The Morning Record, August 26, 1899

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The Morning Record, August 26, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Tnrnun nm




TUid Year-No. 7U.


MTOLunoB oeovzve.


Ptlee of meeieeo do Keoorl*,Z«Vfeo.
eaO Koee Tehee.
Kew York. Any. >S —A diepeteh to Will Have eo Walt CoogreaWrote the Bordereea.
the Beretd fren Porto PUte. HeyU.
slonal Aotiou.
eeyt: The Jimiaei rerolatloo U yrow*
Teeterdey'* BmIm of l>r»ffiu Co«n ley, elthonyb the ootbreek ie. Moete
CrUU wee eeppreeeed. The ciUee of Seeretery Beet Betteree the Preeldeet
lUrttel V»TonbUtotk« rrtMMTSee Fteoeleeo de Meeorle, Lereye. end
Oee BOUOTO Snfferiay Porto B cane
BeiK. »M-uaoe Swore That Drey Moee here boea tehee by the rerolnby OttHfey Dniy OffAmerleas Beode,
—TrtelOoa- UoeUt ehlefe Rewoe Oeaeree. Boreelo
fw Wrote ibeSo
Bet BUoney Beaeral Onyye Boide
Tbet Oely Oooyreee Oee Deal With
elided to here beeo
eetioBel Teetoree ere latrodooed.
the Sltoetloa.
the kailay of Preeldeet Beareeas.
Weehleytee. Aey. 14 —Seeretery
Bceoce. Aaf. ts.—OerUfleeMi of two Their wererjU-VlreJlmteex: D>wo
Root wye thet the wer depectawnt will
pbyeioleu were reed et the opealse of
the Dreyfee ooort nerttel ihit »ore-1 A etrony yorersaitot eolnu fromI.. do whet It eea te the wey of eattley o
for Ooloeel Ootnl ie edresetey oo the leenryeate
{ dntiee on ytMde yotoy into Porte Rloi
lay. deelerlay it li
flieTeii tmoke. enppoeed to here been ' bat he leld be doee not bellere enyOePetydeCleBtoleete ble bed eed
te eoeee to Rraeee to teeUfy. Meltre treeeferred from the Oeerye Crolee. e | thlny eenld be doee to yl*c Porto Rlteberl eeked the preeldeet of the ooort eteemer of SeoUeye. Cnne, enytyed on ' cetu the Amerieea merket nntil ooh.
te leetreet two wcH-ksown nedleel the'Cnbeo ooatl eed le foreiye trade ' yrwe meeu.
seen to cum'ee Da Pety de Clem, bat!**'* **'**^ ebierd tbe Krencb berk | He li of the opinion thet the preelRonlmede, Ctpuin Port, on Tneaday dent bat anthorliy to pxtcnd o_. - Oolona) Jonenet refneed.
Rowleed Streny. ea BoylUh oewe. nlybi. They eonulned ammnaltion to the Iclen^Aod Ueapecially eameel
In tbe deeire to do eomelhlny to rellere
paper men, depoeed that Major Conet and Jlmlaer eorreapoadeaoe.
tbe people, who are aufferlny fror a
Beterheey eonfeeeed to him that he
diaerifelDetiny tariff reoommendiny to
wroU tbe femoai bordereeo.
HcKtoley that all dutlec be encpeDded.
Uobert, an expert of the Beak of
Tbe prealdent waa pleaaed with hit
rraeee. reported, oo exemiDley tbe Offleea of 0. B W. M. nnd D.. S. B. A
reoommendatioaa, but before Uklny
docnmente In tbe eeee, thet Beterbexy.
W. and r. B P. K. Bay be Moved
■ot Dreyfna, wrote tbe bordereau. The
action upon them conauUed Attorney
Iron Oraod Bapida.
General Uriyya Tbe letUr did not
witeew opened bU depoelUon with a
E>etrolt, Any. SS.—A rumored poael- ayree with aome of Secretary Rooi'a
brief permoeel aUlemeel, proteeUny
. the law polnu lerclred and
eynlnaWbeiny eberecterited ee a donbt- blllly lUt the r~i P M . D..O. R. i_______
W. andC. A W. M. rallroada. "hen •
the preeidenfe authority
fnl “expen" by the mUltery party.
. M. Uobert repeated the erldenee tbet oooeolldalad. may make Toledo H>*f yir« Poto Rico
he had yiren before the Court of Oaaaa- hea''quarim, baa eauaed the beyintioa. Be ynre hla teellmoty la a clear. ninyofan rff >rt by Mayor Maybory. the eontemplated action a
eeeeleelDy.manoer and wea moat em- membert ol tbe chamber of eOmmeroe
pbatle to attrlbntlny tbe borderean to and board of trade and other E>etrolt
The prealdent. between hie advleere,
Baterheay. In aoiweriny the ciueationa boeineaa men toward eodeevoriny to beeiutee to act upon the cindictiny
Of tbe Jndyee Uobert expreMed tbe InBuenoi tbedlrectore of tbeee roakde opinloaa, and SecreUtry Root'a plan
to make DewoU their beadquartere. rematna onder conaideratlon. U la
oparletioB tbet the hordcreau wax writtan ie a nionley natural band, and Thepatroeaof tbeee Micbiyan roadt probable that be will not accept It.
aald that there w'ea no trmclny or other believe it would be a mUtake and an eepeclaliy aa It U nnderatood that At­
trlohary. Ueperal Qo'tae aaked to be InJiicUee to eetablieb the headquarUre torney General Briyye believee that
oonfrODted with Uobert, and pot a in an Ohio city.
conyreaa would reaeut anytblny tbe

%yro WitasMM TMtuy He


prcbideat mlybl do wbieb could be
■ember'bf qneatlona orer one or two of
which the wltneaa atombled. to the in------------i conalructed aa an eneroacbmenl upon
Anlte eaiiafaeUon of the military wit- Oorooar Moon Will inquire Into Oaaaa ' ^b* privlleyea of tbe leyulatlve branch
ol the yovernment
of Death ol Ohae. B. Blunoad.
M. Bcrtllllon'e tMUmony, » notad
A peculiar altuatlon eonnected with
aathropometar. oeeoplad tbe whole
the death of Cbaa. B Blamood, ayed
■aeaioo. and will, parhapi. ooenpy
yoodpartof tomorrow^.
The »urt »bont 40. waa bronynt to the noUce of Adopts the Date Suyyeeted by the
room praaented a cniiona aeene while ^
Moon laat eTeniuy. Blamood
Mew Tork Committee.
Bertllllon. whom the Dreyfuaarda in died yeeterdey moratny at the home of
New York Any. SS —The foUowine
their meet Indnlyent momente deeerlbe Mike Flanayan, a farmer ouUlde the meeeaye waa received today from Ad­
aaa “danyeroua maniac." apent tbe city. He had been U1 lome time and miral Dewey:
retaalnlny.boura of tbe aeaaion In ex* Mr. Flanayan >bnd Uken him in and
■‘Vlllefranee. Auy. 24.—Beodolpb
plalnlny In nntntelilylbie terma, hla cared for him. It la auted that the UuyyeohelmT. Aeiiny Mayor: Will
‘■infallible eyatem," provlny that Drey deeeaaed took ireaimeat with the trav- arrive Thur*day. 2», ae reqneat^.
ellny doctor. Tilney. who waa In tbU
fni waa the author of the bordereauDiVKV."
city n abort Ume ayo. but waa
Thia ^11 enable the reception com­
ed of tbe dlieaee with which
mittee t^old tbe neval parodc Friday
a a cted. A ahort Ume ayo be came to
AX Leant Ooa of Tbam Will Ba Com- the city and procured oome medicine of and the land parade Saturday and
obviatrlfir ner-mlty of bar ny a day
pooed of Veyroea.
Dr. Andereon, who eaw him nyaln
Intervene L .e.«n the two paradee.
Waafalufion, D. C.. Any. 5 —Ordera Thureday
for the enlUtmeut of more volunteer
When it oame to tbe matter of proreyimenU will be ieened eoon by
enrlny a burial certlBcate City Clerk TRBXX OAKXS IN MDSXXOOH.
war daparmenb The quota of SS.OOO Riekerd could hot leyally Imne one beHnaUere W:liFUy Tbare
> Labor
aniletad man for tha votuntoeie antbor- oauee tbe death eartlflsate failed
laed by Conyrtae hat been nearly
■Uta the eauee of death.
Or. Auderhaaatad. and only for the remain
Traver«>'' ty will aee no baae ball
eon eouldnotieUU tbe eauee of death
lene than S.OOO maa.
beeanoe be did not know, not hav- next week, n it tee Buttlera will yo to
At leant oae of the new volunteer Iny had tbe eaae, except ae elated. Maakeyon r. <t Satnrday lo play three
reylmentc will be eompoeedof neyroea. Coder the clroumataaoee no burial oer- yamee.oiir ' i .cm on Monday.
black Boldlert have ylvaa each yood tlfleata oould be leeued and the body tember4 >. l.,bor Day. It haa beeo
narvlee thet-there te now so fenr thnt could not be bnrled without one. The Impoealble i> schedule any yami
they will prove unentUfnetory If placed eaee was reported to Coroner Moon, home for n xt week, but aome yood
under oScera of the n^ulnr army. who will hold an Icqaeettble morn. teanu may »• bad the followiny week.
Whether the mlllury anthorttiee will Iny nnd determine the eauee of death,
One of Michjyeu'e Big Farmeru.
oryanlxc more than two new reylmenle eo that the remainernay be buried.
of volunteen cannot be aecertalned,
Mr. and Hre. L.. D. Watkioa of MaaBlamood wea a German laborer and
hot It wae eatd at the department to­ bad been employed In the nelyhbor- cheeler are vlelttny their dnnybter.
day that the queetlon of whether It te hood where he dled.
Mr* J W, Palehln- Mr. Watklna la
advleable to enllet more than one neprobably the moat extenelve farmer in
yro reylmant wae nnder eonelderatloB.
MiehLjran and haa the flnect fan
oortbweet. He le prealdent of the
MABBIBD Bit Win VIMB TIKBS to AddreM t^e Booiety of the Friend*
Sute AaaodaUon of Farmera' aob*.
and baa raoenUy been appointed by
Indiana Mas Divorced Biyhi TImen—
MUa Fannie BllioU of Fountain City. Uovernor E*lnyree aa one of the deleBnye Laat Oeremoay WUl Btaad.
Ind..Uexpaetedto be here Tbuiuday yates to the Neltonal conference
Winnmne. Ind.. A«ty ss-Cbnrlee evenlay by tbe Cbrictlan Eadeavera of trueu and comblnatloaa to be held In
Wnlderamltb. n prominent tarmq
the Friend'e church to addreee them on Cnlcayo next month.
Tolo, tnd.. haa bean divoroed from hla tbe work of tbe aoclety. Him Elliott
wife elykt tlmea. Today they were U cent out by the C. B Union of Indi­
Boast Oorn and Watermelon.
married for the ninth time nnd have ana Yearly MaeUny of Frienda to dlaA party of youny people rode their
nyreed not to ceparate only when death euM tbe needa and the Uteal belpa for
wbeele to Bdyewood laat evenlny and
doth parv
worka. anawerinyanj queaUona aaked
enjoyed a eorn roaai and a feeat of
by tbe worker*. It Ie expected that a watermelon. They bad a ffoe Ume
reception will be held at the cloae of
Mlehlyaa BallroadeDid a Big Bnnl- her ulk. All are Invited lo etteod the and returned ebont 10 o’clock. T*he
party waa chaperoned by Mra. C.
aaae in /uly.
meeUay aa they will reoeive come ben
Murray and Miai EN>und. and
Laaalny, Any. SS.—Tbe Jnly reporta, fit from her year* of experieoeefarmed of the followiny: Mlaaea Della
whleb arc belny reealved by Railway
Laura Aabton.
Oommlaaloner Oibora ahow a yreat inFnrtacb. l^nra Treyea. Ruby Keith.
cauaoe lo Mlchlyan raUroad earnlnya X. 4. and Ohariee Saaalovsky Will
Carrie Earl. Blanch Baraum. Florence
evw Jnly of laat year. Mlchlyan Cen­
Opas an Bziennive BoslneM.
MUIer, Loniae SbepaH. Helen Stout,
tral eamteyt are yres.Ml. aa tnereaae
X. J. Banaloveky. and hie brother end Bnnlee Kelley; Maetara Jimmie
ot lIM.aili Kllnt A Pert Marquette are
MerUnek, Irviny Morroy. Roy Wood,
y*40.4is. anlociteee of ASS.S40; Grand Cbarlee who le now In Cbleeyo, have
Walter Palye. Tiix Tinkham. Wi’.Bapida A IndUna. tiu.ii*. Inertaaa. entered into n partaerehlp and wUl
Voyaleony. Cbarlle Aahtoa. Brneet
yt».6T4. Imka Shore, Siei,DM, Inoreaee. open a yanarnl eiore in the larye double
Welyand, Alfrod Moore. Heber Stout.
gU.iMi Detroit, Orond Raptde A
Frod Slmme. ArUe Walt and Rob
Wealam. MUt.ass. laereaae. M1.M4; OivialoB ctroeta, earrylny a etoek of
pocertea, dryyoode. boote and ehoea
Ohkoiro A
Mlchlgaa. •lU.tTt. InB i. Hannlavsky hae baas eUUon eyeot
nraane. WADIT_____________
on the Klnndyke bnaeh of the C A
AoUy Corn Bonn.
Poor OnU a Leaf.
W. M. railroad, but haa roaly^ed bit
Tha JoUleat eon rmt of tbe emeon
After today we will call bitad at 4
easta a leaf etiaiyhl. Palaee Bakery. pmiUo* and retunad to the city with took place on Weat Bay ahore laet
hla family.
nlyht. There were preeent the Mlaaea
Mr. Hanalouaky expecia to have the Julia and Marlon Baeker. Mlm Verly.
InAiM' AiMnnUcy
aw etora roady tor bnalnme la aboat Mrs. John A. WUaon. Mr*. R. B. BUnea.
done at thair biw
tan d^ Ha laavea thle aonlay for Mr. and Mr*. John Aah. ArL Lardia
Chleayo to pnrohaee n atock of yooda.
and John V«-ly.
ruader nad pal^t hM i

There will baa epeeial
“ny of
MePhereoa Foot Ma II thle evaalsy.
AU memharm are aarawtly raqaeoiad

The geograpLy leeven—
tbe gnmmAr leaven and the
Arithmetic lenvee.
This meaon

School Shoes

fH Tlie Frame
That attracta first attentiotl
lo the pictuie-If it U out of
harmony with tbe subject and
prevailing tones, then it ia
not an ornament. The artihtic combination of moulding!
and mata with good workmanahip are oar atrong pointa.
We can give joo prompt attention and guarantee perfect
We Lave factory made frames with glasa and mat at lOe.
They are bargains at the price.

For tbe children, and thia is
tbe place to bay them.

We sell the best
wearing chilli ten's shoes
in the city

290 Front Street

—And here U how the prices

One of our
Best Customers Said:

ChUdreo’8 8hoe8—5 to 8
-w49 sod b-ji' pair.
Children's Shoes—to
11—r.j. To. S‘«c pair.
Mieses' 8hoes-12 to 275c. 98c. II 2.') pair.

1 —Who .Jeserves your fall and winter trade?
Who offers the nicest, newest goods?
Who will save you the most money?
And last bot not least—Who has the most old
stock-ifany? (Ttafs a knocker),

Little O^t’e Shoes—
98c, #1.26.
Boy’s 8hoee--9>c. fl 25,

It Pays To Trade Here.

Bsiph Oonsable Jr.. Msnsg«r.




Cloitiloc Sau. ruraublorv


Fa-hioDaUfOuimier.. 1*1 VroDi

' I

MEN'S NEW Fill SUITS-We Show Whst Ire Stylish I





-Price is $3.00.
Other HaU-60c to $8.h0



Cultivation of
the Voice

Yt«, we nre all in one nation, and
have been ao for over 100 years.
But wc never uot so close to^ell)e^
as is uow the case, when tbe long
ilistance telephone has pat all tbe
country at the elbow of every enlerprising business man.
It ie DO longer necessary to write
or telegraph. All that ie reipiisite
is to talk and get aiiSaiiewer then
aad there.


Should not be neglected
in the young or in those
who have any claims to

musical talent—For this

purpose tbe Kimball piano is unapproachable by any


other made, and is the embodiment of exquisite tone


in your home.

Than Traverse Belle
The Favorite Sc Cigar

and fine modulation.

End no one should be without a Kimball.

Sheet IDSIC it Hill Price. Sm&ll lostrnmeiits ud lnslcaj leRhudlse.

I. E. ST80PC, |SM|«.

Is bacomiag popular, too.
Biggest aid best 10 cent clear
for the price.

By all means have a Kimball

A good piano is tbe great refiner.

(!9 front St., larUu Blod

Are the
Children Going


A: W. Jahraus
Ask your d^ar.


to school P If they are they’ll need
new shoes.

Let ue tell you eomething_

We have the lusi liie ot School Shoes i» Truvpree Citr.
Our aaeortment Is complete—the qoBlity
ie the best and our prices are rijht.

rars DSVTAL wou.

row Owti n Leaf.
' wt

TheLeaves Will
Soon Begin To


________________ ___


■trniyht. Palaee Bakarr.


143 FroitiStreei


■fg« MOjUTIKO KkOOBl>. BATTTHIiAY. AUQU8T 96, 1898.

■n Kosrara uico<i>. JMBDTETOMi AUTHOR
vaATXMK crrr. •



oamd tkavswb buald.


Aiffht^ BMaption

B«T. OhM. M. Bhaldon.

*. MAg^AMB i. W. Baub. Touc Pwplc't loeUtlM of tba OAf
0*va Oord »I OrMUec V» tka WHWr
ofOseOf ib«n>pDlv Book* of «bc
I>«rtod—Xttprawi** Addrcaa bp tbc

a. W. BAvm tA\«>T md IUbcw



isagoed lime to take advantage of the

Tb* ycrawr pwU of ihe »*rtooa
1-4 off on Gasoline and oil stores. We

to «hick Ihfcl the hope o'ChriiWodo*
loeiettM •___________p»td % flutnr tnbvto
Uet*Teal*f toEerCharletBSbeldoB. w^muejeUlBe-t'-C iheroffbe ehri.- ter'* *ncee*.fil tceetc pley. to be pregive you 1-4 and the use of one for a few
eatbor of "iB Bit Step*." BBd hbit„n*. Be referred w tbe p wef of or-1 leBtod *t SielBbere'* Gr»ad cexlSetof these hot days will pay yon the other 3-4.
lUr ■'ife-The roecptioo <*M held ^o utloB lo *uprrr*»n*P tbe I q-'.r j ordey erenliip. hrpienber 8. to
M t« Han>u>#kMOTa ia the CongreUanal efaoreh and thto t-kfUe. and ttaved i'..t a lucb emclok to I notable of tbto author** long Itoi of
i'raveree CHy great *«eBle prodneiloM. and bai rerU
the flr*t time that the yoong peo­ be done riget here i
i ceived fleUering notioea from the lead
ple’* eodetiea of ^ eeveral denomina­ aloog ihl* line.
.lion wa* that of. ing dramatic cHt'c*• Tm deUitod report ol the Jely ex­ tion* bare gathered together in thto
.ootblnt ..d U.lm> pn>«r>l~
port# ehow B ,Tory eettofeetory eo»dl- city fore eommon purpoee Tbtoele- cl.k ri.b«o..nn... T».i 1.. 15. j.i |
Congb Remedy, lu
>ent of the eitoaUon wee partleolarly t og together to influence ps.tu ck fori^j
’ Bm for th»t OMBth. while for eeecB
□ e ed-1 pifMani taete end prompt and perma•oalhe theeaCBMertxetloB ahowe that npreetlve and elgolflcent and wa* ful- better euanlclpgl governmcni.

- ade It a_ greet
nenl cures, have
, .. favor
there bee boee »a iBcraeee of over »£.
He wiUs Use people everywhere, ror
The ebnreb wta crowded to lu ea- prsy for all Ume and the poliUeiao* sale by S. B- Wait and F C Thompson.
000.000 IB exporw of errlcBUBrel prodoeu. llBBBfeetare* oooe oexL The paciiy and the onportonlty to meet the w.uld not heed, eul when they eonUolled a certain number of vale*, then
tottl exporu foi July. ■»». edgreoto dlktlnxutobed author «< oae work* are
•M.OU.eft. while durlD* the oorre.- r.-ad throughout the ebrtoUan world they eauld aeeomp'tob *omeiblog.
peadlBf moBtb lo Itua the exporu wa* one of whwh ; e Travetae City Hc*e be »ald, lleean opening for all
were OTf.'rs.cvJ. By ti ee fl i r - It young people could nU etford to mtoa. ehrUtian worker*.
The third way in which good may be
will be MB ihet the fote^rtt eontneree Tbc parlor* of the church were taele
acb-r.mpltohed by the voung people wa*
from the Uoited Ste-ee eoBtiBoce to fully decorated witbjiag* and streamthrough * realizttioD of tbetr etewardront trkkt
remaic Botonly eUble bat to being are of natioeel colm. while from the
*bip He deecribed how much good
iMi ot btcliibrrx Oi*r» Houm
■treBgtbcBed and iDcreaeed to a re- erntre of the ma'.n parlor bung a can­
opy of kireamei* eoder which the large could be done by tbo»e having iceomMrimble degree.
numUr of young people and many pitohmenu which might be used lor
older onee. greeted Ur. and Ure. Shel­ the end* of belkerirg msokMi. He
don after the program In the auditor- deplored the •e'.flkb atou»emenu*onght
by the young when they could flud
The p«
S. B. AUps Oe»e Atteatios to th* out by a committee in which each so­
ore ealtofactloD in exerting themMeriU of Beeareolr
ciety wa* repreaenud and the reenit •Ive* in behalf of mankind. Bespoke
*aa a most charalng succea* in every of the dark place* in every city, even
Lundies and
tbto. which might be made brig'-'rr by
EoiTOe B*tx.en-—Some of Boglneer parlieuler.
Frcviou* to tbe reception a pleaeant tbevcrkof tbe young people If their
Baftar'e mo*t ealueble explaoetloo*
p-ogram wa* given io the eburefa. The
I 'rder Cooking.
. and UleoU were properly applied;
were BOt made Id the Opera bouee. but
program wa* opened with the elnglug
ho«v many thing* eou'd be done
at the OOUDCII room# la reepiBee to
of America by tbe eutlrc aodienee. fol­ for If o'* glory which are now loat
^earlee. Aad U might be well to re
lowed by prayer by Rev. M E R'uach, l ent of. He closed with a touching
•ember that more might have bees
pretty violin aolo was rendered by 0. r* for eonUnoed aod increased effort*
.4rawBOOtlf<iaeeUonehad been aeked
and suted that a realiztUooof the
Mtoe Fulgbum, Ula* BoberU sang a *<-D»eofour kuwardsblp would make
Xosr Doing Bubmi-sa.
for the appercBl purpeee of geUlog
beauUful eoto, a pleaaing piano duet ihe world belter and brighter
seefal iDformetloD. laetead of dndiBg
The re-n*rk» of Mr Sbeldon were
wa* rendered by Ike Utoec* Strong and
faalt aad erltU e ag the epeaker.

a guitar end mandolin aelectlon wa*
Borne polnU which be did bring oot
*-nt tnenu to earnviUy expreised 1-ft
given by Mr. and Mto* Helm.
X lasting impre**on. Following lbwere the IoIIowIdr:
let- When atked If there wc old not
The dtoUngutobed gne»t wa* intro addres* the other pa*tore preeent ea< h
ka a great deal of energy loal by pomp dnoed by Bev. D. Coehtln. pa*tor of the short ulk* upon the wo k of the
cbnrcb. Mr. Cochlln r ting people’* orranlzttion* and each
tag the water againettbe foroeof grav
pvd an el q 'em tribute to the work of
Itg nt feet, he replied. -U would lake paid a graceful aad touching tribute M' Sheldon in *ei>d:0g out ioto the
mm energy all thing* beiog rqoal. to Mr. Sheldon's Ittersry work*, im wo'ld lltrrMure which i* exertiog a
I o verfnl influrnce for g.>od.
batasy engineer know* tbeten esgloe
At the concIniiioD of the program all
their value to the CbrUtton world and
aan do a given amount of
or> kvot eag-rly iougoi a preaenutton
fegalD*tac3n*unl force tucb a* gravity the influence tbey are exerUng upon to Mr. and Mr* Sheldon »cd the r.without a* mneb expeoditore a* wonld tbe young people He apoke of tbe maindor of the evening waa devoted to
he seeded when there wa* e variation purpoee of Mi. end Hra. Sheldon in i>.-comlng *^u*iQted and to tnier»f preaeure inch a* we find In tbedl- oomtpg quietly to tbto region for reel, -Kiirtg conv^ >tloD* with the author.
Luring the hunting eeason, but it ifi a bu
I all The
1, -rmouade and waf-ri were aerved by
'raet preeenre eyatem. and tbeae two In- but expreeked Use hope that the meet­ the Mleee* Mabe! Bate*. Aouetl- lUyear where bargains are concerned What about these:
flueseea would about balance kacb ing of e few of bto admirer* in rreverae niitn.U'lve (treerougb.H '--lyn llllcber,
City would not encroach too much up­ Cora Miller and Kiilb Karl.
6c buye a pair of ladles' black hoee-4c buys a yard of
^ tnd- Ai to tbe purity of tbe water, on the time be had chosen to seek *eIt was a delightful tffkir and on ll" a- -' i'nal Ir
»i.k' IO all prfkrni.a* well
ton emu* tbel tbe reeervolr would aerve
outing ffnnnel 3c buye a straw hat- 9c buye a pound
Mr'^ bboldoD was greeted with cordi­
peaeetUieg ba*ir. and he bai made
Hio coffee-9c buye a pint battle White Book ginger
prOTtolOD* In bi* plan for a pipe from al applause when be arose to aekowl
ale--6c buye two cakes Michigan Family Soap—19c
tbe bottom to a point ouulde on lb- edge tbe Inuoductlon.
He expressed
•Ida of tbe hill through which tbe mud io fitting words the appreo'.aUon be
buye a ladies' shirt waist- 6c buys a pair of euependppd enrplui water and eetllloga coold feltofthe interest manifei
ers 6c buys a tin dipper-25c buys a dozen glass
be drawn. He eald owing to tbe pur work ln_end«evoring to uplift the
He said Otic Mglit
Ity of.Eaal Bey water, the reservoir young people of the world.
wmU sot need to be drained, morr t->at be bad brought bi* family into
tban twice a ^ear and while that was tbto region to get away from the world
being doBC, the syktem could be used for a lime, bot even at Old Miaaioo
MB direct pressure system Be also was found out and could not gel out
referred to the feet that the stored up sight DO matter hew much he preferred
It io eomu ot our new stylei of Fall Furniture Never
energy would give e gravity preeeure seclusion. He staled that be had isoi ..ynniu
enme to make an addreas, but tbe op |llliuULil
wUoh would easily throw a
was a handsomer stock or more varied in patterns or
over tbe highest bulldlagin ease of Are. porluDity wm a good one to say a few .
lower iu price ever unpacked. Tbe rattan goods are
thoa giving the very beet fire protec- Using* which might aid tbe young pro ! Jmore diversified in style, and e:ari in at $9 76 for a
pie in tbeir cbrtoliao work. He spoke | pIDTCD’C
would be well to remember lu tbto Of Use power of organiruion among
good Kocker to the finest, upholstered couches New
ppanectluD that If tbe reservoir system ebrtoUan worker*and of Use unity bt- j IflStCrpiMC
New ideas in making new Oriental effects in coverings
would accnraulele a great deal of ti 'b. log msnlfesied constanUy among ihr [
— Made stronger, last longer, look finer than ever -A
what about the West Hay Into which various deaominatloDs. ioepeakingof Ol
bargain at $9 60 to the finest leather. Five big rooms
the acenmnUted sewage of lo.ocu in- ibis be turned toward* the paeiore of q ,,
A sumptuous
babltam* to poured and never draineCV several of Traveree City’s churchea up- HWlISfll.
stacked full
Bceuic Spectacle!
trd. The question wa* brought up
the platform. Bev Cochlln of the
at to tbc < iTecl of tbe reservoir lyttem CougrvgatloDal. Rev. Jones ot
A .'ou: tt......*
on the temperature of tbe water. 8r Friends. Rev. Braady of me Methodist i I "6
Ratur said no matter what tbe temper Key WoonltouseOf tbe Haptis- and Rev. | PepaVpat
atore at tbe reservoir, whether ii-e cold U ukchol tbe Second Methodisl. In or- U'COtCbl
or boiling bot. It would take eeveral gantralloo. he urged, was the sleengih |
Or let the other person. If you want to be in ttyle'’
boms tor lie water to pas* from the of tbe movement, and he emobaslrrd |
reaervolr to the main* In town, during the tscl that at no time bad there been | ()f |(|6
don't let the season advance, and the stock become
which It Uke* tbe exact temperature of such opportuDilie* for the young pro- ,
the ground around tbe PjP**broken before you select one of ourT' especially made
pie's s-clrtiet to acrampltoh so much Jtgfi!
fur the Master as now. Tbc closing of |
for us” Collarettes. Made in every kind of fur known,
Beaorters From Charlevoix.
tbe preeent century end tbe beginnirg I
Captain Ileauvai* brought in "The of tbe new one. be declared, presented I
and in all shapes, from $2.50 to $46 00. Tbe same can
Pilgrim" yeaierday. a yacht owned by golden poisiblllUe. for work by ‘^e
be said of our Qolf Capes -Handsomest goods put on
him. with a party of summer reeorten young people, and that ebrtotianity's j
on board from Charlevoix. Tbc party, strength lie* in the unity and organlxa- GREAT PERRT BOAT
the market Start at $6 lo the most elaborate.
which ccuatoled of Dr and|Mra. Henry
impreseed upon them the great ^
J. Kennedy. Jack Covell Sturtevant. W.
C. Bowman. Mrs. C. W. Worden, Mrs.
A. A. Bamaev of Chicago, aad Mrs that there were three dtoUnct ways by f 1 00. SeAte on sale At bux office
ciandell end chUdren of St. Louis, wtaiota tbe work of bettering tbe world iiexl Wednee lay morniog

•pent part of tbc day driving about Use could be carried out. First. Uie rest
IziUoB of the power ot organ^uUoc.
e>iy, retnroing lu tbe afternoon.
aod ot bringing ebrtoUan workers toXlk Lake Qran^ 1‘ieaie.
geiber In a common cause. Be com­
Bell Monroe's farm will be tbe acecc pared Uie present cordial relstloos bepf e Jolly basket pieulc next Tueedav.
tweeu tbe pastois and workers of -varAugust 19. It IS given by Use Kik toos denominations with tbe strained
You’ll win out if you take advantxge of our extraor­
Lake Orange and everybody to invited relation* whUb existed not manj years
"1 had uiy te«tb extracted At
dinary offer. You want a good wheel for the balance
10 attend, bringing well filled '
ago. Sowalld*nomlaailoniare*uiv-;Xhe Boetuu Dmtal PBrlore withJaeOD Woodman of Pawiltow will be
of tbe season. Did that big twenty dollar sign catch
ing together for good, but there to yet ^ut pain. I never tiiought such a
prenent as will A. E Palmer of Kalka*
pour sye" It's selling our wheels. A few added dol­
ka who will deliver an addreas.
can be done.
lars buys better wheels. We have said we're not to
One hundred and fifty sweet young


Bon Ton Cafe
140 F


120 Front Street.











Huntingis a Fad With the Ladies

Steinberg’s Grand

■; Saturday, Sept.2

Leisure Moments Spent in Comfort


Whether You Buy a Bargain

OramaUc Surprises '
Start'lDg SiinstioDs
Koiel Effects
Thrlllipg Climajes

A Powerful Company




New Fall Dress Goods
and Skirt Materials From 35c yard up.

See This!

eoteea in forty beautiful ehoi
'■Tba Pixies" at Use City Opera bouse.
Wefiaaedayand Tbunday, Anguat 3<t
and II. for Graoe church; all aupparted
by Murtangb's orchestra.

stantly from paster* of all deaomleatioos apeaklng good word* for lUlie
bMk which has gone out am^ the
young people of tbe world.
Much oao be done even in this city,
Bucklena Amiea Balvc.
he the young peotle'a socteTk* RxM
Hxm bxLvx
SaLvx In Uie
the world fmCnU, Brutoe*. Bores. Ult
Ulcers. Halt Uea Be enggeated that a federaUon
of deoomioaUoaal eoeleile* be formed,
Bbeu . Ftrer Sores. Tetter.
Com*, aod
Banda. Cbil
and Uiat papers be written upon the
BrspUon*. and poatUrely «m I Piles. work ot the various eocleile*. Ooadne**
orao pay mfiulred. U to g
to udenomlaaUcmal.heBaid.and whlls
w* differ In eomc things, alter ell
J-U- Jnhnaea and a. B. Walk character ud rlghteonanem remain Uie

Teeth ClesiDed Free
The next six daye.


In a Race for Big Values

carry over a single wheel, and we mean tL Every day
decreases the stock. Don't walk when it coats so little
to ride, aud the comfort and happiness in it—you’ll
live longer for ft


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.


J Suu ilimi




^- A .
f! *•
H«»k«. • dry MCI
0\ wTV\tTtt\^ * ' TCmuml irbo trrf bi Bail Dl«ce from
I ; Uutb to Mar In ttm. leUa tbe mitnS
WWV^V^)«MCti«riCrwtr , ButM tr«*lb»r Rrvkw Uiat 4ving
■ Marmot *iaaloMrtM era at
"* •‘*^*“* tfrooebt pw'; ralMd. No rtta re_ ib« auvaoa 4riod
ia OalkMB mstr »a<t h*v* aaecaedad !op thr raodjea wrrr bam*. ^cattJe
U Mbiar aararal eooveru
were drirro am of tbr atalo to tar*
W. B. >«aU«7, «B *c*d fanaer Unar ibem. ao-J thr fnift mrt BMrty perltb/' U SiBwood towBabip. '1‘ateola 00*017, rd. Yet nonr ibao ball «f Uw ereo•a# tend t« an aacoaeiot eooditioa '“«•
up t
o..oti.u«,.u. H. ai.a-.toi!,■ a at-i.ia of'frota I.uW)p to
8,0i« fm.
r«rr linV nalttiirr «-nvl<l thtja t
At doliaad a foodar os tbc tteav«r droi* 00 tlir gni*« and «l»-wbprr. t
Moo Otysaaebtoa a bigb apnag pii^ opuo a b«rl»mta> board palOMd
a*4 8t« amad. airifctar Bdtvard
WMtvearaad Jobo Tboic, j-------- g * ' tsamurb ad nnly a lllile addlilonai
Xh* fora^t abnl' wta erao»i<.al ■«<< iOflUMOe wrUMd to be IH-eded to pPOIhirtBlrblttTyearaaa aB aaderuk>r rniitor of Tb« WVatiier Uevtew cb..*
Silaa A b-sbcdrld of Moraaei, bat not
prarticnl'le. lie rrronmH iKlt
, baiiad « m people, or More than tbre*
eraixiraUto of b'luld air
dace a ebUI at tbe tarlb'i aurface. and
i tbrougb Bunte kind of a cblmucy or
The aebool oSeer* of Waahteaaw ' tuck.
0MD17 hav* decided to eoaoel tbei >< >■
out (>}- Profraaor Abbe
attoadaaee ofeb>id-ea at aebool tbe'
cuii.l'-bMition c
aealne winur. and trill paraa* a rlc
couliJ lie wtlllaed I17
DiakliM; Ibe boanla alicbtly cuncare
aej^la eapoeted ioeana«eoaaid*rable
; ibe viber. Tbe a
T Tyler
State Lire 8u-«k Coa
...'• ouglit UiHP to khlp r^>^l tbe esd of C

■ — r ‘uVli^
upon «l*e
j** eoaa To* eoat-aita baer f.ood
*»Jfb |U 1» d.alrable to
prartlfed lij
of ;tbl* ton
one badly dioMaed aud
ordered_ U i-tn
, ; tutture uo <inien luouc
«d. ADotbar cow kFpi in a ae«nd |
I'iialoa. au<l tl>e viatbcr
An^olred to be «|oar*nUned uureau tdvn^a
■ a^rk-uliuriKiB of
asd treated, a* tbe dlaeaae waa only In , aoutbero Callfnmla «o try ibe pspeHiu iseiplesey.
81a (ituwa Beaeb aaldeat wi
““ *
AO exc^Mibtly novel combination
patch at Uoband. ^ati aa ihty had kiichen otenaU 1.
.bevel and atove
aaebaaneaed a leae.oat betuiy ih'y Ibl llfier
amt inirntt-dl.v a New
were eoafroated by ike owner of tbe , Yoi* inreator, Tbe llficr cunalau of
nalona who aaaFeaed ibfm tl SO per j
----------------melon, and to add a s'ttlnc wind up'
tbe ear* atopped rDBQlDg and tbe fair!
rawriera had to bosf it all the w*y I
GarSeld huckleberry marak and tbr
tarma of John J. Tbompton. Andrew
9. Weleh and Cbarlea D Watermao.
•ear Norlbnlir, are on Sr* and otbart
prelndaagar. Mea are barmy a hard
tlmrflfbUnc it.
Horace C. He'erty, aged Tu. noauaaater at Mill Urore. died Tburaoay night
while altUnr in a chair. He waa a
t aiiltably foini<.d longue ai Ibe exmember of the Kintb Michigan infan tri uii’ rn-l of kiM- rliu of tbe ahoveL
Uy and waa a prianner in Libby priaoo on the oHio.Ki 'rlm. nt o point
la highly reapeeted.
j tbr bnmil.-. la a b.«>tr wbld, la
,'ed for
of r—
At Bay City a cottage belonging lo'*^
f"' llic
‘'f piiriMw
r oof -tl
Mr*. Matthew Wbaien caught fire in .
fheeellarabrut l:SO oMock Thnraday
morning. The bouie rjrickly became i
Orinie ef the fUrarpewre.
ra.t-liaiiiial |>uiver.
who were Mleep in different room*
narrowiy eeeaped aiiff «aiioD. One of ciill."1 li«fm-|».»^.T, r.ivi..-.l lla ilkme.
.laiix-a Wall, one
them waa awnke< ed by a baby crying It, .irii:luiil.-.l i'lili
tlr.'t Miam enclium tvae lintlt
pad arouaed tbe otbera with dlWruliy
work j,,,.
tl.<- i.
^uiii|>« of Wliltlin-fl.fa
blUii-rlo iM-on
At Matkegon Mr*. Ackertraa. Tf,
Tli.-4- lu
yean old. wa» run down by a bieycllM
iiiaiKl.'.l Hull ihc
and badly burn He rang bU ball and
wlii.-l, |.l. iiu



to the nghi, knocking her down.brvak
p,„v..rf ,1 animal w.-rklus f.'r
Ing her right arm and dUlocatlag her ,>jKiii lx.ur» «iif.„i.t ivfinc atr.l found
illinl It bad |.y it* oxitiIoii* nih-c.'-<Ii-<I
AtJaetnoo-a borae driven by Mra :.... ......... <>f
LonUCorreil became frightened at a I"»«
car. and ran away, throwing out the
M tim.i Li t.e
lady and ber two ebi'dreo on the brick wiouxi.t. bowiTter. ibat rbe nverase
pavement. All three were more or l.»s | !,•>>*•• r»uld In- kiOiitl U|x>u 10 pn» l.le
Injured, but not taully. Mr* Corrril ltil»'i««w.-r. liulllfHnc atn-mrb Iwlng
waa dragged a block by herdreaaeaicb
'•] ■*' l•<•uudB ibr.-o feel
Id the
high In a aeromj___________
Spark, frim the breahlng machioc
Leeilb mt LUe.
Ignited tbe atraw and cauaed tbe to-a'
.Vn ordins in ll I. llntl .■4rbiiollng of
nny of
of tbe bare* of Stepbe* rmwolK. Ill,.re i» a lery
Birger of tbe town of MoUke. in P.-ea 'nl' ulaiiiu: the a.-.- to ni.i. l. 0 .....nan
qee Ulr county, logeiher with their
renw iuil ly exi^vt to live.

~.u.» c.

to >.™; “


Implemenia. Lom t-.O**.
^ 1 uipllio.1 1. nall^ an ..W one aud waa
At Detroit. Arthur I). Graham, 'an orlslLully <lliHxoy'i<rl i.y iiit- titailu-uui'
electric lineman employed by the pub- Ovlan ^•euAlm•.;^vl|.l lu is<n i-nilcmted
from l>auer in: Gnirlnnd
ainl Iwnine
ligbtlog commlMlon, araa fatal y Tmm
......... ---------- * Hie H-'.-al
ahoeked by gratpinga wire while pa.
Ipg tbc too of a pole. He died ahortly
II give tbe numtwr of
with one of the city wirea.
, The rule Wlni.i.r^vlmkt. ly o
Jlsotber new stanufaclon tbat will. for aoni.'ag.w mid n iir<-aema. |>ei
go to NuikegoB will be the tin <*0 ’ *’=‘‘
a-hiilon of an In*,
mill, to he operated In consectloD with
Cbainbera' .tnurtml
tbe Us plate mill. They will make all
klsdaoftio eanaoutof Ue reaidne of
the tin plaua. After three platea are
prepared fpr ahippiog. tbe irimBlagt
are left, and instead of wasting or re- 75 pmiiid mil*, the ftt poun.l rslli flrat
■iDg too light Tbe renatm given
m-'lUng Ueae Ulmminga they will be nm-cl tu'lD
B»ed to make fruit, baking powder and omi-lall.v la tbe Ibcniaav In iraCUc. Ev­
ery tbiug wnt enlt-ulaiiFl wbeu tbe road
an other kind, of cans They .11, cm..... ...
Cban three
ploy between three and foor bandnd
boys and glrla.
eight. U-aldve the^aemlAn Ann Arbor man eBaaed a black-1 w.-ekiy exi>nw« fh>m Yloaeow to Krahanabe into a brtttb heap la hit yard and oorodak. Tbr ta«t year's traSIc murtia
• h^nulA-rkn tk^ttoitot. tyt

nghu for the fire ^vded fatter in the
MiTted.-Jourdry graai than the anake could, and ial of Comni.-we
faster also than tbc mao ooald sUmp
I Oeat.
It out aotll kcveral pernoni arrived
A RdailaQ iDv.jotor uilUxiw i^ial dual
awist him. just In time to preveal B
j by mixing li nhli a ^fm- iixilata<-a
aettlsf 8re to bis honae.
aud a.llitk- ivalDlnud wurklug tbc mixlure Into brick* [Th.-ac arltflclal liimr>a
Ask Tour Fsm'.'y Doctor
'hum well nod are twlng inadf in In
If he kaotrt of any cure lor piles masod qnnntItieB. Tbe brlqm-itc'lnwhich ia equal to Dr. A. W. Chase-* duatry I* carricl on to tome extent le
uimeat. Ask your drunlat if be w«-*ii-rn Eiimjui iaino. Till* Ivhii oj>
a any other preparation that be can |»riiimtty for Mine'MterpriHlut .Sew
Mmatead with the same ooafideaoe V.irk.T
\ ..rl
to Bite u|> the aituaiion In tbe
at he doas Dr. A. W. Cbaae'a Ointment. PeniK.vlvnn'a
roaifleid* and make aome
Df. a. W. Chase's Olatosent has a fm

: dent of tbe Mniaal Life laasraaee (
"ft la grand. bMaUfal, tha %n*m aeeompaaled by acraral of hia agp
thl«g ever pradaead bera."—Mai
Wt ter Datroit thia aioralag to
Moralag Kaera.
80 they aU aay of the
itioaef Mataal Life ageaU
■The Plxtaa." Oaa yoa afford to mlm ’ »*>t awk.
1 »*«>'. E B. Ryder haa arrired fro®
Ed. Wkaeler. tlftrd baaemaa for tha I Plymoath aad la hard at werk getting
B Mlera, haa had u offer to go to
aeuled Is the High aebool beDayton to fiaiab the aeaaon bat be haa i
aebool beglM September 4.
Aaedded to reaals in ibe city.
| 9- A and L. J. Baell and Mr*. G H
Manager DarU of tv* local foot ba'l ,D3«ffl“ are entertaining Mra. G B.
team baa cempleied arrangemento for i
And dangbler. Pearl.of Oydr.
their flr«t foot ball game to be played
at Petoakey, Stp-ember T.
Jerome F. JohAaoa cf Waabington.
Hew-daneea. witty llnet.ip C.. U rUlting hi. bmiber and oenaide-rpliiticgtituatlona. bnlliani un-|
0 bae reiamed to hit
leans. Intricate marehea A p,i pourri'
effocdiblngaacoreter tbe blneaSAlem. altera ria^t with hi*
A'l aecnred with a ticket-10—The
P.xiea-next Wedneeday erenlag.
E'chard Lambert, agent for L<ncoln i
«' Chicago, who
J. Oarter-4 "Under the Dcme." which ^
unele^Rer.C T.
Stout, went to Maaiatew yeaterday '
• ill be preeentedat Sieinberg'a Gtasd
“* ‘
nest Saturday, arrired in the city laat where they will uke tbe ateamer LH
not* for bom*.
erenlDg, to eonelnde arrangeBenta for
the appearance of hU company here.
MimBvbr Deui.
MUa Haonab LlbuttKl of Chicago, i*
C-w U
b, Ch.,l« tou
I IV ........
- „
I »*•»• U=*hopand Miaa KatherbeHiMr. J. W. MHlIken of Waabington ,i„p
atieel la rery tick.
ymwrday after a week'. Tiaii Wuh ih.The Boyt band will glee an ex'-nralcn family of C. Y. Slone.
otbeaieamer Colnmbia Sunday, to
G Hrickerand wife and toe. Boy. of
Port UaroD. are gueaU of S. B Sornera
Little Battle and Lila Peieraon will

Shoes May
Look Alike
But SUB the make op aod
grade of stock we sell
aod we will shew pea
the diffeience.
There's nothing like leather whes well pat tog^ether—
Tod get it of the Old Beliable Shoe scan


tok,b .-T.« p.--"i„7p,:,"i::r..Xto

next Wedneaday erenlng: they do it i
go High achorl, are gaeaU of Victor profemionala.
Moniagneand arc ei j jying recrea lot
at Mr. Moatagua'a camp on the H mrdPeraonal.
loan river.
Dr A D tt'hite, proaident of tbr UW. B. Baloe of tbe BoatSS^tore ia
entertaining hit aialcr. Miat Ida Baine tofl CbcDica: Co. of SpringSeld. Mick..
U in the city on Mtainea*.
of Wbilebail.
Mrt. J. 1) Slater of G k Kapida ia
A Ojod Oain inBuatnrM.
vlalUng tbe family of J. W blaier of
T. J. Ueoderaoo, Dutrici Superin­
Sute atreel.
ore of Grand Bapida haa tendent of tbe Mutual Life Icauraoce
poalilon in J Vi. Slater't company of Heir York, in pteparuig a
report of the bnainraa of thia diatnet,
Inrnitnre itore.
n. J Green baa returned from an for the atate eosvenUon to be held ir
extended rull In tbe aoutbern part of Detroit text aeek.-ia very p'e.aa ly
aurprued «.ll) aome feature* of it. To.
lb* atate.
Mra. G. L. Von tVoltbaaaen and {utakea a rery taeurably ahoirls(
daughter are rititlng F. U. Ucumann.'
aa to teerraae of baaioraa wrlUen.
wboiaMr*. Von Woltbauten'a braber. and tbe careful ac'.icUon of riakttakes.
Harry Meyera of Coleman, Micb.. ia During tbe eight moutba jjat cluaec
more icaurance waa ariltec
bring rnuriaintd by B. A. Gannett.
A. J. Smltb baa returned fri m a trip |
during the flrtt eight moniha of
to aoutbero Michigan.
i'1"^ Thia far no death claim* bate
Miaa loaFarianiof Giro Haven i* j
incurred and but one policy ha*
vlalUog frienda and icboolmaiea in tbe ! dren turrroaered for paid up in*uranc<
I in thia ditlrml tb.> year.
B tv. Bound and family are eijiy.’
ig a viait from Jobs UuCge and'
daughter of Port Huron.
8lck Headache,
Mr«..B 11. Bracken i' eniertaining
p to ruin the *y*tem
daclie pu
ber alater, Mia* Libble Miller of Grand ktrong
Kai ida 1^
. will ,-urc Datura ,
Mia. Danfortb baa murned
y Ly r.ui-Ting th,- cauae? liny
from Und*oo. led., wbere*he ba* been
new l ine and vigor to tbe liv..;j
vUitlng bt-r aoc the paat three
kidi.'y*. regitiaio the t-owel* and
Miaa Liliol cf Detroit la viaiiiBg f.
and-ti.rfouUDomlne and family at GaaiBav.
'bearacn,-. Ouei.l.ia c.o*e. iS cen-* a
It. Briktoi. family and gurau. Mra j ■'*’
Go. C. Siikce ol New Uriiaca and Mr lopesSin 1
Cecil Angua of Coruina. left Friday'
lor a aecu'a outing on Torch rieer.
They . ipeoi to be jointd ly Mr. and
Mr* VV U Clark
Mra Jordan of Joliet, LI., is the
■•rhs Pixiei ••
gueatof Mra G P. Killitg*
Tne ca .a—tVedortday and Tkur*
Mr*. T- J. HraderaoD goea to Kloga
da.T. Auruat Hoard 3i—The evvo —
ley today for a viait with relalivea.
•Th.- Pixire"-The niittber-On.
Eev. W. G lirowD abd family will go
lijn<1r.Hl acd fifty—The caUM—-t.racr
cbufCL—Tbe r, ^u't—Yon'ii taugb.
o G k Bapida today 1© epetd Sunday
wl'h Dr, H B. Mor*e and family. Rev
.' Fear Ccsti a Leaf
Brown will occupy the Methodi*i
pit while th.-re.
Hendeno'- di I'icl anperinlen-' pi'v'if

Nervous Prostration
is frequently so sudden that
the person loses the use of
the limbs, in fact, for a
while they appear para- I •^1
lyzed. This utter giving\jf/!
out of the whole body at /■
once is so alarming that
the patient sometimes
sinks into lethargy from
shock. Something has
to be done at once.


is an instant invaluable remedy for all
cases of nervous prostration. It requires
no help for its digestion, immediatdy
tones up the nerves, counteracts the sink­
ing and faintness and warms the whole
system, creating renewed action of the
heart, sending fresh pulses of blood to
tbe brain and putting tbe sufferer into a
condition of readiness to begla once
more on a better foundation.


Everybody knows that means the great­
est kind of values.
Since this closing out sale was started
many lines offered at first have entirely
disappeared, but we keep adding new at­
tractions every d^-For instance, we
have selected and place'd on our front
counters a line of

Age 4 to 16-Just right for school wear,
and marked many half and others

2-3 Value.
A lot ofCottonade Knee Pants at....... lOc
A lot of All Wool Knee Pants, value 60c
at.................................................... S6c

Straw Hats at Half Price.
Colored Laundered Shiits at..............38c
Big tale on Mens L'ifcht Weight Panta

South bide


F^ark Place Hotel!
Tira-trearso City, M±<?Jx^arL.

Newly painitti jiapered. and carpeted—Rooms with
private baths bare been adtkd. making it one of the most
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. Address fo»
rates and other information
_______ Proprietors.______________________

Desirable Property Must Be Sold
New 8-room residence, stone foundation
and basement, well and city water, a nice
lawn and shade trees, handsomely painted
and papered, suitable for two families.
Cor. Webster and Franklin Sts.



Good Hsrdwood in Stove Lengths.
Also Four Foot Vaple Slabs and Edgings.

Traverse City Lumber Cff,


&r\era.V ^Uxb»


\ 9wpf r«» tk* «-Mk ••

ftpIftglMllM 1.1.
* •***^


iMlow It ft IM H tte bwtac

Om rmlt tt tb« t


The Coanteae of .Warwick
be the only peercaa whoae name ap­
pear* over a abop window. Tbit par- I
tlcBlar abop. however, to ran for the
beneSt of poor ncedlewomeiL
glrto are employed, and the proBta are :
expended tor their beceSl. An old
10 7t country -woman, who *aw the name of
the countem over tbe window, did not
underttand the attnaiiaa. and ex* 7J rtolmed: “Oh. pore lady,-ow abe ma«
*ave come down In the world!"

1 WtMUBklttd It the tppMmtM of £

t*. . InoriftBi en>p of
ehaki uuag
_ I the Ulr fttz of the Btddle ftsd vpptr
' cUtt. It U BO loBcer the ftthioa to
rort. bst
Tbt Twrti(7-tUc& Palm U tb« BwM rather to court the rtiddr of
look of tbt
wiMf kftova
popoUr of »U milkmaid. Thla chtBse eonfronUone
Setl^ft 4«f«Ulaf t«nt«hepMftb«ftd lb« pMliM of DftTid. It it ttOKbl to at tn the peiba. In the sabllc ttroeta. In
«f Ua ftt MUWtb JftftCttoA. BMr To- Is AiMbood. coftifartt «• is jovtb ftftd the dnvluft-raom. ifi the thwtor. In
nuDbood, ted t(i«Bttb(M at vbcD td- chnrcb. eveirwhere. In thort. where
Itdo. Lftht Shore Ki«lsMr Blatoo Tuft
TtBclDc Me tpMte of tbc -Ttlleyof
r«rtrttd bU ftftrU** ud
Ttft (bethadowof detib." It fcretlbet
-------------- BllrklUftd. btl ut t*ltoh|^^„„,,^,od#ohlii»emiatlo(»d. ptttlon for open-elr eaerrt^ that bow
m>wm met ItrMd tbe twitch }tat Is i l, ^kt of Ood'a care of tb« tool ns- retpy tlmott at. «premely at a^
athletic male. U ^e
ttmtUkaMtkt train on the main |der the fl»orea of tbe Sheidierd. who
^ Vtldil^^
jt ItftdaBit
aheep'ltstodie Kreee paainmt mcltl^
giotlvM ^o?^X''hl*hort"^l5nih^
of the blkheit phlUnthropy
ThaaaltftB of Morooeo hna noHfled
betide atW waU^> and that ^
would not enconrace thlt ruddrhBiwIota tbe ebaeked movement, for it robe them
«ba power* that be U dattrpylns the j
^ ^ lucratlre Held of practice.
MtieeboaUOBthe Bff tofttt ft.4 la;c„^bl*coptomnrrer. And ihtre
------------ ;;----- ^_
.MtftbllahlDC ft rosboftt terrloe la ordtr
indoded alau the tweet peace, pro-: The eoaiomet and make-op of -The
to prottei formsft tbippln* from plratj ’ found aerenity ud troetfol ba|^iDC« P.tlet ’ are eacrucUUnfly tunny- Be
Afaattrala atratk ft dooUftoaftUd ! ol the one whom God tboa carea and I« a elaairary aoul Indeed who eannot
____ H J killlar Mlat
And Where In all tbe world Sod a Unsh In every minote next Wed*
•srTeyfttltaabnsht.«.J.kimnr_Mlaa,^^ be found a pea« and happing „emlay erMlnf nl the City Opera
«^la« Tar^. tfed I '•
tbU peace'and bapplneai ot tba;
•fed II and Ohnrlaa Trippa. need --l^oi. «blcb maybe called the Chrta
Urn. Cbalrlat Trippa may dU of UJarlaa i
j,,, ^ pietmret
sad ksr baby and Loulaa P»rr are 1 i. (id i« the auorce of the Cfariarouevrioe >■ lae ii«t of
ftllfbtJy Injared.
! tlan’a pleaeure. He. a* a ahepherd. iw Trmr,j^
. .
,_a dealt ao boontl-'
«•* .
f.ndU»..«ol M0.000 M.
,1,1... tlul« m. o'«
Kll-ieli. J a
<0. U.J o.« who .11 .1.. .« l«p.ti» Tl,).,; .ittb. L™. I. ... .Ui-blll.
iotbadlacoveryof llfe-aarlnf appaia-j Jbe Chrl.tlan'a |ilea«ro U tberefora ScPoetid.
ipiiituai rather tban eenenal. It comet
Mlia Mary B il >okerof Loudou.Oot. from unluD with Ood. from hiemlngt WiUib*«i,<
dldu't want tn •rrompany her mother derived from God, from aerrlee fur.
Oval, from (ellok-tblp and ct
Braa>a, CIro
on a trip t bi ffalo ao the took a tmall with tbe people of U.bI.
Banaae. ViCa
Pr-.enoa. UallUa
Soec of Pfrk (teM to make ber aicb
*. Tbe worJdllDg cannot nndetvund
nbepUF. Mary
esousb toaUy at home. The p-wlon tbe Chrlitlan-a pleftBoee. Itlevplrltnal WUllawa. Mrlria
eraa alronrer than abe thought and the and can only be diacemed by the aplreent dueoa i «fa advertiaed letter.
UKonut: W. Rarr.
«dled at mldalftat afur hoare of auffw- ItuaL It U aa OnlnteUlKlble to Ibe inPoalmaater.
Ing. MIm Hooker wa* It yeaie of a|8 experiesced at the cooveraaiion of tboae
who apeak Ip a foraiKD. unknown
Bhc Saved Bar
AtOetr Creak, 111 . Prlday Sfiean,
They upderetaud and en)oy ittliUe Daogbter’a Lif?^
tbraahera. working on tbe farm <»» Xo ot It 1. nnlnlc dllltble I
IMvld Wolber. 'werc potaoned by eailng '
__ iiT liruiile of the WicJd doobi
I am the mother of eight ehiidren and
«blekanaalad Bigbt are tea critical | the happinea* pf (‘brittian*. la-canae have bad a great deal ofI experience
with medlcl
Modltloo. and teveral will die.
they i-aunol onder-laod it. y>
dyaeniery {n
Ue daegbiei bad
tort dceltrc tbt ailinant la ptomaine of cine who U •ivtd in iirofor
wortl form
We tl
more aatitfying and more raptui
I uled everything
1 could think
than any worldly J»y- "Eye hath sot
LooU D Maaon of. Salt Lake City, aeru.'ear bath hot beard, netllier batb of, but notbing aecmed \ do ber any
la at AoaUs. Texaa. on bU way koma It entered intnltbe heart of man. what
our paper that CbanberUin't Coll
from Mealeo.-where be clalmi to have Ood hath in atore for Uiute wh.i love Cholera and D’a
la rb(loea Remedy
obuloed a ooneeaalon for tba eitrb- Him.'’ TbrcyaMbrear. the,
and teat
ilgbly recommended
V bottle
e at once.
It proved to be one
Jlabraent of two large Mormon colon lea not diverrn Ibe tlbriatlan’e iilraanrea.
S. Tbe Cl.rUliitn'»i)leartir.-e %r eter- of tbe very batt medlcinet we ever bad
In tbe Mazta river valley. aUle of DuIn tbe houae. It aaved my little daughnaL
Vango He expecu to locate not laat
ter't life. 1 am anxiout for ever moth­
than ao.uuu Mormona at tbe plaea ae- Lord forever." To be wilb Ood forever er to know wbat an excellent medicine
1* to enjoy Uod forever. Worldly plaat- U la- Had I known It at firat It would
uteawion veni«h HplrHuel pleaturtw have aaved me a great deal of anxiety
Tbe Rome coTmpondent of tbe latt forever. Wbich are we Hiriving lor ? and my Utile daughter much aufferiug
“Dio nut' Uod place nt In Iblt world —Youra truly. Mm (5ko K Hi ki>u:k.
Daily Mall aaaerU that there have been
*‘y- “ r aale by 8. E Wall
orldly LIbei
aevaral oatea of bebonie pUfue raoeni to ei)i«y oiirrelvetf" aaid
}y at t'alermo and Maplca. three or yonng man lo a'ltdy who w a preaalng
four ending faUily. All poaalblc pre-




tad tftm |«ed«Mft

bilum r*i
' COaor Pork pw bU. mo
, Otar Pork per ft..........
; Short Ont Pork pm ft..
noor. H L. ft Oo. Boat
Bre Ploor. H. L. ft Oo^
ifW. B. L ft On. Boat
reeid, B. L ft Oa Bout.

tl one of the moa
In ^
tt tbe army had to contend with
i« many iurtascr* it became chronic aid
the old aoldicTB *uU evff»r from It.,.
Mr. David Taylcr of Wind Ridge. 1
OrewneCa. Pa.toone of tSeae.
Potetoau.per ba............... 40
VO naea tlhamberlain'i Colic. Cbolo* and I'
75 Diarrhoea Remtdy and aav* he never,
Bcma aATaaoPT«ATXHB0RT onai- f. and anything that would gtv« him;,
auch qulc^ relief. It to for aale by S. I
E Wall and F. C. Thompoao. drag-

Real Estate, luctloaeers.
Traders, Moeeif loaaets.



west Michigan,


ii "s ;,IS

T'kR. R B. WIXOR pby.tclaii aed *urrr
XJ Ofliw mclHch Block Oar or Blyvi <-1
aiiFOdod to pFoapity. PBuu**, Bell Ift; Noi
phyalrlaa and aurreua.
D (.f*du*iFOl fa
IJttce* oeaToBOHlCf ux
TvlepBooe Wo tOd. ____

'<jas Lamp--



Re^noil to Close Out Lol

‘••£S3";::;U!;TS IS' j
!»,; =s,ijJ

eoatStete atreet J>bt aeroM Barlow
atreet. Tbit goc* at 8100 for SS feet
w r.**)0 for the whole lot.
Applea. how to tki*. 40 acre* Si* mU<a
nortii of WilHaaaburg, one of the beat
apple orchard* in tbit end of the elate,
-go^ bounand Urn, wind mill, we.l Lv ElkRapia*
S » II d
water, all complete- W.U give aame At TrewraeCy «Jo It n
one a good trade on into for city proper­
. KRBOR. AxeM.
ty. < kwner wiabe* to retire from farm.
Baade enough to keep family balance uf OBO. DIBAVne. U P. A,
Umii litc-, gooaai»1.9>u
Tbto to tbe time to gel lo out ot tbe
wei. lo a abort time, mind what we trll
you. prior* will jump, we are not try­
ing to work upanv boom. It tonT nec•eaary. oalaie to doing that part, Ua
TataXccVeci WeCaeaCay.Jaa. II
boom will iN>me of lU own accord, 1*
oomiug. In fact haa com*. We can aee
U'everyday. increaacd callt for proper­
ty. inquiriM for houte* to real, for
farm*, for vacant properly, everything *
4 to Lv
Afi tt B « tl
in tbe real e*<au line- Of coune tbto >e
the condiiioo to a eeruio extent all
•ver tbe country but the aame eoodi- »» 4 40
tlonvdoDoi extot in otberplaeea. Fbr
Inaunne. the aoutb port of the alau to wlib drouth, corn and pot*- »» aa «a to
^10 a •« **
torn are burning up for want of ralr, •W a* V» H
*1* to H to
we bare plenty up to the proaent liute.
tbe wcet haa another groMbopp r
plague, we have none. Tbto of eoa- e
only a few of the c*odit;oa* that a a
in onr favor. Wau-b tbto column and we
win tell you of oiber*. Invmtigai! the 'tOto*«m
j *0 «*; to M
Travarar City
I • to t to
kargaina we ofier you. Call on tt* for II W. 4 to
anything you want, will do onr heut to
help you out. alwayu oo tbe hrmtle.
make more deala, sell more properly
than all the reat pot together.


W6 ha« a $175 real estate
nndhuiK-that they ere Kind Lit mortgagB, 1 oef 0601., 5 jeats,

iiiisni UD lotmuiDR 11.

1? !K*.?-r.„ irs ss

IS !S “n's:,S“ iis ::
4£4S ,i,77.'.S2. -BS2S

Its IS *£SS^T,» I lists
AEif. ISS !S





Wade Bros.


211 Front St.

Up Stairs


Picnic Panins,

and Funerals.

i b-r"firce'


: DR. SPIRRET 7.''.X


Tdifitou (to.
6. BB0D8AUH, fn}.


Fire iRSuraece.
John R. Santo,
Geieial listratM.



«iSft££Si±!i :S isifiSSaCSB
fteltwnd Ratea on the O. ft * 1. RT ] j
Pbiladelpb'a. Grand Army reunion.
Sept. 4ih. Oee tare for round trip.
Grand Sapid*. *ute fair. Sept. SSth.
ne fare for round trip
B« Raoidi, Volauleer Rennlos. SeptOlorlona Mewa.
lUb. One fare for round trip.
Cornea from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
------------- ---Waahlta, I. T. He writea; - roar bot- fare ft ___
tlea of Electric Bit.era ba* cured Mra
EeducMl rate* tc
Brewer of acrufula, which bad eaoaed Phone Iff ring*.
her great anSerlng for yeara. Terri­
TralBaarrlvt freai Harktoaa aa« PMaakey.
ble aorea would break out ou ber bead
‘-rralB^'^v* froBi Blrhaaa*. Pen Vay**,
aed (ace. and tbe beet doctera could
Drirou aadtiraod KaplU*. at Trta ». a
give no help; but her cure to complete
Train laa'lax a> ■■ l» a a.fta* chair ear
Waltoa laliraaC Rapid*.
and ber beattb to exceUent.'' Tbto
Tr.m ai Ifto a. m. ba* ebalrear
•bowl what ibonaandi have proved—
Walion lo Toti-do »la R*vJ Cut.
Electrlc lUiterx to the beat blood
Tram IraTlei tv ai baa nlavetaacar* WallaatuCbb<-a«o.('iarini,a
U>ul*>iUc. ladlaapurifler
ler known. It * tbe anpreoe rei
apo;i> aed Bi. U>aK Clalax car ic Oraad
edy for eexema. tetter, aait rbeui
nlcerv, boil* and ranning aorea.
aiimnlalM liver, kidney* aed bowel*,
C. t trv-nwoono.P *t a..rt-*i.r «avto»
Another piece of propertv banded I
expel* poitont. helo* oigeetloc. build*
nptbeetrength Only W eeutt. Sold today. buainMa procerty ii feet oa e.
by Johnton aud Walt, druggtoto iGua< Prom atreet. gotn: *tore oulldlng.
anteed )
« i ing rrom* aevana atnrv. good derlling
• in rear of etore
Separate from eiore,
whole property renu for IS) per
uiontb. Price I2.eixi.jnit lu per cent.
cioiNt. not-TB.
interr*i oa invckimrov
g aa brown, aiwrecr ai iI OpBBMIlor *'
Wr alao have 10 acre* 1utllee ont
O. Ua*. Upaclal aiMaiioa to ceUaeUeD- on pcnlnauia at a very lu-v dgere. tsuo.
aadeoBvaraarIcc til grpaiUi
Anovoer bargain came in lately, 5o teGrC HapiCa. II IS 4 4* lu to . X W
, r la;
aerea, 16 acrea unuer cultivation. 5 teorc iteetoa. I? to .mb
rarvtul aiMaiiea. . , ilea out OB peatnaula. batao.-e baa
r ProaiiH *Mll
oulr rrliablr atork
aar Raw a policy i
Lt Si
■ r)ti-ii*l oDCC t'i
Baaiiix • agvMy. ' mbordnoBgi tor l.tNXi cord* ofr wood,
iil clay loam, fhto 5 > tt wortkft:
Rye. per bn...
Butter. J

t Provident Life
and Trust Company

”'‘“■'“"'“ ■""“"^"""'1.,.,



Ckaamary Butter, ft....................

oauliona are being Ukeh.but the newtpaper* do not-mutloo tbe preaenoe of a reply. Many prideeaedChrlRtianteven
Bou*»Bloet_ ______
tbe dlteate, le order to prevent alarm. find (lielrpleaunre* unt in tlx lr religion,
of Philadelphia.
An entire paaaenger train fell Into but in aplie of their reliKioo What a
tbe river Mapoeba.wbleb rune throegb tad couuirbtaiiy <>u uur Cbrlttianity
Hanilago da Chile, and many Uvm ware when We have : tii go to tbe World fur LotI T. PfnuiDfrton, Diatrict-Aift
tvWiat Ciu-Mtehi«aa.
loat Allbaugb tbe iremendout ttermt enterlaiDimtil ami amnaewentl
It xnnraor at
Bible Reading*.—Keb. viil. 10; Pa
tktt have been raring for a fortnight ■Vl. 0. 11; XXXV. fli li, l-J; Pruv. ill,
IhroegboBt Chile oontlnue, there baa 17; xii, Ib-lT. l-ll; lit.
been aouie abatement. Advleea from XXXV. 1-10; II. II; blulli. XI. V*B-80;
varloua polnte ludloau wideapraad dU- Luke Till. H:;xvi. lO-Bl; Phil lv.4:
anoU mnok.
Heb xi. 84--.f6.
treat and mltery.
T X.TKOHPtlON H.D OBa* la HaiaUh n
Xbe Canadian Vetere t' aatociatlon
A. a Silllkre RInoX. Hoen.ttO II a-m.. 1
lolp. n.
of Chicago baa raoelvad iV latter from
“What U the of all Iblt tbontSir Wilfred Lauriar ateUng that be. ing and bleeaing and prnioiiig and
tbe earl of Hlnte, the Canadian cabinet
-ALR-Ladle. wa*»l. u*ed .Im-e
and the mambaraof tbe Canadian parf forMlerboap. Call ai tX: Utau .1
■llamentwonldaoeeptan InvIteUon of bleaviuK Vf “In tbe Lord" and n»t in
Beat workmaoallip tnon^y
the Chicago fetUval oommlttee to par­ onraalvee. Diir tn anybody ur anything
WiNTRO- «ioo4 cirl for (eorral
can employ for Bicycle
elre. Uluwlng
iHirn uiay But be
wa-ork Will oay*t<V per wm-Ii far
ticipate In tbe faatlval axerolaea to be
alao aereod firl. IV.|Ulre of Bn R
Uepairiug. Quick work.
liluwing onr own. Une guud it accouaI. rorver Hiateaad rraaBlln ••rreia.
held daring the eacond wank of Octe- pliabet la to gladden tbe nim-k fulka
If Ibey meet of hear of one of theaa
i*N <’0 perwioal prooenj.
A report baa boas raoelvad that tba brave «ud Iriumpbant iwreont who lie Union Street.
u, .-11 rr«yi M
ameatla with which the erar of Hnaela blr>* Ibe L>rd at ell tiiuea, wboee ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ <^.VN-Tp-«.
oo®|.e>»Bl. iipH*J*«e dr*».
may. I<U »e aia-rr,. tan tu Utt. take ana
bat been attacked lodleaua a danger- montbe coutionally praiae tlie Lord and
ork la laiBlIi**
d.«rtor>rai our.u;u le alwwakSe 1*. Cost
out pbytiol(«lcal altnatlon. NIekolaa wb<iae aoult make tbrir luart In tbe
We *fv imt on la.
at leaal our
BO InrtMiNm
inrtMiNe* tbeir ruuragu und
It about to go to Oanattedt with tbe Lord, it BU
aalu*. a. are .wu-tl.' IB il
»> work all l*v
wmpraee, and will oonSde tbc regency
ply lo Wilaoi. a Iraln
Hate ..ranaell .tout vruperiy, *e caexKe
c.k Wixlh while to gbidilen meek .. ° °
. 1
to hit grand uncle. Nlebnlaa Mlcbael*t
'aXTRD-KUM (>rl
•elntuT Sdrely ll la Bu. Am t get ont g[|| e|}ge. WHO WantS it?
meV'S.'r'tr/ -.“aVL"
^*5^ BW
ovltob. Uoriag bla atay abroad the
U*r,rali.* at top o' ,lair*. Br.l J.« u, Ike rixtt
alier VO) turn to lelt ki bewl of tke otatna
pxar will undergo tba op-ratlon of CbtieUnn Sundard.
trepanning, the raenll of which It nnI'oarirer
Leeh Inward.
, REST rr..aio«r.,o€, Prcni
Wbeoiwer yi« flud yuuraelf inclined
At Wlnnlpag. Man., a Swedlak wo­
lar-B Park awl I'okMi .J*a-3v I
man named Helton atebbed a neighbor. todw'rll *ntb iiture tbkU rouiiuuu eeverllv
M.-*. Nelton. Co tha braaat with a battlu.*uf men aud In Iw laX end
B Tburaday Bight. Tbe wound U «a
d‘“ ’ «a otie. and may prove fatal,
tallanl U andur arreai pending
A B. ■'*tx»kT N
M. l>.. K..,Jee< F>1,t,
developraeaUId my uva*urt- overcouie lh<
p.>RtAi^1l-* rood f.ldlnr^h^t^d^^Vr.l W-ikat a*4 Ettrcne,..
Thu bnbonlc plague ha* appeared at i ibr Arab aud the devil, yuu ere bound |
<‘b.a;*Et SRu;tkni'.a
lauoirr of Fred
■ II Tbr
tbe l-'avr aad RiiJJL c-EMi. Af.
- ____________
_ _ _ _Chwang.
_ _ _ _ China
_ _
_ _ _outbreak
_ _ _ _ it I i<>
_ _know
_how _bard
_ Ibe_ _lark
_ _it_ _and
_ _ to, 1 liRVe jUBt BildtHi a dne liai k.
eouracv-l' * . n > e m fik Imtein
not regarded aaaerlon*. but It to feared I enirriaiu ft-eliattauf pym|«tby (ut all agvcral roomr two-nnci tlirre^mtatmaU Srad M uaeaiiue l<*i. prra-E kuJ yooraal*
dlaeaae will aproad to Tien Tain
Tnln tbet ereengagtvl in the aaiovllfht. The ^
an iuer^Btfd num- a.llifan- lorCaxw -r >o«a pi
the dieeaae
Bar lora'ioB CorwiBF tanari
brat (MX
ber of nic« carringixB. 1 am uow CM. lu lb. r.i] Cbaa>« >>f i
and other placea In China.
a* kl Mkan.
TL- iujujxcn-1 prepared to do ao exteOBirr
eitoOBirc livery
The North German OtxeUe aiaerU tote H..U i.
Q,-tKt.SW*NTXtV Aaura^al
addition to
to frediog
feediug and
that there are to eaaee of bubonic hvIplUK band tor .11 eiruggling w>ula I bu8iiu-B8
" in «“lditioD
HolhJaj. »M Waaktaevaa .iravi
plague Is Aatrokbad, eapiul of the He did nut and d.-e* nul break the
^ . ,
hrntoed reed nqr quench tbe emuking
Drivere fumubtHl if d«m*d
Biuclan government of that name.
Evorythiog to hrot-cluH shape.
Uwlog to the provalenoe of tbe bu­ flax—NaahviUt- Advocate.
bonic plague la Oporto, the prefect of
^^ANTRD-A Xr.1 eli^ bul
Oeii'a •'eaera.
L. L. A BuUdlng.
police baa toned an order oloalng the
iplira HU favorn. Day by
.l«ly tolurTJ*H Ro'birtf^oT.
pnbltc aeboole.
day aud hoar b|y hour they come troop­
y^ANTRO—W* oaii^a le* bUBdl^
«o hto way kUber with *.000 phtato of ing along acrcydtng to cxiating need, i
—......... - ■
- ■ -------------maU-nlagun naram. Bu to eomlag at all l«ia«*B5"»iiT^ a^»be“ pr4ee to.- y«ui
miinn.-Ok and opportnov are mer- gnipM MUm ud BOIT CO
Boaey. No rtak. WaOe bro*., *11
the reqnant of PiiuMUU .Bugunle of 01
and Uiuntlev that we too often
aaj tuui m
Rry^ tSx lyatalra._________ ______
_______ U**4f
thru aa! matter of dnnrue. at-! prcNBpUj auvacvu u>. Sbop aaar dark. Bay
dunburg. prealdeut of tha Rnmiaa no, Mi<«>nA>rv
ctaty for combating tbc plagoa
TroverooCitT. tom
OiM. tit
fell to trace them,
them, with doe iatelU-1 . —
genro and gratitude to their divine
r groat diacovery baa been aootre Never- ongbt tbe Hand that
1 that. too. by a lady In tbto feed* Ui and the Heart which reeptmd*
■■Dtoeaae faatened iiaclateh- tn love, ejrmpjRtby and kindama, be
Ut*e 4aeToKo4 tn
■VfEST Michigan R’y." TymRUaUI-Twe
r ^i^takoe om.u/Ottf klor*. froai. ^
forgonrnurnndrknowledged. Ooodnem
CHICAGO.................. • 6 00
•vet draervm yecogniUon.—PrCibytar- DETROIT.................
7 00
^ TOLEDO....................
7 70
fteath aeented ImmlneaL For three
8 M
• at Racoxa otoe*;_____________
month* ah* coughed iirnrouinPy. and
The Yalau ef a GeM Rome.
WT ST. LOUIS................ IS 50
oeuld not aleep. She Snallr diacovered
Secure a good name lo thyeelf by Ilva wry to recovery, bv purckaaing of n» iug vlrtuonaly
bnmbly. but lei tbl* ^ WEST MlCai^N RDOTB
ty.Oftra open frua ■ la laaralaa aaUl * laovoaabotUaof Dr. King’* New Dtocoveir
from all etatlooa Bay View to Travnro* lat. Wade Brea., til Freal BUeei. ap ar-‘—
tor OaoaampUon, and wax eo muck re­
City laelueive
utU Sept. mh. Brat to rttLl_____________________________ to
lieved <m taking the ftrat doee that ahe be brougbl boi4e to look upon it. Let '^-xaghuUupingnanlo Chk^ and
•M Ot aay hmC la Ur*t
.atepl all night; and with two botUea olberv nae ll for their own advaMaga.
ha* been aeaolutely ourad. Ber name f .• ,W.—_ —k 1*1* *1.— ,.1 — — Iknft
Onn. DnSavRS. O. P. ft.
to Miu. Luther Lute." Tboa write* W.
C. Bamniek ft Oo.. of Shelby, N. C.
•oBday Xnoaruloa to Boy Tlev
---------------tthedraruVMea-" »»‘BtbormoroudvaoUge. Utthyfaca
C. ft W. M. uxeuroioa rate to Boy
Johom. RM- ' tike Mourn-, thine lo otbera but maku
to. ft. Wall and J.
w SuBdoy only $l oo. Train lanm
goarwandSl. tvory bottU fw; 10 0. m. rotwnlag at T:40 p. m.
* Tavliw.


;:«» -e ;«sss ««s '«

; 5 !






'■ .ss,"

My Dental Office will be
dosed two weeks, commenc
inf; August 17tb.
S. O. SAWYElt D. D. S.

Uoiax North awry JayaaeoiR Uaaqay.
k>eTravet**City . .................... ..
MeaLkaaaava ............................. »:4«aw


!!:!:! isf:

Caarteiuli ... .
Cfcarleroii R R. Uoeh ............
teeUMhouiaevRW Cay •wuttomdey.
k>e Ltorletota'*L a. Doit................ »«>ka


: SSSt-, ■:....
i;5f£ 4 AO t to

•S'-e arLea rUgUtoL.


Travers City

» Itaa


: !!!;:

tteiB* Nortk evory day rieopt Saaday.



Steamer Onekama
Oftpt. J. U. Bmoiy.
«:00a. m.
Leave Old MImIob.
8:40 a m.
Arrive Elk Rapid*.
11:00 a. to.
Leave Rlk Bapida..
a. to.
Arrive OldMlaaloB.
Leave Old Kltolos
1:40 p. m.
Arrive Elk Rapid*.
Leave Elk Rapite..
Arrive Old Mlaaion................. 7:40 p. to.
-Bo* will luavn the MeroantUe 0o.a’
bloek. Bote) Whltiog and Park Plaoa
att:B0 p. m. ‘Bur will alan eenaaet
with boat at ll:io a- to. FTnlt ear irill
be at Eaat Head oo Taeudaya, Th«r*dayuaod Saturdaya Putouagitu aad
Ja^_OR ^t ^

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