The Morning Record, October 04, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 04, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TUfd Yeu—No 751



over the ti
are'to enlL It npeenr*. boweter. that
DeUgaer Fife. whUe glrlng the Shamrock a Urger aaU plan than the Colamof Enooonterft With
VttUnra of Wind 8poU«d tb* Wn, hM at the earn* time ao eonairoeted the hall m to glr* the Shamrock
Tfteht OontMt.
greet freeboard, toM dlaplaeeaent and
ooMtquaaUy n ahortnr water tin* by Fosrth Infantry Attacked by lunr• CM)4 a«t U a*U«4 Witbla
nlnumt two feet. All the Sbamroek**
geate Under Vormm Kn*or et laM
^aruexmpt the topauet are longer
—AmeriecB Oapia'a and Ocrporal
turt M« Wk«B OcBUrt Omm than thoM of the Oolnmbln.
, vlU b*

TiRBs&ri nti



H«« Yorfc. Ort. S.-Vh»t proatead
tobatbacrwMtof tb* ------------------ TM»|ortbeA»*rt**o«ip»M*i»U*d
^odV bp the ten«r« of tb* wiad to
An'tb* two fT**f»*l*it «fi • fair
«Cbow. Tb* wlkd dUd o«t before tb*
M«w*»Bi<lb***il*d. *wl *• it WM
^ laMMlbtotolaWiUotMewltfilAtbe
^ ft**
wa oo*-**u b-----oo«~ ~j
,1^, relae. tb* *abt**t WM d*el*r*d off.
Tb* oo«n* WM etr*lirht *w*p tblrtp
fti-- Tb* eUrtlnir el***! »*•
■ »wi;ie Tb*---------------- ---- —
tb* Um. wIU the Oolnwbl* CBinlatTb* 8b*i*roeb did not Mt her eplnuher onUl •** ®vn«t*e *ft*r oroeeinf
tbellM. dtn:*l*bel*dtb*Ool**bU
OoUobl. bid OT.Irf
There wm » f*lrty-ffood breeis blow
ta, **d there wm piO«t** of »b etciU
iu »»d «i"0*
nebt ftelned o*er the Shamrock end
ftnlly took * abort lend. Then the
Bbnmroek pnioed eftblo
■»»*d the Ooinmbl* The brer** wm
uet«*dy »nd light hot both crefl held
•tMdUp on their eonrM until finnlly
the Oolnmble ngnln eeeuied e lend end
held it for home Um*. getnlsf eloFljtt*B dropidng bnck n lUUe but holding
her own for* time. Thebrer** Bnnllj
ftM down ootil little bendwey wm
b, .lU«r, Wb.. b~r lb.
lu .Uh. 11 w« plblnlT bbpmbl
tb* rnce could not be guUhed with the
hTM.e tb.t rreTnlled. but In the menn
’ tim* the Bbnmroek hnd gained
iMd *€*10. When It bnenme UMured
the rnee could not be Bnlehed
within the flrennd one-half hour* the
ladgMdeclared it c« and the yacht*
were lowed back. There wm no dtopnle.Mwa* reported-when the
tMt WM declared off. and 'both eemmaader* were Mtlafled th*t there
«nnld be no race today.,
- Aoeordlng to the rule* of yaebt raciM.tharaeeennnol be Mlled within
two day* Therefore It la artnnged to
Bake anothor trial on Thureday.
11 the breeie aball hold good on
Thureday thare will be the meet **•
TnehtebnUtexpreeely for racing end
b, Ol. £~>«
dMlgner* of two nnUoM The work
of the Shamrock prorea
proroe her
nwr to
•« be the
iMteeinndbeeiofaayof the Englieh
artft e»erMnto**r her* after the cop.
The Colombia can nleo claim the diei-oettoc of belog Ue trtumpb of a
hcatbulldar'c edenoe and thor* 1* not a
•nr* thing about the rMolt of the
earning oonteet. Ynchtemen who are
good judge* My that ihU will te tta
greatMt trial of *P**d under Mil the
world ha« ever ***0. There wM giuat
AlMppointment manlfeeted by the
tboueanda of people who lined the
ahoTM end erewded all *orU of Bailing
and atenm emft. but grent expeclnlion*
ore enteruined for. Thureday.
Prepantioo* for the Bm of the eerie*
^ruoea began at dawn. TtaColombik
and Shamrock epent the night off
Barly thU momlng
they were towed out to poeltion off
Sandy Hook. The day wm fairly clrar
erlth aerlap. north to northoMt wind
blowing tan knoU an bonr. with the
proapeet of lighter breeie* Uter.
Tb* Sbamroek pasted out by
,1-^ Hook in tow at 9 o'clock and
th* Columbin followed nt 9:<s. The
OolnioW* broke out b*r be*d**ll**t
®;»Oandlwo mUM eMtof the Book
OMVoffbtrtow. At tbcMmeUme the
Shamrock. thrM mtle* further
began boiatlng b«r mainaail.
TbaOnlambin t**ched Sandy Hood
Ughtahip at 10:12. The Sbamroek wm
then eomlng on thrM mpM to the
WMtward. Strung out Mtam wm n
large BMt of axcnrnlon hoato, ataam
yuobta and aU torpedo boat* headed
tor the lightship.
At 10:31 both boat* war* off th*
Ughmhip and had Mt their dob top■alia. Sir ThomM Uptonk yueht
Brin with hi* Bagllah guMta on board
bad arrived.
OM of th* gTMtMt —------- —
anli»r*“ »»•"
dsM the nrrivul of the
Sh»mmk in thM* watM* wm the
- iteUy
unuMuinuz ouKwur
by the
lew York dab ImI sight that the Ooimbta woeld have to allow the Sham^ r A.,1 nMOsA* on a thlrty-mUi
It WM g^tedly nopponnd by yaohinBoa who have nans both ynehm nndnr
alU and la the dry dock that th*
Shamiesk. by rnnnps of Itt gTMMT eaU
•Muad and nwnrenUy larger buU
wonld hnv* ho glv* thn (tembte •
®Usg Ukn • ^uta tiM nllowi

Bftmiftlnt ;Konnd Id Buiu of
Bnrnftd DwslUng.
Keroeea* Onn and Clay Fip* Four d
BMida the Body-Frebable Solution
Myntcry Of Burning nf CbarlM
Veltk Bone*.
da* morning that the
of n man bad been found In the nlna
of Cbarle*Fel;-e houM which burned
on the wMt bey ehore Uai Thureday
Mr. Felt nod family were away at
the time of the fire, and lu origin
a myetery, m Uere had been ao fir* in
thr houee for tbr*e dayi; but thiij dleeorery made the matter plain. The
man WM-erldently a tnmp who had
broken into the bonne and p
make hloieelf at home. Near the body
WM a half cot knuckle of beet, which
be bad e*ideotly bMn preparing to eat.
wblleakeroaene oau clone by and a
clay pipe found a few inehe* from the
ekull make tb* euppoeitloa that proba­
bly while gettiog ki* iupper apark*'
from tb* pipe exploded the keroeene.
•etUag Bre to the houee.
ft %
The body, which wm terribly burned.
hM not yet been idoh^Bed.

for the evealag. it wm anaounerd tbet
the next com to he tried would be that
of Berman Man*, accaaod of a erlme
eimllar to that for which Mr. Balllday !
i* held. The robbery for which youog,
Man* win be tried wm oommitted in I
Court will oonTcae tbie monlag at

•eat flat Vili SooB be
Fut os.
TickeU are sow on eale for the High
Zmat Bntiudny.
School Lectnre and Musle Ooi
Mnailn. OeL s.-'nie Fonrth inten­
papiUottbe High eebod are edllsg
tly regiment. Major ATo* eommandth* Ueketa which are going test. The
Ing, bM bad a aerie* of nnoountnr*
oonrM is more popalar thU year than
with the laeurgent* about Iraut alnee
Saturday. The aaU**e were led. It le
The plat will be ready for the reeervby a former mayor of li
ingofeeato on the 21st of October.
and made a gnaeral attack npon the
Seau may be reaerved for the whcA*
taerioan linea from^mni to Baeoor.
eoniM if desired, or for aiagle number*
A eaptein and a corporal of the
of the couiu*.
dmerioan fore** were killed and eight
A Filipino colonel
Ojirtan 1b lay 8tyU.
known to bev* been killed.
I have reeelv*d a oontigumest nf
Majw Price nqoealed Rear Admiral
oynters and am prepared to serve
WataoD to tend two gnnboate to hi*
them in anv atyle at my reataurent
rapport. TbvBghtlng begao oa'Satnear tbe Betel ^hl
arday. when Captain Brown look the
faatulion that dtettegnlehed itwlfatPerrz Dm Marinta and Lien
It Kuabeatbue'e eooute sgalnet a
arge force of iatnrgeuu on the Perez
Dm MarinM road, and n general en­
gagement followed.
The Amerieane. lying in the mad
> the rice Meld*. EVpt up a Are for an
boor and a half, when re-enforcements
were eeut to them OBlil eevea compaa
lea were engaged. The inaorgenu reeated.
During the engagement three A'oer-

of them.

Oaee Alaoeteli ia, end the Case
Will g» •« the Jury Today.
Tbe irlal of i'itok*aalliday, charged
with larceny, oe.uplel tbe eotlre atteeUon of the circuit |ooun yeeierday.
Tbe whole day wm Uken up in hear­
ing teetimooy. and not nil of tt b in j
The defense leeted m the court
■E1T18B CLAIMS OISALX.OWU> •djonmed lazt evening, but the prose­
cution will pvobebly iatiodnoe some
By AibUration in the
moreevldeoe* in rebutul. The cat*
Boundary Katier.
ParU. OcVl —By thedeeiaiooof the
ony of tbe proseention
Anglo-Venezuelan boundry arbitration
today, tome all 8 witneeae* appMred for tb* people.
of Great Britain'* dainu M
Of. theM,
Aaron Medro. who*wore that 00 tbe
Interior and on the ooMt we
Her franUer will start night of March 1. Frank Balllday wm
at the Wdni river.
with him and they went together to
Tne award wm unanimou*. It la the etor* of David Wynkoop. in Kingw
ddered in the nature of a 00m ley. and atole tbe articlee mentioned ia
the chief one* being a gold
P»«l«- __________________
chain, a band mw. aome razors- two
BaiirvManda revolver. Mr. Memro
oonHesed to tbe robbery,
O*org* Oouhn SUuck by Fi*M of fly­
nndhb tMtioaony U discredited by
ing Lumber and Skull Frnotured.
some, eepeelally M he
George Oonfa*. a Pda 26 year* of age
of hb tMtlmony ia the lower
id in the mill of the court. Be claim* that be bM been on
TruvetM City Lumber Oo. yMterday by eeveral trip* wlUi Mr. Halliday. lu
a pl2oecf lumber thrown from one'of which burglary had
The fragment etmek the
ured for the d*.
young man 00 the right aide of the feuM. They were tb* prtsouer himself,
the ekull at tba *
hb wUe, hb mo^tr, Mr. While and
of th* brain.
Dr. A B. Holliday «a« Mfv BoUo. TheM tMtifled that tbe
imoned and gave all th* relief poa- chain that Mr. Balllday had. whidb It
dble at tb* mUland th* man wm then
claimed that he utele, had bees
rumored to hie roaeae .«ver Latonlaee porcteaed by him ia NebrMka, that
A Daaormlerk aaloon.
Bia iejory ii the Bzt iron* had never been la hb pcevery painful and may iMuU Mrioualy. Mseioa. that the hnad-Maw bed been
bongbt for him by Aaron
W. P. Ciomer. DM of th* membaiu of TruverM City, that be had had

holdelu Bunl meeting n propoeition
from the Ann Arbor road will be con­
When Mked if tb* Aon
Arbor might oome in. Nr. Braid
declined to answer, but wm williug to
say that that wm a matter for the Ann
arbor people to eeltle for tkemaelves.

WkitWill BhIi OgNeitt

ed by tb* evUenM of the defeMe.
Befcre th* ndj-wruaent of the eonrt.

“Mr. Dooley,
In Peace and War”
Tbia roinmc coneuta of ifi atoriea or “obaarraBhina'' by
Dr. Dooley, in rich Irub dialect. 19 of these are on dif.
ferent pbaaea of tbe war from Btart to finish—and 30 on
current topics of tbe dty. For keen Irish wit and hnmor,
ii is the beet book on the market—It will chase away the
”hlite#'’—We can get any book yon want on abort notice.

Mail or telep'ume orders
have prompt attention........


230-223 Frost Strool

B>lph 0ann«bla Jr.. Huugw.

Benda shows the only correct line of

at prieea you'll be mor'u glad to pay.




UHDER. s,rsi7Er.-*r .v;s:'4
WCID rnr««a-r fr-j lam.
BbMn zw. a*-, r--. II cDCipiaU-.w

CBFB*11 airlr*. 2 .--8ui.ta-r ruita. ISc.
of ol»mr* i.r -»ma*lmr-co*u Ibf U14-.I
onl-emr*lfrr>U lo bl*. k or


arindror—^u.'lwklo Wool — I'olio* —
i^ra-c*u«M-e.i* Liw a»y.hio*

"iFmnsoiErH«G iew R^f^QR ushs shows it fiesf
Just Opened a new lot
of elegant sRoes for
LADIES. Latest styles,
ought to get at least
$2.50 a pair for them but
wc will sell them at

It's that kind of shoe
selling that has caused

Our $I.9S Bargain
I fpr Ladies
or Men

i More of Those
Popular $15.00 Fall Suits
Just received here yesterday
Handaome, stylish stripes. of all
all pure worsU-d goods, also the rich plaiu blue serge*,
iingle aud double breasted reste—cutto fit, designed to please,
bixiilt to wear. We can sell you a'suit right, at prices that are


Special OpeniDg

to be praised by every­
one. 25 men’s styles to
choose from.


\\ Cloak Department
Thursday, Friday

The leader in Fine Shoes

....and Saturday,
October 6tfa. 6th snd 7th.


In addition to our own superior stp^k there will be on ex­
hibition sample linea from twu or three eastern oloak and suit
manufsetorers. We will also off<-r some special values from
stock at tbia time and orders taken for future delivery.
This is a grand opportunity to select ao outer garment, and
ladies are invif
■vited to vi-it this det
lepartment on above dates.



It is tbe grest time steer of
the age, (and so inexpensive
that]nobo(iy can afford to be
If you had a telephone in
your office or home you would
save ouch mental and physical effort, and no end of time
and annoyance.


SS StVV'SiToeadet...

the TtaveiM City PeniMul*
that he had never had ............... ......
Mlaaion By. On. went to Lanelag yee* that had been stolen. Tb*wlt-I
Mrday to take the neeeeaary legal
for the defence told a ataali^t
■tepa to extend the
Agetocy, which hang well to.
th* eoenpany, providing ter P600.000
. None of th* teettmony wm
capital. Be wired yeeterday that the
matter bed been aatletedorlly ar- Mzaken on th* ecom exnmlnetten, nnd

by Richard Whiteing,
A irnthfal picture of uium life in England, tbe author
entera into their every day life and work and' potraya
charactera unuenal in fiction and therefore more inter*

Hl“‘lUit*'.^ukfr«,"zi»i.l Soml;
D&an- wiu«m.,r Tif. -Nmv |»llvr*i
WMkl, -lui' u> tziu



No 5 John Street,


Billed nnd Bight Wounded-Bebel

Colonel Bnown M HaeeBenn JUlled

The fighting yesterday began wlih
B uttack by the Insurgenu on a party
repairing the telegraph Upre, one
oember of which vw wounded.
Oeuerul Alrjind'rtuo un<1 the twn
ithqir Filipioo e*>voy* wboaeeompanUd
Will ^bably ft* loelnded la the T.
lim. returned to Angelea by uHgeia!
& F. a., the C. A W. a. and the.
D.. O. »-A W. qoaaolidatlon.
Crund Sapid*. Mich.. Oct. 3 —It U
now generally telked that a fourth
road will be included In the ooaaoUda- Magaifloent Ovatieu at National
Oapilol and n Splendid
tioD of the F. A P M . the C A W. M..
nod the I). O B. A W. The road ia the
Saginaw. Tuecola A Uuron railroad
Washington, Oct. 3.—The bomeeomwhich ruB* from Haginaw >o Bay Port
g of Admiral George Dewey—for
and Bad Axa^ll 1* about altt.v *1* heaeuforth tbe aatioaal oupital U to be
mile* long and ran* through n rich hUhoBB*—WM m*ae the oocMlon for
agrlcuUuml section of the etate.
W. the gTMtMt tribaieever paid bv WMhL. Web*rlapreildeot«f the road and ngtoa to aoy iDdivldnal. After the
U>e Boyl eaute U eald to be the prin­
<-y welcom* in New York,
cipal owner.
tself aatarpuMed in iu rembtoWhen Preeldent Crapo of the F. A P. cd tor tbe hlgbet'. and greatest Id tbe
M. WM In Saginaw reoeaUy he made oScial world
d out the hwid of
apecUonoftbeS.,T. A U.. and greeting to thr (.kinoni admimi. and
iMt week when PrMldeat Beald of tb* 10 j>lo with the -v>ipie who are to be
C A W. M. WM out on a ‘•racallon." bb fellow c tizc ■> in bidding him wel-'
he end Superintendent Afuew made
an inapeetion of the line from one end
to the other. Ooneral Manager S. T.
Crapo aleo made a personal trip over
the hoe.
There is aleo a well grounded rumor
afloat in New York to the effect that
wbMi the committee on ooneoUdaUoo Tcetimoay iJ^.l.- Freak Halliday


MtB ftxiM\kn\ft
-'ftftft.u^tB^ S\1^sh-iKUkt
u«T^ Vftk&ftome ftUrt tBftisU

■We sell shoes.
They fit your feet.
Tbe goods are new.
They are up-to-date.
The quality is the very best.
Tbe prices are the very lowest.
If you will call and examine our stock we
will prove these statements.

McNimiri IIkL



•■ * •W?WT

TH> aouara moobu, wtcaMDAir. ootobbb *, law
^■-aoBaiaa jubooss.


CaoB. T. B*ni Ajn> J- W. Bamrs.
S. W. HAam. Bdlwr Md MMBfBr.

Om OacttufOA

m nis ioiE(

Bi«h Mool D
BtMOM thM h« airat at Bllowtd to
vtoU tbt Mboeu of CodillM for hoU •
A pidi-«p teas Uxm tbt Swt 8kto
da^aoMtlM to tbt prtMot wtanXk. dotaotod • tlmlUr too* tiooi the Btfh ^
aftcnooB ia a fMae {
Wiu b* Paid to WUaon dt
The eosmlUM on btlldlsci tad of hMt hall. The eoBiett »sa fall of I
Srwia, Oootraetors.
takt Mtptifeatomfroa the ttan to the ftoieb'
i\ of the|aad toiUthe fifth iBolsr the otnre;
tocdctnc to t>>*
I to K»d« of HDitarj- oeodltwi) of the Biaoood etood 1-0 la the Blrb edto I hajB I
the fidditioae to the S ardatea aad aveBMeebodl barlilor. vhere the la-jttTor. le thet toalnr the etodeau:
beetlnf aed ' <*001 ,op etd vbee'her doBO'eded the:
ejtteB be* raede tbftrkiiL' eeorewMb—t in feror vi ibe Bmi
resUlailBC ejateB.-----------------..„ ,^11
-------------Iswera Neithereide eeoeed after that ^
The retalar weeUat of the eehool ]' .
a* aahealtbfal.
Score hj laelogB:
* .................. ..
Whea adjTnrameBt wa» fiaall7
reached, it i
...........0 0 0 0 6 0 0 .-t
1 O. C Moffatt. J. A. da7 aexl
ft aad Data. Lob(Moore, oiorfe Hojt, Fraak Kriedrieh,
labaafb aad Dewitt.
B. B. Pope. E. W. Boud. Oeotfo A"Oa the Sawaaee Biter.'* which made
SUarae aad D. Ooehlla.
ToSmba<slOK Ccateatloa
It waa a loaf seetlar. aad aaeh aoeh a raeeeaatal tear la»t aoMOO. will
Balpb Aaderaoa went to Clilemc® 7*etalk wae dtopoaed of. at waU aa a ooa- be at SidabeiT'* Uraad Opera Bo«»e
terday to atteod the 4Ui aaBoal eaa■Ideiable qaaaUiy of boalaen. Thb
Bwt ImportaalacUoa. orat leaat the
BOeiatloD. that begia* this momoee that oceaeloaed the gn^U»t a etory of life la the aoath laod. but lag aad laeu foer daya. Moadey be
ataoaat of dleeanloB. wee the matter tbia preceatatlop baa aot been *e di*>
win wltoeea the cotoer etoae Isyiog of
of the Elmwood afoooa aad Board- toned and eraaed the traa eootberner.
tbe new government bnUdlng. Tnrs—areaae addltkiaa. Moat of tbe V to make him
day. Wedoe*da«aad Thnraday be will
moaey for the addiUoa* had bcea paid,' thr eoatrary. the author haa a*ed the
attend a three day* lecture course oc
aoBth aahU locallt* oa iU wy poakhalmlng in tbe Chicago Eabalmicg
slb.iiiT to pre«ot Intereeliny ehsr.
college. Balph 1* fo'ily determined U
more d* Beitele
finitely 1looked seten. besDtifal tropical eorroandlnys
keep abrcaat of the lime* in tbe an
and melodiona environment*. There la
of cmbalmlag and fnneral d'recunglc
dP. E. nothing of the *en*atlonal type, no
Superioteadent of Cci
Moore wae fleea the power la the con­ horae race*, no cotton comyreeae* to all Its branebea
Mr. and Mr* W. F, .rand have goa*
tract to order tbe peymeat of the almost crush tbe mecbanlcal
claim* when the money eaaie due in monstreeity: simply a eualyht pore to lAaslng for a visit.
tbe Improtediento. and already over wo etory of .bearto. which are ahowo to
Barley Holliday w I In the city from
per cent of the foil amoBBl baa'been best quite a* ratlcnally la the eontb a*
paid. Bat diaaaUefaetlon wiU the la any other *«ctioD It 1* not difficolt Mayfield yealerday.

She Vraaohiee rropoeiUoa.
Hm propo^Um to balli a railroad to
Old MMon aad aabttqaaaUp to eeuh)ua K Btreei car llae la thU dtj bmoU
ibeidea i. hilled with ooaait«abU
aattefacUoa aaihwhea the proper Ume
«. trtrj poealble eacoararemeat
W'OI he adeacced to aid io eoaeomaiattaf
Iheplaa. While ererj body affrcea that
•aeh ao enlerprtoe «oald be a rood
(bias for Trareree Qltf. the peajeeala
aadiheearrooadlaf territorr there U
a diepoalUoa to ezerdee eaatloo la
fraatlBf a fraaeUee. Ihe ooaadl will
he tailed opoa to diaplaj thdr beet
' ^ aereral of tbe
imagine the opportaalty aflordrd
jadsmeat aad ia eoadderior
board, and it waa toted that ao more for eeenie display, and foil adraatage
natter wUl pe
*«•*?***• I miney be paid oat onUl the next meet- ba* breci taken of every scene. The
Inwreeu of tbe dty nppermoet, while
«bleh will be held first act shows a typical sontbrm
proper enoonracemeat to
lay eTeninp.
planter's reaidenee. with tbe exterior
Mr. Moore, the architect, baa filed hie, sarronndlDtB Md the old Suwanee
Tbe Biatier of graalinr aa exclaelte approral of tbe bnildlnK*. aad tbe con- Elver in the distance. It to a very
(raachlM for thirty yean U not fatort prorldea that the fall amonnt be' pretty picture and etarte tbe atory
ably reeeited, a* each a franehiee paid within ten day* of the acceptance' under natnral and pleaaing atuplces.
woBld be clearly acainrt tbe ellyb of the bnlldlnfa. That Umc la already No alumpt baa been made to exploit
Utoreeta. Boweter, It le act likely pact, if aeoeptanee be dated from the the tslebu of the colored race to the
IbatUe eoeaeil will yite away any
of tbe stage at any time.
rlirbte which the city ahoold retoln. by Hr. Moore.
I'oe plantation b^ds are there to the
Btfore fraptlac any fraaehiee at all
Wlleon A Erwin, the conlractcra fblfil'.ment of deuU and they are In no
for the addltioae. alao preeented a bUl way foreed npon the audience.. Tbe
yQ a profile of their propoeed mate and for extraa to the amonnt of KS4 M. A* c -mpany to fully eompetoni, number­
I la Uaee they propoee to eetabllMi la the board wa* aaenred time and ayaia ing such well known people as Stella
the city Umlu, Inelodlag ewltchce. Ihbt there wonld be no extra*, eome o^ Mayhew. WUlle Simms. Cbas. W.
enrtm, tom-onu. etc. Unleee eneh a them were act aatlefled nnUl Mr. Moore Porter. Barrtoon Steadman. Allen B.
profile U tnpplled the oouncU cannot felly explained tUe matter. It waa BsUey. Fred Troeadeli. and tbe
fire the eon^eraUoo to tbe matUr eutedby the clerk that theae extra* ftmons Fouotala City Jubilee Slagers
Which Ito imporUBce dem
were the retail of the aeeeaclty of adToe biggest social event in tbe
dltloBal work on aocpaat of tbe ebanchistory of SMlnberg’t Grand since it
ea la the heatlny eyetem.
Tbe matter wa* finally eeUled by was built took place last 'W^t. It
Tbe reprodaeUoB of the TUmlmmoBB
pad Jefferlee' flyht by tbe Bdieoa tbe board eotiny that no neore money wa* a roaring function called - FinalAmericaa company will be at the City be paid to the coatraetora nnUl tbe gaa's Ball," by Hurray A Mack, tbe
Opma Bonee Wedneeday etenlny, Uct. next aeetlny. and tbat the board meet iesdiug lighu in tbe aUracUoo While
the architect and loapeet Uarray A Mack are tbe central
fleure*. unlike many other plays tbe
tbe bnildiayseiext Moodey.
Tha C. A W. M. eold S(» exeunion
The committee on waye aad mean* bslsnce of tbe cast was flrat class in
llekaU to Cbleayo ^d •oottaem poinu
reported claim* to the amonnt of fiw.> every reaped. T'be piece to construct­
yeatmday mornlny aad pbont IM) went
43. which were all ordered paid ex­ ed solely for tun and the purposes of
pat oa the U. B. A I
author are admirably earned ont.
cept the claim* for the addiUon*.
Tbe Woman'e AoxillaiT of Grace
A commonlcation wa* recelred from -Murrar A Mack sre both old fsvorius
pbwreb wUl meet ibla afUmoon at S;3u the former tiuaal cfheer, F. D Mar- lu -FinaigaD'* lisll" they have amplv
wlth.MrAC.T- SUml.
▼in, containlDE aome timely Buyyee- opuortunily to display their personal
Tbe Woman'* MUeloaary Society of tIODi in reyard to iblawork for tbe pub- comedy cbari.cieriBiics which
. the Baptist church will dtocom ':Mor- Ue •chool*. The matter waa Uki n up many end varied. The piece to one of
lam*” thU afternoon at the heme of and thorouyhly d
. and it was loose which sre created ezoressly
Itri. 3. B Santo.
decided to do more in the work of look- drive away dull care and It roars of
Tha eebooonr Maiie owned by Capt. Iny op the uuanU from tbe Bcbool* side-splittiog laughter i* any criterion
0alme left yreterdey for Baffalo with than bad eter been done bef>re. Ac tbe large aadience were tborougbly
Wa oordiayly F- D. Marria wa* sppoiaied amused last night. Tbe house

- Ml.OOOteetoi aaple I' mber
Peltoer’e Ibciory. Capt. Bolme will a* truant oSeer till the mid-winter psehed to tbe door* aud before
ppead aome time vletUny at hie former bolldayA at a salary of |20 * month. Be eoruin went up sundlng room lickeu
were sold. Tbe rollicking apeciality
Is to devote hi* entire lime
bene la Maple City.
work of tbe two pripopal* give* way
There wiU be a raynlar mceUay of work, and 1* to be ready to «
Ibe N. A. S. E at tbe I. O. o. P. bail work la tbe iotereeu of tbe eehool a* at frrqoenl Interral* to tbe excellent
may be directed by the Baperintendent. lulenii u>f tbe other member* of the
Tbaraday eTenlay.
City treasurer’* report we* re­ east among which, are a dozen pretty
. 1%e Junior Lyeenm held their fim
^eetlay tale afteraoon, directly after ceived and Bled. It ehowt a balance girl* wit^DC voices and personal
ebarnu which add materially to the
tha afternoon ecaeion. In the Ulyh In tbe treasury of •JV.4C4 19
Tbe ehoro* work
Soph C. H. Bom gave hi* monthly attraction.
Mbool aaeembly room- A fine proyram
report, which *howe recelpU of non- strong and the general work foil of
rrsideot toltloB to tbe amoont of yioc.- dash and life which make a plar of
Mr*. J. H. McUooyh will ent«ruin
that character apprectoted.
24 for tbe pan month.
the Womanb Forelyn mUalooary *oThe •nyyestioD* of the anperiblen.
elaty tbU »ttemoon *t 3 o’clock at her
borne, 410 Fifth *110*1. All inleretted dent in regard to the work of U*
•cbooii. were then taken up. The first
ft the work are Incited to attend.
wa* la regard to tbe employment of a
Mim Clare Cba*e ha* been apendiny new uacher for the eeiosd and tbli
the enminer with ber parent* bere^but grade* in the Central bnildlny. H
bat retnmed to Detroit to rmume her Bom showed the crowded eonditioo of
WWk la e
theae rooma. which mske it
A fall race meeUny I* belay contem. for tbe pupil* la the Third grafie to
^ated by thfi Trarerae City Drlvlny get the full dey'e iastruction. The
Olab. Last year tbe meeliny was a attendance being no and tbe seating |
Wysaeoec* and this year aa eqoally capacity 43. only half of tbe pnpU* are I
aaoeesafnl aerie* of crenu to antlel- acaommodeted la tbe morning aad'
half la tbe afternoon. It wa* the een-'
Tbe Ladle*' Aid eoelety of tbe Cony- tlaieot of the board tbat each child
yeyatloa*! ehnreb will aerre a ten cent ahonid have tbe full school privUege*.
■upper thi* eraalny la the ehnreh par. and tbe superintendent and committee
on teacbera were ao^orlzed to employ
Iota from 5 to « o'clock.
-The Boetoa Store will yi»e a reeep- an additional tcaeber to assiat tbe
MoB la the cloak department to the teacher of the second and third grades.
A room to vacant In tbe CentnJ bnildladlae today.
Dr. Bran* wa* In Elk Baptd* ycater- ing. ud the matter can be bandied
Bay, where ha performed a danycrona nicely.
Snperlntendent Bom called tbs at­
pparatlon for hernia, tha paileat belay
tention of tbe board to the fact tbat
■Mia-Meu. The operaUoa wa* aoccymtbe arrangemenU for the tMchlng of
fal aad Hre.Meiz will recorer apeedOy.
msdfi by
drawing are not aa good aa conid be
desired. Be euggeeted two plans to
XttoaOood Paper.
remedy this defect One of tbcee con­
e of Tbe Modera
templated tbe employment of a apeeial
Woodman, the offidal organ of that teacher for drawing, tbe other would!
flrgaalzstloo. was 433.000 oopies.
provide tbat Mim Perry of tbe Boardtake* 100.000 poands. or three Urge
man avenue school. who to aa expert
(ralgbt oarloads. of paper for ,
along tbit line, give’tbe other teacher*
iNB*. The October tosn* mens
Sold only by
•pedal Inatmction tbat wUl fit them
TM ttilw of paper.
tor this work. Neither of tbcee *nggpeiione seemed to please the board, so
Ik's boa Merve
Was tbe reealt of bis splendid healtb. they let the matter pass without recJademluble
lademluble will
---- -------------------------------aad tremodou* eo ommeadsUoa.
Mr. Bora asked pcomtosloa to par
grgr are aot fonad where Stomach.
Liver. Kidney*, aad Boweto an out of chase eome needed material for the
order. If you want* theae qusliile- kindergarten and tbe A 1st grade
aad the euecew they bring, use Or
. Slag** New Life fUla. Only is ceat roomsia tbe oeaual bnllding. Tbe
. rt^Jame* O. Johan's and a S Wait' permisdOB was granted, and tbe clerk
wa* aatborJzed to draw order* for the
paymsat of tbs aeoonta.
'Xas saperlateadent asked toave of

What Will Benfa Do Noil?




The Did Reliable
Shoe Mae.


Frank Friedrich

—That is what yon are looking for this weather.
We hare them and the kind that will please you is
onr air tight stores. Yon can start a fire .and hare
the room warm while yon would be poking aronnd-to
get a fire etarud in some others.
A full line of heaters from a box stove at f2.75
to a nice Penicsular heater.
Bed Blankets from 45c to a strictly all wool one
at $4.00.

120 Front Street.

House Furoishiae Store

Job Oon'dat Move S 'ud it.
H he'd bad Itching MI e. TheyYr
frrihly annoyiDy: bnt Bucklro's Ar­
nica Solve will core the wnr-l <U'e of
Piles on earth. It baa cared*'- oiaadf.
For Injurlee, Pain* or Bodily E'Uptionr
It's tbe best Mlve In the worlu. Pric
ox. Cure I
Johnson •



8 ^

What Will Benda Do Hett?
ElmbsU FisAM and o gtht
street. N. E Stro-<g. msDSV< r.





A Beautiful Room
Can be made in any home
with but very little money,
if you dd'youY trad­

ing here.

Begin within the walls if you will, and paper the parlor.
There you will want the best of course, in the richest colorings.
Prices range from iiOc to 50c. Sitting roont and dining room
papers from 16c to 36c. Bed room papers 7c, 10c, 12c. 16c.
Then tbe carpets (we'll talk about the sitting room ) A good
Ingrain for 40o and 60c. The very best made in the world for
eec, or possibly you would like an Art Square from $7 60 up.
Perhaps you have all these and just want an extra rug, in front
of the sofa or by the door. An enormous stock to select fl-om 76c
buys a small one, abeauty. Here money, batter and larger rugs'
Now for eome new furniture. It may bo an entire outfit or just
a single piece, Want a Battan BockerP 2.46 to $11.60: or a Cob­
bler Seat Eocker, 47 diflerent stylos from $116 or a Settee, in
rattan or polished oak or upholstered. $4.26 and thereabouts
Can't have too many Sofa Pillows. Gottheqi “already to use”
for $1.60 or can the Down Pillow at 76c, 86c, $1.00 and
you make your own cover, or sell you the cover material too.
Take down the door between your rooms mid put up Eope Portier or a beautiful Drapery, gives a cosy home like appearance
to the house and costs from $1,60 the pair to the very finest An
extra picture there by the door or between those windows would
Improve the room wonderfully. Sell you these already framed
or can frame yours in the most artistic manner, from 2t)0 styles
of moulding. Wa are the House Furnishers of the Region.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

THE MOAglMQ Muoap. WgPlfBBOAT. OOTOBVK 4, 1889

I fAtXt SVemt


8^ M. lUtUtm, » ncMte of o
woU-kso^ NOm 1o«»Mkip CkmUp.
•M IoMmOj kilMd %i Fuel*. OoL. im
4»ya iMt
fooBd IB ttM room of •
waoMO doctor «bo bom moooofe trao»>
' imX. 8ftoeUimolw«rMB70Ml's*d.
«odp>o oi tho Miefairoo Militory
Arodemj oeat tiiU froeUnjr to Admiral
Dowey: ‘ We. aa a body of yoaefi Americoaa, ostood to yoa. tbc baro ot Maolio, oar bearifelt rreeUen aad beat


la tba bqya' retiriaf room ia
>lie baaamaat Ua c&daU ware met
with aa odor which prompted thorn to
leave the room a* qaiekly aa pemible.
Tba pipe which corriaa off the liqajd
matter la eataadtd tt» the rroaad aador the balldlbr laatead of thiriy-Bra
■obooloaclalaTiaiwd tb>m Yeatarfeat farther away to tba resttlatlsr
doyaod VarbOlapliaaad With the abaft wb<
it ahoald be eorriad. and
■ VeDUlaUrr ’
j Ibe droiaare In iaio the aand aoder tba
ATeaaa Bttildiiic ^ ba.ldicr. •here fool air maat aacemar; ily accBDDlata.
'la both bBildlara tba uaehara daThe a
il additioaa were laahadaa ahoold be provided
»»*Torl^U,l,^h,board will probably look,
lamiltos.Praak Priadrieb.J A. Kw
afler aoob.
Bev. D. Oochlia. Riebard Boned ard '
Oaom Boyt. membaraof tba boa'd of
Tbe cr~«lpe tried all of tbe meaoi at
Tba rmalt waa far fit m rratifyiar.V a*.
A' eenMtlOn lO breW.

Haw Scho.a AddlUou Do iLt
Flana Boi.rd.

ProridMI MeKlolojr hM
* toot ha
Mid be ot
Oct IT. Ike 8r»t dop of tkr
It Ulr. Tto eootaUlee U after
Dowoj. too.
fooiaod bj oloctUr C W. Oa> field praidoat ood Load Oommtekmr Freaeb
A oian elainiuic to be a cowboy from
Jom« B. Boll, o promtaoBt lawyer,
booker aad (aoe> atoek raleer of Bortui tba vUd at d wooly Weat. woe barooonty. bad ble Icir badly bittea by a aoratofi a crowd on tba atreet at Braboor while atUsdlofithe Uarbor Beach abear. Mo., wbaa aomaoae ^aaotiooed
«,d a.uw« cl u..

atreet talr.
bia claim. They pat him to the Uat by
>paay btriaa oparatiooa ' otklof him to ride the Urarymaab fine
The board firtt vliitad tbc Roardmaa I
-WaabliviOD Star.
black borae wiib a eldoot temper. Be
bnildlcg. Tbe room are laige. I
rot ia tba aaddla aad. after be had aab« tba far boriaaaa. Aotock o
atiraetlve, airy appartmenU aad
PiwWWr jtx.
pMy baa baca fermnd for workior O do«d tba aotaial. atrack oat at a fiallop iboald be a credit « the eltv. bat
^ard^r-l m mirry wo
B. Barrlsfitob-a paiewt proeeaa of taa- for the Waat Be baao’t bees aaeo then. .M. m.n.
' f''1h l..Tsvl« byponea.
biar aklaa with hair oa, witheot dea- elaoe.
(ffiiialadooot poor, ibat IdoIdiI.- your
troyiar the ffber v laaUr. The (oodt
workmanahlp. lo tbe upper rooma iK,*nl blU. Mr. Jon.-aT -The lUval.
are alao readered moth proof.
Tbe door of a atoek car od tbe lifla- the flioraare anenn acd .n one par-.
coaeara ataru with 2S haoda.
Boarl. Kaaaaa A Teaaa railway flew ticalarly tbaia U a alope of aboatj
WcuWot l^h A.y rpiur.
Bertha BadUy. afad IT baa beae. opaa tba other alebt while tbe train
l..ol«.b»ft,„o...lC..oU.c,b,.A , ■■""',1;,'!'’
Biaalnr from bar home Id AIMob aloea waa ffolbf aaat at about tblrty-fira
almUar .Bporiecuoo
Imparleciion pivToii*
with vne
-\\>U. ►he wogida’i look morh ng.
Uat weak Tbnraday.
eke atteffded milea uB boar, ^d cattle'were apllled
wainaoolin^ and tbe wloduw IramM I1>t than kIio tioec ebeirlnf gunj."—
aebool ttaatday aad wbiie OB bar way oat all alobc tbe rifbt of «ay fi
are not uniform In the baaeraent t^iefvlabd Flain Dealer.
home rave ber borka to a friead, with HadiaoB to Faria, Mo. Ooly one of tbe
there are many Imnerfeciioua, oari Oc­
tba remark that abe mut attend tt aa einn were killed; tbe rest were foood
ularly In tbe auirwayi which invlu
orraad. Aboatdaik abewaaaaeD with tba best m woinf contentedly bro«a
eritleUm. The cold air ahafu are
aoma frtanda acd aaidabe would be ing on the gnaa.
poorly conatrueted and the cement
rifbt borne
Bleoe tbeo aaarch baa
near the furnacM ia a compo-I ion
fa'Ud to reveal ber whcraab;.oU. Offi­
acarcely harder than plcaur and not
cer* are tbe caae.
ao good aa the old cement In
for Weat Salem, Ohio, to apend tbe
At Nilea Or. Biebardaon'a booae waa
aaother part ot the baaemenb
robbed of dlamobda aad allter plate
Slight i«uperfecUonacx).t Id the Elm
Salarday darinr tba atreet earalval.
Mra. T. Olda left yeaterday for tba wood avenue bnilding.Tbc Jaoliora f
oeplrtg Cough, Asth
Tba plnadar waa aeat toCbleairo by e«rortehitiB and Irtciple
aontharapartoftbe aUU on tbe ex- both atfuclnrM are free In their ex*
prma ia a aatebel aielca from tba booae
Conaumptlon, la
preealoaaof erlti^i^. In tbe Elmwood
canton. _________________
Tba mtehel waa reoarolud at tbe
bntldlag tbe cold air abafia are lb bet­
prcaa effiee and an oBaer weat to ChiMn. J. M. Frail and Hlia Sarah ter abaoe and ba«e been coratmeted In
earo aad aiTMtad a woman wboeallad
Frail are er joying a vialt at tbalr old a mor« workmanlike manner but there
for tbe aatebel. Batf a dorrn barfilarare impeifeeUona in other placet wb'^ab
borne U Pontiac.
laa have come to lirbt.
are abarply critlclaed.' The eemeut ia
At Upaar O. S. Meyer* atepped o
about tbe aame aa in tbe batement of
daUchad Bell talephoaa wire ic
To Curo • Com In Ono Day. the Boardman avenne building.
back yard aad waa aboeked. Then be Take WarnorV Whit*- Win*- *'f Tar Syni;
At the Boardman avenne boildirg
diaeovarad that a fruit tree waa OB fire ibe beat cough icmedv on earth. S'lun the teacher* in the addition* agree'
aad that a ch >ckan bad been aleciTTeat- o» lenu.
that tbc beating and ventilation it tat-!
•d. Ha threw a pall of water oa tba
lafaetory, but tbe Elmwood avenue |
tree and tba cnirabt from tbe wire folbuilding preaenta a vary uoaaiitfacUry j
Uwed tba water back to tba pail,
condlUou. Janitor Tompklnt It not'
kaoelriafflt Utc plaoea.aad ahookUr
aatltfled with the Smeed aytienud ia '
bim afBla. An Ueetnclaa waa ealUd
not in love with the crematory arrant aU to fix thiBfa up.

The Cm that Cant t


-TV. AnuK WtEor

What Will Benda Do Nut?

What Will Denda Do Neit?

What Will Benda Do Nut?

Dr W. C Lambertof Wyaodotte.bad

■allboat balongiag to a Detroit genUrman. in wblcb were tbe gentleman and
bU wife.
Wben tbe doctor left the
boat be left behind a Uny HtUe mite
of hnmanliy.
CharlM A. Tilley, a Bough Blder.haa I
dloappeared. He wat laataeen on the
Gaoka of tbe St Jotepb river. Be waa
daappndeni and may nave takco hla
Prof. William*, halooniat. while atoaudlaglDbU baloon at the Htrbor!
Beach atreet fair, dropped into Uke
Boron, but waa aavec by Capt. Kerr!*
and bU life-aaviag crew
111* oonfideally expened that tbe
reglatraUon ofxha U. of M. Usla year
will raacb j.voo. Every departmeat
abowa great game
Frank Bodge and Fetor BIley, (armm living near Whitoball. had a torrible. quarrel about their reapective
»*■»*• Next morning, when Hodge
waa at work with bl* boiUM. tbe team
ran away, pod into White river, at d
were orowoed. That aame day. when '
Biiey waa at work with bia borae*.’
they alao ran away and againat a tele- ^
phone pole, one of the animala break-,
lag it* neck.
At Big Rapldi Uie Chicago A- Weat I
Michigan raUraad'freight warebouae j
and two freight car* were . illed Mon- j
day by boboea. Every box waa opened ■
aao nnmerouB arilcla* taken. The an-'
Ure lo«a U not yet known. Tbe thieve*
have not been captured.
Every prize for botur and cbeeaa at
tbe atate fair waa nabbed by graduate
of tbe Michigan Agrienltnral College.
Camp# of tbe National Uagae of
Votorana aad Son* of Vetoran*. with
baad<toartor* at Saginaw. St. Lout*.
Chicago aad Coleman, and applioalion*
have bean raoalved from Owoaao. Alma,
MarUtto. Oaro. V*Mur. Jioldwator.
Stanton. Clara and Midland. Thla orgaiaiation look the place of tbe L'nlon
Vetona*' FrotoeUva laagaaSatorday night waa a bad one for bi­
cycle rider* at Grand Btpl4a Albert
MUtor.agad >0, who liven on Wmu
Bridge atreet bill, ooUidad with a tclapboue pole oa South Divlalon atreet
aad waa badly brulaed abdbt tbe kaea*
ABdhaada. Ed Cnllon ot Sand Like,
aufferlng from a fractured leg. arrired i
OB th* train at the Union depot aad had
to be mareyed lo the botpiul. C H. j
Tbampaoa waa riding a wheel at tba j
acnar of Waablngton aad Ufayetie j
atroata. He oollidad with another rider '
aad had to be removed to bia bomeWmiarn Barth feU from hU wheel
whll* riding on BgbUi avenne near
Dlrlalon atrMk HU face waa badly
eutaadhawwaaeonacioutfor boatv,
Kroak SlBMed*. K yeara old. mixed la
. aeolUaioponElUarorlbaveau*.
JorophFraxlerofAlgonae, claim, to
be Ua oldaat roaldent la Sl Cla'
-nnly, and will pam bii one bn . «dU
blrUday on March It. l»ua
Wonl waa roaalvad at^llaa


Have each a well earned and enviable rep-ata*ion for their
_ manuftictured products—Other firms wait to see what the
p- leaders will produce, then copy (as near as possible).

Beautiful Man Tailored
Gowns, Jackets, Golf Gapes
and Press Skirts.
SioL-e oor general &I1 openiog we b«ve received ao many
rich garmenU of distinctire exclasirporoa and atricUy kigb
grade qaality and finiah. that we Lave decided oo giving


lo our cloak room TODAT, Wedoeaday. OcL 4, and in­
vite tbe ladies of Travt-rae CHly to inspect this naaorpaBaetl
galbering of tbe very latest creations Trom the brst eastern and
loreigD makera. All are cordially welcome—oodc will be ondoly urged to buy.

Ladies’ Suits
In enormous variety-just a few oamed here — High
grade man tailored suits, in hunters green and ox­
ford and gray, raniels hair cheviot. Wantifnlly per
feet in every detaU—-lacket box front, doable stitch­
ed seams, lined all throngh with silk aerge. velvet
collar—l^kirt lined with soft percaline, velveteen
bound-would most likely be ijri*-e*l elsewhere at
*lt.OO, here.................................................... .............................. $13 60
Another swell lot in atylisb man tailored anita, come
in a variety of hom«-spnne-.Iacketa satin lin^. lap
seamed- Skirts iioed all through with percaline.
perfect hanging and full flase sweep........................... $8.96 op
Another effective one—Come in the new blue Vene*
tian cloth and fawn shades in cheviots—Jackets are
lined with silk fWTge, box fronts, new cut-a sure
enough man tailuixd lot of nobby, highly finiahed*
garmeato, made tu sell for Siu-rriiur special price. .$10.00

Among the Jackets
Are a smali lot of not more than ten or a dozen of im­
ported samples which cannot be duplicated at any
price, ours e p cially -are in tbe swagger shades of
I> ar1 greys, castois. etc —Are made as only French
makers ao. Perfectly plain style, H button, satiu
lined, with man’s .oiler and lapel, eix rows beavy
stitching on front, bottom and sleeves, flare at the
cuffs. 'J'hi-se ganiioota should be priced up to 825
and $30.'but are........................................................ $1800. $1760

Golf Capes
Oneofthe special values-We were fortunate en­
ough to stx’ure a Hue whi.-h would be fairly priced
They come in solid colors outside, but
bright plaids show around th.- *i)ge-and high flare
collar and hood Is all plaid: are' also fringed. We
have marki-d them_..................................................... ...................$6.60


Produced by the above firms awaits your inspection—Where
there are so many good things manufactured by so many
leading wholesale tallore, it looks reasonable to think you
will bs entirely satisfied.
Striped Worsted Suita—Ulster Collar Astrachan Beefei
Astrachau Overcoats—Plaid Back Overcoats.



All sorts of stylish ones ar.' her** aud y*.-t we «an contrive to
diave almost every one different.
word nbont-one or two:



Newest Styles

A striking exhibit in tbe loi^ priced garmi-nta—
striking because of the malemle and the faultless
cut and perfe*-i fit - finished will) oniemental tailur.
strapping and di-uble eiitc-hing' Most of them are
lined all ihn-ugh with silk si rge or fancy taffeta iihiiigs. Fri*-ed at the usual price savim; here so well
knov. il
.................... .................$6.00, $6 86. $7.60 up

Reputation is Something
When it is Well Earned
The Stein-Bioch Co.
Hart,jGhatfner & Marx
and Kolb & Son

The Boston Store


A very cbic Hue comes in soft grey outside, with in­
side of light plaids, high si*.rm collar, heav^ rolling
lapel edged with fringe, nwH-h like a mi'ilarv coat
only mu.'h dressier. Have them in lbs new blues
hunter green, browns — Garments that are worth
at least
inore than onr asking. We make them
at........................... ..................................................................$10«ad$18

Separate Skirts
In the large /.ilteline plaids made witii full sweep ekirt.
tight on hips—in a word. jM-rfe*'! in tit ami hang, as
low as............................................................................................. $3.76 up
It will be a great .pleasiirc for us to show yon this magnifi­
cent line of high <-1hs» garments. We sre confident no such
line has ever before been brought lo this city.

The Boston Store,



£.&ives SuUs.

&oV^ Caves- w

"\)Dcdiue&iL&^, 6d.
CoTVTai TtpTtSttlVvtV^ OTVt 0^ ttvt
VtTVtS 0^

£>ai.ves’ *^a\\oT TdaAa SaVls,
SaeVrts, SkVrts au4 &o\l Caves
'NDVVV u>V\\t us au4 u* mW be-HVeasti Vo
>va?oe iiou comt and txamVut V\s \vivt aud maVit
^ouT mVoc^ous.
T)o uoV ^otqtV VVit daij aud da\», ADeduts-

da'a.ecV. AVV
"^ouTs '^.tsoe^^VVa,

AD. mWvVeu.
backets. Skirts

aai&oV^ Caves.



lEa Kouroca bkcobd. wrpaissiiAY. ooiobbr 4. ibbb.

&eiyeTa\ 'Kecst


W. P. Nafar, aad B S. lAarUad,
wbo bare baaa apeadiar aMoa Uota
b*ra oa bnikttt. bare fooa to aoatb-

Arbuckles’ Coffee

Is the Standard of Coffee Excellence by which all Coffee Quality Is Compared.

lar bar ooaalo. Xra. W. P. 1
Mra. C Barrie k rklUac la Cbtoaco.
Mra Nurka aod daaebtar bar* cose
WteeoMla boMta of o StMe Board of to Detroit for a few daye'rklt
Mra-Jaa. Shaae. Mra A i^ilbalm
iMirraUoo, CQfaCwl in Um U«d«bU
work of ladaelor |>^U to more from and Miw Aaaa WUbeJm were amoac
tbe Cbleaffo rlaiton ywtarday.
OM wart of the aiato to Ibc otbar.
Mra.C Nekon k rktUac 1» JackBantaoattta ia Ua aoathwwt
aalUac for «I0 a brad, wora tbaa tbay
Mra Prealaad aad Mke Alien PhUUpe
broarbt tKoyaara oco.
went to Jaekaoa yaaterday (or a rklt
A woil-preaarvad Bowaa eamp bat wiU friaada
baoa dbooratad OB UMricht bank of
Mm. H. fl. Rickea baa com to Datbe NaraDta, is BarMfoirla. A oaetloa troUfora rUlU
tM fati loaf bx no foot wlda baa
L. Wood and NMa Oarrte Wood ara
braoad. Part of tha walk, rataa aad rkttlBC la Laaalactowara ara atlU ataadlac. aad maax
MimA. M. Johaaoo laft yaatartay
ataaaUa aad waapoai bara baaa da( op. for a rklt la Ootrolb
Itk- ••

Mr. aad Mra A. W. NakM went to
la tba Um of Haro.
yackaoB yaaterdaTBarUa aapaadad $1,000,000 oa Ito
Wm. Millar, wbo baa baaa .rkltiac
pablle aebooU laat xaar.
la thk cltr. kft yaatpldaT for Star
A axadleata baa baaa fomad
CfW. i»d.
Oaraaaax for tba aaploiutlaa of tba
Mra Daakl Mattaaoa k rkltiac in
Braaa aratata of wiralaaa laUfr^x.
Cbleaco and Morrb. 111.
Tbrao Iloa eoba, raoaaUx bora la tba
Oea BaS Jr . k aejiyiac a rklt la
■waaroria at Caatral Park. Ma« York Obleafo
Look Lad rlc and mother of Sbet. City, bare bean nased D^trey, Olympia
la»d are rIelUnc In Chteaco.
•ad Maatla.
M'l. Julk Boaeoawof tba Pealaaak,
Ntbe paiaooa wara badly baraad io a
k riaitlaa in CbleacoBoatoa lodytay bemae by aa exploal>
Aaco«t Portaar of Sottona Bay. waa
offaaoHoe. »bleb waa pot la a coal
in the city yaaterday on bit way t0‘
•II lamp by aiiataka.
Tbe Srat ooltoa mill ta Kaaaaa will LaotiocFruk Andtewi bat cone to YpaiWOOD eommeacaopentioaaia ladaoeDd lantL
•aee. Tbr mill baildlay la 100 by M
Charlaeaod Mlaa Manain are rkltiac
f««t. and waa donated by tba citUena lo Senik, Oot.
of lodepeBdanre. Ooib taetorica ara
Mr. and Mra Schrader and cnadexpected to follow. The araettoa of daackter are rUlUac <a CBieaco.
thla mill meaaa aa impatna to eottoo
Benry Kaleb went to Detroit on tbe
ratsloy Id Kanaat. aod tba ooitoo aesre- C. A W. M. exenrtlon.
•ye next yaar will ba Inereaaad
Pater Blakaalay and A. Kreba are |
apendlnc a few dayt in Charlotte.
flaea I^awther, a waaltby eltiz» of
Barry Dambrlll bnjl Wm. Naadham
PaltoB. Mo., ia dafcadtni in a ramarkleft yeatarary for YptllanU,where they !
able Uwann. Sarerai yaart affo Mr.
will attend tbe Normal.
Uawtbartook Miat Btbal Lynch from
Mr. and Mra Barold of Kaawiok ara .
an'orphan aaylnm, uoder the eoaditloa
rkltiac frleadt la Fow'arrina.
that aba abonld ba adneaUd aad
Mra O. Daanla baa cone to AUaran !
bronebt ap aa one oT tba family. The
08 a rklt.
yonny woman allftfaa that laataad of
J. M. Tbomat went to Detroit yaater­
oomplyiaii with tba ayraamaot be care day.
ber aaeb a ilmllad edueatioa aba can
John Ssuraeccer ol Maple City, hae
only work at a aarrant Beeaota of cone to Cbleaco. where be will take o]
tbU aba aaka $1,400 wacat and $S.000
la a bomeopatble aehool of
Admiral Deway 'waa partleolarly
Mra Otto Maha and child of Leela- i
toadied all atone Uie Uae'by the nomaa county .left yeatetday for a rklt in '
bar of ebUdren wbo turned oat to aae
blm. They formed ^ rary larce pan
Dr. and Mra Wm. Payne of Snttoaa,
of tba crowd to arery town and wbrr>
ty. patted tbronch tba city .yeator*
-erer ibere waa a ashool booae the
ty enroute to Ann Arbor.
<blldr«8 bad aridanUy' boan flrea a
P. 8. Poaalnc of Lelaad waa a;
•peelai reoeaa to eome onl aad obear
Trorarae CUy rkitor yaaterday, on bk’
tha train. Tbara waa aaotbar larce
way to Cbleacoi
crowd of ebUdran at Ualtlmora. aad
Dr. Andenon baa been eallrd to'
Admiral Oawey, wbo bad eome to the
Canada on aeeonnt of the illnaaa of
rear platform for tbe elatb or eereatfa
eome of bk relaUrea.
Umeoatbetiip. ealdio tbe trainmaa
Or. Bcaentbal Tbompaon hat retnrpter. who waa ataadlac by blm. that ba
ed from Qrand Bapida.
felt Bwre tooebed and oompllmentad
C. B Tyler of Mantoa. k la tba .city I
by tba addiUdo of tba childran than by
vklUac bk dauebter, Mra.
almoat any other tbtac that bad
Pack of Beat Ninth atreak
happeoad alaoa bU ratarn to Amarlaa.
Mn. Uertrada Minora k
It know aaUmalad that I.tDO perlac her moiber. Ura. E. A. UUay o
aoaa perkbad la Ua eartb<iaakaa la
Oomnaa, wbo will apend tba wlaia
AaU Miner around Aldla. Tba drat
. Lalab, Clara and!
with bard
aboek oecerrad at 4 o'clock ia tba mor­
Browala Minora, wbb bare been spend-'
aine of Septombar lo aod laatad 40 aac- ioc tbe aammer with their c*»od-j
onda' The affaeta were appalUnc- mother at Uoraaaa, aoeomoaalad bar |
^bole rlllacaa ware eomplataly deto tba city.
..•troyed. Tbe earthquake waa fait aa
Don Dyer went to Cbleaco yeatarday.'
Mna di
far aa 8clo. Mllylana and Smyrna.
E. M. Morrk k la Cbioaco <
Man. women and children were bnried
herltary. left thk moraine for Cbic»co fora rklt with ralall*aa la Cbam>
la tbe rnlaa of tbeir dweUinc placet "^llia KUUe Cutter left yaaterday for fkatar aod Mary Corrlcan are et.j->ylnc f B*'lqw aad fx-u-ir hma returned
buioe in Caw.apoh. for the winter.
j where be will attoad the eonreoUon of pacne. III.
before they reqliaed tbeir dancer.
Mrs. O. D. 0*»o. 1. .klUnc friend, the Cemetory Aeaocktloi.
| Mr.. C. D BartWt aad danchtar
Namben of bodice atlll lie beneath ^e
Kn..UUtoChlc«o on bnJ„ Or.nd B.pld.
' Mr. and Mre. Oaorc* Turner w *ie-1 Bl ae ha*a core to Detroit to ^leod a
debrk. Abont too p< none were kllUd
iUn* in May*llle.
A brrt Vetertyl aad Mka PeUPat Sarakenl and tome SOO at U..-ulacH,
^ B d I. yesterday to *kil | William Dsitall
{tyl ba*r frona to Cbleaco for a eialt
wbaia tbree-fourtba of tbe buiidlDpe Fort Wayaeoo bnalueaa. Ba will ra- children and Mrv Matilda McMxnn*'
i with relatlYPS.
feU. There waa preportianala loea o| Un Thnnd., n«hV
: Mr* Jerrb rolmen. Mrs Mary SebolJ.N\Mm-i!nekweniwCbisaCO y«i*^*^K‘*’j*Mmrr’*an*ch*ild^left! Mi« Allle tVllk.o. k . nj^jinc a *kit: Martin Keith and d.uchter
Ute In many of tbe emaller rlllafi
k .peadinc . ^e^aJ morTtoX
ml.d ,or..i.U-ill.
e *1^^^
:.p.«dlac a abort time in Detroit.
| 5". V'A'LnASb.SIi'
The ahoeka oontioned almoat dally, b
.... -hicaa
Hk. M
ti*re lo Aurora, lli.
i Dr Hoy Soyra left yeeurday for S| Eb. and Leland B.oaomc lefl yrator-,
icri.ta to Cb’p.fro yeaterday.
with DO riolence. One eooaeqiaenee
few d.y«
L B. Gtye
Gape k iiin Detroit tbk week.
rfa.AtYoil.Tid and dsurb’er Xm Ip|-■ »bott otay in Drirolt.
j day on tbe U. R A I. for . rklt with; l
\t earthquake U the ai
»of tha
1 Frank BedI
-..--..T" *

Uakmond. lod'. ISieaday for a *ku
Mr.. Prtheriek and d.ncb-; their ayed crandmoiher aad other rel- . Mn F- Adno
terrl of tbe Aldla diatrlei by two -ru
blom went to C
inaonthem Micblcao.
yarda. Snlpburoaa aprlnca barat out
Qewce Deimliac will leave thUf MIm Pearl E ler went to Driroil yea-j larael S'-eno of Monroe Centre
ia tba rallay of tha Nbander and tha m Gaorvewent to Chkaco Tosterday
ComumptlMi C«r« - Warmer’*
i->ralnc for Toledo to bk mother, urday for a anort
tbe city yaaterday on bk way
eoaalry batwaan Aldla and Dcnkll beWhite Wine of Tar Synia.
^ ^ aAcroerauB in aruuiidiuve.e
e.a ib
Mra. DAiiur.
Biliue. ^uu
«bo um
bat been
uvru tibiwb
. k'OU.
Oj. l>rT.t coutfh n-im-dlv on earth, cures a cold*
.oame full of erericea, out of which ^ *klt ralatleaa
^M^^John A. WUaaa k ekiUnc la
ii«dU„,wt Hin .*
eM.urrf.* f«r Wup hnu,u l«-' « »* Gale went to Detroit
mabed black, muddy water with aoSi


.............. ------------------------------ -------

cleat (orea to waab away a Bock of 10,000 aheap.
Tattcrday'a Wadtuacbt e'-ebt a. m. ymtarday at tha raaldaooe of Mra BlccioA 4IT Weat
Mlatb atraal. Mr. Allan Smith, tbe
popalar poet matter of Yoba. aod Mlaa
Halloa Booker of Trarerw City, were
joined U matrimony. Re*. J. W
Millar waa tba oMekUnc clarcyman
Ottttf aa alab)rau wedd'oic braakfaat
Mr. aad Mra. Smith took tba 0:M ax
oaraloD trala for Lanslnc and olbw
Mebbad tba Orare.
A atartUnc laeldaat U narrated by
John Ollrer of Pblladelpbla, aa followa;
*1 waa iaaa awful eoaditlon. My akin
>a almost yellow, eyeaennkao, toacna
eoaiad, paia eoaUaually
latiaually la back
' ‘ and
•Idea. BO amUte. rrowloc weaker day
by day. ‘nraa
Thraa pbyelelana bad ctrea
no ap. Than I waa adfked to aaa


' tar. Mra I
' yaaierdaT'a excurvlon.
roy aad Okraaoa and Mka Van
Mr. aad Mra J. M. Rattaabnry ara
mother took ia
<a bare yeatarday on'
TUttnc la Poatke aad Detrxdk
D yaatarday.
Halt baa cone to Rataa. | Mr. aad Mrs. Will Ebaar have coos! Mka ^
Aabahr bee r
I to WyaaMr. and Mia. J. W. Uaa aad daacb- to Poatke for a abort vklk
dotte after a vklt wUh Mra Raymoad.
tart took tba excnnWta to Cbleaco yea-: Mra Henry Toanaller has gomo to
MiaB.C. Davkk vkiUBf Mra R.
Banloa Harbor to vklt r^tlvaa
A Bslre In Grand Baolda
Mn. Tboflua MeMsaas aad non
Mra J. Q. Adam* aad daacbF. B Mnore U vkldac at bk old
Tbnroa are U Oread Baptos vklUac home in 'tacinaw.
. tare have COM to Barttord.
Mre J.mM Biacham k vUU^ la
Mre. Rnth Oaimbl and ablldren an friaada
Gao. B. McLallaa 4Uid B. B. Barria NortbvUla.
vkiUnc In tba aoatbar* part of tha
fltat bottle made a
W. L Loraarar of Maaktiqna who
left yaaterday for Cbleaco on
a to thraa atatoanank I eo '
Tha Mimm Ulth and Alka Wabatar
Mr. and Mre. Fred Otrard have cone hat baaa viritlac bk brother. John A.
>bbed tbe ^*a of another are apaadlac ton days at Jadosoa.
k»ow they
r. retaraad home yaatarday
No oaa Bboald fall to tgr
Mr. and Mre. A. W. Welt and ^11- *^^IL%alay aad tba Mkaaa La- moraine.
Only too. traarastoad. at
Mra A. L. Briapbok aad aon LaaUa
dru and Frank Walt want to ehiaaco elnda aad Mary Boalay laft oa tba O.
*’aaad S- R. Wau’.dmc
R. A1. oaenrMaa forlSafflBaw yaatar- laft ymtarday tew DaUtdk '
Mre. B. B. Olbtaaadaen ara anil­
Mr. and Mn. Fmnk Wikay wm( to dayatoraiac.
Detroit yaatarday.
MlreMaccloThUkYkltiBcla Sac- ine a vkit la FUak
Mka Amy Kkedon wumt to Walton
Mre. Freak Gtm and bob are vktt- iaaw.
Mre K. J. WOaoy.
A BPoadbann, oaaton o< thb a
-rf-r^'-r ^ aammar with Gaotfa
TbaMteaaMacfiaOorelcnB. 1

Skit Will Budi Do Neill

Want Department.

, and Mra Owen Sebooleraft and want to Cbtoaco yaaterday to rel-1
S. Bead ha. c<»* »o Detroit ^ are apendlnc the week in Detrox
ICoaUnaed o* npplemeot.|
ebUdrea left yeatarday for a vkit In atirea
to meet h-r mother from Boaton. wbo
Mn. Boekebon vreot on tbe Detroit
Bllkdale and Ohio.
| Bart Gannett was on* of tbe exenr* will a lerd tbe winter with ber.
eacnreloo yeatarday mornlnr.
Mra. Oioa and so* ara vkltlnc In' Da-, aknkk who want to Caloaco yeator-, Mr.- aad Mra. A. M. Smith of Yuba
Oscar MlUana went to Detroit os tbe
’ ware amona tbs C. A W. M. eaenmio*’- O. B A I eacnreloo.
Mn JaaMS Marvin aad danebtan. ( CbarlU Broadfoot want to OairoU on ““ y***f”*f^i. , .
Mr. and Mra B. M. Frenklla. Mre _____________________________________
» to Parttba Mkaaa BnU. Dora aad Wlank aad! tbe exeunloo yaaterdar.
& Brett aad Mra Parry Dombolton of I
g.La-Ai > barraiB.
Aribar ara apaaaiac
Bpaadiac some time «j
ia; Mra
mra ua^
Oeonta Mwaamiarrtvmi
Maraball arrived yaataryastarSelderhonto

Mr. -d M™.

B. D«,~.


baaa apaadlnr tbe snmmar with Dr.[»rr>iiiirT«w(Q< >bTTa'*sou«in «TnTr»and Mra Durfaa at tbrir borne
Trevarea Bancb, left yaatorda, *«« ,
vll rctir* rtr. bsttb. karacM. aad 107?**, lor
tbeir borne
— «" *ku Ofiiat IS as rkrap as wpm «wr oi­
MkaFloranoa Dalxall baa c«ae to
ls ootuurr aod olU bsar toopsetloa;
loeXIsr tor a real borrato rmos aod
Mra Jo^ Ash left yaatorday for
aUrrr. Arms. M
**“ ^
Cbiaaco «bare bar bnsbMd baa bara
ton aikB OBBAP-t 01
for some time aad whan they will F^fooirr. wisdr*'s*a>. rxirsoMo
towo. two
Mias Jalk Baofcar laft yaatarday for;
a Ykll la Detroit aad aavakad.
i w oor~B«tw.m Park .Motood a...
baa baaa aaaod-: Li m a
s Urns vUtlac rektlvm aad
bare. rataiMd to Oread Rapids
Mr. and Mre. Farrea and aon laft
yaatarday for Cbkaca.
Mka (kirk Savrerd k vklliar to
Oread BapddA


. MreWnikm Bairk toft yootorday


tn itOMrao ibooia

oorom 4. mm

h raw 8Mll.CS.



CosilntiM 111 EinuitON Fm ail Siricitr naataM.i.|

Urtor b»«r-

DRS. B. S. & CO.

know aott ortjrtMti-d io «arMk-o «r China faip
• JlacoMMl. and tb» Uttat
cwuntij ti ^-Wi-utly a ■tn>a« ctalni, aertpt.
“f'wat I* th' Boatur with ynor ant. Aorordlua «> Io«k Uate OtaiOMf
'fa.^r “ >1 afor thrown fr<»i mr car- hl^ |ir«> U eoiitvly Urpradrot on "air
Ht«r. B 11 It tak th* ««doo. tbor an*
whk-U aiv dmlinuneal aa thf
. tbr both of Ihlin. to do li. pHnuirr aura of U,r onaniam. Ko lon«.
' br'lnd."
: tio-n_ a* tlir laulT
KHlr tcrowlna patbrtlcK
n U l«a.f aaaln.1 diara*:.


, dra Jaat now la Airln C. Kramatotn
«f thr UaWdatty of IVonaylrknla.
4rta» tbla aiiHnc
a »<•» world y
n«ord In tin- rtinnUf hraad jump. Mr.
Knanalrla la a««rnUly admHIWl U. br
In thia roautry.
7. fp to a y.-ar aco be
waa knowu only aa a
hurdler. hdiliBK wurtd'a re.<t>rda fur
Iwlh the blxb and low huraiea. Mr.
Xmenslelii ha« this to aay teicanllDS
hla wotiderfui powrra aa an athlete:
“From llie tlnte when 1 wa» a very
. nmall youiicai.-r I waa very fond «»f
Slblellr aporta of all ktuda. but at that
time there w.-re plenty of Iwya that
rauld IhwI me In (lum and long dlataoce ntuninc. 1 tietennined to make
a atodyof running, ami be.vme
fanteut runner In the im IiuuI. In thifitai plate 1 read a niiiiilaT of liliita
(Iren by trainer*, and thter 1.
aa Biucli aa «aa poaHible. Tu (hyIm
with, t waa alwaya careful !• idV<eare of uiyaadf. and 1 nerer ruined uiy
. lung* with iolwi-.« or my stomach
with .■offe.- every nioming. .
"My iralnlng at ihia lime wm very
alni|ile. hut 1 tbink very eir<*-ilve.
Kaeb morning and night I .uia*l to go
thmugh the aetllag up eken-laea that
ate.UMul at W.wt 1‘olnt. whh-ti alini»i
ev«.ty om- kuowa and whlfii a» very
few pra«ll.e. IVraoually. I b..|
Iheie ea..reliieB to be the lieut kind of
a home gymnaaluui It la pmoilble i»
have, amt aome of my re.a.rtla. perluipa. may la- direetly allrll>ule.l
them, tira.lually I kefit un rutitiins
Bod pnirtirjug. iiiiitl 1 waa a.-knuwlil Ho- faV.-at ruuiier lu Hie aefa.wl.
and I am aiin- that I felt more proud
of thla .llalhi.tluu Ihnn I have or.T
any of my later tva-orda.
"If you aiv g.itlig to .)»oie me aa in
my methi.d* 1 w«u‘i know fo
b.»lu. hut Brat uf all I w..ul.l advlw
any yomig taiy to gei lil« lauly and
mind »o that Ibej wlll'w.irk tog. lh.T
at all Hniei..^ By thl» I m.-an that Ihe
true niiin. r'or Juiiumt deja-iida »|h>b
hia head <iul1e aa mm li ar hir h•gK f.«^
the'faal. al ruliuer when rattled If
b.-aieu b.-f.iiv Hi.' raee U-glui..
Auotla*r thing, voii want t.» cultivate eonademv lu >«. H» lutn ti.r
ra.-e with the Idea .If winning, au.l if
you ha..'. Iiave It lw.-atfM- the oth.-r
man euiihl run faster, ami. what Is
more, admit It.
■’This *auie a.imbwion may he nr to
him In ih<- fiiiuiv. ami you will enjoy
your vieiory iimr.' lawauae yon had to
• wurk and »vuii tor It. IV-gln yonr
pra.-il.ltig hy light running, allowliu:
j.|.'Uly of d.'v.-loiim.'nt for your liinc*
Itou’l y..ura.'lf ttl 11..' Mart, hut
trr and l.iilbl up a iiby-bpi.- nii.l a.^tiliv a m.-lb<M of nimiliiu ihai .-an
tie tvlle.! u|H.ti wh.-n you an- lu a n.<"
Ke.»p your M.ima. h In g.a»l .•r.b-r.
an- ho-t a l«.1 aioti..
aeh than |a»or Ires, A«M to till* g.aal
Ameri.-an *anil au.l faltliriil aiiH-.-.u.
aeli'liltuim pra.-ihv and yon may iliul
you^ir a wori.ra .-hamplnti some
.day.*^Xe« York It.-nthi
^^l>r amfll B»y«.
One of Hierjiroliletne of iwM years
waa to BikI a ua.- for auull Imya. Like
tbelMxir. they ar.- alwat* with ua; aeldum naeful. never v.*ry oruaiii.'iiial.
prone to iiiiiwhlef when the> are tml
too Uay for exertion of any kind. Thnr
true uae lis> laH*u dlw-ov.T.M r<H-eUtly
^nature lui.nda them to lie wiit on
meaaag.'a to far .'ounirlea. Aih>11i.T
IouHm ng.-t.lK to .un-y
by one off Hw
anll.iii of Turki-y.
a fine A.g i
ItuublleMH the yontli will la- lUlen li'W ed on bla reliira ami will it-ll the true
fa.-lN about the .Vrmeulan queailon
aud the troubles Ip Maced'Utia. At the
aame time the people who sent ibi-


are BCCWSIoiue.1 to nsvlvigtr>«
fruni people of tUslIncHuU.
voy> who bring .Malul llami.t tribute
ft by ..
aent hU ma
ihly' In
lackeys would prolMhI.
snubbed -H Ylldlx kl.atk: further .east
be would Maud an ex.vlietit .-liani'

■attksw AnisM.

Matthew Arnold I met v.-ry often In
hi* lat.'r years. I met him Brat at the
hospllalde home of the laic Ih-an Stan­
ley. iipd.-r Hh> ahadon of tt'
AMm'.v. I hnd written ;. .bapter
literary history in' whh-h I bad
scribed Maitliew Arnold as “a minia­
ture Oca thr.'' 1 tbongbP then, and 1
still think, that uo higher praise .aiiiM
be given to a uiiiu of our lime. I am
sure Amohl, If he bail ev.-r read It.
perfectly nu.lerat.Hid my i-ritlcism In
that aeiis.;. Bin .h-ar Drab Smiley
waa a hiimorisi • who love«l his gcHslMtnred Jok.-. aud presented me to
Matthew Siauley in a very nneereBtonlona fashion:
-Look li.-tv. Matt. II.-IV Is the man
who says you are uoililng hut a minia­
ture Ooeilwr
~lf I wi-re oely anyibJog like thatr
ARiotd answere.1. wUli
ataUe.—Jnailn McCarthy.
Ham t« ■muisw
8tQbb-t -ace where Frealdent Mc­
Kinley has purchased m coach. '
Penn—Tbat so? Why. 1 should think
the foitr-ln-band be has now would he
all he could manage for the piesent.
Srabh-What four-ln-JuBd has be
*“T«m-Why. the PhlUpplaaa. HawalL

rwthUwMiOite. V-

MbMI 1»!► Mar a pMni« »f a

Kr: ••B?a.-o up. KfS Bra.* up!
aboiild hr thankful yr aiv not tlw>
tanr ■

IJttle Mlke~'-T1ow d’rei prononoee
*a n-i-.|.u-r. »ory“ Mel.iiblieny—“ TIlOe MikenliinM-.' ar o<
dora It aattr-r Mr(..nhlH>rty
t haa

tbla the t'hloeap ayatejii (« <ll« IJed
three perlorta. eaeb |wr1.«l or^-wpylug
•‘■ya the Br« pertu.1 temm.-oelug
at tUe litue of th.- nee- moon. Tb.- |«U..nt uiu«l riaeat 4o'vli> k In tbed..wnme uimI walk oi.l<i.le hU boiwe. tpklDg
wv. n de..). iua|ilnitiolia. aud liumedlat.iy afl.-r tUH tee youtija wl«» loive
u,.„ .,..,.taiiy tniioe.1 .-oium.-ii.e a iren-u ,.v.*
tie fri.-ti..u aU
..V.T the
ibe twlv.
twly. aaiartlni
oMT the .ardla.- anw. M the iliue of
full nna.i: a funln-r net <J lusplmtory
tak.-u Later
vHid iB-rloil. iIm- variuua (uirta of ihe pin

riil>la«l with w.aaleii
be Iiiua.1.--. are tmr.h ue.1, ami
.1 It
.lullt HU* Lanl.'ftlliS takea irta.*
that. il.e
the j.Tii
n«l i.byah-al
evervlae. wi
r .takam*
ltelw.-.-u llw flfib iiIkI alkih munih
... .............. ...........
.^an .lim.I.lH-ll Iwlue,—.1.
....I.-. ■ It la In
ibirvi iwrlod that the back muaedea
BIT chiefly execclstal-

naiomer: "WIU theae pant, hac at
Itealer: • Mine frient. no
,«d(b ,ill Imc at the k». ■ If you
treat d.'in rli
'W bef
tail you Ifow
.r.m gtt.
go- IIt ee« my own invention,
"nien ni take them. Here U
money. Wlmt la yMr ydauT' “Nell.T
arty. muaingly: “OI bov
I iiianuy
ly .Ibe thiine. BU' OI aim
lalutain ua. I.ui—" He earvaae.1 tala
lilakera a trIBe ruf.fiilly.
»H aoliie1I1.1.* fluk lljot wholKI 01 am tin.
Ihw.I. la-ynnil a .loulil.
nink. t.iik bow ahe tiima an' twtala
Bitiiiiiil as abe plair*:


lohnaon. waa the son .of a \<oAdeal.>r.
Alirahaie iSneoln waa the son of a
|a«ur farmer.
Iiauiel Weiaiter waa the son of a
ainall fariii.'r.
William I'ullen Bryant tnadbe non
of a pli.val' lan.
n..U-rl Hurtif. the Reotch poet, was
plowman lu Ayrshire.
William ShBk.-«pegve. "'he chief litrary glory of Kugland." was a y.s>-


ly Of Now Vaak.«a4 MW artta

iBericu ledleil ud Sirgial Indtite if ini^, w*



Vfhant. old. per bu.............
Oau. Mo. 1. per ba. (new)
Corn, per bu
I FotaUaia.
FoiaUMa. per ba. (m
IBye. per bo.
i Batter, ner •
i-------------[ Bgva.
*g»a nerd

*“« |wr

ivdr equals Wa
WAR.s'Em'e Wiinr
r T.Mt Svprp
-•and fatal dixase.
■ ghly and in time. It s ill cure a uaihtnira. ami h>- the c»ugh that folu's]3<irip|>e i:
(aiU to give
-li'-T. I'ricv. 2x

Everyl-ody In (he world .*epeada Op­
en suniebody else.
It la a sign of spring when the gon
diilni put forth their ahou-o.
"I win." Is the mutio of Chleach“1 cnn." If the motto uf
-ill pra- Oyncn
1 Frrsb Baltlmuie -vairra jaat n
Every nan has a right to hla otrn reived- Ueorge M.LclIan.
Jaw. hut be has no r<
give U U>, Front and Park at-eem

Whit Will Benili Do Neit?

oibi r fwople.



------------------------------------ -

Some people were ertdenUy born
Whgf Wilj Raniji Ha UayfO
tlre.1 and some fur the purpose of
making others tired.
Ori «n
-----------------------A min may be a good Judge of cloth.. ^
yet wb. n -he bure_* suit of clotbea he
•n-Bt St —TtS—If—»
gencrall.T gets worsted.
.k great deal of our modem poeity'

Frer.i. .u’. llru-er} Kruai
The maclilnlst employs
lathe: he Inkcs a hog «-ii H tirtli
n* ui.nh-of •i-rr.

will Stand It: the castings arc
plgKa.f Iron, vrtileh In turn wi-iv TTTANTKI. a h-.-s-. or psrtoi
W IW< fei oul. li. -yuuur msi
-V cock shills off th.' water: one k:'.d A4>In--» U. W. flir>l. KSioiui ,.W.-r.
uf ram lifts it an.1 another due* iuAvy no.Klli.iN- «-ANrg|> B,ae.HB,
work .t printing pivss has a fly; 'b.' Ir r.-Irresetw l.i'iOKbeu t'sU
Brat loi'onii'Hves had a gniKshopis-r r.uiii
vnlrT- moilon and drive, and buit.-rtiv ^>l: KAIJC »0-JUldl 0S«*«U«-oiir
tolvea aiv ..itimiun.
X iMiaar*. rapiviru- bssrrr su.i rr*is
Herr1iigls>nc g.-nra arc use.'. In ti.* IS KlK fUv"<> Atl-lo-M Ruk Ki. kit a.
ts**! Iiulhlcr*; mnli's fit prlniiug-pr.-s*
.heela are muiiing
I.i drilling, ev- n.
yiWU^OlRL WAXTEIt A|.|>l< »• SJ
' '______ _
,^„h sal A cewiUss.h-n sb.
-i* ,.br»p
:-l WaKbiiurtoi Sires
i.rlM* las .!>* a

**TAVTED-<>oe dlalBgHWM girl *
TT road owk : perwabso. poMi MW:
. paid. Appl.i a. tb'* oSce
WAKTX3>- Par general I

Luea.,?S« Wes»S«b *i______
, experlraced
uel ^ IBBlI




BTAMT TO lADUa.-LR OTTMAM. ahev year* at ejnertsaM. baa tliminl
be greaira. enre'
by We new
“A'<Dxj^AlirAXO P08ITITS OtlKS *«•«*'••**'ewahauanprnSsrrto.
for We nalBlaBeetocI early rioe aud the uu.

-KSV'l“Ti".-LSii»iiiSai.oiMi:*. t9
■SB epeedlly. eoaplete:} aud perBaneuUy

eaMOT'-s AeM. good eoaSnios
A r


Xr you water laMta-ce at am klad la Srai

‘ rm-drawn carrUge to the same wan foafTkoaT. Baw.

younq and middle

PUXa,'pl8TVI.A ASD XBOTAl. DLtm ortMAN .
OSBS fuaraaieed cured aiWas. pain or dr wry
nal.iu aad rt.
reaale Weak. nMhodj. uefltUa
“pWtTI^L'r'SbsSD reaale
coo and all dellcale disordars m-u
IWmm. iswiuroly curod.ta* '^e^ik.
well a* *ut^.
MPK. or Woae sairrtng sb tl
dlura^ Wai^uU fro^youwful tol-: bapp.^fe, a^are of pkyaleal dektUtv. «*!•
DB.OXTXAS .nwraws enecewfully and
M l: Q( Ak*NTF.R TO CURB nsreiBi So
palnKwdyfM sgnlnt Ofea. pterygiga. IrKSvc tiUiij. varlcocolr. MOetnW e1m». wnak patm
My. leraiMlnor oni uf eye laekee ..r Ud*. and all kidney and bladder aBissm.
SPMCIALTILI: Cawreb, Skin IVmw. Inug Ironbloa. ennaed twiB oaiarra. flUlttlMi
<.rea.PlBplee.acvorula.81oodT*ni..leiema ‘ure.
weor. PUoe and Pweyo.
Wowen^suickQ ^DSAPSBSIM enreSP^r^t of aU-----by
ngapne Isu nt [n.scUAKQING EABSenrad iA.*e«E7 mbs
OKlSS.-Bnck pem» npMyinc tv wndkBl W»
aval sbauld ekad or bring fma r to 4 oum-■rs of urine iWai pneed flrsi ts Wn MrniM pow
•errnd). Vfkleb will rreelve a earelul cbeml .land Birroeropira] ~Tnlniltnn and Ufna^^^
* wTluea asatynle wiU be riveu
Kioe ruiue.1
iue.1 In
in hralit
healit 1^
by selearwed pislkklsii. wSs knop
■ rifling Wiw WOB Booik alkr n
'BBOOlaicly. Delays are dangv
PerfeeteO in ulJ caora oSIck barn baa
treavd Ko eiperlBeru or fallnia. '
ipoadecce coafldeaUa! TraalBai «





Saturday, Oct. 7. HORSES
.liiM Une Night—

Til.- Wantiful euutLe-o play;


I will have a car load of horses

“On The
here on "Wednesday, Oct. 11. They
Suwanee River” will weigh from 1200 to 1700 lbs.,
and will be a fine lot.
If you want a good horse at a
price call for
All New Special Scenery!
Stella Ma\ hew
at Brodhagen’s Bam
AS Annt Ldndy.
IntroducioB latest 'Cooi'Stags
Hear tbe Jabllee Bingen.



n« BOM widely and meeratdy known Speclalui m Ue United Btates
reaarkableaklU and snireraalaueeess IS Ibe lara*s> kuepUals Is ISe
iieatallCBaomC. NKKroU*.IIKIXaBdBL.s>D tMseaiwa apes >ke I
s. and entlUes
eotlUes kiB u>
U> tne
tSe fun
full edcadeace at tsr aBIxied eeerTwSer*.
TYP n»f*ri/r A V »**»»-Reri«rlndwg«Wtg and .re
I. Dlaenaeaot Ibe ■». Ear. Xgne.Tkraai and Laces. D.-spepMa. Brtgbfs fasSMS. Cmbetas.^ld
lldsey. Liter. BlndJer.Cbrock reaale and Beiual tRseann. spenlUy caind m B«Sa. bus never tailed Ic .baonand. of eaara U>s. bad been pevKoanend bmA haaa.

A play. liLe tbe bod*;, will
live forever.


BAk pboas

Steinberg's Grand

XMa Moat Sneeaaafu: and Bdaatlllc TrUtpMnt of AU DMcmm and Wawtaas
of Kaakind PoaaRda to Obtota.


Tbe iDoflt perfect porlmysl of
suotherD life ever staRed.
Seat sale BUrtg WedoeKUy.
Prieee, 7Sc, 50c. 3-tc; some •edti
for I'biidren. 2.x-; box eeats$lJK).

Your .winter's wood
at once to insure de­
livery. WE Have

:i; '*r ^s”Se'-S;r.' ,r:

Oct. 12. 1899.

0 Cm U SrlMt li M KMn.


An effort will b.' made abonlr'
snlHitlttile another adapilon of Hie a
......................... Hie dump i-ar
now In us.' In -New York.
A hlE .'.•tiirn. tor In X V York 1* flguring ou the relative . it of I.H-umole carta and
live .arts as again*!
horses he has to use now.
Postmnst.-r iKirr uf Buffalo I* k.-en
Iv llit.>r««sle<t In the fdea of i
tnmohlle mall wagons for tl...............
tioD of mall matter, and will aliorily
siihtnlt a tv|s.n to the dejairtmem at
Washington on the suhje<-t.
'That ten year* from no
bile* will be very
Spinning over ilM.
laands of IhcM- a.-f'The aaloin.ih>le


mnn« natua omaTaMarr Hat




OOae Bonn INb • n. BOo • p. a

llllam R. Hlatlalon.'. the “grami old
1." wae a u..'r.-h4Ul * Bou.-Fhila.leljdila Timi-a.
Th.' c.-lel.raie.l .Anierl'aii .'ngimir.,
liolM-n I'ulion. wsK at uue time a J.-w'» appr.-nll.*.
Judge lakes o
from one the re-.'
Fniui Hn- luoiu hnnibh- origin. malnde
dnder U two
J triKBlNarR&.<(CB~R*
h'w W.S-.I iH-.-nme.i
of the lea.ling
A »-uulJ-be f>i
• mar raw there Is ’ *
tmuatiun IM.- tall ‘ .,..1*.. n.
a great |M>llib-a1
.Vudtvw JackMUi waa born
lu the bum- j -rvii a b. WINoK ph'^mlriaB acd .urrsV a<-iile[ii.'iii. i4ii.ilb Carolina. Whde - hit of imltatirm players
ii|f .Vea-s.
lb.' futun- pn-ahli'iil was Mill a in.'nchild-hl> father died, and Ihe family
A TbouMod Tosguaa
n« left In rediiiiM rimimaiao.-.-*. on
Cnu d not expre« the raptur^gt^AD
lialf-<leated farm in a n.-w wiil.nie
Dr. King's Sew libc .very cured her of
a backioK eeugh tbsl for ma-y veanODDS AND ENDS.
bad made life s hurdrp She says: "Afraaseiig«'r fare on the now Cong.' *er all other rctnedir* and docto'i rvR w k a W. S. Moon, eeseralpnrtlreslso
failed U aono re<i-'«cd the pain in mt J-r *l»s 'sll-tK rjr. r»r. IWsr SliO aeel.u sn
rallrnad Is Xl', efnts a inUc.
.liM-s--*. Jia , |.b<me. a>: ttvw. lu: «l
and I can oo* sleep aoood'y. nai>
Rome of Hit- macbluea fur making
..e >>|.rrs lleuse Blwk
laleliea make a»» n-v.duHons a i.ilii- Bouclhiog I can sea cclv real- mber do­
ing Ufore. I feel bVe s iinding He
aimrseg and Couawlk
..le .a.-h Biiil mm out aJsnii •iSni.iw Braises
throoghool the I'O'Verse.’' Dr. BoBSr Work
of matches dally, or about WSi.ikM.ikiO K'l e's New Ins-ivverv is guaraDteed V'
HfililDAY^graOuste Totmxo
core all trooble* of the ihisai. cb-M <r
The heart of a vegeiarthn Is'iits >m. lungs. FrieeMicancl $1. Trial bottle
Jm'Jr luT.'walSew 10^*"°*”*“*
u avrar- BflVH-lglil .o Hie minute; l«cis at .la>.
.1 > iDHun'e and 6. K
p t. 'ii^itaT.a^^j. a^i»i. u
lal of the meat enter aeveiily-ll> e. Wail's drug Stores
Tills repn-*eiiis a rtlfferem-e of ausM
Isyils lu iwciiiy-fnnr hours
iDaaeliig Paitr
it Is .‘ llial If all the p
>r of I Frof. Silvers wi'I give Biintner one of
ding* made In Ktiglaml In iHUior
,1,1 I those pleaaant t me dancing pertie. rtUas tr TUBKKWauor
ClirhUiiiBK w.-n- r.dle.1 'lit.. ..ti.-.
at Forest'erv' bsll next riiursdav O llioi! .1 miutk^hiet._______________
weight ..f II w.oihl iH- T.r«> ton*. F.U
night, O.-k Mb. to which he kiodiir
H.U pudding Si.sw.nis) .'ggs W.-IV US.M.
Invilra all of his ISM sessi n'a dancing
31ie »ldesl Hieatera in Is.udon .tie:
patrons ard siko their (r.ei.d*. M.i»ic
Itrury Ilaim-. o|s-p.-d In lOiEt: Sadie.'.
hr Helm's fu'i orciesira.
Hill Mo.
.W.'U*. s ril'd a« an ureh.-stral ass.-in.
srs.sto II a. m
Very rcapecl'iilly. Fy. f S lv.r*
• ^
; Ilaym
tlard.-u. irdll; and l.yts uiu.
^li. H."lg^-T»l VL THUMPS.>N r
- • bild.Cn*.<..ea«-*a*p4.allv.'

.t mimlH-r of n-Iica of Sir W.tlier
Toeanmiat Ann Arh--^
S.SUI «er.' rveenily sold at aii.-t im.
ig duae a. Wrir
among lh.-m being elghly-ihr.'e l.-uers
wl.leli Iwougbt II.HIT.. Ills wnikbigra.« mni PI,
TW tf
Slh-k. a stout ph-re of BSh I’lll In Hie
wisMs of Abbotsford, was sol.l f -r
S2lVi. and two ItH-ka of bU hair west

n haulc puts his work
hora.' ..r lim-k and pum-hi-r ..r ts-n.l* It
hy a .awvenlent Ismr. IloMln* I*
dune hy a .-rail, aud a <-ouveiil.-ni . at
is a jiart of the ointll of a shop i iaiie.
an.1 a kit ..f tools ts .-vcr ou haml.
A crow helps to stralgliU'ii work: a
Jack to lift It: a mule pulley ahU lu
ilrivlng machlni-ry lliat a .lonkey
gine turns. .V fl«h .onn.-.-ts i«ri*
’•< end, <>r streiigtIll'll* a broken I'l'HUi;
sl'clls an' used nil ov.-r; a wuriu due#
pi'werful hill Qttiel*.

SotittX w XLd.til-ng, Xx>av©i«ee 0±tjy,


mber in aUaisM,

SCUFM loni U4 BOiT CO.




b I MU

Mtk yM.

i you »iiitoA to •yr* «ike<t Miu Vtf*

li«. *kPkrt» HtiKtoo. Afnr »rcn] mlnoKv of d

.bn, .1., f-« >-. Kl.-. *1

-o. 1, „*■,
laeaii It wiu k(wp. I-I «ba ibUklo^
of aonictbbw elae.”
I ■ ~I tbtnk yon btre *w far eootutb “
lold abe hmonntiy. loaktnr orrr b«
aiamWer In tbe dlrecttea of borne.
lU TOO- mj U
Maytx- tbe retnni voold looaeo Ua ob
dniale tonytieOr"raii£St tr^^aTiUTm M<O 1 Viu v*lk vltk twi.
''l tblui that ve'd batter r» bari:.'’
)u> anld. atxl turned ao qBli'kly that Ite
fK«rty npaet tbe aihdct. ~Voor iDotber
VUI be aoxlouar'
wiB4lBf dciru «f (tui*:
**ye«, -wfai« one ia accountatiie to
AM Mmrr 1 11 b». abrrwt of ro«. tM ooe'a jDoliwr one baa to reioember
wiua «M Merit kau*.
time. 1 auppoM* It i« dlffereiii «b<*Q
oue la aeeouatable to a—”
-PaUH-rr uU LIUlevoad MUji'dly.
~Nu. tliat araxs'l Um* word 1 waxtiad."
j •A«Wr~
bMTvn'a door, and tkrattfk. Bf lad.
•^oT «rUI walk wlik jc
! ConM Mildred lore blm If he ■at'e
VUtcvBb Rllr;.
many nion- anrb proofa of twins 4i*
alijeet Idiot?
bUSlBDd to wUal I

jrs?i:vgsu. ...w




*"* ***




m MOMiro Mdotp, wiDMijpAt. oeteaiM 4. \m

Ca«a 3. Rbodaa ia tba foDHti
Blabop btonford.
Tbe Grown IMonwa of Denmark It |
4 feet S inebea taO.
“Nerer apesd you taat «*l" la C«l*
Ua P. nuitlnston> adrice.
Sam Josea luakeo more money by
lactuloc than by 'preaeblni:.
' A. N. Brady, now a power In Wall
wtreet. was formerly a banender.
QBeea VMorta will i*elebtaia bar
axb birthday at WiudBtr Carile on,
May ai.
Prince Tbika. arioo of an old Boo- ,
-------an family. U the---------------- • '
“‘***^ **^ * i
topetor'p’twnf Joaef of Aumria r.^ i
tacB to abakr tunda witb auyUidy ;
iher aoverrifua.
in bie feainrea. face, and aknll
Asulnaldo i» uid to look more ^kr a
Buropean than a Malay.
iobn FulUuRbon of HunurUle. Mo_
ia SI yearn of a|re. and nerer took a
done of m«-dlclne la hit life. '

I for tbe foUowtsff sad
BosM at tU Want Preat atrsel,
•MO: (me oa PtfU atreet witb all
mode^ imarovementa fIMO: eae oa
Bistb. •.•750; oae oa Went ProM. «
080 on PiUb. larwF boom• SUWt; I
« njom*. lot ItHkSr^ ft. •rl*b 7S besrmr
frmit tree*. «e»l ea<*' m
..._ of ProBt
a-jwM. SHOO: one on But
faetorlea larpcioi. S600.

Keep tlM Kidney'S nod Uvw
ttealtby. AcUve and Vicof
MU by UaiBC



*“ '*“*

apaiBg to rid ilir blood of iuimpori^m,
tbe ditrra o( ibe Nood-the kiduy*
aod lircr—are called npes to perform aa

are backacbca, tide. and paint id tbe
I>i|[Ct(ioa It de------- — Uinbt.
f"**-'* •'"1
cthan^fMltbe nooj
in^^tpnos^ctute mitery to the
>e meaDt o( makiBK
xl pure, t
. and liv
-tbe fillcn of tbe
blood- By actinx directly on Ibeaa
delicate nreanv. Dr. CbtM't KidneyLirei Pill, purity (be blood at no othW
preiBration ~ e^er known to da
I Mr. Wm. L. Mtntr), Scoittrllle. N.
Liver complaint and im"
puic blood were Ibe banc of oy life for
My face wat
ptmpic* ami blutcbet. and ! conld k«I
aotbing to help me until 1 tried Ur. A.
‘ W. Cnaae-t Kidney-Lirer Pilta. Mr
akin u now clear, and I eontidet ibeae
pilb fi
baoated. ■

7M l$l
We hn»e jMt rec«reJ
•legnnt stot^ of

the most

benotifal art vork in

John K,.Santo,
Gennl lisaraict.


China ever displayed in tbe



fasbdsome and new

B L A Cn. BloA




whifb we inrite tbe Indiee to

“West Michigan R'y.”


Onr slock of jewelry is the
. throne in ilx* wortd vacated at ieati
LltUinrood'a brain awras). He bad
^ : once, and tome of them tereral lime*.,
1 'temtued onn* too often xuit
6nest in tnis pkrt of the slsle.
Utttewwd PbUUiw bad bm In lo^
•e irtH im.i inniwentir rdaved luto
Ei-I^retldent Ilarrlaoii. wbeu at
'•Iit'^efymortans by 5 oVIock
wttb IftMm) FwTiDstoo for two r . 1^ !
On aeoooDt of the Pan PeaiiTwl asd
, long c«naiUutlonal beiore
yoM. 0T*T (IDCV "bo Unit m« h«- « hit batxlK nod tow tbe RoWcon niu.t |
ded*r«llot< of a .*eron» m Boildlar.tbe
be tTMweetl. ev^ If Ita angry -alert u,*krati.
the BkUowHla* oard piny. Ilf bad
C A W M. R.llwwy will sell ilcketa
bijndfed blm.
Bdwwrd Kverett Hale renlta tbe •olfroca til Mur oot o CHeafo. October
BO food maoD to doobt tbal bla lorf
'Pardon me. Mlaa-MlMreii." If I ! cin]) fact ibat when Jatuet R'
Irndto inih. at*** wtv ftre. R»tam
WM retiin>f>d. yot w> fnrful wan lie twlat your
• lecture
>rd« luto anoiber BienoMqiipob stock.
{limit Or-oHr Ifh T*rk.t. mutt be
am S.' a
tbit bo bad mtmMd ber ffollnc".
wrapt a trattBQd -do pUtfor
luc. lull If .
d'-noeilod w Th e.-.-f-f r Cb'ctco. t»b■Met did bo dread b«r rcfurarl »f ii|. joii ihltik /lliat I would dor
rr'.tt addUicaal.
•Bit. that be bad nerer hinu-d ibat
inrich Klepert. the greai
A bead ixMleti on blaabouli^p. * lit­
•ha warn laore to hiBi than eny of tbo tle baud wat In bK aud when be tborlty on Ibe icooirrapby of auil<iuliy.
S«'T«>3nf. «.r<. I)k'
1.0 P. A
(Iria be bad inet at tbe (.■faurrii Mx la- piiKMx) the FarrinsloQ matmliw neiib- la dead at Ibe ase of 81 yeniw. lie
btn and eard partleB In Serrlne'on. er lie nor ttbe knew It.—Atlanta 0>»Heriln. Hie srealett work la Ida map
iBBu&mMe rbatitM for a doiHanjllnn atUutluu.
of Ada .Minor and be al« juil.lideHl a ***^ vaceuence. ind I tball I
of lore bad offend them««-lr«*. for lie
niy fri<
of the world wbleb ninki
NMW fbcreiiy ;,*..C|>
i*>-1*A cuIIa lav
Gbatr t 1
ley-Liver Pills, oi
wao a reyidar caller at tlx* f'arHiiinoo
.h- r,. WtMN. c< -.-Mvl ■».: r>t> laicA aaO uikt boK, tl alldrilet
Tbe gnlf of Maine Is a Ki*, j,i^ ||, r. who waa well known li
BwnaloB. bttt be waa nonean'r (b>- K<>al
rr taAv-. IocIihSIii* ■r"-la>*raoU lav
IIW. ha.c teva v>a--c0 lBwrfc»*«»r«v
sf bla dearirea UHlay than b>- bad Isnu. dirUlon tuit marked on aversKe iuaiis. * f/tudon a
..jditbtliul.* nurceon. ■ ^ ^V. Cbtae MedicineCa.l
tcCM.. aea^l I vu to- l^*i>^-«rv uaiH

when Cupid Srwt aimed bit dan at for it is elileUy n-fernri to iD-w-ietiUfle died rei'i*iii
"" years. He wr.*te __
* *1 au*) Iraa i..»» k i.. Cc-rkv-S i b Oa
ilr-HilM** <111 111.' iretieral subjivt of the many UnA*. u|>un tbe eye. Imt he will------al, i*iv paM
H,.|.|vmcr IX les. Ikvrr
8o matter* Mood when a snowfall llih^ rave I'ulller'a Weekly. It it be |>rln.-l|uill.v reinemWred li.v h*s
a H' (.V n« fee rliMv-.l lov ■ ..ItorlHM . Sal ae
Xv.ip-Tl-l aaU vaM darthat brouaht alelgblm: In Us «nl:*' fnrmrtn.y the Br.*at curve of the “The M1.t.*.-.,|h.; ip, rouMru. tl.m and
vtalted Newfnstim. and IJlllew..od Is* .-..asi from Caia* lU.-.-. the
J'i'.'' ** Jr .7'!^
vakl daiiug <M-«al>rf
came ctmaHoiis of thefaet thiit he lintp eastern exin iiiliy of Newfoundland.
■r.-barvcdafa-nAlt. -rs rvr crav
>««%i 11
atnally naked Mias ParrlnKioii to take wesiwanl and southward tu r*|a* r«d
Pnaa W->XBi-»a.
Oal.l Fi'i.4-...................... *l.l«oi.;'
a ride witb him. Of <-<mrse he iim-t aud NautuckiU. luto ihbi curv.e durpsiforve brtng tnatter* to a crisis tuiw. lug noruiul •vindlthms of tea and iiir
IMaliuum I'illiuyu..................7;Vnp;^
Hr waa afraid ibai Judm- I'iirriiu-'ton a i-iirn*m sei> |H rp.-iially from the far j
Silver FillinK............................. "Oe up:'
wonld be atklns his lpt«-m!..jis imd it isTih kuuwii as the l.alirador current.
There an- over T.usMkto total
White crowns..
would be bniulllaiincl|o have sii.-h » It mak.-s it*, way suiiihward Inside the aialiiers lu Cr<*at Britain.
I/mdou is to luve a s<-Ium>I of
Unesllon come before he eoiiM' ref-r ciilf sin-uiii iiud •■ouls the water, even
2"2 karst «o!d erowna. - H.OO to *T ikl ^
blm to tbe Rlrl fur an ansavr. Nu. . ii. siuuim-i. a- far as Nauiuckei aoubd. siruetloii for >vlrt*|eas leleeruiiliy.
BridKcwork...............a.OO per tooth
bayood a doobt he mutt pluck till <*our- lu the winter kiuntbs. w hen northerly
An Ausiralliiu sporting iuiht reFainlefla extmetinK and tillini;
age Moogta to ask ber to Is- his wife winds prevail.y^-rrlBc atw la burled cords a IkefiHii Juiup by a kuiiirarou.
er else cenae calHng upon her—an ol- ! agaiust iU»m* rockbuund sbur<«. aud
Hlcii chivk Isuies alwiiys indh-nit
without gaa. rbloforiu or ether.
tsmaOw that chUled his h.*ari.
j when rm-ks no* wanilus the aauds are
It"'-*' "t cbara. ier lu some dinv
Terms cash.
LlcUewotKl bauded Mlaa Farrininoo torn up and shifted, foruilug Ulauds “**"■
V said
iBto tbe alelgb. atep|s*d In hliiwelf. j mhI uew liars ben* aud then*, luvolc
tnekad In tbe robe*, and ri>lmi|s-<i t<> | luf. lUe sliKiiUB of mytfad.
tbe home. That Intelllceui atiiiiial di I I a siugle day. that may nii*au d.*siru<i’„tion suinuer* in FevTi
. A flush of moriltli-r.tinii j tl.<
Comer Frooi and CBaaSircew.
iryoreveuiotLemust w.n-k fn,w
,i m. to Ui p. ui. f.
from ti
a’arapnad tbe face of the wxmld-ls' ' wary of navigniura.
Readl. Kloek.
lover. A balky borne, aiid at tlir*
Xcwrouiultund and .Nova Scotia
There av r..imd Ucemuri
Everyapmoker hM-hissum What chance would be have lo n*;vi'h well out Into Ibe track of tbi*se lu St, IVierwhurg agaiust
C Lester. Manapjer.
own peculiar taste.
delivee bla prechma niesseue. ID' sisik*' gales, ouil th.*.ip*lically It would mh
years asn*.
again to tbe horse, but It stisHi still, j ii, t iheir l«.M hv-adUmU might foi
A IH.Iite 'liiiiamati <-oiisMcrs it a
What ever}' emoker whiiI^
“You mlglit unbltrh him. Mr. I'hlll.r.'a<'h <*r
Hiiette to w.*ar spe. lii. ;.** rIs.v.* nil .-Is**, IS a ciuar llml t'
iictbliig of a hs* alung tbe shores
lu .-OUII.UII.V.
Upa That would bolp.- suld .Mlldr.Nl. Maiue. mill down perhaps almost
la her aw««*t voice. ‘
The loiiih of Mohnniiiied I* <v.v. r.-.l e'enn. w.-ll iiiiwie. and reliahl.'
far as Nahaut. Hut inI point of fuel
Th-w’who have tried
“0. yee-to Is* eniT*. I tnun hare th. y
lo hsve verj•y little efr«**'l. with .liiiuiomls. loipphlres and iTihcia.
Cbeapcvt Tku *ncc in «bc wo 1
valuiHl at
tied blm. I-thtnk I did hit.-h him."
P.fssihly til.* wind U druwu
•4 Mper fll I**'i*t thc**vr*ec *g»
Prof. PtvH'ior nss.*rts that Itsi.iitsi."There acenm to have Is-on a hitch gi-iieral .lir>-.'Uou suniewbat b]
aetcXerahlp. Si'> year* I }i>ungci I
Oisi iN-opli* and lu .kui.Tl.-a l>rooonm-e ft lli.* Ix«t they e\t«r 'banaibirli.
•omevlw-n*." ab<- ausw«*r.>(l.
.uiifoiiiiHii.iii .>f ilic shores, but a
Tbe froety nlcht sonis'd lo hav.* wi rat.- wln-n ii nonb.*asu*r is bluxiuu
Per capita con of marag.-mcnl,
l.- |H-.iple «.f (he 1'nlt.vl iHuiiiUt lor live <vuta. They are oenU-Cheapeat to the world
, |
a aeal upon ber II|m. for as they s]>e;i Ihi-ro is v.*ry little shelter lo In* fouu.l. gtntes us.*d
out T1.ISSI II |H>UUdS of snn* 111 euit tin- particular auiuker.
[^we*t average dcAth r*ta. being Ir '
'<mer tbe cninchlng snow uml h-ft.tbe
li.udl.K'kiit biirbors u
i. Whii-h .-..St yiO.OtSMMM.
ltn<H but 4.30 per l.ooii wicmbcra.
town behind Uietu ala* was slleiii.
Paiisiau IwrlN-rs are legally r
“I muat bare offended iiex. I've
, p.*ll.*d to wash their luuids afl.T
is H Item f.>r 10.'.
probably made a break of s..ti>e kind."
tending a eiistum.-r aud bef.ire wsluug
IvUua- lu*. Ilk. y.i.i l.-g rrua.l
lu nuria
anld UtUrwood to bliDM*ir. "Iluw uiion BiH>lber
fortunate. But 1 mum lell her ioIn SIlNThi. if a man la dissnllsth-d O'er salt, b> sU dealers.
iratn l.a> paHur car i
witb tbe nxml iriniDg art* of hu
nlgbL II la nos-or never. Th s aftrr- At'hml’i.' *”weuiI Imt f.>r Uie
. I *.Ts« year. •'•5''
V.J V*
Made by
he tnir* a .a|i or v.*ll from Ii.-i
nooo Is too marked to |ns« hs ux-re
w b*. .
and that eolislltules u .tlvor.*.'.
lAli rlpea'^ m .irat'd Kap-.l'.
bourtcey of the winter sens<iii. She gt.*at'
In .khysslula it is tb.* law tli
knows 1 never took tnylHsly Imi my BlK)ut -•■v.*«i ..r .-Iglit days .•.ivertng all
niunl.Ti'r In* luni.Hl .>v.-r i» ili.
BMtber alelgh rldlng U*fon*,"
this lone HU.I exl.-udlug aoDtbwurd as tiv.-s of the dead |H*rsnu. they, i
Tbeo began a protvs* of itorvltic far as ili*' ihin.-rn-. »r |ierhu|m -veu please, to put blm lo deiiHi i.. _
hdnmelf to tbe avowal. "Mildr.-d.' Mil lli.-Y noli n.v.iy Into the i; -uile sanie“iunnn.-r In which the murder.-d
*roy.-for.B.I*-ii-or»*c. .

Aod then be aiopped. lie bail never tnide wili.U ..f the tP.ples. Bu not |N*rs»n
AHofdK? Ofeo««jw*“t-.i. .(^c.w-e*^...e
. raliad ber MIMred before. 'I have .•wn 111.- iiy.lrogTai.hh- oltl.-c v.*iitiir«*s
oaneOilng of tbe grvat<*st iiiii>ortnii(v* BB yri to pr.Hlii'^ very far ahead tbe
Vop ar. cordlallr Io'ChI m* >*ii' «i
U oay to you.”
approach uf |>henomi-mil storms such
Mak. ai.pUea.t.'n to an. olMh.
iti. m-mtor.
m-mto-r. . t U
The couiih-s, ..f « .-trvi (.-k will. Il la
I>ld be Imagine It. or did she n.wtie as vlsii.-d this coast at the eml of No­
Wal.-aiaa. or Hi .'Uir.niHtro't IVau
Mill. sii|M'rliil.*Iid ........... .
of Ihe
Head foo.ut, TVae.r.. I"
riosrr to blm? He must hav l.•.•ll vember.
. ,
Mstaketi. and to alsiw that h*' was
It could :ii»d did give warning sev­ (-all<*d tbe \V<uiieo's Agrli-ultural
9nUe aoiv be edged away from her as eral, liotir** 1«-f..n* the storm l“*gan to
■dHi oa the somewhat bnrrow i«u- ninke Ux lf Mt at tbe Virginia cap.'* T11U.-S.
I'n.i Fngllsliwonien In Rome make
tecs Of Ibe sMgta would allow.
Bii.l ahmg up the jeraer febore. Hnrris|H*claliy uf euudiK-iIng bi.-yrllag
-Wbat do you slab to s.ty. Mr. .-Jiiie sigmiN were promptly set at
> the various pui.vv of tni.-rPhaipar
'Owiiti: to the iniusaal larpre perni*lgliIa>rb.K>d. such as Ostt.i,
-kBsnrr- nnipa. Ab. then si..* wuIf tbe rnlled Stti.** AllHino aiifi Fmseail. They make all entage uf culls aud uouiercliaut
•ffenard. To be aarr. *bi- imd idwuv*
t.-iel-l : 1 If the coastwise a'utborable
|wUlo<*8 Ibie season, we bare,
aaBad Um that bat after Id- lost leA woman's glory is her hair, and
Iintlsb posM-sslona had
■ark It must have an adiliM -ignitl only Iss i
that <»f M.*r*v*de* I.o|M*t. a Mexli-an. 1* decided in order to make a tnarket
llo.g lo accept tbe wai
said to Ik* iiiiiMUe M.-n-ed.-s' h.*Iglit It'
1 weailii'r propheia
for Hame, to run our factory on as
"1-do 7M like Bh-lgb-ridlncr'
bavi* ahowo danger. i„. ,i„. longest in1 the world,
w. - trail* c
oianv of Ibis pfrmle of polalocw as
"Why. «if ecpoise. or Use I wouldn't
e lieucfit of ihei f
elg lD<-h<*s.
the four feet eight
bare «oo»e."
we can obtain.
•k that she can wra|> It _
“No. to be kuir not. * thought that
------------ :-----------• h.*rs.*lf till she Is completely hidden
Our factory. wbi.-U baa a capwaa why you came."
T- €o»wt I MS
,,, i, .
I, 11,1. wife ,.f a iKxir
Hew Store, Hew Huoeon Blk.i “;S
Bales'* Crto-.t*g
ity of 10,0110 busbeb of potatoce
Mildred turned ber brown ey.** upon
■igar. it.-s are a bad habit, bni shepherd and ao fast doe* her hair
H to
bku. “I'm aftald 1 don't tuidersiand lb.-re Is In all things." crow that she Is able to s-*ll Urge per day. is now complete aud we
said a .v.Ming maiTied woman to a Stai
of H to hair dealer* every few
That nettled It. If abe didn't muti*r>f bis sniokin
I Rl-rr Bl
, ,
IHK-k.-t case
Blennerhaasel has Ulely been latoes that are offe^ri ua. for
SUnd blm when be Ulked of nutbluc ...
made a do<-t.w.of pblkwophy 1^ the
la particular, be aiun be Mind in M< hi. U-s, g.rl bad g.ven blm.
wbii-b we will pay tbeir full value.
,.oid‘ ™'t w'' x7i
rnlversliy of >Sunlch In recognUioD or
. ntterance, and be could never trust ids
Save all yonr nomerchantable
Z Z t. a
lllrrsture. ren years
tSOgiM to carry auHi a heavy frelgtii •nii>ke at all. I.i
(nzMsmoBAM. a
,1 ;i aud supuiai. heslial
of poiatoes and wriu* us for qooiati..*^aiiil
slial' •«» •*>*■ PxJ'llshed her biography ^
ana declaration of love. No. then* nan pivf.-r <-iu.yr.-fi.*.
I ••.“■e. «■- -'O-i •**■>* M.... 4,1-1 H.uu; VI
bathing to do but postpone It. .\i<er roll th.-m lilmH.-|f. ir> tb.- r nie .I. WM Talleyraml. Hinre then slie has been liona
L. L. A. BnlldlnKOIL bsr bonae -inu Ux* 1>Mt pia.v for .-an g.*i my ■•rronds done f.
i.iwti or i-v.-r make blm r
Tlie wlf.* of Gov. Roosevelt of New
pay ih.- gas bill on the las' ilav iH*rAM
Tba Bight waa ravlahing. tli.* aleigb- tbe dlsooini Is off. Ob, l?is v*aJT Tork. while fond of aihletii s|K>rts and
Traverse I’ity. Mich.
bells ilngled harmonloiwly. the Uors** enotiuh t.v.» work. You see.
we I go on the
at Ih.* aanie lime noted for
awipt on with steady. rhyihiiil<- sirde tlieury 111 at H Is not wlilftil Ii.wl.-c-t ..f
■*»! devotion to
ulan ber home.
aad under tbe influence of tlx* sweet J.U bomb nnd family that mak.-s u Ulan
!*..«» Kortb ...r7 da> .irwp. Vaadaj,
aarroandlnga MUdrrd at Um mM f..rg*-t to .to .lo.viiiown evraiHis, l.nt
»r«0* W
polotediy; “Is it ao ibat tnoiv: |>eo|iis the sll iiplr fii.-l that thi-y get erow.led
Give them a call.
bis h.-ad while be Is ni huslbeia.
get aofBged In winter than lu ouui•TYeli
-Now. wh.'ii Ni<d Starts off in n,e
merr She Utwbed a* tdte oiMke. It
423 N. Elmwood Ave.
waa anmaldenlr. but be was sm-h a
.USTB and V
dear stupid. Now be would declare
'«y.ry day v«rap« t»**d*7.
''1 carry all before me." a* the WaltU.R.
blmaHf. But abe did not know the
grorer s 1 nyiWe a list on the t..p „ mm.
eumplelely nnhtaged." as the
■ for self-pcpreaalou of her Iisp- r of the park ami hr Is sure i.. nee
ilsmi the time he g>*ts to the corner. Door said.
two-yoar admirer.
Best workmanship money
He sold to IdmeMf: ‘If I were unt leave you for good." as tbe
Kvobiavaata . ...
CBO employ for Bicycle
" ■prawntoCliy....... .
d I would take ad<k-antagi
Bepairing. Quick work.
asioperbra yiMgrO.
tbe Mlp aad propoee. but I woukl bitr tb.' far
tecljr reproaeb myaelf f->revir. wnatgets I.. the Offler, Wlieii 1 bare
O'" B* allfbtest »d«a,r aa tbe
erer her aaewer waa." ao be mM In a*
■attef*«r-taet a tcae oa lie roul.l mar- anvibins I wnut him lo run out ami Oyster oald..
loleg Beats awr; dag vxcvpt Oaadv.
"Exeuse my back." a* the Football
ter: “1 really cu’t answer oiTLaad. aiieml to at U.m.ii, I pul li in alniit ih>
sixth.iwisT. and hr is errtalu i« ivaii it Capiaiu said.
bs( ru look k Bp for yon."
}in*t as hi' Is is.tning bark i» the olH.'a
“We an* booming tbe place.'
-Oa Write a latter to tbe Run."
fnuu Lis liiiirliiMn. And if It Is siune* Cum
Ber ttnee were ae mori.-ai a* ever. thing 1 want lirnugbi horn.* for dinner.
Oriog Marik c*«ry4*r«B()epiS*aaay.
Ust Umewoed tbooffht be detected a
T-------------aareoaoc rl^ la tksa L aad be thanked
•a tor abwisu pMa“Don't let tbe cat out oC tbe bag.'
» Wy bsbrt^ ytrided to bU
* •a^Mow'ii^T'
--------------- » said.
SswCBss, HsrhksM BMk.
a pupil IB my aya" aa tba 4alB«w4. LaUMU
SXHttX IU4A r——-Sr-T.lTArM. Mil


Barnuin & Earl.

Good for 15 Days

The Best oa earth.
Guaranteed for 10 years.


s.-«t„:iwji,raDfi Rapios« IpGriu K. I


. s

!: it

The Modern Woodmen
of Imerico-



I. VI. JIHIRUS Tonneliei BIk.


To Farmers and Potato Shippers



I i 7.

Y cutinsrilebtillkoDt IL

lutstse UD lOETHEISTEM L 1.

Eggs, I4c a dozen.
Good Dairy Butter, I1-I8c.
xm Coffee-11 lbs for $1.
Hiram Cook,

_ ^


Fire Insurance.

The Michigan Starch Co.

Morse Bios., Bouse Painters

RKwdWftDt Ads


Celmnbit tnd Lee A. roiniiiliijs
Gas Lamp"

Price Reduced to Close Ont Lot.


ib*^: :■









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