The Morning Record, August 01, 1899

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The Morning Record, August 01, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text









nilrd Tear—No. 099.

hf Amarioan.


lUeat IMnapproval and
wlU Befbrea

I of Snnday bate
haU U Ula elty haa ezdted eontlderVlim BvnpttUnuXf
BvnpMUnuXf SopplM Uo abla aantlment boU tor aed againat Ue
lararvwto «ttk lATfo auatHr of practice, and wblU over
wltncncd the gaae there has been a
KflM 0^
■trong protMt. Taetorday Mayor Bam
mmX Soorobisff tot OoUtr Vorty.
llton waa vlalted by aeveraldelagatlooa
from vartona eburehea aaklng hia' to
nea hto beat eVartg to have- Ue Sunday
.UpMtOd wifhiB
^ At Ue firat M.
the MMire
•Dd »B- E. ehurch Sunday evening Ue matter
BUltim oBd th« AsericM who tomtd waa diaeuaaad from Ue pulpit and Us
to hmtbh tboa. WhUo Iho offl^iU of rialng vote waa regiatered in dimptho otoU oad Bh«7 doBortaeBli bibdI- proval and a ebamittee ooBaiatlng of
«wttbo BiBMl rmerre ob the oahjeci. Oea W. tardle. E. J. Pulghna and
U ta mid th»t iBoostmtthle oTldMce U Jno. Fowl# waa appointed to call11 upon
Is Doammlon at the sathoriUee wbleb Ue mayor and aake known the
wm eome the ooedteBtioe of the Amer- mmtaof theaaabereof Uat ebnreh
imm ■lnn'tT Pukg. bow detoloed »t regarding Ue Innovation.
Ue PrieodB ehurch
MhBtU. Bod ibht Prederiek W. Sotterie.
fermorty of PhtlodelpblB will h«?o U> BBd oee froa the deoood M. K. ohnreh
fteoM ooBBtrlm boTlBg mUBdlUoB Bleo OBiled upon the aeyor for the
>e purpoer: and the Y. P. 8. C. £. of
trmtlet with the Uoitod SU'eo. Perhep* the MBsdBl will eftcol ether the OonrrecBtloBBl church took a elmlAmeriahoe of hitherto pood repute, lar eouree. Be#dee theee Mayor Bamthourh tbelr co»nectlOB with
the *f- Uton wee waited upon by aany in bb
iDdlvIdoBl mpaelty. The eentlaeot
iBlr B*r BOt BTO*e orlBlBBl.
Rroa uBOfllclBl eonreee It le leeroed thus aBBlfeeted was that enerretic
thht Botterle wm Imt you the Amerl- eff >rU ebould be exerted with the aeaOUB menber of the Aneulha firn of bert of the haoe hali teaa to penuade
apiieel A Oo. of eon* Kob«. Be took thea to haveBomore taaee ob Sun­
B lord of urae Bed BOtBuoltlOB. eos- day.
The matter waa dtoeeaMd dorlag the
eleUnfof MO rlAee
rldee BBO
Bsd s.ew.wo
S.MO.OOO roaou.
. ..
of. eertridfOi
to ChtitoB. ..BlAlltfl
oeteurtbly for day by the mayor and the bam ball
and an effort was 'made
delivery to the ButhorlUee.
They were iB B euiBll Brilleh etoBmer to have It annonneed that there would
OBlIed the PbiIt. fo' which he BOpHed be oo more Sunday ball. No mutual
Bad uowBiTBBUUly ohl*lned bb Amer- naderaUndlBg oonid be arrived at and
the mayor decided to direct the ofieloBB rerieter.
IB BpolylB* lor Amerleen rerUtry ria to-take the action which theetaiute
•ovidea tor violaUooa of the law.
BBd reoBBtlag the tcbmI the Abhy 8nV
Leet Bight the altBatlon waa the anbterle repraeented that the CkBtoa butboriUeehBd rejoetod the OBrgo. but Jevt of oonalderable oomment. The
bo oMldaBeUydiBpaBe of itet dlogB- mayor cUted to tbe Bbookii that he
BBd be uu»../
floelly enooeeded
in eoear- did not care to preaecnte tbe eaae it be
pore, anu
------- ------------------Ur a peratt from the Chlnew. oOelaU had aeenranee that there would be no
The bam ball
to rcahip the gene and other war ma- more Sunday gaaee.
hoye manlleated a deeire to be govern
tarUl under the Americas flag.
Snttorla algnad a bond that the arme od by prevailing eentlmenV and freelv
woeld be amt to Singapore and to no etated that the Sunday game waa de­
other plane, and tlie Abby wae cleared cided npon booaoM it waa apnarant
for Singapore. Aa a aatUr of fact.the that there waa a prevailing eentlment
Abby U aald to have gone direct to la favor of Tt. but If It waa found that
BaUngaa. where It delivered itt cargo the eentlment wae againat It they
to Agulnaldob agentt and wae aftorMayor Hamilton InaUtodthat regurdward eanght by the McCnlloeb.
leee of public eentlment. alUongh he
wa« toetained In bUooutue by a pow­
erful element. It waa a question of law
which moat be enforeed.
The next
iUeigoed to the Beaver lalaad Parish.
Pr. BoBseman to Sneosod Him
Bt Piovemoav
Pr. Sogeldar of.Provemoat waa In
ihteity yeelwrday rialtlng Pr. Bauer of
Za Beolated to Be not :
Mt. FruneU chnrch, before gBlng to bU
WiU Hllitary lew While a
new field of Ubor st tbe Bmver leiSoldier la ooDutv.
asda. Pr Kugelder hae beonat Provomont for the pact four ycara and Is bit
Wsshlngton. July 31.—A naval oonrtgoing to the Beaver lalanda to euoeeed martial. Ue roeord of which hM Jnat
Pr. Oallagher the people will aim him boon reeelvod at Ue navy department,
very much. Tbe people of Ua tilandi has decided Ue qaealion wbeUer -an
have chartered Ua boat Haekley to enllaled man on guard le neglecting
move Pr. augelder'e rffeeU which will hu duty In making love to a girl.
he eblpped from Suttona Bay to tbe
Oorp. Tom Scanlon, of tbe marine
Beaver Ulabda Wedueedav. Pr. Bueaatrpa, wae Ue aecnted man. Dorp.
wUlBBeeaedPr.ZogelderatfWe- Scanlon waa marching bla beat ouulde
of an officer's realdence at League laland navy yard, near PbUedelphla.when
a servant maid In Ue offleer’e honeeBmm/VeryofTwoBtoh Ouaru Voiot bold Joined him. The officer ease np­
on Ue eonple suddenly, much to Ue
Mada Vear Bolae, Idaho.
Bolae. Idaho. July tl.-Ooe of Ue OMifnalon of both, ae OOrp. Seaslan
blgyaat quarto dMeovertaa U tha hia- had hie a.*m aronnd Ue maid's walet.
tory of tho auto baa been made on Chargee of nnaOldlerly etwduet and
Bedgw- ereoK. which emptlca Uto Uo neglect of duty were preferred by Ue
Boiee river abont Uree mllea Ult aide officer againat Oorp. Scanlon. A ooortof tha TwU aprtBga The dltoovery martial waa ordered, much toUeaat of Ooip. Scanlon, who had
made by a
idea he waa not privUegod to make
Prank RryoBt at a point pa Ue creek
Uree mllee from Ita monU. Newa of love to a pretty girl at all times.
Several :
log queatlona were
Ua airlke reached Boise yeeterday
involvod In Ua eaae.
0. Waa it naaoidlernaaoldlerevening and created a ffiatlaet ee
tloB U mining oirclen.
A number of ly to make love to a girl while on
people nt enoa atarted out tor the eoenc i gnard? Waa Oorp. Seanloa proteet^
cM Ue new dleeovery. and oUen wUl pnbUe or private property in atnadl^
gnerd before an oScer'a
***lt^udentood that &. K. AndenaB. a aoldier keep hta arm around c girl
__ ___ >r of Ue Twin Springs company and hU eye OB property wkioh bo la
haa token option for hit eontpany on charged wiU gnerdlng at Ue tame
tlaaer The court did not undertake to
Uirtean of Uo oUlme. wh
by tak Be has had ten dayi
amayemade. whloh mn all Ua way fereaee. It returned e verdkt of
troB f&o to SlU a ton. one ponad of guUty” OB all ehargea and apeetfleame from Ua original diaaovury ytolded tioaa, which Ue navy deparimeat haa
d to mean that love making
$M U golA The aoene of Ue new diaaovery la only ahont forty atUat from and gnard duty at Ue came time are
Boiaa By Ula Uae a awarm cf people not Ineonalatont WiU military low.
The department evidently endo
who bford the news bore laat night are
thieview as Seoretary Long haa m>oathe grenwL
Thelapartantdboovery eoven two proved Ua eerdlet of tha eonrtmartlal
vplM, whieh are aiz fmt wide at tha and ordered that Oorp. Scanlon he re' to dnty.
nrtaeeanitalyMO feet apart, mnAllccadTtat ;lUab« of Oostmoretel



eeat and went. In Ue aouU veU
geU pradomUatae, and from It meat of
ampya In
the maplae are tnked
taked for
the v*wth vein ailvar
ta. 11 .i*. «•«'<“ '
Und. The aaBoya ahow an average valpp of M par east tmd and tfty ouneea
of aUem Mthe tea. It laUe^^^.

^^J^^mTtahleeewaat the Pamoea

Ohrp Lake Plenle.
Tbe gnaeti bf Mr. end Hta. Ohea. W.
er a. Mr. and Mrc. F. L. Gregory
cf Toledo, were royally eatertaioed at
la OMperats Attempt to fie- a pfamic OB Carp Lake Sunday, llie
following tricada
take Oalamba.
and Mre. C L. RMand. Mr. and Mra. S.
Oarlaad. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Baunab.
Beatod Back by Oeneral HaU’a Voier, Mr. and Mrs. Oreonatoad, Mr. and Wre.
AlUongh Snemv largely Ontanm- Brown, Mr. and Mn. Boera, Jaliua
beted Amerioane-One «rf Onr Ken Beera and Perry Keeney,


Kilted and Boom Wounded—Hnui
note Hot Sennt Taakeen.
Manila, Jnly 81.—Tbe inanrgenU
il attempt to
have mede an
reeaplnre Ue town Chlamba. on the
ebon of Legnna de Bay, which tbe
forces of General BaU captured last
Wednesday attomoon.
Tbe rebel*
imbervdt iOO men.
waa made eimBliaaeoBaly from the
norU end eoutta. tbe FlIlpiBoa ep
lUy Ulnkiog Uet Uey woold
by attacking
eoafuae Ue Ai
from two polhto et onee.
not even neoeaaary to eaploy
tbe whole .Amwioan fores to drive tbe
PillplBOB off. Two ooBpaniea of the
Twenty Bret Infantry, aaqiadofeaval.
ry and one gun suffirnd to repulaethe at­
tack from Ue norU. while Ue 400 men
of UeWaahlcgloa regiment. eoaprUIngparl of Oeneral HaU’a eoaaanrt.
and a detachment of cavalry drove off
Ue rebele whj had advancci frjm the
Tbe loss ofUe Iniurgeoto Is not
known. Tbe American lost was one
killed and seven wounded. De- ^
epito the ooBdltion of Ue country
,uaod by Ue rooent rain* Ue lenemy ■
U active
Washington. July Sl -Oeneral Oil*;
reporto Ue «ff jrU of the Flllpinaa to.
retake Odamba aa follow*:
The inanmnt* in eonciderable i
force appearM in Ue vleinlly of Cal-1
amba and were punished end driven j
eff by General HeU. Onr s^aualUe*
were one killed and seven wounded.
■Captoio simpeon of Ue SlzU In­
fantry struck a rubber bend in Ue
laat Friday, killing nine-[
teen. HI* {<rece suKered no ew*ual-{




More wlunteere ere ea route to San
FrencMco from ManUa. aeoordlng to
Ihi* dUpsieh from General OUa: ‘The
NorU Dakota, Wyoming and Idaho
xnopt are on the tranaport Grant,
ready to depart. They dealre to delay
nnUl tomorr'5 ■» to receive their month­
ly pey. ToU he* been permitted.”


The g- 'vt- between the Maniatee
Oolu and H : -litre Sunday wae a walk­
away for
,e vlaltora. Tbore were
abont too
ciatora who saw Ue ColM
uke Ue > > 'I oonaecnUve game from
Following is Ue eebra
a. *.*.r.e. x. XS
0 s t 0


sis!;™ r ::: t



e e

i. S0 10? J0 !u

and expect, during this week, a large
amount of goods direct from importers.
Some are rare novelties.

We have nothing in this whole store over

nlFnye buyn her shoes
here and how dortu^

Our Great
Clean Sweep
Shoe Sale

10 cts.
290 Front>5ir6e*

Balpb^Oonnable Jr., Kanager.

We ere selling; new 1899
shoes, correct in style,
uniHfaaled ia durability
St prices so low that they
seem rnlicnloas but

This is
No Farce

ON FBonr


pleased ,

spreading the news of <
troely wonderful


Everybody’s sttention is nrrested when taking a
looL into our wuidow. There srj novelties in the way of fine


A Glance j n
»illj contince you that

that will not be found in any other store for months to come—
if ever. There’s nothing funny that all nobby dressers trade
with us—they can’t go to Chicago or Detroit every lime they
wanteomething new in the way of wearing apparel—they’ve
. got to come to


Front Street

onr shoes are the higl7eet quality and oar prices
are the lowest in town.

A Purchase
will save you money.

Buy Now

Alfred ¥. Friedricli
Jatrus’ flavana Cigar

Gate Post
...Just Out-

i ?11J■ iu ii• First Class Havana Cigar,

Vtanl, rf.


5c and 10c STORE,
Some of tbe articles can not be duplicat­
ed by UK or anyone else.



We hare opeaed up our new

Drop in daring the week and get ^first


It UViTS m to tnde lun.

Hoetler* Hot up a Tory Inftrior Artiedevf ■ < -ud Loei for Ue SixU
O.iD- <0 the Killiooaiiue.



Tolul. ................. 5,
The flrat kaOf •< tb« mc
r<chi flew,
OoBMll took «ulekW« place. I
bXDd br • «Ud «M trom the pUi

‘f'tyi'; i'.|Eiiffllleat flualitf,

Bacincinc U>4*T. -e II Mil

Ladiee’ Colored Shirt Waists,

at 26c, 49c, «3c. 79c, 95c,
worth 60c to $2 25.
, Bummer Wash Goods,

at 8c, 6c, 7c, 10c,
worth 6c to ISO.
au arv *t ltWaaou(«(-tur«.

iln bmrr tb** lo iDv.,Ml|rmlv tkU.


A Valuable
Convent of Holy Aitgels,
Traverse.City. Mich. 7-13-’99.
Mr, y.-E. Strong,
Deab Sir: We take pleaanrelo elat­
ing that the Kimball Pianos na^ at our
musicals for the past three yeara, have
given entire eatisfaction.

We highly re­

commend your instrumente to any one purchase,

• 1 “ ; i ? I Re* Thing Wonli Cultivating,



olruck «i
im»: loft oo

j r S; M! Isl Tour Dealer for Them.
.... « I V * « 0 to
0 t I « 0 I *-10
laeUtM l.TiuToroe CXtT 1:
lOlleT, nuaimoiabo. aall.
-B BrMUlM.

Tonneliar Block.

Very Reepectfnl’y,
Domixicak Sirtrrs.

Sheet’Hnalo and ail kinde of Knaioal Goods.

I. E. STIOIG, liDO*.
til M ST, Tnvm cm

Beportor od Uc Vow York donrasl
Onme Huru toBoo Bev. C. K. Sheldon.

Budolnh Bloch, editor of Ue lUnttouiod odltlon ta Ue New York Sunday
Jourasl. wne in the city yesterday on
hi* way to Old Mimloa. HlsereaBd 1*
to latorvicw Bev. Chao. M. Sheldon.
anUor of “In HI* Stop*," regarding
Ue eale of Ue book ia England.
Sheldon** famon* work ba* been need
ily by-the EogUU publUher*beean**Ue work waaaotecryrigbted. Mr. Blooh’s rialt I* aa Uln*ttaUcn
af Ua aatocprlM ot Ue New York Jour­
M aaldom Uat a newtpaper
dvu a Uonmad milaa
Anethar Jolly Plenle.
to Intsrviaw B poraon. Mr. Bloch ar­
OneodUeJoUioatpartlModtho nan- rived in SMsal^. dioTS to Old Mimion
eon wae held at the band ot
and stnrtad bnek so Mow York on Uo
May Shnlgan and lUmle Ketn-:
■ Bte Favored flgr eovmnr.
ieeh, of Ohtengo. SnMe Dntlon ot Indi­
ana. Mm. Shnlgan. Lewis Shnlgen,
Bay 6t«y. Jidy II.—A premtnaat ReBerUe and Boas Onlmnn. Mn. John pabUenn potMclnnof Bay eonnty make
AOM-AnranT. BU«
AU and Mike Bahnerofthto elty. BeMflh genmel go«d efB^lnawwOl band
time, wont and parek wereeni«ht In
ntar goveenm la


Got ’Em.
Biglboeineee <
aie made poaeible by the fact
that time and apace can now
be praodoaliy annihileted
A telaphoae in tbeoffioe^
home, saves the one thing,
which if kst. oen never be


And when downpour way invite jou to atop
in and see'them.

1 ue* liu of IMin' Slis4ts,T|rices 65c. $1.00, $1.25
ud$2.00. 0iraitls,35ce.

s^noxrr bthm


MOlunvo mboobd.
M4B0 nuvuas B«EAI.n.
T. Batm a>p J- W. HA>m
/. W. Ba»TO. Mltor

M Ti»»w oitf.

A OMMlo* at Law aa6 rab'.ic Polier.
The qMtktB o(
bMe teU la
0OW ooeapfidg tha »it«sU« of tb»
^BuVtj Md Soadar'a e»(Ml
tortac* ilM muer to a eoadlUon where
ItnutbedoeldodeffwtMUj whether
we an to here the eport or not Here
•re two eeetiooe of the eletnie eorer|ttf the point et leeat'.
No perwo ehell keep open hU »hoj»,
werehoew. or workbooM. or ehell do
••>7 nenaer of lebo'.haelne<e,or work.



■1* to work* et neoewlty end cberitj,
Mr to the melriar of motael promleee
«<auTiace.eor 10 the eelown utlon
And ererr pirtsa eo
Offeadlae tbell he pooUbed bp «2*
nnilfllTir ten doHen for eeeb offeooe
Mo peraon
ei mj
pereon ehell he
ee prwnt ^ei
•m .port. pUj, « P111.'.I. dW.
B'r,*eort to Mp ^Bblle eeeemWj
aeptinf weeltaf* lor relijtont woremp
cr aeral laUraoUop. or eooeertt of
aeered auele. upon the erenln* of the


bj e doe not ezoeedlnc fire doilnre for

Flfl8lir TMHI WKC«D.
DeUTodVrefle mC.
W. M. LUt
V%bt ead the M. * »■ >. Wap
OmI top Oatfolac TatM.

Miaa Bdpth Ore. who hat baaa rUItlng MMa Ow MaOop. rataraad to bar
hom U Grand BapUapaaiardap.
Mta. B. D. Wood <d Wabatar atreat
rataraed Satardap from a waehM vWt
at tha boo aad Madrtan ■ ' ' '
Mr. aad Mn J J.
g Mr. aad Mre. T- Xritd
of Marlatie. OB a wmbb trU nrootrf

dtp of J
we read: **He made tbe pool and con­
duit and brought the vator into the
dtp. ati^mlng the unmr pmt of Glboo.
and brought H straight down to the
vreat aide of the city of fisvld. And
llemkiah proapered In nil U.r irorfca.*
I'roffl the "pools of Solomon.’' near
Bethlebem. water waa eonveyed to
Jerusalem, a dtataaco of als or eeres
mUeai. throogta a eondnlt of earthen
pl|w about ten Incbee In dlatneier. Tbe
pipe was incaaed wttbln two atonea.
hewn ont to fit it. then covered over
with rough atonee cemented together.
Even In tboee dape "boil tbr water”
was a well known Injunctloa.-Seattle
Poat InteUigencer.

A haicht Mta (oiaf «P MtMr>e
hiUoothaC. A W. M- laat erenlaf
brohetatwaaDdthenaawapaad ran
iato a lofciac Wain. Taete waa eoneoMtdrahle damafe wed the wreck
Lena PUgg ban ratoraad W h«u
.ICM. Tk.
troa the eontbdae here at II p. m. homeU Knlhnakn.
C. J. and WUl Mbaar are entertaUerrfred at »:45 o'cio^ thla morw
vhelr alatar, M^ Bbacr of Diayua
lac- Ontr>ia»
PUiaa, Mloh. She a.rired Uat ereatha wv of the M- A N. E.
WtUntrlbyandd. L. Smith wen.
to Aldan laat erealag.
C. a. Botte, formerly vf tha Maltnr0. A Batker Hae Three Xilie aad
Ipm at Battle Creek,fa now-nignt eUrh
Their Ontput WOl Anr«E««
at toe Hotel Columbia.
atlas Florence N gMingale eeiebrated
That QuaaUtp.
Mra. B. M. bcauhaid aad danghtec. her «tb birthday a few days before
C. A. Barker, forot^r of the Trar- Maoel. arc risitlng nlMiTca at Mau- Queen Victoria reached here. Mias
Nightingale la In very feeble health.
ene dtp Lnmher Co . le aret» intereetr too.
ed In rztanelre lawher operauonn. He
Mim Daisy Boland gave an eloeatlon
Ic operatinc the eaw wlU et Blocham, anteriainuiant at U:d Mlaaion laat erenboe^t lect pear of John Larklne. aUo u>x tor tae benefit of the Oongregatlona will at Bwt Jofdan aj>- another at al chareb ef that pUea.
VnUep View. Jtp.
Mr. Berker eUue
f. Phoatt of Leland waa la town
that he le entUnc at tbr three nille ful- peat. nay.
Ip l&.OOe.OOO feet of herd wood.
81ra. Laoa Ooodapeed of Grand BapUn FrontssStreet.
Ida IS tiaiuag bar moihar, Mie. CtotbarBast of atelahcrx Oprrs Uiiase.
loe Backer.
im Clara Chnae of JoUet, retaraan
I at OathcrAble SdM
home Saturday after a pleaaant vlatt
rltu Pranoea UreUick.
Tae teachere' InatUnta for Grand
Mra. W. P. Bowen and mother Mra
Travetee eonntp hrran petterdap Norriab. returned from a two waake
marnlnc U the anemblp room of the visit at Prankfort ycaiardap noon.
Ul(h aohoolaiibM Udlee aad alffht
Judge J. G. lUmadall wilt go to Man­
(eatleBen preaanl. The firet thirteen istee today Bryan's apeeco and a part
Lunches and
dapt will baderotadWierlawla*. and la the eeremunies Ukca him thare.
at tha aad of that tlma than wjl ba
Mra Gertrude Miaor, wtto has been
Order Cooking.
aa ezaBinavion.
M Prabxfurt IB tae Intereaia of the W
Mlw NettUC. Gray, ooonip acbool C. T. U., returned nume peaterdap.
ooBBlMloner. bai eharee. awtaVed bp
Her. J. C. Jtorman of Innianapoila,
the beet leachera U the aute. Prof. pass, d through the city on bia wap to OPEN DAY AND NIGHT
Albert P. Oook. enperUtsndent of the Nuitup.<rt f jra waek'a vacation.
BeginniDg t^turday
libaea ecboola. U pe“®«»' anperUtenMrs. Geo. Sooup, aon and daughter
daatof the InaUtuteaa well aa taaeh- ana Mra Baaip, ail of Chicago, arc
iap mathamaUei. Uatmciloa U the risuiDg Mr. Armauong of Oak Park,
It la beln» fiyen bp ira Ui.'rauii.traTeluig man ter the PoU
Hlat Lonlaa WUaon of tha Ml. Pleaaant to implement Co. leti peaterdap after^
lal aehool. and the prlnelpal of noun fur aoqx^eia Miehigaa on boatPROPRIETORS.
the Murkeeon HIrb aehool. Prof. J. BHall. la teaohiiw phpaiet aad bolanp.
G. W. Bar jamU of LaUad came to


.some big bargains on dishes this week,
we have a fine line, some as pretty sets
as yoa ever saw and we are selling them
this week

AT \ -4) OFF.

Ron Ton Cafe


•arh offeue.
Tha law. It will he aeea, it eleartp
EaEaed, aad while there t« an eleneat
prblebftrort Snadep hell pleplnc.
^teeteoererp powerfal elemea-.
, whlah dleapprora* of It The element
•rhieh fnrere Ue eport U not meoeeenrlilpaUwtaetoneoroneof eran doabt
Cal raepeetnhmtp. hot it laelndw maap
praa'ioaat eltUena and Indnetrioae
.lahorinr people and buelnoM Ben. Oi
iht ether hand the elesent whleh die1
the praeUce U repreeeo
lledUtherwloaieharohee of theottp
Tor Thait Orlmea
,Thta latter element dltapproree of the
llTMieonSandepbeenaeeU .U a rlolaNewTork. Jnlp 31.—Lewla Poller' ttaa of the Uw and they 'oontaad that aM aad’Wlohaal McDonald ware eleefnndnpeporwof nM kinde tend to e iraeatad at 8ln» BIdc todap. Paller’•oadltiinot deBorallMtion and that eoB, who WM colored, waa takaa W the
'to thU ptrtloalnr eaee there It *a men- electric eha& at 8:31.
A eorreat of
'•Bet to law aad order. Thltpropotlt 1,«0 TolU waa inraod on. In fiftp-fl*e
|m It one which hat the aleB»nU of ^yfrnda be wm declared dead.
'|eud. soral reeeoDingaad ta tapport
MeOoaald'a bodpreaialed the eorreat
'•d bj the tutntta.
Looper than anp other man. A eorreat
I In all vltiet of thlt ^ aad larfer ofl.T&UTolUwaeeontUned for aUip. tomeoaeea time when Bandnp hae* fieeaeconda.
It a Bitter for oon«Jderatioa
la ' PoUeraon. who waa a negro porter.
'•oaielUet the effort lo tepprem the: SUpean old. killed bia eoaunon-Uw
' wnme hare failed and the eport it perIfe, K*» Smith, a white woman, in
'^Ittod. Thttdoei not alter the tan ibelr aparimenU In New York hp
'^hatltlta TlolnUon of the law. at- atrangolaticm. Thecanae was iealouap.
' ihQBfb It It pot what mtp be termed a Michael Me Donald,who wat a beef earlawlwt Kai°« There it in thU aao
employed In the Baatman com'frarp eoBmanltp of tbit estent or panp-aaUuffbterbonae at New Yo^.
'wraatar actWe oppoalng elemeaia
and klUed Stephen Titoa. head
tUa (]aMtioD.
The wo kiop lime keeper, after a quarrel conearnUg
'Moplawboatearalan are aot rr«*t. hie pay. __________________
^eaplopCB of favtoriei and odUt.
fcm few opportnalilea to attend ban
fUlta OB weekdtpe wltbont tuffjrloff
Jaaaelal bardtblp. Many of tbeae pao A^haa Oenaral and Thraa Other OfB
can Shot at Oabul.
Bit beliare in Buadtp aa a dap of
^raatloa beoauee they are confloBerUn. July 81.—A diapatch from St.
pd to their workehope during the week Petenborgaialeetbat General Abdnl
RM oplalont and deeiret of theaa paoplc Chaklm Khan and three other high
'pboald be reapected and rlren the oon- Afghan offioen bare beeh pnbllelpahol
plderatlon that bcmeal and Indattrloue bp order of the Ameer U the marhat
fra;e eamere arc eotlUed to Hanp of •inare at Cabul. The crime (or which
'theae people the ehurchee do not reaob ibvy were aenteaced to death waa
pad aooordlnf to their own Ilfbt Ibt- ihe-embeuIem*ol of money intendedfor
•pjopBeat of a ball caae on Snndap la the payment of iheaildiert.theiralaal' 'nn Innocent amocimrot. There
inf barinf been oonducied ayatematicI at op bnalneet men and other eUiteat ally fur a number of peart. Their exa1 who take the tame riew of it.
cation baa canard a tremendoaa aenan' Eacardlew of tbeae oontl^
Uon among the Afghana.
' the plaplof of bate ball on Sondap it
' coBtonrp to the aUtntca and
thorlUea are expiwied w aec that
There will be a meeting tbia erenfaig
, Ibe Uw la enforced: even tbonfh there
iappabllcaentiment terror of the of the L'nilorm Bank K. ef P A full at­
•pprt. In Dor own eaee ft beooBca. in’ tendance la deaired.
Miaa Kittle Cniter, who kaa been tnkpddlUontothel«C4l«iJeation. a
Mon of whether U U for the irood of inga two weeks'eaentloD, kaa reanmad
the eoBBonitp to permit ball rameBOn her poaition at the City Newt Stand.
tha Enbbalh.
Mr. and Mta. I. M. WUnU rteeirad
Tbe qneation map ariae as to whether iito their home laat ateniag a bright
the keeping open of etoree. rnnninf of baby girl.
■senralona. etc., ahoold not be treated
On aoecatnt of the appearance of Boa
^ ■ jlatlom of law.
W. J. Bryan at Maniatea kdap the M.
A N. B will make a one-fare rata for
- pomeo aenw of the Indiridnal
ronnd trip on tha regnUr trWna
, be nppUed at to where the Une ahall the
gulag aad ecmlng. todap only.
’ fee drawn.___________
Beaded aaaU tor tha Bonep'a Hope
ooBcart in tha City Opera Hoaaa ttde
craning wlU be Mto. Tbia will ba a
flrat-elnaa moalcal enteriniimeat U
■toB Kan XlUed toy Exploaioa of a
ererp rcapeet and no one ahoald mim
TbrcahlDR KacUna Bofina
Mmr White Csaud.
A peUUon U being drenUted to he
White Cload. Mloh.. July 81.—SU preaentedto the oonncil. rcqnaatlng
Wown UW etaraitp hp^w- a drinking tonntnia ba aatnblltoad
ploaWn of a thrcahlar machine engine aomewhere on Pront atreat
UnWn and Park atraats.
Mar Biir Pralre. eU wllea eouC
The parognm furtbe moaleal enter­
thU town, jwday. Two other
tainment glren at the W. W. KiaafaaU
'wen Utoi#. ahd towh ^e ttowber Co.;abWra Satkrd^p night waa tar^•nd enctfU wWeMatoA W pU«^
adV m(m i^aphinft Tader. Prof^aar
Horat and gmmapbana graad
The dead are:
’-•C^Am Halfht.-- Alpha Baicht.
»Omip. OaoU irtittewtOtoNtTwW
^Uat. Bapmond Bowa
marked ItcB «l to fl 85 gWag at 88e
Tha UJered are Oaoar B«an. Uf
for pour cheWa. fiamUtoa^thlag
^PTokCBl Oeoff* HM&kt.

tiawKTO ETEBmn.



8he oi.p peaterdap on bnalneaa
Mias Marie Dixon left petterdap
rorning for Saginaw to apena a monu
vtalung bar old home.
Ur. aad Mta E. L Sprague and Miaa
Spencer nave retnmed from Beosonin
Him Edna Barnnm of Wsshingloa
atreet la viaiting friends in Petoakep.
Uarrp Parker bas returned to Grand
Bapida after spending a weak vUitinii
hit parenta on Boardman ava-rne.
Dr. G M Cnaaa la enierutolng bto Loan S. Chase of Saginaw
Mtta Bertha Decalr of Manistee la !
viaiung Miaa bertha Bristol of Ninth |
Mim Anua Kerns of Mi. Pleaaant la
the ituosl of her Bister, Mary Kerns.
C. A. Barker, the well knowo lomodFinan. formerly of tbe Travorae C;it
Lumber Co., spent Sunday in tbe city
aceumpanied by bia aon.
Miss Edith J- Gray of Chicago, is
'iaiting her parenta. Mr. aad Mra. A
P. G-uy.
E. Haynes and Senator J. W.
MUilken returned Saturday algbt from
a trip to Ne» York. Cleveland and
other Cltlea, purchasing a fall ■icvk of
cloaks and other goodt (or Mr. Milllken's store.
B. **. Pratt, wifeand dengbter T.nln. |
of Fmlrp. O.. are viaiting tbe family of j
Beni. Soeb.

It Ik a great drat ru>i>-r to benpto
the oci-aeiuQ in aome i>hitilnit imiuu'Ut
of a justi'e Bfp. wbi-n lie kuows that a
STitimne hour has come. Xban it is to
kii‘Ii that high tune wlivu |<l.a1<lin>; <iv>t
all the dreary |>lsteaa8 uf UDevrtUfoL
BunotoDoiiB travii Htd dull dotiin- It
If rasi.T to ran fast f>ir a minute than
to ttriodaloDi; tbe dusty ruad for a dap.
—Alexander Madan n.
Graaeboppert have beo-tne a mat
plague In BpaiD. Invading even tbe elclei. In Aaturla S.OOT aoldieri were or­
dered to aaata’ in dettroylnr them.
Tbe man who Is always p^Int'ns '>ut
to other i-'-ofie whai a lot of m-.ney
they might have If Uivy twit his advice,
never bas any faiirs;lt.
When credittBf a man vrtth bU good
mtaptlons H is well to remember that
la order to gel them catbed tbey muat
be back^ by deeds
A Jtoihor TelU How She Saved Xar
Lit’.le DaugatePa Life,
t urn the anther ofwigbt cbiklrenaad
have had a great
of experience
with medicines. Laat aummer my lit­
tle danghter bad the dpacDterp In Its
form- We thoeght abe----- ”
die. I tried everything 1 eonld thiak
of, bet Botblng seemed
to do her any
bp BD advertiaement
at C^ambeblain'a Coll
Dia rhoee Bemadp waa
higulr rr<
lended and seat and got
n. It proved to be one
a bottle a
It medicinea we ever had
In W
er to know wbat as ezmlleot medleiDe
it is. Bad I known It at first it wonld
have saved me a great deni of arzirty
and asp Utile danghter much aafledDr
—Youm truly. Mbs Gao F. BrecSCK
Libertp. B L For tale bp a B Wait
and F. C. Thompson, druggiata.

br^n^M*^^ t«Atl«m m'a

'UlVaB'i 0^:
tbe 5oe grade grdng at SSe. EamUAcm aoAing Oo. 4

Come and kx>k them over. Cash or
a-1ittle>at*a lime payments. WL.

IdO Front Street.

House FarnishinB Store.




ti ■




a-1 ■

The FFameps of
the Constitution . . .
As far as we know were the first
framers. They did a lasting job. We are turn­
ing out work that pleases our customers, for they
come the second and third times. We ha'pe re­
ceived large additions to our already enormous
stock, and such goods as Were never carried in
the city. All the new colors in all the combina­
tions known. This year the manufacturers have
vied -with each other to see how unique they
could make their mouldings. The desigfners were
kept busy bringing out new ideas and the results
are truly wonderful. It’s not the large gaudy
frame, but the little, narrow, dainty ones that
have the true artistic touch, and that
make a home so pleasant. Those half inch goods
in gray and gilt, gray and white, green and burn­
ished gold, dull black with gray lining, blue and
white, black and silver, dull gray and white,
bronze green and black, old Flemish, any of these
used, with a three or four inch mat of the same
color woifid make the daintiest combination-for a
little water color, etching, sepia, or any of the
new sizes of plating photographs. We do . not
claim to be the only framers in Michigan, but we
do turn out work that pleases.

The Hannah 4 Lay Mercafltile-Co.


THB «otwnro 'uTOoto. tttb^oilt. A.Draonl, isn.
MTAZX. oxJatxr s&sonoir.




mwm lEtfPflMTS.

While la New Tort and -befoe* be
A weQ known attccney is Wflk
bad made any hU. tee eider SMhea good etory on htnuetf. He hnff 1
bad a dispote with I-aara Keene ««o- retnlned to defend a eoanterfietUr
eernteg aotoe trivial affair at a re- ■dvtaed bite tn .plrad _tnihy.
. Wm h
hearvaL aad Ulas Keene treat Into one did so. awl as there irmM to tee
of her taatrama. .trim tee qqaire) on (be coon a fixed tdea text If n
tbe «xge she retlied to her drcMlag pleads gufliy be does
and. «1U angry, aent for Botee^ baa no attorney the Jodffe asM I
and began to raw bim fiercely.
. (rhy be made that plea.
"Stop. l,mBT*-«op Juvi a mtonter 1 "Beraaae my lawyer teld a
tetemititvd tee cutoedtan and adranc-1
'DM be give yoo any rvniwa fee KF'
tag to tee tlgbi deliberaiely turned It
■Tea Be told me I would have andown.
-Jic British Ulee. No matter ho- *« -!
Ho^ sJ^y^^
•how berore tete Jodge.'
thaC «lrr . -nw coon flared op and oedmeff »
llgcraal the aeeaoa may he. or to what
New England capitafists and
d 10 a rase.
' ^ of not gunty to be enterrt. an«
extent the weather bnrean has
manafactnma-Fbilndelphla Prem.
-Oh. ootblDg." replied Sotem. -but
connierfriter was acqumoA-lM
‘•playing borBe” with the element*, no
yon have always been *0 lovely to me adripbU Call
Hnckleaa Aniea Balva.
sooner does one of the big snows anthat 1 i-nn'l hear to look upon your
noanoe iu coming, Iban the weather
Hah* Twwr atasdara Bi«n>
Jets-, Braisee. Boras, mOleen. Salt beautirul tai-e w beo yoo are lo a paa- '
almost teveriably beoomes deal, tbe Iheam. Fever Bores, Tettar, Cbapner •ton
Now. go on.*;-8an Francteca • j|en rannot rise bigber teso
bright anashlne and soft breezes i>j .ice ■tends, a’lb'alaa. Coras, and all bW
own cUndsid. A dwsried. shrankea.
tbe hearis of the eonntlem ihonaaod* Options and poaitively eaiaa Ptlo
wilbe^ eoul rannot imxKine s bexet
) pat reqnired.
red. It 1e gaaraateri
of dreos entbosiasia and awelte to
or I
ogive perfect
bnratteg the oeflers of 4he enterprising efrnded.
..rt... I. .».FC Fl-k-b. -u™ 1. ™i.l.
U‘1. •>»«
d. PrieeUeenttperbax.
box. F
F. ,u ful!
|«| aoo •»
w ».
11 I b-d^
G. Jebnsnn sn-* S. B Wait
r.«t h.
* "Flld BO, b... pot IF
Tbe old mtsbliabed rale to all indi^
b,uid 111... limb. gold. TlH-r-lm. to
mUoM will bold good te this city, and i Let ef SuffiB0 Ooeu
Tertexoela h*e an enortnotit territory, didn't." An opinion on noble cxjadncg
it seems more (ban prcbable laa. tbe
into tbe ear aotomaticaDr
riaiinlng <32.<xsT miuare miles of araa. dropped
combined Adam Forepaogh and Bells
It Is about ss Urge as AUska and Arl> weighs "bim."^RichiiK>nd Advorakn
Bra*.' circascs will get tbe best tbal is
going next Monday. Tbia would only
Texna protnlace to become tbe grentVboee KmeMon. Fnatt are An nnlab. eM cotton oO prodocef te tbe sooth.
IM year over 200 mlUs wem hard pt
tag tha VorM by XMr Almost
, work, and this ytar»more at* buOdMeman IntaUignen.
. teg or projected. Blgb a«bortilee In
•HNd Bor bae always bnen twobseeh . tbe ao«b bring tbe cheering newt that
of a geatlnman to spoil tha children's j the spindle capacity of cotton olUe
BataraaUa, nad therefom •■el eae wfl] V doabkd In fire y«m: thal earweather'’ te the large cities of the i)>el mUte kninlBg tnllls and other like
TT-i..^ a>^.— u.. Ytrrmtnt almost eynpree_______-Qnrrp-i weather"
I MUterge eemloxa of cotton. Iron. eteeL

‘naEnsUaerka'oakmhetdas te­
st test eraniat and atthe toUawint effieen for the asatenr ter»:
Pfoateeat-A. J- B.ymoadt town*
First Vise Prasiaenf—Jamaa P•kip. Lm»»M e»«at7 »ad •
Uctorj may be «raeted tkare Moa.
Sa»nd Visa Presideai-J. Ksm•otMpBWTe.*, wkile «araf«i Is
•iMTlsc (he Enerr D*«U Isrn is OeM peafs.
Traasarer—Boland Dcatlaa
township, were ssddesly Istermpled
Financial SeereUry—J. F. Dixon.
is tbslr work of ssihior s lor
Eseordint Secretsry-Pao. W. C.
OM foot bt disneter. Ike MW stnek
sna a-e Msvsrre.
Oaida—Theodore Sehnsidar.
flj. The obetsele Inrsed oat to be the
Uasrdlsn—Fred Banter.
Meal blade o'• Jsdi kstfe that aoae
Trostees—F. E. Baynes; U J. Baddy.
OM had left etsek la the tree renn
The nnioo U profraMtet in a very
At BttUe Creek. Tharau Sprs^e, »
;»Usts-lory uiaBDar. Thefels
jasnoU, wse barled ander eerersl
teg circa latrd a taper te favor nf the
loads of essii Estardsy afteraoss so d
early dosing m: emeat. which U
was oompleteljr eorarad.
teg ■Bpported by a large
tweetjr mlaatas later dn« «st what
;baais with their aignaturca.
they tbpaebt iras a corpse, bat a phy-.
hoars Id view being 7 p m.. exe
•lelsB OB the spot applied nedlelBes
Taeedayi and Batnrdays.
whisk KTired her.
Her fl«h (arsed
be JuBl and ^per. for the great aggrr
Mask bntsbe wiU lire.
Sew Tell phone XHnetory.
gaUon la eonoeded to be tbe moat earn
PaMsySlMttbe b'.aek Biqatmsoz
Tbe Michigan Telephone Company plete, perfect and fautUeas aggrega­
dofofW. Ooble of Ladlactoa left baa lasued a new dlreclOTy eoatateing tion on (bis side of tbe Atlantic.
As soan as the doc was missed
list of all Us sabscriberate Michigan. arything is on a gigantic acale. and
ka adeartlMid in tbs LodincMo
peteol jadgea in amnsement etrclis
It haa S58 phones la nse in the city at
paper*. Mr. Goble J >tBed the State
cxioathe p-eeent time. In addition to which,
Doc Protec-ire Assicstlois and that
the foUnwlng are being pat te: Wm. •ion in magnitode or general execlorcanixsiiOD spread the Intellicesae of
London. C. M. Frail, S. M.' Brown. U. leooe is poasible or practicable.
tbe loee ihroocb the etate
Mr. Goble
A. Langworthy. Jacob Fartaeb, Chat. joint owneraof tbe bragdigsagian cndrove TOO miiee br esnisce and rode
H. Peteraon. L. F. PericetU Dr. Fred
mllee by r^'. f* the eesreh. They
Till, W. J Morgan. Mra 8. M. VogU, perieneed and e
made savan trips of from thlr y to fifty
M. K. Paige. W F. Banba, I. M. Win­ caterers of boib bemiapaerea. and indUos OB false alarms
Tbe dop was
nie. Malcolm Winnie. K.4f. Beed'ereai. c.nde J. A. Bailey, bow in England
foand at Fisser's camp, fire m las from
dence, C. P. Reed's c ffice, C. W. Keo- with tbe Barnom-Ba:ley show; W. W
Jadob Caiman's bak­ Cole, a wizard in ois w*y, wiib Ue
At Bontbtoe. tbe 10 year.old sob of ery, M B. Oreenoagh's meat aiarket. tam^ua Bella Broa Tbe immediate
Chas. Bowie, dlsspposn-d Friday after­ C. G. Turner's offlje. B. A. Loderle'a direction of tbe Utanie stair is te tbe
noon. BU father, bellerint that he bicycle shop, and GetUeman Brewing hands of Peter and Lewis Bella.
bad been stolen. • if .-red a reward Sai- Company's offioe.
Tbe special fealorea tba - wlU be
■rday of ft-n (or hit etfe retarn. The
eeeo in the "b g tent," menagerie and
iatkarU wealthy sad it la believed tbe
aonexea are so varied and nnmeroaa
lad was atoleo by hard ebaraeters i
—------------that cotomna ofapaea would be 10Oonvicted of Fa,t Driving midlBloxifor a deacription of them; tbus
only the briefest mention of tbe muai
A babe belontlnc to an Indian wo­
On Satnrday Bight David was ] etartling or pbenimcoal U posaibU.
man was oolaooed by a rattlesnske sc vreated oa a ekarge of diaorderly non- Tbe doable troupe of trained elebadly that it died Satarday. near Ath- dact. Be waa taken near (he Eronpal pbants, of entirely d.Sereni scboola
aaa. 7^ mother who was plskint block where be wae making a dlstnr-1 and trained, cy tne greatest amma
d tbe mtleone on btnee by fast driving, and disorderly' edncabH* m existence, are eepecteuy
the traae while she went Into tbe a-'tlng generally. He wae Uken befo e notable. The Forepaagb herd be* held
nhrah. Upon inveetitatlon
Judge Roberta yesterday morning ai d ' tbe record for marveUoaa intelligence
fonnd that the enake bad srawied 'u* the eoart fioed him fit and ceau | ana dceility for over twentyyear., sod
dar tbe baby's elotblnc and bitten her amoantlng to fl.SS, with tbe alteram- ’ this season they are euted to Oe mnvb
five Umee, fi Hat the liiUe body with live of 10 days te j tU. Not having the
Oae of
neceeeary fnods he went back to jail.
At Detroit, Mlae Gene Stratbei*
riiiebyeightof thetergeat.nnimala te
at*d 18 yearn, was drowned in tbe
The Making of a Jonraaliet.
tbe tronpe. Tbe Sella Brotbera' eduDjtrolt river, near Belle Isle bridte.
caied tiukjr* are eecond only te tbe
late Banday nichl while retomlnc
world to tbe Forepangh contingent,
an adi qnaie trestment of the boi
home from a boat ride.
and their military drill and evolution*
of American Jouroalism. It is <
a*e almost as remarkable as the quadDavid Uayee ol Detroit was drowned ao this gap that Julian Ralph,
riile feaiare. Wbat is aecoanted thi
at Wyandotte while bethlac te
bvet reporter la the world." baa '
ten for the Satarday Evening post, of ' crowning climax in the way of asimal
Detroit river Sanday evenint-




Henry Base, for many years tweman
on the £. A. Uraba.-a docks of dk Jos­
eph, learned baturday that be had
d OBC of the eix letal heir*
In tbe ehanoery coni t, Berlin,Germany
to the eetaie of John Reitner, an ancle
who died te BsrUn » years aco. The
oaUt» la valaed at S.Buo.uoo marks.
Mta. M. B. Thomas, seed &u rears.
r ol Kalamo township,
took stryc’iBuie Hatorday evenint by
mistake and died thirty minotaa later
bef(»e medical aid coaid besommoned.

irofeasiot:. who baa labond loee.aa- collected, and no wild; i
?1y te tbe new*i
t; five,
five yean
I lacking a sp>-cimen in ibis remarkable
thing callei:
led "news" into every
of tbe globe,
glob* and koowa
know tbe'basii
zoological congress. Tbe rqaeatrian.
from Aipba
tipbs t ■ Ujiegi
aerial, acrobatic, bippidrome aed spec
young men wt
who wculd make ial fratares arv in a,most every ccte
j inrnslUm tbeir life work Nr.
mV: bat, laviog thus1
new t, America, most of th«i having
ienfi-*. h» eisbirs'ec enter- | been eepectally engaged in Europe
tainibgly wild aowaio'.* and remioi- eilely devised for the prteent-----aceoce the joys, vmmsiiulee aad ex- tronpa of ^,.1
aerial and .F.-ie
arenie *,
artiste will
perieocee of the ycung man who
make their first local appearance with
. Oraate Fulton and Will W. Aklia of ink te hie blood Tbe e
tne Forepangh-SelU federation.
Adrian went to ht. Clair in a barcy
’ SaUrday night- While tnere they teU
latr'* Trlampn.
I.iii would ,'uu do if that
in with eome Gampera, who treated
Wilfred Clarke, is one of tbe most
liarlor should get
a rirhl royally. Os the retam trip
brilliant of dramatisu, and hH maibjr-; brok.-nr «M Totiuay.
Fallon went to sleep in iheVig. When
work U evidenced by the (act his great; "I slionld rpaiil; whoever did It.” said
within three miles of Adab-, Anils tried
(araal comedy "A W;se Woman' which; Mrs li.aokt.. guzing severely at
to awak -n Faiton. but could not- Ahll
U to oc prodneed, here <
than stopped at tbe boose of hi Bight under bis |
"Well. then, you'd lietter begin lo p't
brother-in-law. where a lightiwaa proran for
alghu te tbe worl i tamons np-your tB-jwle," •di<l Toinmy gleeenred, and to’hla horror, he fonnd that
itfiBn'v br»U<k« It."—Harper's
Strand Theatre of London
It la Im­
Fulton was dead.
possible to receive a higher endoraeJohn Deprey, a laborer, aped aboot menu Marie Lamoor has achieved
Dorteg the civil war. as well as te
SO, was fonnd dead In a shanty by the great disUDetlon te this splendidly, our late war with .Spain, diarrhoea
of tbe m-jst ironbleaome diseases
roadside near Bettey aatoniny.
successful comedy, and a noteworthy t'-., army b»d to contend withbad entered tbe sbaaty. made a bod of feature will be tbe appei■arance here of 1mfiov leiUi
treeo flats, fastened tbe door from tbe Frederic Mnrpby.
>y. tbe distinguished
ac-, t’\e ole soHiers still
It is'one of tbe finest engags-;Mr. David Taylor of TtTnd Ridge.
Inside, Into down and shot himself. IJ
menta ever ectered into for
Traverse , Greene Co..
Pa . U
• onea of the
is eaopoaed be was deepoafient over Citvaad
aad _wUl
w-tll ccrtelnly draw a, big f ases ChamberlaCn's Colic, Choi,lera and
the ill health of a sister in Boston, who crowd
:kel6 are now on Bale
box offii
___ . give
wna hie only relative.
?*• qni k relief. It is for sale by :
At JaekaOD. Barry Nichols, a yonat
The soothing and healing
Wait and F. C. Thompson, dre,
profMlonal bicycle rider, wna frigbt- of Chamberlatn's Coogh Remedy, iu giata
fnlly injored Satarday in a ooUlaiaa pleaaaiit taate and prompt aad pernu-,
nenl enrea. have made it a great favor-1 Onu day la«ea
with a trotting horae, while bo-b were ite
. aod B'akely will give e dance
. . .
speeding on tbe fair t<vnod race iteck
C Thompson. I at Forhsters' ball Wednemia'
day ev
Nichols was thrown from hU wheel
teg. Aug. 2. BiU toe.
and a solky abaft was driven tbroagh
the maaelesof the left arm. Bis'right
leg was broken above the knee and his
right arm broken above tbe wrist
Boigeons think he will recover.. The
driver of the 'trotting horee was ar*


Bsmarkabis BsMae.
Mm. Michael Ourtain, Pialofieldi 111.,
mafcm the statteuent that aha oaught
eold. wfai^^Ued 00 V.F langs; she
tn oy her family
pkyaldaa. bat grew worae. Be told
bar the was a bopcloes victim of con•nmptionaad that no medicine ooald
her. Herdraggisl suggmtod Dr.
'‘a New Discovery for Consam;ipiiou.
and tofaer delight
SHionght'a boule and
from tbefirM
floond &mlf bei
Aoae. She eonlinnedi its
lund herself eonnd
t»wng six bottiea fou
and well; sow does her own honae*
work, and Is ae «U as s^
10 et. trial bottleo-of this Orent Diacov
•cy nt the drmg atarm of 8. E. Wall
nad J. a. Johnson. Large bottles SO

the 1
OcnentTSe. IbOM
gindn, BateatonOothtet On.


to.1., .. „ ,1




tells their neighbor
about our


I Closing Sale)
X Hamilton Clothing j/

^IB^^^WiXTBO-r^ rMimX 1

r. *•. D".ia**flT«sWui
I AltofBvre. Ownercsllaiai-oeii'
t BisrLet lur panvalao


T Oer.-MrB7»C er moIfii.
A Cray tavn.',
Xj irirhl about t.aiU.
Klued T oia eur
• .r*aSuDil*T t lylu * r»*r*rC Fi 11 *• paid lev
-D of Ibrborar. tiermaJoF Broa


I70BB .LKCHEAB—Bor**. barn». aeil 1
J. Apply to W.L Brown, an Wn^'


.. ;?

TTTAtrrgO- VOBOC e-ao araulaied
rliT to d-iro posy cxpreM traguB.
pir loMarkCra-

,c DirU-oo alrMt.

alalsisg mooor.
ra Wh auA ns
P. Born«. Vay.

Prefail tt'i al oar "Closiag Sale."

T '•f'T—gurcolIaFFtio •-nvwberv of«f Wnoi
Xj -troei. Suiiablo rrwarC C««Tva for It-, rvtufuloRaiMaa oai-v
VOB t> > LX-Booito anil U
f h» rvaUy m oorupj 1
raymFnl ilowr, balanoe •
B'BtB IpHUlre v> W. L. B*

Hamilton Clothing

Krw housF. will
vt WFFk. OBali
B otiibly p»y-

All FoaroclFDitoF aoC or-rj-Utlog flrvi rlaaa.
Mr* Kiata- 4» aa>l From *1.
S-4 If.
^\NTFD-Wf warj alow boBdrea CoIUt*
u»i>«' • VFI
• >eu bl|rbF.t prlro f
ocoy Xur.ak. Wadr Broa.. til gr
D Malr*

More Quotations

lopa. IS VrI I- rtoo 01
buoCroO ocUar* ;
pr poriy leas*. '

1 line Flannel Vests, i sorW coton



1 line Cotton Vests. issorteJ colot!......... 15C


1 line Cotton Coals 76c value...... 25c
1 line Cotton Coats, 6O3 value ... 15c
1 lot Men's Drawers, 25c. 60c,
chose at.................................... 16C

So «e;Wa.biOirt.'n -I

(Drawars only, 8i2?8 30 to 38)^


1 new lot Men’s Over Shirts, only,



Step inside our store anil see for yourself- more
bargains than we can enumerate here-:nll eummer
goods must go.

ic uiuiiuuiiuiuiinuitiiibu lUWuiuuiUiiuiukiuuiuiF

73 pair Ladies’Hand Turn Shoes. ‘ Pingree” make, worth $3 60. now.. ..........

$1 00

132 pair Ladies’ Oxfords. "Pingree” make, worth -$2.00. now................................

$1 00

68 pair Misses’ Kid Shoes Pingree make, worth $2.00, now......................

....... $1 oo

110 pair Ladies’ Oxfdrds, all kinds, worth $1.60, now.................................... ..........


40 pair Men’s Nettleton Patent Calf Bala, worth $6 00. now.................... ............


22 pair Men's Nettleton Tan Kid Bals. worth $6 00. now.............. .........................

$3 76

74 pair ^en'e "Pingree” Shoes, small sizes, worth $4.00, now.................. ..........

$8 00

---- ............

$1 00

96 pair Misses Tan Shoes, worth $1,76 and $2 00, now............ ............................

$1 00

60 pair Ladies' ’'Pingree” julleta, email sizes, worth $3.00. now ,.

300 pair Misses’ and Child's, all sizes, at...................... .......................................
60 nnir Infante' Shoes, all sizes, now.......................................... ......................
Women's Slippers at.................................................................. ............18, 22c. 36c, 60c, and 76c
Boys’ Shoes at.................... .................................................................... 60c. 76c, $1.00, and $1.26
Men’s Shoes at...........................................................................96c. $1.00, $Ll.l6, $1.48 and $1.69
Women’s Bicycle Leggings, all stylea. now........................................................
..60c to $140

Youth’s Shoes from.................................................... ............... ............................

See them—Inspect them—Buy them of


1 a


Two Facts About

^ &ctveir«X 'Uevos
\Vvt ADoA^i. j; ^

il latvrMt la aariRVted br
newsI from lulrttalr. It U UMfinl that
•ricMtecvasd blackmail bav« be lk» eaatrrn abore of l^ke Gar^
end -of tbat abeet of
.It U 111. ..l»l«tbo«l ol-------- ----------------------'
r been raised enooKb
-eTSmiteC Oblea. tbat aUk merebasto water, baa (veen
t» render certain rtllase barbora dry.




turtle to faliltbelreoBtraeta; owlac to tDonnulna and (be eacape of ateem
isaacarUy of tianaportatlon.
' from flaaorea in the rorka are amonc
Tha-Baa<rinla4}aseUoaa7athat ••I>r
eorroWatlTe deUlU supplied to
-aralMr Maxwell baa rrowisr at the
W.astei'aaxaerinentBtatlob is Uakt-1 Garda U (be eastemmoat
«taads of aa aaU-leproaa
aoU-leproM piaat
MX otaada
ooribern Italy. Further
amaat boblmfrom the arrfeultaral de- ea«iwanl.1. atony the gvlas aad Ana■ •at at Waahinrtos. Tho plaou trian frontier, atretehi-e an Atpine dpaC^^iDT bom were aei-t to Waablaftos lift tbat baa fonr peaks T.OOii feci hlyh.
fifr'M Vaaenela. Aa aooaasthey are Ttw rasye as a whole la known at
— -----------Ill 1. rt...““Il- B.M". "ja It I.
alchty uiBKR tbat the trouble com*
• ■fctaellIcDm.M.7. J>». »' W.
.lU.I, At ■ n"Sm^jaataiTisodlB C.ewia»o*. Mo. from niote aye. It la conced.-d. there were
'^aatroit, in ooareh of kia long loot rolcanic eruptiona to the ooutbeaat of
i^MLfbtor. Ho walked maat'ol the way- Mopte Baldo. la tbe prorinre of Vlrenq- iaof iroB oonoticatioB and Intonoe xa. But In (be particular reclon wbicb
u«*oc. and In bta bettor daya aaw food ““*■
of dWurbance
___ ,
Miramoitir tkooo
la no leaoon to look for ndcanlc
, action.
.lio «,!. tn.1^ .Ml br him ..
To t». .ure, Ihm .n- pimnlral. ih.i
-mimiliul. lmlmAmm.m.1.1ot f.mhor a. iolhad. aad black dipblborU kad done tbe opmenta. Monte Xuoro. on the Bay of
Tfalsdreadfol diioaio wiped out Bala^. yrew up from the aeabed In
'^XlVtle family at a Miekiyan town 15.m
blm ont friondloit and for only a slow llfGny of the soil and tlila
to hnnt the world c*er for o homo *
followed l.y the formation of
msKl, for
tkoao _uwho i„,«H
lorod him
Wm. Be
He Cent's’* f*^'n whloh alenm iKsin-d. <x^
.imew thataomowboreln Maine, ttero
^ .^nslderal.l.. cinder
. ««.a danybter. whoec borne would be
But aa steam do.» not serve na
-j^eato b m.aodke know thatbe bad ,q aecurat.- Indii of tbe violence of
«aea bad a aitter in Maine, bat where the forces at work. It la Dot safe to
was or wbat bta dauybter’ii nanx draw a hasty coneluslon In reyaid to
«ow was was a mystery to him. Wllb kloute Butdo. AU that It la wise to do
U...4l.Ui»d.hi poll., h. lou.i Ju.i no. I. lo 1U-.-1. .. .s. oo ih. mo..
aier and si-e what il means to do.

1 An appropriate offset to this story,
Tbe romora reyardlny the formatior may l»o round In the well-autliemicniod'
«{ a Chioo-Japaneae alllanee are icml- account of the dlseovery of Klaeiers lit
(Adally denied, and it la aaaerted tbat Africa. In the eastern part of that
eaeoya rceeatly aent to Toklo were continent betwe<-D ibree and four demapoiDledalmpty to aeek to promow
latitude souih of tbe «*<inator.
frl«..lj ,a.U... h.t.«p U.. pewm., there siaiiils ■ monnul. ih. .h.lphi «
; which has lH.,-n varlobaly aathuaK-d
The pope, in a letter to Qneen Wil- 1S.7W nnd lli.Ton feei, and wlileb Is-ara
■ aalmlna. of Hclland. expreaaea tbe ‘lie name Killma-.NJsro. Iia ascent
bopetbatbewillaoonbeableloeaub- *»“»
aiiempied by a nnmUT of
it lim«ij b..i«. Ui. two 8«.lh ir..'-lrri l>r. ll.u, M.j.r, . n.™..
nhUona. wbicb have asb.ktodtbelrdiapnte tobUarbitiatloD
At that time be «w a amall
At Sprinyfleld. 1M-. on baturday the ylaelnl sir<>um Issuing from the crater.
arCe of William Barry yaee blrlb to A re|Mirt of Ids aseeut of bsl year.
Mr. Barry remained at now ovallr.lde. deelnrvs that be went
•ome '»"y enoaffh to yet a ylimpeeof
tl‘>- tiorih sUb- ibis time and
ftl. two niu ..d th.i dn... to hi. I.M. J"";' “
a efaorl diaianre^ortk of the city. Hei
went to hla stall * aed found that a|
The, iu.m Ar.,.
■emtlabie faml'y mare bad tbat morniny
It la cei
ccrvlu that the greater facllltloa
.'Saaled twobealtby colU. both of which for travel le•wml.H.v« are w utllug
«retnaln. From tbe aUblea he repleasiiro s.-ekers farther
paired lo the barn lot and there he was
To go lo Gre.*ee has now ln>.

Ismtyr TOuny fellowa and promiae to
6* tbe coUapelny of a wall of a ne»
'taalle.lay at Oendamlne, Italy. Sauir-


Arbuckles’ Coffee

^qualltjr for all competitors for the last thirty years. The strona*
.est claim any competitor can make is that his ooffoe Is **Just as ^ood as A^ucklos’s”

The best Coffee Is Arbuckles’. The only Coffee to buy is Arbuckles’.
The right thing Is to Insist on having Arbuckles’.

He. 77. Teleeeope
Drinking Cup.
nnertlclsa ptovrolsd from l»llKorlossC
*sub fraa
k'“ , coolitnuiv MoU pro.
m.. t»ii hiuorr,
rolruM njooer.
hral post,
psid s« re.
rolpi of two
coal pdMtasr
Siamr aa.1 IS
gaMIurrs cut

' rerrivi sfa rest

He. 63
able Cove

.... ..........—

MlalflM ihlrta.


Han. Boism,

Tbr, ora II

•rneerrvof A:

No. 66
^ A Pocket Mirror
and Comb.


sri^i ^



H y sissalaree cut fra
>prra of Artwckh

TMl N a aMsrt of Hi* SlfMtsrs os ArbueklC SosttoS
Coast WrSDOSr. sMck ros sn
Is cal out ssO Ms4 lo M *| t
Ns sthsr a*n sf IlM CsSss
Wnspsr alH M sccs^ st S
ssseSsr. sor am thu nctara ks
aecapM a* sscs.



pouud sau-Koso of Arbuciles HoSAlnl < ulfso. suU altb sacS
psekser lu aiilch Ibo l.lii lo iinibil iiiii piirelisssr liai boofbl
e deOnlis part uf soms snirlr u> Is- osiRctTO bWbim ur L«r
from tlie UsL iutij<R:[ only to ibo ou-ulillon Ibst tin- sicnslura
OD ibe psekset la tu b« nuuul and rsturnsd u> Arijuckis Rroe.
eoUbMtIou «m> raoti Hem llluRmsd six] d-smiwdli, tbs im
Tbl* U«t am bs kspl good aalr Ull Ha, SI. leoe. AOOltam
psc# of ibU l.isi will oppaar t« this pspw Mostly.


o do Said. Very LlttU I
Sailsl, Him.

Captain B. W Murgan. every Inch a
Welshman himself, likes to lell this
story when th.-re is niiother Wetshmao
k, Ueanng
Ue went b.mie to iliumT
on.-dav^mJ f.iuud a iiai.i r liuuger at
uculk.-d iheinmrd.I faptaiu llorgac lobl hiu- it was
-1 guess I’ll knock off sud go home
^ dinner then," the paper hanger renrnrked.
-Stay ,nd eat witn us." the capttin
aald. snd the lovltatiou *’af> accepted.
Captain Morgan « as attentive to his

“»e back Of the chlld’S bead.

;Steinb8rg’s Grand
Opera House

Wednesday, Ingust 2d,


m...r.--rmg ,vt., n ,he fcl.


icked flat and the gun held nprlghb ahoted bit chair
•ay from
noFamonale MlUac owtama, large P*cked
ummttn of new patteraa at 7 Mate.. » waa alleged tbat tbe dwrrel of
tbe table and leeoed beck fm- an after
; weapon grew and grew with eacb anct dinner chat.
, oeealre year, nntll tbe indUn. after be i *‘rm not mncb of an eater.’

The fbaaone ia ■

N9. 66. Noah’e Artu
l BMescror. onviMUii of II rolls s(

seal posi.aaM os re. terhM bi<ii> sii.i in in. ii>* mac
crlst Bt a coal VBS|. I Anloula »r. srui.irtiuL JHy
SOS etsms aseOsIs*' a«e(.s«ld am rrrripi rfamt soeta
anlsrrhcui iMBiarspStaair soe 13 sisnscarrs cul fr<

The water pouring oyer the chll.r.
bfaiJ appa^atly eendTlt to aleep and tW<ldlO«Y
keeps It so. while tbe mother proceeds rlf* hi# falling ap».etite.
with her work In the flelda No one
*>• replied, “ire bad
eeeme-ever to fear tbat tbe baby may enough. 1 tbink.”
“Oh. take *
a «'
small piece of the pudbe drowned.
' '*«>’
! dlny!"*tbe captain urged. "Ife genu­
ine English plum puddiug and home'Xmmj bpriBi drirsrUi<> ^*rl7 days la tbe northwest, made at that."
Wonay man about K. who knowa the.
Hudson Bay company laid' “Well. 1 don't mind trying It." be
■elty well, srantad by Mark Craw.
, the foundstlon of great fortnnee by eald.
------ , trade with the ssrsgfs and a gun pa d ' Tbe capUtn helped him to a eectlon
'------------------ besversklns aa would of tbe pudding welgblny ebont a


No. 65
hroe Beautiful

rtdv utln or.
ct.".sudCi sloor.
- A VswafLKM "SI

backache, falnllny and diaay
—TbU miracle woAlny medldne
-.m a yodaead to all1 tweak,
.. . elekly. ran
-.flowB people. Evory botUe
- need. Only M cento. Sold by Johneo"
. X Walt, DracrIsM.

•• '

A oisfnincrni r'niur of |i.»i« ny >%ui i2o '
, ' LahOCfirv. tiis srvi.1 joint, r of nnsorv
Miivh* itm lo U vuv of (W bsoJeminl


:-“s-s.-s ==H~ ~


I No. 64. A Baoket of Beautioo.

f Koostvd Vuffvs.

I Saturday- There And tbe mistral of tbe Bivlera a trifle
were aereral other dealka at tbe Iseti- chilly, .tiglera. with Its floe port, ita
mUon tVidy,
hnl It cannot__he
stated Pl'tun-aqm- .Arab town. Ha Barislan
--xhat all of them were canted by yellow .
>hups. and Its

*“>«'■>• »« Mustapha 8opo^
**•■*'” * fflforlle winter. '
A poenmaUc tnbe^folraiismit m^l Ing i.'.n..- f,.r thus., win. like to see
.hetweeoNew York and Pbtladslpela Afri.-.-i tv.,;., .he of «„
da under aerioni eonaideration an 1 the •J'l’ ti’b’l.-; Tangi-r. ibo.igh
^reflect wUl probably be InModnoel in
iim*. Is yet
«fie next conyreoa
i “T!.!'"?!*:!!!™
_ and draws every
...„_ year
..... more
. . and
A ____

, Tisliora from Glbralttr. from England
,.S«»7 Of 0 Blare,
t from
#.............. Vulti-d
"AO be bound hand ana foot for years
Ty Ike claims of disease ia the wont
■ loro, of eleTery, George D. Williame
1^ tells
Ml. bow
parts of the Walaya
K Manehcoter.
an^ a
Aiavc was Blade ‘
wKe baa been eo
_ _
-Thai she could not tom orer In bed to eleep In the middle of the day. The
bovitm of child is put near a atream of water
Sleetric Bitters,
sra, iabe ----------^ropr^_^d^^aW^^to^

A _j

He. 61
The Piret Prayer^

F SREAOFUL N^OHT. sell olb»» stortss-

No. 63
Two In Company.

«uch op_an eater.


Aaj om 6M M Ib« leiloeni Uil .ill M mt p«t*yiM N raoei;<

pasi.paU OB


<• —a.L


arboetUs- RoasirC OoCba.

huidd „d s:,“ h”r ”:,r. “ijr-

:3«l emit Bata

He. 76
Lady'e Bolt Buckle.
eilwri^alsrtiiixoni^ pOM

tunsj. aoii ibose cerulean islanda
where ‘•hurnlug
ig Papidio
loveil and
idy inelii
•‘"‘k'’ »«• alreadyjnelud.-d
In all well,
regulaii-J I..UIS, Tlien, fanber away

Meren aerlonaly injured.
There iR not only Kgypt—Cairo with Ita
Perelral Spenrer. the tamooa arre- English »
aocleiy. Its smart llille tin aol_____
rd poio mniehes.
with a companion _named __
'O’s ^balls
.-wtartodlna balloon from the Cryattl
»l'e ahadow of ihc pyramids and
BIT rbA Atf P.lj.«lnnA
Moaon, asz:ou ocioetc
d-diddh eatar*
8.,... jii . . „
JPr.’AA . mil, mid . hdll _lnl.»d. .1.
rfdiloek in the evenlny.
The ballobn and Tangier. Tliere is probably,
A’oached an altUnde cf IS.iXM) feet. He mure easlim-looklug elty (n the world
Srip was without incident.
than Tunla—that wUiti-Hhmied i-liy
There are tbirtTcasek of wbat ia be" '**>
wUc h sl.s ps nt

raal. dtra-A-a nnlcbl. e^ra-'.erera..

Nii74. M
Tape Moaeup


Is tbe OmI tAushiog

A Wise Woman

Prices 25c, 35c, 50c, aod 75c.
Boi Seals $1.00.
AdTaneemle ofaeatsattheboxofice

, face. “It Ukee very Uttle to aatJary
Let Mn'i Sutaer Sysvan
m& Say, yoo oagbi to bm tbe Walsh
15c pair.
Hamilton Cloth“Are they hearty eatstar asked the
(^eaillo table eeran at the Famous
Mearty catenT" repeated uie rmforMeHta

Ka ■slips# Wmr Tsera.
lea'al K« eclipse will be rlalble la New •
, bigtaad or tn tbe middle eutee tUl
' Jan. 24. USS. On Jane 20. 1BB5. win '

ha! tnrtea totality lastUtg mote than evr- OMm,

<X La**. •», Tbe rarnoMiaaemageretoaa. large
c Tei7 MW MaaBfl.
| aaahMBofaowpaMerMat 7 «mM



I Dr.J.W.GaimtIett
> nt. moss# SITSSI. OPPOSUC II
« Bosss. Travsns CItr. Itteb.



IS CIS Pr!« Bednced to dost Out Lot

Properly Mired in a neat dinIbh room.

llsoafull liieof CoafKiionr;
Olffsn of Xverjr Kind


Gas Lamp--

can employ for Kcycle
Repairing. Qnick worih


aeiiMTiwB itiBwa

ki» mnttii MttiMt

t. W. Lei«itaS. aa aatbatearte,ly*»
ttgator aad a Mtow of the B0yal_(^

Cte ezpeditteo.
—Taracr. F. — _
«ted aa PnaUtet of te

Mir Owma. wtf« o( WflUas Owmh
«r Whtt» Kim towBahIp. bu Jon tt*.
tM «m l» aMrtBoaUl bite (or tba
fouteath tJoK.


are. aad look* aa tboorb


Ualor Harrbaad. aboai wboae aafety


anrrfTt ber fooneeatb and at teat a
teaao more boabaada.

First rm Hbb, The World's Two Latest, Ridiest Slliiws UoiM
Ctnlig lit! BuDmnjio^ Dimt (nis Ssrpusiii^ SpIcsUd TriuiplB it liiiison Sqoin 6uda,lln TorL

Bbe >a atetber

of Biz eblldren. the reanlt of ber foraMT
tee waa nanied tbe flrat

ttee arbea abe waa IS yaora of are. and
waa ten a
artdoar two yeara later.
8lD<* tbeo abe ba« at-eraced a marrtacc oeery two yean. She baa aewired elrht or nine dJeoreea, white
death baa dona the retealny In the
atber caae. Bbe U pan Indian, her
mother briar a half•caat.

By aarriara

abe baa a ralatlonablp with half the
people of tbla county, wrltoa a Birawton (iBd.) coiraapoBdast of the Claelnaad Trlbnae. Tbera la no one la Indlaaa who etoaaty apprtMehas bar lacard.
Tbare an two or tbrea raaaa of auralara the alztb ttma. aad one eaaa
when martlare waa eotarad lato tba
aaeenth time, bat abe dlaeonnta that
neord. Tonnr Beaaon Ecran of Bendrleka Monty, bawerar. U In fair way
to atuin a almilar dlailawloa. He baa

Beieaoe* “for the gn
' I of any kifKL”
>r. WarUbuld. aa aotoortty apoa
roni troohln. baa been colteeite
wbirh lead him to beltere that
aeoroait a^ ebloroaia la^yeonr^ri^
to be ettrlbated lancely to ebue of Ike
piano and the rtoKn. He aaya that W
per cent bf girla prartlclnf under
yenra of are irr nuBerar* In after Bfe
rron nereuni diaorder^
Dr. Bocbncr. aotbo'r of tbe fatBoaa
on "Fore* and Matter." whow re____ death recalU the atom of dlaaoproral and rescnuaenta which the pute
liratioD of that work
wrote many other worki
materUIUtlc philowjphy. bnt none that
icted au much atlrntloD aa the flrat.
ly. cost him hii poniwhich. I
and aaalatant profeaaor in rllnleal anrteiy at tba Onlrcr■iiy of Tuhingen.
Heinrich Kiepert waa tbe greateit autooriiy on the geography of anihjolty.
and bla cootribotiona
are ererywbere
recogttlaed aa tUndard prodnctlona. Ue

Forepaugh and Sells have got t<»etber a great circus. There is no question about that.’*—
All New York Charmed. Conquered and Completely CaptlTatedl
End of ihc Century's Grandest ClimaxT Forepaugh and Sells Brothers combined, with the peS^ pLfs^ Hi^MilrDma
added, and fresh from signal successes in New York, Brooklyn and Philadelphia.

Jwt paaaed bla IKb year, and la preparinr to coatrart bla fourth aaarrti«e.
Be waa marrlad the flrat time when
be waa bat 14 yaara of are and bla wife
bat 12. The marrtara waa upon coaaent
of parenta.
He treated bla wife aa a
playtblaz. bnt when be rnw tlrad of
bar be along ber anond like abe waa
a doIL aad Reared ber to death by drawInr raaon aerooa ber threat and tbrow-

nd pobU
in• wliile
work waa
and probably bit
ml iailaa of
i known work waa a teoeml
world, which la accepted at one of
tbe floeat producUona of the tlmea. Hit
"AtUa of
Hellat" waa pnUiabed In
patta. beglDiilDC In 1B40. nnd waa aa
elaborate production.

tV ber on the floor and boldlnr a redhot poker oaet bar. Bbe ral tired of
tbla and went to ber home. The i
rlage waa aonolted. ne next two were
alao termUiated by bla arbitrary burau
of fraaklabneaa.
raraoU's WarIn bla new bl<«rapby of


glraa oome


tlooB of- the mn way In which
Irlata leader




Vlten the Iwd mayor of Doblln


amted'lo bln from the Iriab I>eopte
tba Farnell oibuta. not leoa than lliil.OOO. bla lordatalp natnrally expected
bltn to make a pteaoant apeccfa aa
accompanluent to tbe gift.
lord mayor haring been announeed."
aaya Hr. O'Brien, bowed nod
•Mr. Pamril'-------


•! bellere.' aald


Parnell, •yon hare got a check
me.' Tbe lord mayor aomewbat aurprlaed at tbla tntemi|itloo. Mid. ‘Tea.*
and waa about to recommence bla
apeech. when Parnell broke In: 'la It
made payable to order and craaoedr
Ibe lord mayor again anawered in the
alBnnatlre. and waa reaumlng the dlacoorae, when Parnell took the cbeeli,
folded It neatly, ud put U In hU
walatcoal pocket. Tbla ended the
terrtew. The whole bualnew waa c
noaed of in fire mtnutea and tbera waa
te apeecbmaklng."

- Joat to look at blai. tbla bird appaara to be tbe aubataace of aome Idle
oniafa dream, but be U a reality.
Ha U the wedge-talted eagle, cornea


All the Treasure Features of the .Show World Merged and Marshaled m a Giagantic Unparalleled Unity. An Imperial In­
vincible Federation ot Two Colossal Circus Properties, directed and operated bv I. A. B.A.ILEY PETER SFI 1 ^
LEWIS SELLS. W. W. COLE. General offices-Madi£m Square Garden New York


rroB Anstrolta end has the floest
powera of flight of any of the eagte
It has extraardlnary long lem

and talons and runs la the moat amn#.
tng manner.
The plumage is much
russet brown.

When Is capUvIty and on the penh
U droops its wings alwaya aa If tbe
mnoclss of the lower parts wore too
heavy, except when used In flight.


Cheap Round-Trip Excursions on all Lines of Travel.


Travww Oivr Hartet.

teJ'JSrJj ofi 8. 'Law°s21ilti”Si;S

pnmalona and farm prodscto In Tt»»-; aB4eoe»eyaa*iiig. me

I7IRZ IMBCaAMCt-Raie. lowvr Ibaa vver
f Proapi srulraicai. carvful aUeoUua. .
-lablc stock pompsBj Bstc a policy

soLuse niOB.

ibort Out ^rk.... ...... ..........................

__ ___________

lo w |

To frighloD d'»K» and hlrhwaj
Bwiat invonlnr bat patontitl a r rlriils'lib « T<
: liebr.
ins Is.vem of (caupowder. kulihor nnd
macovsluii) In about ognal proportions to
be fired by a pereauion cap.
Emery products are rc|>Ured
by an
Bnzltihmsn'i potent, tbe proceiw eonsi.t
inz in besliuK piirifled Iron sand t» r>-dnee* in tbe presence of carbon, and then
Initaereins the iwinirlea in Wild water,
roter. on
of which Ireals a thick layer of
j oR.
in • o<
| Mde for

aUesdeO toproaipLiy

Pboaes. Bell Ite. Noi

omce* ocsTonncHcr block. *1« Frooi sire

Obriatlan Herald.
It Is an object of
Bote than ottUnary Imereet to tbe travalor. becauae on It* aummll there Is a
flgastlr footprint, to aevount for which
more are vaHons legends and at dawn
Hs etengated shadow, some fsur»-ure
Btles long, bebavee in tbe most mys­
It la no wonder that
!k. aome.

j^re the rod. the Tatter beiny adapted
to he clamped In tbe aocket to hold It in
Boot and other dirt are etsily rrmoveil
from a new cooktnz sjove. which '
>le tray, fittinz in
vtded 1
the open space at tbe bottom of tbe
atove, catchinz the aoot In tbe tray Inlead or allowinz It U fall to tbs bot-

Phoc*. boose and odtaa. Si


Vrhmi. old, pnrtm..

the fact that the people beltere It conUre a.

ot Admoi.



talted footprint Is a hollow. reoentblisK
tho form of a bnaaB foot, flve feet
four laches lonz and two fret six torhes
wtdo. Its matgln is set with gcais and
the Baddhltts have railed It off and
•TMtod a wooden canopy over it.

In oM days profeesinnal beczar
an unhappy Hmr of If. In Oreerr


pricat Is there to receive the offeringa
Sf both bebevera and unbeltevera.
The temple at the top waa put there
to ardtf that the footprtat abonk}
be affacad by tbe bnndred*
a of_ people
low the ImIrte Ttatt It «vet7 year. He
araaotea flrat got about that tbe great
Mtew la the ahape of a foot was made
•y Adaa te aot exactly known: bat f«
tmtutrn the Mohammedans have asac
Mated It with our flwt patent, aa they
aacatmt for the footprint on Us aammlt
kr aarlag that Afla» teprwsrd It there

Umo.o. M
begzar* into the marrbes and left them
there to starve,
eory Till, ws* kinz the
zypsie* came to Bazisod. Tbe. common
peoiile Chonzht they were mazlclani aad
eoDjnrera and the zyrsdes lived hizh.
Within a few year* they had onranised
Into danzerona bands, with
place* and art mice.
ddte aces orfsaised t^rity
n and alms were zlven io_______________ly. '
bexginc and the erafl thi____
isaned the
It to beg. and
_____ were often furzed.
these permit*
ca I* not 00 cood a held for
hesxars as tbe eoBUneBt of Enrope.
as the happy hnntbic zrooad for
recM—s until unite recently. One snuiner the police dm amrted^ 600^ of
'^^rchlna te tte hem pUm
for oat to go who tsaztes beniac •* a

IMre ar U'l-K-Sre •» are,




. , .


•t-ka A M HOLLIPAV, zvadnaW Toronto
D VoleersIt^Mcel^atiasoBBldz. Pboo0,ILBEKT a OA^m.Auo^ya.^ llyy al^
10. M^e^lv’oo meeb^*******_________*




Good Hardwood in Stove Lengths.
Also Four Foot Maple Slabs and Edgings.

la prepared to serve meals at any
time to parties from the city, at an
boor’s noOoe.
Either 6 o'clock or
0 o'clock diosen will be served. Ice
cream and cake at aov time on Snndsi^ Bell telephone So.

tight Alpam
and Sonre Vsau. worth &oe to tsc. to
cloee at SSc.
Hamilton Clothing

Traverse City Lumber Co.
X. a HiUikan Btroa. Bamw. S to U a b.. I

HeimaUleOo 8krk

Provident Life
and Trust Company
of Philadelphia.
Levi T. Pennington, District Agt
Traron* City. Wlebteaa.


Ang 1 31

Oao PaHAvan. O- A. P.

Ofw MoMsMca'a flhoa SMta

rnrs DSiraAL woek.
teaiatewnz tw absslaia i««





SprlacBttcb Eotol

•npersUtltloua venerailou.
Bot the mouatatn is moot famooa for

Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three years—
Look at them wheUior you need one or not
$8.00 or Jli'.OO will buy a good second-hand bi­
cycle—$25.00 will buy the best new wheel on
the market—Come and see my display before
going elsewhere.

East Front Stieet.
18|T-kKsw I aw H MOON. PhynMaa* aad
H‘iJ aartroL- Tresmeat of tbr rye sod car.
I Cuuoiy Coroo^ Hsmbar ScaTO of Pk«Im

or (ftATBwaatarr
Bl-toBpetvd bird.
1 of the wire and allow of their a'djust■ ■
A«am'a rMtpHaL
The hlozed brace I* done away with
Adam’s peak la one of the mo« fmtn s new snpp.>rt for carrisR.- top*, n


Traverse City, Wednesday, August 2,1899

Boose Bloc

terious manner.


The next ^IrcomI Church cnnzn
b to be held In St. Paul. Minn.. Octol
lU-U. IHM).
of PhlladelA number ot miulatei
pbla of rarioua ileiiumiL-.. nna
.- have orlilp al1
an American Cmtenahl
llaDce, •nd a
ly tecti
There U a Japaucae Chriatlut
put! on bia door the tollowlng notice
every morulDz b«-fore he atarta for bit
day'a work: "I am a ChriatUn. and It
any one iikei to go b and read
Arenic Possibilities and Perfection Absolutely Attained by 4-Paw and Sells.
good book while I am out. be may."
Blabop liwanitee. n South African ec- Tbe Greet Hedison Square Garden
-ogramme to be Given Here Intact!~Not au Act, Feat or Feature will be Omitted
cleaiaaifc. U trying to raiae funda to «»
Grand and Oorgeone
Gorgeona Dreee
Dreaa Parade of Adam Forepaugh and Sella Brothers' United Shows takes place at 9:90 a. m. daily, usfoldinc
tahliab a tbcologtcal aemtuary in bU dioto public view, free ae air to ev‘>rybodv, all the sensational, picturesque, kietorical and aumptuoua proceesitnal reeonroea at the Titaaio
eeae in the dark continent.
He la of
hetlheu pnreuiaze and ran wild in the
Increased In Everything except in the Pnee of Admlseion.
iunzle uuli] be came under Cbriatiaa
Tbe Howard 'Dlvintty School faculty
Admits to all tbe Aggregated and Variegated Attractions of the World’s Greatest Possible Tented Exbifaitioa
to-day coualata ot nine nrofnwora.
presented “nJe'’ ‘he greatest spread of canvas ever erected on this or any other continent.
16.000 anlendid
wb<xn one ia a Baptiatj tnree are ortbo——».1
p.a 26
9r cents.
U...L____ 1_______________
j-_. ..... .vu,
. *.
diix Congrecatloualiata. and Gve are I'ni- ________
Admission 60 cents; cl ilIdren under
Reeerv^ numbered
its, with
back and foot rests,aand
with magnificent liew of
tariaua. and one inatruclor. who U an
all Arenic and Aerial Displays
start and tinish of Hippodrome
Races,. extra.
complete exhibitions
exhibitions daily—rain
daily—rain or ^ine—under *b..
-WO complete
bpiacopallan. Tbe flve preachera to the
Door open at 1 and 7 p. m.—Performances at 2 and 8.
Day and night shows exactly alike.
nolreraity fof the current year Include solutely Waterproof TeuU,
one Baptift. one BfriacopaUan. mt Pn-a
Ayterito. and t>
Tbe old aocnlon of a reunion of tbe
two zreat rn-abyteriao bodlea In thi« Consult Station Agents for particulsrs regarding the time of departure and return of excursion trains.
For the accommodation of thoM who
eountrv. tbe Preabyteriau Ohnrcfa North would avoid the crowds at the ticket wagon on tbe ground, tickets and reserved seats can be obtained at tbe City Book Storo, 8M Front
and the I’reabylerian Cburcb South, baa
been revived again Is n number of Joiir- Btreet, on tb.* day of exhibition only.
naU re|in-M-ntatirv of both brancbe-i.
■0~AfuBt Extensive and Rlaborato Railroad Equipment of any show in the world, Seventy-Four Double-Sised Oars being leqiiirThe aeparatioc waa made at tbe time of
ed to transport the (ireat ComWuation.
the Civil War.
Hepeated eSorta hav<
been made alnce that time to briujs tin
deaominatlona togelber again (tamugh
fommitti-ea appointed by general a«sei
bliea and other nxeana. but no appare
advanci- ae.-mi to have been made t

drofvk a nvw
altacbmvnt rotuUl* of a pan to bo fniionH at tbf rMf and forming a flangvd
tv-oopUcIe wbieh ratebea all tbo clip­
A flMting noiTy-go-ronnd bat boon doalgaod which will rovolvo no iho torfai-o
•r tbo walor. a circular hoU hoing pn»
ridod with a cootral abaft having an an­
chor at tbo bottom, with a paddlo wWI
driti-n by a motor to tnro tbo bull.

.colored with a bright


A Real Live, Vital. Gilt-edged i8-Karat, Up-to-Date, aothCenturyCircus! More wild animals, more horses, more railroad carT
more tents, more performers, more leats and features, more new ideas, more innovations and revelatieas. and more
processrefial resources than all other American Shows combined.
SOME OF THE BIG CENTRE-SHOT NEW VORK HITS! Woodwurd s Seal and Sea-Lion Orchestra! The Marvelous Hanlons—Gymnastic Comets! The 1-uriously Funny Sousa Clown Band! Gorman’s Heroic Thirty-Five Horse
Act! Forepaugh's Famous Dancing Elephants! The Uouble-Somersault Leaping Tournament!
Tremendous Marshalling of the Wonders of the Orient and the Occident— Rare and Costly Trained and Wild Aaimals—20 Ponderous Marching .Elephants-200 Marvelous Animal Actors—International Congress of Double Somer­
sault Leaping Experts—Prodigious Museum. Aviary and Aquarium—3 Brilliant Circus Companies in 3 Sur Rings—too
Phenomenal Mid-Air and ArcnicChampions-Greatest Gathering of Circus Meteors Ever Seen in any Age or Country_
The Famous-Original Paris Hippodrome, with all its Daring and Dashing Jockeys. Charioteers. Racing Cars and 60
Thoroughbred Fivers; a Classic Revival of the Races and Revels of Ancient Rome; Exactly as when Julius Ctesar Rode
at the Head of His Legions; a Stupendous Mirror of Departed Ages—All the Glittering Equestrian Stars of Two
Hemispheres. Including the Autocratic Champions. William DeMott. "Stick” Davenport and Oscar Lowande_The
Imperial Trio, the Laurel-Crowned M^ Davenport. Marietta Corriea and Emma Stickney Ride, Pose, Pirouette and ‘
Somersault Simultaneously in Three Separate Arenas-An Imposing and Impressive Centralization of all Earth’s
Rarest. Most Renowned and Remarkable Human and Animal Arenic .Prodigies—$300,000
0,000 Lavishlv
Lavishly exocnded
expended in
Radiantly Perfecting this Royally Resplendent Circus Federation for the Wesent Tour- -The Apex and Summil
ummit of



1-^ '

nro Insuraoce.
L.L.A^ Bunding.

Park Place Hotel!
Tbra-wears© C±-ty, ’M'i oTb-igaan.Newly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
private baths have been added, making it one of the moet
comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan. -^Address for
rates and other information


Vow oaeo. toarkbaa B\a^

John R. Santo, 8CUP8BionBiidniTco.^s:2:
Giiail Insnics.

Votloo to IhzpaTart. .
KoUeo Is hereby gim that Iho laS laSi tar
-- ■ of aebool aad stty Mate aad
iheyaac UMhavobw
for rollarUoa aad tha
aslU Nov. lot. Ue-olork a m. aad fro*



txm aouaio kioosD, TvAMtkT, Atiausi i, uos.
V Afiinn SOLDAI&

nonM TAUTO Afiovr.


Wade Bros.,


m. Rnggle* Brke. dlreetxw sg eoarkC
prison* for Brwiate. is to visit this coun­
try to sttey Amarinan paaal intetntlona.
W f*tm9 AW».flOUmO IM
Mr. Watta. R. A., wte b over NO. U
Great Patar k Just 2t Inches high. going te dsvate hlmasK to scttlptare for
Banc iBcIMh phOaaopter baa taken
Wa nn agnla prapnrte to dUloor te
a dm*, tho sohjoct to te altto-Aaed
up bu panble agaloat pabUe hoUBaja. A little andar tte bM^t of a.tvo-fooi afotne
of tte late poet Uuraata. Lord InnUpnrtaoftteoity. OaraatoagwUI
A TMf >■■■!• «MM is • VbM aMM •m baa fignntl oat tbe waata of nie. He Is 18 years old. ate sreigte TeaDvan
be na few an nny nfiwod.
Miy 6% pomsda: with Ug Motbaa off It
Baagarlaa novMIsL Vra* in
•aetry oa atbledca ate ealcoMted
■plicity ate Is oekom aeon
ttet tbe tliae devoted to cycling wonld
POR8ALB-UT____ boms. Be beglas bis work
r BMB to maater
esriy U tte moralag and sootetim** retsaiut at It a whole day.
Vatm StttM omn 0Bl7 twted a f««
£miie Zola't pHvate charities ai« said
FOB BALR-BX»-Ck»ar loi.tlat gttwak
ke«ralutwMk. n wu a very ibort gnodfatben. te iMicta. woald
to be larger, io proportloB to his Besaa.
ate Fnnkltn avanna. Ohleago, now
than tbooe of toy man la Paris, but be
«lf «M7 rauir- ►•pie
flute tor aaloon and oeeepite tag
dislike* uoturkty sud la geuemUy udttOk aboet J«a«. BmlttM and Browai
owner. Large t^ferr tedlding.
wUliag to have Us name dgur* apoa any
4Blac ta*rj «lnetor7: weU. tbm wa» ttoa of gnodfatben woold be more
A money maker. Ill haalthofownar
Imprenlee If U coold be ahowo that
^ M tl(« 41raet»r7 tbta wc^ It
osriy renaon for aelling. Price, gf,.
tber tarseS ttelr apare time to eda«NB»c4 thfet ttrt oae Ifi tb« gorem1. was a master
eadoaal oaea.
teeu laneusgi
WHY HAVE yon Mey Idle to banka? '
(tntepapa bad tw bank holiday; be
cal records u
Properl/ terved in n nent din- Wa haveealla tor tnooayall the time,
did not ride a bicycle nor attey tbe
Rniacopu] rburch la the diocese of £ ...
ins room.
"'mclniasaeomy. (• •

ware, sod ter twesty-five years te has
football edilloaa of tbe erentog paTbffa waa oot own Cape Johastoa.
. vestryman of Old Swedes Chnrch.
pen; bgt wtea be coold ateal ao after­
ss s Dember of the standlag eom; HALR-exs-eK t
lAacMbiaMoarr: than tbtora waa Dapnoon from boaloen be weot to a cock' of the dioceoe.
MT Mantel Joteatuta of Stou Cttg.
dgbt or backed tbe BenooteiM-y
OlffftT* ofAYBry Kind
Fregcbman reernlly left AOOO
ate Mantel Jotaaatoo of SbrOeU. ate
I to be__given to the man who was
cbickeo agaloat the lallngton maoler.
406 hearing
a fir, JteaiiB of ataavMML ate a
the father
thcr of tl
the largsst fainUy in Paris.
If onr progpolton ted been inflamed
eharry. pt«m. applv.
A tote
a coDdltkm
o' the iMScy bring ttet the
-lltl« or
te*e »< «oBK>n «>>• «»• with seal for Improrlng tbelr minda
water. Price gisno.
—Udrea thonld have ben properly cored
tebirttacM. ate ttea weaboold bare bad an eActent ayateia
FOB 8ALB-624—66 ft. oa fowt Front
for and brought up by their patent*.
tten waa a JoBana on tbe gnte Jorj- of public edncatlofta genentloo BoonThe sward was mad* by the imitee* lo
atreel. wcatof Wellington.
A Ann
^ than wen aa; mora Joteaoaa tber er. aaya a boatlle London critic. Wbai
oemaker gamed Vendeubrack. who
lawn, one modem r- aldenee. 0 Inrgn
e father ot sevea sons and seven
iftea tte'MKbt or Uaa otben ttet Mr. M the iwe of teUlng a cycllat that te
nxM Alao oa mo lot one
OoMar'tetf «0WB at O^oUlgaa’a otigbt to glre tala apare boan to tbe
smallhonae. 4 moiaa A idealrable
Seoreaentative WUte of the Secoad
piece of po peny. Price giveu upon
•tody of a modern language? Be can
inh Carolias district. U bUck Be la
nppUeatioD .
'tten wen alao two Heatra Osa goote gnte'pap*- too. In tbe opinion
—r only colored maa la tbe boose A
iX)a flALB-hsa-Lot 16 block A Goodmodest, tiasmnniax. gnobtroriv* ms a.
K> r. Baaly oT tbu dty. •f that old genileman SnglUh waa the
lieh’a Add . comer Bandolph ate
he Is a leader of hi* race la his aectlea of
Dotber tongne of commerce and the
^ ate it a I______
man of.juslderable
Madtoon. Urge mod-wn realdenea.
only salratlon for tbe foreigner waa
He U a graduate
of Howard
lay .sore Baalyi
Is only 6 poottdA Tbe tiniest dsmrf ------------ty.
- Washini
-------Ington, and a lawyer
to acquire onr inelodioaa Idloma.
Will beaMdatas eriflea price of
One adranCage of bolldaya out of
hot he to wlihoM tbe kinky hair ao comparents.
town la that yoo develop yogr retbe colored race.
te calM for Mr. JotiaatoB. OMoIng sourcea of conreraatlon. Who doe* midget*, and beside him even the re­
Ud-’Two MFfL Iota onmo- Mtetem
4apL Jateatoa. of eonna. Tte Jobs- not yearn to eoeape from tbe monuio- nowned Tom Thumb wss a very Col*
aodRaodolpb, Hot Bouae, Knglna.
a op to tte ter. ate la nona route of toplca to which be la ossua.
ner of London, who remarked that h;s
to diRailding. F.pea, the whole property
araae had made great progress, and
eonllned by bla dally toll? There la a
should have seen him sooner -*l'Te b<
_k otelaaaeo to hia boaor with a
freah atlmglua to Ideaa
pany of gentlemen loongkaaka. good tMumeaa property, eanWhich aaldi ‘•AS : jow atfTicc, my when your bocten baa tbe forethought
lag lo the offlee of a wcU-known New
j“ni7^ronWn't^'you affoid
trally located. Always renU tw
to baniab threadbare agbjecta from Orleans physician, s few evening* ago, ■ to comeT' “O. ye*." answered the etrgood figurr. now leaard for I year
tbe Ubie. Tbia la done by an admir­ propcionded a cortous qaestlon. apro-' penter. "bnt I ronid not get a gold gnlwith privilege S yea<A subject to
able device which ongbt to be widely po. .r.
mts for gso per month Low­
-ti.,. wd
. b...d
est easb price, tl.tou.
adopted. Having edited the menu fur
toward the blxarre.
infllag bto il^t bate. The )sdga dinner tbe hoateaa appilea her mind to
H^LE-eso—N S of irli ot aw
Mokafl aBaaefl, ate tarnlAg to the flnt the much aertons queation of ipliitoal
u. XOaenn all
ti___ n_
tl under
sible for a mau who had cummlttMl
tlvation. 4UU bearing fruit trees, rood
“Mis* Cayley’s Adventures." a slory
DonriahmeDL What ahaU tbe company some crime, for tnsunce. and who bad!{
^-^V# yonr namer
anu bam. good sprite water,
aay? Tbe point U not to preacrlbe any strong mnilve* fur cogceallng hi* Iden­ by Grant Allen, whieh has been roonlng
'• a* s serial in su Bugiiah magasine. wilt
4.S miles 'r.-ai city. Price, foUL
“Johnada.* waa the nply.
apeclal topic, but to eliminate whni- tity. 10 ]H-rmauently alter his whole ap- aonn be puUtohed in hook
honk ton
-Ate yoanr
FUU8ALE-6ZI-1U acre* ..n bay
ever may be aule or dangerooR. 8<i. peara
irance by m^-ra aurgleal nieth-| “The Qu.-eato Garlsod" 1* a ha:
abore. S«i north of Bapttot Re-Jotentona.- araa tte aiiawer.
. _
of (b*
when you are dreaslng, a aervant
ohswt poetry of the Ellsabetbsn age.
bring* you a neat little perfumed
•Tertalnl.r," replied the doctor. "He
He puecD- hsve beea csrefally sclecled
-Jo^uiatpo.- aaawerefl a thM.
note. In which yon read: “Yon are re- could easily reduce bis height, to Iregln
B< to soil the requirrmeDU of s puekFORSALB-6t3-Uti Modi e. Wank
-flay, whafa yonnT'
queated not to talk about tbe
with, by Ibe removal of a cou ile of
Front atmet between Otear and
-Johaaoa." again waa tbe asawer.
■gR. The
All ImiiortBnt Work oa ■•Westrolaslvr
se<'Ilun* of iKJUe from hi* leg*.
Mpmoa. tevs level w.lh atreat; Ms
“Ate yonnr
f you h*
letJ. Pric-fi450.
ojieratloD I* often perfomii-d
-Jowon.'' came tte next.
iding a d
ary surgery, and a niati who "■*"
was. wiy
FOR 8ALB—03Z—Farm IW) terra IM
Ttea tte Jtege pot on a cook open
ttitiea west of ciiy, W> ncrus neder
0 feel 8 w'grfld lcK>k very dlffen'Oi whei
xHlgced from recent ph.ii'
anOa ate said:
enltivatiOD, m bearing apple, pear
and tbe mlad or of enlivening tbe fl*h only n feet »i But he eouhl In-chnuced •--------graph*,,,,1,
or which hsve been taken
“A Bmhh. a Smith, tny aeat npon by explaining that qnlnine meet or tie.vond reiiitmltlon by work on ih.' fiov
Trstos arrlre (ruw Qraad SnSIds. IOlnelBdairy oatl. Ohlesgo. IndUinspolU. si R JB a. m.
tte beaeta for a Brown, a Bmttb or a asuuunlattei make* a capital liqueur.
TrslD* sen** from Hseklosw sod
of^Bie pleasaot
plelt.'Vf Oxford dsy*
pipe* to bams, ail necessary sheds,
Atom.- ate te galpefl down a Mg
and t>olO b, the electric n.-etlle.
___ _... ravortle niece. Mis* Iss _ .
puoitry bouse, yards sod good drain-.
VrslBssrnvsfroa Klchaosa. Port Wsyoe
Bwallow of too water.
teve-HBkiag ef OwU.
ear* could In- made to »taml out nr lie
Dryolisad (irsnd Bspl<U.stVtB p. m.
age. fine new OAodem bonse. It .
Very funny U la. from ibe human dal. Just a* desired, and bto uinu- mold "Life and I.eller* of Lewis Csrr-ill."
T llos two
point of view, to wltneM the love- ed into any sba|H- a pug to a high pnldisheil io England a short time ago
rsin toarlD* st It :U s. ■. has chair ear
b.T Mr. Fisher Cnwiu. has reached sm-eforward. Tbe Judge looked at tbem making of a couple of owl* on a moonJtOD to Toledn via R«wd Cilr.
. igbs, enUera. all farming
with a looked wblcb aaked: •Ti your j Ugbt night, as they sit together on the Kuniatl. Tbe ■■Ollri- eipn-HsloD of tbe oiid
ralB lesviugho. m. has i-IiieplBf cars Wal­
impIrineLU, all eropa of whk'. Utere
Feh. 1 there appeared shmad the first
motiili can In- alten-d by puiilug a d-'-p
la Chtrsgo. Clsclas* UmiUv^. lodls'.aaae Jotateoa. toor
coping of an old wall, or on tbe burl wrinkle in t-oeb comer, and ilie
paft of s popular <-dllioii of Mr. Henry s^l|s aodgl.
are 00 acrea conatoUng of wheat,
log ear lo Orand
Tte Henlya Inokad Innocent and hU sontal limb of aome gUnt of the for. equally traiisroraied by m-Nllfylng th-’ M. Ktauley's "Throngli (he Hark Conllcorn, oats, bay. poutoca, lu acrea
•iit." Thiii editoB contain* all the origldna grove. Tbiafarm 1* known na
Mboraald: “Mr. Healy. proceed with
Perched on tbe same boggh. ot general direction of tbe limn s. All tlic
tbeWrldoeft tarmor Hillside dairy;
IhM* poModka lubben.j tbe aam* wnU or min, the lady owL OiN-ratloUs would In- of a iiilnor prepared ms.
*^Afl ftght. yoor booor.- both Hcalyt thougb neuaUy much bigger
acter and two mouiliR would In- Kurtl- til.- sntfaor. Tbe work
stronger than her mate, looks the pic- clenl for th.' Job. At tbe end .if Hint eighteen weekly pap
-fhlherin.'r tJla.Ut'
Gladstone" to a new book
-X Bonn Mr. BssUy." Mid bla honor. tore of demure coyneaa. If a Utile ex­ time a man's own oioiIkt w.itildn't
bich Is a trlhute to tbe grand old mau'a
We have a parebnaer for realdrnca be­
-AU Hfbt.“ both Healya anawered, cited Inwardl.v, like a girl at ber Brst
know him. and be could rvvixli
wife. Due recignitlon1 1* given to the
tween Park and Fraoklln oa Waste
as they tortied from the bar.
ball But the male owl la very much scene of hto crime with Impunity. The wonderful devotion of !Mr*. Gladstone fo
logtoe or Rtatesuneis. Most te mod­
' -metekl; Mike Baaly,'* be abouted. In esi7>est: for a moment or two he re­ Iblug to iH-rfe< tly f*a«llilc ilu-orvti.-nliy. her m-Bt hnsi
irqiigh a long and
em and ai raascnable priaa.
(isiM.' oisrhed lif.
*Ti tte nan I mean.mains quite still, then be puffs out all but fcwtnnately a few lliili. tiling* haiipy. hut ver
lierhiips >■
inch promln.-iK
*T))at‘a,na.“ winked Attorney Beaty, bla featbera. bowa. and unen a snft- stand In the wa.v of It* pnicll. al and
I* «
Lv Patoskry ...
» •« i
a on
-flay.- teld tte now perplexte Jtege. aaed acream. followed by a modtOed atlon—such things as time and m.iu. v
. .
TrsvenrCy «9<irs imstOlOD
•V /te
Tte /(tfein
#So' ara not cnrafnl m fine' bias that la full of tender meaning, -d ,h,. d,«..,,.«„d,„
Ar Urd asplds.. IMS 4 SS 10 <« ZOO
Lt Ord BspId... iron SOB
/Dn1ibt& tor fcntentpt. How dare you god then be nndgaa ber with his wlug; quaners aud a Bblllful stirgcou willing
sman frnk aod good gardsa. Thia
* -rlraU ....: S A; IS •
Alfew aa to craau tUa comic open ate opens ter Mg ey«a very wide, ate to lend himself to ih.- scbciuc.’ -.New
llcago. . ., S», It 1*____ T»|
fi^t on top of the J
nmwn wowra
Orleans ’nmcH'Dem.icmi.
UrT’ yeUFOB8ALR-608 MwliofeaM see tl.
Geese are tbe eroblem* of conjugal
town tS-e.A good frsma bouse I6st4
ad tte Judge.
nliK* in rhin*.
the deptha of hU Interior be Inatsntly
tf To* Can t Weep.
frith wing all flalstawl. Wlud milt
Some imiionsnl ioventioas have beta
Then turalng (o Clerk of tte Courta brings up s hsif digested moose, snd.
A man is In a lad wa.v when he
ill. water piora frem well 1
Johnston te gave him otden to keep It nltboDgh she Is ss full of slmlUr ro- can’t *lc.-p at night. tVbi-n ihl* hap­ dtoenvered l.y Innatic*.
boose. 900 bearing apple, plum, eheny
Fifteen thousand pi-ople are eaployed
rat of tte records.—Fort Dodge Me*. denu sod stag beetle* as she can com. pens a g.MNi many people n-son to la making violins in Germany.
trees. Bsru MsfiO Farm all Improvr
fortably bold, she opens her month sotm- drug, but tbU Is a most gienilHolland is the only country la Eorup*
ad, lays :s milas gerth of WilUaBsvTrBvmeCy.
and accteU the fragrant gift with a Clous habit, and will lead to lerrllils fes<
burg on B<u Espids raad.Pricr.fll.MO.
r glS Kspids
S to Z US e »l
mnranr of aatUfartlon that-gpeska tmuble If
FOR8ALB-4i:-We*t«0*er*s. fet «,
ru BspId,
-I ue;
u e; sn
Tte day was cold—very cold. In rolnmea of love and thanks.
But there arc barmloss n-m.-dh-s.
sec 7, U, 10, lay* on shore mad,
itV Traverse
Cy _#JU
6 lit It ID
«' < _________
(Mt-«ad tte poatmaater at Suaqna- i when the dainty morsel has been dle- Three or four .lamlelioii icav.-s
Peninsula, orchard U agpla tmea. fiO
Poker bss been forbidden in Vienaa.
4. KBBOB. Agrsl.
feA) a tmafl Oanadlan town, fell asleep poaed of they caress each other tendcr- chewed Is-fore luminc In. will gener­ on the ground that it to a game of
cbeiTT tree*. UO pear. pfuB*. pea«k.
Trsverse Olty.
Prior «l 100.
tesr tte gtoTe la bla easy chair be- ij for a momoiu or two, ate then sK ally B.-od the most nervous nmJ wornto pgHAVgH.a.P. A..
Tbe Calversily of Oxford bss type
fo*a he had read half tbe post-cards. , closely presacd to each other’s side rie.1 man to aleep. and without auy
FOB RALB—Lois 19 aad te, tfeek I.
priatiag io l.V) diffn
Party Hannab'* second add. eomer
bme I. him. Tb.r .« h.
„ S.'Sli"”
BnbeBia and luh tUacL Price
eNdtaln teonght Mm tmek from dream- perfected, a
any ll»e. ate dried Prady for use
Tbe I
of oodfii
Mad with a start. A Mx-foot Indian
when wanted. They atv best fresh, ■••wfon
out 1J30.1
to an tte gtory of n top hat. stood \>thowever.
fora him. calmly majestic.
prey. Not only do tte owls regard each
A sort of tea made from boiled l>ay
bar. hardwood, balaam,oadar awnmp.
-Want leuer." Imprcaalvely com- other with a devotion that la rarely leaves—Dot laurel—also soothes the tenth
000 persons.
Souw cedar tsku ooL
Isy.Jss. II.».
met with among more favored crea­ nerves and conduces to slumber with­
fMuM tte dniky aalfer.
St IdDs'sIsek *. a
Tbe Japanese are. ss a race, so small
od fet on
^am*. pUnM," nrtanely Inquired tures. they posltlvNy Mollaa their 111- out honing the patient’s system. It that It to neo-ssary to build specially
WebatersL Seven rooa • ntoaly «nfarored offspring, for whoae sake ttiev la largely om-d In many pans of the low biryclet for thetn.
tte poatmaater.
labad. good welt wato-, fmit and orGrassbop|N-r* attain their greatest slac
-Ounhate my aamA Want lettef.' wllUngly risk not only libfny. but life. country, ate Is pleasant enough to
Bcntal treea. large loL 66x600, *mU
la Booth America, where they grow to
-florry. Onahaao. bat tten'a nothing A young owl is not an attractive look-.....
Uke. A teactipfnl to enough. Care a length of & Inches aad spn-ad ont 10
bam. Price teU
uiuj Ir
‘ Ing object from our point of view, but thould lie taken .
here for cunfuw- lauD't indiva.
FOB SALE—M7-Dwelllag. Wahteer
i msr Oseksas
IS J et-B te
In lU father’s ate mother’s eye* It U leave* with bay.
“Wani fetter."
the former are
It n stated that 80 per cent of the
atreei. 10 raoma tl.don. Basy payLake
-Bat there isn't any tor /on.*
perfection, and the way they wall on very pofemous ate coauio the sub- contagious disesae* are carried from
II • k li
-iBooo got letteir
IL ctedfe ate carea* IL feed It. and ^ „aB«- of prusalc acid. Don’t mak.- house to bouse by the dootoatie peu of
FOR BALE—m—Good fir mo boaae
0 be be- tbe twy-feaf tea too strong. Another tbe
“WMU aomebody wrote him
aod eight serm of laou. sltuatod
In India elephants nrer 13 and np to
abont one Bll* from eenier of city.
very fair mild nairoilc can be brewed 4S years of age are deemed best to parhnuM 14x94, six raoma to borne,
M a «•

A B—t— Bm-s Htotake.
10 m
teooA friend of mine went Utely with .hJ bhUnl. AU tu™. lU-n, ... „r- “S,/"
FOR BALE-6W-BoBBeaadloL Dnfeu
Hto «i>
fectlyharmlea. and far tetter than
es back Co remote ages, i* in
bto wife to a church service la I
too room*, alone fonnda... Coming
--------------------------^ , Isndarmna or Other jwwerfnl drug*.
“Give lAoao leticrl No give Oubaout, they
m of a pot of dowsrs. surmounted
. were aepatfea and stMW -bnaemut, eoospfeta.
OBCOI ruby the sUe of a ben's e
te. Wttarl 1 fl|ht! 1 kUl! Want let- rated In tbe crowd, but be
h aooo aaw
■6 sa, ss *1
ter a Uttle ahead of him .
tbe aide.

walk. She waa walking srttfa a friend. '
Bodai>ent Ulriap tells a enriona
WE want a few buodrte d^lar* to
I “HVhgra tte mattgr barer crlad u «*lk.
Mace on petaooal property fennA
In at this Janet- He recognised her back, her hair, ber etor.r ahoot the way some owners of
Aome smart men an fools for teveua* meepi testey
Will guarantee all loan*.
whole figure, ate her very gait. Be great eauie* manage their own Inter- aoly
-iw ter poitomoonafe atlcklty out of eala Countess Sxapary oaned. with a
HI* the heartfelt welcome of the dog
Tbe above are all ternins. and enn
<Ms*OswylMO rsssrsss tte pHeuag* •
pc^t. ■■O.rjM.
oomb.. „r oUin-.m.U mad- B.l WU lA. iaII.
bought on eaay lerm*. Wa have
rhsagtog iteUns sf abes* trslss at Us'
thOBund* of dollars «orih-of. otter
ta. f>C A pua .1
«•«.'» a tpptanttcaahlp Me fashbargaB* in farm aod ei'y propetiy.
Hungary, srlth but llnle blessed sr.- they who know
“ apprenttceahlp at
paper. tertnkla
aad ace ns If .los wut to tey.
land Qteer
trader cnltlvaUon.
eattlvatkm. but a large Jfet.well
k well enoagL
eooagh ------alone.
to«hUto_uo^ ink lonabfe echool for pfekpockea. -rv,.. Uod
ft and* gtva
' aH
n to him. Tou’v*
Tou’vc got
Ltot ^rar property wtih uv If jpg wuat
tract of unimproved woteUnd. She had
fe-Mte aa«M iBct and Judgment to thto te wmt to tbe clDb to dtacnaa u.
s*T " Bltny^tor^--------**** rdlgloni topics of the day. At Inherited It with other propert;
•mca. tte «hap.“-Btf»y
is at 911 Front straat, up
boma te beard no weeping; te a
had never a n lu A leaaebuliIdn took ^
owe s X^^eri tu hto uitor.
ataira. Yon will see on* sign at tte
- ..
' ■ympicm* of dtotrras or deatelr. Tbe care of It for ber. paying a sniall rent
The W roond of tbe Udder of fsm*
bottom of stairway. Uo up ataira, lam
Oapt. J. XT. Bmoiy.
left, take first door to right; our
eign la ufeogslde tbe door. We ara not
t- M^f
--__ “ loDver

^ iCtomto SaM to tte duM to Boglonger. “I
' formt to v*t an* vote
mce lo
in *he
the city,
dir. flbe
She has
has oim
him (alien.
on tte rroead floor, at leut our «Ben
toa't We are. figuratively aprnkiaff.

8o far n* te - ---------- --*
Lenvs nh Rapids..
brat bargele..
... _
5^tl**"^e^,:Se"W??n"S6rStT foryommadarartequerite. -Loan
We work all the tlnte, wa can aall/oar
teAmTor rsfot*^-^^ ***
*hto te monghT' And me JO.OOO flortoaP -Fm aorpy.
cbd five ygp tet^dnA
yrt te bad bar p^monnale that mo. haven’t got th*t much." “I'U tell yon
tte ewpoMtfete tented to
^ hto
Conwematton. uie whofe place for 10.000 florinsr
LoU of meo try ta Imagtoe they have Leave Bik Rapids.................... T;00 p b. Make no inltUke to oflfeA ReMteter
salML To whom did tte porte- “gwen thonauDd Is tbe most I can poor besith wbea the only thing that alto Arrive Old Mtoakm.................. 7:40 y. m. Mgelgnat bottom ofawlTA Mffter■Bat will laav* the MaruanUI* Oo.t' faint at top of alalrA drat doon to
lie bafeng? It contained gTB or scraoe tocetber between now and to- them to Usioeas.
If * BU was hnri every time he to bloek. Bowl WhIUng and Park n*oa tte right after you torn to ladt nd tend
4n. yon wmntr Mknd tte m .’^^flMday tte Jl^tog of a nnwrow^^^WelL brmg m ttel.oS scared
be would never live to reach the at AM p. B. 'Boa will alao cMneet of ttestolrs.
the' to-day
m^a* and
*nA tte
»h* place
nUe* U
Is yonra."
vmtrs" That
Thi af- thret-score-and-ten
with teat at lliMa. B. Fruit car will
' temoon tbe man came with a notary
Oar Idea of s truly great maa to
te at But Bead on TMcdaya, Thata! and toe money, aad tte Mle was made who has tmvefed extensively sad adth. dayuand
flawrdaya. Pajcangiiu aad
r Uctures ner write* abont It.
____ ... .... ..... Tlnmssi ehHeeb-eoeva. Tte buatenA parfecL Ite eounteea had ber gown
truft 1^1 te token «n ^^an^^otot
]wa BMrty a» teen*


Real Estate, Iseiioaears,

Ttabis, Maaet loiasn.

*-- - — -------- ---

Hopkins Bros


Meals.... IS CNR


Use a full Hut of Coifeetioneq



6nM iipwmniHi L1



15"—: ■


Chicago —
West Michigan.

luisTBE in Hcnusnu 11

Hi, If
l!9 ii


ra; -ss



'■' -- "Sissy's: :«‘"'‘r „,.

r to one of“r^tote

ss !f


Steamer Onekama


Hte Mtowtoc. by I



"^ ”* ■** —Rfilifl

Wade Bros.

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