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The Morning Record, December 29, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Third Ye»r-No. 827
Th«7 OodOdii* to Worry Oonoral Xotbaon.
■m*7 AfttUsrr rm tu mom* miw
««DssMWM.wMshVM n«Mr
MT Mms 9otn OsMfM
TMr CrsMkM 1000 Twds asMSr
U»4».DM.M.->AdlirStsh «0 tbs
Dklly lUU (nNsOk»sTMra. sadsr
at Dss 11. mr»: Btfomi qiiM^i »
tssstss4)> »sd sMlIasMS Mrsu
MnliB 1st tbs Tnmtnml ptmtwt
thmcb DsUc« Bbj dlst«iM4 as sisUlUM. srsws o< MsrAsst sshsU. ms«
b« of SMtlMsAsl Bsd 0ms sirfstbsr
sbosU ssUs s tsBromr r<>rt st Msiro* Bsr Md siM lbs rsUwsy Issdln*
to tbs Trsatsssl. OtbsrwU* tbs w»r
IsKfesly.tbbilsdslitUlr srolosrsl.*'
Osrlla. Die. 1* —Tbsre bssbm to be
BObosMthst tofflSBd. OsrmsBj and
Portsrsl base srrtsed si ss nsderstsadiBf wbsrsby Portofbl'* eoloaUs srs is
be dlsidsd bsiwssB tbs two •«« Bsattamd powers. Bsrlssd iretUs« Delsres BS7. wbleb le sU ebe whU.
AMordlnt ’to ibe LeM Aasstr«r.
B^VUsd rsoslssi Portysee Sostb dirlassoBibirf ibe /.sabeiA riser. Osrmar reetf*«
«Bs urritoiy sertbef
lbs ZiBbssI sad tbs Porwresseole
siM is dais, psriac therefor it.ooo.ooe
Mbs (sbSSi •A.000.000).
r- Osrvsar teie Tlwir. Oss. Dsm.
Msmo sad Osb sUoaeUMT M.ooo eqssrs
bUswstan of larTtUr7.r«itb l.000,««
Fotuiur wmttuwi
PlMlly Osi a« Us Baade of
Us PardM Brard.
Detroit. Dee. u-dt Us asstlay of
Us stoU board of pardoae held bars.
Us appliesUoa of Cbarla .T. Wrtybt
(ora paidoe was leraally wtUdrawa
by Bea Colrle. TkU aadt. (or Ue
eat at leaal. Ue eoairorwsy lor
Ue release of Wrlybl. who to serrlay a
Hie MBtooM for aarder.
Oeaeooeat ot Ue abesoM of Prwldeat Hseh Ue board did aot oldct offi
OraMlaryCaasaVlU «oi Ooso -ap
Per Trial la Jaaaafy-Othar ladutssato VUl be Kade.
UMlap. Mtob.. Dee. ll-Tbe prsad
Jary bM ae imlpa Uto
Pmecstor Tattle beiap la
tiobwUfaJadcaParaeB. daotbar rss
I of ibe
eeapaay. who bad
epsoisUr asssredBaflsad
is tbs pmwriMi of DaUcoa Bay aad did Bot teaeh hero aatll attsrB
akslaei say ofposlttea frm riaaes. ladletBoati are ooeadaatly looked ter
«bs .Uhal daaslcar. bat lalermtisa
trm aa aatbeatto eoam save tbst
AoaU tbe Boon aeeapy DeUfos Bay.
as to peaelbls. Omsay wosld ebearss
strtot aostrsUiy.
Uadoa. Dee. ll -The war oSoe has
isjtoieil ibe loUowiaff dispateb trm
Tows, dated yeeierday; “Oeaoral Melhoea reports that at e;lo
yeeierday ssealaf tbe Boere on ibe
aoeU aids ot toacerafoaisla opeaed a
sary bears dre lor aooit tlBO. This
■onilac ibe aasel brlfade ftred at ibe
saaiay la the west part of Uspst^
loateis. The salrslry brirads to
OMtoal Plpara la a Blp Past a WhiU
a PaaUar Vaa Oaptatsd.
JolBt BPwloaoB DdCMtUd by
Aaatta. Tasaa, Das. w-WUltoB J.
to Tote of 16 to 18.
Bryaa was Us aaatnl fyars la a Wy
paaUsr baat U Us Moaalaiae aaar
Ibto eliy yostsrday. Tbs beat bad SaaatsrX^ Wsrfesd PaarysUesUy
bsaa aapselally arrsayod (or Ub aad
far Us BUl PatOoaMBet BraakUs
Bsaily SMBportataaa.lad by Mr- Bryaa
Idas of Ue OppariUea-Ooraraor
aad ax-Oosaraor Soyy. left Us elty
Playros Ssat a# OUar PscoBBaadaariy yatarday aoralay (or tba a
mttom. dwalUat Us doUoa ol Uo
of Uo beat. They rotaraad ia Us
srsBls* wiU a Use paatbsr apt
■Stoats - BoUtoc bt bM«rtaass
dariay Us day.
Psas to Us Bossa.
Dallas' BeebeoBd to bore U eoaeaU
wlU dUoraey (Masial Oraa. who saya
that Uo work ^Isslaary to i
lay ealtt to reooser Uo pto.oeo to aader
way. bat aot far aaeayb proyrtmd to
wanaat a eutoBaat of Uo eaaet as •
tars of tbe proeoodlays and eyalaet
Uey will be dtrsetod. Mr. Oraa
alio saye that tbe yraad Jary axpaas
will aatarally delay Ue flilayof proob.
relative to Ue Mieblyaa,
warolalB. bet that tbe beet poeeible
abowlay will be made. BeporU froB
otbif-etstss ebow that la eereral iafolly three foortbe ot Ue esB
ecpeeded hae already been paid baek
while Micbi^enhaireocivedoaly PM.OOO oat of dMM.ooo ezpeoded.
It bat beee oselded Uat ooee of tbe
eesMdSTslopedbyUeiiraad Jery lasMiiyatloB-will bsDotlesd for trial at
Us Jaaoary tors.
Tbs jary wlU flic a report, oalliay attsatloa to tbe sartone abaese It bae
wblU do aot warraat aa
ladietmal. bat wbleb it eocslden iwprebeaelblr.
■oribward of Beeleia and retorts all
well. The farsera are flad to et« oar
me. They were aaffertac froB waat
of food.
-I base eeubltobsd a saarkri here
where eaa be parebased tmb Bilk and
aspsaablsa.eelllBtio tbe fareesre tea
Md etbsr aritelss wbtob esaaoi otherwtos be purcbsni* Osasrsto Uatsers
aad Prsaeh report ao ebaafs la tbs
sltaattoa. Ooloasl Bsdsa-Powsll raOdMAL Bn.Ii WOA. PdM
ports all waU ap to Dee It"
d dtopaish froB Msddsr Rlrar dated •aaaterVarasr Millar Bays Btearayaa
Dee. K. Bye:
Prejsel Wm Oo.Tbiwacb.
• d rwoaartssass by tbs Brittob Ibto
Cbtoare. Dsa. is --OosiyrsB wm psB
BOralBC drew eat a bsastor srttUsry
tie than hae bsaa aapsrisnesd alaee eayreBBaa Bspberab bUl aaUoris
the BoatmoeenotodMaMsafoatas- Tbs lay Us eoastreetioB of Us Mtearayaa
ii by tbs UsiUd SlatB yoreras
bosB SB the bsak of tbs risar that the al Uto sibIdb," Bald Seaator Waraar
Bosre were aeiaf se a abeltsr froB MUlsr of Now York, last alybt. Saaawbisb ibalr ■harpabaotara plobsa o«, tor HUlar to to Ctoleayo oa bastoOB
wbleb wUI hasp bla bora seraral deya.
dt daws tbs twalss pooadare aad Us ■s to ataytoy at Us dadlloriaB daIX.
4.7-taeb Lyddite pas. with Urea wsf'■IsB aoafldsat Uara to-aa overoas, aaeortsd' by Ue Twelfth laacon,
saated oat to attaek Ue Boer llaae ia wbalBtoy Ba)orlty to tarn of Us
froat of Ue kori«- The' objset of Ue
isuolaacitosaniw wae eaooeaefally oar- Ooayrsai.” bs said, “aad l do aot
Had oat. tbs boaes belay blows ap brilsro Usy will bars say baeita
foar ot Us.borase of Ue laaeare were to pasriay Ue Hepbara bUL The
Sit by a absU. Kom ot Ue msa wore Nwarayea eaaal bill paeeed Ue Seaats
at lU tost SBaloa wiU bet six dtoeenthaU.
Tbs ssooir bass broepbt Uelr trsaeb lay rotes, aad Uere wae ao <
m a Ueueaad yards aearsr tbe BrlUeb wbelmlny Bs)ority for It to Ue Be
llaae elaes Us rspatos ot Ue BofItob bat tbe eoBBitUa oa nilB woald aot
at Maceratoatsla. Tbs rseoasotasaose allow It to eoBo to a rots. Tkeoppori'
wBbUabsd Us fast that Usy base sot tloa. ooetoy that they eoald aot hope
f ot Ualr (aaa. Tbalr to defeat tba bUl If It esB# to a «oi
Lay yaa to aaamt tbe Brittob Ue Hoaae, totrodaeod tbe UU appropralUay fll.OOO.OOO for a eoBBtoalon to
awariito the bBt roata aaroB
toUBM tor a saaal.-b(9toy Uaroby to
delay Ueprolectaeraralyaaia loayer.
Baa Bstaras boa dJaaka bat I do aot baltove Uare wUl be say
VorU f 10^.000.
heritatioa to paMtay Ue Beware bUt
KokoBO. lad.. Dsa. W-Ilweed Mad- to e^te of tbe appototaeeat of tbe
4ee, H MTly reeldeat of Uto eity. who
bad aot booa heard of hr K yeair,
rotaraed today fro* Oapo Bobo, dlaaka, worUflU.M0.00Q. Bis
...^waea^Cbrtotaas sarprtoe to WUl roiBtob Btoetrle Peedece to
btotwoetotaia.Mfa.rP. Mwdaa aad
aad Mie. B. d. Oalleadar, tbe lattB
Ulaifow. Dea M—Tbs asrporatloa
>.»■» BStrea ot Ue Beward eosa» bss aessptsd tbs tsadsr et Us MatkBo^SLb- bOBs. Be pmtoed
aJiiiwboreBalaed atayle aatU aext alODBdaltooBpaay of Nsw Tsra Is
year «e take tbsB to U« Parle sxpeel. tanilsb stostrk toadscs far Us ti»BboB. They all aremtoad. Obs ot ^ bsrs. Tbs dBtrtoaa bid was
Uato. MIb Brito cJloadar. was sar- CUl.OOfl. wbUs Us lawMt faiUsb tsa
rtsd«BlTtbs day haters bto rsM
Hr. Maddaa MpB Iba half baa aM bssa dsr way cisi.floo.
loUflCtbartobatoiSd tbs daps Bobs
Pleetsfl Tloe PreaMsat totals Tsasberri
Laaatoy. Mtob.. Doe. ta-TBlBdayb
eeqaie^ o(Ue State Xbaeben’ daeoriatloe was toryriy aitsaded aad fllicd
wiUaaaeptloDaltotomV Tbs (oUowlay oBeen ware rieeted (rr Ua sasstoyysar.
Presidsat, B. d. BtowUls. daa drbor: riss presldsaia, C. B Bom. Trarsm Olty. aad P OUbsit. St. Jobae;
aaerstary. W. P. Lewis. Port Bsroe;
Irsasorer. P. J. Qaaebsabaab. Oraad
Ledysi sxseatirs ooBBittsa. R. M.
Wlaetoa of St. Jobaa. d J VoUaad of
UaalBC. Mtob.. Dae. ^-Tbe >oiat Oraad Raplde aad B. H. Stooaoa of
I killed to tbe eeBsls Uto dan drbor.
Tbs Bon Boattoy of Ue aBoemtioa
aftareoea by a rots of is to It.
The J-rial rewlailoe prorldtoy (or will be held to Oraad Rapids dartoy
holiday wsek a ysarbsaer.
eabBUtiayto Ue perpl* Ibe asMadit to Ue eoaaUtattoa to prorlde
eqari taxatloa has boea Ua aabjoet ot
aad bard work eiaee
Us rsooarsalay »f Ue leyiitotara
Seaator Lyea.ebalrBaeof Ue epeelal
eoBBluee aad a etroay triead of tbe
tax bUI, after worklay hard aBoay lu
ooUsaynea, eald Uto Boratoy tbattaore,,
ao ebow wbatsrar far Ue bUl to
Ue eeaeU
wsraor Playroe eald Uat be wUl
aot coB<l aay caore epeelal Beoseyee oa
aByaablectaetll tbs tax Bsaeare^^
disposed of. Be has aot daeldod wb^t
to do aboat Oaee'e refosal to rssiya.bat
Uo iBprsBloB to that be wUl let Ue
lisdies’ Frit and Beaver
Battsr mt for Us prsasai.
Bboea laoe or cua^p^aa, oonBoU kooeee coaroaed last alybt.
forUble, warm and dorable.
and $1.26 kinds $1-00
to lassatlyats the niBore
a pair.
lbs psss^ of Us HeLsod
blU aad fl^y laid it oa Us tsblr.
Bspmiwtatlss LaU oSsrsd a leaolotlos aablay Us yorsroor to ssod id a
Baatolpal owasrablp.
wkrteh was also laid oa tbs tabls after
la Us seaats Us Bsjprily of
tUlse reported oat aa aBsaded tax bUl. bat Bsastor Moaoybaa
Chriatmaa bnyera left oor
oCsred a Blaorlty rapert ia faeor of
alitor stock broken in aixea.
Us orlytaal bUl. Tbs tsaj irlty report
We bare bunched them in
Sitoetad by Ue SUts Boarfl of BdacaUOB as PrcaidSBt st Us SiaU VerBtri toobool at Ml PlsasaaV
Tbs merit anl'eepUUity of Prof. C.
T. Qrawa hae ayalo bssa rsooyoued la
a very eabetBaUal way. LmI SsptSBber be left tbto city, where be bad been
iaeheryeof tbe city aehoolt for 15
yeare. toaeeeplepoalUoD at direeipr
of Ue tratolaydepartiaeoiof UeSiaU
Norioet School at Ypoilantl. Mow a
etUl biyber poeiiloa baa beea teadered
blm. that of preeldent of Ue Oeotral
Stats Ncwaul School at Mi. I’leaeaal.
TboB who bets koowo the work of
Prof. OrawaleUepait fosi that Ue
etaU board ol odacaUoa are to be eoa*
yratalalod ia avkliy. a eeleetloa for
tbtopoalUoB Uat iesoaBtoooUy fltUay.
Mr. Orawa wUI saeeesd Prof. Oharlm
McKlaney. wbe yoB to Ua Wiaaoasto
NccBal at MUwaaboe.
▼lettoatorUe Bilaa Diaaetsr Bartod
■vrr. 0. B. BOMB BOBOBBO.
lota and begia toddy to sell
thrm at Olean XTp PriOtoa.
Not all sixes in every style,
bnt all sizes in every lot, many
66fl totod 75o a'ippera
now 60c a t>air.
$1 00 slippers
iiuw 76c a pair.
$1 26 slippers
$1.60 slippers.
now $1.2Dapair.
.V whole winterV'font cuufort” for litth- money if you
conu- quietly.
It always pays to trade here
We Want These . . . .
Old School Books
Harper's Readers
Harper's Arithmetics
Harper’s Geographys
Barnes’ Readers
White’s Arithmetics
Crj’s Primer aad Reader.
Subscriptions I token For Any
Mto^toEine or Newspaper Publlshed.^A^
290-222 Front Street
fialph Oonnabls Jr., Kanaetor.
Were Mis-Sent
A lot of Mink, Do£, Beaver. Rat, Slectric Seal
and Seal
Arrived too Iste for Cbristmu, therefore Walter Bnht & Oo. of
V Detroit instmeted us to sell them at
Tbia ia a rare chanee—oome at once.
New Ttoa. MD(Bwa.0apa. Bats.
“Zero'’ Utotwa, fa MtoSII.OO
To Be
in weather like this, wear H heavy nlster eeU-chid
from oor stock.
We can meet your'' r«qniremenU
—be it lister,Overeoatnrsnit and save you money
l>eeides, Onr Ten Per Cent Discount Sale on these
goods still in force.
Here Are Some Prices
Used PiaDos and Organa
That WiU Interest You.
WIU rituay OaroBoay.
WaabliiytOB. Dee. M.—Tbs raaialae
oflM rieUBS of Us Matos dtoasur
wsca bortsd today wlU BlUtary
boaoca, apoD a kaoll la drltayipa
esmetry. The sxerdaes were to ebaiys
of Oaytsto Slyabse who was eaptato of
Us Matoe wbea Uateblpwas blows ap
to Baraaa harbor. They were attsadsd by Presidsat McKIaley. msabsia of
tatooabtoet. ddBlral Dewey. .Oeaeral
HUb aad staff, aad Bsay other oBoetB
A pnmiinent New York official
of tbs army aad aary.
Desalts Ue eaow sad alppiay sold ,aaid tbe general oae of tbe teleI phone bad made tbe task of effirmore Uaa 1.000 epaetators
ently protecting life and properly
ayalBSt tbe rope Used eecloeaie to wit- lent!'
50) per cent,
tbs oereBoaiea. Tbe protBlaat
, Telepbomng
in case of fire, aiaad Ctotboltc taaoral porrtoB i
has become a
daeted by CbapllB Otork of tbe aaral cident
aeademy aad Patbor Cbadwtok. chap- recotfnired
toto of tbe Malas, andar a eaaras abel
Every well regnlattsr faelay Us eqaare to wbleb tbs eofed bouaebokl baa a
flas toy beside Us opu yrarw. After
the BBTloB tbe BsrlaB flrsd a salatr.
Have yon one in
Tbe work of toterrlay Ue ooSae tbea
yonr home?
toBvteBefSt.>rBaetoOhB(ab to Dakar
to l»00:UsBoly Tear.
Tba Holy Year. IQM, will be aebarafl
to by Ua 8l FYuirie chareh. as wall aa
by eUar OaUolto BbarebB Ua wtoa
world ow. with a aorvtoa at midaiebt.
The ebiBB WlU riac. aad bob will ba
•Bid Bt Ue Bidalghtboar. Sparially
taa BMle wlU hava b ptoea to Ua aarvtoa. betofl U«
** estobvBttoe of Uto
TUi to aaoerdtofl to a daBpa laaaatlj I
toBBd by Ua Pops, todtoattar bis daalr« Uat aU OaUoUe Uarakas bold
Balfarsawta I saa aaUyaaatoaf
olbaatknaAaoatatoiaf M saaaB
VOrlaaatB a U oaaaBkaat ffraak
aaUtoc what wa hava oa head at
a off-aatO Jaa. tot, oaly—Mow
to Ua ttou to bay a good OBBora
or Kodak ab«B
•varyUtoc tOB at Uaaa
prteB lafanaatfaa Dbiwfalty
Wait’s Drug Store.
OaeMod^Bprigbt ptoao. TS ocUrr. like aaw, wiU bUmI
Oae Mieere ptoao. lata deriga. flaa abape. atool aad boob. ^ ^ ^ ^
■bor orgaa. b
ror, form v prloe IIIO, a
... Boi Organ Frm $10.00 gg...
All these goods are all in due condition and will please you.
0*11 Marly—Easy ^rms.
Ill kills of Musical Goods.
Talking Machiies aad Supplies.
.„ • .„ o .
—Eierything^ ia Music.
Sheet Music at Half Price.
129 Front Stree*.
N. E. STSOHI}, Mani«ar
To Be Sure
of Dry, Warm Feet
You should wear a pair of our leather lined
shoes—New styles, black and tan—
The latasttkiag ont
far gtatlaaaa s (iaa dress shaes-lta price $5.00
Those trintor taoa at $3.50 are good onaa. ~
Just reoetred another oonaigBairat of those heavy side
'Teloor OslT ahoea.
Yon abonld aae them.
Front Street
McNamara block
I nnr (OuusuarunT
• c
tm» w«U« o4 BMW whMh MW WdB
^ to BU7. «ui BUmBUU U* lontef
taitMM M« BBtcrtel ««nwB. li«B^wmm hBBB only bM w»IUn( UBtfl
»MW BMB w- bBcto mUbb oparMlow
lot* »bBt bSTB bm BkidAed bom
iUM wlU ba nwbBd u> tbB »1U». UmbI
MnhMii iw«di«v a UtbIj
buiMBi Md M MlOCB b»?B 7»l bBBB
MO?*d to MIJ B^it tb* praBpaetB an
•tet a food dsal wUl ba orowdad lato
faaaary. rabraary aad Marob, wUeb
laM yaar «raa dlatrlbatad o*«r a loar*r
fmioi. Tba ympaala tbaratora ara
tat a baay wlator, food wan* «®*C
Vsrkaaa la Iba wooda aad aaaBiqaaal
n«d baataato la.tba al«y. Moat of iba
ynu . haiwboata wlU ni
»to^ fally aa Urn ••
fiat. UaaaUly by ObiiatMa ilM aoa■tdvabU baa baaa doaa la Bovlag
tan. ud tba moMy ibaa' aanad
to dtotribaud aaoar tba atoraa
taifaly tor boUday rooda. Tba May
apaat tbto yaar for holiday yooda aaaa
yrladpaUy froa otbor BoaraaB. wbieb
«raa aot iba aaaa a tow yaata Bfo.
iMbar la ibto aaatioa will Uat aavaral
yaanyat. bat la tba atoaaii»atbla
aad Ita ayrteoltaraJ aarara daraloplay to aaob aa
ynaat taat woa» »«Biaar«ia ladoM
•ko totra win emUaaa to yrow wltb*
OTttbatalaMt which wm Itofoaa*
tettoaaMaatapplar Btoaa to tatara
waaltbaad l^ortaaoa.
WaiLB tba war la tioath Africa la
MTlBi dlaaBtroMc far Baflaad tba
paitad Statoa-to yrodtlac by it la tba
. avay of baalaaia to a natifylar cxteot.
Oraat Brltala to apaodlBC moacy
lartobly with iuaarlaao owrchaaU aad
tmim aad coaBidarablc cola from
yoka Ballb atroaf boa to ftadtay lu
Xteof(%iean hareracelrad a lanrt
PHb order for meata to ba coat to Ctopi
Tbwn at ooca
Larn aombara cd
Malw ara bciag ahlapad from Traaa te
tkatoaM-point- Wbllc Oraat Brltalo
to cradllad with bayloy. troBi Ub
MUtry larfc qaiaUM of amaaltloc
•ad TarlooB other Bappllea for taw army
ta the Said. Bcylaad to alao drawLay
toon the Uoitod Stataa eoDaldeiabla
cava of fold with which to pay bar
MUlera, aad it to aald that already
Mra. Joka 9. OUaatamtoad yaatar
day aftcrwoco with a Gtortotnaa party
firen tor bar UtUc aoaa, Varrao aad
’ Attorplaylay a wbOa the
•a Pcdldad at Baqacat of ■calor Oan
a iarlted lato tba dUlac
tofnllat to«ala«B Otoatod Oat a{
I aorrod. After daaart a Jack
Uat Vlthfa MiBtiPt of the Board
m ^ waa paUad. Kato UtUe
ytwat raoalTtoy a pialty Boaraalar.
Byapadal rtqaaot of tba i
1-baa tbay triad wbo a oald toad toe
1900. Prot a T. Orawm. mw p>
doakoy’B taQ tba aaaraat Ita propar
bcUrltad to daUecr tba conNcncotaddmc to tblc dty acst prtoa. Attartotaatorffa aarprtoa bay
waa baay botwaw' toe parlora, aad
at toot wbao It barat opaa. aaeb ynaat ratoe*dte by adapeatty Uula wblta bird. Attar
nice, aad waa ytodly m
tba tlybUay of tba Cbrtotnaa traa. tba
at tac owuw of tba beard bald toot eUUrao ptoyad qaolta, Maryam
tba prlaa. Tba torUnaatb. It waa daddad that tba r*daaad yaeata wara Dorothy and
ttor alaae taiatob tba pronaB tor
MoffuyCarl Aadaraom. Lento, LaoUe
tbto year. Bet PretMorOrawa baa baeaao latlBaWly and Ton Holliday aad Maryam HoldMBoalatad wltb tba fwaaat eUaa aatll
Mra Ott waa aaalaUd to aatartolnlny
(bto yaar. that tbay r qaaatad that
tbay ba allowad to laalu blm hera to by Mra. Oarlandi Mm. A. H. Holiday
addraaa tbeto. at tba «»t«aaa of tba and Mra. Holden.
8araral|otbar aattara of batoM
mnenetoy Janaary lat ti^ Mo«, too aoato boand toato oa toa O A
of. Oatoto ware ordered p^opoo tba
W. M. wUl loaea hare at 4:19 p. n.
of tba aomml
iaatead of 9:19 aa at praaaat.
waya aad naaaa. to tU anomat of
Tha moeUoy of too Brldya Balldna. I
fl.7l».7». aad ablU of tll7»
toa yoany la^ toralyn mlaUoaaiy
O, Poole, for palatlap aod oarpaatar Boolatyoftoa OonymcaUcmal AaroB.
-ark. waa alao ordered paid.
whlA wai to haea baaa bald tola avanOaa of the billa, that of tba llcreaa* iay. haa baaa poatpoa.d aaUl fartoar
tUaOo.. of id tor
waa attnward ndarad allppad to «S
A yon ay m haa arrived at tha>oaaa
aa It waa olaimad that tbara waa of Hr. and Mra. Obariae BaUar on
.•*•** 00 a bUl paid Divtoloa atfaet.
tbam toat oioatb. oo BMoldtofft that
The Palyham Manntaatariar Oo. ex
bad alraady beaa aa^ to tba aeboeda.
peotle boyin tbolr wlator'a ant of
It to elaliaad by the board that a prlaa lombar la about two waeha. By that
of * eoota por toot waa ayr^d apoo by
Uaaa It to axpaeted toat the atoek now
tba company and the aaporlntandant.
Ion band will be dtopoaaO of. Urye i
and that wban too bUl waa ywiaitad
quanUtlea of loya ara balny moelvad
UwaatorkHoeataa foot. Therapre
aantaura of tba oompaoy aay» that
David Prieet of Blnybam, waa In toe
tbay ordwad aaw nonldtoy. wbieb coat city with a badly brutoed ley. cauaed
toam ao pmaab that tbay ware aomby tba braakiny of wblppla tree, wbieb
paUad to ratoatba prlaa to
atmak tba limb, badly laearat
Mtaa Ktoia M. Doan, wbo waa earn- Iny It. Dr. O. B Cbaaa drmad the
paUad coma Una ayo to laaea bar peal
tlaaaa teaaMr^to tba Biyb oebool.
Tbara will be no mcatlny of toe
tandorad bar raalynaUoB aa It to
Womnn’e Clnb tbto weak.
dost toat lt.wUl ba aono Una batora
Bmer Lyoae aeo Min Mtna Wet-1
aba to aaSalaotlyj laootered to toato
more ware narrlad on Cbriatmaa day
ayala. Tba icalynaUon waa aaaaptod.
at tba raaldenae of Mr. and Mm. Buand toa^oennUtaa oo aabooto aad
yeDC Davto at TbompaonvUIa. A wed*
taaebera, to eonnaeUoo wito tba anpar*
orlaad to aaenra a dlny dinner wae aatvad after toa aara*
taaebor to fill tba Taeaaay.
A aUll alarm laat evenlay called tba
Tba Una for wbieb P. D4MarTto waa
Aemieal to toe aomer of Klybto and
aanyad aa traant offlaar havlay exOek BtreaU. Tbe oecaslou of tbe alarm
pirad. tba natter of farther ratatolny
toe bumlDy out of a Almney lo a
hto aerrlcea waa brooyhl up .by Boperboaae owned by W. b. Anderaon and
totendent Horn.. wbo epoka to toe
oeeapled by Ben Bamea. Ko damaye
hlybeet tame of toe rfleloney aod
tattofalneae of Mr. Maryto. aod of toe waa done.
Tbeeaee ayalnat Bdward dark, toat
rood tffaet toat hto-work bae had npoo
Mr. , Homr etronyly waa adjourned Ull ymerduy after,
noon, wat at that Umaayalnadjoumad
toe ratenUon of
Narrto to tbto paalUoa, and toe matter till today.
TA local barber ehopa wfU oloae at
mat wlUi toe approral of toe board.
onecfelookoo New Yaar’edayfor toe
Oo motion of'Member Hoyt, ha wae
enyayad for the mt of too aebool year balance of toe day.
Manayer bteiobery Km raaoivad
at bto tornor aalary, »M per nonto.
The aapertotandent'e report of tor* noUceof acTeral theatre parbea tor
Olya toltloB paid to tba amount of “Tbe Adventure of Lady Umula.''tOi
ba yiven bare next Wedneeday niybt.
yiSP.M waa racaWed ud filed.
altraetad by blyb prcmlon raica. Tba
•enalaaioa to that tola country to a bly
yalaor toronyta toe war to toe Trane' The treaeurar raportM a balance in
vaal. altooayb toe dtoaeter and loaa of
toe traaaury of fill.att cthmnan Ufa cnialled to deplored.
Mr. Fjota oronybt to toe atteaUon
of toe board toe need of aone weatb*
OSMABT bae concluded not to purAaaa toa Dastota Waat Indlea. It to or atilpa tor tba windowa of tba Oak
aald that aba raeoyonlMa toa tart toat Park aebool bntldtoy. aod onaeotknot
aaah a deal would ba an tofrlnycmeot Mr. Moore, the committee on bnUdtoye
at tba Monroe doctrine, wfalob woald aad yroanda waa directed to pnrebaae
Mt be looked upon by toe Unllad tIO yarde at toe loweat price for which
it eao ba obtained.
■totae to a frteodlrfaitltnde.
Dhamtoy Soolal Affair With a Becqaat
In Porreure' Hall.
la Bplto of toe atom and cold toat
wt^t Foreatera' hall aad parlora wem
wall filled wtto QMmbem of Grace
AnrA aod friende wbo yatoered
tantborto become batter acqualotad
with each other and to erjoy a reunion
tor mutual pleaaure. It wae a charm'
toy eoeial nlbertoy and all preaent
aeicy«l ‘b*
Mot the leaai er}oy*ble wae the
aptondid anppw aaread by toa ladlea to
tba dtotoy room. Tba mama waa aa
aeaUppM Oywan
Uuadr ter tn OiUarM
Mm Miahip Tyler baa rataraed to
Maaloa after an ccteadad vtolt wito
trieede ia toe city.
Tfaomaa.Ueatonafifaylnawiala tbe
city. loveellfaUB* toe pro^cta for
the parCbaae of iquare timber la tola
aectioa thtaacaaoa.
Q. B. Boaybey left tat Fort Wayee,
lad., yeaiarday. after epeadiay Chrict*
mac wito bit family la tola city.
Hob. U. G. Covell waa la Ccpamlata
yeeurtiayon bnclaeaa.
Cbarlea Ely made a baclacac trip to
Cedar yesterday.
'Barvay Cralae asd wife returned
ymierday from Latber, wbam tbey
bavc bcca vlaluay Mr. Ckatoc'a tatocr.
Mra J. F. Ballca of ^aidd City Ic
viciUay Mra. H. MeClaaky.tor a few
W. H. Umlor wae la Kinyalcy yactarday oo bnalaeaa.
B B Da If of Bmplra was la toe
city yeaterday.
Praak Prlcdrieb ic la Kertbpert oo
It waa an Informal affair aod to tbt
kpmpany ware alaiye nnmhar of yoany
daUn who bad a Jolly Uma to tba ball,
orhfla tte (Ndar onea apent the Une In
ylyMMipleuam. It waa oaa of tto
yeolal patbarlaya whldi bare bean
Mra. CharleaB. P«
pafia eery popalar by tba namban of Oarl are la Cbicayo to apaad a moato
arito frlaoda
Loaia Webbw la apeadlay tbe boU
Park PlaM Social Par^.
day week wito Mr. and Mm. A. B.
L*Adlo(d aud Mm. HoUea eotartolu* Peteraoa.
Mtaa BeaaU Uadtley of Oraad RapUa
•a Inrltod yueeU Uat eveuin* at Path
Ptaae. tbe ewot belay cue of toe de U vIMticy Mr. aad Mra. A. K. Petemcm
nybtful social tuBcUoua of tbe yeer
n* dcadoy took place Is toe larye
Alalay rooaae wberc toe feaUviUc*
^OBttoaad uatU a late bear.
la aa arebiteetaal coUega
A Xauo. Qear BrulB.
N.B. Stray waalaBcUalreanboaiTarn beat fevlinya. your aoeial poai
He* ar boalDCua eumoa depend It rycly
Mr. aad Mra A. W. Ltod aad ae*.
tba perfect aeUoo of roar StoiMcb M^lr. are vialtlay frlaada la Detroit
yafi Uver. Dr. Klny'e New Life Pill*
gtec IsereuBcd struayto. a kaan, clear
kiyh amblUoB. A *9 oaat hor
arffl make/oa feci like c mw bUw.
■***■*" ai*d SH
Furniture, Stoves
Vm^TBEB orrr • taonoA* To IMUmth. Ulch eohodl
OommuKiauat Addiw.
At c cure for rbeamatiam Chamberlain* Palo Balm la yainloy a wide
repalatloa. D. B. JAnttoa of Rich-
toat would relieve me until I oaed
Qiamberlalo'B Pain Balm. It aeU like
mayie wttb me. My foot was awollro
and paininy me vny mueb. tot oee
rood applieaiioB of Pain Kalm rvlieved
mr. Por sale by S K. Walt and P. C.
rsoMi-eox, Druyyiat*.
Barber Sbopa to Om
Oo New Year* day tbe local barber
abopc will doer at I p m. for balacoe
of toe day. Sbavicy on legal bolldaya lA centa
To Cur» • COM lITOna Da,.
ralceWarocT's \t1iHc Win-.- ,.f Tar
-lie beat cough remoly on i-arih. 'S'
im ’3=-
Don't TO* ws:
that you woctg
have to botbag
A&4wcArvcS??> That'sRn-*
tree’s **Conyogftc«*' Wc arsoIc*
Sold By
Frank Friedrich
Tk W UUh tlM lu
House Furnishing Goods
You WiH Make
A Mistake
At LESS mow; Ibu tluT out b, boogbt by tb« gu loU >t
the factory fit the prcMt ttme. I booyht extra henry in order
t6 take adrnnta^ of the low price* before the adTuee, nnd
have more gooda than I can find room for— my atore and war*'
home Ale packed fall from top to bottom, and I hare a eat load
of stove* Ml the freight houee that 'most be mov^ at once. It
makes me happy to nnuoance that I can give the peo^e the
advant*» of tots heavy bo.ving. It is not only one artide. bat
my wbole line right throogh. Yon can bny any article yon'
need et kbont whst it vonld cost at tbe factory now. I hare
tbe goods and they most be moved and the price* I will make
-on them will move them quick, so do not deln^ or yon may be
too lat*.
Beating stovea I will Aell for leas money than tbey
bonght at the factory toddy.
I can ftimish your house complete.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
ISO Vront Stwet.
Bj choosing any other
cigar than
lt*fi Up-To-Date.
John R. Santo,
Gmril lisiriin.
Will Anderson
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
Both Telephones, No 48.
318 Union Street
Tvovmv City, mu
Yoq Can't Know •
A Good Egg ^
Dntil Yon Break It
Can you know the qualities
of a hat until you wear it?
We are good judges of a hat
but we lean a good deal on
the reputation of the maker.
They back up their hats, sodo
we. Try your next from us
4nd buy the "Longley.? all
shap» and sizes and sells at
the uniform price of three
Gold Weatber
nOF. C. T. 6Un CBOSB
fon Kommi0 moo«p-
Boy - Skates
all go together. Never such
a sale as we’ve had on skates.
Stock considerably broken, but
still there's a big assortment.
There’s the Cast Steel that
sells for 50c the pair and the
Hardened Steel from 1.00 up.
I'he best Nickle Plated Steel
at 3.50. The Woman’s All
Strap at 75c. The Half Club
• for 1X10 up and the finest nickle
plat^-d at 3.00.
Don’t Let
Jack Frost
Ha?e Fan
In Gold Weatber
Wari Shoes
with your fingers, when it only
lakes IOC to go with warm
hands uhat s the red or black
fell ) Have “S’ leather glove
that sells for 25c the pair. The
Mocha wool lined, all sizes,
sell from 75c td 1.5a The
Mocha, Iamb lined, at 5x0.
The finest article on the market
is the Reindeer, squirrel lined,
at 5.00. We have a big stock
ol Mittens that are the same
grade, quality and price as the
gloves. You pay your money
and take your choice.
Oae style is the warm lined
Kid at 1.50 and 2.00 in lace or
button. There's the Felt Shoe
from 1.06 up and the Beaver
Sho^ fromviJX) up and the
"Home Slipper," that’s the
Juliet in different colors, sells
at 1.38 the pair and the warm
lined Kid Slippers from 1.00
up and the Beaver Slippers
from 75c upA complete line of Lumber
man’s socks from 50c to 1.5a
There's the Lumberman's leggins—canvaslegginsand army
SVate Skenu
*0« th« ittk 0( Aa(«u iMt Jofci
iMijr of OrdM. Uu*M «o«b<
ttWitifhk grofm. Be had o teri
MMOBtofemw. Mdthe«»ek
oew, hBiTlaff » hof. whiah waa o^'
Flad te aaeb a way at to have .......
Baa of hie hlad lafa. Hear/ ae
IhM the phr woBld ha aaotharad aap«Bj, aod took BO atapa to raMoee th
aal«rd«r haiara Ohrlataua the ataoh
«raa halaf taaorad. aad wtel «m tha
aatootahsaot of tha wortmao whaa
thap heard tha crvat of a hop. Whao
thaatraw waa rataored. the aalaal
erawlad oat aad hepan aaUap praadllp
of ^ atraw withla raaah. She waa a
■ak o< akla aad hoeaa, aad aaabU to
ataad She waa pitaa food aad drlak
aM ht^ fair to -«eah ap" aooa. Oea
■aa aaalelad it to ataad oa Ita teat for
aaaAeieat tUae to oaahU a photapiaph to be Ukaa. Tha hep waa l»t
Sara whhoat food or water.
A fapraoaatoUva of WUIUm Braa. A
• Charboaaaaa. of Detroit, k la Plata
waU BaUap aoeuaeta with the farman for prowiap eaeoaiban for ptoUaa
thaeoatiap aaaaoa. A larpa aaltlap
hoaae U to be araetad near the Oraad
BapUe A tadlaaa depot. Tha fanaara
aroaad PlatavaU are ea
aad aaaraaa thaaMalna aa wUltap to
pin tha aotapaai the daalrad
a Ooloa Toaap woaaa plMa^^
pane. aeaUlalap tlQ aad a SIM draft
Later bar aiothar o
aw^the papara o« the Uble aad
threw thaia ip the fire, aad afterward
It laraad oat tha paraa waat with
Blward Browa of leabatla ooaatp
who haa baaa trapplap oa. Baaeai
Onah. alaaa Uat fall, eaaa la Ula
weak aad oollaatad the bnatlaa oo
foar woleaa ha oaptaiad. Biowa trapa
U that aoaat/ aearp tali aad la aboat
the oaly ataa who U aaoapaafal U trap.
WaUa aeUap aa floor Maapar at tha
1. 0. O. P h Chriatoae ball at Barriaao.
rllla, DaaM B. Bora dn^pad dead of
baartdlaaaaa Ba waa a plooaar of tba
aoaatj^ baviap aatUad tbara whan ba
Un t^ army at the eloae of the war.
Taawftare far tba uay lanber
eanpe la the rlalaiiy of Uarqoette ara
alraady Ulllap tent preat wolf
Btorln Thandanixtatof the Umber
ara maklap thanaalraa kaowa all
aleap the roade laadlap into tba elty.
and If tbie waalbaf e»UDaee tharp
wtU be loeiifloatkw la taetiop eoaeider.
able apprabauloa for tho safe joornap
of maay of the tBam. Oae teaomtar
yntarday euted that aboat aix mllae
north of the powder mill a pack of
probably M woleea foDowad him for a
loop diataoee. aod elaime to hare had
maahd.fltealtyiaktepiap tha bratae
from attaeblap bU teen
Ihree new eaeea of emallpoa ara aald
to hare brokaa oot at Ooloma aad U h
faarad that the epldemla of a year apo
wUI he repealed.
At (hlomet a bnadrad BoplUbmea
had Sooleh Caoadlau ba*a apraed
Offer ibalr eerelcee to Oaoada la oaae of
affhalao r^.
Dr. Lnle Berth of Oraod Beplde baa
damoMtrated that eaaeer can be cared
wlU the aawly dlaoererod oaoeei
Mra. Parllaa Batta a waalthy widow
raaldinp aaar Bolly made her aoa aad
two daarbtara oaeb a Chriatmae praa
aatof BS.OOO. Tba whole amoaot of
pKU exceeded r.OOO. .
Op at Merqaeite they etop the street
oar oa a eertala street early in the aveolap la order Uiai the roadway may be
need for eoastlop oa "boW.'’
A moeerneni baa bean ttarted at
Uoloa City lately to bare the ooaaeU
paae aa ordlaaoee probtbiUap the raoatap at larpe of chlebeaa aod other d»aaetle feathered bipeda. Borne aa.
koowB peraoD* laeteed of waiUap for
the aaaaeil to aet. hare etarted to clear
oat the birdx. aot only from the etreeu
bat eoopa ae well, and Bmoyare ttaadepradatloBi reported.
Bobert Campbell, of Aaa Arbor, ie
the holder of a raeord which Is doobttallf aoyoae to the eOBOtry eao eqnal
Bar U yean prerkmaI to laat
last Bonday
ha had ocrer (aUed
oo a aiaple Baaday
to hUead Babbath aebooL Thet -past- so
Toara be has aiteaded the
OoaprrpaUoael Baaday ae___ _______
Arbor, aod last Baaday was the flret
time be hee mined
Jael Baaed Bla Ufe.
It was a thrlUlnp caoape that Charles
Daels of ftowetatOB. U.,Uuly bad from
a frlpatfal death. For two yw« a aaTora loop trooble eoueteaily pi«w
woraa aatll It aaemad ha maet die of
_______ .____ ’ Dieoorery aod lately
arrotc: "It pan laeteal relief aad af*
teetad a paranaaat care." Bach woodertil cam ban for ii yoare, prorta
1« power to ears all ThnmV Cant aad
La^troeblaa. Prioa Mie aad »1.00.
Beoey botuc paarantaad. Trial botUn
lOe atJae. U. Joha^b aad & B.
Walt's drapetom_________
: TWC E., ec Um dimk of OhTM
•«—1“to l:»a
Pleaty to nt bioldm
Bnrybady lartted. Bayr
Mr. Wmiam Morrto, who «or
than Bn yaan waa Ohartn ffrahmaab
Indlarwaa with the Banlre BMak
aad Lyasam eonpaain la Bew York,
bn flutaply ehoaaa Mr. Aathoay
ttepab fanoaa oeaaady drama, "The
Unalam of Udy Dtana,*< for
« atarriap tow thk naiaa, Of
die aolore today who ara etarrl^
«ibalr own aeeoaat. Mr. Morrla Is
jaaofcha yoaapaot.
Mr. Morris has M hh tnlalapia
theaoeapaainedthebntaetarelBAmdriea, aad has played all Made of roles,
taaplap from donle o^n
Sbaknpeerlaa trapedy. After three eeeaoae
with the Boetoa Maeeem Bloek oompeay he joined Bobooa A Oane la "Tbo
Oonedy of Brnn” darlap tha naeoa '■f
im-M. ThotwoeeeeoaefoUowiapho
was la iho Bnplleh eoapaay that sapported the famoae {tali
sip. BeeaUtdariap ble toarofUBlecoBatoy. Be was with one of the Madkoa
Bqaan "Beni Kirks" eompealn la
l««4. aad tha toUowiap ecasoa be panad la toerlap Boath Amarioa aad the
Wnt ladln Darlap the aaaeoa of
l«n-M he eapported Mme. Modjrekh
aad biimmi bar laadlap oua bafon Ute
olon of Uta i
m. darlap whieb be
«M hs Borneo, Benadicv Armand Daral, Dm Oaenraad
other elmilar roln la Daeambar. be,
be apala netted the Wnt ladles, uklap
aa AaMsteaa oompaay aadar hte own
playiap a repertoire that
reaped from "Bamlet" to the "Cbimn
ofBonnaady." Bk next eapepement
with Otarln Frobman, aadar
a mxaapemaot he dlttlopalshad
himself by proMNOoed eoeeem la "MeB
aad Womaa." "Tba Olrl I Uft Behind
Me." and mon recently when he star
red la "The Lost Pared lee" and" Coder
the Bed Bobs." Hie pieauat iriampb,
perhaps, of Mr. Morris' career has baaa
Uik aeaeon ae SirGeorpe Byl
in "The AdTsatare of Lady
Uteala." Mr. Morris, eapported by
Drake aad a alenr oompaay,
win be at Staioberpb Oread aaxt
■raoftha Tint Pi
Kttp the KMacy* niitf Urm
nmUhy, Artivn Bad yfigor^
mu by Uiaiiff
Mr. BadUy weald not aeeept tha
aaoretaiyahip thk ynr aa ha h arraap.
lap to taka Aarpe of a elan of poor
Ta nab miD fai oar Fabraam.
Wbiia Beads Sale.
Katare mekn ea astiB affert la tha
qwlag to rid the blood of Ua imparitiea,
fwe<MC^LeiSntw*(lM aad the ftltcra of the blood-ihe kMaaya
aad liver are called apoatoparfeem aa
aaofmoaa aawaat of labor.
scan, a*
KcrekMt Jm
bcadacbea, aad paiae la tba
e aad Umbo. Dtpeitioa k d«raaevu. aou ,UV
Inga of apriap cause misery to Uie body.
Tbet* k oBlT oae m^ of m^ioi
l^in Btfom
rtousiiM'i w
I eaat dae on aneb advertised letter.
• Oaoaaa
blood.’^ By ecliilop direcUy oo then
delicetc orpaot, Ur. Cbaae'a Kidney-.
IU parity tbe blood aa no
‘ ^
Livei Pillpreperatioo
00 waa rver koowo to do
my life for
re(M with
My I— — ---------Tbe myatary of tba sack of pold. eoa- plmplca and bhHcbaa..«nd I cooid pel
Ulalap flt.OOO la «M gold plaeaa. wbieb notblnp to help me notil I Uied Dt. A.
dlaappearad Kovamber IS from the W. Cbaae'a iTidney-Llvw PiUe, Mr
eab treoenry at Chleapo. has been akin U now deer, and 1 eoaeider tbea«.
pilb tnrdnablc n a remedy for eooatiaolvad by tbe aimt of Oyde J. Wal- pstioe, liver coraplaiat ead impnr*
laee, a dark 1a the nb-treaeary. For blood. Aa a kidney medicloe they ere
' 1 abdl recommead
a loa« time the offioors WM« oomplete^at^Lbatj^yflm^yPOt.
PUk. «
from Wallaoe’a frMmeatlDp pool rooms pm a dose, as eenU e box, at all dealeta,
aad maklnp beta la 9M paid Blaoaa.i or by mail on receipt of price, by Dr.
Be has made a fall oonfeadoa.
] A. W. Cbaae MedicineCa.Beflelo.N.V.,
1 pmnaded him to take some of Oham-1
treilmonUi. boplap some one almllerly
efflleted m» read it and be baneflte^
—Thoaue C Bower. Oleaeoe. O. For
mle by B. E. Wait aad F. C. Tbompkip
Children’s ontin)? flannel gowns and onting 4 A pa
flannel sleeping suita. formerly 50c, now... J VU
Children's check dresses, fancy braided OQn
yokes, formerly 11.19, for...^............ .......... 99C
Children's cashmere dresses,"^ancy yoke, 01 J A
formerly 11.75. for............................................. ) | ,49
Ladies Wool Hose, formerly 15 cents per I
Pair.for... .........................................................| UC
\'\ 0^ CSV OTvt Vot 0^
"FvWwa Couwa.
ATt V&Sk A
j liti—St
bATQhVttA te« ATt oV^VT'
bt WT^ TIOUT «M.\e to took
J. W. Milliken.
It E. W. Hastings’ Steinberg’s Grand Opera Hoesn
Fire lisiraict OffiM
Johnpoo Block.
Batertalned By Mra. Barnarn.
Tha bKopU Whkt Qab wae dallpbtat tha hoeu of Mrv. Baraam on Waahlapton atroat.
Attar tba paam a
dellelOM lanebaoB was aarrad, eoaekt
lap of bread and batter aaadwiebn,
Akkaa ealad. oUm. eoflee aad brisk
lea eream. Tba alob pin wae woa
apala by Mrs. W. B. Foalar.
Chaaea' tor Uia Yaoderbilu.
a Pmideat Beald's preat CblcapoA Wnt Mlehlpan &. R. It k the
qnickeel ronU from Cbleapo to Oraod
Beplde, Peatwetor, Leaelop, Moskapooend Baploew.
Tok road k eoneolldated with tbf
Detroit. Oraad Beplde A Wntera B
B-. and ooe ticket boapht la Cbleapo
takn yoa o*er this preat ryetam from
Cbleapo toiktrolt, Boward City aad
BIp Baplda.
ToorUte la Mackinaw, if they went
to reach Cbleapo qolckly, can't uke
tbe MIebIpaa Central end make tlm-.
A Pollman alwey# stands there to
whirl paeeenpere to Chleapo over
Cbleapo A Wnt MIebtpea tonte- These
two roade work qoieUy bet they err
eloebinp all over Mlehlpan. Tbe Venderbilu oopht to plek them ap.-Wall
Street Joaraal.
Another Hapiiy Patient!
Mr. Frpd Bobme, of Bingham. Mich., after three terrible yean
Buffering, with no help from any worce, no .one seeming to under*
stand bis case, consulted
Mtn Soale 8bean<
boma in Sawlaaw.
Iveaty flvcTtaia'Coaatam Dae With
out a Fallara.
Tbe Aral iadlealton of croop k boaraeaem.-aud tn a child anbjcci to that
diaeaee it nuy be taken ae a eare elpa
of tbe approach of aa attack. Followinp tbie baoraeoeee k a pecallar ronpb
eoopb. If Cfaambarlain's Oonpb Bern
edy to piveo as aoon ae tbe child be
comes faoarar. or even after the errupy
Ii prtva
eonpk appears. It will
prevent tbe at
tack. It to a '
bare yet to leara of a slaple tnstanee io ;
wbieb U has aot proven effeetoal. Noi
other preparation can show soch a re-'
witboat a failaia. For mrie by 6. E.'
W AIT and F C I noariox. Drufptote. t
n suBt Use Ssadap Forty.
Profceeor Bllvera ard sow prof.
Prank Bllve-a have neenrad Profeoeor MoiiAopb'e academy for two
nlpbueoeb week for the next flve
moatba to come, aad will p|r* tbelr
opeolap party next 1%niaday evenlap. Jaaaarya. All ara cordially
lavitad to atlMid aad have e j^lly
pood time. Don't mtoa it. 81U tew
ite. S5e. Ladles free
»OU NighU
Dukeof York
The Society Event
too Nights
Mr. Daniel V. Arthur
Tbe Toueg Romanic Actor
Mr. William Morris
In ^hc »
"I am pled to say that Dr. Snow bw made a woaderfnl ebaape la ny
With. I have been Ir* verr poor beallb for ibree yeera Mv food would not
dipeal aod came away joei a» I bad ealaa It. There wa* beleblnp of paa for
boor* at a lime, my atomaeb aermed like a ktoae. wlib bed eoaiUnaUoa. I
roald eat hardly anytbinp. and rverytblop peve mr preat
prer diaireve. My heart
tbnmped ar>d beat at times very fast My hack waa veryr bed and there waa a
pood dral rf paia there. My limbs woold j-rk and twUet
:h. and they felt nomb
and 00 feeltop moeb in them by apelU. My nerrea wc
• ■ and I
think well. Hot thla
chapped n-m
not read o........................
. la all
1 cannot pet enoopb to eat. bare pained IS fMTOBda In a aionlh.
BioDlh. I eat every
iblnp aow and it ptvea me no dlatrens. My heeh la all ripbk No Bmore nttmbnew or twUcblnp 1 feel like a new mao. I have tn >tod with a pood
do -ton but they did no pood. It waa a preatjdBy wbi
Tbe bobooie plapee bn foand iu He helped me witbia a r«w daya. I adviae every one ___
. ... ..
way acron tbe Paclflc aad ^Ined a oa him. It k the beat InTeaiment I ever mada
Frf.k J. fKaiiK.
temporary foothold in the Hawaiian
Dr Snow makes a specialty of sH chronic discaseR, diseases of wo
Ulaade. There all rimnrs of Uie eom- men. tbe eye, ear. 4inee and threat. He is eepecially successfni in
inlty ere natUnp wi^ tbe antbori- treating cancer, asthma ami cousuroption.
Un 10 eUmp It oot of ^eaUtenee. Tbe
diseanclaimod two vietimi. aod io
jareO Uede and eommeree. Jail how
the dieeeae wu loiroduced into Uooo- Offloe in Hamilton & Mllliken Block. Caaa Street Entranee.
tuln la not drfioitely otidcntood.
Oread Baplda elaimi to be tbe h*n
ear reerntiop onlt t oftbeiuteof Nicb*
l«en for ih.- L'olud statea a»my. Prom
Jone 2U. inn. to Dec. 7. I8W. tbe re
eralUap <i>atioa at tbk point enllaied
V^tal of 400 men The ataiioo waa
cberpe of MQar BeadhoUx.
Wednesday, Jan. 3rd
“The Ad'venture
of Lady Ursula.’
who immetliall) diagnosed bis ca«e as SPINAL IRRITATION, TbbearUstomseb and bowel symptoms ireing reflet and caused by the iiiipared fancticiis of tbe spinal tieri-e centers. He hasespeciatly re<iu-‘8t'
ed Dr. Snow to pulilisb his experience.
Coisultation Free.
; stock.
Teeth Eitrected For 25c
THE NEW .....
A Demonstration
is beiojr held at Wilhelm, Battak & Co's,
store on
By Aatboay Hope, aatbor of "The l^laoovr of /.cade."
By ap^al arraapemcDt wilb Daniel Frobman.
Nurpurtetl hy
Hiss Frances Drake
Aoibnor HopvV
pU, An vast>>»“c
-N V. BrraM TkviuwH.i
no*) mrrliorioii. work-N. V B-u li wvrlia univanal kl«b (itmur-N. Y. Prr.
Bri^l.rriap and fullvl rMSABCc.—K. Y. rnbaev.
Pricos—3.YC. .*iOc. 7.V*. $1.00, Itox seats. $1.‘>0
t>al«- at tin- b ix nffioc nextriAtnniay mon>ii>K.
Teleplir.iiK 112 for seats^
All honscwiFes of Traverse City are invited to
visit the store and partake of this
New and Delicious,
Breakfast Food
A visit to the store will repay yon.
At Palace Bakeni, Soath Side, Saterdar
S«-ata o
Why don’t you come in-and buy a horeev I
can accomodate you with almost any kind you
want. I have good draft horses, grood farm
horses, good cheap horses and a lew good plug
teams that I will sell you it-om $126 to $200 a
span with harness ready for work. Will ex
change for all kinds of stock.
- - - “YUCO”-----
ud 1 Siperks Cwpui.
$1.00, $1.20. $1.40
we ask for the odd sizes in men’s
aod women's shoes--A glance at
our show windows will show
yon the styles—The value of the
shoev IS double tbe price we ask for them.
We sell men’s woolen sox for lOc • psir, anil women's stock*
lags for 12c. Buy now and yon will mve money.
-A.- s. B'B'snvr A3sr
XtoS Wheos-t mtwvtot
TXtm Wxmocicml I
Pro(. 3mi- 0. Woodww*,
•ho fwto oihooiitoo of looo. WodMoteT
•ookoCldol ^11-100 of Uo^M
aUoMod 10 tho OollodltoMO io tho
MUlaCi of mohloorr Md oioolrtoi^.
la tho Ofv of Moxl« Oob M. o ovi
oooroport wtood ■witom thSo wok.
•bMAwUoUohodorrloadU Moaloa
TtMBrtUMoooMl 04 SooMoooeAraathoro^on that tho piafMioo
«of«oot7polo fiftaf ooi thotaoi7
•oothi tnoo thotoow ho«o ooooirod
is Mow fhtoiloiilo Tho fooorwook
Uf AoomUohOTOlokOB strtocoATtowaikMte«wMUaiar orrivyoffw Wheat, eld.
Tho Vwrey of ladlo. Lord Oorwo of
Kidltwi. -toloKtoahi tnm CWootto
•hot thoro boo booa M lootoooo of role
•ad that l.4tl.00e aoUrot oaflorlaf
iroB toBlao an bow roeotrloff rollof.
The toU«Toph anwlGr at Olaolar. la
•ho Boekr Mooatolaa. rofiorto thoi
•a IBBOOOO oraUaobo boo owoot dowa
-Uo aoaatato boot tbon eorortac Uo
tootofwA. oadtokler dowaaas^oftolorrmpb poloooo tboi tho wlrao
•n lotorrepl^. TroM It taoboo tbleb
wora obaorvod ta tbo ollda oad It lo aot
7ot kaowa wbat oloe wy ko oowod
by tho ooow or wbot io tbo ooBdllioo of
^bo track. Tho oUdo coooro Uo track
too O^U of from & to W foot.
-i>r. Thoaao O'OoUoffhoe. a wU
kaowa pbfoWoa of Joraoy OUy. dlod
aoddaalf Wodaooday whUo mokiar a
profMlOBal ooU. Aftor tbo doctor aao«ad Uc olek rooB bo ookadfora
•poof. kaattoBdaatwaatforoaooad
artea borotaraad tbo doctor woo iplaff
I aad dlod be•oaibofl
tea aU aoald bo oaokBOBod.
’ tho ladlOMUtbo
} oiU at Uo OrowOraok
•caaep lo SoaU DokoU oad oUor
•nbUoao boo ooteBod aortoao phbooo
iMsilntN lit Euaiiitiu Fni lil Stiittli .CuMuiiil
Thoqwrtelp aaaoMte BOoHafCf
DRS. B. S. & CO.
TboCcUbraiOdUiihIBlo.Piwirtyof PowTo»b.oadBOWOfUo
U.loharobparlflcaat l:Mo>o>oek AU
•11 w Boadoy acbool warhai ora rrqaootod
At ruat. Joha Khotertao wm aUaob4*00 ad by o bcaad aad badly WttOB. Uo
4 00 aalBalehowlato«Uooad of obo e«
1 M tho tacara d Uo rlcht bead. btUav
klB UtOBCb the Mt boBd oad oiakiar
10 lit tooU Uroarb bio Boao.
Md Dear for Bto Log.
B.D. BUatoaotTbtekarriUa. Tte.
17 la tw roan paid o«t •UO.OO to doe
iMriai Midi ui Sndal IWititt tr IiU(h, Ikk
So«k*X •W~h1trti*ig, Tx-cfsror-wo 0±-ty,
Jan. 4, 1900
OAoo Boata teM • a. ■. to • >. ■
January 1st,.
1900 ...n
I 10
.s ES-.t-SjSW
and Camaras
oofooduUo boot ot aw Dlalac
BalL.tta I
OiwoMidPtii 0 Oarw —wanMT’a
WWI» inm •! Twr pyrWf ^
b«t coub meedy oe eorU, cane o cold
UoBedoyiftokeaiBtlBie. BoadUeto
____ boot.
^TiTJL 'a;d';;u^‘u;ooe per
emember this offer U good only
until Janaary 1st.
The lat^t line in the city te
select from.
Full line of Eertman sopp'iss
1. auowa, AtMToar oot ooi
Braro Moa KoU
w %am mow,
itma »v■.■li. —.
boodoebo OBd tlrod. Iletlooo. rae dowa
fooliar. Bat Uarek ao aood lo fool
llbo that. J. W. Qordaor, IdorUle,
lad., ooyo: "Klootrfe Blttora ora Jait
Uo Ulac for o mo wboa bo doa't cor*
wboUor bo lino or dtoo. It ron me
BOW otroactb oad food opooUto. I
OOB BOW oat OBjUlac oad bora o aew
laaao oe Ufo." Oety wo ot iao. O
JabBoeBb aad 8. B. Woltb draf Btorao
Thompson’s Drug Store
lonnelier Block.
AUwArfcAtbtoMnpBakMBffndA. na*g*4«
of Kaaklad Fostfbto to Obtala.
baaquoB at Oty Dlalac <
p.’j.-ssgijaa ag.“s.“^
imcAAn Apn.ttB unn BPtBBUAa pHak
OnillipMit lidliHRj.
4 «• perfbCt bAAlB bAd tOAl
l^BrUl bo aokod lor 08 opproprioUoB
Get Yonr Bl^cle
monckjn to LkPt»e-n« ommi. Atwr
■ Bf |M.dM wiu wUol to otoBp oat tbo
opIdoBli Tbo dopartBoat baa booa
dill^rophiil to tras o aaabar of
. BfOBoiaa to teword raortao potaU, aat
rear coot work, oay obo eolor.
to BOBiroBtad by a lark of faado. la* ooBklaatloB
•loB Tbrrlt^ Afast Wrtfbt hao toB' Oaafir* yoa oay olyt* araaBB
Poll pad BBC lain pin.
ipleyad phytleloao U aitasd U Uo
..............A.W.; I ic « AAd T n »p
^aaraailBO outloai. Thi ooU r .i' ■ Alao oay klad of rop^ work aaoUy
•t WoohiaftOB on opptalBBalro oad oad protoPtly doac. ot
TNt. a. a. rL-xin. c
"n£dS^neTuxukjrp seoTAX. nt..
U Block CaIU AM
•CBfroB will bo arfod to plaoo fnado
OXeenArAAindniwIwUAnt pAl» «r 4bAtfAi Martkars 'phaa
tAn*bAMu a^t^^mbT ooS uF wSd
IBAilaB fTAW tmilnm
laaodiotoly ot'Ue dtopoaol of Uo d«—
roeimrsLT ovesD- r«wAiB w«Ak Asd M^^aulAc Oaw tor Msdy. aeetat}
ABn Awl aU dallcAta 41bb«4a*b mbIIat to
BliharBAt. paalUraly eurad.'-AB vdl ab fuc
Itoo CooodloB oablblt at Uo Forto
tlocAldlaordwAthBimoU tran nalhfal talaxpeoUtoB proBlaoo to be by for Uo
M’C Ol'ABAKTBE TO CCRB itaiien 4(
lorfMt BBOdc by Uo Doataloa at oay
bllltr, rsrt«oral«, stHeiBiB' npM. wask part*
Asd All kldsar ABd blAddor dlkkanB
OBbibitioB. BOt CBOopUar Uo world's
. MAT dari aa4 All «U
iBncirpnblWkCABBad trswBAtAiTfc. poalUrBlr
•otwoos JoBoory 1 oad July l Uo
lABAar, niBB AAd OWTABn si WpBiaii qglaklr ^DRkr»«R^t eanWiwrWOt All samb
tieraoB fororaBont ospoeU to priat
^^AkTBD—'llrl tor rr-nrrAl l>a»caork At
«d pBrwOABClIr>'Y^UirlyaW Ap^r^^
•loo.wo worth ot lu BOW pootofa
OlOCflARaiNa EARe«Br«dlB srary CAM
BUBpo, oad It to belloood Uot oboat
Bh KXAliiakTXON or TU TTeiVB.-BACb pa
lOnlABesd ur brlAf yruis t la « uuMBa ot Brts* {IAaI I
100.000 colleetoia on lylcf lo wail for
. vhicfe will rwwlTB A *Ar«riil cAmIcaI Bad wlcraaeopb
Toll ooto.
IB ACAlrklBwlll barircb PBraOBSrslasd Is bAAitb »
wiik thaai amlk niar wasib.rlrlAC petAScraA aa4 la
At Topeka. Eob.. Boffic Droyor,
ipna BAUa- lAAlrt
AWlr. DbIaTB BIB dABtmsA
boba: AJlIapoo
Uo It year old doBfbUr of ^oha
Panaewd la old w
a. J. K«r(<a
Dr^or. woo olai ood lotlonUr killed
toy Mr*. WUUoB Taylor-BY—
bar of ebUdraa. laelidlBf Moffla
•Irorar. wore at U* Taylor boaoe ploybich
t BALB—Far Boon: ab akUABlra iaib
«of with pop raao wboa Mra. Taylor,
•aytof Uat abo bad oootoUlBf that
aroald boat tbolr pop foat plekod ap
•a ole aaUot. wbtcb abc aaetdcatally
totoatoarfcd. Tbo oatln load of obot
bAlf pan.WlTD; Al prBAABI prUna to* I'lh. ^
Are you looking for
praBu AT* SB* par Aa* : «*r»ar U ena.mWmi.
•ateod Uo firi'A broaat. DoaU nAbd raa-l leak Aflar th« boa'sAaa: barr war*
•allad ia«iaaUy. It tooapoetod that
All «*<1ra» M B Brow.
a •rOrrBtbAPFAB
OArAaM aid*.. CIrrriABd O.
Mfo. Taylor will loao bor rroMta.
t4»li Adrian raeolrod froB Uo O.-loat
•UW that Bcada aad Proaeo an
pOt'ND-Aa Artl*ta»f rAlB* oa pUXorw ««
Birlaf tofolhor la ooeroaebloi
■frbtrr- ta^tory aad afalaat Boftaad,
Bad Uat iapoB to baylac li
etaaaUtiooof rte. It to ballorod that
WAT will break oot lo Uo oprlBf.
Btatk or Okie. Citr or Tolbdo (
iS5~” r.:
B O L btoak
Fbabb J. CaaiiBr Mkn oath Uat
1a L. a. BoUdin«.
toa to Ur aaelor portaor of tbo firm of
W Then buy one of our
F. J. CaaatT A C^. dolBf bMloooA
tbo at> of Toledo, OoBBty aad Suu
•faoooald. aod that *ald dm will pay
Artistically Painted
te oaeb aad erory eaao of Oatarrb Uat
•aaael be cored by Uo bw ot Bau.'b
CATAaaa U'ea.
PEANEJ.CBBNBY. A good deal can be bongfat with a
loaUliAOdOArMBadoUb ABd
bworate bolonoM ood oabnrtbod dt^Uraoda half if yoa get loto F“«;u la Al
AB ciandlBflt |0« prla*.
, aw ('AUa Btran.
\B BT proooBBi. Uto eU doy of Dooob. toor.A. D I*"
Sictissors to
Irimsi Ciif limlitt C
Trirttsi City, - ■ Miclii{U
wonDtiifiii cunts
Hs I s. t nn raiiTS ini i«i. iutirtn*
«AW«M El*>*atAaU«BC
Which io
—Ooed beusB iMarly at*, ivaIMA.. EwiBliB OtbI Woed nab Oa.
*F*!rcaB^BYA Oa.. Toledo. O.
Barnum & Earl’s
ycwtKT TO^LDM OR^nmeOlfAL I
We hare a Uble of
Tbo MlobVoa blorob Oo. to otUl U FbttcT Articles, incloding
tho Borkot tor oaU oad Sold r«a
Btewbleb Um on poylaf
BUv«r VoTBltlM
Mt prion, ‘rboy on oton
poa^iUL^B aRwT^-kw^udiBc
Bohemia Whre
• — which tUy
will neAA^ ler*' nbn'^pnpntyf*'
fAi^M g______
^Tkoauflod wbaot boafbt. te wkkb
Uay wQl pay oiwritlaf to qooUty.
Pepper end B«U Sets
T* Owe U
i :
Out aieei Pleoee
btoaad foul dlbcooc. If tokaa Uor^
otwhW oad la time, It wlU out« o oaoe end doseu td other oios things
in«teWB o^ tor tbo ooqxk that tot- marked down to oos third thsir
nlas to close thsa oot
: i: :■•
*Tbe« :»p W tiAla bAS parlar cards OrAAd
Kuka te OhlPATA- _
_______ _
TniB AfrtTiB* At I SB P w. bAS alarpw Ob
iBBAtl teOiABd RapMs ABdeeacb aaA alaep
lur ear Cbleayo u> Orabd Rapids aad ebalr ear
C L. UM3KWOOD. O. P. * T.A.. Oraad BApIdA
wreeryBAtaidAy Blfbl.
■WAdTraow • KABaAl* Bloc/
J. O. Je.
iri^. ■ssfcSiKj;. sa
lij “eissJ.'E..
Kgs KU-Its;
SES.: . iSK:
1 AH
THE RIGHT PLAGE F>*£.'Sl;!,S-.as-'S‘'
m Chicago .« „ ~
S ELEGANC^COMFORT w West Michigan.
Bolt _____ . - - - «B«BUy oad 0010 dlrootiy „
BMBoao oartAco* of tbo oytUta:
Fire Insurance.
John F. On & Co.
and Upholstered
Ui sassiB,
L* Trs<
Ar Rlkl
nS,- 1 '• 1
And Be Porerer Pappy.
uiBia im KinusRU ll
f lAb* Afm Wad.ndAT. Aab. U. ttto.
IS7 euto stmt
uiDwnaa cumass heuioci stok wood
UEBaocx nmnu
Btdswnlk Lnmbw la all alawL
Mwan «a,Xaanna aw* Iwwbar Oo.
Third Ye»r-No. 827
Th«7 OodOdii* to Worry Oonoral Xotbaon.
■m*7 AfttUsrr rm tu mom* miw
««DssMWM.wMshVM n«Mr
MT Mms 9otn OsMfM
TMr CrsMkM 1000 Twds asMSr
U»4».DM.M.->AdlirStsh «0 tbs
Dklly lUU (nNsOk»sTMra. sadsr
at Dss 11. mr»: Btfomi qiiM^i »
tssstss4)> »sd sMlIasMS Mrsu
MnliB 1st tbs Tnmtnml ptmtwt
thmcb DsUc« Bbj dlst«iM4 as sisUlUM. srsws o< MsrAsst sshsU. ms«
b« of SMtlMsAsl Bsd 0ms sirfstbsr
sbosU ssUs s tsBromr r<>rt st Msiro* Bsr Md siM lbs rsUwsy Issdln*
to tbs Trsatsssl. OtbsrwU* tbs w»r
IsKfesly.tbbilsdslitUlr srolosrsl.*'
Osrlla. Die. 1* —Tbsre bssbm to be
BObosMthst tofflSBd. OsrmsBj and
Portsrsl base srrtsed si ss nsderstsadiBf wbsrsby Portofbl'* eoloaUs srs is
be dlsidsd bsiwssB tbs two •«« Bsattamd powers. Bsrlssd iretUs« Delsres BS7. wbleb le sU ebe whU.
AMordlnt ’to ibe LeM Aasstr«r.
B^VUsd rsoslssi Portysee Sostb dirlassoBibirf ibe /.sabeiA riser. Osrmar reetf*«
«Bs urritoiy sertbef
lbs ZiBbssI sad tbs Porwresseole
siM is dais, psriac therefor it.ooo.ooe
Mbs (sbSSi •A.000.000).
r- Osrvsar teie Tlwir. Oss. Dsm.
Msmo sad Osb sUoaeUMT M.ooo eqssrs
bUswstan of larTtUr7.r«itb l.000,««
Fotuiur wmttuwi
PlMlly Osi a« Us Baade of
Us PardM Brard.
Detroit. Dee. u-dt Us asstlay of
Us stoU board of pardoae held bars.
Us appliesUoa of Cbarla .T. Wrtybt
(ora paidoe was leraally wtUdrawa
by Bea Colrle. TkU aadt. (or Ue
eat at leaal. Ue eoairorwsy lor
Ue release of Wrlybl. who to serrlay a
Hie MBtooM for aarder.
Oeaeooeat ot Ue abesoM of Prwldeat Hseh Ue board did aot oldct offi
OraMlaryCaasaVlU «oi Ooso -ap
Per Trial la Jaaaafy-Othar ladutssato VUl be Kade.
UMlap. Mtob.. Dee. ll-Tbe prsad
Jary bM ae imlpa Uto
Pmecstor Tattle beiap la
tiobwUfaJadcaParaeB. daotbar rss
I of ibe
eeapaay. who bad
epsoisUr asssredBaflsad
is tbs pmwriMi of DaUcoa Bay aad did Bot teaeh hero aatll attsrB
akslaei say ofposlttea frm riaaes. ladletBoati are ooeadaatly looked ter
«bs .Uhal daaslcar. bat lalermtisa
trm aa aatbeatto eoam save tbst
AoaU tbe Boon aeeapy DeUfos Bay.
as to peaelbls. Omsay wosld ebearss
strtot aostrsUiy.
Uadoa. Dee. ll -The war oSoe has
isjtoieil ibe loUowiaff dispateb trm
Tows, dated yeeierday; “Oeaoral Melhoea reports that at e;lo
yeeierday ssealaf tbe Boere on ibe
aoeU aids ot toacerafoaisla opeaed a
sary bears dre lor aooit tlBO. This
■onilac ibe aasel brlfade ftred at ibe
saaiay la the west part of Uspst^
loateis. The salrslry brirads to
OMtoal Plpara la a Blp Past a WhiU
a PaaUar Vaa Oaptatsd.
JolBt BPwloaoB DdCMtUd by
Aaatta. Tasaa, Das. w-WUltoB J.
to Tote of 16 to 18.
Bryaa was Us aaatnl fyars la a Wy
paaUsr baat U Us Moaalaiae aaar
Ibto eliy yostsrday. Tbs beat bad SaaatsrX^ Wsrfesd PaarysUesUy
bsaa aapselally arrsayod (or Ub aad
far Us BUl PatOoaMBet BraakUs
Bsaily SMBportataaa.lad by Mr- Bryaa
Idas of Ue OppariUea-Ooraraor
aad ax-Oosaraor Soyy. left Us elty
Playros Ssat a# OUar PscoBBaadaariy yatarday aoralay (or tba a
mttom. dwalUat Us doUoa ol Uo
of Uo beat. They rotaraad ia Us
srsBls* wiU a Use paatbsr apt
■Stoats - BoUtoc bt bM«rtaass
dariay Us day.
Psas to Us Bossa.
Dallas' BeebeoBd to bore U eoaeaU
wlU dUoraey (Masial Oraa. who saya
that Uo work ^Isslaary to i
lay ealtt to reooser Uo pto.oeo to aader
way. bat aot far aaeayb proyrtmd to
wanaat a eutoBaat of Uo eaaet as •
tars of tbe proeoodlays and eyalaet
Uey will be dtrsetod. Mr. Oraa
alio saye that tbe yraad Jary axpaas
will aatarally delay Ue flilayof proob.
relative to Ue Mieblyaa,
warolalB. bet that tbe beet poeeible
abowlay will be made. BeporU froB
otbif-etstss ebow that la eereral iafolly three foortbe ot Ue esB
ecpeeded hae already been paid baek
while Micbi^enhaireocivedoaly PM.OOO oat of dMM.ooo ezpeoded.
It bat beee oselded Uat ooee of tbe
eesMdSTslopedbyUeiiraad Jery lasMiiyatloB-will bsDotlesd for trial at
Us Jaaoary tors.
Tbs jary wlU flic a report, oalliay attsatloa to tbe sartone abaese It bae
wblU do aot warraat aa
ladietmal. bat wbleb it eocslden iwprebeaelblr.
■oribward of Beeleia and retorts all
well. The farsera are flad to et« oar
me. They were aaffertac froB waat
of food.
-I base eeubltobsd a saarkri here
where eaa be parebased tmb Bilk and
aspsaablsa.eelllBtio tbe fareesre tea
Md etbsr aritelss wbtob esaaoi otherwtos be purcbsni* Osasrsto Uatsers
aad Prsaeh report ao ebaafs la tbs
sltaattoa. Ooloasl Bsdsa-Powsll raOdMAL Bn.Ii WOA. PdM
ports all waU ap to Dee It"
d dtopaish froB Msddsr Rlrar dated •aaaterVarasr Millar Bays Btearayaa
Dee. K. Bye:
Prejsel Wm Oo.Tbiwacb.
• d rwoaartssass by tbs Brittob Ibto
Cbtoare. Dsa. is --OosiyrsB wm psB
BOralBC drew eat a bsastor srttUsry
tie than hae bsaa aapsrisnesd alaee eayreBBaa Bspberab bUl aaUoris
the BoatmoeenotodMaMsafoatas- Tbs lay Us eoastreetioB of Us Mtearayaa
ii by tbs UsiUd SlatB yoreras
bosB SB the bsak of tbs risar that the al Uto sibIdb," Bald Seaator Waraar
Bosre were aeiaf se a abeltsr froB MUlsr of Now York, last alybt. Saaawbisb ibalr ■harpabaotara plobsa o«, tor HUlar to to Ctoleayo oa bastoOB
wbleb wUI hasp bla bora seraral deya.
dt daws tbs twalss pooadare aad Us ■s to ataytoy at Us dadlloriaB daIX.
4.7-taeb Lyddite pas. with Urea wsf'■IsB aoafldsat Uara to-aa overoas, aaeortsd' by Ue Twelfth laacon,
saated oat to attaek Ue Boer llaae ia wbalBtoy Ba)orlty to tarn of Us
froat of Ue kori«- The' objset of Ue
isuolaacitosaniw wae eaooeaefally oar- Ooayrsai.” bs said, “aad l do aot
Had oat. tbs boaes belay blows ap brilsro Usy will bars say baeita
foar ot Us.borase of Ue laaeare were to pasriay Ue Hepbara bUL The
Sit by a absU. Kom ot Ue msa wore Nwarayea eaaal bill paeeed Ue Seaats
at lU tost SBaloa wiU bet six dtoeenthaU.
Tbs ssooir bass broepbt Uelr trsaeb lay rotes, aad Uere wae ao <
m a Ueueaad yards aearsr tbe BrlUeb wbelmlny Bs)ority for It to Ue Be
llaae elaes Us rspatos ot Ue BofItob bat tbe eoBBitUa oa nilB woald aot
at Maceratoatsla. Tbs rseoasotasaose allow It to eoBo to a rots. Tkeoppori'
wBbUabsd Us fast that Usy base sot tloa. ooetoy that they eoald aot hope
f ot Ualr (aaa. Tbalr to defeat tba bUl If It esB# to a «oi
Lay yaa to aaamt tbe Brittob Ue Hoaae, totrodaeod tbe UU appropralUay fll.OOO.OOO for a eoBBtoalon to
awariito the bBt roata aaroB
toUBM tor a saaal.-b(9toy Uaroby to
delay Ueprolectaeraralyaaia loayer.
Baa Bstaras boa dJaaka bat I do aot baltove Uare wUl be say
VorU f 10^.000.
heritatioa to paMtay Ue Beware bUt
KokoBO. lad.. Dsa. W-Ilweed Mad- to e^te of tbe appototaeeat of tbe
4ee, H MTly reeldeat of Uto eity. who
bad aot booa heard of hr K yeair,
rotaraed today fro* Oapo Bobo, dlaaka, worUflU.M0.00Q. Bis
...^waea^Cbrtotaas sarprtoe to WUl roiBtob Btoetrle Peedece to
btotwoetotaia.Mfa.rP. Mwdaa aad
aad Mie. B. d. Oalleadar, tbe lattB
Ulaifow. Dea M—Tbs asrporatloa
>.»■» BStrea ot Ue Beward eosa» bss aessptsd tbs tsadsr et Us MatkBo^SLb- bOBs. Be pmtoed
aJiiiwboreBalaed atayle aatU aext alODBdaltooBpaay of Nsw Tsra Is
year «e take tbsB to U« Parle sxpeel. tanilsb stostrk toadscs far Us ti»BboB. They all aremtoad. Obs ot ^ bsrs. Tbs dBtrtoaa bid was
Uato. MIb Brito cJloadar. was sar- CUl.OOfl. wbUs Us lawMt faiUsb tsa
rtsd«BlTtbs day haters bto rsM
Hr. Maddaa MpB Iba half baa aM bssa dsr way cisi.floo.
loUflCtbartobatoiSd tbs daps Bobs
Pleetsfl Tloe PreaMsat totals Tsasberri
Laaatoy. Mtob.. Doe. ta-TBlBdayb
eeqaie^ o(Ue State Xbaeben’ daeoriatloe was toryriy aitsaded aad fllicd
wiUaaaeptloDaltotomV Tbs (oUowlay oBeen ware rieeted (rr Ua sasstoyysar.
Presidsat, B. d. BtowUls. daa drbor: riss presldsaia, C. B Bom. Trarsm Olty. aad P OUbsit. St. Jobae;
aaerstary. W. P. Lewis. Port Bsroe;
Irsasorer. P. J. Qaaebsabaab. Oraad
Ledysi sxseatirs ooBBittsa. R. M.
Wlaetoa of St. Jobaa. d J VoUaad of
UaalBC. Mtob.. Dae. ^-Tbe >oiat Oraad Raplde aad B. H. Stooaoa of
I killed to tbe eeBsls Uto dan drbor.
Tbs Bon Boattoy of Ue aBoemtioa
aftareoea by a rots of is to It.
The J-rial rewlailoe prorldtoy (or will be held to Oraad Rapids dartoy
holiday wsek a ysarbsaer.
eabBUtiayto Ue perpl* Ibe asMadit to Ue eoaaUtattoa to prorlde
eqari taxatloa has boea Ua aabjoet ot
aad bard work eiaee
Us rsooarsalay »f Ue leyiitotara
Seaator Lyea.ebalrBaeof Ue epeelal
eoBBluee aad a etroay triead of tbe
tax bUI, after worklay hard aBoay lu
ooUsaynea, eald Uto Boratoy tbattaore,,
ao ebow wbatsrar far Ue bUl to
Ue eeaeU
wsraor Playroe eald Uat be wUl
aot coB<l aay caore epeelal Beoseyee oa
aByaablectaetll tbs tax Bsaeare^^
disposed of. Be has aot daeldod wb^t
to do aboat Oaee'e refosal to rssiya.bat
Uo iBprsBloB to that be wUl let Ue
lisdies’ Frit and Beaver
Battsr mt for Us prsasai.
Bboea laoe or cua^p^aa, oonBoU kooeee coaroaed last alybt.
forUble, warm and dorable.
and $1.26 kinds $1-00
to lassatlyats the niBore
a pair.
lbs psss^ of Us HeLsod
blU aad fl^y laid it oa Us tsblr.
Bspmiwtatlss LaU oSsrsd a leaolotlos aablay Us yorsroor to ssod id a
Baatolpal owasrablp.
wkrteh was also laid oa tbs tabls after
la Us seaats Us Bsjprily of
tUlse reported oat aa aBsaded tax bUl. bat Bsastor Moaoybaa
Chriatmaa bnyera left oor
oCsred a Blaorlty rapert ia faeor of
alitor stock broken in aixea.
Us orlytaal bUl. Tbs tsaj irlty report
We bare bunched them in
Sitoetad by Ue SUts Boarfl of BdacaUOB as PrcaidSBt st Us SiaU VerBtri toobool at Ml PlsasaaV
Tbs merit anl'eepUUity of Prof. C.
T. Qrawa hae ayalo bssa rsooyoued la
a very eabetBaUal way. LmI SsptSBber be left tbto city, where be bad been
iaeheryeof tbe city aehoolt for 15
yeare. toaeeeplepoalUoD at direeipr
of Ue tratolaydepartiaeoiof UeSiaU
Norioet School at Ypoilantl. Mow a
etUl biyber poeiiloa baa beea teadered
blm. that of preeldent of Ue Oeotral
Stats Ncwaul School at Mi. I’leaeaal.
TboB who bets koowo the work of
Prof. OrawaleUepait fosi that Ue
etaU board ol odacaUoa are to be eoa*
yratalalod ia avkliy. a eeleetloa for
tbtopoalUoB Uat iesoaBtoooUy fltUay.
Mr. Orawa wUI saeeesd Prof. Oharlm
McKlaney. wbe yoB to Ua Wiaaoasto
NccBal at MUwaaboe.
▼lettoatorUe Bilaa Diaaetsr Bartod
■vrr. 0. B. BOMB BOBOBBO.
lota and begia toddy to sell
thrm at Olean XTp PriOtoa.
Not all sixes in every style,
bnt all sizes in every lot, many
66fl totod 75o a'ippera
now 60c a t>air.
$1 00 slippers
iiuw 76c a pair.
$1 26 slippers
$1.60 slippers.
now $1.2Dapair.
.V whole winterV'font cuufort” for litth- money if you
conu- quietly.
It always pays to trade here
We Want These . . . .
Old School Books
Harper's Readers
Harper's Arithmetics
Harper’s Geographys
Barnes’ Readers
White’s Arithmetics
Crj’s Primer aad Reader.
Subscriptions I token For Any
Mto^toEine or Newspaper Publlshed.^A^
290-222 Front Street
fialph Oonnabls Jr., Kanaetor.
Were Mis-Sent
A lot of Mink, Do£, Beaver. Rat, Slectric Seal
and Seal
Arrived too Iste for Cbristmu, therefore Walter Bnht & Oo. of
V Detroit instmeted us to sell them at
Tbia ia a rare chanee—oome at once.
New Ttoa. MD(Bwa.0apa. Bats.
“Zero'’ Utotwa, fa MtoSII.OO
To Be
in weather like this, wear H heavy nlster eeU-chid
from oor stock.
We can meet your'' r«qniremenU
—be it lister,Overeoatnrsnit and save you money
l>eeides, Onr Ten Per Cent Discount Sale on these
goods still in force.
Here Are Some Prices
Used PiaDos and Organa
That WiU Interest You.
WIU rituay OaroBoay.
WaabliiytOB. Dee. M.—Tbs raaialae
oflM rieUBS of Us Matos dtoasur
wsca bortsd today wlU BlUtary
boaoca, apoD a kaoll la drltayipa
esmetry. The sxerdaes were to ebaiys
of Oaytsto Slyabse who was eaptato of
Us Matoe wbea Uateblpwas blows ap
to Baraaa harbor. They were attsadsd by Presidsat McKIaley. msabsia of
tatooabtoet. ddBlral Dewey. .Oeaeral
HUb aad staff, aad Bsay other oBoetB
A pnmiinent New York official
of tbs army aad aary.
Desalts Ue eaow sad alppiay sold ,aaid tbe general oae of tbe teleI phone bad made tbe task of effirmore Uaa 1.000 epaetators
ently protecting life and properly
ayalBSt tbe rope Used eecloeaie to wit- lent!'
50) per cent,
tbs oereBoaiea. Tbe protBlaat
, Telepbomng
in case of fire, aiaad Ctotboltc taaoral porrtoB i
has become a
daeted by CbapllB Otork of tbe aaral cident
aeademy aad Patbor Cbadwtok. chap- recotfnired
toto of tbe Malas, andar a eaaras abel
Every well regnlattsr faelay Us eqaare to wbleb tbs eofed bouaebokl baa a
flas toy beside Us opu yrarw. After
the BBTloB tbe BsrlaB flrsd a salatr.
Have yon one in
Tbe work of toterrlay Ue ooSae tbea
yonr home?
toBvteBefSt.>rBaetoOhB(ab to Dakar
to l»00:UsBoly Tear.
Tba Holy Year. IQM, will be aebarafl
to by Ua 8l FYuirie chareh. as wall aa
by eUar OaUolto BbarebB Ua wtoa
world ow. with a aorvtoa at midaiebt.
The ebiBB WlU riac. aad bob will ba
•Bid Bt Ue Bidalghtboar. Sparially
taa BMle wlU hava b ptoea to Ua aarvtoa. betofl U«
** estobvBttoe of Uto
TUi to aaoerdtofl to a daBpa laaaatlj I
toBBd by Ua Pops, todtoattar bis daalr« Uat aU OaUoUe Uarakas bold
Balfarsawta I saa aaUyaaatoaf
olbaatknaAaoatatoiaf M saaaB
VOrlaaatB a U oaaaBkaat ffraak
aaUtoc what wa hava oa head at
a off-aatO Jaa. tot, oaly—Mow
to Ua ttou to bay a good OBBora
or Kodak ab«B
•varyUtoc tOB at Uaaa
prteB lafanaatfaa Dbiwfalty
Wait’s Drug Store.
OaeMod^Bprigbt ptoao. TS ocUrr. like aaw, wiU bUmI
Oae Mieere ptoao. lata deriga. flaa abape. atool aad boob. ^ ^ ^ ^
■bor orgaa. b
ror, form v prloe IIIO, a
... Boi Organ Frm $10.00 gg...
All these goods are all in due condition and will please you.
0*11 Marly—Easy ^rms.
Ill kills of Musical Goods.
Talking Machiies aad Supplies.
.„ • .„ o .
—Eierything^ ia Music.
Sheet Music at Half Price.
129 Front Stree*.
N. E. STSOHI}, Mani«ar
To Be Sure
of Dry, Warm Feet
You should wear a pair of our leather lined
shoes—New styles, black and tan—
The latasttkiag ont
far gtatlaaaa s (iaa dress shaes-lta price $5.00
Those trintor taoa at $3.50 are good onaa. ~
Just reoetred another oonaigBairat of those heavy side
'Teloor OslT ahoea.
Yon abonld aae them.
Front Street
McNamara block
I nnr (OuusuarunT
• c
tm» w«U« o4 BMW whMh MW WdB
^ to BU7. «ui BUmBUU U* lontef
taitMM M« BBtcrtel ««nwB. li«B^wmm hBBB only bM w»IUn( UBtfl
»MW BMB w- bBcto mUbb oparMlow
lot* »bBt bSTB bm BkidAed bom
iUM wlU ba nwbBd u> tbB »1U». UmbI
MnhMii iw«di«v a UtbIj
buiMBi Md M MlOCB b»?B 7»l bBBB
MO?*d to MIJ B^it tb* praBpaetB an
•tet a food dsal wUl ba orowdad lato
faaaary. rabraary aad Marob, wUeb
laM yaar «raa dlatrlbatad o*«r a loar*r
fmioi. Tba ympaala tbaratora ara
tat a baay wlator, food wan* «®*C
Vsrkaaa la Iba wooda aad aaaBiqaaal
n«d baataato la.tba al«y. Moat of iba
ynu . haiwboata wlU ni
»to^ fally aa Urn ••
fiat. UaaaUly by ObiiatMa ilM aoa■tdvabU baa baaa doaa la Bovlag
tan. ud tba moMy ibaa' aanad
to dtotribaud aaoar tba atoraa
taifaly tor boUday rooda. Tba May
apaat tbto yaar for holiday yooda aaaa
yrladpaUy froa otbor BoaraaB. wbieb
«raa aot iba aaaa a tow yaata Bfo.
iMbar la ibto aaatioa will Uat aavaral
yaanyat. bat la tba atoaaii»atbla
aad Ita ayrteoltaraJ aarara daraloplay to aaob aa
ynaat taat woa» »«Biaar«ia ladoM
•ko totra win emUaaa to yrow wltb*
OTttbatalaMt which wm Itofoaa*
tettoaaMaatapplar Btoaa to tatara
waaltbaad l^ortaaoa.
WaiLB tba war la tioath Africa la
MTlBi dlaaBtroMc far Baflaad tba
paitad Statoa-to yrodtlac by it la tba
. avay of baalaaia to a natifylar cxteot.
Oraat Brltala to apaodlBC moacy
lartobly with iuaarlaao owrchaaU aad
tmim aad coaBidarablc cola from
yoka Ballb atroaf boa to ftadtay lu
Xteof(%iean hareracelrad a lanrt
PHb order for meata to ba coat to Ctopi
Tbwn at ooca
Larn aombara cd
Malw ara bciag ahlapad from Traaa te
tkatoaM-point- Wbllc Oraat Brltalo
to cradllad with bayloy. troBi Ub
MUtry larfc qaiaUM of amaaltloc
•ad TarlooB other Bappllea for taw army
ta the Said. Bcylaad to alao drawLay
toon the Uoitod Stataa eoDaldeiabla
cava of fold with which to pay bar
MUlera, aad it to aald that already
Mra. Joka 9. OUaatamtoad yaatar
day aftcrwoco with a Gtortotnaa party
firen tor bar UtUc aoaa, Varrao aad
’ Attorplaylay a wbOa the
•a Pcdldad at Baqacat of ■calor Oan
a iarlted lato tba dUlac
tofnllat to«ala«B Otoatod Oat a{
I aorrod. After daaart a Jack
Uat Vlthfa MiBtiPt of the Board
m ^ waa paUad. Kato UtUe
ytwat raoalTtoy a pialty Boaraalar.
Byapadal rtqaaot of tba i
1-baa tbay triad wbo a oald toad toe
1900. Prot a T. Orawm. mw p>
doakoy’B taQ tba aaaraat Ita propar
bcUrltad to daUecr tba conNcncotaddmc to tblc dty acst prtoa. Attartotaatorffa aarprtoa bay
waa baay botwaw' toe parlora, aad
at toot wbao It barat opaa. aaeb ynaat ratoe*dte by adapeatty Uula wblta bird. Attar
nice, aad waa ytodly m
tba tlybUay of tba Cbrtotnaa traa. tba
at tac owuw of tba beard bald toot eUUrao ptoyad qaolta, Maryam
tba prlaa. Tba torUnaatb. It waa daddad that tba r*daaad yaeata wara Dorothy and
ttor alaae taiatob tba pronaB tor
MoffuyCarl Aadaraom. Lento, LaoUe
tbto year. Bet PretMorOrawa baa baeaao latlBaWly and Ton Holliday aad Maryam HoldMBoalatad wltb tba fwaaat eUaa aatll
Mra Ott waa aaalaUd to aatartolnlny
(bto yaar. that tbay r qaaatad that
tbay ba allowad to laalu blm hera to by Mra. Oarlandi Mm. A. H. Holiday
addraaa tbeto. at tba «»t«aaa of tba and Mra. Holden.
8araral|otbar aattara of batoM
mnenetoy Janaary lat ti^ Mo«, too aoato boand toato oa toa O A
of. Oatoto ware ordered p^opoo tba
W. M. wUl loaea hare at 4:19 p. n.
of tba aomml
iaatead of 9:19 aa at praaaat.
waya aad naaaa. to tU anomat of
Tha moeUoy of too Brldya Balldna. I
fl.7l».7». aad ablU of tll7»
toa yoany la^ toralyn mlaUoaaiy
O, Poole, for palatlap aod oarpaatar Boolatyoftoa OonymcaUcmal AaroB.
-ark. waa alao ordered paid.
whlA wai to haea baaa bald tola avanOaa of the billa, that of tba llcreaa* iay. haa baaa poatpoa.d aaUl fartoar
tUaOo.. of id tor
waa attnward ndarad allppad to «S
A yon ay m haa arrived at tha>oaaa
aa It waa olaimad that tbara waa of Hr. and Mra. Obariae BaUar on
.•*•** 00 a bUl paid Divtoloa atfaet.
tbam toat oioatb. oo BMoldtofft that
The Palyham Manntaatariar Oo. ex
bad alraady beaa aa^ to tba aeboeda.
peotle boyin tbolr wlator'a ant of
It to elaliaad by the board that a prlaa lombar la about two waeha. By that
of * eoota por toot waa ayr^d apoo by
Uaaa It to axpaeted toat the atoek now
tba company and the aaporlntandant.
Ion band will be dtopoaaO of. Urye i
and that wban too bUl waa ywiaitad
quanUtlea of loya ara balny moelvad
UwaatorkHoeataa foot. Therapre
aantaura of tba oompaoy aay» that
David Prieet of Blnybam, waa In toe
tbay ordwad aaw nonldtoy. wbieb coat city with a badly brutoed ley. cauaed
toam ao pmaab that tbay ware aomby tba braakiny of wblppla tree, wbieb
paUad to ratoatba prlaa to
atmak tba limb, badly laearat
Mtaa Ktoia M. Doan, wbo waa earn- Iny It. Dr. O. B Cbaaa drmad the
paUad coma Una ayo to laaea bar peal
tlaaaa teaaMr^to tba Biyb oebool.
Tbara will be no mcatlny of toe
tandorad bar raalynaUoB aa It to
Womnn’e Clnb tbto weak.
dost toat lt.wUl ba aono Una batora
Bmer Lyoae aeo Min Mtna Wet-1
aba to aaSalaotlyj laootered to toato
more ware narrlad on Cbriatmaa day
ayala. Tba icalynaUon waa aaaaptod.
at tba raaldenae of Mr. and Mm. Buand toa^oennUtaa oo aabooto aad
yeDC Davto at TbompaonvUIa. A wed*
taaebera, to eonnaeUoo wito tba anpar*
orlaad to aaenra a dlny dinner wae aatvad after toa aara*
taaebor to fill tba Taeaaay.
A aUll alarm laat evenlay called tba
Tba Una for wbieb P. D4MarTto waa
Aemieal to toe aomer of Klybto and
aanyad aa traant offlaar havlay exOek BtreaU. Tbe oecaslou of tbe alarm
pirad. tba natter of farther ratatolny
toe bumlDy out of a Almney lo a
hto aerrlcea waa brooyhl up .by Boperboaae owned by W. b. Anderaon and
totendent Horn.. wbo epoka to toe
oeeapled by Ben Bamea. Ko damaye
hlybeet tame of toe rfleloney aod
tattofalneae of Mr. Maryto. aod of toe waa done.
Tbeeaee ayalnat Bdward dark, toat
rood tffaet toat hto-work bae had npoo
Mr. , Homr etronyly waa adjourned Ull ymerduy after,
noon, wat at that Umaayalnadjoumad
toe ratenUon of
Narrto to tbto paalUoa, and toe matter till today.
TA local barber ehopa wfU oloae at
mat wlUi toe approral of toe board.
onecfelookoo New Yaar’edayfor toe
Oo motion of'Member Hoyt, ha wae
enyayad for the mt of too aebool year balance of toe day.
Manayer bteiobery Km raaoivad
at bto tornor aalary, »M per nonto.
The aapertotandent'e report of tor* noUceof acTeral theatre parbea tor
Olya toltloB paid to tba amount of “Tbe Adventure of Lady Umula.''tOi
ba yiven bare next Wedneeday niybt.
yiSP.M waa racaWed ud filed.
altraetad by blyb prcmlon raica. Tba
•enalaaioa to that tola country to a bly
yalaor toronyta toe war to toe Trane' The treaeurar raportM a balance in
vaal. altooayb toe dtoaeter and loaa of
toe traaaury of fill.att cthmnan Ufa cnialled to deplored.
Mr. Fjota oronybt to toe atteaUon
of toe board toe need of aone weatb*
OSMABT bae concluded not to purAaaa toa Dastota Waat Indlea. It to or atilpa tor tba windowa of tba Oak
aald that aba raeoyonlMa toa tart toat Park aebool bntldtoy. aod onaeotknot
aaah a deal would ba an tofrlnycmeot Mr. Moore, the committee on bnUdtoye
at tba Monroe doctrine, wfalob woald aad yroanda waa directed to pnrebaae
Mt be looked upon by toe Unllad tIO yarde at toe loweat price for which
it eao ba obtained.
■totae to a frteodlrfaitltnde.
Dhamtoy Soolal Affair With a Becqaat
In Porreure' Hall.
la Bplto of toe atom and cold toat
wt^t Foreatera' hall aad parlora wem
wall filled wtto QMmbem of Grace
AnrA aod friende wbo yatoered
tantborto become batter acqualotad
with each other and to erjoy a reunion
tor mutual pleaaure. It wae a charm'
toy eoeial nlbertoy and all preaent
aeicy«l ‘b*
Mot the leaai er}oy*ble wae the
aptondid anppw aaread by toa ladlea to
tba dtotoy room. Tba mama waa aa
aeaUppM Oywan
Uuadr ter tn OiUarM
Mm Miahip Tyler baa rataraed to
Maaloa after an ccteadad vtolt wito
trieede ia toe city.
Tfaomaa.Ueatonafifaylnawiala tbe
city. loveellfaUB* toe pro^cta for
the parCbaae of iquare timber la tola
aectioa thtaacaaoa.
Q. B. Boaybey left tat Fort Wayee,
lad., yeaiarday. after epeadiay Chrict*
mac wito bit family la tola city.
Hob. U. G. Covell waa la Ccpamlata
yeeurtiayon bnclaeaa.
Cbarlea Ely made a baclacac trip to
Cedar yesterday.
'Barvay Cralae asd wife returned
ymierday from Latber, wbam tbey
bavc bcca vlaluay Mr. Ckatoc'a tatocr.
Mra J. F. Ballca of ^aidd City Ic
viciUay Mra. H. MeClaaky.tor a few
W. H. Umlor wae la Kinyalcy yactarday oo bnalaeaa.
B B Da If of Bmplra was la toe
city yeaterday.
Praak Prlcdrieb ic la Kertbpert oo
It waa an Informal affair aod to tbt
kpmpany ware alaiye nnmhar of yoany
daUn who bad a Jolly Uma to tba ball,
orhfla tte (Ndar onea apent the Une In
ylyMMipleuam. It waa oaa of tto
yeolal patbarlaya whldi bare bean
Mra. CharleaB. P«
pafia eery popalar by tba namban of Oarl are la Cbicayo to apaad a moato
arito frlaoda
Loaia Webbw la apeadlay tbe boU
Park PlaM Social Par^.
day week wito Mr. and Mm. A. B.
L*Adlo(d aud Mm. HoUea eotartolu* Peteraoa.
Mtaa BeaaU Uadtley of Oraad RapUa
•a Inrltod yueeU Uat eveuin* at Path
Ptaae. tbe ewot belay cue of toe de U vIMticy Mr. aad Mra. A. K. Petemcm
nybtful social tuBcUoua of tbe yeer
n* dcadoy took place Is toe larye
Alalay rooaae wberc toe feaUviUc*
^OBttoaad uatU a late bear.
la aa arebiteetaal coUega
A Xauo. Qear BrulB.
N.B. Stray waalaBcUalreanboaiTarn beat fevlinya. your aoeial poai
He* ar boalDCua eumoa depend It rycly
Mr. aad Mra A. W. Ltod aad ae*.
tba perfect aeUoo of roar StoiMcb M^lr. are vialtlay frlaada la Detroit
yafi Uver. Dr. Klny'e New Life Pill*
gtec IsereuBcd struayto. a kaan, clear
kiyh amblUoB. A *9 oaat hor
arffl make/oa feci like c mw bUw.
■***■*" ai*d SH
Furniture, Stoves
Vm^TBEB orrr • taonoA* To IMUmth. Ulch eohodl
OommuKiauat Addiw.
At c cure for rbeamatiam Chamberlain* Palo Balm la yainloy a wide
repalatloa. D. B. JAnttoa of Rich-
toat would relieve me until I oaed
Qiamberlalo'B Pain Balm. It aeU like
mayie wttb me. My foot was awollro
and paininy me vny mueb. tot oee
rood applieaiioB of Pain Kalm rvlieved
mr. Por sale by S K. Walt and P. C.
rsoMi-eox, Druyyiat*.
Barber Sbopa to Om
Oo New Year* day tbe local barber
abopc will doer at I p m. for balacoe
of toe day. Sbavicy on legal bolldaya lA centa
To Cur» • COM lITOna Da,.
ralceWarocT's \t1iHc Win-.- ,.f Tar
-lie beat cough remoly on i-arih. 'S'
im ’3=-
Don't TO* ws:
that you woctg
have to botbag
A&4wcArvcS??> That'sRn-*
tree’s **Conyogftc«*' Wc arsoIc*
Sold By
Frank Friedrich
Tk W UUh tlM lu
House Furnishing Goods
You WiH Make
A Mistake
At LESS mow; Ibu tluT out b, boogbt by tb« gu loU >t
the factory fit the prcMt ttme. I booyht extra henry in order
t6 take adrnnta^ of the low price* before the adTuee, nnd
have more gooda than I can find room for— my atore and war*'
home Ale packed fall from top to bottom, and I hare a eat load
of stove* Ml the freight houee that 'most be mov^ at once. It
makes me happy to nnuoance that I can give the peo^e the
advant*» of tots heavy bo.ving. It is not only one artide. bat
my wbole line right throogh. Yon can bny any article yon'
need et kbont whst it vonld cost at tbe factory now. I hare
tbe goods and they most be moved and the price* I will make
-on them will move them quick, so do not deln^ or yon may be
too lat*.
Beating stovea I will Aell for leas money than tbey
bonght at the factory toddy.
I can ftimish your house complete.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
ISO Vront Stwet.
Bj choosing any other
cigar than
lt*fi Up-To-Date.
John R. Santo,
Gmril lisiriin.
Will Anderson
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
Both Telephones, No 48.
318 Union Street
Tvovmv City, mu
Yoq Can't Know •
A Good Egg ^
Dntil Yon Break It
Can you know the qualities
of a hat until you wear it?
We are good judges of a hat
but we lean a good deal on
the reputation of the maker.
They back up their hats, sodo
we. Try your next from us
4nd buy the "Longley.? all
shap» and sizes and sells at
the uniform price of three
Gold Weatber
nOF. C. T. 6Un CBOSB
fon Kommi0 moo«p-
Boy - Skates
all go together. Never such
a sale as we’ve had on skates.
Stock considerably broken, but
still there's a big assortment.
There’s the Cast Steel that
sells for 50c the pair and the
Hardened Steel from 1.00 up.
I'he best Nickle Plated Steel
at 3.50. The Woman’s All
Strap at 75c. The Half Club
• for 1X10 up and the finest nickle
plat^-d at 3.00.
Don’t Let
Jack Frost
Ha?e Fan
In Gold Weatber
Wari Shoes
with your fingers, when it only
lakes IOC to go with warm
hands uhat s the red or black
fell ) Have “S’ leather glove
that sells for 25c the pair. The
Mocha wool lined, all sizes,
sell from 75c td 1.5a The
Mocha, Iamb lined, at 5x0.
The finest article on the market
is the Reindeer, squirrel lined,
at 5.00. We have a big stock
ol Mittens that are the same
grade, quality and price as the
gloves. You pay your money
and take your choice.
Oae style is the warm lined
Kid at 1.50 and 2.00 in lace or
button. There's the Felt Shoe
from 1.06 up and the Beaver
Sho^ fromviJX) up and the
"Home Slipper," that’s the
Juliet in different colors, sells
at 1.38 the pair and the warm
lined Kid Slippers from 1.00
up and the Beaver Slippers
from 75c upA complete line of Lumber
man’s socks from 50c to 1.5a
There's the Lumberman's leggins—canvaslegginsand army
SVate Skenu
*0« th« ittk 0( Aa(«u iMt Jofci
iMijr of OrdM. Uu*M «o«b<
ttWitifhk grofm. Be had o teri
MMOBtofemw. Mdthe«»ek
oew, hBiTlaff » hof. whiah waa o^'
Flad te aaeb a way at to have .......
Baa of hie hlad lafa. Hear/ ae
IhM the phr woBld ha aaotharad aap«Bj, aod took BO atapa to raMoee th
aal«rd«r haiara Ohrlataua the ataoh
«raa halaf taaorad. aad wtel «m tha
aatootahsaot of tha wortmao whaa
thap heard tha crvat of a hop. Whao
thaatraw waa rataored. the aalaal
erawlad oat aad hepan aaUap praadllp
of ^ atraw withla raaah. She waa a
■ak o< akla aad hoeaa, aad aaabU to
ataad She waa pitaa food aad drlak
aM ht^ fair to -«eah ap" aooa. Oea
■aa aaalelad it to ataad oa Ita teat for
aaaAeieat tUae to oaahU a photapiaph to be Ukaa. Tha hep waa l»t
Sara whhoat food or water.
A fapraoaatoUva of WUIUm Braa. A
• Charboaaaaa. of Detroit, k la Plata
waU BaUap aoeuaeta with the farman for prowiap eaeoaiban for ptoUaa
thaeoatiap aaaaoa. A larpa aaltlap
hoaae U to be araetad near the Oraad
BapUe A tadlaaa depot. Tha fanaara
aroaad PlatavaU are ea
aad aaaraaa thaaMalna aa wUltap to
pin tha aotapaai the daalrad
a Ooloa Toaap woaaa plMa^^
pane. aeaUlalap tlQ aad a SIM draft
Later bar aiothar o
aw^the papara o« the Uble aad
threw thaia ip the fire, aad afterward
It laraad oat tha paraa waat with
Blward Browa of leabatla ooaatp
who haa baaa trapplap oa. Baaeai
Onah. alaaa Uat fall, eaaa la Ula
weak aad oollaatad the bnatlaa oo
foar woleaa ha oaptaiad. Biowa trapa
U that aoaat/ aearp tali aad la aboat
the oaly ataa who U aaoapaafal U trap.
WaUa aeUap aa floor Maapar at tha
1. 0. O. P h Chriatoae ball at Barriaao.
rllla, DaaM B. Bora dn^pad dead of
baartdlaaaaa Ba waa a plooaar of tba
aoaatj^ baviap aatUad tbara whan ba
Un t^ army at the eloae of the war.
Taawftare far tba uay lanber
eanpe la the rlalaiiy of Uarqoette ara
alraady Ulllap tent preat wolf
Btorln Thandanixtatof the Umber
ara maklap thanaalraa kaowa all
aleap the roade laadlap into tba elty.
and If tbie waalbaf e»UDaee tharp
wtU be loeiifloatkw la taetiop eoaeider.
able apprabauloa for tho safe joornap
of maay of the tBam. Oae teaomtar
yntarday euted that aboat aix mllae
north of the powder mill a pack of
probably M woleea foDowad him for a
loop diataoee. aod elaime to hare had
maahd.fltealtyiaktepiap tha bratae
from attaeblap bU teen
Ihree new eaeea of emallpoa ara aald
to hare brokaa oot at Ooloma aad U h
faarad that the epldemla of a year apo
wUI he repealed.
At (hlomet a bnadrad BoplUbmea
had Sooleh Caoadlau ba*a apraed
Offer ibalr eerelcee to Oaoada la oaae of
affhalao r^.
Dr. Lnle Berth of Oraod Beplde baa
damoMtrated that eaaeer can be cared
wlU the aawly dlaoererod oaoeei
Mra. Parllaa Batta a waalthy widow
raaldinp aaar Bolly made her aoa aad
two daarbtara oaeb a Chriatmae praa
aatof BS.OOO. Tba whole amoaot of
pKU exceeded r.OOO. .
Op at Merqaeite they etop the street
oar oa a eertala street early in the aveolap la order Uiai the roadway may be
need for eoastlop oa "boW.'’
A moeerneni baa bean ttarted at
Uoloa City lately to bare the ooaaeU
paae aa ordlaaoee probtbiUap the raoatap at larpe of chlebeaa aod other d»aaetle feathered bipeda. Borne aa.
koowB peraoD* laeteed of waiUap for
the aaaaeil to aet. hare etarted to clear
oat the birdx. aot only from the etreeu
bat eoopa ae well, and Bmoyare ttaadepradatloBi reported.
Bobert Campbell, of Aaa Arbor, ie
the holder of a raeord which Is doobttallf aoyoae to the eOBOtry eao eqnal
Bar U yean prerkmaI to laat
last Bonday
ha had ocrer (aUed
oo a aiaple Baaday
to hUead Babbath aebooL Thet -past- so
Toara be has aiteaded the
OoaprrpaUoael Baaday ae___ _______
Arbor, aod last Baaday was the flret
time be hee mined
Jael Baaed Bla Ufe.
It was a thrlUlnp caoape that Charles
Daels of ftowetatOB. U.,Uuly bad from
a frlpatfal death. For two yw« a aaTora loop trooble eoueteaily pi«w
woraa aatll It aaemad ha maet die of
_______ .____ ’ Dieoorery aod lately
arrotc: "It pan laeteal relief aad af*
teetad a paranaaat care." Bach woodertil cam ban for ii yoare, prorta
1« power to ears all ThnmV Cant aad
La^troeblaa. Prioa Mie aad »1.00.
Beoey botuc paarantaad. Trial botUn
lOe atJae. U. Joha^b aad & B.
Walt's drapetom_________
: TWC E., ec Um dimk of OhTM
•«—1“to l:»a
Pleaty to nt bioldm
Bnrybady lartted. Bayr
Mr. Wmiam Morrto, who «or
than Bn yaan waa Ohartn ffrahmaab
Indlarwaa with the Banlre BMak
aad Lyasam eonpaain la Bew York,
bn flutaply ehoaaa Mr. Aathoay
ttepab fanoaa oeaaady drama, "The
Unalam of Udy Dtana,*< for
« atarriap tow thk naiaa, Of
die aolore today who ara etarrl^
«ibalr own aeeoaat. Mr. Morrla Is
jaaofcha yoaapaot.
Mr. Morris has M hh tnlalapia
theaoeapaainedthebntaetarelBAmdriea, aad has played all Made of roles,
taaplap from donle o^n
Sbaknpeerlaa trapedy. After three eeeaoae
with the Boetoa Maeeem Bloek oompeay he joined Bobooa A Oane la "Tbo
Oonedy of Brnn” darlap tha naeoa '■f
im-M. ThotwoeeeeoaefoUowiapho
was la iho Bnplleh eoapaay that sapported the famoae {tali
sip. BeeaUtdariap ble toarofUBlecoBatoy. Be was with one of the Madkoa
Bqaan "Beni Kirks" eompealn la
l««4. aad tha toUowiap ecasoa be panad la toerlap Boath Amarioa aad the
Wnt ladln Darlap the aaaeoa of
l«n-M he eapported Mme. Modjrekh
aad biimmi bar laadlap oua bafon Ute
olon of Uta i
m. darlap whieb be
«M hs Borneo, Benadicv Armand Daral, Dm Oaenraad
other elmilar roln la Daeambar. be,
be apala netted the Wnt ladles, uklap
aa AaMsteaa oompaay aadar hte own
playiap a repertoire that
reaped from "Bamlet" to the "Cbimn
ofBonnaady." Bk next eapepement
with Otarln Frobman, aadar
a mxaapemaot he dlttlopalshad
himself by proMNOoed eoeeem la "MeB
aad Womaa." "Tba Olrl I Uft Behind
Me." and mon recently when he star
red la "The Lost Pared lee" and" Coder
the Bed Bobs." Hie pieauat iriampb,
perhaps, of Mr. Morris' career has baaa
Uik aeaeon ae SirGeorpe Byl
in "The AdTsatare of Lady
Uteala." Mr. Morris, eapported by
Drake aad a alenr oompaay,
win be at Staioberpb Oread aaxt
■raoftha Tint Pi
Kttp the KMacy* niitf Urm
nmUhy, Artivn Bad yfigor^
mu by Uiaiiff
Mr. BadUy weald not aeeept tha
aaoretaiyahip thk ynr aa ha h arraap.
lap to taka Aarpe of a elan of poor
Ta nab miD fai oar Fabraam.
Wbiia Beads Sale.
Katare mekn ea astiB affert la tha
qwlag to rid the blood of Ua imparitiea,
fwe<MC^LeiSntw*(lM aad the ftltcra of the blood-ihe kMaaya
aad liver are called apoatoparfeem aa
aaofmoaa aawaat of labor.
scan, a*
KcrekMt Jm
bcadacbea, aad paiae la tba
e aad Umbo. Dtpeitioa k d«raaevu. aou ,UV
Inga of apriap cause misery to Uie body.
Tbet* k oBlT oae m^ of m^ioi
l^in Btfom
rtousiiM'i w
I eaat dae on aneb advertised letter.
• Oaoaaa
blood.’^ By ecliilop direcUy oo then
delicetc orpaot, Ur. Cbaae'a Kidney-.
IU parity tbe blood aa no
‘ ^
Livei Pillpreperatioo
00 waa rver koowo to do
my life for
re(M with
My I— — ---------Tbe myatary of tba sack of pold. eoa- plmplca and bhHcbaa..«nd I cooid pel
Ulalap flt.OOO la «M gold plaeaa. wbieb notblnp to help me notil I Uied Dt. A.
dlaappearad Kovamber IS from the W. Cbaae'a iTidney-Llvw PiUe, Mr
eab treoenry at Chleapo. has been akin U now deer, and 1 eoaeider tbea«.
pilb tnrdnablc n a remedy for eooatiaolvad by tbe aimt of Oyde J. Wal- pstioe, liver coraplaiat ead impnr*
laee, a dark 1a the nb-treaeary. For blood. Aa a kidney medicloe they ere
' 1 abdl recommead
a loa« time the offioors WM« oomplete^at^Lbatj^yflm^yPOt.
PUk. «
from Wallaoe’a frMmeatlDp pool rooms pm a dose, as eenU e box, at all dealeta,
aad maklnp beta la 9M paid Blaoaa.i or by mail on receipt of price, by Dr.
Be has made a fall oonfeadoa.
] A. W. Cbaae MedicineCa.Beflelo.N.V.,
1 pmnaded him to take some of Oham-1
treilmonUi. boplap some one almllerly
efflleted m» read it and be baneflte^
—Thoaue C Bower. Oleaeoe. O. For
mle by B. E. Wait aad F. C. Tbompkip
Children’s ontin)? flannel gowns and onting 4 A pa
flannel sleeping suita. formerly 50c, now... J VU
Children's check dresses, fancy braided OQn
yokes, formerly 11.19, for...^............ .......... 99C
Children's cashmere dresses,"^ancy yoke, 01 J A
formerly 11.75. for............................................. ) | ,49
Ladies Wool Hose, formerly 15 cents per I
Pair.for... .........................................................| UC
\'\ 0^ CSV OTvt Vot 0^
"FvWwa Couwa.
ATt V&Sk A
j liti—St
bATQhVttA te« ATt oV^VT'
bt WT^ TIOUT «M.\e to took
J. W. Milliken.
It E. W. Hastings’ Steinberg’s Grand Opera Hoesn
Fire lisiraict OffiM
Johnpoo Block.
Batertalned By Mra. Barnarn.
Tha bKopU Whkt Qab wae dallpbtat tha hoeu of Mrv. Baraam on Waahlapton atroat.
Attar tba paam a
dellelOM lanebaoB was aarrad, eoaekt
lap of bread and batter aaadwiebn,
Akkaa ealad. oUm. eoflee aad brisk
lea eream. Tba alob pin wae woa
apala by Mrs. W. B. Foalar.
Chaaea' tor Uia Yaoderbilu.
a Pmideat Beald's preat CblcapoA Wnt Mlehlpan &. R. It k the
qnickeel ronU from Cbleapo to Oraod
Beplde, Peatwetor, Leaelop, Moskapooend Baploew.
Tok road k eoneolldated with tbf
Detroit. Oraad Beplde A Wntera B
B-. and ooe ticket boapht la Cbleapo
takn yoa o*er this preat ryetam from
Cbleapo toiktrolt, Boward City aad
BIp Baplda.
ToorUte la Mackinaw, if they went
to reach Cbleapo qolckly, can't uke
tbe MIebIpaa Central end make tlm-.
A Pollman alwey# stands there to
whirl paeeenpere to Chleapo over
Cbleapo A Wnt MIebtpea tonte- These
two roade work qoieUy bet they err
eloebinp all over Mlehlpan. Tbe Venderbilu oopht to plek them ap.-Wall
Street Joaraal.
Another Hapiiy Patient!
Mr. Frpd Bobme, of Bingham. Mich., after three terrible yean
Buffering, with no help from any worce, no .one seeming to under*
stand bis case, consulted
Mtn Soale 8bean<
boma in Sawlaaw.
Iveaty flvcTtaia'Coaatam Dae With
out a Fallara.
Tbe Aral iadlealton of croop k boaraeaem.-aud tn a child anbjcci to that
diaeaee it nuy be taken ae a eare elpa
of tbe approach of aa attack. Followinp tbie baoraeoeee k a pecallar ronpb
eoopb. If Cfaambarlain's Oonpb Bern
edy to piveo as aoon ae tbe child be
comes faoarar. or even after the errupy
Ii prtva
eonpk appears. It will
prevent tbe at
tack. It to a '
bare yet to leara of a slaple tnstanee io ;
wbieb U has aot proven effeetoal. Noi
other preparation can show soch a re-'
witboat a failaia. For mrie by 6. E.'
W AIT and F C I noariox. Drufptote. t
n suBt Use Ssadap Forty.
Profceeor Bllvera ard sow prof.
Prank Bllve-a have neenrad Profeoeor MoiiAopb'e academy for two
nlpbueoeb week for the next flve
moatba to come, aad will p|r* tbelr
opeolap party next 1%niaday evenlap. Jaaaarya. All ara cordially
lavitad to atlMid aad have e j^lly
pood time. Don't mtoa it. 81U tew
ite. S5e. Ladles free
»OU NighU
Dukeof York
The Society Event
too Nights
Mr. Daniel V. Arthur
Tbe Toueg Romanic Actor
Mr. William Morris
In ^hc »
"I am pled to say that Dr. Snow bw made a woaderfnl ebaape la ny
With. I have been Ir* verr poor beallb for ibree yeera Mv food would not
dipeal aod came away joei a» I bad ealaa It. There wa* beleblnp of paa for
boor* at a lime, my atomaeb aermed like a ktoae. wlib bed eoaiUnaUoa. I
roald eat hardly anytbinp. and rverytblop peve mr preat
prer diaireve. My heart
tbnmped ar>d beat at times very fast My hack waa veryr bed and there waa a
pood dral rf paia there. My limbs woold j-rk and twUet
:h. and they felt nomb
and 00 feeltop moeb in them by apelU. My nerrea wc
• ■ and I
think well. Hot thla
chapped n-m
not read o........................
. la all
1 cannot pet enoopb to eat. bare pained IS fMTOBda In a aionlh.
BioDlh. I eat every
iblnp aow and it ptvea me no dlatrens. My heeh la all ripbk No Bmore nttmbnew or twUcblnp 1 feel like a new mao. I have tn >tod with a pood
do -ton but they did no pood. It waa a preatjdBy wbi
Tbe bobooie plapee bn foand iu He helped me witbia a r«w daya. I adviae every one ___
. ... ..
way acron tbe Paclflc aad ^Ined a oa him. It k the beat InTeaiment I ever mada
Frf.k J. fKaiiK.
temporary foothold in the Hawaiian
Dr Snow makes a specialty of sH chronic discaseR, diseases of wo
Ulaade. There all rimnrs of Uie eom- men. tbe eye, ear. 4inee and threat. He is eepecially successfni in
inlty ere natUnp wi^ tbe antbori- treating cancer, asthma ami cousuroption.
Un 10 eUmp It oot of ^eaUtenee. Tbe
diseanclaimod two vietimi. aod io
jareO Uede and eommeree. Jail how
the dieeeae wu loiroduced into Uooo- Offloe in Hamilton & Mllliken Block. Caaa Street Entranee.
tuln la not drfioitely otidcntood.
Oread Baplda elaimi to be tbe h*n
ear reerntiop onlt t oftbeiuteof Nicb*
l«en for ih.- L'olud statea a»my. Prom
Jone 2U. inn. to Dec. 7. I8W. tbe re
eralUap <i>atioa at tbk point enllaied
V^tal of 400 men The ataiioo waa
cberpe of MQar BeadhoUx.
Wednesday, Jan. 3rd
“The Ad'venture
of Lady Ursula.’
who immetliall) diagnosed bis ca«e as SPINAL IRRITATION, TbbearUstomseb and bowel symptoms ireing reflet and caused by the iiiipared fancticiis of tbe spinal tieri-e centers. He hasespeciatly re<iu-‘8t'
ed Dr. Snow to pulilisb his experience.
Coisultation Free.
; stock.
Teeth Eitrected For 25c
THE NEW .....
A Demonstration
is beiojr held at Wilhelm, Battak & Co's,
store on
By Aatboay Hope, aatbor of "The l^laoovr of /.cade."
By ap^al arraapemcDt wilb Daniel Frobman.
Nurpurtetl hy
Hiss Frances Drake
Aoibnor HopvV
pU, An vast>>»“c
-N V. BrraM TkviuwH.i
no*) mrrliorioii. work-N. V B-u li wvrlia univanal kl«b (itmur-N. Y. Prr.
Bri^l.rriap and fullvl rMSABCc.—K. Y. rnbaev.
Pricos—3.YC. .*iOc. 7.V*. $1.00, Itox seats. $1.‘>0
t>al«- at tin- b ix nffioc nextriAtnniay mon>ii>K.
Teleplir.iiK 112 for seats^
All honscwiFes of Traverse City are invited to
visit the store and partake of this
New and Delicious,
Breakfast Food
A visit to the store will repay yon.
At Palace Bakeni, Soath Side, Saterdar
S«-ata o
Why don’t you come in-and buy a horeev I
can accomodate you with almost any kind you
want. I have good draft horses, grood farm
horses, good cheap horses and a lew good plug
teams that I will sell you it-om $126 to $200 a
span with harness ready for work. Will ex
change for all kinds of stock.
- - - “YUCO”-----
ud 1 Siperks Cwpui.
$1.00, $1.20. $1.40
we ask for the odd sizes in men’s
aod women's shoes--A glance at
our show windows will show
yon the styles—The value of the
shoev IS double tbe price we ask for them.
We sell men’s woolen sox for lOc • psir, anil women's stock*
lags for 12c. Buy now and yon will mve money.
-A.- s. B'B'snvr A3sr
XtoS Wheos-t mtwvtot
TXtm Wxmocicml I
Pro(. 3mi- 0. Woodww*,
•ho fwto oihooiitoo of looo. WodMoteT
•ookoCldol ^11-100 of Uo^M
aUoMod 10 tho OollodltoMO io tho
MUlaCi of mohloorr Md oioolrtoi^.
la tho Ofv of Moxl« Oob M. o ovi
oooroport wtood ■witom thSo wok.
•bMAwUoUohodorrloadU Moaloa
TtMBrtUMoooMl 04 SooMoooeAraathoro^on that tho piafMioo
«of«oot7polo fiftaf ooi thotaoi7
•oothi tnoo thotoow ho«o ooooirod
is Mow fhtoiloiilo Tho fooorwook
Uf AoomUohOTOlokOB strtocoATtowaikMte«wMUaiar orrivyoffw Wheat, eld.
Tho Vwrey of ladlo. Lord Oorwo of
Kidltwi. -toloKtoahi tnm CWootto
•hot thoro boo booa M lootoooo of role
•ad that l.4tl.00e aoUrot oaflorlaf
iroB toBlao an bow roeotrloff rollof.
The toU«Toph anwlGr at Olaolar. la
•ho Boekr Mooatolaa. rofiorto thoi
•a IBBOOOO oraUaobo boo owoot dowa
-Uo aoaatato boot tbon eorortac Uo
tootofwA. oadtokler dowaaas^oftolorrmpb poloooo tboi tho wlrao
•n lotorrepl^. TroM It taoboo tbleb
wora obaorvod ta tbo ollda oad It lo aot
7ot kaowa wbat oloe wy ko oowod
by tho ooow or wbot io tbo ooBdllioo of
^bo track. Tho oUdo coooro Uo track
too O^U of from & to W foot.
-i>r. Thoaao O'OoUoffhoe. a wU
kaowa pbfoWoa of Joraoy OUy. dlod
aoddaalf Wodaooday whUo mokiar a
profMlOBal ooU. Aftor tbo doctor aao«ad Uc olek rooB bo ookadfora
•poof. kaattoBdaatwaatforoaooad
artea borotaraad tbo doctor woo iplaff
I aad dlod be•oaibofl
tea aU aoald bo oaokBOBod.
’ tho ladlOMUtbo
} oiU at Uo OrowOraok
•caaep lo SoaU DokoU oad oUor
•nbUoao boo ooteBod aortoao phbooo
iMsilntN lit Euaiiitiu Fni lil Stiittli .CuMuiiil
Thoqwrtelp aaaoMte BOoHafCf
DRS. B. S. & CO.
TboCcUbraiOdUiihIBlo.Piwirtyof PowTo»b.oadBOWOfUo
U.loharobparlflcaat l:Mo>o>oek AU
•11 w Boadoy acbool warhai ora rrqaootod
At ruat. Joha Khotertao wm aUaob4*00 ad by o bcaad aad badly WttOB. Uo
4 00 aalBalehowlato«Uooad of obo e«
1 M tho tacara d Uo rlcht bead. btUav
klB UtOBCb the Mt boBd oad oiakiar
10 lit tooU Uroarb bio Boao.
Md Dear for Bto Log.
B.D. BUatoaotTbtekarriUa. Tte.
17 la tw roan paid o«t •UO.OO to doe
iMriai Midi ui Sndal IWititt tr IiU(h, Ikk
So«k*X •W~h1trti*ig, Tx-cfsror-wo 0±-ty,
Jan. 4, 1900
OAoo Boata teM • a. ■. to • >. ■
January 1st,.
1900 ...n
I 10
.s ES-.t-SjSW
and Camaras
oofooduUo boot ot aw Dlalac
BalL.tta I
OiwoMidPtii 0 Oarw —wanMT’a
WWI» inm •! Twr pyrWf ^
b«t coub meedy oe eorU, cane o cold
UoBedoyiftokeaiBtlBie. BoadUeto
____ boot.
^TiTJL 'a;d';;u^‘u;ooe per
emember this offer U good only
until Janaary 1st.
The lat^t line in the city te
select from.
Full line of Eertman sopp'iss
1. auowa, AtMToar oot ooi
Braro Moa KoU
w %am mow,
itma »v■.■li. —.
boodoebo OBd tlrod. Iletlooo. rae dowa
fooliar. Bat Uarek ao aood lo fool
llbo that. J. W. Qordaor, IdorUle,
lad., ooyo: "Klootrfe Blttora ora Jait
Uo Ulac for o mo wboa bo doa't cor*
wboUor bo lino or dtoo. It ron me
BOW otroactb oad food opooUto. I
OOB BOW oat OBjUlac oad bora o aew
laaao oe Ufo." Oety wo ot iao. O
JabBoeBb aad 8. B. Woltb draf Btorao
Thompson’s Drug Store
lonnelier Block.
AUwArfcAtbtoMnpBakMBffndA. na*g*4«
of Kaaklad Fostfbto to Obtala.
baaquoB at Oty Dlalac <
p.’j.-ssgijaa ag.“s.“^
imcAAn Apn.ttB unn BPtBBUAa pHak
OnillipMit lidliHRj.
4 «• perfbCt bAAlB bAd tOAl
l^BrUl bo aokod lor 08 opproprioUoB
Get Yonr Bl^cle
monckjn to LkPt»e-n« ommi. Atwr
■ Bf |M.dM wiu wUol to otoBp oat tbo
opIdoBli Tbo dopartBoat baa booa
dill^rophiil to tras o aaabar of
. BfOBoiaa to teword raortao potaU, aat
rear coot work, oay obo eolor.
to BOBiroBtad by a lark of faado. la* ooBklaatloB
•loB Tbrrlt^ Afast Wrtfbt hao toB' Oaafir* yoa oay olyt* araaBB
Poll pad BBC lain pin.
ipleyad phytleloao U aitasd U Uo
..............A.W.; I ic « AAd T n »p
^aaraailBO outloai. Thi ooU r .i' ■ Alao oay klad of rop^ work aaoUy
•t WoohiaftOB on opptalBBalro oad oad protoPtly doac. ot
TNt. a. a. rL-xin. c
"n£dS^neTuxukjrp seoTAX. nt..
U Block CaIU AM
•CBfroB will bo arfod to plaoo fnado
OXeenArAAindniwIwUAnt pAl» «r 4bAtfAi Martkars 'phaa
tAn*bAMu a^t^^mbT ooS uF wSd
IBAilaB fTAW tmilnm
laaodiotoly ot'Ue dtopoaol of Uo d«—
roeimrsLT ovesD- r«wAiB w«Ak Asd M^^aulAc Oaw tor Msdy. aeetat}
ABn Awl aU dallcAta 41bb«4a*b mbIIat to
BliharBAt. paalUraly eurad.'-AB vdl ab fuc
Itoo CooodloB oablblt at Uo Forto
tlocAldlaordwAthBimoU tran nalhfal talaxpeoUtoB proBlaoo to be by for Uo
M’C Ol'ABAKTBE TO CCRB itaiien 4(
lorfMt BBOdc by Uo Doataloa at oay
bllltr, rsrt«oral«, stHeiBiB' npM. wask part*
Asd All kldsar ABd blAddor dlkkanB
OBbibitioB. BOt CBOopUar Uo world's
. MAT dari aa4 All «U
iBncirpnblWkCABBad trswBAtAiTfc. poalUrBlr
•otwoos JoBoory 1 oad July l Uo
lABAar, niBB AAd OWTABn si WpBiaii qglaklr ^DRkr»«R^t eanWiwrWOt All samb
tieraoB fororaBont ospoeU to priat
^^AkTBD—'llrl tor rr-nrrAl l>a»caork At
«d pBrwOABClIr>'Y^UirlyaW Ap^r^^
•loo.wo worth ot lu BOW pootofa
OlOCflARaiNa EARe«Br«dlB srary CAM
BUBpo, oad It to belloood Uot oboat
Bh KXAliiakTXON or TU TTeiVB.-BACb pa
lOnlABesd ur brlAf yruis t la « uuMBa ot Brts* {IAaI I
100.000 colleetoia on lylcf lo wail for
. vhicfe will rwwlTB A *Ar«riil cAmIcaI Bad wlcraaeopb
Toll ooto.
IB ACAlrklBwlll barircb PBraOBSrslasd Is bAAitb »
wiik thaai amlk niar wasib.rlrlAC petAScraA aa4 la
At Topeka. Eob.. Boffic Droyor,
ipna BAUa- lAAlrt
AWlr. DbIaTB BIB dABtmsA
boba: AJlIapoo
Uo It year old doBfbUr of ^oha
Panaewd la old w
a. J. K«r(<a
Dr^or. woo olai ood lotlonUr killed
toy Mr*. WUUoB Taylor-BY—
bar of ebUdraa. laelidlBf Moffla
•Irorar. wore at U* Taylor boaoe ploybich
t BALB—Far Boon: ab akUABlra iaib
«of with pop raao wboa Mra. Taylor,
•aytof Uat abo bad oootoUlBf that
aroald boat tbolr pop foat plekod ap
•a ole aaUot. wbtcb abc aaetdcatally
totoatoarfcd. Tbo oatln load of obot
bAlf pan.WlTD; Al prBAABI prUna to* I'lh. ^
Are you looking for
praBu AT* SB* par Aa* : «*r»ar U ena.mWmi.
•ateod Uo firi'A broaat. DoaU nAbd raa-l leak Aflar th« boa'sAaa: barr war*
•allad ia«iaaUy. It tooapoetod that
All «*<1ra» M B Brow.
a •rOrrBtbAPFAB
OArAaM aid*.. CIrrriABd O.
Mfo. Taylor will loao bor rroMta.
t4»li Adrian raeolrod froB Uo O.-loat
•UW that Bcada aad Proaeo an
pOt'ND-Aa Artl*ta»f rAlB* oa pUXorw ««
Birlaf tofolhor la ooeroaebloi
■frbtrr- ta^tory aad afalaat Boftaad,
Bad Uat iapoB to baylac li
etaaaUtiooof rte. It to ballorod that
WAT will break oot lo Uo oprlBf.
Btatk or Okie. Citr or Tolbdo (
iS5~” r.:
B O L btoak
Fbabb J. CaaiiBr Mkn oath Uat
1a L. a. BoUdin«.
toa to Ur aaelor portaor of tbo firm of
W Then buy one of our
F. J. CaaatT A C^. dolBf bMloooA
tbo at> of Toledo, OoBBty aad Suu
•faoooald. aod that *ald dm will pay
Artistically Painted
te oaeb aad erory eaao of Oatarrb Uat
•aaael be cored by Uo bw ot Bau.'b
CATAaaa U'ea.
PEANEJ.CBBNBY. A good deal can be bongfat with a
loaUliAOdOArMBadoUb ABd
bworate bolonoM ood oabnrtbod dt^Uraoda half if yoa get loto F“«;u la Al
AB ciandlBflt |0« prla*.
, aw ('AUa Btran.
\B BT proooBBi. Uto eU doy of Dooob. toor.A. D I*"
Sictissors to
Irimsi Ciif limlitt C
Trirttsi City, - ■ Miclii{U
wonDtiifiii cunts
Hs I s. t nn raiiTS ini i«i. iutirtn*
«AW«M El*>*atAaU«BC
Which io
—Ooed beusB iMarly at*, ivaIMA.. EwiBliB OtbI Woed nab Oa.
*F*!rcaB^BYA Oa.. Toledo. O.
Barnum & Earl’s
ycwtKT TO^LDM OR^nmeOlfAL I
We hare a Uble of
Tbo MlobVoa blorob Oo. to otUl U FbttcT Articles, incloding
tho Borkot tor oaU oad Sold r«a
Btewbleb Um on poylaf
BUv«r VoTBltlM
Mt prion, ‘rboy on oton
poa^iUL^B aRwT^-kw^udiBc
Bohemia Whre
• — which tUy
will neAA^ ler*' nbn'^pnpntyf*'
fAi^M g______
^Tkoauflod wbaot boafbt. te wkkb
Uay wQl pay oiwritlaf to qooUty.
Pepper end B«U Sets
T* Owe U
i :
Out aieei Pleoee
btoaad foul dlbcooc. If tokaa Uor^
otwhW oad la time, It wlU out« o oaoe end doseu td other oios things
in«teWB o^ tor tbo ooqxk that tot- marked down to oos third thsir
nlas to close thsa oot
: i: :■•
*Tbe« :»p W tiAla bAS parlar cards OrAAd
Kuka te OhlPATA- _
_______ _
TniB AfrtTiB* At I SB P w. bAS alarpw Ob
iBBAtl teOiABd RapMs ABdeeacb aaA alaep
lur ear Cbleayo u> Orabd Rapids aad ebalr ear
C L. UM3KWOOD. O. P. * T.A.. Oraad BApIdA
wreeryBAtaidAy Blfbl.
■WAdTraow • KABaAl* Bloc/
J. O. Je.
iri^. ■ssfcSiKj;. sa
lij “eissJ.'E..
Kgs KU-Its;
SES.: . iSK:
1 AH
THE RIGHT PLAGE F>*£.'Sl;!,S-.as-'S‘'
m Chicago .« „ ~
S ELEGANC^COMFORT w West Michigan.
Bolt _____ . - - - «B«BUy oad 0010 dlrootiy „
BMBoao oartAco* of tbo oytUta:
Fire Insurance.
John F. On & Co.
and Upholstered
Ui sassiB,
L* Trs<
Ar Rlkl
nS,- 1 '• 1
And Be Porerer Pappy.
uiBia im KinusRU ll
f lAb* Afm Wad.ndAT. Aab. U. ttto.
IS7 euto stmt
uiDwnaa cumass heuioci stok wood
UEBaocx nmnu
Btdswnlk Lnmbw la all alawL
Mwan «a,Xaanna aw* Iwwbar Oo.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.
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