The Morning Record, February 12, 1899

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The Morning Record, February 12, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







; Peoria COrdafe OompaBy u Patliay
Op BatldiBgefar Kew Plaoi
Anothar nigid Wave Vow
nilpittot DrlT«n Back From
Proria. III.. Feb. 18.—Peoria
Tha traop* wtn Um *«g j AdTaaoiitff from ym^aot.
Oordaoe eonpaqy bae daciaad to double
and Donh ol li j
lu preaeol capacity aad ia ereeilDp
------- ---OMcrat McArthar MUb'Ued bWleft
j YroBtaM fa ba XqaU to
wbicb baildla«a wbicb «UI eadbla It to work
SmwCcbU frtmnUMd hr abalU
c»Ioomd ud atrMff(au«i bto Ubm
;a00 baada. aad b«i ja«t parebaaad
fron Haallor KMadsoek m« OniW far lb* nicht.
forty oar loala df naeblnery for them.
Oaya—XiebioaD vaa Straek Sard Tba plaat will a^jUa. but be ibde>r *«■...____ A«anaaM Bara ro*. ’
Oatooean tba cooa*BrtaaM
romne aUwk of tb«
Taafardaj, SxuaM l«v Tampaia paadaat of tba preaaot factory.
MMfa. «f Sallroad aad
M^Jla-Daopa. raJlniad-a.obUJ.«».
(ara »ato« Baaordad all Oear tba 'OOBTarOBD GOLD WSBTBBB.
ara Balar Trauportad-AMricaa ; fhedtrUaow qalaUraad baalaan
riaM AdMtnbtT Oartfad Oat.
^ bailM tbaa at any tiflM ataM tbe
Bat tbe Karcary Obowa jaa Xacllaa„
^ ;«Btbr«akof boaUlitlaa.
WaablagfaD, Feb. II.—A weather bq.
Maana, Fab. M.—Early today Iba
Tba *»rrloaa laraet y«Ufday *rara
Uee fa Biae. i
itat-baUeUa aaya »bai tba
.------- a kfllad aod 81
laafaad of m tderatiog tba weatbar
““ ”
I —U.„ ...
berae dropptar abella leto tba rebel • ““
yaaterday oontloaed cold aad
reyiieaDt.^1^^^ wltb a remarkably hlyb baro-■ “*"“•'1^ dropped away down beyond

*■ ”
. ■
-J ..
people who

t 'tau«rlr roatod aad,


The Price Yon Want To Pay
Remember that somewhere in oar immense
stock of WALL PAPER you’ll-find just What yon

---------- ,

No trouble to show our goods.

—-- -

partkeiarly aoe^rlaf alaee dayHybt.
eo the Third artillery dro.e tbe rebela
evt of tbe juBfle at Dooa laibemeaa-'


,he opeo froead.,

BlCbt. carrylBYi®-*‘-'°'*™“*“‘ tberomeler reyUga Friday a
balow 1
yaaterday m-rnlatf 3J dryreea
are fa.40 deorere
' tbe WmparetQre
below aad la tbe aubnrba tbe record
lirroat Willlaton.
fan. N^,
{ below at Dearer aad
deyrcea below

' at Oaiaha. Tbe wa»« 1 aweeplBO to- Park, aad tba ai
" J.iire
!« w.. ...
Wr.kiy.waaiboliatbearmyeat»rday. Btoamor MontO Went I>OWn '
Mted at I
Ybe loaa of tbe eeemy la eatimai
Off Grand Haven.
K.,.k». Il ...
tall? til killed ead woaadrd fa one
!rur ia-tba Middle Atlaai..._____
mad New
... 43 below and F. S D*aa aeat word
Amartoaa killed or woaaded.
>i su..uThe beet today baooked ool many . Oarrlad a Orew of FtRaea Mn wi»!E„i„d ai...i.u- Ti. .cw.
drcpot-d to 43 ,
ware will rxlead c
) Miaaimippi
more of oar men tbaa did tba Fillpiao I v
Ara Suppoard to Bara
eallry aad weatera OoU atatee. carry3' ;
ballrfa. eapeelallyletba manb laadai
aad at other poieta atmilar raporu i
aortb of Malaboa. where tbe Kai
Chioayo. Feb. ll.-Tbe Ooodrieh
Tala moroiay at 4 o'clock ^
«kUiioaed. Folly a aoora ^
tay received a Oia- ,

„„... ».



eiUd that Prleatca HarUry and Fttob. _



frP. U».d;
.. Mor»n a ai*am



rt. 1.1...:" “■>'
..Id. will <«». o... U.. At.

“City Bookistore.’’

I 820 Front St.

8lij Unleo Street.

.Talapbone No. 48.

i The Finest^Stock Funeral Goods

But kept out of aiybt aatil each a time aa wanted.!

rr:;:; ;*r-:-Lwr»

ibot^b tba latt erm.
Tbe railroad le now open to (^loocaa
aedaappliea for tbe'troopa* are beiof
tee warded by mall.
tdet of tbe Xtllledi sad Woaaded
Weablayton, Feb. It —Oeaeral title
. aaadk tbe tollowiay lUt of ceaoaliiee ia
tbe battle of Ca^o<^:
K.llad: Prlrate John A. Olbbonr,
boepiul oorpEi l>ri«ate'AlOBso Bicketa.
•a I. Tweatielh Kanaea volaafaer iafantry; Private Fred llall. Oo. I, Flrat

Aaothar veaaet bea been alsbted ■
tra way tbrooyh tbe!lyioaa
tbe minimal
iblckloatotba abore. It la brliuved^;

that tbe crew of tba MorsnUo. board
.4.k '.

Detroit. Feb. It -

temperature on ^


lyht. . e
eiyhi tbe Swedish Noua of *

leaaed by taa tproany ra po
w„eueomlay. it U awecploi from of,he extreme coH w-»ther tbe au
Uoa company to aaalat in tba wlntei
tbe weal. In the lake eeyloa on Sun lendance was yoiyl ard the plessore
earryiny trafHc baiwaeo Grand Uaraa
day Ihe minimum temperature promia-:
dpfl„i ,be falliry mervnry.Tbit
and l^DsrauWaa.
ca to equal tbe record for tbe aeaaoa was tbe flrat pubi c aoc at parU of the
Tbe <«id weatSer will eontiaua antU
of *or preteat o and it was a
tba mlddlaofaextwaek.
suecem. Tba lodye >» yrowiny
Alleyan.Mich.Feb. ll-At4odoek|i, |0,a,b«r>.hip aD-l bas wtabliahtd
r. A. B. BeUlday'a PwalUag this morniny tbe meronry waa 86 below3
* repuUtion for pleataat aocal.
xero U. M. Garber of Donylam tele-, events aa well as fraternal benefit,
Wonadad; First Montana volaafaer
pboaed bia partner: "Tbe peecb
lefaalry. Liesl-Ool E. B. Wallace;
I are killed, lam fearful for tbe trees
Dr. A. H. Holliday's reaidei
Privatea Tbomaa Maloy. Oo K; Zelb b.
badly damaged also.** At Sauyatuck it wav 8s below,
nibble. Oo. D; Bvciwu Metcalf. Co. B-.: tVaabloytoo atceet
at Dooylasa so. Uaayes S3. Oienn 22.
Joeeph Crafer. Ca F: Wm. J. Hrrlh-1 By fire yesterday efterDooa
Theee ere the -largest peaeh growiag
wick. Co. U; Clarence Briggs. Co. a;isfter 1 oVloek the alarm waa tele- _ . - .
«apt W. a. HUI; Privates ileary G jpboned to the Are department. The
,, ..JT .. .
Baynols. Ow D; Job. C. Bnllan. Co. A. me. q.lckly responded and very wx»a. |
Tb’e .^7 wa^r ^n.

BlDirDtMt&ED Bl FME.

lillery. I'
, I Peecb bnda ere ri
Oscar Portwlcb. battery U': Jerry A. I All tbe furniture waa removed
cry H; tso Uclaler. bet- aaf-ty with but lUGe damage.
tery H: Bert H. Dortoa. battery K
Corn David C. McKrlvcy. battery K;
t^lvaKs Jerry Cramer, battery U- flrat d^KOvered directly over tbe form­
Jemee Leonard, battery R: Butna B. er, oa tbeflret flior. The roof aad
Hifrt Feb. 11—ItUfearedfaatthere
- Biubic. battery K.
waat aide of tbe buUdiag will have
wUI be aeareely any peach crep la ibia
Tvreatietb Ksi
be rebuilt
section this year. Tbe cold wave has
Oeep. Edward D. Willing. Co. B: Private
The loM ta Mtimated at faOO and tbe
dmtroyed the bade and endaayered tbe
Barry K. Uarria. Co. B: JameeS Milla eroperiy Is fnliy insured.
All qtber (mit baa
Oo. S;Oavid M. Borkman, Oo- B: PriOr. Holliday eapresaee appreelatioo
oatee I J. Howard. Co. B; Bl>
of tbe eameet eff->rie of ibe flremea ia been damaged.
Beed City. Micb., Feb. II.—Theyov
Dale. Oo. K; William C. Barber. Oo. B: tbe lace of dlscoaragiag ooadiUons.
regiatered 42 be­
tbe seat of tbe blst-beiay very bard
Bert NaoMMi. Oo. K.
' First Idaho volunteer infentiy: Pri­ to rcMb and the weather bitterly mid. low aero thia moraiay.
Ludlagion. Feb. It.—Tbe record of
vate Jamra & Willard. Co. D.
Mra. Holliday aad children were
37 below aero Mtablisbed by tbe gov­
Tbirieenth Blanoaota volanteocordially received (or tbe time at ibc
fanuy: l>rivate Hen Obfan. Oo. IV borne of Mr. Haraum. directly opposite ernment thermometer leat night, ia
Bake total caanaltW* 202.
the damaged dwelliag. Laat evening, wltboBl preoedent. 1-be fruit crop of ^
sU were made for Maaon connty will prove e toul loaa.
Amerioea Plana Perfect.
Tbe damage is estimated at '
LoadoD. Feb. 11.—A dbpak-h to Ren. apartmeou at Park Ptaee nntU tbeir Tbe loee reenUing in oermaneat Injury
tor’b Telegram Co. from Maaila, de- dwelliag can be eepalitflto fmlt treee can not be eatimated,
eeribiog tbe capture of Cklooeaa.
dwella upon tbe rxeellenee if tbe
Amrrican plaaa aad tbe precialoa with
ed'oa tbe Ban Ooaet
wbleh they wetoearried unt Tbe diw
fa Prevent laaargvsta Atmlag.
W. W. Jobnaoa of Snow Tlake. Ba-|
patch adde:
New York. FeV It.-Geeeral Adolpb
•■At 4 p. m.. tbe Americaa eblpe
gaged in anl
ecaaid flriag. Then tbe army flred; I'- Strau*. eoasnl general of Niceragoa.
abrea guns, at aa iaterval of to i




........ „

Ten Teat Contracts
Made by Micbiyan Te’epboar Co.
for any class o', .--rrvioe desired.

Subscribers Maf Cancel
at end of six moolbs or ebanye
to acy class of service at will.
Telrnbone the rnsnayrr fa call
and explain new rates adopted by
tbe company.

whole line, tbe Kansas regiment lead-; the norm on tbe eaafarn. or AUaniic.
‘ ^fant^ and b-ingipi E
bag tbrooyh the Jonyle. The rebeU'| roast of tbe republic. Thia action
Lm an^
left wtng was diverted ny M.jv Bell I taken for tbe^urponeef pre.«.t,ng the I
Statea Be la engaged in the culture i ^
and too own. It was like clockwork, insnrgento seenring any
‘ of forest ueea. shrubbery and kindred ;
ts nj b’teb anywhere.
; vsrieGes from seed and be sells bis; ^
Ttat rebels estimated to have nomI pradoet In all parU of the eountry. i ^
b'rad lo.uoo men. were demoralised by BBoSeially that tbe Called States yoe
Mr. Johnson has been engaged in tbb ^
tbe sbella Tbe Americans advaaoed la ernment bad ordered a wareblp fa GreyIndnatry since 1ST6 and has eaubUabed ; E
•pea order. At 8TKL. yards there was towB fa nrotent American ialereim.
a SBCcesefnl aad extensive trade.
a hall and then '<
«B. whU-h were admirably eoMtroefad.
•“'■■“J 0.,m
T^e Americana refralnea from waaV
m-M..™!. I
I., oo-b..i„.
>agammuni-.n>a.'ba\ rnahwl oa wiihout erlagand oaed i
llbdria. IVb.
1.., I,—..I ci»l.„U.O..V.b.ll.-P«.-.«,.l't
of U.
....... M.1I-.V
ibe bniuot tbeir i
. wlBUWabem euu
we,m «uusv laaloally uni'jured

, min Moreu WS.
sn««eereH »«ds.
a anaonneed


Ttclrta oBd Pea




M fv«M .iofU, f...

Michigan Telephonn Cn.

Do You
Own a Kimball?
If not, you shoi^ld make an investigation of tile
best Pianos and Orgaips in the world.
Learn a little about them by applyine at the
local headquarters of the

2.^5 Front Street.__________ N. E. STRONG, Manager

I Three Days’ Special
25 ‘
I Ovepeoats
aad Faacf Uaeld, Handsune Ml Wool Beanrs.

25 to 35

Men’s Suits


! Very sice all wool goods-choice of above for neit 3 days

These are bargains and are worth look ing after.
Cold weather continues—Overcoats an 1 Ulsters

reived yeafae- a«^e

Halahiui Umis* aeA U.I..IM 1.. .


f '
I rv.nt in t.ieir loJye niotus, ia tGa
-^^herbalietinistate atreet primary achciol buildiny.

Whwt dab XnterfaUiad.

moving off fast.
Come early to get best selections.

Aauther Man:.a d»pttob says that
fa the capture of Caloocan Br gmlier

^ <-f tbU month.---------

fully enwrfaioed at the home of Dr J, |
^ ^ ^ ^ .

General Ous. with bis brigade. xiDslat-!
Tor Breach of Promiae.
j Melotoah. Beeldee whist tbe goeeta ee-'
fag of tbs Ksn-ss reyi-o-um c Hon-! Monroe. Mieh.. FVb. 11 -Ust night I joyed plcaaaat social pnetimee end n!
fana regImnnl aod tbe Third afUllecr. ajaryyare O^UeU Roberta a verdle* te^pOngapread o* wfaeabmenta. &ehi
regnlara. acting aa Infantry, navanaed damagea against BJward J. veaa prrnsafad wUb a pretty aoavMirhawfaomtly. pasbiog forsrard fa the BnnUard lor bteaeb of peomMe.
appropriate far the eeeealna



WATSMS orrr.







Sptdhii I

tbe food cnore deBcMMS and ¥

■$. W. BAjran. Bdiur mad 1

beu tolvad.
It r«lAtM 10 Um GUa iDOonar. <b
. thooib «ot proTCB. to
rU nas>« bMtoB'ed npDA DCSpOcttltD. U dS ex>


'Pj tb» crcaiura U daA««rou« Dsd tbst lu
, bite Bter kill
”| “Wo havo dtac»T«r«d
Dhlcb bltber I has bcoB deelar;«d ftot to exist.*' said Dr. Leoahard
Msed at m» fimwn at Tid>«m uv. SteJiteEer, the faiwu repiitiao exMMh.•••■■■■■ Mia •sMor.
I |)rti of Ihi SailtbaouiaD liatitutiuD.

' —------ ------- -----------j ‘'Jt Is located in the lower Jaw—
Tn Viasph of and/ard KlpllDC te , IW «bire «• would hive l«tst expect.
lampisti Id a retake to Senator Al-, ^ to tsd U. Inaioiwh a*-lhe polsoa
are U the
IbMUUie Ualiod SUtea itaaaie Friof






The Bqya* Band KiniUeln.

r “r.!


d !r-—-- >« >«
>• •
Co™-.»uld.«iu..t~luHIlo«eJ—n.. n>i.rua._.i ...1

many noecl fentnrea and some Inc
ifSlycoBBunlonatPiie vm.
;nnmbet*: among them being fancy
lie aervies
secte. nndnerm
mad aornuin at lOtU dAbcliif by Little Corinne SUrer. epeciMorning
s't'u by the Silver family, the Qoeen
banday school e ISMIB
City quartet, and lllnatrated aongt.
The evening acrrlce- wUl bo omitted om of the beet featuM wlU be ani.eoBnlof-tbofaverewcnther.
; mated pletnret latfoduced by Prof J.
A cordial lavitaUim fe extended to.K. Clifle with a new elnemetograpl.

Bn e’.nibtern.firirr
bnt wHI be •‘ecldsd In a few dayt
Id/, senator TillBteB read »4lb Ora-, “W.*'!**:
-|■^J^th^rao^e. 1 thfna th^ w« Df*
paUa fores two vanaa of the Wauo BOW eUs to aecouot for the coDiradlcChurch on eorser of Ninth and Wadw
Bnekfene Anicn Baiee.
KM'S Bnrdao. This, with the fact , UoDS of oplsIOBS anK>ii( natural lau re* worth etreeta.
Tmx Bxer Sai.tx in tht world tui
lhal Biasj of the great Mwapapet* of epectlng the daDtcr
daDtcr tto Sc apprcbcoded - biuiOaT cervloee aadnUows:
Onto. Bralaea, Horae, Olcera. Halt
fba oooatry are bmag dainged with ry
t*rvaebiag at ItttWa. m.
Kheum, Fever Scree, Tetter. Chapped
This creature
Cbilblaina, Ooraa. mod all Strin
tsseW to gt*a the
to wbelber
not SuSertpf or
pBanay school at ll:W mkm
ir pnbUcUr. wlU femUbim' deaiti mar follow it* bite. It appears to
Preaching at 7:QU p. m. ]
la which the
^ graaelDllr wltbdiaw and reap ute depeed vpoB the teani
Mid-week prayer meeU^ at 7:W
lafurr IS lofllcted.
-----------------------1 ■*n'hee a isake bite* a mna the ven.
OnwAPT propoaae to bo gregnrod for ’ on. located la the glands at the base of
*ho trsHT-'Wt of the pMoa euolerepeecf the taofs In the upper law. U Insiasilr
ID nt 10:Hi-a. m. .
, oj
Upon the erp.
o eoDvered iDto the
IbeOsaroi Ku
ly acbool ainoon.
so longer
Zi'.. -Tilt a»nt the
nroeldm crooees IB the teeth prorlded for the
e Bxcuko
r bortciy of ChristianBadca*. I
Sr^STa^SL to^
‘The teeth of the Oil. monler the addition to tae arwicig
grooeet, which hare beeo ImI btand. 10
or at 3 p. m. for ibe boys nnd girls.
^KMgth of Owntan, Mat,-nui. how.*^^
Yonug Proplc> bocieiy of ChriaUnn
gar hauertes. Kapenenee hae Mo^t
Ullere that
Ike Oermaoa w be nlwa/a prepared y,,,
^ ejructure ha* refersBce Eodrevor akh;tS P m. Tbke part early
t,.r amergeneiae.
: oserelr to aireagth. At all eveuii. the 1(1 tne mreii^.
Cboma cboir meete la the aiady a!
■-------------------------1 TCBOB of the Qlla monster caonot be
Tax Ameriean aoUilera la the PhtUp ' MBreyed to the wouad aude br >u few uilnniea before 7 o'clock.
rumr kKTkoxiieT.
gtaes are datip demoBatiaUng their site with maeh dBlckcem.
appsUMt unialng and remarkanie; *Wbea the aalmai atrtke* the poiaoa a*T. J. a. Bf^y, pwMwr.
IgnTOTT ne foreign oorreeponaenia Sows out of the gland through a etHee
>naru> «f HUle boles between the teeth and
am protnee In pralee of the
iTcaiB the lower lip. U U la no eenae equirt- buDUay echooi at tbc clcae of morelng
KMehonreoioter* enrrr
«• preaei ircabie wub the tnaurBpwortb League at 5;4S p. m.
, the letter unleu the creature cueveedt
Morning •ut jeci; -Be 8UU.” and
! ID getting a good grip with its teeth
I ea tor quite a little the tvrairg "Ibc Water of Life."
Ool~-..iw.. Piulrp™ p~iMldwerk prayer meeting Tbniadny
toa libilw
i««4. T»-j
...i'il» 0.1 11- evening at 7:M.
And are uiving some very interest­
•ait •« d-uuoi o. OI»1»O.U u
„.„a „ ...j,,, „
ing prices on them. One very
A ourdlaa welcome to all.
bung uade easier bp a rapid rsoaouun gownward. Thie accounte for the fact
pretty gold trimmed aasortment
fa nnmbera. A lew daya more cf Arntrparaone who Bare been blt- B«<. H. K- Iteuw-k. pMWr.
are selling at 16c—regular 25c
Imb eggrcuiveocw wul make the }jb ua have not ealfered la coBaequenee.
Sunday aerviova:
another assoctmeot of
gp^nrauvelr tlgnt.
; whita others hare experlaaced eery
v:i»u a. m., class meeting.
36r goods at 25c.
I pelBful ruultA There swma lo U aulurSUa-.m. Preaching,
' thentle t*ldcace to the eSwi tbut
iriuo m , bunday avibuol.
Tha "Bar View Kcaoiag Circle " wlU dutha ha»e followed aaMuIlt by the
Epworth Leagne i&p. m.
Btt wbat 1 h.t. Mild will
Evening service and aermoont7p. m.
K.b»rar. UU. sL
Brv. i (' CarBU. Paster.
ingu le w>at Incitwra Bagaainearu^ p,
M.iruing boijrct. "An Independent
. dlaa. -Uiawry if Uoa Vo>xoto’'nad 'Oon ^ Philadelphia, who I* an aurtorliy on Peraonal IWtiny." Ada 1
QaUoto at Uome."
reptile polaoni. made an elaborate >eEvcnlrg Subject. "An BvcrlasUng
‘ House FumishiDg Store.
UntU hu reaideBee la rebnlU Or. A. U. rlei of expcrlmenu conreralar ibe Cila Cboloe,” Dent. JO-15.
, New Store. IS) Front Street.
■oUlda* and lanuJy wUl be iocntnd at montter. but was uDsbiw-io fully esub.
wax** wxa-Tixb.
lUh whether It was poisonous or not.
The mrn’* apceinl Sunday meeting
••This reptlUllres under the ground.
nere will be a special meeting of
ong,r vexeuble debrU. and U tor- Will be held In the Presbyterian
fan Bnaiorn Star Monday eeenlng at j,,g
d»j break aud In the chnr.'b this afternoon ni 3 o'clnck
TOOtamekearrangaipeatefortlMcoa- ivenlng*. 'whi
: gtici abroad and Brv. J. C. Cnrman will act as leader
and will take for bit enl j.ct, -Urtveo-,
g rrqaeatod to be prea- also eats the exc> and perbupi the ly Via t’Ds." Act* 20-lW. It U etpectMb
Destllnga of graund-neeUag birds.
<^tbat a male quartet wUl luinUb
Hi.. I»rl.. .Ill b-«l. .ori.
■'-’■■“l.iJ i”"” -!»>l-r™ ■>« UAll are eordially lovited.
Clla monster layi n«*.
Eggs have
CAW. M.Mo^yaeenrcbediernnd
rfadOnrtl. will be promoted to.poa.
i.„, ,bey may be batched In
TbeCkty Ualoo Normal Claat will'
Mm in the freight bonee.
,b, mrrher reptile, nicy
Mlu Mand Muatlngton of West are about three-qi anere iif an inch atlernoun al 3
fagbth street, eaterlalaed about long and covered t;tib smouib.
There will be w tueuial m««UDg fori
, akin. Tlic Indians of Mexico, by tbs
Bttonn of her friends nnd aebu
way. claim to have a cure for the |ki;s. young vobvcrta Id the Baptist cbnrcbj
Use Caniatioo' Cream—
fa a party Friday nlgbu
n of the (ilia m<K.tter. which Is enm. MoDdaj^veDlngat7:3o. Allibasewboi
TboreportsstlbeBlateHank.eppear- 'S^IIS If adnilDisiered proiuplly."
25c. Money back if you
have U-cD coDvrrtid in tbe late revival
fat In another eolnma ahowa foounga
Baii,b«,nlan In.iHuilnn has now
merilngfare carniktly iLviied to bei
^ more than PMW.OW) and the Items f p„s.ew.l«n ilic skeleton of a
want it.
pfraeot- Tbe auijvcl will be. -TLei
pnal not only a healthy s-ocomon jot a jnonstrous water anHlir. which wa,
aarly dnlle* and the enriy dangert ofj
gIroBgtb watch u Dnrqualled by any dux up rn-ctitly In Alabama. It was
Mur AoDBCial InaUtutioo lo Nortbero fully tweblv-five fee; lung when nllve. tbr Cbriatial life."


We are showiae
■ a fine line ol^

: Jardinieres


S\3iv\S I
1 he Most
-Esthetic Taste
Ifl Dot proof Bffaiuet BDytbiofr'
BO subtle aud attractive as
Rieger'b L'alifurnia Perfumes
One of tbe sweetest of these
is called Santa Barbara HeU
iotrope. No mouk would be
able to turn away from any­
thing' so iuvitint'. to say Doth-;
intjofa woman.
We bare in stock all thej
faiiiuuB perfumes mnde by!
Kictr-r the California Per-;
Ouutber's Chocolates, aodi
Boo 'Bobs—fresh goods—st-j
tractive packages.

Jas. G. Johnson

B.pu.1 .i.rd.



?Vne SicM,.
CoBUb BKlVg.

J. w.

There Are Two Kinds Of Flour-

8. H. ROSE & SON.

w ith a body clrnimfeteai c <>f ateii I
Thv Editor Dedinta
Thtes holding llckeu for the enter,
fhNToli K»avini>:-fi«pit>g that lfae<
talomeal by (tie Ladiew Miliury band
euuiukvd little poem may meet ydnr ap Beadle Bid
far the leib, aud who do not intend t i I
Klllcsl the liUrk wi>ewp.
pruvai 1 Lave the honor to be
MD them ran bare tbriD sold by appl.t ^ Koity eheep >M-lRncln< to WITIlam
Yi/uraveiv irulv.
IngatHollryA Cunnable'e Looketore Arndt Keih>i-d under n msplc iree in |
Jank Slum
Bi'lo DfriOvr
Thadeinaod f.u-UckeuUeseepilonally
‘"unty. («„ and oninnR tb.-m luc •vaihrr > l>■rrl4rr '
we:c IX bUwk ones. A Mlndine dash <if
--------llRh-nlne s-emed M iicn.'lrale the earth
IScril.vrn Mubinas wealterbaalla
in tli>- midst nf the ai'. k-at.d killed ail
divauraotegt*. but—the editor respectBoy aibbaot MayBeldarriTcdiotowii «be Mark .;heep. ieirlrs the while one* luiiy deelui-'s ]
ptainrday afirrooun and will spend
Each dc..d i.beep had a round
huir In the back of ll« m rk, a* If from
Big C A V M Pay Moll.
ma tlmv brre.
B, A Pratt baa retomed from Lana- a VMiol ball, and around U th« wool
Yesterday vra* pay day on the C. A 'J
wa* burned away.
when b« nttended Su preme Oonru
W,M..aad tbr pay roll btre aggregated; <
Otmgg BID* hDS retOTBfa from n bmafa.un.r?, and before tbe Slate Bankjl
Two or lb* deputlM In the legialitlT* : cioaij «*er »4,uao of tbe check* bad J
faM trip te D*Wolt.
Mm. J. bbtra of 31o Uniom stroDt. U ebasber of tbe tmehy of lAtirmbourg
Msh wtlb grip.
Hit Leg A
,Mrs-M- EoDcoibal nnd dangbterof
John Lu-z. who bad i._e ef hi* 1^>|
Pntoak*y, nt« vUlUag Mr. *nd Mr*
when elibrr nf Ibrm brylna to ipeak badly crnabed a ebort lime ago wbila*|
ifalnabteiDbcrg while Mr. Uu*Mtbnl tb* other member* nub bun’ledlf out naloadlng log* at Interlocben. bad ibe'
M In Bdw York baying «*eda
of the chamber, leaving blmnlonc with limb ampatated at Mercy.UotpiUl Inl
lo**pb Valley of Provemont. wn* In the prsatCinx officer.
ManUtee Friday morning.
fan dty doing ba*to**: ye*terday.
J. W. PateDlo left tor Uonridge. Ohio,
Vlrntia irlejthon* girl* are required
faStorday. •omooBed by the acciona
to ebange tbelr dresDC* ond wear a ual- * Thankful words written
« n
OlBSBt of bU Utbnr witn pM
i form when on duty, at (be dirt which ,
W- F. H«ha hna.roiuro^ fn*ma,,^,.j, ^rousht lo from Ike atr.v;, affe.*,- i
*el In and fluai y term.nP throngb the aonlbcro tlate*. where ,
I. Their rustuir.e Ii
vaUt. A w!
Blchard Bonnd of Weal Bighlbatreat,
black andd yello^. the
tl Aurirlan i'hort ilini-- 1 "gate myacK up u. my i J
j r«vttir. orti-riDiBvd if 1 ra<u<d not stay '
Baa returned (rom a *evcml weeks'. national
- •
I wlib my tncDdaoB (nrlb, i would airei]
rWt nt Port Huron and vanon* other I
--------iWtv fan.
jmyabteni our* aUiCv My l.ueband,


Milliken |

Qf |-00B




Chapped Hands


Hannah & Lay Go’s. ^

And others

When you want the best askifor



Fish! Fish! Fish!
For the Lenten Season.
Lent commences Wednesday. February 16th, and; we ^

^ have laid in an extra fine stock of strictly No. 1 Salt Hacker- ^
®1> No. 1 Round Shore Salt Herring, Pickled Salmon, Smoked

....'--A'ifc Salmon, Canned Salmon, Smoked Herring, Smoked Finnan 3
Haddles, Domestic Sardines, Mustard Sardines, Imported
Sardines, Canned Lobsters, Shrimps, Boneless Smoked Her- ^

, trial. Ur,k Is al. '*^
fa«hsColDmOl* yeatert.y.
. ,
bii.unhi o'lt ibe tea ibat tbe
Oeorg* Weilmafl of £!■ B»pld* I* *'
f-h" S>i j-eic, ,*£, i.
gBODlnt the Whiling
1 gnod that ro|iic< can villi ba taken wv'iucd hrsUny w< man X-iaibu i‘t»
City Trewtnrer Wurzburg reioracd'
locu. *11. K Wait'* Slid f ll J. l,r—
-------------------------l*P0'a H ue -*«toi.-t.
^-*1 sight fium n vuli nitirmnd U*p'.dk.
In wiib.
landll. tiuaianterd or price vefnaded.
Mr. and Mr*. Willinm Kr<*> ra un^
Tbete »• S7 i.rr vent, s' walSr and 12 i
vaaterdAy te their butae at Ei* linpldt
' per rent of mill!* in milk. Tbe tugar .WaUFsper
fater eialittig Mrw. Krmw' purwia. Mr
----! tn tbe kolidt U In grexter proportion
Onr new mk>
PbA Mfu. T. C. ColUBDof tbe M.oeu Olty

ring- and don't forget our Oysters—all solid meats.
owe ue a can. The place------






it will pay you

Mmlmt mlt^ Kl*etlM mt OM*«r« •( (b» Tmrtr Lmcm.
Tk'fi^nrtcc-Dtli »nDD^ii)««tiiigof tb«
AnmcaB PruUrtire Tariff kairae took
|4ac«Jaa- IS. !»>«». at tbe
bead' «oan<Tv USWeatTwantT-tbud atmt.
I aaop wiU riaU < tba
BmM_ peUae eUaf of tie dietrktI Keir
Ne« Yuck Tb«re
There *raa
erae a large attendTWMaataaa
Mlf •t.sou.oou.
; ibatoe Jaaaar^ 7,
laamidolfbtatnicrlawiibhtoma- aad Pit. ta tie protiDce of Yeaiwl^
tee broiber. Aawa Hehra. a farmer
of eioth
plane fo
>bbad alfbt
wdaff*. apparrnUy beloaptac ' tore naefnlBMi aad alieixC the JtB
a ballooD Ooea by ware the bodUa
■aa. tba bcwl ofoaabadl; Vice I*r*rid«at Canaon pri^ded. . \
labaatfa forj oftbraa aaa.
An acrunat of the irwenl cpcn^l^
•ecr ibinj jrara, baa prrtoraiad lb*; _______ AroBBd Uea were a aatabar
1 of laevasaau. the oae of wb kb ware of tbv IniKOo «raa enUidicd in
tearrteffc eanMaa^ lew ui
dot aadrratood by the Tarr»aoa. The. port
!»« of
ol Uenerai
Oeneml &-craUry
8.-crm.ry Wakomaa.
Uamla daj. baadap, f^braary It.
pedlrecblrf baa'eiarted foribaapt>l , which aU> anbraodttarfioeDdal atatebe aatetaaud aitb apeala) Urror
wt of Treaaurvr OrlawoU Thi» relaraatigale. aa It ie bellarad that tbc
■ teUloralaibiayear. li la prapoaad
; purl ab'jwcd ibut the teoeiptr of ibe orbadia* arc tboae of the araoaaat. Herr oaitatloa for tie year radinir Jaa.
'taaraWagmi Llaeate aooaiacsiOB
Aadra. aad bU
U«s tU.SkS.
!*«.«, aad the diathe Poclfle awaw
Prtrade of laaae Lovrleaa of P.ka borw^urato
S pl9.71<i.i>3. b-urioit a o
hlro. Kebaaiiaa UeaUetaab. af Blooa>- Coaaiy. led . aeaart that Mr. Lteelwa baUnoco/*!
$1,411^3. with DU llabilil
tafv*. Ill. arad 7e yean, tell dead at la IM yaa.a old. ble birth oroarriag lo 6fenydoacrii*ion.
Tliitiini. It waeTmmimrtjd.'d
tba door ot a aat^bbor'a boaaa Moodajr dortb CaroUaa Id 17»l. BawaaaiaODr tba* the aaaeaooent for IBM be placed
Tba ralaa of Udt iaaaaa'a gntpa ovp tba Bret MtUrr. la PIb. Cooaty. aad U
te tba lake abort ragioa of Baw York tba lalbar of rlraea chUdrea, with,

taaaUaaiad at li.m.CW. Tba abtp- farty-Bre praadcbildrea, etphty-Bevea I
rrwt-rraadebhdfaa aad tblrieea grra - i
*ba Bare ia Ottppa Owe•wau Bilad t.7St eara
rwt grand ebUdraa. a total of l6o;. There le an eee «a#wiog from tbla
Tba Lariateura of Maiaa ta aoaaldardrradfol malady. If yotK^ill oaly frt
kifbbtU to trt aU baalara of eelld
the right raatrdy. Yoa ar^rlac pala
ffaaaa u iha ateta.
AaSoarat ■adrelaa forLaOrlppagn tfaroagb yoorbody, yoorffrerlaout
Tba paafcaaa dapartwaat baa ar
a eao coio. in tact a
•bafadfortia waaafrr of AaiUslIae
I ap. Ele^e BitU
■all at lloKriAla. vbu« Mrlag lo«r eold. ebtn and grip and
y remedy that will glre yof traeh of no aooueat b
reader. Cbambrrlala'a
Tba Brltlab aua*ablp Uraaftwood U tba oniy tblBg ibat
on, u>-{Brya, tone op tb« whole antem and
raaoat of eaal wbaa mo nllaa froa gwd wbaiaeer. I ba-efailU. cold at.d ®*be yoo frrl like a new being. Thrv
lUlltaa.aad la ordar to rwcb port aeed
mall left me
I eoaaratelate aregnaranioedtocureorprloerafoodbar aarg« of beat aorar for faal. Tba
«flru.ilrrafaB l^Li mrdlPoraalealthe Dreg ttlorm of H.
aafar waa worth doo a loo.
rurWuby ». E. Walt, drugWait and J. O Juheon. Only Me
Thalaartb of tba world’t rallwaya
baioratbaa arresUco tieiaa tba clraatafaraa<» of tba aartb at Iba cqaator.
■■allpea la aaid lo ba rpldrsk la
ffBlioaaad Ixard OoboUm, Arh.. aad


&\eaueik 'Stotw Svert^xoWe


inveatlgau tbc otfcftnga in tbJa



Th« (rarmeota are aJl ne»~of tbie eeaeoa'a tnasoEaetnre. Tbe t-aluea are tmUifully stated, and
yoor peraoual iuR^-tion of tbe frxxie trill prove ibiu lu lie »>.
Here are some of tbe pricea:

Ladies’ Jackets

Ladies’ Cloth Ca^es.

Black Boucle Jackets, all lined, val­
ue S4.25 to 4.50—to close ^2 2 j

Black Melton Double Capes. | plain,
braid trimmed, braid and fu^ trim­
med, etc., values S5C.
and 1.75.

Black Wool Beaver Jackets, half lin­
ed, value $3.75 to 4J30. to ftA I Q

closeout...................... vZ« I V

This Closing Sale (9.69. S9c. $1.06.

Other Beaver Jackets, finer, values
$4.50, 5.00, 6.00.

Heavy Beaver Capes, braid triptmed
- value $3.SO—this closing A I jn

This Closine Sale $2.8b. $3.(0, $3.90


Black all wool Kersey Jackets, some
half lined, others all lined, values
$6.00 to 7.50.

Extra quality heavy Beaver Capes,
braid, braid and fur trimme<i, etc.,
values $3.50.4-00. stoo.

This Closing Sale $3.75 and $4J5

This Closing Sifi. $1.33, $2.68. $3.43.

All wool Kersey Jackets, in Cadet
Blue, Tan and Green, val* AC A|T
ue$8.50, this closing sale VWaZu
AH our better Colored Jackets-of fine
Kerseys, all made in handsome
styles, tan, new blue, brown, green,
etc—values $io-so. 13.50, 15.00 and

I "SoVdi 0^ 'SdvcVvtsa.Tt.
*5t6s\v ”K6V!!)s SWves j

^raa qaarraatlaa atralaat lb»B. Tba
'diaeaad alao eaiata la •aararal atbar'
•o-atlaa '
Tba Chicago a Wm Uicblgao Ball- that bla acetylene gaa pteat bad ea(tear t.Md.oM teat of broom aord
way are eaperleaclng cunelderable plodad. But be (ooal tbe etoie to be
wrra produced la UePbataoB Couaty.
troob'.d la breping their waUrieg lotact. Tburaday uarolag great, gap
laabt aloag tbeir iloea Id aaa Tba' log aeamalb tbe earth were diacoerrtd
Tba daw Hatepabtra Uflalatara baa catreme eold weather preraillag keapa < IS or >o of them, the opanlBga beleg
paraad a bill problbltiug tba dlaaceiloa MB frcaaa wilioat cIom atlaalloa. i fblly ala aad oba-balf feet tb depth and
al bOBoraby dleebargad Doited dutaa
Hear battle Creek aeeeral poaauma I »•‘aehee wide
Wbat eaated the pbeaoldian or aaUora.
aad badgera bare been billed ible winJ nomal dlatarbanoe la not yet knowa.
Wbaat la aitw frowa farlbai Dortb j
lo ai
o.d plo-1 tkoupb it may be a glgaatle freak ol
tbaa a«er before. At Port Prorldaoce aaara cannot eaplam ,their praeMoe
The wealber haa been In—
aa lha MacKaaalr rtrer, >u0 atllaa fartb- I afiar ao long aa abaeoM and oak i
ity eold. bottloa were broken in


nis dosing Sale



SS76 Ud$9.9S

Misses' Blue Beaver Jackets, values
$3.50 anil 4-5‘*.

This Closing Sale $2.10 and $2.65Misses' Tan Covert Jackets, velvet
collar-great wearers, sightly garments--value $4-SO—this AO "TfC
“dosing sale.......... ..............OZ.Ibl


aeop waa grown laet aeaaoa 1a tlelda raaaOB why.

.damage baa bn-n reported.
I A well known farmer named Phil
A( Wwl H
:8mitb. Itelng n few mi'ei weal o'
, „l.rd ol B lor .
: G -ernvllte clatmi be felt Bee ahocka of
tba Paataandla of Tcaaa, wbleh «ob-)
for lha placr. bebool
aa earthquake Tburaday night. The
taiae auui M|uare milee. lu berda of
greiurrrtH ff tt*-t part la
atory he told waa that be waa alttltic
aatlle aggregate IM.ouu bead, bemdm the eca--.v. Tbe name Wiaoaa baa
by tbe tt4>re readipg. when be braird a
IMubofam. aod tba ealf crop, braoded ^
low rambling oo,lae and a teerlBe^hakIs le«7. toceedad JI.UUO All tbe work i . .
• lb Uie report madi
wa the mseb U dose by*r»lj,
log oi the w bote booae. which1 Jarred
canoed frail on the ahel.ea ao'uucb
a lo every tt.tKjU »
j log ol tb* board of . rrecUona aad: fiat they nearly iamb|ed off. While

Ladies’ Plusji Capes.
^ilk I’lush Capes, sulrstahtinl lining,
full sweep, fur trimmed
value $4.50,this dosing sale vZtVU
Silk I’hish Capes, fur trimmed all
arnuiul. big sweep, value A J f Q
$7yx), this closing'sale. - - - VT* * V

: Tbl. ocurrrd B.. II..., b.l .li.l II j
The Chlcagu boatd of edocallob bae I Their r*puri gaer great pratee U< tbe
be did not know and in tbe morn­
daeldcd that all leacbere in the paWlCj Itclroli bouM of cdrrectioo. where, it ing he foDDd that bla neighbora bad
eebotrie vt tbc ally aoel beteaficr lice | wae obown. St out of tbe SM lomaU* bad
___ _______
_ eaperience. I'pon ia<
tbe aama
:arew.>sen )( eo.'* Micbigao «i a ] uguUon they foond a rrCTloc in tbe
Japaa Ugoiagta ba*a a weatao'e week to board nod ciutbc each of tbekn. | lyid which bad opened ahjut two
aniearatiy. tbe Hibon Yaebl Uatgaku.
Vraak Wolcott of Hellairv. wae tonod ^ iocbm. Mr bmitb bellcTca it wae an
in place uf the former Academy of Ne-' dond In n bolal nt ilutlng*. Neb. >'n-j earthquake
blca at Tokio
day morning. A coroner . *i-qacel will: A red'wolf wa* *001 omr liangor a
HyaTotcof UieOaliforalaoenaU bo
111* U the tlr*t dentn of a! frw day* ego. It had a ecllar on nod
Wlac. bneror other •plrlloou* llgoor |
*caiU-r ol Hrllalre Tent 11* *uppo*Ml to b» one that w-oaprd from
wa* larvrd at the inaugarBlball.
^ Knlghu of Moccabeva which wn» In-i«‘biw a lew *ea*on» *go ItwaaferdTba dung of the Itelgian* 1* analona tUtuiad mura than eight year* ago.
‘onatfaeep when *hoi. and had teen
lo elall tbeOoagu huic,and will gwob 1
$,aa*iag C ty Hbyoleten |i ■ (’^■''ked abont the roublrr by a Bred*
ably dum, in April.
I KoU.l.gha.u narrowly mcaped
haoting parly. It wn. .bothy *
With tb# ihenaometernl to degremf killed ,d a **cclde«t flU car- ““

Silk I'lush Capes, fur, brail! ami gimp
trimmed, values $7.50, S.50 and


define &Ale. 15,25. S5.95. S6.75.

Fine quality Kersey Capes, richly
trimmed, value $750. this AC QC
closing sale............................VVtZw

Children’s Jackets
One lot fancy mixtures. W’ool Cassimeres, for ages , to S years, a alues
$,^.50 to 1.75 — this closing- QQjj
Scolchimixtures, blue ami while, and
green and white plaids, strong wear­
ers. ages 4 to-12 yrs, value A | J Q
$3.00. ihis closing sale - - - - 0 I i40
F’ine Wool Cassinu-re jackcLs—val
ues $3.j5>>,104.00—thisclos- ^2 | 0

Children’s Long Cloaks.
Heavy wool (.iassimere Cloakk thoroiighly good in every w;ay ages i>
to 14 years, values 5>4 ot lo 6.00.

TUs mn sue, $2.19, $!89, $3.j9, S3.49.
Cotton FLiderdown and Wool Eider­
down Cloaks for ages 1 to i| years,
priefcs $1.35 to 3.75.

This Closing Sale, half price.

We’re selling Men's Ulsters, f>vercoats. aod all other winter
weight goods in men's bov's and chiUlrt-n's ap’parelJ................


^ \.y I P

II- liBlilf I>ry (LwmIs. ('Hipfl and Chtthiiig Moos'-.




Il^ .ol nrinrr^eri! t^^d.^,«
f-*r *r»rral olghi* the inmate* ..f S
^|Muoinrn»«^dthe caadidatea v. W.ik.n*-m*ld#o« ai Jtey C.ty bate * .mrtblog to dn w.ih it. Onrmaop.ldl
tor iwueraM.
beard peeulmr noUe* rw*uating from .^enl mwper quart Iti.n toe oll.e,*’
The war d.-p*runrai, aflat loag and the attic. Tbe atrange aeunde led to ;grt pood
Hiamtnation feb-' fc
aareful Work, ha* niaae up wbai It'an ln»e*tlraUon and rmuilad lu the ' ni^ry i.-.

think* Ua fall li*i of tbe Cuuanaad Sndlog of a fu.l grown owl Where it
■iran'i fUpldi baa a handaoia* tii.nnit I ^
ParUi bicaa d<ad, who arw atiH io- came from or bow Inng it bad hern in ' gsDiagr l.nrti ag pteot *cd until Friday ^ ^
tarred tbiee. An appropriaUoii bo* u,>-uitic I* a conundrum
< bod a r*rl,age nrdinanee. under whirh '
. boon mode lo-barr tame bodie* re
At lief City .Mr* bm'itta kaa come p,
K- Urrrlngton wo* gieen a to'.nopnly
a the I nited Btnie* and tbe the coneluaiua that ahe bad bulb feetM>f U>e garbage co.le,-ling bualaeaain'fc
I with a large lorue ho* Jr. rrb Thorabav oftorooob white irub town. Doder thU ordlnanse it wa« il- fatanad for I'oru. Uieo to begio Ihl*
k„eaeb Hb* ootwwB at tbe legal to give away potato paring*, i ^
Iua,e that her feel were beoomifig bread eraata nr other leaelng«, bat ^
Pradlfcobte. a proaperoa* mercbaol i
mod-cnte.bat dlda’l kaow that •eerrtbing bod to be turned over to
#1 WaabihgloD, lod.. upoo r*imDg at 1
«ero fro«-a onUl they ateriad to Herriagum. Toe anporior court hoe ^
aWbt. oumplaioed of a *•*«« pa.a te | ih,w oat. bbe la laid up. being ao- declarod tbe ordibaaee to be aa In- ^
hia (aaa and head. Afiar a um« he , .ule to walk
frlagmeot apoo the eoaaillatioaal aod y(aliaaUep. la lha ■omlag tba paia j m Detroit white wautblbg a waat- peraonal rigbu of eitlaeoe. and de- ^
had Aioappearad. bat apoa amklDg bie 1 Utaao <»r at tbe carber at Uraitot aad dared II iaealfd. The city atlll bae ^
touetba dlacortred that bia ba.r bad jGoneerd aeniua. rrwderlek Baa. a
aad It I* Bot exactly E
tanwd white, to which eoodlUoa U'
(,om Ruecfllle.Maeomb oounly, j clear a* to what will be doae with It.
auil remain*. Hoay qf frtead* did I «^|ked is froai of aa eaaiboaad *Ura-: At i'ontlac. throe boalaea* raeo made
boi rreugurae bim. ao aiarUiag waa tba j ngt srraae car and waa koocked down,' an nn-qae bet one day abl* week Oo*
ebaege Mr. beoUa ia uoabia to a«-1 rrreltiDg fatal lojartea
I who ia «i yaare old. wngermi all. M5
aouot for U>e aodden change.
, Por tbc drat Uoie In 7<> years Lake o-nmoBey. that bawoold lire to be
A Uie irem SOD Ymsciatio to Maaila] Hu-hlgan ia fmreb from abore to abor# i vc yean ofage aodtbe mobey I* to tbe —
bcruaa the l'aci&; ouean, alone lo an- p, * p. gg Mnac '‘wien are greatly ■ ‘wok. The intereat will amoant to | E
tipea aeii Uwi. will be aUaapted by
at tbe protpect of a closed aea ' qaiie a bit by l»i;. Tbe beat moro-|^
CapteiB A' Fcirlocb in tbe aear'^ . f narigallon wblcb may ehneo'l Ing the man who kwl oo hi* age ' ^
future I
Frieucb who ta a oaTiwr«ua. 1 aeW;ferr> start- thunpht he -r*. a foal, a-i he cvne near , £
gai0r-fr«.B, M. oauUM, wo* in Cbicaga
for Manitowoc Iboi^y and ber dying of cramp* that algbi. and tbei^
Tboranay u..a,t.g ArrasgemaQla far
wUl be watched with great ibaoghl that the other fellow* might ^
UMprep.*^ot:aiM-<i:tioa. Tue captelB
sicsojcr No. 4 Irfi Milwaokte *peud Ike dough at 1»U faaeral med* t
toaaraeoro ...„peu.boai*alilDg tbai.w^oeaday noon and hot not bceo him dek, ,
a-.«»ratto:,«*.,i r .u«»m..f hi. rea , beard from, ft wa. know that ah.
».bortuf fuel and It u f.-rred
j, y,,. gr.-..u,l b,*! .
do stdaja ,h»t khemay get IbioaerioH.difflruliy. Ime *i..|
- !l«M .. kr.-jl r re.ijrwt^
ana ih.« heur-. tbe S.f-w: Two Buocetei*. earU.quake .hm-k* U.-u. l.,un.-t,„l 1, « K-a*., i lu
milea fiou. h*L.i>
to Toeregbl'^hook Coral ab.ui : t,>l.ick Friday ul...ti\ ill li»i,i. i, t.. n,.- i„,i. ............. ...
light aioto -u ih-*. B,-tier Hma.«i1y n,„n,,rg
m-utteg a panir. r.tlef«un. 1 J . ,.ual ilj,.^,..
«U fret o
; Mai )'rii'r-ir» i-»t 1 ' time In geit'iov .
At groaLOroiM. Steerte. * g,,ld mln« ' . at of. tol to iK-erUlS tbe (
pwner aamed Muto*


To thd ecoa^micslly insllabd. on

Tbroagh our departmeDU,

Aftrr ioveDtorving a mammutli atock of murt-bandiM for the last tbroe wm-ki
fonad uurat*lv9t overstockud on maliy lineft Wu alao found a good oiany abort enda wbi cb gener­
ally Rociimnlate in the*regular coarue of bua'neoii
We fonnd it beyond onr tnean^ tu o ni auob a ■
“motley tie<l up” inreetmeul. Tu realiu; quick means a aaerifiee. but it also Dieana a ]at ting ben­
ry winter ■
efit bt 1 I vhronghout the coining aeaaon, bt-nco «iur .rwolulioija art- to.eut and alash «
• deimrtmente. A ft-w iteina of aiH-i iai intereal;
to te.h a i wool Boc eorel'y aultiog <
Mioohaii w.ul ti,.t norelty auitlbg cat down


T!i<- rt-iiii'-ti'jtts 'Ml our on,-

}y>r i-ent tiff Ob all winter walit*.
7 , p-r eefit [• S »n ail geota' a>id tediea'
I, p«li.>a 'Uuderwi-ar.
rr, to an p-r cent off qii ladiea- JaekeU sort
Xbv rem'liider of our Ofer.-nata and almtrr
rcr fera M do-ed lo actual eon.
•Ji t*r ,-ent. (IT en Na- ktesw .1* Wela
71 per riot rlT uD Uravy Weight .rlolci

itynt. iji marked in plain C. S. figurta are iho L iggeat a

rwr made, largfly *lu.- U> out -.vereljek.


Targoaia,lDhabK:ug tbe Tusur peals- re*ote«r la band, tkibklng either wiU that |out.*-tltei ba ^H»dedt—Alaate. Kirth tiUrm. unst y .afo>B.Bd | barglarabad brokca open bla^
or | baaj ioanBL

, ».LJW




lilllillUiilllliUlllilliiilllHllllllilll .


' aim to keep in close touch with the latest styles—we enforce our position by offering none but reliab'e up-to-date goods—
as to looks of an article our model new stock, fresh and stylish goods solves the problem exactly—we set the pace-its a
known fact we do—Why should you ran chances of buying from stocks of questionable age when all is new at this store.

S. BENDA & CO., 124 Front St.. A. V. Friedrich Block.

Cborirt Ditty roo With me. Jor I h**e I Klofon hour* we were on ibe road.; to r.rn n al.iptmi! t r» ni tsW mcrli
* I U OQ nil ny proepcellttK Ui^ Well. J eWpood lo enl two mealn. bul il U I w l«^ H.wt f. r.'.u M... I «. IU I..r Tbl.< «•

t J O. L,*ii«w(mtar Wru*» »‘ro«
2 AikkKk 01 • BiititK OmkooK and f ^.mownuln .bout two mile, loop |
•«‘Prl U *eu dark «,w nt 4
get. hKht n li.Ue after 7
1 eonld not (o far withont rret ;a. m. But I underaUnd that- we pel
feet Fbot about four hour, of aun In the
Not jwaaawpplnpu, catch my breath, oom-j ahorieai daya.
Momimu Ba>xiU>-Hiooe 1 wrote foU pieiely wloded. when around a ksobut i There have been about ten mooa»'
--------- .laat there baa tweft .jnlu a chaape
in, *•
ij,, „^oeiUln came elx cariboo. _
They !................................................
■ killed ihla fall ao far, fire or ala canthe aapeei o! l&le country, »o far ai iu cme within 7t yard* U fore they aaw I bou, three bear* and four poate: but U
belup a pold pioducinp uonnUy >• con- ma I looked them oeer at they came | Un’i tloie to do pood bunUnp, for the
earned. I ballere in my laal letter 1 in alpbi,'and when the old buck cameianow U bnt three inchee deep. Tim
aald Ifaet Oupper ritpr and abonf all iU oplMtlneTernawaucbaalpht aa be ' Si*aah «y that when the anowpeUto
branchea had l«eo proaperled without waa. aueh homa! A. 1 had bnt a atnple I the waiat.ihen thereare-h.-oo-moon.;
flndinp any puld In paylup ^uanliUea barreled rifle, 1 raiaed niy peep aipht to j that meana a lol of thetn. I ibink tbU ia
Well, that waa true np fJ that time. aaiobceure. I pulled for the bira.t ‘he health'eal climate
Hlnee then there bare been four diff tr-:
^ winded that my aim waa .arldoni bear a mao coupb. or bare eren
•olslrtkea made; one le the fool bill* poor and I airuek him In the ahonider. |» cold ^ any ailment whaterer. If
of Mt Drum, on WheUtone creek, one [ xfcey tan off about soo yards and came|*-e had ibeaamefood here as we bs.e
ath«T4bil rirer or lljuldsr creek; : ton eUndaiilt apain. ®My that time 11 at hohie we would waul to eUy here
tiaakiB creek, aud one on *
Boketew Ja S& aod !! all the time, bat one pete a little tired
Idaaru creek, a branch of Tonecna rlr- held on the ahnnlew and nut another ^ of beans, rioe, bacon, bread and coffee,
«r. It Ik put known a* yet bow rich
- -.......................................
any of them are lor no one baa reached
bed rock on any of them
There are
nercral creek* la the riulaity uf gtarU
sek, alto that carry good

Four of ue are ptrtoen on four.
«'.ain»; two In the eanyoa. one abore.
and one below. I a>ao bare a claim on
mate creek, where 1 found tome pood
pruapeute. I was elected Bcuorder of
the mate Creek dutrict. * We don't
know now It will turn out for it baa
yyet. I
mMhare aaUkeon Mt. Drum and on
abranebof the Tekil. but can't say




.tai.bip. w.mia
h.«on «oy lur.^««-ale fur own
plo. Sum.. |M.ople du nut •.‘ to nnd.r' nnileatralilH'iiuiia aimear in---------------------------------------- ----- ———
rtbnl why tbia U
but it i. v.ry ,i,e return. .J Ibe BritUh U«ird of
-n non non
iUe.year IMts the UniW ^,
AllUo^b Uiere are t> t . . 00.^00 Kju^.j,,n, j„ir,.b«».d f.ireijni luorcbM- O. pJuM.ani
Bouw d. Ha• di«< #7.34a.oio,u*o7Sii
y^t unr ih«.|.1u pfuJi
fureku louutriee luett-handiw

t>u-l)e B.U.
ducednud u>&.oiu<-d iu the v.irld. *“ r
,|i'‘Vi‘‘“Bo'p*^'V80 tb'if.'bernpT T“*'
kr of ite Vul*. Miir Bo*|>>tal,
we jir.idn.x. unJ ton.nme■
H.m.'.W) f^.m the r.lue a^.r^uri reapord mralle r. - - - '
m u.uii tn the I nu,^
«. i.pri.-j ^ ci|.ort» the pr.KH^n.p year and *’“"■’'r*.
dneed uiid ix-UKUiued b) uu.'
of the;
.... ,i...
..r *i,„



i. r.-}ir.-.«-utin< t
n tilt, it onirht V> U- (hat
0 fureign
___ __a ■• .if ‘■'’“Aitiun lu« i
rre have
fr.uu aud
hiaher. and u.II ;.x.a»arily
cx-^umiy moi
more .•ti» usive, | ,

. Huw fienrn. it i Bok enr“■ ^
— nl-l f-.r bpu.» »e.
than u»> whtre .U' ThU i. why it ie —irinit that th.m«h«fiil wx.i.h-in float —
» kl>4 Iirriaaiirnl lOkke (
th^t unr
oor tu^.uli.-jonut la!»•...
iudu.-e.i to
t 1.
. ■
w^i.mrty uu
u, Mr* a.
J. e.
W. vunro.
■ .
.?.li.iijiuk »..*
kui^ e.r,
cunjirte with th** j—r.r paid ard p<.>r„f,„r ,n ,h.. ,un».e-iiv.. kT.t.-in
m Tory •
PAPM-** er r> ►
«.•- •»> »■.—~
‘ ohli*. r.*«iirdli f. .if tin- c.i.t of ■><
• Briiuih f^
tl Bro.1
rovk. til

We eatimated bU weipbl at between They were floe but "terat." too nuall. : *« “ uvBih;w4
7iwaadh00 pounds Uia borna werrj
J-<> LASio«..itTiiv. 1


.tjktf., trid.*. Ih.* luial fiw onr o.iintry ^
“ IvivK
Kd' aaain.t ^l.ldd.- oo^

“ir""* ’r”i^'r.‘'l
r..r ........... ...

oei t,-


inobea loop, each following the currt.
‘r ’,nv.-.*x! in tV-m
U-caua- the ex- ei.-.lo.'*.*.'. O'.'* .'ij> |ir*»
i.utiun .<i
Ue bud tl points on one hum and IS on
^ It
iheotber. We had to pack the meat' Sea—. war Le,i.i-ii.-na.nia ■, j knd with .*ur i.-o,do would luafcv
it' hr
t«dl.7llU.IUI.t Aii.ii)*
abouilA miles, but you bet we brought
Pr-mp.i, P-riae—i-,.
proriinlde fer th.i,. t. .vi.-i.-te with the
. :rpluk t*.;:. ibr-r. it'
the boms loo, and hare them orer our | »« may be that the adr«-sl«j.of ex- ' ch.ep^maunrraud the < hcal«fed f.|rll.ei
cabin door.
len.litiK the d.xtrine of pr.d.*ctioo of ^ cipu ee^t^ ou .olaidixed ahipa—tto-^ ^
,,, ,i„.
„,uniri-e IA
Tbs oold weather don't seem half so!
“• “«■ »hip» tbst, Wego (N. ^)Tiiute
| j, g,.k:,md n j. an rn.con.mi |

•PKRTY-r®r I i«l» <w rreo«
• CkU kiKo WSro.orr

d t'o.* oimmyciU ;
U liudw fm- trade WrIlikrxoD krrk«k
.I..1I..» ..I
work to do were in
thsir shirt sleeres; nay
be unable, th.mfore,
now r t*.
«u.ty «..r,n...»
S.nalor J.m*
of Atkatuuu ..V«
«ys „ _
. *'
the voar
where 1 was looking after my
C Ikkkil h<kl> rimer. .
Drum claim There are old boadt down of oourae ereryone dresses in hesvy aod March 4 to enact leR ’lsiion for
"What u the u.x-.k»ity f.c hex-ping
‘ ‘
I Port sd rn.trr
. ri«<»>
there wliu seem to think there b n woolsn sbtrta I bare bMB eleepiog 1 that puTjuee. which has b.*couie of hi-!‘'"•““‘eca lu lbok,Tvice7 Why
boasuxt on the Wbetelona - They get out lor the laal three weeks, but the creoiIk, J iuiiwrtance t/ith the Kr..nth of j *■ »»y mlliUry f.wce nrccwiary in aexport
<» “>® Pbilil'iuoce ? U .vinrs
export trade.
trade. But
But it
it i«
b te W hoped, j
aboatau ounce-ui the pan of nitrate of warmsal it has been was 10 abore. the {
>nRALB-n*M turs',* ^llTsrWiglsUte .
oerenheleak. that Seoator Klkioa will
frctii the apiavlu-iaioo of fhe lag prices of yesterday tor grocerisa.
B I Mnses* UktX
iron, c .pper, mica, platinum and some eoJdeet IS below. All rre bad
mMhtobitI le-vinp a dikcriiuinatiBK i
cf tho-e
I prorbloau and fans prodnote in ‘^rroo^ seCbosrS tor
gold, built hasn't been assafed yet
- ............— Iwk-tile to thru lil*-rty ■
ells, lurssee
aod they don't kuuw bow much piati Alaska feathera. spruce bough., and | j^rt.-d in for. Un bittoiua It b aluo to
When a uum ou yean old. at senator I
Bum and gold there b la ihs mixture. sleep on one blanket and bare two,
ho,u*d that the proixeiliou t.. make of (be L'nited btnto* into the bargain. | Clear Both per bbl.
c rntruim-d by a rcgaid for bit
ua Tbs blankeu orer^
os are, liberal |«riu>'tiU for the carrying of
One man repreaeatlni^ laiye oompany
^^AVTXn-^* Sss^* le ksiij bsrd*c«d
thinks there b luilHoia in it had hss' pretty well eorered with frost In the ' luaib nlid.-r Ibe ruile.1 Siat.-e flap will own (ttuu Ulkiug each |ire- Short Cut Pork per ft....
SH CuasULsks!^rmwi-w ctif
•’oTSI.4 ti CkuaMla.Co oMu J W LaM U,D«
taken asmplsk to hoattle to bara It at- [ moraiap. We didn't do mneb obrob- ‘ be broo.{bl )>r..miu. nily forward. Old pukteruus rubbish a* Ihis^bc cuscUlw
Jpionr. B U ACo. best..
I,, iw
B,Vno..rii:i. A Ca A
i inr before taming In.
1 ■■
i*- »U dircmwoa will be b,.,«)n. U. W, «.
Efcwtocing i« ihruwu uwuy on biui — i Meal, H. L. A Co. Bebt...
A friend of mine. Joe Ward, dboorer-. 'pbe bw baa formed along the edges fducatumal nnd w ill i«ve »*>.'• «'«J;
Uarefurd Counut
Peed. B. U ACo. Beet...
,o U..
AlwBXk Rrsull* Is Ckrspsess.
( Utfis. ss4 craHram vssv
me that he wathed out as high sail Mining orer to Mantasks pass to bony,
A Britidi trade yviimul ssyslliat ibo Lard per ft..
to the pan OB the Tskil. on rim rock. Mile sad T.
•• Mr. WiU^ U*71^sai
re oomjnenced'to
„Bd the atg;imi-iil in furor of pr'.lrv
We here pruspeeted gssrU creek pret-- tied on the rirer. One peculiarity of; ticn t» Aui-Tican ehippini; e^ugul in cdut uf producing crucil'k’ >>vl in tiai _____ -_______
L'nited Stale*, which wa. about fs ' Creamery Butter.
ty thoroughly aod bare made up
r the creek* here b tbit they commence 1 f.tfvii-Tj trade arc aliowt identical. F<» ton iu I860 5. Unirw-tS.40. It ialniiv
,'j-----„ REPORT
- minds that it i> pood enough to gire aI freeslag from tne bottom at well as; cxum|d<-. leoittnion u> tuauafucten fait* like this which ooglil .b) imiu.-~.
trial this winter, for we got on rim! the top'and the ice in the creek bed!
pndtvlioD to lab..r. iMrauw it
the ftwlrudir thutthiTo U a fail:
Of The Condition of the! TruTerae City
. State Bank.
rock. S feci aboTc high water. tr„m luc keeps coming up until it form* a dam *
,in hi* *s.»nu!|*tiLJU thut prot.sSalt per bbl..g.....
u,t, u- p.. o, r«. jb.>...;...
makiw things dmr. U nu.v do ~> in the , HraVMr'Voo.
begitiuing, bnl ufii-r it I* in v;s-':;tu*n : Kuckwhent. ........................ •'•••
eriirtimtkebed of the creek ought
1 keep nows etcry day and eepecmlly ' p,,„ ,,i
r,.,uuukBion.r td navi-ution. awhile protivtiou alwny* malts iuIntTruio ui 0?T1*YM*«0«TT BgAL 1,______ _
; HU>'k.. !>.>
to be something preuy good, at least ^ on the weather so 1 een tell the tern- the wagie p ml on s »hip of f.OUUtoss dteapueau.—Sun
. a«m.'i
>.'sg IS
, Orr-rOsatl.. . . . . . . . .
iaeomeoftbe pockets, bo we bare perature of erpry day. My tbermome-' mtderthe American flagare $7.ik>0
t'oseesi sr Ike Us.erstd.
I Wheat. MW, per bn...
“ j Rrir-nusBissp*. . . .
4t; m
bnllt na a log cabin and pul a large. ter 1 carry with me always on long ’ greaterin s year on a ship ofthe aains
>4 ! rwnillijr* S1..I 0*tom..
Smth C urolina Domoctut. are go- O***- »«>• ».*
bn. (i
stoae fire place in It and we uaa enjay , trip* so 1 don't bare to gaess bow cold : brnnoge r.m'e r the Bririi^b flag .\guia. ing to disfranchise the cuk>red u
te re
per bn ..
onr mesb with our feet unasrs tebir. or wsrm it b.
[ in the ix^.irm tioh of imeh a vcsm-l
«.m*-«lir- .

that state after the plan i>f. Lonisiaua. Bye.
Hockwbeat .
3a I Cksrt. *uC rate iWK.
Yet one benru of no imilcst «Jtain»l i
u.h... W.
A,..u. A Tw™ w,
.1 ,W W.A ™,
17 I Kk-krU ss4 <srau .....
Uoxorsaackon the ground or any- head* left m now.
1 don't think more
car mm and rtoel in- this onteage by thos,- who talk uf the I Bgg*. Mr doneh
mixer reks—ladianV K SB* N
thing ebe ha* had to do ns while we , - ban 40U all told,
andthey are scat-dusiriai. as chcaplrxa it can he farhare bees biuUiBR all through the sum- lered from the fool of the glacier on ni*he.l to any shipyard abroad Indeed
! tkb aide, to the IbaaleBa rirer. There we are nlreedy exporting ahipbnildiap
Two of the boy* are now or*r ml are aeremrfine cablBs along the trail.; mab riaL Bot tbc AmencaB ebipyatd EaU BaU te 9stt4tthr nehlgaa anb
Tooarna lake caichlng nalmoa. We The biwaah Indian* eaU them -siiok , I»y»
‘h"" <*«« the Brito b- anOWK. aucuerr sae 6
ksT^hi. Iuu4.
arc going to lr«ie l.ob) pounds of Uohbh " It wiil be a good thing for
for stl tmins Vet ronrr fill sad for the
hPd bare thmn fresh tor winter , the b.wnah when they are de^rted for I mrniiagtra'xk Kebros-r -’ofi st-Be
. WIUieLM.«>k>«lcis* sihImp*
luslr el I'slmsilJ ol PrBegjrl**
tare rwte to Detroit nod retarntnllgoad
use. The aalmon are no thick in the they will bare place* to lire in and ; g^Uware amonuL* to Ib.nt ♦dJ.OM.
oraTCaoriirr Meek, tM PVoat *•■
on*-.* nrabke that all one need* b a gaf hookgeod fire p!*c** in a great manyofj protection *o the Aim-ticanm«cluint to reton Kebrusrr -3rd.
Trirpkeor So. tUl

Uao. DaBaru. G. P. A.
end book them out. They lay along ; them This plaoe
nndAeioa on Cop_ marine mexm^ ihulvc ehu'.t payonr16 IT 18
tne khore with tbelr back fioa out of per rirer bold the most of the people | Kites for nirryiug onr uxvu e-u^and
water, thoukaods of them Tbeynre a ! think there are ?S cabin* alAetna,tbatAiucric*uUlkjrwiHrcbptbebctt*- Oapany K JCasarials. K eath
There are s few ot the hsaf
ne*r ruu hot there are to many kinds and ss here; then thev are sontiered
loyamrat fair wuges
l.r.T.BBaaBh.Casairr6risr sb-r ■■■ri
Hseosb Rifle memorials left. <
os. oSk« IU
w.,1 dwXR.wmW, ... ..a. ol|oi.lw»U«U... E..ry w.TW.I,. ^
'“I “**'
eae be bought at the Oty Booh
ahem, bot them am among them Ute ' log for tee to klcd pn, either to gobrer,
til>r«««__________ .
t.r BAickAB.Cs-Mrr.'
■ hump back aod they are no! so good, the diridc or get on their cUim*. iWu j
only the Siws*b i»d*an* oai them
lag b * man-Billing jxb. McDoi.sId '
tentAK btAMtN.
Nutsrr l-ufctw. ,
I* now bring bsnrtird by C. G. Tay­
. most tell yon nooui my great luck . and Daridson. my two partners, nnd ■«** Ferrlee Shipewu' I* Are Able
lor's City Sews Sisud. bring no teogia bagging tb* itogeet onribon any OM - myself kaee the reeord. -We took 30
_____ ___ _______ I Ip__
etcr k*w 1* this nr any «hcr coaniry. j ponad* 4*ek aod made from here to
BstSods. »p«-tsl sttpstlen
OBP iSeed ortter* to Ciiy News Stapd isv-.i **4
IP neats » 4se*k.
i waa out proapnoUng but had my IgnsrUoreek ennyon.St saUea. landny.

...... ...


$160 Per pay.





;v6-.riV;.i'-u;TbV i..;.,.

E““'.?-:?^br.2s;'i2rr 5^




Dan Cupid’s Valentine.

1 Maloltrt. which ts Oh
li epymhi. >'•■-1
ahout aa hvmr
Hk- KII «' Mkn-« tt
vm Maalla. Th*
«»* vBsurljt fKi by ABi»rlc«a< •oJ a Quart'-i'a
»»a «•>- tbc auitfntu.BS AcvluaMo's
L— >,e« ml Wuk&Laftuo la fmtUcu^i.- hal fTitTV into that town on tin
• t that »o^r or laur thtr«
t. .-i!) l» iTc.uBit «tt'li the
>a- &iS ol ta»l S.iile-Iibei-, Hi* att’tuil • I^r
M-.. .
Kvrnis which bav* lah n i>tafr
I'lwnniro'e of h!* trt%
■ lint tiBi« have ci.B7tr>9«4 Ihew
car, oa whi-h »laoJ* a co.w^y
•u»!'l-l.ina with antit-ajiMit
an I nuw ITscW Can floda hKr.avtf wUh j »uuni: native *«;na«. recrioeattaK Lib1 mv hewrrtw the iia< of the Flilplu.-*n- ina mllhwBI rroblMii on hi*
It to now aald that there are ny lea*
Whniever tnay W tbe'^uHlmale *.4uIiod
IbanSO.OM yMiplnoaai Ualoloa and that
ml that prubiciD tb*r« aie ■<

• __•

•* >< ihc oi-npoae.] lu be ibe ml aborigla** ot Uw I outlaw* aibt thei
laUn l*. The Ne*nlo iiiak« a ro-ckhiaa! urn Wndit*
warrior tnd at ah}' time a moat uhde- . i*h until the in-uiiiain <isti1tl* arc
•Irabl- citizen. He t» founJ in the more w. !l oi>ei>e4 up. That they wouJ ! u:..t.c
tviDote pa.-iiur.B o( tb* istaUJ*. «ipcc:al- efi.vUve und all tut ui>cvBu««wtlty >r the iat-rtor of Luz.iii aud Min- ; lies for the
!c*il*r ta a tact.
Atne.i. Thi' Anal ♦ztinoiiim of the N*- ; that l* aa dlMtirliln* a* It to obv^w*;
prill.*, hi.iw'oxt^r, to only a niatfcr of i .But there, are other a.-nirve*. Aom j
• time, as the dewth twte of this Btiaaew’ which Amimaldo con dtow freaS re- -n1 rolk far exeeed* the birth rate, even tn. ton-emetit* wl-n th.'
ptplns timio of pence.
a^at- The w-..-*t . luii -nt id niwiw 1 el| While the use and ownerrhip of Bre- I's-renry to be de.vit with !n the entire
{arm* have alw a>* been Corlil.ldsnJt^er
ttiWwdne* to to-b.- foundto the t-i;-a
' Spaniwh Jurtodiclion. the naUvea to\the of the Mono, whoaremily MohajEi

It l)bs beeo Mi« t(>ht Uevc is Uiod,
Eot, IhcKAdhy. njy fityd^o:;
l3 tbht 0»o Cup'4, ti)B uo^indi
Is oat so to iod- AS toliodio^l

He Once Saved Lincoln’s 4'fe.




into malolos.

•om* vary Intereaitiuc eienU take plao' Ihey h-iv.. Ill t "■Ir ii.BrIy .'A | employ of the *i>vernmi-m ;ii limea piift d.TCis atol inhabit the .alnii'to of Minda­
before the wMt.. iiiiw^mi.d of maThn.sim*
lie mini • I V i.rtl.'i.'ti' y of j have i-arnril
so a«»>ii-:v an'l so nao.'Mi-!..**ulu and al.— cmlain
tbpeace oim* I'i..r«* lin..*i* iivid tbe l.iup>vi.f ihi-ae
e«pmi»lnc i!.- . au*e ; *u.i-e*<tullv their ezai I wi-nre of sun •mailer isian'to In th* s'uth.'rn t«.rli.>n«
M.-.ilinjj lhat ihouruNd* i.f lirearm* of ib> aivhlpelas.i. To ki-..|>'th.'» p' —
4ialrauchl rhlU|.ptii»s.
Ilf Aeolnalil.. I I wicnillramiv . *h.iu n hy
iv Ii M-.iliiu!
.• j h.sve >»e.-n diiirlhutiil atminp thi' nil* _ple ii auhj-etlon would tn'ke all ts• At oar time ii v»v 1li..a«M that the tjir fi.'f ihni a
. itK'i> durins thf-laM
the-last few
fi-n: yrwrw.. While'sitare
nilpInoB It;’- m. '• ihna a imiJ
.«l>are time of a verj' -xl-niuvi; tian.Jini
------__................. ... ............... .....................IrlatHje'W Who.were lound 0|.etily
army, for tlwy ar<' flphi-r* bom and
Itr.ltoh wtiil itoimsn wnr«hl|« for 111- po**r««lnje or carryin* arm* wliboui a bred. Iteald-* this. Ui-y are fanallia of
b-planins of aeiuoT hnniiitil—. th.-v Im- | roval order from the Stpuitoh captain a inwt pronounced type, it to-ins “n- of
111-Hot..|v move.! .:i,'inn tizhiinn mm tols-m'ral were «.me »ub>-<-t to pun'lsh- the tenets of th'ir ■iui!.inJi*h-r-iiici.-n
th- fr.-m In i.r.I. r .if loittl... .iiv-nii« th- 1 mt-nl and lone Impi l~>iin!..nt. -th- de- . tliat .verv
- un kHW m w.vrfa.-country ai-me the Am-ri.en lin-*. and ^er.-e 01 sini-eii* with which the lu*t ne- wtll add to th. math and Intersiiy "f
fOllowItig t-eiul:
.t. tribe* that are •b.'wtne tbeiiiaelvea not uniMetwired for ^ live i».«urr.vtn.n met wa* du.- lo tte th-lr own |:.-.iJ.**! '•'.»* Jiter d-tnh
tart thil the niitlvrii had at last sebut Utile to ilet
.•anntliato. twit It Iruubte.
•■m 't-ar I* an-unkti.iwn nuantiha* atoo to-.'ii *
t amuKK
een-ralty underetond that t-uird "-.mMlhlnK with which to
ly. In fao(fth -v *-tk .ii'.l weliotni .d.
•unieni* of i-ur new 0^0111*1 ivluny
.Th- of It.e lnt-ri,.r h.vve al- in Haiti* ■l~':i nos th: t in lei dyine t
n treat nunilirfr of w-ell ortai
■lisilret ini*w of TH-ople tn th- I'hlllp- wav* tovti Inr.>to-d -with tMinli'* of a .merit .V.: a.sIlCK Ml**
Tbe f=ulu
•Slclently tmlned men who a* poaiuble Plne*. mrti wiih tt* own diale,-t. ru«- m.»*l feroclou* rharaci.-r. who have ...... -..................................
lom* aj>d melhod* of warfare.
TTir ol*enl> .iml at all* d. tl.-l estali- I-.t.ntlal flsMinB foi^predomlnHlinf; trll«e. th- Nrerfln*. tire li«h<d .lUlhoiiiy IVrwon* familiar with men. many -of whom are armed with
u Kiiiall. evil dlepuiUtooiH'd people, aup- the tolind* and with lhe*e bands of miilern cuna.

The Kaiser at Four.
AH aelreane* and moat pr!ni-ra are un­
happy without a new pholoRraph at
k«jd once a week, thouph the latter d"
•At alway* permit tbeir portrait* to ap­
pear In print nulte »o oflrn a* the for•ler. The an-onipanylnt pi.rtralt of th<
•raawl emperor of Oermany abowa the

pNthful William at the ape of 4. The
pdetnre la an imereatlns one. not onto
«a account of lU rarity but atoo.beaause «f the atrance lik-nm* whi.b
•fCB the chlldtob face bcara to the prea-

Amount of Food a Man Eats.

■arMe Cfcaaped hy l*veaeBre.
It aiiunda lik.- a fairy sP.ry to make
the stalenicM that the »hap- of marble
may Ire chune-d by 1
hii« toen doP" by ►
111 •Um-**.' Th- niart.Je
with "t.el plus* thm e
tube: then preosure U applied which
Would be sufhi I- :ii |i> reifuev the maii.le
to i>owder Wire tt net Tor the prvlecllon of the tuHn*.
Tbe result of tb « 1* a conMderaMb
alteration In th- of Ihc msrtito.
The lube* spread or stretch, and eurxea
of irerfeci legularlty and beauty are
formed. The lubli.B moM be cut off
after the shape I* secured, a* on ac­
count of the prerture It Irccomc* »o
lIrtiiT} attached to the marbl- that It 1*
Imjiosslbtc to remove It by any i.ihvr
meun*. The cxpcrlmentera say that the
firenglh t>r the It not at all dlmlntoheJ by Ihi* ptCH-ess.

The Irrepmuiihle *taUsilclan has been at It acain, and thla time be has
been cali-uUtln* lust how much of dtlTer-nt food»toffa 1* devoured by the averas" man w ho live* the a United Ihreewor-> eeraand ten. The II lustra I Win KiVen
above Is the result of that careful calculation and represem* tbr relative quanmie* of nutriment,neceasarv to keep The human In;
* tti.ltis f
It W'111 be noticed lhat the guaniiiy ..f bread
ir|iri*ln|tly lara*. more
tn than either beef or Iamb. Thecumulallve en*
' hen. Kv. n salt f-rtn* 1
lUienae pUe of eauhtoa It will ».e readily
» hla own weinht in both fruit and,
0 dim.'ully In en>oylnt a leood awlm In the assreicate

There recently d+ed in La Rue coonty. Ky.. ht tb* ripe old as* of *2, qm «<
thuae almost unknown men who ,mtsbt be said to have b-en ittolrumenlaJ la
chnnains the history of thla ciQBtry. That man waa Austin pollaher. aod
while the part he played in the sfiapins uf a-eiiny wa* m-t a Cisanlu.- one t|
I* al least IrttetvsilnB. lo hi* yoana day* CuUaher was a playdiate of Abm>
ham Linculii. ul the time wh. ;. ]oUBS Abe's poreBtB llv-.d on Ifnub crwcfc. to
the eastern pan ..f La Rue county.
Th.- late noiuiseimrUn-a episdde with the rouac Ltocoln to best koM Is hid
own words, a* pto'-n oul ]uk> b-f*r« b • death;
, "Abe and 1 w'cre playing one flay al.-az the bank* cf Knob cfeek. and triad
to crons the stream when It w-aa aw.ilh-n with heavy twins. Th^ onty w-ajr la
do thi* was by a tittle f.ot log. *.. wr c-m< luUed to i-oi.ii' it oven Llnrola brad
his balunee and fell. la. He could not swim a stroke, and l» K-emM that he wad
sure to drown. I grasped a rail from a fance near by and Sun* it jto him. telUad
him to hold on for dear life."
The result of the adventure waa that Abe gnt nothing worn* than a good
ducking and nat oh a rock In th- kun till hi* cl'.thea dr.ed. for even a prealdeat
in .-mbryiT ha* a natural dread of th- mat-rnal allpper.


Fastest War Vessel Afloat.
date palm Uee* from Algeria. Arabia
and RrrpL Theae treea were distrib­
uted In anuihem Arizona. New- M.-xica
and tyatlfornla. with direction* as t.

female flower. These tree* have now
come (nio beadns. and ripe fruit has
been -ecelved by tbeiasrlcultural deparuiteni. aome varieties of which ara
very su^rior to our common lmi«orted
- iliat
the defuiilment of aKricullure ha* demvnslrai-d that tbe date tree 'll HI aUnd
the cllntdle of aoutbw-st Arizona and
southeast f^llfomla and will product
larce dUanUttes of ezeeUent fruit

one of me wonders of this wonderful cinlury of our* to the marvrioua
ptuctwaa which Japan has mad* durinc th* last ten ycara. In a Very *horl
iw-tce ul lime she ha* emerevd from diiental harbarUm into one of tbe p-eat
power* of the wortd. ready 10 make her Inilueiice fell In the ahapln* of hto•
bourd to be consultr.: Ul all matter* of Iniernaiional tnlereai. In view
^ Uits new »iiuat1on Jaiton 1 a bean maUcut torfe and linportanl addiliuns to
her already eltivilve and by .0 mean* iQ*l*iitt>cani naval furvea.
Her latest
naval acuuintlim I* the rml' r the ChOose. Thi* vcaacl has th* dtoUncUoa of
belDC the fastest warship wflo. t. It waa buUC at San Pranciaco. and on Ua trUI
tHp*. which were between mat port and Santa Barbara, tt easily devetuped a
« marveloua speed the Chit
«« to do aa. will prove ooe of the 1
n acUva and ag«naMra Athttaf otatt te aoatara waMm.

graev of the full blooded In-Han
rkina arc not red. but a clear, amooih
copisrr color that sbinea like gold la
the sun. Their hair to coarse and black
aa eboaiy. atd they ara daeoaatad with
bright fealbarv and gay ornaments.
ful pottery that come* 10 us rrom Mex­
ico. for they have kept tbe old Aatac
torn a ad decoraUOba ta their art.

ClvIIUatloa from the artistic siandpotot always haa Ita drawbacks. HawaU. like all other lands that havo b*
looched by the magic wand of roodemlty. ia slowly but sursly loeliig that prl.altlve pIctursoQurness In which It 1
ioJeed b
before the adveal of mtoaloaarles aao tinned beef- One of tbe beautiful rttuala which a *upcrs*«a;Uve cHrfUa
UoD hat driven out of existence to the bola dance. Nowadays ft b only
. In seerH or by apaclal arrangemrats that o
■ diincw t» performed
•- •by a
can wltneas tbit once common and litUe tAoogbt of pastime Of comely Hawaiian
girl*. —
rfajtbmlcal awaylng of the body, accompcwiea by music, and ao^ta-bf the moUona and potlures of th* dance a
> huU gtrto in Ihoir n

e modem mode of drots. n

T«B Moavnro
b til ts. Dr. Mode* «M «»oilw «
•etmtUt uai«4 KlrtUtaS. who 4«cUr«* thAt A toAd wto pvtoras tb«
fBActloA* Tor vhtcbMtnre istended tl.
^ IS LOCATED AT WORCESTER, d«rourtBA laAKtA Asd Is tSlA «A.>
krrpisc plasu. «(a. tr«e from pesu
thAi would olbtrwlM dcAtror tMm.
don tbAi ASWOBt of fr.tuASle worK
I. S.fcM U 0M Tm
CAcb rev- Jiwt AS eridescA of liu m>
»«r (bAt the lOAd InetcAd of twtmc d«■troved libculd be mlk»ed to IncniM
And aiBlUpIr. Dr. I
U the children of h
I 10. ' Atop kllllDS tOAdA I t would he worth
r to the 8'AIA
)<Aw B^iASd. It Is wapund esc.u- { ~The
toetbod of ralslBg the tedtiTAir of tOAdA The director of Ud» I poif It. 1 belleee. r« to he leAni^^d. *
kopplA*. wrltfllBS eeiUetnesu b Ur. ' I>f «»>*** romlnoed. “1 hAce tried
C. r. Uodsc. of CItfh LniTerAltr. a «•
eondltkm* li
where the tedpolee ore eeeii to be do.
•eUnUM «b« believe* the umd
d anch Abused creAiure And that it' Hue well, ft mAr he otwerred thet
^nld be cnltivAtcd Acd CAueed to tber keep c'oee to the shore, wpicb
»ompl7 In treat decree.
Vr. ,Hodce* uuldnr. while a eerr
populous AllAlr. la prlaclpAllr ooumed
to hie wtfden. and tbu Ust summer
(be Dortor succeeded IS nlslnt tea
tbousAsd toads in one pas and as old
•iBk which he had set la the grounE
Tbat seems a creel laanr toada. buru
it not such A larcc number after all,
Vkaa the fact is considered that the
ATSTBCe Domber of 4cs laid by a
^hcr toad each rear U 12.000. Dr.
Bodes aare about hU colonr:
H*> tl.*
W»> r*rm*4.
simplest dcTke^or cotonMne
(OAde la to provide them erith arubcial
•hatura made hr dlgclnc ahailow boiea
lb tba croand and psrtlallr coverinc
tbam with a bit of board or Bat atona
I triad this with soocsm, so tar as tba
board aheliers are concerned. I
toads In mr carden refused to siaj
pbdsr fist stones to aoT eaisnL -I bsra
tonsd as msnr as tour toads IItIdc
Mder a BlDCle piece of hmrd. while
booa could be found under etonea sim- ,
Uarir placed.
^^tvsr from a bird, und tstclu(« a
"1 also tried the plan of mnklng an
winged Inseci.
iBCkwure of wire acreen. a fooj wide.
mnipaw tb*t * thallow
two feet long sod a fo« high, the top
^lould be used, not more than
Of which was leu open or closed as
Inches deep. The bottom
When open It was vnir ghould be made of mud and gravel
McesniT to put In two or.ihree u»ds
the edge of a fairly clean ixmd.
^rerlde them wllh sheltera a dish of „ ,,
j,ave this
Wnur In one eorner, and iben to keep
„rface nf che water on one
(bn toads, or rather ibelr luing place.
„„„ ig^i-.le* can find
wpplled with small bits of raw meat
dep.h of water ihey prefer, and
pad any other refuse matter ealculst.
,he nr when they
•d to attract flies or other inseeu. I r(„
t should
(oand that sugar soluiion* should not ^e prtven once In three
r days.
be need, ou account of the danger of
uneaten1 panicles should be
ntiracilng bouey beoe. whui a load promptly removed.
Will eat In great numl«re. let tba
base sting as vi. lously as tbey wUL
-There is no slug, worm or Inaeci.
IU1 i>m, .. w.i. .. M.h>.
however hairy, or aplny. or prickly,
-It Is oUen, staled that the loao poisonous. l«d smeJlIng, or ao geoer.
iHds chiefly at niahi. but It was sei- ally disagreeable, that a toad will re■om In my coiuu> that l did
It find fuae l tots (I Hnw mane of caeh
sl^le load be de^^ed
(barn in the ^yiline altilDg around kind can
the ball and snipping at tbe file* aa upon to desiruy? Why. t have ae-u
(hag came. If ihe top of the cage la one toad snap up elghty-alt bouse fllee
^rwt. the imtinmo should ^ ar- fn less iKan ten i^nutes. No douht,

mboobd. snvDAT.nBsuABT

is, isss


uH-._ T.U 1.,,.™.
Bore lllra.

A lutH aii^^piy

Our Qne-Foupth Off Shoe Sale
$6.00 Shoes
go at $4.60

PiDgree i Smith
Make of Fine Shoes

S3 Shoes Go At $225

$1.76 Bomeos Oxfords go at
at $ .33.
$2 60 Oil
Qrain BhQts
at $1.88/1

$1.60 Shoes


more. This will make n
the hot summer
"Let anybody who is inclined
aneer at a load farm remember tbat
InRnclandioe gardeners freouenily
pay (2£ a hundred for loads. All obJectiims to warts being caused by
bandliog toads are mere Ogtueati of
Hracileally tbe name
may be said. bIkiui tbe suppiwed poi­
sonous character of the animal. l‘roferanr Riley says that inrocts deeiroy
property In '.bis cnuntry annually to-

■ilsrk Ke, a I'-i*—.

The eiplnnillons of the Russian seb
entIM. Andiuhsow. have aatahlltlieL a
very ruHoiis feel.
I'hc I'lack sea.
Which Id eome pans has a depth of
1. often works well, hgi If the more ih:m C,50i. feet.

tfo. 1. Toad Ealing an Anglewona
.No. E tthuvliig How .tuakes Al.V.
way* Swallow a Toad

84 pairs


$1 Childiea's Shoes

$3.60 Hand Turns

at 760.

at $2 63

96 Pairs
OU Grain
ladies' Hded Turn Creoles-.$1.50
going at$l.l3
going at $1.48.

One lot Men's $3.G0,
30 pairs Me'a's /'
Sl.SOHeatf Shoes
$3.S0,$4aed $5-Nol
$1.60 lace'aad
aad Fall Shaes 14
at $1.13.
eew toes going at $1.88
Congress $1.13
aad 1-2 off
This Bale will oon'inue until March 16lh.

IFx*a,in-Ik: IPx*±edj?±cIbL
118 Front Stret-t.


f«e*e vmr
la-t -»■
....... -ti.

pueh liie'Ciiipaum -t'iiur LurJ fat and
M'eeu newlawlna Web, bear.—f^d-iylCiIan.

Special Offer

W) tir*. s. II. I>*>le.

AaalratUa KaAeavaree..
10 Li,.iiii* m, u-t -Luks
Anstialis np H» l.:;’-r thrintian EnT he psrsHesiir tfao IqbI sheepnud tbs dfsvur oikIViicb. with fit'..'’Id meiub i-,
M run illustrsle Ibe fact llni the to wiurh iitukt i.i odilerl i;iint>ilial-il tu>nilMliiu
I .jri-i Id the wifld was id ■'lelie*. t’in'.-inu tj.- lutnl laciuh. rnbip
k nod Id n^u the lost luridtulslly up to ho.UtX' ■'f t■1, If & joiiuxl ibu
IbriM etieaki- of llie joy in liuiung the Chorvb ilont K Ibv year end l.f l a>tnKi.-l *\vLu tbi. >he| b«ril touLd the ]<>-t elate* betamr- avlive. Ibu U^leyua
vh'cp, "be layeth 11 ou bl» >bniildets kIi'tbodi,ls U-sd. with £^6 soriedeB;
te;<uuiiK. and wtaeli be uoiuelb home tbvo luuie tbe ilaptists. with I6U. lbs
l;e ralJeth
hit fneniUand oeigbbort
to .UingrigiiliuDSllttii. wilb ISl; tbu Pres
. .
l*rimitive kletbodista
«'«*' “v. fur I. byienaue
found i:ie eborp. whiotl WB* Iwl." 'w«b llO eurh: tbs Bible Cbtlttlant.
‘"noil • coin which , wilb bP; tbe Cbort-J. of Eoslsnd. »7.
ebe faiui loBi hull a eiiuilar tpeneoo
The P.B Bell.
nid-d «iib j.iy, and • sliecl
. ;i

•»«1 nvighbor. -o rejoice
"i ^

.h,. ...I.,a.w.„a
piamd in

$6 Enamels
$4 Welt Shoes
at $3.00.
make at $4.60

ladies' $3.00
$2 Shoe Packs. .Torn Sole Julienes
at $1 60

s£oio Ttes
ant New Styles
at 14 off.

Nettlaion's Pateat $2 00 Shoes
Caff aad Tans.
go at $160

Ml ■bins."
ibst wbKii I. Inn. Siateriul things uf cb'Hrcn. "Ux your liwbi
.talus iurt “>“*
aud loond iTiog «'“«
great joy lo’ ^ ‘ "
«—<t» it sciue. dnti nave
ilii owwr* Tbe finding of a Ipst child »• ai-.l Ibeu M it »biue Voo cannoi
Mill ilirill an eujire loiiiiunuity wiib >*t >l ►htu* oule»s yon have it. and if
tiiiliasluniir joT ll'itc iiiutb more dors 7<mksv»it yon cauuui keep U from
.i.tsnrl iorta'8nnlhat tber* would l« •‘•““ug —Lymau Abbott. U. D
Jilt ID liDdinu a Il1^t soul, wottb wore
-------------------ID value lliau a world!
t>*»-le*.b »e Taa-tealh>r
•Ili.'Siriptnre oi i:*uoU» bear, testi- ' * ei'^P religion wins a cheap return.
raonytoibejoyiutiudiUB Ibv lost. Tbe •« i* ngbl for a men lo pivb a tenth of.
dikctplea of Chri.t, mM not iwo bv two •**“
dmi'tly to the Lord', work,
to pres, h tbe^iruo.1. reiorued after a
“ man wbo ihiuk* be hu thereby
rci-ceiafa) ftlnerHcy with kteat joy be’kdiide duly is but a tenth of a
can>a.dlb. ir*uc.:s» The A. f. of Ibe «•>•» and • unib of a Chriftisn Ouly
A| twlln Iriviueoilv record the fad th« man who .hdii-aie* blrooelf end all
that tbe apoftlfw fonud great joy in ‘bat be has to tbe service of hi* Ussim ;
Ibeirwcek. J'snl wri1.-« to Ibe Thessa- »'>l
th*'«!** Ma.ier ha. lo givw
lonmuB. "For wbal ibsukt cau w« ttu- ;
»< h..'l Tiiuc*
der egsiii niilo Cod for all the jny i
wherewith we J^y
joy for y«.ur eskm leltire 1
of psrisb
liiu is tbat ja>t in
UTd?" Hi. j-iv was eo great in ' Ami* v.
p...>u muiav
bavtug led the TheeulnuiaDs to Christ
‘P*- Ivugl'i.d ii

Tim New Werner Bdittoadl

The Encyclopaedia Britahhica
"Give Your Boys a Chance”
were the closing w<wds of an address by Abraham Lincoln. He
r«li^ that parents are rffiponsible. in a degree, for what their
duldren becrane. If you have children, study their individual
place the bt'st
possible educational
>nal advantages
before them. A waly ‘has been
provided in the New Werner Edition of the Encyclopa-dia Brii
nica, complete in thirly volun.._.
The best thoughts on all subjects
in the history of man are treasur­
ed there. A systematic study ot
this work is equal to .-uiy college
course. Algebra, Anatomy, Architevluro. Building, Electricity,
lical Economy"
7r^ .TT
^ V*olilical
are a few of

Its articles which have N.t-n adopted by \ale. Harvard' and
Columbia colleges.' This .shows in what estwm it is Wd by the
highest educators in the land. Just now you can»6ecure the

Encyclopaedia Britannica
for One DoUa
Dollar Cash
and the balance in small monthly payments. The entire Thirty
Volumes with a Guide and an elegant Oak Book Case' will
delivered when the first payment is made.
The complete set (Thirty Urge Octavo Volumes):

adopted It
Which kill th.

flies, methi
d'pih. exeepiing. pertiaps. tome bar- irntb "
flies after they have i. Ha of \erV mw order'ImpriCTaiTd ibVunih

0 C! walking lu tbe

nfort robs cc le .nniewhiTv tl
eecond aud third years—Christian ki«-


^ Fkrf^^aymeiit, One bollar (li.oo) and Three Dollars <(j4Xi) per

No. *—H^^Vi^^xc^^^a^bled
••1 shouldalso sayay that
that aalittle
u raising load, frum the egg
i«_. ,r,,d..Mj
U* last aiimr.ivr proved entirely sue...
IM tboii&and Id a sort Ilf incutiacof
n old sink,
a friend who has
! fl water lily tub In ^ yard tbat a
(dad rejtnlarly come* ihcre to lay its

from the
* dc-pi-r current Into the dtplhs of the
are. therefore, tmitn.lh-d ahsiilniely by
nnrmniini currvnis
o« ronsiaeranie
firce. and vertical
curreMa which
mlghtcam the norlous pas-* from tbe
bottom to the surface and fresh o*ygen the sorfare to the boubm are
hardly ever notlceahle. Tbe water at

Dai gets of tbe Onp
TbegrealvBt debger from l.i<irip)
.uv.r 1* Joy t
i....v..>. "TbiTe
. of its lesultirg In pneni
,rf the aacrls <d
one Biunte rvseonable care U used. ho»
inti n-femietii.
Tii-tv are
are ttianycfasracierisiivsof
tnanycbaracierisih-sof Ibie
tbie ' sH dan—
- ’ be
‘ avoided ^
langer will
Jov It islbr i iv <
fllls our
_ hestt.
lo able to'AEt-rrreconcile two fric.,.’. who bev* bivn escbm-having result.;
ttanptd anil e.utx-iullT »o if tbev sru ■ ” " pneumonia which -show* couc:u
clor. ly'rcbied! Whst jnv. then, in
*• *
hnogine lu n.e a l.n-i son or’danebt.^ of
<**‘b»l<»AfFeroas disease

V* ^'^r*“**
‘""«® '»>' There it jov In ncceedisg in wbat we Waiv dmggiat
••««>? »“
«fl^. lftd^..HiU.u.wmetom.rh reswyn of It. weight that no fish or uDdertsie to do. Have tod never felt I
•mflciu and temporary planes. It aim- «her living being, which needs ounren the joy of finding ■ Icat euol berauu TheI GrasdSapUtEtnU

. B. Tay1. aa roil will readily yond a Mated depth.
all, Ibe Joy coiue* from tbe cootcionslor’s City Newsstand, b*lng no‘longvr i 1
delivered with the kloKMNO Rxoumi.
I new tbat we have bsd somablug to do
• r*.l a* TVac IIIMWII.
'wiibesving ao immortal soul forOod
•The tittle toads that I raised I fed
Dynaifllte- explnde* ao riipldly that kod tor heaven aud from bell and da-


Extra Qu^Jy High Madilne Finish

Fi^t^paynwnl, Two Dollars i(z«o) and Four Dollars (M-oo) per

an'cofor. MarblW Edges, Extra (Jualitj- High Machina Finish
FirettPaymrat, Tliiw ^llare t%iOo) and Five Dollars ((saw) per
grantel by ^ng cash wtthin jo days after tbe

For further informaiion call on Holley & Connable,
Cily Bxb Store, agenls for Nortbrrn Hiebigan. \

Nothing Nicer


•Uw—about tbe Mte of a walnot—so That is. tt the dynamite be placed on joy.
tkat I could easily remove any of tr.« the grmitid. the explosive force u
Bible Beadfogs.—Dan. ail. 9: Lake
bUa not eaien. To raise them look me down; if li be hung against ►-walMta «. *1-84, at; Acta, viii. fi-b; Phil. 1. ABtroPflvChieMsKHntnMnd'
praotlcally no time at all, and It waa force atiaeki the wall; If U be hung un- 5-U:lt.l;l Tbrss. li. IS. SO; iii, B. i
graat fun to wairh ihem, both wfaiia der an object Its force is upward.
>0; II Tim. i. 4. £; Ja*. v, Ifl. SO; III \
am Le Ijamar
to Ike water, swanuliig In black mass-------------------------------—
j After T week* of kaiUfsctorv boelnees ^
ii around each pine of dug blacuit,
r-et OMre W
Ba< a vice.
) to all. many people have requ. sled the ,
flsd. aner they left the weicr. hoppiug
Women have an impoiuot place In
Srene people decry etitbokisiini, hot '
n ex rd her *uy one or
aboul Ibe lawn and garden.
U w„ the British poMal d. p^rtBen,.or.!" juVTMn*!^
9sn lot d^fbow
flmailng. hopeiei boa
TOld grow »o fat and .
........................ .....
...... ............ .......... .......
i.c), co'a
rbieh «ke T' adv <1
ft not filled fw work tut
I .h.n
— .k. I .i..a ir<
i -........
^ ing power. Even a j\>liiival
iK. and U '
false twice a* msiiy toads as f did in o( the ueniler jwx.
rvery day by the
the manager who can jntt
UM For food ! flg’ire that thty Will
__________________ _ her daily
ICbristiuuity al-.vp sH else
mm tat arout one oeni per thousand. ;
of ii T
•A-xa. JCj egrazk.1/ •^ssox'tzxxexxt
*.t.e «r * T-.J piwaa
niihc-War le a icrritile thing!
eakui. tiitiucvui «u wnicii ntt i. i
The a/.OS! isiu. oi ib.. load, fram Kilion-Rlpl.t you are, oid man. If fiveti it It* iggn.eive f.tce from tbe of li?
the «*a6<5p.'ir.' of »«ili nature
pt,<i a f'rliew doe* no! grt killed or does ool beginning. Itjro<4 ao mutb tbe man not pesipone be^ arrangeneBbT with I
mas. its i-'»t
at ll>M: ibut
dUtaiw he r.ina the danger of of Intrii-cl wim uif ve* h,.. uiaisw a* anolher cl*j longer. SOlUD: Cave
I* lAT esri. ladiridi.*! fsemtwv (>! i!.«geiHng married to the eympaibetle ii-ul tbe mtn ot l.ran. Fervroev of S|.irit is removed to 2JS Front s-reet overiv
• lead family Thu* my i.wd rsiuiif »bo nurae* btm fhrt.ugh at i::n.aa Ibe semi of pulpit *occew. I>aul was
■!’* Music St,vre. aear (tieinbeeg's; M 14Q Front Street
Traveme City.
fl*M( w a w«md«rfiuir pruhiable <mar- N->. there doesn’t seem lo be any iho-gbt lo be mad because of bii Chris-,1'":’^ **?“*<• » ‘cre P a. m. io » p m. fim
ehatu* for a fatlow.—Uostoa Trana- rianfervw. klurocf bis madnoxuoec- ll** *
. la Mflag t*M tba valae
a toaa RTOfiassart lii onrdav yf we wouldgircneriv
j (•)5'3»3'®«S^'S^S^w'5«SxS«5^'®'S*S>SeSdS-


... r.„ „M,...

^ AT W. J. HOBBS’ ;



a« la tbc (tortoM fatoa,
L<slac oa «trr tfar.
Uftb nor knp^a I4<«t frnltliM.
WatckMl tv Itntt padlBg BUT.
Aazlooa. «ar
mb tka darkaaM
HMger to falboo lU (loutii:
OftliD** tbr b*»n (Towatb wrary.
Voaglag lot tort'o pttfoct Uuuta.
Fatl«»er. eh heart ef ms. brani
tMr M-eda wwt follow the nlchii
■adoeM r^aeta oaiA ftatfneaa.
lOTr a fkaae erw brlfh*

Aad tbett, heart to bean, we wlU Job?wy
Ooward to llfe'a rtoal&c Tmt.


witb a BBB’a aaay ladl-cftsc* toaachi
’ twt aouir.
AAd M to tbci eaeeiapaaaiBf oi|w(iir of the iDStt-r tb-re could l>e do
■^ubc- aatUkmed Bp tberelD. all that
ThiWe of hylrta wa« a pair «f
wohderfol Use* and a fluff of
pddeD hair


- i***»*»****»»*a**»aaaa»»a*a*»*****a.*»**w

su and two tlay appaarad la prtoi bafora Two wealthy 5

-. Hyirla tb^ haiwon wai a chariot
of whoa waa the head of a Urac,
amt direct from falryUnd for her conreyanre in witne eorbaBled world. azUtlDf Weat Rldlns flrtn, and iha
hajded founder of
The .capty
tbi |.ui
. • ty au<) allrter of tb»
LMda Bank, met at a dinner
dlKbt dpllchied and amaacd her.
|•l^•I•OlUlly vlr»ti» Jlyirta wn« putraneia the principal hotel of a country
«d. tu-hek’i-eit-r H<tu ire slw waa in town. Wbilai oear the table, a dlipute
rejuhed . aroaarfti to which wap the wealthier of ^
ilun of a f
the euur ai-a-lunl
'* ■" *
the twain. At lendthH^ baaVer an*. ' *
alir couU
(rated that the qneaiion^ould be put
prtrilral teat, and the Mir drew up ' A

...........* aenin.

Tlie d.rlng Bh-b.-r «.f lli«- wax match
■aw an expreMh-u of ^■llef mnia tbc
glrl « fB'-«'. "Awl y.ui won’t an.'Ucl.v alHMit my <-o-ulng oin ber<It
a-oiild ae>-ai #0 rudp to Mra. iterriedt.
auul, hotw.r bright,
ly you d
dhlii'l b-ave ihi boot
lu the .U.ik?“
•sjh, n..;
i«i it waa lovely am
among Uio
ira and fluwen mid tilings;
beard aoiue on- .-oiiiln*. un.l mn in
her.' till he ahuuid gu {uisl. niid yo.i
aaiigbi me."
“Won't you come out and walk
■gala? ' Me was iMnglUB to ixi- b<-r.
Tlip dnrkliesi of the atiinnier boiis..
waa tautBlir.tug. and cl.lvHlry rel>e|bHi
the nideueaa «f striking Bnuih'-r
"And you will wmokey bIh- asked,
rising. In reply
qu-j-y. and
wulkliig lu Ibe d.

The starllglii that ri.veali-.l to Kylvla
a soldb-rly fortn w lili wlmrt-.-n.piK
dark bnir. aud a ;|i
Kuaiaclw. abowe<l Itruniou a iieiits
flgiire, Wbiwe^ role. „f stilt..........
svblle waltu draiwtl l.N»e|y fr.iin tli.i
eld lace ibat its a.|>iureH'>ii
IkkIIiv, a siring of |H-arls r-miNl lUr
ali-nd.-r ni-« k Hi- opiy .umnnieni
For a nioraem convetitb.u irliimptie<l un.l (l<i-.v w.-r.- Iiusbrul I..g.-ih.-r.
r Hie inti
of Hie Jmn!
Iilglil pr.'..illi'd. nlld they in. liMiyl l.l, Il.-ii.n- ..j-y bad .-umpl-l —
M .•! - -r
|1.. ii Syi.ia kn- « Hitt
a soldier, iliai tomorrow
h- w..nM «nll for lixll). I.. J..1II Ills
rrglm.iit. “F. aud 0„ t'blna. awfully
.-nlihi to n.;.s. |f" And .-rthey eiii.rg.-d froin H^bmg Ar<-ii..uv
s l.ruuton
n Hiai
....H.l. uas
Fylrin'w Ilivt pnriy. ilini sl.e
. and ll.e.1 Willi lor gra-idmaliiuiB That at that .. ........
. her
gran.lrimmiiis wo* pl-i.lng wlilsi b.
lira. IVwTlrk'a ani<-n»m; that Kylr.a
bera-lf i«s*e<» eu.l.e»» ■'V.-Dings play
lag wbial with giauduaiuma.
- never li.-,n i
. yliig
height of bla experwu.
fH to .-onie,'
“No. nev.-r. We always go to Torqoay In winter, bni tluii'a m-arly Just
the same aa U-iiic si home. l>o you
know. I've never, m-ver un.-eiiei^ uut
•r at nlgbl Is forvr'
• N..I , veD tu a ihi-atreT'
“I'.e.r biile girl! I aayr -struck by
■ audd.-o iDra—"your guartilau will ba
e over wbiat.
"AVhy. y.-s. ‘nio game lias )us| be­
gun. aud they V on't iliiUh utidrr a
•;AV.U. supp
I tak.- yon anme.
whi-n- r.w liai. uo hour ur
M«-oir.--.rn.-:.i.-baJt My .-ah Is wait
ca.j. 4>f drilglit ffdlowert by
tbe im-'ii-ii.i. "But w.AjM II not In.
Wn-ngV ali.l I can't go dren-d llku
Manlike. Itruui.ei (xwie rongb shod
over sc-r-pii*
"»>h. imt- rty wdJ k d-w. Wall hare
■ rai.init>t wh i, 1 rja p. ifaa bonacand
forage wr- i,."
U-nvirg p-li.j |q
ft Hw- sil-r, letviuming
iptvdily el.i.i in I gn ami ernah
hal. flP.I • -.r - s n b.-ty .d.«k df rel
at! i.«-;.H„^ Sylvb. m a horri•bUlhr, nUi, ie,l„,«„«dl.
aaMe mil
“Ob. that . Pi- - -1,1. «, »„be aa It',
Mg exiougb. r.-1-b..l !a-r fclluw.Mnher.

of thoae No 2381 bnodsome Lndiw’
Rofkew wiU_ yoo Uke at *l,'o0
fwch? They nre weU maae; have
hraoe anna.
Of this No. 81-8 Ann Rocker at
aatue price; with bent anna bolted
to the Beat; pretty enboned back.
The beat Rocker in the State

Uidr ebalra to a corner olf the room
where a brffbt flra waaf'bumlUE- U '
^____ ___
Bbould lay iv
that ea<
on the eoala
five pMod bank note, ^
.bonid i«
lie coualdered^ van- j
^ ”
qulabed who abould flrtt cry, -Hold.1"
Thia ilnEulAr corneal pro- ; W

i.-d and moee.1
lined aa a Ual
aa iixiurb In 1 dipaiu-murM.
What they wItoeHw-d iH-*-d
tallid. la It nut writiru In the daily
pB(»-mr Bnm.-e It to idl that («ylTU
reiiiBit«-d (d>iivl»o« to all tJniiiton blu)a ua to the laiMw of time
e n
nni'll hr
mnnuured that the l■l•llr neai
lean-d II.

aepclon room, he fouud bliniH-lf In the
ploananre. Koftly tie- Ibrill of the dla- and alglu-d at that ahe fell like Cinder,
tant mualc roar- and fell ui«n the all'l tdia It) havlii( lu lean- the laU at lU
aJr. Lena tunefully aoundrd the nearer behclit. Aiict Brunton tentatively aUEkna of cnoerraatiuii awl laUfbter. lb* (ealr<i that Ibi re uad hw-u no prilice M
wacw yeamlnp for aympalLy that had her ball; whereutO'O tSylUa avowed
tain like a cord round bia bean all day
haatlly that of ronrae lie waa tbo
^Pf>«d blin cloae. Then an affected
l.rluee-VlMn fall"r.-.l
laofb atu&c In bla ear. and Bruuton
be Wif.-«ied’ih«
fumed afrrah toward aoUlude.
'Bmotoo waa y'mng: bla aunl, new• fledfed. waa Iroiiutiure. nebobiua. and .
Vea, Byl
» aorry. very, very
kla ewoitona atlU of ihu rrwJeat.
aon-y, be waa (uiiif.
r, and p> rbaiM when
he n-lumed In ihn
ree year* be would ,
have fonr«iU-n berl Ajid Hruunm «a> i

d to know or cure. For ibr <ir>t
Uiue be felt loiimraliml u. mourn ibe
lack of ueur retaltvi-k to fuaa aud we<i»
over bla dejiarture. Ilia coming to
Hn Ilerrlcka
At Iluwe" bud been
a tnlatnke. too. Ilariug a few boura
to Cll In. be had .^.mr will) lln- M. j
that It would i>o«* the time ph-a.AliC.v.
h'ow he fell auuoyi d at hi* roily lu *o
Taking out a clgtr be III a iiuIHk
wlibli a »>aTtive z.-|<liyr idjiyfiilly .-illnciilrh.d. . Aiiioni; >h'- eliniloWB bid a
rii>lh' arlMtr and
liolde the
abeller ot tie d—.may lu> etrin-k n
fr>-Bb i;l.''’iu
rinrti K up hhclitl} It nvenh-d. biiddl.-d np .-loiu. to the liark
wall of Un- arle.r. a ulitlnkliig girl
toll form.
For one Btartled nomem hi* keen
eyea lu.ik>-<1 amaza-iueiit lui->
frlghl.-ljed Idue "li'H.
“tviiy, hy Jov.-:! 1 aay.'' he <Jae•Utc->I lti'-.»'uc.|uiiiity.
Tfae ctalldleli
ctalldivb fare,
face, aet In an aureole of
u buir, rul«e.l npiM-atlngly to hl«.
I. pl-niM., (•lenw. don't tell Atiy■•Ob.
body. ■I only ,aui.- o« here lu get
'row lb
. - y.iuT '
... ________
ha a^tiuud of union, hHweeu ua. f


ilnmton ibougbi be would like tholr
next ><ir.-iliig ID lake pincv. aa ihia
bod, lu a garden: nwl Sylvli
b.T.-d lliat a ••ertnlu »:re.-n du
In the
bigb wall euelrcIJiiR her grttudiuoiber a
gruuiula c^Velied ■•t' 1 .lUlet aide nw-l.
liny .-oiilii drive

long ^
time, till at leninhMi dawned on the
lera brilliant mind of tbc tniouracinrer t 2
that he waa haring the worai of Ibe en-1 9
counter, ^e nmea were thoae of hla

We hare a fine large line of
A nice Oak Cobbler
Seat Rocker for ti 60.

obt“ntni'»>»nk. iLen unlreraally uaed
In ibat part of the country, and every
**’* manufacturer placed or.e on
burning embcia tbc aatute Vo.-kahirc banker waa live pound* ibe rich­
er. whllai eacb move .of tbc barker

It cm SiwUI lltiHIu H lUi Oitn at Ciiiutii SithliUlog.

hlnaelt involved him In no peraunaJ


a Poor aal Howeal Aeehblahan.


»f Pi'-P “"d
decoration. Once, when the gueat of i
country clergyman, be waa miivb ntiBayed by the display of ailver caiidleat rk* In hla room. After bla Ixirdablpa departure tneae tllver candlemiwliere to lie aeen. The
e wrote t
the 1

|iu^".i.'ir; ~.',o *■ W...1J



■I'ln-r.-nt'er the stira wlineased a aoldny Hire.,
hm w.iiild
unbe k Ibr green door to give Bruntoa
were very niiieh In eni
Two IvmI tears gllat.-ucd
e.vps H» »n.- a|M>lof in.- XI.........................
gririj iliHjr inUBi r-iiuiln vlc.-il. Aud
Hninuiira vole- got Iniaky. and he
uderliig hit fai^-w.-lU
be• wi>,
lb-.-m.rltg Mra. l.errlrk'a
camiouely. tbe|.rila bad
gaiui'.l Ibe aate VHi.i.-)ge of th e ahrunhi-ry Iw-forv euixii.itiTiiig at
In warvU of Hyl.ia. Martliigalo
was goliTp. bad
geiiig for i|ulle
leu liilUbl.e. anil both InT eloik wild
her granddaughter
to •«*!


Id aim. t.MT*

"f *>'’
t-x what his bat>l>ened*’'
The reply
canic by w-in: "I’oor, but boua»t; look

las ibeia'her.of tbs
e: the .jounker wai
tid lu marry Jier.
e Ibe avenige youn|
wife -no better, nc

111 ttic cbvai of drawers."
, Tills Is not Ibe only aliver adventure ,
Id wbich Atrhbishop Temple ba* been ■
On another .evasion b* 1
put up by a cIcrEyman durinc ibe

It want-him at

Fine Horses For Farmers.

u her fa’hcrs. who .ell aa ihls one did.
i J'trbiip* then- Is no anewer.
.So when the vo ink man rams, the
t-oliler waa prei areU to ei. ei him as one
t whie was by uo means iltsi In hla ealimuHon.
man wa»
A'-'P'iishop lacimli-aliy replied "Uri, awnre of the ubiar's ler-liag. but quite
Temide cJoesoT like rougbiug it." Tba dlsregurded P.
vlergyman'i f.-elliir.s were deeply Jnirt.
p-eihiMi of irchuurei under ibi- circumfor the visit had meant annie expense

wbaeine of that flerifyniuu-*

The first of next week I ■will

and murb anxiety to him. He unhur- i
.^e yonng man ia. csmcwlted
d.ned b , «,ul to hi. wife on her re- ^ ^oes with.m- saying, t.u, be wm. no. an
t\by. mydear. .be ax.lmme.l, • isolaied example, as ab\ one may
.-'you didn't anreiy put the {tlabnp In the ' know who knows yuuug Uien
pink bedroom, did you?" He did. "Oh.! "'VeM?" greetnl the father,
then, ihai’a lb I put all tbe plate In
»>'H«r ai>pcared lu hla presem-e
• I funry ,
by I am:
tbe bydi"
here. " reapundfd ibr rall.-r,
; may
»' **'


the lirti
rile g. een d.w.r tbo
auftly. aud llruuloii.
■Hindini: In
of an Ilex.
WoiiM tilllluply b:i\e .ln.|.|H-d uut of Ills life
lug U.iiir
Kluiv t
reiiini to lingland a few

"Aa >uu]

r .............
And .v.-t - Ri-'Md iBvextlgjlioni have .hown
•Syu'ij, I that tbe principal source of the ti.ilf
airtAffi ia nut the Florida vhatinvl. h.ii
tHte-y be bad •i-i the region between and beside the iad»id>
.« be tpid ebaiigUndi of the iVesi Indies, At liinloiii
ed, and lu tell Isddly that
tbe volume of ibis warm water it
Ing bad iirt.vetl biu an In.-ld. nt. «>f t
tlmea aa great aa tbe eombim-d volume
niomet t 111 the »nl.-e1iig of hi. life,
nf all the rlvera la the world ai tbeir
lie must undiHv>i\" I er as ii-nd.-rly t
ssllile. ajwwk of K1»JI

the marriage of your daugliteci sold £lt( ELUCttiOH Sit) tillO LlVOFy &>Ud.

"\Vell»' anid the father, with
flection whhb dIU nut Ixslc well.
"I UDderMuud that yuii do n.i
favoriMe iipnn me os the husband ol:
your dau.ih;.r, and J wwil to assure!
you I)
that 1 am not here uo my own Inhall. 1hut upon bers.'
•T" excluInHtd
faibnr. heU
: rluug.
at b"03 hers, sliw 1 said." the amarin;
llrely .happy
IB watch has been brought youuE man w. ai uu. ' Kbe
wile, dlyvta. had 1 eg
luae me would break
aught but a |>n-ny, t
■IV. The dini i> irau.|uiviu
'. but not as isbv me.
ibram-e to- Idiu
| but tbrn- are no works behind It. and
Vov. kiui' one luuai io\e uioie sir«{^as he a.-)KM>t--il hlmseU-a dlatant ‘ tbe bnitda a|>]ieir to mute by mxgb
llll'l willi
The s.vrel U«s in cuuceallUK tlie works ly than the other, and It la her
Ill* steady MHiud
Mile was Hi.-rr!
an op. iilng b>
ciiting the motion to tbe baCds by i badToved her as
love-, me.
• llriudle. he (uisseil
i.'iiHy I liming
nieaiu of a giaM disk.
love would have made me afralil ..
Itm.iigli tide gr>-.-n dis.r iitid eiil.-r.-<l

VS 1

loojsale Barn of Geo. Cams, (formerlsr UHnlngiiU's g:iid<-U..H. side Hiu
■ loisiii of the old foiinialu
.i..h1 SyiM
irlit aparkllnj
l«-ss.-ssion of Hie BrilUh Miiseu:
on bi-r linl
Iboritles^ havltig been di«.-.j\.-,
glaii.oiir t.
A wwlfl |MUg s.ieiie biM as he waw by a French exp;
It I*
that Its » b. n Hi.-v i—«i nn-l. she wore
siipp(i».-.l that II KBS l.v
wIilI.-, (iirgeilliig Hint to-, I.Hi. h.l I
at.oiii the year fAWH, I’. In shaps-i’glit In r<^-apiurc bla f.inin-r aspect
II M'senthles a penny bun. and Is ni
f..r l..-r i b »„
|ierfc4 cOLdhion.
ii.-r ey.'B itn-l bis in ■|.■l•sll»nit;K np-p.-al. nod for aTm-.n-ni ii iiiini nt.!i I
asntw (or. IStiemeiits
jf iiU.v. rouiatnv. afl.-. il..u, .-nil it
A Ib-iliir pxlent ag.-u.y aniiouoi-ea
yon will ov.-n*m.- idiii. ami. sprlugIklMl a Poli,ii entmeer has found a
lug f-runnl. be «Hq;bl bet bands.
I method of cheml.'alh tre.i;-ng sirnw Im
»uili a way that it can !»• pit-*»..i Into

nak my hu|H.-s by usking yuur cuosenL I
As U is, 1 cuma to you in raniidence,
believing the* you love your
so much better i'
J du me t
I will I
wishes in the luauer.
By this time tbv tailier waa Indlgnanl uud iIoIvUL ’
"Vou an- Ibe mom conrelted luw t
ever .ho.iid talk.' be said, "and it you
art- uoi .lUt ol liere 'tu two uituuimi you
Will le ki.-k.-d uUL '
"All ol Huicb uiuy. be
. you aay.“
am lelUiir
.yoii ihe pUiu iiuiii
It you Will kiuuiy
k-f.-r the matter toi your dmighlcr, yuu
will gn.-al]y oblige

141 sulMnm-e as taid as stone and cheap.
1 rr Ibhu wood juving. lor w bich |r Is ex■ peeled to prove a aubstltiite.
of .oneiraiut. Wliieil Krunlon Vi-alir-Hi ;
w:— not nil of bis .-w.i niakliig. Sin- ]


le-ci.|ian«ed riwii.
In Southern t’altfornla there la a ICtl-

I rd Is to« only

qualldcatbin necessary

Ib-blnd then tbe fountain splashed 1 fur memhcrsblp.
alleii.v. s|n-uklug a
1 answer to bis
Tbe pope la very fond of birds, of
•You you Imve chat
not tbo I which he posaestei a conildecable num.
Iimk ..Ider and
Gaudy-colored yiarrots

As Ibe laibcr'rBW r-inu' hia chair
fonng man wa .
he rall.-d
D the youos

“Aiid J«ylvla. I V i-b 10 icll .vou-I
kn-K It sr-niB m-BO und eroel -hut
last year i m.H U-nnor. and-”
'IlosbV' int.-mipiecl A,r1vli(. aoddeni-l lur


vantage to wait for this sale to se­
cure a fine farm or draft horse.

___ ,



5Thejractical BicycleBQiiderjDd Repairer}

CsiHor opt.f.el. pbons Ki. ISl. le rail si il erl .•enr

si'.i i,s>. i, ^..i m ^

c.Piso.t ~ r B., I,e. u.drWior-N. TW-ohl, nine.Iso. ».u-j,-|e «,.rs. m ia« '
d Hit. Will rive Ten p..rt«.i.t -a-'i
'sro'ilsw ln_ iMilMUis. lessirliir ..r •esa.nnsor ao §
^ rlisrai.. Csll srO S.V tST Isilll

A Want Ad

~i wouldn't be aorprlaed," replied
the youug man.
"Uuod moruiug.
Much obliged."
And so they were married .end lived
happily, too. to the- end of Iheir dayshee never regretting.
regretting, lor she waa rich
and bcautllul.
lutliul. and tbe always
fur the
D aha loved bjwt Jn all (be
s her husband.—WaBhingion

In The Morning Record

A Beowlirwl MwMle.
Ha del tha Job.
At Pompeii a mosaic life alte por”I wonder how far got such a good
trait of u woman, the first anUque foL" he aaid.
poruhlt Hi mosaic ever discovered fasa
"^i by. don't yoB know?" the retara-|
been found. The workmsnsbip Is so f? - '
3S-*PP>'t-d for It he told'
line that it Is difficult to dl«-ern that
Ibe follow lag

.. i.....

t'-,".";:' r.i?“

nwaalaw WHIIowali.s
There are biindreJs of inUllonairei i

’^r* .'**'*

*■ ready people are to help a «nan
to get Into iruunie. aren't iheyT"
sbrre of Vast domsin* ccmu.piBg gold
She dirtn'i auMvar. She didnt feel
diver of UtcaU-iiial.;.- val---»
hilt (hat sbr could answer without exbu-itmg a leui|>er llial -he u-^oaily trieg to
jkvep in tvnccalurnt.—I'hicwgo Fost.
In Russia whose fortunes are In the


Quick Returns.



, •“I'*

ward fhf Vglit..
tlsil.1.; ai r-.-s tlo- I \)uii>M. of lawn.
As Ih.-J | I i>ife, frnur an u|u n
fi-etiie .-ry—vague
ptsintlve. «c-D lll.g It. nne-otip- Into H.e
eight. ' '
pj.rla'S eyes l.'Uhl flrnaton's hla
w..i flerl«. Vr* !r.irl..n. wlHiaiatenia]


The atrru.phere Is so riesr In Zulu- '

For La Oripp

ii i« said hhjeri, seen.- Thomas WMtefleld A «o .S4« Wahwab
hr si;ir!:flit at a dutacte of seven avenue. eort«. r Jackson sxrret, ooe of
jCfaiowgo's oldest pod B>nst prasioem
[druggl-l». rev mmand CoamberlalB's
e. at^ it Bot
A PtrewBVbewItta Fwwd.
Covgh Krmedv for )a grippe.
A Chita** athlata aays 'Ihit Om OT»y give, a p-ompt aM
brains of



are th«



Farmer#will find it to their ad-

t changed my
ly opinions
voncnnilng you aiu.v yeaierday
lerday ■ ba

He must leU her. and .>

* “jsyivfa ■' be hegnn. breatbleasly.
“litres- v.wrs is a b-ug iliui—"
•t»b. yes: Is IfasiV who interposed.
■i.And you know, onc-'a vlream'
ataiii---s iilt<-r -new pi-otib- Inlerrene."
-V. -. >- s: ... ilh-j- .1,. ••
Jlie uu.-xi«-Ced was
dlscs-ueinlng. but be doggedly sinuU.

Geo. Moir’s) on State Street.



for him.

have a carload of the best horses

"'“lever brought to this region to be

|ir.«<-lilng oaidgnatl-



moJt : ^

We are buying in large quantities and pay highest prices.

We aba sell Soaeil Heieigct bimlier, Maple Flooria{
end Sbort Maple Woiid.
Xo alaa hava lor aale lands for good farms.



m* »u>>»tb«4 la Elrtr oU akla
rrom bU fliis«ri te bll tOM.
Asd buiMU ib« r«nov •llekar
B« wor* *


«tnmu twtMB. JtP. Bamtt' Irtan*.

Jenaie. folly dresb^ and »lih a Uap

ad (o Uve as a prUa a copy of a naicral history by Be&L Boi «e ebotild

la bar kaab.
»kl» face,
Cutag do*s at tbea from lha upper

•have known belter than to beMeve ibal
Mr. Barrett, who oarer iosea an op-

“Oh. Jess " she cried, “what Is the

to use a word
three s)i_


JIa «af usfied itn« roncbad asE srli- 'Ublea. ataonld
*vb«el' far 'blrrcia.'
<Ih« Idea's ndleuIoM.,

Fraa bta aarTtc* om tha aaa, '


»atter?“ Jessie fare a bturled account of the aiieinj'ied robbery, and as


trethbllDS Jei
Quickly UBlocklLC( the d^ of
!, and*Then started
closet, .be opened It,

PU to a pless.a
ovqcr. Mrs. I'an

“Well, no wetter,- aald Kluy, eoolh.
inily. "It won t be a secret lone, you

hmcDt. Fur
back with a cry of asionlshmi
tbete. crouched In n corner, a

' know. for one of tie Bve seldom keeps
a secret-lone from the othm four. And
BO* «e rwlly must «ei to work at ihu

• *hlte. frlBhiened face »as-F
the Brar
A black s'lk mask lay on the
Bm and
■ black ale.- mustache and whuke.-a

Standing In a corner of her dru
room. It Is heaped full of flowers
most times of the year. Mrs. Cruger

Bha was Erooed lb dainty tab b««ra
And ahe had a qnaenly air:
.Bte bras baauUInl ta look on.
Ci«<lroed b) lovely silken hair


*‘U«blbtntsr keeper, resalrraa.*'


Ad InteresUng relic is the cradle

•. anTSmh

P^'-'ked up the cradle in FarU at an aucUon. It U of dark wood and wiibout

M vas Just




Ewnire o'clock and the poplls of the
-^hasterton Academy bed jirauered in
4IVCTS dlrecUons to eat their lunehw.

Dorlng the aftercooh Jeasle received
uklng her
_______________from ranni-.____________

came you haw? I don't understand."
whereas your burglar?" asked

to apeod the afierkiMn and evening ot
the follon-ing day.
Saturday, el her

Ibe i

%Mie had guns to a cTump «f mapies a
• iMon dlstanre away, ate* nmalned In
,Bli#’'buU<linr;. but the majurity were
iBcailered lu tmle groii; e] over liie
•parlous pley-Rniuiid.

Acumg the Ul-

4er vas a grui.p of Brc s <<a «hu were
•eated on ibr yrasi In a qiilei. serliid•ad oumor of t:i>* plsv-xrouud. In the
Mtade of a wId'-.WRwillog oak'tree.

lUving ilnlsbc'd their lunch they wiry
dlaeusslng aiilnii'Uilly a Xiplc which
alt Cbciurum
had h>
tug n«mename.sAnce lour o'clock lh;it nn>. dug.

H^r father, mother and brother
lalt friends at a dUui
(urn until e
Auuld probably
mornlna, she wrote, and ther^

J 'dge

leading otlsni ol the little luao
been bruken ioiu and roUied of

IB many of yon as being a very small
theft to create so much esc ttraeot. but

•IV. conil:> parties
1 they had

•neaped, and naturally the cunvc
Won turned from this to other aSaln
•f the aeme sort. Thun each told thrillIngsuirlrauf robberies wbirii they bed
Beard or xud and what they UiuuRbt
they would do If they awoke at the
gboatfr hour of mldnlgbi and were

Then she

of this epri. Ah. It was easy then In
the bright siibligbt. and siirTouDdrd by

• cruel looking plaiol barrel, held by
■tasked and still more cruel-louking

Uul >

Ulue-eyed. go'-dan-baired. timid tittle
Kilty Moure wuh. poAllive Ibal

the bull's-eye labttrn which the rub­
ber carried, the tbougbt of leaving her

would faint. Elsie t-eUnd believed the

bed and confronting him made her
weak with terror. While ahe wai

aometblng very cowafflly they fell cer-

frlends to think of being brave.
ill alone aa she was.
leird light in the room can by

thinking thus, the burglar was rapldiy
hewrcblng the drawer, of the toilettable for vatuablee which did not seem

wbat you

-n her tbougbta reverted to lha

len yoi
find a revolver In Hose piuafmliy to

tiny silvee-moiinted revolver which ah#
had placed under her pillow before re­

yoBv fai-e." said Elsie.
The person addressed. Jessie Klng•uw. was a tall, dark:«)ed. dark-hair____________
•d girl who bad earned the repuii

since the burglary at Judge Oaynor's.
Uui ho* eoiild this pruieri her agalnel
lha huge revolver which ahe felt cer-

tiring. as she had done every night

oars-wom- Jialn the burglar carried. Suddenly ahe
••r bains the besi
•m lannta-player. and aU-rouod aihleie caught tight of a pistol «>« •
•mong the Chesterton glrU. And this
.... repuutlon ,o be proud of. for

"bout two yards from her and about
three from the burglar, which he must

the inns trf Cheeierion. with very few

have pUced there before commencing

exc^ODs wero not

thoaght. that be carried another,
But If she aeciired It she must do eo


fond ot
athletics, bat alao skilful In ;hem and
ecu were
■early all of Iheir spare
n out-door exercise.
"Wbat I would du on aueb an uceaslOB di-i>euda niusilj on clrcumBiaBeea."

qi lckly. for he bad nearly
(he toliet-iable. and ahe felt ceriaiu
te would turn his auentlot next to the
diuBted MTo'im
bureau, which

aald Je-«k- quic.iy. "Kut 1 ihtuk that
with toy .fU-ecglb and knowledge of
fire-arms. I could manj^ a burglar If
or muacuU"

sen-red the weapon; but aa he had al-

tar.r."2 “ta r,

wHa." Kilty aed Elsie were lost
tnlrallon at this stteech .which they
. thought tbe ejRenre of bravery. But tbe
•iher two were ekepikal a. to IU


to turn to Je-,A;e ahd levelUiig bur re
roUer. romm.ind her to give up hel

,,,a „i_,

nevrly rsacbed his elbow, whj* to her
horror h» turned a masked, bewhlsket-

Mr in the same place. EUie remarked; "What can have come over Jennie
and Fatinin Uie'y? They have ukrn

ed fare toward ber. Jeaale neither
fainted or screamed, but before he
could move she had placed ber putol
'on a level with bis bead and aald In
voice, which after a nighty effort she'
saeceeded In making calm and firm: |
a mvscle. or .peek a word and '■
fire." The robber appeared'

•ret between the-.n and I can t rest cnUI I find U on:; it's aa understood tact
-that cariosity tt the worat of myaiany
• (.iiiBga."
"I must ronfess that I hafint noticed
anything unm-uM al«m them la aplie
•r my
glasses," aald short-sighted
"Xor I." aald Jeirie; "Klsle seems to
, f.fvliy'lor



heard-of ibiogs^
.iiuiae you
siit had us all on the ilp-:oe of excitesneat taf'ytns »he overUifd rich Mr.
It tHI Mix. Itlske Ilia; he IntendlUrvrii '
ahtri to the meie-LU-r ot
. «• to give I
ss« Mvtef the m.u: com•ur taJianr cti
. tsurnlng
plcia faeiharl'
a Mtea
bo* dei /hied '
lud ua;



Impression it palOftil or annoying

Chlneee and Indlnii fishermen have '
now -exploited’ to furClaclen
n ingeiikiiiR way of iralnlng theotu-r.
le market,
f'erhapa tUe
lement' nisb ice fc
hey caleb the small <-iit> anil |Mit a
that of I)u Caaaei, on Mount
■hMr<BV the Uw
an hour be- ; Brat
Mllnr round tbe lUiwat. Tin- liltld
Pelvnoi. from which the ice la brought
-eature. finding lltulf uualde for da,.a
ill in their
down by an aerial line and aeai to
.getlx-r III swaltow anyiblug li caii bea I
ar-- gives up irvlug to do «>.'and tiiially 1
Al Crindelwald. above
,er l- liev..* for the n-st of it* life ibai an ;
glacier from
.nymlluaion to Satur-


It iu this'way.

Hut boih made
leave practical

ons ot the last century, and for tbe
rat sccurale cbrouuuieler—his lourih
attempt—he recclvixl .the reward of


.ta a—« umr

i’f f.v aR- V
' IH-! .lie •«*t Be C«wU.
TU dl';?:.tlwi between the, parirt

r .. r ar. :
. turned rather white, then
. ,i»;rr:rd l.y
•loved hls llps-as though to apeak, but
he repealed her command and he re-’ r;. -.itroing to
:- mn holiday
aalned silent. Then, with tbe pistol

a cuut Uiy.
Tite virtorMTUliy of Uulina has a

curate in the old days U
a story of an old rectof.

clTluler leaf'from alx feel to IS feel In
diameter. It is turned up at the edge

bis parish after hls auand noticing a woman at

like a tray, and can support, according

cnitayv door with her bab.v in her
irms be asked; - alas lhai child been

"Well, air." replied the
door Of a near-by Hotel and walk la- , bariitfd? "
side, and after-, monent'a heaiutlon .-ourir.ylng aether. “1 shouldn't like

IP Us size, from fw- pounds

snceceded In awakanlng him. and they
mimed guickly together.
As ibty Rsceitdcd jhc atalrs they aaw

Heleaty once said of the latter;
speaks to M M tt 1 vas a p«bUc meat-



The liter-leloc nirniN-r of robhertr*
In Fninee hasted to one rgmailoD of
■D assiirtiii.-.' Mx l.-iy ngaluet Iom-* by
ibi-fi. TUi- anx.ui.t m iix.n.-y joild 10
the rlnloia of «jii- llgbt Bug<-rv-d gentry
d.-i>etxl». of roorw-. cn tlte pmoluui* recelVE-d hy tlx- irwwH-btloo. It nilgbt
pay such a ctmipat’.'' -•« »« *'igR< arW. to
sum a school <<f ihl-v«i. a-, tbe
widely the tatter ply ibHr trade. IW
greater te likt-ly to be the sue<-.-»a of lha
Lew \-nierpri»c.



to 300

Kroarw Milk.
Frozen milk is no longer a nt

be obeyed.

With a slrh of relief Jessie locked ,
the door and putting tbe key In ter
pocket. filMsed burr>dJy and went oti |
There has been discovered in India a
throegh Ihe haU. At her friends' door )
strange plant whieb posseaaes aatontehshe hesitated, not knowing whether to '
, . Ing Kagnetlc power.
The hand touchawaken them or leave them to sleep
‘^;iBS it Immediately receives a Bro&g
peace. She decided uj
' magnetic shock, while at a distance of
coarse, and descending the atalre the ) twenty feet a magnetic.needle te enact­
brought her wheel from the wooded l.y h.
ebed. not without some feartulnesa. It
-The «wrew wbR Otadelawe.
must be confessed: then, moantlng It.
Lord BearonsSeld elwaye got on
ahe hurried down the road for the eon.
auble who lived a ouavtcr ot a mile much belter with the Queen than did
awav. After eocaldvrable dlSculty eb- Mr. Gladstone, It le recorded that Her

Ienml RipWs 4 ludiaiii a. li

To the aon'of a Yorkshire carpenter
1 due one of tbe most useful icveu-


I It nsvl'

tht- bunk all the flah It cap-

icilma of good-nai
which they bore as patiently
.-s to

V been turned


incidmit. bit the constable

),«vHic tbi«• ul|>|M-rw
—..................iiul.-d>4 iu il>e
fli-sh. Hint kills the ant. hut. as he Im,
eerv.-tl liU ux«i useful purp
veil. Tlie «)}x-r»tloli I
UUlli vlx- w-ouml 1# s*-w<-d
Rod thurougbly.

Intbegroundto'geioutotthellghi. fu
eyes are *0 t-onamiried as to receive
only the Impression of light, and that

«ou«h tor ft •»
>ou pointed
• iwful revolver at my head, tgb!
shudder now. JaeaK
™*'d idMil"" ydta br..,ry.
After this the dlagtsied conauble

while Kluy Moore. EUie Leland and
Joaaie Kingston were eating their din-


“ji Chicago —«
'Si; West Michigan.

_______ _!i-

like the heroine of-The Curfew.
Then she moved with a nolselej^r^ ,
rapid gtep toY-vd the buiglar. and had *“

held nnfaliaringly In the same pos.-

o. V. rARVKR. Aset
lab brides


RDd most of them had entirely forgotten their oooveraatlon under, the oak
tree. On l-'riday ot the same

rion. she commanded him to open the


ate Queen ''Mirlc Antoine

At this threat

Then, slip-,

waa not

U so ,v<»u know

The-weddicg ilieas ot I

t! KS

on the revolver, ehe grasped 1.

I'm sure they have some as-



ditHu and

Ay.m tt-k. .It..
he could lake anything she had. Then
ri»c« olimiiily ir
the disguise was te be reunned sind tue;ii uf a«tB>3|
m.Tly V1I-; riv.-t
the burglar was to dUHoee her Idcu- or tn be made Ititu vCAimunta. '
ibe dl}>r»Mbiioii. n
The mirror before which tlen. Wa*h- wonhy of lu >mi
The very Brat part of the programme Ingtun mad.' bis daily toilet has for il.e large as a
r.- nrv imidly a
bad passed off ver^ sraoolhty. Fann.o last ibiriT-uveyejri b»n banging In a pliitna. Now
imits to In- M'
TU.- n«K III.- it
having iei.'tcred the door while Jennie
of til.tinlil il>«- tlxxl
remalne<l on the outside to bear what
chased at the sale uf tbe4|x;ri-ohaI af■- valleys. At I
urud Kwpl4U...
passed Wlihid which she could not see. fec.s of IJiwieLce Washrurtim. a gr.-.t- , i.r iiK- w.i R
Uut KaoDies IneMuricm-t^ in the ait
nil waiiY. roll tlii-iuA.'Irc
neph’ea- of the BrKt iTeatdcni.
of burglary had led ber 'io make one
ni:-l lie low till 111.- iintt
.glass is fr.-.CMil ill gill, and at the top.
iiuiy lot coroe lor two ]___Wuipo Koem,
grave mleuke
Id a background of while and black
ibilc. til.-jiroi Id.-ui
In lead ol r
eaamel. is Wasliingums coat ot uima
.U-.1.-" of K..I-TI Boriii.
with her she had left 11 lying cm a,
OtRnd KsoidA...
engraved In gold, with
hia muiio,
• luiRfortm..- to funiUll a
near-by cbalr. and because .>f this Jea-‘
Lv UtmS tuples .
Kxtlua acu vrubat.
irsiy lOio-k. The i.«ilv.-e
sle bad berome master ot the sttusUon.
A.n..S-r\V:>-:iia.-lon r-lic i. » RW
When Jennie beard Jessie's command palm belonging to the White tiousw
and afterwards heard the closet duor
. j.l.ittt.
T he prearni bead gardener, baa loolu'd
Lt. Traw.-sv CltJ.
cloap the bad fled In a panic to her bed­
tp bta htsiory. and verifies the fact
ir.klb Rapids. ..
U from aiiuUlvr eaigie
room where she remained nnill aba
that it Was pre-entedto Ueu. Washing­
heard the door cloae after Jessie when
ton by a Ualiituute menbani. whu got
ahe hurried to her room, bin was powIt In Ceba' when it bad already ob­
10RO DR aaVBN. OearrsI P.RRgr Agvm
erleaa to help Fannie, aaribere waa but
tained a reijrrciable age.
The plaht
Tbe naliv.-ltrnr.ilinn. far removed aa
one key to the closet door, and this
was for', lung time at Mount Veniuti, he tistmll.v l« iruai dmn.rK ami »nrwas at that moment aafe In Jesale'a
but one day tVuahlngion presented it B«-«ii», di-fw' upon a llul.- ant t...«»w
pocket. When ahe heard Csinatable
to a lair vlaiior who admired IL The ti|. Mr w.Hjn.le Wkeu hr' is alaehi-il «.r
wraichi-d. Trutii to tell, tn.- avcia;^*
Murray and Jeaala enter she bad hur­
plant waa an heirloom unUI about fifty
aurgi-uti ottulil dn the Job m. U-ll.T tluin
ried to the atalre. but decided not to
years ago. when wKb other things It these Utile Innt-le. Tlx- am luis two
. To take egret Wed
tell her knowledge of the affair until
was sold at aucUon and secured by the sirtmg nit“l’‘'r*‘ "U I'l-- b'-ti'l
Tb.-y are
they l^d dUvover^ Fknnie. for Jennie
head gardener of the White House. It III* wea|H>ns for luitili- or a foragi-.
waa raib^ timid by nature. If the
la ihoufbt to be Svo years old—older When a Brazilian has rm blmw-lf. for
truth must be ronfeaaed. When tbs
(-xaiii|.l<-. be iiU-k* up an ant. presMt-w
than tbe Covernmenu
story waa finished, both girls asked
tbe nippers agninst ilie woiiud. one on
Jessie's forglvcoeaa, which waa readily
enHi side, nnd ilx-n gives the bug •'
Tke Mole-. Kpes.
: granted, ''And. Jessie." aald Fannie, in
stiiieeze. Tile ludignant insect oatTlie mole has been suppused to be
e ‘^X^'
AoncIuBlori, “of course 1 could not be almost desiiiute of eyes, either through uTwllv anaiiR hi- ulpiM-r« ii>g.Ux-r.
. ...
«.Rli aud bringing the
■ selfish as to ask you not to tell about disuse or because it has little need of P*''
eratrd iisns Hom- io(p-ilier. Toe
it. but please, please do
such tnlnga In it. underground hablta.

cenalnty punished
lion. Tbe new idea la that It Lurroma „„ „
I jerk, and away It HI.-h,

pulled out the retolvfr.


.11 werkot hgtb-.- tow-IMSkriwde. Plm
w%Tk. -rwitiiy.

Ever ihimed Oatr
works a

cunBdeni ihut sbe woi
tMra In br.r eyes and ireuibltng with
fear for the burglar not to shoot and

pl«* tnm bed. ehe tJ|^ nolael^D ‘
toward the chair and plaH^ bar blend

Mae of notes (bey have v
.hen- Ul'ia Blake

after seanblni
lut to find valu-

abics. They had planned Ibui ahe wat

thought buHliile more of the bvrgl.ry

that tbe rest of ui might hear their
eoDvereatlcma And then tbe guantl-

In bniil nliU.

Uulh. alihough they did not put their

perlng together, and seem eo afraid


id In rututtu glng the tollet-igblc was
lunke a roi.c snfflHently loud to

.Utoubu into word.
Several day. went by and tbe flrU

have acted so strangely for
day or so; you aurely must have no­
ticed It. girls They are always *hls-



• |iii^'iivp-hi

'Upped her hand under her pillow and.

> Mr. Fbilllp'a
their lunch and gone
orchard to eat it. AndI Ibesides they


lim. She olaer ' wi npli |ii>a i|>its
. at ai.eliun for ' tip>.i< tin-'i

, Ki aurn odcr at sight of a reiolver.

thing site dreaded must now «w# lha.
b. Ibl.hi .lb,™ b.rt b«tw, .h. tad

ihan burglara gnnerally prove to b

'John-K. Santo,
CBneral Ijsuiance.

Che ;in<l wig. They bad planned mat
niile WHS to eni>-r by Ibe ball door

V'annio wns t
the bnreaa.

ilmoat between her and tbe pIstoL Tbi

That is. 1 could If I were not so allly
M to be frightened half out of my


cuken the m rupani of the bed. Thru
sviug her'to eidure tenor
>ougb to m:<ke uuyone >ui frU-bteoed

be room, and ns she .lowly opened her
tyea they fell fi ll upon a man stanJ-

rememliered the -cimversatlon under
the oak tree and bo* bravely she had
believed ehe would act in a sUuati.^a



The Krop^ev Josei^int

Rome ttee after midnight she was
iwnkene/1 by a airsuge sound within

CBinr Boo king to her mind.

“ »»•


•I'ae baud-.e of,
n u two bc i.!.. .


iir.iiigeiy miicd wlUi Latin and tdey-

gonfruoted by a bull's-eye Uotern and

be wets no more Itrwve


the burglar,
»uU of her big bn

Ic’.le «bU T. AhPtit ten oviock it
^lired. and bidding her friends goi
light M the dtrnr Jcsle was smw iu
led and asleep, dreaming dreams

rwoutd acreani. while Jennie Keith and
.-yaanle Rewerd badu'l'a^des wbnt
they would do. but
it would be



rror. and frag‘
ibputa of Ibe horrible tuirs which her
friends had told, earlier In the evening


Kh iu which the
the French iaa<ie his ce- i

ibotight to pit h

la ieuci«-

»"* Wk his back toward her bed and
biDdlng over the tollet-iBble.

he situation she
drowsy bi


hsd no f.-vilb in Jessie's Idea ul how
and . bad
'"c *•—“

tbwi atorlca and .ihrllll
mlil.h almost au

known n robbery alnie the uldeil InAablUDl ws. a Ud of BRecn. and the


.Vj'ri!.". i>lo. and
If .SdeaJa—ie<.:|.

Eemcmber ihaf 1 da all Wads of rw
Bwlring and enamelio*. and i hat I ear
and do glee ynu the U-si wof^i of any
■me in the cay forthe money.
be deceived b-- wbat otheiw tell yot. «o
the eootrwry, bat eomr and ae« foe

and why a ''Liirslar" bad that
entered Je.-sle's ro. m- i^nd UjI. Is toe
shUtaltte of wbai they tu:d: 'ib>y had

iBaylng and other girlith amusemenia
After lea they ercni the early part ot
the evfiCltiB ill iiiisfuwJVs'lv Bitb I

T«u Buu reDieiuhar ihal Chesterton
vaa a very amnlj town and had not

Jecuired as to who Die


seemed to lead

- Wns bark. Of course ibm wilt ap|M-ar

This group of girls j
perMD'a veralona of the

tsTtitii-a-, (lata>(l

violin UDd Vanr-ie at the piano. T
latler part they sMtt In story telll;
pursuit. Jennie's and F<


lA . ’ Bfty dullara In muaer and of a]^e
antrr. which
WTvi the pild. of Mra
•^ynor's betrt and hud etc-uly all ol U
been in toe Ravm.r family for eecera.


aiand the aluiailon. "1 Imagine we are

rills reached b'aunie's home and i«»s. , test by acilrg lh<

' ' )y the rubbery whiOi had wicurred the
•Igbt befurr.
The house of

has been In her busband'a family for
fifty years or more. A paredment—

Then Fannie lielfW out b.v an peceslooal wold trciD Jennie, told J>at bow

to Slay with her. she thcugfai
would liar, all eijuy.vble Haturd
reply. Jt ria
io o
COthlLKHlOle to prevent.
hUrlyouSanird..: nrivmodn. thetwo
•d a det-'.iiiul

iuliy being open, the gull
i ui..n the luunv ,rc.

which he caceped (rdm Kuesla In ISll '
It belongs to a Chicago woman, and

both the

toie >he wNhrd Jeaele
la a poatac
her for rruupan;
nnie Keith i
added that ai Jeftnin

,„s ‘

teas* fur the tsiue*-

America possesses another relic of
Bonaparte—the sleigh In

nule win have to explain that to
you." as!d Jessie, Leglnnlng to nnder-


Bicycle Riders.

ami Bi..n^oir Bm
Ijiv rook.TT a
k.a. kttvtrc tUf idctcrs to r
puuchtsi sbiris wirli the Ikr-I’
must hurry lb<> w<.ik. for a.
t,.c sees an- uii.T-v-n-d tin- gut
Hoar ami l•r>-<lUle tbk-k o|s>ii ih
A niht .tfl.

any pank-ular ornamcDtsilon'.

Vergil, for «e have but isrimtp mlntias w*™ near-by.
more ■;
"Why. Fhnclc," gasped Jenlc. "ho*


If the inoiTe hi (tistnrbrd by an e«
innter ami Us ai'nrie e« taken it. Tb
till tvliire and rej'iao- lt« snpcv*«l*ely
t..l.-n ovum until t irlii have I»h^ UId.
_ [DC «ur*tM>o lut. (irwca .ad >a»nnie
t U loath to leeve it. or.!, evi n wU.-O "
'd. fi|HilWe|>*>n-st bes. and «li>'D he QP. SP|fjN£)|
iiti. swat frtitu him a
r wdc of ti
l> kiiiig to ih'

*be Bolshed It. seemadto her that Jen«>» ^ about to speal\bat chanced
her mind end remalBed Muu T'
started lor her room\folli

Ksn cmr, wiicmicam.

■nun Cnsn Wen Oelts Sn
Un .< in .


"Tee. f was a tu«e r’trr*" about
Che prise." aald kS* liran iBjnred
tone. 'W beoause.'or that yon need

Aad be cnra bU oenpaUoa
**UsbtboaM kaevcr, ye**lrr«e.’

iMTerenl fruN the grlatled sailor.
She aerved noth.os but sreen ua.
Tm she cava bcr'ofccopbtlon

FAJIOL’S SOliVE.VlKS. sea birds *^the.rego5 2££aQif]| gymiBIDI

Rr«* Middle PMt.
te horUonisI pen of a ne* bicycle
saddle poet ts hinged on tbe oprigbl
j«nion. and a aprlng exivndafrom the
«nd to the top bar cf the frasM to sup­

A well knon-ti F'lrtlaiid. Me. man.
who Is Ite- |Ni»R*-«R<.r of a wonden leg.
had n qiWHr .-itx-.-i.-mv ihe other day.
Id sorue way ilx- )'ii|H-r In the wane
Inskei under tlx- <le*k canghl fire, ao.l
tbe fliinx-s wch- commuolivn-d to tbe
wooden leg. galnU't eouslderable beadwav Ix-foro be realtxed wbat was up.
Ile'ltad A hot 1‘me of It lor a lew mlnotve but came out of It with a Jeg fitUl
fit for aerriee.


“"UaiUllfiRw !~!!S

i’lisse&ssMflkfisfififiSB fisfififi


Aeoordiwg to the tsiile perpared hy
l,e Goreromeot oflirlate. nafirre from
:nlT si« the poorest immlgranlB ar 1
__ ___ .
Itwwwwr t* Trrew
-iriig III Ibe Coiled Stated wblle ttaoee ' P«e.R.graedR^daa.T;mp,
It hat livn eiued that the danger to 1 from Germgng and England are tbe
wealthiest. Tbe average per capita of . TrwlalswvUc Traverse CUy as lmp.M.baa
trees from l.ghinlng depends not only
- s.
on tbelr height, tut also on their con- ,1! persona from llal.r arrlvlns dueport the weight of the rider.

durtlWlHy. rosulUn* from more or lees
richntos of tap.


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