The Morning Record, July 07, 1899

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The Morning Record, July 07, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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XMtnusj ]






XB»dr*d* of LiTM Loot la
Tfeo Brosoo Biror.
if r»i
>-T>« OwO mMc Viwr OtVMi Aa
AtM if »00 BUM-VMitiii A44a ti
ihiBirtar if IM Omm i^' AiOWM* if Oitm) tOvM an Mm-


iTBRBaun ]

DillM. Tom, f ity 6 —TtrrtOi rilM
iidid to Ui fl Mda U tbi OrtsM
laUif, Md
Iki ilMiUoa to mw sori
«|it«4 ibM it uy Ub* diitof Ui
yait BMk of bwir. TV*d*Uii tk*
•Irtibii dtotrlit ir« iittBitid by tb*
kiidfid*. Thi »*t*ra ieror m am
of ue bUm loiff iid bitwan Ira Md
•fW BUaiBtdi Tba daptb «f thi
Ooid to froB all to tblrty faM•oitoy. IM bUm aoith if bw*. to im
iVoiltb* MBtor of tbilMdid dtotrtot
Bwobtblra Mir tbm. to MrroiBdid
by tbi »itw.
■tloOMyTMi fl«4 to i bioll.
ibMt tbTM Bllaa froB - braobablra.
wkar«tb*y biddlad. baory.oild and
BTiblni wot, wkU* tba witor* r>*dBa>>
ly *«a* aroaad Umb.
Maay war*
dnmMd In that rlolnlty Ibd otbar*
irlM pvtoh froB h«ar«’ and upoanra
Silty bodtoa ha** b*aa fmowbI
vltUa a radii* of twaaty bUm o( Smtoy.
' ‘

Fmm CMtoMW DicUid Bif rOi >t
ArlvMi fmpMtf »i 0«'CD
Owtoo War..
11w HiciiTV* I
I TOM tea 4*' Work if tba Big Xstatsatiaeal Oosk*n«r Ui
aasttoB to AoUva »fotTiaa-»taB
J fir tVi I
Of irtnu propwtj it M diilaf wir
Tbaaoaad Attoadad riiat »aato«oa
UBi im\\ wtU it i iOMii} iOifwiaii
K**ttor->tb*n art «e« Ooar SS.bonaflir. Tk* rota V i dtoklMt rl*.
000 •oa'ottoa Wnk 8 MO OOb Kaalory foriW
OMld Ml kopi for Bor* dMtoivi aatloa
ban BsroUcd.
bjiiiBi tbalr poppwil waa oatald* tb*
Dairolt. f«lye.^liy
llMa ait tMOh to tba estr'a prorriB.
at tba lai

al Cbrtoi
dtoalyatad byaanrtoa today, to tb*
do«a t)WB dtotrtot all tbroark tba
L. O. S took Sreoad >«i*y to Viaa aarltor aaoratod boon panoaa aot
Vor All- Das Satlay Woa Tblid to
waartof tb* 0. E. badfa wara an ai*
caption. liiraatoUBatad tbto BorsS:SI Faoi os a Baavy Tnek
AltkOiffb tba loan] konaa that wira tof that coward ot aoeradltad
bad arrirad aalda froa rtoaatarad at tt* raoB la Maatotaa Wad*
n*aday did not carry ofl drat
Batwaan a aod S o'aoeb tbto Boralnr
aot dltappolatad
paear, L C K owatd by Boat of tba Ckrtotian Badaoror road*
J. T. Haankb and driraa by
Ooy. Bid* tb* baat abowtag oE tba foar and Light OnardTCdraory. Sar«ral
bnndrad rolnntaar* for aarrtoa at tba
bona, aaot fros bar#,
totbaf^t&paaatbaraanlu by baato nem day atangallttle mattogt. rapraeating nearly all tba Mate*, gatnarod
ara a* foUowit
to tba formar adidN Tbty
proderad tbalr aarrloa* by eltla* and
Jndga MeUagblto
Du Ballty..............
to rariont parta
.1 I 4 of tba ally and gaarni toctrnetlM*
from the Uadar, H. B. Glbbnd of
TtBabybaato-l:>4H. t:ts. l;tT.
to lb* fraa forall tba laaulto by baaU BpringBald. Uwb. At now many faeterm* and bnainaB eaten «rara tba
wara u follow*:
aoaea of tbalr Ubora.
Tb« day wa* dear and eool nnd a’.'
t s •
Jimmy B —Dninaoad.
tbaSoalbora Padfta ara aaong
together Ideal when the tint rail bu*Prortolon* bar* Arbsta*—Uiitaaead
tb«B**Bion of tb*
TIb* by baio-a:tm.
bauaanvfroB Boutoa'and Oalraaton 2:11.
at Tent Bsdaaror. A aa of
oountenuoaa wna uotnrnad
to tba towoa that can ba raaebad.
Ova SnUay. A A MeOay A SaV
.At n o'aloab today adtopatabwaa bora drira by Obarto* Oamatoa. did toward tba platform whan B*r. Kabetaaalaad froB Dtway. Jaat aoroB tb* rary woll. winning third mnuy.
Blab Boynton. D *D . of Datroil. ealtod
BraaM ri«ar froB Saalay, wbtob raid*: tba fra tor all r*M L. C E. wonld
ittog toorder. Orrotlonal u*
••TVa aoadlttooi bare ara torrlbla bare Bade thing* a grut deal botur arctoM war* led by one of tb* leader*
Bvaryibtog to tba aonnUy ha* baa
foanden of the Metbodtot Bppn a good traob for AIbobU thu abe
awapt away. A large nnmbar of lira* did. Tb* traek wa* bury attar tb* worth Leagut. Btobop Nlade of De­
ban bau lo*t to tb* bottnu. It
rain* of ih* Pourtb and the loeal hot*look* Ilk* *i*r*attoa for tbo*« toft.
TV* reporu of bocraUry tVlllto Baer
aercrely ta
TV* •itoatlra 1* net uaggaratod."
In ralatUw to tb* no* in wblob L. C. and tba meuage of Prealdant Clark
Tb* WlegraB wa* reo*lr*d onr tb*
K. waa aurod It Bight ba uld that were rery •neonragieg and ibowed
tnt wir* that bu baa working toio
Almonu. tb* winner. *bon1d bar* boa that Uere arc now so alt Eodaror aoiBatoy and D*way for thru daya. Tbi
barred, baring bean eipallad from tba etoUaa with a toul memberabtp of S.wlr* only worked Bra Blnntaa and wu
traek* In Ohio IVc report wa* practleally an
tba lo*L BSorto to eonnael alnea
farbalnga''rlngar." Tola f^t wa* eUboraUon of PrMidut Clark'* report
to lb* Unlrr'l »o^Vty yceurday.
bare fatlod.
rad. bowarer. nnUllUtaraoB
t>4pBiyHbarifrMwaartogarat Swtoy
The canerntl*'' 'vmonwaedoqnratwar* or<r and ao tb* time for actla
totopbonad to I>*lla* at noon: “Tbrre
ny tl -r. Prank W. tiontauba* pa*»*d. To* reoori mad* by Al*
ba* bo*n ao lmoror*B*nt In ibU »**•
liu of Cbloago.
Clark appotoud
moot* to
for * m:l* Tba* it cm
ttonolthoBoeddtolrlot. If anything
be ***D that L. C. K mad* a Boat erad* Dtmbenof tb* oomBliii* to whom
tb* »itn*tlou to growing worn*, ttoatoy
win be retorted nil matton of builnea*
and nalgoborlng town* bar* about'
and moluUofi*: Secretary John Baar.
Tba otbar boia** tcoB tbi* place, Ar> C. B Uoldridg* of lUlBo'e. Bat. Mr.
•gbao.tad tbalr raaouro**. Aaotbar
•ngro lauliy wa* drowod naar brr* batii and Tommy M. that ware an* Dlsw and Hr Ganitoa.
today S***ra) otta*r lira* bar* b**n
Ballibury, raapactlrcly. Hilly
loat alBM la«t ntgbt. A nunbar of
n^rroa* hart falton aihanatad fros lllgglB* drora both borua.
L C. K waaatalpaad yaatarday from
tna topa after hanging tbar* for tbraa
Ooloael Oardaar Appolntsd Oemmud.
to Grand Bapld*. wb*r* abe
' daya pad nigbta and bara bun
er of 80 V Aagimtnt for tarrlo*
• 111 ba antsrad In rao*» la about two
in Pbillpp-nas.
••iruBortoenmntbara that tbar# wo*ka. Elmar MaCty aoeompantod the
July e —Tba proaldm
baa baa gmt Iqa* of Ufa near Blob.
BMd. Port Hand aoucty. Itolnlta In- uka L C. K around tba Hleblgan etr> today appointnd Oapb Oorn*l|n* GardouU. and it to prohaala that aba will B*r of lb* N'oaiMDib intantry oolonal
torBatlon to nnobtatnabla."
of tb*
Pally VKi Hraa wara to*l nar Baalay. mahe coma rary good time during tb*
i*r. Th* otbar local boraa* nr* Captain Gardner wba ooloael ot tba
nt a point aallad Tk* Mound. Th* apji
Tklrty flrat Mlchlgu volnnlar*.
UatBtUap'and *ntlraly aurroaMad rlr*d from Maatoto* ya*t*rday.
captain Gardoar will ba colonel ot
by-tb* raging water*, tatandlag tbr**
SAsVALTtBB OP TSB TOOBTK. tba Thiritotb raiment which will ba
or fonr n'•« la all dlroeilona Ua tbU
,orranlt*dat PoriSberldan. 111., from
d too nagro**,
•*, who
.gtastof XnJaradlntbotUW.
WUcomId and Illlnot* raan dv>m d to aaruin dwtb. a* th*
Tbaltotof minor MMualtla* on tba eCBlto
wtiar* *r* alo»lng In on tb*s and
Kourtb In tbaauta to aoB*lblng appal
At the adj «taot general'* office It wa*
that* to no aaan* of •aapp*.
Uag. Among tboM who loat an aya •aid today that Oatroli and Grand
P* ry Goodwin of Mnr*ba1l; Bapld* will to tba principal reornlilag
AITtTVDI or VMttMD aTAnU nrs
Mra U*orga Coony. Paw I'awj gooch •tatloaa for tb* new vclnatwre from
Battle Oreaki frank liar- Michigan. Mlcblgu to upacta
Baaprel'ng Ua 1
rto. Thru Blvare: Adolph Miteball. furntob from tbra to four atop)
.Bar Ad. Maroa.
Waabiaguw, U. C.,JnIy
Hands. Sagart Md arm*
I ragl
BltVl MowImb, who to eiranmaavl- wara loat by Bngana Underwood, Mt. pMtad that aarly a dot*n eompay
ganag Atrtoa on tba eratoa Cbloago,
W. J BIbbart and Cbarlat ^j*n wilt to picked from MleblgM
toaabad at Dalagoa bay reoaGy and Cbrtotton. Mt Clannan*; Guy GonUnar.
a vtott to rratofla. Hto vtolt to a raanrtar at Paw Paw lakti Aamni
The trat chaaoa toU ba glva to effitba capital at tba Hontb Afitoaa Bw Gtogrfob. Rood Ulty.
Jena*. e*n of tba Thirty.third aadTblnjo
pablto wa* Bad* In aeoordaaa* with of Graan Udga l«t a lag.
Utile ft. fonrtb raglBCDU, afUr tbat. If plaeaa
tbs iMtnwUon* gW*n biB by
yaar-old Gartrada Alford
d of Ypaltonti remain. tb*> wUl to tendered to TblrUaltod HtaMB fovaraBMt,, and
bat died from barn* annad br aplo-1 ty-Aret. Tblrtyaooad. Md Thirtyalsply a* c Bitlar of paraaaal plan- aton of a Sraoiaakar thrown al bar by a i if tb ofioara. to tbat order.
ranklaaaboy. Aadtbto-toonlyn email!________ _________________ ___________
U U aadcnUMd that b* wa* dlraatod part of tba MlabIgM acaldanta. Th* »*W*T*i DOTI TO DIBOIEIOEA
by tb* navy daparUMnt. at tb* toBartto Papa Qln-B« it DtoprevwZoatona* of tb* •Mraiory of atato. lo lyof Uaa
Mb* a trip W Pretoria to tovatlgata
porta o< Trie Gen.
tba aUta* of ABcrloana to. tba TranaZOLB KOTZZm AZO UBTZZ.
Balia, Jaly s -The Xaaato Naabeaal with particular radaraooa to wbat
rtehVa prtott two latton wbtob
Uay wonld ba bCMltod by A Ztna-TBtr-OM Bey AeeldauUy aye were enabaaged by Admiral Dladtna aaaaaalona wblob tbi Brlttob go*,
Hbeota Both at Oato, Znnsaa.
arleba and AdBlral Oawey jatbafera
nrnmai to aaklng and ba tovolvod
Topaka, Ban., inly e -WUlto Porter, tba forma ourtad a bto retnra boma
tba avat of a war batwaa Orat'Brli- aged s yaara, at Ooala. Kaaaa*. trea China. Admiral Dtodatoba dated
ton nod
pointid a ptotol at bto toby atowr. alv hto latta "In tba China Haa, Marob IT."
It to biltovad bar* that tba adBlralV itog M bar Botbw^ Up. and with tba and togged Admlml Dawry tonewpt
Ttoltwaa aouaetid wlU an offer of worda. "Ml abwt yon." pnUad tba
M bto
tba good otBaM ot tba Dnltod Stntaa, trtggB. tba ball paaaod throngh tba
In reply Admiral Daway. In n lattor
bat tbto ennnol ba aa&nnad. I
tobyV bead nnd tba moibar'a banrt, doted MmUb. AprU le. to alUged to
tolly today ba bad
killing both InatMUy. Tba boy fonnd have aaid: "It to a grat plcMam to a*a
to ffretorta andv toitraeUoM.
tba ptotol to tba hired mMV room.
to feel tbat By
* to yon. and I njotoa
••ngbttog /M" Bm to Hnnlto. ,
• bnva boa of MwaWatolngton, Jaly d.-Oaa. Jonepb
tBMtog. Jaly e —BaUrand OoBBto•toaerOabora baa toaad a atatomat Wbaelar waa today ordmad to report
•toowlng tba total Mlablgu aamtog* of toOaaralOtto at UanUa fa aarvtoa to
aaOranda tor tba math ot May to ha tba PbUipptoB._____________
•l,frS,4Sl, ntacatont|l,Mf.SM ter tbs
‘i toat year. ~
Uaali«. Jaly e ^frad W. Grew et m Br STStyksAy.
total *nrnlnga for tba Brat tva aaatba
ObUdVdraaaa. wltb alWr. ooly 10
Of itM wara lll.lso.4T4. an tnirinaa ot
oMta to tbo PiBOoB 1 on «bs itofl
ASS par oat. over tba eorraspadlag
WbatwUi aaMa4*.Mttl


£>?T.........-...... ■



Can Judge
chnmCter by the i
that U. aeed. ' Good etatiooary u not neemoriiy expeoA
ire. We will>oon receive on
elegant otoortaent of the
Tery. Uteet is box and tnlk
goods at oeloniahiogly low

Oo dll nilrosdt are Wiag
made to Detroit tbU week,
bat it will not pay yon to go
there to boy your eboee. We

We will cat onr oompetitioo wide open on this line.


City Book StorO.
Clean Sveep
Shoe Sale
B ilph^Oo&nnble 3r^ Manager.
820 enoNT aTHBrr

• *>••0—a—saaasaoff

Whal is if Anyway, Thal’IBenda

And- we'pe cutting prieee on
ftl! broken bU Tan Shoe*,
Oxford! sod Snismer Sboee.
It will pay you . to look-

is Going To Do Next?

You’ll buy.

Alfred V.

New Idea

Popnlat Shoe House.

Please the people, because thej are
simple, accurate and stylish. There are
no better patterns made. Price for any

pat(^em-TEN CENTS.
They're up-to-date.


Thli Mylf Ud 1 000 Mbs-raeamrC tt MMk.

Steinberg’s '"iS'oXSSk,'"’*
^Feature After we move



you will be pleased

Ten Tttr Contracis
Made by Mlebigati Telepbon* Oo.
for any elaa* of aervlor danlied.

To SM how>nuoh buur ws can display the

Kimball Pianos
•nd Organs

Subscflhtrs Mar Cancel
at and of *U Bootha or change
to any elaa* of **rvU* at will.
TaUpbtfe* tb* managa to eall
Md uplaU n*w rata adopted by
tb* eompae*.

In > Urgsr ctors with IncrcMsd fsolUtlM for exhibit.
In» thsir aupsrior men s. Our new etore irlU bs eepectally eppelnted for the dlepley of mnsloel merehan<iUe endsll, le ceensetlee irith the

: Michigan Taliphoaa Co.

Plano Which 3Iade
Chicago Famous.

Jthnni’ Hmnt Cigar

Gate Post

After we more we wUl (Ive a Orephepheet Ooe.
osrt, with the new “Orend" araphephene. We WMit
everybody to eeme and oajey It.

In the Kukham Sleek kbont the lOth of thle month."

First Class Havana Cigar,
Gcal Size,
Eicallaat Diilit;,
A HewThligWarth Ciltltitiag.
Asl Tear Dealer lor Them.



We State
Simple Facts
Whoa we tsy we hmvo the bMt Ledlee’


Shoe ih the city fhr *SOO khd tSOO-

ToDBoUor Block.

*1.6Ohhd*S0a Hew Ihu of SUppere
Jut reeetved.

Oxfinda >t 86, 60, 76e, *1.00. *IS6.


Firs Insuranci.


Parker Pros.



fim mi 6F A TEAL


St|n|)8fg's firand


illinitto •
Unt Ilf mat CMkliti

Bandp te ftaartoaaa the Majr.

wm. T. Baiw

9. W. JUaan.

We«M’a OwBary lapco*a>
kp afkar.
t ak t;M to kba Ladlaa* Ui
parlpca aad
lorlba aioato* yaar
wan alaaiod.aad kba aamal nyark of

Mia. J. r. OUUMn M foUowv
Wo ban bald Mona Boakblr

4k«a« o>aM
kba pntly Utkla fwoltoa tooaeb. boUPeek ky WilBan Fattarly.
ierb. W..........................
kba bay fnm the
ebon *a8k of tb« watar wortaa Tb*
Uaoabtop waa a aneoMk. alkboep'
tbanwM BO aUbocata aaranoay o'
p. TtaawaftlBBaMdCtatoy
aadtaoaae<U*eiaaa«boat aad
ptBoaCalboakaonkba bay. Bba to M
foal ionp. wltb aklnl ptotad nakal


om r*uer >•


Dr. tMM 4. KMP^ fCTMTlj
fmitdmt ft tba Im «»u OoUaft,
taMr 01 Manuk. wiiM* •• m>«w ti
lha OkrMUu 44t«wU ta «M«Mr M
«h* MMrilOM ol SMktor Bw Nfw«
ll« I4a kVUM4« of ih* Uttlua ptoM
fmrwOTi r«(krdU« U* PkUtppiMk

ptM vtkhMi tpalr OMMSt oauet bt
ttoMtaaP la-tb* »cb» of i4« toUew
taC <*«4 pOTt»U7 asUMUe aad Mai1/ ffVfad; ATBlaa^
Ut wiMUr;
loUewUc tvprwMMd »i tba OMB
■ WIIWTHl of ilM bMiUit'.« Um tbM
flSO.«Mtb of tk» WiTfiorj of tbo PbUlpniao MtaaPa. aad aow bad rr«a aoaal
Mlaoalrol oror Bor* tbaa lw»^
aatha. Tba paopla of Uia oibar ala»
Makha of iba larrltMT «ara oppoaad to
bin aad hU aasatUou lebiBB. Oret
pOporwt. of tba oroporkj tat«
lb« eat-toatb of tornioiT with
yoOTiaaii of bto Ta«aiac aai>pon*n
w«ro oppoaod M biat aad hit aUa of
fooorwaaa Tbtp bad aot faltb la
»*4fmlaaldo waa a fagjUvo la Aaia,
Md balofo ba waa allowad ko raiora
aU erraalaa a toUowla« ba alfoad
wrttUa arroaaaot wtU kba oBdala of
»ba Uatlod BUkw co*•ra»aB^ ooaalaklaf of toor arUelaa, kwo ct wbkeb 1 ra•aU: (a) That ba waald. U all aakortal raapaeu, ba obadtaat tokbaan
kborlklaa of Ua Ualkad bUkaa latbt
PUUpplaaa <b) la oaaa kba Oalkod
f lakaa alaekod ke boU kba PbUlpplaa^
Ibak ba woald do all la bla power u
briac kba aaUraa lato baraoap wlkh
Ibla olaa. Ibla waa autad ko ma b/
roaoeoalbtr eOokal wbe waa praaac
wboa kbw acraosaak waaalraed;aa
•maaad aBSoolOoa Ware furalaba
bla oadar kba karau of kbte arrae»aat' '
Dr. baaaaa alao raoikaa aaap okbei
pqeaUj fc0albU faeM wbtah osffhk u
aaoriiiaa kboaaoppoaad'ko kba poUej o:
kba*bdatBlakrakioe kbai kbafforartotaDi
M oparakiaff for tba baak Ibkeraato o:
tba rulplBoa. and adopklof tba only
aalaand wlaaoourae for all aycorned

CncAoo I

Oar taaaaUl aaaadlar for kba year te told with oborry aad napla TbaJK**
rao. wtkb aaaaoaaa. r«.T«
**- wilt aaaUy bold kn paiwM bai wen
a pantaaoa aad aok oak la ko------noMry.
at a aeaa of PM to; ban
wheat waa lanMbad la tba pro*
■ado U bow 1
mm of Mr. aad Mra Pock and aaratal
aad two n^
frtoada. Mr. Starkoek ol Maaoaloea.
StrarShTik whWi'ban baaa aok lOO kallder of too onptoa. aad Mr. F-kkorbyaotokb baita aad Many planw and ly^ partoar. waa praaMk aad aapMiaabnbadoaaiod by paopU wboaralleaded tba atarUap of tba aaplaa,
kanakodtolbopoad worb
wblA laa kbroo-beraa power peopaUar.
earaaaaalabMbaapta aapporMo* 14. Ikoaljrvqvlrada few nenootakepak
kba naebtoary to worktop ordaraad
woad toe er.. m. aaka aad
a to kba Ctky Bookakora latk etaatop kba trial trip wa* aad*
rto*' PU-to. Wa ban a* aader tavorakl* ooadtktoa* aad with
aaeoaafnl raealta
addtof BOBT BOW aawra koday. t
kbabalaaaaof •lU.ot to oartroaaary
ko atart tba aaw yaaroarprpapaetaara nVABAMT TUn AT KATTOBLD.
vary brtpbk for a aeoaaaafol faktn.
la addikloa lo tba baartoff of kba ra- aapktot Mlaaloaary Boelaty Ladlaa
pori. oMaara wwa elaeiod aa foltowa:
ibaMaeataof Mra. Mibba.
Praaidask—Mra C. J. Konland
Wadaaaday. inly sib. wa* a neat doFIrat Tioa praaldaaV-Mra U Poala
llpbkfol day to a laipe anker of tbe
itAU« kelonpinp ko kbe Wonank Bon
aad Forelpa Mtaaloaary eooleiy of tbo
Bapttakcbnreb tokbe accaptaae* of a
Baaordiiicaooratary-'Mra J. F. tiU- vary eordial tovltatiea plna tba aoele*
ky by Mn. danM L. Gikbe to ^nd the
FiaaBolal aeerrtary—Mra. Bn talkb. day at bar boae^ MaydelA
Yraaaaror—Mia. M. C. Oriakk.
Her pnetona boapIkalUy wae bipbly
Beard af dlroekoro^Mn. Jobo OIUU. _,ppreciat«d ky all who war* ao fortaMra Mary J..ouaoa. Mra 4- 4- MeOoy. aata at tonartaka of It In kha afiarMra.a C Maaa aad Mn. B J. Palrbaa. Boon kba pnaala raaorted foracoapla
of bonra to tba plaaaaak May&eld ebap•VBPTB 41 MOTBZ. FOVOK.
al. kbak ketop tba rapelar day for Ue
Fepalar Oarp Lake Bomaa Bapidly nlwioaary propran which waa ably
ooodaeted ky kb* preaidaal, Mn J. B.
flUtoc Wltb Pnuar Boardara.
Tba dUfaraot bokals aroaad kbU
Tbe pnpran
of a brief reoalrbbcvbood ara rapidly dllto( np view of kba Forelpa ntaaloa work oovwtkb aam«r'boardara aad ara
ered ky kba aoelaty darlnp ^* peek
nry .naarly PUad. Hotal Fooeb ak
Foeeb la roealTtof Ito tbara of kba raaortora Tba tollowtof aro aaoaf kba
lakaarrWala akkbaUM:
oktlop. toatrocun and Inapirlnp.
Jamaa i. Ftokebar.ef Ctoralaad. Ohio;
My bad atoo kba pleaaura
W. J. Towanad of dantond. Oblo;
Hr. aad Mra Broaob of Onad BapMi:
of Cedar Bapida. Iowa; ary work.
D. W. Lkibropaof Jaekaon. Micb.; Bd
All ware traly pratefnl to Mn
Pltrcarmld of Jaakaoo. MIeb: i ~ U Vba for tbe affork nad**-ln HI* Name’
Moara oj Cblaaco: A. C. Mayo of Cbibleb pave aucta a pled day ol
oac^: JaikW WllkoratM of Cbieairo; B. kriakian fellowahlp to tba Maatar'i1
a. Jadunaa of BlooaiairtOB. UL
oorvloa. ________________
- Braviklra
Mtaan Baaale and Blaoor Lyaeb of
Qraad Bepida ba*a arri*eo to kba elty.
Tba firnorwinuka op a rariaw of
indlaatw kbb aecood prada to tba
Baatoaaa Oellape. batop a teackar 1a
kbapnbllc icbooU of Orand Bapldr.
Mtaa Blaaor will bare a dlaplay of kba
ebtoa palntlnp ark la kbe naw Mo
knlldlap and will alao pin laaaM
kboae dnirlnp toatraeklon.
4 aanbar of O. B- 4 1. tailraad effi.
dale were to tba city ytoterday
apecUap kba road. 4nou kba parky
waraJ. B. F. Bnpbarkaad F. J. SUm
too. They came to on kbalr a

yaar, aad wUt eflar a aaw eoaraakloa
ball wlib a aaaklay oapaelky for l&.OOu
panou. aa ona of kba indueemaaU. in
Oddikioo ko '-toaananbla aalqa) at|rMkloat*'.ko amuaa airaarara. Fro«
tbt pmnk oaklook ibara will be
b aoreliy to kbe D
noklob. wherever Ik ta held, ko aiaiiae
Oil kbe akraapen kbak can ba orowdad
Tbara will be a apaeial neatlnp of
toko any latpa elky.kbarafora Chleapo the C. M. B. 4. kbta aveBinp to the 8t.
pboald BOk ooant koo waeb oa bar lanu- Fraaeta aebool haU. at 8 o'clock,
fBdnbla atkrackloaa In kbia oaBaaoU9n. nankara ara rcqoaakad to ba praaa:
oonldar laportant bnalaaaa.
Tn praaldeaual boow of 4amataa
The workara for kba raorpaalu
VanWyek of Naw York waa badly of kba Boatlsra are raoairtop eaonph
WTO^ad by a Bryaa aby raekak oa tba rneourapeneat to abow kbat baaa ball
ftoirtb efJnly.tbe projacUU bavtoff for Ibe batonea of kbe aeaww ta nr>
bon Unnebad by Janaa B Bopg of nneb daalrad. bnk kbe aobteripUoa 11
Tnaa. to aplia of kbe drnwa of kbe bu aot yet raaebad a alate to aaam
TanoiMy leadera. and wlkb eoeta alfaek
kba anoaen ol U>a nnkura- Tkoaa wbo
Ibak VaaWyok wUl aopn ba lorpokken wank paod baaa ball can balp kba pro*■ took coo aecUoB^
Jack aleap by aaadtop to kbalr aobaeripUane.
Jeba Woodward Dead.
Orant Clark, of Uralllekrllla,
deba Woodward, aa old and roaoool- wlkb aa aocldaak wblle paalinp bark
pd Mklan of kbit place, died ak bU ywterday neratop. Ba aUabad the
bona oa Baadolpb atraoi yoatarday top of bta left took toanrypatofvl
pfnraoon ak * o'alock after an liloan
wlkb droaay. Tba dacaaaid waa aa# of lannar.
Tba akean karpa t'latcbar cleared
kba wall koowB nan la kbIa oomnnoity
pad wM blfbly aataanad. Ba laa>ea yaaterday afternoon for Cbloapo with a
a wife, four ton aad one danphtar to earpe of lanbar fron the Tra*^
•unrn bte loee.
Mr. Woodward wae
0*0170 yeara old.
Fnaaral aarrieea City Lnnber Oo.
Dr. O. A Holliday baa pone to 4bb
wUl ba bald Bakurday aiomlrp at 10
O'Oioob fron tba raaldaoM on Randolph Arbor to sadorpo a asrpioal openkloa.
pWoot-Bov. W. E. Wrtpbt wUl oflklata
t Tba adranoo aala of aaata for tba
parfonaaaoa ky tba Matr^lltan
Tba XUiaola la BattoCaeUry.
Opera Oo. opona kbit noretop at kbe
9b* aaw auanar llltaeU. wbloh baa ben oOoa of Statokarpk Grand.
poankly akartad on kba ran beta
Tbaakaanar Cbarlanto arrirad
MaAlaaeandCbloapo.bMeowe np ko
bipbaak tape
...... la poto.
■ kbia port yaaterday nornlap Iron Ckieapo wlUi alarpacarpo and a nnnbrr
Oyood. On bar fir
. .
ko Poloaliry abe na^ a krifta anr :
of paaaaapara aboard. W. B. Barknrt
lOM Vila* aa boar~Tbb U oPnldo
of OldMtaaioa arrind on kba boat
my pood Una wbaa.uklap tota «
fran Cbloapo with two bonoa wUcb be
aldwaklnw that kba naebtoary ta a
aad that tba boat wm not paabad
Innadiately bltebad np aad dror*
ibaliM- .
MllHoat Oleaa *war.
Tba aUok af oaa of kba rockato aeat
U M oanalaly praUfytop'ke tba mV np oa kba alphk of the Fonrkb, akraek
• ko know of ona
na cooaeera to kba toad kba akylipht on kbanaldoaea of Hon.
who are not
afraid to ba paoorew
Pony Baaaah and abaltorod oc
kba aaady aad auSerlap. The prevrtokora of Dr. Klap-t Paw Dtaoonry for tbapaaaaofFlaak.
CoaannpUoB. Goupha and Colda, ban
TbaCAW. M. will anka a Pt-OO
)• onr tea tailUon trial kok*
^*aa away
jiM of kbta praat nedlctoe. and ban into for roaad trip ke Bay View onty
kba aaUafaeUao of kaowlnp It baa aV Bnaday dorlop kba aaaaon. Uavtop
of hop
Tre*araa Olky at «:10 a n.. ratnratop
Ua. HoaraeHo
loan Bay View ak8J0p.n.
_ _______
__ I aad all dtaeaaaa of the Tbroai.
___ ad Lanpa
Bsadep BMuratoa to Bay View

Mm too

and «1. Vtow**rda?i
VlawSaaday only *l 00. Tkala laai
ikaodd Or price r«- » •-ID a n. raknratopat e:U ^ n.

Toatpbk'o OardoB Farty.

FnniitBni, Stuns,
H0IIS8 Furpishing Ms

Opera Co.

ThAthMMmrbMM ahowa thia tlsM of th> ynw -Bad
In ordOF to rodooo it ond koop my iFholo foroo buoy
throngh thia doll month Z will glva yon tha biggMt
bargniua yoa aTar thought of ptttBg—Ooma in and
aaa. Onr 4 floox* ara paekod tvil of aamplaa..

Two mikts, R^iig


J. W. Slater, Hoase Furnisher

PnMDtiiisontbe opeoinp uiBbt,
for tbe firat time io tbi* city, tbe
benotifnl Aod marrelousocee**,

aSTm'w Stoa?e-12'o Fax>m.t St.

Bohemian Girl.”


—BeahtilttUy cteged
—KlegBtttly ooBtiamBd
-Wdl 8. Btatoe, Manrloe
^Svteyee. Blaaeb* Ainrteb. Jea-,
aaiu Ltoeola. Alie* Jamw. LilUan
Kenbla. Apaaa Millard.



All details of the profession looked after .in a pro­



Spetiil Fricts tl 35c, 50c, TSc
Box ScU •1.00.

John R. Santo, ij
Gciiral l■s■r■let.


fessional manper.

Juon stmt

’Twasn't our coffee. If you had or­
When home is*the most comfort­
dered some of
able place for them.





baa located at the t


abe will eatabHkb a Betbeada Be
tbe alek, a boapUal la a amall wav.
which ebe erpecU wUl be eppioclaked


Mocha and Java


You would have enjoyed your breakfast jSteel Rococo trimmings—something en­
and gone to your work happy. Try a tirely new—Upholstered with the lat-.
couple of pounds next time you order est Persian designed Velonr—30 iocbes
' Money back if you don’t like it.

Baokleaa Araien Bain.
Tn Ban 8ai.Ta to tbe world f.
Oake. Braleee, Bore*. Olaan. Ba
Bbnn. Fanr Bora*. Takkar, Chapped
Baoda. Cbllblalnt. Corn*, and all Bkin

i Haven’t

-Beiua sura HUltoor


Oar MUUnar. Miaa Palner. U laavi
Julr i
for bar *a eatioB. Sooday.

Anyone w
nil kbta week.

XavaUd* aaoald^mrmbar tba Data.
We wUb to nt^a atkeakioa o
raaden to kbe retara vtalt of th'
B B 4 Od.. phyalctaa* wbo bav,
ready beoona ao well aad favoi
known to onr comnnalty. T
phyaieiaa* have apeak kbalr live* h
iavaatlpatioawad kreataiaak of Cb)
aad printe Dlaeaaec, and kb* feat
they rafaaa lo pnaeribe for any dfa
oouHe of kbeir tpaclalUaa and . 1
oalv kboaa to vUlt than wbo have faUad ko pat raliaf from kbalr family pby
a'c;an, aailtlea kbam to kbe confideow^!
of the aSeked. Lane aapiben al
read* kbroap kbeir printe room*
each vUll. and every Invalid U cord
ly tovlted to oooaalt then ak the WJ ; 1
top Hotel. Tnveree City. Mich. I
day. July 7tb. l*M CoBMluttoo (
and etetokly ooafldMttol.
fry iaAm

If^on can paeai what Beoda will do


nn onTAi. vou.


Here's a


A Mew Betbaada Mom*.

un I

When will
Husbands Stay at Home
Evenings ?


Ic* cream aadl etke will be eerred.


Tnnne'-ity.HI** ,00*a >

. Coffee Didn’t
Taste Right
This Morning?

stnnren Tboae who have come r
eenkly to make kbia kbalr boma wl
find Itaprood place to pet acqaalnte<

Mb-Stkikberg Pkxsektb

the Children
Punched a Hole
Through that screen door or swung
it yntil the hinges aie broken?
Don’t it look rusty and dilafntated?
Better get a new one~-Only cost
you 95c complete.
Maybe you want a mg jnst inside
the door, or a new piece of oil cloth.
T^hose are just the goods we’re selling
at prices that compel trade—then they
make the home look attractive.

There’s years of wear in thein. and any
amount of comfort.
If timd of walking on tbe -floor
walk' on thia all day and tbe couch is as
good as new.
Prices range from $4.20 np.

‘the Hand
on the Weir
Often calls for new

Wall Paper
Perhaps you have a^room that yon
didn’t intend papering at first, and its
beginning to show soil. Better hare it
papered now—paper’s cheaper you know
—Got some good "one room” remnants
that are going at half price—won’t keep
long—Bny today.

. The HaoDah & Lay Vercantile Co.



* fAtUt Mems
MereA. {

Mr. aad Ufa. W. W. CbiukAw of
adAaapoUa. Ara arrfaad at Sprtay'

|«r W A A A A AA A w
A. J. M. mibalB A A Dauatl A
AA«t • jmr fp D»tM TnM m4
Aa 0. X ntBTiBllna .
L«A lAb. oU f«U«.-a of W«(
M- E dUoa. jMiiil BMt of tA
VMm. orrMi tk»t tb« nrvlfor Bomom Oat LMtCo PtCUmmp. k.
«>M«U dif tb« fTOT* of IM dMOWid^ '
olihooirb 70 7wn old. fmtBfyaaaraUay yaallyht.
daraod ibo cSm for kM friMd Uoi
OtotBoOMU of Mnaalay. *A kaa
kaaartaltAyraAUrtaAWtafordla A
VAoty-olfki MM Of t/pkOM few At alty.
feoM bOM r«ported (roa tko FnaUte,
Mr. aad Mra d W. Paok aia oat»Jr., MlM MtUOMOl Mor Boofrktoi. tel Ay Mr Pjekt bretbtr. H. L. Paak,
wto b«
U ttet and *lft of loaA
■mooI Kldrtdfo of Oorasaa:, «tm
mrnmnpk wkllo ridloc » akool
OOCMO flo t* la ft *or* o^Uool oeodlUoo.
TA oDkocoB klc7'llo» klUod smt
Vo* Badoko k/ a Mleklfu OmUoI
troll, kM hooB tdMtlAd m Oorl Woo
TA Brpn BmIiw tolte okoit o doUt«7 Ano li tAt eiff whtoh !• oaAwad «1tk aori tkaa aoaaao An*
MOM. WkM loft iteafiaf oloao tk*M
At don li *111 *olk to A Momt kjr4root. tara lA *ateroa *lth lu Mtk.
lokoadrkak oad ckk^ «ff lu too* by
Aldlac lu BOM ia lA raaata* *our.
' lA kOTM kaa aol yot iMraad to lira
Cd tko VOIM *baa AreayA
At Baatoa Barkor, Uo%oMOfd.
V Jaohaea *a* Araad to tA rrooA
WABMday Bwralaf Tka flro atarud
froB a Ayreakat *klA kroka Aranyk
tA AdnwB *laA*. MtUay Aa baddlafoodra. TA
of Aa eity aad aobady *aa ia At
U U aliarad t At a Palcok.of iaakaoa aold kto kooaAtfd < fftau for tu,
hia *lfa folay A *1A Aa barfata.
Ba la foiay back A ika old OMiuy,
Al ^ *UhM A A atay barr; beoM
At arraaytauaw
Praak PiMr aid t*o aoBpaaAat
aaaarthrd A^Jtwboaa of amatAdoa
foar Bllct *tat of Dorr, diuhlaf. TA
At A art ta a food aiau of prtaarratAa. Tht oaa bromyki kara *M aboai
»o*tB taehta loay froai oro«a A root
Md Ua Aobta la
TA *erk of taearlay a rlybt of *ay
for At alaotrle road At*aaa Uraad
Apidaaad Baldkay *111 ooaiBaaMat
OBM. BmUtb MpItelUlt ara aald A
A raady A pav ap At oaA
Mia. ItM Ualt. -Tba MoAar of
' ■bU*aattt.’' U le ytara old, aad bat
Aoa a ratldaat of At ooaaiy for A
yaara 8ht raaUBboia *bta OootM
aoAlay ) a-, four ooniort.
' Tba tprouelt of i
baaylBj btlplM froa At Ar of
paraehaU Id At Ap of a UU irar, IS
Blaaut. uaatrred Aouaaadiof paoplt
at Rlrpraidt park at tUylaa* Taatday.
*nit aabrellt atUefautot Mayht
Aaouur tad of a U'lDb, aad left Mitt
WlllUBtdaDylkay by btr arau.
*at .rtaeued after Baeh teoublt by
dra*lay btrap*ardt.
A IS-ytar-old boy aamd Huai wat
bUAB bTa raUltaaakt atar Wakttb
Ba. KalaaittM eoaotT. At oAar
dty and for a *bllt bU raoo
BMBtd Aubifal, but ba it atl rlybt
A Ban la BrldytT*i«r etme taA
UaeAaitA tbop rpttdUy *kA a Ml of
kalru froB ^a old UuAtyt *ood
frama Bowtr. made *bta fourlacb
BceUoat *tre BMd. Tbit mao aald bt
aoald But aM *bai made Atu brtak.
OaAquIiy tbtcaaoblot *at foaod to
Art btea made tbiny tour yt^- ayo.
aad bat .tone At *oA rrqair^ of a
« Bo*iay Biaehtat on a farm of inu
aorta t*tr elaot.—ManAeatar Batei^
da Adtala Aby tall oat of a Aatr
latt iaaday, bol *at appareatly nalaJartd *boa plekA ap. TA lltUo. one
ooatlBuadAery. Awpror. aid mat
adoTAT wat eaUA aad It *at
mad Aat Aa Alldk oollar boat *at
On yoAy A bU eblekta Aim Jutt
after a terrifle AundertArB raotnily
aa Oaa*my Baa tonod Aat alt bU
JOBay Alekt *ara dead. Tkara *ara
ae BarA of rlolaeoe 00 Atm. aad ba
•aally aoaw a At aooelatlan Aat At
mrart Anadar hA klllA Atin.
MUblyuk Boat prateatloat etltbin.
tloB wat at YAllbotl. *Ara II,OM
paoplt yatArod.
WAa Ar duplay
*aa aboat half mar a tpark froB a wt
pitot tyalAd aa oU eloA *bUb oorarA At remaiadar of Aa dr**orA da
brayular dUplt'y of pyroAobaA folA*A. aad at At roektu tame *blaalay laA lA trewd, Aa patvla baOBBt paalc-ttrloktp aA ratbad Ar
aataty. Many *ara AJorad by A
UaBplad apoD and by Aa rotAte
. Mr BBebaak.llrlny*Mtef-Jtck<
yot bar Air eaaybt A At yaartay of a
Bill. lattaotly rraVilay her partloat
aondltAaMra. Bochfink Art haiwlf
tiM.Atlanta larye portkw of Aa
Air oS oaa aida of bar kaad.
Walla alaaalay a *iada* at JaeAoa
VraMAdarafallAA a deep «
aad *ai aorAariy Irjarad.

We Meet Any f^ces
on Footwear In This Cily......

■ «• Mibi* lte*B.

T««aty yaara ayo t»o drpaty aAf.
Wt caoM apoa a atcra man A a tinp
vaoda mar tA bant of a *MlAy
Uallat coaary Armrr. TA ar«i« aat
<l>ntAy a boU «blcb luokrd aaMni-

-If quality cuts any figure

tatUftoArfly ripAA *A A *at tbut
raiployrd. hr
arrrBrd aaJ pA.>4
A A» old DtUat coaaty JaE
Tb« prUoarr told tA tbrrlff that br
Ad tateitd Ato a ramplracy wl;h
atiotbrr myro lo yo lAt nlykt to tflT
booir of lA ramrr. amr lA C’-ar »f
kU artvet. aod kill tka for bl« aj^iw-.r.
mtor *at A Arr brro Trlled


Oar Bboe trade was not built ap oa cheap made
footwear—we don’t tpriog FAKE safes oa our customere—When we adrertise aaything you will get valne
receired -Yon can’t get something for nothing.
We want yonr inspection, and will -name prices at
otfr store that down any so-called snap sates in this
City—We hare served onr trade in reliable shoes for 16
years, and the-pe^le ought to be convinced by this
time who the Old Reliable SbM Man iE
. Make no mistake.


Art yoat A CAraAad, »bara Ary
^„rtn tA otbrr.myro a-d
. *jrr «m bU IIAny. Tkla *at tyrrrd
MA Katbariaa W#A of OnaaopolA A aod tA otAr uryro wat arrrtted.
It at V*ab-U-vaBta.
I On (A day of tA trttJ tA flrat urMltM KrtiA aad MayyA Dtaa of tro daUy iWmrd to ttatifr amlAt bU
Bad dat, bare rataraA bema afura ^o*"*!*- A •'tphlrlty. Noth Ay lAt
rlall with At MlatM TkMAld
’ ’*** olHrria arytd or Arratrortl Ad

^teut Mt*t. te A At eUy far a



' Ay A do but n-lratr Ar man on trial
C L Ryder and Harray KAefChl-| n *at ditmulurd tAl ibr Di«r.>
aayo. Am arrired at Oataaa A apead ■A>ukd A iHiiAbrd for hit eondo-t
aod br «ia pUrrd on trial on tA
TA filA*l^ Art arrtrad at Ar^cAryr of roM|jlrary to murder. A
holM, Nt^-ia-*aaB; Mra E H- Ckld- cofirlcttoo tpredlly folA*«L
*tU. «A Rut, Mra. F. P. TanyUaaa
ovrrruk-d a moiloo for a ar*
aad Marloa of CAcAaaA
pritoorr If
L.C BakA of tat^ Bar *aoA
“ad aartbim to My Afo«-MUtrarr
•“‘■.wat |•Mr,l apoo bA>, TA aryre reAa alty ^tarday.
pli«l A tbr afflfmttlrr. Hr laM that
d. W. WalU arrlrad A tA dty yaa- aiti
tarday -from Bt Joaapb.
A mutt pruirrt bl<
U W. BtBjaaA.'aoaaty aebool oob bit «t»rr t» lA- routran'. «^blrb ..r mlBAloarr of lutlaatn eoaaty, wat A mlttrd ArAy told, hr hitd orrrr rsnAt city TMtorday.
] «!>liv<1 with any unr lo tube (be llfr of
Dr. W. E MoOB of Bt Aula. Mr ’ ■‘•^krr rltbrr for mopry or rerrnyr.
Mil I ■ I |1 hi
Tbr nlybl kutnta
Aforr t...
A wat arrratrd
*A east A Ate city raoaaUy A rUlt bad drvamrd lAt at Ar placi- wtirrv
bit bratAr. Ur. W. E Mooa. bM da- A wat ftmnd dlyyAy a Ariy of e.rpaided A rtaialn and will prme J
, m Bad- I tlrt bad mmprd. tod Aforr Irtrlny
AAtlapartmnbipwlA bU<oroAar
bU<oroAtr ! Ad borird • Uryr timi of luovry
Dob Oyar baa aoerptad a ooaitu a tArr. t\*bm tbr offlrrrt pArrd h'm
A iaii hr rat*br<1 bit brnA for a pltut*tA WUhrlw, Baruk d Co.
f. C. DmboA sm Ablay yMtarday lUr rfory «o doth bit obJr<t A dlrKlny
till- bde. and bit upon ibr ihh- tmpllaiBliybuLadwiy BMlIf of NorApMt wm A retAc bit iirlybbor nlili lilniaelf A
tbr plan to oiurdrr tbr ftmirr for hit
At city yMUtday for a abort Ust.
tVbrn bl« m-lylibur wa»
Mra d. d OtbA of MayBald *m A bruuybt (o trial b<- (Muld nut briny
btnitrlf to ir*dfy uralnn bim. a> be
Mr. aad Mra SbtAoa of Mtyfteld had pnjilwd. a^ the pnawmilcm bad
were rUitort A At olty y^terday.
ftll*4» ihroi’ji.
trodyd by
MA BlUb BordMua of NorApert proteMlny lilt\lnoorrnrr d the rhnrae.
-dltbonch I bare already arrrrtlird
tarUltlay rritb frlraA aai rolaUrM
a motlou 111 llm rlTret." Ahl tbe .}itd;.-t.
ia Alt city.
“I will yraM Ae di-frodant a be*
Lm OoloBon baa arrlrad A At dty
from Liyoalar. lad.. A dUpoM of aa"Katnitr n>e. your honor,” Aid tba
Olbor At of bonca.
county attorney, "but with your rooMra H. R . Bandy aad daaybur, •rnt tbe tuir Will dlatnlM It* <wiir
Mlldrrd. aad mi Clifton, of Howard ayalnrt the iiritofler at the bar."
.Ind the raw wat dlwilawil. To
City, are A Ae city Ae yaceu of
Alt day II It n-Btnbtl at tb<- on*! i»eileoryt Myera and ftmlly.
Mra W. CrlapA *A bM been rUit <-u11«r ohe ever brouyM to trial Ir-forv
lay A Urmad Lmlye. tiM arrired boar a Jiidgr A hallur <-ounl.v.-Daliaa
aeecmpaoled by Vr BoAer, Mra O.
Rryaoldt. who *U1 nalt for toe e
L. M Benaett *111 iMre Aday f r
TlirTr U trnrTrly a ir-mm who bna
*kui to draw
Deteolt. where A wKl traataet bat - out Irlwl wllb 111*
a ply Tbr aiiiiitliiy rvriilt* an- wrll
that yn-oi iin-a anU I. Knapp aad F. d. RarX wait known, it
AAlay yttUrdty A Carp Lane.
Wiltlam J. Bchrotdtr of BaylA* It
la tba eity for k thirt ttay.
-Vi E ilraaettaad wife of din'rt.
are A At city reyUured at the U ju I


lie yaroaxt Slx'eet

Tbr Enp'.Irt hoy rbolra apr ibr hc«t
A tbr world, for more paina ore takrn
with tbrm to opeod more toonry oa
AHr cbolra. Myi the St.
iM-morrai. lo maay of the catbniral
chun-beo A EnplacM! the hoys are
Ukm Alo Ar rbureb arbool, rreeiro
their edacalloa. hoord. loitKlnf. clothIek aiM] are paid an oddmooal <vuprnMttuQ for tbrir aervb'e* -A Ae
ctaurrb. Tliey reerlre a daRy training
at tbr haiida of eutn|H-trnl ma*ii-ra
ebulra la,dor to tbe fact of thU dally
exen-tae A tbe mtudr of the cliun b.
Mcny prval i-biin-h oiualrlaM liave
gradnatrd ftom tbr Iwy choir, rrof.'
Darby tdmacljj*'^* ■ ‘holr hoy;
Sia<tM-r. lA-'fanuiUfi Kt '
MartlE till- organUt '
Bridjcr* of -WminiliiatiT, and a boat
Im'rbu thrir niualial training
tbr cboir a* U>y tioprunoa.
Grral (liigrra. ton. bare had fhrlr
*tan a* choir hiyii. Slrnu Rervin, Maaa
ami Kilward Uu.vd l>-g«D in tbr i-liolr.

■WTxxra*b\aj?® Bloo^

I Clias. W. Baxter
SeprMenUng Stein Bloch Co will exhibit
the Istect tall fabrics and styles of Ken's
Overcoats and Salta at onr SaiMr^oinB on
July lOihand 1 Uh-Orders taken forfnture delivery.



paey of so artlrU will appear at I
bery'a (iraao. TbU U Ae moat e
win be adeordad a moat bMriy recap
tIOD Ob Monday e*eaAy A»y preaeat Halfr'k erar famoat and immorul
"Tbe Bohemian UAl.” aad on
l^madty crralar. Plaalaue tI % baaail•----------"Fra
a1 opera. "Fra
Dlaedo.'' will be fire
ale for
fo Ala oeeuloa U bab
>he muale
vlU1 ba oL-. mloa of
O- Warrioar. Ae matlMl diraetor of Ae Grand.

At Pioneer Livery Stable.

nilr that the organ playrra of EngUod
and Germany U-gan tbeir artlatir llveo
aa i-hulr boy*.
A biimhh'. almoat unknown. nrgant*t
mining a ael of W-y* at Si. Strfilirn'B.
In Vt.-niia. pr.dialdy tboochl him life
wa* wn«tr,l. btit one of riie iraDlta of
hl« traliitnx via* the linnK>rtal Haydn,
n. nliiim like Haydn. Handel and Rarb
du mil I-Iiuie A every generation. Imt
Ae eumfort of the choir trainer ia
found A the ft. I that n«I«dy knowo
wh.-ii a genlii* may artw. and every
tniAi-r may th.-n-forr hare tlir a.ailara>'ll.iii of ImiduB lhal-aiitniig hi* *.ilo
la a Tulun-' Haydu or Han.


"Dno't h-1 Ho- ml oubof the bag."
aa the Mouar wild.
f -Tve
•Tv.- not A
Ar idlchirol Idra." at the
<V*t>-r will.
*• O'T
rai-tali. •««.
"1 mu.i -leavr you for good." aa the
Pi.-ua *ny.
"1 am going to Ita' dog*.” aa lliw
Rone wl.l
••Well. Tm off.” at tA- Meat wld.
••I ni» ,han1 hit.” aa the Gtdt iUII
aaid.”1 am eimiiilei.-D' nDhlngwl.” aa the
IW aald.
"We ati- Imomlng the place." aa tlie
Gunner? wld.
•T .any all UTore me." aa tbe
aa utrnra no.
Walter aald.
nn linn- cb-vi-r la till* liil.-rptlbs no
-I've gut a pupil A oiy eye.” aa the
A.r of *MM tbnn nrv orillniiry |«-<>pb-. m-li.wluilairraa aald.
ttir lii'tir.v iri-iiu:.* In"I wouf a lot of
futrd a iiatlKw and ■I<w|uilr
III.- 'I'.aiA aald.-J.uIy:
rxpn«>l»u of ill* ply tlNit I e iooiiD'
aOAtal rail u-an-rly dlKjiIay b r'-al lir<
Pl«al Pv*lll*p.
He cunddm Ac tail a uinai>
T«.nituy Bn.wg-U yonr big alater
VDgag.-d to Mr. White!
SuaU- «re.-n*-No, an' 1 (vm the
don't want t.> lie.
Touuiiy Brown—Did ahe aay aot
8uaU= .;m-n—No, Imt ahr kuowed
hr wa» eoiultr In.night, an’ ahe .-at
.ml..II* at »uj'irT—fathoUc Siandanl
auj TluK-B.

■ era arxyr lanvct oa


and i>p>>nly admlrra II. rnnan n<’.vb'‘B
ply It cTlrtrnlly baailny down -cue
IttrriAf luyttery. ^ie lit |n>a<-tntIny note, aim eara aad ex|u-cuai al­
HInim Maxim, tbe reanufartnrpr nf
Bekool of Muale EralAl.
blf ftAt. Mya Ibr rMiuO hla plf U
Tba twutlaA raeiul of AaTrarona of aui-b corioiia arrbitrclurr It that bit

- -.. “Jij

dew. Leay-Uted.

Prof. ttHUlam Z. Ripley uya. A At
>H.......................... ...KoWn
opular Krlmre Mimiblyi
uif Wilh-lB
Mooitilyi "Bupinte




... a*pi^,,ai iS, DaMoa DwaAald. IVw ea ikte
riOlc.* I- J*K. iM. yrti. N .. uhO|..nB*lk .U,
vi-sd .-mm *. ih.

BMuaKUUw i»T>

B. J. MORGAN, Propr.

A nice lot of Horses; among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or/two
Praft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
A few Cheap
j Plugs good for any kind of work.
■Some arriving every week.


|a .
« "BT*

jlOti 01 iNlC6 UriVOFS.

Remember Tlie Date
Special Exliiliit
X«Bteat designs Stein-Bloch Snlta, Overcosta. Ulaters at
our salesrooms Monday and Tuesday. July 10th sni
11th-All invited—Orders taken for future delivery.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Lunch Gounter


in the city..........

H.. l>i«ioe MB far Mtei



n. ite c«)r iMh yoat wad
orknW. A;i Ul. ,*M U.U CMitel
r.iXMt uy d te

0 raa conPANv,


cook tec a. all hoara

The Vienoa Mtij..

“West Michigan R’v."
Bay view and ludimuton




Uncle Jed”

S’ if'is's."?,


More Fei That iCircar.
Tha Show Ton Han Waitad Fv.

...OkoplB Thia bolda good lu infancy
airr. l.onihrt«« baa |mi It A aaoAer
Soil Jalj 10 to 70. Ro-ara Aagaat
vajr. or 1.UO Jrwt UiA m? die t>e- A Oao Era for rouad trip.
We are doing baalnaa at Ae A
Oats ofTbaaka.
Watrii for 014 Dado Jed aail hU
fore Hip age of 7 ywra: wbllr 4o8
oidouad *lAro» fixA-r —
ten*—mon> than twice aa many
I wlah to kutaly Aaak tka UalAd
B»*orA Laarre OaBp McMlarlikely
BtatM Bomvolaat Boelety oTBorlBaw,
Bell Ju'y 11 A 19 Briara ISA
Mlek., for Aa prampt ootUrmoat of aiy' pffwA
ark. S. J. ''It ia partteUy aaft aad BlAboBoStclaim aoaonaUas to SlTo. i
. a*m rlToyt* <»“» e'o*« attMUca
aaa A raliad apoa U all mm of
aad do onr bMt A ploaaa yoa.
aoayA aolda ar baaiaanata Bold by
B. E Walt and r. O. TbeBpaoe. Dray- 5Ch».
*•« • u»«w •wci

Bale of Mate opaao at Ao kog oMm tM»MA Gao. DaBavaj
«7l 1.
Hm a a tern.. P-T*

M ve IN the ase bifben.


Opera House.

OF All.



Steinberg's Grand



' Ar Mine day. In aidie of all the dlapartty of aoclaJ roodlitona in favor of
the latter. Ibr ehanc-a drtennArd l.y
; ataUatloal meana. are that onedulf of
. Hallar the AmrriroM will dir wlihlndT yeara.
. , while Ibr drill half of tbr Jewa will
■ tiaaffo
aiin-umh t.\ death or an-ldmt U*

Hamilton Clothing Go.



Today At -Od Uadt Jed" yaakee
ooamdy coapaiy will le with at Tbey
wlll yira a parajt at ddod Ird by Art
tyMlleat band. Tbe parade U laid A
be huatorout la tbe riircmt. In tbr
ertnlay they appur lu Btrlebery *
Braud, ptMentlny the play. "Old l'oc:<
Jed." which ia Ae fuanlMt rural
coiaady ctunt
d leuyh far t<
mAuA of tbe perforcaanea. M
will be readrred by tbeir own
a tpleadld
orcheeua Tola play la oueof
.>f thi very
fa* eudoned by tbe den
errr. UmU are
no* on Ale 11 t>>r


■s;' rt. p.i „po.i,w....

Farmer Band on Pa^rate

Arch and Bert



TH* ao>mta «»oo«j>, rmk-r. jm.r r i«m

M ViAor. CM., mlkiaf «»»r ot«M
r«»t niM pmk U1 wluUo* hj M
bM MrtfcqMk*. rtr* I«m of
dMUt MM aiort
I MU U UmM erf MO pou«* to
^Mrr«. IM UM eMrp MMteUar
JM «up«Mte «a0 Uifft Mil
Tk* a»rtbq«»lM wm
- CMO-mYmWo. M •IUo o*v
«» 'Ma 9uB 4o PMo Um. IM
1»«0f«h «M MlokrMM with fTMt w
jMiMaOTt. Um mato bolof 0 Mmurr
'Ctri4 yarU*. o hukMM, athlMk
'•PVM flMwMkB Md pauiouc aooMh• •a. 4>0MnMT Oia>f»l Dk*U fav* a
M««i«ea- Tho EapabUcaa party^ef
,/Z^ .
iVaMo &100 Is amirsottim adc^ a
I^Morm mad paasad a -ruolattcm M
•ihf to
«HMA-aaatnderaod tbs work doaa la
-BmhaUeftbatalaadbyDn Buaa
Ssa^mewtoKawYerh. Thaoalabrasum hrtwebt abont to.ow risltora.
rUMdEuiwnspeariaE laM Dswua
cTBlMwabe BamboU's paaaangsrs UfV
’“Wl^ uj Tbat oo Jeas »0 a paek trala
• ••«> boeua. oaab aalmal earrylag MO
<3BBBada of gold dut, arrlvsd from El^ubAo crook. Thsra wan two Umu of
BA msarlb fnlly fl.OOO.OOO. TBa City of
a It eloss boblad tba Dliige with
Mlaors hart
. iMrfhod Dswsoa from P>
'juIMmi geld. Soma say thay proad all tba rleom as for aortb as
1, U tba Aretie oaaao.

iMtiUBnoi tod aoytblBf.
» •wUaAaabaan looatod ahont M mllaa
urfhwM Port Selkirk. A eopper ledge.
el wbkh bars
jmwLiuladlatanaa of 16 mUaa, baa baao
haontad at WiUlams PMat by a San


'lU'i.Vaosraay hallovad la Bniops
« baa baao cBoetad In
t Hm Iroakls hatwooo England aad tba

of oaeemIUng 10.000 msa for
rnirmm is tba PbiltpptaM aadar OenwnlOlitwlllbabarmaatOBoa at ae*vAWc
O altod Btaua. .
A bsa. aeppoaad w ooBtalo the bones
•t PelaoM. tbs dafsodarof UonoOaatla
im OBI. baa boen fonsd la Havaaa. and
wHKoeaoM to Spain.
•at of IMO man oomprislag iba M A
JKaaaaa Baglmest, only elghtoen are of
birth. Naariy tbs whole arc of
-Akaato-ilasaa blood, and atany more
«A*a ball arc iba sou of tarmert.
CorotUlka eoaUnns to look an- They
-yield cellulose, worth MOO a ton. for
' ' a In balUeahtia, Soe cardMrsed and paper, lbs hut foundation
Cor dynatnHe. a patont oattls food and
• oapcrtorglna
Dot it U aaid that
saa.mH),«KH) u>m ^ eoruulk. sUll go to
caute oeery year In this country.
Oaorge Jackson, who wm sarrlag a
«wtu for murder in the Alabama panlUrtlary. died of caoass of Joy do being

The rtcaat eqdoaioa at the ararwat
A Olf«wood «Pa.l Bias owsa Mo
aaar Toalaa sad fboM la ihrea differ^
•OM dhMpated cot Is AnertM.
h of Trade no SItto
lo- abl7 the moot mnarkahie nt la tba
nt BUtiarp ^scm la Prs»««. m wrO
tdaad la WhM Thar Aia
as the (alliRv t« Mow up the rtiSBibec
wortd. Kltt7 oaed to Inhale wttb doSbM M a. Terr
Of dopfllba al Botae. bare called StUebt the amoke from her asaat^a
toatkMs agala M the vranres asusUp
onplorod hr XoropMO (oi
ll la oBa seMMafy tratt to a mao o^
to pcDleot IUwiDBelTea sad tbrtr
hnaloeas. BOder Uir poeopot lysteto of
trr afslast the ptou of a
eompetidoo, to atndy mco's weake laternaiiviial aalt^o- oeaaee aod profli by them. The mas
e belf al Borne after who owns the rlfar store is sot ost1 at Gooera Of the Side the class that mnst pry Into tba
Aosuiaa eupftws by LucchHU. It has rranoles and weak spots ooder t
leaked tan. bowerer. tbat moal of the man's hat. and the rl^r own of this
aad that city hare Jut ahost ukes the gSBr>
Madeqiiate. aad
Bierelr u a boltef of weak boinanlly here.
Uake « tour of the rlfar standmof
ready In practice lo aeretmi ooantrles.' this rtty asd, note, the soiuher
Three law* were recalled In 0 recent
onicle of the Swiss paper, the Ncoc of them are pretty enonyb lo stasger
Kmrrbcr Zelinog. It faUed to call at- a chappie, and some of tbcin dasale a
tentlon to the fact that they bare a | ttal^ bwlaeos mao to that be hun*t
apcclaUy poJlUcM
political character
cbaracier on
oo the
the one bi^ oneoffb left to atart his cigar *
and tUi, on the other, they are after haring aict them eye lo eye.
coin&ared with the ettradl>11* for
tlon laws which apply only to com. arc selected, aad the icssw for It is
tangbt 10 atnoka
rigar and i
Alcsnnder Hooter wanu
wants a cigar; ^n_
(mUlon Uwt amount to aoihlng more
Mr. Alexander
than to prorlde gorerouMIs with the .be enterm the Ulr of the dlrlnMy and
legal power la expel from their icrri- j U bewildered so tbst when he plscea
‘ veteran wmoker To i.rev nt
t..O:.M.Indi,tduU Who bare already a bsif . dollar u the counter in ex^n p^u^^^r-ng tlie H ar

Wfwrdoaaa <rf (-------------------Ohriara aad DUrrtew Bawady.
wr«te aUeiwemmwdod It la ■
Mrilhayaaj > U lha haat ma



Gecm Could Is ou of lha hardwt
wofiMd mea in .Ne« Tort.
hauler Butler et Sorth rsKUoa U
to eaiM- the u«r srheet of the NMth
CaiMna «=mrtttj this mirlh
maos Grolh. the poet at Kew Low
Dutch, cwlebraud hU ssm nuthday at
Kiel. Oermaoy. oa Aortl M
Thomu Bailey Attrteb. aloee inherlllnn a fo«un». hu been cHtwUM tei

ntlag -less thsa
The origlMl sofa from which Uaj coin wrote hit secorA iMSural sddrem
art In the poawadoB or 8 nitar Cultom.
Toong WtiM* Qladstonc, the aldctt
I .T.ndM.n u. Ih. ..... .]. iD.t. uid
the prstSDl mssier of Hiwrrdu castle.



a 88
• IM


PeraaBditor ta 1
Minna BATMorw


gallon against Alsliil

of Tniislirsi. tvbo deiio’uni'es him
boring luirlgmsl witb a certain Setaw-1'

trie Bitters nr* tbe tasat sailing bluars
1 have ever bindled in my 10 yaars enperienea" Yoakaowwbyr MostdU___ bario
- i______________________
la dUorders la tba stomaeb
liver, kidney, boereU, blood end nerves
Electric Bitters lonet np tbe elomaeb,
regnUtaa liver, kldneye and kowaU,
pnrlfies tbe blood, euengthane the aaris np I__ _______________
pnu new life and vigor into any weak.

-----------------At right a-elpek

The Boston Store eloeea at S p. n
abarp.exeepUng Tueadaye aad hatai
days nnUl Oetobar let.

Sosatb Bg far tbi glris.
Mltees'cream eUk mitts, at lha Fis
mens for only lO eenu.

Tbs Gnc& at^pbans
.1 give a grspi
Dt pftertbey Ake possM
their new store and the prlnel,_____
lures will he eeiecUoai by the (Jrand.
reprodocing tbe beet pieces plsved
by tbe Boys' bend. Watch t 'r thU
Pax fet everybody
Child e drums, with sUekn. only to
cenu at tbe Famous.

ss. oat« KC. rrsKlestw »0<___________________

tO.BsreMUlf Oo Bloik________________________
rang MSS IS eel

‘.‘he’^M.iia*;. ‘on‘*r“:'aT'';o
<u...<ipe Ust Friday In onb-r to give
ct. TCBNgA Stvwa., at Law. Bmi
bis nuijisiy a past wbolrwome fright, w UunnHiUiusBkjek.Tmssnstbif.


Q^tBL wexral^ruvgvserel ksusss^.

“ I o,

>c Block,
The Inquliy- Is mil .vet coili-ltKied. tmt
I far as ll g.M-s Alsiul Huda ai>|furs T
likely- to liave tbe best of ll.-Loudon m^p*"


WkML old. '(Mrka........

It may be
editor of a i
pabilcly r
d any of the emrtou
. . !tary ;
market, yet as a prcvaatatlra oi saSsr- BgiMpardosaa..
Ing we ful U a duty hi asy a good
•prMiU Lika WOrfflra.
' word for Cnami
We bar.
and D
Yon can't keep a good thing dawnaad used
ttstd this
tbU medicine in oor Rewa of It tiarcU fast. When^tti^
known and
iLy for

. Bouss aloe

ulnsuU tbe italU irredenta,
pun yet unredeemwl ftom foreign
yoke. In llelglmu a foreigner ran uot
be eS|>eUrd If be U tuarried to a DStlw
woman sml bss bad rbiMren by ber.
Tbe IianUh govemweai enjoys fq!!
powers lu iIh* mailer, and Ibe same
be said In regard to IVirtugsl. ami
also Russia and Turkey. In ibe Ni.nb
Lertuau euiptre tbe Uwt of expulsion
are mu slmlUr lu each state. As m
Ppalii and 1‘nissta. Ibi-rc is no ap.H-i:i|
legUlniton ou the matter of expulsion.
Cut Ibe auiboriil<-« there frequently
lake steiM to dtive nut for.-lgner« sn«peeietl of lurtMirtig evil designs
against puUle order or agaliisi ibe
members of liie govemmeni.—New
York Trtliuue.

fealow in a Un M tho h^rtat^aad aMb

lag potam erf yaetatday te fcmMrlBA
pnAskMaBdCamaredarti la Trmw.


Uck three cents, be doean t say t
,^<1 drinks qun- :
We da not bMIuTu d^
; pnUlr mord. but pockHs bU short change and
^ ^
os any madlclu for i
gmpea himself out on the streets. If
-------------------------bulwe do bellere that it a bet
In Rwitaerlsiid Itself tbe expaUlon be dUcDiien hU loM afterward
nMtaa<. Mvwt. Purhrt.
! CbsmbarUla's DUrrbm Bemi
Uw says that Ibe federal goreramenl won't go back berauae It U a pretty
Of low origin. Sbelkb Abul Ilnda Is kept on band and admlnUtarcd ai
n Milce of a small rliUge In tbe .tbe inception of an attack much
lias the right to expel foreigners Hr- gtri.
iuf there, *'wbn ptsce In peril tbe In- . Tberr Is an angel of nicotine on Wal­ nelghborbcKid of Alep|«>.
I •»«
*>» aroldrd and in
trrnsl and extrrul safety of tbe eon- nut street wbu has bluuii bslr and ad
Ulon.- The deeree of expoUW.n Inflolte nsaortiaeDt of pUld waists. p.0|.h,d. .0.1 .o
™,r,d . uloh ri !L°
,Vi^o dS
I- *' her 15 ivnu
give Us mutlTes sod la wlibout
WhH. hi. dn. no,, to Coo,t«n.lo». .^
apiwsL- In EngtsMl and in llreei-e
-in the reign of AMul Aslx-be was Wait and F C Tbomoson. Dmgrlsw,
there is no snefa Uw permliilng the
for lo cents.
smlliK------------i them aceouniMi as a dervIsU. a t<uwl sliir*
pulsion for pollilral moOrea. Foreign- snd.tbey simply forget; they would to one ami and m tom-tom to tbe other. ,
era even should they be proved to be J submil to suytUDg from her {flump with every sign of MtiKilty nUmt blm. '
.rchlsts. etn not W dUtnrbed. un- aud rosy baadiC/
He professed lo prophesy, to luierjim
----less they bare arinally cummttiM. or I There U another on Wyandotte dreama lo oure dlscasea aad to wot* ' Q
Baown, Atsornsr sr-; o
been ladiried for. rrimes of common I ctreet who wears her bslr like a Hon- ■ mlrarh-a; but he luaile no Impress eu
Uw. In Prance ibe Uw of 1M» give* ' dan ben. and she U the chief corker: at conVt till AUlul Hamid came to tbe ■■■—,-------------lower iSsk *>er.
to the anlboriliesw full
• w. and extettslre
. <I U|
of the
UJC- Wl.
set. .hh.
No UMI.irt
matter bow •■OT.U
staid «»...•
tbe ' throne. Then with great ....
.iiersUieDce ^
-tlsl stuwitga,
powers for the expoUion of Torelgnera smoker may be. It behooves btm .to be loni-tommed bis way Into tltv Itn- mU i
TbU Uw U still Id effect. Ibongh ef- | get tbe right change rei
forts were made to repeal It. or at i buys a rlgnr fttim bet.
tf'-yIlls msjiwty ind him wssbed. made
ilie siren liuttueas
meuilwr of bU liouM-boId. bis i
the pr
, ,ime roai|iared lo t1»e girl dear derfcs
nil) ll
Iksn. The Uw was made more ' of Ksusss City, and to) the coming
ct>mlni ' prtVsie prophet, In fad. j
atringcm In ifSM. after ihe a
that that old ' lilni 1tt tbe laUi'c.
ll U St
glon of rreaWcDl CamoL at Lyons, by ) simile be druppid and-as alluring as a i A’'"'' “any years'Alidul Huda did_______________
.. m frost strsM.
the AnarcUUl-Caserio, lo luly. ibejrip,, maiden" U- used in Us stead,- »l‘»« l»* I'k^'d with AIkIuI Hamid by Tewpkest wa. iw
I adnilniap-rlug
mlnUler of tiw Interior Is autborUed Hansas f
bis sn|HT»ttil«Ds
J^abltc dopri.
' '
------------ ---‘t ‘"
------*----------------------to expel foreign resMeWs. exetpt tbr
"nonn-gnloole" IialUus. that U. those
of ItalUn origin, who are offlcUlly ibe
live in
This is ooe.of the very Utest rt|M'_
wi-ar and it U much
Ms retarj. wUi bus a b«-arty
Trieste. IsirU. PslujaiU. etc, wbbh
*----OBcM. our Opera
iHl liy
by the ItalUns of Ihe !«■
. ^

riewMeal’. SlaBtiriw.

” *■“■* *

Brteantllr Co B

_chilrrt. w...__ ______ _ __
reoa>hT«i>Ck. tUassfi A Laj

I70K BBXT-A Isrrv lurs'sbsti frosl •
r oae ssd oar-kslt bbrt sss« cf Perk f
Suvl. Address t:: Male sirrvt
.g-nisek BDler r.
>tllui. A«drsssa.F<

Allnskiii Has l>een made lo the 0Tcr-^'^^^_^^^_
wbelnilng effect wbU-h tbe, sight of . “
MoUm to Oontrwetoiw.
royalty has on some Kngllsb nivu aud
wi«w4 ai I hr Cl» afWBi Jul.t Stk. lujiulry ter Ump
woiueu. It seems then- are Amerl- .
a.SI rxu o-elork
eaiu sliiiiUrly aff<-ried when 1
sod lor
prt-MMiCe of tbe chief magistrate- of
of Bison
tor s
m Itoodes
woo^ Pridg*
I ^ibl W4KTm6-«S»i
TbU elm Irw has been' a Undmaiii
this g„ «t nailon. EllxalH-ih I>. Kin6c Aliiany street (formerly the TblUilgks: '
.■ wua
»be ptsss s___
ney. w-rillng In tbe New York Mall *.....................____
-e--..--------. -----keeltresgtneer: ssid plssk snd ^yAVTO-Vyre^rw^eSI-d gldi
aud Kxiircas. of her vUlt
> sisr teseed al tkr otbee ol IS*
McKUili-y. says:
the tattle as wc
I IttSg-^lvftrvSr MlaafV ses b
urliered In. but ngbi lo rePi sd; end all lads. ^
AUBOSW- Bsssss.
I Mr. ( bsP>ss.Ks KSWsshls
as ibere wen- Indies in Ibe psny he
koK! of PuUu Works.
(b pbuuss. US.
-res.- ajid lome fnrward to ntect ,u*. i
Though only vf medium bHglil bis j
rpoJtCAT-motesims rroal strert erst
1 kor r esM Id Bsslwr 6 RcubsrgX-* drag
prvseuch- Is luiprcssltv. and hU tface '
stork. loeolrvolJuUuB atrlsbrrg.
shows tbe high ciiaracti-r ef the Intel<% In Osk«<-o4,.OK>.tlr laHe was so
■*«- -rsi. I«t i.«»lt*fV4 foe
tial and unaff<*cied that all felt nt
8*-kstf Us
Cl lull tskvB St oa
ease. and. tlinugb a very busy man and
necessarily abaorls-d lu many and per­ ou Pboo* tit. Iircss* sUwei. opidsll* 1
C^B OALg—Let Me KI. bkwk t OsS Psrfc. B
C by IB(twt.och Se>rs*b TM. lot It gso4
glor Bouar, TrBrrrsv Clir, BirA
plexing tinesikiDs. be- ga»-e earlbof us
.stsrsitn. g. W. Bs^tleev B*Sl Bstsi* Esa smile, a cordial band<hske. ami
made some pleaunt t"‘rHonal remark.
-EVOBBALg( lie Ml.from Ills mauner thst he
f leroud e^ulrr XiUis T. I
the rage In raiia. in hMwn cloth, aa would be* an eK-ellent friend to his
IrlwHls. One Uily. on leaving the
moatly worn, it is very cldc.
room. Mid slie wa»- so niTvons she
could net s|H-ak. and bee frieuils were
Ts rrsiset rtagses.
latber-lnrilned to laugh til her until
Id this age of wear and tear
lUlened to a little story wbich tbe
aerve*. anything te make your sienogyon WLg-^>ysfbMg»Jw 1
Vaw Ofloe. Ifarkhna Block.
rspher more amUble and agreeat.le. if
such a thing he poaalble. Is worth con- Uiat a few we>-ks previous a dlsdn* i
tldering, A rubber thimble hat been InM OIBL WA1
. IwolfeuB:
_ iioth .prvsldent.
s a msu who had
vented to protect tbe Angers in
pUao playing
dljibrnatlc eepvicy for 36
plsying and typewriting
typewrttli aad I*
. *. DOW oo sale bem. Tbe tips of the On- J'’*"^
delphU post road). New Bmas4Hck.
y*; m>« «>»»y n-rw eem-ra. but
HfKInley so jmnerred
r« than a cetrtorr It t*
most sensitive pan. ... ,u<- that his voice trembled as be spoke

The remarkable floods of sontbessi
«ra Tessa bars raaebed disoulou
bhmtcouUtnU a uUoaal oalamlty. At
tba preuDt time, tba antliT Brat • rallag la uader water from sis lo 10 feet
TbauUra agrioalUrml crop is sarept
mwBj. aad It is feared tbat hnndrw
3tam arc last.
Hm. Mary Nrry o( Toledo, O . U at
•or borne with a fnetnrod nock, but in
m fab way to raeorery. With bar bus*
hmmd and son aba wu diir ng
aunss tba Labe 8bo*a trackr-wban < He
tut trala cat the wngon In two Ju.i
Mart of the auVNone of tba ooenpaou
mf a* wagon were badly iajarod ap
Btly. but local pbyslcau my Mrs.
Many's nock la brekaa aad tbat aba
coal roaoear.
Atlialrosa. Bee. D. P. LI'
AIM at his boms Wadnssdhy. agad 81
yaau. Dr. Llrermore's Ufa wort bad
turn mainly akog tba Hnm la whleb
Ms wife, Mary A. Llccrmore, bu bo«BM dlsUngnlsbad.
anb of July la O
d la at midnight by a magnll
maai Ulnmlnatun oa Pike's Peak 14 OW
flnat above the
u» Mr. Coo...,.™,!,. ib,
__-lads of rad, wbila nad blaa powdw'brickkiln IL“ Tbe boUow heart of f«»UT “suy severe aborts lu pmrws aat off ptMspUT at mldakrbt aad' tbe tree was fliird with masoary nome «W6« « t.vpewrltlng. The new tbimaria orfamea rUw waa flaan Hr oat' T«i» ago. U order to render It atroag W«» •«» »ade of very thin rubber to flt
_____________ f, ^ bUi^"^ eiital' eMugh 10 withstand windatorms.
. the eods of the Angers and wlU leaaen

, tbe abock to the -nerve ceatm. The
Wan rwdlu ol a haadrna mUaa wltKAsitr Awswsvrt
‘ qieed also ts locrrwaed 10 per cent by
When tbe qifeatlon of gmoklag tbc4r nee. aod the eods of tbe flngen
««r«attf t)
siMpwMwppMTwg kOM, cornea to tu U this form. -May men ate kept ftvm becoming caHotts and
ipad in Baiaa. Tha MUtearian
cannot do otherwUc the anOs from spiming.
MmamhaWr lha moat aaUaa U tha!
answer U the nOrmaUre. for ' mUt of money is la non'tor the InWt»vrt ^ aatai da. aJi swmIw tk*
*•>« »<*•«»
given to ' vvDtor. since the devlco u n gnsraatao
hrtsrtry erfthe na^ day and wnly tha|
„ i, u not wed. surely then to Impwv. dlspoelUen. “*»**~®*~
I aMqw la tb.'bku»T
taa niaufy bl
of (Won.,,
Oowtndoi »•* ssMtnr wnnUi b.«
haws ,«
a** It
ir bi.n,
aow-n u
_____________ __
d Plhob Peak.
, poUoo. which, however, U not tbe
, I ease. Thns we come to a deflnlte conTbe nltan of Mi
t *-1-1
rta MpUwU ef Dtanheaa.
" j riwion that the flrst object for which weeks past has been making I ton ef
Mr A. Baadart tMUagYram Ooeaa- «» *■»»
«»rtlBg, Now wv
lo ap■atOreva, Via., aays than haa haw bare new from the above thni It U proprUte tbe boose of a widow and
mUtf dUrrhow thm. pormltted by nntnre for n^-'
-e. jlodge a guaid U It He tbarefote gam








hU being presMent which awed him.
'■»*. “•* «T“**ndons r^
»*<» *Ml which
McKinley had accepted and exe• *»J—I
om.-Wrw«, atm.

nsonthsago Prof. L. T. Weeks
“<1 i
^ «»«*d to the Century Mag.Mne for pnbllrstkm. BU wife. Ida
AWshM-n Werts.
Weeks, nmiu
made fwri
fen «r
of i<ta
hU iitar.


15 celts

Properly served in a neaC din>
ing room.

Also a fell liaeof CoDlNtionenf
OlffWB of Mvory Kind


stl «esk. ««. Oso S. nvHM, Teswsss Ctu,
■leb r. O. bes 11 sv la«olfe et Osevgi neeU*

Gaail lass

nd Pickerel Fishiig
_ ■‘a;-."e;rx,'r*x;

flbont tbe fnU which .
bU vanity. In doe time, however, an
acoom^Ud by a chert for 110. and
than that man b^n to lord tt over

TrsvmeCUr ss •• s. si . Itssss aUS p. m.

d«cUrW ehc could write better poetry
tba* be with one band ttod behind her.
*'to prove It she Indited a plow and
nent H to the Ceatnry. Almoet at oow

ProTident Life
and Trust Company

I with Martials, and then dvAed the eut aled by a chert fbr no. and a
KUl ay IteoowHs T.
Bhe betwaea
Paris |tea te eombat whirt was decUned. U maklag Itfe nneh a bmrUm tee her
nte imaamatU tabs
• — s-.w.,* .c.
*------ -- -------and BertU carrtaa a Utter trim one .and tho widow atffl '
cHy lathe etteU
Plaug OaaaCta

Leri T. PiMBiBctari. Dktriet Agt

gnestloa-vta.: •‘May nil nmoker This ] end hand It over to hU men. bet the
« to aomethlng quite different and to widow was nude of siotner atnff. and
an...---------------- rr U In the negative, for'*r
lo more for the sal*
The womaiL- more-

. Pmak Prtsaiteb.



•1 PtaHadolphia.



% im.
*iM«. Uli»i|k«M*MtMt(«|ttM.
flitiM our «Mk fmr i«M n.

ims tx wifem

twiMM oitr-------»■-,— frriilwMrl
Mt roddM Wo fo—fitJowS
There wai a esvwd aiMBd IMMuoRaraol Oollwo ta Mowt^kla ter of a JewHtr Hart wMte yrptrbea
•odlBwtw«((hotrataUr diWrtWMt are.ieeeirrd for repain. A womu
of tM ttoHloW ThM th« h«oo M
wM era* eridewdr U a hatrr toade
her war to the ^aee wbet* the bmb
r. wko la ae perfaot wUh the ufUfrUc gUm etood. aad
iT|^?m mi
Madod a Utde watch U hM.
"Wia rM pMwe uB mm wbat aflo
tfala watehr abe whrd.
J. A. HooM.
Tbr wate-h dortor opeoed Ue rear
3. Prarv
MlbrratMr. peered laio tbe woeb.
Hoobd hf Mr Pofie UiM Ue raMli
tlOb M bteaMl M« rooood. bbd that Mdeald: -It Boede ctrsalBS.'
-Mr! UMt aeoBu »traii*e.- paid tbr
booprefauoo bo (onlobod rzMoaareteaiwd It onlj a tow
lal—iloa> OnwB, « oopr poUlobrd la. woaro:
ih«r tbo.dir
•ad thotiM uoptha aro."
-la tbat M>r aakrd tbe mn. aad be
opeaed the caar oace atote aad Bade
Mottos earM.
aaetbrr Mamhiatlon with tbe aid of
HooiM t>r
iMt MM OHM■IttMOo waro aad .Moaat aM tbo a BiUilatDre mieraaeope. Tbaa be handed ute watch back aod aald; -Wr
cir«Md tUa watch IB December. 1890.
Bbd It haa Bot bees In our a»~<t
ttat dme.•
-b tbat aot I uoPt be Blab_.-.
loooobi____ ..
___ _
bPt Mw dwraa fcMW wMb H waa
•troetod to iBoUo Mdo (or.tba •
deaiied ta«r
' aad Uat tl
Tbe man esplalMd tbat _________
trick of BCBorr. b«t atmplr the remh.
of a ojeiem. -Wbanerer a watch U
bropfkt to oa.“ he aald. “to be dtaprd.

(•) C
(») I
««) 1 _ ____
<<l) OakPaHiM


ObuM tvlM%b«M(^...
•UMMBpriMtraster MMiac m«
•f ■Mrtal nwl^K M4 *mm» H. tmr
(arrow. .
""TwSLSTcVw'j'aM M. 1««.
To U* Boar4 aTfetaWto.
„ Yov Oa^MlIfo oo MUl^ oad
<^WBkt biC IwTO lo aak* lk« toUoir-


m MO

W*‘fild''at tM OMtr»l Seteoi talUi» took
»rttk tko
TWAta..^......... - ............. Ito M
L g—M boloM«AC •* eiom ot rmn

T*o KIs*

^ iii Sj^**
toi MaklUoa Md ti ■r.ll bo MOM
fto|Mko»t»lM«<obMt • Loekoi
tou«. loword tko vtnl. U WMia bo
^ toMkoUof PbnUad ooMoi.

T m otattar •( S(^ ilM
••Mat balldiaff to SoMrUlo,
_______ aftoc
rMlakiat tM«aUoroow<
waald adrtao tko aurlatof
Mr. HoM aM at tM

Ibtal aeapffr....................... 1.4M M


"V^'^koroB. ■
C t^auo.
P. a. TM Maltk o^
Aobtoa. ae«M|iaaiod m to UU IMh
•ebool balMiar Ho widoaiM tbo
•aaiiar/ eoMiUoooMv atoOaf bat
•adoBotoooaar «ar to ioIIom r*-ooMlUoa «aui botior (aelilOoi are
SorM (or ooirortre ond wotor.
MoeM br Mr. M.-ffott Ibal kM

Ooealls aad HioarM ■

MsfO. Boae.
To Ue Hoaorablo Hoard of Bdaoatioa.
Trarrfar Cllj, Miebifaa.
Ucrrutaca—Wa joor e i
^je aad aoaae roOfMctrollr roporl
tbat we bate exan oM tbo to" '
‘ ' a aod hatlar foond tbom


....... -r--------- —a bomber la ov work
book. IB tbr book we record the atrlee
and make of tbe watch, the owacr.
what repain are to be made, and
Bmouei charred for tbe wort.
when tbe workBai) finlabet tbe Job be
MoaooUwt^^^ a», MU.
pou the nme nmaber la mlcnneople
flKorcs on tbe ed(e of tbr Isarr eaiw.
as as
A Irltrr or abto alao abow* what baa
been dope to tbe watch. So. yon i
baaTuort. Stearao aad Coebl_

when a watrh cornea berr we look . . .
a mark of tbat kind, and wb.-n we Dud
paMte oeh-ole bo read br 1M elak. It We refer to Ibc book, and there yon
wbMi aotloa proeaUad and apoHuot altUafo ia oabool
Horod br Hr. Boaad tbat tM eorrewaadMe.rolaUrotoaacariar *V
^Mrefarred to tbo eoaw

tiiS:;, X“«j:s:S‘d.Me ■ffX’



<e) Owtraloebool.
lb) ••



IM rartM* oeMal (oado m%IIo«
OAVimn tAiuuka rvan
. JaalloroparralXer Jtuie

Mara Moaben Pope aad Boaad.
br Mr. Hooro tbat tbr board
rreeleo aad eoaoUar tbo anlieatk
iltloB of prfarlpaf
frw tbo poaltlQB
of i
Hlfh •---------- ol. which BMtloa preeaUod
u>d app)leai.oM wore dmlr praooud


r JS'IS?......

: Ei;--

lacoMull, Morlac

iKTaaKOT rvkii
t^llwWMte Baok. IBlorMt

Mbtloa earrlod.
Veao. Hombrro HolTaU. Hooro, Pr-


a Araetronc. labor ..

■ is;iT.......

br Mr. Prboo that B. B.

Najl. Hr. Boaad.
Moeod br Hr. Hooro tMl tbo beard
eoairaei with Bapwiatradeat Bora tor
Ymo. M
H.oban Moore. Pjboa. Bio,__
Biorham. Boru Pope. SUarw
I aad OoebliB
Mara, Hr. Boaad.
Morad bj Hr. Boaad that tbo board

(^Ohlldran'a Prtmw..
Cyr’tCbUdrec’a KlnlrMi._ ..
OyrkCblldiWB'a BMood rMder..
I'a Th rd .
Uyr'aChildren’s Vonrth
HMppInc Hkmw U Ui ------- .>U rwde.
Ularatvre. etb find,
UWra.are. 7U mda.

= !■
O, C. MorrATT.
Ubo. K Horr.
Hoood t>r Mr Hiarkaa tbat tbo ropertot tao>
olalao bo ordorad paid m r<




Park Place Hotel!
OiSar. Mlosu

N»*>7 pMted papered, ;
prirete tatli. hare bees .dd^ ealrterit ^ of tlie M

. i


C^ood hardwood in stove lensths.
Also four foot nuple slabs and edsings.

_________ ^—TRHEIIft Cin UWKI to.

Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three years—
IxK)k at them whether von need One pr not
*800 or $10.00 win bny a ^>od second-hand bi­
cyclewill bny the best new wheel on the
market—Come and see my display before going



Coisiltatifli aid Eiamiiatioo Free ut Strictly CoifMaititL
raleli for a year
paired It. and berr It U om of order
asain.' The ptaaa uanally rerealA
fact tMt the watrt wat -due to break'
mentba. and aomeUmra years uro."«
watehmakera keep records tad
mark the waicbe. which are pUced
with them for repairs, bm no two
hare the tame ayatem. Seme makrra
waleh with the name of the
workman, aad a record nnmber afrer
the date and the wortman'a InllUI on the caac. aod otben
bare tlptu In coaJnncUoa
dealpnatloos to show Joal what work
haa been done on the timepiece.
This system of martlnc and recordinp watehe, U of much arwrtcc to the
police aUo. and loal aod alolra
waickea are klentlBed dally ty meao*
of tbe wai. liniaker'a prlrate marka.New Tort Trltmne.

DRS. B. S. &CO.

TW Ciohramd OMaUliMa. Poerty of !Uw V«k.aad wow oflM

inerlcu lediol ud Soigicil ludttte of Inl^ lick
So-ttoX WXxltd.Tig, Tara-onearse Oi-by,




J,iiy 7,1899.

OMec HoBinfrata9 m u. to8p. m

a PrHhila> B

Few men have known more than
Benjamin Krnnkllh; yet few haer had
lew cdncatlun. lo the comrouti sense
of tbe word. For not more than’tsn
yean (at Ibe apo of 8 to 10) be weal.'
to a pram roar acbnol and n prlrate
acbool in Boston: for tbe other fouracore yean aad more of bU life hr
karned wlihont a tcaibcr. Ills father's
library sras smaB bol tbe lad blm«4r.
tpent tbe mile moiKy tbat
luellc In hta .wriy youtA he afterward
made a special atody of matbenuitlcH.
and for aom.' time amuaed htniM-ir by
couatnirtlnp all aorta of maplml
aquanw and dreira. srith rows of lie
nrrs tbat would add up alike, whichcrer way they were coumi-d. In this
connection. Ur. Ford-a setrwdecaicd
man himself, in that bla only acbool

M^m Brodee iio f
BlolwtoU’a PoyatoloBy......... ......

“Rla own erperlcnce serrsd Co t.wrh
Franklin that a atronp mind needs
acboollnp to derelc» It. aod that
poor Bind la not airpnptbeiied
Morad by Hr. Blncbam that tM rw coairaet with Profeawr B. H. Bydv study.. Poor Richard made merry over
m bo noeerud aadordarwl ploead on
year at a oaUiy of Sl.oooper tbe *BAny witty men whose tnli
mi tbelr brlllra.’ and of cboa
Hotkm oatrUd.
Motion earried.
*woold Lre by tbelr .wl{s bot tor want
BsairirKl. That the Board of Ubm
Ywa. Hembrera Motatt, Moorp. Pytioo of Trasorae Oiiy rwoord »art.
boa. Blarbam.1. _Hoyt. Popp. Boand. pnwter blortbead than as iponnm
rret la •<
««i“f HuamaaodOortll
one.' be asnrted. aod cUlmed that -of
Kaya. aaaa.
T. UnwB.
Oa mAioo of Mr. Moon daly oairled, leaned fools 1 hare seen ten times ten; TM Moat ■neomafu: a.
of unlearned fools I hare aeen lOa'
Prof. board aejoaraed.
—------------ -------- n Bf.
Tct FraoUIn was far from abowli
ickksd. Qork.
I OoectAlM la IM pstlo4 ItMOA
Uao yaan of Botaillac dowoUoo lo to,
- nsnj contempt of tbe telf-tanpbt
•ehooU of Trarena City, aad the casaa
tor an academic education,
plM, A04 vUUo hla Up Ikr fmJ
r adoc.uon U ibU nartam of tbe
bla aetllinp la l•l•lUdclphla he found
au UadM bit iriM diraetiea oar
thlnpa which be rrpretted. and
tboote bar, rtoea U IM Bnt raah.
Ot them was tbere belsp oo pm- PUS. sssocr- Liver, BtsSn.^i^ic ru
Old ’Iliw.rAijt- 8am Bterrnaon la
MuaehkMforoehaaiBemaM from
•St Uut as* arv%r fsllM Is thossaods
I to 44 Tbeaaaberof pa^la from aald to be tbe hcbe« man lo Hlehl- dalon • • • tor the complete edI hsaa rasMiga
4SU 1.1.0«. Oar hlpb achwl tfrom 40 sao. He was In coopren aerenl yean.
on of youth • • • I tberefc^
of bit UBbra Mt was defeated for re-election In In 1743 drew op a piopoaal for caubIKK. He ilrea lo tbe n|^r praloanla. Uahlnp aa acadrny.Tbe srademy waa duly tonoded. but
Md ta k tamber klnp. n-heo forswb
rappMatoaof any h
flm swept orer Wisconsin some yesn in time It became a botW'of pOlhlrf,
ar.Msbo MildUwa
apo sod wTonpbi such deatncUon aod and Its mCor an actire opiMDetit _
rurih •IM.OOOiKI.
Oar b fb reheel haa
• destlintfaa. -asw- Franklin lilmaclr.-^niary Mepmriiv.
.octaot iaetor In Me «--------TO YOUNQ AMO
hot~ Bam wired PUlsbnry ________
Usbi Claar. o.iy . .
Uraad rtrarvne fovlao. Ike
polls Co aend to tbe swffrreta 1.000 tar.
daat talUoi lasi
e shoulders of ear Judy Xlntlne
loj |*U
tels of Boor
Bour and forward
fot-wsTd Ibe bni to
fl.osuuo, Tl
need be brand to carry all that la laic)
A»CBkCgMta^jisli wrafesomm
Bpaa4MB by (be bcretle. Heir Is Ibe
ed one of the Tandeibllu seas a pnest eery
laleat iLInp. A
.---- OTTKAX
WBahloptoo hotel, lie aent bU an cipars a day for 1 .
Ury to Bemre a window on the came 10 a painful end. That be did aa
otbar iaadlap e
' pOoU baa been UOecMph aad the arenne ftom which to slew the po.
ettaWitway ascribed to bit
peavrylac. The pmipl, Me«
___ nde. The man naked NQO for It aad
F 'caapomptlon of lotacco. Bat
rapardad srtu aatbfseUoa this proi
man was a > rcacbmam To bertth. therefore, be may hare
Idaaa aad paruks ot iM eaaraeUr «f ly
»f^ windows tad been Uken. amoked tbe Ml cipara per diem
tM Papsrialaadtat wbo - haa fAldod
fwldta «.
"taw-Lop- Bam srladow
» years aM ym bm har,
. lid* w^uilSMuTTf. Onan hnnllnp. and antraached tbe window smoked any loordini
It of toIkat M bM
been ae___^caaataatlT b.*aa
.. IM
•aa Irt^d
srs^ao seller Vnndertiflr,
w*.r. *j.
joi hare
J nr* so sar oam m lU ^rao
_’ob^, “ 8sm bo^l tta wrin^ wot <mo of the p r and pbonay Jaw
“ —Til------------ 1 I
tMt M (Of n.OW cash In band, aad be and this portlciilar dnnlae.
raSB BXAHnUn OB OF TKXt7BDra.~tam:
reanaieo bM party at oace tonk
WasUnptoa '
matftras. Pmown
Tbta bit dally
had not amokmi them well Hr was
always Mtlinp ttam po om and raltpbtdtMaUU
top Otm with tM match ef hM
to Urn. Mt only •IMa MiTii^nWMtTrt^
.Ha »1M Mr*
mOllaM «r
j. a T. OaawB. SapprlaUadast


bvBloal laberatorr (oro
aaoBDUar to Wt. aad booha oold


Morod M Hr. Hooro tbat tbo roport^bo aaeeptod aad ordered placed
Motioa earrlod.
frarofMCltr. MIeh.. Mar ><■
Tb tbo Boaorablo Hoord of KJueaUcw., Cllj. Ml^
/iBarucau:—Tbo fMlowiaf otadoaU
Mrtar coaplelod tM Bi«li oeboid
eeanooutotadr oppoolw tbelr aaaa

1-Ld^^rowa. BacUob^

l-fiSUad W. Bo
4—CborMo H. Owbott. Kelrmtlle.
e-Marr B^elo, Bi«lt
1-(traer BgtdrM. lailn
i-Ibh H Paraewartb. Ba«tlab.
«—PtpBOM U Pallor, (ratla.
lO^dara B. Urpoao. LMla.
ll-£«lberM. C

______ ja C. Honoa. Si«ll
II—BobertdIekUac. B<«la
IB-BlaaeM K. Llralaa, Be
«t—Loalio B He^rthr- Mtla.
n-DBBBld B. Horvaa. BarlMb.
n-AaaaH Harrilt. BeirUoh.
H-VorilB & Tboouo. BrclUk.
C T Oatws. Bapt.
0. H Hoaa.Prfa. a.
HotM b? Mr. CMblia tbat IM reeoaoMadMka M aae»p«oi aad tbat dlpioaao bo awarded to tbo ooroipl su>










tM wm>ri»4 jwtft nmt


eperuaHT worn.
■Ati^ LmM” BdiMpr nays dot Aa

Mw^vyuebp DnJvKsvpon
FrrdcBp “If _ ___
I a mas who
strrrt. what It a Anaaelrrr'
“He’s tbr frllow wM take* Am ami OB aa MbraL She tbonHuUs
r^i7 ebr Bipht or*r tbr (ra^ Htf
the beta.--Jadpc.


AHetrd ak.“-Plttsbats

% \m






I. J. MORGAK. FnfwMor.

I Flntlot»^ya.kina>a.aatifaB4


itotf^ WMftlittAt TO! 1 IMi.




6* TMit HeUR.

t» awsrt atafeUr


. ________ ^

FndOe-lf • «>totorr it «
wh«t u * I
-He-a tbr KUaw who takea
the bFU-'-Jada*.
»s«er, I m
flttefed ato'-nuabats
The PO0UX wacDB hu hw« ton»«Bc*d u>t tw flnt OXB* to Ib*; rawa
•r lUBt Mfl «m
for 0«m0
hMB^. whkh hM bM toMffiinifd
j^ torpMAcetefarttocaa. The «*-

E. J. MOBGAK, rrnpriatnr.


Marr Aadeiaee la apeeM the.Vit^

SfVnlrtfiJ.ucli^^FS >«0»»,M..8.ntte«:






•owly patotod. price HS OD.
I Ptoeaea Bogry. good eeflra. *40.00.
1 Top Bwy. an to gned Mpe. btS-OO.
1 Baad WaiFon. gnnd oa now. gto.ou.
a Lambra W^nno.
FOB HflUt-sw—Boora
two Into
10ow to krafla for a pony.
UOU Mtoam. IS enflw from flod.
Uoune ir.x»i. wtog ItxNl, turgu barn.
Frornny ranta tor »b par montk.

UDP rrara be baa acted aa awfe ataaHa was to toll ndfoRn, with a tollaw^Uant dl^Uj of apaoiata and gold lace.
EtoriBarntBore^l^*^!^-^. wtote w^
eorered wjib the amobe and pOBHALlt-«»->ao(M uAu honae
hattle, grottpa of balHuked j *>. u>rm gronnd. tiarfleld arraim!
ting up to aalote him aa be
hr am U the pert otoSa?^
paaaed. lUelr facra atrraked with pow- FOE SAbB-toO-Flre area tot no UarBloudxaod In ‘ftruao.^
wbh*Cb«S?^'ikSbnB?^ tbTlpwr^ toe on the brldjce. flnalljr. to a aUie of
elaieiui of wbito itae will, (oarinae to br poUta bewtolenmaA and praainfed

Perry Haanah'a rarand add. eornar
Hnbemia and mb atreet. Price
i-twern £m waa for thU P“* *“ through our bloci
Mockadtog llnea ;poaHALB-A0*
and ha renewalnppean
appear*toto aad
Bantb Anatrtan
..»»..*te that h baa been qMtf wi- refOgM dealrtog to lewre that be.
M.. B. R. W^lmprarad. Prtoe.
referring him to
OE 8ALE-eo3-an ten farm, good
frame bouae. m I torn, good orwould be found a e dtotanee to tbe
*»rd. well
. le from
____ »ll...
•. S'tn
tog« of drawn. Price.
rioe. fll
eoDltof^ performance of "Robe*- tMd
M»« him
wm we
we had
nan Juat
juai come
come ont
oni of
O ae- FOBSALB-m-NSofaw 11 are S4.
ubnS^wiU uke pbee at BnuaeU. It tlon with Cereera'a aguadron.
tS-ll—ahoui es aerra nolifl Wm^
I* not exported, bowerer. that tbe pby ahowfd great aarpriae. and raid:
will to rebeatrad iinril awe mootta* af'Then there
there ha*
has bra
been a battler
ter toe Lyeeom production.
-nl< nfart* and aw),
•Tea." 1 replied.
A rarbiy nauger ireelred Is reply
M#cl,.aecss. Town H north. IS
“And the reuoUr be naked, ragerly.
to an adrertbement. from KprlngflelA
wtav S m le Tillage flberBao. exO.. tbb gem; "Ihwr rtr:
- V I- n<i(l<-i-...... ..........
“W« bare defeated tbrm."
ebange Tra*er*e Ciiy property, Prtoe
old dark
FOB IULB-«M-Wrat lao ft aoeomer
• • hair A bloc eye* a* to aaUrj he Indultvd.
1 wilt work for 3.U0 a week A ex|*-n*ra
"Ilia flagahip. tbe Marla Ttoera. to
EigbUiat usd (iurfleld ure.. large
bricli f-mencUon, new. all
.JSno'"- honae.
tabbed. Price gi.Qoo.
FOB «AI.E-#uT (irwery ato^ thto
- rep*:
The newrai Ibing
i. _ to the way of tbe•'But 1 aee nothing Ibere but aome FOR BAl.K-sei-n<mae and tot oe
alrlcal rvmpanle*
Wehaierst. Keven ttynosnleely Bo"to of “m.Sb^^5 the frtJ
» x.- SndraTto^dli;.^^ lb " t^T
»• tbr amoke of tbe Terraa bomtobed. good well water, frnlt and orknown cuitoHMer and thpairical director, tog, Ueatenani; tbe la u wredi Qpoo . mental treea. large lot. «6*aoo. amail
Guthoo (ii^ke. With (hi* origiul eu- the brach.”
tom. Price toSO
■,,’'“12.;:.',:^"hS: n.w..«'™t..»uo»,o.«.a,
SI* mile* fro i. city. IstWapple. plan,
le will ....
tMDce. of op“Ctoae to bor on tbe beach yoo wRt
cherry and^ oracJi trwra. ^bearing.
borlnuiue* 'ami nnuJcml batleu are another rwlnmn of tinoke: that la
crettaa. borir«que.

_ _ ____ 1^“.'^,;^rs.2 ^“ o^‘ •« ~*r


... jring ....
* abortly In Beriin.

umx ONE'S 8AYINO8.
nrrrn,lT . P
bl »».ll I.
thcT^ic w-hSob wa. t^to write an'
uay on "Man." Thefuliowlng wa* the
"What are yon erjiiu about. Jobnuyr
asked a iBoIhrt of her 4-year-okl #•«.
“ Taora Nrtlir'*
Nellir'* mean in
In ii;r."'be
me." be ithhiL
"B’hat haa «he lieeo d.dngr a*ked tbe

Harry-, father wa* ttying to raise
efaleken* with (be alil of an Inruhaior.
■and one day a* the lltth- f.-ll..w w«*
markril; "I *ee h..w be get. out all
all right, hut I can't aee how he got lu."
"Man b a qnrar animal.
He ba*
ich^-V; hi. mouth b In hatS‘t!ith In.
bi* D">U' b to gel tbe snillif* in. A

'uillr ^elT^ged 8. aopnmpanled her
dmnther to church otte Kabbalb
ling, and when ibe eoDtrihation |•l■le
rame aroond slu- dropped in tin- dime her
father bad giem brr. Tbe eld Udy was
BU'Qt te ceniril'ute alao, when Etto-I
leaned orer and aald In an audible wbi.|M-r:^"Nrrrr mind, grandma. I paid for

$1.00 a Month
tf poM to odraoce.



AAKramr.M. U..mfT. E W amrat.
JL U.. RmiWal Pbyiwma. with ooracling phy.
tMw, *0* nmwcwt. ud em*traloMl auMs
ThrcIWM- ,1 twBlwnai* I* IM wcrid: * pine ft
IhcpGiw*** WiAlbct***. Arrya* (to *ri dl*erangTd* U• p.* *m rara'* bmlrart M by
m*U Srad fe* qwatkw Ixt. priwc sad ]------HP WniNUnr will b*at Pork PtaraUo-

DK. iniikl


bud anai« hdlm 11.

O. tb- .»



T.immy lone of tbe lwin»)-'Bgre. we
flM't. We hare a acrap regular^erery
vi*Uor-Thtf* loo bad. And whleh
dralgord bimarlf. iImJ of whU* br wblp*r
carefully gaard* ibr 'eecrK.
Tommy-“Oh. mamma alwaya whip*."
I Tbe Uerman emperor hat Jut comeinroFcMATTER.
nletrd bl* furlletb Urtbday. Auioug Ibr
IK European klnc* br tm* 12 newlor* and
fifr Juninn. .Tbr a*rr*g<' of ihi- *<>ttine woman own* a bandanuie ael of
ereign* <>f Komth- b M. and Ibi-lr a«-rr- iarr- turquoise l«mw *H in antlqoc
age Icncih of rrigo 'i! yrnra. TUr oldrat to th<' king of neomerk. who b K1
'.'3 "jr
tbb April: tbr uo<-en hg* ciiJoyi-J tbr —I, to fasten a l•lw- alpaca Wire oror
brngml n-igu. aod *br b w-eoud
idc Te«tt of riu-i'
riu-ire lace. Though
_ tbb
of age.
jnly trimmlBg on the drv
wa* »oeb that n*' one could
being .Crock by It.

itrtiu in exUleacc
Maore it a aeorltr reeolng
toade in those which were dbo.ron-d at Mycror
by Kcblleniann and lhu*“
<eelrrt. Utio a d (affrla.
lunh uf CbOilerir I. 1
A TbiUng tallon-d gown of plem
tie roallirst on
hn Ibr Isckcl lined and n-e<Ts *facv-l
four of th.-m w
with white ailk.
•r*y. each ennta
VarioM abadr* of boxdolh for Uiioi
It r?T.a« and
gowu are oMaiut4e. l-'nr forma ao ad
r teit he*lde» almost
‘t u
a* raluaM.-.
_____ .
ralraUe garniii
Ibe has
of tbe mban* frock* of BenrletlO Ibe ■hoiui hare yokra of e>U
•ner* hare reigned. But this
a atilu /anry rHeet. rrumtoncked _________ iDnfactnivr* an- toroing onl
hollug* of all designs by tbe tfauuiiaiids.
An exqnlrtie brit worn with *
Inaigidfirani a* bnttun a
relret coatumr b of gray wi'bbiaj
the prtwent
which are arwed amalllteel brad
Imitatloo prarb.
wearing lunw. flowing
I An Idral wabi for a hloade
.r,™ I-1
B“l wotlmrabip inoney
Very rtiolee fagttog*
pauy laffrta wltb white ailk aont*.
cAQ ompjuy fur Diryrle
trimmed with while moire, while lace,
and pauy relcet.
BepairiDtr. Qaink work.
thcac aonrcp* we re worn Ibr oih.-r day
by a wfll-kguwn aociely
ladri aapb wa*
pretty and modito. rrt I
an cxqal*lie portrnil palniro on •namij
peuiew A li^t quiliy of ratln'm
lia Union Street.
an exeellent foundation Hnlag.
Ill^heth and ^brr oelrl<rat<^
Irldeueot •
and bcanUful womm. They wiw net Ip
eranlng gown. __
brilliant* and worn with a bandaome brvablr. Jetted eflert I are am
cadc of Ibe cm|drr styh- and b.rcly oifl
boo*e gewna. relret. wabi*.
wabI*. e
lace. The eSeei wna atmply ebanning.
a and1 dark
lark Tiolrt
• •
e of lb ■odd n

employ* for ihia an apparalo* whi<-b


rrlralaraaop^tuoftrarasa.* ura*ra
an-Is tfact A*a* ink. Ulf.
Price »1.6
breakm; and the Furor to neor her. FOB KALE—Kpan black mam ctohl
yeara old. aonDd. neignt aboal tSOO.
bin I* on the bottom In deeper aratcr.
oolt abeni S momtha old. PnccflI&O
*®d U POt TUIMc."
KALE—toS—lie feet on West
^ Intecryted. -you bare FOB
Front atreet. >00 feet deep raesnt,
then deatreyed katf thoaa aplcndld
mod building apot. Price Hto
- of- Cereera'a?"
____ _
POBNALB-SV3—m aem eight mllra
"Walt lleuteiuiat." I eonilmied. Und
at of city, loo.oou feet farmloek.
» Few milea faMto-r to ihc wentward, and you Will tee another colS£»6SESJ ;• s : 'SEWSBSS
field arenqc.
PUB KALE-sns-nwelliag, Wehater
Coloa ala- Is ailU farther to tbe weal•ireel. 10 room*. |l.«uo. Easy payward, out of alght from ua hero, but
you Will aee her prewntly aa your cap- FOB KALB—M»—FortT acre farm.
mod bn I'tlsg*. orchard tS.MU
»'f»l Famjiaon. who to at that end of FOB KALK—S7I—Forty aera farm,
good baiidlnga, erery
our lino."
ilia eyea rnnged along the abore aa
acre farm.
rood bolidinga. ______
**?“ t
“Tben FOB KALE-8TS—Good fraaie bnura
yon bare deutroyed tbe whoi# of that'
aad eight aerra of- land, slli
about one mile from center of city,
h/'ime lixS4. ais rooms in bouae.
a moment more of aih-ifi aa^
HALE—575—Honae and lot eorner
Keeaod State atreeta. tot StxldS
. ithy which conwaled eager profea££SS2E£e.S1 sends > i '
atonal curloelty:
FUB KALE—STn-Oae haedrw] aip-y
"And your liijnrlea. nptain? What
acrea utnb.-'. a'u.wu * fi • la. ion mo
Joaee* --Itaa tbe American aguadron ana,........
rock elm. Iiuwo baa. wood. i.tXNj.uuo
map] *. *1 >'
'•.VoBo.'" I replied. ■
f—SSo-Bouaeasdlot. Unlou
Btruet. ton room*, a'ooe l>niidaitaln, you do not nnScrlion aad atone baaMnenU eomp
atand; it la what ea*naltle*-whal
p|,||w lopt or dlrahlcd-lhai 1 a«k."
ii.-ulcnaiit" 1 aaiU. Tbe In- FUJI K/
____ ;n. fll a month
fllana raaa alruck twiee. aulT. n-d no FOB KALE—SAt-Eighty acre farm,
injury, no haw. The other abl|<* are
good bn I id Ing*. ooe miic from good
virtually In the rame ptiwH'ton- We
town, fl sou
KAI.K-5VI-Ninte* acre farm,
F..r an FOR
four milea aomb nf city,
Other hatllt^aa rou.-h ao aa Iwfore
to QrasO
aerra nndrr cn.tiraUon. fra
Cerrecu came out this morolng."
aesrn ro-^ms, atone f»andatloo. atnne
O. a. aiTOBAT. Ag**L
|iia - aato.labiuent waa now com.
cellar, good well water, frame Lam. C.L.trioawooDO.r *T *..o**»*BauU«
Sts 15. atpnr baaemeel for cattle,
"M''ln Ootir he exclaimed again,
boroc ruble, buggy ahed. nora crib.
“Admiral Ksintamn'a flrot ha* desiriiygltry hogte and yard. SO bearing
ad tbrae grrai Kiwolatl atilpa. and
apple treca, fcreeral cherry
small fruit, binder, plooghs. wa_
without injury
Bto It la onbeird of: I mtial im to lu-, Imggira. rleigb*. eniier. one apao
I hone*, two aeU barneea. two eo**.
fena By rapuin."
two cslTea. eight theep, thlrly-flec
atimse-eloek aw
------------aerra bay, aeren aerra eora. flee aerea
poUtoea, three aerra wheat, four
••wra oata. balance ealtleated land
river bottom black mack. Price If
token Boon. *s.n«.
a p.nMr
1* J et's
Tlte above are all bsegato*. nod eao
be booght oo caay lerma. We have
thogaanda of dollar* worth of other
•M«a •« rr
bsrga na io farm aed city property.
•10 «. •< 44
Come nod aee o* If you want to bey
•loai' *4 a
List your properly wltb u* If yoo

'“.'A™ "«■ awreflo


■ SimplexGas Lamp--


Price Beduced to Close Oit Lot


Among toe otunmer norritle* recent­
ly pntanted to ao elrctric fan. worked
on tbe principle of tbe ntekel-lQ.ibealot machine, it to praptmed to bnUd
a large number of toeoo and place
to lpf^ take Aral door
alga to alosgnlde the doer. VU ara
thm to oSeea and homra. where the
on the traoond floor, at least oar ofBee
currant baa been airrady toauUed.
lan'b We are. figarutlvely apeaking.
They ara put la operatton by tbe to.
Ko far na having tbe largeut list and
oertlou of the nWesrary eoto. aad a
bent bargalna; we are atrietly in It.
ferrrahtog cwranl of air may be had
We work all the time, we oaa eeB yoor
at wUl nntU a aartato pradetormtoed
property, we can glee ynu bargain*.
amount of enrwm haa been uatd. when
Unke BO mtolnke la oNea. Beasember
It to neoeaaary to toaert anotber eolu.
big atga at bottom of ntairn. Rig bar­
gain* at top of atoirn, flrtt door to
Tha teerator of ttau aags that many
the right after yon tarn to left at hand
peraona are datatrad rram Inerating In
tbaae faaa beeauaa of toeir jp^ei eg. row-J*ttod hUek bee Thera to M chance In raa*ila.-Bmerhanoa of pnrcbaaa. and tba tlmlted
rad to dniirer tor
•areke aaenred. tbere being bat about
theetty. Oar prieea will
- in
two moetoa to tba whole yeor when
an Uxy ra>! bn na low aa any offarwd.
Why lanY a wilnkle a nick of time?
fho tano on deolred. Be tbtoka tba
toaX a potty of brandy a Bery
«UB would be more generally teoort.
ad. to If o dallgbtfal btra^eouk) bo
Kgtdtots can not enarorac; they talk tn 6®4h * Imogen, ti.
ertatod merely hy toe expondlnre of
kemaclTc* eoty-—Alcott.
Bearvb otben for their rirtnea, and
Wby flora the walking felegnte nm
tbiwelf for thy rirra.-FolWr.
tide in a parlor rar?
The auficletiqr of my m,rit to to know
T4B Btumer 1 nm AftaM we bueo
ihatj^ merit U not aefirimL-8t.
•at toneh for dlnnar. Ywt aoeh aa It
^H*ibc“^i*rd flourtoh. aad thqn auffer. ha PM flii^rut^ TMt. ara fat.
cnakar-ltoon make i
Why are to* aSaln of otoer* ahruya
f!w MraebwUhM ara*^dlM
no inietrattog *-------- * -----I aM (Hn ran the brat to be had. Betto" fadROan to
Wbf toould____
tnro^wS: betiarmanaaniatodothawork: batTender not twlee to any man the AvOder tbe bead of gardi
tor griaaa than anywhara elan.





a. no la good

aoe la rialtlaf the aeeoea oT her AUd-'
bood la SaredM
B«Ba iBceri. of tba Orwaue cob- eowit to the Ceainr
TawW, **1
I bare re dodce «- a*». Paria. baa witbdrawa baa tor witb aa AMtrUn
creb^-Nea York TribMW.
Iroardad tba Indiana ImBedlately at.
BeeaDecdeM.-Mnu Wfwtr-^e*.

ton the
. itoiMeothrviiMrora*IhPtoy
Ihi^ tfMc were SU orttaw7 tottM*. dx pMUl tordt. ton •B. “U UB*t the dial timr that be hat
wntdy^t^-btod," repBed Maddox.llWtoM*H
pMkagto- W ««(oo coUMted thlr.
TrirTrt--Tbt*e aceBa ta^to^aj^t
tj-tox Mim. (o«w podhl card* mmC
«rfib'&*Slaf" Wrrt--T«a:
two wflaui rvcelptt. reeelead om tp.
•MaitM far Ma^ order, two r*gm.
torad lataan abd eoUected and daUe. Pma.
. OfOd three leltare ahmc ttt radU.
an.—‘'Who U AxotoalHer bap
TWdera wart do«a eat todkote the dor
‘^Vhj. dou t r»a
or aakeT
sakfd Mood.
WeiBBe of bOBlam’ that trill br done. fca^r it!opw»d«d Manila, ‘'lira a
m tnuMS petaeoi did aorfceaw the toll MeUr.” ‘'O. rea: bow alBpld of net
ettwt of the experlnasL, Thao, loa Malaria.“-WaabliKton Star.
«Mea la tt^Wcw lo tie saw eyetem
*p aotoe of the eentry paatnaaim.
W»* leak with dlafaeor apoo the loqelted: **tUTr joa nwilDi to tola
* -e^aBe. Thlt ailaet irom the tart rtoiehr “O. no. air," aaid toe rwdlc
Trigrt. "olkioih right ap to tba c
that if the azpartneat la a aoeraaa aad ceL"—New
Tork Trlbcne.
• the foeanimeet adopta It throodhoot
A litmrr ,*«ote.-“Yoar MaVaig.’'
tha ODlted Stataa. tbatuMda of cotia- aaU toe Prime bItoiMrr. "tbia ia toe
tl7 poatottraa wOl be aboUahad. The page wbo baa beco remlaa to bU datf.
Trinnili of aach poatBaatar win alao
wateratly patronlae blzn. The sew toe page: "a n«Me )eet. I'll he booiid."
«9*tem wlQ aiao <wna« the atar roata Tbrfpuixm the ktog*a heart BortcDed. for
•9MB ttrbe rodoalljr aboilabed. 8er. be marrelled that a oao ao rotiag
•tal aecUoaa of atar rontB ware eor- amd b9 the poatal wagoo >a CarroO
-"Yoo abonU alw«ra be trank
aoefty. arrittoc aband of tha nrnlar
bide any fanlt yuo
............. J. Now. Johnny. If
. The •Ub Wfll Clea to reisl realdrota bad fallen Into toe water while yen <.----fhiMicheet the VoAad Btatee the oame playing no (be lee when yon ongbl t<i
been barrylttx borne, wbat woold
weuteiKf aa to MOeettaaa and da. bare
you aay to yonr papaT Johnny—“I
goean yoo don't know pa. Ua wouldn't
gire me Hme to uy anyihlng. until Ua
tired."—Burton Tranacript.
With Edwin \V. Sbrlrer of WeattnlnPtar, wbo aobmltted plana aad eato
maua to tba goversBent. wltb a HeKgn nf the wagon to be nard. knows
Tbe RothaefalUl famUy la worth aoBe
aa toe *nnieUng poaioOca" or "poet- £30U.OO».tlUO.
oOice <n wbaeU."
Queen Vicioria’a pel Urda follow tbe
The MdaeOM of CanoU enaatr «*• eonrt erctywbrre, raeept to the
nadr. BfH. bocasae It waa tbe borne
of toe ongtoauw of toe orboBr. and
oenoul, tor lie'more practical reason
that iba phyaical tomatloa of CafroU
Tbe prince of Wakw ai a boy abowed
a mnarkaUr talent fur drawing, bnt ibi»
I berc. taking Into jdn baa been rarely cxnrtoHl la Uler
eenaldemtlon lu bUlj and loUtog
Hr. Nanaen ir bnilding bimwlt a handconntrg. ita popnlatlon. ole., it woold
aotoP boUM-. and It b beUered that be
prora aneeeaaful to ang cotintj or gtate bae derided not to go on any more expeof too nnioB.
Tbe roDte waa aa foUowa; West,
PaderewaU kaa reeiered
re' ' I pbutugrapb. or autnem
mlna’cr to Wardridaborg, toor mUea; qneata for h
to Babe, two and onatoalt mllra: to from
Iwnntoga. two and one half mile*: to Ing frum Amerlrs.
Henry D. l.loyd, of rkleegu. to lertorLong, obcand one-balf BUt«; to Craw, inx In Anrtralla. and he to tbinkint;
tonra atnee. two mlUa: to ThgloniTlIle, wriliag a Umk on the aortaltolie t
•aa Bile; to W'todald. two milea; to dmrlp* of toll ronntry.
l>r. \V. (1. ISraee in winter derute* hU
Otot. are mllen: to Kloe'a nlU. one
Hlto; to Blrd'a btlL two milea: to energiiw to UUIardi and wbtot, at both
of which game* be exi-eU. Tbe do
BmaUwood, two mlleo; to Fentv. two la.
nmreurtT. a finl-elaM efant.
bOb: to Wettmlnaur, two and one.
GeMip- It. Kim* tool a long time to
half mUea making a total ronnd trip ouke np bl* mind a* to bl* troe rutation.
Among uibcr thing* be waa in a wboieM thirty mUea.
IhlAroote tokaa to aboot aoo famlU aale fornllure abop before be lieeame a
rnalut and playwrlgbl.
Ira. eorarlng a terrliory of twenty
[neen of Italy, any*
•qnare mlln. naren milea brand at Fu
17U punod*: Qurro
nidea point. The wagon racelred u nun: tor qoeeo of 8j
1T.4; •*-oration at a nnmber of placca. noubty qoren of RotglnB. 14n;
pro**. 1.111.4: tor oorrti
Wrtugal. lai
and the exarina. t3».K.
^PntlrrrwiiU daily gun*■ tbrongl
* tba expertiBMt.
placM Atoog the root* prlrstb maU
boxao bod oliwody been oiwrted. wltb
the owBcr'a aameo otomped on tbem
to terge lotura. The wagon trnreiad
oror M ooito rood toe enUrr dtotnnce.
Mora toon half toe trip waa corered
hy 11 o'clertt. when tbe wagon reach.
«d Olat peatofftew. Haro tbe party
awatad for ah boot, too gneata <if Pran«la J. AltMogb. wbare they took din.
' nor. WeaualnaWr waa rracbed at S:ao
p—m.. nrariy two boon ahead of
otoedole ttma.
Tba paatal wagon U a wHI.bntli cow
nred conreyance, artto aide donra. flu
tad np toxlda with tacQUW for haodltog and dlatrlbuitog mUla aad doing
nil toe work of a weU.e<itilpped Uuto
poatoAca. The pootol Mtok hulde the
rahlde m de hli woik whUe riding
oleag dolta aa comfonabty aa one In a
paalal car'on a rallraad.

ilEWASIIIIMIMlilPfittEO. Wade Bros., BDGCIESllldfiOdliS
IT nmsi UHRT sruiE.

Hopun* Bros.





^ u, b.

(Of rra, l4jidiMd!7

Men. an that he haa oalncd ^ t

PnettflNi Bisjois

ni Onion S» '


BBtek** OrmatL,

•Cl at nheewaa'* Mill iwtoaiam.
ly. te aad (rwe ■roar ra Plilfa

IS 71'


Chicago —
West Michigan.
oonu i«r>"Ta.
- » *u I ». r «J t m

IS w t «a
I a to
tilKS iia

oofvo norm.



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