff.
Also, should Dot
Dutchman ai every, re«ene one
cup In toss, die tulip—a
rap tbsu ever he will drink fn>m?
1, Is a pliy lliut Ihe Hnllanders have
not a canuiilza.g vhurrh. (or fit. ilya41 pair..,
clnthua would make ao Ideal
I HaarUand newer Show fiUDday

Ge». D*.Ba»M.r.. p. A.

*:i tvr*oc4 iBlrrrMrd lo >v krsrd
“ ’
(isird aaru*I 9. MS.

Park Place Hotel!

might be bis <lay. That Is the ons
when the nnilvi-* eeciu lo realize
Nearly everylwal.v wearv one
blcy. leo. carriage* and hum,
mark: the. .«

Tx’Q-veA-Tae 0±ty^, ^±o^xga.3X.

Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms witn
private baths have been added, making it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. Address for
rates aod other information
Man’are r

A great aquare

—V ..IX I
r of
jam. preferably atrawherry.
of sardines is then ptsced oo top. |

of toe topnotcb cruuka. and if yon ask
old ume
lime crook ns
be will uu
icU yon now
bow II
any o«


and tulip- Is t

out after I met Mice to cat off a loaf made
coarse onIS tbe reply
father 1 became a atroa* stl*«d meal and covered witb a thick 'here to a

t endeavor to

,to p,™d= B... o;-ij

Brutil to a iVrtagiisw tam dorlrcd
Irotnbtuxa. “• live coaL" retetivc to
dyBWood. wUb wfaldt the cobbtrykteltfidA


"Come." be said., "let Us go back t
| mother ShewiU always be bMUtiful to

wmtaw Slave.

own wayandrreped^a big harvest. F«
instance, a detective • pocket was picked. but the thief wbo did the job wat
induced to return tbe iroperty

tbe bowete for six cr sight daya—Ctncinnati Engutw___________

bkV and biman itiS
‘'’™ ‘••'“a-•>« buman itom
sot help bicu.

aenaloj* from Virginia: Wdliam Sboti.
-lod Holland, am.
wi"is'vr to 8,mi,
became wet and Ebrim ParmaW. a native of jilasMTbe
wbo e*„ ihiiebed ebapU-ra at
a „^g
Tbe afternoon
afternoon aft*
aftrt chowlto.
ltd when he returned
theoipi«nre his hair, which bad be- 'ale ,
■ ud Marv wa* the firal
come gray sight year* before and bad home
lor three years bee* wbitc. torned per- colb-ge to adopt the elective system of
eysteui in tbe
tbe goV'
feecliy black.—Uintovill* Poet
•‘O'lv and tbe honor sysiejii

^weremarebed tot^cre^
tion aod^^lled
here n^« ckiae
When a train for New York
was made up tbe tbievea were eacoried
aboard it and were watebed tUl it

LaT^opiatoe i^ld ^

-Vnor hoV

:lr 1^.17„W„Ibi.I.U.,r,

mendoo.fireforia ccWoiiv.- hoora
a hundred Kliwim-D and all the detect- Ybe mav was cccetantlv firing from
ive force were^bere to meet It. About ,be
;od he became, ikcvlmavjuence
geo or •*<) thieve* were marrbed oot
of the tewnem of, ,emperatnre of the
two sw.
and lined np on tbe wbarf.
atmosphere, covered from bead lo fool
They V.JB told that they cevere to be with ice
He wore a ekoUcap and a
escor*-^ out of town, and they made no.•helmet on the top of that lu that bis
protest. Witb tbe policeaeo and de­ head wss tbe.warmrei part of bis body
tectlTcs as
audnot.t allei,«e«i. ilKioghhUey^

App«dl«ti» i* t>>3‘ toe snr^y fatal
dtoeam it has bwof^ regarded Pro-

it will be

mm» luat u« bD engineer to tbe fire de-)
* HUiorSe OU ('ellBBa.
^ Lootoville
Hi. age was
Tbe first Greek letter KK-ieiy—Pbl
on doiv during • tre- Bela K.p,«-w«H orgtnited at WiUiam

I aont to police bmdcjturtera
^nj the first landing
ben tbe

and he sii-weivd. with great dellto-ralion: iiuii work
was i.m>
bani and

hi- princ iple*. Tlie magistrate
) deckled th.-ii he niu.i icuffc-r
m-c-cl him to
Tbe great surgeon looked for a mo- '-onvlctl'
Tli.mebt or two into tbe eightieeseyea. and tweiity-.
•- dock very iiulc'ly nu'l
(ben turned and laid bis band oo tbe thanvr I
slou-ly a
iih a ts-autiful smile on

an inside pocket add were oot touched. ; viona The forefinger of tbe left band.
"Butineas lagged with tbe tbievra . with tbe thumb at right augiea. make

Isnaccmiie popalar.'tH.
Bieetstaid btsl lOctatcIru

A. W. Jatiraus

Tbe blind boy raimd a rapt face to Absolute laslnt-ss to a Usk lu Imelf.
the light
, and re<jnln-s a good deal of llrlng op
"And my a»otb«1" be said qu«-' to. Uwides Involving one In unplemiant

lasnch caees Ibe crooks helped them thninto. inverting one. and we have X.
iSung with a email loan, as they termed | or 10 Then uie the X with tbe tost litIt The referee of tbe match was re- 1 lie Boger Iwfore it and it will give IX
Ueved of bis diamond
Hi* bills were in ] Tbe cumbioationt following X are ob-


................ , .
‘lounger lying oil the graak. "Didn’t
Th^ proportion of InfiammaNc ma- y„u ^
red nose
tcrist in a Parta boose Is therefore make thoac women take down that
very smsU and U la poasiUe to conflne hammock after he bad watched Uam
the llie to the apartment In which It for fifteen mlautee puiUng it upr—
origlnaiee. TbU la tbe reason that a Chicago Tribune.
Die often break* oot in tbe relter of a '
JEfidfi bjr
building BUed with petroleum and oils
When aelte a cbIM the Prinreaa Vic­
and does no great damage,
toria. the preMwt Qocen at Bagtend,
A pood preventive meaaore
went with her motbee to vlatt Qasan
Prance to the using.entln-ly of safety xdelalde. The DachM'of Kent
matebee. wblcb will not Ignite
ualeaa prineena
Victoria’s mother.
rubbed againat Ibe boi lo wb^b (bey obliged
-----_ leave her little daughter Aab your deulcr.
are pack.-d.
packed. Though
Theugb America to
'* lees
'— ^loos with Queen Adelaide for some
(ban ............
France...lo regard —rap- time,
____ and

the totter, to make the young

ever sees Patti on the concert stage
Sbe rusbes to the fooiligbiK. a vision of



Now Join

htBa«U.--Cblcago Record.
Tody-Jeanle trite me yoang Woodby proposed to her last night.
VioU-l don’t think I know him. Is
be well off?
hlm.-Chlcago Dally News.
"What do (bM paA paUmen do
to earn their aalariea?" asked tbe vte-

-Yes." replied Queen Adelaide. Ut­
ile Imagining -wbat was to follow.
"Then, daar Auntie Adrialde." tbe
child said, wistfully, "may 1 be al­
lowed to cleau (be wlnduvs?*’
I tbe l'hH>ltnas tfCuee club I
embrace and kirn creivU-dv in tbe an- .
Queen Adelaide was rather startled
dience And ebe does it all so natnraUy for tbe Worvbli.|>cr» of Omar tbe Teniflrsi. (>ut (be future Queen of Bagand spoi-taDeoosly that tbe majesty of maker, but apiwrently tbere Is another
land bad ber way, aettlng lo work with
tbe amemblage is iuetanily "mashed' I Wblcb has bliberio i-w-aiM-d notUv. Sleeves rarvfullr rolled up and an
and would rbeerfnlly lynch anybody ^ aays tbe I-xoden Tek-grapb.
apron tied round ber
who would intimsie that there was nay called Ibe "Uty S<K-leiy." and
doubt. Id Ibe nietro|K.lli tbere
A Kotbto Tells How fibe teved Bsr
"acting" aboat it

Oe»«ia •( the Aamae Nameeal Metb.

were unable to buy a meal or a drink |


A dramftic writer of Sen PrandaeB *

** T**
u u{««UBt tonto «»d »«t b<»* to
r*—_■-***** r?**^ *r*r* T »0tw <cf • s-enli« ud urnMl m

aongbt Papea. uptoined tbe attoatlan
to him. and Papea immediately taiaad
OVCT tbe'eberifl't property, mying that


*r«a. ttb a tee macbiae." mM the
Mighbor who bad' bean #«»»iiitng Hr.
Pergnaos-g'new Mcyeto. '-Whafa (he
lec^ of tbecraar?"
ered for him.
According to tbe Sdenridc Ametlraa
t^ lr^ the (fame^ ^
' t«os dree which everv enee tn awhile
" „•>*# _s^d. e^te her bnahand

*'pB>■ C*»»IO *•



E««> «ourtots wbo off.-r
5 boys rvnder theru».-lv.-*
Itolih- Ik proMvcutloo. Th police
iDStnii-liil ti. .vmlisKBle
Hgarette. of tod* whId tbe puhllr Strfx-tx. A fine for then
fense 1* Also Inipoaed. whii-h may 1
anywhi-rv l*.-iw>vn 50 cent* sud F-..

Tbe most mugurOn-Dt tomb In the
world It the Taj Mahal In -kgra. Hladooolas. It a-as erected by fihsh Je*
to the toemory at his favorite
''There are always good fiab left in
qm-en. It I* octagonal tn form, of pure
lb« see.'' they urged
yon cstch'tbem they :
'“laid with Jssper. cor*
'■Yea. but when yon
tars!"abe exclaimed
’“(quotoe. agate, ameibysta
turn out to be lobstars
SDd sappblraa. Tbe work look 22.0f«
and soe
sbe wa*
ws* even
even rnaoer
adder loan
than vwas luiial


Desirable Property Must Be Sold

New 8-room reeidence, etooe foundation n
And beeement, well and city water, a nice
lawn aad abade tree*, handaomely painted
and paperetf, anltable for two famUlea.


Cor. Webater and Franklin Bts.








Good Hardwood in Stove Lengths
Also 7our Foot Maple SUbs end Edging*.

Traverse City Lumber Cc_


I uoaLtnaa uoosD. botoat. apoost ar. x«9«.
WIT aoBgte SH¥.
I the npnos of chma. | coimmED a treaty.
Vm WrtMw >



to pMnM'A

“The <a««wt NUcr 1





point of tearing bln to pleceA and ac- j rain.

Alonso, vbo.

wnlety to Chile. BolleU’a nalgbbor and
tote Mieniy on tbe Paclflc.
A reTtduilon llbe that wbicb Pando
- toas Just brongbt to a ancceaafol Istoa
ffraquently follows a prealdeatial elec-




coraingiy be
ne falU
raiu Into
mio aa spattn
spasiu of
w ter-

weeka suffering aU manner of


races and then write abusive lifters

ships and living exactly like tbe In-' to tbe newspapers, p>lnting out the
dlans theroselvea. when the captain de- untrustworthy cbatacter of tbe hors.-?
elded to send one of bto men bark witb

It to eery doubtful If they did any-<

- ostil one or the other la killed or drirWS out of tbr country.
The cbaractrr of BolIrla snd of ita
jirtr*T makes It easy to ondersiaad
why rerolutlons are almost ineritable.
In tbe flrst plsce. Bollris li one of
tbe few AatiODB wbicb are entirely snrtnoDded by land, lu territory on Ibr
paclflc bSTing been seised by Cblle as
A rsBoit of tbe war In IWO witb IVrn.
ft la s country of enonnonal.T bigb
aouDUIne and of great foreata.
orto to niT.tWO aQttare mllet. twice
«bat of Texas. Ita population. Includ­
ing Vif>b.nnn Indiana, undrlllaed and
«eml-clTlllz<d. to only Z.OUU.nou. lee* by

„ A president l« elected eeery
ysaia. Krery man wbo can read and
write to entitled to role. The eiiucsttonal gualiflculioD abuts out most of
the Indlaue and makes It easy for tbe
9arty In power to control the electloti.
In 180<; Itondo waa nomlnaied for
<bs prealdenoy by tbe “onts." PemanAlonso being tbe candidate apftroeed by tbe goremment. Alonso waa
Asdsred elected, and Psndo cbarged
tost tbe goremment bad stuffed tbe
ballot boxes.
In July. ISM. Pando atartcd a rebel-

flloa to Sucre, tbe capital a town of
40.000 population, but tbe beads of
gba army, wbicb eonslsti of 2.000 men
mod 1.000 offlcerm. were against blm.
tobd he was -forced to retire to tbe
msuatalna From ibeac atrongholds be
baa been conducting a guerilla
fare against tbe government.
Tbe iDdtona of Bolivia are

«cn «n«fnJ

god of agrlenlrare. and






as a


I iftftMuiB znaicffs i:


Is a great Jade palanqnln car-

©im oj
by ininy-iwo
thtny-iwo men
men or
be sa>

apoM wHb tot tottto at

wrtato Arab nibca. aai a BMOttog for
toeartttoBcat of tmiMwat arraaicM to

boepliality'and aft« the
j, toeir l)ooar. at whito

^ ncsosi splendor


amployM. to

gotta otaa to
«« gasnie
dasale toeir
toeir 4eyes and captirata

ror. I presnnir that toe wlentUlc ex- forth, and after long ritual ob*err- tb*it Staple, minda.
nUn.tL^x of
of this
thu fact
r<i< t to
u that
that tbe
tbe prenre- i ' ©qcm has retamed
-______________________ t...
i« nu
tn ball,
1.^ U.
b was made
to dowa
s large
historic home was severely abused by '
rblof. Goronimo. arroas aontbem Arltbe newspapers of the time and that _____________
had sccooipa«l«<l *ke F
sons tn *». the' officer to wbw I retar ^ ^
thus inherited
to tbe morning. Gentlemen In waiting gave an exhibition of bto skill
'atoiBP^BJ of Infantry. bori^V'"or“newli«pem'Bub like m.«t dnly serve bU Imperial npijcsty. but
stared to open moutbed wondw
not tm they have set np cH'posIte to
a^cks tbst were performed, i
sreat along tbe Gila river, be took a teriea. tbU would not be worth noi
blm tbe brouse ststue to aring on Ita and a feeling of awe crept over them as'
couple of miot>pr« and
struck out log. Why should tbe prebl»t«iri<- news- hi-ad tbe InK-rlpilon. “Abattneuce.
aritn«wrf the myiterioos appear- ]
aouibward on • reconnolter.
’ papers bare Insulted the bors«-7
nid When the emperor goes to pray tor tbe ance and dteappesrance of varinaa db-!
**Tbey-l^ad been gone about two the cave men lose tbeir mouey on horse btrveat be passes tbe whole day begut srbat appeared to them moat

gton in Boilria. Tbe candidate wbo U
SaCeatrd e.-u up a cry of fraud and a
■ebelllOQ foliowa wbicb usually lasta


Hit oat-

: I ■


«f HoaroA to offer aaeralflce to tha

grayUb-white btone. each aboot

wo tbe face of tbr renmtA waf
Wtored tbe duly elected praaldent of tbe
gepnblie to IHUC- Alonso baa fled for


aaya ttw ContolU MaaaalM.

^tb a eoovlrtlon that It

Itiebea loBg
long and two tornea
Uirbea broad<.ana
Sa«« bM« “AcbtlBg for a crown*' (or
Its store la rather romantic. When
<ba taat two yrara. Sow word com** , “**''' -*
<hat Orortal rando. too robei bat, Groom] Crook warn ebaBtog too Aparbo

fflO.000 Iban that of the

n# «®.

written ra a aonple of thin slabs of
-Bisk up In tbr A&
• ■apabUcaoB aod datnocrata of BoUtU



4rtT«o OOL M oUtof 7MUW

n»jdd> ©f tho road be It'-1


DoH&it Ibt rMcb cooqMl o( At-

w*kaov that tte«npM«r«< CUm
^ nrnr riddM out w»lk*d o«

crrulnlj- a myaurr. • tf a
duty in too war dopartmont.

MCTFodod la defoatlog



H« *»7«:

M a>4 ranMB. J» IB t> • Csa-

Tim* to rtwto.


•miwtosir of «liyto» bototo.

B7 Ufe." mM • tETi


to be direct descendants of thi

forehand In this same ball of absilnence In prayer, fasting and medlia_____
be moves out of bto
ii,e roads are remade befors
him- yeUow_aand to sprinkled over

embrace the opportunity to also dto- son that (
All people of the baser aon-tbat la
patch a leller'to bto sweetbean. wbo ' prebtolortc limes,
was then a young belle In Washington 1
“To come lu. k to the horse and hit
aoclety. but there waa not a scrap of fear of newsifaisw. Il may t>e sal4 ......................
paper of any kind In tbe [«rty. nor as that the newapa|ier terrifles blm b<-- m doom Tbe emperor,
much as a morsel of |.encU. Knowing : rauae It moves In the wind and be dragon robe and a cap of ermine
mounted by
by a
a knob
knob of
of crimson
crimson velvet
sbe was eagerly waiting news from Uilnks U to alive.
But the leaves of mounted
ascends into bU paUnquIn by a verthe tronl be racked his brain and flnal- trera move to tbe wind and the
I.. noticed .-.M—
some smooth fragments, nV
of I man boy moves with or without- wind mllioo IllghFof steps, held b.t egnerUmestene that bad chipped off from n; under the very hoofs of tbe horse, yet ries In Wilting. All bto bearers wear
nearby ledge :
"That aolvi-d the ptoblem.

the horse Is not afrahl of these things.
He se-

Clearly be it not nfrald of a atriy

lecled two flat
If pie«-es.
ple«-ea. araw
draw a pislol | newspaper
i-.. —
Moreover.' be to f
cartridge (roi a toslwlt and acrawled ncroas bto path.
r that Jo.-#
;h %-u\the point
of the bul«nurb afraid of s
DIB letu-r
iTiit-r with
laiiui v»
-.a- .------.....
- atones face to
^ A___
as tie
let Mylng tl»e
so J hot
as be U of one which to to

sssbasarsk -s 'flissans*

Baareeloai was tbe sppsrrnt tnanafacq( cannon hath U. Hnudto passed
Buung tbem a biito bat. wbicb
they exsmioed very carefully, but wilb©ot eospecting an rtbing unnraal to eiippearance. When
tbsr its make <u i

saBaSAsaanauiaa a 1

the bat t
jurer i4a«d tt on tbe Boor to tne miodie of tbe stage to full view of bis an


;«88S :■ .S ; =«*28 :

dienes Be then prccstded to take from
ClaslBTr^»^ icvlra (rsa ^raaS
tbe bat cani^ balls apparentl.v with- ,
saa r»i>vsr.
uumhet. and rolled tbem acroaa tba
eoor into tbe wingk With ihia tbe per-|
1 wsraa.
foriniDce tatmlnatod.
ebtefs then eonsnlted among

robes of red silk over ash-colored linen, tbemseivee and came to tbe conclusion jtvsib lea*
an tbeir boois are trimmed round the jbat it sras nselee* to offer any oppoailop with black fur. tbeir caps are of
^ ,© umy that conid tun out itt u« «o'oiea«e:ciBei'-BJ
leojiard skim dappled with coins of amouniiton in sovasya manner. They
*** *. to"**gold, snd with red velvet plnmes kept therefore eigned tbe ngnlred treaty and
In position by gold flllgree plates, from
which float yellow featbera down tbeir

departed to tell tbeir friends to tbs
gc,ert of tbe wonderful power of Aba

he‘’tjJd“fhe^ "SSy
true exhibition of a horae’t Ucka. The patongato
Is eight feet ta'^Ideri’-Cmctonati Enqolrer.
b nnd weighs about one too sixteen
toge^r wlib
wlib *irtpa
-Mp. of
of a handkerchief
of a hew.^per to tlmt
] high................................................................
- '
■r I
* wniststMi wsgvv.
.. „a tbe ont- ot equine etiqv ue It It 'Wwhlerwd hundred wrtgBi. but. as the Cbim-ae
and Inscrtlied tbi
|a«r to be afraid of 1 chronicler records, “the bearers walk
A vonng Austrian nobletuam wbo

side. Notbl
•Iflly iimler It weight like lightning |„d the repotacioo uf being a brUliant
All animals have tbeir
GOtste aocn
flasbet or sh.«»ttog atari rtiaUlng across
, w.gerwHb a clnb friend
do as soon
the sky."
, that dnriiig tha flrst year of hit mar------------------------------ ‘c*!., TV
tbe parcel in bto blouse, got through In
does not bark at very young cblldn-n.
---- ---------- 1_______ riagewith tbe daughter of a euftato
1 am um « *
■afrty. altboiigb be had several hair­
n » «<*«•{
because It to contrary to canine eti­
breadth escapes, and matlrt It at MarA
quette to do #0. The cal. who to an
lc<tok- It required 16 cents postage, Inflrxltile stickler for good form, plays gaged has made a sofa pillow for her ^onM not tpe^ a-ingle word tob«. 'SSStJ.: " ** It »
ard tbe date mark to quite legible. I
with a half-dead mouse m«^y because BaniVa couch that to a triump for This rraolstion ha fsitbfnUy kept; bul |
oonre nosn.
naud hardly say that the Udy prize# ptoylog with bair-dead mice to con­ blm. uya tbe Kansu City Star. Sba
to tba tact that tba wager wu |
g m
tbit atrange iiitotle above all tbe sou- sidered among all cats of good breed­ to a very popnUr girt and ber eoUec- ©ot made po'olic. eomevery enriooa co»renin Wbcb now AU ber beautfnl
ing to be tbe correct thing to do. Tbe
Waablnglon borne."
borae. knowing tbai If be did not pre­
tend to be frightened neariy out of hit sbe kept every note and letter that' privately sent a brain specialist to «
life by a newspaper he would be re­
(U. sDitM
*»® wu
»■■■ i
came Jo her from her man frienda.
amiiM toe
tbe taaniro
tadtum geDuemsii.
gentleman. He
Thera la a Nrong element to Spanish
garded by all otber horses as an Igiio- whether the communleaOoni were of OB tbe point of being conveyed
*tt tS Sto;
politics which seems to have been
aud lU-bred beast, ables when- much or little Importance.
Nuatariom when
be diacloaad
the ru- i,
I * “ T.«
Some of
- ---------------------,
»» 1* >
overlooked by mo« obaemra and upa nea-aimper flutters Into bto them bad merely accomptuled flowers aoo oCbto behavior. Wbe* tbe year wu , J-;
wblcb mn<*i wUl depend In tbe near path."
or a book, other* were declarations of np be clatooad hi# wager, which wu ' tutura. uya tbe North American Re­
love and even propouto.
At length , dnly.paiA
A nuspaslsua Artist.
view. 1 rarer to tbe vaat
army of
she met tbe real man and fell In love
Kst (rsUeCsIsss.
The trials of an artist arc many and witb blm and tbe leitats lost ibi-lr
rapatrtadoa. tbe unhappy aoMlert who
Two months ago a collector paid tbe
are returning,In thousands from Cuba sore, but one encountered rwnily by signllleanre. At flrat she determined extravagant sum of £130 for a copy of
iDd tbe Pblllpplnea. Sore In aogl and
Rndyard Kipling's urllest' known
work. “Sebodboy Lyrics '' and bugged
body, the victims of Incompetent lead­ acanty living with bit pencil aod brush would give tbem to blm. but tom In­
‘Though to such small pieces that be could nev­
It to Ala blWIopbUlst breast In the be­
ers and of a corrupt administration. baa Ita ludicrous tide also.
Mtme'Btoek s-w.
er read them, wblle be would alway* lief that U WM. u the catalogue iUled.
Ibe creditors-of the government to the bto heart to true to “an for art's sake,
They would be t© him “absolutely unique." But the realisa­
extent of two or three years' pay. these tbe exigencies of rent clotbea. and have tUi m.
tion of so utontoblng a priee (or these
men will soon have to be reckoned food make necessary an occasional tbe spoils of war and a ucriflee from
youthful eSuaioni led to the ransack­
with or cotbpenaaled.
The newly r>-snn tuV^k palutlng. at which be to her (o show ber surreudvr and fealiy. ing of other librarlee. with tbe reault
Sbe made for tbem a big cover of that no (ewer than three other eoplee
formed eablnet has already expressed clever; and a liquor dealer wbo waa
almgt to Open a new and expeuti
Its Inteotkins: through
have been unearthed.
verde. minister of fluanre. of pa.vtng decorated saloon gave him an orO'-r aud big enough to hold tbi
a liretluie. and fllh-d it with burn­
up all arrears and placing Spanish flOnring the civil war. as well u to
ing words well acaitered
tbai they oor la«e war with Spain, diarrhoea wu
nances ui>on k tlrni and honest basis
TwtB MesstalB
ipay work ue harm. On the cover she one
dtoeuea! tjij « =
already the li-glmeDTs garrisoning the
of \j,e
tbe moat
moet iroubleaome
enibrolden-d r>-d roses tmtwlnlug a tbe armv bad to ooutend .with
Basque protibres have l>een clotliisl price not to ez<-4i-d 67b: a'-ivptaui-.
, pair of a.-nrlet hearts from which Is- ! many lortanees it became chronic and: lu » » »
anew aud are jingling peaetaa In tbeir aubj'-ci to approval.
The arttot cudgeled bto brains for *
twin -enrlet flames. The young 'the olK^sadir a tllll si^ff"
, «m » £
Lake Su
pock'-ts; pen<flnns are to be providi-tl
Mar Abb
i. very proud of U. and sa.vs that I Nf
Baylor of W Ind Ridge. |
for the vli-tita of Ibe war and nil time, and ibetL procurlnc
rough d«-ol box. alwm 12 Inc-bi-s Umx
cUlmS aee«
> the "boll
and six Inches nidi-, sjuvad hi- '-ant the adject
«aBem>dyand agys he never..^is £»
the rnpatriadhs mny be satlsOed
to vas uu Ibe Inside of the UiU'iiii of
nything that would give him -jtm «»
tif piQl
the ills they know, bni If the | slid iMtoieil thereon al>oui a half
leh quick relief- It to (or sale by S. i ^u.coBoMtstsiiersBB >i
Dsr Aiwsa «i
pnxrnstlnAtln* policy of "matiAiia " »«e'«f l>p.k> n peanut shells
Wail and F. C. Thompaon, drag- • rxerpt unnsa/ lo sad frvsi i
rlreimistam-e Inch
An Inien-siing
again r» s..ried to and the pretender.! of wljiilc pe.-jnuis.
He exi-« iite«l

Chicago «*
West Michigan.
tiaj lt»
il 9
r« .



MBia iiD losntmH l i.

Aabcatos la a physical paradox, yet
-«De of nature's most marvelous pro.dnettona.
li has isMto called a minwralnglcal vegetable; It Is tnth fl-trrous and crystalltoe: elaatir. yet briliffe: a floating stone, which can be
weadlly carded, spurn and woven into
glaaue.. In Germany It la known as
gteinflaclis 'stone flax) aod the nilncn
at Qlieliei- give II gulto aa exi>reasiv.
onuie—plerve coliou 'cotton

Tbe aabesiOK uilm-s of Qiiclioi- are tl>
tmwt faniou» Id tbe world, yiddlug K
-per is-ut of Ifae eniln- oiitiml. ttal:
ittelng tbe «tily<mmpellng country, and
iberv tbe tiiilnslry to dtH-ltolng.
ftKnigb t'linrlciiingne Is said to
Jiod a tabb-<'lulb of astH-slos. which be
-<1oaUM-d by Ibruwing Into tin- Are. II
was prncil'-ally unknown unlit lAMk
Tbe lifllKlii iiilneral waa then ex.
periin'-nl'-<l wllli. aud some yarn la
ter put on itie market. In ISTS the flrst
Cauadlau iiiim- was ois-nml. amt thi
product Hicaillly iucranM-<l until )t<si
srbeti l».tos' Tons, w-.irtb »l.?ki.«si0 wen


mined. There tins slu<-<- l>een a de
dine In value, the aniouiii of I«90 be­
ing liasi. worth only MSO.iWii.


I ?• •«

dent to Msg-'lhiii's -ir< noinavlgallou of
ist wealth, can enlist tin- ] worit so well itmt «-heu th<- box. wbl<
will! his
. . ii-es of those M-aaone.1 and ewbit-1 had no ever, was s.-i on a i»ni.- or the chdw :>ud disc .very of the I'hillptered veternuk. he will dtopoee of a.liar ami tllt.-d buck agaiusuhensll luc
degree Magellan
(i.tre the valpe of whleb eautiot l«e letiiptmiun for a man fond of j»eaiiuis
1-.1 w.-stwanl ad.led four miuut.-s to
overrat.«<1. A large pr«i«prtl<.n of the'to lyach lute, th*- Iwx for one wa» nlday. until, when be reached the
nip.vitiRdos ball from t'ntaloDla
an mosi Irresistible, snd the artist trl-d
■jriynj^ll'hlllppliies. the dlffep-nce
In time
the Basque jirovlures.
Tlie.v haveto ' the trick ui-m s*ime of bto own friends [
,lwut sixteen hours, uya
make their way to their boiuesteadsat ^ with
befon- taking it to the amnunied
bucct sb

Hhiladelph'a, Grand Army reanlon.
Sept- «lh. On* fare for round trim
Grand Bsplda state fair. Sept. !&tb.
DP fare for round trip.
^ Rauids, Volunteer Beunioe. Sept.
1 tth. One
__ for
round tripDctrolt. I. O. O. F . Sept. lOib.
.re for round trip
y other points
Reduced rates to many
Phone IS S rings. C- H. Mi-aut- Ag'i


But one C hicago paren

TAas* Ab»uta Nsn.M.
passing ihrpugh the statlom
HarhvIlBS Is Csba.
••miHl rUlicuioito n.inies il-v h
sign, ■T’nil-r.illBa to let;" and I Checi
ProhaW.v one of the moM peculiar
Tribune. Ills child twgaii;
rer then- lu the Philiiiplm-*. ' - .'-1
fully paid the rental and rnichrd
istoms IM’llto-Hhle in the liuhau itiar'man who luid Just walk.-d up to
• Pajto. ><■« took the s.-lenilflc eoorae ' j,n„,p wHboui da:
station official counter aud tos-u assurisl by the r li kots to the exni-jiiely small piirehase*
Is todl-B''. didn't your
itto euteeiirlslng
In —small to quantity -mad.- hy the lowmid ha
••Yes. dear. I s|H-m two year* on
in- ,r i-las- ..f ua'iv-s. S:..all gourd cups,
tu nmi.ri-ltos; and scanv-ly ever loses the hotel. "Tbeiv's Caluiiipll. for In,fg M aneh m-'T.
.’..vii a table-'When J ou look In a mirror the left one. ns Ills eiis'iomer* are largely those stance. That tmn'ie would make a
.11 .:.-;iM.rh;a rl.-e.
Aide of your (ae«- apla-ar* lo l»- on tbe
«ho make ditllv tri|«i to aud fro. Sim- horta- laugh. Wb.. ever li.-ard of any

to have ft

right side, and the ri^ht sl.le sii-ms lo
PC the left. The U.klng-giass r«-v. rsts

liar huto-atto juighl bo est.-ililtohi'd with tiliug so ole.iir.1
to give a town su. i
he shopping dtoirU-to, uiid a iswituark as ttrnl .pr.>fit I
it to not mori- c> :i- '
Thru hi t.s.k il.e is-n that Ihc eh-rl
- It, doi-an't It V
’ the surprto.- to i:
1 don't
reiuemis-r had l«-u l..dihug out ioo:ard Irtm an.
-g’ .-rally, s
•mien wl.j diwv-n'l It n-vers.. the lop
have] had such an otiporidciiy wroU- u|s.u
lohl. \V.n.llMK-k. t. tt. I."
"J. Cn
snd iK.iioui of your face the same

Taking u<i masraa.

rk> leiHg Hoars.
I an artitfle on the dancer of long
hour* In druiggisis' sbo]« Ibe I-ondon

eThctT'a something the matter with
Cbla bar." saM the man who was learn-

| jice<-t s;iy> that diirlag the four ycar^
«iid<-<l July. ISiUv. ihlrtv-n dtopeushig



Sag to ride tbe liicyele lo the dealer
•rbo had lately sold blm the wheel, “li
l©©As to me as If It might anap to .two
BU, time."
At any
"Oh I think not." said tbe manutactom's agent. “1 think not. Mr. At
Sriite*^( It abould tweak, we will.
^^«JSJL.pwvide yon with anew
“And who do yon think wtD come
mad get Itr demanded tbe begUtoeh
M MoalderaUe bent; "ov Mnr

Drsmolle 1
Watts—They don't have Ibe nrtora
Of the play* they had when yon and I

'cut In rv.ilg<«
Uljrt Itilo clgl.
,Ulo ehutiks nr.'
-mb'""- are V. Ill

..f :■ .-Icnr, nir.vt..-s iMo ni!nlit*, halves. Po-

il.i:,C to sec a
t welching
a |.i.-e of ..
.. th. L pass
.. cou|.h- of outl.T*.
me m.-irk.-t pur. liaslng a iahh-«i*.«iu(ul
vegeiab.i-s here and a td.-ee of gar-

Weri- young.
lie iliere. aud. finally, after an bonr of
Potis-That'a right.
Nothing these po*e|p, dejari' with food products
assistants to drug stun-* commltlivl 'da.T* can i-qiial 'The Streets of New worth 5 or U evnts.—Philadelphia
suicide and a>-vea\others attviupteil. York" or -rncle Tom's Cabin." as
' tut falK-d. to kill ibemaelrvA These dneed when I was about W j<
BU WengkW
—ln<Uana|>oUt JoqraaL
'•ulcldea were the consequence of
“You tire next door to that dlaphvalcal conditions Induced by the tak- i
1st don't yon. Slmp' ing of drugs to resist the elivctt of
Stlgoa. lTl887 there were thirteen
Klgld Porte^Wake nP. 'wto m »nr
dJSTraported u doe to t^ mtotakes >1 ^raara burglar, to the WUian|.
-j;©. be lives next door to ma. sad
-- drasiM
._____ tm
Kid tk«t
tm dlatlngnlabed
. 'k-.
be la
U tbM nelgbboP
and It U pi^hnUe
that MAfnl
Proprietor (sleepayl-ahacr
1* hood for ponndtog bto piano fiftnoA
many OMC fleatbi have been bushed
ynnee an bang.—Tld^llB
| boon n day r—Detntt rrae Pnn.

' » tl s M
] •» 4( *t SS
I *S • to «l

aeJnood Bates ou tba O. B A I B'y

their own expense from the port at I liquor dealer.
Ciirlously enough, Ibis escaped tbe
whh-h ihev hnd. but often (all
Ue ask.-l $<» for it. aud felt that the
notice of all. Elrane. tbe only raptaln
reaeh tbeir destlunilou. so ara mouey was as good at in hit jacket'
who made the entire circuit, wu not
the priratlouit th.-y have tafferiHl dur-' but tv bis Intense disgust the man ef
aware, -when he returned to the lon­
tog their stay to ibe colonies and on nilrlls would not aeeepi It. and wh-n
gitude of bto departure, that bla ship's
yarn, frum which cloth to woven foF the homenanl Journey.
pressed for bto reason would give uo
logbook" was about a day IwhlDd “tbe
;---------------------------- ' sattofactorT eiplauallon. .A friend of
ffrop curtains In ttaeatera. rlolhlng for
' time ot the port hi* long-cunilDued
t abrsits* t» L».
the arttot. who had the confidence of
firemen, acid workers, etc. U to wade
course bad brought him
Kv.-Ii .-n tl.t«e spring -tors. When II
ruiuselh-r. undertook to And .
Into lamp wh-ks and glevc* for st
ta Is.1-1- ’ I-. r ':i l-efore th.- srti *-•:«. -Th.-y wen- t.s> natural altogether." lack to. Tbe eri-or r» unno«ra and p*|>es for flra es<-a|M-s. It
aouie i-op.e new hats will start
the art patron. 'And aotue of 'uy TU-.-.I also tu the l•hmpI.lncs till 1W4.
felLVl Into nilllboartl. to be u«-d a?
wh.-n It was decld«*l to pas« over New
Huatilator lu dyuaiuoa. and aa a flre- out wIilsmianutDhrana. aaya the New
who do not eare for iwaYear's .lay for once aitop-ther.'' Tlius
.proof llnliiE for floora.
It to used lij York Herald. B'hai to do when the > ©©ts. seeing the box atandlng at the
Il .pi«tored that the Philippines
Inshower come* to then a question. If end of
Intnlah- oh-ctrir wires, and as a cover­
9( my bar. might go awoy undt- sirad-of lying far to the west of g^aln. |
ing io prevent loss of he:it from atiwm
yon chauev to is- where yon can bor- '- ccived and Ithink 1 was selling
Now^iru'^had jibe dtr.-ctlou to which i
u umhrella you are lucky xhnt would never dn.
plp--a. Mlxi-<l win ruMier, II It used
, ,’ bad Miil.-d. might i

t-.._ pack steam Joluit.
I eight hot
hat and gown for another occasion.
.burnt almumto. that wight go. hut sP-'W*-”
In .... m Bnt.l.etinn te«(n the .-.— n..*- ,...n..n.
In .hi. I.lrth.tnn.nt 4-UVt of blraln.
t* I
Is th* l«oktsg Olsw.
V York ’ Madrid It to al-out hSJu to ibe n
It Is really n«i a fatber'a (anil that other day I was lb Ihi* predlearoet
[flao^lbey an- too cheap."
In tbe
Bto little daughter supposes him to________
and hardly knew what to
.1 Washington.
Know everyihlDg. C'hlldrvs are b»rn i
tnv surprise and delight, then, on

U flexible.
AAfl a nonroudurtor of liec.i .nud elec,
trtclty. and on these pruiM-rth's Its lu
.g-reaelug use dejiend*. It to spun Into

i« •»

is li


GolmnlM ud ton A. CnnniiiAs
Oo«g Kenb rn-ry d*r sscepl Bbb«B7.

BEEDGinSilllTABIBI rg!r:Iiii
»• «r cw.
£.U ^rBiiJjTpb-y
snd »ur«-<>t.«. »n-l yttrfrM.pssI «“"*•

send ,« aae.v«>i.i,.u »vtt».Ba4 )o«ra-.
Plsee Ace
•Blirr IScb



Fire Insnrance.
L. L A. BuUding.

OBlD* So«h .«rj iMj vsMia auskayLrsrr Ctaftowi U- A. DscS................ a ■

: :S!£

Nensport ........

..... ,.«T ..I


. !S::

■ sES; - ■

r.vr7 JB* -erpt •*»«toay.

John R. Santo.
General Insnrance.

steamer Onekama

: Drj.W.GaDBtlett


Capi J. V. Emory.
Leave Old MUaion..................
»:S0a b£
Arrive ElkEaolds ......
11:00 A m.
Leave FUi Rapid#......................
11:40 am.
Arrive 0:d Mtoalou...................
LenveOld Mtoalou................
t:*o p. m.
Arrive Blk Rapids...................
Leava Blk RapW......................
7:40 p.m.
Arrive Old ICtoakm................
lUla Com'
•Buss ill luve the Man
bloek.^Otal Wblttog and Puk
Ut:30 p.». 'Ru wUl^
wltbb(mtntn:WAm. pTAltnu will

Mr Deatal Office will be be »t But
dosed two weekSr-comineBCisg August 17th.
S. 0. SAWYBR, D. D. S. tonliS^

Bend am

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