The Morning Record, March 07, 1899

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The Morning Record, March 07, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


8«nid T«r-.1U <73





AttothOT ^rk Bffort.
XBt thelTMHMry TveThMa Tot*;
Wm LMldBc^intf vUI om -Pboef*
pf VorthOTs 9» .tm of Ooct-Bovtf
flfkahUc WorinklfPriPf <n Xros


Swioborr WM priHBt ood
to tbe Iteeoee BeetotodtbatUe opM
boMe WM » beoedi to tbe dtj ood be

Bridg* for Vam' Stmt-BerM
OrttMMMSakM B».

•at iMpoelof Ue licMei. While be
Got Of aiding.
did mot object to Ue OMOopA be did
BOtlUniteeldUetTrevoreeCitp wm FlBMfor oOnod OaeUBffbi Vhieb
eompeUed to Umom tbe Ueetree.
ie Sipeeted to PorBipne Ue mebele
I it WM tfeeided
—AmerieoB Ttoive Oetttac BaeUeM
UetbwBen of bell mad tbeotree eboold
hove tbe optioo of po7lB«r meb ^oerter
end Sneer to Aetfonir-Sai^ Zneepeiotely.
■nrCMto—Sneap Mode ^Uempi
----to Ue eooto Oeptoie Veter WorkB. o'

TbM WM WVM ambM of th* dtj
ooooeU TtoMot ot iMt fofkVa moi
bot tbora war* oet oooo^ W fvofoh
ordiMBoe reUBva to eio poete,
\hm mmommry two-tUrdo voto to o
BWBlafi. ewoiaf poete ood ewolBc
' AMotMoDwaodaw -ifoofo Mtkori M tha ^rehM of OM of tbe |Mrk oltM
I relBtiTe to tbe obwhlekkMboM udar ooMMoraUoo
for ooMml iMstfo.
Attor Um diapowl of ibo roolUM
%otlBow. jolt m tko cNWDoU WM oboot
to toln op tbe oooildoro^ of rorlMd


You Write


Weeblartan. MerU • —It bMdwtoIoped tbnt Oeoernl Otle bM pranfoellp
for B prend oMlMpbi
OB Ue iMBireata wbleb ie expected to
deprire Uea of bffeneiTe power
lenet. It ie probable tbnt he will fo
n lerfo pert of bb foroe into ooInmM
M Ue'relBforoemeBte are nU nt
baod. and pMb tboM In parallel Unca
itralAbt Uroneh Ue jssrlee. eleartnr
To make n clean nreeip on
oot Ue iMBrrente ia eeerp direction.
tbe balance of oar stock we
The AiaerlcaB troc^ are rettinf
root Korten ]
» of Body
. tk« opoortOBUy to ofUn brine tbi
reatleea and nereont ooder Ue pet
have taken oar <7,60, tlO.OO
of Mie. Aaole Xorbj Xoode ..
■utter of porin op fer oetloo. Be
aoBoylBf abarpehilDtjnc of Ue Vlli
to TbA OMelnelon.
•totod tb»t dMiroUe oltei were
and 912.00 carmenu and pat
AltoffeUer 41,000 ofie^ and men of*
Mn. Annie Me'nep. wife ofPetriek
them all in at tbe round price
Ue ellj WM nefleetlae eoo^ oppor- Marrep, died et Bottom Bejr Abool e Ue ecMsblBed army and) navy force*
tonitlMto •Morebrmthloi'epoU wbleb weekeco »ad efter tbe borlei there nomprlM Ue approxinaU toul Aneriwoold be oppreeUted inter os.
atrenfU bow at^o ronte. and
were enepielOM of fool plep. On Beteeid Uet Bob. Perrp Benneh bed bold nrdej Ue bodj wm enhained end • ooder ordera for ‘Serrioe in Ue
«peo hie propoeitiOB fo eell Ue citj 480 : pen
b«H. n,ejHbUlpplne*.
feetfrootere ob Weet Bej ebore jMt'neiiu
so erldenee of foal pUy. bnt | The foroe* of tbe two aerrice* already
weet of Ue water work*, for
per! oeeryUlnp abowed Uet Ue wowan 1 »UtloBed in and abont Ue a
foot front Ur. DeamoBd deeoribed' bad died a natnral death, and Uat |
of twenty rcfflniente of IntaotbU at a rery deeitable park alt*. wlU there WM no came U believe oUer-*'^'
enyineer batulion. aeven
Liniugs ill them are worth
a dee beach and adairablr adapv
lee. Deceaeed wm abool
yeart of f
eleven hav*eriee of
nearly as much ae we ask for
«d for a floe park, which oonld bejace.
,_ye. Ber hueband
hnaband U an employe at ertlUery..^ ainrreffale ol
of S4..MKI
by "
Ball etreet wlU Ue ' Ue.UaoHon life Mvlnp etatlon.
nineteen v^aela. WlU ao apyreyale of;
the wltole jfaruienl.
property oppoeite Mr. Banaab e rMli‘»7 oSeere. t.uM meo and
daaee. wbtcb wm aleo belnp oonUdared zzPX.Qro't SAvaBrxE dsad. , make op Ue naval oonUnyent. Thfe to
for a park.
Mr Dmmood orfwl ImI ezelntlve of Ue trantport Solaee, wiU
madiata action and wm aapportod by
U Paenmoaia Taaterday. j lu ofloma and mwi. wkleb to ooaetantAldarman Cook aad Jabrana. Whan it
kew York. Uareb e.—Jooepblne. tbe' If poMlnc back and forU from Manila,
- «ame to a vote, however. Aldermen eldeat child of Bodyard Kipllny, died I There are 4.S0u army reloforeamenUon
Parker and UtrdU voted apaiMt Ue Uto moraine of poenmonla at Ue a«* |Ueway to Maolla and rooehly 7.500
. propoaition. Alderman l.irdl* arpned of all yeam. Tbe child died at Ue I tnen kre in Ue force now under ordei*
that wiU waterwork* to bolld. be- borne of a friend of U* family, Mia* ' «> proceed totbe Htailipp
aldM a new Iron bridge. Ua tax npon DePorot.
Tbe followinr ehipe i
•r at MaUr. KlpUnr oonUnnea> to Improve. nil* or Boer Konr nsder c
Ua-peopl* woold be too preat.
i f PhiladelphinmajM-ity of UoaepreMDt voted for Ue Ba bM taken no aoltd food and it may Admiral Dewey;
Benniee- Leti T. PenninptoD, District A^t.
pnrebaM,which woold involve Ue pty- be a wMk before be wilt be able to do ton, Boeton. BoSeli, Callao. CharleeTrsrvrw city Vlrl.>**».
Ue to eobatotlny on bMf extract, tea. Coneord. Cnleoa, Don Joan de Anmoat ol flloD down end Ue balance in
Utm year*. U* remeininr amoont to
atrin. Helena. lela de Lnecm. Maoll*.
draw flve pir cent. Intereal- A* a two- OPFXUBSa OP OLBSXfl* XfMtOV. Monadaock,
tblrde majarity ii aeeeeeiry to warrant
Olympia, Fatrel and Yorklowo. Tbe
aneb a pnrchaae Ue moUon wm luek
t MlAbt. CMtine and Princeton ere on tbe wey
The board of poVlic work* eeot In a j There wee aooUer meeting of tbe UroDpb-tfae 11 *d eea to j lih Dewey,end
oommonlcation autinc Uat ibev bad retail clerk* ImI •nlybt in the parlor* UeOrepon aod tbe ettendant vceeel.
vader eonelderatioo Ue ooaatreetlon of Foreater* ball at which Ue onrani- tbe Irto. are travelinp Uronph Ue Fa
clflc forUe camedMUnaUon.
of a new iron bridp* fer Ualoo etreet. ration of a onion wm perfected,
aad neotnmeaded Uat a tempenxy WM amoved to bold rerular meetlnre
New York. March
A Jonrnal
brkkro ha bout acroM MUI craU
ibl* from Manila Mya that Ue rebels
at atttod intervals aad eeoore n
WadeworU etreet, to relieve a part of maaent plaeoof raUarlap. OfBoara attempted to eaptore Ue water work*
there iMt nlpbk A bot flrbt enseed.
Ua travel on <'nlonatreMbridffe. dor- wen elected m follow*:
Tbe Filipino* were drieen o« loaiep
Inf Ue
tioM Ue propoted
Pre*ldent-L. F. Beeeelte.
kUled and many wonnded.
brldre U belnf boilt. Tbe board aleo
Two Am
eiatad Uat the city engineer bed
Tbe Bret attack lyae-made on Ue
matter of oetlmatea nndor eoaek
ntpoets of tbe Second Orepon aad
Firat Nebraeka r^imanta. Tbe line of
Made by Mirblpen Trlepbonr Co.
7-Oeo. W. a Na­
itoBdod a loop dtouncB. The
for any dees of servler desired
Hra. F. M. Aabton wm pranted par- varre.
fipbtinp WM reenmed Uto momlnp.
Uatde-R. a London.
mtaaioB to bnild an awntap la front of
The attack* were made slmulUaeOonrdian—D. UFtdnta.
bar mlUlnoiy aton. eimilar to Uat In
OMiy at a point six mile* from tbe city.
front of Parker Broa Uoa atore.
tbe water work*, aad at
at end of elx months or ebanpe
TbeeommtUMOo way* and means
to any elaet of eervice at will.
reported Uat Ueir efforte to have Mrs
The m^n of General Hale s bri««de
Teleokone the maaeper to call
KaUrlne Swoboda dlepoae of her propUoorpsBmory. a liamaan fair Ua today loeated 780 tnsarpenU wiU two
and explain new rates adopted by
<jrly in a manner tonliev* bar dtotraaa Bell folepheoe company bM arrived i puna near Ban Pedro
The pane wi
tbe company.
bad failed. The nport wat aoeepted. from Obarlovolx to work for Manaprr ao placed m to be capable of enflladlop
An appUeaUoo wm made to Ue city Barry on tba ;
of Ue General Wbeatoa's bripade.
•■oaacU a few waaka apo tor aome local eyetom.
Tbiwe amsU chlldrea of Mr. aad Mr*.
Mr*. Mather aod eon Floyd of Emi
mean* to be adopted to provide
miriaefor Mra dwoboda. aad m aba BipbU *tc6et, left yeatarday tor Paw Hblnebartof Welker'e Valley. Waah.,
bM*om* property it wm eoppeeted Paw. Mleb., where Mr*. MeUer'e were reaeatly burned to deaU. Tbe
oblldren^bed bees locked up la Ue
Uat ebe ba ladoeed to dtopoee of It aed mother to very eiek.


Besnre yon write right.


Then Mr. Wright nerf

not ask by what right or ceremony yon writej Tell
him yon get yonr writing matonaia, pena. inl% pen­
cils. blotters, inkstands, tableU and p4per from



I 820 Front St.

“City Bookstore.”


S5.00!' In Line

Wilhelm Bros.

Provident Life
and Trust Company

Ten Tear Contracts

Snbscribers May Cancel

Michigan Telephoce Co.

Gasoline Yachts,
Row Boats. Sailing Craft

KugiDe soFifs. Msnreioos. Uich TraTF-»
Hs» ST-Fi sssi or Cold «u
BoaUn HaU.and they are qnite prop- ci
B. Hisr'.„.-k. Mgr . Usoc

,0. . .Wl witb I "•

in U# clerk’* offle*. and telephone* of 1 ker *iUer. Mr* Jeme* Garland of.....................
the NmUem Company be plteed la | ^Veet BipbU atreeL
their steed.
Tkto reoomnwndeUoa j Trank Goodrich retomed yesterday
Ue NorUem Co. to supply Ueelty!
ielepbone* free of ooat. The report: Miss Bessie I.ennon left yesterday ;
WM aceepied add adopted. Aldermen for Chirlotte, where hhe will visit a
MMtapor and L«rdle voted npalnst week brftire reiumlnr to her home in
adoptinp tbe report.
Clrvelaad. Ohio. Mia* Lennon bM been '
Claims were allowed to the aoMunt vlsUlap Mr. and Mra. Mode Rich, of'
of flI.oM
aod Ue statement of the Bast NlnU street.
Mr. and Mra. Barbert Horton of Mon- ‘
board of pnbll^waibaaalledfor
The bin of Ue Haanah it Lay Mer- roe Oenlre left here yeetardey on UeIr i
canUle Ca of fSM for the beatinp eys- way to Presootl. ArUona. wber* Uey
tam in the Oe*» street enpina house, will make Ueir borne.
was referred to the eommlM** oe fire
O. E. ThomM of Ravenna. Ohio, to
aad water.
ependiap a few day* U Ua city.
After the diapoMl of mattan in tbe
Mt«. Leon Blade of Kblkaika to a
^ads of • he rlcvk Ue aoaelderatioa of poast of Mra. SilM Caw. 418 Lake ave.
U* revised ordinance* wm taken up.
Ralph Coan*bl*,Jr. raUra^ yektar-i
Tbe commliiee on ordinaioe* t^r«4ber day from a bueiaea* trip ta Grand RapWiU City Attorney Ollbmnt. kava pone
wver and revised twenty oj the ordtn-, Dell Fairbanks of Mabel, diaed at
adeas aod deemed! t best Uat U>e j the Columbia yMtaiday
l,.K.C.dUb. ..d .lb „l Kd-Jlb,
a* p«.lblB. Ho..,.., obl7 lour of, .ero .hlbn ho» roaUrdbr
ib«. «™bb,o.p „d bdopiod. b, i, L\voto. »o. o™, 7->ord.7::
lb. Urn. Wb loo .bon b> diopoH of, frooi Elk Vpid. oo . b«(ow.



idl. Tbo.bdopbd,™„,„U„w.:
IddjmonUboV, ,.i,
E. ortb^r. b,.UU« . iio..., ,



aet-pravtoUe a tlieeoe* of tzt
lorGtaiabarp'* Grand aad Ue City OpataBeaM«BdfllOmebforhaUaJ.UM

jitaii-iitoi' -

... .



o»„„of u,. cb-F.

tau* etataof WaUlaptM.

Steinberg;s Grand
TODAY, for if you waif lunger
voo may mim getting any tickets

Supported by Kathryn Poroei:
Hud an exoeptioDulJy atrong rsjm.
l«ny, ia a grand pruiucliou of

Seat* arc going with a rush.

Prtat. », M,-7JC, Boi S«UJJt.OO.


•‘•'“'■I™ Clolblbl Co- •
......................... .. '

New Spring Shapes
In The L & H Derby

We have bandied with «uch auocew for year* past—brown and
black colore—two ei»e of ebapes for Urge or euall men. Uoet
everyone knows tbe merit of this ^pular hal—nyany tell ps it
U e<]uai to a Dunlap for comfort of Gt and good wearing quali.
tin*—rodta yon bot three dolUVs and is fully ^fuaraoteed

In great profusion of colors and Btylen—ail the new thingn in
soft hati.- W* have recently added to onr aaleeroom to allow ue
to double our already large hat stock -This -means that no one
need go.away from our atore without-a hat to please them.


. ' spttssttipPttytTsxsstTtT*—»»aaawt»ssp»aasaBpfa»a

IN uurrmi
Oe UesnSire


UP-TO-DATjf, direct from

tbe factory,

this oeoaon- For a boantifrU paper eee

Bam is wnm eMiplrt* xglr for speed spS Cur
ShllUjr. Csllsod look ..ret work Is |7n>rTTs,

bav* Ue prot-aed* devoted to ber can.
B. W. HMUnpi and B. P. PaiTto win
Tbe eommlMea oo way* aad
ijpotoGraad Rapid* today, where they
reeommendad that *11 of Ue telephone* *I»
on Ue Grand Jury.
«f Ue Miebipan Telephone Co. In om ! Mi*. A. B. Nlebols of Grand Rapid*.

S, lb. .117. b. us™ ..L ....„ a.., I •"l.»l b,«

If you'd see tbe greatest event of
IbU «.-aeon’8 theatritAl enpa^
ments in Traveise CHty come to
I ibe box udicp of

The “Silesia” FiDish Is Sometliing Hew.
Our Embossed Designs Caocot Be S«tpassed.
Our stock is complete, from the chsspest grsides to
the very beet.
You coahot afford to put old style and Ume-vom
patterns on your walls. It will cost you less to have
the right thing at the right time, if you buy your
paper from u

Our Exhibitors
Show the paper os it appears on the waU and ctfUng,
with borders complete. It Is a pleasure to eee the
“ponoroms^ it affords.
Moke us a visit—you will be well entertained.
SStALIi^PBOFITS and quick oolas ore working
wonders in this d*psrtment.

No Old Stock.

The Boston Store,


m MOtKTWa »«C0«O. OT»«DATr.MA«OH 7. IW.

na MOMMXMa MMoo^i
■n T Batm
J. If. Bamw


The Shoes
Are Yours

KiCHiaASt 3€rm.O.M. Ooopmr Snffmnd »
• “•
BrokM Arm TMUrday.

Joat uow at ontprion. bot remem­
ber yoD*ll bare to come now dur>
ing oar pn«t

I Mfi.^ M Johmim

t. W. BAana

Wm B^riiKWl; Sort 1* A«o<b«r

, Bailor Md

«■ tb« pMlMoio Baod.
Mn. A. B. JobMtoo rMwivod 9*rj
JobD HaoB. who weat from here a
■ Jt Mm ioJariM jMlortUj Aft«r»oMi
abort time afo to take cbarre of a larfa
wrar row wKl^KahaT.

who* msrolnc to h«r boM M Old
aewfloorlac bDI lo Caaiilae. wm la
■ Iros ibodly.
tbe city ycetarday. Leatar Joan aod I
iCaptata JobMtoa. Oaptala JoboaUB .
Cftiaa. ileaat raiursad with bis and
, WM drlTiac bla apirite^ taaa bllebed.
will have rood poaluoaa IB tha Bill.
to a llfbi alelr>t
beyoad I
^ i QarpMtar-a bill, abool tear Bliaa froB i
Baekleoa Aiaiea Saiaa.
,. j tha alw. tbap wan ma dowa by a r«Tkb Babr SabTS la the
... wrM tor!
I away IMB atiaahed toa locfia^
Oata. hralaae,
___ D___
otm. Ulam.
I owned by Ur. BoMBthal of tba paaia-;
^arar 'Soraa. Tetter, amppad i
***■ aala. TbojB.a of tba loffflaf aUlfb.!
Baade. ChUbla
lUblaioa. Coma, ud all 8nn :
». and poalUraly
pMlUralT earn Pilaa,'
ar tba aacb-yobe. aimck Mm Jobaaton
arao parraqalrad. It la rnaraBW—.
la tba back aad threw her ooBplaUly ,
to fire parieet aatiataetioB or Boaay
the deabboara; Captala Johaatoa
rofandad. Priaa llaasta par boi. For
Klao tbrowB vtolenUy oat aod tba;|
Mia br J e. Jobneoa aad a B Wait
___ a atarted to ma aw«> ata frtehlfnl
Pw JmUm of Dm HafTOB* Oovt.
n^UMUli B. OBANF of Boochtoo lau of apead. bet the eapielo retalaad >
[ Bebbylhiarite ymar®*B
I-..rk <1
IB of the relat aad flaally eac- |
a tbow kwell boaUii. F
far BarMt of the nut* Uolrerwtf.
lo refalnlo* cootrol of hW '
lamiltos ClothlarCo
001. BBNRV 8. DBAN e( Wubteoaw. boreM- HeumlBf to the epbt where j
eoulUB 8i:rroRof w*7M.
M-a. Jabnaioa waa Ibrowa ont ba
toand her eaeoeaelona. Tablaf her to
The •UOBfth 9t thetVary.
the aeareet farBboDae ba ratnraad
fkmt bM boM ooaeldwabl* eriti
the city after Ih-l Aadarao
ilMl Of the Diaour la wbteb Ibe Kifty AirlflBf la towo be eap«ed aaotb
Mih OMfraea aiefoaed of Ue bUU re>»- teas and with the doctor atariad to re--; {
llw %0 the l.'olua 8uua aarj. While
lo PiroiSf a coraar. the
(ha tom MiolAlaad aarinr the
eouar waa apaat 'aad both Bee were
haahot baao aalDIAiaad. It laarraed UirowB o«t. forunataly without lamat tha «avj aa It aow ataada Will be jory. The cotter waa daatafad aod It
•doqaata forAha aaada of the imatedi- waaaeoeBary to «ro back to Morfoo'e
In five monihs—that is
•t* fatmre.
bora wbera ibcy proeered a baek asd
.Aa»aaaodlhe bill leaeea the aavjr bMtaeed to the place w.ere Mra. Johothe record for Kose
artth ooe Adtalral. eltbtaea Bear Ad- eUB waa aatreriag. After ao enjol^aUoo it WM deeoBd eate to resore the .j
8lfert7-fl«e aaptalOA aad US i
iajured wosae aad ahe waa bronrbt' |
IBaaden laataad of alfbty-flre. aad back to the dty to the home of Dr. i
irttb 80 auusouoo batiTMa liae aad Aadaraon, wbera acorefnl caaBlaatloo !
awlMoroaeara. all ootoBodorM aad WM made. Mr*. Johaatoa wm touad ;
dtotberaak to be badly bruiaed aad la freat pals. <
Of Boar AdBlral. aad the aUeofth »f bat while It WM thOBSSt abe waa ie-1]
(ba aa*7 will be loalatoloed at alBoat jarad Iplarnally. H waa not poaalWr
(ha praaaat footlac, or l7.«ou bmUat ntcbi to learn to wbat eataak Tbe I
- -- BeatllP Bid
The aan I appropriaUoo- bi II aa par a- baek part of the alalfb of Captals j
Baaaway oa FfMt Street.
aibf the Houa . provided (for lbti<
a belODrinf to W. J. RobiseoB
•lOKlaaabaKlBblpa. ttarM drawla>
.!of tbe K..terprlaearooary. ei aaeda III
ar«arad oralaara. all o^bt8b apead.anl(d proUeUd cnilaara.
The ttooa'
OMt the Hat dowB to all reaaeU in a
tat la ooBfarooea raoadad. aad tba I •
aocldaat rwBltad la eavare lejury ^
deUren tMeh
ptaade aa traBad la tha Hobaa. Tb< r - Mr*. C. K. Cooper, who waa thrown ’
^ , turned and the foode tumbled oat Id
an aew In eoBBtalee fonr &raWrlt:>- fmn bar entur and bad bar left arm
tbeetreei. Tbe hnna ataried to roa.
tatllaablpaaad ooe aoeoad^laaa. t>dUiooatad and fraetnrad at the elbow.
ni.4 MU bBttbe driver bald fMt to the ItnrK
amorad eniltm aad flftMn proteatad
Mra. Cooper
ervWara- Thara are uader aoaairuc1 k. b‘'T;.
' •-* •“PP"' 'P'

lioaMrbt dravriaaa batUaablpe ai.d Wk
, Dama^’e^Vlir^e^B^a i
'*''*‘*^*‘- *“
OM ahMtbad aad amorad ember.
Dadar the aew prormBBe we « i!
ta»e la 1903 cUtna batUeeblpe. eii arBBOred emleara. aad twealj protoetod
era Wen.







“SI 48



Your time has come to buy shoei obeap.
Don’t wait too long.

Alfred V. Friedrich.
Front Strert



Fine Expectorant—i
2i^. Money hack if you ^
»ant it.

POpulai $1)06 HOUSe

huying in large <|uantities and pay highest prices-

Wc 8lso sbII SduikI Hemlock Lumber, Maple Flooriag
aail Shon Mapla Wood.

B. H. ROSE 8 son,



yiaaaaet Oathariac at the name
■IM Bibal XboaiM.
Laat nlfbl there wa> a happy gatb■etor of tbe C. E. eoclety of tbe Frieada
at tha borne of Uioe Ethel Tbomaa. oa
Wtaatar etraet. Nearly forty were
fnaaat aad bhildfa aoolal pleaanree
tha tollowlof entarulolag propiam

y«MlSolu... ... r^rker IVoDlnfioD
lBproBplB-“Uy Mebool at Oadar



Obarlotta Helm


on raDBlaf and finally atoppad at Oar-;
------------------ --------Baloc'k bkm wbera be belonged.
SpraaOa XJke Wildfire.
A elngnlar uolncldeaea In the day'kj You can't keep a good tbiag down,
aocidaate. wa» that Mra Cooper wm ! Kawe ofli traveU fakk Wbeo Usiuge
who ware alto oa ibelr way to the ' ,,„,pgmi, of llellrville. O, wrltes:-Elcccity. She WM brought to the ofUse of | trie Biiiare are tbe beat eelUng bitterk
Dr. Martin, who wa* aaoiatad by Dr. .I have ever
aver handled la my ai. y^- —
perlenee " YoukoowwhT' Mneid--.
Oaraer in reducing tbe fracture and eiaeebeglD in dloordere in the etoBt-b
reaetUug tbe dloloealad bona
liver, kidney, bowelk. blood sod rerve>
KieetrK- Bittere tonvk up tbe iUuus'-b.
■vTulatea liver, kidneyk and b >welk.
Mra Wataon lajnrad.
pariflre the blond. ktrenglheoH the ner
Mra Wb. Watana. who with brr Vev.
I, benec
eurei ..............
msla‘ ............—
•' —
hnaband. bM ebatgj of one of tbe diet
Myium outtagea. atifferad a apralned polk new life ei
sickiv, nip-dnwn iiiko or woman l>nly
ankle and other bruiaea Sonday mom- .10 renik- Sold by .1 il .lobPkt>p and S.
E, We'tk drtirg'*’*. tnaranlor d
Ing on Caaa street bridge
A BoBbar of people from tba atyluB
ware being driven boate fromebureb
and When on C«b» etraet bridge they
noticed that oometblng wm amlok with
one of the boraee. Ae the ooeupanta of
rig were getting out. the bor*e
and fe ! over againat Mr. and
Mra. Wataon. laflieUng brnioM upon
them both. Several other people were

»b A. H. Bamday wUi Bake Attrao
tlPalBprdvamraUto Bia DwelUag.
.po. .b. bUo .11,1111
™„U.«ll)r.A, 11
B.IUd.,'. ,»!.
Th.b.~.lcoll»ol U. h.™«.b.,MM. -bich WM iwMilUr d.B.,-1 bj ! Ip, IPP “Pll’ ebobbd U. hofM bbUI 11
fire. Tbe loM by the fira was about fell.
•MO. which le In prooiM of adjuatment
Dr. BoUlday will add more to tbia
aMOBBt and remodel tbe dwalllng and
Bake aeveral attractive ImproveBeata.
Thaabaagee will coaeuaa about alx
WMba In tbe mcantlBa tbe doctor
•■dbla family are etaylag at Park
f|a«. where they will remaie util
their tMldanek la ready u oaeafy.

HllUea* Olvaa Away
It ia certainly gratifying to the pub­
ic to know of ooe concern in tbe land
who are not afraid to ba ganaroni to
tbe needy and auffariog. Tbe proprietors of Dr. Klng'a New Diooovery for
ConanmptloB. Oougba and Colda. bave^Qy GO-Cart
given away over tea million trial botalm of tbia gmal medicine, and have to correspond with that nice
The OMtb Baoord
tba aatlafaetlon of knowing it bak ab- big baby, call in and look
Peter Dleaiaadar died Snaday at bla tolutaly cared ibouMada of bopaleM
over my new *99 line. We
WMllB of .plul MMClUk caaeo. Aathma. BroncblUa. Haaiaaaad all dlaeaaaa of the Throat. can please you and save you
Tta young Ban wm wall known In
•hMelty- Bis ramaina wa.-a brought j Cheat and Langn are anraly out«d by
hMayMtarday by Fadmukar Andar- it Gall on tbe DnigglaU S. B. Walt
MS aad ware aceompabled by two e't- [and J. U. Jabnaon aad gat a trial batIpa and a bratbar from Oiaad Eapida tin. 10 eta. Bognlar alu &Oo and 81la guaraataad, or priaa rrThe anforvunate yonag maa'a Bother Bvary
aad aaothar brother, alao from Uraad
Houe I’liruiabiDK Store.
BapMa, arrivetl hare Ihi aighi. Tha
New Store. 120 Front Street.
tnaral will be held thM moralng at 9
Toalgbt at FoiMtarh hall.
•^laak from 81. Kraatda aharab.
All are larltad
uad aad have a good Mma.
idiM free.
(ha whale atoak of ablldroa'a aaita
HbtanUBd u
whan we apeak of oalta aad
•dwtlacmant oa other paga. You
ia^ Bxpaaoioa bate. It does aot
aaBtaveanyof the 86.00 or 87 00
BaaaVewop^l lotabat the‘*wb
MHaatfS.M. othera la proportioB.
thlag.”41t cm tkegroaad floor. None
■mbIIww CHotblac Co.
raaervad\ lexaapt earing foods of
eonrae.l \ Haaii.-rox Ctgyraim Co.

If you
want a Carriage




yu bm'
«Mto to NawoMUs> <whan
8hrM-aot aaadtd. Oar

Baa’s aaitoaM dlvldad toto • -loB
childJS?i*an®B Into « totitNBta^
aaablot. Samtltoa Ootbiag Oo.

Why, our Gray Bros. Ladies’Fine Shoes
—The finest on the market-prices are
S3.00, $3.60 and $4.00.

Dry Goods Department
A line of
Nobby Dress Goods

Reed and
Rattan Goods.

Comprising Plaitls. Checks, Stripes and
Fancy- price 15cyard.

In abundance the largest consignment
ever brought into Traverse City. They
are now open an<! ready for yourinspcc*
lion. We can’save you money on these
articles, so give os a look up.

We have another line of Plaid DrC'iS

Just arrived..-A new devk'e fur fasten,

2 cents a bar
We are offering Armour’s Key Soap—
Soap has advanced 10 per cent, and w’e
expect it to advance far more very
shortly, therefore it i» wise to lay in a

13 bars far 2Bc.

ing the Neck Ribbon, called

‘Rand Neck Ribbon Stay.’
Ask to SM tlism.
Tlie "PiJAoe, lOo eaotL.

If mo. buy > box of "OUIOKS
the only known cure. $1.00 .per box.

The New Improved Cleveland
Roller Bearing Wheels.
One of the finest bicycle tires on gg wheels will be found on the Clc\eland wheel
only. The simplicity of this is way beyond anything of the kind ever put on the mar­
ket before. It is perfectly understood at a glance, that a child lO years <^d can re­
pair a puncture in 5 minutes—It is called the Burnell Clincher Tire.
We also firmly believe that the roller bearings in a Cleveland wheel will mn wier than any beveled gear chainlAs wheel on the market.

Boob The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.



«Um. IWeolft. 8L Omlr




« S^«l^e Sterns

1^: li«o of th« pooeo. twroofo ocoat. | Lut ii—ne a door «r«o kCM U tka
a tat, Bn Um Mu Vho'
jL oelMMlomooo. DolwT
ottonov. < Bortkcn part at Kut eoutr. 8urcptMMd It Mot Tot
k MdMBWet tbo to»i*)up OMBlViMorMUlikoo «bo iotradMod UMbill
0^ 3TV\tTtb\. »;u*
;probiMtl>cU«km(wr «f door for 8r«
SwwMtacWWWWvmn : Yok«o«W»-t eaaofoeo Milllw Ar.|m"» tko l^wor puiuoU aarihof
--------------------------i^old of Umw tkktoooW ■i»«4o
O. U. * M. R. ^ i* roooiriof • »»•*
»*»« oo Bowklao. biredo
Wm Jfotolteor of Jojftold towMbip l
aa a aata aamraa | taatamaf loUoi* erery doj U torn of horfo ^ okUorof H. Br^h*r«. tbo
■aty. btUod o vrry tore*
~Be boo a farm that io cao ’
the btU.
; Hrerymoa. poylaj hl« Ur«- dollore
«Ud«t io o owonp o fo« »i\m oooib
OBOSMCroToJ pU. oad o-few jaan
«OB»lorllljUkeaooid; ‘TkorotocoW
»Ctaa‘®«'** reutra the outfit Wed•fBouoktook Uaataf. Toooday be
oboooldaoaoliporUoaoMtto tb* jtwo tkla»i W do. oitbor »i*o ibe boat-, ae«Uy owraltf. Mareb J.
woat oot o«o>B la oocopuy «*ltb' <I Mlebicaa Caawal railroad tor oeroialiw* *■ «>b«a ooaooa of aboat twol Seforal day* paooel aad the loaB
I. OMl obot kooeead aildoot
dollara Loot week be oold : nsatbo aad tat tbeoi kii' at avaty deer - failed to pat la ae appearaaec. or re-

J~r-to.l-kUl.lll- ». tl»

5o\»eVs C\veav
'MxVVvKeu s

lo Ik. to- tot—. ItoU—toi -t tk. —1 k.-l—,rir 8tollfSl.tok—


, tkw for fo.0Q0 aad a life pifo for biai. joae of Uodk crealareo be ataacbiered ; tified aad Friday «omla« coaiaeaced
At MaaiatMa l-year^lddaefbler of >Mif aat taiaily over the eoatpaay’«| to ntWy aooe aporvaiak'o asbitioD or tookiaf for^tbe borae and iacideotly
AUemaa IboMO Vtaderm of tbe ’
, rreed. anormlaate tbea ae tbey hare . thr niaa. The pair bad b^a to Eik j
other aobla faM. or eloe rlTe.tb^ ' Bapido aad tbe abbnff f..........................
fwa ta the bead Tbaraday alfbi utt
' proteeiiooaad allow tbem to llee^'all atar that aceuoe oatii Satorday '
. ) altrbt.
, V la a fe» - bOBia ia eoorelekMM- Tbe
tbe war be wlobed hita to *o. aad it "It io eeliiaaUd that tbare are at^
l^ria* a (foocriptioo of tbe borae |
paaole to payalelaao.
^^wiTh?»tlm« ll.T’bortW
dee^ loft I« the low«- paaU-laVw.u. l>-p.ty Sberff Soul, of Boya. ;
A. 8au of dtockbridfe. while drir- ^. piew of neat to tbe ead of a fi«b pole
« tblo otete wbooe charity U world Fblle. Mr. dinpeoa caw* bo»e oa tbe!
lac a eolt aUewpted to opea M ; ppi h*id uu, f,«,tof tbedof la wbieb ' ■“*
‘‘‘* .Uukbtaria*, erealar traia.

"ft&Wv '5o\3ads, S wTv\s ftac\\.j
*5o wake Vkem
Arv&Tt& «e «\V\ aeW ortVft
^ottT \o back T&TckaAtT.
‘I 11 Arirae into Boyae Fallk. aad prompUy ,
tii^teaed aad oaiaaaacetWc.
taealredakiehoo Ue eble. breaktaa * pr>»pu . • ekwac» aoo ee e«5- w bad .y way I woqld DOW prohibit tbi > aeioed-aad SheriC b.iapiOD aotilied. 1
-i. ._____kklk.....
both --beaeo
la two piaeee. Wbeo fooad ^!;,* U, ■^tomrtheT'uuhed
The I b“““B ^
‘I®* *» oo«e. | Tbe whole outfit wao reeorered bwl the j
“d «bc bey .v
eo that he 1
"® naioi^lif iay placea tor I saa io ttill at larir*-.
laagblaic akuMiycv
w. bio aotber w«b

The oappated Bawkiat traded the
PeOFie llrlac near Sherwood bare w«ot bone aad uad
O.. « H. t M. B. B
**eltJ7«)r" tbe
^air'Znc'Jl^ dbra“7y That -li;,*
“«bl^ are tbouraao. of b«« ud ruUer te ooe of the
aU autatbo by the antie. of a olr.^ ! foolUb people laurbed at
‘“at \> b.te-. lumber epnip. «»lh of B^ya •
wUI aerer be oelUed. There are aay Faile. for a fold watch aad tea dol-1
aniMi that lofeoied ehkkea eoofa aad i At MeBomlaee. Fred Uow wao kUlcd
aumber of eaall aad laree cedor lara.
l—« toow l-.llr,.
Tk. ^ .Ml. Mill.,
„ 1„ ho.. <- Uuh.
Sheriff SiiapiOB expects to dad bi> i
boBtero eoold a


le ih.



Tb- enim.)

!r-T.?;T,Sz^v “....-tooto-uto-... k.


ODly. tbio iute will be a^ to pr^ i beoeflt of the law.

j OVW evtctaV a&Voet, extra sVie
\m \0, \t \-t, \5
aai iO cents.


A rewaru of »so

to.Lrto.VuSh;...?.o.“-to;FLOODED WITH PEIITIOHS..-’S..-...-u u.



i-»pw,tloo a<toB. oaa tell what itU. It ■
‘“l»rl.a, deer, elk
other. »t-ia, property.
r are ^ reas ods '
welffboooly tweaty pouBrto aad
a-nator MUUkeo'fi BiU
There will be a bosiaeas mseUac of
r excBoe for tba state to' b
aot appear aearl, a. lor«ldabl.aowa.r*"™
laanaed before aayoae «ot a pood t
PreMrTM tb« Deer.
ibe HapUst ehureb.
•'The upper p-oiasalaciC! teas
riew of It.
-------------faeor of llBilUofi the boaters to killlBg ] A
»»■»*« *■
There U oac farraer aear Haopor Bcoairiaf ladoraemeata froBA All
oaly two deer eacb io tbe upper peoia- d>wir*<l
who will probably aol be earrlad away I Oaar tbe euie-BUI to Obaafe
sola, aad tone petitioaoaok that tbey
by the Ules of UDmeoee proBu taade
Flaao of DlatribatiBg Friiaary j be Halted to <»e deer.
by rrowlor eafar beeu. L«et year be
Aebool Moaey. Aoeordiog to Aotaal
"There is no raasoa why tbe bill
I boabels of oaloat oo leee
should not
Math housao noaaiaous-: d
D, jj,,.. E. Green, president National
tbaa twoaerce of laad. aad reeeatly
ly aad becoute A Uw of tbU stale."
Household EcTouotuk-e AMOcUUoK.wcmHou..
aold them for tiliT ceaU per besheL ,
Ato«Tk«n Mnliral
ber Atoerku
With all tbe auwia of the proBu io 1 laasiaB. Mleh . March U.-Tb« com_
1 aember Aaeri.-an FuWic flealUi A»soa^ beeU. ao oo# has yet beeo fooad i «Utee on Uxatioa from the aeaate
O»»»o, oito
. ..„-d - .
; World writes froa Charlotte, Ui
who realised aoythinc like this oiaok I
• aeellng at 10 o'clock to..................
.. .........
_ I
of tbe
I'irmt .. E.
CIbh number
- Tbeexi-elleoi-eofPab.tMsHExi
| iBorrow hv which tiac Ueary Basaell
e. **•*
as 11
met last
last e.enlag
ereolng at
at tbe
tbe hfaoaeof ‘
a«t~eHtoUh elTene ekspritot
t of Detroit OB behalf Of the Michigan church
eburcb met
•raalw; switbtbe
,___________ ^
. .srs.alws.vs’
■Us iFoM
>r mothers
saiixfai-iory KsiiUs
“X ‘to to l^Jw.,1-1 !■=“»•> ""tod «-i-.T -ill Pto...
... to. to~.k
^. most to...-.—
traasacted l nursing their
Q and f< general

I aa argumeot to tbe comaittee oo the ^
eoll^ at Laaalag. left home Wedoadebllii.v from .
■»e, 1 re .rd it as
It ‘
day aoralng to attend aa aucUon
eitpe.-ial Tal
! to uyo. tok Ml-.- to to
>kto of nic
He has aot beei
whom have introdnoed bilU somewhat |“onib»- »• follows:
make it truly the •Host’ 'roiuc."
j cm the eame lines as tbe Cbee*er-At-' Kreeldeat-George Noteware.
"I m-entlT preecribed Pabet Mslt Ex. years slrockl^y,^
-Will Jacket
_»rL llie
'Tonic, to three of m»
I part of the. argue tbe preferable feataret of tbelr
<9 eretary—i;«Mge Eogar.
patient-, all of wU<itn were ladies. an&
et«M oa Hatarday aigbt aad haaday.
Tiaasurer—Thomas Parker
' nH r>I wliotn « ere suffering from drroep84K>w was a fool deep In Detroit oa a ;
Tbe oommltire on edacatlon will
claw, dbeoseed plan* for an enterUU.-, them of the tonic, and
.to Tto-toir d-rdlhi „„,„h,,|..,
eyaan past large
ooniiaued1 to
take it until now tb«-y tell
me they can eat anvthing. aad one of
of yoang brook trout base been pleat­ at which it any make a report on the ■
them added ‘veorj-lbiog."
»ithoi tbe
ed each year In the email streams Is
Mr. and Mia. William Smith of Sal-;
m-; slightest iaconveoienre.
TTieyhavecerloaeoaad neighboring coanties. Thto,*e^I «P»«
enbjeci a twelee
•ved woaderfully
woad—' " - in weight
toaa Bar. are taouralag the death of
.. taiul.v
srtotcr many of tbeae streams haee hwrconUnuoMnearlag wasbeldtSatI. I have
tol, ILU^to- Hto,.,. -kd djto Sod-1
frosan ec ltd rigbldown to the bottom, I “rday.
d,T-to taatrax will take place !
..f,he lETil to k.,tototodtoUdto.jt^.j;;
it all tbe Uont ia
aad It U SI
■ have been killed.
! oommlttee two bills of more than P“- deaoe.
SL Belse
elseh. M. D . Jersey Oty. N. J.
A runaway borae at Uudaoa plowed i
^taporuat*. One provides for the
Uipugb a bav window and Isadad la- diaUlbuUon of the primary acbool apwltbbis
aide the bouac ----------- ------- --------------bad on which aa infant bad been lying i 1““^ «>* “
o* ‘h*
a momant or twobafore.
\ Uor«WUed to aUend tbe aoboola
^ I ‘Aaotber would prerpot any peraon
A ifood Boadk aaebclatioB baa been
being enumerated »bo U a married
organised at Kellry for tbe purpose of
improring tbe ooaatry roads aroond ; woman wpu baa not attended avbool at
kiuBrav navurthat place, an eatcrtalamrat
Satur-)>.leaat- four niootba, m> that the apAM}, and with P»fO«'pmeoV woul.l be proportionate to I
Aay night aeited t
I ; tbe ar-luel scb»-H I going cblldreo. These
what tbe a a>

S 'MOa.tK C\(A\vs, 2 ^or be and be enc\t.
ContmerttVA^ aV % o'clock

Strong Endorsements

ixi att4 ka\^ \kt wvftkV \o &b \kt
\ VTt^ fiAverv
5 jiairs child’s drawers......... .*.. .60c
5 child’s drill waist for............... 60c
•j iofaoU slips for......................... 60c
yadiee’ corset covers for ........... BOc
2 misses’ nijrht robes................... BOc
in.isk«' ruffled kkiru for.......60c
’ ladies- ruffled skirts for........... 60c
2 iPdfants dresses lace trimmed
for........................\................. BOc
2 ladies’ lace or embroidery trim­
med corset covers for........... BOc
1 ladies’ handsome night robe for.BOc
1 ladies’ double ruffle embroidery
trimmwl skirts for............... BOc


mre Joat dtcA. a
deaoe in that inatiluOon of forty yeara j

\V,\» wetk.

Old Bicycles
Made Like New.

But \vv do believe in signs wlien.lhw are

I f you want rour old wheel to look ea good a»
bring ittoB. E- Oifom.
|«r call me up by 'Phcee No. lui. and 1 will cal! and grt
■t your wheel
tor a I'ltfr expenar. Qall
and ace aamplea of enamelib

Ho £. QIBBS, Proprietor


loto iho Future


You’ll find dollars in your pockets instead of <

ttraly by eievtrtelty. Itoaapaelty will iot tbe fitat year'seziiieaoe of any aim .jyour feet if TOU bu>' OUr sboeS.
The tittle idifiereOCe bc*
ererorgani^d in Mieh-l
with tacflluea for laereaalag this oat- *u baa writtea-------------■IS
« members.
! is all the difference in tbe world.
p*t«o«0.000 feet when aacwiaaiy. Tbej
a aecamalated i
A for hardwood timber amd UdA* t,
We have just received and placed on sale a complete i
B of ItoB
la lAal ylclnity la i
It baa ope^ up more terrH^.
Kne of men’s shoes from the W. L. Douglas Shoe Co. which j
•eery foot of Umber a»A aem of Uad
tor aato la being eagerly aou^t for by
are tbe right kind, and everybody knows iL An inspec-!
would-be purchaaera.
It ii the onlfatoaeUUon la
State, tion will convince you they are the best shoes in the world j
Mn. Aycrt. one of the vary eurllnat rucardlaea of an- that aemr alesed ito
of tbe ploaeer ealUati of Maaeeioaa h office at night ddlh aa unpaid
for the money Price is stamped on the sole of every shoe I
^■rtleh it bad, ib^ived proofa oa Ito
dead, agad (>2 yeara. Mrs. Ayen ewBe
and one price to all. •
h ber buehaad before
Everybody is cordially invited to see them whether,,
tb. o. B. AI miiroad *.. built to Pe«Mhay. la liTt Her bnabaad died eix ’
they wish to buy or not.
oo. -k... o, k—.
arbOM death would be a I oaa to the]
MlfW|lH RwUffit UmcIiHI.
commaatty. U« b a depaty «oH«ebr Aguacy D^.
Kalankaaoa, Mleh.


so cunviQcing as those which [point to thc
increasing demantl for our "BEST" flour.

wcideut issocunoN

effort to get onl of Ha way.
of Aalamaaea.Ktch.
The big floorlog mill nader bOBatme- j
•'■raad year of exDtaaae
Uoa at Cadillac will be completed aad
ready tor opemtloo April I. It will be
lUfiord Iferer BqtuUd
Ua Buwt eomplew tbiag of ito kind ia by a aimllar amoeiatioa.



iamaior MiliiAen'a Bill to Prohibit
Jamr* BiabcipottJlrard. died repent.;
Killing of Deer
ly at tbe age of TO years. Be had bern :
kl-dtonU. -.1 -.klr,)- J— ol kU; -p.-to-.l.lll....d,..l.l.-to..I to.h ,to-.;l™,top.-.l.k.J--tod
— to. h. .toUtoto - d. kd.i,.- ;
•" k..»;r dtodto -,u. to -.11 .Ito h, to. hi.
to , P-U'""".. to
U.. t.llioj ot dtor
. to. to. toold to, 11. -to. .bto„
tolr proto—. U..
-topopo. -ooo, -l.k otorto, i-jkolUlo o Ibop-lo. to. d«r
to..loo. tod told ..11 oo— kj b- to- : ■»« "P""J ..tor-,, -pto-ll, olltoUo,.
; tol. .to...
From alatiatiee gathered or the
WhHea^v'.lagmmw lathe tuanr,
yard, at Port Huron buoday rrealag ,
transportation compaam.
Cbarle. Shlrman. Angaat Platxke aad ,
huniera.orer tTuo deer were Wlml
aaotber German. Moe unknown were;
ran doarh by a yard engine- sbinuan I The kUHag of det-r i. now nrohlbited
-UmtaaUykmedaadbU body badly,,,, 1oXx!:li
1, while Hlatikeraoeriedaerioua Allegan. Uaroa. Impeer. Macomb. Utlajurica. one leg being broken la aeeeml placea. Tbe other man wax whirl-j=^-------- --------------- -----------------------



Ifl Speda.\ SaVft


2',rb::.r‘j:t-~l.’“iTH£ fiicHisAii^




rural aectioDs generally as they tend
; togiee a d-aadvaniage to the loeaIiiirs|


I 'V^ovi 'Kfcftdi "KoV ADoTk—

told, to to-, to; sr

toktokk up to —dr' rto. -

Out H5 cent '&&ttv ‘5w»et Cannot be
'Beaten—Svxe taxbS tnebes.

]85 Front Street.

PifficUcsl Shoe Man

Here’s The Division! 1

Lot 1-

Lots $7.50

Every suit above $14,00 is
pnt in this lot......................

Takes them all up to the $13
grades................................. ....
So many good things crowd­

$5.00 ed into this lot-»*'Sr3r‘“
Lot 4$3.75

TWs Eipuswi Mb Mil lists IHI altsfilbts hw OMig I
oi 'Srt comsIetsO.

„i ..—Mi

Tn xoumro wtoowb,inmsxr;Mixm% tm'

mm cmr,

mana XAAS or xxMB.
m—n-w.-tv.™«s.«ra. u.
■sM toBetkaX^iiaMSw HaaM elety of tbe Ftout M. ebweb arffl aerra
a tmeent aupper la tbe ebareh parlera
arrow arming tram 4 until 7 it'OoA
Tbalaifwi lead •« load of le^ «w
deawB to Travme Ottj
aaeM Tbe aaaaal tbaeb^irleg weetlag eriU
Ime *
Tbanda;. Marek 2. Tk*7 ««re »l* alK> be bald that
OmMDdag at 7:30
:S0 a literary p«-1UJ*;
lot* that Mled i.OSSfMl.
Tbey weee enled br Mr. Darw aiid i gram in ebarge of J. A. Breadjr wUl be
Ubsral salarr
ba^ by Albert Ooartade'a team ofigina. It to aa followa.
Kaat Bay. The teaemter waa WUl! Siagiag by tbe eoeie^.
Tbe kMie were eewed by ' Seciptnre Beaditog and Prayer-Ber.
am PSOPEKTY-rPiw *■
EdDomtaeaedEdBekb. Tb^
Btraat Par tar** <to> at Ni
Aatbem. “Boeb of dgea''-Meem
akidded by 0«a Dmiee with ibe old
«V *A*»
maly oa tcami. nid to be tbe beetakid- HoUtday, Donglaa. WbiUnan and Windl^ team in tbe eoanty- Tbay wera
Alpbnbetieal toll enll^
leaded by Corn Cob dmitb. tbe eraekar
••The motint that Inspire nttendjeek loeaer of Beat Bay.
»ee or tbe renaone for atnaeee." paper
—Kre. D. B. Titna.

«ji.p i«ra.



to Oaorfe WMldacMo.
tololM«rael«d la Ckl*

r Arm la New York to W7
BMHIaf ep lar(« (laaeattoe of eUw
aad tetwM htli* aad caaaoa bmrkt
. Baorvkou baade ban bna foaad la
the water dtotribatooo of Baraaa. folly
•at dfta of Um hooeebnldew barlaf
keaa etaaliac the aapply from iko dty
iaoeaaivaao* of tko oOeial ander
. A BBwWr of lead owaMa.ooatrolUaf
atoet 100,000 aerea. aaar 8aa Aarelo.
Tana, ban otcaaUtd to rid Uatr laad
■aadrada of rabWta la Kutaeky
kept bna (oaad U boUow Uaoa aad
■aiiraiitb roeka la lb* Boaataiaa
CraaoB. Tbapbad nkea refafe trooi
A hraaa U the 6aa Praaetoeo ••aoe''
mSuy au oae of bto blad lege aad
At AafftoM. M. 3.. a few dap* ago, a
gaaaar kilteda da^ with a large elam
to eoe of Ito fnt. The dock
Worldoagy bwa wadiag ia tba water
aad bad ateppad la tbe (wealeg of tbe
elaai while feedlag.
All deep aea oouadiag reoord* are beliend to ban ben brokee by
Brittob'eratoer Pengolo. wbleb r^orto
baring apended to a depth of 47SS
iatboaM. or as.:tts feet la the Pacific
Odeas between New XeeUad and Toaga
Bomia baa takea np tbe idea of n«ii« the anuy.aa a meaea of oducation.
AU eooaeripta are to be Uoghl reading
aad writing during their alx yean'
earrioe. aod where It to noeeeaary wUI
be bnlaod for trade* aa well.
Tbe gnateat wan of proaperity for
yaara baaalrock Piiubarg and there to
not a mUl. factory or workabop Uai
oaa be found with idle men.
• mUl nnd factory to .oaercrowded with
re and the maeufacturera in gener<1 to aaake extenain arraagemnto to supply tbe demand.
. Ordoraare being delayed, and cuatoOMra in foreign cities are piling in nil
kinds ot eomplaints and using every
. maoa pMible to get tbelr^en ship­
ped first Never in the history of this
glgnatie Iron and glass center weiis Ihs
.damanda for Iron aad glasi ao gnat
The nsnl powder magaslne of La
UMbrap. beiween LaBeyne and Tou­
lon. In the department of Var, southera Praece. exploded at half past S
o'eloek Suaday morning. AU of the
aoldiers on doty at the magazine were
klUed aad a number ot InbnblUoU of
tkaaniToondingdtotrictin tbe buildings
which were lased. also tell vlcUma
Party oorptea have already bees re­
covered. Kitty ifaunsand ki) igrammes
ot Week powder exploded. It looks aa
tboagb a Toleantc eruption had
varred, the country being awepl alnaoet
hare within n radina of two mUna,
hoasea destroyed, trnee overtamed and
dtolorted. fields devsaUted nnd cover­
ed. with stoace at.d ao Impnlpnble
block dnst. It to impossible 1
tnln aoenrawly tbs nnmber kitled, bnt
it to believed that no fewer than
mcaipjured. Aithengb it was s olesr
night the vzpl'wion was so terrific as
teproduee a slight, rainfall. Korlannteiy tbe ueigdboring magnzloea cacaped. It is now believed ths« tbe exptoalea origlnsted in chemical d<
pusltioa in saaoketaas powder. There
1s no suggestion of fonl play.
day the whole city was is mourning,
itags were at balt-Busst, thsatera arare
draped aad eaainos cloaed.
Tbe apples whicA the queen euto
grow in New York auve. It wns Lady
Baadolph Cnrcbill who Introda
Splubergen apple to her majmty jnat
twelve yearn ago. and aisee then ampply is yearly eent to Windsor.Thaae applea. by tbe way. are highly pollahed.
eaeh cue to wrappml in vari-oolored
timue paper and the barrels are paint­
ed in paraUel stripe of rad and green,
aod glomily burnished white around
nad luaidc the top of the barrels, apple
btoMoms aud leavv* are raaltoticnliy
pointed Oa tbe bead of each barrel
tootaoci-lrd theaddress: •*To tbe L'adar. Blewari of the lionse. Windsor
Omtle. Bogland."


Predomor McKlsaep of tbe Cuntnl
MlehigaaMormU School. will -Iretaru
totbeyoung men of tbto eily tbto
evening npou tbe aub^eet of “
log aad Sebool ~hmervUloa.'*
wUl be tbe I
Orawnhaertoeed leeiarea tor yoang
mm and all ara aarneatly requeated to
be preaeot tooUghi.
Mri. E E. White mtertalned a num­
ber of young people Saturday evuulng
honor of Mim Marion Pratv A vary
pleueunt tome was enjoyed by all pna
Tbe tegular moutbly baainem aseeV
lag of tbe CbrisUan Eadeavor Society
of tbe CoBgregatioaal church will be
hrli this evening at tbe borne of C. J.
Ebuer. oa Webatvr street.
Clam oomber> of the Ftout M. E.
<Aurch will meet'this evening at tbs
home of Mlu May Peek to bold a but!naaa meeuag. to prepare for the social
Montague ball Friday evening aad
ibe racepUon of the Olgglea fsmUy.
Mrs Dora Crum wlU move to E’.k
Rapids and will keep dreesmaking parlers In connection with one of the
large dry goods stores thsrs
3. A. Doyle aad family wiU oeenpy
>e residence they fcwaaerly occupied
oa Slate street.
The South Side Sbskespeare Club
will' meet this afteraooa at
Mrs. M. & Ostes.
J. L. Smith of State street, has ac­
cepted a position aa foreman in n saw
at Aldea- Tbe mUl to b^ ramodsled and exteaslve rapulis are be­
ing made upon it.
Tbe BepnbUean Jndieial eouventlon
of tbe Thirteenth cireuU will be belri
in Utis city tbto afternoon, convening
at 2 o’elodc.
Mitchell's mill at East Bay to now
oonnected by telephone with the city.
b> tbe Northern Telephone Oompaays
The Northern Trlephose Company to
already doing quite ai extensive buiover their toll Unas to Williamsbnrg. Ealksska,. Pstoskey and oUier
lines north.
Tbe Uniform KtiA. K. of P.. wiU
meet tonight in their armory
All Sir
Knights are requested to bepresem
Tbe Ladtoe Aid Society ot Ue Klrat
Baptist ebnreh will meet at tbe bx>me
of Mm. McMiehael.on Eighth straet.
Wedoeeday afternoon.

In aadaddiUcuat^
HamUtOH OleUbraluuM,

teg On.

Tiuvseas OOg Marhsb
Bate# to a list-of Ue hu^ tote aell

« -Tt.
I the house wUl have buan sold out cosplewly. That Ue cHgagemaot to an



will to raw ai Hmtc awavt PHmarr oabaal
bootoaaHeaAaratoalae. Harah IHa.iUS.a*
S: Sa'vlaeb. torttovatyaw a* ilinlas WAalvaatv* W anaaC a BaasHicM «tw eaaaaaUaa

At OMs. to uuamel. clean, npate
and put to proBur shupe. Tbto to Uu
ouly plaes to dm toy whure 3^ «^s




^a*p«llU^ utoM^und duedrated. All work prupsriy and prorapblydona. Sattodactleu guataateed. at

***‘*i?bftoS?o?*MooA*7 avaatoc. H^h |
ttoiw wUI to Warwe Is aaaS ward i»—
ibor. la av'iw as Ito eiV remaiWur


h ward daWa*. j


■annah. Xeor * On. BmA.

^ 5c
^ Ire concedeil to be tbe a!

* mMiag IL
_ R R. a. Sail.
aaOrremfl wwvi. M H.iDds
)kS. I«S. Si TiXB'ciock.tor U
lax 9 CeWaiM to amtKl
ralM for TuM«aT vTcalnc. tlarrb 141b. ajid E SZSZ
xididaw, lor ward ^
alMfortbvae '
gw Hswris'CiS,
waaoBt. S.


-.T.iriri'.S'. E best



a 9. BBOWV, Aueraer a


Spoelal aueaus

Tootollrr bblcct. Sir Front >lrrTvlrptiobv Ko- SO)._______________
x^BO. H. CROaU. Att
Ur lam. Kuevrtolo
Heoav Bk>e>.___________
Thit. A- U. BOUJDAT. eradumie Torooto
U fBlT»r«ll>. t>eu-r IB I uo-ou Bld«. •Pbeo"nr- lat, rraldrarr lot.


Ever Burned Owtf
If so you kuow
Ue value of








John R. Santo.
Gutnl lisirnca

Diamond J

«« of Ihr
a ward>te


trad ibv cUr



; pMUcitifbfSMMigii i

lary af v*ra
ij loitotrai

BiiaBd a Urpabll.
UrpaMIraB 'hr raarmailea
Taradarr rn-nlar
rn-nlai Ma-rh llth.aod
• I<w tor 1 irHtalaatlae ole
oUKra 111 .aid ward
B. U N«o>ir.



: Iwy SMtef Imws « j

______rrmldlur IB ' I
nrabavkall r'.aa*,

Btmaa na’

500 Bicycles


busiavto 10 act at tto rliT r.



•* «-ema»v- far

t a^^Mw* He. S •*



Sold by all dralera.

paxal alveUDX A dalrraw* u> aiirDd a Ka- <


Ar ttra


■>«-;< U
r. A P M Dra<d
XH 4 niAr Oarkama J'«Vc
V (SH 4 W
Cklvl Lake
I*: 4-ao
V ». s«s
» 4M S IS
*»S4i mss
Twis HwBBtalB
sra «s 9.
•)o«s; *s s
IV Wl s w
Stormaa’a NUl


ISJ? ss


lb 4S 61*
10 4r •« 9
*10 U. >4 X>
II «). e »



•N Sj *4 44
•MmI *4 9


!S: !E

•« 4* «IM
. W 4* *(41

TraiB* eweevrtat Sbvra“ “ *“ '■
T?u*CM^r vararw. t
vbaap'BS Ito iliav ol storm

We mine to apeak abont oar expansion ssle agsln—


.Have you beenin, tooP Are you -on to” the prices as

Tearerto Uly. Kick.

wall ae tbe others P
iiaiySunrvoo. OraCurrOoUwv. Ttvau
_..uc aalaaU by th*


XiUat aUentbu

Doxotogy and Beoedtetkm.

beat Bvtaudi.
SparlBl atlretkiB
There will be presented at Stein­
berg's Ora^ OB Wedaeaday cvenii g a
- ^ • av No 1
. TvlcpbeDV
play which meriu favorable attention
ira tLBBBT A OATES. AUaraars. apeelal al
from aU elnmee of theatre goers. It to UT
lanttratoPrabaivpranlca BoowtSaad
one ot the most picturesque and 10. Mvreanlllf Oo. Blovt.________________________
ie eompoultions In stage litera­
J Opera atraaeUk.
ture. •'The Arenger" to vivid, sterling.
sensutionaJ aad ultra dramatic, 'ibere
. atwitlontolazClUBS.
aoes la which he
and discomfits bto enemies, aod epi­
sodes in which be ronto bto foes.
to a dashing, daring cavnUer. and oommaads the sympathy and admiration
of tbe andienoe from Us first. The
hero who is Ue avenger of Ue pUy to
Henri DeLngardaru. end Uh r^e will
be interpreted by Mr. John OriBU on
Ue preMotatictn of Ue piece in Ui«
T* aoiEO-DwinnF d
city. Hr. UriftiU to aa actor who Is JU tbeir hosts* tog ira or 1
r parlor*.
well known for bto “Pansl" and bto re­
cent appearanoe in Mr. Daniel Freman's “Enemy to Ue Kiag^ company.
In Ue play to ue presented hen he has
a role of exeeptional strmgU and
CaU or addrto* "J R V “ KtroBh oSec. STSdr*
much will be expected of him.
brawB SpkbiBh pup V m
support which toxnnounced to be very
•T win to rvwardvdbrrstrong, to headed by Mtos Kathryn Bur­
nell, an actress of beauty and ability.
infitUngUtoplsy forpreeentalioD
deull from a scenic and eleetrieal Ap^oopto-lw*.___________
point of view has been neglected. It]
may bu safely said that Ue staging,
will be magnificent in every way. The P osr-R«iwe.-i. We»i RUhih nr—t aad r
eagageineni is for one night only and Aj wibum- Bro..- Ilrerj barn »e CbIok or U)
Ur«w4.B etriprd h..t»e bUakn PlB.l*-that the play will be met with extenpatronage u certain, from Ue A CBSXCR POR BYBRYBODY-a* I am
XL abuBi to nnre o I to Ito rity I vlsk to
great advance sale.

His rxaminaUou
for Friday. Sheriff Simpson drove
over to Fife Lake Saoday and arrealed
Ue man. Iraviag here at noon, and on
bto raturn arrived bare at & o'clock.

••The origin of H
*."php«—Mra. Bready.
------- Beading, a leiUr from Tleotue^'
■Mrs. J. W. Miller.
“Tbe fields are white.'
Miu. Minnie Hyde NUsoa.
Daett, “Tell it Agate.'
Mtoa Calkins.



MM«' I

nt rit Keteraburg. Saturday evening
a carboy of bcazW-exploded in* tblrdriam railway carrtoge 00 tbe line to
IVariase. eouth of 8a Yrteraburr- Tbe
. With only tweaty-five seat* left la
narriage was burned ux women and a
tbe baieooT last night- it to very prob­
man were ktUed and aixtem others
able that that portioa df Stelnbeig^
wean injured.
Grand wUl be sold OBV this morning.
The rale of Ue lower flaor to also^ very
Charged WiU Staaitoyt u Boras.
bmvr and it to not unlikely that ^be.
! fore Ue doora of Ue theatre open WedUuiOB

1. aum

toll all my hemiM-hoU eoad*.
of be-1
ault*. rarpvtm Mam. labi-stimed*. la
etorytklhx la
tkm boBto BO-1 all
WTh.ararlf a«w.. la he mold ehe
la -dator.

T^OR UALB-A rood akle beard for sal*
r cheap lagaicvtoMre Beadle. SIS Mate
CrTRnrBEHOB BALL-Fot real foe rmbto
O laeeUec*. eatoaBam. k



T OVT-Larre Cauec risg, oa Prtoit Mrerl.
J ONT-TaBmAaraaraalto


Above is the name of the new fabric
which spring overcoats are made ol
for the fashionable gent. Jiwt got
inanicclot—w>ae wlU sUk velvet belM.ll«Ka*ll(|liMr**l.
eoUar—Ue style to quite abort and

"JkOMf.” S. Benda A Co., lit PYemt TTrAmD-um
W u_ ^ .
utraet, FbahloBable ovtfittora..

If not, it wiU pay yon togwt in

Uae also. This sale, means the whole thinff—every

Chicago — -■“.■»
West Michigan.

suit end overcoat and alstsr, for man or boy (except
sprinir goods, ^ course).
See advertisement elsewhere in this paper.

Hamilton ClothingCo.

nOB. Ag*st.Trav*ra* Otlp

While it lasts will give you bargain* We
shall continue to carry the largest and best
line of
X , „

Funeral Goods

In this'section and sell at tbe lowest prices
S;. Xi. O-^KTEX?..

Gruil hpte ft lidlui R. K
dEsiBt file




1899 :

and up4o-a«U

Funeral Director and Embaimer. |
■Without any question our stock of funeral goods u|ji !gEri^V,geeai
is second to none in this region—and curability and 5
repntation for handling every detail of a Jnneral in
the most practical and satisfactory manner "is a fact

3Elt >

we need not mention.


Will S. Anderson.
Telephone No. 48.


318 Union street, TraverseXTity |

f at ti:isa.m.


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