The Morning Record, November 03, 1899

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, November 03, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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1,1 IS


TUid Ymt-Ko 780

BIG BAmE RAGIH6 brow hm mil asBORE 1H A GALE
VhaA Wm Th* X«port From
Lodjorntth TMtordoy.
«noa Sostk Atrtw to
•mmo* AMmtofrta^OaeUl
BMaMla•i «( 0»pt«r* «r
OlMaUca Ayyaa

m»w Tflrt. Mtrf t.-Tto* S*wl^
W«rU patoltotow ft «te|»teh dated Oap«
ttowft, atatUc tbat a Me batUe to rtlac at La<jrm\th with tarrlWa alaaehlarof BMT«to7tha BtrUtoh. aad that
«ha BcMca an ratTMiiaf
LwdMt. Ho*. » —KM oaa word of
apodal flabla waa raeolf^d Wadaaadar
hp any of tha Loadoa papara Thto to
mU to ho 4«a to tha braakdewB of OM
o( tha oooaa Mblaa aad tba prMO

thacAoaraaad <aaa.
It to eoaddoted aUaaro. however,
that tha war ofiM to wUhoot advieea
Tba Dftlly Nawa Pieterm*riubar»
apodal aftya:
'■ABOwber of •tracelan
ninaiwnnr redneiit ftad aoaa of tba
alimfriltnl boIm. with a part of tbe
•oaatala battery, hare reumed w>
d Capa Towa
foport teatUoseral Boiler haa-lefi for
Oaaetal Wblte'a meaeaye te tea war
ettaa. dated Toaaday evoBlar. yirlBy
torthar partleolara of the dtoaater
Ihatedliara and Olooeatter hattalU
IB tha OByayeoteBt. aa we.l aa arpreaatey pmiAdaaae that bo to aMo to bold
hit owB. MBdt te a eortelB aruot to
4)Blot tha anslaty tor tba aafoty of
There waa oo hldlay area of official
tear* for teo aaptere of Udyai
wblah Taaaday did aot aaam teiprobabla, aad maaat a doubly aeriooa blow
to tha Britlah oaeta. for aboald Joobai t
aorea the aorroadar of Wblte'a foreoa
be would ftt tee tame Ume aaeura tappilot for tha aaUra Ratal eanpalya
Tba lot. would be quite tehftidaa tee
toplaolay of tee troopt.
Tbaaky baa cleared, howaror. aad
leokahri^ter fros a Britlah ataad
pMat. BOtwilbawadtoy tha brief bet
poalUraeoaflrmatloQ of tbe report teat
aaothor battle la OB

Moadayb Brtit.
Tba raaelta of tee aaeoad battle are
wakaowo, ae the wire* are atill worktag badly
Loadoa. Kor t —The war offica haa
neetaad a teleyraia dltpateb frora
Ladyaailte at »:S& tbto momlay. toylay
that Oeaeral White to wall aad to holdtay hto pealtloo.
A apeelal dltpateb from Ladyenltb
mj* teat tweaty Britlah dead aad 100
wouaded bare baea eouated oa the
•aaaeptMeteday'ft dtoaater. while •»
prlW>Beri were eeat to Pretoria.
The war offioa cffidally deelaree that
it^aolaforBaUoa of aay ferther
•ayayemeat at Ladyaslte or of aay
Brittob rletory, aa reported la New
York. AaotberUat of the eaeaaltiee
at Dundee leaeed by tbe war office,
yiree elybty-two »embera of tee
Dublin fnriUara a« mtoulay. lodioetlay
that the Bien oapwrad aa many of
the feUllera then mt ot tba humra
The brerliy of the nawa from LadyoteltealneaTuMdtyalybtbftv not reUerod tbe anxiety The war offi» bae
•o IntoratUon that Ocoaml Bntler.
the Britlah ccaiBftnder In Bonte Afrtea.
hna left Qape Town.
Tbe wnrotti:s tela afternoon raeelvadteefoUo*>nf]diBpateb from Lady•mtth, dated todly; "Llantenant Byertea. B. M. d. Pjwerfnl, waa danyeronaly wounded thto momlay la the left
knee aad rlybt foetby n aaell.
life la not In danger at preaeoU”
It to Inferred from tbto that tee arUlivy duel between tee Bcereand Brittoh oootlnnea. ea Llantenant BdyertM
waa tte ynnavy 'UanMaaat with the
OnpeTown, Nor. I.—It to aanertad
toeroKhata.awBoan aro eeUeetad at
•MbBlie taridya. The Braafe rirer to
MW U faU flood ead tordiny to repoeV
PtolafiTHiMtty. Sor.
It to
ported «hat Ue Boat* are mt
pnrte «l Zalnlaad nad hare
Pweroy.tfty mU* »»» <»»uyt
BopaTawa. Oapt (Moay. Kor.
Maykmaba Barmawwth hae antrud
. from SUpdam aad raporta that them
are«.«OBDvaanaad Kimberly, aad
thataU roada are atrleOy ’patrolled.
Me «ye that he pawad Meat eaoeyh
Cmtamlay to aee tea aearte Byhta
flhena^uMa 1i---------- that tea aaieadara of KImbarto wore aattadad

Viaak L«a of BoaorUla Soffwod So
«ofo X- J tty a a Btoyela Aool
«OBt Loot * fht.
A vary aarioaa Meyela aeddaat that
oaeamd laat atrht aaoaM to bo eharfO'
abla to tho.aat of a miaerooBt. rraak
Lae. a aaaa ia tha aoiploy of tha Palfbaa MaBBtaetariBf OO..WBOJ
>Mt Dlfbt te hto bo»a Is BoodtUIa
after B|wartlnf tha avaalm *owm towa.
AawaaridlBfoa tba ddawMk. wbaa
hto whad atradc a plaok that had beaa
plaaad'oe the aaalb. aad ha
TiolaaUy late tbe cotter, atrtkiafroo hto
head aad ahoaldera. It ar,a foead that
tha left eoUar bewe waa brokao. aad
Dr MftrtiB waa ealled te attead te tbe
Irjiry. Mr. Lae oofr*.ad other aeveso
Seraral caaea bare eona to lieht
lately la wfaleh obatroeUoaa hare beoo
plaoed OB the walka aod to tbe bicycle
patba. With tbe ondoat laMattoB of
iBjuriDC wheelBea. If tee mtoereaBU
wbo arc reapoBaible for tb
are a^reboadad they will bo aererely
dealt wite.

Two WomoB aad a Orow
Baaeaad by FishermeiL
■ehooMT Sate X.yoM OelOd Mot
Woidbac tba ators at Wadaeoday
W-chv-Baa Acfouid Vaar Oalbaad
Potat-BooBd ter Ohlaaco teea
Ohaboygaa wl b a Oarfo of Oadar
Dnrtaytee heavy blow Wedaeaday
Bight tee eebooaer Kate Lyeaa lu
aahoro two mUee eonth of Oathead
PMat, near the Grand Trararaa llyht.
Tba wind waa blowlny a tariffic yale
and the remelaarrowly mmped a'eeri.
oaa wreck. Bereteertaygeer waa dam­
aged eo that ebe I
abla. which wae the eanee of her belay'
driven aahota. Ber foreboom wee alao
The veeeel wae booad from Cheboyyen. Mieb . toCbloayo ^th a earyo of
oedartlea The oarye waa laearod bat
there woe no laenmnoe pa theeebooaer
The orew aad two women were la |
great daeyer for a Uma and fearrd
teat teey would not be eble to reach
la nfnty. and bad it not been
for the heroic cBorii of t
might all have been drowned.
They were aafely taken aahore. how­
ever. and teelr aafety to dee to tbe
deapemte eff >rta of tbe flibemitn.
Tbe vemel Urn ia eight feet of water,
on n etony bottom Bbe U full' of
water, Ber ownera have been notified.

Ua' OtopttehOonreyaWrlooBaVawa
to tha War DrpartmCDt.
WaabinyteD, D. C., Kor t —The rapIdlty of
la the march a<^ from. Baa Icldro>
give* promlae tbit tee laanrrectkwmw
be cmataed within tbe next few weeka
General Otle today reported that Gen­
eral Lawton bad advanced to Aliayn
and Talavera and driven tbe Inunryenta
a rteward. He bad captured two email
eannobc aad eouelderable ammnoltUtt
aed etoreu.
Tbe loanryeato were reported edvaaclny from Tarlac to meet Lawtoa'a
troopa Thto waa waloome aewa to the Blevea Fameoyrra of teo Vrveked
for It to tee flrut
Ferryboat Ohleayo, are BUII
tee inaorgenU have bwa reported aa
advaaelny toward car troopa. and It
may be they have oobm to tee eooelnNew T<rork. N >v. 2.—Captain William
•ion to make a laat atand.
— of] the ferry boat Chieayo.
which waa ina down by the City of
Auynata. aarreudared at the coronerb
and wea rcleaewl on ball.
Moya) Oreetiny at Topeka to the Captain Durbam'a report, flied with
Twratleth Mryimeot.
tee local board at ateamboat loaprcTopeka. Kae., Nov.'2.—Kanaae cele­ locu, aayu teat when be flrut aew U e
brated ia magnifieeot eayle today tee CUyofAnynaU be iboagbl he could
retnm of the fiybUey TwentieUi Kan- croee lu bow end make bto clip Id aafety.
Three wreelriey buryea and two dlvTona of bnntlny were need In decor
nttnyteo dty for tbe oeeaaion nad era are et work on tee anoken wreck.
Raaaaeeveane waa a mam ot deeom-! They bava recovered fifty one bdH-of
belonging to the A-meriean Bxtiooa. The eleotrleal and other decoratlona of tee atate caMtol are the fioeet preea company. No bnmao bodlea
eeea In the ciate. The fnllroada were found, tbonyh eleven peruona me,
t aevorely taxed to bundle the •Un mtoalnr__________
great crowda ponriay Into the dty
•ieee yeaterdar. and by noon today &o.000 had arrived. Owlay te enow atorma
Altbonyb Oaly $81,000 of Miehlyteto
nad bllxxatde la New Mexieo and vreatWar Claim Baa Been Xroetved.
Colorado tbe TwenUete Kaaeae
Laaelny. N >v. 3 -goartermneter
apeelato were nnable to malatela their
dule ttoBe,aad the Brut eedloe. Oenaca) White explelat that tbe inwith General Fnnaton aboard, waa late •lallaaent o'the Hlehlynn war claim
thne Car paaard np6n by yovematent
antborlOee waa for fll(H.»39 The al­
POBltAL AOTIOM XtBYSMBBO. lowance offlfl.OOO aaaoanoed yeeterday waa for pay of the men at tbe
Final ▲rrungrBanta tor MaUway Ooarrynlar army raUa.
aoUdaUon to ha Made Dec. 6
Tbe li-m of fllti.OOO. for vobetoMacq
Saylaaw. Nov. 2.—Tbe meeting of haa been anapeoded pending tee rm
tbeateekboldereof tee Flint A Peru oeiptoftee oriyiaal ereditora' vouchMarquette railroad ealled for today te
When teeee are tumtobwl Gen­
•ell tee road to »tbe newly formed eral White expeeu teat tba item wm
Pere Marquette railway. preUmlnary be allowed. Tbe item of flSS.OOO tor
to a eoiwolidation wlte ihe 0.. G B. A otdnanee etorea bee been wholly anaW. aad tee C. A W. M. roada wae poet pended. te«.nndlterqnatlay the law
poned to Dec. e. At a meeUny of tbe providing for the retnm of aa rqnal
eipal etockbolderu la Boetea today quantity of el^lAr etorM, eo do caah
ae decided to adjonra to meet la to expected on tela aceonot.
SaylBaw on Dee S.
In paminy on tea pay aeconate. teoee
of the many men wbo went to Camp
Befam. bat for vnriooa reeeona were aot
mneured Into tbe volnateer aerrice.
O. A. 'mwreaee Baa Xtoaaed the Otd- have been n j -cui. alteonyb they were
naa Bakery Buildinc.
ander pnv In oompUanee with the pram
C. A. Uwresce. properiter of the Identb call.
-Onr whole claim ayatnat tbe govern­
Bose Bakery of South Ueloa etreot,
beeleaaedtee buUdlny now oeeapled ment.’* mya General White, “will
by Cnlmaa'a Bakery, a^ wQl teke amout to ovm $400,000. aad I am eoa•aloB Nov. 10. Be will coadnet a flleat teat we wUl yet tee bulk of it
plete. bp-to-date bakery, maklay a
“It nmy be eevatal yean before we
•pmdalty of order oookiay. Hr. OM- ymaeettlemeatin fnU. bnt 1 am in
• to bto
tavorof pnxblay onr elalme natll we
yet eeerythlny. aad not aeeepttny anythtaylate.;:_______________ .
Ormr ot Wemdeud 8nboon«t Taken Off
Bank at Biyoa Xmoted by Barylara.
Fiuttn Tiaan



Raw York. Mov. A-The Men
today with the mptoln umd aoran man
of the eebooMr Mepolean Boaghtea.
wkM fanadered Ttoeeday. The erew
waetakMoff fire mlnatea befare the
The ShMmek Bm BnUed.
rHow Toik. Mov. A-The dafeetad
etoTtonana. UFkort Mea-Faatot
1^ today, keawwaad

-Who Baenrad Fiva DoDare In Sooty.
Bryon. Mich., Nov. A-A- F. Bnath
•sehaacehaak wae astaend hy barylan
laat nlyhA arhe Maw tba vaalt opeto
Thgy teaa nttomptad to Mow tha daer
oBlhalnMrteta with nlttmylyearlM
battonaA Thanotoe aranMfi A. 3.

They iwah^ down stain only te he

of Uteto livea A ehert ttme Utar the
barman wbo aee haUared to have kesa
WMm M mgBMsathatjy^hte fisarnrMataaaMbm. AaA ttto m».
naaai that they
maAMowt^dakta m\mto«.
M*toMall«M ■■■Bill
Tbatr only booty waa SIta $aaatoa
wBlha takaa «an of
AmmrnaiM. nppnalto Samlltaa OMhottytaal eoatfiat.
ScO^FMtfllnat. TflO-tf i

teat tew tetlA ^



maartad with Ma laatelrlw aad toopad

Alfred V. Friedrich.

Durinp the past 6 years about 40 pic­
tures which were left here to be framed
have never been called for. We will put
them on sale this afternoon at less than
cost to frame them rather than hold any
longer—Some are good barg^ins-^-all
are cheap—at the price.

TMt LgaotHa BHOt HOuni


We Just Unpacked


a Job lot of
e etnhia«s 11 x 14 At 860 sAoh
U Atohings 10x90 At 440 sAoh
.All choice eubjedta, aleo


500 pairs of Lalies'
Shoes $1.50 I ptir

ao naw plAttnoprlnts At 60e aAch
We have 3 workmen in cur frame room
this week and can turn out your work in
. much better time then nearer tbe Holi­

00-228 Front Street

Such good wonmble aikI
at vliah ebon cannot be pick^ up every day fo|: $1.60
We do not mean to any
that there nrejot other ebo«!«
to be bad for ti.aO. bat they
are the regular $1 i>0 quality
Tbia is a iineoftniicb high­
er priced shoes, but we took
all the factory bad oftbiskind
eo got ’em clihap sod we are
Belling them cheap

Balph OoniiAble Jr.. MAnager.

SiBM B«Bdac«iD-tAte-«niherv'am'»« UX)D cl«thlog vroro tesn ever
before—B-ndft reruiely aella more GOOD elotelay
than aav nth-r >V-re
Thf other f-llows frel ns—AVe have no
X COy desire to crowd anvhodr oot, but we’re.
making 111*- beet of them hustle, which
is a very good thing for yon. It sbowk -fhal B*-nda due* the
right thing by yon.
The style of our tIO 00 nienV suits, overcoats and ulsters
iswmply irreproachable-It isn't nw-eesary to tell you how
well they I • ms'Ie.
for everybody knows Ek-oda sells nothing
bnt the one kind—tbe real good, well made kind.
Tbe’re’s s ‘
' "
Monutams ©f tnderw^rat
2-A. 50. 7.A.;. tl.OO up to *5X)0.
Enjoy yon-self by picking from the only entire new
stock in Traverse City--st

It always pays to trade here

• The Ladies


•r TMt

This report ia heard aronod the
world, annihilating time, distance
and reeiataocc.
Tbe up-to-date bnaineas man
will keep pace with the timea—He
will do ail in hia power to make
his store so attractive that it will
invite the attention of tbe buyer.
Tne telephone is one
of tbe means te this
end — It will bring
people to your place
of hnsiness.

HcUlu Teli|*OHCo

New designs and fancy
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mmd when
down town and call in onr
Jewelery store to look them
over. We have many new
tbhigs is jewelry also.




ubould see the pretty

‘SVameV AJDaivsts

a jost received and I laced on Bslfl today.

Style*'are up-to-date.

2 AU tbe leading c.ilora, plain and fancy effectA Pricea are from
^ $100 upwardA


j Shirt Waists
Made of all wool flannel.
colors black, cardinal and navy - vOu
$146 to $3 76
Sattoeha - $1.46 to $880
BrilliatiaeA . $1:76 4nd0 $136

All Silk and Satin Waists
tliPopular Pricss....

That Boy of Yours
Will soon need a pair of shoes. Before
making the selection, just drop in and
see a few of our Boy’s Shoes. In pur­
chasing OUT stock of fall shoes for boys
we have bongbt the most serviceable
shoes possible for the money (style and
fit not forgotten.)
Boy% LeathoT Idsad
Bop's BallM Calf
Bo7*a Box Calf

■ 8.00

8m onr -UtUo Oanta* Ugh tat,
boxoalfshoas At
McNaaiarm Block.


IH> tkoamia BBdOID.mDAT, >OTXHBnt s. uw
Botof Takoa to ton HUl oa. Pobm
IBiOlflT PITT. • KIOBiaAll
Oaaa to Obvatt Ooart—XMootM
Taatarday was spent in ton Cfapalt
fBM- T.
AMP 1. W. Eammkm. „artUtha taktor ed tsatlMay te
tor defenee to the enU of Trask C. S-Il
i. W. Hactoi- «rtiw M>a-lUaMt^ m. A. D bm. the end of -be
cans knot yat at kaad, aad aoaa bat a
pwpkat ean tall wbaa U wUl be
Two dleoroea were r»*oW^ yeator
day. Bebblrd B. Leneall was r>^ »
daerm of dleorea from] Altda M. Learan. and Jennie If. Seott was wnauA a
dlTorae from Leaader SeottThe defeadant'e brief to tbe ease of
Ida Woodward ea. J jba 11 Woodward
at al. baa bean dled^wlto the eoart. bat
toe opinion will net be riven for eimr
-T»s »ity of PoUMkey am as ori£iii»l
p»yof d«*Uac wIitacrimkaAU. w»d m
^ iffocUre way. toe. allboo(b It aov. r»
' jtrcoirlr of Um borboriiiea of the dork
•ffoa Eooe^UyoB Indlu ooanitwd labvte Botwoen Hlffb School X.yeenm
•B oSdBM aco’Mt Ike peblie peooe Md
aad Traebltn Olab Will Take Plaee
^ ww promptly ekoloed to • tree noin Olty Opera House.
«U ke eoold be'oiberwiM dIapMod of
It kaa bean deflalMly arranrnd b
tkla apMUelc la one wblek oafbt to
hold tbe debate between tbe Prinklln
••traet attention and baeone a rood
Clab and the Senior Lyoeemon Decom^wlnf eard in the reaort boaiarM. in
ber IS. Ten names of boya have beer
Iba a^aoee of the now defane’. aea aer>
eelectad by a eommittae of three
^t. Perbapa, honeeer, the abaenee
toaebera for a debate between tbe too,
•faJillUtbareaaoB for tba pracUee
wbieh will loah take plaoa. aad from
pantiooed. Any well r^nilated town
the ten Uiree wUl ba aeleeted to lock
panda a Jail of name eort laeaaaof
htfnt with the Praaklla Clab on thr
MBarraney, aad U ka likely that PetotTkanai
hay will aoBctime eateb np wItt tba
printed as yat for all have not aeoa
tteaaand bare'aBnlUbleatraetnra.for
toe reeponaiblUty. bat the -plaoee of
■rniBaat. at leant, if not tor nee.
tooee who decltoe wOI be noon f '
TBBdadalon of the United Utatea bf others.



yrar departuant to pnbllab the troorda
•I tba Mlebiraa troopa la tfe eieU war
|a a mattar of r>^^ Imporuoee, and
•oaaidarable ealnable bUlory wiU be
rnapUad. Mlablran played a oonapi
pnoai part In tbe rinat atrarfla and a
roMpllatioa of tbe raootda wlU make
iBtaroatlnr raadlor for oomlnr rooera.ttoaa. The eirtl war U rapidly baeom
tor only a atamory and thoaa «rbo
J « btaad bled OB tbe
M are rmdnally paealaraway. Smb
A kMory at that prapoead i^l ba a fltBamorlal to tbe eaeridoee aad
knrory of lflehlran*a beroea mad no
falatabonld be apared to eolleetall
toe dalnU obulnatle.


Bat Was yroaapUp Oallod by
Chiaf of PoUoa KonniaCUlaaC to ka a Vnitrd atnua OOorr,
•at Palled to Praduoe too Oradwtislo. tad Was T.k-a to Ba-d bp
Po ie —laapaettn tha salooa ct
Howard Whittoy
Astraayet to the city
and of rxeUement to tho^ aato^ of
Howard Wbltiny yrslerdat, and for
•omrtimc was booked for a berth A
the Jail and a trial by J try. bat waa at
la»l relras- d at It waa ibonybt that b«
WM wore J 'lly than erlmtoal.
Dariay taeforeBoon. tbr strfiayrr.
who wsa wall dressed aad had tb.
appraraoM of belay well-toAd si>r
iatelllyent. had been to tbe ssl-joa.
s->dbadmadaaj.tiiy yood fellow «f
klmaelf. treatiay the boys; and
w at well till aboat noon. Ikon ha
Slated that be was a United 8'atot
official, and that ba wa^ yolny to toap ct tbe estabUsbmept. He vras at
first al owed to do so, and went below
axamtoiay tbe boxes stored toate. and
expresatoy bis dtaappraval.*' n>oayb
ha failed to drfiae any of tba trrcyal
arlties that be elslmod to see. be to
formed tbe praprietor that he wai
liaole toablyfiiir. bat that J Hr.
Wbltiny woolj bead him tio It woold
beallriybt. This t ffrr w»s IndlynboiIr refoacd. and tba pollea ware earnmonad. Chief Rennie vraa at dinner,
but Pat Dana wrot down and mad.
tbe boyos U. $ • nicer erase ble “toapeetlanv.'' Then Chief Bennie arrlred.And took tbe man in band. Ur
aaked Mr. Wnlliay if tbe straoyrr
owed aaytbiny, and was Ictoimed tba’
ae oweo S3. Mr Bennie acvieed tbr
pryment of tbr drbi, wbleb waa refased at flrat. bat when tbe Parly chief
sitrtrdoat with ihemaaeomlay aloey
whether he liked It or not. p.yment
was made aa adritad.
Be tried to work the etmr UaS cn
toe chief vb.t be worked to tbe aalpoo.
tbre t.-aiay that tbe action of Mr
Bennie would ooai him bis poeition
andfi&OO. But be waa lafo'med tbai
thansK (Wunld be cheerfully tskea.
and was msrebed si >n/.
was learned later that the straay.
or waa a mao by the name kf Youay
from one of tbe nelybborlny towns
and as It waa tbonybt that be was
■norrjrlly and poMibly drank thin
d nyerons. be was rrlesaed.

OKmHim KKem. 9

Solid Comfort.

•arbark Intetnattonnl
Baton •
0«OM Imn V ykt.
maattoy was held bat ovantoy to
tookarbarakov of Jad Oaaaron. far
Mrnoae < f paffaettoy the oryanltation of a brasee of >br J Mrary man
>T'»' I jMraatioBx I’utuu «,t AotaHaotof which almost all of tka local bar.
are now mamkam
R X Weaverof Ika Clyar Makoi^’
A permanent oryanlsstlon was formad. with toe followtoy cS ary:
Praaident-.-X J. ni«ma
VNse prmideot—A- M Oriatt.
Oorraapondtoy and fi .anciai aaeralary-X Hayward
Recording secretary—B C Blohm.
Trrasnrer—C. W. Brown.
Oaid—Ben Hlnaie
Outnlian-B Batler.
The tollowiny drleyalea wera eleeted
to the Central Union, whieb w^l m^i
tuU erenloy to tbe C. 8. P. 8. hsll: E.
a Blohm. E J Hllveri, Brrt Winnie.
Oeorye Bowem E. W. Butler
The nrxt ametinyof the Barfaen'
Uaioo will be beld to tbe shop of
Oflatt A Wtoalr. Moitoay eveolny.
Tba Nvble Order of lu'l St.,
On Monday nlybt tbrra will h
meettoy of the Noble Order of BaOiffs
to Kaiyhta of Pythias baU There Is a
arye class to fake tbe work. aoKiiiy
tbe eandidateb belay W D Cl r<>F.
sraie oryaniser of ibe Kntofau of
Pytblas Brery membir is r.ijueated
Tar Syn^ the
hekt cuayb retnnly on earth, cures'a cold
•n one <lsy if ukeo in time. 2.5 and oCoa

WM. Wb. of

We cao gire it so jon
wiUlfeel comfortable. If
a map pays toomneh for
a conch or easy rocker
be can never take com­
fort in tht m. If yon buy
at SLATER’S yon viU
never be harassed with any snch thoughts as that.
We bare a very large line to select from, over 55 dif­
ferent styles in couches acd bed lounges, over 300
diffirent styles in rockers to select from.

180 Front 81

Jiolh Telephones, No. 4;L.


Practical Embalmers


. Composite
for Ladies


Intoeottyebopplar for toe past few
lays, ratomad to bar borne last avan-

OTtom at Sakwty'i


Me. A. Brawn of tola
Into last
pvantop far Omsd Riplda, wkara ba
friUramatoa law days attaadtocto
MMi Clan Ball of tola M(y. left last
pvsataffforOtavra wkara aka wtUroto Oa abent-B weak ri^ttof Maada and

., Prantatnni. 790-ti 9

Yon bet then of

The Old Reliable
Shoe Mae,

Frank Fiietfricli

M. Patoek i

aalneUon nt Pnlnak

lie Front Btreel

and Funeral Directors
3!8 Union Street.






Hitch Yoor Wagon Make Pleasure
to a star

of work
Cold weather suggests tools for wood
cutting. Our saw's for. easy labor. Buck
saw sells for stic, 65c. Sjc. Cross cut saw
for $2.35. H you break the handles a new
pair will cost you 25c. Is your saw dull?
sharpen it- set of'saw tools costs 75c.
Saw sets self for 75c. Our axes arc for
rapid cuuifig of wood and sell from 70c
up Wood choppers maul costsj6oc and
a cast steel wedge for 25c. Our tools arc
all perfectly tempered, sold on guarantee.





Tbe Gm feat Ckm/




Atimetlre ImproniaMta Added t
the Bik.' Lodp- Boom.
iTord Pern*
Palau. PrimmsM. Cbrysantbemuiea
Uat airbl Duff UcDobaid was is
etc: Ob mla at P. M Palor-s yrecn
illatod Into tba mysteries of the B. I*
hooae. :i0 West Bierentb street
0. BIkt and now be knoivaall aboal it.
After tbe ceremooies aboat fifty B'ka
tot down to a Jolly aorial aesBion.
which,like all aoclal aeMlont.waa filler
with rood cheer which tbe Blks knoe
well bow to er joy.
Tbe lodre la makinr extensive preparatiODt for tbelr blf meetinr to b>
held on tbe 16-A. when aboat <S new
wUl be Initiated. Tbe clase
wUl be pat-tbraach by toe team of thr
•iXATva MaeoK baa made a baap of MiBlateelodce, aadlodcoi to aerami
ftroabU tor blmaalf In hte meant realr- other citiee will be represented:
Yeeterday aome^ltnctim Impravo*
•Atton Bttenneea: a ao a rood deal of
Adkortialar. rood, btd and indifferent maau la tbe lodya room ware • oo;. •
|lew be is np aralnat noothar phaaa of pleted. Bach of the fonr atatioaa of
kka altnnUon wbieh ba probably did theeffieem ‘^ve been ooverto by a
The oil exeitemeai is tbe yo at flou •
pot look for. The Tlppeeanoe cinb of etnopy aad piwUa'ly aaeloaed by enetor in other words, work up to the veryLI.
Indicaf'ons of oU have here
Ala^ mat toe other day and panned ly tapaatriea of haadeome dealffu ar- found in Uacrols towosbip. oonb of
best of your opportunities. Among the
panolatlona to expel toe aanator from'
Bowrll.'aod lu Coeray. Staadard oil
desirable tl ings that are "away up" are
ton elnb. Bat perhape ba will not back of tbe eUtioai have been corcred represrotatlTce have been here tslkiag
tolad belnr eal ed a traitor to bis party with dafk red paper and an electric leases oo a namoer of ISnos. Partirr
,the new lines of Neckwear we are show­
And an enemy to bU conatry; ba baa Uyht with a refieetor to each yivee a from UPklDy are alakiay a well in
striklnp effect. In addltioa, to tbr
kiiDMt aaenitomed to it.
It only lakes a quarter to own a new
caaoplee in front aad rear of tbe ball ilorn^y. Experts claim this eeclloa Is
, tbe oil belt, aitbouyb when tbr
Pmarx tbe Ualted dtatae war de- there are eleffaat porilerrae Uatefnlly
PulT—(Jub or Bow Tie, or a half for a
Ilk factory was iuUt here eryersl
^artsaat ean proBt by the recent ex* arraared to add to the effect
The ball baa been otoerwlse Improv­ years ayo, a well was suau too feet.
pariiane of Oeaeral White at Ladywas struck but there was no sbowDon’t wear one tie day in and elay
Mtlto with ma)ea. Tbe BritUb reoeml ed iacladiny a veaUlator to the eelllnp
that the repent drfaat of bU Next week a fi'e etoape will be placed «f oil.
out, own several and change often. I'hese
fonaa wm dne to a herd of retrae'ory at the back of tbe batldtoy to affxrd
all they look to be~-and more. It
pale;. Thair »ymMthtea warn erideatly ample faelllUce for effteee tram thr
is simply following destiny to trade here.
ypito tbe enemy. Coatldemble earn bnlldtof to caec of fim.
Tbe lodye now bia a membership of
Jhoald he exerelaed la aeleetlnr malaa
' Its anl It is expected that tbe nniuber
lor aerrloe in the Ubillppinet
IwUIbetoersaaedtolOO bythe fl*stof
tbe year.
Mm. 8. U. Howard mtanied last
HnifthU of Pyihlas Fsstiyitlra.
■Irkt tnm a rialt with ralativaa at
^ Whoopiny Couyh. Asthma.
At the meeuaf of Traverse City
Bronchitis and Inolpient
Mr. and Hr* Joseph Blakeley retara- Lodpe. No. 73. K. of P. laai nipbi two
Consumption, la
pdlastnlrbl'o tbelr borne to Bui- aanlldstM were riven tbe first rank.
nsrt, after a visit with tbelr children There was a larye ffatfaerlar preaent
is something new and something gootl
to toU city,
and tbe membera bad tbe pleaanre of
Sells in
glass jars and is a blear, pure,
Mrs ban McClary and three child- meetiar dtoie Urranixer W. D. Clitbe.
sweet jelly, f-'inesl evea sold.
If you
rSB, who b ive be in vUltlar Mm J. J. who is here la ibe totereaU of tbr
paker.left for thalr home In Cedar City order.; After the oeremoolee of in
want just your favorite fruit, here it is
Itlntion a trmptinf laaebeoD was
Orange, ('.rape. Blackberry. Plum. Rasp­
B Ufiaaaomlefiyeiterday fjrTrout spread in tbe dinlaff room. After tbr
berry. Ouincc. Strawberry.
Lake, where be will bant ttale toll, in ford tblnrc were dispoatd of Mr. ClixJ TKt G^MAN f^EOy*
aempaay with blaaon.
(iooseberry. Red Currant. Cnabapple.
keaddreswd the membera apoo tbe
f L. B Bible of Sottona Bay was in adranceofthe order aad stated that
1 he Monarch Preserx es come in 25c
too city Toaterdiy
Tmrerse City Lodye bad made thr
jars and are made from the same quality
Prtaeenti ir Attorney Prod Pratt has record dariny toe past year of havioy
roM on a vlait to bis old homo to Pan- made tbe laryeav toereaae to memberof fruits and in twelve flavors. Our Pure
ahin of any lodye to the state.
He alao spoke of tbe bearfiw of tbr
I'ruit lams sell at 12c the glass.
Mahlon Board, porter for ton Hotol eidowmeat rank and detailed lu
Oolambla, left yeaterday for Mar- atrengtb aad yeaeml standinr as ao

aaatta, aocpmpulad bv hla mother.
- Idreaaae aad It
They vrlU mika tbelr home Ja Mar- vras after midi
mMnlyht when the ratkernaatto.
Mm J. D. Slatar of Bk Bapida la
Braee Hxp;oram
pWttor toe tomUy of J. W. Slatar.
Like Stanley aBdl.lTtoyBtone. fonnd
Fkanb^Sennvtt of Randolph itreet,
it harder to overoome Malaria, Pew
WkokMbaaaaarioaslyillfor tba past and Ayne. and Typhoid
weak, la aomewkat Improved to bmlUt. than savaye cannibala;
to any one is the preserving of copits of
Mm O, Boea of Sabin, waa to tie have found that Bleetrie Blttoia U a
wondsrtnl cure for aU malarial dlletters written. Every business man
sessea. If yoa hava ehUls with terar,
Mr. B. McKean retamad to Baadoa aebaa to back of naek and band, aad
should have a Letter Copying Press. A
|Mt amtoff after baytor apaat aboat tired, worn-ont (aaltoya, atrial wUl
letter copying book costs from 75c up.
• MBto vkdtlnr frtoada aad raUUvse ooBvinoe yon of thair marit. W. A.
Nall of Wabb. 111., vmtaa: “My ebUCopying brushes 10c. 15c. 25c. Rubber
fntUa plaoa aad rictoltydrea auffeied
~ ired for more than a year
yaar «
Mr.«. H. Loaia of Intorlooban. re ablila and fever; then
ruler 30c. is the elastic
than tvro hottiaa olj
. tomod boms tost ovaatoff. after apead Bleetrie. Bittera
Jittara eared
earad them.’' Only :901
steel ruler with rubber—A ruler that can’t
aeata. Try them. Onaraaveed. Sols
jMPWterday to tola city.
be broken and sells for 40c.
, Mm w. 8. Wfloox of tola city. Uft by Jaa Q. Johnaon and & B. Walt,
Rubber bands from 15c a gross to 10c
)sat OTsator for Orawn where the wUl
To Ooro • woM In Om Dap.
plnlt her daachtor, Mm W. DavUsoa
style—is made to wear, and
a piece. Arnold, Thomas. Diamond San­
Take Varner's U’hitc.Vine of Tar Syrap
yon get full value received—
ford and Stafford Inks from 5c to the
Mm D. Boytof Omvra. wko^been tbe beat cou^ imnedy tm earth. 85 and


Hooae Fumtsblng store.


pint and quart bottles. Letter files 25c.
All manner of blank books and tablets.

is the most exasperateing thing to find
w’hen you’re dressing in a hurry.


got a line of the best dollar Shirts ever
sold. Those that will keep a good smooth
stiff bosom when laundered.

Our "one-

fifty" <lress shirts, in make and


qualities are the finest on the market. It’s
not extraxagance but a

pleasure to own

several white shirts, so that you can have
an extra one to put on in case of emer­

to put on a pair of gloves, is to ase com­
mon sense, good judgment and a good
big chunk of patience. Then you will
have a well fitted glove and you walk an
inch taller with satisfaction. Our line of
dollar Ladies’ Kid Gloves are great sellers.
Something new are the Ladies Scotch
Gloves, made in all the golf shades to
match the golf capes—sell at 50c the pair.
Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves sell fast at
25c the pair.
Ladies Mocha Mittens at 60c and
those with fur tops at 75c arc just the
thing for cold weather.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.


THS Mouno vaooss, raiOAX. >ovXKBBm >. law





Can You be Convinced

I Wo JfeU »s4 OftadM* of tb* !,»« B«**l Batte at PmMo SMieul.
That Dr. Chaae** OlatMt U aa
losba; WMalWMOM.
AMCkM)«d «A
Atoolau Car* lor
0»)oe, t)oio»bU.Tte Oolvwtoe. Tez .
Nor. S —DrUila bkT* mebrd here uf
____ ________ auoak tho Icbt oo the Macdalasa rt**r •»
iUMOO julbaraooiatl w ; Ponte NaeloMl oo Oet M bMvon tb«
I troop* oo tb* anooml
JomO. Bocbort oad Mword W. ^pvtb«ofii*BlotOBdtb* ■wrdyr wen
TiurnoMofUraad Rapid*, ood C B „bKb
ppoo *t, ood tbt nafobol i*t«*n« Beml^ ud C .1. mbU *od
He Vt a* Cured by
Hn^urdt of. MV Ckncu. or* tw ^
^riy.-c ow *tr«ri RuO*, the rcbri toren, ohloh occopied nror*)
dii*fVo«»tn* of * aonpoej which
^ ppa«»k u>e« lo • trt*. riw to»ta.
. whicbJ ‘
villoomtco Um of *atoB«AU**
tie loaf m lb* wo.tan U pet; The tenel* of the
» aet proteeied byi
I » ToUrood la Porto I
» ^oiurj <aetbod of i they bad nlMd.
TballM wUI roB orn the for-' poallaeuteBt te prrferaele to tba toaaj. armir aad wei
itroadfroBPoaeeto ^ Jdaa | am,, hetanhleh u*ed to b* called toe dfbunr etjaipi
*04 deepair of e
oadwlltenry both frelfbt aad pa* . prleoa befen it wo* boroed.—Petuekey tbry maoared to defeadtbeai*cl*e* fur | become dimnrr tbea foar boar*, donair which , heioc eared.
It » ju* •Bch people «
* At Dora id a erewa of Utaap* who
cured. mo*l tlroofly t
bad beee tiiemlllac aboot lowa all
, Cben'* Oiattueol. bee*'
day eetUad their dW-altUe la the
' e^^trce
of «k.
tbe Roreramenl.
Qraad Treak depot Wadaeaday alrbt worn"!” •
Bare Broufbt bood Sent te.
d'j- '
evideace pabtitbed here U «
Tbe flr*t shot of the rebel* bad
by a fraa-for«ll fljrbv to the eoaetaraa' riocioB ; the only better proof i> a ti
The t^oataa'idemeierylmprureiiteBt abled tbe eteeriac Rear of the Tr
Co>oa Tbe tiikl *fpli<
tloa of paaeaafcr*. Tbc tSean oap
Anodatloa b*B beeaauiuR ROLd work bia. aan ihi y were prooeedloR to boefd | Oiaimcai will coanace Ac Mt akeiu
turad fear.
win. «i.l« ... b.l~
ml- ------------------------------------------------her frum th^ dredRe Orlaiobal CoU a j
Aina OoUare boy*
raided tbe nal<
ba MlBf OB the Dlfbt of Uallowe'eD t uog the flower bed* ta Rood »uape for
Herrulr* burrltd to ber
1 than one box i< miaired to aheolult
aad eplrltad away the clapper la the j^coomiaRapriDR. They hare ,*et out
her well direeted ‘^,e aay c*
chapel. They MoU tM oraeWeeit lOO byaeiath*. lOO talipe, «> no« ““ l.t.ot from her Hrtchkin rbb eaak the' or■ protradiBR
protrodiv,^ pilrv
.....abalr aad mad* tblac* llrely. TbU 1* *ud Ooae a Rood deal of otaer wora j po»„ful dredRc. with all haad*.
| Rer. W. N. E.lward..
around tbe WBieiery wblcb will *how |
iBimend Dr. A.
a* a poaltirc
At Uallaa. Boy Keefer. l« year* old.
ilBR yeeterday aflemot* the laalee i ..d ,o y,. eaR*R*iDent, which it
lot itching pile*. For orer is y««^
era* ahot Ttiaadv alRbt by Joha firkh.
_...i*d to Plan the date pf tonr
blow to the 1‘br Pil^^« ^a * *out« of «
a famn. while playiaR Ballowe'ea
frequenlly I
! “flerjng ba> beei moat in
praaka The boy will hrobahly dir. aoaaal chlekaa pie
The loa* oa the Rorerameut aide w**| benrfiu dern-ed from the u
Srieb opcead the door aad dIaabarRed Tbe place will he anaounoed later.

hnn magic*:
both barrela at eloae raoRV
.0.. I
The aBaoeacflaaet te mad* tbat tha
■vrr. altbougb they bad been ren-j
iBAuetiee to ra*kr i
sew Ma queue aor‘«al will aot he Blgh Bcbool Foot Ball foam Ban-iadtTed almoat wortblaa* by tbe beary merit* known ’
Batehad by tbe eoatraetur* by Jaa. I,
her Their Irjurac ConpaPioa.
feaUla 'e poured Into them by tbe gor- \
aa tra* eseeeiad. It will lakr a moath
At a apeelal ineeUaR of the High
' Medicine Co., Buflel
or aU waeka loBRar. To* aehool will
■bool football team yaaterday tbe
aartalaly aot nora loto Uta acw build
Tbe Brltieh traran etaamer FliaUbire
atembar* decided to bare a aocial of
Ibr before tbe eprla# lam. aad aa It ip
eoBM kind, tbc pr^oeedt to M deroud which ba* reacbed Sao FraaeiBoo from
aonfortably qaartered la the city ball to the beaeflt of Uerol* Beyoold*. wbR Yukobame, waa eaaght in a aever* tvnay reneia wbare it It tbraaRb<'ai tbe wa* ii.jured * cbori time ago ia a praa- phooB off tbe eoaet of Aela. and f ir 11
year. Baperiateadeai of Poblie ta- tiee game.' Tbte waa tboegbt to be tbe hooia waa at iU mercy. The chip'* eoatraetloo Bannoad, who wa* bn* to- bnl way of abowlag tbeirappreolatioa
atoek of frcab meat was earrlrd
day. 1* dall^lad with the aai
■board aad lor two week* 1 ill rer*
and good wUl toward tbe ii J ired boy.
of ei aad prodlete IMiTor tbe beRiaoleR
and crew bad aolhlag bat aall pork I
of aaat year with SOO before Feb
}MI UP cio« 18* tbe report that i)r.
J U. Rlabcaiee ba* returned from
It win not be a eurpriae to any whn
Albert Leonard of tbe Uaireiaity of Rapid CHy. where be aeUled a elalmof
■e at all fam'lar with tbe good
Byracuae baa beea rlrtaally aeleeled a* $70 la faror of WUi Flander*. who
qutlitia* of Cbamberlala'a Cr-ngh
ypeMeatof tbe euts Bormal eyeleia.
lejered 1* tbe hoop factory there. Tte He-uedy, to know that people er.-(
To* forluae of the iate M d Snitb United State* Beaerulent toeieiy paid where take pleaaure la relating ibi
••*p*rtence in «he u*<* of that apieadH
hat beea rarioaely eeUmated. but tb tbe Claim promptly.
Iling of.......................
tbe henefi'
medicine and in tetlii
oorrect flRarea are eery cloee to $3,000,
I.ot bad coiCel
Tbe aemberi of t^e etaoim* oboir of they bare rveeleed fK'm
cured, of threatens
WO. la the dm of AlRor, Bnltb A tbe Coagregaiional ebarcb are requeet- It
Oa., tbeBaatei que Lumber eonpaa: od 10 meet for practice tbte erenlBR at
the Mlehifai COodenaad Milk oorapa y To’oloei’.
(vonn and wboopiag
sad the Maetettque Ballroad eonpany I Ballowe'ea waa eelrtratod I
I »>y S.
ha had pearly $1, aad tbe r •
que way. mocb more ^mlrable tbaa
naladcr of hte wealth wa* ib tbe fom
tbe oeual method, by the fl»lh grade
of haak clock* a^ olker lareatmeate.
You gt-t H Hret
9f the Central tebooV. FrirUloat
Barry Jane* of Oladwia towaabip. luralahed loa anmber.«f tbc poor famfrom our
WM killed by a faUloR trae .at B llee of tbe olty.
Merrill A Co'* eaiap*. Be waa a
Marriere Ueene* wa* teeoed yeeiery«u(.naa. ann «I*a.
day for .Stephen MeUarry of Loag UWr
IWauw 'e put into liieiu tbe besl
At NaRauaae. eraa tbe clader pilee
Hid wr- <lr> not UM- any
and Katharya Flack of Uarfleld.
at tbe faraaaa* are beloR robbed of
City Bngiaeer Northrop aad party
Ib^troB. *0 preealoR te tb* denaad'.'o- Thin ittv«-a you
for the meul.
L. L A BnUdinx
wmif. eni*>ynble smoke at an «*coutbeprototedaleelrlo railroad to old Ml*
At Rirerdaie. Beubea Klar. *lab
omical prid-.
aawyer laJ. W B.ibtoeaB'* laUi. aad uloo. They report tbe route aa baring
Ank ytmr dealer for them.
tew grade*. The toUl dtetanoe te
Bert Oooley. Rot lolo aa altereatloa
aad KtaR waa tbrowa aRaiaal tbe
kalBRahaad. He 1* a poor naa wlib avenue. _
A. B. »ri»8*». n. I>. I'r'i 't- E. W **!»»*•
T 'iBPller Bloeti
The aebooi boaea la Utetrici Nv 1.
t « F-or- Blraa
A larre family, and bte wite.te aa la
M, U.. KrtidvDI Tb)>ici*s. vllh roo<Llti*< |ib}
near Oood Harbor, waa burned to tbe
ssiiiisriun. lu lii' world; * |•l•'Flr
BlgbV Tbe loea te Tbc<-t>'*|.->( middle
Th* eoraer alone of the a*w'aebooi
Arwy..a, »i»d dU
lor tbe oeaf at Fiiov will ba Uid on about U.too.
(live them a call.
Ttaadoekof tbe Oval Wood Diuh Ca
Mo*. It aader tbe aaeplee* of tbe
BUeoaa Uraad Maain .Freak ~ U Saiabad. and it tbe largeat in tbe
428 K Elmwood Avo.
LidReof Drtroll will probably bare ciiy.
ebhr^. Ail tbe Maaone la the oount)
JaetloeS N Browa baa boaght oi
beaida* tboe* la earronadliR eoantiM M»yor'Frank Uamlltoa. IS feet of ihr
will be iarited.
lot adjjlBlag bte properly on Waahing
Oeonre AaRut of Warerly, wb<ie raa Un »WeeV leaving a lot oa the cori er
rIbr a oora tbraakn. wa» eauRht by of IVaablta *ireet of 100 feel frocuge,
tbc arm and it wae tora coapleteij «a wblota the Mayor will build a fim

^ ww\.

Tht Boston Store


This cold,

Blankets! Comforts!


We invite your attention to onr superb stock,
bought carlv in tbe past summffr when priifes were
noitnal. Whtnxhtse artr.gone we cannot duplicate
tor what we now offer thtm. (See display in west
Silver Orey Wool. 10-4 o lb hUnketa........................... $1 «9
Fancy Suip-d 10-4 bl.okc........................................... 76c
Heevy Fleeced 10-4 crey. Utn and white blnoketo------■ 43c
Extra heavy 10 4 gray, ajuiitary, a!) wool blankeU..$2 SB
Boerlet wool 10 4 blbnkdts......................................... ..
$8 73
Ml wool Scrlit 10.1 bi.ekeu.........................................*3.38
All wool white 10.4 Xortb Star BUnkela........ ........ $3.60
Extra fine eoft ail wool, while. 10-4 blanketfl............... $4.90
Ler^ red end black and (in-y and black plaid, all
wool blaokctfl.......................................

Hand Made Comforts

Guaranlerd beef cotton baftiny....'........................ .. . 98c up
Fine SilkaJin*- cn t-ml omiforU. hand tied............ . .$166 op


The Busy Bee.Hive

III ourdrt-BeiuakiDi; deimrimeDt ie fast gaitiinu a atroPic hold c
llioa*- who appm-iatrartiplic wyrk. W*- rulidt >our furlbi
patronag:*', RtiaranferinK promptnwe anti eatuUfaettou.

The Boston Store,




Calanei baa a. popalaitoa of raned
patoaeifiy Asiodr tbe aationaUtie*
repreteaiod there are; Natire bora
BiiRll-k. .Soitci. Iriab. Welita, Unraian
Italian, Freaeb. DtaM, NorwcRlana
Bwede*. Jew*. Hemaa*, Aaeuiana. Ru^
alana. Fimandera. Folaadan. Huagar
lab*. Ureekt. bwiaa, Arablaa. Duteb
Spaniard*. Relgiaa*. Moor*. Negroe*
aad CbiBew.
A i year old daughter of Jerom • Ha*
aanger ot Three R.rer*. tell uoder tbe
wbecU uf a beary wagoa loaded
bppln and received fatal lej iriea.
At Lapeer Uigb Cbtef Rtnger Browa
ha* hit upoo a aorel nbene to larraan
nasbervb p la tbe Furcatera. Brown
bBBoanoed to Coart Fraaelin WedoeaBay tbat be wou’d gire a flae fullblooded Jaraey belter to tbe necabn of
th* order la the jurtedleUon of tb*
blfh court In Miehigaa la either aabardiaalc or eonpaaloa ooart, who
«ro*ld procure the moal applieaUoaa
before tbe Aral of Jaaaary. IWO and
have tbe applicant Initiated aa a beaaAdary menbn.
A. C. BoblaaoB. who Urea aear Oaaway. haad
•iratad that ew**t
(atom can be raleed la I'raaqae
aoaaty. Aa eaparimuiUl crop grown
«bte aeaaoa wa* a grant •ueaea*. aad

J. A. 0 vie. uaUI reeenUy a aalaw
laa la H flead* A Co'a *tore, baa Ub:
eaapoaUloBln the clotting drp*rilaral ol Juilu* SUiaberg'* *101*.
ToBigbi the Aral club party of
auiumo wilt b* given in tbe Ctty Opera I
Hoaee. It will be a plea**nt event and ;
Ibe fipeaing of tbe toelal wuoa.
Tb* concert to be given 00 ibe mb
BUder the direeiwa of Frofe**or aac
Mra C. A Horat. will b* under the
aueploe* of tb* Bapttey Voang Feople’a
aoeiety. Many vary
f**Wre* are
being prepared, amoag them aome
by the orebeaua of tbe 8eho. 1
of Maaie.
bav« been raeeived to tbe
wedding of Mie* Palmer of Yale and
Joaapb U. Beeklaa of Caro. The w*ddiag wlUtabe plane at Yala oa WedPMday. Nov. a. Dartag her raaideace
her*. wbU* employed aa b«ad trimmer
la tbe Boaton atora Miae Palmer made
many triead* who will estMtd eoagrataUtioB* and beat wiehaa.
Tbe ladiea df Traverae Bay Ulve No.
71 are rrquoilad to maat at their hall
tbte afternoon at 3 o'clock and in tbe
«veDtng at 7:lo to attend a aehool of
by Udy ieaaatte
P*ek, Deputy Ureat C.
A. ). aad a. J. OeVrlMOf WUllafa*barg were at tba Coiambta y«atarday.

ftp Firghtfsl Vailuna.
SU terrible fallara* of ala different
doctor* nearly Beat Wm- H. Mallea of
iMklaad. O . to an early grave. AU
•aid be had a fatal lung Uoabl* aa<'
tbat be mo*t Boon dia.
But be wp
arg*d to uy Dr. King'* New Diacorery
lor aoaanmpUop.
After takiug flve
bottle* b* wa* aadraly cured. Ittepcaitlvaly gaaraaUed to ear*all di**4a«B
of Threat. Obeat aad Laaga. Ipciadiag
Ctoagba, Cold*. La Orlppa, pBeam<-«la.
BroaeltUI*. Aatbma, May Fever, Cn-np.
Whoatrtag Coagb. »oe aad $l 00 Trial
bottiM 10 eat at daa. O. Jobaacm'*
I. B. WaMVArat alcFW.

ObambwialaV Fala Baua Oar« Oib«ra.Wby Bot Too?
My wit* bm b**a aalng Obamb^ialn'* Palp Balm, with good remilu.
for a lame aboaidar that ba* palaml bar
___ Itboai reaaivlag any
B *aw
from any of ihamOne day
ertteemeat of tbte mcdlelae aad
though'It of wyiag it. Phicb we did
mtiafaeUoa Sbe
with tbe
beat-------------------oaed only one bottle aad ber aboulder
te almott wttL-A^pb L MUl*^
Mapdb**tar. H. A
Wait and F.&1hwF*ote. draggteta.

when Id eared ^ any


Traverse Belle, 5c Cijar



gu«! a long »>yii and you can aave more than this by.
buyinv' of ua. aa our expenam ar^ oiie-fonrth !«• than of oihrr Btorca and tbi-benefit we give to onr cm-tomeni
, Our $1.48 Slioea f >r Men and Women are worth $2.00.
• Try a pair of them and you will acknowledge the giwd value
• we offer.

; Cheapest Place
Our motto
Morse Bros., House Painters :5 In TheDmrt
forget the place

nn. sPiHUtr


The P^p'e’s Shoe Store i


Fire Insurance.



' ‘"“.IV"; In




PncticAl 8hoe Man.

• 136 Front 8t.

J. E. Greilick Co.

Doors, Sash. Mouldings,

Sold by os ere skillfully end ariisticelly
sbeped. not simply cut out etier a oaltem.

.Fine Mill Work

Whether tfe panU for worklogmen, busi­
ness men or professloabl men, each wants

Cold weather is coming.

Isg better than

or “Berkshire’

Now is tbe time

to place your orders for

tbs best srUcls for hie spaclsl uae -Noth-

Grilles made toOrder in any Finish Desired.

J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 2.

’ Traverse City, Mich.

pADts for good honest wear—No buttons
to 00ms off-no rips to sow up. In the
filter grsdse we esn show some hud*
some stripes In Worsteds. Hew invoioo
Jost in eontsining many doBsne of new
pBttems At priosA to plsAte


$8.00, $3.60. $4 00. $4.60. $6.00.

Hamilton ClothingCo.




sidewalk Lumber In all alta^'

BnoosASOTA to TrAverso Olty Lninber Oo.



moma »bxdat. ifov»ifB«B ». ttw.

'Is lo Traverse City To Stay


: StMolVeBt


oBtr poaWoB BOW
TW «MMBI uf m«»r to be flrai t» pmrb* »rer aitaia.
ctill<lr«n. attd lit « bai fonn. la a qac*epaoplb'a^
lk>u u( mw'fa Uu(M>nnnce. wriUa Uar;
.t |M> muntarrwt.
in th«...........
Uiimuui Abv: Ui Ibt- rnhtd Hum de>
TW rfmmx. wvla tb« TnamwwaX {lartawst ol a
Htv* wbat bo kw
llvOiMt UMTMt 0a.tke woaM atvto «u !«• a food ««peelallr
Tl»* bnitirtj 1
t praftn the
adai'iMl to cblldmi Ut-auar uf Owlr coM bam t« Ibr <«ld aboaldor.
i o( tb«
TMac rary atroar MMf kha« tbat Kn«i a<tlrlir TIm*ii.rr beat frutu tb»- akin for averr ' abaanif a lark of aelf<«iiflc
^r-—*■ «ui Misa (ba ^aartaat^ '
k «ltb aa
•****" •**“ '*®**
Th.- luaet otprtlfclvo Ifalnca ot» a
— ------- “—
. Urcif aaliual. ami iblhlrMi on tbia ac- qulrra are lli«« pun-taaeM) l>olow mat.
c«aaa htfbv baa4 lb« mo^
brcaiuo of Uialr atiUa Ufa
Taauaf«af Fibar 4al tie baa or mialre pnqxinlonaieiT mare
. .Aarat aU the ablldraa batvaaa tba tu uh-It food ibau do adulta.
And the bnaioMB will be- nui
,a«aaof7aBd U »boa*atoBad la tba i I'biII a cbilda aiomacL U oajiabla of
a luap wild ofiea do a tbl** wWla
Be mikra a apreleli’y trretiar Chrtwle and UacerUir D--------.arilM batTTina Tl ta 17--------- dlceattba aurrb tbr uerdad cartiobr* iookinit for aniix-otiior taaa>^ to
under the firm name at
Priaau DIaeaaaa. Olaeaaaa of Wouea. Deeaaea of tba Bye and Bar. Noae aad
tti atiiinpon tabatabaa loaabool
1« furalabed in tb<- auaar of silk, for him.
I llH> child a rear old a bo drioka
t aa dootof baa bad larfa axpar anoa la raaaral praatlea aa wall aa la apad
..r.t. . .„.ii.,
b°*H. of milk a «Uy ukliut la tbia way conrage and fooWianllocaa la bj- the aWoek, aad liM earadjaany OBM Id the pMt of bi^htm. Cbt^h. Broa^itia.
ta apllaattba pamUlw aimuiiiaa
three ouu-« of au«ar. Aa tba koal Dally Newa
maitb »kleh tba raUarayi U Jana baaa
dl«eat atmrtb
" '
” ------ba aoauad la tba mt ©f aartbqaakaa uie child la leaa and tree d«n«etidem oa
SOW I Tut.M4 taod, tha work of balldlaff aaw tbe at«ar of uUk. nt|>taclii« It witb tba , We offer Ooa Beadard Oollan BeWe eolieit tbe. pntrouge of tbe


Offlei HI iKitil li Ui luna i Ulita Bud, Cas Stnt Eitnia




J». n.

1. -u-o a.rii« >«||. tt-

<•< round u

It... avrea.
....... .. dnd
A.... ...

_ rT’

Booarawaaa. aave bbom r.

>i d-apalr, for you can probtblt ba raatorw to haaltbarala.
Y-u will tni tba doetor<B m-tbo4a aad I
* yoa ar rooalre oo pay

Haaka a fnmd affracato of 5.*i0 mllaa
obllfaUoaa made
8lr Tboataa L<pWa aallod yaatarriay plea
1 by tbair Brm
-torhtobomala WefUiid Ba faoalrad
Tbe faK that atifar baa a blgb food WaarA Tapax. Wboleaalf DrarT****.AAorwlMaa tribau of tba aalaam la value !■ oot iJh-only imlui to l«-conald- I®’***®*®- .
WhlebbaiahaUlbyarr©al»u>7 P^-

trylactoa-markma lot of markat- w,„nd and lu nlUb .if wli..le»..toe food muooua^urfaoe of iba^ayetam. Prioe
^af la tbair workiaif elotbaa raa oat uDimiwInil. For lUKtabce. oue oDea 7Se. a r bottle. Held by all DranBla
.Mdat^i^tba aarrlar*. makiaf
dir bean it aald Ibat a cemlu child doMTmt moniala are free
‘Ttaomaaabak# haoda wItb tbam.
Be iioi relUb milk 1u aueh .bm-m It lutiibt
Hall'a Panhy P. It afc tbe bmU
waa aooa aarrouadad by loBcaboraaara. l*r f“'Mid Ibdi the cblld'a apiietlle. bo- i
--------------------------- •
oaieil h> eiiyar lu other fiKMla. la no
Traaaraa Otty Market.
.•treat awaapara aad eaodi
....................... hy the tiilld ««-eeti>pea
below la a Uat^f tho baytok aud aa)
•book bead* with them rlfhtaod left.
.Oo tba plar platform be fon.d a B.«l
•rapraaantatloB of tba dbamrock awaitlaebim
At Otalaafo. oce mao la koowa lo
Aara pariabad aad tbraa oiben are raipxrlad mlaaiaf at the raaolt of the

reatHrlUK d>e laato for «. Invaluahle a
f.«*a a. milk. Dr. Itotch luidat* that the shtaublBriCrk"!;!;;"!"'^.’
liifaiit. rv.u lu It* aei-owl y.-ar. abould short Out Pork par fc................

.ffoatloadjHolacproparty and darlac
•kbe aaelMi
<m tay aa to Uvm bad baea loak About
?B»oa.dBO damiaca waa doaa.

,u^,p,.r unh-M «.f f«rf.“ 1>.d much
later, for the name n-aiK>u. the imro*.................................
(lu>-ll»o of larce aoiouuta of Muear iDto anuer^rfc Dairy!
(be dally fwMl of cblldreii la to be care- Oaamery

,1Cal.EJ...<K U»
_ ______________ ________
Buteblaeoa. Mloa.. waa killed by enrutL and the Iwckaanl »tep la dllB. .ahadl^arfo Of a apdaf rua while culf to uke.
(WarUeipattac lo a Ballowe'ea axpadl-----------------------------two oa Ua farm ol Pater Jaoaaa. four
- am airreir Ball.
imllm aortta of that plaoa. Jaaaea baa
lati~-i nn«u» of diH«>»iDi.'of ih«


, Halt par bbl...
I Rrao par 100 .
pioVr'oer W-i!!."
aonaa aAWoa

Mealco'a byandary c Hn-ntmloaer.
■BeaorJaeib Bieueo. It aludylnf tbe
jwelbods of enrelnr tbe MUtourl ritar
erlth a riew to trylof Uie aame acheme
.oa the BtoUrandfe, which bat a ba'iU
«f ttlSartnr tbe baundarr Uae uooaelon.


Johasoa Bloct fbapa 73.
Raal Estate Eichanga
<3 at. Bi.nirN. A»ora«y eel 0
be marded hy the addition
Ob heir apaele-' aueetMa u <
per cetit of powdcrtnl allbea
a»r »«n'r>MC«Ba. auPreeiat.
Dot only retard* tbe hardeoiBg ---------------------- i---------------------------add!
tion of 8 i>cr cent retard* the complete ' rr?”
•etliOKof thepUfterforalwntebbonr.
. , .. .... b.u,*.i,d
eo tbet the mam maybe uiwd ftu any D*,4reV“^.?4
D*. or ai»ar^
reuiaib piaatlc arwo<l*C topr..Hji iy PDoao*. Pel) It*: Horta-

owe** er«To*MUe'
Med' ToBDg Again
Tri«pt**e Mo mg ..
"One of Dr. Eing‘* New Ufe Hiila w jrAKhV O OOPOI
each elfbt for two wMBke ba* pet me > JKL lorat ia«. oAe*
my toena' agai
nr. a. tlcwn. eeBPral arw-i k* *!•*
rof D«mpaeyto' ^
U ere. ear. DO** and aeolia urtbeat in lb* world for the Lleer. Stem-' 11 dW^»a>«.. tld-pbeoe.W.Me*. IC:. 0«Oprr* Hoai
I** Bior*;______________________
acb and B->weU
rtnW rs?at Jae. U J<
Wa<''e droo »uv*e*.

a*r*oital >nfbeetr.

‘ bar

aEk'r,-Kaii- full mb* T:t.Tu ln,-lH.«. while
BraaUaad BoHrla hare enoemded In »■> tw.. MKHveelv,- day* Mi>- yank',- refMaaeafnUy adjiuting one of thair Utered lii.4o lu,he* au,l inchea.
■ I Bk.
It la not. bow,.v«.r. a
tiea, which bacan S'*'*'' found. I.lke tbe
Ita dry and wat
ampirr. It hat It
ml Placo, fell thaeurh for lack of cap.
port, when foreramittl traewt baa»he former umler the northpanad aloaf.
eaai luunMHin ur wind from the In*
-----»--------------------terlor of A*la. tbe latter uuder tbe
Mditor Sam Voatkaru '
aouihweet muoiHHiu or aripd from tba
.BditorW. V. Barry of Laxlaftoa. Indiao-nreno. <>i-er ae long a period
Tean.. la exploring Mammoth (Are. aa Bve day* nUo faUt at t'herra at a
•tad a aefrer* oaaa of PU^m. Bia rale of an loch or nore per hour. For

•po RCKT-Die

•4 room. lU; U*** >,***•

te. tor a'

Riatlll PiHwiil
__ —

A doctor bai i
I to ot>aerrr bU walk aa to

__ aon lo Tlgorooi and robnat bmitb

•traat. B B Blaaag. ■




. . . ,
wOl coRodnly came aa a anrpriae to •
BMd many people. driU tnatmetora aaAakftl kBd iMMMsBM aMrlMAt pecNd^. (• team that It u correct, la
------- •---------w*------ *v. w.^
that *-------—■*
jaatnaaHndatrVlSa*affr—.;tratn. ta walk wttb tb* taaa patokad
[gtnlght to me front-Loodon Gleba.

Yonmigbiaianaee me abont atorlng
yoor wheel FBEB tor the winter
No better enameling toa*i onra.
Step In and tolk It over.

11« Dokm Street.

iJiihn R. Santo,
GuMial lisiiiice.
WnnPn'a e,«m

Gnti Kipiomptim 11
.Bl»Bd .Iprhrtsr* oftralo. at Tromoe
,'Kj, In *n**>Orwb*rt*Bd. IW».

cao b> I

TTP rf. '

^ PPLXH POX BtLX imbu-hrliatpl** for



▼ OPT—Colorrd i-botoplo. Bllb >bdy’*plriar«.;
±J pr\>b*bl) ln*i Is T**K,b .ir**l p»rk '
Plodrr *1*0** i*Bt*aitbl*ofir*
~.dtr lor Bi>,lrin*l purposB* ,V*B*r ran t*- .
*iOT*r by •pi lylD* I* f>*. B U AshtM. BroCl* 1
^Ok "Pwr 3 UBtsmtebad rooB*
■ayposxt- TO roan on pirh imai. prop !
JKL *r1y. |•slc■blOACrsl•*r,
^yyaKTID-ltliDalleebaMOk or hou*k**p*r.
aMT***J L. Urfc Basel. OamrwILok >i *

Glib Orchestti CoBcen.

«aa for tbam
QyiUn at SibMty^
Any Btyla. opp^te BamfltM Cl
lag Oo.. Front atreat. TSe-tt (
MoUea of Maatlag of Baud of Bantow



YTTAimp n*t«rBl b:l«b< »ad boMU per-

Norib*rs >ksi


John F. On & Co.
Successors to

“• t “

West Michigan.

eiBiiiB, Cy

m i”5 -


Xt TrorrrB* Cy.
Ar Bk Xaplda


om. omtAV^P^-

mna in MtiBimn tt

rarersuCity, - - lickigio

sr=.rS7s- „°r„'S

Notico! notice!

tpOBenx pBrW«erekeftoBdl*erwrl«m

The bnildiag which Mm L.

S *TSS£?““"““'‘TSS


Tranrse Citf Umber Co.

yn* Beera tt SerWv ana EqiieUaBUae et tb*
Otiy of Tntwra* atj wtu »«> l* nv*Ur m*etee »i tb* eoeaeU wi u »*M *uy ea !(,»
a*r. M*TMbar«u. iwa, Cm ae-cMeb aatUft

siB^ctiissssrssiair*' *

p; iivn;;; J

rUtLTHOHnoK: O0*e. Park
l*L ftoua* « BBd at Womb'* Baplav* PWeekry

▼ (MT—Os Mou'Us.iVt. A to,**** B*t*V* alehi
U ,'ru.t>lua*Bd <(**«k-k.*a*aint Isra-r bun*
bl*-V*l. •n-a*E*e. •*l»bi I« poaod*.*o)sr lae
and brass irUb •mol' j*llo« •trip*. n,>0*r
Hear In mind that we bare all tboae will i>l*»** l**>* *1 H'rsld oBr* or K***-,**
Hule tblDxe that put tbe InleblDr a w ,M*b*fi._____________________
rrtOiRXXT-HsuvuB w**> *•*. KlHiroort *,
tnueb Ob a man aboald be deaire I
J. 4-bb* lu.|i,»r>ofJ L Murray. Jr.. Bol.)

f A-


! :i

my ear ChW««* w ttmeA SAridsaBC rbatrOH

Be ia not expected to lire.
-------------------------Are Ton Ooior to tha fkityf

what yoQ abould


posm. aoorMr at ban. Byaatal


Hi«l*Mr**i. Hr*. X B.Mtllrr.
l^x a«LX-apo* kaoTy droh

!s8Bb-S£5fi&iS« : SS :SSS«8

1. Q™.

rsf r.B.’Jsi’'—'’S-

Nokbdfatbi diaama. If lahaa thorw
•urbly and In time. It will cure a aaae
in 24 boura, aod foe the ouugb that toilowaLaOiippe 1'. cercr IT'------roUal. Prioe. tto and BOo.

Bicycle Enameled

JaptCa, a*d *>*rpl*« «nr •**

1?OR RINT-Di**lllscbBBiwee Wa b i.|nns
T u*«*t apply M<t*o. u. crr**.
A da^mnaleal program la arranged g7ULK9<-^raa^i^Wtar*><*p. B.j b>^)*l*.
for tbU araatng la tba City Opera
to>k*^e*r. J-X CilmrroT " ’
npOB H4LX-Oa* thr«*-raar-oW enriap
r k*r«* Apply** J. V. Mrloiob. nv-HI
TiyA)«TXI>-a*r*r*l prr**** lor dtsirtri ofearly.
AppUeatlooa for mambarahlD
. I8DA appean to Imre bw.n tbe Urgmt will bo reealvod aay time today or at
lawcwBt OB any one day at Ctaarm. tba ball tbia *00x4^. U baa baaa daaided tbat no more mambofnwiU bo «rm**e***m^*B*m*p*.X. A. Pork. MM Tea-

5itTS*H "c^d!^ a'^y*'Stb5

Pretty near time
to tiiiik.aboet bating yeai

p.^°a;g?pa:- g=r

plea** '’ioUty “‘t- Bmi

WblilDa. or tailb*.* *tre*l.

"Tt 6wt U



four^Mrltru^rnurnm-rS^ bamlock Inm-

lire. J. W. Hoot of Waterloo, lowe, ‘ The dieiiu, ilmi uf ta-iuc Hi,- w.nleat ' and Strlnr tie*—Whit* Silk Poff*.
vwaalrad an iatemal ■taeblne by ai Im-uImv ,iu ,'nnh Mvm> i,> in-loup to Taeka. Poer-le baada—White Vaata.
MelrbbarekladlytoncbedU,ff fbmn
In iu.lla
ImrliiK tbe
half iimiKlie Mf I
tb tbe rtier for her aad dataetirm
ihe uihldt,- of June.
___ i».Bpe, ituq of
hnoUng for olnat.
- Tba ratanue euttar Baer broorbt
..... w.... boldare. a'e .
l,-lle ,if kM7.H* lutdtee of
lu fact, Who alee would tklak of i
*um Alaaka orar M alok and daaUtnta

23# BW^


'waa ran

hold le iweeu the cniuk ImoKer and tbe
mil wblcb wvur.w the j-tlal Id Ita
|iUn*. Aa the emuke revolve the bell
1* ruus coiiiKiuoiialy aa Ions a> ihwtrllelcaalux the h-ver fiMui under
the foot alien,vw the Ih-II.


« 00

TB....rt..j Tin Hah !

Here You Have an
Opportunity To Make Big Money

Hr.Sf.VK.S.*c r.ARHS.

.....d Bo. b. .t Ui. C.. u. <•
" ""
i «I»1 oia i»r tf"
..B... BBBl.B.Bri. TB. BoroB« U
bboldlD# aa liiauMi
T ‘
«"“ *■*'- »>•"*»• <>*■)■•« •• OaU. Ko. I, per t>u. tnaw,.
a IbcII wUlrh may [Oon, oar bn
Bra Pjm^Toa an© taro chlldfOB bare
,„„.iuiuli-al nnnpi and PotattM. per bv..........................
. ilmao burned to death aav Tiff. Me- iLcrcfoti- imich h.udrr than bvUa of the By*, par b7...............................
monall ooBoly, Ho. The baby fall lato
m eaoldroo of bol apple batter and ibe
Rpaa. perdoten..............
motbaraud aeotber child were fatally
Applea-Cnile and wliidibllt. S'
bnraM Uytay to reaeaa it. The baby
araa dae^ wood Ukaa out aad tba otbOo
,1 aooordlDP loo
are died aooa after.
Tbe etaamar Btanoke arrirad at SaatUe Wadaaaday from St. Michael and
Uaed by Brltlab So'diara In Africa.
Oapa Morn* Tne BiMoke broBfht
Capt.O U OeanUon le^Vni known
M1.SWI.4M la raid aad 4M
■it la anBoaaead at Borne tbat It la
Under date of Norember *.
*aartaia Ktaf Uumbart aad Emperor
D Vi7burp. beebuaaaleud. be
■William wlil meat aborUy. and that
Mke latarrlaw wl l be of fraal ptliileal
Jmp.iriaBoe to tba Italian and Oerman
«oreramante. which bare alraady
' bicvclb raoat. beix.
__ —______ ________ mfrood so renew tha trkaty of alllaMa. ' ncnal type, hut one wblcb can be oper<flren M my men. and In errry
' Haddad.laalaounrlnc at,si witboui the uae of the haoda. fT?it
Mmparor Kraaate Joaapb to rtolt K oc *lthh am ueually otUemlae ..mployed. '
*** ^
ThU beU I. faetened to the ,
mrrlfu nt Fol

Teetli utracted witboat paia for 25c.

112 LotsinOak Heights Addition. Wanted as
o0er. as they must l»e sold by December 15.
Also No. 431 Washington sire^, 44 fool lot. good
No 542 Webster street, house built about four yeais
—in good condition, modern improvements.
Look these'over at once and see


p^luip., m ,hu idMau.. . lu cut dowo

A epKiBlty. Everything in ee«eon. Open de>" end night.

Offie* in HunlltoQ ft Milllken Block. Cask Stroet Entranoo

aale‘oiii^J.’‘Tol«cU>. 0.“” ’

...a kUd of .Hampbal i^b^At rralu'^ir^lJrbrdl^.t'lirre^:

pec^le of Trevene City, nwl gnv>
antee astiafactiofi.

Wiit fot’the opesisg.



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